BROILERS ROASTERS PUBLISHED BY FARM-POULTRY PUBLiSHINa CO., t3S SUMMER ST., BOSTOH, JtlASS, THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID FARM-POULTRY SERIES No. 7, Broilers^a=Roasters THE ^Specialties of the Market Poultryman. BV vV ^ jv l JOHN H. ROBINSON, Editor of Farm-Poultry. Author of " Poultry-Craft "<^Tc ' $ \ PRICE 5O CE Published by FARM-POULTRY PUBLISHING CO., "v Boston, Mass. ^^ 1905. COPYRIGHTED BY FAKM-l'OULTKY PUB. CO. 1904. BROILERS AND ROASTERS. CHAPTER I. Some General Information About Market Poultry Culture. 1. Why Only Broilers and Roasters are Con- sidered. This book will treat especially, and almost exclusively, of broilers and roasters because these are the two classes of market poultry in which one making a specialty of growing poultry (chickens) for market is interested. It might be said that broilers and roasters are the only chickens grown for market by specialists, for the business poultry keeper, whatever branches he follows, tries to work his surplus young stock into one or the other of these two channels of trade, while the entire product of "fowls," as old hens are classed on the market, may be said to be a by-product of egg farming, the hen, as a rule, not going to market until her owner feels that her days of profitable laying are over. The u capon " is a roaster. The "fry" of the west and south is, when a small fry, about the size of the largest broilers in demand in the eastern market. The large fry is not in special 4 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. demand in the big markets, and what stock of this grade comes in is worked off as just ''chickens" at a figure generally considerably lower than the price for the sizes most in demand. It is, perhaps, hardly necessary to say that the least salable sizes are not sent to the market by experienced growers. If for any reason they do not market their chicks as broilers they hold them until they will fill the bill as roasters. 2. What is a Broiler? The dictionary definition,, u a chicken, or the like, suitable for broiling," does not describe a broiler so that one who did not know what kind of a chicken is suitable for broiling is any the wiser for having consulted the dictionary. It is possible to broil and cook in this way very nicely chickens very much larger than are sold on the market as broilers, but that does not make such a chicken a broiler. The technically cor- rect definition of this kind of "broiler" is a chicken or other fowl such as is in general demand for broiling. The difference in meaning is of no importance to the general public, but the would-be producer of broilers should have a clear appreciation of just what he is going to produce, and why. His business is not merely to grow chickens especially adapted for broiling, but to grow thrifty good bodied chickens which are to be marketed at some one of the sizes in general demand for broiling. He must always look beyond his product to the market whence comes the demand which gives that product special value. 3. The Sizes of Broilers the Market Calls for. The market demand today is for broilers of three sizes : Small broilers, large broilers, and squab broilers. The ordinary small broilers, the size most in demand during BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 5 the greater part 'of the year weigh, when dressed, plucked, but undrawn, and with head and feet on, from two to two and one-half pounds to the pair. They may weigh less or more, but this is the desirable range of weights ; that is, a pound to a pound and a quarter apiece. The desirable average weights for large broilers are three to three and one-half pounds to the pair ; that is, a pound and a half to a pound and three-quarters apiece. They may go two pounds or more each, but when the desirable weights are exceeded they will not, as a rule, bring as high prices per pound, so that there is seldom gain, and may often be loss, by marketing these larger chickens as broilers. Squab broilers have been in general demand for only a few years. They are small broilers weighing a pound and a half to two pounds to the pair, three-quarters of a pound to a. pound each. The demand for them is mostly confined to the latter half of the winter. The call for squab broilers seems to have begun with the willingness of caterers who found it difficult to get suitable game for banquets and like occasions to use broilers smaller than had previously been considered fit for the table, as a sub- stitute for game. It is worth , recording, as an item of interest to those engaged in producing squab broilers, that for some years was a good deal of sentiment preju- dicial to slaughtering chicks at that tender age expressed. It is also noteworthy that after the popularity of the squab broiler became assured, there arose for a little while some demand for still smaller chickens, and chickens only a few weeks old were served to epicures in search of novel edibles, but the public would have none of them. 6 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 4. Where the Broilers Go. The .broiler grower will, perhaps, find it easier to conform closely to market requirements as to desirable sizes of stock, if he knows something of where his produce finally goes. Generally the grower sells to a dealer, so does not come in contact with the consumers. The large buyers of broilers are the high priced hotels and restaurants, the caterers who pro- vide "swell spreads" for clubs, reunions, etc., and wealthy families who do a great deal of entertaining. It is customary to serve each guest with half a " broiler," or with a whole " squab broiler," the broiler forming but one course of the meal. So both because each guest would eat but a small amount of " chicken," and because it is economy to serve the smallest portion admissible, the larger broilers are not readily taken by this class of cus- tomers, except at practically the same price as smaller ones. For tables where those who feel so disposed may eat their fill of broilers the large sizes would be preferred. It is not possible to give an idea of the relative proportion of the demand for ordinary broilers from public houses and private families, but the public houses take probably nine- tenths of all the squab broilers marketed ; and probably the greater part of the broilers of this size are taken for banquets or like special occasions. It is no uncommon thing during the season to hear of buyers from city com- mission honses and markets scouring the country in their vicinity for squab broilers, and frequently offering more for chicks barely up to the usual minimum weight than the grower could get for the same chicks two months later. BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 7 . What is a Roaster? Here the dictionaries are hardly up to date in their description of a roaster as "an article or animal suitable for roasting, espe- cially a pig/' and in the various transpositions of the words of that definition (taken from the Standard Dictionary) in the other dictionaries. Roasting chickens are used so much more than roasting pigs that the word " roaster" today probably suggests chicken to many times more people than think of little pigs when they hear that word. A fowl suitable for roasting must be a young fowl about full grown, but still soft meated, and to roast satisfactorily must be moderately fat. Roasters are roughly classed as " small roasters " and u large roasters." By far the greatest demand is for small roasters weighing eight to ten pounds to the pair, though the demand for large roasters weighing as much apiece as these do to the pair is steadily increasing. Singular as- it may seem the production of large roasters is the most profitable branch of market poultry culture, duck growing alone excepted. The reasons for this will be discussed elsewhere. 6. Broiler Growing as an Exclusive Business. Growing broilers on a large scale as a specialty began at Hammonton, N. J., nearly twenty years ago. Those first engaging in it there were mostly men whose regular occupation was fruit growing, gardening, or some such pursuit which left them some months of comparative leisure each winter. The always high prices for young chickens in late winter and early spring and the developments of artificial incubation and brooding seem to have suggested broiler raising to some of these men as a possible profitable occupation for this period. Many tried it. Some made 8 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. it pay well ; others doubtless made claims of profit that were exaggerated or wholly false. The industry became so popular locally that the fame of it spread far and wide. Many people went to Hammonton as the ideal location for broiler growing to locate there and "get rich quick." Many others went there to learn the business and go and establish themselves elsewhere. The boom was overdone at Hammonton. The inevitable reaction came, and for a time interest in broiler growing languished there, but the special adaptability of this occupation as an adjunct to the fruit and garden interests of that locality kept many inter- ested, and though with the development of broiler culture elsewhere the town has lost much of its prestige as the broiler town, it is doubtless true as is sometimes stated, that more broilers are produced there now each year than when jthe boom there was at its height. One immediate result of the boom at Hammonton was the building of large broiler plants in many other places. Anyone familiar with the current poultry literature of the last fifteen years can recall the names of a number of such plants which have been built and equipped at large ^expense, and extensively advertised as successful and net- rting very substantial profits each year until the owners' cash, credit or courage failed, and the abandonment of the project or a change to other lines of poultry culture came as a virtual confession of the untruth of the statements given out while the plant was in operation. It is a matter of first importance to those who may become interested in this subject to get the facts in regard to broiler culture as an exclusive industry, and not to allo\v themselves to be deceived by contrary claims which may be made for plants still in operation. Scores of such plants BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 9 have been established, many of them on a large scale and with practically unlimited capital to back them. The total sum sunk in such investments in the last fifteen years is enormous, but there is not, so far as the writer is able to learn, today existing anywhere a single successful exclusive broiler plant. It is necessary to emphasize this fact, because through statements in old books and papers as well as through sensational stories which owners of new plants and not over-well informed or over-scru- pulous writers and publishers from time to time give out, many people are deceived into investing capital in an undertaking which as an exclusive specialty cannot by any possibility prove profitable under present conditions of demand and supply. A brief statement of the reasons for this will enable the reader to guard against being misled by stories of great success with broilers as an exclusive specialty. Making a specialty of broilers will give a " living profit," that is, a profit which gives the grower compen- sation appropriate to the amount of the permanent invest- ment and to his skill and labor, only for those broilers sold during the period of high prices, and the profits for broil- ers marketable during this period are not great enough to offset low profits at other times. The great bulk of the broilers which come to market come from the general farms and from egg farms, and from the time these begin to be received in quantity until toward the end of the summer the market is amply sup- plied from these sources. Indeed they would during several months be a drug on the market were not the sit- uation relieved by putting thousands of tons of the best into cold storage to be held until arrivals of fresh stock 10 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. cease coming, or to be worked out at any time the demand indicates a profit atisfactory to the speculators who handle them. The cold storage supply as long as it lasts has a tendency to keep down prices on the new crop of broilers, so that between the advance of the beginning of the season of good supply of broilers from the farms, and the exten- sion of the period in which this supply of broilers is avail- able by putting the daily surpluses into cold storage to be sold later, the season of attractive prices for the broiler specialist has been somewhat shortened, and is now so short that among those acquainted with the situation it is universally recognized as the fact that the profitable way to produce broilers is to make broiler growing one of the lines of a general poultry business. 7. Broiler Growing as a Feature of a General Poultry Business. When conducted in this way broiler growing is profitable. This does not mean that it invari- ably pays a profit, or that anyone can make it pay. The broiler grower must understand his business, and there will be lean as well as fat years ; but taking one season with another one who is fairly expert will make enough on what broilers he can produce and market during the period of high prices to make him feel satisfied with results of his work in this line. It fits into a time when unless one who has the equipment for artificial hatching and brooding is growing roasters, that equipment would be idle, and it works into a general business rather better than the growing of large roasters, because the broiler grower can have his broilers practically all out of the way before beginning to hatch for stock purposes or to produce pullets for egg farming. Growing broilers in this way is worth BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 1 1 the attention of anyone who has the equipment and can spare the time. 8. Growing Soft Roasters as an Exclusive Industry. As has already been stated there is probably no branch of the production of market poultry products T except duck growing, that pays better than this. In what is known as the u South Shore " district of eastern Massa- chusetts, the country about the towns of Norwell and Ran- dolph, the production of soft roasters engages the attention of a great many people. A considerable proportion of them make it an exclusive business, and perhaps the majority of those interested in it limit their attention ta poultry to this one feature. It is fortunate for those established in the business that the conditions under which it is carried on discourage attempts of people without either experience or capital to engage in it. The equipment required to grow roasters on 1 a large scale is not to be put in for a few hundred dollars. The income comes almost wholly in about two months irr early summer. During the remainder of the year expenses are constant and sometimes heavy. A man must either have capital enough to go through most of the year with- out drawing money out of the business for current or living expenses, or must have a reputation as a grower that will enable him to get the backing or credit he needs- to carry his crop of roasters until ready for market. If it were possible to make a beginning with as little capital a& is often used for a start in other lines of poultry culture, or if there was any prospect of realizing a steady income there would be many tempted to go into the business every year. As it is a good many people go into it who ought 12 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. to stay out, and in communities where growers sure of their position go steadily on year after year there is always A liberal sprinkling of newcomers who will hardly last a season, with here and there one who achieves a success which transfers him to the class of experts. 9. Growing Soft Roasters as an Adjunct to Other Occupation. In the communities referred to above there are besides the successful and experimental plants which engage the time and attention of one or more men, many people who have time and facilities to grow a few hundred roasters annually, and who, living where the methods and profitableness of this line of work are well understood, take to it naturally. Some of them are strik- ingly successful, easily making additions to their regular incomes so substantial that within a few years they have given up other occupation, and are engaged exclusively in growing roasters. Some, as it is to be expected, fail and quit in discouragement. Others, probably the greater number, make enough to satisfy them, and continue grow- ing roasters as a side ime on such scale as their other engagements permit. 10. Growing Roasters as a Feature in a General Poultry Business. -It is in this way that most of the small roasters are produced. They come from the yards of breeders, from egg farms, and from the general farms. They are for the most part the surplus cockerels of the general purpose breeds raised and handled in the usual way, and marketed just as they approach sexual maturity. Considering the circumstances of their production, they might be considered as a by-product rather than a specialty with their growers, though the profit in them, if they fill BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 13 the demands of the best market, and are marketable at the right time, is good enough to make it worth while for those producing them to pay more attention to these points,, and perhaps to make such changes in their general stock and system as will give them the most profitable by-product of soft roasters. 11. Combining Broilers and Roasters. This com- bination does not appeal much to the large roaster specialist who had demonstrated to his own satisfaction that for one who is able to carry his stock through to roaster size the best prices paid for broilers are no tempta- tion to dispose of growing stock at the broiler season. The grower of large roasters considers that his work is practically done, that all ordinary risks are over when the chicken has reached broiler size, and nothing more remains but to keep it supplied with feed, keep the pullets if possible from laying, and hope that the proportion of caponized cockerels that develop intcT slips will be small. The end and aim of all his plans and work is to have as many large roasters as possible ready to market at the height of the season. With the broiler grower it is differ- ent. Many times he is in doubt as to whether to market a particular lot of chicks as broilers, or hold them to sell as roasters, and many times he inclines to hold them, or would if he could handle them to advantage without inter- fering with his other departments. A lack of knowledge of the easy and economical methods which prevail in the " soft roaster" section has no doubt kept many from hold- ing chicks for roasters which would have been far more profitable if so handled. Then the ease of handling roasters, with the proper facilities, is such that it would be a comparatively simple matter for many a poultryman 14 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. who gives some attention to the production of broilers, to grow a nice lot of roasters each season without adding much to his labors, or encroaching on his other stock. These things, mentioned in a general way in this pre- liminary chapter will be discussed in more detail in the appropriate connection in subsequent chapters. 12. How About the Demand for and the Supply of these Classes of Table Poultry? Notwithstand- ing occasional brief periods of overloaded markets, it may be truthfully said that the supply of extra choice table poultry, and even of ordinary good table poultry, is not adequate to meet the demand. We have to take the situ- ation at large to determine a point of this kind, and we have also to consider the ranges and apparent tendencies of prices. For several years now all poultry of good grades has been higher than usual in the large centers of population, and no grounds for anticipating an early or considerable reduction of values exist. It is clear to any student of market conditions that the demand increases faster than the supply increases, or is at all likely to increase, until facilities for instruction and training in poultry culture are much more efficient than at present. No prospective poultry grower need worry about the supply exceeding the demand, and leaving him without a satisfactory market for his products. What he needs to concern himself most about is to fit himself to produce good goods economically. When he can do that he can live comfortably through the period of reaction from a boom if boom there should be ; but there are at present no indications of a production that would glut the market for more than a very brief period. BROILERS AND ROASTERS. CHAPTER II. The Best Kinds of Stock and the Adapt- ability of Different Breeds to These Special Purposes. 13. Points of a Good Broiler. The ideal broiler is a plump, rather fine boned bird, meaty in every section. In most American markets a yellow skinned, yellow legged bird is preferred, and it is therefore policy for anyone pro- ducing large numbers of broilers to use yellow skinned stock. In the best markets the markets where prices are best however, the color of skin and legs is not of so much importance as good quality of meat. To explain this fully it should be said that while a buyer in, say, Bos- ton, would take a lot of yellow skinned broilers in prefer- ence to a lot of white skinned and white or black legged broilers, he generally would not object to a few chicks that were not yellow skinned in a lot which was on the whole satisfactory in color ; while in case the yellow skinned lot were of inferior quality he would probably give the other the preference. This point is one which need not give much concern to the grower, for not more than one or two in a hundred poultry keepers are likely to have a larger proportion of chicks of undesirable color characteristics. i6 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. Barred Plymouth Rocks. than will be readily taken by the market. Where growers fail often'est is in the use of breeding stock not capable of producing really good broilers and in loss of quality of meat through slow growth of chicks. What has been said of color should be qualified with reference to squab broilers. Black or dark feathered chickens when killed for squab broilers have a blueness of the skin on some parts of trie carcass which disappears as they grow older, but which at this stage renders it very uninviting in appearance. A chick with black or dark pinfeathers, while it may be dressed clean when of a pound to two pounds weight is more difficult to make attractive looking than a chick with white or buff plumage in which the pinfeathers need not BROILERS AND ROASTERS. be so carefully removed. So the grower after some experi- ence in dressing is apt to give the preference to stock which gives him no dark pinfeathers. The stickler for the whole truth and for absolutely clean picking may affirm that all stubs ought to be removed before the chick is eaten. Some even go so far as to say they prefer the dark pinfeathers, be- cause then when a car- cass looks clean they know that all stubs have been removed . Such considerations are not likely to ap- peal to the grower* who makes part of his living from broilers. White p lymouth Roc k Hen. To the consumer what looks clean is clean, and the grower finds it to his interest to grow the kind of chicks that are easiest to make look clean. 14. Kind of Stock From Which to Hatch Chicks for Broilers. It is quite customary, even among poul- trymen making a good deal of a specialty of broiler grow- ing, to consider stock not especially fit for any other breed- ing purpose good enough for the production of broilers. That this is wrong must be clear to anyone who gives the subject a moment's reflection. To get good broilers, chicks that have the desired conformation and grow i8 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. rapidly, you must use for the parent stock birds of good development and vigor that were themselves quick growers. Very much of the unsatisfactory results in broiler growing are directly traceable to the use of unsuitable breeding stock. It is not necessary that there should be perfection or even excellence (from the fancier's standpoint) in color of the breeding birds selected. A white fowl though so liberally sprinkled with black ticking that a fancier would promptly reject it for any of his own pur- poses might be an excellent fowl for the production of broilers if good in shape and vigorous. It might have a poor comb, or discolored ear- lobes, or any one or more of numerous superficial faults that might be mentioned, yet be just as good Buff Plymouth Rock Cock. f or f ne production of broilers as though perfect in every one of these respects. But if it is narrow, or shallow bodied, or lacking in breadth or depth of breast, or too long in neck, body and legs to be symmetrical ; if it is in any way deformed crooked breasted, crooked backed, wry tailed, knock kneed it should be rejected, for such blemishes make poor and unsightly carcasses. BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 15. Points of a Good Roaster. The ideal roaster might be described in almost the same words as used in the general description of the ideal broiler, but to complete the description in terms which will indicate the differences (besides difference in size) between them, we must say that greater length of body and breast is desirable in a roaster than is found in stock making the nicest looking broilers, and that the carcass of the roaster should show in every section a fuller rotundity more mature devel- opment than the broiler. Yellow skin and legs are, if anything, more gen- erally demanded in roasters than in broilers, but the color of the feathers is of less impor- tance, for the birds generally being dressed when well grown, are at that stage comparatively free from pinfeathers. Buff Wyandotte Hen. 16. Kind of Stock From Which to Hatch Chicks for Roasters. For small roasters quick growing stock is to be preferred ; for large roasters, slow maturing stock, which remains soft meated until nearly full grown, is found most satisfactory by the growers who plan to have 20 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. their stock marketable when prices are highest. The reason for this is the difficulty experienced in hatching chicks in mid-winter. If all chicks needed for the best large roaster trade could be hatched at that time, a single kind o f stock ,*- could easily be used to produce both small and large roasters. The same stock might not pro- duce the best of both sizes, but the grower could use it to good advantage for White Wyandotte Cock. both demands by grading dressed poultry according to size, or by selling a lot as small roasters, or holding it to make large roasters, as seemed in each particular case most profitable. There is, of course, more or less of this done, but the growers who make a specialty of large roasters find that to get out what chicks they need to make sure of them they must begin hatching in the fall, and use stock that matures slowly, as Asiatics, or the larger and slower maturing specimens of the American breeds. 17. Using Mixed or Mongrel Stock to Produce Market Poultry. If stock that is not thoroughbred answers the description given for stock for the production BROILERS AND ROASTERS. of broilers and roasters there is no good reason why it should not be used. Stock that fills those requirements is, as a rule, pretty well bred, though not pure in blood. It certainly would be preferable to pure bred stock which did not fulfill the requirements. There is a great deal of such pure bred stock ; in fact, the greater number of specimens in the average flock of thoroughbred fowls would be unhesitatingly rejected by any grower alive to the impor- tance of using breeding stock of the type he desired to reproduce in his market poultry. But while it is said that the breeder should, in his selection, be governed by the characteristics of the fowls rather than by their alleged pedigree, or want of definite pedigree, it must also be said that one is much more likely to find what he wants in thoroughbreds of the popular varieties, and if he cannot find what he wants, and has to develop it, he will attain his object much more rapidly by using thoroughbred stock. There is, of course. White Wyandotte Pullet. plenty of good stock excellently suited to the needs of the market poultry grower in the country, but the man who wants it does not always succeed in getting it, while the fanciers' lack of knowledge of just what is needed, or the 22 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. disposition to work off on the ''practical" grower any- thing he will not positively refuse to take, sometimes makes it very difficult for a market poultry grower to deal with them. 18. Should Broiler and Roaster Growers "Make" Their Own Eggs for Hatching? Most of those grow- ing them in large numbers either do not, or produce only a ^~ r- -g^ part of what they ' part need. The practical difficulty in the way of a grower providing the eggs needed to hatch out a large num- ber of chicks in winter is that it would require SQ large a stock of lay- ing hens to produce the eggs needed that the grower cannot handle both branches Lf^p 8 of the business. The ________ - ' ' . _j soft roaster growers R. C. Rhode Island Red Cockerel. have until very re- cently produced practically none of the eggs they used. Within a few years many of them have begun to build up stocks of breeding fowls from which to produce their own eggs, but there are few, if any, that do not still buy the most of the eggs they use. These eggs are bought from farmers throughout the vicinity. The large and steady demand for eggs for this purpose at a price considerably in advance of regular market prices is a strong inducement to BROILERS AND ROASTERS. farmers to keep stock of the kind the growers want, and to make every effort to have eggs in abundance and of good fertility at the time the growers want them. The success of those from whom he buys eggs in getting good fertility is an important fac- tor in the success of the grower each sea- son, and the utter inadequacv of the supply of eggs for those who want to grow soft roasters keeps a good many out of the business. A great many peo- ple going into the production of broil- ers buy eggs wher- ever they can get them. Though sometimes very sat- isfactory hatches are obtained from such eggs, the general results under such conditions are so far from satisfactory that it is well for one contemplating broiler growing to make sure of a suffi- cient supply of eggs before he goes very far with his plans. If he keeps fowls himself he should know what he could reasonably expect to get from his own stock. In nearly every community there are a few people with a reputa- tion for getting eggs at all seasons. These are the people to look up and contract with for the eggs one must buy. When either of the specialties we are discussing is run as a 5. C. Rhode Island Red Hen. By Courtesy of F. D. Kead. BROILERS AND ROASTERS. branch of a poultry business the propo- sition is somewhat different. In such cases the general way is to adapt the plans for growing market poultry to the re- sources of the plant. 19. Adaptability of Different Breeds for Broiler and Roaster Growing. - Plymouth Rocks, W y a n d o 1 1 e s and Rhode Island Reds, Light Brahma Cock. comprising the popu- lar varieties of what is known as the " American class" of fowls are best suited to fill the bill of requirements for a fowl for producing both broilers and roasters. For the Canadian markets the Orpingtons, fowls of the same gen- eral type, but having flesh colored legs and white skin are generally preferred. Fowls of this size and type give plump broilers at any age, and good small roasters, while in all these breeds, but especially in the Plymouth Rocks, there are many stocks from which large roasters rivaling the Asiatics in size can be produced. In considering the question of breed or variety the reader should bear in mind that in discussing the varieties I refer to the characteris- tics of good typical specimens. The question of color of plumage was considered in ^ 13 and 14. BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 2 $ For large roasters the Asiatics, and especially the Light Brahmas, have the preeminence, the Brahmas being used almost to the exclusion of other breeds in the great soft roaster section. The Light Brahma used here is not as a rule quite up to standard size and weight ; but as good average weight Brahmas for breeding purposes are always in demand it may be inferred that the general use of the smaller birds is due to the fact that they are more abundant rather than to their being more desirable. Indeed growers in that section say that the market demand for large birds is steadily increasing. Chicks of the Asiatic breeds do not as a rule make satisfactory broilers, but by a selection of stock of a plump and rather blocky type for breeding purposes one can get broilers from Asiatics that cannot be excelled. The Mediterranean, Polish, and Hamburg breeds are rarely con- sidered in treating of table poultry. Gen- erally speaking, and speaking of the ordi- nary stocks of these varieties, for which, with the exception of the Minorca, there are no standards of weight required, each one of them lacks in one or more feature desirable i n market poultry. LIght Brahma Hen> 2 6 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. None of them but the Leghorns have the color of legs and skin almost universally demanded. In Leghorns, though the average stock is too small, there are many stocks of Leghorns of good size which will produce excellent broilers and small roasters. Indeed, I have had broilers from heavy bodied good sized Leghorns that grew faster than Plymouth Rock chicks under the same conditions make as nice looking broilers as I have ever seen, and were equal to any in quality. Such Leghorn stock is not common, however, and the most that can be said of the use of Leghorns for market poultry is that the largest types generally found make broilers that are fair as compared with those produced from average good Plymouth Rock and Wyandotte stock, while the largest and slowest maturing cockerels, if killed before their meat becomes hard, make very nice small roasters. Pullets of similar characteristics would also make nice small roasters, but the demand for them as layers is such that they are almost invariably reserved for that purpose. BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 27 CHAPTER III. Location. Land. Methods in General, 20. Location. The question of location presents itself to a person interested in the production of market poultry in one of two forms. If he is already established in a place the question is : What branches of market poultry culture can be adapted to his circumstances ; or if he desires to try a special branch, whether that branch can be pursued to advantage by one situated as he is. If he is free to locate himself in the place which seems best adapted to the line of work he proposes to follow, the question is to find such places and to select that which offers most advantages. If either broilers or roasters are to be produced in con- siderable quantities, they can be sold to advantage only where there are considerable numbers of people who are not obliged to figure living expenses closely, who can and will buy what they want with little regard to price. As a rule this class is not numerous outside of the large cities- and their suburbs, except at health and pleasure resorts. The large cities give an all year round market for choice grades of market poultry. Resorts of the classes mentioned furnish excellent markets during their seasons. In all of 28' BROILERS AND ROASTERS. these places the demand is on the whole so much greater than the supply that so far as the individual producer is concerned it is practically unlimited. The poultry man near such a market, or having shipping facilities which bring such a market near him, may plan for as large a product as he can handle without fear that his produce \\ill prove unsalable, or salable only at a figure which leaves him little profit. One who cannot reach such a market handily may still find it profitable to produce market poultry of different kinds to suit his local demand, which, though limited, is iipt to be good in any prosperous town as long as produc- tion is in proper ratio to the demand. The grower who lias access%to large markets may find it to his advantage to make a specialty of some one kind of market poultry, or at appropriate seasons to produce as much of certain kinds as he can, but the poultryman who is dependent on a small market must nearly always produce a little of each of the different kinds of poultry required for the best class of trade. In selecting a location for a roaster plant, or for a plant to be devoted largely to broiler production, one must get near a large market, that is, within easy shipping distance of it, and, if possible, he should try to locate where there are others interested in the same special line of work. Where the market is limited, one must avoid competition ; but where the demand is so good that there is no competition between producers, except the natural rivalry to excel, one can have all the advantages of proximity to others engaged in the same business, without any of the disadvantages that sometimes attend such conditions. BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 29 21. Land How Much and What Kind ? For the production of broilers little land is required. During winter and early spring in northerly latitudes a little strip in front of the brooder house is all that can be used for the broilers, and even this can be used only in favorable weather. A great many small broilers are grown entirely indoors. Thus it will be seen that the installation of facilities for the production of thousands of small broilers would take only a small area of land, and broiler raising as- an adjunct to other lines of poultry culture, or as an adjunct of some other business, can be carried on for a time on a site which gives room only for the necessary buildings. The objection to establishing a plant on so limited a site is that the equipment cannot be used to good advantage for other purposes, and hence will stand idle or be used with little profit during a considerable part of each year. The broiler season is a short season. The same equipment used for early broilers can also be used for summer chick- ens if there is land enough to give them the large yards they should have. If one attempts to run both winter and summer chickens in the same house with such small yards as are adequate for winter conditions, he may do very well for a few seasons, but as the ground becomes tainted, his chickens cease to thrive, and usually the poultryman whose plant is in this condition struggles through several unsatis- factory seasons before he realizes just where the trouble lies. For a large stock of roasters considerable land is required, for the stock is mostly about half grown when spring opens, and as it is not to be marketed for several months, the 30 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. grower saves labor in caring for his fowls if he has land enough to spread them out well. Besides this, although the conditions of growing roasters admit of planting the 3and on which they have run after they are marketed, and growing late crops on it, if the land is heavily stocked with poultry year after year so much fertilizer is added to the land that planting it for a part of a season does not take the manure out of the soil fast enough to keep it as clean .as desirable. Growers who have been established on farms which were ample as long as the land could take the manure almost invariably arrive within, at most, ten or twelve years, at the point where they feel they should have land enough to move the stock about more and give land that has been occupied for several seasons a rest for an equal period. This is a point which it is hard to make either the beginner or one who has had a few successful seasons on a small plant appreciate to the extent of locat- ing where he has two or three times as much land as he is likely to have occasion to use for some years to come. There are roaster plants producing 4,000 to 5,000 chickens L season on ten or twelve acres of land, but I do not think .any of the proprietors of such plants would start again on so small a farm. With two, three or four times as much land one insures himself against being handicapped in the future for want of land room. As to the kind of land, I think it may be said that the day when land that was not fit for any other purpose was considered just the thing for poultry is about gone by. Of course no sensible person would go to the vicinity of a large city and buy high priced garden land to keep poultry serve its trade well. If it makes mistakes, they are honest mistakes, which it corrects as soon as they are pointed out. Where then is the need of judgment on the part of the buyer ? Right here : Suppose he gets a hold of a lot of food of a well known brand not up to quality for that brand, lacking, we will say, in some one of the important items in the mixture. Trusting implicitly in the reputa- tion of the goods, he may not notice what is lacking in this- lot until he has occasion to look for a reason for his chicks- not doing as well as usual. It takes time then to correct the trouble, and the loss through check in development is- one that cannot be made up. I emphasize such points as- this because it cannot be too strongly impressed on the beginner in poultry culture, that no merit in breed, feed r or method is so sure and unchangeable that he can rely absolutely upon it. On the contrary experience with good fowls, foods, and methods should educate and train a poul- tryman's judgment and make him self-reliant, and he misses* 76 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. one of the advantages of buying good feeds if he fails to learn from them to judge food stuffs. The ground mixtures for chicks cannot be as freely rec- ommended as the mixtures of cracked and broken articles. In general they contain too large a proportion of indigest- ible or innutritious waste which cannot be separated from the other elements, and is very likely to cause the chicks to eat the food less freely than is desirable, or if eaten cause digestive and bowel troubles. Ground mixtures are tto be bought only after careful inspection, and used always with caution whether fed wet or dry. 41. The Feeding Systems in Practice. Young chickens require no food for from twenty-four to thirty-six hours after hatching. They can go longer without it, but in general they are ready to eat a little bit after the first -day. At first they eat only in very small quantities. Indeed in feeding a brood of chicks with a hen one can hardly notice that the hen and chicks are taking any more than the hen would until they are several weeks old. After that the quantity eaten by a chick increases very rapidly. Most people feed far too much at a time to their small chicks, with the result that much food is soiled and wasted. When brooder chicks are fed in pans or troughs, and feed kept before them most of the time, they may not take as much exercise as is needed to keep them out of mischief and in good condition. A lot of chicks with nothing to do often develop some troublesome vice, like cannibalism, or standing idly around ; there being no inducement to take exercise, their blood circulates sluggishly, they feel cold, and the attendant observer observes the phenomenon, often considered as something of a mystery, of chicks huddling together and to the heat when the thermometer indicates a BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 77- temperature at which they ought to be comfortable, well spread out under the pipes. A little litter on the floor and a handful or two of grain in this for the chicks to work for will often make a surprising change in their behavior toward the heat. This scratching grain should be givens even when most of the food is fed in troughs or hoppers* The chicks will often leave the grain that is easy to get and scratch busily for what can only be obtained by working for it. It is the chick nature to do that way. Compulsory- scratching is not needed for small chicks unless they have become so sluggish that they will take no exercise until forced to do so, but the opportunity to scratch should always be given brooder chicks until they are to be fattened- With abundance of food to be had without scratching they will exercise just about enough to keep them in condition. Many a time I have seen a brooder full of chicks cured of a mysterious indisposition by simply giving them oppor- tunity and slight inducement to take exercise. It is especially necessary to look out for this when the chicks are confined constantly or for long periods indoors. When they get out the change from inner to outer air stim- ulates them, the sun is a tonic, and there is variety enough in their little lives to keep them in motion, but in the house on dull days they want something special to do. When chicks go " off their feed " and eat mincingly, though there seems nothing in particular wrong, it is apt to be because they are overfed, and nothing will bring them out of this quicker than to let them go without feed until they are ready to eat with appetite. If they have been fed every two hours or so, skipping a single meal often gives^ their digestive apparatus a chance to adjust itself for a fresh start. If food is kept before them constantly, and they da y8 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. not seem to eat right, remove it for a few hours and they ^vill be ready to eat a good ration when it is returned to them, and thus get back into regular habits. How Often and How Much to Feed: The small chick, as has been said, takes its food in almost infinitesimal quantities at first, but it wants its meals often. If only what the chicks clean up within a few minutes is given them at each feeding they will eat about once in two hours. As they take food in larger quantities it will be found that two hour intervals between feeds are loo short, if the chicks are given all they will eat at each meal. Some keep the chicks in good appetite by continu- ing feeding at two hour intervals, but never feeding the ^chicks all they want ; others give the chicks what they will -eat, and lengthen the intervals between feeds as much as necessary to keep the appetite hearty. The latter way I think the better one. It reduces labor, and it is more natural. With broilers one will not get much beyond three hour periods between meals, but with roasters he can soon get on a three-meals-a-day basis. For quantity no definite rule can be given. It is desirable vto have the chicks eat all they can digest, and that will vary with their digestive capacity as well as with the com- position and quality of the food. The feeder should aim to have a diet that will be eaten freely and digested without inconvenience. With such a .ration, with the necessary exercise and other accessories, there is little danger of over- feeding, and he may be liberal to the point where waste of food begins. In a mixture of grains the chicks get variety in every tneal. When for the sake of economy it is desired to feed as much as is desirable of a cheap grain, it may either be BROILERS AND ROASTERS. jy made the larger part of a mixture, or may be fed separately several times a day, the other feeds, given alternately with it, furnishing greater variety. Cracked corn is a favorite food with nearly all growers of market poultry for this rea- son, and is mostly used in larger quantities than any other one ingredient in both wet and dry feeding. At the prices that usually obtain comparatively little wheat or other grains is used by large growers. Those who use mashes alternate them with cracked corn. Those who feed dry alternate cracked corn with a more expensive mixture until the chicks are several weeks old, and considered past " the danger period." After that the larger growers nearly all get down as near as possible to a diet of corn, meat scraps and some green stuff, no more of other ground or whole grains being used than is necessary to mix with corn meal in cake or mash or to relieve the monotony of an all corn grain ration. The soft roaster growers feed prac- tically nothing but cracked corn, meat scrap, and green food to their chickens after taking them from the brooder houses and placing them in lots of fifty in such houses as that illustrated on page 53, or in corresponding larger lots in the slightly larger colony houses sometimes used. 42. Green Food. Neither green food nor meat is absolutely essential in the diet of young chicks. They have often been known to grow and thrive for weeks with- out either. But growth is generally better, the chicks healthier, and the risks in handling them less when green food and meat food are supplied practically from the first. For green food there is nothing better than cabbage, which can be fed by putting a head, leaves, stump and all in the pen and letting the chicks pick it to pieces. There is no 8o BROILERS AND ROASTERS. need of cutting it up for them. They can do it for them- selves, and get good exercise while doing it. They will clean up all but the toughest fibres of the stump and root. After cabbage there are other foods which are sometimes grown in boxes or frames for winter chickens. Lettuce, wheat, oats, are all used; but such things can hardly be produced profitably for large numbers of chicks, and the careful grower of winter chickens will make due effort to have an ample supply of cabbage. On land where roast- ers are grown cabbage can be set out after the bulk of the crop of chickens is marketed in June or July, and in an ordinary season will have ample time to make a good crop of inexpensive green food for the next crop of chickens. A favorite crop with growers of both broilers and roast- ers is winter rye. When there is little snow during the winter the chickens can get what green food they need on the patches of rye in the yards or near the houses, while whatever the winter, the rye furnishes green food for the growing roasters in spring long before grass or other green crops are available. When dry feeding is the method employed it is more important that the chicks get some succulent food, and if such green foods as have been men- tioned are not available root vegetables may be fed raw. 43. Feeding Meat. In feeding meat to chicks being reared artificially one must be more careful than with chicks at liberty with hens. Under natural conditions chicks often stand foods which soon show bad effects when fed under artificial conditions. Meat meal of poor quality, really not fit for anything but fertilizer, may be fed in moderate quantities to grown fowls and to chicks with hens without bad effects, but the grower using artificial methods BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 8 1 finds it not safe to use meat meals or scraps except such as are of good quality, sound and sweet. A great deal of trouble with brooder chicks is due to poor quality meat, which the user does not suspect because he observes no bad results from feeding it to other stock. Of green cut bone, cut very fine, all the chicks will eat may be fed if they get it every few days. The cut bone should not be sour or heating. In dry feeding the meat meal or scrap used is fed sepa- rately, kept before the chicks all the time. In wet feeding the prepared meat foods- are generally mixed with the cake or mash in proportion of about five to ten per cent of the bulk of its ingredients when dry. The proportion should be governed in part by the quantity of mash fed during the day. If the mash is fed only once a day ten per cent, or even more, of most brands of prepared meat is not too much. If two or three mashes are feel a day the amount may either be distributed through them or fed all at one time, the other mashes containing no meat. For rapid forcing the amount of meat scrap may be very much increased, but until one has had experience enough in handling chickens to recognize bad effects of overfeeding meat as soon as they appear he had best use small portions of meat in the mash and give a part of the meat separately. To be sure he might feed all meat separate, and none in the mash, but it is nearly always found that a mash with some meat in it is eaten with greater relish. As to the limit of the amount of meat that can be given, I have known growers use as much as one-fifth meat in a mash fed several times a day. I would not advise a novice to use so much, except perhaps for a short period before killing. 82 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 44. Drink. Water, fresh as often as is necessary to have it reasonably clean, is as necessary as good food. When we speak of cleanliness in matters concerning poul- try we always mean relatively clean. Perfect cleanliness is practically out of the question in the poultry yard. The poultry keeper must learn to draw the distinction between things that have some dirt on them and things that are dirty. Within limits he can tolerate the former, the latter he should not have about his premises. A little of the dust from the floor on the water, even a little excrement in it does not constitute a serious risk, but drinking vessels allowed to get slimy and nasty are a common cause of trouble. Clean them as often as necessary to have the vessel clean, (a good rinsing once a day should be enough) but don't think it necessary to empty a vessel and put in fresh water if a tiny bit of the droppings falls in it. That is the kind of work that takes up so much of the time of some poultrymen that they do not find time to do other more necessary things. Milk is good for chicks, whether given as a drink or used to mix the mash. Slightly scalded milk is good to correct a simple diarrhea. In giving it to brooder chicks as a drink it is better to use a drinking fountain, even if fountains are not used for water, for dabbling in milk the chickens smear each other up and make a bad mess. Whether milk -is given or not the chicks will want water, and should have it. 45. Grit. Growers of chicks using artificial methods generally consider it of greatest importance to keep the chicks constantly and liberally supplied with grit. Many of them give grit before they give any food, claiming that BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 83 it is necessary. In this they are probably wrong, for it is certain that many lots of chicks have got along very well without grit, and I have had reports on a good many cases where there was good reason to suspect that chicks kept too long without food, but given grit freely, swallowed much more grit than was good for them with the result that the digestive apparatus became deranged at the start. Chicks need some grit, but not more than they will take freely when well fed. If prepared chick foods are used for even half the ration there will not often be need of sup- plying more grit than these contain. There is probably none of them in which the proportion of grit is too small, and many contain several times more than is necessary. When chicks are fed wholly on preparations containing no grit they should always have access to a supply of it. Their need of it seems to depend on the food given them, and to vary much in different chicks. 46. Charcoal. The charcoal question is very like the grit question. Many growers keep it before the chicks. Some chicks thrive without it. Its properties being such that it aids digestion and purifies the blood, it is clear that the need of it will exist, and the beneficial effects be appar- ent in case of chicks that have weak digestion or indiges- tion, or poor circulation, as it would not in chicks that were in good condition. Considering the number of suc- cessful growers who use no charcoal, it cannot be said that there is as much need of keeping it always before chicks, but if chicks are not thrifty it is one of the simple things to supply before changing foods or beginning to give medicines. 84 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. CHAPTER Vlf. Some General Points on Roasters. 47. Peculiarities of "South Shore" Methods. As the broiler goes direct from the brooder to market the broiler growers' problems in management do not go beyond the methods of handling chickens in brooder houses. The grower of large roasters has to consider how best to carry his crop some of which was developed enough to be sold for broilers early in the winter to the season of high prices in the following summer* He saves in feed by using the lowest priced grain (corn), and in cost of feeding by keeping food standing before the chickens all the time. The usual way to feed these chickens is to have in each house a trough or hopper of cracked corn, another of beef scrap, and a pail of water. While the supply of cabbage lasts, cabbage is given frequently ; after that the only green food the chicks get is the rye they pick for themselves when the snow is off the ground. As snow rarely lies long in that locality, they are seldom long with- out green food. BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 85 To most poultry keepers the incomprehensible thing about the methods used here is that crowding the weaned chicks so densely in small houses does not result in losses such as under ordinary circumstances attend crowding that does not seem to be anything like as bad as that practiced here. The reason is found in a very radical difference in the way the houses are used. The ordinary way is to shut up the houses. The method in use here is to let in plenty of air. The house is never shut close. Either window or door is always open, and oftener both are open. With plenty of air the chickens, though crowded for room, get along quite comfortably, even when a storm keeps them in the house for several days. The system of feeding makes the droppings quite dry, and, as a rule, the difficulty of handling crowded fowls that have loose droppings does not have to be considered. The chickens can stay in the houses for a few days, or a week may pass without the droppings being removed. Of course cleaning up with the chickens in the house is out of the question. When warmer weather comes the chickens still remain in the houses at night and as much as they wish through the day, but are practically free to go where they please. They never go far. The growers here believe in placing no restraints on them outdoors, and depend on the supply of food in the house to keep them from roaming far. They say that the well fed chicken will not want to go far, while the chicken that is not confined is contented, and so keeps in better condition at less cost. Their system is perhaps not in every respect ideal. It has defects which need not be dwelt upon here. But not- withstanding these defects, the fact remains that these 86 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. growers are producing far the best poultry that goes to the American market in quantity, and that they are, as a class, making more on their investment and labor than any other class of poultry keepers in this country. That being the case, it would be superfluous to discuss improving their system here. When the reader has paralleled their success by their methods which are the methods which, to date, have given the best all round results he will be ready to consider how to improve them if they then seem to him to need improving. An important feature of the system used here is the thor- ough cleaning up of the houses and yards once a year. As there is a period of two or three months between the mar- keting of the last of one crop and the setting of the first incubator for the next, and at this time there is not a chicken or fowl in the houses used for growing stock, it is possible to give the houses and land adjoining them a more thorough cleaning up than the ordinary plant ever gets. The earth floors of the houses are removed and liew earth or sand hauled in. The fences, wire netting on stakes, are taken up and the land plowed and planted to some crop for next winter's chickens generally to winter rye. 48. Caponizing. The cockerels of the winter chick- ens grown for roasters are caponized, but are not dressed like or sold as capons. Cockerels and pullets alike go to the market as large roasting chickens. The operation of caponizing need not be described here. The reader who wants to learn caponizing should learn from an expert operator if possible, or failing that should use the full instructions which special books on caponizing give. Chickens grown for summer roasters and marketed at BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 87 four or five pounds weight need not be caponized. As market demands are now there is little advantage in capon- izing except for cockerels that must be held beyond the age at which their meat begins to harden. 49. Spring Hatched Roasters. The small and medium sized roasters marketed in summer and early fall are mostly cockerels from the spring hatches of poultrymen producing chickens* for laying or stock purposes, but a proportion of those coming from nearby points to the large markets is stock of both sexes either produced expressly for roasters or started for broilers, and for some reason carried over. The spring hatched roasters can be handled just the same as the winter chickens after weaning, but they are not caponized unless they are to be grown to full size and sold the following winter, and little of that is done except in a few localities w r here caponizing is quite general among the farmers. The capons produced in this way are much superior to old cocks and staggy cockerels, but do not compare with the South Shore chickens or with the best small and medium roasters from uncaponized stock as marketed in the summer. The grower who sells cockerels, as roasters must, however, look sharp in disposing of them and let as few as possible stay in his yards long enough to become " staggy." It is always advisable to work them off a little small but soft, rather than have the weight gained hard meat. 88 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. CHAPTER VIII. Fattening. SO. Fattening Broilers. A fat broiler is quite a Tarity. The best that can be done, in general, is to have them plump. From what I have seen of broilers in the markets and on exhibition I think that a grower will be more successful in getting plump specimens by selecting and breeding for that quality than Ijy trying to fatten slim specimens of five or six weeks old chicks. However, for chicks that are not plump something must be done. The usual way is to feed a mash of about two-thirds corn meal and one-third bran. To this some breeders add molasses and cotton seed meal, some ten per cent cotton seed meal and twenty-five to thirty per cent beef scraps. Such heavy feeding of rich foods is accompanied by a good deal of risk, and it is no uncommon thing for a grower to hurt his chicks more than he helps them by it. The natural tendency of the chick is to turn all nutri- ment to growth and development, and it may do this with a " fattening " ration until the digestive system goes to pieces as the result of high feeding. The fattening of BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 89 broilers is, therefore, an operation to be conducted by the novice with great care. It is better for him to be satisfied at first with marketing them in just good condition than to make losses by attempts to use extreme fattening methods. As he grows in experience he can gradually approach these methods, going as far with them as he finds safe for Jiim. 51. Fattening Roasters. As a chicken matures and requires less and less food for growing bone, muscle, and feathers, the food consumed in excess of these requirements goes to reproduction or to fat, according to constitutional tendencies and to conditions. The growers of soft roasters have a considerable proportion of their pullets begin to lay some weeks or even months before it is desired to sell them, and all such are sold immediately, because after lay- ing begins the meat becomes harder and dryer more like that of an old hen. Other pullets will keep right on grow- ing and not fatten until well on in the season. A propor- tion of the caponized cockerels also develop into slips, and the meat becomes hard and unfit for the trade for which it was designed. The bulk of the crop, however, is generally carried to early summer in good flesh. Then if more fat- tening is needed it is accomplished on the same feeding that has been used for the chickens since weaning, by merely confining them more closely so that they may keep quiet and let the fat accumulate. About ten days confine- n ent in pen and small yard will usually make healthy chickens in good condition as fat as is desirable. For years I have fattened cockerels for f rys and roasters on either the same ration the growing stock was getting, or this ration changed merely by using more meal in the mash, and all ^O BROILERS AND ROASTERS. cracked corn for grain. Cockerels so treated before sex- ual characters are strongly developed will, if they have grown steadily and well from the start, make as fine and tender meat as can be produced, and cockerels of slow maturing stocks will be soft meated until quite full grown. 52. Difficulty of Fattening in Hot Weather. In very warm weather it is sometimes impossible to fatten chickens by ordinary feeding methods because the chickens either will not eat a heavy ration freely, or are almost immediately upset by it. It is in such emergencies that the grower is led to consider special fattening by the use of the cramming machine. These occasions have been so scattering and so rare that no extended interest in special fattening methods has yet developed among growers of the best grades of market poultry, and I consider it altogether improbable that European methods of fattening will obtain in this country within our generation, except to improve poultry not properly grown by the growers. BROILERS AND ROASTERS. CHAPTER IX. Selling and Preparing for Sale. 53. Selling Alive and Dressed. The question of selling alive or dressed was briefly mentioned on page 55,' As there stated, the decision as to which is the better way to sell must be made by each grower for himself. jThe grower located where there are many persons producing poultry, and collectors making regular trips buying poul- try, will generally, if as we must suppose the practice of most thrifty growers indicates what is best to be done, find it more satisfactory to sell both broilers and roasters alive. But many are so situated that they cannot sell alive to so good advantage, while all who sell to retail or private family trade must sell dressed. If one does not know how to dress poultry it is better to hire an expert picker at so much per chick or fowl. Many small growers about Boston have the marketmen to whom they sell send them a picker whenever they have enough chickens ready to dress to keep a man busy for a day or more. A grower retailing his fowls should learn to dress them himself. .92 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. For such the instructions which follow are a help ; but to .really learn how to do such work well and expeditiously iinost people need personal instruction, and for one who has to do it in his business, it is worth while to go and work for a week or two in an establishment where poultry is dressed by the thousands. 54. Methods of Picking. There are two methods of picking fowls dry picking, in which the feathers are removed dry, after the bird has been bled and stunned, while the fowl is dying; and scalding, in which, after life is extinct, the bird is immersed in scalding, not boiling, water just enough to steam and loosen the feathers, which are then much more easily removed than by dry picking. A properly scalded fowl when picked presents as attract- ive a carcass as a dry picked one, but while it is easier to remove the feathers when the scalding is done right, so much of the scalding is done wrong that in the markets where choice poultry brings best prices, scalding is in dis- repute, and the best of scalded poultry usually sells a few cents, two or three, below dry picked poultry of the same -quality at wholesale. I am inclined to doubt that the retailers give the difference to their customers. The grower dressing stock for eastern markets should dry pick it. Unless a grower is expert in scalding he will find it to his advantage to dry pick for any market, for there is much less danger of his making his poultry look bad. 55. Methods of Killing. Fowls that are to be scalded and sold with head off may be killed by cutting off the head with a hatchet the common way through the larger part of the country. If to be sold, as in most large .markets, with head on, they must be killed by bleeding, BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 93; sticking either in the mouth or neck. The former method gives the best looking carcass, as there is no outward dis- figuring wound, but as bleeding in the mouth, unless skill- fully done, may not allow the fowl to bleed thoroughly, an inexperienced killer will find it better to stick in the neck when dressing for sale at least until by practice on birds to be consumed at home, he learns to kill by sticking in the mouth. For this purpose special killing knives for poultry are made, which may be obtained of any supply house. In general, a New England killer works sitting down with a coop of live chickens at his left, a box for feathers at his right, and a pail to catch the blood between his feet. Taking the chicken under his left arm, with the head in his left hand, while the body is held fast between his arm and side, he holds the mouth open with the thumb and fore finger of the left hand, while with tjie knife held in the right, he makes a deep cut across the mouth to penetrate the brain, then turning the knife makes a long cut toward the point of the bill, to allow free bleeding. Next with a short club he stuns the bird by striking on the back of the head, then begins to remove the feathers. In some estab- lishments where many pickers were working on large fowls, I have seen pickers go to the coop, get their fowl, stand while killing and stunning it, then sit down to pick. The u New Jersey " method is to hang the fowl by the feet by a cord suspended from a hook or beam, and in this position stick and dry pick it. In some killing houses one man kills and rough picks, while one or two more remove the pin-feathers from the fowls he kills ; in others each picker kills and picks clean his own birds. Some remark- 94 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. able stories are told about rapid picking, but it is a . good picker that picks clean 70 or 80 chickens a day. 56. Cooling Poultry. As soon as a carcass is picked clean it should be put in cold water to cool. The quicker the animal heat is out of it, the better it will keep. Tubs, barrels or tanks should be used according to the quantity of poultry to be cooled, and unless arrangement is made for running water through whatever receptacles the poultry is cooled in the water should be frequently changed. The common practice is to put the carcass first in a barrel or vat, and after it has remained there for a quarter to half hour, or even longer, wash the blood from the mouth, clean the feet, and pass to another cooling barrel or tank. In cold weather carcasses cooled in water for from five or six to ten or twelve hours may then be taken from the water and hung up to dry where they will not freeze. They are then ready to be packed the first thing in the morning. If it is very Method of Packing Poultry in Boxes. wa rm, or if the carcasses .exposed to the air would freeze, they should be kept in water until they are to be packed, then after having been Allowed to drain for a few minutes they are if packed dry wiped dry before being packed. If to be iced they of course need not be dried off. 57. Packing Poultry for Shipment. Poultry that does not require to be iced to preserve it while in transit is BROILERS AND ROASTERS. 95 best packed in boxes. The illustration on page 94 shows the method of packing in boxes. The dimensions of the box to be used will depend on the size of stock and quantity to be shipped at one time. Boxes for roasters should be 1 6 to 20 inches wide. For broilers they may be narrower, or one may use wide boxes, putting two rows of carcasses in each layer. When poultry has to be iced for shipment it is packed in barrels. A layer of broken ice is put in first, then a layer of poultry, then a layer of ice and a layer of poultry until the barrel is full. In packing poultry in barrels the packer begins his layer in the middle and packs heads down, backs up, and feet toward the center. After filling, the barrels are headed with burlap. This insures their being kept right side up. 58. Shipping. Except in settled cold weather poul- try should be shipped by express. The delays in freight shipments cause more risk of deterioration and shrinkage than it is wise to take. A shipper should not send ship- ments hit or miss at his convenience, but should find out all about the route his shipments must take, and arrange to have them en route as short a time as possible. Prompt delivery of goods means a great deal sometimes in the returns from them, and dressed poultry spoils so easily when exposed to bad conditions that wise shippers take no unnecessary chances. 9 6 BROILERS AND ROASTERS. JEX Adaptability of breeds, 24. American market requirements, 15. Appliances, miscellaneous, 55. Beef scraps, 81. Bowel trouble. 66. Broiler, defined and described, 4. Brooders, 35. Brooders, operating, 61. Brooding systems. H5. Buying eggs indiscriminately, 23. Cabbage, 79. Caponizing,86. Cel lars for incubators, 37. Charcoal, 82. Chickens, kind of poultry marketed as, 4. Cold storage, effect of on demand. 10. Colony houses, 52. Color of broilers, 15. Combining broilers and roasters, 13. Combining broilers with general poultry keeping, 10. Combining roasters with general poultry keeping, 12. Combining roasters with other occupa- tion, 12. Competition, 28. Cooked food, 67. Cook house, 54. Cooling poultry, 94. Cracked corn, 79. Demand and supply. 14. Dimensions of incubator cellar, 40. Distance of pipes from brooder floor, 4f Dry feeding. 65. Dry feed system, 71. Dry picking, 92. Eggs for hatching, 22, 57. Electric regulators, 61. Exclusive broiler plants. 8. Exercise for brooder chicks, 77. Fattening broilers, 88. Fattening roasters. 89. Faults of breeding stock, 18. Feeding meat, 80. Feeding systems, 65. Feeding systems in practice, 76. Green cut bone, 81. Green food, 79. Grit, 82. Growers producing their own eggs. 22. Hammonton, broiler growing at, 7. Hatching with hens, 32. Heater pit, 45. Heaters, 46. Hot weather, fattening in, 90. Houses for growing stock, 51. How often and how much to feed, 78. Icing poultry for shipment, 95. Incubators. 33. Incubators in outbuildings, 41. Incubators, operating, 58. Individual brooders, M. Individual brooders in long houses, 48. Individual brooders in small houses, 49.. Johnnycake,67. Killing, methods of, 92. Killing room, 55. Kind of stock for roasters. 19. Land, purifying, 30. Land, quantity and kind, 29. Leghorns. 26. Light Brahmas, 25. Local demands, 28. Location, 27. Markets, 27. Mash feeding, 66. Mash, receipts for, 69. Methods of hatching and rearing, 31., Milk, 82. M ongrel stock , 20. Nursery brooders, 49. Operating incubators, 58. Orpingtons, 24. Outdoor brooders, 50. Overcrowding, 63. Packing poultry, 94. Packing room, 55. Picking, methods of, 92. Pin-feathers, dark on broilers, 16, Pipe brooder houses, 41. Pipe system of brooding, 36. Plymouth Rocks, 24. Points of a good broiler. 15. Points of a good roaster, 19. Prepared foods, 74. Regulator for brooders, 61. Itoaster, defined ami described, 7.. Rye for green food, 80. Sand lor floors, 47. Scalding poultry, 92. Selling poultry alive, 91. Shipping, 95. Soft roasters, 11. South Shore chickens, 11. South Shore methods. 84. Spring hatched roasters, 87. Squab broiler. 4. Stock for producing broilers, 17.. Supply and demand, 14. Temperature of brooder, 62. Ventilating incubator cellar, 60.. Water, 82. Weights of broilers, 4. Weights of roasters. 7. Wyandottes, 24. Yellow legs and skin, 15, 19.