BANCROFT LIBRARY o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Gift of Mrs. Esther C. Thomson / HISTORY OF THE YOUNG LADIES' MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS From November 1869 to June 1910 By SUSA YOUNG GATES REVISED AND PUBLISHED BY THE GENERAL BOARD OF Y. L. M. I. A. Salt Lake City, Utah THE DESERET NEWS 1911 COPYRIGHT 1911 BY MARTHA H. TINGEY FOB GENERAL, BOARD YOUNG LADIES' MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION 07 PREFACE. THIS, the history of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improve- ment Association, is the first published history of the organized work of women in the Church. The brief sketch suggested in 1900 by May Booth Talmage has naturally and insistently grown into the complete record of the develop- ment of the organization herewith presented; and yet, the record tells only in outline all of the interesting and really wonderful work accomplished by the young women of the Church, in their attempts at Mutual Improvement. The aim of the History Committee, associated with the author and the Executive Board, has been to prepare a cor- rect, comprehensive, and inspiring history of the Mutual Improvement movement among the young ladies of the Church in all the world from its beginning until June 1st, 1910. To attain this end the labors of the author and the committee have had a thieefold direction: first, to present a connected*story of the supervisory and directive activity of the organization; second, to write a series of pen-pictures of the women who have organized and held together the forces which have made the organization successful; third, to com- pile conscientious, though necessarily brief, histories of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement work in each of the sixty-two stakes of Zion. The data upon which this work is based have been gathered from the libraries of the Church , from diaries, by countless conversations and correspondence, from the records, but especially by correspondence with the present and recent Y. L. M. I. A. officers in the various wards and stakes of the Church. The actual writing and iv PREFACE. editing have been done by women busy with housekeeping- cares; and the contributors have likewise been hampered in the work by womanly limitations. These facts will explain many of the imperfections of the book; and we hope will tem- per the voice of criticism. Only the devotion of various members of the General Board has made this book possible. From the beginning, our great leader and president, the late Elmina S. Taylor, gave her devoted attention and inspired faith to the work. Her successor, Martha H. Tingey, has continued the work with the same earnestness and devotion. Ann M . Cannon has been a source of inspiration and strength; she has labored with unselfish care and indomitable courage to make this his- tory worthy of the great work it represents. With her has been associated Estelle Neff Caldwell. They must share the honors, if there are such, as they have shared the toils. The members of the executive board have been the constant attendants at history meetings; they, together with the History Committee, have likewise given much in the months they have spent reading the manuscript, and in sug- gesting and improving as the original humble plan expanded and developed. The History Committee were: Maria Y. Dougall, Augusta W. Grant, Minnie J. Snow,*May Booth Talmage, and, after Sister Snow's death, Estelle Neff Cald- well. To all these friends and helpers the book really owes its merit. Slowly, and in the face of many hindrances and amidst struggling heartaches, the work has taken form. The field was untrodden; no guides marked the way; and the day had many duties. But inspiration was in the labor; it fostered love; and the author praises God who has been her stay in this labor. May the unselfish loving spirit of God's work come to every reader of this history. SUSA YOUNG GATES. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. THE GENESIS OF MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT. Opportunities accorded to Mormon women. Pioneer conditions obtaining. Organization of the first Retrenchment Associ- ation, November 28th, 1869. The idea of retrenchment grows 1 CHAPTER II. THE SENIOR RETRENCHMENT ASSOCIATION. Retrenchment among the older women. Senior and Junior De- partments 29 CHAPTER III. LOCAL SOCIETIES ORGANIZED. Some of their resolutions. Travels of pioneer organizers 58 CHAPTER IV. STAKE AND GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS. The Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association org .^- ized. The name Retrenchment Association changed to Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association. Stake or- ganizations effected. Central or General Board organized.. 80 CHAPTER V. THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. Its inception. Its purpose. First number issued October, 1889. Mrs. Susa Young Gates, editor. President Elmina S. Taylor carried moral responsibility. Difficulties. Assist- ance from members of General Board. Other friends. Out of troubled waters. President Taylor relieved by ap- pointment of committee. Editor Gates resigned. Mrs. May Booth Talmage her successor. Miss Ann M. Cannon suc- ceeded Mrs. Talmage. Miss Elen Wallace, associate editor. Miss Mary E. Connelly became editor. Business depart- ment: A. H. Cannon, Miss Estelle Neff, Miss Agnes S. Campbell. First office. New quarters 101 vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES LOCAL, STAKE AND GENERAL. Duties devolving upon General Board. The first Aids appoint- ed. First General Conference. General Conferences ap- pointed to be held annually. Regular sessions of the Gen- eral Board established. Second and third General Confer- ences. General^ officers' meetings. Local and stake work, General Conjoint Conferences 127 CHAPTER VII. FINANCES AND STATISTICS. The first reports. Annual dues. Traveling expenses. Perma- nent Fund. Dime Fund. Comparative statement of Gen- eral Board expenses. Labors of the different secretaries and treasurers. Later reports 153 CHAPTER VIII. GUIDE WORK. I'.arly programs in the wards; in the various stakes. A Guide outlining studies for all associations issued 1893. Second year's Guide. The associations graded. Theological stud- ies; Ethical; Literary. Classes for study of the Guide 177 CHAPTER IX. IN THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN. Inception of the National and International Councils. The Y. L. M. I. A. affiliated. World's Congress of Representative Women. Triennial and Executive Sessions. A memorable triennial. International Council sessions. Distinguished visitors entertained 198 CHAPTER X. CONJOINT ACTIVITIES. General Conferences and Socials. Conventions. Gymnasiums 220 CHAPTER XI. OTHER LABORS OF THE GENERAL BOARD. The General Board meetings. Standing committees. Tem- porary committees. Reports by General Board members.. 246 CHAPTER XII. CLOSE OF PRESIDENT TAYLOR'S MINISTRY. Her character. Her death. The funeral services 261 CONTENTS. VII CHAPTER XIII. THE REORGANIZATION. Order of procedure. A preliminary meeting. Nomination by the First Presidency. Reorganization in April; names pre- sented at June Conference, 1905 280 CHAPTER XIV. CONCLUSION. Resume of the first forty years' work. A glimpse at a local Mutual Improvement meeting; at a stake board meeting; at a General Board meeting. The power behind them. The results 299 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Adams, Emily C.., 255 Anderson, Jane B. . 315 Bennett, Rosetta Wallace. . .211 Bennion, Laura 323 Brixen, Julia M 217 Burton, Julia Home 77 Caldwell, Estelle Neff 243 Campbell, Agnes S 147 Campbell, Joan M 195 Cannon, Ann M 174 Card, Zina Y 14 Clawson, Emily Y 14 Connelly, Mary E 257 Dougall, Maria Y 14, 98 Eardley, Adella W 143 Eddington, Sarah 145 Eldredge, Lona Pratt 75 Empey, Ella Y 14 Evans, Mattie Read 275 Fox, Ruth M 290 Freeze, Lillie T 149 Freeze, Mary A 73 Gates, Susa Young 121 Goddard, Emma 209 Grant, Augusta W 239 Home, Martha 95 Home. Alary Isabella 41 Kimball, Sarah M 55 Lovesy, Edith R 317 McCttne, Elizabeth C 213 Nystrom, Mae Taylor 293 Richards, Jane S 56 Sardoni, Elizabeth Thomas. .277 Shipp, Flora Lydia 78 Smith, Alice K 295 Smith, Bathsheba W 26 Smith, Eliza R. Snow 15 Smith, Julina L 78 Smith, Lucy W 312 Smoot, Margaret T 53 Snow, Minnie J 189 Talmage, May Bootli 193 Taylor, Elmina S 90 Taylor, Margaret Y 94 Taylor, Nellie C 253 Teasdale, Letitia T 319 Thatcher, Fanny Y 96 Tingey, Martha H. . . . . . .95, 287 Tuddenham, Alice C 274 Wallace, Elen 259 Wells, Emmeline B 45 Wells, Louie 95 Woodruff, Helen W 236 Woodruff, Phoebe C 55 Young, Caroline 14 Young, Dora 14 V oung, Phebe 14 Young, Zina D. H 21 viii CONTENTS. STAKE HISTORIES Alberta 326 Alpine 328 Bannock 329 Bear River 332 Bear Lake 333 Beaver 335 Benson 339 Big Horn 342 Bingham 344 Blackfoot 346 Box Elder 348 Cache 356 Carbon 363 Cassia 364 Davis 365 Davis, North 368 Davis, South 370 Eastern Arizona 427 Emery 371 Ensign 373 Fremont 375 Granite 378 Hyrum 380 Jordan *..... 383 Juab '. 384 Juarez 386 Kanab 389 Liberty 391 Malad 394 Maricopa 396 Millard 399 Morgan 401 Nebo 403 Ogden 405 Oneida 409 Panguitch 412 Parowan 414 Pioneer 416 Pocatello 418 Rigby 421 St. George 422 St. John's 426 St. Joseph 430 Salt Lake 432 San Luis 438 San Juan 439 Sanpete, North 446 Sanpete, South 441 Sevier 448 Snowflake 450 Star Valley 452 Summit 454 Taylor 457 Teton ..460 Tooele 463 Uintah 465 Union 466 Utah 468 Wasatch 74 Wayne 477 Weber 479 Weber, North 483 Woodruff 485 Yellowstone . . . .487 HISTORY OF THE Young Ladies' Mutual Im- provement Association. CHAPTER I. THE GENESIS OF MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT. Opportunities accorded to Mormon women. Pioneer conditions obtaining. Organization of the first Retrenchment Association, November 28th, 1869. The idea of retrenchment grows. THE genesis of things is always interesting- in whatso- ever form it may be manifested; not only in the study of life itself, but also in the consideration of any expres- sion of human activity. Moreover, the interest is doubled in value, when it centers around the lives of peoples who are little known, and whose history reveals ideas and in- formation that are unusual and novel. There is much to attract the casual observer in all that pertains to the pecu- liar people called Mormons; and this interest is not least active in the lives and labors of the women. Why this is so we shall not here inquire, but the story of the influences which have contributed and which do now contribute to the condition of the women of Zion will prove of vital interest to themselves as well as to others. When advantages and opportunities have been given to women, as to other less favored classes, these advan- tages have been as a rule the result of long-continued and strenuous efforts on the part of the women themselves. It does not often happen that the men in any community take i HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. the initiative and offer women superior opportunities. When such a thing- is done in any land, it is looked upon as evidence of a high degree of intellectual and moral de- velopment. This very thing 1 , however, was done by the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1842, when he called the women together in Nauvoo, and told them the Lord had inspired him to organize them into a regular and duly authorized society, with officers, and definite yet widely elastic objects and aims. No prophet or reformer of ancient or modern times has surpassed, nay, has equaled, the Prophet Joseph Smith in the breadth and scope of the opportunities which he accorded womanhood. He possessed more genuine initiative than any man who has lived since the Savior. He produced more seed-thoughts, revealed more new truths, set in opera- tion more gigantic plans for the world's betterment than any modern man, living or dead. After the cruel death of their prophet and their patri- arch, the Mormon people were driven out into the west- ern deserts. They were led thither by another great man, Brigham Young. For twenty years the valleys of Utah gave the people an isolated shelter, a somewhat bare sub- sistence, and peace. Brigham Young well knew that the people could not long be hedged about by mountain- walls, nor barriers of isolation. The onward sweep of civilization would bring in its train many blessings and some pitfalls. The great pioneer had taught the people how to plant and water their sterile valley farms; how to congregate their homes in such form as would give them all the advantages of village life. He had established schools, churches, and social halls in the midst of the clustered houses, while the farming lands radiated from this center into the edges of the hills. He had persuaded the people to devote them- selves to the cultivation of the soil, the establishment of va- rious industries, instead of following an unstable and dan- Til ft GENESIS OF MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT. 3 gc roiis pursuit of the minerals hid in the shoulders of the mountains. The hum of the factory was heard in the land, and the multitudes of traveling California emi- grants found shelter, supplies and rest iii the busy villages enclosed by the Wasatch mountains. The great northwestern region of our country, to- gether with the golden land on the sands of the Pacific, began filling up rapidly during the sixties. A cry was sent up to Congress for aid to build a transcontinental railway. Brigham Young was among the first to voice this cry, and he took practical steps to assist the govern- ment in fulfilling his desires. The Mormon leaders were not blind to all that a sudden influx of strangers would mean to a people, then sheltered and at peace. They had lingering memories which taught them all that hatred and bigotry might do, if the same spirit that had once dogged their every step should animate those who might come. And far more to be dreaded than persecution was the spirit of folly and fashion, excitement and extravagance, which seems a necessary but sad accompaniment to all forms of high civilization. With the near approach of the steam horse in the year 1869, came the forerunners of its pres- ence. Books multiplied, but so also did saloons. Goods became cheaper, and the people demanded money with which to buy. The loom and the wheel gradually disap- peared. Sewing machines crept in slowly; and then the women subscribed for the new fashion-magazines from which to glean ideas how to cut their cloth and sew it up again in fanciful shapes. The true exponent of the religion of Jesus Christ will be deeply conscious of the principle involved in the words of the Savior, when, in His last recorded earthly prayer, He said, concerning His disciples, "And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come 4 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. to thee. * * I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, .but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth." The world is all about us; and our struggle will always be, not to hide away from it, but to create about ourselves an at- mosphere so refined and pure, so simple and sincere, that everyone who comes within the radius of that atmosphere will breathe its sweet simplicity with gratitude and joy. This principle lay deep in the heart of the master pioneer. He contemplated measures that could be put in force to shield the people of Utah from the worldliness which the influx of strangers would bring at the 'completion of the transcontinental railroad . There was a host of young women growing up in Zion, who had been born, as we term it, "under the cove- nant of the Priesthood," but were not identified with the Relief Society. These girls had not studied the principles of the Gospel, as had their mothers, who had accepted the truth in eastern lands or in a foreign country. The daugh- ters of Zion were passing fair; and coupled with their sim- ple beauty was a freedom of demeanor, bred by the west- ern atmosphere. They were getting the common educa- tion that comes from books and schools, and most of them were carefully trained in the domestic virtues. But many there were who did not have the opportunity of studying the principles of the Gospel, in sequence and with intelli- gent application. The girls were not then sent out on missions, as were their 1 brothers, and so did not acquire that best of spiritual and intellectual training which is giv- en in the heaven-appointed university of missionary life. It is well known that Brigham Young had a very large family. Not all know of one striking fact connected with his family a statement which might be repeated of THE GENESIS OF MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT. 5 other large Mormon families belonging- to the men and women of that day that of the fifty-six children born to Brig-ham Young-, (ten of whom died in infancy,) not one was halt, lame, blind, or impaired in mental or spiritual powers. They were a race of hardy and rather brig-ht children, more full, perhaps, of life and animation than the average youth. Therefore they were not easy to man- ag-e; but all had a most profound love and esteem for their father. He, in turn, was extremely proud of his children; and when any of them showed a disposition to be unworthy of his trust and confidence, it was a deep sorrow to him. He had a strong; sense of his own personal obligation to the people who sustained him as their head; and he was wise enough to know that that responsibility descended to his children, however little they mig-ht under- stand or appreciate the fact. Surrounded by all these conditions, the mind of Brig-- ham Young- was led very strongly to form a suitable or- ganization among the young daughters of Zion, an organ- ization which should provide them with a training school, as it were, for their spiritual and intellectual develop- ment. There was under his roof a woman who was an officer in the first organization of women in the Church, Eliza R. Snow. She was quick to see the tremendous significance of this new departure proposed by President Young looking toward the advancement of her sex. She took up the suggestion with eagerness and intelligence. She was too noble to lose sight of the fact that here again the initiative was taken for woman's progress by a broad-minded and prophetic man . The details of the work were committed to her care, and she was urged to call to her assistance other noble workers among the women of the Church. The first meeting of the projected organization was called by Brigham Young on November 28, 1869, in the 6 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. parlor of the Lion House. This meeting- is necessarily of great historic interest to us, and we have the advantage of repeating- the story as told by several who were there. Mrs. Bathsheba W. Smith, the wife of President Georg-e A. Smith, was the only woman present who was not a member of President Young-' s family; and her memory, which is clear and excellent, supplies us with the following: EXTERIOR OF LION HOUSE. details of what occurred on that occasion. These items have also been verified by many of the family, who are still living-, and who were present. President Young: asked Sister Eliza R. Snow to notify those of his family not living- in the Lion House to assem- ble there on the evening* of November 28, 1869, as he had important matters to present to them for action. No doubt this matter had been thoroug-hly discussed by him and THE GENESIS OF MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT. 7 Sister Snow, for later events showed that there was an un- derstanding between them on the subject about to be pre- sented. Sister Snow had asked Sister Bathsheba W. Smith to g<> around with her to notify the families to attend the meeting. When, therefore, the President saw Sister Smith in the parlor, he said, ''I will send into the office for Brother George A., as he is in there now, and we will invite him to be present at our meeting-." Brother Smith and his wife were, therefore, the only visitors at this initial meeting- of the new organization . The scene in that quaint old parlor would have been a strange one to those not of the family. President Young- came in from the office through the long-, narrow, winding hall and from its small recess in the large hall took the prayer-bell, which was never molested by childish fingers. Eig'ht deliberate rings brought the flying feet of little chil- dren, followed more sedately by the quiet tread of the old- er ones and the mothers, into the long, low-ceiled parlor, warmed by the "Lady Franklin" stove and lighted by glass lamps. The family came and arranged themselves in their accustomed seats, in the substantial, comfortable wooden chairs made by the cabinet maker Bell, after a pattern designed by President Young himself. Then the hus- band and father sat, as was his wont, in the middle of the long room by the round table. Beside him was his loved friend and counselor, President George A. Smith, and on the red-velvet davenport, the seat reserved for vis- itors, sat Sister Smith. At his right hand was "Aunt" Eliza R. vSnow, with her tall, slim figure neatly and plainly clad, her fine old Hebrew face with its deep-set eyes and clear-cut, regular features composed with their customary serenity. Around the room were ranged the rest of the family, as usual. After the simple and usual evening prayer had been HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. PARLOR OF LION HOUSE. Among- other offered, the President addressed his family, things he said: All Israel are looking to my family and watching- the example set by my wives and children. For this reason I desire to organize my own family first into a society for the promotion of habits of order, thrift, industry, and charity; and, above all thing's, I desire them to retrench from their extravagance in dress, In eating and even in speech. The time has come when the sisters must agree to give up their follies of dress and cultivate a modest ap- parel, a meek deportment, and to set an example before the people of the world worthy of imitation. I am weary of the manner in which our women seek to outdo each other in all the foolish fashions of the world. For in- stance, if a sister invites her friends to visit her, she must have quite as many dishes as her neigfhbor spread on a former occasion, and indeed she must have one or two more in order to show how much superior her table is to her neigfhbor 's. This silly rivalry has induced a habit THE GENESIS OF MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT. 9 of extravagance in our food; it has involved fathers and husbands in debt, and it has made slaves of the mothers and daughters. It is not right. It is displeasing to the Lord, and the poor groan under the burden of trying to ape the customs of those who have more means. Then, again, our daughters are following the vain and foolish fashions of the world. I want you to set your own fash- ions. Let your apparel be neat and comely, and the work- manship of your own hands. Wear the good cloth manu- factured in our own mills, and cease to build up the mer- chant who sends your money out of the Territory for fine clothes made in the East. Make your garments plain, just to clear the ground in length, without ruffles or pan- niers or other foolish and useless trimmings and styles. I should like you to get up your own fashions, and set the style for all the rest of the world who desire sensible and comely fashions to follow. I want my daughters to learn to work and to do it. Not to spend their time for naught; for our time is all the capital God has given us, and if we waste that we are bankrupt indeed. I have long had it in my mind to organize the young ladies of Zion into an association so that they might assist the older members of the Church, their fathers and moth- ers, in propagating, teaching and practicing the principles I have been so long teaching. There is need for the young daughters of Israel to get a living testimony of the truth. Young men obtain this while on missions, but this way is not opened to the girls. More testimonies are obtained on the feet than on the knees. I wish our girls to obtain a knowledge of the Gospel for themselves. For this purpose I desire to establish this organization and want my family to lead out in the great work. I have always been willing to give my children all the advantages of education and schooling possible to obtain. But I want them to appreciate those advantages and not to squander their opportunities. We are about to organize a Retrenchment Association, which I want you all to join, and I want you to vote to retrench in your dress, in your tables, in your speech, wherein you have been guilty of silly, extravagant speeches and light-mindedness of thought. Retrench in everything that is bad and worthless, and improve in everything 10 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. that is good and beautiful. Not to make yourselves un- happy, but to live so that you may be truly happy in this life and the life to come. He invited his wives to express their feelings and all responded. A vote was then called and the whole family voted to sustain the President in his new departure. Then Brother George A. Smith was invited to speak, and he bore a powerful testimony to the truth of the President's words. He said that if ever a man spoke by the power of God, President Young: had done so at this meeting. Some difficulty was realized in selecting the proper one to stand at the head of the organization, but at last Sister Ella Young Empey was chosen and unanimously sustained to act as president of the Retrenchment Associa- tion as it was then called. After some further talk the meeting was dismissed and adjourned to some time in the near future.* It would not be difficult to imagine the consternation of those light-hearted young" girls, who grasped at once the thought that to them this new movement meant no ruffles, no ribbons, no furbelows. All that lay in the heart of this movement as its deeper meaning, the uplifting, the growth and the spiritual and intellectual culture all this was overlooked by those merry, thoughtless girls, the old- est of them not much over twenty. The sacrifice was big to them; small wonder there was shrinking and doubt. Nevertheless, it was settled that night that a Spartan *TESTIMONY OF MRS. BATHSHEBA W. SMITH. As near as my recollection serves me, the above account of the meeting held in the Lion House, November 28th, 1869, is correct, both as to details and the words spoken by President Young. On my leaving the room, he spoke a few words of blessing to me, which greatly comforted my heart. He said he had no fault to find with Brother George A.'s family as to th^ir dress. BATHSHEBA W. SMITH. Salt Lake Temple, March 8, 1909 THE GENESIS OF MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT. 11 plainness of dress was to be one of the distinguishing- marks of the new movement. Let us examine the stirring; but quaintly worded resolutions adopted: ARTICLES, Subscribed to and adopted by the Young- Ladies' Depart- ment of the Co-operative Retrenchment Association , organ- ized in Salt Lake City, 1869. Resolved, that realizing- ourselves to be wives and daughters of apostles, prophets and elders of Israel, and, as such, that high responsibilities rest upon us, and that we shall be held accountable to God not only for the priv- ileges we inherit from our fathers, but also for the blessings we enjoy as Latter-day Saints, we feel to unite and co- operate with, and we do mutually pledge ourselves that we will uphold and sustain each other in doing good. Resolved, that inasmuch as the Saints have been com- manded to gather out from Babylon and not partake of her sins, that they may receive not of her plagues, we feel that we should not condescend to imitate the pride, folly and fashions of the world. And inasmuch as the Church of Jesus Christ is likened unto a city set on a hill, to be a beacon light to all nations, it is our duty to set examples for others, instead of seeking to pattern after them. Resolved, that we will respect ancient and modern apostolic instructions. St. Paul exhorted Timothy to teach the women to adorn themselves in modest apparel not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but to wear that which becometh \vomen professing godliness with good works. Peter, also, in his first epistle, in speak- ing of women says, "Whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing gold, or of putting on of apparel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned them- selves," etc. In a revelation given to the Saints in 1831, the Lord said: "Thou shalt not be proud in thy heart; let all thy garments be plain, and their beauty the beauty of 12 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. the work of thine own hands." All of which we accept as true principles, and such as should be fully illustrated in our practice. Resolved, with a firm and settled determination to honor the foregoing- requirements, and being deeply sensi- ble of the sinful ambition and vanity in dress among the daughters of Zion, which are calculated to foster the pride of the world, and shut out the spirit of God from the heart, we mutually agree to exert our influence, both by precept and example, to suppress and eventually eradicate these evils. Resolved, that, while admitting variety has its charms, we know that real beauty appears to greater advantage in a plain dress than when bedizened with finery; and while we disapprobate extravagance and waste, we would not, like the Quakers, recommend a uniform, but would leave each one to choose the style best adapted to her own taste and person. At the same time we shall avoid and ignore as obsolete with us all extremes which are opposed to good sense, or repulsive to modesty. Resolved, inasmuch as cleanliness is a characteristic of a Saint, and an imperative duty, we shall discard the dragging skirts, and for decency's sake those disgustingly short ones extending no lower than the boot tops. We also regard "panniers," and whatever approximates in ap- pearance toward the "Grecian bend," a burlesque on the natural beauty and dignity of the human female form, and will not disgrace our persons by wearing them. And also, as fast as it shall be expedient, we shall adopt the wearing of home-made articles, and exercise our united influence in rendering them fashionable. ELLA Y. EMPEY, President, EMILY Y. CLAWSON, ZINA Y. WILLIAMS, MARIA Y. DOUGALL, CAROLINE YOUNG, DORA YOUNG, PHEBE YOUNG, Counselors. THE GENESIS OF MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT 13 A number of meeting's were held by this society in the winter following the organization in the Lion House. Sev- eral of them were held at the home of Sister Emmeline Free Youngf, wife of President Young: and mother of Ella Y. Empey, the youthful president. She lived then in what was known as the Grant House, on Main street, exactly on the site of the present Z. C. M. I. Within the year 1870 the Retrenchment Associations were established on a firm basis, that is, as local associa" tions. There were branches in nearly every ward in the city by the close of this year, while Ogden, Logan, Provo, Bountiful and Brigham City were all reaching out for the new work; and in most of these larger towns, ward asso- ciations of the girls were already in operation. In some places these associations were organized by local authority, but generally speaking- they were effected under the direct supervision of Sister Eliza R. Snow. But this great reform movement among: women was not confined entirely to the young- girls; the mothers and wives in Israel were as much in need of a return to the art of simplicity, or retrenchment (as it was quaintly termed), as were the girls. And for this reason, President Young" set another engine of progress into active operation. He committed the cause of retrenchment among- the older women into the hands of an associate of Sister Snow. And as this other association was closely identified with the work of the g:irls, in the first years of their labors, an outline of it will be given in this book. 14 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. BIOGRAPHICAL. Mrs. Ella Young- Empey was born August 31, 1846. She was of the golden -haired, blue-eyed type, which was a striking feature of many of the Young- girls. In disposition she was sedate and thoughtful; she was, among a family of musicians, one of the best and most gifted. What was then called a "piano touch" became so well known in Ella, that one in a distant room knew the brilliant, rippling sound of Ella's fingers -on the dear old Lion House piano. She was married in 1865 (very early, as was the custom in those days) to Nelson A. Empey. They lived a devotedly happy life until September 7, 1890, when the wife died, leaving her husband desolate . Mrs. Emily Y. Clawson has reared a large and gifted family, and as the plural wife of a bishop, she has done well her part. Mrs. Zina Young Williams (now Card) has been plural wife, mother, pioneer, teacher, and .house- keeper. Not one of the Young girls has more faithfully lived up to that long ago ideal. Her sister, Mrs. Maria Y. Don gall, stands side by side with Mrs. Williams -Card in the noble life-record made. Caroline Young (Cannon) reared a splendid family, and still found time for Temple work in the last years of her life. She was president of the Cannon Ward Relief Society for several years. She died July 7, 1903. Dora Young (Hagan) has not lived in Utah for many years; but she is as devoted to the memory of her father as any daughter he ever had. Phebe Young (Beatie) is as lovely in character as she is in person. She has lived a useful life, both in public works and domestic duties. She is one of the General Board of the Relief Society at the present time. Such is the brief record of those pioneer officers of the Mutual Improvement work. OFFICERS OF THE FIRST RETRENCHMENT ASSOCIATION. Zina Y. Williams Emily Y. Clawson Maria Y. Dougall President Ella Y. Empey Caroline Young Phoebe Young Dora L, Young BIOGRAPHICAL. 15 ELIZA R. SNOW SMITH. The name of Eliza R. Snow, otherwise known as "Z ion's poetess," is an imperishable one in the history of Mormonism. A sister to President Lorenzo Snow and one of the wives of the Prophet Joseph Smith, she stood for many years at the head of the entire Mormon sisterhood, and was the most prominent woman of her period in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Gifted and ed- ucated, an original thinker, an able speaker and writer, she was also endowed with executive ability of a high order, which she used, with all other talents, in the promulgation of her religious faith, in the advancement of her sex, and, as far as her influence extended, for the welfare of all mankind. Though most of her life was sternly practical, much of it be- ing passed amid scenes of hardship and persecution, she found time to woo the poetic muse and was the author of poems of hig~h merit, the most famous among them being her sublime hymn, "O my Father," so frequently sung- in the sacred gatherings of the Saints.* *It is always vitally interesting to know something about the details surrounding the production of an immortal poem, a pic- ture or a song. And although no one thought to ask Sister Snow in life to recount the incidents connected with the composition of the famous and inspired hymn entitled "O my Father," we know from two of her associates, Sisters Bathsheba W. Smith and Em- meline B. Wells, a little of the surroundings of the poetess at this time. She was living in Nauvoo at the home of Stephen Markham, and had for her own room a tiny upstairs chamber, whose sloping roof was all unfinished inside, but which sheltered its inmate from snows and sun, while it provided a quiet retreat for occasional con- templation and composition. The room was severely plain in its furnishings, with one small window to light the dim gloom of the half-completed story. But the bed was exquisitely neat with its valance of white and its cover of snowy home-woven linen spread trimly over its billowing, feathery softness. The small trunk in the opposite corner was ample space to encompass all the worldly be- longings of this high priestess of the newly revealed Truth, for she had left her desires for worldly possessions behind her along with the many home comforts which had once been hers. A braided rug mat covered a large portion of the bare boards. Near the bed stood a tiny round light-stand, familiar in the olden days, on which stood the shining brass candlestick, and the beloved Bible and 16 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Eliza Roxey Snow was a native of Becket, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, where she was born January 21, 1804. Her ancestors were English, but her parents were na- tive Americans, the father having- been born in Massachu- setts, the mother in Connecticut. Her father was a Revolu- tionary soldier. As early as 1805 the family migrated west- ward to Mantua, Portage county, Ohio, then a new and sparsely settled section. Up to this time, Eliza and an elder sister were the only children in the household; but at Mantua several brothers and other sisters were born, among them Lorenzo. The Snows were Baptists in religion, but were broad-minded and liberal to people of all denominations; and their hospitable home was a resort for intelligent and exem- Book of Mormon. This small and indispensable piece of old-time chamber furniture a light-stand was set at the head of the bed to hold the candlestick and paper lighters. If a light was necessary in the night, the occupant of the chamber must needs arise, and with more or less difficulty brush away the ashes in her own or the kitchen fire-place so that the paper lighter could be ignited and thus renew her candle light. It was in such environments that the sim- ple but divine words of that matchless Mormon hymnal were writ- ten. An interesting sidelight is given to this time through a possible glimpse of the thought-kernel which grew into such fragrant bloom in the full-voiced poem of Sister Snow. It was told by Aunt Zina D. Young to the writer as to many others during her life. Father Huntington lost his wife under the most trying circumstances. Her children were left desolate. One day, when her daughter Zina was speaking with the Prophet Joseph Smith concerning the loss of her mother and her intense grief, she asked the question: "Will I know my mother as my mother when I get over on the Other Side?" "Certainly you will," was the instant reply of the Prophet. "More than that, you will meet and become acquainted with your eternal Mother, the wife of your Father in Heaven." "And have I then a Mother in Heaven?" exclaimed the aston- ished girl. "You assuredly have. How could a Father claim His title un- less there were also a Mother to share that parenthood?" It was about this time that Sister Snow learned the same glo- rious truth from the same inspired lips, and at once she was moved to express her own great joy and gratitude in the moving words of the hymn, "O my Father," which includes the pregnant couplet: "Truth is reason; truth eternal Tells me I've a mother there." ELIZA R. SNOW. BIOGRAPHICAL. 17 plary spirits of various persuasions. The parents instilled morality into the minds of their children and trained them to habits of industry and economy, at the same time extending to them the best available facilities for scholastic culture. Eliza was carefully educated in intellectual as well as do- mestic pursuits. She began her literary career when quite young, winning high repute in the surrounding region by her poetic productions. At the age of twenty-two she was solicited through the press to write a requiem for John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, whose simultaneous deaths on the birthday anniversary of the nation afforded a theme well suited to the lofty and patriotic spirit which characterized her muse. The poem was written and published. With its appearance the young and gifted author found the portals of fame opening to her, with promises of a brilliant future. This prospect she sacrificed, with many other hopes which seemed precious, upon the altar of her religious convictions. With her poetic temperament, she possessed a lofty and profound spiritual nature. The sacred and siiblime poetry of the Bible was her delight. She loved the Scriptures and the society of scriptorians, scholars and men of learning and eloquence. Among her early acquaintances was Alexander Campbell, for whom the Campbellite sect was named; also Sidney Rigdon, a fellow-founder of that denomination, who was afterwards associated with the Prophet Joseph Smith. Eliza R. Snow was initiated into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints April 5th, 1833. Her mother and her elder sister had previously connected themselves with the Church and had visited Kirtland, its headquarters, not many miles from Mantua. It was through their favor- able representations that Eliza was induced to make an in- vestigation of Mormonism. In the autumn of the year of her baptism, she left her father's home and took up her resi- dence at Kirtland, where she taught the family school" of the Prophet, and boarded in his household. Subsequently she had a house of her own, which she shared with her sister, a widow with two children. Her father also embraced the faith, and it was not long' before the entire family was set- tled at Kirtland. Late in April, 1838, they started with a small company for Far West, Missouri, to which point the Latter-day Saints 18 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. were then migrating-. Arriving- there on the 16th of July, Eliza remained for a time nursing her sick brother, Lorenzo, who was prostrated with bilious fever, and then rejoined her parents at Adam-Ondi-Ahman in the ad joining county. There the family purchased two homesteads, with farm crops, and settled; but, in the mob troubles that soon arose, they were forcibly dispossessed of this property and compelled to leave the county within ten days. Upon their departure, and even while they were preparing to go, the former owner of the premises coolly took possession of the home from which they were driven. It was a bitter cold day December 10, 1838 when the Snow family left Diahman, which was occupied by the mob forces. After assisting to load the wagons, Sister Eliza went ahead of the teams to warm her feet by walking. A Missou- rian approached and addressed her tauntingly: "I think this will cure you of your faith." "No, sir," replied the undaunted woman, with firm em- phasis, and looking him straight in the eye, "it will take more than this to cure me of my faith." The man's countenance fell. "Well, I must confess you are a better soldier than I am," said he, slinking away. The homeless family, after a brief stay at Far West, participated in the enforced exodus of the Saints from Mis- souri. Their wintry wanderings past, they found them- selves, in March, 1839, with the main body of their people, at Quincy, Illinois. Thence they proceeded to Warren county and next to La Harpe. Eventually they settled with the Saints at Nauvoo. There Eliza taught school, wrote for the press, both in poetry and prose, and began to rise in prominence in the Church. She was present, March 17, 1842, when the Prophet organized the now famous Relief Society, of which she was the original secretary. The date of her marriage to Joseph Smith was June 29, 1842. She had no children, but was destined to be a mother to the women of her people. Wid- owed by the Prophet's martyrdom, in June, 1844, and pros- trated with grief for her murdered husband, she besought the Lord that she might follow him speedily to the spirit world, The Prophet appeared to her in vision, administer- BIOGRAPHICAL. 19 ing- strength and consolation. She rose up in all the dig- nity of a prophetess to continue her mission, consecrating herself more fully than ever to the great cause for which Joseph had died. Her long record as a Temple worker be- gan at Nauvoo, where she administered in sacred ordinances for hundreds of her sex. In the exodus of February, 1846, while driving an ox team tow r ards the Missouri river, she wrote songs to comfort and encourage her exiled co-religionists in their weary pil- grim-age to the Rocky Mountains. At Winter Quarters, a siege of chills and fever, superinduced by the many hard- ships and exposures to which she had been subjected, brought her almost to the brink of the grave. At the close of the year came the tidings of her mother's death at Walnut Grove, Illinois, where her father had died the year previous. She began the journey across the plains in June, 1847, in one of the first companies that followed in the wake of the pioneers, and the month of October found her a resident of the colony in Salt Lake Valley. She was provided with a home by President Brigham Young and from that time until her death remained a member of his household. When the Endowment House was dedicated as a temporary Temple for the Saints, May, 1855, she was placed in charge of the sisters' work therein, and held the sacred office then conferred upon her as long as ordinance work was performed in the Endowment House. In 1866 she was called by President Young to assist the bishops in or- ganizing ward Relief Societies throughotit the Church, which in her time increased to three hundred branches. In that position she labored continuously for twenty-one years. A notable event of her experience was her trip to Pales- tine as a member of President George A. Smith's party, which included also her brother, Lorenzo, then one of the Twelve Apostles. The object in view was the dedication of the Holy Land for the return of the Jews; one of the great events contemplated by Mormonism. Leaving home on the 26th of October, 1872, she sailed with her party from New York on the 5th of November. After seeing the sights of London, they passed over to Belgium, and thence through France, calling upon M. Thiers, president of the French republic, at Versailles. They journeyed through the prin- 20 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. cipal cities of Italy, crossed over to Alexandria, and late in February, 1873, landed at Jaffa, the first sea-port of Pal- estine. The beginning of March found them in Jerusalem, and on the second day of the month, which was Sunday, they ascended the Mount of Olives, and there held sacred services, accomplishing- the purpose of their mission. They then com- pleted their tour of the Holy Land, occupying in all about a month, during which Sister Eliza, then in her seventieth year, slept in a tent, rode on the donkeys, and endured the journey quite as well as the youngest and most vigorous of the party. They returned by way of Constantinople, and at Athens took tea with the American minister. After visiting the World's Fair at Vienna, they set out for England. About the last of May they sailed for home, arriving there in July. Invigorated in mind and body, Sister Eliza entered with renewed zeal and devotion upon the discharge of her mani- fold duties. She traveled north and south through the set- tlements, holding meetings and addressing the sisters in many places, organizing and setting in order the women's associations. But she figured not only in public, counseling and instructing with wisdom and eloquence, but also, in the homes of the poor and the needy, and at the bedside of the sick and dying, she was an angel of hope and consolation. Probably her most noted public speech was at the great mass meeting of the Mormon women, held at the old Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, in January, 1870, to protest against the Cul- lom anti-polygamy bill, then pending in Congress. In No- vember, 1878, she presided at a similar meeting held in the Salt Lake Theatre, for the purpose of answering allegations of the newly-organized Anti-Polygamy Society. As early as 1856, Sister Eliza published her first volume of poems, embodying religious, historical and political themes. Twenty years later she prepared a second volume of poems for the press, and assisted in the preparation and publication of Tullidge's "Women of Mormondom." Other literary works of hers were: "Correspondence of Palestine Tourists," "The Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow," and a hymn book, tune book, and first and second Speakers for use in the children's Primary Associations. Sister Snow assisted in organizing these associations throughout the settlements. BIOGRAPHICAL. 21 She was the leader in this movement, as in the Y. L. M. I. A. Among various prominent positions occupied by this in- defatigable worker in Zion's interests were those of superin- tendent of the Women's Store, (a commission house for Utah-made goods, opened in the Constitution Building', Salt Lake City, in the fall of 1876), and president of the Deseret Hospital, established by the Mormon women and dedicated July 17, 1882. June 19th, 1880, at a meeting- held in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall, she had been formally set apart by President John Taylor to preside over the Latter-day Saints' women's organizations in all the world, Zina D. H. Young being her first counselor and Elizabeth Ann Whitney her second counselor; Sarah M. Kimball was secretary and Mary Isabella Home, treasurer. Sister Eliza's death occurred on December 5th, 1887, when, full of years and ripe wisdom, and honored and be- loved wherever known, she passed peacefully to her rest in the paradise of God . She was given a public funeral at the Assembly Hall, and her remains were entombed in President Young's private burying ground. Most closely associated with Sister Snow was another wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and also, later, the wife of Brigham Young. Zina D. Young was the anti-type to Sister Snow. Some spoke of the two as the head and the heart of the women's work in Utah. Sister Snow was keen- ly intellectual, and she led by force of that intelligence. Sis- ter Zina was all love and sympathy, and drew people after her by reason of that tenderness. It is well to consider them together in this work, for so they labored in Mutual Im- provement work side by side. ZINA D. HUNTINGTON YOUNG. There have been many noble women, some great wom- en and a multitude of good women associated, past and pres- ent, with the Latter-Day work. But of them all none was so lovely, so lovable, and so passionately beloved as was "Aunt Zina." To be sure the explanation seems simple, but it only "seems," for it is anything but simple to live the per- fect Christian life which was lived by this saintly woman for over eighty years. 22 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Atmt Zina was a perfect example of the teaching's of Paul in the 13th chapter of I Corinthians; yet with all her tenderness and exquisite delicacy of motive and act, there was a sturdy strength about her which made up the heroic part of her character. She was extremely quick in her per- ceptions, and was keenly conscious of malicious conduct or slighting treatment; but her nobility prevented her from re- senting- ill-treatment, and she was ready to forgive long- be- fore asked to do so. It is related of her that on one occasion she was told that a certain woman did not like her. Aunt Zina looked quietly into the eyes of her informer and said, with simple dignity and sincerity: "Well, I love her, Sister, and she can't help herself." It is an established fact that, almost without exception, the founders of the Mormon Church were descendants of the founders of the American nation, and it is a pleasing- task to study the genealogical history of the men and women who have, under God, laid the foundations of this Church. Zina Hunting-ton Young- was descended from a line of distinguished ancestry. Lady Salina Hunting-ton, who came from one branch of the family, was the daughter of the Earl of Ferrars, and a co-laborer of the famous reformer, Wesley. The pedigree of this family and that of Georg-e Washington, the first American, meet in the same parentage, a few gener- ations before either of these distinguished personages was born. The mother of Aunt Zina was a Dimock, and she was of the family of Sir Edward Dymock, Knight, Champion to Queen Elizabeth. The Dymocks were hereditary holders of this title for several generations. Aunt Zina's father was one of the patriots who served in the war of 1812. Samuel Huntington, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, was the uncle of this stout and gallant soldier. Her own father was descended di- rectly from Simon Huntington, the Puritan immigrant who sailed for America in 1633, but on the way died of small-pox. His wife and little children settled in Roxbury, and were under the direct charge of the famous pastor, John Elliot. Her paternal grandmother was a Lathrop, of the Black River valley, New York. Aunt Zina was born Jan. 31st, 1821, at Watertown. ZINA D. H. YOUNG. BIOGRAPHICAL. and she was baptized into the Church by the Patriarch Hy- rum Smith, August 14, 1835. Young as she was, she re- ceived, during this year at Kirtland, the two beautiful gifts which never afterwards left her: that of speaking in tongues and of interpretation of tongues. She was a member of the Kirtland Temple choir, and began, even in her youth, the work of her life the teaching of the young. She was emi- nently fitted to be a teacher. She not only had the gift of imparting information from the modest store of book-learn- ing which she possessed, but she had that higher, rarer gift of imparting the inspiration of her own high ideals and char- acter to the youth who were under her care. She was married in her youth and had two fine boys, Zebulon and Chariton Jacobs; but the union was not a happy one, and she subsequently separated from her husband. She was married in the order of celestial marriage to the Prophet Joseph Smith, for time and eternity. After the martyrdom of the Prophet, she accepted the offer of a home under the roof of President Young, and was married to him for time. She had one child to Brigham Young, a daughter, Zina, who is a worthy representative of a spiritual and sainted mother. Aunt Zina's mother died during the persecutions in Missouri, and the family were all so ill that only two of the number could attend the funeral. Her father died, also a martyr, at the camp of Pisgah, after the Saints were driven from Nauvoo. The Saints at this time were in the most terrible straits. Deaths were so frequent that it was diffi- cult to find well ones who could bury the dead. Many were buried with split logs at the bottom of the graves, while the sides were lined with brush hastily cut from the roadside. It was at this time that Father Huntington was taken sick, and died in eighteen days. Aunt Zina went to Winter Quarters after the death of her father; and she crossed the plains in 1848, with her hus- band's family, walking, driving team, cooking beside the camp-fire, and sharing, nay, bearing far more than her part of the burdens of the journey. She was an expert bread- maker, and her salt-rising would come up when all the oth- ers were dead and cold. No one will ever know how little of her own provisions she ate , and how much she gave to others 24 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. less favored than herself. After arriving in Salt Lake Val- ley, she lived first in the Old Fort, then in the "Log Row," a short distance north of the Eagle Gate, and later with the other members of the family moved in 1856 into the famous Lion House. Aunt Zina taught school for many years, for there must be schools, and the men were all busy with the strenuous pioneer labors in canyon and field. She began teaching in Nauvoo; next, she had a noisy, yet merry, school in Winter Quarters, and finally opened a small class in her own small room in the Log Fort. After the Lion House was built and teachers multiplied, she turned her attention' to other philan- thropic labors, for her spirit was far too active and her capac- ity too great to make her satisfied with the small compass of her own four walls. She walked the difficult path of public trust, side by side with Eliza R. Snow. When the Relief Society was reorganized in Utah by Brigham Young, Aunt. Zina was chosen as treasurer. Later, when the general organization was completed, she was the first counselor to Sister Eliza R. Snow. This office she held until the death of Sister Snow, when she was elected the president of that historic society, and she continued in that office till her own death, on the 28th of August, 1902. She was thus, for ten years, Elect Lady of the Church, and no more beautiful soul ever occupied that exalted position. She was chosen in the early seventies by Brigham Young to take up the "mission" of establishing silk-culture in the Territory, and to her death she was faithful to the trust then imposed upon her. To hear her modest story of the suffering she endured in silence , while working on the silk farm established by President Young in the suburbs of the city, was to hear what real heroism means. She was afflict- ed with a mortal terror of worms, having a birth mark in the palm of her hand in the shape of a curled-up worm. But when she was called upon to take up the work in sericulture, she told no one of her affliction, but resolved that she would conquer her terror, if she died of heart-failure in the attempt. And conquer, to an extent, she did. She fed and took care of millions of worms, and although there were months that her dreams were nightmare remembrances of her daily horror, she never faltered. She lived to see the silk industry fos- BIOGRAPHICAL. 25 tered and made comparatively successful through legislative enactment. And she wore, for many years, home-made silk dresses as her best attire. In no other line of work and effort was Aunt Zina better known and more appreciated than in her ministrations to the sick and dying in the household of faith. She was an angel of hope and faith to thousands and thousands of the Latter- day Saints. Who has not seen the heavenly comfort and faith beaming from her eye as she knelt over the sick or soothed the mourner! In those early days, whose child was not nursed back to health, or robed for its last long sleep by the tender hands of this angelic woman! What household was not made better, purer, holier far, because of the pres- ence of this saintly woman and womanly saint! She was early educated in the simple mysteries of obstet- rics by a visiting physician to the Territory of Utah, and ever after she was called from her home, in season and out of season, to preside as high priestess at the altar of birth. She heard the birth-cry of more children than any other woman in Utah. And, withal, she bore three and reared a large family of her husband's children. She was the soul of generosity, and yet not lavish; she was forgiving to a fault, and still she always knew when peo- ple assailed her. She was eloquent, and had a personal magnetism which attracted the merest stranger instantly to her side. She was sweetly proud, and her soul was filled with an exquisite dignity. She labored for years as a high priestess, first in the En- dowment House, and then in the Salt Lake Temple, where she presided among the women workers to the day of her death. It is with her work in the Mutual Improvement Associa- tion that this history is chiefly concerned, and Aunt Zina's work in that direction is co-equal with the labors of Sister Eliza R. Snow. Together they traveled, Sister Snow's ring- ing challenge penetrating into the very depths of the girls' minds and brains, while Aunt Zina's loving appeal sank into their hearts and distilled upon their souls like the dews upon the thirsty hills around their valley homes. They trav- eled thousands and thousands of miles, mostly in carriages or wagons, holding two and sometimes four meetings a day, 26 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. organizing branches of the Retrenchment or Mutual Im- provement Associations, meeting with the Relief Societies, "preaching up" silk, or the loyal support of home industry; securing subscribers to the Woman s Exponent; urging the women and the girls to study well their responsibilities, as mothers, wives and daughters. Then, one meeting dis- missed, the same audience would assemble while these two orators and organizers would call a session of the Suffrage Society, or, perhaps, a meeting of the children's Primary Associations. And in this taxing and yet glorious life this woman, these women, lived, labored, suffered, and passed to their rewards. God enrich their memory to all the readers of this history! BATHSHEBA W. SMITH. Mrs. Bathsheba W. Smith is the fourth general presi- dent of the Woman's Relief Society, and is herself a remark- able woman. She was born May 3, 1822, in West Virginia, and is the daughter of Mark Bigler and Susannah Ogden. She was reared in a well-to-do southern family, and had all the advantages attendant upon such conditions. She was an accomplished horsewoman in her youth, and to this fact may be attributed some of her remarkable vigor and comeliness in this the far evening of her life. She sacrificed much to join the unpopular religion of Christ, and she brought with her to Nauvoo all her inherited love of refinement and womanly dignity, while not forgetting the industry and frugality which so characterized the early life of the founders of this Ameri- can nation. She was married to George A. Smith, a cousin of the Prophet Joseph Smith, in Nauvoo, on July 25, 1842. Mrs. Smith was very soon an intimate friend of the Prophet's family, and she was as much attracted by the unusual strength and brilliancy of his wife, Emma Hale Smith, as she was by the majesty and power of the great Prophet him- self. Mrs. Bathsheba W. Smith still cherishes the memory of Emma Smith, as that lady rode on her white horse beside her husband through the streets of Nauvoo, as one of her priceless visual mementoes. Mrs. Smith was a member of the first Relief Society, organized by the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1842 in Nauvoo. She is, therefore, the only living charter-member of that BATHSHEBA W. SMITH. BIOGRAPHICAL. 27 Society; she sat under the inspired teachings among- those early women, while the Prophet Joseph Smith, Brig-ham Young-, and Heber C. Kimball instructed them in their un- usual duties and privileges. She does not forg-et those days nor those teaching's. She was also permitted to receive her endowments under the hands of the same inspired Prophet and his wife Emma. Sister Smith is still alive and is the only living- person who thus received these blessings from the Prophet. She has seen the Relief Society grow from a local society to a great organization of forty thousand or more women, engaged in philanthropic and sociological work. She has worshiped and labored in every Temple ever built in these latter days, and has indeed done more of this glorious ordinance work than any other woman, living or dead. She has also had more public honors paid her than has any other woman in the Church, and she bears them all with gracious calmness and dignity. Mrs. Smith is the mother of three children. Her oldest son was slain by the Indians and his mother's heart is still sore and tender for that loss; her other son John died a few hours after birth. Her daughter, named for herself, Bathsheba, married Clarence Merrill and has brought to this world fourteen children for this grandmother in Is- rael. Sister Smith is tall, gracious and queenly in presence, dignified and affable in manner, true and unswerving in her convictions of right. Her husband was first counselor to President Brigham Young and Church historian for many years in the early Utah days, and Mrs. Smith kept an open house for all his friends. Home industry was a favorite sub- ject for her husband's speech and endeavor, and his wife was a beautiful exemplification of his highest ideals, for she spun and wove, embroidered and crocheted her own adorn- ments, as well as those which enriched her home. Mrs. Smith labored in the Nauvoo Temple and in the old Endowment House, where she was called to assist Sister Eliza R. Snow in Utah's early days; and she has rarely missed one day in the Salt Lake Temple since its opening. It is a lovely and an inspiring sight to see this high priest- ess of righteousness arrayed in her simple white gown of home-made silk, her dark eyes still bright, her fair, deli- 28 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I .A. cate face crowned with lustrous bands of shining' white hair, her finely-shaped head, with its rich, white lace draping, held erect, as her stately figure moves down the long aisle. The sweet smile of welcome greets all alike in its impartial gra- ciousness. She is indeed the Elect Lady, and wisdom and peace crown her days. CHAPTER II. THE SENIOR RETRENCHMENT ASSOCIATION. Retrenchment among the older women. Senior and Junior De- partments. WHEN some temple or pyramid is to be built by hu- man hands, the builder ponders long- as to its de- tails. His plans are studiously drawn. His materials are sought with reference to the exact place which they are to occupy. If the building is to be massive, he selects with care his foundation stones. He is not satisfied with the recommendation of his workmen, he pays a visit to the quarry for his own eyes to see, his own hands to select. He examines the mountain ledges to discover, if he can, the choicest and soundest stone for the first course which is to be laid deep in the earth. And how great is his anx- iety as the workmen uncover some huge stone, to see with what temper it will bear the blow of chisel and hammer! For on these stones is to rest the superstructure which shall rise into the clouds, and carry with each uplifting- course, strength, grace and beauty. Care in the details of the whole is necessary, but upon the strength of his foundation shall rest the security of his temple. The foundation of any great nation or people is al- ways laid by strong and mighty men and women. Only such have the disposition and the capacity to meet and overcome the tremendous obstacles which the beginning of things entails. The Gospel is interwoven closely with mingled threads of democratic and republican principles; or, rather, it is carefully constructed of the best elements of individualism and communism. The work of establishing- the Church was not accomplished alone by Joseph Smith; he was sup- 30 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. ported and assisted by a group of as strong- and mighty souls as ever dwelt in the flesh both men and women. They were of powerful mold, fit to bear up the tremen- dous weight of the superstructure of the work of the Dis- pensation of the Fulness of Times. So it was with the establishment of the work of the Young- Ladies' Mutual Improvement. Brig-ham Young- and Eliza R. Snow were the corner stones of this movement. But there were other powerful spirits who were among the foundation stones. We who study the lives and characters of these pioneer workers are more and more impressed with this fact, as time and perspective give us better chances to see them as they were. "There were giants in those days." It would seem, in reviewing the events and records of that time, that the thought of retrenchment was upper- most in the minds of the leaders of the people. President Young was not satisfied with the efforts of his daughters alone in this direction, but was bent on estab- lishing a society which should encourage all the young girls in the Church to retrench from foolish habits, and to secure testimonies, as they studied the Gospel. Not only were the girls in need of wise "retrenchments," but the older sisters also were spending much needless time in the cooking and serving of meals and especially were they ex- travagant in the giving of banquets to their friends, each one vieing with the other in the preparation of elaborate feasts. Among the leading women of the Church, there was none who possessed more force and determination, or had greater zeal to carry out the commandments of the Lord, than had Sister Mary Isabella Home. Once a saint, al- ways a saint; and once a truth, always a truth, was the motto of her life. To this noble and good woman, President Young committed a grave trust. In the fall of 1869, before the SENIOR RETRENCHMENT ASSOCIATION. 31 first organization of the Young- Ladies had been effected in his own parlor, President Young: and party were mak- ing a tour of southern Utah. He noticed that wherever the party went great preparations were made for their entertain- ment: the sisters were necessarily kept at home instead of going to meeting to receive spiritual inspiration and encouragement from their leaders. Sister Home was at that time visiting her son, Bish- op Home of Gunnison. When the President arrived in Gunnison, he found the same condition that had been noted elsewhere, so looking at M. Isabella Home, he said: Sister Home, I am going to give you a mission, to begin when you return to your home the mission of teaching retrenchment among the wives and daughters of Israel. It is not right that they should spend so much time in the preparation of their food and the adornment of their bodies, and neglect their spiritual education. Sister Home felt the great responsibility of this mis- sion and modestly replied that she ''could not undertake it." However, it was placed upon her; and shortly after returning to Salt Lake, she invited Sister E. R. Snow and Sister Margaret T. Smoot to go with her to have an inter- view with President Young, during which he entered more fully into the subject and gave them instructions as to the proper steps to take to effect an organization. In accord- ance with these instructions a preliminary meeting of the older sisters was held at the home of Sister Home in the Fourteenth ward to which were invited twelve branch pres- idents of the Relief Society. An informal organization was effected at this time, and there was considerable interest man- ifested by the older women. Though no record has been pre- served of them, we learn from the minutes of the first public meeting, in May, 1870, that eight of these meetings were held through the winter, 32 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Very soon after this followed the public organization of the senior and junior departments of the Retrenchment Associations. It will be seen that Sister Eliza R. Snow had direct and detailed charge of all the work, she being especially interested in the junior departments. With her was associated, as always, Aunt Zina D. Young". But the mission of retrenchment among" the older sisters was com- mitted entirely to Sister M. I. Home. At first the rule was to give each president, in either the senior or junior department, six counselors. This rule was finally aban- doned, but it was of great service in the inception of the work. It was in the latter part of May that the first public meeting was held, and as we have the full minutes of that historic gathering, they will be here introduced. This meeting, as hundreds of subseqiient meetings of the sisters, was held in that well-known gathering place FOURTEENTH WARD ASSEMBLY HALL SENIOR RETRENCHMENT ASSOCIATION. 33 IMKK10R FOURTEENTH WARD ASSEMBLY HALL. in the center of Salt Lake City, the Fourteenth ward as- sembly hall. MINUTES OF THE NINTH MEETING OF THE LADIES' CO-OP- ERATIVE RETRENCHMENT ASSOCIATION. Held at the Fourteenth ward assembly hall, May 28th, 1870. The meeting- was called to order by Mrs. M. I. Home. Mrs. Zina D. Youngf was nominated as president- ess of the meeting", and Mrs. Zina Williams (Card) as sec- retary. Choir sang", On the Mountain Tops Appearing"," etc. Prayer by Mrs. M.I. Home. Choir sang-, "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Proph- et," etc. Mrs. Eliza Dunford read the minutes of the former meeting-, which were accepted. Sister Zina D. Young- then said that we had met to 34 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. J. A. serve God, that she was happy to see so many of the sis- ters tog-ether. She stated that the Female Retrenchment Society had never been organized in public; that they had met at Sister Home's and organized there, but it was nec- essary to do so in public. She then presented Mrs. Mary Isabella Home as presidentess of the Ladies' Co-operative Retrenchment Association. Unanimously accepted. Sis- ter Home said as she was called upon to act as president- ess of the society, she would try to do her duty. She had no desire to do anything else. She desired an interest in the faith and prayers of all her sisters. That she had no ambition to be placed in such a position; but with the help of the Lord, and so many good sisters to back her, she would do her best. She then selected her four counselors, viz., Miss Eliza R. Snow, Mrs. Zina D. Young, Mrs. Mar- garet T. Smoot, and Mrs. Sarah M. Kimball. They were then presented by the president of the meeting and unani- mously accepted. Sister Zina D. Young said she wanted to speak on another subject. It was about the Young Ladies' depart- ment, the object of which was to retrench in dress, and to be reasonable and modest in all things. Not to run headlong after Gentile fashions, but to set a good example in Israel. For, she said, we do not realize what we are here for, and the greatness of the work in which we are engaged. She then presented Mrs. Ella Young Empey as presidentess of the Young- Ladies' department. Also her counselors, which were as follows: Mrs. Emily Y. Claw- son, Mrs. Zina Y. Williams, Mrs. Maria Y. Dougall, Miss Caroline Young, Miss Etidora Young, and Miss Phebe Young. They were unanimously accepted. Sister Eliza R. Snow then said she wished to make a few remarks with regard to the Young Ladies' depart- ment. It was President Young- 's sug-gestion, because he thought they would have more influence, as the reform was to consist not only in table retrenchment, but in the trimming's, and trailing dresses, also short ones. That the sisters, when they begin to retrench in long dresses, might not shorten them so that modesty blushes. And in run- ning from Babylon, they must not run so fast that they get beyond Jerusalem. If the angels were to come in our SENIOR RETRENCHMENT ASSOCIATION. 35 midst, how would they be able to distinguish us from the Gentiles? We dress the same, and too often act the same. We must be in earnest in our generation; it is too late in the day to sleep. Sisters, we have everything to encour- age us in this work. Said she met with a society at Wil- low Creek, day before yesterday, and that they were alive in the work. She feared, however, we were taking too much time, as the funeral services of the father of Apostle Taylor would be held here at three o'clock. Apostle Tay- lor had said if he had known of the meeting he would have made different arrangements. Sister Zina D. Young presented Miss Susa Young as general reporter of the society's meetings. Accepted. Sister Phoebe Woodruff then said she came, not ex- pecting to speak, but she was glad to see so many together. That it speaks well for the sisters. That she, for one, wished to do all that she could. And who of us did not wish to be ready when Jesus Christ again comes on the earth? That she felt as Sister Young had said, that none of us realize what we are here for. That the sisters should not be backward in coming to meetings, and doing the lit- tle things that God requires at our hands. Prayed the Lord to bless them in the name of Jesus Christ. The meeting was then adjourned till two weeks from that day. Choir sang, "Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow." Benediction by Miss Eliza R. Snow. ZINA Y. WILLIAMS, secretary. SUSA YOUNG, reporter. It is good for us to study the words and acts of those early days. The spirit of worldly pleasure and vain fash- ions was rapidly creeping into the ranks of the daughters of Zion. We women are no better than we should be to- day, nay, nor half as good; but can the mind picture where we should have been, if the training and check of these associations had not been given? No one will 36 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. deny that the women of the Church have been magnif- icently disciplined by their various organizations, begin- ning with the Relief Society; and it would be a much easier thing- for a great reform movement to sweep through our midst today than it was thirty-five years ago. All in all, there is much to encourage the sociologist in the steady improvement and progress of the women of the Church. It would be a blind if not an ungenerous historian who would not consider the cheering conditions which obtain among us today as the result of these early struggles. The principle of evolution is as true of organizations as of any other field of activity. It is as impossible for a great movement to spring into active being fully developed and perfected as it would be for a fruit to spring out of a tree without leaf, bud and blossom to precede it. It was so with the Y. L. M. I. A. The one thought of simpler dress, simpler food, simpler habits of life and speech first impressed the girls; but the spiritual meaning of all these things grew with its growth and the leaves began to put forth, the slender stem enlarged, the blossoms hung under the leaves, and now the fruit ripens yearly upon the spreading branches for the people to partake of and be re- freshed. i Following the public organization, the sisters went from ward to ward in Salt Lake City, organizing the young ladies in Junior Retrenchment Associations. Other towns and communities also took up the spirit of the times, and Young Ladies' Retrenchment Associations began to multiply. There are some records of these early efforts now accessible, and they will be treated in a later chapter. It will be no- ticed, however, that the branch of the work among the older sisters, termed the Senior, or General, Retrenchment Asso- ciation, was confined to the one large organization in Salt Lake City, under the presidency of Sister Home. Thus it SENIOR RETRENCHMENT ASSOCIATION. 37 came about that the general idea and purpose of retrench- ment centered gradually around the young women of Zion. The minutes of the second public meeting show that the officers of the newly organized Young Ladies' Retrenchment Associations brought their records and reports for the meet- ings of the Senior department. One reason for this was that these two associations were identical in structure and pur- pose, were organized at about the same date, and for a time, at least, were so closely interwoven that they may well be studied as companion associations. The second and best reason why the girls came to the Fourteenth ward was that thus far there were no stake or general organizations in any of the auxiliary societies. So the semi-monthly meeting of the Senior department of the Retrenchment Associations of the Fourteenth ward was the only general meeting of the women in the Church. The following are extracts from the minutes of the second public meeting of the two branches in combined session: TENTH MEETING OF THE LADIES' CO-OPERATIVE RETRENCH- MENT ASSOCIATION, HELD JUNE 25, 1870. Meeting called to order by Sister M.I. Home. Choir sang "Do What is Right," etc. Prayer by Sister Phoebe Woodruff. Choir sang "We Thank Thee,O God, fora Prophet," etc. Sister M. I. Home said she wished to nominate two more sisters as her counselors, namely, Sister Phoebe Wood- ruff, and Sister Bathsheba W. Smith, who were unanimously accepted. Minutes of the last meeting read by Miss Lydia Young, secretary, and accepted. Sister Eliza R. Snow said there had been other branches of the Young Ladies' department organized, which she wished to present to the meeting as follows: Miss Julia Home, pr-esident of the Fourteenth ward department; Miss Jennie Seaman, Miss Annie Taylor, Miss Harriet Taylor, Mrs. 38 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Beulah Beatie, Miss Sophia Taylor, Miss Georgiana Fox, counselors; Mrs. Isabella Pratt, secretary. Resolutions of said department read by Miss Julia Home, president, and accepted. Article read by Sister Bath- sheba W. Smith from a Boston paper. Sister Zina Y. Williams then read an article from the first department of the Young- Ladies' Association. Article read by Miss Susa Young- of her own composition. A meeting: having: been org-anized in the Fifteenth ward, Sister Snow presented Miss Sarah Russell as president of the Fifteenth ward department; Mrs. Janet Grigg-s, Miss Janet Swan, Mrs. Lucy Russell, Miss Mary Wright, Miss Sarah Price, and Miss Mary Greenig-, counselors; Mrs. Bell Guth- rie, secretary. Resolutions read by Mrs. Bell Guthrie; also an article from the pen of Sister S. M. Kimball descriptive of her travels in California. Sister Home said she was pleased to meet with the sisters ag'ain after an absence of three weeks . She was very much pleased to hear the minutes and articles read by the young" ladies. While on her visit north, she heard many say they had read the papers, and learned of the success of the meeting's. Some thought they would carry the retrench- ment too far, others thought it an excellent thing-, if properly carried out. She then g"ave a brief account of her trip north. After some days of travel, they went to Richmond; held a meeting-, thence to Smithfield, and held a meeting- and par- took of a sumptuous dinner prepared for them in the Smith - .field hall. Then drove to Log-an, stayed two days and held meeting's. After meeting" on the second day, accepted an in- vitation to go to Providence, a distance of about two miles. Then returned to Log-an, and attended a party in the evening". Arrived in Box Elder next day, then rode over to Og-den, and took the cars for home, where all arrived. Sister Snow said although this was a Retrenchment meeting, she wished to speak to the Relief Society; said she was very, very sorry to hear that some of the wards had been raffling quilts, etc. She said the society was first organized by Joseph Smith; it was designed to be a sacred and holy organization, and to save souls to improve the habits, feelings and thoughts of those connected with it. It SENIOR RETRENCHMENT ASSOCIATION. 39 should have nothing demoralizing in it; said she did not think God would bless money for the poor obtained by unrighteous means. She would just as soon play cards for money as to raffle for it. She wished to say to the presidents of the Re- lief Societies that President Young denounced raffling. If mothers set the example of raffling, they need not expect their children to increase iii goodness. We care more for the morals of the society than the relief of the poor. Said she would rather possess one shilling with the blessing of God upon it, than to have thousands that he did not sanction. If our consciences are founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they will not yield to unholy things. If there are sisters who hold office here, let them speed the work of God; they should not do that which has been disapproved by proper authorities. The evil one is always on the alert to lead us astray. The love of money is the root of all evil. We had better go without, than to get means unrighteously. We live in a day of revelation, and it is our privilege to know the mind and will of our Father, and we need not be in the dark; for there are ways by which we can be instructed. We have God's Spirit and agency at our head; there is a way appointed by which we may know the law and will of God. She knew that it was the wish of all the sisters to do all the good they could and obey God's laws. Said she felt deeply on this point. Let us be faithful; we have the power of God in our midst; then, sisters, let us be up and doing. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith said she coincided with what Sister Snow had said; she knew it was not the President's wish to have raffling carried on anywhere, especially in the Relief Society; said we must sustain him by faith, and also by works, and God will sustain us, and we w r ill be blessed. Mrs. Zina D. Young said her feelings corresponded with what had been said concerning the practice of raffling; said we must do little by little, if we wished to be saved; this is what we want; our deeds and actions should coincide with what we preach. When we follow the example of the world we are not keeping the commandments of God. We have a more noble purpose than following the vain, foolish fashions of the world. It is for us to walk in the footsteps of our Heavenly Father. May his Holy Spirit be iipon us. May the peace of God be with you. 40 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Miss Snow then presented Mrs. Jtilina Smith as presi- dentess of the Sixteenth ward department; Mrs. Sarah E. Smith, Miss Margaret A. Winegar, Mrs. Mary J. Taylor, Miss Elizabeth M. Yates, Miss Mary A. Riser, Miss Effie L. Minkler, counselors; and Mrs. Caddie McKean, secretary. Unanimously accepted. Resolutions of said department were read by the presidentess, Mrs. Julina Smith. Sister Keaton, who spoke next, made remarks that were suitable. Sister Margaret T. Smoot said her heart rejoiced to see the movement taken, and would be glad to see the day when the daughters of Zion should be known by the dress they wear. Said she felt that the time had come and felt to re- joice that steps had been taken that would unite us, that our examples may be worthy of imitation. Said she was in a store, not long ago, and asked one of the brethren who was clerking if he thought the retrenchment was taking hold. He said he thought it was; said our sisters were working by ex- ample as well as precept. She urged us to press forward and not let our young sisters go ahead of us in this. She said the center stake of Zion would be the place where our fashions would originate. Said she had visited some of the settlements south; the people rejoiced in the good work. Said she felt President Young's daughters would be pat- terned after. Asked God to bless the young sisters and to bless all. Sister East said she felt God would bless her young sisters; said her heart was filled with praise to see them get up and read their resolutions . She had noticed a great many of the sisters, who have been to the House of the Lord, wear- ing their dresses low in the neck; she knew all the saints of God would see that she was not honoring the command- ments given her by God, if she did these things. She also quoted a few of Paul's sayings with regard to cutting the hair; she was taught that her hair was the greatest orna- ment she could wear, it was given as a glory to women, etc. *********. Other speakers were Sisters Mary Ann Pratt, Eleanor Pratt, Sarah Phelps and Mercy Thompson. Choir sang, "I Saw Another Angel Fly." Benediction by Sister Smith. MARY ISABELLA HORNE. BIOGRAPHICAL. 41 What a worthy cause was this: to engage the best efforts of these heroines of Mormonism! What greater field for their activities than this broad and noble one of establishing or- ganizations wherein the women of a whole people, both young and old, should find time and place for the development of the God-given gifts within them; associations where the spirit and soul should be of paramount importance; where the social instinct was made active through the mingling of all classes, the mind and the spirit cultivated through proper exercise; where all that was ennobling was encour- aged, while that which was degrading and corrupting was recognized and battled against in a common struggle for re- finement and education! That the girls who undertook this novel and exacting yoke were in earnest, and that they were ready to set about their work with very definite objects in view, is amply testified by an examination of the various resolutions which were prepared as a sort of informal consti- tution and by-laws of the local associations in all parts of the Church. The minutes of some of those far-away local ses- sions are also extremely interesting, as indicating the earnestness with which the girls were taking this new and untried flight into the mental and spiritual world. It will be profitable to examine later the resolutions and minutes of these local beginning's of the Mutual Improve- ment work. - BIOGRAPHICAL. MARY ISABELLA HORNE. When a woman's life runs along in a smooth domestic course with nothing outside of the four walls of home-life to mark its progress, it is easy to record the simple story thereof; but when it has been as crowded with private and public acts as was the life of Sister Home, the historian 42 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. with small space at command hesitates, appalled at the task of selecting" the necessary and vital facts those most worth recording-. The life of Mary Isabella Home was so full of color and incident, and that, too, of the noblest and best, that much of real importance must be left unsaid in the narrow confines of this book. But it is imperative that the main facts connected with the histories of the pioneer women who were associated with the beginning" of the Mutual Improvement work shall be put on record as a lesson to the youth of Israel. Mary Isabella Hales was born November 20, 1818, in England, in the town of Rainham, Kent. Her parents were of the vigorous, sound-minded middle class, and their children were brought up with the sober and sane lessons of self-restraint well drilled into them. Little Mary was of a spiritual turn of mind, and at as early an age as eleven years, was a devoted reader and student of the Bible. In 1832, her parents removed to "Upper Canada," bringing with them a family of seven. Mary Isabella was the eldest child, and as her mother was in delicate health, the thirteen year old girl was burdened with the heavier cares of the family. She was married to Joseph Home on the 9th of May, 1836 A few weeks after the marriage rumors of a strange religion, and a strange young" prophet, reached the neighborhood. The Hales family were then living- in the country, about eight miles from the village of York, in "Upper Canada." Elder Parley P. Pratt followed close upon these rumors. The newly married couple attended the first meeting held by Elder Pratt, and both were ripe for con- version to the truth. Sister Home was baptized in July, 1836, by Elder Orson Hyde. From that hour, the home of the Homes held wide its hospitable doors for the entertainment of all traveling elders and Saints. In the latter part of the summer of 1837, Sister Home first saw the Prophet Joseph Smith; he came to her hus- band's house, and she entertained him at her own hearth- stone. She never tired of telling of that event. No stronger testimony of the majesty and power exerted by that mig-hty man of God can be adduced than the force and strength of the impressions which he made upon the great men and women who had but to know him to love BIOGRAPHICAL. 43 and revere him. Sister Home's description is so vivid and convincing-, that it is here given. She said: "On shaking hands with the Prophet Joseph Smith, I received the Holy Ghost in such abundance that I felt it thrill my whole system from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I had never beheld so lovely a counte- nance; nobility and g'oodness were in every feature. I said to myself, 'O Lord, I thank Thee for g; ranting- me the desire of my heart in permitting me to associate with prophets and apostles.' ' Sister Home was also well acquainted with the Patri- arch, Hyrum Smith, and from him, later, she received a patriarchal blessing. The young couple emigrated to Far West in 1838. 4 In common with the rest of the Saints, the Homes suffered, labored, and were driven from place to place. They lived in Nauvoo, and, while there, were the intimate associates of the Prophet and his family. After the martyrdom, they shared the troubles and persecutions of that terrible time. They came to Utah in the pioneer year, reaching" here October 6th, 1847. They lived in the Old Fort, until the husband could build a home. For many years they lived in the Fourteenth ward, and there Sister Home did much of her public work. She was the mother of fifteen children, four of whom died in infancy; the others have been honored, useful members of society and of the Church. Almost all of them have been leaders in some capacity. And no woman in this Church had more occasion to thank the Lord for the splendid spirits which drew their life and inspiration from her. Sister Home held many offices of trust among" her sisters. She was one of the members of the original Relief Society, formed in Nauvoo by the Prophet Joseph Smith. From the early days in L T tah to the day of her death, she served in one capacity or another in that society. She acted as counselor to Mrs. Phoebe Woodruff in the Fourteenth ward Relief Society for a number of years. Then, on December 12, 1867, she was chosen as president of that Relief Society. This was a surprise and a trial, as she was reserved and somewhat timid in her nature. But she had never learned to say No to a call of duty, so she accepted the trust, and went bravely forward. Let us quote from a 44 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. sketch prepared for the Representative Women of Deseret, as to what followed this event: "Under the wise management of the president, the Fourteenth ward Relief Society increased in numbers, great good was accomplished in the relief of the poor and afflicted and means multiplied in the treasury. A two-story brick building was erected by the society, part of which was rented for a store, and the upper floor has been used by the society for meetings ever since. The society also built and owned a good granary, with a quantity of wheat. * * * When President Young instructed Sister Snow to go through the Territory and organize the young ladies into Mutual Improve- ment Associations, Mrs. Home was called to assist. She has organized many of the Young Ladies' Associations, also Primary Associations . ' ' In December, 1877, Sister Home was called to act as stake president of the Relief Society in the Salt Lake stake of Zion. She held that office until the stake was divided into six stakes, when she was eighty-five years old. She was an active worker in the interest of silk raising, and was for years the president of the board of directors for the Woman's Co-operative Store in Salt Lake City. She was an active participant in securing the suffrage for women, and was chosen more than once to offices of civil trust. She was a prominent worker, acting as chairman of the executive com- mittee of the Deseret Hospital . during the many struggling years of that pioneer effort of the women of Mormondom. We have seen the result of the work done by Mrs. Home in the Senior Retrenchment Associations, and yet none may measure the profound effect of the example and teachings of this godly woman. Her family was large, yet she found time to travel, organize, expound the Scriptures, and to bless and comfort thousands. She was economical without being parsimonious in her expenditures for the cause of righteousness; she was hospitable without being lavish; she had the manner of a duchess without worldly pride. Surely few idle words ever passed her lips, for she was reticent of speech. Her face was a living, radiant sunbeam. Its smooth lines never showed the cankering cares of distrust in God or in her fellow-men. She was almost worshiped by her husband and children; BIOGRAPHICAL. 45 and so perfect was her gift of government, that she had not only no need to speak twice to her children, but she rarely had to speak at all, after they grew out of infancy. She seemed to diffuse righteousness, as a flower exhales per- fume. Her soul was an open book, for no shadow of du- plicity marred its perfectness or its peace; and she had the reward of a simple life, living without remorse. She lived to be nearly eighty-seven, and died surrounded by her de- voted sons and daughters. If any one would know the re- ality of filial devotion, let" him listen to the sound of her name upon the lips of one of her children. No common soul could inspire such exalted love and reverence. The memory of this good woman will always bring to mind the medium-sized, comely figure, neatly and taste- fully attired, with the dark hair banded over the brow, while the strands were braided in open small plaits turned under the ear, and then folded under the pretty black lace cap w r hich she wore for many years. The bright eyes beamed with heavenly hope and peace. She was a convincing, earnest speaker, and, when strongly moved , her tones thrilled with the eloquence of a pure and devoted love for truth. She might not always understand the poor and tempted sinner, but she would be just, no matter if the heavens fell. Such was one of the heroines of Mormonism; yet herein is but a brief picture of a full and beautiful life. Sister Home died Aiig. 25, 1905. The funeral services were held in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall, Aug. 29, and were marked by the same quiet, peaceful influence that characterized her life. EMMELINE B. WELLS. The early annals of this people are crowded with the names of powerful men and mighty women, some of them well known and others little heard of; all were chosen from eternity to perform the great tasks assigned them by our Father. Among them there are few that shine with such radiance as does the name of Emmeline B. Wells. Mrs. Wells was born in Petersham, Worcester Co., Mass., February 29, 1828, and is of Puritan descent. Her forefathers, the Woodwards, came from England, to Mas- 46 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. sachusetts Province, township of Boston, in 1630. The his- tory of the Woodward family is exceedingly interesting-; and the facts relating to the brilliant military, civil and profes- sional careers of the Woodwards have been verified from the best authority. They came from Normandy with the Nor- man invasion to England. They fought in the battles of Hastings, Agincourt, and Edgehill, and won such renown from the king as to receive from him a shield of pure gold with the inscription "Gentle but Brave," signifying "The Soul of Honor;" they were of the "court elite." Her mother's maiden name was Hare, and the forebears of this distinguished family were literary, artistic and musical. The military and patriotic character of the Woodwards continued after coming to America, and one of the family, Robert, was killed in King Philip's war, in 1675. Her own grandfather fought in the war of the Revolution, her father in the war of 1812, while the Civil War had its scores of blue-coated repre- sentatives . When Mrs. Wells was a girl of thirteen, her mother, a widow, joined the Church, taking the younger children with her, and among them was her spiritual and gifted daughter Emmeline. "Emmie," as she was called, was exceedingly precocious, and was even then a literary light among her friends and relations . The step taken by mother and daugh- ter was bitterly resented by friends and associates, and they were subjected to the many petty persecutions attend- ant upon such an uncommon and unpopular departure from the Puritan standards. Joining the Church on the 1st of March, 1842, Emmie taught school one term in the town of Orange, Mass., and at the age of sixteen she left her home and mother, to go to Nauvoo, arriving there early in March, 1844. Among her companions en route from Albany were returning missionaries who knew the Prophet Joseph Smith, and the girl listened eagerly to the conversation and descrip- tions given of him by his devoted followers; especially was she delighted at the promise made her by Mrs. Mary Snow Gates to introduce her to the Prophet . When the steamboat drew up to the landing at Nauvoo, she saw among the people assembled on the landing, a magnificent head and shoulders towering above the assembled crowd, and one look at the inspiring face and the piercing blue eyes convinced the girl BIOGRAPHICAL. 47 that here was the Prophet Joseph Smith. As soon as they were landed, he went among the people shaking hands with each one; and the thrill that pervaded the girl's system at this first view and hand-clasp is held in vivid remembrance to this day. Through acquaintances of the Prophet, Emmeline became familiar with members of his household and often saw him. She heard him preach his last sermon and deliver his mem- orable speech to the Nauvoo Legion; and she garnered with wisdom beyond her years the seed-thoughts which fell from those inspired lips. In 1845, on the 24th of February, she became the plural wife of the presiding bishop of the Church, Newel K. Whitney. They were sealed by Brigham Young, and from that time, the young wife was in daily association with the leaders of the Church. At the hospitable home of the bishop, and his equally famous wife, "Mother" Ann Whitney, Emmeline learned much; and she absorbed into her very soul the spirit and genius of Mormonism. Once when Bishop Whitney was speaking to his gifted girl-wife, he said, "You'll see the day when you'll have nothing to do but sit and write." That was in the summer of 1845. She was stricken in common with the people at the terrible death of the Prophet and Patriarch, and she mourned as the people mourned, like sheep without a shepherd. She formed one of that historic company under the shadow of the bowery, where Sidney Rigdon tried to persuade the Saints to accept of his leadership; and she saw what they all saw, the mantle of Joseph fall upon Brigham Young as that great leader stepped to the platform of the bowery and surprised them with his presence. She heard the voice of "Joseph" speaking, as it were, through the mouth of "Brigham." She heard those about her, as she stood aloft on a wagon -box, saying to each other in awe-struck tones "See, it is the Prophet; he is res- urrected." But she knew then, as she knows now, that it was not the Prophet, for he was dead. She accepted this great transfiguration as a powerful testimony to the people that Brigham Young was the divinely appointed successor, and that Joseph Smith was present in the spirit, and was pleased with him. She was present with Mother Whitney and the bishop in the dread winter days of 1845 that fol- lowed, and was frequently in the Temple, when the crowded 48 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. EMMELTNE B. WELLS. MARGARET T. SMOOT. SARAH M. KIMBALL. PHOEBE C. WOODRUFF. BIOGRAPHICAL. 49 companies were daily taken through that sacred house. Here she received her own blessings. She was present at the noon meal, and listened with profound eagerness to the sober and inspired conversation of those great leaders, sometimes ten or twelve of them at a time, as they sat at table in the unfin- ished dining room over the tithing office. She crossed the Mississippi on the ice with Mother Whit- ney and the family, February, 1846, and bore with her sis- ters the trials and burdens of that enforced march across the trackless wilds of the west. She taught school in Winter Quarters, also a Sunday School, having as pupils the sons and daughters of the leaders of the Church. On September 28, 1848, she reached the valley, and in six weeks from that time her eldest daughter, Isabel, was born in a wagon on the Whitney block, on the ground now occupied by the L. D. S. University. Bishop Whitney died on the 23rd of September, 1850, leaving his young wife with two little children, the baby being but five weeks old. The two wives of the bishop were always very congenial , and to this day the name of ' ' Mother Ann Whitney" is as precious and honored in the heart of Mrs. Wells and her daughters as that of any Hebrew prophetess . During the summer of 1852, Mrs. Wells taught school in the Twelfth ward of this city. Two years after Bishop Whitney's death, October 12, 1852, she was married to one of the greatest of our modern heroes and leaders Daniel H. Wells, friend of the Prophet, and later the counselor of President Brigham Young. By President Wells she had three daughters, and she lived out the happy and burdened life of a pioneer mother, in common with all her associates. But Emmeline was different from many of these, for all her life she had loved and cherished a heavenly visitor in her soul ; it was the muse of poetry ! When trouble assailed or joy exalted, this gifted daughter of New England sang her secret melody, and secretly hid it away. She was too busy to repine, too blessed to regret. But in her heart there ever dwelt one star-like thought: she would join the galaxy of the immortals, if only her wings were strong and sure. Once when her husband, President Wells, asked his frail but dauntless young wife what she would best like as her life-work, she answered promptly: "To be the 50 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. editor of a magazine." Time was to be her friend; she was not to carry her unfulfilled long-ing into eternity, as so many others have done she was to enter into the Promised Land, at least for a season. In 1874, Lulu Greene Richards, the young editor of the new woman's paper, "The Woman's Exponent," which had been started under the patronage of Edward L. Sloan, Presi- dent Brigham Young, Eliza R. Snow and others, invited Mrs. Wells to assist her in the work of developing the paper. It was the first western publication by women and for women, and there are but two older publications of its class in the world, these being the Woman s Journal, of Boston, and the English Woman' s Review, London. Sister Wells continued as associate editor until July, 1877, when she assumed the position of editor-in-chief. This new venture demanded courage, faith, ability and patience from its editors and promoters; but it must be remembered that the paper had Sister Eliza R. Snow for many years as its patron saint and guardian, which will pave the way for that other historic statement, that more than any other woman, Emmeline B. Wells was drawn and held close to that great organizer and leader. Sister, Wells was a private secretary to her in the early days of Mutual Improve- ment and Primary work; and she was her bosom companion and friend for years, as she was and is the closest friend and associate of hersiiccessors, ZinaD. H. Young and Bathsheba W. Smith. It is but justice thus to state this enlightening fact; for more than any other woman, Sister Wells has car- ried along through the years the spirit and genius of that master-mind among women, Eliza R. Snow. She assidu- ously garnered in her youth the wisdom and the integrity which brightens her mental and spiritual labors like a lumi- nous cloud of exceeding beauty. From the day when Sister Wells entered the Exponent office (then located in the old building where the Salt Lake Herald was published) till the present time, she has been closely identified with the public work of this Church. Her hidden gifts of poetry and literary expression blossomed forth like a flower first kissed by the sun, and her fertile pen has touched upon every issue, past and present, of the woman question. She has written more than any other Latter-day BIOGRAPHICAL. 51 Saint writer of her sex, and has done it in a sane, dignified way. For thirty-three years she has been sole editor, pub- lisher and proprietor of the ]\\)inan's I^.vfiouent. She has encouraged and brought out many present-day writers; she has met and entertained at her office thousands of the strangers within our gates, both great and small, rich and poor, foreign and local. Her correspondents have numbered into the thousands, and among them have been such as Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, John G. Whittier, the Duchess of Sutherland, the Princess Gabrielle Wiszniewska, Duchess De Luynes and her brother, the Count, Adeline D. T. Whitney and scores of others. She has published a volume of poems entitled "Musings and Memories," and edited "Songs and Hymns of the Wasatch," with "Charities and Philanthro- pies," and a pamphlet history of the Relief Society. Her work in the eastern conventions and Woman's Congresses would form a small volume of itself; she was the first Mor- mon woman sent down to Washington to appeal to the Presi- dent of the United States, and to petition Congress on the Mormon question. The occasion was as follows: In November of 1878, she was instrumental in calling a great mass meeting of the women of Utah, which was pre- sided over by Sister Eliza R. Snow herself. This was one of the most memorable meetings of Mormon women on record. Mrs. Wells prepared the resolutions that were voted upon by that large assembly of women, and under the direction of President John Taylor, she was chosen to accept the invitation of Susan B. Anthony and Sarah Andrews Spen- cer in that same year at the seat of government, to represent the women of Utah. She selected the only daughter of Sis- ter Zina D. Young, Zina Y. Williams, as she was then known, to accompany her; and together they visited Wash- ington, appearing before the committees of the House and the Senate to plead the cause of the women and children who would suffer from the law of 1862. She also prepared and presented a memorial to Congress asking for the repeal of the anti-polygamy law of 1862, and for legislation to protect the Mormon women and children of Utah Territory. Num- berless times she has attended the Woman's Congresses held in Washington, Omaha, New York, Chicago, Indianapolis, Des Moines, New Orleans, Minneapolis and other cities, and 52 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. in each of these great gatherings, Mrs. Wells was a modest but popular figure. She proved of such value in the coun- cils of the women of this nation that she was chosen in 1899 to act as the second recording secretary of the National Council of Women. She was an intimate friend of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, of Lucy Stone, of Julia Ward Howe, Matilda Joslyn Gage, Frances Willard, Susan B. Anthony, May Wright Sewall and others. At the great London Conference of Women held in June, 1899, Mrs. Wells was a speaker and appeared at the select audience held in Convocation Hall, Church House, Deanery of Westminster Abbey. She visited historic places while in England, Scotland and France, and spent an eve- ning- with Marie Corelli at Stratford -on -A von. Mrs. Wells served for several years as vice-chairman of the Republican state committee, and she is a devoted poli- tician and an excellent speaker. She was a member of the Constitutional convention of 1882, and is still an active par- ticipant in the political affairs of the state. One amusing in- cident which occurred in Atlanta, Georgia, at the W. S. A. convention in 1895, has been published far and wide. In her address at the Opera House in that city upon Utah's being admitted to statehood she was so enthusiastically applauded that the staid Quaker, Mis^ Anthony, came forward and em- braced her upon the platform. Entirely disproving the Osier theory about old age, Mrs. Wells has performed her greatest work has made more his- tory for herself and for the Church and State in her later life, than she did in her young or middle life. Her children reared, she has devoted her whole life to the public good. She has been a living encyclopaedia of information on all sub- jects connected with the cause of woman, both historical and civil. She has been and is a bureau of information for every association, society and club in the state. It is a liberal edu- cation to listen to her conversation, and she is possessed of some of the rarest traits ever given to woman. She is sensi- tive without smallness, she is wise without narrowness, and religious without bigotry. She is a tender, loving link be- tween the women of the Church and those without, both of whom reverence and love her for the good she has done. BIOGRAPHICAL. S3 She is sarcastic at times, not to say caustic, but her repent- ance follows swift on the heels of her offense. If you would know what hard work, indomitable faith and divine intelligence can do for a woman, just watch ' 'Aunt Em;" see her, for instance, as she threads her way across a crowded thoroughfare, flouting- all assistance, and then see her emerge on the other side of the street to hold converse, perchance, with some busy politician where in ten minutes you will hear the fate of the Republican party in this state cooked, carved, and served, in a most delectable way. Ob- serve her at a social function the observed of all observ- ers with her waving white hair tucked carelessly about her shapely ear her delicate gray silk trailing behind her slender form, as she moves about to give a loving greeting to all her numberless friends. That is a picture of old-time grace and refinement that will not soon fade from the mind . The most unusual and delightful trait about Mrs. Wells is her keen sense of humor; this power has prolonged her life and preserved her reason, in the midst of crushing trials, while it makes her a delightful companion to men and women alike. If one were to sum up in one word the deepest im- pression given by this remarkable woman, it would be done in that elusive term ' 'refinement." She is exquisitely deli- cate and dainty, in her writing, her living, and in her life. Such, briefly, is the woman who is an inspiration to her friends, a thorn to her envious associates, and "a companion of princes'-' in her own right. MARGARET T. SMOOT. One of the women engaged in this early work was, as we have seen, Sister Margaret T. Smoot, wife of President Abraham O. Smoot. She was worthy of her great associ- ates. Tall in stature, with portly form, she possessed the dignity and proud humility which characterizes the truly high bred woman. Born in Chester district, South Carolina, April 16, 1809, she inherited the Scotch determination of her father, Anthony McMeans, who emigrated to America before the war of the Revolution. He was fired with patriotic zeal in the crisis 54 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. that swept over the country, and he immediately enlisted in the patriot ranks and continued in the struggle until the close of the war. Her mother's name was Hunter, and she was of Irish birth. Her Grandfather Hunter served in the Revolutionary war, being" an intimate friend of General Washington. Her husband, Abraham O. Smoot, came of equally patriotic stock, the Smoot family of Virginia being- well known in that state's history. "Ma" Smoot, as she was lovingly known for over half her life, was married in 1834, and in 1837 she and her hus- band went to Far West, Missouri. From that time they par- took of the bitter cup of mobbing- and persecution which was poured out upon their people. They were among the Utah pioneers, coming in the fall of 1847. They settled in the Twentieth ward of Salt Lake City, where Brother Smoot was bishop for years; he also served the people as mayor of the city for several terms. Sister Smoot was president of the Twentieth ward Relief Society. When Bishop Smoot was called to Provo, he was con- siderably tried by the sacrifice involved; but "Ma" was his cheerful counselor and inspirer, and she imparted, not only to him, but to his entire family, a portion of her own brave faith and trust. "Pa" Smoot was the father of nearly every good and great enterprise in Utah county, but every one knew that while he administered justice, "Ma" stood by his elbow to inculcate mercy and peace. The people and the family re- vered Brother Smoot, but they almost worshiped Sister Smoot. Her strong yet gentle influence was everywhere present, and none loved her better than the wives and chil- dren of her husband. What grander tribute could be paid to a mortal or an immortal woman! Sister Smoot was associated closely with Sisters Eliza R. Snow and Zina D. Young in every plan for the advancement of women. Her voice was raised in the first convention of women in Utah in 1870 which pleaded for the right of equal suffrage from Congress. She was identified with the original Silk Association, and was an officer and promoter of every phase of Relief Society work. Small wonder, then, that she was chosen by Sister Snow to assist in the work of establish- ing associations for the mental and spiritual welfare of the P.IOGRAPHICAL. 55 young women of Zion. Right nobly did she respond to the call, and later, on her removal to Provo, she assumed the re- sponsibility of the work in that district. She also traveled much, under Sister Snow's direction, throughout the Terri- tory. SARAH M. KIMBALL. Mrs. Sarah M. Kimball would have been, in any other community, a powerful leader and the foremost woman; in- deed, she came near to that distinction in a community where there were a multitude of strong and superior women. She was born in New York state, and was of New England ex- traction. She was extremely active, ambitious and aggres- sive, yet reserved and prudent. She it was, in Nauvoo, who had moved out to establish a sewing circle for the benefit of the workers on the Temple, when the Prophet called the women together to give them the more perfect organization of the Relief Society. She was prominent in all the work for women in this Church, and was not only one of the early organizers of the Junior Retrenchment Associations, but she was claimed by Sister Taylor as an honorary counselor in the w r ork of the general board. She was a strong advocate of woman's suffrage, and was very advanced in all her opin- ions on sex questions. She was a fine speaker, and an ex- cellent writer. She was an active advocate of home litera- ture, and often spoke in favor of the women's organizations owning and publishing their own papers or magazines. Sister Kimball was an intimate friend of Miss Susan B, Anthony and other great suffrage leaders. She was presi- dent of the Fifteenth ward Relief Society for many years, and acted upon many boards in spiritual and industrial ad- vancement. PHOEBE C. WOODRUFF. Mrs. Phoebe Carter Woodruff, one of the early workers for women in Utah, was born in Maine, and was of Puritan descent. She was of the type of women who make one think of tempered steel so strong, so true, and so absolutely puri- fied of base and common metals. She was of vigorous habit and of invincible will. No word of complaint or recital of 56 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. her troubles and difficulties was ever heard from her lips. She was a rock of sure anchorage in the midst of all storms. Her speech was earnest, if not eloquent, and her words were few and wisely chosen. Who that remembers her deep- toned voice does not recall the sense of security and faith which it carried to every listening- ear? She was associated with Sister Snow in the establishing" of Retrenchment Asso- ciations among 1 the daughters of Zion. JANE S. RICHARDS. Mrs. Jane S. Richards, wife of Elder Franklin D. Rich- ards, was born January 31, 1823, at Pamelia, Jefferson county, New York. She was one of the early workers in the Relief Society of the Church, being- a member of the first association, in Nauvoo, and continuing- her labors in this state. She was also very ac- tive in the work done for the org-anization of the Young- Ladies' Associations through - out the Church . She traveled much, especially in the north- ern counties, under the direc- tion of Sister Eliza R. Snow, to set in order the various associations throughout the north. And to her was ac- corded a special honor: when President Brigham Young: went up to Weber stake July 19, 1877, to organize the stake Relief Society the first and only one done by President Young- he set apart Sister Richards to pre- JANE s RICHARDS. side over these stake Socie- ties. She was also first coun- selor to Zina D. Young, the general president of the Relief Societies of the Church, until Sister Young's death, since which time Sister Richards has been senior member of the General Board, where she is loved, honored and respected BIOGRAPHICAL. T7 by every member of that body of women workers. At the same time that President Young placed her over the Relief Society of Weber stake, he gave her the entire charge of the woman's work in that stake; which of course included the Y. L. M. I. Associations. She w r as therefore a mother to all the young women in the stake, and was and is beloved not only by all the older women in the Relief Societies, but also by all the young ladies, as well as by the little children in the Primary Association. In accordance with the familiar and loving custom among this people, she is "Aunt Jane" to all Weber stake to this day. She has lived a long and useful life, and now sits at the evening of her day looking down into the sun-kissed and sorrow-scarred fields of her yester- days with reverent and peaceful eyes. CHAPTER III. LOCAL SOCIETIES ORGANIZED. Some of their resolutions. Travels of pioneer organizers. THE present age is the admitted "woman's age." The great underlying unrest and upheaval in all classes of society on this important subject constitutes a grave promise and an equally grave menace to the future of our race. It would be difficult to find in any age or community as many progressive, intelligent, and capable women, other things being equal, as can be found among the Latter-day Saints. Such a state- ment would not be contradicted by one who is familiar with our life and our people; but necessarily it would excite scorn if voiced to strangers. There are two fundamental reasons which have contributed to create this condition. It requires decision of character, moral courage and fine self-denial to accept and maintain an unpopular religion. And if, as in this case, the religion is hated and its adherents despised, then indeed nmst the men and women who accept it be possessed of high courage and great patience. Add to this persecution and mobbings, and you have fruitful soil for the growth of the Christian virtues, if such a people survive and preserve the elements of truth. All new religionists have been termed fanatics; but from just such material have been fashioned the Luthers, the Crom wells, the Knoxes, and even the great Master himself, with his circle of despised followers. The second great factor in shaping strong, self-reliant and original characters is found in the many problems of pioneering and empire-building which have confronted our people. We have been and constantly are "pioneering" in this and other countries. To conquer the rude strength of the wilderness; to soften the hard crust which had hidden LOCAL SOCIETIES ORGANIZED. 59 the face of nature for uncounted centuries; to trail the chains of a measured distance over a desert which knew only the path of savage whim or the untrammeled rush of buffaloes; to quiet the wild pangs of fear and loneliness with the whirr of the loom and the whiz of the spinning wheel ; to fill the deep brooding silence of ages with the lowing of cows and the laughter of growing children; to plant, to reap, to sow, to garner; to build and to fashion homes and cities in the close embrace of a forbidding desolation to do these things is to develop every known resource, and to originate some un- known ones. Such experiences give great initiative power and executive ability. Let a new movement be suggested among our people, instantly there are found thousands ready to carry it to suc- cessful completion. This being true, it is not to be expected that a movement like this new one of retrenchment would wait long for progressive and bright minds to grasp its potentialities and reduce its truths to individual or to local application. There lived in the Nineteenth ward of Salt Lake City the large and intelligent families of the philosopher and orator Apostle Orson Pratt and his brother Parley P. Pratt. They have bequeathed to their children some of the rare gifts which so distinguished them for the first half century of our existence as a Church. Among the daughters of Parley P. Pratt was one Lona Pratt, now Eldredge. She was a young school teacher and an intimate friend of Dora Young, one of the youthful counselors to Ella Empey. Miss Dora Young described the initial Retrenchment meeting of her father's family in the Lion House in such glowing terms to her friend Lona Pratt, together with the benefits to be derived from such an association, that Miss Lona was filled with the desire to do some similar work in her own neighborhood. Lona Pratt was then only 60 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. about eighteen years of age, but she was full of zeal. Accordingly one day she invited her girl friends, many of whom were her pupils, to meet her at the close of the school in the schoolhouse. This was May 29, 1870. She opened this little gathering with prayer, and called on those assembled to give expression to their thoughts. To her sur- prise she found her friends already converted to her idea, and there was no need of urging them to form a society they were eager for its inception. Accordingly there was a board appointed, after the pattern described by Miss Dora Young, and the following were chosen as officers: Lona Pratt, president; Libbie Rich, Viola Pratt, Mrs. Louie Wid- dison, Ellen Wilcox, Lucy Arnold, Mary Nebeker, coun- selors; Annie Smith, secretary. Meetings were held during the winter in the Nineteenth ward house, in the schoolroom, and at Lucy Arnold's home. Sister E. R. Snow heard of this voluntary work, and she in- vited the girls to attend the meeting of the Senior association in the Fourteenth ward hall, and there they would be organ- ized in due form and ceremony. This was done, and the example of the Nineteenth ward association was rapidly fol- lowed in the other wards. The resolutions passed by the various ward departments were alike in nature, and yet each one had some special fea- ture to distinguish it from the others. One speaks of taking up the study of the Scriptures, and of cultivating reverence for sacred things; another denounces gossip; another re- solves to shun all evil associations; another inveighs against the then prevalent fashion of wearing short hair; another re- solves to cultivate the mind and become more enlightened and intelligent; while still another decides to study self-govern- ment as well as other desirable qualities. All were united, however, in the one central thought of electing a greater simplicity of dress and of living; and of cultivating the mind LOCAL SOCIETIES ORGANIZED. 61 rather than ministering to the pleasure of the body. There were many excellent thoughts contained in these resolutions, copies of some of which have been preserved. The names and labors of the early officers attached thereto have entered into the history of this people. We have not the resolutions of the Nineteenth ward society, but here follow some of the other early ones: Resolutions of the Fourteenth ward Young Ladies' de- partment of the Ladies' Co-operative Retrenchment Associ- ation, organized June 4. 1870. Resolved, That we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, having great responsibilities resting upon us, and feeling grateful for the privileges we enjoy as wives and daughters of elders in Israel, do mutually agree, to sustain each other in all good works. Resolved, That realizing the magnitude of the work in which we are engaged, and the importance of the position we occupy as daughters in Zion, we do consider it unbecom- ing in us to pattern after the pride, ^vanity and folly of the world, and feeling that we have worshiped at the shrine of fashion too long, do solemnly pledge ourselves to retrench in our dress, and to wear only that which is becoming to women professing to be Saints. Resolved, That as Saints being accountable to God for the use we make of the abilities and intelligence he has given us, we are determined to devote our time and talents in governing ourselves, storing our minds with useful knowl- edge, and improving every opportunity afforded us of qualify- ing ourselves to fill useful and honorable positions in the Kingdom of God. Resolved, That as President Young has repeatedly coun- seled us to let our garments be plain, and to cease following after the world, we will co-operate together, both by precept and example, in carrying out his counsel, and doing every- thing required of us, that we may gain the approbation of ,our Heavenly Father and the confidence of all good Saints . Julia M. Home, president; Jennie Seaman, Harriet A. Taylor, Sophia E. Taylor, Annie M. Taylor, Beulah Woodruff Beatie, Georgiana Fox, counselors; Isabella Pratt, secretary. 62 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Resolutions of the Thirteenth ward Young- Ladies' de- partment of the Ladies' Co-operative Retrenchment Associ- ation, organized June 27, 1870. Resolved, That we, the daughters of Zion, perceiving" that many duties are incumbent upon us, heartily concur with those resolutions already adopted by the departments of different wards, and are eager to offer our influence to this noble reform in dress. Inasmuch as our Prophet, Brigham Young, has led us here into these pure and peaceful vales, far from the midst of Babylon, we believe it ignoble to imi- tate those worthless and inconsistent habits acquired by the world. Resolved, That we are now determined 'to maintain an independence as regards the refinement of our apparel. We will conform to no customs inconsistent with true taste, deli- cacy and judgment; but the adornment of our persons shall be compatible with becoming gentility, regardless oj: the fashion plates of the day, and we will place before the world an example worthy of imitation, for we realize that the culti- vation of our immortal minds is of more value than perish- able ornaments. Resolved, That we make an effort to be temperate, avoiding the useless habit of frivolous conversation, and strive to become more enlightened and intelligent; to be judicious in the selection of our companions, and in our asso- ciations endeavor to inspire a sentiment of improvement. Resolved, That we will carry out the advice of President Young and his counselors; we feel to sustain the priest- hood and every institution organized by it. We will endeavor to keep the commandments of God, and humbly live the re- ligion we profess and never speak lightly of its sacred prin- ciples. Flora L. Shipp, president; Frank Wells, Mary Woolley, Dessie Wells, Belle Park, Emma Wells, Kate Wells, coun- selors; Lydia Young, secretary. Resolutions of the Sixteenth ward Young Ladies' de- partment of the Ladies' Co-operative Retrenchment Associ- ation . Resolved, That we, the danghters of Zion, residents of the Sixteenth ward, Salt Lake City, realize in a measure the LOCAL SOCIETIES ORGANIZED. 63 sacred duties devolving: upon us in the Gospel, and the great responsibilities that rest upon us as present and future wives and mothers in Israel, and also the greatness and worth of the glorious cause that we have of our own choice most cheerfully and solemnly espoused, do agree and covenant that we will not be one whit behind our sisters according to our abilities in carrying out practically all just and righteous principles. Resolved, That we will, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, not only profess but live the Gospel, and seek diligently that wisdom and discernment by which we shall rightly judge between the vain and foolish fashions and measures of a heartless and corrupt world, and the neat, simple and befit- ting apparel, and the modest, chaste and prudent conduct of a Saint. Resolved, That we will be 'guided by the holy priesthood, hearken to the voice of experience, wisdom and revelation, associate with the pure, the virtuous and good, shun evil society and communications and the glitter and tinsel of hol- low fashion, forms, and hearts that we will not neglect our prayers; and that we will ever bear in remembrance that "pure and undefiled religion before God, the Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction, and to keep ourselves unspotted from the world." Julina L. Smith, president; Sarah E. Smith, Mary A. Riser, M. A. Winegar, Elizabeth M. Yates, Effie L. Minkler, counselors; Caddie McKean, secretary. Resolutions adopted by the Twentieth ward department of the Young Ladies' Retrenchment Association, organized July 8, 1870. Resolved, That we, realizing the sacred and important duties devolving upon us as daughters of Zion, will from this day retrench in dress, and follow no more the vain fashions of the world, but help to create a fashion acceptable to all Israel and pleasing in the sight of heaven. Resolved, That we, believing in the sacred Scriptures, and as St. Paul says: "The hair is given to woman for a glory and a covering" will not hereafter have our heads shorn of their glory. Resolved, That we, realizing that all will be judged ac- 64 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. cording" to their actions here below, will cease to be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, and walk with a meek spirit which is, in the sight of God, of g-reat price. Resolved, That we will devote such opportunities as we derive from this association to self improvement, and instead of wasting" precious moments, will use them for the purpose of becoming- better acquainted with the laws of God, and we will also read the best books. Kate Sharp, president; Aggie Caine, Lizzie Sharp, Emma Fowler, Georgiana Calder, Rebecca Daynes, Eliza M. Williams, counselors; Sarah M. Napper, secretary. Resolutions adopted by the Eighth ward department of the Ladies' Co-operative Retrenchment Association, Salt Lake City, organized July 12, 1870. Resolved, That we, the daughters of Zion, in conformity with the wish of our beloved President Brigham Young, and realizing that it is our duty as daughters of elders of Israel , do most truly and sincerely sustain and enter into the co- operative association that the ladies of the Latter-day Saints formed, and we are determined by the help of the Almighty to so order our lives that we shall be worthy the name we bear, and we do unitedly pledge ourselves to uphold and sus- tain the sisterhood in doing good. Resolved, That inasmuch as we have come out from the world that we may become a light thereto, we will show by our daily walk and conversation, also by our dress, that we are that light. We will dress in a becoming manner. We will not follow the fashions of the wicked world, but will en- deavor to attire ourselves as become th Saints of God, and as much as possible in the workmanship of our own hands. Resolved, That inasmuch as order is the first law of heaven, we will endeavor to learn the law by making our- selves acquainted with the principles of life and salvation. We will study the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and all works pertaining to our holy religion. We will not speak lightly of the sacred ordinances of the house of God, nor ridicule our brethren and sisters, but will sustain them with our faith and prayers when they speak to each other of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. LOCAL SOCIETIES ORGANIZED. 65 Resolved, That we will not speak evil of anyone, but will be kind to all, especially the aged, and infirm, the widow and orphan. We will endeavor to become acquainted with the laws of nature, that we may become strong", healthy and vig- orous. We will also study all literature that will qualify us to become ornaments in the kingdom of God, that we may merit the approbation of our brethren and sisters and of God. Clara E. Robinson, president; Ellen H. McAllister, Bethula Palmer, Esther J: Fletcher, Mary S. Leaver, Ellen Barnes, Mary E. Bringhurst, counselors; Annie B. Starr, secretary. Two years active work served to establish the new organizations on a sound footing. As rapidly as might be, Sister Snow, assisted by Sisters Zina D. H. Young, Mary Isabella Home and Margaret T. Smoot, formed Young Ladies' Retrenchment Associations in the wards of the city, then in adjoining towns and counties. They all traveled extensively in connection with this work; and while urging the older sisters to take up the labor placed upon them, they did not fail to encourage the Young Ladies' departments or asso- ciations. The Eleventh ward of Salt Lake City had one of the strongest and best organizations in the city, although it was not one of the first. Among the best early associations were the Nineteenth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth wards, which were among the first ones organized after the original one in the Lion House; other early ones were the First ward, the Tenth, the Eighth, the Fourth, the Fifteenth, and the Six- teenth, which followed in the order given. The Eleventh ward association was organized by Miss Flora Shipp, under the direction of Sister Zina D. H. Young. The officers were: Mrs. Mary A. Freeze, president; Mrs. Ellis Shipp, Mrs. Jane Freeze and Miss Mary Jones, 5 66 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. counselors; Mrs. Maggie Shipp, secretary. The minutes of the first meeting- held are highly interesting, and as they are a fair example of all similar meetings held in those early times, they are here appended: Minutes of the Eleventh ward Retrenchment Society, October 18, 1872. First meeting held at the residence of Mrs. Mary A. Freeze, corner of Second South and Seventh East streets. Singing "Hark, Ye Mortals." Prayer by President Mary A. Freeze. Hymn ' 'Hail to the Prophet. ' ' Roll called. An essay was read by Counselor Mary Jones on "What is Vulgarity?" Select reading by Counselor Ellis R. Shipp, entitled "Female Education." President Mary A. Freeze said: "This is a new business to me; still I wish to advance and answer to every call. By speaking, we gain confidence and improve in our language; also by speaking new ideas are elicited. Let us exert ourselves to bring more of the girls to our meetings. As Sister Eliza R. Snow says, let us retrench in our ignorance and assist each other to conquer our failings. By comforting others, we not only do them good, but we also comfort ourselves, and this principle will appear more plain and beautiful." Counselor Ellis R. Shipp 's remarks: "Retrenchment is like Mormonism it embraces everything which is good. We should be diligent in this duty, for it is a commandment from President Young. We often wish we could compre- hend fully what is meant by obeying the commandments of God. I think it is obedience to the Priesthood, the servants of God. President Young has said if we would carry out his counsels, he would lead us unto eternal life. If we are not faithful, depression follows, and the righteous suffer for the sins of the wicked." Counselor Mary Jones ' 'knew we were doing right. Hoped the girls would attend the meetings; and we will try and benefit and interest them." Counselor Jane Freeze remarked that it would be better LOCAL SOCIETIES ORGANIZED. 67 to change the hour of meeting:, so that it might be more con- venient for the girls. Secretary Maggie C. Shipp said: "Well, girls, let us improve in one particular especially, and that is in this habit of gossiping. You know that it is natural for women to slander, and how true it is that an offense appears much more offensive after being repeatedly told. Let us deal in encouragement. Our lives are but short to prepare us for celestial glory; then let us awaken and comprehend our posi- tion. Always have a kind word for every one. O seek for the Spirit of God, that you may accomplish good." Appointments were made for next meeting. Adjourned for one week. Hymn "O Ye Mountains High." Benediction by Mrs. Ellis R. Shipp. What a world of thought and struggle is comprised in the brief records which have come down to us from these first meetings of the young women of Zion! No Primary Association, and practically no Sunday School, had prepared the young people to stand upon their feet and express in elo- quent phrase their thoughts . There were no Church schools then to train the young to think logically and connectedly on religious subjects. Think of it, sheltered and educated daughters of the present day\ Utah was still a hard country; pioneer conditions held strong* men and sturdy women in thrall. Schools were taught in every town and hamlet, but under difficulties, for lack of books and means. In some parts of the country the Bible was the school reader and the home instructor. Hand looms still whizzed out their homely music, and cook stoves were a costly luxury. Without training, and with only the bare elements of education, these pioneer girls, the daughters of pioneers, came forward to answer to the call made upon them. To retrench, to improve, to grow and to develop was their object. And how well they have carried on their mission 68 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. is well attested by the results that have followed their labors. Other associations outside of Salt Lake City held inter- esting" sessions and adopted similar resolutions. One of the first organized was that in Bountiful, Davis County. Their resolutions are as follows: Inasmuch as it is the wish and counsel of our beloved President Brig-ham Young that the young ladies should be organized into Co-operative Retrenchment Associations, we desire to show our willingness in the same by stepping- for- ward and adopting- the following resolutions: Resolved 1st, That we strive to the best of our ability to carry out the counsel and instructions that fall from the lips of those that are sent to counsel us, well knowing- that it is for our g-ood. 2nd, That we cease to run after the fashions of the world, but consult our own taste, and strive to dress in a neat and becoming- manner, with a view to health, long- life and happiness . 3rd, That we speak no evil of one another, nor of those placed over us; but rather seek to uphold them by our faith and prayers, that they may have wisdom to teach us the prin- ciples of life and salvation. 4th, That we give more of our time and attention to the reading- of good books, especially the publications of the Church; and seek to improve our minds and store them with useful information, that in the future we may be able to assist those under our care. 5th, That we use no hot drinks, but carefully adhere to the Word of Wisdom, as made known to us for our benefit, that we may live long on the earth to be useful daughters of Zion. 6th, That inasmuch as any of us have been giiilty of using immodest or unbecoming language, that we cease to do so from this time forth, and endeavor to cultivate that mod- esty which is so becoming to young- ladies in every society and association in life. LOCAL SOCIETIES ORGANIZED. 69 The following- officers were chosen: Susan Grant, presi- dent; Rosetta Eldredge, Nancy Willey, Mary A. Call, Mary Standford, Helen Ellis, Caroline Corbridge, Rachel Brown, Lucy Fackrell, counselors; Jane Alice Crosby, secretary. This work begun in Salt Lake City rapidly extended into every city and town in Utah, as well as into such surround- ing- states and territories as held communities of the Latter- day Saints. Gradually, regrular programs for the evening's exercises were adopted. Manuscript papers began to take a permanent place in the programs, supplemented by essays, select readings and recitations. Program committees were appointed, and regrular provision was thus made for each evening's work and entertainment. Who may describe the labors of the women who began and carried forward for years the organization and oversight of the various local and later the stake associations of the three great women's organizations of the Church! Like the companies who crossed the plains, these women made the hardest trip a pleasure -jaunt, and the most forbidding journey was turned into a merry picnic. The woman who now-a-days boards a luxurious car, secures a sleeper, and finds herself the next morning at the farther end of the state, can have little conception of the journey that began in Salt Lake City or some nearby large town in a lumber wagon, or at best in a spring wagon which never sprang once but to jolt twice; and whose primary destination was always "the next town" only, even if the "next town" came finally to be St. George in the south, or Bear Lake on the north. How the travelers were to get on from town to town was as much a mystery as it came later to be a matter of history. A most implicit reliance upon an overruling Providence was more necessary than a piece of candle in the small satchel; and both were vital parts of a traveler's outfit in those days. 70 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Providence never betrayed the trust! The candle might sputter and go out in the middle of a bad piece of road; the women, being their own teamsters, might sometimes lose the way on a dark night; or that same candle might get itself forgotten in the press of other preparations, and the good sister might wake tip in the night with a sudden illness or want, to find herself candleless and forlorn. But Providence, that sweet and constant light in dark places, was always very close at hand to supply every righteous need. God could and did heal their ailments. After a trying experience, gen- erally a good bishop or some liberal-minded brother would be moved upon to hitch up his team and carry the sisters one or even two stages on their journey. Who, indeed, that once knew them can forget the simple delights of that early morning start across the grey-green valley, or up through the rugged canyon defile; so early that even the meadow larks were barely twittering to the fledg- lings in the nest; the smell of the pungent sagebrush, the purple shadows on the mountains that blended and merged into riotous harmony of color; the still roads, upon which the fleeing night had laid fingers of motionless silence! And the spell of newness and youth and growth which was upon all the face of nature! This it was which thrilled the soul of the travelers with the freshness and renewal of uncon- taminated atmosphere. The Spirit of God seemed very near on such mornings, and there was the presence of guardian angels. Sweet communion marked the progress of the daily journey. Prayer-meetings, experiences, testimonies, heal- ings and divers profitable discussions occupied the hours. The singer in the company would pipe up the strains of "Come, come, ye Saints," or "O my Father;" the others would join in and then even birds would listen to the sweet sounds of praise, and the prairie dogs would stand on their hind LOCAL SOCIETIES ORGANIZED. 71 legs like little grey posts, wondering- at the strange melody. Those were the days before cars and telephones had developed the "strenuous life" and consequent nervous- prostration habit. One can find traces of these times and customs in our remote villages of today; and poor, indeed, is the memory and experience of any Mutual Improvement worker that does not contain some chapter which answers to this description. For twenty years the organizing" and visiting" of the asso- ciations was done by representatives of the three women's organizations, traveling- together, in company perhaps with some local or stake organization official. A stake officer in one town whose husband or son owned a carriag-e or spring- wag-on, might drive the team herself, or press into service her boy or a neig-hbor's son; and around that stake the Salt Lake party would g-o, sending- word ahead by the prized local telegraph. When, in after years, regular confer- ences began to be called, it became quite usual to devote the Friday before the reg-ular stake conference to the holding: of a conference of the three women's societies. The morning- meeting's would probably be devoted to the Primary Associa- tion, the afternoon to the Relief Society and the evening" ses- sion to the Young" Ladies' meeting". It is an interesting fact that in those days the audiences at all these meetings would be very much the same, the speakers were generally the same and the topics were not very dissimilar. Thus was engendered a delightful unanimity and harmony in the ranks of these three sister organizations. After President Elmina S. Taylor, in 1880, was made general president of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations, she traveled thousands of miles in this primitive fashion, accompanying Sisters Eliza R. Snow, Zina D. H. Young, M. I. Home, Emmeline B. Wells, Louie B. Felt or Lillie 72 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. T. Freeze. These sisters represented the various interests of the Relief Society, Silk Association, Grain Saving- move- ment, Retrenchment, Woman's Exponent, Y. L. M. I. A. and the Primary Association. There would be sent out from Salt Lake City a representative of each of the three large general organizations, and these three sisters would naturally attend each of the three conferences held on the Friday. Of course all would be invited to speak at each meeting, and those who were fortunate enough to be present on some of those glorious occasions will bear testimony to the fact that those impromptu, inspired discourses were indeed eloquent outpourings of the soul . The principle of true evolution is as applicable to the growth of an organization as it is to the development of an acorn. That which grows rapidly and attains maturity too soon is as apt to die quickly as is the :ourd or the poppy. It came naturally to pass that the M . I . Associations were first encompassed in a private parlor. Then one, two, a half dozen wards began small and comparatively insignificant associations. The work spread from ward to ward, until the whole Church saw these vigorous associations numbered as an integral part of its spiritual organization. When the local branches had multiplied and gathered sufficient strength, there arose a necessity for a stake and finally a central organ- ization fora general head was necessary, to unify, strength- en and direct the work. The time was then ripe for combin- ing the integral parts into one perfect whole, each complete in itself, and each entirely independent in its sphere, but all bound together in perfect unity. BIOGRAPHICAL. 73 BIOGRAPHICAL. MARY A. FREEZE. There are very few women in the Church who have done as much for the Mutual Improvement " cause" as the sub- ject of this sketch. In that service has been embraced all the inspiration that comes from pure sacrifice, and all the power which emanates from unselfish labor. Sister Freeze was the president of one of the very first organizations of the original Retrenchment Associations, the Eleventh ward; and she has Deen in office continuously since that day. Mary was the daughter of James Lewis Burnham and Mary A. Huntley Burnham. The Burnhams are of the best Puritan stock, coming to America in 1620. They were landed proprietors in England, but they gave up everything and emigrated to America for the same reason that two hundred years later their descendants moved out into the trackless deserts of western America. They trace their line back in an unbroken chain to the year 1200 A. D. Mary was born in Nauvoo, October 12th, 1845, four days after the death of her father. Will our modern luxurious environment permit us to imagine the sorrow of that death and that birth a widow left alone with four little children, poor, and utterly without home or relatives? Saints were very kind to the widow, but the con- dition of poverty was hers to meet and overcome. Her rela- tives in the east would gladly have sent means to her if she would have consented to retiirn and renounce her unpopular MARY A. FREEZE. 74 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. religion; but she was a Saint, and she had put her hand to the plow. She was later sealed for time to Joseph Young, the president of the quorum of Seventy. Mary was brought by her mother to Salt Lake valley in 1852, and located in Bountiful. She was an anxious student, and was qualified, when eighteen years of age, to assist in teaching school. The principal of the school was James Perry Freeze, and to him she was married in March, 1863. The young couple came to Salt Lake shortly after their mar- riage, and settled in the Eleventh ward. In 18 71 Mary was called to preside over the newly organized Retrenchment Association in that ward, and accepted the call with that gentle dignity and humility which has always seemed so much a part of her character. Her husband felt it his duty to take three other young wives; and in that view he was sustained by that heroine, his first wife. To witness the love and harmony which has existed in his family from that day to this has been an object lesson of divine virtue. When one of the four young women died, the other three mourned her as deeply as if she were an own sister. Whatever the world may say or think about the principle of plural mar- riage, it has given to Utah's history a group of such heavenly women as Mary Burnham Freeze, and her associate, Lillie T. Freeze. No evil could possibly come of such holy examples of devoted love and pure unselfishness. In 1878, on the 14th day of September, the first stake organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. was effected in Salt Lake City, and Mary A. Freeze was chosen president. She had proven a most faithful shepherd over the little flock put in her charge in the Eleventh ward. Her association was everywhere spoken of as the leading one in the Church. She had the wisdom to choose the best and brightest assistants in her work, and she gave them scope to follow their own plans and ideas. In all the work done by Sister Freeze, that power of surrounding all she does with ah atmosphere of up- lifting, purifying spirituality is her most marked and vital characteristic. She has lived her whole life in the sanctuary of prayer and self-sacrifice, and the radiance of that altar shines out of her soul to illumine all who come near her. She carried some of her strong workers from the Eleventh ward into the stake organization. Margaret C. Roberts, BIOGRAPHICAL. 75 Louie Felt, Clara Conrad, Ellis R. Shipp these helped in the new labor. In 1878 Sister Freeze took a trip east, visiting" Washing- ton, as well as other large cities. She spent some time in Pennsylvania visiting-, in company with her husband, his nearest relatives. In 1885 she took up another important labor she went to Logan and began the work for her dead. She had secured records carrying- her family back to 1200, and giving: thousands of names for Temple ordinances. While in Logan she was chosen to act as a Temple worker; and when the Salt Lake Temple was completed, she was called to labor there by President Snow, he himself going- to her house to issue the invitation. Here she has labored faithfully and well. Sister Freeze was chosen by President Elmina S. Taylor, October 3rd, 1898, to act upon her board, and she continues in that position. She has visited most of the stakes since she became an aid to the General Board. She was greatly beloved in her own board, and they tendered to her two beautiful receptions in token of their esteem, one in 1895, and one in 1898, when she was released from stake work in order to go a step higher. Every one who knows Sister Freeze is the better for that knowledge. To be her intimate friend is to acquire a liberal spiritual education. To be her associate in eternity will mean the highest exaltation possible for a woman to attain. LONA PRATT ELDREDGE. Lona Pratt Eldredge was the daughter of that gifted and inspired writer and prophet, Parley P. Pratt; her mother was Agatha Walker. Lona was born April 15th, 1850. She was of a refined, sensitive nature, full of zeal, yet withal easily discouraged. With the aid of love and appreciation she could have accomplished wonders in this work; but with- out that incentive, she shrank within herself, and in later years was lost to public affairs. She is tall, stately in carriage, and with a winning, persuasive personality, cover- ing an inner sensitiveness with an outer cloak of pride. She was a quick student, and soon mastered the common branches of our pioneer education and was ready to go out into the 76 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. / **m \ 9 LONA PRATT. JULIA HORNE. MARY A. FREEZE. FLORA SHIPP. JULINA L. SMITH. BIOGRAPHICAL. 77 ranks of wage-earners when but fifteen years old. She had need, for her widowed mother was glad of assistance in rear- ing her family. Lona secured a room in Sister Ann A. Gheen Kimball's commodious home in the Nineteenth ward, and here she opened a school for all grades. She was emi- nently successful, and her pupils soon grew to love her as a companion while they did not forget to respect her as a teacher and guide. It was in this very room that the first ward organization of the Young Ladies' Retrenchment Asso- ciation had its inception, as has been told in this history. Lona carried on her work in the association for some months , but in the year 1870 she was married to Elnathan Eldredge, and one year later she removed with her husband to settle up the new country in Bear Lake stake. She became the mother of eight children, and has lived a peaceful, prosper- ous life since that day. She is now a resident of Salt Lake City. In speaking of her labors in the inception of this work, she says with emotion, "those were the happiest days of my life." JULIA HORNE BURTON. The subject of this sketch was the ninth child of her parents, who were Joseph and Mary Isabella Home. She was reared in an atmosphere of sobriety, prudence and rev- erence. She partook largely of the influence of her surround- ings and was ever known as a most exemplary child and woman. She was born in Salt Lake City, in August, 1851, followed the usual course of pioneer living, and acquired the usual pioneer education. She attended the University of Utah when it first opened in the old Council House. When the Young Ladies' Retrenchment Associations were formally organized, she was chosen to fill the office of president of the Fourteenth ward association. She married in the early spring of 1872, and died in the late fall of the same year, leaving a babe behind her. Her young husband, William S. Burton, eldest son of Bishop Robert T. Burton, was crushed with the blow, and many recall the deep grief which the death of this amiable young wife caused her family and friends. She was of a modest, retiring disposition, but was willing and eager in the service of the Lord. 78 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. FLORA LYDIA SHIPP. Flora Shipp was born at Edenburg, Johnson county, Indiana, January 31, 1848. She was the daughter of Austin Shipp and Laura Caroline Farns worth. She died Friday, December 15, 1905, at the L. D. S. hospital. These few details would not betray the sensitive poet soul of the gentle, fair-haired girl who was the joy of her friends and the enemy of no living- soul. Flora was ever keenly attuned to emotion, but she had received in her early youth the testimony of the truth, and none of the trials and vicissitudes of her life ever shook that faith. She was also one of the early heroines who came out in obedience to the call and helped to make possible the cause of Retrenchment. She was married to Theodore Curtis handsome, debonair brilliant Theodore Curtis. But with his defection from the faith of her father, she left him, and remained for years a sorrowing- but faithful young mother to her children. She was a writer of no common promise. At one time, she had a great box full of manuscript stories and took them to a good man for counsel as to what disposition to make of these treas- ures of her brain. He was not an imaginative man; he hewed close to fact, and dropped his plummet only into the wells of hard practicalities. Flora was told to destroy them all and destroy them she did. She was too retiring and modest to put out much of her work after that, and as a con- sequence, we have suffered the loss of some beautiful contri- butions to Utah literature. She left one long story, however, which may some day see the light. She was full of that in- definable charm which is likened to flowers and soft breezes. She was true to the last, and left two splendid sons, Theodore E., and Clarence S. Her son Theodore, who writes for the Era, is a faithful example of her own modest worth. JULINA LAMBSON SMITH. Mrs. Julina L. Smith was one of the early devotees to the cause of Retrenchment; indeed, she has never departed from the early ideals planted in her young mind when Presi- dent Young and Sister Eliza R. Snow pleaded so eloquently with the daughters of Zion to eschew all evil, and cleave to BIOGRAPHICAL. 79 purity, simplicity and righteousness. Mrs. Smith was born June 18, 1849, and is the first wife of President Joseph F. Smith today; but she went into the celestial order with all the courage and unselfishness which those early trials de- manded. She was a tender nurse and sympathizer with the delicate young first wife of her husband, and has been a mother and a friend to all his later wives. She was one of the first duly qualified midwives in this state, and she exerted her widely sought skill for her husband's family, for the poor and destitute, as well as for the sojourners by the sea, when she was away upon her mission to the Sandwich Islands. She is the mother of eleven children, ten of whom are still living; and she is grandmother of nineteen. If there is a more exemplary mother, wife, and friend than this noble woman, the writer has yet to meet such a paragon. Mrs. Smith is now a member of the General Board of the Relief Society. "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her. She will do him good and not evil, all the days of her life. She seeketh wool and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. * * * She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. . * * * She is not afraid of the snow for her household; for all her household are clothed with scarlet. Her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land. Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. * * * Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." If a woman is to be known by her children, surely Sister Smith will not fail of praise; for her sons sit in the councils of the priesthood, and her daughters are among the mothers in Israel. CHAPTER IV. STAKE AND GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS. The Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association organized. The name Retrenchment Association changed to Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association. Stake organizations effected. Central or General Board organized. A VERY full chapter of Utah history was made in the * *- first half of the seventies. President Young- was in- spired to set in order all the quorums of the priesthood, to organize stakes and to regulate the auxiliary organizations. He was also devotedly laboring to complete the Temple at St. George, while choosing sites for other temples in Manti and Logan. However, he had plenty of time always to con- sider the needs of a most important element in the commu- nity the young people; and so it came about that he under- took the task of organizing the young men of Zion into asso- ciations with similar aims and purposes to those which formed the now flourishing associations for the girls. The story of the organization of the young men, with the title chosen and afterwards adopted by the girls, was told graphically at the June conference in 1905 by Junius F. Wells, the man who can best tell it. And the story of the beginning of the brother organization fits naturally into the recital of our auxiliary beginnings. Brother Wells said: With respect to the organization of the Young Men's associations, it was brought about through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It came at a time when we needed some- thing to inspire the youth of our people and to prepare them for the greater labor and duty that was before them. So far as my connection with it is concerned, it came in this wise: I found myself upon a mission before I was eighteen years STAKE AND GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS. 81 old, standing for the first time in my life before an audience to speak. I was in Liverpool, six thousand miles away from home. ' I was introduced by the president, and being" a son of President Wells, there was much expected of me. It took the president of the branch several minutes to introduce me, but it took me just one and one-quarter minutes to say all that I knew. I desired in my heart that my brothers should be better prepared than I was for such a position. That thought was uppermost in my mind. I presume Brother Lyman could testify of it, and perhaps President Smith will recall it, because I was on a mission with them at the time and they know that if there was anything- that characterized my efforts it was to benefit the youth and prepare the young- men to perform missions. When I came home, I was called upon to visit a number of the wards; and the preparation of the youth of Israel for missionary work was the subject of my discourse very large- ly. There were associations of the young ladies of which Sister Eliza R. Snow was the genius. I met with her and she spoke of the need of an organization of the young men. On Thursday or Friday before the 10th of June, 1874, my father came home from the President's office, and I met him at the front door. He said: "The President wants you to organize the young men." I asked my father what I should do. "Well," he said, "you'd better do it." The spirit of the work came with the call, and I knew just what to do. We called a meeting in the Thirteenth ward. It was announced in the Sunday evening service that a meeting would be held to organize the young men's asso- ciation in that hall on Wednesday evening. I called on Pres- ident Young, but could not see him until Wednesday morn- ing. I asked if he would be present I expected he would be there to take charge, as I thought I had been called sim- ply to make the preparations. President Young was not feel- ing well, and he said he hardly thought he would venture out that evening. He turned to President George Q. Cannon who was present, and asked him if he could attend the meeting, and President Cannon said a meeting of his quorum had been called for that date so he could not be there. Then the President commenced to talk of the organization. The question came up as to w r hat the society should be called; 82 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. and as nearly as I can recall his words they were as follows: ' 'We want to organize the young- men into an association an improvement association a mutual improvement asso- ciation Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association. There's your name." That is how we came by our name. Then he went on speaking in regard to our exercises. He said we should have a roll of all the members, and at the first meeting commence at the head of the roll and call upon them to arise and speak. Said he, "We want to get our boys into the habit of trying to say something in the name of the Lord. More people have received testimonies on their feet than down on their knees praying for them." This was the extent of the instructions we received. To- wards evening I called at the President's office hoping to meet President Cannon, but he was not there. I remember walking down the Theatre hill; I never had such feelings or thoughts as filled my bosom. I was very humble and prayer- ful and greatly desired that the Lord would give us success in our undertaking. When I reached the Thirteenth ward, Brother B. Morris Young, son of President Young, was there and also the bishop of the ward. Brother Young acted as secretary, and was very willing to assist me. We had the greatest difficulty in persuading three or four young men to come to the stand. A pledge was given to the one who offered prayer. He agreed to open the meeting by prayer provided he was not called upon to speak. I went back into the vestry before the commencement of the meeting for a moment of silent prayer, and when I came back to the room, I felt great confidence. The way seemed clear and I spoke for about fifty minutes. The Spirit of the Lord was there and those who were present felt it. The bishops, some of them, since that time have told me of it. The result was that a vote was taken and they all voted for the organization. Brother Henry A. Woolley was called to be president, Brothers B. Morris Young and Heber J. Grant were counsel- ors, Brother Hyrum H. Goddard was made secretary. When we called for members, seventeen or eighteen enlisted. That is the story of the organization. Afterwards I visited a number of settlements. St. George was one of them. Brother B. Morris Young was as- sociated with the organization then and has been active in it STAKE AND GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS. 83 ever since. I went to Brigham City and organized the as- sociation there. Then I was called to go on a mission to the states of Illinois and Missouri. The Mutual Improvement Association work was taken up by Brother Milton H. Hardy and others. After I returned from my mission we organized a central committee to push this work. I think I have been present and assisted in the organization of one hundred and ten societies. In 1877 President Young completed the organization of the stakes in Zion, Bear Lake being the last one. Immedi- ately after, he was taken ill, the last week in August, and in a few days the weary eyes were closed, the busy brain was stilled, and the great pioneer who had dominated the West for so many stirring years was quietly sleeping in his last earthly bed. The feeling of dismay which followed the death of one of the greatest leaders and men among this people was gradually dispersed by the grave and dignified admin- istration of the Twelve Apostles, under the wise lead- ership of President John Taylor. He, too, was a hero and a statesman. As he had -stood by the Prophet at his death, so now President Taylor took up the role of leader- ship, without faltering and without fear. To him was left the task of completing the regulation of all the affairs of the Church; and royally and grandly did he discharge this duty. The work among the women was left by President Taylor, as it had been by President Young, to the care of Sister Eliza R. Snow. It had been the wish and purpose of President Young, at the time the Young Men's Association was organized, to change the name of the Young Ladies' Retrenchment Asso- ciations to Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations; but this was not accomplished in his lifetime . Soon after his death the change was made by Sister Eliza R. Snow, the new title being adopted locally; for there were, as yet, no stake L4 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. or general organizations. In the year 1878, the first stake organization* of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association was effected, under the direction of Sister E. R. Snow. Salt Lake Stake board was organized September 14th, 1878. Mrs. Mary A. Freeze, by a unanimous vote of the sisters, was made stake president over this largest and most *The division into stakes is peculiar to our Church organ- ization. And as the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associa- tions follow the same pattern, it may be well to give a brief outline of this ecclesiastical machinery. No other such compact, simple and altogether perfect organization exists upon the earth. Nor should there, for it was revealed from heaven to the Prophet Joseph Smith. The people living in a small town are organized into a ward. This ward limit can be compared to what is called by some sects a parish, and in civil parlance it is termed a precinct. The larger towns or cities are divided into ecclesiastical wards of suitable and convenient proportions. A ward rarely contains more than twelve hundred or fewer than two hundred people. If there are fewer than this a temporary organization, with a presiding elder, is formed until a sufficient number of people permits the regular ward to be organized. Over the ward, a bishop and two counselors are in- stalled; under them are the ward quorums of the priesthood, the priests, the teachers and the deacons. In this ward are also formed a local Relief Society, a Sunday school, a Young Men's Mutual Im- provement Association, a Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Asso- ciation, and a Primary Association, each with its corps of officers. Once each year a ward conference is held at which all these officers are presented for the suffrage of the people. All things, therefore, are done by common consent. The cities and towns comprised in a county are usually formed into a stake. If the town becomes a city, one or more stakes may be organized therein, as was recently done in Salt Lake City. A nresident and two counselors are set to preside in the stake, and associated with this presidency is a high council, consistin~ of twelve high priests. These officers have the spiritual affairs of the whole stake, with its bishoos, its quorums of the Priesthood and its auxiliary organizations, under their charge. Over all the stakes is set the quorum of the twelve apostles, with the president of the Church and his two counselors above them in rank and authority. Thus, then, the line runs down: from the presidency of the Church to the twelve apostles; from these to the presidents of stakes, then to the bishops of wards; and then on to the local and auxiliary associations. STAKE AND GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS. 85 important stake association. Subsequently she chose Mrs. Louie Felt and Mrs. Clara Y. Conrad as her counselors. By this time the custom of having- two coimselors instead of six was adopted in the local associations. The organization of stake boards was rapidly carried forward, during: the next two years 1878-80, under the charge of Sister Snow, who was also busy in other fields of progress and education for women. In the summer of 1880, President John Taylor instructed Sister Snow to issue a call for all the women of the Church to assemble, as he desired to form three general heads, giving each of the auxiliary associations a controlling board, the Relief Society, the Young Ladies' Mutual Im- provement Association and the Primary Association. Ac- cordingly, two meetings were held in the Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, on June 19th, 1880, at which Sister Snow presided. In the morning, the general organization of the Relief Society was effected, with Eliza R. Snow as general presi- dent. Her scope was wide according to the records, as she is termed president of woman's work of the Church in all the world. At noon on that day, after Sister Eliza R. Snow had been set apart for her great field of labor, a number of the sisters went to the home of Sister Bathsheba W. Smith for dinner. Among them was Sister Elmina S. Taylor of the Fourteenth ward, Salt Lake City. In the general conversa- tion at table, Sister Snow looked keenly at Sister Taylor, and after the little preliminary "hem," which usually pref- aced her remarks, and which was the only reminder of the consumption that had so nearly taken her away in middle life, she remarked quietly, yet with that incisive voice which arrested every ear: "Well, Sister Taylor, have you chosen your counselors?" 86 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. With equally dignified mien and equally incisive voice, that now rang- out somewhat sharply because of the surprise, Sister Taylor replied: ' 'For what?" "We have decided to make you president of the Mutual Improvement Associations in all the Church," replied Sister Eliza. "I shall not act," retorted the woman who had shrunk from publicity all her life. "I cannot act in that capacity." However, with the wise arguments which always con- vince a Saint who desires to be one, Sister Taylor's scruples were overcome, and she was voted in at the afternoon meet- ing. In the afternoon, there was also organized the Central Board of the Primary Associations. Mrs. Louie B. Felt was made president of this board, and a most efficient and faith- ful officer she was, and is, for she still occupies that exalted station. The Primary Associations have done as much, per- haps, towards making good and fruitful history as any aux- iliary organization in the Church. They have printed a short history of their work and the record thereof is both valuable and interesting. To return to our own history: Mrs. Taylor chose a wife of President John Taylor, Mrs. Margaret Y. Taylor, as her first counselor. President Taylor was not related to Bishop George H. Taylor and his wife El- mina, although they were intimate friends in the eastern states, and both lived in the Fourteenth ward, Salt Lake City. Her second counselor was Miss Martha Home (later Mrs.Tingey), a daughter of Joseph and Mary Isabella Home, and one of Zion's most exemplary daughters. The secretary chosen was Miss Louie Wells, a daughter of President D. H. Wells and Mrs. Emmeline B. Wells; while the treasurer, Mrs. Fannie Young Thatcher, was a daughter of President FIRST GENERAL PRESIDENCY. President Elmina S. Taylor First Counselor Margaret Y. Taylor Second Counselor Martha t Horne First Counselor Maria Y. Dougall STAKE AND GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS. 87 Young-. Sister Elmina S. Taylor was at that time engaged in housekeeping and rearing children; she was also filling an important office in the Relief Society, and consequently was a busy woman. But what she undertook to do, she did well. vSister Eliza R. Snow, therefore, relinquished in part the care and responsibility of the Young- Ladies' Association, and the burden was assumed by the new president, assisted by her chosen officers. Into this history there is now introduced the name of one of Zion's greatest women a woman whose clearness of vision, firmness of purpose, wisdom and executive ability placed her side by side with Eliza R. Snow this woman is Elmina S. Taylor. Tried and tested in the furnace of affliction and sorrow, the character of this faithful friend and counselor was beautified and enriched and made ready for the eternal crown of peace which now encircles her brow. Sister E. S. Taylor began her labors vigorously. The first meeting which she attended officially was a local one in Farmers ward, at which she and her counselors were present. Thus began a most energetic work. Stakes were to be visited yearly and sometimes semi-annually. Letters were received in gradually increasing numbers, and for years most of these were personally addressed to President E. S. Taylor, personally answered by her, and the expense thereof borne by her. Naturally, the work at this time was largely ex- perimental; each ward planned its own course of study, the work of the General Board as well as of the stake boards be- ing for some years that of encouragement and general help- fulness. Some knowledge of the magnitude of the work done by Sister E. S. Taylor during the next ten years may be ob- tained from the fact that she made between three and four hundred visits during that period, traveling thousands of miles, mostly by team; and visiting some of the nearby 88 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. stakes two or three times a year in addition to the regular scheduled visits. At the time the General Board was organized in 1880, the Salt Lake stake board was a power in the land, and its meetings and deliberations were a stimulus and an example to the other stakes. After the installation of the General Board, the Salt Lake stake officers were invited to meet at the home of Sister E. S. Taylor, and here, for ten years, the joint affairs of the two boards were considered. The mem- bers of the Salt Lake stake board were often invited by Sis- ter Taylor to accompany her on her trips, and she in turn gathered help and inspiration from association with these active workers in the stake capacity. It was in these meetings that she became acquainted with the character and labors of Mrs. Maria Y. Dougall, who was then acting as counselor to the Salt Lake stake president, Mary A. Freeze. In the general work Sister Taylor was assisted more or less by her counselors; but Sister Margaret Y. Taylor felt obliged to resign her position after the death of her husband in 1887, and then Sister E. S. Taylor looked about her for another counselor. Mrs. Maria Y. Dougall had been an active worker in the M. I. A. since it was first organized. She was a dignified young matron, of queenly manners, and withal humble and true to the Gospel; She was a worthy child of her father, Brigham Young, and a gracious and wise daughter of Zion. To her Sister Taylor turned when she was obliged to part with her first- chosen counselor; and certainly she never had cause to regret this choice. Sister Tingey, her second counselor, who was al- ways very close to Sister Taylor's heart, remained in her place for twenty-five years, working in perfect harmony with her president and with the other counselors as well. In 1887, the General Board met with a serious loss in the death of the secretary, the beautiful and gifted Miss Louie FAN NY Y.THATCHER FIRST TREASURER GENERAL OFTHE Y. L.M. i. A, MISS LOUIE WELLS f FIRST SECRETARYGENERAL * OFTHE Y. L.M. I. A MISS MARY E. COOK f SECOND SECRETARY GENERAL/ QFTHE Y. L.M.I.A.P STAKE AND GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS. 8, Wells. Miss Mary E. Cook was called to take the place made vacant by the untimely death of Sister Wells. Miss Cook was a finely educated woman, a school teacher of great natural ability, who would have done a great deal of good in the position which she held had she remained in Utah, but she held her place only until the fall of 1891, when she went east to live. For eight years the general officers labored be- fore they were blessed and set apart for their office. In January, 1888, Sister Elmina S. Taylor and her two counselors met at the home of Sister Maria Y. Dougall, and there were blessed and set apart to their responsible positions by the First Presidency of the Church; President Wilford Woodruff pronounced the blessing on the head of Sister Taylor, President George Q. Cannon performing the like office for Sister Dougall, and President Joseph F. Smith giving the blessing to Sister Martha Home Tingey. From this hour a new stride forward was taken in the labors of the Y. L. M. I. A. There was a power and strength im- parted to the general work which had never before been felt. The scattered threads were gathered up, and in the hands of these women they began to be woven into a fabric of lasting and beautiful design. With the opening of the second decade of the General Board's history, a vital force and uplift was felt in every part of the work. Order, regularity and system began to take the place of experimental labor. A magazine was launched; new aid was called into the Board; a closer union was brought about between the Young Men's and Young Women's Associations. Lessons were mapped out for the associations, and printed in pamphlet form. A yearly fund was established. The traveling visits, both at home and throughout the stakes, increased wonderfully, and in all ave- nues great activity marked the last decade of the nineteenth century. 90 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. This record will now concern itself with some of these various activities, in detail, taking- them up in the order of their occurrence; beginning with the establishment of a maga- zine, as an organ for the Y. L. M. I. Associations. BIOGRAPHICAL. ELMINA S. TAYLOR. Elmina Shepherd Taylor w r as born in Middlefield, Otseg-o county, state of New York, September 12, 1830, the same year in which the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized. Her parents, David S. and Rozella Bailey Shepherd, were honorable, intelligent people, much respected in the com- munity in which they lived. They were zealous members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Elmina was the eldest of three daughters. She was always a frail, delicate girl, but was endowed with strong convictions and a will to walk in the path of duty wherever it might lead. As a child, she was an ardent lover of nature. The whispering of the leaves upon the trees, the swaying of the branches, the gentle murmur of the brook, always had a soothing effect upon her sensitive temperament, and often, as she wandered in the woods near her home, she would lift her heart in prayer and gratitude to her heavenly Father, asking him in her simple, childish way for blessings upon her parents or upon her own head, according to her needs. At an early age she was sent to the public schools, and being a thoughtful, studious child, she soon became sufficient- ly advanced to enter the Hardwick academy, from whence, earnestly applying herself, she emerged before she was quite sixteen to engage in the labor of school teaching. At first her duties were confined to the rural districts, where, as was the custom at that time, she had to board around in payment for the tuition of pupils. Although she made many friends with whom she might have visited at pleasure, the prac- tice was so repugnant to her that she decided to branch out BIOGRAPHICAL. 91 into broader fields, where the remuneration was sufficient to enable her to choose her own boarding- place. Through a cousin who was also a teacher in southern New York she received an excellent offer to take a school in Haverstraw, a beautiful town on the west bank of the Hud- son river, two hundred miles away from home where new but, happily, pleasant experiences awaited her. For a young: girl to go so far away in those days was an event of no little importance. At first her parents demurred, but finally yielded a reluctant consent to her earnest desire to make her own way in the world. So away she went, her first trip by rail a truly wonderful journey in many re- spects. Miss Shepherd left her home on Friday. On reaching Albany she found that the ice over the Hudson river was breaking up, and the floating blocks had piled up in a huge mass. In order to meet her appointment the following Mon- day, she must cross this almost impassable stream. Her friends tried to dissuade her from making the attempt; but she had promised, and what was the breaking up of the ice com- pared with the breaking of her word? So she hired two strong Irish boatmen, who with skilful rowing, dodged the ice, and landed her safely on the other side, where she was soon most comfortably situated. Although Miss Shepherd and her cousin taught in differ- ent districts, they boarded together in a pleasant little home nestling at the foot of the Catskill mountains. Behind and above towered the great rocky cliffs, in front stretched the beautiful Hudson, dotted with shell -like boats and white sails, majestic steamers gliding gracefully to and fro, and in the distance the eastern river bank, where the wealthy men of New York built their palatial summer residences. It was a charming scene, and one that was always a source of de- light to her. From a child, Miss Shepherd had been spiritual -minded, and at about twenty years of age had naturally embraced the faith of her parents. She was an active, earnest worker in the church for about six years, but was not quite satisfied with some of their doctrines and tenets, while numerous things perplexed her. Sometimes she would go to her min- ister, hoping that he might explain and make things clear to 92 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A, her doubting- mind, but alas! she would leave him more be- clouded than before. When she united herself with the church, she was very anxious to be baptized by immeirfion, the pattern set by our Savior; but that, her friends urged, was a foolish notion, so she had finally yielded to the pre- vailing custom of sprinkling 1 . During her sojourn in Haverstraw Miss Shepherd be- came acquainted with John Druce and his family, and a warm friendship sprang up between them. Mr. Druce was a trustee in the school in which her coiisin taught, and he was also a "Mormon" elder. One night he gave her some Mormon books, asking her if she woiild read them. " Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good," was one of the impressive things she had culled from her well-read Bible. Acting: upon this she scanned the books with a prayerful heart, and a sincere desire that her mind might be led aright. Her prayer was answered. She be- lieved the doctrine, and, although realizing what it meant to embrace such an unpopular religion, felt that she must carry out her convictions. Relying on the words of Jesus, "If any man will do my will, he shall know of the doctrine," she went into the waters of baptism on July 5, 1856, and, on being confirmed, she received, according to her own state- ment, a testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith, which re- mained with her until the last. She had taught school for about four years to the entire satisfaction of all concerned, when the time arrived for the trustees to decide on a teacher for another year. One of the trustees, a devout Methodist, objected to re-engaging Miss Shepherd, as he had made the startling discovery that she was a Mormon. The other, a wealthy, broadminded gentle- man, remarked that he did not care whether she was a Cath- olic, Protestant or Mormon, she had kept the best school they ever had had in that district. He prevailed, but upon their offering her the school, she declined to accept it, as she was about to take a much more important position. She was married August 31st, 1856, to Georg:e Hamil- ton Taylor, a young copper engraver, whom she had met at the home of the Druces. The late President, then Apostle, John Taylor performed the ceremony. On April 15th, BIOGRAPHICAL. 93 1859, after paying- a visit to her parents, who were then living- in Wisconsin, they started for Utah by ox team, arriv- ing in the Great Salt Lake valley September 16th of the same year. In the spring- of 1860 they located in the Fourteenth ward, where they ever after resided. In accordance with a promise made to her through the gift of tongues, all her father's house came to Zion; although not one of them joined the Church. After the death of her mother, her father spent his declining: days at her home. Mrs. Taylor's public life beg-an when she was elected secretary of the Fourteenth ward Relief Society, December 12th, 1867, a position she held for twenty-six years. Sep- tember 23rd, 1874, by request of Eliza R. Snow, she was appointed superintendent of the Y. L. M. I. A. of the same ward. On December 23rd, 1879, when the Relief Societies were organized into a stake capacity, with Mrs. M. Isabella Home as president of the Salt Lake stake, Mrs. Taylor was chosen her first counselor. She held the office for sixteen years, traveling considerably, instructing, exhorting- and comforting the members. It is a remarkable testimony to the executive capacity of our leader that she held all these various positions simultaneously, and did each full justice in its time and place. At the sisters' conference held June 19th, 1880, in the Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, Sister Taylor was appointed president of the Young- Ladies' Mutual Improvement Asso- ciations in all the world. Since that time, she has traveled thousands of miles in the company of Eliza R. Snow, Zina D. H. Young-, Sarah M. Kimball, Emmeline B. Wells, M. Isabella Home and other leading- sisters, visiting- with the Relief Societies as well as the Mutual Improvement As- sociations. In 1891, the Y. L. M. I. A. became affiliated with the National Council of Women of the United States, and Mrs. Taylor thus became an ex-officio vice president of the organi- zation. She attended several eastern conventions, and she presided with dignity and wisdom over the meeting- held at the Chicag-o World's Fair in the interests of the Y. L.M.I. A. Sister Taylor was chosen as head of the Y. L. M. I. A. at a time when there was no General Board, no aids, no guides, no magazine no.r other publications for their work; 94 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. no quarterly or yearly conferences nor conventions, either stake or general; no headquarters, not even any regular meet- ing's of the general officers. In fact, she was at the very beginning of all these, nay, the cause itself of some of these splendid outgrowths of M. I. work. She led her forces for- ward step by step, from an irregular, desultory corps of vol- unteers to a perfectly disciplined and admirably martialed host whose every movement was systematized and whose power for good was acknowledged as paramount in Israel. She assisted in the making of more history for the young women of Israel than any modern woman living or dead. She lay down into the earth at last garnered as a shock of corn ripened into full ear and ready for the glorious harvest of divine peace. Just how good and how great she was time cannot reveal the balance can only be struck by the Eternal Adjudicator. MARGARET YOUNG TAYLOR. Mrs. Taylor was born in Westport, Conn., on the 24th of April, 1837. Her father's name was Ebenezer Russell Young, also of Connecticut, but no known connection of Brigham Young. Both Mrs. Taylor's parents joined the Mormon Church; and when Margaret was about fourteen years old, she too was baptized. She was well educated for those days and was always a great reader, and a lover of books. She was married to President John Taylor, and emi- grated to the valley in 1858. She was well acquainted with Mrs. Elmina S. Taylor, they having formed a friendship in New York. When the Salt Lake stake Relief Society was organized, Sister Margaret Y. Taylor was chosen secretary of that society. She also served for a number of years as counselor to President Agnes Taylor Schwartz of the Four- teenth ward Relief Society. It was with great timidity and genuine mental suffering that she accepted and for seven years held the place of counselor to President Elmina S. Tay- lor in the original organization of the Board. Her nature shrank with keenest pain from publicity of all kinds. But she possessed a firm character, and was an ideal mother. If she had done no other work than to give to the world the nine splendid children she has borne, her years would be full of joy BIOGRAPHICAL. 95 and eternity would crown her with peace. On the death of her husband, in 1887, she resigned her position as Counselor and withdrew from public life. But she still lives to bless and comfort her family. Sister Taylor possesses the true refinement of a sensitive, unselfish spirit. She has latent literary gifts, which are evidenced by the beautiful letters she writes, breathing of faith, hope and love. Her quiet life is crowned in its closing days with the love of children and grandchildren, for they have multiplied as a flock. The graciousness of heaven shines around her. MARTHA HORNE. The second counselor, Miss Martha Home, now Mrs. Tingey, inherits her mother's firm, wise temperament. She is not strong physically, but her strong spirit and uplifting faith carry her over every obstacle. She is gentle without weakness, and wise without subtlety. Even those who may differ from her in views and opinions can but respect and love her for her frank sincerity and her straightforward hon- esty. She was very congenial to her president and they worked always together and with the greatest unanimity and harmony. A sketch of her life will be given later in this history. LOUIE WELLS. Miss Louie Wells was born August 27, 1862, in Salt Lake City. She was a gifted and lovely girl. She was a natural musician, with a thrilling quality in the voice which is born only in a deep and passionate soul. She was a writer of rare promise and wrote enough in her short life to comprise a huge volume, if her scattered articles in the Contributor, Exponent, and other home periodicals had been put together. She was so talented in drawing and painting that she was advised by her friends to go East and follow art as a life work. She was an earnest and brilliant pupil in all these artistic lines, and one who took advantage of every opportunity offered by teachers or lecturers, books or schools. She was one of the most successful membe rs of the Home Opera com- pany, which, under Professor George Careless, produced the 96 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. "Mikado" and other operas in the early eighties. She sang the part of one of the Three Little Maids in the "Mikado," and was an unqualified success from the moment her piquant personality appeared before the footlights. She was a wide- ly-read and highly intelligent assistant to her mother in the editing of the Exponent. A whole people loved her and mourned her untimely death in San Francisco, May 16, 1887. Her labors as secretary of the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. were all too brief, but what she did do was to estab- lish the general work on a solid and excellent foundation as to record-making and record-keeping. FANNY YOUNG THATCHER. Mrs. Fanny Young Thatcher, who was the treasurer of the first General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A., was a gifted daughter of a great father, and was herself a favorite daugh- ter, sister and friend. In a family of handsome girls, she was easily the prettiest, as well as the best beloved. Fanny was born January 25, 1849; she was married in March, 1867, to George W. Thatcher, as his second wife. She had six children, three of whom are living Mrs. Lutie Lynch, Frank and Lawrence Thatcher. She lived out her short and quiet existence within the confines of Salt Lake City. She was possessed of remarkable musical gifts, her playing and singing being noted for exquisite grace and smoothness. Her father, Brigham Young, always called upon Fanny to lead in the evening hymns, or to play the latest dance tune, or to sing his favorite song, "Hard Times Come Again no More." Fanny was organist in the first Tabernacle built in the western wilderness, in the fifties, long ago torn down to per- mit the Assembly Hall to stand upon its site. Though rarely beautiful, her charm of face was not half so adorable as the charm of her gentle, refined, unselfish nature. Her words were never sharp, never sarcastic, never bitter. She might carry in her bosom a sorrow, but no one would guess it ex- cept from a deeper tinge of sympathy in the low, thrilling voice. She was of a shrinking nature, with sensitive spirit- ual tendrils which clung to faith and affection with delicate, invincible coils. A keen and saving sense of humor wreathed BIOGRAPHICAL. 97 her tragedies in smiling- question-marks, thus meeting her self-pity with grim unresponsiveness. Fanny's mother, Lucy Decker Young, the first plural wife of her father, was of good old Knickerbocker stock on both sides Decker and Wheeler, both of old New York state; and from her Fanny inherited the patience which could look into the very eyes of life and death with sweet stillness. Fanny was president of the Eighteenth ward Y. L. M. I. A., for one year prior to the time when she was selected by Sister Eliza R. Snow and Sister Taylor as treasurer of the General Board, at its organization, June 19, 1880. She held the office of general treasurer until her death on January 20, 1892. She was associated with the Board, therefore, prior to any general conferences, and had small opportunity to ex- ercise any gift or labor in the cause she had been associated with since its organization in her father's parlor in 1869. But she loved the good, and hated with calm serenity evil, gloom, strife, worldliness, and all selfishness. When she en- tered a room, with her graceful, gliding step, her shapely head coiled about with low braids of gleaming, gold-brown hair, her blue eyes smiling above the curving lips of delicate coral, her supple form robed ever in exquisite taste and sim- plicity, her presence penetrated to everyone present, though there were a multitude, like some subtle oriental perfume distilled in fairy vase. If she spoke, peace and good- will flowed through her words; if she sang, music brooded with hovering wings atremble while her voice floated along the air. If she swept the harp -strings, or touched with tender fingers the cold ivory of an organ, the spirit of harmony was vivified and given being. For Fanny was the incarnate muse of poetry and music. Such as she make earth endurable and heaven glorious. The heaven we know and hope to reach has no sweeter picture than that of Fanny Thatcher at some harpsichord, when there are heavenly choirs assembled to greet some earth-worn prophet, priest or beggar; her touch upon the keys, the very essence of heavenly sympathy and rejoicing as the anthem rolls, echo- ing through the halls of never-ending time and space. 98 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. MARIA YOUNG DOUG ALL. Mrs. Maria Young- Doug-all is the daughter of the late President Brig-ham Young- and his wife Clarissa Ross. She was born in Salt Lake City, December 10th, 1849. She is on both sides from old New England stock, her ancestors on the father's side being among the colonizers of Massachusetts as early as 1720. On her mother's side, Betsy Ross, one of her family, was the fashioner of the first American flag. Mrs. Dou gall's childhood was passed amidst the diffi- culties and hardships endured by the early settlers of Utah, although her education, even under these circumstances, was not neglected; the wisdom of her illustrious father having provided a private teacher and school-room for his children where an excellent rudimentary education could be acquired. Among the studies taught was physical culture, with the early appliances invented by Dr. Dio Lewis. The quaint, single seats are now all destroyed; but there are still extant some of the^ back-boards which were used in those early and primitive "gymnastics." A private music teacher was always a part of the family life, the first piano and organ having been drawn across the plains with ox teams. Not a daughter of President Young lacked the musical ear, and most of them were, for those days, superior musicians. Mrs. Dougall was one of D. O. Calder's solo singers in his famous pioneer singing school. All this was before high schools in Utah were known, and Mrs. Dougall was married before it became possible to pursue the so-called "higher education." When eight years old, little Maria's mother died, and her subsequent life-training, until she was married, was un- der the judicious care of that excellent and beloved mother in Israel, Sister Zina D. H. Young, to whose teachings she is indebted for much of the solidity of character and the good judgment which she possesses. On June 1st, 1868, she be- came the wife of William B. Dougall, who was for years superintendent of the Deseret Telegraph company, a young- man of great sagacity and refinement. Her marriage has been a happy one, and five children have been born to her. Sister Dougall has lived all her life in Salt Lake City, and from her early years has been earnestly engaged in doing good, both in public and in private life. She was present at COUNSELOR MARIA YOUNG DOUGALL. BIOGRAPHICAL. 99 that memorable meeting in the Lion House on November 28th, 1869, and was chosen as one of the counselors to her sister, Ella Y. Empey. In 1879, she was made president of the Seventeenth ward Association and acted as such till she was chosen as first counselor to Mary A. Freeze, the first president of the Salt Lake stake Y. L. M. I. A. From this position in 1887 she was called to become first counselor to President Elmina S. Taylor. She acted for six years as first counselor to Sister Julia Howe in the Primary Association of the Seventeenth ward, and Sister Howe deeply regretted the necessity for her resignation from that position , to take up the heavier burdens involved in the general work of the Mutual Improvement Association. She was also con- nected for years with the Woman's Co-operative store, acting as vice president to President M. Isabella Home. In 1893 Sister Doug-all was called to act as a worker, at the completion of that great edifice, in the Salt Lake Temple; and here she has remained at her post in season and out of season. When the Bureau of Information was opened Mrs. Dougall became one of the guides who give their time free of charge for the instruction of tourists who visit Salt Lake City. All this, too, in addition to her duties in the Mutual Improvement Association and the many loving- burdens which rest upon her as mother and home-maker. As this record will show, Mrs. Dougall has, on three different occasions, attended the great convention or Council of Women, once at Chicago, once at Omaha, and once at Washington. She attended also the Suffrag-e convention in 1887 held at Washing-ton, D. C., in company with Sister Sarah M. Kimball, Sister Doug-all being- chairman of the executive committee of the state association. The brief facts here outlined of a full and beautiful life do not portray the half of the good deeds done; for it is in trouble or sickness, in distress and in poverty that the ten- der hand of this wise counselor has been most often extended . In those offices where woman ministers to woman, her gentle hands have comforted and blessed hundreds of Zion's daugh- ters. Her character is one of force and strength; and yet so calm and equable is her temperament that a storm-tossed soul can always find a sweet refuge in the sheltering love that knows no distinction between rich nor poor, high nor low, 100 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. only the suffering" and unfortunate. Her beautiful home has hospitable doors swung" wide to every one who knocks at the portals; and, together with her husband, who died April llth, 1909, she ministered to every traveler who went their way. For many years the g-eneral officers' meetings of the Y. L. M. I. A. held at the April and October conference time, were convened in Sister Doug-all's home. Here the sisters from every part of Zion gathered and held some of the best spiritual and the most profitable business 'meet- ing's ever known in the history of the Mutual Improvement work. These meetings outgrew the parlors, in the course of ten years; but who that has ever been at the meeting's in the Doug-all home can forg-et the hallowed influence of that beautiful and consecrated hearthstone! CHAPTER V. THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. Ii-. inception. Its purpose. First number issued October, 1889. Mrs. Susa Young Gates, editor. President Elmina S. Taylor car- . ried moral responsibility. Difficulties. Assistance from mem- bers of General Board. Other friends. Out of troubled waters. President Taylor relieved by anpointment of committee. Editor Gates resigned. Mrs. May Booth Talmage her successor. Miss Ann M. Cannon succeeded Mrs. Talmage. Miss Elen Wallace, associate editor. Miss Mary E. Connelly became editor. Busi- ness department: A. H. Cannon, Miss Estelle Neff, Miss Agnes S. Campbell. First office. New quarters. THE work was growing- now very rapidly. Especially was there felt a necessity for some voice sufficiently exten- sive to reach from one end of Israel to the other. When King- Benjamin, among- the Nephites, g-athered his peo- ple together to give them his last solemn instructions, he found it impossible to make the thousands assem- bled hear his words. So he resorted to a very un- usual custom in those days, but a very common one now: he caused his words to be written and distributed to the multitude who were not within the sound of his voice. Likewise, when Sister Taylor received so many questioning- letters, she long-ed for some means of sending: her words to the multitude of "her girls" whose ranks were increasing rapidly. There were, in the seventies and eighties, three printed mediums for the chief auxiliary organizations: the Juvenile In- structor, owned and edited by President George Q. Cannon, for the benefit of the Sunday Schools; the Woman ' s Exponent, owned and edited by Mrs. Emmeline B. Wells, for the use of the Relief Society; and the Contributor, the organ of the 102 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Young- Men's Association, owned and edited by Junius F. Wells. All of these were excellent publications, but each had its own special line of effort, and no one of them was suitable for Sister Taylor's purposes.- Sister Sarah M. Kim- ball was always an ardent friend and advocate of the idea that the young women should have a printed organ of their own, in which to develop their talents, and from whose pages they should receive instruction and encouragement from their leaders. At the same time that the sisters were considering the subject at home, away off on the Sandwich Islands Mrs. Susa Young Gates, who was there on a mission with her husband, was inspired with a desire to establish a magazine for the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Asso- ciation. Sister Gates wrote first to President Joseph F. Smith, suggesting to him her idea, which had been sanctioned by her husband. His answer was very encouraging, and she was advised to communicate with the president of the Church, as well as with the president of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations. This counsel was followed immediately; and her letter to Sister Taylor and counselors is here given in part: LAIE, August 24, 1888. Dear Sisters: In addressing you on the subject of this letter, I earnestly desire that God will bless me and inspire my mind, that my words may be not only the expression of my heart, but bet- ter, that they may be dictated by the Spirit of God. For many years my great desire has been to occupy my spare time in the cultivation of the talent which was bestowed upon me, that I might benefit myself and be in some measure, according to the strength given me, a benefit and help in a literary way to my sisters in their lives and labors. The spare time which many have devoted to the pretty trifles with which women delight to adorn their households, or to the making of elaborate and trimmed clothing for themselves and THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. 103 children, I have used with delight in the labors of the pen. For the last eight years I have been engaged in home duties; and yet I have found many moments to devote to my writ- ings." * * * Some time ago, my husband having' expressed a wish that I could, on my return to Utah, identify myself with one of our leading 1 publications, and then centralize my varied efforts in the literary line, I addressed some questions to an old friend, Dr. Romania B. Pratt of your city, in regard to this matter. She wrote a kind letter in reply, and set forth in glowing colors the advisability of organizing a magazine to represent the Y. L. M. I. Associations. I asked myself and my husband the question: can I find the strength for all this? His reply in substance was, that if I could obtain good and wise assistants and if the main respon- sibility of such an undertaking were to rest upon a board of young women chosen for that purpose, and, above all, if I could be the constant recipient of the faith and the blessings of the presidency of the Church, and the authorities and members of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associ- ation, he could freely feel to give me his trust and confidence. Thus encouraged, I asked counsel of President Joseph F. Smith, and by him was referred to President Woodruff with his own added approval of the scheme. To this solemn council I have now submitted the matter, and should this letter reach you, you will doubtless receive at the same time some ex- pression of their minds on the matter. Sister Gates then gave a detailed outline of what she thought such a magazine should contain, plans which have been generally followed in the publishing of the Young \Vomarfs Journal. In closing Sister Gates said: Now as to the financial part of the plan: Although I have capital sufficient to start such an enterprise, yet it would seem wiser to me to create a stock company among the asso- ciations, and let each society hold an interest and receive of the profits, if there be any, thus becoming an interested party in the enterprise. Thus all would feel it a duty to uphold and sustain by faith and works their appointed spokesman and voice . 104 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Let me bring this lengthy epistle to a close. I shall humbly pray that God will inspire you in your deliberations, and that no matter what your decision as regards my partici- pation in the affair may be, if such a thing will prove of last- ing benefit to the young women of Utah, I pray that it may be carried successfully and gloriously to an issue; and that all who aid in any way may receive the purest and choicest bless- ings of heaven. Dear sisters, under the decision of the presiding council of the Church, the matter now rests in your hands. If you so decide, communicate with me as to your wishes in regard to me personally, and direct and suggest as the spirit in- clines. Without prolonging words, I will pray that this matter may be decided in all righteousness, which is the fervent de- sire of Your sister in the Gospel, (Signed) SUSA YOUNG GATES, Address: Honolulu, Box 410, Oahu, Sandwich Islands. The communication to the president of the Church re- ceived the following answer: PRESIDENT'S OFFICE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, October 2, 1888. Mrs. Susa Gates, Honolulu, S. /. Dear Sister: Your letter of August 24, addressed to myself, and one of the same date addressed to Sisters ElminaS. Taylor, Maria Y. Dougall and Mattie H. Tingey, the presidency of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association, have been received and the contents noted with pleasure. The subject on which you write meets with our approval . We know of no reason why our Young Ladies'. Association should not be properly represented, and the plan you propose, we think, is worthy of the consideration of our sisters, who have been so long engaged in the interest of these associa- tions. What course they will take in this matter, we do not know; but if it is decided to enter into such an undertaking as THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. 105 you have outlined, and our counsel is desired, we would sug- gest that it be commenced upon business principles subscrip- tions could be solicited in advance, proper estimates made of the cost of labor in all its branches, the material needed in the publication of the work, etc.; and that suitable arrange- ments be made at the commencement, so that the venture may stand upon its own resources, independent of any aid from the Church, further than what moral support we can give in its interest. In regard to your being engaged in the editorial depart- ment of the contemplated magazine, we would suppose your ability and talent would eminently fit you for that place. That, however, as all other matters, would come under the supervision of the board of managers. We have forwarded your letter to the sisters of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association for their consider- ation and action, upon which they will, no doubt, communi- cate their views to you; so that you may more fully enter into suitable arrangements for the commencement and progress of the work . With kindest regards to yourself, your husband and fam- ily, and the Saints with whom you are associated, and pray- ing the Lord to bless you in all your laudable undertakings, I remain, Your brother in the Gospel, (Signed) WILFORD WOODRUFF. In a subsequent private letter written to Sister Gates in his own peculiar handwriting, President Woodruff wrote (using red ink for emphasis): "I think the sisters voted to publish the magazine. I said I would subscribe for three numbers." And he did. From the initial number of the journal to his death, President Woodruff personally sub- scribed and paid for three numbers. The letter from Sister Gates to President Elmina S. Tay- lor and counselors was read and then presented by them to the First Presidency of the Church. It was decided to estab- lish a magazine as soon as Sister Gates returned from the islands, and suitable arrangements could be made. In May, 106 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. T A. 1889, Elder Jacob F. Gates and family returned to Utah, and the work of planning- was begun . None of the sisters having- had experience in managing an enterprise of that kind, President Elmina S. Taylor felt it necessary to get the advice and assistance of an experienced man to counsel in the business part of the venture, until such time as a woman manag-er could be found. The great desire was to have all the work done by women , as had been advised by President Joseph F. Smith. Sister Gates then went to the office of her friend, Abra- ham H. Cannon, who was manager of the fuvenile Instructor, and presented the matter to him. She was received with all the warmth of encouragement possible to give. He expressed at once his perfect faith in the ultimate success of .such a ven- ture, and consented to assist the young editor in every pos- sible way, and to print the journal at the fuvenile Instructor office, trusting to the subscriptions to pay the expenses, so confident was he of its success. Never from that moment did his faith waver. What risk there was the editor willingly as- sumed, for she was as sanguine financially as she was spirit- ually. During the summer of 1889, President Taylor and her counselor, Sister Dougall, visited the president of the Church at the Gardo House, and there Sister Susa Young Gates was blessed and set apart under the hands of President George Q. Cannon for the work she w T as about to undertake. In October, 1889, the first number of the new magazine was issued. The price was two dollars a year; and the mag- azine, after the first six issues, contained, as it did until 1909, forty-eight pages of reading matter. It was not expected that a state of perfection would be then or soon reached; only that the plane occupied would be as high as could be attained with the home talent available. There were two things of paramount importance to the young THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. 107 editor: first, that the spirit of the magazine should take pre- cedence above the forms in which the words mig'ht be cast; the polish and veneer might lack or fail, but the genuineness of the thought, and the indirect as well as the direct teaching must never be doubtful; second, from the first number the regular contributors must be home writers, and in harmony with the spirit of the associations; and, too, they should re- ceive something, if ever so little, for their work. The writer's brains were as worthy of hire as the type-setter's hands. During the first year some one was needed to travel and present the new magazine to the people of the Territory. Who would undertake such a labor of love without money and without price? In this dilemma, the mother of Mrs. Gates, Sister Lucy B. Young, wife of President Brigham Young, and a devoted worker in the cause of truth and womanhood, offered her services to travel and secure subscriptions. She took her own carriage and horses and traveled for months, from north to south, meeting with the Saints, securing hun- dreds of subscriptions, and acquainting the people with the fact that the young women of Zion had now a magazine of their own, in which to voice their sentiments and cultivate their God-given talents. The burden grew very heavy for the editor. In Octo- ber, 1892, anew arrangement was suggested by the editor. Elder Abraham H. Cannon had signified his willingness to assume the business management of the magazine, he to own one-third, the associations one-third, and the editor one-third. This agreement was signed by Elder Cannon and Sister Gates, but Sister Taylor was unwilling to incorporate the associations in order that they might hold the stock, and she would not accept the trust as a personal matter. However, Sister Gates never departed from the spirit of this contract, although it was not formally ratified, as the deed made out at the time was signed only by Brother Cannon and herself. 108 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. From the initial number, Sister Taylor carried the moral responsibility of the young publication. She read most of the matter, and gave of her time and strength with such heart and soul that she was heard to say more than once that "the Journal would be the death of her." Brother Cannon was the next best friend of the Journal. In season and out of season, his encouragement and such help as his many other cares permitted were freely given to the editor and her struggling enterprise. His close friend and associate in the Juvenile office, Elder Walter J. Lewis, was another tried and true friend. Especially was he tried! But these with the editor bore the burden for eight long, weary and strenuous years. That they remained true to the Journal and to each other during those years is no less an honor to themselves than a blessing to the cause in which they had engaged. However, there were some extremely discouraging fea- tures connected with the work; the most trying one was the lack of agents' work in the field. For this reason, unsold books piled upon the shelves of the Juvenile office, and a con'- sequent debt accumulated on the office books. After eight years of varied experience, the Journal was suddenly de- prived of its managing head Elder Abraham H. Cannon. Death carried away one of the brightest and noblest apostles. Matters were now in a very unsatisfactory condition. The Journal was found to be in debt thousands of dollars for the printing. While it was true that the debt came from un- sold volumes, that did not help matters. Sister Gates offered to take an initial trip through several counties and make a heroic effort to dispose of the back num- bers of the Journal, which were at the same time the assets and the cause of the liabilities of the concern. No personal extravagance was imptited to either editor or business mana- ger none could be, where so much labor had been given without sufficient pay, or no pay at all. Sister Gates made THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. 109 two trial trips in the northern counties, covering- Weber, Box Elder, Cache, Bingfham, Fremont and parts of other stakes. From the first six weeks' trip there was realized over seven hundred dollars; and all were benefited by the experience. CONSTITUTION BUILDING FIRST HOME OF THE JOURNAL. The associations made the effort to buy the back numbers, but they received full value for their time and money in the possession of books that are now well-nigh priceless, for many are long- out of print. After this, other members of the Board took up the matter of pushing- the sale of the back 110 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. volumes; and soon after Sister Cornelia H. Clayton was en- gaged to finish up the work. Corresponding Secretary Mae Taylor was appointed by the Board and took full care of the accounts, without receiving" any money as compensation. As a result of these united efforts, thousands of dollars were re- ceived for the sale of the Journal, and President Taylor and counselors succeeded in making: an amicable settlement with Cannon & Sons. In connection with the settlement of the Journal debt, the generous assistance of Sister Elizabeth Claridge McCune is gratefully mentioned; for she came for- ward with the sum of $500 to assist in liquidating the debts. No words can properly describe the arduous and unselfish labors of President Elmina S. Taylor. No one knew as she did what the Journal had cost the editor in labor, sacrifice and tears. Likewise can we speak gratefully of generous as- sistance rendered by every member of the Board in this try- ing time; and of the faithful efforts made by the girls of the associations in assisting to make the enterprise the success it has since become. The firm of Cannon & Sons, led by President George Q. Cannon of hallowed memory, were ex- ceedingly broad and noble in their treatment and settlement of this vexed matter. Indeed, all connected with the busi- ness seemed to be actuated by the one spirit of unity and peace, under which influence the project came into existence. It will be interesting to glance at the actual work done by the Journal, as evidenced by some of the articles and departments which have appeared in its pages. The table of contents of the initial number will give an idea of the char- acter of the projected magazine: Literary Department: Hymn, by Ruby Lamont; Whatso- ever a Man Soweth (story), Homespun; Bereavement, (a poem), Josephine Spencer; A Great Navigator's First Love (story), Mrs. M. A. Y. Greenhalgh; Longing (poem), Lu Dalton; Spiritualism, or, What Became of Murphy (story), THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. Ill Ellen Jakeman; A Voice from the Daughters of Zion (poem), Hope. Our C/7/-/V Department: Introduction; Letter of the Presidency of the Y. L. M. I. A.; Aunt Polly's Letter; Our Dumb Animals, Zina Crocheron; Baby's Brass Nickel, Lula. House and Home: Our Design; Maggie Farnham's Ex- perience, Homespun; Cooking Recipes. Dress Department: Dress for Girls; Fall Costumes for Misses. Health and Hygiene: Hygiene, by Dr. Romania B. Pratt. Editor 's Department: Editorial; Domestic Life. The first year the following comprised the table of con- tents: Literary Department: Our Sunday Chapter; The World as Seen Through a Woman's Eyes; The Perfect Woman (a symposium); Oar Girls; House and Home; Dress; Fancy Work; Hygiene; Editor's Department; Miscellaneous. All these were brief departments, but they were distinct divisions. This general plan has since been adhered to with some changes in departments each year. During the eleven years that Mrs. Gates edited the Journal there was much creditable advancement made both in the Journal itself and by the various writers who gained experience by writing for it. Such well known writers as Josephine Spencer, Kate Thomas, Annie Pike Greenwood, Susa Talmage, Christine D. Young, Ruth M. Fox and Leah D. Widtsoe had their initial training in the Journal pages. In the tenth year occurred two of the most important changes which have happened to the Journal. The Guide Lessons, which had heretofore appeared in pamphlet form, were introduced. This at once doubled the subscription list. This latter result, however, was more than helped by the lowering of the price of the Journal from two dollars a 112 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. year to one dollar. This project was first advanced by Mrs. May Booth Talmage, who was now one of the literary com- mittee, and ably seconded by Miss Estelle Neff, the busi- ness manager. These two led the agitation in this direction. Volume XI was the last one edited by Mrs. Gates. Her health was already seriously impaired, but she clung to her work with the energy of faith and hope. In this volume the new Guide Department became a very absorbing feature, eight pages being- devoted to it. The number of subscribers, during the trying- years of its early existence, varied from fifteen hundred to two thou- sand. A great increase in the subscription list was made in volumes X and XI, during- the first two years which marked the decrease in the price and the introduction of the Guide Lessons into the Journal. Now, with volume XXI, the subscription list is between fourteen and fifteen thousand. It was gratifying to the long-time editor, Mrs. Gates, to know that the Lord had crowned her labors with partial suc- cess, that she had seen the child of her brain and heart grow from a puny weakling- to a lusty, well-developed child. She had carried it through the trying scenes of early danger and difficulty, and when she at last turned it over to her suc- cessor, it bore all the signs of long and vigorous life. Here she left it. During the first eight years, Mrs. Gates had submitted the manuscript to President Taylor and had consulted her freely in regard to all matters connected with the work. Then Sister Taylor felt that she could not continue her personal labors in this direction. Accordingly, a literary committee was selected from the members of the Board to do the work which for so many years had been done by Sister Taylor alone. With the beginning of volume IX, the General Board assumed direct charge of the management of the Journal, and the following committees were appointed: THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. 113 Business Committee Martha H. Tingey, Agnes Campbell, Mae Taylor, Sarah Eddington; Literary Committee Adella W. Eardley, May Booth Talmage, Augusta W. Grant. All these women came into the work without previous training, and it was with them a labor of love, for they served without pay. These committees have been changed from time to time as circumstances have demanded, but the women, with- out exception, have given of their best. And the office which they hold is no sinecure, for meetings are frequent, and problems are many and sometimes difficult to solve. When it was understood that Sister Gates had decided to resign her position as editor, a question of serious import confronted the General Board: Was it possible to maintain the standard of excellence, attained through eleven years of experience, when the choice must be made from among those who knew practically nothing of the editorial responsibilities of the magazine? The matter was given much earnest and prayerful con- sideration by the entire Board, and it was finally decided to place the Journal affairs under the management of one com- mittee, who would have direct supervision over its business as well as its literary interests. May Booth Talmage, Augusta W. Grant, and Emma Goddard were chosen to assume these responsibilities, the first named being chairman and editor,. At the close of a meeting held at Sister Doug-all's home, when the announcement of this committee had been made, Sister Taylor went to Sister Talmage, and in her most im- pressive manner said: "It is my earnest desire that you should undertake this work; go home and say to your hus- band that you have been called to do it, and that if you will accept the call the Lord will bless you in your effort." While, as before suggested, Mrs. Talmage 's experience had been limited to her work on the literary committee, with an occasional article for the magazine, yet constant associ- 114 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. ation with a husband of recognized ability as an author, and her contact with a circle of friends among whom were num- bered many of Utah's brightest literary lights, had enabled her to acquire a good sense of appreciation of the best along literary lines. She realized fully that in justice to her young children she could devote but a portion of her time to Journal work, and must therefore rely largely upon the as- sistance of her committee, upon Miss Neff , without the prom- ise of whose valuable help and experience she dared not have undertaken her labors, and upon the aid rendered by her husband. She therefore refused to permit her name to be announced as editor, and from that time on the Journal has been "edited and published by the General Board." Mrs. Talmage feels that too much credit cannot be given to Sisters Grant, Goddard and Neff, for their united and efficient support. This Journal committee was exceedingly fortunate dur- ing the nineteen months of its existence in being able to secure the best material obtainable in Utah. But few of the names of her ablest writers are found lacking among the list of contributors for volumes XII and XIII, and to this fact Mrs. Talmage attributes the success of maintaining the high standard hitherto reached by her predecessor. During this period the first change in the cover design of the magazine was made and a complete volume of the Journal was sent gratis to each Mormon missionary. This plan for winning friends, introducing the magazine abroad, and increasing subscriptions, gave splendid results. Mrs. Talmage was obliged to resign in 1902 on account of family responsibilities. Her resignation was handed to President Elmina S. Taylor, who, not mentioning to her Board the need of finding a new editor for the Journal, con- sulted with her counselors and appointed a special fast meet- ing for the three at which to consider whom to call to that THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. 115 work. President Taylor and her counselors were unanimous in their selection of Ann M. Cannon. The nomination was therefore made to the General Board and by it approved. Miss Ann M. Cannon, the general secretary, had for a number of years been deputy county recorder of Salt Lake county. She was a graduate of the University of Utah, a careful student, an excellent critic, though without any liter- ary ambitions, and possessed many gifts and graces. She consented to give up her position and assume the editorship of the magazine. She was not strong, for her physical health had been undermined by her over-zealous devotion to duty; and yet she was well qualified for her new work. Feel- ing as much called of God as any missionary, she began her BUSINESS OFFICE, 1905-9. 116 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. new work with much fear and trembling 1 . But her friends may well be proud of the results, for she set a high standard for herself and the Journal, and she found that standard constantly ahead of her an excellent indication of her own progress. Miss Cannon makes special mention of the excellent work done by those who labored with her on the Journal, and also of the fact that Mrs. Gates wrote the editorials from January to May, 1906, while the associate editor was in New Zealand. The first committee consisted of Emma Goddard and Adella W. Eardley, both of whom worked until July, 1905. During the spring of 1905, Miss Elen Wallace, who had been suggested by President Taylor prior to her death, was chosen as associate editor. And when the committees were re-arranged, following the re- organization, a new committee consisting of Augusta Winters Grant, chairman; Rose Wallace Bennett, Ruth May Fox and Alice Kimball Smith was appointed. During the incumbency of Miss Cannon, she made some valuable improvements in the editorial management of the Journal. It is true she was favored with the expenditure of more means than either of the others, but that was to be expected with the increased prosperity of the business. Her own labors were lightened by the assistance of a stenog- rapher, and during the latter part of her time by an associate editor. But all of these worked hard to increase the value of the business they had undertaken. The December or Christ- mas issue is now made a special feature. Beginning with volume XIII there were printed sixteen pages extra matter for the Christmas number. Miss Cannon enlarged and greatly improved the index, and in volume XVI she added an au- thors' index, which has ever since been continued. The Board of late years made a point of changing the outside cover, and in this endeavor Miss Cannon has followed the example of her predecessors, and has sought to develop home THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. 117 talent, rather than send abroad for suggestions. , The object which Miss Cannon and Miss Wallace held before them was to better the literary tone of the Journal without losing- any of the spirit of the Gospel . That they succeeded no one can well deny. In the spring- of 1907 Miss Wallace found it necessary , on account of home duties, to give up her work as associate editor. It will be seen from the record elsewhere that at this time Miss Cannon was general secretary of the Y. L. M. I. A. as well as editor of the Journal, while Miss Agnes S. Campbell was business manager of the Journal and as- sistant general secretary. The business in each department had now grown to such an extent that when a release was considered for Miss Wallace it was decided to re-arrange the entire work, to release Miss Cannon as editor, retaining her as general secretary; to release Miss Campbell as assistant secretary, retaining her as business manager; and to call Miss Mary E. Connelly to the editorial chair. This was ac- cordingly done and Miss Connelly commenced her labors as editor with the September number of the Journal^ 1907 (vol. XVIII, No. 9). Miss Connelly was well qualified for this work, having been graduated from the University of Utah with the degree B. A. This in addition to her natural gifts fitted her for such a position. She was at the time teaching English in the Salt Lake High School, and though her feelings inclined toward teaching rather than journalism, she accepted the call as a duty, giving up the more remunerative position to accept it. She has given the Journal most capable and faithful atten- tion, endeavoring always to keep abreast with the trend of the best journalism. The literary value of the Journal of today can best be told by a glance into its bright pages. The size of the mag- azine during the last few years has been increased only on 118 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. EDITOR'S ROOM, 1910. special occasions, but now, in volume XXI, four of the num- bers will each consist of sixty-four pages, and the remaining eight numbers will contain fifty-six. Each page contains about six hundred words. The Journal committee last mentioned continued to act until 1908, since which time there have been two other chair- men Ruth M. Fox and Elen Wallace, while the following have acted as members of the committee: Mae T. Nystrom, Julia M. Brixen, Lucy W. Smith and Joan Campbell. The committee as at present constituted is Adella W. Eardley, chairman; May Booth Talmage, and Estelle Neff Caldwell. This record cannot afford to slight the labors of one of the most efficient helps the Journal ever had. Upon the death of Apostle A. H. Cannon, Sister Gates appealed to THE YOUNG WOMAN'S JOURNAL. 119 Miss Kstelle Neff of Nephi, Juab county, to come to Salt Lake City and assume the business management of the magazine. Miss Neff was a graduate of the Brigham Young University in Provo. She knew nothing of magazine work, but she had a good education, and was possessed of the hardest sense and one of the sunniest dispositions ever given to a daughter of Eve. Miss Neff took all the care of the business management off the editor, and gave an occasional helping hand in the revision of manuscripts. At the end of six months, the Board was pleased to accept the free gift tendered by Mrs. Gates of her remaining interest in the Jour- nat, and agreed to take the general oversight of the whole matter. But Miss Neff was too valuable an acquisition to lose. She was retained as business manager and there she labored eight years until her marriage, in 1905. The splen- did reputation of the Jou*ml among all businessmen has been due largely to the courteous and wise deportment of this young lady, coupled with the excellent support which the committee and the Board itself rendered. For five months during the spring and early summer of 1905, Miss Neff, with the assistance of Miss Elen Wallace, edited the Journal^ be- cause of the absence of the editor, Miss Cannon, who was in California for her health. Upon the marriage of Miss Estelle Neff in June, 1905, Miss Agnes S. Campbell became business manager for the Journal. Prior to this time Miss Campbell had acted on the business committee and was quite familiar with the work. She had also had a valuable business training in her position as cashier at Z. C. M. I. The work therefore progressed well under her management. In 1905, under Miss Neff, a mailing machine had been installed. In autumn of the same year, Miss Campbell urged the purchase of a stencil cutting machine. These two purchases so facilitated the mailing that that business is now attended to in two days where for- 120 HISTORY- OF Y. L. M. I. A. merly, with a smaller subscription list, it took the greater part of a week. In 1905, Miss Katherine E. Stayner was employed for stenographic and other clerical work, and has since con- tinued, always giving- excellent service. In 1908, the management of the advertisi ng department was assumed by Miss Campbell and Miss Stayner. They have made of it a signal success, which has added greatly to the resources of the journal. The Journal now publishes an edition of fifteen thou- sand; all business is done on a cash basis - no booking and no debts, practically speaking. The business record of the en- terprise is above reproach. Improvements in the magazine BUSINESS OFFICE, 1910. BIOGRAPHICAL. 121 are also being- made as fast as the finances warrant them. This plan is chosen rather than that of storing- up money in the bank. In July, 1897, an office for the Journal was opened in the Constitution building-, No. 34 S. Main street, Salt Lake City. It consisted of a front room, or business office, and a store room. Instead of this small office with its borrowed desks and a few donated chairs, the Journal now occupies beautiful and commodious quarters in the Bishop's building. There are the business office, the mailing- department, the store room and the editor's room. Never until December, 1909, did the edi- tor have private quarters. In the early days there was no office at all; later, a desk was located in the business office; then two rooms with outside windows were secured, and here the editor had her corner in the same room with the mailing: and storag-e departments. Those who have labored in the in- terest of the Journal are all deeply grateful for the improve- ment in conditions and surrounding's. And so we leave the Young Woman's Journal busy, prosperous, and certainly a tremendous force for good in the ranks of the young women in Zion. Who can properly estimate its value or forecast its future? BIOGRAPHICAL. SUSA YOUNG GATES. By Estelle Neff Caldwell, Mrs. Susa Young Gates is the second daughter of Brig- ham Young and Lucy Bigelow Young, and she was the first child born in the historic Lion House, Salt Lake City, (March 18, 1856). Besides the many excellent qualities inherited from her father, she is well descended on her mother's side, the Bige- lows being one of America's distinguished families. Her education was begun in the private school of her father and was continued in the Deseret University (U. of U.) of which 122 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. MRS. SUSA YOUNG GATES. she is an alumnus. Here her literary work had its begin- ning-. Dr. Park appointed her associate editor of the first western college paper, "The College Lantern." Before reaching- the ag-e of fourteen, she studied stenography and telegraphy, becoming- so expert in the former that she can still act as a shorthand reporter. In 1870 her father moved her mother and two daug-hters, Susa and Mabel, to St. BIOGRAPHICAL. 123 George. While sojourning: in Dixie, she organized a large club of both sexes called the "Union Club." Since that time this progressive woman has won distinction as an organ- izer in intellectual lines. She organized the musical depart- ment in 1878 in the Brigham Young Academy at Provo, and the domestic science department in the same institution in 1897. She organized the first state chapter of the Daugh- ters of the Revolution in Utah. The biggest organization work, however, was the establishment of the Young Woman' s Journal in 1889 under the direction of the Y. L. M. I. A. In 1880, Miss Susa was married to Jacob F. Gates, the son of Jacob Gates, who figured prominently in the early his- tory of Utah. He is a man of good judgment and sterling- character, possessing that type of nobility which is generally spoken of as common sense. Mrs. Gates accompanied her husband on a four years' mission to the Sandwich Islands. Three of her children were born there. She is the mother of thirteen children, ten sons and three daughters; five of these are living Mrs. Leah D. Widtsoe, Emma Lucy, Brigham Cecil, Harvey Harris, and Franklin Young Gates. The eldest child, Mrs. Widtsoe. is a woman of broad interests and true culture, and the second daughter, Emma Lucy, the Utah nightingale, is famous in two continents. When we turn our attention to the work this versatile woman has done in the cause of Mutual Improvement, we are reminded that she was present at the initial organiza- tion in the Lion House in 1869, and that she was sustained as general reporter for these associations at the first public meeting in 1870. From the view-point of the greatest good to the greatest number, the establishment of the Journal is one of the biggest factors in the progress of Mutual Improve- ment. What Mrs. Gates sacrificed to make this periodical successful cannot be realized; for the magazine was pub- lished in Salt Lake City and her home was in Provo; and she had a family of little children. Eleven years she jour- neyed to and fro, meeting the public as well as private de- mands of each weary day. Small wonder that the anxiety and criticism took from the literary work all its joy, though it expanded her heart and her mind. After eight years of life, financial difficulties beset the Journal, and discontinuing its publication was seriously considered. President Elmina S. 124 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Taylor and nearly all the Board were convinced that that was the wisest course; but Mrs. Gates was filled with the idea that it must go on. Finally her courage and indomitable faith turned the tide of sentiment in favor of a new trial which re- sulted in success. Mrs. Gates is well known as a public speaker and as an author. To uplift the youth of her people with her pen was a mission given her by President Young. Much of her writing- is therefore of a doctrinal nature, and all of it is imbued with the spirit of religion. In her editorial days the spirit, no less than the matter, de- termined whether or not a manuscript was accepted. She herself has a natural power of giving herself to humanity through her writings; they glow with life and on that ac- count kindle fires in other minds and other hearts. Early writings were printed in the Deseret News, the Juvenile Instructor, the Exponent and the Young Roman's Journal under the nom de plume Homespun. In these first efforts she was much encouraged by Sisters Eliza R. Snow and Emmeline B. Wells. Two books have been published, "Lydia Knight's History," in early days, and recently her finest piece of fiction, "John Stevens 's Courtship," a his- torical romance portraying pioneer life in Utah; and now this History of the Y. L. M. I. A. Mrs. Gates 's creative faculty makes all her work origi- nal. The interest element is sustained throughout by force- fulness. Simplicity of style, correctness and vivid illustra- tion adapt her writings to popular audiences. The Journal editorials covering a period of eleven years are in many re- spects her ablest work. They show the sympathetic insight into human nature, and the keen perception of human needs, which distinguish the world's great writings. Mrs. Gates became associated with the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. in 1889. She is in her element when pro- jecting new ideas in the direction of reform. Mutual Im- provement work in the General Board and in local associ- ations has provided endless opportunities for the exercise of her initiative powers. With characteristic foresight she ad- vocated the adoption of a uniform course of study in the Y. L. M. I. A.; and it was she who wrote the first two Guides. BIOGRAPHICAL. 125 Since this work has been published in the Journal, she has prepared several excellent study courses. Naturally interested in all forms of woman's work, she has been a forceful figure in the affairs of the National Coun- cil of Women of the U. S. Seven times she represented the Y. L. M. I. A. at the National Council of Women of the U. S. The national leaders honored her by an appointment to the chairmanship of the Press com- mittee of the National Council of the U. S. for three years. They also chose her as one of the speakers at the International Quinquennial held in London in 1899; and in 1901 she filled the responsible position of sole delegate from the National Council of the United States to the International Council of Women held in Copenhagen. This was perhaps the highest honor that was ever shown by the women of the world to a Mormon woman. Her clever character sketches of the leaders of these big movements, with the lucid ac- counts of the work accomplished, evoked favorable comment wherever they were read. Extensive travel and intimate association with famous people of the world have not lessened her activity in Church circles. Through the spiritual gifts she exercises her sister associates receive comfort and blessings. Thousands of school and M. I. A. girls who have been benefited by her re- ligious instructions hold "Aunt Susa" in loving remem- brance. A few years ago she passed through a long illness, which she is convinced must have ended fatally had she not been healed by faith. Keenly alive to the importance of temple work she was appointed a worker and a recorder in the St. George Temple at its completion. She has labored in the Logan Temple, and for the past three years has been a regular worker in the Salt Lake Temple. At present, genealogical research, an important branch of temple work, absorbs a large share of her attention. She is an active worker in the Genealogical Society of Utah, and has been president of the Daughters of the Pioneers, thereby gaining and disseminating much infor- mation on this subject. Her ability to grasp things in the large and to arouse enthusiasm in others have given a great impetus to this line of Church work. Mrs. Gates has long been a leader in educational mat- 126 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. ters and she is referred to as the mother of physical education in Utah. Besides being- a teacher of theology, domestic science, and music in the B. Y. A. at Provo, she has been a member of its board of directors for nineteen years; and was appointed by the governor of Utah five years ago as a director of the Agricultural College of Utah, which position she still holds. She is recognized today as a public- spirited woman, and one having extraordinary initiative power, traits inherited from her father. A vivid personality is combined in her with an energetic and somewhat complex character. She is engag- ing- and brilliant in conversation, and possesses the repletion of sentiment which naturally accompanies an artistic tempera- ment, this emotional nature being held in check by the saving grace of humor. Her mind is the versatile, imaginative type, keenly perceptive and philosophical. These qualities have enabled her to attain to the unique position which she occupies in the affairs of Church and State. All that is written of Mrs. Gates in her lifetime will be necessarily inade- quate, it is only through the perspective of years that her achievements and dynamic power will be fully discernible . CHAPTER VI. MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES LOCAL, STAKE AND GENERAL. Duties devolving upon General Board. The first Aids appointed. First General Conference. General Conferences appointed to be held annually. Regular sessions of the General Board established. Second and third General Conferences. General officers' meet- ings. Local and Stake work. General Conjoint Conferences. constant labor and traveling- entailed in visit- A ing- the various conferences, now scattered throughout the whole extent of Utah, and already beginning- to creep over into surrounding- states and territories, lay all too heavy upon the shoulders of the president with the occa- sional help of her two counselors, or that of the Salt Lake stake board. At that time the stakes held two conferences yearly, in connection with the Relief Society and Primary Association. But the territory to be covered, with much of the traveling to be done by team, began to assume impossi- ble proportions for one or even three women. An invitation for Sister Taylor to attend these confer- ences in the early years would be accompanied usually by sufficient money to cover railroad fares. There was only one Sister Taylor, however, and the call for visits came thicker and faster. Her counselors were both willing and capable, but their duties, as young- mothers, together with the fact that neither possessed the best of health, prevented them from doing much traveling. Added to these difficulties were the pressing- needs of the new magazine, much of the matter for which came under Sister Taylor's eye. Then the associa- tions were growing so rapidly that the necessity of help in several directions became more and more imperative. With these thoughts weighing heavily upon her, Sister Taylor decided upon calling to her aid some young women 128 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. who were experienced in the work, and who could assist in the visiting- of conferences. She herself could not foresee the breadth and scope of this new movement which she was inaugurating. At first the girls were called in simply as traveling missionaries. But their importance grew with their service, and they g'radually made a fixed and important place for themselves as they helped to make history for the Y. L. M. I. A. movement. Like any vigorous people, when there is no word exactly fitted to represent a departure in custom, the Latter-day Saints make a new word, or twist an old one to do the service they require. In this case Sister Taylor could not well name her young assistants an executive committee, for they were not that; neither were they counselors nor vice-presidents; so she called them exactly what she meant them to be aids to her and to the work. And aids they are to this day. In June, 1889, the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association held a conference which they termed "A Young People's Conference." President E. S. Taylor and her counselors were invited to sit on the stand. Sisters Taylor and Dougall addressed the congregation, while Sister Susa Young Gates gave a talk on "Women in Foreign Missions." Though this was not planned conjointly, it was the forerun- ner of the present general con joint conferences. The winter of 1889-90 was an exceeding busy one for Sister Taylor and her counselors. The new magazine de- manded many consultations, and conferences showed unu- sual activity. The minutes of these meetings are not with us, however, as the secretary, Miss Mary E. Cook, lived in Logan and was too busy with her school duties to attend them. In February, 1890, it was decided to call a general con- ference of all Y. L. M. I. A. workers to convene at the regu- lar April Conference. Accordingly notices were published CONFERENCES STAKE AND GENERAL. 129 in the papers, and letters were sent out to the stake presidents. The first general conference of the Y. L. M. I. A. opened April 4, 1890, with a public session held in the Assembly Hall. It was followed with an officers' meeting, April 5, at the home of Counselor Dougall, opposite the west gate of the Temple Block. The minutes of both these meetings were published in the [ounial and we give them place in this record. The reports of the associations give a fairly clear idea of the con- ditions then existing. Note the quaint wording of the whole proceedings: Y. L. M. I. A. GENERAL CONFERENCE. The first general conference of the Y. L. M. I. A. com- menced at 7: 30 p. m. Friday, April 4th, 1890, in the Assem- bly Hall, Salt Lake City, President Elmina S. Taylor pre- siding. There were upon the stand: of the general presidency, Mrs. E. S. Taylor, Mrs. M. Y. Dougall, and Mrs. Mattie H. Tingey; of the presidents of stakes, Miss Elizabeth W. Smith of Davis, Mrs. Susannah Heiner of Morgan, Mrs. Mary A. Freeze of Salt Lake, Mrs. Mary C. Freeman of St. Johns who also represented St. Joseph as delegate, Mrs. Ann Tate of Tooele and Mrs. Zina Lyons of Utah. Bear Lake, Cache, Emery and Juab were represented by counselors. There were also present Mrs. Zina D. H. Young and Mrs. M. I. Home . The choir sang, ''Scatter the gems." The opening prayer was offered by Professor Karl G. Maeser. Singing, "Mem- ories of Galilee." The condensed report of the associations was read by Secretary Mary E. Cook. President E. S. Taylor then addressed as quiet and ap- preciative an audience as ever convened in the hall at con- siderable length upon a variety of subjects; prominent among which were: the anxiety manifested by the people of the world to obtain their genealogies, unconsciously thereby fulfilling a prophecy uttered by the Prophet Joseph Smith, who said that they would prepare them for our use while unconscious of the propelling power. The Word of Wisdom was happily 130 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. presented with the earnestness so characteristic of the speak- er, the practical operations of which will reach the homes of those most remote through the delegates assembled. A strong testimony was borne that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God; spoke of wealth, its uses and abuses; concluding with, "the path of duty is the path of safety." First Counselor Maria Y. Dougall, in a practical, com- mon-sense address, enforced by a strong individuality, good judgment, and a consciousness of the direction of the Holy Spirit, upon which she relied, begged that the youth should be encouraged in seeking a testimony for themselves; and for revelation, likewise, for we had a right to it, as stated by our worthy president in today's discourse. Also stated that by studying well the writings of the Prophet of the latter days, we would find that the principles there advanced were the ones that scientists, romance -writers and poets were now ad- vancing and trying to render practical. Second Counselor Mattie H. Tingey was the next speak- er, and in a clear, concise, and suggestive address, touched upon disease, the blessing of healing being contingent and dependent upon our faithfulness to our covenants; behavior, especially in public, and in places consecrated to worship; re- spect for the aged; and the self-perfection that will render us fit for the society of the redeemed. At this point, a well rendered duet was highly enjoyed by the music loving of the assembly. President Mary A. Freeze of Salt Lake stake gave a brief report of this stake which represents thirty-four ward organizations with a membership of seven hundred and thirty-four for the seventeen wards reported. She is thor- oughly alive to the spiritual interests of the associations of this stake and said that a prediction made by Sister E. R. Snow was having its fulfilment in our thus assembling in conference capacity, this evening; recommended a study of the truth of the Gospel and felt that to defend the young, giddy, and inexperienced of our community from the tempta- tions, vexations and ungodliness that prevail among us to such an extent today, she would willingly become one of the advance guards in shielding them from every form of evil. Mrs. 'Lizzie Townsend, first counselor of the board of the CONFERENCES STAKE AND GENERAL. 131 Cache stake, in a short but instructive address, following her report, insisted upon our being- alive to the calls of duty. First Counselor M. Y. Dougall then presented the fol- lowing: officers for the Central Board: Mrs. Elmina S. Taylor, president; Mrs. Maria Y. Dou- gall, first counselor; Mrs. Mattie H. Tingey, second counse- lor; Miss M. E. Cook, secretary; Mrs. Fannie Y. Thatcher, treasurer. Also four aids, Mrs. Adella W. Eardley, Mrs. Lillie T. Freeze, Miss Aggie Campbell, and Miss Sarah Ed- dington, who were unanimously sustained. The choir, composed of young: ladies of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards, sang-, "Come, Spirit Come." Adjourned. Benediction by Mrs. Zina D. H. Young-. CONDENSED REPORT OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDING APRIL, 1890. Number of members, 8,304, exclusive of 162 who meet conjointly; average attendance, 4,237; number of chapters read, 29,418; miscellaneous readings, 28,611; manuscript pa- pers, 240; testimonies borne, 9,209; essays, 960; recitations, 1,585; lectures, 863; sketches, 388; questions, 234; corre- spondence, 146; synopses, 2; songs, 1,937; music, 330; books in library, 3,141: cash on hand at last report, $1,300.47; cash received, $1,904,62; cash total, $3,205,09; cash dis- bursed, $1,496.89; cash on hand, $1,708,20; property last report, $2,634,51; property received; $393.80; property total, $3,028.34; property disbursed, $34.79; property on hand, $2,993.55. OFFICERS' MEETING. Agreeable to instructions, the officers of the Central Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. together with the stake presi- dents and delegates met at half past four p. m., Saturday, April 5th, 1890, at the residence of Mrs. Maria Y. Doug-all, in Salt Lake City, and held a most enjoyable meeting, which was opened by prayer by Mrs. Maria Y. Dougall. At roll call, Davis, Morgan, Salt Lake, St. Johns, Too- ele and Utah stakes were represented by presidents; Bear Lake, Cache and Juab by counselors; Emery and St. Joseph by delegates. 132 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. The reports were models of conciseness and accuracy, em- body ing the number of ward associations in each stake, the number of members enrolled, the extent of the territory em- braced in the stake associations, a brief summary of which .shows that in the eleven stakes represented, there were 115 ward associations, (31 of which were not reported, ) with a membership of 4,163, with a desire to encourage the timid, re- strain the thoughtless, and secure a creditable amount of work from all the interested. While some of the work was diffusive, much was centered judiciously upon themes that will have a life-long hold upon the memories of those reaping the benefit thereof. The visiting of the stake officers shows that harmony exists in these various wards, and that in dis- tricts remote from large centers conjoint associations are held, 162 young ladies participating in the exercises of such con- joint associations; the territory traversed varying from a few blocks to a distance of from seventy-five to one hundred and fifty miles. Some of the more distant have been visited but once a year by stake officials, and then through the courtesy of the stake presidents and bishops; but the aim is to visit twice yearly; and some reported quarterly visits. The in- struction imparted by the president and her counselors if acted upon cannot fail to enhance the value of these working centers by fifty per cent. We should have centers where politeness, culture, refinement, purity, and sanctification would invite the guardianship of angels ; and this can easily be accomplished by each and every one training herself through perfect self-government to be all they desire in the aggregate. Benediction by Counselor Lizzie Townsend. M. E. COOK, Secretary. At this meeting in April, 1890, it will be noticed that the General Board was first placed before the representatives of the associations, in conference assembled, for their suffrag- es; also, at this conference, the names of the four aids were added to the General Board. These aids were well worthy of the honor thus placed upon them. From that day they we. e active and useful workers in the General Board. All CONFERENCES STAKE AND GENERAL. 133 are still in this position except Lillie T. Freeze, who, at her request, was released in October, 1904, on account of her pressing- duties in the General Board of the Primary Associ- ation, to which she owed her first duty. It was at this meet- ing: that Miss Mary E. Cook was publicly voted in as secre- tary, she having- performed the work of that office since the death of Louie Wells, in May, 1887. At the meeting of g-eneral and stake officers held April 5th, 1891, announcement was made that thereafter it was de- signed to hold one annual conference of the Y. L. M. I. A. in October. On September 6th, 1891, a meeting: of the Gener- al Board was called to make arrang-ements for this first reg-- ular annual conference, being the second g-eneral conference held. This meeting was held at the home of Sister Doug-all, and much important business was accomplished. Those present at this private session were, President E. S. Taylor, Counselors Maria Y. Doug-all and Martha H. Ting-ey, Aids Adella W. Eardley, Lillie T. Freeze, Sarah Edding:ton, and Assistant Secretary Ann M. Cannon. Arrangements were there made to entertain all visiting- delegates. This was a step in the right direction, and the beautiful and hospitable custom has been maintained in all subsequent conferences. There was also another innovation the selecting* of formal subjects to be treated by various speakers. The subject of "Social Purity" was chosen and was afterward assigned to Mrs. Emily Cluff, of Provo; "Development of Woman Physical, Mental and Spiritual," was assigned to Mrs. Min- nie J. Snow, then the president of Box Elder stake Y. L. M. I. A.; "Be Ye Not Unequally Yoked" was the subject chosen for Mrs. Lillie T. Freeze. There were several musical se- lections to be interspersed throughout the program, and mu- sic for the entire conference was put in charge of Miss Ag- gie Campbell. Another interesting: decision made at this preliminary meeting- was that there were to be regular ses- 134 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. sions of the General Board held four times a year. How far-away that time seems now, and how small the compass of the labors it provided for! Now there are weekly meetings of the Board and special committee meeting's held several times a week. But the innovation of a regular time and place for formal discussions proved successful. The program for this conference was carried out prac- tically as planned. It consisted of an officers' meeting, held October 6th, 1891, at the residence of Counselor Maria Y. Dougall, and public sessions October 7th at 1 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall. In addition to the addresses already mentioned, there were others by Sisters Zina D. H. Young, Bathsheba W. Smith, M. Isabella Home, Maria Y. Dougall, and President Elmina S. Taylor; solos by Sarah Olsen Langford and Agnes Olsen Thomas, and a duet by Louise Poulton and Ella Derr. At the evening session, President Joseph F. Smith was present and gave some invaluable counsel: He urged all young ladies to form early some purpose in life, and let that purpose be a good and noble one. Aim high to do good, to become amiable and useful; be self-reliant. No creature is absolutely independent, but some are more so than others. Our world and our lives would be exceedingly barren if we were utterly independent, but we can be self- reliant. Practical learning is the most essential. He urged the mothers to see that their daughters have an opportunity of learning some trade which would enable them to provide a living in case of necessity. Spoke at some length on the influence of women, claiming that the character of the com- munity depends largely upon its girls, they have the power to make good, bad, or indifferent society, while the influence of a mother is more potent for good or evil than any other influence in the world. He said the object of our associations is partly that the young ladies who have few advantages at home may have extended opportunities to learn and improve. He advised the girls to be kind to mother and to all their associates; making home pleasant for all, and all sharing CONFERENCES STAKE AND GENERAL. 135 its burdens. He exhorted all when tried, to go to the Lord. ''All who are tried and stand true will receive a glorious re- ward. 'Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves.' We must conform to the conditions our Father suffers to be brought to bear upon us, and He will sustain us and bring us off triumphant in the end." In conclusion he urged all to maintain honor even at the cost of life itself. The resignation of Miss Mary E. Cook as secretary of the General Board was offered at this conference and accept- ed, as the lady was leaving for the East. Sister Taylor THE DOUGALL HOME. spoke highly of her brief labors, and then placed Miss Ann M. Cannon, who had been sustained as assistant secretary the preceding April, before the conference as secretary. The death of Mrs. Fanny Y. Thatcher, the general treas- urer, occurred in February, 1892. Her loss was felt keenly by Sister Taylor and associates. The place made vacant by her death was filled, the following April, by the appointment 136 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. of Miss Ann M. Cannon, who now became both secretary and treasurer. At the first meeting of the third conference, we find re- corded the manner in which funds were raised. Sister Taylor reported that in order to send a representative to the Woman's National Council at Washington, money had to be raised quickly, and, there not having been time to send to all the stakes for contributions, a call had been made upon those near by, and these central stakes had responded with such liberality that there was enough to pay expenses and place a small balance with the treasurer. For many years, the business and spiritual meetings at the General Conference time in April and October were held in the hospitable home of Brother and Sister W. B. Dougall. Many "spiritual feasts" have marked the yearly sessions in these capacious parlors, while chocolate and buns were al- ways had in abundance for the tired girls who gladly set THE DOUGALL PARLOR. CONFERENCES STAKE AND GENERAL. 137 aside amusement, work or sleep to engage in those restful and faith-promoting "testimony meetings." We have the minutes of one of the business sessions held in that long-ago time, in which occur some character- istic instructions of President Elmina S. Taylor. We append them here, both because of their value and because they give a glimpse of her own character and teachings: Sister Taylor bore a strong testimony to the fact that she was always strengthened and aided in performing her duty by a higher source of power than existed in herself. She urged the presidents to be energetic and full of zeal. She said that some presidents had mapped out plans of study in their associations instead of working in a desultory fash- ion; when such plans had been adhered to, great success had attended them. She said: "However, all do not have the same material to work with, and the exercises must be varied according to the capacity of the members. The aim should be not to develop the talent of one or two, but to draw out and encourage each member, thus benefiting the whole." She urged the officers not to drive the girls away by requir- ing too difficult work of them; but to come down to the capacity and youth of the girls and be in sympathy with them, thus teaching them that which will do them good, here and hereafter. "Devise the best work you can," she said, "and pray for each other, and then the Lord will help you all. As teachers, cultivate all those virtues which you would like to be reproduced in those under you." Now, what are the conditions of today? What of local, stake and general conferences? Have the Mutuals grown apace with the advancement and progress of the people? Let us sec. The evolution of the ward associations has centered chiefly around the machinery of their work. Yet it was a great advantage when the two General Boards set Tuesday as M. I. A. night throughout the Church. This gave order and regularity to the cause and enabled every inter- ested person to govern all engagements in accordance with 138 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. this ruling:. In later years, some of the country wards found it practicable to give up the Sabbath evening's entire- ly to the Mutuals, as the Sacrament meeting's are there held in the afternoon. This has been more imperative since the district and high schools have beg-un to fill every evening- of the week with study and books, so that it has been almost impossible to keep Tuesday nig-ht free for Mutual purposes; yet in the cities where Sacrament meetings are held Sunday evening 1 , no other recourse is at hand. Another recent fea- ture of the ward meeting's is the preliminary programs. In the first years the associations met separately, the girls usu- ally choosing to assemble in the afternoon. But bishops and young" men pleaded in earlier years for the assistance and pres- ence of the girls to help their own associations, and to draw out the boys. As ever, the girls consented, though not always con- vinced that they were gainers in the new arrangement; and thus grew up the so-called "conjoint opening exercises." The two associations meet in the large hall of the ward, programs and minutes of both societies are read and kept, but the exercises are presided over by the Y. M. M. 1. officers, with the occa- sional courtesy of the Young Ladies' officers calling out their own numbers; in some instances the girls are graciously invited to "conduct" the whole evening exercises. In these preliminary programs, after singing and prayer, there are short talks given, or a story told, then, at the sound of the bell, the young men withdraw, and the girls carry on their own work. Usually the whole company reassembles for closing" exercises, yet not always. Once a month the two associations hold a "conjoint meeting." Here the programs are divided equally, being planned by a "conjoint commit- tee," and this open meeting is always held in the ward hall on fast day, the first Sunday in each month, and the general public is invited to attend. Lectures by the members or by some visiting stake or other officer are given on subjects CONFERENCES STAKE AND GENERAL. 139 of general interest. These may be taken from the Guides or Manuals; or perchance physicians are invited to speak on hygiene, or musicians are asked to give an evening with some great composer, or lecturers and professionals may read "The Vision of Sir Launfal" or "Hanele," while Ibsen and Shakespeare, with Isaiah and David, form subjects of peren- nial interest. At the yearly ward conference, the Y. L. M. I. A. officers are placed before the people for their suffrage, in common with other ward officers. Thus the detail work of the associations is moving forward in direct and powerful lines. The stake officers hold monthly meetings, and plan for regular visits to wards, with other minute details of their calling. Each stake is instructed to hold one annual conjoint conference, one yearly convention in the early fall, and one conference, if possible, alone. The Gener- al Board visit only the annual conferences and the yearly conventions. The time in the yearly conjoint conference is given up largely to the visiting members of the two General Boards. In the morning occur the business sessions, where ward officers report conditions, ask advice, and partic- ipate in discussions. Questions of local and general in- terest to Mutual Improvement workers are brought freely forward sometimes in the form of brief papers or topics and sometimes informally. Generally at such conferences, the stake boards or the officers of the ward where the conference is held bring to the hall sufficient re- freshments for the noon meal, so that the girls are not kept at home preparing hot dinners. The afternoon and evening sessions are open to the public, and formal or impromptu talks and sermons are delivered, as the stake officers may plan or desire. If the stake Y. L. M. I. A. president holds a mid- winter conference, in addition to her yearly conjoint con- ference and the convention, she usually moves that conference 140 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. from town to town, calling it a district conference, thus bringing to each section of her stake the inspiration engendered by such a gathering. The work of the annual fall conventions will be treated in another chapter. From the initial effort of 1890, there soon grew up a settled policy in regard to the holding of general conferences by the two wings of Mutual work. The first day of June was chosen by Elder Junius F. Wells for these general annual conferences in honor of President Brigham Young's birthday, which occurs June 1st, as it was this great organizer who had set in motion both associations. June has proved to be a good month and some date near the first is still chosen for the conferences . From the small beginnings of twenty years ago, we have come to the mammoth gatherings of today, which rival the General Conferences of April and October, and which bring into Salt Lake City from five to ten thou- sand young people, coming all the way from Canada on the north to Mexico on the south. The work has been regulated and formalized, perhaps to a startling degree; but the vast multitude of eager youths who gather in the Tabernacle in these June conferences is sufficient evidence of the value of Mutual Improvement work. Perhaps a brief glimpse at the last conference held on June 3rd to 5th, 1910, will give as good an evidence of the strides made by the young people as any explanation might portray. The fifteenth general annual conference of the M. I. A. opened informally the night of June 3, 1910, with a beautiful reception, in the Bishop's building on East Temple street, tendered to the visiting officers by the two general Boards. The three upper floors were thrown open, the second and third floors being used as reception rooms, and the spacious hall on the fourth floor was used for dancing. Never have those elegant rooms and halls held a happier or finer audience. Young men from valley, forge and farm, from shop, office or CONFERENCES STAKE AND GENERAL. 141 college hall; united in one common bond of fellowship and good will; while the pure faces of Zion's daughters shone with the light of truth and virtue which radiates joy as flowers exhale perfume. The general authorities of the Church were nearly all present, the young people gathering around President Joseph F. Smith to grasp his hand like lov- ing children around a father. A trio of girls from near Mexico's line went about asking prettily to be introduced to one after another of the men and women of whom they had read so much, checking off each name from some mental list, and asking cheerily for the "next." There was an excellent program of music given on both the second and third floors, in. the halls of the Relief Society and the Y. L. M. I. A. $usic for reception and dancing was furnished by an orchestra of stringed instruments under the direction of Prof. William C. Clive. The general meetings of the conference in which the young ladies participated were programmed as follows: FIFTEENTH GENERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE Y. M. AND Y. L. M. I. A. OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Friday Evening, June 3, 1910, 7:30 p. m., Bishop's Building, No. 40 North Main Street: Reception, Program and Dance, Complimentary to Delegates holding tickets, tendered by the General Boards of M. I. A. Y. L. M. /. A. Officers' Program: Saturday, June 4, 10 a. m., Assembly Hall: Singing, "All Hail the Glorious Day," Congregation; Prayer, Counselor Ruth M. Fox; Solo, ''I Know that my Redeemer Lives," Sylvia Ball; Greeting, President Martha H. Tingey; ^Lecture, "The Apostasy," May Booth Talmage; Lecture, "The Restoration of the Gos- pel," Osborne J. Widtsoe; Discussion; Singing "True to the Faith," Congregation; Benediction, President Sazie Heath of Pioneer Stake. 142 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Saturday, June 4, 2 p. m. Singing-, "O Thou Rock of our Salvation," Congregation; Prayer, Mary A. Freeze; Singing:, "Let the Holy Spirit Guide You," Congregation; Talks, "What can be done to stem the tide of evil sweep- ing- through the land," Dr. J. Lloyd Woodruff, Julia M. Brixen; Solo, "The Seer," Chorister Annie Hood of Star Valley; Address, President Joseph F. Smith; Singing-, "Ere the Sun Goes Down," Congregation; Benediction, President Zina B. Cannon of Granite Stake. Conjoint Y. L. and Y. M. M. I. A. Officers' Meeting: Sunday, June 5, 10 a. m., Tabernacle: Singing, "High on the Mountain Top," Congregation; Prayer, George H. Brim- hall; Singing, Ladies' Double Trio; Addresses on Conjoint Work: a. Debates, Dr. John A. Widtsoe; b. Music, Oscar A. Kirkham. Solo, "The Valley of the Shadow," John Rob- inson; c. Drama, Alice C. Tuddenham; d. Reading and Story Telling, Emma Goddard. Speeches limited to from five to ten minutes with discussion after each subject. Sing- ing, "O Thou Rock of Our Salvation," Congregation; Ben- ediction, Agnes S. Campbell. Conjoint General Meetings of M. L A. and Primary Asso- ciations: Sunday, June 5, 2 p. m., Tabernacle. Singing, "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken," Tabernacle Choir; Prayer, Joseph W. McMurrin; Singing, "The Morning Breaks, the Shadows Flee," Tabernacle Choir; Presentation of Gen- eral M. I. A. and Primary Officers; Opening Address, Pres- ident Martha H. Tingey; Anthem, "Grant us Peace, O Lord!" Tabernacle Choir; Address, President Joseph F. Smith; Eulogy on Life and Character of John Hafen, Presi- dent Heber J. Grant; Singing, Children of Ensign Stake; Remarks, Emma Ramsey Morris of the Primary Associa- tion; Singing, "God is our Refuge and Strength," Taber- nacle Choir; Benediction, President Louie B. Felt of Primary Association. Sunday Evening, June 5, 7 p. m., Tabernacle: Singing, Come, Come ye Saints," Congregation; Prayer, President John Henry Smith; Solo, Melvin Peterson; Lecture, "Be Ye Clean," George H. Brimhall; Singing, "Mother's Lullaby," Ladies' Chorus of Pioneer Stake, under direction of Mabel Cooper; Remarks, President Joseph F. Smith in behalf of BIOGRAPHICAL. 143 the Primary Association; Singing-, Young- Ladies of Pioneer Stake; Benediction, President Anthon H. Lund. The alert interest displayed by every member present at these great gathering's, the frequent note-book, the lively discussion, even in the awe-inspiring: spaces of the big Tab- ernacle, the choice music, the earnest speakers, with the de- corum and precision of every detail, proved the high stand- ard now struck for " Mutual" work. Our young people are described by outside observers as grave, serious, lacking in humor and full of purpose. They may be so yet are they also progressive and enthusiastic. Never have they shown themselves truer descendants of the serious Puritans, Hugue- nots, Lutherans and Dissenters than in the splendid activities of M. I. work. Such then is the condition and the labor of the army of young people, seventy thousand of them, gathered in local, stake and general capacities in annual conferences as- sembled. BIOGRAPHICAL. ADELLA W. EARDLEY. Sister Eardley has the honor of being the first aid ever placed in a board. In June, 1889, she was sustained as an aid to the General Board of the Y. L.M.I. A., and has labored most faithfully in that capacit}^ ever since. Agnes Camp- bell was the first one spoken to by Sister Taylor, but when they were really voted for, Sister Eardley was placed first on account of being older. She was born July 31, 1857, in Salt Lake City. Her father was the well-known bishop of the Ninth ward, Samuel Wool- ley. Her parents were both pioneers, and were of the strong, splendid stuff out of which the foundations of the Church were laid. Adella joined the Ninth ward Retrenchment 144 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Association in 1873, and she has worked in the associations ever since. She attended the dedication of the St. George Temple in 1877, and was married the following- year. She was president of the Third ward Primary Association for ten years, and secretary of the Mutual for twelve years in the same ward. She visited the New Orleans Exposition in company with the president of the Southern States Mission, Elder John Morgan.and a number of friends. In 1889 she took a trip to Pennsylva- nia, and visited the birth place of her mother in or- der to collect gen- ealogy. She was one of Utah's dele- gates to theWorld's Congress of Wom- en in Chicago in 1893. When the standing commit- tees were organ- ized in the General Board, Sister Eard- ley was at once chosen to act on the Joiirnal com- mittee. She served also for years on the Guide commit- ADELLA w. EARDLEY. tee and Traveling Library commit- tee and is now chairman of the Journal committee. She is a true daughter of her father, gifted with keen business ability, shrewd and far-sighted, yet generous where generosity is required. She is open-hearted and frank, is a wise counselor and one of the best business helps on the BIOGRAPHICAL. 145 Board. Sister Eardley is a prudent mother and her children do her honor. She has been an active and faithful member of the Board in all weather and under all conditions, ever since she became associated with it. The trials and strug- gles which life has brought to her have developed the pure gold of her sterling nature. She is a woman of strong and enlightened opinions, and once convinced, it is not an easy matter to persuade her otherwise. With such strong convic- tions, she may sometimes form incorrect conclusions; but once prove to her that she is in the wrong, and her noble nature quickly responds to the truth you present. To know Sister Eardley is to respect and honor her as a Saint and as a broad-minded woman. She stands for the elevation of the spiritual in practical matters in the studies and pleasures of the girls, as she does for the exaltation of the practical in all spiritual matters. Perhaps the most attractive side of her character is her manifest power to grow. Some good people there are, and some clever who attain a certain degree of intelligence .and then stop. But Sister Eardley has kept her brain bright through choice reading.her heart big through con- stant contact and sympathy with the young, and her spirit keenly attuned to the harmony of the Gospel plan. SARAH EDDINGTON. The parents of Sarah Eddington came to Utah in 1853. Her father is one of the historical figures of the general tith- ing office in Salt Lake City. While strong and firm, as a man should be, he is also very tender in his association with his family. The mother was of the same gentle and refined type from which mould her daughter was fashioned. Sarah was born and reared in the Fourteenth ward, Salt Lake City. She is a student, and loves books as some girls love play. She attended the public schools in her youth, and graduated into the State University. Owing to a severe accident in falling from a swing, her spine was injured, and her university work ended in the beginning of the second year's course. But her delicate health did not prevent her from attending to her spiritual duties. She was a teacher in the Seventh ward Sunday School for years, and was pres- ident of the Y. L. M. I. A. for eight years in the same ward. During her presidency, some of the most profitable features 10 146 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. of M. I. work were originated and carried to a successful issue. Some of these ideas have since been incorporated into the general work of the associations. She is a quiet but ardent and successful political worker, doing- in her modest way many things that a more aggressive girl would fail in. SARAH EDDINGTON. She worked as chief clerk in the auditor's office for four years, was deputy in the same office for two years, and now is em- ployed in the county recorder's office. She is an impressive and poetic speaker and has exerted a wonderful influence among the girls. She is sweet and gentle in all her ministra- tions, and yet beneath the womanly softness lingers a BIOGRAPHICAL. 147 strength and a determination of purpose which one would scarcely expect from a personality so tender and gentle. She is beloved, not only by all members of her Board, but by every young- woman in Zion who has been fortunate enough to partake of her friendship and loving- ministrations. Miss Eddington has also served on many committees with dilig-ence and wide capacity. Perhaps her most valu- able contribution has been while chairman of the Traveling: Library committee. She has brought her committee in di- rect contact with every ward librarian. The books have been rigidly scrutinized, all undesirable ones eliminated, and carefully selected ones put into all libraries. She is of such delicate mental fiber herself that she feels the evil at- mosphere of a book as men sense frauds in business life. Such in brief is the labor of one of the most valued and valuable members of the General Board. AGNES CAMPBELL. The daughter of one of the famous Scotch Campbells, whose line runs back on the maternal side to William Wal- lace, Agnes Campbell inherits the best qualities of her shrewd and brave ancestors. She is the soul of honor and probity, and never a suspicion of double-dealing or duplicity could assail her upright character. She possesses a cheery, sweet nature with a deep stream of pure charity rolling far below the surface, carrying her soul away with its sweep into the regions of a secret but divine joy that bliss which the angels know when some secret, self-sacrificing deed has lift- ed their pure spirits into the joy of a sanctified heaven . Agnes early began her public work. She was first called to the presidency of the Fourteenth ward Y. L. M. I. A., Salt Lake City. She chose Miss Lizzie Green and Mrs. Rida C. Taylor as her counselors, and Miss Maggie Taylor as sec- retary. She also had Miss Ann M. Cannon as treasurer, Miss Mae Taylor as assistant secretary, and Belle Morris as or- ganist. This was rather a remarkable group of young wom- en, as their subsequent history proves. They were installed in office September 24th, 1888. It was while she was in that position that Sister Elmina S. Taylor decided to call her to act as an aid on the General Board. Agnes also kept up her work in her own ward . At this time she was engaged in the 148 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. office of Z. C. M. I. at a good salary, and was already plan- ning- to save money, so that she might help to build a home for her mother. The family had been deprived of the father in 1874, and the girls at once set about making themselves independent. Agnes had inherited her father's business qualities so that she carried along her private and public duties with little difficulty. In 1895 she re- moved to the Twentieth ward, and re signed her position as presi- dent in the Four- teenth ward aft- er ten years of active service. On February 26th, 1898, she was elected pres- ident of the Twentieth ward Y. L. M. I. A. Here again she did conscien- tious work, for she could do nothing else. She was now very busy buy- ing a small spot of ground at the head of State street, where her longing eyes had rested for many years. It was purchased, and the modest, pretty home was begun. In one year the house was built, and the girls with their mother were cosily settled under their own roof- tree. She resigned her position in the Twentieth ward Y. L. M. I. A. in 1901, on account of her removal to the Eighteenth AGNES CAMPBELL. BIOGRAPHICAL. 149 ward where her new home was. She left her work in the big "Co-op" store in 1899, and accepted the position of assistant secretary in the Board, receiving- a small salary for attending to the growing- volume of clerical work attached to this posi- tion. When Miss Neff needed some assistance in the Journal office, Miss Campbell was engaged for that position, and here she has labored ever since; ready in season and out of season for every call made upon her. Those who see Agnes Campbell in her bustling- busi- ness career have little conception of the other life devoted to the poor, the needy, the emigrant, the struggling- artist, the widowed mother, and orphaned children. She has converted more people to the glory of Temple labor than any one the writer knows. She has constituted herself a minister pleni- potentiary between the living spirits of the dead and the dead spirits of the living, until her name is a synonym of Temple achievements. The beauty of her life lies, like her charity, far below the surface, and her shrinking: refusal to allow mention of her good works but signifies the true simplicity of her genuine, loving heart. In recent years, Miss Campbell has devoted herself en- tirely to the M. I. A. work. As assistant secretary, and now as business manager of the fournal^ she is always found at the office, cheery, helpful, willing and industrious. LILLIE T. FREEZE. Lillie Tuckett Freeze was born in Salt Lake City, March 26th, 1855, in the First ward. When she was six years old, she went with her grandmother to help pioneer the country of Dixie, settling in St. George. Here she assisted, although such a tiny girl, in the erection of their first willow house. She possessed an indomitable energy and ambition, which was often gratified at the expense of her best health. Indeed, while still a very young girl, she permanently injured her- self with the heavy work she would undertake. But few know the arduous nature of the work done by the only girl in a family left orphans by the death of the mother. She was of an independent nature, and found work for herself outside the home to help with her own expenses. She labored in Wallace & Evans' candy factory after her father married the 150 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. second time. When sixteen she earned money enough to send herself to Morgan's high, school. She was ambitious, artistic, intense, and full of personal magnetism. Parties, picnics and private theatricals had a charm for her sparkling nature which she could not resist, having inherited from her mother, Mercy West wood Tuckett, a gifted pioneer actress, a love for the stage, though she never ventured beyond ward LILLIE T. FREEZE. entertainments for church benefits. With it all, she had purity and a deep foundation of spirituality, which saved her from undue temptation or excess. When the Junior Retrenchment Association was organ- ized in the Eleventh ward, in 1870, Lillie joined almost at BIOGRAPHICAL. '51 first. Here she found scope for the spiritual powers with which her nature is so richly gifted, and here, also, she could exercise her varied talents in many directions. She was soon chosen to assist in the work, and later acted as secre- tary. It was here she became intimately acquainted with Mary A. Freeze, the first wife of James P. Freeze, and that perfect friendship was begun which neither death nor mis- fortune can lessen or cut asunder. She was married to James P. Freeze June 14th, 1875, and went into the order of plural marriage with as chaste and holy principles as ever actuated a Hebrew woman of old. She has endeavored to live in that order as reverently and as consistently as a mortal woman might do; and her reward is in the three fine children who are devoted to their mother. Her strong domestic quali- ties make a peaceful, happy home where affection rules with powerful yet gentle sway. Lillie was chosen by Sister Taylor as an aid-at-large for the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. in the spring of 1890. She was already on the General Board of the Primary Association, having been chosen by President Louie B. Felt as general secretary of that board in 1880; and in 1888, President Felt took her as first counselor in the place of Sister Matilda Barratt whose resignation had become necessary .It was the thought of President E. S. Taylor that it would be an advantage to both associations to have Lillie act in a double capacity, as she traveled a good deal, and could thus represent both organizations when it was impossible to send two. However, no more successful candidate could be found to fill two such responsible offices. Afterwards the title "aid- at-large" was made simply "aid," like that of the other sis- ters, as she did practically the same work. Sister Freeze's spirit, always loving, intensely sympa- thetic and tender, was deepened and broadened by her mel- lowing experiences, as crushed flowers often yield more fra- grance, until she is like a vision of love and faith made in- carnate; for every moment of her life for these many years has been marred by physical pain, sometimes almost too great for human endurance. Yet she has borne all with cheerful and hopeful fortitude, bravely resisting discourage- ment and gloom and willingly working for the comfort of home, friends and the public good, persistently undertaking 152 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. labor from which strong women shrank. During- the ' 'raid, ' ' Sister Freeze suffered in common with those in similar posi- tions, accentuated, in her case, with bodily weakness and distress. Within the last seven years she has been the vic- tim of two serious accidents, both of which nearly ended her life. She felt compelled to resign from her position in the Young Ladies' Board in the autumn of 1904, because of de- clining health and other pressing cares. It was a great trial for Sister Taylor to lose her, for there had always been the closest ties of friendship between them. However, Sister Freeze was released. Then came her second severe accident, making her an invalid for over a year. She insisted that she be also released from her office on the Primary General Board, for her condition made it impossible for her to travel to attend meetings and other duties. She was released as a counselor but retained as a member of the Board, so that now she is quietly living her life of lovely seclusion, never for- gotten nor less loved by the many women with whom she has associated. Lillie has written much for the women's magazines and has shown rich tones of undeveloped poesy and touching prose. She has several of the gifts of the spirit in rich abun- dance; and her presence in a meeting is an assurance of a rich spiritual feast. She has faith and the charity which vaunts not itself, but is kind; she has the gifts of speaking in tongues and of interpreting tongues, the gift of prophecy, and above all she abounds in wisdom that wisdom which exalts not riches nor reviles against sorrow. She has garnered up the treasures while the day lasted, but hopes to labor much longer for the women and children of Zion. CHAPTER VII. FINANCES AND STATISTICS. The first reports. Annual dues. Traveling expenses. Permanent Fund Dime Fund. Comparative statements of General Board expenses. Labors of the different secretaries and treasurers. Later reports. THE story of figures is interesting 1 , for they speak in no uncertain tones. Therefore, it is hoped the reader will be repaid in the perusal of the results of a long search through the earlier statistics of the Mutual Improvement As- sociation. The General, or Central Board, as it was first called, was organized June 19, 1880, with Mrs. Elmina S. Taylor as president, and Miss Louie Wells as secretary. There were no conferences of a general nature held until ten years later. Each ward and each stake was a law unto itself in a large way, with the helpful assistance given by the General Board. The work was entirely tentative, and the various officers were feeling their way upward through slow and difficult stages. In this day it is difficult to imagine how heavy the burden of organization and management fell upon the unac- customed shoulders of those women. Today things have be- come so perfectly adjusted that everything runs with clock- like precision. In those early times, there were no Church schools, no clubs and no Women's Councils from which to glean ideas; these Mormon girls were finding their way alone and unaided up the thorny path of progress. They asked for no assistance from their male companions and relatives, for all alike felt the necessity of individual development for women. Credit must be given where it is due; and it is to be re- 154 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. membered that the Young- Ladies' Association had before them the examples and labors of the Relief Society, the pio- neer society among- all women, from which to draw help and inspiration. It is also true, however, that the two societies are very dissimilar in methods and purposes, so only a gen- eral assistance could be drawn from this source. The first general reports were collected by Miss Louie Wells in 1885, in response to an invitation from the president of the Church to have the statistics of the women's organiza- tions read before the General Conference in Salt Lake City. The reports and records of those early days partook of the pioneer conditions still maintaining. Minutes of the loca] associations were taken faithfully enough, but they were not, alas, always preserved. Taken in lead pencil and kept by the youthful secretary herself, they were subject to all the ills that attend house-cleaning and hurricanes raised by small brothers; and even when duly recorded in various stiff-backed account books (which were usually employed in those prim- itive times) the secretary had a most disconcerting way of getting herself married off. Who was to remember Y. L. M. I. A. minutes in all that excitement? However, consid- ering all things, there was a very good account made of the ward affairs to the stake president twice a year, and these were gathered into a stake report semi-annually and sent off to headquarters. This most bewildering array of statistics, which obstinately refused to balance, threatened to drive the secretary of the General Board into nervous prostration dur- ing the few days remaining after their receipt, in which she endeavored to balance things up and bring in a report to the General Conference. It is most interesting to scan the first documents made and from them to learn something of the inner workings of the various stake and ward affairs. The headings of the items reported share in the old fashioned atmosphere. In FINANCES AND STATISTICS. 155 the first report we find only ten stakes reported, out of the twenty-five stakes then in existence. The items noted are: "Number of meetings held;" ''number of members;" "aver- age attendance;" "number of chapters" (read in the Scrip- tures) and "miscellaneous reading's." The manuscript pa- pers were a strong feature of most of the associations, and we have a total of one hundred and fifty- seven manuscript papers read as representing the ten stakes in 1885. The "testimonies borne," or, as such a feature might be called in the parlance of the world, "extemporaneous speeches," are carefully noted, as this has always been the most important element of the detail work: namely, that the mem- bers shall become acquainted with the art of giving public expression to the hope of eternal life that is within them. Essays were also a prominent part of their evening pro- grams, and they were duly reported. Even in the beginning good books formed a portion of the property of every associ- ation. These books were a few of the novels, some histories and books of travel. The poets and "The Speaker's Gar- land" were among their most prized books of reference. There were also the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and, all too seldom even then, the poems of our own Eliza R. Snow. There were one thousand and fourteen books reported as be- longing to these ten stakes which sent in a report in 1885. This was not a bad showing for the young and scattered as- sociations. The stakes had not yet accumulated any funds, so that the money reported to be on hand or disbursed was contained in the treasuries of the local wards, and represented various activities. We find the wards comprised in those ten stakes in 1885 to be possessed of $1,724.84. Of this sum $791.42 was in properties, and $280.06 in cash; there was received during the year, $653.36 in cash; $643.93 cash was disbursed ; and there remained in the treasury, $693.53 in property, with 156 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. $486.09 in cash. Of course the balances were wrong-; but it was primitive book-keeping 1 . The blanks upon which these reports were made were first arranged by Miss Wells in 1885. The forms remained the same until after Miss Cannon came into the work in 1891. The gradual change in the methods and the studies required constant changes in the forms of reports. In 1892 there were thirty-two stakes and this number was continually increasing. There are now sixty-two stake organizations with several outside mission associations, both in this country and in Europe, Australia, and the islands of the sea. At the con- ference of the stake and general officers in 1892, the name of the board was changed from Central to General Board. The annual stake dues were also increased to $2.00. It was de- cided by the visiting officers at the conference, in October, 1893, to ask each ward to give an entertainment within the next six months, the proceeds of which were to be formed into a "permanent fund ' for the use of the General Board. Expenses were increasing with the development of the work. Letters poured in with increasing volume. There were dues and partial expenses of delegates to the great eastern con- ventions. The stakes were clamoring for more and more visits from members of the General Board; and while these expenses were then met by the stakes themselves, yet the far- off stakes were the poorest and least able to send for visitors, and they most needed them. Whenever possible, Mrs. Tay- lor would raise means and send visitors to these distant towns and villages. It cost only a small amount to send a representative to Provo or Ogden, yet these two places were able to pay twenty times as much as were most of the dis- tant and newly organized stakes in Colorado and New Mexico. There was something needing adjustment here, and the first plan adopted was to secure a large sum by voluntary contri- butions from the various stakes, and then use the interest of FINANCES AND STATISTICS. 157 the permanent fund for traveling: and other expenses. There were some sanguine members and officers who thought this plan woiild solve the whole difficulty. But how little they understood with what rapidity the work was destined to grow! However, the wards responded to the suggestion of forming the permanent fund with a hearty generosity which surprised and touched all concerned. There was collected seven hundred sixty- three dollars in this manner, and that sum now lies in the bank; the interest of it is used as it was first intended. The nice sense of honor in our beloved Presi- dent Elmina S. Taylor was never more admirably shown than in her accurate and keenly honest actions in all financial matters. If money were donated for a certain purpose, it nrnst be used for that purpose and no other. There has never been the least infringement on the central fund for any purpose but that set down in the implied agreement. She was careful to a cent in the spending of other people's money, but liberality itself when it came to her own means. The matter of securing more funds and in a regular way had been discussed many times in the Board, but no better plan decided upon. In 1894 President Taylor and Aid Sarah Eddington were traveling to Star Valley in company with Brothers George Goddard and George Reynolds of the Sun- day School Board. Something was said by Brother Reynolds to Sister Taylor about the cost of her journey and who pro- vided the means as well as the many other heavy expenses incident to her labor. 1 'Does not the Church help you at times, Sister Taylor, in these financial matters?" "Never," she answered, "not to the extent of five cents! We've never asked the Church for anything except sympathy and counsel." "Well, I am surprised," answered Brother Reynolds, "for I know that organizations of men must be helped occa- 158 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. sionally with their finances. I don't see how you women can get along, when as a rule you do not have the resources that men do." "Ah! but women are always independent if they have half a chance!" she said. "Well, how do you do to raise money? Do you tax each of your members fifty cents a year, as the Young- Men's As- sociation do?" "No; the associations help us out whenever we ask them, and we do a great deal ourselves towards bearing our own expenses." "It seems to me you should have a fund, Sister Taylor; and you could easily raise sufficient if a small sum were paid annually by each member.' ' "The Sunday Schools have an annual fee of five cents each, do they not?" asked Sister Taylor. Brother Reynolds answered, "Yes; the children each give five cents, biit that is too small a sum for young- ladies to pay," he added. "Theyoug-ht to be able to pay ten cents each at least. By doing- without chewing: g-um for a month that could be managed easily." Sister Taylor laugfhed and thanked Brother Reynolds for this kind interest and good advice. The conversation was reported by Sister Taylor to the Board, and action was taken at the very next meeting, Sep- tember 4th, 1894. A suggestion was made at a subsequent meeting of stake and general officers that there should be established a dime fund, each member of the associations paying ten cents a year as her contribution towards the carrying forward of the Mutual Improvement work. As the season's work began in the early fall, it would be convenient to select a day in Sep- tember for Annual Day. What day so appropriate and so choice as the 12th of September, which was the birthday of our FINANCES AND STATISTICS. 159 revered and never-to-be-forgotten president, Elmina S. Tay- lor? Every member of the Board caught up the idea with enthusiasm, and in spite of the protests of the president her- self, the matter was carried through, and the 12th of Septem- ber became the Annual Day. On this day the girls were in- structed to arrange some festivities, to invite the parents and authorities of the ward, and to make the occasion one of good cheer. The dime was to be brought as an individual donation. At first, the stakes retained one-fourth of the sum col- lected, but it was found that the whole sum was needed for general expenses. So, on motion of Zina Y. Card, president of the Y. L. M. I. A. of Alberta stake, at an officers' meet- ing held April 5th, 1897, it was decided to turn the entire sum over to the general fund. The stakes have various ways of raising funds for their own expenses, as before noted. Whatever is the way adopted, one thing may be confidently stated, none of them are ever in debt. That bugbear of civil and religious life, when administered by men, has never yet troubled these women's organizations. It will be interesting to give a few statistics of the dime fund, both in expenditure and income. It will be understood that the term general expense covers such items as postage, stationery, office rent, roll books and the printing of circulars, etc. The National Council dues are the same each year. FOR THE YEAR 1895. Receipts : Dime Fund from 36 stakes $465.95 Disbursements : General expense 47.65 Traveling expense 429.70 Clerical expense 1.00 Guide work 110.00 Dues National Council of Women of U. S. . . 33.35 Total $621.70 160 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. FOR THE YEAR 1905. . Receipts: Dime Fund from 56 stakes $1,888.30 Disbursements : General expense $ 101.80 Guide expense 350.00 Traveling- expense. 888.90 Clerical expense. 480.00 Dues National Council of Women of U. S. - 33.32 Total $1,844.02 The expenses of the year 1895, it will be observed, run far ahead of the income of the association. But there was the permanent fund to draw from at that time, and it was the first year of the collection of the new fund, so it was not expected that there would be sufficient then to cover the year's expenditures. This was also one of the years in which delegates were sent to the Triennial Council at Washington, and therefore an unusual amount of money was spent. The Triennials are held, as the name implies, once in three years. Only the bare traveling expenses of' the two delegates are ever paid, all personal expenditures being at the individual's own responsibility. There was no office hire at this time. Later, in July, 1897, when the Journal office was opened in the Constitution building, it was decided that the General Board should pay half the office rent of these rooms, and the Journal the other half. Then came the necessity of hiring clerical work. Conferences increased; this portion of the work grew rapidly. As travel increased it required hours and days of the secretaries' time to buy tickets, look up routes, arrange details and keep the whole machinery of the constant traveling in motion; and the labor involved can never be understood nor appreciated by those who are not familiar with the details. The opening of an office also meant FINANCES AND STATISTICS. 161 the services of some one to answer calls and inquiries. For a few years, Miss Estelle Neff, who was the business agent of the [ournal, attended to this work, as she was in the office necessarily but it at last became impracticable. As the membership of the association increased, the cor- respondence multiplied. The meetings of the General Board GENERAL BOARD UOOM, 1905. were held monthly at first, then bi-monthly, and later weekly. The correspondence and the taking- and recording- of the weekly Board minutes, tog-ether with the conference minutes and the making of the yearly reports were too engrossing and heavy for one person to carry forward without taking all of her time. Accordingly, on October 9th, 1892, Miss Mae 11 162 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Taylor was appointed corresponding secretary for the Gen- eral Board. She was of great assistance in that position, be- ing under the same roof as her mother. But the work still grew and even the two secretaries were unable to attend to the duties, in the intervals of their own work; for Miss Can- non was at that time a clerk in an office, and Miss Taylor was engaged as a teacher of physical culture. On the llth of September, 1894, Miss Joan M. Campbell was ap- pointed recording secretary, and she worked faithfully and well. Miss Mae Taylor married in 1900 and moved away; after which Miss Agnes Campbell was made assistant secretary. After the return of Mae Taylor Nystrom she was re-appointed corresponding secretary, but in 1904 that office was done away with and she became treasurer, continuing as such until the reorganization of the General Board in 1905, when Mrs. Alice K. Smith was appointed treasurer. Neither Sister Nystrom nor Sister Smith had had experience in book- keeping, accordingly each, at the time of her appointment, took a thorough course in that study, the consequence being that their books are kept in the most up-to-date manner. The stakes soon began to find the necessity of having funds to pay postage, traveling and other incidental expenses. For a while these needs were met by the one-fourth of the dime fund which was kept by the stake; but when this was all given to the General Board, it became necessary to pro- vide for their own wants. Therefore, the stakes met the need first by holding fairs, bazaars or other public entertain- ments; later some of them decided to call upon the ward as- sociations* for a small yearly sum, to be devoted solely to the stake uses. So that the stakes began to make financial re- ports, which were also included in the big general report. In no other feature of the M. I. work has there been greater advancement made than in the financial and statisti- cal labors performed by the secretary of the organization. FINANCES AND STATISTICS. 163 Comparative statistics offer a simple and clear method of un- derstanding: the strides of progress made along financial lines . Let us glance then at the totals given in 1895, in 1905 and in 1909, staying at various points to particularize on special improvements: ENROLLED: In 1895, 14,884 members in 406 wards. In 1905, 25,770 members in 581 wards. In 1909, 26,364 members in 673 wards. BOOKS IN LIBRARY. In 1895, stake and ward 5,970 In 1905, in ward libraries, 12,646; in stake traveling libraries, 2,776. Total, 15,422 In 1909, in ward libraries, 20,620; in stake traveling libraries, 4,001 Total, 24,621 AS TO WARD AND STAKE FINANCES: Cash Disbursements: In 1895,, by wards and stakes (no sep- arate report made). $6,216.81 In 1905, by wards, $10,274.56; by stakes, $4,572.57 In 1909, by wards, $16,948.93; by stakes, $4,574.45 Balance Cash on Hand: At close of 1895, in wards and stakes $ 3,669.71 At close of 1905, in wards, $5,492.84, in stakes,$10,795.07 Total, $16,287.91 At close of 1909, in wards, $5,800.71, in stakes, $2,003.73 Total, $ 7,804.44 The last printed reports (1909) are models of concise- ness and compressed information . They do not ignore the quaint and invaluable statistics of the number of "testimo- nies borne" nor the bewildering figures representing the number of "home readings;" yet the labors of the various 164 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. ward, stake and general officers have been so systematized and tabulated that one sees at a glance how vast is the work ac- complished by this army of eager, unpaid and loving "band of sisters." Briefly, there were in the year 1909, 673 ward associations, of which 654 reported. There were 26,364 reg- ular members enrolled in these associations, with 1,454 tran- sient members. There were 700 stake officers, and there was an average attendance at regular meetings of 13,423 members. The Mutuals were represented in the mission fields by 35 girls preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. The temporary absence of members at colleges, visiting or at work at other places, totaled 1,731. These usually joined, as transient members, the ward associations where they found themselves. The statistics of ward officers' meetings held during the year totaled 5,716; conjoint meetings of officers, 3,155; of regular ward meetings there were 20,182, with 5,248 conjoint meetings, and 1,854 ward socials. The visits made by all officers are carefully tabulated- The wards were visited 3,688 times by stake officers, and as a rule there were two officers on each visit. The wards re- porting visits by members of the General Board were 108 1 but in reality there were many more, as some members of the General Board attend regularly in their own wards; while the stakes received 117 visits from members of the General Board. Perhaps the most interesting statistics are those pertain" ing to the exercises performed in the associations and at home. The theological study for 1909 took up the teachings of our Savior; and of these there were 4,659 lessons prepared and given by the senior members, and 3,619 by the junior girls. In the literary studies there were 3,976 exercises given in the senior department and 1,465 recitals by the junior, girls. The literary department included "Walden," by Thoreau; "The Rivals," by Sheridan, etc. FINANCES AND STATISTICS. 165 Some extremely valuable lessons were given in the Home studies, and of these the senior girls prepared 1,604 lessons, with 1,522 exercises given on the same topics by the junior girls. There were 383 talks on ''Human Culture" given by various speakers, and 38,841 "Testimonies Borne," and 12,305 musical selections were rendered in addition to the opening and closing congregational singing. Some of the Y. L. M. I. A. have followed the custom of the Y. M. M. I. A. and adjourned for the summer months. This custom has been deprecated by our General Board and the girls are encouraged to hold summer sessions wherever possible. No lessons are prepared by the General Board for these summer meetings, and the stake and ward officers choose whatever topics seem best suited to their local con- ditions. It is reported that 370 associations continue during the summer, and in some of these the young men work con- jointly with the young ladies. The reading done by the Mutual girls at home is duly reported and chronicled. They read 714,489 chapters in fic- tion; 166,107 poems; 35,298 essays; 125,745 chapters of his- tory; 2,037,847 chapters in the ancient and modern Scrip- tures; then there were 764,258 readings not classified but re- ported as miscellaneous. (This is a partial report only, as many acknowledge that they kept no record of this kind.) The details of local and stake financial conditions are also important: In 1909 the ward totals showed cash on hand at last report, January 1st, 1909, $6,242.54; cash received, $16,- 507.10, which makes a total of $22,749.64; cash disbursed, $16,948.93; balance on hand, December 31st, 1909, $5,800.71, making the same total . The stake treasuries reported cash on hand, January 1st, 1909, $2,357.85; cash received, $4,220.34; total, $6,578.19; cash disbursed, $4,574.46; balance on hand, December 31st, 1909, $2,003.73; same total. When we come to the stake statistics, we find there were 960 stake 166 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. board meeting's held during- the year 1909, with 446 con- joint stake board meetings held. Of conjoint M. I. A. con- ferences there were held 49, and 61 conventions. Then the youngf ladies held 34 separate, usually district, conferences. It has become an established custom to give the Sunday evening- of the quarterly stake conferences into the hands of the M. I. A.; of these there were 209 meeting's held during the past year. The g-eneral expenses of the association furnish a clear picture of the careful manipulation of all funds committed in trust to the general officers. It should be stated that every detail of office expense, of traveling expenditures and of gen- eral disbursements is faithfully reported and as carefully re- corded. We have space only for the totals, but invite in- spection as to every item: GENERAL BOARD REPORT. Receipts: 1909. Interest $ 186.78 Dime Fund from 61 stakes 2,199.38 Total $2,386.16 Disbursemen ts : Traveling expense $1,028.48 Guide expense 212.10 Clerical expense 720.00 . General expense 357.00 Dues National Council of Women of U. S. 33.33 Total $2,350.91 In these reports the names and addresses of the entire stake boards are given, as well as of the executive officers and the Journal agent of each ward, thus furnishing a general roster of the stakes. The blanks on which these reports are FINANCES AND STATISTICS. 167 made were purchased for the first five years; after the Dime fund was well established, the general secretary suggested they be furnished to the wards free of charge. This was done. Then came the question of roll books. Each associ" ation was required to keep a roll of its members and to in- clude in the general statistics the various points called for in the reports. At first these roll books were bought by each association at the book store at quite a high figure. The first reform was made when General Secretary Cannon was instructed to undertake the printing of these blanks and roll books, to furnish them to the associations at actual cost; but even that did not satisfy her. She next proposed, and the proposition carried, that they should be furnished free of cost, so that while the wards were assisting in the general expenses, the general fund was being returned to them in various ways. Another improvement made by Miss Cannon must be noted. Ward and stake boards were instructed to make duplicate reports , one to send to headquarters and one to file in their own archives. This they had rarely done. It was felt to be a disaster; for at times the stake and General boards were appealed to to fill up duplicate blanks, or to furnish items from various reports which had been sent to headquarters without retaining proper copies. With this in mind, in 1903 the general secretary prepared new roll books with pages in the back of the book, suitably ruled and let- tered for the duplicate yearly reports. This addition has been found of great value and convenience. It will be nec- essary to state that the wards make annual reports to the stake secretary, who compiles them and sends her stake report once a year to the general secretary in Salt Lake City, in time to be compiled in the mammoth general report which is read in conjoint M. I. A. conference in June of each year. The roll books and the treasurers' books of the local, stake and also the General Board are open for inspection to 168 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I.. A. any members. The future historian and student will find much food for sociological study, in the various carefully compiled statistics of a woman's social corporation. In all the years until September 1907, the secretary general labored without pay. There was considerable clerical work hired, but the actual labors of the secretary were as freely and as generously given as those of the other general officers. For five years the secretary, Miss Cannon, was editor of the Journal, and this heavy labor interfered seriously with her duties as secretary. After much deliberation, it was decided to release her from the editorship, and confine her labors to the secretaryship, which had come to assume such great pro- portions. Accordingly a modest salary was appropriated in 1907, and Miss Cannon devoted all her time to the splendid work she was now accomplishing as the secretary of the Gen- eral Board. The secretary and her assistants had always kept records of the regular board meetings, and the annual conference sessions. These records were now carefully copied on the typewriter on thin linen paper, neatly tabulated with the sub- jects considered in marginal references and bound in yearly books in fine leather, containing lettered inscriptions on the outside . She now perfected a unique and valuable contribu- tion to the history of the society in the form of a record of current historical data. This consists of a series of scrap books into which are incorporated every conference program including programs of eastern conventions and councils, with which this association is affiliated; all newspaper clippings pertaining to the work of M. I. A. and also to the members of the General Board when associated with M. I. A. labors are here found tabulated and indexed. Another most important financial labor of the Y. L. M. I. A. was the securing of means to erect a building of their FINANCES AND STATISTICS. 169 own, to be associated with the Relief Society and the Pri- mary Association. A succinct recital of this collection and its final distribution, written by Miss Ann M. Cannon, was giv- en in the April number of the Journal, 1910. We copy the article, in part, as it covers the history of the matter well and briefly: In October, 1900, when President Lorenzo Snow prom- ised the three women's organizations of the Church a build- ing- site opposite the east gate of the Salt Lake Temple, none were sanguine enough to even dream of such an edifice as the one which now graces the spot. President Snow stipu- lated that it must be a building worthy of the location, and some one added that it must cost at least twenty thousand BISHOP S BUILDING. 170 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. dollars . The women who were so bold as to think of raising that sum were looked at in open-eyed astonishment. Neverthe- less, they went to work to draw plans and collect funds. The committee appointed by President Elmina S. Taylor of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association con- sisted of Counselor Maria Young Dougall, Adella W. Eard- ley and Minnie J. Snow. It was decided to call upon each local organization to contribute to the fund. In addition, a committee, consisting of Sisters Elizabeth C. McCune, Minnie J. Snow, Augusta W. Grant, and Agnes S. Campbell, was appointed to make a canvass of the well-to-do women of Salt Lake City and vi- cinity, asking for their assistance to erect this "Woman's Building." The feeling with which they undertook the task can be understood from Sister McCune' s answer, when put on the committee: "Well, I'll go. But I'd rather carry mortar in a hod to build it." Through the efforts of this committee, about two thou- sand dollars was collected . The contributions from the asso- ciations aggregated a little over five thousand. After President Snow's death, on October 10th, 1901, came a period of inactivity in regard to the building, though his successor still held the promise in mind. The delay was due to the fact that the Church was then engaged in the erec- tion of the Deseret News Building, and Deseret News Annex, which was an enormous undertaking in view of the then ex- isting" financial condition of the Church. As soon as possible the Presidency turned their attention toward the erection of this building. Early in 1907, the General Boards of Relief Society, Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association and Primary Association were consulted by the First Presi- dency, Presidents Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder an*d Anthon H. Lund, in regard to erecting a building which should be a home for the Presiding Bishopric and for other Church officers as well. The advantage of this plan can readily be seen when one stops to think of the cost of main- taining such a place - heating, lighting, janitor and elevator service. The sisters consented and plans for the present FINANCES AND STATISTICS. 171 beaxitiful building were soon under way. It has proved very advantageous to be thus located. The entire building- is simple, yet elegant. It is as near fire-proof as a building of the kind can be made. The walls are not decorated, as yet, except for the wainscoting in light yellow tile effect. The wood- work is a dull golden-oak, and the floors are of maple, highly polished. The lower floor or basement consists of a series of vaults, entirely fire-proof, each organization located in the building having one or more according to its needs. The first or main floor has its en- trance from Main street (No. 40 North). This is occupied by the Presiding Bishopric and Quorum of the Twelve. To the second, third, and fourth floors, access is gained from Temple avenue. The second is occupied the north side by the General Board of Relief Society; the south by the First Council of Seventy, and Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association; the third the north side, by the General Board of Primary Association; the south, by the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association, and the Superintendencies of Religion Classes and Church Schools. The fourth floor consists of one large assembly or banquet room, and two small rooms, where refreshments may be served. Never before have the general offices been sufficiently large for conveniently attending to the work. Heretofore the desk of the general secretary has been in the room where all Board and committee meetings were held. They being frequent, it was often necessary for her to suspend work or seek other quarters. Never before in the twenty years of the Journal 's existence has the editor had a room of her own, where she could be free from interruption. For all of these conveniences the general officers are very thankful, and they appreciate highly the pleasure expressed by their girl mem- bers on finding the head offices so commodious and comfort- able. As President Tingey says: ''They belong to the girls. We are here today but someone else may be here tomorrow." The reception room belongs conjointly to the Primary and Young Ladies. It is adjoined on the north by the Primary and on the south by the Young Ladies' General Board rooms, the three being connected by large doors, which may be thrown open to make one apartment. In our own room will be noticed FINANCES AND STATISTICS. 173 a life-size portrait of President Elmina S. Taylor. This is the work of Artist Lee Greene Richards, and is considered one of his best works. It is presented by the Young Woman? 's fournal, for which President Taylor expended so much of her slender supply of strength, and to which she gave so much of loving thought as well as encouragement to its struggling editors. The pictures of the Journal departments are shown else- where . Very recently, Miss Cannon has felt obliged to ask for a release as general secretary. The Board were exceed- ingly loath to lose her services, but were finally obliged to ac- cede to her request. She was retained as an aid, however, Sister Tingey and her associates feeling it impossible to lose altogether the wise services of this young lady. Miss Joan M. Campbell, who has acted in an assisting capacity from time to time, was chosen in April, 1910, to fill the vacant place. She has proven herself in the past and today a care- ful, painstaking and faithful worker; therefore we may be- lieve the good work so thoroughly and judiciously established by Miss Cannon will be carried forward with like success in the coming years. The general summary of the finances of this prosperous organization permits the remark that much wisdom and a su- preme degree of Divine Providence have enabled the general officers of the Young Ladies' Association to meet every re- quirement made of them. During the first years the expen- ses were small and met by private individuals; then a yearly due of one dollar was required of the stakes, and was after- wards raised to two; this soon proved inadequate, and a call was made for a considerable donation from each of the stakes to make a permanent fund. This was done, and put out at interest. Even this plan could not long be feasible, for the expenses of traveling, printing roll books, blanks, and circu- 174 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. lars, as well as the rent of an office, postage and stationery, demanded yearly and g rowing- expenditure; accordingly, the Dime fund was established. The treasurer's account has been strictly kept, all moneys spent have been duly author- ized, reports have been rendered yearly, and the whole busi- ness is in splendid condition. The financial status of the stakes can easily be said to be a repetition of the history of the General Board in such matters, and while each stake has different financial conditions and problems, yet the wise ex- ample and influence of Presidents Elmina S. Taylor and Martha H, Tingey have permeated to every remote corner of Mutual Improvement work and have made the Young Ladies' Associations a credit and an honor to themselves and to the womanhood of the world. BIOGRAPHICAL. ANN M. CANNON. Born in the true and everlasting covenant, she is a type of the broad womanhood which the Gospel has made. The many-sided interests afforded a girl reared in a large Mor- mon tamily gave her the best chance to develop nobly. Love for a delicate mother, a father, and many brothers and sis- ters called forth in her youth the tender helpfulness to loved ones which is now the dominant note of her character. A ready power to feel the heart-ache of another and ease its pain has added to her own cares the burdens of many others, as well. as their pleasures. Sister Ann M. Cannon, daughter of Angus M. Cannon and Sarah Maria Mousley Cannon, was born in the Fifteenth ward, Salt Lake City, and began school work when but a child of four years. At thirteen, her brother, George M., commenced to give her a business training. It was ex- ceedingly thorough and has been invaluable to her. She worked in his office Saturdays and holidays during her school GENERAL SECRETARY ANN M. CANNON. BIOGRAPHICAL. 175 period, which ended at the early age of seventeen. Before this time she had attended the University of Utah four years, completing- the normal course at sixteen, and taking addi- tional studies in English, Latin, German, history, science and mathematics. Sister Cannon has long been a worker in the Y. L. M. I. A. The first office she held was that of treasurer in a local association in the Fourteenth ward, Salt Lake City. Then she was made second counselor, and afterwards first counselor to President Agnes S. Campbell. She became the assistant secretary of the General Board Y. L. M. I. A. in April, 1891, and secretary in October of the same year, and from April 1892 to 1902, she performed the additional duties of the office of general treasurer. Her labors as general secretary con- tinued till April 1, 1910, when, at her own request, as she wished to devote herself to the care of her parents in their declining years, she was released. At different times she has acted on various committees: Guide, Conference, Convention, and is at present on the History publishing committee. She has met the very exacting demands of these responsible po- sitions with rare skill and intelligence. Other public positions she has held with honor. She acted on the board of direct- ors of the Mutual Improvement Association League until it was placed under the direction of the Salt Lake stake, and is now a member of the board of control of the Deseret Gym- nasium. She was deputy county recorder of Salt Lake coun- ty for five and a half years, resigning that position in July, 1902, to become chairman of the literary committee (editor) of the Young Woman s journal. Her editorial work gives proof of a logical mind endowed with superior power of analysis. The literary style developed in this connection is one of sweetness and simplicity. Twice she has been a dele- gate to the triennial sessions of the National Council oi; Wom- en at Washington, D. C. She will long be remembered in the Council for her work on the resolution committee when a question of vital importance to our people was won in the face of overwhelming opposition . Travel, literary work and a successful public life have not weaned Miss Cannon from simple home pleasures. She showers her love on children, particularly on the dear little ones near of kin who are often with her. Her home is made 176 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. beautiful by many favorite flowers and a choice collection of books and pictures. Years of executive work and heavy responsibility have developed her naturally clear intellect and sound judgment to a degree rarely found in one of her years. Though admired for her qualities of mind, it is her self-control, her sweet sympathy and womanliness which win the love and devotion of numerous friends. There is a quiet humor about her, too, which is to the nature of a winsome woman what the last touch is to the picture of a great artist. CHAPTER VIII. GUIDE WORK. Early programs in the wards; in the various stakes. A Guide out- lining studies for all associations issued 1893. Second Year's Guide. The associations graded. Theological studies; Ethical; Literary. Classes for study of the Guide. WITH the solid groundwork of faith and confidence un- der their feet, with all the possibilities of growth and progress, the officers and members of the Y. L. M. I. A. looked out upon the world twenty years ago with glowing eyes of hope and coming triumph. The history of what was done by the general officers for all the associations is true in many particulars of the officers of every stake board, and measurably true of the officers of every association. One might almost substitute other names and vary the circum- stances, and there would be an account of each stake board's history in this narrative of the general work. The world looks upon our organization with wondering eyes; the hasty observer ascribes our solidarity to fear, ignorance, or co- ercion. The earnest student detects two important princi- ples at the root of our social and religious life. The first is the foundation principle of true democracy; that of perfect liberty and equality in membership and office-holding. The maid-servant is as likely to achieve promotion in the Y. L. M. I. A. as is the mistress. It may be argued that such a condition is peculiar only to primitive surroundings and society, and will be swept away with the march of the higher civilization. The force of education and refinement, even though accompanied as it so often is with wealth and civil corruption, has had almost as much leavening power in Utah as in any other part of the United States; but there is one other principle of unity and power which even the skeptics 12 178 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. must admit has an unequaled force that of deep religious faith. The scoffer may sneer, or the bigot may anathema- tize, but the uplifting- and unifying influence of sincere re- ligious conviction is the most potent factor in human life . It is these two principles, social equality and a strong religious sense which have imparted and will continue to im- part a vital strength to the "club" or organized movement among the Mormon women. Clubs or societies of women or men founded on one or the other of these principles, or upon the more ephemeral principles of reform or social amusement and culture, are too weak to long stand alone. They must have the principle of living growth within themselves, or time and changing circumstances will disintegrate and finally disrupt them. Duty is a hard master, an unwelcome one, but it is the judge that sits in the final court of appeals. One can do as one likes in social or civil life; but if religion says duty leads along a certain path, the conscientious soul will keep that path, no matter how dreary the prospect, nor how often one's companions may drop into the by-paths of pleasure. This is the reason why there has been a constant stream of progress in every one of the women's organizations in the Church. The three-fold nature of woman, as of all human kind, has been recognized. What at first thought might ap- pear to the Mormon women in the nature of a duty soon comes to be recognized as a pleasure; and the child, the girl and the woman find fruits meet for their plucking on every tree within the garden of truth. Let us now take up the history and development of the detailed and programed work as it was introduced. The associations, both local and stake, were in good working order in 1891. There were local associations in nearly every ward in the Church. A few of these were joined with the young men in conjoint associations; usually GUIDE WORK. 179 for the benefit of the young: men, as bishops and members were willing to concede. It was difficult at times to hold the young men together where the people were in scattered localities. The strength of numbers, as well as the attrac- tion afforded by the presence of the girls, induced the pre- siding ward authorities to advise that the M. I. A. meetings be held conjointly, although the young women would rather have met alone. Not because of any antagonism felt for brothers or friends, but because of the difficulty officers met in drawing girls to the front to stand before the public eye when there were young men to do the work. This whole matter was a subject of serious concern to Sister Taylor. She felt deeply the force of the original instruction given by President Young; that the girls must be left to themselves, most of the time, for only when alone and unhampered by sex questions could either sex do its best work. This especi- ally is true of girls, as all women know. This feeling may at times have made Sister Taylor seem somewhat narrow, but so wise was she in handling this delicate matter that none were antagonized or long offended. For the first twenty years each association was more or less a law unto itself. The meeting was held at any hour in the afternoon or early evening that best suited the local con- venience. The associations in the large towns usually met in the evening, to accommodate the girls going to school; or in the afternoon in the summer and in the evening in the winter. In the country they held sessions almost as a rule in the afternoon, unless they joined with the young men. Any day in the week was chosen except the Sabbath. The con- joint meetings were held in nearly every ward once a month but rarely then on the evening of the Sabbath. The programs were still entirely individual affairs. In some wards, good program committees were chosen from year to year, and in nearly every ward there were excellent 180 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. 1. A. manuscript papers prepared for the open monthly meeting. Readings, recitations and music, both instrumental and vocal, were a necessary part of the meeting's program. Lectures were not infrequent, but they were unrelated and often too general in scope and treatment to be of direct service. In some stakes an effort was made to unify the work done in the wards of the stake ; for this purpose, bulletins were printed in which instructions were issued to the local associations. It is right to mention in this connection the earnest labors of the Salt Lake stake board, and their ward officers. It would be natural that the central stake should be a pattern in all matters, and it really did lead the rest in energy and the sweet spirit of the Gospel. The Salt Lake stake board were fortunate in having at their head a woman who was so filled with the spirit of Mary of Bethany, that beloved friend of our Master, that her influence radiated into every corner of her district. Among the other stakes which were pre- eminent for good and original work should be mentioned Cache stake which was the first to outline a definite plan of work for its .associations. It may also be stated that no stake surpassed Boxelder in the variety and scope of the labors performed; work was systematized, and plans were made and carried out with a swinging success that made Box- elder a model for all other stakes to follow. Here was pub- lished the first circular of instructions in the interest of the M. I. A. work. The Bear Lake stake was and is a strong financial organization. It is also remarkable for the union which exists among the stake officers. The Sanpete stake was likewise full of devoted zeal and interesting good works. The sweet spirit and earnest labors of Christine Willardson will ever be remembered in that stake. Indeed, each stake had some special feature to recommend it; and through them all ran the thread of spiritual unity and love which emanated from the Divine mother spirit operating through the grea GUIDE WORK. 181 woman at the head of them all. Some details of the work done by the stakes will appear in our final chapters. Music has always been a prominent feature of the pro- grams. Glee clubs were numerous. But up to 1900 no con- certed effort was made to unify or systematize the musical material in the Young 1 Ladies' Associations. Now there are musical directors and organists in most of the stakes and wards as well as in the General Board; while the associations are rich in rare musical material. Some day this fallow waiting field will be entered and great results may be ex- pected from such a work. Such an effort was once made by Elder Junius F. Wells among the youngf men in the form of a musical contest in Salt Lake City. In 1892 there was projected a definite plan of work for the local associations which deserves special mention. It was suggested to the Board by Mrs. Susa Young Gates that a Guide should be prepared containing lessons for the use of these associations. This was in order to simplify and unify the work done. Many and prolonged were the meetings held by the Board in discussing this subject. Plans were sub" mitted, subjects were presented and discussed, with fasting and prayer. At las"t, in June, 1892, at the meeting of the Board, it was decided that such a Guide should be presented, and the work was put in the hands of Sister Gates, who wrote most of the first two years' Guides, under the direc- tion of the Board. Three courses of study were presented. The great object of the Guide, so we are told in the minutes, was to set the young ladies to thinking on definite topics. It did not assume to teach them very much about the subject in hand, but sought merely to awaken interest, and thus per- suade the girls to love study for its own sake. The studies in each course were twelve for the year. The first Guide was published in 1893 and was an instant and unqualified success; two years later a second one fol- 182 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. lowed, with more difficult lessons. The second one proved, indeed, beyond the scope of most of the associations, and ex- perience proved the necessity for simple lessons on simple subjects. The Guide lessons have always carried forward one course in theology as the ground work. History, litera- ture, physical culture, domestic science, physiology and ethics have up to the present time formed the other branches of study . Three subjects were usually presented for the yearly course. In all this formal lesson work, the officers of the as- sociations have ever been urged not to neglect the more vital necessity of assisting the members to obtain for themselves a testimony of the Gospel. The unvarying policy of the Board is that the monthly testimony meeting should never be abolished nor interfered with for any reason whatsoever. The FIRST YEAR'S COURSE of study contained four parts. THE FIRST PART was as follows : A Roster of the Stake and General Officers; Greeting from the General Board; In- structions to vStake Officers; Care of Libraries; Books for Assistance in Study; Suggestions Regarding the Use of the Guide. SECOND PART: Theological Department. Lesson 1 Faith and Repentance; 2 Baptism and the Holy Ghost; 3 Testi- mony of the Truth; 4 Healing of the Sick; 5 Church Or- ganization; 6 Divine Authority in the Church; 7 The Atonement; 8 Second Coming of Christ Millennium; 9 The Resurrection; 10 Salvation for the Dead Temple Work; 11 Prayer; 12 The Articles of Faith. THIRD PART: Historical Department. The History of Joseph Smith, the Prophet. 1 The Boyhood of the Prophet; 2 The Book of Mormon; 3 Organization of the Church; 4 The Land of Zion; 5 Mobs Z ion's Camp; 6 Kirtland The British Mission; 7 Prosecutions and Persecutions; 8 Mobs and Murders; 9 Nauvoo, the Beautiful; 10 Clouds and Sunshine; 11 The Shadow of Death ; 12 TheMartyrdom. GUIDE WORK. 183 FOURTH PART: Human Physiology and Hygiene. 1 The Study of the Human Body; 2 The Bony System; 3 Muscles and Muscular Exercises; 4 The Skin; 5 Append- ages to the Skin Hair, Nails and Teeth; 6 Digestion; 7 Food; 8 Blood and Circulation; 9 Respiration; 10 Venti- lation; 11 The Nervous System and the Special Senses; 12 The Stimulant Appetite. THE SECOND YEAR'S GUIDE was published in pamphlet form in May, 1896, and contained the same general instruc- tion as did the first Guide. The Theological lessons were twelve in number and considered the genuineness of the New Testament from internal and external evidences, with an inquiry into the topography of the country and the ethnol- ogy of the Jews and their neighbors at the time of the Savior's advent, with other external features of such a study, pre- paratory to the historical sacred narratives which were to fol- low in due course. The studies in the Second Part of the Guide carried on the historical story of the settlement of Utah, reaching up to the death of President Brigham Young, with Whitney's History of Utah as the basis of study. Part Third of the Guide was devoted to a series of Home lessons. These were neither strictly ethical nor did they follow domestic science lines although both of these fields were entered as may be seen by the following titles: System in the Home; Cleanliness; Clothing the Family; Flowers in the Home; Amusements in the Home; Social Duties; Sick- ness in the Home; Nursing; Food for Invalids; Emergen- cies. There was a Part Four in the Guide which contained twelve excellent lessons in Physical Exercises, prepared and specially illustrated by Prof. Maud May Babcock, who had at that time come to the West to take charge of physical edu- cation in the State University. In 1903, in addition to the regular Guide, a Guide was issued for junior members with instructions to grade the 184 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. associations, thus promoting order and more rapid progress. The junior work was in part founded on previous lessons made very simple for young girls. Both religious and ethi- cal subjects were considered. The grading of the Mutuals has since become general, though as a rule the same subjects are studied in each department. The Book of Mormon was studied for two years, followed by the Doctrine and Covenants for the same length of time; in turn followed, in 1904, by the Life of Christ, two years being devoted to the study of His history and two to His teachings, followed again by one year on the Acts of the Apostles. The original plan for the development of the Theological work as conceived years ago was to begin the study with the history of God's dealings with His children as recorded in the Old Testament, next in the Book of Mormon, and then in the New Testament; following this would come the consider- ation of the Apostasy from the primitive Church, and then the Restoration of the Gospel. This has been practically followed this year, 1909, completing the study of the Apostasy, while for the year 1910 the Guide lessons will be devoted to the Restoration of the Gospel. Thus the study of theology follows a natural historical course, and the mind is aided to grasp its significance by the threads of history along which it is strung. The ancient records deal with the preparation for the advent of the Savior, the modern ones have to do with His message to the boy Prophet of the nineteenth century. The studies in Ethics covered such subjects as pertain to the social and domestic life of girls, for instance, the fol- lowing: Rights of Family Members; Honesty in Small Things; Truth- telling; Self-control; Loving and Serving; Visitors in the Home; Social Observances; Street Deport- ment; Conduct in Places of Worship; Selfishness; Happi- ness; Modesty; Wickedness. GUIDE WORK. 185 It must be remembered that the membership changes often, the junior ranks being- filled by girls of fourteen who come from the Primary Association each year. A repetition of subjects on foundation principles is therefore necessary about every four years. The course in Literature began in the autumn of 1903. It commenced with literature 3000 years B. C., and has con- tinued to the present day, covering the most important of the world's classics. While dealing with ancient literature the aim was to publish sufficient information in the Journal so that it would not be necessary for the girls to purchase all the books considered. The beginning" was somewhat diffi- cult on account of the peculiar names and their unfamiliarity; but before long the girls were thoroughly interested and have so continued. The influence this course has had upon the reading of the members is wonderful, the call for high class literature being so great that many book dealers have been led to comment upon it. Looking backward twenty years to the beginning of our Guide work, it. is appalling in the light of more modern peda- gogical studies to see the number and prodigious variety of subjects attacked by these primary Guides. Such however is the history of education and progress everywhere and every time. To begin with the study of the earth and nar- row down to a prolonged consideration of one flower growing upon its broad face is the method pursued in all nations and at all times. What brain-racking work those first Guides must have proved for author, teacher and girl student! It is said we do better now-a-days. The first two Guides were prepared as separate pamphlets, and sold for ten cents each. When in 1897 it was decided to publish the Guide lessons in the Journal, it proved so successful and desirable that the plan has ever since been followed. The systematic work provided foi the local associations 186 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. by the Guide was heartily appreciated by those most con- cerned. To be sure, everybody was set to work, the officers most of all. While the new method took some of the heavy re- sponsibility off the over- worked shoulders of the officers, it made great demands of them in another direction. These girls were made of the wrong kind of stuff, however, to quail or give up at the sight of obstacles. With a determined grasp, the lessons in history, in theology and in physiology were attacked with vigor. What had heretofore existed in the minds of most of our girls as a few unrelated facts in history, and as a vague understanding of the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, now began to assume definite proportions, and to fall into proper relation and harmony. When the girls undertook to teach the lessons in the Guide to each other, whether in the form of lecturing, giving the lessons, or simply in imparting bits of information in the shape of answers to questions, their work became as play, and they were at once aroused and interested. What the literary club did for the woman of the world, was accom- plished through the M. I. A. for the simple-hearted Mormon girl. There was one consequence of this new movement, in some instances to be deplored: those sisters, standing at the head of local or stake organizations, whose lives had been spent mostly in a hand-to-hand struggle with pioneer con- ditions, and whose education was circumscribed principally by the three R's, felt a lack of qualification for this sudden educational change. In some instances, the disposition and character of the presiding officer was sufficiently pliable to adapt itself to these new conditions, or the mind was of that keen caliber that grasped eagerly the opportunity for self- education, and the student-officer managed thus to keep just one step in advance of her student-members. But in every instance, the General Board was loath to see the older girls GUIDE WORK. 187 and young- women who were so full of spiritual qualifications step aside because of lack of the higher education. However, we may congratulate ourselves that the resignations were not frequent, and in any case the good work went steadily on- ward. With a commendable desire to give practical assistance to the women concerned, the principal of the Brigham Young University in Provo, Benjamin duff, offered, in 1893, to es- tablish in that school a course in the study of the Guide. Other studies were recommended and provided in this brief six weeks' winter course, and it was suggested that the Gen- eral Board should use their influence in arranging- for the presence of at least one representative from every ward in the Church. This generous offer was gladly accepted, as it involved no expense to the general society and exacted but a very moderate fee from the intended beneficiaries. A great many young- women took advantage of the opportunity, and even those who had received no hig-her education found their work so simplified for them by the devoted teachers of this first and best of all Church schools, that they soon became qualified to return to their homes, prepared to begin life from a new starting- point. The work begun in this school spread rapidly, and, in a short time, the three principal Church schools, the Brigham Young Academy at Provo. the Brigham Young: College at Logan, and the Latter-day Saints University in Salt Lake City, had excellent brief courses in the Young Women's Guide and the Young Men's Manual. Moreover, the same labor was projected and carried forward in a private way in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Minnie J. Sn:>w and Mrs. May Booth Talmage were the directors and Mrs. Emma Goddard was secretary of a M. I. model Guide class. There were also vari- ous classes formed in different stakes, and for a number of years this work was thus promoted. Finally, the workers 188 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. and the work became adjusted to each other, and the plan was adopted of using- part of the time of the monthly stake board meetings, when the officers all came together, in pre- paratory work in the Guide lessons. This system is in oper- ation today, in most of the stakes. The lesson is put into the hands of a class leader, and, either by general assignment or by individual preparation, the lesson is given to the as- sembled officers. By keeping ahead of the local ward work one month, each officer is able to assist in the lesson when it is given in her own ward, and all the officers are thus prop- erly prepared, not leaving the work to rest wholly upon the class leader, with the assistance, perhaps, of the president of the ward association. It will be understood that this increase in work demanded more systematic method in the carrying on of the Mutual Improvement labor in stake and ward boards. Heretofore, the stake boards had met merely to listen to the giving of reports and to give encouragement to officers with some general consideration of conditions. The monthly stake board meeting became a fixed insti- tution with the introduction of class work, and nothing ex- cept a death or marriage in the family kept the girl officer away from her monthly duties. It might be that she lived twenty miles from the town where the meeting was held, but twenty blocks or twenty miles, it made little difference. There was the team in the barn, the carriage or buggy in the same place; while the other officers in her town, or along the route, would be glad to fill up the capacious seats; and she herself knew how to throw a harness on to a willing horse. So away she went for the board meeting to get her particular taste of the culture of the ages. Is it any wonder that one finds so many capable, self-reliant girls in our Church? It is possible to picture to the mind through the headings of the various studies given during that decade of rapid growth, something of the tremendous force for good exercised GUIDE WORK. 189 by the M. I. Associations. When one considers the value and importance of the study of true religion, of ethics, music, and the best in literature, treated simply and vividly, taught by loving- and eager hearts, to other loving and receptive hearts, the picture is most inspiring. Forty thousand girls in these western states and territories, studying about Loving and Serving, Gratitude, Reverence, with the studious yet in- timate lessons on the life and character of the Savior, to- gether with brief but fascinating glimpses at the literary giants of old and modern times, Shakespeare, Goethe, Dante, Milton, Longfellow, Emerson, Carlyle these sub- jects all are goodly company for a girl's mind and dreams. No one may measure, in words at least, the value of such labors. It is only when the mind is lighted by a flash of in- spiration that the immensity of the vision is comprehended; the girls, the future mothers, weaving week by week strands of ethical uprightness with the beauties of literature or some practical knowledge into a web of pure religion the garment of the soul to be folded about their lives for here and here- after. BIOGRAPHICAL. MINNIE J. SNOW. The parents of Mrs. Minnie Jensen Snow were among the first converts to the Mormon faith in the beautiful land of Denmark. They were well acquainted with Apostle Eras- tus Snow, and their spacious home was ever open for the new missionaries of a strange religion. They were well-to-do people, and of strong personalities, both of them, with that indomitable will and that firm integrity which insure results after conviction. So, when in 1853 they could not dispose of their property on leaving for Utah, they both simply stepped out of the house and closed the doors forever behind them. 190 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Of such mold was their daughter Minnie. There was about Sister Snow an exquisite refinement of speech and manner that convinced those who knew her that she had gen- erations of cultured ancestors behind her. She was as firm as the everlasting- hills, but as gentle and serene in manner as are the velvet-clad valleys between those hills. She re- MINNIE J. SNOW. minded one of the old simile: ''the iron hand in the velvet glove." She was born on the 10th of October, 1854, in Brig- ham City, five days after the arrival of her parents from their home in the old country. She was a student from child- hood. She loved books, music, languages, and. was a born BIOGRAPHICAL. 191 leader among" her sex. She might lack some of the tender qualities of perfect sympathy, if she had a certain point to gain but she secured her point by skilful maneuvering, never by tactless noise or loud assertiveness. She was the slow-moving river that gently, but firmly, makes its channel through all movable soils; but when it encounters a boulder, runs peacefully around it, with scarcely a ripple of protest, and comes out on the other side, still relentless and powerful in its onward progress. Sister Minnie was early at work among her fellows. When only fourteen years of age she came to Salt Lake City, and studied music while living under the roof of President Daniel H. Wells. Here, too, she took up some work in Eng- lish and history. In 1875, on the organization of the Re- trenchment Society in Brigham City, she was chosen to act as president of the ward association. She filled her office with such signal success that when the stake was organized in its entirety on the 31st of July, 1879, and the Retrench- ment Society was merged into the Y. L. M. I. A., she was chosen to act as the president of the stake in that association. This position was retained till September, 1894, nearly twen- ty years, or until after her removal to Salt Lake City. It must be said that the Boxelder stake Y. L. M. I. A. was the peer of any stake in Zion. It led in many particulars: programs, bulletins, regular work, systematic visiting among the associations, with rousing conferences these were a few of the superior points manifested under the administra- tion of Sister Minnie J. Snow. She had also a very keen appreciation of the value of spiritual conversion, and of the need of feeding the spirit after conversion witfr food suitable for its development, as distinguished from that mental stim- ulus which comes from the study of normal facts and historic data. The spiritual feasts which were enjoyed in her home at the Young Ladies' conferences will never fade from the memory of those who were privileged to attend them. Nor was she behind in the mental preparation of herself or her officers for the exactions of their offices. She had the happy gift of rousing all with whom she came in contact to do their best; and she certainly led them all in that particular. Upon her release she was showered with the gifts and blessings of her associates. 192 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. While only a child in years, but seventeen, she was united in the celestial order of marriage to one of the noblest and greatest men of this generation President Lorenzo Snow. She was forty years his junior, but so quick was her mental caliber, so acute her adaptation, and so perfect was the manhood, so youthful the innocent purity of President Snow, that these two became close and sympathetic com- panions. Five children were the result of this union, four of whom have survived their parents. Mrs. Mabelle Snow Cole, a young matron of Logan, Le Roi C. Snow, a member of the General Board of the Y. M. M. I. A., and Lorenzo Snow, with a charming young daughter, Lucile, make up a family of exceptional members. The home life of Sister Snow was exemplary in the extreme. She was the soul of neatness and order; no unclean thing could dwell long in her presence. She had also the gift of so imparting of her best self LO her children, when she was with them, that they nev- er felt defrauded through her necessarily frequent absences. When the Salt Lake Temple was opened, and President Lorenzo Snow was called to preside there, Sister Snow came to make a home for her husband in Salt Lake City. She had been chosen in October, 1892, to act on the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A., and it was there that she proved her fit- ness for any position. She measured up well with all her as- sociates. She was also made second counselor to Sister Zina D. Young in the onerous duties of presiding over women's work in the Salt Lake Temple in 1893, and for some years acted as organist in that sacred edifice. With it all *he carried on with vigor her duties in the General Board, acting upon va- rious committees, and always giving satisfaction in her labors. She was for a long time chairman of the Guide committee, and assisted to prepare a Junior Guide during that time. Three times she was sent as delegate to the National Council of Women, twice in Washington and once in Toledo. She made an excellent impression wherever she went; Mrs. May Wright Sewell once compared her to a clear-cut cameo for beauty of spirit and clarity of speech. She was a life-patron of the Council , and was active on several of the local Coun- cil committees, especially that of Peace and Arbitration. In 1901 President Lorenzo Snow was suddenly stricken with death; and what his loss meant to her in every way BIOGRAPHICAL. 19.3 none may ever measure. She was too proud to show, too reserved to tell, all that lay like lead in her bosom. If she had failed in any part, it was not due to lack of vision, but from anxiety to accomplish what she esteemed would be of utmost good to her nearest and dearest; and with that gentle pride which could smile when death stood over her, she took up the shattered remains of her life. Very soon after, she too, looked into the face of the Avenger, and still she smiled and wept not. "Try me, O Lord," she had exclaimed in a spiritual meeting just before her husband's death ''and see if there is any fault within me." Ah, weak humanity, how little we realize the force of mere words! At that moment, she was hiding her death warrant beneath her heart, yet even she was not yet aware. In life she had not been separated from her companion, and in death they were soon to be united. No martyr ever fought a more valiant, brave and smil- ing warfare than was waged by this meek soldier of Christ for seven long years. She was afflicted with a cancerous growth in her eye; and she saw her life close slowly round her with its winding sheet of relentless doom; but she cast over that pallid surface the flowers of her courage and her infinite patience, until they who saw her wept at her fortitude and wondered as they gazed on her placid features. If there were spots of human weakness, strains of human frailty, in the complex character of Sister Minnie J. Snow, the slow fires of death burned out that stain and left her soul renewed and purified as the spirit took its flight. So may she rest! She died January 2nd, 1908, surrounded by her adoring fam- ily and mourned by all who knew her. MAY BOOTH TALMAGE. Alpine, nestling in the encircling arm of the mighty Wasatch, is the birthplace of our sister Mrs. May Booth Tal- mage. There she was born September 29, 1868. Her infancy and youth were spent amid scenes of inspir- ing grandeur and ennobling peace devoted to wholesome work and helpful play incident to a country life, her environ- ment beautified by the towering peaks and granite crags of the everlasting hills. The quiet of home retirement and the 13 194 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. music of mountain solitude were potent factors of her child- hood, and their influence has helped to make lovable and useful the succeeding period of womanhood. She has had the advantage of close association with the leaders of reli- gious, educational and social life in Utah. These varied ex- periences have prepared her to appreciate the diversity of needs among our Mutual Improve- ment girls. While she was yet a child, a patriarch in the Church foretold her work as a leader among women, though at that time her quiet girlhood na- ture gave small promise of fulfill- ment. When she received her in- fant blessing the bishop declared that she belonged to the Church as a tithe, she being the tenth child of the family. She has carried out this thought in spirit for she has ever been ear- nestly devoted to Church work. At sixteen Miss Booth entered the Brigham Young Academy, now the Biigham Young Univer- sity. Subsequently she assumed the responsibility of school teaching. After a short period she bade adieu to the schoolroom to become the honored wife of one of her former professors. Her husband, Dr. James E. Talmage, is recognized as one of MAY BOOTH TALMAGE. BIOGRAPHIC \L. 195 the leading writers and educators of Utah. Seven bright chil- dren have brought joy to this united household, though one of them returned to the Father in infancy. These children are being reared in a home atmosphere which the parents have made beautiful by deep, unselfish love, superior learn- ing and daily worship of God. Mrs. Talmage 's public work has been wide and varied. She rendered efficient service on the executive board of the Territorial Woman's Suffrage Association in the successful effort to secure the boon of equal suffrage. She was also vice-president of the first Free Kindergarten Association es- tablished in Utah. For five years Mrs. Talmage worked with the children as president of a local Primary Association. Her talents were given wider scope for development when she was chosen by President Elmina S. Taylor, October, 1892, to act as aid on the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. She is an efficient worker in many directions, having for years been chairman of such important standing com- mittees as the Journal committee and the Guide committee. Her marked literary, ability was given splendid opportunities for exercise while she edited the Young Woman s Journal during a period of nineteen months. Mrs. Talmage has had practical experience in the na- tional affairs of women. In Chicago in 1893 she prepared and read a paper at the World's Congress 'of Women, and in 1906 she was sent to Toledo, Ohio, to attend the Triennial of the National Council of Women. A leading trait of Mrs. Talmage 's character is an ear- nest desire to do all that she can to benefit and bless her friends, and to uplift her fellows. A sweet refinement and a love for the beautiful in art and nature are characteristics ever prominent, and in her every day life she expresses the high ideals that belong to one who is earnest and conscien- tious. JOAN M. CAMPBELL. The father of the Campbell girls, Robert L. Campbell, was one of Utah's pioneers, in more ways than one. He came here in 1847 and endured all the privations and hardships in- 196 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. cident to the early days; but he brought with him his fine clerical training" and acute intellect. Elder Campbell was given various positions of trust, especially where scholarship and clerical skill were required. He became one of the superin- tendents of public instruction, and was in the Historian's office JOAN M. CAMPBELL. for twenty years. While his eldest daughter, Joan, the subject of this sketch, was still very young, he took her into that office, and initiated her into his own profession. He died when Joan was but sixteen years of agfe, and she must then needs turn her attention to helping: in the support of the six- teen children left behind. She kept her post in the Histori- BIOGRAPHICAL. 197 an's office for ten years, earning- a good wage, which went to pay home expenses. She labored while in that office un- der the direction of President George A. Smith, Apostle Or- son Pratt, and Elder John Jaques. From here she went to Z. C. M. I. as cashier, and remained in this institution for a number of years. In 1894, she was called by Sister Taylor to act as re- cording secretary and aid in the General Board. The former position she held for five years, in which time she never missed a meeting of the Board. It was then decided to do away with that office, but she still held the position of aid, till April, 1910, when she became general secretary. She was placed in the position of secretary in the Fourteenth ward Relief Society, to hold the office made vacant by the resigna- tion of President Elmina S. Taylor, who had kept up those local duties for so many years. Sister Campbell- held that office and filled it with signal ability until her removal from the ward in 1908. She acted as counselor in the Fourteenth ward Y. L. M. I. A. for a number of years, and has long la- bored in the Sunday Schools and Primary Association as a teacher. The life of Joan Campbell has been singularly clean and pure, while the sweet simplicity of her soul has carried her into many homes and many hearts, where a more aggressive spirit would be shut out. If one were asked to name the most striking trait of her well-balanced character, he would at once say, integrity, honor, faithfulness, purity, these are the elements which make up that word, integrity. She has commanded respect wherever she has been placed. While a mere girl, she was made engrossing clerk in the legislature; and while holding that position, she was nominated as a notary public, the first woman in the Territory to be so hon- ored. Her appointment did not receive the governor's sanc- tion, as she was under age; but he hastened to explain that this was the only bar to her appointment, for she had gained his, as well as every legislator's, respect and admiration. Joan is a quiet-spoken girl, and her reserved manner might not always be understood; but when she rises to speak to the girls in the Mutuals, she has such a fund of good counsel and sensible advice that she wins her audience to her in no time. She travels extensively in the interests of the association. CHAPTER IX. IN THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN. Inception of the National and International Councils. The Y. L. M. I. A. affiliated. World's Congress of Representative Women. Triennial and Executive Sessions. A memorable triennial. In- ternational Council Sessions. Distinguished visitors entertained. THE movement for a larger life and for a wider develop- ment began with the women of the Latter-day Saints in 1842, when the Relief Society was organized in Nauvoo. Six years later the same spirit began to manifest itself among the women of the world. In July, 1848, the first Women's Rights convention was held at Seneca Falls, only a few miles from where the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized in 1830. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone and other prominent women led out in this gigantic movement. In 1850, the ranks of the reformers were re-enforced by the greatest of all great American wom- en, Susan B. Anthony. Miss Anthony was a Quaker, and at that time a youthful school teacher. She was the most single-minded in her unselfish devotion to her ideal of any woman who has made history in the United States. In the spring of 1883, a party of distinguished English and American women, among whom were Miss Anthony and Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, decided among themselves, while at a reception given to the American ladies in Liver- pool, to call an international council of women, preparatory to forming an International Suffrage Association. It was later decided to call this council of women in America and to hold it on the fortieth anniversary of the first Suffrage convention held at Seneca Falls. Accordingly, extensive preparations were made for this event, the burden of the IN THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN. 199 work being borne by Miss Anthony, Mrs. May Wright Sew- all and Miss Rachel Foster. The sessions were to continue eight days, beginning with March 25, 1888. Washington was chosen as the place of meeting, because the Suffrage conventions were held there yearly, and because this city, being the center of the law-making forces of the nation, must hold within itself some measure of the heart and the center of things spiritual, as well as temporal, for our government. This convention, the first of the kind ever held in the world so far as history records, was worthy of itself and the occasion. Women, the brightest and best known, came from every civilized nation, and a few from the nations we are pleased to call heathen. The programs covered topics on education, philanthropy, temperance, industries, profes- sions, legal conditions, political conditions, and moral educa- tion. To these were added the discussions and decisions of the organization of permanent National Councils of Women, and an International one to be composed of the various Na- tional Councils. This latter idea was born in the brilliant mind of Mrs. May Wright Sewall, but it was warmly sup- ported by Miss Anthony, and became the active purpose of all present. The women were greeted by the fore-gathered intellects at the seat of government with some respect, some merri- ment, and a great deal of social recognition. The social at- tention was a farther- reaching help than was, or is ever, re- alized. Receptions were tendered the women at two of the most palatial and aristocratic of the senatorial mansions, while President Cleveland himself, assisted by his charming wife, opened the White House to welcome this unusual as- semblage of ladies. There is a happy significance in the fact that, in com- mon with other organized bodies of women in the country, the three organizations of women in the Mormon Church 200 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. were invited to send representatives, and all three accepted the invitation. The Relief Society was represented by M/s. Emily S. Richards, the Y. L. M. I. A. by Mrs. Luella C. Yotmgf, and the Primary by Mrs. Janet Young- Easton. The Relief Society and the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association joined the National Council of the United States, which was organized at this convention. The purpose in the National Council is set forth in the preamble to its constitution in the following words: We, women of the United States, sincerely believing that the best good of our homes and nation will be advanced by our own greater unity of thought, sympathy and purpose, and that an organized movement of women will best conserve the highest good of the family and the state, do hereby unite ourselves in a confederation of workers, committed to the overthrow of all forms of ignorance and injustice, and to the application of the Golden Rule to society, custom and law. Its ethical breadth and scope are indicated in the follow- ing liberal terms: This Council is organized in the interest of no one propa- ganda, and has no power over the organizations which constitute it, beyond that of suggestion and sympathy; there- fore, no organization voting to enter this Council shall there- by render itself liable to be interfered with in respect to its complete organic unity, independence, or methods of work, or be committed to any principle or method of any other or- ganization or to any act or utterance of the Council itself be- yond compliance with the terms of this constitution. As to the detail of membership within the Council, the following: clause will be explanatory: SECTION 1. Any organization of women, the nature of whose work is satisfactory to the executive committee, either as to its undoubtedly national character or national value, may become a member of this Council by its own vote and by the triennial payment of one hundred dollars into the IN THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN. 201 treasury of the National Council not later than three months prior to its triennial meetings. The Council decided to hold its great public conventions once in three years; yet, since the organization, executive sessions with public exercises are held yearly. The trien- nials are held in Washington, but the executive sessions are held in various parts of the United States. The offices are triennial in their nature, and are similar to those of other governing bodies. At this time also was organized an International Coun- cil of Women, to be composed of national councils. Its pur- poses and aims were similar to the national councils, and its scope was bounded only by the compass of the earth on which we live. One of the first representatives sent from the Y. L. M. LA. was Mrs. Carrie S. Thomas of Salt Lake City, who was appointed as delegate to the triennial session of the Na- tional Council of Women at Washington, held February, 1891. She went paying her own expenses. In her report of her visit in February of that year, she expressed herself as be- ing confident that the Board made no mistake in sending a representative to that convention. She said she was very well received, and she was sure of good results to our women from being represented there. In 1893, the United States of America joined in celebrat- ing the discovery of the continent through a gigantic World's Fair at Chicago. In connection with this Fair, a series of congresses were held, occupying every week of the time from the beginning to the close. Most of the topics in these meet- ings were of that common human interest which included men and women in the ranks of speakers and listeners. Some few were exclusively devoted to the interest and elucidation of men's topics -if there can be such an anomaly. During one week, there was a series of meetings devoted to those 202 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. matters belonging- alone to women's interests if again there is such a thing as an interest belonging solely to either sex. However, tinder the auspices of Mr. C. C. Bonny, who was president of the Congress Auxiliary, but more particularly under the leadership of Mrs. Bertha Honore Palmer, the dis- tinguished president of the Board of Lady Managers, an ex- ecutive committee of women was formed, consisting of Mrs. May Wright Sewall, chairman, and Miss Rachel Foster, secretary, to arrange the details and to carry forward the work of calling a World's Congress of Women. That it was most successfully done was attested by the brilliant results of the Congress. On May 15th, 1893, there opened the largest and most popular of the congresses which extended through the six months of the Fair. Twenty-seven countries were repre- sented and one hundred and twenty- six organizations sent five hundred and twenty-eight delegates. During the week eighty-one meetings were held in the different rooms of the Art Palace. There were from seven to eighteen meetings in simultaneous progress each day, and according to official es- timate, the total attendance exceeded one hundred and fifty thousand persons. The two women's organizations of Utah were invited to occupy a day each, in presenting their work; but it was felt that one day would be sufficient, to be divided between the two societies. The Relief Society occupied the afternoon, while the Y. L. M. I. A. was represented in the evening. Mrs. Zina D. Young presided at the afternoon service, and her sweet spirit of charity and peace pervaded the whole at- mosphere. The speakers of the afternoon were Mrs. Jane S. Richards, Mrs. M. I. Home, Mrs. R. E. Little, Mrs. E. B. Wells, Dr. Mattie Hughes Cannon and Mrs. Electa Bul- lock. At the close of the program, Mrs. Elizabeth Lisle Sax- on, a well known woman of the South who had visited Utah, IN THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN. 203 came to the stand and paid a glowing tribute to our Utah women. In the evening, Mrs. Elmina S. Taylor had charge of the service and she presided with queenly dignity. The program of that historic session was as follows; WORLD'S CONGRESS OF REPRESENTATIVE WOMEN Under the auspices of the Woman's Branch of the World's Congress Auxiliary, World's Columbian Exposition. Mrs. Potter Palmer, president; Mrs. Charles Henrotin, vice- president. Memorial Art Palace, May 15 to 21, inclusive, 1893. DEPARTMENT CONGRESS Of the Young Ladies' National Mutual Improvement Asso- ciation. Improvement our motto, Perfection our aim. Headquarters, Salt Lake City, Utah. Department Hall number seven, of the Memorial Art Palace, Michigan Avenue, facing Adams street, near the center of Chi- cago, Friday, May 19, 1893. Evening session, 7:45 o'clock. Officers: Elmina S. Taylor, president; Maria Y. Dougall, first vice-president; Martha H. Tingey, second vice-presi- dent; Ann M. Cannon, secretary and treasurer; Mae Tay- lor, corresponding secretary. PROGRAM OF EXERCISES. Music, Voluntary . . Miss Kate Romney Congregational Hymn . My Country, 'Tis of Thee Invocation . . . Mrs. Adella Eardley (Mrs. May Talmage Miss Mary Romney Mrs. Minnie J. Snow Miss May Preston Introductory Remarks . Pres. Elmina S. Taylor Address, ' 'Literature and Art" . Mrs. May Talmage Recitation, "The Ultimatum of Human Life" Miss Laura Hyde Address, "Legal and Political Status of Utah Women" Mrs. Emily S. Richards Address, "Motherhood" . Mrs. Martha H. Tingey Soprano solo . . Miss Mary Romnev 204 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. Y. L. M. I. A. Report . Mrs. Maria Y. Dougal 1 Address, " Our Girls" . . Mrs. Minnie J. Snow Address, " Education of Women" Miss Julia Farnsworth Benediction Voluntary . . . Miss Kate Romney Mrs. Isabella Beecher Hooker came to this session, and gave a ringing- talk of encouragement to these Western women . From the first the Utah women have enjoyed an excel- lent reputation in the Council for their thorough business methods. The Relief Society and the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations have not only promptly paid their dues, and other solicited contributions, but they have also sent to the various sessions each year two or more represent- atives. Certainly this has not been done with idle or sinis- ter motives. An honest desire to meet and dispel the preju- dices of the women of the world has been one of the motives of the Mormon women. There has been no effort made to proselyte in the Council for that is contrary to the Council's idea; but a frank opportunity to know what manner of women the Mormon women are has been offered during these con- gresses. There have been some splendid historical executive meetings held since the World's Fair in Chicago, at Atlanta at Minneapolis, at Omaha, at Indianapolis, at New Orleans at Toledo, and at Portland, with of course, the regular Tri- ennials held in Washington. One of the most interesting Council sessions was that held in Washington, in 1899. This Triennial was attended by Mrs. Martha Home Tingey and Mrs. Minnie J. Snow as the representatives of the Y. L. M. I. A., Mrs. E. B. Wells and Mrs. ZinaY. Card represented the Relief Society; while Mrs. Susa Young Gates went as an officer of the Council itself, being acting press chairman of the National Council. IN THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN. 205 Mrs. Lucy B. Young was there as a patron of the Council; and Miss Ann M . Cannon was a member of the committee on resolutions. There were with the party Mrs. Lulu Greene Richards and Miss Mabelle Snow, who accompanied her mother, and a young Hawaiian girl, Hanna Kaaepa, who went to speak in the Council at the invitation of Mrs. May Wright Sewall. This young native was entertained by the Hawaiian queen, Lilioukalani, who was living in Washing- ton at the time, and who gave a dinner to Miss Anthony, Mrs. Sewall, Mrs. E. B. Wells, Mrs. Lucy B. Young and Mrs. Susa Young Gates. Miss Hanna Kaaepa made a good impression, speaking in native and wearing with dignity the modified costume of her people, decked with leis and shells. The fiercest blizzard almost of the centurv struck Wash- ington during the week of the Council, February llth to 20th. Its equal has rarely been seen, even- in the West. During this season also occurred one of the hardest fought mental battles ever experienced in Council history. The struggle was occasioned by the introduction of a resolution aimed directly at the unseating of Brigham H. Roberts, who was then seeking his place in Congress The Mormon wom- en present were, most of them, Republican in politics, and all of them were strong suffragists. For these reasons they were political opponents of Mr. Roberts; but he had been legally elected to the position and they felt that a resolution striking personally at a man because he held to a form of marriage understood by him as a religious sacrament, was in the nature of a public insult offered the people of Utah. Accordingly, they one and all opposed the resolution. The resolution committee struggled with the question for one week, and finally, when it came before the Council proper, the majority report read as follows: Whereas, The National Council of Women of the United States stands for the highest ideals of domestic and civic 206 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. virtue, as well as for the observance of law in all its depart- ments, both state and national; therefore, Resolved, That no person should be allowed to hold a place in any law-making- body of the nation who is not a law- abiding 1 citizen. The minority report read: Whereas, The passage of the Edmunds bill (so-called) established the law of monogamic marriage as binding 1 upon all citizens of the United States; therefore, Resolved, That no person shall be allowed to hold a place in a law-making body of the nation who is not in this, and in all other matters, a law-abiding- citizen. This was felt to be a crucial moment in the history of the Council itself; for, if it began a work of discrimination and arbitration on political as well as religious beliefs, the future was sure to see its overthrow. And so the battle was fierce, and the whole Council took sides vigorously. It would be impossible in the limits of this book to give the details of that interesting last day. But the Utah women pleaded their cause with power and humility. Miss Anthony, as always, stood squarely on her great platform, "equal rights to all, special privileges to none." Mrs. Judith Ellen Foster, Miss Sadie American, Rev. Anna Garlin Spencer, Mrs. Ida M. Weaver of Idaho, and Mrs. Mary Lowe Dickin- son all spoke eloquently for the majority report. And at last, when the vote was taken, there were thirty-one in favor of the majority report, and sixteen in favor of the minority report. This was accepted by the Utah women as a direct interposition of Providence in defense of truth and principle. It was not that Mr. Roberts was attacked as a Mormon nor even as a polygamist; but that he was singled out of all the men chosen to sit in the halls of Congress, as the one offender against moral law. One of the Utah women wanted to amend the resolution, by making it impossible for any man who IN THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN. 207 offends against the seventh commandment to hold a seat in Congress. But Miss Anthony answered with spirit and vigor that such a law enforced would result so disastrously for Con- gress that we ohould be left practically without a law-making body. And thus closed that memorable incident. There have been three International Councils held since 1888; one in London in 1899, during the summer, and one in Berlin in 1904, also in the summer, and one in Toronto, Canada, in July, 1909. Although the Young Ladies' Associ- ations could not be officially represented at these gatherings, yet there were members of the Utah associations who received distinguished privileges at these great con- gresses. At London Mrs. E. B. Wells, who was then the recording secretary of the National Council of the United States, attended and spoke at one of the meetings. Mrs. Susa Young Gates was a member of the press committee of the National Council of the United States, and she was also there as a speaker of the Congress; and Mrs. Elizabeth Clariclge McCune, who was already a patron of the National Council, became a patron of the International and attended all the business sessions in her official capacity. There were in all thirteen women from Utah at this great and brilliant Congress and Quinquennial, and they were among those who received the hospitality of the Duchess of Sutherland, the Lord Mayor of London, and of her gracious majesty, Queen Vic- toria, who entertained the foreign delegates at Windsor Cas- tle at a delightful tea-party. All of these events have marked special features in the his- tory and advancement of the Mutual Improvement work. For they have taken our message of good will out to the world, and have brought back the best of what the world has to give to us. Utah women have ever been eager workers in the suf- frage movement, both in local and in national capacity. They have likewise taken an interested part in the Peace 208 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. propaganda, and are now working- with the national forces in this direction. The Utah women have had the pleasure of entertaining some of the great women of the world in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Miss Susan B. Anthony, Mrs. May Wright Sewall, Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, Mrs. Charlotte Per- kins Oilman, Mme. L.V. F. Mountford have all been here; as have also such leading American women as Lillian M. Hollis- ter, Mary Wood Swift, Fannie Humphreys Gaffney,Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett, Mrs. M. Josie Nelson, Dr. Etta L. Gilchrist, Miss Sadie American, and Mrs. William Todd Helmuth; Miss Popelin, of Belgium; Emily Janes, of England; Frokan Kraig, of Norway; Baroness von Plateu, of Sweden; Miss Fies, of Holland; Marchesa Beamon, of Italy; Miss Blacky and her sis- ter Marion and Miss M. M. Anderson, of Scotland; Miss M. E. Creighton (sister of the late Lord Bishop of London); 'Miss Williamson, of England; Mrs. Willoughby Cum- mings, of Canada; Miss Balde and the Misses Vorst von Boorst, of Holland; Mrs. Leo Grinden, of England; Mrs. Anna Hansen, of Denmark, and many others. It becomes the duty of the historian to chronicle the fact that the year 1910 sees a marked decrease of interest in club and council activities, at least in the United States. Women have passed the fascinating stage of a personal bowing ac- quaintance with most of the sociological and literary ques- tions of ancient and modern times; they have lost interest in telling and listening about Things and Facts, and have turned their attention rather to the doing and achieving of deeds and of reformatory work. Civic and labor leagues, with city and precinct social settlement work, have supplanted or are now largely supplanting the purely literary and art chibs. Women, as men, are discovering that all formative work, all progressive development rests on the basis of the individual versus the individual; that the pursuit of art and beauty and BIOGRAPHICAL. 209 culture, unless based on a deeply unselfish foundation's nar- rowing to the soul and destructive, in the final analysis, to the nation itself. The work of the humble, hidden associations among the Mormon gfirls began with the foundation principles of loving mutual service and mutual individual advancement. Combin- ing, however crudely, the inseparable principles of the prac- tical and the theoretical, of the social and the educational, as of the mental and the spiritual, these associations find them- selves still fresh and avid in the pursuit of knowledge tem- pered by wisdom and of culture illumined by truth. They are not neglecting their prized associations with their eastern council co-workers, but send out delegates to the annual executive sessions. as to the Triennials held at Washington. All in all, we may well be grateful concerning our past asso- ciations with the great national and world-wide women- movements, satisfied with our present status, and hopeful for the future of all concerned in the development of woman and women ! BIOGRAPHICAL. EMMA GODDARD. Mrs. Emma Goddard was born in Lancashire, England, April 19, 1861, and she came to this country when a girl of seventeen. With her parents, Joseph Nield and Jane Stand- ing Nield, she settled in Millard county, Utah. Her grandparents on the paternal side came to Utah in 1854, and partook of all the hardships incident to the settlement of the new country. Her mother, who was a noble woman and came of a good English family, sacrificed for her con- victions the association of those near of kin, who were very dear to her, for after her connection with the Mormon Church they entirely ostracized her. Emma was a bright pupil and early became a teacher. She taught in Millard county for seven years, and subse- 14 2iC HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. quently attended the Brig-ham Young Academy in Provo, later, in 1889, moving: to Salt Lake City. She has al- ways been an eager and earnest student in spiritual as well as mental things. She was a Sunday School teacher for twenty-five years, and also a member of the ward choir many years. She was made president of the Twenty - first ward Y. L. M. I. A. in Sep- tember, 1892, and served in that capacity four years. She was married to Benjamin God- dard in the St. George Temple in October, 1883, and is devotedly attached to her loved ones. Mrs. God- dard was chosen by President El- mina S. Tay- lor to act on her Board in the spring of 1896. vShe has since traveled exten- sively in the in- terest of the EMMA GODDAKD. caUSG, visiting" nearly every stake in Zion. She was a member of one of the early Guide committees, acting 1 for several years.- She also served for some years on the Journal committee, and was untiring- in her services in both capacities. She represented the Journal when the Utah Press Club visited the Pacific coast in 1902. It is quite natural that she should be a con- BIOGRAPHICAL. 211 stant and faithful worker in the Bureau of Information, so ably presided over by her husband ever since its organiza- tion in 1902. She has traveled some in eastern cities and is aggressively proud of her connection with the despised fol- lowers of Christ, and the Mormon Prophet. She counts as one of her choicest blessings her association with the Y. L. M. A. and holds the friendship of Presidents Taylor and Tingey as a priceless treasure. Sister Goddard possesses the nervous temperament which gives unbounded enthusiasm and loyalty to any chosen cause; but with that gift goes the suffering of the over-zeal- ous worker who spares everyone but himself, and, finally, learns that God requires a duty of selfishness as well as un- selfishness at our hands. Sister Goddard is a fluent, earnest speaker. Her generous appreciation of the worth and labors of others keeps her soul sweet and uncankered in the weary- ing yet purifying trials of public service. ROSETTA WALLACE BENNETT. Born of that splendid Scotch stock which has produced so many heroes and heroines, the Harpers and Wallaces, Miss Rose came to earth after her parents had braved the scorn of family and friends by joining the Mormons, and had emigrated to Utah. She was born in Salt Lake City, and was richly endowed by nature, both mentally and physi- cally; but having good Scotch sense, the girl walked her calm way through all the dangers and pitfalls of youth. She was an ardent student, first in the public schools, then in the University of Utah, and, later, in the Latter-day Saints' University. She entered the Mutuals when she was only thirteen, but she was well grown for her years, and full of an ardent desire to secure all the advantages that life had to offer. She also became a Sunday School teacher at the tender age of thirteen. Her work in this organization was rather unique, for she took a class of boys and girls, she herself being but a child, and went with this class from grade to grade until they reached the highest department. Here she became assistant teacher in the theological class. She was also busy in the Mutuals, and in 1895 became second counselor 212 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. to Sister Carrie S. Thomas in the Seventh ward Y. L. M. I. A. In 1896, she was chosen by President Taylor to act on the General Board as an aid; and she, like all the others, feels that deep sense of pride and gratitude that she was chosen by Sister Taylor herself. The bond of affection between the ROSETTA WALLACE BENNETT. beautiful and gifted girl and the wise and grand woman of seventy, was a very deep and close one. Rose was not only active in Mutual and Sunday School but she was a member of the ward and Tabernacle choirs until her marriag'e. She was united in marriagfe to John F. Bennett, now a member BIOGRAPHICAL. 213 V of the Sunday School Union Board, November 17, 1897. She has borne four children to her husband in the years that have followed, besides attending with some regularity her Board meetings, and acting on general committees. She is a very bright and a very spiritual minded work- er. She has the rare gift of wisdom, and her words are al- ways garnished with truth. She would scorn a prevarica- tion, as she would any other dishonorable act. Her testi- mony of the truth of Mormonism is a living, pulsating, deep- rooted actuality; not the pale acquiescense too often found in the modern girl's heart. She would die for her religion, or better still, she would make any necessary sacrifice to live it purely and truly. ELIZABETH CLARIDGE M'CUNE. The predominant trait in the character of Mrs. McCune is genuineness integrity of the purest quality. This it is which has made her a cheerful philosopher in the midst of pioneer poverty, and which keeps her nature sweet and un- spoiled in the midst of her great riches and prosperity. She was born of goodly parents in steady old England, and was brought, as a babe of nine months, in the year 1852, to the wilds of Utah, to join the ever unpopular Mormons. The family settled in Nephi, and there the merry, rollicking, witty girl grew from infancy to young womanhood. She was one of the pioneer telegraphers, as the position of "operator" was open, even in those early days in Utah, to women as well as men. What operator of the time does not remember the sharp clickety click of "Lizzie Claridge," or the deliberate calls of "'Lizzie Parks" as they passed jokes along the line, or pro- pounded conundrums to fellow-operators hundreds of miles away, after business hours? There were few women oper- ators in the United States in the early sixties, and most of them were in Utah. In 1867, Brother Claridge was called to settle in the for- bidding country of the "Muddy," in Nevada, and the story of that struggle i> written large in the youthful development of his brave, undaunted daughter Elizabeth; for her spirit knew nothing but hope, courage, and unbounded faith in God and her good father. Her remarkable power of adaptation to any 214 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. environment stood the girl in good stead at this time; her in- nate refinement preserved her from all physical coarseness or mental stultification. After the "Muddy mission" was abandoned, the Claridge family moved to Orderville, and took an active part in the United Order. From here Eliza- beth moved back to Nephi to take charge of the telegraph ELIZABETH CLARIDGE M CUNE. office. She there renewed the friendship of her early youth with Alfred W. McCune. They were married in 1872, and the young wife soon found herself surrounded with a new environment, for her husband from his early youth was successful in all his business operations, and wealth began to pour in upon them. BIOGRAPHICAL. 215 Mrs. McCune has borne the trials and circumstances of success and riches with the same simplicity and grace which characterized her early life. She was one of the first women to do missionary work in the open field. In 1896 she spent several months in England, gathering- genealogy and visiting relatives. At this time she turned her beautiful temporary summer home, in East Bourne, England, into headquarters for the elders in that district, which she and her young daugh- ter went upon the streets and helped to sing the songs of Zion, in the open air meetings. Despising pretense, sham and snobbery as heartily as does her sensible husband, Mrs. McCune yet throws the mantle of charity over all such faults in others who may ap- proach her. Few would divine the sensitive, artistic tem- perament hidden beneath the modest exterior of this true Saint. The exquisite beauty of her home on the hill Nebo House is the best expression of the harmnoy and artistry which is a part of this complex character. She inherits from her father shrewd common sense and deep religious impulse, while to her gentle mother she owes her love of the refined and beautiful. Mrs. McCune was chosen by Sister Taylor to act as an aid in the General Board in 1898, and she has labored diligently to fulfill her duties ever since that time. She became a patron of the National Council of Women of the United States, and later a patron of the International Council of Women, at the time of the Congress held in London in 1899. She attended that great Congress, and made many friends as well as re- newed acquaintance with old ones. She was chosen as a Temple worker when the Salt Lake Temple was completed in 1903, and in later years has accepted office in the Gene- alogical Society of Utah. She is devoted to the work of sal- vation for the dead in all its phases, and spends much time and means in this unselfish labor, Mrs. McCune recently spent two years in South America, where her husband has large mining interests. She travels a great deal, and is wel- comed by the girls of the Association everywhere. She is greatly beloved by the Board, for she is always ready for travel or work, in season and out of season, and her infec- tious mirth and wit have sweetened many a tiresome hour of Board consultations and made this hard work easy. She is 216 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. a delightful speaker, and possesses an unfailing" tact which puts her at once in touch with the spirit of every occasion . She is generous, wise, modest, faithful and pure. Her high sense of honor and truth makes her a wise counselor and a true friend. JULIA M. BRIXEN There is one sociological fact connected with the devel- opment, of the Mormon people which carries a forceful argu- ment with it. The strongest and most enduring building- material ever used is called reinforced concrete. This material is composed of cement and gravel and sand; and it is held together by steel braces distributed throughout the mass. The Latter-day Saints have been taken from every civilized nation, but mostly from the solid, firm, Teutonic peoples. The Mormons are held together by fine steel threads which are made out of the Iron Rod of God's Word; they have, therefore, every element of strength and endur- ance known to human society. From the northern races of Europe have come a mighty phalanx of soldiers for Christ. The Scandinavian races have given to the Church a sturdy strength and solid integrity that has been equalled only by their distant cousins, the Britishers. As always, the honest, fearless and the pure in heart made up the converts who dared to face the scoffing of the world and join the maligned Mormons. Of these have been many faithful, and some gifted youths and maidens. It has always been interesting to the student to see these quiet-spoken foreigners come to western America, quaintly dressed, broken in speech, and strange to the ways of free thought, free speech, and free actions. To watch the rapid change of tone and manner and to see the ease with which new ideas form in even the slowest mind is a profound proof of the power of environ- ment. And when the second generation brings forth its yellow-haired, silver-voiced, pink-cheeked, stylishly-dressed girls, or the tall, comely, magnetic lads who are the most popular beaus in the village, these facts set one to thinking on the power of the Gospel to polish and improve. These reflections come vividly to mind when considering the women of Scandinavia who have been placed in respon- sible positions in the Church. Among them all, there is BIOGRAPHICAL. 217 none more striking- and more worthy to be considered as a type of this illustration than Mrs. Julia M. Brixen of the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. She was born in Sweden, and was baptized into the Church when thirteen JULIA M. BRIXEN. years of age. Her parents were members of the Lutheran church, but both accepted the Gospel and were of the best type of converts, although of the working classes. When the girl Julia was old enough to work, her parents sent her to Utah, to earn something to help emigrate the rest of the 218 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. family. The child, for she was only a child, found work in a large hotel in Salt Lake City. Here she was subject to all the temptations to be encountered by the innocent, and too often ignorant, of the daughters of Eve. But God and her own integrity held her spotless and unsullied in the midst of the swirling maelstrom about her. She is blessed with a natural dignity and refinement which repelled improper associates, and she was likewise protected by two strong life- motiveslove of intellectual advancement, and the deter- mination to do good to others. She was deeply concerned in assisting her parents to emigrate to the favored home of the Saints. So she worked early and late, and soon became a necessity to the managing department of the busy hotel. She still found time to learn first to read the English language, and then to put it to use in the perusal of the best English authors. The lady-like maid in the hotel had many opportunities to answer questions concerning her dear reli- gion, as well as to silence the scorn and abuse of thoughtless and ignorant strangers. While busy, and therefore happy, she was sought in marriage by Mr. Andrew Brixen, who soon after became the hotel proprietor. She accepted his offer, and was married August 16th, 1880. The intelligent maid now became the intelligent mistress, and her opportun- ities were infinitely enlarged in all directions. Her parents had been helped by her savings to follow her to America, and she still helped them, until they had enough to buy a comfortable home . Mrs. Brixen traveled a good deal in the United States with her husband, and made one protracted tour in Europe in his company. She visited her native land and spent considerable time and money in gathering up the genealogical data concerning her own and her husband's family. She had been told, through the gift of tongues, that the responsibility of redeeming the dead of her father's household rested upon her shoulders; and she could not rest till she had gleaned all the information possible to obtain in her native land. Her husband was quite willing to aid her in this, and together they made their pleasure-tour in Europe a profit as well as a delight. On their return the wife has- tened to complete the work she had begun in the Temple of the Lord, both for her own and her husband's dead. Mrs. Brixen was chosen to act as first counselor to BIOGRAPHICAL. 219 Ag-nes Campbell of the Twentieth ward Y. L. M. I. A., in 1898. Three years later she was elected president, on the resignation of Miss Campbell. She has been a Sunday School teacher for some years. In April, 1898, she was invited by Sister Mary A. Freeze to act on the Salt Lake stake board, but when she attended the meeting- at which she was to be voted in, she found President Elmina S. Tay- lor present, and to her surprise, learned that Sister Taylor had selected her, with Sister Elizabeth C. McCune and Sister Ruth M. Fox,, to act on her board. She was voted into the General Board, May 2, 1898. Sister Brixen is a very active and valuable member of the Board. She has done yeoman service in traveling all over the West in her capacity as aid. She has acted on important committees, both temporary and permanent. She bears as strong- and faithful a testimony of the truth of the Gospel of Christ as any soul in the Church. When the Bureau of Information was organized she was called as a member, and has been ac- tive in that work. CHAPTER X. CONJOINT ACTIVITIES. General Conferences and Socials. Conventions. Gymnasiums. ONE great lesson that has been set before intelligent men and women of today is that of co-relation of econom- ics. Moreover, to co-operate in all matters affecting economic and social life, is the demand of the ages; if we have learned anything from the pages of history, it is that there should be no classes and masses, no capital and labor in the ideal life, no sex divisions in civil and social affairs. It is true that there are varying grades of capacity in men, and this will always lead to a division or classification. It is true also that men have their peculiar interests in busi- ness and civil life, while women have their own field of ac- tivity, and this will necessarily tend to create sex division in both civil and religious life. But the statesman who looks toward the altruism of the future will teach the strong that their strength is given its highest expression in protecting the weak; and that superiority of intellect is a menace to civilization, unless it carries with it the compelling force to use all superior advantages for the uplifting of the inferior and ignorant. So, too, the sex lines can be drawn safely only when occupation, not natural dominance, draws them. It is right enough for men to classify themselves on sex lines, when war and protection from inimical force is the motive; and, too, it is proper enough for women to consider by themselves questions pertaining to the conduct of home labors and duties. But there are certain large questions which pertain to public as well as individual policy which can never be left safely to the consideration of either sex alone. May there not be some matters in which the loving CONJOINT ACTIVITIES. 221 sympathy of her womanly heart, fit the mother to be a joint leader in public as well as private affairs? The gravest mis- take of modern times is for men and women to consider and discuss the social and civil questions of life separate from one another. The women who go out to reform the world alone as a sex will find themselves as far away from success when they finish as when they began. Likewise, the men who legislate on family and social questions without the assist- ance of wise mothers and wives, will not succeed in making just laws or administering exact justice. Therefore, in social as well as educational labors, the sexes should be found working side by side. It was, no doubt, some thought of this kind, which prompted the general superintendency of the Young Men's Associations in 1896 to consider the propriety of inviting the Young Ladies' Associations to join them in a conference once a year. Naturally this general conjoint movement would suggest a like combination of the stake boards in a similar yearly conference. A brief outline of the outgrowth of this combination of the two forces, both in a general and local form, was given in a former chapter. As a matter of historical detail it will be well to record here that the first step taken in this direction was in the latter part of Febru- ary, 1896, when President Elmina S. Taylor and her Board were invited to meet officially with President Wilford Wood- ruff and the General Board of the Young Men's Associations, to consider the advisability of calling a conjoint conference in June of that year. She graciously accepted the invita- tion, and the conjoint movement was very soon an estab- lished fact. The labors incident to their first conjoint conference were taken up vigorously by both boards. Committees were named on program, on the reception and entertainment of visitors, and on general arrangements. 222 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. The first conjoint conference convened on the morning- of May 30, 1896, in Salt Lake City; the young men meeting- first separately in Social Hall, the young- women holding their officers' business meeting: in the Fourteenth ward As- sembly Hall. In the afternoon and evening- conjoint public sessions of the general conference were held in the Taber- nacle. There were also three conjoint public sessions held on the following- day (Sunday), and the time was divided equally between the two associations. President Elmina S. Taylor assisted in conducting the exercises. The meetings were crowded, and the utmost interest was manifested by all classes of people in this new departure. These general June conjoint conferences soon became a regular feature of the Mutual Improvement work as has been stated in a former chapter, and they were amply justified by their increasing success and influence. The power and value of the social element in life is rarely understood, especially by those most affected for good or evil by its influence. The teacher, the parent, and the minister of the gospel too often consider their whole duty to young people performed when they have taught them their lessons, have fed and clothed them, and have made them listen to a sermon or lecture on the Sabbath day. But there is a greater teacher than the pedagogue, a subtler reasoner than the parent, and a stronger force than the sermon or the rebuke: it is the play of the growing boy, the amusement of the child or budding girl. "Give me your children in their hours of play, and I will guarantee them against all other influences," said a great philosopher. This profound truth was well understood by the Prophet Joseph Smith and by Brigham Young, and theaters were built side by side with churches. You could dance in the ward schoolhouse and church in the early days, at least until there was an amusement hall erected for that purpose; only CONJOINT ACTIVITIES. 223 and always,in dance or in drama, there must be nothing common or unclean . David , the psalmist , danced to the Lord of the He- brews; and Miriam led the Hebrew women in a song" and dance on the shores of the Red Sea. Such has always been the wise policy of this Church, from the time of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Earnest people are sometimes inclined to underesti- mate the value of this factor for good and evil in the life of human beings; but the leading men and women among this people have always advocated close attention to and personal association in the amusements of young- and old. Therefore it was, when the_ conjoint conference of the two M. I. Associ- ations became a settled institution, that the need was felt for some social features to be affixed. It was deemed essential to draw all the elements into a closer touch and deeper re- lationship than could be gained from public sessions and for- mal meetings. Then, too, the members of the General Boards felt that they were under some measure of personal obligation to the various stake officials who had entertained them. Underlying: it all, was the sub-conscious knowledge that the social lever is the strongest one that can be used in the elevation of humanity. The Savior of the world went to a social entertainment, given in His honor by a despised publican, who had no other merit than common honesty and an uncommon appreciation of his own unworthiness. The Master well understood the power g-ained by social contact with all classes of people. The first social function undertaken by the two General Boards of the Mutual Improvement Associations was ar- ranged in their second general conference, when it was de- cided to give a reception and banquet in one of the large halls in Salt Lake City. A great deal of work was involved in the preparation to entertain the three or four hundred visitors; and numerous committees labored faithfully for weeks to produce the final brilliant affair which occurred at 224 HISTORY OF Y. L. M. I. A. the Fifteenth ward meetinghouse. Flowers were every- where; a string- band, concealed behind a bank of palms, discoursed sweet music. The reception was followed by a banquet interspersed with toasts and music. The brilliant toastmaster, Major Richard W. Young-, carried off the pro- gram of toasts and sentiments with great success and eclat; and the whole affair was as enjoyable as a social entertain- ment could well be. These social features now seem a necessary part of the June conference; and there have been many enjoyable and successful ones given since that evening; notably those given at the palatial homes of Mrs. Elizabeth C. McC.une, both in the old Gardo House and in her new residence on the hill. There have been beautiful affairs given at the historic old Bee Hive House, through the courtesy of both President Lorenzo Snow and President Joseph F. Smith. These occa- sions were especially appreciated by visiting members. Following this example of the two General Boards, the stake officials have planned regular conference socials, held at their conference or convention times. Concerts, theatri- cals, parties of various kinds are given, with an occasional fair or fruit festival. Wards have also adopted the same plan, at least to some extent. This year (1910) a systematic and de- termined effort is to be made to place all the ward amuse- ments under the charge and supervision of the Mutual offi- cers. Debates, story-telling contests and amateur home- written theatricals are to be provided to take the place of poor moving-picture shows and the promiscuous "dance." The history of the evolution of the fall conventions which is the best expression of our conjoint work and which has now become so systematized and valuable that it is simply indis- pensable, is a natural outgrowth of the June conjoint confer- ence. Until 1903 stake conferences were, as a rule, held twice CONJOINT ACTIVITIES. 225 a year, a separate Young- Ladies' conference, and a conjoint Young Men's and Young- Ladies' conference, both of which, as far as possible, were visited by members of the General Boards. The General Board of the Young Men's Association, feeling the need of a brief training school or business confer- ence for their stake and ward associations, called a series of conventions, for the month of September, in 1902. . The local sisters' associations, realizing the great value of these con- ventions, began to ask for similar gatherings . Accordingly, in the spring of 1903, arrangements were made to hold conven- tions for both wings of the Mutuals at the same time, and the custom is now thoroughly established. The conventions are planned as a training school in the mechanical labors of the local and the stake work, that is, the machinery of the associations is dissected and displayed for the profit and learning of the constantly changing officers. How to pre- sent the lesson, how to obtain results, and how to combine both mental and spiritual improvement in the most suc- cessful manner is the object of these conventions. From the beginning, the Young Men's local ward meet- ings have been held, almost without exception, in the winter months only. This is because of the rural occupations of the boys of the country towns, the short summer nights, and many distractions of summer city life. For some years the young women kept up their summer's work, independent and successful, but in many places they succumbed to the popular movement. Therefore these fall conventions were to prove of great value to both associations, for they would serve to open the season with the proper impetus and engender enthusiasm in the very beginning of the year's work. An idea of the condition of the associations, and the work first at- tempted, can be gained by a perusal of the first convention program (1903): 15 226 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Y. L. M. L A., Session, 10 a. m. 1 . Preparation for the Opening of the Season . 2. Parliamentary Drill. 3. Grading- the Associations. 4. Class Work. 5. Guide Work. Y. L. M. I. A., Session, 2 p. m. 1. Secretaries. 2. The Dime Fund. 3. The Young Woman's Journal. 4. Traveling Libraries. Conjoint Session, 7:30 p. m. 1. Amusements. 2. Conjoint Officers' Meeting. 3. Preliminary Programs. The convention committees of the two General Boards meet in the early spring and map out a suggestive list of fall convention dates which is submitted to the stakes for approval or correction. These dates must all be crowded into the months of August and September, they must not conflict with the regular stake conference dates, nor with Relief Society, Sunday School, or Primary Association dates, so that on some Sundays there will be as many as fourteen conventions held. This entails much traveling, a numerous corps of visiting General Board officials, all of whom are busy, unpaid people; it also requires the expenditure of considerable sums of money for actual traveling expenses. The general convention committee, which is usually a temporary one consisting of three representatives from each board, perfect these dates after receiving corrected dates from stake officials, and draw up a plan of desired con- joint work, then their joint labors are at an end. Next, each separate general convention committee prepares a circular for general distribution in the separate associations, contain- ing dates set, general and special instructions, and an outline CONJOINT ACTIVITIES. 227 program for the convention work. No description of the thoroughness of this work will answer so well as the insertion in this history of our latest Y. L. M. I. A. circular. It is here appended: Please send at once to ward Presidents a sufficient number to sup- ply each local officer. SEVENTH ANNUAL STAKE M. I. A. CONVENTION. Salt Lake City, July 1st, 1909. To the Stake Presidents and all Stake and Local Officers of the Young Ladies' 1 Mutual Improvement Associations: Dear Fellow Officers: Do all in your power to secure a full attendance of your officers at this convention. The more you can gather, the better, not only because of the instruc- tion they will receive, but because of the spirit of enthusiasm they will carry to their local work. In order to get the most out of the convention, each offi- cer should carefully study the topics and think along the lines suggested. For this reason send the circular to the officers as soon as possible, that all may be able to join in the dis- cussion. Instructions. 1. Distribute these circulars at once to all stake and ward officers including class teachers, and to the stake presi- dency and bishopric, requesting their presence at the con- vention. 2. Consult the stake superintendent Y. M. M. I. A. and the presidency of your stake; together agree upon and arrange for places of meetings where the Sunday School and ward meetings will not be interfered with. 3. Hold a meeting of the stake board immediately after receiving these outlines to plan the convention work. 4. Assign the topics to the most competent persons and limit talks to the time specified in program. 5. Provide suitable music. 6. Arrange for the two separate meetings of the Y. L. 228 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. M. I. A. at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., inviting the stake presi- dency, high council, bishops and their counselors and all stake officers of the auxiliary associations to be present. Where traveling has to be done by teams, ask for co-oper- ation of the brethren, both stake and local, in providing transportation for your girls. 7. Advertise the convention in the local papers and re- quest the bishops to have notice given out in all ward meet- ings. 8. Have all Sunday School teachers who are Mutual Improvement officers or class leaders excused from Sunday School to attend the convention. This is in accordance with instructions from the First Presidency. 9. See that your ward organizations are complete and class leaders selected for the coming year that they may get the benefit of the convention . 10. Instruct members to bring note books and pencils. 11. Provide suitable accommodations for visitors from the outlying wards. Let the luncheon between morning and afternoon meeting be a light repast and have all ar- rangements as simple as possible. We prefer having our girls in the meetings rather than preparing elaborate meals. 12. Be sure all arrangements are made so there will be no need of whispeied consultations in meeting. Begin the convention promptly. Invite the visiting brethren and sis- ters to take part in the discussion. Endeavor to hold all speakers to the subject under consideration. PROGRAM. Morning Session 10 o' clock. (NOTE The purpose of the morning and afternoon ses- sions is to consider our coining season's work as fully as possible.) I. TESTIMONY MEETINGS How to Make Them Successful. (15-minute address.) Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. Matt. 7 : 7 . CONJOINT ACTIVITIES. 229 A . Purpose . B . Preparation . 1. Mental. (a) Read standard Church works; Faith Pro- moting- Series; biographies of good men and women. See John 3: 39. (b) Observe: Praiseworthy traits; fine ex- amples; nature's beauties. 2. Spiritual. (a) Prayer. (b) Purity of Life. (c) Companionship of Holy Spirit; See John 14: 26; Doc. & Cov. 84, 85; Book of Mor- mon, Moroni 10: 4-5. (See President Tingey's talk in July fournaL Further suggestions and discussion, 10 minutes. II. THE APOSTASY (10-minute address.) A. Importance of the subject. 1. The fundamental claim of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints rests on the restor- ation of the Gospel in the present dispensation. 2. Had there been no general apostasy from the Primitive Crmrch there could have been no res- toration. B. Plan of this course of lessons. 1. The subject is most appropriate at the present stage of our study coming as it does after the lessons dealing with the apostolic age, and pre- paratory to a study of the history of the Re- stored Church. 2. Material for study. (a) The Scriptures, both ancient and modern, prove the fact of the great apostasy. An- cient Scriptures predict it; modern Scrip- tures affirm it as having taken place. (b) History other than scriptural. The les- sons will comprise citations from historians of the period extending from the ' 'Meridian of Time" to the present age, with sugges- tions as to the proper interpretation of such. 230 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. NOTE Ample material for preparing this brief address will be found in the first lesson of the course already pub- lished in the Journal for July. This lesson presents in out- line the plan of the course. III. QUESTIONS. (To be asked by a stake officer.) 1. How do you expect to draw in the girls who should be members and are not? 2. What plan will you adopt to secure their regu- lar attendance? 3. How do you hope to make welcome and interest newcomers among you? 4. Mention some plan that will especially interest and bring into use the talents of the foreign girls. Those musically inclined. Dramatically. Socially. Those whose tastes are domestic. Those who are fond of needlework. 5. How can you secure prompt attendance? 6. How are you going to maintain order? 7. What has been your most successful method in securing home preparation? 8. What method have you adopted to get reports of home reading? What can you do to increase home reading? 9. When you observe the conduct of your girls how do you let them know that you approve or cen- sure their actions? 10. What can you do to improve the health of your girls? Afternoon Session 2 o' clock. IV. THE HOME. (15-minute address.) A. Purpose of the course: 1. To present the ideal Latter-day Saint home. 2. To instill a love of home and its responsibilities. 3. To show the dignity of work. 4. To teach girls to practice what they learn. 5. To teach them to make the best use of what they possess. 6. To teach them to put their best efforts into everything they do. 7. To teach willing and loving service. CONJOINT ACTIVITIES. 231 B. How to attain these results. 1. Let the spirit of the Gospel permeate all teach- ing-. 2. Present ideal conditions, even though unable to attain them yourselves. "Hitch your wagon to a star." 3. Be not dogmatic; another's plan may be as good as yours. 4. Encourage free expression of ideas. 5. Emphasize your teaching by any scriptural ref- erences on the subject. 6. Never be discouraged. The outlines for the two courses will be found in the Officers' Notes of the June and July Journals. They should be read carefully, but the divisions can not be treated in de- tail in this 15 -minute talk on account of lack of time. V. THE YEAR'S LITERARY COURSE. (10-minute address.) Read the outlines as presented in Officers' Notes of June and July Journals and present the points most needed in your stake . VI. REMARKS. Visitors. Conjoint Evening Session Time Appointed by Stake Boards Public Invited. One musical numbtr should be furnished by the Young- Ladies, and one by the Young Men, leaving the remainder of the evening free to be filled according- to the inspiration of the hour. If it should happen that no members of the Gener- al Boards are present, the stake officers shoulcl be prepared to occupy the time, giving" any necessary instructions on Mutual Improvement work or matters essential to the wel- fare of our young people. We hope that the convention topics will be very bene- ficial; and that this year's work will be more successful than has that of any previous year. Each year the convention work has been handled better and the attendance has increasad. Seek to make this year's 232 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. convention surpass all others in work accomplished, attend- ance of officers, and spirit manifested. With heartfelt appreciation for your splendid efforts in the past, with earnest prayers for your continued success, and with love for you all, we are, Your co-workers, THE GENERAL BOARD Y. L. M. I. A. By MARTHA H. TINGEY, President. RUTH M. Fox, First Counselor. MAE T. NYSTROM, Second Counselor. Consider the traveling- entailed upon the General Board who must attend these conventions! Never less than three and sometimes six weeks are spent in visiting the Mexico and Arizona stakes; while nearly as much time is con- sumed in visiting the Canada and Idaho stakes. Big Horn is in Wyoming and it requires several days away from home to spend one day there. Union is near Portland, Oregon; Star Valley, in Wyoming; many others involve from twenty-five to one hundred and fifty mile rides over dusty roads, in ad- dition to the distance by railroad; many of these trips require the catching of trains in the middle of the night, sitting- in way stations for hours to change cars, and all the trying incidents due to hurried journeys. Yet these duties are undertaken with light hearts and cheerful spirits by members of the two Gen- eral Boards, for the appreciation and hospitality shown to the visitors by stake officials at the end of the trips is of the most genuine type. The stake officers and members meanwhile have their hands full to prepare for these fall conventions. Halls must be secured, notices published, circulars distributed, speakers chosen, and topics assigned. Every ward must be represent- ed and when the visitors from both the local wards and the General Board come into town, good and sufficient entertain- ment must be provided. Asa nil e, light refreshments are served at the noon hour on Sunday, and this must be arranged . Music is an important feature of all our work, so that chor- CONJOINT ACTIVITIES. 233 uses, solos and quartets must be provided; and not only pro- vided, but supervised lest unseemly words or songs shall be chosen by thoughtless young musicians. For all this work stake joint committees are chosen with many sub- committees on decoration, music, refreshments, press and program. Thus, an army of young people is at work during the early fall season planning and preparing for the fall conventions. Could anything better be conceived of to occupy the time and enlist the sympathy of these young restless spirits? To distribute responsibility is to call into action the best elements of many human souls, directing in a proper channel the strenuous en- ergies of bubbling youth. As a rule schools, to absorb time and strength, have not yet begun in August and September when the conventions are held; crops are gathered, vacation has added zest to labor and lightness to every endeavor; so that again is demonstrated the Divine wisdom in thus calling into action all the forces of youth at the renewal season of the year. The latest and most costly outgrowth of the work done for the physical development of the young people of this Church is, perhaps, the indirect result of an early effort made in this direction by the conjoint M. I. A. boards of the Salt Lake stake of Zion. In 1895, some of the enterprising young spirits connected with that stake conceived the idea that a centralization of ef- fort might well be made to group the scattered interests in physical education, and in libraries, in the establishment of an up-to-date gymnasium and reading room for Salt Lake City. The Mutual Improvement League was organized in 1895 with the two Salt Lake stake boards at its head. The Social Hall, the historic place of happy memories, was secured as head- quarters, and the fine gymnasium already established in this place by Prof. Maud May Babcock 'was purchased. This brilliant young convert to Mormonism, with many others, gave her heart and soul to the successful establishment of the League. The M.I. libraries belonging to all the wards in 234 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. the Salt Lake stake of Zion were generously turned over to the reading room of the League. The lower part of the house was used as the library, and the upper part remained as the gymnasium. For three years, this enterprise struggled on; first, as a stake affair, later under the two General Boards, then again under the Salt Lake stake boards. But at the end of this time it was decided to discontinue the organization. One very possible reason, which constitutes a vital part of our re- ligion was: in all rural and agricultural communities, the stake, the ward, the home, can withdraw within itself, with sufficient force to nullify any outside attraction or temp- tation. The home is patterned after the heavenly dwelling of our Divine parents; the ward is merely an ecclesiastical collection of homes; and the stake is a group of wards. The whole effort of the teachers and leaders amongst us is and should be to increase the attractiveness of the home; to make of the ward just a larger family group; and to carry into the stake this close relationship. Because of this, the young people are generally engaged at home, especially in the coun- try, with all their spare time spent in the larger circle of the ward; even in Salt Lake City, few young Mormons have acquired the "club" or "up-town" habit. For these reasons, the Mutual Improvement League work was not long successful. But some noble efforts were put forth and surely no good thought or effort is wasted; a num- ber of young people got some valuable experiences, and much incidental good was accomplished. The mother who bears and watches over a delicate child, only to see it, at last, fade and die, would never admit that her child w r ould better never have been born; she knows, if no one else in all the world does, what a developing and fruitful experience her struggle has been to her. And so we cannot speak of the M- I. League as a failure. CONJOINT ACTIVITIES. 235 In the larger cities the need of a central gymnasium to take the place of country exercises and sports has been deeply felt of late years. Several stakes have made special effort to meet this need. To the recent efforts put forth, more par- ticularly by the enterprising- officers of the Young- Men's General Board, must be added the needs of the L. D. S. Hig-h School. These two organizations combined and per- suaded the Church authorities to assist them in the erection of a handsome, modern g-ymnasium. In the board of con- trol, which was recently org-anized, two young- women, both of them active workers in that previous effort long ago, were chosen to act. Prof. Maud May Babcock, physical director of the U. of U. and founder of physical education in this region, with Miss Ann M. Cannon, one of MissBabcock's first pupils, have been thus honored. The Deseret Gymnasium is located at the corner of College and Temple avenue, in the center of the block east of the Salt Lake Temple. It is one of the finest structures in the United States and is perfectly equip- ped. Miss Anna Nebeker, former president of Nebo stake Y. L. M. I. A., is special director of the work for women, and is ably assisted by the Misses Mary Johnson, Hazel Ed- wards and Margaret Caldwell. Prof. Wm. E. Day who has had many years experience in Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation work, has supervision of all the physical work in the institution. H. Leo Marshall and Robert Richardson are Mr. Day's assistants in the work for men. Use of the build- ing is divided proportionately between men and women, cer- tain hours being given exclusively to each. While the greatest benefits from this gymnasium accrue to the people of Salt Lake, Ensign, Liberty, Pioneer and Granite stakes, it is hoped to be of service to others also, by training young men and women as teachers for the more distant stakes. In conclusion, let us say, the lines of demarcation are and always have been drawn very rigidly between the 236 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Young Men's and the Young" Ladies' work, notwithstanding all the conjoint activities which have here been dwelt upon. In ward, in stake and in general capacity, each carries on his or her labor absolutely independent of the other, save and except where conjoint programs and conferences are in- volved. The young: men have their own distinct studies, scarcely knowing or caring- what lines are followed by the girls; each has its own magazine, and its own social and financial problems. When there are conjoint meetings to plan, amusements to project or gymnasiums to build or equip, the boards or committees meet in a local or general way and engage in free but formal discussion. There ar' few attempts by the young men to assume any dictatorship, as there are rare instances on the other hand of servile de- pendence on the part of the girls. Each knows his or her duty and place, and the whole machinery, adjusted by the priesthood and maintained in loving mutual service, moves smoothly and rapidly onward. BIOGRAPHICAL. HELEN WINTERS WOODRUFF. Helen Winters Woodruff was a sister to Mrs. Augusta W. Grant. Theirs was a family of superior and intelligent girls, trained in a superior and womanly way. All of them developed into the type of wives and mothers which fill the world with the glory of womanhood. Helen was the young- est.. She was a mixture of the intelligence, beauty, vivacity and integrity which was divided up among the others in varying portions. She was as merry and as frolicsome as a twittering robin, and as genuine as a pure soul and a strong will could make a human being. She was born in Pleasant Grove, Utah county, Utah, September 24, 1873. She re- ceived all the scholastic advantages which the country afford- ed. . In her teens she was a graduate from the Brigham Young University; she was also active in Mutual work from her childhood. She taught school in Salina, Sevier county, BIOGRAPHICAL. 237 and in Coalville. Afterwards she studied at the State Uni- versity. During- her course in that school, she met Abraham O. Woodruff, who had just returned from a German mission. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple in 1897. After their union, no one who ever knew them thought of them apart. If ever God made two perfectly congenial and mated souls, that couple were Owen and Helen Woodruff. When OWFN AND 11K1.KN WOODRUFF. Owen was called to the apostleship, and later to work on the General Board of the Y. M. M. I. A., it seemed the proper thing- to call Helen to be an aid to Sister Taylor. She was set apart to that office in 1898. She labored in- cessantly in that position until her sudden and sad death. She was an ardent lover of children, and when her little ones came pouring- into her household, she was but the happier and the prouder. She was the picture of haughty, incensed motherhood to the would-be scoffer who might seek to ca,it a slur at this old-fashioned ideal of child-bearing. Her tongue was a well-spring of merriment and gayety untouched with venom and innocent of slander. But she could rebuke, 238 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. and with sharpness, when thoughtlessness or insult attacked the principles she held dear. Helen was a born mimic; she could wind a cloak aboiit her splendid shoulders, stoop them as a sign of age, and with a torn hat, she was the perfect presentment of a whining- old man. The various broken European tongues were tripped off her lips with an added jest or repartee which would convulse a whole audience of sober people. And yet her wit had never a trace of malice, nor did her jest carry an untoward suggestion beneath its fun. She was a queenly girl, and a true mate to her kingly husband. They had four beautiful children, whose sweet faces are here pictured. Owen and Helen made a name and memory for them- selves in every pioneer settlement in the borders of Zion. The Saints in the Big Horn country looked upon Apostle Owen Woodruff and his lovely young wife as next only to the angels. It is an inspiring thing to hear of the fulfilled prophecy and the untiring labors of this faithful apostle . Out upon the evening air in hundreds of humble homes in Big Horn there steals, at sunset, the sound of a family hymn, THE WOODRUFF CHILDREN. BIOGRAPHICAL. 239 and the soft silence which follows, marks the low-toned ap- peal to heaven for daily mercies. Their patron apostle promised this believing 1 community that if they would follow this simple practice, none of their posterity should wander from the fold of Christ. And they have believed! Shall ' it not be accounted unto them for righteousness? When Apostle Woodruff and his family set out for Mexico in the spring- of 1904, no one dreamed of the tragedy which was to follow. Both were as happy and as trustful as of old. But in the month of June of that year, they both died of that fearsome disease, small-pox. Away from family and home, but never away from friends, everything that love could dictate or pro- vide was done and given to soothe and comfort them. Hel- en died first, in the City of Mexico. Owen got as far as El Paso on his return with the children, when he, too, was stricken, and life here was changed for him to life eternal. Together they had lived, labored and loved, and together they died. They were buried in that far-away land; but the memorial service in memory of the beloved dead was as glorious as mortality might ever witness. Helen is at work, over There, beside her beloved hus- band, and associated with her revered leader, President El- mina S. Taylor! There she is, still merry without guile, and happy without pain. We shall all meet her there on that eternal board of women workers for truth and progress. AUGUSTA WINTERS GRANT. Born in a family where intelligence and spiritual refine- ment were the predominating influences, Augusta Winters was early trained to habits of physical and mental industry. She was born July 7, 1856, in Pleasant Grove. Her parents were poor, but ambitious and progressive. The mother taught the girls the arts of weaving, spinning, cooking, sew- ing, dressmaking, wool-carding and general housework. Mrs. Grant says: "I knitted stockings, made dresses, sewed and wove rag carpets, carded wool, planted potatoes and corn, dried fruit, helped to convert sugar cane into pioneer molasses, and twice papered a room. But," she adds, with characteristic candor, "I would never choose any of these occupations as my life-work." In the family there were five 240 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. girls and three boys, one boy dying- in infancy, all excellent characters and faithful workers. Mrs. Grant possesses the gift of pedagogy to a marked degree. Almost from the time she learned her letters, she has acted as a pupil-teacher. Her mother was a school- teacher, and all of the daughters followed that profession. Augusta was especially gifted in the power to impart what she knew to others. At the age of twelve, she acted as an assistant teacher to an old lady, Mrs. Laura Liston, in a summer school, thus paying her own tuition, as well as that of her two sisters. She attended the Timpanogas school in Provo, and later entered the Brigham Young Academy, when that school was organized. She also attended the State University, graduating from the second normal class, in 1877. She taught school between times, to assist in pay- ing for her education, although her parents also did all in their power to give their children every educational advan- tage. At the age of sixteen, she assumed entire charge of a school, which happened to be a summer school. Next summer she took another school, with two assistants. She has taught school in Pleasant Grove, West Jordan, Cotton- wood, Mill Creek, Farmington and Salt Lake City. She be- gan with a salary of thirty dollars, and ended with one hun- dred dollars a month. Mrs. Grant was an early telegrapher, but used her skill only as a substitute and for a short period. One circumstance will illustrate her lovely mother's abiding faith, and the daughter's calm reliance on the prom- ises of the Holy Spirit. The mother had taught her young daughter the principle of tithing; and, during her early school-teaching venture she begged Augusta to pay her tith- ing, although the salary was small. "if you will do this," said the mother, "I will promise you through the spirit of prophecy, that next year your salary will be increased." The girl carried out the counsel to the letter. School and the winter were ended, but there was no call at any price for the youthful teacher's services for the next year. Occa- sionally, through the following summer, the girl would say, in her gentle, laughing way: "Well, mother, the increase in salary is not in sight yet." And the mother would answer with counter-assurances. Finally, the Saturday before the regular school term was to begin arrived, but no engage- BIOGRAPHICAL. 241 ment was in sight. Without the least lack of faith the girl still made merry in her innocent way at her mother's ex- pense. That very afternoon, the post brought a letter from another county, offering the salary of sixty dollars a month, AUGUSTA W. GRANT. and in twenty-four hours the young teacher was in her new temporary home. Mrs. Grant is very proud of all these early experiences of struggle and effort, and nothing delights her more than to meet her former pupils, scattered all through the Church. She taught for about ten years, when she was married to 16 242 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Apostle Heber J. Grant. She has had but one child, a daughter, and that she feels is a gift from God. But what God had denied to her in one way, He granted in another; for it has always been her lot to "mother" a large family, her husband's motherless children and others. Mrs. Grant has been active in Church and club work for a long' time. She has acted as secretary in some organiza- tion ever since she was fourteen years of age. She was then made secretary of the 'first Y. L. M. I. Association in her home town. She has since served the Thirteenth ward Re- lief Society, the Salt Lake stake Relief Society, and the Free Kindergarten in the same capacity. She was the first president of the State Kindergarten Society of Utah, and has been a member of a number of home clubs. She has trav- eled quite extensively in her own country, and spent fifteen months in Japan with her husband when that mission was first opened. Mrs. Grant is the embodiment of peace and beautiful repose. When asked how one might acquire this charming and restful quality of character and habit, she laughingly replied: "I have always had all I wanted, because I never wanted more than I had. I always like to do what I have to do, and I never want very badly what I can't have, therefore I am always quite contented and happy. I don't believe in telling my troubles to others, nor in thinking I have any; for then, I really don't have them. But there is one thing," she added, "which is a trial tome, public speaking." Mrs. Grant is, notwithstanding, a pleasing speaker, and never bores one by talking of things about which she knows little. She is an indefatigable worker on committees, and never fails in her duty. She loves peace and would not willingly oppose or enter into long arguments, but if it comes to the point where her decision must be given for or against, she gives it frank- ly, without fear or favor. One of the loveliest traits about this charming woman is her exquisite charity. She never reviles and rarely even criticizes. She may lack spontaneity and enthusiasm, for she has such a perfect abhorrence of flattery, insincerity and exaggeration, that she is inclined to go to the other extreme and scarcely gives sufficient expres- sion to her real 'feelings, and might be judged as lacking in this regard. In her position she sets an admirable example BIOGRAPHICAL. 243 of "the simple life" in dress and living-. Her mother's good teachings are still on her lips and in her heart and the reso- lutions made so many years ago in the Retrenchment Society in Pleasant Grove still are in force in Mrs. Grant's life and example. In addition to her other public duties, Mrs. Grant tries to spend one day each week in the Temple, working in her modest and entirely private way. She is not only con- verted to this work because of the marvelous blessings re- ceived in this labor, but because her soul delig-hts in the thought of setting the captive free. The keynote of her character is obedience to law and authority. She finds time to spend an occasional half-day in the service of the Bureau of Information. Mrs. Grant is a recognized leader in social circles; but so modest and unselfish is her sway that she draws all hearts after her. So well-planned and simple are her household arrang-ements that all under her roof are well cared for and content. She is an intelligent and discrimi- nating reader and a thoroughly well-educated woman in the best sense of that elastic term. All in all, this life and this character are profitable to study, to emulate, and to live. ESTELLE NEFF CALDWELL. No more intelligent and all-around useful member of the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. is now in position than the subject of this sketch Mrs. Estelle Neff Caldwell. Modest to a fault, dignified without pride, kind without effusion, generous without lavishness, well-informed without pedantry, and herself a bit of imprisoned sunshine in a body which has known the discipline of suffering" since she was a child this young- matron is one of the best types of friend, wife, mother, Mutual worker and Saint this Church has pro- duced. She was born on a farm fifteen miles south of Salt Lake City. Her father died when she was eleven years old, and the widowed mother removed to Nephi, where Estelle received her common school education. She was an ambi- tious girl and her mother, being of the same turn of mind, was glad to help her daugfhter to attend the Brigham Young- Academy at Provo. Few mothers with a large family have made a sunnier record on life's page than that made by 244 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Estelle's mother. She kept boarders by the dozen, cooking-, scrubbing and washing', with a smile in her eye and laug"h- ter on her lips for every difficult day and hour. Her chil- dren have now risen up to do her honor and she still smiles in the face of life and wins back from every circumstance ESTELLA NEFF CALDWELL. some gleams of joy and blessedness. Such mothers and such daughters make life and the Gospel worthy of all praise. Estelle graduated in the locally famous class of 1897, and at the head of her class, too, being- class historian. It was at the close of this four-year course in school that Mrs . Gates propounded the query to Estelle Neff which was an- BIOGRAPHICAL. 245 swered in the affirmative, and which has meant so much to the whole after life of the Journal and of the girl herself: " Would you be willing to venture your future in an attempt to establish the Young Woman' s fournal on a sound business basis, with only dim prospects of success ahead, and the road strewn with plenty of big- discouragements?" The an- swer took Miss Neff at once to Salt Lake City, anji here in the old Constitution building, she went to work with Mrs. Gates in the Journal office to begin the experiment which ended so happily for all concerned. Miss Neff worked ex- actly eight years in the business department of the Journal. In that time she was general business manager, scribe, assistant to the editor, counselor-at large, and comforter to any who sought her advice, and if any man or woman found her wanting in any good or beautiful essential, the historian has never met that individual. While living in the Four- teenth ward, she was chosen by Mrs. Ruth M. Fox as a counselor in the ward M. I. Association. Miss Neff acted as vSunday School teacher from her very early years. When the Bureau of Information was organized in 1902, she was called as one of the workers and labored there until her mar- riage. She was married June 30, 1905, to Richard Elmer Caldwell, a bright young civil and mining engineer. Mrs. Neff Caldwell was chosen as an aid to the General Board in October, 1902. Her trained intellect has been well used in her present position. Her education, begun in her mother's sunny home, carried forward in the B. Y. U. at Provo, still advanced in the business affairs of the fournal, and then crystallized in the wide and noble sphere of wife and mother, has made her the admirable woman that she is. Married with little knowledge of home labors, she set her intelligence to the problems before her, and the results have again proved that one can always make a silken purse if given the pure silken thread for a foundation. Today she is the proud mother of three beautiful and vigorous children. One son and two daughters make her life a song of praise and peace. She is now acting upon the fournal committee and enjoys thoroughly that slight revival of her old-time public activities. Yet has she learned the graciousness and blessedness of the perfect home life, and her voice is ever raised in glorification of wifehood and motherhood. CHAPTER XI. OTHER LABORS OF THE GENERAL BOARD. The General Board meetings. Standing committees. Temporary committees. Reports by General Board members. TN the conduct of any business which involves diversified -- interests, the necessity for confiding each specialized in- terest to a small group of workers is soon felt. To require twenty people to consider the details of each branch of the labor involved in carrying on a great organization or business is a waste of time and vital force; precious hours are frittered away in useless discussion of trivial points usually the most trivial- and decisions are hard to reach. The local Y. L. M. I. A. boards which are small and few in number, with practically one line of work to follow, have never known the necessity for a separation of their officers into various committees as have the stake boards and the General Board. The need was felt first by the General Board, and that need grew naturally out of the various activities which were planned for the local organizations. The conduct and supervision of a magazine, the organization of ward and traveling libraries, the selection" and preparation of Guide lessons, the detailed labor attendant upon conference and convention dates, topics and circulars, all these with various temporary and passing questions, required much time, labor and consideration. In the beginning of their organized existence all such questions were brought into the sessions of the entire board. President Elmina S. Taylor and her counselors would give some preliminary thought to such problems, but they were usually brought before the Board for discussion and settle- LABORS OF THE GENERAL BOARD. 247 ment. The Board meetings, held at first irregularly, then quarterly, then, for four years (1894-1898) monthly, were found entirely inadequate for the labor involved. Accord- ingly, action was taken July 5, 1898, to make the meetings semi-monthly, and in the spring of 1903 they were made weekly. Until after President Taylor's death in December, 1905, these regular General Board meetings were held in' the dear old parlor of her home, 158 west Third South street, Salt Lake City, Utah.- How many glorious meetings have been held in that room, and how redolent of sacred memories is that place, for all the members of Sister Taylor's Board! The piano, the pictures, the quaint parlor chairs, the green shutters at the windows, all were dear and desirable to the favored women who gathered beneath that hospitable roof. It may have been, as our president used to say, that "her girls" left a blessing behind them; but certain it is that they carried one PRESIDENT E. S. TAYLOR'S PARLOR. 248 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. away from the holy presence of that noble woman. As long- as life shall last, the memory of those meetings, that cheery home, and that gracious lady will be treasured as one of their priceless gifts, by those who gathered there. EXTERIOR OF PRESIDENT TAYLOR S HOME. During- those formative years much history was making for the Mutual Improvement Associations. Among- the young- women of the Church there was felt the vivid awakening- touch of the Church school training. Girls from every part of the Church from Canada to Mexico, came eagerly down to the famous Brigham Young Academy, now University, at Provo, the parent Church school, or to others of the rapidly increasing colleges and high schools of both Church and State. The graded work done in the Church institutions, the splendid theological organization originated by the master- mind of Karl G. Maeser, the impetus towards a combined in- tellectual and spiritual training was felt strongly by the youth LABORS OF THE GENERAL BOARD. 249 of Zion. Its influence, with the other quickening- forces of our modern "strenuous" life combined to fashion into com- parative perfection the mechanism and conduct of both the young- men and young- women of our Mutual Improvement Associations. The first active committee work done in the General Board was that important phase of Mutual Improvement work, Guide lessons. Projected and prepared at first by one mem- ber Mrs. Gates the task of discussion and revision was found too cumbersome in its detailed demands upon the whole Board. Accordingly, a Guide committee was orgfan- ized, and many of the Board members have served in this exacting: calling-. Studies were to be selected with a thought to the varied conditions of the girls some in strug-- gling pioneer conditions, others located in towns and cities, with access to public libraries and to literary and theological courses in Church or State schools and colleges. The Guide committee itself now strug-gles with these problems and reaches a tentative conclusion, while the results are brought into the full session of the Board there to submit very often to lively discussion and substantial revision. Ag-ain and ag:ain the report is referred back to the committee, for the work is far-reaching and important. When finally approved and printed, few who read them realize the amount of time and labor their preparation has involved. The organization and labors of the Journal- committee have been spoken of in a previous chapter. No one should think these labors light. All criticism si Journal articles and methods necessarily finds its way to their ears. There are doubtful articles to consider, literary aspirants to encourage, or dismay. The steady policy of giving first place to local talent involves more than one problem, while financial ques- tions are, like the poor, ever with them. The traveling library movement, which had become very 250 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. popular in the women's clubs throughout the country, soon found its way to Utah. The proposition came before the Board, introduced first by Mrs. Ruth M. Fox, that traveling libraries should be organized throughout the wards and stakes, and at length the Board, December 10th, 1898, passed upon the question favorably. These traveling libraries were not in any way to conflict with the regular stationary libraries owned and managed by the various ward associ- ations; but the stake officers were to purchase some of the best books, and these were to be boxed in sets by the stake officials and sent around to the various ward associations. The boxes were to be left for a stated time in a ward, then to be sent on to the next ward. It was hoped that the fact that there was a set time in which to read the books, would help to increase the interest of the girls. This has proved to be the case. Today there are over 4,000 books gathered by the stakes into traveling libraries and over 20,600 in the local libraries. These traveling library books are divided up into small lots, for convenient distribution. The time for exchange of sets is generally at the stake conference held four times a year. The necessity of wise selection and supervision over the reading matter supplied the pliable minds of girls fore- shadowed the formation of a library committee in both gen- eral and stake boards; for the work of establishing the libraries is but one phase of the work required of this stand- ing committee. Organized December 19th, 1898, with Mrs. Ruth M. Fox as chairman, this committee soon faced the problem of selection and purchase of the required books. This led to long printed lists in the journal of proper books from which the libraries could choose. Miss Sarah Edding- ton, who became chairman in January, 1908, has undertaken and carried through a detailed supervision of all ward and stake libraries. Getting into direct communication with LABORS OF THE GENERAL BOARD. 251 ward librarians, the general committee have, by a discreet policy of selection and elimination, brought this feature of the work up to a high standard. They have given an excel- lent variety, including works on history, biography, man- ners and morals, poetry, travel, nature, science and fiction. In 1910 the lists of books recommended in previous years were collected and published, together with instructions to librarians in regard to raising funds, selecting and purchas- ing books and other valuable information; these were issued in the form of a catalogue, being distributed free to stake and local librarians. One of the most important committees organized in the General Board is that on conventions. Like most if not all the standing committees, the personnel of this committee is changed every year or two, the Board being sufficiently large to permit it the work and the women receiving benefit from such change. This committee has charge of convention dates, plans and circulars. It meets with a like committee from the Young Men's Associations to appoint dates for the fall con- ventions. In addition, a circular is prepared, dealing with the topics to be treated and the modes of procedure. The June conference committee, as might be supposed, is divided into sub-coiijmittees on transportation, program, amusement and refreshment. A temporary committee, of very long standing, was or- ganized December 4th, 1899, called the history committee. At first only a pamphlet was to be written, then a history, to which was subsequently added the idea of biographical sketches and stake histories with illustrations. Thus grew into being the published story of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association. A committee organized in January, 1909, is one for which a suitable name has not been found. Of this com- mittee Mrs. Julia M. Brixen makes a most efficient and capa- 252 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. ble chairman. Its duties are to look after girls who do not have proper home environment, and to help safe-guard the interests of working girls. Many temporary committees are formed to attend to the details of various activities, such as the committee on build- ing, referred to in another chapter; and the committee on fur- nishing the rooms now used by the Y. L. M. I. A. One more important and beautiful interest which con- cerns all alike is entrusted to the general music director and organist. They have a general oversight over the music used in the associations, and often assist ward music direc- tors in the choice and purchase of suitable glees, trios and solos. They have charge of the music in the June confer- ences in our departmental work, and supply half the music for the general assemblies. A minor detail of the work done by the General Board is contained in the report of the varying conditions found by its various members in their visits throughout the country. On the return of such member, she hands in a report on a printed form furnished her by the secretary. A compre- hensive view of each stake is thus furnished the Board, es- pecially as this report is supplemented by oral statements of more or less importance. In this way President Tingey and her Board keep in complete touch with every local and stake organization in the Church. Here again is a segment of the delicate machinery which ties together, one of the strongest and most united organizations of women in this world. The work done by the members of the General Board is duplicated, in varied measure, by stake and ward boards of the associations. Wards are not robbed of their individ- uality; they may vary their methods and studies, introduce fresh ideas, institute new plans. Indeed this is often done. Visiting General Board members come home from conference or convention with vivid seed-thoughts gathered from stake IMOGRAPMICAL. 253 and ward sources. The summer time, unprogrammed and entirely free, is a fruitful ground in which the local officers may plant new ideas and devise up-to-date studies to keep the girls together and to meet local conditions. Thus the Mutual Improvement lines are broadened and the communal lives of the girls enriched. Each ward, each stake, has an individuality of its own; no two are alike. But like the varied leaves on the fig-tree, each bears on its broad surface the bright impress of a mutual purpose, a Mutual Improvement . BIOGRAPHICAL. NELLIE COLEBROOK TAYLOR. The subject of this sketch was born in Cheltenham, Eng- land, May 31st, 1848. Her parents were both in the Church, and when she was but two years of age they emigrated to Utah, bringing her, their only child, with them. They were both of gentle breeding and the trials of pioneer life were very severe to them. The mother's natural taste and refine- ment was supplemented by a very shrewd ability to create and utilize opportunities; and the girl Nellie was given every educational advantage. Although she was very diffident, her queenly presence commanded instant respect and ad- miration. She was only sixteen years of age when her par- ents received a note from President Brigham Young saying: 11 Dear Brother arid Sister Colebrook: "Would you allow your daughter Nellie to act upon the stage? It would very much please me. "Your Brother, "BRIGHAM YOUNG." How had he, the President of the Church, divined all the secret aspirations and ambitions of that reserved and shy soul? Who had heard from the sensitive lips one word of all that had burned in her heart? To Nellie these questions al- ways remain unanswered. But she was a bubble upon the bosom of her own swirling emotions for days after that magic 254 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. missive was received. Her parents consented for their cherished daughter to go upon the wonderful pioneer stage of the wonderful pioneer Salt Lake Theater; for the path of the histrionic aspir- ant was as guarded on that family stage as in any other walk of life the corruption and vice of stage life of the world had not crept in. The perform- ances were as much a part of the social life of the pioneers, as were their balls or concerts. The- aters were opened and closed with prayer, and no im- moral play was permitted to ap- pear. And so Nellie Colebrook became a part of that unique life. She appeared with all the celebrities who remained for a time in Zion Mc- Cul lough, Edwin NELLIE c. TAYLOR. Adams, Paunce- fort, the Irwins, Mme. Schiller, Julia Dean Hayne, Annette Ince, and Ben De Bar. She was leading lady during the sixties; and was an actress to be proud of. McCullough offered her $500 a night and the costumes furnished, if the would play with him as his leading lady. She was naturally tempted by this munificent offer; but the wise and good man, Brigham Young, who had called her to the stage, gave her a long af- ternoon counsel, and she decided to remain at home. After BIOGRAPHICAL. 255 her marriage to Bishop George H. Taylor, she left the stage, never to return. For more than a quarter of a century, she was identified with Mutual Improvement work. She served as president of the Fourteenth ward Y. L. M. I. A. for five years, when she was appointed second counselor to Mary A. Freeze of the Salt Lake stake board, holding that position for fourteen years. On the call of President Freeze to the General Board, Nellie was made president of the stake. When the Salt Lake stake was divided, she herself was called to a place on the General Board, to act as an aid. She was one of the most popular members of the General Board, possessing a wonder- ful power to reach the hearts of the girls with her inspired appeals, and she traveled much in the pursuit of her calling in the Mutuals. Her health was poor in later years, and in 1908 she took a trip to England, where her younger son was laboring as a missionary, to secure genealogy ai*d in the hope that her physical condition would be improved. Returning in the best of spirits and much restored in health, she at once re- sumed her work on the General Board. She had enjoyed her labors in England, as an unofficial missionary, and was the more ready to plunge into her Mutual work on her re- turn. But there was a wider sphere, a longer mission, a greater and far more blissful duty awaiting her. She was wanted in the world of spirits. She was taken violently ill in the latter part of March with paralysis of the brain, and after seven days of stupor, she passed peacefully away, watched over by her devoted son and loving friends. With sweetness and peace she lived out her life; in peace and mer- ciful unconsciousness she fell asleep. "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them that bringeth good tid- ings, that publisheth peace!" EMILY CALDWELL ADAMS. It is an encouraging thing for a girl reared in the country to find that many of our brightest and best workers in the ranks of the Mutual Improvement Associations have been born and educated, or partially so, in small country villages. This was the case with Mrs. Emily Caldwell Adams. She was born at St. Johns, Rush Valley, Tooele county, Utah. 256 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Her parentvS moved to Tooele City when she was fourteen years of age, and here she rapidly absorbed what education and advancement the larger town had to offer. She was chosen, when seventeen years of age, to be counselor in the Y. L. M. I. A. to Miss Maggie Heron of Tooele. At the EMILY CALDWELL ADAMS. death of Sister Heron, she was appointed president of the association. Miss Caldwell resigned from this position to go to Logan and attend the Brigham Young College in that place. The Caldwell family moved to Salt Lake City in 1892 to secure better educational advantages for their chil- BIOGRAPHICAL. 257 dren, and Emily at once entered the University of Utah. She was also set to work in the Mutuals, being- chosen as coun- selor to Nellie Morris, in the Fifteenth ward association. Later, she was chosen by Sister Mary A. Freeze, as an aid in the Salt Lake stake board. When President Freeze was called as aid in the General Board, Miss Caldwell was ap- pointed to act as second counselor to President Nellie C. Taylor, in the Salt Lake stake presidency of the Mutual Im- provement associations. In the division of the stakes, in 1904, she was chosen by Sister Elmina S. Taylor to act on the General Board as an aid. In June, 1899, she was mar- ried to Thomas Adams, a rising" young 1 lawyer. He was also country born and reared, and was a substantial member of the legal profession, and an honor to the Church and Kingdom of God. Six years after their marriage, Mrs. Adams was left a widow, with an only son, four years old. Ever since her entrance into the Board, Mrs. Adams has been an indefatigable worker, both in traveling- and on com- mittees. She is an excellent speaker, and has a clear mind and a comprehensive grasp of every subject in which she may be interested. In no better way could her sweet faith and trust in God and His providences be demonstrated than in the womanly courage and patience with which she has faced life since her great trial. One highly commendable feature of her strong character was shown in the firm refusal to shroud herself in widow's weeds. Only the tender sorrow in eyes and mouth have betrayed the suffering which she has so sacredly guarded. Her life and character furnish a true model for the young daughters of Zion to emulate. MARY E. CONNELLY. Too often modest worth is left to labor in obscurity. However much modesty and humility may be admired in the abstract, the aggressive person is apt to be set in the front ranks. But, fortunately, the common voice of humanity demands that leaders shall possess something besides aggressiveness. There must be real, not superficial, qualities of superiority, else the proud courage is found to be empty pretense, and the world seeks a better leader, a wiser voice. When, however, gifts of intellect are united with 17 258 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. genuine diffidence and humility, the few will discover the rare combination, and they will hasten to make their discov- ery known to the public. This has been the case with the subject of this sketch. The mother of Mary Connelly was born in England, and made the usual sacrifice of all her family asso- c i a t i o n s and friends to join her fortunes with the "Mor- mons." Mary was born Feb. 19, 1876, in Salt Lake City. She was a thorough student and was deeply interest- ed in her work. She graduated from the U. of U., in the Nor- mal course, when she was but eighteen years of age, and, four years later, took out a degree in the college course. Since that time, Mary has taught school, first in the district schools of the city, and later in the Salt Lake high school. Her nature is too deep and full to spend itself on the surface of life's stream. When old enough Mary entered the Y. L. M. I. A., and served for a time as secretary, later as counselor and then as president of the Twenty- First ward association, Salt Lake City. On the division of the ward she MARY E. CONNELLY. BIOGRAPHICAL. 259 was made president of the Y. L. M. I. A. of the new Twen- ty-Seventh ward. Only a few months later, President Nellie C. Taylor called her to the position of aid on the Salt Lake stake board, and shortly after, she was asked to act on the General Board, where she has since labored diligently in her position as aid. Miss Connelly is now editor of the Young Womarf s Journal. Those who meet this modest, quiet young" woman for the first time, do not guess at the depth of her experiences, nor the strong current of her soul. She carries to every darkened room and to every saddened heart of her acquaint- ance the sweet flowers of earth, and those sweeter blos- soms of tender love and sympathy , that never bloom till the heart has been itself wrung with secret sacrifice and purified by silent suffering. She is a convincing speaker, and possesses the training and capacity to do much splendid work for the cause of truth. ELEN WALLACE. Elen Wallace possesses many qualifications which go to make up leadership. If it were not for her shrinking modesty, she might attain eminence. However, her talents may put her where her lack of aggressiveness might never find her. She is a sister to Mrs. Rose Wallace Bennett and has the same artistic temperament, and the same con- vincing testimony of the truth. After leaving the district school Miss Wallace took a course in theL. D. S. University, and has since taken special studies in the University of Utah. This has been supplemented by an extensive course of private reading and the advantages and culture of foreign travel. She began work in the Mutuals at a very early age, act- ing first in the position of second counselor and later as first counselor in the Y. L. M. I. A. of the Seventh ward, Salt Lake City. She was an aid on the Salt Lake stake board, for one year, prior to the division of the stakes in 1904, and when that board was disbanded through the divi- sion of the stakes, was appointed by President Elmina S. Taylor to a position on the General Board to act as aid. Here she has labored with zeal and quiet enthusiasm, and 260 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. -*^ although her voice may not often be heard in the long- and busy councils, when she does speak, her words are tempered with wisdom. In January, 1905, she was chosen to act as associate editor of the Young Woman's Journal, and gave ELEN WALLACE. great help and skilled assistance in this position. She has since worked on the journal, Traveling Library, and many special committees, doing most effective work, as her ability enables her to act in many diverse lines. Miss Wallace has traveled extensively in the interest of the Board. She has a charming personality and is very popular wherever she is known. CHAPTER XII. CLOSE OF PRESIDENT TAYLOR'S MINISTRY. Her Character. Her Death. The Funeral Services. THE great difference between the religion of the ancient Hindoos and Christianity, is the difference in the re- lation of the individual to the whole. The subtle force of the East India dogma lies in its power to take the soul half way on the high road to heaven. The message of both Brahma and Buddha contained the first principle of true religion; that is, the devotion of the individual to the whole; the giving up of the self and selfish will to the will of a Higher Power, but the second part of that eternal principle of progress is lost to the East Indians, or they have long since perverted its mean- ing. The end in the Hindoo religion is a final absorbtion of human souls into the divine Nirvana. All individualities lose their identity in this principle or essence. Nirvana might be described as ethereal light and peaceful radiance. The teaching of the Savior was the same as that of Buddha so far as the first part of the principle is concerned, namely that of the giving up of the individual will to a Higher Will; this is the first vital step to be taken by the eager proselyte of eternal truth. But Jesus taught that this voluntary sub- mersion of the human into the divine will resulted not in any loss of identity, but in a final glorification of the individual. The follower of Jesus gave his soul in order to regain it, still as an individual soul, in its purified and exalted form; it was not to be absorbed into a principle or spiritual mass, but to come forth as Jesus Himself did, with a celestialized body, with which to eat and drink, and with all the parts of the human body purified and exalted. There is one thought which comes frequently to the student of the lives of the great men and women who have 262 HISTORY OF 1 HE Y. L. M. I. A. made the history of this people. It is said that Joseph Smith and Brig-ham Young performed such and such labors; but it is also true that the glory should not be ascribed to them, except as they were the instruments of the Lord. It is the Savior who has done this and that work. Again, the Savior Himself was quick to acknowledge that He came not to do His work, but the work of His Father. The consideration of the character and life work of Elmina S. Taylor, the details of her death, and the attendant impressive ceremonies, are presented in this chapter, not so much because of her own greatness, great as she was, nor because of the reverent love accorded to her by all her asso- ciates; but rather for the lessons taught, and the ideals which will be thus awakened within the hearts of the daughters of Zion. No one was so ready as she to sink her individuality in the measure of that whole work; for this reason, if no other, posterity will be anxious to fathom the causes which made her life what it was, and her reward what it will be. If we would attain to her fullness, we must study her life and follow her example. Thus we might study the life and work of any true Saint, and through that inquiry learn perhaps as much of the character and purposes of the Lord who inspired the individ- ual as of the personality of the subject of our study. The most striking characteristic of Elmina S. Taylor was her reserved modesty. This amounted almost to a fault, for it reacted at times upon her life; but it was a trait, not an in- tegral part of her character. When aroused or assailed, or when personally attacked for principle, she lost that shrink- ing reserve, and stood forth in defense of herself as an expo- nent of a part of God's work upon earth. So now, we would call forth the character and life of our departed leader, clothed in the record of her deeds and accomplishments, that we may study through them the purposes and results of a Divine will made manifest in the history of the Mutual Improvement Associations. CLOSE OF PRESIDENT TAYLOR'S MINISTRY. 263 The contribution of Elmina S. Taylor to the life and success of the Mutual Improvement work among the girls was amazingly great. She imparted dignity to every cord and sinew, nerve and tissue of the Mutual body. No hamlet so remote, no girl so distant, that the force and power of the leader was not felt directly or indirectly. With that dignity of spirit came a certain healthy formality of procedure, a quiet sobriety of demeanor, and a careful recognition of all the proprieties. Sister Taylor was the soul of frugality; not the parsi- monious closeness that sometimes masquerades under that name, but she had a perfect knowledge of her resources and she made a consistent and prudent distribution of such stores and means as came under her care. She was not given to parading her powers in this direction, nor the resources of the association she represented, any more than she was of an- nouncing from the housetops the extent of her private char- ities and incomes; but neither had she the least disposition to conceal any information desired, wherever such a wish was legitimate and proper. Her nature was deep, rather than broad, so that the depth of love which surged through her for "my girls," as she al- ways lovingly called them, was rather an expression of her intimate personal relation with the particular girls enrolled under the banner of Mutual Improvement, than it was any natural outpouring towards all humanity. This close, indi- vidual relationship brought its own reward in the ardent de- votion which it inspired in every girl who joined the associ- ation, and, therefore, partook of the silent but forceful spirit- ual influence of the leader. The characteristic which made her long administration so pre-eminently successful, washer splendid executive abil- ity, combined with a certain large wisdom, which never allowed her to be partial or selfish. She was a ' 'natural born leader," as the phrase goes among us; she was a fine reader of 264 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. character, and had the gift which generally accompanies that trait the gift of discernment. She was so discreet that she could enjoy the confidence of her immediate associates, with- out betraying one to the other. She was endowed with the power and wisdom to command; this was ever present with her, even upon her dying couch the word spoken from her lips must needs be obeyed, although she rarely spoke in any- thing but gentle tones. How subtle, and yet how apparent is this gift of leadership; it has many component parts, and rarely do they all unite in one person, as was the case with Sister Taylor, and Sister Eliza R. Snow. The foundation of every true character must be integrity; that old-fashioned term, which means so much, and which can rarely be acquired. President Joseph F. Smith dwelt upon this trait of Sister Taylor's character, when speaking at her funeral. It was a deep-sounding note which ran from her out to every soul marshaled under her leadership. Genuine, true, wise and clear-sighted this is what she was, pre-eminentlv. To know the right and to do it, what more can any man or woman do! This she did, come life, come death. She made her whole-souled contributions to the public good, undertaken ever reluctantly, but carried forth faith- fully to the day of her death. If one would ask what was the character of the Mutual Improvement Associations for girls during the first third of a century, let him study the lives and characters of the two women, Eliza R. Snow and Elmina S. Taylor, who led them during that period. It is a solemn thought that the one who stands at the head of a great movement or community, imparts, whether he will or not, much the same character to his people, his work, and his time, that he himself possesses. For his strength, he will give strength; for his weakness, he will impart weakness. God will overrule it all, but the individual will dominate the whole, as the influence of the whole will determine the nature CLOSE OF PRESIDENT TAYLOR'S MINISTRY. 265 of the individual. When the wicked rule, the people not only mourn, but they deteriorate; and so, likewise, when the righteous govern, the people rejoice, and are elevated and stimulated to good works. Come we now to a consideration of those details which preceded and enveloped the closing life-movements of the great woman whose character meant so much to the cause of Mutual Improvement. Peacefully she had lived, peacefully she died. She had loved and served, and at her death all Israel mourned. Like Deborah of old, her victories and her honors were divided among the men and the women who labored and fought side by side with her. Had she sung a song of praise to God, she would have marshaled, as did the prophetess, her counselors and her scribes, her aids and her leaders of hosts, to stand forth and receive each her full measure of praise and good report. And she too would have characterized herself, first and always, as "a mother in Israel!" Then, like Deborah, she would have called upon the priesthood her Barak as the crowning feature of her song, to arise and bear off his honors with due meed of praise and glory. Like Deborah, she would have closed her song, giving forever to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, all honor and dominion, and this tribute would em- body her life work, with a note of triumphant praise to every assisting power, forgetting and losing herself in the passion of gratitude which her victory had inspired. The health of Sister Taylor was very uncertain for sev- eral years prior to her death. She had a paralysis of the throat, which prevented her from swallowing. This was the disease which caused the death of the famous writer, George Eliot. Sister Taylor grew weaker and weaker, for she found it impossible at the last to swallow even liquids; indeed, that was often harder to do than to swallow a little solid food. Her heart was also affected, and she had many sinking spells. But her indomitable spirit carried her over pangs which 266 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. would have slain weaker souls. She was nursed and watched over by her husband and her only daughter Mae, between whom and the mother there existed a reverent devotion, rarely seen even in an only daughter and her mother. The weekly meetings of the General Board were held in the dear old parlor till the last; and' though Sister Taylor was not always strong enough to sit up during the entire session, she would lie on the couch, quietly listening to the discus- sions and suggestions. But if any difficulty or possible dis- sension arose, or a decision was doubtful, she would arouse, and with uplifted head and in ringing tones pour forth elo- quent words of inspiration until every one present would ac- knowledge that God was with Sister Elmina S. Taylor. In the late fall of 1904, the strong spirit began to lose its hold on the frail body. Though her associates saw she was gradually growing weaker, few realized that the end was so near. She arose every day, was dressed and walked to a couch in the room adjoining her bedroom. Her cough ^rew gradually worse, though she rested well at night. Monday evening she seemed unusually well, and sat up half an hour reading the paper. But in the night she grew worse, and in the early morning the household was called. The change had come. At eleven-fifteen, Tuesday morning, December six, nineteen hundred four, she merely ceased to breathe. There was no struggle, no spasm of pain; only the spirit for- sook its mortal tenement and the body was at rest. Our high priestess was dead, but so beautiful was her life, and so peaceful was her death, that a chastened, glorified calm rested everywhere about her. Those who had known her, rejoiced and were glad because of the fullness of her life and its infinite meaning; even those who knew her not, were touched by the largeness of her labors as mani- fested in the devotion of her associates. The funeral was typical of her, and of her religion. The story of that service demands a place in history, both because CLOSE OF PRESIDENT TAYLOR'S MINISTRY. 267 of what it was and what it meant. The members of her own Board were called together, and the funeral arrangements were perfected under the efficient leadership of her first counselor, Sister Maria Y. Don gall. The exquisitely beau- tiful clothing, all of fine white linen, as is the custom among us, was fashioned by the reverent fingers of the women who had labored with her so closely and intimately. With an exact appreciation of simplicity, economy and justice, she had in life deprecated the extremes to which the custom of sending floral tributes to the dead had been carried by some of our people; but even she would have accepted gladly the munificent outpouring of flowers which came spontaneously from far and near. The stricken love of all her associates could find expression in no better way than to crowd her bier with floral tokens of respect and reverence. The General Board of the young men, with President Joseph F. Smith at the head, united with the young women to carry forward the public arrangements for the funeral. The services were held in the Assembly Hall. The hall was decorated profusely with white bunting and potted palms, with smilax drooping in the folds of the white drap- ery. Ferns and great vases of white chrysanthemums gar- nished the pulpits. The seating of the vast auditorium was under the charge of white-robed girls, and the choir chairs were filled with lovely girl singers, dressed in spotless white. The music was under the charge of Sister Alice C. Tudden- ham, and Sister Lizzie Thomas presided at the organ. The General Board of the Young Ladies assembled at the Taylor home and walked, with other close friends, behind the hearse to the hall. The services were presided over by President Joseph F. Smith, and the pulpits were filled with the leaders of the various organizations. The last two histor- ical women living at that date, Bathsheba W. Smith and Emmeline B. Wells, occupied seats in the upper pulpit, and both spoke a few words of consolation and appreciation. It 268 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. was an impressive sight to the thoughtful, that the only woman who was present at the original organization except the members of President Young's household, Mrs. Bathsheba W. Smith, should help to lay away the first general president of that association, after thirty-five years of active M. I. A. history had been made. The pulpits and the casket were enshrined with the many floral tributes sent from organizations from near and distant stakes and from personal friends. But the loveliest tribute of all was that which was designed to represent every girl in Zion: a great blanket of green enriched by fifty-six tea roses to represent the stake associations; and in the center the words, "From Your Girls," wrought out in pure white nar- cissus flowers. This completely covered the casket. As each member of the General Board passed on her way to her seat in the pulpit, she dropped a single American Beauty rose on the blanket as her own slight offering of love. When the tuneful voices of the white-robed choir-girls arose in the first hymn, all hearts were moved with sorrow and with praise. "Thou dost not weep to weep alone," sang the silver-throated girls, and the gentle melody stilled rather than augmented every emotion of distress. The opening prayer was eloquently offered by Elder John Henry Smith. The second hymn was that one of matchless sentiment by Eliza R. Snow, "O, my Father, Thou that dwellest, In that high and glorious place." The speakers of the occasion were surely inspired. Rare- ly have so many spontaneous tributes and eloquent phrases fallen from the lips of our leaders; but space will not permit their repetition. The speakers were, President John R. Winder, Counselor Maria Y. Dougall, Elder J. Golden Kim- ball, President Bathsheba W. Smith, in behalf of the Relief Society; Sister Susa Young Gates, Sister May Anderson, CLOSE OF PRESIDENT TAYLOR'S MINISTRY. 269 representing the Primary Association; Patriarch John Smith, vSister Emmeline B. Wells, Sister Ruth M. Fox, and the closing was an eloquent discourse from the lips of President Joseph F. Smith. His remarks are so replete with wisdom that they will be given here: After reading a few verses from the first and second chapters of I John, he said: . I do not wish to detain the congregation. I wish to say that I indorse, without recourse, all that I have heard said today respecting the character, life, labors, virtues, wisdom, judgment and intelligence of our sister, Elmina S. Taylor. Pardon me if I make such a broad expression, but I will say that most people of my acquaintance and I presume it will apply generally that most people walk very largely in a light that is borrowed, like the light of the moon borrowed from the sun. I have known a few men and women in the world who do not seek borrowed light, for the light is in them and they walk in the light, and they have fellowship with Jesus Christ and with their associates, with the Church, and with the Kingdom of God in the earth, and the blood of Jesus Christ hath indeed cleansed them from all sin. I will give it as an opinion which I have held many years, because of my connection with these Mutual Improvement Associa- tions and with Sister Taylor, that she was one of the few in the world who had the light within her, and who had the in- spiration and the intelligence that is born of truth and of the forgiveness of sins, of the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, and she walked in it, and therefore she had power among her associates and her sisters. She was legitimately the head of the organization over which she was called to preside. She borrowed no influence from others. She bore her own in- fluence upon the minds of those with whom she was associat- ed. There came out of her soul the spirit of wisdom, coun- sel and judgment, and her mind was clear in regard to the truth; and she always spoke as one possessed of more than ordinary intelligence, which she really did possess. Now, it is not my custom to speak praise of our departed loved ones. I would rather dwell, if the time would permit me, and I had the opportunity to do it, upon the glorious 270 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. future that awaits them, upon the certainty of eternal life which they have espoused, which they have won for them- selves. I would rather dwell upon the goodness and glory of God's message of life and salvation to the children of men. But I have felt to say these few words in indorsement of what has been said by our brethren and sisters with respect to Sister Taylor. It was said that she was a strong character, she had a strong personality. This is true. But the very strength of that character and personality was tempered and softened by the choicest spirit of kindness, of love, of mercy, and of charity that ever, in my judgment, adorned woman- kind; and while she possessed this strength of character and this strong personality, it was always bent in the direction of righteousness, in the direction of truth, for the uplifting of her associates. Herein is where she shone most brightly, because all her thoughts and all her energies were directed in the right channel and for the right cause. And she was singularly free from mistakes and from those little imperfec- tions or weaknesses, which are so often exhibited by fallen human nature. My brethren and sisters, we have lost a valuable soul from among us in the flesh. I sometimes marvel why it is, when these spirits are so few and so far between, that they should not, in the providence of God, be permitted to remain a little longer with us. She was not so old but that she might have lived for many, many years and continued her labor amongst us. But in God's providence the youth even, the brightest, sometimes, amongst us and the most faithful, the most diligent, those who seem to be qualified to accomplish the greatest good, are often permitted to go before; while those who need light, who borrow light, who are seeking light and intelligence and who are susceptible to it and are striving to absorb it in their souls that it may become a part of them, remain to struggle along with their imperfections and with the difficulties that they have to meet with in life, to do the best they can. And I come to the conclusion that God intends that we shall feel and know that it is not man, nor the arm of flesh, that we shall put our trust in; but that we shall depend upon Him, and put our trust in Him, though the world is opposed, and all the forces, it seems, of evil, are arrayed against the work of the Lord. CLOSE OF PRESIDENT TAYLOR'S MINISTRY. 271 One of the sisters remarked that if the world could see and know the virtue and the purity of life of such women as Sister Taylor and her associates in the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association, it would seem that they would hold their tongues. This I fear is a mistake. I be- lieve that it is because the wicked see the virtues and see the purity of life, the honor and uprightness, the faith and fidelity of the daughters of Zion and of the faithful sons of Zion, that they are stirred up the more to bitterness, hatred and envy, as the wolf is stirred in his hunger and ravenous appetite against the innocent lamb. The more purity you have, the better you live, the nearer unto God, the more upright you are, the more the wicked will hate and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely; for so they did against Him who was without sin or blemish, for it was against Him who was purer than all and better than all, who had more in- telligence than all others that ever lived in the flesh, they cried, "Let His blood be upon us and upon our children; crucify Him, put Him to death." And I say again, that the wicked in the world hate, and will continue to hate you as long as you continue to possess virtue, purity, honor and truth, until He comes whose right it is to reign in the earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and shall execute judg- ment upon the wicked, and the ungodly shall be forced to bow the knee, and their blasphemous tongues shall be forced to confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Now, I think you will find this to be the truth. The Lord bless you. I will say to Bishop Taylor, God bless you, and help you to continue to be the man that you are; all good wives help their husbands to be good, that is, if there is any good in them. To him I say, the Lord bless you, comfort your heart, give you that strength that is needed to enable you to continue your labor as a shepherd in Israel and as a guide to the flock over which you preside as a bishop of the Church; and that you and yours may be blessed and filled with joy, satisfaction and the knowledge that you possess all the glorious privileges and rights that belong to her that has now gone before you, that you will meet her again and enjoy her society forever and ever in the mansion that is prepared for you, or will be prepared for you, when you shall be gathered into the Kingdom of our God. This is 272 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. my prayer for you. Ever be true to the Gospel of life. And to the children I say, be true to the examples of your mother, walk and follow in her footsteps, for she was inded a true mother in Israel, and a wise counselor, a glorious, good wom- an. God bless her memory to all those who knew her, and may her fame and her name be handed down from genera- tion to generation by those who love God and who strive to keep His commandments, is my prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen. Elder Thomas Hull then read the following: RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. By the Young Men 's Mutual Improvement Association. ' 'Sister Elmina S. Taylor, president of the Young La- dies' Mutual Improvement Associations, having died at her home in Salt Lake City, December 6, 1904, at the age of seventy-four years, and after twenty-four years of faithful service as the supreme head of our companion organization, the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations: "It is resolved by the General Superintendence', for themselves and for the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations throughout the world: "That we express in unqualified terms our praise of the splendid organization of the young women of Zion brought up to its present perfection under the presidency of Sister Taylor; "That we recognize in the vast labor which this achieve- ment has involved, the triumphant consecration of a noble life, whose whole soul with qualities of mind and heart peculiarly adapted to the duties of leadership was dedicated to this service; "That we sympathize deeply with the officers and mem- bers of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations in the sorrow of their parting from their distinguished presi- dent, who had won completely their respect for her wisdom, and confidence in her executive judgment, and their un- feigned love; "That we commend the glorious example of her life in its unselfish devotion to the highest ideals of culture and im- provement, to the emulation of the young women of our people, CLOSE OF PRESIDENT TAYLOR'S MINISTRY. 273 and her memory to the reverence and honor of all who love righteousness and who delight in the happiness and well- being of their fellow men." The Young Ladies' chpir then sang the closing hymn: "Rest for the Weary Soul," and Apostle Rudger Clawson pronounced the benediction. At the cemetery the arrangements were no less beautiful though different from those at the Assembly Hall. The associations belonging to what was formerly known as the Salt Lake stake had lined the grave with a cloth of pure white thickly covered with fern and evergreen leaves. Into this beautiful receptacle the casket was lowered and the spot dedi- cated by President Nephi L. Morris of the Salt Lake stake. Silently her associates stepped forward, dropping their roses within the tomb and over all the white and green canopy was folded. No touch of the cold earth came near her, for she was literally buried beneath a bed of roses and the harsh sound of falling earth was deadened by the soft petals. The mound was made and over it was laid the beauteous blanket with its floral legend "From Your Girls." Other tributes from hearts just as warm were tenderly arranged, and all was completed. Thus closed the life and labors of Elmina S. Taylor. With that closing ended the first period of organized work among the young women of Zion, thirty-five years of active existence thirty-five years of preparation. Had the lessons been well taught, and well learned? Only eternity may answer these questions. We of mortality are so apt to measure life and character by visible results, not immortal souls; while God sees only the individual. The busy city, the crowded harbor, the ships upon a hundred seas and the smoke of in- dustry in a thousand valleys, these are our finite measures of success; while to the Creator, they are but children's play- houses in the sand. The beating hearts, the struggling hands, 18 274 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. the developed power and the intelligence of the single soul, of these He makes His scales wherewith He weighs all of life, here and hereafter. Whether the house were log or marble, matters not in the final measurement. The story :>f the rise and fall of nations and individuals is the same yesterday, today and forever. Only one thing accumulates, and that is the individual comprehension of the infinite. All else is but tran- sitory and tributary to that immensity of single existence. Beneath all single expressions of the law lies the glorious fact that each single effort for righteousness makes definitely for the ultimate triumph of the immortal Good. And when superior souls fight the good fight and win the victor's crown, the warfare is made the easier and the better for every soul upon earth, and even for the hosts of heaven. BIOGRAPHICAL. ALICE CALDER TUDDENHAM. Alice Calder was born in Salt Lake City, March 5, 1875. She is the daughter of William Calder. Her parents were of Scotch stock, her mother being of the famous McGregor clan. Alice possessed superior elocutionary gifts in addition to her musical powers, and almost from infancy was a prominent figure in all the ward entertainments. She loved music, and was made music conductor in the Twenty-First ward when a very young girl. She has considerable skill in conducting, and has trained many glee and chorus clubs in her ward associations . She has also worked in the ward Mutual as counselor and sec- retary and her love of literature is second only to her passion for music. Alice has received a good education, having at- tended the private school of that once welt known instructor of the young, Mrs. Camilla Cobb; she also attended the State University. She was made music director for the General Board in 1898. She was a member of the tabernacle choir for several years where she gained ideas in expression and con- ducting from Utah's popular choir leader, Evan Stephens. Since her marriage to William J. Tuddenham in 1900, BIOGRAPHICAL. 275 Mrs. Tuddenham has necessarily been less active in public. She possesses a sunny, happy disposition, and wins the sad- dest and sorest soul to her side, if given the opportunity. Her natural love of domestic pleasures makes it difficult some- times to know where the line is to be drawn between public and private cares. But wherever she is, there will be sun- shine and music. Mrs. Tuddenham is the mother of four fine children, one boy and three little daugh- ters. She is a devoted mother and wife, and laughingly ad- mits that she is too engrossed in her happiness at home to venture very much into pub- lic life. Yet she retains her position on theGeneralBoard, and often comes into the weekly meeting to assist in every phase of the work done there. She is broad in her sympathies and full of sug- gestions on many subjects. She, with the two organists, i s now engaged in the preparation of a special song book of music by home au- thors and home musicians, for the Y. L. M. I. A. She is very enthusiastic in what- ALICE CALDER TUDDENHAM. ever she undertakes and car- ries forward her duties with vigor and success. She is a born leader in musical matters, but none the less a successful wife and a devoted mother. MATTIE READ EVANS. In no other branch of art is Utah so interested as in the beautiful art of music; it has often been remarked by visit- ing strangers that no place of its size can compare with Utah in the production of musicians, both vocal and instru- mental. It is indeed an honor therefore to be so gifted and so 276 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. well-trained that one stands in the front ranks of our home artists. This distinction is certainly due the subject of this sketch, who is still young and full of brilliant promise for the future . Mattie Read was born in Nephi, Juab Co., and is the daughter of Walter P. and Martha A. Pond Read. She was educated in the public schools and later in the State Univer- sity, the family having removed to Salt Lake City when she was very young. Her mother was of a sensitive and refined nature , and reared her daugh- ter to be a true Latter-day Saint. The father is a local financial leader, and Mattie has therefore had excellent opportunities to develop her gifts. She was .organist in her ward for some time, and came into the Board as gen- eral organist in 1897. She has been a faithful Mutual worker from her very early years, acting as treasurer of the Twenty-First ward Y.L. M . I . A . for some years . She was organist of all the auxili- ary associations of that ward as well as ward organist. In 1902, she went to Germany to study music. She studied MATTIE READ EVANS. in the Sterns Conservatory for a year and a half, and afterwards for over two years under Godowsky, who is the recognized leader in his profession in Germany. He was so satisfied with her work that he offered her a position in a conservatory for girls in the United States. Miss Read declined this offer, being anxious to return to her home and people. Since her return, she has demonstrated her powers as a musician, both in public and private. Her work with the ladies' chorus in a recent June conference of the Mutual, although performed under great difficulties, proved her a musician with ability along this line. BIOGRAPHICAL. 277 Miss Read was married to Mr. P. Carl Evans, a lawyer of Salt Lake City, in 1907, and is the mother of one little daugh- ter. She has tried to keep up with much of her public work, for she has been often in demand for concerts and local musical work. She is organist of the Eighteenth ward choir besides retaining her large class of private pupils. She is one of the interpretive teachers of the city, and her waiting list of pupils is always large. She plays with exquisite expression, but her chief quality is that of musical pedagogy. She has the gift of developing the art in ethers and even if she were not so highly trained herself, she would still be very popular be- cause of this rare gift. Mrs. Evans is of delicate and refined manners and pos- sesses the spiritual magnetism which is called "soul" in art circles. The General Board is fortunate in the labors of this young woman, for her strength of character and her pure testi- mony of the Gospel but serve to mark with shining contrast the extreme diffidence and shyness of her retiring disposition.. The future years, when her children are reared and home is not so insistent in its demands, may well be expected to utilize the wealth of experience she is acquiring. This in turn she will bestow upon the association which, after her happy home and its beloved inmates, has claimed her first love. ELIZABETH THOMAS SARDONI. vSurely every dweller in Zion has heard of the famous pioneer musician, Charles J. Thomas. He was of a musical and well-educated family and was trained for a French horn player. He was considered, in his early youth, the best per- former on that difficult instrument in all London. He was of the pure English type of musicians, and glees and madrigals sang themselves into the very fiber of his being. He played in the Royal Italian Opera company, and was himself possess- ed of histrionic as well as musical ability. But he sacrificed his ambitions and prospects, and followed the course of his guiding star to western America to join his fortunes with the Mormons. His wife, Amy Adams, the mother of Eliza- beth, was the daughter of Barnabas Adams, a pioneer of the best type, and grandfather of Maude Adams, the great 278 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. American actress. Elizabeth, as the daughter of such parents , could scarcely fail to inherit rare gifts and powers. Her mother is also musical, and sings in the famous Temple choir, which Brother Thomas still leads. Elizabeth was born May 6th, 1881, in the house where the Thirteenth ward Retrenchment Association was organized. She is possessed of that regularity of feature and symmetry which would become silken robes and jeweled ornaments. But she has been trained by her good mother to adorn her spirit with the pearl of hu- mility rather than to seek for the perishable glories of earth and vain pleasures. When she was two years old, she knew by sound the air of over thirty tunes; and the father delighted in displaying this accomplishment for his own and his friends' amusement. She was singing alto at the age of nine years in Sunday School and Primary enter- tainments, and could also play on the piano at this early age . Elizabeth has not had the opportunity of cultivating her gifts abroad, but the sweet ELIZABETH THOMAS sARDONi. willingness which she mani- fests to use. them in every good and worthy cause, makes her loved and admired wher- ever she goes. She has acted as counselor to the president of the Y.L.M. I. A. of the Thirteenth ward, where she was born and reared, and later was president of that association. She was made as- sistant organist for the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. in 1902, and is faithful in her attendance in that duty. She was organist for the Temple choir for some years, as well as nearly all the auxiliary organizations in her ward. She has studied at home, being a pupil of Arthur Shepherd. She has a living BIOGRAPHICAL. 279 testimony of the Gospel, and has the gift of faith and healing, and possesses that best of all gifts, unfailing- charity. Elizabeth was married on the 22d of March, 1906, to a young- Italian convert to the Gospel, Lorenzo Sardoni, a mu- sician of g-ood standing in the community. He is now the director of an orchestra and is a kind husband and a g-ood provider to his charming- wife and her dear ones. They have two beautiful boys, and both parents are deeply blessed in their joyous privileg-e of parenthood. And here we leave them to work out the common and happy destiny of those who love art and truth and God. CHAPTER XIII. THE REORGANIZATION. Order of procedure. A preliminary meeting. Nomination by the First Presidency. Reorganization in April; names presented at June conference, 1905. THE winter following- Sister Taylor's death was a busy one, for no reorganization was effected till spring and the heavy work was carried forward gallantly by the Board. For a long time previous, the burden of the executive work had fallen upon the shoulders of Sister Dougall, as first coun- selor. The news of the world of Mutual Improvement work had been brought to Sister Taylor each day for some months previous to her death, by the assistant secretary, Agnes S. Campbell; but the labor of presiding- at meetings, and of directing many of the details of the work, had been performed by the first counselor. The second counselor, Sister Ting-ey, was ill for many months, and was unable to attend meetings; she was carried, as it were, to the funeral and looked very frail as she sat in the upper pulpit at the services. Imme- diately following the funeral, in December, Sister Dougall was taken by her anxious husband to spend the winter in California, her health, never the best, having been seriously impaired during the previous year. This would have been in the nature of a calamity, but for the providential fact that the health of Sister Tingey was almost fully and miraculously restored, permitting her to come all winter to the weekly Board meetings. There is an order in the Church, in all its workings and details. Students who have examined the machinery of the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are struck with admiration for its simple and effectual construction. Parnell, the great Irish statesman, pronounced it the most perfect organization known to man; while the THE REORGANIZATION. 281 American student and sociologist, Prof. Richard Ely, de- clared that it was equaled only by the German army in its completeness and detail. This order and system extends to the auxiliary organizations, therefore it will be worth while to give, briefly, the details of the reorganization of the Y. L. M. I. Associations. When an officer of a stake or local auxiliary organization dies or resigns, the superior officers, with the approval and assistance of the priesthood, choose another to fill the va- cancy; but when the general president of the organization dies, the reorganization is in the hands of the presidency of the Church. The death or resignation of the president of any organization in the Church at once releases the counselors, but the offices of secretary and treasurer are continuous ones, and are not dependent upon any other office. It might have hap- pened that the office of aid, being created by Sister Taylor herself, and therefore not being of regular or general scope, would at her death be discontinued, or at least the members disorganized. But the presiding authority of the Church elected otherwise. The aids in the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association were treated as part of the General Board. Sister Taylor died in December, 1904, but no attempt at reorganizing the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. was made during the winter. The routine work was carried forward, under the direction of Counselor Tingey. In the spring of 1905 and by request of the First Presidency, the members of the General Board met at the Brigham Young Memorial building on Sunday, April 2, 1905, at the close of the Temple fast meeting. The genial organizer, and president of the Twelve Apostles, Francis M. Lyman, was present and took charge of the meeting. Associated with him were Apos- tles Hyrum Smith and George A. Smith. When all were seated, the meeting was opened with 282 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. prayer; then a few timely remarks were made by Presi- dent Lyman, who said the presiding brethren greatly appreciated the labors of Sister Elmina S. Taylor, re- cently deceased; they now desired to consult with her co -laborers, with regard to the appointment of her successor, and asked if any one present had anything to say, before pro- ceeding with the duty before them. President Lyman sug- gested that the members present write the names of possible candidates on slips of paper, these to be gathered up at the close of the meeting. Names need not be confined to members of the present Board. It would be best to give several from which to choose. This plan was followed. The members present on this historic occasion were: Counselor Martha H. Tingey, Secretary Ann M. Cannon, Treasurer Mae Taylor Nystrom, Aids Adella W. Eardley, Agnes S. Campbell, Sarah Eddington, Susa Young Gates, Minnie J. Snow, May Booth Talmage, Joan Campbell, Rose W. Bennett, Alice K. Smith, Ruth M. Fox, Julia M. Brixen, Augusta W. Grant, Mary A. Freeze, Estelle Neff, Nellie C. Taylor, Emily C. Adams, Mary E. Connelly, Elen Wallace, Musical Director Alice C. Tuddenham, Assistant Organist Elizabeth Thomas. Members not present were Counselor Maria Y. Dougall, in Calif orhia, Aids Emma Goddard, ill; Elizabeth C. McCune, in Peru; Organist Mattie Read, in Germany. After the papers were gathered by Apostle George A. Smith, a unanimous vote was given to sustain the one chosen by the First Presidency. The hymn, ''Lord dismiss us with Thy Blessing," was sung and the meeting was dismissed. The General Board had a great deal of work on hand to prepare for the June conference, and this was now April; so that their labors were not discontinued, nor was there any particular excitement in the Board. Each member seemed to feel that implicit confidence in the over-ruling Providence THE REORGANIZATION. 283 which guides all things aright, no matter what the personal prejudices or preferences might be. On April 5th, Wednesday afternoon, the General Board were again called together, and they met in the editorial room of the Journal office. This meeting was presided over by Sister Martha Home Tingey. She directed the usual opening exercises and asked for the reading of the minutes of the spe- cial meeting held the Sunday before in the Memorial building. The general secretary then opened and read the following letter from the First Presidency of the Church: To the General Board of the Y. L.M. I A. Deal Sisters: The committee who were appointed by the First Pres- idency to consult you with reference to your choice of one to fill the vacancy caused by the death of your beloved and lamented president, Sister Elmina S. Taylor, have reported to us as follows: We recommend that Sister Martha H. Tingey be nomi- nated for president, Maria Y. Dougall as first and Ruth M. Fox as second counselors. We hereby notify you that the foregoing recommendation is accepted and heartily approved by us, and we submit the same as our decision and recommendation to the Board. With very kindest regards, we are, Your brethren, JOSEPH F. SMITH, JOHN R. WINDER, ANTHON H. LUND, First Presidency of the Church. It was moved, seconded and carried to sustain the action of the First Presidency. After a brief pause, Sister Tingey arose and expressed appreciation of the honor which this action had conferred upon her, and stated that she would earnestly endeavor to carry on the great work devolving upon her. She spoke lovingly to all present, mentioning especially the aids, some 284 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. of whom had wondered if they would now be released; she told them she could not spare one of them for she felt great need of the generous support and assistance of every member of the Board. Each one present spoke, and all were broken with emotion, and melted with the spirit of the occasion. The benediction was pronounced by Ann M. Cannon. Thus ended the second most historic meeting in the his- tory of the Y. L. M. I. A. After this, various committees proceeded to complete the preparations for the June conference, and all members of the Board were speedily and contentedly at work. The next mail brought from Sister Dougall in California a most noble and characteristic letter to Sister Tingey, which will explain itself, and will form a part of this history. Sister Dougall says: I have known you from childhood; have labored with you for the past twenty years. I know your worth. And I feel that Sister Taylor's mantle will surely fall upon your shoulders. Could she speak to us, I know she would say she is well pleased with the choice. I appreciate very much indeed being chosen to be one of your counselors, and could I conscientiously have accepted the position would have done so; but I do not feel I could do the work of that office in my present state of health . And while I have in years past tried to perform my duties as Sis- ter Taylor's counselor, I feel the work growing and extending to that magnitude it would be impossible for me to attend to the work that would necessarily fall upon me. I do earnestly pray for you, dear sister, that your body may be strengthened, your mind enlightened, your intellec- tual powers increased to the extent that nothing will be a burden to you. My interest will always be with you in the work; I love it and am still one with you in spirit. I know that you will be as clay in the hands of the potter to be formed and fashioned as the Spirit of the Lord may will to perform His glorious work in the earth. In some respects, I am better than for years, and im- proving gradually. But no one knows, not even my own THE REORGANIZATION. 285 family, how Sister Taylor's death prostrated me. I should have resigned months and months ago, had it not been for her feeble health, but I could not feel to broach the subject to her, under the circumstances. I love the Temple work, too, and feel I shall be able to perform that without so much physical strength as the Mu- tual Improvement work entails. Love and blessings to you all. In accordance with the earnest request of Sister Dou- gall, she was released from the position of first counselor, and Mae Taylor Nystrom was chosen by the First Presidency to act as Sister Tingey 's second counselor, while Sister Fox was named as first counselor. The appointment of Sister Ny- strom pleased and comforted the members of the Board for the loss of their beloved Sister Dougall, as no other appoint- ment could have done. The names of the General Board were not placed before the people at the general April conference, and not until the young people met in June; but the Board was fully organized by the middle of April. One essential change in the working of the committees was announced by President Tingey in May. It was that, in accordance with the wishes and in- tentions of President Taylor, the personnel of the various committees should be changed from time to time, in order to have new ideas and new plans introduced. The members would get a more varied experience by changing about and working on the different committees than by confining their labors to one. Therefore, it was decided that these com- mittees should continue for only two years. At a meeting held on the 3rd of May, 1905, Sister Dou- gall, who had just returned from California, met with the General Board. Towards the close of the meeting, Sister Tingey called upon Sister Dougall to say a few words. The pent-up eloquence of that loving heart burst forth and blessed and encouraged every one present. At the conclusion of 286 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Sister Bengali's remarks, Sister Eardley moved that Sister Dougall be made an honorary member of the Board. There was an instant second by half the members present; and with unanimous good- will, the motion was carried. Thus the Board secured the counsel and occasional assistance of their oldest working- member, and had in this way an opportunity to ex- press, formally, the love and honor in which they held Sister Maria Young- Doug-all. The June conference of 1905 which followed was one of the best and most successful ever held by the young women of Zion. There was an outpouring of love and sympathy which must have gladdened the hearts of the newly chosen officers. One new feature of this conference was the depart- ment meetings, held by the young ladies. The presidents and counselors met in one place, the aids in another, the secretaries in a room by themselves, the treasurers in another and the librarians and musical directors by themselves. This was a very successful departure from the usual forms. The new Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. have had five years experience in laboring side by .side for the advancement of the young daughters of Zion; and if any one thing more than another has marked the administration of President Tingey, it is the righteous quality within her that helps her to sink her own individuality, as far as possible, in the great work she has to do. She has no personal ambitions that find out- ward expression. She goes placidly on her way, supported by her two conscientious counselors, and together they form a quorum that proves invincible to the evil and inviting to the good influences in the earth. PRESIDENT MARTHA II. TIXGEY. BIOGRAPHICAL. 287 BIOGRAPHICAL. MARTHA HORNE TINGE Y. Martha Home Tingey is the daughter of Joseph and Mary Isabella Home. She is their fourteenth child, and was born Oct. 15, 1857, in the Fourteenth ward of Salt Lake City. She is rather small in stature, with the same gentle but firm voice and manner which were so much a part of her mother. From her early childhood, Mattie was a lover of books and eagerly devoured everything in that line that came within her reach. It must be remembered that all kinds of books could not be obtained then so easily as now. She received her education in private schools and in the Deseret University, now the University of Utah. She was gifted in music, and had natural elocutionary powers, and being possessed of a rare memory, was in con- stant demand for public and private entertainments. Her health might fail, but her invincfible determination to do her duty carried her over every obstacle. She was of spiritual longings; and often her mother found her seated quietly in the corner listening to the inspiring testimonies of the good and great men and women gathered in that hospitable home. In the summer of 1873, half a dozen girls, through the invitation of President Brigham Young and Apostle George Q. Cannon, undertook to acquire the trade of type-setting. It was a new departure, even for the progressive Mormons, and much was said to discourage the innovation. In the published list of these girls, the name of Martha Home heads the list. When the Central Board, as it was first called, of the Y. L. M. I. A. was formed, in 1880, with Sister Elmina S. Taylor at the head, she chose the youthful, modest, and yet fully qualified daughter of Sister Home for her second coun- selor. Miss Martha had very grave doubts about her ability to fill this honorable position, but her chief had not the shadow of one. The girl had never learned to say "no" to superior authority, so she meekly took her place beside her file leader. On the 30th of September, 1884, Martha was married to Joseph S. Tingey, son of Bishop John Tingey of the Seven- 288 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. teenthward. The union has been very congenial and one of mutual helpfulness. Brother Tingey 's liberal character is an example of what a man can do, as a husband, father and Elder in Israel, without in any way hindering- the development of a gifted wife. The public labors of Mrs. Tingey have been before the people for thirty years; for in her very childhood, she joined the first Retrenchment Association. She has never departed from the spirit of those early resolutions. In spite of example, friendship, and every degenerating influence, she has held steadily the path which God and her own integrity marked out for her to follow. She was counselor in the ward Y. L. M. I. A. and also in the Primary Association for several years, and secretary and teacher of the Sunday School. It would be unfair to write anything about Mrs. Tingey which did not speak of her qualities of house-wife and home- maker. It might be inferred that so much public work would militate against her family duties; but the fact is that even in her early youth while engaged as a type-setter, she still found time to engage in household arts, and especially to become an accomplished seamstress. And now, notwithstanding that she is at the head of the girls in all Zion, she is still devoted to her home and family and is known among her associates as a good wife and mother. She has the unusual quality of system and order, so that all her tasks fall into line as well- drilled soldiers. She is the mother of seven children. Mrs. Tingey has traveled much in the interest of M. I. work. She was one of the principal speakers on Utah day at the great congress of women at the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893. In 1899, she attended the Triennial session of the National Council of Women in Washington, acting as proxy for the president of the Y. L. M. I. A., and also represented that organization at the Triennial session held in Seattle in 1909. Mrs. Tingey is always a convincing speaker, and at times pours forth her soul in the true language of eloquence. She has a dignified manner, and is quiet in speech, though aggressive in her opinions. She has the prudence to restrain speech, when silence is golden. If asked to name the most marked trait in Mrs. Tingey 's character, the answer would be, sincerity, genuineness. When Mrs. Tingey was asked to assume the presidency BIOGRAPHICAL. 289 of the Y. L. M. I. A. in April, 1905, she did so with the same earnestness, modesty and zeal which have always characterized her public labors. Perhaps the most remarkable circumstance attached to the work done by Sister Tingey during the five years of her administration has been the fulfillment of the prophecy uttered upon her head by her own mother, and reiterated in the blessing which was pronounced upon her when she was set apart to preside over the Y. L. M. I. A. by President Joseph F. Smith, that she should have health and strength to per- form her labors . For years her health had been of the most precarious nature, but from the day when she came by faith and will-power to take her place at the funeral of her leader Sister Taylor, Sister Tingey has rarely been absent at any of the many and taxing councils of her Board. She has traveled through Oregon, Wyoming, and Idaho stakes; she has jour- neyed to Canada on the north and to far Mexico on the south in the labors of her calling, and her desire is to visit every stake in the Church and to look upon the inspiring faces of the girls wherever they are gathered under the Mutual ban- ners. She has never doubted the outcome in any difficulty or obstacle. Her quiet power of self-control is one mark of her greatness, and promises better and still better things from her as time goes on. New conditions which constantly come to any enlarging growth or community, have crowded themselves upon her careful attention; but she has met each new development, has solved all fresh problems with the united assistance of her counselors and her Board. She has so much deliberation, is so careful of results in her own conception of things material and spiritual, that her calm judicial example greatly influences her co-workers to their own decided benefit. If Sister Tingey could voice in one sentence the greatest wish of her motherly heart, it would be "that every daughter of Zion might be helped to get a testimony of the truth of the mission of Jesus Christ and of the new witness borne of that Savior by the Prophet Joseph Smith through the labors of the Mutual Improvement Associations." 19 290 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. RUTH MAY FOX. At the age of sixteen months Ruth May was left mother- less. An evidence of the power of heredity may be seen in her case, for while her father loved her devotedly, and cared for her as best he could, the child, unknown to him, was often exposed to the evil influences of coarse and vulgar people. That she remained singularly fine and pure is due to the in- nocence and strength of her own character, and to the bless- ing of God. Shortly after her birth her parents joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. At every opportunity, her father sought to teach her the principles of the gospel which he and her mother loved. He taught her to rely implicitly upon God, which gave her an unwavering faith. He taught her the Word of Wisdom so effectively that she has never been tempted to disobey it. He taught her to be truthful and honest; to share with another and to give that other first choice; to suffer wrong rather than to do wrong. Upon first meeting her, one notices the independent poise of her head, the brightness of her smile, the sparkle of her dark eyes. Listening to her conversation one is impressed by the keenness of her wit. Wit does not always attract, though it does interest; but when, as in this case, the stranger sees underneath it the spirit of love and kindness, he draws near and becomes one of a circle of admirers. Gradually under- neath the brilliant repartee he recognizes the warmth of her generous heart, the strength of her courage, and the depth of her humility; he sees the strong will , which yet yields to the will of her Maker; the honest pride which might have been haughtiness had it not learned to bend through obedi- ence to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Above all, he recognizes her faith, a principle so dominating her actions that even against his will he is compelled to pause and wonder at the beauty, joy and power of such an element in life. Ruth May was born November 16th, 1853, in Wiltshire, England. She is the daughter of James and Mary Ann May. After her mother's death, until nearly eight years of age, she was moved from town to town that she might be near her father in his journeying, as he was during that time a travel- COUNSELOR RUTH M. FOX. BIOGRAPHICAL. 291 ing elder. The next four years father and daughter lived in Yorkshire, whence he sailed for America, going- to Philadel- phia, where she joined him after a few months. Shortly afterward Mr. May married an English widow who had a daughter about Ruth's own age, with the two of whom Ruth had crossed the ocean . The union proved a very happy one , and Ruth gained the companionship and love of a mother as well as of a sister. Mr. May was an expert carder and readily secured em- ployment in Philadelphia . Since the entire family was anxious to emigrate to Utah, they worked unitedly to raise means for their traveling expenses. Ruth worked first with her father in a cotton factory; later she was employed at dress-making. In 1867, they started by ox team for Salt Lake City; but most of the distance across the plains was traveled by foot. After arriving in Salt Lake valley, Ruth worked with her father in the woolen mills. Her marriage to Jesse W. Fox, Jun., took place May 8th, 1872. She is the mother of six sons and six daughters, all living except the eldest daughter. Mrs. Fox began her public work in the Primary Asso- ciation of the Fourteenth ward, Salt Lake City, when called to act as second counselor to Prest. Clara C. Cannon, which position she held for nineteen years. In 1895, she became president of the Y. L. M. I. A. of the same ward, and acted in that capacity until the autumn of 1904. Mrs. Fox has taken an active interest in the Woman's Suffrage association in the county, territorial and state organizations, of which she held office. She was also a member of the committee which drafted the memorial asking the constitutional conven- tion that the franchise for women be placed in the constitu- tion for the state of Utah. She was a charter member of the Woman's Press Club, and became the first treasurer of that organization; later, in 1897, she was elected president for the ensuing year. In the Reapers' Club, Mrs. Fox was also a charter member. She was a director of the Deseret Agricul- tural and Manufacturing Society for eight years, having been appointed to that position by Governor Heber M. Wells. Ever since the organization of the Bureau of Information in 1902, Mrs. Fox has acted as one of the guides who give their time free of charge for the benefit of tourists. As a rule, she 292 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. has spent, at this far reaching- work, a portion of two days in each week. In 1898, Sister Fox was set apart as an aid in the General Board of Y. L. M. I. A., and it is in this organization that she has, perhaps, given her most untiring- effort and found her most congenial public work. It was Sister Fox who first suggested and who took the initiative in establishing the traveling- libraries of the Y. L. M. I. A., acting as first chairman of the committee to whom that work was entrusted. In J 903 she represented the Young Ladies at the Executive session of the National Council of Women of the U. S. held in New Orleans. Sister Fox has made many of the longest and hardest trips in visiting the outlying stake organizations of the Young Ladies; and on more than one occasion she has, on very short notice, gone to fill appointments assigned to others when illness or other misfortune prevented their going; to her husband and children belong;s some of the credit for having assisted in making this possible. Mrs. Fox has given excellent service on the Journal, conference, and many special committees. In her labors on the Executive Board, as first counselor, she has worked intelligently and faithfully, forming, with President Tingey and Counselor Nystrom, a presidency of excellent poise and balance, able to see and understand fully the varying needs of the girls. In education Mrs. Fox is the peer of many women who have had greater advantages . She attended school in Eng- land till eleven years of age, after which she had no further opportunity until her arrival in Utah, when she attended the district school for six months and Morgan College for four months. After having been married about fifteen years, she awoke to the fact that she could find time for study in her own home and immediately began. She has kept in touch with the studies of her children and in addition taken a course in English through the Scran ton School of Correspondence. Her natural gift of poesy is very fine, and her technical knowledge is constantly growing, for she is, in regard to this, as to everything else, an indefatigable worker. Her poems appear frequently in the Young Woman's Journal and the Era. Her song "Galilee," set to music by Professor George Careless, is sung frequently by girls' voices. With such a record for public work and study one might COUNSELOR MAE T. NYSTROM. BIOGRAPHICAL. 293 easily wonder, What of her home? That is best answered by the fineness of her children, whose characters speak a volume for a mother's love and training-. Excellent health, coupled with a thirst for knowledge and a determination to achieve things, has made this record possible. Then, too, Mrs. Fox has believed in the promise, "The Lord shall make thee equal unto every task;" and it has been fulfilled. MAE TAYLOR NYSTROM. Mae Taylor Nystrom, second counselor to President Martha Home Tingey, is the daughter of the late Bishop George H. Taylor and Elmina Shepherd Taylor, beloved first president of the Y. L. M. I. A. She was born at the Taylor homestead in the Fourteenth ward, Salt Lake City, and grew to womanhood in the light of the home wherein she was nurtured and loved by a wise father, a tender mother, and three brothers who watched over her with pride. In the shelter of this family where love and peace ruled she was guarded from every ill of life and borne upon the wings of joy through childhood, girlhood and young womanhood, knowing little of trial or sorrow. By nature serene and sunshiny, it is in her home that these qualities are most quickly felt. She ap- preciated deeply the obligations of affection due her parents and served them with devotion. When a girl Mae Taylor attended the public school in Salt Lake City, later spent one year at the University of Utah, and at the founding of the Latter-day Saints' College, entered that institution and completed a course of study. The idtal of her girlhood was to become a perfect home- maker. With this in view she quietly set about its ac- complishment. Under her mother's direction she studied the varying phases of domestic science cooking, sewing, sani- tation, the care of the sick, and rounded out her home- making preparations by the oft repeated entertainment of her friends. Home, as Mae Taylor grew to understand it, "was the place where her family was loved and made happy ;**and it was also the place where friends should most surely*find welcome, hospitality and peace. Today the ideal\>f her girl- hood is the ideal ol her life in her heart home holds first place. 294 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. One phase of education that early attracted her was physical culture. After some study in Salt Lake City she spent the summer of 1893 at Harvard in advanced work, and upon her return taught two years in the Utah School for Physical Culture under the direction of Maud May Babcock. She also took charge of the school as director for two years. With the hope of carrying- the benefits of physical culture to the Y. L. M. I. A. of the nearby wards, she at this time conducted drills in the monthly officers' meetings, held in the Fourteenth ward. In the character development of Mae Taylor Nystrom the influence of the M. I. A. has been great. Indeed, as counselor to President Tin gey, she might well be said to rep- resent the girls of the M. I. A. for she has advanced, by interest, earnest work and faithful service, from the first step of simple membership through various offices in the local association and upon the General Board, to her present po- sition. She typifies what development brings in the M. I. A. When but seventeen years of age Mae Taylor was made assistant secretary of the Fourteenth ward association. Three years later she became second counselor and four years afterward was made treasurer. Two traits of Mae Taylor's character marked her work unfailing attendance at meetings and most careful attention to the detail work of the office. These traits show where Mrs. Nystrom obtained the broad understanding of the M. I. A. that today makes her counsel valuable . October 9th, 1892, she was elected corresponding secretary of the General Board Y. L. M. I. A. and became familiar with many departments of the general work under the direct tuition of her mother. Into the performance of this duty she put the faithfulness of a secretary and the devotion of a daughter. June 21, 1900, Mae Taylor became the wife of Theodore Nystrom. After spending two years in Montpelier, Idaho, where Mr. Nystrom was manager of a large implement business, they came back to live at the Taylor homestead. On her return Mrs. Nystrom was called to act as treasurer of the General Board Y. L. M. L A. Resuming her place as daughter in her childhood home, to Mrs. Nystrom was given the joy of devotedly serving her loved mother and father TREASURER ALICE K. SMITH. BIOGRAPHICAL. 295 during: their remaining: years. In December, 1904, her mother died. In April, 1907, her father followed. That the sunshine of her presence came back to them for those last years was their great joy. That they understood and appreciated her devotion was the blessing- that softened her grief. x At the reorganization of the General Board Y. L. M. I. A. in April, 1905, Mrs. Nystrom was chosen second counselor to President Tingey. She would rather have remained an aid; but love of the work to which her mother had given so much of her life's best energy, faith in the authority that called her, and the unwavering sense of duty that dominates all her actions led her to accept. Into this new field of activity she has brought her faithfulness in attendance of meetings; her careful attention to detail; her broad attitude of mind that seeks information on all sides of questions before rendering judgment; her love of the gospel and desire to have its in- fluence directing the lives of the girls of the M. I. A. Especially have the Young Woman's fournal, stake con- ferences, and conventions felt her interest. Twice she has represented the Y. L. M. I. A. at the National Council of Women: at the Executive session held in Union City, Illinois, November, 1908, and with President Tingey, at the Triennial session in Seattle, July, 1909. In the active service of the Y. L. M. I. A. Mrs. Nystrom is a busy woman. With the pressing duty done and the shelter of her home reached, she finds strength and rest and encouragement in the love that today upholds her there. ALICE KIMBALL SMITH. Born with the soul of a poet, Alice Kimball came into a family presided over by one of the greatest of modern men President Heber C. Kimball. She had no time and less op- portunity to be made aware of anything unusual in her own nature or her father's powerful family administration. If there is one more remarkable fact about the founders of this Church than another, it is the absolute devotion with which they have inspired each and all of their children. No matter how large the family, or how indifferent the descendant might become to the faith which make these men what they were the child and the children have retained a devotion 296 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. that amounts in most instances to adoration of those men who staked their all upon the divinity of the mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Such fathers could not have been aught but great and noble men. No daughter in all this kingdom is more passionately devoted to the memory of her parents than is the subject of this sketch. To be the daughter of one president and prophet and the wife of another president and prophet is a distinction rarely attained even by a Latter-day Saint. Yet, as the daughter of President Heber C. Kimball, and the wife of President Joseph F. Smith, the subject of this brief sketch might well be endowed with unusual gifts. Sister Smith is a twin. Her brother, Andrew Kimball, is the well-known president of St. Joseph stake of Arizona. She, or they, were born in Salt Lake City, in the Eighteenth ward, September 6th, 1858, just after the return of the people from "The Move" to Provo. Her father passed away when she was nine years of age and her mother eleven years after. Alice was ever an obedient daughter. Her mother, Ann Alice Gheen, was a descendant of the old Pennsylvania Quaker stock. She was for many years an invalid and Alice was devoted to her. During the last few weeks of her life this daughter was her attendant both by day and by night. Her mother's last words are treasured lovingly in her memory, "Alice, you have been a joy to me all the days of your life." Her education, begun in the day school, received some rounding out, or completion (for there was no graduation in the pioneer days in Utah), at the Deseret University, under Dr. Park. She is the mother of seven children, all of whom do her honor. Sister Smith has acted for years as a teacher in the Sunday Schools, was a counselor to Mrs. Mary Irvine in the Nineteenth ward Y. L. M. I. A., and was for a time president of the Primary Association of that ward. In 1896 she was chosen by President Elmina S. Taylor to act as an aid on the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. The call came as a complete surprise, and with her charac- teristic deliberation, she weighed the matter long and care- fully, putting to herself the question which she ever asks when public duty and private cares are in the balance will BIOGRAPHICAL. 297 this position have a tendency to defraud my children of a mother's love and a mother's constant watchcare, or can I find time and strength to do both? The answer took her into the Board, for she trusted to the loving- wisdom of her hus- band and to the assurance of her own prayerful heart. Alice Kimball Smith is peculiarly gifted with the inheri- tance from her father inspiration; an inspiration which guides her daily footsteps and which gives her wise answers that are like "apples of gold in pictures of silver" to children and friends who seek her counsel. That inspiration also rests upon her at times in her ministry to the daughters of Zion; and when it does, her tongue is tipped with the fire from the altar of divine eloquence. Her heart is ever a- quiver with the suppressed emotions of a keenly sensitive spirit; and when she is forced to appear before an audience, she forgets self and remembers only God and the eager girls who are listening to her moving appeals. Added to her solicitous motherhood is the skill of the housewife and the rarer artistic handling of the needle, which can make old garments look like new, and can fashion the new into robes of grace and beauty. She is her own seamstress, and does not shrink even from the difficult art of tailoring her own outer garments. She is gifted with the love of art in all its manifold expressions, yet for lack of proper cultivation, her songs have gone unsung, her poems have never been written. She lacks confidence in herself, and but from a stern sense of duty would never enter into public enterprises. And yet, the way has opened for many journeys to be taken, for missions to be filled. Her two faithful and devoted daughters could tell some of the reasons why this has been made possible. In April, 1905, when the Board was reorganized, Mrs. Smith was chosen to act as general treasurer, to take the place left vacant by Mrs. Mae T. Nystrom. She felt the heavy responsibility of such a calling. To half do her duty would be impossible. It must be done as skillfully and as faithfully as would be possible to any other in like cir- cumstances. So the only thing to do she did: take a course in bookkeeping to qualify her to keep her books, which she has since been able to do most successfully. Mrs. Smith was chosen to act as counselor to the 298 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Daughters of the Pioneers in 1905, and served several years in that position. She has also been named as the only lady in the presidency of the Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers. Such is the life and such are the foundation principles which have gone into the making of this beautiful character. What she has done is not the unusual thing, it is how she has done it; it is not what she teaches with her lips eloquent as they may be that makes the righteous ensample for the girlhood of the Church to pattern after; it is what her faith and trust have fashioned out of the life materials at her hand. Beauty is not of our making or altering; but integrity, truth, loyalty to friends, devotion to family interests and duty this it is which makes of Mrs. Smith an ideal worthy of all emulation . CHAPTER XIV. CONCLUSION. Resume of the nrst forty years' work. A glimpse at a local Mutual Improvement meeting; at a stake board meeting; at a General Board meeting. The power behind them. The results. /CONTEMPLATE for a moment the social and religious V> conditions of today without Mutual Improvement As- sociations! What would we do if they were suddenly to dissolve; what and where would we be if they had never existed? Fancy if you can, seventy thousand young: people without a Mutual Improvement Association, with no Era or Young Woman s Journal no Mutual conferences or con- ventions no weekly ward Mutual Improvement meetings no Sunday conjoint evening sessions no libraries no or- ganized social activities no proper outlet for natural gayety and talents no training-school for future missionaries and future home-makers! The young men might not be in the sorry condition of the girls, even then; for they have their quorums, missions, and the woven web of offices from deacon to the president of the Church. But the girls would be lost indeed. Church schools and Sunday schools might employ some of their time and develop a portion of their talents, yet both would be wholly inadequate to give the spiritual and mental equipment so necessary for the ideal woman of today . Mortality has no scales with which to weigh , no rule by which to measure, the value of the Mutual Improvement work to the young women of Zion! Let us close this story of the Y. L. M. I. A. with a glance over the forty years of achievement since their or- ganization in the Lion House on that night of November 28th, 1869. Out of that preliminary meeting grew the Retrenchment work. Ward organizations of the girls followed, and in ten years there were Young Ladies' Retrenchment Associations 300 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. in practically every ward in Zion. Associated with this work was the introduction of similar societies among- the young men, which were christened the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations. The name of the girls' societies was changed to harmonize with the newer work, and these societies soon became two halves of a great whole. Then came the setting in order of the stakes of Zion. Next followed the grouping together of all the women's organizations with General Boards. The Young Woman 's Journal was started under the auspices of the General Board ot the Y. L. M. I. A. Next was chosen a corps of aids for the General Board, followed by a regular course of study provided in Guides prepared and published by the general authorities. The historical and financial interests of the Board were brought up to the highest standard of efficiency by the general secretary. A yearly Dime Fund was inaugurated successfully. A traveling library movement was projected and later the ward libraries were greatly increased and are now censored wisely and rigorously. The wards and stakes blossomed into great centers of social light and educational activity. Standing com- mittees were organized to facilitate work in the General Board. The girls meanwhile gave freely of their time and vitality to raise means for local, educational, and charitable causes. Joining forces with their brother associations in certain di- rections, conjoint general conferences were arranged each June in Salt Lake City, followed by the grouping of stake interests in yearly gatherings of a similar nature. The tenta- tive work done by the Mutual Improvement League of earlier years in physical education has come into perfect fulfillment through the erection of a magnificent gymnasium in Salt Lake City, and other smaller ones scattered throughout the stakes. The national and international movements of women in all the world have not ignored the efforts and friendship of the Mutual Improvement girls in Zion, but have given their loyal CONCLUSION. 30i support to our educational and social achievements. All these, with many minor developments, marked the twenty-five years of the labor and ministry of Elmina S. Taylor and her asso- ciate workers. After her death, December 4th, 1904, came the reorganization of the Board with Martha H. Tingey as president, and her associated workers. The girls contributed of their means to assist in erecting- suitable headquarters for the general Y. L. M. I. offices, which funds were merged with those of the other women's auxiliary organizations, and given to the Church, receiving 1 in return the splendid accom- modations now theirs in the Bishop's building opposite the Salt Lake Temple. Contemplate for a moment some of the results of these labors! Imagine the effect produced on the impalpable yet perfectly organized spiritual atmosphere about us, super- induced by the unity of purpose and labor existing among over seventy thousand young people! Most of the associations meet on the same evening in the week, study the same lessons, from Canada to Mexico, from New York to San Francisco; yes, and they are at work away off in Honolulu, in Australia, and in most of the countries of Europe. Not only are the studies and the date of meeting identical, but the objects and aims of all are alike; there is present no motive but ''self cul- ture" except the infinitely higher one of service of the su~ perior intelligence to the inferior. There is no coercion; all are at liberty, to come and to go. The only test of membership is integrity, purity of character and faithfulness in labor. There are no distinctions in class or caste; intelligence and diligence are the sole re- quirements for preferment and position. While the re- sponsibility of office is rather avoided than otherwise, the honor of being selected is sensibly appreciated by the youth of both sexes. As a rule diligent service is given. Every office is filled, each study is undertaken, entirely as an indi- 302 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. vidtial affair. The whole spirit of work and workers is per- missive, not mandatory. The stimulus to members and offi- cers is that given by the impetus of conscious duty done, and hard but loving- service rendered. It was understood by the leaders of the movement that the element of popularity must be counted upon as a strong- force in the work. For this reason the social features have ever been emphasized. Efforts have been made to induce the social leaders among both sexes to lend their aid in car- rying- forward the plans and purposes of the association. Jf the ' 'pure life' ' and the ' 'proper life' ' can be made as popular as the "strenuous life," a mig-hty force will be focussed in the ranks of Mutual Improvement work. To make it a popular thing- to be well-bred and intelligent, while increasing the impulse towards spiritual development, has been the aim of the Mutual Improvement Association; and results prove that the mingling of spiritual, social and educational objects has been most happy and desirable. Think what it means to any community to have the amusements of the young controlled or guided by wise and righteous leaders! Not leaders chosen from the staid and older members of the community only, but also the wisest and most sympathetic selected from among the young people ! The young will follow the young more quickly than they will follow the old and sedate. Above all the influences which have contributed to make this work the success which it has become, is the fact, and it marks all the similar work done in the Church, that no work is performed for a monetary reward but is offered as a labor of love. The heart grows sad when labor is misunderstood and purposes misjudged. The hands grow tired, the feet weary, with the strain of continuous and unfruitful labors. The brain sometimes refuses to toil when injustice and sharpness are the seeming reward for long and concentrated struggle. But when the CONCLUSION. 303 hour is past, and the time is struck, the soul leaps from its sorrowing couch with the consciousness of pure effort made and undivided purpose intended. The vision of hope is opened by the handclasp of a friend, or the unexpected bless- ing- of a servant of God; and, for a season, the "legend beautiful" is a veritable reality to the harrowed mind and the tired feet. With the blessed vision of what has been done comes power and determination to press forward to other and more difficult labors, to engage in higher and severer struggles to bless and benefit mankind. So the worker, whether member or officer, is encouraged to go on and on, up and up. Is not this a cause to claim the deepest devotion and most loving fealty? Shall we close this narrative history with a pen-picture of present conditions, a word-photograph of Mutual Improve- ment work today? The dignified historian is too often handi- capped by the seriousness of his work; he escapes the flip- pancy of the modern touch-and-go descriptions of colossal events, yet does he also miss much of the piquancy and charm which invests sober facts with vivid personality. Imagination may be a will-o'-the-wisp, but its light spontaneity and graceful vagrancy have a value all too poignant to be lightly ignored. We know the Church was organized on the sixth day of April, 1830, with six members; but the bare facts do not kindle the soul unless we clothe the skeleton with the warmth and fullness of our imaginations and endeavor to see it as it really occurred. What would we not give for some light, perchance, but truthful account of that event given .in the breezy language of the modern newspaper reporter! Clothed with our imagination we can see the small, low- ceiled room, the group of earnest, sober men, the focussed figure of the boy-prophet, as he proceeded with the prelimi- nary details of that marvelous work. Ah, if an imaginative historian had been there, how rich and rare had been that 304 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. literary inheritance! So, too, in twenty, fifty, or numberless years from now when, it may well be, the re-building of the Center Stake of Zion has begun when the greater dis- coveries have been made, the mightier earth-forces have been disclosed and utilized when the head of this organization may be 1 Dcated in the New Jerusalem do you "not suppose that the young girl-readers of that day will be glad to open the ancient lids of a book that will describe, ever so haltingly, the far-away days and events which centered around the be- ginnings of Mutual Improvement work? Will they not be grateful for the will-o'-the-wisp touch which will disclose for them the scenes as well as the facts, clothing events with a robe of imaginative reality? Come then, thou will-o'-the-wisp Imagination only let thy leading strings be truth, and thy path be horizoned con- stantly with the blue of heaven's own inspiration! Here, in the year of our Lord 1910, is a busy hive of young girls, living in any one of the 700 wards of the Church, and grouped in a ward Mutual Improvement Association. Do you see that bevy of laughing, jostling, giddy, fourteen - year-old Junior Mutual girls, chewing gum not so much as they used to do, but enough strolling along this Sunday or Tuesday night, hair combed high on their shapely young heads or flowing in gay disordered braids down their backs- eyes on the watch for their boy-companions, also some- where on the road to the ' 'meeting-house?" Their heads are full of nonsense, but their hearts are full of possibilities; puffs are in their hair, and silly laughter is on their lips for human nature is ever the same and youth is a play-time and a laugh-time; see that it is not checked too rudely or altered too sternly, or you may make of it a cheating-time and a sin -time! These laughing Junior girls are followed more sedately by the Senior girls who have lately eschewed gum, and whose pompadoured hair has gained much in CONCLUSION. 305 smoothness and size - through superior age and more dig- nified ideals. As one gazes at the throngs wending their way to the warmed and lighted churches all over the land many of the little groups of girls joined as they saunter by boys and young men, all of them full of the fire of youth, the wine of life one pauses with bated breath as one recalls the subtle temptations, the doubly intensified modern pitfalls for the youth of both sexes, and wonders dimly at the blind con- fidence of earthly parents, the seeming calm indifference of Providence, in thus throwing together unprotected girls and boys. Yet as we linger, doubting, we see them mount the steps of the churches and crowd joyously within. There, the sweet seclusion, the hallowed association, begin the quelling influence, which is supplemented by the quiet self-control of the officers. True, the young whisperers of both sexes will ever be there, sitting on the back benches and ogling each other at various angles. Hark, the deep tones of the organ voluntary begin, the opening hymn is announced, in which all join, standing as they sing, followed by the heartfelt, earnest prayer for grace which settles upon the restless young spirits like a garment and completes the transformation. Our anxieties are subdued, our confidence is established. We are ready to listen to the preliminary program, and to watch the orderly marching to music which separates the young men from the girls and which finally subdivides the Juniors and the Seniors of both sexes. We are attuned to the time and occasion, and are prepared to take up the lesson of the evening, be it in theology, literature or ethics. Reflection quiets our suspicions, but does not give the key to the situ- ation. Schools, clubs, may do all this; what more is there within this association which encourages the ideal develop- ment of spirit, brain and body? Come again, on the first Tuesday in the month, and enter the girls' department after the preliminary exercises are over, and after the young men 20 306 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. have adjourned to their class rooms. It is " testimony nig-ht." A hush, born of palpitating- expectancy, of emotional antic- ipation, pervades the atmosphere. Every tongue-tied girl sits dumbly convinced that she can never get courage or faith to rise upon her feet and speak to others about her own spir- itual experiences. Now an officer, the gentle and loving president herself perchance, arises and says a few simple, genuine words about the need of true conversion, giving, it may be , a new experience of her own in this spiritual field of mutual endeavor; then, she urges each girl present to arise and "say something." Stimulated by her example, one after another gets up, giving tearful utterance to the "hope that is within her," relates some case of healing the sick, or gives other precious experiences which have come to her knowledge. Eyes wet with sympathy, hearts melted by fear and love what wonder that the delicate and subtle influence of the good spirit finds fruitful fields in which to plant the seeds of truth and faith in God! These testimonies, the girls discover, are not gained through any process of reasoning but through the pure emotions of the willing human heart. Moreover, they find that after that testimony has once been gained, it is lost only through vanity or ambition, neglect or sin. We may watch the effect of that lesson burned into the heart of the Mormon girl that the standard of truth is forever fixed on the life and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ; and when we once see that standard set up in the girl's soul, it would needs be covered fathoms deep with sin or willful deception to blot out its brightness. We sigh for the careless president who seeks to lighten her spiritual task by introducing formal subjects and prepared study into her "testimony meetings!" Out of the fullness of her own heart, the richness of her own testimony, must she call for the girls to follow her leadership. Add now to this scene all the combined social and edu- cational labors of the two ward Mutual boards; visualize the CONCLUSION. 307 balls and the parties, the suppers and the home-prepared theatricals, which form the very bulwark of society in the various wards, and you have some idea of the present activ- ities of the local ward Mutual Improvement Association; and at the conclusion we are filled with conviction that herein has been found the solution for the problem of protecting and developing- the youth in paths of pleasant righteousness. How good is the Lord! Pay we now a visit to the stake officers, who preside in their precinct with the same authority as do the General Board over the stakes. This young lady who acts as president over the stake we are just now visiting, is more than likely one of that vast corps of former school-teachers now married who is trying to make her avocation fit easily and smoothly in with her vocation. She is wife and mother, no doubt, but that only makes her the better able to mother the ward officials who are under her jurisdiction. She must needs move with celerity about her home, for beside the usual washing and ironing, sweeping and dusting, there are meetings of various wards to visit each week, a single officers' meeting of her own board, and once a month there is the conjoint officers' meet- ings, followed by the separate general ward officers' assembly. Besides, there are always vacancies to fill, candidates to con- sider, plans to adopt and suggestions to offer as to amuse- ments, or fund-raising; missionaries to select; but thanks be to the kind Father who presides over the destinies of the Mutual girls in Zion, so far there have been no quarrels to adjust nor bickerings to suppress. This president is assisted, you note, by two other young women, one chosen perchance for the solid dignity of her character and the burning testi- mony of her soul -life; another, it maybe, is gifted in language and can preach the word in power to the girls as she visits about. Add to these the bright little secretary of the stake, and the musical and Journal officers, with the librarian and 308 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. aids, and you have another large body of active women, each vieing with the other in good deeds, unselfish devotion and active service. The three who preside in this stake have passed some time ago the giggling, effervescent age; school- teaching or marriage with consequent motherhood have stilled the vague temptations of- youth, and have set their feet on the upward ladder of progressive life. These busy young women find the natural womanly ambition to help in the mod- ern utilitarian world's work fulfilled in the Mutual Improve- ment Associations. ' Contrary to the custom of the world, these girls have not sought nor desired position; therefore, they fulfill their public duties without much if any self- consciousness. The line of effort is, first, to be the girl-woman- wife-mother, and then if possible to do much in the field of mutual improvement endeavor. They find, it is true, a larger sphere, a deeper note of self -sacrifice, in the work of the associa- tions; yet must the girl- woman not be deprived of the personal home opportunities, nor shall she stultify her growth upward in wifehood and motherhood. You would doubtless find, if you peeped into the homes of these girl stake -officials, either a grandmother, or mother, and not seldom the good-natured young husband of the house, watching the sleeping babies while the young mother is away Tuesday evenings or Sunday mornings at her work in the Mutuals. These stake officials find their duties as strenuous and as complex as are those per- formed by the General Board. But the stakes have one great advantage: all work is mapped out lessons prepared and print- ed, and roll and record books are given them by the general officers. There are no stake headquarters, although there are many good stake libraries; but all are welcome to accommoda- tions in the various ward and stake houses or churches. Leaving therefore the ward and stake workers, shall we now take a glimpse at the labors of today performed by the CONCLUSION. 309 thirty odd women whose names appear on the roster of the General Board of the M. I. A.? Come into the Bishop's building- north entrance, please take the elevator past the second floor where are the Relief Society rooms, and Young- Men's Mutual Improvement As- sociation rooms, and get off at the third floor. Half way down the long hall are the sumptuous quarters of the Primary As- sociation on the north and the place we are seeking is on the south side. The first door leads to the editorial office of the Young Woman ' s Journal. When you turn the heavy bronze knob, and swing the massive oaken door inward, you see the editor surrounded with her luxurious desk, tables and book- cases. She may be another personality by and by, but ever will go on the good work done there. You are somewhat so- bered by the thought that a cause swallows up individuality and stifles personality; yet the knowledge of a divine balance to be daily struck in the adjustment of God's plan comforts you, and you shake hands with the clear-eyed young woman sitting at the editorial desk and then turn to the hall again and enter the larger doors which lead to the general offices. What a jovial, restless, active atmosphere blows upon you at this threshold! Well, what would you? The young woman who greets you in these business offices of the Journal is the business manager of that prosperous magazine. There are 15,000 magazines to mail monthly, accounts to keep, complaints to hear, rights to adjust, letters to answer, and visitors to greet. Hands and feet are always busy, tongue is seldom rested, brain is never idle. But you are welcome, whoever you are, come right in. The general secretary, did you say? Yes, she is in the inner rooms. And herein you pass, greeting the secretary with the respect her dignified composure demands. She has her hundreds, nay thousands, of letters to answer, records to keep, tickets for visiting Board members to purchase, routes to look up, instructions to pre- 310 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. pare, minutes to keep and record, appointments to make, and telephone messages to send and receive every hour in the day. The General Board? Yes. They are all in the assembly hall you are welcome within! The beautiful room with its elegant furnishings escapes your attention, for your eyes are drawn to the circle of women about the long table, headed by their dignified president. The opening song and the prayer are over, the roll is called, minutes are read, and then fol- lows the day's regular business. It is Thursday afternoon, you remember, the day so long set apart as Board meeting day, and you sit down prepared to listen with quiet attention. The Guide committee may report; discussion and suggestion follow. Or there may be letters from the National Council of Women of the U. S. There may be plans for the summer conventions, or the June conference. The library committee may bring in new lists of books for revisal and correction. Reports from the various conferences visited take much time and patience. There may be letters and changes in stake appointments or officers. All these, or a portion of them, require much consideration and discussion. You could wish at times that there was a touch of humor, a gleam of wit, to lighten the seriousness of this weekly conclave. It is never a crime, however albeit it sometimes is a great strain to take ourselves and our duties always with profound serious- ness. Y 7 et as you listen to the composed discussions, the respectful suggestions, and note the absence of personal am- bition, envy and intrigue, you are compelled to a greater or less meed of admiration for the women and the methods which can produce these results. Some unusual force has been at work here; you can find nothing to parallel it in the conduct of women's clubs and societies in the world today. What is that power? What are the causes that have brought about these results? This rec- ord has endeavored to answer that question, to set forth the CONCLUSION. 311 causes which have operated to produce the successful Y. L. M. I. A. of this people. The past is spread before you, the future is hid in eternity. But as the corn follows the plant- ing- of the seed, so love, unity, and self-control follow the planting- of righteousness in the human heart. Here, then, we may close this imperfect record of an almost perfect organization an organization with a wonder- ful history behind it and with an unlimited future ahead of it. In leaving this portion of God's work, there is one over- mastering thought which fills the mind: how perfectly our Father understands the possibilities of growth and progress! No creeping moss gathers about the roots of the tree of life; but activity, growth, and motion beget change, evolution and development; all these are the attributes of the work of God. Around this thought g-athers another akin to it: our Father does all His work through natural and simple means; the weakness and strength of men are weighed in His hands, and made to contribute to the final sum of progress; men, having- their agency, can go constantly forward or constantly back- ward; or they can take that zig-zag course so often taken by weak mortality; but the great Arbiter of all our destinies will bring every foot within the pale of truth, soon or late, now or then. What the Mutual Improvement Associations of Zion have meant to the girls cannot be told in words. What are the results? Look you at the individuals; let them tell the tale. Not one soul in Zion has failed to feel either the direct or indirect effects of this powerful factor among the youth of our people. All have been mutually helped, mutually blessed, and mutually improved what more can be added? Only a song of gratitude and praise to that Father, who, in blessing and remembering His sons, forgot not to bless and remember His daughters. 312 i-lISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. BIOGRAPHICAL. LUCY^WOODRUFF 'SMITH . One of the* famous family which gave to the world the Prophet Joseph Smith, her grandfather being Judge Elias Smith, and being likewise a granddaughter of LUCY WOODRUFF SMITH. President Wilford Woodruff, it is not strange that Lucy Woodruff Smith is molded to noblest forms of spiritual worth. She first saw the light away down on the Muddy Mission, where her parents were suffering and struggling with that BIOGRAPHICAL. 313 handful of refugees sent by President Brig-ham Young and Apostle Erastus Snow to create a civilization in the hot wil- derness of that then forbidding country. But she inherited the pluck and patience of her parents, and after all, what do environments matter, if the soul be true and the body be strong? Lucy was born on the 10th of January, 1869, and was the daughter of Wilford Woodruff, Jr., and of Emily J. Smith. All her life she has kept the Word of Wisdom. Since she was ten years old she has been a strict tithepayer. She has never owed the Lord one cent; all her life she has loved the Lord; all her life she has served her kind. And yet, she, too, must pass through the fire of affliction. Lucy recalls with peculiar pleasure the organization of a Primary Retrenchment Association, effected through her cousin Alice Merrill, in the prayer-room of the old Historian's Office in the year 1876, where dwelt Alice with her grand- parents. Here the tiny tots met, spoke of things religious, or listened to simple exhortations delivered by themselves and an occasional invited visitor. This society antedates the Primary Associations, and yet was modeled upon the same lines. Lucy married her distant cousin, George Albert Smith, grandson and namesake of President George A. Smith, May 25th, 1892. She has had three children and has moth- ered eight others. Her home life is ideal; for the only law is that of love and constant kindness between parents and children, and with friends and acquaintances. Lucy has not confined her labors to her home, but like so many of our bright young matrons, she has enlarged her sphere, and the call of the priesthood has placed many public burdens upon her. In 1887, she was chosen to act as ward president of the Y. L. M. I. A. of the Seventeenth ward. Then, in 1894, two years after her marriage, she was elected treasurer for the stake Y. L. M. I. A. When the Salt Lake stake was first divided Lucy was chosen to act as second counselor to Nellie C. Taylor in the Salt Lake stake board. Here she labored, with great fidelity, initia- tive and resourcefulness, until the further division of the city into four stakes, when she was selected to fill the position of president of the Salt Lake stake Y. L. M. I. A. She was called to act as a member of the General 314 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Board of the whole Association in October, 1908; and here she still labors. In every one of these positions Lucy Wood- ruff Smith has been successful and energetic; she has toiled with heart and brain, with body and nerve; and what she has done not even the annals of the society may betray. For she has filled full to 'overflowing every measure meted out to her for loving service, in her home, in her ward and in her public duties. That she is now near breaking down under the strain, is due as much to her generous and lavish serv- ice towards her own family as to that same measure which she has meted out in her public duties. While with her hus- band in the Southern States, she assisted him in his duties as the secretary of the mission. Lucy was of great assistance in clerical labor; and but for her another clerk would have been necessary in the office. The key-note of Lucy Smith's character is the power to hear and obey the promptings of the Spirit of the Lord.. This was her grandfather Wilford Woodruff's great gift, and it is her own in large degree. In her family life, she has always been guided by that still small voice, whose decrees are sometimes inscrutable, but whose dictates never fail. It is this inner light which makes that charm and radiance about her home and which has made it possible for both parents to fight for life in the face of overwhelming odds . It would be unjust to close this sketch without adding a tribute to the young Apostle, George A. Smith, who has given not only his wife help, encouragement and support in all her home and public duties, but who has been generous in his assistance and spiritual support to every woman in this Church. Surely the girls of the Mutual have much to thank George A. Smith for, for he has been a rod and a staff to both wings of Mutual endeavor; and especially, in all public and private meetings of those organizations, his voice is ever raised to advance woman's development and woman's pos- sibilities. He has made it a beautiful thing for all women to work by his side, for his heartfelt tributes to the mothers and daughters of his people are founded on the rock of his own unselfish, manly dignity and the purity and uprightness of his whole life. Of such indeed we have all too few amongst any people. God lengthen his life till his hair is white and his years are as a ripened sheaf of corn! BIOGRAPHICAL. 315 JANE BALLANTYNE ANDERSON. Jane Ballantyne Anderson was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, February 10th, 1861. Her father was Richard Ballan- tyne, founder of the Latter-day Saints' Sunday Schools, who JANE BALLANTYNE ANDERSON. emigrated from Scotland, in 1843. Her mother was Mary Pearce, a native of England, who came to Utah in 1855. The family moved to Ogfden when Jane was yet a child, and later to Ogden Valley where Elder Ballantyne presided over Eden, a little settlement in the north end of the valley. 316 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. In those early days there was little else than the native wilderness of mountain nature surrounding the cabins of the pioneers. The voice of the wolf and the howl of -the coyote were the only sounds that broke the silence. But the young girl loved to roam the native meadows, wade the clear streams, climb the hills, and to divide with the bear and the Indian the wild cherry and the service-berry. In these early years she thus imbibed that intense love for the mountains which has grown to a passion with her. These wild environ- ments, too, and the need to shift for one's self, impressed her with a love of nature and the outdoor life, and with strength and independence of character. From early childhood she received strict training in household work, and hence industry and thrift were strongly impressed upon her life. She attended the district school of the settlement, where she obtained such a knowledge of the three R's as was then common in the villages of northern Utah. With a fondness for education, she did well in her classes, and later got per- mission to attend a higher private academy in Ogden, con- ducted by Prof. L. F. Moench. In 1879 she taught a district school in Riverdale, and the year following in Uintah, closing her experience in the schoolroom in Hooper, in 1880. Wherever she taught her lovable yet firm character attracted the admiration of parents and children alike, and this ex- perience gave her opportunity to exercise her pronounced natural gift ability to teach and govern children. A number of hitherto ungovernable youngsters became her lasting friends, and among her best students were boys who were generally considered hard to handle. In 1881 June 29th she was happily married to Edward H. Anderson. They have an interesting family of six sons and one daughter, upon all of whom she has impressed her lovable nature. With true love she has devoted her life to their welfare and training so that whatever the results may be no fault can ever be laid at the door of the mother. Aside from her arduous family duties she has found time to keep her own mind in touch with the progress of the world, and to devote some thought and action to public duties. From June 1, 1885, till the division of the ward, she acted as second counselor to Rose Canfieldin the Fourth ward, Ogden, Y. L. M. I. A.; and later as first counselor to Mariana Belnap BIOGRAPHICAL. 31/ in the same ward. She also acted as teacher of one of the classes under Presidents Isabella Foulger and Martha Wright. In a tribute of love and esteem tendered to her by her fellow officers on her departure for Salt Lake City, they commend her for her "gentle but firm manner of instruction," her "faith and devotion," her "tender watchcare over her aged mother," her "devotion to the principles of the gospel," and her faithfulness in teaching "our girls." She also took part in gathering statistics of women's work and conditions for the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, and at times takes some interest in political matters. The family removed to Salt Lake City in 1901; and two years later Mrs. Anderson was appointed teacher in the Junior class in the Sugar ward, Y. L. M. I. A., under Pres- ident Lois Taylor, in which position she succeeded admirably. On March 5, 1905, she was chosen as president of the Sugar ward Y. L. M. I. A. For three years she directed the as- sociation with great success, but in September, 1908, was compelled to resign owing to her mother's ill health which required her services at home. It was in October following that she was chosen a member of the General Board Y, L. M. I. A., to which position she was set apart by President John R. Winder, November 5. In this position she has visited a number of stakes, and been in attendance quite regularly at the councils of the Board. EDITH ROSSITER LOVESY. An engaging personality, a mingling of personal and spiritual beauty, has given to Sister Edith Rossiter Lovesy the power to attract. Simple and sincere devotion to pure ideals makes her charm all the more a precious magnet with which to draw the young. She was born in Salt Lake City, January 29th, 1876, of the best of English yeoman stock, her father being the well known and successful business man, William A. Rossiter, and her mother, Eliza Crabtree, daughter of that sturdy English pioneer, Charles Crabtree. Edith was a worker in all the auxiliary institutions of the Church. She was given a class in Sunday School at the early 318 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. age of fifteen years, and was enrolled in the Mutual as soon as her age would permit. She married, at the age of twenty, W. H. Lovesy, a young business man of Salt Lake City. She moved to the Second EDITH ROSSITER LOVESY. ward at the time of her marriage, and was chosen as counselor in the Y. L. M. I. A. Here she labored until her husband took her with him to Pocatello, in 1901, where they lived for seven years. Sister Lovesy at once entered into the life and atmosphere about her, determined with all the modest energy of her unselfish soul to help the girls of her new home. BIOGRAPHICAL. 319 She was asked to serve as secretary of Pocatello stake Young- Ladies Mutual Improvement Association, and while holding this position she also labored as a local officer, being- president of the Pocatello ward association. In 1906, five years later, she was made president of the stake Mutual Improvement Association, and served loyally and with success in that office until her return to Salt Lake City, in 1908. She made a deep impression on the girls of her stake, and news of her success was carried often to the General Board in Salt Lake City, so that when she returned to the city of her birth President Martha H. Tingfey was desirous of adding: this bright young- woman to those already on the General Board. At the October conference of 1908, Sister Lovesy was sustained as a member of the General Board, and has proved herself efficient and adaptable to the needs of her new position. Mrs. Lovesy is a reader of the best literature. She and her husband have collected a library of choice selection. Her father was a tender supervisor of his children's daily lives and book education. It is impossible for Edith R. Lovesy to retain wounded feeling's, or blind suspicions; she learned at her mother's knee, and at her father's council table, to ask and receive, as also to offer and to bestow that full pardon for mistakes and wounds which carries with it the fuller forgiveness of forget- fulness. Her own heart made thus tender, Sister Lovesy would suffer much with the thoug-ht that perchance she had wounded another. One other deep lesson of early childhood was the love of truth; to tell the truth was part of her very life and up-bringing-. For all these and many other life lessons she lavishes a wealth of loving: gratitude upon the faithful father and mother who guided her early youth . LETITIA THOMAS TEASDALE. Letitia Thomas Teasdale was born October 23d, 1876, in Franklin, Idaho. Her father was Preston Thomas, who came of American stock. Her mother was Maria Hadland, of English birth. Letitia 's father died when she was a babe of eight months, but she was reared most tenderly and care- fully by her mother, who was a remarkably strong, cour- ageous and true woman. Mrs. Thomas reared nine children, 320 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. six girls and three boys; and at the time of her death she had seventy-two descendents, not one of whom had lost the faith. The following beautiful tribute is paid to this mother in Israel by her daughter Letitia: LETITIA THOMAS TEASDALE. "I never heard my mother complain or question the purposes of the Lord. Her faith was wonderful and she so impressed us with the love of right doing and loyalty to our religion that the first thought of her children has been what does the Lord require of us? She was the third^ wife of my BIOGRAPHICAL. 321 father, and through all her trials I never heard* her say one word which would weaken the faith of her children. While my father was also a true, faithful Latter-day Saint, strong of purpose and with much natural refinement, I feel that it is to my dear mother chiefly that we owe the unyielding faith which we all more or less possess. Her teachings and her example have been my life's guiding star." Letitia's childhood was spent on a farm. At the age of fourteen she entered the Brigham Young College of Logan, which she attended three years. She began teaching school in Idaho when eighteen years of age. Removing with her family to Canada next year, she remained there two years, teaching school, and holding the position of aid in the Y. L. M. I. A. of Cardston, and of kindergarten teacher in the Sunday Schools. She returned to Utah in 1898, and taught school in Utah county. She there met Apostle George Teasdale and was married to him in the Logan Temple on the 17th of May, 1900. This girl- wife assumed the care of five children, the youngest being but four years old. They made their home in Nephi for three years, and while there Mrs. Teasdale acted as stake aid in the Y. L. M. I. A. one year, served one year as second counselor in the stake board of the same as- sociation and one year as first counselor to the president of the Relief Society of Juab stake. Mrs. Teasdale left Nephi in 1903 to join her husband who had gone to Mexico to regain his shattered health. They remained there two years and eight months. Returning to Salt Lake City in 1906 they made another home. This time the change was to be partic- ularly sad; for a year later, in May, 1907, Mrs. Teasdale was called to part with her mother, who died at her home. Just one week from the day her mother was buried she saw her noble husband laid to rest. Who can measure the grief of that soul-stricken wife and daughter! Mrs. Teasdale was called to act as first counselor to Mrs. Richards of the Sugar House Relief Society in the spring of 1908; and in October, 1908, she was placed upon the Gen- eral Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. The young widow decided to further prepare herself for teaching, accordingly in 1909 she went to Chicago to take a course in the Columbia College of Expression, for ever since her girlhood, she has been a student of elocution and 21 322 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. literature. She has traveled into almost every stake of Zion with her husband, and for Mutual Improvement work. Letitia Teasdale is of commanding: presence. She is possessed of a natural reserve and dignity which is so mel- lowed by an inner spiritual gflow that it pleases all who come to know her well. LAURA BENNION. When President Tinge y chose Miss Bennion to act upon the General Board of the Y. L. M. I. A., there was surely no mistake made. That young- woman was not at home at the time, which was during the October conference of 1908 she was acting as a missionary in the world, and was thus making wide preparation for her future enlarged sphere. Miss Bennion was born atTaylorsville, Salt Lake county, Utah, and is the daughter of Samuel R. and Mary P. Bennion. Her parents are of English descent, but the father was born in Nauvoo. He followed Brigham Young in that wonderful exodus to the western wilds, in 1847, and finally settled in Taylorsville. This girl has had splendid chances for being directed in the right way during youth and childhood. We are often reminded of the saying of Nephi in the opening words of the Book of Mormon when contemplating the lives of the youth of Zion "I Nephi, having been born of goodly parents." Laura Bennion comes in this class by right of inheritance on both sides. She early showed the upright, devoted traits which made of her a good Sunday School child, a faithful Primary pupil, and later, a devoted Mutual worker. Miss Bennion acted as secretary of the Primary As- sociation when but a child; then she was chosen as counselor; next came her advancement to the position of counselor in the Mutual, which happened November 7th, 1895. She accepted the position of president of that association January 19th, 1904, and there acted with singular success and direct results till called upon her mission. She was also active for seven years in the board of Granite stake as an aid to Mrs. Zina B. Cannon, at the end of which time she received her missionary call and went out into the world with undaunted faith and trust. Indeed, it may be said of Miss Bennion that faith, the BIOGRAPHICAL. 323 genuine old-fashioned type that increases joy, makes sorrow bearable, that sets God and the priesthood before the learning: of men, is a dominant note in her character. It is good to study the lives of young- women who are LAURA BENNION. set up for standards in Zion. The trifles of life are often the milestones which point the way onward. When a child, Laura had borrowed her mother's earring's; and with them in her ears, she went to bathe in the river Jordan flowing- by her home. Alas, while sporting- in the water, waist-deep, one of the precious jewels fell into the stream. The pain and con- 324 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. sternation of the child can be imagined by girl-readers. What was to be done? Without hesitation, the little Laura begged her girl-friends to join with her in an earnest prayer to God for help in finding the lost trinket. Singular as it may seem, as soon as the children arose, Laura went to the stream and found her earring lying at the bottom of the river. Such faith was hers, and such she retains through her active religious career. Miss Bennion was sent out to the Northern States mission on January 23d, 1907. She was detailed to go almost at once to labor with Miss Ida Alleman, of Springville, in that city of vivid and never-dying interest to the Saints Nauvoo the Beautiful. It was the month of February, just sixty-one years since that historic exodus by Brigham Young and the Saints, and as then, the river was a churning mass of ice-blocks and turbid water. The girls were obliged to cross the mighty river one mile wide at this point in a small skiff. And as they twisted and turned to the right and to the left, the biting wind in their faces and their bodies numbed with the freezing cold how clear the vision of that other crossing rose before their eyes and the quick sob of sympathy swelled in their throats while the tears coursed down their cheeks. When the girls reached Nauvoo, to be warmed and fed and comforted by the small branch now raised up in that place, it was with feelings akin to awe that they began their own modest womanly ministry in homes builded by the men and women who had known and associated with the Prophet Joseph Smith, and who saw him in life and mourned him when brought back from cruel Carthage to his burial in the stricken city of Nauvoo. Here, then, they labored for four months assisting to build the little branch then numbering seventeen souls. Laura left Nauvoo to work in Chicago, then in Joliet and Milwaukee, working in the organizations, visiting the Saints, and spending much time in visiting those friends which the elders had made while tracting. Here she labored for twenty-three months, and then was released to return to Zion. The ideal girl character must hold one exquisite germ for future perfect development that of maternal tenderness and pure renunciation. Such a trait marks indelibly the BIOGRAPHICAL. 325 soul of Laura Bennion. Not long- after returning home, six children of her sister, Mrs. Nora Diamond, were left motherless. With the instant decision of character which is so pronounced a part of her character she took upon herself the care of the motherless children the eldest thirteen and the youngest but a baby. From that day to this, Laura has been a devoted guardian of the children; and her sweet self- effacement could find no better expression than in this noble work. Laura is entirely without egotism, or self-glorification. The world lies outside and about her, and is too big in its daily demands to permit of selfish introspection or narrow aims. If God has been good to her, she will "pass it on." Such is her character, such her happy daily legend. Yet is she strong and vital in word and deed. But so excellent a regard has she for the unities of life, that she has learned, all unconsciously, to estimate values and to secure the womanly poise which makes a heaven of the poorest house, and gives one glimpses of that paradise where homes will be eternal. 326 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. STAKE HISTORIES, ALBERTA STAKE. THE organization of the Cardston Association atCardston, Canada, in what was then known as the Canadian mis- sion, was the be- ginning of Mutual work in the Al- berta stake. This organization was effected Nov. 22d, 1887, by the pres- ident of that mis- sion, Charles O. Card. His wife, Zina Y. Card, the well-known daughter of Zina D. Young, was chosen president. The following year she chose two counselors, Katie Brown and Anne Cheney. The sec- retary was Jane S. Woolf. These sis- ters were set apart by Apostles F. M. Lyman and John W.Taylor. Atthat time, Oct. 8, 1888, there were nine members enrolled. The scriptures ZINA Y ' CARD ' STAKE HISTORIES. 327 formed the basis of their studies, and the meetings were a great blessing to the people. The work of Sister Card in this mis- sion can never be properly estimated. She was the social life, soul, and mainspring of the whole colony. Her spiritual labors were so closely and delicately interwoven with her social efforts, that the most skillful observer could not draw any line of distinction. She was hostess to every homesick, longing emigrant, nurse for the sick and dying, provider for the destitute, and a well- spring of comfort and sun- shine for every soul in Can- ada, of every class and creed. So marked an impression did she make upon the visiting Canadian government officials that many privileges and concessions of great impor- tance to the young colonies were given by the Canadian authorities because of their acquaintance and admiration for this splendid pioneer. The Alberta Y. L. M. I. A., as a stake association, was organized Aug. 29th, 1894, atCardston, by Apostle John W. Taylor with Sister Card a s stake president. Nine years later, after her removal to Utah, the stake board was reorganized, Sept. 6, 1903, at Cardston, by President Joseph F. Smith; Sisters Alice K. Smith and Adella W. Eardley of the General Board of Y. L. M. I. A. were in attendance. Sister Annie D. Snow was chosen president, and she is still acting, her efficiency and faithfulness having endeared her to all her associates. The following sisters have acted as officers on the stake board: presidents Zina Y. Card, Annie D. Snow; as coun- selors Attena Williams, Rhoda Duce, and Armenia Lee; as secretaries Annie D. Snow, Rose Card, Ethel D. Woolf and Zina C. Brown; as treasurers Sarah Hinman, Ella Packer, ANNIE D. SNOW. 328 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Belle Duce, Hattie Woolf and Ethel D. Woolf; as librarians- Dora Jacobs, Mary L. Ibey; as aids Susie Winder Hinman, Mary A. Harker, Jennie B. Knight, Armenia Lee, Virgie Jordan, Eugenia Rampton, Zina Woolf and Orrilla Woolf. The membership of this stake is indicative of the rapid growth achieved in our colonies. In 1894, the membership of the whole stake association was only 83; in 1899, it had increased to 205; while in 1910 there are 355 this, too, not- withstanding the fact that in 1902 the stake was divided, the eastern part of the mission being called the Taylor stake. If there had been no division the membership in Alberta would have been double what it now is. The board is divided into committees, who take charge of special lines of work. Circumstances have compelled many changes in the personnel; but perfect harmony has always existed and the labors of the board members have been greatly prospered; especially prized are the faithfiil labors of Presi- dent Annie D. Snow. The thirteen towns comprised in the stake are visited mostly by team, the farthest town being 110 miles from Cardston. The traveling library is not large; it contains only 208 books, but these are well chosen, and put to good use. The board has adopted the plan of having a con- cert at every regular conference, in which all the ward asso- ciations take part. There is also a concert or theater given in the winter. The proceeds of these several entertainments are used for stake expenses. The concerts are also useful in arous- ing interest among the girls, and are provocative of a healthy spirit of emulation. ALPINE STAKE. The organization of the Alpine stake was effected Jan. 20th, 1901, at American Fork, Utah Co., under the direction of Apostle Heber J. Grant. At this time, the stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. was organized, with the following officers: Lydia B. Lund, president; Cordelia P. Thorne, first coun- selor; Liza Chipman, second counselor; Luella E. Thorne, secretary and treasurer; Sarah T. Evans, Pauline E. Brown, aids. At the close of the first year of the organization, there were thirteen ward associations with a membership of 520 enrolled. This stake is situated in the north end of Utah valley, STAKE HISTORIES. 329 LYDIA B. LUND. and was for many years a part of the Utah stake. The pro- gressive and active people who compose the various towns could but make one of the best and liveliest stakes in the Church, and the Y. L.M.I. A. shares in the general up-to-date atmosphere. The girls are, many of them, graduates of the Brigham Young University, and possess in addition to their scholastic training the modest virtues of comely young woman- hood. When the original Utah stake was di- vided, the funds belonging to the Y. L. M. I. A. were distributed, the new Alpine stake receiving: $15.00. The first purchase was a good record book, and the important duty of keeping faithful and accurate records of all work done and meetings held was begun. This business-like policy has been maintained through the intervening years. The past few summers the M. I. girls have organized sewing classes in the wards, which have proved very successful, and the organization looks with justifiable hope into a future where there is naught but good works and prosperity. The following officers have acted on the stake board: presidents Lydia B. Lund, Emma Larson and Louisa R. Miller; counselors Cordelia P. Thorne,Liza Chipman, Louisa R. Miller, Laura Boley and Annie M. Stookey; secretaries and treasurers Luella E. Thome and Pauline E. Brown; aids Louise R. Miller, Sarah Taylor Evans, Pauline Brown, Hattie Beck, Emerett Smith, Laura Boley, Susie Whipple, Eleonore M. Blackhurst, Lucy H. Wright, Amanda Russon, Agnes Huish and Iva Adams. BANNOCK STAKE. The Bannock stake formerly comprised all the country within the limits of the present Bingham, Pocatello, Bannock, Fremont, Rigby, Yellowstone and Teton stakes of Zion; EMMA LARSON. 330 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. therefore the early history of all of these stakes is largely that of Bannock. jlpUJjtfrm The Y. L. M. I. A. of the Bannock stake was organized ^L February 18, 1887, with the following- officers: Susie Poole, president; Mary A. |k Ricks and Mary A. Raymond, i|| counselors ;SusieL. Stephens, secretary; and Martha Ricks, treasurer. Before this time there were associations in a number of the wards, viz., Menan, Rexburg, Parker, Teton, Lyman, Louisville, Labelle, and Eagle Rock. Sister Poole was succeeded within a year's time by Sister Mary A. Ricks, who presided for four years with her asso- ciated officers. In 1891, Sis- ter Ellen M . Ricks was made president, and for ten years she labored in season and out of season for the benefit of the girls in her scattered stake, holding jurisdiction over the whole stake about seven years, and then over Fremont after the stakes were divided. Her gentle and peace-loving influence was felt wherever she went, and her name is reverenced as much today as it ever was in her active incumbency of office. The local associations, as well as the general member- ship of the stake, grew during this period of ten years, until 1898, when it was deemed advisable to divide the stake into two portions. Accordingly, the Fremont stake was created out of the northern half of Bannock stake. The former stake board, with Pres. Ellen M. Ricks, who lived in Rexburg, now the chief city of Fremont stake, took up the divided work of the newly named stake. A new organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. of Bannock stake was effected under the supervision of Apostles Heber J. Grant, MarrinerW. Merrill and Matthias F.Cowley, July 25th ELLEN M. RICKS. STAKE HISTORIES. 331 1898. Mrs. Effie P. Eldredge was sustained as president of the board. On August 17th, of the same year, Sisters Dessie Andrus and Olive Hale werejchosen as her counselors, with Edna M. Smith as secretary and treasurer. Positions on the board have been occupied as follows: as presidents Effie P. Eldredge, Minnie Lau Rose, Louise Horsley and Mary . Bassett; coun- selors Dessie Andrus, Olive Hale, Elizabeth Larkins, C. V. Nelson, Louise Horsley, Sarah Hatch, Gertrude Call, Flora Pond, Aletta H. Soren- sen. Emma Williams and SarahMerrill ; secretaries and treasurers Edna M. Smith, Amy Larkins, NervaL. Rose, Beatrice Lau, Bergetta Hogan, Mary E. Rodeback, Cora Hale and Nellie Fow- ler; as aids Dora Barlow, Lutie Bassett Swenson, Eliz- abeth Larkins, Harriet Chris- tensen, Cora Larkins, Minnie Sterrett, C. V. Nelson, Emma Williams and Sarah Hatch; organists Charlotte Tohnan Meekam, Melfta Pond; libra- rian Millie Corbet. The first stake enrollment showed 150 members; in 1910 there are 309 members. This new stake was not organized until after Guides were issued, and therefore their work has gone along prescribed lines. But they have shown their originality in the various excellent written and printed essays read, and in the frequent musical selections interspersed with their regular programs. The associations started out, as did most others, with an empty treasury: but they have now an excellent set of record books, nearly 100 books in the traveling library, and a good amount of cash in the bank. There are thirteen wards in the stake, all of them within 25 miles of the headquarters at EFFIE P. ELDREDGE. 332 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Thatcher. The stake officers visit their branches frequently, but their chief difficulty lies in the scarcity of young women. A treasured memory in this stake is the visit of Pres- ident Elmina S. Taylor, who came to a conference held in Soda Spring's, in the summer of 1899. Although weak in numbers, this stake is strong in activity and good works. BEAR RIVER STAKE. This section of country was contained for a long time in the two stakes, Malad and Box Elder, seven wards, Thatcher, Both well, Gar- land, East Garland, Beaver Dam , Dewey ville andElwood wards being taken from the Box Elder stake. But as settlers began to elbow each other across the desert reaches, and farms we/e cut up into larger and larger towns, the long winding valley farms and towns were gathered into a stake of their own by the Church author- ities. This was done on the llth of October, 1908; so that we have now a full- fledged stake Y. L. M. I. A. in Bear River. At the pres- ent time there are twelve associations and a glance at the board will show that ROSE B. VANFLEET. every detail of the Mutual work has been considered and provided for. The board then organized was: pres- ident Rose B. Vanfleet; counselors Celia M. Grover and Essie E. Folger; secretary La Von Smith; treasurer Hilda Nordquist; librarian Pearl Folger; organist Olive Hall; chorister Clara C. Mowery; aids Sarah T. Hansen, Minta Garn, Celestia C. Hunsaker and Meda Johnson. There have been a few changes, even in this short time, and Violette STAKE HISTORIES. 333 T. Wing- is now secretary, and Elizabeth M. King- is the treasurer. They have an assistant chorister, Lavonnah Johnson and Senior and Junior class leaders in Hilda Nord- quist and Maud Sorensen. It is delightful to contemplate the readiness with which our people expand and adjust themselves to new and ever progressing- conditions; new workers spring-ing- up to take the places in the new fields of labor, and each equal to his or her task under the blessing- of the Lord. BEAR LAKE STAKE. The organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. of this stake was effected February 8, 1879, by the late Apostle Charles C. Rich, whose daughter, Mrs. Nancy E. Pugmire, was called to preside. Her counselors were Amy E. Cook and Alice M. Rich. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hart was appointed secretary, and Elizabeth Pugmire Rich, treasurer. The stake organization extended into Utah on the south and Wyoming 1 on the east. It comprised twenty -one associations until Woodruff stake was organized, which took place in 1897. This reduction, with that of the organization of Star Valley stake in 1892, brought the number of associations down to sixteen. Thus the stake was made more compact, and it is more convenient for the stake officers to visit the local associations. Not- withstanding this lightening of their burden, the stake board felt most deeply the severance of the old ties which had bound them so strongly to the separate associations; a feeling of mutual love and confidence had sprung up between them which could not be effaced. This stake board has always been very prosperous and prudent in the gathering and disbursement of means. As an example let us quote. During the period intervening between the organization of the stake board and the year 1905, the receipts of the stake amounted to the comfortable sum of $3,090.75. The following items of contribution are also interesting and substantial: For Stake Tabernacle $ 86.22 For Missionary Purposes $325.38 For the Women's Building, Salt Lake City $250.00 For the Fielding Academy, Bear Lake Stake $400.00 For charitable purposes $200.00 334 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. For the Logan Temple $212.00 For Emigration $ 60.00 In addition to these amounts, the ward associations have disbursed in the same period of time, for home enterprises, over $10,000.00. NANCY E. PUGMIRE AND BOARD. The stake associations have issued three manuscript papers called the "Literary Garland." Two volumes of this paper were printed in pamphlet form, and about 150 copies of each were issued. The membership of the stake is reported as follows: in 1879 at the first organization, 273; in 1884, 423; in 1900, 703; and in 1910, 872. This increase certainly speaks well for the efforts of both local and stake authorities. At present, there are 23 asso- ciations in the stake. The general tone and spirit of this stake is one of unity and harmony; in all the years of its existence there has never been a word of discord or dissension between the stake officers . All have worked as a unit for the advancement of the cause STAKE HISTORIES. 335 of Mutual Improvement. Much of this has been due to the splendid executive ability of the woman who worked for years at the head of this board Mrs. Nancy Pug-mire. Her successor, Miss Elizabeth Winters, has taken up the work with intelli- gence and earnestness and is adding to the excellent work done by her predecessor. The following' sisters have acted as officers in the stake board: presidents Nancy E. Pug-mire and Elizabeth Winters; counselors Amy E. Cook, Alice M. Rich, Sara A. Allred, Myra ? Hart, Lizzie Hoge Welker, Zelpha B ram well and Emma Sutton; secretaries and assistants Elizabeth M. Hart, Lizzie Hoge, Sarah Pendsey, Sarah Grimmet, Elizabeth Pug-mire Rich, Leola V. Rich, Mabel Rich, Effie Perkins, Nellie Pearce Perkins, Lillie Grimmet; treasurers Lillias B. Haywood, Ellen Budg-e Pugmire; aids Ella Rich, Ida Offi Dunford, Elmira B. Hart, Mattie Cruikshank, Pernecy Bag-by, Mary I. Rich, Libbie Rich Anderson, Mary Sutton, Louise Rog-ers Rich, Nellie Pearce, Stella Pugmire, Sarah Grimmet, Inger M. Welker, Effie Perkins Hanson, Ellen Athey, Leonora Weaver; librarians Lottie I. Price, Lillie Grimmet; music directors and assistants Adeline Spencer, Laura Richards, Lottie Shepherd, Edna Crowther; org-anist Mary Roberts. A unique feature of recent date in this stake has been the organization of a stake chorus, composed of the Y. L. M. LA. ward officers, who meet on regular priesthood meeting- day for practice. The director and her assistants visit the wards as often as possible to assist the local choristers. BEAVER STAKE. Beaver stake is a small one, being: situated in the middle district of Utah where water is exceedingly scarce and vege- tation scanty. Even the hills about Beaver are not crowned with the verdure common to the more northern counties. There are great possibilities for this barren region, however, and in time to come with arid farming and the rich mineral resources of the county, it may become one of our wealthy and thickly populated centers. Beaver lay on the road to St. George in the old wagon- traveling days, and was one of the best and liveliest of those southern towns; that was in the days of John R. Murdock, with his big brick house, his bigger 336 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. religion and his limitless welcome. But Beaver is still alive; and her citizens are justly proud of the record they have made in the face of great obstacles. The Murdock Academy, formerly the Beaver branch of the Brigham Young University, is located in the old government fort, which once sheltered United States soldiers in its quaint old rock walls in a pretty little valley at the mouth of the canyon east of the town. MARY E. ASHWORTH. SADIE MAESER. The following interesting account of the rise and history of the Y. L. M. I. A. of this stake was furnished by one of its former presidents: The Y. L. M. I. A. of this stake was started in the be- ginning of the first Retrenchment societies; for in 1873 this organization was put into active operation. Such women as Mary Ash worth, then Mary Shepherd, and Julia Murdock, now Farnsworth, were active workers in this initial Beaver Retrenchment association. The other towns of the stake were very soon organized; and in these preliminary asso- ciations the girls first began to take their intellectual and STAKE HISTORIES. 337 spiritual light from under the bushels of tradition and sex, and to let that light shine for the blessing and benefit of their associates. The programs of the regular weekly meetings consisted mainly of songs, recitations, select readings, essays and the "bearing of testimonies." Rather crude and un- systematic were these early efforts, but there was one advantage the brains of the girls were constantly exercised in scheming and planning that something suitable should be provided for entertainment and in- struction. Occasionally sew- ing-bees, rag-bees or quilt- ings were held to aid the Relief Society in their work of charity. Dancing parties were always participated in by both the old and the young, all uniting in this favorite pastime of the western Saints. The girls of the association considered it highly proper on these festive occasions to appear in dresses fashioned from the honest cloth made by the Beaver woolen mills; and very neat and sensible they looked, with their trimmings, made by nature's own hands, of ripe lips, rosy cheeks, and brilliant eyes no fairer girls could be found in the land. To complete the thought which originated these Retrenchment societies, these parties usually began at two o'clock in the afternoon, and closed at an early hour in the evening; and when refreshments were served, they were of a simple and wholesome character. Sometimes the girls arranged theatrical entertainments, and the pro- ceeds of these were invested in a good association library of Church and secular standard works. Some means were also donated towards the building of temples, and other worthy purposes . GERTRUDE GILLIES. 338 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. In the late seventies the name of the associations was changed to the Mutual Improvement associations. In 1879, a stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. was effected, and Mrs. Mary E. Ash worth was chosen as stake president, with Ida Hunt and Flora Shipp Hill, formerly of Salt Lake City, as counselors; and Sarah C. Shepherd as secretary and treasurer. With this board there went a new impetus towards the growth of the whole cause. Semi-annual conferences were inaugu- rated for the stake, in March and September; at which con- ferences the four wards of the stake were liberally represented, these wards being- Beaver, Greenville, Minersville and Adamsville . The members of the stake board began to make regular visits to the ward associations, and through this interchange of ideas and union of effort the associations be- came stronger, and better work was done. Not until the appearance of the general Guide work, however, was there any radical change in the character of the programs. Then, all united in a systematic effort to carry out the plans laid down by the General Board. At the present time there are seven associations in this stake. Since the stake board was put in .operation, quite large sums of money have been collected though parties, theatricals, bazaars, and other entertainments; the proceeds of which have been used for school, missionary, charitable, emigration, and library purposes. One event in particular is of interest: at one time in conjoint history, the young men were so ' 'backward in coming forward' ' that after rendering all the parts in two so-called conjoint meetings, the girls concluded to move on alone. They therefore gave an enter- tainment in which no man was allowed to appear, except in the audience; even the orchestra was composed entirely of girls. The affair was original and unique, and was a success financially and artistically, the treasury being enriched about fifty dollars, after all expenses were deducted. One branch of work done by this stake which is a source of pride and joy, is the fine organization effected in the Beaver branch of the Brigham Young University, now the Murdock Academy. Regular meetings are held by the association at the Academy, and the Guide lessons are followed with credit; the testimony meetings in this school are a beautiful and successful feature; while the conjoint meetings are now of a STAKE HISTORIES. 339 high order, and all are well attended. The young people in the school are from all parts of Southern Utah, and the in- fluence of this work is very far-reaching. The following have acted as presidents of this stake Y. L. M. I. A.: Mary E. Ash worth, Sadie E. Maeser, Alice Gunn White, Jennie Munford, Gertrude Gillies. The board was reorganized Jan. 13, 1909, with Mrs. Alma W. McGregor as president; first counselor Amelia Dean; second counselor Alice M. White; secretary and treasurer Mae Crosby White; traveling librarian Theresa Maeser; assistant libra- rian Myrtle Farns worth; aids Dora Williams and Belle Yardley. A traveling library with one hundred good volumes was established by the board. Conjoint officers' meetings are held the first and third Sundays of every month and visiting is also done conjointly with the Young Men's board, every association being visited at least twice each quarter. All seven of the associations are fully organized and are in good running order. BENSON STAKE. At the time of its organization, in 1901, Benson stake consisted of six towns situated in the northern part of Cache valley, all formerly a part of Cache stake. The stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. is, therefore, of quite recent origin, but there was a Retrenchment society organized in the town of Smithfield on May 25, 1871, which is of historic interest. This pioneer organization had for its president a woman who has since helped to make Church history in several directions, Louisa L. Greene. To her we owe the splendid beginning made in this work in Smithfield. This lady married Levi W. Richards. She removed to Salt Lake, and became the first editor of the Woman's Exponent. Later she for many years had charge of the Children's Department in the Juve- nile Instructor. This Smithfield association was among the first out of town organizations formed in the Church. The meet- ings were held at the home of Evan M. Greene, a nephew of Brigham Young and the father of Lula Greene. The pro- grams rendered were of the same character as those given in other places: essays, talks and lectures, of a primitive yet sturdy and inspiring character, formed the basis of their 340 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. work; these being interspersed with music and recitations. But the chief duty was to help every girl to get a testimony of the gospel. The resolutions which they adopted are as follows: Resolved, that we, as daughters and as wives of Elders in Israel, seek to fully understand our true positions, and to honor and make honorable the same before our Heavenly Father and all good people . Resolved, that we are young and liable to be led into error if we trust in our strength and judgment. We not only solicit aid and wisdom from the heavens at all times, but will also hearken to the counsel and instructions of our beloved parents and those who are called of God to preside over us. Resolved, that we cultivate good order, good taste, neat- ness and dispatch in all domestic duties and in any other and all branches of industry which it may be necessary for us to perform, and that we will adopt no fash- ions in dress, manners or otherwise which are inconsistent with good sense, reason and modesty. Resolved, that we earnestly seek to establish true sister- ly confidence, unity and affection for and with each other; and that we exercise charity and overlook the infirmities of others as we wish to have our own imperfections put by; realizing that we are all children of the same great Father, and that in His sight one is as precious as another, where all are engaged in the same cause with like determinations. Resolved, that we will treat with respect and reverence every principle pertaining to the gospel of Christ as revealed to the servants of God upon the earth in these and in former days; and that we seek diligently, according to the best abil- ities given unto us, to improve in the knowledge of those correct and holy principles which embrace all that is ordained of God to lead to truly noble and refined womanhood; to learn the law of the Lord, the Word of Wisdom in all re- spects, and to be guided thereby in our daily walk. Resolved, that we strive henceforth with the help of God to live by every word that proceedeth from His mouth, that we may be worthy to see His face and dwell in His presence. Louisa L. Greene, president; Melissa G. Homer, Susie Greene, Mary A. Scrowther, Elizabeth Moorehead, Mary STAKE HISTORIES. 341 C. Downs, Julia Collett, counselors; Katherine E. Brown, secretary. The Benson stake Y. L. M. I. A. was organized Aug. 5th, 1901, by Apostle Rudger Clawson. Wilhelmina M. Pond was chosen president, with Margaret Roskelly and Ruey Pond as her cotinselors and Annie Hyer as secretary. The board was reorganized on Feb. 22, 1903, with Mary R. Hendricks as president, and with Sarah Ann Hyer and Hat- tie C. Larsen as counselors. Hattie C. Larsen was released WILHELMINA M. POND. MARY R. HENDRICKS. in April, 1908, and Marietta P. Bergeson was sustained in her stead. This office she still holds. Since that time these and associate sisters have labored with zeal and intelligence to carry forward the work intrusted to them; and they are fully sustained by the girls under their care; for the Benson stake is abreast of the other stakes in their stake and local work. The following sisters have acted in the offices named: presidents Wilhelmina M. Pond, Mary R. Hendricks; coun- selors Margaret Roskelly, Ruey Pond, Hattie C. Larsen, 342 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Marietta P. Bergeson and Sarah Ann Hyer; secretaries and treasurers Annie Hyer, Estella B. Bell, Ruey P. Bernhisel, Maud L. Spackman, Emma Burnham, Martha C. Pond, and Nellie Thompson; assistant secretary Amy Shepherd; organists and choristers Odessa L. Hendricks, Orella M. Jensen and Eliza Monson; librarians Maud L. Spackman and Elna J. Merrill; aids Mary Peterson, Nettie Bernhisel, Hannah Poulson, Ida H. Merrill, Katie Crag-en, Anna V. Merrill, Martha C. Pond, Nellie Hind, and Hannah Hind. BIG HORN STAKE. The stake organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. of this stake took place at Lovell, Wyoming, May 26, 1901, when the following' officers were chosen: president Mary L. Welch; first counselor Pattie S. Hatch; second counselor Lenora Weaver; secretary and treas- urer Birdie Graham; aid Rebecca Taggart. Later, the secretary moved out of the stake, and Alfa Grant was chosen to fill her place, with May Maxwell Tippits as her Assistant. Additional officers have been appointed as follows: librarian Lizzie Meeks; aids Laura Bunting, Clara Briggs, Rebecca Frost, Lizzie Meeks, 'Lizzie Egan, Laura Bunting, Rebecca Jen- nings, Sylvia Griffin, Minnie Thorley; with Rebeca Tag- gart as chorister. During the first year of life in this new stake, the local meetings were held in a tent in camp where the Sidon canal was building, with President Mary L. Welch in charge. There was another local ward association at work during this pioneer year: in Burlington, which was then a part of the Woodruff stake of Zion. There are now five MARY L. WELCH. STAKE HISTORIES. 343 ward associations in the Big Horn stake: at Byron, Cowley, Lovell, Burlington, and Otto. This young stake is one of the most zealous and thriving in all the Church. The modern vices and temptations are so rare as to be almost unknown, and the sweet spirit of harmony which prevails in this far- away branch, shows how close the heavens are to the homes of God-fearing pioneers. In 1907 the board was reorganized as follows: presi- dent Millie B. Egan; first counselor Hattie P. Howard; second counselor Belva Sessions; secretary and treasurer Norna N. Arnoldus; corresponding secretary Eva J. Jen- son; chorister Fannie L. Wolz; organist Mamie Carling; librarian Clarissa R. Willey; aids Birdie Tippits, Clara Hobson, Lizzie Johnson, Annie Duncan, Lizzie Larson, and Rachel Snyder. The new board took hold of their work with zeal and visited the organizations of the stake quarterly although some of the visits require a three days' drive with a team over dusty roads. The traveling library books have been exchanged from ward to ward and read by a great many members. There were one hundred per cent of offi- cers and members keeping the Word of Wisdom and paying tithing. The girls of the stake are frequently praised for their virtue, and the majority of these young people go to the temple of the Lord to be married, notwithstanding the great distance and expense of travel. Some original summer work has been undertaken in literature, ethics and physical edu- cation and whenever tried the results prove very satisfactory. Many who were indifferent to religious topics have taken other subjects and pursued them with good results. During the labors of these officers a new organization of the Penrose branch was effected and is doing a good work. The stake and local board meetings are held each month the day of priesthood meeting, and this is proving successful, as it has been very difficult hitherto to get to meetings on account of the inconvenience of travel . A large per cent of the mothers attend the meetings and lend encouragement to the young. The work is progressing and its influence is felt throughout the stake. 344 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. BINGHAM STAKE. When the southern end of the Territory of Idaho first invaded by the thrifty " Mormon" settlers, no was one EMMA MOLEN AND BOARD. dreamed that a few years would see them in possession of great fields and farms, stretching over hundreds of miles of country, or that they would settle up towns and villages, build homes and school houses until they became a powerful factor in the future civil and political history of the Gem State of the Union. But such is actually the case; and some of those vigorous old Idaho pioneers, with bodies of iron and spirits of gold, lived to see their first vast "stake" cut into a dozen different smaller divisions. The old Bannock stake has been divided and subdivided until now each quorum of the stake authorities can get over its section in less than a month's time and without traveling hundreds of miles to do it. One of the early divisions of this beautiful Snake River country was named the Bingham stake of Zion; but even this has been cut up and cut off by other and lesser divisions, yet each is now more populous than when that sturdy and energetic president, James E. Steele, proved the mettle of STAKE HISTORIES. 345 every Saint in his charge by his frequent and welcome visits. The Bannock stake of Zion was divided on July 8th, 1895, and the Bingham stake was made from the eastern por- tion. On this occasion Apostle, now President, John Henry Smith was present, and under his direction the stake Y. L. M. LA. was organized with the following- officers: presi- dent Emma Molen; counselors Josephine Thompson and Emma L. Rounds; secretary Christie Empey; treasurer Ann I. Andrus; assistant secretary Geneva Molen. At this time there were fifteen associations in the stake, with an en- rollment of 300 members. There have been many changes in the board, as w r as nat- ural; for the exigencies of pioneer life, the cares of mother- hood, and the removal of young settlers to other points create a condition of restless activity. But in and through all their changes, this stake has kept abreast of the work and has labored faithfully and well. They give credit in their reports to the great assistance which has been received from the annual visits made by the General Board to their stake; they also 'record the blessings received from proper use of the Guide. They have themselves instituted some good de- partures from the general mode of procedure; for instance, the officers have districted off their labors, and the various settlements are under the direct supervision of one or more of the board who live in the different sections. This enables the stake board at its monthly sessions to come into immedi' ate contact with the conditions in the various wards, helping all to keep close tally upon each other through this direct supervision. The following sisters have acted upon this board: pres- idents Emma Molen, Josephine Thompson; counselors Josephine Thompson, Emma L. Rounds, Ann I. Andrus, Elizabeth Poole, Violet Newman, and Elizabeth Ossmen; secretaries and treasurers Christie Empey, Ann I. Andrus, Geneva Molen, Laura May Bybee, Minnie Bybee, Marie Jensen, Emma M. Hurst, Mary L. Hansen, Cora Chandler, Elizabeth Gilchrist, Charlotte R. Davis, Bessie Haycock and Effie Avery; aids Mary Stevens, Mary A. Southwick, Marie Jensen, Elizabeth Ossmen, Irene Selks, Pearl Wilson, Mary Lee, Libbie Poole, Cora Chandler, Luetta Hansen, Ethel Poole, Bertha Benson, Laura Call, Lucy Din woody, Grace 346 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Harmon, Anna Jacobson, Harriet Holland, Eliza Boyce, Mary Myler Robinson, Laura Call, Charlotte R. Davis, Han- nah Steele, Lillian Hansen, Martha L. Lee, Elizabeth Hauis, Alice Jenkins and Fannie Gudmansen; librarians Juletta Andnis, Hannah Robinson, Lovinia Andrus, Lucy Robinson and Emily Cramer; organists and choristers Len- ora Ossmen, Elnora Nixon and Lillie Norton. BLACKFOOT STAKE. The Blackfoot stake of Zion was formerly a part of Bing- ham stake, but as Bingham was so very large it was deemed advisable to divide it, thus on the 31st day of January, 1904, at a quarterly conference held at lona, Idaho, the Blackfoot stake of Zion was created, with Elias S. Kimball as president. At the first conference of the new stake, held at Blackfoot, February 14, 1904, a stake organization of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association was effected. Mrs. Juliette Blackburn, a woman of noble characteristics and bright attainments, was made pres- ident. The other officers sustained at this time were: first counselor, Mrs. Maria K. Buchanan; second coun- selor, Mrs. Sarah J. Dalton; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Sara Hodson Carruth; aids, Mrs. Catherine Bennett, Mrs.. Anna R. Jacobson and Mrs. Pearl Campbell. All were selected by the stake pres- idency, and form a band of zealous and efficient workers. At the adjournment of con- ference they were set apart by Apostle Hyrum M. Smith, Elders J. Golden Kimball, Elias S. Kimball, Lorenzo R. Thomas and Don C. Walker. Work was at once begun in earnest. The entire board JULIETTE BLACKBURN. ma de a visit through the STAKE HISTORIES. 347 stake in the early days of April for the purpose of getting acquainted and more fully comprehending the work before them. Four new organizations were effected on this trip. Since that time circumstances have required reorganiz- ation in some wards, and the organizations at Rich and Tilden have proved impracticable and been given up on account of there being so few girls of Mutual Improvement age and those few living in a widely scattered condition. Five new associations: Lost River, Jameston, Blackfoot Second ward, Shelley Second ward, and Wapello, have been added. At this date there are fifteen fully organized associations, and each month the Young Woman 's Journal is welcomed in 210 homes of Blackfoot stake. October 14, 1906, Juliette Blackburn was released on account of sickness and Sara Hod son Carruth was sustained as stake president with Lillian E. Thomas and Catherine Bennett as counselors and Alice D. Johnstone as secretary and treasurer. Among the problems confronting the organization was the establishing of traveling libraries. The girls must have books must have the same advantages as Z ion's daughters have in other stakes. How to obtain the necessary means was the question. The ward organizations were new and of few numbers. The stake board did not feel at this time to call upon them for aid, so, at an officers' meeting in Decem- ber, it was decided that as an initial step in the establishment of this library each young lady stake officer should contribute one book and in addition that the stake officers living in Black- foot, Shelley and Riverside, should give an entertainment in their respective wards and contribute the entire proceeds to the library fund. Their plan was carried out with energy; so at the beginning of the year 1905 they had a library con- sisting of over seventy choice volumes. The stake officers count the annual June conference as a green spot in their history; although so far distant from the central city of Zion the interest taken is so great that on one occasion Blackfoot had thirty-eight present during the entire conference, the largest representation of any stake in Zion. The following sisters have acted on this board: pres- idents Juliette Blackburn and Sarah H. Carruth; coun- selors Maria K. Buchanan, Sarah J. Dalton, Catherine 348 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Bennett and Lillian E. Thomas; secretaries and treasurers Sara H. Carruth, Alice D. Johnstone and Myrtle S. Gibbs; aids Catherine Bennett, Anna R. Jacobson, Pearl Campbell, Leonora Jensen, Hulda Mickelson, Mary E. Freeman, Alice Hale and Myrtle S. Gibbs; musical . director Florence J. Muir; organist Bertha Y. Jensen; librarian Juanita Rich; class leader Josephine Maughn. During- the last two summers, while the regular work was discontinued, reading- classes were org-anized and some of the books selected for the young- ladies' reading- course were read. The summer work done by this stake has followed along the beaten track; but the boards have sought to improve the general amusement conditions by introducing lectures and musical programs with concerts and socials. The money thus raised has been used to enlarge their traveling library of which they are justly proud. BOX ELDER STAKE. Box Elder Stake, situated immediately north of Weber, was organized by President Brigham Young in 1877. This stake was for many years blessed with the genial presence and wise counsel of one of Zion's great men, Apostle Loren- zo Snow. His pure and devoted Christian life would neces- sarily do much to lift to a higher plane the community in which he resided. He labored among the people with untir- ing zeal, ever anxious for their welfare, spiritually and tem- porally. It was with Lorenzo Snow and in this stake that the first movement originated in Utah, of solidifying the scattered interests of the people into one common interest in what was called the United Order, which later spread all through Utah. The men dedicated their property and the women adjusted their labors to a common center of interest; and for some years the people struggled nobly to establish a perfect system of communal life. That the movement was not altogether a financial success does not detract from the bravery and enterprising qualities of the people. When this great industrial movement was at its height, when mothers and daughters, with little time for fashion and frivolity, were busily engaged in helping the men in their upward struggle of material life, the necessity for a spiritual development for STAKE HISTORIES. 349 the young women was recognized and resulted in the calling- together of the mothers and daughters for the purpose of or- ganizing what was then called a Retrenchment association. On July 30, 1875, many of these women congregated at the court house and were met by some of Zion's leading women. Eliza R. Snow, Jane Richards, Harriet Snow were there, and Apostle Lorenzo Snow met with them. Eliza R. Snow explained the motives and object of these associations, and subsequently the following officers were chosen and sus- tained as the board for the new association: president, Min- nie J. Snow; first counselor, Emelia D. Madson; second counselor, Lottie N. Hunsaker; third counselor, Ida Snow; fourth counselor, Jane Johnson; fifth counselor, Lucy N. Jensen; sixth counselor, Esther Smith; secretary, Eugenia Snow; assistant secretary, Fannie Graehl. The enrollment of that date was 149 members, with an increase a few weeks later of 102, making a total of 251 Retrenchment members. On Tuesday, August 10th, the association began actual work. The exercises consisted of testimonies, with select readings from the Exponent, /uvenile Instructor and Millennial Star. The Relief Society sisters took great interest in the new organization, visiting it often, assisting with words and influence. Eliza R. Snow, being the sister of Apostle Snow, often visited Box Elder and was a source of much help and direct inspiration. In early days, when organized effort in this direction was new and strange, when dormant talent was just awaken- ing, the girls bent most of their energies in the practical di- rection of helping to build up the new community in gather- ing funds through various activities to assist in erecting the buildings, such as the woolen mills factory and churches. They also contributed their share towards erect- ing such institutions as the Deseret Hospital and the Salt Lake and Logan Temples; they lent a helping hand to the Relief Society to store wheat for coming years. Some of the straw from these gleaning expeditions was afterwards prepared and woven into the stiff hats and bonnets in vogue at that time, and worn as a part of the "Deseret Costume." The meetings of the Y. L.M.I. A. were at first held weekly but later they were held semi-weekly, being graded into a senior and junior department. This did not prove success- 350 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. ful and the first plan of all meeting in one department once a week was again resorted to. As the young- ladies gradually developed in many ways, they began to realize that it was necessary to have something besides testimony bearing and extempore programs to stimulate and develop the spiritual and mental powers; so it was decided to have a subject or lectures given at their meetings. Very soon the girls began to lead out socially as well as spiritually and many entertain- ments were arranged and carried out as a means of gathering money for the treasury. As early as 1877 the association decided to purchase an organ; sufficient money was raised and an organ was bought, which has been in active service for some thirty years and is said to be good still. In 1878, the three organizations of women, the Primary, the Y. L. M. I. A. and the Relief Society, were divided into four wards respectively. Sister Minnie J. Snow was ap- pointed superintendent over the four ward Y. L. M. I. Asso- ciations of Brigham City, and she labored for two years with- out assistants. Soon after being divided into two wards, the associations began to hold general meetings. The secreta- ries would read reports, and members and officers would com- ment on them. These meetings were held quite irregularly, until they gradually developed into officers' meetings and were held semi-monthly. March 11, 1879, the young ladies of the Box Elder stake held their first conference. It was an all day session. From that time for many years these conferences were held quar- terly, and prominent sisters from Salt Lake City were invited to visit the conference and encourage the young in their work. That same year a series of papers, called ' 'Offi- cers' Contributor," edited by Armeda Young, was started and did much to enliven the meetings and educate the girls. On September 11, 1881, the stake Y. L. M. I. A. was organized and Minnie J. Snow was made president over the stake association, with Mary A. Snow as first counselor; Freddie Widerborg, second coun- selor; Lydia Snow, recording secretary; and Armeda Snow Young, corresponding secretary. In the autumn of '81, a movement was made to start a library for each of the associations of Brigham, and to this end each association gave an entertainment, the proceeds of which, together with STAKE HISTORIES. 351 some donations, went to buy the books, and the libraries were started, naturally on a small scale, but books of a high class of literature were procured. Minnie J. Snow origin- ated this plan for securing- books, devoted much time to the success of the undertaking-, and the libraries were placed entirely under her direction. In 1882, President Elmina S. Taylor visited the Box Elder stake for the first time, in company with Eliza R. Snow, Mattie Home and Zina D. Young. At that confer- ence President Minnie J . Snow reported that the association up to that time had handled about $2,000 which had been col- lected by donations, entertainments and festivals and had been disbursed for charitable and other purposes. Then Box Elder stake took in. what is now known as Maladand Cassia stakes, and gradually the different wards had a Mutual Improve- ment Association. Among- others, a Lamanite village, Wash- akie, was organized, with a Lamanite sister as second coun- selor. To make the yearly visits to all these associations necessitated not a little planning, energy, and sacrificing of personal interests; especially in reaching the most distant wards. The sisters would usually visit in company with the brethren and it took about three weeks to make one. trip, taking in Snowville and all intermediate points, to Cassia. The wards nearer home could be reached with more ease. But if these trips were trying in some few things, they were fraught with many spiritual blessings, and all inconveniences were forgotten. Later when the stake was divided this duty became lighter; it then took fourteen days for the longest trip. It may not be out of place here to state, what must already be apparent, that President Minnie J. Snow was a woman of marked ability; her whole heart and soul was devoted to creating new fields of usefulness for the young sisters and to provide new forms of refined and profitable amusement for them. Among these various en- terprises were many beautiful concerts and several quite pretentious musical cantatas. Money was raised through these festivities which was used to help different kinds of public and private 'philanthropies: persons were emigrated from the old countries, missions were assisted, and means donated to building ward meetinghouses, temples, and also the tabernacle in Brigham City. The first great fair 352 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. attempted by the Y. L. M. I. A. was held in 1884, June llth and 12th, and the proceeds went to swell the treasury, which was always heavily drawn upon. It was followed in due time by others. About this time a series of printed circular letters were issued to the different associations, outlining and suggesting what would be best for the girls to study. One unique effort made by the Y. L. M. I. A. of Box Elder is worthy of mention. It was known as the "pen dinner." It was undertaken on Thanksgiving day, 1886, when the young ladies of the four wards of Brigham City provided a dinner for all the inmates of the Utah peniten- tiary, where their beloved brother and fatherly friend, Apos- tle Lorenzo Snow, who had been such a source of help and inspiration to them, was incarcerated for conscience sake, together with many others of Zion's noble men, during the trying years of what we call ''the crusade." This idea orig- inated with Sister Emelia Madson, then president of the Y. L. M. I. A. of the Third ward, an enterprising and energetic woman, who spared no pains to accomplish a desired object. Conferring with Marshal Dyer, Sister Madson learned that there would be no objections to the young ladies of Brigham City preparing and furnishing a Thanksgiving dinner for the prisoners, provided they all fared alike. Up to that time it had been thought that only our brethren should share in the feast: but on hearing this from Mr. Dyer, the sisters, nothing daunted, went to work with a will and provided the famous dinner. There were 150 inmates of the prison, so it was quite an undertaking. But every girl was willing and eager to do her share , and helped the project to a successful end. The city council of Brigham City presented Sisters Minnie J . Snow and Emelia Madson with railroad tickets to take the dinner to Salt Lake City and serve it. It was a gala day for every one within those gloomy walls for the men who were there for their religion's sake, as well as for those who were there for their misdeeds. Afterwards followed a grateful letter with signatures of all the prisoners. In '91, Sister Snow trained a ladies' quartet, which was a great help in entertainments. A ladies' choir likewise helped the singing wonderfully at the conferences. There came into this board in 1893 a worker among the young ladies of Box Elder, a sweet and gifted woman, of STAKE HISTORIES. 353 whom there had been many during the years of their exist- ence as an association - but this one is particularly remem- bered for her sweet refined spirit; one who became well known in Utah for her interesting stories in the Young Wom- an's Journal Lillie Stuart Horsley. Her thoughtfulness and love of mankind made her a favorite with all classes; and when, in 1902, in the flower of her sweet womanhood, she was taken from us to a better world, every one felt the loss of a personal friend. In 1894, President Minnie J. Snow, who had presided over the Y. L. M. I. A. of Box Elder for nearly twenty years, was called to labor in the Salt Lake Temple, where her husband, Apostle Loren- zo Snow, presided. Sister Snow had been an untiring worker, never sparing her- self in any way and also ex- pecting much of her officers. The stake was then reorgan- ized with Minnie Loveland Snow at its head. She estab- lished the nickel fund, re- quiring each member of the associations to pay annually a nickel to the stake fund. To her also belongs the credit of improving the regular officers' meetings, which had been held semi-monthly for many years, in making them monthly meetings, held on the day of the priesthood meeting. Thereby it was made possible for all, or nearly all, the outlying ward associations to be represented. A carriage was also bought by the Y. L. M. I. A. to accom- modate the sisters in visiting the outlying associations. In 1897, the two Mutual Improvement Associations of Box Elder joined forces and began a movement to establish a public library and free reading room. The interest soon spread to the city council, county teachers and all public- MINNIE LOVELAND SNOW. 354 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. spirited people, and today there is quite a fine collection of books in the library and more are being added every year. The building- cost between $650 and $700, and four hundred books were partly bought, partly donated, and furnished a very good nucleus for a library. This has proved a source of refinement and education to all classes of people. It was dedicated February 27, 1898. In 1898 or 1899, the associa- tions were graded, and, Guide work being then in full prog- ress, the associations advanced rapidly in ''grace and knowl- edge" and diffused, as they have done ever since organized, sisterly love, pure comradeship, and divine intelligence. In 1901, President Minnie Loveland Snow moved to Salt Lake City and the stake was once more reorganized. Sister Snow had been an earnest _ , worker, and did much good among the young. She was followed by the gentle and refined Sister Hattie Wight. Conditions changed, but the work still flourished and pro- gressed in a quiet, systematic way. Miss Wight was a young woman of sterling qualities and possessed the undivided confidence and sup- port of all, members and offi- cers alike, laboring with un- tiring zeal till her death, March 15, 1907. At the reorganization , May 12th, 1907, Eliza Thomp- son became president; the work done shows her to be capable, progressive and in- terested. This stake was the first to hold conjoint officers' meet- ings. In 1905, the Y. L. M. I. A. of the stake had handled since its organization $13,114.49 in cash alone, not men- tioning what property, merchandise, etc., had been owned and controlled. HATTIE WIGHT. STAKE HISTORIES. 355 October 11, 1908, seven wards were taken from Box Elder to form a portion of the Bear River stake, leaving twelve wards in Box Elder. An unusual feature of the summer's work in this stake was the convening- of the stake and ward Mutuals with other auxiliary organizations of the stake in the va- rious stake and ward meeting-houses on the Sabbath evening of each week, under the auspices of the presiding priesthood; after opening exercises, the young ladies adjourned to their separate departments and were addressed by the older breth- ren and sisters on suitable topics, chosen by the priesthood. These sessions proved very successful and beneficial. In addition to the sisters already mentioned, the fol- lowing have served on this board in various capaci- ties: Janie Loveland, Emma Vance, Sophy Valentine, Maria Forsgren, Hattie Jensen, Minnie H. Jensen, Alice M. Johnson, Nancy H. Nichols, Maggie R. Wight, Anna Bowring, Alvira Rees, Rachel Evans, Lillie Stuart Hors- ley, Lucinda Wight, Winnie Boden, Vinnie R. Stohl, Lydia Forsgren, Sarah Mathias, Vie R. Blackburn, Edna Andersen, Lulu Blackburn, Annie J. Peters, Lottie Cozier, Daisy Madsen, May M. Horsley, Etta Madsen, Clara Jensen, 'Lizzie Kelly, Eugenia S. Pierce, Phoebe Mad- sen, Sylvia Mason. Three brethren from the high council were added to this board as assistants in their work: Jacob Jensen, O. C. Loveland and S. N. Cook. It will be noted that three of the women who have la- bored as presidents of the young ladies of the stake have been taken away by death; they were: Minnie J. Snow, Minnie L. Snow, and Hattie Wight. The first two removed to Salt Lake City before their demise, but the latter was president at the time of her death. Special services were held over her remains, and the girls contributed sufficient to erect a monument over her grave. The dedicatory services of this beautiful monument were held on Decoration Day, 1907. This stake is still far advanced in good and gracious things both morally and spiritually. 356 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. CACHE STAKE. In the summer of the year 1875 Apostle Brigham Young- advised the young- ladies of Logan to org-anize themselves into a society for mutually improving- themselves; and, accord- ingly, a number of young ladies met on the evening- of Aug. 23, 1875, at the home of Ellen Ricks (Nibley) and appointed Mrs. Phoebe A. McNeil as chairman of the meeting. jjji^m An orgranization was effected, with Ellen Ricks as president, Isabell Davidson and Caroline Olsen as coun- selors, Lydia Crockett as secretary, and Mattie Blair as assistant secretary. At this meeting it was decided to hold two sessions weekly for the purpose of studying the Church works and bearing testimony. The following set of reg- ulations and rules was drafted and adopted: ELLEN RICKS (NIBLEY). ART. I. Sec. 1. The name of this association shall be The Young- Ladies' Mutual Improvement Society. Sec. 2. The officers of this society shall consist of a president, two counselors, secretary and assistant secretary, who may be elected every quarter. Sec. 3. Any young: lady over the age of fourteen years may become a member of this society by signing- and obeying these rules. ART. II. Sec. 1. Each member shall be required to pay fifteen cents per quarter to buy necessaries for the society. Sec. 2. No laughing, talking- or light speeches shall be allowed during meeting. Sec. 3. All voting", such as for the electing- of officers and admitting members, shall be carried by a majority vote of the members present. STAKE HISTORIES. 357 RESOLUTIONS. 1. Resolved, that we always try to do unto others as we would have others do unto us. 2. Resolved, that we cease from all loud laughter, light speeches, light-mindedness and pride, and all evil doings. 3. Resolved, that we always cultivate a kind, pleas- ant and cheerful disposition towards all, and always act charitably towards the poor. 4. Resolved, that we observe strictly the principles of virtue, modesty, sincerity and truth, in our conversation and deportment towards all with whom we are associated. 5. Resolved, that we cease to be covetous, cease to be idle, cease to be unclean, and cease to find fault with each other. 6. Resolved, that we cease to follow or pattern after foolish and extravagant fashions, but will be plain and simple in our manner of dress. 7. Resolved, that we will not keep the company of nor associate with persons who are not of this Church. 8. Resolved, that we strictly obey the counsels of our parents and also the authorities who are placed over us. 9. Resolved, that we pray to God, our Heavenly Father, for His care and protection, that we may endure unto the end. 10. Resolved, that we will not associate with nor keep the company of young men who will indulge in the use of intoxicating liquors or tobacco. J 1 . Resolved that we will cease from what is termed "round dancing." The young men of Logan met with the Young Ladies' society Oct. 11, 1875, and it was then determined to hold con- joint testimony meetings the first Thursday in every month. In October, 1878, a number of sisters from Salt Lake City, appointed to labor in the interest of Mutual Improve- ment, visited Logan and organized associations in each ward. Until 1881 the history of the Mutual Improvement Associ- ations was local, but a stake organization was effected in the summer of that year with the following officers: Harriet A. Preston, president; Ida lone Cook, first counselor; KinnieB. Caine, second counselor; Alley Preston Martineau, secretary. 358 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. HARRIET A. PRESTCXN. At that time, there were thirty-eight local associations with a member ship of 1,166. Cache stake then extended 190 miles, from Box Elder on the south to Rexburg on the north. Owing- to the long distances to be traveled, the condition of roads, etc., frequent visits to the far- away associations were impracticable; but they were not neglected. Circular letters of instruction, carefully and thoughtfully prepared, were sent out at intervals, and bore to the distant workers messages of love and encour- agement. It is worthy of note that the same instructions on proper behavior, encouragement to ward moral and intel- lectual development and a knowledge of the principles ol the gospel, were impressed then as at the present time, accompanied with the same inspir- ation. Sewing and fancy-work were taught, and also lessons on hygiene and cooking. President Elmina S. Taylor made her first visit to the young ladies of Cache stake in June, 1883. In the spring of 1884 President Harriet A. Preston removed to Salt Lake City with her husband, who had been called to act as Presiding Bishop of the Church . Her much-appreciated labors among the young ladies of Cache stake came to an end with many regrets on the part of her associates, for, as is always the case with those who labor with divine assistance, her efforts had been crowned with success, and her memory will long live in the hearts of those whom she benefited. Cache stake was divided in February, 1884, fifteen wards going to form Oneida stake. June 7th, 1884, Carrie M. C. Smith was chosen to succeed Sister Preston, with Ida I. Cook and Ida Thatcher Langton as her counselors, Alley P. Martineau recording secretary, and Ellen Barber correspond- ing secretary. During the time Sister Smith held the office of president, Sisters Zina Y. Williams, Maretta Ormsby, Eliz- abeth Townsend, and Rhoda L. Merrill acted as her counselors. The interest in Mutual Improvement work was greatly increased under Sister Smith's able guidance, for she STAKE HISTORIES. 359 and her co-workers labored assiduously for its advancement. Special prominence was given to the spiritual development of the girls, and rapid growth was realized along this as well as other lines, for the instructions given under the inspiration of the Spirit of the Lord with which the president was so richly endowed, were as seeds sown in good soil which yielded a hundred fold. At a Y. L. M. I. A. conference, held October 20th, 1891, after more than seven years of efficient service, Sister Smith was released, and Elizabeth Townsend was chosen to fill the vacancy, with Lucy Hoving and Sarah H. CARRIE M\ C. SMITH. ELIZABETH TOWNSEND. MARY D. L. HENDRICKSON. Taylor as counselors. Ellen Barber as recording- secretary, and Armenia Parry corresponding secretary. On the llth of July, 1896, Sarah H. Taylor was released an account of illness, and Mary D. L. Hendrickson was appointed as her successor. The Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations of Cache stake had now increased to such an extent that thoug-h there were but twenty-three associations, there was an enrollment of 1,300. This period of Mutual Improvement work was characterized by unity and love emanating from the head; a nearness akin to motherly affection was felt for the girls and was reciprocated by them. They were earnestly devoted to the Mutual Improvement cause. The associations were visited often and a strong- impetus was given to the moral and intellectual as well as spiritual part ot the work. When, on the 12th of November, 1898, it became nee- 360 HISTORY OF THE Y. L M. I. A. essary to release President Townsend, owing: to her age and declining- health, the Mntuals were bereft of one of their most faithful and energetic workers. Having devoted a great portion of her life to the service of the girls of Cache stake, she was rewarded by a depth of affection rarely experienced, but fully appreciated even to her death, which occurred two years after her release from duty. But as is usual in the work of the Lord, a person was found qualified for the needs of the hour, and her mantle fell upon her second counselor, Mary D. L. Hendrickson. Lavinia Maughan and Martha W. Carlisle were selected as her counselors. Ellen Barber, who had labored so faithfully since 1884, was retained as secre- tary and Armenia Parry as corresponding secretary. In 1899 Jennie H. Lloyd was appointed corresponding secretary to succeed Armenia Parry. From the beginning of 1900 to the close of 1903, Jean C. Thatcher acted as assistant record- ing secretary. After the division of the stake in 1901, when Hyrum and Benson stakes were organized, there remained but eleven associations in Cache stake, namely, the seven wards of Logan, Benson, Hyde Park, Providence, and Greenville, with a total enrollment of 670. In September, 1902, First Counselor Lavinia Maughan was called by death from her work in the Mutual, a work to which she had given her most enthusiastic efforts. On the 27th of October, 1902, Second Counselor Martha W. Carlisle was chosen to fill her place and Leah D. Widtsoe was appointed second counselor to President Hendrickson. After two years of capable serv- ice in this capacity, Sister Widtsoe removed to Provo, and on Oct. 31st, 1905, Margaret Smith was chosen to fill her place. The traveling library, started in 1900, now contains 112 choice books which are arranged in satchels and carried to the different associations. In order to give the girls a better appreciation of the books and increase an interest in reading, the satchels are introduced into the association by one of the librarians, who gives a brief sketch of the subject matter contained in each book. In the autumn of 1900, it was advised by the stake board that the Y. L. M. I. A. members be invited to meet with their ward officers once a week to prepare their lesson for the following meeting. The outgrowth of this was the STAKE HISTORIES. 361 study-classes which were successfully carried on in nearly every ward in the stake and added so much to the interest and thoroughness of the work. Later, in 1904, when special class-leaders were appointed, a stake class was instituted for them, to which all officers and members were invited. Here special instructions were given in regard to the duties and responsibility of class-leaders, the best methods of present- ing lessons, morals to be deduced, etc. Each lesson was thoroughly outlined and practical demonstrations were made. This class continued to meet regularly two evenings each month. Since then more thorough and systematic work has been realized throughout the stake. In order to systematize and properly record the visiting done by the stake officers to the different associations, each member of the stake board was provided with a book ruled and printed with appropriate headings, wherein was recorded all the facts desirable to be retained. Reports from these books were given monthly to the board. Each association was also provided with a similar book in which the stake of- ficer records any suggestion or criticism needful to the asso- ciation. The members of the board also engaged in doing individual work among the careless and wayward girls, as well as visiting the organizations, and much good was thus accomplished. In May, 1909, Sister Mary D. L. Hendrickson, after many years of faithful labor, handed in her resignation and its acceptance by the stake presidency released her board of workers which consisted at that time of Martha W. Car- lisle as first counselor; Ellen Barber as second counselor; Nellie Page as secretary, and Jean C. Thatcher, Sophia W. Cardon, Ray Robinson, Jemima Campbell, Ranghild Bro- berg, Zella Smart, Julia N. Howell, Sarah M. Yeates and Nettie M. Daines as aids. The new Y. L. M. I. A. board of Cache stake accepted the same month was as follows: Re- becca E. Stewart, president; Leah D. Widtsoe, first coun- selor; Laura R. Merrill, second counselor; Myrtle Q. Merk- ley, secretary; Pearl C. Sloan, treasurer; Alice Kewley, li- brarian; Louise W. Skidmore, Lizzie O. McKay, Hilda Eliason, Lydia B. Hogansen, Emily A. Mecham, and Dian- tha Hammond, aids. During the same year the following sisters were added to the board: Mamie Brown, organist: 362 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Anna Nibley, Clara Carlisle, Fannie M. Vernon, Rozina Skidmore, Hazel Love, Nettie M. Daines, Blanche Cooper, Diana B. Thatcher, aids. The resignations of Hilda Eliason Dollar, Diantha Hammond, Emily A. Mecham, Hazel Love, Lizzie O. McKay and Alice Kewley have been accepted, and Viola H. Gardner, Charlotte Stewart, Alberta S. Porter, Mar- garet Call Morris and Abbie Groesbeck have been added. The stake board was very successful in the line of spe- cial work taken up in the summer of 1909. After careful thought the sisters decided to hold sewing meetings in each ward to prepare for bazaars to be held in the fall. The pro- ceeds of the bazaars were to be used in fitting up a M. I. A. home, the need of which had been long felt. In the June officers' meeting there were offered to the wards carefully ar- ranged outlines for the summer's sewing work. The testi- mony meetings were held regularly each month, and special effort was made to keep them the largest and best of the sessions; the other three nights were given to sewing by all the girls but one who read aloud from one of the books of the literary course. Each ward was canvassed and contributions of any material which might be made up into articles to be sold were gladly accepted. This helped to make the people in general interested in the undertaking. In the fall the young men asked permission to join in the work and they added greatly to the success of the bazaars. Each ward had some kind of program, in connection with the selling of the hand-made articles, for their evening's entertainment. The result was a feeling of unity among the different Mutual workers while more than one thousand dollars stood to the credit of the two boards after one tenth of its earnings was returned to each ward. Some time before, the Church au- thorities had given the Preston block, a large building near the corner of Main and First North streets, to the Mutual Im- provement Association. From the funds thus raised this building was fitted up with reading room, gymnasium, rest room and bath. The rooms were formally opened March 12, 1910, when more than seven hundred persons visited them. As a whole the work was a great success and the local workers, who had labored so diligently, felt fully repaid for their ef- forts. Since the formal opening in March, 1910, a large por- tion of the upper part of the building has been fitted up into a STAKE HISTORIES. 363 very convenient social hall, and a great many of the Mutual parties are being- held here. In planning- work for the summer of 1910, the stake board endeavored to exemplify the principle that development must not be one but many sided, physical, mental and spiritual. The response to the invitation given, for a series of lessons in physical education, was far beyond expectations, so that after the first evening- they were obliged to adjourn from the quarters in the Preston block to more commodious accom- modations, generously afforded by the officials of the Brig-ham Young- Colleg-e. The plan for the summer is to follow the physical work each evening" with a literary lesson embracing" a study of some of the most noted of the American Short Stories. Talks will be contributed by different educators of Logan. The regular testimony meeting- will be held once a month and material taken from the biography of Heber C. Kimball and the autobiography of Parley P. Pratt will be used as an inspiration in bearing" testimony. CARBON STAKE. In May, 1910, the Carbon stake was organized with several towns taken from the northern and western parts of Emery stake, and one or two from Utah county. The towns in this new stake are: Price, Sunnyside, Winter Quar- ters, Pleasant Valley, Castle Gate, Scofield, and Spring Glen. In most of the wards the Y. L. M. I. A's were organized before the division of the stake. But a new stake presidency of the Mutuals was effected and the officers of the Y. L. ARABELLA BRANCH M. I. A. are: president Arabella Branch; counselors Mary Mathis and May Smith; secretary Enid Harmon. 364 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. CASSIA STAKE. This stake, situated in southern Idaho embracing Cassia, Lincoln, Twin Falls and Elaine counties in Idaho, and a part of Cache county, Utah, was organized in November, 1887. It was, prior to its organization, a part of the Box Elder stake. In recent years the territory embraced within this stake has developed into one of the most important agricultural and stock-growing districts in the state, and there has come to its sturdy settlers both happi- ness and prosperity. Need- less to say that the Saints who first settled that part of the Gem state, and others who have settled there in more recent years, are of very best type of Saint and citizen, willing alike to suffer and make sacrifice for the reclaiming of the desert, the establishment of civilization in the wilderness, and the worship of God, accord- ing to the dictates of con- science. The love of God and the fellowship with each other are essential ele- ments of success. The girls of the Cassia stake are fortunate in that they are isolated from many of the allurements and follies w T hich make spiritual progress difficult in the more populous centers of civilization. The stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. was organized Nov. 19, 1889, by Elder John W. Taylor, of the quorum of the Twelve, assisted by Elder Seymour B. Young, of the First Council of Seventy. RosabelA. Brim was chosen pres- ident, with Sarah E. Bates and Urilda J. McBride as coun- selors, and Louie Mahoney secretary and treasurer. In 1895 ROSABEL A. BRIM. STAKE HISTORIES. 365 Sister Mahoney was released, and Minnie T. Pickett was selected to siicceed her. For nine years after the organization, the association held quarterly conferences, and in 1898 they began to hold annual conjoint conferences with the Y. M. M. I. A. which were supplemented with two district conferences each year. The following sisters have served on the stake board as officers in the following positions: presidents Rosabel A. Brim and Maud A. Thomas; counselors Sarah E. Bates, Urilda J. McBride, Emma Elison, Effie H. Walker and Lula B. Voyce; secretaries and treasurers Louie Mahoney, Minnie T. Pickett, Alice M. Peterson, Luella B. Standfield, Lilias M. Meacham, Emma C. Darrington and Maud M. T. Clark; aids Ray L. Ormsby, Luella B. Standfield, Sarah E. Rob- inson, Lucina Beecher, Helen Edwards, Alice M. Peterson, Lottie Bach, Ammer Pickett, Ida L. Belnap, Abby Ward, Mea M. Johnson, Ella Elison, Jessie S. Merrill, Maud Alexander, Julia S. McBride, Lois H. Richins, Luella F. Bulkley, Lucynthia Robbins and Rhoda R. Peterson. The annual report from this stake furnishes the following interesting totals: Twenty associations, with an enrollment of 568, who subscribe for 329 Y. L. Journals, for the year 1910. The following figures show that the young ladies of the Cassia stake enjoy the reading habit: Fiction, 14,032 chapters; poetry, 3,803 pieces; essays, 1,224; history, 2,387 chapters; theology, 9,271 chapters; miscellaneous, 18,317 pieces; testimonies for the same year number 10,076. The stake is spread over an immense area of country, so that it requires more than five hundred miles travel by team , to visit the nineteen wards and associations. Considering all the circumstances, the young ladies of this stake are ac- complishing a marvelous work, and are entitled to the highest commendation for their labors. DAVIS STAKE. The fruitful and beautiful Davis county, lying just be- tween Salt Lake and Weber valleys, a part of both it might be said, has many advantages both of climate and propin- quity to the two great centers of the state. There are a number of thriving villages lying along its foothills, and great 366 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. orchards wave fruitful welcome to the canyon breezes, while the vegetable gardens are rich and abundant. This stake was under the charge of the famous pioneer Christopher Lay ton. Many other strong men united with the kindly old patriarch in establishing prosperity and peace in its borders. Davis stake has nurtured as many sturdy sons and as many beautiful daughters within its confines as any county in the west; therefore, good things are expected of its organiza- tions. The first organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. in this stake was formed in Bountiful July 10, 1878, by Eliza R. Snow, assisted by EmmelineB. Wells. The stake president, Wil- liam R. Smith, with the Relief Society officers, Sarah J. Holmes, Mary S. Clark and Nancy A. Clark, were likewise present at this locally historic meeting. Sister Nancy A. Clark was made president of the new association with Miss Wealthy Richards as secretary. Later Sarah Louise Rob- erts and Helen Hyde were chosen as counselors and Phoebe A. Peart as treasurer. At the first conference of this organ- ization, held in Farmington, October 17, 1878, Sisters Elmina S. Taylor and M. Isabella Home were present. The first conjoint conference of the two branches of the M. I. A. was held in this stake at Farmington, May 25th, 1879. For ten years thereafter, these conferences were held quarterly, and after that, they were convened semi- annually. At a M. I. A. conference held in Centre ville, July 2, 1882, which was attended by Sisters E. S. Taylor and Emme- line B. Wells, President Nancy A. Clark was honorably re- leased from her position in the Y. L. M. I. A., as she had been called to assume the presidency of the Relief Societies of the stake. Margaret E. Leonard was appointed president pro tern, with Helen M. Miller and Wealthy Richards Clark, counselors, which constituted the presidency of the stake until June 17, 1883, when, at a young people's conference, held in Centreville, Elizabeth W. Smith was chosen as presi- dent of the Young Ladies of the stake, with Wealthy Rich- ards Clark and Emily Porter as her counselors. For twenty- two years, Sister Elizabeth W. Smith car- ried the presidency of this stake with dignity and gentle firmness. During that time, the Journal was started in Salt Lake City, the Guides were issued with their formal pro- STAKE HISTORIES. 367 grams and difficult studies; other officers came and went upon her stake board; one of her officers, Emily Porter Par- rish, filled an honorable mission to Great Britain; conferences were held, officers' meeting's inaugurated, and finally, study meetings of officers, and formal class leaders, were all intro- duced by this capable and faithful officer. The stake records were kept, from the inception of the work, in the best of con- dition. The traveling library was also made a successful feature of this administration; boxes were provided and the books were kept in circulation. When the Women's Build- ing in Salt Lake City was projected, this stake hastened and sent as its first contribution (in 1901) $139.90. In every other line of work, these sisters labored with signal success. So active were the labors of the two wings of the Mutual Improvement Associations in Davis stake, that the stake authorities finally decided that it would be profitable to di- vide the stake into a north district and a south district for Mutual Improvement work. So this was done on October 13, 1902. Prior to the division, the following had occupied positions upon the stake board: presidents Nancy A. Clark, ELIZABETH W. SMITH AND BOARD. 368 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Margaret E. Leonard, and Elizabeth W. Smith; counse- lors Sarah Louise Roberts. Helen Hyde, Wealthy Richards Clark, Helen M. Miller, Emily Porter Parrish, Clara Saun- ders, Caddie Rich Parrish, and Mary Galbraith Laycock; sec- retaries and treasurers Wealthy Richards Clark, Phoebe H. Peart, Mary E. Thornley, Athalia Miller Steed, Caddie Xnowlton, Mary Saunders Leonard, Nellie Barton, Rhoda Knowlton; aids Mary G. Laycock, Caddie Rich Parrish, Eloise Lewis Burton, Jane Jennings Eldredge, Millie Ben- son Egan, Wealthy Richards Clark, Rebecca Angelina Nal- der, Comfort E. Flinders, Annie Cowley, Mary Randall Woolley, Mary Hyde Mortenson, Louie Oviatt Cotterill, Mary Saunders Leonard; traveling library committee Mary E. Woolley, Annie S. Neville. When the two districts were formed, Oct. 13, 1902, the sisters were loath to part. A division was made of the funds and books on hand and each new board started to work ear- nestly. If President Elizabeth W. Smith felt disheartened at losing so many of her efficient workers, she made no com- plaint, though Sister Eldredge, the new president of the southern part, confessed to a feeling of regret that she should of necessity take from the former president so many faithful women, trained by her, who was now to lose their services, and, too, that her part of the stake had also the advantage of being now compactly settled with better facili- ties for travel. The officers chosen for the North Division were: president Elizabeth W. Smith; counselors Mary A. Mortenson and Mildred Thurgood; secretary Nellie H. Bar- ton; treasurer Rebecca Angelina Nalder. On October 25th of the same year, the following were added to the board: assistant secretary Lola M. Smith; chorister Nettie E. Stevenson; aids Comfort E. Flinders, Annie Phillips Lay- ton. May 17th, 1903, the first counselor resigned and was succeeded by Minnie A. Blood. In 1905, August 31, the north division was reorganized. Sister Elizabeth Smith, who had acted so successfully as stake president since June, 1883, was released but retained on the board as an honorary member, that the new officers might benefit by her rich experience. The new president, STAKE HISTORIES. 369 Minnie H. Blood, has made some splendid history during the five years of her incumbency. As one feature of merit we might mention: During- the last three years they have pre- pared, conjointly with the Young Men's Mutual Improve- ment Association stake officers, a course of summer work which has proved to be an inspiration to the associations. It has consisted of regular association work in the wards, special lessons and exercises appropriate to the season being intro- duced. A feature of the work has been an interchange of work among the associations, each ward conducting a pro- gram in the other wards of the stake during the summer. The public has shown an interest by a large attendance, and the members have been enthusiastic in carrying out the plan . The stake boards have prepared special programs which they themselves have presented in all of the wards, and they have been welcomed gladly by the association officers and mem- bers and by the Saints of the wards when their visits have been made. A traveling library has been successfully estab- lished. There are at present 1904 carefully selected books in use, and they are being read extensively. The volumes are divided into seven sections, the number of wards in the stake, and at regular intervals the sections are exchanged. Through the co-operation of the Young Men's board, who usually furnish transportation, the stake board -has been able to make more systematic and regular visits to the associa- tions, and it has found that the frequent attendance of stake officers at the local meetings is a source of encouragement and inspiration. Regular monthly stake board meetings are held with good attendance and interest, and monthly meet- ings of stake and local officers are held with much profit. The two divisions of the stake, as is the history in every similar case, find as much to do and feel as loving a burden in their new positions as in the old. Each division is busy, prosperous and full of zeal and good works. Those who have held positions on the board of the north division in addition to the ones already named, are: counse- lors Nellie H. Barton, Annie Laura Steed, Mamie Layton; secretaries Winnif red Stevenson, Rhoda A. Miller, Annette E. Stevenson; librarians Emily C. Barnes, Elizabeth Barnes, Kate A. Ellison, Mary Swan; aids Mildred L. Thurgood, Winnifred S. Evans; organist and chorister Maud Layton. 370 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. South Division. The woman chosen to act as president of the south divi- sion had been active for years in the Davis stake Y. L. M.I. A. It was Jane J. Eldredge, a daughter of that famous pioneer merchant, William Jennings, herself full of initiative and en- ergy for the work laid thus upon her shoulders . Her counse - lors were one with her; and for a number of years they made South Davis stake a familiar word in all Mutual circles. Mammoth festivals were pro- jected, reaching down into Salt Lake City stakes, doub- ling up for Saltair or Lagoon excursions. The presidency of the General Board of both organizations were frequently entertained by South Davis officers and their happy min- gling became an inspiration to those eager workers in the nearby stake. The atmos- phere of the work done dur- ing this period was one of peace and quiet effort. Strife was not known, while the supreme effort of all officers was to perpetuate the gold- en legends of the Mutual Improvement work. Such has been their history. The south district consisted at first of seven local associ- ations, later increased to ten. Finances have always been of the most satisfactory character and much effort was ex- pended to facilitate prompt service and strict accountings. The women who have worked upon the board are then and now of the best type. Sister Eldredge resigned in 1909, but her successor has carried on the successful work. During the last three years the girls have responded freely to the call of the Deseret Hospital to furnish fruit. But the supreme emphasis of these girls has been placed upon the control of ward amusements. The dances, home or ward theatricals, JANE J. ELDREDGE. STAKE HISTORIES. 371 with moving 1 - picture shows and all other entertainments, were placed largely in their keeping. Out of this has grown through the initiative of one of their brightest officers, Susie D. Clark, a system of supplementary evenings, devoted to "class preparation." The officers and members who have been placed on the program meet once or twice a month to prepare lessons. During the last summer these classes be- came so popular that all members were finally allowed to en- ter the ranks. The social feature, which consisted of excel- lent but simple refreshments served after lessons were over, and the accompanying chat and good comradeship, added greatly to the attractions. The classes were taken from home to home, thus permitting: each girl to act as hostess; all were given thus an opportunity to become "popular," and to develop the best instincts of hospitality. The means raised in social dances and other public entertainments given by these busy young people of South Davis stake are used largely to help missionaries to their fields of labor. The book of Life is thus becoming their chief asset. The names of those who have acted on this board are as follows: presidents Jane Jennings Eldredge and Maria Clark: counselors Louisa Coltrin, Mary E. Woolley, Maria Clark, Maria Coltrin, Lizzie Hatch, Edith Walsh and Mary Tuttle; secretaries and treasurers Annie Cowley Willey, Florence E. Barlow, Rhoda Knowlton, Mary E. Argyle, Orla Coltrin, Clara Smith, Gertrude Arbuckle and Clara Earl; aids Nellie Moon, Louie Cottrell, Caddie R. Parrish, Mary A. Willey, Cora Moss, Eva Grant, Elizabeth Moss, Millie Egan, Nellie Wood, Effie'P. Eldredge, Nettie Taylor, Lucy Wool- slayer, Fanny Parrish, Nellie Moon, Clara Rose, Mabel Barlow, Mabel Randall, Jessie E. Stringham, Lizzie Hatch, Susie D. Clark, Rachel Howard, Sarah Hogan, Amy Z. Porter, Thalia N. Steed, Joan V. Barlow, Judith Welling, Eliza N. Barlow, Clara Earl, Afton R. Mabey, Nellie Randall, May C. Burns and Maud Atkinson; chorister Lucy Garrett; organist Fanny Barlow. EMERY STAKE. Emery is situated in the middle eastern portion of Utah, with great stretches of land, not much water, but with quan- 372 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A titles of coal in her big mountain heart. The people of this stake have met with like scenes and incidents attendant upon settling- new regions, and have conquered in like brave manner. The stake Y. L. M. I. A. was organized in 1882 with Emma Seeley, president; Annie Debs and Sarah Jensen, counselors; and Emma Bench, secretary. Since that time the following sisters have acted on the board: pres- idents Lodema Cheney, Susannah Jewkes, Ivy Hill and Elsina Petersen; coun- selors Maria Wakefield, Persis Roberts, Amelia Jewkes, May Oliphant, Emma Wakefield, May Loveless, Hettie Me Ar- thur, Zina Larson, Dag- mar Williams, Amy Staker Howard and May Elder; secretaries and treasurers Hannah M. Larson, Susan Wakefield, Luella Wakefield, Amelia Larsen, Maria Killian, Maud Bun- nel, LileHill, Pearl Seeley, Stella Seeley, and Venice Johansen; librarian Ethel Larsen; aids Mary J. King, Emma Wakefield, May Stewart, Emma Edwards, Lillie Smith, Amelia Jewkes, Mary Brasher, Clara Wickman, Nessie Oliphant, Laura Rasmussen, Florence Horsley, Geneva Oversen Larsen, Ellen B. Johnson, Emily Jiidd, Enid Harmon, Harriet Allred, Pearl Seeley, Katie Mathis, Agnes Liddell, Emily Judd; organists Ruth Fox and Hazel Frandsen. There were but few wards when this stake was organized, but in the next few years four other ward associations were added. In the year 1885, there was an enrolled membership of 115 members. In 1887 various sums of money were col- lected from the girls in various ways, and $5.00 was given EMMA SEELEY (LARSON), STAKE HISTORIES. 373 to the Manti Temple and $12.50 toother charitable purposes; later $10.00 was given by the girls to the domestic science department of the B. Y. U. at Provo. For a number of years the programs were confined to musical selections and readings; but after 1896, the Guide lessons were taken up and found to be instructive and prac- ticable. In 1904-5 a traveling library was established con- taining 162 volumes. There were fourteen wards in this stake up to May, 1910, when the stake was divided , and Carbon stake was organized out of the towns lying in Carbon county. The girls of both these stakes are earnest workers and truly desirous of ac- complishing all that is set before them to do. ENSIGN STAKE. This stake is composed of the northeastern portion of Salt Lake City, and was organized in 1904. On the 21st of April of that year, a special conference of the stake was called and the stake boards of the auxiliary organizations were appointed and set apart. The officers of the Y. L. M. I. Associations were as follows: president Emma Whitney Pyper; first counselor Helena M. Walsh; second counselor Lucy Grant Cannon; secretary Hattie Whitnej^; treasurer Claire Williams. At a later date, Sisters Mary F. Kelly, Phoebe Scholes and Vilate Clayton Young were chosen as aids. It was to be expected that this organization , composed as it was of a class of young women who had had all the advantages of superior schools and long training in Mutual work, would excel in the intellectual features of the work. They had another advantage; a woman was placed at the head whose humility was equaled only by the sweetness and beauty of her character. It followed, naturally, that the spiritual side of the work would be kept as active as it was in the fine old days of the Salt Lake stake history. This hope has been realized. The testimony meetings of this stake excel in in- terest and value all other meetings, good as the others are. The intellectual side of the work is kept at a high standard; and they lead off in the matter of subscriptions to the Journal. In one ward where there are forty- seven members enrolled, there are forty-seven subscribers to the Journal. There is a 374 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. commendable feeling of unity between the workers of the Young- Men's and Young: Ladies' Associations among- the local and stake officers. The atmosphere of the stake is pre-eminently that of modest and dignified earnestness. The officers feel and manifest the spirit of companionship and com- radeship to each other and to every girl in the asso- .ciations, and it is safe to predict g-enuine and splendid results from their labors. The following- officers have served on this board: president Emma Whitney Pyper; counselors Helena M. Walsh, Lucy Grant Can- non , Maud May Babcock and Ann D. Groesbeck; secre- taries and treasurers-Hattie Whitney Saville and Claire Williams; choristers and or- ganists Valeria B. Young and Jennie Romney; aids Mary F. Kelly, Phoebe Scholes, Vilate Clayton Young-, Alice Duncomb, Mag-gie Bassett, Rachel Grant Taylor, Minnie J. Whitney, PriscillaL. Evans, Birdie S. Harding, Annie S. Milne , Virginia B . Stephens , Laura P. Corey, Elsie J. Ward, Blanch Caine, Ellen C. Henderson and Sylvia McDonald. HELENA WXLSH. EMMA W. PYPER. LUTIE G. CANNON. STAKE HISTORIES. 375 FREMONT STAKE. The stake of Fremont, created in 1898, covered those dis- tricts again divided into three stakes of Fremont, Yellowstone, and Teton. This rapidly growing- section of the rich valleys lying along the course of the Snake river was full of history- making forces; and in no division of spiritual labor was there a more marked growth and development than in the associations devoted especially to the daughters of Zion. HANNAH GROVER AND BOARD. Sister Ellen M. Ricks who had been president of the Y. L. M. I. A. of Bannock stake, was retained as president of Fremont stake, she living in the northern half and therefore in the newly created stake. She had for her counselors Kate Paul and Sarah J. Tempest, who were counselors in very deed. Their energetic help and faithful attention to detail work, with the sympathetic insight into girl nature which characterized Sister Paul especially, proved of the ut- most value in laying a firm foundation for the future growth of this important work. Few of the stakes of younger years realize what Y. L. 376 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. M. I. A. meant in these newly settled sections of country. It meant traveling- hundreds of miles, with the thermometer twenty degrees or more below zero; it often meant traveling- thirty-five miles to hold three meetings (at 2, 4:30 and 6:30 p. m.) then thirty-five miles home in one day; meeting- young- mothers, carrying- their babies through blistering- sun and tall sagebrush, to the distant log- schoolhouse to find perhaps three or four girls; meetings to be held, however, encouragement to be given, and then [the sis- L. JANE OSBORN AND BOARD. ters to pass on to the next primitive town of a few log- houses. They would meet similar conditions in each locality but each of the isolated young matrons was willing- to sacri- fice much and travel far to gfive and to receive inspiration for her duties. Hannah Grover was chosen Jan. 28th, 1901, to succeed Sister Ricks who resigned because of inability to travel the long and difficult journeys. Miss Grover put all the energies of her thoroughly trained and intelligent mind to 'this work, and excellent and gratifying- results followed her three years labors. The stake was districted off, and two district offi- STAKE HISTORIES. 377 cers' meetings were held monthly to study the Guide lessons and consider plans for work. In 1910 there were 1800 girls enrolled in the Mutuals, and they were busy collecting- books for their traveling- library, holding- concerts to raise funds, mingling in ward and stake officers' meetings, as well asset- ting apart a separate night in some of the wards for the girls to meet weekly and prepare their lessons. The stake Y. L. M. I. A. was again reorganized in October, 1904, and L. Jane Osborn was chosen to succeed Sister Grover, who had moved away. Miss Osborn has proved herself a worthy successor, and has carried on the various lines of work with vigor and intelligence. In addi- tion to other activities noted, the girls held a great bazaar in December, }905, from which they realized over $300, which was used to defray traveling expenses. At this time there were thirteen associations, and each association was visited by the stake officers every two months or oftener. Teton and Yellowstone stakes have been cut out from this once straggling and wide-distanced stake. But the good work in the Mutuals goes steadily on. That is one of the most gratifying features of the work of the Lord. No mat- ter how much it is divided up into sections and cross sections, the original division soon seems as large as formerly, and each new stake appears as populous and important as when all were in one. The keynote of the Fremont stake Y. L. M. I. A. is that of thoroughness of organization and depth of spiritual teachings; a truly model combination. The officers who have served in various capacities on this board are: presidents Ellen M. Ricks, Hannah Grover, and L. Jane Osborn; counselors Kate Paul, Sarah J. Tem- pest, L. Jane Osborn, Zilpha Bramwell, Hannah Davis, Re- becca Watson, Martha Lloyd, Alverretta Engar, Mary Gee; as secretaries and treasurers Ellen R. Archibald, L. Jane Osborn, Mabel Walker, M. May Ricks, Lois Archibald, Rebec- ca Watson, Mary E. Gee, Edith Hansen and Gladys Bassett; aids Lorena Flamm, Annie Harris, Mamie Collett, Emily Tonks, Kate Hamlin, Martha Lloyd, Mary Webster, Ida F. Reid, Luna Ordell Paul, Ray L. Ormsby, Kate Paul, Mary A. Farnsworth, Sarah Bramwell, Lavina Walker, Emma Flamm, Lucy Harris Salisbury, Finnie Hale, Ella Williams, 378 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Delia A. Curtis, Minnie Hale, Mary Beckstead, Bertha Kerr, Francis Dalby; librarians Minnie Hinckley, Mary Hill, Libbie Spori, Ella Williams, Inga Shurtliff, Delia Wai- dram Rans; choristers Mae Andrus and Eunice Jacobson. As an evidence of the minuteness of detail which is so much a feature of this stake's work, it might be mentioned that in many of the wards the girls meet on Tuesday after- noons to sew and read , to have socials and to prepare their lesson for the evening. Another item of interest; the stake board itself was divided up into three general study commit- tees on literature, history and religious work. Suggestive programs were outlined by these committees for the summer's work, and for the conjoint Sabbath evenings. They also took direct charge of the various Guide studies which came under their lines of study. Again, the wards purchased separate roll books and entered therein all the chapters of home read- ings reported by each member, and these in turn are re- ported to the stake secretary and librarian. With the fre- quent district conferences and constant active visiting, it may be seen that this stake is very active and full of spirit- ual zeal. GRANITE STAKE. This stake is certainly one of the banner stakes of the Church. Each quorum of stake officers is in the lead in things spiritual and progressive. Especially is this true of the Y. L. M. I. A. Alert, resourceful and delicately sensitive to the manifestations of the good spirit, the board, presided over by Zina Bennion Cannon, the modest, refined wife of Elder John M. Cannon, is permeated by the righteous advancement which marks her own way in life. The stake embraces the southern portion of Salt Lake City, beginning generally at Tenth South street and extending south about nine miles, and from the Wasatch mountains on the east to the Oquirrhs on the west. On the 28th of January, 1900, the Y.L. M.I. A. was organized in a stake capacity, and Mrs. Zina Bennion Cannon was appointed president. Her officers have changed and her family has increased with due rapidity; but this brave little woman has carried along her two-fold heavy burden with remarkable success and decision. There were fourteen as- STAKE HISTORIES. 379 sociations when the stake was organized, and now there are twenty-one, making- this one of the most populous centers in the Church. Those who live in the country may think it a hardship to go a few miles by team; but it is nearly as diffi- cult for the various officers of this stake to gather, as one must sometimes take two or three lines of cars, coming up into the heart of Salt Lake City to change cars, and then going back four miles to their tabernacle on Fourteenth South and State streets. However, so general is the spirit of enthusi- asm among these Saints that there is always a record attend- ance at the monthly stake meetings as well as at all con- ferences. The lessons given in the Guide have been studiously and intelligently followed during the winter seasons, and they have been made alive with meaning. To do this, the stake resources have been taxed for speakers, for material of both spiritual and ethical kinds, so that a constant interchange of speakers and workers keeps the life fcood of the body -re- ligious in constant and healthy motion. The summer's work has been original and very vahiable. Much of it has lain along physical and hygienic lines. The Young Ladies' stake board have mapped out careful lessons for the summer, and the topics have passed from the infant and its care to the very deepest lessons of sex development and sex-purity. Associated with this have been excellent lessons in the ethics of home, of social intercourse, and of the dress and character of the ideal girl. The dominant note of the work has been the development of the individual along simple and natural lines. To facilitate this work, the two Mutual Improvement local boards were divided into committees who were to be placed in direct charge of the amusements of the youth of ZINA B. CANNON. 380 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. this stake. These ward committees were under the super- vision of a general committee framed from the two stake boards. The value of the intimate relation thus established between the young people and their leaders in this work can scarcely be over-estimated. The last Friday of the month was set aside by the stake authorities as a general night for all to mingle in some form of general amusement, the pro- ceeds to be divided between the stake auxiliary organizations. The most unique feature growing out of the musical censor- ship was a musical contest, which has obtained during the past two years and which has been held in the stake taber- nacle. The trophy cup is the prize for the best mixed cho- rus, while $175.00 has been distributed in various cash prizes for musical excellence in other directions. The musical standard of this stake has been very sensibly raised through these delightful contests. With such objects and such officers is it any wonder that this stake comes close to being the leading one in all Israel? The following have acted as officers on the board: pres- ident Zina Bennion Cannon; counselors Mary B.Hamilton, Anna J. Murphy, Genevieve R. Pitt Curtis, Maggie P. Cardall, Elizabeth S. Pratt, M. May Merrill Fisher and Jennie H. Lloyd; secretary and treasurer Emma J. Websttr; assistant secretary Elizabeth Winder; corresponding secre- taries- Nell Fowler, Luella Young; aids Agnes M. Merrill. Nellie Spencer Cornwall, Leone Home Nowell, Isabella Erick- son, Genevieve R. Pitt (Curtis), Louise Mauss, Laura Bennion, Rena Wheeler, Elizabeth Dickson Miller, Eunice McRae, Letitia Eldredge Quist, Mamie Hill, Alice Neff, Leonora Mackay, Maggie P. Cardall, Amelia T. Carlisle, M. May Merrill, Alice Richards, Clarice I. Thatcher, Annie C. Kimball, Nellie C. Romney, Grace I. Frost, Maud E. Baggarley, Rosabell Hall, Flora D. Home, Margaret T. Irvine, Addie Cannon, Sarah McLelland, Jennie H. Lloyd, Minnie Fairbanks, Hope Russell, Helen M. Ellis; librarian Leone H. Nowell; choristers Catherine Gabbott, Lillie Shipp, Lisle Bradford. HYRUM STAKE. This stake comprises ten wards, cutoff from the south- ern portion of Cache stake, and all in Cache valley, there- STAKE HISTORIES. 381 fore its history is not of a long period; but, like others of the Cache valley towns, this stake has one town in which there was a pioneer retrenchment society. January 21, 1872. Hyrum ward was first organized as a Young Ladies' Retrenchment Society, by Bishop O. N. Lil- jenqftst; but in 1876 the name of the society was changed to the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association. The society adopted the following resolutions as a guide of con- duct: Resolved, that we, the young ladies of Hyrum, will, to the best of our ability, obey our parents, and will endeavor to so order our conduct that it shall meet the approval of our brethren who preside. Resolved , that we will as far as practicable , adorn our persons with the workmanship of our own hands, and en- courage home manufactures to the best of our ability. Resolved, that in our dress, we will be neat and encour- age others to be so; and by our example, will show that, by not following the ridiculous fashions of the day, we hope to bring about a wholesome reformation. Resolved, that in our conversation, we will endeavor to use language that will raise us, not only in the esteem of each other, but in that of the whole community. Resolved, that we, the young ladies of Hyrum, will en- deavor to be neat in our homes, and assist our mothers in the household duties that shall fit and prepare us to fulfill the important positions that lie before us. June 4, 1875, the Y. L. M. I. A. of Millville ward was organized by Brother John Jardine. Beyond this fact no in- formation is obtainable. The stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. of Hyrum stake was partially organized in May, 1901; but the full organiza- tion was not completed until August 26, 1901, when Anna May Ralph was set apart as president by Apostle John Hen- ry Smith. The following sisters were selected to fill their respective positions: Lovisa H. Allen and Rose Liljenquist, counselors; Ida Allen, secretary and treasurer; Jennie Thore- sen, corresponding secretary; Harriet Green, organist; and Lucy Allen and Dora Wright, aids. The membership of Hyrum stake in November, 1901, was 476; January 1, 1910, it was 515. 382 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. In addition to the above named, the following- sisters have occupied positions upon the stake board at various times: president Mary Eilertsen; counselors -Mary O. Hill, Louisa Bradley, Olive Correy and Elva Parkinson; secre- taries and treasurers Dora Wright, Birdie Savage, Lucy Allen, Lauretta Allen, Lov- ina A. Rose, Delia Allen and Elizabeth Israelsen; aids Barbara Nielsen, Emma Jack- son, Cassia Brenchley, Ar- della Johnson, Lovina A. Rose, Lucy E. Christensen, Edith J. Israelsen, Sarah C. Mitton, Alice Ladle, Grace King, Minnie Shaw; choris- ters and organists Isabella Obray, Jennie Christiansen, Lillian Fawseth, Margery Olsen; librarians -Jennie Christiansen and Sylvia Niel- sen. For the summer of 1908 and 1909 the conjoint stake boards of Mutual Improve- ment outlined programs which were carried out con- jointly by the local associations on Sunday evenings; the same general plan will be followed for the summer of 1910. The work done by the young ladies in this stake has been two-fold in its character; they were not content with the mere preparation of their lessons; but realizing that the de- velopment of character is always the primary object of every form of advancement and education, the officers have en- deavored to enthuse the members with the spirit of progress and a desire to make an eager search for the best in literature and history. The results are satisfactory, and the associations are moving forward to the common goal with speed tempered with right ideals. ANNA MAY RALPH. STAKE HISTORIES. 383 JORDAN STAKE. This stake comprises the southern portion of Salt Lake valley. It was organized in 1900, but as a portion of the famous old Salt Lake stake it had a long- and interesting history, some of its wards having- had organizations of the pioneer society for young women, the Retrenchment association. January 21, 1900, the stake organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. was effected, with Maria M. Holt, formerly an aid on the Salt Lake stake board, as president. The following sisters have acted on the stake board: presidents Maria M . Holt and Delila Gardner; coun- selors-Marina Hansen,Delila Gardner, Minnie J. Burgon, Emma S. Holt and Mabel E. Nelson; secretaries and treas- urersBertha Blake, Edith Smith, Emma S. Holt, Ge- nevaGarside, Clara F.Pearson and Bertha Wardle; aids Minnie Burgon, Edith Smith, Pearl Mitchel, Sebena Lar- sen, Marinda Goff, Lizzie Jensen, Janet Muir, Mary Rasmussen , LeonoraHoward, Sophia Gunderson, Clara F. Pearson, S. Louisa Gardner, Thora Johnson, Connie M. Garff, Mary G. Westlund, Lydia Otteson, Delvora Brady and Delila Freeman. This stake was presided over for six years by Maria M. Holt and when on April 22, 1906, she was called to a higher- position, that of first counselor of the Relief Society of the stake, the girls said good by to her with many regrets and much love. She was one of the quiet but faithful pillars of the work among women in this Church, and she trained her girls to be, as she was, ready at any minute to answer to the call of duty or affection. This stake is now in the efficient MARIA M. HOLT. 384 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. hands of Sister Delila Gardner, and the girls are taking- up the new and improved work outlined for them by the General Board with all the enthusiasm which marks the girls of all our progressive stakes. This stake is in excellent condition. They have an ad- dition to their working force that is rather unusual , in the person of Elder Niels Lind, as one of their aids, who is also the stake clerk. This brother was introduced to the stake officers by President J. W. W. Fitzgerald, on June 6, 1908, as an aid, appointed by the stake presidency to advise and counsel with them on their work. The young ladies report that great good has resulted from the kind help and care offered by this brother in his ministrations among them. Each stake presents and endeavors to solve its own individual problems, and thus we have another factor for good intro- duced into the associations. JUAB STAKE. This stake began its work in a local ward, as so many others of the older stakes did. The Young Ladies' Retrench- ment Society was organized March 19, 1874, at Nephi, by Amelia Goldsbrough, then president of the Relief Society of that city. Charlotte H. Evans was appointed president; Alice Evans and Matilda Picton, counselors; Roxey Bigler, secretary; and Lois L. Foote, assistant secretary. The society began with an enrollment of only six members, but struggled bravely for fifteen months that is, until June 30, 1875 when a reorganization was effected in Nephi by Eliza R. Snow, and the name of the society was changed to Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association. The following officers were then selected: Hannah Grover, superintendent; Ann M. McCune, assistant superintendent; Matilda E. Picton, local president; with M. A. Parkes, Elizabeth E. McCune, Emma Bryan, Mary Udall, Mary Hoyt and Mary E. Harley as counselors; Roxey L. Blackburn, secretary, and Lois L. Foote, assistant secretary. For some time the meetings were held in the north school house, semi-monthly, on Friday afternoons, until word was sent by Eliza R. Snow that meetings should convene weekly, after which the association met every Monday. The exercises were informal; usually some one present read aloud from the STAKE HISTORIES. 385 Woman s Exponent and other publications, and occasionally the members bore their testimonies: while other meeting's were occupied with plain and fancy sewing, making quilts and carpets for the poor, or in braiding straw with which to make ladies' hats. An amusing- incident of those early struggles is related of the first local meetings in Nephi. For some months there were only two girls who put in an appear- ance at the meeting's the president and her secretary. But they two opened meet- ing 1 , called the roll, had a short program in order that no break should be made in their chain of meetings; and the secretary in recording her minutes always added that there was a "large and respectable congregation present." In explanation she said, "the president was large, and I surely was re- spectable;" so there was no doubt about the truthfulness of her statement. With the advent of Pres- ident, later Apostle, George Teasdale, the Mutual Im- provement work in Juab stake received an infusion of strength, so much so that in 1880, six years after starting with six members, in the face of predicted failure on the part of the people of little faith, there were three associations that at Nephi, numbering sixty- two members, with Kate Love as its president; that at Mona, comprising thirty-five mem- bers; and that at Levan with twenty- two members. In 1880 the stake Y. L. M. I. A. work was organized with Matilda E. Picton Teasdale as president, which position she occupied till her removal to Mexico, when a reorganization became necessary. This was effected October llth, 1892, with Elizabeth Grace McCune as president; Addie ELIZABETH G. M'CUNE. 25 386 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Cazier and Lottie Rountree, counselors; Alice Lin ton, secre- tary; Kate Sorenson, aid. "Lizzie" McCtme, as she was lovingly called, labored at the head of this stake for over thirteen years, and when she removed to Ogden she left many sorrowful hearts behind her. At one time this stake held the mining towns of Mammoth, Eureka, Robinson, and Silver City in its borders. In all these towns there are thriving" Mutual Improvement Associations organized by President McCune and her co-workers, and their influence does much to steady the girls, supplying proper ideals and modest amusements in place of those which often prove the ruin of girls in such places. April 29, 1906, the Y. L. M. I. A. of Juab stake was re- organized with Addie Cazier as president; Mary May Chase and Delia Kendall as counselors; Bertha McPherson, secretary. The following sisters have acted on the stake board in the capacities named: presidents Matilda E. Teasdale, Elizabeth G. McCune and Lydia Addie Cazier; counselors Lydia A. Cazier, Lottie Rountree, Helen H. Grace, Etta Sid well, Letitia T. Teasdale, Mary May Chase, Delia Ken- dall Wynders, Margaret J. Paxman and Florence M. Lunt; secretaries and treasurers Alice Lin ton, Florence M. Lunt, Mary May Chase, Jane Stevenson, Alice Grover, Myrtle Big- ler, Emma Crawley, Florence Howell and Bertha McPherson; aids Kate Sorenson, Letitia T. Teasdale, Mary May Chase, Etta Sidwell, Jennie Belliston and Nellie S. Cowan; librari- ans Kate Grover, Louise Chappell, Kate Wilson, Mamie Pyper, Ida Potter and Lettie Jenkins; musical director and organist Louise Chappell. Changes have been made in the boundaries of the stake so that it now comprises only four associations, but the majority of the members are energetic, faithful and intelli- gent workers, and they are reaping rich harvests. JUAREZ STAKE. When the "Mormon" people began to make settlements in Mexico, it was as old pioneers, or the sons of pioneers, with the resources of many years of experience in the diffi- cult art of making the desert to blossom as the rose that they essayed to conquer new conditions in a new, old country. STAKE HISTORIES. 387 Therefore, with their own rich experiences behind them, and with the Utah ideals ready to be adjusted to any need or call, these Mexican settlers were able to accomplish more in a few years, in spite of tremendous difficulties, than their fathers had in many years, under less favored circumstances. These pioneers took with them the germs of every organized force in Zion. As soon as a few crude homes were planted in the Juarez district, schools and auxiliary associations were at once organized. It woiild be impossible to speak of the Mexican mission with- out making reference to the devoted labors of the late ; Apostle George Teasdale, and his no less devoted successor in office, Anthony W. Ivins. What this mission is today, is largely due to the wise leadership, far-seeing policy and tireless activity of these men. Though Bro. Ivins has been called to a wider sphere of action since his ordination as a member of the quorum of the Apostles, he has lost no interest in his friends and associates in far-away Mexico. The beginning in the Y. L. M. I. A. was made with a local association in Juarez, with Mrs. Dora Pratt as the pres- ident. She drew around her a corps of earnest officers, and they plunged at once into active work. Settlements mul- tiplied slowly, for the country was far away from ''home" and native land, with all the forbidding features of a semi- tropical and somewhat sterile country, needing much labor and prodigious patience to plant and sow, to garner and reap. And yet, they were "Mormons;" and who ever heard of "Mormons" making a failure! In 1892, there were three settlements in the Mexican country, and the whole were then gathered into one head, as MATILDA E. TEASDALE. 388 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. a mission. Over the division of the Y. L. M. I. A. was placed Mrs. Matilda E. Teasdale, wife of Apostle George Teasdale. She chose for her counselors Fanny C. Harper and Libbie A. Beck; Sarah Christoffersen was named as secretary, with Ida E. Eyring as assistant secretary. These labored zealously till the death of their beloved president broke up the organiza- tion. Mrs. Dora Wilcken Pratt was sustained Feb. 27, 1893, as her successor. She chose M. L. Teasdale and Sarah Christoffersen as her counselors, with Ida E. Eyring (Tur- ley), as secretary and treasurer, and Artemesia Redd (Romney), as assistant. Later, Fannie C. Harper and Nancy E. Durfee became the counselors. At this time the mission was reorganized as a stake, and the same officers were chosen to preside over the Y. L. M. I. A. They are still in active service; and the following have since acted upon the board: Ella Romney, Ella Cardon, Ada Mor- tensen, May Done, Florence Ivins, Lottie Green- wood, Louise Hansen, Julia Call, Ella Jones, Pearl Paine, aids. It must be remembered that the work attendant upon these associations is exacting and peculiar to itself. The cost of sending two representatives around the stake is over $65.00 and double that in Mexican money. The trip takes a month, the distance between the central point and the farthest settle- ment on one side being 125 miles, and on the other 175. It is impossible for the girls to make this trip alone; for the roads lie through dangerous canyons, and the skill and courage of male protectors a/e indispensable. Therefore, the young men and young women put their dollars and dimes together, and make the circuit once a year. There are now nine associations to visit, and most of them can be visited but yearly, on account of distance. It is not an un- common thing for them to make their arrangements to visit a certain town, during their quiet season, which is the rainy season, and just as they are ready to start, a sudden driving, tropical rain will gorge the nearby stream , and passage is im- possible for many days. If the stream is large, there is some- times a ferry boat kept for such emergencies. But rain or shine, it is the Church and Kingdom of God or nothing to those devoted people of old Mexico. And what can not be done today will surely be accomplished tomorrow, for the thing is a duty. The men of this country work very STAKE HISTORIES. 389 hard, and are out in the fields and canyons much of the time; so that it happens, often, that while the girls are very wel- come to use the meetinghouses, they must sometimes act as their own janitors, and clean and prepare the hall before the session begins. It has been difficult to raise means; but the girls decided upon the plan of having each ward give some kind of an entertainment once each year, and the sum thus raised is sent to the stake for stake expenses. This has proved successful, and provides sufficient income. In the summer of 1908, some wards tried holding con- joint Sunday evening meetings. They were so successful that in 1909 they were held in all local associations and will be during the coming summer. For many years the girls have held weekly afternoon meetings in the summer at which they presented work specially suited to local conditions. With all its discouragements, this stake takes its full quota of Journals, is above the average in the payment of the dime fund, and altogether it is an organization to be proud of, both because of the things done, and the obstacles overcome. KANAB STAKE. According to the Kanab stake history, the first stake as- sociation was conjoint in its character, and was presided over by William D. Johnson, Jr. This association was organized some time in 1883. Although the recorded history of this movement is meager, we may be sure there were some ex- cellent times enjoyed, and much good accomplished. But the association was rather short-lived, as it was not in accord with the general plan marked out for such work. In Sep- tember, 18 84, a regular stake Y. L. M. I. A. board was formed, and Malinda Farnsworth Mariger was made president; in June, 1886, Christina Nuttall was called to fill her place. In October, 1886, M. Maria Porter succeeded to this position, with Katherine Carpenter and Mary A. Stewart as her counselors. The experiment in practical communism, known among the Saints as the United Order, had its longest and best trial and success in the town of Orderville in this stake. Here grew into beauteous flower most of the virtues and blessings promised to the 390 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Saints who will enter into this advanced relation. True, it was not long enough in existence to bear much fruit, but the blossoms of faith, of patience and of true fellowship attained sufficient growth to convince all who took part, that some day there will be a delightful life for those who travel the road heavenward. The people in this stake are situated in one of the most MALINDA F. MARIGER. MARY MARIA PORTER. forbidding and difficult parts of the state. The stake covers miles of desert country, and is far separated from railroads and modern improvements. But the people have been trained in all the Christian virtues, and the faith of the latter-day gospel. The Saints here have fulfilled the prediction made by President Brigham Young when he called these and the Dixie emigrants to fill up those barren wastes. Some one complained to him that the people could never raise crops in these counties. "Well," said he, "they will raise men and women." And such has been the case. For out of this small and struggling stake have come some of the finest men STAKE HISTORIES. 391 and women that now people and preside over the growing commonwealths of our surrounding- states and territories. A distinctive feature of the work here was the planning during the local presidency of M. Maria Porter in Orderville of one meeting- each month at which none but original exercises were presented. They consisted of songs, dialogues, stories, and essays. The idea was taken up by some of the other associations and has done much to foster literary work among the girls. M. Maria Porter with the two counselors named, continued faithfully in the positions to which they had been called, until September 16, 1900, when they were released in order to have the presidency reside in one place. The following sisters have acted upon the stake board: presidents Mai inda Mariger, Christina Nuttall, Mary Maria Porter, Mary E. Woolley, Artemesia Stewart, Elsie Chamber- lain, Abigail Cox, Josephine Adair and Kezia Esplin; coun- selors Katherine Carpenter, Mary A. Stewart, Emma Cut- ler, Wilma Brown, Harriet Spencer, Elsie Chamberlain, Matilda Baird, Ida Young, Eleanor Carroll, Mary Chamber- lain, Emma Seegmiller, Louie Lamb, Lillian Bowers and Clara Esplin; secretaries Ida Young-, Kezia Esplin, Kezia Lorene Heaton, Nabbie Spencer, Inez Heaton; organist Pearl Robertson; chorister Hester Payne; aids Grace Wool- ley, Ida Crosby. LIBERTY STAKE. On February 26th. 1904, Liberty stake was organized out of the south-eastern part of Salt Lake City. The new stake included that part of the city east of Main street between Third South on the north and Tenth South on the south, with the following eight wards; First, Second, Third, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Thirty-first and Thirty-third. It re- ceived its name Liberty on account of Liberty Park being located within its boundaries. The first stake conference was held March 20th, 1904. At that time Lottie Paul Baxter, Margaret McKeever (Can- non) and Emily H. Higgs were sustained as the presidency of the Y. L. M. I. A. and the following sisters were added as the work grew and required their help: Myrtle Cartwright 392 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. (Murdock), secretary and treasurer; Ella McAllister Ipson, assistant; aids Mary E. Irvine, Anna B. Iverson, Laura L. Tanner, Rena B. Maycock, Villette Eardley, Edith Woolley, Hilda Standing", Iretta Woolley, Gertrude M. Howard, Ellen Shepherd, Mae Mortensen, Ella McAllister, May Cannon, Edna Ridges, Rose J. Badger, Rosabella Ashton and Louise Ashton; chorister Iretta Woolley Jackson. The great majority of the people of Liberty stake belong- to the middle class. There are no very rich and no very poor among- them. Many newly married people settle there, for the location is good and property is less expensive than in some other parts of the city. The majority of the people own and live in their own comfortable, attractive homes. It is a part of the city that builds up rapidly and two new wards have since been added: Liberty, adjoining Liberty Park on the west, and Emigration, extending east from Ninth East and including Emigration Canyon. This canyon has re- cently been made very invit- ing, by the completion of an electric car line, which ex- tends through the same and carries many of the people, with their families, to cool, refreshing, resting places during the hot summer months. The Y. M. andY.L.M.I. officers appreciate their la- bors among the people. Both Senior and Junior classes are large and many mothers attend the associations with their growing daughters. The stake board begin their work five weeks before the associations open. Each of the wards holds a separate meeting with the stake offi- cers during this time. This gives a chance to become well acquainted with each other and the work. Plans for the com- LOTTIE PAUL BAXTER. STAKE HISTORIES. 393 ing year are talked over. The ward officers express themselves as to their feelings, desires and expectations for the coming year, and one enthuses the other. Where possible, the bishop meets with the girls and he and the stake officers do all in their power to encourage and bless the local officers. If or- ganizations are not complete, the local board is filled up. Just prior to the fall convention the stake Y. M. and Y. L. M. I. A. officers give, conjointly, a reception to all the local officers, bishops and their counselors, stake presidency, members of the high council and their wives. Light re- MARGARET M. CANNON. EMILY H. HIGGS. freshments are served; each ward furnishes one number on the program and a social time is enjoyed, permitting wide acquaintance and united feelings to spring up as the result of these parties. During the nine winter months of lesson work, monthly meetings are held, with both the stake Y. M. and Y. L. M. LA. officers, where conjoint stake business is attended to; another is held with the local officers, where lessons are 394 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. studied, lectures are given or testimony meeting" is held. The officers of this stake have never felt justified in giving- up stake testimony meeting, for these meeting's are among their best. The stake Y. M. and Y. L. M. I. A. officers work unit- edly together with g-ood results. They believe in our motto "Mutual Improvement," and as early as January are plan- ning summer work for the boys and girls. MALAD STAKE. The Malad stake was formed from portions of the Oneida and Box Elder stakes. On June 15th, 1888, a stake board ELVIRA A. HARRISON AND BOARD. of the Y. L. M. I. A. was organized with Elvira A. Harrison as president, Mary Jane Evans and Margaret Clarkson as counselors; Catherine Jones Palmer as secretary. There were only five ward Mutuals at that time, but the girls went to work with that vigor and devotion which have always char- acterized the young women of this Church. STAKE HISTORIES. 395 Previous to the issuance of Guides, the girls of this stake did their work along the same lines as other stakes had done: programs were arranged according to local conditions, with desultory committees in charge, and a general miscellaneous program. But there was a divine peace and harmony per- vading their meetings which compensated them for all loss of modern cut-and-dried outlines. However, the Guide work was adopted with enthusiasm when it came and has proved a real help to these outlying wards. With the officers two special lines of work have been emphasized: first, the girls must be ready with their lessons, and second, officers must attend to the duties of their calling. Especial stress has been laid on Journal subscriptions, and this stake is very prompt in its support of this periodical. Another most com- mendable feature is the fact that the records and minutes of the stake and the wards are all in excellent condition and have been from its first organization. The traveling library has been a boon to the girls, and the boxes are kept con- stantly on the move. One feature of their past and present condition is of vital worth to them, as it is to all others who would prosper in this Church: the boards of the two Mutuals are in perfect harmony with each other and with the presiding priesthood. This splendid condition, more than any other, has given to these girls in this somewhat isolated stake a congeniality and comradeship which is bred of such heavenly associations. Few changes have been made in the stake presidency of Malad Y. L. M. I. A. Sister Elvira A. Harrison has acted as president from the beginning. In addition to the ones al- ready mentioned the following have assisted her: counselors Elizabeth A. Hughes, Josephine Deschamps Jones, Annie E. Thomas and Mary Bolingbroke; as secretaries Margaret Jones, Ella Colton; treasurers Hettie M. Lusk, Mary E. Bolingbroke; librarian Mary Ellen Evans; organist Margaret Morgan Parry; choristers Jennie Morgan Evans, Marian Monson Talbot; aids Mary Ellen Evans, Elizabeth C. Davis, Nellie Morgan Stocking, Mary E. Morris, Eliza- beth Thomas, Elizabeth Wight Edwards, Elsie Merrill, Emma Martin, Nellie Morgan, Victoria Davis, and Margaret Morgan Parry. 396 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. i. A. MAR1COPA STAKE. The Maricopa stake of Zion, located in the central por- tion of the southern part of Arizona, in the heart of the Salt river valley, is on the south side of Salt river, a torrential stream, whose waters, together with those of the Verdi river, are impounded, 60 miles east of Mesa, by the great Roose- velt Dam, making one of the largest artificial lakes or reser- voirs in the world. Before the reservoir was constructed the Salt river was a dangerous stream, at times doing damage to railroad bridges and threatening the neighboring towns of Lehi, Tempe and Phoenix. The town of Mesa, however, is outside of this danger zone, being located on a mesa overlooking the natural water course of the valley. The " Mormon" people first settled in what is now known as the Lehi ward. In 1877, "Uncle" Henry Rogers, famous as an Indian missionary and pioneer, was called by President Brigham Young, in company with Daniel W. Jones, to establish an Indian mission there. It is said Uncle Henry Rogers, before leaving Salt Lake City, saw in vision the identical place where this mission was to be established, and when the little travel- stained company reached the banks of Salt river, he recognized the exact spot. The follow- ing year a larger company from Idaho and Utah reached the valley, located the present town of Mesa, and built the Mesa canal. Much of the way the new canal runs through an old channel , used centuries ago by the Nephites or their descend- ants, while the numerous prehistoric ruins in the neighbor- hood have furnished many relics of pottery, stone axes, etc., which indicate a very ancient origin. To the visitor of today who sees this favored valley, filled with fenced farms, orange groves, olive trees, orchards of luscious fruit, fields of grain and alfalfa, as well as ostrich farms, waterways and handsome public and private build- ings, it seems almost incredible that only 30 years ago this was considered a forsaken and impossible part of the land of Zion. The four principal wards of the Maricopa stake are lo- cated close together, making it convenient for the officers to visit them; they are Mesa, Alma, Lehi, and Papago, while the Pine ward is located about 100 miles under the rim of the STAKE HISTORIES. 397 Mogollon mountains. On account of the distance and diffi- culty of reaching the latter ward, it gets but one visit a year, usually in the summer time, when ward conferences are held of all of the auxiliary organizations. In each of these wards except Papago, there is a thriving Y. L. M. I. Association. The Papago, or Indian ward, is a most interesting fea- ture of this stake. It is presided over by Bishop Isaac H. Rogers, a son of the Arizona pioneer, who is devoted to his work among the dusky brethren, who number some 250 souls. He is assisted in the bishopric by two of the Lamanites, Valensuela, and Juan Baptiste. The former was his father's companion in most of his missionary labors among the Pima, Maricopa and Papago Indians, and assist- ed in baptizing most of them into the fold of Christ. The latter was educated at the Indian school at Phoenix. Prac- tically all of the younger people of this ward are being edu- cated at this Indian school, a number of Valensuela 's chil- dren holding positions there after their graduation. One of his daughters, Catherine Luni, attended the B. Y. Academy at Provo, and has a fine voice, which she used to distinct ad- vantage at the World's Fair in 1904, also singing in New York churches following the Fair. There have been many changes in the officers of the stake Y. L. M. I. A., and all have labored with their might, each doing her full share in bringing the organization to its present standard of usefulness. The Y. L. M. I. A. of the Maricopa stake was ef- fected soon after the stake was organized in 1878. Addie Passey became president, with Emily Pomeroy and Mary Jane Spilsbury as counselors, and Emeline Kimball as sec- retary. These counselors were later succeeded by Susie Wilcox and Sarah B. McDonald, and the secretary by Leah M. Peterson, with Emma^Ellsworth as assistant. In June, 1894, a reorganization took place, Ann E.Leav- itt becoming president, with Jeanette H. Johnson and Lula C. McDonald, counselors; Barbara Phelps, secretary, and Amy Robson, assistant. Later Mary L. Hibbert was chosen assistant secretary. Four years later President Leavitt was released, and Jeanette H. Johnson succeeded her, with Arthusa Johnson and 398 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Lula C. McDonald as counselors. During- President John- son's time the traveling- library was established and conduct- ed successfully. It has of late years been somewhat super- seded by the local libraries , which have grown materially. After three years Mary L. Hibbert became president, retaining- the same counselors, until the removal of Counse- lor Johnson to Canada, when Sister McDonald became first , , counselor and Lavern Rog- ers second counselor. During her administration, President Hibbert called to her assist- ance eight aids; they were: Addie S. Johnson, Luella Davis, Clara Allen, Emma Hakes, Fanna A. Dana, Lou- isa H. Rog-ers, Tena Mets, and Rose Lewis. In 1900 Mag-gie Hawkins became an aid and Mrs. Dana succeeded Counselor Rog-ers. During the time of the two last men- tioned presidents, Barbara Phelps Allen and Belle Pom- eroy acted as secretary and assistant secretary respec- tively. In September, 1905, the board was reorganized with Fanna A. Dana, president: Etta Pomeroy and Addie S. Johnson, counselors; Barbara P. Allen, secretary: Effie Phelps, assistant secretary and treasurer; Mary Clark, Mary Pomeroy, Pearl Allen, Amy LeBaron, Lillian Millett and Inez Earl, aids. Since that time the following have occu- pied positions on the board: Deborah Allen, Maggie Haw- kins, Amy LeBaron, Mamie Clark, Eliza Openshaw, coun- selors; Ellice Brizzie, Leah Peterson, secretaries; Emma Rol- lins, treasurer; Annie Lesueur, organist; Janey Standage, Ruth Holdren, Geneva Lesueur, aids. Great credit is due the present incumbent, Sister Fanna Dana, for the very efficient work now being~done by this or- ADDIE PASSEY. STAKE HISTORIES. 399 ganization. Building on the experiences of the past, the summer work as well as "Field Day" festivity have been inaugurated under her presidency. For the past two sum- mers the M. I. Associations of the stake were given Sunday evenings for their meetings. They lighted the tabernacle ground^ by electricity, provided comfortable seats and dec- orations, and planned summer programs, with the view of inculcating the best ideals in literature and art, as well as of questions in which both ^^^| old and young would be in- terested, thus making the summer season's work no less pleasant and profitable than the winter's; this plan brought the attendance up to between 400 and 500. ^v- While much of the win- j^Jm ter's work as well as the sum- ,~-*3 mer's is done conjointly by the Y. M. and the Y. L. M. I. A., yet the finances are ^|^^^ maintained separately. Ow- ^fe ing to the great distance to M m ~^|PJ m Salt Lake City, the Y. L. M. ^13 I. A. have quite a large sum to raise to send their delegate to the June conference; but by instituting bazaars, socials, parlor and other public func- tions, to raise the means, they never fail to be repre- sented at these important and necessary conventions. FANNA A. DANA. MILLARD STAKE. Millard stake embraces a large desert area. Only two towns in the western portion of it are touched by the rail- road; the others lie across the desert at distances varying from five to fifty miles. On account of these long distances, and the difficulty of traveling through the fine sand in fair weather and the soft mud in wet weather, the local officers 400 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. have been under the necessity of depending much upon their own efforts and the help given them through the Journal. Many capable women have been at the head of the ward associa- tions, however, and the local work done has been of a high grade. The stake officers have been beloved by the girls and their visits have been a source of inspiration, even though circumstances prevented their giving much assistance to the local officers in the detail work. . In 1903 an effort was made to establish monthly officers' meetings, at the same time and place as the meetings of the stake priesthood, thus enabling the girls to travel the long distances with their fathers and brothers. The meeting would be held one month on the east side of the stake and the next on the west side; the girls in either side being expected to attend the meeting when held in that division. The stake was also districted and aids chosen from each district, who were given care of that particular section. The members of the stake board were expected to attend every monthly meet- ing. The stake officers have made it a rule to visit the eleven ward associations at least once a year, usually immediately before the general Mutual Improvement Association June conference. Such a trip requires something over two weeks of constant traveling and covers a distance of 186 miles through fine sand. The stake board of Y. L. M. I. A. was organized in August, 1883, with Isabella E. Robison, president; Lizzie Henry and E. J. Bennett, counselors; Carrie Henry, sec- retary. Later Annie Stringham was chosen to fill the po- sition of Sister Bennett who had moved away. In August, 1888, Susannah T. Robison succeeded to the ISABELLA E. ROBISON. STAKE HISTORIES. 401 presidency. At various times the following assisted her : counselors Susan Lyman, Mary Harmon, Mary M. Badger. Ella Bishop, Albertina Fisher; secretaries Angfie Hinckley, Nora Bishop, Anna Stephenson. The new stake board, organized September 19, 1909, consists of : president Maggie M. Hatch; counselors Alber- tina Fisher, Rose V. Jensen; secretary and treasurer Addie E. Hansen; aids Lois Robinson, Lula Johnson, Elizabeth Stewart, Alice Rappleye. For summer work of 1910 this stake plans to use the Granite stake outlines, finding them exactly suited to its purpose. Millard stake has labored under great difficulties, but it is coming forward by "leaps and bounds." Its resources are being conserved, reservoirs are being built, and it is claimed that it will yet become the granary of Utah. MORGAN STAKE. High up in the mountains, Weber canyon widens out into a beautiful valley about one and a half miles wide and ten miles long. It is a most fertile section, filled with well- cultivated farms and orchards which surprise and delight the traveler on the Union Pacific train who has been absorbed in the grandeur of the mountains. This valley makes up the Morgan stake. In the early days of Mutual Improvement, in fact before Mutual Improvement history proper began, Eliza R. Snow visited some of these towns and organized branches of the Retrenchment association . Morgan was the first organized, this occurring in the spring of 1876; later, in 1878, another branch in the same town was organized. The first organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. of this stake was effected August 18, 1878, and had for its president Sarah A. Rawle. She had no counselors. Her resignation, on account of ill health, took place on October 25, 1879, when Sister Mary Jane Toomer was appointed president, with Jane Crouch and Priscilla Tucker as counselors, and Flora Rawle as secretary. These appointments were made at a conference, Sister Eliza R. Snow being present. August 3rd, 1884, Sister Toomer resigned, and her suc- cessor was Susannah Catherine Heiner, the third president of the association. Her counselors were Mary L. Welch and 26 402 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Elizabeth Turner. Flora R. Rich was secretary and Nettie Hogg assistant secretary. At a conference held August 6, 1893, Sister Heiner was honorably released. Her successor was Mary L. Welch, with Emma White and Mary A. Eddington as counselors; Nettie H. Durrant, secretary; Emma W. Clark, assistant secretary; Martha Jane Welch, treasurer; and Elizabeth Turner, Hannah Grover and Jessie Tag-gart, aids. On December 16, 1900, Sarah L. Eddington was appoint- ed president of the Morg-an stake organization; Emma White and Evelyn Harding, counselors; Nettie Durrant, sec- retary; Annie Wells, corresponding" secretary; Lizzie Camp- bell, treasurer and librarian; and Mary Turner, Inez Grover Toone, Esther Stewart, Jennie Rich, and Adria R. Porter, aids. In 1902, Nettie Durrant was made first counselor, and Annie Wells was selected as secretary. In two years another complete change was made in the board, because of the removal of Sister Eddington to Idaho. July 10th, 1905, STAKE HISTORIES. 403 Nettie Durrant was set apart as president, with Mary Ann Eddington and Eva Robison as counselors; Sylvia Compton, secretary; Elizabeth Campbell, treasurer and librarian; Fan- nie Croft and Fannie Francis, aids. Another complete change was made June 7th, 1908, with the following- officers: president Annie S. Dickson; coun- selors Fannie Croft and Selma Francis; secretary Lillie Clark; treasurer and librarian Elizabeth Campbell; aids May Porter, Nettie Durrant, Rosetta Grover, Maggie Porter, Hahna Francis, Vera Meacham, Sarah Giles, Bertha Rich and Lovina Stewart. It may be said with truth that each officer and set of officers in this stake has labored faithfully and lovingly for the cause of Mutual Improvement. There is a very united spirit among the girls, therefore their work is indeed a labor of love. There are six local associations in the stake. The mem- bership during the year 1883 was 226, but it fell until, at the close of 1909, the number reached only 175. The principal reason for this falling off is probably that as the young people grew up they felt that there was not room for them; accord- ingly they moved into new country where they could take up farms and have room to grow. Many portions of Idaho and Wyoming were settled by these sturdy, industrious youths and maidens, and some of the best workers in the Mutual Improvement Associations of those states had their early training in Morgan stake. NEBO STAKE. The Nebo stake was a part of Utah stake until the year 1901, when the towns of Payson, Spanish Fork, Goshen and Santaquin, with small outlying wards, were formed into the new stake. Most of these towns are beautifully situated, with magnificent scenery, plenty of good water and excel- lent soil facilities. Many of the girls living in these Utah county towns have been able to get more or less of the inspir- ational training given at the Brigham Young University in Provo. This of itself is sufficient guarantee of the class of mental and spiritual work done by these favored young wom- en; and they have taken advantage of most of their oppor- tunities. 404 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. The Y. L. M. I. A. of the Nebo stake was partially or- ganized on January 20, 1901, at a conference held at the tabernacle in Payson, simultaneously with the organization of that stake of Zion. Anna Nebeker was then set apart as the president of the board; but the full organization was not completed until February 17, 1901, when Lillie M. Fairbanks and Emma Page were chosen as counselors; Ann Loveless as recording secretary; Ida Hinkley as corresponding secre- tary; and Erdine Cushing as treasurer. The officers held regular meetings on the last Thursday of each month; and the stake and local offi- ^j B^ cers' meetings were convened the first Saturday of every M K month. In March, 1901, the stake comprised fourteen lo- ' cal associations with about 624 members, 94 of whom were officers. Two visits were made to most of the associations during the year 1901. At these visits the of- ficers received much joy in mingling with those whom to know is to love. The les- son that some have learned, in their association work, is that to give the best they have to the work will bring the best back to them. September 16, 1906, a reorganization was effected with Lillie M. Fairbanks as president. In addition to the ones already named, the following sis- ters have acted on the stake board: counselors, Mary J. Dixon Hickman, Ann J. Loveless, Clara Barnett Bean, Clarissa Wimmer Huish; secretaries and treasurers Jennie Dixon, Lydia Schramm, Clarissa Wimmer, Harriet V. Jones, Ev- elyn J. Hawkins, Anna Tanner; aids Elizabeth Gardner, Sarah Jane Brockbank, Mary E. Ercanbrack, Alice Price Poulson, Kate Okelberry, Nettie Lewis, Elizabeth A. Adams, Lydia Soeffner, Anna Tanner, Lucy E. M. Dixon, Ev- ANNA NEBEKER. STAKE HISTORIES. 405 elyn J. Hawkins, Lelia Moore; chorister Grace Brockbank; organist Martha H. Douglas. The traveling- library was established in 1903, with 59 volumes, and frequent additions have since been made. The two mining towns of Mammoth and Eureka were added to this stake in 1905. There are some excellent girls living in these far-away mining towns situated in the tops of our mountains, and there is a good spirit manifested in their work and associa- tion together. It is the aim of the stake board ULLIE M. FAIRBANKS, members to visit some ward association each week when convenient; and once a year the board, as a body, visits each ward and holds a special meeting, in the nature of a ward conference of M. I. A. work. This was begun in 1903, and the meet- ings have proved very effectual and inspiring. OGDEN STAKE. When, in 1908, it was deemed advisable to separate the populous Weber stake into three portions, calling one the North Weber, one the Ogden, and one the Weber stake, there was given an opportunity for many new people to act in public positions, which meant that many able but hitherto quiescent individuals were to be set in places where respon- sibility would develop the best that was in them. So it was, in a measure, with Ogden stake. However, the former pres- ident of all Weber stake Y. L. M. I. A., Jennette McKay Morrell, was chosen to fill the position of president for this new division. She chose Helen Maycock and Florence Gwil- liam as her counselors. These three met and selected their associate workers, and within a few months the board stood as follows: secretary and treasurer Pearl Cragun; librarian Etta G. Shupe; assistant librarian Mary Petterson; chorister Marian Johnson; organist Weltha Belnap; senior class leaders Pearl Jones and Maud West; junior class leaders Lydia'Dye and Anna Olsen; preliminary program committee Eva Farr and Josephine Seaman. The six last mentioned 406 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. were also aids, to whom was assigned the special work named. The work of the counselors was divided into two sections; one, with the class leaders, being" given special charge of all the class work in the stake, and the other, with the board members appointed to each particular division , having: supervision over all the other work, such as pre- liminary programs and music. This arrangement , leav- ing the president free to supervise the entire work, has proved very successful. Ever since the organization of the stake it has been the practice of the stake presidency and the high coun- cil to meet with the stake boards of the various auxiliary associations on Tuesday evening of each week. About thirty minutes are taken up in musical , exercises, prayer, JENNETTEMKAYMORRELL. ness pertaining to the stake as a whole, after which the different boards adjourn to their departments for their own work. The young ladies appreciate the interest and support extended to them by the stake authorities, making particular mention of the assistance rendered by two of the brethren who are specially appointed to aid them. Imme- diately before this meeting (at 6:45 p. m.,) the presidency of STAKE HISTORIES. 407 each auxiliary association or quorum meets and takes up the time till 7:30 p.m. in preparing- the work for the evening: and talking- over details pertaining- to their work. The offi- cers in the local associations carry on their work in a similar manner. It is the custom for the stake and local officers of the Y. L. M. I. A., as well as those of the other auxiliary officers, to meet at the same time as the priesthood, once a month. All meet in a general assembly for opening- exercises, aft- erward adjourning to their different rooms to consider in detail the work of their various quorums and as- sociations. At this meet- ing: every local Y. L. M. I. A. is expected to be repre- sented, and all have taken a pride in making their rec- ord attendance very hig-h. At the present time there are but nine associations, one ( Middleton ) having been discontinued on ac- count of there being- very few members; four of the local associations are in Ogden city. All of the associations are in good working order. The re- port for December 31st, 1909, shows 375 regular members, in addition to the 12 stake board members. It shows also that the local associations have been visited by two or more members of the stake board 215 times during- the year, making something over an averag-e of four associations visited each week. At one of the weekly meetings held with the general stake officers, on April 13th, 1909, President Jennette M. Morrell was released from her intelligent and hig:hly appre- ciated labors, and Helen Maycock was sustained to succeed her. Sister Maycock chose Florence Gwilliam and Pearl HELEN MAYCOCK. 408 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Jones as her counselors, the other officers remaining the same, except that from time to time the work has been re-assigned to the various workers as some have been necessarily released. Since the date mentioned, Pearl Cragun was released as sec retary and was succeeded by Florence Montgomery; Sister Cragun was retained as an aid and Josephine Munk and Let- tie Taylor were added. Quite recently Marian Johnson became second counselor, Miss Gwilliam having left the stake. As might be expected, the class of work done in this stake has been of the most up-to-date kind, and the subjects used in their summer courses prove their alertness to exist- ing conditions and their quickness of mental assimilation. The Weber and the Ogden stake boards of both wings of the Mutuals combined in this summer course for 1909. Their plans were adapted to the use of Stoddard's Lectures, as much as possible, and the lectures included talks on "Pic- turesque Japan," under the sub-divisions of "Natural and Artificial Beauty Water- Life Festivals" with "Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan" by Lafcadio Hearn. Homer's Odyssey was associated with Gayley's Classic Myths. Norway was studied in its relation to its fisheries winter sports and as the "Land of the Midnight Sun." Egypt, South Africa, Mexico and India were all taken up topically, while one evening was devoted to a discussion of art, with Raphael as the supreme disciple and its best human expression. Other topics were of today, including" Sayings of Great Men," and the "World's Famous Orations." The music interspersed was designed to harmonize with the programs. Probably no other chorister has made a more determined and successful effort than has Marian Johnson to elevate the standard of music; and in it she has been well backed by the other board members. Lectures on music and musicians formed a lecture course in the preliminary programs, for all the associations, and were illustrated with selections from the masters whose works were there expounded, the officers not being slow to avail themselves of the splendid musical talent in their midst. For the summer of 1910 the stake will join with Weber and North Weber in a course of physical culture and voice training for the girls of the city wards, with a special lecture course outlined by the stake board for the country wards. STAKE HISTORIES. 409 Thus it will be seen that Ogden stake is well to the front in all branches of endeavor. ONEIDA STAKE. This stake, once a part of Cache stake, was organized in February, 1884, but the stake board of Young- Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association was not effected till Febru- ary, 1886, when Esther C. Parkinson was chosen as pres- ident, and Ruth A. Hatch and Mary A. Bowen, coiinselors. The latter named counselor acted only until July, 1886, when Mrs. Luella Squires succeeded her and remained in office until January, 1888. From 1892 to 1894, the following offi- cers constituted the stake board: Esther Parkinson, pres- ident; Susie G. Purnell and Laura L. Johnson, counselors; Louie Dowdle, secretary; Nellie N. Parkinson, corresponding secretary. Many changes were made in the offices of the stake, and there was difficulty in obtaining a complete and active board. Although controlled by adverse circumstances, the sisters were zealous, laboring then, as they labor now, under difficulties. No special line of work was laid out prior to the printing of the Guides, programs at meetings being promiscuous in all the wards and carried out only to the best judgment of the local officers. Meetings of the stake and local officers were held monthly, and quarterly conferences were held, at which reports from ward associations were received and con- sidered. A feature of these conferences consisted of a man- uscript paper, composed of the best literary talent of the members of the stake. The girls had a unique way of raising funds. In early days, bazaars had not begun, nor were fancy balls to be considered as a means to this end; brt the ingenuity of the young ladies devised the plan of going in crowds to the canyons, where wild hops grew in great profusion. These hops were picked, midst laughter and song, picnic and frolic, and sold, almost at retail price, to the merchants of the towns. Thus ready money was accumulated with which to purchase books, sta- tionery and other things necessary to carry on the work. In 1892, Sister Parkinson was called to work in the Logan Temple, which necessitated her release from the presidency, 410 HISTORY OF THE Y L. M. I. A. this taking place April 22, 1894, whereupon Nellie Greaves (Spidell) was appointed to preside, with Amy Chadwick (Baliff) and Elise Benson (Alder) as her counselors. The following- officers were also chosen and sustained: Louie Dowdle, secretary, and Bessie Doney, corresponding- secretary. Soon after the reorganization, President Greaves, her counselors and secretary, and Sarah Eddington of the General ALMEDA G. NELSON AND BOARD. Board, made a tour of the stake, inconsequence of which the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement work received a great impetus, the impression made upon the girls by the modest manner and inspiring words of Miss Eddington being such as to live forever in their hearts. About this time the Guide was received. It was regarded, from its signal success, as the key-note to good Mutual Improvement work. Weekly officers' meetings were held by both ward and stake officers, at which these lessons were fully discussed, much to the profit and pleasure of the participants; they were also considered STAKE HISTORIES. 411 at the regular monthly meeting's where stake and local officers met together. In 1897 the stake board was again reorganized with Almeda G. Nelson as president; Martha L. Hickman and Nellie Head, counselors; Amy Chadwick, secretary; Agnes Dalley, corresponding secretary; Sarah J. Clayton, treasurer; Bertha Parkinson, recording secretary. District conferences were held quarterly in the various wards. August, 1897, an important journey was made through the stake by the board officers, accompanied by Susa Young Gates, to dispose of bound volumes of the Journal. Much good resulted from this visit to the Oneida stake, and everywhere the work and presence of the sisters were deemed a blessing. In one ward, where the officers of the local board were timid about assuming the responsibility of paying for the Journals, Sister Gates promised them, in the name of the Lord, that if they would take the Journals and do their full duty, at the end of the year they would be far better off financially than they were then. In fulfillment of this prediction, the Journals were paid for during that year; missionaries were helped to the extent of $25, and the association was remarkably successful in carrying out the Guide work. In 1901, there were only fifteen ward associations in the stake, as two stakes, Pocatello and the new Bannock, had been formed from parts of Oneida; still the work prospered , all the associations being fully organized and in a fair condition. Now there are nineteen associations, with a regular mem- bership of 544 and 16 stake officers. The stake has a travel- ing library of only 62 volumes; but the books in the local libraries number 572. In addition to the officers already named, the following have acted on the board: presidents Luella S. Cowley (ap- pointed September 17, 1905) and Mary A. Nelson (June 19, 1910); counselors Roxy Nelson, Gertrude Griffiths, Nellie E. Thomas, Anna M. Frost, Barbara Baliff; secretaries and treasurers Delia Maughan (Chadwick), Gertrude Griffith, Edna Johnson and Dora Merrill; aids Sara Schuldberg, Mary Thomas, Eliza S. Porter, Maria Allen, Margaret Ged- des, Eliza Stevenson, Margaret G. Stevens, Pearl C. Eames, Cecil Winward, Ada L. Hart, Elizabeth Eames, Millie Lowe, Ida Parkinson, Ellen C. Henderson, Lizzie Thomas, Dora 412 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Merrill, Edna Geddes, Sybil Smith, Edith Redd, Iretta Peters, Eleanor Jensen, Lillie Eames Benson, Edna Johnson Merrill, Lena Allen Parkinson and Eleanor Jensen; choristers and organists Lucy H. Cutler, Eleanor Thomas, Olive N. Ged- des, Georgia Dalley, Fenretta T. Mechan and Edna Geddes; librarian Delia M. Chad wick. PANGUITCH STAKE. This stake is situated in the "tops of the mountains" and is isolated from railroads and all modern traveling in- fluences; not one settlement is on the direct road to any oth- er or is in any of the populous sections of the state; each town is its own goal, and few of them are on "the road to anywhere;" so that the girls living- under these constant pi- oneer and more or less difficult conditions, would be expected to develop fine traits of charac- ter, strength of body, and clearness of intellect. This is surely true of these hardy, fearless mountain girls. They have developed, with the vigor of body natural to such condi- tions, a corresponding virility of spirit, which gives them an invincible power of right-doing and right-thinking. The town of Panguitch is some twenty miles from the lovely lake called Panguitch. This high mountain retreat is visited in the summer by many pilgrims from the lower counties, for the beauty and healthfulness of Panguitch Lake valley is well known to all Dixie and South- MARY H. HEYWOOD. ' ern Utah dwellers . ''The sim- ple life is easy to the happy and fortunate girls in Panguitch stake. The stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. was organized by the priesthood presidency of the stake, on June 5th, 1879. The president was Mary H. Hey wood (Sevy), with Annie Dav- STAKE HISTORIES. 413 is and Martha Ella Church as counselors; and Mary A. Mar- shall as secretary. Since then, there have been numerous changes in the board, but all have labored well and faithfully when they were in position. The following- sisters have since acted upon the board: presidents Jane LeFevre, (appointed Aug. 27, 1898); Maria Houston, (Nov. 30, 1902); Elizabeth D. Hatch, (Sept. 3, 1906); Elizabeth S. Worthen, (Nov. 21, 1909); counselors- Margaret Clark, Sarah Houston, Kate D. Hey wood, Mary Foy Dodds, Serepta Sevy (Shepherd), Maria Worthen, Alice Webb Clark, Catherine Steele Riding, Mattie DeLong, Hil- da V. Prince and Mamie F. Dodds; secretaries and treasur- ers Mattie Heywood (DeLong), Mary Foy, Josephine Barney, Mattie Hancock, Rena Sargent, Nina Houston and Hilda P. Henrie; aids Allie W. Clark, Thursa Riding, Thella Church, Mabel Excell, Catherine S. Riding, Chastie Losse, Ella P. Cameron. The wards of the stake are as follows: Panguitch, Hatch, Tropic, Cannon ville, Hillsdale, Henrie ville, Escal- ante, Marion, Kingston, Junction and Circleville. These wards are located at considerable distances from each other and from Panguitch, so that the officers are not able to visit them more than once or twice yearly. The extent of the stake includes all the settlements in Garfield county, and Kingston, Circleville, and Junction, in Piute county. Marys- vale in the latter county was also included in the Panguitch stake, but it has since been joined to Sevier stake. For a long time the stake board had no funds with which to pay their few but necessary expenses; they were ob- liged to pay all costs from their own slender purses. But in 1896, a fund was started, by deducting 25 per cent from the general dime fund, and later by the establishment of a local nickel fund. This has proved sufficient for ordinary expenses. From a beginning of two subscribers to the Young Woman's Journal, they have now gained the proud distinction of being one of the banner stakes in the matter of subscribers to that magazine. The girls of this stake are in full sympathy and fellow- ship with every movement made by the General Board and their associate friends and members in all the wards and stakes of Zion. 414 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. PAROWAN STAKE. Parowan stake is one of the chain of stakes lying in the old line of travel from Salt Lake City to the Dixie country, and as such was the center of much old-time activity and genuine progress. With the swinging of railroad travel to the far west of this stake, the towns became more or less isolated, and what progress was made was necessarily of an individual, not community or commercial, nature. But with these so-called disadvantages, the excellent people of this stake have gone steadily on- ward, sending their sons and daughters northward toPro vo , to Salt Lake and then later to Beaver, for scholastic ad- vantages above the common schools of their own towns, until the Branch Normal of the University of Utah was established in their own Cedar City. These children have many of them 'made names and fortunes for themselves. It was here that President George A. Smith established a home, and infused into his wide sphere of influence the same sturdy and faithful de- votion to righteousness which characterized this great and good man. Much of the country is sterile, but chiefly be- cause of lack of water. The soil here begins to show the red sandy traces of the Dixie formation. From the data obtainable, the stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A., was organized Sept. 4, 1881, withHuldaA. Mitch- ell as president; Deana Smith and Henrietta Jones, coun- selors; C. Adella Mortensen, secretary. The membership of the stake at this time was 161. At the December conference of 1885, Deana Smith was sustained as president, with Mary L. Orton and Mary Alice Jones as counselors: and C. Adella HULDA A. MITCHELL. STAKE HISTORIES. 415 Mickelson, secretary. The membership was then 185. Tura Smith was appointed president in 1893, with Joyce Palmer and E. Crane Watson as her counselors, and Sadie Meeks secretary; the membership was returned at 227, showing a decided advancement in point of numbers. In October, 1895, Annie M. Dalley was called to preside, assisted by Counselors Julia M. Lyman and May M. Higbee; Nora Hulet holding the double office of secretary and treasurer. The death of Annie M. Dalley, who was the president of the stake board from 1895 to 1904, a very efficient officer and dearly loved, cast a gloom over the whole community. In August, 1904, when President Dalley was making her tour of the stake, she reached Harmony, and was taken violently ill; she was removed to Cedar City, and here every care and attention was given her, but she died on the 29th of August, 1904. She was mourned by all the stake, and left behind her a host of friends and admirers. She died doing her duty, and that has given every girl in the stake a higher ideal of endeavor, a purer standard of duty and loving devotion. She did not live nor die in vain! On September 26th, 1904, Sarah A. Bullock's name was presented before the general stake conference and unan- imously sustained as president of the Y. L. M. I. A. of Parowan stake. She chose as her counselors Henrietta Jones and May M. Higbee; as secretary, Priscilla Urie( Leigh); as treasurer and assistant secretary, Ada Bryant (Leigh); as aids, Betsy Topham, Barbara Matheson, Samantha Berry, Norah Hulet Madsen and Nellie Pace; as librarian, Barbara Tweedie; and as organist, Mayme Parry. The following sisters have acted upon the stake board in addition to the ones already named: counselors Lillian White, Ordena Dalley, Belle Perry and Kate Palmer; aids- Lena Jones, Florence Webster, Emily Crane Watson, Maggie Edwards, Barbara Adams, Melissa Hammond; chorister Violet Urie. A report from the stake gives the following: "The ANNIE M. DALLEY. 416 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. greatest perceptible progression in the work in all the time to this date was the course mapped out in the Guide; but the happiest and most advanced results have been achieved since the printing of the Guide work in the Young Woman's Journal. Our membership is about 350 and the real importance of the work is beginning to be realized. We are now considering the matter of calling missionaries from one ward to another, that they may encourage each other to be up with their les- sons, at the same time qualifying the girl-missionary for greater responsibility. " The officers and members of this stake are united heart and soul in their noble work, happy in the spirit of their calling, and constantly reaching out for further light and extended knowledge, that they may do their whole duty in teaching the beautiful plan of salvation to the precious daughters of Zion. PIONEER STAKE. The Pioneer stake was organized March 24th, 1904, in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall, the first conference of the stake being held on May 1st, 1904, when the priesthood of the stake and the auxiliary organizations were placed before the people, and were unanimously sustained. At this time Miss Sarah H. Heath, formerly of the Salt Lake stake board, was chosen president of the Y. L. M. I. A., with Edith A. Smith and Edith E. Sampson as her counselors. Lydia A. Weiler and Rose Bowers were selected as secretaries, Mabel Cooper as chorister, and Ethel Rich Carlquist, Jane Bixton Bowers and Millie Walker as aids. These sisters have practically remained in office since that time, with a few changes. But the capable and dauntless president still guides the Mutual ship Zion through many rough and tumbled waters of up- rising and difficulty, and her cheery young voice can be heard above any ordinary storm of trouble, calling on her girls to row lively and follow in their brisk leader's wake, while even the young men are not forgotten or allowed to lag behind in this onward voyage. This stake has a record for united labors in the two wings of the Mutuals. Their very first meeting as officers was held conjointly, and this admirable practice, with its STAKE HISTORIES. 417 accompanying atmosphere of unity and amity, has clung: faithfully to this band of workers of both sexes. They have projected many elaborate social functions, great summer excursions, and winter entertainments; but always they work tog-ether, sharing: the labors and dividing- the benefits with commendable zeal and unselfishness. Pioneer stake was cut off from Salt Lake stake, embrac- ing- the south-west portion of the city proper; the Fourth, PREST. HEATH AND COUNSELORS. Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Thirtieth, Thirty-second, Brighton, Pleasant Green, Cannon and Poplar Grove wards comprise the stake. The name itself is taken from the fact of the Pioneer Square being- located in its confines. It was here the nucleus of the city was estab- lished when the Pioneers camped at this memorable spot in 1847, and from here has radiated all the civilization which has filled these valleys with homes and covered the land with cities. The enrollment of the stake is very close to being all of the girls in the stake. Much of this is due to the thorough 27 418 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. work done by the stake presidency of the girls in working personally and with a host of assisting missionaries during the summer and fall months, visiting the homes, writing personal letters to each girl in the stake, and in some in- stances, visiting even the mothers to enlist them in the good cause. Not a girl is allowed to feel herself overlooked or for- g-otten in the stake; if she does not attend her meetings, the reason is inquired into, and she is sought after diligently. Since the organization of the stake, Sisters Leolia Tom- linson, Florence Groesbeck Cannon and Emily C. Cottrell have been added as aids, and Eva Richardson was sustained as organist. Elizabeth Cannon Giauque was made stake sec- retary in place of Lydia Weiler Brazier who was released in 1909. POCATELLO STAKE. This stake is located in the southern part of Idaho, and joins the Oneida and Malad stakes on the south, the Black- foot stake on the north, and Bannock stake on the east. The country is rich in natural resources. A railroad center, it is composed of a very mixed community, the principal city, Pocatello, being a wealthy town, with many classes and sects as its inhabitants. The Latter-day Saints living there are scattered, but most of them are loyal and devoted to their religion. The Y. L. M. I. A. of the Pocatello stake was organized August 7th, 1898, by Elders Heber J. Grant and Mathias F. Cowley, of the quorum of the Twelve, and President George C. Parkinson of Oneida stake. It was composed of six wards taken from the Oneida stake and two from the Malad. The number has now increased to fifteen. The stake officers ap- pointed for the Young Ladies' were: president Louie K. Pond; counselors Tilda H. Williams and Emma Spillman (Jacobsen); secretary E. Helen Oram; treasurer and assist- ant secretary Edith Ella Harrison. An event of some importance to this stake was the visit of Sister Cornelia Home Clayton, eleven years ago. Sister Clay- ton came in the interests of the /ournatbut was given directions to instruct and encourage the girls everywhere. She made a trip around the stake in company with President Louie K. Pond and the results were most encouraging and satisfactory. STAKE HISTORIES. 419 The weekly stake officers' meetings are devoted to study of Guide lessons, except that of the first one in the month, and this is given over to testimonies, for the officers have always felt the need for this spiritual strength in their diffi- cult work. In 1899, each ward gave an entertainment for library purposes; and in 1901, a ball was given by the stake for the Woman's Building, realizing $35.00 from the affair. June 23, 1907, President Pond was released on account of removing to Nampa, and Edith R. Lovesy who for some time had been stake secretary, succeeded her as president, the same coun- selors, Tilda H. Williams and Rebecca Douglas, being re- tained, with Edith Harrison as secretary. Owing to her removal to Salt Lake City, Sister Lovesy tendered her resignation in February, 1908. A reorganization took place June 28, 1908, when Addie H. Hendricks was made pres- ident with Rebecca Douglas and Mary Merrill as coun- selors. In addition to the sisters already named, the following have acted upon the stake board in various capacities: Mamie Henderson Allen, Louisa Jones, Lila Howard, Ida Houtz, Lydia Morley, Ethel K. Williams, Jessie Bean, Florence Bennion, Fanny Stinger, Ellen Hamer, Mary Evans, Margaret Brim, Elizabeth Rooker, Susa Nielson, Cassie H. Wood, Nellie Hanson, Ellen Mae Davidson, Laura Berg, Linda A. Hillhouse, Ethel Williams, Marintha Allen. This board instituted a very effective way of reaching the eligible girls in their stake: missionaries are appointed, who visit each girl in the several districts, and after some pleasant conversations, they invite the girls to attend the 420 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. associations. Three sets of missionaries have been called to this labor; they are, E.Helen Oram, Emma Olive, IdaHoutz, Frances Pitts, Lizzie Riley, Margaret Olive and Irene Neeley. Their duties are merely temporary, for they are released when they have covered their districts. Much good has resulted from this work, and in addition to awakening an interest among members, at least three converts to the Church have been made. An interesting incident occurred in Pocatello in Septem- ber, 1904; the stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. undertook, in connection with the Relief Society board, to hold a Union Peace meeting, in which ministers of every denomination in the city as well as a few prominent lawyers and business men and the principals of the schools were invited to take part. All the ministers accepted but one gentleman, who was so shocked at the prospect of jcining hands with "Mor- mons," even if they were inoffensive women, that he visited each of the other ministers and succeeded in persuading all to send in polite regrets. The ministers felt that they could not afford to have even the appearance of affiliating with the "Mormon" Church, in view of the then prevalent "Smoot agitation." The principals of the various schools, the lawyers and business men were not so timid; they boldly accepted the invitation to appear upon the stand with these gentle pleaders for peace. The meeting was largely attended, and was voted a great success by all present. The girls in this stake are proud of the fact that their records are acknowledged by the stake priesthood to be the very best in the stake. They hold conjoint conferences on the Sunday evening of the stake conferences, and are invited to meet with the stake presidency just prior to their meeting, where they may report whatever of interest or need they may have to present. Monthly conjoint stake officers' meetings are also a pleasing feature of their work. The report of the stake secretary dwells with earnestness upon the spiritual side of the work done, and wishes it re- membered that if there are no striking results shown, still they feel the constant benefits in the results of their faithful spiritual effort. Another praiseworthy item relates to the tithing record of the girls in Pocatello stake; the reports STAKE HISTORIES. 421 show them to be faithful and careful in the payment of their tithes and offerings. Many of the girls are wage-earners, and this fact it is which enables them to make this excellent showing. This stake is doing well in all matters of Mutual Improvement. Mrs. Pond, during the nine years of her presidency, placed the work on an excellent foundation, leaving it fully abreast of other stakes when she left it. During the incumbency of Edith R. Lovesy as stake pres- ident a book social was given, and fifty books were there contributed to the stake traveling library by the generous guests; all books were of the best character, and were ap- proved by the General Board. Another excellent point of im- provement was the institution of printed monthly reports, which the stake secretary sends out each month to the wards; these bring the local work constantly before the stake board with the status of each association. Mrs. Lovesy was greatly loved in this stake, and on her departure, with her husband, who was equally popular as the superintendent of the Young* Men's work, the two were given a reception to which prac- tically every Church member in that locality turned out to wish God-speed to the young couple who had worked so hard for both wings of the Mutual in this northern stake. The work is now in competent hands and Sister Hen- dricks has proven her value in her new positions. There are many obstacles to meet in this stake, but there is no lack of effort nor purpose on the part of those engaged in the work. RIGBY STAKE. Only two years ago this stake was a part of the Bingham stake of Zion. It lies north and east in that section of coun- try between Bingham and Fremont, and consists of a num- ber of thriving towns in the rich section of lands watered by the famous Snake river. It was on February 4th, 1908, that the stake was organized, the Y. L. M. I. A. being formed at the same time. The girls here have taken up the regular work outlined 422 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. by the General Board and have been very successful in their efforts. For the summer's work they combined with the youngr men and grave literary and historical prog-rams at their conjoint sessions, with the usual musical numbers. The following- sisters have acted on the board: president Cora Chandler Burton; counselors Mabel Stromberg-, Elizabeth Walker Harker and Mae Earns; secretaries and treasurers Ethel M. Call, Elizabeth Gilchrist, Mabel Hunter, Leila Mar- CORA c. BURTON. ler Hog-gran, Susie Yearsley and Al- berta Beazer; librarian Sarah E. Selck; organist Leona Ossmen; assistant organist Hattie Dabelle; aids -Nora Moss, Alta, Watson, Elizabeth Hart. ST. GEORGE STAKE. The organization of this stake was antedated, as were many others, by numerous ward associations, that in the town of St. George being: the first. On Nov. 18, 1875, the young ladies of the town met in the St. George tabernacle and were organized into the St.- George Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association, with eighty-one names enrolled as members. The officers of this early association were: Arte- mesia Snow Woolley, general director or superintendent, Elizabeth A. Snow, president, and Eliza Crosby Snow, Eliza- beth Starr, Hannah Faucett, and Amelia Crosby as the four counselors. The secretary's name is not given. This ini- tial organization was quickly followed by others, in Sants Clara, Pine Valley, Pinto, Rockville, Virgin, Toquerville and Panaca, in the order named. These young officers planned their own work and contrived to spend their time and efforts in a most profitable manner. We are told that they held weekly meetings, quilts were made, carpet-rags sewed, and all kinds of primitive fancy-work were taugrht and encouraged. While the other members were busy with their fingers, one girl would read from an interesting book, and STAKE HISTORIES. 423 thus all were mentally benefited. Some of the articles made were sold, thus providing" means for the purchase of books and other necessary expenses. At the program meetings, the usual study of the Scriptures, interspersed with readings and music, formed the exercises. The lady who acted as first "superintendent," an office unique in itself and yet sugges- tive of the future, Artemesia Snow Woolley,now Seegmiller, was the eldest daughter of Apostle Erastus Snow, and was greatly beloved all over Dixie, for her deeply spiritu- al nature and her many gifts. Her sister, Elizabeth Snow, now Ivins, who became the first stake president, was also very popular, and was a girl of most exemplary character, with a charming if reserved personality. Her other youth- ful counselors were chosen from the very best of St. George's young women. The country in the southern part of this state known as "Dix- ie" (because of the physical resemblance to that other "Dixie") was established by as remarkable a colony of pioneers as ever settled any Mormon region. It was com- monly known that President Young took a good share of the "cream' ' of Salt Lake City when he named those who were to undertake the settlement of this far-away and difficult mission. A country of sand, and black rocks, sparsely watered with brackish springs, did not present an attractive appearance to those early heroes and heroines. But duty spelled a big part of their lives, and, more than all, they were led by Apostle Erastus Snow, a pioneer and statesman, who, in his infinite capacity for detail and government, was second only to that master pioneer, Brigham Young. Erastus Snow was one of the mightiest men this earth has ever seen. When he ELIZABETH SNOW (iVINS), 424 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. * was accompaniedlby .such men as Jacob Gates, Joseph W. Young-, James G. Bleak and the three Woolley brothers, it is not to be wondered at that the country fulfilled the striking prediction of President Young. ^ When told by some objector that the people ofDixie would never raise successful "crops," Brig-ham Young said, ' 'Well, they will raise men and women there." The men and women, all over the country, who ac- knowledge Dixie as their birthplace, occupy sufficient prom- inence in the affairs of whatever section they inhabit to verify that statement. The society in St. George was, therefore, of the best and most progress- ive, so that advancement was natural and inevitable. The stake organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. was effected July 7th, 1877, by Elder Junius F. Wells. Eliz- abeth Snow Ivins was chos- en president, with Mary Goddard Whitehead and Ar- temesia Snow Woolley Seeg- miller as her counselors. El- la Smith Seegmiller was elected secretary. These sis- ters served, most of them, for ten years, doing excel- lent work and winning many friends for the cause of Mu- ROSINA S. JARVTS. tual Improvement. On March 16, 1889, the board was reor- ganied. with Rosina S. Jarvis as president: Jos ephme Ja vis (Miles) and Tena Iverson, counselors; Belle McArthur ircretary From time to time, in addition to the ones named elsewhere, the following have acted in the capacities noted: counselors-Josephine Snow, Martha Snow (Keate), Edil S Eva Cannon, Lottie Ashby Forsha Mary Thompson (Webb); secretaries-June Ivins McDonald , Rosma S. Jar- vis Belle McArthur, Mary Nixon, Louie Woolley (Wells), lei Nelso* T May Keate^ (Pace); aids-Mary Thompson (Webb) Rosa Rancher (Nelson), Caddie MacFarlane (An- STAKE HISTORIES. 425 drus), Eva Price, Annie McAllister Whipple, Mary Morris Williams, Lydia Knell, Vilate C. Naegle, Hattie Thornton Snow, Emma Cottam, Maud Rosamond Snow, Effie Soren- son. September 8, 1907, another reorganization took place and the following were sustained: president Eva Cannon (Webb); counselors Maud R. Snow, Jennie Nixon; secre- tary and treasurer Lena Nelson; assistant secretary and treasurer Mattie McArthur. Since that time the following have been added: chorister and organist Nettie MacFarlane; librarian Jennie Nelson; aids Ann Ronnon, Bertie Crosby (Bunker), Emma McArthur, Lydia Knell, and Vilate Naegle. On June 19, 1910, Counselor Jennie Nixon (Fos- ter) was released and Templena MacFarlane sustained as second counselor. There are quarterly conjoint conferences held at the time of the stake conference, with four conjoint officers' meet- ings. The officers of the Young Ladies hold one general conference, with three district conferences a year. They en- deavor to visit each ward once yearly and a faint idea of the labor thus involved may be gained from the statement that they travel 1030 miles by team to accomplish this round of visits, while it requires 34 days to make the journey. When the stake was first organized, there were twelve associations with 332 members. The stake was then enclosed in the county of Washington, Utah; but it has since been enlarged and reaches over into White Pine and Lincoln counties, Nevada. At present writing, there are twenty-three associ- ations, with a little over 700 members. There is a somewhat old-fashioned but very vigorous atmosphere surrounding the work of these sunny distant branches of the Mutual. The all-pervading presence of the aggressive president of the Young Men's organization is rec- ognized in all the country round about: but there is so much sweetness and light emanating from the young lady officers of the stake that the strength of the one is gently modified by the courtesy of the other. The fortunate visiting official who has attended one of the famous ' 'Dixie" M. I. A. fruit fe; tivals in the fall of the year will preserve a vivid memory 01 yellow globes of peaches, mammoth bunches of white and black grapes, purple figs and pale almonds, set off with 426 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. luscious bulks of ripe, sugar-sweet melons, carried one hundred miles by ambitious M. I. boys for this especial feast. That picture will linger in the memory as long- as the palate can taste, or the eye appreciate the beauties of per- fect fruit. And when the merry feast is but a half forgotten pleasant memory, there will rise that stronger, deeper im- age of the blistering sands and gleaming black rocks which have produced a crop of as splendid men and women as have been grown in the vales of all Utah. ST. JOHN'S STAKE. There have been pioneers and pioneers in the history of this Church; but only those who dwelt in the "Dixie" coun- try in Utah, and in the still harder country of St. John's stake in Arizona, can tell what a constant and unremit- ting struggle it is to be al- ways under pioneer condi- tions. The people who went to St. John's stake were of the very best quality, in the first place; and they who have stayed on, are of the bravest and noblest of men and women. The stake is situated high up in the moun- tains, where roads are diffi- cult and travel rare; then, the water, their only hope, is liable to break out from the reservoirs at any moment, and go rushing down to the Pacific. And this thing does IDA HUNT UDALL. actually happen; not once, or twice, but so often that the presiding brethren have released the people who were called to settle this section of country, and encouraged them to seek homes in an easier climate. But, alas, when a man has his all tied up on one small farm, and that farm located in a country from which all desire to get away, then, indeed, STAKE HISTORIES. 427 is his lot a hard one. Such is the outward condition of things at St. John's stake. But, as might be expected, the inner or spiritual condi- tions of the people here are as promising: and fine as their temporal affairs are forbidding and barren. The following details of their work will prove this: The Eastern Arizona Stake was the name formerly given to what is now the Snowflake and St. John's stakes. The first president of the Y. L. M. I. A. of the Eastern Arizona stake was Ida Hunt, who was chosen at the organization, July 26, 1879. Her counselors were afterward chosen in the persons of Nellie M. Smith and Emma Larson; Nannie Freeman became secretary and treas- urer. Later Miss Hunt removed to Salt Lake City, which necessitated her resignation as president. Accordingly she was released, and at a quarterly conference held at Snowflake in March, 1886, Mary E. Freeman was sustained as presi- dent with Adelaide Fish and Mary E. B. Farr as counselors. In this capacity these three sisters labored faithfully until the division of the stake into the Snowflake and the St. John's stakes, which took place July 2, 1887. St. fohns Stake. At the organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. of the St. John's stake, July 23d, 1887, Mary E. Freeman was sus- tained as president; Charlotte Sherwood and Clara A. Moore, counselors; Emma J. Udall, secretary. At this time there were seven local associations; in 1900 another was or- ganized in Bluewater. This stake was visited in 1902 by Sister Julia M. Brixen, who urged the sisters to make effort to send a representative to the June conference at Salt Lake City. The seriousness of this may be realized when it is known that it takes a very large sum to cover the expenses of one delegate. It was by heroic effort that the girls ar- ranged in the various wards of the stake to get up a series of entertainments, of sufficient financial magnitude to reach this sum. But they succeeded, and the delegate was their honored president, Mrs. Freeman. They were not sorry for their 428 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. effort, for when she returned from the June conference of 1902, she was so full of joy and enthusiasm, and had ac- quired so much valuable information that every vein and ar tery of their "body mutual" received renewed life and vigo from this visit. She made a complete tour, by team, of the entire stake, soon after her return, and to each in turn she gave the comfort, blessing-, and inspiration she herself had received in Utah. In the spring of 1905, nearly all the reservoirs in the stake were washed out, and the people were almost in despair. Many of those who could leave did so, and this left the stake sadly crip- pled. The First Presidency sent a letter at this time re- leasing the people, and giv- ing their blessing to those who went away and to those who stayed. Many went, and there were in consequence many sore hearts and sad parting's; but all were comforted with the assurance that each had done full duty. In the fall of 1905, Mrs. Freeman moved away with her husband, who had been a very heavy loser in the reservoirs. They felt it impossible to make a new start under the cir- cumstances. This caused the resignation of President Free- man, and great was the sorrow of the girls in the whole stake. She had given them her love, her hope and her untiring labor; in return, they had sought to emulate her gracious example. Now she was to leave them they felt sadly the richness and worth of her legacy. November 19, 1905, Amelia Cole- man succeeded President Freeman. She had labored many years in this stake, beginning as the counselor of Sister Free- MARY A. FREEMAN. STAKE HISTORIES. 429 man. A few months before she was called as a counselor, Sister Coleman's husband was killed by lightning, and two years later her eldest daughter died; the shock was so great that she could with difficulty go on with her duties. However, her subsequent labors proved the truth of the promise made to her by the authority which called her to this work. She has been blessed beyond measure and proved herself to be a wise counselor and a worthy successor. Owing to her re- moval from the stake, a reorganization took place Novem- ber 17, 1907, with Margaret J. Overson as' president, who with her present corps of officers is carrying the work along, steadily and faithfully. In addition to the sisters already named the following have acted upon the St. John's stake board in various ca- pacities: Sarah F. Hey wood, Mary W. Berry, Lydia P. Jen- sen, Naomi Freeman, Signe A. Davis, Sylvia Petersen, Lil- lian S. Overson, Pearl Udall, Erma U. Sherwood, Louie Brown, Amanda Kempe, Minnie Bilby, Waity Crosby, Mar- ian Love, Maud Noble, Inez Lee, Mary E. Nielson, Maggie Greer, Pearl Nielson, Clara Curtis (Burk), Annie Sorenson, Mary H. Beeler, Mary P. Jones, Louie A. Freeman, Mary Patterson, Lydia Jensen, Nellie Jarvis, Evelyn Gibbons, Jane Brown, and JosieA. Patterson. It is the custom for some members of the stake board to make a yearly circuit of the local wards, (340 miles,) by means of wagon conveyance, the object being to establish a uniformity in studies and to advance the work generally. The Young Woman's Journal is well patronized and the stake board feels that much good results from the influence ex- erted by that magazine. The secretaries of^the associations, both stake and local, are given special mention for the able manner in which they have attended to their duties, all rec- ords being in excellent condition. The stake library num- bers 68 volumes which are kept in constant circulation, Monthly stake officers' meetings are held regularly, as well as quarterly meetings with local officers. Meetings of ward officers are held weekly. In later years the wards have labored on, some of them so weak that they cannot hold meetings without joining forces with the young men, but there is no diminution of faith and earnestness. 430 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. The hearts of the Saints in more favored localities go out to these oppressed and struggling comrades with a con- stant love and abiding- prayer. The results of the sacrifices made by the Saints of St. John's stake will tell in the final results of rich experiences and noble, sanctified characters. ST. JOSEPH STAKE. This stake is one of the most prosperous and thriving centers in the Church, agriculturally, morally and spiritually. It is situated in the tropical region of Arizona. With suffi- cient water to force nature's otherwise reluctant hand, this region yields its most abundant harvests. The true story of one sweet potato growing to sufficient size to fill a bushel basket taxes the faith of those who have never been there; but that is only one of the big stories told of this prolific sec- tion. There are big-hearted men and women there, led by their president, Andrew Kimball, he of the quick imagination and tender sympathy. His associates partake of his own generous spirit. Every advantage possible in a pioneer com- munity is given to education, amusement and commercial activity, while in and through it all runs the fine chain of pure religion which makes of this people an almost ideal community. There is a flourishing Church academy here, and it is so excellent in scholastic as well as moral training that even those not of the same faith send their children from Phoenix to partake of its spirit and culture . Several ward organizations were effected in this stake prior to its stake organization. The detailed history of this is as follows: June 15, 1883, the Y. L. M. I. A. of the St. Joseph stake was organized, from two ward organizations, with Sarah D. Curtis as president; Esther T. Merrill and Rhoda E. Foster, counselors; Hulda Hubbard, secretary. A reorganization was carried out March 23d, 1888, as follows: president Laura Nuttall; counselors Janie Wright and Sarah Burns (Webb). The number of the ward or- ganizations in the stake had increased in three years from two to six associations. During the visit of Elders John Henry Smith and John W. Taylor of the quorum of the Twelve, a partial reorgani- zation was effected, the following board of, officers being STAKE HISTORIES. 431 sustained January 29, 1898: Laura Nuttall, president; Emma Walch and Lucinda M. Gustafson, counselors; Mary McBride, secretary and treasurer; Sarah Allred, Susie Merrill, Agatha Tibbetts and Lillie Curtis, aids. In addition to the officers named, the following- have acted on the stake board in various capacities: Eva Rogers, Lydia Williams, Mary Lines, Annie H. McBride, Jennie Cluff, Margaret Brinckerhoff, Emma Rogers, Pamelia Ransom, Eva Anderson (Lines), Fanny Ximball, Josephine SARAH D. CURTIS. LAURA NUTTALL. Cluff, Lovina Pace, Eleanor Peterson, Nettie Phillips, Martha Crosby, Hattie Williams, Mae Larsen, Maud Callison, Julia Curtis, Susie Crockett, Vina Lee, Minnie Bilby, Charlotte Kemp, Julia Ellsworth, Jewell Ellsworth, Chloe Welker, Sylvia Sessions, La Prelle McBride. This stake was one of the foremost in introducing con- joint work, as well as the combination of all stake meetings on one day, with the opening session of the various quorums and associations held together. They claim the distinction of being the first to introduce the custom of ladies removing 432 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. their hats in places of religious worship. It is here also that the experiment of sending- out a lady teacher from the Relief Society with the gentleman teacher from the teachers' quorum was tried for a time, and it must be recorded that the experiment was attended with excellent results. There is a loving- sympathetic influence throughout all this stake, which makes for peace and harmony in every quorum and or- ganization. The work of Mutual Improvement is benefited in this uplift, and the girls are not slow to take advantage of all opportunities. There are now twelve associations with a membership of 450, and their work is fully up to the standard set by the best and foremost of Zion's daughters. SALT LAKE STAKE. The history of the beginnings of this stake has been given in more or less fullness in the first chapters of this book; for they were in reality the beginnings of the move- ment itself. It may prove of interest, however, to give in greater detail the subsequent history of this stake. The organization of the wards in Salt Lake City into Young Ladies' Retrenchment Associations, begun unoffi- cially in the Nineteenth ward in 1870, was carried forward rapidly by Eliza R. Snow and her associate workers, ZinaD. Young, Mary Isabella Home, Margaret T. Smoot, and oth- ers of the leading women of Salt Lake City. In 1877 in ac- cordance with the expressed wish of President Brigham Young, just prior to his death, the name was changed to the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association. In 1878, the matter of joining the sisters' ward organizations under stake boards to conform with the priesthood organization, then nearly completed, was presented by Sister Eliza R. Snow to President John Taylor. The approval of the pre- siding authority of the Church was heartily given, and a conference of the sisters living in Salt Lake City was called under the direction of the presidency of the Church. At this meeting Sister Snow presided, and after some pre- liminary talks by the sisters, there was a stake organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. of the Salt Lake stake of Zion effected, having 21 local organizations, and conforming to the bound- aries of Salt Lake county. Mary A. Freeze was made president. Her counselors, chosen at a later date, were STAKE HISTORIES. 433 Louie B. Felt and Clara Y. Conrad. Ellis R. Shipp was secretary until her removal from the city, when Augusta Joyce Crocheron was chosen for this office. In 1882, Clara Conrad having" died and Louie Felt resigned on account of her duties in the Primary association, Maria Y. Dougall and Nellie Colebrook (Taylor) were chosen to fill the positions of first and second counselors. At a special meeting of the officers of this stake held October 15, 1898, President Mary A. Freeze tendered her resignation, having been appointed on the General Board as an aid. Her withdrawal from the position which she had held for twenty years was a great trial to all her associates . The stake historian says of Sister Freeze: " During the twenty years of her service, her devotion to the members of her associations was at all times exhibited." By her untiring energy she won the love of the entire membership of the or- ganizations, which was at the time of her resignation nearly 2,500. One of the most brilliant receptions ever given in this stake, where there had been many delightful affairs, was the one tendered President Freeze at the time of her re- tirement. Tickets were issued to each member and officer of the associations, and they with their escorts, to the num- ber of nearly 3,000, assembled to do honor to their retiring president. The hall was beautifully decorated, and there was a program of music and speeches, with refreshments for all. The officers in service at the time were: president Mary A. Freeze; counselors Mary Pratt Young, Nellie Cole- brook Taylor; secretary Elizabeth Smith Cartwright; treasurer Lucy Woodruff Smith; corresponding and record- ing secretaries Minnie H. James and "Lizzie G. Fowler; aids Maria Holt, Edith Sampson, Clara S. Carlyle, Mary E. Irvine, Elizabeth Home, ZinaB. Cannon, Annie J. Mur- phy, Isabelle Erickson, Emily C. Adams, Laura H. Merrill, Rena Wheeler, Mary B. Richards, Don nette Smith (Kesler), Mary I. Felt, Amy Ball, Jennie Y. Smith, Rachel Grant and Marie Jonasson; music director Maud P. Griggs; organist Maggie T. Gibbs. In addition the following had acted dur- ing the incumbency of President Freeze: Romania B. Pratt (Pen rose), Victoria Clayton (McCune), treasurers; Margaret Shipp (Roberts), Jane G. Freeze, aids; Ella Dal- 28 434 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. las, corresponding secretary; Maggie Freeze Bassett, music director. The next president, Nellie Colebrook Taylor, took up the work with all possible zeal, and under her skillful control many new features were added to the work. Her counselors, Lucy Woodruff Smith and Emily Caldwell Adams, were among the brightest minds in the whole stake, and the three bent every energy to formulate new plans and to develop original ideas. They were most capably assisted by that queen of secretaries, Elizabeth Smith Cartwright, and all other members of the former board who continued in their respective positions. During the presidency of Nellie C. Taylor the following also acted upon her board: Annie S. Musser, Rose J. Badger, Nellie D. Woodruff, Julia Farnsworth Lund, Addie Eldredge, Ida Savage, Phebe Scholes, Clarice Thatcher, Minnie L. Snow, Edna Harker, Sarah Heath, Lucy Grant Cannon, MaryE. Connelly, Mary F. Kelly, Maria C. Taylor, Lottie P. Baxter, Elen Wal- lace, Maggie Hull. Under Presi- dent Nellie C. Taylor the stake was divided into districts which were systematically visited and the visits reported at the monthly officers' meetings, which have always been held in this stake. The written and verbal reports now instituted enabled the stake presidency to keep inclose touch with every ward organization. Out of the southern portion of the stake Granite and Jordan stakes were formed in 1900, leaving thirty associa- tions in Salt Lake, where there had been fifty-five and a membership of 2,929. The stake was again divided in 1904, four stakes being formed out of the one then in existence- Ensign, Liberty, Pioneer, Salt Lake. At this juncture, Nel- lie C. Taylor was selected to fill a place on the General Board The new Salt Lake stake board was organized April 20, 1904, Lucy Woodruff Smith being appointed to the leader. CLARISSA BEESLEY. STAKE HISTORIES. 435 ship of what was at that time the newest and oldest stake in Zion , with Elizabeth Smith Cartwright and Ann Dilworth Groesbeck as counselors and Clarissa A. Beesley as secre- tary and treasurer. Later the following- were added: Louetta Brown, corresponding secretary; Maria C. Taylor, Mary Ida Felt, Sarah M. Newman (Twitchell), Eva Forsberg, aids. September 29, 1908, the former presidency was honor- ably released and the following elected: president Clarissa A. Beesley; counselors Mary Ida Felt, Melvina Peters; secretary and treasurer Catherine Folsom; with the other members of the board in the same positions. In 1909 Erne Ashton and Ida M. Lane were added as aids. Having been called on a mission, Clarissa A. Beesley was 'released and LOUETTA BROWN. M. IDA FELT. ELTZ. S. CARTWRIGHT. Mary Ida Felt became president, March 18, 1910, with Eliz- abeth S. Cartwright and Louetta Brown as counselors; Catherine Folsom, secretary; Eva Forsberg, corresponding secretary; Effie Ashton and Ida M. Lane, aids. The membership furnishes interesting data. When President Freeze left the stake in 1898, there were nearly 2, 500 members, with fifty- five ward associations. After Jordan and Granite were taken off, it required five years to bring again the membership near to the original mark. When the stake was cut into four, there were 2,392 enrolled members with thirty-seven ward associations. Now (1910) there are 756 members enrolled, with only eleven ward associations. This is an average of 45 members to the ward in 1898, of 64 members in 1904, and 69 members at the present time. This 436 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. is very significant of the untiring labors which have brought about results so pleasing. The Salt Lake stake now includes the Fourteenth , Fifteenth , Sixteenth , Seventeenth , Nineteenth , Twenty-second , Twenty-third , Twenty-fourth , Twenty-eighth , Twenty-ninth and Center wards of Salt Lake City. Much stress has always been laid upon monthly officers' meetings in this stake, and the frequent classes wherein were conducted model lessons from the Guide and Journal, have given wide impetus to the educational work thus attempted. The key-note of all their work has ever been the establish- ment in the hearts of the girls of a love for the gospel and an understanding of its principles. One of the first conventions of Y. L. M. I. A. ever held was in this stake, September 1902, and here all officers and members were instructed in the conduct and management of lessons and general work. It was here the resolution for the promotion of better order in our religious gatherings and a greater reverence for all sacred places had its birth, and a vigorous canvass was made for years in all the wards looking to the enforcement of this regulation. The social side of human nature was early recognized by these officers as of the utmost value in promoting religious work: accordingly, great pains have been taken to arrange both stake and ward gatherings, which were models of the beautiful spiritual atmosphere which can permeate our gather- ings, even in the midst of youthful gayety. Great excursions have been taken to Saltair and to many other places, banquets have been given most successfully, parties and all kinds of social entertainments have characterized the progress of this stake and have been of great value in the work. One de- lightful feature of the work done under Sister Mary A. Freeze was the collecting of means with which to emigrate various worthy yet poor Saints from the old country. And today many prayers ascend to the Throne of Grace in behalf of some of the early earnest workers in this stake who denied them- selves all luxuries and some comforts in order to bring to Zion some of her choicest Saints. Many balls and other en- tertainments have been given by the stake board to assist missionaries going upon missions to preach the gospel; and it was in this stake that the missionary farewell had its origin In the past, this stake did much for the Deseret Hospital, and STAKE HISTORIES. 437 liberal donations were always forthcoming to that worthy enterprise conducted by women, in those good old days. This stake has also been much interested in the physical education of the youth, and was, of course, at the very front in the movement to establish a gymnasium in Salt Lake City for our young people. The workers gave of their time and means, as well as of their vital strength, and surely none of these righteous efforts are ever lost to the world. When there was a call, in the old days, for the representative women of the General Board to go to the National Council of Women, this stake at once undertook elaborate entertainments, and once raised sufficient means to send the delegates, without calling on any other stake; this was before the dime fund was established. President Elmina S. Taylor was devoted in her feelings to the board of the Salt Lake Y. L. M. I. A, for never was there a jar and never was there a lack of sym- pathy and comradeship between these two bodies of earnest women. In the early days General President Elmina S. Taylor and her counselors usually met with the Salt Lake stake board, many of their meetings being held at her home. No one feature of their work commands greater respect than the union and harmony which have always existed be- tween the two stake boards in the Mutual Improvement cause. The young men have ever rendered to the girls the utmost honor and assistance in every branch of their work; and the girls have responded by as true loyalty and devotion as could be possible. Whatever has been done has been done in harmony, and with the united efforts of both boards splendid receptions and excursions have been given. Recently this stake established a Mutual Improvement bureau consisting of some of the best speakers, readers and musicians of the stake. Each ward had the privilege of asking for any of these persons to assist in its conjoint Sun- day evening program . The present board of young lady officers feels that much of the success that has attended their labors is due to the consideration and kindness shown them by the presidency of the stake and the superintendency of the Y. M. M. I. A. The beautiful spirit of harmony that has prevailed in the ranks of the Salt. Lake stake Y. L. M. I. A. is sufficient assurance of the excellent work accomplished by that stake of Zion. 438 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. SAN LUIS STAKE. Another of our distant stakes is San Luis in Colorado, and subject, as have been the others, to the vicissitudes of settling up new countries under pioneer conditions. How- ever, there are more resources here than in some localities and the people have taken ample advantage of all their op- portunities. The work in the Y. L. M. I. A. really began in the Manassa ward, in the year 1880, with a ward association. This association has been the main-spring of many onward movements in the stake. During the years 1886 to 1890, this ward saved funds for the erection of a hall; the girls raising $225 besides meet- . , ing all their own expenses. The average membership was very heavy, being between eighty and one hundred girls. They have since united with their mothers in the Re- lief Society and bought a neat little hall in Manassa where the two organizations hold their meetings. They papered and painted the hall , carpeted the floor, bought comfortable chairs and then purchased an organ. All this is a part of the Manassa ward history, and this association is still financially well-to-do. They have 124 shares of stock in the ward store, and $50 out at interest. One has nothing but admiration IRENE u. SMITH. for these girls and their ef- forts. The organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. of this stake was effected at a quarterly conference held May, 1890. The following stake board was chosen and sustained; Irene U. Smith, president; Viola J. Helm and Maria J. Harrison, counselors; Mary J. Thomas, secretary and treasurer. The present officers are united and energetic and attend their officers' meetings well and regularly. STAKE HISTORIES. 439 Since those already mentioned the following- officers have served on the stake board: presidents Florence Reece, (Oct. 1907) and Emily J. Smith (Dunn), (July, 1908); counselors Lettie S. Jensen, Emma Foster, Emily J. Smith, Agnes Harrison, Jessie B. Smith, Mary Grace Crow - ther and Marcella Christenson; secretaries and treasurers Emma King, Mary E. Reynolds, Maggie Berhine, Daphne Dalton, Maggie Harrison and Ora Jensen; org-anists and choristers Annis Christensen, Fanny Weimer, Barbara De- Priest, Daphne Dalton and Cora Holtsclaw; aids Mary J. Thomas, Dollie E. Russell, Lauretta Peterson, Dixie Fau- cette, Julia Whitney, Fannie Weimer, Lettie Jensen, Celia Smith, Doretta Mortensen, Sadie Nielson, Alice Reed and Emma Smith; librarians Mary E. Jensen, Lizzie Thomas and Ray Heisielt. The stake has started a traveling- library; and althougfh somewhat small, they hope to increase the number of books every year, until they shall be second to none in this particu- lar. The three wards of this stake were org-anized previous to the organization of the stake board: Manassa, Richfield and Sanford. There is a membership of 151. The young- ladies of the stake have furnished the stake house with two beautiful sacrament sets of silver, also a handsome cupboard in which to store them; and they have helped on the ward meetinghouses. The thriving: condition of this stake is not all due to favorable climatic conditions for there are many excellent people here, and the girls in the Mutual certainly prove that the good spirit is present with them in all their labors. The last few summers, the girls have devoted their weekly sessions to the study of domestic science and domes- tic art. At the beginning- of the season for 1909, a girls' party was given, each girl bringing- her mother, and the re- sults were so delightful that there is talk of making this a feature of their work. All in all, this stake is quite on a par with the others in the larger and more prosperous sections of the Church. SAN JUAN. The San Juan stake extends from Moab on Grand river, Utah, to Hammond on the San Juan river, New Mexico. To 440 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. visit all the associations in this stake, one must travel about six hundred miles over the roughest roads in this section of country. This involves tremendous difficulties for the stake officers who undertake to visit each association once a year, but the labor is performed cheerfully and prosecuted vigor- ously. This country is wild and full of historic interest. It is here that the archae- ological society finds its richest field for research, rel- ics of pre-historic races ex- isting in abundance. Here also are found the wonderful natural bridges, one of which is the largest in the world. The stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. was organized at Bluff, Utah, on the 23rd of December, 1885, with Mary M. Halls of Mancos, Colorado, as president, with Mar}'' N. Jones and Magnolia F. Walton of Bluff as her counselors; and Mary Hammond of Bluff as secretary and treasurer. Three years later the secre- tary moved away, and Louie M. White of Mancos was chos- en to fill her place. In 1891, ex- perience having demonstrated the necessity of having all the members of the stake board located in one town, the board was partially reorganized, Mary M. Halls continuing as president with Euphrasia Day and Johanna Halls (Smith) as counselors; the secretary remaining the same. Later Sister Day moved away and Ma- dora Barker (Burnham) was chosen in her place as first counselor. In addition to the sisters already named, the following have acted upon the stake board: secretaries and treasurers Clara H. Burnham, Effie Hammond and Leila Stephens; aids Isabella W. Hammond, Sarah A. Dean, Mary Taylor, MARY M. HALLS. STAKE HISTORIES. 441 Lucy Burnham, Mary C. Roberts, Clara M. Taylor, Lucinda E. Redd, Mary Lyman and Sarah Halls; chorister - Vida Halls. The sudden and violent death of Mary Taylor, a stake aid, who was thrown from a carriage in July, 1905, was a great loss as well as shock to all the girls in this stake. The scope and influence of this stake has increased from its organization to the present time. Beginning with but three associations, there are now nine, and all are lively and prosperous. At first the conditions permitted only a con- joint conference with the Relief Society and P/imary in which the Y. L. M. I. A. had but thirty minutes to present their work. Now they have, at the regular quarterly con- ference every three months, the Sabbath evening in conjoint sessions with theY. M. M. I. A. The girls are very much encouraged over thrs growth, and in very recent time there have been greater opportunities given them in.the way of dis- trict conventions, in which several associations meet together to render a prepared program of lectures, etc., on subjects conducive to the advancement of the M. I. A. work. Many Indians are located in this stake and some have accepted the gospel, and are numbered with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The conventions in September are looked forward to with eager zeal. On account of the long distances between wards, two conventions are held in this stake, and they are well attended. The associations of the stake always send a representa- tive to the June conference in Salt Lake City. Some work has been done recently in literary subjects, and evenings have been devoted to book reviews of the classics supplement- ed with Utah authors. They are very appreciative of the Guide work and are faithful subscribers to the Journal. All in all these associations are doing a most excellent work among the daughters of Zion, and great is their joy in that labor. SOUTH SANPETE STAKE. South Sanpete stake is noted as having been the home of many intelligent and progressive Scandinavians, among them President Anthon H. Lund. Under the able leader- ship of President Canute Peterson, Missouri pioneer, friend 442 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. of the Prophet Joseph Smith and trusted associate of Brig-ham Young-, the stake made rapid progress. The people of Utah owe much to these pioneers from the Norse country. Here in Manti was reared the beautiful white stone temple, which was the second to be completed in this inter-mountain coun- try. And here, too, Christine Willardson, the gentle pres- ident of the stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A., has labored and studied to keep her work up to the standard set by its founders, and she has succeeded passing- well. HELEN A. YOUNG. CHRISTINE WILLARDSON. There was a local organization of the Retrenchment As- sociation formed in Ephraim, April 18, 1873, by President vSarah A. Peterson of the Ephraim Relief Society. The offi- cers were: Carrie Jensen, president, with Christine Willard- son, Kate Madsen, Julia Thorpe, Julia Dorius, Annie Toft and Ann Peterson as her counselors, and Helen Armstrong (Young), secretary. Forty members were enrolled in the initial association and the meetings were held monthly. Dur- ing the next six years some changes occurred in ths board, but the work went steadily on. By the year 1879, the meet- STAKE HISTORIES. 443 ings were so popular that they could be held weekly, instead of monthly, and there were 100 members enrolled. Retrenchment in dress was unnecessary in this place where all were attired in modest calico or comely home-made woolen dresses, and were crowned with honest home-made hats. The girls drew up the usual resolutions, however, omitting: that part which dwelt upon retrenchment in dress. They were required by these resolutions of theirs to live ex- emplary lives, and not to accept the "company" of young men who used tobacco or liquor. This reform association was a new thing, and it was no easy matter, even in Sanpete, to carry some of their good resolutions into effect. For a time they encountered the his- toric scorn and ridicule which is the fate of all reforms and reformers. It was this which made the youthful president feel the need of six counselors. In numbers, she felt, there would be support and strength. The financial report of this society for the first six years will sufficiently indicate their occupation. DISTRIBUTION: Three quilts to the poor $ 6.00 To Sacrament set for tabernacle . 10.00 To chandeliers for tabernacle 10.00 56 pounds of cheese were made and donated 8.10 Charitable purposes 33.00 Manti temple 50.00 Total $117.10 ON HAND: Hats valued $ 14.00 Two quilts 4.50 Cash for temple 8.00 Wheat stored from our gleaning 65 bu. The donations for the temple were gathered by volun- tary donations of 10 cents a month from each member. When one remembers how extremely scarce money was in that day and how few ways girls had of earning the same, this is a magnificent showing of enthusiasm and work. In 1878 the stake board of the Mutual Improvement As- sociation was organized, with the following officers: Helen 444 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Armstrong Young-, president; Christine Willardson and Hil- da Dehlin Peterson, counselors; Viola VanCott, secretary. These sisters, with some changes, labored for the next ten years, when Christine Willardson was chosen president. In addition to the ones already named, the following sisters have acted in different capacities upon the stake board: coun- selors Caroline J. Staal sen, Olive Lowry, Margaret Kjar, Alvira Cox, Lillian Peterson, Catherine A. Conover, Marie Willardson, and Diantha L. Reid; secretaries and treasur- ers Elizabeth Bean Petersen, Hannah Wickman (Arm- strong), Dorcas Christiansen, Sophia K. Jensen, Marie Wil- lardson, Julia Dorius, Blanche T. Bailey, Nettie Alder, Jessie Wintch and Sarah A. Hansen; chorister Dean Parry; aids Minerva W. Snow, Sarah A. Peterson, Helen E. Arm- strong Young, Rhoda W. Smith, Edith Larsen, Lillian Peterson, DianthajL.Reid, Belle T.Copening, Emma C. Peter- son, Lilly Barton, Ann Willardson, Anna Peterson, Sarah Patterson, Eunice Madsen, Cordelia Anderson, Josie Munk, Zina McAllister, Cornelia Peterson, Sedonia Olsten, Anna Mickleson, Sarah Hougaard, Belle Tuttle and Luella Lowry. In November, 1899, this stake was divided into the North and South Sanpete stakes, and the officers were con- tinued as the board of the South Sanpete stake, as they all resided there. There were fifteen wards previous to the division, and eight were left in South Sanpete; since then another association has been made in Ephraim, making nine associations in this stake. The beautiful custom of responding to roll call with a sentiment has been followed in this stake for many years. In Ephraim, a weekly manuscript paper was edited for years; some of the other wards followed this excellent example. When the Journal was started in 1889, this custom fell into more or less disuse, but some wards still find it profitable and interesting. Book of Mormon lectures as well as many Bible talks were given at the meetings, before the Guide was published. The treasury was kept very comfortably full, considering time and conditions, through parties, theatrical entertainments and other forms of social enjoyment. Quilts were made and donations of various salable commodities, as well as small sums of money were given. It was always the boast of President Elmina S . Taylor that if there were any STAKE HISTORIES. 445 means or help needed by the General Board, this stake was the first contributor. More wheat was left on the ground by pioneer harvesters than is permitted by modern machinery; and the girls would organize gleaning parties, and go out in merry groups, to follow as Ruth did Boaz but not so design- edly. This wheat was stored with the Relief Society's wheat, and became a source of pride to the girls. For many years, the conferences of the girls were held in connection with their mothers' Relief Society conferences; and glorious were the times experienced by these two bodies of congenial women workers, and their meetings were often spiritual feasts. Recent contributions to the glorifying of the Manti tem- ple have consisted in delicate lace curtains, and gifts of mon- ey. The girls were very liberal in donations to the Salt Lake temple, and, although they have not felt the financial side of their work to be of paramount importance, yet they have never been laggard or been anything but generous in local or general donations. This has included ward churches mission- aries, academies and schools, libraries, and charitable pur- poses. These girls edit a weekly paper for their conjoint open- ing exercises; and use with great success the Guide lessons. President Christine Willardson, and her counselor and sister, Marie Willardson, recently spent a winter in Salt Lake City studying methods and books for the improvement of their work in the Mutuals . Both are representative of the best type of Mormon girls. The records show that, almost without exception, these girls pay a strict tithing, and are observers of the Word of Wisdom. The only difficulty is that most of them are so busy "doing things" that it is hard to get them to tell the histor- ian about it. Among the original ideas for summer work, this stake put all the programs and meetings in the hands of committees, thus giving a new set of girls experience in conducting meet - ings and in carrying responsibility. The Senior and Junior girls give also a series of pleasing entertainments to each other and to the mothers of the community. This year a house to house canvass is being made by the officers. We may leave this stake with a happy consciousness that they are in the van of good work and strenuous endeavor. 446 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. NORTH SANPETE STAKE. The North Sanpete stake was organized from the north- ern portion of the Sanpete stake of Zion at a conference held in Moroni, December 14, 1909. The following- officers were then chosen to form the stake board: president Annie D. Stevens; counselors Mary Peterson and Helena Anderson (Hanson); secretary and treasurer Annie Larsen; assistant secretary and treasurer Marie Petersen. In 1901 the fol- MARIE PETERSON f ASS'T. SECY NORTH SAN PET ANOTREAS. |' PETE STAKE f 1 MARY PETERSON ? Fi S~ COUNSELOR ^ lowing aids were appointed: Ellis Day, Kate Reese (Lewis), Emma Bunnel and Bertha Olsen. The large number of young ladies, 654, enrolled in this association at its organization speaks well for the interest in the Mutual Improvement work; and these members are energetic, faithful and earnest in the cause. The membership has not increased, as the stake officers in- struct ward officials to keep only working members on their rolls; it is useless, so say these active girls, to burden rolls with names of absent or careless members, who are no help and who never come to meetings. To be an active member STAKE HISTORIES. 447 is considered a great honor, and through the spirit of emu- lation they seek to enlist every girl in the stake. In 1903 the beginning of a traveling library was made by the purchase of 115 books, which are distributed among the local associations and exchanged at regular intervals. In addition to the traveling libraries, local libraries exist in some ot the wards, to the extent of 278 books. Among the members of the as- sociation there are some 296 subscribers to the Journal. This stake always takes a leading rank in the amount of home reading reported. The difficulty with which the association has had to contend is the distances between the stake head- quarters and the different ward associations, making it diffi- cult to hold monthly officers' meetings. There are now eight wards in the stake as follows: Fair- view, Mt. Pleasant North ward, Mt. Pleasant South ward, Spring City, Moroni, Wales, Fountain Green and Chester. These wards are from 6 to 18 miles from headquarters. Generally the stake board, in a body, has visited each of the local associations from four to six times annually, mingling with the members, thus forming and cementing ties of friend- ship and loving interest which serve to bind the associations very closely together. No weather has been too cold and no storm too severe for these officers to fill their appointments. This certainly indicates great interest in the work among the officers. During President Stevens' time the following acted with the ones already named: counselor Sarah Fowels; secre- taries Elvira Euphrasia Day, Elnora Reynolds; music director Sarah Christenson; organist Alice Cheney; aids Mamie Bradley, Nellie Ostler, Mary Ellen Allred, Letitia Nelson, Ellis Day. On account of President Stevens' removal from the stake the board was reorganized September 8th, 1906, and a new one formed as follows: president Mary Ellen Allred ( Acord); counselors Helena Bunnel and Sarah Clausen; secretary Stella Larsen. The following have since acted on the board in the offices named: counselor Jennie C. Watson; secre- taries Ruth Frantzen, Eva Allred; chorister Beatrice Proctor; librarians Bertha Musig, Lorena Draper; aids MinaHasler Sorenson, Ellen C. Petersen, Zilla Faux Larsen, Elvira Cox Bench, Macel Tidwell. 448 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. One praiseworthy feature of the work in this section is the excellent work done by the stake secretaries, their records being in almost perfect shape from the beginning. The stake treasury has never been empty and yet the accumulation of funds is looked upon as of secondary importance. The im- provement of the young women spiritually and mentally must always be the first consideration. The able talks and lec- tures, the beautiful testimonies, the readings, the singing and the prayers offered, all tell of a growth that is marvelous. The daughters of Zion in North Sanpete are thoroughly alive and abreast of the times. SEVIER STAKE. This region of country, lying in the center of the state of Utah, has one of the best water systems in the western country. Until the completion of the great Otter Creek res- ervoir, about 1895, the people met the same hardships as in other dry sections, but they now have a very fertile section, where they raise crops of every kind, though their greatest suc- cess is i.i raising sugar beets . As a result a sugar factory is to be built in their midst in the near future. The people who settled here are among the best and most spiritually minded of all the Saints. The organization of the stake Mutual was effected by Sisters Eliza R. Snow and Mary Isabella Home at a con- ference of the Relief Society, held May 26, 1879. Elizabeth Ramsey was elected president of the stake, with Hannah J. Spencer as first and Clara F. Young as second counselor, and Ina F. Hunt (Bean) as secretary. At the removal of Sister Young, Catherine A. Hunt was chosen to act as second counselor. In November, 1879, the statistical report shows a mem- bership of 101 members with 18 officers. There are now sixteen associations with 690 members. From November, 1879, up to 1882, the young ladies met conjointly with the young men in their quarterly conferences. There have been many changes in the stake board of this association. While in one sense this might be termed a mis- fortune, there is still the advantage of splendid training given STAKE HISTORIES. 449 many young: women. The results have permeated every branch of social and religious life in this locality. Presidents Elizabeth Ramsey, Hannah J. Spencer (November 27, 1880), Eva Heppler (Stewart) (March 19, 1887), Aggie Gardner (1892), Annie Thurber (December 10, 1893), Martha Home (October, 1895), Alvaretta Olsen (En- g-er) (September 8, 1901), Emma Christensen (December 17, 1905); counselors Hannah J. Spencer, Clara F. Young-, Catherine A. Hunt, Celia E. Bean, Rozina Powell, Mary H. Baker, Maggie Warnock, Marinda Halliday, Alice Hatch. Flora D. Bean, Martha Home, Olena Olsen, Emily Payne, Annie D. Orrock, Martha H. Crosby, Eleanora Miller, Bertha Thurber,Belle Gardner, Amelia Olson (Ence), Lydia Cowley and Lizzie Seegmiller; secretaries Alice Keeler, Hattie Thur- ber. Nettie Spencer, Alice Hoyt, Annie Westman, El- eanor Miller, Eliza Christen- sen, Rebecca Dall, Annie Ogden, Rebecca Ence, Annie Poulson, Clara Orrock, Ag- nes Jones, Sarah C. Hansen, Nettie May Baker; treasurers Martha Home , Lizzie West- man (Hansen), Rebecca Dall (Ence), Mathilda Dal ton; aids Annie Hendrickson, Birdie Theuson, Hettie Allred, Millie Hansen, Sadie Richards, Kate Marquardson, Alvaretta Olson (Engar), Belle Fillmore, Josephine Christensen, Matilda Dalton, Josephine Beal, Pearl Wright, Nellie Bean, Alice Christensen, Lizzie C. Og- den, Dora Poulson, Sarah Rust, May Baker, Inez Anderson, Elmina Ogden, Sarah Hansen, Amelia Ence, Mary Beal, Elmina Scorup. The sisters who have stood at the head of this organi- zation were faithful workers during their entire term of office. ELIZABETH S. RAMSEY. 29 450 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. It would take a volume in itself to tell of their efforts, ex- periences and the good they accomplished. Elizabeth Stokes Ramsey, the first stake president, died at the age of 76 years, and was buried July 27, 1908. Although it was many years since she had been in office, the girls held her in loving re- membrance and covered her casket with flowers. A Valentine ball and banquet was given at Richfield, on Feb. 14, 1902, to obtain means to start a traveling library; the party was all that could be expected in a social as well as a financial way; $117.20 was realized. A library committee with Kate Kirkham as chairman was chosen, books were ordered, boxes made and the traveling library put in cir- culation. This stake today is in an excellent condition, with a spirit of generous harmony existing throughout. There have been some spiritual refreshings in their midst, from the time when Sisters E. R. Snow, Zina D. Young and M. I. Home used to go amongst them, prophesying, praying, speaking in tongues and blessing the girls, to the present day, when fast and testimony meetings bring a revival of this old sweet spirit. SNOWFLAKE STAKE. The eastern Arizona stake was divided by Apostle, now President John Henry Smith on December 18, 1887. The two new stakes thus formed were Snowflake and St. John's. The following board was then appointed to preside over the Y. L. M. I. Associations of the Snowflake stake: president Phoebe Kartchner; counselors Adelaide S. Fish and May H.Larson; secretary Sadie Smith. On March 2, 1889, Nettie Hunt was sustained as secretary, because of the resignation of Sister Smith. About this time, the new Guide work was taken up and made very profitable by the unremitting efforts of the three presiding stake officers, who spared neither time nor travel to institute the new work. After a time, Sister Kartchner moved to Utah. Her counselors were hindered in their duties by sickness and family cares, so they presented their resignations, which were accepted with regrets. Consequently, in May, 1896, new officers were appointed. Sarah Christofferson was made president, and set apart for her office, July 5, 1896. She STAKE HISTORIES. 451 chose Eliza S. Rogers and Vina F. Richards as counselors. In February, 1900, Sister Augusta W. Grant, of the General Board, paid the stake association a visit; while there she gave them a book with which to start a traveling- library. To this has been added a number of volumes, which circulate freely among: the members, much to their edification and en- tertainment. The Young* Ladies Associations of the stake were called upon to donate to the stake academy, which was then in course of erection. Four of the associations contributed $119.15 at this time, and the other associations donated their quota before the completion of the building-. The second counselor, Vina F.Richards, was honor- ably released August 27, 1899, and Lulu Hatch was selected to fill the vacancy. After a comparatively short time, the president moved away, and it became neces- sary to form a new board. Therefore, on December 19, 1900, Bathsheba Smith was appointed and sustained pres- ident of the Young- Ladies of the stake. She chose as her counselors Belle H. Flake and Delia F. Smith. The new officers were in- stalled but a short time be- fore they demonstrated their fitness and energy. By their influence Guide lessons were improved, donations were raised, and the associations made more popular than ever. In Augfust, 1903, the stake board was ag-ain reorganized with Lydia L. Savage as president and Medora Gardner and Delilah Turley as counselors. In addition to the sisters already named the following- have acted upon the board at various times: counselors PHOEBE KARTCHNER. 452 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Martha Hunt, Annie H. Kartchner: secretaries and treasur- ers Nellie Smith, Margaret Miller Fish, Dena S. Hulet. Annie H. Kartchner, Alvenia Savage, Rachel Smith, Ethel Smith; aids Delilah Turley,Lulu Smith, Constance Decker, May Decker, Prudence Tanner, June Bushman, Caroline Smith, Louie Savage, Jane Brinkerhoff, Martha Hunt, Ellen L. Smith, Julia T. Fish, June B. Smith, Ethel P. Westover, Mary Smith; librarian Ethel Smith. Mary W. Riggs, the first stake class leader, acted for some time, giving good sat- isfaction, but was released to fill a mission in the Northern States; her successors are Pearl P. Rogers and Jennie Kartch- ner. The association at Tula was broken up when that place was abandoned in the year 1902, but another one was formed at* Show Low, so there are still six associations in this far- away southern stake. The officers have many home burdens to carry, and what with sickness and struggle with pioneer conditions, their labors are not always as efficient as they themselves would wish; but surely no one who knows the sincerity of the efforts put forth could do anything but ap- prove and bless these faithful sisters. No one but God knows the sacrifices made by those who have built up homes under trying conditions. One feature of their recent work is decidedly original and commendable: they have undertaken to supplement their library books, and the same time stimulate and encour- age growth in intellectual lines, by collecting the best orig- inal poetry and essays written by the girls, and copying them in a manuscript book. Also they are gathering up the written sketches and histories of their pioneers and aged vet- erans in the Church and having all these copied into books. These manuscript books are to be added to the traveling library. These girls are demonstrating that culture and growth along the best lines is not confined to locality or condition a suggestion which may be adopted profitably by other stakes. STAR VALLEY STAKE. This is one of the distant northern stakes, made up of several small towns, situated in the cold valleys of Wyoming, and composed, therefore, of a sturdy and dauntless people. STAKE HISTORIES. 453 They are inured to hardships, and yet, most have kept the tender fires of affection and zeal for their fathers' religion burning- brightly upon their own altars. Their failures and their difficulties are common to pioneer conditions in any isolated region; while their shining- virtues and successes are akin to the splendid results shown in the early history of our own Utah pioneers. Previous to its organization , Star Valley was a part of the B ear Lake stake of Zion. Star Valley stake was organized at a quarterly conference held at Afton, Wyoming", Novem- ber 11, 1892. The following- sisters were chosen to form the first board of officers for the Y. L. M. I. A.: Martha Elizabeth Roberts, president; Sarah Isabel Call and Alice Evelyn Lee, counselors; Myra Irene Long-hurst, secretary and treasurer; Emily Call, organist. At the time of the organization of the stake there were six associations; but shortly thereafter a new one was formed, and in 1896 still another ward was organized. During the four years, 1892 to 1896, several changes were made in the ward organizations owing to varying cir- cumstances. In 1899, a new ward organization was effected. Since the organization of the stake, the officers have visited each of the local associations twice annually, excepting in a few instances where contagious diseases prevailed in some of the wards. The following sisters also have acted in various positions on the stake board: counselors Etta Burton, Ida Luetta Roberts; secretaries and treasurers Artemecia Call, Janet Gardner Humphreys and Carrie C. Burton; aids Clarissa Parsons, Hattie Hyde, Mary Titensar, Lena Jenkins and Janet Gardner Humphreys; choristers and organists Annie MARTHA E. ROBERTS. 454 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Hood, Emily R. Call, Elizabeth Hurd, Janet Hood Gomm; librarian Kate R. Gardner. It is of interest to note that two of the stake officers, Counselor Luetta Roberts and Secretary Myra I. Longhurst, have filled missions to Samoa. Through the efforts of Sis- ter Longhurst a Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement As- sociation was established at Malaela, island of Upolu, Samoa, some time between November 1898 and August 1901, it being the first in that land. The stake now numbers 10 wards with a regular mem- bership of 378. There are 48 books in the traveling library and 301 in the local libraries. The stake historian says: ''We have traveled by team when visiting through the stake and were generally our own teamsters. We have traveled in snow, rain, and sunshine, in bitter cold and intense heat; have had some narrow escapes through runaways, but no one has yet been injured: we feel that we have been greatly blessed." The stake and ward officers' meetings are held monthly, where lessons are prepared and delivered according to the plan adopted by the General Board. There is a sweet spirit of unity and peace in these northern pioneer towns which compensates the girls for many necessary sacrifices and de- privations. The population is mostly young married people. Officers and members meet and mingle on one common ground laboring for mutual good and Mutual Improvement. SUMMIT STAKE. The Summit stake Y. L. M. I. A. was organized Nov- ember 10, 1878, by the presidency of the stake at Coalville. The following sisters were then placed in office: Eliza P. Rhead, president; Lucy Stevenson and Marion Frost, coun- selors; and Mary J. Brim, secretary and treasurer. Pre- vious to this time, however, on October 4, 1874, a local Re- trenchment Society was organized in the same town, with Hannah Eldredge as president; Sarah Fisher, Eliza P. Rhead Margaret Smith, Sophia Frost, Ida Lewis and Ellen Miller as counselors; and Lovenia Bullock, secretary. Sis- ter Eliza R.Snow effected the organization. In 1877 the name "Retrenchment Society" was changed to that of Young- Ladies Mutual Improvement Association. STAKE HISTORIES. 455 After the Coalville ward organization was completed and in working order, local associations were formed in Kamas, Peoa, Henefer and Hoytsville before the stake or- ganization came into existence. , ^ ^ _^ Under President Rhead the following sisters served in the stake organization for the terms set opposite their names: Eliza Rhead, president, seven- teen years; Lucy Stephenson, first counselor, seventeen years; Marion Frost, second counselor, eight years; Betsy Bullock, second counselor, nine years; Annie R. Salmon, secretary and treasiirer, (term not given); Olive Rhead, sec- retary and treasurer, (term not given). On account of President Rhead 's death the stake was reorganized October 17, 1895, Celestia Y. Pack becoming president; Anna May Cluff, and Catherine D. Burbidge, counselors; Grace E. Pack, secretary; Libbie Young, treas- urer. May 6th, 1897, Laura C. Pack succeeded Anna May Cluff as counselor. When the Summit stake was reorganized, Celestia Y. Pack was called to act as president of the Relief Society, and a reorganization of the Y. L. M. I. A. stake board was ef- fected. This occurred May 19, 1901; the officers appointed were: Grace E. Pack, president; Elizabeth Thomas and Genevieve Pack, counselors; Edna Williams, secretary; El- len Copley, aid and librarian; Florence Brown, Alice Sar- gent and Annie R. Phillips, aids. Later Ella Pack be- came an aid. During the year 1901 the eleven wards of the stake were entirely reorganized and five new asso- ciations were organized during that year and 1902 . In order for her to go on a mission with her husband, President Grace E. Pack Callis was given an honorable release, and at a quarterly conference held May 13, ELIZA P. RHEAD. 456 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. 1906, a new board was sustained: Miriam L. Cannon, president; Martha Wilkinson (Mills) and Edna Williams, counselors; Alice A. Archibald, secretary and treasurer . During Sister Cannon's time the following- acted on the board: Ethel Rasband, chorister; Effie Carruth, li- brarian; Agnes Stromness, Emma Marchant, Myrtle Jones, Eva Pack, Florence Crittenden, Ellen Copley, Delphia Hetzler. This board labored at considerable disadvantage as the president and secretary lived near Park City, far removed from the stake headquar- ters; nevertheless they accom- plished good work . President Cannon's recommendation that a president be selected who lived in or near Coalville was finally accepted. A reorganization took place September 16, 1909, when the following board was sustained: Lenore Evans Boyden, president; Edna Wil- liams and Margaret Farns- worth, counselors; Artem- esia Blake, secretary and treasurer; Effie Carruth, li- brarian; Jessie Manning, chor- ister; Gladys Beard, organist. The six first mentioned of Mrs. Cannon's aids were re- tained and Alice Archibald, Maud Eldredge and Emma Davis were added. All those who have filled positions on this board have labored faithfully and to the best of their ability. Although located at no great distance from Salt Lake City this com- munity has very few advantages of railroad communication. Park City may be reached easily, but the route to the head- quarters of the stake is very round-about, lying north through Ogden, east through Weber canyon, southwest to Coalville. All except six of the towns must be visited by MIRIAM L. CANNON. STAKE HISTORIES. 457 wagon, over mountain roads at distances varying" from two to thirty miles; and in winter the snow lies very deep. Summit stake comprised all of the county of that name, as well as Almy, Evanston, and Rock Springs in Wyoming, until the year 1898, when the three mentioned towns were cut off. There are at present thirteen local associations, with 331 members. In 1900 the stake set out to secure a traveling library; accordingly eleven boxes were filled with good books and be- gan their migrations around the stake. There are now 210 books in the traveling library and 154 in the local associa- tions. When this stake was put under the splendid manage- ment of Elder Moses W. Taylor there was a brightening and tightening of all interests. The Mutuals felt the rejuvena- tion in common with all other organizations. Situated in the tops of the eastern hills of Utah, Summit is forging rap- idly forward with its sister stakes in all that is good and true. The summer's work has been devoted to piecing quilts and studying the literary lessons, varied by lectures on Spain, Italy, Sweden and Austria, with a comprehensive appreciation of Carpenter's Geographical History. We may content ourselves with the feeling that the future will see the girls constantly growing upward and struggling to attain that perfection of character which is the heritage of the Saints. TAYLOR STAKE. This stake is situated in the fruitful farming sections of southwestern Canada, and was included in the original Al- berta stake. But in 1903, the Canada settlements were di- vided into two portions, the older ones on the west remaining in the Alberta stake, and the three thriving towns of Stir- ling, Magrath and Raymond organized into the Taylor stake. The splendid labors of John W. Taylor in this coun- try were recognized by naming the stake for him. Associated with him in the great and loving loyalty which marks his sin- gle-hearted life, was Brother Charles O. Card, without whom, and his wife "Aunt Zina," many of the Canadian settlers think there would have been no Canada for the Mormon people. The town of Raymond is almost exclu- sively the product of the successful efforts of Jesse Knight 458 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. and family to establish the mighty industry of sugar- raising-. Under a unique system of parceling- out the land to settlers there has grown up, as if by magic, a strong, affectionate, and prosperous community, who own their own homes, and who are growing rich in the various graz- ing, sugar-beet, and farming industries which he and his sons have so nobly fostered and developed. Prior to 1903, at the suggestion of President Charles O. Card, the Mutual Improvement Associations of Alberta stake were divided into cir- cuits. Those associations which now comprise the Tay- lor stake formed the eastern circuit; and over this division, there were set officers in the various organizations. The officers who had charge of the Y. L. M. I. A. were: president Jennie B. Knight; counselors Dora Jacobs and Elizabeth M. Porter; secre- tary Eva Probert; treasur- er Lydia Partridge. These sisters labored faithfully and well for one year, and then the treasurer moved away, and Elizabeth King was chos- en. One year later, two aids were selected: Margaret E. P. Gordon and Janet Faddes. The latter died in 1906, and Katherine Tanner was chosen to fill the vacarcy. When the Taylor stake was organized in August, 1903, these officers were retained as the stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. President Joseph F. Smith presided at the confer- ence where this was accomplished, and the sisters were set apart to their offices under his supervision . Jennie Brimhall Knight left an indelible impression on this stake with her amiable disposition and her sympathetic insight into girl nature. Her removal to Provo, Utah, made a reorganization necessary. JENNIE B. KNIGHT. STAKE HISTORIES. 459 In May, 1906, the following sisters were sustained: president Amelia H. Allred; counselors Edith F. Budd, Margaret E. P. Gordon; secretary and treasu/er Mary Duke; aids Allie Jensen and Guenivere Brimhall. Elsie Heninger, Hattie Clark, and Mabel Powelson were added in 1907, and Fannie V. Gordon and Lottie H. Knight in 1908. Mi-jir.'t P.. P. G>-(l)n, Amelia H. Allred AMELIA H. ALLRED AND BOARD. Mrs. Allred was a thoroughly well equipped leader, spir- itually and intellectually, and did much to place her stake in an enviable condition. No fault could be found with her work: however, she may have been unjust to herself by being too conscientious toward her avocation while still devoting heart and soul to the sweet and eternal vocation of mother- hood. It was with keenest regret that she was finally released, at her own request, on account of her increasing family duties. A second reorganization was effected May 15, 1910, with the following officers: president Margaret E. P. Gor- don; counselors Mary A. Weed and Ina M. Erickson; secre- tary and treasurer Lura Redd; aids Jahzeel Merkley, Al- lie R. Jensen, Lottie H. Knight, Jennie Fawns, Maud Mc- Carty, Marie Young. The new president, Mrs. Gordon, is noted as a remark- 460 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. able class leader, in both local and stake work. She is an excellent disciplinarian and she uses the summer months to catch up all loosened ends of the winter studies. Her wards are certainly as well acquainted with the various lessons given as any could possibly be under their circumstances. In- deed, their lesson work would do credit to any stake in Zion, and put many older and more favored stakes to the. blush for the efficiency and intelligence of both leaders and learners. The stake owns a g-ood library of 73 choice books, and they are eagerly read; while new books are being- added constantly. This stake has always been represented at the June conference in Salt Lake City in spite of the expense and distance. The Mutual Improvement Associations stand at the head of all the social life in this stake and wield their powerful in- fluence for simple and pure standards of living and thinking. TETON STAKE. Teton stake was for many years a part of the Fremont stake in southern Idaho. Indeed, it was composed of a few scattered families, who left their Utah forbears and located in this rich but cold and isolated region, because of stock or grazing interests. This is the famous country which Seton- Thompson and Owen Wister have made familiar with vivid descriptions of the rare hunting and fishing facilities. The Tetons are three high unique peaks, rising from the sur- rounding mountains with rounded finger-tips of giant size. The Jackson Hole valley is famous in local history for the notorious bandits once infesting its lovely vale. Other parts of the country are known for their historic cowboys and hunt- ers. This stake is directly on the way to the Yellowstone wonders, and people have many opportunities of seeing the beauty of nature in its wildest and most fascinating aspect. For eighteen years this isolated and scattered lot of young married Saints were without auxiliary organizations of any kind, and when the various associations were formed, there were only young married women to occupy all the offices and fill all the membership pages of the two women's associa- tions. However, there is great progress noted in their work in the Mutual Improvement Association in the nine years of its existence; so that no discouragement is felt by the dwel- STAKE HISTORIES. 461 lers in Teton nor by those visiting- officials who become acquainted with the people there. September 2, 1901, the Y. L. M. I. A. of the Teton stake was organized by President Joseph F. Smith; Sarah Eddington of the General Board being- present. The fol- lowing officers were chosen and sustained: Mattie A. Tonks (Sheets), president; M. Hannah Price and Clara Clawson, counselors; Elizabeth Beesley, secretary- treasurer; Agnes E. Price, corresponding secre- tary; Mary Eddington, Helga Thomas and Amy Cheery, aids. September 4th, 1904, a reorganization was effected as follows: Burnetta S. Kill- pack, president; Isabel Pen- fold and Emma Hulet, coun- selors; Agnes Price (Rigby), secretary and treasurer; Ada Wilson, corresponding secre- tary; Mary Sewell, librarian, Maud Pratt Griggs, music director; Helga Thomas and Eva Young, aids. A reorganization took place on May 16, 1909, when Isabel Penfold became president with Helga J. Thomas and Mary W. Sew- ell as counselors; Elvira Hopkins, secretary; Lillie Winegar, treasurer; A. T. Durrant, librarian; Maud P. Griggs, .music director; Ella Rigby, organist; M. A. Griggs, senior class leader; Debbie Stevens, junior class leader; Eliz- abeth Durrant, Elizabeth Driggs, Marion H. Price, aids. August 15, 1909, the Y. L. M. I. A. of the stake was again reorganized with the following officers: Helga J. Thomas, president; Mary W. Sewell and A. T. Durrant, counselors; Dora Dustin, recording secretary; Isabel Penfold, treasurer and librarian; Elizabeth Durrant, organist; Bur- netta S. Killpack, honorary member, and the remaining officers as on the last board. MATTIE TONKS SHEETS. 462 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Many of the officers above named have served in va- rious capacities, and in addition the following have acted: librarian Artemesia Penfold; assistant secretary Sarah Cole; Journal agent Rebecca Stone; aids Florence Allen Cheney, Ora Molen, Eva Englersen. This stake, according to the report for 1909, has seven local associations with a membership of 185. They have a traveling library of 83, and local libraries containing 197 books. As an excellent example of what progressive young peo- ple can do under most trying circumstances let it be recorded that these isolated M. I. workers have developed a most admirable course each summer during the past three years. It may be instructive to give this course in some detail. The two Mutual boards prepared a pamphlet for each summer's work containing two pages of instructions to their ward offi- cers , followed by a detailed program for each Sabbath evening of the season. The subjects were distributed between the young men and young lady members, and the meetings were generally conjoint. When one reads of such ethical topics as "The Relation of Determination to Success," "The Ethics of Being Clean, ""Decoration Day, its Origin and Purpose," "Loving and Serving," "Ethics of Cheerfulness," "Self- Control," "Ethics of Ventilation in Home and Church," "Etiquette in Places of Worship," and "Modesty," one real- izes what the strength of Zion means. Then these topics were relieved by poems from Longfellow, Robert Burns, Eliza R. Snow, Goldsmith, Shakespeare and other classic and home writers. Character sketches are given of Brigham Young, Abraham Lincoln, Eliza R. Snow, James Russell Lowell, George Eliot, Edward Everett Hale, Edward Eg- gleston, and others. In the year 1909, various books were taken for review. We find Stevenson represented by "Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hyde;" George Q. Cannon by the "Life of Nephi;" Wash- ington Irving by "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and Susa Young Gates by "John Stevens' Courtship." All this is added to by bits of scientific lore about ' 'The Spectroscope and its Im- portance to Science, ' ' ' 'Wireless Telegraphy, ' ' ' 'Aerial Navi- gation" "The Seismograph," and other modern marvels. Really, this stake's doings give a decided uplift to the heart STAKE HISTORIES. 46iJ of the student who loves the cause of Zion and who watches its growth with intense interest. A further report adds that these lively young people hired the big dancing hall in Driggs, paying two hundred dollars a season for its use. This gained entire control of the amusements of the young people of the stake. They organized basket-ball teams in every ward, and took the general oversight of all their young people's play, thus securing the absolute management of their most significant environment and widest education. TOOELE STAKE. The young women of Tooele ward were organized into a Retrenchment Society June 24, 1874, with the following offi- cers: superintendent -Jane Dew; president Elizabeth Del- amare; counselors Mary Warburton, Caroline Morgan, Eliza Clegg, Mary A. Spiers, Barbara Gowans, Martha Bowen; secretary Mary A. Atkin; assistant secretary Emily War- burton, treasurer Celestia Lee. At this meeting 57 names were enrolled; Eliza R. Snow was present. On March 9, 1877, the first conjoint meeting with the Young Men's Men- tal and Physical association was held. The name of the soci- ety was changed to the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association in September, 1877. Such in brief is the history of the beginning of this work in Tooele stake. The second society organized was in Grantsville, Septem- ber 16, 1874. The stake Young Ladies' Association was organized by Stake President F. M. Lyman, in January, 1879, with Ann Tate as president and Eliza Craner as secretary; the coun- selors Sarah Bates and Aroetta Hale not being chosen till September 12, 1880. At the first stake conference, held Feb- ruary 8, 1879, in Tooele City, Elmina S. Taylor, M. I. Home and Zina D. Young were present. December 12, 1895, this stake was reorganized. Naomi Gillette was made president, with Susannah Dunn and Ellen Park as counselors; Bessie Marshall, secretary: Charlotte Rowberry, assistant secretary; Jessie Dunn (Huffaker), treas- urer. The stake was again reorganized December 3, 1904, with the following officers: president Ellen Park; counse- 464 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. lors Annie Bowen (Campbell), Jennie Huffaker; secretary- Alice Tate (Hanks); assistant secretary Nettie H. Ander- son; treasurer Jessie Huffaker; librarian Ada Nelson Dor- emus; music director Edna Nelson (Cornue); organist Rebecca Atkin; aids Annie Parkinson, Rachel E. Woolley. In addition to the officers already named, the following: have acted upon the stake board in various capacities: Ade- laide Adams, Emma J. Jefferies, MalindaMcBride, Mary Ann Dunn, Etta Judd, Amelia Nelson, Emily Isgreen, Martha Dunn, Elizabeth Broomhead, Emma Gee, Sarah Gee, Annie Marshall, Nettie Hale, Jane Robinson, Lois Lyman (Dun- yon), Mary Gordon, Annie Judd, Evelyn Gordon Isgreen, Lillian Spiers, Ethel Wrathall, Jane Robins, Matilda L. Clegg, Mary A. Shields, Mamie Clark Mathews, Effie Atkin, Mabel Johnson. There are nine associa- tions in this stake with a membership of 304 in addi- tion to the twelve stake officers. While this stake is not strong in numbers or wealth, there is a commend- able desire to do good and active work. During the past few years, the Young Men's and Young Ladies' Mu- tual boards have arranged a course of lectures, bringing speakers from Salt Lake City with a view to stimulating a desire for higher culture and a broader outlook upon life. The associations in this stake did not close through the summers of 1908-1909, but provided original programs of a literary and musical nature, with the pleasing innova- tion of reading letters from missionaries once a month. In recent years, the near presence of the smelters to this vicin- ity has brought with them the usual grave menaces of cheap dance-halls and other cheap amusements to suit the pleas- ures of the many men who are there employed; so that this ANN TATE. STAKE HISTORIES. 465 one-time urban and unsophisticated community is fast re- ceiving all the impetus for good and bad which comes with free mingling: of all classes and sects. Who can measure the value of the M. LA. to these girls in Tooele stake? UINTAH STAKE. Uintah stake, on the far eastern border of the Utah state line was a barren wilderness where lived some hardy pio- neers and a few roaming savages, when the first Mutual Im- provement associations were organized. But with the open- ing up of the country came a greater influx of hardy Mor- mon settlers, and in a few months there grew up in the bosom of the desert a thriving and fruitful population. In 1887, on February 14th, the first stake Y. L. M. I. A. board was organized. There were already three small settlements away out. there in Uintah county, Vernal, Merrill and Mill wards. Here then, in Vernal the stake was organized, with all proper officers, and there had begun another of those marvelous western, Mormon transformations which are even today the surprise and study of the world. The officers of this initial stake board were: Roxana Remington (Iverson), president; Henrietta Hatch and Amanda Remington, coun- selors. September 24, 1894, Cora I. Johnson was sustained as president with Esther Young and Caroline A. Stringham as counselors. In addition to the officers already named the following sisters have acted on the board in various capacities: coun- selorsCatherine Calder, Flora E. Collett; secretaries Mary G. Gagon, Julia E. Dillman, Sarah E. Collett, Rose M". Hardy, Rosella Belcher, Annie E. Young, Geneva Carhart, May Hacking Calder; librarians Emeline Y. Pack, Anna Smart: aids Annie E. Young, Adaline Longhurst, Frances M. Nielson, Sarah Richardson, Alice Bingham, Sarah Rudge, Eliza J. Pack; organists and choristers Emeline Y. Pack, Myrtle Belcher, Vilate Bennion. The officers have changed many times, as girls will marry, and then what follows naturally and happily but motherhood to partially shut off the young matron from ac- tive participation in public affairs? But whoever the presi- dent and her associate officers, there has been some most bO 466 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. excellent and progressive work done in this isolated stake- They have suffered several grievous losses by death in their official family Caroline A. String-ham, Esther Young, Julia A. Dillman, who have been truly mourned by the girls among whom they labored. With the opening up of the'Uintah reservation lands in 1905, a new town grew up which was well named after our strenuous ex-President Roosevelt. The first Young La- dies' Mutual Improvement association on the reservation . was organized at this town, j^ \ September 7, 1909. Isolated Bk \ as these little settlements k \ have been from railroads, jjjJA surrounded with hordes of A reservation Indians, hundreds \ of miles away from modern utilities, they yet grew with that slow, upward growth which is after all the sanest and safest of all communal development. There are now six associations in the stake, with 228 members enrolled. The traveling library con- tains 63 and the local libra- ries 134 books, and they are read with the earnestness and pleasure which hard- earned opportunity gives to eager students. The summe r s see the girls in Uintah busy on the farm and in fruit fields; but they prepare good pro- grams for the monthly conjoint Sabbath meetings, when ethics, literature and music share the time. While far away from headquarters, they are still close to the divine spirit of faith and love, and an excellent spirit prevails throughout the entire stake. UNION STAKE. Union stake comprises a most beautiful section of coun- try. Situated in the vicinity of the far-famed Columbia river, ROXANA REMINGTON (iVERSON). STAKE HISTORIES. 467 it enjoys frequent rains alternating- with brilliant sunshine. Its trees are noted for their beauty, and all undisturbed spaces are covered with grass. Almost all kinds of fruit grow in abundance, as well as various kinds of grain. The town of LaGrande, located in the valley of that name, enclosed on one side by the Blue Mountains and on the other by timbered mountains, forms the headquarters of the stake. It has a population of about 6,000, of whom perhaps 600 belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Maud Schofield, Edith Nibley, Pearl Lyman, Melissa T.ewis, Ida M. Ferrin, Polly L. Storey, Ida L. Andrew, Evalioe Rosenbaum. Saints. In the stake there are seven local associations of the Y. L. M. I. A., two being in Idaho, about 12 hours dis- tant from headquarters on the railway. The first member- ship was only 81 for the entire stake, it is now 275. The stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. was organized June 9, 1901, by Apostle A. O. Woodruff and his wife, Helen Winters Woodruff, and the stake presidency. The officers were: Ida L. Perry (Andrew), president; Polly L. Storey and Agnes Baird, counselors; Maud Schofield, secre- tarv and treasurer. 468 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. A reorganization took place September 13, 1908, when the following preside. icy were sustained, the same secretary and treasurer being- continued: Evaline Rosenbaum, presi- dent; Rural Pearl Lyman and Mary H. Dalton, counselors. In addition to the sisters already named the following- have acted upon the board in various capacities: Flora Gid- ney, Charlotte Taylor, Mary A. Black, Ileen Clark, Effie Blanchard, Susan Myrtle Carbine, Ethel Greenwood, Ida M. Ferrin, Edith Nibley (Stoddard), Ollie Nibley, Melissa Lewis. Dr. John H. Hubbard of the High Council was ap- pointed a special aid by the brethren of the stake presidency and rendered valuable assistance. The studies for the summer of 1908 were domestic sci- ence and domestic art; for 1909, literary work and lecture courses; for 1910 the work planned consists of gymnasium work and needlework, with one lecture a month. The usual number of stake conferences are held, with semi-monthly meetings of the stake board and frequent con- joint board meetings. The traveling library, started in 1901, consists of 182 volumes of excellent selection. Practically all travel in this stake is by railroad. Thus far the stake officers have paid their own traveling expenses but at present a plan is under consideration by which the expenses of auxiliary organizations will be met. An excel- lent spirit of unity exists among the people of the stake which engenders the true spirit of progression. President Rosenbaum claims that no better girls can be found than her girls; and she gives much credit to the ward officers for the splendid work being done. UTAH STAKE. Under the direction of Eliza R. Snow and Zina D. Young the first Mutual Improvement Association in Utah stake was organized in the year 1874. The first society was called a retrenchment association, and Margaret Smoot was called to be the president, with Jane Jones and Margaret Cluff as counselors, and Martha Riggs Beesley as secretary and treasurer. Sister Smoot was a woman of great dignity, and of manner most persuasive; and those first meetings held in her parlor were influenced by her superior personality. STAKE HISTORIES. 469 Later the meetings were held in the vestry of the old taber- nacle, and still later in the county courthouse. In the year 1878, the stake was formally organized, with Margaret Cluff as president, and Helen Alexander and Cad- die' t Daniels Mills as counselors; Emily G. Till (Cluff) as secretary and Christine Smoot (Taylor) as treasurer. An urgent call for help in the Relief Society resulted in the resignation of Mar- garet Cluff, who was followed by Helen Alexander (Har- vey) as president, assisted by Emily G. Cluff and Zina Y. Williams (Card) as coun- selors. In the year 1880 Helen Alexander resigned and was succeeded by Emily G. Cluff, with Zina Y. Wil- liams and Hannah Booth as counselors. Those early meetings were in the main devoted to testimony bearing. These first officers had many assist- ants whose duty, like that of the Relief Society teacher, was to make collections from door to door for the needy. Many changes have oc- In addition to the sisters already named the following have acted in the positions noted: pres- idents Jennie Tanner (1883), Zina Lyons (Wilson) (Sep- tember 2, 1888), Donna M. Meacham (February 28, 1891), Clara Holbrook (Jarvis) (May 13, 1900), Alice Louise Rey- nolds (October 1904); counselors Annie Jones (Atkin), Hannah Billings (Daniels), Laura Foote, Otillie Maeser (Phelps), Grace Smith (Cheever), Ida Coombs, Ellen B. Jones, Martha L. Harding, Olive Smoot Bean, Alice L. Rey- nolds, Josephine D. Booth (Woodruff), Nell Sumsion, Vilate Elliott, Sarah Giles, Ida Alleman, Jennie B. Knight; secre- taries and treasurers Annie K. Smoot (Taylor), Annie MARGARET CLUFF. curred in the stake board, 470 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Jones Atkin, Olive Haws (Glen), Maggie Watson, May Smoot Glazier, Fannie Elliott (Dunn), Evelyn Billing's, Emma S. Simons, Emma Thatcher, Mary Boshard, Leila Meacham Snyder, Ethel Smith, Margaret Bean, Beulah K. McAllister; aids Tennie Hinckley, Jennie B. Knight, Mat- tie E. Vogel, Lillian H. Cannon, Ellen Senior, Martha Hind- tey , Lillie Fairbanks , Annie Hindley , Nell Sumsion , Inez Knight Allen,Donna*M. Meacham, Sarah Giles, Rhoda Perry, Mabel T. Da vis, Margaret Thurman, Esther Call Stewart, Hattie R. Speckart,Leah D.Widtsoe, DettaCaffery, Frances Bird, Bessie JENNIE TANNER. EMILY G. CLUFF. Gudmundson, Hazel S tailings, Prilla F. Shill, Margaret E. Maw, Emma Jensen, Sadie Graham, Achsa E. Paxman, Anna H. Hinckley, Fannie Roland, Sarah Whitney, Vilate 'Elliott, Nellie Schofield. Utah stake was divided in January, 1901, the northern portion going: to form Alpine and the southern Nebo stake. At this time there were 39 local associations and : 1903 mem- bers. At the close of 1909 there were 21 associations and 983 members. STAKE HISTORIES. 471 Similar as the history of the Mutual Improvement work of Utah stake may be to that of other stakes, it is not with- out its unique features. From this stake went forth the first duly authorized girl missionaries Inez Knight (Allen) and Jennie Brimhall (Knight). Sisters Knight and Brimhall were followed by Josephine Booth (Woodruff), Clara Hol- brook (Jarvis), and Vilate Elliott. Since the going forth of the first two missionaries, Utah stake has never been without a representative from among her girls in the missionary field; and those who pioneered the way made a record DONNA M. MEACHAM AND BOARD. in Great Britain that is not easily overestimated; a record generally maintained by those who have followed. Of their work one of experience has written: "Perhaps the best record that can be made of these girl missionaries is, that all their study and travel and varied experiences have but in- creased their value as superior wives and character-moulding mothers." This work, and much else of a similar nature, was fostered under the veteran leader of the stake, Presi- dent David John , who was of the broadest mind and heart in all that pertains to the advancement of women . Sister Donna M. Meacham, whose term of office as pres- 472 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. ident far exceeded in time that of any other president, and who has left the impress of her spirituality on all her work, insti- tuted a plan of communication between the investigators in the mission field and our own girls. The associations began the :vork by sending to the elders their Journal, Juvenile Instructor, and other pamphlets; thereby opening up an extensive corre- spondence with women abroad. The work done has been of the quiet, effective sort, that sows seeds for a far away but nevertheless rich harvest. Good music has for not a few years been a prominent feature of the M. I. Association of Utah stake: forth from her wards have gone a number of talented young women, recog- nized today as among the first soloists in Zion. In this number we would include Emma Lucy Gates, Emma Ramsey Morris, Arvilla Clark Andelin, Hazel Taylor Peery, and Florence Jepper- son. Nor would the names of half a score of others whose voices are far above medi- ocre exhaust the list. At present there are ten credit- able quartets in the various wards of the stake. Such an atmosphere has had a ten- dency to solve the ever pres- ent problem of suitable music. For many years Utah stake was the home of one member of the General Board, Susa Young Gates, who dur- ALICE L. REYNOLDS. ing one or two seasons pre- sided over the Fourth ward Y. L. M. I. A. of Provo. During her term of office, she, with the help of her counselors, Christine Smoot Taylor and May Ash worth Booth, conducted a very successful bazaar, that funds might be raised to build an amusement hall. For this purpose, the meeting house was transformed into artis- tically decorated booths, where fine needlework, kitchen STAKE HISTORIES. 473 aprons, laundry bags, prettily dressed dolls, quilts and innumerable other articles were exhibited and sold. In the center of the hall were long: dining tables from which well- nigh half the town ate chicken dinner. Night brought to- gether Provo' s best talent in a series of first-class entertain- ments. The gross receipts of the week were practically one thousand dollars. Perhaps no stake in the Church has had greater advan- tages for growth than has Utah stake; for in Provo is located the Brigham Young University, a school richly endowed from on high, one whose spirit is like unto the spirit found within the temple of our God. This institution has not only educated many of the officers of the M. I. A., but it has at all times fostered such pure loyalty to the spirit and genius of Mutual Improvement work that its good can not be com- puted. Almost without exception the lady missionaries who have gone from Utah stake have been students of the institu- tion many of them graduates. And what is true of the missionaries is equally true of the girls who have distin- guished themselves in music. In the years 1891 and 1892, with the sanction of Presi- dent Elmina S. Taylor, representatives from the Y. L. M. I. A. were called from the Church at large to take the Guide course of study in the B. Y. U. It included theology, domestic science, history, physiology, and civil gov- ernment. It might be said that this movement was of general interest, and that this work was not especially related to the work of Utah stake. Grant the statement; yet is it true that, because of the locality, many of that goodly number who responded to the call were from Utah county. For many years the B. Y. Academy devoted one morn- ing each week to M. I. work. At such times one might wit- ness eight or nine associations with an average membership of fifty girls, all carrying on their work under one roof. And this spirit of mutual help has been reciprocated. To-day in the domestic science department of the B. Y. University are a number of gas stoves, the gift of the M. I. Association of Utah stake and Provo City. 474 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. WASATCH STAKE. This small but rather compact stake is situated in a lovely valley at the east outlet of Provo canyon. Plenty of water, good grazing" and fine grain facilities have made of this country a fruitful and comfortable dwelling place. It is a little too cold for some of the tenderer fruits to fully ripen, but there are plenty of succulent vegetables and delicious ordinary fruits. The people have been somewhat isolated, and have, therefore, kept many of the genuine and homely virtues of hospitality and neighborliness bright. They may lack in the restive spir- it and reckless plunging common to railroad centers, but they have solid virtues and quiet joys which are am- ple compensation , for.. .the frothier elements .of -the so- cial whirl of large cities. There were a number of Retrenchment Societies in these quiet villages before the stake board of the Mutual Improvement Association was organized; but there is no record sent down of these initial organizations. At the present time there are nine local associations, with 378 members. The stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. was organized in the Heber City hall, May 6th, 1881, by President Abram Hatch. Josephine C. Jones was appointed president, with Mary Duke and Mary Forman as her counselors. Sarah J. Hicken was made secretary. After four years service this board was honorably released and a new one installed, . Several reorganizations have taken place, the date of each appearing in the following list, with the name of the new president appointed: May 8, 1885 Ruth Hatch; Nov. 4, 1892 Anna R. Duke: Aug. 28, 1898 Emily Hicken; JOSEPHINE C. JONES. STAKE HISTORIES. 475 Aug. 7, 1904 Eliza Rasband; Feb. 27, 1910 Clara Clyde. With these presidents the following- sisters have acted on the board in various capacities: Mary E. Cluff, Sarah Cum- mings, Elfreda Jesperson Redmond, Sarah E. Giles Mur- dock, Lavinia Murdock, Leonora Duke, Millie Cluff, Lizzie Rasband, Georgiana Clyde, Clara Murdock, Annabel Mur- dock Clyde, Lucre tia M. Smith, Marg-aret Crook; Mary Bond, Jennette McMullin, Margaret J. Murdock, Edith North, Bertha Giles, Sarah K. Bridge, Emily C. Colman, Anna Smith, Rose B. Musser, Mary H. Price, Christina Smithies, Minnie Cummings, Mina M. Broadbent, Martha J. Duke Rooker, Mabel Price, Annie D. Stevens, A ic? Jones, Mary L. Willes, Mtbel Duke, Nellie Murray, Helena Roberts Muri. A number of the first workers have been continuously engaged on the stake board in various ca- pacities, and have been a source of great strength. This stake was one of the first to take up summer work when it was suggested by the General Board. In 1908, in connection with the stake board of Y. M. M. I. A., they planned a course of literary programs which were given in all the wards in circuit form. In 1909 gymnasium Altogether the summer work has RUTH HATCH. work was undertaken, been much enjoyed. The advent of President Smart in to this stake, and the changes which have since taken place, have given life and im- petus to all the branches of spiritual labor. They are forging ahead rapidly in fournal subscriptions, as well as in their excel- lent convention work. Since the stake established Wasatch headquarters at the Brigham Young University, in Provo, there has been a stream of young people going- down into 476 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. that intellectual center for training: and culture. The results of this are now plainly seen in the improved work done. But before this, in the long-ago days of their quiet isolation and retirement, there were many pleasant features of Mutual work. One especial thing was very commendable: they were ANNA R. DUKE. EMILY HICKEN. one of the first stakes to introduce the stake Mutual enter- tainment with which to begin the conference. And the richest bounties of earth were always provided for these banquets, the hospitality of such occasions being as wide as the sea and as deep as its waters. Sister Anna R. Duke was beloved by all her associate workers, and when she was called a step higher, that is, to act as president of the Relief Society, she carried with her the respect and good will of every girl in the Wasatch stake. This was also true of those who preceded as well as those who followed after her. With the present organization, there is an awak- ened enthusiasm and joy which is ever the harbinger of loftier ideas and higher ambitions; so that Wasatch stake will now be found close to the front in all branches of spiritual im- provement. STAKE HISTORIES. 477 WAYNE STAKE. One of the struggling and most difficult histories of our Church chronicles will be set down as belonging to Wayne stake. The country is barren, situated high up in the table lands of southern Utah. The climate is cold in the western part of tfie stake, but in Fruita, after getting down into the river "deep," the climate is much warmer and it is semi- t-ropical. There are some sons of Utah's "Dixie" in this s take, and their training in that forbidding land has helped to make heroes of circumstances and makers of local history. When our brethren first vis- ited this section, years ago, it was decided that the stream of water would be sufficient for about two families. Now there are eight small towns in the confines of the stake. At times, some have coun- seled abandoning the place; but better counsels have pre- vailed; and certainly the dis- tance, isolation, and hard conditions have enriched the characters of these girls and deepened the possibilities of eternal growth and happi- ness. There is a cheerful and sturdy spirit everywhere, due, perhaps, to the strong character and heartening councils of the stake presi- When the head is right, the sickly and of poor spirit, how ARETTA YOUNG. dent, Gearson S. Bastian. body is well; if the head is quickly the body religious shows the effect of that fall- ing-off! The farms are watered by expensive reservoirs, and when it is remembered that the dams are constantly break- ing away, because of the sandy and shifting nature of the soil, it will be seen that it requires no small degree of faith and pluck to constantly renew them and to cling to the for- 478 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. lorn hope of future stability. But the end has so far fully justified the efforts put forth and the burdens borne. The Y L. M I. A. board of Wayne sta ke was organ- ized at a stake conference held i n Loa May 26 1893 Miss ^/ etta n Y( S in if T ch f * a \p re sident. She was assisted by MaryD. Bullard and Julia R. j e ff e ry, as counselors. Miss Belle Forsyth of Thurber was afterward selected as secre- tary Two years later, Miss Y oung . was called to a position in the Brigham Young Acad emyj in Provo> and she there . fore removed to that place, re sig - ning . her position as presi . dent; but she had given the w ork a vig . orous start as she was full of zeal and intelligent com prehension of the worknee ded. ^^fc^ The following officers have since acted on the board, the presidents being set apart on the dates mentioned: presi- dents Julia R. Jeffery, Aug. i| 25, 1895; Sarah A. Robison, rt| . a Jan. 30, 1899; Turzah Han- sen, March 29, 1904; Flora M A. Russell, Nov. 12, 1905; and Rosa May Lazenby, May 10, 1908: counselors Lotta ^ Brown, Sarah Rust, Belle Forsyth, Turzah Ha^en, Edith Lazenby, Ada Potter, Sarah E. Eckersley, Armelia Taylor and Anna P. McClel- lan; secretaries and treasur- ers Belle Forsyth, Libbie Grundy, Amy Taylor, Annie Van Dyke, Louise Taylor, Jean Blackburn, Lillian Grun- SARAH A. ROBISON. dy, Lettie Morrell; aids Sarah Rust, Ella Hunt, Amelia Taylor, Florence Mulliner, June Hansen,Rena Forsyth, Sarah E. Eckersley, Hannah Blackburn, Edna Snow, Maggie Adams, Nellie Hanks, Effie Coonigton, Mae Williams, Adtll Earnstson, Rhoda Taylor, Edna M. Nielson, Pauline Brown, Anna P. McClellan, Ellen J. Hanks, Rhoda Bastian; librarians Sarah A. Lazenby, Nellie I vie and Elvira Taylor. STAKE HISTORIES. 479 There are now eight local associations, with 205 mem- bers. Although the conditions are changing in this stake, still there are many excellent and faithful souls there who are doing yeoman service in reclaiming the desert and planting a civilization where only desolation and barrenness formerly reigned. WEBER STAKE. The first step in Mutual Improvement work was taken in Ogden City, when Eliza R. Snow, Zina D. Young and Jane S. Richards organized a Retrenchment Association, February 14, 1877, with Emily S. Richards as president and Josephine R. West, Mary A. Ellis, Adelaide Brown, Maria Farr, Hattie Brown and Hannah Burton as counselors. This local association had 140 members, held 91 meetings, and accomplished much in preparing the way for the work of Mutual Improvement in the various wards of Ogden and Weber county. Following this and prior to the stake organization, Mutual Improvement Associations were organized by the Relief Society stake president, Jane S. Richards, under the direction of Sister Eliza R. Snow, in four wards in Ogden and eight in the county. At a Relief Society conference held May 10, 1879, .Sister Eliza R. Snow organized the first stake board with the follow- ing officers: Sarah Herrick, president; Emily S. Richards and Josephine R. West, counselors; Harriet C. Brown secretary; and Rosaltha Canfield, treasurer. At the date of this organization the twelve associations had a membership of 440. At a conference held September 19, 1879, Rosaltha Canfield was sustained as secretary, as well as treasurer. Without further change, the board continued the work of organization and visiting the associations until June 21,1884, when both counselors resigned, and Ruthinda E. Moench and Elizabeth Y. Stanford were sustained to fill the vacancies thus created. Later Sister Canfield was released from the office of secretary and treasurer, and Mercy R. Burton was sustained as secretary, and Mamie Richards as treasurer. March 11, 1892, President Herrick resigned and a new organization was effected, with Elizabeth Y. Stanford, presi- 480 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. 1. A. dent; Rosaltha Canfield and Letitia Richards, counselors; Maggie Chambers, secretary; and Annie D. Taylor, treas- urer. September 20,1894, under the direction of the Y. L. presi- dency, the associations of the stake held their first county fair in what was known as the Stayner block in Ogden city. The exhibits were varied and consisted of home products, including art work, hand-painted china, fancy needle work, crochet and knit goods, millinery, boys' tailor-made suits, ladies' un- der- wear, quilts, aprons, pillow- slips, dress skirts, dairy products. There was fruit in great abundance, all well selectedand very choice, and flowers of beautiful variety. The fair was kept open several days, and large crowds were in constant attend- ance. All the de- partments attract- ed admirers and patronage. The fair was a magnifi- cent succes; , both socially and finan- cially. A s s o ciations were organized from time to time until in 1901 there were twenty-four associations all in good condition with a total membership of 1,231. They ranged in distance from Ogden of six to twenty miles. SARAH HERRICK. STAKE HISTORIES. 481 The financial condition of the association would seem to be prosperous trom these figures: At close of report in 1893, it had in the treasury $320.95; in 1897, $390.16, and in 1902, $154.35. At the close of 1909 there were eleven local associations, with 513 members. Generally, the associations are in a healthy and vigorous state and interest in the work is increas- ing. Sister Stan- tord, who acted as president of this stake for many years, was greatly beloved by all her associates but ow- ing to poor health she was released September 17th, 1905, and Jennette I. McKay was sus- tained in her place with Sisters Ra- chel M. Middleton and Clara A. Brown as counse- lors, and Florence E. Stevens as sec- retary. Under this organization the following sisters acted as aids: An- nie D. Taylor, Mercy R. Stevens, Elizabeth M. God- dard, Sarah Whal- en. EttaG. Shupe, Elizabeth Ro- haarr, Belva Woodman see, Marian Johnson, Mattie Peterson, Julia Flygare, Lucile Wallace, Lettie Taylor, Gwendolyn Wil- liams, Elizabeth Culley, Birde Wotherspoon, Etta Browning, Jeannette Peterson, Elsie Jacobs, Olive B. Thomas, Mar- garet J. Clark, and V. Pearl Burton. 31 ELIZABETH Y. STANFORD. 482 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Weber stake was divided August 9, 1908, and three stakes were made of this populous valley. The Weber stake Y. L. M. I. A. was reorganized with Joan W. Emmett as president and Jeannette P. Parry and V. Pearl Burton as counselors. Florence E. Stevens was re-sustained as secre- tary and Rachel M. Middleton as treasurer. The following sisters acted as aids: Clara A. Brown, Margaret J. Clark, Belva Woodmansee, Lucile Wallace, Nell Fowler, Eva E. Brown, Esther Harris, and Mabel Shorten. Through the resignation of Sister Emmett a new organ- ization was effected December 23, 1908, with Aggie H. Stev- ens, president; Martha B. Cooley and Amelia Flygare, coun- selors; Nell Fowler, secretary. The former board members were retained with the addition of Florence C. Poulter, Myr- tle Moulding, Bertha Stone and Mildred Rich. Mayl, 1909, President Aggie H. Stevens resigned and Martha B. Cooley was selected as president, Amelia Flygare and Josephine West as counselors, with Nell Fowler still retained as secretary. These sisters were not set apart however, until June 23, 1909. October 12, 1909, Josephine West was released and Mar- garet J. Clark was sustained in her place. At this time the aids were: Rachel M. Middleton, Florence E. Stevens, Eva E. Brown, Florence C. Poulter, Lida Boyle, Tillie H. Poul- ter, Mabel Charles worth, Frances Poulter and Nettie W. Watson . Each corps o*. officers has done such capable work that they have endeared themselves to the girls under their charge. The Weber stake is noted for its original and scholarly work; no stake surpasses it in discipline and in culture. An effort to continue Mutual work during the summer months of 1906 was fairly successful, and since that time each year -a summer course has been planned by the stake officers and successfully carried out in the different wards of the stake. The summer of 1907 was given up to famous musicians and their works, and standard authors and their books: among these former were MacDowell, Puccini, with a study of Mad- am Butterfly; of the authors: Washington Irving, Whittier and Bryant. During the summer of 1908 Famous Men and Women of Today were taken up, among them being Jane Addams with STAKE HISTORIES. 483 the Hull House developments Thomas Edison and his mir- acle-working life. The summer of 1909 was devoted to a short study of the History and People of Foreign Nations. The summer course of 1910, planned in connection with Og- den and North Weber stakes for the city wards, is to consist of practical lessons in physical education and elocution given in the Weber Stake Academy by Prof . E. J .Milne and his wife, An- nie Spencer Milne. These will prove of infinite value to those ever-studious and thoughtful girls; but the country wards will have their work carried by extension courses to their places of gathering, as the constant ideal set for these Weber M.I. officers is to vitalize the farthest corners of their stakes with the same aims and inspiration which dominate the chief officials of the stake. NORTH WEBER STAKE. North Weber is one of the newest stakes, but its intelli- gence and progressive powers are not to be considered in con- nection with its age. Organized at the time when the old Weber stake was divided, its boundaries were fixed as Twenty-fourth street in Ogden on the south, Washington avenue on the east and the Weber county line on the north and west. The North Weber stake Y. L. M. I. A. began its formal existence with the best of beginnings: the proposed officers were invited to meet in the office of the stake presi- dency, August 16th, 1908, and here a heart-to-heart conference was indulged in. The ideals set before the officers were met by their own generous desires to be worthy of the confidence placed in them. The officers chosen were Eliza F. McFar- land, president; Birde F, Wotherspoon and Olga M. Drumiler, counselors; Lillie A. Moyes, secretary and treasurer; Mary E. Nordquist, chorister; Nelly V. Bluth, organist. Later the following were added: Kate A. Tolhurst, librarian; Elsie Powell, Ruby Terry, Jennie V. Thomas, class leaders. On her removal from the stake, Counselor Wotherspoon was re- leased, Counselor Drumiler was promoted to be first, and Ruby Terry was sustained as second counselor. The work of this stake has been characterized by a spirit of union and affection. The officers have endeared them- 484 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. selves to the members; especially is this true in the case of President McFarland. The work done is very similar in scope and purpose to that of the adjacent stakes Ogden and Weber. The summer course for 1909 consisted of a series of les- sons in Domestic Science and Art, interspersed with literary gems and musical selections. These lessons were presented at the regular weekly meeting's, except in the case of the fast meeting of each month, which was reserved for testimony bearing, and one other evening used for amuse- ments, festivals, etc. Meetings were held conjointly with the Y. M. M. I. A. on the first Sunday evening of each month, the programs consist- ing of music, literature, relig- ious and current topics, with I occasional addresses by in- vited guests. Articles made by the domestic art classes were contributed toward a bazaar which was held at the close of the course, and the funds thus secured were used by the associations for books. The work was very success- ful and held the members together in good working order for the fall season. For the summer of 1910, these officers have taken a very active interest, helping to plan the course in physical culture and elocution, which is to be given the Y. L. M. I. A of the city wards in Ogden, Weber and North Weber stakes. Prof. E. J. Milne, as instructor in physical culture, will give short talks on the importance of exercise, the rela- tion of body and mind, breathing, sleeping, bathing, and how to exercise; along with practical work in Swedish move- ments, Delsarte, dancing and other work which requires but little apparatus. Sister Milne's work will consist of lessons ELIZA F. M'FARLAND. STAKE HISTORIES. 485 in voice culture, including- breathing- exercises, pronuncia- tion and articulation. On arriving- at the academy building the members of each stake will proceed to their stake room where prayer will be offered, and any special instruction given, after which they will prepare for the class work, (all are to wear the regulation gymnasium costume) and march in order to the classes. The Junior girls of all three stakes will meet together for instruction, as will also the Senior members. Thirty minutes will be given for the work of each class. The subjects outlined for the country wards in North Weber consist of talks on historical and present topics of in- terest pertaining- to the leading cities of America with corre- sponding songs and literary gems for preliminary programs. In August, 1909 the conjoint boards of the Y. M. and Y. L. M. I. A. carried out an excursion to Ogden canyon which proved a success socially and financially and the proceeds went to the stake treasury for expenses. Weekly stake board meetings are held every Thursday evening- in conjunction with the stake presidency, high council, and other stake officers, all meeting together for opening exercises after which each quorum or board goes to its own room for individual consideration of its work. The board is divided into three committees, one each on class work, music, and amusements. Monthly meetings are held for the instruction of local officers. The lessons are here presented and studied, especial emphasis being placed on the truths applicable to the daily life. At date this stake has twelve local associations with 366 regular members and nine stake board officers. The ringing motto of North Weber stake board deserves special mention: " Ten Enrolled, Ten Present." WOODRUFF STAKE. The Woodruff stake is a very scattered one; it is located in four counties, two of which, Uinta and Sweetwater, are in the state of Wyoming and two, Rich and part of Uintah, are in the northeastern part of Utah . It requires two weeks steady traveling to cover the whole stake, and but a very 486 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. little part of the five hundred miles can be done by rail. It is mostly a desolate, sagebrush covered country, with roll- ing- hills and few fertile spots. The route would take the traveler over much of the old "Emigrant Mormon Trail," and would show what difficulties were surmounted by those early travelers into the unknown west. This stake con- tains many mining camps, the famous Rock Springs coal mines being among them. The people move from one carnp to another very often, and the conditions are hard; it is there- Couns. Mary K. Dawson. Prest. Laura H. Burden. Conns. Kliza F. McFarland. Sec. Alice Duncombe. fore difficult to achieve anything like success in carrying forward educational or social movements. Many grazing lands are to be found in the hills, and those who are not min- ers are generally stock raisers. Thus the girls who have tried their conscientious best to keep alive the spirit of Mu- tual Improvement work have many obstacles to overcome. When one contemplates such efforts, the thought comes not how little has been done but how grateful is that little to those who are thus benefited. The present stake presi- STAKE HISTORIES. 487 dent of the Y. L. M. I. A. is a progressive and aggressive young woman, with plenty of determination to do the best that in her lies, and this courage and zeal makes for right- eousness among the daughters of Zion in this scattered sec- tion. Ten associations have been organized, and a number of them are situated in the floating population of the mining camps. But these camps need them quite as much as any place on earth; so blessed be the strngglers in the Mu- tual cause in Woodruff stake. The Y. L. M. I. A. of the Woodruff stake was organ- ized June 6th, 1898, with Alice Burton, president; Minnie M. Bowns and Katharine Whittle, counselors; Lillie Bell, secre- tary; Tena Cox, treasurer. June 22, 1901, the association was reorganized with the following stake board: Laura H. Burdett, president; Eliza McFarland, Mary K. Dawson, counselors; Alice Duncombe, secretary and treasurer. In addition to the sisters already named, the following have acted in the capacities named: counselors Daisy Dun- combe, Eliza Spence, Carolina Mills, Elizabeth Edwards; secretaries Josephine Murphy, Charlotte Sims, Bertha Park- inson, Lillian Cook; treasurer and chorister Lottie Lusty; aids Birdie McKinnon, Retta Blackner, Annie Goodman, Augusta Youngberg, Birdie Larson, Mary F. Shellby. YELLOWSTONE STAKE. Yellowstone is one of the newest of the stakes . This thriv- ing Idaho center has already nine associations within its bor- ders. The district was cut off from the old Fremont stake, and comprises those towns and villages lying nearest to the route to the famous National Park after which it was named. The villages are nearly all reached by the railroad or are in easy distance. It is a land of deep winter snow and rich summer grain, and is remembered as the vicinity in which the scenes of the famous modern novel The Virgin- ian were located. The stake board of the Y. L. M. I. A. was organized at Parker on January 10, 1909. The following officers were chosen: president Effie S. Miller; counselors Mae Cameron, 488 HISTORY OF THE Y. L. M. I. A. Grace Z.Robertson; secretary Azalia Mason. The aids were: Alta Kerr and Lucy Salis- bury. One change has been made: Azalia Mason was released on Feb. 12, 1910, to take the position of a ward president, and Alta Kerr was chosen to fill the vacant place. The officers have not yet attempted any original summer work, con- tenting- themselves with putting all their efforts into establishing the regular winter courses outlined by the General Board. Thus they may be left to work out in modest ways their own Mutual salvation, quite certain of success and prosperity in their ap- pointed labors. It is fitting that we should close with the history of one of our newest stakes. It typifies our growth; for into the web and woof of Mormon- ism are woven the bright threads of progress and develop- ment. EFFIE SECRIST MILLKR. IN THE MISSIONS. Branches of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association have been organized from time to time in Great Britain, Scandinavia, Australia, Japan, Samoa, the Sandwich Islands, and all of the large cities of the United States where there are headquarters of the Church missions. But these have necessarily been connected closely with the Young Men' s Association . The work done is largely of a social or of a proselyting character. But wherever the organiza- tion may be, all partake of the good spirit, which is the same under every sky and in each human heart .