.^^^; v>^-r'.» -S4&^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES D o o rn ,0 n o Q. c ^ m o D » o ■a in 3- X O VI - 3 ? o C A a. a o 3 a > O -J 3 « ■D -> V> O S -• o » » o 2 o ■ o. Q. _^ CD D o 3 o n ■n o nnnnn :d CD » A o O 10 A A M A 3 2 § 5 n -' S. o- o A o O. -1 «< C c 33 m ■0 o 3J H s O < m :o o c m > z o r o CO H s o o o o 33 T TFOPNTA Jk^ f BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION The texts listed on this page form the basic material for the LaSalle Business Administration Course and Service. They constitute a library of standard practice in all the important divisions of business management. Titles BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY Authors Hugo Munsterberg, Ph.D., M.D., LL.D. Harvard University PERSONAL EFFICIENCY, AP- PLIED SALESMANSHIP, AND SALES ADMINISTRA- TION Irving R. Allen Sales Counselor BUSINESS LAW I . . . BUSINESS LAW II . . BUSINESS ENGLISH . BUSINESS ECONOMICS INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZA- TION AND MANAGEMENT . MONEY AND BANKING . . INVESTMENTS AND SPECU- LATION ORGANIZING A BUSINESS . FINANCING A BUSINESS . . ADVERTISING RETAIL MERCHANDISING . CREDITS AND COLLEC- TIONS ■\ Samuel D. Hirschl, S.B., J.D. . l- Member of the Illinois Bar Edwin Herbert Levi'is, Ph.D., LL.D. Lewis Institute, Chicago Ernest Ludlow Bogart, Ph.D. University of Illinois TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC OCEAN TRAFFIC AND TRADE ACCOUNTING OFFICE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Hugo Diemer, M.E. Pennsylvania State College Henry Parker Willis, Ph.D. Secretary, Federal Reserve Board Louis Gueniher Editor, "Financial World" Maurice H. Robinson, Ph.D. University of Illinois Elmer H. Youngman Editor, "Bankers Magazine" E. H. Kastor H. W. Kastor & Sons Paul Neystrom, Ph.D. University of Minnesota Edward M, Skinner Manager, Wilson Bros. R. S. White American Steel & Wire Co. H. E. Kramer I. L. Sharfman, Ph.D. University of Michigan B. Olney Hough Editor, "American Exporter" Henry Parker Willis, Ph.D. C. C. Parsons Manager, Shaw-Walker Co. LaSalle Extension University I BUSINESS ECONOMICS ERNEST L. BOGART, Ph.D. Professor of Economics, University of Illinois; Author of Economic History of the United States^ Financial History of Ohio^ etc. J » & J 3 J 3 i ' La Salle Extension University - Chicagfo 1915 Copyright, 1915 LaSalle Extension University IP +t6 6^^ CONTENTS I. The Modern Industrial System The JManorial System 1 Private Property 3 The Nature of Competition 4 Industrial Liberty 5 Industrial Society 5 Capital in Modern Industry 6 Labor in Modern Industry 7 The State and Modern Industry 8 II. The Agricultural Resources of the United States The Land Policy of the United States 10 Irrigation 13 Dry-Farming 14 Size of Farms 14 Farm Tenure 16 The Rural Exodus 17 Importance of Agriculture 18 Agricultural Products 18 Extensive and Intensive Farming 19 Agriculture as a Science 20 Cereals 20 Live Stock 21 Cotton 23 Forests 24 ^ Fisheries 25 — Natural Resources and Economic Laws 26 C Law of Increasing Returns 26 ^ Law of Diminishing Returns 27 > III, The Mineral Resources of the United States ^ Character of Natural Resources 29 iii iv Contents Two Views of Conservation 30 A Rational Policy of Conservation 31 Coal 32 Petroleum 34 Iron 36 Precious Metals 38 Copper 39 Our Debt to Nature 40 Water Power 40 IV. Capitalistic Production Use of Capital in Production 45 The Nature of Capital 45 Progress in Capitalistic Production 47 Causes of Industrial Progress 48 The Factory System 49 Division of Lahor 49 Use of Machineiy 51 Localization of Industry 52 Production on a Large Scale 53 Economies of Large-Scale Production 56 Widening of the Market. .^ 57 Concentration in Other In(^ptries 58 Effects of Industrial Concentration 59 Standardization > 59 Interchangeable Parts 60 V. Trusts and Monopolies The Combination Movement 62 Individual and Partnership Organization 64 Corporations 64 Trusts 65 Causes of the Trust Movement 66 Economies in INIarketing 67 Economies in Integration 68 The Influence of Promotors 69 Miscellaneous Causes of Trusts 69 Economic Effects of Trust 72 Trusts and Labor 73 Monopoly Control and Prices 74 Monopoly and Individual Opportunity 76 Monopoly Evils 77 Contents v VI. Speculation and Crises Speculative Risks in Industry 79 Function of the Speculator 80 Services of Stock and Produce Exchanges 80 Benefits of Speculation 81 Illegitimate Speculation 82 Crises 84 VII. The Modern Wage System The Factory System and Labor 91 The Wage-Earning Class 92 Dependence of the Wage-Earner 93 The Wage System 94 The Evolution of the Wage Contract 95 Public Regulation of Labor Conditions 97 Labor's Bargaining Power 98 Necessity of Protective Legislation 99 VIII. Labor Organizations and Collective Bargaining Causes of Labor Organizations 102 Types of Labor Organizations 102 National Organizations 103 Objects and Methods of Labor Unions 104 Standard Rate of Pay 106 Reduction in Working Hours 108 Restriction of Output 110 Fraternal Benefits of Labor Unions 112 Collective Bargaining 113 Strikes and Lockouts 114 Conciliation and Arbitration 114 IX. Woman and Child Labor Early Origin 117 The Field of Employment 118 Effect of Woman Labor Upon the Occupation of Men 119 Wages of Women 120 The Effects of Woman Labor 122 Readjustment of Woman's Work 123 Child Labor 124 Evils of Child Labor 125 Labor Legislation 126 Factory Acts 127 Minimum Wage Legislation 129 vi Contents X. Unemployment and Insurance Extent of Unemployment 132 Classification of the Unemployed 133 Causes of Unemployment 131: Remedies for Unemployment 138 Industrial Accidents 140 , Causes of Accidents 142 Employers' Liability 143 Workmen's Compensation 143 Sickness, Old-Age, and Unemployment Insur- ance 145 Old-Age Pensions in the United States 146 XI. Machinery and Industrial Efficiency Evils of Machinery 149 Displacement of Labor by Machinery. 149 Is New Employment Created ? 151 Irregularity of Employment 153 Lowering of the Grade of Labor 153 Monotony of Work 154 Conclusions as to Machinery 155 Industrial Education 156 Need of Better Training 159 XII. Profit-Sharing and Co-operation The Nature of Profit-Sharing 162 Advantages of Profit-Sharing 163 Objections to Profit-Sharing 164 Future of Profit-Sharing 166 Co-operation 167 Consumers' Co-operation in England 167 Experiments in the United States 169 Methods of Distribution 169 Producers' Co-operation 170 Financial Co-operation 171 Advantages of Co-operation 172 Disadvantages of Co-operation 173 XIII. Money and Banking Credit Economv 176 Value of Money 177 Rising and Falling Prices 178 Bimetallism 179 Government Paper Money 180 Contents vii Kinds of j\Ioney in the United States 181 The Function of Credit 181 Banks 182 Elasticity* of Currency 183 The Federal Reserve System 184 Asset Currency 185 Savings Banks 185 XIV. Transportation and Communication Monopolistic Nature of Transportation Service. 187 Railroad Consolidation 188 Railroad Rates 189 Governmental Regulation of Railroads 190 Public Ownership 191 Other Transportation Agencies 191 Telephone and Telegraph 192 Water Transportation 193 Canals 193 The American Merchant Marine 194 XV. Problems of Distribution Nature of the Problem 198 Kinds of Distribution 199 Importance of Distribution 200 Bases for Distribution 201 Rent 202 Interest 204 Profits 206 Wages ■ 207 Inequality in Earning Power 209 Distribution of Fortunes 211 Causes of Fortunes in the United States 212 Tendencies 213 XVI. Saving and Spending The Rational Use of Wealth 215 Economy in Consumption 220 The Relation of Consumption to Productive Efficiency 221 The Nature of Saving and Spending 222 The Fallacy of Making Work 224 Useful Savings 225 The Waste of Luxuries 225 The Need of Luxuries 227 viii Contents The Intermediate View 228 The Socialization of Wealth 229 XVII. Taxation and Tariff The Nature of Taxes 231 Rules of Taxation 232 Bases of Taxation 233 Progressive Taxes 233 Direct and Indirect Taxes 235 The General Property Tax 236 Inheritance Taxes 237 Growth of Public Debts 238 The Tariff 238 Conclusion 241 XVIII. The Functions of Government The Primary Functions of the State 243 The Regulative Functions of the State 244 The Economic Functions of the State 244 Limits of State Action 245 Anarchism 245 Extreme Individualism 246 Modified Individualism 247 The Culture State Theory 247 Socialism 248 The Single Tax 253 Public Ownership 253 XIX. Economic Progress Progress in the Field of Labor 255 Progress in Production 256 Problems in Distribution 257 Distribution of the Social Income 258 Increased Command over Comforts 259 The Future 260 BUSINESS ECONOMICS CHAPTER I the modern industrial system The Manorial System "We shall probably get the clearest idea of the com- plexity of our modern industrial society if we contrast it briefly with the simpler state of social organization which preceded it. For this purpose we may take the English manor of the eleventh century. At that time England was purely agricultural, and the whole country was divided into manors, of which the lord was regarded as the owner, under feudal conditions, while those who culti- vated the land were his tenants. These tenants — villeins and cotters — worked on the lord's land two or three days in the week, and the rest of the time they devoted to the cultivation of their own holdings. The whole of the land of the manor, both that of the lord and that of the tenants, was cultivated on an elabo- rate system of joint labor. The land was divided into strips of about half an acre each, and a man's holding might consist of a dozen or more of these strips scattered about in different parts of the manor. This was done in order to secure equality in the fertility and location of each man's land. At that time the prevailing method of agriculture was known as the three-field system, in which one field, comprising about one-third of the manor and 1 2 Business Economics containing a portion of the scattered strips of land belong- ing to the lord and every tenant, was planted with wheat, a second field, comprising another third of the culti- vated land, was planted with barley or oats, while the third field was left fallow. The second year saw the sec- ond stage of this three-year rotation, one-third of the manor lying fallow each year to recuperate from this exhausting method of cropping; artificial manures were unknown. Now the significant characteristics of such a manorial society were three. First, it was economically self-suf- ficient, that is, practically everything that was needed or was consumed on the manor was produced there. There was no need of intercourse with the outside world and there was little contact with it. Salt, iron, and millstones were almost the only commodities that the inhabitants of such a manor had to buy from outsiders. Consequently there was no production of goods for a market, little money, and almost no trade. The few things that were purchased were paid for at prices fixed by custom. Second, agriculture was carried on under a system of joint labor and under customary methods which did not change from generation to generation. It is clear that as long as all the land of the manor was thrown together for purposes of cultivation into fields on which were planted wheat or barley or which lay fallow, no one indi- vidual could cultivate his land differently from his neigh- bors. Indeed the holdings of the different tenants were not even separated by fences, but only by ridges of grass. On the land which lay fallow the cattle were turned out to graze; if any man had attempted to plant a new crop the third year, his neighbors' cattle would have devoured it under such a system. Production was regulated ab- solutely by custom, and no opportunity was given for Modern Industrialism 3 the development of the inventiveness or initiative of the progressive individual. Third, the tenants were personally unfree, that is, they did not have the liberty of moving freely from place to place, but were bound to the soil which they cultivated. A man could not freely choose either his occupation or his residence. There was no mobility or freedom of movement. Labor was wholly or partly compulsory, and on terms rigidly fixed by custom or by superior authority. Such a society differs from that of today in almost every point, and offers a startling proof of how far we have progressed in the past eight or nine hundred years. For many of these characteristics, however, we do not need to go back to the English mediaeval manor; the plantation of the South two generations ago, with its system of slave labor, furnishes an illustration more fa- miliar to most of us. With such a condition of industrial development we may now profitably contrast our own of the twentieth century. The chief characteristics of the modern industrial system are the institutions of private property, of competition, and of personal liberty. Private Pbopertt The institution of private property is so familiar to us and so fundamental in modern economic life that we com- monly regard it as a natural right. Nevertheless private property, like most other economic institutions, is the re- sult of a long evolution. Primitive man could hardly have had the conception of private property, and when it did begin to emerge, it was at first confined to movables. Indeed we may say that on the mediaeval English manor the private ownership of land did not yet exist in the modern sense. It was found that when each cultivator was permitted to fence in his holding and to call it his 4 Business Economics own, be cultivated it mucli more carefully and produced much more. Enclosure led to private property in land and to individual freedom in its use. Today in the United States the possession and transfer of landed property is almost as easy as that of movables. Private property must be justified on the ground of social utility, because under this method of control so much more is produced than under any system of com- munal ownership yet tried. But objectors are not want- ing who contend that limits should be placed upon this institution and that the right of use, of bequest, and pos- sibly of unlimited acquisition should be brought under social control. The beneficence of private property turns largely upon the existence of competition and individual liberty, and to these we must now turn. The Natuee of Competition Competition is defined as "the act of seeking or en- deavoring to gain what another is endeavoring to gain at the same time. ' ' But competition in modem industrial life is not merely a struggle to appropriate an existing good. The very contest, as over the control of a market, may and probably will lead to cheaper and larger produc- tion and thus to the benefit of society. Competition is a selective process in our modern economic society, and through it we have the survival of the fittest ' ' Competi- tion," so runs the proverb, ''is the soul of trade." Th^re is, to be sure, a dark side to the picture, for economic competition involves the defeat of the weaker party, but this does not necessarily mean his destruction, for his very failure may sharpen his faculties and secure his ulti- mate success or at worst he may find employment under his successful rival. But here again it is being urged that competition is brutal and that we should go back to Modern Industrialism 5 the mediaeval method of regulation by custom or resort to combination and monopoly. We are now witnessing experiments in both directions, but competition still re- mains the controlling force of modern economic society and bids fair to continue so. It should however be the function of society to raise the ethical level of com- petition. Industrial Liberty Industrial liberty has been developed even more slowly and painfully than the institution of private property and has in some instances not yet been wholly won. Slavery and serfdom have given way before the higher and more beneficent conception of freedom or liberty. We believe today that a man generally knows what is best for him and will utilize his opportunities to the best advantage; that by giving him a maximum of freedom the welfare of society will at the same time be best promoted. Conse- quently in our modern industrial society a man is given not only social and religious liberty, but freedom to move, to choose his occupation, to produce and to trade, to asso- ciate with his fellows, and to expend his income as he pleases. But here again, while the prevailing rule is lib- erty, society has found it necessary to lay restrictions upon tlie abuse of this liberty. It is not enough even to regard the industrial world as a great game in which each may act as he pleases provided only he observes the rules of the game. A higher conception of responsibility and duty must accompany freedom of action if we are to se- cure the best results. Industrial Society The term ''industrial society" has already been fre- quently used and needs a somewhat fuller explanation. 6 Business Economics About the year 1760 there took place in England what is usually called the Industrial Revolution. A number of inventions were made which rendered it possible to use steam-driven machinery in the manufacture, first, of textiles and then of other goods. Manufactures were re- moved from the home, where they had hitherto been car- ried on, to the factory. Capital began to be used in large masses; machinery displaced hand tools; and the laborer ceased to own the implements with which he worked. Men, machines, and capital were massed in the factory and organized under the management of a new set of industrial organizers for the purpose of producing goods for a world market. The development of such an indus- trial society has been attended by the minute division of labor, by a growing separation of classes, by concentra- tion of the population in urban centers, by the increasing cost and complexity of machinery, by the development of improved methods of transportation and of credit, by the combination of labor and of capital, by an enormous in- crease of production, and by the growing concentration of wealth. Capital in Modern Industry The introduction of power manufacture completely revolutionized industry. The independent workman with his own tools was superseded by the factory; the small producer has given way in turn to the trust. With the introduction of expensive machinery it became necessary to organize capital on a large scale. Corporations with limited liability were organized for the manufacture of goods, the exploitation of mines, the building of railroads, and the carrying on of trade. As methods of production improved, industry became more and more concentrated, and finally huge trusts took over the operation of com- Modern Industrialism 7 bined plants. The business unit has grown increasingly- larger, and the need and power of capital have become in- creasingly important. Capital has played a role of grow- ing significance and has become more and more powerful in modern economic life. Indeed the name ''capitalistic production" has been applied to modern industry because of the predominant importance of capital in all lines of wealth production. Impersonal, growing by sheer force of its own mo- mentum, capital is often thought of as intensely selfish and even cruel. Abuses which have arisen in the develop- ment of modern capitalistic industry must be remedied, but attacks upon capital itself are misguided and rest upon a mistaken analysis of methods of production. Labor in Modern Industry Before the introduction of the factory system, under the so-called "domestic" system of industry, the laborer carried on his work in his own home, where he provided the raw material, owned his own tools, furnished the mo- tive power — his muscles, and was his own master. Today every one of these conditions is changed. The work is carried on in the factory ; the raw material, the tools, and the motive power are all provided by the capitalist, the laborer contributing only his own more or less skilled labor, while the conditions under which he carries on his work are largely determined for him. He is no longer his own master. To protect himself against the growing power of capital the worker has organized with his fel- lows into trade unions. These seek to meet the monopo- listic power of capital by exerting a monopolistic control over labor. While they realize that modern productive processes cannot be carried on without capital, they also insist that labor is equally essential. They claim that 8 Business Economics capital has received more than its fair share of their joint production and has exploited labor; consequently they insist that labor must now demand its just reward and enforce the claim by strikes and by raising wages. To enforce their monopoly, the policy of the closed shop is often advocated. The interests of capital and labor have thus often been made to appear antagonistic instead of complementary to one another. Frequently in their struggles the interests of the consumer have been entirely lost sight of. The State and Modern Industry These conflicts in the productive processes of modern economic society have led many people to look to the state as the regulator of industry and to invoke state aid or state intervention along many lines. Maladjustments in the labor contract, mistaken production, leading perhaps to speculation and financial panics, abuses of power by corporate interests, discriminations by railroads, and similar irregularities are made the excuse for an appeal to state authority. Some would even go so far as to have the state take over and manage all productive enter- prises; but socialism is as yet a protest rather than a constructive force. In the last analysis the state is the regulator of all in- dustrial undertakings, for they all concern society. The state must hold the balance even and see that fair play is given to all groups and all classes; but the greatest amount of freedom compatible with economic justice must be sought for. It is a difficult question how far the state must interfere in the conduct or management of industrial enterprises in order to secure social justice. There is at present a decided tendency to a strengthening of the regulative power of the state for the protection of Modern Industrialism 9 the weaker classes of society. And yet on the whole the institutions of private property, free competition, and a maximum of individual liberty remain the fundamental conditions of our economic life. But while under the system of individualism, industrial activities have been multiplied, wealth has been enor- mously increased, and human progress has been greatly advanced, there still remain many abuses and evils. Many practical economic problems still await solution. Some of these have already been suggested in the pre- ceding paragraphs ; others remain to be presented. It is the purpose of this text to apply to some of the more important practical current problems of our modern in- dustrial life the principles of economic science and to endeavor to reach fair and just conclusions on contro- verted points. TEST QUESTIONS 1. What were the three distinguishing characteristics of a manorial society? 2. What industrial conditions make impossible the manorial form of industrial organization in our own day? 3. What justification is there for the existence of private prop- erty in modern industrial society? 4. How may private property be said to rest upon competi- tion? 5. Does competition tend to perpetuate itself or does it lead inevitably to monopoly ? 6. Can personal liberty exist in a state of free competition? 7. Why has the name "capitalistic production" been applied to modern industry ? 8. What were the chief characteristics of the domestic system of industry ? 9. How does the factory system differ from the domestic sys- tem? 10. What is the position of labor in modern industry? CHAPTER II the agricultural resources of the united states The Land Policy of the United States The land area of the United States, exclusive of Alaska and our island possessions, is a little less than 3,000,000 square miles, or an area somewhat less than the whole of Europe (3,700,000 square miles). Of this about 465,000 square miles, or a little more than one-sixth, still remain in the possession of the federal government and consti- tute the public domain. The rest, except that which belonged to the original thirteen states, has been given to railways or to the states for educational purposes, or has been sold and given away to individual settlers. In the disposition of the public domain the policy of the government has, on the whole, been to place it as rap- idly as possible in the hands of cultivators and also to use it as a fund to promote internal improvements and education. About 200,000,000 acres had been granted to railroads down to 1871 (at which time land grants were discontinued) to secure their early construction. This policy has often been bitterly condemned, and it has been contended that the land should have been saved for actual settlers. It may however be said that without such grants the railroads would not have been built at as early a date as they actually were, and that without rail- roads the land was practically worthless, as it was too far removed from any navigable waterway to have access to 10 Agricultural Resources 11 a market. Moreover the federal treasury lost nothing, for the sections of land alternating with those granted to the railroads were sold to settlers for $2.50 an acre in- stead of $1.25, the customary price for the public lands. The grants of land for educational purposes have been generally approved. Upon such grants rests the estab- lishment of our state agricultural colleges. The unique and characteristic feature of the land pol- icy of the United States has been the granting of land to the settler upon actual residence and cultivation for five years. Such a grant of 160 acres is called a "home- stead" and since 1862 has been made to any citizen who is the head of a family or above the age of twenty-one years. In this way over 230,000,000 acres have been placed without cost in the possession of the actual culti- vators. The newer public land states are peopled by pro- prietors, and there has never grown up in the United States a large class of rich landowners whose land is cul- tivated by a tenant peasant class, such as exists in Eng- land and parts of Europe. For this we must thank not only our land policy, but also the vast extent of unoccu- pied land that might be had almost for the asking. Now, however, the public lands available for agricul- ture have been exhausted ; practically all that remains is situated in the arid zone and needs systematic irrigation before it can be made available for any use except that of grazing. There are still many acres of choice land in In- dian reservations, and as a consequence of the pressure upon this resource and also because of the improvidence of the old reservation system, the policy has now been adopted of dividing these lands among the Indians in individual ownership, under careful safeguards, and of assimilating the Indians to the rest of the population. 12 Business Economics IOWA ILLINOIS OHIO INDIANA DELAWARE MARYLAND KENTUCKY MISSOURI NEW YORK KANSAS PENNSYLVANIA NEW JERSEY VIRGINIA TENNESSEE NEBRASKA VERMONT WEST VIRGINIA MINNESOTA CONNECTICUT MICHIGAN WISCONSIN SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA RHODE ISLAND NORTH CAROLINA ALABAMA MISSISSIPPI MASSACHUSETTS SOUTH DAKOTA NORTH DAKOTA ARKANSAS OKLAHOMA NEW HAMPSHIRE LOUISIANA OIST. OF COLUMBIA CAUFORNIA TEXAS WASHINGTON OREGON FLORIDA COLORADO IDAHO UTAH MONTANA WYOMING NEVADA NEW MEXICO ARIZONA National Conservation Commission YiG. 1.— Percentage of Improved Land to Total Area Agricultural Resources 13 Ierigation The exhaustion of the fertile and well-watered lands of the Mississippi Valley has forced the later comers to have recourse to the arid soils in the almost rainless re- gion west of the one-hundredth meridian of longitude. The character of farming under such climatic conditions must of necessity be very different from what it is in the rainy districts, and the versatility and adaptability of the American farmer are well illustrated by the development which has taken place there. The first effort at the solu- tion of the problem was in irrigation, a method which had been early practised by the Pueblo Indians, and later and most successfully by the Mormon settlers in Utah. By 1910, according to the census, 13,738,657 acres were under irrigation. This represents an increase of 82.7 per cent over the number of acres under irrigation in 1900. The total cost of these irrigation works in 1910 was $307,860,- 369.00, or $22.41 for every acre actually watered. The annual cost of operating these great irrigation works was $1.07 per acre. Up to 1900 most of the construction work had been done by private initiative and the works were completed at comparatively small cost, because the most readily avail- able water was turned upon the most accessible land. Be- ginning about 1900, very strong pressure was brought to bear upon the federal government to assist in the con- struction of the larger and more expensive irrigation systems which the situation called for. In response to this demand. Congress, in 1902, provided for the building of irrigation works out of the proceeds from the sales of public lands, and since then some of the largest irriga- tion systems have been constructed under this policy. As one sees thousands of acres of land which formerly were a barren waste transformed into some of the most 14 Business Economics fertile and productive farms in the country, he may eas- ily become eloquent over the wonderful possibilities in irrigation. This enthusiasm has all too often been used by unscrupulous or ignorant promoters in selling land or irrigation bonds, and the losses which have followed have given these securities a bad name with investors. We should bear in mind that there are limits to the irri- gation developments of our western states. The water supply is limited and in many sections has already been over-appropriated. There is still room for conservative expansion and for more intensive use of the resources now available, but there are no unlimited opportunities. Experience has shown that regulation and conservation of the limited water supply by government authority are essential to the success of irrigation. Dry-Farming A second and even more interesting development of American agriculture is the so-called dry-farming which is being successfully introduced into the semi-arid re- gions. Carefully selected seeds and plants of crops espe- cially adapted to these climatic conditions are used, and then a very careful and intensive method of tillage is fol- lowed. The soil is plowed deep and thoroughly pulver- ized so that the roots can strike down to the deeper levels and absorb all the moisture available. Extraordinary re- sults have already been attained, and the region that the older geographies labeled ''The Great American Desert" bids fair to become one of the most flourishing districts of the country. Size of Farms That part of the area of the United States which has already been reduced to private ownership is divided into Agricultural Resources 15 o t-l -u c3 4-1 02 •a p .a B ci d as o 3 -a « fin 16 Business Economics 6,311,502 farms. As almost half of the land in these farms is micultivated, being forest, waste land, or pas- ture, it is evident that there is still room for a great in- crease in the agricultural production of the United States without bringing additional land into the field. The aver- age size of these farms is 138 acres, which looms large indeed when compared with the 20-acre farms of France and the 60-acre farms of Great Britain. The difference is due of course to the difference in the methods of agri- culture and the character of the crops, the European con- ditions demanding intensive cultivation while our meth- ods are still largely extensive. Farm Tenuee A more important question even than the number and size of farms, from an economic point of view, is that of ownership. In 1880, when for the first time the federal census collected the statistics of farm tenure, the gratify- ing result was announced that three-quarters (74.5 per cent) of the farms in the United States were cultivated by their owners. The last census however showed that the proportion had fallen to 62.1 per cent in 1910, and alarm has been expressed that our democratic conditions of land ownership are giving way to a system of tenantry, that the o^vnership of our farms is being concentrated in fewer hands, and that methods of large-scale production in agriculture are crushing out the independent farmer as effectively as they have crowded out the small manu- facturer and retailer in other fields. Correctly inter- preted, however, the statistics seem to indicate that the growth of the tenant class marks the endeavor of farm laborers and farmers' sons to establish themselves as in- dependent farmers rather than the fall of former owTiers to the rank of tenants. The great majority of the young Agricultural Resources 17 men are laborers, the majority of those in middle life are tenants, while the older men are for the most part owners of farms. There seems to be a healthy progress upward in the advancement of wage laborers and farmers' chil- dren, first, to tenancy, and finally, with increased ability and capital, to farm ownership. Moreover most of the rented farms are hired by negroes, the change in whose status from slave to tenant marks a great advance. The Rural Exodus Another change in our farming population that has been viewed with considerable misgiving is the movement from the farm to the city and the decline in the propor- tion of the agricultural population to the whole. Indeed the change has been startling, as the United States has passed from a primitive agricultural stage of develop- ment to a highly organized manufacturing and commer- cial stage. From 86.3 per cent of the population in 1820 the percentage of those engaged in agriculture fell stead- ily until it reached 35.6 per cent in 1910. Many persons have thought that such a movement indicated the de- sertion of our farms, owing to the greater attraction of the cities and the disappearance of a healthy agricultural population. It has indicated rather a great improve- ment in the arts of agriculture, whereby one person to- day, working with improved machinery and better knowl- edge, can produce nearly three times as much as his grandfather did. The labor set free has gone to the cities — cities of over 8,000 inhabitants now containing two-fifths of our population as compared with one-thir- tieth one hundred years ago — and there produces the thousand and one things which contribute to our modern well-being. A smaller number can now raise all the food necessary to feed the population; that the rest are free 18 Business Economics to do other things must certainly be counted a gain, though the conditions under which work in the factory and life in the city are carried on at present leave much to be desired. Impoktance of Agkiculture Writing about 1865, an eminent English traveler, Sir S. Morton Peto, apologized for calling the United States an agricultural country; today he would be spared this worry, for the census of 1910 gave the net value of prod- ucts of the farm as $5,487,161,000 and of pure manufac- tures as $8,530,261,000. Indeed since 1890 the value of the manufactures of the country has been larger than of the farm products, and the United States now ranks as one of the leading manufacturing nations of the world. That we are continuing to grow relatively faster as a manufacturing nation is sho^\^l by the fact that the total value of our manufacturing products increased 81.2 per cent from 1900 to 1910, while the value of agricultural products increased only 68.6 per cent. Nevertheless the value and amount of the agricultural products are stu- pendous; the United States leads all countries in the production of dairy products, corn, and wheat, and the greater part of the lumber, meats, tobacco, and cotton which enter into the w^orld's trade come from her forests and fields. Agricultural Products While the territory of the United States is well adapted by nature to the cultivation of a great variety of agricul- tural products, as a matter of fact four main branches furnish the bulk of the value of our total agricultural products. These are the raising of live stock and the pro- duction of hay and grain, cotton, and dairy produce. The Agricultural Resources 19 regional distribution of these products is fairly well marked. Over half of the live stock and of the hay and grain farms are situated in the North Central States; nearly half of the dairy farms are located in the North Atlantic division; practically all the cotton is confined to the southern zone. The same may also be said of tobacco and sugar. The semi-arid region of the West is given over almost exclusively to stock-raising. Illinois and Iowa lead as agricultural states. Extensive and Intensive Farming The character of agriculture in the United States, as in all new countries, has hitherto been extensive, that is, a small amount of labor and capital has been applied to a relatively large amount of land, and only the cream of the soil has been skimmed off, as it were. Where labor is dear and land is clieap this is the most economical method for the farmer; and although European critics have se- verely censured our system of "earth butchery," where- by the fertility of the soil has been exhausted by constant cropping, \\dth no effort to restore the exhausted proper- ties by fertilizing, the practice w^as justified in colonial days by the conditions which produced it. Now how- ever the practical exhaustion of the free public domain has had the effect of raising the price of lands in the Mid- dle West, and this in turn will cause a more careful and intensive system of cultivation. In other words, as our social and industrial conditions approach more closely those of Europe, we may expect our agricultural methods to do so also. One of the most serious practical prob- lems now confronting the American farmer is the change from the old, wasteful, extensive methods to the new, careful, intensive methods of farming. Those who can- not make the change will complain of the unprofitable- 20 Business Economics ness of agriculture, but to those who successfully meet the new conditions the future offers much greater rewards than even the era of free land could produce. Agkicultuke as a Science It has been said that the year 1887 marked the begin- ning of a new stage of development in American agricul- ture, namely, that of reorganization, because in that year Congress passed the Experiment Station Act. This caused the application of the principles of experimental science to agriculture on a more comprehensive and sys- tematic scale than had ever been attempted before. Stim- ulated by the increased activity of the government ex- periment stations, the agricultural colleges have ex- panded their work. They are offering practical courses to the farmers, and in co-operation with the railroads some of them are sending out special lecturers, with mov- ing laboratories, to bring the teachings of science as close home to the producers as possible. Finally, the won- derful work being done by Burbank and others in select- ing and crossing, by travelers for the federal Agricul- tural Department in securing from all over the world plants suited to our varied climatic conditions, and by the experiment stations and agricultural colleges in spread- ing the new knowledge among the farmers and putting it into actual practice — all these departures promise to revolutionize agriculture and to make it, as one writ-er has said, a learned profession. Ceeeals The production of cereals is the most important branch of agriculture, comprising corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, and rice. Since the building of the trunk rail- roads, by which the western territory was given access to Agricultural Resources 21 a market, the progress of cereal production has been ex- tremely rapid, nor does there seem to be any observable slackening. With the introduction of improved varieties of spring wheat, cereal production is being pushed far- ther up into Canada and our own Northwest. The center of cereal production has moved steadily westward, from eastern Indiana in 1860 to eastern Iowa in 1910. With the practical exhaustion of unoccupied land suitable for grain-raising in the United States, it is clear that the future extension of the industry depends rather upon im- provements in the methods of agriculture than upon the addition of new lands. The very practical problem here presented to the American farmer if he wishes to main- tain his supremacy in the world's markets is being nobly and successfully met by the agricultural experiment sta- tions. For example, they are teaching the farmer how to increase his yield of wheat by scientific seed selection and by more careful methods of tillage, from an average of 15.4 bushels per acre for the whole country in 1910 to treble that amount, as is actually produced in France. Of the separate crops corn is by far the most impor- tant, representing 60 per cent of the total value of all cereals produced in 1910. Most of the corn is fed to stock throughout the so-called "corn belt" and comes to market in the form of pork and beef. Although corn is very nutritious and is a favorite article of diet in this country in various forms, astonishingly little of it is exported. The development of a foreign market still awaits the en- terprise of the American farmer and food manufacturer. Live Stock The production of live stock is essentially a frontier industry, and while it will probably always be carried on in the semi-arid grazing districts of the West, which can 22 Business Economics i-H <» -u cS -u 02 >^ CO g c3 c o I CO d Agricultural Resources 23 be reclaimed for agriculture only at considerable ex- pense, it already shows a relative decline. Owing to the great growth of the population, the domestic demand now consumes almost all the meat produced and the exports are declining. This is one of the reasons for the recent rise in the price of meat. The industry is extensive. Quite the opposite is true of the dairy industry, which is intensive, being carried on for the most part in the vicinity of large cities where land is expensive. The changing character of agriculture and the fact that it is itself a business enterprise which demands a knowledge of market conditions and business methods are well illustrated by the nature of the dairy industry. Dairies are inspected and must conform to certain standards ; the milk must be sterilized and shipped, often by special trains, to the cities. Over a third of the butter and prac- tically all of the cheese is now made in factories instead of on the farm ; so it is a question whether the latter at least should not be classified as a product of manufacture rather than of agriculture. Cotton Of the last of the four important branches of agricul- ture, namely, cotton-raising, there is not so much to be said. Owing to the intensive nature of its cultivation, machinery has never been applied on a large scale to its production, as was done in the case of hay and grain. The wasteful methods that prevailed in the South before the Civil War have been largely corrected, and the tend- ency to sterility of the soil has been met by the increased use of fertilizers and scientific rotation of crops. The statistics of cotton crops for the past thirty years do not indicate any decrease in productiveness and show that the point of diminishing returns has not yet been reached. 24 Business Economics A peculiar and interesting feature about cotton pro- duction is that it is largely in the hands of tenants. The old slave plantations of the South have been broken up into small holdings and many of these are operated by tenants, negroes and whites, who are too poor or too im- provident to buy the land outright. The main problems connected with cotton culture are labor problems; and the question has often been anxiously asked whether the free negro will produce as much as the former slave. This can now be confidently answered in the affirmative, although it yet remains to be seen whether he can be made as efficient a producer as his white competitor. Upon the answer to that question depends not merely the future of cotton production, but the economic salvation of the negro himself. The constantly expanding use of cotton goods assures a brilliant future to the cotton-grow- ing states of the South, for not merely is there an assured market in America and Europe, but the primitive peoples of Asia and Africa may be depended upon to absorb in- creasing quantities of cotton fabrics. Forests Hand in hand with the heedless extensive methods of agriculture in the past went wasteful use and even de- struction of our forest resources. The annual cut of lum- ber in the United States is today about forty billion feet board measure; at this rate of consumption it is esti- mated that the present available supply will last only from 35 to 50 years. It will doubtless surprise most readers to learn that about three-fourths of the annual wood cut is consumed as fuel, probably half of our popu- lation still depending upon wood instead of coal for fuel. The rapid exhaustion of our forest supplies, with the attendant effects upon moisture, floods, etc., has brought Agricultural Resources 25 the question of forest preservation to the front as a prac- tical economic problem. We have been squandering the heritage of our children and efforts are now being made to repair some of the loss before we are declared bank- rupt. In 1898 the federal government began practical work in the introduction of forestry; this received a great stimulus in 1905 when the care of the national for- est reserves, embracing over 60,000,000 acres, w^as put under the control of the Forest Service. The work has been slowly growing, until in 1915 nearly 4,000 men were employed in the Federal Forest Service. Over 2,000 men are employed for the protective work over the National Forest Reserves and state and private timber lands. This gives about one man for every 80,000 acres as against one for every 1,700 acres in Prussia. Several states have taken up the movement for the con- servation of forests. New York has a forest reserve of nearly 2,000,000 acres, in which it supervises the cutting of timber and attends to reforestation on the cut-over areas. Pennsylvania has a similar reserve of nearly 1,000,000 acres, and other states are following their ex- ample. That it is high time to devote attention to the better conservation of this natural resource is made evi- dent by the high and increasing price of lumber, its grow- ing scarcity, and deterioration in quality. Fisheries There is one other natural resource the conditions of whose supply resemble those of forestry and of agricul- ture in general ; this is the fisheries. As in the case of the other two industries, so with the fisheries, we have been using up our capital and declar- ing enormous dividends at the expense of the future. The value of the annual catch of fish in the United States, 26 Business Economics including Alaska, is close to $70,000,000, and is probably- exceeded only by the fishing industry of Japan, with Great Britain as a close third. The problem of the better conservation of this resource has been taken in hand by the federal government, through the Fish Commission, and much has been done to repair our early prodigality by restocking lakes and streams with fish. More strin- gent fish and game laws have also been passed by most of the states, designed to prevent the extermination of the supply. With careful use, providing for depreciation and re- storing the elements destroyed, all of these should prove inexhaustible and should continue to furnish man with food and lumber for all time. Natural Resources and Economic Laws After this brief survey of the natural resources of the United States, it is proper to make some practical deduc- tions as to the tendencies of progress in this line. Econ- omists often use the terms "increasing returns" and ''diminishing returns." These words explain certain principles which are very applicable to agricultural pro- duction. Law of Increasing Returns The law of increasing returns simply means that cer- tain industries will yield a proportionately larger in- crease for any additional time, labor, or thought that may be expended in the productive processes. It is a well- known fact in farming that the extra cost involved in plowing deeper, harrowing finer and at the proper sea- sons, and selecting the best seed will often give a very much greater relative return. This fact usually accounts for the difference between a thrifty and a poor farmer. Agricultural Resources 27 The law of increasing returns gives the scientific farmer his great advantage over the indifferent farmer. It not only compensates for extra work which is applied, but gives something over and above this return, a sort of differential gain. The same land that yields $15 worth of wheat per acre if $5 worth of labor is applied, may yield $25 worth of wheat when $8 worth of labor is ap- plied. In the first case the net yield would be $10 per acre and in the second case it would be $17 per acre. The difference is produced by the operation of the law of increasing returns. The extra $3 applied in labor is paid for and in addition to this sum there is $7 extra for clear profit. Law of Diminishing E-etukns A point is reached, however, in most production when the application of an additional amount of labor will not yield a proportionately large increase. In the example just given, it is likely that if $10 worth of labor were applied to the acre, the yield of wheat would amount to only $26 and the net return would be only $16. The yield would still have been larger than in the former case, but the net return smaller. When such a point is reached, the process responds to the law of diminishing returns. By continuing the process, the returns gradually become less and finally reach a point where further application of labor will bring no additional returns. Land is peculiarly responsive to these two economic principles. Because it responds to the law of increasing returns, the movement for scientific farming is meeting with such generous response. On the other hand, be- cause all land is subject to the law of diminishing re- turns, there tends to become a scarcity of land for the people of the globe. If it were not so, the people of New 28 Business Economics York or London could be self-supporting upon a single acre of ground by simply applying more and more labor. If such were the case, there could be no problem of over- population. The operation of these two principles must always be borne in mind when the future possibilities of our agricultural resources, or of any other industry sub- ject to the laws of increasing and duninishing returns, are being considered. ^& TEST QUESTIONS 1. What has been the policy of the United States Government in its disposition of public lands? 2. How has the land policy of the United States assisted the cause of education ? 3. Is there any more valuable agricultural land open for entry in the public domain of the United States ? 4. How can you account for the strenuous efforts that have been made within recent years for redeeming large sections of arid land by means of irrigation ? 5. What is meant by dry-farming? 6. How do the farms of the United States compare in size with those of the European countries? To what is this difference due? 7. What are the main causes for the movement of population from the farm to the city ? 8. What four branches of agricidture furnish the bulk of our agricultural products ? 9. What condition in the live stock industrj^ is contributing to the high price of meats ? 10. Upon what conditions does the future of the cotton crop in the South depend ? 11. What is meant by the law of increasing returns in agricul- tural production ? Illustrate. * 12. What is meant by the law of diminishing returns? 13. How is scientific farming related to these two natural eco- nomic laws ? CHAPTER III the mineral resources of the united states Character of Natural Resources The natural resources of any country may be divided into two broad groups, which call for different treatment and give rise to very different problems. There are, on the one hand, resources which are exhaustible but Avhich can be restored again and, on the other hand, resources wdiich, once exhausted, can never be replaced again by human agency. Under the first head come the soil, the forests, the fisheries, and even the water power, for all of these can be made to yield steady returns to man for thousands of years, if used intelligently. Under the sec- ond head belong coal, petroleum, natural gas, and all the minerals ; man may discover substitutes or he may econ- omize in the use of these substances, but he can never augment their supply. In the previous section we considered some of the prob- lems that arise in the use of the soil in agriculture, and those connected with our forests and fisheries. For the most part they had to do with the intelligent use of these agencies and the restoration or repair of the elements destroyed. In this section we are met by a very different problem, namely, the conservation of a limited supply of resources and their most economical application to the needs of mankind. 29 30 Business Economics Two Views of Conservation We can distinguish two contrasting answers to this problem, one careless and optimistic, and the other pessi- mistic and fearful of the future. According to the former point of view we should not borrow trouble of the future ; man's career has been one of constant progress; when he has been confronted with a "difficulty he has invariably met it. Indeed necessity has been the most prolific mother of invention. If our coal supplies are exhausted, man will devise means of utilizing the heat of the sun, the force of the tides, the motion of the waves, the stores of electrical energy in the air, all of which will yield inex- haustible supplies of heat and energy. If our stores of iron should fail, some enterprising inventor would surely discover a practicable and commercially profitable method of extracting aluminum from clay. New sources of raw materials will undoubtedly be discovered before the old ones give out, and we may confidently expect that, while the material bases of a high civilization may shift somewhat, they \vill never crumble and fall. The other school has sounded a louder note of alarm. At the present rate of consumption the coal and iron de- posits of Europe and America must soon be exhausted. The supplies of copper, lead, and other metals in favor- able locations are also being consumed at an alarming rate, and no other known supplies are in sight. Within the past century scientific knowledge and engineering skill have combined to unlock the storehouses of the geologic ages, and now like prodigals ^e are dissipating our fortunes. To treat these exhaustible sources of sup- ply as permanent sources of income, without regard for the future, is based upon unsound theory and must lead to reckless practice. Mineral Resources 31 A Rational Policy of Conservation' As so often in opposing counsels, there is an element of truth in each of these contrasting points of view. However, the safer plan is not to wait until we have ex- hausted our natural resources before remedying the evil, but to heed the warnings now. This necessity has been recognized in the activities of our national and state governments and private organ- izations for conservation. The National Conservation Commission, the Commission on Inland Waterways, and the Commission on Country Life, through the facts which they have collected upon the rate of consumption of the natural resources of the United States and the recommendations which they have made, have turned the eyes of the country to the duty which the present genera- tion owes to the future as a trustee of these riches. Meas- ures have been taken for the better utilization and con- servation of these resources through local, state, and national action. As a result of the national awakening, we may expect to see a more rational use made of the gifts of nature and a better organization of our national life. Heretofore the ideal of our business men has been to exploit, one might almost say pillage, the stores of nature as rapidly as possible ; it was a pioneer stage of industry, inevitable but wasteful. From now on the new conception must be the restoration of exhausted elements, where possible, as of the soil and the forests, and the careful use of the non- renewable stores of wealth so that at least we shall not make them engines of destruction, as in the case of floods and devastation occasioned by careless hydraulic mining in the West. Let us now turn to a more detailed consid- eration of the separate items in our inventory of national wealth. 32 Business Economics Coal Our modern civilization may be said to rest upon coal, for upon its possession depends man's ability to utilize most of the other items of his wealth. Passing over its utility as a fuel to heat our houses, we may observe that without coal it would be impossible to smelt the iron needed in all our industries, to drive the machinery, to run our locomotives or steamboats, or in a word to carry on the manifold activities of our industrial life. Accord- ing to the United States Geological Survey, there are 335,000 square miles of coal-bearing strata in this coun- try, but the larger part of the coal is too impure to be useful for industrial purposes ; it serves in many localities however as domestic fuel, as in the case of the lignite deposits of the Northwest. An estimate by Professor Tarr places the coal-producing area in the United States at not over 50,000 square miles. At the present rate of consumption — over 75,000,000 tons of anthracite and over 375,000,000 tons of bituminous coal in 1913 — it has been estimated that the anthracite coal deposits will last for only fifty years longer, while we have only enough bitu- minous coal for one hundred years. The large deposits of coal in England and their early development gave that country a great advantage over Europe. But as long ago as 1861 Professor Jevons, a noted English economist, sounded a note of alarm. He prophesied that because of the superior size and charac- ter of the coal deposits of America, industrial supremacy must inevitably pass to this country. His prediction has already been verified in the case of coal and iron produc- tion and will probably soon prove true of textiles also. The coal deposits of the United States are thirty-seven times as great as those of England, but at the present Mineral Resources 33 a CO 2 o O o a o en Q 34 Business Economics rate of mining are threatened with exhaustion at no dis- tant date. It has been estimated that in China there are coal deposits capable of supplying the world with fuel for another thousand years. But such estimates are, in the present state of our knowledge about China, the merest guesses, and, if true, would seem to point to the future industrial supremacy of that country in the world's markets. Two-thirds of the coal mined in the United States is obtained from the Appalachian field, extending from New York to Alabama, Pennsylvania being the largest coal- producing state in the Union. In the iron and steel in- dustries most of the coal is coked, as it is better for blast- furnace use in this form, giving greater heat and contain- ing less sulphur or other injurious substances than coal. Owing to the smaller bulk and cost of transporting ore, most of the iron and steel industries are situated in the vicinity of the coal supply, as in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Alabama, etc. Petroleum Petroleum, or coal-oil, is closely allied to coal in its origin and distribution and must be classed with, it as a most important product, not only for industrial uses, but also because of the contributions it has made to the com- forts of living. In its production the United States ranks first, being closely followed by Eussia ; together these two countries furnish over 90 per cent of the world's supply of petroleum. Enormous economies have been effected in its production and distribution, which latter is done by piping the crude oil underground to the refineries. For illuminating purposes it is the cheapest form of artificial light ; as a fuel it is supplanting coal where the latter is dear or its cost of carriage high, as on ocean steamers. Mineral Resources 35 V +-> a --3 O +-» "a P CO C5 o o o 36 Business Economics Finally the construction of light and convenient gasoline motors has given it great importance as a source of mo- tive power. Natural gas is closely related to petroleum, but the supply has been so reduced by rapid and reckless use that it has but a limited economic outlook and is of local significance only. Iron Of all the metals iron must be considered the most useful for man, far surpassing the so-called precious metals in economic importance. Its great utility is so evi- dent that its production and use have often been taken as a criterion of the material progress of a community. Iron is the only metal that can be welded and is accord- ingly of great significance, whether in making strong machinery, as the shafts of oc^an steamships, or the framework of a twenty-story building, or, in the form of steel, the most delicate surgical instruments or watch springs. Judged by the test of iron ore production, the United States ranks high, for it turns out about four- fifths of the world's supply; all of this is used for domes- tic consumption, in its own blast furnaces, though much of it is afterwards exported in the form of pig iron or structural iron or steel. Though iron is universally distributed throughout creation, it must occur in large beds or deposits before it can be profitably mined. The most favorable situation of an iron ore for profitable extraction is near good coking coal for smelting and limestone for a flux, as in the Birmingham district of Alabama; and in such a situation even low-grade ores can be worked profitably. Unless this is the case, iron ore cannot be extensively mined excepting under conditions of great abundance and economical methods of transportation, as in the Lake Superior district, where thick and remarkablv uniform beds of good ore occur in Mineral Resources 37 such a position that water transportation to the market is pos- sible. Where these conditions do not exist, iron-mining is fea- sible only on a small scale for the local market. Thus, in the Rocky Mountains there are almost inexhaustible supplies of iron, often of a high grade, which are at present of no value whatsoever.^ The most wonderful iron-mining region in the United States and probably in the world lies in the northern part of Michigan and Minnesota, Avhere five ranges or lines of hills contain immense deposits. These lie so near the sur- face that they can be dug out of open pits at a cost of from 10 to 50 cents a ton, against $1 a ton in a shaft or underground mine. Three-fourths of the iron ore pro- duced in the United States is mined in this district. Its proximity to the lake ports makes possible its transpor- tation to the iron and steel manufacturing centers at very low rates. Machinery has been applied on an immense scale to the work of mining, loading, and unloading the ore. Steam shovels scoop up the ore from the open pit, filling cars at the rate of almost one a minute; the work of loading this into the ore ships at the ports is equally expeditious, only about two hours being required to load an ore ship of 6,000 tons, while the work of unloading is performed for the most part by an endless chain of buck- ets and traveling cranes. By these means an ultra-intensive exploitation of these magnificent deposits is taking place and it is a question whether they will not soon be exhausted. "But the Americans," writes Professor Lero'y-Beaulieu, a friendly but keen critic of our industrial development, '^ relying on the constant good-will of nature, are confi- dent that they will discover either new and productive ranges in this district, or rich deposits in other districts. " 1 Tarr, Economic Geology of the United States, pp. 7, 119. jL JL 9J aJ (^ * 38 Business Economics Precious Metals The precious metals have received more than their fair share of attention, for the industrial progress of the world is much less dependent upon their presence in large and easily obtained quantities than it is upon the more common metals. Nevertheless they are important be- cause of their use in the arts and in exchange as money. In their production the United States stands second, being surpassed in the output of gold by the Transvaal in Africa and in that of silver by Mexico. The production of these metals has always in the world's his- tory proceeded spasmodically, and a speculative spirit has usually been present. More recently, however, scien- tific geological knowledge and improved metallurgical methods are changing the industry of gold- and silver- mining from a gambling venture to a legitimate industry. The practical problem at present confronting Ameri- can gold-mining companies is to reduce expenses, some of the principal bearings having for some years sho^vn signs of exhaustion, as for instance in the Cripple Creek district of Colorado. There is always a chance, however, that new gold fields may be discovered to make good the exhaustion of the old. In the case of silver, on the other hand, the metal is found in such abundance that the pres- ent rate of production seems almost indefinitely assured ; a slight increase of the price or improvements in the art of extracting the metal will at any time bring enlarged supplies on the market. Africa, Australia, and the United States produce almost all the world's supply of gold, Colorado being the leading state in the last-named country. Mexico and the United States together produce over two-thirds of the world 's silver, the leading rank in this country being held by Nevada. Mineral Resources 39 Copper Among the other metals copper is by far the most im- portant. In primitive civilizations, before the art of smelting iron had been discovered, copper was indis- pensable because it was so easily malleable; in Homeric times, for instance, armor, utensils, money, etc., were made of copper or alloys of copper (bronze and brass). After an eclipse of some centuries copper has again risen to the front rank by reason of its qualities as a conductor of electricity. The new use of electricity to transmit power and the development of electrical industries have greatly increased the demand for this metal and have caused a great expansion in its production. Here again the United States holds first rank, contributing over half of the world 's copper supply. As in the case of iron, the northern peninsula of Michigan is the most important center of copper production, with Montana a close sec- ond and Arizona contributing most of the remainder. Like petroleum, copper production is controlled by a small number of operators, five mining companies alone furnishing one-half of the American supply. Unlike pe- troleum, it is far from being monopolized, for new and rich supplies lie just on the margin of profitable working and will always be brought into the market whenever the price warrants. One reason for American pre-eminence, aside from the rich stores of the metal, lies in the prog- ress made in the art of refining it by the electrolj^tic process, considerable foreign ore being brought here to be treated by this method. Nature has not blessed the United States so abundantly with the miiQor metals, lead, zinc, and aluminum, while almost all the tin used here has to be imported. 40 . Business Economics Our Debt to Nature It is apparent from even this brief and hasty survey of the mineral resources of the United States, comprising those extractive industries which once exhausted can never be restored by man, that this country is wonder- fully well supplied with the material means of civiliza- tion. Minerals and metals are remarkably abundant and accessible. The wonderful material progress of the United States during the nineteenth century is abun- dantly explained by this fact, though due credit must also be given to the enterprise, industry, and genius of those who developed these natural resources. The indus- trial supremacy of the American nation, founded on such a stable material basis, seems well assured. We of this country have been rather inclined to boast of our industrial progress and our material bigness, whereas it must now be apparent that we owe much, if not most, to the bounty of nature. We should therefore see to it, in a proper spirit of humility and thoughtfulness, that Ave do not waste our heritage, but hand it on as nearly undi- minished as possible to our children. Water Power There is one other asset in our national wealth which has already contributed much to our progress and is destined to play an even more important role in the fu- ture and that is our wat^r power. In colonial days, be- fore the invention of the steam engine and the use of coal, this was of prime importance and determined the location of many a town, inasmuch as the best site was at the ''fall line" of the rivers, where water power was ob- tainable. With the invention of the steam engine and the use of steam as a motive power, industry became less Mineral Resources 41 dependent upon water power and moved away from the rivers to the vicinity of coal mines. Now again has come another swing of the pendulum, and with the rise of elec- tricity as a motive power and the harnessing of our streams and waterfalls for the creation of electrical energy, we are beginning to value more highly this source of power. Here again we find the United States wonderfully blessed as compared with other countries. ''It is probable," says Shaler, "that, measured in horse power or by manufactured products, the energy derived from the streams of this country is already more valua- ble than those of all other lands put together." The total amount of direct water power used by manufactur- ing establishments in 1910 was 1,822,888 horse power, or about 10 per cent of all the power used. Prior to 1890 the largest use of water power was in its direct application to machinery at the immediate point of development. Since that time, however, the us& of elec- tricity as an agency whereby the energy developed by falling water can be transformed and applied to the driving of machinery has entirely changed the conditions under which the power of our streams can be utilized. The practical possibility of transmitting electrical power over long distances — for example, over 200 miles from the Sierras to San Francisco — has removed the necessity of building factories immediately adjacent to Avater pow- ers, but permits its utilization where most convenient and often where the lack of coal has made the use of steam power impracticable. The best-known example of the development and transmission of electrical energy for industrial purposes is the case of Niagara Falls, but more striking illustrations may be found on the Pacific coast and in the great Keokuk dam across the Missis- sippi with a capacity of 300,000 horse power. The ex- 42 Business Economics cS CCi a o V O I to Mineral Resources 43 istence of wonderful opportunities on the Atlantic sea- board gives brilliant promise for the future of manufac- turing in this region. So valuable indeed are these sources of power now seen to be that there is danger that their control may be monopolized by a few shrewd and far-sighted indi- viduals before the general public awakes to a realization of their importance. It has frequently been asserted that there is a "water jDower trust" already organized for this purpose. The opportunities for wealth-getting have hitherto been so great in this country and the great task of the American people has thus far been so ex- clusively the one of developing its wonderful natural resources that we have grown careless of our com- mon rights and have permitted private individuals to monopolize a number of limited resources of this char- acter. One of the great practical problems of the future is that of securing the growing value of these natural monopolies to the whole nation, without at the same time retarding the energy and industrial development of the American people. TEST QUESTIONS 1. Into what groups may the natural resources of our country be divided ? Illustrate. 2. What two answers are given to the problem of conserving our natural resources? 3. What are the characteristics of a rational policy of con- servation ? 4. Where are the leading coal deposits of the country found ? 5. At the present rate of use, how long will our known supply of coal last? 6. What is the most favorable situation for iron-ore deposits? State reasons. 7. Where is the most wonderful iron-mining region of the United States located ? What makes it such a remarkable region ? 44 Business Economics 8. Why may it be said that the gold- and silver-mining in- dustrj' is passing from a gambling venture to a legitimate in- dustry ? 9. What are the chief gold-producing centers in the United States? 10. Why is copper so very important in modern industry ? 11. Upon what factors does activity in the copper-mining re- gions depend? 12. To what extent is water power used in modern industry? CHAPTER IV capitalistic production Use of Capital in Production Modern production is usually called "capitalistic" be- cause it involves in its processes the use of a large amount of capital. In a primitive stage of culture man appropriated directly from nature's bounty the food and shelter which he required. But today man has adopted long and round-about methods of producing goods, in- volving numerous steps between his first efforts and the turning out of the finished articles. He invents tools and machinery to assist him in his work, and while he multi- plies the processes of production he also enormously in- creases the results. Capital has become absolutely indispensable in modern production and is yearly playing a more important role. At the same time various problems, born of the new con- ditions, have arisen, such as the growth of large-scale production, the elimination of the small producer and the independent artisan, the growth of trusts, the rhyth- mic recurrence of speculative periods and industrial crises, the relations of labor and capital, and others sim- ilar in character. The Nature of Capital "What is capital? This question is very pertinent to the topic of capitalistic production. It is easier to de- 45 46 Business Economics scribe the main features of a capitalistic society than to explain the nature of capital itself. We may omit the fine distinctions that are made by the economist and describe capital in a few simple words. Capitalistic pro- duction is an indirect or a round-about system of produc- tion. Labor is first applied to the making of tools and machinery, and these in turn are used for further produc- tion. All production is for the ultimate purpose of satis- fying human wants. But if, since the beginning of time, men had produced only for immediate consumption, we should still be making our living as the gorilla or chim- panzee. A\Tien man first used some of his spare time to chip an axe or an arrow head, he began to create capital. Capital is therefore in the nature of a surplus — some- thing which is taken out of production not for immediate consumption, but to be used in aiding further production. This explanation of capital makes it clear that it can be increased only by increased savings and by temporary sacrifices. The building of the Panama Canal illustrates this process as clearly in modern industrial life as the illustration of the arrow head in primitive life. The people of the United States have denied themselves the immediate enjoyment of approximately $500,000,000 in order that this great instrument to commerce and indus- try might be constructed for future use. From this con- ception of capital, it is evident that it consists only of the concrete instruments made by man. It involves labor and saving. Land and similar elements given by nature are excluded by the definition. If we are to develop our capitalistic system of production, we must produce two classes of wealth : one for immediate consumption to sup- ply the necessities of life and another for future produc- tion. Of the three factors in production usually men- tioned, namely, land, labor, and capital, man has it in his Capitalistic Production 47 po"wer to increase the third factor, capital, in proportion as he is willing to save out of present production. Progress in Capitalistic Production The most striking phenomenon of the nineteenth cen- tury "was the great industrial progress of the more devel- oped nations. This is best sho"wn in the follo"wing table, taken from Mulhall's Industries and Wealth of Nations: Growth of Manufactures in the Nineteenth Century MiiiLioNS OF Dollars COUNTKIKS 1820 1840 1860 1894 United Kingdom France 1,411 1,168 900 511 1,654 1,883 1,606 1,484 852 2,516 2,808 2,092 1,995 1,129 3,455 4,263 2,900 Germany 3,357 Austria 1,596 5,236 Other states EuroDe 5,644 268 8,341 467 11,479 1,907 17,352 United States 9,498 Total 5,912 8,808 13,386 26.850 Extraordinary as has been this universal growth, the development of manufactures in the United States has been still more marvelous, both absolutely and in relation to other branches of industry. Between 1850 and 1910 both the population and the products of agriculture quad- rupled, but the value of manufactured products increased twenty fold and that of capital invested in manufac- tures thirty fold. The United States, though politically younger than the countries of Europe, is industrially one 48 Business Economics of the most advanced. The application of labor-saving machinery and of improved and economical methods of production and distribution has probably proceeded fur- ther here than in any other land. Nowhere can we study to better advantage, therefore, than in America the prob- lems that have grown out of this advanced capitalism. Causes of Industrial, Peogeess The causes of this rapid industrial development are enumerated by the census report as five in number: (1) the agricultural resources of the country, (2) the mineral resources, (3) the highly developed transportation facili- ties, (4) the freedom of trade betw^een states and terri- tories, and (5) the absence of inherited and over-con- servative ideas. We have already considered the wonderful agricul- tural and mineral resources of the countiy and have seen how greatly the American people are indebted for their industrial prosperity to the bounty of nature. The mag- nificent system of inland waterw^ays, comprising over 18,000 miles of navigable rivers, and the railroad system, with over 200,000 miles of track, facilitate a rapid and cheap exchange of products. The enormous domestic market afforded the American manufacturer, larger in consuming capacity than that of any other country in the world, has permitted the economic production of goods on a large scale and a consequent reduction in cost. Foreigners have often asked the question why, if free- dom from tariffs and trade restraints has been a good thing within the United States, freedom of trade with other countries would not prove equally advantageous. In answer to this, James G. Blaine, formerly Secretary of State, wrote: "It is the enjoyment of free trade and protection at the same time which has contributed to the Capitalistic Production 49 unexampled development and marvelous prosperity of the United States. ' ' Finally the absence of tradition and of over-conservative ideas handed down from a former and more primitive system of industry has been a great boon. There have been developed traits of energy, in- ventiveness, and ingenuity, which, aided by a universal system of compulsory free education, have contributed greatly to the material progress of the people. The Factoey System The system under which the production of wealth in a modern industrial nation is carried on is usually called the * 'factory system," and to this we must now turn, for it is in the factory that the utilization of machinery and capital finds its greatest development. The term is not easily defined, but we may adopt the description given by the late Carroll D. Wright: *'A factory is an establish- ment where several workmen are collected for the pur- pose of obtaining greater and cheaper conveniences of labor than they could procure in their own homes, for producing results by their combined efforts which they could not accomplish separately, and for preventing the loss occasioned by carrying articles from place to place during the several necessary processes to complete their manufacture." The essential elements in such a system are the minute division of labor, the large use of labor- saving machinery, the increasing specialization and local- ization of industry, and tlie concentration of production in fewer and larger establishments with consequent in- crease of product and reduction of cost. Division of Labor The division of labor may mean either the separation of occupations or the division of a process into minute 50 Business Economics parts. An illustration of separation of occupations may be found in the manufacture of a carriage. One factory produces the hubs, another produces the wheels, a third produces the axles, a fourth produces the body, a fifth manufactures the upholstery, a sixth manufactures the hardware, and a seventh (the so-called carriage factory) assembles the parts and places the completed product on the market in the form of a carriage. As an example of an extreme division of labor, the slaughtering and meat-packing industry offers a classical example, though in this case the use of complex machin- ery is not involved. Professor Commons ^ writes as fol- lows: It would be difficult to find another industry where division of labor has been so ingeniously and microscopically worked out. The animal has been surveyed and laid off like a map ; and the men have been classified in over thirty specialties and twenty rates of pay, from 16 cents to 50 cents an hour. The 50-cent man is restricted to using the knife on the most delicate parts of the hide (floorman) or to using the ax in splitting the backbone (splitter) and, wherever a less skilled man can be slipped in at 18 cents, I8V2 cents, 20 cents, 21 cents, 221^ cents, 24 cents, 25 cents, and so on, a place is made for him, and an occupation mapped out. In working on the hide alone there are nine positions, at eight different rates of pay. A 20-cent man pulls off the tail, a 22i/^-cent man pounds off another part where the hide separates 'readily, and the knife of the 40-cent man cuts a different texture and has a different "feel" from that of the 50-cent man. Skill has become specialized to fit the anatomy. The Classified Index to Occupations, Thirteenth Cen- sus of the United States (1910), shows how division of 1 Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. XIX, p. 3. Capitalistic Production 51 labor exists in the cotton mills. It gives the following lines of work : Manufacturers and proprietors Officials Managers and superin- tendents Foremen and overseers aerks Apprentices Back boys Bailers Banders Beaders Beamers Bobbin boys Breaker hands Card clothiers Card fixers Card grinders Card strippers Carders Carpenters Chainers Cleaners Cloth balers Cloth cutters Cloth menders Cloth steamers Combers Cotton shakers Creelers Designers DoflEers Donblers Drawers-in Drawers and drawing- frame tenders Dressers Drillers Dryers Dyers Engineers Filling carriers Finishers Folders Harness brushers Harness makers Helpers Inspectors Jack-frame tenders Laborers Lappers Loom fixers Machinists Nappers Oilers Packers Pickers Piecers Pressmen Printers Quillers Eeelers Kibbers Eoll coverers Rollers (cloth) Eojjers Eovers Eoving- frame tenders Scrubbers Section hands Sewers and seamers Shearers Sizers Slasher tenders Slubber tenders Sorters Sjiare hands Speeders Spinners Spoolers Spool fixers Stampers Starchers Sweepers Trimmers Twisters Warpers Washers Weavers Winders Wrappers Yarn pourers Other occupations not specified Use of Machiitery Usually, however, when the division of labor becomes as minute as that described, the routine-like process is handed over to a machine. Indeed Mr. John A. Hobson states as a law of machine industry the fact that as soon 52 Business Economics as a process becomes perfectly automatic and mechanical a machine is invented which can do the work better and more rapidly than human hands. Hand in hand, there- fore, with the subdivision of labor goes the extension of labor-saving machinery. Labor becomes relatively of less importance than capital in the new methods of pro- duction, and man becomes a machine tender rather than an independent producer. There are practical benefits and disadvantages con- nected w^ith this system. Many writers insist that the effect on the worker is narrowing in the extreme, but Pro- fessor Marshall points out that his labor as tender of a machine demands a higher order of intellectual develop- ment than that of a handicraftsman, and that he has more leisure, while the product of the present system is im- measurably greater than under the old hand methods. The manufacture of products by machinery has in turn required the making of machines by machinery, as the complex machines of today could not be turned out by hand methods. A characteristic feature of the modern factory system therefore has been the gro"\vth of the ma- chine trades, which supply the equipment of the new industry. Localization of Industry With the growing specialization of industry there has gone on an increasing localization in some favored spot or locality. Thus most of the collars and cuffs (85 per cent) manufactured in the United States are made in Troy, N. Y. ; 64 per cent of the oyster-canning is carried on in Baltimore; 54 per cent of the gloves are made in Gloversville, N. Y. ; 48 per cent of the coke in Connells- ville. Pa. ; 48 per cent of the brassware in Waterbury, Conn.; and 46 per cent of the carpets in Philadelphia. Capitalistic Production 53 Wliile there are undoubted advantages in such localiza- tion and specialization in a particular industry, such as reputation, growth of special skill, etc., there are also off- setting disadvantages, such as the complete prostration of the whole community if the particular trade upon which it depends is disastrously affected by trade de- pression or by a shifting of the industry to some other locality. Peoduction on a Large Scale More striking than the concentration of manufactures in particular places has been its concentration in a few large establishments and under the control of fewer indi- viduals. Without entering as yet into the discussion of the trust problem, we may at this time take up the earlier and important tendency of industry to be conducted on a large scale. This concentration into a relatively smaller number of establishments has been going on pretty steadily since 1850 and shows no signs of abate- ment at this time. In the case of the iron and steel indus- tries, cotton manufactures, and leather goods, the move- ment is positively startling, an actual decrease in the number of establishments having occurred in the half century. This is most marked in the monopolized in- dustries. At the same time there has gone on an enormous in- crease in the size of the individual plant, in the capital employed, the number of men employed, and the value of the product. Almost the only industries which have not yet displayed this tendency are those which are essen- tially local in their nature, as grist mills, cheese and butter factories, etc. But in general it is characteristic of manufactures in the United States. The same ten- dency has been manifest in the countries of Europe, 54 Business Economics 1. VALOE OF MANIiFACTUREO PfiODUCTS FOB 48 LEADING CITffiSeJSffl MILLION* OP DOLLARt IttWTORK CMtCAOO MfLAOELPMU •T^LOUia CLtVELANO OJETROtT vrrrsounoH eOSTON BUFFALO MILWAUKCf NCWARK Cincinnati BALTIMORC minneapolis KANSAS CtTV. KANS. AAN FRANCISCO ^ensev ciTT INDIAN A t>0Ll8 »ROVIDENCe flOCMESTCn VOUISVILLE SOUTH OMAHA VOUNOSTOWN LAWRCNCC NCW ORLEANS WORCESTEd BATONNI AKRON PERTH AMBOT tYNN PATEHSON LOS AftOELCS. BRtOOEPORT FALL RfVCn noAiA TOLEDO OMAHA •avtan LOWELL TONKER8 ST PAUL KANSAS CITT. ma ttltt BEDFORD, DENVlM ffCAOmO NEW HAVCN StAriLff WATCaSUHT 2. AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE EARNERS FOR 48 LEADING CmESi 1909 Mrw TOON Cf"C*00 OCT nor BO»T0M P«OViOt"Ct woacEaTiB MINH|*»0«.l» Ntw •UvtM «ATiAfti/a« TftJOO rniftCuM iOeAxaiLU CkWMN AMI ON KANU3 CiTT. Ma TO"I*S VOt«r6tTOwM «^-& Til United States Census Fig. 7. — Charts Showing the Relative Importance of the Leading American Cities as Manufacturing Centers though there a system of well-developed and fairly vigor- ous hand trades has resisted the movement and made the development in this respect much less rapid than in this country. The following tables explain more in particular the tendency toward concentration since 1850 : Capitalistic Production 55 o t^ i~, <£> CO 05 a < 125 o o 00 o o o o o o « ;; O O O O 10 o 00 ^ ^^ CO to g ^ 00 to ^^ *-^ m ^ 0J_ 00 " i-T o o o O 000 « ^^ J?. CO cs to 10 CI o o o o o_ O I-- 1-f 05 "^ '^ CI o o o o o o ro i~ to " CI '-\ •ee- •«• o o o o o o 10 «5 Cvl 10 t~ CI o o T^ fO to "^ ^ rt n <» >^ o a> o) aj bjD M be -Q cs rt 03 e tH s- ii a aj oj «j 3 > > > m H M H < c: a' a. a> - .* o '-^ C t- Co fu 2 00 ^.oJ o S c OS a °t to P oo'^W S. to (M «• «^ CO Oi 1—1 to ^^ C<1_ CI 1—1 •» ■«»■ o o o I- CI O^ O 00 00" oT CO C] I— I 1—1 o o o to Oi^ to ' o" o Cq 1— I rH o o J CI Th t^ rH €0*^ to" 06 1— ( o o CI C5 "*^ ""J, ^. Co" b-T oJ S ® 56 Business Economics Economies of Large-Scale Production Large-scale production is more profitable than produc- tion on a small scale in all industries which are subject to the law of increasing returns. By this, of course, is meant that the return in product for each additional dol- lar's worth of labor and capital employed grows greater, the larger the scale on which the enterprise is conducted. When this is true the big enterprise will be able to under- sell the little enterprises and eventually to drive them out of business. This is true not only in the competitive indus- tries, but also in those which enjoy a legal or a natural monopoly, as street railways, gas and water plants, etc., all of which show an irresistible tendency to consolida- tion. Before drawing any conclusions as to the desira- bility of such a movement, let us examine some of the economies of large-scale production. The most striking and the most important is the econ- omy in fixed capital. Concentration is a result of ma- chine production. As machinery becomes more expen- sive, the breaking up of the processes of manufacture into small parts requires more complex and detailed ma- chinery; a larger outlay is requisite for an up-to-date plant. Thus the average amount of capital invested in each iron and steel establishment in the United States increased from $47,000 in 1850 to $2,282,000 in 1910. The head of a steel company in Pittsburgh recently testified before the Industrial Commission that to build and equip a plant for the manufacture of iron and steel under mod- ern conditions would call for an investment of from $20,- 000,000 to $30,000,000. It is clear that under such condi- tions of expensive machine methods a small plant would have little chance of existence. Steam railways afford another good illustration of an industry in which enormous economies are effected by the Capitalistic Production 57 concentration of a number of small, independent lines under one unified control. Every machine is utilized to the utmost ; there is no needless duplication of machinery such as would occur if several small plants divided up the business, while expensive machines to carry on relatively small processes can be profitably installed. But other economies than those in the use of capital are present in large-scale production. A large concern can hire more expensive and better managers, can afford to experiment with new methods, can effect a more mi- nute and economical division of labor, as for example in the slaughtering business above referred to. A striking economy can also be effected in the utilization of what were formerly waste products, and still are in small con- ceras. This has been carried furthest in the oil-refining and meat-packing industries ; a recent statement of Swift & Company, for instance, alleged that the dividends on the stock were paid out of the by-products, such as neats- foot oil, land fertilizer, glue, fats, etc. Owing, however, to the generally wasteful methods prevailing in the United States, not so much attention has been given to this point as in England and Germany. A final economy which can be secured by a large business may be men- tioned, namely, carrying on allied or subsidiaiy proc- esses. Thus the Standard Oil Company builds its o^^^l pipe lines, makes its own barrels, tin cans, pumps, tanks, sulphuric acid, etc. Widening of the Maejket Such an extension in the size of the single establish- ment would not of course have been possible if improve- ments in the arts of communication and transportation had not at the same time immensely widened the market. As long as the market was local and a factory could af- 58 Business Economics ford to send its goods over only a limited territory, there was of course a fixed limit to the expansion of that indus- try. Now, however, when markets are often world-wide and the demand for goods has so enormously increased, when the modem railway and steamship can transport goods cheaply and quickly half around the globe, enter- prises can be expanded and conducted on a scale commen- surate with the expanded market and improved methods. It is clear then that the tendency to production on a large scale is the logical result of machine methods, that it secures great economies, and that in industries of in- creasing returns it is absolutely inevitable. Concentration in Other Industries But not only in manufacturing is this movement ob- servable. More recently concentration in large establish- ments has revolutionized the retail trade. Department stores have supplanted the small shops because they can buy on better terms, get cheaper transportation, offer a greater variety to the customer at a lower price, and save him time as well as trouble. The growing ease of communication with central shopping districts, the rapid changes in fashion with the consequent large variety which only a large establishment could afford to carry — all these factors have helped the movement along. There are limits to such a movement, for small tradesmen will always hold the repairing trades and the sale of perish- able goods; thus there are no businesses so scattered as the small stores of the butchers and the grocers. But on the whole we may safely conclude that the small store- keeper is doomed now just as the small manufacturer was two or three decades ago. In the carrying trade country carriers and a few cabmen in the cities are the only survivals of the small independent business; the Capitalistic Production 59 steam railroad and the electric railway have driven the small carrier out of business. In agriculture alone, where concentration is strictly limited by the necessity for intensive cultivation, and in professional and per- sonal service, where the very nature of the business pre- vents it, there is little or no development in the direction of large-scale methods. Effects of Industeial CoNCENTRATioisr The industrial and social effects of this development have been marked in all countries. In the United States the main attention has been given to the organization and development of machinery, and a wonderful industrial advance has followed the movement. The economic read- justments have consequently been made with comparative ease, and the labor set free by the invention of new ma- chines has been reabsorbed in the same or other indus- tries. Consequently the social effects have not been so marked as to call for special emphasis. As the same ques- tion presents itself, however, in connection with the more recent trust movement we may profitably defer its dis- cussion to the next section. Standardization There is one other characteristic feature of modem capitalistic machine industry wliich deserves special mention, especially as its development has been carried furthest in the United States. Reference is made to the system of stardardization and of interchangeable parts. In no single feature is the contrast between modern ma- chine methods and those of the old hand trades greater. By standardization is meant the production of so-called ** standard products" according to some acceptable size, form or shape. In the manufacture of screws or iron 60 Business Econoynics beams or even ready-made clothing, for example, certain dimensions and sizes which are best adapted for general use are selected as standard sizes and these are then turned out in large quantities by automatic machinery. The advantages of such a system, in cheapness, quickness of delivery, ability to replace a single broken part, etc., are numerous and manifest. The possibilities of standardization are strikingly shown in a recent international incident. The Egyptian Government desired a bridge for the Atbara at the earliest possible moment ; inquiry was made of the English bridgeraakers, but no promise of prompt delivery could be secured. Within twenty-seven days after the tender of the contract was made to an American firm the bridge was ready fo-r shipment. The feat, not a remarkable one, was due to the standardization of bridge material. This in itself was a guarantee of quick delivery and construction.^ Interchangeable Paets Standardization was followed by the system of inter- changeable parts, according to which each part of an in- tricate machine or product is made exactly like the same part in every other machine. The parts can thus be turned out in large quantities and assembled at a single operation. From the standpoint of the consumer or user of the machines thus made, the great merit of the system lies in the fact that he can quickly and at small expense duplicate any broken part. It is today applied to almost every product of large consumption, from agricultural implements and steam engines to watches and nails. By producing machinery on this plan it has been possible for American manufacturers to extend their trade very ma- terially in foreign lands. The newspapers once reported that Mr. E. H. Harriman had expended $65,000,000 in 2 McVey, Modern Industrialism, p. 145. Capitalistic Production 61 standardizing the equipment on his railroad systems; while this sum is enormous, it was undoubtedly justified by the increased economy in repairs and operation. TEST QUESTIONS 1. What is really meant by capital as used in modern in- dustry ? 2. How may capital be increased? 3. "What five causes does the census report give for the rapid industrial development in the United States? 4. "What definition has Carroll D. Wright given of a factory ? 5. Illustrate the two meanings which the words "division of labor" may indicate. 6. How does division of labor bring about the introduction of labor-saving machinery? 7. What are some of the economies of large-scale production? 8. What are some of the effects of industrial concentration? Illustrate. 9. How does standardization assist modern production? Give an example of standardization. CHAPTER V trusts and monopolies The Combination Movement We have already seen how production upon a large scale has superseded production upon a small scale in most important branches of manufactures. We have now to inquire whether production upon a large scale is in turn to be supplanted by single consolidated enterprises, by those combinations of capital known as trusts. Under one of these three conditions industry must be carried on. Few people wish to revert to the stage when produc- tion was carried on in small establishments, but warm controversy and difference of opinion still exist as to whether centralized management by a single company or combination offers superior advantages to production by independent competing establishments. The concentra- tion of production in a few large establishments has been followed by the consolidation of these larger units into a single whole. Since the days of Adam Smith capital has tended to combine for the purpose of fixing prices, and these com- binations have passed through several phases. The ear- liest form is the agreement of independent concerns to fix prices, as was done by the American railroads in their early traffic agreements. The next step was to divide the field, as has been done by the French railways and the American express companies. A third phase of com- 62 Trusts and Monopolies 63 bination was the pool, which attempted to regulate the output rather than to fix the price or divide the field. Railway, whisky, beam and other pools were organized for this purpose, but all broke down because of the diflS- culty of enforcing the agreement and the temptations to each member to break it secretly for the sake of the large profits obtainable. By this time it had become clear that if a real permanent consolidation of interests was to be secured by the competing enterprises, some closer form of combination must be devised which could not be broken at will by any member. An industrial union and not a loose confederation must be attained. Accordingly the next step was taken in 1882 by the formation of the Standard Oil Trust, so called because the constituent concerns handed over their business to the complete control of a central board of trustees, receiv- ing in return trust certificates which entitled them to dividends. Similar trusts were formed in the whisky, sugar, and other industries, but were speedily declared illegal by the federal Supreme Court. By this decision the form of combination was changed, but the movement itself was not at all checked. The next phase and the last was the establishment of holding corporations, which are organized to buy up and hold a majority of the stock of a number of individual corporations, wliicli still retain their corporate existence. In this way unity of control is secured, to which is added a certain flexibility; but it is really the trust under an- other legal form. Where pooling and combination by means of holding companies have been forbidden by law, as in the case of railroad companies, actual consolidation has often taken place, though when trusts are spoken of the other form of combination is more often meant. From the point of view of business organization the holding 64 Business Economics company is simply an extension of the principle of the corporation, and to a consideration of this we must there- fore turn. Individual and Paetnership Oeganization There are three classes of establishments by which in- dustry is carried on — those which are the property of an individual, those which belong to partnerships or firms of unlimited liability, and those which belong to corpora- tions of limited liability. The usefulness of the individ- ual system is of course limited to small undertakings, where but little capital and credit are necessary; this form of organization still dominates the field in agricul- ture, in the small retail trade, and in the repairing indus- tries. The partnership is a joint undertaking by two or more individuals and makes larger enterprises possi- ble, but as each individual is liable for all obligations of the firm or his partners his personal liability is greatly increased. It is well adapted to certain undertakings, such as moderate-sized mercantile establishments and professional firms, owing to a certain elasticity in the contractual relations of its members, but it is not suited to large industrial ventures, both because of the excessive personal liability and because of the necessity of dissolv- ing the partnership upon the death, withdrawal, or in- solvency of any member. CORPOEATIONS The advantage of the corporation lies in the fact that it has a continuous existence, and that the liability of the shareholders is limited to the amount of capital actually contributed by each ; it is well adapted to modern enter- prise because it permits the summation of large amounts of capital from a number of small savers and centralizes Trusts and Monopolies 65 the use of this capital in the most economical manner. There may thus be concentration of management without concentration of ownership. The federal census report on manufactures in 1910 showed that, although only one- fourth of the manufacturing establishments were organ- ized as corporations, yet they produced 79 per cent of the total manufactures in money value. The relative number of corporate enterprises showed an increase of nearly 100 per cent over that of 1900. In the field of transportation, corporations are in almost exclusive control. Most banks and insurance companies are organ- ized under this form, while mercantile and industrial undertakings are being more and more generally organ- ized as corporations. Not merely are most of our busi- ness enterprises being conducted under corporate form and organization, but most recently, as has been already pointed out, there has been a movement to combine indi- vidual corporations into larger concerns, or trusts. The trust is usually thought of as a monopoly and, while not necessarily so, it usually does exercise monopoly control ; but for the present we shall consider the trust problem from the standpoint of business organization, deferring to the end of the section the discussion of monopoly. Trusts The trust movement may be said to have begun with the formation of the Standard Oil Trust in 1882, but down to 1898 its progress was slow. Beginning with the revival of prosperity in 1898, however, there ensued a veritable stampede of business managers to enter into combinations. During the next three years 149 large combinations, with a capital of over $3,000,000,000, were formed. The movement spent most of its force by 1902, though it is by no means at an end yet. A few figures 66 Business Economics from reliable authorities will make clear tlie extent of the movement. According to the New York Journal of Com- merce, industrial (that is, manufacturing and commer- cial) and gas trusts were organized in the United States between 1860 and 1900, not including combinations in banking, shipping, railroads, etc., as shown in the accom- panying table : Decade NtJMBEB Okganized Total, Nominal Capital 1860-69 1870-79 1880-89 1890-99 2 4 18 157 $ 13,000,000 135,000,000 288,000,000 3,150,000,000 Total, 40 years 181 $3,586,000,000 Another more recent list bj^ John Moody ^ gives the number of industrial trusts organized down to January 1, 1904, as 318; these have acquired or control 5,288 plants and have a total nominal capital of $7,246,342,533. A movement so general and widespread and of such gigantic proportions must have had some powerful and intelligible causes behind it. For it was not confined to the United States, but was equally observable in such industrially diverse countries as England, France, Ger- many, Russia, and other European nations. Causes of the Teust Movement The most important and general cause was the desire to secure the legitimate economies of large-scale produc- tion. A combined or federated industry may secure even 1 The Truth Ahout the Trusts, p. 469. Trusts and Monopolies 67 greater economies than a single large factory. These have been concisely stated as follows : ^ The cost of management, amount of stock carried, advertising, cost of selling the product, may all be smaller per unit of product. A large aggregation can control credit better and escape loss from bad debts. By regulating and equalizing the output in the different localities, it can run more nearly full time. Being acquainted with the entire situation it can reduce the friction. A strong combination has advantages in shipment. It can have a clearing-house for orders and ship from the near- est source of supply. The least efficient factories can be first closed when demand falls off. Factories can be specialized to produce that for which each is best fitted. The magnitude of the industry and its presence in different localities strengthens its influence with the railroads. Its political as well as its economic power is increased. Economies in Marketing Many of these economies of production are not new to these trusts, but have been secured equally by large-scale manufacturing establishments. Some of the savings, especially in buying raw material and marketing their products, are peculiar to the trusts and mark a more ef- ficient mode of organization than mere concentration of industry in single large establislmients. Thus it has been found possible to dispense with a great number of traveling salesmen, of whom it was said that 30,000 lost their positions in the year 1898 alone. ^¥lien the whisky trust was formed only twelve of the eighty distilleries en- tering into the combination were kept running, but as these were the largest, best located, and best equipped, and were run at their full capacity, they were able to turn out as much as all had done before and at an immense 2 Fetter, Principles of Economics, p. 321. 68 Business Economics economy. The saving of cross freights by having an order filled from the plant most conveniently located is considerable; Mr. Gates estimated the saving of the American Steel & Wire Company in this single point at $500,000 a year. Such an economy could not be secured by a single establishment, no matter how well organized or on how large a scale. Economies in Integration The specialization of particular factories to do special processes is well illustrated by the organization of the United States Steel Corporation. The growth of this combination is an example not only of consolidation, but of the integration of industry, that is, the grouping to- gether under one control of a whole series of industries, including the economical use of by-products. From the mining of the ore and coal, through the processes of car- rying it to the furnaces, coking the coal and making the pig iron, manufacturing the latter into the finished forms of iron and steel products, and down to the marketing of the latter, every step is carried on under the control of the United States Steel Corporation. The assets of the company were stated as follows soon after its organiza- tion, and they illustrate the magnitude and scope of its operations : Iron and Bessemer ore properties $ 700,000,000 Plants, mills, machinery, etc 300,000,000 Coal and coke fields 100,000,000 Eailroads, ships, etc 80,000,000 Blast furnaces 48,000,000 Natural gas fields 20,000,000 Limestone properties 4,000,000 Cash and cash assets 148,251,000 Total $1,400^51,000 Trusts and Monopolies 69 The Intluence of Promoters In addition to economies due to improvements in meth- ods of organization, production, and marketing, another cause for the sudden and vigorous outburst of trust pro- motion in the years 1898-1902 may be found in the profits to be secured by promoters and organizers. After the successful launching of the first few trusts, with their un- doubted economies and advantages, the movement was taken in hand by professional promoters, who organized combinations, often with the help of underwriters, in every branch of industry where there was any promise of profit. That many of these were artificial or prema- ture is evident from the financial results. Of the 183 industrial combinations eniunerated by the census in 1900, one-third paid no dividends whatever after their formation and another one-third paid no dividends to the holders of common stock. As an indication of the profits obtained by the success- ful trust promoter may be cited the testimony given be- fore the Industrial Commission in the case of the Tin Plate Trust, stating that this promoter realized from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 profit from the undertaking. When to this is added the profit obtained by the owners of the constituent plants, which were usually taken over by the trust at an exorbitant valuation, it is clear that the stimulus of financial gain was probably stronger in many cases than that of economy in production. The bill was of course paid in most cases by the investing public, which absorbed large amounts of industrials in the years of their active promotion. Miscellaneous Causes of Trusts Other causes have sometimes been adduced to explain the growth of combinations, such as the tariff and rail- 70 Business Economics road freight discriminatiorLS, but these are too local in their influence to explain adequately the world-wide movement toward combination. Trusts exist in free- trade England, and in Germany where freight discrimi- nations on the state-OTSTied railroads are practically un- kno^ATi. It is, however, true that in the United States both these factors have been of decisive importance in building up certain powerful trusts. The conservative report of the Industrial Commission states as follows: There can be no doubt that in early times special favors from railroads were a prominent factor, probably the most important factor, in building up some of the largest combinations. The receipt of discriminating favors from railroads has been con- ceded repeatedly by representatives of the combinations them- selves. The Standard Oil, beef, coffee, steel, and other trusts may be cited as illustrations. In the matter of the tariff Mr. Havemeyer's statement that ''the mother of all trusts is the customs tariff law" may be set down as the rather peevish utterance of a disappointed beneficiary; but there is no doubt that combination has been made easier behind the tariff wall, for instance, the sugar trust itself, the leather, steel, tin plate, and others. Still other causes which have aided the trust movement are such factors as patents, the T\^deniiig of the market, and fluctuation in industry. That patents have aided the formation of trusts is well illustrated in the telephone business. All governmental privileges are apt to favor the combination movement. Through the invention and practical application of improvements in transportation, refrigeration, communication, credit facilities, and so on, not only have opportunities been created for the forma- tion of trusts in these lines, but the markets of the world Trusts and Monopolies 71 t. VALUE OF PRODUCTS FOR LEADING INDUSTRIES: 1909 AND 1899 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ■00 rao MCAT PAMIHO rovmnt and MACHinc-aHOM LUMSefl eTCEU ROLLINO MILLS FLOm-MILI,* mmTINO AND Pt/BLI9HIN0 COTTON 60009 •LOTHINO, MEN * BOOTS AND SH0C9 HVOOLEN 00009 TOOACCO RArLROAO SHOPS BAKERtES BLAST FWRNACtS CLOTHINO. WOMBN-S COPPER »MCLTINa ligUORS, MALT LMTHen (UOAR ANB WOLASSCS BMTTBR AND CHtCSC PAPER AND PULP MITOMOeiLES PVRWTURC PETROLEUM. RCPININQ ELECTRICAL APPAa*TU( LIQUORS. DISTILLED K|gT OOOOS CBWSR. TIN. AND »««ETJROM •ILK OOOOS LBAO SMELTING AND RrPmiNQ OAB. ILLUM.AND HEATINO •ARRIAGES AND WA00N8 OANNINO AND PRE6ERVIN0 DAA6S AND BRONZE OIL, COTTONSEED. AND CAKt AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS PATENT MEDICINES CONFECTIONERY RUBBER GOODS rOOO PREPARATIONS MINT AND VARNISH CADS, iTEAKMIAIUIOAO CHEMIOALS MARSLC AND tTant soAr eoFFtt AND emcM LIATMIR OOOOS rMTILlZMS Fig. 8.— These Tables Show tion United States Census the Relative Importance of Industries in Rela- to the Trust Movement 72 Business Economics were opened and invited selling on a large scale. Mar- keting often lends itself even better to centralized control than production. For this reason the expansion of the market must be counted as one of the factors in the modern trust movement. Fluctuations in industry usually aid combinations in competitive businesses in two ways. In the first place they are apt to force the weaker concerns to the wall, while the stronger can best survive the irregularities in supply and demand. Following the adjustment which takes place after every fluctuation, the stronger busi- nesses are better able to take advantage of new oppor- tunities and thus increase their economic position. In the next place fluctuations in industry encourage trusts because only by widespread co-operation can the amount of production be regularly adapted to the demand, and the demoralizing effects of over-production avoided. In this connection one should remember that the essence of all monopoly is control over supply. Economic Effects of Trusts Let us now turn to some of the effects of industrial combinations, which we may classify according as they bear upon competitors and producers of raw materials, labor, and consumers. As the number of competitors is reduced, the fierceness of competition among those re- maining in the field is greatly increased, for the value of the prize to the successful enterprise is correspondingly greater. It is not surprising therefore that at times this rivalry should have assumed unethical if not actually il- legal forms. The practice by some trusts of fixing prices below cost at some strategic point in order to crush out a troublesome competitor, and then correspondingly rais- ing them elsewhere so as not to sustain any loss, is seri- Trusts and Monopolies 73 ous because so subtle. Professor John B. Clark regards this as so serious an evil that he would have the Constitu- tion amended in order that power might be given the federal government to prevent it. The producers of raw materials, such as cattlemen, crude oil and coal producers, sugar and tobacco growers, and others, complain that the prices at which they sell their products are dictated to them by the trusts, which are practically the sole purchasers of what they have produced. They claim that prices are depressed to the lowest point possible and that every gain from increase of demand goes into the pockets of the trust managers. It may of course be answered that the trust cannot de- press prices below the point at which a living profit can be secured by the producer of the raw material or he will stop producing; but there is no doubt that the monopoly power possessed by the trust in such cases will sometimes be used to the disadvantage of those for whose product it alone offers a market. Trusts and Labor The effects upon labor of the organization of capital in combined industries and under centralized control are more complex. As trusts have superseded single corpo- rations because this mode of industrial organization was more economical, we must expect to find that one of the economies was the displacement of labor. The discharge of traveling salesmen has already been spoken of; with the consolidation of various plants under one control other high-priced men were let go — managers, superin- tendents, etc. The same thing was true at the other end of the industrial scale and thousands of workmen, usually the least efficient and capable, were deprived of work. The natural consequences of these combinations and 74 Business Economics economies were not clearly apparent at the time, because they were happily coincident with a period of business expansion and prosperity which reabsorbed into the in- dustrial organism most of the displaced workers. Another phase of the relation between trusts and labor is that of their effect upon wages. In general it may be said that there are only two sources out of which an in- crease of wages can be paid, and these are the profits of the business organizer and manager or the increased product of the business itself. Of these two only the latter can serve as a permanent source of higher wages. Now it is pretty evident that labor has not been in a position to force the trust magnates to forego their prof- its. On the other hand, wages in industries carried on by industrial combinations have risen, and it must therefore have been because there was more produced and consequently more to be divided. If the inefficient workers were discharged and only the best ones retained by the trusts, here is one explanation of why they could afford to pay high wages — they paid more because they got more done. As yet labor has not admitted that it is unable to cope with these industrial combinations ; it has demanded, however, that it be allowed to combine on a national scale and to bargain collectively with combined capital on behalf of united labor. Monopoly Control and Prices The discussion of the effects of trusts upon the con- sumer leads at once to the discussion of their effects upon prices, for it is through the agency of price that the trust touches the ordinary man. The advantages claimed by trust organizers are economies of production and lowered cost; but the ^n.tal question to the consumer is whether lowered cost increases profits or reduces prices. On this Trusts and Monopolies 75 point the Industrial Commission reaches the following conclusion : In most cases the combination has exerted an appreciable power over prices, and in practically all cases it has increased the margin between raw materials and finished products. Since there is reason to believe that the cost of production over a period of years has lessened, the conclusion is inevitable that the combinations have been able to increase their profits. Moreover the power over prices was greatest during certain periods when the control of the combinations was greatest. The problem therefore resolves itself into the question: Are trusts monopolies"? While a categori- cal answer cannot be given to this, it may safely be af- firmed that all trusts try to be monopolies. Nor is it necessary to control absolutely the production, sale, or purchase of a commodity in order to exercise monopoly power ; the control of 50 or 60 per cent may suffice to se- cure virtual monopoly. The purpose of a monopoly is so to fix the price that it will obtain the maximmn net profit. It is conceivable that this result may be attained by low- ering the monopoly price below the point of the competi- tive price, but this is unusual. In general a monopoly price has meant a high price, and a high price has meant a restriction of the output. Where that has been the re- sult of trust control, society has been injured, for not only has it not shared in the economies of production, but it actually gets less and has to pay more than it would have done under competition. It may be said, however, that even in the case of the greatest monopoly there is always the specter of poten- tial competition threatening its profits, while the possibil- ity of substituting some other commodity for the mo- nopolized article protects the consumer from too great 76 Business Economics extortion and keeps the price within limits. Absolute control over price is never exercised by any monopoly. Nevertheless, we may fairly conclude, in the words of Henry D. Lloyd, that '* monopoly is business at the end of its journey"; control over prices is the object of combination. Monopoly and Indtviduax, Opportunity There remains to be considered another charge of mo- nopoly which has been brought against the trust, the mo- nopoly of opportunity or the suppression of individual initiative. It is no longer possible, it is claimed, for the man of small means, even with good talents, to engage in business for himself; he must accept some subordinate position in a corporation where his individuality is checked and his power of initiative does not find free play. So far as this is true it would seem to be the result not so much of the trust movement as of large-scale pro- duction. We have seen that the tendency of machine pro- duction is to enlarge the business unit and to call for the investment of constantly larger amounts of capital in up- to-date establishments. Some writers even, point out that the average business man who engages in business on his own account fails, and that he should therefore be grate- ful if more efficient producers offer him a remunerative and steady salaried position. Without insisting upon this point, we may remark that there are still large fields of enterprise lying outside the area of monopolistic control. Large-scale production is best adapted to articles that can be turned out in large quantities according to uniform patterns and standards; individual initiative is still free in those lines of production that call for artistic ability or appeal to individual Trusts and Monopolies 77 tastes, or which, like agriculture, are dependent upon variable conditions.^ Monopoly Evils There are, however, other evils connected with trust organization and management that are more easily reme- diable and that call for legislative regulation. *'Tbe evils of combination, remedied by regulative legislation, ' ' concludes the report of the Industrial Commission,^ ''come chiefly from two sources: (1) the more or less complete exercise of the power of monopoly; (2) decep- tion of the public through secrecy or false information. ' ' Various remedies have been suggested to meet the first class of evils, those of monopoly, generally in the direc- tion of strengthening the powers of the federal govern- ment. We have however no lack of legislation on this subject already. Thirty-four states and territories have passed anti-trust laws, and the federal Anti-Tinist Law of 1890 explicitly provides that "every contract, combi- nation in the form of a trust or otherwise, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce among the several states, or with foreign nations, is hereby declared il- legal." The severe restrictive measures of the states have been largely nullified by the loose legislation of three or four ''charter-granting" states, in which 95 per cent of all the trusts have accordingly been chartered, while the federal enactments have been found very diffi- cult to enforce. It is not easy to define or to prove mo- nopoly or conspiracy in restraint of trade. The second class of evils has been met by statutes re- quiring publicity and more definitely fixing the responsi- bility of corporation officials. Such measures of control 8 Bogart, Economic History of the United States, p. 412. 4 VoL XIX, p. 645. 78 Business Economics must be the first step toward intelligent regulation and are to be commended as thoroughly reasonable. The es- tablishment of the federal Bureau of Corporations with power to ''investigate" industrial corporations engaged in interstate commerce has already led to the publication of some valuable reports. We must first proceed along the lines of publicity and intelligent information before we attempt more drastic remedies. The monopoly evils of trusts will probably be controlled more and more by state and national industrial commissions with powers similar to those of the Interstate Commerce Commission. The federal Trade Commission, organized in 1915, has been created for this purpose. TEST QUESTIONS 1. Account for the development of the combination movement in modern industry. 2. Enumerate the phases through which combiaations for the purpose of fixing prices have passed. 3. What have been some of the chief causes of the trust move- ment ? 4. How does the combination movement bring about economies in marketing? 5. What is meant by integration? What has been its influ- ence upon the combination movement? 6. What are some of the benefits to be derived from the trust movement? 7. How is the trust problem related to the labor problem? 8. What are the peculiar dangers which result from monop- oly in industry? 9. How are governments attempting to control the mojiopoly evil ? 10. What is a holding company? How is centralized control secured through this device? CHAPTER VI speculation and crises Speculative Risks in Industey An unavoidable element of risk enters into all modern business. In the old handicraft stage of industry goods were made upon order; demand preceded supply very definitely, and there was little possibility of mistakes in production. Nowadays, as we have seen, production is for a distant and often uncertain market. It is carried on by machine methods and roundabout processes ; some- times the result is a very remote one and the uncertainty of success is correspondingly great. Production is not based upon order, but upon a forecast of the possible demand, upon a future market. Chance and change are inseparable from productive enterprise — natural chances from the elements, political changes, such as war or unfavorable legislation, indus- trial mistakes, sickness or death of oneself or others, and economic changes, like the invention of a new machine or a change in fashion. These are the unavoidable inci- dents in industry and are not under the control of the individual business. Some of them, however, are so regu- larly recurrent that they can be foretold on a large scale for any industrial society and can be guarded against by insurance. Everyone recognizes the desirability of hav- ing such risks as those of fire, shipwreck, lightning, death, etc, assumed by certain individuals or companies who 79 •80 Business Economics make a business of such risk-taking. A small premium is paid by the individual for protection against anxiety due to fear of mischance, and he is able to devote his whole energies and capital to his business; the insurance com- pany has specialized in this one department and by equalizing the chances over a wide field has practically eliminated them. In doing this it performs a service of recognized and undoubted social value. Function of the Speculator There is another kind of risk-taking, the social utility of which is not at first sight so clear. Among the chances of productive enterprise are those due to the rise and fall in the prices of the raw materials, the labor, and the fin- ished product between the time when the process of pro- duction is begun and the time when it is completed. Every farmer, every manufacturer, every student even who invests capital in his own education, is to some ex- tent a speculator. Along certain lines he can protect him- self by insurance, but that is not possible in all. Is there no way, then, by which he can guard himself against price fluctuations and assure himself of the legitimate gains of his business? This, it may be answered, is the function of the speculator in modern business, and in performing this service he is benefiting society in much the same way as the insurance company does. We must, however, clearly distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate speculation; we are discussing only the former. Services of Stock and Produce Exchanges One way in which the speculative risk attaching to price fluctuations is reduced for the manufacturer and assumed by the speculator is by the establishment of a continuous open market, like the stock arid produce- ex- Speculation and Crises 81 changes. If a miller, for instance, engages to deliver flour a year hence and expects to begin milling in six months, he must know at what price he can buy his wheat when he needs it, or his anticipated gain may be turned into a loss by an unexpected rise in the price of wheat. He is able, however, to buy a future in wheat on the pro- duce exchange from some broker who makes a specialty of this business. He buys his needed wheat now for de- livery six months hence, and on the basis of this price is able to accept an order for his flour a year from now, al- lowing himself a fair profit as a miller but wholly elimi- nating the speculative risk of price fluctuations. Or a building contractor, before making an estimate of the cost of erecting a structure, will secure options at definite prices from dealers on the materials he will require. So, too, in the iron and steel business it is customary for man- ufacturers to contract in advance for materials at the same time that they accept orders for the delivery of the finished products. In all these cases the business of dealing in futures is assumed by a particular class of people who have de- veloped a special skill and ability in forecasting price variations and who can do so very accurately. It is not a matter of luck or chance, but the result of wide knowl- edge and careful study. ' ' To foretell the price of wheat one must know the rainfall in India, the condition of the crop in Argentina, must be in touch as nearly as possible with every unit of supply that will come into the market. ' ' Sometimes the speculators make mistakes, but they are certainly less apt to do so than men who are without their special talent and training. Benefits of Speculation The social value of this service lies in the equalization of demand and supply between the present and future 82 Business Economics that is thereby effected. Let us take as an illustration the case of the miller cited above. If the price of wheat is high at the time he accepts the order for flour, he will be inclined to charge a high price. But the wheat broker, foreseeing that there is going to be an abundant crop six months hence, engages to sell him his wheat for future delivery at a low price, and he is thereby enabled to sell his flour at a lower price. At the same time the price of the wheat on hand at the present time, instead of being held and sold at famine prices, is consumed for present needs at moderate prices. The operations of the wheat brokers in such a case have a very steadying influence on prices, preventing the oscillation between very high prices in times of scarcity and very low prices in times of glut. It must be admitted that dealings in futures are highly speculative; "but it must be remembered that it is not merely the dealings in futures, but the future itself, that is uncertain. If such dealings can be confined to the men most competent to make accurate predictions, their tendency will clearly be to lessen the uncertainties of business." ^ But closely connected with legitimate speculation or risk-taking by a specialized and trained class, there is, as our stock and produce exchanges are actually conducted, a large amount of illegitimate speculation, and to this we mav now turn for a brief consideration. Illegitimate Speculation The facilities offered by the open markets on the ex- changes and the practice of dealing in futures are taken advantage of by many who, without any special training or opportunities of knowing the market, simply bet on the 1 Seager, Introduction to Economics, p. 176. Speculation and Crises 83 price movements. Brokers are willing to buy and sell produce or stocks for their customers if the latter will put up with them a margin of about 10 per cent to protect them from loss. It is therefore possible for a person with little capital and no knowledge to speculate on a margin, buying what he does not want and selling what he does not own. In practice it is impossible to distin- guish between those dealings in which actual delivery is intended (legitimate speculation) and those in which no such delivery is contemplated (gambling), and conse- quently most efforts to regulate transactions on the ex- changes have failed to accomplish their purpose. The purification of their methods would seem to lie with the members of such exchanges themselves. The contention has often been made that these fictitious transactions in such commodities as wheat or corn or cotton create an artificial reduction in prices, since the professional gambler usually sells short or "bears" the market, and that this injuriously affects the farmer. This is manifestly untenable, since every fictitious sale must be balanced by a fictitious purchase. What actually takes place is simply a bet between the two parties to such a transaction on the actual course of prices and of itself does not affect prices, except in the unusual case of a * 'corner." There is, however, great possibility of evil in the presence of a crowd of uninformed speculators, for they can greatly increase the power of an unscrupu- lous operator who can persuade them to follow his lead. Their presence, too, increases the temptation to such a man to rig the market. Under present conditions the abuses of speculation are more in evidence than the eco- nomic advantages. How to confine speculation to the small group of risk-takers who have special training and aptitude for it, and to prevent gambling on the stock and 84 Business Economics produce exchanges is one of the economic problems of the clay. Ceises One of the most striking phenomena of modem indus- try is the frequent and violent convulsions of business known as "crises." They are characteristic of all com- mercially advanced countries and are generally most marked in those countries which are most advanced. They are a product of modern methods of capitalistic production and are essentially a phenomenon of the nine- teenth century. A crisis in its last analysis is the result of a lack of adjustment between production and consump- tion, due primarily to mistakes in production. It is sig- nificant that crises usually occur in periods of business prosperity, when credit is easy, prices high, and employ- ment general. Such a period of business prosperity and rising credit may have been begun by a series of good har- vests. The demand for manufactured commodities in- creases, prices rise, manufacturers enlarge their factories or engage in new enterprises, Avages and profits go up. Many speculators, seeing the rise and thinking it will continue, borrow money to buy goods, with the expecta- tion of selling again at a profit. Credit operations are expanded to a dangerous extent, and when at last a shock to confidence occurs the house of cards collapses and a painful liquidation and readjustment of industry ensues. The state of trade, in the words of Lord Overstone, "re- volves apparently in an established cycle. First we find it in a state of quiescence — next improvement, growing confidence, prosperity, excitement, over-trading, convul- sion, pressure, stagnation, distress, ending again in quiescence." Speculation and Crises 85 ANALYSIS OF A CRISIS The immediate occasion of a crisis is always a shock to credit or confidence. Such a. shock, begun perhaps by the failure of a bank or merchant, creates a demand for ready money. No one is sure that his neighbor will re- main solvent. Everyone accordingly tries to secure him- self against loss by enlarging his cash reserve and thus lessens the supply for others. Now modern industry is carried on by means of credit. There is at no one time enough money in the country to meet all obligations ex- pressed in terms of money. Considerably over three- fourths of the larger commercial transactions in the United States are carried on by means of credit. If everyone tries at the same time to get actual cash, there is simply not enough money in the country to go around. This increase of demand and diminution in the supply of money force up the interest rate on short-time loans. Money — actual cash — is needed by many people to meet immediate engagements and they are willing to pay almost any price for it. In the last panic the rates for call money went up to over 100 per cent and in many dties in the United States clearing-house certificates and other substitutes for money were issued for use in ordi- nary retail trade. But even at these very high rates money can often not be borrowed. Many merchants and manufacturers are compelled to sell their goods at a sacrifice in order to obtain it. Vast quantities of goods and securities are thrown on the market just when investors and consum- ers feel least able to purchase. The result is a fall in prices. Such a fall in prices lowers profits. Enterprises have been started and engagements made on the supposi- tion that prices would continue at the old high level. 86 Business Economics When they fall it is impossible to pay interest out of cur- rent earnings. Foreclosures and readjustments take place. There is a general liquidation and reorganization of industry. When interest contracts have been adjusted, then the effect on wages begins to be felt. As long as a manufacturer is struggling to maintain his credit he will keep his factory going, but when he has failed and per- haps been foreclosed, then the factory stops. Men are thrown out of work, and wages — the price of labor — fall. Labor troubles usually mark the end of such a period of readjustment. EECURRENCE OF CRISES This stage marks the end of the crisis and the begin- ning of a period of depression or *4iard times," which continues for a longer or shorter period. The panic of 1893 was followed by a long-continued depression which lasted until 1897, a period w^hich was marked by low prices and slack work. In 1898 began a revival of busi- ness and an era of marked prosperity set in which con- tinued for almost ten years, interrupted only slightly by a ''Wall Street panic" in 1903. In October, 1907, a severe crisis occurred, recovery from which, however, was re- markably rapid. The periodicity which has attended crises in the past is so marked — occurring as they have at intervals of about ten years — that many writers con- sider them inevitable. As the easiest way to answer this question we may take up three main theories as to the causes of crises. THE STJN-SPOT THEORY OF CRISES A much quoted, but now generally discredited, theory is that of W. S. Jevons, a noted English economist, who ascribed crises to sun-spots. Every ten years and a f rac- Speculation and Crises 87 tion there occur outbursts of electrical and heat energy on the sun, which we call sun-spots. These result in in- creased heat waves, which affect the crops on the earth, causing enlarged harvests in Europe and the United States and drought and famine in India and the tropics. The large harvests and good prices start a wave of pros- perity and speculation, which culminates inevitably in a panic and depression, until a recurrence of the heat phe- nomenon starts the cycle again. The theory states some undoubted facts, but no causal connection between sun- spots and crises can be traced, as the latter are too irreg- ular and the two do not always coincide. Were this the- ory true, crises would be beyond human control. THE OVEK-PRODUCTION THEORY OF CRISES A second theory, or group of theories, is that which attributes crises to over-production. Under modern con- ditions of industry a small group of men direct industry and determine what shall be produced. They try to esti- mate future demand and to adjust production to con- sumption, but they often make mistakes. They divert capital into unproductive industries, they produce the wrong things and create a comparative glut in certain lines, and when they cannot sell their goods at a profit- able price they fail and precipitate a crisis. Industry must then be reorganized and frequently control be put in the hands of other men. A variation has been given this theory by the socialists, under the leadership of Rodbertus, who insist that the reason that there is over-production is because of the in- stitution of private property. Since the capitalists own all the tools of production they pay the laborers only starvation wages. The latter cannot possibly buy all that is produced and commodities consequently heap up 88 Business Economics in the warehouses until they are thrown upon the mar- ket to be sold at any price. Then a panic occurs and a readjustment of production takes place. THE CREDIT THEORY OF CRISES The last of these theories regards a crisis as essentially due to a failure of credit. It is seen that a large part of modern industry is carried on with borrowed capital, by roundabout processes, and for a distant market and not upon order. That is, the success of a business depends upon its ability to sell its goods when produced. Now the aggregate volume of transactions that can be carried on in a year, so runs the theory, depends upon the efficiency of the credit system — that is, in general, upon the freedom with which banks are willing to loan money to people who engage to repay it in the future out of their ventures. If for any reason the banks reduce this accommodation the amount of business that can be transacted upon borrowed capital is lessened. Either some transactions must stop or prices must fall. Either of these events causes com- mercial disaster. The contraction of credit makes it im- possible to get the goods into the right hands, and so we have the phenomenon of over-production in a great many lines. As exchange and transportation have developed and markets mdened, crises have become more universal. According to this theory, they are inseparably connected with the use of credit and can be controlled only by a more careful granting of credit by the banks to industrial managers. Another phase of the credit theory is presented by those who insist that the cause of crises is the rh5i;hmic over-estimation of the profits to be secured out of certain lines of production, or their over-capitalization. The new enterprises are financed by the banks on the basis of Speculation and Crises 89 this mistaken over-capitalization, their organizers en- gage to pay rates of interest which they cannot earn, and the crash inevitably follows. This is often called the over-capitalization theory, and it is essentially psycholog- ical in its character. There is no doubt as to the truth contained in this last theory. It helps to explain the rhythmic periodicity of crises. After every period of business depression con- fidence revives and hope is renewed; over-estimation of the success of new ventures is inevitable. Then follows a mistaken investment of capital in certain lines of pro- duction, as in railroads in 1884, and a relative over-pro- duction of certain commodities at profitable prices. The true explanation seems to be found in a combination of the over-production and over-capitalization theories. CAN CRISES BE PREVENTED ? The practical problem that presents itself in this con- nection is the question as to whether it is possible to pre- vent the recurrence of crises. In view of the explanation just given it would seem that they must be regarded as unpreventable as long as industry is carried on under the competitive capitalistic system of production and the modern credit system. Moreover crops differ in amount from year to year and probably always will. Human pro- duction and human genius are unequal. Crises may be regarded as the price a progressive society pays for its advance, and they may be expected to recur pretty regu- larly at periodic inter^^als. Their disastrous effects may, however, be greatly lessened by wise currency legislation, by greater care in granting credit, and by greater Avisdom in the direction of individual effort. 90 Business Economics TEST QUESTIONS 1. What are some of the factors that make chance and change inseparable from modern industry? 2. How does the speculator reduce for the merchant the speculative risk attached to price fluctuations? Illustrate. 3. How do stock and produce exchanges assist the speculator in this function? 4. Explain the difference between legitimate speculation and gambling. 5. What is meant by a crisis? 6. Discuss the immediate occasion of a crisis. 7. Account for the recurring features of crises. 8. What was Jevons' sun-spot theory of crises? 9. Explain the overproduction theory of crises. Suggest an illustration from our own history that would seem to support this theory. 10. What are the essential characteristics of the credit theory of crises? 11. What theory of crises seems most reasonable to you? 12. What suggestions have you to make as to how crises may be prevented? CHAPTER VII the modern wage system The Factory System and Labor We have already characterized the modern system of industry as capitalistic, that is, as involving the use of expensive and complex machinery in factories under the control of the capitalist managers of industry. As we have seen, such a system has caused an enormous in- crease in the production of wealth ; it has also raised the general standard of comfort and the level of wages and has relieved labor to a considerable extent of the deadly strain of hard manual toil that was characteristic of pre- ceding systems. The factory system, under which capitalistic produc- tion is now carried on, may also fairly be credited with other beneficial results. As steadiness and punctuality are essential, it has on the whole led to increased sobriety and temperance; the work in general is healthier, being performed under better sanitary conditions than under the old domestic system; the intellectual status of the workingman has been raised, as vastly more intelligence is required of a skilled machine operator than of the old- time hand laborer; and finally the general well-being of the working class has been improved, as they have shared in the larger production made possible by machine methods. 91 92 Business Economics But, on the other hand, the new processes and methods have been accompanied by great abuses, though never so great in this country as in England. Long hours, the employment of women and children, the weakened eco- nomic position of the laborer, fluctuations in production, liability to be without employment, industrial accidents, the abolition of personal ties between employer and em- ploye, the crowding of workmen into a small space to work by day, and their concentration in city tenements by night — these are some of the problems for which the factory system must be held responsible. The condition and position of labor have been vitally affected. So far we have considered mainly the problems connected with the organization and use of capital. We must now take up the various questions connected with the relation of labor to capital and to the capitalistic system of pro- duction. The Wage-Eaening Class One of the most vital factors in the situation — which we must frankly admit at the start — is the existence in modern industrial society of a distinct wage-earning class. It is perfectly obvious that under present condi- tions of production great capital or great ability is nec- essary in order to become the manager of an industrial enterprise. Most laborers do not possess either the one or the other of these, and although there are fortunate ex- amples of industrial leaders who have risen from the ranks, the general rule is, once a wage-earner, always a wage-earner. The number of those who can achieve industrial inde- pendence is moreover growing smaller as business be- comes more specialized and centralized. The laborer therefore belongs to a class which'is rapidly developing Modern Wage System 93 what the German socialists call *' class-consciousness," that is, the feeling that he belongs to a distinct industrial group with interests different from and often antagonis- tic to those of other groups or classes. In his struggles with employers over wages this antagonism of immediate aims obscures the deeper mutuality and interdependence of their really complementary interests and not infre- quently leads to a feeling of hostihty, finding expression in strikes and labor agitation. Dependence of the Wage-Eaener In the transition to the factory system Mr. John A. Hobson ^ points out that the position of the laborer has been one of increasing dependence in the following five important points: First, ownership of material. At first the worker owned this and made it into the finished product, but now he has only a passing interest in a small part of the process of working it up. Second, ownership of tools. He retained these up to the time of the introduction of machinery, but now sel- dom owns them. Third, control of productive power. With the displace- ment of hand labor and muscular power by steam-driven machinery, he no longer owns even this. Fourth, relations between workers and employers. They were formerly on an equality ; under the guild sys- tem the master and the apprentice had the same social position; now the laborer has sunk in the scale, or the employer has risen, until the only bond between them is, as Carlyle said, the ''cash nexus." A case was re- cently instanced where a workingman who had been 1 Evolution of Modern Capitalism, p. 35. 94 Business Economics working in a factory met his employer for the first time at the end of seventeen years. Fifth, work-place. Until the establishment of the fac- tory system this had always been the home ; now it is the factory, and there is a complete divorcement between work and the home. The Wage System Another characteristic of modern industry from the labor point of view is the existence not merely of a wage- earning class, but, more fundamental, of the wage sys- tem. President Hadley, of Yale University, writes as follows : ^ It is characteristic of the modern industrial system that a laborer who owns no capital, though nominally free to do what he pleases, must actually find some property owner who will give him enough to keep him alive during the period which must elapse between the rendering of the labor and the sale of the finished product. Under such circumstances, the laborer almost inevitably submits to the direction of the property owner in deciding how his labor shall be applied. Laborers without cap- ital must necessarily work on this basis; even those who have small amounts of capital habitually do so. Such advances of capital are known as wages^ Here we have the essence of the wage system in a nut shell. The laborer sells his labor to an employer for a stipulated wage. He has a conmiodity, his labor, consist- ing of a certain amount of strength and skill, which he is free to dispose of on the market to tlie best advantage, as the owner of any other commodity might do. Legally, labor is property. 2 Economics, p. 121. Modern Wage System 95 Owing, however, to the fact that all modern production requires capital, the only buyer of his labor is a capi- talist, who directs the way in which the labor shall be applied. Such a condition, as well as some peculiarities of the commodity — labor, leaves the laborer, indeed, only nominally free. In theory the labor contract is a per- fectly free contract, entered into voluntarily by both em- ployer and wage-earner, and the courts have generally insisted that this theoretical freedom must be main- tained. In practice various modifications of the theory have taken place. Legislation has been passed protect- ing laborers from bargaining away their rights, and trade unions have been formed to bargain collectively for a group of laborers. In the last analysis, however, the laborer must support himself by the sale of his labor ; society guarantees him neither a living nor even the right to work. He is a bargainer in a competitive industrial world and he must assume the responsibility of providing for himself and his family by securing w^ork. Just what is involved in such a statement is perhaps best brought out by comparing the modern wage system with pre- vious systems of labor. The Evolution of the Wage Contract The first historical system of labor, aside from that in the family, was that of slaves. In this case the labor was forced and, being given under coercion, was prob- ably very inefficient ; but the laborer was at least assured of a minimum of food, clothes, and shelter. Slavery was the main source of manual labor in the ancient world, and did not disappear in England until the eleventh cen- tury. The feudal system of the Middle Ages was char- acterized by serfdom, according to which the laborer was bound to the soil and was compelled to render his lord 96 Business Economics certain services. Gradually serfdom was broken down and the wage system took its place, although remnants of serfdom remained in England until the eighteenth century. Four centuries before this, however, the disintegration of the feudal society had already begun, the serfdom of the agricultural laborer was commut-ed into regular money payments, and the artisan bought or otherwise secured his freedom from feudal exactions. In the towns industry was regulated by the guilds, and while at first they were distinctly beneficial, in time they became mo- nopolistic and oppressive. Power was lodged in the hands of the wealthy traders and merchants and they leg- islated in their own behalf against the growing class of laborers, as did the wealthy landowners against the agri- cultural laborers. The Statute of Laborers and other acts sought to fix wages and to prevent the freedom of the laborer in moving about or choosing his own occupa- tion. Not indeed until the nineteenth century were the last of these old regulative laws repealed and the mod- ern labor contract recognized in law and practice as a free contract. "The growth of labor," says Brentano, **has been from the system of authority to the system of contract." The system of authority, by which rates of wages, length of apprenticeship, and other details of in- dustry w^ere fixed by some superior authority, was found to be restrictive, uneconomic, and unjust, and it gave way to the principle of economic freedom. According to the newer theory, first given effective voice in 1776 by Adam Smith, the individual should be left to himself, as he knows his own interest better than does the most enlight- ened government. The freest scope was given to the powers of individuals and each was to be the unlimited master of himself and his possessions. Modern Wage System 97 Public Regulation op Labor Conditions It has since been found necessary, however, to modify both the theory and practice of this extreme individualism in order to protect the interests of various classes of so- ciety, especially the laborer. The legal theory still is that "today the labor contract is perfectly free: either side may make whatever contract he can get the other side to sign. Not only this, but either side may freely combine to demand any form of contract from the other side, as mere combinations alone are now made perfectly legal. " ^ In practice, however, this complete freedom has been greatly modified by factory acts, acts restricting the hours and conditions of employment of women and chil- dren, anti-truck acts, laws providing for weekly pay- ments, guarding of machinery, limiting the hours of la- bor, and on the other hand prohibiting intimidation and molesting. For the most part these laws have applied to women and children, who are thought less capable of guarding their own interests, and to a much less degree to labor contracts made by men, who have been consid- ered better able to make equal contracts with employers. But concerning certain conditions of employment it has been realized that even adult males are not capable of securing equitable bargains, and along these lines the nominal freedom of the labor contract has been decidedly abridged. The attitude of the courts toward such legisla- tion shows that they have declared many laws unconsti- tutional on the ground that they infringe upon the right of free contract, but in the long run seem inclined to up- hold as much of this restrictive legislation as seems nec- essary to obviate the undoubtedly evil results that flow from this real inequality of employer and laborer. 3 Stimson, Labor in its Eelation to Law, p. 51 98 Business Economics It is a very vital and important practical economic problem that presents itself in this connection. How far shall we carry this regulative principle, or how far shall we insist upon the principle of freedom? Many labor leaders are again asking for an effectual control of the la- bor contract, not by the action of trade unions, but by the direct legislation of the state. What shall be our attitude to this demand? Before we can fairly answer this ques- tion we must consider somewhat more fully the character of the bargain that takes place between an employer and an individual workman and the nature of the commodity that the laborer has to sell. Labok's Bargaining Power It has already been stated that the commodity which the laborer brings upon the market is his labor, that is, himself, his time, and his energies. But these wares are peculiar and differ in several important respects from or- dinary marketable commodities. In the first place labor is like a perishable commodity which must be sold at once if the owner is not to incur loss. The laborer has usuallv little if any capital with which to support himself in case he cannot find work, and he may be compelled to make a forced sale of his labor, that is, to accept unduly low wages. In this respect then he is at a disadvantage in bargaining with his employer. A second peculiarity of the sale of labor is that the laborer and his work are in- separable. The seller of an ordinary commodity disposes of it absolutely when he makes a sale. It matters nothing to the seller of bricks whether they are to be used in building a palace or a sewer; but it matters a great deal to the seller of labor, who undertakes to perform a task of given difficulty, whether or not the place in which it is to be Modern Wage System 99 done is a wholesome and a pleasant one, or whether or not his associates will be such as he cares to have. The person who buys this labor necessarily directs the application of it to the task in hand, and thus controls very largely the place, the sanitary and social conditions, the hours, the character, and safety of the work. In the third place the superior knowledge and intelligence of the employers give them an advantage in bargaining with their employes, while the reluctance of employers to ''spoil the labor market" often prevents that freedom of competition which is supposed to secure to the laborer his full share of the product he helps to produce. Necessity of Protective Legislation In \dew of these facts we may fairly conclude that workmen are inferior to employers as bargainers and that protective legislation is necessary in order to put them on a real equality. When laborers have to make a forced sale of their labor, their freedom of contract is more nominal than real. When women and children stand individually before the manager of hundreds of thousands of capital, it is possible that there may be little freedom and less equality in the contract by which they sell their services.^ It is clear that between two parties of such unequal knowledge, resources, and ability as a laborer and his employer the labor contract cannot be entirely free and equal. AVhile trade unions, by combining isolated work- men into formidable and unified groups, have immeas- urably increased their bargaining strength, yet legisla- * Bullock, Introduction to the Study of Economics, p. 428. 100 Business Economics tion has also been found necessary to remedy the disad- vantages already enumerated. It is realized that ** there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of un- equals." In the opening chapter of this book attention was called to the fact that economic freedom or liberty was one of the corner stones of our modern industrial society. But freedom can best be secured by securing equality and responsibility. Factory legislation and labor laAvs are designed to correct the inequalities imposed by na- ture or involved in the very nature of capitalistic pro- duction. Direct interference by the state in the freedom of contract is justified as leading to a more real and cer- tain equality and liberty. But while we may thoroughly approve the principle of labor legislation it is difficult to know at what point we should stop. A leading American authority on the law of labor has stated ^ that "the industrial laborer at least is beginning to be a privileged class in the law." On the other hand, it was possible for Disraeli to say as late as 1875, after the passage of the Employers and Workmen Act by the British Parliament, that "for the first time in the history of this country employer and employed sit under equal laws." So recently were the legal disabilities removed under which the English workmen had suffered up to this time.'' The pendulum has SA\Ting so rapidly and so far in labor's direction in the last generation that it is a fair question how far it will, or should, continue to go. 5 Stimson, Labor in Its Eelation to Law, p. 71. 6 Euegg, Law of Employer and Workman in England, p. 99. Modern Wage System 101 TEST QUESTIONS 1. How is the modern wage system dependent upon the fac- tory system in industry? 2. What do we mean by a distinct wage-earning class? To what problems does it give rise? 3. Name five points which IMr. Hobson gives to show that in the transition to the factor}^ system, the position of the laborer has been one of increasing dependence. 4. What is President Iladley's explanation of the wage sys- tem? 5. Why has the wage contract been subject to severe ques- tioning during the last quarter of a century? 6. What does Brentano mean by the sentence, "The growth of labor has been from the system of authority to the system of contract"? 7. How has the extreme individualism of Adam Smith's theory been modified? 8. What are the three peculiarities in the sale of labor? 9. Why has protective labor legislation become a necessity? CHAPTER VIII labor organizations and collective bargaining Causes of Labor Organizations As modern capitalistic production caused the growth of a distinct wage-earning class and brought about a sharp separation between employers and laborers, and as the latter were thrown upon their own resources under the prevailing theories of free competition and free con- tract, it was inevitable that they should organize to se- cure their interests as a class. The growth of labor or- ganizations has been greatest in those countries where the laborer has been forced to depend mostly upon his own efforts for protection and improvement, namely, in England and the United States. On the continent of Europe, on the other hand, where the individual has been accustomed to look to the government for the redress of industrial grievances, there has been a much less vigor- ous and spontaneous development of such organizations. They are a product of the nineteenth century and had their origin in modern machine production. Types of Labor Organizations The growth of labor organizations in the United States has proceeded hand in hand with the industrial develop- ment of this country, and has been especially rapid since the Civil War. Two distinct types of trade unions may be noted: the local and the national (or international) 102 Labor Organizations 103 unions. The former, whieli comprises members who live and work in the same locality, is the primary unit, and dates back to the beginning of the century. Each local union, even when subordinate to a national organization, is a self-governing unit and is absolutely democratic. Its relation to the national body has been well compared to that of one of our states to the United States. The first national union was not formed until 1850, but now these far surpass the locals in importance. Their government is representative, as they are made up of local unions. The great majority of the national trade unions are bound together in the powerful federal organization, the American Federation of Labor. The membership of this body numbers about 1,800,000, while the railroad broth- erhoods, which are not connected with it, claim about 335,000 more. Somewhat over 2,000,000 persons in the United States belong to labor organizations. This is about 10 per cent of the total working population or about 15 per cent of those engaged in trade and trans- portation, manufacturing, and mechanical pursuits. While this does not seem a very large proportion and is not as large as the membership of British trade unions, yet it must be remembered that they constitute on the whole the elite of the labor world and exercise an au- thority and power out of proportion to their numbers. Many other workmen who do not themselves belong to the unions follow their lead and are directly affected by their actions. National. Organizations Historically the two most important national organi- zations in this country have been the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor, and they repre- sent such different principles that it will be worth while 104 Business Economics to describe them. The Knights of Labor was organized in 1869 as a local union of seven garment cutters and had a meteoric career, counting a membership of 730,000 in 1886, the year of its greatest strength. It was a national amalgamation of mixed local assemblies composed of workers of all trades who lived in the same locality. It held the theory that the interests of all members of the laboring class are identical and must be cared for at the same time, if possible, by political action, by co-operation, and by education. In 1886, however, it entered upon a series of disastrous strikes; later it came into conflict with trade unions which had not joined its ranks and were opposed to its policies; and finally it became en- tangled in politics. As it lost in influence and strength its place was taken by the American Federation of Labor, which was its very opposite in organization and government. This latter body is a "confederation of trade and labor unions," each trade being organized separately into local unions which are given great autonomy, these unions alone be- ing represented in the national body. Only matters of general interest come before it, all local trade matters being left to the local unions. Objects and Methods of Labor Unions More important than the history of labor organiza- tions is a knowledge of their objects and methods. The primary purpose is of course to control the conditions of labor and to substitute the principle of collective bar- gaining for individual contract. As one of the most ef- fective ways to secure this result they aim at a more or less complete monopoly of the labor market. This they may do by bringing all workers in a trade within the union or by preventing non-union men from working. Labor Organizations 105 Tig. 9. — Organization of the American Federation of Labor. From Eeport of Executive Council 106 Business Economics The first of these is called the inclusive method/ and if successful makes the union the sole seller of the kind of labor controlled by its members. It is a monopoly of the laborers against the employers and is sought to be en- forced by inducing men to join the union either by per- suasion or coercion, the latter finding expression in the strikes against the employment of non-union men and the insistence upon the "closed shop." The other form of monopoly consists in the exclusion of non-members from the trade and is a control of em- ployment; this is a monopoly of a small group against their fellow-workmen. It is enforced by regulating the entrance to the trade, making it difficult or expensive, or by limiting the number of apprentices. Sometimes, as in the Chicago Building Trades in 1900, the workers have united with their employers by means of "exclu- sive agreements" to raise wages and prices of the fin- ished products at the same time, and thus jointly to mulct the public. Such efforts to monopolize the labor market have their counterparts in the organization of capital, as we have seen. In practice such a labor monopoly has sometimes been used to improve and elevate conditions, just as sometimes a capitalistic monopoly has reduced prices below the competitive point. In general, however, we must condemn monopoly on principle in the competi- tive field and insist that freedom and opportunity be given to all on as equal terms as possible. Of the two forms of trade union monopoly, the former alone, which endeavors to make it all-comprehensive and to enforce union conditions generally, can be economically justified. Standard Rate of Pay "The establishment of a standard rate of wages may perhaps be said to be the primary object of trade union 1 Export of Industrial Commission, Vol. XVII, p. 1. Labor Organizations 107 policy. Without the standard rate the trade union, such as it is, could have no existence." - The purpose of the union is to substitute collective bargaining for individ- ual agreements and thereby to improve the condition of its members. But if a single bargain is to determine the pay of a large number of men, there must be a common standard. In every employment on a large scale the men are necessarily grouped together and their pay is determined by a common rule. This is true even in non- union shops. It is generally assumed that the standard rate of labor organizations means a uniform 'wage for each member, but this is not the case ; it means rather a uniform rate of pay to all for the same performance. In the case of piecework, it could manifestly not mean anytliing else; but a large number of labor leaders object to piecework. They insist that a standard wage means a minimum wage, and that by the establishment of such a minimum the whole standard of efficiency and the plane of com- petition are raised, as the employers cannot then afford to hire any but competent workmen. The question immediately presents itself: What is to become of the older or partially disabled men who are no longer able to earn the standard or minimum wage? In England they are practically guaranteed a subsistence by the union; in this country the union not infrequently exempts them from the provisions as to the standard wage. Wlien the rule is enforced there is certainly a real hardship for these men. But from the employers there comes the more serious complaint that the effect of the standard wage is to re- duce to a dead level the efficient and the inefficient; that 2 Eeport of Industrial Commission, Vol. XVII, p. xJii. 108 Business Economics it is a maximum wage and tliat the efficient and indus- trious are prevented from earning more than a fixed amount. There is undoubtedly a great deal of truth in this charge; the man who hastens the pace is said to be taking ''blood money," and sometimes a maximum wage is set which the members are forbidden to exceed. On the other hand it may fairly be said that while the union regulation of wages does tend to produce greater uni- formity, the union rate is usually higher than the com- petitive rate would be, that is, wages are leveled up, not down; and finally that territorial variations make the local rate conform to local conditions. Eeduction in Working Houes A reduction in the hours of labor has been even more strenuously urged by progressive labor leaders in the United States than an increase in wages. ' ' Organize and control your trade and shorten your hours," is their con- tention, *'and wages mil take care of themselves." Their arguments in favor of a general shortening of the work- ing day are twofold. In the first place, owing to the in- tensity and strain of work under modern machine meth- ods, the worker cannot work efficiently more than eight or nine hours a day. The work is too exacting and the strain on the attention too great; it is a noticeable fact' that most of the accidents in industrial establishments occur in the last hour or two of the working day. Not only that, but the laborer is entitled to his share of in- dustrial progress in the form of more leisure, giving him time for a better family and social life, affording oppor- tunity for intellectual improvement, and permitting the development of more rational and higher wants. With the improvement in the condition of the laboring classes will go the elevation of society as a whole. Labor Organizations 105 The second argument in favor of shorter hours put for- ward by the trade unionist is economic rather than so- cial. He argues that a ' ' reduction of hours will diminish the supply of labor in the market, and so will raise its price. It will make room for the unemployed, and so will remove the depressing influence of their competition." There is involved in this contention the familiar lump-of- labor argument of the trade unionist: There is just so much work to be done, and if some men do a little less there will be more for others. By shortening everyone's hours of labor, employment will be made more general and the work will be better distributed. Now the economists in general have supported the trade unions in their demands for a shorter working day, but they have done so because they believed that the product of industry would not thereby be diminished. They have seen that when the hours of labor were re- duced the laborer was less rapidly worn out physically, that he could work more rapidly for a short time, and that his increased leisure and pay, if rationally used, made him a more intelligent and efficient worker. In other words, a reduction in the hours of labor from 15 a day to 12, to 10, and even in some cases to 8, was not at- tended by a parallel reduction in the output, but the latter remained about the same. This is the great eco- nomic justification of the shorter working day, and as long as this can go on without materially affecting the product of industry it must be approved. If, however, the latter is decreased there will be less to divide and then the relative disadvantages of a smaller dividend must be weighed against the advantages of in- creased leisure. Of course the point to which the num- ber of hours can be reduced without lessening the product can be determined only by experiment, and will differ in 110 Business Econoynics different trades, but it is inevitable that until this point is reached the pressure of the trade unions for shorter working days, or for more holidays or half -holidays, will not be successfully resisted. Turning now from theory to fact, we find that there has been a great improvement in the condition of labor in this respect. At the beginning of the nineteenth cen- tury the almost universal working day was, as McMaster tells us, from sun to sun. As factories grew up the hab- its of agricultural labor were carried over into industrial occupations, and working days of 16 and 18 hours were not uncommon. In 1903 the average length of the work- ing day in the United States was 9.6 hours. This great reform may fairly be credited to the efforts of labor or- ganizations themselves, for without their insistence and struggles it is unlikely that it would have been volun- tarily granted by employers. Restriction of Output The limitation of output results almost necessarily from the above-mentioned practices of the unions. Re- duction of hours, prohibition of piecework, and the stand- ardization of wages all tend to restrict the output of the individual worker. But some of the unions have gone further and have directly limited the amount that could be produced during a given period by the laborer. This has been particularly true of British unions and is the subject of common complaint by English employers and writers, but illustrations may easily be found in the United States. In Chicago in 1900 the lathers limited a day's work to twenty- five bundles of lath, for which they received $3; they had formerly done thirty-five bundles for a daily wage of $1.75. Labor Organizations 111 Plasterers were limited to thirty square yards a day; the steam fitters were permitted to lay only ninety feet of steam pipe per day^ but the plumbers had the most objectionable rules and restricted materially the amount of work that could be done in a day. 3 These rules were defended by the unions on the ground that they were necessary in order to secure careful work and to prevent the "rusher" from setting the pace for a fair day's work. The practice has not been uncommon, especially in the sweated trades, for an unscrupulous employer to pay a few particularly able workmen to put extra speed into their work and so set a pace that the other workmen would be compelled to maintain. This was especially ob- jected to by the unions in the case of team work. They claimed that when all the workmen had come up to the new standard, particularly in piecework, the wages were reduced so that even by working at the higher rate of speed they could only make a fair wage. One of the rules of the Cliicago carpenters' union provided that "any member guilty of excessive work or rushing on any job shall be reported and shall be subject to a fine of $5." Whatever the excuse it is clear that such limitations cannot be economically justified. Not only does such dawdling undermine the industrial efiiciency of the worker, but it is unfair to the employer. If the latter bargains for the union rate of wages and the normal working day, he is entitled to a full return of the labor- er's best efforts. Otherwise there is no fairness in col- lective bargaining. "So far as labor leaders are con- 3 Bogart, The Chicago Building Trades Dispute (Political Science Quar- terly), Vol. XVI., p. 134; Commons, Trade Unionism and Labor Prob- lems, p. 107. 112 Business Economics cerned," said Mr. John Burns, the English trade union- ist, "we are all strongly opposed to the restriction of pro- duction; we are all in favor of better and more con- scientious work." Laboring men have never been quite able to divest themselves of their old antipathy to labor-saving ma- chinery. They generally regard the introduction of a new machine as a displacer of men, a creator of unem- ployment, a depresser of wages. Some unions have suc- cessfully resisted the introduction of machinery into their trades, as the stone cutters in Chicago,^ but in general they have recognized the impossibility of this attitude. They now demand that when machinery is introduced it shall be operated by union men and their wages shall be fixed so as to give the workers a share of the increased production. Fraternal Benefits of Labor Unions The policies and methods of the trade unions thus far discussed are those of a militant nature, but the fraternal objects of these associations, though less conspicuous, are none the less important. Labor organizations gen- erally have insurance and benefit features, by which sick, injured, or unemployed members are assisted. This is particularly true of the English organizations, which developed these features before the rise of the militant new unionism. They often possess large funds and have been rendered thereby more conservative and responsi- ble. The educative effect of trade unionism among the members is marked; some of them possess libraries and all of them promote discussion and thought upon eco- 4 Bogart, The Chicago Building Trades Dispute (Political Science Quar- terly), Vol. XVI, p. 137. Labor Organizations 113 nomic problems, while the administration of their affairs often gives valuable training. The older unions did much to encourage co-operation among their members, but today the tendency is to limit their activities to the essential one for which they are organized, namely, col- lective bargaining. Collective Bargaining Intelligent unionists realize that tliey can secure the various objects for which they strive only by substituting collective bargaining for contracts between employers and individual laborers. Where this plan is accepted by employers, representatives of the two sides agree upon wage scales, usually for a year; during this period the chief task of union officials is to see that the agreement is lived up to, and if possible to add to their membership and strengthen the union. In the United States rela- tively few trades have adopted this method as a general practice, the employers still being able to dictate wages and conditions of employment in most of them, while the unions are still struggling for recognition, if not for ex- istence. In refusing to make collective bargains with the unions, employers insist that as they run all the risks, they must be permitted to manage their business as they see fit and without interference from the business agent of the union. In reply the unions insist that hours, wages, and conditions of employment are as much their business as that of the employer. The latter also urges that the trade unions as at present organized are too irre- sponsible and that before they ask for collective bargain- ing they should be incorporated, so that they could be sued for breach of contract if guilty of such. As yet, however, the unions have preferred their present position of irresponsibility and immunity and have almost in- 114 Business Economics variably refused to be incorporated. President Hadley, of Yale, writes : ^ Steikes and Lockouts In the minds of a large section of the public, labor unions are chiefly associated with strikes. It is believed by many who ought to know better, that such organizations exist for the pur- pose of striking, and that if the organizations were suppressed, industrial peace would be secured. The first of these ideas is a distorted one; the second is wholly unfounded. Strikes are, however, a necessary concomitant of col- lective bargaining. If the representatives of a union can- not come to terms with an employer, they may compel their members to refuse to sell their commodity, labor; such a concerted refusal to work is a strike. The right to quit work has been regarded as a sacred one by trade unionists, but it involves social consequences of great importance. For the workingman, it means loss of wages and demoralizing idleness ; to the employer, idle capital, loss of profits, and depreciation of plant ; and to the con- suming public, inconvenience and annoyance together with curtailed production. Quite aside from all acts of violence and lawlessness, by which they are too often accompanied, there is involved an enormous money waste. According to a report of the Department of La- bor, losses from strikes and lockouts in the United States from 1881 to 1900 amounted to $449,342,000, or an aver- age loss per establishment of about $3,500. ■ CoNCILIATIOlSr AND AitBITEATION The public is awakening to the realization that it suf- fers the greatest injury as the innocent third party to 5 Economics, p. 353. Labor Organizations 115 every industrial dispute, and it is insisting that ttie indus- trial peace be kept or more reasonable methods of settling differences be found than a strike or lockout. Such a method is found in conciliation and arbitration. In the older and more strongly organized unions strikes are in- frequent and methods of joint discussion and agreement are increasingly resorted to. Boards of conciliation are often provided for, which endeavor by means of confer- ence and concession to prevent a dispute from arising; they succeed best where both employers and employes are organized. Should the dispute come to a head, how- ever, provision is usually made for its reference to a board of arbitration, which may be selected by the dis- putants themselves or may be created by the state ; in the latter case the acceptance of the award may be voluntary or compulsory. In the United States most of the successful boards have been those selected by the parties to the dispute ; the state boards have usually the power only of investigating the causes of the trouble, but this in itself has proved of con- siderable value in more than one instance, notably in the case of the Anthracite Coal Commission. Compulsory arbitration is being given a thorough trial in Australasia and seems to be meeting with success there. In this coun- try, however, the trade unions are strongly opposed to compulsory or enforced governmental arbitration. AVrit- ing of Great Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Webb assert that the principle of arbitration, having been found inconsistent with collective bargaining, is fast going out of favor. It would seem from the experience of both England and the United States that the chief virtue in these methods lies in the habit of joint conference of the representatives of labor and capital and the resulting conciliation. 116 Business Economics TEST QUESTIONS 1. Why have labor organizations grown more rapidly in the United States and England than on the continent of Europe ? 2. What are the two types of trade unions that prevail in the United States? 3. What were the essential features of the Knights of Labor? What caused the downfall of this organization? 4. What are the essential characteristics of the American Federation of Labor? 5. By what methods do labor organizations attempt to control the labor market ? 6. Why do labor leaders generally object to piece, premium, and bonus systems of wage payment? 7. What arguments are put forth by the trade unionists in favor of shorter hours? 8. Give illustrations showing where unions have directly limited the amount of output. 9. What are some of the chief benefits which labor unions attempt to secure for their members? 10. What is the attitude of a great many employers in the United States toward collective bargaining? 11. For what reasons does labor occasionally resort to strikes and lockouts? How can strikes and lockouts be prevented? 12. Describe the method of settling an industrial dispute by conciliation. CHAPTER IX woman and child labor Eakly Origin While women and children have always assisted in the work of the home, it was not until the development of the factory system that they began to work for wages out- side of the family. From the earliest days the prepara- tion of food, spinning and weaving and making up of garments, and other branches of domestic economy had been the peculiar tasks of the housewife. With the re- moval of the textile industries from the home to the fac- tory and the invention of light-running machinery, many women followed them and employment was found also for young children. Thus with the inception of the mod- ern factory system and machine production there arose the problem of woman and child labor. In England the evils of the early factory system were incredibly bad. Professor Walker wrote : ^ The beginning of the present century found children of five, and even of three years of age, in England, working in factories and brickyards ; women working underground in mines, harnessed with mules to carts, drawing heavy loads ; found the hours of labor whatever the avarice of individual mill owners might ex- act, were it thirteen, or fourteen, or fifteen ; found no guards about machinery to protect life and limb ; found the air of the factory fouler than language can describe, even could human ears bear to hear the story, 1 Political Economy, p. 381. 117 118 Business Economics Conditions were never so bad in this country as in Eng- land, owing to the later development of the system and prompter legislation against its evils, and especially to the scarcity of labor which compelled employers to make the conditions of labor more attractive. The Field of Employment The field of emplojTnent for women has been a con- stantly expanding one. "Wlien Miss Harriet Martineau visited the United States in 1840 she found only seven, occupations generally followed by women : teaching, nee- dlework, keeping boarders, work in the cotton mills, type- setting, bookbinding, and domestic service. Since that time the area has widened until there is scarcely an oc- cupation in which women are not found except those closed to her by law or by physical inability. The num- ber of females 10 years of age and over engaged in gain- ful occupations was 2,647,000 in 1880, or 14.7 per cent of the total female population; this number more than trebled in the next thirty years, being 8,075,772 in 1910, or 23.4 per cent of all. The largest number employed was in domestic and personal service, and next to that in manufacturing and mechanical pursuits, though even in that branch they were most numerous in the traditional branches of wom- an's work, as dressmakers, seamstresses, etc. It is nev- ertheless in the manufacturing industries that the most serious evils connected w^ith woman and child labor are found. The problems differ greatly in different sections of the United States. In the Atlantic states the greatest proportion of women as compared with men find employ- ment and give rise to special problems of women's work; in the South child labor is more conspicuous, while in Woman and Child Labor 119 the West both woman and child labor are of relatively small importance. Effect of Woman Labor upon the Occupations of Men An interesting question suggests itself at this point: Is the increase in the employment of women at the ex- pense of men? Are the women crowding the men out of their occupations and taking their places? At first in- spection the statistics of occupations would seem to lead to an affirmative answer, for the percentage of Avomen breadwinners increased from 13.5 per cent in 1880 to 17.6 per cent in 1910, while that of the men fell from 80 to 76.8 per cent, and that of the children remained about the same. The cause of the change in the proportion of the sexes was not due, however, to any falling off in the number of men, but to the great influx of women into the ranks of wage-workers. In some lines of emplojinent, like those of bookkeepers, stenographers, typewriters, clerks, etc., there has undoubtedly been an encroachment and men have been displaced. But on the other hand many occupations have been opened to men during the last fiftj^ years that were unknoA\Ti before, such as the expanding fields of railroad construction and operation, the steel industry, the utilization of electricity, and other similar lines. In most of these the muscular effort involved or the character of the work has kept women out, but in other lines where special rapidity or lightness of touch are required the women outnumber the men, as in the manufacture of cotton goods, hosiery, hats and caps, etc. The development and improvement of machinery has of course favored the emplojTnent of women. Mr. John A. Hobson - asserts that ''in modern machinery a larger and larger amount of inventive skill is engaged in ad- 2 Evolution of Modern Capitalism, p. 297. 120 Business Economics justing macliine-tendmg to the physical and mental ca- pacity of women and children." He concludes that if the exploitation of these forms of cheap labor had not been prevented by factory legislation and by public dis- approval, *'tlie great mass of the textile factories of this country [England] w^ould have been almost entirely worked by women and children." As a matter of fact one of the reasons for the great expansion of woman la- bor in the United States as well as in England is because it has been found cheaper than man's labor. We are thus brought face to face with a fundamental question in the discussion of the problem : Wliy are women paid lower wages than men 1 Wages of Women As to the fact there is no doubt ; one comparison taken from the census of 1900 will be sufficient to illustrate it. The annual average earnings of men in mechanical and manufacturing industries were $490 and of women $272 per annum. The more important question is why this difference exists. A number of reasons suggest them- selves at once. In the first place women are less efficient than men and produce less ; hence they are paid less. In some industries, particularly those requiring physical strength, women cannot compete successfully, and those are usually the highest paid employments. Other well- paid industries are regarded by men as essentially their own and social pressure is applied to keep women out. Then, too, woman's ambition to attain industrial ef- ficiency is not so great, owing to her expectation of mar- riage and release from industrial life. Women are more often absent from work, owing to sickness and domestic claims upon their time; this irregularity of employment tends to reduce their efficiency. But even in employments Woman and Child Labor 121 where the efficiency of men and women is admittedly equal, the women receive lower wages in the majority of cases. According to a report of the Bureau of Labor, in 80 out of 100 cases where the women did the same work as the men and did it as well, they received lower wages than the men. This leads to the consideration of a second group of causes, which have to do with woman's standard of living. One reason why she receives less is because she is able and willing to live on less. Physiologically, Dr. Atwater has said that man needs one-fifth more nutriment than woman. Women's wages are less because of their some- what lower cost of subsistence. But even aside from this fact, the frequent partial dependence of women upon other members of their family for support makes them willing to accept less and consequently reduces their wages. The average American working^voman is young, only about twenty-two and a half years old, and after the age of twenty-five is reached the number declines rapidly. That is to say, working girls regard their employment as a temporary affair, remaining only about five years, on the average, in the store or factory ; during this time they often live at home with their parents and are content to receive a wage much smaller than a man would require as head of a household. The third reason is, however, the most important, be- cause it explains at the same time the low economic posi- tion which woman occupies in the industrial world. The narrowing of the field within which women can readily find employment has the effect of greatly intensifying the competition within that field. There is also a great reserve army of potential women wage-earners, whom a slight increase of wages or force of circumstances — loss of employment by the male members of the family — will 122 Business Economics bring into the field as competitors. There is, in other words, a constant over-supply of labor in most women's industries, which does not exist in any men's industries except the most unskilled. Women exhibit, furthermore, a comparative lack of mobility from one industry to another, as well as from one locality to another. According to Professor Smart, women are so unready to leave home that their pay on one side of narrow Scotland is 50 per cent lower than that on the other side. In the same way, the flow of labor from one occupation to another, which tends to equalize the advantages and rates of pay of different emplojnnents, is far feebler among women than among men. Finally, there is little organization among women. Their individualistic, almost jealous, attitude to one an- other prevents their combination and united action, while their submissive acceptance of what is offered leads to apathy. They have only infrequently formed unions and endeavored to substitute collective bargaining for indi- vidual action. Women are therefore industrially in much the same situation as unskilled, unorganized male labor- ers, and the remedy in both cases would seem to be the same — education and organization. The Effects of Woman Labor The presence of a large supply of cheap woman labor undoubtedly has a depressing effect upon men's wages, and consequently upon the standard of life of the whole laboring class. George Gunton ^ is authority for the statement that ''in proportion as the wife and children contribute to the support of the family the wages of the 3 Wealth and Progress, p. 171. Woman and Child Labor 123 father are reduced." The family wage tends to remain the same whether it is earned by the father alone or by the father with the assistance of his wife and children. It is, however, not quite clear in most cases whether the men's wages are low because the women and children work, or whether the women and children work because the men's wages are low. It niay fairly be concluded, however, that the evil effects of low wages for women are not confined to themselves but are felt by all with whom they come in competition. Readjustment of Woman's Work What conclusion shall we draw, then, in view of all these facts, as to the desirability of employing of wom- en? The fact of their low wages and industrial depend- ence is not sufficient to lead one to condemn it. These are transitional phenomena and can be remedied. Women have always worked — on the farm, in the home, and in making household supplies. When this work was taken over by the factory, woman became a wage-worker in the modern sense. The census records in respect to the labor of women, there- fore, read iu the light of collateral facts, are a history of indus- trial readjustment rather than a record of the relative extent of the employment of women, and it is impossible to say, so far as the census figures are concerned, whether a larger proportion of women are actively engaged in labor today than formerly or not. The one fact which is clear is that factory or sliop work is displacing home work, and that this readjustment of indus- trial conditions is leading to the employment of women outside the home hi constantly increasing numbers.* 4 Report of Industrial Commission, Vol. XIX, p. 926. 124 Business Economics The effect of this readjustment has been to increase greatly the production of wealtli. The production of household supplies was removed from the family to the factory when it was handed over to machinery and done better and more cheaply. If the work of women thus released were expended for no useful purpose, society would gain only in the increased leisure of the women. But if these then took up other new lines or set men free from old employments so that they could turn to still different ones, then the production of goods could be greatly increased. Mr. George L. Bolen ^ writes on this point as follows : Without women's help their work in stores and offices would be done by men taken from other employment. The latter 's present Avork would have to be stopped to that extent, lessening the quantity of goods produced by men. The effect would be the same as if a farmer had to stop plowing two hours before noon to go to the house and cook his dinner. * * * Women behind the counter, and at the typewriter, release men for work that women cannot do. From the standpoint of woman herself, industrial in- dependence must be regarded as a great gain. Set free from the necessity of contracting marriage for the sake of a home and of depending upon mere sex attraction to attain that end, she will develop her capacities more fully and when she does enter upon marriage will do so as a result of mutual attraction. The entrance of women into gainful occupations must be regarded as an essential step in their own progress and the improvement of society. C^iLD Labor Quite different must be our attitude towards child la- bor, which can only be condemned as a waste of labor 5 Getting a Living, p. 475. Woman and Child Labor 125 power and as stunting the development of the children. The census of 1870 stated for the first time the number of children at work in the United States; there were 739,164 between the ages of 10 and 15 years, of whom 114,628 were employed in manufactures. During the next decade the number increased over 58 per cent to 1,118,356 children at work in all occupations. The dis- closure of such an undesirable tendency called forth re- strictive legislation in most of the states and the number declined materially by 1890. Since 1890 however there has been a reversal of this tendency back to the condi- tions of 1880, owing chiefly to the industrial development of the South, where almost no factory legislation exists as yet. In 1910 there were 1,990,225 children at work between the ages of 10 and 15 years, or almost one-fifth of all the children of those ages. In the South Atlantic states the proportion of cliildi-en at work is especially high, reaching 58 per cent of the boys and 45 per cent of the girls between 10 and 15 years of age in South Carolina. Evils of Child Labor The evils connected with child labor are the long hours — usually 11 or 12 hours a day where no restrictive legis- lation exists — and the exhausting and often dangerous work. The effect of monotonous and exhausting toil on the health of the children before their muscles are set and their frames knit is thoroughly bad; they are stunted and deformed and prematurely aged. Many of the occu- pations, too, in which child laborers are most numerous are dangerous or injurious, as, for example, tin can fac- tories, saw mills, paper box factories, type foundries, and tobacco establishments. Second only to the physical effects of child labor is the mental and moral injury suf- 126 Business Economics fered not merely by the child but also by society in de- priving these youthful laborers of a thorough education. ^Vliile it is well that children should be kept busy, there is no compensating reward either in money wage or prep- aration for adult life in such monotonous, profitless drudgery. The influence of the competition of children upon wages is depressing, and their employment indicates either a willingness on the part of employers and parents to exploit this cheap and defenseless form of labor, or a backward state of civilization. Such an evil can be cured only by determined public opposition, by the passage of laws forbidding all labor by children under a certain age, say 15 (except possibly in agricultural work or house- work), compelling school attendance, and providing for careful inspection. Most of all is needed an aroused public conscience. Labor Legislation Labor legislation is the most effective method of im- proving the conditions of employment, and to a consider- ation of this subject we must devote the remainder of this section. We have already seen that the fundamental principle of our modern wage system is freedom of con- tract. This is guaranteed in our federal and state con- stitutions as both a personal and a property right. As a result of this fact the courts have generally declared unconstitutional any legislation, designed to protect the interests of labor, that seemed to abrogate this freedom of contract or that savored of class legislation. Efforts to improve the condition of labor by legislation have therefore met with especial obstacles in this country. On the whole, however, means have been discovered of evad- ing these constitutional restrictions when it has seemed Woman and Child Labor 127 clearly demanded by the welfare of society, and the his- tory of labor legislation in this country is one of fairly steady progress. The early laws were practically con- fined to imprisonment for debt, mechanics' liens, the hours of education of children employed in factories, and similar matters. Nothing noteworthy was accomplished until 1866, when Massachusetts passed an eight-hour child labor law for children under fourteen ; in 1874 she passed a ten-hour law for w^omen and children under eighteen engaged in manufacturing establishments, and in 1877 enacted the first factory inspection act, an idea which has since been copied in most of the states and without which mere legislation is of little avail. Factoey Acts The factory acts may be divided into two classes: (1) those that endeavor to secure the safe or healthful man- ner of conducting a business and (2) those that attempt to limit the occupations, the hours, and the methods of paying the workers. Under the first head come such matters as fire protection, ventilation, guarding of ma- chinery, inspection of boilers and mines, etc. Such legis- lation and inspection have in many states been extended to churches, school-houses, hotels, theaters, and public buildings. The second group includes those laws which are usually meant when factory acts are referred to. In England there has been a very steady development and extension of such legislation, beginning in 1802, when Peel's Act tried to limit the hours and time of work of pauper ap- prentices in the cotton mills ; this was extended to all young people in textile industries in 1833, to women in 1844, tlien to all large industries in 1864, and to smaller ones in 1867, and finally in 1878 these various provisions 128 Business Economics were codified into a complete factory act regulating the health and safety of the laboring people generally. In the United States the movement was considerably later and has not been so uninterrupted. But today laws limiting the number of hours of labor to eight for all those engaged on public works have been passed by the federal government and by most of the states. Attempts to fix the hours of labor of adult male workers have usually been declared unconstitutional, for the reasons stated above, except in especially dangerous or unhealth- ful establishments, such as bakeries, mines, smelters, and similar lines. Consequently the men have been forced to rely largely upon their own efforts for the redress of industrial grievances ; in this fact lies one explanation of the growth and strength of labor organizations in this country. On the other hand legislation in behalf of women and especially children— wards of the state — has usually been held constitutional by the courts and has had a more extended application. More than half of the states of the Union have regulated the length of the working day for women and children. The tendency now is to limit the working day for women to eight hours, and that of chil- dren to even less. Child labor laws limit the age below which employment is illegal, usually between 10 and 14 years, but even as high as 16 years. Within these ages employment may be allowed only in exceptional cases by means of an employment certificate or permit. A few states require a physical and mental examination of the child before the permit will be issued. There is a ten- dency to require compulsory schooling of some kind until the age of 16, either in the regular schools or in continua- tion schools. All this labor legislation in behalf of women and children is based upon the biological and ethical Woman and Child Labor 129 principles of the conservation of human resources and the perfection of the race. Along with all other legislation in behalf of labor, there is a tendency to regulate the periods of rest for working people, both for their own welfare and the safety of society. In railroad work and in other work, a maximum period of continuous employment is prescribed and a certain period of rest is required between work periods to allow the workmen to recuperate. This movement is still further emphasized by the organized efforts for one day of rest in seven. Modern industrial organization does not permit the faithful observance of the Sabbath as a day when all regular toil shall cease. The one-day- of-rest-in-seven laws are designed to give every work- man at least one day of rest in each week, letting that day come at such a time as industrial or personal convenience will permit. Minimum Wage Legislation One of the most recent tendencies of labor legislation is the movement in behalf of minimum wage laws for women and children. The example for such a law, which was set by Massachusetts in 1911, has been followed by other states and bids fair to become general. These laws vary somewhat in character. Usually they provide for a central state board which has charge of the enforcement of the law. This board, either alone or with the assistance of a local board made up of representatives of employers, employes, and the public, determines upon a fair min- imum wage in each of the industries of a locality. Some of the boards have merely advisory powers and depend upon mediation, publicity, and public opinion to carry out the findings of the commission, while others have compulsory administrative powers to carry out their or- 130 Business Economics ders, with the aid of the courts if necessary. In at least one case, a fixed minimum wage has been prescribed in the statute. The tendency, however, seems to be to pro- vide a board with large discretionary administrative powers. These minimum wage laws are based upon the prin- ciple that an industrial worker is entitled to a fair living wage. The justice of such a claim cannot be gainsaid. The question of what shall be done with those incapable of earning the minimum wage, either because of deficien- cies in training or physical disabilities, is a serious one. It can probably be solved by allowing exceptions to the law and wise administrative discretion in its enforce- ment. In general we may conclude that by the passage of such legislation, society has definitely decided that there are some conditions of employment which cannot safely be left to free contract or to collective bargaining between employer and employe, but must be regulated by society itself on the broad grounds of social welfare. TEST QUESTIONS 1. What were some of the early origins of woman and child labor? 2. What evils were connected with the early factory system in England? 3. Are the women crowding the men out of their occupations and taking their places? 4. What are the most important reasons for woman's low wages in modern industry? 5. How does Mr. Bolen justify the employment of women ? 6. What are the chief evils of child labor? 7. Into what two classes may the factory acts be divided? 8. Why has the movement for enlightened labor legislation been slower in the United States than in most European coun- tries? Woman and Child Labor 131 9. What are some of the most common features of child labor legislation ? 10. What are the essential characteristics of the minimum wage legislation for women? 11. What evidence may be cited in proof of the contention that the modern woman labor problem is chiefly a matter of the read- justment of woman's work? 12. What biological and social questions are involved in woman labor? 13. Why have the courts been more liberal in the construction of laws regulating the labor of women and children than in the interpretation of the laws regulating the labor of men ? 14. What is the significance of the one-day-of-rest-in-seven movement? CHAPTER X unemployment and insurance Extent of Unemployment The greatest problem in modern industry, as well as the greatest curse to the laboring classes, is unemploy- ment. While unemployment has always existed under all systems of labor, it assumed added significance when the introduction of the wage system threw every worker upon his own resources and made him responsible for the care of himself and his family. Modern industry is sensitive and unstable, and its delicate mechanism is very likely to get out of order; credit and fashion, to mention no others, are factors that make for instability, and these are essentially modern. Professor Marshall is of the opinion that the factory system has not increased inconstancy of employment, but has simply rendered it plainer by localizing it. But whether more or fewer than in earlier times, the number of the unemployed in mod- ern industry is appallingly great. It is not easy to estimate correctly the extent and amount of this evil and we accordingly find considerable variations in the statistical presentations of fact. In 1885 two investigations of the amount of employment were made, one by Carroll D. Wright, in his report as United States Commissioner of Labor for 1886, and the other by the Massachusetts Bureau of Labor in its re- port for 1887. Mr. Wright defined the unemployed very 132 Unemployment 133 narrowly as "those who under prosperous times would be fully employed, and who, during the time mentioned, were seeking employment"; using the term in this re- stricted sense, he concluded that 71/0 per cent of the working population engaged in manufacturing and me- chanical pursuits and trade and transportation were idle during the year, which moreover he considered one of extreme depression. The Massachusetts statistics, on the other hand, were presented as indicative of general conditions in normal years and may safely be regarded as such. According to this report, 30 per cent of the total number of breadwinners in the state had been unem- ployed at their principal occupations on an average of 4.11 months in the year covered; some of these, however, found work at other or secondary occupations. But the net result of the investigation was well put in the terse statement of the report that ''about one-third of the total persons engaged in remunerative labor were unem- ployed at their principal occupation for about one-third of the working time." At the lowest estimate the whole working population lost on the average almost one- tenth of their working time. The loss of such a propor- tion of the community's productive force, with all the demoralization attendant upon irregular or no labor, is evidence of a problem of grave import. Classification' of the Unemployed Unemployment is such a broad term and covers so many different ideas that it will be well to classify the unemployed before proceeding further. They may be logically divided as follows : 134 Business Economics I. The temporarily unemployed a. Those certain of work again (efficient workmen tem- porarily out of work, owing to seasonal variations, shut-downs, etc.) b. Those without such a prospect 1. Efficient and industrious workmen thrown out of work by change in fashion, introduction of new ma- chinery, foreign competition, prolonged depres- sion, etc. 2. Those whose Avork is naturally fluctuating and casual in its nature (casual day-laborers, charwomen, etc.) II. The permanently unemployed a. The "won't works" (like tramps) b. The "can't works" (defectives in general) Such a classification renders much easier the analysis both of the causes and of the cure of unemployment. Causes of Unemployment The first question that presents itself in any discussion of the causes of unemplojTiient is whether it is due pri- marily to personal causes, such as inefficiency or intem- perance, or to industrial causes over which the individual has no control. Personal causes are those mental, moral, and physical defects which show themselves either in the inability and inefficiency of the workman or in his unwillingness to work. Here are included all the varieties of personal inaptitude, ranging from idiocy, in- temperance, and vice, to old age, sickness, and accident.^ Such a comprehensive definition includes many cases, of course, where no blame can be attached to the indi- vidual, and yet each one of these causes is personal, that 1 Eeport of Industrial Commission, Vol. XIX, p. 746. Unemployment 135 is, it does not affect at the same time a whole group, as an industrial depression would do. Persons included in this group are always on the margin of employment; in bad times they are the first to be discharged and in good times they are the last to be employed. Nor is the cause of their lack of employment always easy to give ; it may be itself the result of industrial accident or unhealthful occupation, or the result of heredity, evil habits and as- sociations, and defective education. We may present two tables giving brieflj^ the causes of poverty and unemploy- ment. The first gives the causes of poverty ascribed by the charity organization societies of New York, Boston, and Baltimore to applicants for relief : Causes of Poverty charity organization society records ^ Cause Per Cent Drink 13.7 7.5 2.1 Shiftlessness and ineflSciency Other moral defects Total, Character 23.3 No male support 5.0 3.6 Lack of other normal support Total, Support 8.6 Lack of employment 23.5 8.1 3.3 Insufficient employment Poorly paid, etc Total, Employment 34.9 2 "Warner, American Charities, Eev. Ed., p. 53. 136 Business Economics Catjse Pbk Cent Sickness and death in family 21.1 4.1 3.9 4.1 Insanity and physical defects Old aee Other incapacity Total, Incapacity 33.2 100. 100. The first group of causes indicates misconduct and the last group indicates misfortune ; the other two shade off into industrial causes, though lack of employment — the largest single cause — may in turn be ascribed to any one of several remoter causes according to the bias of the in- vestigator. This table is a record of the causes of failure on the part of those who have fallen behind or dropped out altogether in the race of life. At the other end of the scale stand the members of labor organizations, on the whole, the elite of the labor world. The following table gives the causes of unemployment of 31,339 cases at the end of September, 1900, as reported to the New York Bu- reau of Labor Statistics : Causes op Idleness, Members op Trade Unions, 1900 Cause Pek Cent No work 75.5 T^ad weather .5 Strike or lockout 13.0 Sickness 4.7 Sunerannuation 1.6 Other causes 4.7 Total 100.0 Unemployment 137 This table emphasizes very strongly the industrial causes of unemployment, three-fourths of which is as- cribed to lack of work. In some cases, as among the iron and steel workers, where there is a regular two months' shut-down to make repairs, and in the building trades, where the inclemency of the weather usually prevents work during the winter, the lack of employment may be regarded as a vacation rather than a hardship, for the rates of pay are high enough during the remaining months to offset those of idleness. In other cases, how- ever, as in coal-mining, there is a large reserve army of workers on hand and employment is secured from only one-half to two-thirds the time. In 1900, when the aver- age number of days of employment was larger than it had been in ten years, the bituminous miners were em- ployed only 234 days and the anthracite miners only 166 days in the year. This indicates a very bad organization of the industry. The same thing was formerly true of the London dockyards, where there was a reserve army of some 4,000 surplus workers. Of course the effect of this is to depress wages. The clothing trade is subject to seasonal fluctuations and the caprice of fashion, where- fore it offers very irregular employment. Machinery and improved processes were frequently spoken of by witnesses before the Industrial Commission as the leading cause of unerfiployment. If the general conditions of business are good at the time of the first introduction of machinery, the displaced laborer is re- absorbed again and the hardship is not so noticeable. But if it coincides with a period of business depression, the introduction of machinery appears to be the cause of a large displacement of labor, which might more truly be ascribed to industrial depression. This last cause is re- sponsible for enormous suffering among the laboring 138 Business Economics classes, for the method oftenest resorted to by industrial enterprises to reduce expenses is the wholesale discharge of laborers, who are thus made to bear the burden of in- dustrial disorganization. This was well illustrated by the economies effected by the railroads in the year 1908, in their general reduction of the labor force and of wages. But even in good years the inconstancy of employment is startling. In the four years 1897-1900 the men in trade unions in New York State lost 16.2 per cent of their time from unemployment, which is almost exactly one day in every week. And these, it must be remembered, were skilled and efficient workers in organized trades. Finally strikes are given as a cause of unemplojmient in the table ; these are a peculiar feature of modern industry and do not call for further discussion, except to point out that they are not so important as they are often represented to be. Remedies for Unemployment The foregoing analysis of the causes of unemployment shows that they are deep-seated in the nature of modern industry and that it would be unjust to the workingman to attribute them in any large measure to his incapacity or indisposition to labor. The care of the unemployable must of course be undertaken by society in order that such persons may be prevented as far as possible from depressing the wages of competent labor by their com- petition. Exceptional periods of distress may and should be met by temporary relief measures. But what we may call the normal unemployment in modern industry, which amounts to from 2 to 2i/4 per cent of the labor force, can- not be overcome by direct methods. The remedy for this lies "in a better organization of employers and employes, more steady expansion of trade, and greater stability of Unemployment 139 industry and of legislation affecting industry. These are not directly problems of unemployment, but rather of taxation, currency, monopoly, immigration, overproduc- tion, and technical advances in industry. Their treat- ment must be undertaken, not primarily as measures of providing for the unemployed, but as measures for im- proving the conditions of business."^ The problem of unemployment would thus seem to be a permanent one, bound up in the very nature of a dynamic society ; it may be regarded as the price of progress. But the question may fairly be raised as to whether the labor- ing classes should foot the bill or whether the cost might not fairly be borne by society as a whole. This has sug- gested, as a solution of the problem, insurance of work- ingmen against unemployment, a discussion of which, however, must be deferred to the end of the section. Some methods of alleviation, if not of abolition, of the evils of unemployment may be suggested. Free public employment bureaus and agencies, national in scope and well integrated, would do much to secure a better adjust- ment of demand and supply in the labor market, and se- cure a better distribution of the labor force and greater mobility of labor. To prevent the loss through strikes and lockouts, better organization and mutual understand- ing on the part of both employers and employes is needed. And finally, improved industrial and technical education is essential, whereby the loss in skill through the intro- duction of new inventions and machinery may be min- imized and the productivity of the laboring class in- creased. Among the measures of relief for unemployment due to accident, sickness, and old age, none is more important 3 Report of Industrial Comniission, Vol. XIX, p. 757. 140 Business Economics or more deserving of a hearing in the United States than that of insurance against these evils. The earnings of the average male wage-earner are so small — half of the number earn annually less than $436, and half of the adult male factory workers earn less than $400 a year — that the unemployment, sickness, disablement, or old age of the breadwinner must throw a large proportion of families so afflicted into a condition of periodic poverty. Any remedies that will alleviate the miseries caused by fluctuations in employment, industrial accidents, diseases incident to industry, etc., deserve a respectful hearing. Industeial, Accidents No adequate statistics of industrial accidents exist in the United States, but a recent estimate by F. L. Hoff- man ^ gave the number of fatal accidents among occu- pied males in 1908 as between 30,000 and 35,000. An an- alysis of the reports of the New York Bureau of Labor Statistics from 1901 to 1906 shows that of the total num- ber (39,244) of industrial accidents reported in that state a little over 2 per cent were fatal, almost 17 per cent re- sulted in permanent disablement, and 81 per cent resulted in temporary disablement. More than half of the acci- dents in industry are the result of machinery in motion. Mr. Hoif man calculates that ' * it should not be impossible to save at least one-third or perhaps one-half by intelli- gent and rational methods of factory inspection, legisla- tion, and control." Prevention of accidents rather than compensation to the workingman after they occur should be the aim of society, in order to avoid the wasteful loss of productive power, not to mention the suffering and misery entailed by such accidents. "Immunity, not com- 4 Bulletin of United States Bureau of Labor, Sept., 1908, p. 418. Unemployment 141 pensation," has been the demand of the British trade unions. Of first importance then is careful factory legis- lation, safeguarding of machinery, and factory inspec- tion. Marked advances have been made along these lines as a result of governmental regulations and greater co-oper- ation among factory inspectors, employers, and em- ployes, and as a result accident rates have been very much reduced during the last few years. A strong educational campaign has been carried on by state labor bureaus and various local and national societies as well as by em- ployers themselves for the purpose of acquainting all concerned with the possibilities of safety devices until ''safety first" has become a popular byword. In order to make even greater systematic advances along this line, the liability insurance companies in 1913 established an Accident Prevention Bureau for the purpose of studying scientifically the possibilities of accident prevention and making this information available for all concerned. As a result of these appeals, based on considerations of humanity and economy, great strides have been made for the prevention of industrial accidents. Industry regards more the sacredness of human life, recognizes the waste in crippling or killing its trained workmen, and feels the heavy burden of accident insurance and liability awards. Legally and judicially we have been interested pri- marily in the question of responsibility and compensa- tion. Until recently legislatures and the courts have taken the position that the workingman was responsible unless he could prove the employer responsible for his injury. The impossibility of such proof and consequently the untenability of such a position are clear from the fol- lowing table, compiled by the German Government for purposes of accident insurance : 142 Business Economics Accidents in German Industries Traceable to Different Causes Causes Agbictti.tuek (1891) INDTTSTBT (1887) Mining (1887) Fault of employer 18.2 24.4 20.1 2.8 34.5 19.8 25.6 4.4 3.3 46.9 1.3 Fault of injured workman .... Fault of both 29.8 Fault of third person Unavoidable or indeterminable. 4.3 64.6 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 Causes of Accidents Statistics from both Germany and Austria show that a full half or more of all industrial accidents are due to causes for which neither employers, injured workmen, nor fellow employes are responsible, but which are inci- dental to the nature of the industry itself. But besides the danger of injury from machinery, there are numer- ous specially dangerous or injurious trades in which injury by poisoning, disease, etc., is almost unavoidable as trade processes are at present conducted. These have been classified as follows : trades in which lead is a poisonous element, trades which produce other chemical poisons, trades in which lockjaw is an incident, trades in which the danger arises from injurious particles in the air or from dust, processes that require a sudden change from heat to cold and vice versa, those that require arti- ficial humidity, and trades in which accidents are so fre- quent as to demand special legislation. Before we try to decide who in justice should bear the cost of sickness or injury arising from these causes, let us inquire as to the Unemployment 143 practice in the United States and in other countries, so as to have the data necessary for a fair conclusion. Employers' Liability The original legal doctrine regarding liability for acci- dent in England and America, which until recently was practically unmodified in the latter country, was based on the principle of individual responsibility for acts of negligence. Briefly stated the common-law doctrine is that an employer must provide reasonably safe condi- tions of employment and that then the employe assumes the risks incident to the occupation or arising from the carelessness of fellow-servants; moreover even if the employer has been remiss, the employe cannot collect damages if he has been guilty of contributory negligence. These three doctrines — assumption of risk, doctrine of the fellow-servant, and contributory negligence — have been used practically to free the employer from all re- sponsibility in cases where injured employes have sought to secure damages. Moreover, as has been shown above, many cases exist where it is impossible to fix the blame on either employer, employe, or a third party, and in such cases no compensation could be secured for injnry under the law. The full rigor of the common law, which has worked out so unfairly for the workingman in mod- ern machine production, has been modified in most of the states by statutes defining more exactly the duties of the employer and repealing the fellow-servant doctrine in certain lines of employment, notably in railroad work. Workmen 's Compensation Under the common-law doctrine, compensation for in- dustrial accidents had to be sought by injured workmen through a suit for damages against the employer. Re- 144 Business Economics covery was very uncertain for the workman and what he did recover was largely consumed in legal expenses. In 1906 and again in 1908 Congress passed a federal em- ployer's liability act limited to common carriers, which was still based upon the principle of negligence ; that is, it proceeds upon the assumption that somebody is to blame for every accident that occurs. A number of states have recently enacted workmen's compensation acts, which are based upon the principle that accidents are as much factors in the cost of produc- tion and distribution as labor or material, and that there- fore the consumer ought to bear the charge. Under these laws the injured workman or those dependent upon him are entitled to a regular schedule of pay for accidents. Indemnities may be paid either by the employer carrying his own risks, by indemnity insurance companies in which the premiums are usually paid by the employers, by em- ployers' mutual companies, or from a state fund to which eacli industry contributes in proportion to its schedule as an accident risk. In some states the compensation sys- tem is compulsory. In others it is voluntary. In the latter case the employer is usually deprived of the com- mon-law defenses if he chooses not to accept the pro- visions of the law. Some state laws provide that the employes shall contribute a small amount to the insur- ance fund. Germany was the first country to introduce the princi- ple of compulsory accident insurance in 1884. Employ- ers are there organized into associations and sections and are compelled to bear the expense of granting compen- sation to injured workingmen, which compensation amounts to about two-thirds of their average wages. In 1897 England, by the passage of the Workmen's Com- pensation Act, adopted the principle "that a workman Unemployment 145 is entitled for all accidents of occupation to a moderate and reasonable compensation." Practically all the ad- vanced industrial nations of the world have passed laws to compensate sufferers for all accidents in industry, thus placing the burden of industrial accidents upon the industry as such and not upon the laborer. Sickness, Old-Age, and Unemployment Insurance As we have seen, sickness and old age are still more usual causes of poverty and unemployment than accident. All the arguments for compulsory insurance therefore apply with peculiar force to these evils, Germany was again the pioneer in the establishment of these forms of insurance. In 1883 sickness insurance was organized, being made compulsory for all persons with incomes un- der $500; one-third the expense is borne by the workers and two-thirds by employers, the main purpose being to secure a sufficient relief — amounting to one-half the wage — for a period of thirteen weeks. In 1889 invalidity and old-age insurance was introduced for the same class; contributions are made in equal proportion by employe and employer, the state contributing about $12 a year to each annuity. Pensions are granted after thirty years of payment or to those over seventy. In 1908 Great Britain passed a still more comprehen- sive measure, providing for a pension for all citizens of seventy years or over who have been residents for twenty years, in accordance with a sliding scale based upon pri- vate income, the pensions ranging from five shillings weekly down to one shilling. Finally, insurance against unemployment was tried in Switzerland in 1893 to 1897, but was finally abolished, owing to abuses and difficulty of administration. The question, however, continues to be a live one for discussion and legislative proposals. 146 Business Economics Old- Age Pensions in the United States Old-age pension systems have made their beginnings in the United States through various private and public schemes. Many cities have established pension systems for their public school teachers, policemen, and firemen. There is a widespread agitation in favor of pensioning all civil service employes of the cities, states, and nation. Logically this movement cannot stop short of including all industrial toilers who are in need of such support. Already a number of private concerns have established elaborate pension systems for the benefit of their em- ployes. The great railroad systems were among the first to make these provisions and today old-age pensions are found on most of the roads. In the steel business Andrew Carnegie had set aside a fund of $4,000,000 for the bene- fit of the employes in his works. Later the United States Steel Corporation dedicated $8,000,000 for this purpose and consolidated the two in the United States and Car- negie Pension Funds. The International Harvester Company has a very comprehensive old-age and disable- ment pension system. The Western Union Telegraph Company on January 1, 1913, set aside $1,000,000 for this purpose. Butler Brothers' Wholesale Houses have long had such a plan in operation, and many similar systems are to be found in other industries. Mention should be made of the Carnegie pension system for superannuated college and university teachers. , These old-age pension systems w^hich have been estab- lished by private concerns are not receiving general ap- proval and especially not from the most immediate bene- ficiaries, the laborers. The great objection to them is that the workmen do not receive these benefits of right. These corporations cannot afford to provide these bene- Unemployment 147 fits as a system of charity distribution. They must re- ceive some financial return for their outlay in the form of steadier and more faithful emplo^nnent as well as greater loyalty from their workmen. The pension relief plans are usually beset with conditions which limit the freedom of the laborer in his efforts for self-improvement. The pension system often acts as a system of intimidation, in that workmen must not ask for higher wages, shorter hours, better working conditions, or even participate in labor union activities, of which some of these firms dis- approve, under penalty of arbitrary discharge from serv- ice, even after long years of employment, and loss of their pension privileges. For these reasons private pen- sion schemes cannot satisfy the strong social demand for old-age benefits. There are probably no more important practical eco- nomic problems than those connected with unemployment and workingmen's insurance. Slowly the conviction has spread that under present conditions of industry work- ingmen cannot fairly be held responsible for industrial accidents, and that with prevailing wages they cannot be expected to save enough to maintain themselves in sick- ness and old age. It therefore becomes the duty of so- ciety so to organize industry and legislation that the terrors of accidents, sickness, and old age shall be re- duced to a minimum. TEST QUESTIONS 1. How does Carroll D. Wright define unemployment? 2. According to Professor INIarshall, what has been the effect of the factory system upon unemployment? 3. How may the unemployed be classified? 4. What are the chief causes of unemployment? 148 Business Economics 5. How can the modern employer help to reduce unemploy- ment among laborers? 6. What are some of the economic changes necessary to re- duce unemployment? 7. Is there any educational problem connected with unem- ployment ? 8. According to statistics, what are the chief causes of indus- trial accidents? 9. What is meant by the doctrine of assumption of risk? 10. What is meant by the doctrine of the fellow-servant? 11. What is meant by the doctrine of contributory negligence? 12. Why are these three doctrines in their old common-law form unjust to labor in modern business ? 13. How has the movement toward workmen's compensation legislation remedied these evils? 14. To what extent are sickness, old age, and unemployment cared for in Germany ? In England ? In the United States ? CHAPTER XI machinery and industrial efficiency Evils of Machinery So far in the discussion of modern capitalistic produc- tion and of the various labor problems to which it has given rise we have not treated in detail the question of machinery and its effects on labor. We cannot, however, leave this subject without taking up this phase of it with considerable care. The advantages of machinery have been more often emphasized than the evils; so we may profitably begin with the darker side of the picture. Pres- ident Hadley ^ enumerates three evils which are charged against machinery as now managed and operated : 1. That it displaces a large amount of human labor, thus tak- ing income away from employes and giving it to employers. 2. That when it does not actually drive human labor out of use, it employs it in circumstances unfavorable to efficiency, health, and morals. 3. That under the best conditions it deprives the workman of independence, making him a specialized machine instead of a broad-minded man. We cannot do better than take up these points one by one. Displacement of Labor by Machinery In answer to the first charge President Hadley flatly denies that machinery has displaced labor, but insists that 1 Economics, p. 337. 149 150 Business Economics ''there has been a most conspicuous increase of employ- ment in those lines where improvements in machinery have been greatest," giving the expansion of railroads as an illustration. But it is not possible to generalize from this case without further analysis. The immediate effect of improved machinery, especially if suddenly intro- duced, is practically always to throw men out of employ- ment. The extent to which this will occur depends on the suddenness and extensiveness of the change, but fortu- nately, as Professor Nicholson points out, new inven- tions seldom come suddenly or are introduced all at once on an extensive scale. It took almost a generation, for example, for American machine methods to displace Swiss hand labor in the making of watches. But when such a change does occur it hits hardest the least efficient and older men, those just on the margin of employment, for a man past middle life can rarely learn a new trade. The effect of displacement in causing suffering will also depend somewhat (1) upon the mobility of labor, (2) upon the knowledge of new opportunities and the capital to make possible a change of location or industry, and (3) upon improvements in the means of transporta- tion. It can easily be shown that as a general principle the lump-of-labor theory — namely, that there is just so much work to be done and that if machinery is introduced for this purpose there will be less work for men to do, is erroneous. But there is this element of truth in it, that the question whether or not men will be reabsorbed in the same industry depends upon whether or not the mar- ket for the goods produced by the new machine can be expanded. If the demand is elastic, that is, can be largely extended because of the fall in price brought about by the cheaper production, as in the case of cotton goods, then the displaced laborers will probably be re-employed Industrial Efficiency 151 to produce an enlarged supply. If, however, the demand is inelastic, that is, will not be expanded by reason of a fall in price, as in the case of salt or coffins, then the dis- placed labor will not be reabsorbed in the same industry but must look elsewhere for employment. Is New Employment Created? The elaborate investigation of the Department of La- bor in 1898 regarding the relative merits of hand and machine labor shows clearly the effect on the displace- ment of labor by the introduction of machinery. A few cases will serve as illustrations. Hand and Machine Methods Compared Year of Produc- tion Articles Produced W H « «