s^ , A = ^= r- A = ^^^ CO ^ . ^ ^^^ — * — := ID u = 4 — 9 — ^ i> ^^™ 1 — 3 ^ CD -D 7 = 1 = ■^^" t> H — ■ !■ 1 ■ — ) 1 1 -< Book club of California, San Francisco-, A loan exhibition of incunabula* kB ■■i^' OF CALIFORNIA S ANGELES A LOAN EXHIBITION OF INCUNABULA THE BOOK CLUB OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANClSCO«fe) MDCCCCXVII A LOAN EXHIBITION OF INCUNABULA HELD BY THE BOOK CLUB OF CALIFORNIA IN THE GALLERIES OF HILL TOLERTON FROM OCTOBER SECOND TO OCTOBER THIRTY-FIRST MDCCCCXVII T SAN FRANCISCO THE BOOK CLUB OF CALIFORNIA MDCCCCXVII THIS COLLECTION LOANED BY MR. CHARLES W. CLARK SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO: JOHN HENRY NASH, PRINTER z> •2- 2-- CATALOGUE ST. AUGUSTINUS. De vita christiana. I . a. Incip plogus beati Augustini de vita xriana. Gothic charadler, i8 unnumbered ff. (the last blank) without sig- natures [a^, b'°] or catchwords, 28 11. to the page. Initials in red and blue, and rubricated throughout by a contemporary hand. Small quarto ; red levant morocco, gilt line-tooled, inside dentelles gilt, g. e. , by Bauzonnet. [Colophon.] F. 1 7. b. Explicit liber beati augustini de vita xriana. || Hec fa- ciendo quisqz. vita obtinebit eterna. [SchofFer's device of the two shields, printed in red.] N. p. d. typ. [Mainz, Peter SchofFer, circa 1468.] This copy measures 191x135 mm. Editio Princeps. The type used in this book is that used in the ^* Rationale*'' of Duranti, I45g, with the introduiiion, however, of a rounded lower-case h, which seems to be co- incident with S chaffer* s printing on his own account, after the death of Fust in 1466. The volume is very rare and has been collated perfe£l with Pollard (Br. M. Inc. I, p. 20), Dibdin (Bib. Sp.) and Hain (20g3). The latter gives but 17 ff., which is an error. JUSTINIANUS. Codex novus. Editio Princeps. Printed by Peter Schoffer, Mainz, 1475. Volume III, page j6. 290895 2 Jij)an exhibition of Incunabula 3 ST. AUGUSTINUS. De arte praedicandi. Ed'itio Princeps. Printed by Johann Mentelin, Strassburg, circa 146^. Volume II, page 8. 4 PLUTARCHUS, Vitae illustrium virorum, sive parallelae. Editio Princeps. The *'^" Printer (Adolf Rusch), Strassburg, circa J4.6g. Volume III, page 60. 5 BIDPAI. Direftorium. Editio Princeps. Printed by Johann Pruss, Strassburg, circa 14.88. Volume III, page j. 6 SENECA. Liber de remediis fortuitorum. Editio Princeps. Printer of the " Historia S. Jlbani," circa 14/I. Volume II, page 8^. 7 AQUINAS, THOMAS. De modo confitendi. Printed by Ulrich Zel, Cologne, circa J4J2. Volume III, page j. 8 BURY, RICHARD DE. Philobiblon. F. I. a. Incipit plogus in libru de amore libro4 qui || dicitur. philobiblon. Gothic charafter, 48 unnumbered fF. without T^he 'Book Qlub of California signatures [a-P] or catchwords, 26 11. to the page. Initials painted red and rubricated throughout by a contemporary hand. Small quarto; old English straight-grained red mo- rocco, gilt lines and blind-tooling on sides, gilt back, g. e. [Colophon.] 48.3. Explicit. philobiblon.sci.liber||deamore libroru Colonie Tpres||sus anno dni Mcccc.lxxiij. &c. N. typ. [Printer of * < Augustinus de Fide ' ' ( Goiswin Gops ? ) . ] This is the Woodhull and Lord Amherst copy with the former's autograph and date of purchase (Nov. 9th, I 802) on the fly- leaf. The copy is a very fine one, measuring 188x130 mm. Editio Princeps of this renowned work which was intended to serve as a hand-book to librarians. The author, who had been tutor to King Edward III and was afterwards made Bishop of Durham, was a great collector, and at his death left his library to Durham College at Oxford. The "Phi- lobiblo?i^'' is the first treatise written about book-colle£ling. There were but three dated books issued from this press. The Spire edition of 148 J was long considered the Editio Princeps, and the present edition was apparently unknown to Mattaire, Clement, and Panzer. It has been collated perfea with Hain-Copinger (41^1), Dibdin (Bib. Sp.) who describes it very fully, and Pollard (Br. M. Inc. I, p. 232). 9 GREGORIUS MAGNUS. Homiliae. Printed by Bartholomaeus de Unkel, Cologne, I47J> Volume III, page JO. 10 RODERICUS SANCIUS ZAMORENSIS. Speculum vitae humanae. Printed by Gunther Zainer, Augsburg, 14^1. Volume III, page 64. 4 I^gcui Exhibition of Incunabula I I JOSEPH US, FLAVIUS. De antiquitate Judaica. Editio Princeps. Printed by Johann Schussler, Augsburg, 1470. Volume II, page ^4. 1 2 ST. AUGUSTINUS. Liber qui vocatur quinquaginta. Editio Princeps. Printed by Anton Sorg, Augsburg, I4Y5' yolume II, page 8. 13 ISIDORUS. De summo bono. Editio Princeps. Printed by Johann Sensenschmidt, Nuremberg, before May 31st, 14JO. Volume II, page jrj. 14 ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Compendium theologicae veritatis. Editio Princeps. Printed by Johann Sensenschmidt, Nuremberg, l4yo-yj. Volume II, page i. 15 SCHEDEL, HARTMAN. Liber chronicarum. F. I. a. [Woodcut title.] [R] Egistrum || huius ope- || ris libri cro- II nicarum || cu figuris et ymagi- || bus ab inicio mudi. F. 320. b. [Colophon.] ADest nunc studiose leftor finis libri Cronicarum per || viam epithomatis & breuiarij compilati opus qdem || preclarum. & a doflissimo quoqz comparandum. Continet || em gesta, quecUqz digniora sunt notatu ab initio 'The '^ook Qlub of Qalifornia mudi ad || hanc vsqz teporis nostri calamitatem. Castigatuqz a viris || dodlissimis vt magis elaboratum in lucem prodiret. Ad in II tuitu autem & preces prouidoru ciuiu Sebaldi Schreyer II & Sebastiani kamermaister hunc librum dominus Antho || nius koberger Nuremberge impressit. Adhibitis tame vi 1 1 ris mathematicis pingendiqz arte peritissimis. Michaele || wol- gemut et wilhelmo PleydenvvurfF. quaru solerti acu- 1| ratis- simaqz animaduersione turn ciuitatum turn illustrium || viro- rum figure inserte sunt. Consummatu autem duodeci- || ma mensis lulij. Anno salutis nre. 1493. F. 32 1 . a. [This leaf and the four following are in this copy bound in the body of the book.] De Sarmacia regione Europe. F. 325.b. [End.] Laus Deo. Gothic charafter, the tables and part of the text in double columns. 326 fF., 21-319 numbered I-CCXCIX, leaf 326 and those numbered 259-261 blank. Without sig- natures [*, **6^ ***8. 36^ b-d4, e-h'^, i^, k4, l-n^, o^, p-q^, r-y4, zaa-cc"^, dd^ ee^ fF4, gg-ii*^, kkS ll4, mm-zz A-K^ L^-*, M^.] or catchwords, up to 64 11. to the page. Large folio; old stiff vellum binding. Copy measures 457 x 315 mm. and is very tall. It is rubricated throughout in a con- temporary hand, and has one small and one large initial painted in red, blue, and green on a gold background. Ex- libris Lord Amherst of Hackney, with his book-plate. Editio Princeps of this interesting work which, while not rare, is of great bibliographical importance. Dibdin \^Bib. Sp.^ gives a very detailed description of the book and its woodcuts. These according to Dibdin number 22^0, but Sydney Cocker ell \_"Some German Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century'"'^ states that they number i8og printed from 64^ different blocks. Consequently different towns, emperors, popes, etc., are often represented by the same cut. The four full-page religious cuts are very fine. Michael Wolgemut, one of the illustrators, was the master of Albrecht Diirer. In this copy the portrait and account of Pope Joan are not mutilated. Collated perfeSi with Dibdin (Bib. Sp. Ill, p. 2^5), Pollard (Cat. Br. Museum Inc. II, p. 437), and Hain (14508). 6 -C?'''''' Exhibition of Incunahida i6 ANDREAE, JOHANNES. Leftura super arboribus consanguinitads, etc. Printed by Friedrich Creussner, Nuremberg, circa 14^6. Volume II, page j. 17 DAMASCENUS, JOHANNES. Gesta Barlaam et losaphat. Editio Princeps. Printer of the "Gesta Christi,^^ Speier, circa 1 47 2. Volume II, page 32. 18 VOCABULARIUS LATINO-GERMANICUS. Printed by Conrad Mancz, Blaubeuren, circa 14J6. Volume II, page pp. 19 ANNIUS, JOHANNES. Glossa super apocalypsim. Second Edition. Printed by Marcus Brandis, Leipzig, 1481. Volume II, page 4. 20 HUGO DE PRATO FLORIDO. Sermones de sanftis. Editio Princeps. Printer of " Lindelbach''^ (either Ulrich Geyswincz, or Johann and Conrad Hish), Heidelberg, 148J. Volume II, page 4g. 'The 'Book Qlub of California 7 2 I PLINIUS SECUNDUS. Historia naturalis. Second Edition. Printed by Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz, Rome, l4'/0. Volume 111, f age ^g. 22 PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA. Scrutinium scripturarum. Editio Princeps. Printed by Ulrich Han, Rome, circa 1470. Volume II, page y^.. 23 DURANDUS, GUILELMUS. Reportorium. Editio Princeps. Printed by Ulrich Han, Rome, 1474. Volume III, page 26. 24 ATHANASIUS. Enarradones in epistolas S. Pauli. Editio Princeps. Printed by Ulrich Han, Rome, 1471' Volume II, page 'j. CHRYSOSTOMUS, JOHANNES. HomiHae in evangelium S. lohannis. Editio Princeps. Printed by Georgius Lauer, Rome, 1470. Volume II, page 27. 8 I^an Exhibition of Incunabula 26 CICERO. Epistolae. Printed by Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck, Rome, l^yd-y. Volume II, page 2 J. 27 ORIGINES. Contra Celsum libri viii. Editio Princeps. Printed by Georgius Herolt, Rome, 1481. Volume III, page ^6. 28 CURTIUS, QUINTUS RUFUS. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni. Editio Princeps. Printed by Vindelin de Spira, Venice, circa 14^0. Volume II, page jl. 29 LACTANTIUS, FIRMIANUS. De divinis institutionibus adversus gentes. Second Edition. Printed by Vindelin de Spira, Venice, 1472. Volume II, page ^6. 30 DANTE. Divina Commedia col commento di Benvenuto da Imola. F. I. a. Qui comicia la vita e costumi dello excellete|| Poeta vulgari Dante alighieri di Firenze 1 1 honore e gloria delidioma 'The 'Book Qlub of California Fiorentino. Scri|| pto e composto (sic) per lo famosissimo homo II missier giouani Bocchacio da certaldo. Etc., etc. F. 1 8. a. Canto primo della prima parte laquale si||chiama Inferno. Nelquale lauftore sa p 1 1 hemio atufta opera. Gothic charafter, 374 unnumbered fF. with signatures [a7, e^, a-k'°, l-m*, n-s'", t-v^, x-y'°, aa-gg'°, hh-ii^, kk-oo'°, pp"] but without catchwords, 45-50 11. to the page, double columns. Folio ; 1 6th century vellum binding enclosed in case. A fine and large copy measuring 319x225 mm. [Colophon.] Finita e lopra dehncHto & diuo 1 1 dante alleghieri Fiorentin poeta 1 1 lacui anima sanfta alberga lieta 1 1 nel ciel seren oue sempre il fia uiuo || Dimola benuenuto mai fia priuo || De- terna fama che sua mansueta || lyra opero comentando il po- eta II per cui il texto a noi e itelleftiuo || Christofal Berardi pisaurense detli 1 1 opera e fa£lo indegno correftore || per quanto intese di quella i subietti || De spiera vendeHn fu il stampa- tore II del mille quattrocento e settantasetti || correuan glianni del nostro signore. ||| FINIS. N. p. [Venice.] Fifth edition of Dante and the first with a commentary. This edition is very important as it contains the famous life of Dante written by Boccaccio and here published for the first time. Dibdin (Bib. Sp.) speaks of an edition supposed to have been published by Zarotus at Milan in 147J, and containing this same commentary by Benvenuto da Imola, but disproves the existence of that edition. This copy has been collated perfe£i with Hain- Copinger (^g42) although Hain erroneously gives jjy ff., and with Dibdin (Bib. Sp.) Brunei says that the commentary has by some authorities been assigned to Jacopo della Lana. 31 DIOMEDES. De struftura et differentia sermonis. Editio Princeps. Printed by Nicolaus Jenson, Venice, i^yS-S. Volume II, page j8. TO ^^^n exhibition of Incunabula BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Leaura super inforciato. Editio Princeps. Printed by Nicolaus Jenson, Venice, 1478. Volume II, page 12. 33 SABELLICUS, M. A. COCCIUS. Historia rerum Venetarum. Editio Princeps. Printed by Andreas Torresanus, Venice, 148^. Volume III, page 66. 34 HORATIUS. Opera. Editio Princeps. Printer of the " Basilius de Vita So lit aria," Venice, 147 1. Volume III, page J2. 2S LACTANTIUS, FIRMIANUS. De divinis institutionibus. Printed by Adam de Ambercau, Venice, 1471. Volume II, page ^6. 36 PSALTERIUM GRAECUM. Third Edition. Printed by Aldus Manutius, Venice, 14^4-7. Volume III, page 61. 'T/?f 'Book Qlub of (California 1 1 37 URBANUS BOLZANIUS. Institutiones Graecae Grammatices. Editio Princeps. Printed by Aldus Manutius, Venice, 14Q7. Volume III, page y^. 38 ARISTOTELES. Opera. Editio Princeps. Printed by Aldus Manutius, Venice, j^g^-S. Volume I, page 6. 39 COLUMNA, FRANCISCUS. Hypnerotomachia. Editio Princeps. Printed by Aldus Manutius, Venice, I4gg. Volume II, page 2g. 40 SENECA. Tragediae. Editio Princeps. Printed by Andreas Bellfortis, Ferrara, circa 1484. Volume III, page 68. 41 PLINIUS SECUNDUS. Panaegyricus. TACITUS. Agricola. PETRONIUS ARBITER. Satyricon. All Editiones Principes. Printed by Antonius Zarotus, Milan, circa 1482. Volume III, page 60. I 2 Jfj^iJfi Cxhibitio?! of Incunabula 42 HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE SCRIPTORES. Editio Priticeps. Printed by Philippus de Lavagna, Milan, 14J5. Volume III, page J2. 43 MARTIAL. Epigrammata. First Merula Edition. Printed by Philippus de Lavagna, Milan, 1478. Volume III, page 41. 44 CORNELIUS NEPOS. De vita illustrium virorum. Printed by Pachel and Scinzenzeler, Milan, circa I47Q' Volume III, page I J. 45 APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Argonauticon. Editio Princeps. Printed by Laurentius Franciscus de Alopa, Florence, 14^6. Volume III, page j. +6 HERMES, sivE MERCURIUS TRISMEGISTUS. De potestate et sapientia Dei. Editio Princeps. Printed by Gerardus Lisa, Treviso, 1471. Volume III, page ji. The 'Book Qiub of California i 3 47 DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliotheca. TACITUS. De situ et moribus Germanorum. Editio Princeps of Diodorus and first dated edition of the Germania. Printed by Baldassare Azzoguidi, Bologna, 14J2. Volume III, page 22. 48 AEGIDIUS ROMANUS. Quodlibeta. Editio Princeps. Printed by Domenico de Lapi, Bologna, 1481. Volume III, page i. 49 SENECA. Opera Moralia. Editio Princeps. Printed by Matthias Moravus, Naples, 14^^. Volume II, page 86. 50 HIEROCLES. Commentarius in Pythagorae aurea carmina. Editio Princeps. Printed by Bartholomaeus de Valdezoccho, Padua, 1474. Volume II, page 48. 51 GELLIUS, AULUS. Noftes Atticae. Printed by Boninus de Boninis, Brescia, 148^. Volume II, page 44. 14 I^oan Sxhihition of In curia hula OROSIUS, PAULUS. Historiamm adversus Paganos libri vii. Second Edition. Printed by Hermann Liechtenstein, l^icenza, circa 14"/^. Volume II, page Ji. 53 AUSMO, NICOLAUS DE. Supplementum. Printed by Matthias Moravus de Olomuntz, Genoa, 14^4. Volume III, page 4. 54 BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Genealogiae Deorum. Printed by Bartholomaeus Bottonus Bruschus, Reggio, 1481. Volume III, page 8. 55 FICINUS, MARSILIUS. Delia christiana religione. Printed by Lorenzo and Agnolo 0/ Florence; Pisa, 1484. Volume II, page 41. 56 MURE, CONRADUS DE. Repertorium vocabulorum. Editio Princeps. Printed by Berthold Ruppel, Basel, circa 1468. Volume III, page ^4. ^he 'Book Qliib of California i 5 57 PERSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satirae. First Separate Edition. Printed by Martin Flach, Basel, circa 1473. Volume III, page ^8. 58 MAGNUS JACOBUS. Sophologium. First Dated Edition. Printed by Crantz, Gering, & Friburger, Paris, 1475. Volume II, page 66. 59 MAGNUS JACOBUS. Sophologium. Printed by Nicolaus Philippi and Marcus Reinhard, Lyons, circa 1 47 J. Volume III, page 41. 60 RODERICUS SANCIUS ZAMORENSIS. Speculum vitae humanae. Printed by Johann Parix, Toulouse, circa 14J8. Volume III, page 64. 61 CYPRIANUS, CAECILIUS. Epistolae. Printed by Richard Paffroet, Deventer, circa I4JJ- Volume III, page 18. 290895 1 6 J^oan Exhibition of Incunabula 62 ROLEWINCK, WERNER. Fasciculus temporum. Printed by Johann Veldener, Louvain, 14^6. Volume 111, page 6^. 63 BUTRIO, ANTONIUS DE. Speculum de confessione. Printed by Johann of Paderborn (John of Westphalia), Louvain, circa 1480. Volume III, page 12. 64 JOHANNES SALISBERIENSIS. Polycraticus. Editio Princeps. Printed by Fratres Vitae Communis, Brussels, circa 14J8. Volume III, page J4. 65 ISIDORUS, EPISCOPUS HISPALENSIS. Colloquium. First Dated Edition. Printed by Gerardus Leeu, Antwerp, 148"/. Volume III, page J4. 66 GOWER, JOHN. Confessio amantis. Editio Princeps. Printed by William Caxton, Westminster, 1483. Volume III, page 2g. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below Form L-0 20m-l, '11(1122) Tf otCAU^r^i-.-^Ofc A. \ San Francisco - A_J^oan__exlilbru^ Incunabula • Z240 S22 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRAR' AA 000 493 716