•*v,-^: V aaE»EeG3o:cO30Er( Robert E. Gross Collection A Memorial to the Founder of the Business Administration Library f/ni'vefirYi/ -«/ ^au/ot^ma Los Angeles y y ^P7t^ THE EAST INDIA GAZETTEER, / THE EAST INDIA GAZETTEER ; CONTAINING J^aiticular iit^criptioug? OF THE EMPIRES, KINGDOMS, PRINCIPALITIES, PROVINCES, CITIES, TOWNS, . DISTRICTS, FORTRESSES, HARBOURS, RIVERS, LAKES, &c. OF HINDOSTAN, AND^THE ADJACENT COUXTRIES, INDIA BEYOND THE GANGES, AND THE Eastern Archipelago ; TOGETHER WITH SKETCHES OF THE :\rAN\ERS, CUSTOMS, INSTITUTIONS, AGRICUI^ TURE, COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, REVENUES, POPUllvnON, CASTES, RELIGION, HISTORY, &c. OF THF.IR VARIOUS INHABITANTS. BY WALTER HAMILTON. LONDON: PRINTED FOR JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, By Dove, St. Johns Square, Clerlicmcell, 1815. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE ROBERT, EARL OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, President of tli£ Board of Controul, ^-c. ^c. My Lord, THE composition of the following; work was originally suggested by the removal of the restrictions on the trade to India, and by the numerous petitions pre- sented in support of that measure. On consideration of their tendency, it occurred to me, that a work containing in a small compass, and in the form best suited for refer- ence, the information dispersed through many volumes, might at the present period prove of utility, and assist the judgments of many who had not before applied their atten- tion to this subject. Having finished an arrangement of this description, it could not with equal propriety be addressed to any other person than your Lordship, under whose auspices the com- merce with India has been opened to the merchants of Britain, in a degree as great as appears consistent with the tranquillity of Hindostan, and with the existence of that Company by which those extensive regions were first acquired, and under whose administration they have at- tained so high a state of prosperity. I shall be happy if your Lordship will receive it as a proof of my respect for your public character, and for the abilities which led to so desirable a result. I have the honour to remain, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient And most humble servant, WALTER IIAMILTOx\. PREFACE. Xhe following work is intended to form a sum- mary and popular account of India, and of its va- rious inhabitants, adapted principally for the pe- rusal of those who have never visited that quarter of the world, and whose leisure has not admitted of their examining the numerous volumes in which the local descriptions are dispersed. Until lately the unceasing changes among the native powers, the vicissitudes of their politics, and their perpe- tually fluctuating boundaries, rendered the most accurate account that could be given, only suited to the particular period in which it was written; but since the definitive arrangements of the Mar- quis Wellesley in 1803 and 5, Hindostan has ex- perienced a tranquillity, and the relative bounda- ries of the different governments a degree of per- manence, unknown since the death of Aurensczebe viii PREFACE. in 1707. The territorial divisions continue in many places perplexed and uncertain, and the jurisdic- tions of their chiefs ill defined ; but these obstacles are not of such weight as to preclude an attempt to class the whole alphabetically. To form a geographical basis, Mr. Arrowsmith's six sheet map of Hindostan, published in 1804, and his four sheet chart of the Eastern Seas, have been selected, as they exhibit the most correct delinea- tion of this part of Asia hitherto presented to the public, and are in general use. Other maps and charts, subsequently engraved, have been occasion- ally consulted; but so seldom, that a very great majority of the latitudes and longitudes, distances and dimensions, refer to their positions in the two works above described. Within these limits are comprehended the following countries, viz. WEST OF THE INDUS. Cabul, Candahar, Baloochistan, and all Afghan- istan, &c. IN HINDOSTAN PROPER. Lahore, Mooltan, Sinde, Tatta, Cutch, Ajmeer, and Gujrat; J3elhi, Agra, and Malwah ; Oude, Allahabad, Bahar, Bengal, &c. PREFACE. ix IN THE DECCAN. Aurungabad, Bejapoor, Khandesh, Berar, Orissa, Gundwana, the Northern Circars, Cuttack, Nan- dere, Beeder, Hyderabad, &c. INDIA SOUTH OP THE KRISHNA RIVER. Mysore, the Carnatic northern, central, and south- ern, Malabar, Canara, Cohubetoor, Travancor, Co- chin, Dindigul, Barramahal, the Balaghaut ceded districts, Kistnagherry, &c. IN NORTHERN HINDOSTAN. Cashmere, Serinagur, Nepaiil, Bootan, and also the adjoining country of Tibet, &c. INDIA BEYOND THE GANGES. Ava and the Birman Empire, Siam, Pegu, Ara- can, Assam, Cassay, Tunquin, Cochin China, Cam- bodia, Laos, Siampa, Malacca, &c. THE EASTERN ISLES. Sumatra, Java, and all the Sunda chain, Borneo, Celebes, and Gilolo, the Moluccas, Papua, Magin- danao, the Philippines, &c. and also the Island of Ceylon. In arranging the alphabetical distribution, the great diversity of names applied to the same place by Hindoos, Mahommedans, and Europeans, occa- X PREFACE. sioiied a considerable difficulty, wliich has not been completely surmounted. To obviate it as much as possible, the whole of Mr. Arrowsmith's names have been adopted, as being those most imiversally known, and to enable the reader to find the place in the map without trouble. In many of the most remarkable instances the original appellation is also given, according to Sir William Jones's orthogra- phical system ; but, although a name be not quite correct, if generally understood, it is desirable it should continue permanent, as it answers every useful purpose, and a deviation even to a more ap- propriate causes much confusion. The deities of the Hindoos have a still greater variety of names, or rather epithets, than their towns ; the most com- mon have been selected, and adhered to through- out. The same plan has also been followed with regard to the names of persons, castes, and tribes. In the composition of the work oriental terms have been usually avoided ; but, from the nature of the subject, could not be wholly dispensed with. Of those of most frequent occurrence, an explanation will be found in the short Glossary annexed. The plan usually followed is that of Brooke's, Crutwell's, and other Gazetteers, which, on account PREFACE. Xi of the number of different articles, anil the conse- quent abbreviation, does not admit of minute de- tails, or the investigation of disputed facts. From this cause also the historical part has been con- tracted nearly to a chronological series of sove- reigns and remarkable events. The authorities for each description are commonly subjoined, and in many cases this is given as closely as the necessity of condensing the substance of many volumes into a small compass would permit. But no person is to be considered wholly responsible for any article, the materials in many instances being so intimately blended with each other, and with the result of the author's own experience and inquiries, that it would be impossible to define the boundaries of the re- spective properties. A very considerable portion of the most valuable information contained in this publication will be found to be entirely new, being extracted from various unpublished manuscripts, collected by Sir John Malcolm, while he filled im- portant official and diplomatic situations in Hin- dostan and Persia, and communicated by him in the most handsome and liberal manner. Of these and the other authorities referred to, a catalogue will be found in the Appendix. Xii PREFACE. In specify ins: the extent of countries the whole length, but only the average breadth is given, to enable the reader to ascertain the probable area in square miles. In an arrangement of this sort strict accuracy cannot be expected ; but it was thought less vague than the usual mode of stating the ex- treme length and the extreme breadth, and an ap- proximation to the reality is all that is required. The same observation applies to the population of countries that have not undergone local investiga- tions. When such instances occur, a comparison of their peculiar circumstances has been instituted with those of the adjacent provinces, the popula- tion of which is better known, and an estimate computed from the result. Where the number of inhabitants has been established on probable grounds, it is particularly mentioned. To facili- tate tlie discovery of a place on the map, besides its latitude and longitude, its nearest direct dis- tance from some distinguished city is stated, and likewise the name of the province which includes it. When not otherwise specified, the standard of distance is invariably the English mile, G9J to the degree. The descrii)tion of Hindostan, under the Em- PREFACE. Xiii peror Acber, compiled by Abul Fazel in 1582, is literally extracted from Mr. Gladwin's translation of the Ayeen Acberry, and is a curious remnant of Mogul geography. Although wrong in many instances, the dimensions are surprisingly exact, considering the era in which they w ere calculated ; and the limits he assigns to the provinces must ever form the foundation of any delineation of Hindos- laa Proper, as they continued to regulate the ju- risdictions of the viceroys for almost two centuries, and it Avould be in vain to follow the annually fluctuating principalities which sprung from the ruins of the Mogul empire. The distances men- tioned by Abul Fazel are commonly the extreme length and extreme breadth ; and the quotas of troops he enumerates mean the whole that the province was supposed capable of furnishing on any important exigence, not the actual number ever produced. Owing to the want of uniformity in the modes adopted by different authors of spelling the Indian names, the reader, it is apprehended, will at first experience some difficulty in discovering the place he is in search of, the whole of the vowels being substituted for each other, and also several of the Siv PREFACE. consonants, such as c for k and s, and g for j. When the Avord, therefore, does not occur under the head first suggested, it must be sought under one of a simihir sound, such as for Tirhoot see Tyrhoof, and the geographical situations being very minutely detailed will greatly assist the re- search. The east and west, north and south, sides of rivers, and the compass distances, in a great ma- jority of cases refer to their positions in the map ; the length of rivers, including the windings, are estimated according to the rules laid down in Ma- jor Rennel's valuable Memoir, from which also the travelling distances are extracted. Another objection to an alphabetical description of a country is, that the whole does not appear at one view, being dispersed and separated overy dif- ferent parts of the book, which is certainly iagainst an arrangement in other respects remarkably con- venient. To remedy this as far as is practicable, when a kingdom or province is described, all the most important towns and districts it contains are also specified, and by a reference to each of these a tolerable idea of the whole will be at- tained. In describing the portions of territory into which PREFACE. XV modern Hindostan is subdivided, the different pos- sessors of the present day are generally particu- arized at considerable length ; and where there is not any native proprietor named, it may be consi- dered (with a very few exceptions) as compre- hended in the British dominions. Many of the descriptions will be found extremely meagre, ex- hibiting little more than the geographical features of the article under discussion ; but it will have the good effect of pointing out to the many eminent men, now residing in India, how little is known in Europe of countries with which they are inti- mately acquainted, and perhaps influence them to supply the deficiency. The facts here stated being collected within a narrow compass, they will be enabled with little trouble to correct on the spot what they perceive to be erroneous ; and in a work of this nature numerous errors are unavoidable. Tttk Cfasit 0ntria or steelyards. The revenue of the crown arises from the export and import duties, and of course fluctuates considerably. European merchants pay betwixt live and six per cent, but the Co- romandel traders are understood to be charged with much higher du- ties ; in the whole uot less thaa 16 .per cent, of which 12 per cent, is taken out of the bales in the first instance. This disparity of duty they are enabled to support by the frugal manner in which they purchase their investments, and the cheap rate at which they navigate their vessels. These sources of revenue are inde- pendent of the profit derived from the trade, which is managed for his master by a person who is stiled th« king's merchant. The govenunent is hereditary, and more or less arbitrary, in proportion to the talents of the reigning prince, who usually maintains a guard of 100 sepoys from the Coromandel coast. At the king's feet sits a woman, to whom he makes known his pleasure ; by her it is communicated to an eu- nuch, who sits next to her, and by him to an officer named Kajurau Goodang, who proclaims it aloud to the assembly. Sultan Allah ud Deen, who reigned in 1784, when Capt, Fonest visited his court, had tra- velled, and had been a considerable time in the Mauritius, where he had been driven when proceeding on a pilgrimage to Mecca. Besides the Malay, he spoke French and Portu- guese, and understood the casting of cannon and bomb shells. His vizier was a Turk from Constantinople^ All matters relative to the customs and commerce of the port of Acheen are under the jurisdiction of the master attendaiit, or Shahbunder. The country is populous, but the number of inhabitants has never been satisfactorily ascertained. The in- habitants difler considerably from the other Sumatrans, being in general tal- ler and stouter, and of darker com- plexions. In their present state they cannot be considered as a genuine people, but are rather a mixture of Battas and Malays with Chalias, as they term the natives of the west of India, by whom their ports were fre- quented in all ages. In their disposi- tions they are more active and indus- trious than some of their neighbours ; they possess more sagacity, have more knowledge of otlxer countiics, and as ACHEEN. merchants they deal on a more liberal and extensive footing-. At the town of Acheen their conduct depends much on the example of the reigning monarch, which is often narrow, ex- tortionary, and oppressive. Tlie language of Acheen consists of a mixture of Malay and Batta, with all the jargons used by the Ma- hommedaiis of the east, whether Hin- dostany, Arab-Tainiil, or IMoplay. The Achceuese resemble the Moplays of Malabar more than any tribe of Malays ; as a people they have long been connected with them, and use many Moplay terms in their lan- guage, but they make use of the Malay character. In religion they are Mahommedans ; and, having many priests, and much intercourse with strangers of the same faith, its forms and ceremonies are observed with considerable strictness. Acheen has ever been remarkable for the severity witli which crimes are punished by law, but there is reason to believe the poor alone ex- perience the rod of justice. The va- riety of their modes of punishment are too numerous and horrid to ad- mit of thoir being detailed; but not- withstanding so much apparent dis- couragement, l)oth from law and prejudice, ail travellers agiee in re- presenting the Acheeiiese as one of tiie most dishonest and flagitious na- tions of the east, w hich the histoi-y of their government tends to cono- boratc. The Acheenese territories were Tisited by the Portuguese as early as 1509, wlieu Diego Lopez Siqueira cast anchor at Pedeer, a principal sea-port on this part of Sumatra. At this time Pasay, Pedeer, any other places were governed by petty princes, occasionally suboidinate to the sultan of Acheen, and sometimes receiving tribute from him ; but the state of Acheen soon afterwards gain- ed an ascendancy, which it lias ever since retained. Even at this early stage of their ac- quaintance, hostiUties between the two nations commenced, and con- it 2 tinned with very little cessation until the Portuguese lost Malacca in 1641. In the course of tiiese wars it is diffi- cult to determine which of the two is the more astonishing ; the vigorous stand made by such a handful of men as the whole Portuguese fori^e at Ma- lacca consisted of, or the prodigious resources and perseverance of the Acheenese monarchs. About tlie year 1586 the conse- (pience of the kingdom of Acheen had attained its greatest height. Its iriendship was courted by the most consideral)le eastern potentates, and no city in India possessed a more nourishing trade. The customs of the i)ort being moderate, it was crowded with merchants trom all parts; and though tiie Portuguese and their ships were continually plundered, yet those belonging to every Asiatic power appear to have enjoyed per- fect security in the business of tiKir commerce. With respect to the. go- vernment, the nobles, or Orang Cayos, formed a powerful counterpoise to the authority of the king. They were rich, had numerous followers, and cannon planted at the gates of their houses. Towards the close of the 16th cen- tury, the Hollanders began to navi- gate the Indian seas, and in the yeat 1600 some of their ships airived at Acheen, when they were nearly cut off by treachery. The first English ships, under Capt. Lancaster, visited Acheen in 1602, and were received by the king with abundant respect and ceremony, which was usually pro- portioned by the Acheenese sove- reigns to the number of vessels and apparent strength of their foreign guests. In 1607, the reigning sultan, Pe- ducka Siri, assumed the title of sove- reign of Acheen, and of the countries of Aroo, Delhi, Johore, Paham, Queda, and Pera, on one side ; and of Baroos, Pa.ssaman, Ticoa, Sileda, and Priainan, on the other. In his answer to a letter from King James the First, in 1613, he stiles himself King of all Sumatra, a name and idea, which, if they exist iu the ori» ACHEEN. ffinal, he luust have learned from liis European connexions. In fliat letter he expresses a strong desire that the Kiug of Eiiglaud wouhl send liim out one of his couiitrywonion as a ^^ ii'c, and promised to make her eldest son icing of all the pep])cr countries. The French first visited A cheen midcr jCoiumodoicBeaulien, in lt;21. ■ In the year 1640, the Dutch, Avilh twelve men of war, and the Sultan of Aciieen with twenty-live galiies, ap- Iieared hefore Malacca, which they iad for so many years harrassed ; and the fol!o^vingyear it was wrested from the Portuguese, who had so long, and under such diflicuUies, kept pos- session of it. But as if the opposi- tion of the Portuguese power, which tirst occasioned the rise of Acheen, iivas also necessary to its continuance ; the splendour and c- librr, nor do ffjcy scoin in other respects of adequate dimensions. James, wlio a1>liorrcd bloodshed him- self, was resolved that liis ;>reseiit ^fiouM not be the instnnnent of it in otiiers. Theiident of that of the oiilports, <;ives employment to cip;ht or ten Coiomandel vessels of 15(> or 200 tons burthen, whieh arrive an- inially from I'ortonovo and (."orin?,a abont the month of Ans^'ist, and sail ai;:iin in j'ebrnary atid March. Tlie Ivinu: of Aeheen, as is nsnal witli princes in this part of the world, is tlie chief merchant of his capital, and endeavours to be, to the utmost of his power, the monopolizer of its trade. No duties are paid on 2;ood» sold to him, as tliat is considered in the inice. On all jmrchases of i;Tulf g'oods by Europeans, such as brim- stone, betelnnt, rattans, benzoin, camphor, horses, S^c. the king's duties are six per cent. There is a ship or two arrives annually iVom Surat, the proi)erty of native merchants there ; from Benu;al the inhabitants arc sup- plied with opium, tatfattas, and mus- lins ; besides which, iron, and many other articles of merchandize, are im- ported l)y European traders : but it is necessaiy that a strict guard be kept on board ship while lyin<^ in Aeheen liarbour, as the risk of beim? eut olf by th- a fixed contempt for the otcupa lions of civil Hfe. Bread of. wheat and barley, milk, butter, and qhecse, eon.posc tlieir usual diet. Throujchnfit i iindostan the Afghan cliararter is of the very worst de- 5?cription, and tiiey are reprobated as ferocious, sanguinary, and tieacherr ous; but being a l)rave and hardy race, they are, notwithstanding their grievous faults, nuich sought after, and entertained as soldiers by the native powers. The Gujars of Afghanistan are of tlie same race as those v.ho occupy the mountains of the Punjabs and XJpper Hindostan. In so)ne districts tJiey are nearly as numerous as the Afghans, especially in the territories of the tribe of Mandar, which form an extensive district about 100 miles Jjong, and 60 in breadth. Before the time of Acber, all tlie Zemindars of INIandar were of the Gujarrace; but the APrhaus had occupied tlie moun- tains .it a more early period ; and, de- scending fioni these, they gradually possessed themselves of the plains. TIjc Irujars of Afghanistan are still a brave peoj-.le, of pastoral habits, ■yiliose wealth consists chiefly in cat- tle, and parllcalariy in buffaloes. They arc still numerous in the dis- trict of llashtaiiagur. It is pro!.able tliat not l-50th part of this \ast country is under a state f»f permanent cultivation. JNJost of the gcnniiic Afghan tribes arc niigra- t.ory, and fhvcll in tents, and subsist ()n the produce ol' their Hocks; such ps ar< more stationary in their habits, are but little a(!di( ted to agriculture. In thcsonlh, Afghanistan is a barren desert of sand, and to the north of f aluil it is a savage and mountainous pou'ntry. The central part through .which the Cow and Cabni rivers flow, jS fertile, and uiulcr a tranquil go- Veriunent niight be rendered extrente- ly productive; but this "is a small portion of the whole; The populatibn is, consequently, very unecjual to the extent of territory; and, probably, does not exceed three millions of in- habitants of aH descriptions. Of these a very great proportion are jVIahom- mcdans of the Soonee persuasion, the.' Hindoos being few, and chielly set- tled in the towns and villages as mer- chants, shopkeepers, and bankers. ' The Hazareh are a distinct race fiora either tJie Afghans or Moguls^ although their tribes are intermixed with these and other races. Their original seat is said to have been the country between Herat and Balk ; but their possessions extend much wider, and they occupy a consider- able part of the country betvA'eeit Ghizni and Candahar in One direc- tion, and between Maidan and Balk on the other. They are, probably, of Pehlavi extiaction. The armies of the state are com- posed of a diversity of nations, but the best troops arc drawn from the Afg]ian distiicts. Cavah^ constitute the chief military sti-engtli ; a service- able horse, in this country, costing only about six pounds sterling. A corps of infantiy, armed with match- locks, composes also a part of the Afghan armies. The cities and towns of Afghan- istan are chiefly inhabited by Hin- doos and Mahommedans of the Pun- jab, who were established by the for- mer princes of Hindostan to intro- duce conmierce and civilization; many families of Persian and Tartar extraction aic also dispersed in dif- ferent parts of the country: the for- mer are denominated Parsewans, the other Moguls; but both have adopted the use of the Persian language. The Afu;hanH received the religion of Mahommed from their Tartar con- querors, and like them profess the Sooni creed, but they are by no means strict in the performance of their religious duties, and their couni try has been the seat of many here- •sies; 'mostly propagated by the. sworr?. The nature of their sovereignty -is AFGHANISTAN. 9 fl a large di\ision of Khorasan, which, incliuling the city of Herat, extends on the north to the vicinity of Nis- habor andTarshish, ami on the south to the lesser Irak. Timour Shah died in 1792, after a reign of 19 years, leaving 19 sons. To the eldest, Humaycum, he gavR the sovereignty of Herat and Canda- har; to '/eniaiur Shah, Cabnl and tlio rest of^his Aljihan territories, a,s well 10 AGRA. as Cashmere and Mooltan. Hunia- yoon was atterwards dethroned and blinded by his brother Zemaun Sliab, who, in 1796, advanced as far as La- hore with an army of 23,000 cavalry, cansed great alarm in Hindostan, and retreated. In 1802 Zemaun Shah was de- throned and deprived of sight by his brother Mahmood Shah, who was shortly after expelled and pardoned by his brother Swjah ul Moolk, against whom he rebelled in 1809, in which year Snjah ul Moolk's army was discomfited, and his standard abandoned by most of his chieftains. IMahommed Khan, the viceroy of Cashinere, taking advantage of these dissensions, in 1809 erected the Hag of independence in that province, which still continues unsubdued, and the subjection of the other districts composing the Afghan empire little more than nominal. {Foster, Ley den, Wth Register, Jones, Vansittart, ^c.) Ager. — A large town with a stone fort, in the province of Malwah, 42 jniies N. by E. from Oojain. Lat. 23°. 44'. N. Long. 76°. 3'. E. To the south of this town, which is subject to Siudia, is a line lake. (^Hunter, Sfc.) AGRA. A large province in Hindostan, situated principally between the 25th and 28th degrees of north latitude. It is bounded on the north by the province of Delhi, on the south by that of Malwah; on the east it has the provinces of Oude and Allahabad, and on the west that of Ajmeer. Jn length it may be estimated at 250 miles by 180 the average breadth. In the institutes of Acber, compiled by Abul I'azel, A. D. 1582, this pro- vince is described as follows: " The soubah of Agra is situated in the second climate. In length from Chatimpoor (Gau(unip«ior) which contines it on the side of Allahal)ad, to Pulwall, the boundary towards Delhi, it measures 175 coss ; its breadth is from Kaiiogc to Chaiidicc in Malwa. This soubah contains 1.^ districts, viz. 1. Agra; 2. Calpee; 3. Canoge; 4. Cowl; 5. Gualior; 6. Irej ; 7. Sanwan ; 8. Narwar ; 9. Mund- layer; 10. Alvar; 11. Tejareh ; 12. Narnoul; 13. Sehar. These districts are subdivided into 203 pergunnahs. The amount of the revenue is 1 ,61 ,56,257 rupees. It furnishes 50,600 cavalry, 477,570 infantry, and 221 elei)hants." The surface of this province, north of tlie Chumljul, is in general ilat and oj)en, and rather bare of trees ; but south of that river, and also towards the north western frontier, it is more hilly, and trees become more plen- tiful. The climate for the greater part of the year is temperate, and during the winter months actually cold ; but while the hot winds prevail, like the otlier central coiuitries of Hindostan, the heat is intejise, and the climate generally unhealthy. Fortunately their continuance is not of long du- ration. The chief rivers in this province are the Jumna, the Chumbul, and the Ganges, besides which there are many smaller streams; but, upon the whole, this country is indillerently supplied with water, and during the dry season to the north of the Cluun- bul, excejtt in the immediate vicinity of the rivers, water for agiicultural purposes is procured from wells. A great proportion of the cultivation is consequently restricted to such crops as do not, like rice, require a re- dundant sui)ply of moisture. The soil is particularly adapted for the production of indigo, which might be raised in any quantity, as also sugar and cotton; but except in that por- tion of the province under the Bri- tish jurisdiction, all processes of agri- culture are in a very backward state, owing to the confusion and incessant warfare by which the province has been distracted ever since the death of Aurengzebe in 1707. In this jno- vince there are no remarkable or peculiar mineral productions, and the animals are the same as in iliudosr tan generally, but the horses art AGRA. 11 much superior to those of Bengal and the more eastern and southern provinces. I'he principal article manufactur- ed in this province is coarse clolh, but the export of it is not great. The Britisli pro\inccs to the south- east rccii\o tii.nually an ini]>or1alion of cotton from the south ol'llie Chuni- bul, by the route of Calpee, but a considerable proj'ortion of it is the growth of -V.iilwah, and tlie >hilia- ratla tcrritoiics to the south-east of Agra. The Doab, or ttnitory be- tween the Canges atid llie Jumna, wliith may be tetmed the garden of the pro\ince, exports indigo, sugar, and cotton. The country to the north-west of Agra, under the jNIa- clurry Rajah of Aha and other na- tive chiefs, beijig ill supplied with water, is of a very inferior quality, and generally unproductive. L'pon the whole, the province is but thinly peopled compared with Kc)igal,Tan- jore, and the more flourishing of the British provinces, and does not, pro- bably, in all its diniensions, contain more than six millions of inhabitants. 'I'he Doab, and that part of it pos- sessed by the British, is by far the most fertile, populous, and best go- verned. At present this province is partitioned nearly in the following manner: The north-western and western districts, to the north of the Chuni- bul, are possessed by the Rajahs of Macherry and Bhnrtpoor, and other native chiefs in alliance w ith the Bri- tish government, who form a pro- tecting boundary towards the domi- nions of the Ajmecr Rajpoot chiefs, and those of the Mahvah Alaharattas. All the territory to the east of the Jumna, and a small district round the city of Agra, is possessed by the British governmesit, which has there instituted a regidar civil establish- ment for the coUettion ot the le- venuc, and the administration of jus- tice. I'he counlry to the south of the Chumbul, c; mprehcnding Guaiior, Gohud, Naiwai'j &.c. with the excep- tion of the town and dislrict of Cal- pee, are either ai the possession of, or tributary to, the JV'Jaharatlas, who, by this arrangement, aie shut out from the north of Hindostan. The principal towns in this pro- vince are Alvar, the capital of the Machrrry Rajah; Bhuttpoor, the capital of the Jauts ; Dceg, another strong Jaut fortress; AJathura, Ka- noge, Etaweh, Guaiior, Gohud, Cal- pee, and Narwar. 'I'he natives of this province arc, in general, a hand- some robust race of men, and con- sist of a mixture of liiu(!oos and ]\Jahommedans. few of the iseiks having vet como so far soiith. A considerable nuiiiijcr of the culti\a- tors to the west of the Jumna are Jauts, who are a liindoo trilie, w Inch religion still predominates, although the province has been permanently subject, since the 13th century, to the Mahommedans. 1 he language of common intercourse thjoughout the Agra province is the IJhulostaiiy, but the Persian is used for public and official documents, and in conversa- tion among the higher classes of Mahommedans. Ihe ancient lan- guage of Kanoge is thought, by Mr. Colebrooke, to form the basis of the modern tiindostany. In the remote ages of Hindoo an- tiquity, tliis province must have form- ed a very important portion of Jrlin- dostan, as it contained Kanoge, Ma- thura, and Binclrai und, the seats of their most famous empires, and still among their most venerated jjlaces of pilgrimage. 'I'he city of Agra is also supposed to have beeir the birth- place of the Avatar, or incarnation of Vishna, under the naihe ot Pa- rasu Rama, w hose conquests extend- ed to and included Cejlon- After the Mahommcdau conquest it followed the fate of Delhi, and during the reign of Acber, vNas the leatling j>ro- vince of the empire. Subscqueist to the death of Aurcngzebe, in 1707, it V as alternately possessed and ravag- ed by the Jauts, jNiaiiarattas, and dilferent chiefs depulcd from Delhi, to restore the royal authority. One .f.J AHMEOABAD. of the liittpr, kiuljilTKIian, oovorncd this ])ro\iiir<' iiorili of 1h<> Cluinibul from 1777 to his df-alh, iiulrpendent of all toulrrxil from tin; Delhi so- Acn^igns. (Ahvl I'/izel, Scott, Colc- Innnkc, Wilford, (Sr.) AcuA. — A small (listrirf in the province of Agra, in Ihc immediato virinity of the- city of A2;ia. Jiy Abnl J'awi, ill 15K'l, it is described as fol- lows : ■ " Sircar Asraronfains 33 njahals; measnremont. <),107?622 begahs ; ro- vomio, ]{)\,7\9,2m dams. Seynru;- li-,d, 14,506,818 dams. 'Ibis Sircar finnishos 11,660 cavalry, and 100,800 infantry." " 'i'hc country immediately to the sonth of Aura is (ht and open, and tolerably vveil cultivated, but bare of trees. l)inin<;; the cold season the tanks, streams, and rivnlets, areqnite dry, and water for agricnllnral and domestic inirposes is procnred iVoni •wells. Since isOf this district has been under the IJritish.jniisdiction. A(iin. — A city in the province of A'ATU, of which it is the capital, si- tiiated on the S. W. side of the river .lumna. Lat. 27°. 12'. N. Lona,-. 77°. 56'. E. By Abul I'azel, in 1582, it is described as follows: " Ap;ra is a Iar2;e city, the air of which is esteemed very healthy. The river .Inmna rnns through it for tive coss. 'l"he I'.mperor A(;l>er founded hital. Lat.' 22°. 58', N. Long. 72°. 36'. i:. This place is situated in a level country, on the banks of a, small navigable river named the Saber^ maty, which, together with other «'0)illuent streams, lalls into the gulf ofC'ambay, near the city of Cambay, which is properly the port of Ahme- dabad; distant about 56 road miles* About the.iniddlo of> Hic loth ceiiji 3 AHTER. iii iAXty thi* tity was the ♦apital of a Jli)iirisluug imloi)eiKlcMit cmpirt', pai- ticuhulj iluiiiig the roigu oiMulunood Bcgia, A. D. 1450, but it has since lallcn greatly to decay. It stiU rc- iiiaius ouc ut' tlie best tbrtilied towns in llie ptovince* ami made a good dcfeuec when taken by Genei;d God- durd in 1780. It was restored to the- jMahaiattas at the peace ot'1783, and with them it still conliniics. A great proportion of the itinerant nuisieians, players, and poets, named bhauaee, or rasdaree, so eoimnou throughout Cnjrat, come tVom tlie neighbotu- liood of this town. In the Gnjrat- tee villages their peribrmanccs are paid for at the public expense, as are also the bauds of jugglers aud wrest- lers. Travelling distance from Bombay 321 uiihs; from Poonah, 38L>; froiii Delhi, 610; and from Calcutta by Oojain, riU4 miles. {Ketuiel, Drmti- ■uiotid, S,-c.) vVHAiKOMJ'tiGUR. — A city in the tnodern province tif Aurnngabad, to which country this place Ibrmerly ffaveitsown appellation, having been ti>r many years the capital of one of ', and after a short course divides into two streams at ]Madhuj)Oor, about six miles below Burkoo village ; after which both fall into the Kun, near Balumbaii. In point of size, the Ajee is next to the Mutchoo river. — {M'Murdo, 4-c.) Ajitmul, {Ajitmala). — A town in the pru\iucc of Agra distiittt of Etavveh, 25 miles west from Caun- poor. Lat. 20°. 23'. N. Long. 79°. 67'. E. AJMEER OR RAJPOOTANA, (Ajamida.) A large province in the centre of Hiiidostan proper, situated princi- pally between the 2.5th and 30th de- grees of north latitude. To the north it is bounded by the provinces of Mooltan and Dellii ; to the south by Mahvah and Gujrat ; on the east it has Delhi and Agra ; and on the west the province of Sinde. In length, from north to south, this province may be estimated at 350 miles, by 220 the average breadth. In the Insti- tutes of Acbcr, compiled by Abul Fazel, A. D. 1582, this province is described as follows : " The Soubah of Ajmeeris situated in the second climate. The length, from Backar and the dependencies of Umbeer to Bicanene of Jelmeir, is 168 coss ; and the breadth, from the extremity of Circar Ajmeer to Bans- wara, includes 150 coss. On the east lies Agra, and on the north, part of Delhi : it has Gujrat to the south, and Delialpoor of Mooltan confines it on the west. The soil of this soubah is sandy, and it is necessary to dig a great depth before water can be pro- cured ; so that the success of the har- vest entirely depends on the period- ical rains. The winter is temperate ; but the summer is intensely hot. To the south are momitains, this pro- vince abounding in stroug holds. This soubah comprehends Meywar, Marwar, and Nadowty, which are separated into seven districts, sub- divided into 197 perguunahs. The names of the districts are, 1. Ajmeer ; 2. Chitore ; 3. Rantanpoor ; 4. Joud- pooi-; 5. Sarowy; 6. Nagore ; 7. Bicanere. The measured lands ar» 21,4.35,961 begahs; the amount of the revenue, 22,841,.507 dams; out of which 2,326,336 dams aie Seyurg- hal. It can furnish 86,500 infantry, aud 347,000 cavalrj." AJMEER. 15 In delineating this provinee, Abul Fazel appears to have too much compressed its limits towards the south, where were the principal Rajpoot tributary states, which pro- bably in his time had been but lit- tle explored. The province of Ajmeer is occasionally named Marwar ; but this appellation is projierly restricted to the Joudpoor tenitories. The northern division of this pro- ▼incc, comprehending Eicancre and the neighbouring districts, is a bar- ren, unfertile plain, bare of trees, and almost destitute of rivers and rivu- lets, and but very thinly inhabited ; the central territory, which includes Joudpoor and Jyenagur, is more hilly, and better supplied with water, jet not in sutlieicnt tpiantities for wet crops. TIjc soil is also of a re- markable f;aliiie nature, containing salt lakes and springs, and producing salt and saltpetre spontaneously. The southern division is very hilly and of (liihcult access ; but, in general, well covered with trees and shrubs, and watered by many mountain streams, besides the Banass and Chumbul rivers. The three grand modern divisions of Ajmeer, or Rajpootana, arc, 1st, The state of Odeypoor, named also Mewar, or the Kana of Chitoie ; 2dly, Joudpoor, named also Marwar, and its sovereign occasionally de- seril)ed as the llhatore Rajah, being of that tribe; 3dly, Jyenagur, J ey- poor, or Ambeer. Under these heads respectively, and the names of the chief towns, further topographical details will be found ; it being intended here only to exhibit a general view of the province, v\ hicli is at present partitioned in the following maimer : — The cit) of Ajmeer, and the forty- six surrounding peigunnahs, belong to Dow let Row Sindia, and the dis- trict of Tonk Rampoorah to the Holcar family. The eastern quarter of tlie central division is occupied by the Jeynagur Kajah ; and the south eastern by the Kajahs of Kotub; £ooud«, and other petty Rajpoot chiefs tributary to the Mahrattas, and engaged in a con- stant state of hostilities with each other. The western parts of the central division are subject to the Rajah of Joudpoor, whose dominions are of great extent ; and the south-west- ern are possessed by the Rana of Odeypoor. From these principalities the Mal- wah Maharattas, when they are strong enough, levy annual contri- butions, which is the easier effected, on account of their disunion and un- ceasing internal warfare. Respecting the baiTcn and desolate region to the north, very little is known, as it has yet, from its poverty, attracted but little attention. The constitution of these countries is feudal ; each district, town, and even village, being governed by petty chiefs, dignified with the title of Thakoor, or Lord, who frequently yield but a nominal obedience to the l)erson who is reputed to be their superior or sovereign. The rents are very low ; but every village is ob- liged to furnish a certain number of horsemen at the shortest notice. The Rajpoots are hardy and brave, and extremely attached to their re- spective chiefs : they are much ad- dicted to the use of opium — this destructive diug being produced by them on all occasions, and presented to visitors as betel is in other parts of India. They are usually divided into two tribes — the Rhatore, and the Chohan Seesodya Rajpoots. Respecting the number of inhabi- tants but a very vague estimate caa be formed ; but, by compaiison with certain other districts, the numbers of which have been ascertained, al- though occupying so great a space, the population in all probability docs not exceed five millions; and of those not above one-tenth arc Mahomme- dans. The principal towns are Jye- nagur, Joudpoor, Odeypoor, Ajmeer, Kotah, Boondee, Rantampoor, Chi- tore. Amber, and Shahpoorah. Although this proviuco occupies 16 AJMEf^K. the centicQf Hiu«loslaii, and its east- ern tVouticr is -within 90 niilcs of 'Delhi, it was luver lUoioiiglil.v suIj- jiiL^ated either by the Patau or Mogul i;iui)erors. Rajahs of Ajniccr arc lueiitiouod by Ferishta so early as A. D. lOOB; at which period they jcjiucd a cuuibiuatiou of Hindoo princes against Mahmood of Gliizui, and in 1193 it was conquered, or rather overrun by jMahonnued, the fust Gauride sovereign of India, After this date it coutinucd tributary to the throne of Delhi ; and, ou ac- count of the refractory conduct of its princes, was fr«(iuently invaded by tlie emperors, who repeatedly took and destroyed all their chief towns. Yet the proviuee ne^er became a fegular organized i)ossession, like Delhi, Agra, and many nnicli more remote countri(\s, but remained in a sort oV hall-hulepcndent state, paying a tribute, and furnishing the imperial armies with a certain num- ber of Rajpoot mercenaries, who were always held in high estimation, ou account of their bravery and lidc- lity, and formed a counterpoise to the ilogids and Afghans. After Aurengzebe's death, in 1707, and the dissolution of the Mogul empire, which soon ensued, it con- tinued for some time under a no- minal subjecliou to the Delhi throne ; but, about 1748, assumed total inde- pendence. 'l"he interval since that period has been lilled up by internal warfare, and invasions by the Mah- arattas and other hordes of plun- derers. During the latter part of the reign of Madhajce Sindia, and the commencement of that of Dowlet Row Sindia, they were very nearly comitlctcly subdued by the disciplin- ed troops under Generals Du lioignc and Perron in tlie pay of those chiefs. They have since recovered a little, hot by any intrinsic addition to their ow n strength, but by the depression of their most dangerr)us adversary, Dowlet Row Sindia, "who does hot liow possess the same powcrfid nieans of enforcing his extortions. In 1807, the Hajalis of Jyeuagur and Joud- pot>r continued tlieir mutual preten-' sions to marry the daughter of th«j Raua of Odeypoor, and engaged in hostilities, whieli were fermented and supported i)y Ameer. Khan, Holkar, Sindia, and other depredators, who benefit by the dissensions among the R aj poots. {Abid Fazcl, Rennel, Scott, BroKg'/iion, Maurice MS. .Vc.) Ajmeek. — A town in the province of Ajnioer, of which it is the capital. Lat." 20°. 3ry. N. Long. 74°. 48'. E. . This town, and the surrounding district, containing forty-six pergun-. nahs, are subject to Dowlet Rovr Sindia. It is situated in the centre of the Rajpoot states of Jyeuagur, Joudpoor, and Odeypoor, was for- merly rented by Amljajee, and sinet; his death continued to his brother Balarow. In 1800 it was held by M. Perron. The boundary to the west is at the town of Meerla, which scr parates Ajmeer from Joudpoor. Tiie fort of Ajmeer, named Tara- gur, is built on the north-east end of a range of hills, and consists prin- cipally of a plain stone w all along the edge of the mountain, strengthened with a few round bastions, lire city lies at the bottom of the lull, and is" surrounded by a stone wall and ditch in bad repair. The streets are nar- row and dirty, and most of the houses small, and in a state of decay. It still possesses a palace^ built in a garden by Shah Jelian ; besides which, there are scarcely any re- mains of magnilicenee to be seen, cither internally or externally. The whole country round Ajmeer forms a Hat sandy amphitheatre, sur* rounded by low ranges of hills, in consequence! of which the place is uncommonly sultry; but it. is well supplied with water from two lakes, which are close under its AValls, The most northern is six riiiles in circum- ference, and very deep ; and, at par- ticular seasons, both arc covered with Hocks of ducks and geese. The principal attraction of Ajmeer is the tomb of Khaja Moycn ud Deeii^ one of the greatest jMahonnnedsijji jiuiuts that ever lloiirished iu Hitt* ALLESTAR. 17 dosfan, wliicli happened about six huiKircd jtars a;j;o. It is of wJjite marble, but rciuavkabic neither for beauty nor style orarcititccture. Al- though the distance tVoiu tliis tomb to Aji,Ta be 230 miles, yet tlie great and wi!:e Emperor Acber made a pil- grimage on foot to the tomb of this saint, to implore divine blessings on bis familj', which eousisted only of daughters; but, after tiiis pilgrimage, received the addition of three sons. The peer zadas, or attendant |)riests, who subsist on the conlriinitions at the tomb, exceed 1100 in unnjlser, .and demand, or rather extort charity from all visitors. Madliajee and Dow- let Row Sindia, although Hindoos, Mere remarkable for their devotion to Mahommedan saints and customs. Tlie latter bestowed a snpcrb pall and canopy of cloth and gold on the tomb, and is particularly bountiful to the devotees ami peer zadas. lour miles from this city is a remarkable place of Hindoo pilgrimage named Tooshkur, or Pokur. Jehangccr, the son and successor of the Emperor Acber, occasionally kept his court here, which caused the embassy of Sir Thomas Rowe, in 1616, when the East India Compiiny had a factory established here. Aj- mecr, or Ajinida, is tieiived liom the iiauie of an ancient monarch who ruled the ])ro\iiice. Travelling di.st;vnce from Delhi 230 miles ; tiom Oojain, 256 ; from Iiombay, CoO ; and from Caleutia, 1030 miles. {BroHglitDu, liennel, Sic.) Aklooss. — A town in the Maha- ratta territories, in the i)rovince of Bejapoor, near Assudnagur, with a fort and well-supplied bazar. 'I'his place is nearly a mile in lengtli, and has several handsome wells and build- ings. The Nera river is a little to the north of the town, and during the rains is about 100 yards broad. {31oor, ^-c.) Akrauny. — A town in the Ma- haratta tcrritoritvs, in the province of Jikandcsh ; 82 miles J^. N. E. from Surat. Lat 21°. 40'. N. Long. 74°. 14'. E. Alacananda Rtvkr. — This river springs from the Himalaya moun- tains, in tlxi province of Serinagur, and joins the Bhagirathi at Dcvu- prayaga; the juncliou of the two forming the Ganges. A very short distance to the north of Bliadrinath, the breadth of the Alacananda does not exceed 18 or 20 feet, and the stream is shallow, and moderately rapid. I'urther up, the stream is concealed under im- mense heaps of snow, wliich pro- bably have been accumulating here for ages. Beyond this point travellers have not dared to venture, although the shastras mention a place called Alacapura, the fabulous city of Cu- vera, the I'lnlus of Hindoo njytho- logy. At the junction at Dcvapra- yaga, the Alacananda is the largest river of the two, being 142 feet in breadth, and rising in tlie rainy sea- son 46 and 47 feet above the low water level. At Ranibaugh the breadth of the Alacananda is from 70 to 80 yards, with a current of seven and eight miles an hour. In this river are a gi-eat many fish of the roher species, (Cyprimis den- ticulatus) four or five feet in length. Tliey are daily fed l)y the Brahmins, and are so tame as to take bread out of the hand. There is also a species of fish named roher, six or seven feet long: the scales on the back and sides are large, of a beautiful green, encircled with a bright golden bor- der ; the belly white, slightly tinged with gold colour ; the tail and fijis of a dark bronze. The flavour of this tish is equal to its colour, being re- markably line and delicate. {Raper, Allf.star. — A town in the pe- ninsula of Malacca, district of Queda, where the sovereign of Ihe latlir principality risides, in a small brick fort, built about 1785. It stands two or three leagues up a river, and has a very mean appearance. "^I'lie royal palace resembles a spacious farm house, with many low houses attach- ed to it, which coutaiu the lung's seraglio. 18 ALLAHABAD. The inhabHants arc composed of Chulias, (from the INIalabur crtast) Malays, and Cliinesc ; the last have a temple here. In 1770, AUestar was plundered and hurncd by the Bui;- gesses, in conjnuction with the king's own relations. {Dalrtjmple, Haeit- s«l, ^-c.) Alforezf.. — Sec Borneo. Alibunder. — A town subject to the Ameers in the province ol'Sinde, .situated in Lat. 24°. 20'. N. nine miles fast from Cuddren. At tliis place a small brancli of the Goonee river is istoppcd by a mound of earth, which separates it from Lnekput Bunder river. A great many camels may be procured here for the conveyance of baggage. {Maxjield, cVc.) Alima — A small river in the pro- vince of Coimbetoor, on which the town of Animaylaya is situated. Alishung, (Alishan). — A district in tl»e north-eastern extremity of Af- ghanistan, situated between the 35th and 36th degrees of north latitude. On the north, south, and west, it is bounded by mountains ; and on the east by Kuttore, or Catlristan: the thief town is Penjshehr. Respecting this mountainous region, we liave had, in modern times, but little in- formation: by Abul Fazel, in 1582, it is described as follows : — " The district Alishung is surrounded by large mountains, covered with .snow, in which is the source of the river Alishung : the inhabitants are called Catfres. ToomanAlislmng, 3,701, 150 danis." At present the district is occupied by varioius wild Afghan tribeS; lujmi- jially subordinate to the sovereign of Cabul. {Abul Fazel, >yf.) ALLAHABAD. A large province iu ITindostan, situated between the 2-lth and 2(jth degrees of north latitude. To the north it is bounded by the provinces of Oude and Agra ; on the south by the Hindoo province of Gundwana; on ihu east it has tlio provinces of Bahar and Gundwana; and on the west, Malwah and Agra. In length it may be estimated at 270 miles, by 120 the average breadth. By Abul Fazel, in 1582, this province is de- scribed as follows : " Soubah Allahabad is situated in the second cliniate. Its length, from Sunjowly Jionjjoor to the southern provinces,isl60coss;andthebreadtli, from Chowsa Ferry to Gautumpoor, includes 122 coss. To the east it has Bahar; on the north, Oude ; Baund- hoo (Gundvvana) lies on the south, and Agra on the west. The prin- cipal rivers of this soubah are the Ganges and Junma ; besides which are the Aruna, the Geyn, the Seroo, the Biruah, and several smaller ones. This soubah contains ten districts ; viz. I.Allahabad; 2. Ghazipoor; 3. Benares; 4. Jioiij)oor ; 5. Manicpoor ; 6. Chunai- ; 7. Bahtgorah ; 8. Callin- jcr ; 9. Korah ; 10. Kurrah. These districts are subdi\idcd into 177 pur- gunnalis; the revenue being53,10,695 sicca rupees, and 1,200,000 betel nut leaves. It furnishes 11,375 cavalry, 237,870 infantry, and 323 elephants." In the reign of Ainengzebe the ar- rangement of this ])rovince was new modelled ; the division of Bliatta or Baundhoo, which belongs properly to Gundwana, having been added to it. This territory was then con- sidered as a new conquest, though long before partially subjected, and was subdivided into six lesser dis- tricts; viz. 1. Bhatta; 2. Soliagc- poor ; 3. Choteesgur, or Ruttenpoor ; 4. Sumbulpoor; 5. Gangpoor; and, 6. Jushpoor, and formally annexed to the province of Allahabad. With this addition of 25,000 square miles of a high mountainousunproductive coun- try, Allahabad then comprehended C0,000 square miles ; but as this tract was never Uioroughly reduced to sub- jection, or occupied, it is proper it should be restored to the province of Gundwana, where in remote anti- quity it composed part of the Goaiid state of Gurrah. In 1747 the subdivisions of this pro- y'uiCQ wue, 1. AUahubad ; 3. Kurrak ALLAHABAD. 19 3. Korab ; 4. Tarliar ; 5. Maiiicpoor ; 6. lieiiitres; 7. Jionpoor; 8. Ghazi- poor; 9. Chunar ; 10. Callingcr ; 11. Ahuicdabad Gohrali ; 12. Bliatta, &c. The surface of this province in the vicinity of the rivers Ganges and Jumna is flat and productive ; but to the south-west, in the Bund(;lcund territory, the country is an elevated table land, diversified with hi,<;h hills, and abounding in strong liolds. This part of the province is indiHcrently cultivated, but contains within its limits the famous diamond mines of Pannah. Between these two divi- sions there is a considerable difler- cncc of climate ; the former being extremely sultry, and subject to the hot winds, wluch is not the case with the more elevated region. Tlie principal rivers in the north are the Ganges, Jumna, Goomty, and Caramnasa, besides many smaller streams, which supply abuntlance of water, and render several of the dis- tricts, such as Benares and Allaha- bad, among the most fertile in llin- dostan. In the hilly country to the south west, the rivers arc few and .small(!r, the Cane and Coggra behig the principal. The periodical rains and wells are, consequently, in this quar- ter, chiefly depended on for a supply of moisture ; but, upon the whole, Allahabad may be considered one of the richest and most productive coun- tries in India. The exports from this province are diamonds, saltpetre, opium, sugar, indigo, cotton, cotton cloths, S^o. the imports are various; salt from tlie ma- ritime parts of Bengal being one of the principal articles in demands The chief towns art; Benares, Alla- habad, Callinger, Chatterpoor, Jion- poor, Mirzapoor, Chunar, and Gazy- poor. The population of Allahabad is very considerable, aud may be es- timated to exceed seven millions, of which number, probably, l-8th are ]Mahommedans,andthe rest Hindoos of the Bralirainieal persuasion. In remote times of Hindoo antiquity, tliis province must have held a hi^h c % rank, as it contains Prayaga (Allaha- bad) and Beiiares, two of the most holy places of Hindoo pilgrimage, and the latter occupying in India the station which two centuries back. Rome did in Clnistendom. At pre- sent, the whole of this extensive pro- vince is comprehended within th« limits of the British jurisdiction, and governed by the Bengal eode of regu- lations, with the exception of a small portion of the Bundelcund province, which still continues in a refractory state. We learn from Abul Fazel, that this province was invaded so early as A.D. 1020, by Sultan Mahmood of Ghizni, tlie scourge of the Hindoos, who made a few compulsory con- verts to the Mahommedan faith. lie returned again, A. D. 1023, but made no permanent establishment. It was afterwards wholly subdued by the Patan Emperors of Delhi ; and, during the 15th century, contained an independant kingdom, the seat of which was Jionpoor. Along with tlie other Patan conquests, it devolved to the Moguls, and was formed into a distinct soiibah by the Emperor Acber, who named the Hindoo sanc- tuary or prayaga, Allahabad, an ap- pellation it still retains. After the fall of the Mogul dynas- ty, the northern quarter was appro- priated by the Nabobs of Oude; but, in 17G4, Korah and Allahabad were ceded to Shah Allum, the then fugitive sovereign of DeUii, through the interference of Lord Clive with the Nabob of Oude, Sujah ud Dow- lah. In 1772 they reverted to the lat- ter, when that ill-advised monarch returned to Delhi, and put himself in the custody of the Maharattas, The Bengal govenunent acquired the Benares districts by treaty with Asoph ad Dowlah,in 1775, and Alla- habad, with the adjacent territory, in 1801, by cession from Saadet Ali of Oude. The south-eastern distiicts of Bundelcund were received from the Maharatta Pesliwa in 1803, in exchange for an equivalent of terri- tory in the Carnatic, Ealaghaat, au4 20 ALLAHABAD, Gnjrat. (Abnl Fazel. J. Grant, Ctth Heport, ironside, fie J Allahabad. — A district iu the pro- viiK'' of Allahabiul, iuiiucdiately sur- roniidiiij;:: the eity ot' Allahahad, and intersected by the Ganges and the Jumna. \N lueat intJiis district is a principal crop, tlie land most ia\ourable to it being a rich sandy loam, which is a vei^y common soil here. The coju- mencement of the niiiis in June is the season when they be}i.in to iilon^h, and only a single stirrius:: is given until they cease. The held is then plouglied lo diflcrent times belbro the rieeplion of the seed, a cir- cnmstaiice whieii proves the inelli- cacy of the Indian plongh. Septem- l»er and C)ctol)er are the months for sov\ing. During the dry season the land nnist be walercd, which is a much more laborions task than the cultivation. Four bullocks andtlncc waterers are willi dillicnlty aide to "water an acre in nine days ; the ave- rage crop is reckoned 15 niauuds per begah, (seven quarters per acre.) Barley, pease, oil crops, and a yellow die, are often mixed with the wheat. I'he average rent of wheat land is about one pound per acre. The breed of sheep in this district is small, even lor India, and the fleece consists of a coarse black hair, alto- geth(;r unsuitable for cloth. Small rugs are made of it for shepherds. The dress of the peasantry consists vf a small piece of coarse cloth round hismiddlc, generally with oue blank- et, and a sort of turban made of a I'otton clout, which articles compose tiieir whole v\ardrobe. {Tcniiant, yc.) Allahabad. — A fortilied town in the j)rovinee of Allahabad, of which it is the capital, situated at the eoidhi- enceofthe tiangrs with tlie .lunma. Io. 27'. N. I^oiig. 81°. 60'. This cit > does not make a handsome ai)peararice, thcio being oidy a lev*' brick buildings wiliiout ornaments, 'l"he fort is placed at some distance on a tongue of land, one side being washed by the .Jnnin.a, and the othiT nearly upj. 1515 ; the Portuguese afterwards converted a number of them to the Roman Catliolic religion, and the Dutch to the Calvinistic religion, but the greater proportion arc still Mabommedans. The principal Am- boyuese Christians still bear Portu- guese names, but their number is not great. The Chinese on Amboyna are not so numerous in proportion as on the other islands, yet they are the only strangers the Dutch permitted to settle here. They keep shops, sell provisions, and intermarry with each other. '\\ hen I'rancis Xavicr, the cele- brated Jesuit missionary was at Am- boyna, in 1.046, he observed the in- habitants then begitming to learn to write from the Arabians. The inha- bitants at present speak the Malay language. This island was diseo- \ered by the Portuguese about A.D. Idld, but was not taken possession of until 1564, and was conquered from them by the Dutch about 1607. In 1615, the English East India Com- pany's agents obtained possession of Cambello Castle, through the friend- ship of the natives, but were soon compelled to abandon it, being at- tacked by the Dutch with a superior force. They still, however, conti- nued to have a factory on Aniboyart until February, 1622, when the Dutch governor, Herman Van Speult, seized and tortured all the individuals be- longing to tlic English factory, and afterwards executed them. They consisted of Captain Towerson, nine English factors, nine Japanese (pro- bably Javanese), and one Portuguese sailor. Yet was this most atrocious villain promoted by the Dutch East India Com])any, in whose service he died during an expedition up the lied Sea. Under the subsequent Dntch go- vernment, the province of Amboy- na comprehended 11 islands, viz. Amboyna, Ceram, Eouro, Ambloo, Manipa, Kelang, Bona, Ceram Laut, Noussa Laut,Conimoa or Sapparooa, and Oma or Haroeha. 'Ihey dis- couraged the cultivation of rice, irt order to render Amboyna more de- pendent on Java, the original inha- bitants subsisting on fish and sago. In 1777 the Dutch public establish- ment here consisted of 52 persons in civil eiuploynients, three clergj- men, 28 surgeons, 46 artillerymen, 174 s( amen and marines, 657 soldiers, and 111 mechanics ; in all 1071 per- sons, denominated Europeans. In 1779 the charges of Amboyna were 201,082f. and ihc whole revenues, including the profit on the sale of goods, amountt.d to no more than 48,747r. leaving a balance against the Dutch East India Company of 152,335f. or about 13,3501. sterling ammally. The Dutch here followed the same intemperate and destructive mode of life as at Batavia. Stavoiinus, their countryman, says, that 10 or 12 drams of arrack, or Geneva, was no viitcounnon whet at Amboyna. Thtj AMRAN. 27 Dutch Company's servants usually married women born in the conntry, who beins; accnstonicil to the Malay tonpriie from their inrnncy, spoke Dutch witli ovtremc dilficulty and reluctance, M'hich,co!iioiiied with the natural taciturnity of the men, re- duced the conversation to Jiearly a simple negative and affirmative. L'nder the Dutch p;oYernment this island continued until 1796, when it was captured by the British, and 515,940lbs. of cloves found in the warehouses. At tliis period it was found to contain 45,252 inhabitants, of Avhom 17,813 were Protestants, and the rest Mahommedans, except a f( w Chinese and slaves. It was restored to the Dutch at the peace of Amiens, and was a£:ain recaptured in February, 1810,' by a handful of jnen, after a most feeble resistance. In 1810-11 the imports to Ben-al from Amboyna were cordajfe and cables, 6000 Ks. timber and planks, 465 Rs,— Total 6465 rupees. The exports from Bcnjiato Amboyna consisted of piece j;oods, 125.437; opium, 99,475; Madeira wine, 11, 060, and some other sntallcr articles of consumption ; the total amounting- to 2,73,191 sicca rupees. Goods were also received from Madras and other parts of British India, but of which we have not any detail. {Sca- vorimts and Notes, Lahillardiere, 2 lieg. Bruce, Marsden, bth Report, Ambong. — A large and commo- dious liarbour on the north-west coast of Borneo, having: u,"ood depth of water, with a but ton-like island in the centre. Shi[)s, keeping this island on the right hand side, will come into a fine harbour on the south side, close to some salt houses. Lat. ti°. 14'. N. Long. 110°. 25'. E. Amerkote, (Amarahata, the Fort of the Immortals.) — A town in the province of Sinde, situated about 30 miles east from the river Indus. Lat. 26°. 23'. N. Long. 70°. 24'. E. This place was formerly an inde- pendent principality, held by the Jada Rapootsj but, standing on the confines of Joudpoor and Sinde, it .soon became an object of contention between these two states, and, at present, acknowledges the autiiority of the Kajali of Joudpoor. The surrounding country is so arid and sterile, tiiat Amcrko<(; does not de- rive suflicient land revenue to sup- port a small local military corps, al- though situated in the vicinity of many martial and predatory tribes. Taxes on travellers and inenhandize arc the only sources from which any revenue is procined, there being scarcely any agriculture. In the neigh- bourhood of this place stands the principal fortress belonging to Meer Ciholaum Ali, the chief amccr of Sinde, in which his treasures are supposed to be deposited. It is si- tuated on a hill in the desert, no water being found within four stages of it ; but the fortress contains ex- cellent wells. The Emperor Iltimayoon, after his expulsion from Hindostan by Shcre iSh;ili the Patan, in his ex- treme distress fled to the Rajah of Amerkote, in the desert, and was liospitably received. Here the Em- peror Acber was born, A. D. 1541. {jyiacmurdo, Kenneir, Maurice, MS, f>-c.) Ammerpoor. (Amarapnra). — A town in northern Hindostan, district of Mocwanpoor, situated on the north-west side of the Bagmutty river, 10 miles E. from the town of Mocwanpoor. Lat. 27°. 31'. N. Long, S2°. 20'. With the rest of the district it is subject to the Gockhali Rajali of Nepaul. Ampora. — A town in the aiaha- ratta tcmtories, in the provisice of Kandesh, situated on the north side of tlie Tuptee, 15 miles S.W, from Boorham])0or. Lat. 31°. 34'. N. Long. 70°. 11'. E. A M R A N. — A town and fort rcss, wi th a district adjacent, situated in the Gujrat peninsula. Lat. 22°. 35'. N. Long. 70°. 35'. E. The fort here is small and square, with angular bastioiis, and a s(juiifc towc;^- in each curtain. The town 2S AMRETSIR. is disfjnct from the fort, ami situated on a iisin<^ t?rotTud to the nortlnvard, aiiont the distance of a musket shot, 'i'lic adjacent fields are uinch <;overed Avith a speeies of wild balm or mint, and the seiisilric j;lant is perceived growins spontiineously. Tiie soil is a mixture ol" liglit sand and clay, and is reckoned very productive. "^rhe district of Amrau originally belonged to the family of Noanagur, but was ceded by Jam, the chieftain of that place, to the family of Khow- as, along with the two neighbouring districts of IJalumba and Juria. ]\Ie- roo Kho-\vas, tho founder of the fa- mily, was the slave of a neighbour- ing chieftain, a)id afterwards became theminisler of tlie Jam of Noanagur. When the father of the present rajah died, he conlin^d the young heir, and received the above three districts as the price of his liberty. Amrau is at present subject to Hirjce Kh(»was, and has 10 or 15 villages sidycct to it, which yield a revenue of about 15,000rupecs. Near to one ol them is a monument erected to connnemorate a traga, committed in 1807 by a Hajghur Brahmin. To deter his superior, Hirjee Khowas, from depriving him of some lands in the vicinity, he led his mother to the gate of Amran, and there cut off hot h<.'ad, which had the desired effect. Instances of this sort are fre- quent in (Jnjrat; and, on most oc- casi(ms, Oic victim, whether male or lemale, not only consents to, but glories in, tlie death inflicted. Tho person who is, in many eases, tho innocent cause of the catastrophe, is considered by the Bralnninieal rode as dannied fur ool of immor- tality, from which the town takes its name, is a basin of about 135 pacos stjuare, built of burnt bricks; in the centre of which stands a tem- ple, dedicated to GooroGovind Singh, In this sacred place is lodged, under a silken canopy, the book of laws, written by that Gooroo. There are from five to 600 akalics, or priests, belonging to this temple, who are supported by contributions. When AInned Shah iMwlalli came to Amretsir, he erased their temple twice, and killed cows, and threw them into the water to defile it. I'he rajah has a uunt here, at m Inch dif-^ ferent coins are struck in the name of their greatest saint, Eaba Nanoc Shah. 'J'he names of their teu saints are, Eaha Nanoc Shah, Amerdass, Gooroo Arjoon Shah, Gooro Tegh IJahadur, Gooroo Angut, Gooroo Kamdass, Gooroo Hurgovind, Goo-; roo liurkrishua, Gooroo Govind Singh. ■, (lood camels are to be purchased Ik re at about .50 rnju^es each. Ihey are brought down, A\ifh rock salt, liom a mine al)Out 80 miles north of Lahore. Stri\igs of COO are seen oa the road, Avilh a large lump, rp- ANDAMAN'S . 29 sembling a block of iiinvrought mar- ble, sUuif^ on eiich siilc. Some Scik autlumtirs asoril)0 the ftmiMlalion of Aiuielsir to Gooioo Hum Dass, (who died A.D. 1581,) ■\\hirh is not correct, as it was a very ancient tuwii, known I'oruierly nndcr tiie name of Chak. Cooroo l{ani Dass added much to its po[iuh>tion, and bnilt the famous reser^oir or tank, named Amretsir, which, in the course of time, became the name of Ihe town, it liaviiip; h( en i'ur some time called Ramdasspoor. {Malcolm, llth liesr. Sr.) Amsterdam. — A small island, lying oil" the iiorth-w csteru extremity of the Island of Ceyioji, and attached to the district of Jafnapatnam, from which it is se))arated by a narrow strait. It is about live miles in Icni^th, by two in breadth, and alfords excellent pasturage for rearing horses and cat- tle. (Percii-al, i^c.) Anak iSuNGKi. — A district in the Island of Sumatra, extending; along tlie sea coast, oi\ the southwest side, from Manjuta River to that of Lrei. The chief bears the title of Siiltan ; and his capital, if such a place de- serves the appellation, is i\Io( omoto. Although the government is ]May- luyan, and the ministers of the sultau are termed Mantri, (a little borrowed from the Hindoos) the greatest part of the district is inhabited by the original country people. This state became independent about 1695, iu consequence of a revubition iu the government of Indrapoor. {Mars- den, Vc) A NAM. — A town in the Nabob of Oude's territories, distiict of Luck- i\o\\., 35 miles \\ . S. VV. from Luek- iiow, Lat. 26°. 32'. N. Long. 80°^ 29'. E. Anambas. (North) — A cluster of very small islands in the China Sea, Lat. 3°. 3t/. N. Long. 106°. 20'. £. AwMBAs. (Middle) — A cluster of islands in the China Sea, the largcs.t uf which may be estimated at 20 miles in circumference. They are .situated about Lat. 3°. N, Loiig. 106'^. 50'. L. Anamras. (South^,— a cluster of very small islands iu xhv China Sea, situated about Lat. 2°. 20'. N. Long. 106°. 25'. E. Anamsagur. — a town in the ni- zam's dominions, district of MtKidgul, 20 miles N. W. from the town of IVIoodirul. Lat. 1G°. Vi'. N. Long. 76°. 32'. N. Anantapooram, (Anantapurd). — A town in the Balaghant ceded ty 17 izi breadth, but it does not afford any harbour, although tolerable anchorage is found near its shores. Situated in the full sweep of the south-west moiisooii, and the clouds being obstructed by high mountains, these islands, for eight months of the year, are washed by incessant torrents. Upon the whole the climate is rather milder than in Bengal. The tides arc regu- lar,tlje Hoods setting iu from the west, and rising eight feet at the springs. The variation of the needle is 2°. 30'. easterly. In the centre of the large Anda- man is a high mountain, named Sad- dlepcak, about 2400 feet high. 'I'here are no rivers of any considerable size. The most conmiou trees are 30 ANDAMAN'S. Ihepoon, dammcr, and oil trees; rod wood, ebony, tlic cotton tree, and the almo.d tree; sooudry, ehiiigry, and beady; the Alexandrian lainel, poplar, a tree rescinbUng satiti wood ; bamboos, eatch, the nit.liori, aloes, ground rattans, and a variety of shrubs. IMany of the trees afford timbers and planks fit for the con- struetion of sliips, and others might answer for masts. The birds seen in the woods are pis^eoiis, crows, parroquets, king fishers, ciulews, fish hawks, fowls. Tliere are a great variety offish, such as mullet, soles, ponifret, rock fish, skate, gurnas, sardinas, roeballs, sa- ble, shad, aloose, cocknp, grobers, seeifish, ])rawns, shrimps, eray lish, a species of whale, and sharks of an enormous size. During the preva- lence of the north-east monsoon, fish are caught in great abnndarice, but in the tempestuous season they are piocnred with diflicnlty. There are many sorts of shell fish, and in some places oysters of an excellent qnalitJ^ A few diminutive swine are found on the skirts of the forest ; bnt these «re very scarce, and probably the progeny of a stock left by former na- vigators. Although the ordinary food of theAndamancrsbe fish, they eat likewise lizards, guanas, rats, and snakes. Within the caverns autl recesses is found the edible bird liests, so highly prized by the C hi- nese, and the shures abound with a variety of beautiful shells, gorgonias, madn poras, murex, and cowries. 'J he veg< fable productions arc very lew, tJio fruit of the mangrove being the principal. As the natives possess no pot or vessel, that can bear the action of fire, they cannot deiive much advantage from such esculents as the forests may contain; and nnhappily for the Andamaners, the cocoa nut, which thrives so well attlie Nicobar Islands, close in their "vicinity, is not to be found here. The first settlement of the English ■was made in the year 1791, near the southern extremity of the island, which was aitcrwards removed, Lu 1793, to Port Cornwallis. A riiore picturesque or romantic view can scarcely be imagined, than that which Chatham Island and Cornwallis Har- bour present: being laud-locked oa all sides, nothing is to be seen but an extensive sheet of water, reseinbhng a vast lake, interspersed with small islands, and surrounded by lofty mountains covered with trees, Tlic original object of the undertaking was to procure a commodious har- bour on the east side of the bay, to receive and shelter ships of war dur- ing the continuance of the north-east monsoon. It was also intended as a place of reception for convicts sen- tenced to transportation from Ben- gal; but the settlement proving ex- tremely unhealthy, it has been aban- doned, and the convicts arc now scut to Frincc of Wales Island. The Audamans, together \nth tlie Nicobars and lesser islands, were in- cluded by Ptolemy in the general appellation of Insulae bonaeFortuiue, and supposed to be inhabited by a race of Anthropophagi, a description which the barbarity of the modern Andamaners perhaps justifies, as far as refers to them, lor the inhabitants of the Nicolars are a very dill'erent race. The population of the great Anda- man, and all its dependencies, docs not exceed 2000, or 2500 souls: these aie dispersed, in small societies, along the coast, or on the lesser islands within the harbour, never penetrating deeper into the interior than the skirts of the forest. Their sole occu- pation seems to be that of climbing rocks, or roving along the margin of the s(;a in quest of a precariuus meal of fish, which, during the tempestu- ous season, tJiey often se(>k in vain. It is an object of much curiosity to discover the orighi of a race of people so widely difi'eriiig, not only from all the inhabitants of the iieiglibouring conliucnt, but also from those of the Nicouur Islands, which :ue so near: hitherto, however, the inquiiies of travellers have produced no salislUc- tory couclusiou. lu staltue the A»« ANIMALAYA. 31 daniancrs seldom exceed five feet; their limbs arc dis[)iO(>c)iti()iiately sli'udor; thi-ir bellies j>iotul)craiit, w ith high shoulders and larajc heads; and they appear to be a de;;"eiierale rae,e of negroes, with woolly hair, Hat noses, and thick lips: their eyes arc small and red, their skin of a de<'p sooty black, while their countenances exhibit the extreme of wrctelicdness, a horrid mixture of famine and fero- city. They go quite naked, and arc insensible to any shame from expo- sure. The few implements tliey use are of the nidest texture. Their jirinei- pal weapon is a bow, fnun four to five feet long; the string made of the fibres of a tree, or a slip of bamboo, with .arrows of reed, headed with fish bone, or wood hardened in the fire. Besides this, they carry a spear of heavy w^)od, sliarp pointed, and h shield made of bark. Tiiey shoot and spear fish with great dexterity, and are said also to use a small hand net, made of the filaments of bark. Having kindled a fire, they throw the fish on the coals, and devour it half broiled. Their habitations display little more ingenuity than the dens of wild beasts. Four sticks fixed in the ground are bound at the top, and fastened transversely by others, to which branches of trees are suspend- ed: an opening just large enough to admit of entrance is left on one side, and their bed is composed of leaves. Being much incommoded by insects, their first occupation of a morning is, to plaister their bodies all over with mud, which ha.rdeni ng in the sun, lorms an impenetrable armour. Their woolly heads they paint with red ochre and water, ajid when thus completely dressed, a more hideous appearance is not tobc foimd in the human form. Their salutation is performed by lifting up one leg, and smacking with thcii- hand the lower part of the tliigh. Their canoes arc hollowed out of the trunksoftiees, by fire anduistiu- m&Hts et stotte; haviug nv trou in use among them but such as they ac- cidentally procure from Europeans, or from vessels wn'cked on their coast. The men are cunning and re- vengeful, and have a great hatred to strangers : they have never made any attempt to cultivate the land, but subsist on what they can pick up or kill. 'J'he language of the Andamaners has not been discovered to posses.** the sUghtest alfinity to any that is spoken in India, or among the islands. rhey appear to express an ador.i- tion to the sun, the mooji, and to imaginary beings, the genii of the woods, waters, and monnlaitis. In storms Ihey apprehend the influence of a malignant being, and deprecate his wrath by chantiiig wild ehonis- ses. Of a future it is not known they have any idea, which possibly arises from our imperfect means of discovering their opinion. {Si/mes, CuL Colehrooke, Si'c.) Andapgorguk, {Antapnrghar), — A town in the province ot Orissa, district of Kunjeur, 60 miles v.est from Balasore. Lat. 21°. 33'. N. Long. 8G°. 20'. E. It is possess<:d by independent Zemindars. Andeah. — -A town in the province of Malwah, district of liaisseen, 22 miles E. from Bilsah, and witliin tho tenitories of the INlaharattas. Lat* 23°. 37'. N. Long. 7&°. 12'. E. Angknweel. — A town in the Peshwa's territories in the province of Concan, 95 miles S. from Bombay. Lat. 17°. 34'. N. Long. 72°. 55'. E. AndicottA. — A town in the Ma- Ldjar [)ro\iiice, 3S miles S. S. E. tiom Calicut. Lut. 10°. 54'. N. Long. 7U°. b'. E. Andhra. — Tlie ancient name of pail of Telingana. An I MALAYA, {or Elephant Hill, s» tailed from the g-reat number of ele- phants and hills in the neighbourhood). —A town in the district of Coimbe- toor, 20 miles S. E. from Palicaud- cherry. Lat. 10°. 41'. N. Long. 77^-. 3'. 'rhis town contains 400 house.*, and is situak'd oa the west .side of 32 ANNAGOONDY. tlie River Alima. It is a common tlioroiip;ht"are between Malabar atid the soutlicrn part of the Arcot domi- nions, being placed opposite to the wide passage, that is between the southern end of the Ghauts of Karnata and the hills that run north from Ca()e Comorin. The Madura rajahs, for- merly loids of tlie country, built a tort close to the river, which having fallen to ruins, the materials were re- moved by the Mysore rajahs, and a uew fort built at some distance to the westward. The Animalaya poly- t^ars are 1 2 in number. The gieater part of the dry field in the ueiglibour- hood is now over<;iownwilh woods, the rountry having beenmuch devastated by the Nairs. The exclusive privi- lege of collecting drugs in the hills south from Animalaya is liere rented to a particular person. The elephants are increasing in number, o\\itig to tlieir not having been hunted for some years past. The forests are very extensive, and contain abundance of teak and other valuable timber, bnt unfortunately it is too remote from water carriage, to permit its exportation. (F. Buchanan, Anjeoiva, (Adjaiha'pa). — A small island, about one mile in circumfe- rence, and two from the shore, lying off the coast of Canara, 57 mibs S. by E. from Gra. Lat. 14°. 4l'. N. Long. 74°. E. In 1662, Sir Abraham Sliipman, when refused possession of Bombay by the Portuguese, landed on tliis island with his troops, amounting to 6()() men, where they continiu-d until March, 1664-6'.j. During this inter- val they lost, by sicknes.s, their com- mander, and when removed to liom- bay, the survivors of the whole mus- tered only two ollicers and 119 rank und file. {Bruce, ^c. St'c.) Anjkngo, (Anjntenirn). — A town and small fort, tlic residence of a c,ommercial agent for the Company, on the sea coast of Travancor, 7U miles N. AV. from Cape Comorin. Lat. 8°. 39'. N. Long. 7G°. 61'. E. At a siiort distaiico Horn this place lies Attinga, the residence of the Queen of Travaaeor, a title always given to the king's eldest sister. The interior distiicts of the country are inhabited by Hindoos ; whereas oil tiie sea coa.st, the greater part of tlic inhabitants are Chrislians and i\Ia- homniedans. So far back as 1G94, the English East India Company ob- tained permission, from tiie Queen of Attinga, to settle and fortify Ajengo, from whence they expected to pro- cure a large quantity of pepper and cardamonis, the staple produce of Travancor. I'he best coir cables on the Malabar coast are made here, and at Cochin, of the fibres of the Laecadive cocoa nut. The exports are pepper, coarse piece goods, coir, and some drugs; the impwrts are of very small amount. {Fra Paolo, Bruce, Sit. ^-c.) Anjekie.— A considerable village halfway up the Straits of Sunda, ou the Java shore, where ships may b« convenient ly sn pplied witlnvater, and every kind of refriishmcnt ; yet, bo- cause this side of the strait is occa- sionally subject to calms, which may sometimes cause a delay of two or three days, few of the outward-bound China ships touch here, preferring the Sumatran shore, where onlyMood and water nrv procurable, and where numbers of seamen yearly fall a sa- crifice to Malay treatJicry, and totlie unhealthiness of the place. Tlic Dutch maintained a small garrison hereto protect the inhabitants against the Malays. At this place Colonel Catchcart is interred, who died on his May to China as ambassador, in 1785. Annagoondy, {Anatrnndi). — This is the Canara name for tiw famous city of Bijaiiagur. Lat. 16°. 14'. N. Long. 76°. 34'. E. It is situated ou the north bank of the Toombuddra, opposite to the city of AUputna, which Uiune, as well as Annagoondy, is sometimes understoodtoiu' hide both cities. The name of Bijana^ur is still retained by the Mahonnnedans. After the conquest of Bi janagur by the Mahommedaa princes of the AOR. 3S Deccaii, ihe nominal rajahs were al- lowed to retain Auiiagoondy, and some other districts in Jaghire, for several generations. Prior to 1749, the Maharatta chiefs had imposed a tribute on them, which Hyder in 1775 increased. In 1786 Tippoo en- tered A imagoondy, expelled the rajah, burned his palace and all his records, and annexed the district to the go- vernment lands. In 1790, the rajah again seized the district, but was driven out by Tippoo's general. Cum- mer ud Deen Khan. In 179fJ, he ugain made himself master of the eomitry, and did not submit until the British army approached. Pnrneah, the Dewan of tlie INIysore, took the management of the country from him, and gave him a monthly allowance of 2008 rupees, Avhicli was reduced to 1500, when Annagoondy was made over to the nizam, and it is now con- tinued at tliat rate by the British go- vernment. The present rajah is a man of mean capacity, but little re- moved from idiotism. (Munio, Ren- nel, Moor, i^c.) Anontpoor, {Armntapura). —A small town in the Rajah of ]\1} sore's teiTitories, district of Bcdnore. Lat. 14°. N. Long. 75°. 22'. E. Anopshehkk, {Aiiupa S/if/icr). — A town in the province of Delhi, district of Bareily, 70 miles S. E. from Delhi, situated on the west bank of the Ganges. Lat. 2b°. 21'. Long. 78°. 13'. On the south, this town is del'eud- od by a large brick fort, erected chiefly against the attacks of cavalry, as it had no battery of cannon, but there are loop-holes for bows and arrows. From this citadel there is a coni- manding view of the Avhole country, and the Ganges winding thi-ough it for many miles. About the end of December this river is reduced to a very small breadth, but its stream is pure and clear. 'J'he w est bank rises perpendicularly about 30 feet, and on that side the country is not over- flow ed ; while, on the opposite .side, tlie slope from the bank is almost imperceptible, and the fields are in- Hndated. The land to the eastward of Anop- sheher is avcH cultivated, and tole- rably well fenced. The strong jungle grass is plaited into webs of a sort of basket work, and these, placed on the sides of the field, protect the grain fiom almost eveiy sort of cattle, except the wild hogs, which are here very numerous, as are deer and game of all sorts. The town of Anopshcher is con- tained within a strong mud wall ; and, though not of great extent, is thickly inhabited, the houses being a mix- ture of brick and mud buildings. The surrounding wall of this place is in some parts 29 and 30 feet thick. Formerly, in this part of Hindostan, when a zemindar's rent was demand- ed, he betook himself, with all his eflects, to his fort, and then held out, until overcome by a superior military fbice; frequently expending much more than the sum demanded in re- sisting thtf claim. From hence the high mountains to the north east are seen, the distance supposed about 200 miles. Tliey ap- pear like snowy clouds, towering to an immense height in the skies, and the wind which blows from them excessively cold, bringing fluxes and agues. (Tennant, ^-c.) Antkky, {Antari). — A walled town of considerable .size, in the province of Agra, district of Gohud, situated at the foot of the hills, on tlie bank of (he small River Dialoo. Lat. 26°. 10'. N. Long. 78°. 17'. E. The neigh- bouring hills are of a quartzoze stone. This town is 14 miles south from Gualior, and is v ithin the territories tiibutary to the Maharattas. {Hunter, 4t.) Antongherry. — A small town in tiic nizam's territories, district of Bassuni, 52 miles N. E. from Nan- dere, Lat. 19°. 45'. N. Long. 78°. 10'. E. AoR. — A very small island in the Eastern Seas, lying off the east coa.st of INIalaeca. Lat. 2°. 25'. N. Long. 104°. 35'. E. Ships bound from China to the Straits of Malacca ge- nerally anchor here, if they make the 34 AKCOT, island in tlie morning. It is very high, and covered with a close and lofty wood. Here is a small village of Malays, who supply cocoa nuts and vegetables. (Johnson, Ellmorey ^t.) Apakookit. — A town in the Ma- lay peninsula, district of Quedali, six miles S. E. from Allestar, chiefiy in- habited by Cliuliass. The soil is sandy and light, but it produces abundance of grain. Appolu. — A to.^n in the province of Bengal, district of Dinagepoor, 80 miles N, N.E. from Moorsheda- bad. Lat. 25°. S*. N. Long. 8b°. 59'. E. Aravacourchy. — A small town in the Coinibetoor district, 53 miles W. by S. from 1 richinopoly. Lat. 10°. 48'. N. Long. 7b°. E. This place was formerly inhabited by a person of the Bayda cast, named Arava, the name signifying the Seat of Arava. It afterwards became subject to Ma- dma, and then to Mysore, the curlur or sovereign of which built near the town a neat loit, and gave it the name of Vijaya-Mangalam, by the Mahommedans pronounced Bija- mangle. About the end of Hyder's reign, an English army took the fort, at which time the town vas de- stroyed. It now contains above 300 houses, and is fast recovering. The inliabitants speak mostly the Tamul language. (jP. Bvchanan, kc) Aracote. — A few days journey to the west of Hyderabad, in the pro- vince of Sinde ; there is a pagoda de- dicated to the Goddess Bhavani, at a place named Aracote. It is described as being situated in the centic of se- ven ranges of hills, A\hich the multi- tude of pilgrims who resort to it con- sider as too sacred for human sk'[)S, and the resort of aerial beings. {Max- Jield, df-c.) Arawul. — A town in the INIaha- ratta tenitories, in the ]jrovince of Khandesh, 65 miles W. by S. from Boorhanpoor. Lat. 21°. i)'. N. Long. 76°. 2b'. E. Arcot, {Northern Division). — A coiiectorship in the Carnalic under the Madias Presidency, which also includes Sati^aid, Piilicat, Coon- goody in the Barramahal, part of the Balaghaut, and of the western poU lams, or zemindaries. Both divisions were transferred to the British government by the Nabob of the Carnatic in 1801. Arcot, {SoiUhern I>ivision\—'A. coUectorsliip in the Carnatic, under the Madras Presidency, which in- cludes Cuddalore and Pondicherry. In 1806, this district was in a very miserable slate, but it has since pro- gressively improved. At that period the revenue was collected with diffi- culty ; the villages in part deserted, and some w holly ; the remaining in- habitants practising every artifice to avoid paj ing their rents, and to con- ceal the public revenue, the general appearance of the country and vil- lages indicating extienie misery. This condition originated partly from the land being over assessed, and partly from the rapacious exactions of tho native officers, who collected there- venues during the nabob's admi- nistration. The principal trading ports in this district arc Cuddalore, Pondicherry, and Portonovo, The total value of the imports, from the 1st of May, 1811, to the 30th of April, 1812, was 4,56,879 Arcot rupees, of which 2,40,791 rupees was from places be- yond the teiTitorics of the Madras government, viz. Erom Calcutta - - - - 26,374 Cevlon - - - - 32,835 Eastward - - - 1,20,580 Prince of Wales ^ qooii Island - - - ) ' Tjavanoor - - - 1,352 \ arious places - - 27,437. Arcot rupees 2,40,791 The total value of the exports during the above period w as 9,74,987 Arcot rupees, of which 5,25,418 ru- pees was to places bejond tlie terri- tories of the Madras government, viz. ARCOT. 35 To Calcutta 5,848 Ceylon ----- 6,048 I'^astward - - - - 2,10,093 Isles of France - - - 95,G64 Prince of Wales Island 1,88,111 Various places - - - 13,154 Arcat rupees 5,35,418 Excepting small importations of rice and wheat from Bcng^al, the whole trade of Pondiehorry, in the above period, consisted of arrack, pepper, palmirahs, drawn from Cey- lon, Travancor, and Prince of Wales Island. Large supplies of piece goods were exported to the Isle of France, and a small quantity of rum to Ceylon. To Cuddalore the import trade from the eastward was very consi- derable, and consisted of betel nut, pepper, and clepliaiits' teeth. The exports consisted mostly of piece goods to Prince of Wales Island. Portonovo, in like manner, fur- nished large supplies of piece goods for the eastern market, and in return imported betel nut, pepper, benja- min, camphor, sugar, and elephants' teeth ; besides which, rice from Ben- gal, and tobacco from Ceylon, in .small quantities, were received. (^«- vetislMW, 5th Report ; Report on Ex- teriml Commerce, (.Vc.) Arcot, {Arriicat). — A town in the Carnatic, situated on the south side of the River Palar. Lat. 12°. 52'. N. Long. 79°. 29'. E. The bed of the River Palar is at this place half a mile wide, but in the dry season does not contain a stream suf- ficient to turn a mill. The hills in the neighbourhood are extremely bairen. They are of granite, and ap- pear to be undergoing a rapid decay. In many parts of the vallies, formed by these hills, cluuuim, or limestone nodules is found, wiiich in Bengal is called Conkar. The country from hence to Vellore is but thinly peo- pled, and a considerable portion of the land still waste. Arcot is the nominal capital of the Carnatic below the Ghauts, as the nabob's doxninions are named by the D 2 Mahommcdans and English. Tlie town is chielly inhabited by IMaliom- medans, who speak the Deceany dia- lect, which we name Hindostani. The fort is large, but not in good re- pair. 'I'hc town surrounds tlie glacis on all sides, and is extensive; the houses also are as good as near to Madras. There is a manufactme of coarse cotton cloths here, but they are dearer than in Bengal. Arcot is said to be noticed by Pto- lemy as the capital of tiie Sorae, or Soranmtidalum, from whence cor- ruptly Coromandel ; but the present town is of modern date. After the Mogul armies captured Giiigee, they found it so extremely unhealthy, that they were obliged to canton on the plains of Arcot, which led to the establishment of that capital of the lower Carnatic in 1716. Anwar un Deen, the Nabob of Ar* cot, was killed in battle, A. D. 1749, after which this place was taken by Chundasaheb, the French candidate. In 1751, it was retaken by Captai a Clive, with 200 Europeans and 300 sepoys. The garrison being panic- struck, made no resistance, although they amounted to 1 100 men. He was immediately besieged by the French and their allies ; but, notv\ ithstand- ing his garrison consisted of only 120 Europeans and 200 sepoys fit for ser- vice, he resisted 50 days under every disadvantage, and at last compelled the enemy to raise the siege. It af- terwards fell into the possession of the French allies; but was finally taken in February, 1760, by Colonel Coote, after the battle of Wandc- wash. Arcot suiTcndered to Hyder the 3d of November, 1780 ; and, with its vicinity, suflered greatly by bis dif- ferent invasions, and during the mis- government of the nabob's revenue olRcers, but tliey are now fast re» covering. Travelling distance from Madras, 73 miles ; from Seringapatam, 217 ; from Calcutta, 1070 ; and from Del- hi, 1277 miles. {F. Buchatwn, Orme, Wilkes, Rennel, ^c.) 36 ARMEGUM. ArdhnEllv., (ArdhanhaU). — A town in the territories of the Mysore Kajah, named also Urdanhully, 47 miles S. by E. from Serins;ai)atam. Lat. 11° 48'. N. Long-. 77°. 5'. E. AnmsGY, (llrdhaiig-a).— A town in the Eoligar territory, in the southern Carnatic, 44 miles S. by W- from Tanjore. Lat. 10°. 9'. N.^Loiig:. 79°. 4'. E. Aregh. — A town in the teiTitories of the Maharattas, province of Be- iapoor, situated 10 miles E. from Merritch. Lat. 16°. 66'. N. Long. 75°. 11'. N. Arentis. — A small rocky island in the Eastern Seas. Lat. 5°. 14'. N. Long-. 115°. 10'. E. Arfac. — Very high mountains in Papua, bearing due south from Dory Harbour. Argaum, (Arigrattia). — A small \illage in the province of Berar, near Ellichpoor. On the plains, near this place, a battle was fou2,ht on the 28th November, 1803, betwixt the British army, under General W^t^lles- ley, and that of the Rajah of Berar, in^ which the latter was completely defeated, with very little loss on the part of the British. The Maharattas lost 38 pieces of cannon, all their ammunition, elephants, and baggage, and sustained very great slaughter during their llight. After this battle, and the .subsequent capture of Ga- welghur,the Berar Bajah made peace on the terms proposed by General Wellesley. The village now forms part of the nizam's dominions. AuiANCOOPAN. — A small town on the s(;a-coast of the Carnatic, near Pondicheny. Lat. 11°. 54'. N. Long. 79°. 56'. E. In 1748 this ^^as a for- tified town, and with great difliculty taken by Admiral Boscawen, prior to his unsuccessful siege of Pondi- cherry. {Orme, S,-c.) Arietoor, {Ari/iftiir). — A town in the Carnatic. 32 miles N. from 'J'an- jore. Lat. 11°. 11'. N, Long. 79°. 6'. E. AuiM. — A town in the jjrovince of Gundwana, 95 miles S. by 1*1. from Bultunpoor, possessed by a Goand uLigf, tributaiy to tkw Najfpoor rajali. It is a larger and more flourishing village than is usually found in this barbarous province; containing some weavers, and frequented by mer- chants. {Leckie, 5t.) Arinkil. — See Worangol. Arippo. — A village in the Island of Ceylon, situated on the Gulf of Manaar, where the civil and military olticers reside, who attend the pearl fishery during the season, when it is carried on. A fiag staff and field piece are attached to the party, to make signals to the boats, and to give notice of their going out and rc-> turning. Arippo is the only place in this neigh])ourhood w here good water can be procured. There is a chapel here for persons of the Roman Ca- tholic persuasion, who consist chiefly of Parawas and Malabars, resorting to this place during the season of the fishery, {Percival, c^r.) Arisdong. — A town in the south- ern part of Tibet, which is named in the maps the Narytamoe country. Lat. 29°. 49'. N. Long. 84°. 46'. E. Respecting this town, and the pro- vince in which it is sitiiated, very little is known. Armacotta. — A town inthesouth- ern Carnatic, in the district of INfa- rawas, 75 miles S. by W. from Tan- iorc. Lat. 9°. 43'. N. Long. 78®. 65'. E. Armeatie. — A town in the Nabob of (Jude's territories, district of Ma- nicpoor, 47 miles S. S. W. from Ey- zabad. Lat. 26°. 9'. N. Long. 81°. 45'. E. Armegum. — A town on the sea- coast of the Carnatic, 66 miles N. from INladras. Lat. 14°. N. Long. 80°. 18'. E. This was the first Eng- lish establishment in the Carnatic, and until the acquisition of Madras. In tlie year 1625, the principal East India Compatiy's agents liaving ob- tained a piece of groiuid from the iiaik, or chief of the district, they erected a tactory at this place. In 1628 it is described as being defend- ed by 12 pieces of cannon moiuitcd round the factory, with a guard of 23 lactors and soidiens. {^Brnce, (Jr.) ARRACAN. 37 AnXASSOODIKTniCT. — SrC.TAOHIRE. Armek, {Arcs of independent jobbers, and have since caused infinite vexation to the Birmans. Many have settled in the districts of Dacca and Chilta- gong. whilst others submitted quietly to the yoke. When the conquest was complet- ed, Arracan, with its dependencies, was constituted a province of the Birman Empire, and a maywoon, or viceroy, was appointed to govern it. Sholamboo was the first invested with that office, and 1000 Birmau soldiers were left to garrison tlie tort. Small parties were hkewise distribut- ed in the dift'erent towns, and many Birmans, who had obtained grants of lands, came with their families, and peltled in the country, thereby add- ing to the security of the state. The dethroned Rajah Mahasumda died a natural death the first year of his captivity, and thus the reduction of Arracan was completed in a few months. {Si/mes, Cox, Ley den, F. JBuchanan, Towers, Abul Fazel, ^-c.) Arracan. — A town in the Birmau Empire, province of Arracan, of which it is the capital. Lat. 20°. 40'. N. Long. 93*^. 5'. E. It is situated about two tides journey from the sea, on the west side of the Arracan River, which here expands to a noble sheet of water ; but rising in the hills to the N. E. has but a short course. This town and fort were taken by the Birmans, in 1783, after a feeble resistance. They found a consider- able booty, but on nothing was a higher value placed than an image of Gaudma, (the Gautama of the Hin- doos, a name of Buddha) made of brass, and highly burnished. The figure is about 10 feet high, and in the customary sitting posture, with •the legs crossed and inverted, the left hand resting on the lap, the right pendent. This image is believed to be the original resemblance of the Reeshee (saint) taken from life, and it is so highly venerated, that pil- grims have for centuries been accus- tomed to come from the remotest coiuitries, where the supremacy of Gaudma is acknowledged, to pay their devotions at tbe feet of his brazen representative. Tliere were also five images of Racsliyas, the demons of the Hindoos, oCilie same metal, and of gigantic stature, the guardians of the sanctuary. A singular piece of ordnance, of most enormous dimensions, Mas also found, composed of huge bars of iron, beaten into fonn. This ponderotis cannon measured 30 feet in length, 2 and a half in diameter at the mouth, and 10 inches in the calibre. It was transported by the Birmans to Ume- rapoor by water, as a military trophy, and Gaudma,with his infernal guards, wore, in like manner, conveyed to the capital, with mncli pomp and superstitious parade. {St/mes, S,-c.) AuRAH. — A town in the province of Bahar, district of Shahabad, 35 miles W. by S. from Patna. Lat. 25°. 32'. N. Long. 84°. 42'. E. Arval. — A town in the province of Bahar, district of Bahar, situated on the south-east side of the yoani River, 40 miles S. W. from Patna. Lat. 25°. 15'. N. Long. 84°. 44'. E. AsEER. — See Hasser. AsHRA. — A town in the province of IMalwah, belonging to the Malwali Maharattas, 66 miles E. by S. from Oojaln. Lat. 23°. 4'. N. Long. 76°, 50'. E. Asia Isles. — A cluster of low islands in the Eastern Seas, covered with trees. Lat. 1°. N. Long. 131°. 30'. E. Ask AH. — A town in the northern Circars, 36 miles N. W. by W. from Ganjam. Lat. 19°. 44'. N. Long. 84°. 65'. E. ASSAM, (ASAM.) An extensive countiy to the north- east of Bengal, situated principally betwixt the 25th and 28th degrees of north latitude, and 94°. and 99°. of east longitude. In length Assam may be estimated at 700 miles, by 70 the aA'crage breadth. In a few- places of Upper Assam, where the 40 ASSAM. inoiuitains recede fdiHiest, the l)re:ulth considerably exceeds lliis proportion; bnt the probable area of the whole is 60,000 s(|Uiire miles. This region is separated liy the Brahmapootra into three p;rand di- visions, called f Mrecole, or Ootre- parah, Deccaticole, or Deocanparah, and the Majnli. The first denotes the provinces lying- to the north of the Brahmapootra, the second those to the south, and the third, the JNTa- jnli, «, large island formed by the Brahmapootra. The country is sub- divided into Upper and Lower As- sam : the first includes the country above Coleabark, where the river diverges into two considerable streams, as far as the mountainous confines to the north and sonth. At an early period tliis included the whob of Assam: b'lt the lower pro- vinces, to the westward, having af- terwards been annexed by conquest to the dominions of Surjee Deo, be- came a separate government. From the confines of Bengal, or Bisnee, at the Khoridar Chokey, the valley, as well as the river and moun- tains, preserve a northenr direction to a considerable distince, and in- cline to the east by north. In the upper provinces, Assam is bounded on the south-west by Bengal and Bisnee ; on the north by the succes- sive ranges of the moTintains of Bootan, Auka, Duflala, and Miree; on the south by the Garrow moun- tains, which rise in proportion to their progress eastward, and change the name of GaiTOW to that of Naga. The valley is divided, throughout its whole length, by the Brahmapootra, into nearly ecpial parts. The Assam territory, when it is entered from Bengal, commences from iJie north ofthe Brahma])ootra, at the Khondar Chokey, and at Nagrabaree HiU on the south, The number and magnitude ofthe rivers in Assam, probably exceeds that of any other country in the Avorld of equal extent: they are iti general of a suOBcient depth, at all seasons, to admit of a cojumcrcial intercoinsc on shallow boats; during tlie rains boats of tlie largest size find sufFieient depth of water. 'ITie number of rivers, of which the exist;- ence has been ascertained, amounts to 61, including the Brahmapootra, and its tv^o great brandies, the Dehing and tlie Looicliel: 34 of these flow from the northern, and 24 from the southern mountains. The source of the Brahmapootra is unknown. Many of these rivers are remarka- ble for their extreme winding course : the Dckrung, although the direct distance of its course is only 2.5 miles, performs a winding course equal to 100 miles, before it falls into the Brahmapootra. This river (the Dekrung) is also famous for tho quantity and quality of its gold ; which metal is also found in other rivers of Assam, more especially near to the mountains. The southern rivers are never ra- pid; the inundation commencing from the northern rivers fills both the Brahmapootra and southern ri- vers, so that the water has no consi- derable cutTcnt until IMay or June. In 1582 this country Avas described byAbul Fazel as follows :— " The do- minions of Assam join to Camroop : he is a very powerful prince, lives in great state ; and, when he dies, his principal attendants, both male and female, are voluntarily buried alivo with his corpse." The vegetable and animal produc- tions of Assam are nearly the same with those of Bengal, which country it much resembles in its physical ap- pearance and multitude of rivers. It furnishes, however, considerable quantities of gold, a metal Bengal is wholly without. This valuable com- modity is found in all the small ri- , vers of Assam, that flow from the northern and southern boundary hills, jiarticularly from the first. It forms a great proportion of the As- sam exportations to Bengal; the other articles being elephants teeth, lac, a very coarse species of raw silk» and a still coarser manufacture of ASSAM. 41 f otton. Many other valuable articles misflit be discovered, but the ex- tivnu'ly barl)arous state of tlie coun- try prevents commercial intercourse, few merchants ehusinj^ to >enture further than tljc Company's iVonlior station of Goalparah. OF the im- ports from Bengal salt is the princi- pal; the rest consist of arms and umminiition of ail sorts, when tliey can be had, a few Dacca muslins and cloths, and a very tritling quantity of European commodities. No probable estimate of tlie popu- lation of Assam can be formei!, but it is known to be extremely thinly in- habited, 7-8ths of the country being desolate, and overthrown with jungle, although one of tiie most fertile on the face of the earth : tiiis arises from the incessant warfare carried on l)y the petty rajahs with each other; oc- casionally some one gains the ascend- ancy, wJiich during his life bestows a sort of calm over the country; but on his death the whole is to be settled over again, Kafts, covered with hu- man heads, are sometimes seen float- ing down the Brahmapootra, past Goalparah, in Bengal; but whether these arc the effect of hostilities, or are \ictinis oflered to some of their sanguinajy deities, has never been properly ascertained. The chief town in Assam is Gergong, the rajali of which had, for a considerable period of time, the supremacy over the others, and was named the SweiTga Fajah, or Rajah of the Heavens; but .since the iusuncctio5i of the iNIoam- marias, about 1790, the city, palaces, and fort, have been converted to a heap of ruins. Rungpoor, a military station, not far from Geigong, may be considered as the present principal strong hold of Assam. In Assam there are several remark- able military causeways, which in- tersect the whole country, and must have been made with great labour ; but it is not known at what perittd ; the Mahoramedans, however, found them in existence, on their first inva- sion of this country. One of them extends from Coos JBahar, in Bengal, through Rangamatty, to thccxtreme eastein limits of Assam. Rospectiug the language orreligion of this region very little is known ; but there is reason to believe the lat- ter is the Brahminical. In the terri- tory, bordering on the Company's frontier, the inhabitants use the same dialects as are common in the adja- cent parts of Bengal, It may be supposed the history of this country remains in e(|ual obsciuity with the language and religion. In 1G38, during the reign of Shah Jehaun, the ijihaliitants of Assam sailed down the Brahmapootra, and invaded Bengal, but were rei)ulscd by that emperor's orticers, and eventually lost some of their own frontier provinces. In the reign of Aurengzebe, his general, Mauzum Khan, advanced from Cooch Bahar to attempt the conquest of Assam : he met with no obstacle but such as arose from the nature of the country, until he arrived at the capital Gergong. When the season of the rains began, the Assamese came out from their hiding places, and harassed the imperial army, wliich became very sickly, and the flower of the Afghans, Persians, and Moguls, perished. The rest tiied to escape along the narrow causeways tlirough the morasses : but few ever reached the Brahmapootra. After this expedition, the Mahommedans of Hindostan declared, that Assam was only inhabited by infidels, hob- goblins, and devils. About 1793 a detachment of troops Mas sent from Bengal into Assam, to assist and restore a fugitive rajah. They reached Gergong, the capital, without opposition, and effected their purpose ; but they subsequently suffered gieatly by the pestilential nature of the climate, which no con- stitution, either native or European, can withstand, and returned consi- derably diniinished in number. On this occasion Maha Rajah Sur- jec Deo, of Assam, highly sensible of the benefit he had experienced from the aid which had been afforded him by the Bengal govermnent, 4-2 ASSYE. agreed to abolish the injudicious sjs- tem of coinmorce that had hither- to been pursued, and to permit a reciprocal liberty of commerce on the following conditions and duties, Bcg^ociated by Capt. Welsh, in beh. ny'3. Imports to Assam. 1. That the salt from Bengal be siibject to an impost of 10 per cent, on the supposed prime cost, reckon- ino; that invariably at 500 rupees per 160 niaunds, of 84 sicca weight to tiie soer, 2. I'hat tlie broad cloths of Eu- rope, the cotton cloths of Bengal, carpets, copper, lead, tin, tuteuague, pearls, hardware, jewelry, spices. And the various other goods imported into Assam, pay an equal impost of 10 per cent, on the invoice price. 3. That warlike implements and jnilitary stores be considered contia- band, and liable to confiscation, ex- cepting the supply of those articles requisite lor the Company's troops stationed in Assam, which, with every other article of clothing and provision for the troops, be exempted from all duties. Exports from Assam. That the duties on all articles of export, such as Muggadooties, ]VIooga thread, pepper, elephants teeth, cutna lac, chupra and jung lac, nionjeet, and cotton, be inva- riably 10 per cent, to be paid either in money or kind, as may be most convenient to the merchant. Rice, and all descriptions of grain, are wholly exempt from duties on both sides. For the collection of these duties, it was agreed to establish custom- houses and agents at the Candahar Chokcy, and at Gwahatty ; the first to collect the duties on all imports and exports, the produce of the coun- try to the Avcstward ; and the second to collect the duties on all exports, the produce of the country parallel toit north and south, and also on all expolt^^, the produce of thecountry to the eastward, as far as Nowgoug. The agents to receive a commis- sion of 12 per cent, as a recompense for their trouble; and the standard fixed at 40 seers to tlic niaund, (about 80 lbs.) 84 sicca weight to the seer. As much political inconvenience had been experienced by both go- vernments, from granting a general licence to the subjects of Bengal to settle in Assam, it was agreed that no European merchant or adventurer, of any description, should be allow- ed to fix their residence in Assam, without having pre\iously obtained the permission of the B.itish govern- ment, and of Maha Kaiah Surjee Deo, of Assam. {Wade, Turner^ Treaties, J. Grant, Abnl Fazel, Sf-c.) AssoDNAGiJR, (Asadiiagar, the City of Liom). A district belonging to t!ie INIaharattas, in the province of IJejapoor, situated principally on the west side of the Beemah River. The priucijjal towns are Assodnagur and Punderpoor. Assodnagur. — A town in the pro- vince of Bejapoor, the capital of a district of the same name, 68 miles S. E. from Poouah. Lat. 18°. 6'. N. Long. 74°. 55'. E. AssvE. — A small town in the ni- zam's dominions, province of Berar, 24 miles N.N.E. from Jalnapoor. Lat. 20^. 14'. N, Long.70°. 40 E. On the 23d Sept. 1803, a battle was fought near this place betwixt the British army, under General Wellcs- ley, consisting of 4500 men, 2000 of whom were Europeans, and the corn- lined armies of Dovvle Row Sindia and theBhoonslah Pajah of Nagjjoor, amounting to 30,000 men. Li spite of the disparity of numbers, the Bri- tish were completely victorious, al- though with severe loss in proportion to their numbers. The confederates tied from the field of battle, leaving above 1200 slain, 98 pieces of can- non, seven standards, and their whole' camp equipage, many bullocks, and a large quantity of amnmnition. This victory is the more remarkable, as above 10,000 of Sindia's infantry had been disciplined, and were in' i AURUNGABAD. 4J^ part officered by Frenchmen and other Europeans. AsscwAN, {Asivan). — A town in the Nabob of Onde's tenitories, 32 miles W. from LurknoM-. Lat, 36°. 60'. N. Long. 80°.25'.E. This place is distant about a mile from Meah- gunge, and is more pleasantly situ- ated, overlooking a small lake; it has, however, been deserted for the latter pbce, and is mostly in ruins. Atama iAC:\,{Ati7nal!ica). — A town belonging to an independant Ze- mendar, in the province of Orissa, 70 BiilesN. W. from Cuttack. Lat.21°. 12'. N. Long. 85°. 23'. E. Atkerah. — A small river which falls into the sea on the west coast of India, after a course of 40 miles from the western Ghauts, near a town of the same name. Lat. 16°. 12'. N. Long. 73°. 15'. E. Attancal. — A town in the Rajah ofTravancor's territories, 67 miles N. W. from Cape Comorin. Lat. 8°. 40'. N. Long. 76°. 58'. E. Attock, {Atttc, a Limi/-). — A tow-n in the province of Lahore, situated on the east side of the Kiver Indus, which is here, in the month of July, from 3-4ths to one mile across. Lat. 33°. 6'. N. Long. 71°. 16'. E. The ancient name of Attock, to this day, is Varanas, or Benares; but it is more gcneially known by the name of Attock. The fortiess was built by Acber, A. D. 1581. It is remarkable that the three great invaders of Hindoston, Alex- ander, Tamerlane, and Nadir Shah, in three distant ages, and with views and talents extremely dilierent, ad- vanced by the same route, with hardly any deviation. Alexander had the merit of disco^(■ring the way: after passing the mountains, he encamped at Al(?xandria Paropa- misana, on the same site with the modern city of Candahar ; and hav- ing subdued or conciliated the na- tions seated on the north-west bank of the Indus, he ciossed Ihe river at Taxila, now Attock, the only place where the stream is so tran- quil that a bridge can be thrown over it. (Rennel, Wilford, Dr. Ro^ bertson, ^•c-') Attyah. — A small town in the province of Bengal, 44 miies N. W. bv N. from Dacca. Lat, 24°. 10'. N. Long. 8S°. 48'. E. Attyah. — A small Aillage in the Cujrat peninsula, belonging to the Jam of Noanaggur, and situated on the hanks of the Roopa Pete, or Sil- ver Stream, which falls into the Nagne near Noanagur. On the op- posite side is a small neat village, named Mora, both inh.abited by Brahmins and Koonbees, in good circumstances, AuBAR. — A town in the pronnce of Aurungabad. Lat. 19°. 34'. N. Long. 76°. 23'. E. AURUNGABAD. A large province in the Deccan, si- tuated principally betwixt the 18th and 21st degrees of north latitude. To the north it is bounded by the pro- vinces of Gujrat, Khandesh, and Be- rar; to the south by Bejapoor and Be.ed(T; to the east it has Berar and Hyderabad, and to tlie west the sea. In length it may be estimated at 300 miles by 160 the average breadth. This province is also known by the names of Ahmednuggur and Dowlttabad; the first liaving been its capital during the existence of the Nizam Shahee djnasty, and the lat- ter during a short dynast)-, estabhsh- ed by Mallek Aniber, an Abyssinian, from 1600 to 1635. I'hc province was pariially subdued dm-ing the reign of Acber, w hen its lijnits werti in a constant state of iluclualion, until that of Shah Jehaiun, in 1634, when Dowletabad, the capital, being taken, the whole country was con- Verted to a soubah of the Mogul empire. Ilie capital was then trans- ferred from Dowletabad to the neigh- bouring town of Gurka; which, be- coming the favourite residence of Aurengzebe, during his vicerojalty of tlie Deccan, received the name of Aurungabad, which was subsequent- ly communicated to the province. 44 ATJRUNGABAD. TIic surface of Auiungahad is vorv irregular, and, in general, moun- tainoHs, paiticularly towards tlie western Ghauts, m here the hills rise to a great elevation. It consequently possesses no rivers of magnitude, al- though it contains the sources of many, such as the Beeniah and Go- davery, that do not attain to any considerable size until they quit its limits. This province also abounds with natural fortresses and strong holds, which enabled the Maharattas, whose nati\c country it is, to give such infinite trouble to Aurengzebc and his generals. A eoiisideriible dilTerence must, of rourse, take place in the agriculture, according as the land is situated in the moxuitaiuous or low districts; but, npon the m hole, tlic province is reckoned Tcry fertile, and capable of exporting grain when not harassetl by internal hostilities. Rice is the chief grain cuHivaled, the other ve- getable productions are the same as ju the rest ofHiiidostan generally, nor is there any thing peculiar with respect to the animal oj- mineral king- doms. Horses arc raised in great iiumlx^rs for the IMaharatta cavalry; but though a hardy breed, they are neither strong nor handsome ; they suit, however, the light weight of their riders. A great proportion of this province, and all the sea coast, being in the possession of the Mahajattas, who are but little addicted to commerce, lew ol>servations occur on this head. Piracy was always the favourite oc- cupation of such of that nation as ventured to trust themselves on the ocean, and for this they have been famous, oj- rather infamous, from the remotest antiquity. In modem times they continued to exercise this trade by sea, as they did a similar course of depredation by land, until both were coerced by the stvojig arm of the Bri- tLsh power. Three fourths of this province are passcssed by the Maharattas, and the remainder by the nizam, with the ex- ception of the islands of Bombay and Salsctte, whi(^h belong to the Bri- tish. The Peshua is the chief Maha- ratta sovereign in this province, but there are nmnberless independent chiefs, who owe him only a feudal obedience, some of them possessing fortresses within sight of Poonah, his capital. The principal towns are Aunm- gabad, Ahmedunggur, Dowletabad, Jalnapoor, Damaun^ and Basseen ; and in this province are found the remarkable Hindoo mythological ex- cavations of Carli and Eliora. The population of this territory is in proportion much inferior to the best of tlie British provinces, and probably even to the worst. Al- though it has not of late suffered much from external invasion, yet it is but indifferently populated, the nature of the Maharatta government behig, on the whole, rather unfavour- able to an increase of inhabitants, who may be estimated in this exten- sive province not to exceed six )nil- lions. Of these a very great propor- tion are Hindoos, of the Brachmini- cal persuasion ; the Mahommedans, in all likelihood, not exceeding on« 20th of the aggregate. The Maharatta is the language principally used, but there are be- sides various provincial dialects ; and the Persian and Huidostani are frequently made use of in con- versation, and pubhc documents, by the higher classes. For the more remote history of this region, see the words Deccan and Ahmednuggur ; and, for the mo- dern, the word MaJiaratta. {Wilks, Ferishta, i^'c.) AuRUNGABAD. — A city in the Dec- can, the former capital of the pro- vince of Aurungabad. Lat. 19*^ 46*. N . Long. 76°. 3'. E. This town was originally named Gurka, situated a few miles distant from Dowletabad, which being taken from the short-lived dynasty of Mal- lek Amber, in 1634, the Moguls transfeiTcd the capital of their recent conquests from thence to the village of Gurka. It consequently rapidly AVA AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. 45 increased in size, and, becoming tlie favourite residence of Aurengzebe, during: bis viceroyalty of tlie Deccan, it received the name of Aiiruiif;abad, wbicli it eventually communicated to the province. This city continued tlie capital for some time after the iii/ains became independent of Delhi, 4intil they quitted it for Hyderabad; ■pntbably on account of its proximity to the territories of the INlaharattas. Auruugahad is no\f within the ni- zam's tenitories, and, like many other famous cities of Hindostan, much fallen from its ancient j;randeur, 'I'he ruins of Aurcngzel>c's pjilace and ffardens are still visible, and the iakeer's tomb is described as a stiuc- ture of considerable elegance ni the eastern style. In tlie bazar, which is very extensive, various kinds of commodities, European and Indian, ^)arlicularly silks and shawls, are ex- posed for sale ; and the population, although much reduced, is still nu- merous. — See Ahmednuggur, Dow- let abad, and Deoghir. Tiavelling distance from Poonali, 18G miles; from Bombay, by l^oonah, 284; tiom Hyderabad, 295; from jMadras, 647 ; from Delhi, 750 ; and from Calcutta. 1022 miles. {Willis, Rennell, !^-c.) AVA AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. This extensive region is situated in -the south eastern extremity of Asia, usually distinguished by the name of India beyond the Ganges, and be- twixt the ninth and 26th degrees of north latitude. Tlie empire of Ava now compre- hends many large provinces that formed no part of the original Bir- nian dominions, but v.hich will lie I'ound described under their respective heads. To the north it is bounded by Assam and 'I'ibet ; to the south by the Indian Ocean and the Siamese territories; to the north-east it has the empire of China, and to the east the unexplored countries of Laos. Eactho. uid CaBibodia. Qvl the west it is seiiarated from t]>» Bengal districts, Tiperah and Chitta- gong by a ridge of mountains and the River Nauf. 'S\ here not confined by the sea, the liontiers of this empire are in a perpetual state of llurluation, hut it appears to include the s])aerieneed ; tha dnration of the intense heat, which precedes the comniencement of the rains, being so short, that it incom- modes but very littl(\ Exclusive of the Delta formed by the njouths ofth* 4(5 AVA AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. IrawadJy, there is very little low land in the Briman dominions. 'I'he teak does not grow in tlijs Delta, but in the hilly and mountainous districts to the northward and eastward of Rangoon. Even at a short distance from Syriani, tlie country is dry and hilly. The soil of the southeni provinces is remarkably fertile, and produces as abundant crops of rice as are to be found in the finest parts of Bengal, li'arthcr northward the country be- comes irregular and mountainous ; but the plains and vallies, particu- larly near the river, are exceedingly fruitftd. They yield good wheat, and the various kinds of small grain and legumes, which giow in Hindostan. Sugar canes, tobacco, of a superior quality, indigo, cotton, and the dif- ferent tropical fruits, are all indi- genous. In a district named Palong- miou, to the N. E. of Ununerapoor, the tea-leaf grows, but it is very in- ferior to the tea produced in Clnna, and is seldom used but as a pickle. Besides the teak tree, which grows in many parts of Ava, both to the north of Ummerapoor, and in the southern country, there is almost every description of timber that is known in India. Fir is produced iu the mountainous part of the country, from which the natives extract the turpentine, but they consider the wood of litle value, on account of its softness. If it were conveyed to Ran- goon, it might prove a beneficial ma- terial for the navigation of India. The teak tree, although it will grow on the plains, is a native of the moun- tains. The forests in Asia, like the woody and uncultivated parts of In- dia, are extremely pestiferous. The wood-cutters are a particular class of men, born and bred in the hills, but they are said to be very unhealthy. The kingdom of Ava abounds in minerals. Six days' journey fiom Bamoo, near the frontiers of China, there arc mines of gold and silver, called Badouem; there are also mines of gold, silver, rubies, and sap- phires, at present open on a mouU" tain near the Keendvem, called Woobolootan; but the most valuable are in the vicinity of the capital, nearly opposite to Keoiimmevum. Precious stones are found in several other parts of the empire. The in- ferior minerals, such as iron, tin, lead, antimony, arsenic, suljjhur, &.c. are met with in great abundance. Am- ber, of a consistence unusually pel- lucid and pure, is dug up in large quantities uear4he river; gold is like- wise discovered in the sandy beds of streams, which descend ti"om the mountains. Between the Keenduem and the Irawaddy, to the northward, there is a small riv< r, called the Shoe Lien Kioup,or the Stream of Golden Sand. Diamonds and emeralds are not produced in the Ava empire, but it has amethysts, garnets, very beau- tiful chrysolites, jasper, and marble. The quarries pf the latter are only a few miles from Ummerapoor. It is in quality equal to the finest marble of Italy, and admits of a polish that renders it almost transparent. This article is monopolized bj' govern- ment, it being held sacred, because the images of Gaudma are chiefly composed of this material. I'his empire also contains the ce- lebrated wells which produce the Pe- troleum oil — an article in universal use throughout the Jiirmaii provinces, and reaUzing a large revenue to the government, it being one of the nu- merous royal monopolies. — See Yay- NANGHEOUM. An extensive trade is canicd on between the capital of the Birman dominions and Yunan,in China. The principal export from Ava is cotton, of wliich there is said to be two kinds; one of a brown colour for nankeen, and the other white, like the cotton of India. 'I'his commo- dity is transported up the Irawaddy in large boats, as far as Bamoo, when it is bartered at the common jee, or mart, with the Chinese merchants, and conveyed by the latter into the Chinese dominions. Amber, ivory, precious stones, betel uut, and the AVA AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. 47 ith a piece of ordnance on the prow. The rower is also pro- vided with a sword and lance, which are placed by his side whilst he plies tlu' oar. The musket was first in- troduced into the Pcgue and A\a. AVA AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE* 49 conntnes l)y the Porliiguesc, aud are of tlie worst quality. The principal provinces of the Eir- man Empire have been aheady spe- cified — the names of the most re- markable towns are Uinmeiapoor, the capita! ; Ava, the ancient ca- pital ; Monchaboo, the birtli-place of Alompra; Pegue, Rauj^oon, Nyriam, Prome, Negrais, Persaim, and Clia- gaing. Almost all towns, and even villages, in the 5iinnan countiy, are snr- ronndedwith a stockade, which kind of defence the Birmaus are very ex- pert at erecting. The general disposition of the Bir- mans is strikingly contrasted with that of the natives of India, from V horn they are separated only by a narrow range of monutains. The Birmans are a lively, inqnisitivc lace, active, irasci!)le, and impatient ; the charactt r of their Bengal ucighboius is exactly the reverse. The females in Ava are not con- cealed from the sight of men, but are suflered to have fice intercourse n.s in Europe ; in other respects, how- ever, there aie many degrading dis- tinctions, and the Birman treatment of females, generally, is dosliliite both of delicacy and humanity. 'J'lie practice of selling tlieir women to stiangers is not considered as shame- ful, nor is the female dishonoured. 1'hey are seldom unfaithful, and often essentially nsefid to their foreign masters, who are not allowed to carry their temporary wives along with them. Infidelity is not a character- istic of Birman wives ; in general, they have top nmch employment to have leisure for coiTU])tion. In their featmes the Birmans bear a nearer resemblance to the Chinese than to the natives of Hindostan. The Momen, especially in tl)e north- ern part of the empire, are tairer than the Hindoo females, but are not so delicately formed. The men are not tall in stature, but are active aud athletic. They have a very youthful appearance, from the custom of |>luckijig- the beard, instead of using the razor. Marriages are not con- tracted until the parlies reach the age of puberty. 'Ihe contract is purely civil, the ecclesiastical iiuis- diction having nothing to do with it. The law prohiliits polygamy, and re- cognizes only one \\il\t, but concubi- nage is admitted to an unhmited ex- tent. When a man dies intestate, three-fourths of his property go to his children born in wedlock, and one- fourth to his widow. The Birmans burn their dead. 1'he Birmans, both men and wo- men, colour their teeth, their eye lashes, and the edges of their eye-» lids with black. In tiieir food, compared with tlie Indians, the Birmans are gross and uncleanly. Although their religion forltids the slaughter of animals la general, yet they ajiply the interdic- tion only to those that are domesti- cated. All game is eagerly sought after, aud in many -places publicly sold. Reptiles, such as lizards, gua- nas, and snakes, constitute a part of the subsistence of the lower classes. To strangers they grant the most li- beial indulgence, and if they chajice to shoot at, and kill a fat bullock, it is ascribed to accident. Among the Birmans the sitting posture is the most respectful, but strangers are apt to altrilnite to in- solence, what in their view is a mark of deference. The Birman houses are, in general, raised three or four feet from the ground, on wooden posts or bamboos, which is the case with the huts of the me.'^nest pea- sant in the empire. Tliey are com- posed wholly of bamboos and mats, and but indifferently thatched. Gild- ing is forbidden to all Birmans ; li- bert}' even to lacker and paint the pillars of their houses is granted to tew. In this empire every thing belong- ing to the king has the \\ ord slioe, or gold prefixed to it; even liis majesty's person is never mentioned, but^ia conjunction with that precious metal. AVhen a subject means to allirin that the king has Jieurd any ibiag, lie 50 AVA AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. says, " It luis rcachctl the {golden eals ;" he who li.is obtaiu«d admit- tance to (he loj al presence, has been at the " j^oldeu feet." The pcrlunie of Otto of roses is described as being grateful to the " golden nose." Gold among the Kirmans is the type of ex- cellence, yet. althoxigh highly AaUied, it is not used for coin in the country. It is enijdoyed sometimes in orna- ments for the women, and in utensils and ear-rings for th« men ; but much the greatest quantity is expended in gilding their temples, in uhieh vast sums are continually lavished. 'J"he Eirmau sovereign is sole pro- prietor of all the elephants in his do- minions, and the privilege to ride on, or keep one of these animals, is an honour granted only to men of the Ycry fnst rank. In Hindostan female elephants arc prized beyond males, on account of their being more tract- able ; but, in Ava, it is the reverse, females being never used on state occasions, and seldom for ordinary riding. The henza, the symbol of the Birman nation, as tlie eagle was of the l^oman empire, is a species of vild fowl, called in India the Brah- miny goose. It is a remarkable cir- cumstance, that there should not be sudi an animal as a jackal in the A\a dominions. 'I'he Birmans of high rank liave their barges drawn by war boatvS, it being thought inconsistent with their dignity lor great men to be in the same boat with connnon watermen. It is customary also tor a person of distinction journeying on the water, to have houses built for his aeommo- dation, at the places where he means to stop. The materials of thc.-^e houses are alw ays easy to be procured, and tlie structure is so simple, that a spa- cious and comforta!)lc dwelling, suit- ed to the cHinate, may be erected in little more than four hours. Batii- b Denoobeu, Loonzay, tkc. revolted, and exterminated the Pe- gue garrisons in their towns. The eldest son of the late king now wish- ed to regain the throne of his ances- tors; but, as this did not suit the views of the successful adventurer, Alompra, he compelled him to take refuge among the Siamese, lu 1754 54 AV^V AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. Jicinpa Delia, the Peguc Kins^, be- sigcd Prome; but liis annv was again dt-rcated, with great slaughter, by Aloitipra, wlio followed them so closely in their retreat, as to trans- fer the scat of war to the mouths of the navigable rivers, and the niinie- lous ereeks and eauals (hat intersect the lower provinees of Pegue. On the 21st of April, 1755, Alom- pra attacked and totally defeated Apporaza, the King of Pegue's bro- ther; after which the Pegners de- serted Eassicn, which was no longer a place of safety, and withdrew to S}riam. Abont the year 1754 Alom- pra subdned the Cassayer, wIjo had revolted, and on Ijis return south, in 175G, attacked and took the town and fortress of Syria m by surprise, after a long blockade. The com- mandant, and greater part of the garrison, escaped to Pcgne; many, however, v,cre slain, and all the Europeans made jirisoners. It ap- jfcars all along to have been the de- termined policy of the French to espouse the cause of the Pcguers; but their assistance and supplies ar- rived too late, when all communica- tion V ith the sea was cut oil. Mon- sieur Dupleix, the goveinor of Pon- dicherry, sent two ships; but the first that arrived was decovedup the river, taken, and the whole crew massacred; the second escaped by being accidentally delayed, and can ied the iktal intelligence to Poii^ dichcrry. 'i he fall of Syriam d' termined the fate of the Pegners: cut off from all coinmunication with the western countries of Dalla and Passien, deprived of the navigation of the Rangoon P.i^er and the Irawaddy, and shut out from all foreign aid, their resources failed them, and sup- plies by water could no longer reach them. In January, 1757, Alompra undertook the siege of the city of J'eguc; and the mode he adopted vvas that of cjrcumvallation, which was a lavouiite practice of warfare jimung the IJirmans, and famine, a weapon on which they place groat reliance. This plan proved effect- ual; for a negociation was opened, which terminated in an agreement, that the Pegue King should govern his country, under the stipulation of doing homage to the Birman mo- narch. A preliminary of these con- ditions was the snrrciider of the daughter of the Pegue sovereign to the victor. Notwithstanding all these arrangements, in their nature truly Asiatic, Alompra endeavoured to obtain possession of the to^n by treachery, and at last obtained his object by famine, when he abondoned it to indiscrimiiiate pimider and mas- sacre. The Tallien, or Pegue govern- ment being extinct, by the surrender of their capital, it became necessary for foreigners to conciliate the new sovereign; accordingly Ensign Lyster was sent as envoy by the British fao tory at the Negrais, who had an in- terview with Alompra on board his boat, while i»roceeding to his caj)i- tal. His majesty, on this occasion, assumed a very lofty tone ; boasted of his invincible prow ess, and enu- merated the royal captives of the Pegue family, who Avere led prison- ers in his train. In 1757 the Pegners revolted, and expelled the viceroy placed over them; but were afterwards over- thrown, in a severe engagement, near Rangoon, and the anival of Alompra in person finally crushed the insurrection. He aftcrw ards re- duced the tow n and district of Ta- vay, w here many Pcguers had taken refuge : he then determined to chas- tise the Siamese, for the encourage- ment they had given to his rebellious subjects. His fleet proceeded to Mogul, while his anny advanced by land; and tiie town, being ill Ibrti- fied, was soon taken. Leaxing a garrison for its defence, the Birmans marched figainst Tenasseriui, a large and populous town, surrounded by await and stockade; iiot\vithstand-< ing w hich it made a feeble defence. A Her a very short halt atTenasse- rim, he undertook an expedition AVA AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. 55 ag;ainst tlie cajiital of Siain; but, fjom various impcLlimnits, a moiitli elapsfd before ho reached the vicinity of that metropoUs, wliiili was well prepared for a vigorous defence. 'l"wo days after the Eiruian army had erected their stockades, A loMi}>ra was taken ill of a disease, whicii in the end proved mortal. lie gaA e orders for an imn)edia1e retreat, in hopes of reachiu}? his capital alive; his in- tentions, however, were frustrated; for dcatli overlook him witliin two days niarcli of JMartahan, where he expired about the 15th May, 1760, after a short and active ro'v^n of only eiglit years, aiid before he had com- pleted the 50th year of his age. During his reign the wisdom of his counsels secured what liis \al()Urhad acquired: he issued severe edicts against gambling, and prohibited the use otL^pirituons licpiors through- out his dominions : he reformed tlie courts of justice, and abridged tiie power of tlic magistrates; every process of iniportan(;e l)eiug decided iu public, and e\ery decree regis- tered. He was succeeded by his eldest son Namdojee Fraw, who experienc- ed considerable dilliculty at tirst by the rebellion of his brother Shemhu- an, and afterwards by that of ]\ieinla Kajah, the principal general of his deceased fiither. Both these revolts be successfully subdued, although the latter oj>i)onent had obtained possession of Ava, the cajiital, which was recaptured by blockade, and all the garrison who could not eflect their escajic, put to deatli. Namdogee likew isc reduced the for! of Tonglio, and took prisoner one of his uncles who h:id rebelled, whom he spared, but punisiied the other ringleaders with ileath. The three succeeding years were emplo}- ed in reducing the refractory to obe- dience, j)rin( ipally the Peguers. lie died at his capital, about the month of March, 17(i4, after a rf;ign of little more than three years, leaNing one son, named Moinieii, yet an in- fant. On his decease, his brotlier Shcm- buan assumed the reins of govern- ment; nor is it ascertained that he ever acknowledged holding them in trust for the minor, whom he edu- cated in obscurity ainong the Rlia- haans, or monks. In 17(i5 he sent an expedition against the Siamese, with partial success, and went him- self against the Munipoor Cassayers, where he acquired considerable booty. In 17G6 the Birmaa armies marched south, and had an action with tlie Siamese, about eight days journey from the Port of Siam, when they were victorious; after which they laid siege to the city of Siam, and took it on capitulation, after a long blockade — the favourite system of Hirman warfare. In 1767, or 1131 of the Birman a^ra, the Chinese seat an army of 50,000 men from the western frontier of "V unan, which advanced as far into the country as the village of Gliiboo, where they were henuned in by tlie Birmans. The Tartar ca- valry, on whose vigour and activity the Chinese army depended for pro- visions, could no longer venture out, either to procure provisions, or to protect convoys. In this situation their army was attacked, and wholly destroyed, except about 251 '0, whom the J?irmans sent in fetters tc» the capital, where they were compelled to ply then- trades according to the royal pleasure. They were also en- couraged to man) Birman wives, as are all strangers, and to consider themselves as Birmans, This custom of the Birmans is singular among the civilized coun- tries of the east, and peculiarly re- markable in a })eople, who derive their tenets from a Hindoo source. It is well known that in China, even the public prostitutes are strictly prohibited from having intercourse w ilh any other than a Chinese ; nor is any foreign woman permitted to «;nter the territories, orvisit the ports of that Jeulous nation, jlindoo wo- men, of good casts, are no less in- Hcccisible, and admission into d ^c- 56 AVA AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. spectable cast is not attainable by juoiiey. The Siamese, soon after the Bir- man araiy had (|nittetl then- territory, revolted. In \7'> 1, Deeberdee, the jjencral M'ho had before subdued them, was detached to punish them ; but, from diflerent obstacles, was compelled to retreat without pene- trating; into the country. A new ge- neral was appointed; but the Pegu- ers in the Birraan army suddenly rose on their companions, commenc- ed an indisciiminate massacre, and pursued them to the gates of Ran- goon, which they besieged, but were unable to capture. In 1774Shembuan sent an army, AThich subdued the Cassay country, and took the capital Munipoor; but 10,000 men having gone forward to eflect the conquest of the Cachar ccuiitry, they v\ ere totally destroyed by the Caclnus and the hill fever, within three days marc h of Cospoor, the capital. A second expedition, tlie same year, was more successful, and compelled the Cachar Rajah to pay tribute: this year also the dis- tiict and fort of Alartaban were re- taken from the revolted Peguers. In 1775Shembuaa sailed down the Irawaddy, \\ ith an army of 60,000 jnen; and, in the month of October, arrived at Rangoon, v»here he put to death Beinga Delia, the old and un- fortuiiate Pegue monarch, and many Tallien, or Pegue nobles In 1776 Shembuan left Rangoon, and was taken ill in the road to Ava, •where he died soon after his arrival, having reigned about 12 years. His character is that of an austere, in- telligent, and active prince. He re- duced the petty sovereigns of several neighbouring provinces to a state of permanent vassalage, who had before only yielded to desultory conquest. These he compelled, on staled pe- riods, to repair to the cai)ilal, and pay homage at the golden feet. Among them were numbered the Lords of Sandipoor, (Cambodia) Ze- mee, Quantong, and Banioo, toge- ther witli tlie Currianers, the Kajus, and other uncivilized tribes, inlia- biting the western hills and moun- tainous tracts tliat intersect the re- gions east of the Irav.addy. Shembuen was succeeded by his son Chenqnza, aged 18, who proved a debauched, blood-thirsty monster, and was dethroned, and put to death by his uncle, IMindragee Praw, in 1782, after a short, but (as far as re- fers to foreign wars) tran(}uil reign of six years. Minderajee Praw was the fourth son of the great Alompra, the founder of t!ie dynast}^ One of his first acts was to drown his nevdiew Momien (the son of Namdojee l^raw, the second sovereign) by fixing him betwixt two jars, whi- li were sunk in the stream, conformably to the Birrnan mode of executing members of the royal family. "When he as- cended the tlu-oae he was 43 years of age, and had two sons already grown up to man's estate. He had enjoyed the throne but a short time, when he had nearly been deprived both of life and diadem, by a despe-: rado, named Magoung, who, with about 1(H> cenfederates, attacked him and his guards in his own palace, where they all perished. During his days of leisure this king had directed much of his atten- tion to astronomical studies, and be- came a thorough believer in judicial astrology. Brahmins, who, though inferior in sanctity to the Rhahaans, are nevertheless held in high respect by the Birmans, had long been ac- customed to migrate from Cassy and Arracan to Ava. JMinderajee Praw appointed a certain number of them his domestic chaplains; and, prompt- ed by their persuasions, he determin- ed to withdraw the seat of govern- ment fiom Ava, and found a new metropolis, which he did at Lmme- rapoor. In the year 1783 (conespondm^ with the Birman year 1145) he sent a fleet of boats against Arracan, which was conquered, after a slight resist- ance, and IMahasumda, the ra,iah, and his family, made prisoners. The AVA AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. 57 surrender of Cheduba, Rainree, and the Rroken Isles, I'ollowed the con- quest of Anacais. Ahhough the Birmans conld not retain the inland parts of Siani, they preserved the dominion over the sea coast as far as AJer^ni. In the year 1785 they attacked the island of Jiinksejlon, Avilh a ilc ct of boats and an army; bnt, although first siic- cessiful, were ultimately compelled to retreat with considerable loss. The Birman monarch, wliose pride was deeply mortilied by this, resolved to repair the disgrace; and, in 1786, invaded Siam with an army of 30,000 men, bnt was totally dclcated, near the frontiers, by Fictiek Single, the King of Siam, his useless cannon taken, and liimsclf with great dilii- culty escaping captivity. '^J'he Bir- mans, in this ad ion, ascribe their defeat to the incumbrance of their cannon, which were old ship guns, mounted on old carriages. In the year l/^it the Siamese ob- tained possession of '1 avay by tieachery, which the Birmans, in 1701, regained by the same nn.ans; and that year compelled tlie Siamese to raise the siege of Mergui. In 1793 peace was concluded wiih the iSiamese, who ceded to the Jiirmans the westenrmaritiine towns as fjir soiitii as _\Jeigiii. thus yielding to tliem the entijo possession of the coast of I'enasserim, and the t«o important sea ports of Mcrgui and Tavay. Iji 1795 his Birman majesty, learning tiutt three distinguisiied rob- bers, frouithe f-irman dominions in Arracan, had taken refuge in the British dii;irict of Cliittagong, wiih- out comnuniirati;!g his intention, or in any shape dcmandiiig the fugi- tives, thought proytcr to order a body ©f 5000 men, under an olliter of rank, to enter the Company's terri- tories, with positi'.e injunctions to the commander not to return, unless he brought with him the delinquents, dead or ahve ; and further to suj)- poit this detachment, an army of 5fO;U00 meu was held iii icadiucss at Arracan. In conscqnencc of this ir- ruption, a strong detachment was sent fnnn Calcutta, a battalion of Euroijcans by water, and the native sepoys by land, under the command of Generai Erskine. Seree NuniUi Kiozo, tlie Birman cliief, to whom the task of reclaim- ing tlio fugitives was assigned, after liis army hisd crossed the river, and. encamped on the opposite bank, dic- tated a letter to tlie Biitish .judge and magistrate of Chittagong, ac- quainting him with the reasons of the inroad, and that tiie captme of the delinquents was his sole object, with- out liarbouring any design of hostili- ties against the English. At the same time he declared, in a peremp- tory st}le, that luitil they were given nj), he would not depart from the Company's territories; and, in con- firmation of this metjace, fortified his camp witk a stockade. 'I'hese mat- ters being" reported to gtneriunent, the magistrate of Cliittagong was or- dered to ap])rehend the retugees, atid keep them in saiie custody until fur- ther directions. On the approach of General Ers- kiiic, Seree Nundakiazo sent a ilagf of mice, proposing terms of accom- modation, slii:ulaling lor the surren- der of the fagiti>es, as the basis of the agreement. Tire general re- plied, that no terms could be listened to while the Birmans continued on Enc'-lisii grnnad ; bnt tliat as soon as they should Avithdraw fiom their for- tiiied camp, and retire within their own frontier, he would enter on the subject of their conii)laints; notifying also, that unless tliey evacuated the Coinj)any's possessions in a limited time, tiDrce would Ijc used to compel them. I'he Birman chief, in a manly confidt nee of the British c'.iaracter, personally waited on General Ers- kine, and disclosed to him the na- ture of his instmctious, the enormity of the oifenders, and the oulrages^ they committed. General Erskinc as- sured him it was far from the in- tention of the Biitish government to screeu deliiu^ueul.s, but that it was 58 BABADERPOOR. iin})o>'.sible for him to recede from his first deteriiiiiiation. The Kirnian ge- neral agreed to Avithdraw his troops, aiid the retreat uas conducted in the jHost . orderly manner; nor had one act of violence l)oen ronmntted by the Birman troops, during their con- tinuance in the Company's districts. The guilt of the refugees being after- wards established, they were deli- vered over to the Birman magistrates, by whose sentence two out of the three underwent capital punishment. (Sipnes, Cox, Let/den, F. Buchanan, DaJrijmph, ^'c.) AvA. — A town in the Birman Em- pire, properly named Aingwa, four miles west from the new capital, Ummerapoor. Lat. 21°. 51'. IN. Long. 95°. 58'. E. This place is divided into the up- per and lower city, both of which are fortified, the lower being about four miles in circumforencc. Yi is pro- tected by a wall 30 feet high, at the foot of which there is a deep and broad fosse. Tlic communication betwixt the fort and the country is over a mound of earth crossing the ditch that supports a causeway; the Mall is sustained on the inside by an embankment of earth. The upper or smaller fort does not exceed a mile in circumference, and is much the strongest, but all the walls are mould- ering to decay. The mateiials of the houses, which consisted principally of wood, were transported to the new city of Unmierapoor; but the ground, when not covered with grass, still retains traces of former build- ings and streets. The disposition of the latter nearly resembles that of Ummerapoor. In the temple of Logatliero Praw is still to be seen a gigantic image of Gaudma, of marble, seated in its customary position on a pedestal. The height of the idol, from the top of the head to the pedestal on which it sits, is nearly 24 feet ; the head is eight feet in diameter, and across the breast it measures 10 feet. The Birmans assert, that it is composed of one entire block of marble ; nor. on the closest inspection, can any junction be perceived. The build- ing has evidently been erected over the idol, as the entrance would scarcely admit the introduction of his head. Within the fort stands a temple of superior sanctity, named Shocgunga Praw, in which all oaths of conse- quence are administered, the breach of which is considered as a most heinous crime. How this temple ob- tained so eminent a distinction is not now known. Besides these there are numerous temples, on which the Bir- mans never lay sacrilegious hands, dilapidating by the corrosion of time ; indeed, it would be difiicult to exhibit a more striking picture of desolation and ruin. {Si/mex, cVc.) AwASs, {Ams). — A toAvn in the IMaharatta territories, in the province of Khandcsh, 05 miles E. of Broaclu Lat. 21°. 4«'. N. Long. 74°. 34'. E. AvTi'RA. — A town in the })rovince of Bengal, district of Pachcte, 127 miles N. W. from Calcutta. Lat. 23°. 41'. N. Long. 86°. 58'. E. AxiMNAGUR. — A district in the ter- ritorities of the Poonah Maharattas, situated to the south of the Krishna Biver, in the province of Bejapoor. It contains no town of consequence. AziMGHUR. — A town in the pro- vince of Allahabad, district of Gaz^- poor, 37 miles N. E. from Jionpoor. Lat. 24°. ()'. N. Long. 83°. 10'. E. AzMERiGUNGE, {Ajamida ganj). — A town in the Province of Bengal, district of Silhet, 75 miles N. E. from Dacca. Lat. 24°. 33'. N. Long. 91°. 5' E. B. Baad. — A small town in the pro- vince of Agra, about 10 miles S. W. from the city of Agra, the road to which is through a fertile country, in- terspersed with clumps of mango trees. Lat. 27°. 5'. N. Long. 77*. 55'. E. {Hunter.) BABADliRPOOa, ( BaJiadarpur). — A BACKERGUNGE. 59 town in the IMaharatta territories, in the province of Kh-.mdcsh, 15 miles S. W. from Boorhanpoor. Lat. 21°. 15'. N. Long;. 70°. 8'. E. Babare. — A town in tliP province of Gujrat, S. E. from Mirjee, in tiie territories of the PoonahMaharattas. Lat. 1G°. 4t>'. N. Long. 76° 32'. E. Badarwall. — A town in the pro- vince of Lahore, district of Kisli- tcwar, 10 niiles from the southern range of hills w hit h bound Cashmere, Lat. 3i>°. 45'. N. Long. 74°. 54'. E. It is posses.sed by an independent raj all. Badaumy, (Badami). — A town in the territories of the Maharattas, province of Bejapoor, 80 iuiles S. E. tiom ai(» miles. Bagnouwangie. — A Diilcli port and settlement situated in the Straits of Bally, at the eastern extremity of Java, and distant five leagues from ttie mouth of Balaiiibonang Bay. Lat.8° 15'. S. Long. 11 4°. 20'. E. This place is intersected by a small river, and has a little earthen foit, lined with turf, and sunoundcd by a ditch, over which are two draw- bridges. The garrison consists of a lieutenant commandant, a company of Aiudurans, intermixed with 10 Eurojjcans, and soine Samanap ar- tillery, with a Dutch second lieu- tenant and sergeant. Two pilots, who reside in the village, jireeede the ships which pass the Straits, to point out the proper anchoring stations. lu tlie neighbourhood are two tine plan- tations of pepper and cofiee, with an indigo manufactory adjoining, A league beyond this place, at Saiwra- daya, are a large old brick-built house, a hospital, and prison for the Malays. Adjacent to this establishment is a village of the same name, consisting of 80 Chinese and Malay families, where the chief, or tomogon resides. It is separated from Panaroukan by an exlen^iive desert ; and, being one «f the most unhealthy stations in the island, all the malcontents of Sania- rang and Sourabhaya are banished hither for five or six months, accord- ing to the degrees of their offences. AlltheJavan andMaduran criminals, condemned for life, arc sent to work on the plantations in this vicinity. I'hc fort and villages are surrounded by marshes, which occasion frequent putrid fevers among the natives and Europeans. (Tombe, Ic.) Bah (Vahu) Kiver. — ^This river Las its source in the province of Aj- meer, not far from the. city of Jjud- poor, and afterwards Hows in a south- erly direction towards the Gulf of Cutch, which it never reaches, ■beii>g absorbed by tlie way,orlostiuthc Huii. 4 BAHAR, (Vihar, a Monastery of Buddhists.) A large province of Hindostan, ex- tending from the 22d to the 27th degrees of iiortli latitude. It is se- parated from the Nepaul dominions by an extensive range of hills, which rise up on the northern frontier ; ou the south it has the ancient and bar- barous Hindoo proAince of Gund- wana ; on the east it is bounded by the province of Bengal ; and on the west by Allahabad, Oude, and Gnnd- wana. The River Caramnassa was the old line of separation betweeit the Bahar and Benares territories. This provuice is one of the most fertile, highly cultivated, and popu- lous, of Hindostan, in proportion to its extent of plain arable ground,' which may be computed at 26,000 square miles, divided naturally into two e(|ual jxjrtions oftenitory, north and south of the Ganges, whiehruns here an easterly course of 200 miles, Oae of these divLsions extends northerly 70 miles, to the forests of Nepaul and Morung; is separated from Goracpoor in Oude, on the west, by the Gunduck, a:id a crooked line between that r vcr and the Dewah, or Goggrah. This northern division is bounded on the cast by Piirricah in Bengal, the whole area being one uninterrupted Hat, which was sub- diviiled by the Em})eror A(;ber intO' four districts, viz. I'irhoot, llajypoor, Sarun, with Chumparun, orBettiah, including tour pcrgunnahs from Mon- ghir. The central division of Bahar ex- tends south of the Ganges 60 miles, to that range of hills called in Sans- crit Viiidhya-chil, which separates tlie lower plain.s tiom the territory above the Ghauts. It is divided on the west from Chunar in Allahabad, by the Kiver Caranmassa ; and from Bengal, on the east, by a branch of the southern hills, extending to the pass of llUiaghury, o)i the confines of Rajemal. The district named Ba- har, v\]iich is in the middle of this ceutial division, occupies about one BAHAR. G3 half of tljc Aviiolc level a von, the plains ofMoni:,hiroiK-sixtli more, the lest beirie,' inoiiiiiaiiiou.s, IJotas, the most soutii-nestcin district, lies chicdj' between the KiversSoaiie and Carninnassa ; the romainino; district, t>lialial)ad, extending' along tlie south side of the Ganges. This central di- vision, on acconiit of tire sup(>riority of the soil and produce, particularly of opium, yields nearly two-thirds of the total annual produce. Exclusive of these two divisions there is a stragoiini;- liilly country of 8000 square miles, which produces but little. Still further to the south there is a third and elevated region, eontaiaini^ 18,000 square miles, though propor- tionally of inconsiderable value. This highland territory includes the mo- dern subdivisions of lalarnow, Rani- ghur, and Chuta >iai^poor; bounded on the west by the Soiibali of Alla- habad, on the south by (Jrissa, and on the east by IJeiigal. This last di- vision is geograjthically termed the 'ihrcc Bellads,or Cantons, and is also sometimes described luider the ap- pellation of Kokcrah, but more com- monly named Nagpoor, tiom the dia- mond inliics it contains. Square miles. The assessed lands of < iglit districts of this province contain - 26,287 The lauds belonging to Pala- mow, Ranigluir, and Nag- I)oor - - 18,553 Portion of hilly country in JMonghir, Khotas, &.e. 7133 Total superficial contents of the province - - - 61,973 In the Institutes of Acber, com- piled by Abul J azel, A. D. 1582, this province is described as follows: " 'I'lie length of liahar, from Gur- her to Hotas, i.s 120 coss, and the breadth, from Tirhoot to the northern mountains, includes 110 coss. It is bounded on the east by Bengal, has Alluhabud and Oudc to the west, and on the nortli and south are large mountains. The princij)al rivers of this soubah arc the Gauges ar.d the Soane. The River Giuiduck comes from the north, and empties itself into the Ganges near liadjypoor. The summer months are here very hot, but the winter is temperate. The rains continue for six montlis. lu the district of ]\longhir is raised a stone wall, extending from the Gan- ges to tlie mountains ; and this wall is considered to be the boundary be- tween Bengal and Bahar. This sou- bah contains seven districts, viz. Ba- liar, INlonghir, Chumparun, liaj} poor, Sarun, Tirhoot, and Rotas. 'I'hesc are subdivided into 199 pergunnahs; the gross amount of the revenue is 55,47,985 sicca rupees. It furnishes 11,415 cavalry, 449,350 infantry, and 100 boats " I'hc province of Bahar possesses great natural advantages, a temper- ate climate, high and fertile soil, well watered, productive of the drier graiu§^ and all the luxunes required by ^j^more active inhabitants of the nortn, • Its geographical situation is centrical, having easy communica- tions internally, and ser\ing as a thoroughfare for the commerce of Bengal and of foreign maritime countries, with the ]>rovinees of liin- dostan. 'I'hcse advantages brought Bahar into a high state of prosperity soon after the Patau conquest, which continued under the Mogul dj nasty. In Bahar, and the districts con- tiguous to it, a parching m ind Ijom the westward prevails during a large portion of the hot season. It blows with great strength during the day, but is commonly succeeded at night by a cool breeze in the opposite di- rection. Sometimes it ceases for days or weeks, giving way to easterly gales. Beyond the limits of Bahar the parching winds are still more prevalent ; refreshing breezes, or ctwiing showers of rain and hail, more rare. During the cold season a blighting fiust is sometimes expe- rienced iu tlie Bahar and Benares pro- vinces. 64 BAHAR. AgTicultiirp, mamifactiires, and commerce, have always greatly flou- rishcil in tliis province. Opium may be considered as its pccnliar produce and staple commodity^ of the coun- try; saltpetre is principally manu- factured in the districts of Ha jypoor and Sarun. Cotton cloths lor ex- portation are manufactured every where, in addition to which are the ordinary jiroduetions of grain, sugar, indigo, oil, betel leaf, &c. 'i'lic manufacture of saltpetre scarcely passes the eastern limits of JBahar. It is a practical remark, that the production of nil re is greatest during the prevalence of the hot winds, which are perhaps essential to its formiftion. Tiicse parching- winds from tiic west did not formerly ex- tend beyond the eastern limits of Ba- har, but by the change of seasons which have been remarked within these 30 years, the hot winds have extended their influence to Bengal Pro})er. Perhaps the manufacture of saltpetre might, on that account, be attempted with success in majjy dis- tricts of BeJigal. The actual extent of the saltpetre manufacture would ailmit of a pro- duction to whatever amount com- merce required. What is delivered into the Conipany's warehouses does not usually cost more than two ru- pees per maund of 801bs. the rest, after paying duty and charges of transportation, and alfoidiiig profit to several intermediate dealers, sells in general at four and live rupees per maund, for internal consumption, or for traffic with diil'erent paits of In- dia. The export of saltpetre to iLu- rope is at all times principally con- fined to the Company's investment, but private persons are also occa- sioually permitted to export it under certain limitations. The opium produced in the pro- vinces of Bahar and Benares is 1:20- Bopolized by the government, and sold in Calcutta by public sale. For vajions reasons, liiis monopoly seems less exceptionable than many others. The common produce is ci^id pounds of. opium per bee;?ali (one-fliird of an acre), besides which the cultiva- tor reaps about 14 pounds of seed; and many cultivators, frojn the same land, obtain a crop of potherbs, or some other early produce. 'I'he pre- paration of the raw opium is under the immediate superintendance of the Comi)any's agent. It consists in evaporating, by exposure to the sun, tiie watery particles, which are re- l)laced by oil of poppy seed, to pre- vent the drying of the resin. The opium is then formed into cakes, and covered with the petals of the poppy, and, when sufficiently dried, it is packed in chests, with the fragments of the capsules, from which po])py- seeds have been thrashed out. The adulteration of opium is difficult to discover: it has commonly been sup- posed to be vitiated with an extract from the leaves and stalk of the pop- py, and with gum of the mimosa. Bahar, like the greater [lart ofHin- dostan, was anciently supplied with salt from the Lake of Sambher, in the province of Ajmeer; but it now consumes the Bengal salt, and a small portion of that imported from the coast of Cororaandel. In the nature of landed property there are several distitictions betwixt Bengal and Bahar, of which the fol- lowing are the principal : In Bengal the Zemindaries aro very extensive ; and thatof Burdwaa alone is equal in produce to three- fourths of that of Bahar, in which province the Zemindaries aie com- pariti\ cly sniall. The pow er and in- tluence of the jwincipal Zemindars in Bengal are proporlionably great, and they are able to maintain a de- gree of iiidepeudenc(.', Avhich the in- ferior Zemindars of Bahar have lost. The latter, also, luniiig been placed under a provincial administration, from distance as well as comparative infeiioiity, have been precluded from that degree of information, which the Zemindars of Bengal, from their vicinity to Calcutta, and access to the officers of govcruiiiejuit, have bcca able to obtaio. BAHAR. 65 The lands of Bahar have, from timeinuiieinorial, been let to farm, and no penci al settlement, since the acquisition of the Dewanny, had been concluded between trovern- nicntand the proprietors of the s«)il, until the final and perpetual assess- ment in 1792. 'J'here arc few instances of jaghircs in Bengal, probably not more than three or four; but they are frequent in Bahar. The custom of dividinp^ the pro- duce of the land, in certain propor- tions, between the cultivator and go- vernment, was almost universal in Bahar; but in Bengal this custom was very partial and limited. Upon the w hole, the proprietors of the soil in Bahar were in a degiaded state, comparatively w ith those of Bengal. In Bahar there are but three princi- pal zemindars, viz. the Rajahs of Tirhoot, Shahabad, and Sunnotc Te- le aroy. The principal rivers of Bahar are the Ganges, theSoane, the Gundiick, the Dummoodah, the Caramnassa, and the Dcwah ; the two latter being boundary rivers: besides these there are many small streams, the flat part oflhis country being very well sup- plied with moisture. The chief towns are Patna, Mongliir, Boglipoor, Buxar, Dinapoor, Gayah, and Rotas. The race of men visii>ly improve in Bahar compared with Bengal, as they are taller and much more robust. Bahar having been, at an early period, conqnered by the Mahom- medans, anil afterwards retained in ])crmanent subjcclion, contains a considerableproportion of inhabitants professing that religion, particularly in the northern and more (cultivated districts. Although Gayah, the birth- place of Buddha, the great prophet and legislator of the more eastern nations, be within the limits of this province, and is stili a place of pil- grimage for sectaries of that persua- sion, yet among the resident inhabi- tants remarkably few Buddhists are to be foinid, the Brahminical being the prevailing religion. In the tcmote periods of Hindoo history, Bahar appears to have been the seat of two independent sove- reignties ; that of Magadha. or South Bahar, and that of Mithila (Tirhoot), or North Bahar. An intimate connexion has always subsisted between this pro\ince and Bengal, on which account their his^ tories and political economy are una- voidably much blended; the reader is, therefore, referred to the article Bkngal, for Anther information ou these subjects, and more particularly resi)ecting the population. {J. Grant, Abnl Fazel, Colebrooke, Shore, Gho' laiim, Hosscin, Sit) Bahar— A large and fertile dis- trict in the province of Bahar, situ- ated betwixt the 24th and 2Gth de- giees of north latitude. It is bounded on the north by the Ganges, on the south l)y Ramgur and Monghir, on the east by Monghir, and on the west by the River Soane and the district of Rotas. 'J'his district occupies about one half of the whole level area of the district of Bahar Proper, to the south of the Ganges. In all its dimen- sions, according to iMajor Rennel, it contains 6680 square miles, besides hilly teiTitory, dismembered from Pa- lamow, Nagpoor, and Ramgur. In 1582 Abul i'azcl describes the district as follow s : " Sircar Bahar, containing 46 ma- hals, measurement 952,698 beegahs, revcmie 83,196,390 dams, seyurghal 2,270,147 dams. Tliis sircar fur- nishes 2115 cavalry and 67,350 in- fantry." A great proportion of this district is level and highly cultivated land; but towards the centre are some high grounds, named the Rajegur Hills, not equally fertile. Although extremely well watered by the Ganges, Soaiie, and number- less smaller rivers, this is not pro]>er- Jy a rice country, wheat of an excel- lent quahty being the chief produce. The other articles are opium, in ^ery large quantiiies, cotton, castor oil, and saltpetre, besides all the other fruits and vegetables common to 66 LAILURA. Hiiidoslnfii. Thronglumt llif nbtriot cotton goods are iiiaiudiuducd, and a large (iiiaiitity of saltpetre is amm- ally sent to Calcutta oa the Coiii- paiiy's account, "Jho culture of this district, in the viciiiity of Patiia, is far siipt-rior to ■\vliat is "cueraliy met with in Ben- gal. I'or several miles round the vil- lages of Bankijioor and Diiiapoor, the lieids a^^sume the appearance of rich and a\ ell-dressed gardens, and Ihe oi)eration of catering the holds is carried on 'with great labour and jierseverance. The surfncc of the ground, in this part of the province of Eahar, does not ris* more than 30 feet above tlie level of the Gau- ges, and in many places the eleva- tion is still more inconsiderable. The most common crops are cotton, doll, and the castor oil plant (the Hicinus communis). The latter rises to the height of a large shrub, and shelters below its broad leaves the doll and cotton plants. Uarley alone is mixed with the common pea, is also a very connnon produce in this vicinity, but is not equal to that of Britain. 'I'his district is on the w hole ex- tremely well populated, in the pro- portion of one Mahonuuedan to four Hindoos, and the euitivalion of the land is rapidly extending. The chief towns arePatua, Dinajiodr, Ba- Jiar, and Ga\ah. (./. (riant, 'J'cnnant, Coki/roohe, Ahul FtizeL See.) Bahar. — A town in the pro> intse of Bahar, district of Bahar. 05 miles S. E. from Patna. Lat. 25°. 13'. N. Long. 85°. 37'. E. Baharkj: BivKii. — This liver has its source among the .lendah n.oun- tains in northern llinilostan, troui ■whence it Hows south through the province of Oude, to the east of the Coi'Cgrah, which it joins about '2fj uules above F}Z?.bad. Bahotty, (Vdhiitlacati). — A small town ^^itln^l the ,Seik territories, in the prfivinec of Lahore, siluated on the east side of the Jhylaia l^iver. Lat. 32°. /'. N. Long. 71°. .%'. 11. About six miles further down for- inerly stood the fort of Shabat-deeU; on the Island of Jamad, and to the south arc salt hills, 'i'his place is about 112 miles W. N. W. from the city of Lahore. IjAIIUY, {BariX — A town in the pvovincc of Agra, situated al»out 10 sniles to the north of the Chumlnd. Lat. 20°. 4^'. N. Long. 77*^. 35'. IL This is the second town in jioint of consequence in the Kana of Dhool- poor's dominions. TIk; streets are narrow, but many ol tlic houses, which are built of red stone, are two stories high, and have a greater appearance of eomlbrt than is usmdi in Lidian habitations, 'i his place has. for many years, been chielly in- habited by Patans, and possesses se- veral handsome Mahommedan tombs, 'j'hc surrounding country is frequent- ly haras.sed by depredations, and consijquently ill culti\ atcd. {Brongh- ton, St.) Baidyanath. — A village in Nor- thern >lindostan, in the district of Kemaoon, near the boundary of the Gerwal and Kemaoon dislricts. Lat. 29°. 56'. N. Long. 79°. 40'. E. This village derives its name from a large temple, now in a ruinous condition, and no longer appropri- ated to sacred w orship. The images, which eom))rchend a large proportion of the Hindoo pantheon, are lodged in a smaller temple, which has the appearance of great antiquity. It stands on the banks of the Gautna- thi Bi\cr, in which are a lunnber of fish, that arc daily ted !>> ihe Brah- mins and Fakirs. An aiunuil festi- val is held at this ])laee, during the time of the Hurdwar lair, which is munevousl} allended by people from all parts of the hills, 'ihe village coirlains only eight or 10 houses, in- habited ])riucipally by Gosains; but there are a few' Canoje Brahmins, who have the superinlendanee of the temple The Gaumathi Biver after- wards fails into the Goggrah, or Sarjew" Biver. Badyanath, or Vaid- janatha, is the name of the Hindoo god of medicine. {Itttper, &c.) VuV.i.VRX. — A small town in the Kajuii of Mysore's country. Lat. 12°. BALAGHAUT CEDED DISTRICTS. 67 65'. N. Long:. 76°. 3'. E. Near to tliis town is the small River Tihadri, the couijtry to tlie west of wliicli is called Malayar, or the Hills, while th;it to the east is called Meidaun, or the open eouiitry. In Malayar there are uo slaves. A eonsiderable trade is carried on betwixt Bailnru and Je- manlabad, in the Malabar province. Cochineal to the extent of about 1500 pounds vveij^lit is made here, upon the nopals raised by the farmers as a fence round their gardens. The cochiner.l is of the inferior kind,whieh has been introduced into lisdia. and the plant is the cactus, which is ab- original in the country. Tliis town in Sanscrit is named Kailapura, and stands at a little distance from the lihadri River. It has a good fort l)uilt of stone, with a suburb con- taining above 600 houses. {F. Bu- chntinn, ^-c.) Bajulpoor. — A town in the INIa- liaratla territories, .situated among the Vindaya mountains, ,35 miles S. fromOojain. Lat. 22°. 43'. N. Long. 75°. 39'." E. B.\LAB.\c. — A small island in the Eastern Seas, aliout 18 miles in length, by four the average breadth, lying oil the southern extremity of ♦he Island of Palawan. Lat. 8°. N. Long. 117°. 10'. E. B\LABALAGAN. A cUlstcr of 13 small flat islands in tlie Straits of Macassar, covered with trees, and having navigable channels between them, but uneven anchorage. They are also named the Little Paternoster Isles. I'he Boadjoos fish here for sea swailo, or biche de mar, which tliey strike on the saiid at the bottom, in eight and 10 fathoms water, with an iron pronged instrument. {For- rest, <^r.) BaLAGHAUT CEnF.D DrSTRlCTS. — In the south of India a stupendous wall of mountains, named the Gliauts, rises abruptly from the low country, supporting in the nature of a terrace ^ a vast extent of level plains, which arc so elevated as to alFect tlie tem- jjciature, and render the climate cooler. This table land extends from F 2 the Kri.shna to the southern extremity of the Mysore, and is nanied Bala- ghaut, or Above the CJhauts. in eon- tradistinclion to Payenghaiit.orBelow the Ghauts. This extensive and fruit- ful region tbrmed the aneieiil Hindoo empire of Karnata, no part of which was below the mountains, althougii, in moderu times, the term lias been so misapplied by the Mahommedans and Europeans, as to signify exclu- sively the country below the Ghauts. In the present article the Jiame Balaghaut is restricted to that terri- tory acfpiired by the British govern- ment in 1800, and since subdivided into til.' two coUectorsliips of Bellary and C'udapah. This tract of country was acquired by treaty with the nizam, dated the r2th Oct. 1800, and compreliends all the territory situated south of the 'J'oombuddra and Krishna rivers, which fell to the nizam's share by the treaties of Seringapatam in 1792, and Mysore in 1799, together with the Talook of Adoni, and all his high- nesses other districts south of these rivers. This large portion of country is what is now called the Ceded Dis- tricts; and to these, two-thirds of Pnugauoor were added, and part of Goodiput; having been excl'.anged for certain distiiets, which had been reserved by the treaty of Mysore, as the eventual poition of the i'e.sliwah of the Maharattas, but which, by the supplementary treaty of IMysore, in Dec. 1803, fell into the posscssioa of the Company. Under the ancient native govern- ments, this (juarler of the Balaghaut was subdivided into many districts, the chief of whieli were Carnoul, Adoni, Conmiim, HarpouuUy, Ky- droog, Balhary, Gooty, ^A'andicotta, or Gundicotta, Cudapah, Gurrom- coudah, Funganoor, ai:d Sidhout. The principal towns are Bijanagur, Balhary, Adoni, Gooty, Ctidapah, Harponully, and Gununicondah. Ironi the elevated surface of this region it has no large rivers exempt the IvJuisua and Tooinbuddra/ivhich 68 BALAGHAUT CEDED DISTRICTS. are its proper boundaries, but it pos- sesses many smaller streams. Much the greater portion of the lauds is under the dry rultivation, it being- calculated, that in the Ceded Districts the wet cultivation does not exceed seven per cent, of the whole lu the Ceded Districts there are vast tracts of land unoccupied, which may be j)loughed at once, without the labour and expense of clearing away forests, as there are above tluce millions of acres of this kind, which were formerly cullivatcd, and might be retrieved and occupied. In the ceded territories, di.stricts are subdivided into villages under the management of potails, or head farmers, by whom the ryots are guided. In all villages the latter are in the habit of meeting and debating on the subject of rent, but there are many villages in which they settle among themselves the exact propor- tion of the whole rent that each in- dividual is to pay. These are cal;ed vcespuddi, or sixteenth villages, from the land rent being divided into six- teenth shares. A great part of the Cuddapah province is composed of these sorts of villages, and tliey are scattered, though more thinly, over the other parts of the country. A^ hen the season of cultivation draws near, the ryots of the vcespuddi villages assemble to regulate their several rents for the year. The pagoda is usually the place chosen for this pur- pose, from the idea that its .sanctity will render their engagements with each other more binding ; every vil- lage in this manner being a small collectorate, managed by the potail, or head farmer. In 1806, after the survey of these districts was completed, instructions were circulated to nutke out new re- turns of the number of the inhabitants in every village, as far as was practic- able by actual muster, except with those casts who seclude their women from public view. The total numljcr of inhabit ants amounted to 1,917,376", which shewed an increase of one- fourtli in the population iu five years of tranquillity, partly arising frojfl the return of persons who had emi- grated during the nizam's govern- ment, but the remainder nmst be at- tiibutcd to the falsity of former re- turns. These population lists tended to prove, that the males were one-tenth more numerous than the females. The number of cattle and sheep cannot be ascertained with the same aceuracy, not only because the owners are averse to giving true re- ports, but because herds and flocks more ficquently migrate from one part of the country to another for the sake of pasture, and many herds are actually wild. The number of black cattle was estimated at 1,198,613, and that of buffaloes 493,906; the shccj) 1,147,492, and the goats 694,633. 'J'he actual number of the two last is probably more, as their owners have a superstitious prejudice against their being counted by others, or even by themselves ; and it is, therefore, more difficult to obtain correct stuteiuents of them than of the larger cattle. In the Ceded Districts indigo is raised and exported in considerable quantities, the coarse sugar manufac- tory is also on the increase. Cotton is one of the chief productions, but has not increased lately. The pea- santry are a very industrious race, and most of them husbandmen by cast. In a political and military point of view these districts are of great value, for they are now what the Carnalic formerly was, the countries from which our armies in the Deccan must draw all their supplies of cattle and provisions. When under the nizara, the revenue of the ceded dis- tiicts was rapidly declining every year. An army was constantly in the tjeld, the expense of which consumed the collections, and the country was altogether in such a distracted state, tiiat the nizani seemed to have given it up to the Company, because he could not retain it m subjection. The Ceded Districts, when obtaiuedi in 1800, vrcre placed under Colonel Thomas Muiuo. This extensive tiacj BALASORE. 6.0 of country, ■nhich, inclmlinEf the tri- bntaiy district of Karnonl, is larger than Scotland, and contains a popu- lation of above two luillions, liad sunk to the lowest point of declen- sion, by a weak «nd improvident j^ovcnnncnt. The value at which it ■was ceded was 16,51,545 star pa- godas, including; all heads of revenue. The collector, iu the first instance, fixed his rents at a rate much below what had been the former demand, increasii!^ it only as the means of the cnllivator, and the state of the country, im))ro\'cd. In tlic course of seven years, the land revenues alone increased from 10,06,693 pa- t^ados to 15,17,272 ; and, by the able conduct of Col, Alunro, tlie inhabit- ants of the province, from disunited hordes of lawless freebooters, became a,s far advanced iu civilization, sub- mission to the lav\s, and obedience to the magistrates, as any of the sub- jects under the Madras government. The total collections in 1808-9 amounted to 18,02,570 star pagodas, of which 16,69,908 consisted of land revenue only. Up to 1810 no permanent settle- ment had been made in the Ceded Districts, but the cultivators were so for protected in the enjoyment of their property, that a fixed rent had been settled on all land, and every ryot could retain his farm, provided he paid that iixed rent. The ceded teiritories are novir di- vided into two collectorships, or dis- tricts, viz. Bellary and Cudapah. This part of India having been brought under tlu; Mahominedan yoke at a late period, and never thoroughly subdued or settled, the proportion of that religion to the Hindoo is small, probably not jnore than one in lo- in remote times these provinces formed part of the last existing Idin- doo kingdom ice. Shal and Mustung, two stages to tlie northward of Kelat, Avere given to Nassir Khan by Nadir Shah, for his services at Meshed, and Anund Dajil for those in Hindof:tan. The chmate of Cutch Gundava is exces- sively hot, the winds which prevail there in the summer being often fatal even to the natives. Nooshky is a small tract of about 36 square miles, at the base of the Kelat mountains. It is an arid tract, the sand hills of which are continu- ally shifting with the winds. A small stream, called the Xysuj, issues from the hills, and irrigates a small por- tion of the country. 7'here are also small patches of land capable of cul- tivation in (iiiierent parts of the sand, but which frequently become sterile for want of rain. l1ie inhabitants of this quarter of Baloochistan dwell Under black felts, stretched over a frame of wickerwork made of the guz plant ; this species of village is named 'lomun, or Kheil, and in most of them a few Hindoos are to l)e found. The soil of this district being so .•sandy, tin; heat is excessive during the summer months, at which timo the inhabitants migrate to the moiui- tains for cool air and water, as the stream fails in the valley at that sea- son. The inhabitants import grain from Cutch Cundava and Seistan, and dates from Mekran. Tiic 13a- Jooch o Ik re arc called Nljarroes, or Rukshaoii, aad j^re related to those of tlie same tribe in Seistan and Bun- poor. In appearance they are tall nien with small bones, are extremely idle and dissolute, and addicted to tiiieving. They undertake predatory incursions to Mekran, and carry off into slavery any person they m* et with; sonif they sell at Kelat and Candahar, the remainder are brought in the horde, and incorpoiatcd with the tribe. In. this part of the country all the Balooches understand Per- sian, but thty speak a dialect of the Euioochy language among them- selves, different trom that of the Kooigalee spoken by the Bra- hooees, Sohrab is a fine valley extending north and south nearly 50 miles, by about 12 miles in breadth. The centre through which the water from the hills runs, is well cultivated, with small villages scattered about half a mile asunder. The mountains, in many parts of Baloochistan, are inha- bited by shepherds, who reside in temporary huts erected on any spot that offers good pasturage. There are few countries in tlie world so wholly without commodities suited for commercial exchange as Baloochistan, which originates partly from the dispositions of the natives, who are adverse to all the arts of civil life, and partly to the nature of the country, cojisistiiig either of stu- pendous mountains, or of arid plains, destitute of water or vegetation. Nei- ther has Baloochistan the benefit of a ny navigable river to transport its ma- nufactures or natural productions, if it l}ad any ; and the roads are generally nothing but the dry beds of torrents. The population is also dispersed into small societies, generally hostile to each other, and yielding but a no- minal obedience to any chief. The Baloochys and Brahooees, the two principal tribes, are subdivided into many different khejis or tomuns, but thrir actual number has never been ascertained with any correct- ness. In religion they are of the Sooni sect of Mahommedans, and strenuous aclvcrsaries of the fcJhecasi, BALOOCHISTAN. 73 The following: are the tribes of Brahooecs, \iz. pr iiicipal Men. Tlie Kumbnranee (the tribe of the Chief, Malimood Khan), estimated at - - 1000 The tribe of Meiigul, esti- mated at ----- 12000 Zuicree - - 6000 Panduraiii - 6000 Nahari ------- 6000 Imaum Hosseiug - _ - - 4000 Beguiigje ------ luOO The Balooches, railed Nharroe or Riikshani, inhabit that part of Ba- loochistau lyinj? west of the desert, and are a tribe of 1000 tip;hting- men, by whom the jiidgails, or eiiltivators, have been nearly exterminated out of Northern Mekran. 1'he P.^w Bra- hooees that have settled in Mekran, are naturalized with the Brahooees of that country. In Cutch Gundava there are no Brahooees, but Baloo- ches of the tribes of Kind and Mwg- ree, who formerly emigrated from Mekran, and live in villages, which retain the appellation of 'Foomuns. The Brahooees of Balottchistan are a strong, hardy raee of men, their bones being short, and unconmionly thick. Their cast of countenance is extremely diiVerent from that of Asia- tics in general, having round faces and blunt features, more like Eu- ropeans. They are hard working men, and eat voraciously of halt- dressed meat and sour milk. All the Balooches are exeelleiit workmen, but none are equal to the Brahooees in strength and courage. They train greyhounds with great care, and fre- quently cxeliange them for one or two camels, or pay 400 rupees for one when of a superior quality. Their breed of shcpli."rds' dogs is also ex- cellent. The broad-sword exercise and shooting at a mark are favourite amusements with the Brahooees, and as swordsmen they are said to excel. Their coinmon dress is an undercoat, which fits close to the body, and is worn over the pyrahun, or shirt ; their trowscrs are gathered up at the aiiklc, 4 and they wear a small round flat- topped cap of felt silk. The shep- herds wear a covering of white felt above the shirt in winter, with cloth trowsers, and a small felt cap. The Brahooees sometimes breed horses large and hardy, equally accustomed to the cold of Kelat, and the heat of Gundava, but they are often vicious. Amongst the dispersed societies of Baloochistan there are a few Hindoos scattered, who carry on the miserable traffic of tlie country, and act as mo- ney-changers and agents to the na- tive chiefs. It is probable, that long after the first Mahommedan invasion, a great proportion of the country still continued in the occupation of the Hindoos ; but for more than a cen- tury past the Mahommedan tribes liave been so progressively increasing; in barbarity, that no medium could be observed, and the native Hindoos have either undergone compnlsory conversion, or deserted the country. The few who are still resident seldom bring their families, and have pro- bably much degenerated, as travellers have not observed that they have the repugnance to flesli-meat, which cha- racterizes most of the purer casts in India. Two centuries ago the city of Ke- lat, with the sunounding country, was possessed by Sewah Kajah, a Hindoo, at which period the Baloo- ches (as at present) tended flocks of slieep in the mountains. I'he inha- bitants Mere much infested by the depredations of the people residing in the low country, lying between Kelat, Sinde, and Shekarpoor; and to protect them the rajah sent for Kuraber, a Baloochy chief, and took him into his service, allowing him five bundles of glass and wood per day for each man. In the progres- sion of time this chief increased his followers, and seizing the govern- ment, raised the tribute to 100 bun- dles of grass and wood daily, besides a contribution of horses, camels, and footrunners. This tribute is still oc- casionally exacted by the Khan of Kelat, aud paid by the dehuars, or 74 BALLY. pcasanfrj'. ifi the immediate nci<:^li- boiirhood, who are said to have come oiit^inally from Persia, although they Iiave miieh the appearance and man- ners of Hindoos. Kiunber, the first usurper, was succeeded by his son Sumbar, the father of the next prince, Mahommed Khan, who was suc- ceeded by his son Abdulla Kiian, the father of Nassir Klian, who ascended the throne after putting to death his bro- ther, Hajce Khan. This prince per- formed some important services to Nadir Shah, who rewai-ded him with the donation of several adjacent pro- \inces ; and, being a man of consi- derable abihties, greatly extended the Baloochistan dominions, wiiich he left, in a comparatively floinish- ing state at his death, in 1795, to his eldest son, Malmiood Khan, who then ascended the throne. Since this period, the territories subject to Ke- lat have been greatlj' curtailed by the Ameers of Sinde, and other neigh- bouring princes, the talents of IMah- inood Khan being veiy inferior to those of liis father. He is at present about 29 years of age, and his bro- ther, Mustapha Khan, about one year younger, I'he latter is repre- sented as being of an active martial disposition, loud of the chace, and desirous of improving the hereditary dominions, by the suppression of the numerous bands of robbers, by which the country is desolated. 'JTie temtory immediately subject to IVIahmood Khan comprises tho high hilly country of Siwislan, and the low lands of Cuteh Gundavaand Amund Da jil to the eastward, bound- ed on the north by Khorasan ; !»outh, by Lus and Sinde; on the west l)y ^lekran, and on the east by Sinde. His whole clear revenue does not ex- ceed three lacks of rupees, and is collected from Anund Daji!, Cuteh Gundava, and the bazar tolls of Ke- lat. 'I he Khans of Baloochistan ac- knowieilge the paramount authority of^the Cabul sovereigns, to whom tliey are feudatories; but tlicir de- gree of obedience is in proportion to the talents of the reigning prince, and the political circumstances of the Cabul goverimient. Upon an mgent emergency, it is supposed the terri- tories of Mahmood Khan are capable of furnishing 25,000 infantiy and ca- valry, but so great a ninuber has ne- ver yet been collected together, nor would it be easy, in so bancn a country, to support them if they were. {Christie, Kinneir, ^-c.) Bally, {Bali, or Little Java). — An iidand in the Western Seas, se- parated from Java by the Straits of Bally, and lying betw ixt the 8th and 0th degrees of south latitude. In length it may be estimated at 70 miles, by 35 llie average breadth. This island is well cultivated on the south side, and many of the lands are inclosed. It is populous, and the inhabitants spin a great deal of cotton yarn, which the Chinese export to Bencoolen, as also check- ered cloth. The Chinese also carry in sloops, from Bally to Bencoolen, pickled pork and jerked beef, w hi(Ji the Malays call ding-ding. Tl^e Bug- gesscs export cotton, both raw and spun into yarn, from this island to Cebbes, packed in baskets. At the ro.ad of Carang Asseni on this island, refreshments for ships may be had ; and in the Straits of Lombhook, west of Carang Asscni, are several places well iidiabited, named Padaug. Casamba, and 'I"u- bang. The Straits of Bally are dan- gerous, and but seldom frequented by European vessels. The languages spoken by the in* habitants of Bally api)ear to be dia- lects of the Javanese. The greater part of them profess tlu; religion of their ancestors, resemble the Hin- doos in their looks, wear the Hindoo mark on their forehead, and tlve wo- men burn tiiemsclves with their de- ceased husbands, according to the practice of the Hindoos. They aro peculiarly addicted to the worship of Indra, Suna, and Vishnu. An intfe'icuursu is carrij^d on be* BAMIAN. 75 fween the natives of Bally and the Dutih settlement at Baitiiowaiigie, oil the opposite shore of the Straits in the Island of Java, but none arc received, unless I'nrnislied witlj a passport vvrilien on a badainier leaf. A lea,c;iie and a half within the western coast of BaJly, opposite to Baf^nowangie, there is a v'okano, which frequently discharges a sliower of ashes, which cover the Dutch port and ^illfige, and ail the vicinity ; and to this vnlcano, with great injustice, settlers at Bag;nowaugie atlri'>ute the inihealthiness of the station. {For- rest, Let/den, lontbe, ^x.) Balumba. — A town and fortress possessed by the Rajah ot Aiuran, in the Gujrat Peninsula, situated on the Gulf of Cutch. Balny. — A town in the Dindigul district, 26 miles W, by N. from the town of Dindigul. Lat. 10°. 2(i'. N. Long. 77°. 41'. E. Bambarah. — The niins of a city in the province of Sinde, district of Tatta. Lat. 24°. 40'. N. Long. 6/°. .50'. E. The i-ite le bring their merchandize for sale, or to exchange it for the productions of the low lands. Bamoii is the li- mit of the Goorkhali tcnitorics in tliis quarter. {Kaper, ^c.) Bampoor. — A town in the IVIaha- ratta territories, in the province of Malwah, 33 miles S. from Kotah. Lat. 24°. 44'. N. Long. 75°. 43'. E. Bamuaguii, (Paniaraghar). — A town in the province of Urissa, situ- at«l oa the cast side of tlie Brah- miny Noy River, 73 miles N. W. from Cuttack. Lat. 21° 4'. N. Long. 85°. 12'. E. A few miles to the south are iron mines and forges, which, with the town, are possessed by independent zemindars. Banass River. — SccBunnass. Banaul. — A small district about the 34th degree of north latitude, situated among the southern hills, iu the province of Cashmere. At tile distance of five miles to Uie south-east of the village of Ba- naul, begins a boundary of a divi- sion of the Cashmere territory, lying without the greater circle of moun- tains. The governors of Cashmere permit the fertile valley of Banaul, which is 10 miles iu length, to re- main uncultivated, that it may not atlord shelter or provision to the bor- dering Hindoo states; who, in for- mer periods, have, through this tract, approached the interior passes of Cashmere. The Banaul district is mountainous, and looks down on the plains of Cashmere to the north. (Foster, ^-c.) Banaul. — A town in the province of Cashmere, district of Banaul, 43 miles S. E. from the city of Cash- mere. Lat. 33°. 65'. N. Long. 74°. 18'. E. Banaavara. — AtoAvnin the Rajah of Mysore's territories, situated on the side of a large tank, with a good mud fort. Lat. 13°. 14'. N. Long. 76°. 14'. E. This place is in a fine open coun- tiy, and contains about 500 houses, many of which are inhabited by Brahmins. (/". Bnchanan, ^c) Banca. — An island lying off the north-eastern coast of Sumatra, from which it is separated by the Straits of Banca. In length it may be esti- mated at 130 miles, by 35 miles the average breadth.' 'J'he tin mines on this island are reported to have been discovered in 1710 by theburning of a house. 1 hey are worked by a Chinese colony, said to consist of 25,000 persons, un- der the nominal directions of the King of Palemhang, but for the ac- BANCAPOOR. 77 count and benefit of the Dutch Com- pany, which endeavoured to mono- polize the tiade, and actually ob- tained two millions of pounds ainui- ally. Privjtte 'merchants, Eus^iish and Americans, also found moans to participate in the trade. jMany car- goes arc yearly carried to CMiina, ■\vlicrc the consumption is chielly for religious purjK)ses. It sells there lather higher than the English grain tin, as the Cluuese say it is more malleable, and on that account pre- fer it. Of the Banca tin sand, 133 pounds is said to yield about 75 pounds of the metal. There are seven principal places where it is dug, which are under the directions of Chinese man;igers, who provide and pay the miners. The latter are arrived at much perfection in reduc- ing the ore into metal, employing wood as fuel. In tbrmer times, tlie profit from it to the Dutch East India Company was estimate d at 150,()0Ul. bnt very little was sent to Europe. At the island the price of the tin, in a great measure, de|)ends on the number of ships that are in want of it. Spanish dollars are tlie only article that can command a cargo, the sale of goods being (luubtlul,and ducatoons not liked. The Chinese have taiight the Malays to put iron shot and stones into the middle ofthe slabs; it is necessary, therefore, to have them well examined. Banca is opposite to the River Palembang, in the Island of Suma- tra, on which the nominal sovereign of Banca, possessor also of the tor- ritoiy of I^alembang, resides. The island and tin mines were taken possession of by the British, in 1813. {Marsden, Staunton, Stavorinus, El- more, Dnanmond, i^-c.) Banca, (Straits of). — ^The island of Sumatra forms the western side, and tiiat of Banca the eastern side of the straits. In passing through them, tli(; coast of Sumatra may be approached somewhat closer than that of Banca. The country is co- vered with wood down to the water's edge, and the shores are so low, that the sea outflows thclaiid, and washe.^ the trunks ofthe trees. I'hc depth of water is very irregu- lar, the water shoaling, in some s[)ots, in one cast of the lead, from 12 to seven fathoms, and in others from seven to four. There are also coral shoais so near the surface, as to be easily distinguished by the whiten- ed sheet of water over them. The Straits of Banca should always be entered with a favourable monsoon, according to the destination of the vessel. At the small Nanka Isles, wood for fuel, and water of an excellent cpuility, may conveniently be pro- cured. The tide in these roads rises and falls about 11 feet. It is per- fectly sheltered from S. \^', by S. to N. W. and there can be no high sea with any wind, as the land is but a short distance on the open points. The latitude ofthe Nanka Road is 2°. 22'. S. Long. 106°. 41. E. {Staunton, King, ^c.) Banca. — A very small island, sur- rounded by a cluster of smaller, ly- ing oil the noi th-eastern extremity of Celebes. Lat. 1°. 50'. N. Long, 125°. E. This island has a harbour at its south end, abounds in cocoa nuts, limes, jacks, fish, turtle, and rattans, and is well inhabited. Near Banca. is the Harbour ofTclUisyang, called Talissc by \alentyn, aj which are some wild cattle,' but no inhabit- ants. 'J'hcse islands are much fre- quented by the piratical cruizers from iVIagindanao and Sooloo. {For- rest, Sf-C.) Bancapoor. — A district in the province of Bejapoor, possessed bv diHeient jaghiredars, the feudatories of tlie Maiiaratta Peshwa. Informer times this district was frequently do- nominated Shalmoor Bancapoor. Bancapoor. — A town in tlie pro- vince of Bejapoor, in the Maharatta territories, .'iO miles S. S. E. from Darwar. Lat. 14°. 5b'. N. Long. 75°. 16'. E. This is a large town, and was ibrmerly a plit the Brahmins ; tor these never spin, nor do their hus- bands ever plough the soil. The women of ail other casts spin, and at the weekly markets sell the thread to the weavers. At Bangaloor (here are many in- haintar.ts of the Mahommedan re- ligion ; and, owing to the change of BANJARMASSIJ^. 81 igrbvcMinient, many of tlieni in great distress. Above the Ghauts the le- prosy, in which the skin becomes viiite, is very common among the natives. The persons troubled with It enjoy, in every other respect, good health, and their children are like those of other people. The only year used above the Ghauts is the Chandranianam, or hiiiar \oar, by which, among the Brahmins, all religious ceremonies are performed. At Bangaloor, the iC'hristian era of 1800 corresponds with the year 4893 of the Cali Yiig, and 1722 of Salivahanani, which is iji universal use in the south of India. This place was first acquired to the Mysore state in 1687, during the reign of Chick Deo Raj. Travelling distance from Seringa- patam, 74 miles ; from Madras, 215 ; and from Hyderabad, 352 miles. {F. Buchanan, Willis, Lord Valentia, Ren- neJ, c.S"c.) Banglor, (Bangalnrn). — A small town in the Mysore Rajah's territo- ries, 20 miles S. E. from Bangaloor. Lat. 12° 47'. N. Long. 78°. 2'. E. Banouey. — A small island, situ- ated off the northern extremity of Borneo, 23 miles in length, by 11 the average breadth, on which there is a small river of fresh water, and })Ienty of tintle. Lat. 7°. 15'. N. Long. 117°. 25'. E. Banhangur. — A town in the pro- vince of Gundwana, district of Singh- rowla, 88 miles S. S. W. from Be- nares. Lat. 24°. 4'. N. Long. 82°. 35'. E. It is in the possession of in- dependent Zemindars. Baniack, (or Pooh Baniack). — A small island lying off the west coast of Sumatra, about Lat. 2°. 10'. N. In length it may be estimated at 17 miles, by seven the average breadth. Poolo Baniack is known by a peaked hill, resembling a sugar loaf, on the N. \V . end of it, and has a chain of ishnids to the N. E. Banjarmassin. — A town and dis- trict on the south eastern coa.st of Borneo. Lat. 3°. S. Long. 114°. 65'. E. The River BanjaiTuassin has a sliallow bar at the entrance, over which a boat cannot float, though light, until after the first quarter of the flood. Ill this river there is a poisonous fish or prickle, which wounds the people in the feet who attempt to drag the boats over the bar. This brings on an immediate swelling in the leg, with violent in- flammation, causing shortly after de- lirium ami death, no antidote being hitherto discovered for its cure by the natives. Ships anchoring in the Har- bour of Tombanjou, or Tombornio, near the mouth of the river, can be supplied with water, and also with plenty of fowls and ducks, and ex- cellent fish, both salt and fresh. — Many Chinese reside in this place and neighl>()urhood, from whence a considerable trade is carried on with China. The imports to Banjarmassin consist chiefly of opium, piece goods, coarse cutlery, gunpowder, small can- non, and fire arms ; the exjiorts are pepper, camphor, gold dust, wax, rattans, bird nests, biche de mar, and some spices. The Dutch for a long time main- tained a factory here for tlie collection of, or purchasing of pepper and rough diamonds. They used to re- ceive 600,000 lbs. of pepper ; the other articles of tiade were wax, canes, and sago. Banjarmassin was of no importance to the Dutch East India Company, as they did not pos- .•iess a foot of land beyond their fort, and were obliged constantly to guard against the attacks of tlie na- tives. It was originally a conquest made by Kings of Bantam in Java, which afterwards devolved to the Dutch. In 1636 the English factors at Bantam sent a small vessel to Ban- jarmassin, and obtained 150,000 lbs. of pepper ; and, in 1700, while the two East India Companies existed together, the English, or new Com- pany, established a factory here. In 1706, the English settlement at Banjarmassin consisted of one chief four members of council, one factor' and three writers; one officer, 25 82 BANTAM. English, three Dutch, and 10 Ma- cassar soldiers; nine J';uroj)can ar- tificers, 31 Javanese carpenters, five Chinese carpenters, two Chinese bricklayers, 70 labourers, 36 slaves, and nine European seamen. In ad- dition to this the council requested from home a large supply of military stores, and 100 Europeans, two years being required to complete the forti- fications. This is an instance of the rage for multiplying settlements, which then existed, the establish- ment being equal in magnitude and expense to that of Calcutta, yet the trade so insignificant, and the cUmate so destructive, that it was soon aban- doned as worse than useless. As an inducement to persevere in maintain- ing the settlement, the agent re- ported to the Court of Directors that the island yielded pepper, gold, dia- monds, dragons' blood, wax, cloves, bark, and canes. Pepper was the chief article, of which it appears 1000 tons were procured annually. On the 27th of June, 1707, the natives suddenly attacked the Eng- lish settlement ; and, though they w ere at first beat ofl", the loss of the Eng- lish in killed was so great, that it m as resolved to abandon the place. The Company's treasure was saved, but the damage sustained on shore Avas estimated at 50,000 dollars. This attack from the Banjauiens was ascribed by the surviving settlers to tlie instigation of the Chinese, who were jealous. of the English. Banjarmassin has always been famous for steel, which is reckoned equal to that of Europe. {Bruce, Stavorinns, Sfc.) Bankybazak. — A small town in the province of Bengal, on the cast side of the Hooghly Biver, 13 miles north from Calcutta. The Dutch had formerly a factory here, frojn which they were expelled by Aliverdi Khan. Bansy, (Vansi). — A town in the British territories, in the province of Oude, 44 miles N. E. Irom Fysabad. Lat. 27° 7'. N. Long. 82° 53'. ]<:. Bantam. — A town in Java, the ca- pital of a district, comprehending 3 the western extremity of that island. Lat. 6°. 4'. S. Long. 106°. 3'. E. The Bay of Bantam, which, in early times, vas the principal ren- dezvous of the shipping from Europe, is so choaked up with daily acces- sions of new earth washed down from the mountains, as well as by coral shoals extending a considerable way to the eastward, that it is inaccessible at present to vessels of Imrthen. With the trade of Bantam, the power of the sovereign has declined, and the king has for many years acted as a sort of viceroy for the Dutch. Bantam is situated 53 miles from Batavia, and is a town of consider- able extent, but only fortified on the land side. It is built v holly of bamboo, and stands on the Bay of Bantam, near the mouth of a river Avhich falls into the bay. The king resides in a kind of palace built in the European style, within an old ruinous fort, containing 80 pieces of cannon, of all sizes, some without carriages; but the whole unservice- able. Contiguous to it is the Dutch fort, which conunands tliat of the king as w ell as the city, and is in a good stale of repair. The Dutch garrison here consists of a command- ant, four artillery officers, and 50 Europeans, who encamp on the out- side of the city, on account of its un- healthiness. 'I'he Dutch East India Company kept a garrison here no- minally to defend the king from all hostile attempts; but, in fact, to have him always in the Company's power. The chief authority on the part of the Dutch East India Company was vest- ed in a senior merchant, with the title of Commandant, who had the management of the trade, which con- sisted chiefly in pepper and some cot- ton yarn. To the conmiandery at Bantam also belonged the residencies at Lampong, Toulang, Baunang, and Lampong Samanca, situated on the southern part of Sumatra. The Ban- tam sovereigns possessed the power of life and death over their subjects, but paid an annual tribute of pepper to the Dutch, of which tins state, BANTAM. 83 with its dcpendeJicies, furnished an annual supply of six millions of pounds. The King of Bantam was also deprived of the power of nomi- nating;: his successor, the Company selecting one of the royal family for that office. On great public days tlie King of Bantam assumes the Eu- ropean costume, and dresses in an embroidered scarlet or other coloured coat, with boots, spurs, a sword, and poinard. The inhabitants of Bantam in general wear their hair loose, with Ji small cap,.and nanow round hat witliout a brim. Prior to the Dutch invasion Ban- lam was a powerful state, the sove- reigns of which had made many con- quests on the neighbouring islands, particularly Sumatra and Borneo, which afterwards devolved to the Dutch. To this king's dominions also belonged all the islands in the Straits of Sunda, from Prince's Island to Pulo Baby, or Hog Island. Many of these are inhabited, but others are desert, and the resort of pirates and smugglers. Since the Dutch took possession of the adjacent province of Jacatra, and interrupted tlie communication with the rest of tlie island, the limits of Bantam have been much contracted, it still comprehends a considerable extent of territory, from the River Taganrong, two leagues from Ba- tavia, to the western extremity of the island. Its population is consi- derable, and is nnich augmented by Madman deserters, slaves, Chinese bankrupts, and even murderers, who take refuge within its boundaries, where the police officers of Batavia dare not pursue them, although the principality be tributary to the Dutch. In 1595, the Dutch Commander, Houtman, with four ships arrived at Bantam, being the first Dutch squa- dron that had reached India. He assisted the king against the Portu- guese, and obtained leave to build a factory. In Sept. 1G03, Capt. Lan- caster completed his cargo at this place, settled a foctory, and then re- turned to England. G 2 In 1674 the King of Bantam equip- ped ships on his own account, and sent tliem with produce to the coast of India, and even into the Persian Gult^ These ships were mostly man- ned by seamen who had deserted from the East India Company's ser- vice, and managed by some of their inferior civil servants. In 1677 Mr. White, the agent on the part of the East India Company, and the greater part of the civil servants, were mas- sacred by the Javanese during an excursion up the river, the sultan being either ignorant of this attack, or affecting to be so. In 1681 the King of Bantam dispatched ambas- sadors to England, requesting assist- ance; but, it appears, without suc- cess ; for, in 1682, Bantam was taken by the Dutcli, tliey having assisted the king's son to expel his father. In 1683 tiiey dethroned the son, and as- sumed the trade and government of Bantam and its dependencies ; upon which event the English East India Company's establishment quitted the place, and retired to Surat. The climate of Bantam is still more pestilential than that of Bata- via, of which a remarkable instance is mentioned. On the night of the 18th March, 1804, the King of Ban- tam was murdered by one of his grand nephews, who had concealed himself under his bed, and who was afterwards discovered, and put to death. An embassy was sent from Batavia, to elect and instal the new king in the name of the Dutch Com- pany, part of which ceremony con- sists in lia\ ing him weighed in a pair of scales at the palace gate, after having feasted for 15 days. This de- putation was composed of a coun- sellor of India, four senior merchants, a major, lieutenant, Serjeant, two corporals, 18 I'Vencli and 18 Dutcli grenadiers. The external forms oc- cupied 15 days ; at the end of which time, or soon after their return, the whole of the European grenadiers and subalterns died, except two or three of the French who escaped. The counsellor, his wife, who had 84 BARBAREEN. accompanied him, the niajoi-, and four merchants, all returned with putrid fevers, whicli bronglit them to tlie l)rink. of tlie grave, and the se- cretary died. In 1811, after the eon- ({uest of Batavia, the town and dis- trict of Bantam surrendered to tlie British arms without resistance. (Sta- vorinns\ Tombe, Bruce, Staunton, Qnar- te7-hj Review, ^'c.) Ij^R, — A town in the province of Bahar, district of Bahar, 35 miles E. S. E. of Patna. Lat. 25°. 28'. N. Long. 85°. 46'. E. B.4RKABUTTER.— A fortrcss in the province of Cuttack, about a mile N. W. from the town of Cuttack, built of stone, and surrounded by a very broad ditch, filled tVoiu the Ma- hanuddy River. This was tl;c strong- est fortress possessed by the Maha- vattris in the province, but was taken by storm by the British forces on the 14th Oct. 1803, and was ceded at the peace along with the surrounding country. {LecJue, Upton, Vc) Barahat. — A town in northern Ilindostan, situated amongthc moun- tains in the province of Serinagur. Lat. 30°. 48'. N. Long. 78°. 22'. E. The houses of this town are budt of large stones, with a slated roof, and su tiered greatly by an eartluiuake in 18U3, wliich almost destroyed it. Barahat is the capital of aTalook of the Kowain, and originally acquired its name from being the chief mart ol 12 \ illaa;es. Its central position en- ables it to maintain a free comnnuii- cation with all parts of the hills, and pilgrinw going to Gangotri in general halt here, and lay in a slock of pro- visions for 10 (tr 14 days, as there are no intermeob of ( hide's territories, district of Ba- riache, of which it is the ca|)ital. Lat. 27°. 31'. N. Long. 81°. 36'. E. It is described by Abul Fazel as 161- lows : — " Bariache is a largo city, de- lightfully situated on the River Sy. Sultan Alassaood, and Rejeb Sillar, are both buried here, and held in great veneration." Baran River. — ^This river has its .source in the Hindoo Kho moun- tains, from whence it thjws in ,\n easterly direction through the N. 1 1. quarter of the province ofCabul, and atterwards joins the Chuganscrai liiver in the district of Kameh. 'J'heir united streams afterwards fall into the Cabul, or Attock River. Barbareen. — A small village on the S. AV. coast of Ceylon, with a sort of harbour formed bv a projet- BAREILY. 85 tioii of laud, wlifio llif river rims into tlic M-a. Lat. 0°. 33'. N. Long". 79°. 5.V. F. Tliis is almost tliP only part on the roast Mherc tliP liitili surf ami rocky shore permits ships' boats, of (h(> Eu- ropean construction, to land. 'I hero is a manufactory liere for makiuj? eor(la<;e from the fibres of the cocoa nut husk. A few miles farther south the best oysters on the island are found, which are of a dilferent sort from the pearl oysters at IManaar. Barbareen is a ^lahommedan viUag^e, and the IModeliar, or chief, is also a Mahommedan. The inhabitants are fhiedv artisans, who besides the rope niamifactory, work in all kinds of metal, and make swords. poi;;nards, and thin scabbard of jrood workman- ship. (Pcrciral, M. (Jra/iam, S)C.) 'liAV.CELOR^,{B(tssuritrn). — A town on the sea coast of the i)rovincc of Canara, Lat. 13°. 37'. N. Lonj!;.74° 46'. E. This i)lace was probably the port l?arace of the ancients. In 157.5 IJarcelore was governed by a female sovereign, or ranny, the daughters always succeeding to the government, and the men serving under them as officers. A consider- able trade formerly subsisted be- tween tliis station and the Arabian coast. BaREILY, (Barali). — A district in the j)rovince of Delhi, situated prin- cipally betwi\t the 28th and 29th degrees of north latitude. In the Institutes of Acber it was compre- hended in the Sircar of Budayoon, and descril'.ed under that name, but the original appellation of a great proportion of the country pnor to the Itoiiillah compiest was Kuthair; subsequent to this latter event it was incorporated with the province of Kohilcund. The surface of this district is, in general, level and well watered by many smaller rivers besides the Gan- ges, which bounds it to the west. The chief towns are Bareily, Anop- sheher, Rampoor, and Budayoon. In summer, notwithstanding its north- ern latitude, the heat is very intense; but dining the winter months, when the wind blows from the northern mountains, the thermomcler falls be- low 30°, aud water in the tents freezes. After the conquest of Kohilcund, in 1774, by Sujah ud Dowlah, as- sisted by the British troops, it rapidly declined, and became almost a w aste. Betwixt Anopsheher and Bareily ex- tensive wastes, formerly under cul- tivation, every where meet the eye. '1 liey are covered with long grass, v\hich, in the hot season, becomes so parched as to be easily combusti- ))le ; and abounds with foxes, jack- alls, hogs, hares, and every sort of game, w hich range these wide plains immolested. In 1802 this large district was ceded to the Biitish government, when it was subdivided into col- lectorships, and a general court of appeal and circuit appointed to ad- minister justice. At this time their internal situation was very unpro- mising, aiul the inhabitants greatly imjjoverished. Since then, travellers w ho iiave visited this territory, men- tion the general st.ate of prosperity and im|>roved cultivation which it now exhibits, compared with its de- solate appearance when ceded to the Company. On this event fairs were instituted by Lord Wellesley upon the borders of the Rohilcund coun- try, for barter with the people of Nepaul and Serinagur. In this division ot Bohilcund there are few Hindoo temples to be found of any considerable magnitude, 'i'he zeal of the Mahommedans appears to Iiave been too intolerant, and their ])ossession too pennanent to permit them. The natives are a tall handsoine race of j.eoplc, and when «'omjiared with the more southern inhabitants of India, are white and well featured. Bohilcund Euj-ruckabad, and the upper part of the Doab, abound with a warlike race of Mahonnnedans ready to join any leader. Some thousands of this description served under llolkar, and many are now 86 BARRACKPOOR. with their countryman Ameer Klian. They are disaflected to the British government, not because it is unjust or oppressive^ but because there is no employment for them, and they are left inactive, without distinction and >vithout subsistence. Few of these people enlist in the British ser- vice, because they cannot bring tliemselves to submit to tlie strict- ness of European discipline. These Patans are, in general, reduced to much distress ; they are idle, and with difficulty and reluctance apply to any profession but that of arms. Amongst them the influence of a rebellious or disaflfected chief over his followers is very great, and is not founded in the popularity or suppos- ed justice of his cause, and very httle on the probability of his success. Though he be a mere robber, and his situation quite desperate, still his people will adhere to him to the last, and never betray or forsake him. The Bareilly division of the court of circuit comprehends the following districts, viz. 1. Caunpoor; 2. Fur- ruckabad; 3. Etaweh; 4. Agra; 6. Allyghur ; 6. South Saharunpoor ; 7. Moradabad ; 8. Bareily. The Mahommedan inhabitants of this district approach nearer to an equality of numbers witli the Hin- doos than in most of the others of Hindostan, but still are considerably inferior. {Tennant, H. Strachei/, 5th Report, Foster, 8fc.) Bareily. — A town in the pro- vince of Delhi, district of Bareily, of which it is the capital ; and, at present, of Rohilcund generally. Lat. 28°. 22'. N. Ijong. 70°. 21'. !■:. This town is situated on the banks of the united streams of (he Jooah and Sunkra, about 40 miles from the Ganges, and is a large and populous city. The fort is a great inegular mass of building, equally destitute of elegance or strength, and without bastions for guns. Brazen water pots are manufactured here in great numbers. I'his was the capital of Hafez Rahmut, a Rohillah chief, slain at the battje of Cuttcrah, and here he lies interred. In 1774 it was, along with the district, added to the dominions of Oude ; and, in 1802, transferred to the British. Tiavelling distance from Delhi 142 miles; from Calcutta, by Moorshe- dabad, 910; by Birbhoom, 805 miles ; from Lucknow, 156 miles. {Hard- wicke, Franklin, Rennet, <^c.) B A REND A, {Varendra). — A district in the province of Aurungabad, si- tuated partly in the nizam's territo- ries, partly in those of the Maha- rattas. The country about the town of Barenda is level and open, but the nizam's portion is of a more mountainous nature. The principal river is the Seena, and the chief towns Barenda and Pangauw. Barenda, or Perinda. — A towii in the province of Aurungabad, 125 miles E. by S. from Poonah. Lat. 11°. 19'. N. Long. 75°. 51'. E. This is a large city, now much decayed, with a stone fort. Barkope, {Varaciipa). — A village in the province of Bengal, nearly in the centre of the Jungleterry of Bog- lipoor. Barnag ORE, ( Varanagara). — A small town on the east side of the Hooghly River, about three miles above Calcutta. It was originally a Portuguese settlement, but after- wards came into the possession of the Dutch. Here the coarsest sort of blue handkerchiefs are manufac- tured. Barooly Ghaut. — A pass into the hills which bound the province of Bcrar to the north, through which there is an ascent to a table land. The source of tlie Wurda River is two miles north from Baroolj\ Barrackpoor. — A town in the province of Bengal, situated on tlie cast side of the Hooghly River, 16 miles above Calcutta. Here are the xmfinished arches of a house begun by the Marquis Wellesley, but dis- continued by the frugality of the court of Directors. In the park there is a menagerie, but it contains few animals of any sort. Horse races arc run here iu the cold season, go- BARRAMAIIAL. a7 vcrnmcnt having: discouraged those at Calcutta. (3/. Gruham, Jiv.) Baukakur. — A river in Wui pro- vince of Bahar, which, after a sliort course, joins the Dumniooda, in the district of Pachete. Barkamahal. — A district in the south of India, situated bclwixt the 12th and 14th degrees of north lati- tude. The 12 places properly con- stituting the Barraniahal are all in Dravida Desain, which is hounded on the west by the Ghauts, auute for their lordships, but have no juiisdiction over the inhabi- tants. In these annexed districts the na- tives of the Barraniahal will not set- tle, on account of the coldness of the climate during the rainy season. A considerable proportion of the land remains nncultivated. In the an- nexed districts the rice cultivation is not important ; dry seeds, kitchen gardens, and plantations of cocoa nuts, and Areca palms, are the chief articles cultivated, and the manufac- tures are coarse, and only fitted for the lower classes. In the districts annexed to the Baramahal, the pro- perty of the soil is vested in the state, except in the Polyams, and a few small free estates. When a rich man undertakes to construct a reser- voir, at his own expense, for the ir- rigation of land, he is allowed to hold in free estate, and by hereditary right, one fourth part of the lands so watered ; but he is bound to keep the reservoir in repair. Tanks of this sort arc notoriously kept in better repair than those which the govern- ment supports. The reason assign- ed by the natives is, Ihat they can compel the holder of the free estate to perform his duty, but the state has no master. It would therefore seem advisable to give rich natives every encouragement to employ their mo- ney this way. On the fall of the Rayaroo of An- nagoondy, the Baramahal, with Rayacott'ih, and many other dis- tricts, became subject to Jagadeva, the polygar of Clienapattans. On the overthrow of this family, its ter- ritories were divided between the Nabob of Cudapah, and the Rajahs of Mysore. The former took the Barraniahal, and the latter the do- minions of the Cheiiapattan familj'. Hydcr annexed the Barraniahal to the dominions of Mysore; and, in 1792, it was ceded to the Britisli govern- ment at the treaty of Seringapatam. When ceded, the country was in a very miserable state; but the good effects of a just and moderate gt)- vernmcnt were soon exhibited, while it was under the superintendance of Colonel Alexander Read. In the course of five years the revenues were more than doubled, w hile the rents were diminished in an etjual proportion ; and since the introduc- tion of the permanent system, this district has attained a still higher degree of cultivation. It is now comprized in the collectorship of Salem and Kistnagherry. This district contains a very great proportion of Hindoo inhabitants, probably at least 19-20ths, it never having been subdued by the Ma- hommedans, until its conquest by the Nabob of Cudapah, about the middle of the 18ears after- wards, having been seized with some complaint, which he consider- ed as incurable, he repaired to Be- nares, and there drowned himself iu the Ganges. {Hantor, w.) Barv, {Bari). — A town in the Nabob of Oudo's territories,- in tlie province of Oude, 28 miles N. from Lucknow. Lat. 2?°. 15. N. Long. 80°. 52'. E. BAS0UDHA,(F«SKrf/<«). — A town in the province of Malwah, 46 miles N. E. from Bilsah, situated on the cast side of the Kiver Betwah. ImX. 23°. 54'. N. Long. 78°. 13'. E. This is a large town belonging to the dis- trict of Bilsah, and tributary to the Mahaiattas. The .soil in the neigh- bourhood is alternately a black mould and a reddish clay, with stones of a ferruginous appearance. {Hunter, ^-c.) Basseen. — A sea port town in the province of Aurungabad, separated from the Island of Salsette by a nar- row strait. Lat. 19°. 18. N. Long. 72°. 54'. E. The district around this town is in a very unproved state of cultivation, although under a Maharatta govern- ment, and fornjs a most CMraordi- nary contra:s also are abundant. It now belongs to the Sooloos. {Fomst, Dalrpnple, fyc) Ba,s.sum, {Basam). — A district in the nizam's domitiions, in the pro- vince of Nandere; situated betwixt the 21st and 22d degrees of north latitude. It has an uneven hilly surface, intersected by several small streams, which flow into the Goda- very. Bassam, the chief town, is situated six miles from the Gunga. Kespecting this part of Nandere very little is known: in the Institutes of Acber, Abul Fazel describes it as follows : " Sircar Bassum, containing eight mahals; reveime 32,625,250 dams: seyurghal 1,826,260 dams." Batang. — An island lying off the south-eastern extremity of the Malay Peninsula, and surrounded by num- berless small rocky islets. It is se- parated from the Island of Bintang by a nanow strait, and may be esti- mated at 26 miles in length, by 10 miles the average breadth. Batacolo. — A small fori and gar- rison on the east coast of the Island of Ceylon. Lat. 7°. 46'. N. Long. 81°. 50'. E. Owing to the wild state of the country, this place has little or no connexion with the south and west parts of the island, and is a place of small importance, tlie liar- 90 BATAVIA. boiir only admitting small craft. The and villas within a circint of 10 miles, shore in the neighbourhood is nn- contained a population of about commonly bold; and many of the 116,000 souls, consisting of immense rocks have acquired names -in,„ rk.w^i r- t /-< » from the grotesque figures thev re- ^^^ ^"*f ' f ^- Co'nP«"y's present; such Jo the Friar's Hood. ^^^ ^^ ^^^^y descnp- IheElephant and the Pagoda Rocks. Burghers;rf;e'citi;ens,ri38; {r'€}cwai,^c.) •,,„♦„ J ^ff with their families - - - 6660 Batalin. — An island situated oti ^ j ^ »t ^ ^r,Xn, «u * rr- I K^., ^u,..,i ^^.^^oAiU Javanese and free Malays - 6800 the coast ot Celebes, about the 1 24th p,-:_„„- ^ « „^„ degree of cast longitude, and betwixt ^/""t'' ff^ the first and second degree of south ^^^^^^ ^^'""" latitude. In length it may be esti- , ncQAn mated at 25 miles, by seven tiie ^^^^^ ' "^'^"^ average breadlh. Very little is knowTii respecting this island, which The total population of the go- appears never to have been explored, vernment, immediately subordinate Batang, {or Patamj Hook). — A to the city of Batavia, is reckoned at port in the Gilolo passage, situated 150,000 souls. on the east coast of Cilolo. Lat. 0°. Besides the walls of the city, com- 9'. S. Long. 128°. 48'. E. posed of well-built bastions, en- Ou Patany Hook, or Point, is a closed by a wet ditch, very deep and very strong and capacious natural wide, there is a good citadel, with fortress, accessible only by means of four bastions, also of stone. This ladders, up the face of a perpendicu- citadel commands the city, and dc- lar rock. 'I'he top is fiat ground, fends the entrance of the River Ja- contaiuing many houses, gardens, catra, wlxich, flowing tluough Bata- &c. the whole being about tluee via, fills its ditches and those of the miles in circumference. The people citadel. On the extremity of the left here, in 1770, supplied the French bank is a fort called Watercastel, vessels with clove plants, which went which is washed by the sea. Its no further east than the Island of platforms are of stone, and the para- Gibhy. I'ormerly the Dutch kept pets are well covered with turf, and criiizcrs here, to prevent the smug- it contains thirty 16 and 24 pounders, jling of spices. {Forrest, ^c.) This fort is flanked by batteries, Batavia. — A large city in the raised on the right and left bank, in Island of Java, and the capital of the front of the citadel and fortifications. Dutch settlements in the east. Lat. The left wing is defended by four 6°. 10'. S. JiOng. 106°. 51'. £. works, viz. a redoubt called the The ground plan of the town is in Flute, above the moutli of the Ancka the shape of a parallelogram; the River, which it commands; a very length of which, iVom north to fine causeway communicates with it, south, is 4200 feet, and the breadth extending to the city walls. There 3000 feet. The streets are laid out are many other redoubts and batte- in strait lines, and cross each other rics scattered along the shore, and at right angles. The public build- erected at assailable points, which it ings consist of the great church, the is unnecessary to particularize, as trxpcnse of erecting which was they contribute little or nothing to 80,0001. a Lutheran and Portuguese the defence of the town, and when church, a Mahommedan mosque and attacked, in 1811, by the troops un- Chinese temple; the Stadlhouse, the dor Sir Samuel Achnmty, were Spinhousc, the Infirmary, and the abandoned without resistance. This Chamber of Orphans. In the year left wing is so sickly, owing to the 1792 Batavia contained 6270 taxa- morasses in which it is placed, and blc houses, which, added to villages tlieir pestilential exlialatious^ that tlie BATAVIA. 91 nwrtality among the soldiers who gaiTison it is almost incredible, and the country houses, which formerly stood in its \iciiiily, have long ago been deserted. All the plain which forms the defence is composed of mnddy impracticable swamps, which extend beyond tlie citj', and are in- tersected by canals. The whole city of Batavia is pro- verbially unhealthy, not so nmch from the heat of llie climate, as from its injudicious situation and misplac- ed embellishments. It is not only surrounded with water nearly stag- nant, but every street has its canal and row of evergreen trees. These canals become the reservoirs of all the offals and tilth wliich the city produces; and, having scarcely any current, require constant labour and attention to prevent their being choaked up altogether. On the land side of the city are gardens and rice grounds, intersected in every direc- tion by ditches and canals, and tiie whole shore of the bay is a bank of mud, mixed with putrid substances, sea Aveed, and other vegetable mat- ter, in a state of fermentation. To these swamps, morasses, and mud- l)anks, may be ascribed the insalu- brity of Batavia, and the prevalence of acute inllanmiatory febrile di- seases. At the mouth of the Anoka, called by the natives Caiman's River, be- cause it abounds with alligators, the bottom is mud and sand, as is also the bank which has accumulalcd at its mouth ; but at Slingerlaud Point the bottom begins, on the coast, to be a mixtme of sand and coral, with occasionally small shells; and, being consequently less unhealthy, country seats, small villages, and hamlets, are seen in the vicinity. In a place so low and maishy the number of noxious reptiles must be considerable, but not much damage is ever sustained from them. No stone of any kind is found for several miles roimd the city of Batavia ; marble and granite, for particular «ses, are imported from China. The usual temperature, in the middle of the day, is from 84 to 90; it is not,, therefore, to the great heat, that must be ascribed the destructive eflects of the climate on the human race. A circluar range of islands pro- tects the harbour of Batavia from any heavy swell, and renders it safe anchorage ; some of them, such as Anmst, Edam, Cooper's Isle, and Purmerend, are occupied by the Dutch, who have fortified them, and erected warehouses, liospitals, and naval arsenals. From the roadsted there aie scarcely any of the build- ings of Batavia visible, except the great church, the rest being hid by the palms and other high spreading trees. On that side of the city which is iidand, the industrious Chinese carry on their various manufactures, such as tanning leather, burning shells into lime, baking earthen ware, boiling sugar, and distilling arrack. Their rice giounds, sugar plantations and gardens, well stocked with all kinds of vegetables, surround the city, which abounds iu all sorts of tropical fruit; pine apples are in such profusion, tliat they are sent to the market in carts, piled up like turnips. In the town the Chinese are mer chants and shopkeepers, butchers and fishmongers, green grocers, np- Jiolstcrers, tailors, shoe-makers, ma- sons, carpenters, and blacksmiths. They contract for the supply of what- ever may be wanted in the civil, military, or marine departments, and farm from the Dutch the several imposts, the export and import du- ties, and the taxes. Their campong. or town, close to the walls of the city, is a scene of bustle and busi- ness, resembling a bazar in China. It consists of about 1500 mean hou-. ses, huddled together, containing 20,000 inhabitants and 400,000 swine. The commerce of Batavia is con- siderable ; but it is principally a trade of barter, the exportation of bullion being prohibited.. When a 9'Jt CAT A VIA. Tcs.sel nirivf^s, the cajtfinn iiirloses his hill vl' lailiiig to Uip slialibuiider, •who serlrts llie ,ii tirlos, tho oxrltisive Iradc ill wiiich is reserved for Ihe East-India Conijiaiiv; siirli as opi- um, raiuplior, bmzoiii, calin, pow- ler, iron, sallpotrc, ac<;o. The Dutch being^ the only nation who keep up a correspondence Mith ,la|ian, a ship is sent annually from Jiatavia, laden with kerseymeres, line cloths, clock-work, spices, ele- phants' teeth, sapan wood, tin, and tortoise-shell. The returns fron> Ja- pan are principally in coi)per, which is converted into a clumsy sort of coin for paying- the native and Euro- jican troops. These ingots arc of the finest red copj»cr, about a fingi-r's thickness, and arc c;ist into two, lour, six, and eight sous pieces of Holland, having the \:due stamjied on them. Various other articles arc sujugglcd in by the ofliccrs, such as .sabre blades of an cMiellcnt temper, Japan camphor, soy. china ware, bukcrcd ware, and silk goods. 'Ihe caigo always contains a present for llu'^lMupcn»r of Japan, and he, in return, sends one t(t the (loyernor- Ocncral of the Dutch possessions in India. It consists in general of desks, chests of drawers, and close stools of valuable inlaid wood, covered with a varnish peculiar to Japan, and in- crustrated with flower:;, and other de- signs, in niother-oi-pcarl of various colours. The staple articles of export from Batavia are pepper, sugar, rice, cof- fee, and arrack. The Chinese san- choo (or burned wine) is an ardent .spirit, di.stilled from various kinds of strain, but most comnioidy rice. This is kept in hot water until the grains are swollen ; it is then mixed up with water, in which a preparation has been dissolved, consisting of rice- flower, lirjuorice root, aniseed, and garlic, after which the mixture un- dergoes fennentation. The liquor thus j)repared is the basks of the best arrack, M'hich in Jav a is exclusively the manufacture of the Chinese, and is merely a rectification of the above sjiirit, with the addition of molasses and the juice ot the cocoa nut tree. Besides tlie staple articles, there are exported to China bird nests, biche de mar, cotton, spices, tin, rattans, sapan wood, sago, and wax. To the Islands of Borneo, Celebes, the Mo- luccas, &.C. a variety of piece goods and oj>ium, ly ith a very small quan- tity of I'iUropean articles. All the Dutch settlements to the eastward are supplied with rice from hence, Java being considered as the granary of this part of the world. In Ba- tavia there are few shops for Eu- rojxan goods, which proves there is no great demand from the interior. Tlie customs and duties at I?ata- via are arbitrai-y , and it is dilTicnlt to procure redress for impositions. The Dutch Company's customs are usu- ally eight per cent, and are farjned by a Chinese ; but there are many other fees exacted by the diflerent subordniatc oflicers. The exportation of specie is rigidly forbidaratcd from Gilolo by a narrow strait, and situated be- tween the equatorial line, and the first degree of south latitude. It is of an irregular shape, but in length may be estimated at 52 miles, by 20 the average breadth. In 1775 the Sultan of Batchian claimed dominion over the islands of Ooby, Ceram, and Gorani, but was himself entirely sub- ject to the iniluence of the Dutch. The iuhahitants of Batchian are Ma- lay, and of the Mahommedan re- ligion, {Forrest, ^r.) Bate Isle. — An island belonging^ to the province of Gujrat, situated at the south western-extremity of the Gulf of Cutch. Lat . 22°. 22'. Long. 69°. 21'. E. Bate signilies an island of any kind, but the proper name of this island is Shunkodwara. This ishind has a good harbour well secured from the prevaihng winds, but the anchorage is rocky. The fort of Bate has lately been much improved, but is still an in- significant place, being merely a square with a double wall on one side. It was, notwithstanding, at- tacked by a British force without success in 1803, which was attribnted to the want of regular land ibrees- On this occasion many brave men lost their lives. About 150 vessels of diflerent sizes belong to the port, which are employed chiclly to and from Mandavee, and until the in-^ terference of the British, were the piratical vessels so much dreaded by the traders on the western coasts of India. The destruction or occupa- tion of the fort of Bate, will be the only efl'ectual means of allorditig pro- tection to the trade of the Gulf of Cutch, and would, proiiably, benefit both the inhabitants and the temples. This island does not produce suffi* cient food for its own support, and consequently imports large quantiticb EATINDA. 97 of gliee, sugar, grain, &c. which are consumed by the numerous pilgrims resorting to the holy places. The town of Bate contains about 2000 houses, chiefly inhabited by Brah- mins, but all sorts of trades are also to be found. Vegetables, riased in small quantities, and milk, compose a considerable part of the food of the inhabitants; the iSsh, with which their shores abound, being held sa- cred. The Bate government has also Aramra, Positra, Bhurwalla, for- tified places, and the little -village of Rajpoor, subject to it. The whole revenue arising from the temples, the port duties, and the sliare of pirated property, probably, does not exceed two lacks of ru|)ees per annum. By an agreement executed with Major Walker, on the 14th Dec. 1807, Coer Babjee, of Bate, and Rana Sree Suggarraanjee, of Aramra, engaged not to permit, instigate, or connive at, any act of piracy com- mitted by any person under their au- thority, and also to abstain fiom plundering vessels in distress. A free and open commerce to be permitted to all British vessels paying the re- gulated duties. The British, by this treaty, engaged to afford the temple at Bate suitable protection and en- couragement. Shunkodwar is the proper name of tlie Island of Bate, and is derived from that of a Hindoo demon so named, from his dwelling in a laige shuuk, or conch shell, wherein he concealed the sacred Vedas which lie iiad stolen from Brahma. An in- carnation of Vishnu, under the ap- pellation of Shunknarrayan, cut open the shell, and restored the Ve- das to their lawful owner. The de- mon pleaded as his excuse, that he hoped to have been put to death by Vishnu for the theft, which would have secured him future ha{)piness. In consequence of this exploit Shunknarayan (Vishnu), or the de- stroyer of the shell demon, establish- ed his own worship on the island, where it continued paramount until the llislit of another Hindoo deity, H named Runclior, fromDwaraca, from a Mahommedan army, since which time Runchor has been supreme on Bate. This place was taken, in 1462, by Sultan Mahmood Begra, of Ah- medabad and Gujrat. {M'Murdo, Treaties, Si~c.) Batheri. — A small village in Northern Hindostan, situated among the mountains in the province of Se- rinagur. Lat. 30°. 49'. N. Long. 78°. 30'. E. This village is placed on the hill about 300 feet above the bed of the Bhagirathi, or Ganges, and has. a small temple sacred to Mahadeva. In some parts of this neighbouihood tlie poppy is cultivated, and the opium extracted is said to be of au excellent quality. On the opposite side of the river is an extraordinary cascade, which issues from the sum- mit of the mountain, and exhibits five distinct falls of water, one above the other. The top of the mountain is generally covered with snow, from the melting of which this cascade derives its chief supplies. {Raper, ^c.) Batneer, {Bhatnir). — A town in the province of Delhi, district of Hissar Firozeh, 170 miles N. W. from Delhi. West of this a banen sandy desert begins, there being no other town until the Sutuleje is ap- proached. The chiefs of the Battle country, of w hich this is the capital, are called Rajpoot Mahommedans; the common people are Jauts, most of whom have also become of that religion. This town was taken and destroyed by Timour in 1398. \G. Thomas, S,-c.) Batinda. — A district in Hindos- tan, situated partly in the N. W. quarter of the province of Delhi, and partly in the northern extremity of the province of Ajmeer. This dis- trict comprehends the Lacky jungle, so much celebrated for the fertility of its pasture lands, and for an ex- cellent breed of horses. This jungle forms a circle of about 40 miles each way. On the north it is bounded by the country of Roy Kellaun, cast by the province of Hurrianeh, south by Batueer, and west by the great De- 98 BATTAS. seit[. If is situated 35 miles iiortli from Batnecr, and 80 wcstlVoiii Pat- tealch, to the chief of which place the Rajah of the Lacky jungle is tributary. The soil being sandy, the wells are excavated to a great depth. The country yields rice, bajerah, and other sorts of grain, but not abun- dantly. The original breed of horses in tills country has been much im- proved by Persian horses, which were introduced during the invasions of Nadir Shah, and Ahmed Shah Abdalli. (Thomas, cVf.) Eatool. — A large fortified village and tank, situated near the sources of the Tuptce, among the mountains which bound the north of the Berar province. From Barooly Gliaut to Eatool is a table land, well cultivated with wheat, sugar-cane, Eengalgram, and other pulses. The village is po- pulous, and placed in a fertile valley, near the ancient Kusbaof Kurreem, now in ruins, three miles distant. (yith Register, ^c.) Battalah, (or Vutala). — A town in the province of Lahore, 75 miles E. S. E. from the city of Lahore. Lat. 31°. 34'. N. Long. 75°. 3'. E. This is a large town, and stands on a fine ojien plain, about 24 miles east from Annutsir. It is surrounded by groves of mango trees and tanks of water, and is considered the healthiest place in the Punjab. There is an excellent plum grows at this place, named alooeha ; their apples also are larger and better tlian in most other parts of llindostan. The hills lie about 70 miles distant, and in winter are covered witli snow. (lUh Register, (^c.) Battanta. — A small island in the Eastern Seas, about the 131st de- gree of east longitude, and sepa- rated from the island of SallaMatty by Pitts Straits. In length it may be estimated at 35 miles, by five miles the average breadtli. Battamandk. — A point on the N. W. coast of Borneo, lat. 6°. 60'. N. Long. 116°. 45'. E. To the south- ward of Batoomande is a commo- dious bay, at the mouth of the Pau- doossan River. From Pirates Point, which lies in 7°. N. are several bays, where shipping, working up and down the coast, may anchor safely, and get water from the shore. {El- more, Si'c.) Batanpally Isles. — ^Two small islands off the western coast of Wa- geeoo, about the 130th degree of east longitude. They are both (compre- hended within the circumference of 18 miles. B ATT AS, (Bntak). — A country in the Island of Sumatra, bounded on the north by that of Acheen, and on the south by the independent district of Race; extending along the sea coast, on the western side, from tho River Singkel to that of Tabuyong, bttt inland to that of Ayer Bangis, and generally across the island, which is narrow in that part, to the eastern coast ; but more or less en- croached upon by the Malayan and Acheenese establishments. I'he soil is fertile, and cultivation so much more prevalent than in the .southern countries of the island, that there is scarcely a tree to be seen, except those planted by the natives, about their villages, which are found wherever a naturally strong- situation presents itself. Water is not so abundant as to the south- ward, the country being compara- tively level; about the Bay ot'Tapa- nooly the land is high and wooded. The Singkell River, which bounds this country, and is the largest on the west coast of Sumatra, rises in mountains about 30 miles from the sea. The Batta country is divided into many small districts, which yield gold, benzoin, cassia, cam- phor. Sec. The natives of the sea coasts ex- change their benzoin, camphor, and cassia, (the quantity of gold dust is very small) for iron, steel, brass wire, and salt ; of which last article 100,000 bamboos measure are annu- ally taken olf in the Bay of Tappa- nooly. These they barter again with the more inland inhabitants, for the couvciiicuce of w liicli fairs ar»; est*- BATTAS. 9^ blislietl at the back of Tappanooly. Having no coin, all value is esti- mated amonp; them by certain com- modities. The ordinary food of the lower classes is maize and sweet po- tatoes, rice being reserved for the rsjahs and great men. Their houses are built of frames of wood, with the sides of board, and the roof covered with Ijoo. The country is very populous, and chiefly in the central parts, M'hero are extensive open plains, on the bor- ders, it is said, of a great lake. The government of the Batta country, al- though nominally in the hands of three or more sovereign rajahs, is efiectively divided info numberless petty chicfships, and it does not ap- pear likely, from the manners and dispositions of the peojjle, tliat the whole country was ever united under one supreme head. It is asserted that the succession to the chiefship goes to the nephew by a sister, as among the Nairs of Nalabar. Tlie standard of the Battas is a horse's head, with a flowing mane, which seems to indicate a coiniexion with the Hayagrivas, of Sanscrit history. The Battas, although of an inde- pendent spirit, have a superstitious veneration for the Sultan of Menan- cabow, and shew a blind submission to his relations and emissaries. In their persons, the Battas are rather below the stature of the Malays, and their complexions are fairer. I'heir dress is a sort of cotton cloth, ma- nufactured by themselves. Their arms are matchlock guns, spears, and swords ; the first they purchase from the Menancabow traders, and the last they make themselves, as also their gunpowder. The spirit of warfare is excited among these people by the slightest provocation ; in fact, their life appears to be a .state of perpetual hostility. They fortify all their villages ; and, instead of tower or watch-house, they con- trive to have a tall tree, which they ascend to reconnoitre or fire from. The men are allowed to marry as many wives as they please, or can H 3 afford to have ; half a doKcn is not uncommon. The daughters are looked upon, as all over Sumatra, as the riches of the father. The condi- tion of the women appears to be no other than that of slaves, the hus- bands having the power of selling their wives and children. They alone, besides their domestic duties, work in the rice plantations. The men, when not engaged in war, lead an idle inactive life, passing the day playing on a sort of flute. Like the rest of the Sumatrans, they are all much addicted to gaming: when a man loses more than he is able to pay, he is confined, and sold for a slave. The most extraordinary of the Eatta customs, though certainly not peculiar to this people, is the prac- tice of eating the bodies of their enemies, whom they kill in battle, and also of a certain description of criminals. This extreme depravity has been long doubted, but is now established by a weight of testimony not to be resisted. The Battas are said to eat the body as a species of ceremony; as a mode of shewing th fir detestation of particular crimes by an ignominious punishment, and as a savage display of revenge and iusnlt to theircuemics. The objects of this barbarous repast are prison- ers taken iji war, especially if badly wounded; the bodies of the slain, and ofl'cnders condemned for certain crimes, particularly adultery. The prisoners unwounded (but the Bat- tas are not much disposed to give quarter,) may be ransomed or sold as slaves, where the quarrel is not too inveterate. Convicts rarel}^ sui- fer, v^hen their friends are in cir- cumstances to redeem them, by the customary equivalent of 80 dollars. Mr. Marsden confines their can- nibalism to the above twu cases; but Dr. Ijcyden thinks that they frequently eat their own relations, when aged and infirm ; not so much to gratify their ajipctite, as to per- form a pious ceremony. Thus when a man becomes aged aud iniinuj he 100 BATTECOLLAH. is said fo invite his own children to eat liini, in the season when salt and linies are cheapest. This, Dr. Leyden says, is the aecoont Avhich the Batlas give of themselves, as well as of the Malays dwelling in Iheirvieiuity, This singular eustoni of Anthropophagy, practised by a naUon in other respects more civi- lized tlian the iAlalays,by whom they are sunonnded, attiactcd early the attention of Europeans, and led to the establishment of the fact. The religion of the Batlas, like that of all tlie other inhabitants of the island, who are not Mahomme- dans, is so obscnre in its principles, as scarcely to afl'ord room to say that any exists among them. They have, however, rather more ceremo- nies than the otlier Sumatrans, and there is an order of persons, called by them Gooroo (a well known Hin- doo term), who may be denominated priests, as they are employed in ad- ministering oaths, foretelling lucky and unlncky days, making sacrifices, and the performance of religions rites. The ceremonies that wear most the appearance of religion are those practised on taking an oath, and at their funeral obsequies. Europeans not being settled among the Eattas on the sam6 footing as in the pepper districts, the principles or practice of their laws is not well known. Open r«b- bei-y and murder are punishable with death, if the parties are unable to redeem their lives by a sum of money. In cases of double adul- tery, the man, upon detection, is punished m ith death ; but the wo- man is only disgraced by having her head shaved, and being sold for a slave, which in fact she was before. The Batta language is probably the most ancient in Sumatra, and is the chief source of that diversity of dialect, which is discoverable in the languages of the islaiul, llu; al- phabet consists of 19 letters, each variable by siv vocalic sounds. This language has a remarkable pecu- Umty ; it is written neither ironi the left to the right, nor from the right to the left, nor from top to bottom ; but in a manner dhectly opposite to that of the Chinese, from the bottom to the top of the line. The material for writing on is a bamboo, or branch of a tree, and the instrument for writhig the point of a creese. The Battas sometimes read the bamboos horizontally, instead of perpendicu- larly ; but they consider the correct mode of reading to be from the bot- tom to the top. I'he Battas sometimes write on growing trees, and in this case^ if a blank space occurs, it is towards the top of the division, a circumstance which determhies what they con- sider as the natiual position of their characters. It is remarkable that the proportion of people who can read and wiite, is much greater than pf those who cannot. 'I'hat this extraordinary nation has preserved the rude genuineness of its character and manners, may be attriboted to various causes; such as the want of the precious metals, the vegetable riches of the soil ■easily obtained, their ignorance of naviga* tion, the divided nature of their go- vernment, which are circumstances unfavourable to the propagation of new opinions and customs; and lastly, the ideas entertained of the ferociousness of the people, from the practices above described, which may well be supposed to have damp^ frd the ardour, and restrained the, zeal of religious irmovators. {Mart' den, JLei/de7i, Sfc.) Battecollah, {Batneala). — A town on the sea coast of the British district of North Canara, which sig- nifies the round town. Lat. 13°. 56'. N. Long. 74°. 37'. E. This place stands on the north bank of a small river, the Sancada- holay, which waters a very beautiful valley, suiTOunded on every side by hills, and in an excellent state of cul- tivation. At the public expense eight dams are yearly made, in or- der to water the rice grounds, wliich are constructed of earth, and BATTU. 101 «n!y intended to collect the stream during the dry season. Battccollah is a large open to>vn, containiiig 500 houses. It has two mosques, one of which receives an allowance of 100 pagodas from the Company, and the other half as much. Many of the Mahommedans are wealthy, and go on commercial speculations to diflerent parts of the coast. In this part of the country there are -none of the Bnntar cast, hor does the language of Tulava ex- tend so far north. BattecoUah is properly in the country named Hai- ga, and the most common fanners are a kind of Brahmins, named Haiga, after the country, and a low cast of Hindoos, named Halepecas. There are here a great many guddies, or temples, belonging to the followers of Vyas. There are two Jain tem- ples, the only remains of 68, that were formerly in the j)lace. In this part of the country the Ikeri princes seem almost to have extinguished the Jains; but towards the north they appear to have met with a more vigorous resistance. {F. Buchafian, Eatties, {Bhatti). — The country of the Batties, or Bhatties, is bound- ed on the north by the Punjab and the River Sutuleje ; east, by the dis- tiict of llurrianah ; west, by the desert; and south, by Bicanere. — From north to south it extends about 150 miles, and from east to west about 100, and comprehends part of the provinces of Lahore, Delhi, and Ajmeer. The part of the country best adapted for cultivation is along the banks of the liiver Cuggur, tiom the town of Futtehabad to Batneir. This portion of temtory is very pro- ductive, which is caused by the abundance of water M'hich descends from the mountains during the rainy season, and makes the Cuggur over- flow. The land w ithin the influence of this inundation produces wheat, rice, and barley, but the remainder of the Bhatty country, owing to a scarcity of moisture, is sterile and unproductive. The River Cuggur is afterwards lost in the sands to the west of Batneer, though it is said formerly to have joined the Su- tuleje in the vicinity of leroze- poor. Batneeris the capital of the Bhatty country ; the other towns o' note are Arroali, Futtehabad, Sirsah, and Ranyah. There is but little com- merce carried on in tliis countrj , the inhabitants being more addicted to thieving than industiious pursuits. With the exceptiou of the sale of their sur|)lus grain, ghee, and cattle, they have little intercourse m ith the neighbouring states, and that prin- cipally through petty merchants of the Shiekh Fereed sect. Their im- ports are coarse white cloth, sugar, and salt, but the trade is very incon- siderable. The Bhatties are properly shep- herds; various tribes of them are found in the Punjab, and they are also scattered over the high grounds to the east of the Indus, from the sea to Uch. In the Institutes of Acber tliese tribes are called Asham- batty. Their chiefs were originally Rajpoots, but are now Mahomme- dans. A majority of the present in- habitants of the Bhatty coimtry « ere originally Jauts, who atterwaids turned Mahommedans. Their cha- racter is bnt inditierent, being de- scribed by their neighbours as cruel, savage, and ferocious thieves from th(-ir birth, and in the practice of adding murder to robbery. The Bhatty females sac allowed to ap- pear in public unveiled, and with- out that species of concealment so common over Hindostan, especially among the followers of Mahommed. {Thomas, Wilford, Drummond, ifc.) BArrowAL. — A town in the ter- ritories of the Poonau Maharattas, in the province of Aurungabad, 60 miles N. by W. trom Ahmcdnuggur. Lat. 19°. 52'. N. Long. 74°. 5o'. E. Battu, {PhIo Batu). — An island lying olf the western coast of Su- matra, situated imm diately to the southward of the equinoctial line. 102 BAZAAR. In lengfh it may be estimated at This river rises in tlie hills of Cho- 40 miles, by 10 miles the average breadth. This island is inhabited by a co- lony from the Island of Neas, who pay a yearly tax to the Rajah of Ba- luaro, a small fortified village in the interior of the island, belonging to a different race, whose ntimber it is said amounts to only 100, which it is not allowed to exceed, just so many children being raised as are sufficient to repair the deaths. They are reported to bear a resemblance to the people of Massacar and the Buggesses, and may have been ad- venturers from that quarter. The influence of the Buluaro Rajah over the Neas inhabitants, who ex- ceed his immediate subjects in the proportion of 20 to one, is founded on a superstitious belief, that the water of the island will become salt wlien they neglect to pay the tax. — He, in his turn,;being in danger from the Malay traders, who resort hither irom Padang, and are not influenced by the same superstition, is com- pelled to pay them an annual tribute of 16 ounces of gold. The food of the people, as in the other islands of the Sumatra coast, is chiefly sago, and their exports cocoa nuts, oil in considerable quantities, and swalio, or sea slug. No rice is cultivated here. This island is vi- sible from Natal Hill in Sumatra, and is entirely covered with wood. — (^Marsden, ^«?.) Battulaki. — A harboTir, situated at the northern extremity of the Island of Magindanao. Lat. 5°. 42'. N. Long. 125°. E. This harbour is known ])y a re^ markable rock, abont the size of a large dwelling-house, of a pipe-clay colour, between which and the main is a reef of rocks, over whith boats may pass at high water. In tiie har- bour there is 10 fathoms water. 'I'he teesgur, in the province of Gundwa- na, and receives all the streams that have their sources on the S. W. side of the hills, which separate the champaign country of Choteesgur from Berar. Its comse has never been completely traced, but it is supposed to join the Inderowty Ri- ver, which flows into the Godavery, near Badrachellum. {Blunt, S,-c.) Baaveet. — A small fortified town in the province of Cutch, situated on the road from Luckput Bunder to Mandavee, on the Gulf of Cutch, from which it is distant about 15 miles to the northward. This place stands on the side of a hill to the northward of an extensive tank. The adjacent comitry is well cultivated, and the inhabitants ap- pear industrious. From hence to Mandavee the road is generally good, but the country is less cultivated. {Max field, 4'c.) Baypoor. — A town on the Mala- bar Coast, about 16 miles south from Calicut. Lat 11°. 12'. N. Long. 76°. 52'. E. Tippoo new named this place Sultanpatnem, and intended to have established it as one of his places of trade. Teak ships of 400 tons have been built here from tim- ber procured in the neighbourhood. The teak tar is here extracted from the cliips and saw-dust of the ves- sel, and is said to excel the Norwe- gian tar. Bazaar. — A small village in the province of Cabul, three-fourths of a mile from the western shore of the Indus, about 20 miles above the town of Attock. Lat. 33°. 19'. N. Long. 71°. 16'. E. The stream is here rapid, with a rough, undulating motion, and about three-fourths of a mile, or a mile in breadth, where it is not interrupted by islands, and having nearly a W. by S. course. The water is mucli discoloured by a Dutch once attempted a settlement fine black sand, which quickly sub- here, but were driven off by the na- sides when put into a vessel. It is lives. {Forrest, iSc.) also very cold, owing to the mix- Baum Gunoa, or Wainy River, ture of snow from the mountains, (Vam Ganga, rapid as an arroiv).-— when thawed by the summer heat. BEDNORE. 103 This place has been conjectured to recourse to tliis nalive salt, ascainst be the Baziia of the ancients. {Foster, whicli, however, tlioy have a strong' Wilford, &iT.) Beacul, {Vyacula). — A strong na- tive fort in the distiict of South Ca- uara, placed, like Cananore, on a high projecting point into tlie sea, towards the south, arid having within it a hay. Lat. 12°. 22'. ^'. Long. 75°. 9'. E. The town .stands north from the fort, and contains al)out 100 houses. prejudice. The black sand ore of iron abounds here in the torrents. The country in this neighbourhood is exceedingly bare, and the ])opnla- tion scanty. AH the houses are col- lected in villages, and the smallest village is fortified. Baydamungaluni was tbrmerly a considerable place, and the residence of a polygar. In the dispute for the dominion between I'he inhabitants are cliiefiy INIopla} s its ancient lord and Hyder, the town and Muccas, with a icw 'I'iars, and .suffered exceedingly, and is now people of the Concan, mIio have greatly deduced, 'llie people in the long settled in Canara as shop-keep- adjacent country are a mixture of ers. Beggars swarm here, as is the Taniuls, Telingas, and Carnatacas, case every where in India, except or Canares, with a considerable num- Malabar, where there are very few. ber of Malrommedans. {F. Btt~ {F. Buchanan, ^t.) chanan, ^c.) Beawull. — A town in the jMaha- Bednore, (Beiduntru). — A dis- ratta territories, in the province of trict in the north-westorn extremity Khandesh, 35 jnilcs S. W. liom of the Rajah of Mysore's territorie Boorhanpoor. Lat. 21°. i>'. N. Long. 75°. 48'. E. Bedagur, (Vedaghar). — A town in the district of (jiurrah, on the south side of the Nerbuddah River, 10 miles S. W. from Gurrah. Lat. 23°. 6'. N. Lonff. «0°. 5'. E. situated on the summit of that range of western hills, which o%erlooks the provinces of Canara and Malabar, and named the Western Ghauts, These mountains, elevated liom four to 5000 feet above the level of the sea, present to the west a surface in Bedamungalum, {or Betumnnoa- many places nearly perpendicular to him). — A town in the iiajah of M5- the horizon, and by their height in- soie's tenitories, near the eastern tercept the clouds of the western frontier. Lat. 12°. 58'. N. Long, monsoon. Nine rainy months in the 78°. 24'. E, This place is situated year are usually calculated on in this about 300 yards west of the Palare chmate, and for six of that number River, which is not here above 40 it is customaiy to make the same feet wide, and in the month of May preparatory arrangements for provi- contains only two or three feet depth sion (water excepted), as are adopt- of water, nearly stagnant. In the ed in a ship proceeding on a voyage, rainy season it fills several fine re- This extraordinary moisture is not servoirs, or tanks, for the use of cul- only favourable to the growth of the tivation. All over the country in pecuhar products of the province, this vicinity common salt (muriate but covers the face of the covntry of soda) is very commordy diffused, with timber of great stature, with It is found in low wet grounds, con- underwood scarcely peneti able, tained in a poor and bhiek soil, and 'I'he exports from this district con- in Tippoo's reign was extracted in sist chiefly of pepper, betel nut, san- considerable quantities. At that dal wood, and cardamoms. The time the trade with the Lower Car- imports are salt, rice, cocoa nuts, natic being entirely contraband, so oil, turmeric, and cotton cloths. The bulky an article as salt could not be roads being bad, most of the goods smuggled in sufficient quantities for are carried to Mangalore by porters, the consumption ; the inhabitants the most important article being be- were consequently obliged to have tel nut. The difference of elevatioai T04 BEEDER. makes this climate a month later tilling and selling spirituous liquors, than it is on tlie sea coast. The cat- 'J'ippoo carried them all to Seringa- tie, like those below the Ghauts, are patam. remarkably small. The country Travelling distance from Seringa- breeds more than is required for its patam 187 miles N. W. from Ma- cultivation, and a considerable sur- dvas 445 miles ; from Poonah 382 plus is annually exported to the sea coast, "^rhe horses are indifferent, but might be improved by sending into the district a few stallions. miles. (JP. Buchanan, Wilks, Rcti- nel, Src.) Beechipoor. — A village in the province of Sinde, situated on the When conquered by Hyder, in -west side of the Goonee, on the 1762, the Bednore dominions ex- route from Hyderabad, the capital tended over the maritime province of Sinde, to Mandavee, a sea port now named Canara, and to the east on the Gulf of Cutch, by th^ way over a tract of more open country, of Luckput Bunder. Lat. 24^^. 35'. N. extending to Sunta, Bednore, and In this neighbourhood are a num- Hoolukera, wiihin 20 miles of Chit- ber of fine trees resembling the ap- ple tree, also the Laurestinus cherry and drooping willow, and abundance of the lye bush. The soil is rich, but except close to the banks of the river is wholly uncultivated, and covered with jungle. Nor is any advantage taken of the numerous natural canals with which the coun- try is intersected. They remain over- grown with rank weeds and bushes, which impede the navigation, and {Maxfieldf teldroog. (WiM, F. Buchanan, S'c.) Bednore. — A town in the Ra,jah of Mysore's territories, the capital of a district of the same name. Lat. 13°. 48'. N. Long. 75°. 6'. E. This place was originally named Biderhully, or Bamboo Village, un- til the scat of government was re- moved from Ikeri to this toM'n, after which it was named Bideruru, or Bamboo Place. On this transfer, the whole revenue of the country being vitiate the atmosphere, expended here, Bednore immediate- ^'c.) ly became a city of great magnitude Beeder. — A province in the Dec- and commerce, and is said to have can, now possessed by the Nizam, then contained 20,000 houses, be- situated principally betwixt the 16tli sides huts, defended by a circle of and 18th degrees of north latitude, woods, hills, and fortified defiles. To the north it is bounded by Au- When taken by Hyder, in 1763, it rungabad and Nandere; on the south was estimated at eight miles in cir- by the River Krishna ; to the cast it cumference, and it is said the plun- has the province of Hyderabad ; and der actually realised amounted to 12 to the west the province of Bejapoor. millions sterling. He afterwards In length it may be estimated at 140 changed its name to Hydernagur. miles, by 65 the average breadtli. This place was taken and plun- The surface of this province is uiv- dered by the British detachment even and hilly, but not mountainous, from Bombay, under Gen. Mat- and it is intei-sected by many small thews, in 1783, but they were after- rivers, which fertilize the soil, and wards attacked by Tippoo, assisted flow into the Beemah, Khrisna, and by the French, and all destroyed, or Godavcry. The country is very pro- made prisoners. ductive, and under the ancient Hin- AtTippo's death it contained 1500 doo government contsuned a redun- honses, besides huts, and it is fast dant population, but it is now thinly recovering, being a convenient tho- inhabited compared with the British roughfare for goods. During the provinces. Although long the seat Banny's government, 100 families of of a Mahommcdan sovereignty, and Concan Christians settled at Bed- still subject to princes of that reli- nore, and subsisted chiefly by dis- giou, the Hindoos probably still ex- BEENISHENR. 105 eeed tlie Mahommedans in the pro- cept the east side, wTiich is a rising portion of 10 to one. The junction ground about 100 yards high. It is of the three languages, Telinga, Ma- haratta, and Canara, takes place in this province, somewhere near its capital. This province is now wholly com much decayed, but the remains of many good buildings are still to be seen. It was formerly noted for works of tutenague inlaid with silver. Before the Mahommedan invasion prehended within the dominions of Bedecr was the capital of a Hindoo the Nizam, and governed by his olB cers. The principal towns arcBeeder, or Ahmedabad, Kalbergah, and Ca- liany. After the Mahommedan conquest this province was the seat of the Bhamener dynasty of Dcccan sove- reigns, the first of whom was Sultan Allah ud Deen Houssun Kangoh Bhamenee, A. D. 1347, whose ca- pital was Kalbergah. Besides the princes of the Nizam Shahy, Adil Shahy, and Koottub Shahy, founded on tlie ruins of the Bhamenee dy- nasty, there arose two others, com- posed of parts of their once exten- sive dominions. One was founded sovereignty. Near the ruins of the old Beeder, Ahmed Shah Bhamenee founded the city of Ahmedabad, which he made his capital in place of Kalbergah, and this is the modern Beeder. I'ravelling distance from Hyder- abad 78 miles, from Delhi 857, from Madras 430, and from Calcutta 980 miles. {Upton, Scott, Remiel, Sfc.) Beejapoor. — A town in the Ma- haiatta dominions, in the province of Aurungabad, 65 miles N. from Ahmediuiggur. Lat. 19°. 64'. N. Long. 75°. 1'. E. Beemah River, (Bhinia, terrific). — ^This river rises in the mountains by Ameer Bereed about 1518, the to the north of Poonah, not many prime minister, or rather confiner of miles from the source of the Goda- the two last Bhamenee Sultans, and very, and passes within 30 miles to called from him Bereed Shahy. His the east of Poonah, where it is call- dominions were small, consisting of ed Bewrah, as well as Beemah, and the capital Bedeer, and a few dis- is esteemed a sacred river. It is onh tricts round that city. The honours of the principal rivers that join the of royalty did not long remain in his Krishna, which it does near the town family, his territories being wrested from his grandson by the other Dec- can princes, and the kingdom of Beeder destroyed. Along with the other Deccany of Firozegur, in the province of Beeder. The length of its course, including the windings, may be esti- mated at 400 miles. The horses most esteemed by the pro^inces, it fell under the INIogul Maharattas are those bred on the dominion towards the conclusion of banks of the Beemah. They are of the 17th century, during the reign of Aurengzebe, from whose succes- sors it was separated in 1717 by Ni- zam ul Muluck, and has ever since been possessed by his posterity, the Nizams, resident at Hyderabad. {Fe- rislUa, Scott, Mackenzie, ^c.) Beeder. — A town in the province of Beeder, of which it is the capital. Lat. 17°. 47'. N. Long. 77°. 48'. E, This city is fortified with a stone wall, a dry ditch, and many round towers. The wall is six miles in circumference, and the town it en- doses stands in au open plain, ex- a middle size, and strong, are rather a handsome breed, generally dark bay, with black legs, and are called, from the country which produces them, Beemarteddy liorses. {Reii- nel, 5th Register, ^c.) Beenishenr. — A town in northern Hindostan, situated close to the Hi- malaya mountains, in the district of MuUiboom, of which it is the ca- pital. Lat. 28°. 21'. N. Long. 84°. 20'. E. This town stands at the con- fluence of the Salegrami, or Gun- duck, and a small stream named the Hehagde. It is an entiepot of con- 106 BEJAPOOR. siderable trade, and is sometimes named Bccni-jee, by way of emi- nence. {Kirkpatrick, ^-c.) Beggah, {Bhiga). — A small town formerly fortified in the province of Bahar, district of Ram2;ur, 82 miles S. from Patna. Lat, 24°. 25'. N. Long. 85°. 20'. E. Behawulpoor. — A town in the proA ince of Mooltan, 37 miles S. by E. from the city of Mooltan. Lat. 30°. 4' N. Long. 71°. 30'. E. This town is situated near the Ghairah Biver, in a very bad part of the de- sert. It derives its name from the Nabob BhawnlKhan, of the Abassi family, and suriiamed Dadpootee. He died in 1808, leaving a son under age, whose territories were in a si- tuation of great danger from tlie am- bitious views of tiie Ameers of Sinde, Tire BehH.wiilpoor state extends a considerable way towards Bieancre, but is tributary to the sovereigns of Cabu!. To travel in this arid re- gion, it is necessary to have an esta- blishment of camels to carry a suji- p}y of water, as in the deserts of Arabia. {Registers, Smitk, 4'c.) B UK RAD. — A small district in the province of Cabul, situated betwixt the 34th and 35th degrees of north latitude. It has the district of Mun- derar to the north, a range of hills to the south, the liiver Chuganserai to the east, and the River Alishung to the west. In 1582 it is described by Abul Fazel as follows :— " 'J'he district of Bekrad is full of infidels. Instead of lamps they burn green fir, which gives a very good light. Here is an animal called a flying fox, which flies about an ell from the ground. Here are also mice, which have a fine musky scent. Pooluk Bekrad 2,045,451 dams." Behut RivKR. — See Jhylum. Beiduru. — An open village in the district of North Canara, containing about 150 houses. Lat. 13°. 49'. N. Long. 74°. 43'. E. Beiduru once had a foi-t, and was then a large place, belonging to a Jain princess, named Byra Devi, but the Jain sect are now quite' ex- tinct herei At this place there is a temple dedicated to Siva, in which are many inscriptions. These in- scriptions, among the Hindoos, seem to be what the legends on the coins are among the Mahommedans, and so long as there is a nominal king all inscriptions and legends are made in his name. {F. Buckanan, ^-c.) Bejagur, {Vijayaghar). — A dis- strict in the province of Malvvah, situated about the 22nd degree of north latitude. Although to the soutli of the Nerbuddah, in the Institutes of Acber, A. D. 1582, it is placed in the viceroyalty of Maluah, and is described as follows : — " Sircar Bee- jagur, containijig 32 mahals, mea- surement 283,278 beegahs, revenue 12,249,121 dams. Seyurghal 3574 dams. It furnishes 1773 cavalry, and 19,480 infantiy." 'i'his district is now possessed by diflerent Maharatta chiefs. The chief towns are Awass, Sindwah, and Gherowd. BEJAPOOR. A large province in the Deccan, extending from the 15th to the 19tli degrees of north latitude. To the north it is bounded by the province of Aurungabad ; on the south by the Toombuddra River, and district of North Canara; on the east by Au- rungabad and Beeder ; and on the west by the sea. In length it may be estimated at 350 miles, by 200 miles the average breadth. The western districts of this pro- vince are very moun4ainous, parti- cularly in the vicinity of the Ghauts; but towards the cast the country is more level, and watered by many fine rivers, the principal of which are the Krishna, the Beemah, the Toombuddra, and the Gutpurba. I'rior to 1790 the latter was the boundary which separated the do- minions of Tippoo from those of the Maharattas. There is nothing peculiar in the agricultiuc or production ol this pro- BEJAPOOR. 107 vince, whicli are Ihe same as in the other regions of the Deccan. The horses reared on tlie banks of the -Beemah are held in great estimation by the Maharattas, and furnish tlie best cavalry in their armies. All the sea coast being in the possession of that nation, Avho are little addicted to maritime commerce, the greater part of what traffic subsists is carried on by land carriage ^vith the interior, but the extent of this species of in- terchange all over the. Deccan is considerable. Four-fifths of this province have long appertained to the. Maharattas, and the remainder is under the go- vernment of the Nizam. The Peshvva is the nominal lord of the whole, but possesses efl'ective jurisdiction over but a small portion, the maritime district of Concan being the largest territory actually within his own power. The principal cities are Poonah, Bejapoor, Satarali, Mer- ritch, or Mirjce, Darwar, Punder- poor, Hubely, and Huttany. The population of this province cannot be compared with the best of the British territories, but is pro- bably equal to that of the Balaghaut ceded territories, which being a re- cent acqui.sition, have not had suffi- cient time for improvement. Taking the latter as a scale of comparison, the inhabitants may be estimated at seven millions ; of which number, probably, not more than one-twen- tieth are Mahommedans, the rest being Hindoos of the Brahminical persuasion. In this province, approaching the Krishna from the southward, the Maharatta tongue comes more and more into use; leaving this river to the south, the Canara dialect de- clines in a similar proportion, so that the Krishna may be deemed the di- viding boundary of the two lan- guages, but the Cauara is rather more spoken to the northward, than the Maharatta to the south of the river. The Krishna is also remark- able for dividing dillerent stiles of building. To the south the houses of the lower class arc flat roofed, and covered Avith mud and clay ; north- ward the voofs are pitched and thatched. After the dissolntion of the Blia- menee dynasty of the Deccan, Abou ul MuziiU'er Adil Shah founded the Adil Shahy sovereignty of Bejapoor, A. D. 1489, comprehending witliin the circle of his government all the country fiom the River Beemrah to Bejapoor. In 1502 he introduced the ceremonies of the Shicah sect of Mahommedans, which did not, prior to this period, exist in the Deccan. He died A. D. 1510, and his suc- cessors were, Ismael Adil Shah, died 1534. Muloo Adil Shah, deposed and blinded, having reigned six months. Ibrahim Adil Shah, died 1557. During liis illness this prince put to death several physicians who had failed in eflecting his cure, behead^ ing some, and treading others to death with elephants, so that all the surviving medical practitioners being alarmed, fled his dominions. Ali Adil Shah, assassinated 1579. In the year 1564, the four Mahom- medan Sultans of the Deccan formed a confederacy against Ram Rajah, the Hindoo sovereign of Bijanagur; and having totally defeated and slain him in battle, took and plundered his capital. With him ended the long established and powerful Hin- doo dynasty of Bijanagur. Ibrahim Adil Shah the Second, died 1626. In tliis reign the Mogul power began to be severely felt ia the Dekkan. Mahommed Adil Shah, died A. D. 1660. In this reign Sevajee the Ma- haratta revolted, which, wilh the Mogul conquests, reduced the Beja- poor principality to the last extre- mity. AU Adil Shah the Second. This prince died in 1672, after a turbulent reign, during which he enjoyed tittle more of royalty than the name, his countiy being usuiped by Sevajee, and other vassals. Secunder Adil Shah, who never ac- loa BEJAPOOR. quired any real power, bein^ merely an instrument in the hands of his nobility; and with him the Adil Shahee dynasty ended in 1689, when Bejapodr was beaeged and taken by Aurengzebe, Secunder Adil Shah being among the prisoners. This Mahommedan dynasty of Bejapoor was remarkable for the practice of conferring Hindoo titles, they being, m general, exclusively Arabic. The destruction of the Bejapoor Deccany empire, and the beginning of that of the Maharattas, happened so nearly at the same time, that this province cannot with strictness be said ever to have been subject to the throne of Delhi, although regularly enumerated in tlie list of soubahs. During the reign of Aurengzebe its possession was disputed with much slaughter, liut his successors early abandoned it to the Maharattas, and with them the greatest proportion has remained ever since. At the conclusion of the war be- tween the British and Sindia in 1804, the whole of the Maharatta terri- tories in this province exhibited a scene of the greatest anarchy; and although nominally subject to the Peshwa, his authority scarcely ex- tended beyond the city of Poonah, and was resisted by the chief of every petty village. The different chiefs and leaders of banditti, by whom the country was occupied, were almost innumerable ; but the names and designations of the prin- cipal were Goklah, Appah Saheb, and Bala Saheb (the sons of Purse- ram Bhow, and heads of the Put- wurden family), Appah Dessaye, Furkiah, Bapoojce Sindia, Madarow Rastiah, the Ra.jah of Colapoor, I'ut- teh Singh Bhoonslah, Chintamuny Bow (the nephew of Purst-ram Bhow), Tautia, Punt Pritty Niddy, and others of inferior note depend* jng on these leaders. Owing to the long confusion that had subsisted, the country had been ravaged and depopulated in various modes, and amongst others by the rapid succession of governors ap- pointed by tlie Peshwa, the preced- ing one always strenuously resisting his successor. The chiefs above nam- ed v,ere not properly Jaghiredars, although distinguished by the appel- lation of the Southern Jaghiredars. They Mere the Serinjamy Sirdars of the Poonah state ; and it is pecu- liarly the case with Serinjamy lands, that the possession of tliem may be changed annually, and are granted for the payment of troops actually employed in the senice of the state. The chiefs in question, however, had retained possession of the lands for many years, and had also properties of other descriptions under the Poo- nah government. To reduce this chaos to order, the British government was obliged to interpose its arbitration, and began by endeavouring to ascertain the ex- tent of the service to which the Peshwa was entitled from the Sou- thern Jaghiredars, with the view of inducing them to aflord that service. On the other hand, it was resolved to protect the Jaghiredars from the oppression of the Peshwa's govern- ment, and to guarantee to the Jag- hiredars their possessions, while they continued to serve the Peshwa with fidelity. On this occasion the Mar- quis Wellesley was obliged to ex- press liis utter disapprobation of the Peshwa's projects of vengeance and rapine against the principal familie:^ of the Maharatta state in immediate subjection to Poonah, and particu- larly his highness's designs agiunst the Putwurden family. To accomplish this most desh-e- able ariangement, and to restore tranquillity and good government to a region long deprived of both. Gen. Arthur Wellesley (now Duke of Wellington) was instructed to enter into negociations viith the different chiefs, during his march southwards in 1804, to reconcile their dissen- sions, and adjust their disputes with their sovereign the Peslnva. DiflTi- cult as the task appears, he effected it without bloodshed by his tempe- 4 BEJAPOOR. 109 rate and decided conduct, and more especially by ihe penetration with which he at once fixed on a proper mode of commencing the settlement of so many complicated claims and discordant interests, in which he was ably seconded by Col. Close, then resident at Poonah, and Mr. Stra- / chey, whom he had appointed agent Avitli the Southern Jaghiredars. {MSS. Ferishta, Scott, Moor, WiUis, Sfc. BejapooR, (Vijayapura, the Im- pregnable). — A city in the province of Bejapoor, of which it mjis the capital, when an independent king- dom. .Lat. 17°. 1/. N. Long. 75° 42'. E. In old European books it is generally named Viziapoor. When taken by Aurengzebe in person, A. D. 1689, it stood on an extensive plain, the fort being one of the largest in the world. Between it and the city wall there was room for 15,000 cavalry to encamp. With- in the citadel was the king's palace, the houses of the nobility, and large magazines, besides many extensive gardens, and romid the whole a deep ditch, always well supplied with wa- ter. There were, also, without the walls, very large suburbs and noble palaces. It is asserted by the na- tives, with their usual exaggeration, that during its flourishing state it contained 984,000 inhabited houses, and 1600 mosqnes. After its capture the waters of the reservons and wells in the fort de- creased, and the country round be- came waste to a considerable dist- ance. At present it exhibits almost nothing but ruins, which prove the •vast magnitude of tliis city during its prosperous state. The outer wall, on the western side, runs nearly north and south, and is of great extent. It is a thick stonewall, about 20 feet high, with 9, ditch and rampart. There are ca- pacious towers, built of large hewn stones, at the distance of every hun- dred yards ; but are, as well as the wall, much neglected, having in inany places fallen into the ditch, and being in others covered with rubbish. A mile and a half from the western wall is a town called Toor- vee, built on the remains of the foi- mer city, and surrounded by mag- nificent piles of ruins, among which are the tombs of several Mahom- modan saints, attended by their de- votees. The court way of the fort is from 150 to 200 yards broad, and the ditch, now filled with rubbish, appears to have been a very formid- able one, excavated out of the solid rock on which the fort stands. The curtain is nearly 40 feet high from tiie berm of the ditch, entirely built of huge stones strongly cemented, and frequently adorned with sculp- tural representations of lions, tigers, &c. The towers Hanking the cur- tain are \ ery rmmerous, and of vast size, built of the same kind of ma- terials. Measured by the counters- carp of the ditch, the fort is proba- bly about eight miles in circumier- ence. The curtain and towers in the southern face are most battered, as it was against these Aurengzebe raised his batteries. The mosque and mausoleum of Ibrahim Adil Shah are built on a basement 130 yards in length, and 52 in breadth, and raised 15 feet. Inside it is a plain building, 1 15 bjf 76, covered by an immense dome, raised on arches. The mausoleum is a room 57 feet square, enclosed by two verandas 13 feet broad, and 22 feet high. Besides these there are many other public buildings, mucli injured by time and the Ma- Larattas. 1 he fort in the interior is adorned with many handsome edifices, in rather better preservation than the fort. The great mosque is 97 yards by 55 yards. Tlie wings, 15 yards broad, project 73 yards from the north and south ends, enclosing on three sides with the body of the mosque a large reservoir for water, and a. fountain. The mausoleum of Sultan Mahmood Shah is a plain building, 153 feet square, over which is reared a dome of 117 feet diameter 110 EEJAPOOR. ill it? conravity, called by the na- tives the great cupola. The inner fort consists of a strong curtain, frequent towers of a large size, a fausse bray, ditch, and co- vered way; the whole built of massy materials, and well constructed. The ditch is extremely wide, and said to have been 100 yards; but its ori- ginal depth cannot now be discover- ed, being nearly filled up with rub- bish. 'I'he fort inside is a heap of i-uiiss, none of the buildings being in any repair, except a handsome little mosque built by Ali Adil Shah. This inner fort was kept exclusively for the palaces of the kings, and ac- commodation of their attendants. The fort now contains several dis- tinct towns, and although so great a part is covered with ruins, tliere is still room found for some corn fields and extensive enclosures. The in- ner fort, which is more than a mile in circumference, appears but as a speck in the larger one, wliich, in its turn, is almost lost in the extent occupied by the outer w all of the city. Most of the buildings (the palaces in the fort excepted) appear to have had little or no wood used in their construction. They are, in general, built of the most massy stone, and in the most durable stile ; notwith- standing vphich the workmanship of some is minutely elegant. The city is well watered, having, besides nu- merous wells, several rivulets run- ning through it. To the north there are but few hills, the country being, in general, level, and the soil rich ; yet it is described as destitute of wood, and but little cultivated. The city is but thinly inhabited, and is now comprehended in that part of the Bejapoor province belonging to the Maharattas. According to tia- dition it must have once been im- mensely rich, and it is said that large sums of money and valuables are still found secreted among the ruins. Some enormous cannon, still re- maining here, correspond with the magnitude of the fort, Oiily 12 we said to be left, the dimensions of the three largest are as follows : 1st. A Malabar gun. Feet. Inches. Diameter at the breach 4 5 Length from breach to muzzle - - - - 21 5 Circumference of the trunnions - _ _ 4 7 Diameter at the muzzle 4 3 Ditto of the bone - 1 9 The second is a brass gun cast by Aurengzebe to commemorate the conquest of Bejapoor. Feet. Inches. Diameter at the breach 4 10| Ditto at the muzzle - 4 8 Ditto of the bone - 2 4 Length -----14 1 Circumference in the middle - - - - 13 7 The third gun is called the high-flyer, and measures in length 30 3| Circumference at the breach - - - - 9 2 Circumference overthe moulding, measured at the smallest part 6 Diameter of the bone 1 1 The first and last of these guns are constructed of bars ofiron, hoop- ed round, not upon caniages, but lying on blocks of wood. I'he brass gun is fixed on its centre, on an im- mense iron fixed in the ground, and grasping its trunnions in the manner of a swivel, its breech resting on a block of wood, supported by a thick wall, so that it cannot recoil. For the calibre of this gun an iron bullet, weighing 2646 pounds, would be re- quired. {Moor, Scott, Src.) Bejapoor. — A district in the pro- vince of Bejapoor, intersected by the River Eeeniah, the country to the east of which belongs to the Nizam, and to the west to the Poonah Ma- harattas. The chief town is Beja- poor. Bejapoor. — A town belonging to the Maharattas, in the hilly districts of Khandesb, 80 miles E. uf Boor- BELLUxMCONDAH. Ill Iianpoor. Lat. 21°- 26'. N. Long. Bejapoor. — A town in Northern Hindostan, situated on the banks of the Cousey River, which is navigjable tioni Dholatghaiit to Khoorkiit<;haiit, ■within three hours' journey of Beja- poor, which stands to the east of the Nei)anlese territories. Lat. 26°. 55'. N. Long. 86°. 25'. E. Bejighur. — A town in the Maha- ratta territories, in the province of Agra, about 70 miles S. ^^^ from the city of Agra, and 15 S. W.from Subbulghur. Tliis place stands at the extremity of a low hill, and has an upper and lower fort. On a plain, at the bottom of the lull, is the pettah, inclosed by a stone v. ail of good construction. The walls of the fort are nev,', but they are ill- pro^^ded with artillery; and the ascent to them is not ditficuit. The surrounding country consists of ranges of low hills much covered ■with jungle, and separated from each other by intermediate plains, intersected by deep ravines ; but, upon the whole, well supplied with water from wells, which have been dug, and from nullahs. {MSS. St.) Bejiporam. — A town pos.sessed by independent zemindars, in the province of Orissa, 90 miles W. bv N. from Vizii^apatam. Lat. 18°. 6'. N. Long. 82°. 8'. E. Bejurah, {Bijorali). — A small town in tlie province of Bengal, dis- tiict of Dacca, 53 miles jS. E. from the city of Dacca. Lat. 24°. 7'. N. Long. 91°. 10'. E. Belah. — A town in tho province of AgTa, British district of Etaweh; 43 miles E. from the town of Eta- weh. Lat. 20°. 46'. N. Long. 79°. 40'. E. Bejwarah. — A town in the Seik territories, ni the province of La- hore, 113 miles S. E. from the city of Lahore. Lat. 31°. 20'. N. Long. 75°. 35'. E. Belande. — A town in the Maha- ratta terntories, in the province of Khaudesh. Lat. 21°. 0', N. Long. 74°. 50'. E. Belaspoor. — A town in the pro- vince of Delhi, district of Bareily, 38 miles N. from the town of Bareily, aiid formerly included in Fyzoolah. Khan's small territory. Lat. 28°. 56'. Long. 79°. 15'. E. Bflgaum, {Balcrgrama). — A town in the Northern Circars, 42 miles W. by N. from Cicacole. Lat. 18° 42'. N. Long. 83°. 27'. E. Belgram. — A town in the Nabob of Oude's territories, 12 miles N. E. fi-om Kajioge. Lat. 27°. 13'. N. Long. 80°. 3'. E. This is a to'.vn of some aiitifpiity, being described by Abul Fazel, in 1582, as being very healthy, and famous for producing men with melodious voices. It is still distinguished by a ruinous fort and moat. The ruined buildings appear to have been in the best style of Mogul architecture ; but the pre- sent inhabitants, few in number, dwell in small stnictures. either of mud or timber. {Abul Fazel, Ten- nant, a. — A town in the pro- vince of Allahabad, district of Cur- rah. Lat. 25°. 54'. N. Long. 80°. 65'. E. Bella RY. — See Balhary, Bellaspoor. — A town in the pro- vince of Dellii, situated on the east side of the Sutubje River, which is here 100 yards broad whon the wa- ters are at the lowest. Lat. 31°. 35'. N. Long. 76°. 21'. E. Bellas- poor is a well-built town, and ex- hibits a regularity not often seen in this part of Hindostan. The streets are paved, though roughly, and the houses built of stone and mortar. From Bellaspoor fertile vallies, though not wide, extend to Bij)olie. This is the residence of the raimy. or female ruler of the Calowr terri- tory. {Foster, St.) Bellumcondah. — A town in the Northern Circars, district uf Giiii- 112 BENARES. toor. Lat. 16°. 22'. N. Long. 79°. 64'. E. Belour.^— A town in the province of Agra, district of Kanoge, 52 miles west from Lucknow. Lat 26°. 52'. N. Long. 80°. 5'. E. Belugura. — A fortified village in the Rajah of Mysore's territories, containing about 200 houses. Lat. 13°. 27'. N. Long. 76° 18'. E. This place is in the Garuda Giri district, which has long formed part of the dominions of the Mysore femily. In the sunounding countiy there are many sheep, and but few black cattle. The shepherds and their fa- milies live with their flocks, llie men wrap themselves up in their blankets, and sleep in the open air among their sheep. The women and children sleep under hemisphe- rical baskets, about six feet in dia- meter, and wrought with leaves, so as to turn the rain. At one side a small hole is left, through which they can creep, and this is always turned to leeward, tliere being no- thing to cover it. Benares, (Varanasi). — A large district, or zemindary, in the pro- "vince of Allahabad, situated princi- pally betwixt the 24th and 26th de- grees of north latitude. When ceded, in 1775, by A soph ud Dow- lah, the Nabob of Oude, tliis zemin- dary was divided into 62 pugunnahs, containing 12,000 square miles, of which 10,000 are a rich, cultivated flat on both sides of the Ganges. The chief subdivisions are Benares, Ga- zypoor, Jionpoor, and Chunar. In the Institutes of Acber, A. D. 1582, Abul Fazel describes it as follows : " Sircar Benares, containing eight mahals ; measurement 136,663 bee- gahs; revenue, 8,169,318 dams. — Seyurghal, 338,184 dams. This Sir- car furnishes 830 cavalry, and 8400 infantry." The atmosphere of this province, which in winter is so severe as to render fires necessary, becomes so heated for three months after March, by the setting in of the hot winds, as to destroy all verduye, aud woulc^ probably prove destructive to all Eu- ropean artificial glasses, were the cultivation introduced. Turnips, ra- dishes, and a variety of greens and garden stuifs are raised by the na- tives, principally for the Europeans. There is not much land employed in the raising of rice, the chief arti- cles of produce being barley, w heat, and several species of the pea. A small quantity of flax is raised in the skirts of almost every field, for the sake of the oil ; its use, as an article of clothing, is not here understood. Every field of barley contains a mix- ture of grain or pease ; and at the distance of six or 10 feet, there is planted a beautiful yellow flowering sluub used in dyeing. A considerable quantity of sugar is produced in this district. The ap- paratus is extremely simple. A stone mortar and wooden pistern turned by two bullocks, the Avhole not worth 12 rupees, constitute the most ex-i pensive pait of the operation. The boiling pots are of tlie commoa earthen ware, and here, as in the West Indies, the sugar harvest is a joyous and busy season. From Patua to Buxar, Gazypoor, Benares, and Mirzapoor, much cul- tivation and a rich country presents itself, and the numerous clumps of mango trees give the district the appearance of a forest, and afl'ord an agreeable retreat to the cattle. Both "sides of the river a little way above Mirzapoor formerly belonged to the Nabob of Oude, and exhi- bited a marked contrast to the flou- rishing state of the Benares districts; which, probably, in the scale of prosn perity, excel all others in India, ex.- cept Burdwan in Bengal. Plain and flow ered muslins, adapt- ed to common uses, aie manufac- tured in the northern, baftas in the western, and sanaes in the eastern parts of the province. Tissues, bro-, cades, and ornamented gauzes are a general manufacture. Benares is supplied with salt of its own manu- facture, joined with importations tiooa Sambher La Ajmeer, and other BENARES; 113 places. A great quautitj' of excel- lent indigo is annually raised and ex- ported from this pro^^nce, A\hich also rurnislies a proportion ol' the Company's opium. The principal rivers are the Ganges, tlie Goonit>", flie Caramnassa, and the Soane, the two latter being boimdaiy rivers ; and, on the vvliole, tlie countiy is extremely Avell supplied with w ater. The principal towns are Benares, IVIirzapoor, Jioupoor, Chunar, and Gazypoor. In 1801, by the directions of the Marquis Wellesley, then governor- general, the board of revenue cir- culated various questions to the col- lectors of the dirterent districts on statistical subjects. The result of tlieir replies proved, tliat the Benares province contained 3,000.0(X) of in- jjabitants, in the proportion of one Maliommedan to live Hindoos, and that the zemindar's annual proflt on his lands exceeded 10 per cent, on the revenue derived from them by the government. The code of regulations for Ben- gal has, with very little alteration, been extended to Benares ; but, in consideration of the high respect paid by the Hindoo ii)habitants to the character of their Brahmins, thiy have received some special indulg- cncies in the mode of proceeding against them on criminal charges ; anil it has further been provided iu their favour, tliat. in all cases, where, by law, a Brahmin would be ad- judged to sufler death, the sentence ijhall he changed to transportation, or mitigated at the discretion of go- vernment. At the same time some evil prac- tices of the Brahmins were sup- pressed ; one of which was, the hold- ing out the threat of obtaining spi- ritual vengeance on tlicir adversa- ries by suicide, or tlie exposure of the life, or tlie actual sacrifice of one of their own children or near rela- tions. It was ordered, tliat occur- rences of this nature should not, in future, be exempt from the cogni- 2;aiicc of the magistrate, and the usual course of criminal law. Ano- ther tribe of Hindoos, residing ia the province, named Rajcoomars, were accustomed to destroy their female infants, in consequence of the difficulty experienced in suitably marrjing them. P'rom this practice tliey were prevailed on to desist by the resident, Mr. Duncan ; and au observance of it now subjects the oflendcr to the ordinary punishment of minder. Musuram, the grandfather of Cheit Singh, possessed originally but half the village of Gungapoor, by addi- tions to which, in the usual modes of Hindostan, he laid the founda- tion of the zemindarj' of Benares. lie died iu 1740, and was succeeded by his son, Bulwant Singh, who, in 30 years of his own management, increased his acquisitions to the pre- sent size of the province. Cheit Singh received tlie zcmindary in 1770, and was expelled in 1781, during the government of Mr. Hastings. (Tennant, J. Grant, Cule- broohe, uth Report, ^c.) Br.NARES. — A celebrated city in the province of Allahabad, the ca- pital of the Benares districts. Lat. 25°. 30'. N. Long. 83°. E. The Sanscrit name is Varanaslii, from Vaia and Nashi, two rivers. The Ganges here forms a fine sweep of about four miles in IcMgtli ; » on the external side of the curve, * which is the most elevated, is situ- ated the hoi)' city of Benares. It is covered with buildings to the water's edge, and the opposite bein^ level, the whole may be viewed at once. Gliauts, or landing-places, built of large stones, are verj' fre- quent, and arc 30 feet high before they reach the level of the street, the erection of them being frequently excecuted by Hindoos as an act of piety. The streets are so extremely nar- row, that it is difficult to penetrate them, even on horseback. The hcKises are built of stone, some six; stories high, close to each other, with tciTaces on the summit, and 114 BEVARES: extremely small windmvs, s so holy, that se- veral foreign Hindoo Rajahs havo vakeels, or delegates, residing here, who jjcrform for them the re(|uisitc sacrifices and ablutions. Its ancient name was Casi (tl)c splendid), whiel? it siiil retains, but there are not any notices concerning it in the Avorks of the ancient geograph.ers, all'aough they specify Maihura(Metl!ora) and Clisol)ara,AAhich lay near the Jumna. In the year 1017, Sultan Mah- mood of Ghizni took Benares, and the town of C'risinn or Casuma, now Patna, and Avcnt as far as the coun- try of Ougauam, or Unja, to (ho AA( st of the Cossimbazar Bker. 'i'hc next year be overrun these countries again, and penetrated as far as Kis- raji, or Cacii'ha R;i,ia, or Cooch Ba- har. From that time the Hindoos, in tliis pait of India, remained for a, long time xinniolested by the Ala- hnmnndnns, as it does not appear tliey made any permanent conquests in this province before the end of the 12th century, or about 1190. On the 14th Jan. 1799, Mr. Cherry, the resident, and three otiicr Engli>h genticmeu, Avere treacherously mur- d(!red here by "S'izier Ali, the depos- ed jSabob of Oude, and spurious EENEER. 115 son of the late AsojjJi nd Dowlah. Mr. Davis, the .jufl2;c of the city, defended himseU" ami fiiniily v.itli a short spear, at tiie top of a iiai row winding" stair-case, on tlic thtl roof of the house, until assistance ar- rived. The Benares division of the court of circuit comprehends the follow- ing districts, \\z. 1. Mirzapoor; 2. Allahabad ; 3. Bundelcund ; 4. Ju- anpoor; 5. Gonickpoor; G. City of Benares. The travelling distance from Be- nares to Calcutta by Birbhoom is 4G0 miles, by Moorshcdabad 5G5, from Allaliabad S3, Buxar 70, Ba- rcily 345, Caipy 239, Kanoge 259 miles. ( Lord Valentin, Tejinant,3d Register, Wilford, Renne/, 5th Re- port, 6,-c.) ' EencoolTvN, (Bencauhi, or J^ort Marlborough). — The chief establish- ment possessed by the East India Company, situated on the S. W. side of the Island of Sumatra. Lat. 3°. 50'. S'. Long. 102°. 3'. E. By agreement \\\{\\ the neighbour- ing chiefs the lands for tliis settle- ment were taken ])osse>siou of so far back as 1685, but iiiany years past before it attained a stable form, owing to the opfiosition of the Dntch, and other cireuinstanccs. ISo early as 1698, this settienieut had already cost the J'/ASt India Company 200,0001. and m as at tlie same lime so unhealthy, that, in the year 1705, the governor, three civil servants, and 41 sla\es, died. Ihe founda- tions of 1 ort MarliiOiougii were laid in 1714; but, in 1719, the settlers were expeiied by ihe natives, who, glowing alarmed lest the Dutch should take advantage of the ab- sence of the English, soon after per- mitted them to resettle, and com- plete the foit. From this time the Company's af- fairs on tliis coast rentained in a slate of ti-anquillity until 17G0, when t])e French, under Compte d'Es- taigu, destroyed all the English set- tlements on the coast of Sumatra; but tliey were so«u re-established, 1 2 and possession secured by the treaty of Paris in 1763. Fort Marlborough, which had hitherto been a subordi- nate of Fort George, or Madras, was then foimed into an independ- ent presidency. The expenses of the government of Bencoolen having increased very much, exceeding the revenue 90,0001. per annum, and the settlement hav- ing become of little importance as a commercial establishment, sincepep- per, the only produce of the adja- cent country, could be more advan- tageously suijplied from Prince of V> ales Island and Malabar, it was not judged expedient to keep up the establishment as a principal govern- ment. In Aug. 1801, accordingly, the directors ordered it to be reduc- ed to a residency, under the manage- ment of a resident and lour assist- ants, subject to the innnediate di- rection of tiie government of Bengal. The ci\il servants, rendered super numeraries by this anangcment, were transferred to Madras. There is now only one solitary cargo of jiepper of the value of 15,0001. sent annually from Ben- coolen, which is all its commerce with England. In 1810 the woollon goods exported by the East India Company to Bencoolen, were valued only at427GI. in IslO, the Company's property at this place in buildings and forti- tications was Valued at - - - - £243,640 Plate, turniture, planta- tions, hums, vessels, and stores - - - 74,544 £318,184 Provisions and refreshments of all sorts arc scarce and expensive at Bencoolen, and the trade insignili- cant. 'I'lie principal imports are opium, piece goods, and griiin; and the elsief exports pepper, and other sj)ices, and bullion. (Marsden, Mac- p/ierso)!, IJrure, ^a'c.) Benecr, ( liarJier). — A small dis- trict in the province of Cabul, ejc^ 116 BENGAL. tending alons^ the west side of tlie Indus, and silnatcd about the 34th degree of nortli latitude, rioni the geographical position it appears to be tiie district doscrihed by Abul Jsazel under the name of Beinbher, viz. " TJic length of Bembher is 10, and the breadth 12 coss. On the east lies Puckcly, on the north Ki- nore and Casligur, on the south At- tock Benares, and Seivard is the western extremity, 'i'here are two roads horn it to liindostan ; one by the heights of Surkhaby, and the other by the iMoIundery IJills. Nei- ther of these roads are good, but tJic first is most diflieult to pass." In modern times Bcneer has been estimated at 40 miles in length, and nearly the same in breadth ; but, like the other regions of this part of Asia, its extent is not accurately known. ( Ahul Fazcl, Lcyden, Sfc) BENGAL, (Banga/a). A large province in liindostan, .situated between the 21st and •27th degree of north latitude. To the north it is bounded by the dominions of Ncpaul and Bootan ; to the south by the Bay of Bengal ; on the east it has Assam and the Ava territories; and on the west the province of Ba- har. In length (including INlidna^ poor) it may be estiniuted at .350 miles, by ."JOO miles the axcrage bread(h. By Abul I'azel, in 1582, it is described as follows : " 'i'he soubah of Bengal is situat- ed in the second climate. From Chittagong to Kurliee is 400 coss clifiercnce of longitude, and tiom the northern range of tnouiitains to the southern extremity of Sircar IMada- ruii (Biilihoom) comprehends 200 coss of latitude. When Orissii was added to Bengal, the additional length was com])uted to be 43 coss, and the breadth 20 coss. Bengal was originally called Bung. Ilie soubah of Bengal consists of 24 sir- cars, and 787 mahals. The revenue is 1,49,61,482 sicca rupees, and ilre zemindars (who are mostly koits) fnrnish 23,330 cavalry, 801,158 in- fantry, 170 elephants, 4260 cannon, and 4400 boats." When Abal Fazel compiled the Institutes of Aeber, the govermnent of Bengal extended to (Uittack, and along the Mahanuddy Biver, Orissa not being then formed into a distiiut soubah, whieh ap)>e«rs from the ar- rangement of the 24 sircars, viz. " 1. Ondumldicr, or Tandeii ; 2. Jcnnetabad; 3. Futtehabad;4. iMah- moodabad ; 5. Khalifelabad ; 6. Bo- kla; 7. Purneah ; 8. Taujepoor; 9. Ghoraghaut ; 10. Pinjerah ; 1 1. Bar- buckabad; 12. Bazooha; 13. Soo- nargoiig ; 14. Silhet ; 15. Chatgong ; 16. Shereetiibad ; 17. Solimabail ; 18. Siitgoiig ; 19. Madamn ; 20. Jellasir ; 21. Buddruek; 22. Cuttck ; 2;3. Kul- langdunp'aut; 24. Biije Mahindra. The five last are in Orissa." The natural situation of Bengalis singularly happy with respect to se- curity from tlie attack of foreign enemies. Along the whole northern frontier from Assam westwards, there runs a belt of low land from 10 to 20 miles in breadth, covered with the most exuberant vegetation, particu- larly of a rank weed, named in Ben- gal the augeah grass, which grows to the height of 30 feet, and is as thick as the wrist, and mixed with these are tall forest trees. Beyond this belt rise the mountains of North- ern Hiudostan, containing a thinly- siattered »nd unwarlikc population. On the south of Bengal is a sea coast guarded by shaliows and im- penetrable woods, ^\ilu only one port, and that of extremely difficult access. It is on the west only that any enemy is to be apprehended, anil there the natural iiontier is strong, and the adjaecnt countries sterile and thinly peo|;kd. The Gan- ges inter.sects Bengal in a soutii- easterly direction, and separates it into two teiritorial di^is!ons nearly eindatcd, the progress is more rapid, because the snp( rincumbent water, having dis- solved clay, deposits it in the pro- gress of evaporation. Running wa- ter deiHisits sand, and keeps the (•lay, calcareous matter, and other ferliiizing substances, susprnded. If the variable |>roi)ortions of clay and sand, and t!ic « ircnnislancc of frc- qn<'nt alterations in the cliannelsof rivers, be considered, gn at inequa- lity of soil may be expe( ted, though it be composed of few substances. In the tract subject to annual in- undation, insulated habitations, and BENGAL. 119 fields considerably raised above the level of the romitry, exliibit the ef- fects of j)nliei)t indu.-stiv. In the sauiefrart, during the scusdn of rain, a scene presents itself, inleresling* by its novelty ; a navigation over tields submerged to a (-onsiderable ileptli, A\in!c the ears of lire float on tlic surface. .Stupendous dikes, not altog-ether pieveuUnf!: inundalion, but eheclxing its excesses. 'l"he pea- t;ants repairing to the markets, and even to the fields, on einI>arkalions, accompanied by tiieir faniihes and domestic animals, from an appre- hension that the water might rise .suddenly, and drown their childrcMi juid eattie, in the absence of tlieir boats. AV lieu the peasant's habita- tion is passed, and the; height oli- served of the flood, nearly to the level of the artificial mound on which bis dwelling stands, his ]>recautiou does not apjjear supeifluous. The assemblage of peasants in their villages, their small farms, and the w ant of enclosures, bar all great improvements in husbandry; in a country, however, so infested by tigers and gang robbers (dacoits) or river pirates, solitary dweUings, and unattended eattie, would be in- secure. 7\noihcr obstacle to im- provement is the mixture of trades ; the peasants indifl'e.rently quitting the plough to use the loom, and the loom to resume the plough. In Bengal and Eahar only one- 4hird of the land is estimated to be tilled, but this is exclusive of lays or fallows. In England there are ibur acres of arable and meadow land for every inhahitant ; in EcngaJ little more than one acre of lilied ground for e\cry inhabitant. The natural seasons ol' rice are ascc^r- tainod from tiie prepress of the wild plant. It sows itself in the first .month of the >\ inter, and vegetates with t'iie early moisture at the ap- proach of the rains. During the period of the rains it ripens, aud drops its scod with the eouimeuee- >Bient of winter. . I'lie common husbandry sow s the rice at the season when it should na- turally vegetate, to gather a crop in the rains; it also withhohis seed un- til the second month of thnt seastm, and reajjs the hardest in the begin- ning of V. inter. 'J'he rice of this last crop is esteemed tlie best, not heing equally liable « ith the other to decay. The several seasons of cultivation, added to the influence of soil and ehuiate,havc multiplied the diirei ent species of rice to an endless di\ e; ity. Otiier corn is more liiniled in its varieties and in its seasons. Of wheat and barley few sorts are dis- tinguished ; they are all sown at the commencement of the cold season, and rea])ed in the spring. A gicat variety of different sorts of pulse, (such as pease, chiches, pigeon pease, kidtn y beans, ^.<•.j finds its place also in the occunatiroduce of poor soils in hill\ ee(iuentiy, \ery ge- nerally cultivi'.ted in the more wesl- ein provinces, which are of an irre- gular surface. 'i lie universal an'itl^ BENGAL. 121 the means, appears impraciiraLle. — The plough is amon-^ the inslnunents that stand most in need of improvc- jncnt. The readiness A\ith which the Indian can turn from liis nsiuil occupation to another braiidi of the same act, or to a new profession, is characteristic of liis coiuitry, and the success of his earliest efl\)rls, in an employment new to him, is daily re- marked with surprise. Tlie want of capital in manufac- tures and a!;ricnUure prevents the subdivision of labour. Every niaun- facturer and every artist working, on his own account, conducts the whole process of his art from the formation of his tools to the sale of his production. Every labourer and artisan? who has freipiently occasion to recur to the lahours of the field, becomes a husbandman. In Bengal, where the revenue of the state has had tlie form of land rent, the management of the public finances has a more immediate influ- ence on agriculture, than any other bran'^h of the administration. It may be presumed, however, the lands in Bengal are better cultivated and rendered more productive, as not- withstanding the increased export of grain, (from ;30 to 45,000 tons annu- ally), and the large tracts of country required for tlie growth of sugar, in- digo, and other articles exported by sea, the price of rice, and every other kind of food used by the natives, so far from being enhanced, was consi- derably lower on the average of the 10 years, from 1790 to ISOO, than during any preceding period since the acquisition of the province ; nor has Bengal suflercd a famine of any severity since the year 1770, which is more than can be said for any other part of India. The orchard in this province is what chietly contributes to attach the peasajit to his native soil. He feels a superstitious veneration for the trees planted by his ancestors, and derives comfort anil i)rofit fi'om their fruit. Orchards of mango trees 4iversity the pl^ia in every part of Bengal; the palmira abounds in Ba- har. 'J'he cocoa nut thrives in Ihose parts of Bengal whicli are not re mote from the tropic. The dale tree grows every where, but especially in Bahar. Plantations of areca are common in the cenliical parts of Bengal. The bassia thiives even on the poorest soils, and abounds in Ilni hilly districts. Its inflated enrols arc esculent and nutritions, and yield, by distillation, an intoxicating spirit. The oil expressed from its seeds is, in mountainous districts, a common substitute for butter. — Clumps of bamboos abound and flou- rish as long as they are nottoo abrupt- ly thimied. This plant is remarkal)le tor the rapidity of its growth. Its greatest height is completed in a single year; and, during the second, its wood acquires all the hardness and elasticity which render ii ^o usc- fid. They supply the peasant with materials for building, and may also yield him profit, as it is probable a single acre of thriving bamboos i)ro- duces more wood than ten of any other tree. Potatoes have been introduced into Bengal, and apparently with tiie most beneficial eil'ect. The quan- tity procured by Europeans, at al- most every season of the year, shews they are not unsuited to the climate. The small potatoe is little, if at all inferior in quality to that of England ; but the crop being less ai)undant. this arti(!le in the market is gene- rally dearer than rice. Tlie watery insipidity of tropical plants is a cir- cumstance universally noticed by Europeans on their aiTival in the East Indies. Asparagus,eanliflower, and other esculent plants, are raised, but they are, comparatively, tasto- less. A cultivator in Bengal, who em- ploys servants, entertains one for every plough, and pays him monthly wages, which, in an average, do not exceed one rupee permoirfh: in a very cheap district the wages are so low as half a rupee ; but the task on the medium of one-third of an aero 192 BENGAIv* per day is coniplei^'d b* noon. The t'&iile ai'c th<:^ii left cc. 'I'he callie eni]jloyed in hus- bandry are of the smallest kind ; the cost, on an avciage, being not moie than fi\c rupet s each. The price of labour may be com])uted from the usual hire of a plough with its yoke of oxen, which maybe stated on the medium to be aljout 4d. per day. — The (leaning of Ibe rice is exe- cuted witii u wooden pestle and mortar, the allowance for luisking it being nearly uniform; the person perfonning tins contracting to deli- ver back live-eighths of the weight in clean rice — the surpltjs, ^viti^ the chailorbran, j)a5ing for the labour. Five quarters uf rire per acre arc reckoned a large produce, and a re- turn of 15 for one on the seed. As a middle course of husbandry, two yearly harvests may be assumed from each field ; one of \\ bite corn, and another of pulse, oil seed, or millet. Tlie price of com in Bengal fluctuates much more than in Europe, and has a considerable inlluence on the %alue of most other articles, though it camiot regiilate the price of all. ^Yhcn the crops of corn haj>- pen to be very al)i:nda!it, it is not only cheap, but wants a ready mar- ket; and, as the payment ahar, Bungpoor, iiirb- hooiu, Brudwaji, and Aliduapoor — is succes.sfuily cultivated in all; and there seems to be no otiior bounds to the possible ]jroduotion cf sugar ia L'cngid, than the limits of the de- mand, and the cunsequent vent for it. 'i he growth ibr home consump- tion and lor inland trade is vast, and 4 124 BENGAL. it onl^' needs rnronras^cment lo equal tlie (innaiul for Europe also. It is elioaply produced, and frugally nia- imlaetiHcd. Raw svipar, prepared in a niogriculturc, or fiH up Ihe intervals of their employments as fishermen, and occasionally aiiginent the hands of dacoits or river pirates. Ill the land carriage, tlie owners of cattle arc also the principal traf- fickers, oi'tener purchasing at one market to sell at anotiier, than let- ting their cattle to resident mer- chants. 7'hey transport the iner- c'aaiidize njion oxen trained to hur- then, somcstimcs hnt not frequently, upon horses of the tattoo breed and still more r;neiy on biiifaloes. The latter, although more docile, are more sluggish and slower travelieis than the ox ; and do not bear a much greater burthen, although much larger in size. Tliey are also too fond of lying down in the water, which they have so often occa- siuu to wade through, with their loads. The higfiways tln-oughout Bengal are not generally in a condition for distant journeys on wheel carnages. At a former period the communica- tion was better assisted. A magjii- ficerit road from tlie banks of the Goggrah or Dcwah to the Firahma- pootra, formed a safe and conve- nient comnnaiication at all sea- sons, in a length of 400 miles, through countries subject to annual inundation. Of the causeways and avenues which formed the road some remains may yet be traced. At pre- sent, the beaten path tlnoughout Uengal directs the tiaveller, but no artifii'lal road, or any other accom- modation; and, in the rainy season, his progress by land is altogether baired. The total decay of the pub- lic roads must be ascribed to the want of substantial and durable ma- terials for th<.Jr construction. The llengal government lia\c complet- ed a road from Calcutta to Ee- iiares, which was principally done with a view to tlie expediting of Biilitaiy luoveiiicnts ; but has, at the same time, proved a very genehA convenience. I'he exportation of grain from corn districts, and the returns of salt, constitute the principal object of in- ternal trade. The importation of cotton from the western provinces, and the exchange of tobacco for betel nut, together with some sugar, and a few articles of less note, com- plete the supply of iiiterr.al con- sumption. Piece goods, silk, salt- petre, opium, sugar, and indigo, formerly pasi5ed almost wholly through the Company's hands; but now all sorts of traffic are nuich more open, and practised generally by every description ofmerchant. Grain, the internal commerce of which is entirely conducted by the natives themselves, supplies the consump- tion of the cities, and the export trade of Bengal. Except in cities, the bulk of the j)eople is every where subsisted from tlie produce of their immediate neighbourhood. I'lain muslins, distinguished by their various names, according to th« fineness or closeness of the texture, as well as flowered, striped, or check- ered nmslins, denominated from tlieir patterns, are fabricated chiefly in the province of Dacca. The ma- nufacture of the thinnest sort of fine muslins is ahrost confined to that pro\iiice: other kinds, more closely wove, are fa])ricated on the western side of the Delta of the Ganges; and a diiferer.t sort, distingi'.ished by a more rigid texture, does not seem to be limited to an\ particular dis- tricts. Coarse muslins, in the shape of turbans, handkerchiefs, &c, are made almost in every province ; and the northern parts of Benares alibrd both plain and flowered muslins, which arc not ill adapted for coni- moji uses, though incapable of sus- taining any competition with the beawtiful and inimitable fabrics of Dacca. Under the general name of cali- coes are included varioiis sorts of clotii, to which jio English names have bccu yet idSxcd;and arc, fur tli« BENGAL. I2t most part, known in Europe ])y the chintzes; •which appears to be an Indian dcnomitiations. Cossaes origiiiai art in India, invented long (khasahs) are fabritutod in that part since, and broiigiit to a perfection of Bengal which is sitnated north of not yet surpassed in Europe. Dinii- Ganges; hotween the Aiahanuddy ties, of various kinds, and damask and Isainutty rivers, from Vlanlda to linen, arc ner.v made at Dacca, Berbazic. Clotlis, siuiilar in quality, Patna, Tauuda, and other places, and bearing the same name, are The neighi»uurhood of Moorshe- inade near Taiida in the Nabob of dabad, is the chief scat of the nianu- Ondc's dominions. Baftasare nianu- facture of wove silk and tafcta, both facturcd iu the south-east corner of plain ajid flowered. 'I'issucs, bro- Bengal, near Luckiporc ; and again, cades, and ornamented gauzes, are on the Avestern frontier of B iiares, the manufacture of Benares. Plain in the neighbourhood of Ailaliabad, aud also in the province of Bahar, and some other districts. Sanaes are the cliicf fabric of Orissa; some are made in tiie district of Midna- poor; some are imported lioin the conliguons countries. A similar cloth, .under the same denoniinati(m, is wrought in the eastern parts of the province of Benares. Gurraes arc the nnuiu facture of Birbhoom; still coarser cloths, na)ned gezis aud gc- zinas, arc wove in every district, l)ut especially in the Doab of the Ganges asid Jumna. Other sorts of cloth, the names of which are less familiar to the English reader, are found in various distiicts. Packtiuead is wove into sack- gauzes, adapted to, the u.ses of the country, are wove in the western and soutliciu corner of Bengal. 'I'lje weaving of mixed goods, made with silk and cotton, flourishes chiefly at Maulda, at Boglipoor, and at some towus.ia the district of Burdwan. x\ considerable (piantity oi'lilature silk is exported to the western parts of India ; and much is sold at Miraa- jjoor, aud passes thence to the Mn- haratta dominions, and the centrical parts of Hindostan., 'I'he tisser, or wild silk, is procured in abundance from comitries border- ing on Bengal, and !rom some dis- tricts included \a ithin its limit.s'. The wild silk-'.vorms are there tbund in several sorts of trees, which are com- cloth iu many places, and especially mon iu the forests of Silliet, Assam, on the northern frontier of J5engal Proj)er, where it is cjnjiloyed as clothing by liie nioutaineers, A sort tof canvas is made liom cotton in the iK'ighbourliood ai'( 'hittagong, Patna, ^nd some other places ; aiid blankets and t^ie JJeccan. llie cones ar« large, but spaiingly covered with silk; and, in colour aud lustre, this species of siik is far inferior to that of the domesticated insect. Its cheapness renders it useful, in the hrc made every v, here for common fabrication of coarse silks. Thepro- iise. A coarse cotton cloth, dyed duction of it may be increased by eii- red, with cheap materials, is very couragcment, and a very large qnan- gcnerally used, aud is chiefly manu- tity may Be exported in the raw state, tactured iu the centre c^f the Doab. at a moderate expense. It might be Other sorts, died ol' various < olours, used in Europe for tiie preparation but especially blue, are prepared for of silk gi)ods, and mixed with wool inland conunerce, aiid exportation and cotton, might Ibrm, as it now by .sea. Both fine and coar.se call- does in India, a beautiful and ae- coes receive a topical dying with ceptable manulkcture. 'I'he manu- permanent and witii fugitive colours, facture of saltpetre scarcely pas.s<'.s for conmion use, as \\v\[ as fm- ex- tlie eastern limits of the Bahar pro- portatiou. The ijrovinco of Benares, vince, under which head it Avill be tiie city of Patua, and tiie ncigli- found described, bourhood of Calculla, are the prin- The export of hides from Bengal ♦•ipal scats of this niauuiucture of might be greatly increased. It is 128 Uengal. calculated that, inchiding Luflaloos, these provinces contain at)Ove 50 inillious of cattle. Until reeontly tlio demand was so smaH, that the rairier often neglected to fake the hide oil the cattle that died a natural death. About 1797, some Eino- peans engaged in the tanning of lea- ther, and manufacture of boots and shoes; which, although not so strong or water-proof as the British, answer so well, that they have greatly re- duced the importation. The natives have also arrived at considerable per- fection in the fabrication of saddles, harness, military accoutrements, and other articles of leather. Buflalocs horns might also become an article of export, although so bulky and dif- ficult of stowage. An excellent .species of canvas is now manu- factured in Calcutia, and sold nuich cheaper than that imported from Europe. Should freight ever be reduced to Ihe lowest price at which it can be aflbrded, cornmightbe exported from Bengal to Europe, Rice, barley, and wheat, may be shipped in Cal- cutta, fol- nearly the same price ; namely, two and a half rupees per hag, containing two maunds, or from 3s. 4d. to 3s. 6d. per cwt. Rum might be exported from Bengal, at from Is. 6d. to Is. yd. per gallon; the quality is as yet inferior to the Ja- maica rum, but might be improved to equal it. Liquorice and ginger are produced in Bengal, and might be exported to any extent. it is extremely probable that an- notto, madder, coii'ee, cocoa, cochi- neal, and even tea, would thrive in British India, which now^ compre- hends every variety of tropical cli- mate. The plant from the seeds of which annotto is prepared, by se- parating the colouring matter which adheres to theui, is already cultivat- ed in Bengal, and coft'ce plants have thriven in botanical and private gar- dens. Madder is a native of the mountainous regions which border .on Bengal, and this province pos- ses.ses, besides many ailicles which miirht be brought info notice fcy si more extended commerce. Various dnigs used in djing are exported to England, such as galls„ turmeric, saiBower, or carthamus; also myrobalans, which are here used in preference to galls. Roots of mo- rinda, w hich dye a permanent colour on cotton, and blossoms of the nyc- tanclics, which give a permanent colour to silk. Glim arabic, and many other sorts of gums and resins for manufactures, arc fhe produce of frees that grow spontaneously in Bengal, besides a mulfitude of medicinal gums and drugs which abound in India and the adjacent countries. Vegetable oils, particularly hnsecd, might be supplied from these provinces, which are also adapted for the cultivation of flax, lineal, brought from the high table land of Tibet, is among the imports to Bengal; and vege- table and mineral alkalies may here- after become a considerable object of commerce. The fossil alkali is found in abundance, and the woods of Bengal arc capable of furnishing potash in large quantities. The pre- paration of sal anmioniac might be advantageously connected with the manufacture of saltpetre. Besides the articles already men- tioned, ^\ hich have a reference prin- cipally to Bengal, India furnishes aloe^', assafoetida, benzoin, camphor, cardamums, cassia lignea, and cas- sia buds, arraugoes, couries, china, root, cinnabar, cloves, cinnamon, nutmcgr., mace, elephants' teeth, gums of various sorts, mother of pearl, pepper, (quicksilver and rhu- barb from China), sago, scammony, senna, and saffron ; and might sup- ply anise, coriander, a)id cumin seeds, and many other objects which would occujjy too much room to enumerate. Of hemp and flax, with all their varieties, and also of the different substitutes for these articles, Bengal possesses greater abundance than any other countiy. The true hemp is fotuidin many places, but is little Used by the natives, except for the BENGAL. 129 ft'-od oii, for medicine, aiid for an Manilla, indigo of a verj' fine qna- jntoxicatingingrtdicnt which is often lify, sugar, sapan wood, and specie, mixed with the tobacco of the Hoo- From the i\Ialabar const are im- kali. ported sandal wood, coir rope, pep- Forniprly the exports to Europe, per, sonic cardnnioius, and occa- and to the United States of Amciica, sionally cargoes of cotton wool ; the constituted the most considerable balance is general sunk in tlie an- portion of Bengal coninienie. nual supplies with which Piengal The principal articles of export to furnislics Bombay. From Pegnie are ]VIadras and the Coast of Coroman- brought teak timber, elephants' del are grain, pulse, sugar, sahj)elre, teeth, lac, Sec. ]'or a more detailed molasses, ginger, long pepper, cla- statement of the external commerce rilicd butter, oil, silk, wrought and unwrouglit, muslins, spirits, and pro- visions. After the Coromondcl trade, tJie next in importance is tliat of the of Pengal see the article Calcutta. The inhabitants of Bengal are cer- tainly numerous in proportion to the tillage and manufactures that em- ploys their industry. In 1789, the eastward and China, to which (piar- inhabitants of Bengal and Bahar ters the exports, besides opium, con- were estimated at 22 millions,, and sist of grain, saltj)etrc, gunjjowder, Sir ^\ illiam Jones reckoned them at i'on (ire arms, cotton, silk, and cot- 24 millions. In 1793, Mr. Cole- ti)n piece goods. I'he tiade to Bom- brooke was decidedly of opinion, bay is next, consisting cliiefly of alter mature consideration, that, in- grain, sugar, raw silk, some silk and eluding Benares, they could not be cotton piece goods, saltpetre, ginger, estimated at less than 27 millionSj long pepper, sacking, and liempen roj)es, 'l"o t]ie Gulfs of Arabia and Persia Bengal sends grain, .er, tin, wax. danimcr, brimstone, gold dust, specie, betel nut, spices, rect; and we may estimate the total population of Bengal, Bahar, and Benares, not to exceed 30 millions, nor to fall short of 28 millions of in- habitants. Under the Britisli government tlie population of Bengal has undergone a progressive increase, which still continues, and surpasses that of England in the cultivated districts. It has occasionally, however, met benzoin, ike. From China tutenague, with cheeks, as happened in 1770, sugar-candy, tea, allum, dammer, when it is supposed, on a moderate {lorcclain, lacquered ware, and a va- coinpiifation, that a l\f^i of the in- riety of niatluraetmcj goods. From habitants perished by famine: in K 130 BENGAL. 1784 the snme calamity prevailed, but ui a much less degree ; in 1787 many lives were lost in the eastern provinces by inundation, and in 1788 by a partial scarcity ; but since this last period famine and scarcity ha\ e been wholly unknown. In 1793, it was reckoned that 4,000,000 niaunds of salt, equal to 320,000,000 pounds of salt, were consumed in Bengal and Bahar, exclusive of Benares. In 1793 the estimated produce of the lands in maunds of 80Ibs. each was as iollows, but the value aflixed appears too high. Rupees. 150,000,000 maunds of rice, wheat, and bar- ley, at 12 annas - 112,500,030 60,000,000 of n;illet, &c. at 8 annas - - - 30,000,000 90,000,000 of pulse, at 10 annas - - - 56,250,000 43,000,000 maunds of seed, reserved for the following season - 28,380,000 Oil seeds - - - 12,000,000 Sugar, tobacco, cotton, &c. 70,000.000 Sundries - - - - 20,00d,000 Gross produce of land 329,130,000 fi-om the observations on the reve- nues of Bengal by the late James Grant, Esq. that the assessment was limited not to exceed in the whole n, fourth part of the actxjal gioss pro- duce of the soil. In early times the demands of the Hindoo sovereigns were more moderate. The INIahab- harat states, that the prince was to levy a fiftieth of tlie*i>roduce of the mines, and a tenth of corn. Menu, and other legislators, authorize the sovereign to exact a tenth, an eighth. or a twelfth part of grain, according to circumstances, and a sixth of the clear annual produce of trees. Witii respect to the much disputed nature of landed properly in Ben- gal, in one point of view, the ze- mindars, as descendants of the an- cient independent rajahs, seem to have been tributaiy princes. In an- other light they appeared only to be officers of government. Probably their real character jiarlook of both- This, however, must bo ob\iously restricted to rajahs who jjossessed great zemindarics. Numerous land- holders subordinate to these, as well ^tis others independent of them, can- not evidently be traced to a similar In the revenue system of Bengal the rjot, or CTiltivator, is described as a tenant paving rent, and his su- perior as a landlord or landholder ; but, strictly speaking, his payment heretofore was a contribution to the state, levied by officers named ze- mindars, standing between him and government. In the rule for divid- ing the crop, whether under special engagements, or by custom, their proportions are known, *iz. Half to tlie landlord and half to the tenant. One-third to the landlord and two- Uiirds to the tenant. Two-fifths to the landlord and three-tifths to the tenant. 'J'he standard for the regulation of rates has been lost, but we learn The zemindars are now acknow- ledged for various reasons, and from considerations of expediency which decided tlic question, as proprietors of the soil. Yet it has been ad- mifted, iiom very high authority, that anciently the sovereign was the superior of the soil, that tJie zemin- dars Mere oHlcers of revenue, just- ice, and police, and that their office was licquently, but not necessarily, hereditary. To collect and assess the contribu ions, regulated as they were by local customs, or particular agree- ments, but A ai-)ing at the same time ■v\ ith the necessities of the state, was the business of the zemindar, as a l)ernianent, if not as a hereditary ollicer. I'or the due execution of his charge, he was checked by per- manent and hereditai-j' ofliccrs oS re- cord and account. The saycr revenue of the nature 3 BENGAL. 131 of land rent, consists of ground rent expenses of collection at 40 per tor tlie site of houses and gardens, cent. revenue drawn fioni fruit tiees, pas- In 1793 the territorial revenue, tures and malh, and rent of fisheries, which had before fluctuated, was Other articles of sayer collected permanently and iirevocably fixed, within the village have been abo- during the administration of Lord lished ; such, for example, as market Cornvvallis, at a certain valuation of tolls and personal taxes. Ground the property, moderately assessed ; rents were not usually levied from but this permanent settlement has ryots eng:aged in husbandry. not yet been introduced into the ter- A poll tax, called jaziyeh, was ritories obtained by cession from the imposed by the Kalif Omar on all NabobofOude, or by conquest from persons not of the JNIahommedan the Maharattas. The mighty mass faith. The Musselmaun conquerors of papers which the agitation of this of Hiiidostan imposed it on the Hin- question introduced among the Com* doos as infidels, but it was abolished pany's records, proves the ability, by the Em|)eror Acber. At a sub- labour, and anxiety, with which it sequent period Aureng-zebe attempt- was discussed, cd to revive it, but without success. The following are the pai-ticulars Free lands are distinguished ac- of the revenue and disbursements of cording to their appropriations, for the Bengal presidency in 1809. Brahmins, bai-ds, encomiasts, asce- tics, priests, and mendicants, or for revenues. a provision for several pubUe officers. Mint ------- ^10,819 'J'he greatest part of the present fiee Post office ----- 34,800 lands of Bengal hroper, were origi- Oude and ceded provinces 1,694,131 Jially granted in small portions of Land ------ 3,851,128 waste ground. The more extensive Judicial ------ 104,831 tracts of free land are managed in Customs ----- 6i(j,.509 the same mode as estates assessed Salt ------- 1,815,822 for revenue. Opium ------ 594,978 Prior to 1790 half the revenues of Stamps -----.. 81,633 Bengal were paid by six large ze- Conquered provinces - -1,111,807 mindaries, viz. Raujeshy, Burdwan, . Dinagepoor,Nuddea, Birbhoom,and Total revenues ^9,816,458 Calcutta. .; In Bengal the class of needy pro- CHARGES, prictors of land is very numeious, Mint ------- 33,955 but even the greatest landlords are Post office ----- 31,690 not in a situation to allow that in- Oude and ceded provinces 409,320 dulgenec and aeconnnodation to the Civil charges in general - 600,906 tenants, Avhich might be expected on Supreme court and law - 46,400 viewing the extent of their income. Adawlets (courts ofjustice) 646,567 Besponsible to government for a tax Militaiy ------ 2,990,673 originally calculated at ten-elevenths Marine ------ 75^082 of the expected rents of their estates, Buildings and fortifications 34,800 they have no probable surplus above Revenue ------ 524,086 tlieir expenditure to compensate for Customs ------ 70,760 their risk. Any accident, any cala- Salt advances and charges 406,000 niity, may involve a zemindar in Opium ditto - w - - - 100,920 difficulties from which no economy Stamps ------ 10,642 or attention can retrieve him. About Conquered provinces - -596,285 1790 the gross rent paid to the land- Interest of debt - - - 1,421,938 holders in Bengal was estimated at neaily six crores of ruf>ees, and the Total charges 7,898.^34 K ? 132 PENGAL. Tn 1809 the debt owinp; liy ihe Irihe are inchidcd not only the trnr East India Company, at ti)is prtsi- Sudras, Init also llic SLveral castes. 20,286,644 dency, Amonnted to The amount of assets, debts, &c. bclongfhio; to the Company at tlic same period was - 8,518,131 whose origin is asciilied lo tlie pro- miscnous intercourse ot" tlie tour classes. In practice Utile astentioii is paid to the liuiitalionsot'the castes, daily observation shews e%en Erah- mins exercising the menial profes- sion ot" a siidra. Every caste forms Excess of delil above itself into clubs and lodges, consist- the assets - ^'ll,768,ol5 ing of sevcraliudividualsoi'lhal caste residing within a small ject to the pre- storcs, &c. - - - - 1,496,114 sidency, there are in the ci\il and criminal departments, ^£6,990,468 One supremo court stationed at Cakutta. Six courts of appeal and circuit attached to six ditfercnt divisions. I'orty inferior courts, or rather magistrates, stationed in so many dilierent districts and cities, viz. Asira Among the native popidation in the eastern districts of Bengal . the Mahommedans are almost equally numerous with the Hindoos; in the middle part they do not constitute a fourth part.of the pojmlalion, to the westward the disproportion is still Ailahal)ad greater. As an average of the whole, Alyghur the jMalionnnedaus may be com- puted at onc-tcnth of the jiopula- tion. Of the four great classes, the aggregate of the IJramin, Khetri, and \aisja, may auiount. at the most, to a iifth jiart of the total popidation. Commerce and.agiieulture arc uni- versally i)crmiitcd to all classes, and under the general designation of ser- vants to the other three tribes, the t^udras seem to be aUovved to pro- secute any manufacture. In thi* Dacca Jelalpoor Denagepo' and engi- neers; and the total number of these troops, with their officers, exceeds 4000. The officers rise by seniority. It has become usual for tiie British government at home to send to In- dia a certain number of regiments from the army of his ma,jesty, which are for the time placed at the dis- posal of the Company, and co-operate with the army immediately subject to that body. About 22,000 king's, troops are now usually stationed in India, at the entire expense of the Company. The commander-iti-chief in both king's and Company's Ibrcesis usually the same j)er.«o)i, nominated both by the king and by tiie Conit pany to the command of their re- spective armies, and acting by virtue of a commission tiom each. In 1811, the total number of kirig's troops in India was 21,488; the ex- pense 1,154,6951. per annum; and the Company's Bengal army, of all descriptions of regulars, was 58,690 men. The annual appointment of cadets? for tiie three presidencies may be averaged at 120 for the military, and 10 for the marine service, annually. In 1811, the number of oll;cers in the Company's service, on the Ben- gal establishment, was 1571; the pay and allowances amounted to 872,0881. per annum. 1 he number of resident Europeans out of tlie ser- vice, in the pi ovinces under the Jien- gal presidency, Calcutta included, in 1810, were computed at 2000. I'he districts into winch, in modern times, the province of Bengal has been subdivided, are Backergunge, Birbhoom, Burdwau, Chittagong, Hooghly, Jessore, Mymunsingh, Moorshedabad, Nuddt-a, Purneab, Baujeshy, Rungpoor, bilhet, Tip- perah, the 24 pergunuahs, and to wliich, from its long comi«xion, BENGAL. 135 must be added Midnapoor, although it properly beloni^K to OrisKa. \\ ithiii these limits arc coniprc- Jionded throe very large cities: Cal- cutta, Moorshedabad, and Dacca; and many prosperous inland trading towns, of from 10 to 20,000 inhabit- ants, such as Hoogiilj, Boguangola, harraiugiinge, Cossimbazar, Nud- dea, Maulda, Mungulhaut, &c. I'he small villages, of from 100 to 500 in- habitants, are beyond number, and in some parts of the country seem to touch each other as in China. While passing them by the inland na\iga- tion, it is pleasing to view ti)e cheer- ful bustle and crowded population by laud and water; men, old w omen, children, birds, and beasts, all mixed and intimate, evincing a sense of se- curity and appearance of happiness, seen in no part of India beyond the Company's territories. Nor have the natives of Bengal any real evils to complain of, except such as ori- ginate from their own litigious dis- positions, and from the occasional predatory visits of gang-robbers. To secure them from the last, the exer- tions of government, and of their sei-vants in the magistracy, have been most stri nuous ; neither pains nor expense have been spared: but, it must be confessed, hitherto without tlic desired success, and partly owing to the want of energy in the natives themselves. AVith respect to the first, the Bengalese are, from some cliaiacteristic peculiarity, particu- larly prone to legal disputation ; and, politically pacific, seem socially and domestically martial. Among them wai"s seenv tiittered down into law, and the ferocious passions dwaifed down to the bickering and suarhng of the hut and village. In this province there are many female zemindars, generally subser- vient to, and under the management of, the family Brahmin, who con- houls their txjiisciences. This pcr- .son has his own private interests to attend to, and witliout appearing, exerts an influence over the pubUc business. The ostensible managing agent submits to the contix>ul of a concealed authority, which he nuxst conciliate ; and the interests of the state and zemindar equally bend to it. A Brahmin in Bengal not only obtains a lease of land on better terms, but has exemptions from va- rious impositions and extortions to w Inch the in erior classes are ex- posed. Beyond Brngal the natives of the northern mountains pro\e, by their features, a Tartar origin. They people the northern boundary of Bengal. On the eastern hills, and in the adjacent plains, the peculiar features of the inhabitants shew with equal certainty a distinct origin; and the cle\ atcd tract ^\ hich Bengal includes on the west, is peopled from a stock obviously distinct, or rather by se- veral races of mountaineers, the pro- bable aborigines of the coimtry. The latter are most evidently distinguish- ed by their religion, character, lan- guage, and manners, as well as by their features, from the Hindoo na- tion. Under various denominations they people the vast mountainous tract which occupies the centre of India, and some tribes of them have not yet emerged from the savage state. In the mixed population of the middle districts, the Hindoos may be easily distinguished from the Ma- honnncdans. Among the latter may be discriminated the Mogul, the Afghan, and their immediate de- scendants, from the naturalized Mus- selmaun. Among the Hindoos may be recognized the peculiar traits of a Bengalese, contrasted w ith those of the Hindostany. The native Ben- galese are generally stigmatized as pusillanimous and cowardly ; but it should not be forgotten, that at an early period of our military history in India, they almost entirely tbrmed several of our battahons, and distin- guished themselves as brave and active soldiers. It nuist, however, be acknowledged, that throughout Hiudostan the Bengalese name has 1.36 BENGAL. never been lield in any repute; and that Hie descendants of foreigners, settled in Ecnaal, are fond of tracing their origin to the countries of their ancestors. The men of ojjulcnce now in Bon- gal are the Hindoo merchants, hank- ers, and banyans of Calcutta, with a few at the principal provincial sta- tions. The greatest men formerly were the Maliomniedan rulei-s, whom the Biitish have superseded, and the Hindoo zemindars. These two classes are now reduced to povcrtj', and the lower classes look up to the oflicial servants and domestics of the English gentlemen. No native has any motive to distinguish himself greatly in the army, as he cannot rise higher than a soubahdar, a rank inferior to an ensign. Slavery, in its severest sense, is not known in r>engal. Throughout some districts the labours of hus- bandly is executed chiefly by bond servants. In certain other districts the ploughmen are mostly slaves of the peasants, for whom they labour, but are treated by their masters more like hereditary ser\ants, or niancipatcd hinds, tiian like pur- ciiased slaves. Though the fact must be admitted, that slaves may be found in Fcngal among the la- bourers ill husi)andry, jet in most parts none but free men are oc- cupied in the business of agricul- ture. Many tribes of Hindoos, and even some Erahmias, have no objections to the use of aiiiiiial food, beef ex- cepted. At their entertainments it is generally introduced; by some it is daily eaten ; and the institutes of their religion re(jiiire,that tlesh should be tasted even by Brahmins at so- lemn sacrifices; forbidding, however, the use of it, unless joined with the performance of such a sacrilice. Dr. Leyden was inclined to think, that anthropophagy was practised by a class of mendicants, named Agora Punt'h, in Bengal and other parts of India. Of the existence of Bengal as a separate kingdom, with the limits assigned to it at present, there is no other evidence than its distinct lan- guage and peculiar written charac- ter. At the time of the war of the Mahabharat, it constitiited three kingdoms. Afterwards it formed part of ihe empire of Magadha, or Bahar, from which, however, it was t'lismemb' red before the IMahoimne- dan invasion. The last Hindoo prince of this province was named Lacshmanyah, and held his court at Nuddea. A.D. 1203, daring the reign of Cuttub ud Deen, on the Delhi throne, Mahomraed Eukhtjar Khilijee was dispatched by that sovereign to invade Bengal, and marched with such rapidity, that he surprised and captured the capital, and expelled Rajah Lachsmaiiyah, who retired to Juggernauth, \a here he had the satisfaction of dv ing. — Tlie Moliammedan general then pro- ceeded to Gour, where he established his capital, and reared his mosques on the ruins of Hindoo temples. — According toMahommedan testimo- nies, this large province was com- pletely subdued in the course of one year. I'Vom this period Bengal was ruled bj' governors delegated by the Delhi sovereigns until 1340. when I'akhcr udDeen,havingassassinated his mas- tei", revolted, and erected an inde- pendent monarchy in Bengal. After a short reign he was defeated and put to death, and was succeeded by A. D. 1343 Ilyas Khauje. 1358 Secunder Shah ; killed in an engagement with his son, 1367 Gyasud Deen. He eradicated the eyes of his brothers. 1373 Sultan Assulateen. 1383 Shunis ud Deen ; defeated and killed in battle by 1385 Baja Cansa, who ascended the throne, and was succeeded by his son, 1392 Chietmull Jellal ud Deen, who became a convert to the Ma- hommedan religion. 1409 Ahmed Khan, who sent an em- BENGAL. 137 A. D. bassy to Shah Rokh, tlie son of'l'iiiiour. 1426 Nassh-Sluid; succocdeil by !iis son, 1457 Barbek Shah. This prince in- troduced mercenary fj^nards and forces, composed ot" negro and Abyssian slaves. 1474 Yiiseph Shah, son of the last monarch, succeeded by his uncle, 1482 Futteh Shall, murdered by his eunuchs and Abyssinian slaves; on which event one of the eunuchs seized the crown, and assumed the name of 1491 ShahZadeh; but after a reign of eig:ht months, he was assas- sinat»Ml,and t!ie vacant throne taken possession of bj' 1491 Feroze ShaliHelisiiy, an Abys- sinian slave, succeeded by his son, 1494 JVIahmeod Shah, murdered by his vizier, an Ab\ssinian, who ascended the throne ui.der the name of 1495 Mu'/iff'er Shaii, a cruel tyrant, slain in battle. 1499 Seid Hossein Shah. This prince expelled the Abyssi- nian troops, who retired to the Dcecan and Gnirat, m here they afterwards lieeame con- spicuons under the appella- tion if Siddees. He also in- vaded Camroop and Assam, but was repulsed with dis- grac{\ He was succeeded by his son, 1520 Nusserit Shah, who was as- sassinated by his eunuchs, and his son J'erose Shah placed on the Shah Jehan. 1625 Khanczad Khan. 1626 Mokurrem Khan. 1627 Fedai Khan. 1628 Cossim Khan Jobumg. 1632 Azim Ki.an. During the go- vernment of this viceroy. A. D. 1634, tlie English ob- tained permission to trade with their ships to Bengal, in conse(jueuce of a firmaua from the Emperor Shah Je- han; but were restricted to the port of Pipley, where they established their fac- tory. 1639 Sultan Shujah, the second son of Shah Jeha!!, and brotiier of Aurengzebi. lu 1642, Mr. Day, the agent, v>ho had so successfully establi.shed the settlement at Madras, proceeded on a voyage of ex- periment to Balasorc ; lioin 138 BENGAL. A. D. whence he sent tlip first re- gular dif;patch, received by 1he Court of Directors from Er-ng-ai, rfConimcndi!!g a fac- tory at Balasore. In 1656, owing to the extortion and opprcKs-ion which the Com- pany experienced, Iheir fftc- tories wcic withdrawn tiom Bengal. 1660 MeerJiirala. 1664 Shaista Khan. During the go- vernment 9f this viceroy, the French and Danes establish- ed themselves in Bengal. He expelU^dtheMughsof AiTacan from the Island of Snndeep ; and his administration was in other respects able and ac- tive, although described by the East India Company's agents of tliat period in the blackf si colours. 1677 1 edai Khan. 1578 Snllan Mahommed Azim, the 3d son of Aurengzebi. 1680 Shaista Khan was re-appoint- ed. This year Mr. Job Char- nock was restored to his fiitualion of chief at Ccssim- bazar; and, in 1681, Bengal was couslituted a distant agency from fort St. George or Madras. On the 20th De- cember, 1686, in consequence of a rupture with the I'ouj- dar, or native military oIKcer of Hooghly, the agent and council retiiedto Chattanuttee or Calcutta, from Hooghly, considering the first as a safer station. 1689 Ibrahim Khan. In 1693 Mr. Job Charnock died, and was siicceed'td by Mr. Eyre ; the seat of the Company's trade continuing at Chattanuttee. In 1693 Sir John Goldes- borough was sent out as ge- neral superintendant and com- missaiy of all the Company's possessions; but he died in Bengal in 1794, having con- firmed Mr. Eyre as chief. In 1696. during the rebellion of A. D. Soobha Singh, the Dutch af Chinsura ; the irench at Chandeuagore ; and the En- glish at Chattanuttee (Cal- cutta), requested pennission to put their factories in a state of defence. 'J he vice- roy having assented in gene- ral terms, they proceeded with great diligtnce to raise wails, bastions, and regular fortifica- tions ; the first suffered by the Moguls, witliin their domi- nions. 1697 Azim Ushaun, giandson to Aurengzebe. This prince in 1700 permitted the agents of the East India Company, in consideration of a valuable present, to purchase thi'ee towns with the lands adja- cent to their fortified factory, viz. Cliattanuttee,Gorindpoor, and Calcutta. Mr. Eyre, the chief, in consequence of in- structions from iiome, having strengthened the works of the fort, it was denominated 1' ort William, in compliment to the king. 1704 Moorshnd Cooly, or JalTier Khan. This nabob, in 1704, transferred the seat of go- vennnent from Daccaf o Moor- shedabad, as beuig more cen- trical. The annual surplus revenue, during his adminis- tration, amoimtcd to from 130 to 150 lacks of rupees (1,500,0001.), and was regu- larly transmitted to Delhi every rebruary, accompanied by valuable presents. In 1706 the whole stock of the united East India Company had been removed to Cal- cutta; where thegairison con- sisted of 1 29 soldiers, of whom 66 were Emopeans, exclu- sive of the gunner and his crew. 1725 Shujah ud Deen, son-in-law of the last governor. He was succeeded by his son. 1739 Serferaz Khan, who was day BENGAL. 155 A. B. throned and killed in battle by 1740 Ali Verdy Khan. It does not appear, that tliis nabob ever remitted any part of the re- venue to Delhi. After the invasion of Hindostan, by Ahmed Shah Abdalli in 1746, and tiie death of the Emperor Mahommed Shah in the fol- lowing year, the Mogul em- pire may be considered as wholly at an end, bc.vond the immediate vicinity of the city of Delhi. 1756 Serajc ud Dowlah, gjandson (o the late nabob, in April tiiis year, took undisputed jiosscs- sion of the three provinces ; but, it does not appear, he even received or applied for in vesture from Delhi. On the 20th June, he captured Cal- cutta, and shut the prisoners, 146, in a room 20 feet square, where they all perished ex- cept 23- On (he 1st Jaiiuaiy, 1767, CalciLtta vvas retaken fiom him by Admiral Watson and Colonel Clive; on the 20th June, he was defeated at riassey, and the beginning of next July was assassinated by order of the son of his suc- cessor, in the 2011i year of his age, and 15th month of his government. For the subse- quent native princes of Ben- gal, see the article Moorshc- dabad. From this era may be dated the commencement of the British go- vernment in Bengal, although the dewanny was not obtained until 1765, when Lord Cilve procured it from the Emperor Shall Alliun, upon the condition of payiug hitn 26 lacks of rupees per aimum, besides secur- ing him a considemble teiritory in Upper Hindostan; both of which he subsequently forfeited in 1771, by putting himself in the power of the Maharattas. 'I'his important busi- ness (the acquisition of the de- )vaxxuy), observes a native lustorian. was settled without hesitation or ar- gument, as easily as the purchase of an ass or any other animal, without envoys or reference, eitiier to the King of England or to the Com- pany. Lord Clive retunicd to England in 1767, and was succeeded by Mr. Verelst and Cartier. in 17V 2 Mr. Hastings was appointed governor, and continued until 1785 ; when he Avas succeeded by Kir John Mac- pherson, who administered the af- fairs of government, until the airival of Lord Cornwalhs in 1787. During his lordship's govern- ment, which lasted until August, 1793, the land revenue was perma- nently settled, a code of regulations enacted, and (he army and magis- tracy n(\v modelled ; which improve- ments vvcie prosecuted by his suc- cessor, Lord 'i eiguHioutb, and com- pleted by the IVlarcjuis Wellesley. 'I'his nobleman reached India the 26th April, 1798, and left Madras for England the 20th August, 1805. The Marquis Cornwalhs anived at Calcutta, on his second mission in July, 1805, and died at Ohazipoor, near Benares, ihe 6(h of next Ucto- bei". He was succeeded by Sir George H. Barlow, who contiimtd at the head of the supreme govern- ment, until the arrival of Lord Minto, in July, 1807. Lord Minto retitrned (o Europe iii 1813, and v\ as succeeded as governor general by the Eari of Moua, who still tills that important station. (Colebroohe, Stewart, R. Grant, Tennant, J. Grant, Lambert, Bruce, Lord Tei^n- nioidh. Sir Henry Strachetf, Milbiirn, — LJdiiwurg/i Review, SfX.) Bengal. Bay of. — 'I'his portion of the Indian (Jceaii has (he tigiuc of an equilatural triangle, very much resembhng in shape, tliough larger in size, than that formed by the con-, tiuent of the Deccan and south of India, and usually, but improperly denominated the Peninsula. Un th© west, one limb extends from Bengal to Ceylon ; on the east, from Bengal to Juukseylon; and the third, ataoss 140 BEOKE. Iho bay from Ceylon fo Jnnkseyloii. Isadi lini!) may bo cstimaicd at 1120 miles in leiipjth, nud th« uholc ia coinpieiieiidcil vithiii the latiliulcs of b°. and 20°. Jiorlh. At the bot- tojn of tlic buy, the dificience of lon;j;;1i1iule bt (\vc( ii tlie towns of Ka- lasoie and fhitia^onj on the oppo- Kite sides, 4°. 53'. ' The west coast of (he Bay of Ilen- JCalisinihospitahle for shippijij":, there hoiiii;; no harljonr ihr larf;e shijis ; but the opposite coast a ll'ords many excel- lent harboiu'S, such as Arraean, Chc- duba, Ne;j,Tais, andSyriam in Pe;;'nc, a harbour near IMarlaban, Tavoy Kivev, Kir.;:!:'s island, and seveial har- bours in the INfcrgui ArehipelaE^o, besides Jnnkse^lon, Telebone, and Pnla Jiada. In other respects the two coasts diiier materially. Coro- "inandel bas no sf>nn(iings al-ont 30 miles fi(;m the ;liorc; (he east coast bas soim!.iinii,"s two degrees off. Co- vomandel is comparatively a clear • country ; the east coast of the bay is covered with ^^ood. Coromandel is often parched with heat, from winds blowing- over barren sand ; the ca,st coast is always cool. On the west coast, the mouths of the rivers are baired with sand; on the east coast, they are deep and muddy. Coromandel has often destructive j^ales; the cast coast lias seldom any. The numerous rivers that open on the coast of the bay, bring down .such quantities of slime and mud, that tlie sea apjjcars turbid at a great distance from the shore. In these parts, the tides and currents run M'ith great velocity ; and when coun- ter ciuTents meet, a rippling is form- ed, extending several miles in a straight line, attended with a noise rc- sendjiing breakers. The winds m tlic Eay of Bengal -arc said to blow six months from the N. E. and the other six from the S. W. This is not precisely the case, but is sufticieutly accurate for general purposes. It is remarkable, that in many parts of India, during Alarcli and April, there are on shore strong winds blowing directly from the sea ; while in the offing it is a perfect calm. Thus at Bengal, there are in that season very strong sou- therly winds, while in the bay, calms prevail until May and June On the coast of Malabar, the south-west monsoon does not commence blow- ing with strength until the begin- ning of the rainy season; but, on shore, there are strong westerly Avinds from about the venial equi- nox. In the Hindoo Puranas by the term Caiinga is understood the sea coast at the summit oithe bayof Beii- ga!,fro!n Point Goda^ er} to Cape Ne- grais. It isdivided into three jjarts. — Caiinga iMoper, which extends from Point Godavcrj to the western l)ranch of the Ganges. The inhabitants of this country arc called Calingi, by Aelian and Pliny. 2dly. Madliya Caiinga, or the Middle Caiinga, which is in the Delta of the Ganges, and is corrujjtly called Medo Ga- linca by IMiny. 3dly. Moga Ca- iinga extends tiom the eastern bra neh of the Ganges to Cape Negrais, iu tlie country of the Mias or Muggs ; this is the Macco Calingac of Pliny. I'he name Caiinga implies a coun- try abounding Mith creeks, and is equally ajijilieable to the sea shore about the mouths of the Indus. (Forrest, WiJford, Johnson, l-ioincJ, /»'. Jjitc/ianan, S^'c.) Bkngermow. — A to«ii in the Nabob of Uude's teiritories, district of Lucknow, 43 miles E. frojn Luck- now. Lat. 36^*. 53*. N. Long. 80° 13'. E. 'ibis town is situated on a snn)ll river, is surrounded Avith clumps of UKingo trees, and has the ajipearance of having been formerly much more consideiable. Bkore. — A district in the Nizam's dominions, in the province of Au- rungai)ad, situated about the 19th degree of north latitude. It is a very hilly district, and Jnis not any river of consequence. The chief town is Beorc, and there are besides several strong holds. Broke. — A town in the Nizam's BERAR. 141 dominions, in the province of An- in tin! province of Ciny.Uvraia; T.l rniif^abad, 42 miles S. tioni the (!ity of Aunuifrabad. Lat. 19°. 10'. N Lons. 76° 12'. E. BERAR. A larg:c province in tlic Dcccan, CNtcnJinrc from the IQlli to llic 22d Ucgrces of nortli latitiuic. To tin; north, it is bounded by Khaiidesh and Allahabad ; to the south by Aurunj;;abad and the Godavery; to tlie east by the provin<;e of d'und- ■vvana; and to the west by Khan- desh and Anrungabad. Its limits we very inactinatcly defined; but, inclndino; the . modern small pro- vince of Nandere, which properly belongs to it, the lens^th may be estimated at 230 miles, by 120 miles tlie averaj^e breadth. In the Insti- tutes of Aeber, compiled by Abul i'azel, A. D. 1682, it is described as to Hows: lichpoor b( iii^" liie proper capilal of this country. Tlie souuah of Rerar was formed during tite reign of Acber, from conquests made south of the Nerbuddah ; but the Ci>«tcrn parts were probably never (com- pletely subjugaled. 'I'his province is ccntrically situat- ed in the Dccean, nearly at an equal distance from the two seas. 'J'iie surface is in geueral elevated and hilly, and abounds in strong holds; some of whicii, sueli as (iav\elghnr, were deemed inspregnable by the luilivcs, until taken by the army under General ^V ellesley. It has many rivers, l!ic principal of which :u(- the Gt)(hn<'ry, Tufitec, I'oornali, AV urda, and Kaitna, besides siuailcr streams. 7\ II hough so well supplied with wabr, it is but little cultivated, and thini} ;n!iabited. 'i'liere are some jtarts of t!ie [)rovince, however, which aie so favoured by climate and soil, as to be as well cultivated IS any part of India, [>rodueing rice, " The ancient names of this Sou- bah are Durdatnt, Ruddavoodyut, wheat, barley, cotton, opium, silk (iw and Eittkener. It is situated in the small quantities and coarse), and second climate. The length from Putaleh to Beiragurh is 200 coss, and the breadth iiom Bunder to tlindiah. measures 180 coss. On the east it joins to Beeragurgh ; on tlie north is Settarah ; on the south Hindia; and on the west Tilingana. It is divided into the following dis- tricts; viz. 1. Kaweel; 2. Poonar ; sugar — and the whole is susceptible of great improveuici'.t. 'l"he Rerar bullocks ar(^ reckoned the best in the Deccan. The principal tow ns are Ellichpoor, Gawelgiiur, Narnallah, Poonar, Xandere, and Palcr\. At present three-fourths of the pro- vince are included v ithin the terri- tories of the Nizam, and the re- 3. Kehrleh; 4. Nernalah; 5. Knllem; maindcr is either occupied by, or (j. Bassnm; 7. Mahore ; 8. jManick- tributary to the Nagpoor and Mal- durgh; 9. Patna; 10, Tilinganch ; 11. Ramgiu-; 12. Bheker; 13. Puli"- yaleh." It will be perceived, that the pro- i^ince of Rerar, described by Abul I'azel, dillers considerably from the wall Maharattas. Ry the treaty of peace coucltKled \\ ith the Nagpoor Rajah, in December, 180.j, the River Vvurda v\as declared the boundary betwixt his dominions and those of the Nizam. I'roni varitnis causes modern acceptation of the name; this province has never attained to (he latter including (but improperly) any great population, the inhabitants the wliol(! country betw ecn DowJeta- probably not exceeiling two niiilions, bad and Orissa, the eastern part of of which number not more than onc- which v\ as certainly not rednced by, tenth arc Mahonnnedans, tiie roit and probably not known to the Em- being Hindoos of the Rrahminical peror Acber. Nagpoor has generally sect. A singular practice prevails beeii supposed to be the capital of :imong tlie lowest tribes of the i)i- lierar; but this is a mistake, as it is habitants of Rerar and Gundwana. 142 BETAISOR. Suicide is not unl'requently vowed by such persons in return for boons, solicited from idols. To fulfil bis vow, the successful votary throws himself from a precipice called Ca- iabhairava. situated iu the mountains between Tuptee and Xerbuddah ri- vers. The annual fair held near that spot, at the bcsiuning: of each spring, usually witnesses eight or 10 victims of this superstition. Among the states which arose out of the ruins of the Bharaenee sove- reigns of the Deccan, A. D, 1510, one consisted of the southern part of Berar, named the Ummad Shahy dMiasty. It was so called from the founder Ummad ul Moolk, ar.d last- ed only through four generations. The last Prince Boirahan Ummad Shah, Mas only nominal sovereign; the power being usurped by his mi- nister Tuffal Khan. He was re- duced by Motiza Nizam Shah, who added Berar to the other dominions of Ahmcdnuggur in 1574, and along with the latter sovereignty Berar fell under the Mogul domination, to- wards the end of the 17th centurj, (Abul Fazel, Rennel, Ferishta, C'olc- krooke, Leckie, 5th Register, S,-c.) B ERKNG, ( Varanga) — A small cen- tral distinct in the province of Cash- mere, situated about 34°. 30'. N. The chief town is of the same name. Beheng. — A town in the province »f Cashmere, 37 miles E. of the city of Cashmere. Lat. 34° 18'. N. Long. 74°. 23'. E. Near this town is a long strait in a mountain, in which there is a reservoir of v\ ater seven ells square, which the Hin- doos consider as a place of great sanctity. (Abid Fazel, §-c.) BERNAGHUR,(Fm(ffg-flr.) — A small town in the province of Bengal, dis- trict of Baujshy, five miles N. from Moorshedabad. Lat. 24°. 16'. N. Long. 88°. 13'. E. Bernaver. — A smnll tovni in ilie province of Delhi, formerly compre- liended in the district of Sumroo Begum, 35 miles N. N. E. from the eity of Delbi. Lat. 29*. 10'. N. Long. 77° 19'. E. Besouki. — A large village in the north-eastern quarter of the Island of Java, situated about three leagues from the coast. Lat. 7°. 45'. N. Long. 113°. 50'. E. The surround- ing country is an immense plain of rice fields interspersed with thickets. The village of Besouki is the capital of a small Malay princi- pality ; the chief, or tomogon, of whicli, in 1804, was of a superior description as a native, possessing some knowledge of mathematics and physics, although of Chinese origin. His palace is built of large white stones, in the European manner, Jiaving;n front an extensive court, with a wooden gate. (Tomhe, Sfc.^ Besseek. — A distri-t in Nortjiern Hindostan, situated about the 32d degree of north latitude. It is in- tersected by the Jumna, and bound- ed on the east hy the Ganges, with the province of Lahore on the west. It has been but little explored, ex- cept by the Goorkhali armies, it being tributary to the Nepaid go- vernment. Bessklv Ghaut, (Bisavali-ghat). — A pass through the v^estern range of mountains, leading from the Mj^« sore into the maritime province of Canara. This road has been formed with great labour out of a bed of loose rock, over which the tonents run during the rains with such force, as to wash away all the softer parts ; and, in many parts, leaving single rocks four or five feet in diameter, standing in the centre of the road, not al)ovc two feet asunder. Th# trees in the vicinity are of an enor- mous size, several of them being 100 feet in the stem, without a branch to that height. The descent is very steep, yet it is often travelled at night by torch light, which has a very grand effect among the trees and precipices. By this pass nume- rous flocks of oxen descend to the sea coast with grain, and return with salt. (L&rd Valentia, Sc.) Betaisor. — A town in the pro-, vinee of Agra, situated on the S. W, side of Uie Jumua, 37 miles S. S. £. BEZOARA. 143 from Apra. Lat. 26®. 58'. N. Long. 78°. 2S'. E. Bettiah, (B/iattia, named also Cimmparun). — A district in the pro- vince of Bahar, situated fjctween the 27th and 28th degrees of north latitude. It is bounded on the north by the Terriani, on the cast hy Moc- wanny and Tirhoot, and on the west by the River Gimduck. This district was not completely subdued until the acquisition of the dewanny by the Company, v.hen it ^yas annexed to Chumparun ; and, together, they contain, iii their greatest extent, 2.546 square miles. The chief towns are Bettiah and Boggah, and the principal river the Gunduck; on the banks of which, and indeed all over the district, large timber trees for ship building arc procured, and firs fit for masts. In cultivation and manufactures it is much inferior to the more central districts of Bahar, a considerable proportion of the counUy still re- maining coveicd with primeval fo- rests, (J. Grant, Verelst, ^c.) Bettiah. — A town in the pro- yincc of Bahar, district of Bettiah, 90 miles N. N. W. from Patna. Lat. 26°. 47'. N. Long. 84°. 40'. E. Bettooriah, {Bhitoria). — A dis- trict ia the province of Bengal, si- tuated principally betwixt the 24tli and 25th degrees of north latitude, and now comprehended, with its ca- jiital Nattore, in the laiger division of Raujeshy. The principal river is the Ganges, but it is cut and inter- sected, in all directions, by smaller rivers, miHahs, and water courses; and ha.s, besides, large internal jeels or lakes, which, in the height of the rains, join and form one vast sheet of water, interspersed with trees and villages built on artificial raoimds. It is fertile, and well adapted for the rioe cultivation, of which grain it produces, and exports large quanti- ties. A. D, 1386, Rajah Causa, the Hindoo zemindar of tliis district, re- "belled against Shums ud Decn, the sovereign of Bengal, who was de- feated and slaiu> Od tlus event Ra^ jah Cansa ascended the vacant throne, which, after a reigu of seven years, he transmitted to his .son Chcetmul, who became a Mahom- mcdan, and reigned under the name ol Sultan Jcllal ud Doen. Betwah, (Vttava). — This river, from its source soutli of Bopal in the province of Malwah, to its con- tluence with the Junma below Cal- pee, describes a course of ,340 miles in a north-easterly diiection. Near the town of Barwali, ia (iie month of March, it is about three furlongs broad, sandy, and full of round stones, and the -water only knee deep; but, dnringthe rains, it swells to such a height as to be impassable. {Hunter, 4t.) Beyah, {Vipasa). — ^This riverrises in the province of Lahore, near the moTUitains of Cashmere, and not far from the source of the Sutulcje, v^ Inch it afterwards joins, i'or tlie first 200 miles its course is due south, after w hich it pursues a west- erly direction. The whole length of its present journey maybe estimated at 350 miles ; it appears, however, that it formerly fell iuto the Sutuleje, much below the place w here they now meet, there being still a small canal, called the Old Bed of the Beyali, Abul Fazel writes, that the source of the Beyah, named Abya- koond, is in the mountains of Keloo, in the pergunnah of Sultanpoor. This is the fourth river of the Punjab, and is the Hyphasis of Alexander, after its junction with the Sutuleje, about the middle of its course. In 1805 Lord Lake pur- sued Jeswunt Row Holkar to the banks of this river, where he at last sued for peace. {Rennel, Makobn, Abul Fazel, .^x.) Beyhar, (Vihar). — A town in the province of Bengal, district of Coos Beyhar, situated on the cast side of the Toresha River. Lat. 26°. 18'. N. Long. 89°. 22'. E, Beykaneer. — See BiCANEnE, Bezoara, {Bijora.) — A town ia the Northern Circars, district of Condapilly, situated ua the east bank 144 BHADEINATH. of the Krishna river. Lat. 16°. 32'. N. Loiin:. 80° 2?', N. BilADlUNATH, {Vadarinatha.) — A town and tenijile in Norllicrji IJiti- dostan, iii the province of Scrinagnr, siUialed on tlie west bank of the Alncananda River, in tlie centre of a valley, abo'it four miles in length, and one niiie in its greatest lj)eadth. Lat. 311°. 43', \. Lonff. 7i;°. 38'. E. Tliis town is bnilt on the sloping bank of the river, and contains only 20 or 30 hnts, for the acconimodatiou of the Jirahinins and otlier attend- ants on the temple. The strnctnre of this editice is by no means answer- able to the reputed sanctity of tlie place ; for the support of which large sums are aiurnally rceived, inde- pendent of the land revenue appro- priated for its maintenance. It is built in the form of a cone, with a small cupola, suiinounted by a square .shelving roof of copper, over which is a golden ball (gilt) and spire. The height of the building is 4t» or 50 feet, and the era of its foundation too re- mote to have reached us even by tradition; it is, consequently, sup- posed to be the work of some sujje- rior being. This specimen of Hin- doo divine architecture, however, Avas too weak to resist the shock of the last earthquake, vvhicli left it in so tottering a condition, that human efforts were judged expedient to preserve it from ruin. Here is a w;n la bath, supplied by a spring of hot water that issues from the mountain, with a thick steam strongly tainted with a sid|)hureous smell. Close to it is a cold si)ring. B*»sides these there are numerous other springs, having their pecidiar names and virtues, which are turned to a good account by the Bralnnins. In going th<^ round of purilicalion, the poor jiilgrim finds his purse lesson as Ijis sins decrease; and the numerous tolls that arc levied on this higli road to paradise, may in- duce him to think that thestraightest path is not the cheapest. 'I'he principal idol, Jlhadrinath, is about three feet high, cut in black stone or marble, dressed in a suit of gold and silver brocade, the head and hands oidy being uncovered. His temple has more beneficed lands arlached to it than any sacred Hin- doo establishment in this part of In- dia. If is said to possess 700 vil- lages, situated in different parts of Gerwal or Kemaoon, Avliich are all under the jurisdiction of the high l)riest, who holds a paramount au- thority, nominally independent of the ruling power. The selection for tlie office of high priest is confined to the casts of Dec- cany Brahmins, of the Chauli or Namburi tribes. In former times the situation was a permanent one; but since the Nepaulese conquest, the pontificate is put up fo sale, and disposed of to the highest bidder. — ^"riie territorial revenue probably forms the least part of the riches of this establishment; for ev^ry person who pays his homage to 'he (leity is expected fo make otlerings in pro- ]iortion to his means. In return for these oblations, each person receives what is called a ])resad, which con- sists of a liffle boiled rice, whicli is distributed with a due regard to th» amoimt of the oflei ir.gs. A large establishment of servants of every descripfion is kept up; and, during the months of |)ilgrimmage, the deity is well clothed, and fines sumjifuously ; but, as soon as the winter connnenccs, the priests take fhcir de|)arfure, until the periodical letniii of the holy season. The trea- sures and valuable utensils are bu- ried in a vault under th»! fenjple, which was once robbed by a few mountaineers, who were afterwards discovered, and put fo death. The III ahminsv\ ho reside here are chiefly from the Deccan, and do not colo- nise. 'i'he number of pilgrims wlio visit Bhadrin;:th annually is estimated at 50,000, the greater part being fakirs (devotees), who come fioin (he re- motest quarters of India. All these people assemble at tiurdwar, and, us soon as the fair is concluded, BIUTTIA. 145 ♦ake their departure for the holy land. ( )u tlie 29th of May, 1808, masses of snow, about 70 feet thick, still re- mained undissolved on the ruad to liliadi inath ; and the tops of (he high nunnitains were covered with snow, which remains congealed through- out the whole year. (Raper, cSr. J Bh AG MUTTY, {Bhugumuti). — Tlie mountain of Sheopoori, near Cat- mandoo, bordering tlie Nepaid val- ley, gives rise to the Bhagniutty and Bishenmutty rivers. The .sources of the first (which also bears the name of Brimha Sera.ssuti) are situated or the north .side of the mountain, round the east foot of which the river v\ inds, and enters the valley of Ne- paul. A short distance below Cat- mandoo, the Bishenmutty joins it, and loses its name. The cour.se of the Bliagmutty from thence, until it pa.sses Hiiirecpoor, is imknown ; it afterwards continues its course to ISIunniary, where it cnterit. the Com- pany's territories, and falls into the (ianges a few miles below Monghir. Its course, including the windings, may be estimated at 400 mile.s. 'i'his river is navigable dining the rains for boats of all burthens, as liigh a.s Seriva in the Nepaul tenittv ries, and probably much further up. {Kirhpatrick, •^•c.) BHAGwr'NTGiR. — A rajpoot vil- lage, in the province of Ajmcer, dei)eudent ou the district of Ban- taiiipoor, with a small fort or watch- house on tlie top of the hill, 65 miles ..S.S. E. from JvonaKur. Lat, 26°. 7'. N. Long. 7(j°. 12'. £. . Bhajepocr, (Bajpur). — A town Su the jnovince of Oude, district of Baieily, 107 miles N.from Lucknow. Lat. 26°. 3'. N. Long. 8U° 58'. E. Bhareh, or Bharragharry. — A ■town in Northern fliudostan, in the dominions of Nepaul, which, although the ordinary residence of the Soubah of the AVestcrn Turrye, is a mean place, coutainiug only fioin 30 to 40 .huts. Lat. 26°. 50'. N. Long. 85°. .25'. E. 'Ihe fort is not more re- spectable than the town; nor would the governor's habitation attract no- tice any wher<> else, alllioiigh built of well-burne-1 bricks and tiles. The situation of Bhareh is very unhealthy ; and Capt. Kinloch's de- tachment, N^hich remained here tor some time after the unfortunate at- tempt in 17G9 to penetrate into Ne- paul, suffered greatly from the jiesti- lenlial etl'ect of the climate. (An7i- patrick, i^c.) Bhatgan, or Bhatgon'g. — A town in Northern llindostan, situated in the valley of Nepaul. Lat. 27°. 32'. N. Long. 85°. 45'. E. Bhatgong lies east by south of Catmandoo, distant nearly eight road miles. Its ancient name was Dhu.'iuaputten, and it is called by the Newars Khopodaise, who de- scribe it as resembling the dumbroo, or guitar of Mahadeva. This towu is the favourite residence of the Brahmins of Nepaul, containing many more families of that order than Catmandoo and Patn together; all those of the khetri cast (military) flocking to the capital, while Patu is chiefly inhabited by Newars, In size it is the most considerable of the three, being rated only at 12,000 houses ; yet its palace, and the build- ings in general, are of a more striking ajipcarancc, owing chiefly to the ex- cellent quality of the bricks, which are the best in Nepaul — a country remarkable for the superiority of its bricks and tiles. The former sove- reigns of this state possessed the smallest share of the valley; but their dominions extended a consi- derable way eastward to the banks of the Coosey. Bhatgong is the Benares of the Ghoorkhali domi- nions, and is said to contain many valuable ancient sanserif mauu- scripts. {Kirhpatrick, kc.) Bhatgoxg. — See Bhatgan. Bhattia. — A town in the v.'estcrn, extremity of the Gujrat Peninsula, situated a few miles to the east of Oak a. This place contains about 500 houses, chiefly inhabited by Ahcers, au industrious aad uaeful class of tine 140 BHORSET. peasantry, originally herdsmen, but who of late years liave applied them- selves to the enhivation of land. — The country to the north of Bhaltia exhibits an appearance of cultivation and prosperity superior in general to the rest of the peninsula. The grain chicily raised is bajeree. {31'3Iurdo, $-c.) Bhavani FivEn. — A river in the Coinibetoor province, which flows past the town of Sathuuugalum, and afterwards joins the Cavery at Bha- wani Kudal. Bhawam Kudal. — An old ruin- ous fort in tlie Coitnbetoor distiict, .situated at the junction of the Bha- wani with the Cavery. Lat. 11°. 25'. N. Long. 77°. 47'. E. Tliis place contains two celebrated temples ; the ojic dedicated to Vish- nu, and the other to Siva, and was built by a polygar, named Guttimo- daly, who held all the neighbouring countries as a feudatory under the rajahs of Madura. At that period the dominions of the latter, including Saliem, Treehinopoly, and all the country south of Sholia or Tanjore, were called by the general title of Angaraca, and comprehended the two countries of Chera and Pan- dava. AtApogadal, 10 miles from this place, a sandy loam is reckoned most favourable for the cultivation of rice ; and, according to its four qualities, lets for 41. 2.s., 31. 12s., and 31. 4s. per acre. Inferior soils let so low as 18s. per acre. {F. Buchanan, §*c.) Bheels, {Bhailu). — A savage tribe, scattered over Hindostan Pro- per and the nortli of the Deccan, particularly along the course of the Nerbadilah River. They are a jungle people, and in a state of great barba- rity. I'hcy arc used by the Maharat- tas as guides, and travel with a bow and aiTovvs, subsisting by rapine and plunder. The Bheels are supposed to have been the aborigines of Guj- ral anillar, con- spicuous at a great distance. lu 1700 the town and district belonged to Banjeet Singli, the Itajah of Bhurtpoor, and with him it probably still remains. {Abul Fazel, Hunter, BiCANERE, (Bicamr). — A large district in the province of Ajineor, situated about the 29th degree of north latitude. It is bounded on the iiorth bj the country of the Battles, EIJANAGUR. 149 wrst by the dcswt, S. W. by Jcssel- nieip, south by Joudpoor, S. E. by .?«'yi)oor, and east by tlie district of IJiiiTianah. Tfie country is elevated, and the soil a liglit brown sand, from the nature of \vliicli the rain is al^sorbed as soon as it falls, ^^"ells aie, con- sequently, of absolute necessity, and are made of brick, generally from 100 to 200 feet deep. Ivdch family has, besides, a cistern for the collection of rain water. A\ itli the exception of a few villages towards the eastern frontier, the cultivation of Bicanere is precarious ; bejurah, and other species of Indian pulse, being the only produce, the inhabi- tants depending greatly on the neigh- bouring provinces for a supply of provisions. Horses and bullocks, of an inferior breed, are raised, and arc nearly the sole export. This district imports coarse and fine rice, sugar, opium, and indigo. The former articles are l)rought from Ijahorc by Rajghur and Churoo. Salt is procured from Sambher, and wheat from the Jeypoor country ; s])ices, copper, and coarse clotlj, from Jesschncre. The chief place of strength is the city of Bicanere. Churoo, Raugeham, and Bahudra, arc reckoned strong places by the jiatives, but they are ill supplied ■with water. The country being an extensive level plain, contains few natural strong holds, or fortified jdaccs. To cross the Desert of Bica- nere requires a march of 1 1 days. ITie country is governed by the Rhatore Rajpoots, but the cultiva- tors are mo^tIy Jants. In 1582, this district was desci i!)ed by Abul i'azel as follows : " Sircar Reykanecr, con- taining 1 1 mahals, revemic 4,750,000 dams. This sircar furnishes 1200 cavalry, and 50,000 infantry." {17to- iiuis, Franklin, SfC.) BiCANERi:. — A. town in the pro- vin(!e of Ajmeer, the capital of a district of the same name, 220 miles W. by N. horn Delhi. This city is spacious, well built, and siuToundcd bj a wail of CoiUv.er. On the south Mest side is the fort, where the rajah resiirbooin is the largest Maliomme- dan zeinindary in Bengal, and was originally conferred on Assud UUah, lather of Budder ul Zemaun, of the Afjjhttu or Patau tiibe, who was al- lowed to settle here about the time' of Sliere Shah, for the political pur- pose of guarding the frontiers of the west against the incursions of the barbarous Hindoos of Jeharcund. A warHke iMahommedan militia were entertained as a standing army, with suitable territorial allotments under a principal landholder of the same faith. la some respects itcor- respo;)ded with the ancient military tiefs of Liirope, certain lands being exempted from rent, and appro- priatt J solely to the maintenance of troops. This privilege was resumed by Cossiui Ali in 1763, and is now still more uimccessary. In 1801, by the directions of the Marquis Wellesley, then governor- general, th(; board of lexeimc cir- culated various queries to the col- lectors of the diflerent districts ou statistical subjects. The result of their replies proved that the district of Birbhoom contained 700,000 in the proportion of one Mahommedan to 30 Hi)idoos, and that any lands advertised tor sale readily met witli purchasers. {J. Grant, Colebrooke, SfC.) Birch ££.■ — A town in the Maha- ralta territories, in the province of Khandesh. Lat. 21°. 20'. N. Long. 74°. 47'. E. BiRHEMABAD, {Bralimahacl). — A small town in the province of Agra, 10 miles N. W. from Kauoge. Lat. 27°. 8'. N. Long. 79°. 41'. E. BiSANO, — A small island, about 20 jniles in circumference, lying off the north-eastern extreniiiv of Ce- lebes. Lat. 2°. 5'. N. Long. 125° 5'. E. BisEYPOOR,(F/.yK;«;?!feiidors was considerably diminished, and advanced again to the attack. After several ladders had iailcd, a few grenadiers got over the parapet, and maintained their tooting in the toMcr, until more se- <;ured the posses- ion. Kangaroo, hastening to the defence of the tower, was killed by a musket-ball, liia fall increased the desperation of his friends, wlio crowding to revenge his deatli, left other parts of the rampart bare. 'J'he other divisions of the French troops having ad- vanced, numbers on all sides got over the parapet without opposition; nevertheless none of the defenders quitted the rampart, or would ac- cept quarter, but each advancing against or struggling with an an- tagonist, would resign his poinard only with death. The slanghter of the conflict being over, anotlier mui'h more dreadful presented itself in the area below. Ihe transport of victory lost all its joy ; all gazed on each other with silent astonishment and remorse, and the iiercest could not refuse a tear to the deshuetion spread before them. Four of the soldiers of Kan- garoo on seeing him fall, concealed themselves in an unfrequented part of the fort, until the night was far advanced ; when they dropped down from tiie walls, and speaking the same language, passed unsuspected through the quarters of Yizeram Kaijze. '^J'hey concealed themselves ill the thicket, and the third night after, two of them crawled into the tent of Yizeram Katize, and stabbed him in 32 places, ajid were innne- diately cut to pieces. Had they failed, the other two remaining in the forest, were boinul by the : ame oath to perform the deed or perish in the attempt. {Ornie, Vc) BotiCAH. — A town in the pro- vince of liahar, district of Bcttiah, situated on the cast side of the River (Jundnck, 120 miles N. N. W. from Tatua. Lat. 2°. -t'. N. Long. ^i°. 13'. E. Excellent thnber for ship building is procured in this neigh- bourhood, and floated down tha Gunduck and Ganges to Calcutta. RoGAKiAH. — A town in the pro- vince of Bahar, district of ]Monghir, 130 miles N. W. from jSIoorsheda- bad. Lat. 24°. 53'. N. Long. 86°. 52'. E. BoGELA or BoGALCUND, {BJutge- hlikanda). — A district in the pro- vince ofGundwana; but, during the reign of Aurengzebe, anjiexed by edict to the Soubah of Allahabad, although it was never actually sub- jugated by his forces. It is situated about the 24th degree of north lati- tude, and is boxuidcd on the west by the British tenitories in Bundel- cund, and to the east by the small district of Manwas. The Soane is the principal river, and the chief town is Rewah, where an indepen- dent rajah resides. The produce of the countiy is Avheat, barley, and diller.'nt kinds of pease, and the inhabitants possess large Hocks of cattle and sheep ; the land, however, is but little cultivat- ed, tlie natives scarcely raising grain enough for their own subsistence. Except Kewah, there is no town that deserves the name ; and the country is occupied by many petty independent rajahs, who carry on an incessant predatoiy warfare with each other ; nor are there any re- mains found to indicate a former and superior state of civilization. BoGLU'(>oR,(l?//ffg-t'//)oor).- — A dis- trict in tiie province of Bahar, novr comprehended in that of jVlonghir, to which it sometimes communi- cates its name. It is nearly equally divided by the Ganges, and origi- ' )ially contained 2817 square miles. It is well supplied with water and fertile; the weaving of mixed goods made with silk and cotton, flourishes in the town of Boglipoor, and the ad- jacent eoTuilry. Near (Joganallah, one stage from Boglipo«n-, is a monument resem- bling a pagoda, erected to the me- mory of Mr. Clcvclaud, by tlic ef- BOMBAY. lo7 fleers and zemindars of ilio Jun^l- 'teny of Hajeniahai; who, prior to liis time, wore a race of savaijes, and wlioiH, by conciliating^ ineasures, he induced to ])lacc themselves under tlie protection of the Biitish {govern- ment. A corps of 300 of these na- tives liave been taken into the ser- vice of the East India Con)pany, and now protect the territory they nsed to desolate. (J. Grant, Colehrooke, Lord Valentin, Sfc.) See Monghir. Bog LI POOR. — A town in the j)ro- vince of Bahar, district of Alonghir, situated about two miles from the main ))ranch of the (ranp:es. Lat. 25° 11'. N. Lono-. 86°. 5U'. E. A majority of the inhabitants arc jMa- honimedans, and a college of that relisrion still exists, but in a state of great decay. There are two very singular round towers, about a mile N. W. from the town. The Rajah of Jyenagur consider them so holy, that he has erected a building" to slielter his subjects who \isittliem. There is a noble banyan tree at the entrance of the town. — (Lord Va- lentia, ice.) BoGWAXPOOR, (Bhagavanpura). — A town in the province of Bahar, district of Rotas, 47 miles S. E. from Benares. Lat. 2.5°. N. Long. 83° 40'. E. BoGWAN'GOLA, (BhascnviDi Gola). — A large inland trading town in the province of Bengal, eight miles N. V,. from Moorshedabad. Lat. 24°. 21'. -N. Long. 88°. 29'. E. 'J'his is a . great mart for grain, from which the to\vnofMoorsliedai)ad is principaliy supplied. The tow n, which is en- tirely built of bamboos, mats, and thatch, has been more than once re- moved, on account of the encroach- ments of the Ganges, and exhibits more the appearance of a temporary fair or encaijijmient than that of a town. (CoL Colcbronke, Ve.) BoHANDEvi. — A small village in Northern Hindostan, situated among the mountains in the proviut-c of Serinagur. Lat. 30°. 36'. N. Long. 78°. 12'. E. In this neighbourhood are many European productions, such as the peach, aprieot. walnut, strawberry, rasben y, dandelion, but- ter-llower, and v\bite rose. Here arc also forests of sjtreading firs of very large dimensions, and yielding much pitch. {Raper, ^c.) BOMBAY. A city and island on tlie west coast of India, (ormerly eompre- lu'iided in the province of Aurunga- bad, but now the principal British settlement on tlic west coast of In- dia. Lat. 18°. 58'. N. Long. 72°. 38'. E. Bombay is about 10 miles in length, by three the average breadth, and has now lost all pretensions to its insular name; as, in 18U5, Mr. Duncan completed a causeway, or vcllard, at Sion, across the narrow arm of tlie sea, which separated it from the contiguous island of Sal- sette, an operation of infinite sersice to the farmers and gardeners who supply the Bombay nuirket, but which is said to have had a preju- dicial ell'ect on the harbouj'. The fortifications of Bombay have been improved ; but are esteemed too extensive, and would require a numerous garrison. Towards the sea they are extremely strong, but to the land side do not offer tiie same resistance ; ajid to an enemy landed, and capable of making regular ap- proaches, it mu^t surrender. The town within the walls was begun by tiie Portuguese ; and even tiio.vc liouses that have since beeu built are of a similar construction, wiih wooden pillars supporting wooden verandahs; the consequence of which is, that Bombay bears no external resemblance to the other two presi- dencies. The government liouse is a handsome building, with several good apartments; but it has the great inconvenience, of the largest apartment on both floors being a passage-room to the others. The northern part of the fort is iidiabited by Parsee families, w ho are not remarkably cleanly in thtir d'>- 158 BOMBAY. mestic conocrns, nor in the streets where they live. The view from the fort is extremely beautiful towards the bay, which is here and there broken by islands, many of which are covered with trees, while the lofty and curious shaped hills of the table land form a striking back 2:round. The sea is on three sides of the fort, and on the fourth is the esplanade ; at the extremity of Avhich is the black town, amidst cocoa-nut trees. Bombay is the only principal set- tlement in India where the rise of the tides is sufficient to permit the construction of docks on a large scale; the very highest spring tides reach to 17 feet, but (he nsuul height is 14 feet. The docks are the Com- pany's property, and the king's ships pay a high monthly rent for repairs. They are entirely occupied by Par- sees, who possess an absolute mono- poly in all the departments ; the per- son who contracts for the timber being a Parsee, and the inspector of it on dehvery of tiie same cast. On the 23d of June, 1810, tlie Minden 74, built entirely by Parsees, with- out the least European ass^istance, was launched fiom these dock-yards. The teak forests, from whence these yards are supplied, lie along the Mest- ern side of the Ghaut mountains, and other contiguous ridges of hills on the north and east of Easseen; the numerous rivers that descend from them alfording water carriage for the timber. The common and sweet potatoe are ^ ery good at Bombay ; but the vegetable for which Bombay is cele- brated all over the cast, is the onion. Potatoes are now produced in this quarter of India iu the greatest abun- dance, altliough so recently intro- duced ; the Bombay market is saip- plicd with this root tiom Gujrat, and also with some cheese, Avhich is hard and ill flavoured. The bnflalo fur- nishes the milk and butter, and oc- casionally the beef; but Europeans in general are prejudiced agtiiust it. The Bazar mutton is hard and lean ; but, when well fed^ is AS geod as the English. Kid is always g-ooa, and the poultry abundant; but not good, unless fed on purpose. The fish are excellent, but the larger kinds not plentiful, 'i'he bumbelo resembles a large sand eel, and, after being dried in the sun, is usually eaten at breakfast, with a dish of rice and split pease, coloured with turmeric, named kedgeree. The prawns are uncommonly fine. Tiie island is too small to furnish much game ; but the red-logged partridge is nut uncommon, and snipes are sometimes seen. The frogs here are large, and are eaten by the Cliinese and Portuguese. 'I'his little island commands the entire trade of the north-west coast of India, together with that of the Persian Gulf. The principal cargo of a ship, bound from Bombay or Surat to China, is cotton; in the stowing and screwing of which, tl*e commanders and olliccrs are remark- ably dexterous. Some of the large ships Mill cany upwards of 4000 bales, containing about 2,500 Bom bay candies, of 560 pounds avoir- dupois, or total, 1,400,000 pounds. The other part of their cargo con- sists of sandal wood and pepper, from the Malabar coast; gums, drugs, and pearls from Arabia, Abys- sinia, and Persia; elephants' teeth, cornelians, and other produce of Cambay, sharks' fins, bird nests, &c. from the Maldive and Lackadive Islands. These sliips generally ar- rive at Canton in the month of June, or beginning of July, and lie there idle (except delivering their cargo and recei\ ing the return cargo) un- til the month of December or Janu- ary. In 1808, the quantity of cotton brought to Bombay for ic-exporta- tion was 85,000 bales, of 375 pounds, the half of which is procured from the couutry on the Ner!nuldah, and the rest from Gujrat and Cutch ; the quantity, however, is not usually so large. The cotton screw is worked by a capstan, to each bar of which there are 30 men, amounting, in the Wliole, to about 240 to eaoh st>revf. BOMBAY. 159 Hemp is.packed in the same man- ner ; but it requires to be carefully laid in tlie press, for the fibres are Hable to be broken if they are bent. I'or the European market, Bom- bay is an excellent place to procure g»ais and dnigs of all sorts. Mocha coflce, barilla, cornelians, agates, and also blue and other Surat goods. In 1810, the prime cost of the goods, exported from England to Bombay l^- the East India Company, amount- ed only to 116,7871. Commerce of Bamhai/, from the \st May, 1811, manicd. The lower classes have small huts, mostly of clay, covered with a mat made of the leaves of tlic palmyra. ' 'i'hcir wages are a great deal higher than in Bengal, but food is dearer; palan(p7in bearers receive scvcji and eight rupees per month. Among the liUropeans the rage lor coiuitry houses prevails as gene- rally as at Madras, and is attended with t'le sanu^ ineonvcnieuces, all businrss being necessarily transacted in the tijit. The geueraiijy of the loinitrv hoiijcs aio comfortable and elegant, and, although not st> splendid as those of Calcutta and Madras, are better adapted to the climate, and enjoy most beautiful views. Th« only English church is in the fort. The Poriiiguese and Armenian churciies are nunjerons, both within and without the walls ; and there are three or four synagogues, with many temples and mos<]ues. The largest pagoda is in the Black 'i'own, l^ miles from the fort, and is dedicated to ]Momba Devi. The Parsee inhal)itants of Bom- bay possess nearly the whole of the island, and seem to have perfectly domesticated themselves in their new abode, shicc their e\j)ulsion from Persia by the Mahommcdans. They are an active and loyal body of men, and contribute greatly to the prosperity of the settlement. In every European house of trade there is a J'arsce partner, who usually jnoduces the largest portion pf the eai)ital. They wear an Asiatic dress, but they eat and drink like the Eng- lisij. In the morning and evening they crowd to the esplanade to ])ay their adoration, by prostration to the sun ; on these occasions the females do not ajipear, but they still go to the well for water. Most of the original Parsee cus- toms continue unaltered, particu- larly the mode of sepulture, which is as follows : The body of the defunct is de- posited in a circular building, open at the top, al)onf 55 feet in diameter, and 25 in height, filled up to within five feet of the top, excepting a well, 15 feet in diameter in the centre, the part .so filled being terraced w ith a slight declivity toAvards the weH. Two circular grooves, tJnee inches deep, are raised round the Well, the first at the distance of four, and tlie second at the distance of 10 feet from the well. Grooves of the like depth and height, and four feet dis- tant liom each other at the outer part of the outer circle, are carried straight tiom the wall to the well, com- municating with the circular ones to BOMBAY. 165 »'aiTy off the water. Tlie tomb is, by this means, divided info three circles of j)artitions ; the outer for men, the middle for women, and the inner for children. There they are respectively placed, wrapped loosely in a piece of cloth, and left to be devoured by the vultures; which is soon done, as muiibers of these birds are always seen hoveiin^ and w atch- ing about these charnel houses for their prey. The friends of the de- ceased, or tiie persons wlio have charge of the tond), come at the proper time, and throw the bones into their receptacle, the well in the centre. From the bottom of the well subterranean passages lead to remove the bones, to prevent the Avell from filling. Meji of great pro- perty sometimes build one of the above sort for themselves. The pub- lic tombs are five in number, but not all in use, and are .situated about three miles north-westerly tiom Bombay Fort. The stin and the sea partake with lire in the adoration of the Parsees ; their year is di\ided into 12 lunar months, but they have no division of time into weeks. There is a great difference be- tween the character and habits in society of the natives of our prin- cipal settlements and those of the interior. A person who has resided only at Bombay, cannot have an in- timate know ledge respcctuig the ha- bits and manners of the natives in the interior provinces of India. Not many years ago, a widow at Bom- bay wanted to burn herself with her Imsband's corpse, which being pre- vented, she applied to the governor, who refused permission ; upon which she crossed the harbour to the Ma- haratta shore, a!id there underwent the ceremony. That few crimes of magnitude occur at Bombay, is proved by a statement made in open court by the recorder in May, ISIO, that, for six years prior to that pe- riod, he never had had occasion to condemn any criminal to the punish- ment of death. 'I'he society here is Jess numerous, and the salaries of Ihc public ser- vants smaller than at the two chief presidencies ; economy is conse- quently more attended to, but the stile of living is iiet|uenlly elegant, and always condbrtable and abun- dant. Bice, the chief fond of the lower orders, is frequt^ntly imported from Bengal,' even in favourable years. A society has been establislied at Bombay on a plan somewhat simi- lar to the Bengal Asiatic Society; but it intends to limit itsidf to tlve present state of manners among the inhabitants of the country. The situation of Bombay ought to be healthy, but it is said to be tiio re- verse, and that the liver is a com- plaint more frequent and fatal here than in any other part of India. Ex- posure to the land breeze, which sets in every evening, is frequeuUy fol- lowed by a fever ; moderate living, cautiously avoiding opposite ex- tremes, is found most conducive to healtlv The travelling distance from Bom- bay to Calcutta is 1300 miles; to Delhi, 965; to Hyderabad, 480; to Madras, 770; to Poonah, 98; to Seriugapatani, 620; and to Smat, 177 miles. As a i)laee of consequence Bom- bay owes its oiigin to the Portu- guese, to whoui it was ceded in 1530, having been before a depend- ence on a (;liief residing at Tannah, inSalsette. On account of its fin« harbour a fort « as erected b\ tliem, but the vicinity of Goa, the Portu- guese capital, prevented its becom- ing in their hand a place of any con- quence. 'J'wu deri\ati(>ns are as- signed to the name, one from the Portuguese Euon bahia(a good bay), and the other from the Hindoo G'od- dess, Bomba Devi. This island was ceded to King Charles the Second in June 1661, as part of Queen C^atluiine's portion ; and in March, 16(j2, a licet of five men of war, under the ronunand of the Earl of Marl!)orough, was di.s- patched, with 5Ui) troops under Sir ICO BOMBAY. Abraham Shipman, and arrived at Bombay on the 18th of September, 1662 ; but the Portuguese Governor evaded the cession. The English admiral demanded Bombay and its dependencies, comprehendijig Sal- sette and Tannali, and the Portu- guese interpreted the treaty to sig- nify Bombay only. The troops were removed to the Island of Anjidiva, where the mortality was so great, that the surviving commanding of- ficer, Mr. Cooke, was glad to accept the Island of Bombay on any terms, and to this place they were trans- ferred in February, 1664-65, the sur- vivors musteiing only 119 rank and file. Such was the unfortunate com- mencement of this afterwards flou- rishing settlement, which in the hands of the Portuguese had re- mained almost a desait. jMr. Cooke may be considered as the first Eng- lish Governor of Bombay ; on the 6tli of November, 1666, he was suc- ceeded by Sir Gervase Lucas. It was soon discovered that the king had made an unprofitable ac- quisition, and that the East India Company wore much injured by tlic ti-ade carried on by persons in the king's senice, who sold European goods, for which they paid no freight. In consequence of these and other reasons, the king, on the 27th of March, 1668, by letters patent, trans- ferred the Island of Bombay from the cro^vn to the East India Com- pany, in free and common soccage, as the manor of East Greenwich, on payment of the annual rent of 101. in gold, on the 30th of September of each year. The revenue of the island, shortly after the cession, was estimated at 28231. ])cr annum. Sir Gervase Lucas died the 21st of March, 1667, and was succeeded by the deputy-governor. Captain Henry Geary. At the commence- ment of this government, Mr. Cooke, the first governor, endeavoured to assemble a force at Salsettc, assisted by the Jesuits of Goa, to re-esta- blish himself in the Island of Bom- bay, but ineffectuidly. In 1667-68, the revenues had increased to 64901. the garrison was 285 men, of which number 93 were Englishmen, and the rest French, Portuguese, and natives. On the 23d of September, 1668, Bombay was taken possession of for the East India Company by Sir George Oxinden, the chief Com- pany's governor, and tiie troops were transferred from the king's to the Company's service, along with the arms, ordnance, and stores. Sir G. Oxinden died on the 14th of July, 1669, and was succeeded by Mr. Gerald Augier, as Chief of Sural and Governor of Bombay, which continued extremely unhealthy, and much infested by the depredations of the Maharatta pirates. In 1672-3, a strong Dutch fleet ap- peared otf Bombay, and created great alarm ; but, after reconnoitiing it, disappeared without making any attack. In the succeding year there were 100 pieces of cannon mounted in the fortifications, and the garrison consisted of 400 regulars, of which the greater proportion were topasses, and 300 militia. In 1676, letters patent were obtained tVom the king to establish a mint at Bomba}', at which they were empowered to coin rupees, pice, and budgerooks. Mr. Augier died in 1677, and was succeeded at Bombay by Mr. Henry Oxinden. At this time Bombay continued of very little pohtical or commercial importance, which in part proceeded liom the vigorous goverument of Aurcngzebe on th» Delhi throne, and the rising power of the Blaharattas, under the mar- tial Sevajee. In 1679, the Island of Kenery was occupied by the troops of Sevajee, and the beginning of the next year the Island of Kenery was seized on by the siddee, or Mogul Admiral, the Bombay government not daring to oppose either, and from their proximity being kept in a state of continual alarm. In 1681, Mr. John Child, the bro- ther of Sir Josiah Child, was ap- pointed President at Surat, one of BOMBAY. 1(57 the junior counsellors being' appoint- ed to act as tU'puty-j^oveinor of Bombay, la 16«;i-4, tlie Court of Directors, in consequence of tlie rapture of Bantam by tiio Dutch, constituted Bombay an independent English settlement, and tlie sent of the power and trade of the Eiifjlish nation in the East Indies. On the 23d of December, 1683, Captain Richard Kegwin, who com- manded the Company's garrison, as- sisted by Ensign Thouipson and others, seized on jMr. Ward, the deputy-governor, and such members of the council as adhered to him, and assumed the goNermnent. 'J'he garrison, consisting of 150 English soldiers, and 2U0 topasses, were joined by the itdialtitants of the island, who elected Captain Keg- win governor, and declared they would only acknowledge the king's authority, although, in the interval betw i\t the acquisition of the island and this period, the East India Com- pany had expended 300,0001. at Bombay on fortifications and im- provements. In 1684-5, Captain Kegwin ne- gocialed a treaty with Rajah Sam- bajee, from whom he recovered 12,000 pagodas due to the Com- pany ; and on the 19th of Novem- ber, 1684, he surrendered the island to Sir Thomas Grantham, on con- dition of a general pardon to him- self and his adherents. He had not, it appears, embezzled any of the Company's money in the fort, which was restored to them entire, but had subsisted on the revemies of the island. In 1686, the seat of the English government was ordered to be trans- fened from Surat to Bombay, and next year, Sir John Child dying, the oflice of Presideiil devolved on Mr. Harris, then a prisoner atSmat, but released by the Mogul goveiiior next year. In 1688-9, the siddhee's ileet (Mo- gul's admiral) invaded Bombay, and got possession of JMahein, Maza- gong, and Sion, and kept the go- vernor and garrison besieged in the town and castle. An order was soon after obtained from Anrengzebe, di- recting the sidhee to withdraw his troops; but the evacuation did not take place until the 22d of June, 1690, when the lands belonging to the Portuguese Jesuits were seized, they having been active in promoting the views of the siddee during the invasion. In 1691-2, the population of Bom- bay Avas much reduced by the })lague, of the civil servants only three re- maining alive ; and in 1694, Sir Jo- shua Gayer arrived, asGovernor.it Bombay, which he found in a dis- astrous state, principally caused by the depredations of the English pi- rates on the Mogul ships. Atireug- zebe insisting that all the loss sus- tained by his subjects should be made good by the I^ast India Com- pany. These pirates in 169ft pos- sessed two frigates, of 30 guns, off Cape Comorin, under Captain Kidd, who was afterwards taken and hang- ed ; one of 50, one of 40, and one of 30 guns, off the Malabar Coast. In 1798-9, Sir Nicholas Waite w as appointed resident at Surat, on the part of the New or English Com- pany ; and in 1700, by his intrigues, pro(!ured the imprisoiunent of Sir John Gayer and xMr. Colt, the Old or London Company's servants. At this time B\ Inch are procured the best native seamen in India, the natives along the gulf, particularly on the west side, being much addicted to navigation. The contiguous Island of Salsette is aLso subordinate to this government, but most unaccountably continues to ex- hibit the same state of desolation iu which it was originally received. It is difficult, with any precision, to define the extent of the Bombay territorial possessions, as some of the peshwa's districts are intennin- gled with tlieni, and ajiproach within a few miles of the city of Surat. On a rough estimate, how ever, they may be calculated to comprehend 10,000 square miles, containing a popula- tion exceeding altogether two and a half millions, in the probable pro- portion of one Mabommedan to 1.5 Hindoos. Nearly nine-tenths of all the existing Parsees are resident within the Bombay limits, but no estimate of their numbers, approach- ing to exactness, has even been made. {Lord ValeiUia, Bruce, M. Graham, Moore, Elmore, h. Grant, Blalcohn, Macpherson, Rennel, 12 Reg. ^c.) BoNAA. — A small island iu the Eastern Seas, 25 miles in circum- ference, lying off the N. W. ex- tremity of Ceram. Lat.3°. S. Long. 128°. 5'. E. BoNAWASi. — A small town in the province of North Canara, district of Soonda, on the confines of the Bednore district. Lat. 14°. 2?'. N. Long. 76°. 12'. E. In Hydrr's time it contained 500 houses, but is now nuich reduced. Its walls are ruin- ous; and, although it has been aplace of great celehrity, do not appear to IiaAc been of considerable exteiit. A great part of the adjoining eoun- tiy is waste, and overgrown with forests, but not containing much teak. This place is noted by Pto- lemy, and is said fo have had a dy- nasty of kings, who nilcd 1450 yearsi before the Christian era. {F. Bu- chanan, Si'c.) BoNARATTE. — A Small island ia the Eastern Seas, due south of Sale-^ BONY 1(59 yer, principally inhabited by Biig- gesscs. On this island, and Ca- lawc, a small island in tlie neigh- botuliood, the Bng[;ess sovercii^n is said to have an establishment tor the education of his dancing girls. BoNUHiK, {Vanag/iiri, a uoodi/ mountain). — A district in the Ni- zam's dominions in the province of Hyderabad, situated between the 17th and 18th degrees of north lati- tude. It is better peopled and cid- tivated than a great proportion of the Nizam's country, but has no river of consequence. The chief towns are Bonghir and Hydcrshy. BoNGHiR. — A town in the pro- vince of Hyderabad, district of Bonghir, 21 miles E. from livdera- bad. Lat. 17° 18'. N. Long. 7i>° 6'. E. BoNH.ARA. — A town in the pro- vince of Gujrat, district of Broach, 35 miles E. of Surat. Lat. 21°. 7'. N. Long. 73°. 33'. E. BoNNEE BiVEK, (Vaui). — The Soank, which rises in the district of Chut a Nagpoor, joins liic Burkee Biver, about Lat. 21°. 43'. N. Long. 84°. 50'. E. Irom m hence the united streams pursue a comse of ai)Out 110 miles, under the appellation of the Braminy Noy River, \s hich it then changes for that of the Boinice Biver. Its course is afterwards nearly due east, until it is joined by the Coyle, or B\turnee River, when they flow together into the Bay of Bengal, 10 miles north from Point Pahniras. '1 he whole course, from the rise of the Soank, may be esti- mated at 360 miles, iiicluding the windings; andtiie countries it passes through are Chufa Nagpoor, Gang- poor, Sumbhulpoor, aad Cuttack. BoxsoLO. — A district in the terri- tories of the Poonah Maharattas, on the sea coast of the province of Be- japoor, betwten the 16th and 17th degrees of north latitude. It is inter- sected by many mountain streams, ■which How from the ^^ estern Ghauts, such as the Gheriah, Denghur, and Atkerah Rivers, so named iiom for- tresses at their junctions ^v^th the sea, and formerly the resort of the ])iratical fleets v,hich inU^sted t'.iis coast. The pririeij)al towns are Ghe- riah, Raree, and Vingorla. A great proportion of this district belongs to an independent JMaharatta Chieli named the Rajah of Colapoor. BoNTAiN. — A small district in the Island of Celebes, situated at the soutliern extremity. It was an- ciently considered among the de- pendent allies of Macassar, but was afterwards ceded to the Dutcli East India Company. Captain Carteret, who |)ut into the Bay of Bonlain, in Lat. 5°. 33'. S. Long. 119°. 47^ i:. gives a very good character of tJia inliabitants. He describes Bontain Bay as large and capacious, and says, that ships may lie in safety there during both monsoons. In this bay there are several small tow ns ; that which is called Bontain lies to the north, and has a small pallisadoed fort. Wood and water are to be procured here in great plenty, and also fresh provisions. Eowls and fruits abound, and rice may be had in any quantity. There are great numbers of wild hogs in the woods, which may be liad cheap, as the natives, being Mahommc- dans, never eat them. The titles are very irregular; commonly it is liut once high water, and once low w ater in 24 hours, and the diiicrcnce is seldom more than six feet. {Sta- vori7iiis, WiJcocke, i^c.) BoNV. — A kingdom in the Island of Celebes, extending 20 leagues along the western shore of the Gulf of Bony, from the River Chinrana to the River Salinico. This gulf, or arm of the sea, is named by the na- tives, Sewa, and by the Euro})eans, Buggess Baj, and deeply indents the Island of Celebes to the south. Witli the kingdom of Bony a consi- derable trade is carried on, it pro- ducing gold, rice, sago, cassia, tor- toise shells, pearls, i^c. 6ve. To the north of Bony, along the bottom of t!ie bay, the country is w ell iidiabited, and abounds in sago, which is very cheap ; also cassia and 170 BONY. pearls. Near tlie bottom of tlie gulf, at the River Loo, boat building is carried on; also a tiade in gold, sago, cassia, and seed pearls. The inhabitants along the sea-coast fish for swallo, (named also sea slag, tri- pana, and biche de mar) which they carry to Macassar, and sell to the Chinese junks. On the east side of the bay the country is not so well inhabited as on the w est, and navi- gation of the bay is extremely ha- zardous to ships of burthen, on ac- count of the numbeiless shoals and small rocky clusters in it. This is the proper countrj' of the Buggesses, (bugis, or bouginese) who are remarkably industrious and skilful in all kinds of curious filla- gTce work in gold and silver, and in weaving the striped and checked cotton cloths worn in all the Malay islands, 'i hey excel also in making jnatchlocks, firelocks, and all kinds of arms and accoutrements, and in building large prows and other ves- sels. 'J'his ancient, brave, and mar- tial nation became known to Euro- peans only in their decline. In cou- rage, enterprise, fidelity, and even fair dealing in commerce, they are placed at the head of the Orang Timor, or eastern men. I'he nation to which the bugis exhibit the great- est resemblance are the Japanese. Tlie Bugis may be reckoned the originril language of the island of Celebes. On the sea-coast it is much mixed with the Eastern Ma- lay, and is found pme only in the ancient books, and in the interior of Celebes. The alphabet consists of 22 letters; the form of the character is peculiar, but resembles the Batta andTagala. The Koran has been translated into the Bugis language, and they also [losscss traditional and historical songs and romances in that dialect. 'J 'he Buggesses possess a code of V ritten laws ; but they also deter- mine many disputes by single com- bat, never avenging themselves by personal assassination. In tiiis they difter essentially from the Sooloo na- tion, who never think of patting: themselves on an equality w ith their antagonist, but always attack him in the dark, or when ofi his guard. According to Stavorinus, the first monarch of tlie Buggesses, affirmed by them to be of celestial origin, in- stituted the laws of tlie country, which are still observed. He ap- pointed seven electors, the dignity to be hereditary in particular fami- lies, and descending to females as well as the other sex. All matters of importance must be decided by this electoral college, their power extending to the deposition as well as the appointing of their kings, and also the making of peace or war. In the beginning of the 17th cen- tury, the Buggesses were compelled by the Macassars to adopt the Ma- hommedan, but we have no account of their prior religion. The king- dom of Bony w as once so poweriwJ, that the state could bring 70,000 lighting men into the lield, and greatly assisted the Dutch in the conquest of Macassar, of which they have since had reason to repent. Rajah Polacca, a powerful prince and sovereign of Bony, died in 1(J96, and was succeeded by his son, La- patoua, who died in 17 13. 'i'he daughter of the latter, Bat- tara Todja, succeeded him as the 16fh sovereign of Bony, and resigned in 1715, when she was succeeded hy her half-brolher, Lapadang Sajati, who was deposed in 1720, and the Queen Battara Todja restored. Her reign was a perpetual scene of civil and foreign war; during which she was repeatedly dethroned and re- elected, and the capital taken and plundered by the contending parties several times. In 1749, she died, and was succeeded by her half-bro- ther, Lama Ossong, under the namtt of Abdul Zabshab jelaluddeen, who reigned in 1775, and was then above 80 years of age. Prior to this period tlie state of Bony had been brought under subjection by the Dutch, to whom the king Avas obliged to take an oath of fidelity and allegiance. BOONDEE. 171 Tlie policy of the Dutch was to keep tlie Maciissars ami BiJS?,esscs in a state of perpetual hostility, by which they at last subdued the former prin- cipality, and tiic latter soon followed. On the decline of the Dutch power, the state of Bony aj;ain attained in- dependence, which must have been confirmed by the conquest of the Dutch settlements in Celebes, in 1812, by the British. (Starorinitf, Forrest, Leijden, Qnarterhj Review, Dahijmph, - ject to the Dutch, situated at the southern extremity of the Island of Celebes. The land is fertile in rice, abounds with game, and has exten- .sive forests ; but the timber is not well adapted for tJie construction of houses. During the west monsouu the road before Boolaeoomba is dan- gerous lor ships; small vessels, how- ever, can ruu into the River KaU- kongaimg. Near th« mouth of this river stands the Dutch pallisadoed fort Carolina, in which a resident WAS. stationed, who also had the su- perintendence of the kingdom of Bera. The men of the latter pro- vince are, in general, good warriors both by sea and land. The richest are merchattts; others employ tJrera- selves in building prows, and in ma- nufacturing a coarse cloth from the cotton, v.hich is ])lenty. A small tribute of these cloths was annuall}' paid to the Dutch East India Com- pany. {Stavvrimts, cVc.) BooNDKE, {Bimdi). — A town in the province of A j me, r, district of Harowt>. tributarv to the Iviaharaf- tas. Lilt. 25°. 26'. N, Long. 75°. 35'. E. I'his town is situated on the south- erly lis territories, though of small extent and revenue, are of 172 BOORO. importance, as thej' command a principal pass into Upper Hindostan. During the retreat of Col, Mon- son, in 1804, the Booudee Rajah gi-eatiy assisted him in his distress ; and his conduct had been uniformly friendly to the English ; 3'et, at the peace of 1 805, he was abandoned by ilie British govennnent to the ven- geance of the Maharattas. {Mal- colm, Hunter, cVc.) BooNTAL, {Bhavmttala). — A small district in the northern part of the Lahdack country, situated betwixt the 35th and 36th degrees of north latitude ; respecting which nothing is known, except its geographical position. BooREE Rapty River, (Revati). — ^^rhis river has its source in the hills which separate the province of Oudc from the Nepanl territories in Northern Hindostan, from whence it flows thiongh the Goracpoor district, and joii'S the Goggrah, a few miles belowf Dooryghaut. BooiiPHANA. — A small town in the province of Delhi, within the for- mer district of Siimroo Begum, 42 miles N. N. W. from Delhi. Lat. 29°. 18'. N. Long. 77°. 20'. E. BooRGHAUT. — A ghaut, or pass, through the western range of moun- tains, which is ascended on the road from Bombay to Poonah. This pas- .sage, although very rugged and steep, is not so mucli so as the Am- bah pass ; yet the hills are of great height, and present many fine scenes to the artist to delineate. Near the summit is a small village, named Coondallah, and another at tlie bot- tom named Expoly, with a handsome tank of great extent, enclosed with a stone wall, and havhig a flight of .stone steps to the vatcr. {liJoor, BooRHANPOoR. — A City HI the ]Maharatta tenitories,in the province of Khandesh, of wliich it was former- ly the capital, situated on the N. W. side of the River Tui»tee. Lat. 21°. 20'. N. Long. 76°. 20'. E. This town is the head-quarters of a singular sect of iVlahoiumedans, named Bohrah, whose monllab, or iiigh priest resides here. They dis- tinguish their own sect by the name of Ismaeeliah, deriving their origin from one of the followers of the pro- phet, who flourished in the age im- mediately succeeding that of Ma- hommed. They form a very large society, spread over all the countries of the Deecan, and carry on an ex- tensive commerce in all the provinces where their members are dispersed, appropriating a certain portion of their gains to the maintenance of their high priest. In Surat, there are 6000 families of Bohrahs, aud iu Oujain 1500. A younger brother of the niouUah resides at Oujain, and exercises a temporary and spiritual authority over the Bohrahs resident there. This city was taken possession of by the British army under Colonel Stevenson, on the 16th Oct. 1803, witliout resistance ; but was restored at the conclusion of the peace, in Dec. 1803. It is much fallen ofl" from its former grandeur; and the decay is likely, tiom the nature of the govennnent to which it is at present subject, to continue. Travelling distance from Oojain, 154; Nagpoor, 256; Poonah, 288; Bombay, 340 ; Agra, 508 ; and Cal- cutta, by Nagpoor, 978 miles. {Huu~ ter, Rennel, ^c.) BooRKoo. — A small village in tlie Gujrat Peninsula, situated near the Run, six miles S. W. from Annan, and surrounded by a wall of black rock, which abounds in the adjacent country. 'Phis village belongs to Siinderjee Sewjee, the agent for horses to the Bombay government. BooRO. — An island in the eastern seas, situated betwixt the 3d and 4th degrees of of south latitude, and the 126th and 127th of east longi- tude. In length it may be estimated at 75 miles, by 38 miles the average breadth. I'he principal settlement on tliis island is Cajelli, situated at the bot- tom of a gulf of the same name, in a maishy plain. The Dutch built a BOOTAX. 173 sibne fort here, wliicli was 1)lown up in 1689; since wliich they liavc only had an inclosnre of pallisailoes, tlio island proving hnt an unprofitable settlement to them, as it prodnced no spi«'ercis. Buflaloes and liec are to be had here in abmulanee, and also cocoa-nuts, bananas, lemons, citrons, hitter oranges, a few ])inc apples; and it is on this island that the best cajepnta oil is procnrcd, Booro produces dilferent sorts of ebony, and also the sago, palm, and teak trees. Ships may be supplied here with rice, cattle, and other refreshments, and tiie MOods abound with tlie babi ronssa or hog deer. Tiie Chinese trade here tor cabi- net woods, and f- ject to the Nepaulese. 'I'his province presents nothing to the view, but the most mis-shapea irregidarities ; mountains covered with eternal verdure, and rieli willi abundant forests of large and lofty trees. Almost every mountain has a rapid torrent at its base, and many of the loftiest have ])opulous vil- lages amidst oixhards and other plantations. In its external appear- ance it is the reverse of Tibet, which is a level" table land. The mountains of Bootan fonii part of tlie great chain, which geo- graphers term Afons Imaus ; and of which frequent mention is made iu the mythological histories ot the Brahmins, by the name of Himalaya. At the foot of the chain of hills, to- wards the Bengal frontier, is a j)laiii of about 25 miles iu breadth, choked up with the m.ost luxuriant vegeta- tion ; and from its inaptitude to sup- ply the wants, or facilitate tiic func- tions of human life, may be con- sidered as appertaining properly to neither. The exhalations arising from the multitude of .springs, which the vicinity of the mountains pro- duces, are collected and confined by tlie woods, and generate a most pestilential atmosphere. The trees are large, and the forests abound with elephants ; the human inhabi- tants arc much debased in form, size, and strengtii. The climate of Bootan, affords every degiee of variation ; for, at tlie time the inhabitants ftf I'nnakha are cautious of exposing th(;mseives 1<» an ahnost vertical sun, (hose of Gliassa feel :U1 tlic rigour of >\ inter, and are cliiiicd by perpetual snows; yet both places arc within sight of each other. In this province almost every favourable aspect of the mountains, coated Avith the smallest quantity of soil, is cleared and adapteil lor culti- vation, by being shelved into hori- zontal beds, 'i he country abounds with excellent limeslone; Imt the natives apjicar unacquainted with 174 BOOTAN. its uses, cilhcr for building; or for agricultural purposes. The season of the rains about Tassisudon, the capital, is remarkably moderate; there are frequent showers, but none of those heavy torrents which ac- company the monsoon in Ben;;a!. In Bootan are to be foimd straw- bcnics, raspbenies, and blackberries, growing wild; there arc also the apple, pear, peach, and apricot trees ; also the ash, birch, maple, yew, pine, and lir, but no oak trees. The forests abound with a variety of handsome timber, and the iir is often found eight and 10 feet in circum- ference. The turnips are remark- ably good, being large, free from fibres, and very sweet. The best fiaiits are oranges, ])cachcs, apricots, pomegranates, and walnuts. For iiTigation the Booteas conduct wa- ter across the chasms of the moun- tains, through the hollow trunks of frees. In this country great part of tlie field labour falls on the females. They plant, weed, and to them eventually the task f:\ils of ap|)lyiug the sickle, and brandishing the tlail. In all laborious odices they are ex- posed to hardships and inclement weather. A\'ild animals are not numerous in Bootan, but monkies of a large and handsome kind aboTuid, and are held sacred by the Booteas, as well as by the liindoos. The spe- cies of horse, which is indigenous to Bootan, is called Tannian or 'J'aJi- gun, from Tangustan, the general appellation of that assemblage of mountains, which constitutes the territory of Bootan; the breed being altogether confined within these li- nu'ls. Thev are usuaily 13 hands high, and remarkable Ibr their sym- metry and just proportions. I'hey are distinguished in general by a tendency to piebald, those of one colour being rare. 'Jhey are short bodied, clean limbed, and though decj) in the chest, extremely active. Acctjstomcd among their native mountains to stmggle against op- position, they seem to inherit this spirit as a principle of theiriiattircj and hence, have acquired among Europeans, a character of beinghead- strong ajid ungovernable, though in reality it proceeds from an excess of eagerness to perform their task. I'rom Bootan a caravan annually visits the district of Ruugpoor in Bengal, bringing with it oranges, walnuts, and the coarse woollen manufactures of that country, v^ ith the horses that cany them, tor sale. The same privilege has never been allowed by the Bootan government to the inhabitants of Bengal. The presents sent by the Deb Kajah to the Bengal presidency, in 1772, con- sisted of sheets of gilt leather, stamped with the black eagle of the Bussian armorial, talents of gold and silver, and bulscs of gold dnst ; bags of genuine musk, narrow v^ool- len cloths, the manufacture of Tibet, and silks of China. The chests which contained them were of good v\orkmanship, and joined together by dovetail work. The Nanaiuee, a base silver coin struck in Coos Bahar, is cunent through Bootan, as in that countrj' there are local pre- judices against a mint. It is of the value of about lOd. or one-third of a sicca rupee ; the name is derived from the Hindoo mythology. The Deb (devaj Rajah who re- sides at Tussudon is the supreme head of the province, and his autho- rity is obeyed by a considerable part of it, particularly the country adja- cent to the road leading liom Ben- gal to the metropolis. ^^ illi the country to the east and west of this line we are but httle acquainted ; and it is quite impossible to form any rational estimate of the ])opu- lalion, which from the remotely scattered sites of the towns and vil- lages, and tlie precipitous natme of the country, we may conjecture to be very scanty. The principal towns are Tassudon the capital, Poo- naUha, Wandipoor, (Jhassa, and Murrichom. I'ilo is the title given to a provincial governor, and soubah to those of inferior rank. BOOTAN. 175 Tlic military weapons of the Boo- teas are the bow and arrow, a short straif^ht sword, and a faulchion re- flected like a pruning; knil'e. I ti war they use jwisoncd arrows ; the poi- son (hey procure from a plant as yet unkno\\ H to lilui-opeans, and it is an inspissated vegetable juice, in con- sistence and appearance much re- sembling crude opium. Their matchlock muskets are very con- teniptiljle, and of no use, except in the finest weather when the match will burn, and the priminj in an open pan take fire. In the manaojc- ment of the sword and shield they are very dextrous, and most ex«;el- !cnt archers. They have wall pieces, but no cannon. A slrong jealousy of all intercourse witli the inhabi- tants of Hindostan Projx^r, prevails universally among the nHti\ es on its northern frontier; and it does not appear that Bootan was ever con- <}uered, or even seriously invatlcd by the Mahommedans, There is a remarkable dissimi- larity between the feeble bodied and meek spirited natives of Bengal, and their active and Herculean ncigh- bom-s the mountaineers of Bootan. A shong similaiity of features per- vades the whole race oftheBooteas, who are much fairer and more ro- bust tlian their Bengalesc neigh- bours, with broader faces and high cheek-bones. Tlicy arc greatly af- flicted with glandular swellings in the throat, from which the natives of Bengal are exempted; it being calculated that one person iu six is affected with this distemper. The Booteas have black hair, which they cut close to tlie head. The eye is a very remarkable fea- ture of their faces, small, black, and svitli long pointed corners, as if stretched and extended by artificial means. Tlieir eye-lashes are so thin as to be scarcely perceptible, and the eye-brow is but slightly shaded. Below the eye is the broadest part of the face, which is rather flat, and narrows from tlie cheek-bones to the ■t'hin. Tlus chsiractei- of counte- nance prevails among tlie Tartar tiibes, butismore remarkable among the Chinese. The skins of the Booteas are smooth, and most of them arrive at a very advanced age, before they have even the rudiments of a beard ; their aa hiskei-s also arc of a very scanty growth. Many of them are six feet high ; and, taken altogether, their complexions are not so dark by several shades as those of the European Portiigucse. Their houses are in general but of one story; but the palace of the Deb Rajah, at Tassudon, consists of many floors, the ascent to which is by lofty stairs, which is an unusual circumstance in Bootan. In a coun- try composed of mountains, and abounding with torrents, bridges musr necessarily be very frequent; and a traveller has commonly to pass one or more every daj's jour- ney. They are of various construc- tion, generally of timber, but some- times of iron chains. Woollen cloth for raiment, meat, spirits, and tea, are in use among the Booteas, who are strangers ta the subtle niceties and refined dis- tinctions of the Hindoos, which con- stitute the absurd perplexity of caste. As a refreshment tea is as common in Bootan as in China, but it is made in a very different way from that which Europeans are accustom- ed to follow. The Booteas make a eomjiound of water, flour, salt, but- ter, and bohea tea, with some other astringent ingredients, all boiled and beat up together. Wheti they hav« finished the cup, they lick it in order to make it clean ; the liigher classes afterwards wrap it up in a piece of scarlet silk. In some instances their medical practice is rendered unplea- sant to the physici.'in, who, when the Bootan Bajah takes a dose of physic, is obliged to swallow, how- ever unseasonably, a i)ro]ioi tionat« quantity of the same medicine. The ministers of religion in Boo- tan are of tht- sect of Buddha, and a distinct class, confined solely to the duties of their faith. Th« com- 176 EOREA. mon people jMctciidiiig; to iioinlorlVi- ence in maltcrs of spiiitn;»l concern, leave religion, wifli all its I'ornis and ceremonies, to those Avho are at- tached trom eaiij' habit to its obliga- tions and prescriptions, (hnn nunuiec paimee ooni, a form of words to which ideas of pecniiar sanctity are annexed by the inhabitants of Boo- tan and Tibet, arc placed on most of their consecrated buildings. 'J'hey are frequently also engraved on tlie rocks in large and deep characters, and sometimes seen on tlie sides of liills, formed by means of stones fixed in tlie earth, and of so great a size as to be visible at a considerable distance. In the performance of any religious duty, the Booteas admit of no interrnption jNliatever, Avhich has proved the cause of mu( h delay and inconvenience to those who have had business to transact with their chiei's. {Turner, Saunders, Hcunel, BooToN. — An island in the East- ern Seas, hing off the south-eastern extremity of Celebes, about the 5th degree of south latitude. In length it may be estimated at So miles, by 20 miles the average breadth ; and it is separated from the Island of Pangansane by a strait, whidi is passable for square rigged vessels. This island is high and woody, but well cultivated, and produces rice, maize, yams, a variety of tro- pical fruits, and abundance of the wild bread fruit tree, tlie kernel of which is indigestible. Fowls, goats, buiialoes, and fish, arc also to be procured here, in payment of which money is prefeired by the natives to any species of barter. The inhabi- tants are very tawny, of short sta- ture, and ugly; their language, on tlie sea coast, is the JMalay, and tlicir religion the Mahommedan. The Dutch had lormerly a settle- ment here in the Bay of Booton, and lield the chief of the island un- der a sort of subjection as an ally. They paid him isu rix dollars an- nually, in return for which he per- mitted tliem to send an officer an- nually, named the exlirpafor, who inspected the woods, and destroyed the clove trees. On the east side of this island is a >)ay, named by the Dutch Dwaal, or Mistake Bay, into Avhich if a ship ])(! drifted by the currents, she can- not get out until the west monsoon s(>ts in, and even then it is difficult. A Dutch governor, going to Banda, was detained in this vexatious gulf a whole year. {Stavoriiius, Labcl~ JariUere, Forrest, Bougainville, ^'c. BoPAL, {Bhupala, a King). — A town in the province of Malwah, 107 miles east of Oojain, the capital of a small state tributary to the Ma- harattas. Lat. 23°, 16'. N. Long. 77°. 27'. E. 'I'his place is extensive, and sur- rounded with a stone wall, on the outside of which is a large gunge, or mart, with wide and straigiit streets. On a rising ground to the S. W. on the outside of the town is a fort called Futtehghur, built on a solid rock. It has a stone wall w ith square towers, biit no ditch. To the south- west, under the walls of this fort, is a very extensive tank, or pond, formed by an embankment at the confluence of five streams, issuing^ from the neighbouring hills. The tank is aboxit six miles in length. The hills in tUe neighbourhood con- tain a soft free stone, and a reddish granite, from which issues the small liver Patarah, and the Betwah also has its source in this vieinit}'. The town and territory of Boi)al are occupied by a colony of PataiKS, to whom they Mere assigned by Au- rengzebe. In 1790 the revenue of Bopal was estimated at 10 lacks of nqiees, but it has been since greatly reduced by the depredations and en- croachments of the Maharattas. (Uiinter, ic) BoREA. — A town in the northern extremity' of the province of Delhi, situated in the Doab of the Jumna and Sutulege rivers. 'J he country^ in the neighbourhood, is inhabited by Singhs and Sieks, 3 BORNEO. 177 BORNEO, Cftmtni). The lariACst of the Asiatic Isles, p\f(;nilirig (Voin llic seventh piiraliil olnoitli.t'j tlicfointh parallel ol'south latitude, aud from the IWtli to the 1 18lh (deast longitude. Tliis island is of a mole solid eompaet ligine, and not so nuieh indented hy arms of tlie sea as the; rest of the Eastern Archipelago, ulthongii it possesses many bays and harbours, some of Iheni as jet but little explored. It is sunouuded by inimberless small islands and rocky islets, many of the latter not larger than a common Eu- rojiean house, aTid in length nuiy be estimated at 750 miles, by the 3a0 miles, tlic average b-readth. 'Jlie interior of this! island bein^ ■wholly unexplored, we are compelled to trust to llie inaccurate (•(•minuni-' iiications of the ignorant natives to Ihc Europeans formerly settled on the island, or occasionally visiting the sea-coast on tradings voyages. This species of information is obvi- ously not entitled to much attention; iVoiJi a concurrence of tesliinony, liovvcYcr, we may infer, that in ge- neral, for above 30 miles inland, it continues marshy and covered with jungle, but inhabited, and in some degree cultivated. Further inland it becomes mountainous, and is co- vered \tith forests of tall ti-ees, swarming with wild animals, and j)roducing that species of large n\)c, iianu'd by tlic Malays the orang ootang, or man of the woods. If we may credit tiie IMalay accounts, this centrical tract is also inhabited, as they assert that many of the ai tides of traflie sold to Europeans are Itrongbt from a distance of 20 dajs jouincy up the country. The rivers of tills island best knowi) to Europeans are those of Ijorneo, Barjarmassin, and I'assir, which are ascertained to be navi- gable fitr boats above 60, from then* junction with the ocean; but they liave never been ascended higher by Europeans, and very seldom by Ma- Jays. From the nature of the coun- tiy, it is probable tlicy do not con- N tinuo navigable much further up> which is an additional obstacle to the examination of the centrical tracts, to those presented by the Ma- honmicdau inhabitants of the sea- coast, v\ ho endeavoiu" to monojiolize all the tralhc, and prevent any inter- course between the natives of tiie interior and the Chinese or Euro-* peans. TJie climate of the northem pfti t of Borneo nnich resembles that of ('e\lon, being from the abundance of verdure always cool, and not sub- ject to hot land winds, like the coast of Coromandel. It is watered also by a number of fine rivers, several of which fall into the Bay of Maloodoo, without bars. The Sooloos, who jiretended to a sovereignty over this part of the coast, many yeais ago made a grant of it to the English, M'ho nc\ct took possession, and the right of the donors thus to dispose of it may reasonably be doubted. In tiiis quarter of the island is the high mountain Keeneebaloo, near to v\hich live the wild idaan, named also inaroots, lioraforas, or aUbrcze. The "\\ hole of this tract, however, to European constitutioits is singularly nnheallhy. On the mainland, on tlie north coast op[)Osite to Balambangan anti Banguey, there are forests of tall timber without underwood, a'ud free- stone is also found in abundance. Here aie large cattle called lisang, and liOeks of tlecr and wild hogs feed on the extensive j)Iaitis without fear of the tiger. Tlie country produces all sorts of tropical fruits, and some few species not to be '.uuud oa thy other islands. The principal native town is that of Borneo; and the chief European settlements, . Passir, Banjarmassiii, andPontiana. Under their respeelivo titles some jiarliculars will be found resi^ectingthe commerce and exports of Borneo, and for fuithcr niiseclia- neoiis details, see the articles, Man- O KKDA RA , M \ I.LOonoO, PaIT AN, Pa P- I'AL, and Mamtava. The sea-coast, aud tlic mouths of 178 BORNEO. the iia\i<;able livas of Borneo, arc cfl tJicin- in streni!:tlj and activity. ii)habitt'd b} Mahomnu'daus, vho Thcy-iUG luiivei sally iiulc and lui- rccoi\e I'lam Enropciius the <::on(Tal Ictterod ; and, Mheii lliey have not name ol' Malays. They are an iin- been reduced to the stale of shives pure nu\tiire of Macassars, Java- of the soil, their manners have a ge- iicse, INlalays, Arabs, and some con- ucral resemljianee, verted Biajoos, or aboi igiuf.s, and In tiieii- manners, the most singu- aro a rapacious, treacherous race, hu" feature is, the necessity imposed niuch addicted to piracy, with -whom on every person, of sonielinie in his Europeans have never jet been abb; life, emhruuig his hands in hunutti to establish a secure intercourse. It is blood; and, in general, among ail a remarkable fact, lio\ve\Vr, that the llieir tribes, as Aveii as the idaan, no unarmed and un[)rotcct('d Cliinese ])erson is permitted to marry, injtil trade uitiiout dillicultv on a coast so he can shew the skull of a man he fatal to Europeans; jet tlie cargoes arc valuable, and their vessels de- fenceless. The chiefs, or rajahs, of these piratical states, possess, each, one or more strong holds,from m hieh they have, assisted by the pcstilen- has slaughtered. They eat the tlesh of their enemies like the battas of Sumatra, and drink out of their skulls. The ornaments of their honses are human skulls and teeth, which are, conseiiuenlly, in gieat laal climate, repeatedly repelled En- rcipiest among Iheni ; as formerly in ropcans, with severe loss. Trading Sumatra, the ancient inhabitants of ships, while lying oft" the coast of w hich arc said to have had no other Borneo, should be particularly ou their guard, and always ready to re- sist an attack. 'i"he inhabitants of the interior, or aborigines, have usually recci\cd ihe iiame of idaan, and in every respect circulating medium than the skulls of their enemies. The horaforas are found in all the Moluccas, in Cele- bes, the Phillipiues, and Maginda- nao, where they are termed sabano ormunubo; and the ferocious race, ;ippeartoresenil)lethc raceofhorafo- mentioned by Marsden, who li\e fas, or alfoers, as they are termed by inland frojn Samanka in Sumatra, the Dutch, being, except the Papuas, and are accustomed to atone for in all probability, the most ancient their own faults, by offering the and original race of the Eastern Isles, heads of strangers to the chiefs of The idaan are sometimes termed villages, are probably of the same maroot, which is tlie Sanscrit name descrij.i1 ion. of the 49 regents of the winds, and The Sooloos assert, that the idaan. companions of Indra. They are a of the interior' believe that their gods barbarous, but brave and active race, are pleased with human victims, and iiud their language, which is reckon- that several in poorer circumstances ed original, but has no wiitten cha- will club togelijcr to buy a Philip- raeter, is named, indiscriminately, pine slave, or any other person that the biajoo, tiroon, or idaan. They is to be sold cheap, fhat all may are certainly the original inhabitants partake in the merit of the execu- of Borneo, and resemble the hora- tion. Their anus are long knives foras in stature, agility, colour, and and soompiltans, a, tube of wood murmcrs. about six feet long, through which Th<; horaforas aro indigenous in they blow small arrows, j»oisoned at almost all the l:;a:5tern Isles, and are one end ; having, at the other, a small fcothcli^nes Ibund in the same island bit of cork wood, just large enough with the Papuas, Ol' oriental negroes; to fill up the liollow of the tube, bat the lalter have never yet been They are 'generally well acquainted discovered in Borneo. They are with poisons. The jioisonous juice often lighter in coloui than the PJa- used for this ptnpose is extracted ■ hoimnedau races, and gcucrally ex- from a tree, which bus not ytt bccu BORNEO. 179 ascertiiincd by Europeans, and the V ound caused by it is mortal. These idaan, althou^ii of such barbarous and sanguinary liabits, are Hot mere savages, 'i ney cuUivato the eartli, and raise fruits and vege- tables, which they carry to the sca- eoast, and exchange with the Bia- joos and Malays for salt ; this arlieio in lumps passiii'; in the market for cuirency. These idaan rear hogs, and sympathize with the Europeans wlien they see tliem eat pork, which the Malays hold in abhorrence; but they consider the latter advanced a step beyond themselves in ci^i!iza- tion, as having a religion^ wliile they have, in fact, not any. The Biajoos may be considered as the same race with the idaan and horaforas, tlieir manners being some- what diversified by the nature of their pursuits, which are those of a maritime life. They are in reality a species of sea gipsies, or itinerant fishermen, who live in small covered boats, and enjoy a perpetual sum- mer on the Eastern Ocean, shifting to leeward from island to island, with the variations of the monsoon. In some of their customs, this sin- gular race resemble the natives of the Maldive Islands. They annu- ally perform their ottering to the god of evil, by launching a small bark, loaded with all the sins and misfor- tunes of the nation, which are ima- gined to fall on the unfortunate crew that may be so unlucky as to meet with it. The Biajoos, on tlie norlh-wcst coast of Borneo, are more civilized than the others ; and, when the Eng- lish coioiiy at Balambaugan existed, used to supply it with rice, fowls, and other provisions ; by the Malays they are named oran laiit, or men of the sea. 'J'hese fishing Biajoos have boats of about five or six tons, with whole families on board, who fish for swallo, or sea slug, in seven snid eight fathoms water. 'I'hey also dive for it; the best, which is the black, being procured in deep water, souiit of them of tUe w ei^jht of half N 2 a pound. It is sold to the Chi- nese at foiu- and live debars per pecul, (133| pounds). Some Biajoos dwell close to the sea on the islands round Borneo, and at the moullis of rivers, their houses being raised on posts. Many of this last class have become converts to the Mahomme- dan religion. On the north-cast coast of Borneo is a savage people, named orang ti- dong, or tiroon, who ap])ear to ho another variety of the Biajoo race. They reside up the rivers, and lit out pirati('al vessels to cruize among the Philippines, and on the north-east coast of Borneo. They are a hardy race, and subsist mostly on sago during their cruizes. The Mahom- mcdans of Magindanao and the lUa- nos att'ect to despise them ; but when they meet among the Pliilippines, Avhich arc their common prey, they do not molest each other. They are described as eaters of human flesh occasionalh'. Their boats are small, and the planks are sewed together, of which they take pieces and cany overland, when enclosed in any of the bays by the Spanish armed ves- sels. Their conduct to theii' prison- ers is cruel in the extrenjc, often mutilating the stoutest, or leaving them to perish on some sandy desert island, 'i'hey sell a great deal of sago to the Sooloo islanders, wiio afterwards dispose of it to the Chi- nese junks. There remains another class of Biajoos, who wander about Celebes, Borneo, and the Philippines, and who Cvre composed of a medley of dillerent nations ; such as Chinese, with long plaited hair ; Javanese, Avith bare throats, plucked beards and whiskers ; and Macassars, with black shiiiing teetli. Their religion is said to be Mahonnncdaii and Chinese; and their boats arc ma- naged by the women as well as the men. Comparing the state of this island in civilization and cultivation with other parts of India, the population of whicli is a^cmt^uad, 'AlLUuuglx of IBO BOrSLAGUR. so immense a size, we eannot assinii a greater iiinjiber than three uiillious to the iiihahitants of Borneo; not including in tlie estimate the orans: outungs, whieli some authors assert is also a cooking aniina!. The inhabitants ol" the north coast of Borneo iia ve a tradition, that their country was once subject to China; l)Ut when lir^t AJsited by the Portu- guese, in 1530, tiiey ibuiid the Ala- honniieilan religion firmly establish- ed all along the sea coast. The Dutcii had Ibrnierly a settle- ment at Banjarmassin; and, in 1778, obtained 1 andak and Succadana by cession from the King of Banttun, Avhose ancestoi-s in remote times had conrjuered them. They sent a small force to take possession of them, and erected a fort at I'ontiana ; but, like many olher of their establishments, tliey never realized profit fiom it equal to the expense incurred; yet among the exports are enumerated rough diamonds, eamphire, benzoin, canes, iron, copper, bezoar, sago. Max, bird nests, and gold. {For- rest, Dalnpnple, Lnjden, Stavoriims, Wilcocke, Ebnore, Sc.) Borneo. — A town on the N. W. coast of the Island of Borneo, situ- ated 10 miles u|> a river of tiic same name. Lat. 4°. 50'. N. Long. 114°. 44'. E. The river is navigable far above the town for ships oi burthen ; but the month is narrow, and has a bar, over wliich there is scarcely 17 teet at high water. U]) to the town the water is salt, and the tide runs at tlie rate of four miles an hour, in the midy a proper management, it is probable, th.it wooli(;ns might be convejed through this channel into China. T!ie houses of this town are built OR each side of the river uiion posts, and are ascended by stairs and lad- ders. It resembles Venice, in hav- ing small water channels in place of streets ; and all traflic is transacted on board of boats, wliich float up ajid (low n the river with the tides, and are in general managed by wo- men. The captains and supercargoes of Euro[)ean trading-ships should be careful of Ncntiiringon shore here, nor should tlicy on any account take their ships ui) the river, for' fear of treat liery. The IVIalay and Cliinese vessels, trading to this port, hang ;i bag of lime in the water close lor-' ward under each bow, wliich, im- pregnating the water around, in their opinion keeps off the worm. The form of govermnent at this place is difiicuit to understand. 'J'he chief person is styled eang de pa- tuan, and the second sultan ; then come tile pruigerans, or nobles, 15 in number, m ho tyrannize over th« people. Formerly there was ait English factory here, but it has long since been abandoned.. (Forrest, Ehnorc, Ath Register, Vc.J BoRow. — A town in the province of Gujrat, 27 miles N. W. from Camba'v. Lat 22°. 33'. N. Loiig. 72°. 2-1'. E. BouJi'.POOR, {Bhojapurn\ — A town in the province of Bahar. dis- trict of Shahabad,68 miles W. from Batna. Lat. 25° 36'. N. Long. 84<». y. TL BoUSLAGUK, (BhomlngJiar). — A large grand village in the j)rovinee of Gnndwana, 110 miles S. froia Buttuui)oor. Lut. 20°. 4U'. N. Long. 82°. 28'. B. BRAHMAPOOTRA RIVER. 181 About ihis place tlie streams are ohservi'd to rnn \\ estward, Ihe couu- try beiiii; drained into the Goda\ ery ; to the north of this tlie little rivers mil eastward, and tail into the M.\- hanuddy. I'roni Conkair to tliis place, a dislanee of 40 niilej^, there is not a single habitation lliat ean he called even a handet. A hut or two are observed liere and there, w itii small spots of land somewhat clear- ed; when; the Goands, having cut down (he trees to within three feet of the o^round, and having intcr- \vo\ eu the bjanehes, so as to fence Jheir plantations against the incur- sions of wild beasts, clear a spot, and cultivate a little uiaize. (^Bhuit, 330UTAN.— A high round island, vith several smaller ones near it, l}ing olf the north-east coast of tlie 3Ialay Peninsula. Lat. 6°. 32'. N. Loti'l 9iP. 10'. K. IjOWal. — A village in the province of Bengal, district of Dacca ilclal- pore, 20 miles N. bv E. from the «:ity of Dacca. Lat. 2;i° 57'. N. Long. 90°. 23'. E. The country sur- rounding this place swarms with game of all sort.s, among which may be enumerated eleiihauts, tigers, leopards, bears, buflaloes, \\ iid boars, deer of many varieties, foxes, hares, jackals, tiger cats ; and, of the fea- liiered tribes, florekins, peacocks, the doiuesiic fowl in a wild state, diil'crent sorts of partridges, snijies, fjiiail, wild ducks, leal, and wild pigeon.s. Bkahmapootra River, — The largest river ol India, known iu 'J'ibct by the; name of the Sanpoo. The sources of this ri-.er have never been e\i>lored, luit it is probable they are separated from those of the Ganges only by a narrow range of snow clad j)eaks, alioiit tlie 32d de- gree of north latitude, and 82d of cast longitude. l''r.)ni hence the Jhabmapootra takes its eoiu-se east- ward through the <' a person celebrated in tlieir romances, whom they naine Bandung, whose skill in magic is said to have raised them in one night. A Javanese manuscript a.s- serts then to have been creeled in the Javanese year 1188 (A. D. 1261). The neighbourhood of Rramba- nan, to the extent of 20 miles, is cultivafed with cotton, which is here produced in greater ahundance, and of better (piality, than in any other part of tlie island. The village of Brambanan is, in fact, the lirst, if not the only mart in Java for cotton, V hich is here known by the Hindui name of Kapas. {Edinburgh Re- vieiCy rf-c.) Brourah, {Broderti). — A town in the province of Gujrat, district of Cliamj)aneer, 40 miles N. N.W. from the citv ot Broach. Lat. 22°. 13'. N. Long. 70°. 24'. E. 'J'his is the capital of a iVIaharatta Ciiicflain, known by the family name of the Guicovvar (Gaikcvad). vvlio divides with the peshwa and the British tiie largest and fuiest jxirlionof (Uijrat ; liis particular share hiiig piineipally in the norfhein districts. In Aii- rengzebe's reign this a\ as a large and wealthy town, and still continues a place of considerable trade, but we have no detailed (bscription of it. PillajeeGiiieowar(t he great grand- father of the present Giiicowar) in- vaded the province of Gujrat iu 1726, and iu 1730 was confirmed in liis concpiest by Saiioo IJajah, the grandson of Sevajee, and reigning swvcfciga of the Muharattass. Pil- lajee was sttcoeedcd by his son Da- majee, who was taken prisoner by tlte Peshwa Bajerow, but afterwards ransomed, and received a snmiud for (he half of Gujrat. His successor was his son I'utteh Singh, who dying in 1789 was succeeded by his bro- ther jVlanajee, who died in 1792, when another brother, named Go- vind Row, ascended the throne. This chief died in 1 800, and was succeeded by his .son, Anund Bow Guicowar, who .still continues at the head of the government. This state was first noticed in the political transactions of th(; British about tlie year 1782, vvlicn, at the peace conchided with the JVIaha- ratta Chiefs of I'oonah, it was stipu- lated, that the established Jaghire of l''uttch Singh Guicovvar (who had sided wi(h the Bri(ish) should con- tinue in Ins possession, the said Fut- teh Singh Guicowar performing the same obedience, and paying ths same tribute to the peshwa as had before been ciLstomary. By the treaty of BasscLu, concluded with Ww peshwa on (he 31st of Deeem- bf^r, l!i;02, the Bvitish engage to ar- bi(ratc and atljiist all dilferenccs be- tween the peshwa and Anund Row Guicowar. In 1802 Malliar Bow commenced hostilities against Anund Row, and took possession of Vessanagur. The latter .solicited t!:c assistance of the British, and a delachnient v\ as sent, which defeated Mulhar Row, ex- pelled him (rom the Guieowar's couniry, and took the fort of Kurree and the rest of his possessions. An alUance was then foimed with the Guicowar, who made several ces- sions of territory to reimburse the expense incurred by the British, and consented lo receive and support a .subsidiary force of 2000 regular in- fantry, and also (o reduce an ex- pensive corps of Arabians, which he had in his service. By this treaty it was dcterinined, likewise, that all the Guicowai's political aiTrange- rnents at Poonali should be con- ducted by tiio Biilish Ilc.sidont, 184 BROACH. conjimctly with the Giiicowai's Va- teel. By a supplementary treaty, con- chided on the 18th of I'cbruary, 1803, between the Guicowar, and Major Walker on the part of the British, the followino^ districts were peruiaiiently ceded for the support of the subsidiary force, viz. The pcrpfnnnah of Dolka, yicldinsf a revenue of - 450,000 r>itto of Neryad - - - 175,0(K) Ditto of Bejapoor - - - 130,000 Tlie Tuppa oi' Kuirce, con- tiguous to Bejapoor - 25,000 Rupees 780,000 On the 2d of June, 1803, the Cjuicowar as^rced to subsidize an ad- ditional body of 1000 irdantr}', tor the payment of wliich the ioUowing districts were made over ; The pcrgnnnah of flatter, valued at - ^ _ - - 130,000 Ditto of Modha - ^ - 110,000 The customs of Kiinkato- dra, north of the Tuptce 50,000 Rupees 290,000 Tlie actual extent of the Gui- cowar's influence, and the limits of his vemaiuiug- territories, it is almost impossible to disciiminato, and de- pend g;reatly on the talents of the rei;,',iiiiig prince. His cl.iims to tri- bute are very indefinite, and extend over the whole province ; but the na- ture of the goveinmeat being wholly feudal, only occasional obedience is paid by his vassals, who arc more ice]it in awe by his alliance with the British, than from any diead of his own intrinsic resources. What re- venue he leceives is generally col- lected by the presence of a military force, and but a small portion of it ever reaches the treasury at the ca- pital. {Marquis Welleslcij, Treaties, ijC. o^^ let Row Sindia. in Dccenil)er, 18t!3. As a j)articular favour, the peslnva was allowed to retain the perguiuiahs ofAhmood, .Jumbosier, and Dubboi, being old fiefs of his family; and even the town of Olpar, v\ ithin seven niiles of Sural. 'I'his intermixture of dominion is not un- common in Hjndostan, but was .al- ways more customary among tlio Maharattas, than any other nation. A smaller tract of country, imme- diately adiaccui to the city, is pro- perly called the distriit of Broach. Three-fourths of this territory, con-^ taiuiug 122 villages, are named ka- num lands, which posses a rich soil, preferable to tlie Barra land, close to the sea. The annual govern- ment assessment upon kanum land, inconstant cultivation, is 12 rupees per acre; but, after a year of fallow, it is double that rate. Land v\ liich is allowed to lie fallow is named vassel, in contradistinction to tliat named bhoot, which is tilled every season. The crop on the lirst, is double that on the last, and the rent in proportion. About the town of Broach, a begah (one-ihird of an acre) of common vassel, is assessed at eight rupees, aiid one of biioot at four rupees, I'o raise tliis double ])roduee, the spot must also be iur- ])roved by exposure, ii ligation, and manures. loity villages, bordering on tlie sea-coast, compose the division of AmUsecr and ruckujia; and tUeir BKOACH. 155 earned away the bunks of the i ihiid whi re it jiTows, ;>iid alun;;; with tlieui siu-li parts of the tree, a., liad ex- tended their roots so far. Wliat still rciiiaitis is about 2(J0f) feet ia circiuiiR'it'iicc, nieasiirinj:^ round thg different stems; but, the hiinj.;iiig branches, the roots of wiiich havo not yet readied tlie ground, cover a iinuh larj>,er extent. The chief trunks of this tree amount to 300, all sujierior in size to the generality of Euj^lish oaks and elms; and tiie sniidier stems, forming strong- sup- jioitors, arc niore than 3000, and from each of these new brandies banjinc; roots are proccdin^-, wliich time will form trunks, and become the parents of a fiit'ue projcj'.y. This is the tree de;>eril>ed by iVlil- ton in Parailise Lost; and tiie natives have a tradition that u 3000 years old, and assert that 7000 persons can !ej)ose under its shade. Being so conveniently situated, the Bom bay government made many attempts to obtahi this district, and had possession of it for a shjrt tiiue prior to 17S2; but. at that period, in order to procure the concurrence of Madhajee hindia to tiie treaty of Salbey, Broai h with its valuable territory yielditjp a revenue 200,0001. was a private and separate agree- ment ceded to him. ( Drnmmond, Lord Valeiitia, Moore, dtk liigister. Broach. — A town in the province of Gujrfit, district of Broach, of which it i.s tlie capital, situated on the norlli boiik of the Xerbuddah River, about 25 miles above its junc- tion with the sia. Lat. 21° 41'. N. Long. 75". 6'. E, . TiiLs place is said to derive its name from the Hindoo saint or de- votee ]>hrigu, and to be properly W'rittcii Bbrigu Kshetra or Bin'igu-r pura, the tov/n or place of J3!)rign. It is thougiit to have been tiie B.ary- gaza of tin: ancients, and when it named Kuveer Bur, in honour of .surrendered to the EiJiperor Acber, a famous saint, and was formerly in 1572, continued to be a place of much larger tiiaii at present; for great trade. Jii^h Uooda have at dillcrcut times Very fine bafts and other cotton soil and climate are considerably different, from the rest of the mari- time tract. In tliis particular terri- tory, which is named Barra, cultiva- tion docs not commence until Au- pist and September. On this spe- cies of land, the government assess- ment may generally be a^eraged at three rupees per begah, or one gui- nea per acre. The soil in the dis- tricts of Broach, Jumoosier, and the adjacent ojies east of the Gulf of Cambay, suits extremely well with the cultivation of cotton ; which is sown on fallowed spots along with rice, the latter being of speedy growth, and reaped at tlie opening of the rainy s3a.son. The grassia lots of land in the Broach district in 1804, exempted from the revenue As.sessments, amounted to 58,000 begahs. The number of violent deaths and robberies in this district, have greatly decrea.sed since it has fallen under the Britisli government. In former times, the deiinqueuts being almost universally punished by the intiic- tion of lines, by no means propor- tioned cither to the crime or to the amount of their i)roperty, the rich could com.'uit crimes \\ illi inipunity ; at present the punishments being personal, their apprehensions of the conscfjucnces are nnich gn ater. When sinking under the weight of years, or absorbed in spiritual con- templation, Hindoo devotees not un- frequently descend into a pit dug hy themselves or disei])les, and then sidjmit to be smothered alive. This is related of Kuveer, from whose tooth-pick the natives assert sprung the great tree, on an island in the Reva or Nermada, of which tlic fol- lowing is a deserij)tion : On an island in the Nerhuddah, 10 miles from the city of Broach, stands the famous banyan tree, sup- po.sed to be the largest and most extraordinary in existence. It is II BUBOORARA. jfoods ar^ .mnmifao^irrefl heiP, and the T.a1<;rs <>i tlio NeilMidda!! are said io Irave a pindiar jmiperty in blcacliiul;' ejolliyto a pure white. At Eroadl the hire of an ahle-hodicd mail fur the Avhdle day issmeii pice, or 4d. English; a woinaii five pice, and boys mni a;irl!j from a haU'pomiy tit 2d ; Ihc Avliole of which rates arc ahiiost do\iblc those of Bengal, in the liiasmfacturin";- districts. The price of f(Jod for conimon occasions is from one to two .tarlhiiigs per pound, and on festivals they can af- ford a relish of milk or tish. At the period of the great famine, in 1791, the number of houses in the district immediately attached to the lown of Broach was 14,835, and the inhabitants 80,922. AftiT tlic fa- mine, it Avas found that 2351 of the former had been abandoned, and tliat 25,295 of the latter liad died. In 1804, the wliole number of resi- dents in Broadi fort and the enri- rons was reported to be 22,468 souls, but at present it is believed to be more than double tluit nundier, Tlie town and district immediately at- tached to Broach may be estimated to cojitain 100,000 inhabitants. In 1807, there were 25 nats, or socie- ties, in Broach, of the banyan caste, tomjuchendini;- 5261 individuals of both sexes; and, by ;x census taken the same yCar,. it was found there •were 3101 parsees of the mobid (sacerdotal) and belidcea classes, (laity) in tlie city and suburbs. Atthis pUtce there is a piujrapole or hospital tor animals, supported by donations from the Hindoo inhabi- tants. Every marriage and mercan- tile transaction is taxed for the pin- jrapole, by which aliove 10001. is raised aiunially, a g^reat portion of which is absorbed into tlu; coffers of the nuMiagers. The only animals it at pres(;iit contains, are milk cows, which yield the expense of their keepinjj;. In the sural piujrapole, the only animals kept that cost any Ihiiijt, ;ue a ft.-w wild bulls, and some inonkies. By the ticaty cflucludcd with the Peshwa, and the combined Malva- ratta poAvers iu June, 1782, the city and perjruimah of Broach, were ceded to the East India Company. In July, 1782, they were made over to Madhajee Sindia, ostensibly a» a recompense for his humane treat- ment of the British prisoners and hostages taken at Wnrganm ; but, in reality, for his assistance in bring- ing aliout the paeilication, which, at that time, on account of Ifyder's invasion of the Carnatic, was urgent- ly wanted. In 1772, Broach was be.'iieged by an army from Bond)ay, commanded by General Wedderburue, who was killed under the walls ; and a fc\y days after his death, it was captured by storm, although then a place of very considerable strength. It re- mained in the possession of the Bri- tish until 1782, when it was ceded along with the district to Madhajee Sindia, at the treaty of Salbcy ; but was agam taken from his successor, Dowlet Row, on the 29th August, 1803, by the anny under Colonel "W oodington, and has remained witli the British ever since. Travelling distance from Bombay 221, from 'Onjain 266, and from Poonah 287 miles. (Drinnmond, WUford, T'reaties, Moor, Rennel, BuBooRARA. — A Tillage in the province of Sinde, situated on tlie road from Hyderabad to Luckput Bunder, and about 24 miles N. from Luckput Bunder. Lat. 24°. 10'. N. This place stands on the edge of the Run or desert; and, during the dry season, is abandoned by the in- habitants. There is a small tank of good water about a mile and a half to the north, round which there is a little grass. The rest of the couiir tiy is a banen, salt, marshy desert. Erom henee to Luckput Bunder, the road is over the desert in a southerly direction for about 16 miles, where stands a small hill named Teyroy, on which are four wells of good water, but the whole coutaiujng only a small tiuautKy* BUJANA. 187 From TejToy to Luckput Bunder Fiver, is ovtr a soft iniuldy swiurip for seven miles. {Maxfield, S-c.) BucKRAH. — A town ill the pro- vince of CKuie, situated on thelianks of tlic Buekrah Jecl, named also the Lucinnersar Lake, the theme of a popular sons? in I Jindoslan. Lat. 26°. 64'. N. Long. 83°. 4'. E. BucKRAH. — A town in the pro- vince of Bahar, district of Hajvpoor. Lat. 26^ 2'. N.- Long:. 85°. 8'. N. BuDAYOON, {Budavaii). — A town in the province of Delhi, district of Bareil.v, 30 miles S. AV". from the town of Bareily. Lat. 28°. 3'. N. Long. 70°. 4'. E. In 1582 it is de- scribed by Abul Fazcl as follows : " Sircar Budayoon, containing 13 mahals, measurement 8,093,850 bc- gahs, revenue 34,717,063 dams. Sc}- W'ghal 457,181 dams. This sircar furnishes 2850 cavalry, and 26,700 infantry." J?udayoon was first con- quered by the Maliommedans, A. D. 1203, and continued a town of con- siderable note during the Patau and Mogul governments, giving; its name to the adjacent country, now com- prehended in the district of Bareily. BuDDOO, {Bnddlui). — A village in the province of Lahore, 72 miles N. E. from the cit\' of Lahore. I^at. 32°. 35', N. Long'. 74°. 38'. E. An annual fair is held on the 11th April at this place, which is tributary to tlie Rajah 6f Jamboe. BuDDUA KiVER, {Bhadra, excel- lent). — ^"I'his river has its somee in the hilly district of the jMysore coun- ti7, not far from the frontiers of Coorg, from whence it flows in a northerly direction until it joins the Tunga River, the junction of the two forming the Tungabhadra, or Toombuddra River. BuDUKUCK, (Vadarica). — A town in the province of Cuttack, 44 aniles S. W. tiom Balasore. Lat. 21° 5'. N. Long. 86°. 44'. E. This place is situated on the north bank of the Sollundee River, which, at one sea- son of the year, is here 300 yaids broad, and at asiother is fordable. From this part of Orissa come most 4 of the people termed, in Calcutta, Balasore l)earers. {\st IicQ;istci\ ^c.)' BCDGEBl'DGE, {Bhujabhuj). — A small town in the province of Ben- gal, situated on the east side of the J{ivcr Uooghly, 10 miles below Cal- cutta in a straight line, but almost double that number following the windings of the river. Lat. 22°. 29'. N. Long. 88°. 20'. E. During the government of Seraj ud Dowlah, this place had a separate fortress, which, on the 29th Dec, 1756, was besieged in form, and a breach cflected by the forces under Admiral Watson and Colonel Clive, who intended a general assault a little before day-break. During the night, however, it was most inform- ally stormed by a sailor of the names of Strahan, who, happening to get drunk, wandered up to the breach, and fired a pistol at some of the gar- rison, who, supposing he must be i'ol- lowed by the whole army, fled out by the opposite side, and left him in possession of the place. {^Ives, cVc.) BuDGERooNS. — Three small rocky islets in the Straits of Salayr, off the southern cxtjemi(y of Celebes. The passage is betwixt the souihernmost and middlemost, and is about a mile broad. BuGANO. — An island about 50 miles in circumference, lying off the si'uth-eastcru coast of Sumatra. I^at. 5°.20'.S. Long. 102°. 25'. E. There is fresh water to be had on the east side of this island. BuGGEssES. — Sec Boj^Y and Ge- LEIiES. BuJANA. — A large and populous town in the province of Gujrat, dis- trict of Jutwar, situated on the south bankof the Ruii,which, in December, is in maiiy places merely moist nmd, and in others an extensive sheet of shallow water. Lat. 22°. 55'. JN. Long. 71°. 25. E. The present chieftain of Bujana is aJhut, named Mulliek Sujah, who, in concert with his brother, Deria Khan, manages the district. He is indebted for his elcvaiion to the Mulliek of Bujana, and is installed 183 BUNDELCL'ND. by having a hirban confened on him. (lW3Iur(/o, .Sr.) BULDAMCIliiTTY.— A towji 111 the province of Baliar, district of Chuia- nagpoor, 226 miles ^y. N. W. IVom Calcutta. Lat. 23° 10'. N. Long. « i°, 58'. E. BuLRAMPOOR. — A iown in the Nabob of Oudo's tenitorics, in the province of Oudc, 44 miles north IVojn I'jzabad. Lat. '27°. 22'. N. Long. S2^M0'. E. Bvsx}V-LCVSD, {Baudiflkhand). — A lar-;e.district in the province of Alla- habad, situated princij>ally bet\vi\t the 24lh and 26t!i degrees of north latitude. It is formed of the whole c'ircar mentioned by Abul lazel un- der tlie name of Ahniedabad Gohrah, Avith three- fourths of <]iat of Cal lin- ger, stretching nortli to the southern banks of the Junma, over an extent of 11,000 square miles. The country is high and moun- tainous, and but imperfectly culti- vated. The snumiits of the hills, though mostly rocky, are covered v.ith small coppice wood, there being few timber tiecs of a large size. About Adjygluu- the whole of the Ghauts, and almost every hili in this part of Bnndclcund, is a ta')le land, and the country one of the strongest in the world,, every hill being a na- tin-ai fortress froin their great height and steepness. The face of the country presents a heavy close jun- gle ; the soil, in many places, but not generally, is rich, and produces a number of teak trees, which ap- pear to he' of (he bastard kind, beuig of stunted growth. This district is comprehended be- tween the. Bctwah and Cane rivers, but lias no river of magnitude flow- ing thvougli it. The south-western frontier towards Gundwana begins a few miles soiitli of the village of DoMM a. Lat. 24°. N. Long. SU. 45'. 31 -I'he famous diamond mines of Pannah, in the timeof Acber valued at tight lacks of rupees, are within tliis district, but are not now so pro- dnetiv^ ; the other chief towns are Chatte^poor, TeaiT, aiid Jyghtpcor, Callinjer, Jhansi, t)ulteen, and Be- jaour. Under the chiefs who ruled in the last and preceding centuries, the government of this countrj' was denominated the Hindupati of Bun- delcund, the rajahs being of the, Bundela tribe of Rajpoots. The founder of this family was Bajah Beer Singli, from whom the family^ of the Oorcha chief is descended. The greater pait of his di)niiuions. Avas Mrested fiom him by Kajah; who was the last sole possessor of the Blnlde!cundpro^ince, then esti- mated to produce a land revenue cf one crore (10 millions) of rupees an- nually. At that period its capital was Callinger, one of the sfrongebt fortresses in Hindostan ; but tlie re- sidence of the rajah was tlic city of Purna, or Pannah, situated above, the Ghauts, and celebrated iVom all antiquity for its diamond mines. During the government of Rajah Chuttersal, Bnndclcund Mas invaded by jMahommed Khan Eungish, the Pattan chief of Furruckabad, and the peshwa Sewai Bajerow was in- vited from ilie Deecan to assist in repelling the invasion. AVhcn thi* M as accomplished the rajah adojjted the peshwa as Ids son, and di\ided his territory between his two sons» Ijirdee Sah and Juggeth Sail, and the peshwa, his son by adoption. The tv.o portions assigned tollirdee and Juggeth Sah continued to be held by their numerous descendants, or by the nominal adherents and de- clining branches of that family, uu- ti! a long series of domestic dissen- sion and civil war in the Bundelcund province had prepared it for subju- gation by a foreign power. ]\ladhaiee Sindia, dming his last and successful attempt in 1786 ou the expiring Delhi sovereignty, was accompanied by a strong detach- ment (,'f Deccany troops, under the command of Ali Baiuidur, an ille- gitimate grandson of the first Peshwa Bajerow, by a jMahommedan wo- man. The peshw a's object, in march- ing this body of troops, was to ob- tain possession of the northeih dis' nUNDELCLND. 1B9 tvicts of the Doab, df the Cniigcs, and Jinniia, to bo s^ovonuHi in Ali Bfiluiuder as his iT]trcsciit;iti\o. Ill the army of iMadliajof Kiiidia v.as also lh.' late Rajah iiiinnmt Balmiider, a poworiul cojiinKuitlrr of a hiige body of horse, and of a iiuiDorOH.s party of g•o^aills, (tr nan- gas, a pc'ouliar class of armed ijv^- gars and religious devotees, ai)(l of Mhoin Kajah IJimmut v as not only the military leader, but also the sjii- ritnal head. 'J'his chief falling lui- tlcr the susiiieioii of Sindia, to es- cape seizure and imprisonment, took refiige under the Zurecn Pntka, or principal banner of the Mahaiatta empire, which had been entrusted by the pcsh« a in this expedition to Ah Bahauder, and is always guarded by a select body of troops. In con- sequence of this measure, a breach ensued. between Sindia and Ali Ba- Ilander, ^vhose views on the Doab were vsholly frustialed, Sindia de- termining to establish his own inde- pendent authority in that country. , Ali B'lhander, thus di-appointed of aggrandisement in I'pper Hin- dostan, prepared to return to Foo- nah, but destitute of funds for the support of his army. When, in tiiis distress, Rajah Iliuuniit Bahauder suggested to him the entire eoncpiest of JJundclcnnd, of which country he was a native ; and au agTOemcnt Avas conchuled betwixt them, by which a large portion at the province was, wiieii coiKpieied, to be con- signed to the iudependent iiianagc- Hient of ilimnuit IJaliauder, and the revenue appropiiated to the support of flic trbtjps, v\ hi!:h he engaged to maintain in the service of Ali Ba- hauder, 'i'he distracted and turbulent state of the province was such, that an invitation was soon received from one of the contending parties, and ihe invasion undertaken A. D. 17S9. Jii a short time the country was iioarly wholly subdued, but it re- quired several years before the Ma- haiatta authority could be ])ropeily established in a region wlicr« every village was a forties^, and, in fact, accoiding to Juiropcau ideas, its i«- dnction never was aceoiupii^hed. At this period an arrangement was made with the Fcshwa, by vvhieli he Avas ai^knowledgcd the so- vercigii and paramouiit h rd of all the conquests made by Aii Bahau- der in Bundcicund, vvho engaged to obey him and furiiisli a triijute, but neither of these conditions v.ere, in fact, ever fullilLxl. In the mean time, Kajah Ilimmnt Bahauder, afraid that the return of tranquiHltr would bring about the downrall of his own po'.ver, was contiaually ex- citing disafieetion and disttn-batices in all tlie districts subject to the 3Ia- harattas, in M'hieh he was Aveli se- conded by tiie restless and tmbulent disjiositions of tlie native chiefs. 'Ihe Nabo!), Ali Bahauder, died in 1802, during the blockade of Cal- liujer, wliicli he was unable to take, having been 14 years employed i;i the reduction of Bundelenud ; at the end of whicli time his progress was no greater than it had been in the third year. Shumsherc Balmuder, his eldest son, was then in his 18th year, and resident 'at Poonah ; and Bajaii Hirnnrut Bahauder, whose intluence was now pietiominant, ap- pointed a distant Mahonnnedaii re- lation, named Gliunee Bahauder, as regent during his aljsence. At this period tiic war of the Bri- tish with DowletRow Sindia and tiiw other Maharatta chiefs oiiginated, consequent to tlie treaty of Basseiri v\ ith the peshwa ; and it appeared the inteiitioi'i of Holkar io use the inilueiice of ShnmsJiorc Bahauder, as a m^ans of invading the British possessions in the Benares province through Bu/ideleund. Kajah Him- mut ]Jahandcr also foreseeing the annihilation of Iris own povv'er by the success of tlie latter, deterniinVd to endeavour to elieet the transfer of that province to the British; on se- curing an advantageous indemnity to himself. AVlien alfairs were in this state, a proposal on the part of the peshwj 190 BUNDKLCUND. was iDade for ;i cession of a j)oi'Hon of tcnitdrv in liundclcuml, in lieu of the tlisliicls in the Deceit n which had been ceded by the tfcaty oflias- sein. 'J'his proi-)osid havini;- been ac- cepted by the jiritirjh guvennnciit, a T'ajiih Hiinnnit Bahauder died in 1804, niter \\ liicli his (enitorics were rcsnnjcd by the Britisli g:overnnieut. Ills irrep;tilar troops disbanded, ajid his family pro%idcd for. In 1805 the estimated revenue of the British deed of cession to the l^ast India portion of Eundelcund was as foi Company olterritory in Kundelcnud h)ws, viz. of 32 hicks and 16,000 rupees in place of the subsidy, and of four Jacks of rupees for the exjxuise of 1,533,184 500,000 subduing it. By this arrai!,:;en>ent the peshwa, whose authority o\er the conquests of Ali Bahauder had been hitherto merely uomiuai, and who had nevei- dt rived any revenue from it, was enabled to liquidate the claims of the British government, i'or the payment of tlie subsidiary force which ])rotectcd his hereditary pos- sessions, 'i'he occupation of the province of Bundelcund during the war, by the British troops, liecame necessaiy for the defence of the countries in the Doab,- as well as of the town and district of Mirzapoor, and the city of Benares, which v\ ere all exposed to invasion from this quarter. Nor without it could the secure navi-ga- tion of the Jumna be depended un, from the restless and turbulent cha- lactcrs i)i' the Buudelah chiefs. In 1807 a considerable tract of S«bse(i|uent to this peiiod, while country in this province, containing the British detadimcnt was oc* u- mi::i(;rous villages above the Ghauts, pied with the siege and conquest of and some diamond miaes, was grant- Calpee, a eonciliatoi-y negociatiun ed to Biijidi Kishore Singh, the de- was opened with Shumshcre Bahau- sccjidant of Kajah Hirdee Sah, and der, to whom a tenitory of foiu- the ancient family of Bundelcund, 'l"he several districts then actually possessed by government, including Calpee, and part of Ry- poor, on the banks of the Jumna - - - - 1,400,000 The territory of Raj all Himnuit Baliauder The districts of Callinjer, Jeypoor, Iluldtn, and part of Cutolee, below the Ghauts, estimated at five lacks of rupees, but chargeable with Jaghires and provisions for the native leaders - The city and diamond mines of Pannali, with a porti(»n of tenitory ■ adjacent, the probable revenue being - - - 200,000 Rupees 3,633,184 lacks of rupees per annum was se- cured in the peshwa's remaining share of Bundelcund, of which ho was afterwards appointed govcrnoi. With the Soubahdar of Jhansi, and the Rajahs of Dulteen and Simtheer, but who had longbeen dispossessed by difi'erent chiefs, under the condition tliat he woidd guard the passes, and suppress ail marauders and dis- turbers of the ])ublic peace. At this time considerable progress had been conciliatory arrangements were also made in restoring tranquillity to this concluded, and a short time after* long distracted country, by the re- wards with the Rajahs of Churkaree, duetion of the district of Koonch, Jeytpoor, Jind Bejaour. By the mea— and the expulsion of the refractoi^ eures adopted every hereditary chief- zemindars, which was completed, iu tain, who possessed power or in- fluence in Bundelcund, has been concihated or subdued, and placed i« due subjection to the British au- thority. 1810, by the capture of CaJlinjer. In 1804 Bundelcund was formed into a British district, subordinate to the Benares court of circuit, and a civil cstabUshmcut appomted for BUNWOOT. 191 the administration of justice, and collccliou of the revenue. ( MSS.' J. Grant, Scott, Ironside, lieiiud, Colehrooke, Truatits, Sw) liuNDEKMALANCA, {Bunder vmhii lanca). — A town ou tlu; sea-coasl ot" the NortliciuCireais, 67 uiik'.s E. by N. tVoiu ]M:i.sulij)at;nu. Liit. 1G°. 28'. N, Long. 82°. 7'. E. TraAcllini;- dis- tance, from .Madras 358 miles. BuxGSH AT, {Bang-a<>luit). — A dis- triet in tlie province of C'abul, siUi- ated about the 3od doj^rce of nortii latitude. It is bounded on the east by the Indus, and is intersected by the Kiver Cow, or Cowmull; .alonu; the south side of \^hich, near its junction w ith tlie Indus, Scylax is conjectured to have built his \ essc-ls, and from thence to have sailed down the Indus. The princi])al towns are Goohauf , Bunnou, and Kohaut. Tirah is one of the di'.isions of tlie Bangasliat, or districts occupied by tfie bungish clan, which is one of the most powerful, numerous, and >aliant tribes among the Afghans. This tribe occupies the difficult hill country to the south of the moun- tains of Lughman, which is about 200 miles in length, and 1(X) in breadth on a rough ( alculution. The district of Tirah is about 150 miles in length, extending from Iriah to Kohaut, and is divided into nume- rous glens and mountain \ allies, part of which is occupied by the tribe afridi, and the rest by the blmgish. {Leyden, iSt.) BuNJABUKE Ghaut. • — A pass among tlie hills, in the province of Gundwana, ll)8 iniles S. W. from Buttunpoor. Lat.2l°. lo'.N, Long. 81°. 20'. E. This is so high a spot of ground, that it causes the ueigh- boming rtvers to take opposite courses. (lAickie, ^-c.) EuNNASs RiVER.^This river has its source in the province of .'Vjmeer ; in passing through which it attains to a very consideralite bulk, and even when pursuing its course from Detsa, tlnough the Mehwass, its size is notiusigniticaitt'i but it after- Wards loses itself yx the k^kiesc, and by the time' it Tcaelics Rahduu- po(ir is dwindled to a sniall stream. 'rlirte miles hel-.iW Hahduiijiuor th(> iu'd of ihe river is about Indf a mile in breadth; but nui m«m: than 20 jards of this space, ia lb*' dry sea- sou^ contains water. 'Ihecmreut at this period is nither rapiil, anid, that they did not sto]> at Buxar, bnt hastenetfo/mr). — A town in the province of Gundwana, dis,- trict of Chandah, 133 miles S. by E. from Buttunpoor. Lai. 20°. 25'. N. Long. 83°. This place formerly belonged to o 2 Chandali, and the countiy still bears that name, though they aie now se^ parate soubahdanies. It is ctuisi- dered by the iVlaharattas, whose au- thority is well established here, as a strong town, and consists of about 300 thatched and tiled houses. It has a stone fort on the north-west side, under the east face of which runs the Kobragur, which after- wards falls into the Wainy, or Baura Gunga. Byrahgur is a place of some traffic, and nnich frequented by Brinjarries fiom Choteesgur, and the northern circars. The trade is prinripally in cotton, which is brought from the nortli-west parts of Berar and Clio- teesgur. 'fhis is purchased by mer- chants from the circars, who give in exchange salt, betel, and cocoa imts. {Blunt, Sfc.) c. CABUL. A largo province in Afghanistan, situated betwixt the 33d and 35th degiees of north latitude. On the north it is bounded by KuKore, or Caflristan ; on tlu' south, by C'anda- liar and Balloochistan ; to the east it has the Indus ; and to the west, the Hindoo Kho INIountaius, and pro- vince of Bamian, in Persia. In length it may be estimated at 250 miles, by 150 the average breadth. In 1682, this jirovince is described by Abul I'azel as follows: "• Sircar Cabul is situated in the third and fonith clintates. The length, from Attock Benares, on the banks of the Sinde, to Hindoo Kho, is 150 coss ; and tlie breadth, from Carabagh to Cliuganserai, 100 coss. On the east lies Hiadostan ; on the west, inclining to the north, are mountains, between which is situ- ated Gliour ; on the north is Inderal) of Badakhshan, and Hindoo Kho; on the south, Fermed and Nughz, The water and air of this province 196 CABUL. arc cxcellonf. 'J'lic parts in which snow falls, ;\ud those \vhic!i are *.'ii- tirt'ly frre from it, are so near to each other, that ;\ on may pass from heat lo cold in the course of a day. The snow licc,i!istofall iiilhe moun- tains in September, but uot in the plains until November. "I'he fniits of lliis country are delicious, excepting the melons, but the harvests are not very nourishing:. The surromiding mountaijis and wilds defend Calml fiom sudden in- vasion. Hindoo Koh lies in llie centre, between Cabul, Eadakh- slian, and 13a Ik. There are seven roads from Tooran to Cabul, and six trom Cabul to Ilindostan. No less than 11 languages are used in the viceroyalty of Cabul, each na- tion speaking its own ; viz. Turkish, INIughooly, Persian, Iliudy, Afgha- neejPusbtowey.Piuvatehy.Gncbree, Burkee, Lunighanec, and Arabic. " Tlie natives arc chieily of the tribes of II ezareh and Afghan, which possess all the pasturage. The tribe of the Hezarch are the remains of the Chaghlai army, which Mangu Khan sent to the assistance of Hola- koo Khan, and they inhabit the country from Ghizni to Candahar, and are upwards of 100,000 families. The Afgliaussay they are descended from the eliildren of Israel. Some Afghans consider themselves to be of Egyi»tian extraction, asserting, that when the children of Israel re- turned from Jerusalem to I'^gypt, tins tril)C migrated to Hinduslan, " Sircar Cabul, conlaiuing 22 ma- hals; reveime, 80.507,40.0 dams. .Seynrghal, 137,178 dams. This sir- car furnishes 28,187 cavalry, and 217,700 infantry." The country of Cabul, in respect to its naturalgeography, is divided into two parts, separated b} a ridge of very high mountains usually co- vered with snow, whicli runs from west to east from the neighbourhood of Gliizni to that of Deenkote on the Indus, below Attock. The tract lying to the north of this is named Luuighanat, and to the south Bun- gishshat ; each having one or more considerable rivers intersecting their whole length, and disemboguing themselves into the Indus. That tif Lumghanat is the Bivcr of Cabul. named also the Kameh. and in its low er part the Attock ; tliat of Bun- gishshat is the Cov\', or Cowmull River. Cabul is a country highly diversi- fied, being made u}) of soowy moun- tains, hills of moderate height, ex- tensive plains and forests. I'nmi the Indus to the city of Cabul there is an invariable delieieney of wood, insonnich that the lower class of ])eopie, in the winter season, sutler nnuh from a want of fuel. Near Baranunv there is a sandy, uninha- bited valley, 20 miles in length. The air in the country aroimd Gunda- mouck is ))robably strongly impreg- nated with nitrous paiticles, the ex- posed part of the body Ijeing co- vered with a white scaly substance of a saline taste, which excoreates the skin. The chief towns are Ca- bul and Pesiuuver; and the prin- cipal rivers have been already men- tioned. The central districts about the ca- pital, possessing few Indian conmio- dities, receive .sugar and cotton cloths mostly from Pcshawer, whi- ther they send iron, leather, and to- bacco. To Candahar are exported iron, leather, and lamp oil, whence the returns are made in sundry ma- nufactures of Persia and Europe. The Tartars of Bochara bring to Cal)ul thehorses of "^{'urkistau, furs, and hides, the latter resembling those termed in FiUropc Bulgar; the ])roeecdsare applied to the ])urchasc of indigo, and other productions of liindostan. The roads throughout this ])ro- vinee are much infested by the na- tive Afghans, a most ungovernable race, and averse lo all peaceful occu- pations. This i)articularly applies to a sect nauKHl the Plybers, who arc greatly aided in the ])ursuit of a fiee-JMHitiug hfe by the .situation of their country, whicli forms a chaiu CAEUL 197 of nioinitains, -whose scanty slips of v:ilky allbrds bill little food. This nulc race of nicti still durll in (•■•ivcs, or in the fissures of roeks. They profi'ss the Mahoinmedau rclij^^ion of the iSooiii persuasion, and hate the Persians, and all the se(!laries of All. The libber dialeet is found- ed on the eonimon lanj;iiaject ; and that if, hi pursuunce of tlieir coiifederacA, the enemy should adAance towards the King of Cabui's country,in a hostile manner, the Bri- tish state shall hold themselves liable to alford the exjienses uc^cessurv for the above-nii'iitioned service, to the exti'ut of their ability : tiiese condi- tions to be in tbrce while the eoiife- dcracy l)et\veen the 1 rench and Per- sians continued. {Faster, Rennei, Abid Fazel, Treaties, Stewart, Scott, ^■c. \liivh the Nairs formerly eucouraged, as aflording them protection against invaders. lu the hills which form the h)wer parts of the Ghauts iu Cadutinada, and other northern dis- tiicts of Mala) a, are certain jilaces that naturally produce cardamoms. The female Nairs in this part of Hie country, while thildrcu, go throTigh tlie ceremony of marriag:© both with Namliouries and Nairs; but licre, as well as in the south, the mau and wife never cohabit. When the girl is come to maturity, she is taken to live in the house of some other Namhuri or Nair. A Nair here is not astonished when asked who his fa'iher was, and a mau has as nnich certainty that the children born in his own house arc his own, as a European htjsband has; yet, such is the perversity ef custom, that he would be considered as unnatu- ral, w ere lie to have as much alfec- tion lor liis omu children, as for those of his sister, which lie may perhaps never have seen. In 1761, the Bombay government concluded a treaty with the chief of this coun- try, for the purchase of pepper, iu w hich he is sliled tlie King of Cai- tenaddu. {F. Buchanan, Treaties, Caffristan, (or Knttore). — An extensive mountainous country, bounding Cabul to the north ; the general level of which is consider- ably elevated above the countries on each side of it, and extending northward from the 3oth dcgTce of north latitude. Kuttore appears to be the general name of this tract, Mhich has the Seward, Bijore, and Puekoli dis- tricts to the south, and extends from tlu north west frontier of Cabul to Cashmere, ll has also obtained the name of Cailristan, or the land of iulidels, from the ^Mahommedans. It is classed as a (h^peiidency of Cash- gar, by the people of Hiiidostan, but seems to have been but little known to Ihem. The expedition of Ti- mour to tiie mountains of Kuttore is paiUcularly related by iSherilled- din ; by which it appears, that 'i'i- mour proceeded tiom iiadakhshan to Kawuek or Khawick, the furtliest or most eastern of the passes, leading through (he HiudooKhu Mountains, into the province of Cabul. In ol- der to arrive at tiie fortress of Kut- tore, he crossed several ranges of high mouutaius, rising one above th« 200 CALCUTTA. other, some of them covered \vi coniinens. Besides the government-house the other publii' buildings are a town- house, the court of justice, and two churches of the establislu;d religion, one of which nuikes a very hand- some appearance, but the other is a plain building. There are also churches lor the Portxiguese Catho- lics, auotherof the Greek persuasiou, an Armenian church, and many small Hindoo temples and Mahonnnedau mosques. The hospital and jail are to the south of the to^^'n. The bo- tanic garden is beautifully situated on the west bank of the river, and gives the name of Garden Reach to a bend of the river. Above the gar- den there is au extensive plantation of teak, which is not a native of this part of Intlia, but which thrives well here. There is a private dock-yaid nearly opposite to Fort William, and another one mile below it on" the same side of the river. 'I'he black town extends along the river to the north of Calcutta, and cxliibits a remarkable contrast to the part inhabited by the Europeans. It is extremely large, and swiuming' with population. The streets are narrow, dii ty, and unpaved ; the houses of two stories are of brick, with flat-terraced roofs; but the great majority are mud cottages, covered with small tiles, with side walls of mats, bamlioos, and other combusti- ble materials. Fires are, conse- quently, of frequent occurrence, but do not in the least affect the Euro- pean quarter, which, from the mode uf building, is wholly incombustible. In this part the houses stand de- tached from each other within a space enclosed by walls, the generid approach being by a flight of steps under a large verandah, their whole appearance being uncommonly ele- gant and respectable. Eiicks, mortar, and wood, are not scarce in Calcutta, yet the money siMik in building a house is very con- siderable ; and, Iteing a perishable commodity, requiring constant re- pair, house rent is proportionally high. The white ants are so de- structive in their operations, that, sometimes, every beam in a house may be completely excavated in- ternally, while outwardly it appears pcrlictly sound. Foit V^ illiam stands about a quar- ter of a mile below the town, and is superior iii strength and regularity to any fortress in India. It is of au CALCUTTA. 203 octagon form, five of llic faces arc regular, \vhilethe forms oftlic other throe next the viver are aecorilinj;- to the local circumstances. As no ap- proach by land is to be ai)prchoiuleil on this siile, tho river cominp; up to th(^ glacis, it m as niere!\' necessary to u»arse has been attained by giving" the citadel towards the water the form of a large salicist angle, the faces of wiiich cnlilade the conrse of the river. I'roMi these faces the guns (M>ntinue to bear upon the object till it approaches very near the city, when they would re- ceive the lire of batteries parallel to the river. 'J'liis part is likewise de- fended by the adjoining bastions, and a counter-guard that covers them. 'I'iie five regular sides are towards the land; Ihe bastions have all very salient orilions, behind which are re- tired circular Hanks, extremely spa- cious, and an inverse double flank at tlie height ol' the bevnie. Ttiis i;e, and would serv to retard the passages of the dilcii, as from its form it cannot be enlilad(>d. ''I'he orilion preserves it from the effect of ricochet shot, and it is not to be seen from any |)araHel. Th(! bcrme opposite to t!ie curtain serves as a road to it, and contributes to the defence of the ditch like a fausse- bray. The ditch is dry, with a cunette in the middle, wiiicli receives the Avatcr of (he river by means of two sluices that are comnnuided by the fort. The counterscarp and covered way are excetient, vyeij curtain is covered witii a large half moon, with- out ilatiks, boriuet, or redoubt, bnt the faces mount 13 jiieces of lieavy artillery each, thus giving to the de- fence of these ravelins a tire ol' 2G guns. The deini-bastiotis, which terminate the live regular fronts on each side, are covered by a counter- guard, of wliich the taces, like the half-moons, arc pierced with 13 em- JL brasurcs. Tliese cour.ter-guardsare tomiected with two redoul)ls, con- si ructed in the ])lace of a! ins of the adjacent re-enlering angles; th« whole is faced and pallisadoed v.ith care, kept ii\. admirable condition, aned for two or three hours. 'J'lie dinner is couuivonly after sunset, whieli necessarily keeps the guests up until midnight. The viands are excellent, and scned in great [sro- fusion ; and as the heat of tin; cli- mate does not admit of their being kept, great ])art are at last thrown out to tbe pariah dogs and birds of prey. The lower orders of Portu- gncse, to whom alone they would be serviceable, cannot consume the whole ; and the religious prejudices of the native servants prevent their tasting any food belonging to a per- son not of their caste or religion. To this circumstance is to be attri- buted the amazing docks of crows, kites, and vultures, which, undis- turbed by man, live together hi ;imi- cable society, and almost cover tiie houses and gardens. In their pro- fession of scavengers the kites and crows are assisted, during the daj', by the Iarg«! adjutant stork, and at Jiight by pariah dogs, foxes, and jackals, w hieh tiien emerge from the neighbouring jungles. 'I'he wines cliii lly drank are iMa- deira and claret ; the former, which js excellent, during the meal, the latter afterwards. The claret being medicated for Ibe vovaoe. is bv some considered too strong. The Calcutta market supplies a great variety of game, such as snipes, wild ducks, l)artridges, and various species of the ortolan tribe — the whole compara- tively cheap. 'J'lie v,ild venison is much inferior to tliat of Ihitain, but the park or stall fed is equally good, 'i'he lir.re is a vei-y poor animal, and diflers in many qualities from tiiat of J'higland, being deficient in size, strengtii, and swiftness, whicli ob- senation also apjjlies to the Bengal fox. The tables of the gentlemen in Calcutta are distingnished by a vast profusion of most beautiful fruits, procured at a ^•ery mcjdcrate ex- pense, such as jtine apjiles, plan- tains, mangoes, jjomeloes, or shad* docks, melons of all sorts, oranges, custard apples, gua'/as, peaches, and an endless variety of other orchard fruits. The usual mode of visiting is ia palampiins, but many gei'.tiemeii have carriages adapted to the cli- mate, and the breed of horses has lately been greatly improved. It is universally the custom to drive out between sunset and diimer, and, as itbecomes dark, servants withtorches go out to meet their masters, and nui before their carriages with an astonishing raj.idity, and for a great length of time. It was formerly the fashion (and it is still adhered to u\t the country) for gentlemen to dress in white cotton jackets on ail o<-ca- sions, being well suited to the cli- mate, but being thought too much of an undress for piibhe occasions, they are now laid aside for coats of i'hig- lish cloth. The Ihitish inhabitants stationary in Calcutta, and scattered through- out the pro^^nces, are generally ho"— pitable in the highest degree, and most liberal where their assistanee is wanted. \\ hen an oflicer of respect- ability dies, in either ser\ ice, leaving a widow, or children, a .subscription is immediately commenced, which, in every instance, has pro^ed gene- rous, and not imfrequently has con- ferred oti the parties a degree of a.f- 206 CALCUTTA. flucnce, that llie life of the Imsbaiid or parent could not for many years have acoompli.shed. The Company s;iai!t a princely al- lowance to their civil rorvaiits, l)irl, larj^e as it is, it docs not always snl- iice for the expenses of the juniors ; juany of whoai, on their first aniva!, set up an extravagant establishment of horses, carria,2:cs, and servants, and tliercby involve tliemseives in embarrassments at a vr i)art of the world, and their acts of charity and munilicence to persons in dis- tress have never been surpassed by any shnilar nuiuber of men of any r^uik whatever. The Armenians arc a rcspccfaWrV and, probably, the most numerous* body of foreign merchants at tht" presidency. 'I'hey cany on au ex- tensive trade to Cliina and the cast- ward, and to the west as far as the Arabian Gulf, or Bed Sea. Some of the most respectable aie commonly invited to the public balls and enter- tainments. The number of Greek uicrrhants in Calcutta is not con- siderable. Tliey maintain one clergy- man, who pcrtbrms religious worsliip according to their rites. The Portu- guese houses of agency are, in pomt of number, next to those of the English. A very considerable num- ber of the progeny of that nation re- side in Calcutta and tlic environs, and have approxin.ated very closely to the natives in colour and manners. Among the various classes of the mercantile comuiunity no mention is made of Jews. Few <>f that nation have settled in Ilindostan, and Cal- cutta is p.robabiy the only very opu- lent town that is wholly free from them. Their practices and occn])a- tions arc engrossed by the native bari}ans, sircars, and writers, most of vvhom are quite a match for any Jew. The shops of these petty traf- fickers, althought better than their houses, are mean and disagreeable. The European shops aie singularly splendid. 'J'he maintenance and education of children belonging to Emopeans in India, have, on account of tiieir nnndjer, Ijccomc objects of great im])ortance. Two institutions of this sort have been formed, one tor the education of ollicers' children, and the otiier I'or those of private soldier.:. To these charitable foundations ma^ be added a irec-.school and native hospital, ^\ ithuut being attached to some department of the service, or edu- cated to some mecham'cai trad«! or l)rofession, tliere is hardiy any hope of prosperity to a young man com- ing out on chance from Europe. Here all the inferior simations of clerks, overseers, ike. are iiecesprily CALCUITA. 207 occupied by natives, and it is by tliosc gradations that in Europe youn^ nu>n rise to opnlence in tlic commercial world. It is sciueely in the power, even of a governor-u;en- eral, to assist a person of" r('S])eet- able eonnexions, who is nol in one of the services or liberal professions, Althoiiuli Ihe ilimate is not essen- tially improved, Europeans are now nnieh better aecpiainted villi the means of eounteraetiiij!; im- pany's servants are con7 1,960,753 1,111,300 4,824,492 2,877,801 41,209 17,550 18,483,015 6,785,698 Deduct 6,785,698 12,001,010 303,493 Deduct Net decrease 11,697,517 orl,462,19<3 £ IMPORTS FIICJI LONDON'. 1810-11. 1811-12. Broad cloth - Cutlejy - - Copper & co])- per nails Carriages - - Corks - - - Claret - - - Towling-iiicces and pistols - Flannels, blan- kets, ^ carpets Glass ^^are Hosiery - - Ilaherdasliery Hardware Hats - - - Hoojjs ic jivets Hock - - - Iron - - - Ironmongc^ry - IMusical itistiu- nients - - Lead; red and while - - I\Iall liiiuors - Madeira wine Morocco lea- ther - - - Oilman's stores Perfumery Piece goods - Paints - - - 147,882 27,451 438.100 78.2U8 21.629 465,273 52,73.*? 52,52a 38,7.50 46,918 44,829 663,162 38,813 22,832 24,312 222,933 50.323 90,453 33,946 78,173 47,;X.2 21,818 86,619 62,217 46,166 313,756 36,378 70,452 43,439 1] 7.806 53,520 33,3«)0 31,9;>8 79,793 16,852 48,614 42,884 17.5.154 251,526 24,715 119,216 39,782 73,446 10,089 26,080 191,482 183,742 .39,193 201,816 44,325 88,499 38,092 Caniedforwardl 1,656,561 2,557,040 Canied fonvard 2,689,716 2,610,466 CALCUTTA. 209 1810-11. 1811-12. l^rot. forward 2,689.716 2,610,466 I'oitwiiie - - 94,392 154,187 Slalioncry - 101,791 80,006 Sundries - - 863,403 1,095,961 3,739,.302 3,940,610 Treasure 127,922 3,637 Sicca rupees 3,867,224 3,944,247 EXPORTS TO LONDON. Piece goods - 465,681 429,180 Shawls - - 42,.501 31,213 Indigo - - 5,136,300 5,426,521 Sugar - - - 91,.346 10.4.58 Silk - - - 461,805 1,409,116 Cotton - - 133,167 9,351 Lac lake - - 210,600 69,550 Sundries - - 146,930 300,334 6,688,330 7,685,723 Re-exports 399,436 612,395 7,087,766 8,198,118 Treasure 314,673 Sicca rupees 7,087,766 8,512,791 In 1811-12, the amount of imports from the Brazils were, Merchandize - - - - 157,110 Treasiue - - - - 1,341,093 Sicca rupees 1,498,203 EXPORTS TO THE BRAZILS. Piece goods - - - - 2,785,579 Shawls ------ 2,300 Indigo 82,642 Silk 6,605 Grain --_-_. 7,980 Bengal rum - - - - 156 Sundries ----- 9,458 Imports re-exported 2,894,720 37,095 Total exports, sicca rupees 2,931,815 AMERICA. In 1811-12, the amount of imports from America were, Merchandize - - - - 126,565 Treasure ----- 459,869 Total imports 585,434 EXPORTS TO AMERICA. Piece goods - - - - 1,434,081 Indigo 31,469 Sugar ------ 30,065 Canvas 4,304 Sundries ----- 31,606 1,631,525 Imports re-exported - 63,849 Total exports, sicca rupees 1,695,374 In 1811-12, the intercourse with America was almost wholly inter- rupted ; the importation from thence amounling to only 586,434 rupees, (73,1791.), which includes 469,869 rupees, (57,4841.) of specie, shew- ing a decrease of imports in the prior year (which had also been a low import year) of 6,186,460 mpees, (773,3081.) In the exports to America there was also a serious defalcation in the value of everj' principal article, amounting in the whole to 6,240,991 rupees, (656,1241.) MANILLA. The imports from Manilla, were, In 1810-11 - - - - 2,969,942 In 1811-12 - - - - 327,450 Difference 2,642,492 The exports to Manilla were, In 1810-11 - - - - 1,270,641 In 1811-12 - - - - 873,481 Difference 397,060 In 1811, the exports to Manilla were. Piece goods - - - - 643,756 Bengal rum - - . - 410 Canicd fonvard - 644,160 210 CALCUITA. 4^'^ Brought forward 61i,l()f) 0|iinm ----._ 110,4"! 5 t'auvris ------ 3,727 Sundries - _ . - ^ 8,Gi>7 Imports re-exported 7;y7,00o 100,476 Sicca rupees 873,481 In 1811-12, Conner was llie only article ofnieiTliandize imported lioui jMani'.la, and there was a falling off in il tii' ■2t),6.jU rupees, TJie pre- ceding >far hrondit 2,306,931 ru- pees (•2!/5,8o6l.) of treasTire from M;\- liiila ; but in 1811-12 there was uoiic recei^ed. In the exports the dcficienc}'^ fell wholly on piece floods to the amount of sicca rupccs504,801, (63,1001.); in opium there was an increase in the sum of 86,559 rupees, (10,8201.); ii« sundries, 10,13a rupees, (1,2671.); and in re-exports, 11,047 rupees. This stagnation The exports to the two Gulfs shcAV a neat increase of 988,371 laipecs. Piece goods, grain, and sundries composed this increase; in the ar- ticles of indigo, sugar, and raw silk, tliere w as a decrease. PRINCIi or V/ALES'S ISLAND (PKNANC), AND THE EASTWAHD. l"he imports fronr Penang were. In 1810-U - - - - 3,264,297 In 1811-12 - - - - 2,097,239 )ecrease - 1,167,058 The exports were, In 1810-11 - - In 1811-12 - - Decrease - 2,534.351 - 2,528,183 6,1C3 In 1811-12, the imports consisted of, Alerchandize - r - 985,939 Treasure ... - 1,111,300 Sicca rupees 2,097.239 Sicca rupees 3,178.579 EXPORTS. Piece goods _ - - - 641,910 Shawls - 1,520 Indigo ------ 678 Sugar 1,320 Grain 4-5,167 Bengal rum - . - - . 16,294 Opium -1,768,780 Cotton ------ 12,239 Canvas 10,893 Sundries 84,019 Canied forward 2,482,720 (■i^^<: CALCUTTA. Brought forward 2,482,720 Brought forward Imports re-exported - 45,463 Beng:al ram - - - Canvas - - - - Sicca rupees 2,528,183 Sundries - - - In 1811-12, the ti-easure imported from Penaug and tlie eastward is less than the preceding year by the sum of 849,453 rupees, (106,1321.) which is the principal defalcation. 'I'he net decrease in the exports was in the articles of piece goods, cotton, and in re-exports; but there being a considerably increased ex- port of opium, grain, and sundries, brought the net amount of the two years nearly to a level. CHINA. In 1811-12, the amount of imports from China were, INIerchandize - - - 1,923,348 rupees China ^ Sicca 4,801,149 TJie exports to fvere, Piece goods - - 55,136 SJiawls - - 2,977 Grain - - 25,600 Opium - - 4,542,968 Cotton - - 1,532,389 Canvas - 4,485 Sundries - - 10,853 Imports re-exported 6,174,458 47,551 Sicca nipces 6,222,009 PEGIJE AND THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. In-1811-12, tlie amount of the im- ports from Pegue were, Merchandize - - - 400,924 Treasure _ _ - 17,550 Sicca rupees 418,474 Tlie exports to Pegue were. Piece goods - - - 63,906 Shawls - - - - 600 Sugar - - - - 4,704 Grain - - - - 5,326 Imports re-exported 211 74,43G 16,552 1,900 21,164 114,0.52 22,890 Sicca rupees 136,942 MALDIVES ISLANDS. In 1811-12, the amount of imports from the Maldives Islands were mer- chandize sicca ru})ces 302,367. There appears an increase in the importuUons over the preceding years to the amount of 162,620 rupees, (20,3281.); cocoa nuts Avrre im- ported in less quantities than the preceding year, but spices, timber, pianks, and sundries, were increased. EXPORTS TO THE MALDIVES. Piece goods ----- 16,405 Sugar 19,280 Grain 46,320 Opinm 1,610 Sundries ------ 2,537 Sicca rupees 86,152 Carried forward 74,436 NEW SOUTH WALES. In 1811-12, the amount of imports from Botany Bay Aerc merchandize sicca rupees 26,526. EXPORTS TO NEW SOUTH WALES. Piece goods 93,803 Shawls 800 Indigo ------ 1,745 Sugar 100,363 Grain 4,.548 Bengal rum 39,976 Ojjium 59,425 Canvas - 6,107 Sundries 68,820 365,587 Imports re-exported - - 101,547 Sicca rupees 467,134 r 2 212 CALCUTTA. COAST OF SUMATRA. Ill 1811-12, the amonrit of imports from the coast of Sumatra were. Merchandize - - - - 78,400 Treasure ------ 255,985 Sicca rupees 334,385 EXPORTS TO SUMATRA. Piece goods ----- 494,934 Shawls ------ 600 Sugar ------- 240 Silk ------- 1,120 Grain 10,050 Opium ------ 546,875 Canvas - 1,100 Sundries ------ 39,827 less by sicca rupees 106,329(13,2911.) than the preceding year. MADRAS AND THF. COUOMANDEL COAST. In 1811-12, the anxount of imports from Madras and the Coromandel Coast were, Merchandize - - - - 945.191 Treasure ----- 33,000 1,094,746 Imports re-exported - - 63,878 Sicca nipees 1,158,624 Upon the exports to Sumatra there w as, this year, an increase equal to the sum of'831,010 rupees (103,8761.) above the exports of the j»receding year. BOMBAY AND THE MALABAR COAST. In 1811-12, the amonut of imports from Bombay and tl)e Coast of Ma- labar were morehaiulize 572,695 ru- pees, which exc<>eds the amount of the two prior years considerably. EXPORTS TO BOMBAY, &:r. Piece goods 603,918 Shawls 14,427 Indigo ------ 18,850 Sugar ------- 180,073 Silk 1,029,441 Grain - - 124,612 Bengal rum 310 Canvas 40,(k">9 Sundries ------ 80,918 2,092,687 Imports re-exported - - 3i),732 Sicca rupees 2,132,370 I'he exports to Bombay and the Coast of Malabar were, tins year, Sicca rupees 978,191 EXPORTS TO MADRAS AND CORO- MANDEL. Piece goods ----- 198.-353 Shawls ------ 8,236 Indigo - 22,744 Sugar ------ 43,827 Silk - - 248,-576 Grain ------- 698,091 Bengal rum ----- 20,739 Opium ------ 60,575 Canvas ------ 36,775 Sundries ------ 171,062 Imports re-exported 1,508,982 - 207,716 Sicca rupees 1,716,698 The exports this year exceeded those of the preceding year 593,242 nipees (74,155!.) CEYLON. In 1811-12, the amount of imports from Ceylon were more!iandize94,913 nipees. being an incrcjise of 32,290 ru|jees (40361.) on tlie preceding year. 'I'h;.' import of rum and arrack iiom Ce\lon decreased, but that ofehanks (large sliclls) pepper, and sundries, increased. EXPORTS TO CEYLON. Piece goods ----- 22,176 Sugar 9,9.'?5 Grain ------- 83,044 Bengal rum ----- 1,544 Opium 1,725 Canvas ------ 1,374 Carried forward 119,79* CALCUTTA. Brought forward Siincliics - - - Imports re-exported 119,798 23,831 143,629 11,022 Sicca rupees 154,651 AMBOYNA, In 1811-12, the amount of imports from Amboyna were merchandize sicca rupees 1238. EXPORTS TO AMBOYNA. Piece goods ----- 147,995 Grain 3,100 Bengal rum ----- ] ,275 Opium ------ 167,720 Canvas ------ 1,500 Sundries 23,470 345,060 Imports re-exported - - 44,336 Sicca rupees 389,396 The exports this year exceeded those of the preceding year 116,205 rupees (14,5261.) ISLES OF FRANCE. Rupees. Amount of imports from the Isles of France in 1810-11, merchandize 134,688 Ditto, ditto, 1811-12, ditto 337,715 Net increase 203,027 The articles spices, copper, bran- dy, and sundries, gave tlic increased importation. Coflee and betel nut decreased. Exports to the Isles of France in 1810-11 - - 572,807 Ditto, ditto, in 1811-12 -1,451,280 Increase 878,473 EXPORTS IN 1811-12. Piece goods - Shawls - Carried forward 635,287 47,462 682,749 Brought forward Sugar - - - Silk Grain - - - Bengal rum - Cotton - - - Canvas - - - Sundries Imports re-exported Treasure 213 682,749 8,159 33,810 70,134 17,914 37,702 27,483 - 121,739 999.690 - 151 .590 1,151,280 - 300,000 Sicca rupees 1,451,280 The specie 300,000 rupees (37,5001.) formed an unusual article of expor- tation from tliis j)residenc}' as private trade ; a favourable remittance to England in bills drawn by the go- vernment of the Isles of France in- duced the speculation. JAVA. In 1811-12, the amount of imports from Java Mere, Merchandize - - - 123,444 Treasiue - - - 222.007 Sicca rupees 345,451 EXPORTS TO JAVA. Piece goods Shawls - Sugar Grain Bengal rum Opium Canvas - Sundries - Imports re-exported 273,106 150 3,482 53,606 22.937 459,705 7,490 112,318 934.794 138,691 Sicca rupees 1,0V3,485 Abstract of the Tinportx and Exports comiected with the Bengal Presi- dency, of which the detail is given as above, for 11 months of lSll-12. 214 CALCUTTA. Imports. Exports. London 3,944,247 8,512,791 Brazil - - 1,498,203 2,931,815 America 585,434 1,595,374 Isles of France - 337,715 1,451,280 CapeofGood Hope - - 19,142 8,718 Manilla - - 327,450 873,481 Arabian and Persian GiiUs - - 1,439,571 3,178,579 Coast of Su- matra - - 334,385 1,158,624 Malabar and Bombay - 572,695 2,132,370 Ceylon - - 91,913 154,651 Aral)oyna - 1,238 389,396 Java - - - 345,451 1,473,485 Pcntinp; and eastward 2,097,239 2,528,183 China - - 4,801,149 6,222,009 N»w South Wales 26,526 467,134 Pegue and Ava - - 418,474 136,842 Slaldives Is- lands 302,367 86,152 Sicca rupees 18,124,390 34,617,682 Total imports from the in- terior to Calcutta - 26,054,270 Total exports to ditto from ditto - - - 6,527,074 Tlie revenue which "government derived from the imports and ex- ports of external private trade, amounted to 851,881, according to the following statement. Government duty on ex- poils - - - - 54,006 Ditto on imports - - 833,071 Sicca rupees 32,581,344 If to the above sum of 13,851 ru- pees be added the net revenue yield- ed by the external commerce, the total sum which goverument received on the external and internal private trade of this presidency amounted to t!ie net sum of 865,732 rupees, (108,2161.) The East India Company's external Commerce. The extent of the East India Com- panj's commerce is given, in order to exhibit, in one view, the whole of the external commeice of Bengal, both public and private ; and to shew, at the same time, the resources of the provinces subordinate to this presidency. The Company's consignments of merchandize from England to Ben- gal, received between the 1st June, 1811, and the 30th April, 1812, toge- ther with the value of salt imported from the coast, and spices from Am- boyna, amounted to 9,960,331 ru- pees; to which, having added the imports of private trade during the same period, the total iimount of tlic imports, public and private, received in Calcutta in the year 1811-12, gives a sum of 28,084,721 rupees, or 3,510,5901. sterling. Deduct drawbacks on ex- portation - - - 587 735 East India Compatnfs Imports. From Europe, merchandize 2,605,320 35 g54 Marine stores 87,812 Sicca rupees 851,881 Or (106,4851.) Tlie inland trade of Calcutta, in the year 1811-12, amounted to the sum of sicca rupees 32,581,344, (4,072.6081.) yielding a clear revenue of 13,851 rui)ces, after deducting drawbsicks allowed the importer. 721,869 Sicca rupees 2,753,132 Salt from Coro- mandol - - 708,072 } Rock salt - - 13,707 J Imports of treasiue from Bombay - - - 5,150,000 Spices from Amboyna and eastward _ - - 1,335,330 Canicd over 9,960,331 CALCUTTA. 215 Total E.T.Comp.'s exports 9,960,331 Add imports ol' private traiU' : IMcrchnndize 11,338,692 ? iq ,o4 ooa Treasure - 6,78o,098 ) ' ' rr 4 1 r • • * ~) 28,084,721 Total foreijrii imports, f ' .' sicca rupees - j .^.-^^"^Ir^g^i The above is exclusive of military stores, as nsnal, and iiills shoi't l>y 3,108,140 of llicamoiuil imported 011 tlie iiiii)li<- aeeoiiiit of s^'ovrmncut and private individuals iu the \ear 1810-11. Exports of the East India Company ill 1811-12. To London St. Helena 10,976,583 22,356 Ca. ofGoodTlopt 426,500 To Indian Ports Bencooleu 97,658 ]Madras 8,337 Eomba}' 113,235 Penang- 456,182 China 921,212 Cevlou 3,576 Amhoyna 51,838 10,989,939 2.078,598 Total E. 1. Co.'s exports 13,077,537 Exports of private trade 31,617,682 Total foreign exi»orts 47,695,21 9 Of the above exports, sicca rupees 19,489,374 (2,436,1721.), in value of niei chandize, was consigned to Eng- land in the foliowiisg proportions: East India Company's ex- ports - - 10,976,583 Exports of private trade 8,512,791 The total amount of tlu^ imports and exports oi' the o.tcrnal eoni- meree, eanied on between Calcutta and the ports and phiees with which it had inlercoinse, from t!ie 1st June, 1811, to the 3011» April, 1.S12, will be found in the following abstract siate- juent : 4 ^ ^-« y' E K X X ^^ ■r. -r ^ if- W-- ^ C' *'.-' r; CO ■C CO o 4> r^ CO _, W GC P 'vl O S5 ^ o ~. (O s o w f^ 2 ^ V 05 35 M nJ < > c — X *. V V. Pl 03 5: Ci ^ H ^ -J *n W 00 en ;M ■^• H 35 §1 E' C> s ? QC p ii^ H ft w' £ c o o •J. ^ o c; r" o o o u» o o JO :-5 wP H ?3 o '- CO H £^ > X i}\ -j; 7" PI ^- ::; X mm o C"' kJ^ — o ti --5 rS ^ — 10 -^ H o O t- y. O ■* H o Oi CO ?^ ^ ',t^ O 0' " M c: — rj* 1-5 -^ o ;; 1:^. C:C> — ■ cc O CD to O aq ctuity to the Company. Formerly the chiefs of Pnnatoor, Talapuli, MannacoUalil, Tirnma- iiachcry, Agenicutil, and many othei-s, were tributary to tlie Za- morin, and tiiruished on emergencies quotas of troops. He has now no authority whatever, and is subsisted by the bounty of the British govern- ment. Further particulars respect- ing this district will be found under the article Malabar. {F. Buehanau, Wilkes, Duncan, Sec.) Calicut. — A town on the sea coast of the Malabar province, the capital of tlie district of Calicut. Lat. 11*^. lb'. N. Long. 75°. 50'. li. The Portuguese under Vasco do Gama, arrived at Calicut on the 18th May, 1498, 10 months and two days after their departure from Lis- bon. In 1509, Don Fernando Cou- tinho, Marechal of Portugal, with 3000 troops attacked Calicut; but was slain in the attack, and his army repulsed with great loss. In 17G6 >t was invaded and conquered by IFydcr, who enlarged and improved the fort; but 'I'ippoo afterwards destroyed both town and fort, and removed the inhabitants to Nellnru. the name of which lie cha»ger a considerable river, on the banks of which is situated the town of Faifoo, a place of some note, not lar from the harbour of Tinon. The extreme points of the island lie in Lat, 15°. 53'. N. and 15°. 57'. N. The greatest lengtii is about live 218 CALLINGER. miles, and the average breadth two miles. The only inhabited part is the S. W. coast. One of the mountains to the south is about 1500 leet high; tlie low grouful contains about 200 acres, 'ihis beautiful spot is diversi- fied with neat houses, temples, clus- ters of tiees, small hillocks covered with shrubbery, and frees of various kinds. A riil of water is carried along tlie upper ridg^es of the vale, to water the rice grounds. The juimbcr of (he houses on the island are about 60. This would be a most advantageous spot to establish a settlement. A very few men Mould seive for a garrison, a j^reat part of the coast being already forti- fied by nature. The depth of water in the bay and road is sufficient for ships of any burthen, and there is shelter from every wind except the south-west; on this quarter, how- ever, the distance of the continent is so inconsiderable, lliat it nould break the force of the sea. {Staunton, ^-c.) Callianpook, {Cali/aiipnra, the flourishing town). — A town on the sea coast of the province of Canara, 36 miles N. by W. from Mangalore. jLat. 13°. IS'. N. Long. 74°. 48'. E. Call! ANY, {Cahjaui). — A small district in the Nizam's temtories, in the province of Becder, situated be- twixt the 17th and 18th degrees of north latituile. Calliany — A town in the pro- vince of Becder, the capital of a dis- trict of the same name, 77 miles W. by N. from llvderabad. Lat. 1<°. 22'. N. Long. 77°. .13'. E. Calling ER, (Calatijara). — A dis- trict in the province of Allahabad, situated about the 25t!i degree of north latituile. It is bounded on the north by the River Jumna, and on the west by Bundelcund, its sou- thern limits are micertain. The Cane and Jumna are tlie principal rivers, and the chief towns Callinger, Senrab, and Attouah. In 1582 it is described by Abnl Fazel as follows : "Sircar Callinger, containing 11 mahals, measurement 508,273 bee- gahs, revenue 23,839,474 dams. Seyurghal 614,580 dams. The circar furnishes 1210 cavalry, 12 elephants, and ] 8,000 infantry." This district was ceded to the British in December, 1803, by the ]Maharatta Peshwa, in exchange for other districts nearer to his own capital. Tiie jMaharattas early ren- dered this territory nominally tribu- tary, but derived no benefit tiom it; being in reality unable to enforce their authority, from the refractory disposition of the iidiabitants, and the number of natural strong holds they possessed. Callinger. — A town and strong fortress in the province of Allaliabad, the capital of a distiict of the same name. Lat. 24°. 68'. N. Long. 8t.° 25'. N. Abul Fazel in 1582 des- cribes it as follows: — Callinger is a stone fort, situated on a lofty moun- tain. Here is an idol named Kal- bihroop, 18 cubits in height. At the distance of 20 coss from the fort husbandmen sometimes find small diamonds, and in tlie neighbourhood is an iron mine." Rajahs of Callinger are mentioned so early by Mahommedan historians as A. i). 1008 ; but, it was not con- quered until 1203, and then not per- manently retained. In 1.545, it was stormed by the troops of Shere Khan, who lost his life during the assault, by the explosion of some ammuni- tion. This fortress resembles in its situa- tion, and exceeds in its size and natu- ral strength the fortrcssof (jiualior, be- ing built on a high rock of great ex- tent, which forms one of the ranges of mountains extending tiom Rhotas or Sasseram, to the cunfuies of Ajmeer. To garrison it efficiently M ould require 5000 men. After the iu\asion of Bundelcund by Ali Ba- hauder and Rajah llinnnut Ba- hauder, the siege of this ])lace was attempted; but, at an early period, for want of a battering train was converted into a blockade, which lasted for many years, but withont ultimate success. Tiie power and CAMS AY. 219 influence of tlic KollaJar of Callinp;er were tiu" chief obstacl(;s to the suc- cess of All Bahadcr, duriiig the last five years of his lil'c, ami compelled him to encamp a considerable part of his army in the vicinity of that fortress. The same opposition with in- creased energy was continued after the cession of the conntry to the British, and Callinp,er became an asylum for all the disaffected asid banditti in the pro\iuce. After many inetiectual attempts to obtain possession by an amicable arrauj-'c- ment with the Killadar or gov rnor, it was in 1810 besiej;ed in form by the British, who were repulsed wmi great slaughter, in an attempt to carry this nearly iiupregnable for- tress by storm. 'I'lie garrison, how- ever, although successful, were so intimidated by tlie determination displayed by the assailants, that they evacuated it during the night. {3IS6'. Calliokdroog, (Cahjanadurgn). — A town in the Baiaghaut ceded districts, situated on the west sid« of tlie Hoe,gry River, 44 miles S. by E. Irom Bel'lary. Lat. 14°. 30'. x\. Long. 77°. 9'. E. Calowk. — A very liilly and woody distiict, situated principally in the province of Lahore, about the 32d degree of north latitude. It is bound- ed on the north by the Kaugrah dis- tricts; to the eastward by a large tract of country named Bessecr ; to the southward by Nhan ; and to the west by Punjab. In 17S3 it was sobject to the Rannv of Bellaspoor. and the revenue was estimated at 12 lacks of rupees. The Sutuleje is the only river of consequence, and Bellaspoor the principal town. {Foste?-, Sj-c.) Cali'Ee. — Sec Kalpy. Caltuka. — A village and small fort, about 28 miles to the south of Columbo, in the Island of Ceylon. Lat. 6°. 42'. N. Long. 7ort, and ex- perienced great prosperity, but it decayed with its metropolis, and is now much redueed. Elephants' teeth and coineiians are procured here lor the China market, but the chief article of export is cotton to 220 CAMBODIA. Bombay, and grain ; tlie imports are tlie same as in (he {»rovince of Gujrat generally. Mnior A^'ilford is of opinion, that in the .5th centiiry Tamra-nap:ara, or Cambat, (Canibay) was the capital of the Balarayas, and perhaps of the Hindoo enipernrs of the west, when the two dig-nities happened to be united in the same person. Osorio, a l^ortug;uese m liter, says, that when Francis d'Almeida landed near Cam- bay, in the year 1.515, he saw the ruins of sumptuop.s buildings and temples, tlie remains of an ancient city. It is said such ruins exist to the present day to the south of Cam- bay, OH the Broach side, m here theie are temples and other buildings half buried in the sand, with which this place Avas overwhelmed. Cambay was taken and jiiilaged by the Ma- hommedans in A. D. 1297, during the reign of Alia ud Deen. At this town, and others in Guj- rat, are Hindoo subterranean tem- ples, which have been constructed since the Wahominedan invasion, and still remain. In the houses of Ojjulcnt persons are also freciuently found apaitments under ground, Avhcre they conceal their females and property during times of alarm. In a .Tain subterranean tejnple, at Cambay, are two massy statues of their deities, one of which is white, and the other black. The inscription on the tirst intiniates that it is an imago of Parsw anatha, a Jain deity, carved and consecrated in the reign of the Jilmperor Acber, A. D. 16U2. The black one has merely the date inscribed, 1651, with the names of the two Banyans who brought it th«n-e. Tiic natives of Cambay are reckon- ed the most e\j)ert plaisterers in the (ilujrat province. In the north-west •piarter of India, it is supposed that the saline particles in the water, even M lure remote liom the ocean, give that appearance of dampness and coarseness to the walls for which they are remarkable, when com- pared with those of Coromandol. This town is now comprcliended in the British territories under the Bombay presidency. Travelling distance from Bombay, 281, from Delhi, 663, from Calcut- ta, 1253 miles. (Drmnmmid, Wil- ford, Malet, Maurice, Elmore, Ren- nel, 5c.) Cambay, Gulf of. — A gulf on the north-west coast of India, which penetrates about 150 miles into the province of Gujrat. The tides in this gulf run with amazing velocity, and at low water, during spring tides, leave the bottom of the l)ay dry from lat. 22°. 3'. N. to Cambay town. No vessels at- tempt to go above Gongway in one tide trom Jumbosier, it being often attended w ith bad consequences ; for if they cannot get into Cambay Creek, they must return to Gong- wa}', which is distant five leagues; In maijy places the current is so rapid, that if a ship takes the ground she immediately upsets, and, in aM probability, every person on board perish. It is supposed that the depth of water in the Gulf of Cambay has progressively decreased for more than two centuries past. Fifteen miles east of Cambay city, the bed of the gnlf is reduced to six miles broad, and is dry at ebb tide ; but the passage ought never to be attempted, either ou horse or foot, without a natiy<' guide, as there is a danger of wandering among the mud and quicksands, and being overtaken by the flood tide, which rushes fu- riously in, like the bore in the Cal- cutta Kiver. {Elmore, Driaumond,&-e.y Cambodia, (Camboja). — A coun- try in India beyond the Ganges, .si- tuated principally betwixt the 10th and 15th degrees of north latitude, and extending along the east side ot' the Bay of Siara. To the north it is bounded by Laos, to the south by sea ; to the cast it is separated from Cochin China by a ridge of moun- tains, and to the west it has Siam and part of the Birman empire. In length it may be estimated at 35tt miles, by 150 the average breadth. CAMBODIA. 221 Rcspcclinjc this ronntry wc have wry little recent iurormation, and tJie ohl is either obsolete, or nut to be depended upon. It is likewise named t'aniboja, Cainbu-chat, and by the Birmans Yoodra-shan, and extends to the southernmost point of India beyond the (jan':i;es, (Ma- lacca excepted) wliere tlic whole coast from Cambodia point, to the westcru point of tlic f!;reat Cam- bodia River, is covered with un- derwood, and exceedingly low. In this part the sea is so shallow, that at the distajiec of fiv<; or six miles tiom the sliore ti)e water is seldom more than four fatiioms deep, and nothinj:!: lur-^er than a boat can approach within two miles. 1'his southern extremity of Asia sinks into the sea by very slow gradations. The vegetable j)rodnctions of this provinns of houses that deserve the name of towns. Lower Cambodia being in- corporated with Cochin China, en- tir«"ly resembles it. Tiie Khomen language is used by a nation of that n;ntie, who reside (»n the banks of the jMe-kon, or Hiver of Cambu Cha't, or Cambo- dia, 'i'he khomen are reckoned au ancient and learned peo])le, and were formerly subdued by the T'hay J'hay, or ancient Siamese race. Tlie mo- dern T'hay, or Siamese, still deno- minate the Bali character, Nangsu Khom, or the Khomen letter from this nation. They are not, however, supposed to have existed as a polish- ed people so early as the Law (Laos). but are believed to have derived their origin from the warlike race of moun- taineers named Kho, the Gueos of the Portuguese historians ; who are still represented as practising their ancient customs, of eating human llcsh, and tattoing their bodies. Th« name of Camboja is often mentioned in the Ramayon, and other ancient Hindoo poems, where its horses ar« celebrated; but the designation, pro- bably, refers to Cambay in Gujrat, as we can scarcely suppose that, in the remote times of Hindoo anti- quity, an intercourse subsisted be- twixt t)ude, the cai>ital of the great Ram, and this remote country. \^ ith the present state of the in- terior we arc wholly nnae(piainted. and its religion can only be guessed at. Sunounded on all sides iiy na- tions professing to follow the do<'- trincK of Buddha, the njajori^y of the inhabitants of Cambodia arc, pro- bably, sectaries of the same religion. The accounts we have of tl»e numn- taineers assimilate them to the bar- barous aborigines foHud all over In- 222 CANANORE. dia, wliPFP neither the Hindoo nor the Mahommedan religion has pene- trated, or made any lasting inipies- sion. (Leyden, Staunton, F. Bu- chanan, Si/nies, De Bissachere, ^c.) Cambodia. — A city ni India be- yond the Ganges, the capital of the jkingdom of Cambodia. Lat. 13°. Long. 104°. 35'. E. By the Eirmaiis it is named Lowaick, and is situated on the Hiver Mekon, or Cambodia, about 150 miles from the sea. Cambing. — A small island, abont 30 miles in circumference, lying off the north coast of Timor, bctniYt the 8th and 9th degrees of south latitude. Cambyna. — An island in the East- ern Seas, about 60 miles in circum- ference, lying off the south-eastern extremity of Celebes. It is veiy mountainous, and one hill in parti- cular is of a very gieat elevation. Camigten. — A small island, one of the Philippines, about 10 miles ia length, by lour the average breadth, situated due north of the island of Luzon. There is a considerable trade carried on here for wax, gold, cocoa luits, and cassia. Camroop, (Camarnpa, the aspect of desire). — A province in Assam, uhich formeily gave its name to an extensive kingdom, of which Kan- gamalty seems to have been the ca- pital. It extends from the Candar Chokey in Ootrecole, along the banks of the Brahmapoo(ra to the province of Dehrung. Goalparah and the Candar Chokey to the west, are the natural boundaries of Assam, for they are in reality the natural boun- daries of a new climate. This province is intersected in va- rious directions by rivers flowing from the mountains, and by branches of the Biahmapootra, m hich are navi- gable during the inundation for boats of any size. The breadth of this province^ from the banks of the Brahmapootra to the mountains is, on an average, 40 miles ; its length, from Candar Chokey, to the Burra- nuddee, is about 100 miles. A mi- litary causeway extends from Cooch Bahar to the north of this and other districts, to the utmost limits of As- sam. In most places it is now in a state of decay. This province was invaded by Ma- hommcd Bukhtyar Khiiijee in 1204, innnediately after the conquest of Bengal by the Mahommcdans ; but he was com])elled to retreat after losing nearly the whole of his armj'. It is probable the dominions of Cam- roop, at this ])criod, extended much further to the westward than the modern tenitor)% and included many districts since annexed to Bengal, such as Bangamatty, Rungpoor, and Cooch Bahar. The mode of defence adopted by the princes of these coun- tries Avlien invaded, was to retiie with their families and effects into the jungles, until the violence of the rains, the inundation of the country, and the pestilential effects of an un- healthy climate, compelled the ene- mies to capitulate, or to attempt a destiaictivc retreat. {Wade, Stewart, eye.) Cananobe, (Camtra). — A town on the sea coast of the province of Malabar. Lat. 11°. 52'. N. Long". 75°. 27'. E. The countiy about this place con- sists of low hills and nanow vallies ; the hills inland are covered with bushes, and beautihilly skirted with plantations. The rice grounds are extensive, well drained, and care- fully supplied with water. Caiianore was piuchased from the Dutch by the ancestors of the Bil)y,- (female sovereign) who is a Moplay, or jMahommedan. Prior to this the family were of little consequence, and entirely dependent on the Che- rical rajahs; but having acquired a fortress, considered by the Nairs as impregnable, they became powerful, and were looked up to as the head of all the Mahommedans of Malabar. 'J'ho succession goes in the female line as usual in Rlalabar. The chil- dren of the Biby's son will have no claim to the sovereignty, but will be succeeded by tlie son of his niece, who is the daughter of liis sister. CANARA. 223 The lenitory of lliis princess on the rontiiieiit is verv small; \ot she jjuvs a n'\enue of 14,000 rupees as l;iiid-ta\, and llie T'^ast India Com- l^iiiY receive all the customs, 'i'hc liiliy is allowed to collect all the re- venue, hut her pmfit from tliencc must he inconsiderable. IMost of the Laceadives are siiliject to her ; but they are wretched islands, ])ro- ducing no <^rain, nor an\ tliinj;^ hut cocoa-nuts, hetd nut, and plaintains. Tlic Biby of Cananore possesses seve- ral vessels that sail t() Arabia, and carries on ii considerable trade to Bengal, Arabia, and Sumatra. This town is situated at the bot- tom of a small bay, which is one of the best on the coast, and contains several good houses belonging to Mahommedan merchants, 'I'lie peo- ple here have no communication with the Maldives, although the sul- tan and inhabitants of these islands are Moplays also. Cananore is de- fended by a fortress, situated on the point which Ibrnis the l>ay; and it has been strengthened with w'orks after the European fashion, since the province was ceded 1o the Company ; and it is now tiic liead-qiiarters of tlie goverrmient. The small district of Cananore ex- tends no where more than two miles from the glacis of the fort. The sur- face is high and uneven, bitt not so much as to prevent the whole from being cultivated once in three, six, or nine years, according to the q\ia- lity of the soil. In 1800, the num- ber of houses in Cananore and the district of Chcrical w as 10,386, and of slaA es there were 4G70. In Che- rical and Cotiote there are slaves, chiefly of the Poliar and Pariar castes ; but the greater part of the cultivation is carried on by panicar, or hired men. A trade is canied from hence with Arabia, Bengal, Sumatra, and Surat; from whence liorses, ainjonds, piece goods, sugar, opium, silk, benzoin, and camphire are imported; the exports are, prin- cipally, pepper and cardamums, san- dal wood, coir, and sharks' fins. So early as 1505, the Portuguese had a fort at Cananore. {F. Jiuvhana/t, Bruce, i-c.) CANARA, {Carmta). A province on the west coast of India, exteiiding from the I'ith to the 15th degree of north latitude. To the north it has the Maharalta territories, in the province of Bcja- poor; to the south the Malabar dis- tricts ; on the cast it has Mysore, and the I?ahigliaut teriitories; and to the west the sea. In length it may be estimated at 200 miles, by 35 miles the average breadth. The province was transferred to the Company in 1799, and now forms one of the coUcctorships under tiie Madras presidency ; but, in geogra- phical description, is usually divided into north and south Canara, under which heads furtlier topographical details will be found. The tract distinguished in our maps as the province of Canara. by a fatality nnexampled in the history of nations, neither is, nor ever was known by that name to the people of the country, or of any part oi' In- dia. Voyagers and Mahommedan strangers, finding that it was a de- pendency of the kingdom of Canara^ and probably that the officers of go- vermnent spoke that language, gave the name of Canara to the district called by the natives Tulava, which name, however, applies more parti- cularly to the country noi th of the River Chandragiri. Canara is a cor- niption of Karnata, the table land above the Ghauts ; the British pro- vince of which is composed of the maritime countries of l^ilava, Uai- ga, and tlu; adjacent parts of Alala- bar and the Hindoo kankana. '^i'he province of Canara continued undisturbed, under a Hindoo go- vernment, until 1763, when it \\as subdued to Hyder. On his taking possession, it w as a highly improv(s beyond the territories of the been under the influence of Ravana, Madras jiovernment, between the KingofLanca or Ceylon. Li 1800 it 1st May, 1811, and the 3()lh April, paid only 29,000 pagodas,whileOnore 1812, was, Arcot rupees 470,082, produced .51,o was named VtishajiaSayana, o saii't, who, by long coutinued prMyer, Isad obtained a knowledge of divine things. They admit that all Brah- mins are by ])irth of equal rank. The gods of the Jains arc the spirits of perfect men, Avho, on account of their gieat virtue, have become ex-" em])t from all change, and are all of eqtjal rank and power. They are called collectively by various titles, such as Jineswara, Arhita (the worthy), and Siddha (the holy). — ■ These saints reside in a heaven called Moeslia. Concerning the great gods of the 18 Purans of the orthodox Brahmins, the Jains sa) that Vishnu was a rajah, who, having performed certain good works, was born a se- cond time as a rajah, named Rama. At first he was a great hero and con- queror; but aftenvards lie retired from the pleasures of the world, and becanjc a Sannyasi (a solitary de- votee), and lived a life of such pu- rit)', that he obtained Siddha under the name of Jina, vvhii^h he had assumed when he gave up his earthly kingdom. By the orthodox Brahmins, who follow the doctrines of Vyasa, the Jains are frequently confounded with the Saugata, or vvorshippers of Buddha. 'I'heir doctiine has, in many points, a great resemblance to that Avhich is taught in Ava by th« followers of Buddha. The Jain Brahmins abstain from lay affairs, and dress like those who follow the doctrines of Vyasa. 'I'heir gooroos, or cliicf priests, have the power of fining their followers who cheat or lie, commit murder or adultery. I'he fijies are given to the gods, that is to say, to the priest. The '.lains extend throughout In- dia, but at present thoy are not nu- merous, except in South Canara. They have two sorts of temples, one covered with a roof, aud called Busty; the otlier an 0])!>u area, sur- roiuldcd by a wall, acd called Betta, whi(-h signifies a hill. In tiie tenqiles called T^ctta, the only image of a saint li tl'.Jtt of a person named Oomnta Baya, who \tln\c on earth Avas a powerful king. 'I'he imagoor. Lat. 26°. 2'. N. Long. 76°. 30'. E. This fortress be- longs to the Rajalis of Jeypoor, or Jyenagur, and was built about 80 years ago bj' one of the rajahs of that state. It is deemed impreg- nable by the natives, but its chief strength consists in its elevated situ- cition, amidst rugged and projecting rocks, covered with jungle to the top. {Bruiigliton, tVc.) Candhak. — A town in the Ni- zam's dominions, in tlie province of Nander, 16 miles S. from the town of Nandcre. Lat. 18°. 66'. N. Long. 77°. 37'. E. • Candesh. — Sec Khandfsh. C.ANDAHAR, {Ganclhava). — A })ro- vincc in Afghanistan, situated prin- cipally between the 31st and 34th degrees of north latitude. To the north it is bounded by the province of Balk, in Little I'artary ; to the south, by Baloochistan ; on the east it has Sinde and Baloochistan ; and on the west the province of Segistan, in Persia. Having been but little explored, its modern boundaries are wholly unknown. By Abnl Fazel, in 1582, it is described as follows: " Sircar Candahar is situated in the tliird climate. 'l'h(^ length, iioni Kelat Bujarch, is 300 coss, and it measuies in bieadth, from Sindo to Furreh, 260 coss. On the cast lies Sinde; on the north, Gour and Ghourghistan; on tb,;' south, Sewee ; and on the Mcst, Furreh and Cabul. On the norlh-w est it is bounded by (ihuzneen. The \yhcat of Candahar is \ cry white, and is seat to a dis- tance as a great rarity. In the vici- nity of the town of Candahar arc the ruins of a great city, the native place of the Gharian Sultans. Be- tween llirmund and Candahar is si- tuated the well known city of Mcy- mund, mentioned in old astronomical tables." 'J'hc quarter of Afghanistan about Killaut (70 miles V.. by N. from Candahar) has the general aspect of a desert, and, excej)t small portions 230 CANDAHAR. of arable land contig^ious to the in- habited places, no other cultivation is scon. From Ghizni to Candahar the road tends to the south-west, and has universally a barren appearance. The buildings, from a scarcity of timber, arc constructed, as in the province of Cabul, of sun-burned bricks, and covered with a flat roof of tlie same materials. This province having been seldom visited by Europeans, we remain but little acquainted with its inha- bitants or productions. A native traveller, of 1795 (Seid Mustapha), among other productions, mentions V'heat, riLC, joarce, gram, peas, and seeds of diflerent sorts ; dates, almonds, saffron, and otr of roses. The cultivators he describes as com- posed of Moguls and Afghans ; and the language of the country the Pushtoo". Among the inhal)itants he reckons a considerable number of Hijidoos (partly Kanogc Brahmins), both settled in the towns as traf- fickers, and cultivating fields and gardens in the vicinity. The face of the country through- out is hilly and rocky, and in many places destitute of fresh water; but some of the vallies exhibit verdure and feitllily. The climate during tin; winter is very cold, although not so much as about Ghizni, in C abul ; bv>t during the summer the opposite e\lrenie is experienced. In the cold sea:ion, the ])oorersort of inhabitants Avear a species of coarse blanket, and the richer classes shawl gowns and long silk caps. Like the rest of Alghanistan, tlie country is very thinly peopled, a c'onsiderable por- tion of the natives still leading a pastoral and migratory life. The pnncipal domestic animals are ca- mels and dogs, the latter being men- tioned as a very superior breetl for strength, sagacity, and courage, — Among the wild animals are tigers, buffaloes, deer, and antelopes. Iron is procured fiom ores found in nt. >\ ])ilc the Persian and IMogul en!]iires existed in a st-ate of pros- perity, Ctmdaiiar was a liontier city, and the object of mueh competition. It was betrayed to the Ku)pcror Jo- hangircby the Persian governor, Ali Merdan Khan, in 1(338. On the decay of both cini)ires, it was, for a short time, possessed by native Afgiiau chiefs ; but, in 1737, Nadir jShali, havinsf deposedThamas Mirza, tutered Ai'ghauistaii wifh a large anny, and took Candahar, ut tiiis time held by an Afghan cliief, named Hossein KJian, alter a siege, from tirst to last, of 18 months. < )n Na- dir's assassination, Ahmed Shah Ab- dalli obtained possession, and in-» tended to make it his capital, but in this design he did not persevere ; it has, liowever, ever since contimied attached to the Cabnl sovereignty. Travelling distance from Delhi by Cabul 1071 miles; fromAgva, 1208; and from Calcutta, 2047 miles. {Fos- ter, Scid Miistapha, Rennd, AbuL Fazel, <§-e. CANDY. A territory in the .centre of the Island of Ceylon, which forms the present dominions of the King of Candy. AVoods and mountains, al- most impenetrable, cut off this re- gion on all sides from the countiy on the sea coast, possessed by Eu- ropeans. The passes which lead through these to the interior are extremely steep and difficult, and scarcely known even to the natives. 10 or 20 miles inland, the country differs greatly from the sea coast, in soil, c!imat<', and appearance. Af- ter ascending the moiuitains, and passing the woods, the country seems not advanced many stages beyond the first stage of inipiove- mt- nt ; as we proceed towards the centre of the island, tlie country gradually rises, and the woods and mountains ^\hich separate the dif- ferent jiaris become more steep and impervious. It is in tlie midst of these jastnesses that the native prince still preserves those remains of territory and power, which have been left him by successive in- vaders. The provinces which still remain to him are Noorecala\a and Hot- courly, towards the north aiul north- west ; while JVIatuly, comjirehending the districts of Eintana, Velas, ]*a- noa, with a ll-w others, occupies those parts more to the eastward. To tlie south-east lies Ouvale, a province of some iiote; the western parts art 232 CANDY. chiefly included in the provinces of Cotemal and Kolleracorley. These different provinces are subdivided into corles, or districts, and entirely belong to the native prince. In the hiffhest and most central part of this sovereign's tenitories lie the corles of Oudanour and Tata- no ur, in which are situated the two principal cities. These districts are pre-eminent above the rest, and are better cultivated, and more popu- lous, than the others ; and are distin- fuished by the name of Conde Udda. "his province of Conde Udda is still more inaccessible than the others, and forms as it were a separate king- dom. On every side it is surroiiiided by lofty mountains coveredwith wood, and tho paths by which it is entered seem little more than the tracts of wild beasts. Guards are stationed all round to prevent entrance and escape. In this province are the ruins of some tov.iis, which appear to have been larger and better built than those at present existing. • In the province of Nourse Calava, in the northern part of the kingdom, are tlie 1 uais of the city of Anuvodg- buiro. It stands aLnost at the north- ern extremity of the Candian domi- nions, and liordt rs on the district of Jafnapatnam. In former ages this was the residence of the Kings of Ceylon, ajul has long been the place of their binial. 'i he Portuguese captured and destroyed this town. The whole of the CanJian teni- tories, with the exception of the plains arouiid Anurodgburro, pre- sent a constant interchange of steep mountains and deep vailies. The ex- cessive thickaessof tiie wooiis,wbieh _ cover tlie grcitttv part of tlso coun- try, causes heavy fogs and unwlule- some ii.impt: lo prevail ; every evf n- jug the fogs fall with the close of tlie day, and au not again dissipated until the uv. i.^a acquired great power. I'he vailies are, in general, marshy, full of springs, and excel- lently ada. tc.i for the cultivation of jrice, and rearing of cattle. The high range of mountains, which extend acres? the country of Candy, seems to divide the island into two different climates. It has been a continued drought on one side of them for years, while it has rained on the other without inter- mission. The seasons among the mountains in the interior are regu- lated by diflerent laws, and do not correspond exactly with either of the monsoons. Among them it rains incessantly during the months of March and April, at which period it is dry in the low lands. The coun- try of Candy can never receive any improvement from internal naviga- tion : several large rivers intersect it; but, during the rainy season, tliese are rendered so rapid by the torrents from the hills, tliat no boat can venture on them ; while in the opposite season they are dried ujj. The intercourse betwixt the Cin-. galese under the European govern- ments, and the Candians of the in- terior, has always been more com- pletely cut oil', than betwixt .any of the most savage and hostile tribes of North America. Even during the intervals of peace no connnunication is opened, nor is there au} attempt on either side to carry on a secret traffic, or coiTcspond with each other. The poUcy of the Dutch, therefore, succcede, which lake precedence of each other according to the most scrupulous regiilaMons. The first rank includes the nobles; the next the arlUicers, such as goldsmiths, painters, carpe.iters, smiths, is>c. the third is composed of lower occupa- lioiis, su(h as barbers, potters, wea- vers, &.C. with \\honi the common soluiers raak ; aiid the 4th caste comprehends the peasantry, and la- bourers of all descriptions, who either cultivate the lands lot them- selves, or are hired out to work for oHiors. The preference given to artificers over husbandmen and sol- diers, is a very uncoiiiiuon I'act in the arrangement of caste, and pe- culiar to Ceylon. Besides these castes, there is here, as in other parts of India, a wretched race of outcasles, the martyrs from n^o to age of this barljarous institu- tion. They are allowed to exercise no trade or profession, nor to ap- proach any of the human race but the companions of their miserj', and whatever they touch is polluted and- accursed. As they are not allowed to work, they are obliged to beg contiimally for sustenance, and thus from generation to generation be- come a dead Aveight on soci(;1y. As they are degratled. so low, tliat they cannot by good conduct ever retrieve their condition, it is an ob- ject worthy a benevolent govern- ment to attempt converting this lost body of men, by instructing them in a superior system of religion, which umst be the first step towards atfect- ing their improvement. These people of no caste are obliged to pay the lowest of the Candians as mucli res- pect and reverence, as eastern ser- vility ordains the latter to pay to the king. Although the Candians are go- verned Mith the most complete des- potism, y(>t as their prejudices and customs are shared and respected by their nioiiarehs, they arc proud of being lice from a tbreign yoke, and despis(^ the Ciiigaline in the British .service, as a mean antl servile race, 'J'he Candian women have scarcely ever been seen by Junopeans, which concealment must have originated in political motives, as the Can- dians are by no means jealous of their females. 'i'he king of Candy on tlie tinonc in 1800 was a native of the Island of Kaniiseram on the Malabar coast, opposite to Manaar; and was a descendant of the royal family by a female branch, l)ut by no means tli<" nearest heir. He was brought iu hy the iuilucuce of Iho adigur, a CANDY. 233 minister. When the last king lias no innnediate descendants, and when the hereditary right lies between equidistant males and females, the pref(uence, by the Candian laws, is given to the female branch. In the year 1795, the reigning king of Candy manied a IVlalabar princess of his own countiy, and a near rela- tion to the liajah Ramnaad. The King of Candy yields to no eastern branch in the nuiuber and extravagance of his titles, and they are attended with a corresponding reverence on this part of his subjects. The adigar, or minister, is the only one wiio has access to liis person, he consecpiently issues what mandates he pleases, and is in eOect the sove- reign. There arc generally two adigars, whom the king endeavours to api)oint from opposite factions; but one generally engrosses tiie power. And appoints the other. Tlie officers next in rank 'to the adigarx arc the dessauvas, who are go- vernors or corles or districts, and are the principal military com- manders. I'he bulk of the king's revenues consists of presents or contrii)ulion8 brought him by the people, orratiier irregularly enibn.ed by his officers, tw o or three times each year. Tliose contributions consist of money, pre- cious stones, ivoiy, clolh, curii, Iviiit^ honey, wax, arms, and other articles of their own nianuficliue, such as spears, arrows, pikes, targets, &.c. &c. The regular troops amoimt to about 20,000 men ; but, ilie inhabi- tants are oi)liged, without disliiic- tion, to take arms whtn conunanded. Their armour is of a very motley na- ture; spears, pikes, swords, targets, bows and arrows, niatchioeks, with about 1000 fusees or nnisUets, and bajonets, all in bad order. 'Jheir pay and subsistence coiisi.>is of a small allowance ol rice and salt, ami they are exempted liom taxes and all other services. To lide on horseback is a royal privilege, monopolized by the mo- narch. There arc no horses kept iu 254 CANTAL. llie interior, eXc<'pt lliose belonging' to the rojal stud ; wliicb have Ijeen received as presents from the Euro- pean governments on the coast. In 1782 Mr. Boyd went as ambassador to Candy from Trincolmale. On his anival within 20 miles of that place, be was desired l)y the Candians to go round about 1o the Columbo road, and approach from thence, as they would not otherwise have exact precedents for the ceremonies to be performed. Their capital punish- ments are always attended Avith some aggravating cruelty, and the administration of justice is mostly intrnsted to the dessauvas and adi- parS. There are Hindoo temples in Candy, the present idng being of Ihe 'Hindoo Brahminical religion, ■while the great majority of his sub- jects are worsltippers of Enddha. (Percival, Knox, Harrington, Boyd, Candy. — 'A city in the Island of Ceylon, the capital of the Candian dominions. Lat. 7°. 23'. N. Long. 80°. 47'. This town is situated at the dis- tance of about 80 miles from Co- lumbo, and tM ice as far from Trin- colmale, in the midst of lofty and steep hills covered with thick jungle. The narrow and difiienlt passes, by which it is approached, are intersect- ed with thick hedges of thorn ; and hedges of the same sort are drawn round the hills in the vicinity of Candy, like lines of circumvallalion. Tluongh them the only passage is by gates of the same tliorny mate- rials, so conlnved as to be drawn up and let down by ropes. I'hese hedge rows form the chief forlifieations of Candy. The Mali\agonga Kiver nearly sunounds the hills on which it stands, and is here broad, rocky, and rapid; and on the banks of it a strict watch is kept by the Can- dians, The town is a poor miserable place, about two miles lojig, and consists of one" principal street, ter- minated by the palace at the upper •nd. There ure many lesser streets branching off, but of no great lengtlt. The palace is built with a sort of chunam or cement, perfectly white, with stone gateways. It contains a great many rooms, painted in a gro- tesque maimer, and many of th« walls covered with pier glasses. The houses of the town are mean and low, but their foundations are raised in such a manner, or rather the street is so sunk, that they seem lofty to passengers. The palace consisfs of two enclosed squares, one wilhin the other; and in the inner are the royal apartments, where the court is held, and audi- ences given. This town has been several times burned by the Europeans, and was once deserted by the king, who re- tired to a still more inaccessible part of his dominions. The ambas- sadors sent to Candy were always conducted into the town at night by torch-light, and re-conducted be- fore morning, on which account few particulars A\'ere known of the town until the 20th Feb. 1803, when it was captured by the British, having previously been evacuated by the king. I'he garrison left here, under Ma- jor Davie, were singularly unfor- tunate. From February to June, officers murdered by the Canadians 16, died from the effects of the cli- mate 16, of the civil service 5; total 37. Privates of the 19th regiment nuudered 172, died of the eftects of the climate 120, died after their re- turn to Columbo 300 ; total 592. About six or seven milcf to tlie south of Candy lies the town of Nelemby Ncur, where the king has also a palace and stone houses. (Pcjv cival, bth Register, ifc.) Canouj. — See Kanoge. Candroody. — A small district iw the province Gundwana, situated betv\ixt the 23d and 24tli^de.grees of north latitude. It is intersected by the Soane River, and is possessed by independent chiefs, but contains n» town of note. Cantal, {Catifttl, th» jack fvftit CANTON. 235 irec). — A small mountuinoTis district in Nortliern Hindoslaii, l)€t\vi\t the S4th and 35th dcfjrees of north lati- tude; and adjoining the oiistein ex- treniit}' of the piovinee of Cashmere. It is remarkable for the hip,h peak of Canlal, or Kciiti, called Lar b) the Cashmerians. CANTON. A sea-port in the empire of China, io Avhicli the Eurojiean maritime traffic is cxclnsivelv eonlined. Lat. 23°. 7'. N. Lat. 113°. 14'. E. This city stands on th-e eastern bank of the Fe-kiang River, ^vhich flows from tlie interior in a navif;,able stream of 300 miles to this town, where it is ratlicr broader than the Thames at London Bridge, aud from hence falls after an additional course of 80 miles in the southern sea of China, near its junction, with ^Aiiich it takes among foreigners the name of Bocca Tigris. The town is sm- touuded by walls about five miles in circumference, on which a few can- non are mounted ; but the whole of its fortifications, Avith a view to de- fence, are in every respect despi- cable, and only serve to prevent the intrusion of Europeans. Although Canton is situated near- ly, in "the same pajallel of latitude with Calcutta, yet there is a consi- derable diH'ercnce in their tempera- ture; the former being much the coolest, and requiring fires during the winter months. Ihe suburbs may be frecjuented by Europeans; bnt they ;u-e not permitted to enter tiic gates of the Tartar city, which, however, in its building and exterior appearance, entirely resembles the suburbs. The streets of Canton are very narrow, paved with little round iitones, and ilagged close to the sides of the houses, 'J'he front of every house is a shop, and those of parti- cular streets are laid out for the sup^ ply ofstrjyigers; China-street(named by the seamen llog-lane) being ap- propriated to Europeans, and here tlie productions of almost every part 4 of the globe arc to be found. On« of the shopkeepers is always to bo seen sitting on the counter, writing with a camel's hair brush, or calcu- lating with his swan-pan, on which instrument a Chinese M'ill perform: operations in numbers with as much celerity as the most expert Europeau ai ithmetician. This part of Canton being much frequented by the sea- men, every artifice is used by th« Chinese retailers to attract their at- tention, each of them having an Eng- lish name for himself pauitod on the outside of his shop, besides a num- ber of advertisements, composed for them by the sailors in their peculiar idiom. 'I'he latter, it may he sup- posed, are often duped by their Chi- nese fiiends, who have, in general, picked up a few sea phrases, by which they are ©uticed to enter the shops ; but they suit extremely well together, as the Chinese dealers pos- sess a command of temper not to be provoked, and humour the seamea in all their sallies. The foreign factories extend for a considerable way along the banks of the river, at the distance of about 100 yards. The^ are named by the Chinese hongs, and resemble long- courts, or closes, without a thorough- faie, which generally contain four or live separate houses. They are buill on a fine quay, and have a broad parade in front. This promenade is railed in, aud is generally called the respondentia walk ; and here the European merchants, com'uanders, aud officers of ships meet after cbn- ner, and enjoy the cool of the even- ing. The English hong, or factor} , far surpasses the others in elegance and extent, and before eacii the national (lag is seen tlying. Tlie neighbour- hood of the factories is occupied with M'arehouses for the reception of Eu- ropean goods, or of Chinese produc- tions, until they are shipped. For the spa( e of four or five mile* opv.ositc to Canton the river resem- bles an extensive floating city, con- sisting of boats and vessels ranged parallel to each other, lea> iug a nar- 23(5 CANTON. row passage for vessels to pass and repass. In these the owners reside •with their IamiHcs,the latter of wliom but seldom visit the shore. Tlie Chinese junks that trade to Batavia and the Eastern Islands lie in the centre of the river, moored head and stern, many of them exceeding 600 tons burthen. A Chinese ship, or junk, is seldom the property of one man. Sometimes 40 or 50, or even 100 didereut merchants purchase a vessel, and divide into as many com- partments as there are partners, so that each knows his ow u particular part in the ship, M'luch he is at liberty to fit up and serure as he pleases. The bulk heads, by which these di- visions are formed, consist of stout planks, so well caulked as to be completely water-tight. A ship thus formed may strike on a rock, and yet sustain no serious injury ; a leak springing in one division of the bold will not be attended with any da- tnage to articles placed in another, and from her firmness she is qualified to resist a more than ordinary shock. A considerable loss in stowage is of course sustained; but the Chinese exports generally contain a consi- derable value in a small bulk. Some of these sliips are not less than 1000 tons burthen, ha^ ing a crew of 500 men, owners of goods and seamen, besides other passengers, wlio leave their country to better their fortunes at Batavia, ' Manilla, and among the Eastern Islands. The Chinese coasting vessels are usnally divided into 13 distinct compartments, M'ell caulked and ^^ ater-tight. In navi- gating these vessels the same com- pass is used as in Europe; but in China the south alone is considered as the attracting power, the Chinese compass is named ting-nan-ching, or the needle pointing to the south. 'J he Chinese junks generally sail with one monsoon, and return with another. In the north-east monsoon they sail to ]\Ianilla, I'anca, and Ba- tavia, and return to Emoy and C.ui- ton with that from the south west. There are liAc junks annually from Emoy to Batavia, on board of which a considerable number of Chinese emigrate. Canton is about 15 miles above Wharapoa, and in tliis distance are five chop, or custom-houses, where boats are examined. The head ton- tiff, named by the mariners John Tuck, regulate the emperor's duties, respecting M'hich the importer re- mains entirely ignorant, as they are paid by Ihe purchaser of the goods, which are generally weighed and carried ofi' immediately on landing. 'I'he cargoes are weighed with Eng- lish weights of 50, instead of 56 pounds, and afterwards reduced to Chinese catties, by multiplying by three and dividing by four; and then converted to peculs, by dividing the product by 100. A pecul M-eighs 133| pounds English, and catty 1§ po- nd ; but the Chinese sale weights are generally inaccurate, and must be attended to. All goods in China are bought and sold by weight, even articles of food, such as milk, fowls, hogs, &c. The long measure is the cubit of about 141 inches. A tael is equal to 5798 decimal, troy weight ; and in the East India Company's ac- counts the tael of silver is reckoned at 6s. 8d. sterling. The Chinese measure a ship from the centre of the fore-mast to the centre of the mizen-mast for the length, and close abaft the main- mast from outside, taking the ex- treme for the breadth. I'he length is then multiplied by the breadth, and divided by 10, the result being, according to their ideas, the mensu- ration of the ship. At the custom- house, ships that arrive are classed under three denominations, first, se- cond, and third rates; and ships, however small, pay as third rates, which is a heavy charge on the small vessels that frequent the port ; nor is the duty augmented on ships exceed- ing the size of what they term first rates. The proportions are, 1st rates, 74 cubits long &. 26 broad 2d 71 ditto 22 to 23 do. 3d ... .65 to 71 ditto ... .20 to 23 do. CANTON. 237 The duties on sliips of the smallest «lass amount, on an average, to about 4000 dollars, and not a ,^cat deal inure is exacted for ships of larger dimensions. Small country ships frequentlj' lie off about Linliug l<'ora, or Large Ba}', until some of the large China ships from Europe come i« sight, j\iien they shift their cargoes on board of them. It is usually car- ried up to Canton for one per cent. by wliich expedient the duties, cus- toms, and measurement on tiie ship are saved, as well as the emperoi's present. The monopoly of all foreign trade is consigned by the policy of the Chinese government to a limited number of merchants, seldom ex- ceeding eight, l)ut occasionally more; ill 1793 tiiey were 12, and in 1808 14. All foreign cargoes pass through the hands of these merchants, who are commonly men of large propci-ty, and by them also the reti;rn cargoes are furnished. AVith them the East India Company's supercargoes tran- sact the concerns of their employers ; they dispose of the goods imported, and purchase the commodities which compose the homeward-bound cargo. At the close of tlie season they are generally indebted to the Company above half a million sterling, and have, besides, property in their hands belonging to the Company and other British subjects, the aggregate of which has been estimated at two niillions sterling. The whole establishment of the Ikist India Company here consists of 12 supercargoes and eight writere. The latter have a small annual allow- ance and a free table ; and they suc- ceed i» rotation to the situations of the former, who have also, a free table, and annually divide among themselves, in shares proportioned to tlieir seniority, a sum seldom falling short of 80,0001. sterling. This arises from a per centage on the import and export .cargoes, producing to the chief, ou au average, 86001. per an- num; and, to the first, second, and tiiird nienjl>€rs of tlie select commit- tee, above 71001. The senior super- cargo has ahout 60001. per annum, and the juniors in proportion declin- ing on a graduated scale; but none of the supercargoes have less than 15001. per anniun. Having an addi- tion to this, the accommodation of a free house and table, they may b« considered as the best paiil service in the world. The services to b« performed for this liberal remunera- tion consist in a residence for throe or foiH" months every year at Can- ton, during the season of intercourse with the hong, or security merchant, to whom they deliver the imported goods, and receive the teas and other return produce. AVheu the business of the season is fini.shed, the ships laden and dispatched (o England, they retire to Macao for the rest of the >ear, where they remain until the opening of the ensuing season. Here they have very Httle tb do, and are cooped up within a space not exceeding two or three miles, with scarcely any .society but what is formed among themselves. Tlic external commerce of Canton is verj' considerable, and the articles of export numerous ; but their com- parative importance is almost ab- sorbed in that of tea. The imports are more miscellaneous. From Bom- bay and the Alalabar coast they con- sist chiefly of cotton, pepper, sandal wood, putchick, sharks' fins, oliba- num, elephants' teeth, rhinoceros* horns, pearlr,, cornelians, and beads. From the countries adjacent, to th»« straits of Malacca, tin, pepper, betel nut, rattans, sea swallo, (biche de mar) and bird nests are imported. The principal articles imported to Canton by the Ea.'^t India Company arc cloths, long ells, camblets, lead, and tin. In 1808-9, the value of woollens iinpoi ted at Canton by th« East India Company was 877,5691, ; the total \alue of all their imports, 1,095,3171. sterHng. Li 1786, th« imports of woollens amounted to only 202,02.31. Prior to the commutation act, in 1784, tlie imports of that ar- ticle were Small and 'extremely diffi- - 4 CANTON. cult to sell. The proLily, punctu- about 60,000 bales. Opium is pro* ality, and credit of the East India hibited by the Chinese government, Company and their agents js known yet above 2000 chests are annually to be such by the Chinese, that their imported, the avertige Kale- price ^oods are taken away as to quantity being about 1200 dollars per chest. and quahty for what they are declared The imports from the East'jrii Archi- iu the invoice, and the bales with pelago are various, gold is the most their mark pass in trade, without ex- material, but it is impossible cor- amination, through many hands and rectly to estimate the qnaritity. The an immense extent of coimtry, and imports of merchandize from foreign arc never opened until they reach Europe and from America are, in the shop of the person who sells for many respects, siniiiar to those from actual consumption. The (luanlity England, but small in quantify, bul- of British tin imported by the East lion being depended on for the pnr- India Company varies, but may be chase of the homeward bound "cargo, averaged at 300 tons annually ; the Of this article the average import Chinese, for many uses, prefer tlic from America amounted to half a Banca tin, which they assert is more million annually, and about 100,0001. malleable. The other articles im- in goods. ported from England as private trade The principal exports from Cantoa by the officers and commanders of are tea, cliina ware, gold in bajs, the Company's ships are lead, skins sugar, sugar candy, rhubarb, china and furs, cochineal, window glass, root, snake root, sarsaparilia, leather, clocks, watches, the latter varying tuteuague, japan copper, varnished from 40s. a pair to the highest cost, and lacquered ware, drugs, leaf gold. To suit the Chinese taste they nmst utensils made of white and red cop- be sold in j)airs. The other articles per, cast iron, silk raw and wrought, are small quantities of cutlery, hard- thread, nankeens, mothcr-ot-pearl, ware, looking glass, and coral; the gamboge, quicksilver, allum, dam- whole private trade being estimated mer, red lead, vermilion, furniture, at 220,0001. per annum. toys, and a great variety of drugs. The imports from British India are In 1809-10 the cost and charges very considerable, but are liable to on the goods exported from Canton imich fluctuation in quantity. In by the East India Company amount- 1805 the total imports from the Bri- ed to 2,378,8831. sterling, arid sold tish possessions in India amounted in England for 3,723,1161. The sale to 15,060,577 rupees, consisting of amount of goods exported by the Cotton ------ 9,452,619 commanders and officers in private Opium - 3,284,570 trade amounted to 353,4181; The Piece goods - - - - 470,661 quantity of tea sold at the East In- Pearls ------ 422.987 dia Company's sales in 1810 was Saltpetre ----- 287,000 24,540,923 pounds,the duty on which Sandalwood- - - - 275,674 was 3,548,8601. In 1806-7 the quan- Shark fins ----- 251,223 tity of tea shipped at Canton on Craitt ------ 156,500 board English ships amomited to 32,683,066 libs. Sicca rupees 14,606,724 On board of two unknown ships 1,534,267 The remainder was made up of In 1806 on boaid of Ame- articles of smaller amount and value. rican ships - - - - 9,644,667 Until 1802 the cotton was received • entirely fiom Bombay, but since tliat Total 43,862,000 period Bengal has- supplied a con- — — siderable proportion, the whole an- In 1807 there was shipped o;i miiii imj^oit, ou au average, b^ing boa^d of Amoricaxi sliips £i-oui Caa* CANtOY. 239 ♦on 7,730,933 libs. In 1810-11 there lapidaries cut diamonds, and Heir was no tea sliip[)ed tioai Canton on artists are extreiuely expert in imi- board either foreign or American tatinj;; European works. They mend ships ; on board of British shipa and e\en make watches, copy paint- 27,lG3,0fi6 pounds. The price of the ings and colour drawings witli great East India Conipaijy's teas has con- success. They also make coarse silk tinned nearly stationary for above 40 stockings, and have beoj long celo- ycars. Nankeens are made of Chi- brated for their toys, known by tli« nese cotton in a particular province, names of balanceis and tujnblers. and are exclusively a Chinese ma- They generally assay their gold hero inifactnre. The new teas seldom with touch needles, by which it is reach Canton, fiom the interior, be- said t])ey can detect so snial! a djf- fore tJie month of November. fereuce as l-20Qth part of the ini.v- In 1805 the total exports to tlie ture. British possessions in India amount- Provisions and refreshments of all cd to sicca rupees 12,G7G,51 9, con- sorts arc abundant at Canton, and, listing of in general, of an excellent quality, Bullion ----- 8,181,815 nor is the price exorbitant. Every Piece goods - - - - 699,142 deseiiption of them, dead or alive, is Sugar and sugar candy 957,048 sold by weight. It is a curious fact, Tntenague - - - - 692,431 that the Chinese make no use of Camphor ----- 361,703 milk, either in its liquid state, or ia Tea ------ 301,398 -the shape of curds, butler, or cheese. Raw silk ----- 207,743 Among the delicacies of a Chinese Nankeens - - - - 200,295 market are to be seen horse flesii, China ware - - - - 110,637 dogs, cats, hawks, and owls. The country is well supplied with tis!i from the canals and numberless The remainder was composed of rivers that intersect the country, and Tarious articles of smaller value and the inhabitants breed also great mim- amount. The Chinese make a spe- bers of gold and silver fish, wliich are cies of paper from the bamboo, which kept in large stock ponds, as well as is an article of export. in glass and china vases. Ihe Russians are excluded from The lower orders of Chinese, who the sea-ports of China, because a engage as servants to Emopcaus at trade is carried on with tlicm on the Canton, jue extremely ready iu ac- frontiers of Siberia at Kiateha, and quiring a smattering of the English the Chinese do not admit of two language, and fertile in inventions places of trade with the same nation, for making tliemselves intclligibio to The glass, beads, and buttons, of their employers. All the business at various shapes and colours, worn by Canton with Europeans is transacted persons of rank in China, are chiefly ia a jargon of the English language, made at Venice ; and this is among The sounds of such letters as R, D. the remnants of the great and al- R, and X, are utterly unknown in most exclusive trade which the Ve- China. Instead of these they sul^^ iictians canied on with the east, stitute some other letter, such as Lt The inhabitants of China make great for R, which occasions a Chinese use of spectacles wliieh are made at dealer in rice to olFer for sale in Eng- Canton, but the artists do not seem lish a very unmarkttabie commodity, to understand any principle of op- The common Chinese sahitaticm is tics, so as to form the eye glasses of " hou, poo hou," the literal meaning such convexities or concavities as to of which is, " well, not well. Tlic rectify tlie various defects of vision, name mandarin is unknown among but leave their customers to find out tlie Chinese, Cuehin Chinese, and what suits tUeiB b«3t. The Cauton Tunquiucse, the word wsed by all 240 CAP AND BUTTON ISLES. these nalions for a per,son in anlho- rity being quaii. Maiidaiiu is a Por- tuguese Avord derived from the verb mandar, to conimaiid. No correct estimate of the population of Canton has ever been formed, but it is known to be very great. The intercourse between Europe and China, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, began in tlic year 1517, when Emanuel, King of Por- tugal, sent a fleet of eight ships to Cliina with an ambassador, who was conveyed to Pekin, and obtained permission to establish a trade at Canton. About 1G34 some ships from England visited Canton, but made a most inauspicious com- mencement, as a rupture and battle immediately took place ; but peace was afterwards restored, the misun- derstanding bei g attributed to the treachery of the Poitugnese. In 16G7 the Court of Directors in their lotter to the agent at Eantam in Java desire him, " to send home by these ships 100 pounds of the best tcy (tea) that you can get ;" but the first importation of tea is supposed to have taken place in 1G69, when two canisters, containing 143f i)0unds, were received by the way of Bantam, as it does not appear any direct in- tercourse then existed with China. In the year 1G78 tiie Company im- ported 4713 pounds of tea, but so large a quantity seems to have glut- ted the market, for the imports of tea for six subsequent years amount- ed in all to 410 pounds, purchased generally at Surat or Madras. In 1680 we find the first notice of a ship sent direct by the East India Comptny to Cliina. In 1700 ther*? were three ports open for the recep- tion of English vessels, viz. Limpo, Canton, and Amoy. Since that period the commerce with Canton has progressively in- creased, although it has occasionally met wich accidental intenuptions; as in 1734 and 1801 when two Chi- nese were killed by shot from Bri- tish vessels. The most recent dif- ference took place in 1806, when au expedition ha\ing been sent from Bengal to garrison iYlaeao with Bri- tish troops, the trade was stopped, but the troops being subsequently withdrawn, an amicable arrangement took place, and the trade resmued its usual course. Tchieu-Lung, the old Emperor of China, resigned his throne to liis 15tli son, the present sovereign Kea- King, in February, 1796, having com- pleted a reign of 60 years. He died in February, 1799, aged 89 years. Since the accession of the present monarch the reins of government appear to have been considerably re- laxed, as insurrections have been frequent, anil some of them at no great distance from Canton. Al- though, in general, there are a much greater number of troops quartered throughout the province of Canton llian in any other, a precaution ne- cessary on account of the great in- flux of foreigners to the port. The sea coast has also been so much in- fested by pirates as to threaten the extinction of the Chinese coasting and foreign trade in their own ves- sels. {Staunton, Harrow, Milhw'n, Elmore, Johnson, Macphcrson, Quar- terli/ Review, ^c.) Canyapura, {the Town of the Vir- gin). — A small town, containing about 200 houses, in tlie district of South Canara, situated on the south banks of a river which surrounds the town and fort of Cimily. Lat. 12°. 34'. N. I,ong. 7.'>''. 4'. E. The inha- bitants are chiefly Moplays, Mucuas, JVIogajers, and Coucanies. {F. Bu- chanan, 4'i'.) Cap and Button Isles. — ^Two small isles in the Stiaits of Sunda, the first lying in lat. 6°. .58'. S. Long. 105°. 48'. E. ; the second in lat, 5°. 49°. S. Long. 105°. 48'. E. They appear to have been originated by a subaqueous volcano. In the Cap are two caverns nin- ning liorirontally into the side of the rock, and in these are found a num- ber of the bird nest? so mu(;h prized by the Chinese. Thej^ seem to be composed «f £ue filaments, cement- CARIMATA. *'xi toEjelhci- by 1rans|)aicnt viscous Inall* r, not unlike \\ hat is hit hy the tbaiu of the sea upon stones alter- nately eoveied with the tide, oi- those !;('latinous animal substanees found lloating; on every coast. The birds that build these nests are small p^rey sv. allows, AVith bellies of a dirty white. They are veiy small, and so r|uick of flight, as to be shot with difficulty. 'J he same nests are said to be tbund in deep caverns, at the foot of the highest mountains iu tlic middle ot" Java, at a great distance from the sea, from which, it is thouglil, the birds derive no mate- rials, either for their food or the construetiou of their nests. They feed on insects which they find hover- ing over stagnated pools Ijctween the mountains, and it is supposed they .prepare their nests from the rem- nants of their food. The nests are placed in horizontal rows, at different depths, from .50 to 500 feet. Their value is chiefly de- termined by the unifoim fineness and delicacy of their texture, those that are white and transparent being most esteemed, and often selling in China for their weight in silver. The birds having spent two n)onths in prepar- ing their nests, lay each two eggs, which arc hatched in about 15 days. When the birds become fledged their iiests arc seized, v\ hich is dojie re- gularly thrice a year, with the assist- ance of bamboo and rope ladders. These nests are an object of con- siderable traffic among the Javanese, but it does not appear that the sw al- loAVs frequent the southern extremity of Sumatra. A good birds' nest is about the size of a small china cup, almost as white as writing ])aper. and as trans- parent as isinglass, with a a cry few downy feathers hanging about it. The common l)lack nests are more plentiful, and may be had any where to the eastward, but they are full of featheis and dirt. 'I'iic thickness of the nests is about that of a silver spoon, and their weight, when dry and brittle, fVoni a quaj tcr to half 241 (Staunton, Elmore, Sfc. an ounce. .3-c.j Capaluan. — A small island, one of the Philiippines, lying due south of the Island of Jjuzon, distant four miles, Lat. 1.3° 50'. N. In length it may be estimated at 14 miles, by ti\e the average breadth. Caramnassa, (Carina nasa, the destruction of pious ivorks). — A small Minding river, which separates the province of Bahar horn that of Be- nares. By an ancient text the Hindoos were ibrbidden even to touch the waters of the Caramnassa, but the inhabitants on its banks claim an exemption which is admitted by the other Hindoos, although their aver- sion to the Caramnassa continues as great as ever. By the contact alone of its baneful waters, pilgrims sup- pose they lose the fruit and efficacy of their religious austerities and pil- grimages, and they always cross it with the utmost caution. Major Rennel thinks it is the Commenasses of Arian. Oji crossing this river on service fiom Bahar, the Bengal officers re- ceive an additional pay, to enable them to defray the increased ex- penses they are subjected to in the upper provinces. {Wilford, Foster^ Caranja.— A small island ia the harbour of Bombay, nanjed by the natives Uran. Carci LLA. — An open town in the province of South Canara, contain- ing aboAC 200 houses. Lat. 13°. 12'. N. Long. 75°. 4'. E. Near this place are the ruins of the palace of the Byrasu wodears (chiefs), the most pow erful of the former Jain Rajahs of Tulava, or Soutli Canara. (F, Buchanan, ^t.) Carimata. — A small island, about 30 miles in circumference, lying off the west coast of Borneo, betwixt the first and second degrees of south latitude. This island is high and woody, with a peak in the middh;, which is generally cloud capped. It is inhabited. 242 CARNATIC. Carimon Java. — An island about 20 miles in circuinfcTcuce, in the Java sea, suiTonnded by a cluster of smaller ones. Lat. 5°. 4.V. S. Long". 110°. 15'. K. The mi;Idl(> one is of considerable size, and as ^vcil as the smaller ones that encompass it, is covered with wood. Carawang. — A distriet on the north-west coast of ihe island of Java, adjacent to Batavia. Carli. — Some reniari<.able caverns in the province of Auriingabad, si- ti'.ated Oj)positc to the !brt of Log- hur, from which they are distant about four miles, and 30 miles N. W. liom Poonah. The chain of hills here nuis cast and west, but the one in which the caves are protrudes from tiiem at right angles. The chief cave fronts clue west. Here are an extensive line of caverns, the principal of which consists of a vestibule of an oblong square shape, divided from the tem- ple itself, which is arched and siip- ported by pillars. The length of Uie ■whole is 126 feet, the breadth 40 feet. No figures of the deity arc to be found within the pagoda, but the walls of the vestiijule are covered ■with carvings in alto relievo of ele- phants, of human figures of both sexes, and of Euddha, who is re- presented in some places silting cross legged, and in others erect. There are numerous inscriptions on the Avails. The ribs of the roof arc tim- ber, and cannot be supposed of equal age ^^ith the excavation, und are difficult to be accounted fo.'-, the worsi)ip of Buddha having been so long superseded by the Brahminical religion. A line of caves extends about loO yards to the north of the gretit one. These are flat roofed, and of a square form, and probably were occupied by the attendants on the temi)le. In the last is a (igurc- of Huddlia. The Carli caves are said to be GCOO feel above the !e\el of the sea. 'J''hc diifeierK c between the ca- verns of Elcphanla and Carli are striking. Here are no persouiiica.- tions of the deity, and no scparatft cells for sacred rites. The religious opinions which consecrated them are no less different, Ibe first haviug been dedicated to the deities of the Brah- minical sect, and the last to those of the Buddhists, or of the Jains. (Lord VaJentia, 31. Giakam, ^c) Carmulla, {Cariinalln). — A town in the territories of the Poonah Ma- harattas, in the province of Aurun- galiad, 100 miles E. from I'oonali. Lat. 18°. 23'. N. Long. 75°. 32'. E.- This is a consideralde town, w itli a stone fort, which has a double wall, and a ditch between them ; a long ditch also surnnuuls the outer Avail. {Upton, \-c.) Cakxaprayaga. — A village in northern llindostan, in the province of Seiinagur, situated at the con- fhu-nec of the Alacanaiida Avitli the Pindar River, which comes from the S. I-:. Lat. 30°. 17'. N. Long. 79°. 15°. E. This is one of the five pra- yagas, or holy places, mentioned in the Shnstras, and considered as the third in point of consequence. I'he village consists only of six or eight houses, Avith a math, or shrine, in A\hich is placed the image of Kaja Carna. {Rapcr, kc.) CARXATIC, {Carnata). The large province, denominated the Carnatic by Europeans, compre- hends the former dominions and de- pendencies of the Nabob of Arcot, and extends from the 8th to the 16th degrees of north latitude. 'I'he north- ern boundary connnences at the southern limits of the Guntoor cir- C;;r, defined by the small River Gun- dezama, which falls into the sea at j\!oiitapiliy. From hence if stretches soiitli to Cape Coinorin, a distance of about 560 miles in length, but of an unequal brea el- lore, Chingleput. Chandf^herry, Ser- damilly, and part of Nelloor; the chief towns being- Madras, Pondi- cherry, Arcot, VS^allajahbad, A^el- lore, Cuddalorc, Ging^ee, Pnllicat, Chandgherry, and Nelloor. The Northern Carnatic extended from the Rixer Pennar to the Hiver Gundi'zama and the Gnntoor circar, and included the remainder of Nel- loor, Ongole, and some smaller dis- tricts ; the chief tow ns being On- j^ole, Carwaree, and Samgaum. This last region in ancient Hindoo limes was termed Andhra, and reached to the Godavery. The sovereigns were called Andhras about the begiiniing of the Christian era, at which time the Andhra, or Andara; kings, were Very powerful in India. 'I'he pr!nci|)al rivers are the Pcn- Jiar, the J'alar, the Cavery, and the Vaggaroo, all of which have their sources in the table land above the Ghauts. The vast height of these mountains, and their great extent, not only fix the boundaries of the two Carnatics above and below the Ghauts, but by stopping tlie course of tlie winds likewise divide the seasons. The climate of tlie Camatic may be considered as one of the hottest in India, although somewhat reliev- ed on the sea coast by llie pri^va- lencc of the land and sea .breezes. It is common in May, June, and July, to have occasional showers, and at some periods of that time to have even three or four days heavy R 3 rain, which rools the air, and ena- bles tlie (uiltivation for dry grains to take place. The weather in July, though iiot, is cloudy, with strong winds from the west. In the j^reater proportion of the Carnatic the soil is sandy, and water being scarce, much exertion is re- quired to procure it. In such dis- tricts as have not the advantage of being watered by considerable rivers, or in parts where the water cannot be convex ed from them to tie adja- cent ti'-lds, t; profess the by the natives, although the qnan- Hindoo religion of the Brahminical lity of umriat of soda contauied in persuasion, the Mahommedans being it is very snialL Famines and searci- buttliinly scattered over the country, tics are nnich more fri-cpient in the except at the nabob's court, and a Carnatic and south of India, than in few olher places. In 1785 there the Bengal proA inces. A\ere reckoned to be about 20,000 In lill those districts of the Car- native Christians of tlie Konian Ca- jiiatic, into ivhich the permanent sys- tholic sect ; and the Christians of all tern of revenue assessments has been descriptions probably amount, at pre- introduced, the eonditfbn of tliecnl- sent, to double that number. The tivators has been improved; because, population of tlie Carnatic, in its although the assessment Mas ori- most extensive sense, may be esti- ginally tixed at one half of the pro- mated at live millions of souls. They duce, in the eoinsc of time, by im- are considered inferior in bodily provcmcnts, the half is reduced to strength to the Kajpoots, and other one tliird, one fourth, ;uid even to a natives of Iliiidostan Proper, liilh part of the actual produce. The greater part of the llralnnins There are few countries that can tlnonghout the Lower Carnatic fol- rxhibit so many large temples, and low secular professions. They al- other public monuments of wealth most entirely till the dilfercnt offices and civilization, as the Carnatic ; al- in the collection of the revenue and most all the pagodas aie built of the administration of justice, and they same fbrni. A large area, which is are, exclusively, employed as mes- commonly a square, is enclosed by scngcrs and keepers of choultries, a wall 16 or 20 Icct high, and in the Much of the land is rented by middle of the area are the temples, them, but, like the Jews, they sel- ■vvhich, as if intended to^be con- dom put their hand to actual labour, cealcd from public view, are never and on no account will they hold raised above the height of the sur- the [)lough. Their farms are chiefly rounding wall. In the middle of cultivated by slaves of the inferior one or more of the .sides of this wall castes called Sudras, ami Punehum is a gateway, over which is built a Eu; dum. Ihese last are by fai- the high tower, not designed as a de- must la()orious people of the country, fence of the pagoda, but as a iiisto- but (he greater part of them aro rical monument of the gods to whom slaves. So sensible was Hyder of it is dedicated, representing the at- tlieir value, that, during his incur- tributcs and adventures of tliese di- sions, this was the caste he princi- vinities. j)a!ly endeavoiu-ed to carry away, 'i'herc were an astonishing num- 'i'hcre are a few Mahonnnedan larm- bcr of forts -and fotrresses formerly ers who possess slaves, but the most in the Carnatic, niOitly built of a nuineroys class of fanners is eom- Kcpi are form. Tfuy.ure now, in eon- posed of Sudras. Some of these pos- xecj.icnce of t'i<. -jng internal trim- sess slaves, but many of them culti- qniility, rapidij going to d'-ca) ; but vate their tUrjns with their own the natural straigth of. the situations hands. CARN'ATIC. 245 Tliiotigliout lliis ])roviuco tlio ass is a very louuniiii animal. 'TIic breed is siiiall, as in Ilciij:;al, hut llicn; is an uiuuiumon variety ol" colt)ur aiuoiif;- them. Some arc ot'tho usual ash colour, while others are almost ))laek, in Avhieh case the cross on their shouhler disappears. The} are kept by five classes oC pertple, who are all of low castes, the hijjher ranks dis(lainin<^ the use of so im- pure an animal. One ol" these is a Mretched caste, named Chensu Ca- rir, wlio are described as having; neither house nor cultivation. One common article of their food is the white ant, or termes. They travel from place to place, couvejing their rhildien and bagr,a>re on asses. — Every man has also a cow, instructed like a stalking horse, by means of vvliich he approaches game, and shoots it with arrow s. The most numerous class of Brah- mins (comprehending- one half of all the Bralunins in the Lower Car- natic) is named the Smartal sect, who are votaries of Mahadua ov Siva, and followers of Sankara Aehanya. Throughout both Carna- tics, except at Madras, the Brah- mins appropriate to themselves a par- ticular quaricr of every town, and generally that which is best fortified. A Sudra is not permitted to dw. 11 in the same street with a Brahmin, while he exacts the same deference from the Whalliaru or Pariar, and otlicr low castes. These pco}»le ge- nerally live in wretched huts about the suburbs. Ill both the Upper and Lower Carnalies taking siniff is imich more common than in Bengal ; smoking, on the contrary, is in great disrc|)nte. The liookah is totally unknown, except among Mahommedans. The lower classes smoke cigars, but a Brahmin would lose caste by such a practice; and it is eonsidered un- becoming even among the richer part of the Sudra tribe. Throughout tlu; southern parts of India fowls are a common article of diet with the lower castes, whereas in Begal their use is confined en- tirely to iMahommedans. In Bengal ducks and geese are commonly used by the Hindoos, but in the south of India these birds are not at all do- mesticated, except by Europeans. Notwithstanding the great resort of Europeans, and other foreigners to the Carnatic, the genuine Hindoo maimers are retained by the great majoiity in wonderful purity. If any person, leaving Madras, goes to the nearest Hindoo village, not a mile into the country, he is as much removed from i'luropean manners and cus- toms, as if he were in the centre of Ilindostan. From that part of the Carnatic situated between the Hivei-s Palar and Coleroon, tlie articles of pro- duce or manufactures exported to INIadras are chielly piece goods, con- sisting mostly of blue clotlis, salam- pores, coarse chintzes, irth bank of the Amarawati. or Caroor River, and contains abo^e 1000 houses. At a little distance from the town is a neat fort, ^\ith a large tenii)le, and a gar- rison of sepoys. Tlie supply of wa- ter in the Amarawati does not last the whole year, so that in some seasons there is only one crop of rice. Near the river the rice grounds are extensive, and fully cultivated. The river of Caroor was the an- cient boundary between the domi- nions of Mysore and Trichinopoly, and this conterminal situation, un- der the security of a strong Ibrt, and its rule over a rich and extensive district, had I'ormerly rendered it a place of great mercantile resort and opulence. This place was taken in 1760, during the Carnatie wars, by Captain Richard Sniilh, from'JVichi- noi)oly, and probably before this event no Isuropcan troops had ad- vanced so far west inland. Caruak. — A town in the province of Bejapoor, district of Mortizabad, situalecl on the south side of the Ri- Acr Krishna. Lat. 17°. 25'. N. J^ong. 74°. 15'. E. This is a considerable town, being a mile in length, and nearly as nnieli in breadth, \\r\\ iulialiited, and with a good market. Nearly in the « entre of the town are two pagodas of great height and elegant workmanship. There is a fort here, but without guns. Eroni hence to Satarah is a pleasant valley, w ell inhabited and ctdtivated, being intersected bymany streams. {Moor, ^t.) Carrianers. — A singular de- scription of people in the Rinnan empire, who inhabit dilferent parts of the couuOy, i)arlicularly (he western provinces of Dalla and Ras- seen, several societies of whom also dwell in the districts adjacent to Rangoon. 'J'hey are a simple, imio- cent race, speaking a language dis- tinct from that of the Rinnans, and entertaining rude notions of religion. They lead a pastoral life, and arc Iho most industrious subjects of the slate. 'J'heir \illages form a select connnunily, fromwhieh they exclude all other sects ; and Ihey never re- side; in a city, intermingle, or marry with slrangers. 'liiey profess, and strictly obser\ e, universal peace, not engaging in Avar, or taking any part in the contests for dominion ; a sys- tem that necessarily places them in subjection to the ruling power of the day. Agiicullure, the care of cattle, and reaiing of poultry, are almost their only occupations. A great part of the provisions used in the country is raised by the Carrianers, and they particulaily excel in gardening. They have of late years been hea- vily taxed and ojjpressed by the great Rinnan landliolders, in consec|uence of which numbers have withdrawn into the mountains of Aracan. 'J'hey ha\e traditional maxims of jurisprudence lor their internal go- vernment, but are wiihont any writ- ten laws. Custom with them con- stitutes law. Some learn to .speak the Rinnan language, and a few can A\rite it imperi'eeUy. I'hey are ti- morous, honest, mild in Uieir man- ners, and exceedingly hospitable to strangers. This people are not found higher up than Prome. One of them being intenogatcd, accoinited for their state of ignorance, and as- signed as a reason, that (jod once wrote his laws ami conunands uj.on the skin of a bulialue, and called upon all the nations of the carlh to coiue and take a copy, which tliev 248 CARWAR. all obeyed except the Carrianers, vho had not leisure. {Synies, .Vc-) Carnaul. — A town iii the pro- vince of Deliii, 70 miles N. by W. from the city of Deihi. Lat. 29°. 41'. N. Long. 76°. 48'. E. Carnicobar Isle. — The most norlherly of the Nicobar Islands, in the Bay of Eeng^al. Lat. }>°. 8'. N. Long. 92°. 53'. E. This island is low, of a round figure, about 40 miles in circumfe- rence, and appears, at a distance, to be entirely covered with trees. The soil is of a black kind of clay, and marshy, and i>roduces in great abun- dance, with little care, most of the tropical iinits, such as piue apples, plantains, cocoa mits, also excellent yams, and a root named cachu. — The only qnatbupeds in the island are hogs, dogs, large rats, and a large animal of the lizard kind. There are poultry, but not in plenty. Snakes abound, some of the venom- ous kind. There is great plenty of timber, and some of it remarkably large. The )iatives require money for their provisions, and also expect knives, handkerchiefs, and other useful articles as presents. Shi|)S calling here may obtain pigs, fowls, cocoa nuts, betel nut, papaus, plan- tains, limers, and shaddocks. A species of ginger glows wild in the island. The natives are low in stature, but well made, and surprisingly active. They are copper-coloured, and their features have a caste of the Malay ; the females are extremely ugly. Iliey are naturally gay and lively, and drink arrack, when oifered them, in large quantities. Many of them speak a broken English, mixed with Portuguese, which faci- litates intercourse with ships. Their hogs are remarkably fat, being fed upon cocoa nut kernel, which is the food also of tlieir dogs, fowls, and other doirsestic animals. The houses of the natives are generally built upon the beach, in villages of 15 or 20 houses each. They are raised iibout 10 feet from the ground, and resemble bee-hives, having no win- dows. The entry is through a trap- door below, where tlie family mount by a ladder, which is drav. n up at liight. '1 hey do not manufacture any cloth ; what they have is procured from ships, which come to trade for their cocoa nuts, Avhich arc reckoned the best in India. The articles they pre- fer in exchange are cloths of differ- ent colouis, liatchcts, and hanger- blades. 1 hey have no moiicy of their own, and use part of the coin which they procure as ornaments. Their intercourse with strangers is so frequent, that they have acquired, in general, the barbarous jargon of the Poituguese, so common over the Indian sea-coast. Wlien a man dies all his goods are burned Avith him, A\hich prevents disputes among the heirs. On this occasion his wife nnist confonn to custom, by having a joint cut off from one of her fingers ; and if she refuses this, she mustsui)mit to have a deep notch cut in one of the pillars of her house. Their religion is im- periectly understood, but seems to liave no affinity with that of any of the adjacent nations. I'hcre appears to subsist a perfect equality among them ; the more aged are respected, but exercise no coercive authority. The Danes formed a settlement- about 1760 on this island^, to which they conveyed a considerable num- ber of cannon, and named New Denmark; but the pestilential na- ture of the climate compelled them to abandon it. (6^. Hamilton, Lord Valentia, Haensel, SjT.) Cartinaad. — See Cadutinada. Carvvar, {Cadawada). — A town in the province of North Canara, 54 miles S. by £. liom Goa. Lat. 14°. 49'. N. Long. 74°. 4'. E. This was formerly a noted seat of European commerce, the English East India Company having had a factory here so early as 1673; but, during the reign ofl'ippoo, the town went to total ruin. It is situated in that part of the Concan, conjpre- CASHMEKi;. 24?) h\ni(\(Ml by llic P>iiin? of Tibet ; triit ofNorlli C';i!i;iia. A ronsidcr- on the sonth-oast anil south by able quanlity of cut *)r terra ja- Kishtewar, in th<' piovince of |,a- poiiicu is prociind here, iioiie of liore; and ou the S. \\ . \i\ l/.i- whieh jJ^■o^vs alKJVc the Chaiils 'ihc hoie, Miiznn'erahad, and some other AfahaiattH merchants also eome for independent districts. Inehidin^ th« salt, 'J'o the north of C'arwar tlie siirronnding' moiiiilains. Cashmere conntry is %ery thinly inhabited, the may he cstimaled at 120 miles in hills prodiuinp: nothins, hiit bushes length, and 70 in extreme hreadlh, or stunted trees, anKMiij uhieh there thf tic^ure nearly an o\al. The li- arc scarcely any leak. mits of Caslimerc towards tlie west. It would ai)pear that at on<' tinie, ailjoiaing Muzulierabad, are termi- all the lands ol this district belom^ed nated by a low thick wood, liie edge to Jain landhohhrs; but, all these of which is skirted hy a rivulet ; and liave been killed or so oppressed, on the other side rises a eliaiii of that they have disappeared. There lofty mountains stret(-iiiii Cashmere revenue is transmitted to the capital in sliawl goods. The Cashmerians also fabricate the best writing-paper of the cast, w Inch w as formerly an article of ex- tensive Irallic, iis were its lacquered ware, cutlery, and sugar; l)ut trade of all sorts is now in a very languid State. A wine resembling Madciia is manufactured in this province, and a spirituous liquor is also dis- tilled from the grape. Amritsir, in Lahore, the Seik ca})ital, is at pre- sent the grand enrporium for the shawls and saifron ofCasln;ierc. The boats of Cashmere are long and nar- row, and are nuncd with paddles. The coimtry being intersected by numerous streams, navigable for small ^essels, might greatly benefit under a bitter government by this commodious internal conveyance. As there are no caravanserais iH / CASHMERE. ])ratcd for tFic Icaruingii of its Braft- mins and the niagiiiliceiice of it* temples. TJic period of its subjuga- tion is uncertaiu ; but it was attack- ed and ravaged by JIahmood of Ghizni so early as A.D. 1012. It 252 / Caslnnorc, conimeicial stjange>/are generally lodged with their brokers. In the time of Aurcngzebc the re- venue collected in Caslimere was three and a half lacks of ni])ees per annum; in 1783, the Alghan go- vernors, on behalf of the Cabul sove- was governed in a long succession rei"n, extorted above 20 lacks. At by a race of Tartar princes, of the that time the army of the prmince Chug or Chugatay tribe, until 158G, was about 3000 horse, chiefly At- Avhen it was subdued by Acb( r, and o-hans, the natives seldom engaging remained annexed to the liousc of fi>. any military occupation, which is Timur for 160 years, after which it avers« to their genius and disposi- Mas betrayed l)y the Mogul go\'er- •jioD, nor, about 1754, to Ahmed Shah The natives of Cashmere are a Duranny, and constituted a province stout, well-formed people, and their of tlio Afghan sovereignty of Cabtil complexions what in France or Spain until 1809, when Mahonnned Khan would be termed brunette. They tlie soubahdar, on the part of the are naturally a gay and lively people, and eager in the pursuit of wealth. They are accounted much more acute and intriguing than the natives of riindostan generally, and prover- bially liars. They are also much ad- dicted to the cultivation of literature Cabul, revolted, and has ever since maintained his independence, both against the Afghan sovereigns, and Funjeet Singh, the Seik Kajah of Lahore. {Foster, A bid Fazel^ Bev- iiier, licmiel, Malcolm, ,5'c.) Casumkre, {or Seriiiagiir). — A and poetry, and the common jseoplc town in t!ie province of Cashmere, remarkably ingeniotis in cabinet -^ -^■■■^- -^ ■■ *^- -—''"^ t „+ o^o work of all descriptions. Tliey have not the slighest resemblance to their Tartarian neighbours, who are an ngly race of people; on the contrary, the Cashmerian females have been celebrated for their beauty and com- plexions, and on that account much souglit after for wives by the Mogul Boljility of Delhi, that the breed might not degenerate. Although fertile, the country is not thickly po- pulated, on account of the miserable governments to which it has so long been subjected. The whole number of vhicli it is the capital. Lat. 34°. 20'. N. Long. 73°. 43'. E. In 1582. it is described by Abul Fazel as follows : " Serinagur, the capital of Casli- mere, is four farsangs in length. The last mentioned one is dry during a part of the year, and the Mar ii sometimes so shallow, that boats can- not pass through it. This city has been for ages in a llomishing state ; and here are niairafactured shawls and other tiue woollen stufis. On the east side of the city is a high lill, called the mountain of Solimau^ are probably nuich under half a mil- and adjoining are two large lakes,, lion, a great proportion of whom arc which arc always full." Hindoos, professing to follow the Erahminical doctrines. All Cash- mere is reckoned holy land by the Hindoos, and abounds with miracu- lous fountains. The language of Cashmere springs from a sanserif stock, and resembles that of the Ma- havatias; their songs are composed in the Tersic, which they consider less harsh. l^ior to the IMahommedan con- quest of India, Cashmere Avas celc- l"he town of Cashmere Avas for- merly known by the name of Seri- nagur, but now by that of the pro- vince. It extends about three miles on each side of the Ri\er Jalum, over wliich are four oi- five wooden bridges; and it occujiies, in some part of its breadth, which is inicqual,, about two miles. The houses, many of them two and three stories high, arc slightly built of brick and mor- tar, with a large intermix tiue of tint- CASSAY. 253 hcT. On the wooden roof is laid a co\Tniig of cartli, uliicli uH'oids warmtlj ia winter, and diiiiiii;- ti)e sumiiier is planted w itii lloweis. 'I'lie streets are iiarntw, and elioked witli the tilth of the inliabitants, wlio aic I)ioveibially uiieleun ; and tlterc arc no l)uiidiii;j;s worthy of remark. The soubahdar, or jvinj;- the south-east cfiiar- ter of the city. The benefit which this elty enjoys, in a mild salubrious air, and a river flowiiiu; through its centre, is essen- tially ailou'd by its conliiicd eon^ strnction and the extreme lilthiness of the people. 'Ihere are v a narrow^ ital, Ununerapoor, where their superior skill and industry, in different branches of handicraft Avork, supply them with a comfort- able subsistence. They cultivate pulse, greens, onions, and such vege- tables as the Birmans use, and trans- port them across the lake to Umme- rapoor, where they retail them in the market. The gunsmiths of the Birman em- pire are all Cassayers, but their s^uns are extremely defective. They arc also much better horsemen tlian the natives of Ava, and on that account are the only cavalry employed in the Bumaii armies, and very mucii re- semble those met with in Assam. They ride like all oiieiitals, with short stirrups and a loose rein ; tlicir saddle is hard and higli, and two large circular (laps of hard leather hang down on each side, which are painted or gilded according to tlie quality of the rider. The music of the Cassayers is remarkably pleasant and consonant to the English taste, ill which the time varies suddenly fiom quick to slow. With the reli- gion of the Cassayers we are imper- fectly acquainted ; but there is rea- son to believe a great ma,jority pos- sess the Brahminical doctrines; and. in the basis of their character and dispositions, they much more re- semble a regular Hindoo tribe, tlian the harsh and brutal followers of Buddha. Their country may be considered as the extreme limits of the Brahminical Hindoo sect to the eastward, as from hence the preva- lence of the Buddhist doctrine in some shape is universal. In the year 17-54, when Alompra, the Eirraan mojiarch, left the city of Ava to relieve Promo, he detached li body of trooi>s across the Keendueni to chastise the Cassayers, who had hitherto enjoyed only a temporar}"^ independence, when the contests of the BiiTnini and Pegue states left them no leisme to enforce obedience. They were always leady to revolt, and quickly reduced to submission. The Rajah of the Cassayers, residing at Munnipoor, sued for peace, which was concluded on advantageous terms tor the Birmans; and, as is the custom, a young man and young woman of the rajah's kindred were delivered as hostages. In 1757 Alompra again attacked the Cassayers, and ravaged their country, but mus prevented com- pleting the conquest by the revolt of the Peguers. In 1765, Shcmbuan, the son of Alompra, invaded the Cassay country, and obtained consi- derable booty, but appears to have intended nothing beyond a predatory excursion ; but, in 1774, he sent a formidable force against the Cassay- ers, which, after a long and obsti- nate battle, took the capital Munni- poor, the rajah having withdrawn to the Corrun hills, five days' journey north west of that place. From this period the Cassay country has re- mained subject to the Birmans. {Sijmes, F. Buchanan, &fc.) Catanduanes Isle. — One of the Philippines, situated oft" the east coast o! Luzon. Lat. 15'. N. liOng. 124° 30'. E. In length it may be estimated at 36 miles, by 20 the aveiage breadth. Catarmahal, {Chatnrmahal). — A village in Northejn Hindostan, situ- ated in the y\iniora district, iiihal)ited principally by pataris, or dancing- women. "Lat. 2y°. 40'. N. Long. 79°. 38'. E. Above the town, under the peak of the mountain, stands a large and apparently very ancient ti niple, sa- cred to Aditya. It is built at tho west extremity of a square, and sur- rounded hy 51 siiiallei |)ynuniilical temples, which were formerly sup- plied with idols, but few of them CAULABAUGH. 255 now rcniaio in a perfect state. Tra- ditJoii reports' it to have been built Ijy the Pandoos. An annual fair is held here in the month of Paush. C>TCHouRA, {Cachor). — A town and fort in the jnovince of A 2:r!!, dis- trict of I'nrruekabad.from vvliich tlie zemindar, being n'lractury, was ex- pelled by the liritisli forces in Mnreh, 1803. with considerable lo.ss on the part of the assailants. Catochin. — A small district in the eastern quarter of the Lahore province, situated about the 32d de- jjree of north latilud;». ll is named indiscriminately Catochin and Kaiui- pah, and is now possessed by the Seik tribes. It is a very hilly and woody district, and is intersected by the River Beyah. Catmandoo, (Casht/iamaixlh; the wooden metropolis). — A town in Northern Ijindostan, situated in the valley of \epaul Proper, 40 miles from the loftv Himalav a Mountains. Lat. 27°. 33'". N, Long. 85°. 39'. E. This place is reckoned the present capital of Nepaul, Ijcing the resi- dence of the (JhoorkhaJi rajah. It stands on the east bank of the Bis- henmutty, along which it extends about a mile ; its breadth is incon- siderable, no wliere exceeding lialf a mile, and seldom extending beyond a quarter of a mile. The name by which it is distinguished in ancient books is Gongool-putten ; the Ne- wars call it Yindaise, whilst among the Parbuttees, or mountaineers, it is stiled Kathipoor, an appellation which seems to proceed from the same popidar source with Catman- doo, a name derived, it is said, from its numerous wooden temples. These appear to differ nothing from the wooden mundabs, or nnmdirs, oc- casionally met with in other parts of India, and arc principally remark- able for their number and size. Be- sides these there are many brick temples, with three or four sloping roofs. The houses are built of brick and tile, with pitched or pent roofs to- wards the .street. They arc of two, three, and four stories, and almost without exception of a mean ap- pearance, even the rajah's house being but a sorry bi;ilding. 'i'he streets are very nanow, and nearly astilihyas those of Benares. Cat- mandoo was reckoned to contain 22,000 houses during the time of Jye Pnrkliaush, and they have since aug- mented at the expense of Patu and Biiatgong. This statement must be understood to oomi)reliend, not only the population of the town its Tello, Sopiiig, Li»oboe, Tancte, Mandhar, VVarjoor, or Wadjo, Tout radja, and Cajelee, under which heads respectively further topogia- phical details will be found. Celebes has three rivers : Chin- rftna, the most considerable, takes its rise in the \\'arjoo country, runs throjjgh Bony, and discharges itself by several mouths into t'le Sewa Gulf. European ships can ascend this river a considerable way over a muddy bottom. The second is the Biver Boli, with three fathoms water on its bar, which discharges itself, after a winding course at Boli, on the north coast. The third discharges itself on the west coast of the island, a considerable way south of Macas- sar. On the east coast of Celebes the Dutch have the two settlements oi Manado and Gorantalo, Irom whence they exported rice and other neces- saries to Ternate. These stations yield a considerable quantity of gold, about 24,000 taels of 1| dollars in weight yearly, amounting to 120,0001. and also the esculent bird nests so much admired by the Chinese. In exchange for these commodities, the natives, besides the articles above enumerated, take a considerable quantity of Bengal opium. The chief productions of this island are rice, which it can afl'ord to ex- port ; and cotton, of which the na- tives make womens' dresses, called cambays, which are much esteemed ail over the Eastern Archipelago. The Buggess cambays, though often only one garment, which completely covers the wearer, are often sold from six to 10 Spanish dollars each. Some arc as tine as cambric, very strongly wove, but dull coloured, being a chequered fabric, resembling tartan. The export to Bencoolen of cambays Mas formerly so great, that it w;»s necessary to lay a heavy duty on the article, as it interfered with the importations from Hindostau. The Buggesses also manufacture, from the inner bark of a small tree, 200 CELEBES. a kind of paper, in Avhich ihey wrap their fine camba} s. Thit; paper they dye of various colours, and export much of it to jManilla, and various other places. It resembles the Ota- heitc clothing. The Bug-gesses im- port cotton, both raw and spun, into yarn, from the Island of Bally, and manufactmc beautifni silk belts for their creeses ; we are not informed from whence they procure the silk, but it is probably the production of China. The Macassars and Bng;p:esses make fire arms, but they cannot make gun locks. They also cast small brass gutis, which they call Rautakha, and are curious in filla- gjee-work, both in gold and silver. The large rautakhas are aliout six feet long, and carry balls of halt-a- poand Aveight They build tluir prows very tight, by dowling their planks together, as coopers do the head of a cask, and putting the back of a tree between them. whi( li af- terwards swells. Tlieythen fit their timbers to the plunks as at Bombay, but do not rabbit the planks, as is the cnstoni there. I'lieir largest prows seldom exceed 50 tons bnr- thcn, and they are bigotted to old models and fixtures in fitting up their vessels. The natives of Celebes have a great disposition for eounnerce, na- Tigation, and piracy. In these prows they are to be met Avith all over the Eastern Seas, and are often found on the northern coast of New Hol- land, where they go to fish for sea swallo, or biche de mar, which they sell to the annual Chinese junk when it arrives at Macassar. To Bencoo- len they used to carry, in fieets, a mixed cargo, consisting of spices, wax, cassia, sandel wood, dollars, and tlie cloths of Celebes, called caml)ays. This tratlic is now , in a great ivcasiue, transfeired to Prince of Wales Island ; and they also, in their prows, visit Malaeea, Ac been, Queda, and i\Ianilla; ou trading vo.yagcs. The gold of Celci>os is generally procured, as on Sumatra, from the beds of rivers and torrents. There are many springs issuing from cre- vices of rocks, that bring some little gold along Avith their water, Avhich, filtering through a vessel bottomed with sand, leaves the metal behind. Of the various nations Avho inha- bit Celebes the Bounians, or Bou- ginese (called Bugges.ses by the English), and the iMacassars, arc the best known ; the lattei- Jiavirig been long in subjection to the Dutch. The Buggesscs are at present the most powerful nation on the Lsland. Tlic}'^ are of a middling stature, strong and muscular, and of a light broAvn complexion. The Macassars arc not so handsome, bnt have a more manly and martial appear- ance. Their dress consists of a ]>iece of cotton cloth, red or blue, Avound round the body, and draAvn tight between the leg.s. Upon their heads they AA'ear a ])iece of cotton cloth like a handkei chief, « ith Avhich they cover their hair, Avhich is very black and long. I'heir food is rice, fish, and pisang, and their drink Avater ; though they likewise have sagwire, or pahn Avinc. The Bou- ginese A\'omeu are, in general, hand- somer than the females of the other islands, and the Macassars and Bug- gesses are considered, by the other insulars, as a class of superior man- ners. The Malays affect to copy their style ofdre.s.s, and irequent al- hisions are made in their songs to the feats and atchievements of the Buggesscs, Avho are a high-spirited people, fond of adventures and na- vigation, and capable of undertaking' tlie most dangerous enterprises. Among Eurojjeans in the Eastern Isles the Avord Buggcss has come to signify a soldier, the same as sepoy on the Continent of Hindostan. 'J'hcir laAVs are administered accord- ing to old customs handed doAvn lioHi tlicir ancestors, and generally merely retained in the memory <»f their oran tuo, or old men, tboiigii, in some parts, they are conmiitted to writing, lu dubious ca.scs they CEYLON. 261 rcfir to the Koran, if applicjible. The relip;ioii of l!ioM;i(ass:iis, IjHR- fCesscs, and Malays of the sea-coast, is the iMaliommcdan, wliich allows the men four h'^n\ wives, if they can maintain them; but, in the in- terior, there are tril)os not yet eon- vertcd from their ancient religion, and others who do not seem to liave any. Tiie Bnggcss may he reckoned the oriijinal Ian2;ua»e of tlie Island of Celebes. The AFalays on the sea-coast sjicak a dialect j^reatly mix<-d with Brii'g;('ss, and often nse the Bng£?ess character to e\{)rcss tJieir own lan<;iiag,e. Celebes was formerly divided into seven princi- palities, which were all nnited un- der an elective and limited mo- narchy. Ill this state the island was the centre of eastern commerce, and extended its conquests, on the one hand, as far as the Island of I'aliy ; and, on the other, beyond the IMo- Inrcas. I'hc i>ut. Until this island was possessed by the Dutch cinnamon grew eniirely in a wild state; experience after- wards proved that tlic cultivated cin- namun wa-., in eveiy respect, equal to the wild. The Dutch governor, Talk, first attempted to rear cinna- mon trees, by art, in his garden near Cubnnljo. 'i'here are two different seasons in which cinnamon is barked. The greater part is prepared during the grand iiarvest, which lasts iVom April to August: the little harvest occu- pies little more than a moiitli, from ^lOveniber to January, ilach dis- trict, where the cinnamon tree grows, is obliged to furnish a certain qnan- titj', i)roportioned to the numLei of villages and inhabitants they conluin. Brandies of tiace years ohi are lopped off for barking ; the outside tliin coat is scraped oil', and the bark is loosened, so as to conic olf in the shape of tubes, the smaller of wliieh arc inserted in tiie larger, and spread out to dry. The bundles, Hi) jiounds each, are then made up. and carried to the store-houses to examine and have its quality fixed. This disa- greeable task is imposed on the Com- pany's surgeons, who ascertain it by chev\iiig a few sticks of each bundle, the repetiiiou of which ope- ration excoriates flic tongue and in- side of tlie mouth, and renders it iinpossilde for thciu to contiuuc tlic process above tw o oi ihree days suc- cessively. 4 The best cinnamon Is rather pli- able, and ought not much to exceed in thickness stout writing-paper ; it is of a light yellov\ish colour, has a sweet taste, not so hot as to occasion pain, and not succeeded by an after taste. The inferior kind is distin- guished by being thicker, of a darker and browner colour, hot and pungent ^\ hen chewed, and succetded by a disagreeable after-taste. In stowing tlie bales of cinnamon on board ship black pepper is sprinkled among them, so as to fill up all the inter- stices; and, by this means, both spices are preserved and improved. Ironi the refuse cinnamon an oil was ex- tracted by the Dutch, a pint of which was valued at lOl. sterling; but this manufacture was not thought worth continuing after (he island ca.me into the i)osscssion of tlie British. The cinnamon tree has bo< n tried on the coast of ]\ia!abar, at JJatavia, and the Isle of France; but it has inva- riably degenerated. I'ven in Cc\ Ion it is only tbund in perfection on the western coast. 'I'hc minerals of Ceylon are nume- rous, and precious stones are parti- cuiaily abundant, but not of a fine quality. I'he ruby, tiie topaz, and tlie diamond of Ceylon are very in- ferior to those of Golconda, or of tlic Brazils. Besides these, amethysts, tourmalins, (destitute of electric qua- lities) blue and gieen sapphires, white and black the rccc!-;, whicii i.^ <;iTected by double cyliinU-rs tinned by a lathe. She turns the machine w itli her foot, while she supplies the cotton with her hands. Namdojee Praw, the second mo- narch of the reigiiiiig family, le- moved the seat of the government from Mont^haboo to Chagaing, oa account of the purity of the air, and the beauty of the scenery around it. 'I'ijis town is a great jdaco of jcli- gious resort, on account of the nuni- ber of praws or temples erected ia the neighbourhood. It is also the principal manufactory of iilol>l, which, hewn out of an adjacent quarry of fine alabaster, are scul})ttncd here, and are afterwards tianspoited to tiie remotest corners of the Eirinau empire. Near to Chagaing is a town named Kycock Zeit, remarkul)le Ibr being the great manufactory of marblu idols, the inhabitants ol' which arc statuaries. Here are 30 or 40 large yards crowded witli artists at work, on images of various siaes ; but all of the same personage, Cauchna, sit- ting cross legged oa a pedestal. The largest a little cxceciis the human size, and the cost is 12 or 131. but some diminutive Gaud mas njay be had lor six or seven shillings. The workmen do not part with ifieir .sa- cred commodity to any but Bir- uiuns. 270 CHAMfeAH. In this iieighbonihood also is a maimfactoiy of rockets, of a most enormous size. The tubes are the trunks of trees, bored like a pump, in some the cavity of the cylinder is nine or 10 inches in diameter, and the wood about two inches thick; the lensjth varies from 12 to 20 feet. These tubes are tilled M'ith a com- position of charcoal, saltpetre, and f^unpowder, rammed very hard ; and the large ones are discharged from a high scaffold, erected on purpose. Bamboos, fastened together, of a length adapted to preserve the poise from the tail of the rocket. In this branch of pyrotechny the Birnians take great delight, and are particu- larly skilful. {Spnes, Cox, Src.) Chalawar, {Jhalawar), — A dis- trict in the province of Gujrat, which occupies a considerable tract of country between the Gulfs of Cam- bay and Cutch, and situated prin- cipally between the 21st and 22d degrees of north latitude. I'he dis- tricts of Wenear, Putwar (Pattan), and Chuwal, are all properly in- cluded in Chalawara. By Al)ul I'azel in 1582 it is described as follows : " Chalawareh was formerly an in- dependent country, but is now sub- ject to the governor of Gujrat, and inhabited by the tribe Chalah." The original seat of the Jhalawar authority was at Dhama, now a small village between Adrianna and Jhingwara. ki. a very early period the family of Drangdra, from whom the Jhala chieftains are sprung, re- sided at Dhama, of which no ruins remain to indicate its former gran- deur. The Rajpoots of this part of Guj- rat are divided into throe <;lasses, the Jeenamas, the Kuraria, and the Naroda. The first are respectable, and addressed with the title of Jee ; the second have resigned sonse part of their rank, and peiform menial offices ; the last have wholly relin- quished their military character, cul- tivate the land, and are now de- graded to the rank of Kconbees. AH these classes have an insunaouut- able objection to the flesh of a black goat, which they consider unwhole- some. A great proportion of this district is but thinly inhabited, and remains still in a state of nature, although some appearances authorize the sup position^ that it formerly enjoyed a greater state of prosperity. It is now laid waste by the predatory hos tilities of the tribes that occupy it ; and, although the Guicowar claims a dominion over the whole, his au- thority is but little attended to. It contains no towns or rivers Of mag- nitude, and the face of the country is hilly and irregular. {M'Murdo^ Abul Pazcl, Src.) Chaloo. — A village iu Tibet, si- tuated midway between two lakes. Lat. 28°. 18'. N. Long. 89°. 15'. E. These lakes are frequented by great abundance of water fowl, wild geese, ducks, teal, and storks, which, on the approach of winter, take their flight to milder regions. Prodigious numbers of saurasses, the largest of the crane kind, are seen here at cer- tain seasons of the year, and great quantities of their eggs are collected on the banks. This vicinity produces a dwarfish wheat of the lammas kind. One of the lakes is held in high respect by the inhabitants of Bootan, who fancy it a favourite haunt of their chief deities. To the north of those lakes there is a plain, impreg* nated with a saline substance re- sembling natron, and called by the natives of Irindostan, where it is also found in great abundance, sed* jy-mutti. {Turner, '^r.) Chambah, {Champa). — An exten- sive mountainous district in the pro- vince of Lahore, situated about the 33d degree of north latitude. It is intersected by the Jiavey River, and bounded on the east by the Beyah. It is now possessed by the Seiks and their tributaries. Chambah. — A town in the Seik territories, in the provi ure of Lahore, 110 miles N. E from the city of La- hore. Lat. 33°. 28'. N. Long. 75° 33'. E. CIIANDRAGIRI. 271 ChandaH, {Chandra, the Moon). — A town in the Maliaratla territories, in the province of Khandosh, situat- ed on tl»e south side of the Purnali River, near its juuclion vvilli the Tuptee, 20 miles S. S. E. from Eoor- hanpoor. Lat, 21°. 5'. N. Long. 76°. <)':E. Chandah. — A town in tlie pro- vince of Ik'rar, 87 miles S. from Nagpoor, the capital of a district of the same name, and at present pos- sessed l)V the Nagpoor rajah. Lat. 20°. 3'. N. Long. 79°. 54'. K. Chandah. — A large district in the province of Gundwana, subject to tlie Nagpoor ISlahanittiis, situated principally between the 201h and 21st degrees of north latitude. Com- pared with the (joaud Hills to llio north this is a champaign country, the soil of -which is sandy. The pro- duce is chielly ric<% with small quan- tities of pulse and sugar cane. The inhabitants possess mnncrous herds of goats and sheep. There is a very perceptible difference betwixt the climate of this plain country and that of the Goaiid Mountains. From the Chandah district cotton is ex- ported to the Northern Circars. Dur- ing the reign of Aurengztrbe this di- vision of Gundwanah was annexed to the soiihah of Berar, although but very imperfectly subdued .(jB/«/(f, J. Grant, i^-c.) Chandah. — A village in the pro- vince of Khandesh, 33 miles S. W. from Boorhanpoor. I^at 21°. 5'. N. Long. 76°. 10'. E. Near to this place the Tuptee and Poornah rivers miite their streams, which continence, held sacred by the Hindoos, is by them rehend- ed Tanjore and i>iadura. In 1040 the English were permitted by one of these princes to settle at IMadrr.s. In 1646 the Mal'ommedan stales of Golcondah and Bejapoor possess- ed themselves of this place, and also of Veliore. The citadel of C'haild- gheny is built on the summit of a .slupendons rock, witli a fortified to-\\n at its foot. {Rcnnel, Wilh, ^x.) Chandgerry. — A town in (he province of Gundwana, witli a fort und large tank, and containing a considerable population. {Leckie, SfC.) CHANDGHERBYjCC^anrfr^g-Afln). — ./V hill fort in the Mysore province, district of Ciiitteldrdog, 108 miles N. N. W. from Seringapatam. Lat. 13°. 47'. N. Long. 76°. 6'. E., The hill on which this fort is built is not high, nor, including' tiu; Pettali at its base, more (lian three miles in circumference, and. (hough fortified, is not a jilacc of strength. The hills in this neig-hbourhoo(l abound with iron ore. {Moor, kc) Cli ANDPoon, (Cliandrapurn). — A towji in tlie British territories, in the pro\iuce of Delhi, 70 miles N. E. from Delhi. Lat. 29°. 9'. N. Long. 78°. 14'. E. Chandpoou. — A tov.n in the pro- vince of Bengal, di.strict of Tippe- rali, situated on the east side of the great Biver IMegna, 33 miles S. S. E. from Dacca. Lat. 2-3'^. 17'. N. Long. 90°. 31'. E. 'i'his place is celebrated for (he excellence of its oranges, which are, probably, (he best in In- dia. 'I'hey are of a pariicular sort, (he skin beiiig very thick, and al- most separated from the interior pul].. C'handrkk. — A district in the pro- vince of Malwali, sitnated about (he 251l! degree of uor(h latitude, and intersected by the Kivcr Sinde. In 1582 it was described by Abul Fazel as follows: " iSircar Chcndary, containing 61 niahals, measurement 554,277 bee- gahs, revenue 31,037,783 dams. Se- yurghal 26,931 dams. This sircar fnrnishes 5970 cavah y, 90 elephants, and 60,685 intantjy." AKhongh mountainous this dis- trict is fertile, and tolerably well cultivated. The principal (owns are Serong(% Chanderec, and Chandcry. In 1790 Bam Chund, (he Bajah of Chanderee, lived in retirement at Oude, and left his district under the administration of his son, who paid tiibute to the Mahaiattas. {Abul Fazel, Hunter, .fc.) Chandree. — A town iu the pro- vince of Malwah, .situated on the west side of (he Biver Betwah, 90 miles W. bv S. from Chatterjtoor. Lat. 24°. 50'". N. Long. 78° 25'. E. This is a very ancient (own, and de- scribed by Abul I'azel as containing 14,000 stone houses, but like other Hiudostany cities is nujch decayed. Chang. — A large province in Ti- bet, extendicg along the north sid« CHEESAPANY. 273 of the Himalaya Mountains, and situated betwixt the 28th and 30th degrees of north latitude. It is in- tersected by the great River Brah- mapootra, in this part of its course named the Sanpoo ; but we have no further authentie information respeet- ing- this remote region. Chaprol'GH. — A town in the Nahry Sangkar province, situated to the north of the Himalaya Moun- tains, the northern boundary of Hin- dostan. Lat. 33°. 20'. N. Long. 79° 36'. E. Charwah, iCliorna). — A town in the INIaharatta territories, in the pro- vince oflvhandesh, 75 miles N.N. E. from Boorhanpoor. Lat. 22°. 10'. N. Long-. 77°. 4'. E. At this place there is a fort of four bastions. From hence, four miles beyond the Baum Kiver, there is scarcely any signs of inhabitants. {Vltk Register, St.) Chassircong. — A town in the Nahry Sangkar province, situated to the north of the Himalaya Moun- tains. Lat, 33°. 30'. N. Long. 79°. 86'. E. Chatterpoor, (Chattrapura). — A city in the province of Allahabad, district of Bundelcund. Lat. 24°. 67'. N. Long. 79°. 63'. E. Thi3 town (situated below the Ghauts) was founded by Rajah Chut- tersal, and occasionally his residence, which rendered it llourisliing and an imj)ortant commercial mart, being a sort of entrejiot for the trade carried between iMiizapoor and the Deccan. From this city, and from the dia- mond mines of Panuah, almost the whole of the saycr duties were levied, as there was then no other town of rommercial importance in Bundel- cund. These duties in the town of Chatterpoor alone are said to have amounted to above four lacks of ru- pees per annum. This place is extensive, and well built, the houses being mostly of stone, but compared witli its former tiourishing condition it is now de- solate. A\Tien Bundelcund was ceded to the British, this town, with a great portion of the surrounding ter- T ritory, Avas occupied by Kooar Loni Sah, one of the iiuiumerable petty chiefs of that distracted province. lYavelling distance from Agra 212 miles, from Benares 237, from Nag- poor 302, from Oojain 320, from Calcutta 698, and from Bombay 747 miles. {3ISS. Ironside, Rcnnel, f^c.) Chattoor. — A town in the pro- vince of Tinnevelly, 25 miles S. W. from Madura. Lat. 9°. 40'. N. Long. 77°. 65'. E. Chatzan. — A town in the terri- tories of the Afghan Balloochies, si- tuated west of the Indus, in the pro- vince of Sewec. Lat. 31°. 8'. N. Long. 69°- 43'. E. Cheduba. — An island in the Bay of Bengal, lying off the coast of Anaean, from which it is distant about 10 miles, and, witii the rest of that province, subject to the Buinaii gxjvennnent. It is the most westerly of a cluster of islands, and is of a moderate height, with several ham- mocks on it. Both Cheduba, and the more eastern islands are inlia- bited, and produce such quantities of grain, that ships of any burthen may load that article here. The channel between this island and the main is annually navigated by large trading boats, but it does not afford a safe passage for large shipping. It is governed by a chckey, or lieu- tenant, deputed by the Birman vice- roy of Aracan. {Sipnes, Elmore, S)-c.) Chf.esapanv. — A town and small fort in the Nepaul territories. Lat. 27°. 23'. N. Long. 85°. 30'. E. The peipendicular height of this fort above Bheemp'hede is about 530 yards, and it possesses no other strength than what is derived from its situation, it being only capable of containing 100 men. This fort is not commanded by an omrah, as al- most all the fortresses in the Nepaul territory are, but by an ofliccr im- mediately nominated by the soubah. The omrahs in the Nepaul domi- nions are independent of the civil governors, and tlieir forces are chiefly composed of troops raised and foiiu- ed bv themselves. Their aruis con- -274 CHILKA LAKE. sist of matohldcks, broad s^vords, and hows and arrows. Chtesajrany is aciistum-housc sta- tion, and the onlj' one liesides Seedli, at whicli duties are collected on mer- chandize passing; from the Com- pany's and vizier's territories. Tlic \illas;e adjoiniiifi; to the fort contains about 20 houses. Theic is a little grain raised, but not enoujramid 122 feet high, built with large stones above 40 feet long, and more than five feet square, and all covered with plates of copper, adorned with a variety of figures neatly executed. The whole structure extends 1332 feet in one direction, and 93G in an- other. About 1785 this gateway was repaired by a devout widow at the expense of 50,000 pagodas. The whole of the architecture has a more ancient appearance than Tanjore or Hamiseram. (Sotmerat, Lord Va- lentia, Sec.) T 2 Chimnf.er. — A town in the terri-r tories of the Nagpoor Maharattas, situated in the province of Berar, 40 miles S. from Nagpoor. Lat. 20°. 35'. N. Long. 79°. 54'. E. Chinabalabaram. — A town in the Mysore Rajah's territories, 100 miles N. E. from Seringapatara. Lat. 13°. 26'. N. Long. 77°. 55'. E. By tlie natives it is called Chica Balapoor, and Chuta Balapoor by the Mahom- medans. Fifty years past it belonged to a polygar named Narayana Swami, who possessed also Doda Balapoor, and had Nundy Droog for his prin- cipal strong hold. He was subdued and expelled by Hyder, and the town, after Lord Cornwallis's war in 1792, ahnost destroyed by Tippoo, The town is now fast recovering, and contains above 400 houses ; of which more than one-fourth are oc- cupied by Brahmins, 30 families of whom arc of such high rank, that they live entirely on charity. A large proportion of the inhabitants speak, as their native dialect, the Celinga language. Sugar candy is made here equal to that- of China, and the clayed sugar is very white and fine ; but the art being a secret, it is so dear, that the Chinese sugar candy is sold cheaper at Seringapatam, than this is on the spot where it is produced, ( F. Buchanan, ^-c.) Chinapatam. — A town in the Ra- jah of Mysore's territories, 40 miles N. E. from Seringapatara. Lat. 12°. 39'. N. Long. 77°. 24'. E. Tliis is an open town, containing about 1000 houses, with a handsome stone fort at a little distance. The country around is very beautiful, consisting of swelling grounds, mix- ed with fantastic rocks and hills, in some places cultivated, and in others covered with trees, the finest in either of the Carnatics. In sight of Chinapatam is Patala Dinga, one of the plax-es to which Tippoo sent the unfortunate wietelies who incurred hi- displeasure, when death soon terminated their sufferings. There 276 CHIKGLEPLT. is here a small nianufactor\' of glass. Another niauufacture is steel wires for the strings of musical instnnnents, ■\vhieli are reckoned the best in India. A family at Chinapatam has the art of makinff very tine white sngar. or fool ; bnt the term fool does not, in this instance, as in most others, «;ive the best translation of the word. He is totally unmindful and igno- rant of worldly afl'airs, unable (the Brahmins say) to hold conversation which formerly w as kept for the sole beyond the proposition, reply, and use of the court at Seringapatam Such monopolies of good things w ere favourite jiractices with the arbitrary {rovernments of Hindostan. {F. Bu- chanai}, ^c.) Chinamputta. — A town in the district of Madura, 1 1 miles S. by AA\ from the city of Madura. Lat. 9°. 41'. N. Long. 78°. 8'. E. Chinchew (or Chang) Bay. — A rejoinder, and then in a childis bUihbering manner. His ordinary occupations do not diller materially from those of other men ; he cats, drinks, takes wives to himself, &c. like other Brahmins. In 1809, the deo was a boy, 12 years of age. His palace is an enor- mous pile of building, w itliout any kind of elegance, ne;ir the Moorta, spacious bay and harbour in Cochin on Avhich the town stands. The China, completely sheltered from all winds, but only accessible for large vessels at high w ater. Lat. 1.3°. 50'. N. At the head of this harbour is situated the city of Quin-nong. floors of this edifice are spread over w ith the sacred cow-dnng. and the apartments crow dcd w ith sleek, well fed Bralnnins. Near the palitcc arc the tombs of the former dcos, which Chinchoor. — A small tow u in the are so many small temples enclosed, province of Aurungabad, situated on and planted round w ith trees, and the road from Bombay to Poonah. communicating by steps with the It is i)leasantly placed on the left river. Here goes on the business of ]»ank of a river, and is said to con- worship. In one place are seen avo- tain .'iOOO inhabitants, including 300 men pouring oil, w ater, and milk Brahmin faniilies. It has the ap- over the figures of the gods ; in ano=- pearance of an industrious town, the ther, children decking them with houses being good, the streets clean, flowers. Here pilgrims and dcvo- and the shops well supplied. tees performing tlieir ablutions ; and This place is the rcsideirce of Chin- there priests chauntingf portions of taniun Deo, whoi)i a great proportion their sacred poems; the whole pro- of the iNIaharatta nation believe to ccediug with the most listless indo- be an incarnation of their favourite lence and apathy; (Lard Valentia, deity, Goonputty. The present is Moor, M. Graham, lVc.) the eighth in descent from the first, CHiNGi-uruT. — ^Thc ancient pos- and they take the name, alternateh , session of the Coinpany, in the Car- of Chintamun Deo and Narrain Deo. natic, formerly denomiuiitcd the .Jag- The Brahmins relate that each duo hire, now forms the coUcctorship of at his death has been burned, and Chingleput. It w as ]jermanently invariably a small image of Goon- assessed in 1801-2; but the efl'ecl putty has miraculously arisen from has not been so satisl'actory as was the ashes, which is pluced in the expected, extensive sales of laud tomb and worshipped. Although having since taken place, (bth He- the deo be an incarnation of the jmrt, ^r.) deity Goonputty, he performs poqja Chingleput. — A town in the Car- (worships) his other self, in the form natic, situated on the north-eastern of a statue; for the latter, the Brah- side of the Palar, 39 miles S. S. \\ . luins say, is the greatest, his power from Madras. Lat. 12°. oG'. N. not being diminished by the avatar, Ix>ng. 79°. 55'. E. In 1751, ths or incarnation. French took possession of Chinglc- 1'hc deo is, ex officio, a dewannali, put; but it was taken iiom thorn, iu CHINAUB. 277 175'2, by Capt. Clive, after a short Chiniropoor.vm, {Chinrayapatav). — A town in the Rajali of Mysore's territories, 39 miles N. VV. from Se- riuijapHtani. Lat. 12^.53'. N. Long. 7(j°. 40'. 1':. 'I'lie fort of Cliinrayapatan is well built of stone and lime, and lias a glacis, ditch, and walls built of these materials, and round to^\ ers and bas- tions, with embrasiues lor camion. It has a weekly fair, but no consi- derable trade. Tiie country around is very bare of trees, but contains many tine tanks. 'I'lie toAvn, fort, and suburbs, contain above 900 houses, of which 60 are inhabited by Brahmins. The name Cliinraya- patan si{?nifies the city of the little prince. In Nepaul, the year 1802 was Srimoca; whereas, at this place, it was Dunbuddi, a difference of 11 years, (i^. Buchanan, Lord Valentia, Chinnachin. — A town in North- ern Hindostan, in the district of Jem- lah, of which it is the capital, and tributary to the Ghoorkhali Rajah of Nepaul. l^t. 30°. 29'. N. Long. 81°35'. E. This place is situated in a valley, the north side of which is bounded by the mountains of J-limalaya. The town stands between thcChinnachin and Kurnala Rivers, which are said to unite at a point, distant about six days journey to the south west of Chinnachin, It is the frontier sta- tion of Nepaul, in the Taklakhar quarter, and is the best route for sup- plying: the north-west part of Tibet with IJritish g:oods. It is about 10 days journey distant from Becni Slu'hr, and a nioiitli's journey for a caravan from Cufuiandoo. {Kirhpa- trick, SiC.) CiUNooR. — A town belonging- to the Nizam, in the jjrovince of Eeja- poor, 47 miles N. N. W. from Ral- harv. Lat. 15°. 40'. Long. 76^ 34'.' E. Chinnoor.- — A toAvn belonging to tlie Nizam, in the pru^iuce of Rcrar, siluateii on the uorlli-casl side of the Goilaverv River. Lat. 19". 8'. N. Long. 80°. 8'. V:. Chinsura, {Chinchnra). — A Dutch settlement in the province of Bengal, situated on the Avest side of tlie Ri- ver Hooghly, 22 miles from Calcutta. Lat. 22°. 52'. N. Long. 88°. 28'. E. The first factory of the Dutch East India Company was erected here in 1G50, and the site on the whole is much preferable to that of Calcutta. In 17GJ) Chinsura was blockaded by the Nabob of Bengal's forces, to com- pel payment of the arrears of duties, although the province was then ac- tually possessed by the English East Company. It has since been regu- larly captured by the British forces, on the commencement of hostilities with the Dutch. (^Stavorinus, Ren- net, St.) Chinaub, (or Chandrahhagii). — • This river has its source near the eastern hills of Cashmere, in the province of Lahore, near the sources of the Ravey, the Bey ah, tlie Sutu- leje, and tlie Jumna. It flows after- wards in a south-westerly direction, with a remarkably straight course^ From Jummoo it proceeds through a tiat country, gradually approaching the Bchut, with which it unites near Jehungscal. This junction is ef- fected with great noise and violence, which circumstance is noticed both by the historians of Alexander and of Timour. The space between the Behut and the Chinaub is no where more than 35 miles, within the limits of the Punjab. A bout 90 miles from its source, and not far from the Cash- mere hills, it is 70 yards broad, and very rapid. The length of its cuursc, including the wimluigs, may be esti- mated at 420 miles. 'Jhe ancient Hindoo name of this river was the Chandra Bhaga, or Chandra Sarita, and it is considered as the acesines of Alexander. Abul Eazel, in 1582, describes it as fol- lows: " Another river of liahore is the Chinaub, called also Chunderbahka, (C'liundra Bhaga). From the top of the mountains of Khutwar i<;sue two 278 CHITTAGONG. springs, one called Chundcr, and the other Bahka. In the neighbour- hood of Khulwar they nnilc their streams, and arc then called Chun- derbahka ; from thence they flow on to Bclolipoor, Sooderah, and Heza- reh." {Rennel, Wilford, AhulFazel, Chiring. — A village in Northern Hindostan, one-half of v hich is si- tuated in the Gerwal (Scrinagur dis- trict), and the other half in the dis- tiict of Kemaoou, The range of mountains here forms the boundary between the two provinces. It was formerly a place of some note, but is now in ruins, and destitute of inha- bitants. Near to it is a large village, named Chaparang. [Raper, $-c.) Chitlong. — A small town in Northern liiiidostan, in the territo- ries of Nepfiul, named also Lohari, or Little Nepaul. Lat. 27°. 29'. N. Long. 85°. 52'. E. I'his town con- tains a few brick and tiled houses of t\'i o or three stories, but is an incon- siderable place, altliough the first in the Nepaul country that has the ap- pearance of a town to the traveller coming from the south. It is said to have been formerly more exten- sive and flourishing. During the dynasty of the Newar princes, Chitlong was for some time a dependency of the Patn raje, or sovereignty, and had a district an- nexed to it containing several popu- lous villages. It constitutes at pre- sent part of the jaghire, or fief, of one of tlie four conunanders of the Nepaul forces. On the 27th Feb. 1793, the mercury in Tahrenheit's thermometer fell In 29°. ; and. on the following morning*, all the standing water was found frozen to a conside- rable depth. {Kirkpatrick, ^x.) Chitpoou. — A tovvu ill the pro- vince of Gujrat, belonging to an in- dependent rajah, situated in a inoun- tainous and jungly district. Lat. 21'='. 20'. N. Long. 70°. 47'. E. • Chittagong, {Chatnrgrama). — A district situated at the south-eastern extremity of the province of Bengal, })Qtwcen the 21st and 23d degrees of north latitude. To the north it fs bounded by the Ti})perah district; to the smith by Araoau; to the cast it has the Birman empire ; and to the w-est the sea. In length it may be estimated at 120 miles, by 25 the average breadth. This district contains about 2987 square ndles of unproductive, hilly, and plain arable lands, nearly in the proportion of two to one, and was originally divided into four mode- rately large, and 140 very small per- gunnahs, partitioned among 1400 landholders. This distribution ori- ginated in consequence of the whole district having formerly been assign- ed for the militia, or garrison troops, constantly maintained here for pro- tection against the incursions of tlft Muggs or Aracaners. These, in process of time, became distinct ze-- mindaries, when the military esta- blishment ceased to be necessarj'. The land is of a hilly and jungly nature, and but a small proportion of it in cultivation. It appears adapted for the production of coflec, jjcpper, and the valuable spices ot" the east; and it possesses a very convenient sea-port, Islamabad, for coasting tiaders in the bay at any season of the year. Ships of a con- siderable size are annually built here of timber, the produce of the coun- try, in addition to a small qiumtily imported ; and the company have au extensive establishment on the sea coast for the manufacture of salt. Landed property in this distiict is for the most ])art distributed into vei-y small portions among numerous propiietors, which occasions inces- sant disputes respecting the boun-' darics. The River Nauf, which bounds the British and Birman territories, is si» tuated at a considerable distance from the town of Islamabad, tlie seat of provincial government, and resi- dence of the English magistrate. The banks of this ri\ er are covered with deep jungles, iptei-spersed with scanty spots of cultivation and a few wrotclied villages, where dwelt the CmiTAGO\G. ^79 f>oover class of lierilsihen and lami- ies of roviiip; hunters, wiiosi' occu- pation is to catcli ami tame wild c!oj)liants, which abound in these forests. TliG sea coast of Cliittagonj; is much resorted to by tlie European inhabitants of Bengal, on account of tlie beneficial ell'ccts of the sea air and salt water bathing. About 20 miles to the north of Islamabad is a remarkable hot well, (named seeta- cond) the surface of which may be intlamed by the application ot lire. Like all other remarkable pheno- mena of natiue, it is esteemed sacred by the Hindoos; as is likewise ano- ther hot spring near to Monghir. Chittagong, it is probable, origin- ally belonged to the extensive and independent kingdom of Tipperah ; but being a frontier province, where the two religions of Brahma and Buddha met, it was scmetimes go- verned by sectaries of the one doc- trine, and sometimes of the other. There is reason to believe it was taken from botli about the beginning of the 16th century by the Afghan Kings of Bengal; and aft crw aids, during the wars of the iVIoguls and Afghans, reverted to the Buddhists of Aracan. Chittagong was lirst vi- sited by the Portuguese so early as 1618; and the Rajah of Aracan hav- ing influenced a great number of that nation to settle there, in conjunction v\ith the Muggs or Aracaners, they infested and desolated tlic south- eastern quarters of Bengal, which, distant as the period is, has not yet recovered its population or cultiva- tion. In 1638, during the reign of the Emperor Shah Jehati, .Makat Kay, one of the jMugg cliiefs, who held Chittagong lor the Bajali of Aracan, having incurred his displeasure, aiul apprehending an attack, sought the Mogul sovereign's protection. 'I'liis is the first authentic account of the superiority of this province being ac- quired by the jMogul, nor was it taken possession of until 1GC6 ; yet, long before this period, it was regu- larly enumerated by Abul Fuzcl iii the list of the Mogul dominions, la 1666, Shaista Khan, the soubahdfir of Bengal, having equipped a power- ful fleet at Dacca, dispatched it down the Megna, under the couunaud of Omeid Khan, who, havijig previously coii(|uered the Island of Sundcep, pro(;ecded against this province, and laid siege to the ca .ital, Altiiough strongly fortified, and containing, according to the Mogul historians, 1223 «annon of difl'erent calibres, it muiie but a feeble resistaiice ; and, on its surrender, a new name (Isla- mabad) was conferred on it, and it was with tlic district permanently annexed to the Mogul enqdre. This province, at an early period, attracted the notice of the English East Indi i Company, who, in 168G, proposed to remove their factory from Hooghly to Chittagong, and Iheie establish by force a respectable fortified residence. On the 17th Dec. 1689, during a rupture with the Emperor Aurengzebe, an English fleet appeared off Chittagong, with an intention of seizing it, and there fixing the head of their settlements in the Bay of Bengal; but, owing to indecision, nothing was done; nor would it have answered tha Com- pany's views, had the original pur- I)Ose been accomplished, in A. D. 1760 it was finally ceded to the East India Company, by the Nabob Jaf- fier Ali Khan. In 1801, by the directions of the Marquis Wcllcsley, liien governor- general, the board of revenue iu Bengal circulated various questions to the collectors of the different dis- tiicts on statistical subjects. The result of their replies tended to esta- blish the fact, that tlie Chittagong district contained 1,200,000 i^iha- bifaiits, which appears an asfonishii^;- number, if the modern boundaries of the district have not been enlarged. Of this population the proportion of Mahonnnedans was tluec to live }lindoos; and what is icmarkalile, although so long under a Buddhist government, very few of that sect 280 CHITOBE. are now to be found in the district. {J. Grant, Stewart, Symes, Bruce, bth Report, ^c.) Chittapet. — A small town in the Carnatic, 75 miles S. W. from Ma- dras, and 60 N. W. from Pondicher- ry. Lat. 12° 25'. N. Lonj. 79°. 26*. E. During the Carnatic war in the last century this was a fort of con- siderable consequence, and sustained several sieiijes. It then had round towers at the anj^les of the wall, more spacious than Ihc generality of the forts of Coromandcl. Tlie gate- way on the northern side was the largest pile of this construction in the Carnatic, being capable of contain- ing On its terraces 500 men, drawn uj) under arms. Chittapet was fi- nally taken by Col. Coote, after the battle of Wandiwash, havi'ig made but a slight resistance. (Orme, ^-c-) Chitteldroog, (Chitra Darga). ■^—A fort and town belonging to the Mysore Rajah, the capital of a dis- trict of the same name. Lat. 14°. 10'. N. Long. 76°. 29'. E. By the natives it is called Sifala Durga, which signifies t!ie spotted castle; and also Chatracal, which means the umbrella rock. It is every where surrounded by low, rocky, bare hills, on one of which stands the droog, or fort, formerly the residence of the polygar of the country. In the year 1776 Hyder took it by treachery, at which time the town was very large. It is still a considerable place, and as a fortress, one of the strongest in In- dia. In the usual style of the Indian fortified rocks, it is surrounded by several walls within one another, the Outermost of which might be taken without forwarding the reduction of the hill. The plain of Chitteldroog consists of a black soil, and is iO miles from oorth to south, and four from east to west ; but, owing to a deficiency of water, tlie quantity of rice land is small. To reach the water the wells mu.st be made deep, and what is procured is of a bad quality. This may, in part, be attributed to the common nastinesB of the Hindoo?, Avho wash their cloths, bodies, and cattle, in the same tanks and wells from which they take their own be- verage. The whole neiglibouring country is reckoned unhealthy, al- though it is perfectly diy and clear. The natives assert, that eveiy coun- try is unhealthy in which the black soil called eray abounds. Through- out this principality and the neigh- bouring country of Hara-punya- hully, (which last belongs to the Company) sheep are an object of gieat importance, and are of a spe- cies called cmi, in the language of Karnata. The chiefship of the villages in this district is a hereditary oflicer, as is usual, through the Mysore Hajah's possessions, and he acts as priest to the village god. Almost every vil- lage has a peculiar deity of this kind, and most of them are believed to be of a destructive nature. The natives propitiate them by putting an iron hook through the skin under their shoulder blades, by which they arc suspended to a moveable transverse beam, and swung round for a consi- derable time. At the conclusion of the last My- sore war, in 1 799, in consequence of repeated ravages and calamities, many districts in the Mysore pro- vince, formerly well peopled, were totally laid waste, and scarcely ex- hibited a vestige of population. Chit- teldroog in particular suttered in a pre-eminent degree, and was de- l)rivcd of the great mass of its inha- bitants. I'ravelling distance from Seringa- patam, 115 mites; fi"om Madras, 335 miles. (F. Buchanan, Wilkes, Moor, Re)inel, ?>c.) Chitore, {Chaitur). — A Rajpoot district in the province of Ajmeer, situated to the south-west of Joud- poor, and bordering on Gujrat and Malwah. The sovereign of this coim try is named indiscriminately the Ranah of Chitore, or Odeypoor ; but, in modern tinies, the latter town, having become tlie capital, has great- CHOOKIA-NG- SOIMTOO. 281 ly jaipcrscdeS tlie first ; the reader is, tiicrcfora, referred to the article Gdeypoor for further details respcct- ini? this tenitory, which, in 1582. was described by Abui lazel as follows : " Sircar Chitorc, coutuinino: 26 niahals;nicasuremcnt 1,678,802 bec- gahs ; revenue, 30,047,649 dams. Seyurghal, 360,737 dams. This cir- car iurnisiics 22,000 cavalry, and 82,000 infantry."— See also Mkwar. Chitore. — A Rajpoot town in the province of A j nicer, the capital of a distri(!t of the snme name. Lat. 25°. 15'. N. Long. 74°. 30'. E. This place m as Ihc ancient capital of the Hajpoot sovereign, now known by the appellation of the Ranah of Odeypoor, and nmch celebrated for its strength, riches, antiquity, when taken and despoiled by Acber, iu 1567. The fortress of Chitore is situated on the top of a high and rugged mountain, and is considered as a place of great strength. It was first conquered by the Malioaimedans, A. D. 1303, during the rcigii of Alia «d Deen, the scourge of the Hin- doos. It was subscfjuently taken by Acber, and in 1680 again subdued and plunuleut subjects of the nabob, a tontiuuuucc of which rendered it necessary to- send a mi- htary force against them in 1804- Two of them having surrendered at the commencement, the othcre were driven into the jungles, and their Ibrts demolished ; tranquillity, how- ever, was not restored until the be- ginning of 1805, when the system of fixed rents on the lands of each cul- tivator was introduced, which lias, besides, been attended with a con- siderable increase of revenue. The Chittoor lands were permanently as- ssessed in 1802-3. {5th Report, iyc.) CuiTTRA. — A town in the pro- vince of Bahar, district of Kamgur, 100 miles S. by W. from Tatna. Lat. 24°. 14'. N. Long. 81°. 58'. E. Chitway, (Setava). — A town in the province of Malabar. Lat. 10°. 23'. N. Long. 76°. 2'. E. This place is situated on an island 27 miles long, and iu some places five miles broad, named Chitway by Europeans, but by the natives Manapiiram. It con- sists of two districts, Shetuwai and Attypuram, and is separated from the continent by inlets of salt water, M hich form the northern part of an excellent inland navigation. The soil of this island is in general poor, and although the whole may be con- sidered as a plain, the rice iields are small in proportion to the elevated land that rises a liew feet above the level of the sea. The shores of the island are covered with cocoa nut palms, irom which the reveime is chiefly derived, and the whole is rented from the Company by tlie Cochin Rajah lor 30,000 per annum, but he possesses no legal jurisdiction over the inhabitants. The low land tliat lies near the sea is extremely sandy, and the quantity of rice fields insignificant- A slave here, when 30 years old, costs about 100 fa- nains, or 21. 14s. 7d. with a wife the price is double. Children sell at irom 15 to 46 fanams, or from 8s.2H. to 21s. \0d.{F.Buchana)i4-c.) Chookiang Somtoo. — A lake in tho Lahdack country, about 30 miles in circumference. Lat. 34°. 47. N. Long. 77°. 50'. E. 282 CnOTEESGUR. Choomeas. — A savage people, who iiihal>it the first range of hills to the north and cast of the province of Chittagonij, in Bengal, and arc tri- butary to tljc British government. Their villages are called chooms, but they seldom remain longer than two years on one spot. Beyond them are the Kookies, with whom the Choomeas traffic; but the Kookies do not allow the latter ever to enter their villages. {Macrae, (St.) Choomouhty, {Sunmrti). — A town in the Lahdack counfry, situ- ated on the north side of a river named the Khankus, which rises to the noith of the Himalaya Moun- tains, and was formerly supposed to have been the Ganges of the Hin- doos ; but this conjectme has been proved unfounded by the recent ex- pedition from Bengal, to trace the course of the Gauges, which has been found to rise on the south side of the great Himalaya Ridge. Lat. 33°. 68'. N. Long. 78°. 54'. E. Chongey. — A town in the Nahry Sank ar country, situated to the north of the Himalaya Mountains. Lat. 33°. 27'. N. LoVig. 79°. 43'. E. , Choonpoor. — A town belonging to the Muharattas, in the province of Malwah, 36 miles S. E. from Bil- sah. Lat. 23°. 17'. N. Long. 78°. 18'. E. Choorhot. — A town in the pro- vince of Allahabad, in the Boghela ^ouirtiy, 94 miles S. W. from Be- nares. Lat. 24°. 29'. N. Long. 81°. 48'. E. It is situated betwixt the River Soane and the Vindhya <»• Kimoor Hills, and is possessed by an independent chief. Choprah. — A town in (he Maha- ratta -territories, in the province of ivhandesh, 70 miles \). of Boorhan- poor. Lat. 21° 12'. N. Long. 76°. 17'. E. Cho TEESGUB, (or Ritttunpoor). — A large district in the province of Gundwana, situated principally be- twixt the 22d aiul 23d degre"es of •north latitiule. This jirovince is very frequently denominated Jeharcund, but the name properly applies to great part of th? GHndv\aua pro- vince. Choteesgnr, which mean^ 36 forts in its most extensive sense, is said to comprehend 20,000 scjuare miles, part of which is composed of a mountainous tract, or unprofitable jungles ; from which last circum- stance the country acquired the name of Jeharcmid. This district to the south of Ruttnnpoor is a champaign country, abundantly wa- tered with little rivers, full of vil- lages, and ornamented with groves and tanks. In the neighboiuhood of Ryepoor considerable quantities of wheat and vegetables are pro- duced. Rice is not abundant, it being only cultivated behind large reservohs of water, in situations where the declivity of the land is suitable. Large quantities of grain are ex- ported from Chotesgur all over the ISizam's dominions, and even to the Circars ; from the latter salt is im- ported and retailed at an extrava- gant price. The villages are nume- rous, but poo)-. I'he country abounds in cattle, and brood mares of tlie tattoo species. On the whole, this teiTitory is but tliinly inhabited. Fo- reign merchants bring a few horses, elephants, camels, and shawls for sale, but the principal part of the commerce is carried on by the brin- jarries, or itinerant grain dealers. In 1794 it was said that, in plentiful seasons, they could employ 100,000 bullocks in expoitation, and it is cer- tainly one of the most productive provinces under the Nagpoor Rajah. The Hatsoo and Caroon are the chief rivers, and the principal towns are Kuttunpoor and Ryepoor. The boundaries to the north begin at the village of Noaparah, which consist.s of only a few miserable huts. 'J his district was anciently com- prehended in the Hind(jo province of Gundwana, and composed pait of the state of Gurrah; but, during the reign of Aurcngzebe, it was formerly annexed to the Soubah of Allahabad, although but nominally subjected to tlie Mogul empire. ,Li CIltlMPANl^ER. 28:j ■ 1752 it vad, situated on the sea-coast of the Coneaii dis- trict, 25 miles south tVoni Kombav. Lat. 18°. 33'. N. Lons;. 72°. oG'. E. This was a place ol' eonsidcraljle Jiotc durinn- the Bhaniannec dynasty of the Deecan. CfioL'TF.A. — A toAvn in tlie pro- vince of Bahar, distiiet of Chuta Na^poor, 2(X> miles \\ . N. W. from Calcutta, Lat. 23°. 26'. N. Lon-. 86°. 29'. E. Ch(»\vek.\. — A town in thcGnjrat Peninsula, situated about 30 miles N. by E. from \\ankaiicer. This place stands on an eminence, and is surrounded by a Iiisrli stone ^vall, wilh square towers, in a ruiu- rms state. On approaching this ■place, after passiup: the Songhur "Hills, there is an extensive plain of •a rich s
    -c.) Chunar. — A district in the pro- vince of Allahabad, situated about the 25th degree of north latitude. It is bounded on the north by the Ganges ; on the south by the Soane ; on the east by the Caramnassa ; and on the west by Tarrar and Bogale- cund. The northern part of this- district is a most iertile tract -oi country, and in a very flourishing state with respect to commerce and manufactures ; but towards the south it is mountainous, jungly, and ex- hibits few traces of cultivation or population. The Vindhy, a chain of hills, which extend so far across Hindostan, to the north of Nerbud- dah, penetrate into the Chunar ter- ritory, and occupy the southern ex- tremity. The principal towns are Mirzapoor and Chunarghur, to which, formerly, might have been added. Bidjeeghur, now in ruins. The Bo- ker River divides the country, called Chundail, from the pergunnah of Suctasghur, in the Chunar district. In tills district, where the pastures are common to a whole village, each tenant puts as many cattle of differ- ent sorts on it as he chooses. The land is, consequently, overstocked, and the cattle starved. During the dry season, and more particularly during the hot winds, eveiy thing like A erdure disappears. The grass- cutters, a class of tenants kept by Europeans to procure food for their horses, will bring provender from a field when verdure is scarcely vi- sible. They use a sharp instrument, with which they cut the grass below the surface, and these roots, when cleared of earth by washing, afford the only green food which it is pos- sible to procure. Turnips, cabbages, carrots, and greens, are raised in the gardens of Europeans during the cold season ; but no art caji preserve them against the deadly influence of the hot winds, though in each garden a supply of water is daily drawn by two bul- locks. Chunar formed part of the Be- nares zeniindary, and was acquired by the East India Company by treaty, in 1775, along with; the rest of that province. In 1582 it is described by Abul Fazel as follows : - " Sircar Chunar, containing 18 mahals ; measurement, 106,270 bce- galis ; revenue, 5,810,654 dams. Sey- urghal, 109,065 dams. This sircar CHUPPARAII. 285 fiunisliCR 500 riavalr}% and 18,000 in- fantry." {Tennant, Blunt, Abtil Fa- zel, i-o.) CnuNAUGHim. — A (own and for- tfess in tlie province of Allahabad, clistriot (>( Cluinar, sitiuiled on llio sonth side oftho (ianffes. Lat. 25°. 9'. N. l^ong;. 82° 54'.^E. The fort is situated on a free-stone rock, se- veral hundred feet high, whi(;h rises abruptly from the plain, and advances some distance into the river. It is fortified in the Indian manner, with Avails and towers, one behind the other, and is a place of considerable strength. The prospect from its summit is one of the finest ima- ginable. The town of Chunar is a straggling collection of native huts and European bungalows. The bat- teries here completely command the navigation of the river, and allow no boat to go up or down without in- .spection. At certain seasons of the year CJiunar is excessively hot, and very unhealthy. The approach to the town from the hortlj is marked by a chain of low hills, running parallel to the river on its right bank, w hich is co- vered with pUntations and bunga- lows. In 1530 Clumarglnir was tlie resi- dence of Sliere Khan, the Afghan, who expelled the Emperor Hu- mayoon from Hindostan. In 1575 it was taken by the Moguls, after a siege of six months. In 1763 this fortress, aftei- repulsing a night at- tack of the British troops, was, some lime afterwards, delivered up with- out a siege, and has ever si uce re- mained in the Company's possession. It was a place of great importance in former times ; but, as the British frontier has been carried furthcrnorth, Allahabad has superseded it as a military depot. Travelling distance from Calcutta, by Moorshedabad, 574 miles ; by Birboom, 409 miles. {Lord Valen- tia, Tennant, Gholaimi Hossein, Fe- ris/ita, Rennel, ic.) Chun'Dail, (C/ia7idela).--—A djs- tiict in the province of Allahabad^ 4 situated between the 24th and 25th degrees of north latitude. It is separated from the British district of Chunar by the Hivcr Bokcr, besides which it has the Soane and many smaller streams. The natives of this counti-j- call themselves Chnndails, and are a tribe of Bajpools, the usual resi- dence of their rajah being at Baje- poor, 20 miles west of Bedjcegliur. The country became tributary to th« Kajahs of Benares, in the days of Buiwunt Singh, who concjuered it; for it liad never been thoroughly subdued by the Moguls, although formally annexed to the Soubah of Allahabad by Aurengzebc. This territory is very thinly in- habited, and many parts of it a com- plete wilderness. 'I'he road south from the British dominions is over a number of small hills, with scarcely a vestige of a habitation ; there being few permanent villages, the inhabi- tants being accustomed to change their sites very IVequently. Tlu* in- habitants of these hills arc named Karwar, and are a very savage tribe, acknow lodging allegiance to a vassal of the Burdee llajah's, who resides at Buddery, and divided into many sects. {Blunt, Sr.) CHt-'NnF.K, {CItaiidrn). — A small town in the Afghan territories in the province of Mooltau, situated on the north side of the Dununoody River, 90 miles S. from the town of Mool- tan. Lat. 29°. lb'. N. Long. 71°. 29'. E. Chi'pparah. — A town in .he pro- vince of Gundvvana, situated on the Bciti Guuga River, 87 miles N. from Nagpoor. Lat. 22°. 22'. N. Long. 80°. 2'. E. This place is famous for the ma- nufacture of iron, a great quantity of which is carried into tlie British provinces. A considerable district in this part of Gundwana is held by a Patan chief, who received it in Jaghire from tlie first' Raggojeo Bhoouslah, as a reward for services during Ins conquest of Gundwana, aiid the uortiiciu parts of Berar 286 CICACOLK The town is consequently eliiefly in- habited by Afghans. (Lechie, Vf.) Chuprah. — A town in tlie jiro- ■vince of I'ahar, district of Saiun, of which it is the capital, situated on the north side of t!ie Ganges, 32 miles W. N. W. from Patna. Lat. 25°46'. N. Lono:. 84°. 46'. E. On May 2, 1757, IMajor Tootc (af(erwards Sir Eyre) reached this place, in pwrsnit of a Frencli corps under Mr. LaAV, being the earliest advance of the Eritisli Hmccs in this quarter. Mr. Law and his party were afterwards taken prisoners by General Carnac, on the 15th Jaiuiary, 1761, after a victory obtained over the Shahzada, (the Moj^ul emperor's son), wlio very soon afterwards sur- rendered liimself also. Chuwal. — A district in the pro- vince of Gujrat, situated betwixt the 23d and 24th degrees of north lati- tude ; and bounded on the w est by the Banass River, wliicJi afterwards flows towards tlie Gulf of Cutch. The quarter of this district adjacent to the Banass is low fenny laud, and subject to inundation ; but very little is known respecting the other parts, as this division of Gujrat has as yet been very imperfectly ex- plored. It is possessed by different independent native chiefs. CiCACOLE, {Chicacula). — The larg- est of the Northern Circars or dis- tricts, anciently named Calinga, and situated between the 17th and 20th degrees of north latitude. It is sub- di\ided into two portions. I'he 4irst lies between the River Setteverani on the south ; the River Poondy on the north ; and extends about 170 miles along the Bay of Bengal. In its greatest dimensions, it extends in land to the mountainous region on the west, about 60 miles; com- prising an area of about 4400 square miles. The second subdivision of this province is of a triangular ligure, stretcliing about 80 miles from Poondy to Moland, on the soutJiern frontier of Cuttack, and 50 miles to the N. W. angle at Goomsur. It <«putains about 1600 miles of super- ficial nieasjuo, exclusive of that pof-*' tion of country situated along the ■ great ridge oi' boundary mountains to the west. ,, The climate of the Nortljcrn Cir- cars (of wliich Cicacole forms a large portioii), witli a general conformity to that of Hindostan, north of tlie Krishna, has, from ioca! position and other circumstances, some pecu- liarities in each of the three seasons. The periodical rain usually .sets in about the middle of June, with a westerly wind, in moderate showers, until the end of August, which month coiicludes the small rain liai-vest. I'rom tiiis time the grain continues in greater abundance un- til the beginning of Noveml>er, when it generally breaks up with violence, and is succeeded by tho north- easterly wind. The middle of tliis latter and plea- sant season, early in January, iinishcs the harvest tor rice ai)d bajary; which are the gicat productions of the country north of the Godavcry. 'Jlie close of the vernal equinox ter- minates the third harvest, which is the grand one for maize, as well as for all tlie diiferent species of grain and pease south of tiiat river. Then begins the hot season, which is al- ways extremely moderate towards the northern extremity of the Circars, near Ganjam, by reason of constant diurnal sea breezes ; and the posi- tion of the neighbouring hills from south to west contrary to the ordi- nary direction of the wind at Masuli- patam. The southern division of Cicacole, with a better soil than is found in the otJier parts of the Circar, is watered by four rivers, which have their outlets at Vizagapatam, Bim- lepalam, Cicacole, and Caluigapa- tam, besides many lesser streams during the rains. Nortliward in the territory of Jehapoor, tlie land is fertilized by the Ganjam, and other smaller riVers. I'he province of Ci- cacole, taken altogether, has few ex - tensive jilains, audits hills increase in tVequency and magnitude as they CIRCARS. 207 jitpproarh llic vast raiis'^ of nioiin- taiiis y Eu- lopeans, not excepting: the Portii- p:ue5e when at the heij^ht of their prosperity. It was acquired by the British, in 1765, durin;^ the govern- ment of Lord Clive. {J. Grant, Ormc, White, Vc.) ClCACOLK, {or Maphus Bunder.) — A town in the Northern Circars, the ancient capital of im extensive flistrict of the same name, 118 miles S. W. from Ganjam. Lat 18°. 21'. >f. Long. 83*^. 57'. E. Here is a mosque of considerable sanctity, erected in the year of the Hejera 1051, by Shekli Mahomnied Khan. CIRCAFS, {Northern.) A large province extending along the west side of the Bay of Bengal, Irom the 15th to the 20th degrees of north latitude, and appertaining partly to the Deccan, and partly to Orissa. The sea bounds it. to the east, along a coast of 470 miles from -Mootapilly, its southern extremity, to ]\Ialond in Orissa, on tlie borders of the Chilka Lake. It is divided from the provinces ©f IlvderaUixl by a range of small detached lulls ex- tending to tile baidvs of the doik- very, and to the north of that river separat(H^l from Berar by a i;oMtiiiiied ridge of mountains almost impass- able for horse or wlieeled (carriage, to the north-western extremity of the Circars at Gooinsur. IVoin hence the - process is i)ertbrnied by a dis- tinct tribe, whose occupation it is. 'I'he internal commerce oi" Madras witii the Northern Circars, may be classed under the heads of northern atid southern coastiuii,' trade ; the northern pai taking- more of tlie Ben- gal and Kangoou trade, while the soutliern lias a large proportion of that of the eastward, Geylon, and the Malabar coast. The tratlic is mostly carried e vicinity of each capital town, which were originally resumed l)y the Ma- hommcdan government, and had been annexed to these towns for the supply of the garrisons and nume- rous estabhshmcnts, both civil and military. I'he following is the de- scription of a village in this province, which also applies, with little varia- tion, to the greater jnnt of the Dec- can, and south of India. Geographically con: idtrcd, it is a tract of country comprising some CIRCARS. 291 Imtidrcds, or some thousands, acres were each entitled to certain small ol' arable, or waste land : politically shares of perquisites from the crops viewed, it resembles a corporation, of the villagers. or township. Its proper establish- ment of ofliccrs and servants consist of the following: descriptions : — The potail, or head inhabitant, who has a jj^eneral superiiitcndenie of the at- fairs of the village, settles disputes, attends to the police, and collects the revenue within his village. Under this simple form of govern- ment the inhabitants lived from time immemorial. The boundaries of vil- lages have been but seldom altered ; and though the villages have been sometimes injured, and even deso- lated, by war, i'amine, and disease, the same name, the same limits, the The tallia and totie : the duty of same interests, and even the same the former consists in gaining iu- families, have continued for ages, formation of crimes and offences, The inhabitants give themselves no and in escorting and protecting per- trouble about the breaking up and sons travelling from one village to division of kingdoms ; while the vil- anotlu r: the duties of the latter ap- lage remains entire they care not to pear to be condncd immediately to what power it is transferred, or to the village, where he guards the crops, and assists in measuring them. The boundary-man, wlio preserves the limits of the village, or gives evidence respecting them in case of dispute. The curnum, or account- ant. The superintendent of the tanks and water courses distributes the v\hat sovereign it devolves, its in- ternal economy still remaining un- changed. In A. D. 1541, the Mahommedans, under the command. of Mahommed Khan Leshkeree, of the Bhamenee empire of Beder, carried their arms into the Northern Circars, and con- quered Condapilly. Nine years alter- wartk they carried their arms still water therefrom, for the purposes of further, and subdued all (Juntoor, agriculture. The Brahmin, who performs the village worship. The schoolmaster, who is seen teaching the children to read and write in the sand. The calendar Brahmin, or astro- loger, who proclaims the lucky and unpropitious periods lor sowing and threshing. The smith and carpenter, who and the districts of Masulipatani ; but the country was very imperfectly reduced, and its subjection merely nominal, as it appears to have been again conquered tiom the Hindoo princes of Orissa about the year 1571, during the reign of Ibrahim Kootiib .Shah, of Hyderabad, or Golcondah. In 1687 those provinces, along with the empire of Hyderabad, fell manufacture the imi)lemenls of agri- under the dominion of Aurengzebe ; culture, and build the dwelling of but he docs not appear to have paid the cultivator. nuuh attention to them, being too The putman, or potter. The wash- busily employed elsewhere. In 1724 erman.. 'J'he barber. 'I'he cov\ keeper, they weie transferred from the house who looks alter the cattle. The doc- of Timour, on the Deihi tlirone, io tor. The dancing girl, who attends at rejoicings ; the nnisician, and the poet. These oiliccrs and sei-yants generally constitute the establish- ment of a Hindoo village. In ad- dition to the portion of land appro- priated to the paguda establishment, to the local officers of government, and to the village servants, they u 2 that of Nizam ul Moolk, who im- mediately took acti\e and real pos- session of them, collected the reve- nues, and fixed aci>il and military establislunent. He was succeeded by his third son, Salabut Jung, who being greatly indebted for his eleva- tion to tlie intrigues and military as- sistance of the French East India 292 cocriiN'. Company, rewarded flieir scrvires, in 1752, by a ^vditt of the district of Condavir, or Gmitoor, and soon after ceded the other Circa rs. The capture of Masnlcpatam, in 1759, by the British arms under Col. I'orde, ha\ in": deprived them of all real po\Ter, these territories reverted to the Nizam, Avifh tlie cxeeplion of llie Hekno\vI('d;i,Td dependencies of the town and fortress of IMasnlipa- tam, which were retained by the Eng^lish East India Company. De- prived of llie sHpport of the I'reneh, Salabnt ^invj; was soon superseded in his anthority by his brother, Ni- 7,am Aii. In 1765 Ijord Clive ol>- tained from the JMog^ul a £n.ant of four of the Circars, namely, Cica- cole, Rajamundry, Eliore, and Con- dapilly ; which, in the following year, was confirmed by a treaty entered iiito with the Nizam. The remaining Circar of Gnntoorwas, at that time, in the jwssession of Bazalet Jnng, Oie brother of the Nizam, by whom it was held in Jaghire. It was con- tingently stipulated for in the treaty with the Nizam, subject to the life of Bazalet Jnng, who died rn 1782 ; but it did not devolve to the East India Company nntil the year T783. The local government of the Northern Circars was continued lui- der the management of the natives mitil 1769, when provincial chiefs and councils were appointed, and this mode of government contituied until 1794. During this period the power of the zemindars was very great, and. in 1777, it was caliu- laled that the miniber of armed men maintained by fhem in the Circars amounted to' 41,000. In 17t)4 a change in the internal govermnent of this province took, jjlacc, which was followed by the pnnishmenv of the great zemindar of \ izianagrurn, and the restoiation of such zemin- dars as had been unjii.'^tly dcjirived of their lands hy thai family. Little progress, however, has yet been made in the {)roper arrangenn-nt of these Circars, compared with other provinces similarly situated, although a considerable improvement lins taken place in the general cliaiacter and eilicicney of tln^ revenue de- partment. The system of a perma- nent settlement of the territorial re- venue was introduced and establish- ed in the Northern Circars during the years 1802 and 1804, wl)en the province was divided inlo five col- ieelorships, or districts, viz. Ganjam, VizagJipatam, Bajamundry, iVJasu- lipatam, and Guntoor. (J. GrniU^ 5th liejmrt. White, Johnson, llcnnely R. Grant, ^■c.') Clapps Islks, or Cocoa Islf.s. — ■ A mnrdjer of very small islands, ly- ing off' the south-western extremilv of Java. Eat. 7°. 5". S. Long, 105°. 25'. N. These islands are ttninhabit- cd, and only occasionally resorted tof for the sake of the edible bird nests, which arc found on them. Cocoa Islks. — A cluster of very small isles, lying off the west coast of Sumatra. Lat. 3°. 2'. N. Long, 96°. 10'. E. CocoRAH. — A tov^Ti \\\ the Maha- ratla territories, in the province of iMalwah, 90 miles north-east fiom Oojain. Lat. 23° 43'. N. Long. 77°. 5'. 'E. Cochin, {Cach'chi, a morass). — A small proTince on tiie Malabar coast, intersected by the 10th degree of nortli latitude. To the north it rs bounded by the JNIahibar province ; on the south by Travancor ; on the east it has the Dindigul district; and on the west the sea. In the northern parts of this pro- vince, about Paignnuru and Shila- cary, the rice gromids are narrow vallies, but extremely well watered by small perennial streams, which enable the cnlti\ators to raise two crops of rice annually. 'J"he houses of the natives are buried in groves of palms, mangoes, jacks, and plan- tains, that skirt the bottom of the litiie liills. Above them are woods of forest trees, which, although no$ so stately as those of Chiltagong, are very fine, and free lioni rattans, and other climber.s. The teak and viti, a black wood, abound i.u these &>- COCHIN. W^ T«^s1s ; l)nt all tlie lard, allliouj^h qnenco of some occurrences in the the soil ajtpears to he j^ood, and the Cochin territory, wliieh rendered it pasture excellent. In this province e\i)edient tlnit new eni;agements iireniany Nazarene, «ir Christian, \il- should he concluded, a treaty of per- lajies, inhabited hy Christians of St. petnal friendship with the rajah was Thomas, u liich arv, in general, well coniplet(Nt hy Colonel Miicaulay on l)uilt and cleanly. the part <*f the l>ritish government. The Jews are nnniei-ous in the vi- IJy the conditions of this treaty the battalion of native infantry, or 1,70,037 rupees, making an aggre- gate annual payment of 2,76,037 rupees. By additional articles, the rajah on;;-:jges to exclude all Euio})cans no! ajiprovcd of by the Urilish go- white Jews they aie considered an vonnnent from his service and conn- inferior race. try, and to give the Hrilish troops 'I'he Cochin Rajah maintained his free access to his forts and to\vns; independence to a much later period than most of the other Hindoo chiefs. He was connicllcd by Tip- poo to pay tribute, which he now does to the Company. jMutla Tam- buran, Hajah of Cochin, died in 1787, of the small-pox, and was STiceeedcd by his younger brother, Virulain Tamburan. 'I'lie following places, and some other towns, be- long to this prince, viz. Naharica, and to transA'r the entire nianage- nienl of his externul political rela- tions to the I>ritisli. (/'', Buchanan, C. Jivcfianan, Treaties, (St.) Cochin. — A town, situated on the Malabar Coast, the capital of a province of the same name, 170 n)iles, N. \V. from Cape Comorin. Lat. '.P. .57'. Long. 76°. 8'. E. In 1.503 Aibuqucr, Cenotta, C^coxare, Pucot- I)utch,whocnnvcrtedthecathcdralto la, ArshtTtnichery, and l^uttenchera. a warehouse. \\ hile the Dutch C!oin- On the ()th Jan. 17f>I, a treaty p«ny possessed Cochin it was a place was concluded with the l^ajah of of very extensive connnercc, and in- Coehin, to enable him to throw off liabiti-d by Jew, Hindoo, and Ma- ins subjection toTippoo. and transfer honnncdan merchants, The inter- his allcgiaucc to the East India Com- course w ith Arabia was very great. 294 COCHIN CHINA. and Venetian zequins, brought from Egypt, were in circulation. IMany of the Arab ships made two voyages annually. A considerable traffic is still car- ried on with Snrat, Bombay, the Coasts of Malabar and Canara, and also with Arabia, China, and the Eastern Islands. The principal im- ports from these places are almonds, dates, pearls, gum arabic, piece goods, cotton, opium, shawls, ben- zoin, camphor, cinnamon and spices, sugar candy, tea, china, and silks. The cliief exports are pepper, car- damums, teak wood, sandal wood, cocoa nuts, coir cordage, cassia, and fish maws. In India this place is kuown by the name of Cacha Bunder, or Har- bour. Ships can lie at anchor in safety on the north-east side of Co- chin, wliere the river joins the sea. In 1800 ship-building here cost about 141. per ton, coppered and equipped for sea in the European manner. The Roman Catholic Bishop of CocJiin now resides at Coilan. His diocese begins southward of Cochin, and extends towards Negapatam, including the Island of Ceylon, and comprehending above 100 churches. (C. Buchanan, Fra. Pao'o, F. 7Ju- c/ianan, Bruce, Cox, Wilford, Dow, COCHIN CHINA. A kingdom, situated in the soutli eastern extremity of Asia, usually distinguished by the name of India beyond the Ganges, and extending from the 9th to the 1 Sth degrees of north latitude. On (he north it is bounded by Tungquin ; on the south by the Province of Siampa; on the east by the Sea of China ; and on the west by the nncNplored regions of Laos and Cambodia. Cochin China 1- roper is only a stripe of land between the sea, and the mountains of very unequal breadth ; the moun- tains in some parts approaching witliin a few miles of the shore, but the wliole territoiies of the Cochiii Chinese empire are very extensive, and in 1792 were estimated to con- tain 95,000 square miles. Almost all the provinces forming these dominions are separated by chains of mountains, and are inha- bited by distinct tribes and nations, although subject to the same sove- reign. A mountainous ridge, ex- tending north and south, separate Tungquin and Cochin China from Lactho, Laos, and Cambodia. Ano- ther chain, running nearly parallel, separate the three latter states from Siam and China, gradually diminish- ing in height as they approach the south, finishing at tlie soutliern ex- tremity of Cambodia. The names given by Europeans io the countries lying between the 9th and 23d degrees of north latitude, are totally unknown to tlic natives, except I'ungquin, who distinguish tlxis region by three grand divisions south of Tungquin. The first, be- twixt the 9th and 12th degrees of latitude, is called Donnai, the chief town of which is Saigong ; the se- cond, extending to the 15th degiec, is named Chang, the capital Quin- nong; and the third, between this and the 17th degree, where Tung- quin commences, is called Hue, the chief town Foosan. These divisions, collectively, are named Anam. The loAV lands in Cochin China produce rice, areca nut, betel leaf, tobacco, coarse cinnamon, cotton, and sugar, the last of which may be considered the staple connnodity of the country. Gold dust, aguilla wood, pepper, wax, honey, and ivory, are brought down by the inhabitants of the mountains. There are two species of rice — that which requires inundation, and mountain rice. Sep- tember, October, and November ai'e the season of the rains. The lands in Cochin China gene- rally produce two crops of rice per annum, one of which is reaped in April, and the other in October. Fruits of various kinds, such as oranges, bananas, figs, pine apples. COCHIN CHINA. jniavas, ami pomcs^aiiates, are abim.- tiaully produced in all parts of tJie foiiiilry. Gold dust is fouud in their rivers, and tlicir mines abound \\\\h ore of llie purest sort, Tlie liiKs and scab- bards of the swords worn by the principal oflicers of {government are I'leqiKMitly adorned witii it. l^ay- ineuts in i;old were lornierly made to foieign merchants in iiij^ots, each weighing four ounces. Silver is also iibundant, and has lately become the principal medium of exchange for merchandize imported, and is paid in ingots, weighing 12 ounces. 'I'hc country is very fruitful, and abounds in all tropical productions, and also many valuable articles suit- able to the China market. 'I'he ib- rests furnish a great variety of scented woods — such as rose wood, scented wood, and sandal wood. 'J'he Cochin Chinese cinnamon, al- though of a coarse grain, and a strong pungent flavour, is preferred by liie Chinese to that of Ceylon. They also export rice, sugar, pepper, areca, cardamoms, ginger, and other spices ; bird nests, sea swallo, shark fins, moluscas or sea blul)ber, and other marine products ofug(datinous nature ; which last are, at all times, in demand with the Chinese. This «'ountry also 'furnishes many other valuahle articles, such as gum, lae, gamboge, indigo, and raw silk. In the forests of Cochin China are ebony, cedars, mimosas, walnuts, teak, iron wood and poon, and most of the other trees that grow in India. Chinese goods (such as teas) might be exported here at second hand cheaper than at Canton, as by this means the duties and c\;i(tioiis would be evaded, which, upon every eonsid(;rable shi|), loaded at that port, anmunt to lO.OOtil. Until a lew centuries after the Christian era, Cochin China formed a part of the Chinese empire, and consequently the aj)pearunce of the natives, many of the customs, the written language, the religious opi- nions and ceremonies, arc still re- 295 tained by them. The countenances of the peasants are livclv and intel- ligent ; and the women, who appear more numerous than the nn-n, are actively enii)loyed in works of hus- bandry. Ill some of the provinces of China women are condenmed to the degrading an:k of dragging the plough ; in Cochin China it is, likewise, their fate to be doomed to those occupations, which retiuirc the most persevering industry. In towns the women serve as agents or brokers to mer- chants liom foreign countries, and act with remarkable fidelity. Eotli sexes are generally coarse featured, and their colour nearly as deep as that of the Malays ; and the uni- Acrsal practice of chewing betel, w ith other ingredients, by reddening the Ups, and blackening the teeth, gives them a most unseemly appear- ance, liiee, made palatable with salt and pepper, furnishes their prin- cipal meals, animal food being but sparingly used. Their small breed of cattle supply but little milk, but this article, like the Chinese, they seldom use, not even as food for their young children ; nor is milking any animal customary. 1'his is one of the countries where elephants serve for food, and is considered as a dainty. Bull aloe is preferred to other beef. During the famines, caused by the civil wars, w Inch long desolated the country, it is said hu- man flesh was sometimes sold in the markets of the capital. The better part of the Cochin Chinese wear, next the skin, vests and trowsers of slight silk or cotton. Turhans are freipiently worn by the men, atid hats sonu'iimes by the women ; shoes are not used by either sex. The men usually wear their hair twisted into a knot, and fixed on tile crown of the head, which was the aneiejit fashion among the Chinese, who now only wear a little lock of hair bebiud. The handles of their ollieers' sworils are of silver, and generally well linislnd, but all arts and manufactures languish, 296 COCHIN CHI^A. owing to the insecurity of prc- pcrtj. Tlie particular branch of tlie arts ill whicli the Cochin Chinese excel is naval architecture. Their row- gallics for pleasure are remarkably tine vessels, from 50 to 80 feet in length, and are sometimes com- posed of five single planks each, ex- tending from one extremity to the other. The edges are morticed, kept tight by wooden pins, and bound tirm by twisted fibres of the bamboo, without ribs or limbers of any kind. Their foreign traders are built on the same plan as the Chinese junks. The Aiiam language is that of Cochin China and Tungquin. It is represented by the missionaries to be likewise generally used in Siampa and Cambodia. Tiie A nam lan- guage and nation are often denomi- nated Juan by Malays and Siamese. In tliis kingdom all who pretend to distinction in learning, greatly aflcct the Chinese liteiatnre and character. The Anaui, or Cochin Chinese language is simple, original, and monosyllabic, and has neither gen- ders, nnmbers, nor cases; moods, tenses, nor conjugations: all of which arc supplied !>y the use of par- ticles, and the juxta position of words, as in the other monosyllabic languages. Conversation is a species of chauut or recitative, as in ' chief of Coimlc- toor is of the Vavlalar tribe; the pie- sent, by his own account, being tie 20th in descent from the founder of the tOAvn. The family originaly paid tribute to the Kajahs of AJa- dura. In the year 17h3 Coimbetcnr was taken tiom 'J'ippoo by the soulh- ern army, but restored at the [jca^o in 1784. In the war of 1790 it w»s early taken possession of by the Bri- tish troops, but aftervv ards besieged by those of Tippoo, who were le- pulsed, in an attempt to storm it, ly a weak garrison under Lieutenant Chalmers. Sniisequenlly it surrm- dered to Cummer ud Deen Kluut, Tippoo's general ; ami the gariiscn, in breach of a cajiitulation, detained prisoners until the general peace ia 1792. Along with the province it came into the final possession of Hie British in 1799. Travelling distance from Madras, 306 miles; from Seringapatam, 122 miles. {F. Bucimitaa, Dirom, l')d- lartoii, Rennel, ^-c.) CoLABBA. — A small island and fortress, belonging to Angria, on :hf Coast of Concan, 20 miles v.sonth from Bombay. Lat. IH . 39'. N. Long. 72°. 53'. E. 30O COLAPOOR. ColairLake. — ^The bed of this lak' is situated live miles to the south of j)lloie, in the Northern Circars, and exiends 47 miles in length from west to east, and 14 in breadth from north to south. From the beginning of the rains in July, until the end of Sep- tcBiber, the whole is overspread with Witer, excepting 60 or 70 small islets, in which the inhabitants re- irnin; hut, dining the rest of the y(*r, the whole is dry and passable, aiil in many places highly cultivated. T\e lake is chiefly formed by the ^^ti-flowings of the Krishna and (io- dfftery; and its waters are conducted into many channels, to irrigate the ciicumjacent territory. {Orrne, J. Gmut, btli Repiift, S\-€.) CoLAiRcoTTA. — A town in the N[>rthern Circars, district of Ellore, 3a miles north from Masulipatam, aid situatrd on the borders of the Colair Lake. Lat. 16°. 38'. M. Long. 81°. 20'. N. CoLANGonu. — A town in the saith-eastern division of the Mala- ba- province. Lat. 10°. 42'. N. liong. 7(i°. 4y'. E. Tins town contains aliove 1000 houses, many of which an? inhabited by Tamul weavers, who imjtort their cotton from Coim- letoor. The environs of this place are very beautiful. The high moun- tiins to the south pour down cas- tades of a prodigious height; and lie corn fields are intermixed w ith l»fty forests and plantations of fruit tiees. The cultivation, however, is hit very poor, and the quantity of rice land small. Here the rain, without (he assistance of art, is able to bring one cup of rice to maturity. {F. Buchanan, b,-c.) CoLAPOOR, {C'alapvr). — -A small irdependent jNlaharatta state, on the s(a coast of the province of Beja- piior, named in the maps Bonsolo. Il is boundeii to the south by the Portuguese territory of Goa ; to the *^tstward and northw ard by the Pesh- wu's dominions; and to the west by \\v sea. The Colapoor Rajah gained a '^reat deal of countiy by usurpa- tion and conquest, diuiug the confu- sion in the INTaharafta Peshwa's do- minions, after the death of Sewai Madhoorow, particularly from his neigiibours the Putwurdun family, although he was only at war with one branch of it, (Appah Saheb's). Among the INlaharattas such usurpa- tions are not thought incompatible with friendship and the relations of peace and amity. The principal sea- ports are Raree and Vingorla. The hatred borne to the Colapoor Rajah by Appah Saheb is of the most implacable nature. ^\ hen his fa- ther, Purserani Ehow, was taken, nmrtally woiuided, he Avas carried j)risoner to the rajah, who ordered the old man (a Brahmin) to be cut to pieces in his presence. This act of atrocity Appah Saheb declared he would never forgive or forget, and that he would most willingly sacri- fice all he had in the « orld, and re- tire to Benares, and pass the rest of his life in oi)scurity, if he could re- venge the death of his father, which it d(ies not appear be ever eflected. Notwithstanding this feud, a cessa- tion of hostilities was eflected by the interposition of the British govern- ment, and particularly by the great weight of Gen.Nyenesley's(the Duke of Wellington) Jiame. In 1804, in consequence of the piracies conunitted by the Rajah of Colapoor's subjects, his ports were blockaded, ami payment demanded of the money due to the Company and to the British merchants at Bombay. During the time of war, the cruizer stationed on the coast Avas never of sullicient strejigtii to light one of the enemy's privateers, on which account, to avoid the dis- gracelul event of her caj)tnre. Gen. AVellcsley reconnnendcd a treaty to be entered into Avitli tlie rajah, whieli, if he afterwards broke, it would af- ford ample ground to the British go- vernment to get rid cll'rotually ot an evil, which in the existing state of its power was not creditable. 'J'he rajah was also in the habit of attack- ing the possessions of our ally, the Pcshwa, ,in the province of Beja- COLAR. ,301 poor, held by the southern Jaghire- dars. At the same period of time Viswas Row Ghaiitky nnd Seijee JRow Ghantky, two of llie most jicrscver- iiiiz; depredators, took rcttige witfi the t'olapoor Rajah, after their banditti had been defeated and dis|U'rsod by Gen. WeHesley. The general, in conscqiienee. in March, IHIH. ad- dressed a letter to tiie rajah, inform- ing him that he was jterfeetly aware of the family connexion between the rajah and those brothers, and that it was not the rnsloin of the British government, nor his own wish, to perpetnate enmities, or deprive those of an asylnni, Avho ^\^•r^' in( lined to live in peace ; tor which reason he did not call on the rajah to f;ive Tip the brothers, as he nii»ht be jnslified in doin^. At the same time he no- tified to the rajah, that, as he had given them an asyhim, the British govennnent would consider him re- sponsible for their cuiidnct ; and that, if th y again asscmlded troops, ■which could only be intended to dis- turb the peace of otlier powers, he (the rajah) w ould be called upon to answer lor the injuries they might do, of which this notification was a friendly warning. He added, " It is time that the nations of India shoidd enjoy some peace ; and you may depend upon it, that the British government will not sutler it to be ■wantonly disturbed with iin])U)iity." This letter, as n)ay be anticipated, had the dcsire