fe465 U5U5 fi/ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP HERMAN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBUOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE For sale by the 1919 Superintendent of Documents Uoverument I'rlutlug UtUce Price, 15 cents '»-- hr h jc n'lF on the last date stamped Helo- ARY, 'I.03 AH'.-c.UES, CAUFo LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMAN H. B. MEYER CHIEF RIBLIOGRAPHER J > J WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 1 ! ** ^ ! L. C. card, 19-26003 • • • . .• • • • • • * • * ... .... ••••• .... .... . . ... ••• •:. .... ... .... •.*. •., .... •••. .... • . .... • • . •••• .•• • *, • .... PREFATORY NOTE A subject of such importance as the Monroe doctrine has naturally given rise to a voluminous literature, and at the first touch it seemed as if a classification v/ere desirable, but this turned out not to be the case. To present the material in a satisfactory classified form in- volved a duplication of entries to an unusual degree, and as the volume of literature was great in itself, a straight alphabetical ar- rangement for books and pamphlets and a chronological arrange- ment for periodical articles was adopted. The more important speeches, etc., which have appeared in the Congressional Record are grouped at the end in alphabetical order of authors. Eeliance is placed on an analytical index to bring out the minuter phases of the subject. The compiler of such a list as the present must withhold himself from breaking through the natural barriers of the subject into closely related topics — in connection with the Monroe doctrine, for example, diplomacy and international law — otherwise he will open the way to a flood of literature which would obscure that definiteness of outline which is desirable even in a bibliography. Such closely related lit- erature may be approached through some of the bibliographies men- tioned on pages 5-6, especially items 4 and 5. Those desiring a comprehensive . treatment of the whole subject will find it in Professor Hart's " The Monroe doctrine ; an interpre- tation " (item 138 of this list). Of hardly less interest, but some- what briefer, is the English book, Reddaway's "The Monroe doc- trine*' (item 239), a scholarl}' work. Mention should also be made of the books by Edgington (103), Hull (151), Latane (172), Mc- Master (187), Mahan (189), and Sherrill (272). Bingham's "The Monroe doctrine, an obsolete shibboleth " (47) is, as its title indi- cates, severely critical and presents objections raised by Latin American countries. Pollock's essay on " The Monroe doctrine " (234) has been reprinted as Senate doc. 7 (58th Con., 1st sess.). Two collections of essays published by the ^Vmerican Academy of Political and Social Science (19 and 20) include some very valuable studies, and Miss Phelps' " Selected articles on the Monroe doctrine" (22G) offers a presentation of significant magazine articles. II. H. B. I^Ieyer Chief BihJ'iographer Appleton p. C. Griffin Acting Librarian of Congress Washington^ D. 6^, Juiw 10, 10 If) LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 Channing, Edward. Guide to the study and reading of Ameri- can history, by Edward Channing, Albert Bushnell Hart, and Frederick Jackson Turner. Eev. and augm. ed. Boston and London^ Ginn and coTnyany^ 1912. xvi, 650 p. Monroe doctrine : H 198, 199, 224, 241. 257, 263, 267. 12-22964 Z1236.C45 1912 2 Gilman, Daniel Coit. James Monroe, by Daniel C, Oilman . . . with a bibliography of writings pertinent to the Monroe doctrine, b}^ John F. Jameson. Boston and Neio York^ Houghton Jlifjiin company [1909. ■'] vi p., 1 I., [xi]-xm, 312 /?., 1 I. 18^^. {American states- men.^ ed. hy J. T. J/orse, p\ \_v. i^] ) First published 1883. Bibliography : p. 260-294. 10-11961 E176,A532, vol.14 3 Hart, Albert Bushnell. Manual of American history, diplo- macy, and government, for class use. Camhridcje., Harvard university, 1908. xvi, ooJf. p. 21^'^"\ See paragraphs 38, 77, 145, 182, 183. ■ 8-15335 E178.2.H307 4 The Monroe doctrine; an interpretation. Boston, Little, Broicn, and company, 1916. xiv p., 1 7., 44-5 p. fold. map. 21''"K ]\Iatprial.s on the Monroe doctrine r p. 405-421. 10-1322 JX1425.H35 5 Kraus, Herbert. Die Monroedoktrin in ihren Beziehungon zur amerikanischen Diplomatic und zum Volkerrecht. Berlin, J. Guttentag, 1913. 480 p. 24'^"\ Literaturverzeichnis : p. 19-36. 13-25349 JX1425.K77 6 The Literature of American history; a bibliographical guide in which the scope, character, and comparative worth of Ijooks in selected lists arc set forth in brief notes by critics of authoi'ity. . . . Ed. for the American library associa- tion by J. N. Larned. 5 6 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS Boston, Pith, for the American library association hy Hough- ton, Mifflin di co., 1902. ix, 596 p., 1 I. 25'^'^. {Ameri- can lihrary association arwiotated lists.) : Literature of American history. Supx)lement for 1900 and 1901 ; eel. by Philip P. Wells. Boston, Piib. for the American lihrary association hy Hough- ton, MiffUn d' CO., 1902. 2 p. l, 37, [i] p. 25''\ {American library association annotated lists.) See index: Monroe doctrine. 2-15SS5-5a/5 Z1236.L32 7 Phelps, Edith M. comp. Selected articles on the Monroe doc- trine. 2d and enl ed. White Plains, N. Y., and New York City, The H. W. Wilson company, 1916. xxxiii, 337 p. 20'^'^. {Debaters' handbook series.) Bibliography: p. [xvii]-xxxiii. 16-8708 JX1425.P48 8 U. S. Lihrary of Congress. Division of hihliograpky. List of references on International American conferences 1826- 1914. Mar. 22, 1917. 18 p. Typewritten. 9 List of references on international arbitra- tion. Comp. under the direction of Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin, chief bibliographer. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908. 151 p. 25'^'''. 8-35008 . Z881.U5 10 Select list of references on Intervention. Feh. 18, 1913. 7 p. Typewritten. 11 Division of manuscripts. Papers of James Mon- roe, listed in chronological order from the original manu- scripts in the Library of Congress. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1904. 114 P- front, {facsim., 12 p.) 27^=^. Intended to complement the alphabetical " Calendar of the correspondence of James Monroe " issued as Bulletin of the Bureau of rolls and library of the Department of state, no. 2, November, 1893. "The list was prepared by Mr. Wilmer Ross Leech, of the Division of manuscripts." 5-1169 Z881.U5 12 Washing-ton {State) University. Lihrary. The ISIonroe doc- trine — a complete bibliography. Seattle, 1915. 15 I. Z6465.U5W3 BOOKS 13 Abranches, Dunshee de. Brazil and the Monroe doctrine. Rio de Janeiro^ Imprensa nacional^ 1915. 72 /?., 1 1. 2P"^. 16-23337 JX1425.A33 14 Adams, Charles Francis. The Monroe doctrine and Momm- sen's law. Boston and New To?'k, Houghton Mlfflm company, IQlIi.. 3 p. I., 42, [2] p. 18'=^. Appears in American Society of international law. Proceed- ings, 1914. V. S : 22-32. With title. The origin of the Mon- roe doctrine. JX27.I45v.8 14^10325 " JX1425.A35 15 Adams, Charles Kendall. The Venezuelan question and the Monroe doctrine, a lecture delivered in response to an in- vitation of the literary societies of the University of Wis- consin, January 10, 1896. Madison, Wis., 1896. 27 p. 21^'^^. A 11-2537 16 Adams, John Quincy, pres. U. S. Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, comprising portions of his diary from 1T95 to 18-48. Ed. by Charles Francis Adams. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott d- co., 1874.-77. 12 v. 25""'. See especially v. G. covering the year 1823. 4-20138 E377.A19 17 Alvarez, Alejandro. American problems in international law. New York, Baker, Voorhis d- co., 1009. iv p.. 1 L, 102 p. Monroe doctrine : p. 39-53. 10-4811 JX1393.L3A6 18 Le droit international americain, son fondement — sa nature d'ai)res I'histoire diplomatique des etats du Xou- veau monde et leur vie politique et economique. Paris, A. Pcdone, 1910. 3 p. L, 830 p. 23"'\ I»()ctiiiie do .Monroe, etc. p. 12i">-184. 10-11953 JX1416.A6 8 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 19 American academy of political and social science, Phila- delphia. Internatioiiiil relations of the United States. Philadelphia, American academy of political and social sci- ence, 1914. vi, 357 p. illus. (map). 25^"^. {Its Annals. vol.Liv. [whole no. 14-->}) Contexts : Pt. i. Present status of the Monroe doctrine : A Pan- American policy : tlie Monroe doctrine modernized, by J. Barrett. A study of Iberic-America, by F. E. Chadwick. The present status of the Monroe doctrine, by C. N. Chester. The Monroe doctrine and its application to Haiti, by W. A. MacCorkle. The Latin view of the Monroe doctrine, by L. Grahame. The South American view as to the Monroe doctrine, by P. Hibben. The Monroe doctrine and Latin America, by J. AYheless. The effects of the Panama canal on our relations with Latin America, by J. H. Latane. The Monroe doctrine and the Canning myth, by C. H. Sherrill. The attitude of Europe toward the Monroe doctrine, by A. INI. Low. What European countries think of the Monroe doctrine, by H. Kraus. The meaning of the Monroe doctrine, ' by C. M. Pepper. The Monroe doctrine : a solution of its problem, by P. M. Brown. The Monroe doctrine and the foreign policy of the United States in the Western hemis- phere, by J. J. Slechta. The Monroe doctrine, by A. Loria. The Monroe doctrine, hy A. Pillet. 14-14195 H1.A4 vol.54 JX1407.A5 20 The United States and Latin America. Philadelphia. : American academy of political and social science, 1903. 244 V- ^^""'' {^ts Annals, vol. 22, no. 1. July, 1903.) Hl.A4,v.22 Cox'TENTS : The position of the United States on the American continent, Francis B. Loomis; Ethnic factors in South America, Talcott Williams ; The application of the principle of international arbitration on the American continents, John Bassett Moore; Latin America and the ^lexican conference, William I. Buchanan ; The position of Peru in South-Ameri- can affairs, Manuel Alvarez Calderon ; Some of the causes of conflict betvi-een Europe and Latin America, George Winfield Scott ; Private and international law in the enforcement of claims, Clifford Stevens Walton ; Notes on the Danish West Indies, Albert G. Keller ; The treaty relations of the United States and Colombia, John H. Latane ; Reciprocity with Cuba, H. Parker Willis ; Causes of our failure to develop South American trade, Frederic Emory ; European trade relations with South America, Wilfred H. Schoff; Argentine com- merce with the United States and Europe, Ernesto Nelson; Conditions alTecting sugar-beet culture in the United States, Henry C. Taylor ; Proceedings of the annual meeting. 21 The United States as a Avorld power. Special annual meeting number. LIST OF EEFERENCES OX THE MONROE DOCTRINE 9 Philadelphia, American academy of political and socicd sci- ence, 1903. t'ii, 179 p. 2G'"'\ {T he annals of the Ameri- can academy of political and social science, vol. xxvi, no. 1.) Contexts. — pt. 1. The position of the United States among the nations [by] S. Low. — pt. 2. Attitude of the United States toward otlier American powers [by] F. B. Loomis. Responsi- bilities of international leadership [by] E. R. Jolmson. Europe and the United States in the AVest Indies [by] T. Williams. The situation in Santo Dominco [by] H. J. Han- cock. Conditions in Porto Rico [by] T. Larrinaga. — pt. 3. The settlement of political affairs in the Far East [by] J. H. Wilson. Japan's position in the Far East [by] Baron K. Kaneko. American commercial interests in the Far East [by] J. H. Hammond. The internal situation in Russia [by] C. E. Smith. — pt. 4. The important elements in modern land conflicts [by] T. H. Bliss. The important elements in naval conflicts [by] G. W. Melville. The extent to which the navy of the United States should be increased [by] F. Rodgers. The training of the efficient soldier [by] W. W. "Wotherspoon. The needs of the navy [by] W. H. Beehler. — pt. 5. Proceedings of the annual meeting. 5-33926 Hl.A4,v.26 22 American society of international law. [The Monroe doc- trine] Washington, D. C, B. S. Adams, printer, 1914- 1 P- l-, X, 375 p. 27'^"^. {Proceedings, 8th annvM.1 meeting, ^Vash- ington, D. C. 1914) Contents. — The real IMonroe doctrine, Elihu Root ; The origin of the Monroe doctrine, Charles Francis Adams; State- ments, interpretations, and applications of the Monroe doc- trine and moi-e or less allied doctrines — From 1823-1845, William R. ^Manning; from 184.5-1870, James Morton Calla- han ; from 1870 to the present day, John H. Latane ; Mis- conceptions and limitations of the Monroe doctrine, John W. Foster and Leo S. Rowe ; The ^lonroe doctrine — a gos- pel of peace. Eugene Wamlmugh; The :\Ionroe doctrine — Katloiial or iiiteniational? William I. Hull; What countries benefit by the Monroe doctrine? Joseph Wheless ; The Latin American attitude toward the Monroe doctrine. Hiram r.iiigham : The European attitude toward the Moiyoe doc- trine, Charlemagne Towi-r; Shall the ]\Ionroe doctrine c./ />. fronts, {ports.) 17"'^. Til"' :\Ionroe doctrine, by James Monroe: p. 9-39. Il-2(i455 E173.A78 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 24 Andrews, Byron. President Monroe and his doctrine. A his- tory. [Washington, D. C, 18951 32 p. Ulus. {incl. port, rnap) 23V"'. (The national tribune library, v. 1 no. 6) 10-16S52 JX1425.A6 25 Andrews, Elisha Benjamin. The United States in our own time ; a history from reconstruction to expansion ; being an extention of " The history of the last quarter century." New Yorh, C. /Scrlbner^s son^, 1903. xxxviii p., 1 I., 961 p. incl. front., Ulus., plates, ports, map, facsim. SltP"^. See index, Monroe doctrine. 3-28608/2 E661.A57 26 Angell, James Burrill. Selected addresses. New York, Longmans, Green, and co., 1912. vii, 285 p. 20V"K The European concert and the ilonroe doctrine: p. 237-255. 12-12911 LA228.A7 27 Anglo-American league of Great Britain. The Monroe doc- trine, by Sir Frederick Pollock, bart. London. Ofices of the League [1902?'] U p. 18<^^. 4-19104 JX1425.P72 28 Antagonisme & solidarite des etats orientaux et des etats occi- dentaux de I'Amerique du Sud. Paris, Dentu, 1866. lix, [61]-203 p. 22^^"^. " La doctrine de IMonroe ne convient pas k I'Amerique du Sud :" p. 152-157. 11-10863 F2236.A62 29 Antokoletz, Daniel. La doctrine de Monroe et I'Amerique latine. Paris, E. Larose, 1905. ^ p. I., Hi, 208 p. 25^'^"'. " Bibliographie " : p. [i]-iii. 6-2328 JX1425.A65 30 Arguments in favor of the enforcement of the ]\Ionroe doctrine, contained in his annual message, in 1823 : and its appli- cation to our relations with our sister republic of Mexico, in 1864. New-Orleans, Printed at the Era booh and joh office, 1861^. 15 p. 22'='^. Articles by L. H. Everitt, S. G. Hamilton and G. W. Reynolds, " dedicated to Colonel Francisco N. de Bordon, president of the D.-. M.-. D.'.. and composed as price essays, defending the Monroe doctrine." 17-24777 F1233.A69 LIST OF EEFEEENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 11 31 [Arnold, "William Thomas] German ambitions as they affect Britain and the United States of America, reprinted, "with additions and notes, from the Spectator, by ' Vigilans sed seqiius.' Neio TorJc, G. P. Putnatn's sons, 1903. xxii, 132 f. 19"'^. {Questions of the day? [no. 1001) :\Ionroe doctrine : p. 32, 35, 41-43. 3-1S303 DD119.A7 32 [Justin, Henry] The Monroe doctrine np to date ; with a life of President Monroe. From the press of the Illustrated American. \New York^ L. Sjyencer^ '^1896. 32 p. iJlus. {port.y inap) \ 17<"^. 16-8799 JX1425.A85 33 Baldwin, Simeon Eben. Modern political institutions. Boston, Little, Broivn and company, 1898. 4- P- ^-j ^^'^ P- The Monroe doctrine in 1898 : p. 359-367. C-216/5 JK246.B18 34 Barney, Samuel Stebbins. The ISIonroe doctrine. (//t Minnesota- hat' association. Proceedings, 1901-03. [Minneapolis, 1903.1 -■3""- V- 4^-58.) 35 Barral de Montferrat, [Horace Dominique de] marquis. De Monroe a Roosevelt, 1823-1905. Avcc un preface de M. le comte d'Haussonville. Paris, Plon-Xourrit et cie., 1906. 2 p. I., xv, 356 p., 2 I. 19^"*. 5-34710 JX1425.B2 36 Barrett, John. Address on Pan Americanism and the Monroe doctrine . . . delivered at a banquet of the Illinois state bar association at Hotel La Salle, Chicago, February nine- teenth, nineteen hundred sixteen. [C'hicago ? 19101 ■^- P- ^'H'*^- 16-17042 F1418.B26 37 The Pan American union: peace, friendship, commerce. Washinf/ton, D. C. \Pa)i American- imionl lf)}l. 263, [/] /). incl. col. front., illus., plates. 22'^"K 11-9519 F1403.B27 38 Beard, Charles Austin. Ainciicni) fiovernment and i)()litics. New and rev. ed. Neic York, The Macmillan. company, 191 If. x />., 1 /., 788 p. See Indf'X — Monroe doctrine. 14-2227 JK271.B5 1914 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 39 Beard, Charles Austin. Contemporary American history, 1877-1913. New Yorl\ The MacmiTlan company, lOlJf. vii, 397 p. See p. 199 et seq., 2G2, 2S0. 14-3118 E661.B36 40 Beauniarchais, Maurice Paul Jean Delariie de. La doctrine de Monroe. L*e volution de la politique des Etats-Unis au xix^ siecle. 2. ed., rev. et augm. Pans, Z. Larose, 1898. 2 j). l',-n, 234 P- ^^^'". 10-16793 JX1425.B3 41 Becu, Carlos Alfredo. El "A. B. C." y su concepto politico y juridico, Buenos Aires, Libreria " La Facultad " de J. BoJddn, 1915. 89 p. 20l'^^\ 16-10950 JX1530.B4 42 Benton, Thomas Hart. Speech of Mr. Benton, of Missouri, deliA'ered in the Senate of the United States, (in secret session) on the mission to Panama. March 13, 1826. Washington, Printed at the Columbian star office. 1826. Jf7 p. 21¥'^. 9-32143 F1412.B47 43 Berenger, Fernando. El hispano-americanismo estudio desde el punto de vista del derecho internacional y el problema territorial de America. Eahana, Imprenta '" El Siglo XX T 1918. 221 p. 44 Bidau, Eduardo L. Las doctrinas de Monroe y Drago; con- ferencia inaugural del curso de derecho internacional publico, dada en la Facultad de derecho y ciencias sociales el 16 cle abrii. Buenos Aires, Innpr. '■^ Did of'' de F. Lajouane d; c.". 1906. lop. 27<^^. " De la Revista de la Universidacl de Buenos Aires, 1906, tomo v." 9-23341 JX1425.B6 45 Big-elow, John. American polic}*; the "Western hemisphere in its relation to the Eastern. New York, 0. Scrihners sons, 191Jf. vi p., 2 I., 3-184 V' fold, map, tables. 191"'". Bibliography : p. 170-175. Reviewed in the Nation, June 2S, 1015, v. 100 : 114-115. Mississippi valley historical review, Dec, 1914., v. 1 : 445-457. 14-8235 JX1407.B5 LIST OF EEFEREXCES OX THE :M0NR0E DOCTRINE 13 40 Bingham, Hiram. Latin America and the Monroe doctrine. l^New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse d; Taylor, 191J^.'] 1 y. I., p. 657-672. ^4^"". " Reprinted from the Yale review, July. 1914.'* American .society of intermitional law. Proceedings, 1914, V. 8 : 180-196. 15-1409 JX1425.B65 47 The ^Monroe doctrine, an obsolete shibboleth. New Haven, Yale university press, 1913. vii, [i] p., 2 I., 3-153, [i] p. 19'^"K Reviewed in Yale review, Jan. 1914, n. s, v. 3 : 412-418. American journal of international law, Oct., 1914, v. 8 : 944— 946. 13-20757 JX1425.Be6 48 Should Ave abandon the ]Monroe doctrine ? \JtVorcester, Mass., Clark university, 1914.1 />. 334-358. 23<'"K " Reprinted from tlie Journal of race development, vol. 4, no. 3, January, 1914." 14-G279 JX1425.E88 49 Blair, Montgom.ery. The Monroe doctrine. Speech at Hagers- town, 12 July, 1865, exposing the alliance of the American secretary of state with Louis Napoleon to overthrow the Monroe doctrine and establish a despotism on this conti- nent. 9 p. 22V^'. {Miscellaneous pamphlets, v. 450) AC901.M5,v.450 50 Blakeslee, George Hubbard. Our relations with South Amer- ica and how to improve them. A^ew York city, American association for internatioTW.l con- ciliation, 1914- 12 p. 19V'"- {Internatiorud conciliation, pul). monthly l>y the American association for interna- tional conciliation . . . no. 76) 14-11071 JX1907.A8 no.76 51 ed. Latin America. New York., G. E. Stechert and company, 1914. ceii, 388 p. 24-""^. {Clark university addresses, November 1913) Parti.vl roNTKNTS. — The present-day phase of the Monroe doc- trini', hy F. E. Ch;ulwick. — The Monroe (locrrine from a South American viewpoint, hy C. II. Sheirill. — Should we ahandon the Monroe doctrine? hy H. Binsham. — The Monroe doctrine, liy fl. F. Tucker. — Tlie modern meanin;; of the Monroe doctrine. ])y J. M. rnllahan. — Tiie ^h)nroe doctrine, hy A. li. HiU-t. — The relations of tlie United Slates with tlie Latin-American repuhlics, hy L, Grahame. 15-5097 F1401.B63 14 LIBKi^Y OF COXGEESS 52 Bonfils, Henry Joseph Frangois Xavier. Manuel de droit international public (droit dcs gens). . . 7. ed., rev. et inise au courant. Paris, Rousseau et c\ 19U. viii, 1209, [i] p. 23"'". Doctrine de Monroe : 11300 : p. 188-193 ; T1287 : p. 908. 15-6791 JX2608.M2 1914 63 Bonilla, Policarpo. Wilson doctrine ; how the speech of Presi- dent "Wilson at Mobile, Ala., has been interpreted by the Latin- American countries. New York, 1914. ^2 p. 23<"". " Extract of the speech " [delivered on October 26th, 1913] : p. [l]-2. 14-9427 F1418.B7 54 Borland, William P. The Monroe doctrine as a factor in inter- national peace. Lake 3Ioho7ik conference in internationrd ar^hitration, 22d annual report. 1916, p. 181-187. JX1932.L3,v.22 Same in Congressional record, see no. 921 in this list. 55 Boutwell, George Sewall. The Venezuelan question and the Monroe doctrine. Washington, D. C.y Gibson hros., printers, 1896. 16 p. 23^'^'^. From the Boston herald of February 2, 1896. 9-34110 JX1425.B75 56 Boynton, Charles Brandon. English and French neutrality and the Anglo-French alliance, in their relations to the United States & Russia . . . Cincinnati, Chicago, C. F. Vent & co., 1864. 576 p. 23'^"'. Monroe doctrine : p. 556-569. 12-6970 E183.7.B79 57 Brazil. Monroe doctrine and diplomatic claims of European powers — Press comments on note of Argentine govern- ment to the government of the United States. (In U. S. Dcpt of state. Papers relating to the foreign rela- tions of the United States, 1903. Washington, 1904. 23*"". p. 24-27.) JX233.A3 1903 58 Bryce, James Bryce, 1st viscount. South America ; observations and impressions. New York, The Ma^millan company, 1912. xxiv p., 1 J., 611 p. maps. 22 <''". Monroe doctrine : p. 508-510. Extracts from this in the Literary digest. Oct. 19, 1912. v. 45: 661-662. with title, Mr. Bryce on North and South American coolness. 12-22020 F2223.B91 LIST OF EEFERENCES OX THE MONROE DOCTRINE 15 59 Buchanan, James, ^;?'es. TJ . S. The works of James Buchanan, comprising his speeches, state j^apers, and private corre- spondence; collected and ed. by John Bassett Moore. Philadelphia tf' London, J. B. Lipjyincott company, 1908-11. The origin, history, and nature of "The Monroe doctrine": v. 12: p. 252-261. See also Index, v. 12: p. 421. 8-12119 E337.8.B9 60 Bullard, Arthur. The diplomacy of the great war. New York, The MacmiUan company^ 1916. xii ;^., ^ Z., 3-31^^. J). IQ^"". See index : Monroe doctrine. 16-2575 D511.B75 61 Burgess, John William. The middle period, 1817-1858. Xew Torii, C. Scy^lbner's sons, 1897. xvi, oJfJf. p. maps, igcm^ {TlxQ American history series, [r. 4]-) See p. 125-126, 128. 2-1834/4 E78.A51 vol.4 E338.B95 Q-1 Butler, Charles Henry. The treaty making power of the United States. New York, The Banks law pub. co., 1902. 2 v. 2J^''\ See index : ^Monroe doctrine. 2-7104 JK570.B85 G3 C , M. Protesta contra la razon y la ciencia de Europa, asi como contra su civilizacion y snprema intelijencia de raza, . . . conquista de Mejico por los Francesses: invasion de Santo Domingo . . , bombardeo de Valparaiso y el Cal- lao; las atrocidades perpetradas en la revolucion de, Cuba . . . y publicada al presente con lijeras modifica- cioncs por la recrudencia del esph'itu de conquista en Europa como en America . . . Por M. C, ciudadano americano. Sucre, Tip. de la Lihertad, 1885. 71 p. 21V'". Advance sheet.s of a larger work proposed to be published. G-3212G F1411.C 04 Calderon, Ignacio. The Pan-American doctrine. Lak( Moho)ik conference on international arbitration^ 22d annual report, 1916, p. 177-187. jx1932.l3,v.22 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 65 Callahan, James Morton. American relations in the Pacific and the Far East, 1784-1900. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1901. 177 p. 24^'^'^. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and po- litical science, series xix, no. IS.) See p. 35, 52, 90, 110, 138, 146. DS518.8.C3 Mar. 21, 1901-19 H31.J6,v.l9,l-3 66 Cuba and international relations; a historical study in American diplomacy. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1899. 503 p. ^Jfl""^. {Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and politi- cal science. {Extra volume.) See index — Monroe doctrine. Sept. 14. 99-23. H31.J6,v.21 67 Calvo, Carlos. Le droit international theorique et pratique; precede d'un exj^ose historique des progres de la science clu droit des gens. 5 ed., rev. et complete par un supple- ment. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1896. 6 v. 25''"'. Doctrine de Monroe, v. 1, p. 2S5-300. 10-15585 JX2984.D5 1896 68 Canning, George. George Canning and his friends; contain- ing hitherto unpublished letters, jeux d'esprit, etc. Ed. by Captain Josceline Bagot. London, J. Murray, 1909. 2 v. pi., 8 port. {incl. fronts.) Contains " not only letters written by himself, but also letters written to him, and the correspondence of his friends with one another." — Pref., p. vi. Monroe doctrine : v. 2, p. 206-210, 232n., 274. 9-145S5 DA522.C3A18 69 Some official correspondence of George Canning [1821- 1827] ; ed., with notes, by Edward J. Stapleton. London, Longmans, Green, and co., 1887. 2 v. 22^"^, Monroe doctrine: v. 2, p. 85-87. 5-638 DA522.C2A2 70 Capella y Pons, F. Monroisme? Notes — etudes sur la politique continentale americaine a Tegard de I'Europe. Paris, E. Larose, 1913. 191 p. 19<="\ Contents. — Avenement de la doctrine dite de Monroe. — Port§e des declarations contenues dans le message presidentiel de 1823. — Tentative falte en 1895 pour obtenir la deviation de la doctrine. — Revendication des vrais principes. — Quelques antecedents sur la question cubaine. — Liberation de I'ile de LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 17 Cuba. — Le Canal interoceaniqiie. — La possession du canal. — L'Union pauamericaine. — Le Canada, les Guyanes et le pan- americanisme. — Continentalisme americain. — La doctrine de I'avenir. 13-17078 JX1425.C27 71 Carnegie endowment for international peace. Year book. Washington, 1917-1918. 26'"\ Collection of authoritative statements regarding the Monroe doctrine : 1917 : p. 128-129 ; 1918 : p. 129. JX1906.A4 72 Carroll, Benajah H. Die Annexion von Texas; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Monroe-doktrin. IBet'lin, Universitdts-huchdruckerei von G. Schade, 1904-] 63, [1] p. 23'^"'. Hauptquellen : p. 62-63. 4-35446 r390.C31 73 Caylus, Ernest. Politique exterieure des Etats-Unis. Doctrine Monroe. Paris, E. Dentu, 1865. 31 f. 25'='^. 11-19870 JX1425.C3 74 Cespedes, Jose Maria. La doctrina de Monroe. Hahana, Imprenta la Moderna de A. Miranda y comp., 1893. 3 p. I, [iii-vi], [5]-511, V. p., 1 I. 221^^^. 10-16850 JX1425.C4 75 Chadwick, French Ensor. The relations of the United States and Spain, diplomacy. New York, C. ScHhner's sons, 1909. ix, 610 p. 23^"^. See p. 198 (note), 200-202, 204, 384. 9-31968 E183.7.C43 76 Chandler, Charles Lyon. Inter-American acquaintances. 2d ed, extended. Sewanee, Tenn., The Univesity press, 1917. vi p., 1 L, 187 p. The Pan-Americanism of Henry Clay: p. 149-160; The Pan- American origin of the Monroe doctrine : p. 161-169. 18-7628 F 141 8. 046 77 Charmant, A. Haiti vivra-t-elle? fitudc sur le prejugo des races: race noire, race jaune, race blai;che et sur la doc- trine de Monroi'. 2. od. Havre, Impr. et lithoyrapkie F . Le Roy, 1905. 1 v. illus. 23cm^ 9-:i0:i46 F1921.C48 114669°— 19 2 18 LIBRARY OF .CONGRESS 78 Chetwood, John, jr. Manila, or Monroe doctrine? New Yoik, R. L. Weed co. [iort.) 11 maps. 23'='^. See index : Monroe doctrine. 4-9147 E713.C72 83 Congress von Panama. (In Atlantis Joui'nal des neusten and wissenswiirdigesten aus dem Gebiete der Politik, . . . der nord und siidamerikani- schen Reiche, v. 2, p. 3-370. Leipzig, 1826. 8°.) Contexts — I. Geheime Verhundlungen des Senates fiber die Zweckmassigkeit der Vertretung der Vereinigten Staaten auf dem Congress von Panama. II. Botschaft des Prasi- denten der Vereiningten Staaten an den Senat, und das , Haus der Reprasentanten. III. Documente, Staatspapiere und diplomatischer Notenwechsel. Ell.A88,v.2 84 Coolidge, Archibald Cary. The United States as a world power. New York, The MacmiUan company, 1908. viii, 385 p. 2P^. Monroe doctrine: p. 95-120. &-19878 E713.C76 LIST OF REFERENCES OX THE MONROE DOCTRINE 19 85 [Cortes Valdivieso, Jos6.] Xovisimo catecismo politico-joco- serio cle la doctrina de Monroe, escrito expresamente para los niiios gi'andes de las Americas latinas, por el Hon. J. Setroc P. Gote; editado por F. Gomez ... 1. ed. Mexico, Impr. " La EspanoU;' 1897. 2 p. I, [.5]-i47 p. W'-'". CA 10-4301 JX1425.C8 8G Croly, Herbert David. The promise of American life. Xew Yorli, The Macmillan company^ 1911. v'li'i p., 1 ?., Jt68 p. 20^'='". See index, Monroe doctrine. 13-19733 HN64.C89 1911 87 Crichfield, George Washington. American supremacy-; the rise and progress of the Latin American republics and their relations to the United States under the Monroe doc- trine. New York, Brentano's, 1908. 2 v. ^4<"". 8-36697 F 1408. 092 88 Curtis, William Eleroy. The United States and foreign powers. New York, C. Scnhner's sons, 1899. vi, 9-3U p. 18^"". The Monroe doctrine: p. 93-106. 99-2514 JX1407.C9 1899 89 Daly, Charles Patrick. Is the Monroe doctrine involved in the controversy between Venezuela and Great Britain? [New York? 1896] 18 p. 2JiP^. " Reprinted from the X. Y. Herald of J.-ni. 10, 1896."" 10-30508 JX1425.D3 90 Dana, Richard Henry. RichardHenry Dana, jr. . . . speeches in stirring times and letters to a son, ed., with introduc- tory sketch and notes by Richard H. Dana (3d). Boston and New York, Ilouglitmi Mifflin company, 1910. vi p., 1 I., o20 p., 1 I. iUus. {map) 5 port. {hid. front.) 221'"'. The Monroe doctriiio: p. 205-344. 10-30720 E415.7.D16 91 Daniel, John Warwick. Speeches and orations of John War- wick Daniel, comp. by his son, Edward M. Daniel. Lynchhur(/, J. P. Bell company, inc., printers, 1911. 2 p. 1,9-787 p. front, (port.) 25"". Monroe doctrine: p. 591-635. 11-31544 E661.D18 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 92 [Darneille, Benjamin Johnson] A review of the Monroe doc- trine, and the American theory of the Panama canal, by Grotius [pseud.l Washington, H. A. Gills, 1882. 19 p. 22^'='^. &-17904 TC774.D22 93 Davis, George Breckenridge. The elements of international law, with an account of its origin, sources, and historical development. 3d ed., rev. to date. N'eio York and London, Harper <& IrotJisrs, 1908. xxx, 673 p. 2P^. Monroe doctrine: p. 110-115. 8-23585 JX2458.E3 1908 94 Dembski, V. Europe and the new sea law; a manual of inter- national politics and maritime law. London, Slmpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent. (& co., Id. [1912] xix, 20^ p. 19^<=^. Introductory note: A short history of the Monroe doctrine. 13-10820 JX5221.D4 95 Dewey, Davis Rich. National problems, 1885-1897. N'ew York and London, Harper & Irothers, 1907. xiv, 360 p. 6 double maps. 21 ^'^"'. (The American nation: a history . . . ed. ly A. B. Hart . . . v. 24) See p. 304-309, 343. 7-33614 E178.A54, vol.24 96 Dole, Charles Fletcher. The right and wrong of the Monroe doctrine. [Bostonf 1905] 7 p. 24^"". Reprinted from the Atlantic monthly for April, 1905. Eeprinted as World peace foundation, Boston. Pamphlet se- ries, Apr. 1912, V. 2, no. 5, 12 p. 10-16809 JX1908.U5, v.2,no.5,pt.5 JX1425.D7 97 Drago, Luis Maria. Argentine Republic. " Monroe Doctrine " and diplomatic claims of European powers. (In U. S. Dept. of state. Papers relating to the foreign rela- tions of the United States, 1903. Washington, 1904. 23^". p. 1-13.) Letter of Drago, followed by a memorandum from John Hay, and a message from the President of the Argentine Repub- lic. JX233.A3 1903 98 La doctrine de Monroe. Une note diplomatique du gouvernement Argentin. Consultations et avis. Revue de droit international et de legislation coin- paree, v. 35: 597-623. JX3.ii4,v.35 Gives the Drago letter, with the opinion of students of inter- national law upon the doctrine advanced by Drago. 1 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 21 99 Drag-o Luis Maria. La Repiiblica Argentina y el caso de Venezuela : dociimentos, jiiicos y comentarios relacionados con la nota pasada al ministro argentino en "Washington. Buenos Aires^ Conl hernianos^ 1903. xxx^^ 32G /?., 1 I. '2G^/"\ 4-5274 F2325.D75 100 Driault, Edouard. Les problemes politiques et sociaux a la fin du xix® siecle. Paris, F. Alcan, 1900. 2 p. 7., 3SS p. 22^'"". {BiWiotheque d'histoire contemporaine) La doctrine de Monroe : p. 227-235. 1_F_7(;7 D363.D8 101 Dumas, Jacques. Les sanctions de Tarbitrage international. Paris, A. Pedone, 1905. xv, 432 p. 23'="'. " De la sanction politique dans les essais de federation pan- amerieane.-' p. 3S3-393. 6-2327 JX1938.D4 102 Dunning, John Corliss. Die neuesten Anwendungen der Monroedoktrin. Boma-Leipsig, BucMr. R. Noske, 1908. vii, 66 p., 1 I. 23""". " Literaturverzeichnis " : p. iii-vii. 9-18853 JX1425.D9 103 Edgington, Thomas Benton. The Monroe doctrine. Boston, Little, Brown, ami company, 1905. viii, 344 p- front, (port.) 23''"'. Reviewed in the Nation Nov. 10, 1904, v. 79 : 383. 5-1.1732 JX1425.E2 1905 104 [Einstein, Lewis David.] American foreign policy, by a dip- lomatist. Boston and Xew Yorl\ Ilovghton Mi-fflin fompavy, 1909. vii p., 1 J., 192 p.. 1 1. 20''"K The recncrnirKin of the ]\Ionroe doctrine: p. .5G-7G. 9-29.540 E183.7.E35 105 Elmore, Alberto A. Ensayo sobre la doctrina de la interven- cioii iiilernacional. Lima. Impr. de '7i7 Comercio,'' 1S9G. 1 p. L, 52 />.. / /. 20}r\ " Dortrlna-Monroe": p. 42rA0. 1(1-11357 JX4481.E4 22 LIBRARY OF COISTGRESS 106 Essays in American history dedicated to Frederick Jackson Turner. New York, H. Holt and company, 1910. vii, 293 p. 22'="'. Edited by Giiy KStanton Ford. Robertson, W. S. The beginnings of Spanish-American dip- lomacy : p. 231-2G7. 11-620 E173.E78 107 [Everett, Alexander Hill.] America: or, A general survey of the political situation of the several powers of the TTestern continent, with conjectures on their future pros- pects. By a citizen of the United States. Philadelphia, N. C. Carey d- 1. Lea, 1827. 2 p. I., [P] 36 1^ p. See p. 226-297. S-3S43 E18.E93 108 Everett, Edward. The Monroe doctrine. PajDer by Edward Everett. Letter of John Quincy Adams. Extract from speech of Geo. Canning. New York, IF. C. Bryant c£> co., printers, 1863. 17 p. 21 1""". (Loyal puhlication society. [PajjiphJets'] no. 34.) 12-26614 E458.L92 vol.1 109 Eirmin, Antenor. M. Eoosevelt, president des Etats-Unis et la Eepublique d'Haiti. A^ew York, Hamilton hank note engraving and p7^nting com- pany; Paris, F. Pichon et Durand-Auzias, 1905. x, 501, 1 p. front, (port.) 19""'. 6-26 F1921.E52 110 Eish, Carl Russell. American diplomacy. 2d ed., rev. Neiv York, H. Holt and company, 1916. xi, 51^1 p. 21 ^'^''K (American historical series. General edito^\' C. H. Has- kin.s) The Monroe doctrine : p. 203-219 ; The Civil war and the Mon- roe doctrine : p. 324-385 ; Blaine. Olney, and the Monroe doc- trine: p. 384-395. 17-10703 JX1407.F5 1916 111 Fleischmann, Max. Yolkerrechtsquellen in Auswahl. Halle a. S., Vej'lag der Buchhandlung des W aisenhauses. 1905. xii, 380 p. 23^,'^"\ " Botschaft des Prasidenten Monroe vom 2, Dezember 1823 : " p. 27-29. 6-10467 JX77.F5 LIST OF REFEREK"CES ON THE MONEOE DOCTRINE 23 112 Flockher, Adolph. von. De rintervention en droit interna- tional. Paris, A. Pedane, 1896. 2 p. I., 70, {2^ p- ^^''"*- See p. 61-65. 9-S132 JX4481.F6 113 Ford, Worthington Chauncey. John Qiiincv Adams and the Monroe doctrine, [i-n]. {New York? 190-2] 676S96, 28^2 p. 27'"\ Reprinted from the American historical review, vol. vii, no. 4, July, 1902, and vol. vrii, no. 1, October, 1902. 7-11498 JX1425.F7 114 John Quincy Adams, his connection with the INIonroe doctrine (1823). . . Cambridge, J. WiIso7i and son, 1902. 113 p. 25 x ^"K " Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts histori- cal societj', for January, 1902." 2-16883 E377.F71 115 Some original documents on the genesis of the Monroe doctrine. Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings. 1901-02, 2d ser. V. 15: 373-^36. F6i.M38,v.i5 116 Foster, Jolm Watson. A century of American diplomacy; being a brief review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1776-1876. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1001. xiii p. 1 l, Jt97, [i] p. 22i'^»K See index, Monroe doctrine. E183.7.F75 11-325.37 JX1407.F7 1901 117 Frers, Emilio. American ideals. Speeches of the president of the " Museo social argentino '' Dr. Emilio Frers and of Col. Theodore Roosevelt at the banquet given in the Colon theatre, Buenos Aires, November 12, 1913. Burnos Aires [Est. graft co Ocranrt] 1914. 3-^ V- 18V"'. 14-15210 F1418.F88 118 Fried, Alfred Hermann. Pan-Amerika; EntAvickelung, Urn- fang und Bedeutung der pan-amerikanischen Bewegung. (1810-11)10.) Berlin, Maritiirui V erlagsgesellschaft m. h. h., 1910. 1 j>. L, XX, 300, [//] 2Uj^. " Literatur-angaben " : p. vi-ix. See Inhult; al.so Nameu-Reulster, Monroe. 10-14890 F1413.F89 24 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 119 Fullerton, William Morton. Problems of power. New and rev. ed. Nexo York, C. Serlhner^s sons, 1915. xxiv, 390, [i] p. 23""^. See p. 11-^3, 300-315. A 15-497 D397.r8 1915 120 Furcy-Chatelain. Le i^an-americanisme et I'equilibre amerl- cain. Saint- Aniand {Cher), Impr. Bussiere freres, 1897. 2 p. I., iv., [5']-3£3 p. 22'^^\ " Bibliographie '■ : p. [819]-820. La doctrine tie Monroe, p. 118-122. Les consequences de la doctrine de Monroe, p. 123-126. 15-17573 ri418.F98 121 Gammell, William. William Gammell, ll. d.; a biographi- cal sketch, with selections from his writings, ed. by James O. Murray. Cambridge [J/«6'S.] Printed at the Riverside press, 1890. 3 p. l, 392 p. front, {port.) 22""", The Monroe doctrine, p. 178-198. 10-27270 E173.G19 122 Garcia Merou, Martin. Historia de la diplomacia americana. Politica internacional de los Estados Unidos. Buenos Aires, F. La'jouane y c", 1904. ^ "v. 24'^'^. " La diplomacia americana durante la administracion de Mon- roe : " V. 1, p. 244-329. 5-34521 JX1407.G2 123 Garland, Alejandro. La neuva politica internacional sud- americana. Lima, Impr. La Industria, 1903. 28 p. 25^""^. "Articulos publicados en ' El Comercio.' " 18-3924 r2236.G23 124 Gerard, Louis. Le canal interoceanique. (In his: Des cessions deguisees de territoires en droit interna- tional public. Paris, 1904, p. 301-311.) JX4098.G5 125 Gibbons, Herbert Adams. The reconstruction of Poland and the Near East; problems of peace. Neto York, The Century co., 1917. x, 218 p. 18^^^. The Monroe doctrine for the world : p. 203-218. 17-21742 D445.G5 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 25 126 Gilman, Daniel Coit. James Monroe. Boston and New YorJt^ Houghton Mi-fflin company [1909 f] vi p., 1 7., [xi'\-a'{ii, 312 /?., 1 I. 1S'^"\ {American states- men^ ed. hy J . T. Morse, jr. [f. IJf] ) First published 1883. Bibliograpliy : p. 260-294. 10-11061 E176.A532 vol. 14 127 Gonzalez Arrili, B. RooseA^elt, America para los yanquis. Buenos Aires, 1913. 5Jf p. 19<'''\ 14-22873 F1418.G64 128 Gt. Brit. Foreign o-fjice. Venezuela. No. 1 (1903). Corre- spondence respecting the affairs of Venezuela. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. February, 1903. London, 1903. ccv, [1],£2S p. 33"'\ (Parliament. Reports and papers, 1903, v. 87. Cd. 1399.) J301.K6,1903,v.87 129 Gutierrez, Alberto. Notas e impresiones de los Estados Unidos. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Cervantes, 190 Jf.. 3 p. I., 401}. p. 26'^^K La doctrina Monroe : p. 337-388. 9-7815 E168.G98 130 Hale, Albert Barlow. The South Americans ; the story of the South American republics, their characteristics, progi-ess, and tendencies ; with special reference to their commercial relations with the United States. Indianapolis. The Bohhs-Merrill company [^1907'\ 8 p. I., 361 p. front., pjlates, maps. 23<"^. Chapter xx. The IMonroe doctrine : p. 324-352. 7-36231 F2208.H16 131 Hamilton, James Cleland. The Monroe doctrine; its British origin antl American development. [Toronto, 19031^] [6] p. 26''^. Issued also in the Canadian 5aw review, v. 2, no. 6. ]\Iaroh 1903. p. 338-343. 10-16808 JX1425.H18 132 [Hamilton, Stanislaus Murray.] The genesis of the mes- sage of 1823; contemporaneous correspondence on its re- ception and effects. (In Monroe, .I;inies. Writings . . . edited by S. M. Hamil- ton. New York, 1902. 23i''"'- v. 6, it. :M6-444.) E302.M74,v.6 26 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 133 Hamilton, Stanislaus Murray, cd. The stucly of history from original sources. The Hamilton facsimiles of manu- scripts in the national archives relating to American history. Part I. The Monroe doctrine; its origin and intent. New Yorl'^ The Puhlic opinion company^ 1896. 3 p. ?., l.'i. I. {facsim.), [13-] p. £7l<^"*. 6-7520 JX1425.H2 E173.H21 134 [Harrison, Austin.] The pan-Germanic doctrine; being a study of German political aims and aspirations. London and New Yorh^ Harper d- hrothers^ 1904. ^v, 379 p. illus. {maps) 23''^K Bibliography : p. ix-xiv. The New world : the German case in South America. — German interests in South America : Brazil. — German interests in South America again : Central America. — Deutschtum in the United States of America : the Monroe doctrine. — The pan- German apotheosis. — Appendix. 4-32191 DD119.H3 135 Harrison, Benjamin, />re'.s. U. S. Views of an ex-President, being his addresses and writings on subjects of public in- terest since the close of his administration as President of the United States, comp. by Mary Lord Harrison. Indianapolis^ The Boioen-MerriU company [1901'] 5 p. ?., 632 p. front, {port.) ^4^"». The Monroe doctrine : p. 239, 242. 1-23276 E660.H31 136 Hart, Albert Bushnell. The foundations of American for- eign policy, with a working bibliography. New York^ The Macmillan company ; London., MaGmillan <& CO., ltd., 1901. xi, 307 p. 19'=^. The Monroe doctrine and the doctrine of permanent interest : p. 211-240. 1-274.50 JX1407.H3 137 Monroe doctrine. {In Cyclopedia of American government. New York, D. Apple- ton & CO., 1914. 20^'". V. 2, p. 46.5-469.) JK9.C9,v.2 138 The Monroe doctrine; an interpretation. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1916. xiv p., 1 I., J^l^o p. fold. map. 2P'^. Contexts. — The original Monroe doctrine, 177.5-1826. — Varia- tions of the Monroe doctrine. 1827-1869. — The American doc- trine, 1869-191.5. — Present-day doctrines. — Present world con- LIST OF REFERENCES OX THE MONROE DOCTRINE 27 ditions. — Doctrine of permanent interest. — Materials oa the Monroe doctrine (p. [405J-421) lG-1322 JX1425.H35 Reviewed in Nation, 11 Feb. 1916. v. 102 : 197-19S. Nortli American review, Mar. 1916, v. 203 : 461-464. American law review, Jan. 1916, v. 50 : 155-156. Spectator (London), April 11. 1916, v. 116:502-503. Dial, June 8, 1916, v. 50 : 549-556 by F. A. Ogg. American historical review, July, 1916, v. 21 : 827-829. 139 Hart, Albert Bushnell. Xaval defense of the Monroe doctrine. ( /*( Navy league of the United States. Addresses . . . 11th annual convention, Apr. 10-13, 1916. Washington, [1917] 24"'". p. 24-36.) VA49.N35 Also published separately as Pamphlet no. 66 of the Navy league of the U. S. 110 ed. Extracts from official declarations of the United States embodying the Monroe doctrine. 1789-1891. New York, A. Lovell c€' co., 1892. 30 p. 18'^'^. {Amencan history leaflets . . . Ed. hy A. B. Hart and E. Chan- ning . . . no. 4 Kdouhle'^ July, 1802.) S-162G8 E173.A66 no. 4 141 Heinz, Georg Gustav Hugo. Die Beziehnngen zwischen Eiissland, England nnd Xordamerika im Jahre 1823. Beitriige zur Genesis der Monroedoktrin. Berlin, E. Ehering, 1911. 121 p., 1 I. 24""'. " Literatur " : p. 7-9. 11-26040 E374.H47 142 Henderson, John Brooks. American diplomatic questions. iVcw York, T/te Macin'dlan company; Lomlon. MacmiUan cD CO., ltd., 1901. Ix, o29 p. 32'"\ The Monroe doctrine : p. 287-348. 1-15216 JX1416.H5 143 -Herbert, K. Die :>ronroe Doktiiii. Borlhi, Outtontag, 1913. 144 Hershey, Amos Shartle. The essentials of international pub- lic law. New York, The Macmilhiri company, -912. 3 p. L, v-xlviil p.. 1 l, 658 p. 22^<='". Soo r.. 71-73, 152-153, 338. 12-22953 JX3131.E7 1912 28 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 145 Hettner, Alfred. Das Deutschtum in Siidbrasilien iind Siid- chile. Sonderabdruck aiis der Geograpliischen Zeitschrift, VIII Jahrgang. Leipzig, B.G. Teuhner, 1903. 2^ p. ^5'=™. 4-27G35 F2659.G3H5 146 Hill, Mabel, comp. Liberty documents, "with contemporary exposition and critical comments drawn from various writers, selected and prepared by Mabel Hill. Edited, with an introduction, by A. B. Hart. New York, London [etc.'\ Longman, Green, and co., 1901. xxviii, Ji.58 p. 8° . Monroe doctrine, text : p. 321-323 ; Contemporary exposition (by J. Q. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Webster) : p. 323- 328; Critical comment (by R. H. Dana, von Hoist, J. T. Morse, jr., Oilman, Schouler, Tucker, President Cleveland, Olney, Woolsey, McMaster, Reddaway and Hart) : p. 329-339. 1-21806 JF107.H5 147 Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. The real Monroe doctrine. (/n Michigan political science association. Publications. [Ann Arbor, 1896] 24*^™. v. 2, no. 3, p. [1]-19) 6-7787 H31.M6, v. 2 JX1425.H5 148 Hodges, Henry Green. The doctrine of intervention. Princeton, The Banner press, 1915. xil, 288 p. 191^^. Monroe doctrine : p. 4 , 11, 14, 17, 29, 81, 123, 124, 127-141, 163, 165. 15-8946 JX4481.H6 149 Hoist, Hermann Eduard von. The constitutional and politi- cal history of the United States. Chicago, Callaghaii and company, 1881-92. 8 v. 22^^^. See index v. 8, Monroe, James. 2-26873/7 JK31.H82 150 Huberich, Charles Henry. The Trans-Isthmian canal: a study in American diplomatic history (1825-1904). Austin, Tex., 190 If. 31 p. 23^<'^. " The greater pai't of this article was published ... early in 1903, in the Revue du droit public et de la science politique, vol. XIX, p. 198-213. It was subsequently revised and published in the University of Texas record, vol. v, p. 247-275, and in Bulletins of the University of Texas, Humanistic series, no. 1." 5-2979 TC874.H87 LIST OF EEFERENCES ON THE MOXROE DOCTRINE 29 151 Hull, William Isaac. The Monroe doctrine: national or in- ternational? The problem and its solution. New Yorh and London^ G. P. PutnanVs sons, 1915. ix, 136 f. 191"'". Also in American society of international law, Proceedings, 1914, V. 8 : 155-170. 15-8219 JX1425.H83 152 The Monroe doctrine and the International court. IWashington, The American peace society, 1913 f] 16 />. " A paper read at the fourth National conference of the Ameri- can society for the judicial settlement of international dis- putes, held in Washington, D. C, December, 1913, and re- vised for the Advocate of peace." 14-17742 JX1425.H8 153 Intercollegiate debates. V. 5. A year book of college de- bating, ed. by E. E. Nichols. New Yorh, Hinds, Nolle c6 Eldredge, [iPi5]. Abandonment of the Monroe doctrine : p. 1-52. H35.I6, v.5 151: International American conference. 1st, Washington, D. C ., 1889-1890. The congress of 1826, at Panama, and subse- quent movements toward a conference of American na- tions. Washington, Govt, print, of., 1890. 375 p. 29x^3^"\ (Its Reports of convmittees and discussions thereon, vol. IV. Historical appendix) 51st Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Ex. doc. 232, pt. 4. Serial no. 2693 CoNTKNTS. — fDocuments and papers relating to the Panama congress, 18261 — Historical notes on the general assembly of the American republics, commonly knovpn as the "Congress of Panama," and the other assemblies held, or intended to be held, until 18f>4, by Jose Ignacio Rodriguez. — Correspondence relating to the proposed congress of Panama in 1881. — Cor- respondence relating to the proposed congress at Washington in 1882. — The South American congress at Montevideo, 1888- 1889.— Legislation and proposed legislation in the Congress of the T'nited States referring to the International American conference. 8-3G501 F1412.I61 155 Jardon y Perisse, Fernando. La doctrina de Monroe; me- moria presentada por el academico de niimcro Fernando Jardon y Perisse Ici'da en hi sesion del IG de febrero de 190;;. ('urso do 1902-1 OO.'J. Madrid, Impr. d( los Jiijos dc j\I . (1 . Ilei^dndez, 1903. 1 p. l.,[5]-.',5p. 2.r-. At head of title: Real acedemin de jnri.sprudencla y logisI,ici«')M. 10-2G303 JX1425.J3 30 LIBRARY OF COjSTGRESS 156 Jay, John. Mr. Jay's letter on the recent relinquishment of the Monroe doctrine. [New York, ISO'S.] S p. 23"". 12-32453 F1233.J42 157 Jefferson, Thomas, prcs. U. S. The writings of Thomas Jef- ferson. Library ed., containing his Autobiography, Notes on Virginia. . . Washington^ D. C.^ Issued under tlie auspices of the Thomas Jefferson memoHal association of the United States^ 1903-OIf. 20 V. fronts^ plates, ports, fold, map, facsims. {part fold) 23''^\ Monroe doctrine, v. 15: p. 476-478. 14-3171 E302.J469 158 Johnson, Willis Fletcher. America's foreign relations. Neio York, The Centwry co., 1916. 2 v. 23'"^. See index v. 2. Monroe doctrine. 16-9786 JX1407.J6 159 A century of expansion. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1903. xi, 316 p. 5 maps {incl. front.) 19'^"^. See p. 131, 153. 202, 297, 299. 3-2S607 E179.J69 160 Four centuries of the Panama canal. London, Neio York [etc.'] Cassell and company, limited, 1907. xxi, 1^61 p. front., plates, maps, ports. 21""^. See Index, ;^^onroe doctrine. 14-10089 TC774.J7 1907 161 Junta de delegados al Congreso internacional americano, Mexico, 1896. Congreso americano convocado por el gobi- erno de la Republica del Ecuador e instalacion de la Junta de delegados de varias naciones en la ciudad de Mexico el 10 de agosto de 1896. Actas y resoluciones de la Junta. Mexico, S. Gutiei'rez, impresor, 1897. 1^0 p., 1 I. 23""^. Tlie governments of all the American repnblics were invited to participate in a congress having for its purpose a united policy of defence against European aggression. Only Ecua- dor. Mexico and the Central American states sent delegates, who held several sessions, but adjourned without inaugurat- ing a formal congress. 15-210 ri405.J95 LIST OF EEFEEElSrCES ON THE MONROE DOCTPJNE 31 162 Kasson, John Adam. The evolution of the Constitution of the United States of America and History of the ISIonroe doctrine. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mi-fflln and company, 1901^. xviii, 273, [1] p. front., port. BP'^. The history of the Monroe declaration of 1823 : p. 221-273. 4-33896 ' JK116.K3 163 Keasby, Liiidley Miller. The Nicaragua canal and the Mon- roe doctrine; a political history of isthmus transit, -svith special reference to the Nicaragua canal project and the attitude of the United States government thereto. Netv Tori' [etc.'\ G. P. Putnam\s sons, 1S96. xvii, 622 p. 4- maps {incl. front.) 23^'^"\ 3-31714 TC784.K24 164 Kingsley, Vine Wright. French intervention in America; or, A review of la France, le Mexique, et le P]tats-Con- federos. Neio York. C. B. Richardson, 1863. 22 p. 22^'^^. 9-2397 E469.F8154 165 [ ] Spain, Cuba, and the United States. Kecognition and the Monroe doctrine. By Americus [pseud.'] Neic York, Printed ly C. A. Alvord, 1870. 31^ p. 23'^^. 4-5238 F1785.K55 166 Knox, Philander C. The Monroe doctrine and some incidental obligations in the zone of the Caribbean. (/« New York state bar association. Proceedinfrs, 1912. Al- bany, 1912. 24^". V. 35, p. 294-320.) Also printed separately. [X. Y. 1912?] 55 p. 22"". JX1425.K6 167 Koerner, G. Monroe doctrine. (/// Lalor, J. J. Cyclopji'dia of iioliiical science, political econ- omy, and the political history of the United States. New York, 1899. v. 2, p. 898-900.) H41.L22, v.2 168 Kohler, Charles, corap. The ]\Ionroe doctrine ; a complete his- tory. ISavannah? Ga., 1003] 2 p. /., .;-.-7/ p. 20'-'". :V1299r. JX1425.K7 169 Kraus, Herbert. Dit- M(>nr(H'ch)ktrin in iluvn Beziehungen /ur ainoi'ikanischen Diplomatic und zum Volkerrecht. Berlin, J. Guttentag, 1913. 480 p. 24^"". 13-25349 JX1425.K77 32 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 170 Latane, John Holladay. America as a world power, 1897- 1907. New York and London., Harper <& hrothers, 1907. xvi, 350 p. front. 7 maps. ^1^^^. {The American nation: a his- toiy . . . ed. hy A. B. Hart ... v. 25) See Index — Monroe doctrine. 7^1116 E178.A54 vol.25 171 The diplomatic relations of the United States and Spanish America. Baltimore., The Johns Hopkins press., 1900. £94- p. 20^''"\ (The Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic history, 1899) See Index — Monroe doctrine. 1-2466 JX1428.S7L3 172 From isolation to leadership, a review of American for- eign policy. Gojrden City, New York, Douhleday, Page <& company, 1918. 5 p. I., 3-215, \2'\ p. I8^frn^ 18-20859 JX1407.L3 173 Lawrence, Thomas Joseph. Essays on some disputed ques- tions in modem international law. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Cambridge [etc.'] Dcighton, Bell and co. [etc.'] 1885. xiii p., 1 I., 313 p. 19l<'^. Monroe doctrine : p. 125, 151-153, 221-222. 1-27202 JX2542.E7 1885 17-1 Leavitt, Joshua. The Monroe doctrine. Neio York, S. Tousey, 1863. 50 p. 22^^. 3-26133 JX1425.L5 175 Lef evre, Eugene. Le Mexique et I'intervention europeenne, Mexico, Impr. I. CumpUdo, 1862. 1^79 p. 23^"^. 10-6845 ri233.L47 176 Lewis, Arthur W. The Monroe doctrine unveiled and the Mexican crisis. Aurora, Mo., The Walker publishing co. \^191Ji\ 4. p. I., [111-79 p. 19'"\ 14-16905 JX1425.L55 177 [Lilley, Charles Sumner.] What is the Monroe doctrine? By a member of the Massachusetts bar. [Lowell f 31 ass.] 1905. 5 p. l, [3]-U0 p. 2P^. 5-41791 JX1425.L7 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 33 178 Lloyd, E. M. Canning and Spanish America. Royal historical society. Trausactioiis, new ser. v. 18 :77-105. • London, 1904. A study of the steps by which Great Britain's recognition of Mexico and Colombia was brought about. DA20.B9 n.s.v.18 179 Lobo, Helio. De Monroe a Rio-Branco (paginas de diplomacia americana). Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa nacional, 1912. 4 />• ?•? [3]-155 p. An historical sketch of the Monroe doctrine. 13-11557 JX1407.L7 180 Looinis, Francis B. Influence of the Monroe doctrine. {In La Follette, Robert M. ed. The making of America. Chi- cago, 1906. 8°. V. 2. p. 175-195.) HC103.L25,v.2 181 The position of the United States on the American con- tinent. In. p., 1903 f] 26 p. 21^"^. At head of title : Annual address delivered at Philadelphia, on April 17, 1903, before the American academy of political and social science. " Some phases of the Monroe doctrine." 10-31378 JX1435.L8 182 Lyman, Theodore. The diplomacy of the United States. Being an account of the foreign relations of the country, from the first treaty with France, in 1778, to the present time. 2d ed. — with additions. Boston, Wells and Lilly, 1828. 2 v. 23<='^. Monroe doctrine, v. 2, p. 407-493. 4-20773 JX1412.L9 1828 183 Mabie, Edward C, ed. The Monroe doctrine. {In University debaters annual, 1914-1915. White Plains, H. W. Wilson CO., 1915. p. 1S7-259.) Contains bibliography. PN4181.U5 1914-15 184 MacCorkle, William Alexander. The Monroe doctrine in its relation to the republic of Haiti. New York, The Neale publishing company, 1915. 3 p. I., 5-104 p., 1 I. incl. map. WV"". 15-15547 ' F1926.M13 185 McLaughlin, James Fairfax. The Monroe doctrine. {In Lucas, Daniel I',. Nicaragua : war of the filibusters. Rich- mond, Va. ].S9tj. p. 190-21G.) F1526.L93 114669°— 19 3 34 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 186 McMaster, John Bach. A history of the people of the United States, from the revolution to the civil war. New York and London^ D. Appleton aiid company^ 1913. 8 V. 221'"^. See V. 5 index — Monroe doctrine. 13-20148 E301.M162 187 The origin, meaning and application of the Monroe doctrine. Philadelphia^ H. Altemus \^1896'\ 1 p. Z., 11-53 p. front, {port.) 18^"^. 10-16849 JX1425.M3 188 With the fathers; studies in the history of the United States. New York., D, Appleton and company.! 1896. ix, 334^ p. front. 19i''"'. The Monroe doctrine : p. 1-54. 2-5367/4 El 73. Ml 6 189 Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The interest of America in interna- tional conditions. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1918. Jf. p. I., [c]-^i^ p., 1 I. 20^''"'. 19-8550 JX1416.M3 1918 190 Matirtua, Anibal. La idea pan-americana y la cuestion del arbitraje; estudio historico a proposito del Congreso de Mexico. Lima, Impr. la Industria, 1901. xi, 224- p., 1 I. 22""^. 6-37266 F1404.M45 191 Mexico and the Monroe doctrine. [n. p. 1865?'] 24 p. 23'"". 4-5760 F1233.M618 192 Moncada, Jose Maria. Social and political influence of the United States in Central America; tr. from the Spanish by Aloysius C, Gahan. [New York, 1911] 2 p I., \3]-50 p. 22^'"". 11-29030 F1438.M73 193 Monroe, James, pres. U. S. The writings of James Monroe, including a collection of his public and private papers and correspondence now for the first time printed. Ed. by Stanislaus Murray Hamilton. . . V. 6, 1817-1823. New York, London, G. P. Putnam'' s sons, 1902. xviii, 444 p. 23^"^. LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 35 Letters to Thomas JefEerson : Oct. 17, 1823, Proposals from Great Britain to co-operate against South American inde- dependence, "Monroe doctrine": p. 323-325; Dec. 4, 1823, Attitude towards South America, Abatement of zeal in Mr. Canning, p. 342; Dec. 1823, Attitude of Russia towards South American republics, Declaration to Russia of the policy of United States towards South America, Attitude of England, Russia's dread of an alliance between England and United States: p. 343-345. Seventh annual message, Dec. 2, 1823: p. 325-342. The genesis of the message of • 1823; Contemporaneous correspondence on its reception and effects : p. 346-444. 4-2481 E302.M74,v.6 194 The Monroe doctrine. (In New International encyclopedia, v. 16, p. 169-171. New York. 1915) AE5.N553,v.l6 195 Montague, Andrew Jackson. The Monroe doctrine. (In Indiana state bar association. Report of 19th annual meeting, Indianapolis, 1915. Indianapolis, 1915. p. 142-165.) 196 Moteagudo, Bernardo. Ensayo sobre hi necesidad de una federacion jeneral entre los estados hispano-americanos, y plan de su organizacion. Linui, Impr. del estado por J. Gonzalez; reimjyreso en Guatenmla^ Impr, nueva, a direccion de C. de Arevalo, 1825. 2Jfp. 20'"\ 12-2594 F1413.M77 197 Montufar, Rafael. Interpretations of the Monroe doctrine. Tr. from the Spanish by Aloysius C. Gahan. [New York?] 1912. 3 p. I., 30 p. 17\'^. 12-20189 JX1425.M77 198 Moore, John Bassett. A digest of international laAv. Wa^Hhington, Govt, print, off. 190G. 8 v. 241""'. {56th Cong.., 2d sess. House. Doc. 551) Monroe doctrine : V. 6, p. 368-604. For details see Index, v. 8. p. 94-90. 0-.'}5196 JX237.M7 199 Four phases of American development; federalism — democracy — imperialism — expansion. Baltimore, The Johm Hopkins press, 1912. 218 p. 20'^. See 92, 137-139, 141, 113, 161. 12-5403 JK271.M7 36 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 200 Moore, Jolm Bassett. History and digest of the international arbitrations to which the United States has been a part}^, together with appendices containing the treaties relating to such arbitrations, and historical and legal notes. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1898. 6 v. fold, ma'ps, faesim. See index, Y. 5, Monroe, Yenezuela, etc. 4-3795 JX1987.A2 201 The Monroe doctrine, its origin and meaning. New York, The Evening post publishing company, 1895. 12 p. 23'"^. " Reprinted from the Evening post." 6-28894 JX1425.M8 202 The principles of American diplomac3\ New York and London, Harper & brothers \1918'\ 2 p. I., vii-xiv, [i] p., 1 I., Jf76, [i] />. 21'^"^. {Ha;rper''s citizens series) " Incorporates substantially ttie entire text, with few altera- tions or amendments, of the volume published by the author in 1905 under the title, American diplomacy : its spirit and achievements . . . The present work brings the history of that policy down to date." — Introd. "References" at end of each chapter (except cliapter in) Bibliogi-aphy : p. 447-[4.54] Non-intervention and the Monroe doctrine : p. 197-269. 18-2711 JX1407.M8 1917 203 Morse, John Torrey, p\ John Qiiincy Adams. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1892. 3 p. I,, 315 p. 18'^"^. {American statesmen, ed. by J . T. Morse, jr. \y. 15^ ) Monroe doctrine : p. 130-1.37. 10-11987 E377.M881 204 Moulin, Henri Alexis. L'expansion des fitats-Unis et la doc- trine de ]Monroe. Conference faite a Dijon le 18 fevrier 1903. Dijon, Impr. J. Berthoml, 1903. 32 p. 21"'^. 6-14481 JX1425.M85 205 La Yaleur originaire de la doctrine de Monroe et ses rap- ports aYGC le " principe des nationalites." Roma, Tip. della R. Accademia dei Lijicei, 190 If.. 9 p. 25'^'^. " Estratto dagli Atti del Congresso internazionale di scienze .storiche (Roma, 1903) vol, ix. — Sezione v: Storia del diritto." 6-25306 JX1425.M86 LIST OF REFEEEXCES ON THE MOXEOE DOCTRINE 37 206 Miinsterberg, Hugo. The Americans, tr. by Edwin B. Holt. New York, McClure, PhiJUps cfi co., 1905. xiv, 619 f. ^4"". See p. 159, 207, 216-226. 6-20348 E168.M963 207 New York. Chamber of commerce of the state of New York. ComTiiittee on foreign commerce and the revenue laws. The Venezuelan question. Report on the subject by the Committee on foreign commerce and the revenue laws of the Chamber of commerce of the state of Xew York. Adopted by the Chamber January 2d, 189G. Speech of the Hon. Carl Schurz. New YorJe^ Press of the Clmiiibcr of commerce, 1896. lo p. SS^'"". 11-10876 r2331.B7N4 208 New York tim.es. The Venezuela dispute. Prof. McMastor's history of the Monroe doctrine. The President's message and the other official documents. [Neiv York] The New-York times^ 1896. 35, [1] p. inch map. 2^"". Contents. — McMaster, J. B. History of the Monroe doctrine ; from tlie New-York times of January 2. 1896. — Tlie Presi- dent's message. — The correspondence. — History of the dis- pute [from the New- York times of December 18, 1895] — His- torical documents ; from the New-York times of Dec. 25, 1S9.5. — No just claim to Bariraa. 4-5305 F2321.N53 209 Oklahoma. University. University extension Divmon. Dept. of jmhUc discussion and dehate. Monroe doctrine, Norman, Okl. [Oklahoma nniversity press] 1916. 1^6 p. £^^"». (University of OkJahomu hidJetin. New ser., no. 111. University extension series, no. 28) Bibliography : p. [140]-146. 16-27391 JXl 425.06 210 O'Laughlin, John Callan. Imperiled America; a discussion of the complications forced upon the United States by the world Avar. Chicago, The Reilly & Britton co. ['=1916] 26^ p. 21'"". Monroe doctrine : p. 50-81. 1C,_n(K;.'] D619.04 211 Oliveira Lima, Manuel de. Pan-americanismo (Monroe — Bolivar — Roosevelt) . Pio de Janeiro [etc.] U. Gamier, 1907. 3k2 p., 1 ?. W^^K ^ r^Hl^ 38 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS CoNTEiMTS. — O Sr. Drago, o caso de Venezuela e a doutrina de Monroe. — A doutrina de Monroe e a doutrina de Drago. — Os resultados de reuniao pan-amerieana e a questao de Cuba. — Centralizacao americana. — Antes da eleicao presidencial (1904)— As tendencias da administragao (1905-1906-1907). 13-2741 F1418.048 212 Olney, Richard. The Clayton-Bulwer treaty; memorandum, by the Hon. Richard Olney. (ReiDrint.) Washington, 1900. 16 p. U'='^. 2-1845.3 ri438.051 213 Oppenheim, Lassa Francis Lawrence. The Panama canal conflict between Great Britain and the United States of America ; a study. Carnhndge [Eng.] University press, 1913. % p. Z., 57, [i] p. 7-9-|-^"', 13-6704 HE537.9.T705 214 Orlando, Arthur. Pan-americanismo. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do " Jornal do commercio " de Rodrigues c&c, 1906. 220 p. 23'='^. Contains cliapters on the historical development of the Monroe doctrine. 7-18166 F1413.017 215 Palmer, Frederick. Central America and its problems; an account of a journey from the Rio Grande to Panama, with introductory chapters on Mexico and her relations to her neighbors. Londoni, T. ^Y . Laurie \1910?\ 3 p. I., xi-xiv, SP p. frcmt, pi, fold. map. 211'''^. Monroe doctrine, p. 168, 184, 277-289, 305, 336. 11-24435 F1431.P18 217 Panama, American congress, 1826. Proceedings of Congress of ministers at Panama. Dec. 22, 1826. 19th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Foreign relations, v. 6, p. 356- 366.) J33,v.6 218 Patouillet, Joseph. L'imperialisme americain. Paids, A. Rousseau, 190 Jf. 1 p. I., 388 p. 25"'^. " Bibliographie " : p. [1]-16. Contents. — Introduction. — 1. ptie. Fondement et caracteres de rimperialisme americain. — 2. ptie. L'imperialisme americain et la doctrine de Monroe. — 3. ptie. L'imperialisme et le droit des gens. 4-36686 E713.P31 LIST OF REFERENCES 0^ THE MONROE DOCTRINE 39 219 Paxson, Frederic Logan. The independence of the South American republics; a study in recognition and foreign policy. PMladelphia,FeMs [Washington, Govt. pHnt. ojf., 1903] 18 p. eS^*". ( [U. S.] 58th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 7.) CA 9-199 JX1425.Pr 234a Powers, Harry H. America among the nations. iVeio Torky The Macmillan co., 1917. 5 p. 7., 376 p. 19^'^'^. Monroe doctrine : p. 7, 49, 88, 129, 162, 166, 198, 240. 803. 18-669 E713.P88 235 Pradt, Dominique Georges Frederic de Riom de Prolhiac de Fourt de, abp. of Mechlin. Congres de Panama. Paiis, Beehet aine, 1825. v'iii^ 95 p. 2^"^. 18-9405 F1404.P9 236 L'Eiirope et PAmerique en 1822 et 1823. Paris, Beehet aine, 1824. 2 v. 20\<^^. V. 2. p. 222-287. 8-10923 D383.P68 237 Pieces relatives a Saint-Domingiie et a I'Ameriqiie. Paris, Beehet aim, 182^. 2 v. 201'-'". Lettre de M. Brackenridge "& James Monroe, president des Etats-Unis " : p. 25-142. 2-12759 F2231.P91 238 Vrai systeme de I'Europe relativement a I'Amerique et a la Grece. The Pamphleteer. London. 1825-26. 22^"". v. 25, p. [4S5]-483,- V. 26, p. [97]-159, [369]-414. CA 6-649 AP4.P2.V.25.26 239 Reddaway, William Fiddian. The ^Monroe doctrine. 2d ed. New York, G. E. Stechert <£• co- [France printed] 1905. vii, 154 V' ^H"""- "The following pages are published for the most part in the form in which they were written during the summer of 1S90 in competition for the ^lember's iirize [Cambridge univer- sity] — Pref. 5-36321 JX1425.R32 240 Reeves, Jesse Siddall. American dii)lomacy under Tyler and Polk. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1907. 5 p. I., 335 p. 201"'". {Tlie Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic histon/. 1900) Monroe doftriiif: p. f.l, 22-J-2.3S. 7-39215 E301.I133 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 241 Reid, Whitelaw. American and English studies. New York^ C. Scribner's sons, 1913. 2 v. 23''"', Monroe doctrine and the Polk doctrine, v. 1, p. 75-89. 13-24S04 AC8.IL4 242 The Monroe doctrine, the Polk doctrine and the doctrine of anarchism. New York [The Be Vinne press] 1903. 27 f. 27V"K 6-37265 JX1425.I135 243 Reyes, Rafael, pres. Colorribia. The two Americas, tr. from the Spanish, with added notes by Leopold Grahame. New York, Frederick A. Stokes company, 191 1^. xxxii p., 1 I., 32It, p. front., plates, ports. 23''"'. Monroe doctrine: p. xxiii-xxiv, 21-39. 14-4604 F2223.E,46 244 Ribet, Joseph. Des transformations de la doctrine de Monroe. Auxerre, Impr. A. Lanier, 1905. 232 p. 251'^"'. " Bibliographie g6n§rale " : p. 9-15. 7-20674 JX1425.R4 245 Le vol de I'aigle de Monroe a Roosevelt. Pans, E. Flammarion [1905] 3 p. I., vii, 277 p., 1 I. 19^'="'. Contents. — Introduction. — Les Etats-Unis et la doctrine de Monro e. — -Le Panamericanisme. — L'imperialisme. — Con- clusion. 13-22227 E713.B48 246 [Rio Branco, Jose Maria de Silva Paranhos, 2. ha?'do do] supposed author. Brazil, the United States and the Mon- roe doctrine; article published in the Jornal do com- mercio of Rio de Janeiro, January 20th, 1908. [Washington ? I). C, 1908] 1 p. l, 21 p. 23^'^"'. 8-19779 JX1425.I15 247 Robertson, C. F. The Louisiana purchase in its influence upon the American system. A paper presented to the American historical association, Sept. 9, 1885. New Yoi'k and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1885. Ji.2 p. 8°. [American historical association, Papers, v. 1, no. 4-) Monroe doctrine : p. 34 et seq. E172. A65 247a Robertson, William Spence. Eise of the Spanish-American republics as told in the lives of their liberators. New York, London, D. Appleton and co., 1918. xv, 380 p. p&rts. 22^"'^. Monroe doctrine : p. 128, 129, 134, 324-330. 18-14406 F1412.R65 LIST OF KEFERElSrCES OlST THE MONEOE DOCTRINE 43 248 Rodriguez y Lendian, Evelio. Los Est ados Unidos, Cuba y el canal de Panama. Habana^ Impr. Avisador ccmiercml, 1909. 73 p. 25""^. " Public-ado en la ' Revista de la Facultad de letras y ciencias.' " 12-1982 F 1787. 1169 249 Romero, Matias. Mexico and the United States. A study of subjects affectins: their political, commercial, and social relations, made with a view to their promotion. Vol. I. New York and London^ G. P. Putnam's So)is, 1898. xxxv^ (S), 759 p. plates, map. 8°. Monroe doctrine: p. 330-333. F1208.R76 250 Rooney, John. The Monroe doctrine assailed; or. England and Venezuela. An address at Everett hall, Brooklyn, New York. \BrooMyn? N. Z., 1901^ ccxii, 22 p. 23'="', 6-27G83 251 Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U. S. Address of President Eoose- velt at Chautauqua, New York, August 11, 1905. Washington, Gov't jmnt. off., 1905. 1 p. L, 54 p. 21''"'. Relates to the IMonroe doctrine and Dominican Republic affairs, and to the regulation of corporations in the United States. 14r-216G9 JX 1425. 117 252 Addresses and presidential messages . . . 1902-1904; with an introduction by Henry Cabot Lodge. New York and London, G. P. Putnain's sons, 1904- xiii, 485 p. 21'="'. Monroe doctrine : p. 115-123, 126, 321-322, 324, 366, 412. 4-12760 E756.R75 253 American ideals . . . Administration — Civil service. New York, The Review of reviews eompain/, 1004. 2 p. 1., 372 p. front, (port.) 20^'="'. {His [Works"[ Statesmen ed. 1.) The Monroe doctrine: p. 246-264. 5-9009 H35.R7 1904 254 Presidential addresses and state joapers. Neto York, The Reviev- of rewews eoinpany^ 1904. 2 v. fronts. 20^'="'. {His \ Works] Statesnum ed. 1.3-14) See index: Monroe d"-1118, 1208- 1219, 1226-1232, 1237-1301, pt. 2, col. 2009-2098, 2511-2514, 2550-2551.) 300b Debate on the message from the Presi- dent of the United States [James K. Polk] on the tcm- porar}- military occupation of Yucatan by the United States. Apr. 29, 1848. (/;• Congressional Globe, 30th Cong. 1st sess., p. 700-712.) J11.G5 300c SeTiate. Executive proceedings on the Panama mission. Feb.-Mar., 1826. (Ill U. S. Congress. Register of debates (Gales & Seaton), 19th Cong., 1st sess., v. 2, pt. 1, col. 142-364, 384-104, OW, 071.) Jll.D5,v.2.pt.l 300d Debate and action on the bill to take temporary military occupation of Yucatan. Apr. 29, May 5, 9-11, 13, ic", 17, 1848. iJn Congn-ssdnal Globe, 30th Cohl'., 1st sess., p. 712-713. 72S-73(t, 73S, 745. 754. 7(!l-7 [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1885] 9 p. 2S<=>\ {4Gth Conjg., 3d sess. House. Bept. 390.) With reference to the De Lesseps project. TC773.U3 1885 6-11088 Serial no. 1983 307 Senate. The executive proceedings of the Sonalc of the United States, on the subject of the mission to the Congress of Pnnanui, together Avith the messages and documents relating thereto. Washington, PHnted hy Gales cC Seaton, 1826. 160 p. 26'^'^. {19th Cong., 1st sess. {Senate. Doc] 68.) 12-20K).'i ri40'l.U58 Serial no. 127 308 Committee on foreign relations. Pnrcha.sc of land at Magdalcna bay. Report. Julv 31, 1912. [WaJihing/on, 191.'. \ 2 }>. {62d ('oiu/., 2d sess. Srmtfc. Bept. 996. ) Resolution of Senator Lodge: p. 2. Serial no.6128 54 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 309 TJ. S. Dept. of state. Expense of the mission to Panama. Let- ters from the Department of state, March 23, 1826, March 24, 1826, April 19, 1826. 19th Cong., 1st sess. (/.« American state papers. Foreign relation, v. 5, p. 899- 900.) J33,v.5 310 Certain correspondence in relation to Central America. Jan. 24, 1853. [Washington, 1853. ~\ 23 f. 24^'="'. {32d Cong., M sess. Ex. doc. 27.) Serial no. 660 Contains the correspondence " relative to Central America, . . . the claims of Great Britain to the Mosquito coast, or any portion of the territory of Honduras or Yucatan." 311 Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for infor- mation relative to a proposed tripartite convention on the subject of Cuba. IWashington, 1853.'] 23 f. 24^^^. {32d Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 13.) Report of the secretary of state, submitting a copy of the dip- lomatic correspondence with France and England. 4-5761 F1783.U58 Serial no.660 312 Correspondence on the proposed tripartite con- vention relative to Cuba. Boston, Little, Brown cmd comi)any, 1853. 6'4 />. 22\^"^. Correspondence between the U. S. Dept. of state and ministers of France and England. Originally pub. as Senate Ex. doc. 13, 32d Cong., 2d sess. with title : Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, calling for informa- tion relative to a proposed tripartite convention on the sub- ject of Cuba . . . 9-2212S F1783.U583 313 Documents relative to Central American affairs, and the enlistment question. Washington, C. Wendell, 'printer, 1856. 4^5 p. fold. map. Contents. — Correspondence between Great Britain and the United States, in relation to Central American affairs, com- municated to the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress by the President of the United States with his annvial mes- sage. — Correspondence in relation to Central American af- fairs, and the Chiyton and Bulwer convention. — Corre- spondence in relation to enlistment of troops within the United States, by the agents of Great Britain. — The trial of Henry Hertz et al. 12-40476 F1438.U58 LIST OF REFEREXCES OX THE MOXROE DOCTRINE 55 314 U. S. Ds'pt. of state. The present condition of Mexico. Mes- sage from the President of the United States in answer to resohition of the House of the 3d of March hist. transmit- ting report from the Department of state regarding the present condition of Mexico. [With accompanying docu- ments] \Washlngton,1862^ IfS^p. 23"'". {U.S. 37thCoiig.,2d sess. House. Ex. doc. no. 100) Serial no. 1136 2-5120 F1233.U58 315 Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, with the annual message of the President. 1861-1911. Washington. Govt, print, off. [^1862^-1918. fold, maps, diagr. 23 ^«. Found also in the Congressional series. See General index — Monroe doctrine. 10-3793 JX233.A3 316 — Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of the 25th ultimo, papers relative to ]Mexican affairs . . . [Washington^ 1865] iv, 496 p. fold. map. 2If''\ {38th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 11) Serial no. 1176 9-23617 F1233.U57 317 Message of the President of the United States, communicating information respecting the occupation by French troops of the republic of Mexico and the estab- lishment of a monarchy there. Jan. 10, 1806. [WaJihiiigton, 1866] 100 p. {39th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Ex. doc. 6.) Contains diplnmntic correspondence. 1 SG4-1 SO.'S. Serial no. 1237 318 Message from the President of the United States . . . transmitting information upon the present con- dition of affairs in the republic of Mexico. ]\Iar. 22, 1866. [Washington, 1866.] 2 v. {39th Cong., 1st sess. House. Ex. doc. 73.) Serial no. 1261. 1262 319 Evacuation of Mexico l)y the French. Message from the President of the United States . . . trans- mitting a report from the Secretary of state in that sub- ject. Apr. 23, 1866. [Washington., 1866] ^7 p. {39th Cong., Isf sess. Hovse. Ex. doc. 93.) Serial no. 1263 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 320 TJ. S. Dept. of state. Papers relating to Mexico. [Washington, 1866] 16 p. 22^^"^. William H. Seward, secretary of state. CA 11-1560 F1233.TJ578 321 Mexican affairs. INIessage from the President of tile United States, in answer to a resolution of the House of the 18th ultimo, transmitting report of the sec- retaiy of state on that subject. Januai-y 9, 1866. ^Washington, 1866.'] 12 p. ^4^^"». {39th Cong., 1st scss. House. Ex. doc. no. 20.) 11-25777 F1233.TJ573 Serial no. 1255 322 Message of the President of the United States, of January 29, 1867, relating to the present condition of Mexico, in answer to a resolution of the House of Decem- ber 4, 1866. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1867. 1 p. I., 735, 2, 2 p. 231'='^. {39th Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex. doc. no. 76.) Contains the diplomatic correspondence. 186^1807, on tlie sub- ject of the evacuation of Mexico by the French troops. 9-23298 F1233.U575 Serial no. 1294 322a Message from the President of the United States communicating . . . con^espondence relating to recent events in Mexico. July 19, 1867. [Washington, 1867.] 298 p. {Ifith Cong., 1st sess. Sen- ate. Ex. doc. 20.) Serial no. 1308 323 Correspondence betAveen the United States gov- ernment and Spain in relation to the island of Cuba. Message from the President of the United States, trans- mitting ... a report from the secretary of state, with accompanying documents. January 21, 1876. [Washington, Govt, print, off. 1876.] 81 p. 22""'. {Uth Cong., 1st sess. House. Ex. doc. no. 90.) 5-17203 F1785.U58 Serial no. 1689 324 The Clayton-Bulwer treaty and the Monroe doctrine. A letter from the secretary of state to the minister of the United States at London dated May 8, 1882, with sundry papers and documents explanatory of the same, selected from the archives of the Department of state. LIST OF REFEREXCES OlST THE MONROE DOCTRINE 57 Washingfan, Govt, print of., 1S82. 203 p. 23'="'. {47th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Ex. doc. 194.) 10-3796t JX1425.A3 1882 Serial no. 1991 " Thus the doctrine of non-intervention by European powers in American affairs arose from complications in South Amer- ica, and was announced by Mr. [Monroe on the suggestion of the official representative of Great Britain. " Tlie doctrine so formulated by Monroe and expounded by Adams has since remained a cardinal principle of our con- tinental policy. In several notable instances, especially in the ease of the French attempt to set up imperial authority in Mexico, it guided our political action, and it is to-day firmly imbedded in the American heart." 325 U. S. Dept. of state. Eeport of the Secretary of state [F. T. Frelinghuysen] and accompanying papers relating to the Clayton-Bulwer treaty between the United States and Great Britain, signed April 19. 1850. Dec. 19, 1883. [Washington, 1883.] IS p. {48 fh Cong., 1st sess.. Senate. Ex. doc. 26.) Serial no.2162 326 — Correspondence in relation to the boundaiy con- troversy between Great Britain and Venezuela, being a reprint of Senate executive document no. 226. Fiftieth Congi'ess. first session, and Senate document no. 31, Fifty- foiuth 'Congi-ess, first session. Washijigton, Govt, print, off. 1896. 1 p. I., 208, 35 p. fold, map. 23<=»'. Contents. — [1] Message from the President of the United States, transmitting ..." letter of the secretary of state and correspondence relative to a certain boundary dispute between Venezuela and Great Britain." July 20, ISSS. — [2] Message from the President of the United States relative to the Venezuelan boundary controversy ; and correspondence with the r.ritish government on the subject. Doceing a reprint of an executive document of the Si)e(ial session of March 4, 1857, and of document no. 191 of the 17th Congress, 1st session. Feb. 8, 1900. WtLshington, Govt, print, off., 1000. 203 p. {f>6th Cong., 1st. sess. Senate. Doc. 161.) Serial no.3853 58 LIBK.VEY OF CONGRESS 328 U. S. Bept. of state. Correspondence in relation to an inter- oceanic canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Clayton-Buhver treat}^ and the Monroe doctrine, and the treat}^ between the United States and New Granada of December 12, 1846, comprising a reprint of Senate ex. docs. no. 112, -ICth Cong., 2d sess. ; no. 194, 4Tth Cong., 1st sess. ; and no. 26, 48th Cong., 1st sess. ; and correspondence not heretofore communicated to Congi-ess. Washington,, Govt. 2>rbit. o-jf.,, 1900. 51^8 j). {oGth Cong.,, 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 237.) Serial no.3853 329 Land at ISIagdalena bay. Message from the President, transmitting ... a report of the Secretary of state relating to the purchase of land at Magdalena bay by the Japanese government or by a Japanese company. May 1, 1912. [Washington, 1912.1 3 f. {62d Gang., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 640.) Serial no.6177 330 Lands on Magdalena bay. Message from the President transmitting . . . copies of correspondence rela- tive to the American syndicate interested in lands on Magdalena bay. Washington, 1912. 6 f. {62cl Gong.., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 694.) Serial no.6177 331 ■ Diplomatic history of the Panama canal. Cor- respondence relating to the negotiation and application of certain treaties on the subject of the construction of an interoceanic canal, and accompam-ing papers. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1914. xii, 602 p. 23^""". {63d Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 474-) Includes a report of the secretary of state, with papers rela- tive to the construction of the Panama canal. 14-30413 JX1398.A5 1914 Serial no.6583 332 President. A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents, prepared under the direction of the Joint committee on printing, of the House and Senate, pursuant to an act of the Fifty-second Congress of the United States (with additions and encj'Clopedic index hj priA'ate enter- prise). New York, Bureau of national literature, inc. [1917?'] 20 V. fronts, {v. 1, port.; 19 col.) plates (part col.) ports., nnaps, facsirns., diagrs. 25'^'^. LIST OF REFERENCES ON" THE MOISTROE DOCTRINE 59 Prefatory note signed : James D. Richardson. " The pages of the ' The messages and papers of the presidents ' have been renumbered from page one to the end, and the division into volumes has been altered. The plan is required by the addition of new matter and the desirability of keep- ing the volumes as nearly uniform in size as possible." — V. 1, p. xiii. Monroe doctrine, see Index, v. 19. 17-7545 J81.B96g 333 U. S. President, 1817-1825 {Monroe). Seventh annual mes- sage. Dec. 2. 1S23. (In U. S. President. A compilation of the messages and pa- pers of the presidents, 17S9-1S97, pub. by James D. Kichard- S'on. v. 2. Xew York, 1S97. p. 776-7S9.) J81.B96g,v.2 334 Mensage del presidente de los Estados Unidos a las dos casas del Congreso. Tr. por Mariano Ciibi y Soler . . . Baltimore, hnfr. de J. Rohinson, 1823. v (i. e. iv) . [o'\-26 ]>. 10-16804 JX1413.M7 335 The Monroe doctrine: President Monroe's mes- sage at the commencement of the first session of the eight- eenth Congress, Dec. 2. 18-23. Boston, 1805. 20 f. {Old south leaflets [geiieral series,] V. S, no. 56.) E173.044,v.3 336 President, 1825-1829 {John Quincy Adams). Congress at Panama. Message from the President transmitting the information . . . in rehition to the })rop()sed Congress to be held at Panama. Mar. IT, 182(). Washington, Printed hij Gales d' Seaton, 1826. 80 p. {19th Cong., 1st sess. House. Ex. doc. 129.) Serial no, 133 337 Message from the President, upon the subject of an appropriation to carry into eli'ect a mission to Pan- ama. March 17, 182G. Washington, 1826. 3 p. {19th Cong., 1st scss. I/o>/s, . Ex. doc. 162.) Serial no,139 338 Proceedings of the Congress at Panama. Mes- sage from the President, transmitting information in irla- tion to Hie pr(X'eedings of the Congress which as.soniblf.| last snnunei- at I*anania. i*ic. Dec. 20, 182('). Washington, Priidvd hg Gahs tt- Seaton. 1^26. 26 p. ( /,'A'A Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex. doc. 23.) Serial no,149 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 339 U. S. President, 1869-1877 {Grant). Message of the Presi- dent of the United States communicating information and making certain recommendations in rehition to the existing insurrection in Cuba. June 13, 1870. [^Y asking ton, 1870.'] 5 p. {41st Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Ex. doc. 99. ) Serial no. 1407 340 President, 1893-1897 {Cleveland). Message from the President of the United States relative to the Venezuelan boundary controversy; and correspondence with the Brit- ish government on the subject. Dec. 17, 1895. [l\^asJungton, 1895.'] 35 p. {SJfth Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 31.) Serial no.3347 341 Uribe Uribe, Rafael. The Monroe doctrine an obsolet [!] shibboleth, by Hiram Bingham. [Bogota?] Casa editorial de ''El LiberaV \_191Jf]. 29 p. 201 X 9<^^. Cover-title: Caducldacl de la doctrina Monroe. 14-15476 JX1425.TJ7 342 ITrien, Carlos M. El derecho de intervencion y la doctrina de Monroe (antecedentes historicos). Buenos Aires, Im,pr. J. Peuser, 1898. 17Jf p. 17^'^"^. 9-19546 JX1425.U8 343 *Urrutia, Francisco J. La doctrina de Monroe. 344 Usher, Roland Greene. The challenge of the future ; a study in American foreign policy. Boston amd New York, Houghton Mi-fflin company, 1916. XX, [i], 349, \1] p., 1 I. 2P^. See pp. 42-45, 274-289. 16-6214 E713.U85 345 Pan- Americanism ; a forecast of the inevitable clash be- tween the United States and Europe's victor. New York, The Century co., 1915. xix, 1^66 p. 21"^. Bibliography: p. 443-459. See Index. Monroe doctrine. 15-5772 JX1416.U7 Reviewed in Nation, July 1, 1915, v. 101: 16-17. Current opinion, May, 1915, v. 58 : 343-344. Amer. pol. sci. review, February, 1916, v. 10 : 191-193. 346 Valois, Victor. Amerikana, Japs und Yankees, der Panama- kanal als erzieher, Monroe doktrin, Berlin, D. Reimer {E. Vohsen) 191^. 1 p. I., 5-37, [7] p. 231^"'. 16-1.5862 JX1416.V3 LIST OF REFEREXCES OX THE MOXROE DOCTRINE 61 347 Varigny, Charles Crosnier de. Les fitats-Unis. Esquisses historiqiies. Paris, E. KoTh [1893] 2 />. L, 292 p., 1 7. 1S^'\ La doctrine Monroe et le Canada : p. 113-170. 2-3810— M 2 E168.V29 348 Viallate, Achille. Essais d'histoire diplomatique aniericaine. Le developpement territorial des Etats-Unis. Le canal interoceanique. La guerre hispano-americaine. Paris, Lihraiiie orientale et americaine E. Guilnwto [190rj] 2 f. Z., m, B06 p., 1 I. 23'^'^. Appendices : Traits Clayton-Bulwer. Traite Hay-Pauncefote. Tralte Hay-Bunau A'arilla. Traits de paix entre les iStats- Fnis et I'Espagne. Bibliographic : p. 305-306. 5-34465 E179.V61 349 [Vicuna Mackenna, Benjamin.] A sketch of Cliili. By- Daniel J. Hunter [pseud.'] New York, Printed hy S. Hallet, 1866. 2 v. in 1. front, {fold, map) 21^"^. Tlie second part has title : Chili, the United States and Spain ; a series of lectures, speeches, editorial articles, and otlier publications, on the position assumed by . . . Chili in the pending war with Spain. "The Monroe doctrine. Grand meetintj in the Cooper insti- tute, January G. 1866, in defence of the Republics of Chili, Peru, Mexico, and Santo Domingo," part 2, p. 56-83. 4H1481 F3058.N66 350 Walsh, William Baron. A lecture on the republics of the western hemisphere, and the "Monroe doctrine," delivered in the Cooper institute, X. Y., September 5th, 180(». New. York, The author, 1868. 2\ p. front, (port.) ;?-^"'. 17-22209 F1418.W22 351 *Webb, William Henry. Monroe doctrine and control of the I.stlunian canal, Nicaragua. New Yorl; ISS'I. 16 p. 352 Webster, Daniel. Speech of Mr. "Webster, of Mass., in the House of representatives, on the Panauia mission. De- livered on the 14th April, 182(). Washington, Print< d hy />avi.s <(• Force, 1826. 61 p. 22'"'. Same (/» /liv Writings and siieeches. Boston, l!Mr:j. v. ."). p. 178-215.) E337.8W24 1903. v.5 11-24507 . F1404.W37 353 *Wehberg', Hans. Die ^roni-oodoklrin. Muiuj/ien-Glxulba/h, Volkesrerehyicerlay, lOlo. 32 p. 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 354 Wendover, B. H. R. H. "Wendover's views on the Monroe doctrine, vital importance of peace, railroads, the nation's hope and blessing, and nnion and fraternity, with prac- tical strictures on the new constitution of Missouri. Also a supplement of original items of interest. Sf. Louis. S. Knapp and co.^ 1867. JfO p. 8°. 355 Weyl, Walter Edward. American world policies. New York, The Macmillaii compa.ny, 1917. 4 P>- ^-j ^07 p. Monroe doctrine : p. 39, 55-57, 89, 206-212. 17-66".3 JX1416.W45 356 Wharton, Francis, cd. A digest of the international law of the United States, taken from documents issued by presi- dents and secretaries of state, and from decisions of fed- eral courts and opinions of attorneys-general. <2d ed.> ^Y asking ton. Govt, print, off.^ 1887. S v. fold. form. ^3\'''^. Intervention of European sovereigns in affairs of this con- tinent disapproved: v, 1, p. 268-296. 10-6949 JX237.W5 1887 357 Wheaton, Henry. Wheaton's Elements of international law. 5th English ed., rev. throughout, considerably enl. and re-written, by Coleman Phillipson. London.^ Stevens and sons, limited; New York, Baker, Voor- his c5 CO., 1916. xliv, 901 p. 251'^'^. See p. 97 et seq. 16-8707 JX2495.E3 1916 358 Whelpley, James Davenport. American public opinion. London, Chapman d- Hall, ltd., 191 J^. vii, 274 V- ^3'"'' Mexico and the United States. — The Monroe doctrine. — Ameri- can foreign relations. 14-15376 E661.7.W56 359 White, Andrew Dickson. Autobiography of Andrew Dick- son "White. Neio York, The Centwy go., 1905. 2 v. 5 port. {incl. fronts. ) 2'5^"K See V. 2 : 118, 150, 247, 339-341, 346. 5-8344 E664.W58W5 360 Wiley, Harvey Washington. Imperial liberty; an address delivered to the literary societies of Hanover college, June 6, 1898. Easton, Pa., Chemical publishing co., 1898. 4^ P- 19^'^'". 3-20177 E711.W67 LIST OF EEFEEEXCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE G3 361 [Williams, Alfred.] The inter-oceanic canal and the Monroe doctrine. New York^ G. P. Putnam's sons, 1880. 118 p. 20'"". " A clironologrical list of the efforts to secure interoceanic transits across the istlimus or the coutiueut of Central America " : p. 115-117. 6-1525S TC773.W72 3G2 Wilson, George Grafton. The ]\Ionroe doctrine and the pro- gram of the League to enforce peace. Boston, World peace foundation, 191G. lo p. 20^"*. {W&}'I(l peace foundation. Pamjyhlet senes . . . vol. vi, 1&-24610 JX1908.U5 vol.6,no.4 3G3 Monroe doctrine and the League of nations. New York, League to enforce peace, 1917. 8 p. {Puhlka- tion no. 15.) 364. and George Fox Tucker. International law. 6th ed., 12th reprint. Boston, New York \etc.'\ Silver, Burdett ami company \^1915'\ xix, 505 p. 2P''\ See p. G7-T3. 1.V1S7S5 JX3191.I 5 1915 365 Wilson, Woodrow, pres. V . S. President Wilson on the United States and Latin America. Address before the Southern commercial congress at Mobile, Alabama, October 27, 1913. [Boston, World peax'e foundation, 1913'] [4] p. 20^"". [Woj^ld peace foundation. Pamphlet series, vol. in, un- numbered pamphlef] 14-14698 JX1908.U5 36G President Wilson's state papers and addresses, with edi- torial notes, a biographical sketch and an introduction. New York, The Reciew of reviews company, 1917. 2 p. /., iM^iv, Jp38 p. front, {port.) 19'"'. Monroe doctrine: p. 355. 17-288G2 J82.D2 1917 3G7 Wintzer, Wilhelm. Die Deutschen im tropischen .Vinerika. (Mexiko, Mittelainorika, Venezuela, Koluinl)ion, Ekuador, Peru, und Bolivicn). Milnrhen, J. F. Lehmaim^s Vrrlag, 1900. rii, 82 p. S". {D^- AP2.U6,v.31 382 1856. The Monroe doctrine. North American review, Ap7\ 1856, r. 82:478-512. AP2.N7,v.82 114GC9°— 19 ij 65 66 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 383 1862. The American crisis. Quarterly review^ Jan. 1862., v. Ill :239-280. AP4.Q2,v.lll Contains incidental i-eferenee to the Monroe doctrine as af- tirnied hy President Pierce. 384 1863. Le Mexiqiie au point du vue americain avant et depuis I'expedition fran(;:aise. Revue hritannique, Sept. 1863, 9, ser. v. 5:213-22^. AP20.R253,9tli ser.v.5 385 1864. Leavitt. Joshua. The key of the continent. The Neio Englander, July, 186 J^, v. 23:617-539. AP2.N5,v.23 386 1865. The Monroe doctrine. Diplomatic review, Aug. 2, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, 1865, v. 13:65-69/ 73-74; 81-86. Dl.D5,v.l3 387 Langel, Aug. France and the United States. Nation, Sept. 7, 1865, v. 1:302-303. AP2.N2,v.l 388 1866. The South American republics and the Monroe doctrine. National quarterly revieto, June, 1866, v. 13: lH-137. AP2.N35,v.l3 389 Robinson, J. H. The Mexican question. North AmeHcan review, July, 1866, v. 103:106-11^2. AP2.N7,v.l03 390 1879. VarigTiy, C. C. de. La doctrine Monroe et le Canada. Revue des deux mondes, Apr. 1, 1879, 3. per. v. 32 :628-657 . AP20.Il3,3d ser.v.33 391 Osbom, T. W. The Darien canal. International review, Nov. 1879, v. 7 :Jf.81-I^97 . ap2.I78,v.7 392 1880. The United States government and the Panama canal. Nation, Feb. 5, 1880, v. 30:90-91. AP2.N2,v.30 393 Ammen, D. M. de Lesseps and his canal. North American review, Feh. 1880, v. 130:130-11^6. AP2.N7,v.l30 394 Some features of the interoceanic canal. Popular science monthly, April, 1880, v. 16:81^2-81^9. AP2.P8,v.l6 395 The Monroe doctrine and the isthmian canal. North American review. May, 1880, v. 130:1^99-511. AP2.N7,v.l30 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 67 396 1880. LessexDS, Ferdinand de. The Panama canal. North American revieio, July, 1880, v. 131:75-78. AP2.N7,v.l31 397 Grant, Chas. R. The Panama canal and the Monroe doc- trine. Southern law review, Dec. 1880, v. 6:729-761. 398 1881. Grant, U. S. The Xicaragiia canal. North American review, Sejft. 1881, v. 132: 107-116. AP2.N7,v.l32 399 Kasson, John A. The Monroe declaration. North American review, Sept. 1881, v. 133 : 241-2o4. AP2.N7,v.l33 400 American policy toward the isthmus canal. Natio7i, Nov. 3, 1881, v. 33 : 3^8-3.1^9. ap2.N2,v.33 401 Kasson, John A. The Monroe doctrine in 1881. North American review, Dec. 1881, v. 133: 523—533. AP2.N7,v.l33 402 Our policy respecting the Panama canal. Popular science monthly, Dec. 1881, v. 20: 273-275. AP2.P8,v.20 403 1882. Elimelin, Carl. Die Monroe-Doctrin. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Staatswissenschaft, 1882. v. 38: 331-31^3. H5.Z4,v.38 404 Koerner, Gustave. The true Monroe doctrine. Nation, Jan. 5, 1882, v. 3^: 9-11. AP2.N2,v.34 405 Another chapter of Mr. Blaine's diplomacy. Nation, Feh. 2, 1882, v. 3k : 92-93. AP2.N2,v.34 406 Mr. Blaine's manifesto. Nation, Feh. 9, 1882, v. 34. : ll-h 115. AP2.N2,v.34 407 Mr. Blaine's great idea. Spectator, Feh. k, 1882, v. 55: U9-150. ap4.S7,v.55 408 "A spirited foreign policy." Nation, Mar. 9, 1882, v. 3^ : 200. AP2.N2,v.34 409 The Panama canal. Edinhurgh revicv), April, 1882, v. 155: .{//-{.// I. '. I. AP4.E3,v.l55 68 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 410 1882. Schleiden, Eiidolph. Die rechtliche und politische Seite der Panama-canal-frage. Preusswche Jahrbucher^ June^ 1882, v. 1^9: S89-So4. AP30.P8,v.49 411 Letellier, A. Les travaux du canal de Panama. Nouvelle revue, July, 1882, v. 17: 228-2^2. ap20.N8,v.17 412 1884. The Nicaragua canal. Xation, Dec. 18, 1884, v. 39: BIG. AP2.N2,v.39 413 1885. Hobbs, George W. Clayton-Bulwer treaty vs. Monroe doctrine. Bay state monthly, April, 1885, v. 3: 17-26. ap2.N4,v.3 414 1887. Scruggs, William L. Blundering American diplomacy. North American review, Sept. 1887, v. 14-5:313-^18. AP2.N7,v.l45 415 1888. Pradier-Fodere, P. Amsrique espagnole. Revue de droit intemxitional et de legislation comparee, 1888, v. 20:509-520. jX3.R4,v.20 416 1889. Weld, Stuart F. The isthmus canal and our govern- ment. Atlantic monthly, Mar. 1889, v. 63:341-353. AP2.A8,v.63 417 Bunts, H. C. Scope of the Monroe doctrine. Forum, April, 1889, v. 7:192-200. AP2.F8,v.7 418 Weld, Stuart F. The isthmus canal and American control. Atlantic monthly, Sept. 1889, v. 64:298-303. AP2.A8,v.64 419 1890. Romero, M. The Pan-xVmerican conference. North American review, Sept.-Oct., 1890, v. 151 : 354-366. AP2.N7,v.l51 420 1891. Scruggs, William L. The Monroe doctrine. Magazine of Am^erican history, July. 1891, v. 26:39-47. E171.]M[18,v.26 421 1893. Webster, Sidney. The diplomacy and law of the isth- mian canals. Ilarper^s Tnagazine, Sept. 1893, v. 87:602-608. AP2.H3,v.87 422 1894. Merry, William L. The Nicaragua canal — the political aspect. Overland Tnonthly, May, 1894, ^d ser., v. 23: 497-501. AP2.09,2d ser.v.23 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 69 423 1895. Jevons, Thomas E. The Monroe doctrine. Bachelor of arts, 1895, v. 2: 437-\- AP2.Bi4,v.2 424 Polakowsk3\ H. Der Streit urn die Mosquito-Kiiste. Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde su BeTl'in. Zeitschrift, 1896, v. 30 : 301-310. Gl3.G5,v.30 425 Bustamante, Antoine S. de. Le canal de Panama et le droit international. Reims de droit international et de legislation coynparee, 1895, V. 27: 112-11(2,' 221-253. JX3.Il4,v.27 426 Flanders, Henry. The ^Monroe doctrine. Pennsylvania law series, Apr. 1895, v. 1 : 1^83-1(90. 427 Some Monroe myths. Nation, May 9, 1895, v. 60:356. AP2.N2,v.60 428 Lodge, Henry Cabot. England, Venezuela, and the Mon- roe doctrine. North American review, June, 1895, v. 160:651-658. AP2.N7,v.l60 429 The Monroe doctrine. Spectator, Oct. 12, 1895, v. 75: 478-^79. AP4.S7,v.75 430 Bunnell, Mark B. The Monroe doctrine. American laio review, Nov. -Dec. 1895, v. 29: 839-8^6. 431 Somerset, H. Somers. Great Britain, Venezuela, and the United States. Nineteenth centmy, Nov. 1895, v. 38: 758-768. AP4.N7,v.38 432 Wheeler, Joseph. Our duty in the Venezuelan crisis. North American review, Nov. 1895, v. 161: 628-631. AP2.N7.V.161 433 Grosvenor, Chas. H. Our duty in the Venezuehm crisis. North AmeHcan review, Nov. 1895, r. 161 : 631-033. AP2.N7,v.l61 434 Scruggs, William L. The Venezuelan (juestion. Ameivxian review of reviews, Dec. 1895, v. 12:69') 69/ . AP2.R4,v.l2 435 Gossip, H. G. D. Englau.I in Nicaragua and Venezuela. Fortnightly review, Dec. 1895, v. Ok'. 829-8^2. ap4.F7.v.64 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 436 1895. Cassatt, Alfred C. The Monroe doctrine defence, not defiance. Forum^ Dec. 1895, v. 20: Jt56-}^61^. AP2.F8,v.20 • 437 The Monroe doctrine. Lmo times, Dec. 21, 1895, v. 100: 175. 438 1896. Catelhmi, E. La questione della Venezuela e la dottrina (li Monroe. Nuova antologia, 1896, v. llto: J^o-l^GG. AP37.lT8,v.i45 439 Moore, John Bassett. La doctrine de Monroe. Tr. de I'anglais, sur manuscrit par Leon Devogel. Retme de droit mternatiorud et de l-egislatimi com'paTee, 1896, V. 28: 301-328. JX3.li4,v.sa8 440 Barclay, Thomas. La doctrine de Monroe et le Venezuela. Tr. de I'anglais sur manuscrit par Leon Devogel. Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, 1896, V. 28: 502-52 1^. JX3.B4,v.28 441 Merignhac, Alexandre. La doctrine de Monroe a la fin du xix^ siecle. Revue du droit jyublic, 1896, v. 5:201-278. JAll.R5,v.5 442 Desjardins, Arthur. La doctrine de Monroe. Revue genercde de droit international fuhlic, 1896, v. 3: 137-165. JX3.E.56,v.3 443 Keasbey, Lindley M. The Nicaragua canal and the Mon- roe doctrine. AmeHcan academy of politi-cal and social science. Annals, Jan., 1896, v. 7:1-31. Hl.A4,v.i 444 Burrough, William F. Tlie Monroe doctrine and its his- tory. American mxigaBine of civics, Jan., 1896, v. 8: J^7-50. Hl.A5,v.8 445 The Monroe doctrine. T,aw studenfs helper, Jan., 1896, v. 4 : 12-14- 446 Sibley, X. W. The right of intervention and the Monroe doctrine. Laiv times, Jan. 4, 1896, v. 100:215-216. 447 The Monroe doctrine. An English view. National corporation reporter, Jan. 30, 1896, v. 11 : 5G4~565. LIST OF REFERENCES OX THE MOXROE DOCTRINE 71 448 1896, The Venezuela affair. National review, Jan., 1896, v. 26:573—592. AP4.N25,v.26 449 Stanley, Henry M. The issue between Great Britain and the United States. Nineteenth century, Jan., 1896, v. 39:1-6. ap4.N7,v.39 450 Dicey, Edward. Common sense and Venezuela. Nineteenth century, Jan., 1896, v. 39:7-15. ap4.N7,v.39 451 Pressense, Francis de. La doctrine de Monroe et le conflit Anglo- Americain. Revue des deux nwndes, Jan. 15, 1896, 4 /^^''- v. 133:Jfl7- P6. AP20.Il3,4.per.v.l33 452 Moireau, Auguste. La doctrine de Monroe. Rev-u-e jjoUtique et litteraire {Revue hleue), Jan. 4, 1896, v. 57:13-16. AP20.Il64,v.57 453 Mills, David. The new Monroe doctrine of Messrs. Cleve- land and Olney. Canadian, magazine, Feh. 1896, v. 6:365-380. AP5.C2,v.6 454 Bar, Ludwig von. Die neue Anwendung der Monroe-Dok- trin. Cosmvpolis, Feh. 1896, v. 1:51^7-552. APl.cs.v.i 455 "Woolsey, Theodore S. The president's ^Monroe luossage. Forum, Feh. 1896, v. 20: 705-712, ap2.F8,v.20 456 Straus, Oscar 'S. Lord Salisbury and the :\[onroe doc- trine. Forum, Feh. 1896, 20:713-720. AP2.F8,v.20 457 Rice, Isaac L. The duty of Congress. Forum, Feh. 1896, v. 20:721 732. AP2.F8,v.20 458 The American doctrine. Gunton's m-agazine, Feh. 1896, v. 10:81-83. Hl.G9,v.lo 459 English view of the ]Sfonroo doctrine. Gunton's nuigazine, Feh. 1SU6, v. 10:84-90. Hl.G9,v.io 400 Carnegie, Andrew. The Venezuelan question. North Amrnra), review, Feh. 1896, v. 162 :12'>-1 ',',. AP2.N7.V.162 401 Biyce, James liryce, Ut viscounl. British feeling on the Venezuelan (juestion. North Avicrican review, Feh. 1896, v. 162:145-153. A.P2.N7,v.l62 72 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 462 1896. The Monroe doctrine of Americanism. Self culture, Feb. 1896, v. 2:753-759. AP2.]y[65,v.2 463 Sliriver, E. J. An American view of the Venezuelan dis- pute. W estTTiinster review, Feb. 1896, v. 11^5:117-122. AP4.W5,v.l45 464 Woolsey, Theodore S. An interoceanic canal from the standpoint of self interest. Yale revieto, Feb. 1896, v. h:357-S6]^. Hl.Y2,v.4 465 Gossip, H. G. D. Venezuela before Europe and America. Fortnightly review, Mar. 1896, v. 65:397-^11. AP4.F7,v.65 466 Moore, John Bassett. The Monroe doctrine. Political science quarterly, Mar. 1896, v. 11:1-29. Hl.P8,v.ll 467 Bancroft, Frederic. The French in Mexico and the Monroe doctrine. Political science quarterly, Mar. 1896, v. 11:30-1^3. Hl.P8,v.ll 468 Bui-gess, Jolm W. The recent pseudo-Monroeism. Political science quarterly, Mar. 1896, v. ll:H-67. Hl.P8,v.ll 469 Henriques, H. S. Q. The Monroe doctrine. Westminster review, Ma/r. 1896, v. 1^5:271-275. AP4.W5,v.l45 470 Professor Phelps on the Monroe doctrine. Independent, April 9, 1896, v. 48: 4-87. AP2.i53,v.48 471 The Monroe doctrine. National review, April, 1896, v. 27:156-157. AP4.N25,v.27 472 Hazeltine, Mayo W. Possible complication of the Cuban question. North American review, April, 1896, v. 162: 406-413. AP2.]Sr7,v.l62 473 Bar, Ludwig von. A German view of the Monroe doctrine. American magazine of civics, June, 1896, v. 8:575-580. Hl.A5,v.8 LIST OF REFEREXCES OX THE MOXROE DOCTRINE 73 474 1896. Hinsdale, B. A. The real Monroe doctrine. Michigan 'political science association. Publications^ June., 1896, V. 2: 101-119. H31.M6,v.2 475 Merle}' J John. Arbitration with America. Nineteenth century, Aug. 1896, v. 40:320-337. ap4.N7,v.40 476 Sumner, W. G. The proposed dual organization of man- kind. Poimlar science monthly, Aug. 1896, v. ^9 : If33-.'t39 . AP2.P8,v.49 477 The Venezuela settlement. Nation, Nov. 12, 1896, v. 63:360-361. AP2.N2.V.63 478 LoTv, Sidney. The Olney doctrine. Nineteenth century, Dec. 1896, v. JfO: 8/^9-860. ap4.N7,v.40 Living age, Jan. 2, 1897, v. 212:3-17. ap2.L65.v.212 Eclectic inagazhie, Feb. 1897, v. 128: 161-169. ap2.E2,v.128 Public opinion, Jan. 7, 1897, v. 22:3-4. AP2.P9,v.22 479 1897. Olivart, Ramon de-Dalman y de Olivart, tnarquis de. Le differend entre I'Espagne et les Etats-Unis au sujet de la question Cubaine. Revue generale de droit international j^ublic, v. 4 {1807) 577-620, V. 5 {1898) 358-422, 499-555, v. 7 {1900) 541- 629, V. 9 {1902) 161-202, v. 10 {1903) 577-602, v. 12 {1905) 469-492. JX3.Il56,v.4,5,7,9,10,12 480 Adams, C. K. The Moiu'oe doctrine and the Cleveland doctrine. Independent, Feb. 18, 1897, v. 49: 205-207. AP2.l53,v.49 481 Schofield, J. M. The withdrawal of the French from Mexico. Century magazine. May, 1897, v. 54: 128-137. AP2.C4,v.54 482 Bismarck and the Monroe doctrine. Public opinion, Nov. 4, 1897, v. 23: 584. ap2.P9,v.23 483 1898. Diplomaticus [pseud.']. A Monroe doctrine for China. FortnUjhtJy review, Feb. 1808, n. s. v. 63:321-^333. AP4.F7,n.s.v.63 484 Latanc. John H. Intervention of the T^nilcd States in Cuba. North American review, Mar. 1898. v. 166:350-361. AP2.N7.V 166 74 LIBEAEY or CONGRESS 485 1898. Green, J. C. Americanism and the Monroe doctrine. Wesfmhisfer review, Mar. 1898, v, IJfi: 237-2 Jf7. AP4.W5,v.l49 486 MacFarland. T\^. W. The right of the United States to intei'^^ene in Cuba. Albany laic journal, Apr. SO, 1898, v. 57:278-281. 487 Hershey, Amos S. Intervention and the recognition of Cuban independence. Amei'ican academy of fol'iticaJ and social science. Annals, May, 1898, v. 11 : 353-380. Hi. A4,v. 1 1 488 Olney, Richard. International isolation of the United States. Atlantic monthly. May, 1898, v. 81:577-588. ap2.A8,v.81 489 Matheson, Fred J. The United States and Cuban inde- pendence. Fortnightly review. May, 1898, v. 69 : 816-832. ap4.N7,v.69 490 Hart, A. B. A centuiy of Cuban diplomacy. Harper's Tnagazine, Jwm, 1898, v. 97 : 127'' -13 If*. AP2.H3,v.97 491 The new Monroe doctrine. Outlook, Aug. 27, 1898, v. 59 : 100^-1006. AP2.08,v.59 492 Stoerk, Felix. El derecho international americano, Revista de los tribunaJes, Aug. 13, 20, 1898, v. 32:^65-478. 493 K., H. G. The Monroe doctrine. Westminster review, Aug. 1898, v. 150: 171-173. AP4.W5,v.l50 494 Cook, Theodore A. The original intention of the " Monroe doctrine." As shown hj the correspondence with Jeifer- son and Madison. Fortnightly review, Sept. 1898, v. 70:357-368. AP4.F7,v.70 495 "WTiat has become of the Monroe doctrine ? Independent, Sept. 8, 1898, v. 50: 713-714- AP2.L53,v,50 496 Fisher, Horace U. The development of our foreign policy. Atlantic montKly, Oct. 1898, v. 82:552-559. AP2.A8,v.82 LIST OF REFERENCES OX THE MOXROE DOCTRINE 75 497 1898. Something to be remembered. Nafwn, Nov. 10, 1898, v. 67: 31^5-3^6. AP2.N2,v.67 The ^Monroe doctrine and the Spanish-American peace nego- tiations. 498 1899. Holls, Frederick W. The results of the peace confer- ence in their relation to the Monroe doctrine. American monthly review of reviews^ Xov. 1S99. v. 20: 560-667. AP2.Il4,v.20 499 1900. Chetwood, John. ISIonroe doctrine repeal and " our next war." AreTia, Mar. 1900, v. 23: 247-253. AP2.A6,v.23 600 Borne, O. S. The birth of the ISIonroe doctrine. National magazine, Mar. 1900, v. 11: 599-607. AP2,N34,v.ll 501 American policy and the Monroe doctrine. Living age, June 2, 1900, v. 225: 586-588. AP2.L65,v.225 502 IMahan. Alfred T. The Boer republics and the ISIonroe doctrine. Indejyendent, Nov. 10, 1900, v. 52:1101-1103. AP2.I53,v.52 503 1901. Grande-Bretagne et Venezuela — Conteste de la Guyana. Revue generale de droit international puhlic. 1901, v. S: 71-80. JX3.R56,v.8 504 "UTiiteley, J. G. Monroe doctrine and Hay Pauncefote treaty. Fomm, Feh. 1901., v. 30 : 722-727. AP2.F8.V.30 505 Leigh, J. G. The United States and Europe: a suggestion. Westminster review, Mar. 1901, v. 155:285-292. Monroe doctrine and Isthmian canal. AP4.W5,v.l55 506 Cleveland, Grover. The Venezuelan boundary question. Centm^j magazine, June, July, 1901. r. 02: 2S3-297. 1/05-.'/ IP. AP2.C4,v.62 Appears also in Cleveland's " Presidential rrohhuns," see no. 81. 507 Germany and tlic ^Monroe doctrine. Literary digest. June 1. 1901, v. 22: 655-656. AP2.L58,v.22 r 08 Emory, Frederic. The greater America. World's wo7'k, Oct. 190 J, v. 2:1320-1325. AP2.W8.V.2 76 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 509 1901. IMills, David. The Monroe doctrine and the inter-oceanic canal. Emjyire review, Nov. -Dec, 1901, v. 2:Jf03-4H; 636-648. DA10.E5,v.2 510 Brooks, Sydney. Some aspects of the Monroe doctrine. Fortnightly review, Dec, 1901, v. 76:1013-10^6. AP4.F7,v.76 Living age, Jan. 11^ 1902, v. 232:65-76. AP2.L65,v.232 511 Germany and the Monroe doctrine still in oiDposition. Literary digest, Dec 7, 1901, v. 23:734. AP2.L58,v.23 512 Wellman, Walter. Shall the Monroe doctrine be modified ? North American review, Dec, 1901, v. 173:832-844- AP2.]Sr7,v.l73 513 1902. Alvarez, Alejandro. L'histoire diplomatique des repu- bliques americaines et la conference de Mexico. Revue genArale de droit international public, 1902., v. 9: 530-690. JX3.I156 V.9 Contents. — 1. L'epoque coloniale et I'emancipation des col- onies americaines jusciu" a la doctrine de Monroe ; 2. La doctrine de Monroe. Son origine. Ses applications. Sou developpement ; 3. Politique diplomatique des Republiques liispano-americaines depuis la proclamation de la doctrine de Monroe jusqu'au Congres de Washington ; Politique diplomatique des Etats-Unis de I'Amerique du Xord depuis la proclamation de la doctrine de Monroe jusqu'au Congres de Washington ; .5. Le Congres de Washington. La politique des Etats-Unis a partir de sa union. Les tendances a I'h^gemonie et ii I'imperialisme. 514 Xorth, Edward P. The Monroe doctrine. Canning's claim that he " called into existence a new world." American econ-omist, Feh. 21, 1902, v. 29:92-93. HC101.A5,v.29 515 Waldron. George B. Onr '• dog in the manger " policy in South America. Chautauquan, Feh., 1902, v. 34: 4^9-4^^' AP2.C48,v.34 516 Sparks, Edwin Erie. Spanish America and the Monroe doctrine. Chaittauqua-n, Feh., 1902, v. 34: 492-^501. AP2.C48,v.34 Chapter ten of Sparks's United States of America. 517 Stanwood. Edward. The moral aspects of the Monroe doc- trine. Outlook, Feh. 8, 1902, v. 70:371-^74. AP2.08,v.70 LIST OF REFEREI^CES ON THE MOISTROE DOCTRINE 77 518 1902. Mils, David. The foreign policy of the United States: the modern Monroe doctrine and international law. Empire review, Mar. 1902, v. 3: 11^1-152. DA10.E5,v.3 519 Foster, John W. Canada and the Monroe doctrine. Indejyendent, Mar. ^7, 1902, v. 5^:721-723. AP2.I53,v.54 520 Angeli, Diego. L'evoluzione della dottrina di Monroe. L'ltalia coloniale, Mar. 1902, anno 3, v. 1: 12-17. JV6.I5,anno 3 521 Foster, John T^'. Pan-American diplomacy. Atlantic monthhj, April, 1002, v. 89: ^82-401. AP2.A8,v.89 522 The Adams doctrine. Nation, May 1, 1902, v. 7 4 : 21^1-21^. AP2.N2.V.74 523 Ford, Worthington C. John Quincy Adams and the Mon- roe doctrine. American historical review, July, 1902, v. 7 : 676-69G ; Oct., 1902, V. 8: 28-52. E171. A57.V.7-8 524 The Monroe doctrine. Spectator, A ug. 30, 1902, v. 89: 280^81. ap4. S7. v. 89 525 Lefebure, Paul. A la conquete d'un isthme; la solution diplomatique. AnncHes des sciences polltiques, Sept. 15, 1902, v. 17: 627-639. H3.B35,v.17 526 The Monroe doctrine and the Haitian episode. Harper'' s weekly, Sept. 20, 1902, v. Ifi : 1319. ap2.H32.v.46 527 Pollock, Sir Frederick. Tlie Monroe doctrine. Nineteenth century and after, Oct. 1902, v. 52:533-553. AP4.N7.V.52 528 Schierbrand, Wolf von. Der imperuilistische Gedanke in Amerika. Deutsche Rundschau, Nov. 1902, v. 29, 11 eft. 2:301-:i00. AP30.D4,v.29 529 Leech, IT. Brougham. The Monroe doctrine. Fortnightly review, Nov. 1902, v. 78 : 837-85 1 . ap4. F7, v. 78 Living age, Jan. 17, 1003, v. 236: 129-1.'/). AP2.L65.V.236 530 Correct English view of the Monroe (lorfriiic Harper's weekly, Dec. 20. 1902, v. J/i : 1!)7S. AP2.H32,v.46 78 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 531 1902. Venezuela and the Monroe doctrine. Outlooh, Dec. 27\ 1902, v. 72 : 971-973. AP2.08,v.72 532 Venezuela and Europe. Saturday revieic, Dec. 20, 1902, v. 94: 760. Commends the English and German joint proceedings in Vene- zuela. AP4.S3,v.94 533 The German entanglement (Venezuela imbroglio). Spectator, Dec. 20, 1902, v. 89:976. AP4.S7,v.89 534 The Venezuela imbroglio. Spectator, Dec. 20, 27, 1902; v. 89:986-987, 1025-1026. AP4.S7,v.89 535 1903. Low, A. Maurice. Venezuela and the powers. American review of reviews, Jan. 1903, v. 27:39-1(3. AP2.Il4,v.27 536 Strantz. Karl von. Deutschland und die Monroelehre. Gegemoart, Jan. 10, 1903, \\ 63: 17-19. AP30.G3,v.63 537 Jameson Eeid. W. C. German activity in South America. GuntonU nuigazine, Jan. 1903, v. 2^: 7-12. Hl.G9,v.24 538 Venezuela and the ]Monroe doctrine. Guntoti's magazine, Jan. 1903, v. 24:67-70. Hl.G9,v.24 539 England's interest in the ]Monroe doctrine. Harpers weekly, Jan. 24, 1903, v. 47:139-140. AP2.H32,v.47 540 The German emperor and the Monroe doctrine. Harper's tveehhj, Jan. 31, 1903, v. 47: 187-188. ap2.H32,v.47 541 Eeinsch, Paul S. The positive side of the ]SIonroe doctrine. Independent, Jan. 1, 1903, v. So: 9-11. AP2.l53,v.55 542 Venezuela. Independent, Jan. 8, 1903, v. 55: 62. ap2.I53,v.55 543 The Venezuelan situation. Independent, Jan. 29, 1903, v. 55:273. ap2.I53,v.55 544 Ending of the war on Venezuela. Literary digest, Jan. 3, 1903, v. 26: 6-7. ap2.L58.v.26 545 How the Monroe doctrine can be defied. Literary digest, Jan. 3, 1903, v. 26: 23-24- AP2.L58,v.26 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 79 646 1903. Venezuelan papers on the crisis. Literary dlgext^ Jan. J, 1903., c. 26:21^. AP2.L58,v.26 547 Titherington, E. H. The Monroe doctrine, the keynote of American foreign policy. Munseifs magazine^ Jan. 1903., v. 28: 4S8-491. ap2.M8,v.28 548 Eeid, Sir "Wemyss. [Affairs of Venezuela.] Nineteenth centwy and after., Jan. 1903, v. 53: 143-149. AP4.N7,v.53 549 Bonsai, Stephen. Greater Gennany in South America. North American revieiv, Jan. 1903, v. 176: 58-07. AP2.N7,v.l76 550 - La doctrina de Monroe. Nuestro tiem-po, Jan. 1903, ano 3: 150-156. AP60.N8,ano 3 551 The Venezuelan arbitration. PuUw opinion {London) Jan. 2, 1903, v. 83:9. aP4.P9,v,83 552 . The Venezuelan entanglement [Press comment]. Public oinnimi {London) Jan. 30 1903, v. 83:131. AP4.P9,v.83 553 Viallate, Achille. Les Etats-Unis et le canal interocean- ique. Un chapitre d'histoire diplomatique americaine. Revue generate de droit inteimational puhlic, Jan.-Fch. 1903, V. 10: 5-65. JX3.R56,v.lO 554 The Venezuela affair. Ametican monfhhj review of reviews, Feb., 1903, r. 27: 131-138. AP2.R4,v.27 555 Maxey. Edwin. The attack on Venezuela. Arena, Feb. 1903, v. 29:113-117. ap2.A6,v.29 556 Venezuela. Contemporary reriew, Feb., 1903, v. 83: 287-289. AP4.C7,v.83 557 Brooks, Sydney. The Venezuela imbroglio. Fortnightly review. Fct,.. 10().',, r. 73: 247-257. AP4.F7.V.73 558 OXauL^lilin, John Callan. The diplomats in charge. Independent, Feb. 12, 1903, v. 55: 379-384. AP2.I53,v.55 80 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 659 1903. Germany's alleged plan to alienate Great Britain from this countr}'. Literary digest, Fch. U, 1903, v. 26: 236-238. ap2.L58,v.26 660 Malian, A. T. The Monroe doctrine. National review, Feh., 1903, v. JfO: 871-889. AP4.N25,v.40 Americaii revieiv of 7'eviews, Mar., 1903, v. 27 :31i.-1^7. AP2.R4,v.27 561 Elector [pseud.] A warning to the cabinet. National review, Feb., 1903, v. J^O: 890-89 Jf. AP4.N25,v.40 662 Scruggs, William L. The Monroe doctrine: its origin and import. North American review, Feh., 1903, v. 176: 185-199. AP2.N7,v.l76 563 The Venezuelan crisis, and after. Review of reviews {London), Feb. 1903, v. 27 : lJi.Ji,-lIf.6. AP4.Il4,v.27 564 The Venezuelan account. Saturday review, Feb. 21, 1903, v. 95:220-221. ap4.S3,v.95 565 International animosities. Spectator, Feb. 21, 1903, v. 90:280-281. ap4.S7,v.90 566 [Arnold, William Thomas.] German expectations and aspirations. Vigilans sed ^quus \j)sev.d^ Spectator, Feb. 21, 1903, v. 90: 289-290. ap4.S3,v.90 567 Aconcagua \j)seyd.'\ Venezuela and the Monroe doctrine. WestTrvhister revieic, Feb. 1903, v. 159:125-128. AP4.W5,v.l59 568 Another stroke of wise diplomacy; Clearing the atmos- mosphere of three continents ; The future of South Ameri- can states. World's work, Feb. 1903, v. 5:3038-30^3. AP2.W8,v.5 569 A triumi)h of inefficiency [Government's action with regard to Venezuela.] World'' s worh {London) Feb. 1903, v. 1:228. ap4.W85,v.1 570 Venezuela and the Monroe doctrine. By an American. World's work {London) Feb. 1903, v. 1:239-21^3. AP4.W85,v.1 LIST OF EEFEEENCES OX THE MOXROE DOCTRINE 81 571 1903. The Venezuela settlement. American monthly review of reviews^ March, 1903. v. 27: 268-271. AP2.Il4,v.27 572 Hamilton, J. Cleland. The Monroe doctrine — its British origin and American development. Canadian law review^ Mar. 1903. v. 2 : 338-31^3. 573 Has the Monroe doctrine weakened? Harper's weekly , Mar. 7, 1903, v. 47:387. ap2.H32,v.47 574 Dehn, Paul, Europaische Execution und nordamerikan- ische Monroecloktrin, lUustrirte Zeitung, Mar. -5, 1903, v. 120: 33 4. ap30.I3,v,120 575 DufReld, W. B. German policy in South America. Monthly review, Mar. 1903. r. 10:65-81. AP4.M882,v.lO Discusses the Monroe doctrine. 676 A Jeffersonian Democrat. The Venezuela affair and the Monroe doctrine. North American review, March, 1903, v. 176: 321-315. • AP2.N7,v.l76 577 Gane, Douglas M. Germany and the Monroe doctrine. Saturday review, Mar. 7, 1903, v. 95:293. AP4.S3,v.95 578 [Arnold, William Thomas.] Germany and the United States. Vigilans sed xEquus \^pseud.']. Spectator, Mar. 7, 1903, v. 90: 368-370. " The keynote of this letter will be that the relations between Germany and the United States have become loss easy than they had been." AP4.S3,v.90 579 Landrcth, Lucius S. The Monroe doctrine. United service magazine. Mar. 1903, v. 1^1: 995-99S. Ul.TJ6,v.41 580 O'Laughlin, John Callan. Great questions out of the Venezuelan trouble. World's worl', Mar. 1903, v. 5: 3223-3226. AP2.W8,v.5 581 Patriu' quis cxul. [pscu pleaseil Americans. On the contrary, we wlio n'c<>:^'iiiz<' llic Mnnroi' (lociriiic havf no place In an alliance witli a power tliat fears .•iiid repu- diates it." 114609°— 19 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 582 1903. Emerson, Edwin. Venezuela and the Monroe doctrine. Criterion, April, 1903, v. I^: 3-10. AP2.C9.V.4 583 Lewis, Alfred Henry. Days in the lives of great Ameri- cans — Monroe declares the Monroe doctrine. Everyhodifs m-agazine, Apr. 1903, v. 8: 319-326. AP2.E9,v.6 584 Guernsey, R. S. Application of the Monroe doctrine by Europe. Grunton?s rruigazine, Apr. 1903, v. 24: 302-306. Hl.G9,v.24 585 Somerset, H. Somers. Europe and South America. Nineteenth century and after, April, 1903, v. 53: 5S1-58G. AP4.N7,v.53 586 Macdonell, John. South American republics and the Mon- roe doctrine. Nineteenth centui'y aoixd after, Apr. 1903, v. 63: 587-598. AP4.N7,v.53 587 Is the Monroe doctrine a bar to civilization ? North Ame7'ican review, April, 1903, v. 176: 518-529. AP2.N7,v.l76 588 Fiedler, Harry A. Deutschland und die Monroe-Doktrin. Preussische Jahrhucher, April, 1903, v. 112: 120-137. AP30.P8,v.ll2 589 Hershey, Amos S. The Venezuelan affair in the light of international law. American law register. May, 1903, v. 51: 2Jf9-267. 590 Maxey, Edwin. Aftermath of the Venezuelan affair. Arena, May, 1903, v. 29: ^89-1^ 4. AP2.A6,v.29 591 An American criticism of the Monroe doctrine. Harper's weekly, May 9, 1903, v. ^7 : 771-772. ap2.H32,v.47 592 Miller, &ir Alexander Edward. The Monroe doctrine from an English standpoint. North American revieiv, May, 1903, v. 176: 728-733. AP2.N7,^.176 593 Davis, Hayne. Forcible collection of unad judged claims against a nation. Gunton's magazine, July, 1903, v. 25: 51-51^. Hl.G9,v.25 594 Penfield, Walter L. The Anglo-German intervention in Venezuela. North American review, July, 1903, v. 177:86-96. AP2.]Sr7,v.l77 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 83 595 1903. Mayer. C. Latin America and the United States. Outlool', Aug. 15, 1903, v. 7 Jt: 949-955. ap2.08,v.74 596 Barral, Montferrat, H, D. de m-arqwis. La doctrine de Monroe et les evolutions successives de la politique etrangere des Etats-Unis (1823-1903). Revue cVhlstoire diplomatique, Oct. 1903, v. 17:594^-619; Jan. July, 1904, '^'' 18:21-52; 379-405. jX3.ii3,v.i7,18 597 Dodge, Edmund Arthur. Roumania and the Monroe doc- trine. Sewanse revieto, Oct. 1903, v. 11 : 479-489. AP2.S5,v.ll 598 Fleury-Ravarin. La politique mondiale. — La doctrine de Monroe. QuestiMis diploTiuitiques et coloniales, Nov. 15. 1903, v. 16:697-704. JX3.Q4,v.l6 599 La doctrine de Monroe. Une note diplomatique du gouv- ernement Argentin. Considtations et avis. Eevus getieraJe de droit international pidjlic. Nor. J 003. v. 35 : 597-623. JX3.R56,v.35 600 Eeid, "Whitelaw, The Monroe doctrine: the Polk doctrine; anarchism. Tale law journal, Nov. 1903, v. 13: 16-41. 601 1904. Basdevant, Jules. L'action coercitive anglo-germano- italienne contre le Venezuela, 1902-1903. Revue generale de droit international public, 1904, v. 11: 362-458. JX3.R56,v.ll 602 Viallate, xVchille. Les ifitats-Unis et le* canal inter- oceaniquo. Les demeles avec la Colombie et le traite avec la Eepublique de Panama. Revue generale de droit international public, 1904, v. 11 : 481-61 4. JX3.R56,v.ll 603 Rougier, Antoine. R6pul)lique de Panama. — Separation du departeinent de Panama d'avcc la Coloinhie. Forma- tion d'lin ('tat independant. Revue genrrnh' do droit infer national puhlic. 1904, v. 11: 567-615. JX3.R56,v.ll 604 Barclay, Thomas. Two treaties of arbitration. North American reviev), Jfn. 100',. r. 17S:(;:> CO. AP2.N7,v.l78 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS G05 1904. Penfiekl, Frederic Courtland. Practical phases of Car- ibbean domination. North American review, Jan. IOO4, v. 178:76-86. AP2.N7,v.l78 606 Escobar, Francisco. President Roosevelt's message and the canal. North American revieui, Jan.. 190Jf, v. 178:122-132. AP2.N7,v.l78 Discusses the treaty-making power and the international law of recognition. 607 The Monroe doctrine exploded. Saturday revieiv, Feh. 27, 190 Jf, v. 97:258-259. AP4.S3,v.97 608 Ivins, W. M., jr. South America and our responsibility. World's work, Feh., 190 1^, v. 7:US0-US4- AP2.W8,v.7 609 The Monroe doctrine threatened. Public opinion. Mar. 17, 190^, v. 36:327-328. AP2.P9,v.36 610 Davis, W. Watson. The Moni'oe doctrine and Perry's ex- pedition to Japan. Cosmopolitan, June, 190 1^, v. 37:219-225. AP2.C8,v.3r 611 Valois, D. Monroe-Doktrin und Weltfrieden. Deutsche revue, Jwm, July, 190 1^, v. 29.2:271^-283, v, 29.3 : 13-22. AP30.D35,v.29 Condensed in the American revieiv of reviews, Sept., 1904, V. 30:351. AP2.B,4,v.30 612 Maxey, Edwin. The Monroe doctrine and Santo Do- mingo. Albany law jov/mal, Oct., 1904, v. 66:306-307. 613 Mr. Roosevelt and the Monroe doctrine. Speaker, Oct. 1, 1904, v. 11:6-7. PN407l.S7,v.ll 614 Premier Balfour on the Monroe doctrine. [Extract from speech at Liverpool.] American laio revieio, Nov. -Dec, 1904-) v. 38:930-931. 615 Moore, John Bassett. Non-intervention and the Monroe doctrine. Harper'' s magazine, Nov., 1904-, v. 109:857-869. AP2.H3,v.l09 LIST OF REFEKENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 85 616 1904. Elihu Root on the Monroe doctrine [Editorial]. Independent^ Bee. 29, 1904, 'v. 57 : lol3-151o. ap2.I53,v.57 617 Mr, Eoot and the Monroe doctrine. Spectato)', Dec. 31, 190^, v. 93 : 1075-1076. AP4.S3,v.93 618 1905. Xewlands, Francis G. The San Domingo question. Xorth American review, Jan., 1905, v. 1S0:885-^'^9S. AP2.N7,v.l80 619 American expansion. Outlook {London), Jan. 28, 1905, v. 15: 116-117. AP4.08,v.l5 620 La Venezuela et la doctrine de Monroe. Qitestion-s diplomatiques et chloniales, Jan. 16, 1905, v. 19: 120-121. JX3.Q4,v.l9 621 The Monroe doctrine in practice. SpectoMr, Jan. 28, 1905, v. 94 : 131. AP4.S3,v.94 622 Is the Monroe doctrine being stretched ? Cv/n^ent literature, Feb., 1905, v. 38:107-108. AP2.C95,v.38 623 Brooks, Sydney. Europe and the new Monroe doctrine. Harpers weekly, Feb. 25, 1905, v. 49: 280, 293. aP2.H32,v.49 624 Monrovitis. [President Roosevelt and San Domingo.] Nation, Feb. 2, 1905, v. 80:84. AP2.N2,v.80 625 The new Monroe doctrine. Outlook, Feb. 11, 1905, v. 79:366-368. AP2.08,v.79 626 La republique de Saint-Dominque et la doctrine de Monroe. Questions diplomatiques it colonixdcs, Feb. U ^905. r. 19:185. JX3.Q4,v.19 627 Eine neue Auslegung der Monroe-Doktrin. Export, Mar. 16, 1905, v. 27: 161-162. HF17.E7,v.27 628 Two per cent, a month. Natim, Mar. 2, 1905, v. 80: 166. AP2.N2,v.80 The Monroe doctriiK; ^: llu- foreign dpltt of Santo Koiniiik'". 629 Low, A. Maurice. Aim'ricau alluirs. National reciew. Mar., 1005, ». .^5: 108-119. AP4.N25,v.45 630 Mead, C. M. The Monroe doctrine. Outlook, Mar. 18, 1905, r. 79: 710-712. AP2.08.v.7n 86 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 631 1905. Moye, Marcel. L'imperialisme americain et la doctrine de ]\Ionroe. Revue generate de droit international public^ Mar-June^ 1905, V. 12:190-214. JX3.Il56,v.l2 632 Dole, Charles Francis. The right and wrong of the Mon- roe doctrine. Atlantic 77ionthIy, Apr., 1905, , v. 95: 567-573. Opposes interference with foreign nations in their relations with Spanish American republics. AP2.A8,v.95 633 A modernized Monroe doctrine. Chautauquan, Apr., 1905, v. 1^1 : 105-107. AP2.C48,v.4i 684 Diaz, Porfirio. Mexico and the Monroe doctrine. Collier's weeMy, Apr. 1, 1905, v. 34:18. AP3.C65,v.34 635 Varying views of the Monroe doctrine. Harper's weekly, Apr. 15, 1905, v. 49:528-529. AP2.H32,v.49 636 Kapallo, Edward S. The new Monroe doctrine. North American review, Apr., 1905, v. 180:586-592. AP2.N7,v.l80 637 . Castillo, Domingo B. The new Monroe doctrine. North Am£7'ican review, Apr., 1905, v. 180:592-601. AP2.N7,v.l80 638 Can the United States hold South America ? Outlook {London), Apr. 1, 1905, v. 15: 439. aP4.08,v.15 689 Spring, Alfred. The Monroe doctrine. American law review, July-Aug., 1905, v. 39: 495-516. 640 President Eoosevelt on the Monroe doctrine. Ilaoyer's weekly, Aug. 26, 1905, v. 49:1220. ap2.H32,v.49 641 The pope of Oyster Bay. Saturday review, Aug. 19, 1905, v. 100:233-234. AP4.S3,v.lOO 642 Angell, James B. European concert and the Monroe doc- trine. Harvard graduates magazine, Sept. 1905, v. 14: 13-24- IiHl.H3G7,v.l4 See also No. 26. LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 87 643 1905. Viallate, Achille. L'hegemonie des Etats-Unis dans la mer des Antilles. Reviis politique et litteraire^ Sept. 23, 1905, 5. scr. v. 4' 393-398. AP20.R64,5.ser.v,4 644 Lvle, Eugene P. jr. The control of the Caribbean. World's tvork, Sept. 1905, v. 10:6664-6669. ap2.W8.v.io 645 The Roosevelt doctrine and European interests. Economist {London) Oct. 28, 1905, v. 63:1704-1705. HG11.E2.V.63 646 Meulemans, Jules. La doctrine Monroe et le conflit Franco- Venezuelien. Revue diplomatique, Oct. 15, 1905, 28 annee: 3—4. JX3.R5.V.28 647 !Mr. Roosevelt's challenge. Saturday review, Nov. 4, 1905, v. 100 : 581-582. ap4.S3,v.ioo 648 Tarver, J. C. President Roosevelt and Latin America. Outlook {London) Dec. 9, 1905, v. 16:817-818. AP4.08,v.i6 649 1906, Growth of American foreign policy. Edinburgh 7'eview, -Jan. 1906, v. 203:236-262. AP4.E3,v.203 650 Latin America and the United States. Monthly review, Jan., 1906, v. 22:58-76. AP4.M882,v.22 Eclectic macjazine. Mar., 1906, v. 146: 195-204. AP2.E2.V.146 " It is truo that the idea that the Monroo Doctrint' ranks not only as a declaration of rights, but also as an iicknowiedK- ment of an international duty on the part of the United States, is of recent growth." 651 L., E. Le Congres pan-Americain et la doctrine de Monroe. Monde economiquc, Feh. 24, 1006, 16 annee : 236-237 . HB3.M7,v.l6 652 Lodge, Henry Cabot. The Monroe doctrine and Morocco. Harper's weekly. Mar. 10, 1906, v. 50:332-333, 352. AP2.H32.V.50 653 Brooks, S. The United States at Algeciras from an Eng- lish standpoint. Harper's weekly, Mar. 24, 1906, i\ 50:402-403. AP2.H32.V.50 654 Schoiilcr, .fames. The authorship <»!' (ho Mounic docd-inc. Independent, Mar. 15^ 1900, v. 00:619-€24. AP2.l53.v.60 88 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 655 1906. Viallate, Achille. Les Etats-Unis et rAllemagiie. Rela- tions politiqiies. Revue 'politique et litteraire {Revue hleuc) Mar. 31, 1906, 5. sir. V. 5:394.-399. AP20.R64,5 ser.v.5 656 Negrete, Eusebio. El proximo Congreso panamericano. [July, 1906] Espafia y ATnerica, May 15, 1906, v. 11 : 108-113. Discusses the Monroe doctrine. AP60.E85,v.ll 657 Laferriere, Julien. L'imperialisme aiix Etats-Unis et la doctrine de Monroe. Revue generale do droit international puhlic, May-June, 1906, V. 13: 237-263. JX3.R56,v.l3 658 Temperley, H. W. V. The later American policy of George Canning. American hist07^cal revieiv, July, 1006, v. 11 : 779-797. E171.A57,v.ll 659 Bolce, Harold. The commercial side of the Monroe doc- trine. AppletorCs magazine, July, 1006, v. S: 52-57. AP2.A59,v.8 Condensed in American review of reviews, July, 1906, v. 34: 114. AP2.Il4,v.34 660 The Monroe doctrine. Chamhers^s journal, July, 1906, v. 83: 449-4-^l- AP4.C45,v.83 661 A frank South American view of the Monroe doctrine. American review of reviews, Aug. 1906, v. 334: 244- AP2.Il4,v 34 662 La doctrine de Monroe et la politique panamericaine. Correspondant, Aug. 10, 25, 1906, n. s. v. 188:417-44^, 64O-68I. AP20.C8,n.s.v.l88 663 How Mr. Bryan's amendment would affect the Monroe doc- trine. Literary digest, Aug. 11, 1906, v. 33: 169-170. AP2.L58,v.33 664 Viallate, Achille. A French view of the pan- American idea. Outlook {London) Aug. 4, 1906, v. 18: 154-156. Translated from Revue bleue. AP4.08,v.l8 LIST OF REFERENCES OX THE MONROE DOCTRINE 89 665 1906. Barrett, John. The United States and Latm America. North American review^ Sept. 21, 1906, v. 183: 47^-483. AP2.N7,v.l83 666 Hart, Albert BushnelL The Monroe doctrine in its ter- ritorial extent and application. United States naval institute. Proceedings, Sept. 1006, v. 32: 753-800. Vl.U8,v.32 667 Taylor, Hannis. International conference at Rio de Janeiro. A7iierican law revieio, Nov. -Dec. 1906 , v. 40:896-907. 668 Professor Burgess's Berlin lecture. Indefendent, Nov. 8, 1900, v. 51: 1119-1121. AP2.I53,v.61 669 Moffett, Samuel E. The Monroe doctrine in 1906. Colliers iceeJdy, v. 38, Dec. 1, 1906: 18. AP2.C65.V.38 670 The evolution of the Monroe doctrine. HarperH weekly, Dec. 8, 1906, v. 50: 1738-1739. AP2.H32.V.56 671 1907. Simmons, John F. The Monroe doctrine: its status. MicJiigan law review, Feb. 1907, v. 5: 236-249. 672 Bo wen, Herbert W. The Monroe, Calvo and Drago doc- trines. Independent, Apr. 18, 1907, v. 62: 902-904. AP2.I53.v.e2 673 Coolidge, A. Cary. La doctrine de Monroe. Revue de Paris, Apr. 1, 1907, v. 14: 650-672. AP20.R27,v.i4 674 Alvarez, Alejandro. Le droit international americain: son origine et son evolution. Revue generale de droit international public, Mag-. lug. 1007, r. 14:393-405. JX3.R56.v.l4 675 Acuiia, Jose G. La doctrina de Drago y la (loctriiia do Monroe. Nuestro tiempo, June 10, 1907, v. 18: 369-386. AP60.N8.v.l8 676 1908. McAfee, Cleland B. The religions inii.lic;il loii of the !Monroo doctrine. Mhisionary review, Mar. 1908, v. 31 : 179-184. 16/1230,v.31 90 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 677 1908. The Monroe doctrine in Haiti. Literary digest, Apr. 18, 1908, v. 36: 651^-655. AP2.L58,v.36 678 Marvaud, Angel. La paix dans le Centre- Amerique. Questions diplomaiiques et coloniales, May 16, 1908, v. 25: 691-712. JX3.Q4,v.25 679 1909. Woolsey, Theodore S. An American concert of the powers. Scrihner''s Trmgazine, Mar. 1909, v. 1^5: 36Ii.-368. Concerning our relations with the Latin American states, and especially the Monroe doctrine. AP2.S4,v,45 680 Alvarez, Ale j andro. Latin America and international law. ATneHcan journal of international laio, Apr. 1909, v. 3: 269-353. JXl.A6,v.3 681 Leacock, Stephen. Canada and the Monroe doctrine. University magazine, Oct. 1909, v. 8: 351-37Ii.. AP5.U5,v.8 681a 1910. Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre. L'activite des Etats-Unis a I'exterienr. Economisfe frangais, Jan. 15, 1910, 38. annee, 'v. 1 : 78-79. HB3.E3,38.annee 682 Costello, Joseph P. Knox's intervention in Nicaragua. Editorial review, Feb. 1910, v. 2: 152-156. AP2.E26,v.a 683 Barrett, John. All America. North American revieio, Aug. 1910, v. 192: 178-187. AP2.N7,v.l9e 684 1911. Alvarez, Alejandro. La doctrine de Monroe a la qua- trieme conference panamericaine. Revue generale de droit inter^aational piibVic, Jan.-Feh. 1911, .V. 18: 37-U- JX3.Il56,v.l8 685 McCormick, Frederick. What does the Secretary of state mean? North Amencan review, Feb. 1911, v. 193: 206-212. AP2.1ir7,v,193 686 The United States and Mexico. Outlook, Mar. 25, 1911, v. 97: 620-622. AP2.08,v.97 LIST OF REFERENCES 01^ THE MONROE DOCTRINE 91 687 1911. Dunn, A. W. Uncle Sam on police duty. American review of reviews, Apr. JOJl, v. !fS: ^63-465. AP2.R4,v.43 688 Hershey, Amos S. Mexico and international law. Independent., Apr. 6, 1911^ v. 70: 708-711. AP2.I53,v.70 689 Alvarez, Alejandro. The Monroe doctrine at the Fourth Pan-American conference. American academy of political and social science. Annals, May, 1911, v. 37: 602-008. Hl.A4,v.37 690 Sir Edward Grej^'s endorsement of the Monroe doctrine. Spectator, May 27, 1911, v. 106: 797-798. AP4.S7,v.l06 691 La doctrine de Monroe et le Pan-americanisme. France- Amerique., June, 1911, 2. annee : 362^84- CojfTEXTS.— 1. Allocution, Paul Deschanel ; 2. Conference, An- dre Tardieu ; 3. Discovu's, Paul Deschanel. E11.F81.V.2 692 Schouler, J. Philippines and the Monroe doctrine. Independent^ June 29, 1911, v. 70: 1406-1409. AP2.I53,v.70 69b Perry, Edward AV. Latin- America and the octopus of the North. Trend, June, 1911, v. 1 : 265-279. AP2.T75,v. 1 694 Tlie Monroe doctrine again. American joicnial of international law, July., 1911. r. •'>: 729- 735. JXl.A6,v.5 « 695 McAndrew, J. W. Tlie Monroe doctrine; its iniport^mce to our military policy. Infantry journal, July, 1911, v. 8: 20-J^. UDl.I6,v.8 696 ^larburg, Tlieodore. A niodilicd Monroe doctrine. SoiUh Atlantic quarterly, July, 1011, v. 10: 227-231. AP2.S75.V.10 697 Wcllivcr, Judson C. Tlio now era in our relation wilh Latin-America. After the Monroe doctrine — what? Miins-ry\>i magazine, Oct. 1911, r. 40: 1 ',-22. AP2.M8.V.4G 698 Chambers, Julius. TIk' Moumc doctrine in (he halancc. Forum, Nov. 1911, v. 46: 525-535. AP2.F8,v.46 92 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 699 1911. South American trepidation. Literary digest, Nov. IS, 1911, v. P- 908. AP2.L58,v.43 700 Hyde, Henry M. Dollar diplomacy. Everyhochfs magazine, Dee. 1911, v. 25: 756-765. AP2.E9,v.25 701 1912. Hyde, Charles Cheney. The general arbitration treaties. North American review, Jan. 1912, v. 195: 1-1 J^. AP2.N7,v.l95 702 Brown, Philij) M. American diplomacy in Central America. American political science review, Feh. 1912, v. 6, supple- ment: 152-163. JAl.A6,v.6 703 Gilj Henry. The point of view of Latin- America on the inter- American policj^ of the United States. American political science review, Feh. 1912, v. 6, supple- ment: 161^-172. ' * JAl.A6,v.6 701 Junius junior, \^pseud.'\ Letter to Uncle Sam. Atlantic monthhj, Feh. 1912, v. 109: 172-179. Relations of the United States and Germany considering the Monroe doctrine. AP2.A8,v,109 705 How Mr. Knox can oblige Europe. Literally digest, Mar. 23, 1912, v. I^: 583. French and English views of America's obligations under the Monroe doctrine. AP2.L58,v.44 706 Manos- Albas, A de. The next great word in the evolution of peace — a plea for the development of the Monroe doc- trine. Review of reviews {London) Mar. 1.912, v. 4-^: 255-261. AP4.Il4,v.45 707 Dirksen, Herbert von. "Amerika den Amerikanern ! " Kritische Bemerkungen zur Monroedoktrin. Die Grcnzljoten, Apr. 10, 1912, no. 15:57-71. AP30.G8,1912 708 Perry, Edward W. Usona, Latin America, and Europe. Trend, Apr. 1912, v. 3:48^3. AP2.T75,v.3 709 Moses, B. Aspects of American society and f)olicy. Atlantic monthly, May, 1912, v. 109:580-593. AP2.A8,v.l09 710 Menace of the Monroe doctrine. Independent, May 30, 1912, v. 72: 1182-1183. ap2.I53,v.72 LIST OF KEFERENCES ON THE .MONROE DOCTRINE. 93 711 1912. German rage at the Monroe doctrine. Literary digest^ May 11^ 1012^ v. 4i' 978-979. AP2.ii58,v.44 712 More rage at the Monroe doctrine. Literary digest^ June 1, 1913, v. 44^: 1151-1152. ap2.L58,v.44 714 A candid German on the Monroe doctrine. Review of reviews {London) June, 1912, v. 4o: 645. AP4.Il4,v.45 715 The development of the ISIonroe doctrine. American journal of international lata, July, 1912, v. 6: 712- 713. JXl.A6,v.6 716 Stegler, R. P. Does Germany threaten the Monroe doc- trine ? International, July, 1912, v. 6: 30. AP2.I72,v.6 -717 Japan and the Monroe doctrine. Living age, July 6, 1912, v. 274: 4S-50. ap2.L65.v.274 718 Conant, Charles A. Onr mission in Nicaragua. North American review, July, 1912, v. 196: 63-71. AP2.N7,v.196 719 Lodge-Monroe doctrine. Independent, Aug. 8, 1912, v. 73:339-340. ap2.I53,v.73 720 The new ^Monroeism. Literary digest, A ug. 17, 1912, v. 4o : 248-240. AP2.L58, v.45 721 Restatement of the Monroe doctrine. Outlook, Aug. 17, 1912, v. 101:843-844- AP2.08.V.101 722 Senator Lodge's resolution. Spectator, Aug. 10, 1912, v. 109: 194-195. AP4.S7,v.l09 723 Hale, William Bayard. Our clangor in Central Amoi-ica. Where tlie Monroe doctrine is tlireatened l)y the intol- eiable conditions tliat we have permitted to giow up in the Latin " republics." ^Vorhrs worl', Aug. 1912, v. 24 : ifM-'/- AP2.W8,v.24 72-i Martin, Percy F. The mytli of the Monroe doclrinf. Financial review of reviews, Sept. 1912, c. 7: 5-J^. HQll.F7,v.7 94 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS 725 1912. "Amerika den Amerikanern." Grenzhoten, Sept. 25, 1912, v. 71 ^ : 581-591. AP30.G8,v.7i3 726 Brooks, Sydney. The latest phase of the Monroe doctrine. liar per'' s weekly, Sept. 7, 1912, v. 56: 15. AP2.H32,v.56 T, 27 English press on the Lodge resolution. Literary digest, Sept. IJf, 1912, v. 4-5: 412. ap2.L58,v.45 728 Japan's view of the new Monroe clause. Literai-y digest, Sept. 21, 1912, v. Jt5: 459-460. Lodge resolution forbidding the acquisition of land on the American continents by foreign governments. AP3.L58,v.45 729 Senator Lodge's resolution. Living age, Sept. 14, 1912, v. 274: 697-699. AP2.L65,v.274 730 An analysis of the Monroe doctrine. Oriental review, Sept. 1912, v. 2:674-678. DS501.O7,v.2 • 731 The J^Iagdelena Bay resolution. American journal, of international law, Oct. 1912, v. 6: 937-939. JXl.A6,v.6 732 Robertson, William Spence. The Monroe doctrine abroad in 1823-24. American political science review, Nov. 1912, v. 6:546-563. JAl.A6,v.6 733 Martin, Percy F. The Monroe doctrine — Its precept and practice. Fortnightly review, Nov. 1912, v. 98:869-878. AP4.F7,v.98 Living age, Dec. 28, 1912, v. 275: 771-778. AP2.L65,v.275 Literary digest, Dec. 14, 1912, v. 45:1117-1118. AP2.L58,v.45 734 The two Americas. Spectator, Nov. 2, 1912, v. 109: 694-695. AP4.S7,v.l09 735 Lehr, Ernest. La doctrine de Monroe et la doctrine de Drago, d'apres des publications americanes recentes. Bihliotheque universelle, iJec. 1912, v. 68:510-520. AP25.B26,v.68 736 The myth of the Monroe doctrine. The late leader of Tam- many hall replies to Mr. Percy F. Martin. Fina7icial review of reviews, Dec. 1912, v. 7 : 19-31. Contents: I. Reply by Mr. Lewis Nixon. II. 'Mv. Perry F. Maxtin's rejoinder. HGll,F7,v.7 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 95 2. Raging at the Monroe doctrine. Literary digest, Dec. U, 1912, v. ^5: 1117-1118. AP2.L58,v.45 738 1913. Mettgenberg, Wolfgang. Die Monroedoktrin. Archiv cles Offentlichen Beehts, 1913, v. SO: 407-41/f. JA14.A67,v.30 739 Lehr, Ernest. La doctrine de Monroe. Ses origines, son but et ses dangers, d'apres une recente publication ameri- caine. Revue de droit international et de legislation . 1913. r. 23:3S7. AP2.W8.V.23 747 Mr. AYilson's woi-d to Latin America. Literary digest. Mar. 22, 1913, r. 40:020-627. AP2.L58.V.46 748 The Monroe doctrine: a poll of the foreign pivss. Outlook, Mar. 8, 1913, v. 103: 526-S2S. AP2.08,v.l03 96 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 749 1913. Mexico and the United States. Living age, Apr. 5, 1913, v. 277: 57-60. ap2.L65,v.277 750 Paschke, T. Monroe doctrine and the Pan-American rail- way. Outlook, May 17, 1913, V. lOi: 122. AP2.08,v.i04 751 Bingham, Hiram. The Monroe doctrine, an obsolete shib- boleth. A tlan tic man thly, June, 1913, v. Ill : 721-7 3 k. AP2. A8,v. 1 1 1 752 World's work [Editorial]. Obligations of the Monroe doctrine. World's work, June, 1913, v. 26: lJt2. AP2.W8,v.26 753 Edgington, T. B. Mexico and the Monroe doctrine. Cose and comment, July, 1913, v. 20: 92-93. 754 Monroe doctrine and Mexico. Harper's weekly, v. 57, July 19, 1913 : 5. AP2.H32,v.57 755 Miller, Charles E. Monroe doctrine in the Venezuela dispute. Century magazine, Sept. 1913, v. 86: 750-76 J^. ap2.C4,v.86 756 Laferriere, J. La resolution Lodge et la doctrine de Monroe. Revue de droit international public, Sept,-Oct. 1913, v. 20: 5Jf9-574. JX3.R56,v.20 I 757 Zom, Philipp. Die Monroedoktrin. Die Woche, Sept. 27, 1913, v. 15: 1627-1630. AP30.W7,v.l5 758 Brazil and the United States. Living age, Oct. 11, 1913, v. 279: 119-120. AP2,L65,v.279 759 The Mobile declaration. Independent, Nov. 6, 1913, v 76: 237, 2}fi. AP2.l53,v.76 760 The new Monroe doctrine. Independent, Nov. 20. 1913, v. 76: 328-329. ap2.I53,v.76 Comment upon ex-President Roosevelt's address at the Uni- versity of Buenos Aires, Nov. 10, 1913. 761 As France sees our Mexican polic3\ Literary digest, Nov. 29, 1913, v. Jf7 : 1055. AP2.L58,v.47 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 97 762 1913. Eoosevelt, Theodore. American internationalism. Outlook, Nov. 1, 1913, v. 105 : 473-470. ap2.08.v. 105 763 President Wilson and Latin America — a poll of the press. OuflooA-, Nov. 8, 1913, v. 105: 523-525. AP2.08.v.l05 764 Lord Haldane, Mexico and the IVIonroe doctrine. Bench aTid bar, Dec. 1913, n. s. v. 17: 41-46- 765 Shnster, W. Morgan. Is there a sound American foreign policy ? Century magazine, Dec. 1913, v. 87: 233-241. AP2.C4,v.87 766 Die Monroe-Doktrin. Histoinsch'politlsch Blatter fiir d' 681-C83. ap2.L58,v.48 794 Ogg, Frederic Austin. Ninety yeai-s of the Monroe doc- trine. Munsey's m/igazine. Mar. 1914, v. 51 : 345-350. AP2.M8,v,51 795 Roosevelt, Theodore. South America and the Monroe doc- trine. Outlook, Mar. 14, 1914, 'v. 106: 582-589. AP2.08,v.l06 796 Roosevelt, Theodore. Chile and the Monroe doctrine. Outlook, Mar. 2U 1014, v. 106: 631-637. AP2.O8.v.l0e 797 Meaning of the Monroe doctrine. Blackwood'' s Edinburgh magazine, Apr. 1914, >'• ^^5: 574- 577. AP4.B6,v.l95 798 The Monroe doctvine. British review, Apr. 1914, 'V. 6:68-71. AP4.B83,v.6 100 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 7yy 1914. Mac Hugh, R. J. The Monroe doctrine and the Latin- American republics. Fortnightly review^ Ayr. 191 J^^ n. s. v. 95:671-681. AP4.F7,n.s.v.95 Living age, May 30, 19U, v. 281: 515S23. ap2.L65,v.281 800 Outlook [Editorial]. South America and the Monroe doc- trine. Outlook, Apr. 18, 191Jf, v. 106: 832-833. AP2.08,v.l06 801 Post, Melville Da visson. What is the Monroe doctrine ? Saturday evening voat, v. 186, Apr. 11, 1911^:8-9, 57. AP2.S2,v.l88 802 Ford, Henry Jones. Disorderly states. Atlantic monthly. May, 1911^, v. 113: 577-585. AP2.A8,v.ll7 803 Coudert, F. R. The i^resent position of the Monroe doc- trine. Bench and har. May, 19H, n. s. v. 9:18-26. 804 Salmon, Edward. The shade of Monroe : a doctrine, a nuis- ance, and a danger. Britannic review. May, 191 If, v. 1: 1^6-63. AP4.B66,v.l 805 German intentions in Haiti. Literary digest. May 30, 191 If, v. 48: 1303. AP2.L58.V.48 806 Danziger, S. Rationalizing the Monroe doctrine. Public, May 1, 1914, v. 17: 410. ap2.P87,v.17 807 Zeballos, E. S. La politique de Madison, la declaration de Monroe et les interets de TAmerique et de I'Europe. Revue generale de droit international public. May, 1914, v. 21:297-339. JX3.ii56,v.2l 808 Winiger, Josef. Die Monroe-Doktrin im Lichte der geschichtlichen Tatsachen. Sud- u. Mittel-Amerika, May 29, 1914, v. 7: 157-160. 809 Hale, William Bayard. Our moral empire in America. President Wilson's policy in Mexico as an example of the new Monroe doctrine. World's work. May, 1914, v. 28:52-58. AP2.W8,v.28 810 A new basis for the Monroe doctrine. ^ American review of reviews, June, 1914, v. 49 : 104-105. ^ AP2.B4,v.49 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 101 811 1914. Taylor, Hannis. Lord Haldane and the Monroe doc- trine. Georgetown law journal., June., 19H^ v. 2:1-5. 812 Stebbins, A. K. The Monroe doctrine, an analysis of purpose. Green hag, June, 19U, v. 26:255-267. 813 Green bag [Editorial]. The future of the Monroe doctrine. Green hag, June, 19H, v. 26:29^-295. 814 Pohl, Heinrich. Die Monroedoktrin. Der Greif, June, 191 Jf, v. 1:189-197. AP30.G85,v.l 815 Woolsey, T. S. Monroe doctrine fundamentals. North American review, June, 1914, v. 199:833-8^0. AP2.N7,v.l99 816 Eoot, Elihu. Eeal Monroe doctrine. North American review, June, 1914, v. 199:8^1-856. AP2.N7,v.l99 817 Lafond, Georges. La doctrine de Monroe et les fitats sud- americains. Revue politique internationale, June, 1914, v. 1:570-582. Dl.R7,v.l 818 International relations of the L^nited States. American academy of political and social science. Annals, July, 1914, V. 54. Hl.A4,v.54 For contents see no. 19 in this list. 819 Root, Elihu. Real Monroe doctrine. American journ/tl of international laio, July, 1914, ^' 8:427-44^. JXl.A6,v.8 American society of international law. Proceedings, 1914, v. 8:6-22. JX27.A5,v.8 620 Hart, A. B. Monroe doctrine of the twentieth century. Infantry journal, July-Aug. 1914, v. 11:1-12. UDl.I6,v.ll 821 ITowcll, W. A. International courts for the American con- tinents. Nation, July 23, 1914, v. 99 : 103. AP2.N2, v.99 822 Bingham, Hiram. Latin America and the Monroe doctrine. Yale review, July, 1914, v. 3:656-672. Hl.Y2,v.3 102 LIBRAEY or CONGRESS 823 1914. Chandler. C. L. The Pan American origin of the Monroe doctrine. Amey'ican jommal of international law, Aug. 19 H^ v. 8:515-519. JXi.A6,v.8 824 Pan- American diplomacy superseding the Monroe doctrine in Mexico. Current opinion, Aug. 1914, v. 57 :85. ap2.C95,v.57 825 Bartlett, C. A. Hereshoff. The Monroe doctrine: "Be a nation, be Americans." Laio ^magazine and review, Aug. 19H, v. 39:385-1^27. 826 EoTve, L. S. The need of a constructive American foreign policy. Political quarterly, Sept. 191Jf, v. 1, no. 3:17-37. JA8.P7,v.l 827 Roosevelt, Theodore. Theodore Roosevelt's outlook on the Monroe doctrine from his messages as President of the United States. Journal of American history, Oct. 191 If., v. 8: 6H~621. E171.J86,v.8 828 Recent attitude of South America toward the Monroe doc- trine. Journal of rac0 development, Oct. 19 IJ^., v. 6: 230-233. HT1501.J7,v.5 829 German}' and the Monroe doctrine. Law tifnes, Nov. 7, 191Jf, v. 138: 17. 830 German respect for the Monroe doctrine. Literary digest, Nov. 7, 191 1^, v. 1^9:871-872. aP2.L58,v.49 831 Terrell, Glanville. German}'- and the Monroe doctrine. Nation, Nov. 19, WH, v. 99: GOl^SOo. AP2.N2,v.99 832 Germany and the Monroe doctrine. Outlook, Nov. Jf, 191 If., V. 108: 521-52 Jf. AP2.08,v.i08 833 Crafter, F. AV. B. The Monroe doctrine and the European war. Outlook, Nov. Jf, 191 1^, V. 108: 551^.-555. AP2.08,v.l08 834 The war and the Monroe doctrine. Outlook, Nov. 25, 1911f., v. 108: 651^-655. AP2.08,v.l08 LIST OF REFERElSrCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 103 835 1914. The Monroe doctrine and neutrality. Law times, Dec. 5, 191 J^, v. 138:119. 836 Bowen, Herbert W. The Pan-American opportunity. Independent, Dec. 21, 191 J^, v. 80: U'^-U6. AP2.I53,v.80 837 Harvey, George. The Monroe doctrine and the war. North American revieiv, Dec. 1914, v. 200: 824-830. AP2.]Sr7,v.200 838 1915. Eowe, L. S. The Monroe doctrine and American for- eign policy. Pennsylvania. University. University lectures delivered hy memhers of the faculty in the free public lectu/re course, 1913, 1914. Philadel'phia, 1915. {Bulletin, 15th, ser. no. 3, pt. 5:241-208.) 839 Brown, L. Ames. A new era of good feeling. Atlantic monthly, Jan. 1915, v. 115: 99-110. ap2.A8,v.115 A report of what President Wilson has said and done to culti- vate the friendship of South America. 840 Moore, John Bassett. The growth of Pan-American unity. Independent, Jan. 11, 1915, v. 81: 58-66. AP2.I53,v.81 Pan American union, Bulletin, Jan. 1915, v. 4(^ ' 49-52. F1403.B955,v.40 841 The Monroe doctrine and neutrality. Law notes, Feh. 1915, v. 18:210-211. 8-42 -Extending the Monroe doctrine to the Far East. ^YorUs xcorh, Feh. 1915, v. 29: 373-374. AP2.W8,v.29 843 Fullerton, W. Morton. Diplomacy our first line of defense. World's work, Feh. 1915, v. 29: 377-385. AP2.W8,v.29 844 Slosson, William Preston. The Venezuela dispute. Independent, Mar. 15, 1915, v. 81 : 387S88. AP2.l53,v.81 845 Ivobertson, William Spence. South America and the Mon- roe doctrine, 1824-1828. Political science quarterly, Mar. 1915, v. 30: 82-105. Hl.P8,v.30 840 \'Hk'i)tiiH', L. (J. Monroe doctrine and Latin American commerce. American industries, v. 15, Apr. 1915: 18-19. HD4802.A6,v.l5 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 847 1915. Is there an ethical standard for our defence of the Monroe doctrine ? Current opinion., ^^(lyt 1915., v. 58: SJ^S. AP2.C95,v.58 A review of Roland G. Usher's " Pan- Americanism." 848 Usher, Roland G. Our inconsistent foreign policy. New re-public^ May 29., 1915, v. 3: 89-90. AP2.N624,v.3 849 Bibb, E. S. The Monroe doctrine — what is its status? Case and c&mment, June, 1915, v. 22: 48-51. 850 Lorin, Henri. L'evolution de la doctrine de Monroe. Revue des deux mondes, Jmie 15, 1915, 6. per, v. 27 : 818-8^7. AP20.Il3,6th per.v.27 851 Fuller. P. Neutral rights and the obligations of American republics. ^ Amei^ican academy of political and social science. Annals, July, 1915, V. 60: 155-167. ' Hl.A4,v.60 852 Robertson, William Spence. The United States and Spain in 1822. American historical review, July, 1915, v. 20: 781-800. E171.H57,v.20 853 Shoichi, Oshima. Japanese views of the Monroe doctrine. Washington historical quarterly, July, 1915, v. 6 : 151^-161. F886.W28,v.6 854 Hatschek, Julius. Die Wandlimgen der Monroedoktrin. Deutsche Revue, Aug. 1, 1915, v. Jfi: 11^2-11^9. AP30.D35,v,40 855 Kraus, Herbert. The Monroe doctrine as Germans see it. Atlamtic monthly, Sept. 1915, v. 116 : 313-321. ap2.A8,v.ii6 856 Moore, John Bassett. Henry Clay and Pan- Americanism. Columbia university quarterly, Sept. 1915, v. 17 : 3Jf6-362. LHl.C7Q2,v.l7 857 Skinner, Richard D. Pan-Americanism ; our international democracy, then and now. Nation, Sept. 2, 1915, v. 101 : 284-286. ap2.N2,v. loi 858 Johnson, W. H. Monroe doctrine, a consideration from a non-technical point of view. Nation, Sept. 30, 1915, v. 101 : 404-405. AP2.N2,v.l01 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 105 859 1915. Barrett, John. Practical Pan- Americanism. North American review^ Sept. 1915^ v. 202: 41S-4^3. AP2.Nr,v.202 Also printed separately. 860 Eoot, Elihii. La verdadera doctrina de Monroe. Remsta de derecho, SejJt. 1915, v. 12: 17 1-18 Jf. 861 Hart, A. B. Pacific and Asiatic doctrines akin to the Mon- roe doctrine. American journal of international law, Oct. 1915, v. 9: 802- 817. JXI.A6,v.9 862 Extending American protectorates under the Monroe doc- trine. Cwv^ent opinion, Oct. 1915, v. 59:223-225. AP2.C95,v.59 863 Bullard, Arthur. Are we a world power ? Century magazine, Nov. 1915, v. 91 : llJrll9. AP2.C4,v.9l 861 Hart, A. B. Shall we defend the Monroe doctrine ? North American revieio, Nov. 1915, v. 202 : 681-692. AP2.N7,v.202 865 Calderon, Ignacio. [Mr. Eoot and Pan-Americanism.] Pan-American union. Bulletin, Nov. 1915, v. 1^1 : 675-678. F1403.B955,v.41 866 Gouault, Emile. La doctrine de Monroe. Revue politique et parlementaire, Dec. 1915, v. 85: 1^01-1^17. H3.Il4,v.85 867 1916. Armstrong, R. D. Should the Monroe policy be modi- fied or abandoned? American journal of international laio, Jan. 1916, v. 10: 77- 103. JXl.A6,v.lO 868 Einehart, Mar,y Eoberts. Enforce the Monroe doctrine. Current history magazine of the New York Times ^ Jan. 1916, V. 3: 736-737. D50i.N5.v.3 869 Monroe and Wilson. Independent, Jan. 17, 1916, v. 86:73. AP2.I53,v.85 870 Barker. J. E. Position of the United States. Living age, Jan. 22, 1916, v. 288: 244-2^7. AP2.L65,v.288 106 LIBKAJIY OF CONGRESS 871 1916. Cooley, S. Rationalizing the Monroe doctrine. Puhh'c, Jan. 7^, 1916, v. 19: 30—31. AP2.P87,v.l9 872 Barrett, John. Monroe doctrine — a Pan-American doctrine. Engineering and^ mining journal, Feb. 12, 1916, v. 101 : 301- 302. TAl.E56,v.lOi 873 Frewen, M. Monroe doctrine and the great war. NiTieteenth centmnj aoul after, Feh. 1916, v. 79: Ji-Jt3-357. AP4.N7,v.79 Living age, Mar. 25, 1916, v. 288: 771-781. AP2.L65,v.288 874 Olney, Richard. Our Latin American policy. N>orth American review, Feb. 1916, v. 203: 185-193. AP2.N7,v.203 875 Beecher, W. H. The real danger. Public, Feb. 18, 1916, v. 19: 152. AP2.P87,v.l9 876 Lopez, Jacinto. La doctrina Monroe y el Congreso de Panama. Reforma social, Feb. 1916, v. 6:353-384.. H8.R3,v.6 877 Monroe doctrine and Pan-American policy. llVorlcrs worh, Feb. 1916, v. 31:36^-365. ap2.W8,v.31 878 Walsh, W.T. After the war— what ? Illustrated world. Mar. 1916, v. 25: 16-25. Tl.T2,v.25 879 America and the Monroe doctrine. Laio times, Mar. 25, 1916, v. 11^0: 1^35; Sept. 23, 1916, v. 11^1:368. 880 Skimier, R. D. International democracy. Nation, Mar. 16, 1916, v. 102: 306-307. ap2.N2,v.102 881 Merriman, Roger B. The Monroe doctrine — its past and present status. Political quarterly, {London,) Mar. 1916, v. 2 no. 7: 17-hO. Also publislied separately. JA8.P7 v.2 882 Fullerton, W. Morton. La doctrine de Monroe et la guerre. Tr. by Ch. Bastide. Revue de Paris, Apr. 15, 1916, 23. amvee, t. 2:810-822. AP20.E.27,23.aniiee,v.3 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 107 883 1916. Ogg, F. A. Monroe doctrine interpreted. Did, June 8, 1916, v. 60: 5Jf9-^52. Review of — Hart, A. B.. The Monroe doctrine, Sherrill, C. H., Modernizing tlie Monroe doctrine. AP2.D48,v.60 884. Bonn, M. J. Germany and the Monroe doctrine. New repuhlic, June 10, 1916, v. 7 : ll^l-llt3. aP2.N624,v.7 885 Bonn, M. J. Germany and the Monroe doctrine. Ainericati academy of political and social science. Annals, July, 1916, V. 66: 102-105. Hl.A4,v.66 886 Suarez-Mujica, Eduardo. The Monroe doctrine, become Pan-American, " a solid tie of unison, a g:naranty, a bul- wark for our democracies." Journal of Ameriran history, July, 1916, v. 10: 517—522. E171.J86,v.lO 887 Significance of a Pan-American policy. Pan-American union. Bulletin, July, 1916, v. 43:7-12. F1403.B955,v.43 888 Fullerton, W. Morton. The Monroe doctrine and the war. World's work, July, 1916, v. 32: 315-320. AP2.W8,v.32 889 Pereyra, Carlos. Rosas ensenandole a Monroe los rudi- mentos del Monroismo. Nuestro tiem'po, Aug. 1916, ano 16, no. 212: 15 1-16 1,.. AP60.N8,v.l6 890 Brazilian hostility to the Monroe doctrine. American review of reviews, Oct. 1916, v. 51^: 452-^53. Extracts from an article by Oliveira Lima in the Revista do Brazil, May 1916. APS. R4, v. 54 891 Ochs, George W. The Monroe doctrine. Current history magazine of the New Yorh Times, Oct., 1916, V. 5: 154-163. D501.N5,v.5 892 Shadow of the colossus; C H. Sherrill's Modernizing the Monroe doctrine. Living age., Oct. 21, 1916, v. 291 : 160-165. AP2.L65,v.291 893 Richard, B. IT. The proof of the Monroe doctrine. Military historian and economist, Oct., 1916, v. 1 : 443-449. Ul.M45,v,l 894 Fullei-ton, W. Morton. The real Monroe doctrine. World's work {London), Oct., 1916, v. 28:425-429. AP4.W85,v.28 108 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 895 1916. Shepherd, Willkim R, New light on the Monroe doctrine. Political science quarterly, Dec, 1916, v. 31:578-589. Hl.P8,v.31 896 1917. Spargo, John. Monroe doctrine ; its democratization. IntercoUcglatc socialist, v. 5, Feb., 1917 : 7-9. 897 Binding the Monroe doctrine. Literary digest, Feb. 10, 1917, v. 5 If.- 329-330. ap2.L58,v.54 898 Harve}^, George. Isolation and other policies. North American review, Feb., 1917, v. 205:116-173. AP2.N7,v.205 899 Castro-Ruiz, Carlos. Chile — Monroe doctrine and the gov- ernment of Chile. American political science review, May, 1917, v. 11 : 231-238. JAl.A6,v.ll 900 Becker, Carl. The Monroe doctrine and the war. Minnesota history bulletin. May, 1917, v. 2: 61-68. 901 Shaw, A. Monroe doctrine and the evolution of democ- racy. Acade'my of political science. Proceedings, July, 1917, v. 7: Jf71-P8. H31.A4,v.7 902 Wilson, G. G. Monroe doctrine after the war. Academy of political science. Proceedings, July, 1917, v. 7: 1^89-1^91^. H31.A4,v.7 903 Latane, John H. Monroe doctrine and the American pol- icy of isolation in relation to a just and durable peace. American academy of political ami social science. Annals, July, 1917, V. 72: 100-109. Hl.A4,v.72 904 What the Monroe doctrine has been, is and may be, by C. H. Levermore; Monroe doctrine a world principle; Mon- roe doctrine after the war, by G. G. Wilson ; Monroe doc- trine in relation to a just and durable peace, by J. H. Latane. World court, Sept., 1917, v. 3: 395-1,25. 905 Backing the Monroe doctrine. Bellman, Nov. 10, 1917, v. 23: 510-511. AP2.B43,v.23 906 Bryce, James Bryce, 1st viscount. Monroe doctrine and a league of nations. Nation, Dec. 13, 1917, v. 105: 659. AP2,N2,v.l05 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 109 907 1917. Montoliu, C. La intervencion de los Estados Unidosy la doctrina de Monroe. Nuestro tiempo, Dec. 1917, mio 17, no. 228:273-281. AP60.N8,ano 17 908 Mr. Root on the Monroe doctrine. Pan American union. Bulletin, Dec, 1917, v. JfO : 750-755. F1403.B955,v.45 909 1918. Grahame, L. Germany and the Monroe doctrine. Pan Amencan magazine, Jan., 1918, v. 26: 152-153. F1401.P18,v.26 910 McChesney, M. Latin America and the Monroe doctrine. Unpopular review, Jan., 1918, v. 9: 97-111. AP2.U75,v.9 911 Becker, Carl. The Monroe doctrine and the war. Histot^ teacher'^s magazine, Feh., 1918, v. 9: 87-90. D16.3.H6,v.9 912 Alvarez, Alejandro. New Monroe doctrine and American public law. Minnesota law review, Apr., 1918, v. 2: 357-366. 913 Reves, Cesar. Panamericanismo : Monroe y Alberdi. Revista de derecho, Ajjr., 1918, v. 59: 1^96-512. 914 McLaren, A. D. A Monroe doctrine for Australasia. Contemporary review, Aug.j 1918, v, 111^: 158-163. AP4.C7,v.ll4 915 Grahame, L. Extension of the Monroe doctrine. Pan American Qtm^azin^, Aug., 1918, v. 27: 199-201. F1401.P18,v.S7 916 1919. Mandates and the Monroe doctrine. Bellman, Feb. 8, 1919, v. 26: U6-llt7. AP2.B43,v.26 917 Latane, John H. League of nations and the Monroe doc- trine. ^Yory^s %oorh, Feh., 1919, v. 37: Jf41-i^.. AP2.W8,v.37 918 Williams, Talcott. To prevent the Balkanization of the world. Wmid^s work, Feh., 1919, v. 37: ^J,5-U8. AP2.W8,v.37 919 Marriott, J. A. R. The foreign policy of the United States. Edinburgh review, Apr. 1919, v. 229:345-362. AP4.E3,v.229 SPEECHES, ETC., AS PRINTED IN THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD See also numbers 300a-300h, 301. 302 in this list. 920 Bingliam, Hiram. The Monroe doctrine: an obsolete shibbo- letli. (Article that appeared in Atlantic monthly, June, 1913.) CongressionaZ record^ 63d Cong.^ 1st sess., v. 50, pt. 3: 2527- 2531. Introduced into the Record by Mr. Kent, July IS, 1913. Jll.Il5,v.50,pt.3 921 Borland, William P. The Monroe doctrine as a factor in in- ternational peace. Address at the Conference on interna- tional arbitration, May 19, 1916. Congressional record, GJfth Cong., 1st sess., v. 53, Appendix: 1001t.-100o. Jll.Il5,v.53,App. 922 Clark, Champ. The Monroe doctrine. Congresslanal record, Glfth Cong., 1st sess., v. 53, pt. 9: 91^-911^5. Jll.Il5,v.53,pt.9 Also printed in National Sunday magazine. 923 Clark, Frank. [Monroe doctrine. Speech in the House, Sept. 11, 1913.] Congressional record, 63d Cong., 1st sess., v. 50, pt. 5, p. Jf753-Jf756. Jll.R5,v.50,pt.3 924 Daly, William D. Xicaraguan canal — Monroe doctrine. Speech in the House . . . May 1, 1900. Washington {Gov't print, off.'] 1900. llf. p. 2Ji\^^. 6-4965 TC784.D16 925 Douglas, Stephen Arnold. Speech on the Monroe doctrine. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 14, 1853. 'Washington, PHnted hy L. Toioers, 1853. 16 p. ££""'. Explaining the author's opposition to the ratification of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. CA lS-417 JX1425.D75 110 LIST OF REFERElSrCES ON THE MONROE DOCTRINE 111 926 Fess, Simeon D. [The Monroe doctrine.] Speech in the House, May 14, 1914. Congressional record^ 63d Cong.^ 2d sess.^ v. 51^ pt. 9: 8595- 8599. Jll.R5,v.51,pt.9 926a Johnson, Hiram "W. League of nations. Speech in the Sen- ate, June 2, 1919. Congressional record^ 66th Cong.^ 1st sess., v. 58, no. 13 {current file) 513-520. The Monroe doctrine: p. 517-518. 927 Page, Walter H. The Monroe doctrine. Congres^onal record, 63d Cong., 2d sess., v. 51, pt. 6: 5^Ji.l- 5U2. Jll.B5,v.51,pt.6 Speech delivered in London Mar. 11, 1914. 928 Post, Melville D. Our continental policy. Congressional record, 63d Cong., 2d sess., v. 51, pt. 11: 10709-10711. Jll.R5,v.51,pt.ll Introduced into the Record by Senator Williams. June 19, 1914. Deals with the ^Monroe doctrine in its relation to European connection with South America and especially present condi- tions in Mexico. 929 Rayner, Isidor. Speech in defense of the President's policy in regard to Hawaii and upon annexation and the Monroe doctrine. 53d Congress. iln Ms Speeches and addresses. Baltimore, 1S99. p. 166-196.) 930 Sherrill, Charles H. The Monroe doctrine and the Canning myth. Address before the American academj^ of political and social science, Apr. 3, 1914. Congressional record, 63d Cong., 2d sess., v. 51, pt. 6: 6221- 6222. Jll.R5,v.51,pt.6 Introduced into the Record by Mr. Chamberlain, Apr. 4, 1914. 931 Sherwood, Isaac R. Monroe doctrine and Mexican affairs. Speech in the House, Oct. 17, 1913. Congressional record, 63d Cong., 1st sess., v. 50, pf. 6: 5688- 5690. jll.R5,v.50,pt.6 932 Slayden, James L. Tlie relations of the Ignited States to other Auioricaii governments — The Monroe doctrine and its limitations. Remarks in the House of Representatives, May 17, 1911. Congressional record, 62d Cong., 1st sess., v. If7, Appendix: 25-28. Address before the Third national peace confrress al Baltimore, May 4, 1911. Jll.R5,v.47,app. 112 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 933 Smith, Gerrit. Speeches of Gerrit Smith in Congress [1853- 1851] A''ew TorJc, Mason hrothers, 1855. vi p., 1 Z., {9'\-J^23 p. front, (port.) 19^'="'. Speech on the Mexican treaty and Monroe doctrine, June 27, 1S54: p. 287-303. 15-829 E431.S64 931 U. S. 5oth Cong., 1897-1899. [MisceUaneous documents and speeches on Cuba and Philippines. 55th Congress. WashuujtoH, D. C, 1896-90} 57 pam. 221^"^. Collected by W. H. Grimshaw. Contains speeches on the Monroe doctrine by Shelby M. Cul- lom. Jacob H. Bromwell, and William J. Sewell. CA 10-4452 JV506.A3 935 Wilson, Henry. The Central American question. C ongressi&nal Glohe, SJfth Cong., 1st sess. Appendix, p. 84-87. Monroe doctrine, p. 87. J11.R5 INDEX [The numbers refer to the items, not to the pages.] Abandonment, 47, 48, 51, 153, 783, 792, 867. See also Future. Abbott, Ernest Hamlin, 773. Abranches, Dunsbee de, 13. Achorn, Edgar O., 743. Aconcagua [psend.'\ 567. Acuna, Jose G., 675. Adams, Charles Francis, 14, 16, 22. Adams, Cbarles Kendall, 15, 480. Adams, John Quincy, pres. U. S., 16, 108, 113-113, 146, 203, 300a, 332, 33&- 338, 522, 523. Alvarez, Alejandro, 17, 18, 513, 674, 680, 684, 689, 912. American academy of political and so- cial science, 19-21. American society of international law, 22. Americus [pseud.], see Kingsley, Vine W. Ames, Edgar Willey, 23. Ammen, D., 393. Andrews, Byron, 24. Andrews. Elisha Benjamin, 25. Angeli, Diego, 520. Angell, James Burrill, 26, 642. Anglo-Amer. league of Gt. Brit, 27. Antokoletz, Daniel, 29. Application, 22, 138, 140, 187, 198, 223, 226, 513, 584, 59G. 666. See also Clayton-Bulwer treaty, Ed- mund.s resolution. Lodge resolu- tion, Venezuela, etc., etc. Argentine Republic, 57. 07-00. .500. See also Latin America, South America. Armstrong, K. D., 867. Arnold, William Thomas, 31, .566, .578. Austin, Ilonry, 32. Australasia, Monroe doctrine for, 914. Authorship, see Origin. Bacon, Rol)prt, 257. Bagot, Josceline, 68. Baldwin, Simeon Eben, 3.3. 114669°— 19 8 Balfour, Arthur J., 614. Bancroft, Frederic, 265, 467. Bar, Ludwig von, 454, 473. Barclay, Thomas, 440, 604. Barker, J. E., 870. Barney, Samuel Stebbins, 34. Barral de Montferrat, H. D. de mar- quis, 35, 596. Barrett, John, 19, 36, 37, 665, 683, 859, 872. Bartlett, C. A. Hereshoff, 825. Basdevant, Jules, 601. Bastide, Ch., 882. Beard, Charles Austin, 38, 39. Beaumarchais, Maurice P. J. D., de 40. Becker, Carl, 900, 911. Becu, Carlos Alfredo, 41. Beecher, W. H., 875. Beer, George Louis, 372a. Bell, John, 300h. Benton, Thomas Hart, 42. Berenger, Fernando, 43. Bibb, E. S., 849. Bibliographies : International American conferences, 8. ■ International arbitration, 9. Intervention, 10. Mexico, French intervention, 9. Monroe doctrine, 1-7, 11, 12, 20, 45, 71, 102, 141. 183, 202, 200, 218, 223, 225, 244, 283, 348. ^'enezuela. European intervention, 1902, 9. Bidau, Eduardo L., 44. Bigelow, John, 45. Bingham, Hiram, 22, 46-48, 51, 341, 751, 783, 822, 920. Bismarck, 263, 482. Blaine doctrine, 110, 398-402, 404-409, 412, 413. Blair, Montgomery, 49. Blakeslee, George Hubbard, 22, 50, 51, 772. 113 114 INDEX Boer republics, 502. Bolce, Harold, 659. Bolivar, Simon, 211, 294, Bonfils, Henry J. F. X., 52. Bonilla, Policarpo, 53. Bouu, M. J., 884, 885. Bousal, Stephen, 549. Borland, William P., 54, 921. Borne, O. S., 500. Boutwell, George Sewall, 55. Bowen, Herbert W., G72. 836. Boynton, Charles Brandon, 56. Brackenridge, Henry M., 237. Brazil, 13, 57, 246, 758, 890. See also Latin America, South America. British-Guiana boundary question, see Venezuela boundary case. Bromwell, Jacob H., 934. Brooks, Sydney, 510, 557, 623, 653, 726. Brown, L. Ames, 839. Brown, Phihp M., 19, 702. Bryan, Wm. J., 663. Bryce, James Bryce, 1st viscount, 58, 461, 906. Buchanan, James, pres. U. S., 59, 332. Buchanan, William I., 20. Bullard, Arthur, 60, 863. Bunts, H. C, 417. Burgess, John William, 61, 468, 668. Burrough, William F., 444. Bustamante, Antonio S. de, 425. Butler, Andrew P., 300f, 300h. Butler, Charles Henry. 62. Butler, Nicolas Murray, 272. C, M., 63. Calderon, F. G., 791. Calderon, Ignacio, 64, 865. Calderon, Manuel Alvarez, 20. -a::aj lioun, John C .. 300d. Call, Wilkinson, 301. Callahan, James Morton, 22, 51, 65, 66, 784. Calvo, Carlos, 67. Calvo doctrine, 138, 672. Canada, 70, 347, 390, 519, 681. Canadian views, 131, 284. Cane, Miguel, 260. Canning, George, 19, 68, 69, 108, 178, 193, 231, 280, 281, 289, 290, 514, 658, 930. Capella y Pons, F., 70. Caribbean, 166, 605, 643, 644. Carnegie, Andrew, 460. Carnegie endowment for international peace, 71. Carroll, Benajah H., 72. Cass, Lewis, 300d, 300e, 300h. Cassatt, Alfred C, 436. Castillo, Domingo B., 637. Castro-Ruiz, Carlos, 899. Catellani, E., 438. Caylus, Ernest, 73. Central America, 193, 211, 215, 278, 300(^300h, 379, 678, 702, 723, 935. See also under names of states and Latin America. Cespedes, Jose Maria, 74. Chadwick, French Ensor, 19, 51, 75, 780. Chambers, Julius, 698. Chandler, Charles Lyon, 76, 823. Channing, Edward, 1. Charmant, A., 77. Chester, C. N., 19. Chetwood, John, 78, 499. Chevalier, Michel, 79. Chew, Benjamin, 80. Chile, 349, 796, 899. See also Latin America, South America. China, Monroe doctrine for, 4S3. See also Far East. Civil war, 110. Clark, Champ, 922. Clark, Frank, 923. Clay, Henry, 76, 856. Clayton, John M., 300f-300h. Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 212, 278, 296, 300e-300h, 324, 325, 327, 328, 413, 925. See also Isthmian canal, Panama canal. Cleveland, Grover, pres. U. S., 81, 146, 208, 332, 340, 480, 506. Colonibia, 178, 243. 268, 602, 603. See also Latin America, South America. Colquhoun, Archibald Ross, 82. Con ant, Charles A., 718. • Congress von Panama. 83. Contemporary accounts, 68, 69, 132, 146, 157, 193, 196, 198, 221, 235-238, 259, 732. Cook, Theodore A., 494. Cooley, S., 871. INDEX 115 Coolidge; Archibald Gary, 84, 673. Cortes Valdivieso, Jos€, 85. Costello, Joseph P., 682. Coudert, F. R., 803. C;-after, F. W. B., 833. Crichfield, George Washington, 87. Criticisms, 96, 148, 341, 591, 632, 635, 711, 751, 875, 920. See also Abandonment, English views, French views, German views, Latin-American views, etc., etc. Crittenden, John J., 300d, 300h. Croly, Herbert David, 86. Cuba, 33, 63, 66, 70, 165, 211, 248, 323, 339, 380, 472, 479, 484, 486, 487, 488-491, 934. Cubi y Soler, Mariano, 334. Cullom, Shelby M., 934. Curtis, William Eleroy, 88. Daly, Charles Patrick, 89. Daly, William D., 924. Dana, Richard Henry, 90, 146. Dana, Richard H., 3(1, 90. Daniel, Edward M., 91. Daniel, John Warwick, 91. Danziger, S., 806. Darien canal, 305, 391. Darneille, Benjamin Johnson, 92. Davis, George Breckenridge, 93. Davis, Hayne, 593. Davis, W. Watson, 610. Debates, College, etc., 153, 183, 209, 226, 792. Dehn, Paul, 574. Dembski, V., 94. Deschanel, Paul, 691. Desjardins, Arthur, 442. Development, 260, 283, 513, 520, 572, 590, 070, 074, 715, 850. See also Future, History. D6vogel, L6on, 439, 440. Dewey, D;ivis Rich, 95. Diaz, Porlirio, 371, 634. Dicey, Edward, 450. Dlploniaticus [pseud.], 483. Dirksen, ITorbort von, 707. Dodge, lOdiiiund Artliur, 597' Dole, Charles Fletcher, 96, 632, 739. Dominican republic, see Santo Do- mingo. Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 300f, 925. Drago, Lufs Marfa, 97-99, 211. Drago doctrine, 44, 97-99, 138, 211, 672, 675, 735, 790. ; Driault, Edouard,"l00. Duffield, W. B., 575. Dumas, Jacques, 101. Dunn, A. W., 687. Dunnell, Mark B., 430. Dunning, John Corliss, 102. Dunning, William Archibald, 372b. Edgington, Thomas Benton, 103, 753. Edmunds, George F., 301. Edmunds resolution, 301. Einstein, Lewis David, 104. Elector [pseud.], 561. Elmore, Alberto A., 105. Emerson, Edwin,. 582. Emory, Frederic, 20, 508. Enforcement, 30, 868. See also Application, Future, His- tory. English views, 27, 58, 213, 215, 230, 234, 280-282, 447, 449, 450, 459, 461, 469, 471, 475, 485, 493, 510, 518, 524, 527, 529, 530, 560, 561, 563-567, 581, 592, 638, 645, 647-650, 653, 660, 690, 705, 724, 733, 743, 745, 797-799, 804. Escobar, Francisco, 606. European attitude, 19, 22, 26, 57, 70, 259, 261, 295, 374, 584, 585, 623, 642. See also French views, German views, Italian views, etc. Italian views, etc. European intervention, see Interven- tion, European, European war, 60, 210, 233, 257, 833- 837, 841, 851, 873, 882, 888, 900, 902, 911. Everett, Alexander Hill, 107. Everett, Edward, 108, 300f. Everitt, L. H., 30. Far East, Monroe doctrine for, 138, 483, 842, 861. Fess, Simeon D., 926. Fessenden, W. P., 300h. Fiedler, Harry A., 588. Firmin, Ant^nor. 109. Fish, Carl Russell, 110. Fish, Hamilton, 300h. Fisher, Horace U., 496. Flanders, Henry, 426. Floischmann, Max, 111. Fleury-Ravarin, 598. Flockher, Adolph von, 112. 116 INDEX Foot, Solomon. 300h. Foote, H. S., 300<1. Ford, Guy Stanton, lOG. Ford, Henry Jones, 802. Ferd, Worthington Chauncey, 113-115, 523. Foster, John Watson 22, 116, 519, 521. Frelinghuysen, F. T.. 325. French intervention in Mexico, see Mexico, French intervention. French views, 19, 22, 35, 40, 70, 73, 79, 100, 120, 204, 205, 218, 225, 235-238, 244, 245, 2SS, 347, 348, 411, 415, 425, 441, 442, 451, 452, 503, 525, 553, 596, 598, 599, 601-603, 626, 631, 646, 651, 655, 657, 662, 664, 678, 681a, 691, 705, 735, 739, 756, 7G1, 775, 789, 807, 817, 850, 866. Frers, Emilio, 117.. Frewen, M., 873. Fried, Alfred Hermann, 118. Fuller, P., 851. Fullerton, William Morton, 119, 843, 882, 888, 894. Furcy-Chatelain, 120. Future, 19, 22, 70, 138. 151, 172, 210, 226, 234a, 272, 273, 283, 344, 345, 355, 362, 363, 813, 867. 868, 892, 896, 901, 902, 904, 906, 915, 918. See also Abandonment, European war. Pan Americanism. Gahan, Aloy.sius C. 192, 197. Gammell, William, 121. Gane, Douglas M.. 577. Garcia M6rou, Martin, 122. Garland, Alejandro, 123. Gerard, Louis, 124. German views. 111, 141, 143, 169, 262, 263, 346, 353. 372, 403, 410, 424, 454, 473, 482, 528, 536, 574, 588, 611, 707, 711, 712, 714, 716, 725, 738, 740, 757, 766, 787, 808, 814, 854, 855. Germans in South America, 134, 145, 367, 372, 537. 549, 575, 805. Germany, 31, 262, 507, 511, 533, 538, 540, 559, 566, 577, 578, 581, 588, 655, 704, 716, 805, 829-832, 884, 885, 909. See also Venezuela, European inter- vention, 1902. Gibbons, Herbert Adams, 125. Gil, Henry, 703. Gilman, Daniel Coit, 2, 126, 146. (romez, F., 85. Gonzfxlez Arrili, B., 127. Gossip, H. G. D., 435, 465. Gouault, Emile, 866. Grahame, L., 19, 51, 909, 915. Grant, Charles R., 397. Grant, Ulysses S., pres. U. S., 332, 339, 398. Great Britain, 128, 178, 193, 372a- 372c, 539. See also Clayton-Bulwer treaty. Can- ning, George, Central America, English views, Venezuela, Euro- pean intervention, 1902, Venezuela boundarj- case. Green, J. C, 485. Grey, Sir Edward, 690. Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark, 9. Grimshaw, W. H., 934. Grosvenor, Charles H., 433. Grotius [pseud.}, see Darneille, Ben- jamin J. Guernsey, R. S., 584. Gutierrez, Alberto, 129. Haeberlin, Hermann, 740. Haiti, 19, 77, 109, 184, 282a, 526, 677, 805. Haldane, Lord, 764, 811. Hale, Albert Barlow, 130. Hale, William Bayard, 723, 809. Hamilton, James Cleland, 131, 572. Hamilton, S. G., 30. Hamilton, Stanislaus Murray, 132, 133. Hancock, H. J., 21. Hannegan, E. A., 300d. Harrison, Austin, 134. Harrison, Benjamin, pres. U. S., 135. Harrison, Mary Lord, 135. Hart, Albert Bushnell, 1, 3, 4, 51, 136- 140, 146, 490, 666, 785, 820, 861, 864, 883. Harvey George, 837, 898. Hatschek, Julius, 854. Hanssonville, comte d', 35. Hay, John, 97, 292. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 504. Hazeltine, Mayo W., 472. Heinz, Georg Gustav Hugo, 141. Henderson, John Brooks, 142. Henriques, H. S. Q., 469. Herbert, K., 143. Hershey, Amos Shartle, 144, 487, 589, 688. Hettner, Alfred, 145. INDEX 117 Hibben, P., 19. Hill, Mable, 146. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron, 147, 474. History, 24, 32, 34, 35, 40, 45, 59, 73, 74, 92, 94, 102, 103, 108, 122, 136, 138, 162, 168, 169, 174, 177, 179, 208, 209, 214, 226-228, 239, 244, 245, 201, 272, 273, 2S3, 297, 342, 372e, 399, 420, 444, 606, 674, 740 794, 850, 881, 904. Hobbs, George W., 413. Hodges, Henry Green, 148. HoUs, Frederick W., 498. Hoist, Hermann Eduard von, 146, 149. Holt, Edwin B., 206. Honduras, see Central America, Mos- quito coast, British claim. Howell, W. A., 821. Hubericli, Charles Henry, 150. Hull, William Isaac, 22, 151, 152. Hunter, Daniel J., pseud., see Vicuna Mackenna, B. Hyde, Charles Cheney, 701. Hyde, Henry M., 700. Intercollegiate debates, see Debates, College, etc. International American conferences, 154, 161, 684, 689. Bibliography, 8. International law, General treatises, 17, 18, 22, 27, 44, 52, 67, 93, 144, 173, 198, 229, 275, 286, 356, 357, 364, 368. International Monroe doctrine, see ■World. ^lonroe doctrine for. Interpretation, 19, 22. 133, 187, 197, 201, 226, 266, 269, 283, 287, 297, 562. Intervention, Doctrine of, 148, 342, 446. Bibliography, 10. European. 03, 80. 350. (S'ee also Mexico, French interven- tion, Venezuela, European in- tervention, etc. United States, 3001)-300d, 484, 486, 487, 907. Bee also Cuba, Yucatan. Isolation of United States, 172, 898, 903. /S'ee also U. S. as world power. Isthmian canal, 70, 125, 1.50, 301, 321, 328, 348, 361, 421, 464, 505, 509, 525, 553, 602, 603, 606. Bee also Clayton-Bulwer treaty, Nic- araugua canal, Panama canal. Italian views, 438, 520. Italy, see Venezuela, European inter- vention, 1902. Ivins, W. M., jr., 60S. Jameson Held, W. C, 537. Japan, 21, 329, 330, 610, 717, 728, 853. Bee also Far East, Magdalena bay episode. Jardon y Perissg, Fernando, 155. Jay, John, 156. Jefferson, Thomas, pres. U. S., 146, 137, 494. Jeliersonian democrat [pseud.], 576. Jevons, Thomas E., 423. Johnson, E. R., 21. Johnson, Hiram W., 926a. Jolmson, W. H., 858. Jolmson, Willis Fletcher, 158-160. Junius junior [pseud.], 704. K., H. G., 493. Kasson, John Adam, 162, 399, 401. Keasby, Lindley Miller, 163, 443. Keller, Albert G., 20. Kingsley, Vine Wright. 164, 165. Knox, Philander C, 166. Koerner, Gustave, 167, 404. Kohler, Charles, 16§. Kraus, Herbert, 5, 19, 169, 855. L., E., 651. I-aferriere, Julian, ,657, 756. > Lafond, Georges, 817. Lamlreth, Lucius S., 579. Langel, Aug., 387. I.arned, J. N., 6. I-arrinaga, T., 21. I.atane, John Holladay, 19, 20, 22, 170- 172, 484, 5:>03, 904, 917. I-atin America, 19, 20, 48, 46, 51, 53, 80, £5, 87, 106, 154, 171, 172, 178, 196, 198, 247a, 271, 277, 294, 350, 365, 367, 372, 415, 497. 513, 516, 595, 648, 650, 665, 679, 680, 693. 697, 708, 723, 745, 747, 759, 777, 789-791, 799, 822, 846, 910. Bee also under names of states. Pan Americanism, South America, Wil- son doctrine. Latin American views, 17-19. 22. i>9, 43, 44, 53, 64, 70, 74, 85, K)5. 122, 123, 127, 129, 179, 190, 196, 211, 223, 224, 243, 246, 248, 249, 260, 277, 291, 294, 341, 342, 348, 371, 513, 634, 674, 680, 118 INDEX Latin American views — Continued. 684, 689, 703, 775, 790, 791, 807, 8G5, 886, 890, 899, 912, 913. Lawrence, Thomas .Joseph, 173. Leacocli, Stephen, 681. League of nations, 152, 363, 906, 917, 926a. League to enforce peace, 362, 372a. Leavitt, Joshua, 174, 385. Leecli, H. Brougham, 529. Leecli, AVilmer Ross, 11. Lef^bure, Paul, 525. Lefevre, Eugene, 175. Lehr, Ernest, 735, 739, 775. Leigli, J. G., 505. Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre, 6Sla. Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 306, 393, 396. Letellier, A.. 411. Levermore, C. H., 904. Lewis, Alfred Henry, 583. Lewis, Arthur W., 176. Lilley, Charles Sumner, 177. Limitations, 22, 287, 768, 932. See also Criticisms. Lincoln, Abraham, pres. IT. S., 276a, 332. Lloyd, E. M., 178. Lobo, Helio, 179. Lodge, Henry Cabot, 2.52, 308, 428, 652, 719-722, 726-732. Lodge resolution, 329, 330, 719-731, 733-735, 756. Loomis, Francis B., 20, 21, 180, 181. Lopez, Jacinto, 876. Loria, A., 19. Lorin, Henri, 789, 850. Louisiana purchase, 247. Low, A. Maurice, 19, 535, 629, 777. Low, Sidney, 21, 478. Lyie, Eugene P., jr., 644. Lyman, Theodore, 182. Mabie, Edward C, 183. McAfee, Cleland B., 676. McAndrew, J. W., 695. McChesney, M., 910. oMacCorkle, William Alexander, 19, 184. McCormick, Frederick, 685. McCuUough, J. G.. 228. Macdonell, John, 586. MacFarland, W. W., 486. MacHugh, R. J., 799. McLaren, A. D., 914. McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham, 372c. McLaughlin, James Fairfax, 185. McMaster, James Bach, 146, 186-188, 208. Madison, James, pres. U. S., 146, 494, 807. Magdalena bay episode, 329, 330, 719- 731, 732-735, 756. Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 189, 502, 560. Manning, William R., 22. Manos-Albas, A. de, 706. Marburg, Theodore, 696. Marriott, J. A. R., 919. Martin, Percy F., 724, 733, 736. Marvaud, Angel, 678. Mason, James M., 300f. Matheson, Fred J., 489. Maurtua, Auibal, 190. Maxey, Edwin, 555, 590, 612. Mayer, C, 595. Mead, C. M., 630. Merignhac, Alexandre, 441. Merriman, Roger B., 881. Merry, William L., 422. Mettgenberg, Wolfgang, 738. Meulemans, Jules, 646. Mexico, 178, 191, 215, 249, 258, 276a, 349, 358, 371, 634, 68.5-688, 749, 753, 754, 761, 764, 769, 824, 928, 931. See also Latin America. Mexico, French intervention, 30, 49, 63, 79, 164, 175, 176, 198, 314-322a, 383-3S7, 389, 467, 481. Bibliography, 9. Miller, Sir Alexander Edward, 592. Miller, Charles R., 755. Mills, David, 4.53, 509, 518. Modification, 272, 273, 512, 867, 883. See also Future, New basis. Moffett, Samuel E., 669. Moireau, Auguste, 452. Moncada, Jose Maria, 192. Monroe, James, pres. U. S., 23, 193, 332-335. Biographies, 24, 32, 126, 583. ilontague, Andrew Jackson, 195. Montoliu, C, 907. Monttifar, Rafael, 197. Moore, John Bassett, 20, 59, 198-202, 439, 466, 615, 840, 856. Moral aspects, 517. Morgan, John T., 301. Morley, John, 475. Morocco, 652, 653. Morse, John Torrey, jr., 146, 203. INDEX 119 Moses, B., 709. Mosquito coast, British claim, 300f, 300b, 310, 378, 379, 381, 424. Moteagiido, Bernardo, 196. Moulin, Henri Alexis, 204, 205. Moye, Marcel, 631. Miinsterberg, Hugo, 206. Murray, James O., 121. Naval defense, 139. Negrete, Eusebio, 656. Nelson, Ernesto, 20. New basis, 772, 776, 779, 780, 810, 820. See also Modification, Wilson doc- trine. New York. Chamber of commerce of the state of X. Y., 207. New York times, 208. - Newlands, Francis G., G18. Nicaragua, 185, 682, 718. See also Central America. Nicaragua canal, 163, 351, 398, 412, 422, 443, 924. See also Clayton-Bulwer treaty, Isthmian canal. Nichols, E. R., 153. Niles, John M., 300d. Nixon, Lewis, 736. Non-intervention, 202, 324. See also Intervention. North, Edward P., 514. Ochs, George W., 891. Ogg, Frederic Austin, 138, 794, 883. Oklalioma. Universiti/, 209. O'Laughlin, John Callan, 210, 558, 580. Olivart, Ramon de D. y de O, marquis de, 479. Oliviera Lima, INIanuel de, 211, 890. Olney, Richard, 110, 146, 212, 488, 874. Oppenheim, Lassa Francis L., 213. Origin, 14, 19. 59, 76, 115, 131-133, 141, 187, 188, 193, 201, 230, 231, 264, 269, 279, 280, 283, 298, 494, 500. 513, 514, 562, .572, 654, 674, 739, 823, 845, 930. Orlan., 332. Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 868. Rio Branco, Jose M. de S. P., 2 barao do, 246. Roberts, W. C, 778. Robertson, C. F., 247. Robertson, William Spence, 106, 247a, 732, 845, 852. Robinson, J. H., 389. Rodriguez y Lendian, Evelio, 248. Romero, Matias, 249, 419. Rooney, John, 250. Roosevelt, Theodore, pres., U. S., 117, 251-255, 332, 606, 613, 640, 641, 645, 647, 648, 760, 762, 774, 775, 795, 796, 827. Roosevelt doctrine, 127, 138, 211, 251- 255, 606, 613, 624, 640, 641, 645, 827. See also Santo Domingo Root, Elihu, 22, 256, 257, 616, 617, 816, 819, 860, 865, 908. Rosecrans, William Starke, 258. Rougier, Antoine, 603. Roumania, 597. Rowe, Leo S., 22. 826, 838. Riimelin, Carl, 403. Rush, Benjamin, 259. Rush, Richard, 259. Russia, 193, 373. Saenz Pena, Roque, 260. Salas, Ismael, 261. Salmon, Edward, 804. Schiemann, Theodor, 262. Schierbrand, Wolf von, 263, 528. Schleiden, Rudolph, 410. Schoff, Wilfred H., 20. Schofield, J. M., 481. Schouler, James, 146, 264, 654, 692. Schurz, Carl, 207, 265. Scott, Franklin William, 266. Scott, George Winfleld, 20. Scott, James Brown, 257. Scruggs, AVilliam Lindsay, 267-270, 414, 420, 434, 562. Sears, Joseph Hamblen, 271. Seward, William H., 300h, 320. Sewell, Wm. J., 934. Shaw, A., 901. Shepherd, William R., 895. Sherman, John, 301. Sherrill, Charles Hitchcock, 19, 51, 272-274, 781, 883, 892, 930. Sherwood, Isaac R., 931. Shoichi, Oshima, 853. Shriver, E. J., 463. Shuster, W. Morgan, 765. Sibley, N. W., 446. Simmons, John F., 671. Skinner, Richard D.. 857, 880. Slayden, James L., 932. Slechta, J. J., 19. Slosson, William Preston, 844. Smith, Sir Frederick Edwin, bart., 275. Smith, Gerrit, 9.33. Snow, Freeman, 276. Sobieski, John, 276a. Solar, Alberto del, 277. Somerset, H. Somers, 431, 585. South America, 19, 20, 22, 50, 51, 58, 123, 130, 219, 222, 256, 260, 268, 350, 388, 515, 568, 575, 585, 586, 608, 638, 699, 795, 800, 817, 839, 845, 928. See also under names of states, Latin America, Pan American- ism. South American attitude, 19, 28, 196, 243, 246, 342, 661, 781, 828. See also Latin American views. Spain, 75, 165, 852. See also Cuba. Spanish views, 155, 197, 550, 675, 876, 889, 907, 913. Spargo, John, 896. Sparks, Edwin Erie, 516. Speeches in Congress, 300a-300h, 301, 302, 920-935. INDEX 121 Spring, Alfred, 639. Squier, Ephraim George, 278. Stanley, Henry M., 449. Stanwood, Edward, 279, 517. Stapleton, Augustus Granville, 280, 281. Stapleton, Edward J., 69. Status, Present, 19, 51, 671, 780, 784, 788, 849, 881, 904, Stead, William Thomas, 282. Stebbins, A. K., 812. Stegler, R. P., 716. Stephen, Charles, 282a. Stephens, Frank Fletcher, 283. Stockton, Alfred Augustus, 284. Stoerk, Felix, 492. Strantz, Karl von, 536. Straus, Oscar Solomon, 285, 456. Strupp, Karl, 286. Suarez-Mujica, Eduardo, 886. Sumner, W. G., 476. Taft, William Howard, pros. U. S., 266, 287, 332, 768. Tardieu, Andre, 288, 691. Tarver, J. C, 648. Taylor, Hannis, 667, 811. Terra, Gabriel, 291. Terrell, Glanville, 831. Temperley, Harold W. V., 289, 290, 658. Texas, Annexation of, 72. Text of Monroe doctrine, 23, 146, 193, 198, 333, 355. In Spanish, 334. Thayer, William Roscoe, 292. Thompson, Richard W., 293. Titherington, R. H., 547. Torres Caicedo, Jose Maria, 294. Tower, Charlemagne, 22, 295. Travis, Ira Dudley, 296. Tucker, George Fox, 51, 146, 297, 364, 782. Turner, Frederick Jackson, 1, 298. Tyler, John, prcs. U. S., 332. United States. Comm. to investigate . . . Venezuela and British Guianc, 299. Congress, 300, 934. House, .300a, 300b. Comm. on foreign affairs, 303- 305. Select comm. on intcroceanic ship canal, 306. United States. Congress, Senate, 300c- 300h, 301, 302, 307, 935. Comm. on foreign relations, 308. Dcpt. of state, 309-331. Library of Congress. Div. of bibli- ography, 8-10. Div. of manuscripts, 11. President, 332. See also names of Presidents, i. e. Monroe, J. ; Grant, U. S. ; Roose- velt, T. ; etc., etc. United States as world power, 21, 84. 170, 172, 234a, 282, 355, 863. University debaters annual, 183. Uribe Uribe, Rafael, 341. Urien, Cdrlos M., 342. Urrutia, Francisco J., 343. Usher, Roland Greene, 344, 345, 847, 848. Valentine, L. G., 846. Valentine, Veit, 787. Valois, D.. 611. Valois, Victor, 348. Varigny, Charles Crosnier de, 347, 390. Venezuela, 285, 367, 646, Venezuela boundary case, 15, 55, 81, 89, 198, 200, 207, 208, 250, 267, 270, 299, 326, 340, 428-440, 446-463, 465, 477, 503, 506. \'enezuela, European intervention, 1902, 99, 128, 198, 211, 530-552, 554-571, 573-582, 589, 590. 593, 594, 601, 620, 755, 844. Bibliography, 9. Viallate, Achille, 348, 553, 602, 643, 655, 664. Vicuiia :Mackenna, Benjamin, 349. ' Vigiluns sed a^quus ' [pseud.], see Ar- nold, William T. Waldron, George B., 515. Walsh, W. T., 878. Walsli, William Baron, 350. Walton, Clifford Stevens, 20. Wambaugh, Eugene, 22. Washington (State) Univ. Library, 12. Webb. William Henry, 351. Webster, Daniel, 140, 352. Webster, Sidney, 421. Wehbcrg, Hans, 353. Weld, Stuart F., 416, 418. 122 INDEX Welliver, Judson C, 697. Wellnian, Walter. 512. "Wells, Philip T., 6. Wendover, R. H., 354. "Westcott, James D.. P.OOd. Weyl, Walter Edward, 355. Wharton, Francis, 350. Wheaton, Henry, 357. Wheeler, Joseph, 432. Wheless, Joseph, 19, 22. Whelpley, James Davenport, 358. White, Andrew Dickson, 359. Whiteley. J. G., 504. "SViley, Harvey Washington, 360. Williams, Alfred, 301. Williams, Talcott, 20, 21, 918. Willis, H. Parker, 20. Wilmart, P., 790. Wilson, George Grafton, 302-364, 902, 904. Wilson, Henry, 935. Wilson, J. H.. 21. Wilson, Woodrow, pres. V. S., 365, 366, 747, 763, 777, 809, 839 869. Wilson doctrine 53, 365, 366, 741-750, 753, 763, 777, 809, 839, 869, 874. Winiger, Josef, 808. Wintzer, Wilhelm, 367. Woolsey, Theodore Dwight, 368. Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury, 146, 368, 369, 370, 455, 464, 679, 815. ^Vorld, Monroe doctrine for, 22, 125, 151, 152, 904, 915, 918. Yucatan, Temporary occupation of, 300b, 300d. Zaragoza y Escobar, Antonio, 371. Zeballos, E. S., 775, 807. Zimmermann, Alfred, 372. Zorn, Philipp, 757. o SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, L.€).S AN'GELES, CALIF. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below DEC 1 2 1 fffOV 2 2 1961 UHTEBLIBRARY tOANS fOUR WEEKS FROM DATE NON-RENEWABLE 'WJHIJt ^^^i^dHte Form L-9-35)w-8,"2 'JL RN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY fi" III I lllllllll nil llllllllllllll|lli|l'lll!ll|l!l|i W, AA 100 486 438 5 1^ k THIS BOOK card; OVE ^--slty Research Utra, Ul "c" ■.Jl c 'J) ^^. JS -t A. ■-■■,«<".