pull them up with, while another little one clung tightly to the moth- er's skirts. There was snow on the ground, this making it very disagreeable for the climbers ; but the Lord gave them strength CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 131 and courage to persevere, so that they land- ed on the other side safely. Having reached the summit we attached ropes to the wagons and lowered them down the other side of the mountains. We drew into camp and lifted our voices in prayer, praise and thanksgiving for our safe deliv- erance from perilous adventures. The day before we reached Bear River, October 27, we saw approaching a band of cavalry and infantry and were much pleased when they proved to be some of our own people instead of a portion of Johnston's army, as at first we had feared.* When we discovered the soldiers to be our friends we had a glad, happy time to- *This company, under the command of Chaun- cey W. West with 600 men, had left Weber coun- ty, Utah, on September 23, 1857, by orders from General Daniel H. Wells, had marched through Cache, Round and Marsh valleys by forced marches, and had succeeded in turning the flanks of the enemy, so they could not enter Utah by the north, and camped at head of Marsh Valley. Or- ders came to return by way of Malad Valley. In crossing the mountain into Malad Valley they took 7 men (with pack animals) prisoners, and at Ogden sent them to Salt Lake City. 132 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF gether that night. They had two brass bands and by taking turns we had music all night. At daybreak the company were off for Echo Canyon, leaving us cheered, and with renewed strength we went on our way rejoicing. A stranger near here had told us that the "destroying angels" would be at Bear River and would not let any one cross who had any trouble with their neighbors or >thje Church, but as we were in accord with the authorities and each other, we were not alarmed by the report. Arriving at the river the company drew in together for camping, but I, with my family, kept on up /the river and never stopped until all our wagons were forded over, it being near ten o'clock when we found a place to camp. We left early in the morning and camped at night near a house where a woman lay dying. The people were very poor, and while my women folks did all they could for the sufferer I left sub- stantial help by adding somewhat to their finances. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 133 We arrived in Kaysville on November 1, 1857, before sundown, having been just a month on the return trip: the rest of the company did not arrive for three days. Brother Thompson came to me and said: "Brother Layton, here is your wagon, for which I shall ever feel grateful." Several of the company donated towards the wagon and we gave it to him to keep. 134 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF CHAPTER X. ESTABLISHED IN KAYSVILLE. Numerous Additions to the Family — Chosen Bish- op, also Prominent in Industrial, Political, Mili- tary and Pioneering Enterprises. AFTER staying a few days with William B. Smith (who lived near the lake), I bought a house from David Day (the house where James Green now lives), moved my family there and unloaded the wagons. I had been here but a short time when I was called to go to Salmon River to bring in the missionaries before spring. This was a hard call to obey, for my children were all small and our provisions for the winter were scarce, and I disliked to leave the women alone; but committing them to the Lord's care and protection, I went where duty called me. On December 18, 1857, a son was born to CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 135 my wife, Isabella G., and we named him Jacob Alonzo. While I was away Bishop Allen Taylor informed my families that they should get all the wagons and teams in readiness to start on another pilgrimage (they knew not where), so that when I returned I im- mediately completed the preparations they had commenced. The weather was very cold, severe and extremely unpleasant. On the 18th of March, 1858, a son was born to my wife, Sarah M., and we named him Erastus. In two weeks time, some of my family being ready to move, they went as far as Salt Lake City, and moved into a vacant house belonging to my wife Isabella's fath- er, Brother Richard Golightly, and remained in waiting for the rest of the family. While living here the women made yeast and trad- ed it for flour — which was an expensive ar- ticle that spring — and in two weeks they took in over two hundred pounds of flour. As soon as the rest of the family arrived, 136 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF we all started on our journey, and traveling as far as Pelican Point on Utah Lake, found it the roughest place we had ever been (from Kansas to California). I did not? like this place at all, for the wind blew a continual sand storm and it was very warm and disagreeable, so I drove on to a grove in American Fork, which was a very pleasant place. Here we stayed until we had orders to return to our deserted home. Some of us started the next day, while the rest re- mained two weeks longer, but we were all safely home by the 8th of July. On our exo- dus south we had left the chickens and do- mestic animals on the place and now we found them all right, only a little wild. It seemed as if our Heavenly Father had taken care of everything for us that we might have our own on our return. While we were away men had been sent back twice to irri- gate the grain and we found it and our potatoes and corn looking fine, most of it ready to harvest — thus our winter's pro- visions were waiting for the sickle. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 137 On July 11, 1858, a son was born to my wife Sarah B., whom we named Ezra Wil- liam. I bought a place on Kays Creek — known as the "prairie house" — and built four large rooms, into which the family moved. We had a large herd of sheep which occupied a great deal of time and gave employment to the older boys. Brother Jennings and I bought about 200 head of freight oxen of Livingston and Kinkead. They were very poor and rundown. We turned them out on pasture and about one-third of them died. The others fattened up and we traded them to the settlers, for cattle or any thing we could get — traded one yoke for two fat hogs ; we also kept a butcher shop. I was ordained a High Priest on Febru- ary 27, 1859. In March, 1859, my little son Erastus was taken very sick, and he died on the 20th. My father was also very sick at this time, and when we returned home from Erastus' funer- al on the 21st of March we found father dead. 138 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF He was buried the next day in the Kaysville cemetery. The following summer I bought a large train of mules of Beals and Guerney, also some mules of a Mr. C Crayton. I loaded the freight teams with flour and freighted to Helena, Montana. On June 13 a son was born to my wife Caroline, and we gave him the name of James Albert. In the spring of 1860 I bought a good farm from a man named George Allen, two miles down Kays Creek (now known as the "old farm"), and removed part of my family to it. I had very good crops, hired men and cradled and bound the grain, but as threshing ma- chines were very scarce, was not able to have it threshed until November. On March 21, 1860, a son was born to my wife Isabella G., and we named him Rich- ard Golightly. In May a daughter was born to my wife Sarah M., whom we named Emma Jane. During this year there was considerable emigration through Utah, and as I always CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 139 kept a band of horses, I used to trade my fat horses for their poor ones (many of which after resting and being on pasture awhile, proved to be very good animals. This helped the emigrants to get a good team and also helped me. On October 17 a son was born to my wife Sarah B., and we named him David Edwin. In the spring of 1861 I built two new houses and a granary on the farm. I moved the re- mainder of my family down, then sold the place at Prairie House. On February 20, a daughter was born to my wife Caroline C, and we named her Mar- tha Alice. During the summer I helped several poor men to get homes and teams to work with, knowing that the Lord always blesses those who help the poor, for I have proved it many a time. In July Emma Jane, my little daughter, was taken very ill and died on the 13th. We had a good crop of grain, so that it re- quired ten men to cradle and bind it. 140 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Utah in 1862 was knocking for admission at the portals of the Federal Union, having completed the telegraph line in the fall of 1861 . On January 6, 1862, mass meetings were held throughout the Territory to elect dele- gates to the state convention to be held at Salt Lake City on the 20th. I was one of the delegates selected from Davis county to this convention. Despite every favorable indica- tion Utah's efforts for statehood during 1862 failed of success. On January 24, a daughter was born to my wife, Isabella G., and we gave her the name of Rachel. At the April Conference I was chosen and set apart as Bishop of the Kaysville ward, Davis county. This necessitated my living in the city, therefore I bought some lots in the city and built a house on them. On July 3, 1862, a son was born to my wife Sarah M., and we gave him the name of Charles Martin. That summer I finished the erection of the Kaysville meeting house. Having two sons now who were large CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 141 enough to drive a team, I kept the farm and made some improvements on it; I, with the boys' help, planted an orchard, built a good barn, did a great deal of fencing, and built several stables and sheds for the animals, for I always desired to take good care of everything and not let anything suffer or let anything go to waste. On August 2, Rosa Ann Hudson and I were married in Salt Lake City, Daniel H. Wells officiating. On December 8, a son was born to my wife Caroline C. ; we named him Heber. On January 25, 1863, a daughter was born to my wife Sarah B., whom we named Annie Barnes. That summer, besides making more im- provements on the farm, I bought and operat- ed a reaper and mowing machine, which cost $1,000. This being quite a novelty in Utah, a great many people came to see them work. Wheat was $4.00 a bushel. I had planted the first alfalfa seed (on the farm) that was ever planted in Utah, and some of it still grows on the old farm. 142 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP In August President Brigham Young and his counselors came and took dinner with us, on their way up to Bear Lake. Our little son, who was a namesake of Heber C. Kim- ball, was very sick at this time and Brother Kimball blessed him and told his mother that he could not recover, which prophecy came true, for on September 9, his spirit passed away. On October 21 a son was born to my wife Isabella G., and we called him Samuel. On November 11 a son was born to my wife, Rosa H., and we named him George Willard. I gave a large party on Christmas day to all the widows, orphans and the poor of Kays- ville over which ward I was presiding, and they seemed to appreciate it very much. We had a very enjoyable time. On the 1st of January, 1864, my wife Sar- ah M. was taken sick with a severe pain in her side and breast causing her much distress. Everything that could be done for her relief and comfort was done, but when the disease developed, it proved to be a cancer of the worst kind. In April she requested me to take CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 143 her to Kaysville, which I did and my wife Caroline tenderly cared for her. On March 1 I received a certificate of life membership in the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society of Utah, of which membership I was always proud. In May President Young sent me an invita- tion to accompany himself and some of the apostles on a trip to Bear Lake, which I ac- cepted. After my return, Sarah M. grew much worse. On July 28 a son was born to my wife Caro- line C, to whom we gave the name of Joseph. Death came to the relief of my wife Sarah M. on October 25, 1864. This was a great blow to us all, for in her we lost our best counselor and peacemaker, a true wife and loving mother. How true it is that We live in deeds, not years — In thoughts, not breaths — In feelings, not in figures On a dial. She was true and faithful to the principles 144 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF of the everlasting gospel to the end of her mortal life, and is gone to await the resurrec- tion of the just, who have gone before her. May her children emulate her worth to their latest generation! She was a member of our Relief Society, in which capacity she was greatly missed. She was laid to rest in the Kaysville cemetery. The following verses were composed by my wife Sarah B. for the conso- lation of her children : In this life thy soul was weary, But now thy spirit is at rest; And we hope with joy to meet you, With the assembly of the just. To us thy memory is ever dear, Thy kindness stamped upon our hearts; And we hope with joy to meet you, Where we never more shall part. I was very busy with Church duties, and besides, the work of being Bishop I had much other business to attend to; nevertheless, with the help of the Lord and my sons, I improved the farms on which part of the family lived. In company with Brother Young I made a trip CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 145 to Bear Lake Valley, Idaho, where the Saints were founding new settlements. During this year the Perpetual Emigration Fund com- pany sent 170 wagons, 1,717 oxen, and 277 men to the Missouri River after the immi- grants who were too poor to obtain their own transportation. COPY OF A PATRIARCHAL BLESSING, Given at Kaysville, February 20, 1865, by JohH Young, Patriarch, on the head of Chris- topher Layton, son of Samuel and Isabel Wheeler Layton. Born at Thorncut, Bedford- shire, England, March 8, 1821. Brother Christopher, I now lay my hands upon your head to bless you. I confirm all former blessings which you have received. You have embraced the gospel of salvation in your youthful days with an honest heart and a full determination to live the life of the righteous and be gathered up with the Saints ; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of the Lord than to enjoy the pleasures of the world for a season ; for you have great respect unto the recompense of your reward. 11 146 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF The Lord has had His eye upon you all the days of your life and He has preserved you while the shafts of death have flown on either side, and I feel to bless you in the name of the Lord and say you shall be blessed from this time henceforth and forever, for you desire to do good, therefore good shall be given you: you desire to help build up the kingdom on the earth, therefore you shall be built up. You are a lawful heir to the priesthood which you shall hold a fullness of in the own due time of the Lord. You are of the blood of Israel and one of those who knew the joyful sound of the fullness of the everlasting gospel and the blessings of the fathers, even Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, shall rest upon your head. You shall be a blessing to your father's house and to your forefathers; you shall be a blessing to all you are associated with. You shall have power to govern and control yourself accord- ing to the holy order and honor your holy priesthood, which you shall delight in doing. You shall be a blessing to your family and have power to control all that are under your jurisdiction. You shall have wives and chil- dren and a numerous posterity upon the moun- tains of Israel and they shall be blessed in their generation — and to your increase there shall be no end. You shall have houses and lands, flocks and herds, and the blessings of CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 147 the heavens shall be upon your fields and your gardens and upon your vineyards, for this is the heritage of the sons of Jacob, and your name shall be honorable in the midst of the elders of Israel. As you grow in years you shall grow in knowledge, and your mind shall expand to comprehend the great things of the kingdom of God. The gifts and graces of the Spirit shall rest upon you and you shall be filled with wisdom and council and decision and be quick to comprehend; have power to officiate in your high and holy calling like a mighty man of God and be a father to the fatherless and plead the widow's cause. You shall have friends upon the right hand and upon the left, and hold important stations in the Church of Jesus Christ and be valiant for the truth. The gifts of the gospel shall rest upon you and be given unto you and you shall have power with the heavens and mighty faith in Jesus and have power to administer in holy things and to the sick and to the afflicted and they shall be blest and healed under your ad- ministration. The spirit of discernment shall rest upon you, you shall have power to detect every spirit and be clothed upon with the pow- er of the holy priesthood and your tongue shall be like the pen of the ready writer and you may be called by the voice of the Spirit through His servants to bear your testimony 148 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF and your words will be quick and powerful, and the wicked shall tremble before you and the righteous rejoice at the sound of your voice. I seal upon you the blessing of health and life and say the destroyer shall not have power over your tabernacle and no enemy shall have power over you and not a hair of vour head shall ever fall by the hand of an enemy, but you shall be preserved on the earth as long as life is sweet unto you. You can live to see the redemption of Zion and be gathered up with the pure in heart. Your ears shall yet hear the sound that Babylon is fallen, for you shall see the downfall of nations and empires and the wonderful works of the Lord in the dispensation in which you live and see Israel gathered and assist in the mighty work. It shall be your meat and drink to do good and help build up the kingdom and all the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant I seal upon your head, and many shall rise up and call you blessed in consequence of your firm- ness and perseverance in well doing. You shall have power to secure to yourself through your faithfulness an everlasting inheritance in the new heavens and new earth, when all things shall be celestialized. You shall be preserved on earth in your outgoings and in- comings and what you put your hands to, shall prosper. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 149 All these blessings I seal upon you because you are entitled to them, and I say, let your heart be comforted for your name is written in heaven and you shall have power to accom- plish a great and glorious work on the earth and lay a sure foundation for a time to come, which you will by keeping the celestial law, therefore, celestial blessings shall rest upon your head. You shall be a savior upon Mount Zion and have power to gather round you your posterity, which shall be numerous, and you shall be associated with the great and the good. You shall ever have a fullness of joy and your pathway shall shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day and your feet shall stand upon a sure foundation. You shall have power to keep hold of the iron rod and no wicked men or devils shall have dominion over you. All these blessings are yours upon condition of your faithfulness and perseverance and endurance to the end ; and I seal upon you a holy resurrection and say, you shall come forth clothed upon with your priestly garments and the power of the holy priesthood to offici- ate in the great work of the restoration of your forefathers and stand upon Mount Zion and have a fullness of joy that you have made your escape from the pollutions of the world and that you are numbered among the re- deemed. I bless you and say your heart shall 150 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF be comforted and you shall have dreams and visions and the angels of mercy shall be with you to buoy you up and give you power and influence and you shall be a mighty man in the Zion of God on the earth. All these bless- ings I seal upon your head and all that your heart desires in righteousness before your Heavenly Father shall rest upon you, and I do it according to the holy order and sealing power which is committed to the servants of the Lord on the earth to bind for heaven, and say all is yours and you are Christ's, and I say unto you live forever in the name of Jesus. Amen. (L. A. Littlefield, reporter.) On January 7, 1865, Septima Simms and I were married, at Salt Lake City, by Brother Heber C. Kimball. Attended annual Conference at Salt Lake City and on the 10th of April, a special Confer- ence was held at which we voted to erect a telegraph line through the settlements. About this time there was some trouble with the In- dians driving away stock, and some of the Saints were killed and scalped. Our Territory, as well as the rest of the states and territories, were saddened on April CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 151 15 by the news of the assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln. In June a treaty was made between the superintendent of the Indian affairs and the principal Indian chiefs, Brigham Young and our leading men being present. On September 4 my wife Sarah B. gave birth to a daughter whom we called Sarah Elizabeth. In August I accompanied President Brig- ham Young and a party of brethren on a mis- sionary trip to Cache Valley. On November 7 a daughter was born to my wife, Isabella G. and we gave her the name of Lucy Isabella. President Young issued a circular to the Bishops in the Church, calling upon us to as- sist in erecting the telegraph line; and I sent teams and men; also furnished many of the poles. On December 28 a little son was born to my wife, Rosa Ann H., to whom we gave the name of Albert Thomas. In January, 1866, I bought a large train of freight wagons and mules, and a complete out- 152 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF fit of cooking utensils. This had been a very cold, long winter, but early in the spring I fitted up the best of the wagons and mules, and loaded them with oats for United States horses, gave them into the charge of Henry Foxley, and sent them to Fort Bridger. After they returned and were rested I again loaded the wagons, this time with flour for Montana, where it was worth $16.00 a hundred. My two oldest boys, Christopher and Hyrum, were now 13 and 12 years old, and were very man- ly and always anxious to do any work well ; so I sent them on this trip each, driving a six- mule team, William Galbraith being in charge of the train. In two months they returned safely to us again and the teamsters gave a good account of them. Their mothers and I felt very grateful to the Lord who had brought our boys back to us well and hearty. I put the men to work, some to hauling telegraph poles from the canyon ; some hauling rock for the Salt Lake Temple. On April 12 my wife Caroline C. gave birth to a daughter, to whom we gave the name of Caroline. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 153 On May 19 I was appointed brigade quarter- master of First Brigade, Nauvoo Legion (the militia of Utah Territory), which added some- what to my other duties. William Jennings and I built a grist mill in Kaysville, costing about $30,000, which was quite an undertaking at this time with so many other responsibilities. But the mill was a much needed enterprise and proved to be a benefit to the farmers, for we bought grain for cash (money was rather scarce in those days) and I always took delight in helping an honest man to be independent. In the fall I discharged some of the men who were hauling for me and sold most of the mules and wagons to the settlers around me, and waited for the pay until they could earn it. In this way I helped them to get a start. Of course, sometimes I was imposed upon and lost by trusting them, but the Lord blessed me because I trusted in Him. Many times through life I have seen the fulfillment of the blessing which the Prophet Joseph Smith gave me in Nauvoo. I sent teams during the winter to haul tith- 154 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ing from the northern settlements to Salt Lake City. In August I was elected as a representative from Davis and Morgan counties to the Legis- lature of Utah Territory, but it did not con- vene until December 9. In January, 1867, the Legislature petitioned Congress to repeal the anti-polygamy law of 1862, and the General Assembly of Deseret prayed for admission into the Union as a State. By the middle of January five hundred miles of telegraph wire had been stretched, extend- ing from Cache Valley in the north to "Dixie" in the south. An office had been established in Kaysville in a store room on my lot oppo- site the meeting house, with Belle Thompson as operator (she made her home at my house). This telegraph had cost $150 a mile. I was one of those who undertook an ex- pensive work in building a good wagon road from the mouth of Weber Canyon to Straw- berry Creek. We built a bridge at the mouth and had to blast through solid rock in some places. Two years later the overland railroad passed over this same road. It was held as a CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 155 toll road to defray the expenses. The United States mail also passed over it. On March 1 I received four shares in this Weber Can- yon Road Company, representing $200. In August I was elected again as a repre- sentative to the Legislature. I bought a mule train (of about 20 wagons and 80 mules) from William Crayton who had just returned from California, and loaded these with flour for Fort Bridger; then after they returned I sent them to southern California for a quartz mill, which I sent to Helena, Montana. I attended the October Conference, which was the first meeting held in the large Taber- nacle, during which Conference Joseph F. Smith was chosen to fill the vacancy in the Council of the Twelve Apostles caused by the apostasy of Amasa M. Lyman. At this Conference also 183 missionaries were called to go with their families and strengthen the settlements in southern Utah. This was the origin of the famous "Muddy Mission" — which was afterwards abandoned because it was in Nevada and because of the 156 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF unhealthy climate. I, being much interested in this move, helped all I could with outfits, etc. ; furnished one family with teams, wagon and all else necessary for the trip. On November 2 a little son was born to my wife, Rosa Ann H., and we named him Heber Chase. On November 21 the first number of the Deseret Evening News was issued in Salt Lake City with Geo. Q. Cannon as editor, which publication I have taken ever since. On December 24 I had the brass band come to our house and my wife Caroline gave them an excellent supper, and we all had an enjoy- able time. xAfter they were gone and we were settling down for the night, my wife Septima S. presented us with a little daughter, whom we named Amy Caroline. On January 13, 1868, the Utah Legislature convened. During its session the word "Great" was dropped from both Salt Lake and the City; Richland county was changed to Rich county, and Morgan City was incorporated. While in Salt Lake City I made my home with CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 157 Sister Rachel Grant (the mother of Apostle Heber J. Grant) . On January 21 a son was born to my wife, Caroline C, to whom we gave the name of Frank Gunnell. Attended annual Conference in Salt Lake City in April, and found on returning that my wife, Isabella G., had given birth, on April 9, to a daughter. We named her Jane. In June I attended a mass meeting at Salt Lake, called by President Young, in which we passed resolutions to assist the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads through the Ter- ritory and also to construct a branch road from Ogden to Salt Lake City called the Utah Central, of which I was elected a director. Attended the funeral of Heber C. Kimball, first counselor to Brigham Young, at Salt Lake City, on June 24. This year the grasshoppers came in droves and ate up our crops, which was quite discour- aging ; but we put our trust in the Lord and He sent the sea-gulls to rid us of the pests, and we were very thankful for our deliverance. On October 16 Zion's Co-operative Mer- 158 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF cantile Institution commenced operations in Salt Lake City, with Brother Brigham as its president. Shortly afterwards, "co-op." stores were opened in most of the settlements. I had one started in Kaysville as I was one of the directors. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 159 CHAPTER XL YEARS OF EMPIRE-BUILDING. Dry Farming on the "Ridge" — Railroading and Merchandising — Perilous Trip on Salt Lake — Happy and Prosperous Years. IN the spring of 1869 I took up land north of Kaysville (known as the range or sand ridge). Some of my intimate friends asked me if I had gone crazy to imagine I could farm that sandy desert. Others told me it was simply ridiculous, I would only waste my time and lose my seed grain. To be sure, the wind at times was terrible and the sand cut off and destroyed much of the grain, but I never be- lieved in giving up easily, and I persevered until I made a success of it, and today it blos- soms as the rose, and is covered with many comfortable homes, surrounded by lovely or- 160 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF chards, good gardens, fine pastures, hay and grain lands. May 17 the first ground was broken by Pres- ident Young for the building of the U. C. R. R. The weather was bright and beautiful, and a great many leading people were present. After speaking and other ceremonies the assembly dispersed while the band played a martial air. No large contracts were let in the building of this line, which was literally constructed by our people who, for pay, took stock in the road. I was one of the first to take contracts by which I furnished timbers for bridges and trestle work, etc. On June 20 I accompanied President Young and other brethren to Bear Lake Valley, where the Saints were organized into a stake, with David P. Kimball as president. On August 25 a son was born to my wife, Rosa Ann H., and we gave him the name of Ernest. In the fall I built a large white house with granite corners near the grist mill in Kays- ville. I now owned eight houses here. Being CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 161 desirous that my children should attend a good school, I moved one of my families to Salt Lake City that they might have educational advantages. On January 10, 1870, the last spike in the Utah Central Railroad was driven by President Young at the depot grounds in Salt Lake City. It had been now eight months since this road was commenced. The weather was cold and frosty, the sun being behind a fog or cloud for the most of the day. A little after noon three guns were fired, which was a signal for the raising of flags throughout the city and the as- sembling of the people to witness the ceremony. Before 2 o'clock the train bringing invited guests from Ogden and the north came up to the end of the track amidst the cheers of the assembled multitude of fully 15,000 people. Seated on an open platform car overlooking the scene were the president, general superin- tendent and other officers and directors, I among the latter, also representatives from the Union and Central Pacific, and other prominent men. Just about 2 p. m. the sun burst through the mists which had hitherto obscured it and it 12 162 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF shone brilliantly upon the driving of the last spike by President Young with an elegantly chased steel mallet made for this occasion at the Church blacksmith shops; the spike was also of home-made iron. After the ceremony a salute of 37 guns was fired — one for each mile of road. We had music furnished by the bands of Captain Crox- all, Camp Douglas and Tenth Ward, at inter- vals during the afternoon; also speeches by many prominent officials and men of distinc- tion ; some addresses were omitted because of the coldness of the weather. All spoke of the fact that this road was the only one built with- out government subsidies; for every shovelful of dirt had been removed by the working men of Utah, and every bar of iron of the* road had been placed in position by their labor. We thus owned our own road. We were advised not to stop where we were for as the last two rails stuck out a little, that meant "go on." At night the city was brilliantly illuminated and fireworks were in various parts of the city ; we had a magnificent display on Arsenal Hill. A grand ball and supper at the Theater, at- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 163 tended by leading Church officials, prominent merchants, both Mormon and Gentile, officers from Camp Douglas, and many citizens, made a fitting finale for the day's memorable pro- ceedings. Our days of isolation were now forever past and with our steam and electrical communica- tions we could stand face to face with all the good and evil that modern civilization repre- sents. On the following night another dance and supper was given for the invited guests in the city, and on the next night we had a grand dance and excellent supper for those who had worked on the railroad. All of my children who were old enough went to this ball and had a most enjoyable time. On January 13 a mass meeting was held in Kaysville (and also in most of the Utah settle- ments) at which the ladies protested against the passage of the Cullom anti-polygamy bill, introduced in Congress. On January 19 a daughter was born to my wife Septima S. and we gave her the name of Priscilla May. 164 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF On February 12 an act was passed by the legislature by which the women of Utah were granted the elective franchise. On May 1 Mary Jane Roberts and I were married in Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. Attended the funeral of Patriarch John Young; also the annual Conference held on May 5 to 8. This summer the grasshoppers did much damage all through the Territory, and I spent much of my time in looking after my farming interests. Attended the three days' discussion between Orson Pratt and Dr. John P. Newman on the question, "Does the Bible sanction Polygamy ?" In August, Martin Harris, then aged 88 years, came to Salt Lake City, and at the Confer- ence I heard him bear a faithful testimony to the truth of the Book of Mormon, of which he was one of the Witnesses. On September 10 our household was visited by the death angel who took the spirit of my son Frank Gunnell, son of my wife Caroline. We buried him in Kaysville cemetery. The surviving members of Zion's Camp and CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 165 the Mormon Battalion had a very enjoyable party at the Social Hall in the city on October 10, at which 32 of Z ion's Camp and 63 of the Battalion boys were present. My sons were now a great help to me, for they were trusty boys and very obedient. 1 al- ways tried to be a kind and affectionate father and maintain my place as the head of my family and they loved to obey me and seemed to regard my word as law to them. The Lord prospered me and I always felt to acknowledge his hand in all things. He blessed me many times with a far-seeing eye that I might make calculations for the maintenance of my wives and children and I always exhorted them to thank God for all His blessings to us. The Utah Southern R. R. Company was or- ganized January 17, 1871, of which I became one of the stockholders; the ground was not broken for this road till the 1st of May, and it was completed in September. In the spring William Galbraith and I bought a saw mill of Apostle John Taylor, sit- uated in the east fork of Taylor Canyon. In less than a year we moved it to Arbuckle Can- 166 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF yon. I bought out Galbraith, took R. W. Bur- ton and William Beasley as partners and moved it back to the west fork of Taylor Can- yon. I kept about 20 men at work, and as cooks were very unsatisfactory, my wife, Rosa A. H., did our cooking: we sawed from 7,000 to 10,000 feet of lumber a day ; and sold most of it to the railroad company. I ran this saw- mill until the fall of 1873, when I sold it to Robert Burton. August 3, 1871, a daughter was born to my wife, Mary R., and we gave her the name of Florence ; and on November 1 my wife Rosa A. H. gave birth to a son, whom we called Isaac Clarence. This year several hundred stands of Italian bees were brought into the Territory, and I bought three stands from a man named Put- man. The stands had an inside glass door and it was a great enjoyment to watch the lit- tle bees while at work. On January 27, 1872, a son was born to my wife Caroline C, and we gave him the name of Frederick C. The Utah Legislature again passed a reso- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 167 lution for the election of delegates to adopt a State constitution; and asked for the admis- sion of Utah into the Union. On March 23 a little daughter came to my wife, Septima S., and we named her Drucilla Grace. Court proceedings were still being continued against all of our leading men. Attended April Conference. In the spring of this year President Young asked me to take a herd of Church sheep, 5,000 in number, which I accepted. I went to Corinne, Box Elder county, and purchased a steam tug-boat (then known as the "Kate Conner'*), and some flat-bottomed scows; attached these to "Kate Conner'" and towed them to a point near Black Rock, near Salt Lake City, shipped the sheep over to Antelope Island (also called Church Island), then shipped about 2,000 of my own sheep over, thus making 7,000 in all. This business I placed in the hands of my older sons and some other young men. In order to fence properly, we were obliged to make sev- eral trips to the Promontory for cedar posts, and in some of these trips we encountered 168 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP severe storms. On one occasion we were re- turning from the Promontory, towing the scows loaded with timber and posts. It was oppressively hot and not a breeze stirring, when suddenly the wind commenced blowing and it increased in violence until the water was lashed into white-capped waves, the boat rocked from side to side and the flat boats dragged and held the steamer down till the water ran over the deck at every plunge. Thinking it would be safer for the boat if the scows were astern, we loosened the ropes from the wheelhouses (the steamer was a side- wheeler), and attached them to the stern. During this change while the boat was reel- ing from the force of the storm, a rope caught my son Hyrum's foot and dragged it into the paddles of the wheel, crushing it badly, and crippling him for several months. We now cast anchor but this only caused the water to flow over the deck in a worse manner, so we cut the flat boats loose just be- fore sundown. The engineer at the first ap- proach of the storm had deserted his post, and crawling into his bunk, had covered his head CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 169 and lay there shivering from fear, helpless and much to be pitied. With our fuel gone and our engineer frightened nearly to death, our boat pitching in all directions, we could not sleep but watched anxiously all night. Some- times we would sing a hymn, and often we united in prayer, for I felt that our Heavenly Father alone could save us. About daylight the anchor-cable broke and we were adrift and at the mercy of the furi- ous waves and wind. I thought we must get up steam and try to control the boat, so I spoke to the engineer, but with a shiver he answered : "The fire is out — the wood-boats are gone — oh — I can't start a fire — oh — oh." Leaving him to his despair, we emptied our coal oil on some cotton waste and soon had a roaring fire, but in order to keep it going we were obliged to burn anything we could. We burned barrels, tables, chairs, for I thought I could get another boat but not another set of boys like these. So with two at the pilot wheel and tak- ing turns at engineering, with the help of the Lord we kept the boat right side up and land- ed safely. 170 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF I had charge of the sheep and island for five years and we had many exciting adven- tures and also some accidents, but no lives were lost and many are the good pleasant times we had. At shearing-time our girls and boys, with one of my wives to take charge of affairs, would go over to the island. Also at haying time the young folks enjoyed the pleasure of these trips. On one occasion we were bringing a load of fat sheep to Salt Lake for mutton, when the boat was caught in the floating ice, which, coming from Bear River and Jordan River, had met and formed a "jam/' from which we were unable to extricate ourselves for 48 hours. The pounding of the ice on the sides of our boat caused it to leak. We all united in call- ing upon the Lord in our extremity, and my wives and children who were on shore and could see our peril, also prayed for help. A wind arose which drove the ice away so we were enabled to reach shore, althpugh we were obliged to go back to the island first, then the next morning the ice being gone we easily crossed and were received with much re- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 171 joicing by those dear ones who had been so anxious for our safety. A great deal of my wool was taken to the Co-op. Woolen Factory at Brigham City, where it was exchanged for flannel for dresses, jeans for boys' clothes, linsey for sheets, yarn for stockings, etc. This mill in 1877 was burned down but in less than six months was rebuilt. In the summer I moved part of the family to the saw mill. Several of my boys had now reached manhood, and as they were honest and industrious, I could trust them with vari- ous branches of my business, and they were always loyal to my will. I also was blessed with good sons-in-law and they could always be depended on, which was a great help to me. In June the First Presidency issued a cir- cular, calling on the people to raise money to bring poor Saints to Utah. The sum of $14,000 was raised. William Jennings and I built a grist mill at Kaysville, and Thos. Bayanton was our miller, while my son Christopher was receiver and bookkeeper. In the fall I resigned my position as director 172 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF of the railroad, for my duties were many and kept a great many young men employed in various ways, for whenever I found a man try- ing to help himself I employed him at some- thing, but I always despised an idler. PATRIARCHAL BLESSING, By C. W. Hyde, Patriarch, upon the head of Christopher, son of Samuel Lay ton and Isa- bella Wheeler, born at Thorncut, Bedfordshire, England, on March 8, 182 1. Dear Brother Layton, I place my hands upon your head and seal upon you a father's blessing which shall be sealed and recorded in the book of life for your good ; and great shall be thy wisdom and knowledge before the Lord thy God, and inasmuch as thou shalt be hum- ble, the Lord shall give thee great wisdom that no one shall excel thee ; thou shalt have coun- sel and wisdom from on high and the spirit of prophecy shall be given to comprehend the mysteries of the kingdom of God, for thou art a descendant of Joseph and a lawful heir to the fullness of the priesthood, and wives, and a great kingdom upon the earth; thou shalt lead many to Zion with songs of everlasting CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 173 joy, and thine inheritance shall be beautiful and thou shalt converse with many of the holy prophets and help to redeem the dead till thou art satisfied. It is thy privilege to stand up- on the earth till the coming of the Messiah. Thou shalt sit in council with the general as- sembly of the First-born, and shalt partake of all her glories and reign as king of kings and be crowned with eternal lives to God and the Lamb forever and ever. Amen. Kaysville, November 24. 1872. Early in the spring of 1873 President Brig- ham Young called a number of missionaries from different parts of the Territory to plant colonies in Arizona. Of these, nine young men, E. C. Phillips, Joseph Robbins, Elijah Laycock, John Seaman, Joseph Woolley, Jo- seph Adams, William Smith, William Dufrin and Ed Bodley, were called from Kaysville, and on March 8 all met in Salt Lake City at the Tabernacle to receive instructions from the authorities. Soon after they started southward in organized companies. They arrived at the Little Colorado River May 22, after an arduous journey; by May 28 the river was dry and word was sent to 174 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF President Young of the barrenness of the country, and the many obstacles to be over- come ; and on July 22 they were recalled to Utah, having gained nothing but experience. My daughters, as well as my sons, were now able to help; one — Eliza Ann M. — taught school, and one — Selina C. — manipulated the telegraph instrument at Kaysville — also taught the younger girls. Salt Lake City was first lighted by gas dur- ing this summer. f "]3 This year I began taking up land on what was known as the "Big Range" and deter- mined to thoroughly try "dry-farming" which was a new experience in this place ; and many people in Kaysville and Davis county today thank me for making a success of it. On October 8, a daughter was born to my wife, Mary J. R., and we named her Ella. On November 17 my daughter Selina C. was married to Edward C. Phillips, by Daniel H. Wells, at Salt Lake City. Attended a grand celebration at Provo, No- vember 25, on the event of the Utah Southern Railway being completed to that city. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 175 On December 8 my daughter, Eliza Ann M., was married to Joseph G. Allred ; also my son, Hyrum John, was married to Mary L. Egbert, Daniel H. Wells officiating at both ceremonies. In the evening we had a nice re- ception at Brother Egbert's residence. Thus the year closed joyously and happily. During the year 1874 the Utah Northern Railway was opened from Ogden to Franklin, Idaho. There was a general religious move- ment among the Lamanites, hundreds of In- dians being baptized into the Church. On January 18 my son Christopher was mar- ried to Jane Bodley, by Daniel H. Wells, in Salt Lake City. My wife Rosa Ann H. presented me with a daughter on February 2, whom we named Mary Isabell. Senator Geo. Q. Cannon presented a memor- ial to Congress on March 2, asking for State- hood, but was again denied. In April 1 a box containing valuable records was deposited in the wall of the St. George Temple and work was pushed towards its com- pletion with all possible speed. 176 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF On May 3, George D. Watt of Kaysville was excommunicated from the Church for apostasy. I went down to Salt Lake City on the 6th of May, and early on the morning of the 7th a little son came to my wife, Caroline C. We named him Chauncey West. Conference con- vened at 10 o'clock and continued till the 10th. The principal subject was the "United Order" which was organized with Brigham Young as president. On May 12 my wife, Septima S., gave birth to a little son, whom we called Oscar George. This summer was remarkable for much light- ning, thunder and rain storms. Pioneer Day was celebrated by a grand ju- venile jubilee in the large Tabernacle at Salt Lake City, at which time 4,000 Sunday School children did the singing. Besides my duties as Bishop I farmed over 200 acres, ran the saw-mill and grist-mill and had the care of from 7,000 to 8,000 sheep. This kept my sons and sons-in-law employed: neither were my daughters idle, for some of CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 177 them taught school, others were in the tele- graph offices and all of them did their own dressmaking. We all worked together in unity as one family, and always stood by each other under all circumstances. If one had a trial or disappointment we all sympathized, or if one had a blessing or pleasure, we all rejoiced to- gether. I love now to recall the many social chats we often had, when I would tell them of my early life, how I had managed to get along; advise them how they could help them- selves through life; how ready they all were to accept my counsel and act upon it. These were very happy years although the responsi- bilities of my position, as a father and a Bish- op, were great and manifold. I feel to praise the Lord that He has allowed me to see my children grow up honest, straightforward and industrious ; willing to make sacrifices if need be for their religion's sake. In October the Agricultural and Manufac- turing Association held a fair at Salt Lake City, at which I entered a number of sheep, cows, calves, and a Durham bull. I received two diplomas for finest sheep ; also diploma for is 178 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Durham cow — Annie — and her calf. The award for best Durham bull was a silver cup, gold lined, which was given me. I gave my wife Rosa H. my diploma for the cow and calf, my diploma for best bucks to my daugh- ter Eliza A. M., and my diploma for best ewes to my daughter Selina C On November 5 we had the pleasure of wel- coming my brother, John Layton, and his daughter, Mary Ann, to our home. They had left England with 155 other Saints under the direction of William N. Fife, on the steamship "Wyoming," on September 14. March 25, 1875, the founder of Kaysville, William Kay, died at Ogden, and a large crowd of us went up to the funeral. In April the trial of Geo. Reynolds for polyg- amy was commenced. This was a test case and was watched closely by all. When he was sen- tenced to imprisonment the case was appealed and he was granted bail for $10,000. This spring I bought a flour mill at Payson, Utah county. I obtained a good miller and sent my son William to take charge of it, but it was so far away from home that I did not CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 179 keep it very long, but sold it for a good price in about a year. Having a large family of my own to provide for, and keeping so many men employed, whose families needed supplies, I thought it better to buy goods by wholesale, so I built a large mercantile house and ran that business for a number of years. On June 10, the first Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association was organized and the work was made universal throughout all the settlements of Saints. On June 12, my wife Rosa Ann H. gave birth to a daughter, and we named her Jean- etta. On July 10 Martin Harris, one of the Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, died at Clarkston, Cache county, being 92 years old. On July 17 President Brigham Young, his counselors and many others renewed their cov- enants by baptism, and this example was fol- lowed by the Saints generally. Every one of my family over eight years old renewed their covenants in this way. In September I attended the funeral, at Salt 180 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Lake City, of George A. Smith, President Young's counselor. I moved the Church sheep from the island into Southern Utah for the winter to a place called Cove Fort. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution, held at Salt Lake City on October 5, I was duly elected to the office of director of said insti- tution, which position I held for a year. At the October conference, the Tabernacle was dedicated, and a great number of mis- sionaries were called. In December the ladies of Utah sent a peti- tion to Congress with 23,626 signatures, ask- ing for Statehood and the repeal of the anti- polygamy laws. On December 28 a son was born to my wife, Mary J. R., and we named him Levi Brigham. The year 1876 was noted for the settlements of Saints in lower Utah, Arizona and Mexico. In February a number of missionaries were called to go to Arizona, my son Hyrum among them. They traveled by teams and on March CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 181 21 arrived at Little Colorado, and founded col- onies. In April the new Z. C. M. I. building on Main St., Salt Lake City, was opened for busi- ness. I attended the annual Conference from April 6 to April 10.* On May 16, 1876, the Y. L. M. I. A. was organized at Kaysville with Ada Williams as president, Eliza A. Allred ; first counselor, and Helen Hyde, second counselor,; Mary Ann *"A disaster of an exceptional nature occurred at Salt Lake City the 1 day before the opening of this conference. It was the explosion of 40 tons of blasting and gunpowder, stored in four stone magazines located on Arsenal Hill. About 5 o'clock in the afternoon, every one was startled by two terrific reports, almost simultaneously; after the lapse of a few seconds, two other con- vulsions followed equally deafening. In a mo- ment missiles whistled and tore through the air over almost the entire city, while houses tottered and trembled, roofs, walls and ceilings were rent, windows smashed and hundreds of persons pros- trated on the ground. Dense volumes of smoke hovered over the spot, thus indicating what had happened. The explosion was distinctly heard and felt at Farmington, 15 miles north, and even caused the vibration of buildings at Kaysville, 5 miles further." — Whitney's History of Utah. 182 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Layton, secretary, and Selina Layton Phillips, assistant secretary. The sheep which I had taken into Southern Utah had fared badly during the winter, and I returned them back to the Church ; in order to return the proper number I was obliged to make up losses from my own herd and conse- quently I had very few left. This was quite a loss to me, but I would not let the Church property suffer. In June the case of George Reynolds was again argued on appeal before the supreme court of the Territory, and in July the case was again appealed to the supreme court of the United States. At the Conference in October, John W. Young, son of the President, was sustained as first counselor, in place of George A. Smith. On October 7 my wife Septima S. gave birth to a son, whom we named Harry Wilford. The Brigham Young Academy was founded on October 16 at Provo. On October 26 a son was born to my wife, Caroline C, and we gave him the name of Horace. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 183 This fall I bought a thorough bred Norman stallion and ten mares from Logan and Wil- son of Missouri, and raised some of the finest stock in the Territory. I also oversaw the planting and harvesting of the largest amount of small grain ever raised in Utah. I was one of the first to cut grain with a header. This grain was raised on the Sand Ridge by what was known as dry farming. I kept on buying more arid land until my sons and I owned about a thousand acres. We also owned three headers and a thresher and other machinery for this work. I distributed dry farm grain throughout the county and assisted men to take up this dry land and to raise grain, for I told them that "where there is good sagebrush, grain will grow." On March 4, 1877, my daughter, Martha Alice C, was married to James T. Walker, at Salt Lake City, Daniel H. Wells officiating. In the later part of March, Apostle Joseph F. Smith and wife, my wife Mary J. R. and I, in company with Presidents Young and Wells, some of the apostles and leading elders, started 184 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF by team for St. George to attend Conference and dedicate the Temple at that place. Conference convened on April 6 continuing three days. President Young addressed the Conference at five of the six meetings, dilating upon the duties of all officers, urging them to faithfully perform the sacred tasks allotted them. The second day of conference Presi- dent Young took the initial step of the impor- tant work of more thoroughly organizing the stakes of Zion, first setting in order the St. George stake, and after that the others throughout the Church. A number of mis- sionaries were also called. On the return trip Brother Brigham and his counselors stopped at Manti, Sanpete Co., and dedicated a Tem- ple site, Brother Young offering the prayer and breaking the ground for the foundation. Through Beaver our party was accompanied by a guard of about twenty-five young men, who deemed this precaution necessary because of threats said to have been made against the President's life by some of the relatives or sympathizers of John D. Lee, who had recent- ly been executed. Brother Young gave us in- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 185 structions in our duty of training and educat- ing our children to lives of purity and useful- ness, and urged co-operative action in all our temporal interests. On May 18 the ground for the Logan Tem- ple was dedicated, Apostle Orson Pratt offer- ing the prayer. About this time a survey was made for a canal, which was called "Weber and Davis Co.'s Canal." I was one of the stockholders, and put a number of men and teams to work on it. I sold some of the teams and let the men work it out in contracts on the canal, taking stock, thus their paying terms were easy and I became a larger stockholder. 186 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF CHAPTER XII. LAST YEARS IN KAYSVILLE. In Stake Presidency — Death of Brigham Young — Family Marriages, Births and Deaths — Forced into Hiding to Escape Persecution — Called to Arizona. AT a special conference at Farmington, on June 17, 1877, a stake was organized in Davis county, with Wm. R. Smith, of Center- ville, as president, and myself of Kaysville, and Anson Call of Bountiful as his counselors. As I was now released from my office of Bish- op, Brother Peter Barton was chosen in my place. Zion was extending its borders in all di- rections, settlements were growing larger, and many new wards were being formed, among which was South Hooper, (which had been a part of Kaysville) with Henry B. Gwilliams as Bishop. In July Brother Brigham Young deeded 9642 acres of land in Cache Valley to the Brig- ham Young Academy at Logan. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 187 On August 23 our President was taken sud- denly sick with cholera morbus, and about four o'clock in the afternoon of August 29 the im- mortal spirit of Brother Brigham passed from the earth. A profound sorrow rested like a pall upon the Saints all over the world when it became known that our loved and honored leader was no more; as Israel mourned for Moses, so we mourned in heartfelt sorrow for Brother Young.* *"The coffin containing his body was encased in a metallic covering in which was inserted a plate glass of sufficient size to admit of a view of the departed. It was tastefully draped with white and wreathed with flowers. At 10:30 a. m. the gates of the Temple Block were thrown open, and the crowds of anxious people who had gathered, gained ingress to the Tabernacle. For the next twenty-five hours — the building being kept open all night — a con- tinuous stream of living humanity passed through, nearly twenty-five thousand people taking a farewell look at the face of the dead. On the Sabbath, Sep- tember 2, the family of the deceased, his counselors, the apostles and other officers of the Priesthood, with the general public, listened to the speakers who ad- dressed them, expressing the sentiments of sorrow that pervaded the hearts of the Saints, yet exhib- ited a calm resignation to the Divine will. The build- ing was filled, all available standing room in aisles and doorways being taken up. The procession moved to the private cemetery, where the body was placed 188 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF On the 4th of September the apostles pub- licly assumed their position as head of the Church, the Saints returned to their duties and everything was again in working order. About this time I took a trip across the country to St. Louis, Mo., where I purchased a carload of large mules, which I brought back to Utah, and used to great advantage on my dry farm lands. In November a company of Saints from Utah arrived on the San Pedro river, in Ari- zona and founded the settlement of St. David. My wife, Isabella G., who had been sick for a long time, left us to mourn her loss, on December 15. She had always been greatly loved in the family and was a general favorite, and her children — three girls and four boys — were welcomed and well cared for by my oth- er wives. Her disease was dropsy. She had in the vault prepared for it. The grave was dedi- cated by Apostle Wilford Woodruff. Among the mighty ones of earth shall be the name of him of whom it has been written : "He loved his people: their high destiny Will be a monument to Brigham Young." —Whitney's Hist, of Utah. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 189 also been a Relief Society teacher for several years. On December 28 a little daughter came to my wife, Mary J. R., and we called her Har- riet Ann. On January 10, 1878, my son, Ezra William, was married to Mary Ellen Colmer in Salt Lake City. Attended Conference at Salt Lake City from April 6th to the 8th. This summer I was busy with my mercantile business, milling work and farming. On August 15, 1878, I was married to Eliza- beth Williams in the Endowment House at Salt Lake City, Joseph F. Smith officiating. In the fall I bought a band of horses of William H. Hooper, giving $10,000 for them. I sold half of them — 320 head — afterwards to William R. Smith, also 80 head to William Stokes, besides many teams to different men. On December 12 my daughter Mary Ann was married to George Swan, Jr., in Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells ; and on the same day my wife Rosa Ann presented me with a daugh- ter, whom we named Rozina. 190 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF On January 6, 1879, the supreme court of the United States unanimously affirmed the constitutionality of the anti-bigamy law of 1862, and confirmed the sentence of the lower courts upon George Reynolds. My son, John H., was married on January 23, to Hannah Phillips at Salt Lake City by Daniel H. Wells. On February 20 I attended the trial of Rob- ert T. Burton on a charge of murder com- mitted during the Morrisite difficulty of 1862. A verdict of not guilty was rendered on March 7. A little son came to my wife, Septima S., on March 21, and we named him Franklin Simms. This spring I built a large frame house on the Sand Ridge, which we called the Summit farm and dug the first well, going one hun- dred feet, and after digging several we got a good one with plenty of water. Before this we had to haul the water in a iron tank hold- ing 560 gallons. At the annual Conference this year the main business was the calling of a number of elders for foreign missions, and Brother Moses CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 191 Thatcher was chosen to fill the vacancy in the Twelve Apostles, caused by the death of Orson Hyde. On April 24 the first Utah wheat was shipped by ocean to Liverpool, England, from San Francisco, in the sailing vessel "Ivy," by S. W. Sears, and I often wondered how many of my old friends and relatives ate bread made from our wheat. Emma Smith, formerly wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, died at ; her home in Nauvoo, Illinois, April 30. On the 6th of May there was a grand dem- onstration in honor of Daniel H. Wells, who had been released from the territorial peniten- tiary, where he had been sent three days be- fore by Judge Emerson for alleged contempt of court, because he had refused to describe the endowment clothing. On August 4 my wife Elizabeth W. gave birth to a little son, whom we called Lawrence, but after a few weeks he was recalled to his heavenly home, and on August 28 his spirit fled from us. I was made president of the Farmer's Union, 192 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF which institution I founded in Layton, and held that position a number of years. On September 26, my wife Caroline C. gave birth to a little son, whom she called Ben- jamin; and on September 28 we were called to mourn the death of baby Franklin S., the son , of my wife Septima. About the first of November I made a trip to San Francisco, Cal., accompanied by my wife Lizzie. During the next two or three years — 1880- 1883 — although I had broken no law of God or man, it became necessary for my personal safe- ty that I should be in hiding from those who were so strenuously making arrests under the Edmunds-Tucker law. Finally my wives and children agreed that, although they disliked very much to be with- out my presence, yet they would rather know that I was at liberty than to have me dodging the hounds of the law, and under these condi- tions, I accepted a call to preside over, and make a home for, Saints in Southern Arizona. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 193 CHAPTER XIII. PRESIDING IN ARIZONA. Fifteen Years of Great Activity and Success — The Enemy Also Busy — Many New Enter- prises Established — Leader, Adviser and Father to the Colonists. IN February, 1883, I was set apart in Salt Lake City as President of the St. Joseph stake in Arizona, and I immediately began to make preparations to leave for that territory. I chartered two cars and loaded them with horses, mules, furniture, farm implements, seeds, alfalfa, oats, wheat and flour enough to last a year. By the 15th we were ready to start. Our party consisted of my wife Lizzie and two children, her sister Fannie and brother Henry; my sons Richard, Joseph and Wil- liam; my nephew, Charles Layton, and wife; 14 194 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF also Dave Gaily, Geo. Steed and Thomas White. Arriving at St. David on Saturday, Feb. 24, we went directly to David P. Kimball's house, and on Sunday, the 25th, at the meet- ing of the Saints in St. David, they sustained me as president of the stake with David P. Kimball as first and James H. Martineau as second counselors. On Feb. 28 the boys of our party came in with the stock, furniture, etc., which had traveled slower than we. After staying a few days at Brother Kim- ball's I moved the family into the Campbell mill building where we remained about three weeks. Then I moved to a Mexican grant where we lived in tents and had our cook- stove under a tree; but I did not stay here very long as we were obliged to haul water over three miles. The first week in March a party of nine, with a four-horse team and a single team, started on a general exploration trip to see the country. They went to Tombstone the first night : then through the Sulphur Springs Val- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 195 ley, which they thought was the finest stock range they had ever seen (except Cache Val- ley, Utah) ; then through the Gila Valley, which place I particularly desired them to visit. Their report of this section was very favorable — mare settlers than when I was there. They were gone about three weeks. On March 23 my daughters Eliza A. Allred and Drucilla Grace Layton came from Utah and my son-in-law Joseph G. Allred arrived on the 25th with another car, containing pota- toes, barbwire, iron posts, some machinery, also chickens, which we turned loose, and of course they soon found their own roosts. I took my wife and daughters three miles down the San Pedro River to see a place called the Merrimont ranch and as there were about thirty-seven springs on the place every- thing looked green and bright, although there was only one tree (a juniper) in the vicinity. The women were much pleased with the local- ity and exclaimed joyously, "This is the pret- tiest place we have seen in the country." I bought this ranch, but the wind blew so hard every day we could not live in tents, there- 196 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF fore I went to work building a house and also bought the Campbell mill house and had it moved on to the ranch. My women folks be- came quite lonesome, discouraged and home- sick at times, although they tried to be cheer- ful, and I consoled them by telling of our blessings and showing them that our heavenly Father was very kind and merciful to us be- cause things might have been a great deal worse. I, with the boys' help, fenced in 320 acres and made a canal for two miles. One after- noon we missed the horses and we all started out in different directions to hunt them, but not finding them, came back at night, except Richard and Joseph Allred, who had followed tracks leading toward Tucson. About ten o'clock that night they stopped at Pantana Seneca; in the morning they met a man who had seen the horses and after some conversa- tion said he would get them, so the boys came back home. The next day the man brought five horses — one out of each team — and received his reward. After a few days CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 197 we found one at Benson, but it was a year before we found all of them. We plowed 100 acres, put in alfalfa, wheat and oats, and had just finished when rains commenced. The grain started fine and we were much rejoiced ; then rain ceased and consequently the crops burned up. I attended Conference at Salt Lake City on April 6, and my son William's wife and two children came with me when I returned to Arizona. In May I went over to the Gila River and held a two days' meeting at Pima; on the 13th organized the Saints into four wards, namely: Pima, with Joseph K. Rogers, Bish- op; Thatcher, John M. Moody, Bishop; Gra- ham, Jorgen Jorgenson, Bishop; Curtis (now Eden), Moses Curtis, Bishop. On June 27th my son Wm. Layton was chosen first counselor to Bishop Wm. D. Johnson of St. David ward. Conference was held at St. David on June 2 and 3, at which the Relief Society was or- ganized with Sister Wilmuth East as presi- 198 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF dent, Sister Cyrena Merrill as first and Sister Mary Ransom as second counselors. During the summer all of us had chills and fever except myself, sometimes three or four of us in bed at the same time. On Sept. 20th, my son, Charles M., was married to Mary Ann McMasters, in Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. Attended semi-annual Conference on Oct. 5, at Salt Lake City, being accompanied by Brother David P. Kimball, his son Thomas, and my sister-in-law Fannie Williams. The two latter were married on the 15th. My first counselor, David P. Kimball, died at St. David on Nov. 21. In December Apostles Heber J. Grant and Brigham Young, with Sister Young, made us a visit. On the 10th the Apostles, Sister Young, my wife, myself and a few others left St. David, went through Sulphur Springs Val- ley and along the Gila River, holding meetings at all the settlements. We found, about a mile or two south of Safford, the families of John and Adam Welker camped in wagons on CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 199 the land where they intended to settle. The Apostles agreed with me that my praise of the Gila Valley had not been extravagant. In March, 1884, I drove over to the Gila River, and on the 2nd organized the Saints who had settled near Safford. They wishing to perpetuate my name, called themselves the Layton branch; John Welker was appointed presiding Elder. Attended annual Conference at Salt Lake City in April and brought back a car loaded with Jersey cows, alfalfa seed and potatoes. In May I bought a grist mill for $10,000, on the Gila River (where Safford now stands) with Jonathan Hoopes as partner. I after- wards bought it all and 160 acres of land also. On May 17 the Temple at Logan, Utah, was dedicated by President Taylor, which cere- mony I did not have the privilege of attend- ing, but my wife Caroline C. was there at the special request of Prest. Taylor. On May 29 we were called upon to sympa- thize with our dear friend Wilmuth East, whose husband, Edward Wallace East, a 200 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF prominent Elder and faithful worker in the Church, died at Pima. The Saints in Utah were now being perse- cuted under the Edmunds law, but as yet we had not been troubled here. On July 5 the Primary Association of St. Joseph stake was organized with Josephine Rogers as president; Eliza A. Allred, first, and Caroline Johnson, second counselors. Some time in July I bought about 500 head of Sonora cattle and put them on the ranch in charge of my son Richard and Joseph All- red. In August I wrote to my wife Rosa H. to come to Arizona, and I went over to Safford to get things ready for her, but upon receiving word from her that she did not wish to leave Utah, I moved my wife Lizzie over to SafTord mill house, for I was running the mill and clearing mesquit off the land which I had bought. On Sept. 5 my daughter Annie B. was married to Seth Jones in the Logan Temple in Utah ; she and her husband came to St. David and taught school there. One day I received word from the stage CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 201 driver that my wives Rosa H. and Septima S. were at Bowie, so I took a team and went over there. Found that they had written to me when they had concluded to come but I, not having received it, had not been at Bowie when they arrived, which was a great disap- pointment to them. We came back to Safford on Sept. 15, and after staying there for two or three weeks I settled my wife Septima S. and family at Curtis, while the boys took my wife Rosa Ann over to St. David. Her son Isaac was very sick, but she gave him such good and careful nursing that he recovered. In November my wife Rosa Ann came to Safford and my wife Lizzie went back to St. David. Nov. 4, the Layton branch was organized as a ward, John Welker, Bishop. On Dec. 27 a little son was born to my wife Septima S. at Curtis, whom we called Jesse Monroe. On Dec. 7 I visited the territorial prison at Yuma with Apostle Francis M. Lyman to see Brothers Tenney andChristopherson,who were incarcerated there for conscience' sake. 202 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF On Jan. 8, 1885, Alex. F. McDonald, John Campbell and I started on a trip through Mexico to see about renting or buying land on which to locate families of Saints who were being driven into exile because of the Ed- munds law. The federal courts and officers were carrying their persecutions to such an extent that many of the brethren were impris- oned and their families scattered. After go-, ing through Chihuahua, and the valleys lying on the eastern slope of the Sierra Madres we arrived at Corralitos and found some families ready for settlement in the new country. Among others here who were looking over the country for colonizing purposes was a lord of noble lineage from England, and we enjoyed talking with him of old home scenes. On arriving at St. David I found that while I was away, President John Taylor, Apostles Joseph F. Smith, Erastus Snow, and Moses Thatcher, also George Reynolds, John Q. Cannon, and others, had come to our house and had then gone on to Guaymas, Mexico, from which trip they returned the day after I arrived. A few days later I went to Salt Lake i CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 203 City with them. While in Mexico I obtained silk handkerchiefs and neckties for each of my family, both in Arizona and Utah, which act of thoughtfulness seemed to please all of them very much. From Salt Lake City I went on to Kaysville and while there received a letter from Arizona telling me that on Feb. 12 a pair of twin girls had come to my wife Lizzie W. at St. David. We named them Lillian and Luella. In March we held our quarterly Conference and for the next few months my time was fully occupied with stake duties ; as the stake extended over 100 miles I was riding around a great deal, in order to keep in contact with all the branches of the work. In June my wife Rosa H. and family went back to Utah, leaving her son, Albert T., with us. I moved my wife Lizzie and family over to the mill at Safford. We held our June Conference at Pima. About the first of September a feeling of anxiety and uneasiness depressed my spirit and I told my friends that I knew some of my family in Utah must be in trouble of some 204 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF kind, and after a few days I received a tele- gram from my wife Sarah, telling me of the death of our son, Hyrum, which had occurred on the 17th of September. In a few days a letter came in which we were told how Hy- rum had been afflicted with rheumatism of a very severe nature for about a month. It must have been a very hard task to have handled him while he was helpless for he was a large man, weighing about 340 pounds. At our quarterly Conference we had the pleasure of entertaining Apostles Erastus Snow and Brigham Young and received in- structions from them. In October, Wm. D. Johnson was set apart as my first counselor in the stake presidency. In November I moved my wife Septima S. and family over to St. David. On Nov. 30 we had a large meeting at my house at Safford and while we were enjoying the spirit of brotherly love and union, some Indians came to the window (as we found out by the moccasin tracks) and seeing so many people together, they knew the settlements must CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 205 be almost deserted, so they went on to Layton ward, stole a number of horses and took them away with them. They were followed by a posse of citizens and when crowded quite close they turned the horses loose. Thece were re- captured but the Indians shot among the men and two brothers — Lorenzo and Seth Wright — were killed. I was holding meeting at Pima the next day, Dec. 1, but I felt very uneasy and rest- less, and thinking something must be wrong at home, I excused myself and left the meet- ing. I rode along very much depressed in spirit, for several miles, when I saw some men coming rapidly toward me. I felt intu- itively that they were the ones who would tell me bad news. When they met me they stopped and told me the fearful tale of the death of these faithful brothers. The sym- pathy of our people was very sincere for the widows and little children thus bereft of their protectors. During this month many of the Saints who had been camping on Casas Grande River in Chihuahua, Mex., moved to the Peadres 206 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Verdes River, which townsite they named Juarez. On Jan. 1, 1886, my daughter Amy C. was married to Reuben W. Fuller at St. David by Bishop Peter Loughgreen. On Feb. 8 my son Richard G. led to the altar one of Zion's fair daughters — Annie E. Home — and they were married at St. David by the Bishop of that place — Peter Lough- green. On March 21 Seymour B. Young being with us, we organized the Eighty-ninth quo- rum of Seventies at Pima. In the last of March my wife Septima, with five children, left for Utah, going with others who went by teams ; her son Oscar driv- ing her wagon. It was a hard trip, but after about six weeks they safely arrived at their destination. In May we turned all hands who could work on the canal and we brought it down through the valley, I doing about half the work and therefore owning half of the canal. I received a letter from Utah telling of the CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 207 marriage of my son James Albert to Edith Harrod on May 27, at Kaysville, by Bishop Peter Barton. The Saints were wanting to settle close to- gether, so I bought a 600-acre tract of land of a syndicate living in Tucson, then I bought out the squatters' right and improvements by taking quit-claim deeds of them. Thus I was in a position to help the Saints to get homes. In July I bought 320 acres of Peter Anderson (adjoining the other tract) and laid it out in a townsite which we named Thatcher. I built a three-roomed adobe house in Thatcher ward (it being the second house built on the town- site), and we moved into it. I also built a barn. I gave a lot for a schoolhouse and the few Saints who were settling here then built an adobe building on it. The mesquit was so thick that when we tried to go any place we were very fortunate if we did not get lost. I gave the Seventies a lot, but they never made any use of it; also gave the Bishop a lot for tithing purposes. The Academy was after- wards built upon it. On Sept. 2 our house at Safford was filled 208 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF with a joyous company, for on that day my son Joseph was married to Cynthia Fife. The persecutions under the Edmunds law were continuing and many families were in exile, some going to Mexico, while many of the Saints came here and I was kept busy helping them to settle on the townsite, and aiding them to get a start in a new country. Nearly all the leading men of our Church were in hiding, paying fines or in prison; my son-in-law, Wm. Galbraith, having his share of imprisonment with the rest. The United, States deputies were raiding all the settlements throughout Utah and even in Arizona, so that it was indeed an anxious time. President John Taylor sent a company of explorers into British Columbia and Alberta, Canada, to select a tract of land for a colony. They chose a place in Alberta and named Cardston in honor of their leader, Charles O. Card. Four of my sons afterward settled there. On Jan. 13, 1887, a bill repealing the anti- Mormon test oath in Arizona was passed by the council branch of the Arizona Legislature. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 209 The house passed it the following day and the governor signed it on Jan. 15. On Feb. 15 the Edmunds-Tucker bill was adopted by the United States House and Senate and the act became a law without the signature of the President. Under the pro- visions of this law a United States receiver took possession of Church offices and a whole- sale confiscation of Church property was threatened. April 7 will be remembered as a joyous day, for then my two sons Heber C. and Al- bert T. were married at Layton, Heber hav- ing chosen Agnes Almeda Welker as his bride, while Albert selected Almeda Tibbetts. I per- formed the ceremony. Utah was again arranging to demand State- hood. The State convention met, and after several days adopted a constitution on July 5 — one feature of which was the anti-polygamy clause. President John Taylor was still in exile and was very sick at Kaysville. On July 18, Presidents Geo. Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith and others went to him and watched at his bedside; and on the 25th he died at the 15 210 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF house of Thos. F. Rouche. The funeral was held in Salt Lake City on the 29th, after which a council meeting decided that the coun- selors should preside until the Twelve could get together. On Aug. 3, at another council meeting, Brothers Cannon and Smith were reinstated in their places in the Twelve, and the Twelve were sustained as the Presidency of the Church. On Aug. 20 the remains of President John Taylor were transferred to a granite sepulchre in Salt Lake City cemetery. In the fall of this year I built a small store building of brick, thinking there were now enough settlers here to justify the transaction; I put in a small amount of goods. On Nov. 11a little daughter was born to my wife Lizzie, at Thatcher, and we named her Priscilla. In December we received word from Utah that the "poetess of Israel/' Eliza R. Snow, who was president of all Relief Societies in the Church, had died in Salt Lake City on the Sth. Awaking very early one morning in De- cember with a feeling that something was wrong, I arose and built a fire in the fire- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 211 place and also in the stove. About 5 a. m. Joseph Allred came in with Apostle Brigham Young, having come over from St. David in the night. They were thankful for the warm fire which greeted them, and also that I obeyed the impression which I had that some one needed a good fire; they stayed with us sev- eral days. On Feb. 13, 1888, my daughter Eliza A., her husband, Joseph Allred, and their family moved over to Thatcher from St. David; they lived with my daughter Amy, while they built a house for themselves. We were trying to improve our town a little and I had shade trees set out for a mile along Main street and the sidewalk cleared and lev- eled, which added much to the beauty as well as the convenience of walking. On May 19 my daughter Selina C, her hus- band, Edward Phillips, and their family of five children arrived from Utah. They were accompanied by my son Chauncey W. and had been five weeks on the journey with teams. They brought their furniture and provisions with them ; also scrapers and farm implements. 212 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF They lived with my son Joseph for a few weeks while they built a brick house. At the annual Conference in Salt Lake City, on April 7, 1889, a First Presidency was sustained, consisting of Wilford Woodruff as President and Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith, counselors; this being the fourth time that a First Presidency had been established in the Church. In June I took a contract to carry United States mail from Bowie to Ft. Thomas; also from Ft. Thomas to Globe; also Ft. Thomas to Ft. Grant, and Bowie to Ft. Bowie. In the fall I remodeled the mill at Safford, enlarging its capacity. In September the Saints living north of Kaysville were organized into a ward and they named it East Layton in honor of our family. In November the Endowment House — which had been erected in 1855 — and in which so many of my children, wives and myself had been sealed and had had the privilege of its sacred ordinances, was torn down. On Jan. 5, 1890, a little daughter came to my wife Lizzie W. and we named her Minnie. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 213 During this year nearly all the civil rights left to the Saints in Utah were threatened by proposed anti-Mormon legislation (the Lib- erals being in power). In July the United States contract took ef- fect, and I also secured the contract from the United States to supply San Carlos Indian res- ervation with 10,000 pounds of flour a week. As this had to be freighted, the work used about eighty horses, and my sons and sons-in- law were kept busy at work; they always worked together very harmoniously. I built a house at Bowie, also a stable for the horses which were used a sa relay for the stage ; some of my sons or sons-in-law taking charge of the business there; I (or one of my sons) going there once a month to pay off the men. On Sept. 24, President Woodruff issued a manifesto "advising the Saints to refrain from contracting any marriage forbidden by the law of the land." This became a subject for gen- eral discussion and at the semi-annual Confer- ence on Oct. 4, 5 and 6, in Salt Lake City, it was accepted by unanimous vote. In April, 1891, I sold my store to my son 214 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Joseph (but I bought it back in about a year). My time was fully occupied as I had many bus- iness interests besides my Church duties; the town of Thatcher was growing in population, land was being cleared, shade trees planted, and grain being put in; also many fields were sowed in alfalfa. The other wards were also settling rapidly and I visited all of them twice each year. The Lord blessed me with good health and strength and my faith in the Priesthood and the Gospel was strong. On March 17, 1892, the fiftieth anniversary of the Relief Society was celebrated through- out the Church. We had a very enjoyable time in this stake. Attended the Conference in April at Salt Lake City. President Lorenzo Snow on the 6th explained the order of ceremony at the laying of the capstone of the Temple and trained the congregation in shouting "Hosan- nah," after which remarks were made by President Wilford Woodruff. The congre- gation then proceeded to the Temple in pro- cession, when the capstone of the Temple was laid amid great enthusiasm and rejoicing, CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 215 President Woodruff pressing the electric but- ton which caused the stone to be lowered to its place. After the shouting of "Hosannah," the vast congregation, on motion of Apostle Francis M. Lyman, voted that the Temple should be finished by April 6, 1893. About 40,000 people were present and participated in the ceremonies. On the evening of the 7th the statue of Moroni on the main east tower and the spire on the middle west tower of the Temple were beautifully illuminated with incandescent lights for the first time. On April 11 a little son came to my wife Lizzie W. at Thatcher, and we named him Gilbert. Our family had another joyous occasion on May 24, when my son Oscar and Lula Lewis were married at Thatcher, my counselor Wm. D. Johnson performing the ceremony. On Oct. 12 the First Presidency of the Church issued a certificate to me as an Elder to preach the Gospel in the United States and to administer in all the ordinances pertaining to that office. 216 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF In the spring of 1893 I sold the Safford mill to J. T. Owens. Went up to Utah in April to Conference and the dedication of the Temple at Salt Lake City. The services were repeated almost daily from the 6th to the 24th. Thirty-one meet- ings were held, which were attended by a total of nearly 75,000 people. On the 23rd the Temple was opened for ordinance work under the immediate direction of the First Presidency. About 7,000 people from Utah visited the World's Fair in Chicago. During the year 1894 President Cleveland pardoned all polygamists and restored them to their rights. In January I received news from Utah of the death (on the 16th) of my old friend and associate, Wm. R. Smith, whose counselor I had been for many years in the Davis stake. On May 19 a little daughter came to my wife Lizzie W., whom we named Elizabeth. In June I sold the store to my son-in-law, Joseph G. Allred. On the last day of August (31st) my son CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 217 Frederick was married to Barbara Allen Mc- Guire at Thatcher, Brother Wm. D. Johnson performing the ceremony. This valley was now dotted over with homes of the settlers and we had quite large assemblages at our quarterly conferences. Our schools were being well attended; each ward had one or more schoolhouses. The Lord's blessing rested upon us and we prospered ; our hearts were united in the cause of Truth. The engineers had been through our valley and staked out a line for a railroad; the grading of the road gave employment to some of our newcomers. In October I attended Conference in Salt Lake City, and while in Kaysville I bought materials for running an ice factory and creamery. In January, 1895, the railroad, named the Gila Valley, Globe and Northern, was com- pleted as far as Pima and we enjoyed seeing the cars traversing our beautiful valley. In the spring I put the ice plant into opera- tion in a building which I had built at Thatch- er. This was the worst enterprise I ever un- 218 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF dertook and I became almost discouraged several times, for I had put so much money into it and for more than a year we could get nothing but frost on the pipes. I sent around to Globe and other places and finally found an- other engine. In July I had a well dug back of the factory, the engine pumping water and also running the ice plant. We supplied the valley with ice all that summer, and it was a blessing to many of us in the hot sultry days. From news received from Utah I learned that my son David E. was chosen Bishop of the West Layton ward, when it was organ- ized on Feb. 22. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 219 CHAPTER XIV. APPROACHING THE END. Honorably Released as Stake President — Rapidly- Failing Health — Choice Reunions and Bless- ings — Prepares to Go Home to Utah. AFTER all the trials which Utah had made for Statehood, she was at last rewarded, for on January 4, 1896, President Grover Cleveland signed the proclamation which ad- mitted her into the sisterhood of States. I attended annual Conference at Salt Lake City at which time Moses Thatcher was not upheld as one of the Twelve, because of his refusal to sign a manifesto issued by the gen- eral authorities of the Church to the Saints, in which the leading men of the Church were re- quested to seek counsel before accepting po- litical offices which would interfere with their ecclesiastical duties. His certificate to preach 220 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF the Gospel was also revoked. I felt very sad over this occurrence, for Brother Thatcher was a great friend of mine. Our community was called upon to mourn the death of my second counselor,Brother Mor- gan Henry Merrill, who left us on July 26th. He was a good, faithful Saint and his loss was felt in the entire stake. On Sept. 4 another little daughter was added to our household, coming to my wife Lizzie W. and we named her Wilmuth. On Nov. 13 my business called me to the lower end of the valley, and as I was not feel- ing very well, I asked my son-in-law, E. C. Phillips, to accompany me. I hoped the ride in the fresh air would benefit me, but I was disappointed for I did not feel any better. I finished my business at Geronimo and we start- ed on the return trip, but I continued to feel worse ; when between Thomas and Pima I was attacked with severe cramps, which continued all night and for several days without much relief. In December my sons Charles and Samuel came from Utah to visit me and stayed two CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 221 or three weeks with us, but I still remained confined to my bed. I traded property in February, 1897, with my son Joseph, and moved into his house. I was enough better that I could walk around out of doors some each day. I remodeled the house somewhat. My son Charles M. and his family arrived from Utah on March 17, and moved into my old house. In May I was again confined to my bed, and on the 10th I felt very uneasy and as if something was wrong with my son Joseph, who had been under the doctor's care at Saf- ford for several days. Although I asked ques- tions about him, the answers were evasive, but the next morning they told me he was dead. The funeral services were held at Thatcher, Brothers Wm. Packer and Benjamin Peel be- ing the chief speakers. He was interred in the Thatcher cemetery. My health did not become better although sometimes I felt a little better for a few days, then some days I had excruciating pains; but 222 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF the Lord gave me patience and endurance to bear my sufferings. In January, 1898, I received the following letter from the First Presidency at Salt Lake City: Salt Lake City, Utah, January 21st, 1898. President Christopher Laytcn, St. Joseph Stake. Dear Brother Layton — A short time ago a member of your family had a conversation with Elder Brigham Young in relation to your physical condition, in which it was represented that your health was such as to render it al- most impossible for you to give that attention to the interests of the Stake which it requires, and that it would be a great relief for you to be released from the duties now devolving upon you as its president. This information which Brother Young had received from a member of your family, he re- ported to a late meeting of the First Presi- dency and Apostles, with a recommendation that the suggested change be made and that a younger and more active man be appointed to succeed you. We may say, that we ourselves and the members of the Council generally have CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 223 understood that your health for some time past has been in quite a poor state, and that it has been with difficulty that you have been able to attend to your stake duties. After fully considering this matter, the Council unan- imously decided to honorably release you as President of the St. Joseph stake, and to ap- point Andrew Kimball, a son of the late Pres- ident Heber C. Kimball, to be your successor, your release to take effect when he shall be installed. We trust this action will receive your un- qualified approval, and that you will receive it in the spirit in which it is made, and give to Brother Kimball your sympathy and hearty support, and help him in every way you pos- sibly can to establish himself and family in your midst, and in the hearts of the people, for we feel that, although the state of your health has incapacitated you for the more active work such as is required in a stake like St. Joseph, which covers so much country, you can, nev- ertheless, be of great use and benefit, and your influence may also be exerted for great good, in assisting and supporting Brother Kimball in the labors and duties which shall be required of him. We feel that the Lord will accept of your labors in the St. Joseph stake, and that he will bless and reward you for your long years 224 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF of faithful service in the Church, and continue to bless you as our fellow servant. With kindest regards, we are Your brethren, Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, Jos. F. Smith. P. S. — Elders John Henry Smith and John W. Taylor have been appointed to attend your Conference on the 30th and 31st inst. for the purpose of installing Brother Kimball as your successor; and they have been authorized to reorganize the High Council and such part of the stake as they may deem necessary, and we trust that yourself and the officers and Saints generally will give these brethren your fullest and heartiest support in whatever changes they may see proper to make. W. W. G. Q. C. J. F. S. On Jan. 27, Apostles John Henry Smith and John W. Taylor came from Utah to at- tend to the business of St. Joseph stake. The wards and stake were disorganized, every one receiving an honorable release from their la- bors, on the 28th, then on the 29th the stake CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 225 was reorganized with Andrew Kimball as president and Wm. D. Johnson as first and Charles M. Layton as second counselors. On the 30th the wards were all reorganized, and on the 31st the High Council was reinstated. On Sunday, January 30, Brother John Henry Smith spoke to the conference and paid me the following tribute of respect: President Layton has been an honest and industrious man; his time and means have been at the disposal of th'^ authorities of the Church for the upholding of the Lord's king- dom. In rearing his large family he has done nobly by them, always keeping them employed, and they were a credit to him. He has opened the way by which many families have secured homes and the comforts of life; he has been, and is, a blessing to thousands; he has his faults and has made mistakes, but not serious ones. I regard him as a generous, high- minded gentleman, one who has made the world much better by having lived in it. He gave his young manhood to preserve the lib- erty of the people he loved so well; his ma- ture judgment and great common sense have been freely utilized for the extension of Zion ; in his declining days and as he is hastening to 16 226 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF the Great Beyond to make his reckoning there, I say of him, he is one of God's jewels, and that his name is written in the Lamb's book of life. I bless him and his posterity forever. BLESSING Given by Philemon C. Merrill, patriarch, at Thatcher, Arizona, April 20, 1898. Brother Christopher Layton, I place my hands upon your head — having been set apart and ordained as a patriarch — and in the author- ity thereof I bless you and pray that God will dictate by the spirit that which I shall say, for by that power all blessings come. You are holding the position that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob held to bless their children; therefore thy mind shall be exercised in behalf of thy posterity, notwithstanding thou mayest be called to enter a higher sphere of action in the due time of the Lord ; thou shalt exercise in that sphere a greater influence and power than thou canst tabernacled as thou art now, for the spirit cannot expand when it is trammeled with flesh and blood. Brother Layton, thou shalt always have in thy posterity a represent- ative in the earth, for when thy name is called there will always be one to answer to that call; thy work shall proceed onward until the CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 227 end of the earth, and as one of the patriarchs thou wilt administer blessings upon thy chil- dren's children and that spirit which has ac- tuated the patriarchs of old shall be carried on in the lineage of which thou art, even that of Levi, for in that tribe they will offer an of- ering in righteousness in the earth in the flesh, for thou hast already obtained the same bless- ings that were sealed upon Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thou hast received in the house of God all thine anointings, all that was or ever will be given to man in the flesh. All thy faults have gone before thee, and are can- celled in the earth and in the heavens. They children will bless thee and remember thee in fond remembrance and carry on the great work which shall complete thine exaltation, for thou shalt stand on the right hand of Joseph and Hyrum in connection with all the prophets (for thou art an evangelist), clothed upon with eternal lives. In the resurrection none will have a more glorified body ; therefore I say unto you, be thou blessed with the spirit of your exaltation, for thou art fully ripe and prepared to enter into thy rest. Now I seal these blessings upon you, ratifying your former blessings that have been placed upon your head ; therefore, be comforted in these sayings for they are true and faithful, and will be fully realized by you, when you gaze upon the labors 228 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF of your past life in your numerous posterity which shall continue to be upon you and yours throughout the endless ages of eternity. I seal these blessings upon you as a patriarch, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. PATRIARCHAL BLESSING Given by Samuel Claridge, upon the head of Christopher Layton, at Thatcher, Graham County, Arizona. Brother Christopher Layton, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I lay my hands upon your head and bestow upon you a father's blessing, which shall be given according to the patriarchal order, that was given to our father Abraham; and Brother Christopher Layton, by virtue of the authority and power that is given me to bless, I bless you and you shall be blessed. God, our heavenly Father, has accepted of your labors and there is a greater reward awaiting you and the glory and power thereof is greater than I can de- scribe. You have been preserved from your in- fancy from dangers and death in order that you may accomplish a great work upon this earth. The angels of God have shielded you and watched over you in times of danger, and CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 229 your life has been preserved up to this pres- ent time for a wise purpose in your heavenly Father, and this seeming affliction that you have passed through, and are still passing through, shall be sanctified to your good and redound to your glory, and you shall yet say, "How kind and merciful my Father in heaven has dealt with me." It will not be long before your spirit will pass by on the other side, and there you will meet your wives and children, your father and mother, the Prophets and Apostles who have died, and they will honor you and respect you and you shall have a glorious time, and these light afflictions shall be but a bubble compared to the glory and happiness that await you there. You are a child of Abraham, through the loins of Joseph, and all the blessings that were promised upon him that was sold into Egypt shall be yours: your children shall be great and mighty in the priesthood and none shall excel them in all Israel : they shall become a power in Israel for the building up of Zion. You shall see Zion redeemed, you shall come in the clouds of heaven with Christ, our Redeemer, and all his holy angels. You shall enter into that glorious temple that shall be reared in Jackson county, and there you shall meet your children's chil- dren, who will be upon the earth and your ancestors that have lived for generations past 230 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF shall reap the benefit of your visits to that holy temple. I now say, God bless you and may the an- gels of peace watch over you and bear you up in their arms, that peace may be upon you from this time, henceforth and forever. All these blessings I seal upon you and you shall realize the fulfillment of them all, which I promise in the name of Jesus. Amen. On the morning of Jan. 29, 1898, before going to conference Apostles John Henry Smith and John W. Taylor, accompanied by Andrew Kimball, called at our house. My wife Lizzie was present, and we sent for my sons Charles M. and Richard ; also my daugh- ters Eliza and Selina. They all knelt around my bed, John Henry Smith leading in prayer. Then he blessed me, which filled my soul with peace and joy; after which he ordained me a Patriarch, and I bestowed the mantle of my office upon the shoulders of Andrew Kimball. In the spring my oldest daughter, Elizabeth Galbraith, having heard of my sickness, came from Mexico and stayed with us for about a month. In some respects it was a sorrowful CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 231 visit, for her husband had recently passed to the "other side of the vail," and we both felt that it was our last visit together on this earth. While she was here my youngest child, Wil- muth, and she had their picture taken together. Libby was fifty-four years old, while Wilmuth was only two years. On my seventy-seventh birthday, March 8, although not able to arise, I had the pleasure of welcoming to our house all of my children who live in Arizona, their wives and husbands, President Andrew Kimball, Patriarch P. C. Merrill and wife, Brother E. M. Curtis and wife, and Dr. Karl G. Maeser. We sang, "We thank Thee, O God, for a prophet;" then my son-in-law Joseph G. Allred offered a prayer, followed by some remarks by President Kim- ball ; who seemed to be moved by the Spirit as he talked to us of the necessity of having a family organization, and said he would like to see one in this family, which idea was well received by all present. Then Charles talked to us, followed by Brother Merrill, his wife, Cyrena, my wife Lizzie, my daughters Selina and Eliza, all of which was very consoling, 232 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF and we all felt the good influence of the Spirit of the Lord with us. President Kimball sug- gested that a committee of the family be ap- pointed to look up my genealogy and write a history of my life. We elected my daughter Selina Phillips as the secretary for this work, with Charles and Richard to assist her. Sister Sylvia L. Ses- sions was chosen and engaged for the scribe. We also chose a committee to assist us in this work who live in Kaysville, Utah, namely: Christopher Layton, Jun., Mary Ann Swan and Annie B. Jones. Patriarch Merrill also offered to assist us in every way that he could. I then gave my children a family blessing and admonished them to remain true to the Gospel of Christ; never to consider their call- ing a task, but to regard it as a pleasure; to always honor whatever office they were called upon to fill and to never obligate themselves farther than they could see their way clear. Brother Kimball said he should be pleased to consider himself a member of this family and would take pleasure in doing anything in his CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 233 power to assist us in this work. After singing, Brother Merrill pronounced a benediction. As I was now much wearied, the company all departed and with a prayer in my heart for them and my other families in Utah I com- posed myself to rest. I often wondered why it was that I must suffer so long and intensely, but Dr. Maeser said "it was that I might learn the lesson of patience. " I think he was right. In May my wife Caroline came from Utah to visit us and stayed about six weeks. In June I made up my mind to pass my last days with my family and friends in Utah, and consult physicians in Salt Lake City about the advisability of undergoing an operation for my complaint. I will leave here in a few days. One thought which is a great comfort to me is that not one of my children ever apostatized. I now ask God's blessings upon all who shall read this history of my life ; may they be faithful to do the will and work of our heavenly Father ; that they may have peace, joy and happiness, an increase of wisdom, knowledge and the power 234 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF of God ; outside of this there are no promised blessings. May they help each other to be bet- ter and happier; cultivate and preserve an en- lightened conscience and follow the Holy Spirit ; hold fast to what is good, endure to the end and great shall be your reward for your trials and heart-yearnings and tears ; yea, our God will give you a crown of unfading glory through the countless ages of eternities. [With the above impressive prayer and testimony closes the autobiography of Chris- topher Layton — that is, the personal sketch of his life as dictated by, or read to and approved by him. The brief story of his final return to his old home at Kaysville, and his death, to- gether with the full proceedings of his funeral, and the loving tribute headed "Personal Char- acteristics/' which constitute the following chapter, was prepared by the committees rep- resenting the family, referred to on page 234 and in the Introduction to this little volume. J. Q. C] CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 235 CHAPTER XV. THE END IN MORTALITY. The Last Journey — Undergoes operation — Death on Aug. 7, 1898 — Impressive Funeral — Personal characteristics. ON June 13, 1898, our father, Christopher Layton, left for Utah. He had been sick for over a year and a half, and at many times we had thought he could not live longer, but in answer to prayers and administrations by the Priesthood, his wonderful vitality again as- serted itself. Several days before his departure, we had telegraphed for a through parlor car, and re- ceived reply that the railroad company would take him to Kaysville, Utah, without change of cars or delay. His wife Lizzie, and our broth- ers Charles and Richard accompanied him to Bowie, where the parlor car was to meet him. He bore the trip with fortitude but grew slightly impatient while waiting at Bowie, for 236 THE LAST JOURNEY. he feared his strength would fail before he could reach his journey's end. When every arrangement for his comfort was completed and the train left for California, Richard sadly returned to Thatcher, feeling that he had part- ed from our father for the last time on earth. The trip was very comfortable, and he rested as easily as if at home. On arriving at Oak- land, Cal., they were informed that they must change cars. Father walked the length of the long train and into the depot, where they were obliged to remain a half hour, then walk again quite a distance to the other car; and when they were again on the train, he was completely exhausted and for a while it seemed as if he could not possibly survive to reach his destination; but at last his system responded to the restoratives used and again he rested comfortably. He had no appetite for anything, nothing seemed to tempt him to eat, until from the dining car were procured some fresh green peas, which he really enjoyed. On arriving at Ogden, Utah, he was met by his sons and daughters and Apostle Richards, who took charge of him, while they again CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 237 changed cars. He now appeared to be much better ancl was able to converse pleasantly all the rest of the trip. They arrived in Kaysville on Friday, June 17, and many relatives and friends called to welcome him back home. As soon as he was somewhat rested from the journey he began to suffer severe pain at in- tervals until, about the first of July, it was deemed best to have a surgical operation per- formed. Drs. Richards and Wilcox were the operating physicians and father bore the ordeal well, though from having taken so much mor- phine and chloroform, he was unconscious from 5 o'clock in the afternoon until the next morning at 2 o'clock, when he rallied and im- proved beyond the expectations of his doctors and friends. He was never able to move around the house, although, at times, in fatherly so- licitude, he gave kind counsel and admonitions to his wives, children and friends. Rather unexpectedly, on Sunday, August 7, he appeared to be failing. Members of the family were immediately notified and, sur- rounded by his families, honored and beloved 238 FUNERAL SERVICES. by them all, he peacefully fell asleep and his spirit was with God. The relatives from Arizona arrived at Kays- viHe on Friday and the funeral was held in the meeting house on Saturday, Aug. 13, at 2 o'clock p. m. The bishop of the ward, Peter Barton, showed him honor by purchasing beautiful mourning decorations for the house, which was filled with a sympathizing assemblage. The proceedings at the funeral services here follow in full: FUNERAL. "Hark! from afar the funeral knell Moves on the breeze, its echoes swell!" PRAYER BY STAKE PRESIDENT JOHN W. HESS. Our Father who art in heaven, we have met here together today on this solemn occasion to pay unto one of thy faithful servants our re- spect and the. gratitude that we feel towards Thee, our Father. We realize, our Heavenly Father, that it is in Thy providence that we should come into this world and take upon us a CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 239 body, and to lay a foundation for our future existence ; and that it is also in thy providence that we should lay down these tabernacles that we have taken upon us when the time comes, until the time of the resurrection. These are fixed providences which we fully understand. And Father, inasmuch as we have come to- gether here today to show our respect and our honor to this thy servant that has been called away from us, we have come, Father, feeling that it is also in thy providence that we have the privilege of doing so under these favorable circumstances; because we do know that thy people have fallen by the way; they have been left upon the plain; they have been left under various circumstances which were not as favorable as those which confront us this day. We thank thee, O our God, that thou hast been thus mindful of us, that thou hast in thy providence watched over us, and that thy care has been over us, that we have been pre- served, and that many of us still live arid still have a fixed desire in our hearts to serve thee, and to fill up our days in helping to build up thy kingdom, as this thy servant President Layton has done. O God, our Father, we feel in our hearts that thy servant has been one of thy chosen servants, and that he has performed a great and mighty work, and that he has been faithful even unto the end; and that he has 240 FUNERAL SERVICES. laid down his tabernacle with his spirit filled with the testimony of the Lord Jesus. Father, we thank thee for this blessing, that this thy servant has thus been faithful, and pray that we may be enabled to emulate his example in our lives, and labor faithfully as he has done ; and when our time shall come, that it may be said that we have been faithful to the last. Father, we do not feel that there is any occasion here today to mourn, or to feel a regret that thy providence has removed from us this thy ser- vant; but Father, we feel to thank thee, we feel to thank and to bless thy holy name, that thy servant has thus been faithful, and that he has laid a foundation that will never be thrown down. Father, wilt thou bless his pos- terity, his numerous posterity of sons and daughters and wives ; may their hearts be com- forted this day, our Father, and may they, in- stead of mourning, feel to rejoice in their hearts that they are representing so noble a character, so faithful a husband and father; that they may rejoice in thy goodness to him, for the care and protection that has been over him, that he has lived to a good age ; and that they may emulate all his good examples, and that they also at the proper time may rejoice in heaven, faithful to the end. Father, bless us here this day; may the solemnity of this occa- sion rest upon each one of us, and may our CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 241 hearts be open to the words of truth that we may hear from thy servants. Father, we also thank thee for the privilege of having with us one of the Presidents of thy Church, even Pres- ident Smith and Apostle Smith also, and Pres- ident Seymour B. Young ; that we are so high- ly favored, that we are honored with their presence. And we pray that thou wilt bless them, and inspire them with the feeling that they may talk those things to us that shall be for our good ; that we may be strengthened and have power to go forth and do good in the earth. We dedicate ourselves, together with the labors and services of this afternoon, and all that pertains unto us, and pray that thy care and protection and peace may be over us continually ; which we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen. "Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee," by the choir. REMARKS BY PRESIDENT JOSEPH F. SMITH. Contrary somewhat to my usual custom, and not altogether in accordance with my nat- ural desire, I rise to speak to you as the Lord may give me utterance, at the beginning of this meeting. I would very much prefer to listen and to keep my seat, than to occupy this posi- 17 242 FUNERAL SERVICES. tion myself, for I could satisfy my mind and my spirit better, I think, so far as I am person- ally concerned, in reflection and in listening to the thoughts expressed by others, than it will be possible for me to do in attempting to speak to you. I do not feel that there should be here present a spirit of mourning or of lamentation ; and we have not met together under such an influence or with such a spirit hovering over us. On the contrary we have met together to rejoice as well as to mourn ; and we feel grate- ful and thankful to the Lord our God, as well as to feel, or to sense the feeling of depriva- tion, of loneliness and of sadness which comes to us by reason of the departure from us of one who has been for so many, many years so fa- miliar to us, and of one upon whom so many have looked with dependence for guidance and for counsel and for support. We have on this occasion before us the re- mains of a very notable man, a man of strong individuality, and of great physical and mental power and magnetism ; a man who was fitted and qualified by nature to be a leader among men, and a power in the midst of his fellow creatures. He, Brother Christopher Layton, was no common man ; he was no ordinary in- dividual; he was a rare man. He was one among a thousand. Although lacking in edu- cation, in. the esteem as it is reckoned by the CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 243 world, yet mentally and intellectually he was capacitated to cope with the most learned in relation to the management of the material af- fairs of life ; and there were few men really his equal in relation to the management of tem- poral affairs. He was a vigorous, energetic, clear-minded, conscientious man, and a man whose natural qualifications fitted him for many responsible public duties and positions in the midst of the Saints and in the midst of the people wherever he has dwelt. My recollection goes back to a very early day, when Bishop Layton, as we used to call him familiarly, was the bishop of this ward. In those early days Kaysville was not what it is today. I remem- ber it at that time, or in those days, as almost a barren waste; one of the most forbidding, uninviting regions that could be found in all this vast barren valley; when Bishop Layton was the bishop here. That is in the beginning of his bishopric; although at that time this region of country began to look up and become prosperous. Before that I believe Bishop Al- len Taylor was bishop. I have passed through here when it was impossible to find a spear of hay or anything better than wheat chaff or oat straw with which to feed a team. But under the bishopric of our beloved brother whose re- mains now lie before us, a change came over the face of this land, and it began to be pros- 244 FUNERAL SERVICES. perous, and the people began to be prosperous in it ; for the Lord blessed the earth here, and by the aid of lucerne, which seemed to be so naturally adapted to the climate here, every- thing seemed to take a start in the upward direction. After serving for many years as bishop, he was chosen as a counselor in the presidency of this stake of Zion when this stake was organized. And he remained counselor in the presidency of the stake until circumstances arose which made it necessary for his personal safety, not because of any crime or misde- meanor in the eye of God or of any righteous man, but personal safety, made it necessary for him to seek a home in another part of our land. And in the course of time he became the president of the Saint Joseph stake of Zion in Arizona; and remained the president of that stake, prosperously guiding and directing the energies of the people in that region of country until his health failed him and he was stricken with weakness, until it was impossible for him to attend to the duties of his calling. And un- der these circumstances it was deemed wisdom to release him from the arduous duties as pres- ident of the Saint Joseph stake and ordain him a patriarch, and place a younger man in the position of president of that stake of Zion. And soon after this, his health failing, he re- turned here to Kaysville, to his former home CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 245 and to the scenes of his former activity and to the associations of his former days, to end his mortal life among his old friends and in the midst of his family. Brother Layton had reached an advanced age, not as old as he might have been, possibly, if he had been more cautious and careful of his health, and had not been so inured to hard- ships and to activity and to toil and labor ; for it is a fact that while a certain amount of ener- gy and of activity is productive of health and the prolongation of life, yet when the mental and the physical powers are overtaxed by too arduous labor and too great a strain, both the mind and the body must yield to the undue pressure upon it, and under such circumstances life is often cut short. I believe that President Layton, or Patriarch Layton, with his natural energy and vital force, if he had been more cautious or careful of his health all through, might have lived to a very great age. But he has worn out in the service of the Lord, and in the service of the people of God, and in the service of his family. He has not rusted out. He has not fallen to pieces by disuse or any- thing of this kind, for he was always energetic ; he was always active ; he was always persever- ing; and he was always pushing and forging ahead for something that would be of vast im- portance to mankind ; so that nothing too good 246 FUNERAL SERVICES. can be said of our beloved brother and friend, Bishop Layton. I have but one regret in my heart, and that is that I did not lay aside my duties and my cares and responsibilities that continue to press upon me, during his last ill- ness to come here and see him ; make him a vis- it and renew our association; for I have la- bored with him in times past. Some of you will remember that in the presidency of Brig- ham Young, I myself acted as the president of this stake of Zion, although it was not at that time organized into a stake. But I was appoint- ed by President Young to labor here as the pre- siding officer over Davis county. President Lay- ton was one of my right hand men, one of my active advisers and helpers, and I learned to appreciate his work and his ability as a man almost endowed with real genius in many re- spects. And I was acquainted with him in the days of his bishopric, and in the days of my presidency here, and also in the days of his as- sociations with President Smith and President Hess here; and I have been acquainted with him ever since his appointment to the presi- dency of the stake of Zion. And all through I have been pleased and gratified with my ac- quaintance with so noble and so faithful and so energetic a man. Now my brothers and sisters, it matters not in relation to these things, about our tempor- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 247 alities. I might spend all the moments that were allotted to me here in eulogies of Brother ,Layton, but it would amount to but little after all. Some of you knew him more than I did, and I am thankful for it, and I feel to say God bless the family of Brother Christopher Layton. He has done a great work in the earth, and I tell you that he has made his calling and elec- tion about as sure as almost any man I think that ever lived in the flesh, so far as that is concerned. I want to read a few words. The Lord says : "Behold! mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a house of con- fusion. "Will I accept of an offering, saith the Lord, that is 1 not made in my name? "Or, will I receive at your hands that which I have not appointed? "And will I appoint unto you, saith the Lord, except it be by law, even as I and my Father ordained unto you, before the world was? "I am the Lord thy God, and I give unto you this commandment, that no man shall come unto the Father but by me, or by my word, which is my law, saith the Lord ; "And everything that is in the world, wheth- er it be ordained by me, by thrones, or prin- 248 FUNERAL SERVICES. cipalities, or powers, or things of name, what- soever they may be, that are not by me or by my word, saith the Lord, shall be thrown down, and shall not remain after men are dead, neither in nor after the resurrection, saith the Lord your God ; "For whatsoever things remain, are by me; and whatsoever things are not by me, shall be shaken and destroyed." Now, there is a principle involved in this, and it is a principle of vast consequence to the children of men, and it is a principle that in- volves the relation that exists today between him who was Bishop Layton, or President Lay- ton, and this vast concourse of people that I see before me here, which constitute his wives and his children and his children's children to the second or third generation. I want to as- sure this family and also this vast congrega- tion that those who are associated with Broth- er Layton have become associated unto him and with him, by the law of God, and by the power of the Almighty; and therefore they will remain in and after the resurrection from the dead, and there is no power on earth, nor in the heavens, nor beneath the heavens that can ever disrupt or destroy the relationships that have been formed under and in connec- tion with the power of God, and the law of CHRISTOPHER LAYTONl 249 God, between Brother Layton and his family, except the power of sin, and that sin on the part of the individuals themselves. We have every reason to believe that Brother Layton himself has been true to his convictions, has been faithful to the light that he possessed, and to the intelligence that he possessed, and the power that he possessed to cope with the affairs of the world that were arrayed against him ; and that he has been faithful to the last ; and that he has fought the good fight ; that he has kept the faith; that henceforth there is laid up for him a crown of everlasting life, and no man can take it from him. Now I want to say to the family and the children and wives of Brother Layton, that the relationships that have been formed between you and this man, are not relationships that were destined to last until death should part you and then cease, but they were relationships that were intended to exist throughout the countless ages of eter- nity, because they were by God created, formed, and entered into and confirmed, and therefore they are eternal in their nature. The house of God is a house of order. Let me read a little more in relation to the cove- nant of marriage. A distinguishing feature more than another of his character was that he was a married man, and he was married by the law of God. 250 FUNERAL SERVICES. "Therefore, if a man marry him a wife in the world, and he marry her not by me, nor by my word ; and he covenant with her so long as he is in the world, and she with him, their covenant and marriage are not of force when they are dead, and when they are out of the world; therefore, they are not bound by any law when they are out of the world ; "Therefore, when they are out of the world, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage ; but are appointed angels in heaven, which an- gels are ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory ; "For these angels did not abide my law, therefore they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity, and from henceforth are not Gods, but are angels of God, forever and ever." Then the Lord goes on to say, if a man marry a wife by him 'and by his law, then that covenant is accepted of the Lord, and it is an eternal covenant, and they go on to increase and continue in life and in death and in the res- urrection from the dead, and throughout the countless ages of eternity; and then, says the Lord: "Then shall they be Gods, because they have CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 251 no end ; therefore shall they be from everlast- ing to everlasting, because they continue ; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject to them; then shall they be Gods, be- cause they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them. "Verily, verily I say unto you, except ye abide in my law, ye cannot attain to this glory ; "For strait is the gate, and narrow the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continua- tion of the lives, and few there be that find it, because ye receive me not in the world, neither do ye know me. "But if ye receive me in the world, then shall ye know me, and shall receive your exaltation, that where I am, ye shall be also. "This is eternal life, to know the only wise and true God, and Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent. I am he. Receive ye, therefore, my law." I want to say to you that Brother Lay ton has received this law ; Brother Layton has en- tered into this law. These women that I see before me, that are sealed to him for time and eternity, entered into that covenant by that law, and they are sealed for time and for all eternity ; and they shall not be angels who shall be ministers unto those who are worthy of a far more exceeding and eternal weight of 252 FUNERAL SERVICES. glory ; they shall be queens and priestesses un- to God, and shall reign in the heavens and in their kingdoms. This is what I wanted to say to this congregation and to his family, and to all who have by the law of God entered into the new and everlasting covenants. My brethren and sisters, it was a duty that brought me here. I felt that I wanted to come to pay my last tribute of respect to my depart- ed brother. There are others who can speak of his qualifications and of his faithfulness, but my time is short. I came that I might speak a word of comfort to this family ; if by any word of mine they could be comforted, made to feel a spirit of happiness and hope, a spirit of for- giveness one towards another, of forgiveness for everything that they have felt was wrong in their lives or in the lives of those with whom they have been associated. If they will for- give one another, and will be worthy of the covenants that they have made, they will reap the reward and they will not be deprived of any blessing that has been promised unto them, nor shall any promise fail that has ever been made to them. His sons shall be blest; his daugh- ters shall be blest ; and every child shall be blest in this land that is given unto you. Possess this land and inherit it, and inherit your fath- er's faithfulness to the cause of Zion. Your fath- er has lived and died true to the gospel ; and CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 253 he has lived to set an example of integrity to the cause of Zion. So let me admonish the children of Brother Layton to be true to their covenants and never depart from the right way. My brethren and sisters, the sons and daugh- ters of Brother Layton, I ask you as a friend and brother, and I ask you in the name of the Lord, as a minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, that you will be true to your father, true to your integrity as he has been true to the integrity of the cause of Zion. As he has gone out of the world sure of eternal life and exaltation, so will you each of you in your time follow your father, as sure of exal- tation as he is sure of exaltation. Brethren, I would like to spend an hour or so talking with you. I would like to read from the Scriptures the thoughts that are passing through my mind, but my time will not permit. I have another engagement in Salt Lake City a little after four o'clock, and after I shall close my remarks I shall take the liberty of departing from the meeting, leaving the brethren to continue the services. God bless the family, and God bless all that pertains to the children of President Layton ; lead them on triumphantly until they shall gain the exaltation that he has gained; where they shall not be angels to minister unto those that are more worthy, but they shall be kings and queens and have everlasting life and 254 FUNERAL SERVICES. eternal increase, which is the gift of God. May the Lord bless you, is my prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen. REMARKS BY SEYMOUR B. YOUNG. President Christopher Layton received many years ago, in the eventful history of his life, a change of heart, and it imprinted itself upon him as a new life, and he became as were the people on the day of Pentecost, a convert to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ ; and he ex- claimed as Ruth exclaimed: "do not persuade me from following after them." He said to the people of the Lord, "whither thou goest I will go, and whither thou diest there I will die also, for thy people shall be my people hence- forth ;" and this was characteristic of the life of Christopher Layton. I believe that he was a friend of mine, and I am proud to say that I was a very true friend to him so far as I knew how to be. And I say God bless his memory ; and I testify that the words spoken by Presi- dent Joseph F. Smith are true, and they do truly represent the life and character of Pres- ident Christopher Layton. And I will repeat the words of Whittier, who said : "He has done the work of a true man ; crown him, bless him, honor him, and love his name forever. " God bless the family of Christopher Layton. God bless you all, my brethren and sisters, and may CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 255 you seek to exemplify the noble lives that are set before you as leaders, in all your life to come, following the good example of these great men that live and die in our midst. And we have the full testimony that has been read to us today, and that testimony is in every heart, that the Lord has said, seeing the good works of his faithful servant, "go up higher." May this be the lot of every one of us, to walk faithfully before the Lord, keeping his commandments and magnifying the callings he has placed upon us, doing our whole duty as faithful ser- vants and handmaidens ; with the hope that at the end of our days, it may be truthfully said also of us : "he has fought the good fight, he has kept the faith, henceforth there is a crown of glory laid up for him." May this be the well done and happy termination of all of our lives ; that we may receive those welcome plaudits, "well done, thou good and faithful servants and handmaidens, enter into the joy of thy Lord." This is the condition I testify today of Chris- topher Layton. His faithful life has gained this happy result for him. May we also be faithful, is my prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. REMARKS BY APOSTLE JOHN HENRY SMITH. My brethren and sisters, I am happy in the privilege of attending these services and of 256 FUNERAL SERVICES. adding my tribute of respect to President Lay- ton; as it has fallen to my lot probably more than to any of the associates in my immediate council, to have companionship with President Lay ton. For the past ten or twelve years, al- most yearly, and sometimes twice a year, I have made the tour of the southern stakes of the Church. And through this means have been thrown more or less intimately with Pres- ident Layton in his field of labor. A year ago last March I was in that part of the country and discovered that he was in a very critical condition physically. Upon mv return to Utah, I told the Presidency that it seemed to me that it would be a measure of propriety in the in- terests of the preservation of his health, that the cares and the labors that were upon him he should be relieved of. They felt, how- ever, that there was no necessity particular- ly for change under the circumstances, al- though President Layton had said to me in parting with him, that he felt that he was car- rying about all that was possible for him to do, and he would regard it in the light of re- lief to be freed from his responsibilities. It was my privilege again, during the earlier months of the present year, upon his solicita- tion and in company with others of the breth- ren, to make the changes that led to his release from that presidency. And it is always a deli- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 257 cate place to be put in, no matter what the con- dition of our health or the circumstances sur- rounding" us are, to relieve men who have been strong, determined and capable in the perform- ance of every duty in their lives to the best of their ability. But I believe that his family that were with him in that part of the country will bear us out in this, that in the performance of this duty, we received his blessing and his approval and most kindly feeling in the labor that we had there to perform. And in speak- ing in the conference where the changes were made, I almost felt in paying a brief tribute to his labors and ministry, that it was like pos- sibly the preaching of his funeral sermon ; for it did not seem to me that it was possible that he could last any great length of time; al- though his great or his splendid constitution seemed to be struggling against the encroach- ments of disease; and with his heroic courage and determination to bear up to the last min- ute, no one can tell the possibilities of a man of his type. I desire to endorse with all my heart, the remarks that have been made by my breth- ren who have preceded me on this occasion. And I think he himself, in possibly the last conversation but one that I ever held with him previous to our separation in Arizona last spring, paid as high a tribute to his own fam- ily as any one of us could possibly pay, es- 18 258 FUNERAL SERVICES. pecially so it is the case in regard to his chil- dren. I think several times, however, in my meeting with him, he has made the remark ; "I am the father [if I remember the number cor- rectly] of over fifty living children, and I have neither boy or girl that would ever allow me to hitch up or unhitch a horse if they were about the home." I thought in his remark made in regard to this numerous family, it was a tribute probably that few men could pay to their chil- dren, even where they had but a limited family of one, two, three, four or five children, and possibly more; and that it spoke volumes for his leadership, the force of his character, and the influence and power that he exercised in the control and government of his family. I have been led to think as I was sitting here upon my seat and listening to the remarks that have been made, what family in this district has been better housed and better fed, that have been kept more industriously at work, than has the family of Brother Layton? Is there any man in the district standing abso- lutely alone, without wife or child, that has fared better than he has fared, than his family has fared? Or any man with a wife and no children, or with a wife and half a dozen chil- dren, that has done his part in a more master- ful manner, in providing for the wants and needs, and utilizing the powers and forces that CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 259 he possessed in directing the improvements and labors of his house, in the accomplishment of their temporal good ? And I believe that the same impress of forcefulness manifested in the industry of his household, he has also es- tablished and fixed in their spiritual needs. Not that it can be anticipated, nor should be, that there shall not be members of a house of this magnitude that shall not be possessed of faults, that shall not make some mistakes and have some of the weaknesses of human nature. We could not anticipate this. President Layton was possessed of his faults and weaknesses. He made his mistakes. It has fallen to my lot in my companionship with him, to adjust troubles between him and his brethren, and to correct him ; and I have noted in connection with this delicate species of labor, that he has never failed so far as he was concerned, to -ex- hibit that degree of humility that was in him; and I have had greater love and respect and regard for his devotion to the cause which he had entered in his early life. I was talking last evening with a young man, a former resi- dent of your county, and remarking to him that among the remarkable men of our time was Christopher Layton; and that among the most remarkable body of men that had ever been brought together in this world, were the men who established themselves in these valleys in 260 FUNERAL SERVICES. the early day. Standing upon the corner of one of the blocks of Salt Lake City, I enumer- ated to this young man and pointed to the homes of men who had been residents in a cer- tain section of Salt Lake City, to the place they had taken among their fellow men, and to the characteristics and strength of the body of men whom the Almighty had selected for the ac- complishment and establishment of his work. We talk about education. The world you know are making every effort that it is possible for them to make in the line of what they call the higher education ; that the school may be utilized for the benefit of the human race in every possible form, and they are schooling them scientifically. It takes a scientific man to be a captain of one of our steamships. It takes a scientific man to be a master mechanic on board one of those boats. It takes a man schooled and trained in the accomplishment of those purposes looking to the naval interests of our country, to our military interests, to our civil interests, etc. Here was a man edu- cated up to the highest possible standard, not in the scholastic training, or in the training of the schools ; but in that practical common sense, that ability and force and power that from the elements right around him he has wrung a fortune, been enabled to provide for an im- mense household, pointing the way by which CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 261 from the sordid elements the blessings of life could be wrung; all through that master edu- cation, the great common sense which the Al- mighty gave him. He has been a blessing to hundreds and thousands of his fellow men. Thousands of men and women among the Lat- ter-day Saints who have come in contact with him, and been under his advice and compan- ionship, must say if they tell the truth of him, "he was a blessing to me, he was a blessing to my home, he pointed the way in some measure to the success that has attended my life.^ While he possessed characteristics that I was not pleased with, his native individuality and strength and power and skill with which God had endowed him, made him a tower of strength and blessing to hundreds and thou- sands of his fellow men. I am not here to bestow eulogies upon Brother Layton. You knew him, you knew his characteristics. You knew the forcefulness of his nature and the faith with which God had endowed him. You knew the determination that was in him that said "there shall be no drone in the hive of our God." If there was necessity of labor or strength or power, he possessed it, and he has utilized it with the ability which his Maker has given him for the blessing of his fellow men. Under what circumstances he may have been placed, he has never betrayed 262 FUNERAL SERVICES. a friend; he has never betrayed the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ ; he has never betrayed his Redeemer ; he has never betrayed his Maker or the principles of truth so far as he had light and knowledge and understanding to guide and govern his life. If he has made any mis- takes, they have been mistakes of the head and not of the heart. I found fault with him upon one occasion because of his devotion and friendship to men that I thought were bad men, and he regarded me as extremely harsh in the judgment that I passed in regard to those men. Two years later, in meeting him, he came to me and confessed that the position that I had assumed in regard to the matter was correct, and that his friendship had warped his judgment in connection with this matter, and that he had been placed in a position that was unfortunate from that friendship. It is not for me to say here that he was without fault. It is not for me to say here that there is any man or woman or child without fault, and to heap encomiums without wisdom or judg- ment upon the heroic men who laid the foun- dation of this commonwealth and whose hearts were in tune with liberty, and with the de- termination fixed and established among them, that every man, woman and child who accepted a belief in the supreme Being, who desired to do his bidding, should be blest by their coun- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 263 sels and their efforts. This was the case with this man who established himself here. He returned to the southern land as one of the saviors of the Latter-day Saints, carrying the standard of our nation, and being one of the means that led to the preservation of the Lat- ter-day Saints in the midst of many of their trials. We could point to his heroic acts, and of his associates, who offered themselves that the interests of our government might be ex- tended. And returning to these fields, util- ized his means in the purchase of large tracts of country, placing it in the reach of others ; devoting himself with the energy that should have been found in a young man of twenty years. Almost to the day of his death was he planning and scheming that the borders of Zion might be extended, and that the men and women who had come under his watch-care, should be put upon the soil, that they might have blessings such as the possession of homes could give. My brothers and sisters, as I look over the past, and as I note the changes that are being daily wrought in the passing of that heroic band who built up that civilization that we possess, while a tear of regret at separation may pass down my cheek as I note one by one passing behind the scenes, I rejoice in the fact that I have known them. I feel that I am a better man for having known Christopher Lay- 264 FUNERAL SERVICES. ton; for having seen the liberality of his soul and the products of that wisdom that God gave him and the use he made of his powers. And I might go on and point out hundreds and thousands of them ; for I bow my head in rev- erence to them all. Each one was a hero, no matter where they had been placed. They had their selfish make up; they had their peculiar characteristics ; for every one of them was dis- tinct. This man was unlike every other man I ever met. He was himself, Christopher Layton, guided by a belief in God, and with a determin- ation by the help of the Almighty, to extend the borders of Zion, conquering the desert and bringing to man's dominion those elements that tend to his happiness and peace, and are a bless- ing to all who desire homes and a place among the people of God. Sitting around me are men who have drunk from the bubbling foun- tain of truth with him, who knew his worth, who have plighted their faith with him, pledged their lives to him, and for whom he has pledged his life in the accomplishment of spreading the truth of the gospel. His talents, his means, everything that man holds dear, was upon the altar for the accomplishment of the work of God. Not an apostle of the old school from President Young down to myself, at least, but what has received of his hospitality, been cared for in his homes, hauled in his wagons, drank CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 265 from his wells, slept in his beds, and received from his hand if need be the means with which to pay our way over the railroads, or to be carried hundreds and thousands of miles possibly under the watchcare and protection of his sons or the men in his employ. Not one of them but when they come to his bier may come from reverence, for in his death one of the tru- est, one of the most stalwart, one of the most fearless, most sterling of men has surrendered his spirit to his Maker, and has gone to the re- ward of the just. A man who followed the laws of God and fulfilled the purpose of his be- ing to the best of his ability with which his Maker had endowed him. This is my tribute. Peace to his ashes. May his sons and daugh- ters prove of the same worth and honor such as was in him. May they bow at his bier and register a vow, both sons and daughters, chil- dren and grandchildren, that that honor main- tained by him shall never be lowered by them ; not one of them shall become a drunkard ; not one a profane man ; not one a thoughtless, im- pure or unwise man or woman ; but with heroic courage say that the standard he has raised so high shall continue to ascend and grow in power as long as time shall be. I regarded President Layton as an honest, truthful, fear- less believer in the principles of the gospel, and as devoted to its advancement as any man with 266 FUNERAL SERVICES. whom I have come in contact in my experi- ence with the work and its development ; and it has been my. privilege to know quite a number of them. But when we come to speak of one of these men, and look over the past, I cast my eye around me, look upon the men sitting by my side, and I see that the reaper is gathering and gleaning from a host of the worthiest men that have ever lived in this world ; and that that gatherer will continue to come and gather ; and I wonder as I look around on their sons and daughters, whether there is one of us who have descended from that stalwart stock, that will lower the standard that they raised in any degree, and whether the sires and the mothers who have borne us shall bow their heads in re- gret that they upheld the principles of the eter- nity of the marriage covenant and the laws of God given for the establishment of righteous- ness in the world, and the gathering in of God's children ; or whether we may bow our heads and shrink from the labor that lies before us. I trust that such shall not be the case. We may be weak; we may lack the capacity that these sires have ; but we can do our duty with the ability that we have. And so far as I am concerned, I have registered my promise with my God, that if he will give me strength, the mother that bore me and went to her rest in my infancy, shall not blush that I am her son ; CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 267 for I honor her that she accepted the marriage covenant and the plurality of wives. I honor her in the presence of God and of men, that she sustained the principle of right. May heav- en's peace and joy abound in the homes of these boys and these girls, of these men and these women, of these mothers who have passed through the fire and trial of experience, and been devoted and true and unyielding, fulfill- ing their mission. May God sustain them with that fortitude, that through the balance of their lives they shall recognize the fact that the Father has honored them in the possession of such a husband ; and I know that he feels that God has honored him in the possession of such wives and such children. The gospel, my brothers and sisters, is true; it will not fail; its promises will be accomplished, and the star of light will spread and increase until all the world shall learn the way; and the righteous shall reign and the evil shall go to condemna- tion. God bless you all, my brothers and sis- ters. May peace abide and abound in your homes. May the heroic spirit continue to struggle as long as breath shall remain in your body; characterize you as it characterized this man whose remains lie here. Not sinking your individuality; not losing 'yourself. For he never sank his individuality. Wherever he was his voice must be heard, giving his views upon 268 FUNERAL SERVICES. any proposition looking to the development in the section in which he lived, or for the accom- plishment of good. My witness is that our Father has gathered another gem, and that he will gather others in brief periods of time, to link with the grand heroes that have gone be- fore, who sustaining the name of Christ in this world, will sustain it in the next world, as gems adorning the crown he shall wear, because they accepted his principles and labored to make them honorable in the world. God bless you. Amen. REMARKS BY STAKE PRESIDENT JOHN W. HESS. I feel as if I wanted to occupy a few mo- ments. There has already been a great deal said, and I testify, so far as my knowledge goes, that it is all true, and not one word that I know of has been spoken amiss. And I suppose that we might go on and keep up this kind of talk until dark, and we would not exhaust the good that might be said. It is true that as a people, when we come to a time that our hearts are filled with charity, our hearts are filled with the spirit of truth, so that we forget all of the lit- tle matters that once perhaps disturbed us more or less. When we forget these little matters and begin to think with a charitable feeling upon one another, there seems to be no exhaust- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 269 ing it. It is not only so in the case of Brother Layton, but it is so with the great majority of this people, as we have already heard. Now I have been acquainted with Brother Layton a great many years, and much has been said of his nobleness of character and the greatness of his intentions and desires. I want to go back. You know I am one of these old residents. I want to go back about fifty years, perhaps more. I want to go back to 1846, and I want to relate a circumstance in which this man par- ticipated, that there has been nothing said about. A circumstance that many of our young people know nothing at all about. A circumstance and a time when the Church, when the Latter-day Saints were on the altar of sacrifice, if you know* what that is. These people have been on the altar of sacrifice a number of times, and the Lord has had his means at those different times to save the peo- ple. I want to relate in short, a circumstance of this kind that took place about the time of our exodus from Nauvoo. We were generally bad, so considered by the world; as a rule it was considered by the world that we were not fit to live, that we ought not to be allowed to live because we were so generally bad, and so corrupt that we were not worthy of a place on the earth. This was about the time that we were driven from Nauvoo. Now the question 270 FUNERAL SERVICES. when we were about to be driven out of the confines of the United States was, what shall be done with these Mormons? We can't have them here; the state of Missouri couldn't en- dure them; they have driven them to Illinois and they have come here. We can't have them, and what are we going to do with them ? Well, we were to be driven somewhere, no one knew where ; into the wilderness ; into the west; none of us knew where. This was a question in Congress. Now I have heard this explained in a different light, and it is simply not true wherein it has been explained in a light that it was a favor; it was a blessing conferred upon our people to allow five hun- dred men to enlist to go to Mexico and to be landed in California or somewhere else where we were to be going; that it was done as a matter of favor. I say it is not true. The devil did not intend such a thing;' did not in- tend to favor us as a people ; it was always the opposite ; and these were the devil's emissaries scheming and planning what to do with the Mormons. Thomas Benton was a congress- man from Missouri. He was figuring in Con- gress, and induced the President to give an exterminating order; instead of allowing the Mormons to go to the west, to be driven among the Indians, to give an exterminating order and kill the people all off. The question was asked CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 271 Benton, "what will you do with the women and children ?" "Kill them all, they are not worthy to live, there shall not one of them be left alive. " In the character of Thomas L. Kane, the Lord moved upon him to take a trip up through the camps of the Saints as they were scattered from Nauvoo to the Bluffs, and see their condition, and if need be to do so, to go and make a report to the President of the con- dition of the people, and of the innocence of the people, and of the loyalty of the people; that they were not disloyal to our government, but that we had been driven from everything that we had, and we were on the road some- where, nobody knew where. He induced the President to take notice of this matter. And during this time the war with Mexico was go- ing on, and the argument came up in Congress. Mr. Kane said: "The people are not disloyal, Mr. President, and to prove to you, give me one more chance. Call upon them for five hun- dred of their men to go to Mexico to fight the battles of the United States, and if they refuse to go, I will cease importuning/' The Presi- dent took up with this offer and the demand was made. Captain Allen to my certain knowl- edge, with five dragoons, came to us, and I know he was the man that was sent out to re- cruit these five hundred men from the Mor- mon camps. I know that because I was there ; 272 FUNERAL SERVICES. and to cut my story short, this call was made upon the Mormon people to turn out five hun- dred of their able-bodied men, the strength, the physical force, the strong arm of the people was called forth, while our people were scat- tered from Nauvoo, from the Mississippi Riv- er to the Council Bluffs; with the people camped along the road, and many of them all the shelter they had was the shade of a tree. Yes, without any support; the fathers were called, the husbands were called, the sons were turned out to make up these five hundred men. What for? To go as a sacrifice. You have many of you read of Abraham offering up his son Isaac upon the altar. Our people at that time, the Latter-day Saints at that time, were as much on the altar of sacrifice as Isaac was in the days of his father. And the call of five hundred men was the means the Lord used at that time as a sacrifice for Israel. And the men were furnished, and the people were saved, and permitted to go on their jour- ney to the Rocky Mountains ; and we are here as we are. I see one man on the stand be- sides myself, and in connection with Chris- topher Layton and others we went as a sacri- fice while Israel was on the altar. I say, my brethren and sisters, that these things are true, and I want to tell them for the advantage of the young people that are here. This was one CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 273 of the efforts the evil one has made from time to time in the history of our people to destroy the people of God, to annihilate and destroy every man that held the priesthood of the Son of God, and every wpman and child, that they might be wiped out. The Lord has used men and women from time to time to save Israel, and this one that I refer to was used to save Israel at that time. If these men had not been furnished, if President Young had said, "no, gentlemen, you have driven us from our homes, you have robbed us of everything, and we have been driven from everything ; and now to come and ask us to turn out our men, the strength of Israel, when we are under such conditions, no, gentlemen, it is too unreasonable, it is so un- just we will not do it." If he had done this, there never would have been a Latter-day Saint in these valleys, because their doom was sealed to wipe this people from the face of the earth. And that was the only means that saved them at that time. This man was one of those who took his life in his hand. As the angel said to Abraham when Abraham had raised the knife, he said, "stay thy hand, Abra- ham, there is a ram in the thicket; sacrifice him." These men were the ram in the thicket, they were the sacrifice to deliver Israel; and this man was one of them. I pray that we may be as full of integrity as we were at that 19 274 FUNERAL SERVICES. time, and as many of us have been since that time, always ready to be sacrificed for the good of others. I ask the Lord to bless his family. I was a great friend of Brother Layton. He had his peculiarities, and some of them I did not like very well. I have peculiarities that some of you do not like very well, but I have them all the same, and I am trying to get rid of them; and I ask you to extend your char- ity towards me, and towards one another, be- cause there is more or less good in all of us ; and with all of our weaknesses, we have no desire, no intention to do wrong. But we have our weaknesses, and if we had more charity toward one another before we are dead, it would be a blessing to us, because we would enjoy it to some extent. May the Lord grant it and bless this people, that they may emulate every good example, and that they may do at least as well as he has done, is my prayer. Amen. REMARKS BY PRESIDENT LORIN FARR, OGDEN. I am pleased to meet with you, and I am pleased to hear the words that have been spok- en today in regard to our beloved friend Broth- er Layton. I have been acquainted with him ever since he came to these valleys. I have known his history; I have known his integ- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 275 rity, dnd that his integrity has been good. I loved him because he was a man that was not afraid to speak his mind. He was not afraid to tell it, and if his mind differed from those over him, he was willing to submit to the ma- jority, but we got his mind. I loved him for that. It is the class of man I am. I love those that are not afraid to speak their minds ; and above all I like their minds to be the mind of God, the will of God, and on the side of right. The Lord God is right. And it has af- forded me a great deal of pleasure in meeting here this afternoon, to witness the good feeling and the good things said in regard to Brother Layton. The last time I saw him in Arizona, I had a very pleasant time with him, stopped all night with him, and found him to be a true friend there, and I always felt blest in his so- ciety, because he was a friend of God, and God was his friend. With all his peculiarities, he was a man of integrity and tried to do right, and he has gone to his rest. He has not gone far. He is not a great ways off. We don't have a great ways to go if we have gone to a good place. President Layton has, and I am thankful that he has gained the hope and that he has got through with his troubles. He has gone to associate with holy and pure beings. I pray the Lord to bless his family and comfort them, that they may follow his good examples 276 FUNERAL SERVICES. and seek to do all the good they can. I ask the Lord to bless you and preserve you in the truth, that you may take that course that you may meet Brother Layton again with joy and pleasure, and meet all the righteous ones that have gone before, is my prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen. REMARKS BY BROTHER RALPH DOUGLASS, OGDEN. I am happy to meet with vou here today. I do not want to occupy the time. I have been acquainted with Brother Layton for fifty-six years, worked with him fifty-six years ago in Illinois, and I have been acquainted with him ever since. And I know that he was a good man ; and I hope we will all work so as to get salvation as he has, and that his family may do the same, and that they may have the credit that he has got. That is my prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen. REMARKS BY BROTHER WILLIAM C. RYDALCH, GRANTSVILLE. My brethren and sisters, I am pleased that I have taken the opportunity to come to pay my respect to my beloved brother and friend, whom I have been acquainted with about forty- five years. And I can bear testimony that the CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 277 words that have been spoken by the brethren are true. Whatever I have known about him has been for good. He was a good neighbor, a true friend, true to the Lord; gave good counsel to his brethren and sisters. I hope and trust that we will all serve our God as faithfully as he has, and ask my Heavenly Father to bless the family, the sons and the daughters, and his wives, and all who are near and dear to him, is my prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen. REMARKS BY BISHOP PETER BARTON. I have been acquainted with Brother Layton and the work that he has been performing, and can bear testimony to the same. And it is a satisfaction to the Latter-day Saints, that we will be rewarded for the good that we have done. None can deprive us or rob us of our reward which is promised unto us if we are faithful. And it should be a stimulus to each and every one to put in practice the good ex- amples of those that have stood the test and that fought the good fight, and have labored so many years in the cause of truth and to estab- lish the kingdom of God here upon the earth. We should try to emulate the good examples and profit by their experience, and if we do so we will grow up to be honored of God, and it 278 FUNERAL SERVICES. will be said of us when we pass away, that we have been faithful and have labored to build up the kingdom upon the earth; and that this may be our part and our privilege is my prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen. "O my Father, Thou that dwellest ;" by the choir. PRAYER BY BROTHER JOHN THORNLEY. O God our Heavenly Father, who dwellest in the light, look down upon us thy children in the multitude of thy tender mercies. Accept the gratitude of our hearts for what our ears have heard this afternoon ; for the goodly por- tion of thy Holy Spirit which has been shed abroad in the hearts of thy children who have come to pay a last tribute to one of thy noble Saints who has gone to dwell with the right- eous. O Lord, do thou bless the remarks that have been made unto us, that they may sink deep into our hearts, that we may profit by the same. Bless this family with the power and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Be with them both by day and by night, and may they prove them- selves worthy of these blessings being poured out upon them as they have been poured out upon their parent and husband. To this end we ask thy blessing to rest upon all in Israel who are scattered throughout the length and CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 279 breadth of the land. Bless this people, O Lord. We ask these mercies with all others that we need in the name of Jesus Christ, our Re- deemer. Amen. After the services father's body was interred in the Kaysville cemetery, where shortly after, his families erected a monument. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS. In stature Christopher Layton was nearly six feet in height. He had a compact and well-knit frame ; walking in an erect and state- ly manner. His features were regular, with a broad forehead and over-hanging eyebrows. He had blue eyes and light hair. His expres- sion was changeable, varying from a smile which revealed a heart full of deep sympathy, love and affection, to a stern, cold look, indi- cating strong will, self-reliance and mastery at rebuke. He was easy and void of affectation, deliberate in speech, conveying his original ideas in apt though homely phraseology. He 280 PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS. was outspoken and plain, never mincing mat- ters with any one, high or low, nor treating the simplest honest member of the Church with less deference than the greatest of all the dis- tinguished men and women with whom he as- sociated. Without the least shadow of vanity we can truly say of him, his integrity was unim- peachable, and he was trustworthy in all the social relations and business transactions of life; and he carefully trained his children to habits of industry, economy and strict moral- ity, and a knowledge of true religion as re- vealed to the prophets of the latter days. He was a good judge of character and had an excellent memory. His mind was as capable of grasping and deciding upon great ques- tions as of directing the smallest details of life's everyday affairs. He was a strong be- liever in the divine mission of Joseph Smith, and a staunch supporter of Brigham Young and his successors. His duties and responsibil- ities were discharged with scrupulous punc- tuality and that inflexibility of purpose which insures success, and from childhood he exhib- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 281 ited that energy and decision of character which marked his progress in life. He not only taught profound doctrine, but also how to beautify tlie home, how to build towns and to redeem the desert. His advice was sought for its wisdom and moderation, while he was loved for his hearty, genial soul and his deep convic- tions of right and justice. When a colony was called to pioneer a new country, he was the man for the place, ready at the appointed hour. His mind was keen and far-reaching while he inherently pos- sessed those attributes which make leaders and counselors. By hardships, trials and toil (which had been his portion) he had been tempered mentally and physically to endur- ance. He had his faults, some of which were grave but not serious, but his defects need no apol- ogies, for his virtues swallowed them up. He left a worthy example of energy, industry, indomitable will, self-sacrificing nobility, fath- erly nature, love of mankind and love of God ; and coming generations will link his name with the noblest characters of earth. 282 THE MAN— Christopher Layton— The Man. MY first acquaintance with Christopher Layton dates from an evening in the sixties, when, in charge of a small train of wag- ons hauling grain from Cache Valley to Salt Lake City on Deseret News account, I as a boy drove into his broad dooryard at Kaysville, and found welcome entertainment for man and beast over night. The patriarchal size and character of his family, his homely, clean-cut conversation with them around the blazing fire- side, his simple yet sincere devotional exer- cises before separating for the night — all made an impression upon me which I have never forgotten. I met him again, as incidentally referred to in the foregoing history, in Arizona during the "crusade days" in 1885. Like many an- other, he was being hunted and hounded, until he scarcely knew which way to turn for safety. T encountered him on one of the flat barren CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 283 deserts of that southern territory, and will not soon forget the pleasure he evinced in meet- ing friends when he had almost suspected and was resolutely prepared to come into clash with enemies. Patience by this time had well- nigh ceased to be a virtue with him and he chafed under the restraints and the seclusion his brethren advised. His cool, calm courage seemed to me so admirable that this meeting also made a deep impression upon me. While this "crusade" was still raging, we met again under somewhat uneasy circumstances — this time on a train between Salt Lake and Ogden — and it was my good fortune tx> assist him in baffling those who thought they at last surely had him in their grasp. Again he displayed the admirable resourcefulness and courage with which I had learned to associate him. I be- lieve he never had a thought of fear; and I, like everybody else with good red blood, al- ways admired a brave man. The work I have bestowed upon the preced- ing Autobiography has but emphasized the im- pressions I received of him in my youth, con- firmed by acquaintance with him in my maturer 284 THE MAN— years. Christopher Layton was one of the great men of this wonderful community of Mormons. In the group of the remarkable ones who were the leaders in the making of the commonwealth, he instinctively took and held his place. Handicapped more than any of his associates by reason of lack of school- education, he nevertheless proved himself no whit their inferior in judgment, wisdom, fore- sight, energy, and the great practical qualities that make for success. In the race, unequal though it might have seemed, he was never left behind; he was in every respect a worthy and respected colleague of the biggest and brain- iest. A natural pioneer and colonizer, he de- veloped with years the rare high attributes of the empire-builder ; and his name will be held in honorable remembrance as long as men shall inhabit the great inter-mountain west. Perhaps no man ever practiced better than he a thorough devotion to the gospel of Work. Tirelessly industrious himself, he felt pity, if he did not feel contempt, for an idle person. His life was one continued scene of active energy, and all who approached him came perforce CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 285 within its influence. His family were taught to work, for he set them the good example; and any neighbor needing help — if he were but industrious — came to him not in vain. The list of those who credit him with giving them their start would be a long one ; of worthy un- fortunate to whom he turned a deaf ear there is not one. Another trait was his intense spirituality. To expect this in a man so essentially practical as he was might seem a contradiction, for the one is usually thought to be the very antithesis of the other. Yet he was spiritual to an em- inent degree. He was finely susceptible to in- fluences which are felt by but few, and the fore- going pages contain many instances where pre- monitions and impressions gave him warning of events about to happen. His faith in his Maker and his confidence in His servants was great and unyielding ; and he desired above all other things that this should also be the case with his posterity. He had abounding love for his family, and his children were reared in a godly atmosphere; in evidence of which it is only necessary to observe that so far as is 286 THE MAN— known at this time, every one of his numer- ous posterity stands in full fellowship in the Church which their father loved and served so well; many of them hold positions of prom- inence and responsibility in it; and all who have married have sought, at whatsoever ex- pense of time, travel and money, to have the ceremony, if not at first performed, at least later confirmed, in sacred places. All through his history, after his children began to grow in years, he speaks fondly of their labors with and assistance to him ; and it was with worthy pride that he was able to say, when in the evening of his days, that not a single son or daughter had ever been disobedient to him. His word in his great household was indeed law ; but it was such because he ruled by love and not by fear, and had won the absolute confidence and affection of all who bore his name. His colonizing labors speak in their results more eloquently of him than any historian's pen could hope to do. His monuments are found in numerous vast garden spots of Arizona, where his energy and example gave him a CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 287 founder's fame ; and notably in that bounteous Utah granary — the northern part of Davis county. He was the first to make commercially successful the now gigantic business of dry- farming of wheat. His Autobiography tells of the sneers and doubts of those who watched his initial experiment ; but it does not tell an inci- dent that is more interesting: how a well- known miller of Salt Lake City went with mis- giving and against his will to look at the Bish- op's ripening crop, returned delighted after contracting for it, and from that 5,000-bushel purchase put forth a brand of flour that gave his mill a reputation which it enjoys to this day. Not less difficult is it to estimate the importance of the consequences attending the introduction of alfalfa, or lucern — an epoch- marking experiment in which he was largely instrumental. No one can calculate the mil- lions of dollars in value which this great for- age plant has secured to the inter-mountain country during the last forty years. As a matter of fact, the West of today without it could not have come to pass. It has solved graver problems, and made habitable more sec- 288 THE MAN— tions, and conferred greater benefits, than any other single element or several of the best of them combined. Before its advent, Utah and its neighboring communities had almost reached the end of their tether, so far as con- cerns the feeding of domestic animals. Chris- topher Layton's importation of seed from Aus- tralia, and its planting in Davis county, her- alded the coming of a new day in western agriculture. Its success was instantaneous, and its beneficent results are limitless. To have been the pioneer in this one great enter- prise alone would be of itself enough to entitle any man to grateful remembrance at the hands of posterity; and yet this is but one of many things that have made secure his place on the list of the community's benefactors. His vivid story of experiences with the Mor- mon-Battalion is made doubly interesting by the fact that nearly four decades later he was the leader in establishing prosperous homes and busy towns at various points along the trail of that immortal march. His recital, too, of incidents connected with the "Carson Valley mission" is a valuable contribution to history, CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 289 since but little has been heretofore recorded concerning that expedition. The effects of the perusal of this little book will be more far-reaching, I believe, than he or his family could have anticipated. He was so essentially a public character that the public are entitled to know more about him than is perhaps generally known. This autobiography lays bare the guiding motives and the impelling forces of his eventful life. While it com- memorates with due modesty some of his achievements and successes, it is not silent on the trials and obstacles he was forced to meet. In its entirety it should constitute not only a joy and a comfort to his family but also an inspiration to all others who shall read it. Jno. O. Cannon. Genealogical Appendix PARENTS OF CHRISTOPHER LAYTON SAMUEL LAYTON, born 1787, in England; died March 21, 1859, at Kaysville, Utah. ISABELLA WHEELER, born , in England; died March, 1850, at Thorncut, Bedfordshire, England. THEIR CHILDREN (All born at Thorncut, Bedfordshire, England) John, born Aug. 7, 1815; died July 3, 1886 in Kaysville, Utah. Had son Abraham, who also came to Utah, ha'd seven children, and died about 20 years ago; also daughter, Mary Ann (m. John Traugott) living in Davis County, Utah. Bathsheba, born ; died , in England. Married — Denton; had one son, Charles, who came to Utah and accompanied his uncle to Arizona. Dead. Amos, born ; died in childhood. Priscilla, born , married to Samuel Martin, and died in St. Louis, U. S. A. in 1851 ; had five children, who all came to Utah, married and are living here still. CHRISTOPHER, born March 8, 1821; died Aug. 7, 1898 at Kaysville, Utah. 292 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. POSTERITY OF CHRISTOPHER LAYTON FIRST FAMILY CHRISTOPHER LAYTON, married July 10, 1842, at Thorncut, England, by Rev. Taddy, MARY, daughter of William MATTHEWS and Elizabeth Roundy, born , England; died Sept. — 1845 at Big Mound, 111. THEIR CHILDREN William, born on Atlantic ocean, Feb. 14, 1843; died March 28, 1843, on Mississippi river, near St. Lo'uis, Mo. Elizabeth, born Aug. 17, 1844, at Nauvoo, 111.; married to William Galbraith, April 11, 1861, at Kaysville, Utah, by Christopher Lay- ton; died, Feb. 13, 1908 at Raymond, Al- berta, Canada. Her Children (All born at Kaysville, Utah) William L., b. Jan. 12, 1862; m. (1) Ann Elizabeth Bodily, Dec. 22, 1886 (d. May 19, 1904) ; (2) Annie Pearl Curtis, Feb. 10, 1909. Mary L., b. Sept. 24, 1864; m. (1) Chas. C. Hyde, March, 1883; and (2) Elijah Laycock, Nov., 1889; d. Jan. 14, 1908 at Raymond, Canada. George, b. Nov. 6, 1866; d. Oct. 4, 1868. Christopher, b. Feb. 28, 1869; m. Mary Heva Johnson, March 23, 1895 at Diaz, Mexico. Peter, b. Sept. 16, 1871 ; d. June 4, 1873. • David, b. March 30, 1883. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 293 SECOND FAMILY CHRISTOPHER LAYTON married, May 3, 1850 at Sandy church, Thorncut, England, by Rev. Cook, SARAH, daughter of John MARTIN and Mary Ann Price; born, Nov. 29, 1822 at Thorncut, England; died, Oct. 25, 1864 at Kaysville, Utah. THEIR CHILDREN William, born May 1, 1851 at St. Louis; died August — , 1851 at St. Louis. Christopher, born Jan. 1, 1853, at Salt Lake City; married Jane E. Bodily, Jan. 18, 1874 in Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. His Children (All born in Kaysville) Frank M., b. Sept. 1. 1876; m. Emma Diana Ellsworth, June 12, 1901, at Safford, Ariz., by Andrew Kimball. Christopher B., b. July 6, 1878; m. Mar- garet B. Flint, Apr. 23, 1902, in Salt Lake City, by John R. Winder. Lawrence, R. B., b. Nov. 14, 1880. Maggie B., b. Aug. 7, 1882. Mary B., b. Feb. 13, 1885; m. to Albert B. Barton by President A. H. Lund, in Salt Lake Citv, Jan. 25, 1911. Delbert Edwin, b. Aug. 19, 1887; d. April 18, 1891. Jennie B., b. Sept. 25, 1889. Roy Vernon, b. June 22, 1891; d. Jan. 30, 1892. Eveline B., b. Mar. 19, 1893; d. Mar. 27, 1893. Vernon Cecil, b. Feb. 12, 1896. 294 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. Eliza Ann, b. May 28, 1856, on Humboldt River, Nevada; married Joseph G. Allred, Dec. 8, 1873 in Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. She died April 11, 1903 in Arizona. Her children (The first four born in Kaysville, Utah) Sarah M., b. Oct. 16, 1874; m. Alexan- der C. Hunt, June 11, 1901 at Thatch- er, Arizona, by Andrew Kimball. Christopher A., b. June 16, 1877; m. Sylvia M. Faulkner, June 3, 1900 at Thatcher, Arizona, by Andrew Kim- ball. Rhoda Olive, b. Oct. 2, 1879; d. at Kays- ville, July 29, 1880. Myron, b. July 6, 1881. Gilbert, b. Oct. 19, 1884 at St. David, Arizona; d. there Mar. 23, 1886. Maggie Eliza, b. April 16, 1891 at Thatcher, Arizona. Erastus, born Mar. 18, 1858 at Kaysville, Utah; died, Mar. 20, 1859 at Kaysville. Emma Jane, born May 29, 1860, at Kays- ville; died there, July 13, 1861. Charles Martin, born July 3, 1862, at Kays- ville; married Mary Ann McMasters, Sept. 20, 1883 at Salt Lake City, by Dan- iel H. Wells. His Children (The first five born in Kaysville) Sarah Virginia, b. July 12, 1884; m. Mar- ion Lee, Oct. 11, 1905 in Salt Lake City, by President J. R. Winder. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 295 Alexander, b. April 21, 1886; m. Delia Curtis, June, 1910, in Salt Lake City, by President J. R. Winder. Charles Martin, b. May 18, 1888. Margaret Grace, b. Feb. 8, 1894. Dora Joan, b. Jan. 7, 1896. Mary Lucille, b. Mar. 25, 1899 at Thatcher, Arizona. Christopher Athol, b. Aug. 8, 1901 at Thatcher, Arizona. Owen Woodruff, b. Jan. 29, 1904 at Thatcher, Arizona. 296 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. THIRD FAMILY. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON married, Sept. 26, 1852 at Salt Lake City, by Brigham Young, SARAH, daughter of William BARNES and Elizabeth Jeffries, born July 6, 1836 at Sandy, Bedfordshire, England; died Sept. 13, 1906 at - Kaysville, Utah. THEIR CHILDREN Hyrum John, born Sept. 8, 1853 at Salt Lake City, Utah; married Mary Louisa Egbert, Dec. 8, 1873 at Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. He died Sept. 17, 1885 at Syracuse Junction, Utah. His Children Christopher Hyrum, b. Sept. 28, 1874 at Kaysville. Mary Ann, b. Aug. 20, 1876 at Sunset Crossing, Arizona; d. July 3, 1889 at Kaysville. Geneva E., b. Oct. 28, 1878 at Kays- ville; m. D. M. Fisher, Aug., 1896. Joseph Edwin, b. Oct. 26, 1880; m. Mary Ellen Allred, Feb. 3, 1909 at Ogden, by Father Cushnahan. Sarah Crilla, b. Dec. 4, 1882 at Kaysville. Myrtle E., b. Dec. 1, 1884; m. A. M. Gill, June, 1904, at Ogden. Mary Ann, born Feb. 18, 185.6 at Grants- ville, Utah; married George Swan, Dec. 12, 1878 at Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. Her Children (All born at Kaysville) Sarah Louise, b. June 25, 1880; m. B. F. Yaunt, Nov. 14, 1906. CHRISTOPHER LAYTOX. 297 Agnes Ann, b. July 31, 1882. Mary Lenore, b. Oct. 5, 1884. George William, b. July 21, 1887. Janet Innes, b. Dec. 10, 1889. Darl Irene, b. Mar. 31, 1893 Garnet Leone, b. Feb. 12, 1895. Frank Ronald, b. Mar. 5, 1897. Christopher MacDonald, b. Sept. 27, 1899. Ezra William, born July 11, 1858, at Kays- ville; married Mary Ellen Colemere, Jan 10, 1878 at Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. His Children George Christopher, b. Oct. 7, 1878 at Kaysville; m. Annie Secrist, Nov., 1898 in Salt Lake City, by John R. Winder. Rachel Pearl, b. Oct. 1, 1881 at Kays- ville; m. Walter W. Stewart, Nov. 23, 1905 in Salt Lake City, by John R. Winder. Sarah Mabel, b. Feb. 26, 1885 at St. David, Arizona; d. Jan. 11, 1887 at Kaysville. Leo Hyrum, b. Mar. 24, 1891 at Kays- ville. Roy Ole, b. Nov. 10, 1896 at Kaysville. David Edwin, born Oct. 17, 1860, at Kays- ville; married Alice Watt, Jan. 6, 1886 at Logan, Utah, by Marriner W. Merrill. His Children Maud, b. Sept. 30, 1886 at Kaysville; m. Jan. 11, 1911, Alfred Ryre in Salt Lake City. Julia, b. April 8, 1888 at Kaysville. Sarah B., b. May 3, 1890 at Kaysville. 298 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. Ziporah, b. Oct. 12, 1894 at Layton, Utah. Alice Marie, b. Mar. 11, 1897 at Lay- ton. Isabel, b. May 28, 1899 at Layton; d. there Oct. 30, 1900. David Christopher, b. Mar. 3, 1906 at Layton; d. there July 8, 1910. Stanley W., b. July 9, 1908. Annie B., born Jan. 25, 1863, at Kaysville; married Seth Chauncey Jones, Aug. 25, 1884 at Logan. Her Children Annie Beatrice, b. Feb. 11, 1887 at Kaysville; m. Norman Lloyd, Dec. 16, 1908 in Salt Lake City, by John R. Winder. Sarah Myrtle, b. Oct. 30, 1890 at Thatcher, Arizona. Seth Chauncey, b. Dec. 2, 1888 at Thatcher, Arizona, and died there Mar. 3, 1889. Sarah Elizabeth, born Sept. 4, 1865 at Kaysville; married Levi Taylor, Dec. 21, 1882 at Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. Her Children (Both born at Kaysville) Sarah Emmeline, b. Sept. 27, 1883; m. to John Smith, Sept. 7, 1905. Levi L., b. Aug. 20, 1885; m. Priscilla Barber, Nov. 8, 1906. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 299 FOURTH FAMILY CHRISTOPHER LAYTON married, in Decem- ber, 1854 at Salt Lake City, by Brigham Young, ISABELLA, daughter of Richard GOLIGHT- LY and Isabella Richardson, born Aug. 6, 1836 at Newcastle, England; died Dec. 15, 1877 at Kaysville, Utah. THEIR CHILDREN John Henry, born Dec. 6, 1855 at Salt Lake City; married Hannah Phillips, Jan. 23, 1879 at Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. His Children (All born at Kaysville) Heber John, b. Sept. 20, 1879; m. Wini- fred Derby, Oct. 28, 1902 in Salt Lake City. Hannah Isabel, b. April 2, 1880; d. May 3 1880 Delbert P., b. May 4, 1882. Lottie Jane, b. April 1, 1884. Chloe Louise, b. July 10, 1886; m. Thos. Jesse Harris, June 23, 1909 in Salt Lake City, by John R. Winder. Edward P., b. Mar. 19, 1888. Luella ) twins, b. Aug. 29, 1892. Leo J Leo d. Sept. 4, 1892. Leona, b. Nov. 29, 1893. Harold Christopher, b. Aug. 19, 1895. Richard Glenn, b. Jan. 11, 1897; d. Aug. 8 1897 Frankie Josephine, b. Jan 12 ,1898. Norma Gladys, b. Sept. 29, 1900. 300 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. Jacob Alonzo, born Dec. 18, 1857 at Kays- ville; married Ann McPherson, Jan. 5, 1882 in Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. His Children Mary Isabel, b. Sept. 22, 1882 at South Hooper, Utah; m. Fred W. Gibson, May 20, 1903 at Ogden, Utah. Katie, b. Oct. 31, 1884 at Kaysville; m. Enoch Harris, Mar. 11, 1903 at Og- ' den. Diamon McP., b. Jan. 2, 1888 at Kays- ville. David, b. Feb. 12, 1893 at Layton, Utah. Christopher Ross, b. Mar. 28, 1898 at Layton; d. Mar. at Syracuse Junction. Richard G., born Mar. 21, 1860 at Kaysville; married Annie E. Horne, Feb. 8, 1886 at St. David, Arizona, by Bishop P. Lough- green. His Children Mary Isabella JL, b. Mar. 26, 1887 at St. David, Arizona; m. Lemuel R. Pace, Oct. 2, 1907 in Salt Lake Tem- ple, by John R. Winder. Leonora H., b. Feb. 6, 1889 at St. David, Arizona; m. Ashael Clifford, Feb. 20, 1907, by W! D. Johnson. Richard G., b. Dec. 27, 1890 at Thatch- er, Arizona. Martha G., b. June 18, 1893 at Thatcher, Arizona. Sophronia G., b. April 26, 1895 at Thatcher, Arizona. Leland H, b. Feb. 22, 1898; d. Jan. 22, 1899. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 301 Theresa H., b. May 2, 1901 at Thatcher. Henry Marden, b. May 18, 1910 at Thatcher. Rachel, born Jan. 24, 1862 at Kaysville; married James Warren, April 1, 1880 at Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. Her Children Sarah Isabel, b. Oct 30, 1880 at Kays- ville. David, b. Jan. 21, 1882 at Kaysville; m. Florence Stacy Guthrie, May 23, 1906 in Salt Lake City, by John R. Winder. Jane, b. Dec. 23, 1884"at Kaysville. Eugene, b. June 24, 1886 at Syracuse Junction, Utah; d. Jan. 2, 1887. Rachel Elizabeth, b. May 4, 1889 at Syracuse Junction; m. Leland Elliott, June 21, 1911, by Bishop Wood, Syra- cuse. James, b. Mar. 24, 1890 at Kaysville; d. Jan. 5, 1891. Leo, b. May 21, 1895 at Syracuse June. Glenn, b. Feb. 18, 1901. Irene, b. Jan. 21, 1906. Samuel, born Oct. 21, 1863 at Kaysville; married Mary Hannah Linford, June 15, 1898 at Salt Lake City. His Child Leland Clifford, b. Mar. 16, 1902 at Kaysville. Lucy Isabel, born Nov. 7, 1865 at Kaysville; married Francis Bone, Dec. 19, 1888 at Kaysville, by John R. Barnes. 302 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. Her Children (All born at Layton, Utah) Delbert Francis, b. Nov. 10, 1889. Ethel Isabel, b. Oct. 12, 1890. Clarence L., b. Jan. 12. 1892. Clyde William, b. Oct. 8, 1895. Mary Ellen, b. Mar 13, 1900. Alberta Louise, b. Mar. 9, 1903. Annie L., b. Oct. 11, 1906. Jane, born April 9, 1868 at Kaysville; died Sept. 8, 1881 at Syracuse Junction, Utah. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 303 FIFTH FAMILY CHRISTOPHER LAYTON married, April 12, 1856 at Salt Lake City, by Brigham Young, CAROLINE, daughter of James COOPER and Christine , born Sept. 26, 1836, in York- shire, England. THEIR CHILDREN Selina, born August 15, 1857 at Carson City, Nevada; married Edward C. Phillips, Nov. 17, 1873 at Salt Lake City, by Dan- iel H. Wells. Her Children (The first six born at Kaysville) Jesse Charles, b. Aug. 30, 1874; m. (1) Dora Williams, Oct. 24, 1895 (she died Dec. 1, 1896) ; (2) Elizabeth Williams, May 26, 1903 in New Mexico, by Bishop Thomson. Christopher Edward, b. Tuly 27, 1877; d. Dec. 28, 1891 at Thatcher, Arizona. Franklin C, b. Mar. 8, 1880; d. Aug. 14, 1881 at Kaysville. David Dee, b. Jan. 5, 1882; m. Eliza Annetta Phillips, Dec. 30, 1903 at Thatcher, Arizona, by Andrew Kim- ball. Joseph Alvin, b. July 27, 1884; m. Jen- nie Syrena Merrill, Sept. 23, 1907 at Thatcher, Arizona, by Andrew Kim- ball. Rudger, b. Jan. 6, 1887; m. Nancy Sims, April 5, 1906 in Salt Lake City, by John R. Winder. 304 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. Horace ) b. June 16, 1889 at Thatch. Benjamin j er, Arizona; d. same day. Alice Selina, b. Jan. 2, 1892 at Thatcher; m. Pratt Pace, May 25, 1910 at Thatch- er, by Andrew Kimball. Priscilla, b. Dec. 27, 1895 at Thatcher, Arizona. James Albert, born June 13, 1859 at Kays- ville; married Edith Harrod, May 27, 1886 at Kaysville, by Bishop Peter Barton. His Children (First two born at Kaysville, the others at Cardston, Canada) James Myron, b. June 30, 1887. Cora Caroline, b. Dec. 24, 1890. Thomas Franklin, b. April 3, 1892. Edith Eva, b. Jan. 17, 1895. Ida Rose, b. Jan. 17, 1898. Virda Alice, b. Oct. 31, 1900. Martha Priscilla, b. Aug. 12, 1903. Afton Erzula, b. June 7, 1907. Martha Alice, born Feb. 20, 1861 at Kays- ville; married James T. Walker, Mar. 4, 1877 at Salt Lake City, by Joseph F. Smith. She 'died at Kaysville, Feb. 22, 1880. Her Children James Frederick, b. Jan. 10, 1878 at Kays- ville. Christopher John, b. Jan. 8, 1880 at Kays- ville ; d. Jan. 28, 1880. Heber C, born Dec. 8, 1862 at Kaysville; died there Sept. 9, 1863. Joseph, born July 28, 1864 at Kaysville; married Cynthia Fife, Sept. 2, 1886 at Safford, Arizona, by Christopher Layton. He died May 10, 1897 at Thatcher, Ariz. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON 305 His Children Joseph Chris, b. Sept. 14, 1887 at Thatch- er, Arizona; m. Lue Irene Evans, Sept. 17, 1907 at Thatcher, by An- drew Kimball. Glenna Selina, b. April 26, 1889 at Lay- ton, Arizona; d. Feb. 12, 1892 at Thatcher, Arizona. Edna Cynthia, b. Jan. 24, 1891 at St. David, Arizona. William Walter, b. Oct. 3, 1892 at Thatcher, Arizona. Iretta, b. Oct. 28, 1894 at Thatcher, Arizona. Phebe Caroline, b. Sept. 23, 1896 at Thatcher, Arizona. Caroline, born April 12, 1866 at Kaysville; married Joseph W. Hill, Dec. 4, 1884 at Kaysville, by Bishop Peter Barton. Her Children (All born at Kaysville) Martha Alice, b. May 25, 1886. Joseph Melvin, b. May 16, 1889; m. Cora Pearl Flint, Dec. 11, 1909, by Bishop Henry H. Blood. Leonard, b. Jan. 25, 1893. Jenniso, b. Sept. 6, 1902. Frank G., born Jan. 21, 1868 at Kaysville; died there Sept. 10, 1870. Frederick, born Jan. 27, 1872 at Kaysville; married Barbara Allen McGuire, Aug. 31, 1892 at Thatcher, Arizona, by William D. Johnson. 21 306 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. His Children Leo, b. June 7, 1893 at Thatcher, Ariz. Esma Cynthia, b. Oct. 10, 1901 at Thatcher, Arizona. Irene, b. Dec. 28, 1903 at Thatcher, Ariz. Chauncey West, born May 7, 1874 at Salt Lake City; married Josie Raddon, June 27, 1900 at Kaysville, Utah, by Bishop Peter Barton. His Children James La Page, b. Feb. 10, 1901 at Kaysville. Chauncey Eugene, b. Sept. 20, 1903 at Cardston, Canada. Raddon, b. Mar. 6, 1905 at Cardston, Canada. Horace, born Oct. 26, 1876 at Kaysville; married Phebe Corbridge, Dec. 6, 1899 at Kaysville, by Bishop David E. Layton. His Children Leroy, b. Oct. 17, 1900 in Alberta, Can- ada. Sophronia, b. Nov. 28, 1902 at Card- ston, Canada. Odessa, b. July 31, 1906 at Frankburg, Alta, Canada. Benjamin, born Sept. 26, 1879 at Kaysville; married Mary Amanda Anderson, Oct. 4, 1905 in Salt Lake City. His Child Leon, b. July 26, 1906 at Cardston, Can. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 307 SIXTH FAMILY CHRISTOPHER LAYTON married, Aug. 2, 1862 at Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells, ROSA ANN, daughter of William HUDSON and Mary Miles; born Sept. 22, 1846 in Lit- tle Park, Yorkshire, England. THEIR CHILDREN George Willard, born Nov. 11, 1863 at Kaysville; married Janet Hill, Dec. 18, 1884 at Kaysville, by Bishop Peter Bar- ton. His Children (The first five born at Kaysville, the others at Layton, Utah) George, b. Aug. 1, 1885; d. Aug. 1, 1885. Joseph, b. Sept. 3, 1886; d. Sept. 8, 1886. Pearl Beatrice, b. Oct. 29, 1887. Vera Louise, b. Oct. 20, 1891. Cora Emmeline, b. Feb. 20, 1894. Mamie Alta, b. Dec. 16, 1898. Glenn Seymour, b. Aug. 22, 1900. Leonard H., b. Nov. 6, 1902. Albert Thomas, born Dec. 28, 1865 at Kays- ville; married Ax med a Marintha Tibbetts, April 7, 1887 at Layton, Arizona, by Christopher Layton. His Children (First five born at Layton, Arizona; the others at Franklin, Arizona) Rose Ellen, b. Sept. 19, 1888; m. Eras- tus Moore, July 4, 1907 at Franklin, Arizona. GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. Myrtle Almeda, b. Nov. 23, 1890; m. John Hall, May 1, 1907 at Franklin, Arizona. Bertha Minerva, b. Nov. 10, 1892; m. Bartlett Gale, Aug. 31, 1910 at Frank- lin, Arizona. Olive Agatha, b. Dec. 6, 1894. Hyrum Christopher, b. May 19, 1897. Edith Belle, b. July 31, 1899. Albert Sylvester, b. Oct. 9, 1901. William Neal, b. June 23, 1904. Walter Leo, b. Mar. 22, 1907. Marintha Geneva, b. June 24, 1910. Heber Chase, born Nov. 2, 1867 at Kays- ville; married Agnes Almeda Welker, April 7, 1887 at Layton, Arizona, by Christopher Layton. His Children (All born at Thatcher, Arizona) Heber Lorenzo, b. Jan. 31, 1888, m. Hulda Celestia Brundage Jan. 5, 1910, at Layton, Arizona, by Bishop J. R. Welker. Agnes Ann, b. Jan. 4, 1890; m. Leo. Romney, Apr. 11, 1911 at Thatcher, Arizona, by Bishop James R. Welker. Adam Leroy, b. Mar. 5, 1892. Cordelia May, b. May 4, 1894. Delmar Christopher, b. Aug. 19, 1908; d. Aug. 30, 1908. Ernest, born Aug. 25, 1869 at Kaysville; married Ada Flint, Mar. 9, 1898 at Salt Lake City. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 309 His Children (All born at W. Layton, Utah) Itha, b. Dec. 31, 1899. Lela, b. July 9, 1901. Golden F., b. June 9, 1905. Isaac Clarence, born Nov. 1, 1871 at Kays- ville. Mary Isabel, born Feb. 2, 1874 at Kaysville; married Reuben Barnes June 28, 1893, by Bishop Peter Barton. Her Children (First three born at Kaysville; others at ' Layton, Utah) Leona, b. Nov. 30, 1894. Christopher J., b. Nov. 25, 1896. Myron Nacomio, b. Oct. 27, 1899. Leland R., b. April 29, 1902. Marie Ruby, b. Nov. 3, 1904. Wilkie L. { b. April 26, 1907; Wilkie d. Wilda L. J Sept. 19, 1907. Jeanetta, born June 12, 1875 at Kaysville; married Ernest Zesigar, , at West Layton, by Bishop David Layton. Her Children Leo, b. Feb. 12, 1896 at West Layton. Ernest Lawrence, b. May 9, 1900 at Bear River. Edith, b. Aug. 12, 1902 at Bear River. Rozina, born Dec. 12, 1878 at Kaysville; married John H. Thornley, Nov. 3, 1899 at Salt Lake City, by John Woolley. 310 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. Her Children (All born at Layton, Utah) Irene J., b. Mar. 20, 1900. Jesse, b. Nov. 18, 1902. Delias L., b. Oct. 20, 1904. Dora L., b. Mar. 4, 1908. Henry L., b. July 26, 1910. Olive, born Feb. 24, 1881 at Kaysville; mar- ried Walter Barlow Jan 28, 1909 in Salt Lake City, by John R. Winder. Her Child Walter Layton, b. May 19, 1910. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 311 SEVENTH FAMILY CHRISTOPHER LAYTON married, January 7, 1865, in Salt Lake City, by Heber C Kimball, SEPTIMA, daughter of George SIMMS and Caroline Gill; born July 20, 1848 at Chelten- ham, Gloucestershire, England; died Oct 5, 1889 at Kaysville. THEIR CHILDREN Amy C, born Dec. 24, 1867 at Kaysville; married Reuben Walter Fuller, Jan. 1, 1886 at St. David, Arizona, by Bishop Peter Loughgreen. Her Children (Born at Thatcher, Arizona) Maggie Drucilla, b. Nov. 21, 1887; m. Warren Bingham, Sept. 24, 1906 at Layton, Arizona, by Bishop J. W. Welker. Reuben Walter, b. Feb. 13, 1890; m. Anna Taylor, July 23, 1908 at Pima, Arizona, by Bishop P. C. Merrill. Lawrence, b. Mar. 21, 1894. Archie Joseph, b. May 12, 1898. Priscilla May, born Jan. 19, 1870 at Kays- ville; married Thomas Flitton, Feb. 19, 1889 at Kaysville, by John R. Barnes. Her Children Jennie L., b. Dec. 25, 1889 at Kaysville. Rupert Thomas, b. Oct. 21, 1891 at Kaysville. 312 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. Daniel David, b. Oct. 7, 1893 at Hooper, Utah. Joseph Christopher, b. Nov. 3, 1895 at Kaysville. Harry Wilford, b. Nov. 25, 1897 at Kaysville. Curtis Monroe, b. Mar. 8, 1900 at Og- den. Alfred Hannon, b. Sept. 26, 1902 at Syracuse, Utah. Elmira, b. June 9, 1907 at Syracuse, Utah. Louie' I b ' ° ct ' »■ 1909 ' Drucilla Grace, born Mar. 23, 1872 at Kays- ville; married John H. Blood, Jan 7, 1890 in Logan, by M. W. Merrill. Her Children (All born in Kaysville) Septima L., b. Mar. 11, 1891. Annie L., b. Feb. 24, 1894. Merlin John, b. Aug. 3, 1896; d. July 22, 1909. Byron L., b. Oct. 7, 1898. Vera Jane, b. Mar. 7, 1901. Millie L., b. Sept. 10, 1903. Seth L, b. Aug. 6, 1905. Nora L., b. Sept. 25, 1908. Howard, b. Feb. 11, 1911. Oscar George, born May 12, 1874 at Kays- ville; married Lula Jane Lewis, May 24, 1892 at Thatcher, Arizona, by W. D. John- CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 313 His Children (All born in Thatcher, Arizona) Blanche Septima, b. May 11, 1893. Oscar Clyde, b. Aug. 26, 1894. Delbert George, b. May 22, 1896; d. Aug. 2, 1897. Flossie, b. Mar. 2, 1898. Bertha, b. Feb. 19, 1900. Marlin Bruce, b. Mar. 18, 1903. Beatrice, b. Sept. 8, 1904. Junius Lewis, b. Mar. 15, 1906. Jessie, b. Oct. 31, 1907. Roy Lewis, b. Aug. 7, 1904. Harry Wilford, born Oct. 7, 1876 at Kays- ville; married Emily Reay, Nov. 15, 1898 at Thatcher, Arizona, by W. D. Johnson. His Children (All except first one born at Central, Arizona) Miles Merlin, b. Sept. 7, 1899 at Thatcher. Ralph Ray, b. June 5, 1901. George Spencer, b. Feb. 27, 1903. Nola Drucilla, b. Dec. 1, 1904. Martha Opal, b. Dec. 11, 1906. Roy W., b. Jan. 27, 1909. Franklin Simms, born Mar. 21, 1879 at Kaysville; died there Sept. 27, 1879. Jesse Monroe, born Dec. 27, 1884 at Eden, Arizona; married Muriel Randall (born Dec. 4, 1889, at Nephi, Utah) April 1, 1909 at Solomonville, Arizona, by Judge F. S. Bunch. His Child Daughter born Feb. 18, 1910; died same day. 314 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. EIGHTH FAMILY. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON married, May 1, 1870 in Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells, MARY JANE, daughter of Levi ROBERTS and Harriet Ann Neff. THEIR CHILDREN Florence, born Aug. 3, 1871 at Kaysville; married Albert K. Green, Mar. 8, 1893 at Kaysville. Her Children (All born at Kaysville) Otha K, b. Dec. 26, 1893. Levi B., b. Sept. 27, 1896; d. April 26, 1899. Parnell, b. Sept. 20, 1898. Ortensa, b. Nov. 26, 1901. Austher L., b. Oct. 4, 1903. Mary L, b. Oct. 30, 1909. Ella, born Oct. 8, 1873 at Kaysville; mar- ried Edwin Webb, Feb. 28, 1893 at Kays- ville, by Bishop Peter Barton. Her Children (All except first one were born at Ma- lad, Idaho) Earl, b. Nov. 24, 1894 at Kaysville. Josie Mary, b. Nov. 20, 1896. Christopher, b. May 1, 1899. Leland, b. Oct. 2, 1901. Verma, b. April 11, 1904. Edmund L., b. Jan. 27, 1906. Charles L., b. , . Levi Brigham, born Dec. 28, 1875 at Kays- ville; died Nov. 13, 1895 in Idaho. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 315 Harriet Ann, born Dec. 28, 1877 at Kays- ville; married E. Conrad Miller, Dec. 9, 1893 at Salt Lake City, by Bishop Adam Spiers. Her Children (All born at Layton, Utah) Marie, b. Oct. 9, 1894. Davina, b. April 7, 1898. Lovina, b. April 7, 1900. Harriet Edwina, b. Oct. 9, 1903. Benjamin L., b. Nov. 28, 1907. Harmon L., b. June 12, 1910. Phebe, born July 2, 1881 at Kaysville; mar- ried Willard R. Harris, Jan. 30, 1901 in Salt Lake City, by John R. Winder. Her Children (All born at East Layton, Utah) Leora, b. Jan. 11, 1902. Mary Neve, b. Aug. 2, 1903. Wayne L., b. Mar. 6, 1905. Jennie M., born at Kaysville Aug. 30, 1886; married Alonzo J. Gilert, Oct. 30, 1907, in Salt Lake City, by John R. Winder. 316 GENEALOGICAL APPENDIX. NINTH FAMILY CHRISTOPHER LAYTON married, Aug. 15, 1878 at, Salt Lake City, by Joseph F. Smith, ELIZABETH, daughter of Ebenezer WIL- LIAMS and Ada Evans. THEIR CHILDREN Lawrence W., b. Aug. 4, 1879 at Kaysville; died there Aug. 28, 1879. Lottie W., born Nov. 18, 1880 at Kaysville; married Joseph Heber Larson, May 25, 1903 at Thatcher, Arizona, by Andrew Kimball. Her Children (All born at Thatcher, Arizona) Magdaline, b. May 3, 1904; d. May 22, 1905. Thora, b. Aug. 27, 1905. Joseph L., b. Oct. 23, 1907. Leslie W., born Jan. 5, 1883 at Kaysville; married Nellie Claridge, Sept. 3, 1903 at Thatcher, Arizona, by Patriarch Samuel Clari'dge. His Children Christopher, b. April 19, 1904 at Thatch- er; d. May 29, 1905. Angeline, b. Jan. 21, 1906 at Thatcher. Elizabeth, b. May 30, 1907 at Thatcher. Leslie Joy, b. Feb. 16, 1909 at Brice, Arizona. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON. 317 Lillian W., (twin) born Feb. 12, 1885 at St. David, Arizona; married Edward M. Claridge, Sept. 3, 1903 at Thatcher, Ari- zona, by Patriarch Samuel Claridge. Her Children (All born at Thatcher) Luella, b. April 5, 1904; d. May 21, 1905. Samuel Lynton, b. Mar. 2, 1906. Ethna, b. Nov. 19, 1908. Luella W., (twin) born Feb. 12, 1885 at St. David, Arizona; married Ousley A. Reneer, Sept. 4, 1904 at Thatcher, Ari- zona, by Bishop Moody. Her Children (Born at Thatcher, Arizona) Leman A., b. Oct. 8, 1905. Ebon, b. Jan. 22, 1908. Priscilla W., born Nov. 11, 1887 at Thatch- er, Arizona. Minnie W., born Jan. 3, 1890 at Thatcher, Arizona. Gilbert W., born April 11, 1892 at Thatcher, Arizona. Elizabeth W., born May 19, 1894 at Thatch- er, Arizona. Wilmuth W., born Sept. 4, 1896 at Thatch- er, Arizona. 2- Sr T W t • 4