UC-NRLF B 3 TEl 3n [Price 7s 6d A CATALOGUE OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS Illustrated with Woodcuts together with a few BLOCK-BOOKS and Manuscripts in U'C style of Block-Books (with over One Hundred Illustrations) CONTENTS Nos. BLOCK-BOOKS ..... 1—4 MSS. IN THE STYLE OF BLOCK-BOOKS . S—1 BOOKS ILLUSTRATED WITH WOODCUTS . 8-J76 GERMANY AND HOLLAND 8 — 200 SWEDEN ..... 20I ITALY . . . . . 202 — 297 FRANCE ..... 298—376 INDEX ...... pages 78 — 80 OFFERED AT THE NET PRICES AFFIXED, BY BERNARD gUARITGH Limited, 11 Grafton Street New Bond Street, W. 1 Telephone: REGENT, 473 London, May, 1919 Cablegrams: QUARITCH, LONDON Inland Telegrams : QUARITCH, REG., LONDON itrOte (t icOrrut CUf cad ct^Uiinau Dafil]Da!Utid^ llfltomAPtEttjSomu ilftt rtuirtcrtJttrtmlwqm ^, '5.'-. - Apo^k^jYPsVsiS./JoANNis. Block-book . ^. ^i- I'l'-' .{Much r^dvceii) No. 353 -^ ^ ' London, May, 1919 2,„, A CATALOGUE SCHOOL OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS ILLUSTRATED WITH WOODCUTS OFFERED FOR SALE BY BERNARD QUARITCH, Ltd. 11 GRAFTON STREET, NE^W^ BOND STREET, ^W. The collection of Early Woodcut Books r offer in this Catalogue is most exceptional in its range. In its entirety it would serve as a splendid nucleus for an Art Museum, or for a Memorial Library. It could not have been got together had it not been for enforced sales during the period of the War when there was a fall in prices. BLOCK-BOOKS 1 [APOCALYPSIS S. JOANNIS].— i^o/. la : [blank]. Fol. lb : Conu'si ab ydolis p. predicacione b'ti iohanis drusiana et ceteri | At end (Fol. 48^) : Cum aute orone fecisset b'ts ioha I nes tanta lux sup' eu emicuit qd' | nullus i eu respicere potuit Hie e | b'tus ioh'es de quo dns dixeat ad pe I tm sic eum nolo manere donee ve- | nia Iri sepulchro eius niehil nisi | manna luentium est qd' usq} hodie | scaturire ternitur : — || [verso blank] A GERMAN BLOCK-BOOK OF THE MIDDLE OF THE XVth century, consisting of 48 xylograpliic blocks (c. 10 X 7|; inches), the accompanying text cut with the design in bold gothic letters, each printed in brown ink ( ? by rubbing) on one side of a leaf ; all with the ORIGINAL COLOURING as when first issued. On the blank backs of some of the leaves are explanations of the pictures, written in a neat XVth Cent. hand. Sm. folio, IjAugeCovy, the leaves measuring 11^ x Sin., or more exactly, 295 x 205 mm. Some lower edges of the leaves have been strengthened by plain paper on the blank backs, hut otherwise untouched, having never been tampered with nor removed from its almost contemporaneous binding. Bound in loooden boards covered with dark red-brown leather, elaborately stamp>ed on front side with borders and .•595054 1 BERNARD QUARITCH'S CATALOGUE, No. 358 [ApOCALYPSIS S. JoANNls], continued : — ' £ s. d. panels composed of circular stamps of stags, flowers in lozenges, leafy sprigs^ acorns, scrolls with mnricl, etc. ; the obverse side of an entirely different design, being covered with large ogee compartments formed of single lines and rein- forced im'th a pecidiar hammer -shaped ornament of various forms, repeated at intervals, the compartments having in centres a quadruple lozenge with rampant lions and floral ornament. There are embossed centre- and corner-pieces of a shell design, in brass or latten ; each of the latter deeply engraved ivith the ejaculation : i^tsus xuxti malia Ijtlf : the two leather and brass clasps are also engraved with mir (?) in much larger letters [Germany, ? Bavaria, c. 1455-65] 2750 Schreiber and Sotheby look upon this as the fourth edition while Heineken thinks it is the second, but it must be understood that the precedence of the editions except those which Schreiber denominates first and second, is provisional. With the exception of these two all the six editions were printed from different woodblocks and differ materially as different manuscripts were used as models. Schreiber {Manuel de la Gravure sur bois) places the various editions in three groups. His first three editions form Group A; his fourth edition forms Group B ; his fifth and sixth editions form Group C. Although he places these groups in this order of publica- tion, he admits that both groups B and C contain evidence of having been copied from earlier manuscripts than those in Group A. The above copy, and the copy described below, are therefore not duplicates but essentially distinct productions. This copy is one of the rare copies in the FIRST STATE, with the horse on sig. D coloured black and the word " pallidus " omitted, the inscription rea^ding " Equus | ypocrisis est | ". In the later impressions of the same blocks, these words were cleared away from the wood, leaving the scroll blank, which appears thus in most copies. "Get premier etat est assez rare, car bientot cette inscription defect- euse fut tout a fait enlevee de la planche, de sorte que dans la plupart des exemplaires il n'y a que la banderole vide." — Schreiber, p. 164. It should be noted that the present copy is not amongst those enumerated by either Sotheby or Schreiber. The latter authority's own copy of the second edition of the present Block-Book (wanting the first 6 and the last 3 leaves, and having some 20 of the others mended and made up) sold in 1909 at Vienna for the sum of £3,580. The British Museum copy (formerly George Ill's) has the last leaf in facsimile and measures 280 x 200 mm. The leaves of the present measure 295 x 205. The following inscription inside the front cover considerably adds to the interest of the volume, demonstrating that the binding itself was executed before 16 May, 1495 — in all probability soon after 1478, the date of the MS. in the volume : see below. " Jodocus Bractschedl plebanus in ergolting singularis fantor (?) nr. nobis librii hunc legauit ad dei honore ac marie virginis diue hantno conuentus utilitatem. Qui quid' vita functus est 16 die Mens' maij Anno salutis M°. iiij'= Ixxxxv Prefatus iudocus pluriu annorum principis georgij pedagogns." Bractschedl's pupil referred to was undoubtedly George Duke of Bavaria, called Dives or the Rich : born 1455. Founded Ingolstadt University 1472 : died 1503. He married Hedwig, daughter of Casimir 1\ of Poland ; his daughter married Rupert, Elector Palatine, in 1501. Ergolting or Ergolding, where Bractschedl was parish priest, is a BLOCK-BOOKS £ «. d. village a few miles from Lanclshut. The Convent to which this volume was bequeathed is apparently that of Seldenthal (Seligentall, Selingthal, or Salntal : Cistercian order) in the suburbs of Landshut : founded by Ludmilla in 1231, The Duke George is there buried. The University of Ingoldstadt founded by him was transferred to Lands- hut in 1800 and thence to Munich in 1826. *^* See illustration A. The following important pieces are bound tip in the same volume : (1) AQUINO (S. Thomas de). Fol. 1 : Postilla fratris thome de aquino In job feliciter incipit, . . . Fol. 103: (Colophon) . . , Anno | Mille- simoquadringentesimoseptuagesimoq'rto. per di- | scretum Conradum fijner d' gerhuszen artis impressorie | magistrnra. | [_verso blankl Gothic letter, 42 long lines to a page, without signatures or other marks, but quires count as follows : — \_a-h 10, t-18], I I a blank is cancelled and cut away = 103 ff. Hain *1397 mentions a Tabula of 4 leaves preceding the text, but which he had not seen. Pellechet LOO I records only the Bibl. Nat. copy which apparently contains those leaves. Proctor 2461 Esslingen, G. Fyner, 1474 (2) TEACTATUS de Occultatione Viciorum sub Spem Virtutum, At end : Explicit tractatus bonus et vtilis de occultatione viciorum . , Anno domini Millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo octauo Die lune , , dominicum palmarum, [Appears to be mainly compiled from GODFREY of VITERBO, died c. 1190.] MS. on paper, do7ible columns of gothic letter, red and black dated 1478 (3) APOCALYPSE, described above. (4) AURBACH (Joh. de). Summa de Sacramentis, F, la: [blank] F. lb : Pro capitulis libri facilius requirendis, F. 2a : Summa magistri Johannis. De | aurbach. Vicarii. Bambergensis. \ . . F. 496.- {Colophon) . . . a Ginthero zeiner de Reutlingen. artis huius ingeniose magistro. | in vrbe aigustensi impressus feliciter. A partu virginis salutifero | anno currente Millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo- nono. Gothic letter, 35 long lines to a page, without signatures or other rnarks, but quires count : [a 10 (last blank cut away), b-f 8]. First leaf (Table : printed on verso only) mounted, having had lower blank margin torn off. Lower corner also torn off last leaf, mended, but a few rvords missing. The Second or Third book printed at Augsburg. Hain *2124. 49/. Proctor \b22. Pellechet lb99 Augsburg, G. Zainer, U69 (5) GERSON (J. [Charlier] de). Fol. 1 : Secunt' oclusioes de diuersis materiis moralib? vtiles valde posite p' mgr'm | johane3 de gersona . . Incipit prologus. ( . . Gothic letter (as No. 1 above) , 42 long lines to a page, loithout signatures or other marks, but quires count [a 8, b 10, last blank"], initials painted in red (none printed). Hain *7641. 17 ff. (this has 18 with blank). Pellechet 5149. Proctor 2469. Type 1 [s. n., Esslingen, G. Fyner, c. 1473-4] 2 APOCALYPSIS S. JOANNIS APOSTOLI. BLOCK- BOOK OF THE XVth CENTURY, ON 48 BLOCKS IMPRESSED ON ONE SIDE ONLY, and each block separate (not pasted together), WITH CONTEM- PORARY COLOURING CHIEFLY IN BROWN, RED, PURPLE AND BLUE, neatly mlaid on stont modern paper. Sm. folio, hound in green morocco extra, with broad and rich gilt borders inside and out, joints., 9' e. Saec. XV, circ. 1460 1500 A very fine copy of the fifth issue according to Schreiber. It is in extremely fine condition. /" ' Crr? 1 * BEJINARD QUARITCH'S CATALOGUE, No. 353 3 BIBLIA PAUPERUM BLOCKBOOK. Biblia Paupemm, sive Historia A^eteris et Novi Testamenti in figuris. Sill, folio, consisting of 39 leaves {of 40), of the first ISSUE (according to Schreiber), each containing a woodcut in jive compartmenfs^ three in the centre and one each at top and bottom, the latter surrounded by text ; the last leaf missing and two others slightly defective, and a few slightly washed in yellow in parts^ hut not so as to obscure the designs; for the most part in unusually clean and sound condition ; bound with two other works (described below) in old vellum [portion of a liturqical MS.) [Bruges'? about 1450] 2500 This is a most desirable copy of the earliest and perhaps most celebrated of the blockbooks, having the blank backs not pasted together, as is often the case. M. Schreiber, the latest and most authoritative exponent of xylographica, in his important Manuel de la Oravure sur hois et stir metal, describes ten distinct editions or varieties of this blockbook, the above (though he does not include it among his list of copies known to him) belonging to his first. He is careful, however, to point out that there is not a single edition which can claim to be the first in point of date. But i^eferring to the above edition, designated by him the first, he asserts : " la beaute de celle-ci lui donne la pre- eminence entre toutes les editions qui nous sont restees," and further : " Les planches de cette edition, comme je I'ai dit auparavant, sont executees par un main tres habile et il semble qu'un seul graveur ait fait tout I'oeuvre." — See Schreiber, op. cit.. Vol. iv, pp. 2 seq. and vii, pL 41. According to Graesse, the designs were executed by Roger of Bruges, disciple of Jan van Eyck. Most of the copies of this edition known are imperfect, only five, of which three are in public libraries, being complete. ^^^ See illustration B. Bound up in the same volume are : 1. Aes moriendi Sm. folio, comprising 12 leaves containing 11 retnarkahle full-page woodcuts, 3 of which are in contemporary colouring, the others lightlu washed with sf-pia, lut not so as to obscure the designs ; with accom,pa7\y- ing printed text in Latin [Cologne, N. Gotz, c. 1477 ?] Extremely rare and interesting. The only copies mentioned by Schreiber (V, 3370) are those in the British Museum and Apel (at Ermlitz, near Leipzig), libraries. The wonderful ^YOodcuts are from the same blocks as those in the earlier blockbook editions. 2. Role winck (Werner). Fasciculus temporum. With woodcuts. Strassburg, Johann Prilss, 1488 Hain *6937 ; Proctor 533. 4 the same. Fourth issue accordino- to Schreiber. 24 CONSECUTIVE LEAVES OUT OF 40, EACH PRINTED ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER, inlaid to folio size^ blue Levant morocco extra, g. 6., by Lloyd [5.72., Netherlands and Germany^ c. 1460] 600 The FOURTH edition according to the details given by Schreiber. The leaves consist of signatures h to u of the first series, and a to / of the second series. They are very slightly tinted and in fine condition. Schreiber cites only 8 complete copies besides one (Rylands) WANTING 4 leaves. The Royal Library, Berlin, possesses only two leaves, and the Brit. Mus. only the same number (possibly 3). HMIMMMM«W*MMli ^ni iil?l)ur vmd n mnitli' /j9 — ^^-^^--ii^/f >^: dj itt'^^tnirtD' ni'^ no Innutta Q i'iai fed' V mftu^ilru uini SlMiJl ^.!^ /;$■ [l^;'^'^^^, ^Af 'fill i ''.— fc L