SATANSTOE; THE LITTLEPAGE MANUSCRIPTS. % €i\k nf tjje Cninmj.; f • o » » BY J. FEN IM ORE COOPER. The only amaranthine flower on earth. Is virtue: the only treasure, truth." — i>>>enaer, IN TWO V L IT M E S VOL. I. NEW EDITION NEW YORK: STRINGER AND TO W N S E N D 1S52. Mj/t ;:■::■■ (J Entered-, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1845, by J. FENIMORE COOPER, ill the clerk's office of the District Court for the Northern District of New York. PREFACE. Every chronicle of manners has a certain value. When customs are connected with principles, in their origin, development, or end, such records have a double importance; and it is because we think we see such a connection between the facts and inci- dents of the Littlepage Manuscripts, and certain important theories of our own time, that we give the former to the world. It is perhaps a fault of your professed historian, to refer too much to philosophical agencies, and too lit- tle to those that are humbler. The foundations of great events, are often remotely laid in very capri- cious and uncalculated passions, motives, or im- pulses. Chance has usually as much to do with the fortunes of states, as with those of individuals; or, if there be calculations connected with them at all, they are the calculations of a power superior to any that exists in man. We had been led to lay these Manuscripts before the world, partly by considerations of the above na- ture, and partly on account of the manner in which the two works we have named, " Satanstoe" and the "Chainbearer," relate directly to the great New York question of the day, anti-rentism ; which ques- tion will be found to be pretty fully laid bare, in the third and last book of the series. These three works, 1 * (5) MJL02G8G VI PREFACE. which contain all the Littlepage Manuscripts, do not form sequels to each other, in the sense of personal histories, or as narratives ; while they do in that of principles. The reader will see that the early career, the attachment, the marriage, &c. of Mr. Cornelius Littlepage are completely related in the present book, for instance ; while those of his son, Mr. Mordaunt Littlepage, will be just as fully given in the " Chain- bearer," its successor. It is hoped that the connec- tion, which certainly does exist between these three works, will have more tendency to increase the value of each, than to produce the ordinary effect of what are properly called sequels, which are known to lessen the interest a narrative might otherwise have with the reader. Each of these three books has its own hero, its own heroine, and its own picture of manners, complete ; though the latter may be, and is, more or less thrown into relief by its pendants. We conceive no apology is necessary for treating the subject of anti-rentism with the utmost frank- ness. Agreeably to our views of the matter, the ex- istence of true liberty among us, the perpetuity of the institutions, and the safety of public morals, are all dependent on putting down, wholly, absolutely, and unqualifiedly, the false and dishonest theories and statements that have been boldly advanced in connection w r ith this subject. In our view, New York is, at this moment, much the most disgraced state in the Union, notwithstanding she has never failed to pay the interest on her public debt ; and her disgrace arises from the fact that her laws are tram- pled under foot, without any efforts, at all commen- surate with the object, being made to enforce them. PREFACE. Vll If words and professions can save the character of a community, all may yet be well ; but if states, like individuals, are to be judged by their actions, and the "tree is to be known by its fruit," God help us ! For ourselves, we conceive that true patriotism consists in laying bare everything like public vice, and in calling such things by their right names. The great enemy of the race has made a deep inroad upon us, within the last ten or a dozen years, under cover of a spurious delicacy on the subject of ex- posing national ills ; and it is time that they who have not been afraid to praise, when praise was me- rited, should not shrink from the office of censuring, when the want of timely warnings may be one cause of the most fatal evils. The great practical defect of institutions like ours, is the circumstance that " what is everybody's business, is nobody's business ;" a neglect that gives to the activity of the rogue a very dangerous ascendency over the more dilatory correctives of the honest man. SATAN STOE CHAPTER I. " Look you, Who comes here : a young man, and an old, in solemn talk." As You Like It: It is easy to foresee that this country is destined to un- dergo great and rapid changes. Those that more properly belong to history, history will doubtless attempt to record, and probably with the questionable veracity and prejudice that are apt to influence the labours of that particular muse; but there is little hope that any traces of American society, in its more familiar aspects, will be preserved among us, through any of the agencies usually employed for such pur- poses. Without a stage, in a national point of view at least, with scarcely such a thing as a book of memoirs that relates to a life passed within our own limits, and totally without light literature, to give us simulated pictures of our manners and the opinions of the day, I see scarcely a mode by which the next generation can preserve any memorials of the distinctive usages and thoughts of this. It is true, they will have tra- ditions of certain leading features of the colonial society, but scarcely any records ; and, should the next twenty years do as much as the last, towards substituting an entirely new race for the descendants of our own immediate fathers, it is scarcely too much to predict that even these traditions will be lost in the whirl and excitement of a throng of strangers. Under ail the circumstances, therefore, I have come to a de- termination to make an effort, however feeble it may prove, to preserve some vestiges of household life in New York, at least; while I have endeavoured to stimulate certain friends in New Jersey, and farther south, to undertake simi- lar tasks in those sections of the country. What success 10. S AT ANSTOE. Iw'iU' attend thtee" fegt applications, is more than I can say; tjut, ]n .order that. the little I may do myself shall not be lost Tor'.\ra'nt;of',s(ipp6rt', 1 have made a solemn request in my 'will, : thdt those who" co'm'e after me will consent to continue this narrative, committing to paper their own experience, as I have here committed mine, down as low at least as my grandson, if I ever have one. Perhaps, by the end of the latter's career, they will begin to publish books in America, and the fruits of our joint family labours may be thought sufficiently matured to be laid before the world. It is possible that which I am now about to write will bo thought too homely, to relate to matters much too personal and private, to have sufficient interest for the public eye ; but it must be remembered that the loftiest interests of man are made up of a collection of those that are lowly; and, that he who makes a faithful picture of only a single im- portant scene in the events of single life, is doing something towards painting the greatest historical piece of his day. As I have said before, the leading events of my time will find their way into the pages of far more pretending works than this of mine, in some form or other, with more or less of fidelity to the truth, and real events, and real motives ; while the humbler matters it will be my office to record, will be entirely overlooked by writers who aspire to enrol their names among the Tacituses of former ages. It may be well to say here, however, I shall not attempt the histo- rical mood at all, but content myself with giving the feelings, incidents, and interests of what is purely private life, con- necting them no farther with things that are of a more general nature, than is indispensable to render the narrative intelligible and accurate. With these explanations, which are made in order to prevent the person who may happen first to commence the perusal of this manuscript from throw- ing it into the fire, as a silly attempt to write a more silly fiction, I shall proceed at once to the commencement of my proper task. I was born on the 3d May, 1737, on a neck of land, called Satanstoe, in the county of West Chester, and in the colony of New York ; a part of the widely extended empire that then owned the sway of His Sacred Majesty, George II., King of Great Britain, Ireland, and France; Defender SATANSTOE. 11 of the Faith; and, I may add, the shield and panoply of the Protestant Succession ; God bless him ! Before I say anything of my parentage, I will first give the reader some idea of the locus in quo, and a more precise notion of the spot on which I happened first to see the light. A " neck," in West Chester and Long Island parlance, means something that might be better termed a " head and shoulders," if mere shape and dimensions are kept in view. Peninsula would be the true word, were we describing things on a geographical scale ; but, as they are, I find it neces- sary to adhere to the local term, which is not altogether peculiar to our county, by the way. The " neck" or penin- sula of Satanstoe, contains just four hundred and sixty- three acres and a half of excellent West Chester land ; and that, when the stone is hauled and laid into wall, is saying as much in its favour as need be said of any soil on earth. It has two miles of beach, and collects a proportionate quantity of sea-weed for manure, besides enjoying near a h unci red acres of salt-meadow and sedges, that are not in- cluded in the solid ground of the neck proper. As my father, Major Evans Littlepage, was to inherit this estate from his father, Capt. Hugh Littlepage, it might, even at the time of my birth, be considered old family property, it having indeed, been acquired by my grandfather, through his wife, about thirty years after the final cession of the colony to the English by its original Dutch owners. Here we had lived, then, near half a century, when I was born, in the direct line, and considerably longer if we included maternal ancestors : here I now live, at the moment of writing these lines, and here I trust my only son is to live after me. Before I enter into a morn minute description of Satans- toe, it may be well, perhaps, to say a word concerning its somewhat peculiar name. The neck lies in the vicinity of a well-known pass that is to be found in the narrow arm of the sea that separates the island of Manhattan from its neighbour, Long Island, and which is called Hell Gate. Now, there is a tradition, that I confess is somewhat confined to the blacks of the neighbourhood, but which says that the Father of Lies, on a particular occasion, when he was vio- lently expelled from certain roystering taverns in the New Netherlands, made his exit by this well-known dangerous 12 SATANSTOE. pass, and drawing his foot somewhat hastily from among the lobster-pots that abound in those waters, leaving behind him as a print of his passage by that route, the Hog's Back, the Pot, and all the whirlpools and rocks that render navi- gation so difficult in that celebrated strait, he placed it hur- riedly upon the spot where there now spreads a large bay to the southward and eastward of the neck, just touching the latter with the ball of his great toe, as he passed Down- East ; from which part of the country some of our people used to maintain he originally came. Some fancied resem- blance to an inverted toe (the devil being supposed to turn everything with which he meddles, upside-down,) has been imagined to exist in the shape and swells of our paternal acres ; a fact that has probably had its influence in perpetu- ating the name. Satanstoe has the place been called, therefore, from time immemorial ; as time is immemorial in a country in which civilized time commenced not a century and a half ago: and Satanstoe it is called to-day. I confess I am not fond of unnecessary changes, and I sincerely hope this neck of land will continue to go by its old appellation, as long as the House of Hanover shall sit on the throne of these realms ; or as long as water shall run and grass shall grow. There has been an attempt made to persuade the neighbour- hood, quite lately, that the name is irreligious and unworthy of an enlightened people, like this of West Chester; but it has met with no great success. It has come from a Con- necticut man, whose father they say is a clergyman of the " standing order ;" so called, I believe, because they stand up at prayers ; and who came among us himself in the cha- racter of a schoolmaster. This young man, I understand, has endeavoured to persuade the neighbourhood that Satans- toe is a corruption introduced by the Dutch, from Devil's Town; which, in its turn, was a corruption from Dibbleston ; the family from which my grandfather's father-in-law pur- chased having been, as he says, of the name of Dibblee. He has got half-a-dozen of the more sentimental part of our society to call the neck Dibbleton ; but the attempt is not likely to succeed in the long run, as we are riot a people much given to altering the language, any more than the customs of our ancestors. Besides, my Dutch ancestors did not SATAN STOE. 13 purchase from any Dibblee, no such family ever owning the place, that being a bold assumption of the Yankee to make out his case the more readily. Satanstoe, as it is little more than a good farm in ex- tent, so it is little more than a particularly good farm in cultivation and embellishment. All the buildings are of stone, even to the hog-sties and sheds, with well-pointed joints, and field walls that would do credit to a fortified place. The house is generally esteemed one of the best in the Colony, with the exception of a i'ew of the new school. It is of only a story and a half in elevation, I admit; but the rooms under the roof are as good as any of that description with which I am acquainted, and their finish is such as would do no discredit to the upper rooms of even a York dwelling. The building is in the shape of an L, or two sides of a parallelogram, one of which shows a front of seventy-five, and the other of fifty feet. Twenty-six feet make the depth, from outside to outside of the walls. The best room had a carpet, that covered two-thirds of the entire dimensions of the floor, even in my boyhood, and there were oil-cloths in most of the better passages. The buffet in the dining-room, or smallest parlour, was particularly admired ; and I question if there be, at this hour, a handsomer in the county. The rooms were well-sized, and of fair dimen- sions, the larger parlours embracing the whole depth of the house, with proportionate widths, while the ceilings were higher than common, being eleven feet, if we except the places occupied by the larger beams of the chamber floors. As there was money in the family, besides the Neck, and the Littlepages had held the king's commissions, my father having once been an ensign, and my grandfather a captain, in the regular army, each in the earlier portion of his life, we always ranked among the gentry of the county. We happened to be in a part of Westchester in which were none of the very large estates, and Satanstoe passed for property of a certain degree of importance. It is true, the Morrises were at Morrisania, and the Felipses, or Philipses, as these Bohemian counts were then called, had a manor on the Hudson, that extended within a dozen miles of us, and a younger branch of the de Lanceys had established itself even much nearer, while the Van Cortlandts, or a branch Vol. I. — 2 14 SATANSTOE. of them, too, dwelt near Kingsbridge ; but these were all people who were at the head of the Colony, and with whom none of the minor gentry attempted to vie. As it was, therefore, the Littlepages held a very respectable position between the higher class of the yeomanry and those who, by their estates, education, connections, official rank, and hereditary consideration, formed what might be justly called the aristocracy of the Colony. Both my father and grandfather had sat in the Assembly, in their time, and, as I have heard elderly people say, with credit, too. As for my father, on one occasion, he made a speech that occupied eleven minutes in the delivery, — a proof that he had some- thing to say, and which was a source of great, but, I trust, humble felicitation in the family, down to the day of his death, and even afterwards. Then the military services of the family stood us in for a great deal. In that day it was something to be an ensign even in the militia, and a far greater thing to have the same rank in a regular regiment. It is true, neither of my pre- decessors served very long with the King's troops, my father in particular selling out at the end of his second campaign ; but the military experience, and I may add the military glory each acquired in youth, did them good service for all the rest of their days. Both were commissioned in the militia, and my father actually rose as high as major in that branch of the service, that being the rank he held, and the title he bore, for the last fifteen years of his life. My mother was of Dutch extraction on both sides, her father having been a Blauvelt, and her mother a Van Busser. I have heard it said that there was even a relationship be- tween the Stuyvesants and the Van Cortlandts, and the Van Bussers; but I am not able to point out the actual degree and precise nature of the affinity. I presume it was not very near, or my information would have been more minute. I have always understood that my mother brought my father thirteen hundred pounds for dowry (currency, not sterling), which, it must be confessed, was a very genteel fortune for a young woman in 1733. Now, I very well know that six, eight, and ten thousand pounds sometimes full in, in this manner, and even much more in the high families ; but no one need be ashamed, who looks back fifty S AT ANSTOE, 15 years, and finds that his mother brought a thousand pounds to her husband. I was neither an only child, nor the eldest-born. There was a son who preceded me, and two daughters succeeded, but they all died in infancy, leaving me in effect the only offspring for my parents to cherish and educate. My little brother monopolised the name of Evans, and living for some time after I was christened, I got the Dutch appella- tion of my maternal grandfather, for my share of the family nomenclature, which happened to be Cornelius — Corny was consequently the diminutive by which I was known to ail the whites of my acquaintance, for the first sixteen or eighteen years of my life, and to my parents as long as they lived. Corny Littlepage is not a bad name, in itself, and I trust they who do me the favour to read this manu- script, will lay it down with the feeling that the name is none the worse for the use I have made of it. I have said that both my father and grandfather, each in his day, sat in the assembly ; my father twice, and my grandfather only once. Although we lived so near the borough of West Chester, it was not for that place they sat, but for the county, the de Lanceys and the Morrises con- tending for the control of the borough, in a way that left little chance for the smaller fishes to swim in the troubled water they were so certain to create. Nevertheless, this political elevation brought my father out, as it might be, before the world, and was the means of giving him a per- sonal consideration he might not have otherwise enjoyed. The benefits, and possibly some of the evils of thus being drawn out from the more regular routine of our usually peaceable lives, may be made to appear in the course of this narrative. I have ever considered myself fortunate in not having been born in the earlier and infant days of the colony, when the interests at stake, and the events by which they were influenced, were not of a magnitude to give the mind and the hopes the excitement and enlargement that attend the periods of a more advanced civilization, and of more important incidents. In this respect, my own appearance in this world was most happily timed, as any one will see who will consider the state and importance of the colony in 16 SATANSTOE. the middle of the present century. New York could not have contained many less than seventy thousand souls, in- cluding both colours, at the time of my birth, for it is sup- posed to contain quite a hundred thousand this day on which I am now writing. In such a community, a man has not only the room, but the materials on which to figure; whereas, as I have often heard him say, my father, when he was born, was one of less than half of the smallest number I have just named. I have been grateful for this advantage, and I trust it will appear, by evidence that will be here afforded, that I have not lived in a quarter of the woi Id, or in an age, when and where, and to which great events have been altogether strangers. My earliest recollections, as a matter of course, are of Satanstoe and the domestic fireside. In my childhood and youth, I heard a great deal said of the Protestant Succession, tho House of Hanover, and King George II. ; all mixed up w:th such names as those of George Clinton, Gen. Monckton, Sir Charles Hardy, James de Lancey, and Sir Danvers Osborne, his official representatives in the colony. Every age has its old and its last wars, and I can well remember that which occurred between the French in the Canadas and ourselves, in 1744. I was then seven years old, and it was. an event to make an impression on a child of that tender age. My honoured grandfather was then living, as he was long afterwards, and he took a strong interest in the military movements of the period, as was natural for an old soldier. New York had no connection with the cele- brated expedition that captured Louisbourg, then the GibraJ tar of America, in 1745 ; but this could not prevent an old soldier like Capt. Littlepage from entering into the affair with all his heart, though forbidden to use his hand. As the reader may not be aware of all the secret springs that set public events in motion, it may be well here to throw in a few words in the way of explanation. There was and is little sympathy, in the way of national feeling, between the colonies of New England and those which lie farther south. We are all loyal, those of the east as well as those of the south-west and south ; but there is, and ever has been, so wide a difference in our customs, origins, religious opinions, and histories, as to cause a broad SATANSTOE. 17 moral line, in the way of» feeling, to be drawn between the colony of New York and those that lie east of the Byram river. I have heard it said that most of the emigrants to the New England states came from the west of England, where many of their social peculiarities and much of their language are still to be traced, while the colonies farther south have received their population from the more central counties, and those sections of the island that are supposed to be less provincial and peculiar. I do not affirm that such is literally the fact, though it is well known that we of New York have long been accustomed to regard our neighbours of New England as very different from ourselves, whilst, I dare say, our neighbours of New England have regarded us as different from themselves, and insomuch removed from perfection. Let all this be as it may, it is certain New England is a portion of the empire that is set apart from the rest, for good or for evil. It got its name from the circumstance that the English possessions were met, on its western boundary, by those of the Dutch, who were thus separated from the other colonies of purely Anglo-Saxon origin, by a wide district that was much larger in surface than the mother country itself. I am afraid there is something in the character of these Anglo-Saxons that predisposes them to laugh and turn up their noses at other races ; for I have remarked that the natives of the parent land itself, who come among us, show this disposition even as it respects us of New York and those of New England, while the people of the latter region manifest a feeling towards us, their neighbours, that partakes of anything but the humil- ity that is thought to grace that christian character to which they are particularly fond of laying claim. My grandfather was a native of the old country, however, and he entered but little into the colonial jealousies. He had lived from boyhood, and had married in New York, and was not apt to betray any of the overweening notions of superiority that we sometimes encountered in native-born Englishmen, though I can remember instances in which he would point out the defects in our civilization, and others in which he dwelt with pleasure on the grandeur and power of his own island. I dare say this was all right, for few 2* 18 SATANSTOE. among us have ever been disposed to dispute the just supremacy of England in all things that are desirable, and which form the basis of human excellence. I well remember a journey Capt. Hugh Littlepage made to Boston, in 1745, in order to look at the preparations that were making for the great expedition. Although his own colony had no connection with this enterprise, in a military point of view, his previous service rendered him an object of interest to the military men then assembled along the coast of New England. It has been said the expedition against Louisbourg, then the strongest place in America, was planned by a lawyer, led by a merchant, and executed by husbandmen and mechanics ; but this, though true as a whole, was a rule that had its exceptions. There were many old soldiers who had seen the service of this continent in the previous wars, and among them were several of my grandfather's former acquaintances. With these he passed many a cheerful hour, previously to the day of sailing, and I have often thought since, that my presence alone prevented him from making one in the fleet. The reader will think I was young, perhaps, to be so far from home on such an occasion, but it happened in this wise : My excellent mother thought I had come out of the small-pox with some symp- toms that might be benefited by a journey, and she pre- vailed on her father-in-law to let me be of the party when he left home to visit Boston in the winter of 1744-5. At that early day moving about was not always convenient in these colonies, and my grandfather travelling in a sleigh that was proceeding east with some private stores that had • been collected for the expedition, it presented a favourable opportunity to send me along with my venerable progenitor, who very good-naturedly consented to let me commence my travels under his own immediate auspices- The things I saw on this occasion have had a material influence on my future life. I got a love of adventure, and particularly of military parade and grandeur, that has since led me into more than one difficulty. Capt. Hugh Little- page, my grandfather, was delighted with all he saw until after the expedition had sailed, when he began to grumble on the subject of the religious observances that the piety of the Puritans blended with most of their other movements. SATANSTOE. 19 On the score of religion there was a marked difference; [ may say there is still a marked difference between New England and New York. The people of New England certainly did, and possibly may still, look upon us of New York as little better than heathens ; while we of New York assuredly did, and for anything I know to the contrary may yet, regard them as canters, and by necessary connec- tion, hypocrites. I shall not take it on myself to say which party is right; though it has often occurred to my mind that it would be better had New England a little less self- righteousness, and New York a little more righteousness, without the self. Still, in the way of pounds, shillings and pence, we will not turn our backs upon them any day, being on the whole rather the most trustworthy of the two as respects money; more especially in all such cases in which our neighbour's goods can be appropriated without having recourse to absolutely direct means. Such, at any rate, is the New York opinion, let them think as they please about it on the other side of Byram. My grandfather met an old fellow-campaigner, at Boston, of the name of Hight, Major Hight, as he was called, who had come to see the preparations, too ; and the old soldiers passed most of the time together. The Major was a Jersey- man, and had been somewhat of a free-liver in his time, retaining some of the propensities of his youth in old age, as is apt to be the case with those who cultivate a vice as if it were a hot-house plant. The Major was fond of his bottle, drinking heavily of Madeira, of which there was then a good stock in Boston, for he brought some on him- self; and I can remember various scenes that occurred be- tween him and my grandfather, after dinner, as they sat discoursing in the tavern on the progress of things, and the prospects for the future. Had these two old soldiers been of the troops of the province in which they were, it would have been " Major" and " Captain" at every breath ; for no part of the earth is fonder of titles than our eastern brethren ; # whereas, I must think we had some claims to more true simplicity of character and habits, notwithstanding New * It will be remembered Mr. Littlepage wrote more than seventy years ago, when this distinction might exclusively belong to the East; but the West has now some claim to it, also. 20 SATANSTOE. Fork has ever been thought the most aristocratical of all the northern colonies. Having been intimate from early youth, my two old soldiers familiarly called each other Joey and Hodge, the latter being the abbreviation of one of my grandfather's names, Roger, when plain Hugh was not used, as sometimes happened between them, Hugh Roger Littlepage, I ought to have said, was my grandfather's name. " I should like these Yankees better, if they prayed less, my old friend," said the Major, one day, after they had been discussing the appearances of things, and speaking between the puffs of his pipe. " I can see no great use in losing so much time, by making these halts to pray, when the cam- paign is fairly opened." " It was always their way, Joey," my grandfather an- swered, taking his time, as is customary with smokers. " I remember when we were out together, in the year '17, that the New England troops always had their parsons, who acted as a sort of second colonels. They tell me His Ex- cellency has ordered a weekly fast, for public prayers, during the whole of this campaign." " Ay, Master Hodge, praying and plundering ; so they go on," returned the Major, knocking the ashes out of his pipe, preparatory to filling it anew ; an employment that gave him an opportunity to give vent to his feelings, without pausing to puff. — " Ay, Master Hodge, praying and plun- dering ; so they go on. Now, do you remember old Watson, who was in the Massachusetts Levies, in the 3'ear '12 1 — old Tom Watson ; he that was a sub under Barnwell, in our Tuscarora expedition ?" My grandfather nodded his head in assent, that being the only reply the avocation of smoking rendered convenient, just at that moment, unless a sort of affirmatory grunt could be construed into an auxiliary. " Well, he has a son going in this affair ; and old Tom, or Colonel Watson, as he is now very particular to be called, is down here with his- wife and two daughters, to see the ensign off. I went to pay the old fellow a visit, Hodge ; and found him, and the mother and sisters, all as busy as bees in getting young Tom's baggage ready for a march. There SATANSTOE. 21 lay his whole equipment before my eyes, and I had a favour- able occasion to examine it at my leisure." ** Which you did with all your might, or you're not the Joe Hight of the year '10," said my grandfather, taking his turn with the ashes and the tobacco-box. Old Hight was now puffing away like a blacksmith who is striving to obtain a white heat, and it was some time before he could get out the proper reply to this half-assertion, half- interrogatory sort of remark. " You may be sure of that," he at length ejaculated ; when, certain of his light, he proceeded to tell the whole story, stopping occasionally to puff, lest he should lose the " vantage ground " he had just obtained. " What d'ye think of half- a-dozen strings of red onions, for one item in a subaltern's stores !" My grandfather grunted again, in a way that might very well pass for a laugh. " You 're certain they were red, Joey ?" he finally asked. "As red as his regimentals. Then there was a jug, filled with molasses, that is as big as yonder demijohn ;" glancing at the vessel which contained his own private stores. " But I should have thought nothing of these, a large empty sack attracting much of my attention. I could not imagine what young Tom could want of such a sack ; but, on broaching the subject to the Major, he very frankly gave me to under- stand that Louisbourg was thought to be a rich town, and there was no telling what luck, or Providence — yes, by George ! — he called it Providence ! — might throw in his son Tommy's way. Now that the sack was empty, and had an easy time of it, the girls would put his bible and hymn-book in it, as a place where the young man would be likely to look for them. I dare say, Hodge, you never had either bible or hymn-book, in any of your numerous campaigns ?" " No, nor a plunder-sack, nor a molasses-jug, nor strings of red onions," growled my grandfather in reply. How well I remember that evening ! A vast deal of colo- nial prejudice and neighbourly antipathy made themselves apparent in the conversation of the two veterans ; who seemed to entertain a strange sort of contemptuous respect for their fellow-subjects of New England ; who, in their turn, I make not the smallest doubt, paid them off in kind — 22 SATANSTOE. with all the superciliousness and reproach, and with many grains less of the respect. That night, Major Hight and Capt. Hugh Roger Little- page, both got a little how-come-you-so, drinking bumpers to the success of what they called " the Yankee expedition," even at the moment they were indulging in constant side hits at the failings and habits of the people. These marks of neighbourly infirmity are not peculiar to the people of the adjacent provinces of New York and of New England. I have often remarked that the English think and talk very much of the French, as the Yankees speak of us ; while the French, so far as I have been able to understand their some- what unintelligible language — which seems never to have a beginning nor an end — treat the English as the Puritans of the Old World. As I have already intimated, we were not very remarkable for religion in New York, in my younger days ; while it would be just the word, were I to say that religion was conspicuous among our eastern neighbours. I remem- ber to have heard my grandfather say, he was once ac- quainted with a Col. Heathcote, an Englishman, like himself, by birth, and a brother oi a certain Sir Gilbert Heathcote, who was formerly a leading man in the Bank of England. This Col. Heathcote came among us young, and married here, leaving his posterity behind him ; and was lord of the manor of Scarsdale and Mamaroneck, in our county of West Chester. Well, this Col. Heathcote told my grand- father, speaking on the subject of religion, that he had been much shocked, on arriving in this country, at discovering the neglected condition of religion in the colony ; more especially on Long Island, where the people lived in a sort of heathenish condition. Being a man of mark, and con- nected with the government, The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, applied to him to aid it in spreading the truths of the bible in the colony. The Colonel was glad enough to comply ; and I remember my grand- father said, his friend told him of the answer he returned to these good persons in England. " I was so struck with the heathenish condition of the people, on my arriving here,' he wrote to them, " that, commanding the militia of the colony, I ordered the captains of the different companies to call their men together, each Sunday at sunrise, and to drill SATANSTOE. 23 them until sunset ; unless they would consent to repair to some convenient place, and listen to morning and evening ptayer, and to two wholesome sermons, read by some suit- able person, in which case the men were to be excused from drill."* I do not think this would be found necessary in New England at least, where many of the people would be likely to prefer drilling to preaching. But all this gossip about the moral condition of the adja- cent colonies of New York and New England is leading me from the narrative, and does not promise much for the con- nection and interest of the remainder of the manuscript. CHAPTER II. " I would there were no age between ten and three-and-twenty ; 9t that youth would sleep out the rest." Winter's Tale. . It is not necessary for me to say much of the first four- teen years of my life. They passed like the childhood and youth of the sons of most gentlemen in our colony, at that day, with this distinction., however. There was a class * On the subject of this story, the editor can say he has seen a published letter from Col. Heathcote, who died more than a century since, at Mamaroneck, West Chester Co., in which that gentleman gives the Society for the propagation of the gospel an account of his proceedings, that agrees almost verbatim with the account of the matter that is here given by Mr. Cornelius Littlepage. The house in which Col. Heathcote dwelt was destroyed by fire, a short time before the revolution ; but the property on which it stood, and the present building, belong at this moment to his great-grandson, the Rt. Rev. Wm. Heathcote de Lancey, the Bishop of Western New York. On the subject of the plunder, the editor will remark, that a near, connection, whose grandfather was a Major at the taking of Louis- bourg, and who was subsequently one of the first Brigadiers appointed in 1775, has lately shown him a letter written to that officer, during the expedition, by his father ; in which, blended with a great deal of pious counsel, and some really excellent religious exhortation, is an earnest inquiry after the plunder. — Editor. 24 SATANSTOE. among us which educated its boys at home. This was not a very numerous class, certainly, nor was it always the highest in point of fortune and rank. Many of the large proprietors were of Dutch origin, as a matter of course ; and these seldom, if ever, sent their children to England to be taught anything, in my boyhood. I understand that a few are getting over their ancient prejudices, in this particular, and begin to fancy Oxford or Cambridge may be quite as learned schools as that of Leyden ; but, no Van, in my boy- hood, could have been made to believe this. Many of the Dutch proprietors gave their children very little education, in any way or form, though most of them imparted lessons of probity that were quite as useful as learning, had the two things been really inseparable. For my part, while I admit there is a great deal of knowledge going up and down the land, that is just of the degree to trick a fellow-creature out of his rights, I shall never subscribe to the opinion, which is so prevalent among the Dutch portion of our population, and which holds the doctrine that the schools of the New England provinces are the reason the descendants of the Puritans do not enjoy the best of reputations, in this respect. I believe a boy may be well taught, and made all the honester for it ; though, I admit, there may be, and is, such a thing as training a lad in false notions, as well as training him in those that are true. But, we had a class, principally of English extraction, that educated its sons well; usually sending them home, to the great English schools, and finish- ing at the universities. These persons, however, lived prin- cipally in town, or, having estates on the Hudson, passed their winters there. To this class the Littlepages did not belong ; neither their habits nor their fortunes tempting them to so high a flight. For myself, I was taught enough Latin and Greek to enter college, by the Rev. Thomas Worden, an English divine, who was rector of St. Jude's, the parish to which our family properly belonged. This gentleman was esteemed a good scholar, and was very popular among the gentry of the county ; attending all the dinners, clubs, races, balls, and other diversions that were given by them, within ten miles of his residence. His sermons were pithy and short ; and he always spoke of your half-hour preachers, as illiterate prosers, who did not understand how to condense SATAN STOE. 25 their thoughts. Twenty minutes were his gauge, though I remember to have heard my father say, he had known him preach all of twenty-two. When he compressed down to four- teen, my grandfather invariably protested he was delightful. I remained with Mr. Worden until I could translate the two first iEneids, and the whole of the Gospel of St. Mat- thew, pretty readily; and then my father and grandfather, the last in particular, for the old gentleman had a great idea of learning, began to turn over in their minds, the subject of the college to which I ought to be sent. We had the choice of two, in both of which the learned languages and the sciences are taught, to a degree, and in a perfection, that is surprising for a new country. These colleges are Yale, at New Haven, in Connecticut, and Nassau Hall, which was then at Newark, New Jersey, after having been a short time at Elizabethtown, but which has since been established at Princeton. Mr. W T orden laughed at both ; said that nei- ther had as much learning as a second-rate English gram- mar-school ; and that a lower-form boy, at Eton or West- minster, could take a master's degree at either, and pass for a prodigy in the bargain. Pvly father, who was born in the colonies, and had a good deal of the right colony feeling, was nettled at this, I remember; while my grandfather, being old-country born, but colony educated, was at a loss how to view the matter. The captain had a great respect for his native land, and evidently considered it the paradise of this earth, though his recollections of it were not very distinct ; but, at the same time, he loved Old York, and West Chester in particular, where he had married and established himself at Satan's Toe ; or, as he spelt it, and as we all have spelt it, now, this many a day, Satanstoe. I was present at the conversation which decided the question, as regarded my future education, and which took place in the common par- lour, around a blazing fire, about a week before Christmas, the year I was fourteen. There were present Capt. Hugh Roger, Major Evans, my mother, the Rev. Mr. Worden, and an old gentleman of Dutch designation and extraction, of the name of Abraham Van Valkenburgh, but who was fami- liarly called, by his friends, 'Brom Follock, or Col. Follock or Volleck, as the last happen to be more or less ceremo- nious, or more or less Dutch. Follock, I think, however Vol, I. — 3 26 SATANSTOE. was the favourite pronunciation. This Col. Van Valken- burgh was an old brother-soldier of my father's, and, indeed, a relation, a sort of a cousin through my greatgrandmother, besides being a man of much consideration and substance. He lived in Rockland, just across the Hudson, but never failed to pay a visit to Satanstoe at that season of the year. On the present occasion, he was accompanied by his son Dirck, who was my friend, and just a year my junior. " Veil, den," — the colonel commenced the discourse by saying, as he tapped the ashes out of his pipe for the second time that evening, having first taken a draught of hot flip, a beverage much in vogue then, as well as now, — " veil, den, Evans, vat is your intention as to ter poy ? Vill he pe college-l'arnt, like as his grant-fat'er, or only school-l'arnt, like as his own fat'er?" The allusion to the grandfather being a pleasantry of the colonel's, who insisted that all the old-country born were "college-l'arnt" by instinct. " To own the truth, 'Brom," my father answered, " this is a point that is not yet entirely settled, for there are dif- ferent opinions as to the place to which he shall be sent, even admitting that he is to be sent at all." The colonel fastened his full, projecting, blue eyes on my father, in a way that pretty plainly expressed surprise. " Vat, den, is dere so many colleges, dat it is hart to choose?" he said. " There are but two that can be of any use to us, for Cambridge is much too distant to think of sending the boy so far. Cambridge was in our thoughts at one time, but that is given up." " Vhere, den, ist Camprige?" demanded the Dutchman, removing his pipe to ask so important a question, a cere- mony he usually thought unnecessary. " It is a New England college — near Boston ; not half a day's journey distant, I fancy." " Don't sent Cornelius dere," ejaculated the colonel, con- triving to get these words out alongside of the stem of the pipe. " You think not, Col. Follock," put in the anxious mother; 11 may I ask the reason for that opinion V "Too much Suntay, Matam Littlepage — the poy wilt be sp'ilt by ter ministers. He will go away an honest lat, and SATANSTOE. 27 come pack a rogue. He \viil l'arn how to bray and to cheat." " Hoity toity ! my noble colonel !" exclaimed the Rev. Mr. Worden, affecting more resentment than he felt. " Then you fancy the clergy, and too much Sunday, will be apt to convert an honest youth into a knave !" The colonel made no answer, continuing to smoke very philosophically, though he took occasion, while he drew the pipe out of his mouth, in one of its periodical removals, to make a significant gesture with it towards the rising sun, which all present understood to mean " down east," as it is usual to say, when we mean to designate the colonies of New England. That he was understood by the Rev. Mr. Worden, is highly probable ; since that gentleman con- tinued to turn the flip of one vessel into another, by way of more intimately blending the ingredients of the mixture, quite as coolly as if there had been no reflection on his trade. " What do you think of Yale, friend 'Brom ?" asked my father, who understood the dumb-show as well as any of them. " No tifference, Evans ; dey all breaches and brays too much. Goot men have no neet of so much religion. Vhen a man is really goot, religion only does him harm. I mean Yankee religion." " I have another objection to Yale," observed Capt. Hugh Roger, " which is their English." " Och !" exclaimed the Colonel — " Deir English is horri- ple ! Wuss dan ast to us Tutch." " Well, 1 was not aware of that," observed my father. "They are English, sir, as well as ourselves, and why should they not speak the language as well as we T " Why toes not a Yorkshireman, or a Cornishman, speak as veil as a Lonnoner ? I tell you what, Evans, I '11 pet the pest game-cock on ter Neck, against the veriest tunghill the parson hast, ter Presitent of Yale calls p e e n, pen, ant roof, ruff — and so on." " My birds are all game, w put in the divine ; " I keep no other breed." " Surely, Mr. Worden, you do not countenance cock- fights by your presence !" my mother said, using as much 28 S AT ANSTOE. of reproach in her manner as comported with the holy office of the party she addressed, and with her own gentle nature. The Colonel winded at my father, and laughed through his pipe, an exploit he might have been said to perform almost houi\y. My father smiled in return ; for, to own the truth, he had been present at such sports on one or two occasions, when the parson's curiosity had tempted him to peep in also ; but my grandfather looked grave and much in earnest. As for Mr. Worden himself, he met the imputation like a man. To do him justice, if he were not an ascetic, neither was he a whining hypocrite, as is the case with too many of those who aspire to be disciples and ministers of our blessed Lord. "Why not, Madam Littlepage?" Mr. Worden stoutly demanded. " There are worse places than cock-pits ; for, mark me, I never bet — no, not on a horse-race, even ; and that is an occasion on which any gentleman might venture a few guineas, in a liberal, frank, way. There are so few amusements for people of education in this country, Madam Littlepage, that one is not to be too particular. If there were hounds and hunting, now, as there are at home, you should never hear of me at a cock-fight, I can assure you." " I must say I do not approve of cock-fights," rejoined my mother meekly ; " and I hope Corny will never be seen at one. No — never — never." " Dere you're wrong, Matam Littlepage," the Colonel remarked, " for ter sight of ter spirit of ter cocks wilt give ter boy spirit himself. My Tirck, dere, goes to all in ter neighbourhoot, and he is a game-cock himself, let me tell you. Come, Tirck — come — cock-a-doodle-doo !" This was true all round, as I very well knew, young as I was. Dirck, who was as slow-moving, as dull-seeming, and as anti-mercurial a boy to look at as one could find in a thousand, was thorough game at the bottom, and he had been at many a main, as he had told me himself. How much of his spirit was derived from witnessing such scenes I will not take on me to affirm ; for, in these later times, I have heard it questioned whether such exhibitions do really improve the spectator's courage or not. But Dirck had pluck, and plenty of it, and in that particular, at least, his father was not mistaken. The Colonel's opinion always SATANSTOE. 29 carried weight with my mother, both on account of his Dutch extraction, and on account of his well-established probity ; for, to own the truth, a text or a sentiment from him had far more weight with her than the same from the clergyman. She was silenced on the subject of cock- fighting for the moment, therefore, which gave Capt. Hugh Roger further opportunity to pursue that of the English language. The grandfather, who was an inveterate lover of the sport, would have cut in to that branch of the dis- course, but he had a great tenderness for my mother, whom everybody loved by the way, and he commanded himself, glad to find that so important an interest had fallen into hands as good as those of the Colonel. He would just as soon be absent from church as be absent from a cock- fight, and he was a very good observer of religion. " I should have sent Evans to Yale, had it not been for the miserable manner of speaking English they have in New England," resumed my grandfather; "and I had no wish to have a son who might pass for a Cornish man. We shall have to send this boy to Newark, in New Jersey. The distance is not so great, and we shall be certain he will not get any of your round-head notions of religion, too. Col. 'Brom, you Dutch are not altogether free from these dis- tressing follies. "Debbie a pit!" growled the Colonel, through his pipe; for no devotee of liberalism and latitudinarianism in religion could be more averse to extra-piety than he. The Colonel, however, was not of the Dutch Reformed ; he was an Epis- copalian, like ourselves, his mother having brought this branch of the Follocks into the church ; and, consequently, he entered into all our feelings on the subject of religion, heart and hand. Perhaps Mr. Worden was a greater favour- ite with no member of the four parishes over which he pre- sided, than with Col. Abraham Van Valkenburgh. " I should think less of sending Corny to Newark," added my mother, " was it not for crossing the water." " Crossing the water !" repeated Mr. Worden. " The Newark we mean, Madam Littlepage, is not at home : the Jersey of which we speak is the adjoining colony of that name." " 1 am aware of that, Mr. Worden ; but it is not possible 3* 30 SATANSTOE. fo get to Newark, without making that terrible voyage be- tween New York and Powles' Hook. No, sir, it is impos- sible ; and every time the child comes home, that risk will have to be run. It would cause me many a sleepless night!" " He can go by Tobb's Ferry, Matam Litttlepage," quietly observed the Colonel. " Dobb's Ferry can be very little better than that by Powles' Hook," rejoined the tender mother. " A ferry is a ferry; and the Hudson will be the Hudson, from Albany to New York. So water is water." As these were all self-evident propositions, they produced a pause in the discourse ; for men do not deal with new ideas as freely as they deal with the old. " Dere is a way, Evans, as you and I know py experi- ence," resumed the Colonel, winking again at my father, " to go rount the Hudson altoget'er. To pe sure, it is a long way, and a pit in the woots ; but petter to untertake dat, than to haf the poy lose his l'arnin'. Ter journey might be made in two mont's, and he none the wuss for ter exer- cise. Ter Major and I were never heartier dan when we were operating on the he't waters of the Hutson. I will tell Corny the roat." My mother saw that her apprehensions were laughed at, and she had the good sense to be silent. The discussion did not the less proceed, until it was decided, after an hour more of weighing the pros and the cons, that I was to be sent to Nassau Hall, Newark, New Jersey, and was to move from that place with the college, whenever that event might happen. " You will send Dirck there, too," my father added, as soon as the affair in my case was finally determined. " It would be a pity to separate the boys, after they have been so long together, and have got to be so much used to each other. Their characters are so identical, too, that they are more like brothers than very distant relatives." " Dey will like one anot'er all de petter for pein' a little tifferent, don," answered the Colonel, drily. Dirck and I were no more alike than a horse resembles a mule. " Ay, but Dirck is a lad who will do honour to an edu« SATANSTOE. 31 cation — he is solid and thoughtful, and learning will not be thrown away on such a youth. Was he in England, that sedate lad might get to be a bishop." " I want no pishops in my family, Major Evans ; nor do I want any great Parnin'. None of us ever saw a college, and we have got on fery veil. I am a colonel and a mem- per ; my fat'er was a colonel and a memper ; and my grand- fat'er woalt have peen a colonel and a memper, but dere vast no colonels and no mempers in his time ; though Tirck, yonter can be a colonel and a memper, wit'out crosting dat terriple ferry that frightens Matam Littlepage so much." There was usually a little humour in all Col. Follock said and did, though it must be owned it was humour after a very Dutch model ; Dutch-built fun, as Mr. Worden used to call it. Nevertheless, it was humour ; and there was enough of Holland in all the junior generations of the Lit- tlepages to enjoy it. My father understood him, and my mother did not hear the las*t of the " terriple ferry" until not only I, but the college itself, had quitted Newark ; for the institution made another remove to Princeton, the place where it is now to be found, some time before I got my degree. "You have got on very well without a college education, as all must admit, colonel," answered Mr. Worden ; " but there is no telling how much better you would have got on, had you been an A. M. You might, in the last case, have been a general and a member of the King's council." " Dere ist no yeneral in ter colony, the commander-in- chief and His Majesty's representatif excepted," returned the colonel. " We are no Yankees, to make yenerals of ploughmen." Hereupon, the colonel and my father knocked the ashes out of their pipes at the same instant, and both laughed, — a merriment in which the parson, my grandfather, my dear mother, and I myself joined.- Even a negro boy, who was ubout my own age, and whose name was Jacob, or Jaap, but who was commonly called Yaap, grinned at the remark, for he had a sovereign contempt for Yankee Land, and all it contained ; almost as sovereign a contempt as that which Yankee Land entertained for York itself, and its Dutch population. Dirck was the only person present who looked 32 SATAN STOE. grave ; but Dirck was habitually as grave and sedate, as if he had been born to become a burgomaster. " Quite right, Brom," cried my father ; " colonels are good enough for us ; and when we do make a man that, even, we are a little particular about his being respectable and fit for the office. Nevertheless, learning will not hurt Corny, and to college he shall go, let you do as you please with Dirck. So that matter is settled, and no more need be said about it." And it was settled, and to college I did go, and that by the awful Powles' Hook Ferry, in the bargain. Near as we lived to town, I paid my first visit to the island of Manhat- tan the day my father and myself started for Newark. I had an aunt, who lived in Queen Street, not a very great distance from the fort, and she had kindly invited me and my father to pass a day with her, on our way to New Jer- sey, which invitation had been accepted. In my youth, the world in general was not as much addicted to gadding about as it is now getting to be, and neither my grandfather nor my father ordinarily went to town, their calls to the legisla- ture excepted, more than twice a year. My mother's visits were still less frequent, although Mrs. Legge, my aunt, was her own sister. Mr. Legge was a lawyer of a good deal of reputation, but he was inclined to be in the opposition, or espoused the popular side in politics ; and there could be no great cordiality between one of that frame of mind and our family. I remember we had not been in the house an hour, before a warm discussion took place between my uncle and my father, on the question of the right of the subject to can- vass the acts of the government. We had left home imme- diately after an early breakfast, in order to reach town be- fore dark ; but a long detention at the Harlem Ferry, com- pelled us to dine in that village, and it was quite night be- fore we stopped in Queen Street. My aunt ordered supper early, in order that we might get early to bed, to recover from our fatigue, and be ready for sight-seeing next day. We sat clown to supper, therefore, in less than an hour after our arrival ; and it was while we were at table that the dis- cussion I have mentioned took place. It would seem that a party had been got up in town among the disloyal, and I might almost sav, the disaffected, which claimed for the SATANSTOE. 33 subject the right to know in what manner every shilling of the money raised by taxation was expended. This very obviously improper interference with matters that did not belong to them, on the part of the ruled, was resisted by the rulers, and that with energy ; inasmuch as such inquiries and investigations would naturally lead to results that might bring authority into discredit, make the governed presuming and prying in their dispositions, and cause much derange- ment and inconvenience to the regular and salutary action of government. My father took the negative of the propo- sition, while my uncle maintained its affirmative. I well remember that my poor aunt looked uneasy, and tried to divert the discourse by exciting our curiosity on a new subject. ; ' Corny has been particularly lucky in having come to town just as he has, since we shall have a sort of gala-day, to-morrow, for the blacks and the children." I was not in the least offended at being thus associated' with the negroes, for they mingled in most of the amuse- ments of us young people; but I did not quite so well like to be ranked with the children, now I was fourteen, and on my way to college. Notwithstanding this, I did not fail to be- tray an interest in what was to come next, by my counte- nance. As for my father, he did not hesitate about asking an explanation. " The news came in this morning, by a fast-sailing sloop, that the Patroon of Albany is on his way to New York, in his coach-and-four, and with two out-riders, and that he may be expected to reach town in the course of to-morrow. Several of my acquaintances have consented to let their children go out a little way into the country, to see him come in ; and, as for the blacks, you know, it is just as well to give them permission to be of the party, as half of them would otherwise go without asking it." " This will be a capital opportunity to let Corny see a little of the world," cried my father, " and I would not have him miss it on any account. Besides, it is useful to teach young people early, the profitable lesson of honouring their superiors and seniors." " In that sense it may do," growled my uncle, who, \hough so much of a latitudinarian in his political opinions. 34 SATANSTOE. never failed to inculcate all useful and necessary maxims for private life ; " the Patroon of Albany being one of the most respectable and affluent of all our gentry. I have no objections to Corny's going to see that sight; and, I hope, my dear, you will let both Pompey and Cassar be of the party. It won't hurt the fellows to see the manner in which the Patroon has his carriage kept and horses groomed." Pompey and Ccesar were of the party, though the latter did not join us until Pompey had taken me all round the town, to see the principal sights ; it being understood that the Patroon had slept at Kingsbridge, and would not be likely to reach town until near noon. New York was cer- tainly not the place, in 1751, it is to-day; nevertheless, it was a large and important town, even when 1 went to col- lege, containing not less than twelve thousand souls, blacks included. The Town Hall is a magnificent structure, stand- ing at the head of Broad Street; and thither Pompey led me, even before my aunt had come down to breakfast. I could scarcely admire that fine edifice sufficiently ; which, for size, architecture and position, has scarcely now an equal in all the colonies. It is true, that the town has much improved, within the last twenty years ; but York was a noble place, even in the middle of this century ! After breakfast, Pom- pey and I proceeded up Broadway, commencing near the fort, at the Bowling Green, and walking some distance be- yond the head of Wall Street, or quite a quarter of a mile. Nor did the town stop here ; though its principal extent is, or was then, along the margin of the East River. Trinity Church I could hardly admire enough either ; for, it appeared to me, that it was large enough to contain all the church- people in the colony.* It was a venerable structure, which * The intelligent reader will, of course, properly appreciate tlio provincial admiration of Mr. Littlepage, who naturally fancied his own hest was other people's best. The Trinity of that day was burned in the great fire of 1776. The edifice that succeeded it, at the peace of 17 S3, has already given place to a successor, that, has more claim to be placed on a level with modern, English, town church- architecture, than any other building in the Union. When another shall succeed this, which shall be as much larger and more elaborated than this is compared to its predecessor, and still another shall suc« coed, which shall bear the same relation to that, then the country will possess an edifice that is on a level with the first-rate Gothic cathe. SATANSTOE. 35 had then felt the heats of summer and the snows of winter on its roofs and walls, near half a century, and it still stands a monument of pious zeal and cultivated taste. There were other churches, belonging to other denominations, of course, that were well worthy of being seen ; to say nothing of the markets. I thought I never should tire of gazing at the mag- nificence of the shops, particularly the silversmiths' ; some of which must have had a thousand dollars' worth of plate in their windows, or otherwise in sight. I might say as much of the other shops, too, which attracted a just portion of my admiration. About eleven, the number of children and blacks that were seen walking towards the Bowery Road, gave us notice that it was time to be moving in that direction. We were in the upper part of Broadway, at the time, and Pompey proceeded forthwith to fall into the current, making all the haste he could, as it was thought the traveller might pass down towards the East River, and get into Queen Street, before we could reach the point at which he would diverge, [t is true, the old town residence of Stephen de Lancey, which stood at the head of Broadway, just above Trinity,* had been converted into a tavern, and we did not know but the Patroon might choose to alight there, as it was then the principal inn of the town ; still, most people preferred Queen Street ; and the new City Tavern was so much out of the way, that strangers in particular were not fond of frequenting it. Cassar came up, much out of breath, just as we got into the country. Quitting Broadway, we went along the country road that then diverged to the east, but which is now getting to contain a sort of suburb, and passing the road that leads dral-architecture of Europe. It would be idle to pretend that the new Trinity is without faults ; some of which are probably the result of circumstances and necessity; but, if the respectable architect who has built it, had no other merit, he would deserve the gratitude of every man of taste in the country, by placing church-towers of a proper comparative breadth, dignity and proportions, before the eyes of its population. The diminutive meanness of American church- towers, has been an eye-sore to every intelligent, travelled American, pince the country was settled. — Eoitou. * The site of the present City Hotel.— Ed. 36 SATANSTOE. into Queen Street, we felt more certain of meeting the tra- veller, whose carriage we soon learned had not gone by. As there were and are several taverns for country people in this quarter, most of us went quite into the country, pro- ceeding as far as the villas of the Bayards, de Lanceys, and other persons of mark ; of which there are several along the Bowery Road. Our party stopped under some cherry-trees, that were not more than a mile from town, nearly opposite to Lt. Gov. de Lancey's country-house;* but many boys &c. went a long long way into the country, finishing the day by nutting and gathering apples in the grounds of Petersfield and Rosehill, the country residences of the Stuyvesant and Watt, or, as the last is now called the Watts, families. I was desirous of going thus far my- self, for I had heard much of both of those grand places; but Pompey told me it would be necessary to be back for dinner by half-past one, his mistress having consented to postpone the hour a little, in order to indulge my natural desire to see all I could while in town. We were not altogether children and blacks who were out on the Bowery Road that day,— many tradesmen were among us, the leathern aprons making a goodly parade on the occasion. I saw one or two persons wearing swords, ho- vering round, in the lanes and in the woods, — proof that even gentlemen had some desire to see so great a person as the Pa- troon of Albany pass. I shall not stop to say much of tho ti-ansit of the Patroon. He came by about noon, as was ex- pected, and in his coach-and-four, with two outriders, coach- man, &c. in liveries, as is usual in the families of the gentry, and with a team of heavy, black, Dutch-looking horses, that I remember Caesar pronounced to be of the true Flemish breed. The Patroon himself was a sightly, well-dressed gentleman, wearing a scarlet coat, flowing wig, and cocked hat ; and I observed that the handle of his sword was of solid silver. But my father wore a sword with a solid silver handle, too, a present from my grandfather when the former first entered the army.j* He bowed to the salutations * Now, do Lancey Street, — Ed. tThis patroon must have been Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, who lived to be a bachelor of fort} 1 - before he married. If there be no anachre- SATANSTOE. 37 he received in passing, and T thought all the spectators were pleased with the noble sight of seeing such an equipage pass into the town. Such a sight does not occur eyery day in the colonies, and I felt exceedingly happy that it had been my privilege to witness it. A little incident occurred to myself that rendered this day long memorable to me. Among the spectators assem- bled along the road on- this occasion, were several groups Df girls, who belonged to the better class, and who had been induced to come out into the country, either led by curiosity or by the management of the different sable nurses who had them in charge. In one of these groups was a girl of about ten, or possibly of eleven years of age, whose dress, air, and mien, early attracted my attention. I thought her large, bright, full, blue eye, particularly winning; and boys of fourteen are not altogether insensible to beauty in the other sex, though they are possibly induced oftener to re- gard it in those who are older than in those who are younger than themselves. Pompey happened to be acquainted with Silvv, the negress who had the care of my little beauty, to whom he bowed, and addressed as Miss Anneke (Anna Cor- nelia, abbreviated). Anneke I thought a very pretty name too, and some little advances were made towards an ac- quaintance by means of an offering of some fruit that I had gathered by the way-side. Things were making a con- nism, this gentleman married Miss Van Cortlandt, one of the seven daughters of Stephanus Van Cortlandt, who was proprietor of the great manor of Cortlandt, West Chester county, and who, in his day, was the principal personage of the colony. The seven daughters of this Colonel Van Cortlandt, by marrying into the families of de Lan- eey, Bayard, Van Rensellaer, Beekman, M'Gregor — Skinner, Sec. Sec, brought together a connection that was long felt in the political affairs of New York. The Sehuylers were related through a previous mar- riage, and many of the Long Island and other families of weight by other alliances. ' This connection formed the court party, which was resisted by an opposition led by the Livingstons, Morris, and other names of their connection. This old bachelor, Jeremiah Van Rensel- laer, believing he would never marry, alienated, in behalf of his next brother and anticipated heir, the Greenbush and Claverack estates, — portions of those vast possessions which, in our day, and principally through the culpable apatdy, or miserable demagogueism of those who have been entrusted with the care of the public weal, have been the pretext for violating some of the plainest laws of morality that God has communicated to man. — Editor. Vol. I. — 4 38 SATANSTOE. sidcrable progress, and I had asked several questions, suc'h as whether 'Miss Anneke had ever seen a patroon,' which * was the greatest personage, a patroon or a governor,' whether ' a nobleman who had lately been in the colony, as a military officer, or the patroon, would be likely to have the finest coach,' when a butcher's boy, who was passing, rudely knocked an apple out of Anneke's hand, and caused he/ to shed a tear. I took fire at this unprovoked outrage, and lent the fellow a dig in the ribs that gave him to understand the young lady had a protector. My chap was about my own age and weight, and he surveyed me a minute with a species of contempt, and then beckoned me to follow him into an orchard that was hard by, but a little out of sight. In spite of Anneke's entreaties I went, and Pompey and Caesar fol- lowed. We had both stripped before the negroes got up, for they were in a hot discussion whether I was to be per- mitted to fight or not. Pompey maintained it would keep dinner waiting ; but Caesar, who had the most bottom, as became his name, insisted, as I had given a blow, I was bound to render satisfaction. Luckily, Mr. Worden was very skilful at boxing, and he had given both Dirck and myself many lessons, so that I soon found myself the best fellow. I gave the butcher's boy a bloody nose and a black eye, when he gave in, and I came off victor ; not, however, without a facer or two, that sent me to college with a repu- tation I hardly merited, or that of a regular pugilist. When I returned to the road, after this breathing, Anneke* had disappeared, and I was so shy and silly as not to ask her family name from Ceesar the Great, or Pompey the Little. * Pronounced On-xin-kay. I believe. — Editor SATAN STOE. 3i) CHAPTER III. " Believe me, thou talkest of an admirable conceited fellow. Has he any unbraided wares'?" " Pr'ythee, bring him in ; and let him approach singing." Winter's Tale. I have no intention of taking the reader with me through college, where I remained the usual term of four years. These four years were not idled away, as sometimes happens, but were fairly improved. I read all of the New Testament, in Greek ; several of Cicero's Orations ; every line of Horace, Satires and Odes ; four books of the Iliad ; Tully de Oratore, throughout ; besides paying proper attention to geography, mathematics, and other of the usual branches. Moral philosophy, in particular, was closely attended to, senior year, as well as Astronomy. We had a telescope that showed us all four of Jupiter's moons. In other re- spects, Nassau might be called the seat of learning. One of our class purchased a second-hand copy of Euripides, in town, and we had it in college all of six months ; though it was never my good fortune to see it, as the young man who owned it, was not much disposed to let profane eyes view his treasure. Nevertheless, I am certain the copy of the work was in college ; and we took good care to let the Yale men hear of it more than once. I do not believe they ever saw even the outside of an Euripides. As for the telescope, I can testify of my own knowledge ; having seen the moons of Jupiter as often as ten times, with my own eyes, aided by its magnifiers. We had a tutor who was expert among the stars, and who, it was generally believed, would have been able to see the ring of Saturn, could he have found the planet ; which, as it turned out, he was unable to do. My four college years were very happy years. The va- cations came often, and I went home invariably ; passing a day or two with my aunt Legge, in going or coming. The acquisition of knowledge was always agreeable to me ; and I may say it without vanity, I trust, at this time of life, I got the third honour of my class. We should have gradu- 40 SATANSTOE. ated four, but one of our class was compelled to quit us at the end of junior year, on account of his health. He was an unusually hard student, and it was generally admitted that he would have taken the first honour had he remained. We were thought to acquit ourselves with credit at the com- mencement ; although I afterwards heard my grandfather tell Mr. Worden, that he was of opinion the addresses would have been more masculine and commendable, had less been said of the surprising growth, prosperity, and power of the colonies. He had no objection to the encouragement of a sound, healthful, patriotic feeling; but to him it appeared that something more novel might have better pleased the audience. This may have been true, as all three of us had something to say on the subject ; and it is a proof how much we thought alike, that our language was almost as closely assimilated as our ideas. As for the Powles Hook Ferry, it was an unpleasant place I will allow ; though by the time I was junior I thought nothing of it. My mother, however, was glad when it was passed for the last time. I remember the very first words that escaped her, after she had kissed me on my final return from college, were, " Well, Heaven be praised, Corny ! you will never again have any occasion to cross that fright- ful ferry, now college is completely done with !" My poor mother little knew how much greater dangers I was subsequently called on to encounter, in another direction. Nor was she minutely accurate in her anticipations, since I have crossed the ferry in question, several times in later life ; the distances not appearing to be as great, of late ycors, as they certainly seemed to be in my youth. It was a feather in a young man's cap to have gone through college, in 1755, which was the year I graduated. It is true, the University men, who had been home for their learning, were more or less numerous ; but they were of a class that held itself aloof from the smaller gentry, and most of them were soon placed in office, adding the dignity of public trusts to their acquisitions — the former in a manner overshadowing the latter. But, I was nearer to the body of the community, and my position admitted more of comparative excellence, as it might be. No one thinks of certain habits, opinions, manners, and tastes, in the circle where they are expected SATANSTOE. 41 to be found ; but, it is a different thing where all, or any of these peculiarities form the exception. I am afraid more was anticipated from my college education than has ever been realized ; but I will say this for my Alma Mater, that r-am not conscious my acquisitions at college have ever been of any disadvantage to me; and I rather think they have, in some degree at least, contributed to the little success that has attended my humble career. I kept up my intimacy with Dirck Follock, during the whole time I remained at college. He continued the classics with Mr. Worden, for two years after I left the school ; but I could not discover that his progress amounted to anything worth mentioning. The master used to tell the Colonel, that "Dirck's progress was slow and sure ;" and this did not fail to satisfy a man who had a constitutional aversion to much of the head-over-heels rate of doing things among the English population. Col. Follock, as we always called him, except when my father or grandfather asked him to drink a glass of wine, or drank his health in the first glass after the cloth was removed, when he was invariably styled Col. Van Valkenburgh, at full length ; but Col. Follock was quite content that his son and heir should know no more than he knew himself, after making proper allowances for the difference in years and experience. By the time I re- turned home, however, a material change had been made in the school. Mr. Worden fell heir to a moderate compe- tency at home, and he gave up teaching, a business he had never liked, accordingly. It was even thought he was a shade less zealous in his parochial duties, after the acquisi- tion of this fifty pounds sterling a-year, than he had previ- ously been ; though I am far from insisting on the fact's being so. At any rate, it was not in the power of £50 per annum to render Mr. Worden apathetic on the subject of the church ; for he continued a most zealous churchman down to the hour of his death ; and this was something, even ad- mitting that he was not quite so zealous as a Christian. The church being the repository of the faith, if not the faith Itself, it follows that its friends are akin to religion, though not absolutely religious. I have always liked a man the better for being what I call a sound, warm-hearted church- man, though his habits may have been a little free. 4* 42 S A T A X S T O E . It was necessary to supply the place left vacant by th« emigration of Mr. Worden, or to abandon a school that had got to be the nucleus of knowledge in Westchester. There was a natural desire, at first, to obtain another scholar from home; but no such person offering, a Yale College graduate was accepted, though not without sundry rebellions, and plenty of distrust. The moment he appeared, Col. Follock, and Major Nicholas Oolhout, another respectable Dutch neighbour, withdrew their sons ; and from that hour Dirck never went to school again. It is true, Westchester was not properly a Dutch county, like Rockland, and Albany, and Orange, and several others along the river ; but it had many respectable families in it, of that extraction, without alluding to such heavy people as the Van Cortlands, Felipses, Beekmans, and Lwo or three others of that stamp. Most of our important county families had a different origin, as in the case of the Morrises, of Morrisania, and of the Manor of Fordham, the Pells, of Pelham, the Heathcotes, of Maman- neck, the branch of the de Lanceys, at West Farms, the Jays, of Rye, ecc, ecc. All these came of the English, or the Huguenot stock. Among these last, more or less Dutch blood was to be found, however; though Dutch prejudices were a good deal weakened. Although few of these persons sent their boys to this school, they were consulted in the selection of a master; and I have always supposed that their indifference was the cause that the county finally ob- tained the services of a Yankee, from Yale. The name of the new pedagogue was Jason Xewcome, or, as he pronounced the latter appellation himself, Noo- come. As he affected a pedantic way of pronouncing the last syllable long, or as it was spelt, he rather called him- self Noo-comb, instead of Newcum, as is the English mode, whence he soon got the nick-name of Jason Old Comb among the boys ; the lank, orderly arrangement of his jet- black, and somewhat greasy-looking locks, contributing their share towards procuring for him the sobriquet, as I believe the French call it. As this Mr. Xewcome will have a material part to play in the succeeding portions of this narrative, it may be well to be a little more minute in his description. I found Jason fully established in the school, on my re- SATANSTOE. 4t> turn from college. I remember we met verv much like two strange birds, that see each other for the first time on the same dunghill ; or two quadrupeds, in their original in- terview in a common herd. It was New Haven against Newark ; though the institution, after making as many mi- grations as the House of Loretto, finally settled down at Princeton, a short time before I took my degree. I was consequently entitled to call myself a graduate of Newark, — a sort of scholar that is quite as great a curiosity in the country as a Queen Anne's farthing, or a book printed in the fifteenth century. I remember the first evening we two spent in company, as well as if the meeting occurred only last night. Tt was at Satanstoe, and Mr. Worden was present. Jason had a liberal supply of puritanical notions, which were bred in-and-in in his moral, and I had almost said, in his physical system; nevertheless, he could unbend; and I did not fail to observe that very evening, a gleam of covert enjoyment on his sombre countenance, as the hot-stuff, the cards, and the pipes were produced, an hour or two before supper, — a meal we always had hot and comfortable. This covert satisfaction, however, was not exhibited without certain misgiving looks, as if the neophyte in these innocent en joyments distrusted his right to possess his share. I re- member in particular, when my mother laid two or three new, clean packs of cards on the tabic, that Jason cast a stealthy glance over his shoulder, as if to make certain that the act was not noted by the minister, or the "neighbours." The neighbours! — what a contemptible being a man be- comes, who lives in constant dread of the comments and judgments of these social supervisors! and what a wretch, the habit of deferring to no principle better than their deci sion has made many a being, who has had originally the materials of something better in him, than has been deve- loped by the surveillance of ignorance, envy, vulgarity, gossiping and lying ! In those cases in which education, social position, opportunities and experience have made any material difference between the parties, the man who yields to such a government, exhibits the picture of a giant held in bondage by a pigmy. I have always remarked, too, that they who are best qualified to sit in this neighbourhood- tribunal, generally keep most aloof from it, as repugnant to 44 SATANSTOE. their tastes and habits, thus leaving its decisions to the poi tion of the community least qualified to make such as are either just or enlightened. I felt a disposition to laugh outright, at the manner in which Jason betrayed a sneaking consciousness of crime, as he saw my meek, innocent, simple-minded, just and warm-hearted mother lay the cards on the table that even- ing. His sense of guilt was purely conventional, while my mother's sense of innocence existed in the absence of false instruction, and in the purity of her intentions. One had been taught no exaggerated and false notion of sin,- — nay, a notion that is impious, as it is clearly impious in man to torture acts that are perfectly innocent, per se, into formal transgressions of the law of God, — while the other had been educated under the narrow and exaggerated notions of a provincial sect, and had obtained a species of con science that was purely dependent on his miserable school- ing. I heard my grandfather say that Jason actually showed the white of his eyes the first time he saw Mr. Worden begin to deal, and he still looked, the whole time we were at whist, as if he expected some one might enter, and tell of his delinquency. I soon discovered that Jason had a much greater dread of being told of, than of doing such things as taking a hand at whist, or drinking a glass of punch, from which I inferred his true conscience drew per- ceptible distinctions between the acts and the penalties he had been accustomed to see inflicted on them. He was much disposed to a certain sort of frailty ; but it was a sneaking disposition to the last. But, the amusing part of the exhibition, that first evening of our acquaintance, was Mr. Worden's showing off his successor's familiarity with the classics. Jason had not the smallest notion of quantity ; and he pronounced the Latin very much as one would read Mohawk, from a vocabulary made out by a hunter, or a savant of the French Academy. As I had received the benefit of Mr. Worden's own instruc- tion, I could do better, and, generally, my knowledge of the classics went beyond that of Jason's. The latter's English, too, was long a source of amusement with us all, though my grandfather often expressed strong disgust at it. Even Col. Follock did not scruple to laugh at Newcome's English, SATANSTOE. 45 which, as he frequently took occasion to say, " hat a ferry rernarkaple sount to it." As this peculiarity of Jason's ex- tended a good way into the Anglo-Saxon race, in the par* of the country in which he was born, it may be well tc explain what I mean a little more at large. Jason was the son of an ordinary Connecticut farmer, of the usual associations, and with no other pretension to edu- cation than such as was obtained in a common school, or any reading which did not include the Scriptures, some half dozen volumes of sermons and polemical works, all the latter of which were vigorously as well as narrowly one-sided, and a few books that had been expressly written to praise New England, and to undervalue all the rest of the earth. As the family knew nothing of the world beyond the limits of its own township, and an occasional visit to Hartford, on what is called "election-day," Jason's early life was neces- sarily of the most contracted experience. His English, as a matter of course, was just that of his neighbourhood and class of life j which was far from being either very elegant or very Doric. But on this rustic, provincial, or rather, hamlet foundation, Jason had reared a superstructure of New Haven finish and proportions. As he kept school before he went to college, while he was in college, and after he left college, the whole energies of his nature became strangely directed to just such reforms of language as would be apt to strike the imagination of a pedagogue of his ca- libre. In the first place, he had brought from home with him a great number of sounds that were decidedly vulgar and vicious, and with these in full existence in himself, he had commenced his system of reform on other people. As is common with all tyros, he fancied a very little knowledge sufficient authority for very great theories. His first step was to improve the language, by adapting sound to spelling and he insisted on calling angel, em-gel, because a-n spell an ; chamber, cham-ber, for the same reason ; and so on through a long catalogue of similarly constructed words. "English," he did not pronounce as u Ing\ish" but as "Eng- lish" for instance ; and " nothing" (anglice nutlnng), as noth-ing ; or, perhaps, it were better to say " nawthin'." While Jason snowed himself so much of a purist with these and many other words, he was guilty of some of the grossest 4G SATANSTOE. possible mistakes, that were directly in opposition to his own theory. Thus, while he affectedly pronounced " none," (nun,) as "known," he did not scruple to call "stone," 'stun," and " home," "hum." The idea of pronouncing " clerk," as it should be, or " dark," greatly shocked him, as it did to call "hearth," "h'arth;" though he did not hesitate to call this good earth- of ours, the " 'arth." "Been," he pronounced " ben," of course, and " roof," he called " ruff," in spite of all his purism. From the foregoing specimens, half a dozen among a thousand, the reader will get an accurate notion of this weakness in Jason's character. It was heightened by the fact that the young man commenced his education, such as it was, late in life, and it is rare indeed that either know- ledge or tastes thus acquired are entirely free from exag- geration. Though Jason was several years my senior, like myself he was a recent graduate, and it will be easy enough to imagine the numberless discussions that took place between us, on the subject of our respective acquisi- tions. I say ' respective,' instead of mutual acquisitions, because there was nothing mutual about it, or them. Neither our classics, our philosophy, nor our mathematics would seem to have been the same, but each man apparently had a science, or a language of his own, and which had been derived from the institution where he had been taught. In the classics I was much the strongest, particularly in the quantities, but Jason had the best of it in mathematics. In spite of his conceit, his vulgarity, his English, his provin- cialism, and the awkwardness with which he wore his tar- dily acquired information, this man had strong points about him, and a native shrewdness that would have told much more in his favour had it not been accompanied by a cer- tain evasive manner, that caused one constantly to suspect his sincerity, and which often induced those who were ac- customed to him, to imagine he had a sneaking propensity that rendered him habitually hypocritical. Jason held New York in great contempt ; a feeling he was not always dis- posed to conceal, and of necessity his comparisons were usually made with the sfate of things in Connecticut, and much to the advantage of the latter. To one thing, how- ever, he was much disposed to defer, and that was money. SATANSTOE. 47 Connecticut had not then, nor has it now, a single indivi- dual who would be termed rich in New York ; and Jason, spite of his provincial conceit, spite of his overweening no- tions of moral and intellectual superiority, could no more prevent this profound deference for wealth, than he could substitute for a childhood of vulgarity and neglect, the grace, refinement and knowledge which the boys of the more for- tunate classes in life obtain as it might be without knowing it. Yes, Jason bowed down to the golden calf, in spite of his puritanism, his love of liberty, his pretension to equality and the general strut Of his disposition and manner. Such is an outline of the character and qualifications of the man whom I found, on my return from college, at the head of Mr. Worden's school. We soon became acquainted, and I do not know which got the most ideas from the other, in course of the first fortnight. Our conversation and argu- ments were free, almost to rudeness, and little mercy was shown to our respective prejudices. Jason was ultra level- ing in his notions of social intercourse, while I had the opinions of my own colony, in which the distinctions of classes are far more strongly marked than is usual in New England, out of Boston, and its immediate association. Still Jason deferred to names, as well as money, though it was in a way very different from my own. New England was, and is, lo\xil to the crown ; but having the right to name many of its own governors, and possessing many other political privileges through the charters that were granted to her people, in order to induce them to settle that portion of the continent, they do not always manifest the feeling in a way to be agreeable to those who have a proper reverence for the crown. Among other points, growing out of this difference in training, Jason and I had sundry arguments on the subject of professions, trades and callings. It was evi- dent he fancied the occupation of a schoolmaster next in honour to that of a clergyman. The clergy formed a spe- cies of aristocracy, according to his notions ; but no man could commence life under more favourable auspices, than by taking a school. The following dialogue occurred be- tween us, on this subject; and I was so much struck with the novelty of my companion's notions, as to make a note of it. as soon as we parted. 48 SATAN STOE. " I wonder your folks don't think of giving you suthin' to do, Corny," commenced Jason, one day, after our ac« quaintance had ripened into a sort of belligerent intimacy. " You 're near nineteen, now, and ought to begin to think of bringing suthin' in, to pay for all the outgoin's." By " your folks," Jason meant the family of Littlepage ; and the blood of that family quickened a little within me, at the idea of being profitably employed, in the manner in. timated, because I had reached the mature and profitable age of nineteen. " I do not understand you exactly, Mr. Newcome, by your bringing something in," answered I, with dignify enough to put a man of ordinary delicacy on his guard. " Bringing suthin' in is good English, I hope, Mr. Little- page. I mean that your edication has cost your folks enough to warrant them in calling on you for a little inte- rest. How much do you suppose, now, has been spent on your edication, beginning at the time you first went to Mr. Worden, and leaving off the day you quitted Newark?" " Really, I have not the smallest notion ; the subject has never crossed my mind." " Did the old folks never say anything to you about it? —never foot up the total ?" " I am sure it is not easy to see how this could be done, for I could not help them in the least." "But your father's books would tell that, as doubtless it all stands charged against you." " Stands charged against me ! — How, sir! do you imagine my father makes a charge in a book against me, whenever he pays a few pounds for my education?" " Certainly ; how else could he tell how much you have had ?— though, on reflection, as you are an only child, it does not make so much difference. You probably will get all, in the end." " And had I a brother, or a sister, do you imagine, Mr. Newcome, each shilling we spent would be set down in a book, as charges against us?" " How else, in natur', could it be known which had had the most, or any sort of justice be done between you ?" " Justice would be done, by our common father's givmor to each just as much of his own money as he might see fit. SATAN STOE, 49 What is it to me, if he chose to give my brother a few hun. dred pounds more than he chose to give to me? The money- is his, and he may do with it as he choose." "An hundred pounds is an awful sight of money!" ex- claimed Jason, betraying by his countenance how deeply he felt the truth of this. " If you have had money in such large sums, so much the more reason why you should set about doing suthin' to repay the old gentleman. Why not set up a school '.'" "Sir!" " Why not set up a school, I say 1 You might have had this of mine, had you been a little older ; but once in, fast in, with me. Still, schools are wanted, and you might get a tolerable good recommend. I dare say your tutor would furnish a certificate." This word "recommend" was used by Jason for "recom- mendation ;" the habit of putting verbs in the places of sub- stantives, and vice versa, being much in vogue with him. " And do you really think that one who is destined to inherit Satanstoe, would act advisedly to set up a school? Recollect, Mr. Newcome, that my father and grandfather have both borne the king's commission ; and that the last bears it, at this very moment, through his representative, the Governor." " What of all that? What better business is there than keeping a good school ? If you are high in your notions, get to be made a tutor in that New Jersey college. Recol- lect that a tutor in a college is somebody. I did hope for such a place, but having a Governor's son against me, as a candidate, there was no chance." " A Governor's son a candidate for a tutorship in a col- lege ! You are pleased to trifle with me, Mr. Newcome." " It 's true as the gospel. You thought some smaller fish put me down, but he was the son of the Governor. But, why do you give that vulgar name to your father's farm — Satanstoe is not decent ; yet, Corny, I've heard you use it before your own mother !" " That you may hear every day, and my mother use it, too, before her own son. What fault do you find with the name of Satanstoe V " Fault ! — In the first place it is irreligious and profane ; Vol. I.— 5 50 SATANSTOE. then it is ungenteel and vulgar, and only fit to be used in low company. Moreover, it is opposed to history and revelation, the Evil One having a huff, if you will, but no toes. Such a name couldn't stand a fortnight before public opinion in New England." " Yes, that may be very true ; but we do not care enough for His Satanic Majesty in the colony of New York, to treat him with so much deference. As for the ' huffs,' as you call them " " Why, what do you call 'em, Mr. Littlepage?" " Hoofs, Mr. Newcome ; that is the New York pronun- ciation of the word." " I care nothing for York pronunciation, which every- body knows is Dutch and full of corruptions. You '11 never do anything worth speaking of in this colony, Corny, until you pay more attention to your schools." " I do not know what you call attention, Mr. Jason, unless we have paid it already. Here, I have the caption, or rather preamble of a law, on that very subject, that I copied out of the statute-book on purpose to show you, and which I will now read in order to prove to you how things really stand in the colony." " Read away," rejoined Jason, with an air of sufficient disdain. Read I did, and in the following sententious and compre- hensive language, viz : — " Whereas the youth of this colony are found, by manifold experience, to be not inferior in their natural geniuses to the youth of any other country in the world, therefore be it enacted, &c."* *This quotation would seem to be accurate, and it is somewhat curious to trace the reason why a preamble so singular should have been prefixed to the law. Was it not owing to the oft-repeated and bold assertions of Europeans, that man deteriorated in this hemisphere ? Any American who has been a near observer of European opinion, even in our day, must have been frequently amused at the expression of surprise and doubt that so often escapes the residents of the Old World, when they discover anything that particularly denotes talent coming from the New. I make little question that this extraordinary preamble is a sort of indirect answer to an imputation that was known to be as general, in that age, as it was felt to be unjust. My own experience would lead me to think native capacity more abun- dant in America than in the midland countries of Europe, and quite as frequently met with as in Italy itself; and I have often hoard SATANSTOE. 51 " There, sir," I said in exultation, " you have chapter and verse for the true character of the rising generation in the colony of New York." " And what does that preamble lead to ?" demanded Jason, a little staggered at finding the equality of our New York intellects established so clearly by legislative enact- ment. " It is the preamble to an act establishing the free schools of New York, in which the learned languages have now been taught these twenty years; and you will please to re- member that another law has not long been passed estab- lishing a college in town." " Well, curious laws sometimes do get into the statute- books, and a body must take them as he finds them. I dare say Connecticut might have a word to say on the same subject, if you would give her a chance. Have you heard the wonderful news from Philadelphia, Corny, that has just come among us I" " I have heard nothing of late ; for you know I have been over in Rockland, with Dirck Follock, for the last two weeks, and news never reaches that family, or indeed that county." " No, that is true enough," answered Jason, drily ; " News and a Dutchman have no affinity, or attraction, as we would say in philosophy ; though there is gravitation enough on one side, ha ! boy ?" Here Jason laughed outright, for he was always delighted whenever he could get a side-hit at the children of Holland, whom he appeared to regard as a race occupying a position between the human family and the highest class of the unintellectual animals. But it is unnecessary to dwell longer on this dialogue, my object being merely to show the general character of Jason's train of thought, in order to teachers, both English and French, admit that their American and West-India scholars were generally the readiest and cleverest in their schools. The great evil under which this country labours, in this respect, is the sway of numbers, which is constantly elevating medi- ocrity and spurious talent to high places. In America we have a higher average of intelligence, while we have far less of fhe higher class ; and I attribute the latter fact to the control of those who have laever enjoyed the means of appreciating excellence. — Editor. . 52 SATANSTOE. be better understood when I come to connect his opinions with his acts. Dirck and myself were much together after my return from college. I passed weeks at a time with him, and he returned my visits with the utmost freedom and good-will. Each of us had now got his growth, and it would have done the heart of Frederick of Prussia good, to have seen my young friend after he had ended his nineteenth year. In stature he measured exactly six feet three, and he gave every promise of filling up in proportion. Dirck was none of your roundly-turned, Apollo-built fellows, but he had shoulders that his little, short, solid, but dumpy-looking mother, who was of the true stock, could scarcely span, when she pulled his head down to give him a kiss ; which she did regularly, as Dirck told me himself, twice each year ; that is to say, Christmas and New-Year. His com- plexion was fair, his limbs large and well proportioned, his hair light, his eyes blue, and his face would have been thought handsome by most persons. I will not deny, how- ever, that there was a certain ponderosity, both of mind and body, about my friend, that did not very well accord with the general notion of grace and animation. Nevertheless, Dirck was a sterling fellow, as true as steel, as brave as a game-cock, and as honest as noon-day light. Jason was a very different sort of person, in many essen- tials. In figure, he was also tall, but he was angular, loose- jointed and swinging — slouching would be the better word, perhaps. Still, he was not without strength, having worked on a farm until he was near twenty ; and he was as active as a cat ; a result that took the stranger a little by surprise, when he regarded only his loose, quavering sort of build. In the way of thought, Jason would think two feet toDirck's one; but I am far from certain that it was always in so correct a direction. Give the Dutchman time, he was very apt to come out right; whereas Jason, I soon discovered, was quite liable to come to wrong conclusions, and particu- larly so in all matters that were a little adverse, and which affected his own apparent interests. Dirck, moreover, was one of the best-natured fellows that breathed ; it being almost impossible to excite him to anger; when it did come, how- ever, the earthquake was scarcely more terrific. I have SATANSTOE. 53 geen him enraged, and would as soon encounter a wild-boar, in an open field, as run against his course, while in the fit. Modesty will hardly permit me to say much of myself. I was well-grown, active, strong, for my years ; and, I am inclined to think, reasonably well-looking ; though I would prefer that this much should be said by any one but myself. Dirck and I often tried our manhood together, when young- sters, and I was the better chap until my friend reached his eighteenth year, when the heavy metal of the young Dutch giant told in our struggles. After that period was past, I found Dirck too much for me, in a close gripe, though my extraordinary activity rendered the inequality less apparent than it might otherwise have proved. I ought not to apply the term of " extraordinary" to anything about myself, but the word escaped me unconsciously, and I shall let it stand. One thing I will say, notwithstanding, let the reader think of it as he may : I was good-natured and well-disposed to my fellow-creatures, and had no greater love of money than was necessary to render me reasonably discreet. Such is an outline of the characters and persons of three of the principal actors in the scenes I am about to relate ; scenes that will possess some interest for those who love to read accounts of adventures in a new country, however much they may fail in interesting others, when I speak of the condition and events of the more civilized condition of society, that was enjoyed, even in my youth, in such old counties as Westchester, and such towns as York. CHAPTER IV. " Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate ; Still achieving-, still pursuing 1 , Learn to labour and to wait." Longfellow. The spring of the year I was twenty, Dirck and myself paid our first visit to town, in the characters of young men. 5* 54 SATANSTOE. Although Satanstoe was not more than five-and-twenty miles from New York, by the way of King's-Bridge, the road we always travelled in order to avoid the ferry, it was by no means as common to visit the capital as it has since got to be. I know gentlemen who pass in and out from our neighbourhood, now, as often as once a fortnight, or even once a week ; but thirty years since this was a thing very seldom done. My dear mother always went to town twice a year ; in the spring to pass Easter week, and in the autumn to make her winter purchases. My father usually went down four times, in the course of the twelve months, but he had the reputation of a gadabout, and was thought by many people to leave home quite as much as he ought to do. As for my grandfather, old age coming on, he sel- dom left home now, unless it were to pay stated visits to certain old brother campaigners who lived within moderate distances, and with whom he invariably passed weeks each summer. The visit I have mentioned occurred some time after Easter, a season of the year that many of our country fa- milies were in the habit of passing in town, to have the benefit of the daily services of Old Trinity, as the Hebrews resorted to Jerusalem to keep the feast of the passover. My mother did not go to town this year, on account of my father's gout, and I was sent to supply her place with my aunt Legge, who had been so long accustomed to have one of the family with her at that season, that I was substituted. Dirck had relatives of his own, with whom he staid, and thus every thing was rendered smooth. In order to make a fair start, my friend crossed the Hudson the week before, and, after taking breath at Satanstoe for three days, we left the Neck for the capital, mounted on a pair of as good roadsters as were to be found in the county : and that is saying a good deal ; for the Morrises, and de Lanceys, and Van Cortlandts all kept racers, and sometimes gave us good sport, in the autumn, over the county course. West Ches- ter, to say no more than she deserved, was a county with a spirited gentry, and one of which no colony need be ashamed. My mother was a tender-hearted parent, and full of anxiety in behalf of an only child. She knew that travel- SATANSTOE 55 ling always has more or less of hazard, and was desirous we should be off betimes, in order to make certain of our reaching town before the night set in. Highway robbers, Heaven be praised ! were then, and are still, unknown to the colonies ; but there were other dangers that gave my excellent parent much concern. All the bridges were not considered safe; the roads were, and are yet, very circuitous, and it was possible to lose one's way; while it was said persons had been known to pass the night on Harlem com- mon, an uninhabited waste that lies some seven or eight miles on our side of the city. My mother's first care, there- fore, was to get Dirck and myself off early in the morning; in order to do which she rose with the light, gave us our breakfasts immediately afterwards, and thus enabled us to quit Satanstoe just as the sun had burnished the eastern sky with its tints of flame-colour. Dirck was in high good-humour that morning, and, to own the trutth, Corny did not feel the depression of spirits which, according to the laws of propriety, possibly ought to have attended the first really free departure of so youthful an adventurer from beneath the shadows of the paternal roof. We went our way laughing and chatting like two girls just broke loose from boarding-school. I had never known Dirck more communicative, and I got certain new insights into his feelings, expectations and prospects, as we roue along the colony's highway that morning, that afterwards proved to be matters of much interest with us. both. We had not got a mile from the chimney-tops of Satanstoe, ere my friend broke forth, as follows : — " I suppose you have heard, Corny, what the two old gentlemen have been at, lately 1" " Your father and mine? — I have not heard a syllable of any thing new." "They have been suing out, before the Governor and Council, a joint claim to that tract of land they bought of the Mohawks, the last time they were out together on service, in the colony militia." I ought to mention, here, that though my predecessors had made but few campaigns in the regular army, each had made several in the more humble capacity of a militia officer. 56 SATANSTOE. " This is news to me, Dirck," I answered. " Why should the old gentlemen have been so sly about such a thing?" " I cannot tell you, lest they thought silence the best way to keep off the yankees. You know, my father has a great dread of a yankee's getting a finger into any of his bargains. He says the yankees are the locusts of the west." " But, how came you to know any thing about it, Dirck?" " I am no yankee, Corny." " And your father told you, on the strength of this recom- mendation?" " He told me, as he tells me most things that he thinks it best I should know. We smoke together, and then we talk together." "I would learn to smoke too, if I thought I should get any useful information by so doing." " Dere is much to be l'arnt from ter pipe !" said Dirck, dropping into a slightly Dutch accent, as frequently hap- pened with him, when his mind took a secret direction to- wards Holland, though in general he spoke English quite as well as I did myself, and vastly better than that miracle of taste, and learning, and virtue, and piety, Mr. Jason New- come, A. B., of Yale, and prospective president of that, or some other institution. " So it would seem, if your father is telling you secrets all the time you are smoking together. But where is this land, Dirck?" " It is in the Mohawk country — or, rather, it is in the country near the Hampshire Grants, and at no great dis- tance from the Mohawk country." " And how much may there be of it?" " Forty thousand acres ; and some of it of good, rich flats, they say ; such as a Dutchman loves." " And 3'our father and mine have purchased all this land in company, you say — share and share alike, as the law. yers call it." " Just so." " Pray how much did they pay for so large a tract of land?" Dirck took time to answer this question. He first drew from his breast a pocket-book, which he opened as well aa SATAN STOE. 57 he could under the motion of his roadster, for neither of us abated his speed, it being indispensable to reach town before dark. My friend succeeded at length in putting his hand on the paper he wanted, which he gave to me. " There," he said ; " that is a list of the articles paid to the Indians, which I have copied, and then there have been several hundred pounds of fees paid to the Governor and his officers." 1 read from the list, as follows ; the words coming out by jerks, as the trotting of my horse permitted. " Fifty blankets, each with yellow strings and yellow trimmings ; ten iron pots, four gallons each ; forty pounds of gunpowder ; seven muskets ; twelve pounds of small beads ; ten strings of wam- pum ; fifty gallons of rum, pure Jamaica, and of high proof; a score of jews-harps, and three dozen first quality English- made tomahawks." " Well, Dirck," I cried, as soon as through reading, " this is no great matter to give for forty thousand acres of land, in the colony of New York. I dare say a hundred pounds currency ($250) would buy every thing here, even to the rum and the first quality of English-made toma- hawks." " Ninety-six pounds, thirteen shillings, seven pence ' t'ree fart'in's' was the footing of the whole bill," answered Dirck deliberately, preparing to light his pipe ; for he could smoke very conveniently while trotting no faster than at the rate of six miles the hour. " I do not find that dear for forty thousand acres ; I suppose the muskets, and rum, and other things were manufactured expressly for the Indian trade." " Not they, Corny : you know how it is with the old gen- tlemen ; — they are as honest as the day." " So much the better for them, and so much the better for us ! But what is to be done with this land, now they own it I" Dirck did not answer, until we had trotted twenty rods ; for by this time the pipe was at work, and the moment the smoke was seen he kept his eye on it, until he saw a bright light in front of his nose. " The first thing will be to find it, Corny. When a patent is signed and delivered, then you must send forth some 58 SATAN STOE. proper person to find the land it covers. I have heard of a gentleman who got a grant often thousand acres, five years since; and though he has had a hunt for it every summer since, he has not been able to find it yet. To be sure, ten thousand acres is a small object to look for, in the woods." "And our fathers intend to find this land as soon as the season opens ?" " Not so fast, Corny; not so fast ! That was the scheme of your father's Welsh blood, but mine takes matters more deliberately. Let us wait until next year, he said, and then we can send the boys. By that time, too, the war will take some sort of a shape, and we shall know better how to care for the children. The subject has been fairly talked over between the two patentees, and we are to go early next spring, not this." The idea of land-hunting was not in the least disagree- able to me ; nor was it unpleasant to think that I stood in reversion, or as heir, to twenty thousand acres of land, in addition to those of Satanstoe. Dirck and I talked the matter over, as we trotted on, until both of us began to re- gret that the expedition was so far in perspective. The war to which Dirck alluded, had broken out a few months before our visit to town : a Mr. Washington, of Vir- ginia — the same who has since become so celebrated as the OoL Washington of Braddock's defeat, and other events at the south — having been captured, with a party of his men, in a small work thrown up in the neighbourhood of the French, somewhere on the tributaries of the Ohio ; a river that is known to run into the Mississippi, a vast distance to the west. I knew very little then, nor do I know much now of these remote regions, beyond the fact that there are such places. ai>d that they are sometimes visited by detachments, war-parties, hunters, and other adventurers from the colo nies. To me, it seems scarce worth fighting about such distant and wild territory; for ages and ages must elapse before it can be of any service for the purposes of civiliza- tion. Both Dirck and myself regretted that the summer would be likely to go by without our seeing the enemy ; for we came of families that were commonly employed on such occasions. We thought both our fathers might be out ; though even that was a point that still remained under discussion. SATANSTOE. 59 We dined and baited at Kingsbridge, intending to sup in town. While the dinner was cooking, Dirck and I walked out on the heights that overlook the Hudson ; for I knew less of this noble river than I wished to know of it. We conversed as we walked ; and my companion, who knew the river much better than myself, having many occasi-ons to pass up and down it, between the village of Haverstraw and town, in his frequent visits to his relatives below, gave me some useful information. " Look here, Corny," said Dirck, after betraying a good deal of desire to obtain a view of some object in the distance, along the river-side ; " Look here, Corny, do you see yonder house, in the little bay below us, with the lawn that extends down to the water, and that noble orchard behind it?" I saw the object to which Dirck alluded. It was a house that stood near the river, but sheltered and secluded, with the lawn and orchard as described ; though at the distance of some two or three miles all the beauties of the spot could not be discovered, and many of them had to be received on the faith of my companion's admiration. Still I saw very plainly, all the principal objects named ; and, among others, the house, the orchard, and the lawn. The building was of stone — as is common with most of the better sort of houses in the country — was long, irregular, and had that air of solid comfort about it, which it is usual to see in buildings of that description. The walls were not whitewashed, according to the lively tastes of our Dutch fellow-colonists, who appear to expend all their vivacity in the pipe and the brush, but were left in their native grey ; a circumstance that rendered the form and dimensions of the structure a little less distinct, at a first glance, than they might otherwise have proved. As I gazed at the spot, however, I began to fancy it a charm, to find the picture thus sobered down ; and found a pleasure in drawing the different angles, and walls, and chimneys, and roofs, from this back-ground, by means of the organ of sight. On the whole, I thought the little sequestered bay, the wooded and rocky shores, the small but well distributed lawn, the orchard, with all the other similar accessories, formed together one of the prettiest places of the sort I had ever seen. Thinking so, I was not slow in saying as much to my companion. I was thought to have some taste in these 60 SATANSTOE. matters, and had been consulted on the subject of laying out grounds by one or two neighbours in the county. " Whose house is it, Dirck ?" I enquired ; " and how came you to know anything about it?" " That is Lilacsbush," answered my friend ; " and it be- longs to my mother's cousin, Herman Mordaunt." I had heard of Herman, or, as it is pronounced, Harmar Mordaunt. He was a man of considerable note in the colony, having been the son of a Major Mordaunt, of the British army, who had married the heiress of a wealthy Dutch merchant, whence the name of Herman; which had descended to the son along with the money. The Dutch were so fond of their own blood, that they never failed to give this Mr. Mordaunt his Christian name ; and he was usually known in the colony as Herman Mordaunt. Further than this, I knew little of the gentleman, unless it might be that he was reputed rich, and was admitted to be in the best society, though not actually belonging to the territorial or political aristocracy of the colony. " As Herman Mordaunt is your mother's cousin, I sup- pose, Dirck," I resumed, " that you have been at Lilacs- bush, and ascertained whether the inside of the house is as pleasant and respectable as the outside." " Often, Corny ; while Madam Mordaunt lived, my mo- ther and I used to go there every summer. The poor lady- is now dead, but I go there still." " Why did you not ride on as far as Lilacsbush, and levy a dinner on your relations ? I should think Herman Mor- daunt would feel hurt, were he to learn that an acquaintance, or a relation, had put up at an inn, within a couple of miles of his own house. I dare say he knows both Major and Capt. Littlepage, and I protest I shall feel it necessary to send him a note of apology for not calling. These things ought not to be done, Dirck, among persons of a certain stamp, and who are supposed to know what is proper." " This would be all right enough, Corny, had Herman Mordaunt, or his daughter, been at Lilacsbush ; but they live in Crown Street, in town, in winter, and never come out here until after the Pinkster holidays, let them, come when they may." SATANSTOE. 61 " Oh ! he is as great a man as that, is he ? — a town and country house; after all, I do not know whether it would do to be quite so free with one of his standing, as to go to dine with him without sending notice." " Nonsense, Corny. Who hesitates about stopping at a gentleman's door, when he is travelling ? Herman Mor- daunt would have given us a hearty welcome, and I should have gone on to Lilacsbush, did I not know that the family is certain to be in town at this season. Easter came early this year, and to-morrow will be the first day of the Pink- ster holidays. As soon as they are over, Herman Mor- daunt and Anneke will be out here to enjoy their lilacs and roses." " Oh, ho ! there is an Anneke, as well as the old gentle- man. Prav, how old may Miss Anneke be, Master Dirck?" As this question was asked, I turned to look my friend in the face, and I found that his handsome, smooth, fair Dutch lineaments were covered with a glow of red, that it was not usual to see extended so far from his ruddy cheeks. Dirck was too much of a man, however, to turn away, or to try to hide blushes so ingenuous ; but he answered stoutly — "My cousin, Anneke Mordaunt, is just turned of seven- teen ; and, I '11 tell you what, Corny — " "Well — I am listening, with both ears, to hear your what — Out with it, man ; both ears are open." " W 7 hy, Anneke (On-na-kay), is one of the very prettiest girls in the colony! — What is more, she is as sweet and goot" — Dirck grew Dutch, as he grew animated — " as she is pretty." I was quite astounded at the energy and feeling with which this was said. Dirck was such a matter-of-fact follow, that I had never dreamed he could be sensible to the passion of love ; nor had I ever paused to analyze the nature of our own friendship. We liked each other, in the first place, most probably, from habit ; then, we were of characters so essentially different, that our attachment was influenced by that species of excitement which is the child of opposition. As we grew older, Dirck's good qualities began to command my respect, and reason entered more into my affection for him. I was well convinced that my companion could, and Vol. I. — 6 62 SATANSTOE. would, prove to be a warm friend ; but the possibility of his ever becoming a lover, had not before crossed my mind. Even then, the impression made was not very deep or last- ing, though I well remember the sort of admiration and wonder with which I gazed at his flushed cheek, animated eye, and improved mien. For the moment, Dirck really had a commanding and animated air. " Why, Anneke is one of the prettiest girls in the colony!" my friend had exclaimed. " And your cousin?" " My second cousin. — Her mother's father and my mo- ther's mother were brother and sister." " In that case, I shall hope to have the honour of being introduced, one of these days, to Miss Anneke Mordaunt, who is just turned of seventeen, and is one of the prettiest girls in the colony, and is as good as she is pretty." " I wish you to see her, Corny, and that before we go home," Dirck replied, all his philosophy, or phlegm, which- ever the philosophy of other people may term it, returning; " come ; let us go back to the inn ; our dinner will be get- ting cold." I mused on my friend's unusual manner, as we walked back towards the inn; but it was soon forgotten, in the satisfaction produced by eating a good, substantial meal of broiled ham, with hot potatoes, boiled eggs, a beefsteak, done to a turn, with the accessions of pickles, cold-slaw, apple-pie, and cider. This is a common New York tavern dinner, for the wayfarer ; and, I must say, I have got to like it. Often have I enjoyed such a repast, after a sharp forenoon's ride ; ay, and enjoyed it more than I have re- lished entertainments at which have figured turkies, oysters, hams, hashes, and other dishes, that have higher reputations. Even turtle-soup, for which we are somewhat famous in New York, has failed to give me the same delight. Dirck, to do him justice, ate heartily ; for it is not an easy matter to take away his appetite. As usual, 1 did most of the talking; and that was with our landlady, who, hearing I was a son of her much-esteemed and constant customer, Major Littlepage, presented herself with the dessert and cheese, and did me the honour to commence a discourse. Her name was Light ; and light was she certain to cast on SATAN STOE. 63 everything she discussed ; that is to say, innkeeper's light ; which partakes somewhat of the darkness that is so apt to overshadow no small portion of the minds of her many customers. " Pray, Mrs. Light," I asked, when there was an opening, which was not until the good woman had exhausted her breath in honour of the Littlepages, " do you happen to knowanvthing of a family, hereabouts, of the name of Mor- daunt?" " Do I happen to know, sir ! — Why, Mr. Littiepage, you might almost as well have asked me, if I had ever heard of a Van Cortlandt, or a Philipse, or a Morris, or any other of the gentry hereabouts. Mr. Mordaunt has a country-place, and a very pretty one it is, within two miles and a half of us ; and he and Madame Mordaunt never passed our door, when they went into'the country to see Madame Van Cort- landt, without stopping to say a word, and leave a shilling. The poor lady is dead ; but there is a young image of her virtues, that is coming a'ter her, that will be likely to do some damage in the colony. She is modesty itself, sir; so I thought it could do her no harm, the last time she was here, just to tell her, she ought to be locked up, for the thefts she was likely to commit, if not for them she had committed already. She blushed, sir, and looked for all the world like the shell of the most delicate boiled lobster you ever laid eyes on. She is truly a charming young lady !" " Thefts of hearts, you mean of course, my good Mrs. Light ?" "Of nothing else, sir; young ladies are apt to steal hearts, you know. My word for it, Miss Anneke will turk out a great robber, after her own fashion, you know, sir." "And whose hearts is she likely to run away with, pray? I should be pleased to hear the names of some of the suf- ferers." " Lord, sir ! — she is too young to have done much yet , but wait a twelvemonth, and I'll answer the question." I could see all this time that Dirck was uneasy, and had some amusement in watching the workings of his counte- nance. My malicious intentions, however, were suddenly interrupted. As if to prevent further discourse, and, at the 64 SATANSTOE. same time, further espionage, my young friend rose from table, ordering the horses and the bill. During the ride to town, no more was said of Lilacsbush, Herman Mordaunt, or his daughter Anneke. Dirck was silent, but this was his habit after dinner, and I was kept a good deal on the alert in order to find the road which crossed the common, it being our desire to go in that direc- tion. It is true, we might have gone into town by the way of Bloomingdale, Greenwich, the meadows and the Collect, and so down past the common upon the head of Broadway ; but my mother had particularly desired we would fall into the Bowery Lane, passing the seats that are to be found in that quarter, and getting into Queen Street as soon as pos- sible. By taking this course she thought we should be less likely to miss our way within the town itself, which is cer- tainly full of narrow and intricate passages. My uncle Legge had removed into Duke Street, in the vicinity of Hanover Square; and Queen Street, I well knew, would lead us directly to his door. Queen Street, indeed, is the great artery of New York, through which most of its blood cir- culates. It was drawing towards night when we trotted up to the stable, where we left our horses, and obtaining a black to shoulder our portmanteaus, we began to thread the mazes of the capital on foot. New York was certainly, even in 1757, a wonderful place for commerce ! Vessels began to be seen some distance east of Fly Market, and there could not have been fewer than twenty ships, brigs, and schooners, lying in the East river, as we walked down Queen Street. Of course I include all descriptions of vessels that go to sea, in this estimate. At the present moment, it is probable twice that number would be seen. There Dirck and I stopped more than once, involuntarily, to gaze at the exhi- bitions of wealth and trade that offered themselves as we went deeper into the town. My mother had particularly cautioned me against falling into this evidence of country habits, and I felt much ashamed at each occurrence of the weakness; but I found it irresistible. At length my friend and I parted ; he to go to the residence of his aunt, while I proceeded to that of mine. Before separating, however, we agreed to meet next morning in the fields at the head of SATAN STOE. 65 Broadwny, on the common, which, as it was understood, was to be the scene of the Pinkster sports. My reception in Duke Street was cordial, both on the part of my uncle and on the part of my aunt ; the first being a good-hearted person, though a little too apt to run into extravagance on the subject of the rights of the rabble. I was pleased with the welcome I received, enjoyed an ex- cellent hot supper, to which we sat down at half-past eight, my aunt being fond of town hours, both dining and supping a little later than my mother, as being more fashionable and genteel.* As I was compelled to confess fatigue, after so long a ride, as soon as we quitted the table I retired to my own room. The next day was the first of the three that are devoted to Pinkster, the great Saturnalia of the New York blacks. Although this festival is always kept with more vivacity at Albany than in York, it is far from being neglected, even now, in the latter place. I had told my aunt, before I left her, I should not wait for breakfast, but should be up with * The dinner of the last half century is, in one sense, but a sub- stitute for the petits soupers of the century or two that preceded. It is so entirely rational and natural, that the cultivated and refined should meet for the purposes of social enjoyment after the business of the day has terminated, that the supper has only given place to the same meal under another name, and at hours little varying from those of the past. The Parisian dines at half-past six, remaining at table until eight. The Englishman, later in all his hours, and more pon- derous in all his habits, sits down to table about the time the French- man gets up ; quitting it between nine and ten. The Italian pays a tribute to his climate, and has his early dinner and light supper, both usually alone, the habits of the country carrying him to the opera and the conversazione for social communion. But what is the Ameri- can ? A jumble of the same senseless contradictions in his social habits, as he is fast getting to be in his political creeds and political practices ; a being that is in transitu, pressed by circumstances on the one side, and by the habit of imitation on the other ; unwilling, almost unable, to think and act for himself. The only American who is temporarily independent in such things, is the unfledged provincial, fresh from his village conceit and village practices, who, until corrected by communion with the world, fancies the south-east corner of the north-west parish, in the town of Hebron, in the county of Jericho, and the State of Connecticut, to be the only portion of this globe that is perfection. If he should happen to keep a school, or conduct a newspaper, the community becomes, in a small degree, the partici- pant of his rare advantages and vast experience ! — Editor. 66 SATANSTOE. the sun, and off in quest of Dirck, in order that we might enjoy a stroll along the wharves before it was time to repair to the common, where the fun was to be seen. Accordingly I got out of the house betimes, though it was an hour later than I had intended ; for I heard the rattling of cups in the little parlour, the sign that the table was undergoing the usual process of arrangement for breakfast. It then occurred to me that most, if not all of the servants, seven in number, would be permitted to enjoy the holiday; and that it might be well if I took all my meals, that day, in the fields. Run- ning back to the room, I communicated this intention to Juno, the girl I found doing Pompey's work, and left the house on a jump. There was no great occasion for starv- ing, I thought, in a town as large and as full of eatables as New York ; and the result fully justified this reasonable opinion. Just as I got into Hanover Square, I saw a grey-headed negro, who was for turning a penny before he engaged in the amusements of the day, carrying two pails that were scoured to the neatness of Dutch fastidiousness, and which were suspended from the yoke he had across his neck and shoulders. He cried " White wine — white wine !" in a clear sonorous voice ; and I was at his side in a moment. White wine was, and is still, my delight of a morning; and I bought a delicious draught of the purest and best of a Corn- munipaw vintage, eating a cake at the same time. Thus refreshed, I proceeded into the square, the beauty of which had struck my fancy as I walked through it the previous evening. To my surprise, whom should I find in the very centre of Queen Street, gaping about him with a most in- domitable Connecticut air, but Jason Newcome ! A brief explanation let me into the secret of his presence. His boys had all gone home to enjoy the Pinkster holiday, with the black servants of their respective families; and Jason had seized the opportunity to pay his first visit to the great capi- tal of the colony. Pie was on his travels, like myself. "And what has brought you down here?" I demanded, the pedagogue having already informed me that he had put up at a tavern in the suburbs, where horse-keeping and lodgings were " reasonable." " The Pinkster fields are up near the head of Broadway, on the common." SATANSTOE. 67 " So I hear," answered Jason ; " but I want to see a ship and all the sights this way, in the first place. It will be time enough for Pinkster, two or three hours hence, if a Christian ought even to look at such vanities. Can you tell me where I am to find Hanover Square, Corny?" " You are in it now, Mr. Newcome ; and to my fancy, a very noble area it is !" "This Hanover Square!" repeated Jason. "Why, its shape is not that of a square at all ; is is nearer a triangle.'''' " What of that, sir? By a square in a town, one does not necessarily understand an area with four equal sides and as many right angles, but an open space that is left for air and beauty. There are air and beauty enough to satisfy any reasonable man. A square may be a parallelogram, or a triangle, or any other shape one pleases." " This, then, is Hanover Square ! — a New York square, or a Nassau Hall square, Corny ; but not a Yale College square, take my word for it. It is so small, moreover!" " Small ! — the width of the street at the widest end must be near a hundred feet; I grant you it is not half that at the other end, but that is owing to the proximity of the houses." " Ay, it is all owing to the proximity of the houses, as you call it. Now, according to my notion, Hanover Square, of which a body hears so much talk in the country, ought to have had fifty or sixty acres in it, and statues of the whole House of Brunswick, besides. Why is that nest of houses left in the middle of your square?" " It is not, sir. The square ceases when it reaches them. They are too valuable to be torn down, although there has been some talk of it. My uncle Legge told me, last evening, that those houses have been valued as high as twelve thou- sand dollars ; and some persons put them as high as six thousand pounds." This reconciled Jason to the houses ; for he never failed to defer to money, come in what shape it would. It was the only source of human distinction that he could clearly comprehend, though he had some faint impressions touching the dignity of the crown, and the respect due to its repre- sentatives. " Corny," said Jason, in an under tone, and taking ma 68 SATANSTOE. by the arm to lead me aside, though no one was near, like a man who has a great secret to ask, or to communicate, " what was that I saw you taking for your bitters, a little while ago?" "Bitters! I do not understand you, Jason. Nothing bitter have I tasted to-day ; nor can I say I have any great wish to put anything bitter into my mouth." " Why, the draught you got from the nigger who is now coming back across the square, as you call it, and which you seemed to enj'y particularly. I am dry, myself, and should wonderfully like a drink." " Oh ! that fellow sells ' white wine,' and you will find it delicious. If you want your ' bitters,' as you call them, you cannot do better than stop him, and give him a penny." " Will he let it go so desperate cheap as that?" demanded Jason, his eyes twinkling with a sort of " bitters" expecta- tion. "That is the stated price. Stop him boldly; there is no occasion for all this Connecticut modesty. Here, uncle, this gentleman wishes a cup of your white wine." Jason turned away in alarm, to see who was looking on; and, when the cup was put into his hand, he shut his eyes, determined to gulp its contents at a swallow, in the most approved " bitters" style. About half the liquor went down his throat, the rest being squirted back in a small white stream. 11 Buttermilk, by Jingo !" exclaimed the disappointed peda- gogue, who expected some delicious combination of spices with rum. St. Jingo was the only saint, and a " darnation" or " darn you," were the only oaths his puritan education ever permitted him to use. SATAN STOE. CHAPTER V. ■ Here 's your fine clams ! As white as snow ! On Rockaway these clams do grow." New York Cries. It was some time before Jason's offended dignity and dis- appointment would permit him to smile at the mistake ; and we had walked some distance towards Old Slip, where I was to meet Dirck, before the pedagogue even opened his lips. Then, the only allusion he made to the white wine, was to call it " a plaguy Dutch cheat ;" for Jason had im- plicitly relied on having that peculiar beverage of his caste, known as " bitters." What he meant by a Dutch cheat, I do not know ; unless he thought the buttermilk was particu- larly Dutch, and this buttermilk an imposition. Dirck was waiting for me at the Old Slip ; and, on in- quiry, I found he had enjoyed his draught of white wine as well as myself, and was ready for immediate service. We proceeded along the wharves in a body, admiring the dif- ferent vessels that lined them. About nine o'clock, all three of us passed up Wall Street, on the stoops of which, no small portion of its tenants were already seated, enjoying the sight of the negroes, as, with happy " shining" faces they left the different dwellings, to hasten to the Pinkster field. Our passage through the street attracted a good deal of attention ; for, being all three strangers, it w r as not to be supposed we could be thus seen in a body, without exciting a remark. Such a thing could hardly have been expected in London itself. After showing Jason the City Hall, Trinity Church, and the City Tavern, we went out of town, taking the direction of a large common that the King's officers had long used for a parade-ground, and which has since been called the Park, though it would be difficult to say why, since it is barely a paddock in size, and certainly has never been used to keep any animals wilder than the boys of the town. A park, I suppose, it will one day become, though it has little 70 SATANSTOE. at present that comports with my ideas of such a^ thing On this common, then, was the Pinkster ground, which was now quite full of people, as well as of animation. There was nothing new in a Pinkster frolic, either to Dirck, or to myself; though Jason gazed at the whole pro- cedure with wonder. He was born within seventy miles of that very spot, but had not the smallest notion before, of such a holiday as Pinkster. There are kw blacks in Con- necticut, I believe ; and those that are there, are so ground down in the Puritan mill, that they are neither fish, flesh, nor red-herring, as we say of a non-descript. No man ever heard of a festival in New England, that had not some im- mediate connection with the saints, or with politics. Jason was at first confounded with the noises, dances, music, and games that were going on. By this time, nine- tenths of the blacks of the city, and of the whole country within thirty or forty miles, indeed, were collected in thousands in those fields, beating banjoes, singing African songs, drinking, and worst of all, laughing in a way that seemed to set their very hearts rattling within their ribs. Everything wore the aspect of good-humour, though it was good-humour in its broadest and coarsest forms. Every sort of common game was in requisition, while drinking was far from being neglected. Still, not a man was drunk. A drunken negro, indeed, is by no means a common thing. The features that distinguish a Pinkster frolic from the usual scenes at fairs, and other merry-makings, however, were of African origin. It is true, there are not now, nor were there then, many blacks among us of African birth ; but the traditions and usages of their original country were so far preserved as to produce a marked difference between this festival, and one of European origin. Among other things, some were making music, by beating on skins drawn over the ends of hollow logs, while others were dancing to it, in a manner to show that they felt infinite delight. Thi in particular, was said to be a usage of their African pro- genitors. Hundreds of whites were walking through the fields, amused spectators. Among these last were a great mam children of the better class, who had come to look at the enjoyment of those who attended them, in their own ordinary SATANSTOE. 71 amusements. Many a sable nurse did I see that day, cha- peroning her young master, 01 young mistress, or both to- gether, through the various groups; demanding of all, and receiving from all, the respect that one of these classesjwas- accustomed to pay to the other. A great many young ladies between the ages of fifteen and twenty were also in the field, either escorted by male companions, or, what was equally as certain of producing deference, under the care of old female nurses, who be- longed to the race that kept the festival. We had been in the field ourselves two hours, and even Jason was beginning to condescend to be amused, when, unconsciously, I got separated from my companions, and was wandering through the groups by myself, as I came on a party of young girls, who were under the care of two or three wrinkled and grey-headed negresses, so respectably attired, as to show at once they were confidential servants in some of the better families. As for the young ladies themselves, most were still of the age of school girls ; though there were some of that equivocal age, when the bud is just breaking into tho opening flower, and one or two that were even a little older ; young women in forms and deportment, though scarcely so in years. One of a party of two of the last, appeared to me to possess all the grace of young womanhood, rendered radiant by the ingenuous laugh, the light-hearted playful- ness, and the virgin innocence of sweet seventeen. She was simply, but very prettily dressed, and everything about her attire, air, carriage and manner, denoted a young lady of the better class, who was just old enough to feel all the proprieties of her situation, while she was still sufficiently youthful to enjoy all the fun. As she came near me, it seemed as if I knew her ; but it was not until I heard her sweet, mirthful voice, that I recollected the pretty little thing in whose behalf I had taken a round with the butcher's boy, on the Bowery road, near six years before. As her party came quite near the spot where I stood, what was only conjecture at first, was reduced to a certainty. In the surprise of the moment, happening to catch the eye of the young creature, I was emboldened to make hor a low bow. At first she smiled, like one wh6 fancies she recognises an acquaintance ; then her face became scarlet, 72 SATANSTOE. and she returned my bow with a very lady-like, but, at the same time, a very distant curtsey; upon which, bending her blue eyes to the ground, she turned away, seemingly to speak to her companion. After this, I could not advance to speak, though I was strongly in hopes the old black nurse who was with her would recognise me, for she had manifested much concern about me on the occasion of the quarrel with the young butcher. This did not occur ; and old Katrinke, as I heard the negress called, jabbered away, explaining the meaning of the different ceremonies of her race, to a cluster of very interested listeners, without paying any attention to me. The tongues of the pretty little things went, as girls' tongues will go, though my unknown fair one maintained all the reserve and quiet of manner that comported with her young womanhood, and apparent con- dition in life. " Dere, Miss Anneke !" exclaimed Katrinke, suddenly; " dere come a genttleum dat will bring a pleasure, I know." "Anneke" I repeated, mentally, and "gentleman that will cause pleasure by his appearance." " Can it be Dirck 1" I thought. Sure enough, Dirck it proved to be, who advanced rapidly to the group, making a general salute, and finishing by shaking my beautiful young stran- ger's hands, and addressing her by the name of " cousin Anneke." This, then, was Annie Mordaunt, as the young lady was commonly called in the English circles, the only child and heiress of Herman Mordaunt, of Crown Street and of Lilacsbush. Well, Dirck has more taste than I had ever given him credit for ! Just as this thought glanced through my mind, my figure caught my friend's eye, and, with a look of pride and exultation, he signed to me to draw nearer, though I had managed to get pretty near as it was, already. " Cousin Anneke," said Dirck, who never used circumlo- cution, when direct means were at all available, "this is Corny Littlepage, of whom you have heard me speak so often, and for whom I ask one of your best curtsies and sweetest smiles." Miss Mordaunt was kind enough to comply literally, both curtsying and smiling precisely as she had been desired to do, though I could see she was also slightly disposed to SATANSTOE. 73 laugh. I was still making my bow, and mumbling some unintelligible compliment, when Katrinke gave a little ex- clamation, and using the freedom of an old and confidential servant, she eagerly pulled the sleeve of her young mis- tress, and hurriedly whispered something in her ear. Anneke coloured, turned quickly towards me, bent her eyes more boldly and steadily on my face — and then it was that I fan- cied the sweetest smile which mortal had ever received, or that with which I had just before been received, was much surpassed. " Mr. Littlepage, I believe, is not a total stranger, cousin Dirck," she said. " Katrinke remembers him, as a young gentleman who once did me an important service, and now I think I can trace the resemblance myself. I allude to the boy who insulted me on the Bowery Road, Mr. Littlepage, and your handsome interference in my behalf." " Had there been twenty boys, Miss Mordaunt, an insult to you would have been resented by any man of ordinary 6pirit." I do not know that any youth, who was suddenly put to his wits to be polite, or sentimental, or feeling, could have done a great deal better than that! So Anneke thought too, I fancy, for her colour increased, rendering her ravishingly lovely, and she looked surprisingly pleased. " Yes," put in Dirck with energy, — " let twenty, or a hundred try it if they please, Anneke, men or boys, and they '11 find those that will protect you." " You for one, of course, cousin Dirck," rejoined the charming girl, holding out her hand towards my friend, with a frankness I could have dispensed with in her; " but, you will remember, Mr. Littlepage, or Master Littlepage as he then was, was a stranger, and I had no such claim on Aim, as I certainly have on you." " Well, Corny, it is odd you never said a word of this to me ! when I was showing him Lilacsbush, and talking of you and of your father, not a word did he say on the sub- ject." " I did not then know it was Miss Mordaunt I had been so fortunate as to serve ; but here is Mr. Newcome at your elbow, Follock, and dying to be introduced, as he sees I have been." Vol. I. — 7 74 SATANSTOE. Anneke turned to smile and curtsey again to Jason, who made his bow in a very school-master sort of a fashion, while I could see that the circumstance I had not boasted of my exploit gave it new importance in the sweet crea- ture's eyes. As for Jason, he had no sooner got along with the introduction, — the first, I fancy, he had ever gone regu- larly through, — than, profiting by some questions Miss Morclaunt was asking Dirck about his mother and the rest of the family, he came round to me, drew me aside by a jerk of the sleeve, and gave me to understand he had some- thing for my private ear. " I did not know before that you had ever kept school, Corny," he half whispered earnestly. " How do you know it now, Mr. Newcome, since the thing never happened ?" " How comes it, then, that this young woman called you Master Littlepage ?" " Bah ! Jason, wait a year or two, and you will begin to get truer notions of us New-Yorkers." " But I heard her with my own ears — Master Littlepage; as plain as words were ever called." " Well, then, Miss Mordaunt must be right, and I have forgotten the affair. I must once have kept a woman's school, somewhere, in my younger days, but forgotten it." " Now this is nothing (nawthin', as expressed) but your desperate York pride, Corny ; but I think all the better of you for it. Why, as it could not have taken place after you went to college, you must have got the start of even me! But, the Rev. Mr. Worden is enough to start a youth with a large capital, if he be so minded. I admit he does understand the dead languages. It is a pity he is so very dead in religious matters." "Well — well — I will tell you all about it another time; you perceive, now, that Miss Mordaunt wishes to move on, and does not like to quit us too abruptly. Let us follow." Jason complied, and for an hour or two we had the plea- sure of accompanying the young ladies, as they strolled among the booths and different groups of that singular as- sembly. As has been said, most of the blacks had been born in the colony, but there were some native Africans among them. New York never had slaves on the system SATANSTOE. 75 of the southern planters, or in gangs of hundreds, to labour in the fields under overseers, and who lived apart in cabins of their own ; but, our system of slavery was strictly domes- tic, the negro almost invariably living under the same roof with the master, or, if his habitation was detached, as cer- tainly sometimes happened, it was still near at hand, leav- ing both races as parts of a common family. In the coun- try, the negroes never toiled in the field, but it was as ordinary husbandmen : and, in the cases of those who laboured on their own property, or as tenants of some extensive land- lord, the black did his work at his master's side. Then all, or nearly all our household servants were, and still are, blacks, leaving that department of domestic economy almost exclusively in their hands, with the exception of those cases in which the white females busied themselves also in such occupations, united to the usual supervision of the mistresses. Among- the Dutch, in particular* the treatment of the negro was of the kindest character, a trusty field-slave often hav- ing quite as much to say on the subject of the tillage and the crops, as the man who owned both the land he worked, and himself. A party of native Africans kept us for half an hour. The scene seemed to have revived their early associations, and they were carried away with their own representation of semi-savage sports. The American-born blacks gazed at this group with intense interest also, regarding them as so many ambassadors from the land of their ancestors, to en- lighten them in usages and superstitious lore, that were more peculiarly suited to their race. The last even endeavoured to imitate the acts of the first, and, though the attempt was often ludicrous, it never failed on the score of intention and gravity. Nothing was done in the way of caricature, but much in the way of respect and affection. Lest the habits of this generation should pass away and be forgotten, of which I see some evidence, I will mention a usage that was quite common among the Dutch, and which has passed in some measure, into the English families that have formed connections with the children of Holland. Two of these intermarriages had so far brought the Little- pages within the pale, that the usage to which I allude was practised in my own case. The custom was this : when a 76 SATANSTOE. child of the family reached the age of six, or eight, a young slave of the same age and sex, was given to him, or her, with some little formality, and from that moment the for- tunes of the two were considered to be, within the limits of their respective pursuits and positions, as those of man and wife. It is true, divorces do occur, but it is only in cases of gross misconduct, and quite as often the misconduct is on the side of the master, as on that of the slave. A drunkard may get in debt, and be compelled to part with his blacks ; this one among the rest ; but this particular negro remains with him as long as anything remains. Slaves that seri- ously misbehave, are usually sent to the islands, where the toil on the sugar plantations proves a very sufficient punish- ment. The day I was six, a boy was given to me, in the manner I have mentioned ; and he remained not only my property, but my factotum, to this moment. It was Yaap, or Jacob, the negro to whom I have already had occasion to allude. Anneke Mordaunt, whose grandmother was of a Dutch family, it will be remembered, had with her there, in the Pink- ster field, a negress of just her own age, who was called Mari ; not Mary, or Maria ; but the last, as it would be pronounced without the final a. This Mari was a buxom, glistening, smooth-faced, laughing, red-lipped, pearl-toothed, black-eyed hussy, that seemed born for fun ,• and who was often kept in order by her more sedate and well-mannered young mistress with a good deal of difficulty. My fellow was on the ground, somewhere, too ; for I had given him permission to come to town to keep Pinkster; and he was to leave Satanstoe, in a sloop, within an hour after I left it myself. The wind had been fair, and I made no question of his having arrived ; though, as yet, I had not seen him. I could have accompanied Anneke, and her party, all day, through that scene of unsophisticated mirth, and felt no want of interest. Her presence immediately produced an im- pression ; even the native Africans moderating their manner, and lowering their yells, as it might be, the better to suit her more refined tastes. No one, in our set, was too digni- fied to laugh, but Jason. The pedagogue, it is true, often expressed his disgust at the amusements and antics of the negroes, declaring they were unbecoming human beings ; SATANSTOE. 77 and otherwise manifesting that disposition to hypercriticism, which is apt to distinguish one who is only a tyro in his own case. Such was the state of things, when Mari came rushing up to her young mistress, with distended eyes and uplifted hands, exclaiming, on a key that necessarily made us all sharers in the communication — " Oh ! Miss Anneke ! — What you t'ink, Miss Anneke ! Could you ever s'pose sich a t'ing, Miss Anneke !" " Tell me at once, Mari, what it is you have seen, or heard; and leave off these silly exclamations;" said the gentle mistress, with a colour that proved she was unused to her own girl's manner. " Who could t'ink it, Miss Anneke ! Dese, here, werry niggers have sent all 'e way to deir own country, and have had a lion cotched for Pinkster !" This was news, indeed, if true. Not one of us all had ever seen a lion ; wild animals, then, being exceedingly scarce in thje colonies, with the exception of those that were taken in our own woods. I had seen several of the small brown bears, and many a wolf, and one stuffed panther, in my time ; but never supposed it within the range of possi- bilities, that I could be brought so near a living lion. In- quiry showed, nevertheless, that Mari was right, with the exception of the animal's having been expressly caught for the occasion. It was the beast of a showman, who was also the proprietor of a very active and amusing monkey. The price of admission was a quarter of a dollar, for adult whites; children and negroes going in for half-price. These pre- liminaries understood, it was at once settled that all who could muster enough of money and courage, should go in a body, and gaze on the king of beasts. I say, of courage ; for it required a good deal for a female novice to go near a living lion. The lion was kept in a cage, of course, which was placed in a temporary building of boards, that had been erected for the Pinkster field. As we drew near the door, I saw that the cheeks of several of the pretty young creatures who be- longed to the party of Anneke, began to turn pale; a sign of weakness that, singular as it may appear, very sensibly extended itself to most of their attendant negresses. Mari 7* 78 SATANSTOE. did not flinch, however; and, when it came to the trial, of that sex, she and her mistress were the only two who held out in the original resolution of entering. Some time was thrown away in endeavouring to persuade two or three of her older companions to go in with her; but, finding it use- less, with a faint smile, Miss Mordaunt calmly said — " Well, gentlemen, Mari and myself must compose the female portion of the party, I have never seen a lion, and would not, by any means, miss this opportunity. We shall find my friends waiting for such portions of us as shall not be eaten, on our return." We were now near the door, where stood the man who received the money, and gave the tickets. Jt happened that Dirck had been stopped by a gentleman of his ac- quaintance, who had just left the building, and who was laughingly relating some incident that had occurred within. I stood on one side of Anneke, Jason on the other, while Mari was close in the rear. " A quarter for each gentleman and the lady," said the door-keeper, " and a shilling for the wench." On this hint, Jason, to my great surprise, (for usually he was very backward on such occasions,) drew out a purse, and emptying some silver into his hand, he said with a flourish — " Permit me, Miss — it is an honour I covet ; a quarter for yourself, and a shilling for Mari." I saw Anneke colour, and her eye turn hastily towards Dirck. Before I had time to say anything, or to do any- thing in fact, she answered steadily — " Give yourself no trouble, Mr. Newcome ; Mr. Littlepage will do me the favour to obtain tickets for me." Jason had the money in his fingers, and I passed him and bought the tickets, while he was protesting — " It gave him pleasure — he was proud of the occasion — another time her brother could do the same for his sisters, and he had six," and other matters of the sort. I simply placed the tickets in Anneke's hand, who re- ceived them with an expression of thanks, and we all passed ; Dirck inquiring of his cousin, as he came up, if he should get her tickets. I mention this little incident as showing the tact of woman, and will relate all that pertains to it, before I proceed to other things. Anneke said nothing SATAN STOE. 79 on the subject of her tickets until we had left the booth, when she approached me, and with that grace and simpli- city which a well-bred woman knows how to use on such an occasion, and quietly observed — " I am under obligations to you, Mr. Littlepage, for having paid for my tickets; — they cost three shillings, I believe." I bowed, and had the pleasure of almost touching Miss Mordaunt's beautiful little hand, as she gave me the money. At this instant, a jerk at my elbow came near causing me to drop the silver. It was Jason, who had taken this liberty, and who now led me aside with an earnestness of manner it was not usual for him to exhibit. I saw by the portentous look of the pedagogue's countenance, and his swelling manner, that something extraordinary was on his mind, and waited with some little curiosity to learn what it might be. "Why, what in human natur', Corny, do you mean?" he cried, almost angrily. " Did ever mortal man hear of a gentleman's making a lady pay for a treat ! Do you know you have made Miss Anneke pay for a treat ?" " A treat, Mr. Newcome !" " Yes, a treat, Mr. Corny Littlepage ! How often do you think young ladies will accompany you to shows, and balls, and other sights, if you make them pay /" Then a laugh of derision added emphasis to Jason's words. " Pay! — could I presume to think Miss Mordaunt would suffer me to pay money for her, or for her servant ?" " You almost make me think you a nat'ral ! Young men always pay for young women, and no questions asked. Did you not remark how smartly I offered to pay for this Miss, and how well she took it, until you stepped forward and cut me out ; — I bore it, for it saved me three nine- pences." " I observed how Miss Mordaunt shrunk from the fami- liarity of being called Miss, and how unwilling she was to let you buy the tickets ; and that I suspect was solely be- cause she saw you had some notion of what you call a treat." I cannot enter into the philosophy of the thing, but cer- 80 SATANSTOE. tainly nothing is more vulgar in English, to address a young lady as Miss, without affixing a name, whereas I know it is the height of breeding to say Mademoiselle in French, and am told the Spaniards, Italians and Germans, use its synonyme in the same manner. I had been indignant at Jason's familiarity when he called Anneke — the pretty Anneke ! — Miss ; and felt glad of an occasion to let him understand how I felt on the subject. " What a child you be, a'ter all, Corny !" exclaimed the pedagogue, who was much too good-natured to take offence at a trifle. " You a bachelor of arts ! But this matter must be set right, if it be only for the honour of my school. Folks" — Jason never blundered on the words 'one' or ' people' in this sense — " Folks may think that you have been in the school since it has been under my care, and I wouldn't for the world have it get abroad that a youth from rny school had neglected to treat a lady under such circum- stances." Conceiving it useless to remonstrate with me any further, Jason proceeded forthwith to Anneke, with whom he begged permission to say a word in private. So eager was my companion to wipe out the stain, and so surprised was the young lady, who gently declined moving more than a step, that the conference took place immediately under my ob- servation, neither of the parties being aware that I necessa- rily heard or saw all that passed. " You must excuse Corny, Miss," Jason commenced, producing his purse again, and beginning to hunt anew for a quarter and a shilling; "he is quite young, and knows nawthin' worth speaking of, of the ways of mankind. Ah ! here is just the money — three ninepennies, or three York shillings. Here, Miss, excuse Corny, and overlook it all ; when he is older, he will not make such blunders." " I am not certain that I understand you, sir !" exclaimed Anneke, who had shrunk back a little at the ' Miss,' and who now saw Jason hold out the silver, with a surprise she took no pains to conceal. " This is the price of the tickets — yes, that's all. Naw- thin' else, on honour. Corny, you remember, was so awful dumb as to let you pay, just as if you had been a gentle- roan." SATANSTOE. 81 Anneke now smiled, and glancing at me at the same instant, a bright blush suffused her face, though the mean- ing of my eye, as I could easily see, strongly tempted her to laugh. " It is very well as it is, Mr. Newcome, though I feel much indebted to your liberal intentions," she said, turning to rejoin her friends ; " it is customary in New York for ladies to pay, themselves, for everything of this nature. When I go to Connecticut, I shall feel infinitely indebted to you for another such offer." Jason did not know what to make of it ! He long after insisted that the young lady was * huffed,' as he called it, and that she had refused to take the money merely because she was thus offended. "There is a manner, you know, Corny," he said, "of doing even a genteel thing, and that is to do it genteelly. 1 much doubt if a genteel thing can be done ungenteelly. One thing I'm thankful for, and that is, that she don't know that you ever were at the ' Seminarian Institute' in your life ;" such being the appellation Jason had given to that which Mr. Worden had simply called a 'Boys' School.' To return to the booth. The lion had many visitors, and we had some difficulty in finding places. As a matter of course, Anneke was put in front, most of the men who were in the booth giving way to her with respectful attention. Unfortunately, the young Jady wore an exceedingly pretty shawl, in which scarlet was a predominant colour ; and that which occurred has been attributed to this circumstance, though I am far from affirming such to have been literally the case. Anneke, from the first, manifested no fear; but the circle pressing on her from without, she got so near the cage that the beast thrust a paw through, and actually caught hold of the shawl, drawing the alarmed girl quite up to the bars. I was at Anneke's side, and with a presence of mind that now surprises me, I succeeded in throwing the shawl from the precious creature's shoulders, and of fairly lifting her from the ground and setting her down again at a safe dis- tance from the beast. All this passed so soon that half the persons present were unconscious of what had occurred until it was all over ; and what astonishes me most is, that 82 SATANSTOE. I do not retain the least recollection of the pleasure I ought to have felt while my arm encircled Anneke Mordaunt's slender waist, and while she was altogether supported by me. The keeper interfered immediately, and the lion re- linquished the shawl, looking like a disappointed beast when he found it did not contain its beautiful owner. Anneke was rescued before she had time fully to compre- hend the danger she had been in. Even Dirck' could not advance to her aid, though he saw and comprehended the imminent risk ran by the being he loved best in the world ; but Dirck was always so slow! I must do Jason the cre- dit to say that he behaved well, though so situated as to be of no real use. He rushed forward to assist Anneke, and remained to draw away the shawl, as soon as the keeper ha3 succeeded in making the lion relinquish his hold. But, all this passed so rapidly, as to give little opportunity for noting incidents. Anneke was certainly well frightened by this adventure with the lion, as was apparent by her changing colour, and a few tears that succeeded. Still, a glass of water, and a minute or two, seated in a chair, were sufficient to restore her self-composure, and she remained with us, for half an hour, examining and admiring her terrible assailant. And, here, let me add, for the benefit of those who have never had an opportunity of seeing the king of beasts, that he is a sight well worthy to behold !. I have never viewed an elephant, which travelled gentlemen tell me is a still more extraordinary animal, though I find it difficult to ima- gine anything finer, in its way, than the lion which came so near injuring ''-sweet Anne Mordaunt." I question if any of us were aware of the full extent of the danger she ran, until we began to reflect on it coolly, after time and leisure were afforded. As soon as the commotion naturally produced at first, had subsided, the incident seemed forgot- ' ten, and we left the booth, after a long visit, expatiating on the animal, and its character, apparently in forgetfulnesa of that which, by one blow of his powerful paw, the lion might have rendered fatal to one of the very sweetest and happiest innocents of the whole province, but for the timely and merciful interposition of a kind providence. After the little affair of the tickets, I walked on with SATAN STOE. 83 Anneke, who declared her intention of quitting the field, her escape beginning to affect her spirits, and she was afraid that some particularly kind friend might carry an exagge- rated account of what had happened to her father. Dirck offered to accompany her home, for Mr. Mordaunt kept no carriage ; or, at least, nothing that was habitually used as a town equipage. We had all gone as far as the verge of the Common with Anneke, when the sweet girl stopped, looked at me earnestly, and, while her colour changed and tears rose to her eyes, she said,— " Mr. Littlepage, I am just getting to be fully conscious of what I owe to you. The thing passed so suddenly, and I was so much alarmed, that I did not know how to express myself at the time, nor am I certain that I do now. Believe me, notwithstanding, that I never can forget this morning, and I beg of you, if you have a sister, to carry to her the proffered friendship of Anneke Mordaunt, and tell her that her own prayers in behalf of her brother will not be more sincere than mine." Before I could recollect myself, so as to make a suitable answer, Anneke had curtsied and walked away, with her handkerchief to her eyes. CHAPTER VI. " Nay, be brief: I see into thy end, and am almost A man already," Cymbeline. As Dirck accompanied Miss Mordaunt to her father's bouse in Crown Street,* I took an occasion to give Jason the slip, being in no humour to listen to his lectures on the proprieties of life, and left the Pinkster field as fast as I could. Notwithstanding the size and importance of New York, a holiday like this could not fail to draw great crowds * Now, Liberty Street. 84 SATANSTOE. of persons to witness the sports. In 1757, James de Lan- cey was at the head of the government of the province, as indeed he had been, in effect, for much of his life; and I re- member to have met his chariot, carrying the younger chil- dren of the family to the field, on my way into the town. As the day advanced, carriages of one sort and another made their appearance in Broadway, principally conveying the children of their different owners. All these belonged to people of the first mark ; and I saw the Ship that denotes the arms of Livingston, the Lance, of the de Lanceys, the Burning Castle, of the Morrises, and other armorial bearings that were well known in the province. Carriages, certainly, were not as common in 1757 as they have since become; but most of our distinguished people rode in their coaches, chariots, or phaetons, or conveyances of some sort or other, when there was occasion to go so far out of town as the Common, which is the site of the present " Park." The roads on the island of Manhattan were very pretty and pic- turesque, winding among rocks and through valleys, being lined with groves and copses in a way to render all the drives rural and retired. Here and there, one came to a country-house, the residence of some person of importance, which, by its comfort and snugness, gave all the indications of wealth and of a prudent taste. Mr. Speaker Nicoll* had * The person meant here, was William Nicoll, Esquire, Patentee of Islip, a large estate on Long Island, that is still in the family, under a Patent granted in 1683. This gentleman was a son of Mr. Secretary Nicoll, who is supposed to have been a relative of Col. Nicoll, the first English Governor. Mr. Speaker Nicoll, as the son was called, in consequence of having filled that office for nearly a generation, was the direct ancestor of the Nieolls of Islip and Shelter Island, as well as of a branch long settled at Stratford, Connecticut. The house alluded to by Mr. Littlepage, as a relic of antiquity in his day, — American antiquity, be it remembered, — was standing a few years since, if it be not still standing, at the point'of junction between the Old Boston Road and the New Road, and nearly opposite to the termination of the long avenue that led to Rosehill, originally a seat <>T the Watts'. The house stood a short distance above the present Union Square, and not far from that of the present Gramercy. It was, or is, a brick-house of one story, with a small court-yard in front; the House of Refuge being at a little distance on its right, If still standing, it must now be one of the oldest buildings of any sort, in a town of 400,000 souls ! As Mr. Speaker Nicoll resigned the chair in 1718, this house must be at least a hundred and thirty or SATANSTOE. 85 occupied a dwelling of this sort for a long series of years, that was about a league from town, and which is still stand- ing, as I pass it constantly in travelling between Satanstoe and York. I never saw the Patentee myself, as he died long before my birth ; but his house near town still stands, as I have said, a memorial of past ages ! The whole town seemed alive, and everybody had a de- sire to get a glance at the sports of the Pinkster Field ; though the more dignified and cultivated had self-denial enough to keep aloof, since it would hardly have comported with their years and stations to be seen in such a place. The war had brought many regiments into the province, however, and I met at least twenty young officers, strolling out to the scene of amusement, as I walked into town. I will confess I gazed at these youths with admiration, and not entirely without envy, as they passed me in pairs, laughing and diverting themselves with the grotesque groups of blacks that were occasionally met, coming in from their sports. These young men I knew had enjoyed the advantages of being educated at home, some of them, quite likely, in the Universities, and all of them amid the high civilization and taste of England. I say all of them, too hastily ; as there | were young men of the colonies among them, who probably had not enjoyed these advantages. The easy air, self-pos- session, and quiet, what shall 1 call it? — insolence would be too strong a word, and a term that 1, the son and grand- son of old king's officers, would not like to apply, and yet it comes nearest to what I mean as applicable to the covert manner of these young men — but, whatever it was, that pecu- liar air of metropolitan superiority over provincial ignorance and provincial dependence, which certainly distinguished all the younger men of this class, had an effect on me, I find it difficult to describe. I was a loyal subject, loved the King, — most-particularly since he was so identified with the Pro- forty years old ; and it may be questioned if a dozen as old, public or private, can be found on the whole island. As the regular family residences of the Nicolis were in Suffolk, or on their estates, it is probable that the abode mentioned was, in a measure, owing 1 to an intermarriage with the Watts', as much as to the necessity of the Speakei's passing- so much time at the seat of government. — Editor. Vol. I. — 8 86 SATANSTOE. testant succession,— -loved all of the blood-royal, and wished for nothing more than the honour and lustre of the English crown. One thus disposed could not but feel amicably towards the King's officers ; yet, I will confess, there were moments when this air of ill-concealed superiority, this manner that so much resembled that of the master towards the servant, the superior to the dependent, the patron to the client, gave me deep offence, and feelings so bitter, that I was obliged to struggle hard to suppress them. But this is anticipating, and is interrupting the course of my narrative. I am inclined to think there must always be a good deal of this feeling, where the relation of principal and dependant exists, as between distinct territories. I was a good deal excited, and a little fatigued with the walk and the incidents of the morning, and determined to proceed at once to Duke Street, and share the cold dinner of my aunt; for few private families in York, that depended on regular cooks for their food, had anything served warm on their tables, for that and the two succeeding days. Here and there a white substitute was found, it is true, and we had the benefit of such an assistant at half-past one. It was the English servant of a Col. Mosely, an officer of the army, who was intimate at my uncle's, and who had had the civility to offer a man for this occasion. I afterwards ascertained, that many officers manifested the same kind spirit towards various other families in which they visited on terms of friendship. Marriages between young English officers and our pretty, delicate York belles, were of frequent occurrence, and I had felt a twinge or two, on the subject of Anneke, that morning, as I passed the youths of the 55th, 60th, or Loyal Americans, 17th, and other regiments that were then in the province. My aunt was descending from the drawing-room," in din- ner dress — for that no lady ever neglects, even though she dines on a cold dumpling. As I opened the street-door, Mrs. Legge was not coming down alone to take her seat at table, but, having some extra duty to perform in conse quence of the absence of most of her household, she was engaged in that service. Seeing me, however, she stopped on the landing of the stairs, and beckoned me to approach. SATANSTOE. 87 " Corny," she said, " what have you been doing, my child, to have drawn this honour upon you?" " Honour ! — I am ignorant of having even received anv. What can you mean, my dear aunt?" " Here is Herman Mordaunt waiting to see you, in the drawing-room. He asked particularly for you /—wishes to see you — expresses his regrets that you are not in, and talks only of you /" " In which case, I ought to hasten up stairs in order to i receive him, as soon as possible. I will tell you all about it at dinner, aunt ; — excuse me now." Away I went, with a beating heart, to receive a visit from Anneke's father. I can scarcely give a reason why this gentleman was usually called, when he was spoken of, and sometimes when he was spoken to, Herman Mordaunt ; unless, indeed, it were, that being in part of Dutch extrac- tion, the name which denoted the circumstance (Hermanus — pronounced by the Hollanders, Hermaanus,) was used by a portion of the population in token of the fact, and adopted by others in pure compliance. But Herman Mordaunt was he usually styled ; and this, too, in the way of respect, and not as coarse-minded persons affect to speak of their supe- riors, or in a way to boast of their own familiarity. I should have thought it an honour, at my time of life, to receive a visit from Herman Mordaunt ; but my heart fairly beat, as I have said, as I went hastily up stairs, to meet Anneke's father. My uncle was not in, and I found my visiter waiting- for me, alone, in the drawing-room. Aware of the state of the family, and of all families, indeed, during Pinkster, he had insisted on my aunt's quitting him, while he looked over some new books that had recently been received from home ; among which was a new and very handsome edition of the Spectator, a work that enjoys a just celebrity throughout the colonies. Mr. Mordaunt advanced to receive me with studied po- liteness, yet a warmth that could not well be counterfeited, the instant I approached. Nevertheless, his manner was easy and natural ; and to me he appeared to be the highest- bred man I had ever seen. " I am thankful that the debt of gratitude I owe you, my 88 SATANSTOE. young friend," he said, at once, and without preface of any sort, unless that of manner be so received, " is due to the son of a gentleman I so much esteem as Evans Littlepage. A loyal subject, an honest man, and a well-connected and well-descended gentleman, like him, may well be the parent of a brave youth, who does not hesitate to face even lions, in defence of the weaker sex." " I cannot affect to misunderstand you, sir," I answered ; " and I sincerely congratulate you that matters are no worse; though you greatly overrate the danger. I doubt if even a lion would have the heart to hurt Miss Mordaunt, were she in his power." I think this was a very pretty speech, for a youth of twenty ; and I confess I look back upon it, even now, with complacency. If I occasionally betray weakness of this character, I beg the reader to recollect that I am acting in the part of an honest historian, and that it is my aim to conceal nothing that ought to be known. Herman Mordaunt did not resume his seat, on account of the lateness of the hour, (half-past one); but he made me professions of friendship, and named Friday, the first moment when he could command the services of his domes- tics, when I should dine with him. The army had intro. duced later hours than was usual ; and this invitation was given for three o'clock ; it being said, at the time, as I well remember, that persons of fashion in London sat down to table even later than this. After remaining with me five minutes, Herman Mordaunt took his leave. Of course, I accompanied him to the door, where we parted with many bows. At dinner, I told my uncle and aunt all that had occurred, and was glad to hear them both speak so favourably of my new acquaintances. " Herman Mordaunt might be a much more considerable man than he is," observed my uncle, " were he disposed to enter into public life. He has talents, a good education, a very handsome estate, and is well-connected in the colony, certainly; some say at home, also." " And Anneke is a sweet young thing," added my aunt ; " and, since Corny was to assist any young lady, I am heartily glad it was Anneke. She is an excellent creature, SATANSTOE. 89 and her mother was one of my most intimate friends, as she was of my sister Littlepage, too. You must go and inquire, after her health, this evening, Corny. Such an at- tention is due, after what has passed all round." Did I wish to comply with this advice? Out of all ques- tion ; and yet I was too young, and too little at my ease, to undertake this ceremony, without many misgivings. Luckily, Dirck came in, in the evening; and my aunt repeating her opinion before my friend, he at once declared it was alto- gether proper, and that he thought Anneke would have a right to expect it. As he ofFered to be my companion, we were soon on our way to Crown Street, in which Mr. Mor- daunt owned and inhabited a very excellent house. We were admitted by Mr. Mordaunt himself, not one of his blacks having yet returned from the Pinkster field. Dirck appeared to be on the best terms, not only with Herman Mordaunt, but with his charming daughter. I had observed that the latter always called him " cousin Dirck," and I hardly knew whether to interpret this as a sign of par- ticular or of family regard. That Dirck was fonder of An- neke Mordaunt than of any other human being, I could easily see ; and I confess that the discovery already began to cause uneasiness. I loved Dirck, and wished he loved any one else but the very being I feared he did. Herman Mordaunt showed me the way, up the noble, wide, mahogany-garnished staircase of his dwelling, and ushered us into a very handsome, though not very large, but well-lighted drawing-room. There sat Anneke, his daughter, in the loveliness of her maiden charms, a little more dressed than usual, perhaps, for she had three or four young and lovely girls with her, and five or six young men ,* among whom were no less than three scarlet coats. I shall not attempt to conceal my weakness. Only twenty, inexperienced and unaccustomed to town society, I felt awk- ward and unpleasantly the instant I entered the room ; nor did the feeling subside during the first half-hour. Anneke came forward, one or two steps, to meet me ; and I could see, she was almost as much confused, as I was myself. She blushed, as she thanked me for the service I had ren- dered, and expressed her satisfaction that her father had been fortunate enough to find me at home, and had had an 8* 90 SATANSTOE. opportunity of saying a little of what he felt, on the occa- sion. She then invited me to be seated, naming me to the company, and telling me who two or three of the young ladies were. From these last I received sundry approving smiles ; which I took as so many thanks for serving their friend ; while I could not help seeing that I was an object of examination to most of the men present. The three officers, in particular, looked at me the most intently, and the longest. " I trust, your little accident, which could have been of no great moment, in itself, since you escaped so well, did not have the effect to prevent you from enjoying the rare fun of this Pinkster affair ?" said one of the scarlet coats, as «oon as the movement caused by my reception had subsided. "You call it a ' little accident,' Mr. Bulstrode," returned Anneke, with a reproachful shake of her pretty head, " but, I can assure you, it is not a trifle, to a young lady, to find herself in the paws of a lion." " Serious accident, then ; since, I see, you are resolved to consider yourself a victim;" rejoined the other; " but, not serious enough, I trust, to deprive you of the fun?" " Pinkster fields, and Pinkster frolics, are no novelties to us, sir, as they occur every season ; and I am just old enough not to have missed one of them all, for the last twelve years." " We heard you had been ' out," put in another red-coat, whom I had heard called Billings, "accompanied by a little army, of what Bulstrode called, the Light Infantry." Here three or four of the other young ladies joined in the discourse, at once, protesting against Mr. Bulstrode's placing their younger sisters in the army, in so cavalier a manner; an accusation that Mr. Bulstrode endeavoured to parry, by declaring his hopes of having them all, not only in the army, but in his own regiment, one day or other. At this, there was a certain amount of mirth, and various protesta- tions of an unwillingness to enlist; in which, I was giad to 6ee, that neither Anneke, nor her most intimate friend, Mary Wallace, saw fit to join. I liked their reserve of manner, far better than the girlish trifling of their companions ; and, i could see, that all the men respected them the more for it. There was a good deal of general and disjointed conversa- SATANSTOE. 91 tion that succeeded ; which I shall pot pretend to follow cr relate, but confine myself to such observations as had a bearing on matters that were connected with myself. As none of the young soldiers were addressed by their military titles, such things never occurring in the better circles, as I now discovered, and, least of all, in those con- nected with the army, I was not able, at the time, to ascer- tain the rank of the three red-coats ; though I afterwards ascertained, that the youngest was an ensign, of the name of Harris ; a mere boy, and the younger son of a member of Parliament. The next oldest, Billings, was a captain, and was said to be a natural son of a nobleman ; while Bulstrode was actually the oldest son of a baronet, of three or four thousand a year, and had already bought his way up as high as a Majority, though only four-and-twenty. This last was a handsome fellow, too; nor had I been an hour in his company, before I saw, plainly enough, that he was a strong admirer of Anneke Mordaunt. The other two evidently admired themselves too much, to have any very lively feelings on the subject of other persons. As for Dirck, younger than myself, and diffident, as well as slow by nature, he kept himself altogether in the back-ground, con- versing, most of the time, with Herman Mordaunt, on the subject of farming. We had been together an hour, and I had acquired suffi- cient ease to change my seat, and to look at a picture or two, which adorned the walls, and which were said to be originals, from the Old World; for, to own the truth, the art of painting has not made much progress in the colonies. We have painters, it is true, and one or two are said to be men of rare merit, the ladies being very fond of sitting to them for their portraits ; but these are exceptions. At a future day, when critics shall have immortalized the names of a Smybert, and a Watson, and a Blackburn, the people of these provinces will become aware of the talents they once possessed among them ; and the grandchildren of those who neglected these men of genius, in their day — ay, their descendants to the latest generations — will revenge the wrongs of merit and talent, to the end of civilized time. It is a failing of colonies to be diffident of their own opinions ; but I have heard gentlemen, who were educated at home, 92 SATANSTOE. and who possessed cultivated and refined tastes, affirm that the painters of Europe, when visiting this hemisphere, have retained all their excellence ; and have painted as freely and as well, under an American, as under a European sun. As for a sister art, the Thespian muse had actually made her appearance among us, five years before the time of my visit to town in 1757, or in 1752 ; a theatre having actually been built and opened in Nassau Street in 1753, with a company under the care of the celebrated Hallam, and his family. This theatre 1 had been dying to visit, while it stood, for as yet I had never witnessed a theatrical performance ; but my mother's injunctions prevented me from entering it while at college. " When you are old enough, Corny," she used to say, " you shall have my permission to go as often as is proper ; but you are now of an age, when Shakspeare and Rowe might unsettle your Latin and Greek." My task of obedience had not been very difficult, inasmuch as the build- ing in Nassau Street, the second regular theatre ever erected in British America, was taken down, and a church erected in its place.* The comedians went to the islands, and had not re-appeared on the continent down to the period of which I am now writing ; nor did their return occur until the fol- lowing year. That they were expected, however, and that a new house had been built for them, in another part of the town, I was aware, though month after month passed away, and the much-expected company did not appear. I had understood, however, that the large military force collecting in the colony, would be likely to bring them back soon ; and the conversation soon took a turn, that proved how much interest the young, the gay, and the fair, felt in the result. I was still looking at a picture, when Mr. Bulstrode ap- proached me, and entered into conversation. It will be remembered, that this gentleman was four years my senior; that he had been at one of the universities ; was the heir to a baronetcy ; knew the world ; had risen to a Majority in the army, and was by nature, as well as training, agreeable, when he had a mind to be, and genteel. These circum- stances, I could not but feel, gave him a vast advantage over me; and I heartily wished that we stood anywhere but in the presence of Anneke Mordaunt, as he thus saw fit to * The church is now (1845) being converted into a Post-Offioe. SATANSTOE. 93 single me out for invidious comparison, by a sort of tete-d- tete, or aside. Still, I could not complain of his manner, which was both polite and respectful ; though I could scarce divest myself of the idea, that he was covertly amusing him- self, the whole time. " You are a fortunate man, Mr. Littlepage," he com- menced, " in having had it in your power to do so import- ant a service to Miss Mordaunt. We all envy you your luck, while we admire your spirit, and I feel certain the men of our regiment will take some proper notice of it. Miss Anneke is in possession of half our hearts, and we should be still more heartless to overlook such a service." I muttered some half-intelligible answer to this compli- ment, and my new acquaintance proceeded. " I am almost surprised, Mr. Littlepage," he added, " that a man of your spirit does not come among us in times as stirring as these. They tell me both your father and grand- father served, and that you are quite at your ease. You will find a great many men of merit and fashion among us, and I make no doubt they would contribute to make your time pass agreeably enough. Large reinforcements are expected, and if you are inclined for a pair of colours, I think I know a battalion in which there are a vacancy or two, and which will certainly serve in the colonies. It would afford me great pleasure to help to further your views, should you be disposed to turn them towards the army." Now all this was said with an air of great apparent frankness and sincerity, which I fancied was only the more visible from the circumstance that Anneke was so seated as unavoidably to hear every word of what was said. I observed that she even turned her eyes on me as I made my answer, though I did not dare so far to observe her in turn as to note their expression. " I am very sensible, Mr. Bulstrode, of the liberality and kindness of your intentions," I answered steadily enough, for pride came to my assistance, " though I fear it will not be in my power to profit by it at once, if ever. My grand- father is still living, and he has much influence over me and my fortune, and I know it is his wish that I should remain at Satanstoe." " Where V demanded Bulstrode, with more quickness 94 SATANSTOE. and curiosity than strictly comported with good-breeding perhaps. " Satanstoe ; I do not wonder yqu smile, for it has an odd sound, but it is the name my grandfather has given the family place in Westchester. Given, I have said, though translated would "be better, as I understand the present appellation is pretty literally rendered into English from the Dutch." " I like the name exceedingly, Mr. Littlepage, and I feel certain I should like, your good, old, honest, Anglo-Saxon grandfather. But, pardon me, it is his wish you should remain at Satansfoot?" " Satanstoe, sir ; we do not aspire to the whole foot. It is my grandfather's wish that I remain at home until of age, which will not be now for some months." " By way of keeping you out of Satan's footsteps, I sup- pose. Well, these old gentlemen are often right. Should you alter your views, however, my dear Littlepage, do not forget me, but remember you can count on one who has some little influence, and who will ever be ready to exert it in the behalf of one who has proved so serviceable to Miss Mordaunt. Sir Harry is a martyr to the gout, and talks of letting me stand in his place at the dissolution. In that case my wishes will naturally carry more weight. I like that name of Satanstoe amazingly !" " I am infinitely obliged to you, Mr. Bulstrode, though I will confess I have never looked forward to rising in the world by taxing my friends. One may own that he nas had some hopes founded on merit and honesty — " " Poh ! poh ! — my dear Littlepage, honesty is a very pretty thing to talk about, but I suppose you remember what Juvenal says on that interesting subject — " pi-obitas laudatur et alget." I dare say you are fresh enough from college to remember that comprehensive sentiment." " I have never read Juvenal, Mr. Bulstrode, and never wish to, if such be the tendency of what he teaches — " " Juvenal was a satirist, you know," interrupted Bulstrode a little hastily, for by this time he too had ascertained that Anneke was listening, and he betrayed some eagerness to get rid of so flagitious a sentiment ; " and satirists speak of things as they are, rather than as they ought to be. I dare SATANSTOE. 95 say Rome deserved all she got, for the moralists give a very sad account of her condition. Of all the large capitals of which we have any account, London is the only town of even tolerable manners." What young Bulstrode would have ventured to say next, it is out of my power to guess; for a certain Miss Warren, who was of the company, and who particularly affected the youth, luckily called out at this critical instant— " Your attention one moment, if you please, Mr. Bulstrode; is it true that the gentlemen of the army have been getting the new theatre in preparation, and that they intend to favour us with some representations 1 A secret something like this has just leaked out, from Mr. Harris, who even goes so far as to add that you can tell us all about it." " Mr. Harris must be put under an arrest for this, though I hear the colonel let the cat out of the bag, at the Lt. Go- vernor's table, as early as last week." " I can assure you, Mr. Bulstrode," Anneke observed calmly, " that. I have heard rumours to this effect for quite a fortnight. You must not blame Mr. Harris solely, for your whole regiment has been hinting to the same purpose far and near." " Then the delinquent will escape, this time. I confess the charge ; we have hired the new theatre, and do intend to solicit the honour of the ladies coming to hear me murder Cato, and Scrub ; a pretty climax of characters, you will admit, Miss Mordaunt?" " I know nothing of Scrub, ihough I have read Mr. Addi- son's play, and think you have no need of being ashamed of the character of Cato. When is the theatre to open ?" " We follow the sable gentry. As soon as St. Pinkster has received his proper share of attention, we shall intro- duce Dom-Cato and Mr. Scrub to your acquaintance." All the young ladies, but Anneke and her friend Mary Wallace, laughed, two or three repeating the words i St. Pinkster,' as if they contained something much cleverer than it was usual to hear. A general burst of exclamations, expressions of pleasure, and of questions and answers fol- lowed, in which two or three voices were heard at the same moment, during which time Anneke turned to me, who was 96 SATANSTOE. standing near her, at the spot occupied by Bui strode a . minute before, and seemed anxious to say something. " Do you seriously think of the army, Mr. Littlepage V* she asked, changing colour at the freedom of her own question. " In a war like this, no one can say when he may be called on to go out," I answered. " But, only as a defender of the soil, if at all." I thought Anneke Mordaunt seemed pleased with this answer. After a short pause, she resumed the dialogue. " Of course you understand Latin, Mr. Littlepage, although you have not been at the universities ?" " As it is taught in our own colleges, Miss Mordaunt." " And that is sufficient to tell me what Mr. Bulstrode's quotation means — if it be proper for me to hear." " He would hardly presume to use even a Latin saying in your presence, that is unfit for your ear. The maxim which Mr. Bulstrode attributes to Juvenal, simply means * that honesty is praised and starves.' " I thought that something like displeasure settled on the fair, polished, brow of Miss Mordaunt, who, I could soon see, possessed much character and high principles for one of her tender years. She said nothing, however, though she exchanged a very meaning glance with her friend Mary Wallace. Her lips were moved, and I fancied I could trace the formation of the sounds " honesty is praised and starves !" " And you are to be Cato I hear, Mr. Bulstrode," cried one of the young ladies, who thought more of a scarlet coat, I fancy, than was for her own good. " How very charming ! Will you play the character in regimentals or in mohair — in a modern or in an ancient dress ?" " In my robe de chambre, a little altered for the occasion, unless St. Pinkster and his sports should suggest some more appropriate costume," answered the young man lightly. "Are you quite aware what feast Pinkster is?" asked Anneke, a little gravely. Bulstrode actually changed colour, for it had never crossed his mind to inquire into the character of the holi- day ; and, to own the truth, the manner in which it is kept SATANSTOE. 97 by the negroes of New York, never would enlighten him much on the subject. " That is information for which I perceive I am now about to be indebted to Miss Mordaunt." "Then you shall not be disappointed, Mr. Bulstrode; Pinkster is neither more nor less than the Festival of Whit- sunday, or the Feast of Pentecost. I suppose we shall now hear no more of your saint." Bulstrode took this little punishment, which was very sweetly but quite steadily uttered, with perfect good-humour, and with a manner so rebuked as to prove that Anneke possessed great control over him. He bowed in submission, and she smiled so kindly, that I wished the occasion for the little pantomime had not occurred. " Our ancestors, Miss Mordaunt, never heard of any Pinkster, you will remember, and that must explain my ignorance," he said meekly. " But some of mine have long understood it, and observed the festival," answered Anneke. "Ay, on the side of Holland — but when I presume to speak of our ancestors, I mean those which I can claim the honour of boasting as belonging to me in common with yourself." " Are you and Mr. Bulstrode, then, related ?" I asked, as it might be involuntarily and almost too abruptly. Anneke replied, however, in a way to show that she thought the question natural for the circumstances, and not in the least out of place. " My grandfather's mother, and Mr. Bulstrode's grand- father, were brother and sister," was the quiet answer. " This makes us a sort of cousins, according to those Dutch notions which he so much despises, though I fancy it would not count for much at home." Bulstrode protested to the contrary, stating that he knew his father valued his relationship to, Mr. Mordaunt, by the earnest manner in which he had commanded him to culti- vate the acquaintance of the family the instant he reached New York. I saw by this, the footing on which the formi- dable Major was placed in the family, everybody seeming to be related to Anneke Mordaunt but myself. I took an occasion, that very evening, to question the dear girl on the Vol. I.— 9 98 SATANSTOE. subject of her Dutch connections, giving her a clue to mine ; but with all our industry, and some assistance from Herman Mordaunt, who took an interest in such a subject, as it might be ex officio, we could make out no affinity worth mentioning. CHAPTER VII. « Sir Valentine, I care not for her, I." " I hold him but a fool, that will endanger His body for a girl that loves him not." " I claim her not, and therefore she is thine." Two Gentlemen of Verona. I saw Anne Mordaunt several times, either in the street or in her own house, between that evening and the day I was to dine with her father. The morning of the last named day Mr. Bulstrode favoured me with a call, and an- nounced that he was to be of the party in Crown Street, and that the whole company was to repair to the theatre, to see his own Cato and Scrub, in the evening. "By giving yourself the trouble to call at the Crown and Bible, kept hard- by here, in Hanover Square or Queen Street, by honest Hugh Gaine, you will find a package of tickets for yourself, Mr. and Mrs. Legge, and your relative Mr. Dirck Follock, as I believe the gentleman is called. These Dutch have extraordinary patronymics, you must admit, Littlepage." " It may appear so to an Englishman, though our names are quite as odd to strangers. But Dirck Van Valken- burgh is not a kinsman of mine, though he is related to the Mordaunts, your relatives." "Well, it's all the sam somebody that I know, and I fancied it was to yourself. I am sure I never see him but I wish he was in our grenadier company." " Dirck would do honour to any corps, but you know SATANSTOE. 99 how it is with the Dutch families, Mr. Bulstrode. They still retain much of their attachment to Holland, and do not as often take service in the army, or navy, as we of Eng- lish descent." " I should have thought a century might have cooled .hem off, a little, from their veneration of the meadows of Holland. It is the opinion at home, that New York is a particularly well affected colony." " So it is, as I hear from all sides. As respects the Dutch, among ourselves, I have heard my grandfather say, that the reign of King William had a powerful influence in reconciling them to the new government, but, since his day, that they are less loyal than formerly. The Van Valken- burghs, notwithstanding, pass for as good subjects as any that the house of Hanover possesses. On no account would I injure them in your opinion." " Good or bad, we shall hope to see your friend, who is a connection in some way, as you believe, of the Mor- daunts. You will get but a faint idea of what one of the royal theatres is, Littlepage, by this representation of ours, though it may serve to kill time. But, I must go to re- hearsal ; we shall meet at three." Here my gay and gallant major made his bow, and took his leave. I proceeded on to the sign of the Crown and the Bible, where I found a large collection of people, coming in quest of tickets. As the elite of the town would not of themselves form an audience sufficiently large to meet the towering ambition of the players, more than half the tickets were sold, the money being appropriated to the sick families of soldiers — those who were not entitled to receive aid from government. It was deemed a high compliment to receive tickets gratis, though all who did, made it a point to leave a donation to the fund, with Mr. Gaine. Receiving my package, I quitted the shop, and it being the hour for the morning promenade, I went up Wall Street, to the Mall, as Trinity Church Walk was even then called. Here, I ex- pected to meet Dirck, and hoped to see Anneke, for the place was much frequented by the young and gay, both in the mornings and in the evenings. The bands of different regiments were stationed in the churchyard, and the com- pany was often treated to much fine martial music. Some 100 SATANSTOE. few of the more scrupulous objected to this desecration of the churchyard, but the army had everything pretty much in its own way. As they were supposed to do nothing but what was approved of at home, the dissenters were little heeded, nor do I think the army would have greatly cared, had they been more numerous. I dare say there were fifty young ladies promenading the church-walk when I reached it, and nearly as many young men in attendance on them ; no small portion of the last being scarlet-coats, though the mohairs had their represent- atives there too. A few blue-jackets were among us also, there being two or three king's cruisers in port. As no one presumed to promenade the Mall, who was not of a certain stamp of respectability, the company was all gaily dressed; and I will confess that I was much struck with the air of the place, the first time I showed myself among the gay idlers. The impression made on me that morning was so vivid, that I will endeavour to describe the scene, as it now presents itself to my mind. In the first place, there was the noble street, quite eighty feet in width in its narrowest part, and gradually expanding as you looked towards the bay, until it opened into an area of more than twice that- width, at the place called the Bowl- ing-Green.* Then came the Fort, crowning a sharp emi- nence, and overlooking everything in that quarter of the town. In the rear of the Fort, or in its front, taking a water view, lay the batteries that had been built on the rocks which form the south-western termination of the island. Over these rocks, which were black and picturesque, and over the batteries they supported, was obtained a view of the noble bay, dotted here and there with some speck of a sail, or possibly with some vessel anchored on its placid bosom. Of the two rows of elegant houses, most of them of brick, and with very kw exceptions principally of two * Mr. Cornelius Littlepage betrays not a little of provincial admi- ration, as the reader will see. I have not thought it necessary to prune these passages, their causes being too familiar to leave any danger of their insertion's being misunderstood. Admiration of Broadway, certainly not more than a third-class street, as streets go in the old world, is so very common among us as to need no apology. — Editor. S AT ANSTOE. fol stories in height, it is scarcely necessary to speak, as there are few who have not heard of, and formed some notion of Broadway ; a street that all agree is one day to be the pride of the western world. In the other direction, I will admit that the view was not so remarkable, the houses being principally of wood, and of a somewhat ignoble appearance. Nevertheless the army was said to frequent those habitations quite as much as they did any other in the place. After reaching the Common, or present Park, where the great Boston road led off into the country, the view was just the reverse of that which was seen in the opposite quarter. Here, all was inland, and rural. It is true, the new Bridewell had been erected in that quarter, and there was also a new gaol, both facing the common; and the king's troops had. barracks in their rear; but high, abrupt, conical hills, with low marshy land, or- chards and meadows, gave to all that portion of the island a peculiarly novel and somewhat picturesque character. Many of the hills in that quarter, and indeed all over the widest part of the island, are now surmounted by country- houses, as some were then, including Petersfield, the ancient abode of the Stuyvesants, or that farm which, by being called after the old Dutch governor's retreat, has given the name of Bowery, or Bouerie, to the road that led to it ; as well as the Bowery-house, as it was called, the country abode of the then Lieutenant Governor, James de Lancey ; Mount Bayard, a place belonging to that respectable family ; Mount Pitt, another that was the property of Mrs. Jones, the wife of Mr. Justice Jones, a daughter of James de Lan- cey, and various other mounts, houses, hills, and places, that are familiar to the gentry and people of New York. But, the reader can imagine for himself the effect pro- duced by such a street as Broadway, reaching very nearly half a mile in length, terminating at one end, in an ele- vated, commanding Fort, with its back-ground of batteries, rocks and bay, and, at the other, with the common, on which troops were now constantly parading, the Bridewell an I gaol, and the novel scene I have just mentioned. Nor is Trinity itself to be forgotten. This edifice, one of the noblest, if not the most noble of its kind, in all the colonies, with its gothic architecture, statues in carved stone, and 9* 102 SATANSTOE. flanking walls, was a close accessory of the view, giving to the whole grandeur, and a moral.* As has been said, I found the Mall crowded with young persons of fashion and respectability. This Mall was near a hundred yards in length ; and it follows that there must have been a goodly show of youth and beauty. The fine weather had commenced ; spring had fairly opened ; Pink- ster Blossoms (the wild honeysuckle) had been seen in abundance throughout, the week ; and everything and per- son appeared gay and happy. I could discover that my person in this crowd attracted attention as a stranger. I say as a stranger ; for I am un- willing to betray so much vanity as to ascribe the manner in which many eyes followed me, to any vain notion that I was known or admired. Still, I will not so far disparage the gifts of a bountiful Providence, as to leave the impres- sion that my face, person, or air was particularly disagree- able. This would not be the fact ; and I have now reached a time of life when something like the truth may be told, without the imputation of conceit. My mother often boasted to her intimates, " that Corny was one of the best-made, handsomest, most active, and genteelest youths in the colo- ny." This I know, for such things will leak out; but mothers are known to have a remarkable weakness on the subject of their children. As I was the sole surviving off- spring of my dear mother, who was one of the best-hearted women that ever breathed, it is highly probable that the notions she entertained of her son partook largely of the love she bore me. It is true, my aunt Legge, on more than one occasion, has been heard to express a very similar opinion ; though nothing can be more natural than that sisters should think alike, on a family matter of this parti- cular nature, more especially as my aunt Legge never had a child of her own to love and praise. Let all this be as it may, well stared at was I, as I min- gled among the idlers on Trinity Church Walk, on the * The provincial admiration of Mr. Cornelius Littlepnge was not quite as much in fault, as respects the church, as the superciliousness of our more modern tastes and opinions may lead us to suspect. The church that was burned in 1776, was a larger edifice than that just pulled down, and, in many respects, was its superior. — Editor. SATANSTOE. 103 occasion named. As for myself, my own eyes were bent anxiously on the face of every pretty, delicate young crea- ture that passed, in the hope of seeing Anneke. I both wished and dreaded to meet her ; for, to own the truth, my mind was dwelling on her beauty, her conversation, her sentiments, her grace, her gentleness, and withal her spirit, a good deal more than half the time. I had some qualms on the subject of Dirck, I will confess; but Dirck was so young, that his feelings could not be much interested, after all ; and then Anneke was a second cousin, and that was clearly too near to marry. My grandfather had always put his foot down firmly against any connection between rela- tions that were nearer than third cousins ; and I now saw how proper were his reasons. If they were even farther removed, so much the better, he said ; and so much the better it was. If the reader should ask me why I dreaded to meet Anne Mordaunt, under such circumstances. I might be at a loss to give him a very intelligible answer. I feared even to see*the sweet face I sought ; and oh ! how soft, serene, and angel- like it was, at that budding age of seventeen ! — but, though I almost feared to see it, when at last I saw her I had so anxiously sought, approaching me, arm and arm with Mary Wallace, having Bulstrode next herself, and Harris next her friend, my eyes were instantly averted, as if they had un- expectedly lighted on something disagreeable. I should have passed without even the compliment of a bow, had not my friends been more at their ease, and more accustomed to the free ways of town life than I happened to be myself. " How's this, Cornelius, C&ur de Lion/''' exclaimed Bul- strode, stopping, thus causing the whole party to stop with him, or to appear to wish to avoid me ; " will you not recog- nise us, though it is not an hour since you and I parted? I hope you found the tickets ; and when you have answered ' yes,' I hope you will turn and do me the honour to bow to these ladies." I apologized, I am afraid I blushed ; for I detected Anneke looking at me, as I thought, with some little concern, as if she pitied my awkward country embarrassment. As for Bulstrode, I did not understand him at that time ; it exceed- ing my observation to be certain whether he considered me 104 SATAN STOE. of sufficient importance or not, to feel any concern on my account, in his very obvious suit with Anneke. Nevertheless, as he treated me with cordiality and respect, while he dealt with me so frankly, there was not room to take offence. Of course, I turned and walked back with the party, after I had properly saluted the ladies and Mr. Harris. " Cccur de Lion is a better name for a soldier than for a civilian ;" said Anneke, as we moved forward ; " and, how- ever much Mr. Littlepage may deserve the title, I am not certain, Mr. Bulstrode, he would not prefer leaving it among you gentlemen who serve the king." " I am glad of this occasion, Mr. Littlepage, to enlist you on my side, in a warfare I am compelled to wage with Miss Anne Mordaunt," said the Major gaily. " It is on the sub- ject of the great merit of us poor fellows who have crossed the wide Atlantic in order to protect the colonies, New York among the number, and their people, Miss Mordaunt and Miss Wallace inclusively, from the grasp of their wicked ene*nies, the French. The former young lady has a way of reasoning on the matter to which I cannot assent, and I am willing to choose you as arbitrator between us." " Before Mr. Littlepage accept the office, it is proper he should know its duties and responsibilities," said Anneke, smiling. " In the first place, he will find Mr. Bulstrode, with loud professions of attachment to the colonies, much disposed to think them provinces that owe their very exist- ence to England ; while I maintain it is Englishmen, and that it is not England, that have done so much in America. As for New York, Mr. Littlepage, and especially as for you and me, we can also say a word in favour of Holland. I am very proud of my Dutch connections and Dutch descent." I was much gratified with the " as for you and me ;" though I believe I cared less for Holland than she did her- self. I made an answer much in the vein of the moment ; but the conversation soon changed to the subject of the military theatre that was about to open. " I shall dread you as a critic, cousin Annie," so Bulstrode often termed Anneke, as I soon discovered ; "I find you are not too well disposed to us of the cockade, and I think you have a particular spite to our regiment. I know that Billings and Harris, too, hold you in the greatest possible dread." SATANSTOE. 105 " They then feel apprehensive of a very ignorant critic ; for I never was present at a theatrical entertainment in my life," Anneke answered with perfect simplicity. " So far as 1 can learn, there never has been but one season of any regular company, in this colony ; and that was when I was a very little and a very young girl — as I am now neither very large, nor very old as a young woman." " You see, Littlepage, with how much address my cousin avoids adding, and l very uninteresting, and very ugly, and very disagreeable, and very much unsought,' and fifty other things she might add with such perfect truth and modesty ! But is it true, that the theatre was open only one season, here!" " So my father tells me, though I know very little of the facts themselves. To-night will be my first appearance in front of any stage, Mr. Bulstrode, as I understand it will be your first appearance on it." " In one sense the last will be true, though not altogether in another. As a school-boy, I have often played, school- boy fashion ; but this is quite a new thing with us, to bo amateur players." " It may seem ungrateful, when you are making so many efforts, principally to amuse us young ladies, I feel convinced, to inquire if it be quite as wise as it is novel. I must ask this, as a cousin, you know, Henry Bulstrode, to escape entirely from the imputation of impertinence." " Really, Anneke Mordaunt, I am not absolutely certain that it is. Our manners are beginning to change in this respect, however, and I can assure you that various noble- men have permitted sports of this sort at their seats. The custom is French, as you probably know, and whatever is French has much vogue with us during times of peace. Sir Harry does not altogether approve of it, and as for my lady mother, she has actually dropped more than one dis- couraging hint on the subject in her letters." "The certain proof that you are a most dutiful son Perhaps when Sir Harry and Lady Bulstrode learn your great success, however, they will overlook the field on which your laurels have been won. But our hour has come, Mary ; we have barely time to thank these gentlemen for their politeness, and to return in season to dress. I am to 106 SATANSTOE. enact a part myself, at dinner, as I hope you will all re- member." Saying this, Anneke made her curtsies in a way to pre- clude any offer of seeing her home, and went her way with her silent but sensible-looking and pretty friend. Bulstrode took my arm with an air of easy superiority, and led the way towards his own lodgings, which happened to be in Duke Street. Harris joined another party, making it a point to be always late at dinner. " That is not only one of the handsomest, hut she is one of the most charming girls in the colonies, Littlepage !" my companion exclaimed, as soon as we had departed, speaking at the same time with an earnestness and feeling I was far from expecting. " Were she in England, she would make one of the first women in it, by the aid of a little fashion and training; and very little would do too, for there is a charm in her naivete that is worth the art of fifty women of fashion." 11 Fashion is- a thing that any one may want who does not happen to be in vogue," I answered, notwithstanding the great degree of surprise I felt. " As for training, I can see nothing but perfection in Miss Mordaunt as she is, and should deprecate the lessons that produced any change." 1 believe it was now Bulstrode's turn to feel surprise, for I was conscious of his casting a keen look into my face, though I did not like to return it. My companion was silent for a minute ; then, without again adverting to Anneke, he began to converse very sensibly on the subject of thea- tres and plays. I was both amused and instructed, for Mr. Bulstrode was an educated and a clever man; and a strange feeling came over the spirit of my dream, even then, as I listened to his conversation. This man, I thought, admires Anne Mordaunt, and he will probably carry her with him to England, and obtnin for her that fashion and training of which he has just spoken. Witn his advantages of birth, air, fortune, education, and military rank, he can scarcely fail in his suit, should he seriously attempt one; and it will be no more than prudent to command my own feelings, lest I become the hopeless victim of a serious passion. Young as I w^as, all this I saw, and thus I reasoned ; and when I parted from my companion I fancied myself a much wise? SATANSTOE. 107 man than when we had met. We separated in Duke Street, with a promise on my part to call at the Major's V)dgings half an hour later, after dressing, and walk with him to Herman Mordaunt's door. " It is fortunate that it is the fashion of New York to walk to a dinner party," said Bulstrode, as he again took my arm on our way to Crown Street ; " for these narrow streets must be excessively inconvenient for chariots, though I occasionally see one of them. As for sedan chairs, I detest them as things unfit for a man to ride in." " Many of our leading families keep carriages, and they seem to get along well enough," I answered. " Neverthe- less, it is quite in fashion even for ladies to walk. I under- stand that many, perhaps most of your auditors, will walk to the play-house door this evening." " They tell me as much," said Bulstrode, curling his lip, a little, in a way I did not exactly like. " Notwithstanding, there will be many charming creatures among them, and they shall be welcome. Well, Littlepage, I do not despair of having you among us ; for, to be candid, without wishing to boast, I think you will find the th as liberal a set of young men as there is in the service. There is a wish to have the mohairs among us instead of shutting ourselves up altogether in scarlet. Then your father and grandfather have both served, and that will be a famous introduction." I protested my unfitness for such an amusement, never having seen such an exhibition in my life ; but to this my companion would not listen ; and we picked our way, as well as we could, through William Street, up Wall, and then by Nassau into Crown ; Herman Mordaunt owning a new house, that stood not far from Broadway, in the latter street. This was rather in a remote part of the town ; but the situ- ation had the advantage of good air ; and, as a place extends, it is necessary some persons should live on its skirts. " I wish my good cousin did not live quite so much in the suburbs," said Bulstrode, as he knocked in a very patrician manner ; " it is not altogether convenient to go quite so much out of one's ordinary haunts, in order to pay visits. I wonder Mr. Mordaunt came so far out of the world, to build." 108 SATAN STOE. " Yet the distances of London must be much greater ; though there you have coaches." " True ; but not a word more on this subject : I would not have Anneke fancy I ever find it far to visit her" We were the last but one ; the tardy Mr. Harris making it a point always to be the last. We found Anneke Mor- daunt supported by two or three ladies of her connection, and a party of quite a dozen assembled. As most of those present saw each other every day, and frequently two or three times a day, the salutations and compliments were soon over, and Herman Mordaunt began to look about him, to see who was wanting. ,, I believe everybody is here but Mr. Harris," the father observed to his daughter, interrupting some of Mr Bulstrode's conversation, to let this fact be known. " Shall we wait for him, my dear; he is usually so uncertain and late?" " Yet a very important man," put in Bulstrode, "as being entitled to lead the lady of the house to the table, in virtue of his birthright. So much for being the fourth son of an Irish baron ! Do you know Harris's father has just been ennobled ?" This was news to the company ; and it evidently much increased the doubts of the propriety of sitting down without the young man in question. "Failing of this son of a new Irish baron, I suppose you fancy I shall be obliged to give my hand to the eldest son of an English baronet," said Anneke, smiling, so as to take off the edge of a little irony that I fancy just glimmered in her manner. " I wish to Heaven you ivould, Anne Mordaunt," whis- pered Bulstrode, loud enough for me to hear him, "so that the heart were its companion !" 1 thought this both bold and decided ; and I looked anx- iously at Anneke, to note the effect ; but she evidently receiv- ed it as trifling, certainly betraying no emotion at a speech I thought so pointed. I wished she had manifested a little resentment. Then she was so very young to be thus im- portuned ! " Dinner had better be served, sir," she calmly observed to her father. " Mr. Harris is apt to think himself ill-treated if he do not find everybody at table. It would be a sign hig SATANSTOE. 109 watch was wrong, and that he had come half an hour too Boon." Herman Mordaunt nodded assent, and left his daughter's side to give the necessary order. "I fancy Harris will regret this," said Bulstrode. "I wish I dared repeat what he had the temerity to say to me on this very subject, no later than yesterday." " Of the propriety of so doing, Mr. Bulstrode must judge for himself: though repetitions of this nature are usually best avoided." " No, the fellow deserves it ; so I will just tell you and Mr. Littlepage in confidence. You must know, as his senior in years, and his senior officer in the bargain, I was hinting to Harris the inexpediency of always being so late at dinner; and here is my gentleman's answer : — ' You know,' said he, 'that excepting my lord Loudon, the Commander-in-chief, the Governor, and a few public officers, I shall now take precedence of almost every man here; and I find, if I go early to dinner, I shail have to hand in all the elderly ladies, and to take my place at their sides ; whereas, if I go a little late, I can steal in alongside of their daughters.' Now, on the present occasion, he will be altogether a loser, the lady of the house not yet being quite fifty." 11 1 had not given Mr. Harris credit for so much ingenuity," said Anneke, quietly. " But here he is to claim his rights." "Ay, the fellow has remembered your age, and quite likely your attractions /" Dinner was announced at that instant, and all eyes were turned on Harris, in expectation that he would advance to lead Anneke down stairs. The young man, even more youthful than myself, had a good deal of mauvaise honte; for, though the son of an Irish peer, of two months' creation, the family was not strictly Irish, and he had very little am- bition to figure in this manner. From what I saw of him subsequently, I do believe that nothing but a sense of duty to his order made him respect these privileges of rank at all, and that he would really just as soon go to a dinner-table last, as first. In the present case, however, he was soon relieved by Herman Mordaunt ; who had been educated at home, and understood the usages of the world very well. " Gentlemen," he said, " I must ask you to waive the Vol. I.— 10 110 SATANSTOE. privileges of rank in favour of Mr. Cornelius Littlepage, to- day. This good company has met to do honour especially to his courage and devotion to his fellow-creatures, and he will do me the favour to hand Miss Mordaunt down stairs." Herman Mordaunt then pointed out to the Hon. Mr. Harris, the next lady of importance, and to Mr. Bulstrode a third ; after which all the rest took care of themselves. As for myself, I felt my face in a glow, at this unexpected order, and scarcely dared to look at Anneke as we led the way to the dining-room door. So much abashed was I, that I scarce touched the tips of her slender little fingers, and a tremour was in the limb that performed this office, the whole time it was thus employed. Of course, my seat was next to that of the young and lovely mistress of the house, at this banquet. What shall I say of the dinner? It was the very first entertainment of the sort at which I had ever been present ; though I had acquired some of the notions of town habits, on such occasions, at my aunt Legge's table. To my sur- prise, there was soup ; a dish that I never saw at Satanstoe, except in the most familiar way ; while here it was taken by every one, seemingly as a matter of course. Everything was elegant, and admirably cooked. Abundance, however, was the great feature of the feast ; as I have heard it said, is apt to be the case with most New York entertainments. Nevertheless, I have always understood that, in the way of eating and drinking, the American colonies have little reason to be ashamed. " Could I have foreseen this dinner, Miss Mordaunt," I said, when everybody was employed, and I thought there was an opening to say something to my beautiful neighbour; " it would have made my father very happy to have sent a sheepshead to town,, for the occasion." Anneke thanked me, and then we began to converse about the game. Westchester was, and is still, famous for par- tridges, snipe, quails, ducks, and meadow-larks; and I understood expatiating on such a subject, as well as the best of them. All the Littlepages were shots ; and I have known my father bag ten brace of woodcock, among the wet thickets of Satanstoe, of a morning; and this with merely a second class dog, and only one. Both Bulstrode and Harris listened SATANSTOE. Ill to what 1 said on this subject with great attention, and it would soon have been the engrossing discourse, had not Anneke pleasantly said — "All very well, gentlemen ; but you will remember that neither Miss Wallace, nor I, shoot." " Except with the arrows of Cupid," answered Bulstrode, gaily; " with these you do so much execution between you" emphasizing the words, so as to make me look foolish, for I sat between them, " that you ought to be condemned to hear nothing but fowling conversation for the next year." This produced a laugh, a little at my expense, I believe; though I could see that Anneke blushed, while Mary Wallace smiled indifferently; but as the healths now began, there was a truce to trifling. And a serious thing it is, to drink to everybody by name, at a large table ; serious I mean to a new beginner. Yet, Herman Mordaunt went through it with a grace and dignity, that I think would have been re- marked at a royal banquet. The ladies acquitted themselves admirably, omitting no one ; and even Harris felt the ne- cessity of being particular with this indispensable part of good-breeding. So well done was this part of the ceremony, that I declare, I believe everybody had drunk to everybody, within five minutes after Herman Mordaunt commenced ; and it was very apparent that there was more ease and true gaiety after all had got through, than there had previously been. But the happy period of every dinner-party, is after the cloth is removed. With the dark polished mahogany for a background, the sparkling decanters making their rounds, the fruit and cake baskets, the very scene seems to inspire one with a wish for gaiety. Herman Mordaunt called for toasts, as soon as the cloth disappeared, with a view I be- lieve of putting everybody at ease, and to render the con versation more general. He was desired to set the example, and immediately gave " Miss Markham," who, as I was told, was a single lady of forty, with whom he had carried on a little flirtation. Anneke's turn came next, and she chose to give a sentiment, notwithstanding all Bulstrode's remonstrances, who insisted on a gentleman. He did not succeed, however; Anneke very steadily gave "The Thes- pian corps of the th ; may it prove as successful in the 112 SATAN STOE. arts of peace, as in its military character it has often proved itself to be in the art of war." Much applause followed this toast, and Harris was persuaded by Bulstrode to stand up, and say a few words, for the credit of the regiment. Such a speech ! — It reminded me of the horse that was ad- vertised as a show, in London, about this time, and which was said ' to have its tail where its head ought to be.' But, Bulstrode clapped his hands, and cried ' hear,' at every other word, protesting that the regiment was honoured as much in the thanks, as in the sentiment. Harris did not seem displeased with his own effort, and, presuming on his rank, he drank, without being called on, "to the fair of New York ; eminent alike for beauty and wit, may they only become as merciful as they are victorious." " Bravo !" again cried Bulstrode, — " Harris is fairly in- spired, and is growing better and better. Had he said im- minent, instead of eminent, it would be more accurate, as their frowns are as threatening, as their smiles are bewitch- big." " Is that to pass for your sentiment, Mr. Bulstrode, and are we to drink it ?" demanded Herman Mordaunt. " By no means, sir ; I have the honour to give Lady Dolly Merton." Who Lady Dolly was, nobody knew, I believe, though we of the colonies always drank a titled person, who was known to be at home, with a great deal of respectful atten- tion, not to say veneration. Other toasts followed, and then the ladies were asked to sing. Anneke complied, with very little urging, as became her position, and never did I hear sweeter strains than those she poured forth ! The air was simple, but melody itself, and the sentiment had iust enough of the engrossing feeling of woman in it, to render it interesting, without in the slightest degree impair- ing its fitness for the virgin lips from which it issued. Bul- strode, I could see, was almost entranced ; and I heard him murmur "an angel, by Heavens!" He sang, himself, a love song, full of delicacy and feeling, and in a way to show that lie had paid much attention to the art of music. Harris sang, too, as did Mary Wallace ; the former, much as he spoke ; the last plaintively, and decidedly well. Even Her- man Mordaunt gave us a strain, and rav turn followed. SATANSTOE. 113 Singing was somewhat of a forte with me, and I have rea- son to think I made out quite as well as the best of them. I know that Anneke seemed pleased, and I saw tears in her eyes, as I concluded a song that was intended to produce just such an effect. At length the youthful mistress of the house arose, re- minding her father that he had at table the principal per- former of the evening, by way of a caution, when three or four of us handed the ladies to the drawing-room door. In- stead of returning to the table, I entered the room, and Bul- strode did the same, under the plea of its being necessary for him to drink no more, on account of the work before him. CHAPTER VIII. " Odd's bodikins, man, much better: use Every man after his desert, and who shall 'scape Whipping ? use them after your own honour And dignity : the less they deserve, the more Merit is in your bounty." Hamlet. " Harris will be Jwrs de combat" Bulstrode soon ob. served, " unless I can manage to get him from the table. — You know he is to play Marcia this evening ; and, though a little wine will give him fire and spirit for the part, too much will impair its feminine beauties. Addison never intended that * the virtuous Marcia,' in towering above her sex, was to be picked out of a kennel, or from under a table. Harris is a true* Irish peer, when claret is concerned." All the ladies held up their hands, and protested against Mr. Harris' being permitted to act a travestie on their sex. As yet, no one had known how the characters were to be cast, beyond the fact that Bulstrode himself was to play Cato, for great care had been taken to keep the bills of the night from being seen, in order that the audience might have the satisfaction of finding out, who was who, for them« 10* 114 SATANSTOE. selves. At the close of each piece a bill was to be sent round, among the favoured few, telling the truth. As An- neke declared that her father never locked in his guests, and had faithfully promised to bring up everybody for coffee, in the course of half an hour, it was determined to let things take their own way. Sure enough, at the end of the time mentioned, Herman Mordaunt appeared, with all the men, from the table. Harris was not tipsy, as I found was very apt to be the case with him after dinner, but neither was he sober. According to Bulslrode's notion, he may have had just fire enough to play the ' virtuous Marcia.' In a few minutes he hurrried the ensign off, declaring that, like Hamlet's ghost, their hour had come. At seven, the whole party left the house in a body to walk to the theatre. Herman Mordaunt did not keep a proper town equipage, and, if he had, it would not have contained a fourth of our company. In this, however, we were not singular, as nine in ten of the audience that night, I mean nine in ten of the gentle sex, went to the theatre on foot. Instead of going directly down Crown Street, into Maiden Lane, which would have been the nearest way to the theatre, we went out into Broadway, and round by Wall Street, the walking being better, and the gutters farther from the ladies; the centre of the street being at no great distance from the houses, in the narrower passages of the town. We found a great many well-dressed people moving in the same direc- tion with ourselves. Herman Mordaunt remarked that he had never before seen so many hoops, cardinals, cocked hats and swords in the streets, at once, as he saw that even- ing. All the carriages in town rolled past us as we went down Wall Street, and by the time we reached William Street, the pavements resembled a procession, more than anything else. As every one was in full dress, the effect was pleasing, and the evening being fine, most of the gen- tlemen carried their hnts in their .hands, in order not to disturb their curls, thus giving to the whole the air of a sort of vast drawing-room. I never saw a more lovely creature than Anneke Mordaunt appeared, as she led our party, on this occasion. The powder had got a little out of her fine auburn hair, and on the part of the head that was not con- SATANSTOE. 115 cealed by a cap, that shaded half her beautiful face, it seemed as if the rich covering bestowed by nature was about to break out of all restraint, and shade her bust with its exu- berance. Her negligee was a rich satin, flounced, in front, .while the lace that dropped from her elbows seemed as if woven by fairies, expressly for a fairy to wear. She had paste buckles in her shoes, and I thought I had never beheld such a foot, as was occasionally seen peeping from beneath her dress, while she walked daintily, yet with the grace of a queen, at my side. I do not thus describe Anneke with a view of inducing the reader to fancy her stately and repul- sive ; on the contrary, winning ease and natural grace were just as striking in her manner, as were beauty, and senti- ment, and feeling in her countenance. More than once, as we walked side by side, did I become painfully conscious how unworthy I was to fill the place I occupied. I believe this humility is one of the surest signs of sincere love. At length we reached the theatre, and were permitted to enter. All the front seats were occupied by blacks, princi- pally in New York liveries ; that is to say, with cuffs, collars and pocket-flaps of a cloth different from the coat, though a few were in lace. These last belonged to the top- ping families, several of which gave colours and ornaments almost as rich as those that I understand are constantly given at home. I well remember that two entire boxes were retained by servants, in shoulder-knots, and much richer dresses than common, one of whom belonged to the Lt. Governor, and the other to my Lord Loudon, who was then Commander-in-Chief. As the company entered, these domestics disappeared, as is usual, and we all took our seats on the benches thus retained for us. Bulstrode's care was apparent in the manner in which he had provided for Anneke, and her party, which, I will take it on myself to say, was one of the most striking, for youth and good looks, that entered the house that evening. Great was the curiosity, and deep the feeling, that pre- vailed, among the younger portion of the audience in par- ticular, as party after party was seated, that important evening. The house was ornamented as a theatre, and I thought it vast in extent; though Herman Mordaunt assured me it was no great things, in that point of view, as com- 116 SATANSTOE. pared with most of the playhouses at home. But the orna- ments, and the lights, and the curtain, the pit, the boxes, the gallery, were all so many objects of intense interest. Few of us said anything ; but our eyes wandered over all with a species of delight, that I am certain can be felt in a theatre only once. Anneke's sweet face was a picture of youthful expectation ; an expectation, however, in which intelligence and discretion had their full share. The orches- tra was said to have an undue portion of wind instruments in it; though I perceived ladies all ever the house, includ- ing those in our own box, returning the bows of many of the musicians, who, I was told, were amateurs from the army and the drawing-rooms of the town. At length the Commander-in-Chief and the Lt. Governor entered together, occupying the same box, though two had been provided, their attendants having recourse to the second. The commotion produced by these arrivals had hardly subsided, when the curtain arose, and a new world was presented to our view ! Of the playing, I shall not venture to say much ; though to me it seemed perfection. Bulstrode gained great applause that night ; and I under- stand that divers gentlemen, who had either been educated at home, or who had passed much time there, declared that his Cato would have done credit to either of the royal theatres. His dress appeared to me to be everything it should be ; though I cannot describe it. I remember that Syphax wore the uniform of a colonel of dragoons, and Juba, that of a general officer; and that there was a good deal of criticism expended, and some offence taken, because the gentlemen who played these parts came out in wool, and with their faces blacked. It was said, in answer to these feelings, that the characters were Africans ; and that any one might see, by casting his eyes at the gallery, that Afri- cans are usually black, and that they have woolly hair ; a sort of proof that, I imagine, only aggravated the offence.* Apart from this little mistake, everything went off well, even * In England, Othello is usually played as a black, while in Ame- rica he is played as a nondescript ; or of no colour that is ordinarily seen. It is not clear that England is nearer right than America, however ; the Moor not being a negro, any more than he is of the colour of a dried herring. — Editor. SATAN STOE. 117 to Harris's Marcia. It is true, that some evil-inclined per- sons whispered that the "virtuous Marcia" was a little how- came-you-so ; but Bulstrode afterwards assured me that his condition helped him along amazingly, and that it added a liquid lustre to his eyes, that might otherwise have been wanting. The high-heeled shoes appeared to trouble him ; but some persons fancied it gave him a pretty tottering in his walk, that added very much to the deception. On the whole, the piece went off surprisingly, as I could see by Lord Loudon and the Lt. Governor, both of whom seemed infinitely diverted. Herman Mordaunt smiled once or twice, when he ought to have looked grave; but this I ascribed to a want of practice, of late years, in scenic representations. He certainly was a man of judgment, and must have known the proper moments to exhibit particular emotions. During the interval between the play and the farce, the actors came among us, to receive the homage they merited, and loud were the plaudits that were bestowed on them. Anneke's bright eyes sparkled with pleasure as she admitted, without reserve, to Bulstrode the pleasure she had received, and confessed she had formed no idea, hitherto, of the beauty and power of a theatrical representation, aided as was this, by the auxiliaries of lights, dress and scenery. It is true, the women had been a little absurd, and the " vir- tuous Marcia" particularly so ; but the fine sentiments of Addison, which, though as Herman Mordaunt observed, they had all the accuracy and all the stiffness of a pedantic age, were sufficiently beautiful and just, to cover the delinquen- cies of the Hon. Mr. Harris. She hoped the after-piece would be of the same general character, that they might all enjoy it as much as they had the play itself. The other young ladies were equally decided in their praise, though it struck me that Annekefelt the most, on the occasion. That the Major had obtained a great advan- tage by his efforts, I could not but see ; and the folly of my having any pretensions with one who was courted by such a rival, began to impress itself on my imagination with a force I found painful. But the bell soon summoned away the gallant actors, in order to dress for the farce. The long interval that occurred between the two pieces, gave ample opportunity for vi'siting one's acquaintances, and 118 SATAN STOE. to compare opinions. I went to my aunt's box, and found her well satisfied, though less animated than the younger ladies, in the expression of her pleasure. My uncle was altogether himself; good-natured, but not disposed to award any indiscreet amount of praise. «* Pretty well for boys, Corny," he said, " though the youngster who acted Marcia had better been at school. I do not know his name, but he completely took all the vir- tue out of Marcia. He must have studied her character from some of the ladies who follow the camp." " My dear uncle, how differently you think from all in our box ! That gentleman is the Hon. Mr. Harris, who is only eighteen, and has a pair of colours in the th, and is a son of Lord Ballybannon, or Bally-something else, and is said to have the softest voice in the army !" " Ay, and the softest head, too, I '11 answer for it. I tell you, Corny, the Hon. Mr. Ballybilly, who is only eighteen, and has a pair of colours in the th, and the softest voice in the army, had better been at school, instead of under- mining the virtue of the ' virtuous Marcia,' as he has so obviously done. Bulstrode did well enough ; capitally well, for an amateur, and must be a first-rate fellow. By the way, Jane" — that was my aunt's name — " they tell me, he is likely to marry that exceedingly pretty daughter of Her- man Mordaunt, and make her Lady Bulstrode, one of these days." "Why not, Mr. Legge? — Anne Mordaunt is as sweet a girl as there is in the colony, and is very respectably con nected. They even say the Mordaunls are of a high family at home. Mary Wallace told me that Herman Mordaunt and Sir Henry Bulstrode are themselves related ; and you know, my dear, how intimate the Mordaunts and the Wal laces are ?" " Not I ; — I know nothing of their intimacies, though 1 dare say it may be all true. Mordaunt's father was an English gentleman of some family, I have always heard, though he was as poor as a church-mouse, when he mar ried one of our Dutch heiresses; and as for Herman Mor- daunt himself, he proved he had not lost the instinct by marrying another, though she did not happen to be Dutch. SATANSTOE. 119 Here comes Ano-eke fo inherit it all, and I'll answer for it that care is had that she shall marry an heir." "Well, Mr. Bulstrode is an heir, and the eldest son of a baronet. I am always pleased when one of our girls makes a good connection at home, for it does the colony credit. It is an* excellent thing, Corny, to have our interest welt sustained at home — especially before the Privy Council, they tell me." " Well, I am not," answered my uncle. " I think it more to the credit of the colony for its young women to take up with its young men, and its young men with its young women. I wish Anne Mordaunt had been substituted for the Hon. Ballyshannon to-night. She would have made a thousand times better ' virtuous Marcia." " You surely would not have had a young lady of re- spectability appear in public, in this way, Mr. Legge." My uncle said something to this, for he seldom let "Jane" get the better of it for want of an answer ; but as I left the box, I did not hear his reply. It seemed then to be settled, in the minds of most persons, that Bulstrode was to marry Anneke ! I cannot describe the new shock this opinion gave me ; but it seemed to make me more fully sensible of the depth of the impression that had been made on myself, in the intercourse of a single week. The effect was such that I did not return to the party I had left, but sought a seat in a distant part of the theatre, though one in which I could distinctly see those I had abandoned. The Beaux Stratagem soon commenced, and Bulstrode was again seen in the character of Scrub. Those who were most familiar with the stage, pronounced his playing to be excellent — far better in the footman than in the Roman Senator. The play itself struck me as being as broad and coarse as could be tolerated ; but as it had a reputation at home, where it had a great name, our matrons did net dare to object to it. I was glad to see the smiles soon disappear from Anneke's face, however, and to discover that she found no pleasure in scenes so unsuited to her sex and years. The short, quick glances that were exchanged between An- neke and Mary Wallace, did not escape me, and the manner in which they both rose, as soon as the curtain dropped, told quite plainly the haste they were in to quit the theatre. 120 SATANSTOE. I reached their box-door in lime to assist them through the crowd. Not a word was said by any of us, until we reached the street, where two or three of Miss Mordaunt's female friends became loud in the expression of their satisfaction. Neither Anneke nor Mary Wallace said anything, and so well did I understand the nature of their feelings, that I made no allusion whatever to the farce. Ay for the others, they did but chime in with what appeared to be the common opinion, and were to be pitied rather than condemned. It was per- haps the more excusable in them to imagine such a play right, inasmuch as they must have known it was much ex- tolled at home, a fact that gave any custom a certain privi- lege in the colonies. A mother country has much of the same responsibility as a natural mother, herself, since its opinions and example are apt to be quoted in the one case by the dependant, in justification of its own opinions and conduct, as it is by the natural offspring in the other. I fancy, notwithstanding, this sort of responsibility gives the ministers or people of England very little trouble, since I never could discover any sensitiveness to their duties on this score. We all went in at Herman Mordaunt's, after, walking to the house as we had walked from it, and were made to take a light supper, including some delicious choco- late. Just as we sat down to table, Bulstrode joined us, to receive the praises he had earned, and to enjoy his triumph. He got a seat directly opposite to mine, on Anneke's left hand, and soon began to converse. " In the first place," he cried, " you must all admit that Tom Harris did wonders to-night as Miss Marcia Cato. I had my own trouble with the rogue, for there is no prece- dent for a tipsy Marcia ; but we managed to keep him straight, and that was the nicest part of my management, let me assure you." " Yes," observed Herman Mordaunt, drily ; " i should think keeping Tom Harris straight, after dinner, an exploit of no little difficulty, but a task that would demand a very judicious management, indeed." " You were pleased to express your satisfaction with the performance of Cato. Miss Mordaunt," said Bulstrode, in a SATAN STOE. 121 very deferential and solicitous manner ; " but I question if the entertainment gave you as much pleasure?" " It certainly did n.ot. Had the representation ended with the first piece, I am afraid I should too much regret that we are without a regular stage ; but the farce will take off much of the keenness of such regrets." " I fear I understand you, cousin Anne, and greatly regret that we did not make another choice," returned Bui- strode, with a humility that was not usual in his manner, even when addressing Anneke Mordaunt ; " but I can assure you the play has great vogue at home ; and the character of Scrub, in particular, has usually been a prodigious favourite. I see by your look, however, that enough has been said ; but after having done so much to amuse this good company, to-night, I shall feel authorised to call on every lady present, at least for a song., as soon as the proper moment arrives. Perhaps I have a right to add, a sentiment, and a toast." And songs, and toasts, and sentiments, we had, as usual, the moment we had done eating. It was, and indeed is, ratner more usual to indulge in this innocent gaiety after supper, than after dinner, with us ; and that night everybody entered into the feeling of the moment with spirit. Herman Mordaunt gave " Miss Markham," as he had done at dinner, and this with an air so determined, as to prove no one else would ever be got out of him. " There is a compact between Miss Markham and myself, to toast each other for the remainder of our lives," cried the master of the house, laughing ; " and we are each too honest ever to violate it." " But Miss Mordaunt is under no such engagement," put in a certain Mr. Benson, who had manifested much interest in the beautiful young mistress of the house throughout the day ; " and I trust we shall not be put off by any such ex- cuse from her." " It is not in rule to ask two of the same race for toasts in succession, answered Herman Mordaunt. " There is Mr. Bulstrode dying to give us another English belle." " With all my heart," said Bulstrode, gaily. " This time it shall be Lady Betty Boddington." "Married or single, Bulstrode?" inquired Billings, as I thought with some little point. Vol. I. — 11 122 SATANSTOE. " No matter which, so long as she be a beauty and a toast. I believe it is now my privilege to call on a lady , and I beg a gentleman from Miss Wallace." There had been an expression of pained surprise, at the trifling between Billings and Bulstrode, in Anneke's sweet countenance; for, in the simplicity of our provincial habits, we of the colonies did not think it exactly in rule for the single to toast the married, or vice versa ; but the instant her friend was thus called on, it changed for a look of gen- tle concern. Mary Wallace manifested no concern, how- ever, but gave " Mr. Francis Fordham." " Ay, Frank Fordham, with all my heart," cried Herman Mordaunt. " I hope he will return to his native country as straight-forward, honest, aud good as he left it." " Mr. Fordham is then abroad?" inquired Bulstrode. " I thought the name new to me." " If being at home can be called being abroad. He is reading law at the Temple." This was the answer of Mary Wallace, who looked as if she felt a friendly interest in the young Templar, but no more. She now called on Dirck for his lady. Throughout the whole of that day, Dirck's voice had hardly been heard ; a reserve that comported well enough with his youth and established diffidence. This appeal, however, seemed sud- denly to arouse all that there was of manhood in him ; and that was not a little, I can tell the reader, when there was occasion to use it. Dirck's nature was honesty itself; and he felt that the appeal was too direct, and the occasion too serious, to admit of duplicity. He loved but one, esteemed but one, felt for one only ; and it was not in his nature to cover his preference by any attempt at deception. After colouring to the ears, appearing distressed, he made an effort, and pronounced the name of — "Anneke Mordaunt." A common laugh rewarded this blunder; common with all but the fair creature who had extorted this involuntary tribute, and myself, who knew Dirck's character too well not to understand how very much he must be in earnest thus to lay bare the most cherished secret of his heart. The mirth continued some time, Herman Mordaunt appear- ing to be particularly pleased, and applauding his kinsman's directness with several ' bravos' very distinctly uttered. Aj SATANSTOE. 123 for Anneke, I saw she looked touched, while she looked concerned, and as if she would be glad to have the thing undone. 11 After all, Dirck, much as I admire your spirit and plain dealing, boy," cried Herman Mordaunt, " Miss Wal- lace can never let such a toast pass. She will insist on having another." " I ! — I protest I am well pleased with it, and ask for no other," exclaimed the lady in question. " No toast can be more agreeable to me than Anneke Mordaunt, and I par- ticularly like the quarter from which this comes." " If friends can be trusted in a matter of this nature," put in Eulstrode, with a little pique, " Mr. Follock has every reason to be contented. Had I known, however, that the customs of New York allowed a lady who is present to be toasted, that gentleman would not have had the merit of being the first to make this discovery." " Nor is it," said Herman Mordaunt ; " and Dirck must hunt up another to supply my daughter's place." But no other was forthcoming from the stores of Dirck Pollock's mind. Had he a dozen names in reserve, not one of them would he have produced under circumstances that might seem like denying his allegiance to the girl already given ; but he could not name any other female. So, after some trifling, the company attributing Dirck's hesitation to his youth and ignorance of the world, abandoned the at- tempt, desiring him to call on Anneke herself for a toast in turn. " Cousin Dirck Van Valkenburgh," said Anneke, with the greater self-possession and ease of her sex, though actually my friend's junior by more than two years ; laying some emphasis, at the same time, on the word cousin. " There !" exclaimed Dirck, looking exultingly at Bul- strode ; " you see, gentlemen and ladies, that it is permitted to toast a person present, if you happen to respect and esteem that person !" " By which, sir, we are to understand how much Miss Mordaunt respects and esteems Mr. Dirck Van Valkenburgh," answered Bulstrode gravely. " I am afraid there is only too much justice in an opinion that might, at the first blush, jeem to savour of self-love." 124 SATAN STOE " An imputation I am far from denying," returned Anneke, with a steadiness that showed wonderful self-com- mand, did she really return any of Dirck's attachment. " My kinsman gives me as his toast, and I give him as mine. Is there anything unnatural in that?" Here there was an outbreak of raillery at Anneke's ex- pense, which the young lady bore with a calmness and composure that at first astonished me. But when I came to reflect that she had been virtually at the head of her father's house for several years, and that she had always associated with persons older than herself, it appeared more natural ; for it is certain we can either advance or retard the charac- ter by throwing a person into intimate association with those who, by their own conversation, manners, or acquirements, are most adapted for doing either. In a few minutes the interruption was forgotten by those who had no interest in the subject, and the singing commenced. I had obtained so much credit by my attempt at dinner, that I had the ex- treme gratification of being asked to sing another song by Anneke herself. Of course I complied, and I thought the company seemed pleased. As for my young hostess, I knew she looked more gratified with my song than with the afterpiece, and that I felt to be something. Dirck had an occasion to renew a little of the ground lost by the toast, for he sang a capital comic song in Low Dutch. It is true, not half the party understood him, but the other half laughed until the tears rolled down their cheeks, and there was something so droll in my friend's manner, that everybody was delighted. The clocks struck twelve before we broke up. I staid in town but a day or two longer, meeting my new acquaintances every day, and sometimes twice a-day, how- ever, on Trinity Church Walk. I paid visits of leave-taking with a heavy heart, and most of all to Anneke and her father. " I understood from Follock, " said Herman Mordaunt, when I explained the object of my call, "that you are to leave town to-morrow. Miss Mordaunt and her friend, Miss Wallace, go to Lilacsbush this afternoon ; for it is high time to look after the garden and the flowers, many of which are now in full bloom. I shall join them in the evening ; and I SATANSTOE. 125 propose that you, young men, take a late breakfast with us, on your way to Westchester. A cup of coffee before you start, and getting into your saddle at six, will bring all right. I promise you that y 7 ou shall be on the road again by one, which will give you plenty of time to reach Satans- toe before dark." I looked at Anneke, and fancied that the expression of her countenance was favourable. Dirck left everything to me, and I accepted the invitation. This arrangement shortened my visit in Crown Street, and I left the house with a lighter heart than that with which I had entered it. It is always so agreeable to get an unpleasant duty deferred ! Next day Dirck and I were in the saddle at six precisely, and we rode through the streets just as the blacks were washing down their stoops and side-walks ; though there were but very few of the last, in my youth. This is a commodious improvement, and one that it is not easy to see how the ladies could dispense with, and which is now getting to be pretty common ; all the new streets, I see, being pro- vided with the convenience. It was a fine May morning, and the air was full of the sweet fragrance of the lilac, in particular, as we rode into the country. Just as we got into the Bowery Lane, a horse- man was seen walking out of one of the by-streets, and coming our way. He no sooner caught sight of two travel- lers going in his own direction, than he spurred forward to join us ; being alone, and probably wishing company. As it would have been churlish to refuse to travel in company with one thus situated, we pulled up, walking our. horses until the stranger joined us ; when, to our surprise, it turned out to be Jason Newcome. The pedagogue was as much astonished when he recognised us, as we were in recognising him ; and I believe he was a little disappointed ; for Jason was so fond of making acquaintances, that it was always a pleasure to him to be thus employed. It appeared that he had been down on the island to visit a relative, who had married and settled in that quarter ; and this was the reason we had not met since the morning of the affair of the lion. Of course we trotted on together, neither glad nor sorry at having this particular companion. I never could explain the process by means of which 11* 126 SATANSTOE. Jason wound his way into everybody's secrets. It is true, he had no scruples about asking questions ; putting those which most persons would think forbidden by the usages of society, with as little hesitation as those which are univer. sally permitted. The people of New England have a repu- tation this way ; and I remember to have heard Mr. Worden account for the practice in the following way : Everything and everybody was brought under rigid church government among the Puritans ; and, when a whole community gets the notion that it is to sit in judgment on every act of one of its members, it is quite natural that it should extend that right to an inquiry into all his affairs. One thing is certain ; our neighbours of Connecticut do assume a control over the acts and opinions of individuals that is not dreamed of in New York ; and I think it very likely that the practice of pushing inquiry into private things, has grown up under this custom. As one might suppose, Jason, whenever baffled in an at- tempt to obtain knowledge by means of inquiries, more or less direct, sought to advance his ends through conjectures; tak- ing those that were the most plausible, if any such could be found, but putting up with those that had not even this ques- tionable recommendation, if nolhing better offered. He was, consequently, for ever falling into the grossest errors, for, necessarily making his conclusions on premises drawn from his own ignorance and inexperience, he was liable to fall into serious mistakes at the very outset. Nor was this the worst; the tendency of human nature not being very directly to charity, the harshest constructions were sometimes blended with the most absurd blunders, in his mind, and I have known him to be often guilty of assertions, that had no better foundation than these conjectures, which might have subjected him to severe legal penalties. On the present occasion, Jason was not long in ascer. taining where we were bound. This was done in a man- ner so characteristic and ingenious, that I will attempt to relate it. " Why, you're out earl)' - , this morning, gentlemen !" ex- claimed Jason, affecting surprise. " What in natur' has started you off before breakfast?" SATANSTOE. 127 11 So as to be certain not to lose our suppers at Satanstoe. this evening," I answered. "Suppers? why, you will almost reach home (Jason would call this word hum) by dinner-time ; that is, your York dinner-time. Perhaps you mean to call by the way?" " Perhaps we do, Mr. Newcome ; there are many pleasant families between this and Satanstoe." " I know there be. There 's the great Mr. Van Cort- landt's at Yonker's ; perhaps you mean to stop there ?" "No, sir; we have no such intention." " Then there's the rich Count Philips's, on the river ; that would be no great matter out of the way?" " It 's farther than we intend to turn." " Oh ! so you do intend to turn a bit aside ! Well, there 's that Mr. Mordaunt, whose daughter you pulled out of the lion's paws ; — he has a house near King's-Bridge, called Lilacsbush." " And how did you ascertain that, Jason ?" " By asking. Do you think I would let such a thing happen, and not inquire a little about the young lady? No- thing is ever lost by putting a few questions, and inquiring round ; and I did not forget the rule in her case." " And you ascertained that the young lady's father has a place called Lilacsbush, in this neighbourhood?" " I did ; and a queer York fashion it is to give a house a name, just as you would a Christian being; that must be a Roman Catholic custom, and some way connected with ido- latry." " Out of all doubt. It is far better to say, for instance, that we are going to breakfast at Mr. Mordaunt's-es-es, than to say we intend to stop at Lilacsbush." " Oh! you be, be you ? Well, I thought it would turn out that some such place must have started you off so early. It will be a desperate late breakfast, Corny!" " It will be at ten o'oclock, Jason, and that is rather later than common ; but our appetites will be so much the better." To this Jason assented, and then commenced a series of manoeuvres to be included in the party. This we did not dare to do, however, and all Jason's hints were disregarded, until, growing desperate by our evasions, he plumply pro- posed to go along, and we as plumply told him we would 128 SATANSTOE. take no such liberty with a man of Herman Mordaunt'a years, position and character. I do not know that we should have hesitated so much had we considered Jason a gentleman, but this was impossible. The custom of the colony admitted of great freedom in this respect, being very different from what it is at home, by all accounts, in these particulars ; but there was always an understanding that the persons one brought with him should be of a certain stamp and class in life ; recommendations to which Jason Newcome certainly had no claim. The case was getting to be a little embarrassing, when the appearance of Herman Mordaunt himself, fortunately removed the difficulty. Jason was not a man to be thrown off very easily ; but here was one who had the power, and who showed the disposition to set things right. Herman Mordaunt had ridden down the road a mile or two to meet us, intending to lead us by a private and shorter way to his residence, than that which was already known to us. He no sooner saw that Jason was of our company, than he asked that as a favour, which our companion would very gladly have accepted as a boon. CHAPTER IX. « I questional Love, whose early ray So heavenly bright appears ; And love, in answer, seera'd to say, His light was dimm'd by tears." Heber. It was not long after the explanation occurred, as respects Jason, and the invitation was given to include him in Guf party, before Herman Mordaunt opened a gate, and led the way into the fields. A very tolerable road conducted us through some woods, to the heights, and we soon found our- selves on an eminence, that overlooked a long reach of the Hudson, extending from Haverstraw, to the north, as far as SATANSTOE. 129 Staten Island, to the south ; a distance of near forty miles. On the opposite shore, rose the wall-like barrier of the Pali- sadoes, lilting the table-land, on their summits, to an eleva- tion of several hundred feet. The noble river, itself, fully three-quarters of a mile in width, was unruffled by a breath of air, lying in one single, extended, placid sheet, under the rays of a bright sun, resembling molten silver. I scarce remember a lovelier morning ; everything appearing to har- monize with the glorious but tranquil grandeur of the view, and the rich promises of a bountiful nature. The trees were mostly covered with the beautiful clothing of a young ver- dure; the birds had mated, and were building in nearly every tree ; the wild-flowers started up beneath the hoofs of our horses; and every object, far and near, seemed, to my young eyes, to be attuned to harmony and love. " This is a favourite ride of mine, in which Anneke often accompanies me," said Herman Mordaunt, as we gained the commanding eminence I have mentioned. " My daugh- ter is a spirited horse-woman, and is often my companion in these morning rides. She and Mary Wallace should be somewhere on the hills, at this moment, for they promised to follow me, as soon as they could dress for the saddle." A cry of something like wild delight burst out of Dirck, and the next moment he was galloping away for an adjoin- ing ridge, on the top of which the beautiful forms of the two girls were just then visible; embellished by neatly-fitting habits, and beavers with drooping feathers. I pointed out these charming objects to Herman Mordaunt, and followed my friend, at half-speed. In a minute or two the parties had joined. Never had I seen Anneke Mordaunt so perfectly lovely, as she appeared that morning. The exercise and air had deepened a bloom that was always rich ; and her eyes re- ceived new lustre from tV>^ glow on her cheeks. Though expected, I thought she received us as particularly acceptable guests ; while Mary Wallace manifested more than an usual degree of animation, in her reception. Jason was not for- gotten, but was acknowledged as an old acquaintance, and was properly introduced to the friend. " You frequently take these rides, Mr. Mordaunt tells me," I said, reining my horse to the side of that of Anneke's, as 130 SATAN S TOE. the whole party moved on ; " and I regret that Satanstoe is so distant, as to prevent our oftener meeting of a morning. We have many noted horse-women, in Westchester, who would be proud of such an acquisition." "I know several ladies, on your side of Harlem river," Anneke answered, " and frequently ride in their company ; but none so distant as any in your immediate neighbourhood. My father tells me, he used often to shoot over the fields of Satanstoe, when a youth ; and still speaks of your birds with great affection." " I believe our fathers were once brother-sportsmen. Mr. Bulstrode has promised to come and imitate their good ex- ample. Now you have had time to reflect on the plays you have seen, do you still feel the same interest in such repre- sentations as at first ?" " I only wish there was not so much to condemn. I think Mr. Bulstrode might have reached eminence as a player, had not fortune put it, in one sense, beyond his reach, as an elder son, and a man of family." " Mr. Bulstrode, they tell me, is not only the heir of an old baronetcy, but of a large fortune?" "Such are the facts, I believe. Do you not think it cre- ditable to him, Mr. Littlepage, that one so situated, should come so far to serve his king and country, in a rude war like this of our colonies?" I was obliged to assent, though I heartily wished that Anneke's manner had been less animated and sincere, as she put the question. Still, I hardly knew what to think of her feelings towards that gentleman ; for, otherwise, she always heard him named with a calmness and self-posses- sion that I had observed was not shared by all her young companions, when there was occasion to allude to the gay and insinuating soldier. I need scarcely say, it was no dis- advantage to Mr. Bulstrode to be the heir of a baronetcy, in an English colony. Somehow or other, we are a little apt to magnify such aecidental superiority, at a distance from home; and I have heard Englishmen, themselves, acknow- ledge that a baronet was a greater man, in New York, than a duke was in London. These were things, that passed through my mind, as I rode along at Anneke's side; though I had the discretion not to give utterance to my thoughts. SATANSTOE. 131 " Herman Mordaunt rode in advance, with Jason ; and he led the party, by pretty bridle-paths, along the heights for nearly two miles, occasionally opening a gate, without dismounting, until he reached a point that overlooked Lilacs- bush, which was soon seen, distant from us less than half a mile. " Here we are, on my own domain," he said, as he pulled up to let us join him ; " that last gate separating me from my nearest neighbour south. These hills are of no great use, except as early pastures, though they afford many beau- tiful views." " I have heard it predicted," I remarked, " that the time would come, some day, when the banks of the Hudson would contain many such seats as that of the Philipses, at Yonkers, and one or two more like it, that I am told are now standing above the Highlands." " Quite possibly ; it is not easy to foretell what may come to pass in such a country. I dare say, that in time, both towns and seats will be seen on the banks of the Hudson, and a powerful and numerous nobility to occupy the last. By the way, Mr. Littlepage, your father and my friend Col. Follock have been making a valuable acquisition in lands, [ hear ; having obtained a patent for an extensive estate, somewhere in the neighbourhood of Albany 1" " It is not so very extensive, sir, there being only some forty thousand acres of it, altogether ; nor is it very near Albany, by what I can learn, since it must lie at a distance of some forty miles, or more, from that town. Next winter, however, Dirck and myself are to go in search of the land, when we shall learn all about it." " Then we may meet in that quarter of the country. I have affairs of importance at Albany, which have been too long neglected ; and it has been my intention to pass some months at the north, next season, and early in the season, too. We may possibly meet in the woods." "You have been at Albany, I suppose, Mr. Mordaunt?" "Quite often, sir; the distance is so great, that one has not much inducement to go there, unless carried by affairs, however, as has been my case. I was at Albany before my marriage, and have had various occasions to visit it since." " My father was there, when a soldier ; and he tells me 132 SATANSTOE. it is a part of the prov.ince well worth seeing. At all events^ I shall encounter the risk and fatigue next season ; for it ia useful to young persons to see the world. Dirck and my- self may make the campaign, should there be one in that direction." I fancied Anneke manifested some interest in this conver- sation ; but we rode on, and soon alighted at the door of Lilacsbush. Bulslrode was not in the way, and I had the supreme pleasure of helping Miss Mordaunt to alight, when we paused a moment before entering the house, to examine I the view. I have given the reader some idea of the general appearance of the place ; but it was necessary to approach it, in order to form a just conception of its beauties. As its name indicated, the lawn, house, and out-buildings were all garnished or buried in lilacs, the whole of which were then in full blossom. The flowers filled the air with a species of purple light, that cast a warm and soft radiance even on the glowing face of Anneke, as she pointed out to me the magical effect. I know no flower that does so much to em- bellish a place, as the lilac, on a large scale, common as it is, and familiar as we have become with its hues and its fragrance. " We enjoy the month our lilacs are out, beyond any month in the year," said Anneke, smiling at my surprise and delight ; " and we make it a point to pass most of it here. You will at least own, Mr. Littlepage, that Lilacs- bush is properly named." " The effect is more like enchantment than anything else !" I cried. " I did not know that the simple, modest lilac could render anything so very beautiful !" " Simplicity and modesty are such charms in themselves, sir, as to be potent allies," observed the sensible but taciturn Mary Wallace. To this I assented, of course, and we all followed Mr. Mordaunt into the house. I was as much delighted with the appearance of things in the interior of Lilacsbush, as I had been with the exterior. Everywhere, it seemed to me, I met with the signs of Anneke's taste and skill. I do not wish the reader to suppose that the residence itself was of the very first character and class, for this it could not lay claim to be. Still, it was one of those staid, story-and ? a-ha|f dwellings, SATAN STOE. 133 in which most of our first families were, and are content to dwell, in the country ; very much resembling the good old habitation at Satanstoe in these particulars. The furniture, however, was of a higher town-finish than we found it ne- cessary to use ; and the little parlour in which we break- fasted was a model for an eating-room. The buffets in the corners were so well polished that one might see his face in them ; the cellarets were ornamented with plated hinges, locks, &c, and the table itself shone like a mirror. I know not how it was, but the china appeared to me richer and neater than common under Anneke's pretty little hand ; while the massive and highly-finished plate of the breakfast service, was such as could be wrought only in England. In a word, while everything appeared rich and respectable, there was a certain indescribable air of comfort, gentility, and neatness about the whole, that impressed me in an un- usual manner. " Mr. Littlepage tells me, Anneke," observed Herman Mordaunt, while we were at breakfast, " that he intends to make a journey to the north, next winter, and it may be our good fortune to meet him there. The th expects to be ordered up as high as Albany, this summer; and we may all renew our songs and jests, with Bulstrode and his gay companions, among the Dutchmen." I was charmed with this prospect of meeting Anneke Mordaunt at the north, and took occasion to say as much; though I was afraid it was in an awkward and confused manner. " I heard as much as this, sir, while we were riding," answered the daughter. " I hope cousin Dirck is to be of the party?" Cousin Dirck assured her he was, and we discussed in anticipation the pleasure it must give to old acquaintances to meet so far from home. Not one of us, Herman Mor- daunt excepted, had ever been one hundred miles from his or her birth-place, as was ascertained on comparing notes. J was the greatest traveller ; Princeton lying between eighty and ninety miles from Satanstoe, as the road goes. " Perhaps I come nearer to it than any of you," put in Jason, " for my late journey on the island must have carried me nearly that far from Danbury. But, ladies, I can assure Vol. I. — 12 134 SATANSTOE. you, a traveller has many opportunities for learning useful things, as I know by the difference there is between York and Connecticut." "And which do you prefer, Mr. Newcome ?" asked Anneke, with a somewhat comical expression about her laughing eyes. " That is hardly a fair question, Miss ;" no reproof could break Jason of this vulgarism, " since it might make ene- mies for a body to speak all of his mind in such matters. There are comparisons that should never be made, on account of circumstances that overrule all common efforts. New York is a great colony — a very great colony, Miss ; but it was once Dutch, as everybody knows, begging Mr. Follock's pardon ; and it must be confessed Connecticut has, from the first, enjoyed almost unheard-of advantages, in the moral and religious character of her people, the excellence of her lands, and the purity" — Jason called this word " poority ;" but that did not alter the sentiment — though I must say, once for all, it is out of my power to spell every word as this man saw fit to pronounce it — " of her people and church." Herman Mordaunt looked up with surprise, at this speech ; but Dirck and I had heard so many like it, that we saw nothing out of the way on this particular occasion. As for the ladies, they were too well-bred to glance at each other, as girls sometimes will ; but I could see that each thought the speaker a very singular person. " You find, then, a difference in customs between the two colonies, sir?" said Herman Mordaunt. " A vast difference truly, sir. Now there was a little thing happened about your daughter, 'Squire Mordaunt, the very first time I saw her" — the present was the second interview — "that could no more have happened in Con- necticut, than the whole of the province could be put into that tea-cup." " To my daughter, Mr. Newcome !" "Yes, sir, to your own daughter; Miss, that sits there looking as innocent as if it had never come to pass." " This is so extraordinary, sir, that I must beg an expla- nation." " You may well call it extr'ornary, for extr'crnary it would be called all over Connecticut,- and I'll never give SATANSTOE. 135 up that York, if this be a York usage, is or can be right in such a matter, at least." " I entreat you to be more explicit, Mr. Newcome." " Why, sir, you must know, Corny, here, and I, and Dirck there, went in to see the lion, about which no doubt you 've heard so much, and Corny paid for Miss's ticket. Well, that was all right enough, but " " Surely, Anneke, you have not forgotten to return to Mr. Littlepage the money !" " Listen patiently, my dear sir, and you will get the whole story, my delinquencies and debts included, if any there are." "That's just what she did, 'Squire Mordaunt, and I maintain there is not the man in all Connecticut that would have taken it. If ladies can't be treated to sights, and other amusements, I should like to know who is to be so." Herman Mordaunt, at first, looked gravely at the speaker, but catching the expression of our eyes he answered with the tact of a perfectly well-bred man, as he certainly was, on all occasions that put him to the proof — " You must overlook Miss Mordaunt's adhering to her own customs, Mr. Newcome, on account of her youth, and her little knowledge of any world but that immediately around her. When she has enjoyed an opportunity of visiting Danbury, no doubt she will improve by the occasion." "But, Corny, sir — think of Corny's falling into such a mistake !" " As for Mr. Littlepage, I must suppose he labours under somewhat of the same disadvantage. We are less gallant here than you happen to be in Connecticut ; hence our inferiority. At some future day, perhaps, when society shall have made a greater progress among us, our youths will come to see the impropriety of permitting the fair sex to pay for anything, even their own ribands. I have long known, sir, that you of New England claim to treat your women better than they are treated in any other portion of the inhabited world, and it must be owing to that circumstance that they enjoy the advantage of being * treated' for nothing." With this concession Jason was apparently content. How much of this provincial feeling, arising from provin- cial ignorance, have I seen since that time ! It is certain 136 SATANSTOE. that our fellow-subjects of the eastern provinces are not addicted to hiding their lights under bushels, but make the most of all their advantages. That they are superior to us of York, in some respects, I am willing enough to allow ; but there are certainly points on which this superiority is far less apparent. As for Jason, he was entirely satisfied with the answer of Herman Mordaunt, and often alluded to the subject afterwards, # to my prejudice, and with great self- complacency. To be sure, it is a hard lesson to beat into the head of the self-sufficient colonist, that his own little corner of the earth does not contain all that is right, and just, and good, and refined. I left Lilacsbush, that day, deeply in love. I hold it to be unmanly to attempt to conceal it. Anneke had made a lively impression on me from the very first, but that im- pression had now gone deeper than the imagination, and had very sensibly touched the heart. Perhaps it was ne- cessary to see her in the retirement of the purely domestic circle, to give all her charms their just ascendency. While in town, I had usually met her in crowds, surrounded by admirers or other young persons of her own sex, and there was less opportunity for viewing the influence of nature and the affections on her manner. With Mary Wallace at her side, however, there was always one on whom she could exhibit just enough of these feelings to bring out the loveliness of her nature without effort or affectation. Anne Mordaunt never spoke to her friend without a change ap- pearing in her manner. Affection thrilled in the tones of her voice, confidence beamed in her eye, and esteem and respect were to be gathered from the expectation and deference that shone in her countenance. Mary Wallace was two years the oldest, and these years taken in connec- tion with her character, entitled her to receive this tribute from her nearest associate; but all these feelings flowed spontaneously from the heart, for never was an intercourse between two of the sex more thoroughly free from acting. It was a proof that passion was getting the mastery over me, that I now forgot Dirck, his obvious attachment, older claims, and possible success. I know not how it was, or why it was, but it was certain that Herman Mordaunt had a great regard for Dirck Van Valkenburgh. The affinity SATANSTOE. 137 may have counted for something, and it was possible that the father was already weighing the advantages that might accrue from such a connection. Col. Follock had the re- putation of being rich, as riches were then counted among us ; and the young fellow himself, in addition to a fine manly figure, that was fast developing itself into the frame of a youthful Hercules, had an excellent temper, and a good reputation. Still, this idea never troubled me. Of Dirck I had no fears, while Bulstrode gave me great uneasiness, from the first. I saw all his advantages, may have even magnified them; while' those of my near and immediate friend, gave me no trouble whatever. It is possible, had Dirck presented himself oftener, or more distinctly to my mind, a feeling of magnanimity might have induced me to withdraw in time, and ieave him a field to which he had the earliest claim. But, after the morning at Lilacsbush, it was too late for any such sacrifice on my part ; and I rode away from the house, at the side of my friend, as forgetful of his interest in Anneke, as if he had never felt any. Mag- nanimity and I bad no further connection in relation to my pretensions to Anneke Mordaunt. " Well," commenced Jason, as soon as we were fairly in the saddle, " these Mordaunts are even a notch above your folks, Corny? There was more silver vessels in that room where we ate, than there is at this moment in all Danbury ! The extravagance amounts to waste. The old gentleman must be desperate rich, Dirck ?" " Herman Mordaunt has a good estate, and very little of it has gone for plate, Jason ; that which you saw is old, and came either from Holland, or England ; one home, or the other." " Oh ! Holland is no home for me, boy. Depend on it, all that plate is not put there for nothing. If the truth could be come at, this Herman Mordaunt, as you call him, though I do not see why you cannot call him 'Squire Mordaunt, like other folks, but this Mr. Mordaunt has some notion, I con- clude, to get his daughter off on one of these rich English officers, of whom there happen to be so many in the pro- vince, just at this time. I never saw the gentleman, but there was one Bulstrode named pretty often this forenoon," — Jason's morning always terminated at his usual breakfast 12* 138 SATANSTOE. hour, — " and I rather conclude he will turn out to be the chap, in the long run. Such is my calculation, and they don't often fail." I saw a quick, surprised start in Dirck ; but I felt such a twinge myself, that there was little opportunity to inquire into the state of my friend's feelings, at this coarse, but un- expected remark. c< Have you any particular reason, Mr. Newcome, for venturing such an opinion V I asked, a little sternly. "Come, don't let us, out here in the high-way, begin to mister one another. You are Corny, Dirck is Dirck, and I am Jason. The shortest way is commonly the best way, and I like given-names among friends. Have I any parti- cular reason? — Yes; plenty on 'em, and them that's good. In the first place, no man has a daughter," — darter a la Jason, — " that he does not begin to think of setting her out in the world, aceordin' to his abilities; then, as I said be- fore, these folks from home" (hum) " are awful rich, and rich husbands are always satisfactory to parents, what- ever they may be to children. Besides, some of these officers will fall heirs to titles, and that is a desperate tempt- ation to a woman, all over the world. I hardly think there is a young woman in Danbury that could hold out agin' a real title." It has always struck me as singular, that the people of Jason's part of the provinces should entertain so much pro- found respect for titles. No portion of the world is of simpler habits, nor is it easier to find any civilized people among whom there is greater equality of actual condition, which, one would think, must necessarily induce equality of feeling, than in Connecticut, at this very moment. Not- withstanding these facts, the love of title is so great, that even that of serjeant is often prefixed to the name of a man on his tombstone, or in the announcement of his death or marriage; and as for the militia ensigns and lieutenants, there is no end to them. Deacon is an important title, which is rarely omitted ; and wo betide the man who should forget to call a magistrate "esquire." No such usages pre- vail among us; or, if they do, it is among that portion of the people of this colony which is derived from New Eng- land, and still retains some of its customs. Then, in no SATANSTOE 139 part of the colonies is English rank more deferred to, than in New England, generally, notwithstanding most of those colonies possess the right to elect nearly every officer they have among them. I allow that we of New York defer greatly to men of birth and rank from home, and it is right we should so do; but I do not think our deference is as great, or by any means as general, as it is in New England. It is possible the influence of the Dutch may have left an impression on our state of society, though I have been told that the colonies farther south exhibit very much the same characteristics as we do, ourselves, on this head.* We reached Satanstoe a little late, in consequence of the delay at Lilacsbush, and were welcomed with affection and warmth. My excellent mother was delighted to see me at home again, after so long an absence, and one which she did not think altogether without peril, when it was remem- bered that I had passed a whole fortnight amid the tempta- tions and fascinations of the capital. I saw the tears in her eyes as she kissed me, again and again, and felt the gentle, * As respects the love of titles that are derived from the people, there is nothing opposed to strict republican, or if the reader will, de- mocratic, principles, since it is deferring to the power that appoints, and manifests a respect for that which the community chooses to elevate. But, the deference to English rank, mentioned by Mr. Littlepage, is undeniably greater among the mass in New England, than it is any- where else in this country, at this very moment. One leading New York paper, edited by New England men, during the last contro- versy about the indemnity to be paid by France, actually styled the Due de Broglie " his grace," like a Grub Street cockney, — a mode of address that would astonish that respectable statesman, quite as much as it must have amused every man of the world who saw it. I have been much puzzled to account for this peculiarity — unquestionably one that exists in the country — but have supposed it must be owing to the diffusion of information which carries intelligence sufficiently far to acquaint the mass with leading social features, without going far enough to compensate for a provincial position and provincial habits. Perhaps the exclusively English origin of the people may have an influence. The writer has passed portions of two seasons in Swit- zerland, and, excluding the small forest cantons, he has no hesitation in saying that the habits and general notions of Connecticut are more inherently democratical than those of any part of that country. Notwithstanding, he thinks a ncbleman, particularly an English nobleman, is a far greater man in New England, than he is among the real middle-state families of New York, — Editor. 140 SATANSTOE. warm embiace, as she pressed me to her bosom, in maternal thanksgiving. Of course, I had to render an account of all I had seen and done, including Pinkster, the theatre, and the lion. I said nothing, however, of the Mordaunts, until questioned about them by my mother, quite a fortnight after Dirck had gone across to Rockland. One morning, as I sat endea- vouring to write a sonnet in my own room, that excellent parent entered and took a seat near my table, with the fami- liarity the relation she bore me justified. She was knitting at the time, for never was she idle, except when asleep. I saw by the placid smile on her face, which, Heaven bless her ! was still smooth and handsome, that something was on her mind, that was far from disagreeable; and I waited with some curiosity for the opening. That excellent mo- ther ! How completely did she live out of herself in all that had the most remote bearing on my future hopes and happiness ! "Finish your writing, my son," commenced my mother, for I had instinctively striven to conceal the sonnet; "finish your writing ; until you have done, I will be silent." " I have done, now, mother; 'twas only a copy of verses I was endeavouring to write out — you know — that is — write out, you know." " I did not know you were a poet, Corny," returned my mother, smiling still more complacently, for it is something to be the parent of a poet. "I! — I a poet, mother? — I'd sooner turn school-master, than turn poet. Yes, I 'd sooner be Jason Newcome, him- self, than even suspect it possible I could be a poet." "Well, never mind; people never turn poets, I fancy, with their eyes open. But, what is this I hear of your having saved a beautiful young lady from the jaws of a lion, while you were in town ; and why was I left to learn all the particulars from Mr. Newcome?" I believe my face was of the colour of scarlet, for it felt as if it were on fire, and my mother smiled still more de- cidedly than ever. Speak ! I could not have spoken to be thus smiled on by Anneke. " There is nothing to be ashamed of, Corny, in rescuing a young lady from a lion, or in going to her father's to SATANSTOE. 141 receive the thanks of the family. The Mordaunts are a family any one can visit with pleasure. Was the battle between you and the beast, a very desperate conflict, my child ?" " Poh ! mother : — Jason is a regular dealer in marvels, and he makes mountains of mole-hills. In the first place, for * jaws,' you must substitute ' paws,' and for a 'young lady,' < her shawl.' " " Yes, I understand it was the shawl, but it was on her shoulders, and could not have been disengaged time enough to save her, had you not shown so much presence of mind and courage. As for the 'jaws,' I believe that was my mistake, for Mr. Newcome certainly said ■ claws.' " " Well, mother, have it your own way. I was of a little service to a very charming young woman, and she and her father were civil to me, as a matter of course. Herman Mordaunt is a name we all know, and, as you say, his is a family that any man may be proud of visiting, ay, and pleased too." " How odd it is, Corny," added my mother, in a sort of musing, soliloquizing way, — " you are an only child, and Anneke Mordaunt is also an only child, as Dirck Follock has often told me." " Then Dirck has spoken to you frequently of Anneke, before this, mother?" " Time and again ; they are relations, you must have heard ; as, indeed, you are yourself, if you did but know it." " I ? — I related to Anneke Mordaunt, without being too near ?" My dear mother smiled again, while I felt sadly ashamed of myself at the next instant. I believe that a suspicion of the truth, as respects my infant passion, existed in that dear parent's mind from that moment. " Certainly related, Corny, and I will tell you how. My great-great-grandmother, Alida van der Heyden, was a first cousin of Herman Mordaunt's great-great-grandmother, by his mother's side, who was a Van Kleeck. So, you see, you and Anneke are actually related." " Just near enough, mother, to put one at ease in their 142 SATANSTOE. house, and not so near as to make relationship trouble- some." " They tell me, my child, that Anneke is a sweet crea- ture !" " If beauty, and modesty, and grace, and gentleness, and spirit, and sense, and delicacy, and virtue, and piety, can make any young woman of seventeen a sweet creature, mother, then Anneke is sweet." My dear mother seemed surprised at my warmth, but she smiled still more complacently than ever. Instead of pur- suing the subject, however, she saw fit to change it, by speaking of the prospects of the season, and the many reasons we all had for thankfulness to God. I presume, with a woman's instinct, she had learned enough to satisfy her mind for the present. The summer soon succeeded to the May that proved so momentous to me ; and I sought occupation in the fields. Occupation, however, would not do. Anneke was with me, go where I would ; and glad was I when Dirck, about mid- summer, in one of his periodical visits to Satanstoe, proposed that we should ride over, and make another visit to Lilacs- bush. He had written a note, to say we should be glad to ask a dinner and beds, if it were convenient, for a day a short distance ahead ; and he waited the answer at the Neck. This answer arrived duly by mail, and was everything we could wish. Herman Mordaunt offered us a hearty wel- come, and sent the grateful intelligence that his daughter and Mary Wallace would both be present to receive us. I envied Dirck the manly feeling which had induced him to take this plain and respectable course to his object. We went across the country, accordingly, and reached Lilacsbush several hours before dinner. Anneke received us with a bright suffusion of the face, and kind smiles ; though I could not detect the slightest difference in her manners to either. To both was she gracious, gentle, at- tentive, and lady- like. No allusion was made to the past, except a few remarks that were given on the subject of the theatre. The officers had continued to play until the th had been ordered up the river, when Bulstrode, Billings, Harris, virtuous Marcia, and all, had proceeded to Albany in company. Anneke thought there was about as much to SATANSTOE. 143 be displeased with, as there was to please, id these repre- sentations ; though her removal to the country had prevent- ed her seeing more than three of them all. It was admitted ; all round, however, that Bulstrode played admirably ; and it was even regretted by certain persons, that he should not have been devoted to the stage. We passed the night at Lilacsbush, and remained an hour or two after breakfast, next morning. I had carried a warm invitation from both my parents to Herman Mordaunt, to ride over, with the young ladies, and taste the fish of the Sound ; and the visit was returned in the course of the month of September. My mother received Anneke as a relation ; though I believe that both Herman Mordaunt and his daughter were surprised to learn that they came within even the wide embrace of Dutch kindred. They did not seem displeased, however, for the family name of my mother was good, and no one need have been ashamed of affinity to her, on her own account. Our guests did not remain the night, but they left us in a sort of a chaise that Herman Mordaunt kept for country use, about an hour before sun- set. I mounted my horse, and rode five miles with the party, on its way back, and then took my leave of Anneke, I as it turned out, for many, many weary months. The year 1757 was memorable in the colonies, by the progress of the war, and as much so in New York as in any other province. Montcalm had advanced to the head of | Lake George, had taken Fort William Henry, and a fearful massacre of the garrison had succeeded. This bold opera- tion left the enemy in possession of Champlain ; and the strong post of Ticonderoga was adequately garrisoned by a formidable force. A general gloom was cast over the poli- tical affairs of the colony ; and it was understood that a great effort was to be made, the succeeding campaign, to repair the loss. Rumour spoke of large reinforcements from home, and of greater levies in the colonies themselves than had been hitherto attempted. Lord Loudon was to re- turn home, and a veteran of the name of Abercrombie was to succeed him in the command of all the forces of the king. Regiments began to arrive from the West Indies; and, in the course of the winter of 1757-8, we heard at Satanstoe of the gaieties that these new forces had introduced into the 144 S AT ANSTOE . town. Among other things, a regular corps of Thespian3 had arrived from the West Indies. CHAPTER X. « Dear Hasty-Pudding, what unpromised joy Expands my heart to meet thee in Savoy ! Doom'd o'er the world through devious paths to roam, Each clime my country, and each house my home, My soul is sooth'd, my cares have found an end: I greet my long-lost, unforgotten friend." Barlow, The winter was soon drawing to a close, and my twenty- first birth-day was past. My father and Col. Follock, who came over to smoke more than usual that winter with my father, Began to talk of the journey Dirck and I were to take, in quest of the Patent. Maps were procured, calcula- tions were made, and different modes of proceeding were proposed, by the various members of the family. I will acknowledge that the sight of the large, coarse, parchment map of the Mooseridge Patent, as the new acquisition was called, from the circumstance of the surveyors having shot a moose on a particular ridge of land in its centre, excited certain feelings of avarice within my mind. There were streams meandering among hills and valleys ; little lakes, or ponds, as they were erroneously called in the language of the country, dotted the surface ; and there were all the artistical proofs of a valuable estate that a good map-maker could devise, to render the whole pleasing and promising.* * Forty years ago, a gentleman in New York purchased a consider- able body of wild land, on the faith of the map. When he came to examine his new property, it was found to be particularly wanting in water-courses. The surveyor was sought, and rebuked for his decep- tion, the map having numerous streams, &.c. " Why did you lay down all these streams here, where none are to be found ?" demanded the irritated purchaser, pointing to the document. "Why? — Why, who the d — I ever saw a map without rivers ?" was the answer. — • Editor. SATANSTOE. 145 If it were a good thing to be the heir of Satanstoe, it was far better to be the tenant in common, with my friend Dirck, of all these ample plains, rich bottoms, flowing streams and picturesque lakes. In a word, for the first time, in the history of the colonies, the Littlepages had be- come the owners of what might be termed an estate. Ac- cording to our New York parlance, six or eight hundred acres are not an estate ; nor two or three thousand, scarcely; but ten, or twenty, and much more, forty thousand acres of land might be dignified with the name of an estate ! The first knotty point discussed, was to settle the manner in which Dirck and myself should reach Mooseridge. Two modes of going as far as Albany offered, and on one of these it was our first concern to decide. We might wait until the river opened, and go as far as Albany in a sloop, of which one or two left town each week when business was active, as it was certain to be in the spring of the year. It was thought, however, that the army would require most of the means of transportation of this nature that offered ; and it might put us to both inconvenience and delay, to wait on the tardy movements of quarter-masters and con- tractors. My grandfather shook his head when the thing was named, and advised us to remain as independent as possible. " Have as little as possible to do with such people, Corny," put in my grandfather, now a grey-headed, vene- rable-looking old gentleman, who did not wear his wig half the time, but was content to appear in a pointed night-cap and gown at all hours, until just before dinner was an- nounced, when he invariably came forth dressed as a gen- tleman — " Have as little as possible to do with these gentry, Corny. Money, and not honour, is their game ; and you will be treated like a barrel of beef, or a bag of potatoes, if you fall into their hands. If you move with the army at all, keep among the real soldiers, my boy, and, above all things, avoid the contractors." It was consequently determined that there was too much uncertainty and delay in waiting for a passage to Albany by water ; for it was known that the voyage itself often lasted ten days, or a fortnight, and it would be so late be- fore we could sail, as to render this delay very inconvenient. Vol. I. — 13 146 SATANSTOE. The other mode of journeying, was to go before the snow had melted from the roads, by the aid of which, it was quite possible to make the distance between Satanstoe and Albany in three days. Certain considerations of economy next offered, and we settled down on the following plan ; which, as it strikes me, is, even now, worthy of being mentioned on account of its prudence and judgment. It was well known that there would be a great demand for horses for the army, as well as for stores, provisions, &c, of various sorts. Now, we had on the Neck several stout horses, that were falling into years, though still serviceable and good for a campaign. Col. Follock had others of the same description, and when the cavalry of the two farms were all assembled at Satans- toe, there were found to be no fewer than fourteen of the venerable animals. These made just three four- horse teams, besides leaving a pair for a lighter load. Old, stout lumber sleighs were bought, or found, and repaired ; and Jaap, having two other blacks with him, was sent off at the head of what my father called a brigade of lumber sleighs, all of which were loaded with the spare pork and flour of the two families. The war had rendered these articles quite high ; but the hogs that were slaughtered at Christmas had not yet been sold ; and it was decided that Dirck and myself could not commence our career as men who had to buy and sell from the respective farms, in any manner more likely to be useful to us and to our parents, than this. As Yaap's movements were necessarily slow, he was permitted to pre- cede Dirck and myself by two entire days, giving him time to clear the Highlands before we left Satanstoe. The negroes carried the provender for their horses, and no small portion of the food, and all of the cider that was necessary for their own consumption. No one was ashamed of economising with his slaves in this manner ; the law of slavery itself existing principally as a money-making institution. I men- tion these little matters, that posterity may understand the conventional feeling of the colony, on such points. When everything was ready, we had to listen to much good advice from our friends, previously to launching our- selves into the world. What Col. Follock said to Dirck, the latter never told mc ; but the following was pretty much SATANSTOE. 147 the form and substance of that which I received from my own father — the interview taking place in a little room he called his " office ;" or " study," as Jason used to term it. " Here, Corny, are all the bills, or invoices, properly made out," my father commenced, handing me a small sheaf of papers ; " and you will do well to consult them before you make any sales. Here are letters of introduction to several gentlemen in the army, whose acquaintance I could wish you to cultivate. This, in particular, is to my old captain, Charles Mer re wether, who is now a Lt. Col., and commands a battalion in the Royal Americans. You will find him of great service to you while you remain with the army, I make no doubt. Pork, they tell me, if of the quality of that you will have, ought to bring three half joes, the barrel — and you might ask that much. Should accident pro- cure you an invitation to the table of the Commander-in- Chief, as may happen through Col. Merrewerther's friendship, I trust you will do full credit to the loyalty of the Littlepages. Ah ! there 's the flour, too ; it ought to be worth two half joes the barrel, in times like these. I have thrown in a letter or two to some of the Schuylers, with whom I served when of your age. They are first-rate people, remember, and rank among the highest families of the colonies; full of good old Van Cortlandt blood, and well crossed with the Rensselaers. Should any of them ask you about the barrel of tongues, that you will find marked T — " "Any of whom, sir; the Schuylers, the Cortlandts, or the Rensselaers V " Poh ! any of the sutlers, or contractors, I mean, of course. You can tell them that they were cured at home, and that you dare recommend them as fit for the Com- mander-in-Chief's own table." Such was the character of my father's parting instruc- tions. My mother held a different discourse. " Corny, my beloved child," she said ; " this will be an all-important journey to you. Not only are you going far from home, but you are going to a part of the country where much will be to be seen. I hope you will remember what was promised for you, by your sponsors in baptism, and also what is owing to your own good name, and that of your family. The letters you take with you, will probably in- 148 SATANSTOE. troduce you to good company, and that is a great beginning to a youth. I wish you to cultivate the society of reputable females, Corny. My sex has great influence on the con* duct of yours, at your time of life, and both your manners and principles will be aided by being as much with women of character as possible." " But, mother, if we are to go any distance with the army, as both my father and Col. Follock wish, it will not be in our power to be much in ladies' society." " I speak of the time you will pass in and near Albany. I do not expect you will find accomplished women at Moose- ridge, nor, should you really go any distance with the troops, though I see no occasion for your going with them a single foot, since you are not a soldier, do I suppose you will find many reputable women in the camp ; but, avail yourself of every favourable opportunity to go into good company. I have procured a letter for you, from a lady of one of the great families of this county, to Madam Schuy- ler, who is above all other women, they tell me, in and around Albany. Her you must see, and I charge you, on your duty, to deliver this letter. It is possible, too, that Herman Mordaunt- " " What of Herman Mordaunt and Anneke, mother?" " I spoke only of Herman Mordaunt himself, and did not mention Anneke, boy," answered my mother, smiling " though I doubt not that the daughter is with the father. They left town for Albany, two months since, my sister Legge writes me, and intend to pass the summer north. I will not deceive you, Corny, so you shall hear all that your aunt has written on the subject. In the first place, she says Herman Mordaunt has gone on public service, having an especial appointment for some particular duty of import- ance, that is private, but which it is known will detain him near Albany, and among the northern posts, until the close of the season, though he gives out to the world, he is absent on account of some land he has in Albany county. His daughter and Mary Wallace are with him, with several ser- vants, and they have taken up with them a sleigh-load of conveniences; that looks like remaining. Now, you ought to hear the rest, my child, though I feel no apprehension when such a youth as yourself is put in competition with SATANSTOE. 149 any other man in the colony. Yes, though your own mo- ther, I think I may say that /" "What is it, mother? — nevermind me; I shall do well enough, depend on it — that is — but what is it, dear mother?" " Why, your aunt says, it is whispered among a few in town, a very few only, but whispered, that Herman Mor- daunt got the appointment named, merely that he might have a pretence for taking Anneke near the th, in which regiment it seems there is a baronet's son, who is a sort of relative of his, and whom he wishes to marry to Anneke." " I am sorry, then, that my aunt Legge listens to any such unworthy gossip !" I indignantly cried. " My life on it, Anneke Mordaunt never contemplated so indelicate a thing !" " No one supposes Anneke does, or did. But fathers are not daughters, Corny ; no, nor mothers neither, as I can freely say, seeing you are my only child. Herman Mor- daunt may imagine all this in his heart, and Anneke be every thing that is innocent and delicate." " And how can my aunt Legge's informants know what is in Herman Mordaunt's heart ?" " How ? — I suppose they judge by what they find in their own, my son ; a common means of coming at a neighbour's failings, though I believe virtues are rarely detected by the same process." " Ay, and judge of others by themselves. The means may be common, mother, but they are not infallible." " Certainly not, Corny, and that will be a ground of hope to you. Remember, my child, you can bring me no daughter I shall love half as well as I feel I can love Anneke Mordaunt. We are related too, her father's great- great-grandmother " " Never mind the great-great-grandmother, my dear, good, excellent, parent. After this I shall not attempt to have any secret from you. Unless Anneke Mordaunt con- sent to be your daughter, you will never have one." " Do not say that, Corny, I beseech you," cried my mother, a good deal frightened. " Remember there is no accounting for tastes; the army is a formidable rival, and, after all, this Mr. Bulstrode, I think vou call him, may prove 13* 150 SATANSTOE. as acceptable to Anneke as to her father. Do not say so cruel a thing, I entreat of you, dearest, dearest, Corny." "It is not a minute, mother, since you said how little you apprehended for me, when opposed by any other man in the province !" " Yes, child, but that is a very different thing from seeing you pass all your days as a heartless, comfortless old bachelor. There are fifty young women in this very county, I could wish to see you united to, in preference to witnessing such a calamity." " Well, mother, we will say no more about it. But is it true that Mr. Worden actually intends to be of our party ?" " Both Mr. Worden and Mr. Newcome, I believe. We shall scarcely know how to spare the first, but he conceives he has a call to accompany the army, in which there are so few chaplains ; and souls are called to their last dread account so suddenly in war, that one does not know how to refuse to let him go." My poor, confiding -mother ! When I look back at the past, and remember the manner in which the Rev*. Mr. Worden discharged the duties of his sacred office during the campaign that succeeded, I cannot but smile at the manner in which confidence manifests itself in woman. The sex has a natural disposition to place their trusts in priests, by a very simple process of transferring their own dispositions to the bosoms of those they believe set apart for purely holy objects. Well, we live and learn. I dare say that many are what they profess to be, but I have lived long enough now to know all are not. As for Mr. Worden, he had one good point about him, at any rate. His friends and his enemies saw the worst of him. He was no hypo- crite, but his associates saw the man very much as he was. Still, I am far from wishing to hold up this imported minis- ter as a model of christian graces for my descendants to admire. No one can be more convinced than myself how much sectarians are prone to substitute their own narrow notions of right and wrong for the Law of God, confound- ing acts that, are perfectly innocent in themselves with sin ; but, at the same time, I am quite aware too, that appear- ances are ever to be consulted in cases of morals, and that it is a minor virtue to be decent in matters of manners. SATANSTOE. 151 The Rev. Mr. Worden, whatever might have been his posi- tion as to substantial, certainly carried the external of liberality to the verge of indiscretion. - A day or two after the conversation I have related, our party left Satanstoe, with some eclat. The team belonged equally to the Follocks and the Littlepages, one horse being the property of my father, while the other belonged to Col. Follock. The sleigh, an old one new painted for the occa- sion, was the sole property of the latter gentleman, and was consigned, in mercantile phrase, to Dirck, in order to be disposed of as soon as we 'should reach the end of our journey. On its exterior it was painted a bright sky-blue, while its interior was of vermilion, a colour that was and is much in vogue for this species of vehicle, inasmuch as it carries with it the idea of warmth ; so, at least, the old peo- ple say, though I will confess I never found my toes any less cold in a sleigh thus painted, than in one painted blue, which is usually thought a particularly cold colour to the feet. We had three buffalo-skins, or, rather, two buffalo (bison) skins and one bear-skin. The last, being trimmed with scarlet cloth, had a particularly warm and comfortable ap- pearance. The largest skin was placed on the hind-seat, and thrown over the back of the sleigh, as a matter of course ; and, though this back was high enough to break off the wind from our heads and necks, the skin not only covered it, but it hung two or three feet down behind, as is becoming in a gentleman's sleigh. The other buffalo was spread in the bottom of the sleigh, as a carpet for all four, leaving an apron to come in front upon Dirck's and my lap, as a protection against the cold in that quarter. The bear- skin formed a cushion for us in front, and an apron for Mr. Worden and Jason, who sat behind. Our trunks had gone on the lumber sleighs, that is, mine and Dirck's had thus been sent, while our two companions found room for theirs in the conveyance in which we went ourselves. It was March 1st, 1758, the morning we left Satanstoe, on this memorable excursion. The winter had proved as was common in our latitude, though there had been more snow along the coast than was usual. Salt air and snow do not agree well together ; but I had driven in a sleigh over 152 SATANSTOE. the Neck, most of the month of February, though there were symptoms of a thaw, and of a southerly wind, the day we left home. My- father observed this, and he advised me to take the road through the centre of the county, and get among the hills, as soon as possible. Not only was there always more snow in that part of the country, but it resisted the influence of a thaw much longer than that which had fallen near the sea or Sound. I got my mother's last kiss, my father's last shake of the hand, my grandfather's bless- ing, stepped into the sleigh, took the reins from Dirck, and drove ofF. A party in a sleigh must be composed of a very sombre sort of persons, if it be not a merry one. In our case, everybody was disposed to good-humour; though Jason could not pass along the highway, in York Colony, without giving vent to his provincial, Connecticut hypercriticism. Everything was Dutch, according to his view of matters ; and when it failed of being Dutch, why, it was York-Colony. The doors were not in the right places ; the windows were too large, when they were not too small ; things had a cab- bage-look ; the people smelt of tobacco ; and hasty-pudding was called " suppaan." But these were trifles ; and being used to them, nobody paid much attention to what our puri- tanical neighbour saw fit to pour out, in the humility and meekness of his soul. Mr. Worden chuckled, and urged Jason on, in the hope of irritating Dirck; but Dirck smoked through it all, with an indifference that proved how much he really despised the critic. I was the only one who re- sented this supercilious ignorance; but even I was often more disposed to laugh than to be angry. The signs of a thaw increased, as we got a few miles from home; and by the time we reached White Plains, the "south wind" did not blow "softly," but freshly, and the snow in the road became sloppy, and rills of water were seen running down the hill-sides, in a way that menaced destruction to the sleighing. On we drove, however, and deeper and deeper we got among the hills, until we found not only more snow, but fewer symptoms of immediately losing it. Our first day's work carried us well into the manor of the Van Cortlandts, where we passed the night. Next morning the south wind was still blowing, sweeping SATANSTOE. 153 over the fields of snow, charged with the salt air of the ocean ; and bare spots began to show themselves on all the acclivities and hill-sides — an admonition for us to be stirring. We breakfasted in the Highlands, and in a wild and retired part of them, though in a part where snow and beaten roads were still to be found. We had escaped from the thaw, and no longer felt any uneasiness on the subject of reaching the end of our journey on runners. The second day brought us fairly through the mountains, out on the plains of Dutchess, permitting us to sup at Fish- kill. This was a thriving settlement, the people appearing to me to live in abundance, as certainly they did in peace and quiet. They made little of the war, and asked us many questions concerning the army, its commanders, its force, and its objects. They were a simple, and judging from appearances, an honest people, who troubled themselves very little with what was going on in the world. After quitting Fishkill we found a great change, not only in the country, but in the weather. The first was level, as a whole, and was much better settled than I could have believed possible so far in the interior. As for the weather, it was quite a different climate from that we had left below the highlands. Not only was the morning cold, cold as it had been a month earlier with us, but the snow still lay two or three feet in depth on a level, and the sleighing was as good as heart could wish. That afternoon we overtook Yaap and the brigade of lumber-sleighs. Evervthing had gone right, and after giving the fellow some fresh instructions, I passed him, proceeding on our route. This parting did not take place, however, until the following had been uttered between us: " Well, Yaap." I inquired, as a sort of close to the pre- vious discourse, " how do you like the upper counties?" A loud negro laugh succeeded, and a repetition of the question was necessary to extort an answer. " Lor', Masser Corny, how you t'ink I know, when dere not'in but snow to be seen !" " There was plenty of snow in Westchester ; yet, I dare say you could give some opinion of our own county !" " 'Cause I know him, sah ; inside and out, and all over, Masser Corny." 154 SATANSTOE. " Well ; but you can see the houses, and orchards, ana barns, and fences, and other things of that sort." "'Em pretty much like our'n, Masser Corny; why you bother nigger with sich question?" Here another burst of loud, hearty " yah — yah — yahs succeeded ; and Yaap had his laugh out before another word could be got out of him, when I put the question a third time. " Well, den, Masser Corny, sin' you will know, dis is my mind. Dis country is oncomparable wid our ole county sah. De houses seem mean, de barns look empty, de fences be low, and de niggers, ebbery one of 'em, look cold, sah— yes, sah — 'ey look berry cold !" As a " cold negro" was a most pitiable object in negro eyes, I saw by this summary that Yaap had commenced his travels in much of the same temper of superciliousness as Jason Newcome. It struck me as odd at the time ; but, since that day, I have ascertained that this feeling is a very general travelling companion for those who set out on their first journey. We passed our third night at a small hamlet called Rhine- beck, in a settlement in which many German names were to be found. Here we were travelling through the vast estates of the Livingstons, a name well-known in our colo- nial history. We breakfasted at Claverack, and passed through a place called Kinderhook — a village of Low Dutch origin, and of some antiquity. That night we succeeded in coming near Albany, by making a very hard day's drive of it. There was no village at the place where we slept; but the house was a comfortable, and exceedingly neat Dutch tavern. After quitting Fishkill we had seen more or less of the river, until we passed Claverack, where we took our leave of it. It was covered with ice, and sleighs were moving about it, with great apparent security ; but we did not like to try it. Our whole party preferred a solid high- way, in which there was no danger of the bottom's dropping out. As we were now about to enter Albany, the second larg- est town in the colony and one of the largest inland towns of the whole country, if such a word can properly be given to a place that lies on a navigable river, it was thought ne- SATANSTOE. 155 cessary to make some few arrangements, in order to do it decently. Instead of quitting the tavern at daylight, there- fore, as had been our practice previously, we remained until after breakfast, having recourse to our trunks in the mean time. Dirck, Jason and myself, had provided our- selves with fur caps for the journey, with ear-laps and other contrivances for keeping oneself warm. The cap of Dirck, and my own, were of very fine martens' skins, and as they were round and high, and each was surmounted with a handsome tail, that fell down behind, they had both a smart and military air. I thought I had never seen Dirck look so nobly and well, as he did in his cap, and I got a {ew com- pliments on my own air in mine, though they were only from my mother, who, I do think, would feel disposed to praise me, even if I looked wretchedly. The cap of Jason was better suited to his purse, being lower, and of fox-skins, though it had a tail also. Mr. Worden had declined tra- velling in a cap, as unsuited to his holy office. Accordingly he wore his clerical beaver, which differed a little from the ordinary cocked-hats, that we all wore as a matter of course, though not so much so as to be very striking. All of us had over-coats well trimmed with furs, mine and Dirck's being really handsome, with trimmings of mar- ten, while those of our companion were less showy and expensive. On a consultation, Dirck and I decided that it was better taste to enter the town in traveller's dresses, than to enter it in any other, and we merely smartened up a lit- de, in order to appear as gentlemen. The case was very different with Jason. According to his idea a man should wear his best clothes on a journey, and I was surprised to see him appear at breakfast, in black breeches, striped woollen stockings, large plated buckles in his shoes, and a coat that I well knew he religiously reserved for high-days and holidays. This coat was of a light pea-green colour, and but little adapted to the season ; but Jason had not much notion of the fitness of things, in general, in matters of taste. Dirck and myself wore our ordinary snuff-coloured coats, under our furs ; but Jason threw aside all the overcoats, when we came near Albany, in order to enter the place in his best. Fortunately for him, the day was mild, and there was a bright sun to send its warm rays through the pea- 156 SATANSTOE. green covering, to keep his blood from chilling. As for Mr. Worden, he wore a cloak of black cloth, laying aside all the furs, but a tippet and inuff, both of which he used habitually in cold weather. In this guise, then, we left the tavern, about nine in the morning, expecting to reach the banks of the river about ten. Nor were we disappointed ; the roads being excellent, a light fall of snow having occurred in the night, to freshen the track. It was an interesting moment to us all, when the spires and roofs of that ancient town, Albany, first ap- peared in view ! We had journeyed from near the southern boundary of the colony, to a place that stood at no great dis- tance from its frontier settlements on the north. The town itself formed a pleasing object, as we approached it, on the opposite side of the Hudson. There it lay, stretching along the low land on the margin of the stream, and on its western bank, sheltered by high hills, up the side of which, the principal street extended, for the distance of fully a quarter of a mile. Near the head of this street stood the fort, and we saw a brigade paraded in the open ground near it, wheeling and marching about. The spires of two churches were visible, one, the oldest, being seated on the low land, in the heart of the place, and the other on the height at no great dis- tance from the fort; or about half-way up the acclivity, which forms the barrier to the inner country, on that side of the river. Both these buildings were of stone, of course, shingle tenements being of very rare occurrence in the colony of New York, though common enough further east.* * In nothing was the difference of character between the people of New England, and those of the middle colonies, more apparent than in the nature of the dwellings. In New York, for instance, men worth thousands dwelt in humble, low, (usually one story) dwellings of stone, having window-shutters, frequently within as well as without, and the other appliances of comfort; whereas the farmer farther east, was sel- dom satisfied, though his means were limited, unless he lived in a house as good as his. neighbour's ; and the strife dotted the whole of their colonies with wooden buildings, of great pretension for the age, that rarely had even exterior shutters, and which frequently stood for generations unfinished. The difference was not of Dutch origin, for it was just as apparent in New Jersey or Pennsylvania as in New York, and I think it may be attributed to a very obvious consequence of a general equality of condition, a stato of society in which no one i^ SATANSTOE. 157 I will own that not one of our party liked the idea of crossing the Hudson, in a loaded sleigh, on the ice, and that in the month of March. There were no streams about us to be crossed in this mode, nor was the cold exactly suffi- cient to render such a transit safe, and we felt as the inex- perienced would be apt to feel in circumstances so unplea- sant. I must do Jason the credit to admit that he showed more plain, practical, good sense than any of us, determi- ning our course in the end by his view of the matter. As for Mr. Worden, however, nothing could induce him to venture on the ice in a sleigh, or near a sleigh, though Jason remonstrated in the following terms — "Now, look here, Rev. Mr. Worden" — Jason seldom omitted anybody's title — " you 've only to turn your eyes on the river to see it is dotted with sleighs, far and near. There are highways north and south, and if that be the place, where the crossing is at the town, it is more like a thoroughfare than a spot that is risky. In my judgment, these people who live hereabouts ought to know whether there is any danger or not." Obvious as was this truth, ' Rev. Mr. Worden' made us stop on terra firma, and permit him to quit the sleigh, that he might cross the river on foot. Jason ventured a hint or two about faith and its virtues, as he stripped himself to the pea-green, in order to enter the town in proper guise, throwing aside everything that concealed his finery. As for Dirck and myself, we kept our seats manfully, and trot- ted on the river at the point where we saw sleighs and foot- passengers going and coming in some numbers. The Rev. Mr. Worden, however, was not content to take the beaten path, for he knew there was no more security in being out on the ice, near a sleigh,. than there was in being in it, so he diverged from the road, which crossed at the ferry, striking diagonally atwhart the river towards the wharves of the place. It seemed to me to be a sort of a holiday among the young and idle, one sleigh passing us after another, filled content to wear even the semblance of poverty, but those who cannot by any means prevent it ; but, in which all strive to get as high as pos- sible, in appearances at least. — Editor. Vol. I. — 14 158 SATANSTOE. with young men and maidens, all sparkling with the ex citement of the moment, and gay with youth and spirits. We passed no less than four of these sleighs on the river, the jingling of the bells, the quick movement, the laughter and gaiety, and the animation of the whole scene, far ex- ceeding anything of the sort I had ever before witnessed. We were nearly across the river, when a sleigh more hand- somely equipped than any we had yet seen, dashed down the bank, and came whirling past us like a comet. It was full of ladies, with the exception of one gentleman, who stood erect in front, driving. I recognised Bulstrode, in furs like all of us, capped and tailed, if not plumed, while among the half-dozen pairs of brilliant eyes that were turned with their owner's smiling faces on us, I saw one which never could be forgotten by me, that belonged to Anneke Mordaunt. I question if we were recognised, for the passage was like that of a meteor ; but I could not avoid turning to gaze after the gay party. This change of position enabled me to be a witness of a very amusing con- sequence of Mr. Worden's experiment. A sleigh was coming in our direction, and the party in it seeing one who was known for a clergyman, walking on the ice, turned aside and approached him on a gallop, in order to offer the courtesy of a seat to a man of his sacred profession. Our divine heard the bells, and fearful of having a sleigh so near him, he commenced a downright flight, pursued by the people in the sleigh, as fast as their horses could follow. Everybody on the ice pulled up to gaze in wonder at this strange spectacle, until the whole party reached the shore, the Rev. Mr. Worden pretty well blown, as the reader may suppose. SATANSTOE. 159 CHAPTER XL Bid physicians talk our veins to temper, And with an argument new-set a pulse, Then think, my lord, of reasoning unto love. YoiJXG. As the road from the ferry into the town ran along the bank of the river, we reached the point where the Rev. Mr. Worden had landed precisely at the same instant with his pursuers, who had been obliged to make a little circuit, in order to get off the ice. I do not know which party re- garded the other in the greatest astonishment, — the hunted, or the hunters. The sleigh had in it two fine-looking young fellows, that spoke English with a slight Dutch accent, and three young women, whose bright coal-black eyes betokened surprise a little mitigated by a desire to laugh. Seeing that we were all strangers, I suppose, and that we claimed the runaway as belonging to our party, one of the young men raised his cap very respectfully, and opened the discourse by asking in a very civil tone — " What ails the reverent gentleman, to make him run so fast?" '"Run!" exclaimed Mr. Worden, whose lungs had been playing like a blacksmith's bellows — "Run! and who would not run to save himself from being drowned?" " Drowned !" repeated the young Dutchman, looking round at the river, as if to ascertain whether the ice were actually moving — " why does the Dominie suppose there was any danger of that ?" As Mr. Worden's bellows were still hard at work, I ex- plained to the young Albanians that we were strangers just arrived from the vicinity of New York ; that we were un- accustomed to frozen rivers, and had never crossed one on the ice before; that our reverend companion had chosen to walk at a distance from the road, in order to be in less danger should any team break in, and that he had naturally- run to avoid th?ir sleigh when he saw it approaching. The Albanians heard this account in respectful silence, though I 160 SATANSTOE. could see the two young men casting sly glances at each other, and that even the ladies had some little difficulty in altogether suppressing their smiles. When it was through, the oldest of the Dutchmen — a fine, dare-devil,, roystering- looking fellow of four or five-and-twenty, whose dress and mien, however, denoted a person of the upper class, — begged a thousand pardons for his mistake, quitting his sleigh and insisting on having the honours of shaking hands with the whole of us. His name was ' Ten Eyck,' he said ;' ' Guert Ten Eyck,' and he asked permission, as we were strangers, of doing the honour of Albany to us. Everybody in the place knew him, which, as we afterwards ascertained, was true enough, for he had just as much reputation for fun and frolic as at all comported with respectability; keeping along, as it were, on the very verge of the pale of reputable peo- ple, without being thrown entirely out of it. The young females with him were a shade below his own natural posi- tion in society, tolerating his frolics on account of this cir- cumstance, aided as it was by a singularly manly face and person, a hearty and ready laugh, a full purse, and possibly by the secret hope of being the happy individual who was designed by Providence to convert ' a reformed rake into the best of husbands.' In a word, he was always welcome with them, when those a little above them felt more disposed to frown. Of course, all this was unknown to us at the time, and we accepted Guert Ten Eyck's proffers of civility in the spirit in which they were offered. He inquired at what tavern we intended to stop, and promised an early call. Then, shaking us all round by the hand again with great cordiality, he took his leave. His companion doffed a very dashing, high, wolf-skin cap to us, and the black-eyed trio, on the hind seat, smiled graciously, and away they drove at a furious rate, startling all the echoes of Albany with their bells. By this time Mr. Worden was seated, and we fol- lowed more moderately, our team having none of the Dutch courage of a pair of horses fresh from the stable. Such were the circumstances under which we made our entrance into the ancient city of Albany. We were all in hopes, the little affair of the chase would soon be forgotten, for no one likes to be associated with a ridiculous circumstance; but SATANSTOE. 161 we counted without our host. Guert Ten Eyck was not of a temperament to let such an affair sleep, but, as I after- wards ascertained, he told it with the laughing embellish- ments that belonged to his reckless character, until, in turn, the Rev. Mr. Worden came to be known, throughout all that region, by the nickname of the " Loping Dominie." The reader may be assured our eyes were about us, as we drove through the streets of the second town in the colony. We were not unaccustomed to houses constructed in the Dutch style, in New York, though the English mode of building had been most in vogue there, for half a century. It was not so with Albany, which remained, essentially, a Dutch town, in 1758. We heard little beside Dutch, as we passed along. The women scolded their children in Low Dutch, a use, by the way, for which the language appears singularly well adapted; the negroes sang Dutch songs; the men called to each other in Dutch, and Dutch rang in our ears, as we walked our horses through the streets, to- wards the tavern. There were many soldiers about, and other proofs of the presence of a considerable military force were not wanting; still, the place struck me as very pro- vincial and peculiar, after New York. Nearly all the houses were built with their gables to the streets, and each had heavy wooden Dutch stoops, with seats, at its door. A few had small court-yards in front, and, here and there, was a building of somewhat more pretension than usual. I do not think, however, there were fifty houses in the place, that were built with their gables off the line of the streets.* We were no sooner housed, than Dirck and I sallied forth to look at the place. Here we were, in one of the oldest towns of America ; a place that could boast of much more * The population of Albany could not have reached 4000 in 1758. Its Dutch character remained down to the close of this century, with gradual changes. The writer can remember when quite as much Dutch as English was heard in the streets of Albany, though it has now nearly disappeared. The present population must be near 40,000. Mr. Littlepage's description was doubtless correct, at the time he wrote ; but Albany would now be considered a first-class country town, in Europe. It has mueh better claims to compare with the towns of the old world, in this character, than New York has to com- pare with their capitals. — Editor. 14* 162 SATANSTOE, than a century's existence, and it was natural to feel curio js to look about one. Our inn was in the principal street,— that which led up the hill towards the fort. This street was a wide avenue, that quite put Broadway out of countenance, so far as mere width was concerned. The streets that led out of it, however, were principally little better than lanes, as if the space that had been given to two or three of the main streets had been taken off of the remainder. The High Street, as we English would call it, was occupied by sleds filled with wood for sale ; sleds loaded with geese, turkeys, tame and wild, and poultry of all sorts ; sleds with venison, still in the skin, piled up in heaps, &c, — all these eatables being collected, in unusual quantities as we were told, to meet the extraordinary demand created by the different military messes. Deer were no strangers to us ; for Long Island was full of all sorts of game, as were the upper coun- ties of New Jersey. Even Westchester, old and well settled as it had become, was not yet altogether clear of deer, and nothing was easier than to knock over a buck in the highlands. Nevertheless, I had never seen venison, wild turkeys and sturgeons, in such quantities as they were to be seen that day in the principal street of Albany. The crowd collected in this street, the sleighs that were whirling past, filled with young men and maidens, the in- cessant jingling of bells, the spluttering and jawing in Low Dutch, the hearty English oaths of Serjeants and sutlers'- men and cooks of messes, the loud laughs of the blacks, and the beauty of the cold clear day, altogether produced some such effect on me, as I had experienced when I went to the theatre. Not the least striking picture of the scene, was Jason, in the middle of the street, gaping about him, in the cocked-hat, the pea-green coat, and the striped woollen stockings. Dirck and myself naturally examined the churches. These were two, as has been said already, — one for the Dutch, and the other for the English. The first was the oldest. It stood at the point where the two principal streets crossed each other, and in the centre of the street, leaving sufficient passages all round it. The building was square, with a high pointed roof, having a belfry and weathercock on its apex ; windows, with diamond panes and painted glass, SATANSTOE. 163 and a porch that was well suited both to the climate and to appearances.* We were examining this structure, when Guert Ten Eyck accosted us, in his frank, off-hand way — "Your servant, Mr. Littlepage ; your servant, Mr. Fol- lock," he cried, again shaking each cordially by the hand. " I was on the way to the tavern to look you up, when I accidentally saw you here. A few gentlemen of my ac- quaintance, who are in the habit of supping together in the winter time, meet for the last jollification of the season to- night, and they have all express't a wish to have the plea- sure of your company. I hope you will allow me to say you will come? We meet at nine, sup at ten, and break up at twelve, quite regularly, in a very sedate and prudent manner." There was something so frank and cordial, so simple and straight-forward in this invitation, that we did not know how to decline it. We both knew that the name of Ten Eyck was respectable in the colony ; our new acquaintance was well dressed, he seemed to be in good company when we first met him, his sleigh and horses had been actually of a more dashing stamp than usual, and his own attire had all the peculiarities of a gentleman's, withthe addition of some- thing even more decided and knowing than was common. It is true, the style of these peculiarities was not exactly such as I had seen in the air, manners and personal decora- tions of those of Billings and Harris ; but they were none the less striking, and none the less attractive ; the two Eng- lishmen being " macaronis," from London, and Ten Eyck being a "buck" of Albany. " I thank you, very heartily, Mr. Ten Eyck," I an- swered, " both for myself and for my friend" — " And will let me come for you at half-past eight, to show you the way ?" " Why, yes, sir ; I was about to say as much, if it be not giving you too much trouble." * There were two churches, of this character, built on this spot. The second, much larger than the first, but of the same form, was built round the other, in which service was held to the last, when it was. literally thrown out of the windows of its successor. The last edifice disappeared about forty years sunce. — Editor. 164 SATANSTOE. " Do not speak of tr-r-ouple" — this last word will give a very good notion of Guert's accent, which I cannot stop to imitate at all times in writing — "and do not say your fre^nt, but your fre'ntz." " As to the two that are not here, I cannot positively an- swer ; yonder, however, is one that can speak for himself." " I see him, Mr. Littlepage, and will answer for him, on my own account. Depent on it, he will come. But the Dominie — he has a hearty look, and can help eat a turkey and swallow a glass of goot Madeira — I think I can rely on. A man cannot take all that active exercise without food." " Mr. Worden is a very companionable man, and is ex- cellent company at a supper-table. I will communicate your invitation, and hope to be able to prevail on him to be of the party." " T'at is enough, sir," returned Ten Eyck, or Guert, as I shall henceforth call him, in general ; " vere dere ist a vill, dere ist a vay." Guert frequently broke out in such speci- mens of broken English, while at other times he would speak almost as well as any of us. " So Got pless you my dear Mr. Littlepage, and make us lasting friends. I like your countenance, and my eye never deceives me in these matters." Here, Guert shook us both by the hand again, most cor- dially, and left us. Dirck and I next strolled up the hill, going as high as the English church, which stood also in the centre of the principal street, an imposing and massive edifice in stone. With the exception of Mother Trinity in New York, this was the largest, and altogether the most important edifice devoted to the worship of my own church I had ever seen. In Westchester, there were several of Queen Anne's churches, but none on a scale to compare with this. Our small edifices were usually without gal- leries, steeples, towers, or bells ; while St. Peter's, Albany, if not actually St. Peter's, Rome, was a building of which a man might be proud. A little to our surprise, we found the Rev. Mr. Worden and Mr. Jason Newcome had met at the door of this edifice, having sent a boy to the sexton in quest of the key. In a minute or two, the urchin ' returned, bringing not only the key of the church, but the SATANSTOE. 165 excuses of the sexton for not coming himself. The door was opened, and we went in. I have always admired the decorous and spiritual manner in which the Rev. Mr. Worden entered a building that had been consecrated to the services of the Deity. I know not how to describe it ; but it proved how completely he had been drilled in the decencies of his profession. Off came his hat, of course ; and his manner, however facetious and easy it may have been the moment before, changed on the instant to gravity and decorum. Not so with Jason. He entered St. Peter's, Albany, with exactly the same indiffer- ent and cynical air with which he had seemed to regard everything but money, since he' entered " York Colony." Usually, he wore his cocked-hat on the back of his head, thereby lending himself a lolloping, negligent, and, at the same time, defying air ; but 1 observed that, as we all un- covered, he brought his own beaver up over his eye-brows, in a species of military bravado. To uncover to a church, in his view of the matter, was a sort of idolatry ; there might be images about, for anything he knew; "and a man could never be enough on his guard ag'in being carried away by such evil deceptions," as he had once before an- swered to a remonstrance of mine, for wearing his hat in our own parish church. I found the interior of St. Peter's quite as imposing as its exterior. Three of the pews were canopied, having coats of arms on their canopies. These, the boy told us, belonged to the Van Rensselaer and Schuyler families. All these were covered with black cloth, in mourning for some death in those ancient families, which were closely allied. I was very much struck with the dignified air that these patrician seats gave the house of God.* There were also several hatchments suspended against the walls ; some being placed there in commemoration of officers of rank, from home, who * I cannot recollect one of these canopied pews that is now stand- ing, in this part of the Union. The last, of my knowledge, were in St. Mark's, New York, and, I believe, belonged to the Stuyvesants ; the patron family of that church. They were taken down when that building was repaired, a few years since. This is one of the most innocent of all our innovations of this character. Distinctions in the House of God are opposed to the very spirit of the Christian religion ; and it were far more fitting that pews should be altogether done away 166 SATANSTOE. had died in the king's service in the colony ; and others to mark the deaths of some of the more distinguished of our own people. Mr. Worden expressed himself well pleased with appear- ances of things, in and about this building ; though Jason regarded all with ill-concealed disgust. " What is the meaning of them pews with tops to them, Corny 1" the pedagogue whispered me, afraid to encounter the parson's remarks, by his own criticism. " They are the pews of families of distinction in this place, Mr. Newcome; and the canopies, or tops, as you call them, are honourable signs of their owners' conditions." " Do you think their owners will sit under such coverings in paradise, Corny?" continued Jason, with a sneer. " It is impossible for me to say, sir ; it is probable, how- ever, the just will not require any such mark to distinguish them from the unjust." " Let me see," said Jason, looking round and affecting to count; "there are just three — Bishop, Priest, and Deacon, I suppose. Waal, there's a seat for each, and they can be comfortable here, whatever may turn up hereaHer." I turned away, unwilling to dispute the point, for I knew it was as hopeless to expect that a Danbury man would feel like a New Yorker, on such a subject, as it was to expect that a New Yorker could be made to adopt Danbury senti- ments. As for the argument, however, I have heard others of pretty much the same calibre often urged against the three orders of the ministry. On quitting St. Peter's, I communicated the invitation of Guert Ten Eyck to Mr. Worden, and urged him to be of the party. I could see that the notion of a pleasant supper was anything but unpleasant to the missionary. Still he had his scruples, inasmuch as he had not yet seen his reverend with, the true mode of assembling- under the sacred roof, than that men should be classed even at the foot of the altar. It may be questioned if a hatchment is now hung up, either on the dwelling, or in a church, in any part of America. They were to bo seen, however, in the early part of the present century. Whenevel any such traces of ancient usages are met with among us, by the traveller from the old world, he is apt to mistake them for the shadows "that coming events cast before," instead of those of the past. — Editor. SATANSTOE. 167 brother who had the charge of St. Peter's, did not know exactly the temper of his mind, and was particularly de- sirous of officiating for him, in the presence of the principal personages of the place, on the approaching Sunday. He had written a note to the chaplain ; for the person who had the cure of the Episcopalians held that rank in the army, St. Peter's being as much of an official chapel as a parish church ; and he must have an interview with that individual before he could decide. Fortunately, as we descended the street, towards our inn, we saw the very person in question. The marks of the common office that these two divines bore about their persons in their dress, sufficed to make them known to each other at a glance. In five minutes, they had shaken hands, heard each man's account of himself, had given and accepted the invitation to preach, and were other- wise on free and easy terms. Mr. Worden was to dine in the fort, with the chaplain. We then walked forward to- wards the tavern. " By the way, Mr. ," said Mr. Worden, in a paren- thesis of the discourse, "the family of Ten Eyck is quite respectable, here in Albany." "Very much so, sir — a family that is held in much esteem. I shall count on your assisting me, morning and evening, my dear Mr. Worden." It is surprising how the clergy do depend on each other for ' assistance !' " Make your arrangements accordingly, my good brother — I am quite fresh, and have brought a good stock of ser- mons ; not knowing how much might remain to be done in the army. Corny," in a half-whisper, " you can let oui new friends know that I will sup with them ; and, harkee — just drop a hint to them, that I am none of your puritans." Here, then, we found everything in a very fair way to bring us all out in society, within the first two hours of our arrival. Mr. Worden was engaged to preach the next day but one ; and he was engaged to supper that same day. All looked promising, and I hurried on in order to ascertain if Guert Ten Eyck had made his promised call. As before, he was met in the street, and the acceptance of the Domi- nie was duly communicated. Guert seemed highly pleased 168 SATANSTOE. at this success ; and he left me, promising to be punctual to his hour. In the mean time, we had to dine. The dinner proved a good one ; and, as Mr. Worden remarked, it was quite lucky that the principal dish was venison, a meat that was so easy of digestion, as to promise no great obstacle to the accommodation of the supper. He should dine on venison, therefore ; and he advised all three of us to follow his example. But, certain Dutch dishes at- tracted the eye and taste of Dirck ; while Jason had alighted on a hash, of some sort or other, that he did not quit until he had effectually disposed of it. As for myself, I confess, the venison was so much to my taste, that I stuck by the parson. We had our wine, too, and left the table early, in order not to interfere with the business of the night. After dinner, it was proposed to walk out in a body, to make a further examination of the place, and to see if we could not fall in with an army contractor, who might be dis- posed to relieve Dirck and myself of some portion of our charge. Luck again threw us in the way of Guert Ten Eyck, who seemed to live in the public street. In the course of a brief conversation that took place, as a passing compliment, I happened to mention a wish to ascertain where one might dispose of a few horses, and of two or three sleigh-loads of flour, pork, &c, &c. " My dear Mr. Littlepage," said Guert, with a frank smile and a friendly shake of the hand, " I am delighted that you have mentioned these matters to me ; I can take you to the very man you wish to see ; a heavy army-contractor, who is buying up everything of the sort he can lay his hands on." Of course, I was as much delighted as Guert could very well be, and left my party to proceed at once to the con- tractor's office, with the greatest alacrity ; Dirck accom- panying me. As we went along, our new friend advised us not to be very backward in the way of price, since the king paid, in the long run. " Rich dealers ought to pay well," he added ; " and, I can tell you, as a useful thing to know, that orders came on, no later than yesterday, to buy up everything of the sort that offered. Put sleigh and harness, at once, all in a heap, on the king's servants." SATANSTOE. 169 I thought the idea not a bad one, and promised to profit by it. Guert was as good as his word, and I was properly- introduced to the contractor. My business was no sooner mentioned, than I was desired to send a messenger round to the stables, in order that my conveyance, team, &c, might make their appearance. As for the articles that were still on the road, I had very little trouble. The contractor knew my father, and he no sooner heard that Mr. Littlepage, of Satanstoe, was the owner of the provisions, than he pur- chased the whole on the guaranty of his name. For the pork I was to receive two half-joes the barrel, and for the flour one. This was a good sale. The horses would be taken, if serviceable, as the contractor did not question, as would the lumber-sleighs, though the prices could not be set until the different animals and objects were seen and ex- amined. It is amazing what war will do for commerce, as well as what it does against it ! The demand for everything that the judgment of my father had anticipated, was so great, that the contractor told me very frankly the sleighs would not be unloaded in Albany at all, but would be sent on north, on the line of the expected route of the army, so as to anticipate the disappearance of the snow and the break- ing up of the roads. " You shall be paid liberally for your teams, harness and sleighs," he continued, " though no sum can be named until I see them. These are not times when operations are to be retarded on account of a few joes, more or less, for the King's service must go on. I very well know that Major Littlepage and Col. Follock both understand what they are about, and have sent us the right sort of things. The horses are very likely a little old, but are good for one campaign ; better than if younger, perhaps, and were they colts we could get no more than that out of them. These movements in the woods destroy man and beast, and cost mints of money. Ah ! There comes your team." Sure enough, the sleigh drove round from the tavern, and we all went out to look at the horses, &c. Guert now be- came an important person. On the subject of horses he was accounted an oracle, and he talked, moved, and acted like one in all respects. The first thing he did was to step Vol. I. — 15 170 SATANSTOE. up to the animal's head, and to look into the mouth of each in succession. The knowing way in which this was done, the coolness of the interference, and the fine, manly form of the intruder, would have given him at once a certain importance and a connection with what was going on, had not his character for judgment in horse-flesh been well es- tablished, far and near, in that quarter of the country. " Upon my word, wonderfully good mouths !" exclaimed Guert, when through. " You must have your grain ground, Mr. Littlepage, or the teeth never could have stood it so well !" " What age do you call the animals, Guert ?" demanded the contractor. " That is not so easily told, sir. I admit that they are aged horses ; but they may be eight, or nine, or even ten, as for what can be told by their teeth. By the looks of their limbs, I should think they might be nine coming grass." " The near-horse is eleven," I said, " and the ofF-horse is supposed to be " " Poh ! poh ! Littlepage," interrupted Guert, making signs to me to be quiet — " you may think the ofF-horse ten, but I should place him at about nine. His teeth are excellent, and there is not even a wind-gall on his legs. There is a cross of the Flemish in that beast." " Well, and what do you say the pair is worth, Master Guert," demanded the contractor, who seemed to have a certain confidence in his friend's judgment, notwithstanding the recklessness and freedom of his manner. " Twelve half-joes for them both ?" " That will never do, Mr. Contractor," answered Guert, shaking his head. " In times like these, such stout animals, and beasts too in such heart and condition, ought to bring fifteen." " Fifteen let it be then, if Mr. Littlepage assents. Now for the sleigh, and harness, and skins. I suppose Mr. Little- page will part with the skins too, as he can have no use for them without the sleigh ?" " Have you, Mr. Contractor ?" asked Guert, a little abruptly. " That bear-skin fills my eye beautifully, and if Mr. Littlepage will take a guinea for it, here is his money." SATAN STOE. 171 As this was a fair price, it was accepted, though I pressed the skin on Guert as a gift, in remembrance of our accidental acquaintance. This offer, however, he respectfully, but firmly resisted. And here I will take occasion to say, lest the reader be misled by what is met with in works of fiction, and other light and vain productions, that in all my dealings, and future connection with Guert, I found him strictly honourable in money matters. It is true, I would not have purchased a horse on his recommendation, if he owned the beast ; but we all know how the best men yield in their morals when they come to deal in horses. I should scarcely have expected Mr. Worden to be orthodox, in making such bargains. But, on all other subjects connected with money, Guert Ten Eyck was one of the honestest fellows I ever dealt with. The contractor took the sleigh, harness, and skins, at seven more half-joes ; making twenty-three for the whole outfit. This was certainly receiving two half-joes more than my father had expected ; and I owed the gain of six- teen dollars to Guert's friendly and bold interference. As soon as the prices were settled, the money was paid me in good Spanish gold ; and I handed over to Dirck the portion that properly fell to his father's share. As it was under- stood that the remaining horses, sleighs, harness, provisions, &c, were to be taken at an appraisal, the instant they arrived, this hour's work relieved my friend and myself from any further trouble on the subject of the property en- trusted to our care. And a relief it was to be so well rid of a responsibility that was as new as it was heavy to each of us. The reader will get some idea of the pressure of affairs, and how necessary it was felt to be on the alert in the month of March — a time of the year when twenty-four hours might bring about a change in the season — by the circum- stance that the contractor sent his new purchase to be loaded up from the door of his office, with orders to proceed on north, with supplies for a depot that he was making as near to Lake George as was deemed prudent ; the French being in force at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, two posts at the head of Champlain ; a distance considerably less than a hundred miles from Albany. Whatever was forwarded as 172 SATANSTOE. far as Lake George while the snow lasted, could then be sent on with the army, in the contemplated operations of the approaching summer, by means of the two lakes, and their northern outlets. " Well, Mr. Littlepage," cried Guert, heartily ; " that affair is well disposed of. You got goot prices, and I hope the King has got goot horses. They are a little venerable, perhaps ; but what of that ? The army would knock up the best and youngest beast in the colony, in one campaign in the woots j and it can do no more with the oldest and worst. Shall we walk rount into the main street, gentle- men 1 This is about the hour when the young ladies are apt to start for their afternoon sleighing." " I suppose the ladies of Albany are remarkable for their beauty, Mr. Ten Eyck," I rejoined, wishing to say some- thing agreeable to a man who seemed so desirous of serving me. " The specimens I saw in crossing the river this morning, would induce a stranger to think so." " Sir," replied Guert, walking towards the great avenue of the town, " we are content with our ladies, in general, for they are charming, warm-hearted and amiable ; but there has been an arrival among us this winter, from your part of the colony, that has almost melted the ice on the Hudson !" My heart beat quicker, for I could only think of one be- ing of her sex, as likely to produce such a sensation. Still, I could not abstain from making a direct inquiry on the subject. " From our part of the colony, Mr. Ten Eyck ! — You mean from New York, probably V " Yes, sir, as a matter of course. There are several beautiful English women who have come up with the army ; but no colonel, major, or captain, has brought such para- gons with him, as Herman Mordaunt, a gentleman who may be known to you by name V " Personally too, sir. Herman Mordaunt is even a kins- man of Dirck'Follock, my friend here." " Then is Mr. Follock to be envied, since he can call cousin with so charming a young lady as Anneke Mor- daunt." SATANSTOE. 173 " True sir, most true!" I interrupted, eagerly; "Anne Mordaunt passes for the sweetest girl in York!" " I do not know that I should go quite as far as that, Mr. Littlepage," returned Guerc, moderating his warmth, in a manner that a little surprised me, though his handsome face still glowed with honest, natural admiration ; " since there is a Miss Mary Wallace in her company, that is quite as much thought of, here in Albany, as her friend, Miss Mor- daunt." Mary Wallace ! The idea of comparing the silent, thoughtful, excellent though she were, Mary Wallace, with Anneke could never have crossed my mind. Still, Mary Wallace certainly was a very charming girl. She was even handsome; had a placid, saint-like character of coun- tenance that had often struck me, singular beauty and development of form, and, in any other company than that of Anneke's, might well have attracted the first attention of the most fastidious beholder. And Guert Ten Eyck admired, — perhaps loved, Mary Wallace ! Here, then, was fresh evidence how much we are all inclined to love our opposites ; to form close friend- ships with those who resemble us least, principles excepted, for virtue can never cling to vice, and how much more in- terest novelty possesses in the human breast, than the repetition of things to which we are accustomed. No two beings could be less alike than Mary Wallace and Guert Ten Eyck ; yet the last admired the first. " Miss Wallace is a very charming young lady, Mr. Ten Eyck," I rejoined, as soon as wonder would allow me to answer, " and I am not surprised you speak of her in terms of so much admiration." Guert stopped short in the street, looked me full in the face with an expression of truth that could not well be feigned, squeezed my hand fervently, and rejoined with a strange frankness, that I could not have imitated, to be master of all I saw — "Admiration, Mr. Littlepage, is not a wort strong enough for what I feel for Mary ! I would marry her in the next hour, and love and cherish her for all the rest of my life. I worship her, and love the earth she treads on." " And you have told her this, Mr. Ten Eyck?" 15* 174 SATAN STOE. " Fifty times, sir. She has now been two months in Al- bany, and my love was secured within the first week. I offered myself too soon, I fear ; for Mary is a prutent, sen- sible young woman, and girls of that character are apt to distrust the youth who is too quick in his advances. They like to be served, sir, for seven years and seven years, as Joseph served for Potiphar." " You mean, most likely, Mr. Ten Eyck, as Jacob served for Rachel." " Well, sir, it may be as you say, dough I t'ink that in our Dutch Bibles, it stands as Joseph served for Potiphar — but you know what I mean, Mr. Littlepage. If you wish to see the ladies, and will come with me, I will go to a place where Herman Mordaunt's sleigh invariaply passes at this hour, for the ladies almost live in the air. I never miss the occasion of seeing them." I had now a clue to Guert's being so much in the street. He was as good as his word, however, for he took a stand near the Dutch church, where I soon had the happiness of seeing Anneke and her friend driving past, on their even- ing's excursion. How blooming and lovely the former looked ! Mary Wallace's eye turned, I fancied understand- ing^, to the corner where Guert had placed himself, and her colour deepened as she returned his bow. But, the start of surprise, the smile, and the lightening eye of Anneke, as she unexpectedly saw me, filled my soul with delight, almost too great to De borne. CHAPTER XII. "Then the wine it gets into their heads, And turns the wit out of its station ; Nonsense gets in, in its stead, And their puns are now all botheration." The Punning Society, Guert Ten Eyck looked at me expressively, as the sleigh whirled round an angle of the building and disappeared. SATANSTOE. 175 He then proposed that we should proceed. On ascending the main street, I was not a little surprised at discovering the sort of amusement that was going on, and in which it seemed to me all the youths of the place were engaged. By youths, I do not mean lads of twelve and fourteen, but young men of eighteen and twenty, the amusement being that of sliding down hill, or " coasting," as I am told it is called in Boston. The acclivity was quite sharp, and of sufficient length to give an impetus to the sled, that was set in motion at a short distance above the English church; an impetus that would carry it past the Dutch church — a dis- tance that was somewhat more than a quarter of a mile. The hand-sleds employed, were of a size and construction suited to the dimensions of those that used them ; and, as a matter of course, there was no New Yorker that had not learned how to govern the motion of one of these vehicles, even when gliding down the steepest descent, with the nicest delicacy and greatest ease. As children, or boys as late in life as fourteen even, every male in the colony, and not a few of the females, had acquired this art ; but this was the first place in which I had ever known adults to engage in the sport. The accidental circumstance of a hill's belong- ing to the principal street, joined to the severity of the win- ters, had rendered an amusement suited to grown people, that, elsewhere, was monopolized by the children. By the time we had ascended as high as the English church, a party of young officers came down from the fort, gay with the glass and the song of the regimental mess. No sooner did they reach the starting-point, than three or four of the more youthful got possession of as many sleds, and offthey went, like the shot starting from its gun. Nobody seemed to think it strange ; but, on the contrary, I observed that the elderly people looked on with a complacent gravity, that seemed to say how vividly the sight recalled the days of their own youth. I cannot say, however, that the stran- gers succeeded very well in managing their sleds, generally meeting with some stoppage before they reached the bottom of the hill. " Will you take a slide, Mr. Littlepagel" Guert demanded, with a courteous gravity, that showed how serious a business he fancied the sport. " Here is a large and strong sled that 176 SATANSTOE. will carry double, and you might trust yourself with me, though a regiment of horse were paraded down below." " But are" we not a little too old for such an amusement, in the streets of a large town, Mr. Ten Eyck 1" I answered, doubtingly, looking round me in an uncertain manner, as one who did not like to adventure, even while he hesitated to refuse. "Those king's officers are privileged people, you know." " No man has a higher privilege to use the streets of Albany, than Mr. Cornelius Littlepage, sir, I can assure you. The young ladies often honour me with their com- pany, and no accident has ever happened." " Do the young ladies venture to ride down this street, Mr. Ten Eyck?" " Not often, sir, I grant you ; though that has been done, too, of a moonlight night. There is a more retired spot, at no great distance from this street, however, to which the ladies are rather more partial. Look, Mr. Littlepage ! — There goes the Hon. Capt. Monson, of the th, and he will be down the hill and up again before we are off, unless you hurry. Take your seat, lady-fashion, and leave me to manage the sled." What could I do ! Guert had been so very civil, was so much in earnest, everybody seemed to expect it of me, and the Hon. Capt. Monson was already a hundred yards on his way to the bottom, shooting s'nead with the velocity of an arrow. I took my scat, accordingly, placing my feet to- gether on the front round, " lady -fashion" as directed. In an instant, Guert's manly frame was behind me, with a leg extended on each side of the sled, the government of which, as every American who has been born north of the Potomac well knows, is effected by delicate touches of the heels. Guert called out to the boys for a shove, and away we went, like the ship that is bound for her " destined element," as the poets say. We got a good start, and left the spot as the arrow leaves its bow. Shall I own the truth, and confess I had a momentary pleasure in the excitement produced by the rapidity of the motion, by the race we were running with another sled, and by the skill and ease with which Guert, almost without touching the ground, carried us unharmed through sundry SATANSTOE. 177 narrow passages, and along the line of wood and venison loaded sleighs, barely clearing the noses of their horses. I forgot that I was making this strange exhibition of mvself, in a strange place, and almost in strange company. So rapid was our motion, however, that the danger of being recognised was not very great ; and there were so many to divide attention, that the act of folly would have been over- looked, but for a most untimely and unexpected accident. We had gone the entire length between the two churches with great success, — several steady, grave, and respectable- looking old burghers calling out, on a high key, " Veil done, Guert !" — for Guert appeared to be a general favour- ite, in the sense of fun and frolic at least, — when, turning an angle of the Old Dutch Temple, in the ambitious wish of shooting past it, in order to run still lower and shoot off the wharf upon the river, we found ourselves in imminent danger of running under the fore-legs of two foamino- horses, that were whirling a sleigh around the same corner of the church. Nothing saved us but Guert's readiness and physical power. By digging a heel into the snow, he caused the sled to fly round at a right angle to its former course, and us to fly off it, heels over head, without much regard to the proprieties, so far as postures or grace was concerned. The negro who drove the sleigh pulled up, at the same instant, with so much force as to throw his horses on their haunches. The result of these combined move- ments was to cause Guert and myself to roll over in such a way as to regain our feet directly alongside of the sleigh. In rising to my feet, indeed, I laid a hand on the side of the vehicle, in order to assist me in the effort. What a sight met my eyes ! In the front stood the negro, grinning from ear to ear; for he deemed every disaster that occurred on runners a fit subject for merriment. Who ever did anything but laugh at seeing a sleigh upset? — and it was consequently quite in rule to do so on seeing two over- grown boys roll over from a hand-sled. I could have knocked the rascal down, with a good will, but it would not have done to resent mirth that proceeded from so legitimate a cause. Had I been disposed to act differently, however, the strength and courage necessary to effect such a purpose would have been annihilated in me, by finding myself stand- 178 SATAN STOE. ing within three feet, and directly in front of Anneke Mor- daunt and Mary Wallace ! The shame at being thus de- tected in the disastrous termination of so boyish a flight, at first nearly overcame me. How Guert felt I do not know, but, for a single instant, I wished him in the middle of the Hudson, and all Albany, its Dutch Church, sleds, hill, and smoking burghers included, on top of him. " Mr. Littlepage !" burst out of the rosy lips of Anneke, in a tone of voice that was not to be misunderstood. " Mr. Guert Ten Eyck !" exclaimed Mary Wallace, in an accent and manner that bespoke chagrin. " At your service, Miss Mary," answered Guert, who looked a little sheepish at the result of his exploit, though for a reason I did not at first comprehend, brushing some snow from his cap at the same time — " At your service, now and ever, Miss Mary. But, do not suppose it was awkwardness that produced this accident, I entreat of you. It was altogether the fault of the boy who is stationed to give warning of sleighs below the church, who must have left his post. Whenever either of you young ladies will do me the honour to take a seat with me, I will pledge my cha- racter, as an Albanian, to carry her to the foot of the high- est and steepest hill in town without disturbing a riband." Mary Wallace made no answer ; and I fancied she looked a little sad. It is possible Anneke saw and understood this feeling, for she answered with a spirit that I had never seen her manifest before — " No, no, Mr. Ten Eyck," she said ; " when Miss Wal- lace or I wish to ride down hill, and become little girls again, we will trust ourselves with boys, whose constant practice will be likely to render them more expert than men can be, who have had time to forget the habits of their childhood. Pompey, we will return home." The cold inclination of the head that succeeded, while it was sufficiently gracious to preserve appearances, proved too plainly that neither Guert nor myself had risen in the estimation of his mistress, by this boyish exhibition of his skill with the hand-sled. Had either of these young ladies been Albanians, it is probable they would have laughed at our mishap; but no high hill running directly into New York, the custom that prevailed at Albany did not prevail SATANSTOE. 179 in the capital. Small boys alone used the hand-sled in that part of the colony, while the taste continued longer among the more stable and constant Dutch. Of course, we had nothing to do but to make profound bows, and suffer the negro to move on. " There it is, Littlepage," exclaimed Guert, with a species of sigh ; " I shall have nothing but iced looks for the next week, and all for riding down hill four or five years later than is the rule. Everybody, hereabouts, uses the hand-sled until eighteen, or so ; and I am only five-and-twenty. Pray, what may be your age, my dear fellow ?" " Twenty-one, only about a month since. I wish, with all my heart, it were ten !" " Turned the corner !— well, that's unlucky ; but we must make the best of it. My taste is for fun, and so I have admitted to Miss Wallace, twenty times ; but she tells me that, after a certain period, men should look to graver things, and think of their country. She has lectured me already, once, on the subject of sliding; though she allows that skating is a manly exercise." " When a lady takes the trouble to lecture, it is a sure sign she feels some interest in the subject." " By St. Nicholas ! I never thought of that, Littlepage !" cried Guert, who, notwithstanding the great advantages he possessed in the way of face and figure, turned out to have less personal vanity about him than almost any man I ever met with. " Lecture me she has, and that more than once, too !" " The lady who lectures me, sir, will not get rid of me, at the end of the discourse." " That's manly ! I like it, Littlepage ; and I like you. I foresee we shall be great friends ; and we'll talk more of this matter another time. Now, Mary has spoken to me of the war, and hinted that a single man, like myself, with the world before him, might do something to make his name known in it. I did not like that ; for a girl who loved a fellow would not wish to have him shot." " A girl who took no interest in her suitor, Mr. Ten Eyck, would not care whether he did anything or not. But I must now quit you, being under an engagement to meet Mr. Wor- den at the inn, at six." 180 S AT ANSTOE . Guert and I shook hands, for the tenth or twelfth time hat day, parting with an understanding that he was to call for us, to accompany our party to the supper, at the previ- ously appointed hour. As I walked towards the inn, I pon- dered on what had just occurred, in a most mortified temper. That Anneke was displeased, was only too apparent ; and I felt fearful that her displeasure was not entirely free from contempt. As for Guert's case, it did not strike me as being half so desperate as my own ; for there was nothing unna- tural, but something quite the reverse, in women of sense and stability, when they admire any youth of opposite tem- perament, — and I remembered to have heard my grandfather say that such was apt to be the case, — wishing to elevate their suitors in their pursuits and characters. Had Anneke taken the pains to remonstrate with me about the folly of what I had done, I should have been encouraged ; but the cold indifference of her manner, not to call it contempt, cut me to the quick. It is true, Anneke seemed to feel most on her friend's account ; but I could not mistake the look of surprise with which she saw me, Cornelius Littlepage, rise from under her sleigh, and stand brushing the snow from my clothes, like a great calf as I was ! No man can bear to be rendered ridiculous in the presence of the woman he loves. Near the inn I met Dirck, his whole face illuminated with a look of pleasure. " I have just met Anneke and Mary Wallace !" he said', " and they stopped their sleigh to speak to me. Herman Mordaunt has been here half the winter, and he means to remain most of the summer. There will be no Lilacsbush this season, the girls told me, but Herman Mordaunt has got a house, where he lives with his own servants, and boils his own pot, as he calls it. We shall be at home there, of course, for you are such a favourite, Corny, ever since that affair of the lion ! As for Anneke, I never saw her looking so beautiful !" " Did Miss Mordaunt say she would be happy to see us on the old footing, Dirck?" " Did she?— I suppose so. She said I shall be glad to see you, cousin Dirck, whenever you can come, and I hpp© SATANSTOE. 181 you will bring with you sometimes the clergyman of whom you have spoken." "But nothing of Jason Newcome or Corny Littlepage? Tell the truth at once, Dirck ; my name was not men- tioned ?" " Indeet it was, t'ough ; 2" mentioned it several times, and told them how long we had been on the roat, and how you trove, and how you had sold the sleigh and horses already, and a dozen other t'ings. Oh ! we talket a great deal of you, Corny ; that is, I dit, and the girls listened." " Was my name mentioned by either of the young ladies, Dirck, in direct terms 1" " To be sure ; Anneke had something to say about you, though it was so much out of the way, I can hardly tell you what it was now. Oh ! I remember : she said ■ I have seen Mr. Littlepage, and think he has grown since we last met ; he promises to make a man one of these days.' What could t'at mean, Corny ?" " That I am a fool, a great overgrown boy, and wish I had never seen Albany ; that's what it means. Come, let us go in ; Mr. Worden will be expecting us. Ha ! Who the devil's that, Dirck ?" A loud Dutch shout from Dirck broke out of him, regard- less of the street, and his whole face lighted up into a broad sympathetic smile. I had caught a glimpse of a sled coming down the acclivity we were slowly ascending, which sled glided past us just as I got the words out of my mouth. It was occupied by Jason alone, who seemed just as much charmed with the sport as any other grown-up boy on the hill. There he went, the cocked-hat uppermost, the pea- green coat beneath, and the striped woollens and heavy plated buckles stuck out, one on each side, governing the movement of the sled with the readiness of a lad accus- tomed to the business. " That must be capital fun, Corny 1" my companion said, scarce able to contain himself for the pleasure he felt. " I have a great mind to borrow a sled and take a turn myself." " Not if you intend to visit Miss Mordaunt, Dirck. Take my word for it, she does not like to see men following the pleasures of boys." Vol. I. — 16 182 SATANSTOE. Dirck stared at me, but being taciturn by nature, he said nothing, and we entered the house. There we found Mr. Worden reading over an old sermon, in readiness for his next Sunday's business ; and sitting down, we began to com- pare notes on the subject of the town and its advantages. The divine was in raptures. As for the Dutch he cared little for them, and had seen but little of them, overlooking them in a very natural, metropolitan sort of way ; but he had found so many English officers, had heard so much from home, and had received so many invitations, that his campaign promised nothing but agreeables. We sat chat- ting over these matters until the tea was served, and for an hour or two afterwards. My bargains were applauded, my promptitude — the promptitude of Guert would have been more just — was commended, and I was told that my parents should hear the whole truth in the matter. In a word, our Mentor being in good-humour with himself, was disposed to be in good humour with every one else. At the appointed hour, Guert came to escort us to the place of meeting. He was courteous, attentive, and as frank as the air he breathed, in manner. Mr. Worden took to him excessively, and it was soon apparent that he and young Ten Eyck were likely to become warm friends. " You must know, gentlemen, that the party to which I have had the honour of inviting you, will be composed of some of the heartiest young men in Albany, if not in the colony. We meet once a month, in the house of an old bachelor, who belongs to us, and who will be delighted to converse with you, Mr. Worden, on the subject of religion. Mr. Van Brunt is very expert in religion, and we make him the umpire of all our disputes and bets on that subject." This sounded a little ominous, I thought; but Mr. Worden was not a man to be frightened from a good hot supper, by half-a-dozen inadvertent words. He could tolerate even a religious discussion, with such an object in view. He walked on, side by side with Guert, and we were soon at the door of the house of Mr. Van Brunt, the Bachelor in Divinity, as I nicknamed him. Guert entered without knocking, and ushered us into the presence of our quasi nost. Wo found in the room a company of just twelve, Guert SATANSTOE. 183 included ; that being the entire number of the club. It struck me, at the first glance, that the whole set had a sort of slide-dovvn-hill aspect, and that we were likely to make a night of it. My acquaintance with Dirck, and indeed my connection with the old race, had not left me ignorant of a certain peculiarity in the Dutch character. Sober, sedate, nay phlegmatic as they usually appeared to be, their roys- tering was on a pretty high key, when it once fairly com- menced. We thought one lad of the old race, down in Westchester, fully a match for two of the Anglo-Saxon breed, when it came to a hard set-to ; no ordinary fun ap- peasing the longings of an excited Dutchman. Tradition had let me into a good many secrets connected with their excesses, and I had heard the young Albanians often men- tioned as being at the head of their profession in these par- ticulars. Nothing could be more decorous, or considerate, however, than our introduction and reception. The young men seemed particularly gratified at having a clergyman of their party, and I make no doubt it was intended that the evening should be one of unusual sobriety and moderation. I heard the word "Dominie" whispered from mouth to mouth, and it was easy to see the effect it produced. Most eyes were fastened on Van Brunt, a red-faced, square-built, somewhat dissolute-looking man of forty-five, who seemed to find his apology for associating with persons so much his juniors, in his habits, and possibly in the necessity of the case ; as men of his own years might not like his company. "And, gentlemen, it is dry business standing here look- ing at each other," observed Mr. Van Brunt ; " and we will take a little punch, to moisten our hearts, as well as our throats. Guert, yon is the pitcher." Guert made good use of the pitcher, and each man had his glass of punch, — a beverage then, as now, much used in the colony. I must acknowledge that the mixture was very knowingly put together, though I had no sooner swal- lowed my glass, than I discovered it was confounded strong. Not so with Guert. Not only did he swallow one glass, but he swallowed two, in quick succession, like a man who was thirsty ; standing at the time in a fine, manly, erect attitude, as one who trifled with something that did not half tax his 184 SATANSTOE. powers. The pitcher, though quite large, was emptied at that one assault, in proof of which it was turned bottom upwards, by Guert himself. Conversation followed, most of it being in English, out of compliment to the Dominie, who was not supposed to understand Dutch. This was an error, however, Mr. Wor- den making out tolerably well in that language, when he tried. I was felicitated on the bargains I had made with the contractor; and many kind and hospitable attempts were made to welcome me in a frank, hearty manner among strangers. I confess I was touched by these honest and sincere endea- vours to put me at my ease, and when a second pitcher of punch was brought round, I took another glass with right good-will, while Guert, as usual, took two ; though the liquor he drank, I had many occasions to ascertain subse- quently, produced no more visible effect on him, in the way of physical consequences, than if he had not swallowed it. Guert was no drunkard, far from it ; he could only drink all near him under the table, and remain firm in his chair himself. Such men usually escape the imputation of being sots, though they are very apt to pay the penalty of their successes at the close of their career. These are the men who break down at sixty, if not earlier, becoming subject to paralysis, indigestion, and other similar evils. Such was the state of things, the company gradually getting into a very pleasant humour, when Guert was called out of the room by one of the blacks, who bore a most ominous physiognomy while making his request. He was gone but a moment, when he returned with a certain sort of consternation painted in his own handsome face. Mr. Van Brunt was called into a corner, where two or three more of the principal persons present soon collected, in an earnest, half-whispered discourse. I was seated so near this group, as occasionally to overhear a few expressions, though to get no clear clue to its meaning. The words I overheard were, "old Cuyler" — "capital supper" — "venison and ducks" — "partridges and quails" — "knows us all" — "never do" — " Dominie the man" — " strangers" — " how to do it?" and several other similar expressions, which left a vague impression on my mind that our supper was in great peril from some cause or other ; but what that cause was I could SATANSTOE. 185 not learn. Guert was evidently the principal person in this consultation, everybody appearing to listen to his suggestions with respect and attention. At length our friend came out of the circle, and in a courteous, self-possessed manner com- municated the difficulty in the following words : " You must know, Rev. Mr. Worden, and Mr. Littlepage, and Mr. FoIIock, and Mr. Newcome, that we have certain customs of our own, among us youths of Albany, that perhaps are not familiar to you gentlemen nearer the capital. The trut' is, that we are not always as wise and as sober as our parents, and grandparents in particular, could wish us to be. It is t'ought a good thing among us sometimes, to rummage the hen-roosts and poultry-yards of the burghers, and to sup on the fruits of such a forage. I do not know how it is with you, gentlemen ; but I will own, that to me, ducks and geese got in this innocent, game-like way, taste sweeter than when they are bought in the market-hall : our own supper for to-night was a bought supper, but it has become the victim of a little enlargement of the practice I have men- tioned." " How ! — how 's that, friend Ten Eyck !" exclaimed Mr. Worden, in no affected consternation. " The supper a victim, do you say ?" " Yes, sir ; to be frank at once, it is gone ; gone to a pullet, a steak, and a potatoe. They have not left us a dish !" " They !" echoed the parson — "And who can they be V " That is a point yet to be ascertained, for the operation has been carried on in so delicate and refined a way, that none of our blacks know anything of the matter. It seems there was a cry of fire just now, and it took every one of the negroes into the street ; during which time all our game has been put up, and has flown." '• Bless me ! bless me ! what a calamity ! — what a ras- cally theft ! Did you not mark it down ?" " No sir, I am sorry to say we have not ; nor do we apply such hard names to a frolic, even when we lose our supper by it. It is the act of some of our associates and friends, who hope to feast at our expense to-night ; and who will, gentlemen, unless you will consent to aid us in recovering our lost dishes." " Aid you, my dear sir — I will do any thing you can 16* 186 SATANSTOE. wish — what will you have me attempt ? Shall I go to the fort, and ask for succour from the army 1" " No, sir ; our ohject can be effected short of t'at. I am .quite certain we can find what we want, only two or three doors from this, if you will consent to lend us a little, a very little of your assistance." "Name it — name it, at once, for Heaven's sake, Mr. Guert. The dishes must be getting cold, all this time," cried Mr. Worden, jumping up with alacrity, and looking about him, for his hat and cloak. " The service we ask of you, gentlemen, is just this," rejoined Guert, with a coolness that, when I came to reflect on the events of that night, has always struck me as singu- larly astonishing. " Our supper, and an excellent one it is, is close at hand, as I have said. Nothing will be easier than to get it on our own table, in the next room, could we only manage to call old Doortje off duty, and detain her for five minutes at the area gate of her house. She knows every one of us, and would smell a rat in a minute, did we show ourselves ; but Mr. Worden and Mr. Littlepage, here, might amuse her for the necessary time, without any trou- ble. She is remarkably fond of Dommies, and would not be able to trace you back to this house, leaving us to eat the supper in peace. After Vat, no one cares for the rest." "I'll do it! — I'll do it!" cried Mr. Worden, hurrying into the passage, in quest of his hat and cloak. " It is no more than just that you should have your own, and the supper will be either eaten, or overdone, should we go for constables." " No fear of constables, Mr. Worden, we never employ them in our poultry wars. All we, who will get the supper back again, can expect, will be merely a little hot water, or a skirmish with our friends." The details of the movement were now intelligibly and clearly settled. Guert was to head a party provided with large clothes-baskets, who were to enter the kitchen, during Doortje's absence, and abstract the dishes, which could not yet be served, as all in Albany, of a certain class, sat down to supper at nine precisely. As for Doortje, a negro who was in the house, in waiting on one of the quests, his mas- ter, would manage to get her out to the area gate, the house SATANSTOE. 187 having a cellar kitchen, where it would depend on Mr. Wor- den to detain her, three or four minutes. To my surprise, the parson entered on the execution of the wild scheme with boyish eagerness, affirming that he could keep the woman half an hour, if it were necessary, by delivering her a lec- ture on the importance of observing the eighth command- ment. As soon as the preliminaries were thus arranged, the two parties proceeded on their respective duties, the hour admonishing us of the necessity of losing no time un- necessarily. I did not like this affair from the first, the experiment of slid- ing down hill, having somewhat weakened my confidence in Guert Ten Eyck's judgment. Nevertheless, it would not do for me to hold back, when Mr. Worden led, and, after all, there was no great harm in recovering a supper that had been abstracted from our own house. Guert did not proceed, like ourselves, by the street, but he went with his party, out of a back gate into an alley, and was to enter the yard of the house he assailed, by means of a similar gate in its rear. Once in that yard, the access to the kitchen, and the retreat, were very easy, provided the cook could be drawn away from her charge at so important a moment. Everything, there- fore, depended on the address of the young negro who was in the house, and ourselves. On reaching the gate of the area, we stopped while our negro descended to invite Doortje forth. This gave us a moment to examine the building. The house was large, much larger than most of those round it, and what struck me as unusual, there was a lighted lamp over the door. This looked as if it might be a sort of a tavern, or eating house, and rendered the whole thing more intelligible to me. Our roystering plunderers doubtless intended to sup on their spoils at that tavern. The negro was gone but a minute, when he came out with a young black of his own sex, a servant whom he was leading off his post, on some pretence of his own, and was immediately followed by the cook. Doortje made many curtsies as soon as she saw the cocked-hat and black cloak of the Dominie, begging his pardon and asking his pleasure. Mr. Worden now began a grave and serious lecture on the sin of stealing, holding the confounded Doortje in discourse 188 SATANSTOE. quite three minutes. In vain the cook protested she had taken nothing ; that her master's property was sacred in her eyes, and ever had been ; that she never gave away even cold meats without an order, and that she could not imagine why she was to be talked to in this way. To give him his due, Mr. Worden performed his part to admiration, though it is true he had only an ignorant wench, who was awed by his profession, to manage. At length we heard a shrill whistle from the alley, the signal of success, when Mr. Worden wished Doortje a solemn good-night, and walked away with all the dignity of a priest. In a minute or two we were in the house again, and were met by Guert with cordial shakes of the hand, thanks for our acceptable service, and a summons to supper. It appears that Doortje had actually dished-up everything, all the articles standing before a hot fire waiting only for the clock to strike nine to be served. In this state, then, the only change the supper had to undergo, was to bring it a short distance through the alley and to place it on our table, instead of that for which it was so lately intended. Notwithstanding the rapidity with which the changes had been made, it would not have been very easy for a stran- ger to detect any striking irregularity in our feast. It is true, there were two sets of dishes on the table, or rather dishes of two different sets ; but the ducks, game, &c, were not only properly cooked, but were warm and good. To work everybody went, therefore, with an appetite, and for five minutes little was heard beyond the clatter of knives and forks. Then came the drinking of healths, and finally the toasts, and the songs, and the stories. Guert sang capitally, in a fine, clear, sweet, manly voice, and he gave us several airs with words both in English and in Dutch. He had just finished one of these songs, and the clapping of hands was still loud and warm, when the young man called on Mr. Worden for a lady, or a sentiment. " Come, Dominie," he called out, for by this time the feast had produced its familiarity — " Come, Dominie, you have acquitted yourself so well as a lecturer, that we are all dying to hear you preach." " A lady do you say, sir V asked the parson, who was as merry as any of us. SATANSTOE. 189 * A laty — a Iaty" — shouted six or seven at once. " The Tominie's laty— the Tominie's laty." " Well, gentlemen, since you will have it so, you shall have one. You must not complain if she prove a little venerable, — but I give you i Mother Church.' " This produced a senseless laugh, as such things usually do, and then followed my turn. Mr. Van Brunt very formally called on me for a lady. After pausing a moment I said, as I flatter myself, with spirit — 11 Gentlemen, I will give you another almost as heavenly — Miss Anneke Mordaunt !" " Miss Anneke Mordaunt !" was echoed round the table, and I soon discovered that Anneke was a general favourite, and a very common toast already at Albany. " I shall now ask Mr. Guert Ten Eyck for his lady," I said, as soon as silence was restored, there being very little pause between the cups that night. This appeal changed the whole character of the expres- sion of Guert's face. It became grave in an instant, as if the recollection of her whose name he was about to utter produced a pause in his almost fierce mirth. He coloured, then raised his eyes and looked sternly round as if to chal- lenge denial, and gave — " Miss Mary Wallace." " Ay, Guert, we are used to that name, now," said Van Brunt, a little drily. " This is the tenth time I have heard it from you within two months." " You will be likely to hear it twenty more, sir ; for I shall give Mary Wallace, and nobody but Mary Wallace, while the lady remains Mary Wallace. How, now, Mr. Constable ! What may be the reason we have the honour of a visit from you at this time of night."* *In this whole affair of the supper, the reader will find incidents that bear a striking resemblance to certain local characteristics pourtrayed by Mrs. Grant, of Laggan, in her memoirs of an Ameri- can Lady ; thus corroborating the fidelity of the pictures of our ancient manners, as given by that respectable writer, by the unques- tioned authority of Mr. Cornelius Littlepage. — Editor. 190 SATANSTOE. CHAPTER XIII. " Masters, it is proved already That you are little better than false knaves ; And it will go near to be thought so, shortly." Dogberry. The sudden appearance of the city constable, a func- tionary whose person was not unknown to most of the company, brought every man at table to his feet, the Rev. Mr. Worden, Dirck and myself, included. For my own part, I saw no particular reason for alarm, though it at once struck me that this visit might have some connection with the demolished supper, since the law does not, in all cases, suffer a man to reclaim even his own, by trick or violence. As for the constable himself, a short, compact, snub-nosed, Dutch-built person, who spoke English as if it disagreed with his bile, he was the coolest of the whole party. " Veil, Mr. Guert," he said, with a sort of good-natured growl of authority, " here I moost coome ag'in ! Mr. Mayor woult be happy to see you, and ter Tominie, dat ist of your party ; and ter gentleman dat acted as clerk, ven he lec- tured old Doortje, Mr. Mayor's cook." Mr. Mayor's cook ! Here, then, a secret was out, with a vengeance ! Guert had not reclaimed his own lost supper, which, having passed into the hands of the Philistines, was hopelessly gone ; but he had actually stolen and eaten the supper prepared for the Mayor of Albany, — Peter Cuyler, a man of note, and standing, in all respects; a functionary who had held his office from time immemorial ; — the lamp was the symbol of authority, and not the sign of an inn, or an eating-house; — the supper, moreover, was never prepared for one man, or one family, but had certainly been got up for the honourable treatment of a goodly company; — fif- teen stout men had mainly appeased their appetites on it; and the fragments were that moment under discussion among half-a-dozen large-mouthed, shining negro faces, in the kitchen ! Under circumstances like these, I looked in- SATANSTOE. 191 quiringly at the Rev. Mr. Worden — and the Rev. Mr. Wor- den looked inquiringly at me. There was no apparent remedy, however; but, after a brief consultation with Guert, we, the summoned parties, took our hats and followed Dog- berry to the residence of Mr. Mayor. " You are not to be uneasy, gentlemen, at this little inter- ruption of our amusements," said Guert, dropping in be- tween Mr. Worden and myself, as we proceeded on our way, " these things happening very often among us. You are innocent, you know, under all circumstances, since you supposed that the supper was our own — brought back by direct means, instead of having recourse to the shabby de- lays of the law." "And whose supper may this have been, sir, that we have just eaten ?" demanded Mr. Worden. " Why, there can be no harm, now, in telling you the trut', Dominie; and I will own, therefore, it belonged in law to Mr. Mayor Cuyler. There is no great danger, however, as you will see, when I come to explain matters. You must know that the Mayor's wife was a Schuyler, and my mother has some of that blood in her veins, and we count cousins as far as we can see, in Albany. It is just supping with one's relations, a little out of the common way, as you will perceive, gentlemen." " Have you dealt fairly with Mr. Littlepage and myself, sir, in this affair?" Mr. Worden asked, a little sternly. " I might, with great propriety, lecture to a cook, on the eighth commandment, when that cook was a party to robbing you of your supper; but how shall I answer to His Honour, Mr. Mayor, on the charge which will now be brought against me ? It is not for myself, Mr. Guert, that I feel so much concern, as for the credit and reputation of my sacred office, and that, too, among your disciples of the schools of Leyden !" " Leave it all to me, my dear Dominie — leave it all to me," answered Guert, well disposed to sacrifice himself, rather than permit a friend to suffer. " I am used to these little matters, and will take care of you." " I vill answer for t'at," put in the constable, looking over his shoulder. " No young fly-away in AWponny hast more knowletge in t'ese matters t'an Mr. Guert, here. If any 192 SATANSTOE. potty can draw his heat out of the yoke, Mr. Guert can. Yaas — yaas — he know all apout t'ese little matters, sure enouo-h." This was encouraging, of a certainty ! Our associate was so well known for his tricks and frolics, that even the constable who took him calculated largely on his address in getting out of scrapes ! I did not apprehend that any of us were about to be tried and convicted of a downright robbery ; for I knew how far the Dutch carried their jokes of this nature, and how tolerant the seniors were to their juniors ; and especially how much all men are disposed to regard any exploit of the sort of that in which we had been engaged, when it has been managed adroitly, and in a way to excite a laugh. Still, it was no joke to rob a Mayor of his supper, these functionaries usually passing to their offices through the probationary grade of Alderman.* Guert was not free from uneasiness, as was apparent by a question he put to the officer, on the steps of Mr. Cuyler's house, and under the very light of the official lamp. " How is the old gentleman, this evening, Hans V the principal asked, with some little concern in his manner. " I hope he and his company have supped ?" " Veil, t'at is more t'an I can telt you, Mr. Guert. He look't more as like himself, when he hat the horse t'ieves from New Englant taken up, t'an he hast for many a tay. 'Twas most too pat, Mr. Guert, to run away wit' the Mayor's own supper ! I coult have tolt you who hast your own tucks and venison." " I wish you had, Hans, with all my heart ; but we were hard pushed, and had a strange Dominie to feed. You know a body must provide well for company." * The American Mayor is usually a different person from the Eng- lish Mayor. Until within the last five-and-twenty or thirty years, the Mayor of New York was invariably a man of social and political importance, belonging strictly to the higher class of society. The same was true of the Mayor of Albany. At the present time, the rule has been so far enlarged, as to admit a selection from all of the more reputable classes, without any rigid adherence to the highest. The elective principle has produced the change. During the writer's boyhood, Philip Van Rensselaer, the brother of the late Patroon, was so long Mayor of Albany, as to be universally known by the sobriquet of " The Mayor."— Editor. SATANSTOE. 193 " Yaas, yaas ; I understants it, and knows how you moost have peen nonplush't to do sich a t'ing ; put it was mo-o-st too pat. Veil, we are all young, afore we live to be olt — ■ t'at effery potty knows." By this time the door was open, and we entered. Mr. Mayor had issued orders we should all be shown into the parlour, where I rather think, from what subsequently passed, he intended to cut up Guert a little more than common, by exposing him before the eyes of a particular person. At all events, the reader can judge of my horror, at finding that the party whose supper I had just helped to demolish, con- sisted, in addition to three or four sons and daughters of the house, of Herman Mordaunt, Mary Wallace, and Anneke ! Of course, everybody knew what had been done; but, until we entered the room, Mr. Mayor alone knew who had done it. Of Mr. Worden and myself even, he knew no more than he had learned from Dootje's account of the matter; and the cook, quite naturally, had represented us as rogues feigning our divinity. Guert was a thoroughly manly fellow, and he did us the justice to enter the parlour first. Poor fellow ! I can feel for him, even at this distance of time, when his eye first fell on Mary Wallace's pallid and distressed countenance. It could scarcely be less than I felt myself, when I first beheld Anneke's flushed features, and the look of offended propriety that I fancied to be sparkling in her estranged eye. Mr. Mayor evidently regarded Mr. Worden with surprise, as indeed he did me ; for, instead of strangers, he probably expected to meet two of those delinquents whose faces were familiar to him, by divers similar jocular depredations, com- mitted within the limits of his jurisdiction. Then the cir- cumstance that Mr. Worden was a real Dominie, could not be questioned by those who saw him standing, as he did, face to face, with all the usual signs of his sacred office in his dress and air." " I believe there must be some mistake here, constable !" exclafmed Mr. Mayor. " Why have you brought these two strange gentlemen along with Guert Ten Eyck?" " My orters, Mr. Mayor, wast to pring Dootje's ' rapscallion Tominie,' and his ' rapscallion frient ;' and t'at is one, and t'is ist t'ot'er." Vol. I.— 17 194 SATANSTOE. " This gentleman has the appearance of being a real clergyman, and that too, of the church of England." " Yaas, Mr. Mayor, t'at is yoost so. He wilt preach fifteen minutes wit'out stopping, if you wilt give him a plack gownt ; and pray an hour in a white shirt."* " Will you do me the favour, Guert Ten Eyck, to let me have the names of the strangers I have the pleasure to re- ceive," said the mayor, a little authoritatively. " Certainly, Mr. Mayor ; certainly, and with very great pleasure. I should have done this at once, had we been ushered into your house by any one but the city constable. Whenever I accompany that gentleman anywhere, I always wait to ascertain my welcome." Guert laughed with some heart at this allusion to his own known delinquencies, while Mr. Cuyler only smiled. 1 could see, notwithstanding the severe measures to which he had resorted in this particular case, that the last was not unfriendly to the first, and that our friend Guert had not fallen literally among robbers, in being brought to the place where we were. " This reverend dominie," continued Guert, as soon as he had had his laugh, and had ventured to cast a short, in- quiring glance at Mary Wallace, " is a gentleman from England, Mr. Mayor, who is to preach in St. Peter's the day after to-morrow, by special invitation from the chaplain ; when, I make no doubt, we shall all be much edified ; Miss Mary Wallace among the rest, if she will do him the honour to attend the service — good, and angelic, and forgiving, as I know she is by nature." This speech caused all eyes to turn on the young lady, whose face crimsoned, though she made no reply. I now felt satisfied that Guert's manly, frank, avowed, and sincere admiration had touched the heart of Mary Wallace, while * This opinion of the constable's must refer to the notion common amongst the non-Episcopal sects, that the value of spiritual provender was to be measured by the quantity. Preaching, however, might be overdone in the Dutch Reformed Churches ; for, quite within my re- collection, a half-hour glass stood on the pulpit of the Dutch edifice named in the text, to regulate the dominie's wind. It was said it might be turned once with impunity; but wo betide him who should so far trespass on his people's patience as to presume to turn it twice, — Editor. SATANSTOE. 195 ner reason condemned that which her natural tenderness encouraged ; and the struggle in her mind was then, and long after, a subject of curious study with me. As for Anneke, I thought she resented this somewhat indiscreet, not to say indelicate though indirect avowal of his feelings to- wards his mistress ; and that she looked on Guert with even more coldness than she had previously done. Neither of the ladies, however, said anything. During this dumb-show, Mr. Cuyler had leisure to recover from the surprise of dis- covering that one of his prisoners was really a clergyman, and to inquire who the other might be. " That gentleman, then, is in fact a clergyman !" he answered. " You have forgotten to name the other, Guert." " This is Mr. Corny Littlepage, Mr. Mayor — the only son of Major Littlepage, of Satanstoe, Westchester." The Mayor looked a little puzzled, and I believe felt some- what embarrassed as to the manner in which he ought to proceed. The incursion of Guert upon his premises much exceeded in boldness, anything of the kind that had ever before occurred in Albany. It was common enough for young men of his stamp to carry off poultry, pigs, &c, and feast on the spoils ; and cases had occurred, as I after- wards learned, in which rival parlies of th^r-e depredators preyed on each other — the same materials for a supper having been known to change hands two or three times before they were consumed — but no one had ever presumed, previously to this evening, to make an inroad even on Mr. Mayor's hencoop, much less to molest the domains of his cook. In the first impulse of his anger, Mr. Cuyler had sent for the constable ; and Guert's club, with its place of meeting being well known, that functionary having had many occasions to visit it, the latter proceeded thither forth- with. It is probable, however, a little reflection satisfied the mayor that a frolic could not well be treated as a larceny ; and that Guert had some of his own wife's blood in his veins. When he came to find that two respectable strangers were implicated in the affair, one of whom was actually a clergy- man, this charitable feeling was strengthened, and he changed his course of proceeding. " You can return home, Hans," said Mr. Mayor, very sensibly mollified in his manner. " Should there be occa- 196 SATANSTOE. sion for your further services, I will send for you. Now gentlemen," as soon as the door closed on the constable, "I will satisfy you that old Peter Cuyler can cover a table, and feed his friends, even though Guert Ten Eyck be so near a neighbour. Miss Wallace, willvou allow me the honour to lead you to the table? Mr. Worden will see Mrs. Cuyler, in safety, to the same place." On this hint, the missionary stepped forward with ala- crity, and led Mrs. Mayoress after Mary Wallace, with the utmost courtesy. Guert did the same to one of the young ladies of the house ; Anneke was led in by one of the young men ; and I took the remaining young lady, who, I pre- sumed, was also one of the family. It was very apparent we were respited ; and all of us thought it wisest to appear as much at our ease as possible, in order not to balk the humour of the principal magistrate of the ancient town of Albany. To do Mr. Mayor justice, the lost time had been so well improved by Doortje, that, on looking around the table, I thought the supper to which we were thus strangely invited, was, of the two, the best I had seen that evening. Luckily, game was plenty ; and, by means of quails, partridges, oysters, venison patties, and other dishes of that sort, the cook had managed to send up quite as good a supper, at ten o'clock, as she had previously prepared for nine. I will not pretend that I felt quite at my ease, as I took my seat at the table, for the second time that night. All the younger members of the party looked exceedingly grave, as if they could very well dispense with our company ; the old people alone appearing to enter into the scene with any spirit. Anneke did not even look at me, after the first astounded look given on my entrance ; nor did Mary Wal- lace once cast her eyes towards Guert, when we reached the supper-room. Mr. Mayor, notwithstanding, had deter- mined to laugh off the affair; and he and Mr. Worden soon became excellent friends, and began to converse freely and naturally. " Come, cousin Guert," cried Mr. Mayor, after two or three glasses of Madeira had still further warmed his heart; " fill, and pledge me — unless you prefer to give a lady. If SATANSTOE. 197 me last, everybody will drink to her, with hearty good-will. You eat nothing, and must drink the more." "Ah ! Mr. Mayor, I have toasted one lady, to-night, and cannot toast another." " Not present company excepted, my boy ?" " No, sir, not even with that license. I pledge you, with all my heart, and thank you, with all my heart, for this gene- rous treatment, after my own foolish frolic ; — but, you know how it is, Mr. Mayor, with us Albany youths, when our pride is up, and a supper must be had — " " Not I, Guert ; I know nothing about it ; but should very well like to learn. How came you, in the first place, to take such a fancy to my cook's supper ? Did you imagine it better than Van Brunt's cook could give you?" "The supper of Arent Van Brunt's cook has disappeared — gone on the hill, I fancy, among the red-coats ; and, to own the truth, Mr. Mayor, it was yours, or nothing. I had invited these gentlemen to pass the evening with us. One of our blacks happened to mention what was going on here, and hospitality led us all astray. It was nothing more, I do assure you, Mr. Mayor." "And so your hospitable feelings made your guests work for their supper, by sending them to preach to old Doortje, while you were dishing up my ducks and game?" " Your pardon, Mr. Mayor ; Doortje had dished-up, before she went to lecture. Your cook is too well trained to neg- lect her duty, even to hear a sermon by the Rev. Mr. Wor- den ! But, these gentlemen were quite as much deceived as the old woman ; for, they supposed we were after our own lost goods, and did not know that you dwelt here ; and were as much my dupes as old Doortje herself. Truth obliges me to own this much, in their justification." There was a general clearing up of countenances, at this frank avowal ; and I saw that Anneke, herself, turned her looks inquiringly upon the speaker, and suffered a smile to relieve the extreme gravity of her sweet countenance. From that moment, a very sensible change came over the feelings and deportment of the younger part of the company, and the conversation became easier and more natural. It was certainly much in our favour to have it known, we had Dot officiously and boyishly joined in a gratuitous attempt 17* 198 SATANSTOE. to rob and insult this particular and unoffending family, but that Mr. Worden and I supposed we were simply aiding in getting back those things which properly belonged to our hosts, and getting them back, too, in a manner of which the party we supposed we were acting against, would certainly have no right to complain, inasmuch as they had set the example. jGuert was encouraged to go on further with his explanations; which he did, in his own honest, candid manner, exculpating us, in effect, from everything but being a little too much disposed to waggery, for a minister of the church, and his pupil, who had just commenced his travels. Anneke's face brightened up, more and more, as the ex- planations proceeded ; and, soon after they were ended, .she turned to me in a very gracious manner, and inquired after my mother. As I sat directly opposite to her, and the table was narrow, we could converse without attracting much at- tention to ourselves ; Mr. Mayor and his other guests keep- ing up a round of reasonably noisy jokes, on the events of the evening, nearer the foot of the table. " You find some customs in Albany, Mr. Littlepage, that are not known to us, in New York," Anneke observed, after a few preliminary remarks had opened the way to fur- ther communication. " I scarce know, Miss Anneke, whether you allude to what has occurred this evening, or to what occurred this afternoon V " To both, I believe," answered Anneke, smiling, though she coloured, as I thought, with a species of feminine vexa- tion ; " for, certainly, one is no more a custom with us than the other." " I have been most unfortunate, Miss Mordaunt, in the exhibitions I have made of myself in the course of the few hours I have passed in this, to me, strange place. . I am afraid you regard me as little more than an overgrown boy who has been permitted by his parents to leave home sooner than he ought." " This is your construction, and not mine, Mr. Little- page. I suppose you know — but, ws will talk of this in the other room, or at some other time." I took the hint, and said no more on the subject while at table. Mr. Mayor, I suppose in consideration of our having SATANSTOE. 199 gone through the exactions of one feast already that even- ing, permited us to leave the supper-room much earlier than common, and the hour being late, the whole party broke up immediately afterwards. Before we separated, however, Herman Mordaunt approached me, in a friendly, free way, and invited me to come to his house at eight next morning to breakfast, requesting the pleasure of Dirck's company at the same time; the invitation to the latter going through me. It is scarcely necessary to say how gladly I accepted, and how much I was relieved by this termination of an ad- venture that, at one moment, menaced me with deep dis- grace. Had Mr. Mayor seen fit to pursue the affair of the abstraction of his first supper in a serious vein, although the legal consequences could not probably have amounted to anything very grave, they might prove very ridiculous; and I have no doubt they would have brought about a very abrupt termination of my visit to the north. As it was, my mind was vastly relieved, as I believe was the case also with that of the" Rev. Mr. Worden. " Corny," said that gentleman, after we had wished Guert good-night, and were well on our way to the inn again, " this second supper has helped surprisingly to digest the first. I doubt if our new acquaintance, here, will be likely to turn out very profitable to us." " Yet, sir, you appeared to take to him exceedingly, and I had thought you excellent friends." " I like the fellow well enough too ; for he is hearty, and frank, and good-natured ; but there was some little policy in keeping on good terms with him. I 'm afraid, Corny, I did not altogether consult the dignity of my holy office, this morning, on the ice ! It is exceedingly unbecoming in a clergyman, to be seen running in a public place like a school- boy, or a youngster contending in a match. I thought, moreover, I overheard one of those young Dutchmen call me the ' Loping Dominie ;' and so, taking altogether, it struck me it would be wisest to keep on good terms with this Guert Ten Eyck." " I see your policy, sir, and it does not become me to deny it. As for myself, I confess I like Guert surprisingly, and shall not give him up easily; though he has already got me into two serious scrapes in the short time we have been ao 200 SATANSTOE. quainted. He is a hearty, good-natured, thoughtless young fellow ; who, Dutchman-like, when he does make an attempt to enjoy life, does it with all his heart." I then related the affair of the hand-sled to Mr. Worden, who gave me some of that sort of consolation, of which a man receives a great deal, as he elbows his way through this busy, selfish world. " Well, Corny," said my old master, " I am not certain you did not look more like a fool, as you rolled over from that sled, than I looked while ' loping' from our friends in the sleigh !" We both laughed as we entered the tavern ; I, to conceal the vexation 1 really felt, and Mr. Worden, as I presume, because he was flattered with the belief that I must have appeared quite as ridiculous as himself. Next morning I proceeded to Herman Mordaunt's resi- dence at the earliest hour the rules of society would allow. I found the family established in one of those Dutch edifices, of which Albany was mainly composed, and which stood a little removed from the street — having a tiny yard in front, with the stoop in the gable, and that gable towards the yard. The battlement-walls of this house diminished towards the high apex of a very steep roof by steps, as we are all so much accustomed to see, and the whole was surmounted by an iron weathercock, that was perched on a rod of some elevation. It was always a matter of importance with the Dutch to know which way the wind blew; nor did it com- port with their habits of minute accuracy, to trust to the usual indications of the feeling on the skin, the bending of branches, the flying of clouds, or the driving of smoke ; but they must and would have the certainty of a machine, that was constructed expressly to let them know the fact. Smoke might err, but a weathercock would not ! No one was in the little parlour into which I was shown by the servant who admitted me to the house, and in whom I recognised Herman Mordaunt's principal male attendant, of the household in New York. How pleasantly did that little room appear to me, in the minute or two that I was left in it alone. There lay the very shawl that Anneke had on, the day I met her in the Pinkster Field ; and a pair of gloves that it seemed to me no other hands but hers were SATANSTOE. 201 small enough to wear, had been thrown on the shawl, care- lessly, as one casts aside a thing of that sort, in a hurry. A dozen other articles were put here and there, that denoted the habits and presence of females of refinement. But the gloves most attracted my attention, and I must needs rise and examine them. It is true, these gloves might belong to Mary Wallace, for she, too, had a pretty little hand, but I fancied they belonged to Anneke. Under this impression, I raised them to my lips, and was actually pressing them there, with a good deal of romantic feeling, when a light footstep in the room told me I was not alone. Dropping the gloves, I turned and beheld Anneke herself. She was re- garding me with an expression of countenance I did not then know how to interpret, and which I now hardly know how to describe. In the first place, her charming countenance was suffused with blushes, while her eyes were filled with an expression of softened interest, that caused my heart to beat so violently, that I did not know but it would escape by the channel of the throat. How near I was to declaring all I felt, at that moment ; of throwing myself at the feet of the dear, dear creature, and of avowing how much and engross- ingly she had filled both my waking and sleeping thoughts during the last year, and of beseeching her to bless the re- mainder of my days, by becoming my wife! Nothing pre- vented this sally, but the remark which Anneke made, the instant she had gracefully curtsied v in return to my confused and awkward bow, and which happened to be this : a What do you find so much to admire in Miss Wallace's gloves?" asked the wilful girl, biting her lip, as I fancied, to suppress a smile, though her cheeks were still suffused, and her eyes continued to give forth that indescribable ex- pression of bewitching softness. " It is a pair my father presented to her, and she wore them last evening in com- pliment to him." " I beg pardon, Miss Mordaunt — Miss Anneke — that is — I beg pardon. Is there not a very delightful odour about those gloves — that is, I was thinking so, and was endea- vouring to ascertain what it might be by the scent." " It must be the lavender with which we young ladies are so coquettish as to sprinkle our gloves and handkerchiefs — or it may be musk. Mary is rather fond of musk, though 202 SATANSTOE. I prefer lavender. But what an evening we had, Mr. Lit- tlepage ! and what an introduction you have had to Albany, and most of all, what a master of ceremonies !" " Do you then dislike Guert Ten Eyck as an acquaint- ance, Miss Anneke?" " Far from it. It is quite impossible to dislike Guert ; he is so manly ; so ready to admit his own weaknesses ; so sincere in all he does and says ; so good natured ; and, in short, so much that, were one his sister, she might wish him to be, and yet so much that a sister must regret." " I thought last evening that all the ladies felt an interest in him, notwithstanding the numberless wild and ill-judged things he does. Is he not a favourite with Miss Wallace?" The quick, sensitive glance that Anneke gave me, said plainly enough that my question was indiscreet, and it was no sooner put than it was regretted. A shadow passed athwart the sweet face of my companion, and a moment of deep, and, as I fancied, of painful thought succeeded. Then a light broke over all, a smile illumined her features, after which a light girlish laugh came to show how active were the agents within, and how strong was the native tendency to happiness and humour. " After all, Corny Littlepage," said Anneke, turning her face towards me with an indescribable character of fun and feeling so blended in it, as fairly to puzzle me, " you must admit that your exploit in the hand-sled was sufficiently ridiculous to last a young man for some time !" " I confess it all, Anneke, and shall have a care how I turn boy again in a strange place. I am rejoiced to find, however, that you look upon the foolish affair of the slide as more grave than that of the supper, which I was fearful might involve me in serious disgrace." " Neither is very serious, Mr. Littlepage, though the last might have proved awkward, had not the Mayor known the ways of the young men of the town. They say, however, that nothing so bold has ever before been attempted in that way, in Albany, great as are the liberties that are often taken with the neighbours' hen-coops." And she laughed, and this time it was naturally, and without the least restraint. " I hope you will not think it shabby in me, if I seem to SATANSTOE. 203 wish to throw all the blame on this harum-scarum Guert Ten Eyck. He drew me into both affairs, and into the last, in a great measure, innocently and ignorantly." " So it is understood, and so it would be understood, the moment Guert Ten Eyck was found to be connected with the affair at all." "I may hope, then, to be forgiven, Anneke?" I said, holding out a hand to invite her to accept it as a pledge of pardon. Anneke did not prudishly decline putting her own little hand in mine, though I got only the ends of two or three slender delicate fingers ; and her colour increased as she bestowed this grace. " You must ask forgiveness, Corny," she answered, — I believe she now used this familiar name simply to show how completely she had forgotten the little spleen she had certainly felt at my untoward exhibition in the street. — " You must ask forgiveness of those who possess the right to pardon. If Corny Littlepage chooses to slide down hill, like a boy, what right has Anneke Mordaunt to say him nay?" " Every right in the world — the right of friendship — the right of a superior mind, of superior manners — the right that my " " Hush ! — that is Mr. Bulstrode's footstep in the passage, and he will not understand this discussion on the subject of my manifold rights. It takes him some time, however, to throw aside his overcoats, and furs, and sword; and I will just tell you that Guert Ten Eyck is a dangerous master of ceremonies for Corny Littlepage." " Yet, he has sense enough, feeling enough, heart enough to admire and love Mary YVallace." 11 Has he told you this, so soon ! But, I need not ask, as he tells his love to every one who will listen." " And to Miss Wallace herself, I trust, among the num- ber. The man who loves, and loves truly, should not long permit its object to remain in any doubt of his feelings and intentions. It has ever appeared to me, Miss Mordaunt, as a most base and dastardly feeling in a man to wish to be certain of a woman's returning his love, before he has the manliness to let his mistress understand his wishes. How 204 SATANSTOfc. is a sensitive female to know when she is safe in yielding her affections, without this frankness on the part of her suitor? I'll answer for it that Guert Ten Eyck has dealt thus honestly and frankly with Mary Wallace." " That is a merit which cannot be denied him," answered Anneke, in a low, thoughtful tone of voice. " Mary has heard this from his own mouth, again and again. Even my presence has been no obstacle to his declarations, for three times have I heard him beg Mary to consider him as a suitor for her hand, and entreat her not to decide on his offer until he has had a longer opportunity to win her esteem." "And this you will admit, Miss Mordaunt, is to his credit ; is manly, and like himself?" " It is certainly frank and honourable, Mr. Littlepage, since it enables Miss Wallace to understand the object of his attentions, and leaves nothing to doubt, or uncertainty." " I am glad you approve of such fair and frank proceed- ings ; — though but a moment remains to say what I wish, it will suffice to add, that the course Guert Ten Eyck has aken towards Mary Wallace, Cornelius Littlepage would d that they are sometimes visited by detachments, war-parties, hunters, and other adventurers from the colo nies. To me, it seems scarce worth fighting about such distant and wild territory; for ages and ages must elapse before it can be of any service for the purposes of civiliza- tion. Both Dirck and myself regretted that the summer would be likely to go by without our seeing the enemy; for we came of families that were commonly employed on such occasions. We thought both our fathers might be out ; though even that was a point that still remained under discussion. SATANSTOE. 59 We dined and baited at Kingsbridge, intending to sup in town. While the dinner was cooking, Dirck and I walked out on the heights that overlook the Hudson ; for I knew less of this noble river than I wished to know of it. We conversed as we walked ; and my companion, who knew the river much better than myself, having many occasions to pass up and down it, between the village of Haverstraw and town, in his frequent visits to his relatives below, gave me some useful information. " Look here, Corny," said Dirck, after betraying a good deal of desire to obtain a view of some object in the distance, along the river-side ; " Look here, Corny, do you see yonder house, in the little bay below us, with the lawn that extends down to the water, and that noble orchard behind it?" I saw the object to which Dirck alluded. It was a house that stood near the river, but sheltered and secluded, with the lawn and orchard as described ; though at the distance of some two or three miles all the beauties of the spot could not be discovered, and many of them had to be received on the faith of my companion's admiration. Still I saw very plainly, all the principal objects named ; and, among others, the house, the orchard, and the lawn. The building was of stone — as is common with most of the better sort of houses in the country — was long, irregular, and had that air of solid comfort about it, which it is usual to see in buildings of that description. The walls were not whitewashed, according to the lively tastes of our Dutch fellow-colonists, who appear to expend all their vivacity in the pipe and the brush, but were left in their native grey ; a circumstance that rendered the form and dimensions of the structure a little less distinct, at a first glance, than they might otherwise have proved. As I gazed at the spot, however, I began to fancy it a charm, to find the picture thus sobered down ; and found a pleasure in drawing the different angles, and walls, and chimneys, and roofs, from this back-ground, by means of the organ of sight. On the whole, I thought the little sequestered bay, the wooded and rocky shores, the small but well distributed lawn, the orchard, with all the other similar accessories, formed together one of the prettiest places of the sort I had ever seen. Thinking so, I was not slow in saying as much to my companion. I was thought to have some taste in these 60 SATANSTOE. matters, and had been consulted on the subject of laying out grounds by one or two neighbours in the county. " Whose house is it, Dirck ?" I enquired ; " and how came you to know anything about it?" "That is Lilacsbush," answered my friend; "and it be- longs to my mother's cousin, Herman Mordaunt." I had heard of Herman, or, as it is pronounced, Harmar Mordaunt. He was a man of considerable note in the colony, having been the son of a Major Mordaunt, of the British army, who had married the heiress of a wealthy Dutch merchant, whence the name of Herman ; which had descended to the son along with the money. The Dutch were so fond of their own blood, that they never failed to give this Mr. Mordaunt his Christian name; and he was usually known in the colony as Herman Mordaunt. Further than this, I knew little of the gentleman, unless it might be that he was reputed rich, and was admitted to be in the best society, though not actually belonging to the territorial or political aristocracy of the colony. " As Herman Mordaunt is your mother's cousin, I sup- pose, Dirck," I resumed, " that you have been at Lilacs- bush, and ascertained whether the inside of the house is as pleasant and respectable as the outside." " Often, Corny ; while Madam Mordaunt lived, my mo- ther and I used to go there every summer. The poor lady is now dead, but I go there still." " Why did you not ride on as far as Lilacsbush, and levy a dinner on your relations 1 I should think Herman Mor- daunt would feel hurt, were he to learn that an acquaintance, or a relation, had put up at an inn, within a couple of miles of his own house. I dare say he knows both Major and Capt. Littlepage, and I protest I shall feel it necessary to send him a note of apology for not calling. These things ought not to be done, Dirck, among persons of a certain stamp, and who are supposed to know what is proper." " This would be all right enough, Corny, had Herman Mordaunt, or his daughter, been at Lilacsbush ; but they live in Crown Street, in town, in winter, and never come out here until after the Pinkster holidays, let them come when they may." SATANSTOE. 61 " Oh ! he is as great a man as that, is he ? — a town and country house; after all, I do not know whether it would do to be quite so free with one of his standing, as to go to dine with him without sending notice." " Nonsense, Corny. Who hesitates about stopping at a gentleman's door, when he is travelling 1 Herman Mor- daunt would have given us a hearty welcome, and I should have gone on to Lilacsbush, did I not know that the family is certain to be in town at this season. Easter came early this year, and to-morrow will be the first day of the Pink- ster holidays. As soon as they are over, Herman Mor- daunt and Anneke will be out here to enjoy their lilacs and roses." " Oh, ho ! there is an Anneke, as well as the old gentle- man. Prav, how old may Miss Anneke be, Master Dirck ?" As this question was asked, I turned to look my friend in the face, and I found that his handsome, smooth, fair Dutch lineaments were covered with a glow of red, that it was not usual to see extended so far from his ruddy cheeks. Dirck was too much of a man, however, to turn away, or to try to hide blushes so ingenuous ; but he answered stoutly — "My cousin, Anneke Mordaunt, is just turned of seven- teen ; and, I '11 tell you what, Corny — " "Well — I am listening, with both ears, to hear your what — Out with it, man ; both ears are open." " Why, Anneke (On-na-kay), is one of the very prettiest girls in the colony! — What is more, she is as sweet and goot" — Dirck grew Dutch, as he grew animated — " as she is pretty." I was quite astounded at the energy and feeling with which this was said. Dirck was such a matter-of-fact fellow, that I had never dreamed he could be sensible to the passion of love ; nor had I ever paused to analyze the nature of our own friendship. W r e liked each other, in the first place, most probably, from habit ; then, we were of characters so essentially different, that our attachment was influenced by that species of excitement which is the child of opposition. As we grew older, Dirck's good qualities began to command my respect, and reason entered more into my affection for him. I was well convinced that my companion could, and Vol. I. — 6 62 SATANSTOE. would, prove to be a warm friend ; but the possibility of his ever becoming a lover, had not before crossed my mind. Even then, the impression made was not very deep or last- ing, though I well remember the sort of admiration and wonder with which I gazed at his flushed cheek, animated eye, and improved mien. For the moment, Dirck really had a commanding and animated air. " Why, Anneke is one of the prettiest girls in the colony!" my friend had exclaimed. " And your cousin ?" " My second cousin. — Her mother's father and my mo- ther's mother were brother and sister." " In that case, I shall hope to have the honour of being introduced, one of these days, to Miss Anneke Mordaunt, who is just turned of seventeen, and is one of the prettiest girls in the colony, and is as good as she is pretty." " I wish you to see her, Corny, and that before we go home," Dirck replied, all his philosophy, or phlegm, which- ever the philosophy of other people may term it, returning; " come ; let us go back to the inn ; our dinner will be get- ting cold." I mused on my friend's unusual manner, as we walked back towards the inn ; but it was soon forgotten, in the satisfaction produced by eating a good, substantial meal of broiled ham, with hot potatoes, boiled eggs, a beefsteak, done to a turn, with the accessions of pickles, cold-slaw, apple-pie, and cider. This is a common New York tavern dinner, for the wayfarer ; and, I must say, I have got to like it. Often have I enjoyed such a repast, after a sharp forenoon's ride ; ay, and enjoyed it more than I have re- lished entertainments at which have figured turkies, oysters, hams, hashes, and other dishes, that have higher reputations. Even turtle-soup, for which we are somewhat famous in New York, has failed to give me the same delight. Dirck, to do him justice, ate heartily ; for it is not an easy matter to take away his appetite. As usual, I did most of the talking; and that was with our landlady, who, hearing I was a son of her much-esteemed and constant customer, Major Littlepage, presented herself with the dessert and cheese, and did me the honour to commence a discourse. Her name was Light ; and light was she certain to cast on SATAN STOE. 63 everything she discussed ; that is to say, innkeeper's light ; which partakes somewhat of the darkness that is so apt to overshadow no small portion of the minds of her many customers. " Pray, Mrs. Light," I asked, when there was an opening, which was not until the good woman had exhausted her breath in honour of the Littlepages, " do you happen to know anything of a family, hereabouts, of the name of Mor- daunt}"" " Do I happen to know, sir ! — Why, Mr. Littlepage, you might almost as well have asked me, if I had ever heard of a Van Cortlandt, or a Philipse, or a Morris, or any other of the gentry hereabouts. Mr. Mordaunt has a country-place, and a very pretty one it is, within two miles and a half of us ; and he and Madame Mordaunt never passed our door, when they went into the country to see Madame Van Cort- landt, without stopping to say a word, and leave a shilling. The poor lady is dead ; but there is a young image of her virtues, that is coming a'ter her, that will be likely to do some damage in the colony. She is modesty itself, sir; so I thought it could do her no harm, the last time she was here, just to tell her, she ought to be locked up, for the thefts she was likely to commit, if not for them she had committed already. She blushed, sir, and looked for all the world like the shell of the most delicate boiled lobster you ever laid eyes on. She is truly a charming young lady !" " Thefts of hearts, you mean of course, my good Mrs. Light?" "Of nothing else, sir; young ladies are apt to steal hearts, you know. My word for it, Miss Anneke will turw out a great robber, after her own fashion, you know, sir." "And whose hearts is she likely to run away with, pray ? I should be pleased to hear the names of some of the suf- ferers." " Lord, sir ! — she is too young to have done much yet , but wait a twelvemonth, and I'll answer the question." I could see all this time that Dirck was uneasy, and had some amusement in watching the workings of his counte- nance. My malicious intentions, however, were suddenly interrupted. As if to prevent further discourse, and, at the 64 SATANSTOE. same time, further espionage, my young friend rose from table, ordering the horses and the bill. During the ride to town, no more was said of Lilacsbush, Herman Mordaunt, or his daughter Anneke. Dirck was silent, but this was his habit after dinner, and I was kept a good deal on the alert in order to find the road which crossed the common, it being our desire to go in that direc- tion. It is true, we might have gone into town by the way of Bloomingdale, Greenwich, the meadows and the Collect, and so down past the common upon the head of Broadway ; but my mother had particularly desired we would fall into the Bowery Lane, passing the seats that are to be found in that quarter, and getting into Queen Street as soon as pos- sible. By taking this course she thought we should be less likely to miss our way within the town itself, which is cer- tainly full of narrow and intricate passages. My uncle Legge had removed into Duke Street, in the vicinity of Hanover Square; and Queen Street, I well knew, would lead us directly to his door. Queen Street, indeed, is the great artery of New York, through which most of its blood cir- culates. g; was drawing towards night when we trotted up to the Je, where we left our horses, and obtaining a black to shoulder our portmanteaus, we began to thread the mazes of the capital on foot. New York was certainly, even in 1757, a wonderful place for commerce ! Vessels began to be seen some distance east of Fly Market, and there could not have been fewer than twenty ships, brigs, and schooners, lying in the East river, as we walked down Queen Street. Of course I include all descriptions of vessels that go to sea, in this estimate. At the present moment, it is probable twice that number would be seen. There Dirck and I stopped more than once, involuntarily, to gaze at the exhi- bitions of wealth and trade that offered themselves as we went deeper into the town. My mother had particularly cautioned me against falling into this evidence of country habits, and I felt much ashamed at each occurrence of the weakness; but I found it irresistible. At length my friend and I parted ; he to go to the residence of his aunt, while J proceeded to that of mine. Before separating, however, we agreed to meet next morning in the fields at the head of SATANSTOE. 65 Broadway, on the common, which, as it was understood, was to be the scene of the Pinkster sports. My reception in Duke Street was cordial, both on the part of my uncle and on the part of my aunt ; the first being a good-hearted person, though a little too apt to run into extravagance on the subject of the rights of the rabble. I was pleased with the welcome I received, enjoyed an ex- cellent hot supper, to which we sat down at half-past eight, my aunt being fond of town hours, both dining and supping a little later than my mother, as being more fashionable and genteel.* As I was compelled to confess fatigue, after so long a ride, as soon as we quitted the table I retired to my own room. The next day was the first of the three that are devoted to Pinkster, the great Saturnalia of the New York blacks. Although this festival is always kept with more vivacity at Albany than in York, it is far from being neglected, even now, in the latter place. I had told my aunt, before I left her, I should not wait for breakfast, but should be up with * The dinner of the last half century is, in one sense, but a sub- stitute for the petits soupers of the century or two that preceded. It is so entirely rational and natural, that the cultivated and refined should meet for the purposes of social enjoyment after the business of the day has terminated, that the supper has only given place to the same meal under another name, and at hours little varying from those of the past. The Parisian dines at half-past six, remaining at table until eight. The Englishman, later in all his hours, and more pon- derous in all his habits, sits down to table about the time the French- man gets up ; quitting it between nine and ten. The Italian pays a tribute to his climate, and has his early dinner and light supper, both usually alone, the habits of the country carrying him to the opera and the conversazione for social communion. But what is the Ameri- can ? A jumble of the same senseless contradictions in his social habits, as he is fast getting to be in his political creeds and political practices ; a being that is in transitu, pressed by circumstances on the one side, and by the habit of imitation on the other ; unwilling, almost unable, to think and act for himself. The only American who is temporarily independent in such things, is the unfledged provincial, fresh from his village conceit and village practices, who, until corrected by communion with the world, fancies the south-east corner of the north-west parish, in the town of Hebron, in the county of Jericho, and the State of Connecticut, to be the only portion of this globe that is perfection. If he should happen to keep a school, or conduct a newspaper, the community becomes, in a small degree, the partici- pant of his rare advantages and vast experience ! — Editor. 6* 66 SATANSTOE. the sun, and off in quest of Dirck, in order that we might enjoy a stroll along the wharves before it was time to repair to the common, where the fun was to be seen. Accordingly I got out of the house betimes, though it was an hour later than I had intended ; for I heard the rattling of cups in the little parlour, the sign that the table was undergoing the usual process of arrangement for breakfast. It then occurred to me that most, if not all of the servants, seven in number, would be permitted to enjoy the holiday; and that it might be well if I took all my meals, that day, in the fields. Run- ning back to the room, I communicated this intention to Juno, the girl I found doing Pompey's work, and left the house on a jump. There was no great occasion for starv- ing, I thought, in a town as large and as full of eatables as New York ; and the result fully justified this reasonable opinion. Just as I got into Hanover Square, I saw a grey-headed negro, who was for turning a penny before he engaged in the amusements of the day, carrying two pails that were scoured to the neatness of Dutch fastidiousness, and which were suspended from the yoke he had across his neck and shoulders. He cried " White wine — white wine !" in a clear sonorous voice; and I was at his side in a moment. White wine was, and is still, my delight of a morning; and I bought a delicious draught of the purest and best of a Com- munipaw vintage, eating a cake at the same time. Thus refreshed, I proceeded into the square, the beauty of which had struck my fancy as I walked through it the previous evening. To my surprise, whom should I find in the very centre of Queen Street, gaping about him with a most in- domitable Connecticut air, but Jason Newcome ! A brief explanation let me into the secret of his presence. His boys had all gone home to enjoy the Pinkster holiday, with the black servants of their respective families; and Jason had seized the opportunity to pay his first visit to the great capi- tal of the colony. He was on his travels, like myself. "And what has brought you down here?" I demanded, the pedagogue having already informed me that he had put up at a tavern in the suburbs, where horse-keeping and Jodgings were " reasonable." " The Pinkster fields are up near the head of Broadway, on the common." SATAN STOE. 67 " So I hear," answered Jason ; " but I want to see a ship and all the sights this way, in the first place. It will be time enough for Pinkster, two or three hours hence, if a Christian ought even to look at such vanities. Can yen tell me where I am to find Hanover Square, Corny?" " You are in it now, Mr. Newcome ; and to my fancy, a very noble area it is !" "This Hanover Square!" repeated Jason. "Why, its shape is not that of a square at all ; is is nearer a triangle." " What of that, sir ? By a square in a town, one does not necessarily understand an area with four equal sides and as many right angles, but an open space that is left for air and beauty. There are air and beauty enough to satisfy any reasonable man. A square may be a parallelogram, or a triangle, or any other shape one pleases." " This, then, is Hanover Square ! — a New York square, or a Nassau Hall square, Corny ; but not a Yale College square, take my word for it. It is so small, moreover!" " Small ! — the width of the street at the widest end must be near a hundred feet; I grant you it is not half that at the other end, but that is owing to the proximity of the houses." " Ay, it is all owing to the proximity of the houses, as you call it. Now, according to my notion, Hanover Square, of which a body hears so much talk in the country, ought to have had fifty or sixty acres in it, and statues of the whole House of Brunswick, besides. Why is that nest of houses left in the middle of your square?" " It is not, sir. The square ceases when it reaches them. They are too valuable to be torn down, although there has | been some talk of it. My uncle Legge told me, last evening, that those houses have been valued as high as twelve thou- sand dollars ; and some persons put them as high as six thousand pounds." This reconciled Jason to the houses ; for he never failed to defer to money, come in what shape it would. It was the only source of human distinction that he could clearly comprehend, though he had some faint impressions touching the dignity of the crown, and the respect due to its repre- sentatives. " Corny," said Jason, in an under tone, and taking ma GS SATANSTOE. always a moral enigma, to me ; there being an absolute absence, in his mind, of everything like a perception of the fitness of things, so far as the claims and rights of persons were connected with rank, education, birth, and experience. Rank, in the official sense, once possessed, he understood and respected ; but of the claims to entitle one to its enjoy- ment, he seemed to have no sort of notion. For property he had a profound deference, so far as that deference ex- tended to its importance and influence; but it would have caused him not the slightest qualm, either in the way of con- science or feeling, to find himself suddenly installed in the mansion of the patroons, for instance, and placed in posses- sion of their estates, provided only he fancied he could maintain his position. The circumstance that he was dwell- ing under the roof that was erected by another man's ances- tors, for instance, and that others were living who had a better moral right to it, would give him no sort of trouble, so long as any quirk of the law would sustain him in pos- session. In a word, all that was allied to sentiment, in matters of this nature, was totally lost on Jason Newcome, who lived and acted, from the hour he first came among us, as if the game of life were merely a game of puss in the corner, in which he who inadvertently left his own post un- protected, would be certain to find another filling his place as speedily as possible. I have mentioned this propensity of Jason's at some little length, as I feel certain, should this history be carried down by my own posterity, as I hope and design, it will be seen that this disposition to regard the whole human family as so many tenants in common, of the estate left by Adam, will lead, in the end, to something ex- traordinary. But, leaving the Rev. Mr. Worden and Mr. Jason Newcome to journey in their public conveyance, I must return to our own party. All of us men, with the exception of those who drove the two wagons of Herman Mordaunt, marched a-foot. Each of us carried a knapsack, in addition to his rifle and ammu- nition ; and, it will be imagined, that our day's work was not a very long one. The first day, we halted at Madam Schuyler's, by invitation, where we all dined ; including the surveyor. Lord Howe was among the guests, that day ; and he appeared to admire the spirit of Anneke and Mary SATAXSTOE. G9 Wallace greatly, in attempting such an expedition, at such a time. " You need have no fears, however, ladies, as we shall keep up strong detachments between you and the French," he said, more gravely, after some pleasant trifling on the subject. " Last summer's work, and the disgraceful man- ner in which poor Munro was abandoned to his fate, has rendered us all keenly alive to the importance of compelling the enemy to remain at the north end of Lake George ; too many battles having already been fought on this side it, for the credit of the British arms. We pledge ourselves to your safety." Anneke thanked him for this pledge, and the conversation changed. There was a young man present, who bore the name of Schuyler, and who was nearly related to Madam, with whose air, manner and appearance I was much struck. His aunt called him ' Philip ;' and, being about my own age, during this visit I got into conversation with him. He told me he was attached to the commissariat under Gen. Brad- street, and that he should move on with the army, as soon as the preparations for its inarching were completed. He then entered into a clear, simple explanation of the supposed plan of the approaching campaign. " We shall see you and your friends among us, then, I hope," he added, as we were walking on the lawn together, previously to the summons to dinner ; " for, to own to you the truth, Mr. Littlepage, I do not half like the necessity of our having so many eastern troops among us, to clear this colony of its enemies. It is true, a nation must fight its foes wherever they may happen to be found ; but there is so little in common, between us and the Yankees, that I could wish we were strong enough to beat back the French alone." " We have the same sovereign and the same allegiance," I answered ; " if you can call that something in common." " That is true ; yet, I think you must have enough Dutch blood about you to understand me. My duty calls me much among the different regiments ; and, I will own, that I find more trouble with one New England regiment, than with a whole brigade of the other troops. They have generals, 70 SATANSTOE. at present that comports with my ideas of such a thing On this common, then, was the Pinkster ground, which was now quite full of people, as well as of animation. There was nothing new in a Pinkster frolic, either to Dirck, or to myself; though Jason gazed at the whole pro- cedure with wonder. He was born within seventy miles of that very spot, but had not the smallest notion before, of such a holiday as Pinkster. There are few blacks in Con- necticut, I believe ; and those that are there, are so ground down in the Puritan mill, that they are neither fish, flesh, nor red-herring, as we say of a non-descript. No man ever heard of a festival in New England, that had not some im- mediate connection with the saints, or with politics. Jason was at first confounded with the noises, dances, music, and games that were going on. By this time, nine- tenths of the blacks of the city, and of the whole country within thirty or forty miles, indeed, were collected in thousands in those fields, beating banjoes, singing African songs, drinking, and worst of all, laughing in a way that seemed to set their very hearts rattling within their ribs. Everything wore the aspect of good-humour, though it was good-humour in its broadest and coarsest forms. Every sort of common game was in requisition, while drinking was far from being neglected. Still, not a man was drunk. A drunken negro, indeed, is by no means a common thing. The features that distinguish a Pinkster frolic from the usual scenes at fairs, and other merry-makings, however, were of African origin. It is true, there are not now, nor were there then, many blacks among us of African birth ; but the traditions and usages of their original country were so far preserved as to produce a marked difference between this festival, and one of European origin. Among other things, some were making music, by beating on skins drawn over the ends of hollow logs, while others were dancing to it, in a manner to show that they felt infinite delight. This, in particular, was said to be a usage of their African pro- genitors. Hundreds of whites were walking through the fields, amused spectators. Among these last were a great many children of the better class, who had come to look at the enjoyment of those who attended them, in their own ordinary SATANSTOE. 71 nmusements. Many a sable nurse did I see that day, cha- peroning her young master, 01 young mistress, or both to- gether, through the various groups; demanding of all, and receiving from all, the respect that one of these classes was accustomed to pay to the other. A great many young ladies between the ages of fifteen and twenty were also in the field, either escorted by male companions, or, what was equally as certain of producing deference, under the care of old female nurses, who "be- longed to the race that kept the festival. We had been in the field ourselves two hours, and even Jason was besinninsr to condescend to be amused, when, unconsciously, I got separated from my companions, and was wandering through the groups by myself, as I came on a party of young girls, who were under the care of two or three wrinkled and grey-headed negresses, so respectably attired, as to show at once they were confidential servants in some of the better families. As for the young ladies themselves, most were still of the age of school girls ; though there were some of that equivocal age, when the bud is just breaking into the opening flower, and one or two that were even a little older ; young women in forms and deportment, though scarcely so in years. One of a party of two of the last, appeared to me to possess all the grace of young womanhood, rendered radiant by the ingenuous laugh, the light-hearted playful- ness, and the virgin innocence of sweet seventeen. She was simply, but very prettily dressed, and everything about her attire, air, carriage and manner, denoted a young lady of the better class, who was just old enough to feel all the proprieties of her situation, while she was still sufficiently youthful to enjoy all the fun. As she came near me, it seemed as if I knew her; but it was not until I heard her sweet, mirthful voice, that I recollected the pretty little thing in whose behalf I had taken a round with the butcher's boy, on the Bowery road, near six years before. As her party came quite near the spot where I stood, what was only conjecture at first, was reduced to a certainty. In the surprise of the moment, happening to catch the eye of the young creature, I was emboldened to make her a low bow. At first she smiled, like one who fancies she recognises an acquaintance ; then her face became scarlet, 72 SATANSTOE. and she returned my bow with a very lady-like, but, at the same time, a very distant curtsey; upon which, bending her blue eyes to the ground, she turned away, seemingly to speak to her companion. After this, I could not advance to speak, though I was strongly in hopes the old black nurse who was with her would recognise me, for she had manifested much concern about me on the occasion of the quarrel with the young butcher. This did not occur ; and old Katrinke, as I heard the negress called, jabbered away, explaining the meaning of the different ceremonies of her race, to a cluster of very interested listeners, without paying any attention to me. The tongues of the pretty little things went, as girls' tongues will go, though my unknown fair one maintained all the reserve and quiet of manner that comported with her young womanhood, and apparent con- dition in life. " Dere, Miss Anneke !" exclaimed Katrinke, suddenly ; " dere come a genttleum dat will bring a pleasure, I know." "Anneke" I repeated, mentally, and "gentleman that will cause pleasure by his appearance." " Can it be Dirck ?" I thought. Sure enough, Dirck it proved to be, who advanced rapidly to the group, making a general salute, and finishing by shaking my beautiful } 7 oung stran- ger's hands, and addressing her by the name of " cousin Anneke." This, then, was Annie Mordaunt, as the young lady was commonly called in the English circles, the only child and heiress of Herman Mordaunt, of Crown Street and of Lilacsbush. Well, Dirck has more taste than I had ever given him credit for ! Just as this thought glanced through my mind, my figure caught my friend's eye, and, with a look of pride and exultation, he signed to me to draw nearer, though I had managed to get pretty near as it was, already. " Cousin Anneke," said Dirck, who never used circumlo- cution, when direct means were at all available, " this is Corny Littlepage, of whom you have heard me speak so often, and for whom I ask one of your best curtsies and sweetest smiles." Miss Mordaunt was kind enough to comply literally, both curtsying and smiling precisely as she had been desired to do, though I could see she was also slightly disposed to SATANSTOE. 49 any horse Moses ? Jack might do, perhaps ; but Moses would never enter the head of even an imp ! Remember, lad, Moses was the great law-giver of the Jews; and such a creature would be as apt to suppose a horse was named Confucius, as to suppose he was named Moses !" " I suppose the inspiration, as you call it, sir, would lead a clever fortune-teller to give things as they are ; and to call the horses by their real names, let them be what thev might." "Ay, such inspiration as this miserable, old, wrinkled., impudent she-devil enjoys ! Don't tell me, Corny ; there is no such thing as fortune-telling ; at least, nothing that can be depended on in all cases — and this is one of downright imposition. ' Loping Dominie,' forsooth !" Such were the Rev. Mr. Worden's sentiments on the sub- ject of Mother Doortje's revelations. He exacted a pledge from us all, to say nothing about the matter ; nor were we much disposed to be communicative on the subject. As for Guert, Dirck, Jason, and myself, we did not hesitate to con- verse on the circumstances of our visits, among ourselves, however ; and each and all of us viewed the matter some what differently from our Mentor. I ascertained that Jason had been highly gratified with what had been predicted on his own behalf; for what was wealth in his eyes had been foretold as his future lot ; and a man rarely quarrels with good fortune, whether in prospective, or in possession. Dirck, though barely twenty, began to talk of living a single life from this time ; and no laughter of mine could induce the poor lad to change his views, or to entertain livelier hopes. Guert was deeply impressed, as has been said ; and feeling no restraint in the matter of his own case, he took occasion to jpeak of his visit to the woman, one morning that Herman Mordaunt, the two ladies, Bulstrode, and myself, were sitting together, chatting, in the freedom of what had now become a very constant intercourse. "Are such things as fortune-tellers known in England, Mr. Bulstrode?" Guert abruptly commenced, fastening his eyes on Mary Wallace, as he asked the question ; for on her were his '.noughts running at the time. "All sorts of silly things are to be found in Old England, Mr. Ten Eyck, as well as some that are wise. I believe Vol. II. — 5 f)G SATANSTOE. London has one or two soothsayers ; and I think I have heard elderly people say that the fashion of consulting them has somewhat increased, since the court has been so German." " Yes," Guert innocently replied ; " I find it easy to be- lieve that ; for, it is a common saying, among our people, that the German and Low Dutch fortune-tellers are the best known. They have had, or pretend to have had, witches in New England ; but no one, hereabouts, puts any faith in ( the pretence. It is like all the bragging of these boastful Yankees!" I observed that Mary Wallace's colour deepened ; and that, in biting off a thread, she profited, by the occasion, to avert her face in such a manner, that Bulstrode, in particu- lar, could not see it. " The meaning of all this," put in Major Bulstrode " is, that our friend Guert has been to pay a visit to Mothei Doortje's ; a woman of some note, who lives on the hill, and who has a reputation, in that way, among these good Albanians ! Several of our mess have been to see the old woman." " It is, Mr. Bulstrode," Guert answered, in his manly way, and with a gravity which proved how much he was in earnest. " I have been to see Mother Doortje, for the first time in my life ; and Corny Littlepage, here, was my com- panion. Long as I have known the woman by reputation, I have never had any curiosity to pay her a visit, until this spring. We have been, however ; and, I must say, I have been greatly surprised at the extent of the knowledge of this I very extraordinary person." " Did she tell you to look into the sweetmeat-pot, for the lost spoon, Mr. Ten Eyck," Anneke inquired, with an arch- ness of eye and voice, that sent the blood to my own face, in confusion. "They say, that fortune-tellers send all pru- dent, yet careless housewives, to the sweetmeat-pots, to look for the lost spoons ! Many have been found, I hear, by this wonderful prescience." " Well, Miss Anneke, I see, you have no faith," answered Guert, fidgeting; "and people who have no faith, nevei believe. Notwithstanding, I put so much confidence in what Doortje has told me, that I intend to follow her advice let matters turn out as they may." SAT ANSTOE . 51 Here Mary Wallace raised her thoughtful, full, blue eyes to the face of the young man ; and they expressed an intense interest, rather than any light curiosity, that even her wo- man's instinct and woman's sensitiveness could not so far prevail, as to enable her to conceal. Still, Mary Wallace did not speak, leaving the others present to maintain the discourse. " Of course, you mean to tell us all about it, Ten Eyck," cried the Major ; " there is nothing more likely to succeed, with an audience, than a good history of witchcraft, or some- thing so very marvellous, as to do violence to common sense, before we give it our faith." "Excuse me, Mr. Bulstrode ; these are things I cannot well mention ; though, Corny Littlepage will testify, that they are very wonderful. At any rate, I shall go into the bush, this spring ; and Littlepage and Follock, being excel- lent companions, I propose to join their company. It will be late, before the army will be ready to move : and, by that time, all three of us propose to join you before Ticonderoga ; if, indeed, you succeed in getting so far," " Say, rather, in front of Montreal ; for, I trust, this new Commander-in-Chief will find something more for us to do, than the last one did. Shall I have a sentinel placed at Doortje's door, in your absence, Guert?" The smile, this question produced, was general ; Guert, himself, joining in it ; for his good-nature was of proof. When I say the smile was general, however, I ought to ex- cept Mary Wallace, who smiled little, that morning. 11 We shall be neighbours, then," Herman Mordaunt quietly observed ; " that is to say, if you mean, by accom- panying Corny and Dirck to the bush, you intend to go with them to the patent, lately obtained by Messrs. Little- page and Van Valkenburgh. I have an estate, in that quarter, which is now ten years old ; and these ladies have consented to accompany me thither, as soon as the weather is a little more settled, and I can be assured that our army Mill be of sufficient force to protect us from the French and Indians." It is unnecessary for me to say with what delight Guert and I heard this announcement ! On Bulstrode, however, it produced an exactly contrary effect. He did not appear, to 59 SATAN STOE me, to be surprised, at a declaration that was so new to us ; but several expressions fell from him, that showed he had no idea the two estates, that of Herman Mordaunt's, and that which belonged to us, lay so near together. It was by- means of his questions, indeed, that I learned the real facts of the case. It appeared that Herman Mordaunt's business, in Albany, was to make some provisions in behalf of this property, on which he had caused mills to be erected, and some of the other improvements of a new settlement, to be made, two or three years before ; and which, by the pro- gress and events of the war, was getting to be in closer prox- imity to the enemy, than was desirable. Even where the French lay, at Ticonderoga, his mills, in particular, might be thought in some danger, though forty or more miles dis- tant ; for parties of savages, led on by white men, frequently marched that distance through the forests, in order to break up a settlement and to commit depredations. But the enemy had crossed Lake George, the previous summer, and had actually taken Fort William Henry, at its southern extre- mity, by siege. It is true, this was the extent of their in- road ; and, it was now known, that they had abandoned this bold conquest, and had fallen back upon Ty and Crown Point, two of the strongest military positions in the British colonies. Still, Ravensnest, as Herman Mordaunt's pro- perty was called, was far from being beyond the limits of sorties ; and the residence, at Albany, was solely to M'atch the progress of events in that quarter, and to be near the scene. If he had any public employment, it remained ^a profound mystery. A new source of embarrassment had arisen, however ; and this it was that decided the proprietor to visit his lands in person. The fifteen or twenty families he had succeeded in establishing on the estate, at much cost and trouble, had taken the alarm at the prospect of a cam- paign in their vicinity ; and had announced an intention of abandoning their huts and clearings, as the course most expedient for the times. Two or three had already gone off towards the Hampshire Grants, whence they had origi- nally come ; profiting by the last of the snow ; and, it was feared, that others might imitate their caution. Herman Mordaunt saw no necessity for this abandonment of advantages over the wilderness, that had been obtained SATAN STOE. 53 at so much cost and trouble. The labour of a removal, and a return, was sufficient, of itself, to give a new direction to the movements of his settlers ; and, as their first entrance into the country had been effected through his agency, and aided by his means, he naturally wished to keep the people he had got to his estate with so much difficulty, and at so much cost, at their several positions, as long, at least, as he conceived it to be prudent. In these circumstances, there- fore, he had determined to visit Ravensnest in person, and to pass a part, if not most of the summer, among his people. This would give them confidence, and would enable him to infuse new life into their operations. It would seem, that Anneke and Mary Wallace had refused to let Mr. Mordaunt go alone; and, believing, himself, there was no danger in the course he was about to take, the father and guardian, for Mary Wallace was Herman Mordaunt's ward, had yielded to the importunities of the two girls ; and it had been formally decided that they were all to proceed together, as soon as the season should get to be a little more advanced. Intelligence of this intention had been sent to the settlers ; and its effect was to induce them to remain at their posts, by pacifying their fears. I might as well add, here, what I learned subsequently, in the due course of events. Bulstrode had been made ac- quainted with Herman Mordaunt's plans, they being sworn friends, and the latter warmly in the interest of the former's suit ; and he had known how to profit by the information. It was now time to put the troops in motion ; and several parties had already marched towards the north, taking post at different points that it was thought desirable to occupy, previously to the commencement of the campaign. Among other corps under orders of this nature, was that commanded by Bulstrode ; and he had sufficient interest, at head-quar- ters, to get it sent to the point nearest to Ravensnest ; where it gave him the double advantage, of having it in his power to visit the ladies, on occasion, while, at the same time, he must appear, to them, somewhat in the character of a pro- tector. The object of Dirck and myself, in visiting the north, was no secret ; and, it was generally understood, that we were to go to Mooseridge ; but we did not know, our- selves, that Herman Mordaunt had an estate so near us. 5* 51 SATANSTOE. This intelligence, as has been said, I now ascertained, was as new to Bulstrode as it was to myself. The knowledge of many little things I have just men- tioned, was obtained by me only at intervals, and by means of observation and discourse. Nevertheless, the main points were determined on the morning on which Guert referred to his visit to the fortune-teller, and in the manner named. The conversation lasted an hour ; nor did it cease, until all present got a general idea of the course intended to be pur- sued by the different parties present, during the succeeding summer. It happened, that morning, that Bulstrode, Dirck, and Guert withdrew together, the two last to look at a horse the former had just purchased, leaving me alone with the young ladies. No sooner was the door closed on the retiring members of our party, than I saw a smile struggling about the handsome mouth of Anneke ; Mary Wallace continuing the whole time thoughtful, if not sad. "And you were of the party at the fortune-teller's, too, it seems, Mr. Littlepage," Anneke remarked, after appearing to be debating with herself on the propriety of proceeding any farther in the subject. " I knew there was such a per- son in Albany, and that thrifty housekeepers did sometimes consult her ; but I was ignorant that men, and educated men, paid her that honour." " I believe there is no exception in the way of sex or learning, to her influence, or her authority. They tell me that most of the younger officers of the army visit her, while they remain here." " I would much like to know if Mr. Bulstrode has been of the number ! He is young enough in years, though so high in rank. A major may have as much curiosity as an ensign ; or, as it may appear, dear Mary, of a woman who has lost her grandmother's favourite dessert-spoon." Mary Wallace gave a gentle sigh, and she even raised her eyes from her work ; still, she made no answer. " You are severe on us, Anneke ;" for, since the affair on the river, the whole family treated me with the familiarity of a son or a brother — " I fancy we have done no more than Mr. Mordaunt has done in his day." " This may be very true, Corny, and not make the con SATANSTOE. 55 sulfation the wisest thing in nature. I hope, however, you do not keep your fortune a secret, but let your friends share in your knowledge !" " To me the woman was far from being communicative, though she treated Guert Ten Eyck better. Certainly, she told him many extraordinary things, of the past even ; unless, indeed, she knew who he was." " Is it probable, Mr. Littlepage," said Mary Wallace, " that any person in Albany should not know Guert Ten Eyck, and a good deal of his past history ? Poor Guert makes himself known wherever he is !" " And, often much to his advantage," I added — a remark that cost me nothing ; but which caused Mary Wallace's face to brighten, and even brought a faint smile to her lips. "All that is true ; yet there was something wild and unnatural in the woman's manner, as she told these things !" "All of which you seem determined to keep to yourself?" observed Anneke, as one asks a question. " It would hardly do to betray a friend's secrets. Let Guert answer for himself; he is as frank as broad day, and will not hesitate about letting you know all." " I wish Corny Littlepage were only as frank as twilight !" " I have nothing to conceal — and least of all from you, Anneke. The fortune-teller told me that the queen of my heart was the queen of too many hearts ,* that the river had done me no harm ; and that I must particularly beware of what she called Knights-Barrowm^Ate." I watched Anneke closely, as I repeated this warning of Mother Doortje ; but could not read the expression of her sweet and thoughtful countenance. She neither smiled nor frowned ; but she certainly blushed. Of course, she did not look at me — for that would have been to challenge observa- tion. Mary Wallace, however, did smile, and she did look at me. "You believe all the wizzard told you, Corny?" said Anneke, after a short pause. " I believed that the queen of my heart was the queen of many hearts ; that the river had done me no harm — though I could not say, or see, that it had done me much good ; and that I had much to fear from Knights-Barrowm'o7i£s. I 56 SATANSTOE. believed all this, however, before I ever saw the fortune- teller." The next remark that was made came from Anneke, and it referred to the weather. The season was opening finely, and fast ; and it could not be long before the great move- ments of the year must commence. Several regiments had arrived in the colonies, and various officers of note and rank had accompanied them. Among others who had thus crossed the Atlantic for the first time, was my Lord Howe, a young soldier of whom fame spoke favourably, and from whom much was expected in the course of the anticipated service of the year. While we were talking over these things, Herman Mordaunt re-entered the room, after a short absence, and he took me with him to examine his preparations for transporting the ladies to Ravensnest. As we went along, the discourse was maintained, and I learned many things from my older and intelligent companion, that were new to me. " New lords, new laws, they say, Corny," continued Herman Mordaunt ; " and this Pvtr. Pitt, the great commoner, as some persons call him, is bent on making the British empire feel the truth of the axiom. Everything is alive in the colonies, and the sluggish period of Lord Loudon's com- mand is passed. Gen. Abercrombie, an officer from whom much is expected, is now at the head of the King's troops, and there is every prospect of an active and most important campaign. The disgraces of the few last years mvst be wiped out, and the English name be made once more to be dreaded on this continent. The Lord Howe of whom An- neke spoke, is said to be a young man of merit, and to pos sess the blood of our Hanoverian monarchs ; his mother being a half-sister, in the natural way, of his present Ma- jesty." Herman Mordaunt then spoke more fully of his own plans for the summer — expressed his happiness at knowing that Dirck and myself were to be what he called his neigh- bours — though, on a more exact computation, it was ascer- tained, that the nearest boundaries of the two patents, that of Ravensnest, and that of Mooseridge, lay quite fourteen miles apart, with a dense and virgin forest between them. Nevertheless, this would be making us neighbours, in a certain sense; as gentlemen always call men of their own SATANSTOE. 57 class neighbours, when they live within visiting distance, or near enough to be seen once or twice in a year. And such men are neighbours, in the sense that is most essential to the term — they know each other better; understand each other better; sympathize more freely; have more of the intercourse that makes us judges of motives, principles, and character, twenty-fold, than he who lives at the gate, and merely sees the owner of the grounds pass in and out, on his daily avocations. There is, and can be no greater ab- surdity, than to imagine that the sheer neighbourhood, or proximity of position, makes men acquainted. That was one of Jason Newcome's Connecticut notions. Having been educated in a stale of society in which all associated on a certain footing of intimacy, and in which half the difficulties that occurred were " told to the church," he was for ever fancying he knew all the gentry of Westchester, because he had lived a year or two in the county ; when, in fact, he had never spoken to one in a dozen of them. I never could drive this notion out of his head, however ; for looking often at a man, or occasionally exchanging a bow with him on the highway, he would insist was knowing him, or what he called, being " well acquainted ;" a very favourite expres- sion of the Danbury man's ; though their sympathies, habits, opinions, and feelings, created so vast a void between the parties, they hardly understood each other's terms, and or- dinary language, when they did begin to converse, as some- times happened. Notwithstanding all this, Jason insisted to the last that he knew every gentleman in the county, whom he had been accustomed to hear alluded to in discourse, and when he had seen them once or twice, though it were only at church. But Jason had a very flattering notion, gene- rally, of his own acquisitions on all subjects. Herman Mordaunt had made careful provision for the contemplated journey ; having caused a covered vehicle to be constructed, that could transport not only himself and the ladies, but many articles of furniture that would be re- quired during their residence in the forest. Another con- veyance, strong, spacious, and covered, was also prepared for the blacks, and another portion of the effects. lie pointed out all these arrangements to me with great satis- faction, dwelling on the affection and spirit of the girls with 58 SATANSTOE. a pleasure he did not affect to conceal. For my own part, I have always been of opinion, that Anneke was solely in- fluenced by pure, natural regard, in forming her indiscreet resolution ; while her father was governed by the secret ex- pectation that the movement would leave open the means of receiving visits and communications from Bulstrode, during most of the summer. I commended the arrangements, made one or two suggestions of my own in behalf of Anneke and Mary, and we returned to our several homes. A day or two after this visit to the workshops, and the conversation related, the th took up its line of march for the north. The troops defiled through the narrow streets in the neighbourhood of the barracks, half an hour after the appearance of the sun, preceded and followed by a long train of baggage- wagons. They marched without tents, however, it being well understood that they were going into a region where the axe could at any time cover thousands of men, in about the time that a camp could be laid out, and the canvass spread. Hutting was the usual mode of placing an army under cover in the forest ; and a dozen marches would take the battalion to the point where it was intended it should remain, as a support to two or three other corps still further in advance, and to keep open the commu- nications. Bulstrode, however, did not quit Albany in company with his regiment. I had been invited, with Guert and Dirck,to breakfast at Herman Mordaunt's that morning; and, as we approached the door, I saw the Major's groom walking his own and his master's horse, in the street, near by. This was a sign we were to have the pleasure of Bulstrode's com- pany at breakfast. Accordingly, on entering the room, we found him present, in the uniform of an officer of his rank, about to commence a march in the forests of America. I thought him melancholy, as if sad at parting; but my most jealous observation could detect no sign of similar feeling on the part of Anneke. She was not quite as gay as usual, but she was far from being sad. " 1 leave you, ladies, with the deepest regret," said Bul- strode, while at table, " for you have made this country more than a home to me — you have rendered it deary This was said with feeling ; more than I had ever seen SATANSTOE. 59 Bulstrode manifest before, and more than I had given him credit for possessing. Anneke coloured a little ; but there was no tremor in the beautiful hand, that held a highly- wrought little tea-pot suspended over a cup, at that very- moment. " We shall soon meet again, Harry," Herman Mordaunt remarked, in a tone of strong affection ; " for, our party will not be a week behind you. Remember, we are to be good neighbours, as well as neighbours; and, if the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the moun- tain." " Which means, Mr. Bulstrode," said Mary Wallace, with one of her sweet smiles, and one that was as open and na- tural as childhood itself, " that you are Mahomet, and we are the mountain. Ladies can neither travel, with comfort, in a wilderness, nor visit a camp, with propriety, if they would." " They tell me, I shall not be in a camp at all," answered the soldier ; " but in good, comfortable log-barracks, that have been built for us by the battalion we relieve. I am not without hopes, they will be such as even ladies will not disdain to use, on an emergency. There ought to be no Mahomet, and no mountain, between such old and intimate friends." The conversation then turned on the plans and expecta- tions of the respective parties ; and the usual promises were made, of being sociable and good neighbours, as had just been suggested. Herman Mordaunt evidently wished to consider Bulstrode as one of his family ; a feeling that might excuse itself to the world, on the score of consanguinity ; but which, it was easy enough, for me, to see, had its origin in a very different cause. When Bulstrode rose to take his leave, I wished myself away, on account of the exhibition of concern it produced ; while the desire to watch the effect on Anneke, would have kept me rooted to the floor, even had it been proper that I should retire. Bulstrode was more affected than I could have thought possible. He took one of Herman Mordaunt's hands into his own, and pressed it warmly, for some little time, before ne could speak at all. il God only knows what this summer is to see, and CO SATANSTOE, whether we are ever to meet again, or not," he then said ; " but, come what may, the past, the happy past, is so much gained from the commonplace. If you never hear of me again, my dear kinsman, my letters to England will give you a oetter account of my gratitude, than anything I c r .n say in words. They have been written as your kindnesses have been bestowed ; and they faithfully pourtray the feel- ings to which your hospitality and friendship have given rise. In a possible event, I have requested that every one of them may be sent to America, for your special perusal — " " Nay, my dear Harry, this is foreboding the very worst," interrupted Herman Mordaunt, dashing a tear from his eye, " and is making a very short separation, a more serious matter than one ought — " " Nay, sir, a soldier, who is about to be posted within striking distance of his enemy, can never speak, with confi- dence, of separations that are to be short. This campaign will be decisive, for me," — glancing towards Anneke — " I must return a conqueror, in one sense, or I do not wish to return at all. But, God bless you, Herman Mordaunt, as your own countrymen call you ; a thousand years could not efface from my heart, the remembrance of all your kind- ness." This was handsomely expressed ; and the manner in which it was uttered, was as good as the language. Bul- strode hesitated a moment — looked at the two girls in doubt — and first approached Mary Wallace. ■ "Adieu, excellent Mary Wallace," he said, taking her offered hand, and kissing it with a freedom from emotion, that denoted it was only friendship and respect which in- duced the act — " I believe, you are a severe critic on Catos and Scrubs ; but, I forgive all your particular backbitings, on account of your general indulgence and probity. You may meet with a thousand mere acquaintances, before you find another who shall have the same profound respect for your many virtues, as myself." This was handsomely said, too ; and it caused Mary Wal- lace to remove the handkerchief from her eyes, and to utter her adieus cordially, and with some emotion. Strangers say that our women want feeling — passion ; or, if they have \t, that it is veiled behind a mask of coldness, that takes SATANSTOE. 61 away from its loveliness and warmth ; that they are girlish and familiar, where they might better be reserved; and dis- tant, and unnatural, where feeling and nature ought to assert their sway. That they have less manner, in all re- spects, in that of self-control, and perhaps of self-respect, in their ordinary intercourse, and in that of acting, where it may seem necessary so to do, I believe to be true ; but, he who denies an American girl a heart, knows nothing about her. She is all heart ; and the apparent coldness is oftener the consequence of not daring to trust her feelings, and her general dislike to everything artificial, than to any want of affections. Two girls, educated, however, as had been Anneke and Mary Wallace, could not but acquit themselves better, in such a scene, than those who had been less accus- tomed to the usages of polite life, which are always, more or less, the usages of convention. On the present occasion, Mary Wallace was strongly affected ; it would not have been possible, for one of her gentle nature and warm affections, to be otherwise, when an agreeable companion, one she had now known intimately near two years, was about to take his leave of her, on an errand that he himself either thought, or affected so well to seem to think, might lead to the most melancholy issue. She shook hands with Bulstrode, warmly ; wished him good fortune, and various other pleasant things ; thanked him for his good opinion, and expressed her hope, as well as her belief, that they should all meet again before the summer was over, and again be happy in each other's society. Anneke's turn came next. Her handkerchief was at her eyes ; and, when it was removed, the face was pale, and the cheeks were covered with tears. The smile that followed, was sweetness itself; and, I will own, it caused me a most severe pang. To my surprise, Bulstrode said nothing. He took Anneke's hand, pressed it to his heart, kissed it, left a note in it, bowed, and moved away. I felt ashamed to watch the countenance of Miss Mordaunt, under such circumstances, and turned aside, that observation might not increase the distress and embarrassment she evidently felt. I saw enough, notwithstanding, to render me more uncertain than ever, as to the success of my own suit. Anneke's colour had come and gone, as Bulstrode stood near her, acting his Vol. II. — 6 G2 SATANSTOE. dumb-show of leave-taking ; and, to me, she seemed far more affected than Mary Wallace had been. Nevertheless, her feelings were always keener and more active than those of her friend ; and, that which my sensitiveness took for the emotion of tenderness, might be nothing more than ordinary womanly feeling and friendship. Besides, Bulstrode was actually her relative. We men all attended Bulstrode to his horse. He shook us cordially by the hand ; and, after he had got into the saddle, he said— "This summer will be warmer than is usual, even in your warmy-cold climate. My letters from home give me reason to think that there is, at last, a man of talents at the head of affairs ; and the British empire is likely to feel the impulse he will give it, at its most remote extremities. I shall expect you three young men to join the th, as volunteers, as soon as you hear of our moving in advance. I wish I had a thousand like you ; for that affair of the river tells where a man will be found when the time comes. God bless you, Corny !" leaning forward in his saddle, to give me another shake of the hand ; " we must remain friends, coute qui coute" There was no withstanding this frankness, and so much good-temper. We shook hands most cordially ; Bulstrode raised his hat and bowed ; after which he rode away, as I fancied, at a slow, thoughtful, reluctant pace. Notwith- standing the kindness of this parting, I had more cause than ever to regret Bulstrode had appeared among us ; and the scenes of that morning only confirmed me in a resolution, previously adopted, not to urge Anneke to any decision, in my case, at a moment when I felt there might be so much danger it would be adverse. SATANSTOE, 63 CHAPTER V. "Come, let a proper text be read, An' touch it aff wi' vigour, How graceless Ham leugh at his dad, Which made Canaan a nigger." Burns. Ten days after the departure of the th, Herman Mordaunt and his family, with our own party, left Albany, on the summer's business. In that interval, however, great changes had taken place in the military aspect of things. Several regiments of King's troops ascended the Hudson , most of the sloops on the rivev, of which there could not have been fewer than thirty or forty, having been em- ployed in transporting them and their stores. Two or three corps came across the country, from the eastern colonies, while several provincial regiments appeared ; everything tending to a concentration at this point, the head of naviga- tion on the Hudson. Among other men of mark, who ac- companied the troops, was Lord Viscount Howe, the noble- man of whom Herman Mordaunt had spoken. He bore the local rank of Brigadier,* and seemed to be the very soul of the army. It was not his personal consideration alone, that placed him so high in the estimation of the public and of the troops, but his professional reputation, and professional services. There were many young men of rank in the army present ; and, as for younger sons of peers, there were enough to make honourables almost as plenty, at Albany, as they were at Boston. Most of the colonial families of mark had sons in the service, too ; those of the middle and southern colonies bearing commissions in regular regiments , * The ordinary American reader may not know that the rank of Brigadier, in the British army, is not a step in the regular line of promotion, as with us. In England, the regular military gradations are from Colonel to Major-general, Lieut. General, General, and Field Marshal. The rank of Brigadier is barely recognised, like that of Commodore, in the navy, to be used on emergencies ; usually as bre- vet, local rank, to enable the government to employ clever colonels at need. 61 SATANSTOE. while the provincial troops from the eastern were led, as was very usual, in that quarter of the country, by men of the class of yeomen, in a great degree ; the habits of equality that prevailed in those provinces making few distinctions, on the score of birth or fortune. Yet it was said, I remember, that obedience was as marked, among the provincials from Massachusetts and Connecticut, as among those that came from farther south ; the men deferring to authority, as the agent of the laws. They were fine troops, too ; better than our own colony regiments, I must acknowledge ; seeming to belong to a higher class of labourers ; while, it must be a'dmitted, that most of their officers were no very brilliant representatives of manners, acquirements, or habits, that would be likely to qualify them for command. It must have been that the officers and men suited each other ; for, it was said all round, that they stood well, and fought very bravely, whenever they were particularly well led, as did not always happen to be the case. As a body of mere physical men, they were universally allowed to be the finest corps in the army, regu- lars and all included. I saw Lord Howe two or three times, particularly at the residence of Madam Schuyler, the lady I have already had occasion to mention, and to whom I had given the letter of introduction procured by my mother, the Mordaunts visiting her with great assiduity, and frequently taking me with them. As for Lord Howe, himself, he almost lived under the roof of excellent Madam Schuyler; where, indeed, all the good company assembled at Albany, was, at times, to be seen. Our party was a large one ; and, it might have passed for a small corps of the army itself, moving on in advance ; as was the case with corps, or parts of corps, now, almost daily. Herman Mordaunt had delayed our departure, indeed, ex- pressly with a view to render the country safe, by letting it fill with detachments from the army ; and our progress, when we were once in motion, was literally from post to post; encampment to encampment. It may "be well to enu- merate our force, and to relate the order of our march, that the reader may better comprehend the sort of business we were on. SATAN STOE. G5 Herman Mordaunt took with him, in addition to the ladies, a black cook, and a black serving-girl; a negro-man, to take care of his horses, and another as his house-servant. He had three white labourers, in addition — men employed about the teams, and as axe-men, to clear the woods, bridge the streams, and to do other work of that nature, as it might be required. On our side, there were us three gentlemen, Yaap, my own faithful negro, Mr. Traverse, the surveyor, two chain-bearers, and two axe-men. Guert Ten Eyck carried with him, also, a negro-man, who was called Pete ; it being contrary to bonos mores to style him Peter or Pe- trus ; the latter being his true appellation. This made us ten men strong, of whom eight were white, and two black. Herman Mordaunt mustered, in all, just the same number, of which, however, four were females. Thus, by uniting our forces, we made a party of twenty souls, altogether. Of this number, all the males, black and white, were well armed, each man owning a good rifle, and each of the gen- tlemen a brace of pistols in addition. We carried the latter belted to our bodies, with the weapons, which were small and fitted to the service, turned behind, in such a way as to be concealed by our outer garments. The belts were also hid by the flaps of our nether garments. By this arrange- ment, we were well armed without seeming to be so ; a pre- caution that is sometimes useful in the woods. It is hardly necessary to say, that we did not plunge into the forest in the attire in which we had been accustomed to appear in the streets of New York and Albany. Cocked hats were laid aside altogether; forest caps, resembling in form those we had worn in the winter, with the exception that the fur had been removed, being substituted. The ladies wore light beavers, suited to their sex; there being little occasion for any shade for the face, under the dense cano- pies of the forest. Veils of green, however, were added, as the customary American protection for the sex. Anneke and Mary travelled in habits, made of light woman's cloth, and in a manner to fit their exquisite forms like gloves. The skirts were short, to enable them to walk with ease, in the event of being compelled to go a-foot. A feather or two, in each hat, had not been forgotten — the offering of the natural propensity of their sex, to please the eyes of men. G* 66 SATANSTOE. As* for us men, buckskin formed the principal material of our garments. We all wore buckskin breeches, and gaiters, and moccasins. The latter, however, had the white- man's soles ; though Guert took a pair or two with him that were of the pure Indian manufacture. Each of us had a coatee, made of common cloth ; but we all carried hunting- shirts, to be worn as soon as we entered the woods. These hunting-shirts, green in colour, fringed and ornamented gar- ments, of the form of shirts to be worn over all, were ex- ceedingly smart in appearance, and were admirably suited to the woods. It was thought that the fringes, form, and colour, blended them so completely with the foliage, as to render them in a manner invisible to one at a distance ; or, at least, undistinguished. They were much in favour with all the forest corps of America, and formed the usual uni- form of the riflemen of the woods, whether acting against man, or only against the wild beasts. Neither Mr. Worden, nor Jason, moved with the main party ; and it was precisely on account of these distinctions of dress. As for the divine, he was so good a stickler for appearances, he would have worn the gown and surplice, even on a mission to the Indians ; which, by-the-way, was ostensibly his present business ; and, at the several occa- sions, on which I saw him at cock-fights, he kept on the clerical coat and shovel-hat. In a word, Mr. Worden never neglected externals, so far as dress was concerned; and, I much question, if he would have consented to read prayers without the surplice, or to preach without the gown, let the desire for spiritual provender be as great as it might. I very well remember to have heard my father say, that, on one occasion, the parson had refused to officiate of a Sun- day, when travelling, rather than bring discredit on the church, by appearing in the discharge of his holy office, without the appliances that belonged to the clerical charac- ter. " More harm than good is done to religion, Mr, Little- page," said the Rev. Mr. Worden, on that occasion, " by thus lessening its rites in vulgar eyes. The first thing is to teach men to respect holy finings, my dear sir; and a clergyman in his gown and surplice, commands threefold the respect of one without them. I consider it, therefore, a SATANSTOE. C7 jacred duty to uphold the dignity of my office on all occa- sions." It was in consequence of these opinions, that the divine travelled in his clerical hat, clerical coat, black breeches, and band, even when in pursuit of the souls of red men among the wilds of North America ! I will not take it upon myself to say, these observances had not their use; but I am very certain they put the reverend gentleman to a great deal of inconvenience. As for Jason, he gave a Danbury reason for travelling in his best. Everybody did so, in his quarter of the country ; and, for his part, he thought it disrespectful to strangers, to appear among them in old clothes ! There was, however, another and truer reason, and that was economy ; for the troops had so far raised the price of everything, that Jason did not hesitate to pronounce Albany the dearest place he had ever been in. There was some truth in this allegation ; and the distance from New York, being no less than one hundred and sixty miles — so reported — the reader will at once see, it was the business of quite a month, or even more, to re-furnish the shelves of the shop that had been emptied. The Dutch not only moved slow, but they were methodical ; and the shopkeeper whose stores were exhausted in April, would not be apt to think of replenishing them, until the regular time and season returned. As a consequence of these views and motives, the Rev. Mr. Worden and Mr. Jason Newcome left Albany twenty- four hours in advance of the rest of our party, with the understanding they were to join us at a point where the road led into the woods, and where it was thought the cocked hat and the skin cap might travel in company harmoniously. There was, however, a reason for the separation I have not yet named, in the fact that all of my own set travelled on foot, three or four pack-horses carrying our necessaries. Now Mr. Worden had been offered a seat in a government conveyance, and Jason managed to worm himself into the party, in some way that to me was ever inexplicable. It is, however, due to Mr. Newcome to confess that his faculty of obtaining favours of all sorts, was of a most extraordinary character ; and he certainly never lost any chance of pre- ferment for want of asking. In this respect, Jason was GS SATANSTOE. always a moral enigma, to me ; there being an absolute absence, in his mind, of everything like a perception of the fitness of things, so far as the claims and rights of persons were connected with rank, education, birth, and experience. Rank, in the official sense, once possessed, he understood and respected ; but of the claims to entitle one to its enjoy- ment, he seemed to have no sort of notion. For property he had a profound deference, so far as that deference ex- tended to its importance and influence; but it would have caused him not the slightest qualm, either in the way of con- science or feeling, to find himself suddenly installed in the mansion of the patroons, for instance, and placed in posses- sion of their estates, provided only he fancied he could maintain his position. The circumstance that he was dwell- ing under the roof that was erected by another man's ances- tors, for instance, and that others were living who had a better moral right to it, would give him no sort of trouble, so long as any quirk of the law would sustain him in pos- session. In a word, all that was allied to sentiment, in I matters of this nature, was totally lost on Jason Newcome, who lived and acted, from the hour he first came among us, as if the game of life were merely a game of puss in the corner, in which he who inadvertently left his own post un- protected, would be certain to find another filling his place as speedily as possible. I have mentioned this propensity of Jason's at some little length, as I feel certain, should this history be carried down by my own posterity, as I hope and design, it will be seen that this disposition to regard the whole human family as so many tenants in common, of the estate left by Adam, will lead, in the end, to something ex- traordinary. But, leaving the Rev. Mr. Worden and Mr. Jason Newcome to journey in their public conveyance, I must return to our own party. All of us men, with the exception of those who drove the two wagons of Herman Mordaunt, marched a-foot. Each of us carried a knapsack, in addition to his rifle and ammu- nition ; and, it will be imagined, that our day's work was not a very long one. The first day, we halted at Madam Schuyler's, by invitation, where we all dined ; including the surveyor. Lord Howe was among the guests, that day ; and he appeared to admire the spirit of Anneke and Mary SATANSTOE. G9 Wallace greatly, in attempting such an expedition, at such a time. " You need have no fears, however, ladies, as we shall keep up strong detachments between you and the French," he said, more gravely, after some pleasant trifling on the subject. " Last summer's work, and the disgraceful man- ner in which poor Munro was abandoned to his fate, has rendered us all keenly alive to the importance of compelling the enemy to remain at the north end of Lake George ; too many battles having already been fought on this side it, for the credit of the British arms. We pledge ourselves to your safety." Anneke thanked him for this pledge, and the conversation changed. There was a young man present, who bore the name of Schuyler, and who was nearly related to Madam, with whose air, manner and appearance I was much struck. His aunt called him ' Philip ;' and, being about my own age, during this visit I got into conversation with him. He told me he was attached to the commissariat under Gen. Brad- street, and that he should move on with the army, as soon as the preparations for its marching were completed. He then entered into a clear, simple explanation of the supposed plan of the approaching campaign. " We shall see you and your friends among us, then, I hope," he added, as we were walking on the lawn together, previously to the summons to dinner ; " for, to own to you the truth, Mr. Littlepage, I do not half like the necessity of our having so many eastern troops among us, to clear this colony of its enemies. It is true, a nation must fight its foes wherever they may happen to be found ; but there is so little in common, between us and the Yankees, that I could wish we were strong enough to beat back the French alone." " We have the same sovereign and the same allegiance," I answered ; " if you can call that something in common." " That is true ; yet, I think you must have enough Dutch blood about you to understand me. My duty calls me much among the different regiments ; and, I will own, that I find more trouble with one New England regiment, than with a whole brigade of the other troops. They have generals, 70 SATANSTOE. and colonels, and majors, enough for the army of the Duke of Marlborough !" "It is certain, there is no want of military rank among them — and they are particularly fond of referring to it." " Quite true," answered young Schuyler, smiling. " You will hear the word ' general' or ' colonel' oftener used, in one of their cantonments, in a day, than you shall hear it at Head Quarters in a month. They have capital points about them, too ; yet, somehow or other, we do not like each other." Twenty years later in life, I had reason to remember this remark, as well as to reflect on the character of the man who had uttered it. I, or my successors, will probably have occasion to advert to matters connected with this feeling, in the later passages of this record. I had also a little conversation with Lord Howe, who complimented me on what had passed on the river. He had evidently received an account of that affair from some one who was much my friend, and saw fit to allude to the sub- ject in a way that was very agreeable to myself. This short conversation was not worth repeating, but it opened the way to an acquaintance that subsequently was connected with some events of interest. About an hour after dinner, our party took its leave of Madam Schuyler, and moved on. The day's march was intended to be short, though by this time the roads were set- tled, and tolerably good. Of roads, however, we were not long to enjoy the advantages, for they extended only some thirty miles to the north of Albany, in our direction. With the exception of the military route, which led direct to the head-waters of Lake Champlain, this was about the extent of all the avenues that penetrated the interior, in that quarter of the country. Our direction was to the northward and eastward, both Ravensnest and Mooseridge lying slightly in the direction of the Hampshire Grants. As soon as we reached the point on the great northern road, or that which led towards Skeenesborough, Herman Mordaunt was obliged to quit his wagons, and to put all the females on horseback. The most necessary of the stores were placed on pack-horses; and, after a delay of half a day, time lost in making these arrangements, we proceeded. SATANSTOE. 71 The wagons were to follow, but at a slow pace, the ladies being compelled to abandon them on account of the rugged- ness of the ways, which would have rendered their motion not easy to be borne. Our cavalcade and train of footmen made a respectable display along the uneven road, which soon became very little more than a line cut through the forest, with an occasional wheel-track, but without the least attempt to level the surface of the ground by any artificial means. This was the place where we were to overtake Mr. Worden and Jason, and where we did find their effects ; the owners themselves having gone on in advance, leaving word that we should fall in with them somewhere on the route. Guert and I marched in front, our youth and vigour ena- bling us to do this with great ease to ourselves. Knowing that the ladies were well cared for, on horseback, we pushed on, in order to make provision for their reception, at a house a few miles distant, where we were to pass the night. This building was of logs, of course, and stood quite alone in the wilderness, having, however, some twenty or thirty acres of cleared land around it; and it would not do to pass it, at that time of the day. The distance from this solitary dwell- ing to the first habitation on Herman Mordaunt's property, was eighteen miles ; and that was a length of road that would require the whole of a long May day to overcome, under our circumstances. Guert and myself might have been about a mile in ad- vance of the rest of the party, when we saw a sort of semi- clearing before us, that we mistook at first for our resting- place. A few acres had been chopped over, letting in the light of the day upon the gloom of the forest, but the second growth was already shooting up, covering the area with high bushes. As we drew nearer, we saw it was a small, aban- doned clearing. Entering it, voices were heard at no great distance, and we stopped ; for the human voice is not heard, in such a place, without causing the traveller to pause, and stand to his arms. This we did ; after which we listened with some curiosity and caution. " High !" exclaimed some one, very distinctly, in Eng- lish. " Jack !" said another voice, in a sort of answering second, that could not well be mistaken. TZ SATAN STOE. " There's three for low ;— is that good ?" put in the first speaker. "It will do, sir; but here are a ten and an ace. Ten and three, and four and two make nineteen ; — I 'm game." " High, low, Jack and game !" whispered Guert ; " here are fellows playing at cards, near us ; let us go on and beat up their quarters." We did so ; and, pushing aside some bushes, broke, quite unexpectedly to all parties, on the Rev. Mr. Worden and Jason Newcome, playing the game of 'All Fours on a stump ; T or, if not literally in the classic position of using ' the slump,' substituting the trunk of a fallen tree for their table. As we broke suddenly in upon the card-players, Jason gave unequivocal signs of a disposition to conceal his hand, by thrusting the cards he held into his bosom, while he rapidly put the remainder of the pack under his thigh, pressing it down in a way completely to conceal it. This sudden movement was merely the effect of a puritanical education, which, having taught him to consider that as a sin which was not necessarily a sin at all, exacted from him that hy- pocrisy which is the tribute that vice pays to virtue ! Very different was the conduct of the Rev. Mr. Worden. Taught to discriminate better, and unaccustomed to set up arbitrary- rules of his own as the law of God, this loose observer of his professional obligations in other matters, made a very proper distinction in this. Instead of giving the least mani- festation of confusion or alarm, the log on which he was seated was not more unmoved than he remained, at our sud- den appearance at his side. " I hope, Corny, my dear boy," Mr. Worden cried, "that you did not forget to purchase a few packs of cards ; which, I plainly see, will be a great resource for us, in this woody region. These cards of Jason's are so thumbed and han- dled, that they are not fit to be touched by a gentleman, as I will show you. — Why, what has become of the pack, Master Newcome ? — It was on the log but a minute ago !" Jason actually blushed! Yes, for a wonder, shame in- duced Jason Newcome to change colour ! The cards were reluctantly produced from beneath his leg, and there the schoolmaster sat, as it might be in presence of his school, actually convicted of being engaged in the damning sin of S A T A N S T O E . 73 handling certain spotted pieces of paper, invented for, and used in the combinations of a game played for amusement. " Had it been push-pin, now," Guert whispered, " it would give Mr. Newcome no trouble at all ; but he does not admire the idea of being caught at 'All Fours, on a stump.' We must say a word to relieve the poor sinner's distress. I have cards, Mr. Worden, and they shall be much at your service, as soon as we can come at our effects. There is one pack in my knapsack, but it is a little soiled by use, though some- what cleaner than that. If you wish it, I will hand it to you. I never travel without carrying one or two clean packs with me." " Not just now, sir, I thank you. I love a game of Whist, or Picquet, but cannot say I am an admirer of All Fours. As Mr. Newcome knows no other, we were merely killing half an hour, at that game ; but I have enough of it to last me for the summer. I am glad that cards have not been forgotten, however ; for, I dare say, we can make up a very respectable party at Whist, when we all meet." "That we can, sir, and a party that shall have its good players. Miss Mary Wallace plays as good a hand at Whist, as a woman should, Mr. Worden ; and a very pretty accom- plishment it is, for a lady to possess ; useful, sir, as well as entertaining; for anything is preferable to dummy. I do not think a woman should play quite as well as a man, our sex having a natural claim to lead, in all such things ; but it is very convenient, sometimes, to find a lady who can hold her hand with coolness and skill." "I would not marry a woman who did not understand Picquet," exclaimed the Rev. Mr. Worden ; " to say nothing of Whist, and one or two other games. But, let us be moving, since the' hour is getting late." Move on we did, and in due time we all reached the place at which we were to halt for the night. This looked like plunging into the wilderness indeed ; for the house had but two rooms, one of which was appropriated to the use of the females, while most of us men took up our lodgings in the barn. Anneke and Mary Wallace, however, showed the most perfect good-humour ; and our dinner, or supper might better be the name, was composed of deliciously fat and tender broiled pigeons. It was the piseon season, the woods Vol. II. — 7 74 • SATANSTOE. being full of the birds ; and we were told, we might expect to feast on the young to satiety. About noon the next day, we reached the first clearing on the estate of Ravensnest. The country through which we were travelling was rolling rather than bold ; but it pos- sessed a feature of grandeur in its boundless forests. Our route, that day, lay under lofty arches of young leaves, the buds just breaking into the first green of the foliage, tall, straight columns, sixty, eighty, and sometimes a hundred feet of the trunks of the trees, rising almost without a branch. The pines, in particular, were really majestic, most of them being a hundred and fifty feet in height, and a few, as I should think, nearly if not quite two hundred. As every- thing grows towards the upper light, in the forest, this ought not to surprise those who are accustomed to see vegetation expand its powers in wide-spreading tops, and low, gnarled branches that almost touch the ground, as is the case in the open fields, and on the lawns of the older regions. As is usual in the American virgin forest, there was very little under-brush ; and we could see frequently a considerable distance through these long vistas of trees ; or, indeed, until the number of the stems intercepted the sight. The clearings of Ravensnest were neither very large nor very inviting. In that day, the settlement of new lands was a slow and painful operation, and was generally made at a great outlay to the proprietor. Various expedients were adopted to free the earth from its load of trees ;* for, at that * The late venerable Hendrick Frey was a man well known to all who dwelt in the valley of the Mohawk. He had been a friend, con- temporary, and it is believed an executor of the celebrated Sir Wil- liam Johnson, Bart. Thirty years since, he related to the writer the following anecdote. Young Johnson first appeared in the valley as the agent of a property belonging to his kinsman, Admiral Sir Peter Warren, K. B. ; who, having married in the colony, had acquired several estates in it. Among other tracts was one called Warrens. bush, on the Mohawk, on which young Johnson first resided. Find- ing it difficult to get rid of the trees around his dwelling, Johnson sent down to the admiral, at New York, to provide some purchases with which to haul the trees down to the earth, after grubbing and cutting the roots on one side. An ;icre was lowered in this manner, each tree necessarily lying at a larger angle to the earth than the next beneath it. An easterly wind came one night, und, to John- son's surprise, he found half his trees erect again, on rising in the SATANSTOE. 75 time, the commerce of the colonies did not reward the toil of the settler in the same liberal manner as has since oc- curred. Herman Mordaunt, as we moved along, related to me the cost and trouble he had been at already, in getting the ten or fifteen families who were on his property, in the first place, to the spot itself; and, in the second place, to induce them to remain there. Not only was he obliged to grant leases for three lives, or, in some cases, for thirty or forty years, at rents that were merely nominal, but, as a rule, the first six or eight years the tenants were to pay no rent at all. On the contrary, he was obliged to extend to them many favours, in various ways, that cost no inconside- rable sum in the course - of the year. Among other things, his agent kept a small shop, that contained the most ordi- nary supplies used by families of the class of the settler, and these he sold at little more than cost, for their accommoda- tion, receiving his pay in such articles as they could raise from their half-tilled fields, or their sugar-bushes, and turn- ing those again into money, only after they were transported to Albany, at the end of a considerable period. In a word, the commencement of such a settlement was an arduous undertaking, and the experiment was not very likely to suc- ceed, unless the landlord had both capital and patience. The political economist can have no difficulty in discover- ing the causes of the circumstances just mentioned. They were to be found in the fact that people were scarce, while land was superabundant. In such a condition of society, the tenant had the choice of his farm, instead of the landlord's having a selection of his tenants, and the latter were to be bought only on such conditions as suited themselves. " You see," continued Herman Mordaunt, as we walked together, conversing on this subject, " that my twenty thou- sand acres are not likely to be of much use to myself, even should they prove to be of any to my daughter. A century hence, indeed, my descendants may benefit from all this outlay of money and trouble ; but it is not probable that either I or Anneke will ever see the principal and interest of the sums that will be expended in the way of roads, morning ! The mode of clearing lands by ' purchases' was then abandoned. — Editor. 76 SATANSTOE. bridges, mills, and other things of that sort. Years must go by, before the light rents which will only begin to be pajd a year or two hence, and then only by a very few tenants, can amount to a sufficient sum to meet the expenses of keep- ing up the settlement, to say nothing of the quit-rents to be paid to the crown." " This is not very encouraging to a new beginner in the occupation of a landlord," I answered; "and, when I look into the facts, I confess, I am surprised that so many gentle- men in the colony are willing to invest the sums they annu- ally do in wild lands." " Every man who is at his ease in his moneyed affairs, Corny, feels a disposition to make some provision for his posterity. This estate, if kept together, and in single hands, may make some descendant of mine a man of fortune. Half a century will produce a great change in this colony ; and, at the end of that period, a child of Anneke's may be thank- ful that his mother had a father who was willing to throw away a few thousands of his own, the surplus of a fortune that was sufficient for his wants without them, in order that his grandson may see them converted into tens, or possibly into hundreds of thousands." " Posterity will, at least, owe us a debt of gratitude, Mr. Mordaunt ; for I now see that Mooseridge is not likely to make either Dirck or myself very affluent patroons." " On that you may rely. Satanstoe will produce you more than the large tracts you possess in this quarter." " Do you no longer fear, sir, that the war, and apprehen- sion of Indian ravages, may drive your people off?" " Not much at present, though the danger was great at one time. The war may do me good, as well as harm. The armies consume everything they can get — soldiers resembling locusts, in this respect. My tenants have had the commissaries among them ; and, I am told, every blade of grass they can spare — all their surplus grain, potatoes, butter, cheese, and, in a word, every thin 2; that can be eaten, and with which they are willing to part, has been contracted for at the top of the market. The King pays in gold, and the sight of the precious metals will keep even a Yankee from moving." About the time this was said, we came in sight of the spot SATANSTOE. 77 Herman Mordaunt had christened Ravensnest ; a name thai had since been applied to the whole property. It was a loo building, that stood on the verge of a low cliff of rocks, at a point where a bird of that appellation had originally a nest on the uppermost branches of a dead hemlock. The build- ing had been placed, and erected, with a view to defence, having served for some time as a sort of rallying point to the families of the tenantry, in the event of an Indian alarm. At the commencement of the present war, taking into view the exposed position of his possessions on that frontier, — frontier as to settlement, if not as to territorial limits, — Her- man Mordaunt had caused some attention to be paid to his fortifications ; which, though they might not have satisfied Mons. Vauban, were not altogether without merit, considered in reference to their use in case of a surprise. The house formed three sides of a parallelogram, the open portion of the court in the centre, facing the cliff. A strong picket served to make a defence against bullets on that side; while the dead walls of solid logs were quite impreg- nable against any assault known in forest warfare, but that of fire. All the windows opened on the court; while the single outer door was picketed, and otherwise protected by coverings of plank. I was glad to see by the extent of this rude structure, which was a hundred feet long by fifty in depth, that Anneke and Mary Wallace would not be likely to be straitened for room. Such proved to be the fact ; Herman Mordaunt's agent having prepared four or five apartments for the family, that rendered them as comfortable as people could well expect to be in such a situation. Every- thing was plain, and many things were rude ; but shelter, warmth and security had not been neglected. J 78 SATANSTOE CHAPTER VI. "And long shall timorous fancy see The painted chief and pointed spear ; And Reason's self shall bow the knee To shadows and delusions here." Freneau. It is not necessary to dwell on the manner in which Her- man Mordaunt and his companions became established at Kavensnest. Two or three days sufficed to render them as comfortable as circumstances would permit; then Dirck and I bethought us of proceeding in quest of the lands of Mooseridge. Mr. Worden and Jason both declined going any further; the mill-seat, of which the last was in quest, being, as I now learned, on the estate of Herman Mordaunt, and having been for some time the subject of a negotiation between the pedagogue and its owner. As for the divine, he declared that he saw a suitable ' field' for his missionary labour where he was ; while, it was easy to see, that he questioned if there were fields of any sort, where we were going. Our party, on quitting Ravensnest, consisted of Dirck and myself, Guert, Mr. Traverse, the surveyor, three chain- bearers, Jaap or Yaap, Guert's man, Pete, and one woods- man or hunter. This would have given us ten vigorous and well-armed men, for our whole force. It was thought best, however, to add two Indians to our number, in the double character of hunters and runners, or messengers. One of these red-skins was called Jumper, in the language of the settlement where we found them ; and the other Trackless ; the latter sobriqvet having been given him on account of a faculty he possessed of leaving little or no trail in his journeys and marches. This Indian was about six- and-twenty years of age, and was called a Mohawk, living wilh the people of that tribe ; though, I subsequently ascer- tained that he was, in fact, an Onondago* by birth. His * Pronounced On-on-daw-ger, the latter syllable hard ; or, like ga, as it is sometimes spelled. This is the name of one of the midland SATANSTOE. 79 true name was Susquesus, or Crooked Turns ; an appella- tion that might or might not speak well of his character, as the ' turns' were regarded in a moral, or in a physical sense. " Take that man, Mr. Littlepage, by all means," said Herman Mordaunt's agent, when the matter was under dis- cussion. " You will find him as useful, in the woods, as your pocket-compass, besides being a reasonably good hunter. He left here, as a runner, during the heaviest of the snows, last winter, and a trial was made to find his trail, within half an hour after he had quitted the clearing, but without success. He had not gone a mile in the woods, before all traces of him were lost, as completely as if he had made the journey in the air." As Susquesus had a reputation for sobriety, as was apt to be the case with the Onondagoes, the man was engaged, though one Indian would have been sufficient for our pur- pose. But Jumper had bee.n previously hired ; and it would have been dangerous, under our circumstances, to offend a -ed-man, by putting him aside for another, even after com- pensating him fully for the disappointment. By Mr. Tra- verse's advice, therefore, we took both. The Indian or Mohawk name of Jumper, was Quissquiss, a term that, I fancy, signified nothing very honourable or illustrious. The girls betrayed deep interest in us, on our taking leave ; more, I thought, than either had ever before manifested. Guert had told me, privately, of an intention, on his part, to make another offer to Mary Wallace ; and I saw the traces of it in the tearful eyes and flushed cheeks of his mistress. But, at such a moment, one does not stop to think much of such things ; there being tears in Anneke's eyes, as well as in those of her friend. We had a thousand good wishes to exchange ; and we promised to keep open the communica- tion between the two parties, by means of our runners, semi- weekly. The distance, which would vary from fifteen to thirty miles, would readily admit of this, since either of the Indians would pass over it, with the greatest ease to himself, in a day, at that season of the year. counties of New York. The tribe from which it is derived, in these later times, has ever borne a better name for morals, than its neigh, hours, the Oneidas, the Mohawks, &c, &c. The Onondagoes be* longed to the Six Nations. — Editor. 80 SATANSTOE. After all, the separation was to be short, for we had pro. mised to come over and dine with Herman Mordaunt on hi3 fiftieth birth-day, which would occur within three weeks. This arrangement made the parting tolerable to us young men, and our constitutional gaiety did the rest. Half an hour after the last breakfast at Ravensnest saw us all on our road, cheerful, if not absolutely happy. Herman Mordaunt accompanied us three miles ; which led him to the end of his own settlements, and to the edge of the virgin forest. There he took his leave, and we pursued our way with the utmost diligence, for hours, with the compass for our guide, until we reached the banks of a small river that was sup- posed to lie some three or four miles from the southern boundaries of the patent we sought. I say, ' supposed to lie,' for there existed then, and, I believe, there still exists, much uncertainty concerning the landmarks of different estates in the woods. On the banks of this stream, which was deep but not broad, the surveyor called a halt, and we made our dispositions for dinner. Men who had walked as far and as fast as we had done, made but little ceremony ; and for twenty minutes every one was busy in appeasing his hunger. This was no sooner accomplished, however, than Mr. Traverse summoned the Indians to the side of the fallen tree on which we had taken our seats, when the first occasion occurred for putting the comparative intelligence of the two runners to the proof. At the same time the prin- cipal chain-bearer, a man whose life had been passed in his present occupation, was brought into the consultation, as follows. " We are now on the banks of this stream, and about this bend in it," commenced the surveyor, pointing to the precise curvature of the river on a map he had spread before him, at which he supposed we were actually situated ; " and the next thing is to find that ridge on which the moose was killed, and across which the line of the patent we seek is known to run. This abstract of the title tells us to look for a corner somewhere off here, about a mile or a mile and a half from this bend in the river — a black oak, with its top broken off by the wind, and standing in the centre of a tri- angle made by three chestnuts. I think you told me, David that you had never borne a chain on any of these ridges ?'* SATANSTOE. 81 "No, sir, never;" answered David, the old chain-bearer already mentioned ; " my business never having brought me out so far east, — A black oak, with corner l ! ;izes on it, and its top broken down by the wind, and standing atween three chestnuts, howsomedever, can be nothing so very hard to find, for a person that 's the least acquainted. These Injins will be the likeliest bodies to know that tree, if they've any nat'ral knowledge of the country." Know a tree! There we were, and had been for many hours, in the bosom of the forest, with trees in thousands ranged around us ; trees had risen on our march,' as horizon extends beyond horizon on the ocean, and this chain-bearer fancied it might be in the power of one who often passed through these dark and untenanted mazes, to recognise any single member of those countless oaks, and beeches, and pines ! Nevertheless, Mr. Traverse did not seem to regard David's suggestion as so very extravagant, for he turned towards the Indians and addressed himself to them. " How 's this ?" he asked ; " Jumper, do you know any- thing of the sort of tree I have described ?" " No," was the short, sententious answer. " Then, I fear, there is little hope that Trackless is any wiser, as you are Mohawk born, and he, they tell me, is at bottom an Onondago. What say you, Trackless? can you help us to find the tree?" My eyes were fastened on Susquesus, as soon as the In- dians were mentioned. There he stood, straight as the trunk of a pine, light and agile in person, with nothing but his breech-cloth, moccasins, and a blue calico shirt belted to his loins with a scarlet band, through which was thrust the handle of his tomahawk, and to which were attached his shot-pouch and horn, while his rifle rested against his body, butt downward. Trackless was a singularly handsome Indian, the unpleasant peculiarities of his people being but faintly portrayed in his face and form ; while their nobler and finer qualities came out in strong relief. His nose was almost aquiline; his eye, dark as night, was restless and piercing; his limbs Apollo-like; and his front and bearing had all the fearless dignity of a warrior, blended with the grace of nature. The only obvious defects were in his walk, which was Indian, or in-toed and bending at the knee ; but, 82 SATANSTOE. to counterbalance these, his movements were light, springy and swift. I fancied him, in figure, the very beau-ideal of a runner. During the time the surveyor was speaking, the eye of Susquesus was seemingly fastened on vacancy, and I would have defied the nicest observer to detect any consciousness of what was in hand, in the countenance of this forest stoic. It was not his business to speak, while an older runner and an older warrior was present — for Jumper was both — and he waited for others, who might know more, to reveal their knowledge ere he produced his own. Thus directly ad- dressed, however, all reserve vanished, and he advanced two or three steps, cast a curious glance at the map, even put a finger on the river, the devious course of which it followed across the map, much as a child would trace any similar object that attracted his attention. Susquesus knew but little of maps, it was clear enough ; but the result showed that he knew a great deal about the woods, his native field of action. " Well, what do you make of my map, Trackless," re- peated the surveyor. " Is it not drawn to suit your fancy ?" " Good" — returned the Onondago, with emphasis. "Now show Susquesus your oak tree." " Here it is, Trackless. You see it is a tree drawn in ink, with a broken top, and here are the three chestnuts, in a sort of triangle, around it." The Indian examined the tree with some interest, and a slight smile illumined his handsome, though dark counte- nance. He was evidently pleased at this proof of accuracy in the colony surveyors, and, no doubt, thought the. better of them for the fidelity of their work. "Good," he repeated, in his low, guttural, almost femi- nine voice, so soft and mild in its tone. "Very good. The pale-faces know everything ! Now, let my brother find the tree." " That is easier said than done, Susquesus," answered Traverse, laughing. " It is one thing to sketch a tree on a map, and another to go to its root, as it stands in the forest, surrounded by thousands of other trees." " Pale-face must first see him, or how paint him ? Where painter?" SATANSTOE. S3 "Ay, the surveyor saw the tree once, and marked it once, but that is not finding it again. Can you tell me where the oak stands ? Mr. Littlepage will give the man who finds that corner a French crown. Put me anywhere on the line of the old survey, and I will ask favours of no one." ' ; Painted tree there" said Susquesus, pointing a little scornfully at the map, as it seemed to me. " Pale-face can't find him in wood. Live tree out younder; Injin know." Trackless pointed with great dignity towards the north- east, standing motionless as a statue the while, as if inviting the closest possible scrutiny into the correctness of his asser- tion. " Can you lead us to the tree ?" demanded Traverse, eagerly. " Do it, and the money is yours." Susquesus made a significant gesture of assent ; then he set about collecting the scanty remains of his dinner, a pre- caution in which we imitated him, as a supper would be ' equally agreeable as the meal just taken, a few hours later. When everything was put away, and the packs were on our shoulders — not on those of the Indians, for they seldom con- descended to carry burthens, which was an occupation, for women — Trackless led the way, in the direction he had already pointed out. Well did the Onondago deserve his name, as it seemed to me, while he threaded his way through that gloomy forest, without path, mark or sign of any sort, that was intelligible to others. His pace was between a walk and a gentle trot, and it required all our muscles to keep near him. He looked to neither the right nor the left, but appeared to pur- sue his course guided by an instinct, or as the keen-scented hound follows the viewless traces of his game. This lasted for ten minutes, when Traverse called another halt, and we clustered together in council. " How much further do you think it may be to the tree, Onondago?" demanded the surveyor, as soon as the whole party was collected in a circle. " I have a reason for ask- ing." " So many minutes," answered the Indian, holding up five fingers, or the four fingers and thumb of his right hand. "Oak with broken top, and pale-face marks, there." The precision and confidence with which the Trackless 84 SATANSTOE. pointed, not a little surprised me, for I could not imagine how any human being could pretend to be minutely certain of such a fact, under the circumstances in which we were placed. So it wqs, however; and so it proved in the end. In the mean time, Traverse proceeded to carry out his own plans. "As we are so near to the tree," he said, for the surveyor had no doubt of the red-man's accuracy, " we must also be near the line. The last runs north and south, on this part of the patent, and we shall shortly cross it. Spread your- selves, therefore, chain-bearers, and look for blazed trees ; for, put me anywhere on the boundaries, and I '11 answer for finding any oak, beech, or maple, that is mentioned in the corners." As soon as this order was received, all the surveyor's men obeyed, opening the order of their march, and spread- ing themselves in a way to extend their means of observing materially. When all was ready, a sign was made to the Indian to proceed. Susquesus obeyed, and we were all soon in quick motion again. Guert's activity enabled him to keep nearest to the Onon- dago, and a shout from his clear, full throat, first announced the complete success of the search. In a moment the rest of us pressed forward, and were soon at the end of our jour- ney. There was Susquesus, quietly leaning against the trunk of the broken oak, without the smallest expression of triumph in either his manner or his countenance. That which he had done, he had done naturally, and without any apparent effort or hesitation. To him the forest had its signs, and metes, and marks — as the inhabitant of the vast capital has his means of threading its mazes with the readi- ness of familiarity and habit. As for Traverse, he first examined the top of the tree, where he found the indicated fracture ; then he looked round for the three chestnuts, each of which was in its place; after which he drew near to look into the more particular signs of his craft. There they were, three of the inner sides *of the oak being blazed, the proof it was a corner ; while that which had no scar on its surface looked outward, or from the Patent of Mooseridge. Just as all these agreeable facts were ascertained, shouts from the chain-bearers south of us, announced that they had dis- SATANSTOE. 85 covered the line— men of their stamp being quite as quick- sighted, in ascertaining their own peculiar traces, as the native of the forest is in finding his way to any object in it which he has once seen, and may desire to revisit. By following the line, these men soon joined us, when they gave us the additional information that they had also actu- ally found the skeleton of the moose that had given its name to the estate. Thus far, all was well, our success much exceeding our hopes. The hunters were sent to look for a spring; and, one being found at no great distance, we all repaired to the spot, and hutted for the night. Nothing could be more simple than our encampment; which consisted of coverings made of the branches of trees, with leaves and skins for our beds. Next day, however, Traverse finding the position favourable for his work, he determined to select the spot as head-quarters ; and we all set about the erection of a log- house, in which we might seek a shelter in the event of a storm, and where we might deposit our implements, spare ammunition, and such stores as we had brought with us on our backs. As everybody worked with good-will at the erection of this rude building, and the labourers were very expert with the axe, we had it nearly complete by the set- ting of the next day's sun. Traverse chose the place be- cause the water was abundant, and good, and because a small knoll was near the spring, that was covered with young pines that were about fourteen or fifteen inches in diameter, while they grew to the height of near a hundred feet, with few branches, and straight as the Onondago. These trees were felled, cut into lengths of twenty and thirty feet, notched at the ends, and rolled alternately on each other, so as to enclose an area that was one-third longer than it was wide. The notches were deep 5 and brought the logs within two or three inches of each other; and the inter- stices were filled with pieces of riven chestnut, a wood that splits easily and in straight lines ; which pieces were driven hard into their beds, so as to exclude the winds and the rains. As the weather was warm, and the building some- what airy at the best, we cut no windows, though we had a narrow door in the centre of one of the longer sides. For a roof we used the bark of the hemlock, which, at that Vol. II. — 8 ' 86 SATANSTOE. season, came off in large pieces, and which was laid oei sticks, raised to the desired elevation by means of a ridge- pole. All this was making no more than one of the common log-houses of the new settlements, though in a more hurried and a less artificial manner than was usual. We had no chimney t for our cooking could be done in the open air; and less attention was paid to the general finish of the work, than might have been the case had we expected to pass the winter there. The floor was somewhat rude, but it had the effect of raising us from the ground, and giving us perfectly dry lodgings ; an advantage not always obtained in the woods. It was composed of logs roughly squared on three sides, and placed on sleepers. To my surprise, Traverse directed a door to be made of riven logs, that were pinned together with cross-piec?s, and which was hung on the usual wooden hinges. When I spoke of this as unnecessary labour, occupying two men an entire day to complete, he reminded me that we were much in advance from the settle- ments ; that an active war was being waged around us, and that the agents of the French had been very busy among our own tribes, while those in Canada often pushed their war-parties far within our borders. He had always found a great satisfaction, as well as security, in having a sort of citadel to retreat to, when on these exposed surveys; and he never neglected the necessary precaution, when he fan- cied himself in the least danger. We were quite a week in completing our house ; though, after the first day, neither the surveyor nor his chain-bear- ers troubled themselves with the labour, any further than to make an occasional suggestion. Traverse and his men went to work in their own pursuit, running lines to divide the patent into its great lots, each of which was made to contain a thousand acres. It should be mentioned that all the surveys, in that day, were made on the most liberal scale, our forty thousand acres turning out, in the end, to amount to quite three thousand more. So it was with the subdivisions of the Patent, each of which was found to be of more than the nominal dimensions. Blazed trees, and records cut into the bark, served to indicate the lines, while a map went on pari passu with the labour, the field-book SATANSTOE. 87 containing a description of each lot, in order that the pro- prietor of the estate might have some notions of the nature of its soil and surface, as well as of the quality and sizes of the trees it bore. The original surveyors, those on whose labours the pa- tent of the King was granted, had a comparatively trifling duty to perform. So long as they gave a reasonably accu- rate outline of an area that would contain forty thousand acres of land, more or less, and did not trespass on any prior grant, no material harm could be done, there being no scarcity of surface in the colony ; but, Mr. Traverse had to descend to a little more particularity. It is true, he ran out his hundreds of acres daily, duly marking his corners and blazing his line trees, but something very like a summer's work lay before him. This he understood, and his proceed- ings were as methodical and deliberate as the nature of his situation required. In a very few days, things had gotten fairly in train, and everybody was employed in some manner that was found to be useful. The surveying party was making a very satis- factory progress, running out their great lots between sun and sun, while Dirck and myself made the notes concerning their quality, under the dictation of Mr. Traverse. Guert did little besides shoot and fish, keeping our larder well sup- plied with trout, pigeons, squirrels, and such other game as the season would allow, occasionally knocking over some- thing in the shape of poor venison. The hunters brought us their share of eatables also ; and we did well enough, in this particular, more especially as trout proved to be very abundant. Yaap, or Jaap, as I shall call him in future, and Pete, performed domestic duty, acting as scullions and cooks, though the first was much better fitted to perform the ser- vice of a forester. The two Indians did little else, for the first fortnight, but come and go between Ravensnest and Mooseridge, carrying missives and acting as guides to the hunters, who went through once or twice within that period, to bring us out supplies of flour, groceries, and other similar necessaries ; no inducement being able to prevail on the Indians to carry anything that approached a burthen, either in weight or appearance. The surveying party did not always return to the hut at 88 SATANSTOE. night, but it ■ 'camped out,' as they called it, whenever the work led them to a distance on the other side of the tract. Mr. Traverse had chosen his position for head-quarters more in reference to its proximity to the settlement at Ravens- nest, than in reference to its position on the Patent. It was sufficiently central to the latter, as regarded a north and south line, but was altogether on the western side of the property. As his surveys extended east, therefore, he was often carried too far from the building to return to it each night, though his absences never extended beyond the even- ing of the third day. In consequence of this arrangement, his people were enabled to carry the food they required without inconvenience, for the periods they were away, coming back for fresh supplies as the lines brought them west again. Sundays were strictly observed by us all, as days of rest; a respect to the day that is not always ob- served in the forest ; he who is in the solitude of the woods, like him who roams athwart the wastes of the ocean, often forgetting that the spirit of the Creator is abroad equally on the ocean and on the land, ready to receive that homage of his creatures, which is a tribute due to beneficence without bounds, a holiness that is spotless, and a truth that is inhe- rent. As Jumper, or the Trackless, returned from his con- stantly recurring visits to our neighbours, we young men waited with impatience for the letter that the messenger was certain to bear. This letter was sometimes written by Her- man Mordaunt himself, but oftener by Anneke, or Mary Wallace. It was addressed to no one by name, but uni- formly bore the superscription of ' To the Hermits of Moose- ridge;' nor was there anything in the language to betray any particular attention to either of the party. We might have liked it better, perhaps, could we have received epistles that were a little more pointed in this particular; but those we actually got were much too precious to leave any serious grounds of complaint. One from Herman Mordaunt reached us on the evening of the second Saturday, when our whole party was at home, and assembled at supper. It was brought in by the Trackless, and, among other matters, contained this paragraph : " We learn that things hourly assume a more serious SATANSTOE. 89 aspect with the armies. Our troops are pushing north, in large bodies, and the French are said to be reinforcing. Living as we do, out of the direct line of march, and fully thirty miles in the rear of the old battle-grounds, I should feel no apprehension, were it not for a report I hear, that the woods are full of Indians. I very well know that such a report invariably accompanies the near approach of hos- tilities in the frontier settlements, and is to be received with many grains of allowance ; but it seems so probable the French should push their savages on this flank of our army, to annoy it on the advance, that, I confess, the rumour has some influence on my feelings. We have been fortifying still more; and I would advise you not to neglect such a precaution altogether. The Canadian Indians are said to be more subtle than our own ; nor is government altogether without the apprehension that our own have been tampered with. It was said at Albany, that much French silver had been seen in the hands of the people of the Six Nations ; and that even French blankets, knives, and tomahawks, were more plentiful among them than might be accounted for by the ordinary plunder of their warfare. One of your run- ners, the man who is called the Trackless, is said to live out of his own tribe ; and such Indians are always to be suspected. Their absence is sometimes owing to reasons that are creditable ; but far oftener to those that are not. It may be well to have an eye on the conduct of this man. After all, we are in the hands of a beneficent and gracious God, and we know how often his mercy has saved us, on .occasions more trying than this !" This letter was read several times, among ourselves, in- cluding Mr. Traverse. As the oi polloi of our party were eating out of ear-shot, and the Indians bad left us, it natu- rally induced a conversation that turned on the risks we ran, and on the probability of Susquesus's being false. "As for the rumour that the woods are full of Indians," the surveyor quietly observed, " it is very much as Herman Mordaunt says — there is never a blanket seen, but fame magnifies it into a whole bale. There is danger to be ap- prehended from savages, I will allow, but not one-half that the settlers ordinarily imagine. As for the French, they are likely to need all their savages at Ty ; for, they tell me, 8* 90 SATANSTOE. Gen. Abercrombie will go against them with three men to their one." *' With that superiority, at least," I answered ; " but, after all, would not a sagacious officer be likely to annoy his flank, in the manner here mentioned ?" " We are every mile of forty to the eastward of the line of march ; and why should parties keep so distant from their enemies?" a Even such a supposition would place our foes between us and our friends; no very comfortable consideration, of itself. But, what think you of this hint concerning the Onondago?" " There may be truth in that-— more than in the report that the woods are full of savages. It is usually a bad sign when an Indian quits his tribe; and this runner of ours is certainly an Onondago ; that I know, for the fellow has twice refused rum. Bread he will take, as often as offered ; but rum has not wet his lips, since I have seen him, offered in fair weather or foul." " T'at is a bad sign" — put in Guert, a little dogmatically for him. " T'e man t'at refuses his glass, in good company, has commonly something wrong in his morals. I always keep clear of such chaps." Poor Guert ! — How true that was, and what an influence the opinion had on his character and habits. As for the Indian, I could not judge him so harshly. There was some- thing in his countenance that disposed me to put confidence in him, at the very moment his cold, abstracted manners — cold and abstracted even for a red-skin in pale-face com- pany — created doubts and distrust. " Certainly, nothing is easier than for a man in his situa- tion to sell us," I answered, after a short pause, "if he be so disposed. But, what could the French gain by cutting off a party as peaceably employed as this? It can be of no moment to them, whether Mooseridge be surveyed into lots this year, or the next." " Quite true ; and I am o^ opinion that Mons. Montcalm is very indifferent whether it be ever surveyed at all," re- turned Traverse, who was an intelligent and tolerably edu- cated man. " You forget, however, Mr. Littlepage, that both parties offer such things as premiums on scalps. SATANSTOE. 91 A Huron may not care about our lines, corners, and marked trees ; but he does care, a great deal, whether he is to go home with an empty string, or with half-a-dozen human scalps at his girdle." I observed that Dirck thrust his fingers through his bushy hair, and that his usually placid countenance assumed an indignant and semi-ferocious appearance. A little amused at this, I walked towards the log on which Susquesus was seated, having ended his meal, in silent thought. " What news do you bring us from the red-coats, Track- less ?" I asked, with as much of an air of indifference as I could assume. "Are they out in sufficient numbers to eat the French ?" " Look at leaves ; count 'em ;" answered the Indian. " Yes, I know they are in force ; but, what are the red- skins about? Is the hatchet buried, among the Six Na- tions, that you are satisfied with being a runner, when scalps may be had near Ticonderoga ?" " Susquesus Onondaga" — the red-man replied, laying a strong emphasis on the name of his tribe. " No Mohawk blood run in him. His people no dig up hatchet, this sum- mer." " Why not, Trackless? You are allies of the Yengeese, and ought to give us your aid, when it is wanted." "Count leaves — count Yengeese. Too much for one army. No want Onondago." " That may be true, possibly, for we are certainly very strong. But, how is it with the woods — are they altogether clear of red-skins, in times as troublesome as these?" Susquesus looked grave, but he made no answer. Still, he did not endeavour to avoid the keen look I fastened on his face, but sat composed, rigid, and gazing before him. Knowing the uselessness of attempting to get anything out of an Indian, when he was indisposed to be communicative, I thought it wisest to change the discourse. This I did by making a few general inquiries as to the state of the streams, all of which were answered, when I walked away. 92 SATANSTOE CHAPTER VII. " Fear not, till Birnam Wood Shall come to Dunsinane." Macbeth. I cannot say I was quite satisfied with the manner of Susquesus ; nor, on the other hand, was I absolutely un- easy. All might be well ; and, if it were not, the power of this man to injure us could not be very great. A new oc- currence, however, raised very unpleasant doubts of his honesty. Jumper being out on a hunt, the Onondago was sent across to Ravensnest the next trip, out of his turn ; but, instead of returning, as had been the practice of both, the next day, we saw no more of him for near a fortnight. As we talked over this sudden and unexpected disappearance, we came to the conclusion, that, perceiving he was dis- trusted, the fellow had deserted, and would be seen no more. During his absence, we paid a visit to Ravensnest ourselves, spending two or three happy days with the girls, whom we found delighted with the wildness of their abode, and as happy as innocence, health, and ceaseless interest in the forest and its habits, could make them. Herman Mordaunt, having fortified his house sufficiently, as he fancied, to re- move all danger of an assault, returned with us to Moose- ridge, and passed two or three days in walking over and examining the quality of the land, together with the advan- tages offered by the water-courses. As for Mr. Worden and Jason, the former had gone to join the army, craving the flesh-pots of a regimental mess, in preference to the simple fare of the woods ; while Jason had driven a hard bargain with Herman Mordaunt for the possession of the mill-seat; which had been the subject of frequent discus- sions between the parties, and about which the pedagogue had deemed it prudent to draw on the wisdom of Mother Doortje. As the reader may have some curiosity to Know how such things were conducted in the colony, in the year 1758, I will recapitulate the terms of the bargain that was finally agreed on, signed and sealed. SATANSTOE. 93 Herman Mordaunt expected no emolument to himself, from Ravensnest, but looked forward solely to a provision for posterity. In consequence of these views, he refused to sell, but gave leases on such conditions as would induce tenants to come into his terms, in a country in which land was far plentier than men. For some reason, that never was very clear to me, he was particularly anxious to secure Jason Newcome, and no tolerable terms seemed extravagant to effect his purpose. It is not surprising, therefore, that our miller in perspective got much the best of the bargain, as its conditions will show. The lease was for three lives, and twenty-one years after- wards. This would have been thought equal to a lease for forty-two years, in that day, in Europe; but experience is showing that it is, in truth, for a much longer period, in America.* The first ten years, no rent at all was to be paid. For the next ten, the land, five hundred acres, was to pay sixpence currency an acre, the tenant having the right to cut timber at pleasure. This was a great conces- sion, as the mill-lot contained much pine. For the remain- der of the lease, be it longer or shorter, a shilling an acre, or about sixpence sterling, was to be paid for the land, and forty pounds currency, or one hundred dollars a year, for the mill-seat. The mills to be taken by the landlord, at an appraisal ' made by men', at the expiration of the lease ; the tenant to pay the taxes. The tenant had the privilege of using all the materials for his dams, buildings, &c, he could find on the land. The policy of the owners of Mooseridge was different. We intended to sell at low prices, at first, reserving for leases hereafter, such farms as could not be immediately disposed of, or for which the purchaser failed to pay. In this manner it was thought we should sooner get returns for our outlays, and sooner ' build up a settlement,' as the phrase goes. In America, the reader should know, every- thing is « built.' The priest ' builds up' a flock ; the specu- lator, a fortune ; the lawyer, a reputation ; and the landlord, a settlement; sometimes, with sufficient accuracy in lan- guage, he even builds a town. * It has been found that a three lives' lease, in the State of New York, is equal to a term of more than thirty years. — Editor. 94 SATANSTOE. Jason was a very happy man, the moment he got his lease, signed and sealed, in his own possession. It made nim a sort of a land-holder on the spot, and one who had nothing to pay for ten years to come. God forgive me, if 1 do the man injustice ; but, from the first, I had a suspicion that Jason trusted to fortune to prevent any pay-day from ever coming at all. As for Herman Mordaunt, he seemed satisfied, for he fancied that he had got a man of some edu- cation on his properly, who might answer a good purpose in civilizing, and in otherwise advancing the interests of his estate. Just as the rays of the rising sun streamed through the crevices of our log tenement, and ere one of us three idlers had risen from his pallet, I heard a moccasined foot moving near me, in the nearly noiseless tread of an Indian. Spring- ing to my feet, I found myself face to face with the missing Onondago ! " You here, Susquesus !" I exclaimed ; " we supposed you had abandoned us. What has brought you back ?" " Time to go, now," answered the Indian, quietly. " Yengeese and Canada warrior soon fight." " Is this true ! — And do you, can you know it to be true ! Where have you been this fortnight past ?" "Been see — have see — know him just so. Come — call young men ; go on war-path." Here, then, was an explanation of the mystery of the Onondago's absence ! He had heard us speak of an inten- tion of moving with the troops, at the last moment, and he had gone to reconnoitre, in order that we might have season- able notice when it would be necessary to quit the ' Ridge,' as we familiarly termed the Patent. I saw nothing treason- able in this, but rather deemed it a sign of friendly interest in our concerns; though it was certainly 'running' much farther than the Indian had been directed to proceed, and 1 running' a little off the track. One might overlook such an irregularity in a savage, however, more especially as I began to weary of the monotony of our present manner of living, and was not sorry to discover a plausible apology for a change. The reader may be certain, it was not long before I had communicated the intelligence brought by the Trackless, to SATANSTOE. 95 my companions ; who received it as young men would be apt to listen to tidings so stirring. The Onondago was summoned to our council, and he renewed his protestation that it was time for us to be moving. " No stop" — he answered, when questioned again on the subject ; " time go. Canoe ready — gun loaded — warrior counted — chief woke up — council fire gone out. Time, go." "Well then, Corny," said Guert, rising and stretching his fine frame like a lion roused from his lair, " here 's off. We can go to Ravensnest to sleep, to-day ; and, to-morrow we wi4l work our way out into the highway, and fall into the line of march of the army. I shall have another oppor- tunity of seeing Mary Wallace, and of telling her how much I love her. That will be so much gained, at all events." " No see squaw — no go to Nest !" said the Tndian, with energy. " War-path this way," pointing in a direction that might have varied a quarter of a circle from that to Herman Mordaunt's settlement. " Bad for warrior to see squaw when he dig up hatchet — only make woman of him. No; go this way — path there — no here — scalp there — squaw here." As the gestures of the Onondago were quite as significant as his language, we had no difficulty in understanding him. Guert continued his questions, however, while dressing, and we all soon became convinced, by the words of the Indian, broken and abrupt as they were, that Abercrombie was on the point of embarking with his army on Lake George, and that we must needs be active, if we intended to be present at the contemplated operations in front of Ticonderoga. Our decision was soon reached, and our preparations made. By packing and shouldering his knapsack, and arming himself, each man would be ready ; though a short delay grew out of the absence of Traverse and his chain- bearers. We wrote a letter, however, explaining the reason of our intended absence, promising to return as soon as the operations in front of Ty should be terminated. This letter we left with Pete, who was to remain as cook, though Jaap bestirred himself, loaded his broad shoulders with certain indispensables for our march, took his rifle, pack and horn, and was ready to move as soon as any of us. All this the 96 SATANSTOE. fellow did, moreover, without orders; deeming it a part of his duty to follow his young master, even if he followed him to evil. No dog, indeed, could be truer, in this particu- lar, than Jaap or Jacob Satanstoe, for he had adopted the name of the Neck as his patronymic ; much as the nobles of other regions style themselves after their lands. When all was ready, and we were on the point of quit- ting the hut, the question arose seriously, whether we were to go by Ravensnest, or by the new route that the Onondago had mentioned. Path there was not, in either direction ; but, we had land-marks, springs, and other known signs, on the former; while of the latter we literally knew nothing. Then Anneke and Mary Wallace, with their bright, bloom- ing, sunny faces — bright and happy whenever we appeared, most certainly, of late — were in the former direction, and even Dirck cried out 'for Ravensnest.' But, on that route the Onondago refused to stir one foot. He stood, resembling a finger-post, pointing north-westerly with an immovable obstinacy, that threatened to bring the order of our march into some confusion. "We know nothing of that route, Trackless," Guert ob- served, or rather replied, for the Indian's manner was so expressive as to amount to a remark, "and we would rather travel a road with which we are a little acquainted. Be- sides, we wish to pay our parting compliments to the ladies." " Squaw no good, now — war-path no go to squaw. Huron- — French warrior, here." "Ay, and they are there, too. We shall be on their heels soon enough, by going to Ravensnest." " No soon 'nough — can't do him. Path long, time short. Pale-face warrior in great hurry." " Pale-face warriors' friends are in a hurry, too — so you will do well to follow us, as we do not intend to follow you. Come, gentlemen, we will lead the Indian, as the Indian does not seem disposed to lead us. After a mile or two he will think it more honourable to go in advance; and, for fhat distance, I believe, I can show you the way." " That road good for young men who don't want see enemy !" said Susquesus, with ironical point. " By St. Nicholas ! Indian, what do you mean ?" cried SATANSTOE. 97 Guert, turning short on his heels and moving swiftly to- wards the Onondago, who did not wait for the menacing blow, but wheeled in his tracks and led off, at a quick pace, directly towards the north-west. I do believe that Guert pursued, for the first minute, with no other intention than that of laying his powerful arm on the offender's shoulder ; but I dropped in on his footsteps so soon, Dirck following me, and Jaap Dirck, that we were all moving off Indian file, or in the fashion of the woods, at the rate of four miles in the hour, almost before we knew it. An impulse of that angry nature is not over in a minute, and, before either of us had sufficiently cooled to be entirely reasonable, the whole party was fairly out of sight of the hut. After that no one appeared to think of the necessity or of the expediency of reverting to the original intention. It was certainly indiscreet, thus to confide absolutely in the good faith of a savage, or a semi-savage, at least, whom we scarcely knew, and whom we had actually distrusted ; but we did it, and precisely in the manner and under the feelings I have described. I know that we all thought of the indis- cretion of which we had been guilty, after the first mile; but each was too proud to make the other acquainted with his misgivings. I say all, but Jaap ought to be excepted, for nothing in the shape of danger ever gave that negro any concern, unless it was spooks. He was afraid of ' spooks,' but he did not fear man. Susquesus manifested the same confidence in his know- ledge of the woods, while now leading the way, league after league through the dark forest, as he had done when he took us to the oak with the broken top. On this occasion, he guided us more by the sun, and the course generally, than by any acquaintance with objects that we passed ; though, three times that day did he point out to us particular things that he had before seen, while traversing the woods in direc- tions that crossed, at angles more or less oblique, the line of our present route. As for us, it was like a sailor's pointing to a path on the trackless ocean. We had our pocket- compasses, it is true, and understood well enough that a north-west course would bring us out somewhere near the foot of Lake George; but, I much doubt if we could have Vol. II. — 9 98 SATANSTOE. made, by any means, as direct a line, by their aid, as we did by that of the Indian. On this subject we had a discussion among ourselves, I well remember, when we halted to eat and rest, a little after the turn of the day. For five hours had we walked with great rapidity, much as the bird flies, so far as course was concerned, never turning aside, unless it might be to avoid some impassable obstacle; and our calculation was that we had made quite twenty, of the forty miles we had to go over, according to the Onondago's account of the probable length of our journey. We had strung our sinews and hardened our muscles in such a way as to place us above the influ- ence of common fatigue ; yet, it must be confessed, the In- dian was much the freshest of the five, when we reached the spring where we dined. "An Indian does seem to hare a nose much like that of a hound," said Guert, as outr appetites began to be appeased; " that must be admitted. Yet I think, Corny, a compass would carry a man through the woods with more certainty than any signs on the bark of trees, or looks at the sun." "A compass cannot err, of course; but it would be a troublesome thing to be stopping every minute or two, to look at your compass, which must have time to become steady, you will remember, or it would become a guide that is worse than none." " Every minute or two ! Say once in an hour, or once in half an hour, at most. I would engage to travel as straight as the best Indian of them all, by looking at my compass once in half an hour." Susquesus was seated near enough to us three to over- hear our conversation, and he understood English perfectly, though he spoke it in the usual, clipped manner of an Indian. I thought I could detect a covert gleam of contempt in his dark countenance, at this boast of Guert's ; but he made no remark. We finished our meal, rested our legs, and, when our watches told us it was one o'clock, we rose in a body to resume our march. We were renewing the priming of our rifles, a precaution each man took twice every day, to prevent the effects of the damps of the woods, when the Onondago quietly fell in behind Guert, patiently waiting the leisure of the latter. SATANSTOE. 99 " We are all ready, Trackless," cried the Albanian ; " give us the lead and the step, as before." "No" — answered the Indian. "Compass lead, now. Susquesus no see any longer, — blind as young dog." " Oh ! that is your game, is it ! Well, let it be so. Now, Corny, you shall learn the virtue there is in a compass." Hereupon Guert drew his compass from a pocket in his hunting-shirt, placed it on a log, in order to get a perfectly accurate start, and waited until the quivering needle had become perfectly stationary. Then he made his observa- tion, and took a large hemlock, which stood at the distance of some twenty rods, a great distance for a sight in the forest, as his land-mark, gave a shout, caught up his com- pass, and led off. We followed, of course, and soon reached the tree. As Guert now fancied he was well entered on the right course, he disdained to turn to renew his observation, but called out for us to 'come on;' as he had a new tree for his guide, and that in the true direction. We may have proceeded in this manner for half a mile, and I began to think that Guert was about to triumph — for, to me, it did reall}'" seem that our course was as straight as it had been at any time that day. Guert now began to brag of his suc- cess, talking to me, and at the Indian, who was between us, over his shoulder. "You see, Corny," he said, "I am used to the bush, after all, and have often been up among the Mohawks, and on their hunts. The great point is to begin right ; after which you can have no great trouble. Make certain of the first ten rods, and you can be at ease about the ten thou- sand that are to follow. So it is with life, Corny, boy ; begin right, and a young man is pretty certain of coming out right. I made a mistake at the start, and you see the trouble it has given me. But, I was left an orphan, Little- page, at ten years of age ; and the boy that has neither father nor money, must be an uncommon boy not to kick himself out of the traces before he is twenty. Well, Onondago, what do you say to following the compass, now !" " Best look at him — he tell," answered Susquesus, our whole line halting to let Guert comply. " This d d compass will never come round !" exclaimed Guert, shaking the little instrument in order to help the 100 SATANSTOE. needle round to the point at which he wished to see it stand. " These little devils are very apt to get out of order, Corny, after all." " Try more — got three" — said the Indian, holding up the number of fingers he mentioned, as was his wont, when mentioning numbers of any sort. On this hint Dirck and I drew out our compasses, and the three were placed on a log, at the side of which we had come to our halt. The result showed that the three ' little devils' agreed most accurately, and that we were marching exactly south-east, instead of north-west ! Guert looked, on that occasion, very much as he did when he rose from the snow, after the hand-sled had upset with us. There was no resisting the truth ; we had got turned completely round, without knowing it. The fact that the sun was so near the zenith, probably contributed to our mistake ; but, any one who has tried the experiment, will soon ascertain how easy it is for him to lose his direction, beneath the obscurity and amid the inequalities of a virgin forest. Guert gave it up, like a man as he was, and the Indian again passed in front, without the slightest manifestation of triumph or discontent. It required nothing less than a thunderbolt to disturb the composure of that Onondago ! From that moment our progress was as swift as it had been previously to the halt ; while our course was seemingly as unerring as the flight of the pigeon. Susquesus did not steer exactly north-west, as before, however, but he inclined more northerly. At length, it was just as the sun ap- proached the summits of the western mountains, an opening appeared in our front, beneath the arches of the woods, and we knew that a lake was near us, and that we were on the summit of high land, though at what precise elevation could not yet be told. Our route had lain across hills, and through valleys, and along small streams ; though, as I afterwards ascertained, the Hudson did not run far enough north to intercept our march ; or rather, by a sudden turn to the west, it left our course clear. Had we inclined westwardly ourselves, we might have almost done that which Col. Fol- lock had once laughingly recommended to my mother, in order to avoid the dangers of the Powles Hook Ferry, gone round the river. SATANSTOE. 101 A clearing now showed itself a little on our right ; and thither the Indian held his way. This clearing was not the result of the labours of man, but was the fruit of one of those forest accidents that sometimes let in the light of the sun upon the mysteries of the woods. This clearing was on the bald cap of a rocky mountain, where Indians had doubtless often encamped ; the vestiges of their fires proving that the winds had been assisted by the sister element, in clearing away the few stunted trees that had once grown in the fissures of the rocks. As it was, there might have been an open space of some two or three acres, that was now as naked as if it had never known any vegetation more ambi- tious than the bush of the whortleberry or the honeysuckle. Delicious water was spouting from a higher ridge of the rocks, that led away northerly, forming the summit of an extensive range in that direction. At this spring Susquesus stooped to drink ; then he announced that our day's work was done. Until this announcement, I do not believe that one of us all had taken the time to look about him, so earnest and rapid had been our march. Now, however, each man threw aside his pack, laid down his rifle, and, thus disencumbered, we turned to gaze on one of the most surprisingly beautiful scenes eye of mine had ever beheld. From what I have read and heard, I am now fully aware, that the grandest of our American scenery falls far behind that which is to be found among the lakes and precipices of the Alps, and along the almost miraculous coast of the Me- diterranean ; and I shall not pretend that the view I now beheld approached many, in magnificence, that are to be met with in those magic regions. Nevertheless, it was both grand and soft; and it had one element of vastness, in the green mantle of its interminable woods, that is not often to be met with in countries that have long submitted to the sway of man. Such as it was, I shall endeavour to de- scribe it. Beneath us, at the distance of near a thousand feet, lay a lake of the most limpid and placid water, that was beautifully diversified in shape, by means of bluffs, bays, and curvatures of the shores, and which had an extent of near forty miles. We were on its eastern margin, and about one-third of the 9* 102 SATANSTOE. distance from its southern to its northern end. Counties! islands lay almost under our feet, rendering the mixture of land and water, at that particular point, as various and fan- ciful as the human imagination could desire. To the north, the placid sheet extended a great distance, bounded by rocky precipices, passing by a narrow gorge into a wider and larger estuary beyond. To the south, the water lay ex- panded to its oval termination, with here and there an island to relieve the surface. In that direction only, were any of the results of human industry to be traced. Every- where else, the gorges, the receding valleys, the long ranges of hills, and the bald caps of granite, presented nothing to the eye but the unwearying charms of nature. Far as the eye could reach, mountain behind mountain, the earth was covered with its green mantle of luxuriant leaves ; such as vegetation bestows on a virgin soil beneath a beneficent sun. The rolling and variegated carpet of the earth resembled a firmament reversed, with clouds composed of foliage. At the southern termination of the lake, however, there was an opening in the forest of considerable extent ; and one that had been so thoroughly made as to leave kw or no trees. From this point we were distant several miles, and that distance necessarily rendered objects indistinct ; though we had little difficulty in perceiving the ruins of extensive fortifications. A thousand white specks, we now ascertained to be tents, for the works were all that remained of Fort William Henry, and there lay encamped the army of Aber- crombie ; much the largest force that had then ever collected in America, under the colours of England. History has since informed us that this army contained the formidable number of sixteen thousand men. Hundreds of boats, large batteaux, that were capable of carrying forty or fifty men, were moving about in front of the encampment, and, remote as we were, it was not impossible to discover the signs of preparation, and of an early movement. The Indian had not deceived us thus far, at least, but had shown himself an intelligent judge of what was going on, as well as a faithful guide. We were to pass the night on the mountain. Our beds were none of the best, as the reader may suppose, and our cover slight ; yet I do not remember to have opened my SATANSTOE. 103 eyes from the moment they were closed, until I awoke in the morning. The fatigue of a forced march did that for us which down cannot obtain for the voluptuary, and we all slept as profoundly as children. Consciousness returned to me, by means of a gentle shake of the shoulder, which pro- ceeded from Susquesus. On arising, I found the Indian still near me, his countenance, for the first time since I had known him, expressing something like an animated pleasure. He had awoke none of the others, and he signed for me to follow him, without arousing either of my companions. Why I had been thus particularly selected for the scene that succeeded, I cannot say, unless the Onondago's native saga- city had taught him to distinguish between the educations and feelings of us three young men. So it was, however, and I left the rude shelter we had prepared for the night, alone. A glorious sight awaited me ! The sun had just tipped the mountain-tops with gold, while the lake and the valleys, the hill-sides even, and the entire world beneath, still reposed in shadow. It appeared to me like the awakening of created things from the sleep of nature. For a moment or more, I could only gaze on the wonderful picture presented by the strong contrast between the golden hill-tops and their sha- dowed sides — the promises of day and the vestiges of night. But the Onondago was too much engrossed with his own feelings, to suffer me long to disregard what he conceived to be the principal point of interest. Directed by his finger and eye, for he spoke not, I turned my look towards the distant shore of William Henry, and at once perceived the cause of his unusual excitement. As soon as the Indian was certain that I saw the objects that attracted himself so strongly, he exclaimed with a strong, guttural, emphatic cadence — " Good !" Abercrombie's army was actually in motion ! Sixteen thousand men had embarked in boats, and were moving towards the northern end of the lake, with imposing force, and a most beautiful accuracy. The unruffled surface of the lake was dotted with the flotilla, boats in hundreds stretching across it in long, dark lines, moving on towards lheir point of destination with the method and concert of an 104 SATAN STOE. army with its wings displayed. The last brigade of boats had just left the shore when I first saw this striking specta- cle, and the whole picture lay spread before me at a single glance. America had never before witnessed such a sight; and it may be long before she will again witness such an- other. For several minutes I stood entranced ; nor did I speak until the rays of the sun had penetrated the dusky light that lay on the inferior world, as low as the bases of the western mountains. " What are we to do, Susquesus ?" I then asked, feeling how much right the Indian now might justly claim to govern our movements. "Eat breakfast, first" — the Onondago quietly replied; " then go down mountain." "Neither of which will place us in the midst of that gal lant army, as it is our wish to be," " See, bye'm by. Injin know — no hurry, now. Hurry come, when Frenchman shoot." I did not like this speech, nor the manner in which it was uttered ; but there were too many things to think of, just then, to be long occupied by vague conjectures touching the Onondago's evasive allusions. Guert and Dirck were called, and made to share in the pleasure that such a sight could not fail to communicate. Then it was I got the first notion of what I should call the truly martial character of Ten Eyck. His fine, manly figure appeared to me to enlarge, his countenance actually became illuminated, and the ex- pression of his eye, usually so full of good-nature and fun, seemed to change its character entirely, to one of sternness and severity. " This is a noble sight, Mr. Littlepage," Guert remarked, after gazing at the measured but quick movement of the flotilla, for some time, in silence — " a truly noble sight, and it is a reproach to us three for having lost so much time in the woods, when we ought to have been there, ready to aid in driving the French from the province." " We are not too late, my good friend, as the first blow yet remains to be struck." " You say true, and I shall join that army, if I have to swim to reach the boats. It will be no difficult thing for us to swim from one of these islands to another, and the troops SATANSTOE. 105 must pass through the midst of them, in order to get into the lower lake. Any reasonable man would stop to pick us up." " No need," said the Onondago, in his quiet way. " Eat breakfast ; then go. Got canoe — that 'nough." "A canoe ! By St. Nicholas ! Mr. Susquesus, I 'II tell you what it is — you shall never want a friend as long as Guert Ten Eyck is living, and able to assist you. That idea of the canoe is a most thoughtful one, and shows that a reasoning man has had the care of us. We can now join the troops, with the rifles in our hand, as becomes gen- tlemen and volunteers." By this time Jaap was up, and looking at the scene, with all his eyes. It is scarcely necessary to describe the effect on a negro. He laughed in fits, shook his head like the Chinese figure of a mandarin, rolled over on the rocks, arose, shook himself like a dog that quits the water, laughed again, and finally shouted. As we were all accustomed to these displays of negro sensibility, they only excited a smile among us, and not even that from Dirck. As for the Indian, he took no more notice of these natural, but undignified signs of pleasure, in Jaap, than if the latter had been a dog, or any other unintellectual animal. Perhaps no weakness would be so likely to excite his contempt, as to be a wit- ness'of so complete an absence of self-command, as the un- tutored negro manifested on this occasion. As soon as our first curiosity and interest were a little abated, we applied ourselves to the necessary duty of break- ing our fasts. The meal was soon despatched ; and, to say the truth, it was not of a quality to detain one long from any- thing of interest. The moment we had finished, the whole party left the cap of the moun ain, following our guide as usual. The Onondago had purposely brought us to that lookout, a spot known to him, in order that we might get the view of its panorama. It was impossible to descend to the lake- shore at that spot, however, and we were obliged to make a detour of three or four miles, in order to reac^ a ravine, by means of which, and not without difficulty either, that im- portant object was obtained. Here we found a bark canoe, 106 SATANSTOE. of a size sufficient to hold all five of us, and we embarked without a moment's delay. The wind had sprung up from the south, as the day ad- vanced, and the flotilla of boats was coming on, at a greatly increased rate, as to speed. By the time we had threaded our way through the islands, and reached the main channel, if indeed any one passage could be so termed, among such a variety, the leading boat of the army was within hail. The Indian paddled, and, waving his hand in sign of amity, he soon brought us alongside of the batteau. As we approached it, however, I observed the fine, large form of the Viscount Howe, standing erect in its bows, dressed in his Light In- fantry Forest Uniform, as if eager to be literally the fore- most man of a movement, in the success of which, the honour of the British empire, itself, was felt to be concerned. CHAPTER VIII. " My sons ? It may Unman my heart, and the poor boys will weep ; And what can I reply, to comfort them, Save with some hollow hopes, and ill-worn smiles ? Sardanapalus. My Lord Howe did not at first recognise us, in our hunt- ing-shirts. ' With Guert Ten Eyck, however, he had formed such an acquaintance, while at Albany, as caused him to remember his voice, and our welcome was both frank and cordial. We inquired for the th, declaring our inten- tion to join that corps, from the commander of which all three of us had reiterated and pressing invitations to join his mess. The intention of seeking our friend immediately, nevertheless, was changed by a remark of our present host, if one may use such a term as applied to the commander of a brigade of boats. SATANSTOE. 107 " Bulsirode's regiment is in the centre, and will be early in the field," he said ; " but not as early as the advanced guard. If you desire good living, gentlemen, I am far from wishing to dissuade you from seeking the flesh-pots of the th ; there being a certain Mr. Billings, in that corps, who has an extraordinary faculty, they tell me, in getting up a good dinner out of nothing ; but, if you want service, we shall certainly be the first brigade in action ; and, to such fare as I can command, you will be most acceptable guests. As for anything else, time must show." After this, no more was said about looking for Bulstrode ; though we let our noble commander understand, that we should tax his hospitality no longer than to see him fairly in the field, after driving away the party that it was ex- pected the enemy would send to oppose our landing. Susquesus no sooner learned our decision, than he took his departure, quietly paddling away towards the eastern shore ; no one attempting to intercept a canoe that was seen to quit the batteau that was known to carry the commander of the advanced brigade. The wind freshened, as the day advanced, and most of the boats having something or other in the shape of a sail, our progress now became quite rapid. By nine o'clock we were fairly in the Lower Lake, and there was every pros- pect of our reaching our point of destination by mid-day. 1 confess, the business we were on, the novelty of my situa- tion, and the certainty that we should meet in Montcalm an experienced as well as a most gallant foe, conspired to ren- der me thoughtful, though I trust not timid, during the few hours we were in the batteau. Perfectly inactive, it is not surprising that so young a soldier should feel sobered by the solemn reflections that are apt to get possession of the mind, at the probable approach of death — if not to myself, at least to many of those who were around me. Nor was there anything boastful or inflated in the manner or conversation of our distinguished leader, who had seen much warm ser- vice in Germany, in the wars of his reputed grandfather and uncle, young as he Avas. On the contrary, My Lord Howe, that day, was grave and thoughtful, as became a man who held the lives of others in his keeping, though he was neither depressed nor doubting. There were moments, indeed, when 108 SATANSTOE. he spoke cheerfully to those who were near him ; though, aa a whole, his deportment was, as I have just said, grave and thoughtful. Once I caught his eye fastened on me, with a saddened expression ; and, I suppose that a question he soon after put me, was connected with the subject of his thoughts. " How would our excellent and respectable friend, Madam Schuyler, feel, did she know our precise position at this moment, Mr. Littlepage? I do believe that excellent wo- man feels more concern for those in whom she takes an interest, than they often feel for themselves." " I think, my lord, that, in such a case, we should cer- tainly receive the benefit of her prayers." " You are an only child, I think she told me, Little- page?" " I am, my lord ; and thankful am I that my mother can- not foresee this scene." " I, too, have those that love me, though they are accus- tomed to think of me as a soldier, and liable to a soldier's risks. Happy is the military man who can possess his mind, in the moment of trial, free from the embarrassing, though pleasing, and otherwise so grateful ties of affection. But, we are nearing the shore, and must attend to duty." This is the last conversation I held with that brave sol- dier ; and these were the last words, of a private nature, I ever heard him utter. From that moment, his whole soul seemed occupied with the discharge of his duty, the success of our arms, and the defeat of the enemy. I am not soldier enough to describe what followed in a very military or intelligible manner. As the brigade drew near the foot of the lake, where there was a wide extent of low land, principally in forest, however, some batteaux were brought to the front, on which were mounted a number of pieces of heavy artillery. The French had a party of con- siderable force to oppose our landing ; but, as it appeared, they had not made a sufficient provision of guns, on their part, to contend with success; and our grape scouring the woods, we met with but little real resistance. Nor did we assail them precisely at the point where we were expected, but proceeded rather to the right of their position. At the signal, the advnnced brigade pushed for the shore, led by our gallant commander, and we were all soon on terra fir "ma , SATANSTOE. 109 without sustaining any loss worth naming. Wo four, that is, Guert, Dirck, myself and Jaap, kept as near as was proper to the noble brigadier, who instantly ordered an ad- vance, to press the retreating ibe. The skirmishing was not sharp, however, and we gained ground fast, the enemy retiring in the direction of Ticonderoga, and we pressing on their rear, quite as fast as prudence and our preparations would allow. I could see that a cloud of Indians was in our front, and will own, that 1 felt afraid of an ambush ; for the artful warfare practised by those beings of the wood, could not but be familiar, by tradition at least, to one born and educated in the colonies. We had landed in a cove, not literally at the foot of the lake, but rather on its western side ; and room was no sooner obtained, than Gen. Aber- crombie got most of his force on shore, and formed it, as speedily as possible, in columns. Of these columns we had four, the two in the centre being composed entirely of King's troops, six regiments in all, numbering more than as many thousand men ; while five thousand provincials were on the flanks, leaving quite four thousand of the latter with the boats, of which this vast flotilla actually contained the large number of one thousand and twenty-five! All our boats, however, had not yet reached the point of debarkation ; those with the stores, artillery, &c, &c., being still some distance in the rear. Our party was now placed with the right centre column, at the head of which marched our noble acquaintance. The enemy had posted a single battalion in a log encampment, near the ordinary landing; but finding the character of the force with which he was about to be assailed, its command- ant set fire to his huts and retreated. The skirmishing was now even of less moment than it had been on landing, and we all moved forward in high spirits, though the want of guides, the density of the woods, and the difficulties of the ground, soon produced a certain degree of confusion in our march. The columns got entangled with each other, and no one seemed to possess the means of promptly extricating them from this awkward embarrassment. Want of guides was the great evil under which we laboured ; but it was an evil that it was now too late to remedy. Our column, notwithstanding, or its head rather, continued Vol. II. — 10 110 SATANSTOE. to advance, with its gallant leader keeping even pace with its foremost platoon. We four volunteers acted as lookouts, a little on its flank ; and I trust there will be no boasting, if I say, we kept rather in advance of the leading files, than otherwise. In this state of things, French uniforms were seen in front, and a pretty strong party of the enemy was encountered, wandering, like ourselves, a little uncertain of the route they ought to take, in order to reach their entrench- ments in the shortest time. As a matter of course, this party could not pass the head of our column, without bring- ing on a collision, though it were one that was only mo- mentary. Which party gave the first fire, I cannot say, though I thought it was the French. The discharge was not heavy, however, and was almost immediately mutual. I know that all four of us let off our rifles, and that we halted, under a cover, to reload. I had just driven the ball down, when my eye caught the signs of some confusion in the head of the column, and I saw the body of an officer borne to the rear. It was that of Lord Howe ! He had fallen at the first serious discharge made by the enemy in that campaign ! The fall of its leader, so immediately in its presence, seemed to rouse the column into a sense of the necessity of doing something effective, and it assaulted the party in its front with the rage of so many tigers, dis- persing the enemy like chaff; making a considerable num- ber of prisoners, besides killing and wounding not a few. I never saw a man more thoroughly aroused than was Guert Ten Eyck, in this little affair. He had been much noticed by Lord Howe, during the residence of that unfor- tunate nobleman at Albany ; and the loss of the last appeared to awaken all that there was of the ferocious in the nature of my usually kind-hearted Albany friend. He acted as our immediate commander ; and he led us forward on the heels of the retreating French, until we actually came in sight of their entrenchments. Then, indeed, we all saw it was ne- cessary to retreat in our turn ; and Guert consented to fall back, though it was done surlily, and like a lion at bay. A party of Indians pressed us hard, in this retreat, and we ran an imminent risk of our scalps ; all of which, I have ever believed, would have been lost, were it not for the resolu- tion and Herculean strength of Jaap. It happened, as we SATANSTOE. Ill were dodging from tree to tree, that all four of our rifles were discharged at the same time ; a circumstance of which our assailants availed themselves to make a rush at us. Luckily the weight of the onset fell on Jaap, who clubbed his rifle, and literally knocked down in succession the three Indians that first reached him. This intrepidity and success gave us time to reload ; and Dirck, ever a cool and capital shot, laid the fourth Huron on his face, with a ball through his heart. Guert then held his fire, and called on Jaap to retreat. He was obeyed ; and under cover of our two rifles, the whole party got off; the red-skins being too thoroughly rebuked to press us very closely, after the specimen they had just received of the stuff of which we were made. We owed our escape, however, as much to another cir- cumstance, as to this resolution of Jaap, and the expedient of Guert. Among the provincials was a partisan of great repute, of the name of Rogers. This officer led a party of riflemen on our left flank, and he drove in the enemy's skir- mishers, along his own front, with rapidity, causing them to suffer a considerable loss. By this means, the Indians before us were held in check ; as there was the danger that Major Rogers's party might fall in upon their rear, should they attempt to pursue us, and thus cut them off from their allies. It was well it was so; inasmuch as we had to fall back more than a mile, ere we reached the spot where Aber- crombie brought his columns to a halt, and encamped for the night. This position was distant about two miles from the works before Ticonderoga ; and consequently at no great distance from the outlet of Lake George. Here the army was brought into good order, and took up its station for some little time. It was necessary to await the arrival of the stores, ammu- nition and artillery. As the bringing up these materials, through a country that was little else than a virgin forest, was no easy task, it occupied us quite two days. Melan- choly days they were, too ; the death of Lord Howe acting on the whole army much as if it had been a defeat. He was the idol of the King's troops, and he had rendered him- self as popular with us Americans, as with his own coun- trymen. A sort of ominous sadness prevailed among us ; 112 SATANSTOE. each common man appearing to feel his loss as he might have felt that of a brother. We looked up the th, and joined Bulstrode, as soon as we reached the ground chosen for the new encampment. Our reception was friendly, and even kind ; and it became warmer still, as soon as it was understood that we composed the little party that had skirmished so freely on the flank of the right centre column, and which was known to have gone farther in advance than any one else, in that part of the field. Thus we joined our corps with some eclat, at the very outset, everybody welcoming us cordially, and with seeming sincerity. Nevertheless, the general sadness existed in the th, as well as in all the other corps. Lord Howe was as much beloved in that regiment, as in any other; and our meeting and subsequent intercourse could not be called joyful. Bul- strode had an extensive and important command, for his rank and years, and he certainly was proud of his position ; but I could see that even his elastic and usually gay temper- ament was much affected by what had occurred. That night we walked together, apart from our companions, when he spoke on the subject of our loss. " It may appear strange to you, Corny," he said, " to find so much depression in camp, after a debarkation that has certainly been successful, and a little affair that has given us, as they assure me, a couple of hundred prisoners. I tell you, however, my friend, it were better for this army to have seen its best corps annihilated, than to have lost the man it has. Howe was literally the soul of this entire force. He was a soldier by nature, and made all around him sol- diers. As for the Commander-in-Chief, he does not under- stand you Americans, and will not use you as he ought; then he does not understand the nature of the warfare of this continent, and will be very likely to make a blunder. I Ml tell you how it is, Corny ; Howe had as much influence with Abercrombie, as he had with every one else ; and an attempt will be made to introduce his mode of fighting; but such a man as Lord Howe requires another Lord Howe to carry out his own conceptions. That is the point on which, I fear, we shall fail." All this sounded very sensible to me, though it sounded SATANSTOE. 113 discouragingly ; I found, however, that Bulstrode did not e ertain these feelings alone, but that most around me were of the same way of thinking. In the mean time, the prepa- rations proceeded ; and it was understood that the 8th was to be the day that was to decide the fate of Ticonderoga. The fort proper, at this celebrated station, stands on a penin- sula, and can only be assailed on one side. The outworks were very extensive on that side, and the garrison was known to be formidable. As these outworks, however, con- sisted principally of a log breastwork, and it could be ap- proached through open woods, which of itself afforded some cover, it was determined to carry it by storm, and, if possi- ble, enter the main work with the retreating enemy. Had we waited for our artillery, and established batteries, our success would have been certain ; but the engineer reported favourably of the other project ; and perhaps it better suited the temper and impatience of the whole army, to push on, rather than proceed by the slow movements of a regular siege. On the morning of the 8th, therefore, the troops were paraded for the assault, our party falling in on the flank of the th, as volunteers. The ground did not admit of the use of many horses, and Bulstrode marched with us on foot. I can relate but little of the general movements of that me- morable day, the woods concealing so much of what was done, on both sides. I know this, however ; that the flower of our army were brought into the line, and were foremost in the assault; including both regulars and provincials. The 42d, a Highland corps, that had awakened much inte- rest in America, both by the appearance and character of its men, was placed at a point where it was thought the heaviest service was to be performed. The 55th, another corps on which much reliance was placed, was also put at the head of another column. A swamp extending for some distance along the only exposed front of the peninsula, these two corps were designated to carry the log breastwork, that commenced at the point where the swamp ceases ; much the most arduous portion of the expected service, since this was the only accessible approach to the fortress itself. To render their position more secure, the French had placed several pieces of artillery in battery, along the line of this 10* 114 SATAN STOE. breastwork ; while we had not yet a gun in front to cover our advance. It was said, that Abercrombie did not take counsel of any of the American officers with him, before he decided on the attack of the 8th of July. He had directed his principal engineer to reconnoitre ; and that gentleman having reported that the defences offered no serious scientific obstacles, the assault was decided on. This report was accurate, doubt- less, agreeably to the principles and facts of European war- fare ; but it was not suited to those of the conflicts of this continent. It was to be regretted, however, that the expe- rience of 1755, and the fate of Braddock, had not inculcated a more extensive lesson of discretion among the royal com- manders, than was manifested by the incidents of this day. The th was placed in column directly in the rear of the Highlanders, who were led, on this occasion, by Col. Gordon Graham; a veteran officer -of great experience, and of an undaunted courage.* Of course, I saw this officer and this regiment, being as they were directly in my front, but I saw little else; more especially after the smoke of the first discharge was added to the other obstacles to vision. A considerable time was consumed in making the prepa- rations ; but, when everything was supposed to be ready, the columns were set in motion. It was generally under- stood that the troops were to receive the enemy's fire, then rush forward to the breastwork, cross the latter at the bayo- net's point, if it should be necessary, and deliver their own fire at close quarters; or on their retreating foes. Permis- sion was given to us volunteers, and to divers light parties of irregulars, to open on any of the French of whom we might get glimpses, as little was expected from us in the charge. Nearly an hour was consumed in approaching the point of attack, owing to the difficulties of the ground, and the necessity of making frequent halts, in order to dress. At * Holmes's Annals say, that Lord John Murray commanded the 42d, on this occasion. I presume, as Mr. Littlepage was there, and was posted so near the corps in question, he cannot well be mistaken. Mrs. Grant, of Laggan, who was at Albany at the time, and whosa father was in the battle, agrees with Mr. Littlepage, in saying that Cordon Graham led the 42d. — Editor. SATANSTOE. 115 length the important moment arrived when the head of the column was ready to unmask itself, and consequently to come under fire. A short halt sufficed for the arrangements here, when the bagpipes commenced their exciting music, and we broke out of cover, shouting and cheering each other on. We must have been within two hundred yards of the breastwork at the time, and the first gun discharged was Jaap's, who, by working his way into the cover of the swamp, had got some distance ahead of us, and who actu- ally shot down a French officer who had got upon the logs of his defences, in order to reconnoitre. That assault, how- ever, was fearfully avenged ! The Highlanders were mov- ing on like a whirlwind, grave, silent and steady, cheered only by their music, when a sheet of flame glanced along the enemy's line, and the iron and leaden messengers of death came whistling in among us like a hurricane. The Scotsmen were staggered by that shock ; but they recovered instantly and pressed forward. The th did not escape harmless, by any means ; while the din told us that the con- flict extended along the whole of the breastwork, towards the lake-shore. How many were shot down in our column, by that first discharge, I never knew ; but the slaughter was dreadful, and among those who fell was the veteran Graham, himself. I can safely say, however, that the plan of attack was completely deranged from this first onset; the columns displaying and commencing their fire as soon as possible. No men could have behaved better than all that I could see ; the whole of us pushing on for the breastwork, until we encountered fallen trees ; which were made to serve the purpose of chevaux-de-frise. These trees had been felled along the front of the breastwork, while their branches were cut, and pointed like stakes. It was impossible to pass in any order, and the troops halted when they reached them, and continued to fire by platoons, with as much regularity as on parade. A few minutes of this work, however, com- pelled different corps to fall back, and the vain conflict was continued for four hours, on our part almost entirely by a smart but ineffective fire of musketry ; while the French sent their grape into our ranks almost with as much impunity as if they had been on parade. It had been far better for our men had they been less disciplined, and less under the con- 116 SATAN S TOE trol of their officers ; for the sole effect of steadiness, under such circumstances, is to leave the gallant and devoted troops, who refuse to fall back, while they are unable to advance, only so much the longer in jeopardy. Gucrt had shouted with the rest; and I soon found that, by following him for a leader, we should quickly be in the midst of the fray. Fie actually led us up to the fallen trees ; and, finding something like a cover there, we three estab- lished ourselves among them as riflemen, doing fully our share of service. When the troops fell back, however, we were left in a manner alone, and it Was rather dangerous work to retire ; and finding ourselves out of the line of fire from our own men, no immaterial point in such a fray, we maintained our post to the last. Admonished, after a long time, of the necessity of retreating, by the manner in which the fire of our own line lessened, we got off with sound skins, though Guert retired the whole distance with his face to the enemy, firing as he withdrew. We all did the last, indeed, using the trees for covers. Towards the close we attracted especial attention ; and there were two or three minutes during which the flight of bullets around us might truly, without much exaggeration, be likened to a storm of hail ! Jaap was not with us in this sally, and I went into the swamp to look for him. The search was not long, for I found my fellow retreating also, and bringing in with him a stout Canadian Indian as a prisoner. He was making his captive carry three discharged rifles, and blankets ; one of which had been his own property once, and the others that of two of his tribe, whom the negro had left lying in the swamp as bloody trophies of his exploits. I cannot explain the philosophy of the thing, but that negro ever appeared to me to fight as if he enjoyed the occupation as an amuse- ment. These facts were scarcely ascertained, when we learned the important intelligence that a general retreat was ordered. Our proud and powerful army was beaten, and that, too, by a force two-thirds less than its own ! It is not easy to de- scribe the miserable scene that followed. The transporting of* the wounded to the rear had been going on the whole time , and, as usually happens, when it is permitted, it had con- SATANSTOE. 117 tributed largely to thin the ranks. These unfortunate men were put into the batteaux in hundreds, while most of the dead were left where they lay. So completely were our hopes frustrated, and our spirits lowered, that most of the boats pulled ofFthat night, and all the remainder quitted the foot of the lake early next day. Thus terminated the dire expedition of 1758 against Ti conderoga, and with it our expectations of seeing Montreal, or Quebec, that season. I dare say, we had fully ten thou- sand bayonets in the field that bloody day, and quite five thousand men closely engaged. The mistake was in attempt- ing to carry a post that was so nearly impregnable, by as- sault; and this, too, without the cover of artillery. Th» enemy was said to have four or five thousand men present, and this may be true, as applied to all within the defences ; though I question if more than half that number pulled triggers on us, in the miserable affair. There is .always much of exaggeration in both the boasting and the apologies of war. Our own loss, on this sad occasion, was reported at 548 slain, and 1356 wounded. This was probably within the truth ; though the missing were said to be surprisingly few f some thirty or forty, in all ; the men having no place to repair to but the boats. Of the Highlanders, it was said that nearly half the common men, and twenty-five, or nearly all the officers, were either killed or wounded! One ac- count, indeed, said that eve?'y officer of that corps, who was on the ground, suffered. The 55th, also, was dreadfully cut up. Ten of its officers were slain outright, and many were wounded. As for the th, it fared a little better, not heading a column ; but its loss was fearful. Bulstrode was seriously wounded, early in the attack, though his hurt was never supposed to be dangerous. Billings was left dead on the field, and Harris got a scratch that served him to talk of in after life. The confusion was tremendous after such a conflict and such a defeat. The troops re-embarked without much re- gard to corps or regularity of movement ; and the boats moved away as fast as they received their melancholy car- goes. An immense amount of property was lost ; though I believe all the customary military trophies were preserved. 118 SATANSTOE. As the provincials had been the least engaged, and had suf- fered much the least, in proportion to numbers, a large body of them was kept as a rear-guard, while the regular corps removed their wounded and materiel. As for us three or four, including Jaap, who stuck by his prisoner, we scarcely knew what to do with ourselves. Everybody who felt any interest in us, was either killed or wounded. Bulstrode we could not see ; nor could we even find the regiment. Should we succeed in the attempt at the last, very few now remained in it who would have taken much, or indeed any concern in us. Under the circum- stances, therefore, we held a consultation on the lake-shore, uncertain whether to ask admission into one of the depart- ing boats, or to remain until morning, that our retreat might have a more manly aspect. " I '11 tell you what it is, Corny," said Guert Ten Eyck, in a somewhat positive manner, " the less we say about this campaign, and of our share in it, the petter. We are not soldiers, in the regular way, and if we keep quiet, nobody will know what a t'rashing we t'ree, in particular, haf receivet. My advice is, t'at we get out of this army as we got into it — t'at is, py a one-sided movement, and for ever after holt our tongues about our having had anyt'ing to do with it. I never knew a worsted man any the more re- spected for his mishap ; and I will own, that I set down flogging as a very material part of a fight." " I am quite sure, Guert, I am as little disposed to brag of my share in this affair, as you or any one can possibly be ; but it is much easier to talk about getting away from this confused crowd than really to do the thing. I doubt if any of these boats will take us in ; for an Englishman, flogged, is not apt to be very good-natured ; and all our friends seem to be killed or wounded." " You want go ?" asked a low Indian voice at mv elbow. "Got 'nough, eh?" Turning, I saw Susquesus standing within two feet of me. Our consultation was necessarily in the midst of a moving throng; and the Onondago must have approached us, unno ticed, at the commencement of our conference. There he was, however, though whence he came or how he got there, SATANSTOE. 119 could not imagine, at the t>me, and have never been able to learn since. "Can you help us to get away, Susquesus?" was my answer. " Do you know of any means of crossing the lake?" " Got canoe. That good. Canoe go, though Yengeese run." " That in which we came oft' to the army, do you mean ?" The Indian nodded his head, and made a sign for us to follow. Little persuasion was necessary, and we proceeded at his heels, in a body, in the direction he led. I will con- fess, that when I saw our guide proceeding eastward, along the lake-shore, I had some misgivings on the subject of his good faith. That was the direction which took us towards, instead of from the enemy ; and there was something so mysterious in the conduct of this man, that it gave me un- easiness. Here he was, in the midst of the English army in the height of its confusion, though he had declined joining it previously to the battle. Nothing was easier than to enter the throng, in its present confused state, and move about undetected for hours, if one had the nerve necessary for the service ; and, in that property, I felt certain the Onondago was not deficient. There was a coolness in the manner of the man, a quiet observation, both blended with the seeming apathy of a red-skin, that gave every assurance of his fitness for the duty. Nevertheless, there was no remedy but to follow, or to break with our guide on the spot. We did not like to do the last, although we conferred together on the subject, but followed, keeping our hands on the locks of our rifles, in readiness for a brush, should we be led into danger. Sus- quesus had no such treacherous intentions, however, while he had disposed of his canoe in a place that denoted his judgment. We had to walk quite a mile ere we reached the little bush-fringed creek in which he had concealed it. I have always thought we ran a grave risk, in advancing so far in that direction, since the enemy's Indians would cer- tainly be hanging aroifnd the skirts of our army, in quest of scalps ; but I afterwards learned the secret of the Onon- dago's confidence, who first spoke on the subject after we 120 SATANSTOE. had left the shore, and then only in an answer to a remark of Guert's. "No danger," he said ; " red-man gettin' Yengees3 scalps, on the war-path. Too much kill, now, to want more." As both governments pursued the culpable policy of pay- ing for human scalps, this suggestion probably contained the whole truth. Previously to quitting the creek, however, there was a difficulty to dispose of. Jaap had brought his Huron pri- soner with him ; and the Onondago declared that the canoe could not carry six. This we knew from experience, in- deed, though five went in it very comfortably. " No room," said Susquesus, " for red-man. Five good —six bad." " What shall we do with the fellow, Corny ?" asked Guert, with a little interest. " Jaap says he is a proper devil, by daylight, and that he had a world of trouble in, taking him, and in bringing him in. For five minutes, it was heads or tails which was to give in ; and the nigger only got the best of it, by his own account of the battle, be- cause the red-skin had the unaccountable folly to try to beat in Jaap's brains. He might as well have battered the Rock of Gibraltar, you know, as to attempt to break a nig- ger's skull, and so your fellow got the best of it. What shall we do with the rascal?" " Take scalp," said the Onondago, sententiously ; " got good scalp — war-lock ready — paint, war-paint — capital scalp." "Ay, that may do better for you, Master Succetush" — so Guert always called our guide, " than it will do for us Christians. I 'm afraid we shall have to let the ravenous devil go, after disarming him." " Disarmed he is already ; but he cannot be long without a musket, on this battle-ground. I am of your opinion, Guert ; so, Jaap, release your prisoner at once, that we may return to Ravensnest, as fast as possible." " Dat berry hard, Masser Corny, sah !" exclaimed Jaap, who did not half like the orders he received. "No words about it, sir, but cut his fastenings'* — Jaap SATANSTOE. 121 had tied the Indian's arms behind him, with a rope, as an easy mode of leading him along. " Do you know the man's name?" " Yes, sah — he say he name be Muss" — proba'bly Jaap's defective manner of repeating some Indian sound ; " and a proper muss he get in, Masser Corny, when he try to eotch Jaap by he wool !" Here I was obliged to clap my hand suddenly on the black's mouth, for the fellow was so delighted with the re collection of the manner in which he had got the better of his red adversary, that he broke out into one of the uncon- trollable fits of noisy laughter, that are so common to his race. I repeated the order, somewhat sternly, for Jaap to cut the cords, and then to follow us to the canoe, in which the Onondago and my two friends had already taken their places. My own foot was raised to enter the canoe, when I heard heavy stripes inflicted on the back of some one. Rushing back to the spot where I had left Jaap and his cap- tive, Muss, I found the former inflicting a severe punish- ment, on the naked back of the other, with the end of the cord that still bound his arms. Muss, as Jaap called him, neither flinched nor cried. The pine stands not more erect or unyielding, in a summer's noontide, than he bore up under the pain. Indignantly I thrust the negro away, cut the fellow's bonds with my own hands, and drove my slave before me to the canoe. Vol. II. — IX 122 SATANSTOE. CHAPTER IX. « Pale set the sun — the shades of evening fell, The mournful night-wind sung their funeral knell ; And the same day beheld their warriors dead, Their sovereign captive and their glory fled !" Mrs. Hemans. I shall never forget the journey of that fearful night. Susquesus paddled the canoe, unaided by us, who were too much fatigued with the toil of the day, to labour much, as soon as we found ourselves in a place of safety. Even Jaap lay down and slept for several hours, the sleep of the weary. I do not think any of us, however, actually slept for the first hour or two, the scenes through which we had just passed, and that, indeed, through which we were then pass- ing, acting as preventives to such an indulgence. It must have been about nine in the evening, when our canoe quitted the ill-fated shore at the south end of Lake George, moving steadily and silently along the eastern mar- gin of the sheet. By that time, fully five hundred boats had departed for the head of the lake, the retreat having com- menced long before sunset. No order was observed in this melancholy procession, each batleau moving off as her load was completed. All the wounded were on the placid bosom of the ' Holy Lake,' as some writers have termed this sheet of limpid water, by the time we ourselves got in motion ; and the sounds of parting boats told us that the unhurt were following as fast as circumstances would allow. What a night it was ! There was no moon, and a veil of dark vapour was drawn across the vault of the heavens, concealing most of the mild summer stars, that ought to have been seen twinkling in their Creator's praise. Down, between the boundaries of hills, there was not a breath of air, though we occasionally heard the sighings of light cur- rents among the tree-tops, above us. The eastern shore having fewer sinuosities than the western, most of the boats followed its dark, frowning mass, as the nearest route, and we soon found ourselves near the line of the retiring batteaux. SATANSTOE. 123 I call it the line, for though there was no order observed, each party making the best of its way to the common point of destination, there were so many boats in motion at the same time, that, far as the eye could penetrate by that gloomy light, an unbroken succession of them was visible. Our motion was faster than that of these heavily-laden and feebly-rowed batteaux, the soldiers being too much fatigued to toil at the oars, after the day they had just gone through. We consequently passed nearly everything, and soon got on a parallel course with that of the boats, moving along at a few rods in-shore of them. Dirck remarked, however, that two or three small craft even passed us. They went so near the mountain, quite within its shadows, in fact, as to render it difficult to say what they were; though it was supposed they might be whale-boats, of which there were more than a hundred in the flotilla, carrying officers of rank. No one spoke. It appeared to me that not a human voice was raised among those humiliated and defeated thou- sands. The plash of oars, so long as we were at a distance from the line, alone broke the silence of night ; but that was incessant. As our canoe drew ahead, however, an hour or two after we had left the shore, and we overtook the boats that had first started, the moaning and groans of the wounded became blended with the monotonous sounds of the oars. In two respects, these unfortunate men had reason to felicitate themselves, notwithstanding their sufferings. No army could have transported its wounded with less pain to the hurt ; and the feverish thirst that loss of blood always in- duces, might be assuaged by the limpid element on which we all floated. After paddling for hours, Susquesus was relieved by Jaap , Dirck, Guert and myself occasionally lending our aid. Each had a paddle, and each used it as he saw fit, while the Onondago slept. Occasionally I caught a nap, myself, as did my companions ; and we all felt refreshed by the rest and sleep. At length we reached the narrow pass, that separated the Upper from the Lower Lake, and we entered the former. This is near the place where the islands are so numerous, and we were unavoidably made to pass quite close to some of the batteaux. I say to some, for the line 124 SATANSTOE. became broken at this point, each boat going through the openings it found the most convenient. " Come nearer with that bark canoe," called out an offi- cer, from a batteau ; " I wish to learn who is in it." " We are volunteers, that joined the th, the day the army moved up, and were guests of Major Bulstrode. Pray sir, can you tell us where that officer can be found?" " Poor Bulstrode ! He got a very awkward hit, early in the day, and was taken past me to the rear. He will be able neither to walk nor to ride, for some months, if they save his leg. I heard the Commander-in-Chief order him to be sent across the lake, in the first boat with wounded ; and some one told me, Bulstrode, himself, expressed an in- tention to be carried some distance, to a friend's house, to escape from the abominations of an army hospital. The fellow has horses enough to transport him, on a horse-litter, to Cape Horn, if he wishes it. I '11 warrant you, Bulstrode works his way into good quarters, if they are to be had in America. I suppose this arm of mine will have to come off, as soon as we reach Fort William Henry ; and, that job done, I confess I should like amazingly to keep him com- pany. Proceed, gentlemen ; I hope I have not detained you ; but, observing a bark canoe, I thought it my duty to ascertain we were not followed by spies." This, then, was another victim of war ! He spoke of the loss of his arm, notwithstanding, with as much coolness as if it were the loss of a tooth ; yet, I question not, that in secret, he mourned over the calamity in bitterness of heart. Men never wear the mask more completely than when excited and stimulated by the rivalry of arms. Bulstrode, too, at Ravensnest ! He could be carried nowhere else, so easily ; and, should his wound be of a nature that did not require constant medical treatment, where could he be so happily bestowed as under the roof of Herman Mordaunt ? Shall I confess that the idea gave me great pain, and that I was fool enough to wish I, too, could return to Anneke, and appeal to her sympathies, by dragging with me a wounded limb ! Our canoe now passed quite near another batteau, the officer in command of which was standing erect, seemingly watching our movements. He appeared to be unhurt, but SATANSTOE. 125 was probably intrusted with some special duty. As we paddled by, the following curious conversation occurred. " You move rapidly to the rear, my friends," observed the stranger ; " pray moderate your zeal ; others are in advance of you with the evil tidings L" "You must think ill of our patriotism and loyalty, sir, to imagine we are hastening on with the intelligence of a check to the British arms," I answered as drily, and almost as equivocally, in manner, as the other had spoken. " The check ! — I beg a thousand pardons — I see you are patriots, and of the purest water! Check is just the word ; though check-mate would be more descriptive and signifi- cant ! A charming time we've had of it, gentlemen ! What say you? — it is your move, now." " There has been much firmness and gallantry manifested by the troops," I answered, " as we, who have been merely volunteers, will always be ready to testify." "I beg your pardons, again and again," returned the officer, raising his hat and bowing profoundly — " I did not know I had the honour to address volunteers. You are entitled to superlative respect, gentlemen, having come vo- luntarily into such a field. For my part, I find the honour oppressive, having no such supererogatory virtue to boast of. Volunteers ! On my word, gentlemen, you will have many wonders to relate, when you get back into the family circle." " We shall have to speak of the gallantry of the High- landers, for we saw all they did and all they suffered." "Ah ! Were you, then, near that brave corps !" ex- claimed the other, with something like honest, natural feel- ing, for the first time exhibited in his voice and meaning ; " I honour men who were only spectators of so much cou- rage, especially if they took a tolerably near view of it. May I venture to ask your names, gentlemen." I answered, giving him our names, and mentioning the fact that we had been the guest of Bulstrode, and how much we were disappointed in having missed not only our friend, but his corps. " Gentlemen, I honour courage, let it come whence it may," said the stranger, with strong feeling, and no acting, " and most admire it when I see it exhibited by natives of 11* 126 SATANSTOE. these colonies, in a quarrel of their own. I have heard of you as being with poor Howe, when he fell, and hope to know more of you. As for Mr. Bulstrode, he has passed southward, now some hours, and intends to make his cure among some connections that he has in this province. Do not let this be the last of our intercourse, I beg of you ; but look up Capt. Charles Lee, of the th, who will be glad to take each and all of you by the hand, when we once more get into camp." We expressed our thanks, but Susquesus causing the canoe to make a sudden inclination towards the shore, the conversation was suddenly interrupted. By this time the Indian was awake, and exercising his authority in the canoe, again. Gliding among the islands, he shortly landed us at the precise point where we had em- barked only five days before. Securing his little bark, the Onondago led the way up the ravine, and brought us out on the naked cap of the mountain, where we had before slept, after an hour of extreme effort. If the night had been so memorable, the picture presented at the dawn of day, was not less so ! We reached that lofty look-out about the same time in the morning as the Indian had awakened me on the previous occasion, and had the same natural outlines to the view. In one sense, also, the artifi- cial accessaries were the same, though exhibited under a very different aspect. I presume the truth will not be much, if any exceeded, when I say that a thousand boats were in sight, on this, as on the former occasion ! A few, a dozen or so, at most, appeared to have reached the head of the lake ; but all the rest of that vast flotilla was scattered along the placid surface of the lovely sheet, forming a long, strag- gling line of dark spots, that extended to the beach under Fort William Henry, in one direction, and far as eye could reach in the other. How different did that melancholy, broken procession of boats appear, from the gallant array, the martial bands, the cheerful troops, and the multitude of ardent young men who had pressed forward, in brigades, less than a week before, filled with hope, and exulting in their strength ! As I gazed on the picture, I could not but fancy to myself the vast amount of physical pain, the keen mental suffering, and the deep mortification that might have SATANSTOE. 127 been found, amid that horde of returning adventurers. We had just come up from the level of this scene of human agony, and our imaginations could portray details that were beyond the reach of the senses, at the elevation on which we stood. A week before, and the name of Abercrombie filled every mouth in America ; expectation had almost placed his re- nown on that giddy height, where performance itself is so often insecure. In the brief interval, he was destroyed. Those who had been ready to bless him-, would now heap curses on his devoted head, and none would be so bold as to urge aught in his favour. Men in masses, when goaded by disappointment, are never just. It is, indeed, a hard lesson for the individual to acquire ; but, released from his close, personal responsibility, the single man follows the crowd, and soothes his own mortification and wounded pride by joining in the cry that is to immolate a victim. Yet Abercrombie was not the foolhardy and besotted bully that Braddock had proved himself to be. His misfortune was to be ignorant of the warfare of the region in which he was required to serve, and possibly to over-estimate the imagi- nary invincible character of the veterans he led. In a very short time he was recalled, and America heard no more of him. As some relief to the disgrace that had anew alighted on the British arms, Bradstreet, a soldier who knew the country, and who placed much reliance on the young man of her name and family whom I had met at Madam Schuy- ler's, marched against Frontenac, in Canada, at the head of a strong body of provincials ; an enterprise that, as it was conducted with skill, resulted in a triumph. But with all this my narrative has no proper connection. No sooner did we reach the bald mountain-top, than the Onondago directed Jaap to light a fire, while he produced, from a deposit left on the advance, certain of the materials that were necessary to a meal. As neither of us had tasted food since the morning of the previous day, this repast was welcome, and we all partook of it like so many famished men. The negro got his share, of course, and then we called a council as to future proceedings. " The question is, whether we ought to make a straight path to Ravensnest," observed Guert, " or proceed first to 128 SATANSTOE. the surveyor's, and see how things are going on in that di- rection." "As there can be no great danger of a pursuit on the part of the French, since all their boats are in the other lake," I remarked, " the state of the country is very much what it was before the army moved." "Ask that question of the Indian," put in Dirck, a little significantly. We looked at Susquesus inquiringly, for a look always sufficed to let him comprehend us, when a tolerably plain allusion had been previously made. " Black-man do foolish t'ing," observed the Onondago. " What I do, you red-skin devil ?" demanded Jaap, who felt a sort of natural antipathy to all Indians, good or bad, excellent or indifferent ; a feeling that the Indians repaid to his race by contempt indifferently concealed. " What I do, red-devil, ha? — dat you dares tell Masser Corny dat/" Susquesus manifested no resentment at this strong and somewhat rude appeal ; but sat as motionless as if he had not heard it. This vexed Jaap so much the more ; and, my fellow being exceedingly pugnacious on all occasions that touched his pride, there might have been immediate war between the two, had I not raised a finger, at once effectu- ally stilling the outbreak of Jacob Satanstoe's wrath. " You should not bring such a charge against my slave, Onondago," I said, " unless able to prove it." " He beat red warrior like dog." " What of dat !" growled Jaap, who was only half-quieted by my sis;n. " Who ebber hear it hurt red-skin to rope-end him?" " Warrior back like squaw's. Blow hurt him. He never forget." " Well, let him remember den," grinned the negro, show- ing his ivory teeth from ear to ear. " Muss was my pri- soner ; and what good he do me, if he let go widout punish- ment. I wish you tell Masser Corny dat, instead of tellin' him nonsense. When he flog me, who ebber hear me grumble?" " You have not had half enough of it, Jaap, or your manners would be better," I thought it necessary to put in, for the fellow had never before manifested so quarrelsome a SATANSTOE. 129 disposition in my presence; most probably because I had never before seen him at variance with an Indian. " Let me hear no more of this, or I shall be obliged to pay off the arrears on the spot." "A little hiding does a nigger good, sometimes," observed Guert, significantly. I observed that Dirck, who loved my very slave princi- pally because he was mine, looked at the offender reprov- ingly ; and by these combined demonstrations, we succeeded in curbing the fellow's tongue. " Well, Susquesus," I added, " we all listen, to hear what you mean. " Musquerusque chief — Huron chief — got very tender back ; never forget rope." " You mean us to understand that my black's prisoner will be apt to make some attempt to revenge himself for the flogging he got from his captor?" " Just so. Indian good memory — no forget friend — no forget enemy." " But your Huron will be puzzled to find us, Onondago. He will suppose us with the army ; and, should he even venture to look for us there, you see he will be disap- pointed." "Never know. Wood full of paths — Injin full of cun- ning. Why talk of Ravensnest?" " Was the name of Ravensnest mentioned in the presence of that Huron?" I asked, more uneasy than such a trifle would probably have justified me in confessing. "Ay, something was said about it , but not in a way the fellow could understand," answered Guert, carelessly. "Let him come on, if he has not had enough of us yet." This was not my manner of viewing the matter, however; for the mentioning of Ravensnest brought Anneke to my mind, surrounded by the horrors of an Indian's revenge. " I will send you back to the Huron, Susquesus," I added, " if you can name to me the price that will purchase his for- giveness." The Onondago looked at me meaningly a moment ; then, bending forward, he passed the fore-finger of his hand around the head of Jaap, along the line that is commonly made by the knife of the warrior, as he cuts away the trophy 130 SATANSTOE. of success from his victim. Jaap comprehended the mean- ing of this very significant gesture, as well as any of us, and the manner in which he clutched the wool, as if to keep the scalp in its place, set us all laughing. The negro did not partake of our mirth ; but I saw that he regarded the Indian, much as the bull-dog shows his teeth, before he makes his spring. Another motion of my finger, however, quelled the rising. It was necessary to put an end to this, and Jaap was ordered to prepare our packs, in readiness for the expected march. Relieved from his presence, Susque- sus was asked to be more explicit. " You know Injin," the Onondago answered. " Now he t'ink red-coats dnv' away and skeared, he go look for scalp. Love all sort scalp — old scalp, young scalp — man scalp, woman scalp — boy scalp, gal scalp — all get pay, all get honour. No difference to him." "Ay !" exclaimed Guert, with a strong aspiration, such as escapes a man who feels strongly ; " he is a devil incar- nate, when he once gets fairly on the scent of blood ! So you expect these French Injins will make an excursion in among the settlers, out here to the south-east of us ?" " Go to nearest — don't care where he be. Nearest your friend; won't like that, s'pose?" " You are right enough, Onondago, in saying that. I shall not like it, nor will my companions, here, like it ; and the first thing you will have to do, will be to guide us, straight 0.3 the bird flies, to the Ravensnest ; the picketed house, you know, where we have left our sweethearts." Susquesus understood all that was said, without any diffi- culty ; in proof of which, he smiled at this allusion to the precious character of the inmates of the house Guert told hirn to seek. " Squaw pretty 'nough," he answered, complacently. ortunity of sending the swift runners of their pieces in pursuit. The first intimation we had of any movement of this sort was in the reports of the rifles. Then, I not only saw, but I heard the tremendous blow Jaap gave to the head of Muss ; a blow that demolished both the victim and the in- strument of his destruction. Though the breech of the rifle was broken, the heavy barrel still remained, and the negro flourished it with a force that swept all before him. It is scarcely necessary to say Guert was not idle in such a fray. He fought for Mary Wallace, as well as for himself, and he overturned two more of the Indians, as it might be, in the twinkling of an eye. Here Dirck did good service to our friends. His rifle was in his hands, and, levelling it with coolness, he shot down a powerful savage who was on the point of seizing Guert from behind. This was the com- mencement of a general war, volleys now coming from both parties ; from ourselves, and from the enemy, who were in the cover of the woods. Intimidated by the fury of the personal assault under which they were suffering, the re- maining Indians near Guert and the negro leaped away to- wards their friends, yelling; leaving their late prisoners free, but more exposed to fire than they could have been when encircled even by enemies. Everything passed with fearful rapidity. Guert seized the rifle of a fallen Indian, and Jaap obtained another, when they fell back towards us, like two lions at bay, with rifle-bullets whizzing around them at every step. Of course, we fired, and we also advanced to meet them ; an imprudent step, since the main body of the Hurons were covered, ren- dering the contest unequal. But, there was no resisting the sympathetic impulses of such a moment, or the exultation we all felt at the exploits of Guert and Jaap, enacted, as they were, before our eyes. As we drew together, the for- mer shouted and cried — " Hurrah ! Corny, my noble fellow — let us charge the woot — there '11 not be a reat-skin left in it in five minutes. Forwart, my friends — forwart, all !" It certainly was an exciting moment. We all shouted in our turns, and all cried ' forward,' in common. Even Mr. Worden joined in the shout, and pressed forward. Ja- Vol. II. — 13 200 SATANSTOE. son, too, fought bravely ; and we went at the wood like so many bull-dogs. I fancy the pedagogue thought the fee- simple of his mills depended on the result. On we went, in open order, reserving our fire for the last moment, but re- ceiving dropping shots, that did us no harm, until we dashed into the thicket. The Hurons were discomfited, and they fled. Though a panic is not usual among those wild warriors, they seldom rally on the field. If once driven, against their will, a close pursuit will usually disperse them for a time ; and such was the case now. By the time I got fairly into the ravine, I could see or hear of no enemy. My friends were on my right and left, shouting and pressing on ; but there was no foe visible. Guert and Jaap were in advance, for we could not overtake them; and they had fired, for they got the last glimpses of the enemy. But one more shot did come from the Hurons in that inroad. It was fired from some one of the retreating party, who must have been lingering in its rear. The report sounded far up the ravine, and it came like a farewell and final gun. Distant as it was, however, it proved the most fatal shot to us that was fired in all that affair. I caught a glimpse of Guert, through the trees, and saw him fall. In an instant, I was at his side. What a change is that from the triumph of victory to the sudden approach of death ! I saw by the expression of Guert's countenance, as I raised him in my arms, that the blow was fatal. The ball, indeed, had passed directly through his body, missing the bones, but injuring the vitals. There is no mistaking the expression of a death-wound on the human countenance, when the effect is direct and not re- mote. Nature appears to admonish the victim of his fate. So it was with Guert. " This shot has done for me. Corny," he said, " and it seems to be the very last they intended to fire. I almost hope there can be no truth in what you told me of Mary Wallace !" That was neither the time nor the place to speak on such a subject, and I made no answer. From the instant the fall of Guert became known, the pursuit ceased, and our whole party collected around the wounded man. The Indian alone seemed to retain any consciousness of the importance of SATANSTOE. 207 knowing what the enemy was doing, for his philosophy was not easily disturbed by the sudden appearance of death among us. Still he liked Guert, as did every one who could get beyond the weaknesses of his outer character, and fairly at the noble traits of his manly nature. Susquesus looked at the sufferer a moment, gravely and not without concern ; then he turned to Herman Mordaunt, and said — " This bad — save scalp, that good, though. Carry him in house. Susquesus follow trail and see what Injin mean." As this was well, he was told to watch the enemy, while we bore our friend towards the Nest. Dirck consented to precede us, and let the melancholy truth be known, while I continued with Guert, who held my hand the whole dis- tance. We were a most melancholy procession, for victors. Not a serious hurt had any of our party received, in this last affair, the wound of Guert Ten Eyck excepted ; yet, I question if more real sorrow would have been felt over two or three other deaths. We had become accustomed to our situation ; it is wonderful how soon the soldier does ; ren- dering death familiar, and disarming him of half his terrors ; but calamities can, and do occur, to bring back an army to a sense of its true nature and its dependence on Providence. Such had been the effect of the loss of Lord Howe, on the troops before Ticonderoga, and such was the effect of the fall of Guert Ten Eyck, on the small band that was collect- ed to defend the possessions and firesides of Ravensnest. We entered the gate of the house, and found most of its tenants already in the court, collected like a congregation in a church that awaits the entrance of the dead. Herman Mordaunt had sent an order to have his own room prepared for the sufferer, and thither we carried Guert. He was placed on the bed ; then the crowd silently withdrew. I observed that Guert's eyes turned anxiously and inquiringly around, and I told him, in a low voice, I would go for the ladies myself. A smile, and a pressure of the hand, showed how well I had interpreted his thoughts. Somewhat to my surprise, I found Mary Wallace, pale it is true, but comparatively calm and mistress of herself. That instinct of propriety which seems to form a part of the nature of a well-educated woman, had taught her the ne- cessity of self-command, that no outbreak of her feelings 208 SATANSTOE. should affect the sufferer. As for Anneke, she was like her- self, gentle, mourning, and full of sympathy for her friend. As soon as apprised of the object of my visit, the two girls expressed their readiness to go to Guert. As they knew the way, I did not attend them, purposely proceeding in another direction, in order not to be a witness of the in- terview. Anneke has since told me, however, that Mary's self-command did not altogether desert her, while Guert's cheerful gratitude probably so far deceived her as to create a short-lived hope that the wound was not mortal. For my- self, I passed an hour in attending to the state of things in and around the house, in order to make certain that no neg- ligence occurred still to endanger our security. At the end of that time, I returned to Guert, meeting Herman Mor- daunt near the door of his room. " The little hope we had is vanished," said the last, in a sorrowful tone. " Poor Ten Eyck has, beyond a question, received his death-wound, and has but a few hours to live. Were my people safe, I would rather that everything at Ra- vensnest, house and estate, were destroyed, than had this happen !" Prepared by this announcement, I was not as much sur- prised as I might otherwise have been, at the great change that had occurred in my friend, since the time I quitted his room. It was evident he anticipated the result. Neverthe- less he was calm ; nay, apparently happy. Nor was he so much enfeebled as to prevent his speaking quite distinctly, and with sufficient ease. When the machine of life is stop- ped by the sudden disruption of a vital ligament, the ap- proaches of death, though more rapid than with disease, are seldom so apparent. The first evidences of a fatal termi- nation are discovered rather through the nature of the vio- lence, than by means of apparent effects. I have said that Guert seemed even happy, though death was so near. Anneke told me, subsequently, that Mary Wallace had owned her love, in answer to an earnest appeal on his part, and, from that moment, he hr,d expressed him- self as one who was about to die contented. Poor Guert! It was little he thought of the dread future, or of the church on earth, except as the last was entitled to, and did receive on all occasions, his outward respect. It seemed that Mary SATANSTOE. 209 vVallace, habitually so reserved and silent among her friends, had been accustomed to converse freely with Guerl, and that she had made a serious effort, during her residence in Albany, to enlighten his mind, or rather to arouse his feel- ings on this all-important subject, and that Guert, sensible of the pleasure of receiving instruction from such a source, always listened with attention. When I entered the room, some allusion had just been made to this theme. " But for you, Mary, I should be little better than a hea- then," said Guert, holding the hand of his beloved, and scarce averting his eyes from their idol a single instant. " If God has mercy on me, it will be on your account." " Oh ! no — no — no — Guert, say not, think not thus /" exclaimed Mary Wallace, shocked at this excess of his at- tachment even for herself at such a moment. " We all re- ceive our pardons through the death and mediation of his Blessed Son. Nothing else can save you, or any of us, my dear, dear Guert ; and I implore you not to think other- wise." Guert looked a little bewildered ; still he looked pleased. The first expression was probably produced by his not ex- actly comprehending the nature of that mysterious expia- tion, which baffles the unaided powers of man, and which, indeed, is to be felt, rather than understood. The look of pleasure had its origin in the ' dear, dear Guert,' and, more than that, in the consciousness of possessing the affections of the woman he had so long loved, almost against hope. Guert Ten Eyck was a man of bold and reckless charac- ter, in all that pertained to risks, frolic, and youthful adven- ture ; but the meekest Christian could scarcely possess a more lowly opinion of his own frailties and sins, than this dashing young fellow possessed of his own claims to be valued by such a being as Mary Wallace. I often wonder- ed how he ever presumed to love her, but suppose the appa- rent vanity must be ascribed to the resistless power of a pas- sion that is known to be the strongest of our nature. It was also a sort of moral anomaly that two so opposed to each other in character ; the one verging on extreme recklessness, the other pushing prudence almost to prudery ; the one so £ay as to seem to live for frolic, the other quiet and reserved, should conceive this strong predilection for each other ; but 18* 210 SATANSTOE. so it was. I have heard persons say, however, that these varieties in temperament awaken interest, and that they who have commenced with such dissimilarities, but have assimi- lated by communion, attachment, and habits, after all, maks the happiest couples. Mary Wallace lost all her reserve, in the gush of tender- ness and sympathy, that now swept all before it. Through- out the whole of that morning, she hung about Guert, as the mother watches the ailing infant. If his thirst was to be assuaged, her hand held the cup ; if his pillow was to be replaced, her care suggested the alteration ; if his brow was to be wiped, she performed that office for him, suffering no other to come between her and the object of her solicitude. There were moments when the manner in which Mary WaJlace hung over Guert, was infinitely touching. Anneke and I knew that her very soul yearned to lead his thoughts to dwell on the subject of the great change that was so near. Nevertheless, the tenderness of the woman was so much stronger than even the anxiety of the Christian, that we per- ceived she feared the influence on his wound. At length, happily for an anxiety that was beginning to be too painful for endurance, Guert spoke on the subject, himself. Whe- ther his mind adverted naturally to such a topic, or he per- ceived the solicitude of his gentle nurse, I could not say. " I cannot stay with you long, Mary," he said, " and I should like to have Mr. Worden's prayers, united to yours, offered up in my behalf. Corny will seek the Dominie, for an old friend ?" I vanished from the room, and was absent ten minutes. At the end of that time, Mr. Worden was ready in his sur- plice, and we went to the sick room. Certainly, our old pastor had not the way of manifesting the influence of reli- gion, that is usual to the colonies, especially to those of the more northern and eastern portion of the country ; yet, there was a heartiness in his manner of praying, at times, that almost persuaded me he was a good man. I will own, however, that Mr. Worden was one of those clergymen who could pray much more sincerely for certain persons, than for others. He was partial to poor Guert; and I really thought this was manifest in his accents, on this melancholy occasion. SATANSTOE. 211 The dying man was relieved by this attention to the rites of the church. Guert was not a metaphysician ; and, at no period of his life, I believe, did he ever enter very closely into the consideration of those fearful questions which were connected with his existence, origin, destination, and position, in the long scale of animated beings. He had those general notions on .these subjects, that all civilized men imbibe by education and communion with their fellows, but nothing more. He understood it was a duty to pray ; and I make no doubt he fancied there were times and seasons in which this duty was more imperative than at others ; and times and seasons when it might be dispensed with. How tenderly and how anxiously did Mary Wallace watch over her patient, during the whole o^ that sad day ! She seemed to know neither weariness nor fatigue. To- wards evening, it was just as the sun was tinging the sum- mits of the trees with its parting light, she came towards Anneke and myself, with a face that was slightly illumi- nated with something like a glow of pleasure, and whispered to us, that Guert was better. Within ten minutes of that moment, I approached the bed, and saw a slight movement of the patient's hand, as if he desired me to come nearer. "Corny," said Guert, in a low, languid voice — "it is nearly all over. I wish I could see Mary Wallace, once more, before I die !" Mary was not, could not be distant. She fell upon her knees, and clasped the yielding form of her lover to her heart. Nothing was said on either side; or, if aught were said, it was whispered, and was of a nature too sacred to be communicated to others. In that attitude did this young woman, long so coy and so difficult to decide, remain for near an hour, and in that quiet, cherishing, womanly em- brace, did Guert Ten Eyck breathe his last. I left the sufferer as much alone with the woman of his heart, as comported with prudence and a proper attention on my part ; but it was my melancholy duty to close his eyes. Thus prematurely terminated the earthly career of as manly a spirit as ever dwelt in human form. That it had imperfections, my pen has not concealed ; but the long years that have since passed away, have not served to obliterate the regard so noble a temperament could not fail to awaken. 212 SATANSTOE, CHAPTER XV. How slow the day slides on ! When we desire Time's haste, he seems to lose a match with lobsters : And when we wish him stay, he imps his wings With feathers plumed with thought. Albaxazaiu It is unnecessary to dwell on the grief that we all felt for >ur loss. That night was necessarily one of watchfulness but few were inclined to sleep. The return of light found us unmolested, however ; and an hour or two later, Sus- quesus came in, and reported that the enemy had retreated towards Ticonderoga. There was nothing more to fear from that quarter, and the settlers soon began to return to their dwellings, or to such as remained. In the course of a week the axe again rang in the forest, and rude habitations began to reappear, in the places of those that had been de- stroyed. As Bulstrode could not well be removed, Herman Mordaunt determined to pass the remainder of the season at Ravensnest, with the double view of accommodating his guest, and of encouraging his settlers. The danger was known to be over for that summer at least, and, ere the ap- proach of another, it was hoped that the humiliated feelings of Great Britain would so far be aroused, as to drive the enemy from the province ; as indeed was effectually done. On consultation, it was decided that the body of Guert ought to be sent, for interment among his friends, to Albany. Dirck and myself accompanied it, as the principal attendants, all that remained of our party going with us. Herman Mor- daunt thought it necessary to remain at Ravensnest, and Anneke would not quit her father. The Rev. Mr. Worden's missionary zeal had, by this trial, effectually evaporated, and he profited by so favourable an occasion to withdraw into the safer and more peopled districts. I well remember as we marched after the horse-litter that carried the remains of poor Guert, the divine's making the following sensible remarks : — " You see how it is, on this frontier, Corny," he said ; " it is premature to think of introducing Christianity. Chris* SATANSTOE. 213 tianity is essentially a civilized religion, and can only be of use among civilized beings. It is true, my young friend, that many of the early apostles were not learned, after the fashion of this world, but they were all thoroughly civilized. Palestine was a civilized country, and the Hebrews were a great people ; and I consider the precedent set by our bless- ed Lord is a command to be followed in all time, and that his appearance in Judea is tantamount to his saying to his apostles, ' go and preach me and my gospel to all civilized people.' " I ventured to remark that there was something like a direct command to preach it to all nations, to be found in the bible. " Ay, that is true enough," answered Mr. Worden, " but it clearly means all civilized nations. Then, this was before the discovery of America, and it is fair enough to presume that the command referred solely to known nations. The texts of scripture are not to be strained, but are to be con- strued naturally, Corny, and this seems to me to be the na- tural reading of that passage. No, I have been rash and imprudent in pushing duty to exaggeration, and shall con- fine my labours to their proper sphere, during the remainder of my days. Civilization is just as much a means of provi- dence as religion itself; and it is clearly intended that one should be built on the other. A clergyman goes quite far enough from the centre of refinement, when he quits home to come into these colonies to preach the gospel ; letting alone these scalping devils the Indians, who, I greatly fear, were never born to be saved. It may do well enough to have societies to keep them in view, but a meeting in Lon- don is quite near enough ever to approach them." Such, ever after, appeared to be the sentiments of the Rev. Mr. Worden, and I took no pains to change them. I ought, however, to have alluded to the parting with Anneke, before I gave the foregoing extract from the parson's homily. Circumstances prevented my having much private commu- nication with my betrothed before quitting the Nest ; for Anneke's sympathy with Mary Wallace was too profound to permit her to think much, just then, of aught but the latter's sorrows. As for Mary herself, the strength and depth of her attachment and grief were never fully appre- 214 SATANSTOE. ciated, until time came to vindicate them. Her seeming calm was soon restored, for it was only under a tempest of feeling that Mary Wallace lost her self-command ; and the affliction that was inevitable and irremediable, one of her regulated temperament and high principles, struggled to endure with Christian submission. It was only in after-life that I came to know how intense and absorbing had, in truth, been her passion for the gay, high-spirited, ill-edu- cated, and impulsive young Albanian. Anneke wept for a few minutes in my arms, a quarter of an hour before our melancholy procession quitted the Nest. The dear girl had no undue reserve with me ; though I found her a little reluctant to converse on the subject of our own loves, so soon after the fearful scenes we had just gone through. Still, she left me in no doubt on the all-important point of my carrying away with me her whole and entirely undivided heart. Bulstrode she never had, never could love. This she assured me, over and over again. He amused her, and she. felt for him some of the affection and interest of kindred, but not the least of any other interest. Poor Bul- strode ! now I was certain of success, I had very magnani- mous sentiments in his behalf, and could give him credit for various good qualities that had been previously obscured in my eyes. Herman Mordaunt had requested nothing might be said to the major of my engagement ; though an early opportunity was to be taken by himself, to let the suitor understand that Anneke declined the honour of his hand. It was thought the information would best come from him. " I shall be frank with you, Littlepage, and confess I have been very anxious for the union of my daughter and Mr. Bulstrode," added Herman Mordaunt, in the interview we had before I left the Nest ; " and I trust to your own good sense to account for it. I knew Bulstrode before I had any knowledge of yourself; and there was already a connection between us, that was just of a nature to render one that was closer, desirable. I shall not deny that I fancied Anneke fitted to adorn the station and circles to which Bulstrode would have carried her ; and, perhaps, it is a natural parental weakness to wish to see one's child promoted. We talk of humility and contentment, Corny, though there is much of the nolo episcopari about it, after all. But you see that the SATANSTOE. 215 preference of the child is so much stronger than that of the parent, that it must prevail. I dare say, after all, you would much rather be Anneke's choice, than be mine?" " I can have no difficulty in admitting that, sir," I an- swered ; " and I feel very sensible of the liberal manner in which you yield your own preferences to our wishes. Cer- tainly, in the way of rank and fortune, I have little to offer, Mr. Mordaunt, as an offset to Mr. Bulstrode's claims ; but, in love for your daughter, and in an ardent desire to make her happy, I shall not yield to him, or any other man, though he were a king." " In the way of fortune, Littlepage, I have very few re- grets. As you are to live in this country, the joint means of the two families, which, some day, must centre in you and Anneke, will prove all-sufficient ; and, as for posterity, Ravensnest and Mooseridge will supply ample provisions. As the colony grows, your descendants will increase, and your means will increase with both. No, no ; I may have been a little disappointed ; that much I will own ; but I have not been, at any time, displeased. God bless you, then, my dear boy ; write us from Albany, and come to us at Lilacs- bush in September. Your reception will be that of a son." It is needless to dwell on the melancholy procession we formed through the woods. Dirck and myself kept near the body, on foot, until we reached the highway, when vehicles were provided for the common transportation. On reaching Albany, we delivered the remains of Guert to his relatives, and there was a suitable funeral given. The bricked closet behind the chimney, was opened, as usual, and the six dozen of Madeira, that had been placed in it twenty-four years before, or the day the poor fellow was christened, was found to be very excellent. I remember it was said generally, that better wine was drunk at the funeral of Guert Ten Eyck, than had been tasted at the obsequies of any indi- vidual who was not a Van Rensselaer, a Schuyler, or, a Ten Broeck, within the memory of man. I now speak of funerals in Albany; for I do suppose the remark would scarcely apply to many other funerals, lower down the river. As a rule, however, very good wine was given at all our funerals. The Rev. Mr. Worden officiated, and was universally re- garded with interest, as a pious minister of the gospel, who 216 SATANSTOE. had barely escaped the fate of the person he was now com- mitting ' dust to dust,' while devotedly and ardently employ- ed in endeavouring to rescue the souls of the very savages who sought his life, from the fate of the heathen. I remember there was a very wel! worded paragraph to this effect in the New York Gazette, and I had heard it said, but do not remember to have ever seen it myself, that in one of the reports of the Society for the Promulgation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, the circumstances were al- luded to in a very touching and edifying manner. Poor Guert ! I passed a few minutes at his grave before we went south. It was all that was left of his fine person, his high spirit, his lion-hearted courage, his buoyant spirits, and his unextinguishable love of frolic. A finer physical man I never beheld, or one who better satisfied the eye, in all respects. That the noble tenement was not more intel- lectually occupied, was purely the consequence of a want of education. Notwithstanding, all the books in the world could not have converted Guert Ten Eyck into a Jason Newcome, or Jason Newcome into a Guert Ten Eyck. Each owed many of his peculiarities, doubtless, to the pro- vince in which he was bred and born, and to the training consequent on these accidents ; but nature had also drawn broad distinctions between them. All the wildness of Guert's impulses could not altogether destroy his feelings tone, and tact as a gentleman ; while all the soaring, extra- vagant pretensions of Jason never could have ended in ele- vating him to that character. Alas ! Poor Guert ! I sin- cerely mourned his loss for years, nor has his memory yet ceased to have a deep interest with me. Dirck Follock and I would have been a good deal caressed at Albany, on our return, both on account of what had hap- pened, and on account of our Dutch connections, had we been in the mood to profit by the disposition of the people. But, we were not. The sad events with which we had been connected were still too recent to indulge in gaieties or com- pany ; and, as soon, as possible after the funeral, we seized the opportunity of embarking on board a sloop bound to New York. Our voyage was generally considered a prosperous one, lasting, indeed, only six days. We took the ground three times, it is true j but nothing was thought of that, such SATANSTOE. 217 accidents being of frequent occurrence. Among the events of this sort, one occurred in the Overslaugh, and I passed a few hours there very pleasantly, as it was so near the scene of our adventure on the river. Anneke always oc- cupied much of my thoughts, but pleasing pictures of her gentle decision, her implicit reliance on myself, her resigna- tion, her spirit, and her intelligence were now blended, with- out any alloy, in my recollections. The dear girl had confessed to me, that she loved me even on that fearful night, for her tenderness in my behalf dated much farther back. This was a great addition to the satisfaction with which I went over every incident and speech, in recollec- tion, endeavouring to recall the most minute tone or expres- sion, to see if I could noio connect it with any sign of that passion, which I was authorized in believing did even then exist. Thus aided, equally by Anneke's gentle, blushing admissions, and my own wishes, I had no difficulty in re- calling pictures that were infinitely agreeable to myself, though possibly not minutely accurate. In the Tappaan Sea, Dirck left us ; proceeding into Rockland, to join his family. I continued on in the sloop, reaching port next day. My uncle and aunt Legge were delighted to see me, and I soon found I should be a lion, had I leisure to remain in town, in order to enjoy the noto- riety my connection with the northern expedition had cre- ated. I found a deep mortification pervading the capital, in consequence of our defeat, mingled with a high determina- tion to redeem our tarnished honour. Satanstoe, with all its endearing ties, however, called me away ; and I left town, on horseback, leaving my effects to follow by the first good opportunity, the morning of the day succeeding that on which I had arrived. I shall not attempt to conceal one weakness. As usual, I stopped at Kings- bridge to dine and bait ; and while the notable landlady was preparing my dinner, I ascended the heights to catch a distant view of Lilacsbush. There lay the pretty cottage- like dwelling, placed beneath its hill, amid a wilderness of shrubbery; but its lovely young mistress was far away, and I found the pleasure with which I gazed at it blended with regrets. " You have been north, I hear, Mr. Littlepage," my land- Vol. II. — 19 .J 218 SATANSTOE. lady observed, while I was discussing her lamb, and peas, and asparagus ; " pray, sir, did you hear or see anything of our honoured neighbours, Herman Mordaunt and his charming daughter?" "Much of both, Mrs. Light; and that under trying circumstances. Mooseridge, my father's property in that part of the province, is quite near to Ravensnest, Herman Mordaunt's estate, and I have passed some time at it. Have no tidings of the family reached you, lately V 9 " None, unless it be the report that Miss Anneke will never return to us." " Anueke not return ! In the name of wonder, how do you hear this?" " Not as Miss Anneke, but as Lady Anneke, or some- thing of that sort. Isn't there a General Bulstrom, or some great officer or other, who seeks her hand, and on whom she smiles, sir?" " I presume I understand you, now. Well, what do you learn of him ?" " Only that they are to be married next month — some say they are married already, and that the old gentleman gives Lilacsbush, out and out, and four thousand pounds currency, down, in order to purchase so high an honour for his child. I tell the neighbours it is too much, Miss Anneke being worth any lord in England, on her own, sole, ac- count." This intelligence did not disturb me, of course, for it was tavern-tidings and neighbours' news. Neighbours ! How much is that sacred word prostituted ! You shall find peo- ple opening their ears with avidity to the gossip of a neigh- bourhood, when nineteen times in twenty it is less entitled to credit than the intelligence which is obtained from a dis- tance, provided the latter come from persons of the same class in life as the individuals in question, and are known to them. What means had this woman of knowing the secrets of Herman Mordaunt's family, that were one-half as good as those possessed by friends in Albany, for instance ? This neighbourhood testimony, as it is called, does a vast deal of mischief in the province, and most especially in tfyose parts of it where our own people are brought in contact with thei'r fellow-subjects, from the more eastern colonies, SATANSTOE. 219 In my eyes, Jason Newcome's opinions of Herman Mor- daunt, and his acts, would be nearly worthless, shrewd as I admit the man to be; for the two have not a distinctive opinion, custom, and I had almost said principle, in com- mon. Just appreciation of motives and acts can only pro- ceed from those who feel and think alike ; and this is mo- rally impossible where there exist broad distinctions in social classes. It is just for this reason that we attach so little importance to the ordinary reports, and even to the sworn evidence, of servants. Our reception at Satanstoe was just what might have been expected. My dear mother hugged me to her heart, again and again, and seemed never to be satisfied with feasting her eyes on me. My father was affected at seeing me, too ; and I thought there was a very decided moisture in his eyes. As for old Capt. Hugh Roger, three-score-and-ten had ex- hausted his fluids, pretty much ; but he shook me heartily by the hand, and listened to my account of the movements before Ty with all a soldier's interest, and with somewhat of the fire of one who had served himself in more fortunate times. I had to fight my battles o'er and o'er again, as a matter of course, and to recount the tale of Ravensnest in all its details. We were at supper, when I concluded my most laboured narrative, and when I began to hope my duties, in this respect, were finally terminated. But my dear mother had heavier matters still, on her mind; and it was necessary that I should give her a private conference, in her own little room. " Corny, my beloved child," commenced this anxious and most tender parent, " you have said nothing particular to me of the Mordaunts. It is now time to speak of that family." " Have I not told you, mother, how we met at Albany, and of what occurred on the river." I had not spoken of that adventure in my letters, because I was uncertain of the true state of Anneke's feelings, and did not wish to raise expectations that might never be realized. — "And of our going to Ravensnest in company, and of all that happened at Ravensnest after our return from Ty." " AVhat is all this to me, child ! I wish to hear you speak of Anneke — is it true that she is going to be married?" 220 SATAN STOE. 1 It is true. I can affirm that much from her own mouth.' My dear mother's countenance fell, and I could hardly pursue my wicked equivoque any further. "And she has even had the effrontery to own this to you, Corny?" " She has, indeed ; though truth compels me to add, that she blushed a great deal while admitting it, and seemed only half-disposed to be so frank: that is, at first; for, in the end, she rather smiled than blushed." " Well, this amazes me ! It is only a proof that vanity, and worldly rank, and worldly riches, stand higher in the estimation of Anneke Mordaunt, than excellence and modest merit." " What riches and worldly rank have I, mother, to tempt any woman to forget the qualities you have mentioned ?" " I was not thinking of you, my son, in that sense, at all. Of course, I mean Mr. Bulstrode." " What has Mr. Bulstrode to do with my marriage with Anne Mordaunt ; or any one else but her own sweet self, who has consented to become my wife ; her father, who accepts me for a son, my father, who is about to imitate his example, by taking Anneke to his heart as a daughter, and you, my dearest, dearest mother, who are the only person likely to raise obstacles, as you are now doing." This was a boyish mode of producing a most delightful surprise, 1 am very ready to acknowledge; and, when I saw my mother burst into tears, I felt both regret and shame at having practised it. But youth is the season of folly, and happy is the man who can say he has never trifled more seriously with the feelings of a parent. I was soon par- doned — what offence would not that, devoted mother have pardoned her only child! — when I was made to relate all that was proper to be told, of what had passed between An- neke and myself. It is scarcely necessary to say, I was assured of the cheerful acquiescence in my wishes, of all my own family, from Capt. Hugh Roger, down to the dear person who was speaking. They had set their minds on my becoming the husband of this very young lady ; and I could not possibly have made any communication that would be more agreeable, as I was given to understand from each and all, that very night. SATANSTOE. 221 My return to Satanstoe occurred in the last half of the month of July. The Mordaunts were not to be at Lilacs- bush until the middle of September, and I had near two months to wait for that happy moment. This time was passed as well as it could be. I endeavoured to interest myself in the old Neck, and to plan schemes of future hap- piness there, that were to be realized in Anneke's society. It was and is a noble farm ; rich, beautifully placed, having water on more than three of its sides, in capital order, and well stocked with such apples, peaches, apricots, plums, and other fruits, as the world can scarcely equal. It is true that the provinces a little further south, such as New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, think they can beat us in peaches ; but I have never tasted any fruit that I thought would compare with that of Satanstoe. I love every tree, wall, knoll, swell, meadow, and hummock about the old place. One thing distresses me. I love old names, such as my father knew the same places by ; and I like to mispro- nounce a word, when custom and association render the practice familiar. I would not call my friend, Dirck Fol- lock, anything else but Follock, unless it might be in a formal way, or when asking him to drink a glass of wine with me, for a great deal. So it is with Satanstoe ; the name is homely, I am willing to allow ; but it is strong, and conveys an idea. It relates also to the usages and notions of the country; and names ought always to be preserved, except in those few instances in which there are good rea- sons for altering them. I regret to say, that ever since the appearance of Jason Newcome among us, there has been a disposition among the ignorant and vulgar, to call the Neck, Dibbleton ; under the pretence I have already mentioned, that it once belonged to the family of Dibblees ; or, as some think, as a pious diminutive of DeviPs-Town. I indignantly repel this supposition ; though, I do believe, that Dibbleton is only a sneaking mode of pronouncing Devilton ; as, I admit, I have heard the old people laughingly term the Neck. This belongs to the " Gaul darn ye" school, and it is not to my taste. I say the ignorant and vulgar, for this is just the class to be squeamish on such subjects. I have been told — though I cannot say that I have heard it myself — but I am told, there have been people from the eastward among us of 19* 222 SATANSTOE. late years, who affect to call " Hell-Gate," " Hurl-Gate," 01 " Whirl-Gate," or by some other such sentimental, whirl-a- gig name ; and these are the gentry who would wish to alter " Satanstoe" into " Dibbleton !" Since the eastern troops have begun to come among us, indeed, they have commenced a desperate inroad on many of our old, venerated Dutch names ; names that the English, direct from home, have generally respected. Indeed, change — change in all things, seems to be the besetting passion of these people. We, of New York, are content to do as our ancestors have done before us; and this they ridicule, making it matter of*accu- sation against us, that we follow the notions of our fathers. I shall never complain that they are deserting so many of their customs ; for, I regard the changes as improvements ; but I beg that they may leave us ours. That there is such a thing as improvement I am willing enough to admit, as well as that it not only compels, but excuses changes ; but, I am yet to learn it is matter of just reproach that a man follows in the footsteps of those who have gone before him. The apothegms of David, and the wisdom of Solomon, are just as much apothegms and wis- dom, in our own time, as they were the day they were written, and for precisely the same reason — their truth. Where there is so much stability in morals, there must be permanent principles, and something surely is worthy to be saved from the wreck of the past. I doubt if all this craving for change has not more of selfishness in it than either of expediency or of philosophy ; and I could wish, at least, that Satanstoe should never be frittered away into so sneak- ing a substitute as Dibbleton. That was a joyful day, when a servant in Herman Mor- daunt's livery rode in upon our lawn, and handed me a letter from his master, informing me of the safe arrival of he family, and inviting me to ride over next day in time to jake a late breakfast at Lilacsbush. Anneke had written to me twice previously to this ; two beautifully expressed, feminine, yet spirited, affectionate letters, in which the ten- derness and sensibility of her nature were barely restrained by the delicacy of her sex and situation. On the receipt of this welcome invitaiion, I was guilty of the only piece of romantic extravagance that I can remember having com- SATANSTOE. 223 mitted in the course of my life. Herman Mordaunt's black was well treated, and dismissed with a letter of acceptance. One hour after he left Satanstoe — I do love that venerable name, and hope all the Yankees in Christendom will not be able to alter it to Dibbleton — but, one hour after the negro was off, 1 followed him myself, intending to sleep at the well-known inn at Kingsbridge, and not present myself at the Bush, until the proper hour next morning. I had got to the house of the talkative landlady two hours before sunset, put up my horse, secured my lodgings, and was eating a bite myself, when the good housewife entered the room. " Your servant, Mr. Littlepage," commenced this loqua- cious person ; " how are the venerable Captain Hugh Roger, and the xWajor, your honoured father? Well, I see by your smile. Well, it is a comfortable thing to have our friends enjoy good health — my own poor man enjoyed most wretched health all last winter, and is likely to enjoy very much the same, that which is coming. I should think you had come to the wedding at Lilacsbush, Mr. Corny, had you not stopped at my door, instead of going on -direct to that of Herman Mordaunt." I started, but supposed that the news of what was to happen had leaked out, and that this good woman, whose ears were always open, had got hold of a neighbourhood- truth, for once in her life. " I am on no such errand, Mrs. Light, but hope to be married, one of these days, to some one or other." " I was not thinking of your marriage, sir, but that of Miss Anneke, over at the 'Bush, to this Lord Bulstrom. It's a great connection for the Mordaunts, after all, though Her- man Mordaunt is of good blood, himself, they tell me. The knight's man often comes here, to taste new cider, which he admits is as good as English cider, and I believe it is the only thing which he has found in the colonies that he thinks is one-half as good ; but Thomas tells me all is settled, and that the wedding must take place right soon. It has only been put off on account of Miss W T allace, who is in deep mourning for her own husband, having lost him within the honey-moon, which is the reason she still bears her own name. They tell me a widow who loses her husband in 224 SATANSTOE. the honey-moon is obliged to bear her maiden name ; other- wise Miss Mary would be Mrs. Van Goort, or something like that." As it was very clear the neighbourhood knew little about the true state of things in Herman Mordaunt's family, I took my hat and proceeded to execute the intention with which I had left home. I was sorry to hear that Bulstrode was at Lilacsbush, but had no apprehension of his ever marrying Anneke. I took the way to the heights, and soon reached the field where I had once met the ladies, on horseback. There, seated under a tree, I saw Bulstrode alone, and ap- parently in deep contemplation. It was no part of my plan to be seen, or to have my presence known, and I was re- tiring, when I heard my name, discovered that I was recog- nised, and joined him. The first glance at Bulstrode showed me that he knew the truth. He coloured, bit his lips, forced a smile, and came forward to meet me, limping just enough to add in terest to his gait, and offered his hand with a frank manli- ness that gave him great merit in my eyes. It was no trifle to lose Anne Mordaunt, and I am afraid I could not have manifested half so much magnanimity. But, Bulstrode was a man of the world, and he knew how to command the ex- hibition of his feelings, if not to command the feelings them- selves. " I told you, once, Corny," he said, offering his hand, " that we must remain friends, coute qui coute — you have been successful, and I have failed. Herman Mordaunt told me the melancholy fact before we left Albany; and I can tell you, his regrets were not so very flattering to you. Nevertheless, he admits you are a capital fellow, and that if it were not for Alexander, he could wish to be Diogenes. So you have only to provide yourself with a lantern and a tub, marry Anneke, and set up housekeeping. As for the honest man, I propose saving you some trouble, by offering myself in that character, even before you light your wick. Come, take a seat on this bench, and let us chat." There was something a little forced in all this, it is true, but it was manly. I took the seat, and Bulstrode went on. " It was the river that made your fortune, Corny, and undid me." SATANSTOE. 225 I smiled, but said nothing ; though I knew better. " There is a fate in love, as in war. Well, I am as well off as Abercrombie ; we both expected to be victorious, while each is conquered. I am more fortunate, indeed ; for he can never expect to get another army, while I may get another wife. I wish you would be frank with me, and confess to -what you particularly ascribe your own success." " It is natural, Mr. Bulstrode, that a young woman should prefer to live in her own country, to living in a strange land, and among strangers." "Ay, Corny, that is both patriotic and modest ; but it is not the real reason. No, sir ; it was Scrub, and the thea- tricals, by which I have been undone. With most provin- cials, Mr. Littlepage, it is a sufficient apology for anything, that the metropolis approves. So it is with you colonists, in general ; let England say yes, and you dare not say, no. There is one thing, that persons who live so far from home, seldom learn ; and it is this : There are two sorts of great worlds ; the great vulgar world, which includes all but the very best in taste, principles, and manners, whether it be in a capital or a country; and the great respectable world, which, infinitely less numerous, contains the judicious, the instructed, the intelligent, and, on some questions, the good. Now, the first form fashion ; whereas the last produce some- thing far better and more enduring than fashion. Fashion often stands rebuked, in the presence of the last class, small as it ever is, numerically. Very high rank, very finished tastes, very strong judgments, and very correct principles, all unite, more or less, to make up this class. One, or more of these qualities may be wanting, perhaps, but the union of the whole forms the perfection of the character. We have daily examples of this at home, as well as elsewhere ; though, in our artificial state of society it requires more de- cided qualities to resist the influence of fashion, when there is not positive, social rank to sustain it, perhaps, than it v M in one more natural. That which first struck me, in Anneke, as is the case with most young men, was her delicacy of appearance, and her beauty. This I will not deny. In this respect, your American women have quite taken me by surprise. In England, we are so accustomed to associate a certain delicacy of person and air, with high 226 SATANSTOE. rank, that, I will confess, I landed in New York with no expectation of meeting a single female, in the whole country, that was not comparatively coarse, and what we are accus- tomed to consider common, in physique ; yet, I must now say that, apart from mere conventional finish, I find quite as large a proportion of aristocratical-looking females among you, as if you had a full share of dutchesses. The last thing I should think of calling an American woman, would be coarse. She may want manner, in one sense; she may want finish, in a dozen things ; she may, and often does, want utterance, as utterance is understood among the ac- complished ; but she is seldom, indeed, coarse or vulgar, according to our European understanding of the terms." "And of what is all this apropos, Bulstrode?" " Oh ! of your success, and my defeat, of course, Corny," answered the major, smiling. "What I mean, is this — that Anneke is one of your second class, or is better than what fashion can make her ; and Scrub has been the means of my undoing. She does not care for fashion, in a play, or a novel, or a dress even, but looks for the proprieties. Yes, Scrub has proved my undoing !" I did not exactly believe the last ; but, finding Bulstrode so well disposed to give his rejection this turn, it was not my part to contradict him. We talked together half an hour longer, in the most amicable manner, when we parted ; Bulstrode promising not to betray the secret of my presence. I lingered in sight of the house until evening, when I ventured nearer, hoping to get a glimpse of Anneke as she passed some window, or appeared, by the soft light of the moon, under the piazza that skirted the south front of the building. Lilacsbush deserved its name, being a perfect wilderness of shrubbery ; and, favoured by the last, I had got quite near the house, when I heard light footsteps on the gravel of an adjacent walk. At the next instant, soft, low voices met my ears, and I was a sort of compelled auditor of what followed. " No, Anne, my fate is sealed for this world," said Mary Wallace, " and I shall live Guert's widow as faithfully and devotedly, as if the marriage-vow had been pronounced. This much is due to his memory, on account of the heart- less doubts I permitted to influence me, and which drove SATANSTOE. 227 him into those terrible scenes that destroyed him. When a woman really loves, Anneke, it is vain to struggle against anything but positive un worthiness, I fear. Poor Guert was not unworthy in any sense ; he was erring and impulsive, but not unworthy. No — no — not unworthy ! I ought to have given him my hand, and he would have been spared to us. As it is, I can only live his widow in secret, and in love. You have done well, dearest Anneke, in being so frank with Corny Littlepage, and in avowing that prefer- ence which you have felt almost from the first day of your acquaintance." Although this was music to my ears, honour would not suffer me to hear more, and I moved swiftly away, stirring the bushes in a way to apprize the speaker of the proximity of a stranger. It was necessary io appear, and I endea- voured so to do, without creating any alarm. " It must be Mr. Bulstrode," said the gentle voice of An- neke, " who is probably looking for us — see, there he comes, and we will meet " The dear speaker became tongue-tied ; for, by this time, I was near enough to be recognised. At the next instant, I held her in my arms. Mary Wallace disappeared, how or when, I cannot say. I place a veil over the happy hour that succeeded, leaving the old to draw on their experience for its pictures, and the young to live in hope. At the end of that time, by Anneke's persuasion, I entered the house, and had to brave Herman Mordaunt's disposition to rally me. I was not only mercifully, but hospitably treated, how- ever, Anneke's father merely laughing at my little adven- ture, saying, that he looked upon it favourably, and as a sign that I was a youth of spirit. Early in October we were married, the Rev. Mr. Worden performing the ceremony. Our home was to be Lilacsbush, which Herman Mordaunt conveyed to me the same day, leaving it, as it was furnished, entirely in my hands. He also gave me my wife's mother's fortune, a respectable in- dependence, and the death of Capt. Hugh Roger, soon after, added considerably to my means. We made but one fam- ily, between town, Lilacsbush, and Satanstoe, Anneke and my mother, in particular, conceiving a strong affection for each other 228 SATANSTOE. As for Bulstrode, he went home before the marriage, but keeps up a correspondence with us to this hour. He is still single, and is a declared old bachelor. His letters, however, are too light-hearted to leave us any concern on the subject ; though these are matters that may fall to the share of my son Mordaunt, should he ever have the grace to continue this family narrative. THE END. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. J *re i o laea-^g /flq*3,/97: - ma en rcQic 'T r : JEC24^5 tD-B :C17' C0- OPM - BCCD LD SEr T6 -?0 AM ( BtC'D tD Due end of SU- flU * 1 eubjoot tn refil l ""-*' — — > I m T1-* LD 2lA-45m-9,'67 (H5067sl0)476B I5067sl0)476±$ . General Library " Universirxof/^ifgrnjl^ ' &*%¥**>} oJ$& z>