HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE BY ED PORTER THOMPSON, EX-SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION; AUTHOR OF "THE ACADEMIC ARITHMETIC," " YOUNG PEOPLE S HISTORY OF KENTUCKY," YOUNG PEOPLE S HISTORY OF ARKANSAS," ETC. LOUISVILLE, KY.: LEWIS N. THOMPSON, 1898. E5W- 4 T5 \sq< Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1898, by LEWIS N. THOMPSON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. FROM THE PRESS AND BINDERY OF HALF-TONE ENGRAVINGS BY CHAS. T. DEARINO, MAYER & SCHLICH, LOUISVILLE, KY. LOUISVILLE, KY. ELECTROTYPED BY ROBERT ROWELL, LOUISVILLE, KY. TO THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED. Thousands of the men whose names and deeds it records have heard "the soldier s last tattoo," and it cannot be long before their few surviving comrades will have " passed over the river" to rest with them. It devolves upon their children to see that the motives which identified them with the South in the Great Conflict are not misunderstood, and that their conduct during the four bloody years in which they added a brilliant chapter to others which Kentucky had written in Amer ican history shall not pass from the mem ory of man. The principles for which they suffered and fought, and so many of them died, were THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF A PEOPLE TO CHOOSE THEIR OWN FORM OF GOVERNMENT, AND THE SACREDNESS OF CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEES. Though the Confederacy failed of establishment these still live and must live if human liberty is to endure on this continent. The children of the Confederate soldier can best illus trate the soldier s virtues by maintaining his princi ples in peace, and defending them in war if need be, for the great country to which only their allegiance is now due. ED PORTER THOMPSON. M201209 TABLE OF CONTENTS. [For personal index, alphabetically arranged, see last pages of the book.] PACE. Dedication 3 PART I. GENERAL HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER I. Introductory Remarks. Character and Services of the Brigade as estimated by others 21 CHAPTER II. Brief Review of the Confederate element of Kentucky on the question in issue. Objection to certain current terms and statements which improperly go unchallenged. Or ganization of a Provisional Government 30 CHAPTER III. Organization of the Regiments and Artillery composing the First Kentucky Brigade. The fight at Hutcherson s. Troops under Buckner concentrate at Bowling Green. Breckinridge assumes command. Fight at Whippoor- will Bridge. Expeditions to Rochester and elsewhere . 41 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. Hard-hearted Surgeons. II. A deadly disease. III. Too Short. IV. Conquering a peace. V. Tried for high treason 57 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. The Second Kentucky and Graves s Battery at Donelson and in prison " 2 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. First Men of the Brigade killed. II. Carson s wrath when Semple fell. III. Still full of fight. IV. Buck- ner s shot at impertinence. V. Escaping from Camp Morton. VI. Dying in prison. VII. A fratricidal war. VIII. "Whar s Baze ? " IX. Wouldn t take his own medicine 73 CHAPTER V. Gen. Sidney Johnston s retreat from Kentucky. Battle of Shiloh 76 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. The battle of Sunset. II. Alabamians A noble and appreciative people. III. A camp struck by a Southern Hurricane at night. IV. Who led the brigade s first skirmishers on the battlefield? V. Wasn t quite so angry now. VI. The first work of the Fourth Ken tucky on Sunday morning. VII. Putting on anew uni form in time of action. VIII. An unconquerable Irish man. IX. How the " Desperadoes" all died. X. He expected to be murdered. XI. Armed for close fight ing. XII. Bee Stung. XIII. Southern man ran the wrong way. XIV. Gov. Johnson taking the oath as a private soldier. XV. Too late to pray. XVI. The little book saved his life. XVII. The Kentucky Ar tillery: Byrne and his men cheered. XVIII. Coolly "picked his flint" under fire. XIX. A double duel, fatal to at least one man. XX. "No detail! Ask for volunteers." XXI. A tuneful voice heard in the up roar. XXII. "Devil Dick." XXIII. Some of his teeth had lost their edge at Shiloh. XXIV. The preach ing didn t suit him. XXV. Shiloh not conclusive as to whether one of us could whip five Yankees. XXVI. What a reserve corps is. XXVII. The street bully in battle 97 TAI5I.K OK CONTENTS. 7 CHAPTER VI. Reorganization of the army at Corinth and reassignment of Kentucky troops. The retreat. Siege of Vicksburg . 108 Incidents and Anecdotes: I. Breckinridge and Van Dorn. II. Celebrating the Fourth of July during the siege; expedition of the Fourth Regiment down the river. III. Dodd s unequal but gallant fight. IV. Graphic description of a sublime spectacle. V. Starving him into terms 117 CHAPTER VII. The Battle of Baton Rouge 122 CHAPTER VIII. From Baton Rouge to Knoxville. Marching toward Ken tucky. Return to Murfreesboro . Battle of Harts- ville 145 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. Splendid fighting of the Second and Ninth Regi ments, Infantry. II. The Blue and the Gray meet and greet. III. " Cunny " fooled them. IV. Scenes on the battlefield. V. How we took Nashville. VI. How Jap got and kept the mule. VII. After many years : A singular occurrence 163 CHAPTER IX. Battle of Stone River 168 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. Preston s coolness and heroism. II. Suffering with cold. III. A Surgeon s experience on the field at Stone River. IV. "That s our flag!" V. Must be killed with due formality. VI. Sententious as Suvaroff. VII. Our one military execution. VIII. Col. Trabue at Stone River. IX. Not a " butternut cap n." ... 199 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 8 CHAPTER X. From Murfreesboro to Manchester. -To Mississippi again.- Expedition to relieve Pemberton. -Fighting at Jack son-Return to Chattanooga.-Battle of Chickamauga. Incidents and Anecdotes ; I Danger in loose orders. -II. The best-drilled regi ments in the Army of Tennessee.-III. Should have stood pat IV. After Jackson : in danger of surfeit. V. How they jollied Kelly. VI. At Chickamauga: too big a wood-chopping for the major. VII. Suppos ing a case. VIII. Spoilt his beauty and enraged him. IX. The Sang Diggers. X. A passage at arms with 222 Gen. Breckinndge CHAPTER XI. At Mission Ridge and Tyner s Station. -Battle of Mission Ridge. Retreat to Dalton 22 7 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. Where sour Battery? "II. What Jim Lee thought of Bragg as a strategist. III. A remarkable incident . 231 CHAPTER XII. The army in winter-quarters at Dalton 2 33 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. Outwitting Col. Gofer. II. Misplaced confidence. III. Punishments in the army. IV. Guying Gen. Bate. v. Punishment for desertion : one of the sad dest features of the war. VI. A singular death. VII. The Snowball Battle 2 34 CHAPTER XIII. The Dalton- Atlanta Campaign, May sth to Sept. 8th, 1864 . . 240 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. They all say that. II. " Two minutes to get to your holes. III. War could not make them inhuman. IV. Wouldn t be checked off till his time came. V. Frank, the soldier dog 2 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 9 CHAPTER XIV. The Dalton-Atlanta Campaign, May 5th to Sept. 8th, 1864 (con tinued) 254 Incidents and Anecdotes: I. Lieut. Geo. Hector Burton and his sharpshooters. II. Another comrade s account of Burton s men. III. How the gallant fellow lost his life. IV. A rifleman up a tree. V. "A Roland for an Oliver." VI. They would do the wind work. VII. About to kill his friend. VIII. Devoted brothers. IX. After Intrenchment Creek: If they had but known. X. A humane and heroic act. XI. How a bullet made a sans culotte. XII. Presence of mind. XIII. A hero and a martyr. XIV. A dreadful experience 268 CHAPTER XV. The brigade, as mounted infantry, in Georgia and South Caro lina 280 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. Its effect on a dead man. II. A conglomeration of odds and ends. III. Thought he knew cavalry tactics. IV. Kentucky against Georgia : How Capt. Turney got the sheepskin. V. Jim Price. VI. Dead on his feet. VII. My ole Missis skillet. VIII. New brains evolve old jokes. IX. The cheerful brigade. X. Our star-gazer. XI. Dying in the last ditch 286 CHAPTER XVI. Medical and surgical officers of the brigade, with biographical sketches and portraits 294 Biographies : I. Dr. Preston B. Scott 301 II. Dr. John O. Scott 305 III. Dr. R. R. Stevenson 308 IV. Dr. Hugh G. Smith 309 V. Dr. Thomas L. Newberry 309 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVII. Confederate Women of Kentucky, with portraits 312 CHAPTER XVIII. Our dead and where they lie. Confederate veteran organiza tions, their objects, and those now maintained in Ken tucky 3 2 4 CHAPTER XIX. Annual Reunions of the Brigade 340 PART II. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT OF BIOGRAPHY. I. Lieut. -Gen. S. B. Buckner 353. II. Maj.-Gen. John C. Breckinridge .... 358 III. Maj.-Gen. William Preston 364 IV. Brig. -Gen. Roger W. Hanson 375 V. Brig. -Gen. Ben Hardin Helm 380 VI. Brig. -Gen. Joseph H. Lewis 387 VII. Col. James W. Moss 395 VIII. Col. Philip Lightfoot Lee " 399 IX. Col. Robert P. Trabue 403 X. Col. Joseph P. Nuckols 407 XI. Col. Thomas Williams Thompson .... 414 XII. Col. Hiram Hawkins 416 XIII. Col. Martin H. Gofer 423 XIV. Col. Thomas Hart Hunt ........ 429 XV. Col. John W. Caldwell 434 XVI. Lieut.-Col. James W. Hewitt 438 XVII. Lieut.-Col. Hervey McDowell 440 XVIII. Lieut.-Col. William L. Clarke 443 XIX. Lieut.-Col. John C. Wickliffe 447 XX. Maj. Charles Semple 451 XXI. Maj. Rice E. Graves 455 TABLE OF CONTENTS. II XXII. Maj. Thomas B. Monroe 4. CQ- XXIII. Maj. John B. Rogers . . 466 XXIV. Maj. Thomas H. Hays 47 I XXV. Capt. Fayette Hewitt 474. XXVI. Capt. Sam H. Buchanan 480 XXVII. Capt. Ben. J. Monroe 481 XXVIII. Capt. John H. Weller 48? XXIX. Capt. Jo Desha 40 1 XXX. Capt. J. T. Gaines 407 XXXI. Capt. D. E. McKendree 408 XXXII. Capt. David C. Walker CO3 XXXIII. Capt. John B. Pirtle SOZ XXXIV. Adjt. Thomas E. Mos , so; - XXXV. Lieut. Keller Anderson e;o8 XXXVI. Lieut. Robert A. Thomson CI-J XXXVII. Lieut. John W. Greene 513 XXXVIII. Thomas D. Osborne ^ 14 XXXIX. Gov. George W. Johnson $16 XL. Hon. Eli M. Bruce $22 XLI. Hon. Horatio W. Bruce $2$ XLII. Dr. Daniel P. White <2& XLIII. Elder Jos. Desha Pickett e. io XLIV. Rev. G. B. Overton C 2-2 XLV. Rev. Hubbard H. Kavanaueh M6 PART III. BRIEF HISTORY OF INDIVIDUALS, FIELD AND STAFF, RANK AND FILE. General Introductory Remarks Field and Staff Officers of the Second Regiment Officers and men of Co. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, 548 549 554 563 57i 580 586 503 600 !2 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Officers and men of Co. I, Second Regiment 609 K, 615 Field and Staff Officers of the Fourth Regiment 622 Officers and men of Co. A, 623 ft B, " 630 C, " 637 D, " 645 E, " 652 F, " 659 " " G, " 666 H, 673 " I, 679 K, 685 Field and Staff Officers of the Fifth Regiment 691 Officers and men of Co. A, 693 " " B, 700 C, 704 D, 712 E, " 715 F, 722 I, " 728 K, 737 Field and Staff Officers of the Sixth Regiment 742 Officers and men of Co. A, " 742 B, ...... 752 C, " 760 D, " 766 E, " 773 F, " 782 G, " 785 H, 79I I, " 797 H t( V tt o 1^, 004 Field and Staff Officers of the Ninth Regiment 806 Officers and men of Co. A, " 808 B, 815 C, " 825 D, " 830 G, " 837 H, " 848 Byrne s Battery 857 " Graves s Battery 860 Cobb s Battery 862 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 13 PART IV. GENERAL HISTORY OF THE SECOND KENTUCKY CAVALRY. Gen. Wheeler s opinion of the Regiment 871 Prefatory Note 873 CHAPTER I. Organization of the Regiment. Subsequent changes. Erro neous designation by number explained 875 CHAPTER II. 1861-1862 879 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. A Brave Kentucky Woman. II. The Bushwhacker s non-combatant brother. III. Preparing for rapid flight. IV. A gallant escort. V. The rose and expectancy of the fair State." VI. The American Soldier the best of his age. VII. " Burgoyne " had it in for his drill- master 892 CHAPTER III. 1863 896 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. A base fiction. II. How the bugler was promoted. III. Henry Groan in Sequatchie Valley and at Mission Ridge. IX. Attention there, Yank Unlimber! V. How Capt. Beckley s negro body servant came to be a valiant knight. VI. Cole Basye s chill stuff. VII. A "poor rebel" in extremity. VIII. The improvised chevrons. IX. Death of Capt. Jack Jones : A soldier s tribute. X. John Vincent at the Charleston fight. XI. True to their colors : a roll of honor. XII. Even prison TABLE OF CONTENTS. horrors could not subdue them.-XIII. A bit of personal experience CHAPTER IV. 923 1864 Incidents and Anecdotes : I Cutting his comb.-II. The Kentucky way, whatever the uniform. III. Fidelity commands respect. - Faithful unto death. -V. Capt. John Witt. VI. The killing of John Hanlon.-VII. Capture and recapture of First Kentucky men in battle 947 CHAPTER V. 1865 Incidents and Anecdotes : I. A desperate encounter. II. In the swamps of Sal- kiehatchie. III. They would know him in the dark. IV. Adjt. Payne, the genial and well-beloved. V. Phil Pointer. VI. Some remarkable war horses : (a) Yeager; (b) Fanny 957 PART V. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT OF BIOGRAPHY. (FIRST CAVALRY.) I. Lieut. -Gen. Joseph Wheeler 9 6 7 II. Col. James Q. Chenoweth 9^9 III. Hon. William T. Ellis 973 IV. Hon. E. Polk Johnson 977 V. Hon. Thomas C. Jones 9 82 VI. Lieut. James H. Rudy 9 8 2 VII. Lieut. William Wallace Herr 9 S 7 VIII. Hon. John Will Dyer 99 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 15 PART VI. BRIEF HISTORY OF INDIVIDUALS, FIELD AND STAFF, RANK AND FILE. (FIRST CAVALRY.) Field and Staff Officers of the Regiment (First Organization) . 995 Officers and men of Co. D, 996 E, 999 F, 1004 G, 1006 H, 1008 I, 1009 " K, 1009 Field and Staff Officers of the Regiment (Second Organization) 1014 Officers and men of Co. A, ..... . 1015 B, 1020 C, 1024 D, 1028 E, 1033 F, 1038 G, 1040 H, 1044 I, - . . 1045 FINAL CHAPTER. Men of the brigade who, after the war, became noted in the professions, in various businuss callings, and in public stations 1048 The C. S. Army s Commissary (a poem) 1057 Song, " Oh, Lay Me Away, with the Boys in Gray " . . . . 1 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. FACING PAGE. Anderson, Lieut. Keller ....... 5 8 Breckinridge, Maj.-Gen. John C 35 8 Buchanan, Capt. Sam H 480 Bozarth, James H 95 8 Bruce, Hon. Eli M 5 22 Bruce, Hon. H. W 5 2 5 Buckner, Lieut. -Gen. S. B 353 Byrne, Dr. Walter J 299 Bugle, The Brigade S3 8 Caldwell, Col. John W 434 Cofer, Col. Martin H 4 2 3 Clarke, Lieut.-Col. Wm. L 443 Chenoweth, Col. James Q 969 Desha, Capt. Joseph 491 Dyer, Hon. John W 992 Ellis, Hon. Wm. T 973 Flag, National (Frontispiece) Flag, Battle 323 Graves, Maj. Rice E 455 Gaines, Capt. J. T 497 Greene, Lieut. John W 512 Hanson, Brig.-Gen. Roger W. 375 Hanson, Mrs. Virginia 318 Helm, Brig.-Gen. Ben Hardin 380 Helm, Mrs. Ben Hardin 312 Hawkins, Col. Hiram 416 Hunt, Col. Thomas H 429 Hewitt, Lieut.-Col. James W 438 Hewitt, Capt. Fayette 474 Herr, Lieut. Wm. Wallace 987 Hays, Maj. Thomas H 471 Johnson, Gov. George W 516 Johnson, Hon. E. Polk 977 Jones, Hon. Thomas C 982 Kavanaugh, Elder H. H 536 Lewis, Brig.-Gen. Joseph H 387 Lee, Col. Philip L 399 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 17 McDowell, Lieut.-Col. Hervey 440 Moss, Col. James W 395 Monroe, Capt. Ben J. Monroe, Maj. Thomas B McKendree, Capt. D. E Moss, Adjt. Thomas E McDaniel, Walter McQuown, William R 1059 Monument to Gov. Helm 870 Monument to Gen. and Mrs. Hanson 350 Monument to Gen. John C. Breckinridge 19 Monument to Our Confederate Dead, Frankfort 330 Monument to Our Confederate Dead, Louisville ...... 336 Nuckols, Col. Joseph P 407 Newberry, Dr. Thomas L 309 Overton, Elder G. B 533 Osborne, Thomas D 514 Pirtle, Capt. John B 505 Preston, Maj. -Gen. William 364 Pickett, Elder Joseph Desha 530 Pendleton, Dr. John E 298 Rodgers, Maj. John B 466 Rudy, Lieut. "James H 983 Scott, Dr. Preston B 301 Scott, Dr. John 305 Smith, Dr. Alfred 300 Smith, Dr. Hugh 309 Stevenson, Dr. R. R 308 Semple, Maj. Charles 451 Thompson, Col. Thomas W 414 Thomson, Lieut. Robert A 513 Trabue, Col. R. P 403 Taylor, Capt. W. J 957 White, Dr. Daniel P 528 Wickliffe, Lieut.-Col. John C 447 Wheeler, Lieut. -Gen. Joseph 967 Walker, Capt. David C 503 Weller, Capt. John H 487 Yeager, Charger of S. D. Brooks 961 MONUMENT TO MAJ.-GEN. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE. Lexington. PART I. GENERAL HISTORY OF THE BRIGADE. ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. CHARACTER AND SERVICES OF THE BRIGADE AS ESTIMATED BY OTHERS. Some months prior to the close of the war I conceived the design of preparing, at some future time, a history of the Orphan Brigade. In November, 1864, the plan of the work was set out in writing, with a view to interesting others, and of obtaining such muster-rolls and other papers as could be furnished while the command was still in the field, and at the close. This letter or circular was lost before the end came, but I recall a sentence : " However this war may terminate, if a man can truthfully claim to have been a worthy member of the Ken tucky Brigade he will have a kind of title of nobility." I was young and ardent, and of course such an expression was some what extravagant, even when received only as it was intended to con vey, by a figure, the simple idea that such a man would be distin guished among the thousands of surviving soldiers and receive honor able recognition from his fellow-citizens. The circumstance is worthy of note as indicating that the fame of this body of Kentucky soldiers did not depend upon factitious circumstances, which assume undue proportions when viewed through the haze of time, nor is it at all at tributable to that glamour to which the poet refers when he declares that "distance lends enchantment to the view." On the contrary they were proof against that insidious depreciation which results from long and familiar association with men of narrow limitations and un favorable characteristics, to which reference is made by the trite maxim, " Familiarity breeds contempt." The writer had from the first borne a humble part with those of whom he spoke, having a place with them till after Shiloh, first as a private in the ranks, then as a non commissioned officer ; afterward holding line and staff commissions ; had noted their conduct in all the multifarious conditions under which a faithful soldiery, through years of unequal conflict and peculiar trials, find themselves ; and after all had not merely a pride in his corps in the abstract, but an admiration for those composing it, which gave birth to the idea that no history of the command would be adequate that did not take cognizance of all the individuals whose conduct helped to 22 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. make the fame of the organization, and which is carried out in that de partment of the present work entitled, " Brief History of Individuals, Field and Staff, Rank and File." Coarse, ill-fitting, and ragged clothes, tattered shoes, and battered hats, ugly and cheerless surroundings, could not seriously depress and could not at all disguise the intrepid spirits who were as ready in the almost hopeless days of 1865 to spring to action at a word as they were in the first flush of their martial experience, when they had no thought but that battle meant victory, and victory meant the establishing of a government founded indeed and in truth upon the consent of the gov erned. A student of history, he had considered the conduct of famous sol diery, ancient and modern ; and with what light he had, he could not see that this body of young Kentuckians suffered at any point by com parison. He was not without a certain warm admiration of the Tenth Legion of the Roman army and of Bonaparte s Old Guard; but after all, in contemplating them, he saw rather Caesar, the great Imperator, and Bonaparte, the fiery Corsican, who moulded them and made them famous; in contemplating the Orphan Brigade we see the men who made their own fame. True, they were proud of their commanders, and were influenced by them; were quickly and intelligently responsive to their efforts to develop soldierly qualities and promote efficiency; but it was rather that they regarded these commanders as of them, not over them ; rather as gallant and capable fellow-countrymen on whom they could rely, and whom they could proudly follow, than as martinets and masters who held their places only by virtue of commissions from the War Office. If Buckner or Breckinridge or Preston, Hanson or Helm or Lewis, had proved in any sense incapable or craven, they would not have sunk below themselves on that account, but would have driven him from his place by manifest contempt. It is well to note here the quality of these soldiers as representatives of their people. It is probable that there was never any other organ ization of equal number that had so many bright and well-educated men. They were in the main of old pioneer stock, and they were , proud and self-respecting. They had due regard to family honor, and a strong trait was their State pride. To use the words of Dr. Holmes biographer, they had that " noble clannishness which is one of the safe guards of social morality," and, it may be added, of the fair fame of a commonwealth. Indeed, it was the name, Kentuckian, which touched them to the quick, and gave them a feeling of responsibility in guarding it from reproach. It made them patient under privation and steady under unusual trial. It gave them fortitude under suffering and fierceness in fight. If this feeling seems to have been somewhat HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 23 overweening, and to have manifested itself at times in a way to make them appear to "think better of themselves than they should," it must be observed that it partook not in the slightest degree of mere personal vanity. This latter characteristic is incompatible with a just and manly pride of either family or State. It should be recorded, too, that they represented Kentucky as a whole and not any particular section of it, not any particular class of its cit izens. They came together from eighty-three counties, from homes dotting the State from the Big Sandy to the Mississippi; from the Ohio to the Tennessee line, from the mountains, the bluegrass regions and the western plains; from city and hamlet and country places; from factories and shops, mines and farms; from schools, commercial houses and the offices of professional men. But the fact that the brigade held a remarkable place in an army of much-enduring and splendid fighting men does not rest upon what might otherwise appear the too partial estimate of an admiring com rade; but the evidence of others, contemporaneous and subsequent, not only justifies his conclusions, but gives them increased significance. Shortly after the battle of Shiloh, Judge Walker, of New Orleans, who was on the field during the engagement, published an account of it, which was circulated in pamphlet form, and in which he mentioned several of the Kentucky officers by name, and spoke of the conduct of the brigade in terms of the highest praise. In drill and discipline it was acknowledged to have no peer in the Army of Tennessee, after the trial-drill, May, 1863, w i tn the Louisiana Brigade, which had set up a claim to superior training and skill in ma neuver. After a review at Dal ton, January 30, 1864, Major-General Hind- man, then commanding Hardee s Corps, issued a complimentary or der, in which he said : " It is announced with gratification that the commanding General was much pleased with the appearance and bear ing of the troops of this corps on review to-day. Without detracting from the praise due to all, the Major-General deems it but just to men tion the Kentucky Brigade as especially entitled to commendation for soldierly appearance, steadiness of marching, and an almost perfect accuracy in every detail." General Joseph E. Johnston once told a prominent Confederate officer that there was no better infantry in the world than the Ken tucky Brigade." In the winter of i863~ 64, when General Breck- inridge was ordered to Virginia, he applied to General Johnston for permission to carry the brigade with him, under promise from President Davis that a brigade of other troops should be furnished as an equivalent. Johnston replied : " The President has no equivalent 24 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. for it. It is the best brigade in the Confederate Army." It is said that he made substantially the same remark at the Continental Hotel, in Philadelphia, some time in the winter of 1865- 66. While he was United States Railroad Commissioner, Judge William L. Jett, of Frankfort, called to see him in Washington one day, and incidentally referred to having seen the above statements. "Yes," he replied, "the Kentucky Brigade was the finest body of soldiers I ever saw." Judge Emory Speer, the eminent Georgia statesman and jurist, writes recently to Capt. J. T. Gaines, in whose company he served for some time : "I am glad to testify that our old General, Joseph E. Johnston, told me, when we were Congressmen together, that the Orphan Brigade was the finest body of men and soldiers he ever saw in any army any where." Coming from a trained West Pointer, an officer of the old United States Army, a veteran of two wars, and a citizen of another State, these expressions must be regarded as of extraordinary signifi cance. When the dismounted detachment moved through Columbia, South Carolina, April, 1865, one of the men inquired of a citizen: "Did the mounted Kentuckians pass through here?" "Yes," he replied; "and," said another, standing by, "they were the only gentlemen who have passed through here since the war began." A medical officer of White s Battery was asked, in the same city, whether a certain command (naming it), was fighting below Camden. " No no," he replied, "they never stay at one place long enough to get into a fight." "Where was Lewis ?" "Oh," said he, "Lewis was there. It is his men who are doing the fighting, and they ll stick to it as long as they can find a foe to shoot at ! " About this time, too, Major-General Young gave free expression to his admiration, and declared that an army of such officers and men, with adequate means, could bid defiance to the world. And one of the prominent Southern journals, referring to General Hood s defeat at Nashville, had this remark: " A correspondent of one of our exchanges writes of the unfortunate disaster at Nashville, and incidentally pays the highest compliment to Lewis brigade, then absent, which was never known to falter. 1 The Mobile Advertiser and Register, speaking of a certain point of Hood s defense, on the same occasion, remarks: "Troops should have been placed at that point of whom not the slightest doubt ex isted. Had the Kentucky Brigade been there, all would have been safe." It is well authenticated, also, that the United States Army knew them ; and as the veteran soldiers of every civilized nation admire those most who oppose them most manfully, they respected them highly HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE 25 When a large part of the brigade was captured at Jonesboro, General Jefferson C. Davis, by whose division they were made prisoners, ex pressed his admiration of them, and assured them that they should be treated as gentlemen ; and no insult was offered by the soldiers, nor was the then common custom of depriving prisoners of watches and other private property resorted to by any one. On the contrary, while expressing their joy at having captured them, they incidentally extolled them in no measured terms. The foregoing are a few of the many expressions that were heard from Donelson and Shiloh to Camden. It is unnecessary to swell the number. Something of the interest which gathered around the command was no doubt due to the singular position they occupied. Almost the sole representatives in the Confederate Infantry of a State renowned of old for the gallantry of her sons, displayed on almost every field since the Revolution ; completely isolated from home, and for the time in direct antagonism to the authority of their Commonwealth, without the com forts and encouragements that others enjoyed the soldierly qualities exhibited in battling so manfully, suffering so patiently, bearing them selves so loftily under all, were such as would have attracted the atten tion of the country under any circumstances, and would seem to deserve special notice at the hands of the historian. In physical development and powers of endurance their superiority was manifest. Official tables of measurement taken during the war show that among from three to four millions of volunteers from all parts of the Union, natives and foreigners, those born and reared in Ken tucky exceeded all others except Tenneseeans in average height, weight, size of head, circumference of chest, and ratio of weight to stature. Two peculiar instances of their hardihood are given : During the first siege of Vicksburg, when they were encamped about the city for five weeks succeeding June 28, 1862, and doing duty along the river under very unusual conditions (to them) poor rations, bad water, an enervating climate, and miasmatic influence the mortality among them, as shown by surgeons reports, was less than that of troops whose homes were in the Southern States. On the march from Jackson to Big Black beginning Jury i, 1863, and the return, many men belonging to the Southern and Southeastern States fell out, and some died from the effects of the intense heat and fatigue, while the Kentuckians withstood all and were on hand for duty when operations were resumed at Jackson. Their indomitable resolution and constancy were well exemplified by their action at Greene s Cut, Ga., February u, 1865. No one at all conversant with the history of those times needs to be reminded of the 26 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. long and arduous service which they had performed, the trials to which they had been subjected, the manifold disappointments and discour agements which they had experienced from the beginning, now ex tending well into the fourth year. Apparently they had had enough to break the spirits of brave and true men. There was disaffection among the people for whom they were fighting; newspapers were basely advising submission crying for peace on any terms and the Governor of the great State of Georgia was rated among the most cap tious of the critics who had long called in question the policy of the Confederate Government, and fomented opposition. It was a sorry spectacle to Kentuckians ; and they denounced the spirit that prompted such exhibitions of disloyalty to a Government which they had helped to create, and which Kentuckians were sacrificing much and risking all in trying to establish. The officers and men assembled on the day alluded to and passed resolutions condemning in strong terms all that tended to encourage defection, deplete the ranks of the soldiery, withhold from the Gov ernment aid and comfort, and encourage the enemy. Every regiment was represented by officers and men on the committee that drafted the resolutions, while field and staff, rank and file composed the meeting that passed them without a dissenting voice. Our services, our sacri fices, they said substantially, give us the right to speak ; we accept no excuse for relaxing effort to conquer a peace and establish independ ence ; we are exiles from our homes and those who are nearest and dearest to us, but we are not willing to return upon terms now pro posed; we believe the minie-rifle is our best peace commissioner; we suggest that disloyal editors be placed beside true men in the ranks, where they can be taught, with Enfields in their hands, how a Gov ernment should be supported; we reassert our devotion, and we send this our greeting to General Robert E. Lee, to be read to the noble army of North Virginia, as our assurance that we will stand shoulder to shoulder with them, as it were, in this war of right and justice. These resolutions were published in the Atlanta Constitution and in Virginia, and whether their effect to stay the rising tide of disloyalty and dismay was much or little, Kentuckians were put on record as be ing ready to stand to their guns as long as a Confederate flag floated over the capitol at Richmond. It was the only time during the war that they stopped to substitute resolutions for rifle-shots, and these were not aimed at the common enemy, but at the dangerous malcontents in the South. Let us next advert to conclusions reached by a scholarly gentlman and popular writer, who was a Union man, and whose prejudices and affiliations, therefore, did not predispose him to judge too favorably. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN HRIGADK. 27 Professor N. S. Shaler, in the course of his able ethnological studies, in Scribncrs (1890), entitled, "Nature and Man in America/ gives the following remarkable estimate of these men, based upon statements and statistics relating to the troops of the two opposing armies : "Last of all, we have the test afforded by the trials of the struggle between North and South. War has ever been the rudest and the most effective gauge of certain important qualities. The actual advance to which living beings have attained has been in large part determined by the measure of resistance which creatures have been enabled to make against adverse circumstances, not the passive inertia of inani mate things, but the active and long-continued contest in which all the latent powers are applied in determined action. The military struggles of men are but an advanced and complicated form of the immemo rial rivalry of lower creatures, out of which, through infinite pain, infinite good has been won. There is no more searching test of the moral and physical development of a people than that which is afforded by a great and long-continued civil war. That such a strife affords a measure of the physical power which is in the people of maintaining determinations is manifest. The contact of armies in the field gives, moreover, an excellent measure as to the moral state of the people. Nothing so tests the firmness with which the motives of sympathy, of justice, are rooted in men, as the temptations which campaigns expose them to. "It is hard, in our ordinary, well-regulated societies, to ascertain how far men are held to right by the machinery of the law, how far their relations to their fellows are fixed by their own motives. The ratio of compulsion to spontaneous motives becomes evident when the men of the State are marshalled into armies. This test was made thorough-going by the circumstances of our civil war. In the first place the combatants fought for more ideal issues than men commonly do. It was not for the love of chieftains, or for conquest, but for theo ries of institutions, of plans for States, that they contended. No war was ever so humanely conducted as this. There were grievous things about it ; all war is a succession of griefs ; but the conduct of the armies in the field was more humane than in any other similar cam paigns which the world has known. The interest of women and chil dren was almost invariably considered. The soldiers born upon the soil generally carried the civic sense, the order of peaceful society, with them in march and battle. Good-nature and sympathy were written on their banners. We have but to compare the struggles of the French and Spaniards in Florida, or the wars between the Ameri can colonies of the British and French, to see how humanized our armies were under circumstances, which, in other lands and times, have awakened the devil in men. The issue of the combat, the perfect accord and loving humor which now mark the men who met on battle fields, shows this in the clearest possible manner. I take it to be plain that the rebellion proves our people to have lost nothing in the moral gains which the race won in the Old World. If we compare the issue of the contest with the chronic conditions of dispute between Great Britain and Ireland, I think we may claim that we have gained in the moral qualities which appear in the conduct of public affairs. 28 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. "The conduct of our armies in the field shows clearly that the com bination of physical vigor and moral earnestness which make a good soldier exists in unsurpassed measure in the man whose ancestors dwelt long upon the American soil. Some years ago I sought carefully to find a body of troops whose ancestors had been for many generations upon our soil, and whose ranks were essentially unmixed with foreigners, or those whose fore fathers had been but a short time upon this continent. It proved dif ficult to find in the Northern armies any command which served the needs of the inquiry which I desired to make. It seemed necessary to consider a force of at least five thousand men in order to avoid the risks which would come from imperfect data. In our Federal army it was the custom to put in the same brigade regiments from different districts, thus commingling commands of pure American blood with those that had a considerable percentage of foreigners, or men of for eign parents. I found in my limited inquiry but one command that satisfied the needs of this investigation, and this was the First Brigade of Kentucky troops in the rebel army. In the beginning of the war this brigade was recruited mostly in the slave-holding district of Ken tucky, its ranks being filled mainly with farmers sons. It is possible to trace the origin of the men in this command with sufficient exactitude by the inspection of the muster-rolls. Almost every name upon them belongs to well-known families of English stock, mainly derived from Virginia. It is possible, in a similar way, to prove that, with few, un important exceptions, these soldiers were of ancient American lineage. Speaking generally, we may say that their blood had been traced upon the soil for a century and a half; that is, they were about five genera tions removed from the parent country. When first recruited, this brigade contained about five thousand men. From the beginning it proved as trustworthy a body of infantry as ever marched or stood in line of battle. Its military record is too long, too varied, to be even summarized here. I will note only one hundred and twenty days of its history in the closing stages of its serv ice. On May 7, 1864, this brigade, then in the army of General Jos eph Johnston, marched out of Dalton 1,140 strong, at the beginning of the great retreat upon Atlanta before the army of Sherman. In the subsequent hundred and twenty days, or until September 3d, the brig ade was almost continuously in action or on the march. In this period the men of the command received 1,860 death or hospital wounds, the dead counted as wounds, and but one wound being counted for each visitation of the hospital. At the end of this time there were less than fifty men who had not been wounded during the hundred and twenty days. There were 240 men left for duty, and less than ten men de serted. "A search into the history of warlike exploits has failed to show me any endurance to the worst trials of war surpassing this. We must remember that the men of this command were at each stage of their retreat going farther from their firesides. It is easy for men to bear great trials under circumstances of victory. Soldiers of ordinary good ness will stand several defeats, but to endure the despair which such adverse conditions bring for more than a hundred days demands a moral and physical patience, which, so far as I have learned, has never been excelled in any army." HISTORY OF THE OKl HAN HKKIADE. 29 From Professor Shaler s unqualified use of the term rebel and re bellion the men whom he otherwise characterizes with such dispassion ate judgment must dissent; and they can but wonder that a mind so philosophical and candid accepts a phraseology which the historians of the future (and not distant future) will discard; but his testimony is the manly and striking tribute of an honorable adversary to an organiza tion of Kentuckians whose fame is now the joint heritage of all her citizens. In his article in the May (1896) Century Magazine, "Are Nervous Diseases Increasing?" Dr. Philip Coombs Knapp says: "Up to the period of the civil war the American was denounced as physically de generate, inferior in bulk, strength and endurance to his English cousin. This war put an end to such talk. No armies ever endured more than ours in the field; no people endured more than those who stayed be hind, waiting and helping. The record of the First Kentucky Brigade (here he recapitulates Shaler s estimate and adds) has never been sur passed. These men were of the purest American stock." Different accounts have been given as to how the command acquired the designation of Orphan Brigade. Its attitude toward its native State expatriated by reason of identification with a cause which Ken tucky had not formally approved ; its complete isolation from its peo ple; its having been time and again deprived of its commander by transfer to other service, or death in battle these, all and singular, may have suggested the name, which soon fixed itself in the popular mind, and has come to be the real one by which it will be known in history. That its record should be carefully written for the information of the present generation, and for transmission to posterity, is not a matter of mere personal concern to its survivors and a just tribute to the memory of its dead; it concerns the State. If Gladstone s dictum, that " no greater calamity can happen to a people than to break utterly with its past," is true in general, it is especially true of any episode of that past in which the people acquired enlarged title to distinction, and in which lessons were taught which should enter into its life and mould its fut ure. 30 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER II. BRIEF REVIEW OF THE ATTITUDE OF THE CONFEDERATE ELEMENT OF KENTUCKY ON THE QUESTION IN ISSUE. OBJECTION TO CERTAIN CURRENT TERMS AND STATEMENTS WHICH IMPROPERLY GO UN CHALLENGED. ORGANIZATION OF A PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT. To enter into a discussion, in a work of this kind, of the causes which led to the war would be not only inappropriate but inexcusable ; and for a proper understanding of the attitude of the men who espoused the Southern cause, and particularly of those who volun teered for the Southern service, it is necessary to note only, and very briefly, the grounds of such predilection in favor of the Confederacy, and of -such action on the part of those who took up arms in defense of their principles. There are no records from which to compile an accurate statement of the number of Kentuckians who enlisted in the Confederate army. Reckoning by organizations, and comparing with the infantry regi ments whose original rolls are still in existence those whose numbers were never definitely stated, it has been estimated that the maximum -could not have exceeded forty thousand. Rosters and rolls made at various times during the war, and now on file in the War Office at Washington, indicate that twenty-five thousand is nearer the correct figure. During the four years of war the United States enlisted in Ken tucky more than seventy-eight thousand men. Of these there were nineteen regiments and battalions of colored troops ; but, deducting these, it will be seen that of white men there were between two and three times as many Kentuckians in the Federal as in the Confederate service. Apparently the preponderance of sentiment in the State was largely in favor of the war policy of the United States Government ; but this is to be received with some degree of allowance, and it is not unreasonable to conclude that after the first excitement, during which the young men of the State impulsively followed the bent of their in clinations, when the question of union or disunion received sober sec ond thought the people found themselves reduced to the necessity of making choice between the evil of separation and that of establishing a union by force ; and that very many who repudiated the idea that the Constitution warranted a resort to coercion under any circum- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 31 stances, chose the latter, and encouraged the enlistment of troops to compel the seceded States to accept the ultra doctrine of the Whigs, that in ratifying the Constitution of 1787 the States had yielded up their individual sovereignty, and that the Union thereby entered into must be held as " one and indivisible." Taking human nature as we find it, we must of course give due weight to the influences that were brought to bear upon the border States after it became manifest that war was inevitable ; and these were cumulative and grew more potent as events of momentous import succeeded each other with startling rapidity, and the horrors of in- ,ternecine strife were no longer a mere probability, but were seen and felt. There can be no question that in the early days of 1861, the people of Kentucky were almost a unit in their opposition to the policy of coercion which had begun to be foreshadowed. During the called session of the Legislature, (January, 1861), that body was well-nigh unanimous in condemning the action of certain Eastern States in tendering to the President men and money to be used in coercing the sovereign States of the South into obedience, and in declaring that when those States should send armed forces into the South for that purpose, the people of Kentucky would unite with their brethren of the South, and as one man, to resist such invasion at all hazards and to the last extremity. For months there was no manifest abatement of this feeling. There was an inconsiderable number of men in the State who had identified .themselves with the Republican or Union party ; but at that time the Breckinridge and Douglas Democrats and the Bell and Everett or National Americans comprised almost the whole voting population, and nearly all these were united in their opposition to the use of force. When, (April 15, 1861,) Governor Magoffin replied to Mr. Lincoln s call for troops, " I say emphatically that Kentucky will furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing her sister Southern States ;" his action was regarded as the expression of the people s will; and at a meeting held two days afterward to consider the attitude in which the Executive had formally placed her, a committee .composed of able men of both the great parties passed resolutions approving the re sponse. " If," said this representative meeting, through its commit tee, " the enterprise announced in the proclamation of the President shall at any time hereafter assume the aspect of a war for the overrun ning and subjugation of the seceding States, through the full assertion therein of the national jurisdiction by a standing military force, we do not hesitate to say that Kentucky should unsheath the sword in what ihen will have become a common cause." 32 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Of the wisdom of the step taken by the Southern States there was grave doubt in the minds of many of Kentucky s ablest and best men ; of the abstract right of secession there was little question in the minds of any except the ultra Whigs ; of the utter absence of authority vested in the President and Congress by the Constitution to compel the return of the seceded States, there was no doubt in the minds of the ablest jurists and statesmen, or of others who had seriously con sidered the provisions of that instrument. The spirit of the Resolutions of 1798-99 had entered into the life of the people of Kentucky, and the doctrine had become a part of their mental furnishing. They were strict constructionists, but they had seldom had occasion to apprehend danger, and scarcely ever any disposition to discuss this doctrine or to assert it. They had believed in the perpetuity of the Union, and they deprecated sectional agita tion, come from whatever quarter it might ; but now they were brought face to face with the startling fact that their own views were being put to a practical test; and they were left the alternative of adhering to them and allying themselves with the States which had taken so radi cal a step that, according to the Kentucky theory, a legal separation was already an accomplished fact, or to abandon an essential part of their political creed and make themselves a party to usurpation of power. "Resolved," said the celebrated paper referred to, "that whenever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void and of no force ; that to this compact each State acceded as a State, and is an integral party, its co-States forming as to itself the other party." In the light of this, the action of the Washington Government was revolutionary. Add to this that their inclinations were naturally with the South ; in some respects their interests were identical ; and there was besides the warmer feeling of kinship with these people from whose pioneer stock her population had in a large part been derived ; and it will be readily apprehended that but for the hesitation of Virginia and Tennessee, discouraging action on her part until the first heat of excitement had passed, Kentucky would have formally identified herself with the Southern movement; but the delay brought change of policy, if not of sincere sentiment. The geographical position of the State was exceedingly unfavorable under the circumstances ; and this was seized upon by the men whose proclivities were to the North, and it was made the most of by Union men everywhere. With three hostile States on her river line, hav ing facilities for transporting troops and munitions of war from any portion of the North, and throwing them speedily into her midst her border cities perfectly exposed to destruction from a naval armament HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 33 that might have been sent into the Ohio and Mississippi so promptly as to render any attempt at coast defense useless ; add to this that she was not adequately armed and equipped, and had neither the power to become so of herself nor the hope of receiving that character of aid from the Confederate Government, and it will be seen that she was almost entirely defenseless, and the obstacles were recognized as being so really insurmountable, by even the less sagacious and more passionate leaders of the Southern element in Kentucky, that they w.ere paralyzed; and every sign of hesitation, every day of delay, emboldened the party that sought not only to prevent alliance with the South, but to make the State an active participant in the war of subju gation. The result was that Kentucky at last assumed an attitude utterly unworthy of the character and traditions of her people neu trality, so-called, in a time of great public upheaval and of that peril to free institutions which could but be apprehended from an organized attempt to overthrow constitutional rights. It is unnecessary to consider the successive steps by which this result was reached. How the Southern leaders in good faith acqueisced in it, and sought to carry out their part of the compact, is part of the gen eral history of the times. And it is not pleasant to recall the crimina tions and recriminations current among the partisans of the respective powers then at war, and the bitterness that was engendered. It was but natural that a certain degree of odium should attach to Kentucky in the minds of both sections, though both drew largely from her to swell the ranks of the respective armies, and the North especially for supplies and munitions of war. The Southern sympathizers in Kentucky who had awaited the action of their own State, with the hope that such action would be consistent with their views, and lead to organizing for the purpose of repelling all attempts of the Federal armies to cross her northern boundary, put no faith in the declaration of the Legislature that Kentucky " would not take up arms for either belligerent party; but arm herself for the pres ervation of peace in her own borders." They believed the position wholly untenable, if not dastardly, and felt themselves free to act on their individual responsibility. Further than this they felt that the policy had not been adopted in good faith, and that it would not be re spected by the Washington authorities. They had not long to wait for confirmation of this, for before July, General William Nelson was au thorized to recruit in Kentucky five regiments of infantry and one of cavalry for service in the Federal army ; and during that month a Federal camp of rendezvous and instruction, " Dick Robinson," was established in the State. The Southern men considered this a virtual abandonment of the policy by the party that originated it ; but they de- 34 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. clinedto accept the retraction, and their recruiting stations were es tablished on the Tennessee border, within the jurisdiction of the Con federate States. Relieved from all obligation to do military service at the call of the State by the State s own action and by its acquiescence in the estab lishment of a recruiting station in her own limits, they were free to take service in accordance with their own views and feelings. It ought to be noted that .though Kentucky was still an integral part of the Union she had declared herself ready to fight the United States troo p s a course which could be justified only on strictly secession principles. Occupying this anomalous position, she had virtually abandoned legal control of her own citizens, who proceeded to ally themselves with one or the other party to the conflict. A word here as to the sentiments and feelings of the Kentucky secessionists at this crisis : The typical Kentuckian is essentially loyal and essentially senti mental. Whatever has indisputable claim to his devotion, whatever he loves, whatever he is responsible for, is assured of his constancy and of the might of his arm in time of need. As long as his country s flag symbolizes his country s rights, dignity and lawful power, a sight of it, raised in appeal to the country s defenders, sets him afire. He does not waste time composing verses and making bombastic speeches, but gets his gun. Sentiment does not degenerate into mere senti mentality, but impels to action. Witness the war of 1812. When the Governor called for volunteers considerably in excess of the State s proportion, twice the number took the field and soon showed that the cavalier and revolutionary blood was abounding and unadulterated. In the conflict with Mexico, the Kentuckian was prompt and very prominent ; and if there had been the suggestion of threatened disaster to American arms, and of real need, the State would have turned out a sufficient army of her own, not only to relieve Texas, but to take possession of the enemy s country. It should be kept in mind, however, that his loyalty is not a blind prejudice; not a bias resulting from old habits and associations. He is quick to discover when a mere graven image or a clay god occupies the place of what he believed true and worthy of his regard; and as quick to kindle into that indignation which results in an effort to break it in pieces. Herein lies the solution of the apparent anomaly that a State known of all men to be rather ultra loyal to the General Govern ment; a State whose citizens, whether calling themselves Whigs or Democrats, gave a hearty amen to Mr. Clay s watch- word, "The Union, One and Indivisible," and were always ready to take up arms in its defense that such a State was once on the point of seceding HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 35 in fact would have seceded had there not been double-dealing which caused delay, during which the Federal power perfected plans and adopted a policy that over-awed the timid and won the wavering by playing upon their fears and threatening their property interests. With those who early in 1861 were inclined to ally Kentucky with the Southern movement it was a condition precedent to their constant loyalty to the Union of the States that there should be no violation of the compact into which all had entered; and they now saw in the principles and policy of the dominant party an assumption of authority to maintain the Union by force of arms a doctrine which they re pudiated and resented. In spite of the overshadowing influence of Mr. Clay, the spirit of the resolutions of 1798 had lived and even in tensified as hostility to Southern institutions became more and more manifest. The general public did not note the fine distinction between the resolutions of 1798 and those of 1799, whether a State could legiti mately withdraw without the concurrence of a majority of the States; but accepted the extreme doctrine that each was sovereign, and for cause could dissolve its connection with the rest. So, when it became clear that the Washington government meant to wage war upon the se ceded States because they had presumed to exercise what they re garded as a constitutional right, these men looked upon it as an out rage, monstrous in its criminality. When it was proposed that the armies of the United States should march under the old flag, upon which Kentuckians had so long lovingly looked as the banner of free dom and the emblem of all that had been won by the blood and treasure of Kentucky and the South, as well as of those that now held the reins of Government when this was to float over an army of in vasion and subjugation, moved by a power that was not expressly (or even impliedly as they saw things), lodged anywhere is it any won der that for the time it not only lost its sanctity but took on the aspect of one symbolizing usurpation of authority and the sinister purposes of a conqueror ? The candid and reflecting mind judges the actions of men by their underlying motives, and seeks fairly to discover whether those motives have as their logical basis honest convictions. The wild fanaticism of the North on the slavery question, which had its manifestations in teaching that there was a higher law than the Con stitution ; that the Constitution was a league with death and a cove nant with hell;" that the stripes on the country s flag were "bloody scars" and its "vaunting hymn" (the Star Spangled Banner) a lie; in the Helper Book; in the John Brown raid; in the daily rabid and rev olutionary utterances of orators and newspapers all this made the im pression on that generation of young Kentuckians that the professed 36 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. love for the Union and loyalty to the Government were hypocritical to the last degree, and that the war was rather a mad crusade to destroy slavery than a patriotic effort to enforce the laws. It cannot be main tained, however, that they took up arms in defense of this peculiar in stitution, though they did feel that the seizing of a pretext to invade the South to destroy what the law had recognized as a property right was outrageous ; and, of course, this contributed greatly to inflame pas sion . Referring to the above statement as to action based upon honest convictions, we have seen that these men believed secession to be a fundamental right. The teachings of a number of their own most honored jurists and statesmen had impressed this; and it was so held by many of these in that section which had now resorted to arms to prevent the practical exercise of such right. This attempt, then, could be viewed no otherwise than as an invasion of sovereign States, without warrant of law, but in flagrant violation of law, and for the de struction of a property right which represented to the Southern people not less than a thousand millions of dollars. There was manifest in the action of these men also a trait which challenges the admiration of civilized people everywhere; namely, that chivalrous spirit which espouses the cause of the weak against the strong. Any species of outrage or oppression had the effect of so rousing their wrath as to make them lose sight of their own interests and take upon themselves the office of defenders and avengers. To use a homely phrase, it is peculiarly characteristic of Kentuckians to take the part of "the bottom dog in the fight," without stopping to in quire into the merits of the case. Having then a basis of honest con victions as to the right of the Southern Confederacy to exist; being thoroughly persuaded that no written or implied warrant justified the action of the Washington government; and fired by the spectacle of mighty armies, levied and sustained by a power whose resources of men and money were inexhaustible, swarming across the border to compel a comparatively weak people to abide by their views of the Constitutional compact entered into by the fathers of the Republic the five to seven thousand young Kentuckians of whom this work treats enrolled themselves under the tri-colored flag and took step to the music of Dixie. How they fought and suffered and to the very last stood fast by the banner that represented to them the principle that " all just government is derived from the consent of the governed" all the world knows. How they loved their own State, though for the time expatriated and contemned by the powers into whose hands she had fallen, is attested by the fact that though their blood reddened the many battlefields of seven States, they were mindful of what was due HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 37 to her and never fled ignominiously before their enemies; and though their privations were long and trying and their disappointments many, they never lost heart nor hesitated to answer to the call of duty. In recording the deeds of these men it seems to the writer to be due to the truth of history that he enter, for them and their posterity, a protest against the use of certain epithets and assumptions that may have the effect of placing them in a false light hereafter. In contro versy, a false assumption or a careless statement, if allowed to go un challenged, may take the force of a true premise and establish an argument; and an epithet or term that passes into general use without question as to the correctness of its application may give currency to error and insure its perpetuation. Perhaps no conflict between the civ ilized nations of the earth has been of such magnitude as was that of the war between the States. Certainly no other was so remarkable in respect to the question involved and to the result upon the destinies of a vast continent. And notwithstanding the ravings of fanatics that did so much to precipitate it, no other two mighty antagonists were ever so sincerely honest and unanimous in their respective views of the matter in issue as were the people of the North and the South. Having fought each other long and heroically on what may be styled a mere open clause in the Constitution, and disposed of the matter for all time, it is not to the interest or the glory of either to try to forestall the, verdict of the future upon the motives or the conduct of the other. The term "rebel," as applied to Southern men, and used in current speech, is not offensive; because they have accepted it, applied it to themselves, and, though conscious of its falsity, they regard it rather as the title of distinction which connects them with that stupendous struggle during which "all the world wondered" at their valor, their endurance, and their fealty; but it bespeaks either the uncandid and time-serving or careless mind when one who essays to chronicle the events of those times sets down for the eyes of the dispassionate reader of the future the terms "rebel" and "rebellion." The movement of the Southern States was in no sense a rebellion, unless, indeed, we may speak of it as a rebellion against the assumption of the North that every State surrendered its sovereignty when it ratified the Constitu tion of 1787. With just as much propriety, in view of the real prin ciple upon which the war was waged, might Southern writers speak of the Federal soldiers as the wanton invaders and despoilers of a kindred people. Again we have the confident statement that the Southern States sub mitted the question of secession to the arbitrament of arms, and lost; or, that they threw down the gage of battle ; or, that they appealed to the sword and the decision was against them, etc., etc. Not only have 38 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. such expressions passed unchallenged, but they are not infrequently used by Southern men themselves. A more glaring untruth as to the respective attitudes of the com batants was never allowed to gain currency. The South never pro posed to submit the question to the arbitrament of arms; she never either literally or figuratively threw down the gage of battle; she never appealed to the sword to obtain her rights. She took a step which she believed the Constitution guaranteed to her, without any in timation that she regarded it as revolutionary, and to be made good by battle, and simply asked to be let alone. Those who keep in mind the occurrences of those times know with what pertinacity Mr. Davis clung to that terse expression of the wishes of his people: " Let us alone." Those who do not can find it in his State papers, iterated in the first days of the Confederacy, and again and again reiterated sub sequently "Let us alone." Peaceable secession that was their right, they said. It was no new doctrine, but had been maintained by the ablest American jurists, North as well as South. No such right exists, said the then dominant party in the North ; secession is rebel lion. That was the issue; and the Federal power was invoked to compel the Southern States to abandon their position. The war was forced upon them. They fought, but not of choice. They had the alternative of fighting or of cravenly rescinding their action and yield ing a right which was as clearly and positively guaranteed to them by the organic law as was the right to hold property. The question was settled by arms ; but to say that it was submitted to the arbitrament of arms is grossly to misrepresent the plans, purposes, and actions of the seceded States. We hear also much about the defenders of the Union, the preserv ers of the Union, etc. The use of these terms is utterly fallacious and misleading, unless we are ready to eliminate from the case the South ern view, and accept a half truth as good and sufficient. They defended the creation of their own minds ; they preserved a Union which existed under the Constitution only as they construed it a forced construction which violated the rules laid down for determining the meaning of laws, organic or statute. In the Southern mind, there was no unconditional Union, as we have heretofore indicated; and to talk of a union preserved is to ignore one of the belligerents. The truth is that Northern arms destroyed the principle upon which the original confederation of States was based and established an indivisi ble and permanent one, so that accuracy of statement requires that the so-called preservers of the Union be known as the founders, the fathers of the L T nion as it now exists; but with this superlative title and this apparently greater honor, they must take the responsibility of HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 39 the much-modifying fact that they invaded and overpowered a free and of right independent people. No really sane and thoughtful man desires to renew or to perpetuate any of the animosities engendered by the war. On the contrary, he rejoices at every indication of the growth of fraternal feeling between the sections and among the individuals who in 1861 arrayed them selves on opposite sides in a mighty struggle. But the history of that struggle is yet to be written; and the philosophic historian will need to draw his materials and his conclusions not alone from the archives of State, but from the records left by those whose lives were contem poraneous with the events of 1861-65 an d those of the few decades im mediately succeeding. It is important, therefore, that every one of them who takes upon himself the task of a chronicler shall speak his honest thought accepting nothing as true merely because it is current and ostensibly admitted; and rejecting nothing as false simply because it is unpopular with this or the other section. The man who seeks to con ciliate his enemy by admissions, explanations or apologies that the enemy knows or feels to be insincere incurs contempt. A chivalric foeman honors and trusts the man who fights him bravely and fairly, and as bravely but without foolish bluster maintains his conviction that the grounds on which he made battle were true and good, no mat- ter^what the issue of the conflict. Witness the soldiers of the respec tive armies. There was a degree of fraternization among them even during those bitter years; and since then they have been friends. They are not disposed to quarrel over a dead issue, and they do not call in question the patriotic motives that impelled each to wage against the other a long and destructive war. No more should they hesitate, when occasion demands, to put on record, in respectful but unequivocal terms, "the reason for the faith that was in them." We make no complaint as to the result. To the power that "rode upon the swift cloud," and controlled the storm all must bow; but it is important to us, to our children and our children s children, that we maintain, and that the world come to recognize, that the Southern States exercised a clear constitutional right when they withdrew, and that Southern soldiers fought for the essential principle of human liberty the right of self-goverment. The State Rights party met, by delegates, at Russellville, on the i8th of November, and organized a provisional government for Ken tucky, under which the State was admitted into the Confederacy, in December, and accorded equal privileges of representation with the others. The Governor and a council of ten, representing the ten Con gressional districts into which the State was then divided, were invested with the power accorded in the State Government to the Executive 40 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. and the Legislature, and the following officers were chosen : For Governor, George W. Johnson, of Scott county ; for members of Coun cil, Willis B. Machen, of Lyon county, President of Council; John W. Crockett, of Henderson; James P. Bates, of Barren; James S. Chrisman, of Wayne; Philip B. Thompson, of Mercer; J. P. Burn- side, of Garrard; H. W. Bruce, of Jefferson; E. M. Bruce, of Nich olas; J. W. Moore, of Montgomery; and S. S. Scott, of Boone. For Secretary of State, Robert McKee, of Louisville; Assistant Secretary of State, O. F. Payne, of Fayette. Treasurer, John Burnam, of Warren; Auditor, J. Pillsbury, of Warren; Clerk, A. Frank Brown, of Bourbon; Sergeant-at-Arms, John B. Thomp son, Jr., of Mercer. The following were sent as delegates to the Pro visional Congress, rather as delegates at large : John Thomas, of Christian ; Henry E. Reed, of Hardin ; George W. Ewing, of Logan ; Dr. Daniel P. White, of Greene; T. L. Burnett, of Spencer; S. H. Ford, of Louisville; Judge Monroe, of Frankfort ; Colonel Tom John son, of Montgomery; and John M. Elliott, of Floyd. An election was ordered and held on the 22d day of January, 1862, for members of Congress of the permanent government, for the two years next en suing, and the following gentlemen were chosen for the respective dis tricts, in the order in which the names occur : W. B. Machen, of Lyon ; J. W. Crockett, of Henderson ; H. E. Reed, of Hardin ; George W. Ewing, of Logan; James S. Chrisman, of Wayne; T. L. Burnett, of Spencer; H. W. Bruce, of Jefferson; George B. Hodge, of Camp bell; E. M. Bruce, of Nicholas; James W. Moore, of Montgomery; Robert J. Breckinridge, Jr., of Fayette; and John M. Elliott, of Floyd. Another election was held on the loth of February, 1864, by Kentuckians in the South, and the same delegation returned, with the exception that George W. Triplett, of Daviess; Humphrey Mar shall, of Henry; and Benjamin F. Bradley, of Scott, were chosen for the districts to which they severally belonged. Henry C. Burnett, of Trigg, and William E. Simms, of Bourbon, were elected Senators, and served as such during the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 41 CHAPTER III. ORGANIZATION OF THE REGIMENTS AND ARTILLERY COMPOSING THE FIRST KENTUCKY BRIGADE. THE FIGHT AT HUTCHERSON S. TROOPS UNDER BUCKNER CONCENTRATE AT BOWLING GREEN. BRECKINRIDGE ASSUMES COMMAND. FIGHT AT WHIPPOORWILL BRIDGE. EXPEDITIONS TO ROCHESTER AND ELSEWHERE. INCI DENTS AND ANECDOTES. The eagerness with which the people of Kentucky, in common with other slave States, looked forward to the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, and a consequent authoritative declaration of his policy, was propor tioned to the momentous character of the crisis. As events of a startling nature crowded upon each other, and a thousand rumors were borne to the public ear respecting the evident designs of the President elect, and the ill-concealed disposition on the part of the Republicans to resort to force, and compel the seceded States into submission to whatever course the Government should choose to pursue, the interest deepened into anxiety, at last into a feverish, painful suspense, which, contrary to hopes which had been entertained, was in nowise relieved, but rather intensified by the circumstances immediately connected with the journey of Mr. Lincoln to Washington, and the unusual char acter of the proceedings on the day of his induction into office. The Inaugural Address itself, so far from removing the suspense, proved rather a means to increase the doubt and bewilderment of the people, insomuch as it was like the famous shield which drew the contending knights to battle each party interpreted it from his own point of view, and contention waxed hot, and uncertainty grew almost to mad ness before the guns of Charleston harbor dispelled the mental haze, and effectually opened the eyes of men to the astounding fact that one of the mighty scourges of heaven had fallen upon the American people that war, gigantic, unrelenting, had displayed his "wrinkled front " once more upon the hitherto happy continent. " The mutual animosity of separate countries at war with each other," says the most pleasing of modern historians, " is languid when compared with the animosity of nations which, morally separated, are yet locally intermingled." Though the people of the United States were regarded as one people, they were divided among themselves they differed in local institutions and prejudices were "morally sepa- 44 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Hewitt determined to recruit a regiment for the Southern army, and they set about the necessary arrangements to carry this into effect. They were aided in the enterprise by some of the most wealthy and in fluential citizens of Louisville, who spent freely for transportation and supplies, and labored in every laudable way for the promotion of the scheme. Authority was obtained to establish a recruiting station at some point contiguous to Kentucky, and of easy access, and to organ ize bodies of troops for the Confederate service. Accordingly, a spot was chosen in Montgomery county, Tennessee, two miles to the right of the Louisville and Memphis railroad, and seven miles from Clarks- ville, in a heavily-timbered forest, well supplied with water, while fields furnishing sufficient open space for drilling large commands were con venient; and here, in July, 1861, Camp Boone was laid out, and cleared of undergrowth, and the nucleus of the Second Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry pitched their tents, and entered upon the duties peculiar to the recruit in the earlier stages of his discipline. Colonels Lloyd Tilghman and R. P. Trabue also obtained authority to raise, each, a regiment, and the first men who enlisted under Colonel Tilgh man came out shortly after those under Withers. The Second Regi ment was organized on the iyth of July. (A list of Field and Staff officers will be found in that part of this work which treats of the His tory of Individuals). The Third Regiment was organized a few days afterward, with the following officers composing field and staff: Lloyd Tilghman, Colonel; Albert P. Thompson, Lieutenant Colonel; Ben An derson, Major; Captain Alfred Boyd, A. Q. M. ; Captain J. S. Byers, A. C. S. ; Dr. J. W. Thompson, Surgeon, and Dr. J. B. Sanders, As sistant Surgeon. We have not been able to learn who the original Ad jutant was. Colonel Tilghman was promoted to Brigadier General in the autumn, and, upon the promotion of Thompson and Anderson to the positions of Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel, Captain A. Johnson became Major. The Third Regiment, however, did not constitute a part of the command afterward known as the First Kentucky Brigade, though it was connected with it as part of Breckinridge s Division till September, 1862, and fought with the Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth Regi ments at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge, as did also the Seventh Regiment, recruited about the same time in Western Kentucky. Early in August a battery of light artillery was added to the new force. (See "Byrne s Battery," in another part of this book). About the same time, the first companies, or parts of companies, de signed for Colonel Trabue s regiment, came out and prepared Camp Burnett, three miles south of Boone. The companies were rapidly filled up, and the Fourth Regiment was organized in September. (For a list of the field, staff and line officers, see another part of this work.) HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 45 On the 2oth of September, Colonel Joseph H. Lewis established a camp at Cave City, and about the same time, Colonel Thomas H. Hunt began to collect recruits at Green River. Colonel Cofer also had au thority to raise a battalion in connection with Major Thomas H. Hays (then Captain of a company of the State Guard). When Colonel Hanson fell back from Munfordsville (as hereafter noticed) these recruits established their camps also at Bowling Green, and Colonel Hunt effected temporary organization of his regiment in October. His own commission bore date of October 3, 1861, but no other field officers were appointed until after the battle of Shiloh. (See another part of this book for field and staff.) In order to avoid confusion and repeated reference to the fact here after, it is necessary to anticipate, in some degree, the history of Colonel Hunt s regiment. The temporary organization having been effected before that of any other one subsequently to the Fourth, it was num bered by the War Department as the Fifth, and bore that designation until October, 1862. As the " Fifth Kentucky" it passed through the engagements of Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge, and in all offi cial orders and reports it is so mentioned. But the regiment of Colonel John S. Williams perfected its organization on the i4th of November, having full complement not only of men, but of field and staff officers, duly commissioned; and the War Department, in consideration of this fact, and perhaps also the commission of Colonel Williams was of some days earlier date than that of Colonel Hunt, decided that it should be known as the Fifth Kentucky, and an order was issued naming Colonel Hunt s as the Ninth, but which was not received, as before stated, till the Brigade reached Knoxville, October, 1862. In the reports of bat tles herein published we have substituted Ninth Kentucky for Fifth Kentucky throughout; but in reading other accounts of the battles re ferred to, and the various allusions to them by other writers, it should be borne in mind that there were at that time two Fifth Kentucky regi ments of infantry, one with General Breckinridge, the other with Gen eral Marshall. Colonel Lewis and Colonel Cofer, finding that they could not suc ceed in recruiting either two full regiments or battalions in time for the active operations which were now being inaugurated, agreed, after consultation with the officers, and through them with the men of the several companies, to unite the two battalions in process of formation, and organize a single regiment. Early in November, then, the tents were pitched together, and on the ipth of that month the organization of the Sixth Regiment took place. (See pages elsewhere for a list of the field, staff, and line officers.) In addition to the ten companies of which the regiment was thus formed, and which are accounted for in 46 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the latter part of this work, Captain McKinney, of Logan County, had a company, then on duty at Hopkinsville, and on the 25th of November, this was ordered, by General Albert Sidney Johnston, to report to Colonel Lewis, as on detached service, but to be incorporated with the Sixth Regiment. It was accordingly entered upon the rec ords as Company L. When reinforcements were sent to Donelson, this company was sent forward to report at that point, and fought there with the Eighth Kentucky Infantry. It was surrendered with the other companies of that command; and though Colonel Lewis made an effort, after it was exchanged, to have it report to him, it was never with the Sixth Regiment, and soon ceased to be considered a part of it. On the yth of November, Colonel Hanson addressed a note to General Buckner, then commanding Second Division of the Cen tral Army of Kentucky, saying that " the artillery known as Spencer s Battery could probably be attached to this brigade, provided we fur nish enough men to fill up the company not exceeding fifteen men from each regiment the battery to-be then under command of Adju tant Rice E. Graves. Such an arrangement would be most acceptable to me, should it meet with your approval. I write this to signify our desire to have another battery, and our willingness to furnish the men." Arrangements were accordingly set on foot, looking to this end; the guns were procured, and on the i6th of November a call was made for sixty men to man them, apportioned among the five Kentucky regiments. The number specified volunteered for that service promptly, as they were called upon in that manner, instead of by detail, and on the 3d of December, Company B, of the Fourth Regi ment, was temporarily detached for the same duty, with a few addi tional men from the Second Regiment, and the whole was placed under command of Graves, who was at once recommended for pro motion to the rank of captain of artillery. Lyon s Battery (subsequently Cobb s) had been previously con nected with the brigade, the guns being manned partly by men enlisted for that purpose, and partly by the company of Captain Somes, of the Third Regiment. (See elsewhere a more extended notice of this battery.) The foregoing constituted the Kentucky infantry and artillery or ganized on the Tennessee border and at Bowling Green. The First Kentucky Cavalry, under Colonel (afterward General) Ben Hardin Helm, was in the field, and at Murfreesboro , some months subse quently, it was temporarily brigaded with the infantry regiments named, but was not subject to the orders of the same general officer .after having reached Burnsville. The squadron of Captain John H. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 47 Morgan was mustered into the service by Lieutenant Frank Tryon, of the Second Infantry, on the 5th of November, and was nominally a part of the brigade until the spring of 1862. Though these commands were some of them yet in process of formation, as the reader will observe, they were regularly brigaded on the 28th of October, the day on which General Johnston assumed immediate command of the Army Corps of Central Kentucky, and, General Breckinridge not having arrived, they were placed under command of the senior colonel, Roger W. Hanson. On the 5th of November, Colonel Thomas H. Hunt was given command of all the unorganized regiments and companies, subordinate to the brigade commander, and reporting to division headquarters through him ; and Captain John McGill and a Lieutenant Dudley were assigned to the duty of drill-masters to the new recruits. Major Alexander Cassidy, who had been serving on the staff of General Buckner as A. A. G. , was appointed superintendent of the recruiting of volunteers in Kentucky, * and Lieutenant Frank Tryon mustering officer, with a view to active and efficient work in augment ing the 1 forces. The organizations already adverted to were filled up, and by the ist of December regular military routine was established. Even the recently-formed regiments began to acquire rapidly that pro ficiency in the drill and manual for which they were afterward distin guished. But after that period the work of recruiting went on slowly. The provisional governor (Johnson) issued, on the yth of December, a stirring proclamation, in hopes to raise two additional regiments, in fantry and cavalry, but the golden opportunity had passed. Two classes of men had, during the past six months, connected themselves with the army ; the more impulsive and ambitious, who naturally seize upon an occasion of the kind to "seek the bubble reputation, even at the cannon s mouth," and those more deeply and earnestly enthusiastic characters, who are actuated by a stern sense of duty, that forbids them to maintain any doubtful middle ground. Of those who enter tained Southern feelings there were yet at home two distinct classes one consisted of politic, cautious characters, having a somewhat overweening regard for personal advantage ; the other, of those who are naturally conservative, and who, not from any base motives of fear or love of ease, are yet hardly to be persuaded to see a military enterprise in any other light than as a struggle for mere mastery on the part of governments, and of renown to the individual who engages in it. The influences at work at and previous to the time to which we have referred, were wholly adverse to the success of the Confederates He was succeeded on the staff of General Buckner by Major G. B. Cosby. 46 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the latter part of this work, Captain McKinney, of Logan County, had a company, then on duty at Hopkinsville, and on the 2$th of November, this was ordered, by General Albert Sidney Johnston, to report to Colonel Lewis, as on detached service, but to be incorporated with the Sixth Regiment. It was accordingly entered upon the rec ords as Company L. When reinforcements were sent to Donelson, this company was sent forward to report at that point, and fought there with the Eighth Kentucky Infantry. It was surrendered with the other companies of that command; and though Colonel Lewis made an effort, after it was exchanged, to have it report to him, it was never with the Sixth Regiment, and soon ceased to be considered a part of it. On the yth of November, Colonel Hanson addressed a note to General Buckner, then commanding Second Division of the Cen tral Army of Kentucky, saying that " the artillery known as Spencer s Battery could probably be attached to this brigade, provided we fur nish enough men to fill up the company not exceeding fifteen men from each regiment- the battery to-be then under command of Adju tant Rice E. Graves. Such an arrangement would be most acceptable to me, should it meet with your approval. I write this to signify our desire to have another battery, and our willingness to furnish the men." Arrangements were accordingly set on foot, looking to this end; the guns were procured, and on the i6th of November a call was made for sixty men to man them, apportioned among the five Kentucky regiments. The number specified volunteered for that service promptly, as they were called upon in that manner, instead of by detail, and on the 3d of December, Company B, of the Fourth Regi ment, was temporarily detached for the same duty, with a few addi tional men from the Second Regiment, and the whole was placed under command of Graves, who was at once recommended for pro motion to the rank of captain of artillery. Lyon s Battery (subsequently Cobb s) had been previously con nected with the brigade, the guns being manned partly by men enlisted for that purpose, and partly by the company of Captain Somes, of the Third Regiment. (See elsewhere a more extended notice of this battery.) The foregoing constituted the Kentucky infantry and artillery or ganized on the Tennessee border and at Bowling Green. The First Kentucky Cavalry, under Colonel (afterward General) Ben Hardin Helm, was in the field, and at Murfreesboro , some months subse quently, it was temporarily brigaded with the infantry regiments named, but was not subject to the orders of the same general officer .after having reached Burnsville. The squadron of Captain John H. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 47 Morgan was mustered into the service by Lieutenant Frank Tryon, of the Second Infantry, on the 5th of November, and was nominally a part of the brigade until the spring of 1862. Though these commands were some of them yet in process of formation, as the reader will observe, they were regularly brigaded on the 28th of October, the day on which General Johnston assumed immediate command of the Army Corps of Central Kentucky, and, General Breckinridge not having arrived, they were placed under command of the senior colonel, Roger \V. Hanson. On the 5th of November, Colonel Thomas H. Hunt was given command of all the unorganized regiments and companies, subordinate to the brigade commander, and reporting to division headquarters through him ; and Captain John McGill and a Lieutenant Dudley were assigned to the duty of drill-masters to the new recruits. Major Alexander Cassidy, who had been serving on the staff of General Buckner as A. A. G. , was appointed superintendent of the recruiting of volunteers in Kentucky, * and Lieutenant Frank Tryon mustering officer, with a view to active and efficient work in augment ing the forces. The organizations already adverted to were filled up, and by the ist of December regular military routine was established. Even the recently-formed regiments began to acquire rapidly that pro ficiency in the drill and manual for which they were afterward distin guished. But after that period the work of recruiting went on slowly. The provisional governor (Johnson) issued, on the yth of December, a stirring proclamation, in hopes to raise two additional regiments, in fantry and cavalry, but the golden opportunity had passed. Two classes of men had, during the past six months, connected themselves with the army ; the more impulsive and ambitious, who naturally seize upon an occasion of the kind to " seek the bubble reputation, even at the cannon s mouth," and those more deeply and earnestly enthusiastic characters, who are actuated by a stern sense of duty, that forbids them to maintain any doubtful middle ground. Of those who enter tained Southern feelings there were yet at home two distinct classes one consisted of politic, cautious characters, having a somewhat overweening regard for personal advantage ; the other, of those who are naturally conservative, and who, not from any base motives of fear or love of ease, are yet hardly to be persuaded to see a military enterprise in any other light than as a struggle for mere mastery on the part of governments, and of renown to the individual who engages in it. The influences at work at and previous to the time to which we have referred, were wholly adverse to the success of the Confederates *He was succeeded on the staff of General Buckner by Major G. B. Cosby. 48 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. in swelling their ranks. The one class could be reached only by an appeal to their selfishness ; while the other could scarcely have been convinced that their country really needed them and would suffer without their help. Though they gloried in Southern valor, they were not ambitious of that distinction for themselves; and though they would have resisted unto death any attempt to array them against the Southern cause, they deemed themselves perfectly justifiable in stand ing aloof from both, and the conclusion was strengthened by a rather unconservative opinion that the Confederacy was able to sustain itself with what forces it had already in the field. On the i6th of November, Brig. -Gen. John C. Breckinridge as sumed command, and named the following officers as composing his staff: Capt. George B. Hodge, A. A. G. ; Maj. Alfred Boyd, A. Q. M.; Capt. Clint. McClarty, A. C. S. ; Lieut. John C. Beech, Ord nance Officer;* and Capt. T. T. Hawkins, aid-de-camp. No assistant- inspector general was appointed, that duty devolving, for the time, upon other officers of the staff. On the 2yth of December, Hon. Jilson P. Johnson was announced as volunteer aid-de-camp; and in March, 1862, Capt. William L. Brown and Capt. Charles J. Mastin were announced as additional volunteer aids. At every change of the scope of General Breckinridge s command, and every change of troops, corresponding changes and modifications were made in his military family, but no effort is made to record other than those who were appointed to these places while he was brigadier. The difficulty of arming the Kentucky troops was one which was not entirely surmounted until after the battle of Shiloh. At the time when General Breckinridge assumed command, there was not a sufficient number of small arms to supply each man one of any description, and the want of uniformity was a serious drawback upon efficiency. The Second, Third, and Fourth Regi ments had been partially supplied with Belgian rifles, but num bers, even in those regiments, were armed with rifled muskets, and some of them of the old flintlock pattern. And among the new recruits, the display of small arms and ammunition would have moved the mirth of any but a Confederate himself, who looked upon it as too serious a matter to be treated lightly. There were rifled and smooth bore muskets which had been brought in by State-Guard companies, that would have been excellent weapons if there had been uniformity, or any means of supplying the proper style of cartridge to suit each man s case ; but these made up the lesser portion of the strange col- * Lieutenant Beech is included, in regular order, in the above list, but the appointment was not made until February 22, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 49 lection. There were guns of almost every kind known to the troops of the United States since Miles Standish "looked his last upon the sky." Some of them had been altered from the flint to the percussion lock, but the most of them were flintlocks still, and no few of them in a condition to be fired only by a match or a firebrand. There were squirrel rifles of every age, style, and bore; shot-guns, single-barreled, double-barreled, old and new, flintlock, percussion, or no lock at all; carbines of every character, pistols of every patent, and huge knives that were looked upon as too little to be useful if they weighed less than two pounds avoirdupois. They had, too, various supplies of am munition, and various means of supplying more. There were some few cartridges, mostly for the smooth-bore and rifled musket; and these were the most destructive species of missile then at command. Troops armed wholly with these muskets, with suitable bayonet, and supplied with the " buck-and-ball " cartridge consisting of a heavy round bullet, about an ounce in weight, to which was attached on its face opposite the charge of powder, three buckshot would have every advantage of those bearing Enfield or other improved rifles, ex cept in the matter of comparative range. At the distance of not ex ceeding three hundred yards, the former would be prepared to do an execution more terrible than any that the Enfield rifle is capable of. There were various molds for running bullets in cases of emergency. There were hunters powder-horns and sportsmen s flasks. Some few cartridge-boxes, cap-boxes and belts; and a limited supply of bayonets, here and there, had found their way to the new camps. Governor Letcher, of Viginia, gave General Breckinridge a number of percus sion muskets, and these were divided proportionately among all his regiments, about the i2th of December, and every effort was made to secure uniformity throughout companies, if not regiments, and to procure suitable ammunition ; but even so late as the 2d of January, 1862, complaint was made that the Ninth Regiment had not arms of any kind for half its men, reports showing that there were but two hun dred and forty-six really serviceable guns, besides seventy old flint locks. Tents, clothing, and commissary stores, however, were at this period abundant. In fact, there was a great superfluity of the former two, since tents were extravagantly plentiful, and almost every man went into camp with a supply of trunks, valises, wearing apparel, books and other adjuncts of traveling gentlemen, that would have absorbed all the transportation space subsequently allowed to a company. In the latter part of November, when affairs had begun to assume a truly military shape, and it was hoped that the Central Army of Ken tucky would soon be brought to a high state of efficiency when the 4 50 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. discipline of regular drill, and instruction by competent officers, was daily going on, the genius of the great Johnston rapidly bringing " order out of confusion," and supplying the chief wants of the de partment disease, not hitherto prevailing to any extraordinary extent, began to make alarming inroads, and particularly among the newly- enlisted men, though no single organization in the corps was exempt. It was induced, not so much by a necessary change in the habits of life, or necessary exposure to inclement weather, nor yet by deficiency of commissaries and clothing, but by a want of knowledge and skill in the preparation of their diet. It was observed that the hardest marches made during the autumn, even in the most inclement weather, were not productive of what might reasonably have been considered a cor responding amount of sickness. Nor could it be attributed to con finement in quarters and a want of healthful exercise, since the neces sary fatigue duty and drill compelled an amount of daily activity as well calculated to preserve health as to form soldierly habits. The vessels furnished for cooking were simply of sheet -iron a mess-pan, as it was called, and a camp-kettle wholly unsuited to the proper preparation of food. The bread was consequently fried, or rather boiled, in grease, the thinness of the mess-pan preventing its being baked, and vessels of cast-iron being but few. This bread, a horrid compound of flour and hog s lard, was eaten by a great majority of them with bacon, and though this was generally varied with much that was wholesome and palatable, it was enough of itself materially to affect the health of the command. The most common and alarming sickness was a singular type of measles, that, in many instances, baffled the skill of the medical department, and carried off scores of men. The hospitals in Bowling Green were crowded, and the houses of pri vate families in the neighborhood seemed almost turned into hospitals themselves, as there were many of them, in various localities, where from one to a dozen could be found under treatment. About the ist of February, 1862, this crisis had been passed, and those who had survived had generally returned to duty. True, the proportionate number of men always making up the sick list of an army were in the different hospitals at Bowling Green and Nashville, but the general health was restored, and the ranks showed no such signs of marked depletion as were exhibited in December and the first three weeks of January. By this time, too, the men began not only to become habituated to the new manner of life, but to know by experience that their own com fort and safety depended largely upon themselves, and that they must adopt certain provisions and exercise certain care wholly ignored in the earlier stages of their connection with the army. They began to HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 51 manifest that disposition and ability to adapt themselves to circum stances and make the best of everything that afterward characterized them, and rendered them cheerful and often comfortable in situations that would have puzzled a philosopher to extract from them any grain of either. They devoted their means to the purchase of whatever was indispensable in preparing their diet, and in all other cases where the resources of the departments failed they fell back upon their own. As remarked, there was, then, not only a better state of physical health, but a more thorough preparation for the work in the state of feeling existing. They had learned conformity, in a great degree, to military regulations; and the first feelings of embarrassment and trouble having been measurably overcome, the spirits resumed their elasticity, and the men were ready for their earnest and momentous work. The consciousness of being soldiers rapidly developed the soldiers pride, and lent a zest to their privations, duties, and dangers. Not only did cheerfulness reign among them, and hope, coupled with resolution, im part an air of calm determination, but mirth-provoking practices came in vogue, wit and humor found a field for unrestricted display; and the regiments afterward to compose in the main the Orphan Brigade were ready to encounter fate, and do their part in sustaining the old re nown of their commonwealth, whatever fortune might have in store for them. General Johnston assumed command of the Western Department early in September, 1861, when, as has been seen, the Second and Third Regiments, and Byrne s Battery, had already been organized, and the Fourth had nearly completed its complement of men it being organized on the i3th, only a few days from the time of General John ston s arrival at Nashville. General Buckner had been named to the command of a brigade, of which these Kentucky troops were to form a part, and repaired to Camp Boone to enter upon his duties. About the middle of September he received orders from General Johnston to take charge of them and of all the Tennessee troops then available for that purpose, and to move into Kentucky, with a view to occupying Bowling Green, the center of a line of operations and defense fixed upon by that officer. The necessary arrangements having been made, the command moved by rail to Bowling Green, with the exception of two hundred men of the Fourth Kentucky, and a number of the Third, also, who were without arms. These were sent to Nashville, for the purpose of being armed and equipped. The Second Regi ment, a company of Tennessee cavalry, and Byrne s Battery, aug mented by a field-piece captured at Bowling Green, were sent forward to Green River, and encamped near the bridge, with a view to its protection and a probable advance the Federal forces occupying 52 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Elizabethtown. The remainder of the brigade, though some of them passed up the road as far as Horse Cave, where the cars were thrown from the track by the act of an enemy, were finally all encamped at Bowling Green, and the work of fortifying began. They were joined here early in October, by the detachment sent to Nashville for arms, and, a little later, by the recruits of Hunt, Lewis, and Gofer. The Second Regiment and other troops remained at Green River Bridge until the first week in October, when they moved back to Bowling Green, followed in a short time by the squadron of Morgan, which had entered upon adventurous outpost duty almost immediately after having joined Colonel Hanson, at the place above alluded to. Upon the advent of the respective armies of Johnston and Ander son on Bowling Green and Elizabethtown, restraints which had hitherto operated to prevent outrage, were measurably removed, and the conflicting passions of the populace broke out into occasional acts of violence among them. The most quiet and honorable citizens were not safe from molestation, provided they were known to entertain de cided sentiments in favor of the South, and possessed, withal, an in fluential power which was likely to be exerted for the Confederate Government. In many instances, too, the more unprincipled and baser sort took advantage of the unsettled state of affairs to wreak personal vengeance upon those, either Southern or Northern sympa thizers, toward whom, justly or unjustly, they bore either secret or avowed enmity, since, under the pretext of serving the Union or the new Confederacy, as the case might be, they could commit acts of re vengeful cruelty with perfect impunity from the laws. The vile practice of exciting the military authorities against private citizens, by spiteful and malicious reports, was productive of much evil and danger to those who were outspoken in favor of the Southern movement. An affair in which members of the Sixth Regiment were engaged took place in Barren County, and is an instance of the manner in which it was sought to drag private citizens from their homes, on charges trumped up, perhaps, by secret and designing foes. On the morning of the loth of October, 1861, Colonel Lewis, then encamped at Cave City, learned that an apprehended movement was on foot to arrest Mr. C. B. Hutcherson, living near the intersection of the Mun- fordsville and Burksville road with that running from Greensburg to Glasgow. His character had never been other than that of the honor able, high-toned gentleman and enterprising citizen. His crime was that he favored the Southern government. By request, Colonel Lewis agreed to send ten men, as volunteers, to guard him against what was looked upon as simply lawless violence. The party consisted of John HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 53 G. Hudson, Thomas G. Page, Samuel Anderson, A. G. King, Robert J. Hindman, John B. Spurrier, Gideon B. Rhodes, Joseph L. Tucker, John C. Peden, and a man named Mansfield. The citizens present who engaged in the fight were C. B. Hutcherson, M. H. Dickinson, George Wright, and Samuel Marshall. The soldiers repaired to Mr. Hutcherson s during the day, but it is supposed that they were either unobserved by citizens friendly to the Federal cause, or that, if any such noticed them, they did not know that a movement was on foot to seize him that night. Having taken the precaution to throw out some pickets, the remainder of the party awaited developments. They had nine or ten muskets, while some of them were armed with nothing but repeaters. The alarm that a body of horsemen was approaching was given by a picket some time in the night, and the Con federates arranged themselves in the front yard, in which direction the enemy was re ported advancing. An open grave-yard was but a short distance from the house, on a slight eminence, and a little to the left of the front gate. It was but a short time before men were observed coming steadily and as stealthily as possible, and, when well advanced, and occupying the burying-place, with ground, perhaps, on the left and contiguous, some one in the yard called to them to halt. Instead of answering the challenge in form, however, they fired, and at once the party of Confederates replied, firing as rapidly and as accurately as possible in the darkness, which produced instant confusion, not only in the attacking party, but among the horse-holders, whom they had posted in a hollow in the field some distance back. There was a noise of men in hurried retreat, mingled with groans from the graveyard and the running of horses evidently stampeded and dashing about the inclosed pasture. The darkness of night and the weakness of the Con federates (there being but fourteen, all told) necessarily prevented their assuming the offensive, but the aggressive force was already completely routed. Their number has been variously estimated at from fifty to a hundred men supposed to have been a full company of a Federal regiment. The fire of the Confederates was not so destructive as it would have been had there been proper management in taking position and proper concert in action ; but, all things considered, the punish ment inflicted compares favorably with any of the war, considering the forces engaged. The Federals were, doubtless, four to one, at least, and well armed, while, as before remarked, the Confederates had sev eral men armed with nothing but revolvers. One Federal was killed outright; two were brought in next morning very severely wounded; five others are known to have been wounded, some of them badly; others are rumored to have been wounded; and thirty horses, with equipments, were captured. No Confederate was even touched ; and 54 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the only damage done was the putting of some balls through the house one of these having evidently been fired at a lady who looked out of an upper window to see how the storm was raging below, as it struck the right half-shutter while she had the left one open and her head out. Early next morning a small force of cavalry went out from Horse Cave under command of Col. Jack Allen; and Col. Lewis sent additional volunteers from the Sixth Kentucky Infantry, to reinforce the little party there, as it was apprehended that the enemy might be on the move from Greensburgh; but no further trouble occurred. Among the horsemen were Wallace Herr and James H. Rudy, who afterward became distinguished members of the First Kentucky Cavalry. Another minor affair took place while Johnston s troops were at Bowling Green, in which some men of the Ninth Kentucky were en gaged. This was at Whippoorwill Bridge, on the Louisville and Mem phis Railroad, some five or six miles below Russellville. On the i3th of November, Colonel Hunt, who had three companies reporting to him from Russellville, without having ever been to Bowling Green, went down with those collected at the latter place, was joined there by the three companies, and the whole established themselves near town, at what they called Camp Magruder, in pursuance of a custom then much in vogue among the Confederates, of calling encampments after noted officers of their army. They remained here till about the ist of December, and returned to Bowling Green, with the exception of thirteen men, under command of Sergeant (afterward First Lieu tenant) Peter H. O Connor, of Co. H. The names of three of this detachment cannot be ascertained; but the others were: George Campbell, Co. A; Joseph Hall, Co. C; H. D. Dougherty, Thomas Lilley, Joseph Wilson, and Hatch Jupin, Co. B; Paul Burgess and John E. Cook, Co. G; Isaac Duckwall and James Johnson, Co. H. This force had been detailed to guard the bridge aforesaid from de struction by the Federal Home-Guards. It was left on duty when the regiment went back to Bowling Green, except Sergeant O Connor, who had to go to Bowling Green for a supply of ammunition. On the morning of the 4th of December, the detail was attacked by ninety men, under command of a Captain Netter, who had come out cau tiously from Rochester for the purpose of destroying the bridge. The guard stood gallantly to their arms against this overwhelming odds, and fought until they were surrounded (a number of Federals having found the way to their rear as well as front), when the survivors sur rendered. Two of them (George Campbell and Hatch Jupin) were killed ; and Joe Wilson, of Co. B, was severely wounded in the hip, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 56 but fought on till he had a finger shot off, and the proximity of the enemy rendered further resistance vain. He was left on the ground. The Federals barely took time to fire the bridge, which they did in such a manner that it failed to burn, before they took up their march for Rochester, carrying their own wounded and the prisoners with them. It was never ascertained what loss they suffered, though cit izens, stated that a number of them were wounded but none killed. Some of the prisoners escaped before they reached Rochester; the others were sent to prison, and were not exchanged till the autumn of 1862. Surgeon Pendleton, who had been left with sick at Russell- ville, made up a party for pursuit as soon as possible after the truth was ascertained, but Netter had made good his escape from the neigh borhood. Apprehensions were entertained about the middle of November that a Federal force would be sent across by way of Rochester, on Mud River, to interfere with the Confederate communications, by striking the Memphis road, either at Russellville or below, and on the iyth of that month an expedition, consisting of the Second Kentucky, the Third Kentucky, and a part of the Fourth, with cavalry and a battery of artillery, was sent out to Mud River, but nothing of particular note occurred, and they returned to Bowling Green about the first of December. A little subsequently, a similar force was sent out in that direction, but with no more important results. The enemy was now known to be rapidly repairing the bridge over Green river, a pier of which had been destroyed by the troops sta tioned there in October, and, being in great force on the north bank, disposed between Munfordville and Elizabethtown, an advance upon Nashville, either directly through Bowling Green or by an attempt to turn the right of General Johnston s immediate strategic position, would probably take place as soon as their arrangements for crossing the river and keeping open their communications could be perfected. Scouts reported that a movement was apparently on foot looking to an advance upon what is known as the "upper pike," or the turnpike road running from Louisville to Nashville by way of Glasgow and Scottville. On the i8th of December a portion of the brigade was sent forward to Oakland Station, ostensibly to support, or act in con cert with the brigade of General Hindman, who had been out contin ually as far advanced toward Green River as prudence would allow. Part of the brigade was then at Bowling Green and part of it at Oak land. On the 2oth some of the troops were thrown six miles still fur ther forward to Dripping Springs. On the 2ist, it having been reported that a column of the enemy was actually advancing, so as to threaten Bowling Green on the right, 56 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the brigade, including Morgan s cavalry, had orders to march next day, by different roads, to the point where the pike between Glasgow and Scottville crosses Skeggs s Creek, over which stream there is a bridge. Accordingly, early on the morning of the 22d, the various or ganizations struck tents, and took up the lines of march designated. The rain, which had begun falling at an early hour, increased, and it was not long till all were thoroughly drenched, and the roads were al most impassable, on account of the mud. But the command struggled bravely on, the officers in many instances setting a noble example of cheerfulness and fortitude, and in the afternoon reached the vicinity of Merry Oaks, by which time the rain had almost entirely ceased, and the wind had set in steadily from the north. In addition to being wet, the men were now likely to suffer with cold; but they hastily erected the few tents that had been brought forward, kindled fires, and were soon comparatively comfortable. The next morning was bitter cold, the ground was frozen and rough, and thin snow had fallen, and continued to fall in fitful gusts, during the day. Information having now been received that the enemy was quietly encamped north of Green River, they were marched back and encamped, first at Oak land Station, then on the lower pike, thirteen miles above Bowling Green. Though these marches to Rochester and Merry Oaks were product ive of no immediate advantage in either an offensive or defensive point of view, they served as an admirable introduction to the career of hardship and exposure to which the men were so soon to be subjected. On the first march to Mud River, the weather was for some time very inclement heavy rains pouring down, and the roads in such horrible condition that the artillery and baggage wagons could scarcely be con veyed over, or rather through them ; and the supply of cooking utensils was so meager that the men were obliged to fall back upon their own resources, and devise expedients which afterward served them on many occasions and in more momentous times. Many of them resorted to the baking of bread on their ramrods, and taking their ration of bacon without any cooking at all. On the march to Merry Oaks, even the raws" began to feel themselves duly inducted into the mysteries of a soldier s hardships and privations, and the means he adopts to modify the more disagreeable features of his condition, and adapt himself with a stern grace to whatever circumstances may surround him. General Johnston had, meanwhile, pushed on the fortification of Bowling Green to such an extent that, to eyes unused to formidable preparations, it seemed to render the place almost impregnable to any direct attack. General Hindman was out in the region of Bell s Tav ern and Cave City; and Helm, and Morgan, and Biffle were engaged HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 57 in constant outpost duty scouting, picketing, and an occasional brush with the enemy. Meanwhile affairs had assumed different aspects, too, as regarded the fortunes of those fellow-Kentuckians whom they had left above Bowling Green. Early in February, General Johnston had learned the sad tidings of the defeat and death of General Zollicoffer at Fishing Creek ; a Federal force was pressing General Crittenden back rapidly from the scene of that disaster, so that the left of the Confederate de fensive line was irretrievably broken, and General Johnston s flank uncovered; a large force was concentrated in the vicinity of Mun- fordville, ready to be precipitated upon Bowling Green at the aus picious moment; Fort Henry had been evacuated; a powerful army under General Grant was menacing Donelson, and the odds were so vastly against it that its successful defense was a matter that scarcely admitted of hope. Pen-and-ink warriors were clamoring for they knew not what, and the people were impatient of delay. Every adverse in fluence, every depressing circumstance seemed to be concentrated upon the devoted head of the commander, who wisely kept his own counsel, and acted in accordance with the superior dictates of patriot ism ajid duty, as one who could trust to results to vindicate his course, and who could therefore bide his time. Finding it necessary to aban don Bowling Green, he at once adopted a course as judicious as any which could be conceived, and carried it into execution with an inde pendence and a success as rare as any in the annals of strategy. To establish a new base and line of operations at such point as would enable him to collect his own scattered forces, even in case of disaster at Donelson, as also to unite his own forces with those of General Beauregard, was the object which now claimed his attention, and the wisdom of his decision and his action has never been questioned since he gave up his life on the field of his choosing. After the defeat of General Crittenden at Fishing Creek, he quietly withdrew the ord nance and army supplies from Bowling Green, by rail, southward, and everything was put in readiness by the evening of February nth for the withdrawal of the Central Army from that place. Before treating of this movement, however, let us notice the battle of Fort Donelson, which occurred while it was in process of execu tion, and the conduct of the regiment and artillery detached from the brigade a few days before to reinforce the garrison there. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES: WHILE THE BRIGADE WAS TAKING SHAPE. I. Hard-Hearted Surgeons. A man was found occasionally who repented of having committed himself to the "lugging of knap- 58 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. sack, box, and gun," and sought by one device or other to get out of his bargain without actually running off. A sort of odd-fish came into one of the regiments, at Bowling Green, with an appetite keenly whetted for Yankees; but he soon lost his zest, and wished himself at home. He conceived a plan to get off, and quickly put it to the test. One morning at sick-call he put himself under the sergeant s care, marched off to surgeon s quarters, and poked out his tongue in due form; but there was nothing the matter that the tongue could disclose, so he took it in, and was marked for duty. He was bent on being discharged, though, and concluding that starvation would do the work, he declared himself too sick to eat, notwithstanding the surgeon s ver dict; and he used afterward to laugh heartily over it himself how nearly he came starving to death, and yet couldn t make the surgeons think he deserved a discharge ! He finally gave up the attempt, and, being too much of a man to desert, made a good soldier. II. A Deadly Disease. Few among the volunteers, outside of the medical profession, understood the meaning of that scientific term, nostalgia," which in the earlier days of the service was so often found opposite names of the sick in surgeons reports. An orderly sergeant who had puzzled himself over it asked his surgeon one morning, when he found it set time and again against the names of his men, what it meant. " Home sickness," he answered; "that s the plain English of it." The inquirer was astonished to learn that it was not only recognized as a disease, but that it was one which would kill ; but subsequent observation convinced him that during the first year, at least many a really noble fellow died of it. III. Too Short. Co. I, Fourth Kentucky, enlisted a jolly, good- humored son of Erin, Tom Conelly, upon whom the officers wasted a good deal of time, trying to fit him for service in the ranks ; but teaching proved ineffective and scolding was useless ; it was clear that " Tommie," as he came to be familiarly called, could not keep step. He could dress, right, left or center, with a little nudging from the next file; but when the drill-master cried " step" "step," or "left" left," or even sung out Graves s vigorous though somewhat strident " hup" " hup," Conelly seemed to lose himself in attending to the sound, and his legs went their own gait. To see him try to catch step by a resort to the crow-hop was almost enough to make a wooden man laugh. Repeated remonstrance as to his failures elicited only the reply: " Ah, Captain, I am not the height for a soldier; I m not the height." It was finally decided to put Tommie on detail duty, and he was assigned to the medical department, where he proved himself useful. After the command was mounted he was made Orderly on General Lewis s staff. "But," says a member of the Ninth Ken tucky, " whether carrying water or riding his mule, Tommie was ever the same Irish, original, and comic self. He was never known to refuse a drink, and yet he avers that he was never drunk on medical whisky. He had a singular proclivity for gathering up cartridge belts, and always wore about a half dozen, while he kept a score on hand to supply his comrades. A story is told on Tommie relative to his first impressions of a Vicksburgh lamp-post, or Yankee shrapnel. One night as he and Joe another indispensable member of the medical staff (everybody remembers Joe s light-bread and baker s yeast) with HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 59 others, were returning from carrying rations to the men on picket in Vicksburgh, they had to pass through a long railroad cut. When about midway, one of those terrible shells came whirring along over their heads. Tommie jumped forward in alarm, exclaiming : Be jabers, boys! faith, and why don t ye get out of the way? Don t you hear the locomotive coming ? At the close of the war Tommie returned to his home in Russellville, covered with honors and with belts." IV, Conquering a Peace. The Fourth Regiment, having been organized sometime before the Sixth and Ninth, and very carefully drilled, felt themselves veterans when- the latter were still raw, and rallied the "awkward squad," as they called them, unmercifully. At Burnsville, however, the Ninth found an opportunity to pay them back in one species of their own coin, aud they made such use of it as to force the " veterans," who also called themselves " Buckner s Pets," to sue for a treaty of amity. The tents of the two regiments were pitched on the same slope and in such close proximity that it was not deemed necessary to keep two separate camp-guards ; so they agreed to dispense with that part of the detail, at least, which would be re quired to watch the two lines near the point of contact, and to have a guard proportioned to the strength of each regiment detailed for duty around the two commands. They now became better acquainted, and things went on swimmingly till one morning, when a certain valuable cooking utensil was missed from the Ninth. A careful reconnoisance developed the fact that it had found its way to the Fourth, and a plan of retaliation was at once instituted. The night which followed was dark and favorable to the enterprise. After tattoo, and when the men of the offending regiment were fully committed to their slumbers, a party of the Ninth stole quietly among their tents and bore off every cooking vessel upon which they could lay their hands. The astonish ment of the veterans next morning knew no bounds, when they found that instead of a single piece of camp furniture s being gone, there were more indications that they had been visited by Ali Baba s " forty thieves." But the true state of case was soon discovered, and there was a large meeting of plenipotentiaries from the respective regiments, who entered into a solemn league and covenant, providing that, no matter what might be practiced upon outsiders, the strictest forbearance was to be observed toward each other. There was then a restoration of the property, but the Fourth had a late breakfast that morning. From that time a warm friendship sprang up between these two regiments, and the treaty was never broken. " Buckner s Pets " very naturally concluded that men who, with so little training could avenge their wrongs so promptly, were worthy of esteem and confi dence. V. Tried for High Treason. John H. Dills, who was dis charged February 12, 1862, because of disability by disease, (See roll of Co. D, Ninth regiment), had a peculiar experience subsequently being the only man tried during the war on the charge of high treason. When the Confederate army was on the point of withdrawing from the State, he had not recovered from the effect of a dangerous attack of typhoid, and applied for a furlough, but the authorities decided that he should be discharged. His friends had him conveyed to the < i0 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. home of Frank Rogan, in Sumner County, Tenn., but before the army had left Murfreesboro, he had ridden horseback and joined his company intending to enter the service again. Finding himself too weak to accompany the army southward, he went to Abingdon, Va., where he stayed until his strength was somewhat restored. He then came back to his home, within three miles of Cynthiana, to se cure recruits for the Southern army. The Federal commander at Cynthiana learned of his return, and had him arrested. A formal complaint was filed with the United States Commissioner, charging him with high treason, and he was sent to Frankfort and committed to jail to await the action of the Federal grand jury. At the June term, 1862, a formal indictment was found, and the case set for trial, to be had before Judge Bland Ballard. James Harlan, the father of Judge John M. Harlan, now of the United States Supreme Court, prosecuted. A. H. Ward, James F. Robinson and Thomas N. Lindsay, were engaged for the defense. After a careful test of every man of a special venire summoned, a jury was made up of " twelve good men and true;" but the prosecu tion suspected the "unconditional loyalty" of some of them, and moved the court to take a recess of ten days, on the ground that Con gressional action was about to be had to prescribe an additional chal lenge for the purging of juries in capital cases. The motion was granted, and the defendant remanded to jail. When the case was called again Harlan produced the law for which he had been waiting. It bore date of the day when the court had taken recess, had been rushed through both houses-under a suspension of the rules, and was signed by the President, all on the same day. The jury therefore had again to be made up. The prejudices of the soldiers and the Union people were intense, and it took a brave man to refuse the test of loyalty pre scribed by the new law. As it proved, every member of the venire took the required oath, and the old jury was choseri with the excep tion of one man who was sick. When the case was called, Judge Ballard excluded newspaper reporters on the ground that the defend ant was entitled to fair and impartial trial, and the publication of the proceedings would prejudice his cause. Only a few prosecuting wit nesses were called; and as no two of them could testify to the same overt act or indeed to any overt act, a verdict of " not guilty " was returned, July 2, 1862. On his return home from Frankfort, Major Bracht, the Provost Marshal of Lexington, had him brought before him and required a pledge to keep the peace towards the United States during the war, under bond in the sum of $10,000. This bond and pledge saved him from a military prison ; but his troubles were not yet over. A number of swash-bucklers, parading themselves as home guards, held a meeting on the night of his return from Lexington, and passed resolutions condemning the United States Court that had failed to convict, and so had turned loose upon the community such a dan gerous man. A formal notice was prepared and served upon him, ordering him to leave the State within ten days, or he " would be shot or otherwise roughly dealt with." Before the expiration of the time, however, General Morgan visited Cynthiana, and the survivors of that indignation meeting afterward preferred to cultivate Dills favor rather than act as his executioners. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 61 He removed to Texas in 1875, and is now an honored citizen of Sherman. He has been twice elected to represent Grayson county in the Legislature ; and the circle of his friends is limited only by that of his acquaintance. ,62 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER IV. THE SECOND KENTUCKY AND GRAVES S BATTERY AT DONELSON AND IN PRISON. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. In trying to follow the fortunes of the Kentucky Brigade, it is no part of the author s plan to discuss either grand or special strategy as employed in connection with the Army of the Tennessee, nor to enter into any elaborate description of each special field and the disposition and maneuvers of all the troops engaged. In general, these things tend rather to confuse the reader than to give him a clear view of the conduct of a particular organization. In the present instance, it is sufficient to notice that shortly after the defeat of Gen. George Crit- tenden, at Fishing Creek, (January 19, 1862), Gen. Sidney Johnston detached from the Central Army of Kentucky the divisions of Pillow and Floyd, and a part of Buckner s, and sent them under command of these officers to reinforce the garrison at Fort Donelson. The Second Kentucky and Graves s battery, constituting a part of Buck- ner s division, were at Russellville, when, just after the fall of Fort Henry, they were ordered to proceed by railroad to Clarksville, thence by steamer to Dover, where they arrived after midnight of February 8th. They were quartered in the town until some time during the loth, when they were marched out about a mile to the northwest, and assigned to the extreme right of the Confederate line, westward, and across the Eddyville road. This was the right of General Buckner s division, resting on a kind of slough or backwater from Hickman Creek and extending southward in the general direction of the Eddy ville road towards its point of intersection with the Charlotte road above Dover. The water batteries, upper and lower, the approaches to which this division was set to cover, were almost immediately east, about twelve hundred yards in rear of the position assigned to the Second Kentucky. The men were set to work to construct rifle pits, with earthworks and abattis fronting, in the usual manner, along a line about one-eighth of a mile in length, and they worked night and day on these, by relays, until the morning of the i2th, when their tools were surrendered to others; and by the morning of the i3th General Buckner s entire position, a half mile or more in length, was considered to be in a fair state of defense. Two regiments the Twenty-sixth Tennessee and Twenty-sixth Mississippi, had been de- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 63 tached and placed under Pillow s orders. The troops in hand were disposed as follows : Hanson on the extreme right, with the Eighteenth Tennessee (Colonel Palmer) in position to reinforce him; Porter s battery occupied an advanced salient, near the center of three Ten nessee regiments forming Brown s brigade, and not far from the left of the Second Kentucky, where it could sweep the road which led to the front from the direction in which the Federals had advanced, as well as flank the intrenchments right and left, with the Fourteenth Mississippi in position to support; the Third Tennessee, Thirty-second Tennessee, and Forty-first Tennessee, (under command of Colonel Brown) extended the line from Hanson s left; and Graves s battery of six guns was placed on a declivity near the extreme left of the divis ion, where it could sweep the valley leading down between General Buckner s left and the right of Heiman s brigade, which occupied Pillow s right, and also by flank-fire protect Heiman s front. This much of explanation, to enable us to understand, without entering into the details of the battle, the part played by the Ken- tuckians on that field. Early on the morning of the i2th, the Federal army, in two divis ions, commanded respectively by Smith and McClernand, was march ing by two roads from the vicinity of Fort Henry, from twelve to fourteen miles distant ; by sundown they had reached the neighbor hood of Fort Donelson. There was some fighting between pickets in the right front of the Second Kentucky that day. Smith and Mc Clernand were ordered to find position in front of the Confederate line early in the morning of the i3th, Smith to face Buckner on the right, McClernand to face Pillow and close the Charlotte road so as to leave General Floyd no communication southward except the river; but it was found that when they reached the designated lines their combined forces were not sufficient fully to envelop the place, as Mc Clernand could not extend across the Charlotte road and still connect with Smith s right flank, even by dispensing with reserve force and keeping all his troops advanced ; but this was remedied next day, as we shall see. The gunboats under Commodore Foote had come up the Cumberland meanwhile, and the Confederate position was now almost completely invested. On the night of the i2th, four companies of the Second Kentucky occupied their intrenchments; early on the morning of the i3th the six left companies were disposed along the whole line of rifle-pits and the other four companies held in reserve. Shortly after daylight, Federal batteries began to play upon the position, and presently a Federal force in line of battle was seen marching through the woods. This was allowed to advance within a few yards of the abattis which 64 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. fringed the front of the Kentucky position, where they were halted, reformed, and then ordered forward in plain hearing of the men in the works. Not until they had approached within a hundred yards was fire delivered from the pits. A volley was poured into them; but they did not break until they had pressed forward, under rapid and almost continuous fire from the Kentuckians, to within sixty yards, when they fled in confusion. Three times that day they attempted to storm these works ; but they were driven back, leaving the ground almost literally strewn with their dead and wounded. Away off to the left Graves and his men were alert, and they made McClernand s efforts to form along Pillow s front uncomfortable firing up the valley as they crossed it toward the southeast; and when the Federal batteries had gotten into position he engaged them by firing to the left, along Heiman s line of battle. The sharpshooters of both armies got in their deadly work from time to time. The casualties among the Kentuckians were not great during the day, though the repeated onsets of the enemy had been gallant and their contact close ; but they had a realization of what it meant to fight a foe superior in numbers of unquestioned courage, and led by officers who had seen service some of them with General Buckner in the old army. As has been explained by General Wallace, the men of the North and Northwest on one side, and of the South and Southwest on the other, had grappled. Greek had met Greek. At the close of this day the men of the South had the best of it; they were on the de fensive, and the Federals had sustained much of their loss while fight ing for position. It is worth while to study briefly the manifestations of these Ken tuckians in this their first great battle how keenly they were alive to all that was going on, how observant they were of individual conduct, and how the feeling of comradeship asserted itself. It was remarked that a Mr. Garth, of Southern Kentucky, not a member of the regi ment, had gotten into one of their pits with a fine Enfield rifle, and brought down an officer far off in the wood before the first charge was made upon them; they noted with admiration how steadily the attack ing column had behaved, stopping within fair gun-shot to reform, and taking from their officers before moving the order to dress on the colors, and that to march before they dashed at the abattis behind which lay the earth-works, and behind those works their grim foemen, with their deadly, though soon-to-be-discarded buck-and-ball muskets. It was observed that Neil Hendricks, the Orderly Sergeant of Co. B, afterwards its Captain, was shot in the breast at the first fire, and that Nelson was the first man of the regiment, the first of the brigade, to be killed in a great battle. And he, their first offering to Mars, was HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADK. 65 buried that night, doubtless with all the honors of war that could be shown in the face of the enemy, though this is not recorded. The muffled drum, the march with reversed arms, the salute fired over the newly-filled grave all the ceremony which they had learned at Camp Boone perhaps these had no part in the performance ; but a detail of his comrades went back to Dover that night and got boards of which a rude coffin was constructed, and he was carefully laid to rest it may be as silently as Sir John Moore by these loyal souls who afterward on many a battlefield were content if they could do only so much for their slain fellow-soldiers as to wrap them in their own blankets, and bury them here and there, where -they fell, under the sod they had reddened with their blood. And again to one who wrote of the casualties of Saturday it seemed not sufficient to say only that Lieutenant Hill was mortally wounded during the duel, but a can non ball was seen to strike the ground and come bounding along like a rabbit. It struck Lieutenant Hill, of Co. F, on the knee; he was removed to the field hospital; and he died that night." Up to the afternoon of the i3th the weather had been almost spring like, and overcoats were an incumbrance ; but now there was a sud den change : the wind blew cold and almost continuously from the north all night long ; rain and snow fell, and soon there was a coating of sleet; and both armies, in their unsheltered and inadequately clothed condition, shivered on their lines of bivouacs and their picket posts through the dreary hours. The Second Kentucky occupied the rifle-pits by reliefs, and the men who retired to the rear to rest and sleep found little comfort and only fitful slumber, as they could not kindle fires without betraying their position to the Federal artillerists. The 1 4th was a day of comparative inaction, except on the part of Foote s squadron in its attack on the water batteries and the fort, which resulted in the disabling of some of his gunboats and the permanent retirement of all. In the early afternoon a division composed of General Lew Wal lace s brigade and a battery, which arrived from Fort Henry about noon, and of reinforcements which had been conveyed up the river and assigned to Wallace, was placed between McClernand and Smith, enabling the former to push further toward the right and envelop the Charlotte road, while keeping an ample reserve force in support. The work of complete and strong investment of Floyd s position, so well begun on the i3th, was now complete; and though the Confederates had so well maintained themselves on the landside that day, and, on this, Foote s flotilla had been driven off, there were sufficient indica tions that a desperate struggle was at hand. The weather continued cold, the ground was covered with ice and 66 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. snow, and that night the men who slept at all had but a few hours of uneasy sleep. Between 2 and 3 o clock on the morning of the i5th the Second Kentucky was called up and marched to the left, leaving the Thirtieth Tennessee (Colonel Head), from the fort, in its intrench- ments. It was formed as a reserve to Baldwin s troops now attached to Colonel Brown s brigade, and not far from Graves s men and guns. In the early dawn Pillow began his attack upon the right wing of the Federal army, in accordance with plans agreed upon at the council of war held at Floyd s headquarters the night before; and Graves opened upon a Federal battery in rear of McClernand s left, which responded promptly, and the two were soon engaged in a duel which was ob served with deep interest by General Buckner, who walked composedly up and down near the battery and off to the left front of the Kentucky infantry, setting a noble example to the men in this new feature of the lessons they learned on that field. About 9 o clock General Buckner sent Colonel Brown with two regiments, the Third Tennessee and the Fourteenth Mississippi, to silence the battery with which Graves was engaged and strike McCler nand s left, his right being now hard pressed -and giving way. The troops indicated moved off promptly and attacked in splendid style; but the battery was well handled and the support strong, and Colonel Brown failed to move them. His regiments became partially broken before he reached the top of the declivity, and were presently coming back. General Buckner rallied them as they came and placed them in the intrenchments; then going back to the Kentuckians he said : "The Second Kentucky will have to do that work!" Just then Graves came over the hill in the rear of his position, and behind which the regiment was sheltered from direct shots, and cried out : "Where is the Second Kentucky? Come to the aid of my battery." This was mistaken by some who were nearest him to be an order which in an emergency he had a right to give ; and the impetuous young commanders of Cos. B and G, Higgins and Spears, were more ready to obey than to question, and these companies dashed off with a shout, passing the Kentucky Battery, then down the slope and across the little valley to the foot of the hill from which the Federal guns were still raining shot and shell upon Graves and his support, and flanking which were the riflemen who poured into them a galling fire. They pressed to within fifty yards of the Federal lines, and there, it was estimated, they gave the enemy shot for shot for fifteen minutes, with out signs of wavering, when Colonel Hanson brought the remaining eight companies up on their right, advancing quickstep, with fixed bayonets, but without firing a shot, steady as on parade ; and now the entire regiment charged with a yell, and the enemy broke and aban- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 67 doned the battery. It was at this juncture that Col. John A. Logan, with the Thirty-first Illinois, and Colonel Ransom, with the Eleventh Illinois, were fighting desperately to hold the ground from which the rest of Oglesby s men had been driven, as shown by Gen. Lew Wal lace; and Logan fell severely wounded about the time these last regi ments were compelled to retire. The Second Kentucky now carried some of the guns of this battery and turned them over to Graves; and after a rest the regiment was ordered back to its intrenchments on the extreme right. It set out in high glee over its successes, though these had not been won without a costly sacrifice in killed and wounded; conscious of the admiration of all who observed them, and hearing the warm comments of some on the "incomparable regi ment ; " but a disappointment was now in store for them. While the movement led by Colonel Brown, and afterward con cluded by the Second Kentucky, as explained above, was being exe cuted, General Buckner had taken the remainder of his division and a section of Graves s battery up the valley extending out from about the center of the Confederate line, and was engaged with Wallace s di vision, with every prospect of success in clearing the Wynne s Ferry Road, had his order to Hanson and Brown to join him not been coun termanded by Pillow, who also sent to him to retire and reoccupy his intrenched position on the right. Before he could fully execute the latter order Gen. Charles F. Smith, with Lauman s brigade and the Fifty-second Indiana, had begun his gallant, skillful, and, (as it proved to be), successful movement. When Colonel Hanson, on approach ing his position, received information that the Federal troops were coming up the hill, he ordered six companies to make a dash for the rifle-pits, while four were held in reserve. A number of these pits, on the right of the line, with intervals of about twenty yards, faced almost directly north, the direction from which Smith was approach ing ; while the rest extended about parallel with the Eddy ville road, almost at right angles to those on the right, and looked west or per haps slightly west by north. The companies that made a run for those on the right were met by the enemy, and few of the men got in. Captain McDowell, with thirteen men of Co. F and a few of the Eighteenth Tennessee, succeeded in getting into one of the pits and were rapidly firing at the Federals in the woods before them, and almost upon them, when they suddenly found themselves flanked and covered also in the rear, and received at close range a destructive fire, which killed and wounded more than half of them, McDowell receiv ing two shots. He was not disabled, however, and he and his men fought their way back obliquely to the right, and rejoined the main body of the regiment as it stubbornly retired, keeping up a rapid fire. 68 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. It was told of McDowell that when he and his men found the Fed erals upon them in front, he insisted on standing, feeble as the force was, and giving them the bayonet ; but when he found his little band attacked also flank and rear, he saw the impossibility of effecting any thing, and they fought out. The companies that ran to the intrenchments on the left found, on looking westward, that no enemy was directly in their front; but they had hardly observed this fact before they saw the Federal soldiers pouring over the works on the right and swarming through the inter vening spaces, while a stand of the enemy s colors was planted on one of the slight ramparts, and these left companies of the Second Ken tucky were now subjected to an enfilading fire. The enemy would have quickly massed in their rear and captured them had they not rap idly retreated. The reserve companies and the support furnished by part of the Eighteenth Tennessee and some of Head s Tennesseeans were not sufficient to check the enemy and enable the broken Confed erates to halt and re-form there, and all were driven back in some con fusion ; but they rallied just over the crest of a ridge in the rear, look ing northward. Before reaching this ridge the men of the two regi ments, pressed back over a short length of line, had become inter mingled, and their officers were trying to form them on their respective colors, when General Buckner came up and ordered them to fall in without respect to regiments or companies. Aided by the officers, he established the line and stopped the enemy s advance. Graves had heard the heavy firing, and rightly apprehending that his friends were in trouble, ordered two of his Sergeants, Bell and Colston, to take their pieces and go with him to their assistance. Under his direction these guns were quickly in position and playing upon the enemy. He was in too great force and too firmly lodged to be moved ; but after Graves came up the two regiments effected separate alignment and held the position until nightfall, when they retired behind the ridge and out of range. Colonel Hanson, herp as elsewhere during those days, was with his men, directing, encouraging, sharing their dangers, showing a genuine soldier s appreciation of the conduct displayed by the command of which he had expected so much, and which had not disappointed him. "And Buckner," said one, "stood where men were falling around him as calm as on review." His speech indicated that the Ken- tuckians could not hide from him how they were smarting under the necessity of falling back before even a superior force, and because their position had fallen into the enemy s hands, and that he wished to reassure and cheer them. "It was not your fault," he said, "my brave boys, it was not your fault." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 69 The rigor of the weather was still unabated, or rather it was even more bitterly cold than previously ; and the men, worn out with the marching and fighting, hovered over the little fires which they ventured to kindle under the shelter of the hill, or lay around them, and mood ily repined over their lost advantage, and thought of what they did not doubt must be the bloody work of to-morrow. They reasoned that the -enemy must be driven from their lines, and rather unreason ably felt that this was necessary to maintaining untarnished Ken tucky s name for undaunted courage." High-spirited young fellows ! they had not yet learned that chiefly in defeat and disaster and long expatriation under divers adverse conditions, was it reserved to them to show how great Kentuckians could be. Those who lay down and fell asleep arose with aching limbs, numbed with cold, and real rest and recuperation had been small when at 3 o clock on Sunday morning, February i6th, they were formed and marched again to the left. The rumor had gained currency that the army would attempt to cut its way out and retreat towards Nashville. Halted in a ravine southwest of the fort, they remained an hour or two awaiting developments, when Colonel Hanson gave the order to right about ; and then, wrote a member \)f the command, "said to us in a husky voice: Go to your places, boys, and cook something to eat. The war is about over for us ! This was the first announcement that the battle was lost, and that they were now captives. They were put under guard till next day, when they were marched to the river and embarked for Northern prisons. In the Brief History of Individuals, mention is made of the killed and wounded of the regiment and its battery as far as it was possible to obtain them when that feature of the work was planned, or as is shown by certain muster and pay-rolls now on file among the captured Confederate archives in Washington. To say that the ranks of the regiment were decimated would be to express far less than the truth. As for their efficiency, that is best attested by the published reports of Federal officers with whose troops they came in direct contact. These show that they were destructive much in excess of their own losses, though they were without cover except on Thursday, when they re pelled the repeated assaults of a strong force of men of approved courage and remarkable steadiness. A participant in every action during the three days wrote from prison to an absent brother : " We fired low and deliberately." Experienced soldiers know the impor tance of heeding at least that part of battle orders generally given to new troops about to engage : "Aim low, "or "Fire at the enemy s knees." What may be called the echoes from a battlefield are often strikingly 70 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. indicative of the character of commanders and men. It is frequently difficult to trace the origin and transmission of these ; but to a certain extent they are more expressive and more truthful than dispatches and bulletins. The other Kentucky regiments had hardly reached Mur- freesboro, on Johnston s retreat from Bowling Green, when a much discussed topic around the mess-fires was the battle of Donelson and the Kentuckians who participated in it. There were many among them who had acquaintances, friends, or relatives in the Second Ken tucky and Graves s battery; and of them and their deeds these echoes of the conflict were filling the camps. They took shape in more or less coherent and credible stories, nearly all of which trumpeted the praise of these absent comrades or signified that this or that one had earned a soubriquet which, in soldiers mouths, told of a marked char acter or expressed admiration. It was told that Hanson had perpetrated a kind of double entente on one occasion, grimly connecting his crip pled foot and heavy shoe with that strong will of his which would win a battle or a game if it were possible to win, saying: "Boys, clubs are trumps!" And the name " Old Flintlock," which had been be stowed upon him, acquired now a new significance and new impor tance. Graves, too, a youth of less than twenty-four years, came in for allusions that would have led the unacquainted to suppose that this particular hero of Donelson was as old and as wise as Priam was when Troy fell. And so on of others at that time less known. In the gloomy days that followed the defeat of Crittenden, the fall of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, and the retreat southward, the consciousness that their fellow-soldiers of Kentucky had made themselves a name which shone out despite the clouds served to console, to quicken hope, to kindle anew the martial fire in those who claimed them as their own. Here the Second Kentucky took for the brigade the initiatory in that bitter experience which followed it like a Nemesis to the close. The blind believer in Fate would say that these gallant sons of Ken tucky had fallen under inexorable decree and that it was malevolent. Let the reader, whether prepossessed in favor of the Southern move ment or of the coercive measures of the Washington government, con sider, with what impartial spirit is now possible to him, the conduct and the characteristics of these men and their trials, and say whether they were not typical of all that followed. If he sees aright, he can but wonder that as the years went by despairing rage did not move them to cry out against circumstances not of their own making, that seemed to mock their courage, laugh at their constancy, and wanton with their blood. Here was Buckner, a trained and experienced sol dier, with the confidence of the army, but unhappily subordinate to HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 71 others, and without power except to perform the part assigned by oth ers. How well he did it, let Federal as well as Confederate writers and archives attest. The sturdy and heroic Hanson, and the knightly Graves, who of himself was an " oriflamme of war" and needed not helmet or plume to lead others "amid the ranks of war," but could come "looking," as a soldier said, "like a common gunner," and rouse his fellow-countrymen to dare anything with him, these and such as these Kentucky had there, and during these terrible days how nobly they maintained the name they bore ! No supineness in prepa ration; no faltering in fight; no tame submission to repulse, but ever a readiness, even an eagerness, to regain lost ground and keep their standard well to the front, the rank and file, so led, fought their foes by day and withstood the bitter elements by night; and so well did they do what they were set to do that up to the very hour of capitula tion, notwithstanding the enemy had gained a lodgment on the part of the line which they had left with the troops from the fort, they- believed that victory was theirs. The temper they had shown justified the con clusion that if at 10 o clock on the morning of February i5th the Con federate army had marched out by the Charlotte road, as it could have done, w^th Buckner as rear-guard, his Kentuckians, (and nothing in vidious as to the others of the division is meant by this they were gallant fellows all), could not have been driven into precipitate flight or thrown into disastrous confusion, but would have fought and fallen step by step, all day, to stay the rush of the victors upon Floyd s re treating columns. But this privilege was denied them. They stacked arms and marched away captive. It was but natural that they should contemplete with some bitterness their costly sacrifice in blood and in suffering that brought no substantial advantage, but consigned them to prison; yet, they had nothing with which to reproach themselves. Note the career of the brigade henceforth. Go with it to Shiloh, to Stone River, and to Chickamauga; follow its fortunes on that long and trying campaign in which Sherman pushed it away towards the sea, through Georgia and South Carolina, in its efforts to narrow the track of the destroyer, and what do we find but a repetition of the fortunes of the Second Regiment and the Kentucky Battery in their main features, with additional and intensified evils ? These men were volunteers, fighting for the establishment of a Government in whose principles they believed, rather than for one of their own, as Ken tucky, according to their seeing, was now in the gall of bitterness and the bonds of iniquity, from which even the success of the South might not relieve her; yet they fought as though to drive an invader from their own doors or to avenge a wrong that had touched them above 72 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. other men. Ever faithful as they were, ever prompt to attack and loth to yield, they nevertheless had one ever-present grief; though they executed their part in all operations that looked to the discomfiture of the enemy and helped to win victories; bore without serious com plaint the hardships to which all were subjected (though many in less degree); had their honored, able and trusted leaders taken from them by orders, or killed leading them in fight, one after another; red dened every battlefield with their blood, this grief, this always un answered question, was with them, as doubtless it was with the brave fellows who were floated away captive from Dover wharf. " What does it avail ? After we have done all and borne all, where is the strong and cunning hand to seize and keep what we bleed and die for ?" Of the prison life of the regiment and battery, but little need be said. It was similar to that of all others at that period of the war. Gen. Buckner and Col. Hanson were carried to Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor; the line officers at first to Camp Chase, then to John son s Island; and the non-commissioned officers and men of two com panies to Camp Douglass, the others to Camp Morton. At that time prison life, either North or South, had not assumed the horrible fea tures that afterward characterized it ; and the confinement and surveil lance were disagreeable chiefly because of monotony; of restlessness away from their comrades in the field; of the sore discomfort that the free-born feel when watched and guarded and in danger from the shots of murderous sentinels, of whom some were found in almost every prison cowardly creatures who were strangers to the manliness of those foemen that seek to kill only in honorable battle and respect each other when the battle is done. To give even the more interesting de tails of this prison experience would require a volume, and this cannot be attempted. These Kentuckians, though they had been overcome, in connection with others, were not subdued ; and to them any en forced confinement was so hateful that it was natural that they should lay plans to escape, either singly or in squads, or by general uprising. Many actually got away; and all would have done so, it is said, had it not been that from some source the authorities got information and were prepared to prevent the execution of their plans. On one occasion they made a march in force over a weak part of the enclosure, which they had discovered, and which they passed without difficulty; but they were met just outside by a body of Federal troops drawn up in line, who had been made acquainted with the design, and were posted there in readi ness, both to prevent escape and punish for the attempt. The prison ers had managed to procure a few arms; but, though they resisted, its only effect was to cause the shedding of their own blood. Such of HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 73 them as had arms returned the fire of the soldiers, hoping to find but a small party, which they could succeed in driving; but they speedily learned their mistake, and were remanded to the prison barracks where they were kept under more rigid control than even before. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES : AT AND AFTER DONELSON. I. First Men of the Brigade Killed. When the detail of thir teen men made the gallant little fight at Whippoorwill Bridge, Decem ber 4th, 1 86 1, against Netter s detachment, which outnumbered him nearly seven to one, George Campbell, Co. A, and Hatch Jupin, Co. B, (Ninth Kentucky), were killed. These were the first of the brigade to be killed in action ; and H. B. Nelson, Co. G, (Second Kentucky), who fell at Donelson, February i3th, 1862, was the first to be killed in a great battle. II. Carson s "Wrath "When Semple Fell. A participant in the battle says: "As the eight companies of our regiment came up on the flank of B and G, after their separate charge, and these were endeavor ing to take their proper places, I heard Lieut. Carson, of Co. K, call out in ringing tones, Forward, men ! Avenge Charlie Semple s death ! Though of another company, I had learned to like Semple, and felt a deep pang of regret that so gallant a soldier had fallen. I never meet him now without thinking of poor Carson (killed at Chickamauga), and the fierce wrath with which he urged on his men to avenge his friend and brother officer. Semple was wounded, but not killed as he sup posed ; and he lives to-day, one of the noblest survivors of that gallant band." III. Still Full of Fight. When Lieut. Ed Keene was mortally wounded in the engagement on the left Saturday morning, Lieut. Hig- gins asked permission after the firing ceased to take his servant and carry him to the boat and see that he had proper attention, little ex pecting that there would be another fight before he could get back. That afternoon as the regiment was hurried to its rifle-pits, Adj. Stake took charge of Co. B, now without a commissioned office; but when it rallied on the crest of the hill, Hanson put Lieut. Ed F. Spears in com mand of Co. B, so that he led both B and G. Wounded as Spears was, (carrying one arm in a sling), "he seemed ready, indeed anx ious," wrote a member of Co. B, ^ to lead us in a bayonet charge to drive the enemy out of the works which they had taken from us." IV. Buckner s Shot at Impertinence. Though Grant treated Gen. Buckner with characteristic manliness, there were not wanting smart fellows among his officers who could not profit by their chief s example. As Buckner, with his faithful staff, stepped on board the boat that was to convey them northward, one of his regiments raised a thrilling cheer, when a Federal band, apparently in derision, struck up Yankee Doodle. An officer afterward asked Buckner in Grant s presence, and in a very sarcastic tone, whether the national air did not revive in his mind some pleasant associations of the past. "Yes, Colonel," he replied, "but it also reminds me of an incident which occurred a few days ago in our camp. A soldier was being drummed out of one of the regiments for a serious offense. The 74 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. musicians were playing the Rogue s March. Stop/ cried the fellow,. you have mistaken the tune. Play Yankee Doodle; a half million of rogues march to that every day. V. Escaping from Camp Morton. From the diary of a pris oner, I copy a few lines referring to escapes, previously noticed : " We had some rare times planning to get away. One fellow was put into a trash box and carried out by some negroes captured with a Mississippi regiment and these negroes were as true to the Southern cause as the best of us. Once a collection was taken up, and of our scanty funds we contributed enough to bribe a Lieutenant of the Guard to let four of our boys escape. The men had a way, too, of getting out at night; and the sentinels had a very disagreeable way of firing into camp when anything unusual occurred. Those inside would, of course, lie low while this was going on." VI. Dying in Prison. A hospital is no doubt a fearful place under any circumstances; but when the inmates are prisoners, suffering and dying away from home and friends, it beggars description. The cries of some in their last agony are heartrending. "Where is my mother?" "Oh! tell my wife to come to see me before I die!" "My poor little children ! Left without a friend on earth ! " These, and such as these, and the attendant scenes they give us vividly one of the dread ful aspects of war. One captive brought in had been unable to tell his name and his command, and nothing was known of him when he died except that he was No. 13. From a Camp Morton Diary. VII. A Fratricidal "War. A gallant and keenly observant soldier of Co. B, Second Kentucky, to whom the author is much indebted for valuable information, tells of a singular and affecting circumstance that occurred during the fighting at Donelson : Oliver B. Steele, of Henderson, was one of the members of Co. B, Fourth Kentucky, (afterward a lieutenant), and the company, as hitherto explained, was then part of Graves s Battery. Passing one day over a portion of the field from which the enemy had been driven, Capt. Graves discovered a young Federal soldier, badly wounded and suffering greatly, and learned from him that he was Ollie Steele s brother. Graves had him removed and placed under shelter of the rifle pits occupied by his brother s company, and everything possible was done to relieve him ; but his wound was mortal and he died there. A somewhat similar case occurred at Shiloh which is recorded as another instance of the singular relations which existed at that time between members of families, while the ties of nature were still strong, though brother s arms were turned against brother in the terrible strife. The writer, wounded at Shiloh, was helped off the field by Assistant-Surgeon Newberryand Ike Martin, and the way to temporary hospital was strewn with dead and dying Federal soldiers. He presently noticed that Newberry was scrutinizing with apparent anxiety the countenance of every one who lay near the road, and he was led to ask why he did so. The reply was: "I am looking for Hiram! Everywhere I have gone with the infirmary corps to-day I have been looking for Hiram ! " This was his brother, whose regiment he believed to be in the fight, and though he did not find him, he learned soon afterward that he was mortally wounded there and died after being carried north ward to hospital. HISTORY OK THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 75 VIII. " Whar s Baze ? "Captain (afterward Colonel) McDow ell and Lieut. Tom Beaseman, of Co. F, Second Kentucky, went to Donelson with a joint interest in a negro cook, George, who was at the time as rank a Southerner as his masters. After the surrender George was talking over the battle with a German in the Federal army, and indignantly repelling the charge that his Confederate friends had been beaten. "We whipped you," said George, "every time we went after you." " Yes," rejoined the German, "but we caught you all at last." " Caught us all, did you ? " retorted the loyal George, " Whar s Baze ? " Now, Beaseman had declined to abide by the terms and gotten off with some of Forrest s men (though he was captured before he reached Nashville), and from the lofty tone of the negro the other thought "Baze" was some one in high command and that Grant hadn t at all made a clean sweep of the Kentucky contingent. IX. Wouldn t Take His Own Medicine. While the reserve companies of the Second Kentucky were under fire at Donelson for the first time, the boys, who had to stand and take it without returning as good as they got, very naturally dodged and ducked their heads as the bullets zipped by. Col. Hanson called attention and told them to be steady that there was no use in dodging, as when they heard the bullet it was already gone by. Just as he concluded his speech one came near getting him, and he involuntarily ducked his head. This raised a laugh at his expense, which he good-humoredly parried with : " Boys, yo^u may dodge a little if they come too close." 76 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER V. GEN. SIDNEY JOHNSTON S RETREAT FROM KENTUCKY. BATTLE OF SHILOH. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. It has been noticed in Chapter III that after the defeat of Zollicoffer and Crittenden, Gen. Johnston withdrew his ordnance and the bulk of his army supplies southward from Bowling Green, by rail, and was ready by the afternoon of February nth to leave the place. On that evening, orders were received in the various regiments of the Kentucky Brigade to march out on the pike at nine next morning, and wait for further instructions. Rumor had already been busy, and it was looked upon among all ranks and classes of soldiers -as certain that Bowling Green was to be evacuated ; but the uncertainty which must always rest upon the minds of the great body of an army during the execution of a movement was to the Kentucky troops painful in the extreme, for it had been whispered about that Kentucky was to be abandoned. Those who were in the confidence of the general officers, and knew the facts as regarded the situation, could not for a moment have contemplated an advance on either flank or front; but the wild hope obtained with many that it might be the initiatory to active operations in Kentucky; that the disaster at Fishing Creek would be retrieved; and Kentucky be yet secured to the Confederacy by some bold stroke on the part of the commander. The troops , whose homes lay in the direction in which the stores had been sent, had great cause to fear the overrunning of their own territory ; but still, to soldiers who have but a feeble and indefinite idea as to the value of any single step in a campaign, the thought of turning their faces homeward, and once more revisiting the land of their love, silences question as to its propriety in point of public good; and whether the General blunders or is guided by wisdom, they are sure, in the incep tion of the movement, to be in accord with him, as, actual knowledge of the real facts being meager, their reasoning is largely influenced by their feelings. From a similar cause, the Kentucky Brigade experienced nothing but gloom and apprehension on that morning, when drawn up on the turnpike awaiting anxiously for the order to determine the direc tion of the march; and though every thing seemed to point that way, it was with sinking, sickened hearts that their faces were turned toward HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 77 Bowling Green, and they realized, in all its force, the sad fact that their homes must be given up to the enemy. A thousand painful fancies thronged their minds, and lent a poignancy to the grief that they would have felt to depart, under any circumstances, for an in definite period, from all that was dear to them in life. They were not only to be absent, but the foeman was to be there. Throughout the length and breadth of the State, soldiers in actual uniform, or the worse enemy born and reared among them, but opposed to them and their families, would swarm; and legal restraints, and moral restraints as well, were measurably removed. What had they not to fear? What was lacking to complete to their minds a picture of wrong and op pression of insult, danger, suffering, to those whom they had hoped to protect ? The first day s march, however, did not serve to awaken them fully to all the bitterness of the truth. At Bowling Green, they reasoned, some new developments might take place, and from that point some speedy march upon a body of the enemy might be made that would change the relative position of the armies ; and though they went for ward in a half-despairing, sullen mood, they were fain to comfort themselves with this one grain of hope, that Kentucky would not be given up without a struggle. The night of the i2th was passed in the huts built by the Second, Third, and Fourth Regiments at Mill Springs, three miles below Bowl ing Green, on the left of the Nashville pike. The next morning marching orders were received which dispelled the last ray of hope, as far as continued occupancy of the State was concerned; and the Cen tral Army of Kentucky took up its line of march toward Nashville, the Kentucky Brigade constituting rear-guard of infantry, one company of the Fourth Regiment special rear-guard for brigade, while Morgan and Biffle moved in front, and in call of the infantry. Gen. Hardee, who had commanded that army from early in December, was still in the rear with the remaining cavalry force and some light artillery. The enemy shelled Bowling Green that day from early morning until they had fired the dopot, and the last Confederates had retired Gen. Hindman, who was in the rear of Gen. Breckinridge on the march of the 1 2th to Bowling Green, having destroyed the bridge across Big Barren, just as the head of the Federal column, now in pursuit, had appeared in sight, and thus prevented their immediate passage into the town. The difficulties attending the retreat were great, but a more orderly and more successful one, under all the circumstances, was perhaps never accomplished. Popular indignation, even rage blind, but full of confidence and of such force as would have goaded common minds 7g HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. into desperation-was poured out upon the head of the commander. The wintry season, inclement, unpropitious beyond measure for such an undertaking, was calculated both to tax the skill of the General, and destroy the martial ardor, even the ordinary morale, of the troops. Dangers menaced the retreating army as much as hardships marked its course. The surrender of Donelson took place on Sunday morning, the 1 6th, and Nashville was uncovered twelve or fifteen hours before the rear-guard of his army passed over the bridge. Demoralization almost unavoidably consequent upon the state of the public mind and the nature of a retreat threatened to destroy the effi ciency of bodies of troops who could not have been spared in case of an attack. And the state of the weather heavy rains having set in before the command had quitted the vicinity of Nashville foreboded evil, in retarding, if not arresting, the progress of the army, by swollen streams and impassable mud. But everything went on with a regular ity and a degree of order that seemed to have been the result of cir cumstances working in entire harmony with the plans of the great General, instead of having been adverse at every step; and he reached Corinth with so little loss of men or munitions as to mark him one of the first administrative minds of his age and country. But to return to the more immediate notice of the command under consideration. They bivouacked on the night of Thursday, the i3th, two miles north of Franklin, the capital of Simpson county. The weather, which had been for the last two days comparatively pleasant, turned cold during the night, and on the morning of the i4th the ground was covered with a slight snow, the wind had set in from the north-west, and it was intensely cold. Preparations were made for an early march, but upon reaching Franklin a halt was ordered for some purpose, and the suffering was so great that it was with difficulty that the men could be induced to keep together. Stragglers from the ranks filled the town, and many showed themselves already adepts at pro curing whiskey, and what the cavalry afterward taught them to call the "square meal." At 10 o clock the march was resumed, but another halt was ordered when scarcely out of sight of town, and unavoidable depredations upon private property began. The place was an open lane, where no cover from the wind was afforded, and they acknowledged the force of the trite maxim, that " necessity knows no law." Long lines of fires speedily appeared, and physical comfort was secured for the hour at the expense of the consciousness that some man s rail fence had been speedily devoted to destruction. They finally got properly under way, and reached Camp Trousdale that night. This consisted of a lot of frame buildings, at Mitchellsville, Tennessee, just over the Kentucky line, which had been used as quarters for the Tennessee HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN P.RIGADK. 79 troops recruited in that section of the State during the preceding sum mer. The night was one of the most disagreeable that they had ever passed. The cold was bitter, and not only was fuel hard to procure, hut fires, built on the ground, inside the houses, were intolerable on account of the smoke, which, having no proper egress, filled them, and drove either the occupant or the fire from the building. After an al most sleepless and a restless night spent here, the march was resumed on the morning of the i5th (Saturday), and, after traveling twenty- seven miles, the brigade went into camp about night-fall. The cold was still severe. On the afternoon of this day, it was rumored that a Federal force of some description was in front of the marching column, and hasty preparations were made to meet it. The men, though al most exhausted by exertions necessary to proceed at the rapid rate which they had traveled during the day, were nevertheless prompt to fall in and march to what they deemed the threatened front. It soon transpired that there was no enemy in the neighborhood, and the march was resumed. Next afternoon, the brigade passed over the bridge and through Nashville, thence five miles out on the Murfrees- boro pike, and went into camp. Intelligence had already reached the city that Donelson had fallen, and the wild rumors which heralded the approach of the Federal transports had thrown the population into a frenzy of excitement, and a widespread demoralization, which threat ened violence among the people, and even the destruction of the city. The efforts of soldiers, sent in for the purpose of restoring order, availed little, and confusion reigned triumphant throughout that ter rible night and the next day. Property, both public and private, was ruthlessly destroyed or appropriated, and a perfect exodus of the peo ple seemed taking place. At the encampment of the Kentucky brigade, too, everything was dreary enough. The weather had undergone a change during Sun day, and now the rain poured down continuously. Having arrived in the night, the tents were erected in a careless manner, generally without the precaution of ditching, and consequently afforded little protection against the storm. The comfortless appearance of every thing next morning men whose clothes had been flooded in their tents during the night, hovering over the smoking pretense of fire, that could scarcely be coaxed into burning; heaps of blankets as thoroughly drenched as though they had lain out in the open air; the braying of uneasy mules and the swearing of teamsters ; pools of water all around, and, in some instances, inside the very tents from which men had emerged; a lowering sky and still drizzling rain all com bined to complete a picture of half-despondent wretchedness that can not be described. On the 1 7th, the command remained in camp, 80 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. while Gen. Breckinridge was having some additions made to the trans portation facilities of his troops, and securing quartermaster s and sub sistence stores. On the afternoon of the i8th, the brigade moved five miles farther down the pike and encamped till the 2oth, when it was marched to within two miles of La Vergne, and thence, next morn ing, to Murfreesboro , or rather a mile below Murfreesboro , and en camped in the enclosed woods to the left of the Fayetteville road. These few details are given to convey some idea of the hardships and exposures in camp and on march in the inclement season of win ter, which the brigade encountered almost in the very outset of its career. At Murfreesboro , Gen. Johnston was joined by Gen. George B. Crit- tenden, and the army was reorganized on the 23d of February. It com prised three divisions under Generals Hardee, Crittenden and Pillow. Breckinridge s brigade was designated " Reserve Brigade," and was made to consist now of the Third, Fourth, Sixth and Ninth Regiments Kentucky Infantry; three battalions of other infantry troops under Lieut. -Cols. Clifton, Hale, and Crews; First Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, under Col. B. H. Helm, Morgan s squadron, and the light batteries of Byrne and Cobb. In addition to the officers already men tioned, Gen. Breckinridge attached to his staff Capts. Theodore O Hara and A. L. Lindsey, as Assistant Inspectors-General, and Dr. B. W. Avent, as medical director. On the 28th of February the march southward was resumed, and after something near a week s delay at Decatur, where the army crossed the Tennessee, Gen. Breckinridge encamped at Burnsville, Miss., on the 22dof March. The march from Murfreesboro to Burnsville was attended with little less suffering and little more of interest than that previously de scribed. Nothing of special historic interest, strictly pertaining to the Ken tucky troops, occurred during the time which elapsed between the 2zd of March, when tents were pitched at Burnsville, and the battle of Shiloh. The usual routine of drill and camp duty went on, and no means were neglected to improve them in all the habits and general attainments of the soldier. On the 2pth of March, Gen. Johnston announced that still another reorganization of the forces had been determined upon, and that it would be known as the " Army of the Mississippi." A division was organized and placed under command of Gen. Breckinridge. This was named as the Reserve Corps, and consisted of the Kentucky brigade, Statham s brigade, Bowen s brigade, Forrest s regiment of cavalry, Morgan s squadron, a company of cavalry under Capt. Phil HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 81 B. Thompson, which had reported to Gen. Breckinridge as a body guard or headquarter scouts, and the light artillery pertaining to each organization. On the afternoon of the 3d of April, an order was received, the purport of which was that the Reserve Corps would march on the morrow, at daylight, prepared "to meet the enemy in twenty-four hours.". Some Enfield rifles, with accouterments and ammunition, just received, were distributed about nightfall, to displace the most in ferior guns in the Kentucky Brigade, as well as to supply those who were yet without any whatever. Rations were prepared during the night, and at daylight on Friday morning, April 4th, tents were struck, baggage wagons loaded, aud most of them sent immediately to Cor inth, while the ordnance and supply train prepared to accompany the troops, and the march began which was to result in one of the most wonderful battles of the age. They went out by way of Farmington and Monterey the Reserve Corps numbering, perhaps, seven thou sand men, of all arms. After a hard day s march, considering the nature of the ground over which it passed, it went into camp, or rather bivouac (for no tents had been brought out for the troops), and during the night the rain poured down almost incessantly from 1 1 o clock till daylight. The artillery, or a portion of it, was late at night reaching its position, as much of the road passed over during the day had been ill adapted to the advance of the heavier pieces and the now well-laden caissons. Next day, though fair for the most part, was more unpropitious for military movements than the preceding, since the rain had rendered the roads almost impassable; and it was not until near nightfall that the reserve reached the point which it should have occupied the night preceding, according to the original plan of Gen. Johnston, to attack on the morning of the 5th. This was near the junction of the Burnsville and Corinth roads leading to Pittsburg Landing, and about four miles from the river. The remain der of the army, consisted of three corps, under the respective com mand of Gens. Bragg, Polk, and Hardee, numbered in the order in which we have named their commanders. The Third Corps, consist ing of fifteen thousand five hundred and twenty-four men, was tnrown well forward and placed in position for the attack, which was to be brought on by Gen. Hardee next morning. The First Corps, under Gen. Bragg, consisting of nine thousand four hundred and twenty-two men, was formed also in line of battle a quarter of a mile in rear of Hardee. Gen. Polk was formed in column of brigades on the Corinth road, with its junction with that from Burnsville; while Gen. Breck inridge lay in similar column on the Burnsville road, and nearly oppo site or on the right flank of Polk. The troops slept on their arms. o 82 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. The night was clear, calm, and beautiful as such nights always are in the spring-time in such a clime; and the broken slumbers of^the pre vious one, together with the fatigue of the day just closed, had pre pared them for sleep. They lay down early, and were soon lost in slumber that was to be the last one of earth to thousands who gave themselves up to its restoring and refreshing embrace, and were awakened next morning by their officers, without the usual re veille. Gen. Johnston s plan of attack the failure to reach the ground on the evening of the 4th, as he designed, that he might have ample time to crush Grant before Gen. Buell could arrive with the Army of the Ohio the position of the Federal troops between Lick and Owl Creeks, the nature of the ground, all things of this kind, in fact, have been so often de scribed, and so dwelt upon as to have become trite, and we feel our inability to add to a proper understanding of the situation. Sunday morning, April 6th, was one of the most serene and lovely of the season; there seemed, indeed, to be a peculiar stillness pervad ing everything, even to the birds and beasts, for though the sun rose in unclouded splendor, and the elevated ridge upon which the reserve troops were bivouacked glittered in its dewy robe, everything but man seemed to be drinking in delight, instead of indulging in noisy demon stration, and he moved almost silently about, with thoughts bent upon the coming storm. The troops of Breckinridge and Polk had scarcely time to take their morning meal before Hardee s artillery began to roar slowly at first, at a single point; then more rapidly, and from different parts of his line. Gen. Breckinridge had orders to move forward as soon as Gen. Polk should clear the road in front, and hold himself in readiness to strengthen the advance lines, or attack in force should it become nec essary. The enemy were at first driven precipitately back, but the nature of the ground, most of which was covered with forest trees, and in many places with a dense undergrowth, which afforded a com plete screen from observation, enabled them to recover, in a measure, the advantage lost by the carelessness of their commander in allowing them to be surprised. They hastily reformed, and the conflict began to rage in earnest. Hardee and Bragg intermingled. In a short time, Polk had sent forward one brigade to support Bragg s right; then one to support his left ; then the remaining two were led against the enemy s strongest point, the center. Meanwhile indications were plain that an attempt was being made to turn the Confederate left, resting on or near Owl Creek, and Beauregard ordered Breckinridge to leave the Kentucky brigade to meet that movement. It thus became, for the day, a virtually independent organization, under command of Col. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 83 Robert P. Trabue, of the Fourth regiment. The following is the care- mi and exhaustive report of that intrepid and capable officer : HEADQUARTERS FIRST KENTUCKY BRIGADE, RESERVE CORPS, CORINTH, Miss., April 15, 1862. Capt. George B. Hodge, A. A. G. SIR : I have the honor to submit the following report of the con duct of this brigade in the actions of the 6th and yth instant, at Shiloh, and during the few days succeeding : The brigade was composed of the Third Kentucky Infantry, Lieut. - Col. Ben Anderson commanding; Fourth Kentucky, Lieut. -Col. Hynes;* Sixth Kentucky, Col. Joseph H. Lewis; Ninth Ken tucky, Col. Thomas H. Hunt; Fourth Alabama Battalion, Maj. J. M. Clifton; Hale s Thirty-first Alabama Regiment, Lieut. -Col. Galbraith; a battalion of Tennessee infantry, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Crews; battery of light artillery, Capt. Edward P. Uyrne; battery of light artillery, Capt. Robert Cobb, and Capt. John H. Morgan s squadron of horse amounting, in all, to about twenty- four hundred men, exclusive of the squadron, which did not receive orders from me. The Reserve Corps, commanded by Gen. Breckinridge, having moved on Friday morning, at daylight, from Burnsville, in the rain, bivouacked that night, after a day s march of twenty-three miles, near Monterey. On the next morning, shortly before daylight, after having been exposed to the rain during the night, the corps was moved up to near Mickey s house, where it became necessary to halt until the roads were cleared of the troops in front, which, occurring in the afternoon, enabled Gen. Breckinridge to march, on the neigh borhood road to the right of Mickey s house, to a point within three or four miles of Pittsburg Landing, where, on Saturday night, we again bivouacked. On Sunday morning, the 6th, having advanced about one mile from place of bivouac, with this brigade leading, the command was again halted at the intersection of the "bark" and interior roads until the front was cleared by the march forward of a portion of the command of Polk (who was to precede the Reserve Corps). When this occurred, I received Gen. Breckinridge s order to move forward in a condition for easy deployment in rear of Folk s line, and almost immediately afterward was commanded to form line of battle and advance in that manner. The line having been instantly formed, the Third Kentucky on the right, and the Fourth Kentucky on the left, with the batteries in the rear and opposite the center, the brigade was put in motion, following Folk s command. * See Biography of Maj. Monroe. 84 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Having proceeded thus a short distance, Breckinridge communi cated to me an order, just then received by him, to move with his two rear brigades on the Hamburg road, which led far to the right of the position first assigned to him. He at the same time directed me to continue moving forward on the line previously indicated [in clining to the left of the principal line of battle], in the rear of Polk, and he then parted from me. Moving forward as directed, I came under the enemy s fire at half- past 9 o clock A. M., having reached the verge of a long, crescent- shaped, open field (which was without fencing), about one and a half miles from Pittsburg Landing. The shot and shell from the woods on the opposite side of the field fell thick and fast around us, but caused very few casualties. Governor George W. Johnson and Col. Robert McKee, volunteer aids, here lost their horses, when the governor shouldered a musket, and joined the company of Capt. Ben Monroe, Fourth Kentucky. I here halted the command for an instant in a slight depression of the ground, and rode forward on the open field to ob serve what might lie before and around me, and to place Cobb s Battery in position, which I did, but it was afterward moved under orders from some one, and without my knowledge. Shortly before this, by order of Beauregard, I had detached the Third Kentucky, Fourth Alabama Battalion, and Crews Battalion, with Byrne s Battery, to the right, to support Gen. Anderson; and in the engagement, Lieut. -Col. Anderson, commanding Third Kentucky, and Maj. Johnston, of the same, were wounded. Captains Stone, Pierce, and Emerson, Lieut. Bagwell, commanding company, and acting Lieut. White, of that regiment, were killed. Capt. Bowman, Adjt. McGoodwin, and Lieutenants Ross and Ridgeway were wounded the adjutant severely. My aid, Charleton Morgan, was also wounded here, and my volunteer aid, John Hooe, had his horse killed. Not having been specially informed of the casualties that occurred here in the Alabama and Tennessee battalions and Byrne s Battery, I am unable to speak definitely of them. The examination which I made from the old field showed it to have been the scene of recent conflict, but at that time our lines there seemed to have been broken, and no troops of ours were in sight. It discovered also to my left and front two camps of the enemy still oc cupied by his troops, and I saw them also in the woods across the field in front of his camps. I immediately moved by the left flank to the left, and confronted him. I had scarcely taken my new position in fact, was changing the front of the left wing when he deployed before me. I opened my fire on him when he was thus employed, and soon HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 85 received his in return. The combat here was a severe one, and lasted an hour and a quarter. I had only three regiments in line (the Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth Kentucky), the Thirty-first Alabama in reserve, and no battery at command (both of my own having been sent further to the right, at which point we seemed to be pressed). The enemy ap peared to outnumber us greatly. Ignorant of the topography of the country, and not knowing his force, I was for a while reluctant to charge; and as he was in the woods, too, with some advantage of position, I fought him, as I have said, for an hour and a quarter, kill ing and wounding four or five hundred of the Forty-sixth Ohio Infantry alone, as well as many of another Ohio regiment, a Missouri regiment, and some Iowa troops, from all of whom we eventually took prisoners. It would be impossible to praise too highly the steadiness and valor of my troops in this engagement. I lost here many men and several offi cers, among whom were Captains Ben Desha and John W. Caldwell, severely, and Adjt. William Bell, mortally wounded, all of the Ninth Kentucky ; also, in the same regiment, Capt. James R. Bright, Lieut. 1 . L. Moore, and Lieut. R. M. Simmons were wounded. In the Fourth Kentucky, Capt. John A. Adair, First Lieut. John Bird Rogers, com manding Co. A, and Lieut. Robert Dunn, were severely wounded, u hile in the Sixth Kentucky, Capt. W. Lee Harned was wounded mor tally.* The Thirty-first Alabama, on the left, lost several officers and men, and elicited general praise for its gallantry. During the engage ment the men of no part of the brigade, at any time, faltered or fell back, while the enemy had to reform more than once. At length, after having extended my line by adding my reserve to the left of it, and obtaining, as a support, Gen. Stewart with a part of his brigade, and a part of Gen. Anderson s command, which I found in my rear in a wooded ravine, I gave the order to fix bayonets, and move forward in double-quick time at a charge, which was executed in the handsomest manner, and with complete success. The enemy, un willing and unable to stand this charge, ran through their camps into the woods in their rear, whither we followed them. They were, how ever, too badly routed to make a stand, and for several hundred yards I moved forward without opposition. These woods intervene between the field and camps I have described, and the field and camp in which (.en. Prentiss surrendered, and are about three quarters of a mile in \\idth. Soon after having entered the woods I found the ground broken and covered with a thick undergrowth, so that I was obliged to move cautiously, and with my front covered by skirmishers. I was likewise delayed and embarrassed by some Louisiana troops, who were *See history of companies throughout for names of killed and wounded in this and all other battles. 8 6 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. off to my left, and dressed in blue colors like the enemy, as also by a battery, which was firing across my front from the right. I sent out an aid to learn the identity of the Louisiana troops, and a detachment to ascertain the character of the battery ; and having had the fire of this changed, I moved forward to the verge of the field in which Prentiss surrendered, having encountered and dispersed a regiment, said to be of Missouri, and taken several prisoners, who were sent to the rear. At this field Gen. Breckinridge and others were hotly pressing the enemy on the right, many of whom attempted to gain the woods through which I had passed, and at one time I was apprehensive they would turn my left, but, by altering my position and delivering sev eral well-directed fires, they were turned back upon their camps, into which also, for some time, I directed my fire with effect. The lines being gradually after much hard fighting drawn more and more closely around this camp, forced the surrender of Preatiss, who seemed to be the last of their Generals who made a stand. This brigade en tered the camp nearly simultaneously with Gen. Breckinridge and others from the right. I was halted here for a moment by order of Gen. Har- dee, and directed to send a regiment back in charge of the prisoners, and I assigned to this duty Lieut. -Col. Crews (who had rejoined me) with his battalion. Finding the troops who had come in from my right halting one or two hundred yards in my front, I allowed the Sixth and Ninth Ken tucky Regiments hastily to exchange their guns for Enfield rifles,* which the enemy had surrendered, and I then moved up and rejoined Gen. Breckinridge, who, with Statham s and Bowen s brigades, was occupying the front line, being on the crest of the hill (or high land) overlooking the narrow valley of the Tennessee River, on which, and near by, was Pittsburg Landing. Having been halted here for more than an hour, we endured a most terrific cannonade and shelling from the enemy s gunboats. My com mand, however, had seen too much hard fighting to be alarmed, and the Fourth Kentucky stood firm while some of our troops to the front fell back through their lines in confusion. In Co. D, of this regiment, I lost at this place eleven men, and Lieut. H. M. Keller, of the Ninth Regiment, was wounded. From this position, when it was nearly dark, we were ordered to the rear to encamp, which movement was effected in good order. I fol lowed, in the darkness of the night, the Purdy road, after having reunited to my command Byrne s Battery and the others of my troops *He here alludes simply to those of the Sixth and Ninth, who had not been supplied when Enfields were distributed at Burnsville, on the evening of the 3d inst. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 87 who had been detached to the right, not including, however, Cobb s Battery. This battery, after having been moved from the position in which I had placed it (as previously stated) maintained itself with extraordinary gallantry, as I am informed, against a large force, which, however, killed, in the contest, nearly all its horses, and killed and wounded thirty-seven of the men. Having been thus disabled, Capt. Cobb moved his battery off the field, with mules, to the rear, under orders to do so, all danger being past. My command occupied the vacated camps of the Forty-sixth Ohio and Sixth Iowa Regiments, on the Purdy road, near the bridge over Owl Creek; but the tents having been mainly destroyed, my men were again exposed to rain, which fell during the night. The camps, however, were rich in subsistance, as in almost every thing else, and, after a bountiful supper, they slept, despite the rain. After having obtained returns from the whole command, I myself rode till eleven o clock p. M., to find a general officer to whom to re port for orders, and then sent an aid (with a mounted escort) for the same object, who rode all night without success. Thus closed Sunday, with a loss to this brigade of about seventy- five killed and three hundred and fifty wounded. Early Monday morning, having caused the arms to be discharged and cleaned, I prepared to renew the contest. Soon hearing firing to the right, and somewhat to the front, and seeing Gen. Ruggles di vision marching to my rear, to form off the right, as I understood, and being also informed that the enemy was to the left, I ordered Byrne s Battery in position at the Owl Creek bridge, and formed in line parallel to the road. In a short time, my volunteer aid, Capt. Samuel Gray, of Kentucky, whom I had dispatched to the front for orders, returned with directions from Beauregard to move forward to whatever point the firing seemed heaviest. I accordingly moved for ward on the road, marching by the flank at double-quick; and, having passed Shiloh Church, leaving it to the right, I advanced about three-quarters of a mile beyond it. At this point I met Bragg, who ordered me to form line perpendicularly to the road and to the left of it, which I did by fronting the brigade, and then changing front for ward on first battalion. While this movement was being made, I rode forward and placed Byrne s Battery in position, on a slight emi nence or ridge at the edge of a field, behind which (and at its base) the change of front would bring my line, thus being myself at the same time at a point where I could observe the execution of this move ment. In this position, Capt. Byrne served his guns with skill and gallantry, silencing one and greatly damaging another battery of the enemy. The enemy s right wing was in our front; and for four hours, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. in the presence and under the orders of Bragg, we checked his ad vance at this quarter. The battery of Byrne drew the continuous fire of several guns from the enemy, by which I lost several men. It was pleasing to see with what alacrity my men volunteered to aid the bat tery as its men were wounded or became exhausted. Meanwhile the firing had been approaching nearer and nearer to us from the right and center, and I was ordered to move from my posi tion to the support of these points of our line. In advancing to the right, I perceived that our forces were passing from their right toward the left, while the enemy were moving on parallel lines with them, and in a corresponding direction. In proceeding, I became engaged with the enemy in woods to the right, and a little in rear of the position I had just left, and bordering upon an old field, in which was a house that seemed to have been used as a forage depot. In and around this the enemy seemed well posted, in strong force, though much con cealed behind logs and bags, apparently of corn, which appeared to have been arranged with that view. While I was moving to my new position, the Fourth Kentucky Regiment and Fourth Alabama Bat talion by Bragg s order, and without my knowledge, were moved out of the line and advanced against overwhelming numbers at the north side of the field, and to the north of the house just spoken of, being advised that they would be supported in the movement by Anderson s brigade. At this time I was with the Sixth and Ninth (and a rem nant of the Third) Kentucky Regiments, on the west side of this field, and to the west of the house. The enemy was posted in the form of a crescent, the inner side being the front. The Fourth Kentucky Regiment and Fourth Alabama Battalion having approached to within one hundred paces of the enemy s line, opened fire upon him, and re ceived in turn a destructive fire from both the wings and the center.* The contest was here continued for about twenty minutes, when the enemy fell back on their reserve, and the regiment and battalion pre pared to charge them with the bayonet ; but before this could be done the enemy again advanced, with redoubled forces, and they fell back on Anderson s brigade, four or five hundred yards in rear. United with this, they again drove back the enemy, and thus, forward and backward, was the ground crossed and recrossed four times. This engagement is represented as having been most terrific, and, judging from the results, could scarcely have been exceeded in the courage and heroism displayed by our troops. Here that matchless officer, Thomas B. Monroe, Jr., after performing prodigies of valor, was killed near the close of the scene. Here, too, Adjt. Forman was *See remarks relative to this part of the engagemeut in the biography of Col. Nuckols. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN liRhiAhl. 89 killed, as was also Lieut. Dooley. Lieut. -Col. Hines, whose conduct was most cool and courageous, was here slightly wounded. Senior Capt. Joseph P. Nuckols, who had been mounted, was likewise, after the most decided coolness and gallantry, severely wounded. Here also were wounded Captains Ben J. Monroe, Tho. W. Thompson, and James Fitzhenry. Lieut. Thomas Steele was severely wounded and afterward made prisoner, while Lieutenants John B. Moore and George B. Burnley were seriously, and Lieut. Peyton, slightly wounded. All these officers were of the Fourth Kentucky, which went into action Sunday morning with 431 men. Many officers also of the Fourth Alabama Battalion, whose conduct was excellent, were among the wounded for more definite mention of whom reference is made to the report from that command. And here also fell that noble patriot, Gov. George W. Johnson, after having fought in the ranks of Capt. Ben Monroe s company (E, Fourth Kentucky), with unfaltering bravery from early Sunday morn ing to this unhappy moment. Eventually, seeing that they must be overpowered, these troops were withdrawn, and ordered a short distance to the rear, where they remained until reunited to the com mand. With the Sixth and Ninth Regiments, on the west side of the posi tion I have described, I was hotly engaged for an hour, at and during the time just- mentioned above, when I had occasion often to admire the courage and ability of Colonels Joseph H. Lewis and Thomas H. Hunt, as well as the steadiness of their men. Our forces here were insufficient for a charge, and seeing the enemy s masses moving to his right, as also our own troops being ordered by Gen. Breckinridge, to whom I had reported here, he stating at the same time that he could maintain himself to the right, where he was, but that the ene my s movements required more troops of ours on the left I followed the movement and soon reached the brow of a hill on the main road to Pittsburg Landing, and about one hundred and fifty yards to the right of Shiloh Church. At this point, upon my instance, Col. Mar- maduke, with his Arkansas regiment, united with my command in support of the two twelve-pound howitzers which I had obtained from Gen. Polk, some three hundred yards in the rear, and had brought up to that position. The fragmentary forces of both armies had concen trated at this time around Shiloh Church, and, worn out as were our troops, the field was here successfully contested for two hours, when, as if by mutual consent, both sides desisted from the struggle. Shortly before the close of the combat, having heard from one of my aids that some troops were in line a few hundred yards in rear, I left Col. Hunt, Ninth Kentucky, in command, and galloped back to urge them to 90 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. come up (intending with such a reinforcement to charge the enemy with the bayonet), but I failed to secure their assistance. Returning, I found that in my absence, Col. Hunt, with his usual gallantry, had ventured upon a charge, but found the enemy too strong for him, when he retired to the west side of Shiloh Church, where the command re mained long after all other troops had been withdrawn, except a small force with Col. Tappan, of Arkansas. In the conflicts of this day, Lieut. -Col. Robert A. Johnson, after exemplary conduct, was wounded ; Capt. William Mitchell was killed ; and Capt. George A. King, and Lieutenants Gillum, Harding, and Schaub were wounded all of the Ninth Kentucky. In the Sixth Kentucky, Lieut. -Col. Cofer, a cool, brave, and efficient officer, was wounded; Capt. W. W. Bagby and Lieut. M. E. Aull were mortally wounded ; Captains D. E. McKendree and John G. Hudson were likewise wounded, as were also Lieutenants L. M. Tucker and Charles Dawson, the last named of whom was taken prisoner. The Thirty-first Alabama Regiment behaved with praiseworthy gallantry. And here, though out of place, I will mention that of the Ninth Regiment four color corporals were killed, and three color corporals and the color sergeant were wounded. Late in the evening, my command being reunited,* we rejoined Gen. Breckinridge, with Statham s brigade, and halted at the junction of two roads, both apparently leading from Pittsburg Landing, and about one and a half miles west of Shiloh Church, in the direction of Corinth. With this force and some cavalry Gen. Breckinridge undertook to check any pursuit of our retiring army, and cover the retreat. This was a hard duty, exposed as the command had been, and wasted as they were by the loss of more than half their numbers ; but the Gen eral was equal to the great undertaking, and his officers and men shared his devotion to duty. Here we bivouacked in the mud, and were exposed to the rain which fell during the night. Gen. Breckinridge had in some way provided subsistence for the command, sufficient for the night and morning. The enemy did not appear that night, and the next morning we slowly moved off three miles, to Mickey s house, taking with us the wounded, whom we found in abandoned wagons and in the houses on * Col. Hunt, being senior, was left, as stated, in command of the Sixth and Ninth, and had the honor, as chief in command of the two regiments, of firing the farewell shot his being the last fighting of that eventful day. " Long after all other troops had been withdrawn," as Col. Trabue remarks, he was reunited with the remainder of the brigade. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 91 the road-side, as well as some captured property, which had been abandoned by other Confederate troops. Arrived at Mickey s house, (where was aiarge hospital, with four or five hundred wounded men, a part of whom were Federal prisoners), we remained there three days, laboriously engaged in removing the wounded, burying the dead, and sending forward captured property. All having been ac complished, upon receiving orders from Beauregard, Breckinridge with his command moved into Corinth, arriving there on Friday. While at Mickey s house, we had been advantageously posted to avoid surprise and repel attack. On Tuesday, Gen. Sherman s brig ade of the enemy came tp within a mile and a half of us, but, being attacked by our cavalry, which Breckinridge had stationed in the rear, that brigade was routed, losing forty or fifty killed, and about seventy- five prisoners, who were sent to Corinth. Here I must be permitted to bear testimony to the resolution, ability, and endurance of Gen. Breckinridge, which in these last days were severely taxed, but were not wanting to the demands of the oc casion. Thus I have given an account of the conduct of this brigade, in the battle of the 6th and ;th instants, and in the three or four days succeeding. I cannot too highly commend the gallantry and steadi ness of these brave men. The courage, coolness, and ability of Col. Hunt, of the Ninth Ken tucky, were conspicuous, as were also those of his lieutenant- colonel, Robert A. Johnston, who was wounded on Monday morn ing, but kept his place. No man could have possessed more gallantry than was shown by Col. Lewis, of the Sixth Kentucky, and his lieutenant-colonel, Gofer. Major Hays, too, of the same regiment, behaved well. I had occasion often to remark the self-possession and ability of Lieut. -Col. Hynes, in com mand of the Fourth Kentucky (who was wounded, but did not leave the field), as also the conduct of Capt. Joseph P. Nuckols, of this regiment (who had been mounted). The conduct of the lamented Monroe, Major of this regiment, was unsurpassed, and challenged the admiration of all. The conduct of Lieut. -Col. Ander son, commanding the Third Kentucky, is reported to me by one of my aids as having been extremely gallant, as was that of Maj. Johnson, both of whom were wounded. Lieut.-Col. Crews, commanding Ten nessee Battalion, behaved well. Maj. Clifton, commanding Alabama Battalion, detached from me early on Sunday, did not again come un der my notice, but is said to have done his duty. Lieut.-Col. Gal- braith, commanding Thirty-first Alabama Regiment, executed to my satisfaction, several orders I gave him, and in the early fight Sunday,. 92 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. although not drilled, his regiment did excellent service. Capt. Byrne, as I have already said, managed his battery with skill, and fought with great gallantry. Capt. Cobb, commanding light battery, unfortu nately lost most of his horses and two of his pieces, but is represented to me as having fought with great courage and skill. Capt. John H. Morgan, with his squadron, was not under my immediate control, and has only to-day returned from the scene of conflict. On receiving his report I will add a supplement to this. His conduct is represented to have been such as all expected of so gallant a commander. The captains and subalterns of the command who fought with dis tinguished courage, are too numerous to be mentioned in this report. Regimental reports are referred to for justice to them. It may not be out of place to say. however, that the Third Kentucky came from the battlefield and from Mickey s house, under command of Lieut. C. H. Meshew. I am under obligations to my Adjutant, Joe Linden Robertson, and my volunteer aids, Samuel Gray, John Hooe, Tho. B. Darragh, Robert W. McKee, and Charlton Morgan, all of Kentucky (the last of whom was wounded on Sunday morning), and Charles J. Mastin, of Alabama, all of whom exhibited decided gallantry. But I have to mourn the loss of many who were very dear to the command, among whom Maj. Monroe is very deeply lamented. He fell nobly at his post. No officer of his rank could have been his su perior, and no man in the army could have possessed more merit as a gentleman. At the same place fell Governor George W. Johnson, whose death will be mourned by thousands of his countrymen. The command went into action with something less than 2,400 men, and the table of casualties shows an aggregate loss of 844. The list of missing is ninety-seven, all of whom were probably killed or wounded. The losses of the different regiments, etc., were as follows : Third Kentucky Regiment 174 Fourth Kentucky Regiment 213 Sixth Kentucky Regiment 108 Ninth Kentucky Regiment 134 Hale s Thirty-first Alabama 79 Clifton s Alabama Battalion 30 Crews Tennessee Battalion 55 Cobb s Battery 37 Byrne s Battery 14 Total 844 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 93 All the horses of the command belonging to the field and staff en gaged in the action, with one or two exceptions, were either killed or wounded. Respectfully, your obedient servant, R. P. TRABUE, Colonel Fourth Kentucky, Commanding Brigade. The preceding report, it will be observed, gives a close account of the action taken by all those troops that constituted the brigade proper, but Gen. Breckinridge and his staff, separated from it nearly all day of the 6th, as explained, are necessarily merely referred to as regards the operations of that day ; and in order to a just view of their action dur ing that time, we quote the following from Gen. Hodge: "Two o clock had arrived, and the whole army was now, or had been, for hours engaged, with the exception of Bowen s and Statham s brigades of the Reserve Corps. The enemy had been driven through and from half of his camps, but refused to give back further. Having given way on his right and left wings, he had massed his force heavily in the center, and poured an almost unintermitting hail of fire, mur derous beyond description, from his covert of trees and bushes, when Gen. Breckinridge was ordered up to break his line. Having been most of the day in observation on the Hamburg road, marching in col umn of regiments, the reserve was now moved by the left flank, until opposite the point of attack, then deployed rapidly into line of battle, Statham s brigade forming the right and Bowen s the left. The long- slope of the ridge was here abruptly broken by a succession of small hills or undulations of about fifty feet in height, dividing the rolling country from the river bottom ; and behind the crest of the last of these the enemy was concealed. Opposite them, at the distance of seventy- five yards, was another long swell or hillock, the summit of which it was necessary to attain in order to open fire, and to this elevation the reserve moved in order of battle at a double-quick. In an instant the opposing height was one sheet of flame. Battle s Tennessee regiment, on the extreme right, gallantly maintained itself, pushing forward un der a withering fire, and establishing itself well in advance. Little s Tennessee regiment, next to it, delivered its fire at random and ineffi ciently, became disordered, and retired in confusion down the slope. Three times it was rallied by its Lieutenant-Colonel, assisted by Col. T. T. Hawkins, aid-de-camp to Gen. Breckinridge, and by the Adjutant- General, and carried up the slope, only to be as often repulsed and driven back ; the regiment of the enemy opposed to it, in the intervals, directing an oblique fire upon Battle s regiment, now contending against overwhelming odds. "The crisis of the contest had come there were no more reserves, 94 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. and Gen. Breckinridge determined to charge. Calling the staff around him, he communicated to them his intentions, and remarked that he, with them, would lead it. They were all Kentuckians, and though it was not their privilege to fight that day with the Kentucky Brigade, they were yet men who knew how to die bravely among strangers, and some, at least, would live to do justice to the rest. The Commander- in-chief, Gen. Johnston, rode up at this juncture, and learning the con templated movement, determined to accompany it. Placing himself on the left of Little s regiment, his commanding figure in full uniform, conspicuous to every eye, he waited the signal. Gen. Breckinridge, disposing his staff along the line, rode to the right of the same regi ment; then with a wild shout, which rose high above the din of battle, on swept the line through a storm of fire, over the hill, across the in tervening ravine, and up the slope occupied by the enemy. Nothing could withstand it. The enemy broke and fled for half a mile, hotly pursued, until he reached the shelter of his batteries. Well did the Kentuckians sustain that day their honor and their fame ! Of the litttle band of officers who started on that forlorn hope but one was un scathed, the gallant Breckinridge himself. Col. Hawkins was wounded in the face; Capt. Allen s leg was torn to pieces by a shell; the horses of the fearless boy, J. Cabell Breckinridge, and of the Adjutant-Gen eral were killed under them, and Gen. Johnston was lifted, dying, from his saddle. It may well be doubted whether the success, brilliant as it was, decisive as it was, compensated for the loss of the great cap tain "The general repulse of the enemy had now thrown the reserve on the extreme right of the Confederate line. Far on the left was heard the musketry of the Kentucky Brigade, and the roar of its artillery, as it pushed its columns forward. It was fighting its way to its gal lant general, and the hour was drawing near when they were to meet in the pride of glorious success. Capt. Byrne, of the Kentucky Bat tery, riding on the flank, observed heavy bodies of the enemy in rear of his line, from which he was constantly drawing fresh supplies of men, and thus was enabled to maintain his ground. Obtaining per mission of Bragg, he changed position of his pieces, and then threw discharge after discharge of spherical case shot and shell among them. The effect was magical. The right of the enemy broke and fled, the center followed, then the left wing; and charging along the whole line the Confederate army swept through the camps of the enemy, captur ing three thousand, and driving the Federal force cowering beneath the shelter of the iron-clad gunboats. Then and there, in the full fruition of success, the Kentucky Brigade and its general met for the first time during that bloody day since their separation in the morn- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 95 ing, both covered with glory, both proud of and gratified with each other." It will be observed that, more than is usually the case in battle, the fighting of the Kentucky troops, on these two momentous days, was by separate detachments. Regiments and batteries made a kind of individual record of their own ; and it would be impossible, on that account, to enter into detailed notices of the many incidents, of various nature, connected with each, as this would require a volume of itself. The reader will find frequent allusions to them in the biographies and the short personal sketches and incidents that follow this chapter. On Monday afternoon the great battle had been fought and lost. The trials, responsibilities, and sufferings of the Kentuckians were not over, however. The brigade had preserved its organization in such a remarkable degree that its services were in demand to do a greatly disproportionate part in the work of protecting the rear of the retreating army. In the language of Col. Trabue, "It was a great undertaking. Encamping that night without shelter, in the rain and mud, upon the very verge of the battlefield, now held by a powerful and vic torious enemy, officers and men lay upon their arms ; and next day it moved out slowly, gathering up abandoned property and wounded men; halted again almost within cannon shot of the enemy, and went to work to bury the dead found along the road and at the field-hospital, and to send forward the wounded, the prisoners, and captured property; and at last withdrew under Gen. Breckinridge s orders to Corinth, arriving there Friday morning, one week from the time it had set out for Burnsville. Many and many a noble heart that beat high with hope, and with the pride that the expectation of great achievements naturally inspires, was now stilled in death. These, our slain, lay in soldiers graves, scattered promiscuously, and with no mark even so much as to name them, and say to future generations that such and such a one sleeps here. The victory that the very first blow promised, and that seemed, to all who lived till nightfall on the 6th, almost within their grasp, had been snatched from them, and their dead comrades were now mourned as those who shed their blood in vain. The living had reached Corinth after almost unparalleled hardships, and, having wit nessed the most heartrending scenes after the battle was over, in the suffering of the wounded, who were slowly and with extreme difficulty carried to that place by every means of conveyance at the command of the Confederate officers. The almost constant rain, the horrid condition of the roads, the absence of every comfort that a wounded man so much needs, made the lot of these poor sufferers dreadful be- 9C HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. yond expression. To complete the discomfiture of the Army of the Mississippi, their great captain was no more ; and they felt now that there had been a "giant in the land," and that there was no one left who could restore their broken strength as he could have done, nor lead them as he had led. Just as light seemed to be about to dispel the darkness that for some months had been settling over the Confed eracy, the hand of the Almighty wrote the doom of the new Republic. With Johnston here, and Lee in Virginia, unopposed by the decree of Him who rules the nations of the earth, no human power at the dis posal of the United States Government could have stayed the onward and triumphant march of the Confederate Armies ; but one touch a ball sped perhaps at random send one of the greatest generals of modern days, who seemed to hold the fate of a nation in his hand, dropped the reins of his charger some minutes after he had received a stroke that he had scarcely noticed, reeled into the arms of Gen. Preston, and was presently no more. No studied disquisition is needed to portray the conduct of Ken- tuckians on that field, and the traits indicated by that conduct. How ever tried they had proved true, and displayed the highest soldierly qualities. Intelligent, well-trained, intrepid in action, steady under blows which they could not return, actively humane when good offices could be extended to a wounded enemy ; bearing with unflinching fortitude the hardships of a week s marching and more than their share of labor and of watching by night and by day, all this was seen and acknowledged by those in position to judge, and lauded by all capable of being both generous and just. And what prouder names could the Confederacy boast than those who led them there ? The Commander-in-chief was a Kentuckian he who fell after he had won a victory the consequences of which, had he lived to hold it, would have been incalculable ; and their general of division, Breckinridge, what knightlier soldier had ridden in battle on this continent ? But why attempt to call the roll of all the honorable names that proudly maintained on that field Kentucky s old renown ? The list is too long, and the attentive reader has already seen how well they did it. At Corinth there was gloom among the survivors, but the darker hue of disgrace was no part of it. More than thirty-five per cent, of the brigade, including its batteries, had been killed or wounded, but very few were missing and unaccounted for. On two great fields, now, had the Kentucky volunteers tried theii strength, had proved their valor and their constancy, and the living who were not in prison or disabled by wounds were "present for duty." An enemy coming upon them now would have found them HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 5)7 ready, even in their dejected state, to " stiffen the sinews and summon up the blood" for another conflict. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES: ON THE MARCH; ALSO AT AND AFTER SHILOH. I. " The Battle of Sunset." I am indebted to that gallant and steady soldier and faithful comrade, Thomas Owens, of Co. I, Fourth Kentucky, for the following account of the false alarm referred to in the preceding chapter : The First Kentucky Brigade now famous as the Orphan Brig ade had been in camp at Oakland Station, on the Louisville and Nashville railroad, twelve miles north of Bowling Green, Ky. , since December i2th, 1861. The monotony and discipline of camp life had become irksome to the boys, and occasional rumors of an early call to active service were hailed with delight. After the fall of Fort Henry on the 6th day of February, 1862, we were in daily expectation of marching orders, which came at last on the i2th of February. After rapidly packing knapsacks and striking tents we turned our faces towards Nashville. By forced marches we arrived on the evening of the second day within a couple of miles of the intersection of the Russellville and Glasgow turnpike with the pike running south into Tennessee on which we had been marching for two days. The weather was ex tremely cold, and we had that day marched more than twenty miles. \Ve were all footsore and nearly exhausted when, late in the after noon, Capt. Jack Allen, who was then acting aide to Gen. Breckin- ridge, rode back along the column in a gallop, shouting, Close up, men, close up; the enemy is directly in front of us! This an nouncement instantly banished all sense of fatigue, and the column was quickly closed up, halted, and directed to load. It must not be supposed that this maneuver of loading was accom plished with the same cool deliberation as on drill; on the contrary, many of us showed considerable trepidation as we brought the car tridge to the muzzle of the gun. This done, however, the order, forward, double-quick; march, rang out along the line, and we moved forward at a rapid pace, listening every moment for the boom of cannon or the rattle of musketry at the front. Nothing of the kind n - as heard, however, and we soon began to suspect it was a false alarm; ; nd so it proved to be. The squad of cavalry acting as a vanguard for our little army had reached the crossing of the two roads above mentioned, and seeing a body of cavalry coming down the Glasgow road, took it to be a part of the Federal force then at Mill Spring, and, without waiting to learn the truth of it, rode back and reported the fact to Gen. Breckin- ridge. The reported enemy turned out to be Helm s regiment of cavalry, a gallant body of Confederates, which had been watching the movements of the Federal army then lying in the vicinity of Mill Spring, and were on their way to join our force. The battle (in anticipation) came to an end about the setting of the sun ; and 98 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. it was then christened the Battle of Sunset, a name by which it was ever afterwards known." II. Alabamians A Noble and Appreciative People. All who remember the incidents of that trying retreat can but recall with a glow of admiration the cordial, even enthusiastic greeting ex tended to the brigade by the people of Alabama, as it passed through the State. Waving of handkerchiefs, cheers, words of welcome and encouragement, met them from the time they entered it till they were encamped on the left bank of the Tennessee river, and were no more among them, as the infantry was conveyed by rail from Decatur to Burnsville in the night. At Huntsville a stand of colors was presented to the Sixth Regiment by the ladies of that place, and as much en thusiasm prevailed as though Gen. Johnston had been marching north ward after a victory. This is the more worthy of note, too, from the fact that they were the same in the latter years of the war. Reverses, apparently failing fortunes, and the raggedness of the bronzed Ken tucky soldier never deterred them from flocking to the roadside when this command, or any portion of it, was passing, and from contributing something to their wants. The last private gift to them was from the ladies of Lowndes county, of that State some boxes of clothing, which came opportunely, and were issued to them in July, 1864, dur ing the defense of Atlanta. III. A Camp Struck by a Southern Hurricane at Night. A storm, which occurred on the night of the i4th of March, just be fore the brigade reached Decatur, somewhat varied the monotony of the wearisome days, and afforded much matter for laughter and fun, though it was of itself a serious thing. The infantry had encamped in a pasture, to the right of the road, and along a skirt of inclosed wood land. The companies had each been supplied with about seven Sib- ley tents, and these were pitched in order, as the clouded atmosphere betokened rain. A short time after the evening meal had been dis patched, and all who had concluded to spend the night at home were sitting around in their tents, passing their time in the various ways of which soldiers alone can conceive, when a low sound, at first as of fall ing rain, then of approaching wind, arrested attention. It grew more furious every second, until it struck the encampments as with a mighty blow, and created such a stir as no one who was present can ever for get. Officers and men sprang up and seized the center poles of their Sibleys, in the vain hope of holding them to the ground; but the wind was so violent that they were bounced up and down like puppets on a string, and quicker than it can be told almost every tent in the brigade was torn up and blown away or sprawled over, and some thousands of men were uncovered at once to the fury of a Southern hurricane. In some instances, where less care had been taken to fasten the tents down securely, they were blown loose from cords and pins, and flew about to the danger and discomfiture of all who chanced to stand in their course. Blankets, hats and clothing darted suddenly from their rightful owners tin-cups, spoons, crockery, sheet-iron vessels, rattled their accompaniment to the din as they were blown or kicked about everything was jumbled up in a disorderly mass. To add to the dire confusion, a drove of cattle had been turned into the pasture, and at dark were at the far end of the field, keeping a very respectful dis- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 99 tance from the tented quarter ; but when the wind struck them they were frightened into instant action, and came sweeping round with a noise that was appalling, as they appeared to be charging directly upon the encampment, and were calculated to do more mischief than a bat tle. No one relished the idea of dying by the inglorious means of either a bullock s horns or his hoofs. But by some means they were turned somewhat, or turned themselves, and passed with thundering tread, in a body, straight along the outer line of the mass of men and things that formed a medley of what had been quite a cheerful and comfortable little city, with spires looking modestly out from a conical canvas. Some sought the covered wagons for shelter, as the rain was now pouring down as though all the drops of old ocean had been distilled into clouds for that special occasion. Some fled to neighbor ing gin-houses, guided on their way by the almost constant and vivid Hashes of lightning and some lost their way to the gin-houses and went to Decatur, where they forthwith proceeded to have "a time." A few, more calm and collected under difficulties, or more opposed to violent exertion, waited patiently for the storm to abate, when they stirred around and managed to raise a shelter and pass the night among the debris of the camp. The party that found the gin-houses came in next morning thickly covered with bits of cotton that had adhered to them in the night, as they burrowed among the bales or the loose- picked. A facetious friend who made one of the unfortunate number that found themselves at Decatur afterward explained that the shelter and refreshments were so grateful to their feelings that it was nearly day before they could tear themselves away and set out on their re turn to camp and that, taking the railroad after they got over the foot-bridge they left a man in every cow-gap between the river and the plantation where they had last seen their less adventurous comrades, since they could find these holes in the road only by having the ad vance man of the party incontinently pitch into one as he strode along in the dark. From all which those who know a soldier s proneness to " wet up" when it is apparent to others that he is already wet enough may draw what conclusions they please. IV. Who Led the Brigade s First Skirmishes on the Battle Field ? For some time after this, the first great battle for all but the Second Kentucky, there was a friendly contention as to who was the first sent out to deploy the enemy on Sunday morning both Lieut. Rogers, of Co. A, Fourth Kentucky, and Lieut. Weller, of Co. D, same regiment, claiming this honor; but it was finally decided that each commanded a skirmish party, and deployed in somewhat differ ent directions at the same time. V. Wasn t Quite So Angry Now. After the brigade had formed line of battle Sunday morning, as previously noticed, and inarched some distance through the forest, it was halted and ordered to rest at will. Some of the men stood by their arms, while others sat down on the leaves, logs, stumps whatever came convenient ; the officers walked about and conversed with each other. I chanced to be near John Crawford, a gallant young fellow, as he proved, a mem ber of Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. Hardee s cannons were booming in front, and we were near enough for other reverberations of the initia tory conflict to reach us. Crawford sat listening awhile, and then 100 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. broke out with "What does all this mean, anyhow?" " What are you talking about?" " This fighting this war ; what s it all about? " Of course, the tension of the nerves which precedes expected conflict was not proof against a laugh from those in hearing, and Crawford wound up with " I m not half so angry as I was, I tell you ! " We were presently ordered forward, and before noon of the next day the brave boy was dead killed while the Kentuckians were fighting so des perately to keep back Buell s overpowering force as Beauregard s broken army retreated. VI. The First Work of the Fourth Kentucky on Sunday Morning. When Col. Trabue formed line of battle, to march in supporting distance of Gen. Polk, the line of march brought the Fourth Regiment, on the extreme left, into a depressed place in a field, where it halted awhile ; then the brigade moved by the left flank, which threw this regiment in the woods and at the base of a small hill or bank, where it again halted and was faced to the front. Here Lieut. John Bird Rogers, with a platoon of Co. A, and Lieut. John H. Weller/with a platoon of Co. D, were thrown out as skir mishers. Deploying, they marched over the hill; through a camp of the enemy which had been abandoned in confusion ; passed dead and wounded Federals as they pressed to the farther edge of this encamp ment, and found themselves in the rear of a Confederate line of battle, in range of spent balls and the shot and shell designed for the troops in front. While halted here one of the regiments engaged broke and ran back through the line of Kentuckians. This, with the flying bullets, bursting shells, and plunging cannon shot would have demoralized any ordinary troops ; but even the bugle that now sounded the recall failed to budge them, as they were afraid they had not heard aright, and would be put down, if they should retreat, as having fled with the demoralized regiment which had run over them. The order to retreat must be unmistakable or they would die there. Maj. Monroe had to send an officer with a verbal order to withdraw. This is a sample of the stuff the regiment was made of. Shortly after this the attention of acting Maj. Nuckols was called to a long line of muskets glistening through the trees to the left of the regiment and moving to its front. Tall, and sitting on horseback, he could see that a Federal regiment was there and forming at an angle to the Fourth Kentucky. He reported to Maj. Monroe, commanding, who quickly apprehended the necessary movement, and gave the order Change front to rear on first company ! " This was promptly executed, and as promptly a battle was raging with the Forty-sixth Ohio. This was presently re inforced by another regiment, seeing which the Fourth Kentucky charged and drove them out of the woods, when it halted, and the brigade s lines were readjusted. It was a brilliant and audacious piece of work. VII. Putting on a New Uniform in Time of Action. About the time the Louisiana regiment referred to by Col. Trabue appeared on the left front of the brigade, some Confederate troops had sent a volley of minie-balls among them, having mistaken them for Federals. This made them advance their crescent battle-flag into view in a hurry ; and they afterward appeared in a peculiar uniform,, made by turning their coats inside out. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 101 VIII. An Unconquerable Irishman. Hugh McVey, mem ber of Company U, Fourth Kentucky, had served in the British army when young ; but he was a modest and quiet man, now past middle age, and indisposed to parade his exploits. On the morning of the second day at Shiloh he was struck by a ball. It did not fell him, but Lieutenant (afterward Captain) Weller, seeing that he bled, told him to go back to the surgeon and have his wound dressed. " No, Leften- ant," he answered, pronouncing the word in that old way, "no, I ll die on the faild ! " and stood to the line. Not long afterward he was again hit, and Weller urged him to go back, but he still plied his rifle and answered as before. In a little while the noble fellow died " on the faild " whjch he had helped to make famous for Kentuckians ; a third shot killed him instantly. IX. How the "Desperadoes" All Died. Lieut. Harris, of Company C, Ninth Kentucky, picked up, some time during the first day s fight at Shiloh, a handsome silk banner, on one side of which was painted the Goddess of Liberty, with the motto, We Will Die for Our Country," and on the other side was inscribed " The Chick- asaha Desperadoes," and "Victory or Death." Col. Hunt, noticing it afterward, said that " the entire command must have been killed, for they surely could not have thrown away their colors after going in to win or die." The Ninth appropriated the staff, as their own had been shot in two, but the flag itself was given to Gen. Breckinridge, and was hung up at his headquarters, at Corinth, perhaps elsewhere. X. He Expected to be Murdered. Mistaken or malicious speakers and writers, in their efforts to fire the northern heart, early in 1 86 1, dealt in the grossest misrepresentations of the Southern people, and the effects of these attempts to arouse sectional hate were in keep ing with their wicked purpose. One peculiarly odious slander was to the .effect that Southern men were such blood-thirsty barbarians that they would not respect the usages of civilized warfare, and were capable of butchering wounded men and helpless prisoners. On Sun day forenoon, at Shiloh, when the Sixth Kentucky was ordered to relieve the Fourth, as described elsewhere, on its run to the edge of the open field through which the enemy had been driven, the writer, with others, passed near a Federal soldier who had a broken leg doubled back under him in a way that seemed to make his sufferings the more excruciating. He evidently expected to be bayoneted as he lay, for he said pleadingly, "Don t kill me!" The regiment was halted for orders a few yards beyond, and as if by one impulse, Capt. Crewdson and the writer stepped back to place him in a more comfort able position. But he still mistrusted and again begged not to be killed. " Poor fellow ! " we replied, as we straightened him out and did what we could to make him easier till he could be reached by the infirmary corps, " we re trying to help you. We don t kill men who are down." The grateful and somewhat puzzled look which he gave us with his thanks was a thing to be remembered. Many a time that day, judg ing by individual observation, did the Kentuckians, who had things pretty much their own way till night, divide water and food during the lulls of the storm, with wounded Federals strewn over the field, and render such little assistance as they could, and this, of course, was done by the other Confederate forces. 102 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. XI. Armed for Close Fighting. Old soldiers recall with a smile the erroneous impressions that obtained at the beginning of the war and the character of certain arms with which men were provided or thought it well to provide themselves. Gov. Joe Brown s pikes are in point; but many Kentuckians carried from the State and ex pected to use a long heavy knife, that in a hand-to-hand conflict would have been as terrible as the Cuban machete. Stories told about the first battle of Manassas, that had their foundation chiefly in the fertile brains of war correspondents, gave some color to the prevailing impression that close-quarter engagements were not at all improbable. Big knives, made as a rule out of the heavy steel files or rasps used by blacksmiths, were borne in many a cartridge belt up to the very opening of the battle of Shiloh. When the men had orders to divest themselves of knapsacks and extra blankets and pile them preparatory to engaging the enemy, most of these long knives went with them, as they saw that with the Enfield and Belgian rifle, which most of them now had, and which would kill at a thousand yards, there was small prospect of even a stand-up fight with bayonets. A few were after ward found in the camps, but they were debased to the level of butchers cleavers or took the hatchet s place in sharpening tent-pins and cutting kindling wood. XII. Bee Stung. First experiences and impressions in battle were diversified and often peculiar, and manifestations were frequently ludicrous. John Philpot, a Cumberland county man, belonging to Co. F, Sixth Kentucky, was quiet and rather abstracted, attending to his duties in a composed and matter-of-fact way, and fighting in the same manner; but when, in the heat of the battle at Shiloh, on Monday, a bullet cut his scalp without knocking him over, he lost his wits. Throw ing down his gun he began striking and scratching furiously about his head with both hands, jerking his hat off in the manner of a man fighting bees and apparently pretty badly stung and very much afraid of bees, anyhow. But he quickly recovered his senses, and seemed to realize that he had been making a spectacle of himself. Looking at his comrades in a sort of shame-faced way, he replaced his hat, grabbed his rifle, and resumed firing; but subsequently the men guyed him a good deal about not knowing the difference between a bullet and a honey bee or a hornet. XIII. Southern Man Ran the Wrong Way. Unscrupulous enlisting officers doubtless played some scurvy tricks on foreigners to induce them to swell the ranks of the Northern army, as an instance at Shiloh indicated. One of the Kentucky regiments captured among others a German soldier, who was at first angry and sullen and required some sharp talk and some threatening demonstrations to induce him to move along as required. He was evidently new to the country, as his English was bad and had a touch of his native tongue. One of the men tried to jolly him a little, which brought out the fact that he had been deceived. " Hans," said his interlocuter, "what are you doing here, anyhow? What do you want to fight the South for?" " Py himmel!" he blurted out, "I vish I didn t!" Then he showed how he had been taken in : "Zey dell me to zay boo ! at the Southern man unt he runs off. I zay boo ! and shoots ; but py tam ! Southern man he runs the wrong vay ! " HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 103 XIV. Gov. Johnson Taking the Oath as a Private Soldier. Dr. John O. Scott, on duty with Byrne s battery at Shiloh, thus tells of the scene and what followed: " He and his private secretary, Samuel Gray, had rested Sunday night under an oak tree near the bivouac of the Kentucky Brigade. I can never forget loaning him a pocket comb Monday morning; how politely he thanked me when he returned it; and how my heart warmed when he spoke of his love for my father. After a hurried breakfast we were reminded by the sound of the bugle that we must go to arms again. Glancing toward a distant hill we saw rank upon rank of Federal soldiers, with fixed bayonets glittering in the sunlight, filing rapidly to our right in front of Shiloh church. Gen. Breck- inridge was in Sight, sitting on his impatient war-horse. At this moment Gov. Johnson asked Capt. Ben Monroe, of the Fourth Regiment, to swear him as a private in his company, and the boy Captain, with uplifted cap and sword unsheathed, asked the Governor of Kentucky to raise his right hand, and with it uplifted to heaven, in witness of the sincerity of his devotion to the cause for which he fought, he took the oath; then fell into the ranks of Co. E. Fighting to protect our battery, when it stood to fight, and to keep it from capture when forced to fall back, Gov. Johnson and Maj. Monroe were killed, and Burnley, Dud ley, Steele, Tom Price, Capt. Monroe and others were wounded." XV. Too Late to Pray. Nat Grain, of Co. F, Sixth Kentucky, then less than eighteen years old, was the son of an eminent Methodist minister, but he was full of fun and could be ludicrous even in "the imminent deadly breach. As the brigade was being pushed back from point to point on the second day at Shiloh, Nat came into line, at one of the rallying places, near a small black-jack tree, behind which a comrade had already established himself, lying flat on the ground, his head and body so disposed that the tree afforded him some protec tion. He was loading and firing, as he had been drilled to do in this posture, and was praying so audibly as to be heard by those near him in spite of the noise of battle. This struck Grain as he took position, standing, beside him, and he pushed him with his foot and shouted: " Get up here, Will ! what s the use in praying when the devil s done come?" XVI. The Little Book Saved His Life. Among the many in stances in which small articles, as books, belt-buckles, etc., stopped or deflected bullets, was that of John L. Marshall, Sergeant-Major of the Fourth Kentucky. During the first year, especially, it was common for the men to have at least one pocket in the front of the colored shirts worn, and if but one this was on the left breast, and fell naturally over the heart. At Shiloh Marshall had in his shirt pocket a small testament which he had brought from home, (given him, presumably by his mother, sister, or sweet-heart, as they never forgot to arm their warriors with a copy of the Scriptures). During the battle an Enfield ball imbedded itself in the book, and he received only a shock and a bruise, whereas without this obstacle the bullet would have gone through his heart. He took a gallant part in nearly every engagement of his regiment, great or small, but was never again struck. XVII. The Kentucky Artillery: Byrne and His Men Cheered. An eye-witness furnished this account of the artillery action referred to by Gen. Hodge : 104 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. " Capt. Byrne opened on them at a thousand yards. He had eight pieces, and they worked on the enemy s right. Gen. Breckinridge was driving him on his left, and the retreating column had to pass in front of the battery. Capt. Byrne sat on his horse, giving his orders; Gen. Ruggles, Col. Baird, and Capt. Ellis (of Bragg s staff), and Lieut. Robinson (of Trabue s staff) came up. Col. Baird gave a cheer this was taken up by the artillerists and then by the commands on the right. Never did men work harder and faster, and never did enemy fall thicker before the same number of guns. Col. Baird, in his enthusiasm, got down and put his hand on one of the pieces, re marking, as he did so, that he wanted to feclit! XVIil. Coolly "Picked His Flint" Under Fire. About the time the above-described incident occurred, James W. Nelson, of Co. F, Fourth Kentucky, found that the tube of his Enfield was choked, and seeing no other rifle in reach except in the hands of his comrades, he sat down by a tree, picked the tube, recapped it, then rose and re sumed firing all this with as much apparent coolness as though he were deaf to the roar of the artillery, the whistle of bullets that flew by, and the thud of those that struck. He missed no chance to get hurt from the first morning of Shiloh to the closing days of the brigade s service below Camden, S. C., April, 1865 ; but he received only a single wound, and that in the last fight in which his company engaged. XIX. A Double Duel, Fatal to at Least One Man. On one of the lines occupied by the Brigade, Monday forenoon, Elliott W. Thompson and Nathan B. Thompson, of Co. F, Sixth Kentucky, found themselves in the rear of an abandoned gun carriage and knelt behind the heavy wheels for such protection as wheels and axles would afford. The Federals had pressed so closely that their strong lines were but little concealed by the woods ; and these two young men had hardly opened fire from their partial shelter before they discovered that two Federal soldiers had "treed" within rifle range and were firing at them point blank. Several shots were exchanged without fatal effect upon either side, when Nathan Thompson became impatient, and said to his companion in the desperate game: " Let s stand out; then we can fetch em !" They instantly agreed as to which particular com batant each should aim at, jumped to their feet, and drew upon their adversaries ; but at the crack of their rifles Nathan fell dead his enemy s bullet had struck him square in the forehead. At the instant the line broke under orders to find another position from which to re new the fearfully unequal strife; and there was no time to determine whether their shots had taken effect. XX. "No Detail ! Ask for Volunteers." When Byrne s bat tery was placed on the little eminence back of the field where he fought it so splendidly for four hours, supported by the Kentucky Brigade, he at once drew the fire of several of the enemy s guns, and for part of the time three of their batteries were playing upon him, while their infantry kept up a continuous fire; but they could not move him or any part of his indomitable support. About one-third of the cannoniers had been killed or wounded, and as the ridge was very sandy the recoil of the guns threw the carriages back, and they had con stantly to be moved up by the hand. Many of the men were conse- HISTORY OF TIIK ORPHAN BRIGADE. 105 quently completely exhausted. Col. Lewis was sitting near Capt. Byrne, who asked him for a detail to assist in working the guns, when John B. Spurrier, of the Sixth Regiment, stepped forward and cried out, "No detail! Call for volunteers, and we are there!" And they were there. The gallant Spurrier acted number one at a piece until he went down, dangerously wounded, about an hour after having volunteered. Gen. Bragg sent twice by his aides-de-camp, Col. Walton and Lieut. Parker, ordering Capt. Byrne to use spherical case or canister on the right of the enemy, as they were moving up through the undergrowth, but he had already given them plenty of spherical case. The Kentucky Brigade was now ordered to go to the right, as the enemy s guns appeared to have been silenced. Byrne s battery was moved about eight hundred yards further, and as they came up to Gen. Bragg, he took his sleek cap off and saluted them. XXI. A Tuneful Voice Heard in the Uproar. Perhaps no more thrilling circumstance took place during the noise of battle and the shouting" that day than the singing of a song which had been our favorite while recruiting went on in 1861. At one point in the line arose the music of a voice or voices, mingling with the rattle and crash of musketry, the sharp tones of command, the groans of the stricken and mangled, for the moment diverting the thoughts of fighting men from their bloody work "Cheer, boys, cheer, we ll march away to battle; Cheer, boys, cheer, for our sweethearts and our wives; Cheer, boys, cheer, we ll nobly do our duty ; And give to Kentucky our hearts, our arms, our lives! " XXII. " Devil Dick." As the Fourth Kentucky was making its way back to Corinth under command of Lieut. -Col. Hynes, a sup per was gotten up one evening from commissaries found on the road. Among others who partook of the meal with the commander s extem porized mess was John W. Slusser, of Co. D. He was a rollicking blade, nearly always cheerful and full of humor, and, though by no means a bad man nor deserving of any soubriquet that would convey such an imputation, he was known as Devil Dick. He was so desig nated throughout the war, and though everybody in the brigade knew Devil Dick, few knew his real name. Hynes and others were talking over their supper about the many incidents of the battle, their feelings, their views of this their first great conflict, when Slusser, who had been quietly listening, broke in with: "Well, I feel as though I shall live through this war. When I m an old man, I ll take my grandchil dren on my knee and tell them that I was in the great battle of Shiloh, and what I saw and what I did. They ll think of course that grand- pap was a hero, because the little things can never know how bad the old man wanted to get away from there! " XXIII. Some of His Teeth Had Lost Their Edge at Shi loh. Among other drolleries of Nat Cram s, to whom reference is made above, he declared when he enlisted that he was a " roaring tiger, with double rows of teeth one for vegetation and one for Yankees; " and occasionally afterward he would sing it out, especially when it seemed that he ought to emulate Mark Tapley and be jolly ander creditable circumstances : " I m a roaring tiger, etc. ! " After 106 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the brigade had gotten back to Corinth and the men, having smoothed their ruffled feathers a little, were trying to make the best of a bad business, it occurred to Nat one day to cry his slogan, so he put on as much of a savage aspect as he could assume, and began with a raised voice; but he seemed suddenly to recall that there had been trouble over about Pittsburg Landing, in which he was mixed up, and his speech took a peculiar turn: " I m a roaring tiger with double rows of teeth one for vegetation, but none for Yankees! " XXIV. The Preaching Didn t Suit Him. John Conner, of Co. C, Second Kentucky, was a son of the Green Isle, a good fellow and a good fighter, with a mind that is best described as both witty and humorous. Meeting the writer the week after the brigade got back, he said : " We went to church last Sunday week, didn t we ?" "Yes, to Shiloh Church." "Well, I m not going any more; I don t like the sermons they preach there." XXV. Shiloh Not Conclusive as to Whether One of Us Could Whip Five Yankees. A little gathering of the Kentuck- ians who had tried conclusions with Grant and Buell were talking over things during the time of serious reflection that followed, when one remarked : " You know we set out from home to whip five Yan kees apiece." "Yes." "Over yonder last week, now we didn t do it, did we?" " Oh," rejoined another, "they were not Yankees; they were Western men men like we are! " Then a shadow fell over the little squad that had come out to whip five apiece, as though their would-be comforter had given them a cold potato. They could but reflect that from Canada to the coast of Florida the woods were still full of " Western men like we are." XXVI. What a Reserve Corps Is. The brigade s experience on the field and on retreat furnished abundant food for thought during the weeks of comparative quiet that followed, and the unique, piquant, and humorous ones that found expression among the Kentuckians would fill a volume. Some reference having been made to the reserve corps of which the Orphans constituted an important part, one of them remarked that before the battle he didn t know what a reserve force was. Questioned as to whether he now knew, he replied : " Yes ; it means the best body of men that can be found to go in early, stay all the time, and afterward hold back the enemy for two or three days till the rest can get away with themselves and their impedimenta. It s a funny term, though reserve." The part played by the Ken tuckians during that eventful week seemed to justify his conclusions. XXVII. The Street Bully in Battle. To many, one of the singular revelations of the war was the fact that in nearly every in stance the men who were known to have been quarrelsome, overbear ing, and addicted to personal brawls and fistic combats, were arrant cowards. Of course, the oldest soldiers, whose experience with men and study of character had led them to form just conclusipns, mis trusted bluster, and understood that Jack Falstaff was a fair type, in the matter of real courage, of the pot-valiant of every age and nation ; but to the young it was a matter of astonishment that the man whose boast was that he "could whip his weight in wild-cats," and was. always looking out for insults and professedly ready to shoot or stick or pound any one who should " tread on his toes," suddenly lost his. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 107 ferocity when cannon balls began to smash and crash around him and bullets were finding their targets in human flesh and bones. It would doubtless be hard for those who served faithfully throughout the war to recall instances in which these men made thoroughly reliable sol diers. They were a nuisance in camp, when they did not choose to run away altogether, and a disappointment on the field. Notwith standing the orders which officers had to prevent straggling and those to file-closers to shoot any who should endanger the steadiness of a line by breaking in time of action, these fellows could .get away; and if they stayed in the army afterward, to run on another day, it was notorious that they knew vastly more about the battle than the men who were in it, and in general they had the cheek to tell marvelous stories about the part they played. 108 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER VI. REORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY AT CORINTH AND REASSIGNMENT OF KENTUCKY TROOPS. THE RETREAT. SIEGE OF VICKSBURGH. IN CIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. In a short time the work of reorganizing the army throughout was begun, and the remainder of the month of April was spent in getting it in proper shape to render it available for attack or defense. Hal- leek, who had now assumed in person the command of the combined armies of Buell and Grant, delayed his movement on Corinth for a similar purpose; and even when he began his approaches, it was in a manner so cautious that it was not until the 2d of May that Beaure- gard deemed an engagement imminent. Confederate cavalry watched him cosely while the work of preparation was going on at Corinth. But, to come more particularly to the troops of Kentucky and their leaders : Shortly after the battle of Shiloh, Breckinridge was commis sioned a major-general, and assigned to the permanent command of the division which had led with such distinguished skill and valor on and from its first field. Some changes took place, however, and ad ditions were made. Colonels Preston and Helm received notification of promotion to the rank of brigadier-general, and were ordered to re port to Gen. Breckinridge for duty. The Kentucky troops were now separated and made part of two commands. One brigade was as signed to Brig. -Gen. J. M. Hawes, who had been promoted in the summer or autumn of 1861, and consisted of the Fourth and Ninth Kentucky Regiments, Hale s Alabama Regiment, Clifton s Alabama Battalion, and Byrne s Battery. Owing to resignation of the officers of Byrne s Battery, and the consequent breaking up of the company, a change was made in the artillery of this brigade, on the 2d of May, Hudson s Battery being substituted for Byrne s. Gen. Hawes soon relinquished his command for service in the Department of the Trans-Mississippi, and Gen. Ben Hardin Helm was placed in charge of his brigade, which was so modified as to consist of the following : Fourth and Ninth Kentucky Regiments, Thirty-first Alabama Regi ment, Fourth Alabama Battalion, Thirty-first Mississippi Regiment, and the Hudson Battery. One brigade was assigned to Brig. -Gen. William Preston, and con- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 109 sisted of the Third, Sixth, and Seventh Kentucky Regiments, Thirty- fifth Alabama Regiment, and Cobb s Battery. The Seventh Kentucky fought at Shiloh, in another command, and did not report to Gen. Breckinridge until after the arrival at Corinth. Its first colonel (Wickliffe) had been killed there, and it was now com manded by Col. Ed Crossland. These two brigades and two under Bowen and Statham respectively, with two cavalry companies, now constituted Breckinridge s division. It will be noted that this was an organization composed of Kentuckians, Alabamians, Missourians and Mississippians; and this ill-advised ar rangement prevailed till the following September, when the Second Kentucky returned from prison, and preparations were being made to join the army under Bragg, when the Kentucky regiments were all thrown together, and the title became once more appropriate in every sense. The Third and Seventh were detached, with a view of mov ing them into Kentucky, by way of Jackson, Tenn., and were not again connected with the main body, but there were four regiments still together, under the title of First Kentucky Brigade, until the autumn of 1861, when the Fifth Kentucky Infantry was added, or rather substituted for the Forty-first Alabama, and no further change took place in the organization. Though not strictly pertinent to the history of the Kentucky regi ments and artillery composing these brigades, it is not amiss to note the staff announced by Gen. Breckinridge after his promotion to Major- General, as they were nearly all Kentuckians, and saw much service with the Kentucky infantry during the next twenty months. This staff was at first about as follows, though frequent changes afterward oc curred some of which are referred to below : Capt. George B. Hodge, A. A. G.; Capt. John S. Hope, A. I. G.; Maj. Alfred Boyd, Chief Quartermaster; Capt. Clint McClarty, Chief Commissary; Lieut. -Col. D. Beltzhoover, Chief of Artillery; Lieut. James Wilson, Ordnance Officer; Dr. B. \V. Avent, Medical Director; Col. T. T. Hawkins, Aide-decamp; and Col. Jack Allen, Capt. A. Keene Rich ards, Capt. F. Lousdale, and Capt. Charles J. Mastin, volunteer aides- de-camp. Col. O Hara, who had hitherto been announced as aide, was still with him, but was recommended to the Government for promotion, and assignment to a command of cavalry, and was not included among the regularly appointed staff. He did not receive the proposed pro motion, however, and so continued to serve with Gen. Breckinridge in various capacity. It may be proper to remark, also, that other officers of the staff, who were with him during the battle of Shiloh, were highly complimented in dispatches to the War Department, and HO HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. recommended for promotion to higher rank. Of these, in addition to O Hara, Hodge, Hawkins and McClarty were thus mentioned. Capt. Hodge resigned on the ad of May, being a member of Con gress, and the duties of A. A. G. devolved on others of the staff till June 3d, when Maj. John T. Pickett was appointed. He served in this capacity till July, when he was ordered to Richmond, for service with Gen. Cooper, after which Col. John A. Buckner was made A. A. G. Capt. Hodge was afterward promoted to Brigadier-General of Cavalry, and, reentering the field, served till the close of the war. Col. O Hara had served on the staff of Gen. Albert Sidney John ston till the death of that officer. At Shiloh, he conducted himself with that noble bearing which had been exhibited on the fields of Mexico and Cuba. The staff of Brig. -Gen. Hawes was announced to be as follows: Capt. Joe Linden Robertson, A. A. G.; Capt. Wm. M. Cargill, A. Q. M.; Maj. A. P. Barbour, Aide-de-camp; and Lieut. J. CabellBreck- inridge, volunteer aides. The duties of inspection and the commis sariat were performed by other officers not included in the order of announcement in our possession, and whom we cannot now recall to mind. The order announcing staff of Brig. -Gen. Preston has been lost, but the following officers are remembered to have served with him at dif ferent times : Major (afterward Lieutenant-Colonel) James W. Hewitt, having escaped capture at Donelson, was some time Acting Adjutant- General, also Capt. Nat Wickliffe; and on the 29th of August, Captain (afterward Major) R. W. Woolley was appointed to that position. Capt. William Stanley was his Inspector General during the summer, Maj. John R. Throckmorton, Chief Quartermaster, and Maj. Alex. Evans, Chief Commissary. The staff of Brig. Gen. Helm, after he succeeded to the command of the brigade in which the Fourth and Ninth Kentucky were included, consisted of: Capt. G. W. McCauley, A. A. G. ; Maj. Thomas H. Hays, A. I. G.; Maj. G. W. Triplett, A. Q. M.; Maj. Silas M. Moorman, A. C. S. ; Lieut. G. M. Ryals, Ordnance Officer, and Lieut. Alexander H. Todd, Aide-de-camp. Changes occurred, too, in the regiments themselves, and particularly in the Sixth and Ninth, which had been enlisted for twelve months only; whereas the others were originally three-year men. The two twelve-months regiments reorganized early in May, making their term of service co-extensive with that of the others elections being held for officers throughout, except those of each regimental staff, who, of course, were to be the appointees of the respective colonels chosen. Officers who preferred remaining in the service with the rank then HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. HI held, but in a different field or different capacity, were to report to the commanding General for assignment; such as chose to relinquish their rank could be discharged from the service by simply refusing to appear as candidates; and such as should be defeated were to be thus di vested of rank the two classes last named to be held subject to the provisions of the conscription bill, provided they failed to select some arm of the service and reenlist. Such of the field and staff officers as appeared for the suffrages of the men were retained in their old positions, and, in most cases, the officers of the line also. In some few instances the officers in commission under the old organization declined to have their names used, and a few were rejected. Some of those who en tered other departments of the service distinguished themselves in dif ferent fields. The companies which had been reduced below the minimum were ordered to be consolidated in such manner as to give the organizations that were retained their full quota of men, in pursuance of which the new regiments were made to consist of but eight instead of ten com panies each. The Ninth chose a Lieutenant-Colonel and a Major, none having been previously appointed, and its organization was thus perfected after it had passed through the ordeal of battle. Among the officers elect, some few were rejected by the examining board, as being disqualified by want of a sufficient knowledge of tactics and general regulations. At this juncture, Bragg, who assumed command of the army on the 6th of May, stepped in to remedy defects, and be gan the appointment of officers to fill vacancies. The men selected in these cases were, for the most part, worthy of position ; and, indeed, some most excellent ones were assigned to duty in the line by author ity of the General commanding talented, courageous, and faithful but after six months, or more, during which time these officers had discharged the duties, borne the responsibilities, and met the expenses incidental to their position and that, too, under the evident displeas ure of those whom they commanded, because not the men of their own election Bragg s action was declared illegal, and they were returned to the ranks without having their pay-claims allowed; and the temper of the men was henceforth humored by suffering them to choose for themselves who should wield the authority that they considered as rightfully in their gift. The month of May was spent for the most part in moving to and fro along the line of defense in front of Halleck, who, with spade and pick, gradually drew nearer. Indications were frequent that battle would be joined, but further than the customary picketing in force, skirmishing between the outposts, occasional battle-orders, and forma tion to meet an attack, nothing of moment occurred during the entire H2 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. month of May. About the middle of that month the enemy was known to be near the Confederate line of defense, and everybody was vigilant, and on the 2oth the medical officers received orders to pre pare for the care of wounded. On the 226. it was thought that the crisis had come, and the army, having made all necessary prepara tions, marched out in full expectation of battle, but no general attack was made by either party, and that afternoon the old camps were re- occupied. On the 28th of May, the encampment was finally broken up; the troops took position in the intrenchments ; the various wagon trains were sent out on the Kossuth road four miles, to await orders. The Confederate general made the impression on Halleck that he could seriously resist his advance, and was thus enabled to withdraw on the night of the 29th, without loss of men or stores. The circumstances attending this retreat require to be noticed some what in detail because of the important part played by the Kentucky troops now regarded as thoroughly reliable in cases of emergency. Of the Reserve Corps, (as Breckinridge s Division had been de signated,) the special rear-guard of infantry was the Ninth Kentucky and a Mississippi regiment, with Cobb s Battery, the whole force under command of Col. Hunt. The Mississippians and a section of the battery passed over during the night, and bivouacked beyond the swamp that lies along the stream on each side ; but the Ninth was not withdrawn from its position at the front till about midnight, and the darkness was so profound, in the deep forest through which they had to move, and the road still so rough for the remaining two pieces of artillery, that Corinth was still in view when daylight dawned upon them. They passed over the Tuscumbia, however, at an early hour, and joined the remainder of the force with which Col. Hunt was ex pected to dispute the passage of the bridge. On the morning of the ist, Federal cavalry attacked the picket, stationed some distance back toward Corinth, under command of Lieut. Charles Semple, but they were repulsed, with slight loss to the Confederates. On the afternoon of June ist, the main body of the army having now had ample time to reach a position of comparative safety, Col. Hunt resumed his march. He continued to press forward till mid night, when information was received that the train of sick, which had been started from Corinth on the 28th, had been captured at Boone- ville, and that the Federal cavalry was between him and the main body of the army a considerable force being then in bivouac, it was said, half a mile to his left. Having halted, that the men might have an hour s rest and sleep, he again moved forward, slowly, but steadily, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADK. 113 almost constantly, till noon, when, within three miles of Black Land, he again halted; and as it had been rumored and was apprehended that a Federal force now occupied that place, he consulted with the commanders of the Mississippi regiment, the battery, and others who had been left on similar service for other commands, and at other crossings of the Tuscumbia, as to what course they should pursue. There was a difference of opinion about the measures best to be adopted, and he cut the matter short by announcing that he would march his own regiment straight forward, as the most expedient course. He accordingly assumed immediate command of the Ninth and the artillery, and moved on. The Mississippians and others followed, and they fortunately passed through Black Land just after a body of Fed eral cavalry had left it. At sundown that afternoon Col. Hunt reported to Gen. Breckinridge, and rejoined the main body of the Reserve Corps, near Baldwin, whither it had preceded him. He had almost been given up for lost; but after a long and perilous march, extending through thirty hours from the time of leaving Tuscumbia bridge, with but little rest, and no sleep that was worth the name, he restored the component parts of the guard, almost perfectly intact, to their places, in the corps. From this point the army marched to Tupelo the Reserve Corps leaving Baldwin on the 6th of June. The transportation had now been reduced, and tents and baggage curtailed to such an extent that but little transportation was needed, and the command reached Tupelo on the yth and 8th without loss or molestation, though it was constantly rumored, from the time that Corinth was out of sight, that the Fed erals were advancing in force, and the utmost caution and vigilance were exercised daily. Having arrived at Tupelo, the Reserve Corps was encamped from four to seven miles west of the village, on the wagon road to Ponto- toc, and near the little Coonewah Creek. They had suffered with hunger, heat, and dust, hard marching and want of sleep and rest on the retreat, but the new encampment gave little promise of refreshing repose. In open fields, beside a dusty road, water so scarce that the digging of wells had to be resorted to, and a June sun, in Mississippi, beaming down upon almost unprotected heads all this was not calculated to inspire one with the idea of comfort, and still less was the system of regular drilling in an unshaded, parching desert of a place, that was kept up while the army remained there. On the i pth of June, this corps, increased by a brigade of Missouri infantry under Gen. Parsons, was detached from the main army, and marched westward, by way of Pontotoc, to the neighborhood of the Tallahatchie bridge, on the Mississippi Central Railroad, a Federal H4 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. advance being apprehended from the direction of Grand Junction. The expedition was under command of Gen. Wm. Preston, (Gen.Breck- inridge having obtained a short leave of absence to visit Louisiana), and on the 22d he had encamped the troops within four miles of Abbe ville, and was prepared to meet the contemplated movement, having, however, but about ten thousand effective men at his disposal. He was likewise to remove all government stores from Oxford and Gren- nada, southward, which he speedily effected. The Federal columns did not advance as had been anticipated, and Gen. Preston was ordered to the relief of Van Dorn, at Vicksburg. The movement began on the 25th, the troops, baggage, and camp equipage to go by rail, and the wagon train to start empty across the country, for the purpose of gathering up supplies for the now be leaguered " Bluff City." Owing to scarcity of rolling stock, and the difficulty that even so early in the war attended railroad transportation on many of the lines, the entire command had not reached Vicksburg before the 3Oth. The division went into camp in a low, narrow valley just opposite and below the "four-mile bridge," on the right, and Gen. Breckin- ridge was soon in command again. Maj.-Gen. Van Dorn, charged with the defense of the city against the combined fleets of Admirals Farragut and Porter, had, besides the division of Gen. Breckinridge, from one to two thousand infantry and a small artillery force in charge of heavy ordnance and some field guns in battery the whole force not exceeding ten thousand men of all arms. He assigned Gen. M. L. Smith to the immediate command of the city and its defensive works, and Gen. Breckinridge to that of the entire reserve force, and the execution of measures designed to guard the river front, above and below, against the landing of Federal troops, that were held in readiness, on transports, to be thrown into the city by whatever means should appear most practicable. Almost the entire month of July was passed here, in a clime and under circumstances most adverse to the troops of Kentucky ; they suffered greatly by reason of disease, though they withstood the effects of heat, malarious influences, want of wholesome supplies and pure wa ter even better than the native soldiers. None were exempt, and toward the latter part of the month the sickness became alarming ; but its relative influence on the combatants was in favor of the Confederates, as the Federal troops, despite all their sanitary precautions, abundant medical stores, and well-supplied commissariat, were daily falling vic tims by hundreds to the pestilent demon. After the departure of Gen. Hawes, Col. Hunt was in command of his brigade, and when Gen. Breckinridge returned, Preston resumed HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN liRIGADE. 115 command of his own. The first dispositions of Breckinridge s division looking to the repulse of any attempt by the Federals to land troops and occupy the city, were made on the ist of July. The orders to ihe brigades of Preston and Hunt specified that they should keep forty rounds of cartridges in boxes, and one day s cooked rations con stantly on hand ; that full regimental guards should be posted in ad vantageous positions, with instructions to watch for rocket signals from Vicksburg the signal for movemen t to be three rockets from the city, following each other rapidly, and a fourth after a short interval. The moment the signals were given, these brigades were to form with out knapsacks, and march rapidly along the Jackson road to Vicks burg, without further orders commanding officers to acquaint them selves with the toute from their encampments, and be able to move promptly by day or night. On the 2d, the mortar fleets began the bombardment of the city, \vhich was kept up with scarcely a day s intermission, until the evening of the 25th. The city presented a sad scene when the shells began to burst over and within its limits. The heroic people had expressed their preference for risking its destruction to its occupation by the Federal forces, and, with no adequate means of removing their per- ^onal property, or even themselves, many families yet occupied their homes. When the upper fleet opened fire, some retired from the city, \vhile others took refuge in the cellars and other places that promised protection. In some instances, excavations were made in the sides of the hills \vith which the city abounds, and the inhabitants sought, in these, refuge from the storm. Moving out on foot, during that first week of the enemy s operations, might be seen the old and decrepit, and fre quently a mother with her family of little children, whose father was, perhaps, in the far-off Army of Virginia, and happily unconscious of the deadly peril of his beloved, and the hard fate that awaited them as refugees from their homes. A different arrangement of the forces was made on the 3d. The brigade of Col. Hunt was disposed in the following order: Two regi ments were placed in the deep railroad cut under the bridge nearest the river, and in the lower part of the city, with two companies at the mouth of the cut, near a field battery known as Starling s, and senti nels close down to the river. The rest of the brigade was held in re serve south of the railroad cut, in the valley in rear of Smede s house. Gen. Preston took position in supporting distance of the upper bat teries. Two regiments were to be constantly on duty near the bat teries, and the others held in reserve, close at hand. Both brigades were to leave sufficient force, under command of officers, in the camps 116 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. first established, to guard them, and cook and carry rations to the out post. One-third of the force at the front were to return alternately to the old camps, for the purpose of washing clothes and persons. The general plan, as it regarded the Kentucky troops, though with various modifications, prevailed during the siege. On the 5th of July, the Fourth Kentucky and a battery were detached and sent down to the crossing of the Big Bayou below Warrenton, to prevent the ap proach of Federals from that direction for a land attack, where they remained for about a week. (See end of chapter). On the 8th of July Gen. Helm assumed command of Hawes brigade, and Col. Hunt returned to his regiment. The incidents of most peculiar moment which transpired during the time that Gen. Breckinridge remained there, was the attack upon the enemy s fleet by the "Arkansas;" an engagement between the Con federate batteries and the upper fleet; on the evening of the same day, the 1 5th, and the attempt to destroy the " Arkansas." The enemy at no time made a direct attempt to land, but the troops were kept always in readiness, and were always more or less exposed to the furious shell ing that took place regularly in the forenoon and afternoon of each day. A few casualties occurred among the Kentuckians, which are referred to in the latter part of the work. One attack upon the " Arkansas" occurred on the morning of the 22d, shortly after sunrise. The Essex came down to where the ram lay, at the levee, and having given it a furious broadside, at tempted to grapple and board it, but was foiled, and withdrew. A detail from Helm s and Preston s brigades had been made to supply the place, temporarily, of those who had been killed and wounded, on the morning of the i5th. Some of them were on board and as sisted in repelling the attack of the "Essex;" and one, Caleb \V. Allen, distinguished himself by his exertions and intrepidity in work ing a heavy gun, and anticipating the movements of a Federal officer who attempted to enter a port-hole during a pause between discharges of his piece, and whom he killed with a pistol-shot. A plan for floating a submarine battery from the city front to be fired under the lower fleet was conceived by one McDaniel, of Allen county, Kentucky, and it appeared so plausible that he obtained the ear of the authorities, and was furnished with the means of carrying it into effect. Some twelve or fifteen men of one of Preston s Kentucky regiments were named by McDaniel himself, and permitted to volunteer for the occasion; and everything was being rapidly put in readiness one dark night, when some break or other mishap occurred, which so materially crippled his arrangements as to defeat the entire plan, and no further effort was made to test it during the siege. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 117 The conduct of the Kentucky troops here, though marked by none or" those more brilliant passages in the life of a soldier that characterize great battles, was one, nevertheless, of constant danger; and the man ner in which they discharged their duties, whether as pickets, sharp shooters,, or drawn out in full force to repel anticipated efforts to disembark Federal forces bearing at all times cheerfully the trial of being exposed to the enemy s artillery fire without engaging in active resistance won the confidence of the general commanding depart ment, and confirmed among the Southern people the reputation won at Shiloh. Gen. Van Dorn, on the :8th of July, issued a congratulatory order to the troops defending Vicksburg, from which we make the following extract : "Your conduct thus far, under the circumstances which surround you, has won the admiration of your countrymen. Cool and self- possessed under the concentrated fire of more than forty vessels of war and mortar-boats, you have given assurances that the city intrusted to your keeping will not be given up to the blustering demands of can non nor the noisy threatenings of bombshells. # * * To have been among the defenders of Vicksburg will be the boast hereafter of those who shall bear your names, and a living joy by your hearthstones forever." Here the command remained till July 27th, when in pursuance of orders, Gen. Breckinridge set out to reduce the Federal garrison at Baton Rouge, an account of which expedition will be found in the fol lowing chapter. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. I. Breckinridge and Van Dorn. When Breckinridge s division was ordered to the defense of Vicksburg against the fleets lying both above and below, Van Dorn was in command of the department, with headquarters then at Vicksburg, and of course Breckinridge was sub- ject to his orders. Soon after the division went into camp about the city, an Orphan had occasion one day to visit department headquarters, where he saw Van Dorn for the first time, and with him was Gen. Breckinridge. The contrast between the men was very great, and it struck the observer. He had not been in service long enough to reconcile him to the incongruity of having the finest-looking man in the Confederacy, and that man a Kentuckian, subordinate to one so apparently inferior in every way. Our Orphan transacted his business and was busy meanwhile taking notes. He wondered, and still his wonder grew, till he got back to camp, by which time he was ready to explode. Being a man of some volubility and fair descriptive powers, he made an impression that was never erased from the minds of his hearers. Coxcomb, dandy, 118 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. fop. ball-room beau and such a thing of paint, perfume, and feathers to command our Breckinridge and us ! The thing was so preposter ous in his sight that it seemed to call in question the wisdom of a mil itary establishment that allowed rank to take priority to men. We learned a good deal afterwards as to Van Dorn s ability and fighting qualities, but, for the time he seemed to be almost as odious to our critic as the "thing that smelt so sweet 3 was to Hotspur. II. Celebrating the 4th of July During the Siege ; Expedi tion of the Fourth Regiment Down the River. On the morn ing of the 4th day of July, 1862, we naturally supposed the Federals would celebrate the day by an extraordinary bombardment of the city, and thus make things somewhat lively for us. The sun arose with un usual splendor; expectation was on tip-toe; but to our surprise a silence, profound as death, rested upon the combatants until just at noon, when both fleets opened fire with every gun. They rent the heavens with the fury of exploding shells ; the shore batteries instantly responded, and for half an hour these tremendous engines of death vomited forth their horrible contents, and then ceased as suddenly as they began, not another gun being fired- during the day. On the following day the Fourth Regiment, with a battery, was or dered to a point on the Mississippi river just below Warrenton, four teen miles from Vicksburg. This place was a wide, swampy bottom on the east side of the river, and occupied a bend in the river, which, with the bluffs on the east, inclosed several hundred acres. This bot tom had been overflowed, and the cottonwood trees which grew on a considerable portion of it had caught and held large quantities of brush, drift wood, etc. Our mission was to conceal ourselves and our battery in this drift, near the river, and pounce upon any steamer which might undertake to pass up the river. It did not take us long to conceal ourselves in this wilderness and plant our guns along the river bank. Of course they were nicely masked. Sentinels were posted down the river. Five days passed in the pleasant occupations of eat ing, sleeping, and fighting mosquitoes without a single alarm or sign of the enemy. On the fifth day the pickets sent in information that a small craft, with several men in it, was crossing the river from the Louisiana shore, a mile or so below us. The Colonel immediately ordered a Sergeant to select a squad of six men to investigate the movement. This was done and we proceeded down the river as fast as possible, and concealed ourselves in the bushes, near the point which the batteaux seemed to be making for. The moment it struck shore we sprang from our hiding places, with cocked guns, and demanded a surrender. The enemy consisted of four lusty negro men and one woman. With these we captured several bundles of old clothing, bed-quilts, and other trumpery prized by negroes. Had we dropped from the clouds, out of a clap of thun der, the poor darkies could not have been more astonished and terri fied. With dilated eyes and trembling limbs they awaited death, which they evidently thought was at hand. In answer to the Sergeant s inquiry, "Who are you? Where are you going?" one of them an swered supplicatingly, " We se nothing but poor niggers, massa, trying to git wid our folks on dis side of de river." Ordering them to shoul der their baggage, we led them to the Colonel, who gathered from HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN I .RIGADE. 119 them that they were the slaves of a Louisiana planter, who had fled from his home on the approach of the yankees, leaving them to take care of themselves; and they, being scarcely less terrified at the name of yankee than their master, were seeking to reach their friends and relatives in Mississippi. The Colonel sent them on their way. On the morning of the i2th day of our ambush, about an hour be fore dawn, the pickets reported a steamboat coming up the river. When she had arrived nearly opposite the battery the guns opened on her with shot and shell. Her lights were almost instantly extinguished, and her speed increased ; but before she could get out of range a num ber of shot struck, as we could distinctly hear them crashing through her timbers. They failed, however, to disable her, and she sped on her way up the river. It was now apparent that our longer stay would be useless. The Federals would almost certainly send a gunboat to in vestigate and avenge the insult if possible. We had no particular de sire to tackle one of these monsters, so we limbered up and pulled out about dawn, andin a few hours had gained the summit of the high bluffs back of Warrenton, a few miles nearer the city, where we had a fine view of the river. As we came into view a flat, black, villainous- looking gunboat was just squaring herself in the river opposite our re cent hiding place ; and it was with some satisfaction that we contem plated our safe distance as she poured a broadside from her heavy guns into the unoccupied timber. Thomas Owens, (fourth Kentucky}. III. Dodd s Unequal but Gallant Fight. In the Brief His tory of Individuals will be found various allusions to the officers who took other service when the Kentucky regiments were reorganized. The experience of one of them, Lieut. Thomas L. Dodd, of Glasgow, deserves special mention. He was soon afterward appointed lieutenant of artillery, and assigned to duty with the famous Morgan Battery, with others, whom he had assisted in recruiting a company for that arm. The battery was given them by Gen. Leonidas Polk, and they were attached with it to the Fourth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry, Morgan s Brigade. The battalion was then doing duty on the Ken tucky border as a separate command, and while there, was attacked by an entire brigade of Federal cavalry, and a large part of it killed, captured, and scattered. He remained with the battery and strove to rally the command in the face of the enemy ; but they were new and undisciplined troops, and being almost surrounded by overwhelming numbers, they retreated in confusion. With a few faithful men he at tempted to cover the retreat and prevent the entire destruction of the rommand, but the men were killed or disabled, with the exception of Private Gilleland ; and the charging column demanded their surrender. Gilleland escaped into the bushes, and Dodd, determined to make the attempt on his horse, fired his pistol at the pursuers, wheeled into the lorest, and after a furious ride, distanced his foes, and rejoined such of the command as had gotten together. For his conduct on this oc casion, he was promoted to captain of cavalry, and served with Gen. Debrell, in Forrest s campaigns in East Tennessee, and at the battle of Chickamauga, where he was complimented by his commander for gallant conduct. He was shortly afterward severely wounded, but measurably recovered (though the ball was permitted to remain im bedded in his right shoulder). Having been disabled for active field 120 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. duty, he afterward did various service till the close of the war, in com mand of provost force at Covington, Ga., and of two companies for the protection of Atlanta from raiding parties that might operate from Dalton, in the winter of 1864-5. He was, meanwhile, recommended by Gen. Ho well Cobb for promotion to provost marshal-general of Georgia, but the war terminated before the application was acted upon. IV. Graphic Description of a Sublime Spectacle. The following allusion to the affair of July i5th, referred to in preceding chapter, is from the journal of John S. Jackman, Ninth Kentucky: " Late in the afternoon we marched to our old position, about the railroad cut. Just as we were filing off the railroad, up a street, where there was a high bluff that would protect us in a measure from the shells, all the upper batteries opened, and were replied to by the upper fleet, as it dropped down before the city. The first intimation we had of this movement was when one of these long, conical shells two feet in length and ten inches in diameter came shrieking over our heads, making something like the noise of a man screaming in agony. Soon the fight became general. The mortar fleets, above and below, filled the air with bursting shells; the fleets vomited forth both iron and flame ; our batteries thundered till the very earth trembled ; the enemy s hot shot were flying through the air, mimicking the forked-tongued lightning; and flashes of artillery made the night as light as day. To heighten the grand scene, some buildings up town took fire from the hot missiles, and a pillow or flame pierced the very heavens. As the storm-cloud passes, so did this. Soon a perfect silence brooded over the city the whole affair lasted, perhaos. an hour and we went to sleep." V. Starving Him Into Terms. Old soldiers can recall occas ional experiences with men who would do guard, picket, and special duty, and go to battle, but draw the line at mess-work, and could hardly be driven to do their share of providing water and fuel and taking a turn at preparing meals. I am indebted to Smith E. Winn, one of the non-commissioned officers of Co. D, Sixth Kentucky, a scholar and a gentleman, and as good a soldier as ever shouldered a gun, for the following : Pryor Murphy, of that company, was notori ously delinquent in the particular alluded to, and made a very unde sirable mess-mate. During the first siege of Vicksburg, Murphy be came one of Winn s mess, and the latter was a man who wouldn t be imposed on three times a day for all the days in the week, and by agreement with the others he read the law to Mr. Murphy : If he wouldn t work he shouldn t eat. At the first breakfast afterward he was unceremoniously shouldered out ; but he seemed to feel that his refusal to work was a matter of principle, and he declined to give in during the day, so that tattoo found him unquestionably very hungry, since no other mess had enough to spare to be charitably disposed and to encourage a do-nothing policy. The mess had a tent at that time, and when they chose to take shelter under it, the front curtains were fastened back to admit the air. During the night Winn chanced to wake up and find the interior of the tent flooded with light. Some what astonished, he rose to a sitting posture and discovered Murphy seated a little in front, with a bright fire on each hand. He called out: "Pry, what are you doing there?" Now the offending soul had a lisp HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 121 and no use for initial j s or s s, and he replied with emphasis : " Thmith, I m thess a-runnin two fires! " Further investigation showed that he had gone to a country cornpatch and provided himself with a lot of roasting ears, which he now had reclining on end before his two fires, and he was intently engaged in preparing "to fill a long- felt want," independently of his comrades and of the regimental commissary. 122 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER VII. THE BATTLE OF BATON ROUGE. The enemy now held Baton Rouge, (the capital of Louisiana), with a land force of about thirty-five hundred men and four or five gun boats with accompanying transports. Communication with Vicks- burg by way of the Red River was thus cut off, and the garrison deprived of much-needed supplies, which were abundant in the re gions drained by that river and hard to be obtained from other quar ters. Van Dorn deemed it important to reduce Baton Rouge, for this and other military reasons, and so open the navigation of Red River and the Mississippi to Vicksburg. He therefore ordered Gen. Breck- inridge to move upon the place with five thousand picked men, among them the five Kentucky regiments in his division, including Cobb s Battery, constituting much the greater part of his force. When he moved, however, he had in hand but about four thousand of all arms ; but at Camp Moore a small force under Gen. Ruggles was added to these. The ram " Arkansas," which had been repaired after the con flict noticed in preceding chapter, was to cooperate with the land forces by simultaneously attacking the gunboats before Baton Rouge. The conduct of the expedition and the immediate result are best given in the reports of the commanding general and the officers who- led the various organizations. The ultimate result, as will also be seen, was that after the partial failure of the attack, Gen. Breckinridge re tired to the Comite River, leaving a force of observation near the town ; the enemy ceased to send out marauding parties, to despoil the country and annoy the citizens ; in a few days a detachment under Ruggles was sent to occupy Port Hudson, a strong point on the Mis sissippi below the mouth of Red River; and the Federal garrison abandoned Baton Rouge, so that there was now communication by that important route with a field as yet rich in supplies. HEADQUARTERS BRECKINRIDGE S DIVISION, September 30, 1862. Major M. M, Kimmel, Assistant Adjutant- General SIR : I have the honor to report the operations of a portion of my division, recently ordered from Vicksburg to Camp Moore and Baton. Rouge, La., by Maj.-Gen. Van Dorn : HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 123 I left Vicksburg on the 2-jth of July, with somewhat less than four thousand men, and arrived at Camp Moore the evening of the 28th. The major-general commanding the district, having received intelli gence that the enemy was threatening Camp Moore in force, the movement was made suddenly and rapidly by railroad, and, having but few cars, nothing could be transported except the troops, with their arms and ammunition. Brig. -Gen. Charles Clarke, who had re ported for duty but a few days before our departure from Vicksburg, promptly and kindly consented to accompany the expedition. Brig.- Gen. Ruggles was already at Camp Moore, in command of a small force, with which he had kept the enemy in check. The troops were immediately organized in two divisions, Gen. Clarke taking command of the first, and Gen. Ruggles of the second. The rumor of an ad vance of the enemy upon Camp Moore proved to be unfounded. On the 3oth of July, in obedience to a dispatch of the 2Qth from the major-general commanding the district, the troops were put in motion for Baton Rouge. During the march I received information that the effective force of the enemy was not less than five thousand men, and that the ground was commanded by three gunboats lying in the river. My own troops having suffered severely from the effects of exposure at Vicksburg, from heavy rains, without shelter, and from the extreme heat, did not now number more than thirty-four hundred men. Under these circumstances, I determined not to make the attack unless we could be relieved from the fire of the fleet. Accordingly, I tele graphed to the major-general commanding the condition and number of the troops and the reported strength of the enemy; but said I would undertake to capture the garrison if the " Arkansas" could be sent down to clear the river, or divert the fire of the gunboats. He promptly answered that the " Arkansas" would be ready to cooperate at daylight on Tuesday morning, the 5th of August. On the afternoon of Monday, the command having reached the Comite River, ten miles from Baton Rouge ; and learning by an ex press messenger that the " Arkansas" had passed Bayou Sara in time to arrive at the proper moment, preparations were made to advance that night. The sickness had been appalling. The morning report of the 4th showed but three thousand effective, and deducting those taken sick during the day, and the number that fell out from weakness on the night march, I did not carry into the action more than twenty-six hun dred men. This estimate does not include some two hundred Partisan Rangers, who had performed efficient service in picketing the different roads, but who, from the nature of the ground, took no part in the ac tion ; nor about the same number of militia, hastily collected by CoL J24 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Hardee, in the neighborhood of Clinton, who, though making every effort, could not arrive in time to participate. The command left the Comite at n o clock p. M., and reached the vicinity of Baton Rouge a little before day-break on the morning of the 5th. Some hours before the main body moved, a small force of infantry, with a section of Semmes Battery, under Lieut. Fauntleroy, the whole commanded by Lieut. -Col. Shields, of the Thirtieth Louisiana, was sent, by a circuitous route, to the road leading from Clinton to Baton Rouge, with orders to drive in any pickets of the enemy, and attack his left as soon as the action should begin in front. This service was well performed ; but for details reference is made to the reoort of Brig. -Gen. Ruggles, from whose command the force was detached. While waiting for daylight to make the attack, an accident occurred, which deprived us of several excellent officers and enlisted men and two pieces of artillery. The Partisan Rangers were placed in rear of the artillery and in fantry, yet, during the darkness, a few of them leaked through, and, riding forward, encountered the enemy, causing exchange of shots be tween the pickets. Galloping back, they produced some confusion, which led to rapid firing for a few moments, during which Brig. -Gen. Helm was dangerously wounded by the fall of his horse ; * Lieut. Alexander Todd, his aide-de-camp, was killed; Capt. Roberts, of the Fourth Kentucky, was severely wounded; several enlisted men were killed and wounded, and two of Capt. Cobb s three guns were rendered, for a time, wholly useless. After Gen. Helm was disabled, Col. Tho. H. Hunt assumed command of his brigade. Order was soon restored, and the force placed in position on the right and left of the Greenwell Springs road. I was obliged to con tent myself with a single line of battle, and a small regiment of infantry with one piece of artillery to each division as a reserve. The enemy (expecting the attack) was drawn up in two lines, or, rather, in one line, with strong reserves distributed at intervals. At the moment there was light enough our troops moved rapidly forward. Gen. Rug gles, commanding the left, brought on the engagement with four pieces of Semmes Battery, the Fourth and Thirtieth Louisiana, and Boyd s Louisiana Battalion, under the command of Col. Allen, of the Fourth Louisiana; and the Third, Sixth and Seventh Kentucky, and the Thirty-fifth Alabama, under the command of Col. Thompson, of the Third Kentucky. These troops moved forward with great impetu osity, driving the enemy before them, while their ringing cheers in- * Lieut. Col. John W. Caldwell also had his horse killed, and was much hurt by .being thrown against a gun carriage as the horse rushed back headlong and fell. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 125 spired all our little command. The Louisiana troops charged a battery and captured two pieces. At this point, Col. Allen, commanding the brigade, while pressing forward with the colors in his hand, had both legs shattered, and Lieut.-Col. Boyd received a severe wound. This produced confus ion, and the enemy at the same moment throwing forward a strong re- enforcement, the brigade was forced back in some disorder. It was rallied by the efforts of Col. Breaux, Lieut.-Col. Hunter, and other officers, and although it did not further participate in the assault, it maintained its position under a fire from the gunboats and land batteries of the enemy. During this time Thompson s brigade, which composed the right of Ruggles division, was behaving with great gallantry. After driving back superior forces, toward the close of the action it took part in the final struggle from a position immediately on the left of the First Division. Col. Thompson being severely wounded in a charge, the command devolved upon Col. Robertson, of the Thirty- fifth Alabama, whose conduct fully justified the confidence of his troops. The Louisiana Battery, Capt. Semmes, was admirably handled throughout. The First Division, under Gen. Clarke, being the Second Brigade, composed of the Fourth and Ninth Kentucky, Thirty-first Mississippi, and Fourth Alabama, commanded by Col. Hunt, of the Ninth Kentucky, and the Fourth Brigade, composed of the Fifteenth and Twenty-second Mississippi, and the Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-eighth, and Forty-fifth Tennessee, consolidated into one bat talion, commanded by Col. Smith, of the Twentieth Tennessee, together with the Hudson Battery, Lieut. Sweeney, and one piece of Cobb s Battery, advanced to the right of the Greenwell Springs road. On the right as on the left, the enemy was constantly pressed back, until, after several hours of fighting, he was driven to his last encamp ment in a large grove just in rear of the penitentiary. Here the con test was hot and obstinate, and it was here that the First Division suf fered the greatest loss. Col. Hunt was shot down, and, upon the fall of that excellent officer, at the suggestion of Gen. Clarke, and with the consent of the officers concerned, I placed Capt. John A. Buck- ner, assistant adjutant-general on my staff, in command of the Second Brigade. In the management of his command he displayed so high a degree of skill and courage, that I commend him especially to the notice of the Government. Gen. Clarke pressed the attack at this point with great vigor, until he received a wound which was supposed to be mortal, when, through some misapprehension, the brigade began to fall back down the slope, but without confusion. Capt. Buckner, learning, upon inquiry from 126 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. me, that I did not desire a retrograde movement, immediately, aided by Maj. Wickliffe, of the -Ninth Kentucky (Lieut. -Col. Caldwell, who was injured by the accident of the preceding night, having been obliged to retire), and other regimental commanders, faced the brigade about and renewed the attack. At the same time Col. Smith, commanding the Fourth Brigade, composed of the consolidated Tennessee regi ments and the Twenty-second Mississippi, Capt. Hughes, were ordered forward, and moved against the enemy in fine style. In a few moments Capt. Hughes received a mortal wound at the head of his regiment. Observing some troops on the left, partially sheltered by a shallow cut in the road, who proved to be the remnant of Thompson s brigade, and out of ammunition, I ordered them to advance to the support of the First Division with the bayonet. The order was promptly obeyed, and in executing it, I happened to observe, as distinguished for alacrity, Col. Crossland, of the Seventh Kentucky, Lieut. -Col. Good win, of the Thirty-fifth Alabama, and Lieut. Terry, of the Eighth Kentucky, on duty with sharpshooters. At this critical point, Maj. Brown, chief commissary, and Capt. Richards, one of my aides, were conspicuous in urging on the troops. In this assault we suffered con siderably from the fire of the fleet, until the opposing lines approached each other so closely that a regard for their own friends obliged them to suspend. The contest at and around this last encampment was bloody, but at the end of it the enemy were completely routed, some of our men pursuing and firing at them some distance down the street, running in front of the arsenal and barracks. They did not re-appear during the day. It was now 10 o clock. We had listened in vain for the guns of the "Arkansas." I saw around me not more than one thousand ex hausted men, who had been unable to procure water since we had left the Comite river. The enemy had several batteries commanding the approaches to the arsenal and barracks, and the gunboats had already re-opened upon us with a direct fire. Under these circumstances, al though the troops showed the utmost indifference to danger and death, and were even reluctant to retire, I did not deem it prudent to pursue the victory further. Having scarcely any transportation, I ordered all the camps and stores of the enemy to be destroyed; and, directing Capt. Buckner to place one section of Semmes Battery, supported by the Seventh Kentucky, in a certain position on the field, withdrew the rest of the troops about one mile, to Ward s Creek, with a hope of ob taining water. But finding none there fit for man or beast, I moved the command back to the field of battle, and procured a very imperfect supply from some cisterns in the suburbs of the town. This position we occupied for the rest of the day. The citizens of the surrounding HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 127 and thinly-settled country exhibited the warmest patriotism ; and, with their assistance, conveyances enough were procured to carry off all our wounded who could bear removal. A few citizens, armed with shot-guns and other weapons, had been able to reach the field in time to join in the attack. Having neither picks nor shovels, we were un able to dig graves for the burial of the dead. I still hoped for the cooperation of the "Arkansas," and, in that event, intended to renew the attack. But late in the afternoon I learned by express that before daylight, and within four miles of Baton Rouge, the machinery had become disabled, and she lay helpless on the right bank of the river. Upon receiving this intelligence, I re turned with my command to the Comite River, leaving a force of ob servation near the suburbs of the town. The Hudson Battery, Lieut. Sweeney, and Cobb s one piece, under charge of Sergt. Frank Peak, played their part well. I am unable to give the exact force of the enemy, but by comparing all my information with the number and size of their camps, and the extent and weight of their fire, I do not think they brought into action less than 4, 500* men. We had eleven pieces of field artillery. They brought to bear on us not less than eighteen pieces, exclusive of the guns of the fleet. In one respect, the contrast between the opposing forces was very striking. The enemy were well clothed, and their en campments showed the presence of every comfort, and even luxury. Our men had little transportation, indifferent food, and no shelter. Half of them had no coats, and hundreds of them were without either shoes or socks. Yet no troops ever behaved with greater gallantry, and even reckless audacity. What can make this difference, unless it be the sublime courage inspired by a just cause ? The wound of Brig. -Gen. Clarke being thought mortal, and the least motion causing great agony, he was left on the field, in a com fortable cottage, at his own request his aid, Lieut. Yerger, remaining with him. The next morning they gave themselves up to the enemy. I cannot speak in terms too strong of the skill, coolness, and courage of Gen. Clarke. He played the part of a perfect soldier. Brig. -Gen. Ruggles conducted the attack on the left with uncommon rapidity and precision, and exhibited throughout the qualities of a brave and experienced officer. In addition to the officers of my staff already mentioned, I desire to express my acknowledgment of the zeal and gallantry of Maj. Wilson, chief of artillery; Maj. Hope, inspector-general, whose horse was shot under him; Capt. Nocquet, chief of engineers; Lieut. Breckinridge, aide-de-camp, and Dr. Pendleton, medical director, assisted by Dr. Weatherly, on temporary service. A number of gentlemen from 128 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Louisiana and elsewhere rendered efficient service as volunteers, among- whom were Lieut. -Col. Pinkney, Mr. Addison, and Capt. Bird, of Louisiana; Lieut. -Col. Brewer, of Kentucky, and Mr. William B. Hamilton, of Mississippi. The thanks of the army are also due to Hon. Thomas G. Davidson for his attention to the hospitals ; and to all the inhabitants of that part of Louisiana, for their devotion to our sick and wounded. Col. Pond and Maj. De Baum, in command of Parti san Rangers, were efficient both before and after the battle in observ ing and harassing the enemy. The inability of Gen. Clarke, and failure of several officers, to make reports, may prevent full justice to the conduct of the First Division. Any omission here will, when brought to my notice, be embodied in a supplemental report. The report of Gen. Ruggles is very full as to all that occurred on the left. I send herewith a list of the officers and men specially mentioned in the division, brigade and regimental reports, for gallant conduct, with the request that it be pub lished, and the names brought to the favorable notice of the Govern ment. I transmit, also, the reports of the subordinate commanders, and the returns of the killed and wounded. It will be seen that our casualties amount to 467. I have reason to believe that the loss of the enemy was much greater. We captured two flags and a few pris oners. Nothing was left by us except one caisson, which was so much injured as to be wholly unserviceable one of the enemy s being taken in its place. After the battle the enemy, who had previously been plundering, burning houses and other property, stealing negroes, and seizing citizens, through a large region of country, never ventured to send out another marauding force. Our pickets continued to extend to the immediate vicinity of Baton Rouge, and very soon the enemy abandoned the place and retired to New Orleans. A few days after the engagement, knowing the desire of the major-general commanding to secure a strong position on the Mississippi below the mouth of Red River, I occupied Port Hudson, with a portion of the troops under the command of Brig. -Gen. Ruggles. The next day I received orders to remove all the troops to that point. Brig. -Gen. Bowen, who had just arrived, was left with his command on the Comite River, to ob serve Baton Rouge from that quarter, to protect our hospitals, and to cover the line of communication between Clinton and Camp Moore. I directed Gen. Ruggles to select eligible positions at Port Hudson for heavy batteries, and ordered Capt. Nocquet, chief of engineers, to report to him temporarily for this duty. Upon my arrival there I found that rapid progress had been made, and some of the works, un der charge of Capt. Nocquet, were ready to receive the guns, which, the Major-General commanding wrote me, were on the way. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN 15RK1ADE. 129 Port Hudson is one of the strongest points on the Mississippi river (which Baton Rouge is not), and batteries there will command the river more completely than at Vicksburg. On the i pth day of August, in obedience to orders from the head quarters of the department, I moved from Port Hudson for Jackson, Mississippi, with a portion of the force, leaving Brig.-Gen. Ruggles in command with the remainder. In concluding this report, I have to express my obligations for the prompt and cordial support which I received, at all times, from the major-general commanding the department. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, Major- General. I omitted to mention that the Fifteenth Mississippi, Maj. Binford, was not brought into action. This admirable regiment, much reduced by long and gallant service, was held in reserve. J. C. B. It will be observed that a temporary organization of the entire forces under his command was made by Gen. Breckinridge for the occasion, and that the allusions to brigades, in reports of the battle, are made with reference to that special organization and not to the designations they bore at Vicksburg. We herewith publish the report of Gen. Ruggles, in whose division were included three of the Kentucky regi ments. Where he and Gen. Breckinridge speak of "Thompson s Brigade," it must be borne in mind that they allude to the brigade of Gen. Preston, that officer having been compelled by sickness to leave the division before its departure for Vicksburg, when the command de volved upon Col. Albert P. Thompson : HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION, FIRST DISTRICT, ARMY EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI, CAMP BRECKINRIDGE, August 9, 1862. SIR : I have the honor to submit, for the consideration of the Major- General commanding the forces, the following report of the part taken by my division in the action of the 5th inst., at Baton Rouge. The Second Division was composed of two brigades : The first consisting of the Third Kentucky Regiment, Capt. Bowman ; Sixth Kentucky, Lieut. -Col. Cofer; Seventh Kentucky, Col. Crossland; and Thirty-fifth Alabama, Col. Robertson. The Second Brigade, of the Fourth Lou isiana Regiment, Lieut. -Col. Hunter; battalion of Thirtieth Louisiana Regiment, Col. S. H. Breaux; battalion of Stewart s Legion, Lieut.- Col. Boyd; and Confederate Light Battery, Capt. O. J. Semmes, with two companies mounted men and some two hundred and fifty Partisan Mangers detached on scouting and outpost service. 130 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. On the night of the 4th August, the division proceeded from Comite bridge, marching left in front; Semmes Light Battery in the rear of left battalion Fourth Louisiana Volunteers, a detachment commanded by Lieut.-Col. Shields; Thirtieth Louisiana Volunteers, consisting of one company from his regiment, commanded by Capt. Boyle; one company of Partisan Rangers, commanded by Capt. Anuker; one company mounted rangers, and a section of Semmes Battery, under Lieut. Fauntleroy, had preceded the march of the division, having left camp at four and a half p. M., to operate on the plank road lead ing from Baton Rouge to Clinton, on our extreme right. The head of the division column, preceded by a company of mounted rangers and advanced guard, reached Ward s Creek bridge, on the Greenwell Springs and Baton Rouge road, about 3 o clock A. M., where a tempo rary halt was called, preparatory to the formation of the division line of battle. During this halt, while the advance was driving in the enemy s pickets, some stragglers from the column were mistaken for enemy s pickets and fired on. The mistake being mutual, in the dark ness a few shots were exchanged, unfortunately disabling Gen. Helm and killing Lieut. Todd. This necessarily caused some confusion. Order, however, was soon restored, and the column marched to the point whence the deployment was to begin. The line was formed a little before daylight. Col. Thompson s brigade (the first), with the right resting near the Greenwell Springs road, Col. Allen s brigade (the second) on the left, his left extending through a wood, and resting on a large field. Semmes Battery (four pieces) in the center, occupying the space between the two brigades; a squadron of cavalry, under command of Capt. Augustus Scott, was ordered to proceed to the ex treme left of the line, to observe and endeavor to prevent any attempt to outflank us in that direction. At a little after daylight, during the prevalence of a thick fog, the order was given to advance. The line proceeded but a few hundred yards before it encountered a brisk fire from the enemy s skirmishers, strongly posted on our extreme right, in some houses surrounded by trees and picket fences. Almost simul taneously a battery of the enemy opened on our line from the same direction. Semmes Battery was ordered forward to our indicated position, to drive off the skirmishers and silence the enemy s battery, and the whole line moved rapidly forward firing and cheering. The effect was instantaneous. The enemy s skirmishers fled, and his bat tery was compelled to change position and seek shelter under the guns of the arsenal to prevent being captured, where it remained, continuing to fire on our advancing line. Semmes Battery took position on the right of the division, to keep up the engagement with the battery of the enemy. Col. Thompson s brigade continued to advance, under HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 131 an occasional fire, across an open field and through some corn-fields, just beyond which they encountered a heavy fire from the enemy, strongly posted in a wood. Here the contest was warmly maintained on both sides for a considerable time, during which the First Division succeeded in entering a regimental camp on our right. The enemy were finally driven back into and through another camp immediately in our front. The enemy at this period were strongly reenforced, and a heavy battery a little to the left of the center opened an oblique fire on both brigades. About the same time the enemy attempted to break our center, by pushing a column between the two brigades. This movement being discovered, Semmes Battery was ordered forward and opened on this column at short range, with grape and canister, with marked effect, for a few rapid discharges scattered the enemy and drove him back in confusion. A similar attempt was made on the right of the division, which was defeated with equal success by a timely and well-directed fire from the Thirty-fifth Alabama and Sixth Kentucky Regiments. The two brigades, which, from the nature of the ground, had become separated, were ordered, in advancing, to gain ground, to the right and left respectively, in order to subject the enemy s position in front to a converging fire. In executing this movement the First Brigade met a portion of the First Division falling back in some disorder. Col. Thompson halted, and was attempting to reform their when he was informed by a mounted officer that the or der was for the whole line to fall back. In obedience to this supposed order he fell back a short distance, but soon reformed his line and charged the enemy under a galling fire. Unfortunately, while leading his men in this charge, Col. Thompson fell, severely wounded, and was borne from the field; and about the same time Col. Allen also fell, dangerously wounded, while leading, with unsurpassed gallantry, his brigade against a battery of the enemy. These circumstances pre vented the further prosecution of this movement. About this time the major-general commanding arrived upon this part of the field, and di rected the final charge upon the enemy, which drove him in confusion through his last regimental encampment to the river, under the protec tion of his gunboats. His camps, containing a large quantity of per sonal property, commissary stores and clothing, were destroyed. Finding it fruitless to remain longer under the fire of the gunboats, and disappointed in the expected cooperation of the "Arkansas," the exhausted troops were withdrawn in good order to the suburbs of the town the Seventh Kentucky Regiment and a section of Semmes artillery being left on the field to protect the collection of the stragglers and wounded, which was thoroughly accomplished. Col. Allen s brigade, on the left, moved forward through a wood and 132 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. into some corn-fields. They soon encountered the enemy in superior force, protected by houses and fences. They successively charged these positions, driving the enemy steadily back until within a few- hundred yards of the river, where they were subjected to a destructive fire from the batteries before mentioned and the enemy s gunboats. They charged and took a section from one of the enemy s batteries, Col. Allen leading the advance with the colors of one of his battalions in his hand. It was at this critical juncture that, as before stated, this gallant soldier fell from his horse severely wounded, and, during the confusion which followed this misfortune, the enemy succeeded in re capturing the pieces. The enemy pressed heavily upon this brigade, and poured into it such a galling fire from infantry and artillery that it fell back in some disorder. Col. Breaux, who assumed command upon the fall of Col. Allen, succeeded, with the aid of officers of the brigade and two officers connected with the staff, who were sent to his assistance, in rallying a sufficient number to show front to the enemy, until Semmes Battery was brought up, as already stated, to their support, and suc ceeded, by a well-directed fire, in preventing the enemy s advance. This position was maintained despite the heavy firing on the brigade from the enemy s gunboats and land batteries, until the troops were withdrawn, with the rest of the army, to the suburbs of the town. Lieut. -Col. Shields had been ordered, as already stated, to take posi tion on the plank road leading from Clinton to Baton Rouge, and as soon as he heard the fire of our main body, to attack a battery of the enemy, said to be stationed at the junction of the Clinton and Bayou Sara roads. This service was promptly and gallantly performed. He drove in the enemy s pickets, followed them up, and opened fire on a regimental encampment to the right of the Greenwell Springs road, driving the enemy from it. He was here met by two regiments of the enemy, but succeeded in holding them at bay till he was fired upon by our own artillery, fortunately without injury. Four of the artillery horses being disabled, and the infantry unable to withstand the heavy fire of the enemy, he withdrew to his original position, where the wounded horses were replaced by others, when he returned to his ad vanced position, which he held till Gen. Clarke s division came up on his left, when the two companies of infantry were, by order of the major-general commanding, attached to the Twenty-second Mississippi Regiment. The section of artillery under his command retained its position until the army retired, when it rejoined the battery in the suburbs of the town. In concluding this report of the battle, I have the satisfaction of stating that the conduct of both officers and men was gallant and dar- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 133 ing, every movement being performed with characteristic promptitude. I respectfully commend the reports of the commanders of brigades, as well as those of regiments, battalions, and independent companies, to the special consideration of the commanding general, and also recom mend the following officers and soldiers, specially named in these re ports, to favorable consideration : Col. A. P. Thompson and Col. H. W. Allen, brigade command ers, both severely wounded. Third Kentucky, commanded by Capt. Bowman. Seventh Kentucky, Col. Crossland, and his color-bearer, James Rollins. Sixth Kentucky, Lieut. -Col. Cofer; Captains Isaac Smith, Gran Utterback, and Thomas Page, and First Lieut. Frank Harned. Thirty-fifth Alabama, Col. Robertson and Lieut.-Col. Good win. Of the Second Brigade, the Fourth Louisiana, Lieut.-Col. Hunter. In this regiment, Lieut. Corkern, Co. B; Lieut. Jeter, Co. H, and Sergt.-Maj. Daniels. Battalion of Stewart s Legion, com manded by Lieut.-Col. Samuel Boyd, who was disabled by a severe flesh wound in the arm. Capt. Chum also was wounded. The com mand devolved upon Capt. Tom Bynum, who acted with gallantry. The battalion, Thirtieth Regiment of Louisiana Volunteers, com manded by Col. J. % A. Breaux, who speaks in high terms of the officers and men of his regiment, especially Capt. N. Trepagnier and Lieut. Dapremont, both wounded. Lieut.-Col. Shields, Thirtieth Louisiana, commanding separate detachment, who speaks in high terms of the intrepidity of Lieut. Fauntleroy, commanding section of guns in his detachment. Capt. Semmes, commanding battery, and his officers, Lieutenants Barnes and J. A. West, performed gallant service. Capt. Blount, brigade inspector of Second Brigade, rendered gallant service in the field, where it is believed he has fallen, as nothing has been heard of him since. I also have the gratification to name the mem bers of my staff, who served with me on this occasion, viz. : Lieut. L. D. Sandidge, corps artillery, Confederate States Army, A. A. A. and inspector-general ; Capt. George Whitfield, chief quartermaster ; Maj. E. S. Ruggles, acting ordnance officer; and acting chief com missary of subsistence, First Lieut. M. B. Ruggles, aide-de-camp. Lieut.-Col. Charles Jones, who was severely wounded, and Col. J. O. Fuqua, district judge advocate and provost marshal-general, were all distinguished for their efficiency, coolness, and gallantry throughout the conflict. The following officers, attached to the general staff, also rendered gallant service: Capt. Sam Bard, on special service ; Lieut. A. B. DeSaulles, engineers ; .Lieut. H. H. Price and Lieut. H. C. Holt. Other officers on special services, among whom were Capt. Augustus Scott, commanding squadron on temporary service; Captains Curry, Kinderson, and Behorn, as volunteer aides for the occasion, and 134 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Capt. J. M. Taylor served with zeal and gallantry. The entire divis ion entering the fight numbered about nineteen hundred and fifty, infantry and artillery, with a few irregular cavalry and Partisan Ran gers, numbering in all some three hundred and fifty or four hundred. The casualties, killed, wounded, and missing, being two hundred and seventy-seven. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, DANIEL RUGGLES, Brigadier- General Commanding Second Division. Capt. JOHN A. BUCKNER, A. A. General. The following is the report of Col. Buckner, who conducted the movements of Helm s brigade after Col. Hunt was wounded, as noticed in the report of Gen. Breckinridge : HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIELD, j COMITE RIVER, August 9, 1862. \ GENERAL : In compliance with your request, I have the honor to submit the following report of the late engagement at Baton Rouge, so far as the First Brigade of First Division was concerned, after its com manders, Brig. -Gen. Helm, and, subsequently, Col. Thomas H. Hunt, were wounded, and I had the honor to receive the command at your hands : The enemy had been repulsed from one of his encampments, and the different regiments constituting the First Brigade were drawn up in line of his camps, not, however, fully deployed. After moving the two regiments on the left of the brigade, by the flank to the left, the whole were formed in line of battle, and were ordered to advance. The movement was made with spirit up to the second encampment, through a somewhat sharp volley of musketry, in as good style as the broken and confined limits of the ground would admit, and imme diately the enemy was hotly and determinedly engaged. t After a few volleys, I ordered the brigade forward, which order- was being properly obeyed by the Fourth and Ninth Kentucky, the other regi ments being just in the act of advancing, when I received, from Gen. Clarke, the order to face about and retreat. This order was then given by myself and by Col. Clarke s aides. The troops fell back re luctantly, and not in very good order, the General himself and a number of others being wounded in the retreat. I reported immedi ately to you to know whether you had ordered the retreat, and was informed that you had not. The Second Brigade of this division was then ordered by yourself to advance. It went up in good style Capt. Hughes, commanding Twenty-second Mississippi Regiment, leading them gallantly. By your presence and assistance, the First HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 135 Brigade was rallied and led by yourself, in person, to the same posi tion from which it had fallen .back, when it joined with the Second Brigade, and moved conjointly through the second encampment, driv ing the enemy before them through the third and last of their camps to the river, under cover of their gunboats. This being accomplished, which was all that was e-xpected of the land force, the " Arkansas" failing to make her appearance, nothing remained but to destroy what had been captured, (inasmuch as no arrangement had been made for bearing it off, though the battlefield was in our possession sufficiently long,) and retire from the range of the enemy s batteries on the river. Accordingly, you gave me the order to withdraw the division out of range of the fire of the fleet, to await the movements of the gunboat "Arkansas." This was done in good order, though with some de gree of reluctance, the cause of the movement not being fully under stood. Your order to fire the enemy s tents and stores was well exe cuted. Their loss must have been very heavy in quartermaster and commissary supplies, and particularly so in sutlers stores, considerable quantities of new goods and general equipments being burned. The position in which you left me near the house where Gen. Clarke lay wounded was held^more than two hours after the main body of the troops were withdrawn, with a section of Semmes Battery and the remnant of the Seventh Kentucky Regiment, Col. Crossland com manding, as support. Learning that Cobb s Battery had left its posi tion and been ordered to the rear, the section, with its support under my command, was moved to occupy the better position left by Capt. Cobb, at which point it remained a half hour, and would have re mained the whole evening, but for the erroneous information of the enemy s advance in force being given by a surgeon who was moving rapidly to the rear. Leaving the pickets at this point, just in the edge of town, I withdrew the artillery and its support slowly back to the point at which you found me. A flag of truce was hoisted early in the evening by the enemy, and, on being met by an officer whom I sent to the front, the privilege of bearing off the dead and wounded was requested and granted for four hours by yourself, upon condition that the agreement be reduced to writing. No communication being received in writing for some time, twenty minutes longer were given, shortly after the expiration of which time a note was received, signed by the commanding officer at Baton Rouge, disclaiming the flag of truce. I cannot conclude my report without speaking of the cool courage and efficient skill with which Brig.-Gen. Charles Clarke led his com mand into the action, and the valuable assistance rendered him by his aids, Lieutenants Spooner and Yerger; of the efficiency of Maj. H. 13 6 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. E. Topp, of the Thirty-first Mississippi,* in leading his regiment ; of Maj. Brown, chief commissary of the division, whose fearless ex posure of himself, where the contest was hottest, in urging on the troops to a charge ; of Capt. J. H. Millett, commanding Fourth Ken tucky Regiment, who displayed conspicuous gallantry in leading it; of Col. Crossland, commanding Seventh Kentucky Regiment, whose regiment, after being in front and assisting in bearing the brunt of the battle, remained upon the field while the shells from the enemy s gun boats were falling thickly around them; and of the valuable service rendered me by Maj. J. C. Wickliffe, of the Ninth Kentucky, toward the close of the engagement, where his constant presence, at the head of his regiment, inspired confidence and courage, not only among his own men, but all who were near him in the closing contest, which de cided the engagement so favorably and so gloriously for the Con federate arms. For list of casualties I would refer you to papers "A" and "B" concerning late battle. I have the honor to be, general, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN A. BUCKNER, A. A. G. Col. J. W. Robertson commanded Preston s brigade after the fall of Col. Thompson, and reported its entire action through the day, as follows : HEADQUARTERS FIRST BRIGADE, SECOND DIVISION, \ CAMP ON COMITE RIVER, August 7, 1862. } To Capt. L. D. Sandidge, A. A. G., Second Division CAPTAIN : On receiving the order to report the part taken in the action of the 5th inst., by the First Brigade, I referred the order to Col. A. P. Thompson, who commanded the brigade during the action with the exception of the closing half hour that the troops were under fire, when he was borne from the field severely wounded ; and I submit, by his request, the following report : On reaching the angle of the main road leading into Baton Rouge, the brigade was formed in line of battle, in a common to the left of the main road, the right of the brigade resting on that road, and the left near a dense forest, into which Col. Allen s brigade had passed. The brigade was composed of the following regiments, positioned from right to left in the order named : Third Kentucky, Capt. J. H. Bow man commanding; Seventh Kentucky, Col. Ed Crossland command ing; Thirty-fifth Alabama, .Col. J. W. Robertson commanding; and the Sixth Kentucky, Lieut.-Col. M. H. Gofer commanding. As soon as *A Kentuckian, Capt. John B. Pirtle, was in command of right wing of the Thirty-first Mississippi that day. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 137 the line was established, the command " forward" was given by Gen. Ruggles in person, which was promptly obeyed by the brigade, mov ing forward beyond the dwelling-house immediately to the front. The line was at this time found to be somewhat deranged, caused by the numerous fences and houses over and around which the troops had to pass. The brigade was consequently halted and the alignment rectified, when the command "forward" was again given. The brigade moved directly to the front, parallel to the main road, pre ceded by a company of sharpshooters deployed as skirmishers, and commanded by Lieut. G. C. Hubbard. At this point the firing began first, the line of the enemy having been unmasked by the skirmishers. The firing was continued but a short time when an order was received for the brigade to charge, and the troops rushed forward with a cheer, the enemy breaking before them. Having reached the middle of the field, the brigade was exposed to a fire from the right, which could not be returned without exposing the troops of Gen. Clarke s division to the fire of the brigade, and was consequently halted until the firing ceased. An advance was made, skirmishers covering the front. The second line of the enemy was thus un masked and exposed to the fire of the brigade. They gave way pre cipitately before the steady advance of our troops. On clearing the fields and reaching the enemy s encampment, the right wing was found to be covered by a portion of Gen. Clarke s division. An officer approached from the right and stated that friends were exposed to our fire, when the firing ceased and the charge ordered by Col. Thompson, he leading the brigade into the encampment of the enemy to the left, which was nearly cleared by this brigade, when troops were met on the right returning without any apparent cause, and were ordered by Col. Thompson to halt and advance, when a mounted officer informed Col. Thompson that it was the order for all the troops to fall back. This movement became general in the brigade. In re tiring, the Thirty-fifth Alabama and Sixth Kentucky, forming the left wing, became separated from the right, and occupied a position in line one hundred yards to the left and rear. The enemy reformed in heavy force behind their tents, rapidly advancing, firing and cheering. The Third and Seventh Kentucky Regiments were thrown under cover and met this advance with a steady fire. The Thirty-fifth Alabama and Sixth Kentucky were ordered forward, but advanced before the order reached them, opening a heavy fire upon the enemy, whose advance was thus checked. At this point, Col. Thompson was severely wounded and taken to the rear. The command devolved upon Col. Robertson, who being, from complete exhaustion, in no condition at that time to assume command, and finding the right wing separated 138 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. from the left, placed Col. Crossland in command of the right, and Lieut.-Col. E. Goodwin in command of the left, with orders to main tain the line, which was firmly held for nearly an hour, in the face of a ter rible fire from musketry and artillery, when the charge, which closed the action, was made in person by the major-general commanding. It is the request of Col. Thompson, that his entire approbation of the conduct of all the field and acting field officers engaged, and Capt. W. P. Wallace and Lieut. Charles Semple, aides, and Acting Adjt. R. B. L. Soery, of the Third Kentucky, be specially expressed in this report. To the deportment of the Thirty-fifth Alabama Regiment he desires attention to be called. This regiment, although for the first time under fire on the 5th inst. , proved itself a worthy comrade for the Third, Sixth and Seventh Kentucky Regiments, who, in this action, sustained the envia ble reputation won by them on the field of Shiloh. Col. Robertson would call special attention to the gallant conduct of Col. Ed Cross- land and Lieut.-Col. E. Goodwin, who, the first with his regimental colors in hand, and the second with his hat on his sword, led the brigade in the final charge. To the reports of regi mental commanders you are referred for notices of gallant conduct in other members of the command. The medical staff deserve the highest praise for their prompt and unceasing attention to the wounded. J. W. ROBERTSON, Colonel Commanding First Brigade, Second Division. HEADQUARTERS FIRST BRIGADE, August 8, 1862. To Captain L. D. Sandidge, A. A. G., Second Division CAPTAIN: Col. Robertson desires me to say that he wishes to amend his report by stating that Maj. John R. Throckmorton (of Kentucky), A. Q. M., rendered very efficient service in taking off the wounded from the field, showing great fearlessness of personal danger in the discharge of his duties. G. C. HUBBARD, A. A. G. The following are the reports of the various officers who commanded the six Kentucky regiments : HEADQUARTERS THIRD KENTUCKY REGIMENT, August 7, 1862. Lieutenant George C. Hubbard, A. A. G. LIEUTENANT : In obedience to an order from your office, I return the following statement of the action of the Third Kentucky Regi ment in the battle of Baton Rouge, on the 5th : HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 139 The brigade was formed in an open field, the Third Kentucky Regi ment on the right flank, and ordered to march forward. The Third crossing a lawn into a field, received a fire from the enemy s skirmish ers, when we were ordered to charge. The skirmishers were routed, and the regiment halted in a pea patch, and ordered to lie down here. \Ve received a heavy fire, killing one man and wounding five. \Ve were again ordered forward and to charge, which order was executed in gallant style. Passing over the ground occupied by the enemy, we saw the bodies of a few of their dead. Another charge brought us into a road near the enemy s camp, through which we charged and halted, and remained for some time ; and seeing that our line to the left was not up on line with us, I placed Capt. Edward in command temporarily, until I went to the rear to see where to form the line, with instructions to remain in position until I could return. After ob- laining the necessary information, I started on my return, with the regiment falling back in good order. When I demanded to know the cause, I was informed it was by order of Brig. -Gen. Clarke. I then resumed command and formed on line with the brigade. Soon Col. Thompson ordered me to fall back to a cut in the road, which order was promptly executed. We remained in this position for nearly one hour, firing nearly thirty rounds of ammunition at the enemy, at times they being in short range of our rifles. The regiment was then or dered to charge forward by Col. Crossland, which was done, and again we passed through their encampment, and were ordered to fall back, which order was executed without any confusion or excitement. \Vithout a single exception, the officers of the regiment bore them selves gallantly, and too much can not be said in praise of the conduct <>f the men. Our infirmary corps kept close on our heels, and promptly removed and took care of our wounded. J. H. BOWMAN, Captain Commanding Third Kentucky Regiment, CAMP NEAR COMITE RlVER, August 7, 1862. Captain John A. Buckner SIR : Through an unfortunate circumstance, I was placed in com mand of the Fourth Kentucky, at about three o clock A. M., on the 5th instant. After being placed in line, our brigade moved forward until it reached the outskirts of Baton Rouge, when we moved by the left flank, as far as the camp of the Fourteenth Maine Regiment. We then moved forward. The smoke being so dense, my command was here separated from the brigade. Having thrown out my right com- 140 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. pany as skirmishers, I continued to move forward, but, discovering that the enemy were on my left, supported by a battery, all concealed by the houses and fences, and not being able to change direction without placing my regiment immediately under the fire of our own troops, I rejoined the brigade. I had just taken my position on the right when you took command and ordered us forward. I moved my regiment obliquely to the left until my right had cleared the fence in front, when I ordered them forward in the direction of the enemy s camp, which they did with a cheer. We had advanced, probably, two hundred yards when an aide, whom I took to be on Gen. Clarke s staff (not being personally acquainted with any of them), ordered me to fall back. Seeing the balance of the brigade retiring, I gave the command to my regiment, which they were very unwilling to execute, seeing the enemy retiring from their camps. After reforming my regiment, I was again ordered by you to advance. In this charge the enemy were driven completely from their camps. It is not necessary, Captain, for me to say how my command acted in this charge. You, being in front of my left, could judge for your self. I think that you will agree that they did not abuse the confi dence the commanding general has in " ragged Kentuckians." The Fourth Kentucky lost, in Killed 5 Wounded 14 Missing I Total 20 Respectfully, J. H. MILLETT, Captain Co. K, Commanding Fourth Kentucky. HEADQUARTERS SIXTH KENTUCKY REGIMENT VOLUNTEERS, ) COMITE RIVER, August 7, 1862. ] To G. C. Hubbard, First Lieutenant and A. A. G. SIR : Pursuant to circular order, just received, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Sixth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers in the battle of the 5th instant, and the orders received from the commanding generals. This regiment occupied the extreme left of the First Brigade, Second Division, Col. A. P. Thomp son commanding. At a little before daylight the troops were drawn up in line, this regiment in the open field, the left resting about two HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 141 hundred yards to the right of a dense forest, in which Col. Allen s brigade was formed. At daylight the command, "forward," was given by Gen. Ruggles, and we moved forward a short distance and halted by the order of the same officer, who was present in person. We were very soon ordered forward again, when we moved, en countering rough ground, hedges, fences, ditches, and a luxuriant growth of weeds and grass, altogether rendering even tolerable align ment and steady marching impossible. Passing on over this character of ground for nearly one mile, the enemy s skirmishers fired on us, doing no injury, but falling back as we advanced, until we arrived im mediately in front of the enemy s camp. Here he engaged us warmly from a strong position in a heavy forest, but, charging forward, we drove him from his position, and my regiment passed nearly through the camp, when we observed a battery on our left, say one hundred yards, and a little in front. This battery was nearly silenced by an oblique fire from my left wing, and would have been easily taken but for the fact that the right of the brigade was retiring. Seeing no cause for the retreat, on account of any movement or fire of the enemy, the regiment was ordered back, presuming the brigade was ordered to re tire, which I have since learned to have been the case. This retreat enabled the enemy to regain his battery, which he did promptly, and opened a furious fire with grape, canister, and shrapnel on our flank. From the nearness of the guns, he did no serious damage. We con tinued to move to the rear some two hundred yards, when we reformed and returned to a fence in front of a graveyard, where we halted and opened fire on the enemy, who had reformed and reoccupied his original position, from which we had just driven him. This position both parties held with great stubbornness, and an almost incessant fire was kept up for one hour. At this place I sustained nearly all the loss of the day. My position was very much exposed during this time, having no shelter but a thin picket fence, and being on ground elevated some eighteen inches above any ground in front be tween my line and the enemy. This position was maintained until an order to charge was given, and the enemy driven under his gun boats, when the regiment returned with the brigade to camp, having sustained a loss of five killed and seventy-three wounded, several mortally. I can not allow this opportunity to pass without returning my thanks to the officers and men of the regiment for the gallant manner in which they bore themselves during the whole engagement. From a want of commissioned officers, I caused the eight companies of the regiment to be consolidated into four companies, placed re spectively under Captains Isaac Smith, Gran Utterback, and Thomas G. Page, and First Lieutenant Frank Harned. It is proper for me to 142 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. say that I was not in the last charge, having been carried off the field too much exhausted to be able to go forward. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, M. H. GOFER, Lieutenant- Colonel Commanding Sixth Kentucky Regiment. HEADQUARTERS SEVENTH KENTUCKY REGIMENT, August 7, 1862. Lieut. G. C. Hubbard, A. A. A. General LIEUTENANT : In obedience to an order from your office, I return the following statements of the action of my regiment, in the battle at Baton Rouge, on the 5th. The brigade was formed in an open field, and ordered to " march forward." My regiment crossed a lawn into a field, and received a fire from the enemy s skirmishers, when we were ordered to charge. The skirmishers were routed, and the regi ment halted in a pea patch, and ordered to lie down. Here we re ceived a heavy fire, wounding three men. We were again ordered forward and to charge, which order was executed in gallant style. Passing over the ground occupied by the enemy, we saw the bodies of two dead and three wounded. Another charge brought us into a road near the enemy s camp, through which we charged, and were halted and ordered to fall back by Capt. Buckner, of Gen. Breckinridge s staff, who received the order from Gen. Clarke, which would have been done in order, but for a regiment in advance of our right, which broke in wild confusion through my regiment, which caught the panic and retired confusedly for a short distance. Aided, however, by the coolness of my company officers and adjutant, I succeeded promptly in rallying and reforming them in front of the road. Col. Thompson ordered me to fall back to the road, where we opened fire on the enemy, then advancing from their camps, and kept it up briskly for an hour. The enemy advanced cautiously from their camp, under cover of a grove of timber, with the evident intention of turning our left flank. I saw two lines of infantry, with cavalry in rear. They charged, and the Thirty-fifth Alabama regiment opened and kept up a hot fire from our left, which broke the enemy s lines, and they retired in confusion. Our ammunition was nearly exhausted, the wagons not having come up. Gen. Breckinridge came up on our right, and I re ported the want of ammunition to him, when he ordered me to charge the camp with my regiment and the Third Kentucky. We went through the camp and were halted by Capt. Buckner, and ordered to retire, which was done in good style. Capt. Buckner, by order of Gen. Breckinridge, ordered my regiment to remain and support a sec- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 143 tion of Semmes Battery, which was posted, and remained to protect those engaged in recovery of the wounded and retreat of the stragglers. Capt. Wess Jetton, with five men, was sent back to fire the camps. A cloud of smoke soon told that his mission of destruction had been faithfully executed. He reports the burning of large quantities com missary stores and quartermaster stores, together with numerous boxes of guns and valuable camp equipage. Without a single exception the officers bore themselves gallantly, and too much can not be said in praise of the conduct of the men. Our Infirmary Corps kept close at our heels, and promptly removed and took care of the wounded. I beg to mention the gallant conduct of Joseph Rollins, our color bearer. EDWARD CROSSLAND, Colonel Commanding Seventh Kentucky Regiment. HEADQUARTERS NINTH KENTUCKY REGIMENT, CAMP NEAR COMITE RIVER, LA., August 7, 1862. SIR : I have the honor of submitting to you the following report of the part taken by the Ninth Kentucky Regiment, in the action of the 5th inst., at Baton Rouge.* The Ninth Kentucky, with the other commands of the brigade, was placed in line of battle early on the morning of the 5th of August. The line was advanced toward Baton Rouge steadily. In obedience to an order of my brigade commander my regiment was held as a support to the battery attached to this brigade, where it remained until I received an order, in person, from Maj.-Gen. Breckinridge, to post one com pany, as pickets, to the right and at some distance from the arsenal. Fn obedience to this order, I placed Capt. Gillum, with his company, consisting of one lieutenant, four sergeants, one corporal, and twenty- four men, upon the ground designated by the General ; and, in obedi ence to another order from him, left Capt. Gillum there, when my command was ordered to join the brigade and engage the enemy in their camps. Capt. Gillum remained at his post until ordered away, when the brigade retired to the point where the line of battle was first formed. Thus this company was prevented from engaging in the battle, and this will account why none was killed or wounded in Co. A, of this regi ment. When ordered by Maj.-Gen. Breckinridge to join the brigade to which my regiment is attached, I was placed on the left of the 3 ourth Kentucky Regiment, which was the first regiment in the brigade. * Maj. Wickliffe assumed command after Col. Caldwell was disabled. 244 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Immediately after this an order from you was given to advance. My command did so, and until the fire was drawn from the enemy, who were secreted in and about the tents of the third and last encampment. The fire was immediately returned by the men under my command. It continued warm and heavy for about twenty or twenty-five minutes, our line, as far as I could see, advancing very little, but steadily, and the enemy as slowly retreating. At this time an order was given by Brig. -Gen. Clarke, commanding the division, to fall back to a small ravine, a short distance in the rear, and reform, which was done in proper manner. In a few moments we were again ordered to advance, and did so, never halting until the enemy had been driven from the last of their encampments. After the brigade line had been formed, in obedience to an order from you we retired slowly and in good order. My command numbered two hundred and twenty-two, rank and file. From this deduct Co. A, numbering thirty-one officers and men, and seven detailed to carry off the wounded, thus reducing the number of men actually engaged in the fight, under my command, to one hun dred and eighty-four men. The following is a list of the casualties which occurred in my regi ment : In Co. A, none. In Co. B, L. P. Smith, mortally wounded and since dead; H. Osborne, slightly. In Co. C, Lieut. H. H. Harris, wounded; private R. S. Brooks, killed; privates J. S. Jackson, J. T. Taylor, D. Tinsley, and J. B. Young, wounded. In Co. D, Lieut. Oscar Kennard, wounded ; private William Hicks, killed ; privates John Estill and John Henry, wounded. In Co. E, Sergt. R. M. Hague, wounded; privates James Bowers and Isaac Rutledge, killed ; privates Elbert Gramor, B. Logan, and J. L. Thompson, wounded. In Co. F, A. P. Fowler, W. P. Ratliff, J. Leach, J. W. Wallace, and D. P. Howell, wounded. In Co. G, Lieut. P. V. Daniel, privates William Beauchamp, Thomas Stith, Michael Meardin, Allen Dere- berry, Frank Keith, Green Woorley, and M. S. Newman, wounded. In Co. H, Sergt. John H. Hughes, Corporal Moses Lassiter, privates Alexander Barry, Charles Freeburg, and Thomas Lively, killed; Sergt. L. H. Atwell, privates Edmond Elliott, Peter Fritz, James Hunt, G. Polfus, L. Holtsenburgh, A. J. Williams, and W. McFat- ridge, wounded. I can not close this report without stating that the officers and men under my command discharged their duties, in the action at Baton Rouge, in a manner creditable alike to themselves and the cause for which they are battling. Very respectfully, J. C. WICKLIFFE, Major Commanding Ninth Kentucky Regiment. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 145 CHAPTER VIII. FROM BATON ROUGE TO KNOXVILLE. MARCHING TOWARD KENTUCKY. RETURN TO MURFREESBORO 7 . BATTLE OF HARTSVILLE. INCI DENTS AND ANECDOTES. After the operations at Baton Rouge and Port Hudson noticed in the preceding chapter, and particularly in the report of Gen. Breckin- ridge, the Reserve Corps returned to Jackson, Miss., arriving there on the night of the 22d of August. The sick who had been left at Vicksburg and other points, unable to accompany the expedition to Baton Rouge, had recovered some what, in considerable numbers, and, preceding the main body to Jackson, had established an encampment six miles out on the Brandon road, whither the various regiments marched on the 23d. If the condition of the command had been bad when it went to Baton Rouge, no words are adequate to express its real condition now, as far as destitution and physical condition were concerned, (ireat numbers were perfectly barefoot, and had been so for such a length of time that they could even track the burning sand like ostriches, and instead of blistered feet, seemed to have on an im proved style of moccasin from the skins of salamanders. As for c lothing, the " human form divine" shone through in so many places, that the whole combination had the appearance of very bad patch work, and impressed one with the idea that the clothes and men would look better in separate bundles. Some had shirts and some did not, and the latter managed to cover the upper portions of their bodies with ragged jackets ; while those with shirts on were considered as indulg ing in superfluity if they had jackets too. And the pants they wore are a painful subject to contemplate. The imagination of the reader must supply the place of description ; and, if he can conceive of any thing better suited to exhibit naked muscle while the wearer has an swered the demands of modesty by doing his best to be covered, he is welcome to draw his picture, and write under it, "These are the breeches Kentuckians wore at Jackson." Passing through the streets, they were amused at astonished gazers, and could not resist the temp tation that always beset them when anything could be made to serve a humorous turn. They inquired of wonder-stricken beholders how they liked the style of pantaloons, and declared, in mock serious- 10 146 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ness, that, in their opinion, it was the best military dress "so light and cool." But preparations were now being made to join the expedition of Bragg into Kentucky, and there was no sign of demoralization no lack of that spirit which characterizes the true soldier. Once again encamped, too, in a pleasant locality, with better food and better water, the tone of health rapidly improved, and the ranks were daily swelled by the return of those who had been unable to withstand the effects of the climate, the rainy weather that had prevailed during August, and the hardships attendant upon the movements in Louisiana. On the nth of August, the senior surgeon of Preston s brigade, Dr. J. W. Thompson, had made a report, in which he remarked, that when they arrived at Vicksburg, their health was better than at any other time during the service, but that they had been there but a short time when the malarious atmosphere began its work. On the 28th of June, the number of men of that brigade for duty was 1,822; on the 2yth of July, 1,252; and on the nth of August, at Comite River, only 584, showing a reduction, by sickness, wounds and death of 1,238 men in seven weeks, or more than sixty-seven per cent, of its whole strength ; and this is but an average instance of the whole division. Remaining at this place more than two weeks, the men were clothed and everything was put in readiness for a movement. Some doubt was entertained by Gen. Van Dorn as to the nature of the order upon which Gen. Breckinridge proposed to move ; and as he wished to re tain the division in his department, there was unnecessary, but, to Gen. Breckinridge unavoidable, delay in setting out to join the army in Kentucky. The division moved by rail, on the loth of September, up the Mississippi Central to Cold Water Creek, from ten to twenty miles above Holly Springs, disembarking at that point on the morning of the nth. It remained here until the igih. Meanwhile the order had been made imperative by President Davis, and Gen. Breckinridge re linquished command of all the troops heretofore under his orders, ex cept the Fourth, Sixth and Ninth Kentucky Infantry, Blackburn s, Biggs and Roberts companies of cavalry, a brigade of Tennessee infantry, and the light artillery of Cobb and McClung. The Third and Seventh Kentucky Regiments, having been recruited mainly in the lower part of the State, were permitted to move by way of Jack son, Tenn. , thence by the Mobile and Ohio road, in the hope that they might receive large accessions of recruits to their ranks as they marched to join the army now threatening Louisville. They were thus finally separated from their major-general, and were no more con nected with any portion of the Kentucky troops which they left at HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 147 Cold Water. They were afterward mounted, and subsequently par ticipated in the brilliant campaigns of Gen. Forrest, proving them selves second to none of that redoubtable corps in deeds of valor and \varm devotion to the cause which they defended. The remaining Kentucky troops were thrown together, forming a temporary organization, under command of Col. Trabue. Gen. Helm, it will be remembered, was absent, suffering from his hurt received at !>aton Rouge; and Gen. Preston had been relieved of the command of his brigade at his own request, and had gone into Kentucky for the purpose of fighting in a field that now promised much, in the re demption of his old State from Federal rule, and general good to the Confederate cause. The hearts of Kentuckians now beat high with hope. To them the promised return to Kentucky assumed the character of a triumphal inarch. They had been tried in fiery ordeals, and had come out with honor, if not with the other fruits of victory. Some time hi August Gen. Breckinridge had called their attention to orders from Richmond relative to the inscription of the names of battles in which they had been engaged on their banners, and wrote in connection therewith as follows: "The major-general refers, with peculiar pride and gratifi cation, to the action of his troops in the battles of Shiloh and Baton Rouge, and in the successful defense of the city of Vicksburg. Through .-very difficulty, over every obstacle, with a climate exceedingly hos tile, with a scanty supply of clothing, and, at times, of food, you have uarched by day and night, oftentimes with bare feet, upon heated sands and rugged roads, without a murmur, and with a heroism worthy of the veteran soldiers of many years. You have won for yourselves, in all your trials and noble daring, the grateful remembrance of your >\ hole country; and in after years the names of Shiloh, Vicksburg and Baton Rouge will awaken within your breasts a thrill of pride and de light that will heighten the pleasures of your future life, and be a con stant source of gratification to your friends, who have watched with such deep solicitude your progress through the many struggles you have encountered in defense of your country." The troops of his old brigade to whom, in common with others of his division, these words were addressed, were on the point, as they fondly believed, of appearing before their friends at home with so proud a record, and under banners whose inscriptions were the titles to renown. The troops designated as those who were to remain under command of Gen. Breckinridge, took the cars at Cold Water on the ipth, and went back to Jackson; thence to Meridian, afterward to York Station, the terminus, at that time, of the railroad from Meridian to Demopolis; 148 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. then it was decided that the wagon train should go out empty across the country, while the men and baggage should be shipped by way of Mobile, Montgomery and Atlanta to Chattanooga, from which point it was expected the march would be made into Kentucky. After a tedious and disagreeable trip from York Station, by railway and river, the command pitched tents at Knoxville, on the 3d of October, hav ing been eight days and nights en route. Here the Second Regiment and the artillery company of the gallant Graves were reunited with the comrades they had left at Bowling Green on the 226. of January before, and Col. Hanson, being senior, was placed in command. These prisoners, with the exception of the officers, had left Camp Morton and elsewhere on the 26th of August, and were joined at Vicksburg by the latter, where exchange was duly effected. They went thence to Jackson, where the work of reorganizing, and, as far as possible, equipping, was effected in the case of the various troops cap tured in the Western department and exchanged under the provisions of the cartel which had finally been agreed upon. Thence they pro ceeded to Chattanooga, but reported to Gen. Breckinridge after his arrival at Knoxville, and the heroes of Donelson were thenceforth closely identified with those of Shiloh and Baton Rouge. By the i5th of October, Gen. Breckinridge had succeeded in procur ing the necessary transportation and supplies, though much difficulty was encountered, and it was not without great and constant effort that the command was placed in a condition to justify the advance, which was now to be made by way of Cumberland Gap. He had under his command the four Kentucky regiments, and something over five thou sand miscellaneous troops, which he found at Knoxville under Gen. Maxey the whole, with the artillery of Cobb and Graves, amounting, perhaps, to seven thousand men. The Tennessee brigade had been relinquished, under orders from Richmond, to Gen. Sam Jones, com manding Department of East Tennessee. Gen. Maxey marched on the iath with the greater force, and on the morning of the i5th Col. Hanson set out with his brigade of Ken- tuckians, Gen. Breckinridge accompanying them. For two days the march was uninterrupted, the weather was beauti ful, the hearts of all were buoyant, even joyous, and the remembrance of past hardships, and dangers, and dearth of affection faded away in anticipation of treading once more the soil of their own State, and of meeting, perhaps, those for whom they now yearned with almost the tenderness of children. On the evening of the i6th the brigade en camped in fields on each side of the Tazewell road, three miles beyond Maynardville. On the morning of the iyth the reveille was sounded HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 149 t arly, and all hastened to prepare the morning meal, after which the command was formed, and with even more than their wonted vivacity, began the march, but the head of the column from the field on the left had scarcely turned into the road when a halt was ordered, then they were faced about and marched back to the camping ground of the night before. Now the wildest rumors got afloat, and every heart was sinking, however much the various hopeful ones tried to construe the pause to mean anything than a foreboding of evil. One hour a faint hope would be kindled that the march would be resumed on the mor row, in the direction of home; the next, it would be destroyed, by some fact which eager inquirers pretended to have elicited. Thus the day wore on, and a painful day it was, too, as may well be conceived. T.efore night the sad truth seemed to have been impressed upon every one, though as yet no authoritative announcement of the real condition < f affairs had been made. The dress parade of the old brigade on that afternoon is remembered as one of the peculiar incidents in its career. The Second Regiment, on the right of the road, made the call by tugle at the usual hour, and formed in sight of the Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth, on the left. The proximity of these three enabled them to form one almost continuous line^ little space intervening. The silence that prevailed in the ranks then was not the silence of restraint it was the silence of stern manhood bowed down by bitter disappointment. No one chose even to whisper. But they were erect, steady, scrupu lously exact in formation, and handled their arms with a promptness arid a precision that seemed to speak a manly determination that nothing could conquer that could resist a siren song as readily as an attack of the foe. The burden of every tune from the regimental bunds was " home ; " and to say that tears found their way down many and many a bronzed cheek, is but to say that soldiers are not always provided with hearts of stone. Immediately after having received the dispatch by courier on the morning of the iyth, Gen. Breckinridge sent to halt Maxey, who, as wo have seen, was now far ahead. A letter received from Bragg, dated two days later than the order by courier, instructed him to re turn to Knoxville, and, assuming command of all forces that could be made available in the defense of Middle Tennessee, proceed thence to Chattanooga, and take such steps as might seem to him best adapted to that end. He was first, however, to send all surplus sup plies to Cumberland Gap, to meet the army now rapidly retreating from Kentucky. The return march to Knoxville began on the morning of Oct. ipth, and on the evening of the 2oth the brigade was encamped on the same ground occupied the week before. The retrograde movement was as 150 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. sad a one as ever marked the career of the Kentucky Brigade ; but the failure of Bragg to maintain himself, the consequent trouble he had created for their friends there, and their own bitter disappoint ment, but served to bring out, in bolder relief, their striking soldierly qualities. On turning their faces toward Knoxville they sent up a mighty shout half in desperation, half in defiance ; and once again committed to the fate of service away from home the gloom soon gave way to a degree of cheerfulness. Breckinridge removed his command to Chattanooga, or rather to Shell Mound, some distance out on the Nashville Railroad, and it en camped there on the 23d. Bragg had by that time reached Knoxville in person, and Breckinridge was ordered to proceed to Murfreesboro , and assume direction of military operations there, as it was appre hended that Buell, who was now on the march for Nashville, might endeavor to occupy a more advanced position. After much trouble in crossing the river at Bridgeport the bridge there having been de stroyed and everything having to be ferried over the two arms of the river, and carried upon the men s shoulders across the island which cuts the stream at that point, the command reached Murfreesboro on the 28th, just eight months from the time of having left it with Gen. Johnston, and encamped in the same locality some of the regiments on the same ground. Breckinridge now had command of all the advance forces, which he retained until the arrival of Bragg in November. Changes had been constantly taking place in his staff, and we note here, as part of the record affecting Kentuckians, that, after the arrival at Murfreesboro , the following officers were announced : Lieut. Col. John A. Buckner, A. A. G. ; Maj. Calhoun Benham and Maj. James Wilson, Assistant Inspectors-General; Maj. Rice E. Graves, Chief of Artillery ; Dr. L. T. Pirn, Medical Director; Maj. George W. Triplett, Chief Quarter master; Col. T. T. Hawkins and Lieut. J. Cabell Breckinridge, Aides- de-camp; and Captains Keene Richards and Richard C. Morgan, vol unteer aides. Maj. Brown was still Chief Commissary. Associated with him at various times during the summer and autumn, in addition to those named heretofore, had been Maj. Sullins, Quartermaster; Maj. Clarence J. Prentice, aide; Capt. James Nocquet, Chief Engineer; Dr. Gary N. Hawes, Medical Director, and Maj. Alexander Evans the latter of whom was made Post Commissary after the arrival at Murfreesboro . Maj. Throckmorton was made Post Quartermaster, and Maj. Boyd had been some time engaged in the pay department, but was thereafter again immediately connected with the staff of Gen. Breckinridge. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 151 A new division was formed for him in December, which consisted of Hanson s, Preston s, Adams , and Brown s brigades. But we recur to events connected more particularly with the Ken tucky Brigade. This now consisted of the Second, Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth Kentucky Regiments, the Forty-first Alabama Regiment, and Cobb s Battery. The cavalry company of Capt. B. E. Roberts was also connected with it till ordered to report to Gen. Buford in January, 1863. Col. Hanson was assigned to the permanent command of it, and recommended for promotion, which he received on the ijth of December. The officers of his staff were Capt. John S. Hope, A. A. G. ;* Capt. Thomas E. Stake, A. I. G. ; Maj. John R. Viley,f Chief Quartermaster; Maj. S. M. Moorman, Chief Commissary ; Lieut. Presley Trabue, Ordnance Officer, and Lieut. Joe Benedict, Aide-de camp. Gen. Hanson at once devoted himself, with his usual energy and abil ity, to the work of discipline and the attainment of the highest order and efficiency ; and early in November a division inspection report showed clearly that the Kentucky troops were in better condition and in better tone than any others then available for the defense of the ad vanced position. Breckinridge had now -but a small infantry force at his command, and it was late in November before Bragg had succeeded in concen trating all the troops subject to his orders at that point. The enemy had arrived at Nashville, and was prepared to advance before Bragg was in any condition to meet him ; but from some cause remained quietly on the Cumberland until near the close of the year. General Rosecrans had succeeded to the command of the Federal army there, ;md though he adopted such measures at once as threatened Murfrees- boro at an early day, nothing occurred immediately affecting the in fantry at that point till the battle of Hartsville, excepting a march toward Nashville, designed by Breckinridge as a feint, both to hide his own weakness and to enable Morgan to destroy a large amount of roll ing stock collected in Edgefield. The cavalry of Generals Morgan, Forrest, and Wheeler was actively engaged between Murfreesboro and Nashville, and on the flanks of the Federal position; and frequent *Capt. (afterward Lieut. -Col.) S. F. Chipley was acting A. A. G. during the week s fighting on Stone River, and with Col. Hanson in the final charge of Friday, January 2, 1863. t Maj. Viley was Chief Quartermaster of Brigade till December, 1863, after which he was assigned to similar duty on the staff of Gen. Bate. JMaj. Moorman was nominally Chief Commissary of brigade till February, 1864, when he was relieved by Capt. C. W. Helm, and assigned to post duty at LaGrange, Georgia, where he afterward died of disease. 152 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. engagements of minor importance were taking place between this arm and the enemy s outposts. The plan alluded to was communicated to Morgan by Gen. Breckinridge early in November, and the time was fixed for the morning of the 5th of that month. Forrest, sup ported by the infantry troops under Breckinridge was to approach as nearly as possible to Nashville, and to make as strong a demon stration as he could not to bring on a general engagement; and it was hoped that, in the excitement of the moment, Morgan could destroy the cars at Edgefield before the enemy should become suffi ciently aware of the object to defeat it. Accordingly, on the morning of the 4th of November, Breckinridge set out. At nightfall there was a pause at Hart s Springs, where the troops rested till 9 o clock p. M. , when the march was resumed and continued till 3 in the morning, at which time the infantry was within five miles of Nashville, with the cavalry in advance. Here they rested till the dawn of day, when Forrest drove in the Federal pickets, and sharp skirmishing began, the infantry following at con venient distance to be rendered available in case of emergency. In a few minutes the Federal batteries opened on the east of Nashville, which announced to those who were advised of the plan that Morgan had arrived promptly and begun his work. Some cavalrymen were wounded, but the infantry did not come under fire, and the whole force soon retired. The Kentucky Brigade was allowed to rest and sleep in the grounds of the Lunatic Asylum, when they had reached that point on the return, till the afternoon, when they marched back to Hart s Springs, and encamped for the night. Next day they returned to their tents at Murfreesboro . It was afterward ascertained that Mor gan was only partially successful, as the enemy too soon be came aware of his object, and, after opening the batteries on him from Capitol Hill, had marched out in strong infantry force, so that, though the train was fired, he had not time to make thorough work of it. As remarked heretofore, there is no necessity that we should enter at length into the history of the armies at this point. The situation, relative forces, importance to either cause of the coming struggle be tween Bragg and Rosecrans all these may be found in works of greater scope. The next considerable action in which the Kentucky troops took part was the battle of Hartsville, and this was preeminently a Ken tucky fight. Rosecrans had stationed small forces at Gallatin, Cas- talian Springs and Hartsville, with the ostensible design of protecting that portion of Tennessee from the incursions of cavalry, and to pre vent the withdrawal of supplies therefrom for the Confederate army. Morgan, who was now operating on that flank, conceived the design HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 153 of capturing the force at Hartsville. .After having procured as accu rate information as possible relative to its strength and position, he Communicated his plan to Bragg, whose consent he finally obtained, and the expedition was organized, which resulted, after a sharp conflict on the morning of the 7th of December, in the capture of the entire garrison who were not killed and wounded in the action. The follow ing reports of Bragg, Morgan and the officers who commanded the infantry forces on the occasion, with explanatory notes, disclose the nature of the undertaking, the gallant conduct of all concerned, and the result : HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF TENNESSEE, j MURFREESBORO , TENNESSEE, December 22, 1862. } GeneralS. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General, Richmond, Va. SIR: Having been informed by acting Brig.-Gen. John H. Morgan, whose cavalry brigade covered my front in direction of Hartsville, Tenn., that the enemy s force at that point was somewhat isolated, I yielded to his request and organized an expedition under him for their attack. On the 5th instant Hanson s brigade, of Breckinridge s division, was moved forward on the road toward Hartsville and halted at Baird s Mills, a point nearly due east from Nashville, and half way to Hartsville, when it was joined by Morgan s cavalry force. Two regiments, the Second and Ninth Kentucky Infantry, with Cobb s Kentucky Artillery, moved from this point, with the cavalry, at 10 p. M. , on the 6th, to attack the enemy at Hartsville. Early on the morn ing of the same day, Hanson, with the remainder of his brigade, moved as directed on the road toward Nashville, for the purpose of a reconnoissance and to cause a diversion. At the same time the troops above named left their camps near here, Maj.-Gen. Cheatham, with two brigades, moved out on the Nashville road, halted at night at Lavergne, fifteen miles, and, on the next day, in conjunction with Gen. Wheeler s cavalry, made a strong demon stration on the enemy s front. These movements had the desired effect, and completely distracted the enemy s attention from the real point of attack. Learning that a foraging train of the enemy was on his right flank, Cheatham detached Wheeler with a cavalry force to attack it, which he did in his usual dashing and successful manner, capturing eleven wagons and fifty- seven prisoners. Under cover of these feints, Morgan, by an extra ordinary night march, reached the point of his destination about sun rise, and in a short but warmly contested engagement, killed, wounded 154 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. and captured the entire command of more than 2,000 officers and men. I inclose herewith the reports of Gen. Morgan and the subordinate commanders, and take great pleasure in commending the fortitude, endurance and gallantry of all engaged in this remarkable expedition. It is a source of personal and official gratification to perceive that the department has recognized the services of the gallant and meritorious soldier who led the expedition by confirming my previous nomination of him as a brigadier-general. Two sets of infantry colors and one artillery guidon, taken at Harts- ville, are also forwarded with this report. A third set of infantry colors was presented by its captors to the President on his recent visit to this place. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, BRAXTON BRAGG, General Commanding. MORGAN S HEADQUARTERS, CROSS-ROADS NEAR ) MURFREESBORO , December 9, 1862. } Colonel Brent, Chief of Staff SIR: I have the honor to lay before you, for the information of the general commanding, a report of the expedition against the Federal force at Hartsville. I left these headquarters at 10 A. M. , on the 6th instant, with one thousand four hundred men of my own command, under the orders of Col. Duke; the Second and Ninth Kentucky Infantry, commanded by Col. Hunt; Capt. Cobb s battery of artillery, and two small howitzers and two rifled Ellsworth guns, belonging to my own command. At Lebanon I received information that no change had been made in the number of the Federals at Hartsville, their number being still about nine hundred infantry and four hundred cavalry, with twa pieces of artillery. I found afterward that their force had been con siderably underrated. I proceeded with the infantry and artillery to Purcell Ferry, on the Cumberland River, sending the cavalry, under the orders of Col. Duke, to pass at a ford some seven miles below the point where we were to rendezvous. I passed my troops with great difficulty, there being but one boat; and about half-past five on the morning of the 7th, I arrived at Hague Shops, two miles from the Federal camp. I found that Col. Duke, with his cavalry, had only just marched up, having crossed the ford with difficulty, and that one regiment of his HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 155 command, five hundred strong (Col. Gano s), had not yet reported. Maj. Stoner s battalion had been left on the other side of the Cum berland, with two mountain howitzers, to prevent the escape of the enemy by the Lebanon road; and Col. Bennett s regiment had been ordered to proceed to Hartsville to picket the road leading to Gallatin, and to attack any of the Federals they might find in that town, to take possession of the Castalian Springs, Lafayette, and Carthage roads, so as to prevent the escape of the enemy. This reduced my force con siderably ; but I determined to attack, and that at once. There was no time to be lost, day was breaking, and the enemy might expect strong reinforcements from Castalian Springs should my arrival be known. Advancing, therefore, with the cavalry, closely followed by the artillery and infantry, I approached the enemy s position. The pickets were found and shot down. The Yankee bivouac first appeared to cover a long line of ground, and gave me to suppose that their number was much greater than I anticipated. On nearing the camp the alarm was sounded, and I could distinctly see and hear the officers ordering their men to fall in, preparing for resistance. Col. Duke then dismounted Col. Cluke s and Col. Chenault s regiments, in all about seven hundred and fifty men, drawing them up in line in a large field in the front, and a little to the right of the enemy s line, \rhich was then forming; and seeing that the artillery and infantry were in position, he ordered his men to advance at the double-quick, and directed Col. Chenault, who was on the left, to oblique so as tx> inarch on the enemy s flank. His men then pressed forward, driving the Federals for nearly half a mile, without a check, before them, until their right wing was forced back upon their own left wing and center. Duke then ordered a halt until the infantry had begun their attack on the Federal left wing, which caused a retreat of the whole line. At this juncture, Lieut.-Col. Huffman and Maj. Steele, of Gano s regiment, came up with about one hundred men of that regi ment, who had succeeded in crossing the ford, and threw their small force into the fight. My dismounted cavalry, under Duke, had been skirmishing, previously to this, for only about twenty minutes ; but seeing that Col. Hunt, with the infantry, was pressing hard upon the Federal left, he ordered an advance upon the right wing and flank of their new line. It gave way and ceased firing, and soon after sur rendered. Col. Duke reports that his men fought with a courage and coolness which could not be surpassed. Cluke and Chenault led on their men with the most determined bravery, encouraging them by voice and example. 156 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. The timely arrival of Lieut. -Col. Huffman and Maj. Steele, and the gallant manner in which they threw themselves into the fight, had a very decided effect upon the battle at the point of which they entered. The artillery, under Capt. Cobb, did most excellent service, and suf fered severely from the enemy s battery, which fired with great pre cision, blowing up one of his caissons and inflicting a severe loss on that arm. The infantry conducted themselves most gallantly the Second Ken tucky suffering most severely. Col. Bennett s regiment, as I said before, was not in the fight, hav ing been sent on special service, which was most efficiently performed, four hundred and fifty prisoners having been taken by them, and twelve Federals killed. Thus, sir, in one hour and a half, the troops under my command, consisting of five hundred cavalry (Col. Gano s, Col. Bennett s regi ments, and Maj. Stoner s command not participating in the fight), seven hundred infantry, with a battery of artillery in all about one thousand three hundred strong defeated and captured three well disciplined and well formed regiments of infantry with a regiment of cavalry, and took two rifled cannon, the whole encamped on their own ground, and in a very strong position, taking about eighteen hundred prisoners, eighteen hundred stand of arms, a quantity of ammunition, clothing, quartermaster s stores, and sixteen wagons. The battle was now over. The result exceeded my own expectations, but I felt that my position was a most perilous one, being within four miles in a direct line and only eight by the main Gallatin road of an enemy s force of at least eight thousand men, consisting of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, who would naturally march to the aid of their comrades on hearing the report of our guns. I, therefore, with the assistance of my staff, got together all the empty wagons left by the enemy, loaded them with arms, ammunition, and stores, and directed them imme diately to Hart s Ferry. There was no time to be lost. The pickets placed by my assistant adjutant-general on the Castalian Springs road sent to report the ad vance of a strong body of Federals, estimated at five thousand men. I sent Cluke s regiment to make a show of resistance, ordering Gano s regiment, which had arrived, in support. In the meantime I pressed the passage of the ford to the utmost. This show of force caused a delay in the advance of the enemy, who had no idea of the number of my men, and probably greatly overrated my strength and gave me time to pass the ford with infantry, artillery, and baggage wagons. The horses of my cavalry being sent back from the other side of the Cumberland River, to carry over the infantry reg- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 157 iments, it was time to retreat. The enemy attacked our rear, but was kept at bay by the two regiments before specified, aided by four guns I had previously ordered to be placed in position on the south side of the Cumberland, looking forward to what was now taking place. The banks of the river, on both sides, are precipitous, and the stream breast deep, but our retreat was effected in excellent order. We lost not a man, except three badly wounded, that I was reluctantly forced to leave behind. Cavalry, infamtry, guns and baggage train safely crossed, with the exception of four wagons, which had been sent by another route, and which are still safely hidden in the woods, according to ac counts received to-day. In justice to my brave command, I would respectfully bring to the notice of the General commanding the names of those officers who contributed, by their undaunted bravery and soldier-like conduct, to the brilliant success which crowned the efforts of the Confederate arms. To Col. Hunt, of the Ninth Kentucky, commanding the infantry, I am deeply indebted for his valuable assistance. His conduct, and that of his brave regiment, was perfect, and their steadiness under fire re markable. The Second Kentucky also behaved most gallantly, and suffered severely. Sixty-five men killed and wounded, and three regimental officers left dead on the field, sufficiently testified to their share in the fight, and the resistance they had to encounter. Cluke s regiment paid also a high price for its devotion. It went into the field two hundred and thirty strong, had six officers with twenty-one non-commissioned officers and privates killed and wounded, besides six missing. Duke, commanding the cavalry, was, as he always has been, "the right man in the right place." Wise in council, gallant in the field, his services have ever been invaluable to me. I was informed by my Adjutant-General that Col. Bennett, in the execution of the special service confided to him, and in which he so entirely succeeded, gave proofs of great gallantly and contempt of danger. I owe much to my personal staff, Maj. Llewellyn, Captains Charlton Morgan and Williams, and Lieut. Bob Tyler, acting as my aides de camp, gave proof of great devotion, being everywhere in the hottest fire; and Maj. Llewellyn received the sword of Col. Stewart, and the surrender of his regiment. Capt. Morgan s and Capt. Williams horses were killed under them, and Lieut. Tyler was severely wounded. My orderly sergeant, Craven Peyton, received a shot in his hip and had his horse killed by my side.* * Young Peyton died of his wound. 158 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. I must have forgiveness if I add, with a soldier s pride, that the con duct of my whole command deserved my highest gratitude and com mendation. Three Federal regimental standards and five cavalry guidons flut tered over my brave column on their return from the expedition. I have the honor to be, sir, with respect, Your most obedient servant, JOHN H. MORGAN, Brigadier-General. HEADQUARTERS BRECKINRIDGE S DIVISION, December u, 1862. Maj. Thos. M. Jack, A. A. General SIR : I have the honor to forward a report from Col. R. W. Hanson, commanding First Brigade of my division, covering the report of Col. Thomas H. Hunt, who commanded the Second and Ninth Kentucky Regiments and Cobb s Battery, in the recent expedition (under com mand of Brig. -Gen. Morgan) against Hartsville; and also the reports of Maj. Hewitt and Capt. Morehead, commanding, respectively, the Second and Ninth Kentucky. I beg to call attention to the officers and men specially named for gallantry, and to suggest, respectfully, that the troops engaged in this expedition deserve mention in orders for conduct, which, in fortitude and daring, has not been surpassed during the war. Very respectfully, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, Major- General Commanding. HEADQUARTERS FIRST BRIGADE, ") CAMP NEAR MURFREESBORO , December n, 1862. ) Col. Buckner, A. A. General In pursuance of the order of Gen. Bragg, I proceeded with my com mand, on the 5th instant, to Baird s Mill, and remained two days, making, as directed, reconnoissance toward Nashville. Gen. Morgan designated the Second and Ninth Kentucky, and Cobb s Battery, as the troops he desired to accompany him upon the Hartsville expedi tion. They were detached under command of Col. Hunt.* I inclose, herewith, his report of the battle of Hartsville, and the reports of his * It was Morgan s request that Col. Hunt should command the infantry selected to join in the expedition. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 159 subordinate officers. I wish to call attention to the honorable mention ;hat is made in Maj. Hewitt s and Col. Hunt s reports of the gallant conduct of Sergt. Oldham, of the Second Kentucky Regiment, with the hope that the proper steps may be taken to procure for him the reward of his conduct. Sergt. Oldham was the color-bearer of the Second Kentucky at the battle of Donelson, and acted with great gal lantry upon that occasion. He is a suitable man for a lieutenancy, be ing well qualified, as well as truly brave. R. W. HANSON, Colonel Com ding Brigade. HEADQUARTERS NINTH KENTUCKY REGIMENT, ) CAMP NEAR MURFREESBORO , December 9, 1862. { To Captain John S. Hope, A. A. A. G, CAPTAIN : I have the honor to report that the detachment from the First Brigade, Breckinridge s division consisting of the Second Ken tucky Regiment, Maj. James W. Hewitt, commanding, three hundred and seventy-five strong; Ninth Kentucky Regiment, Capt. James T. Morehead, commanding, three hundred and twenty strong ; and Cobb s Battery, placed under my command, as senior officer, with orders to report to Morgan, left Baird s Mill, where the brigade was in bivouac, on Saturday, the 6th instant, about one and a half o clock, p. M. Marching in the rear of the cavalry force until we arrived ia the vicinity of Lebanon, an exchange was made, when the infantry mounted the horses and rode five or six miles. The command reached Cumberland River about ten o clock. The infantry, artillery, and a small portion of cavalry crossed at Purcell Ferry, the balance of the cavalry crossing at a ford a few miles lower down the river. The two boats used for crossing were of small capacity and in miserable condi tion, but by constant bailing they were kept afloat, and by five o clock in the morning the command was safe over. The march of five miles to Hartsville (where the battle was fought), yet to make, over bad roads for artillery, was not accomplished until after sunrise, and the purpose of Morgan to surprise the enemy was defeated. When we approached in sight of their camp, we found their infantry already formed, occupying a very strong position on the crest of a hill, with a deep ravine in front, and their artillery in battery. The troops under my command were placed in position west of the enemy s camp, while under a heavy fire from their battery, and sharpshooters thrown out from their right, but these latter were quickly driven in by the dismounted cavalry. The Second Regiment having been formed on the left of the Ninth, 160 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. was now ordered forward to support and follow up the success gained by the cavalry skirmishers. That they had hot work to accomplish this is shown by their heavy loss in killed and wounded. In the meantime, Capt. Cobb, with his battery, was not idle. He was doing good execution, and the enemy responded with effect, one of their shells striking and blowing up a caisson. As the ground was cleared of the enemy opposite our left, he (Capt. Cobb) was ordered to take a new position with his battery in that direction, and at the same time the Ninth Kentucky Regiment was ordered forward to engage the enemy s left. My whole command was now engaged. The crest of the hill was reached, and here began a desperate struggle, as the contestants were only from thirty to fifty paces apart, where they fought for the space of ten minutes, when the order to charge was given, and most nobly was the command responded to. The enemy broke and were driven to the river cliff, where they were completely surrounded by my force in front, and the dismounted cavalry on their flanks and rear, and where they surrendered at discretion. It was a continued success from the beginning. In about one and a half hours from the time the first gun was fired, they surrendered, and more prisoners were brought off than we had men in action. Large quantities of commissary and quartermaster stores were also se cured, and a section of artillery and a large number of small arms, with the usual supply of ammunition. Morgan had made most skillful disposition, which, with the good fighting qualities of the troops engaged, secured success. I can not speak in too high terms of praise of the troops, and I scarcely know which most to admire, their patient endurance on the march or cour age in the battle. They marched fifty miles in cold, winter weather, the ground covered with snow, crossed and recrossed the Cumber land River, fought a largely superior force strongly posted within six miles of their supports, and brought off the prisoners, all within the space of thirty hours. Capt. Cobb, with his officers and men, had a most laborious time in getting their pieces and horses across the river, and it was only by the best directed exertions they succeeded at all. Where officers and men all behaved so well, it is impossible for me to single out individual cases as peculiarly worthy of commendation. I can not, however, refrain from mentioning Lieut. Joseph Benedict, who acted as my aide on the occasion. He was the right man in the right place. I inclose, herewith, copies of the reports of Maj. Hewitt and Capt. Morehead, and would bring to your attention the fact that the former commends Color-Sergt. John Oldham for his gallant bravery. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 161 The following is a summary of the loss sustained by my command : COMMAND. KILLED. WOUNDED. MISSING. Second Kentucky Regiment ... 8 54 3 Ninth Kentucky Regiment ... 7 10 I Cobb s Battery 3 7 o Total 18 71 4 Included in the above, are, of the Second Kentucky Regiment, Charles H. Thomas, first lieutenant, and John W. Rogers, second lieutenant, Co. C, killed; T. M. Home, first lieutenant, Co. A, mor tally wounded; Second Lieutenant A. J. Pryor, Co. D, and Lieut. I larding, Co. K, wounded. Of Ninth Kentucky, Second Lieut. l>andridge Crockett, killed; First Lieut. J. W. Cleveland, wounded. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, THOMAS H. HUNT, Colonel Commanding Detachment* HEADQUARTERS SECOND KENTUCKY REGIMENT, CAMP MURFREESBORO , December 9, 1862. C ilonel Thomas H. Hunt SIR : I have the honor to report that, in pursuance of your orders, 1 formed my regiment on the left of the Ninth Kentucky, opposite the enemy s camp, near Hartsville, a portion of Morgan s cavalry being at the same time on my left. When the order came for me to ad vance, I ordered my regiment forward; and, after passing the fence, the nature of the ground was such that I deemed it advisable to de ploy my regiment, and, therefore, gave the order to deploy. In this way we drove the enemy from their first camp, and continued to drive them until they surrendered. The officers, without an excep tion, behaved in the most gallant style. They were continually in ad vance of their men, urging them forward; and, where all behaved so well, it would be impossible to particularize. Each seemed to vie with the other in deeds of gallantry. The whole command, I am pleased to say, behaved in a most unexceptionable manner. I can not conclude my report without reference to Color-Sergt. John Old- ham, whose conduct and courage during the whole engagement elicited the encomiums of both officers and men. Your obedient servant, JAMES W. HEWITT, Major Commanding Second Kentucky Regiment. 162 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. NINTH KENTUCKY REGIMENT, ) CAMP NEAR MURFREESBORO , December 10, 1862. j To Colonel Thomas H. Hunt, Commanding Infantry SIR : At twelve o clock on Saturday, the sixth instant, I, as senior captain, was placed, by your orders, in command of the Ninth Ken tucky Regiment, which had, the day before, moved to Baird s Mills, eighteen miles from Murfreesboro , and was, at that time, about to march against the enemy, reported to be at Hartsville, Tennessee. The weather was excessively cold, the snow having fallen the day before to some depth, and the road was very rough, notwithstanding which the men marched steadily during the day and night, and reached the immediate neighborhood of the enemy s camp, near Hartsville, at sunrise. The enemy occupied a strong position in front of his en campment, his line of battle stretching along the crest of a hill, which was separated from our forces by an intervening hollow or ravine. Our line of battle was formed with Cobb s Battery on the right, sup ported by the Ninth Kentucky Regiment directly in its rear. On our immediate left was the Second Kentucky Regiment, and still further to the left a portion of two regiments of dismounted cavalry, under Col. Duke. The enemy occupied, with his sharpshooters, the woods and ravines in front of the left wing of our line, and opened a brisk fire on us. Against them the dismounted cavalry deployed as skir mishers, and soon succeeded in dislodging and driving them back upon the main body of the enemy. The Second Kentucky Regiment was ordered forward, and the Ninth left in support of the battery. In a few minutes after, I was ordered to advance, and moved the regiment, in double quick, in the direction of the main body of the enemy, going over, in our route, very rough ground, and through a deep ravine. Ascending the hill, the regiment advanced to the right of the Second Kentucky, halted, and immediately became engaged, at less than fifty paces, with the enemy. After fighting for a short time, I ordered a charge, which was made with such gallantry by the regi ment that the left wing of the enemy s line gave way and began retreating in confusion. Pressed closely by the Ninth Kentucky, they passed through their camps and took refuge under the brow of a hill on the bank of the river and in rear of their artillery. The regiment continued to move rapidly on, and captured the two pieces of artillery and a stand of colors ; then charged the line of the enemy and drove them to the brink of the river, compelling their immediate surrender. Here we captured Col. Moore, commanding brigade, who, in reply to a question from Capt. Crouch, answered that he surrendered himself and all the men around him, meaning the whole force. The battle HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 163 vy-as now fairly won, the firing had ceased, save a few scattering shots here and there. I immediately formed the regiment again in line of battle, had order restored, stragglers collected, and the men kept in their places. I sent details .from all the companies to look after the dead and wounded, and detailed Co. H, Capt. Bosche, to guard the One Hundred and Sixth Ohio Regiment, captured by us. The pris oners being collected, I was ordered to detail Cos. A and C to guard them, and afterward Co. G. The regiment recrossed the river, and began its march toward Lebanon, Tennessee. Too much praise can not be given to the officers and men for their spirit and patient endur ance under a march of almost unexampled hardship and rapidity, and for their gallantry and good conduct in action. The regiment had in battle three hundred and twenty men, and the loss was eighteen seven killed, ten wounded, and one missing. Respectfully, your obedient servant, JAMES T. MOREHEAD, Captain Commanding Ninth Kentucky Regiment. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES : AT MURFREESBORO 5 J AND AT AND AFTER HARTSVILLE. I. Splendid Fighting of the Second and Ninth Regi ments, Infantry. Gen. Duke, who from his position in command of the Second Cavalry, saw Hunt come into action with his two regi ments and battery says : The infantry had marched quite thirty miles, over slippery roads, and through the chilling cold, and I saw some of them stumble (as they charged), with fatigue and numbness; but the brave boys rushed in as if they were going to a frolic. The Second Kentucky dashed over the ravine, and as they emerged in some disorder, an unfortunate order to halt and dress was given them. There was no necessity for it the regiment was within fifty yards of the enemy, who were re coiling and dropping before their fire. Several officers sprang to the front and countermanded the order it was a matter of doubt who gave it and Capt. Joyce, seizing the colors, shouted to the men to follow him. The regiment rushed on again, but in that brief halt sustained nearly all its loss. Just then, the Ninth Kentucky came to its sup port, the men yelling and gliding over the ground like panthers. The enemy gave way in confusion, and were pressed again on their right and rear by Cluke and Chenault, who were at this juncture re- entorced by seventy-five men of Gano s regiment, who came up under Lieut. -Col. Huffman, commanding the regiment in Gano s absence, and Maj. Steele, and at once went into the fight. A few minutes then sutticed to finish the affair. The enemy were crowded together in a narrow space, and were dropping like sheep. The white flag was !64 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. hoisted in an hour after the first shot was fired. Our loss in killed and wounded was one hundred and twenty-five, of which the Second Ken tucky lost sixty-five, the Ninth eighteen, the cavalry thirty-two and Cobb s Battery ten." II. The Blue and the Gray Meet and Greet. The fortunes of war often furnished touchstones of character by which the com batants learned to know, and, in many instances, to honor each other s manly traits. Dr. John O. Scott, left at Hartsville in charge of the wounded, has told of an occurrence in point. Shortly after Hunt and Morgan had withdrawn from the battleground and hurried across the Cumberland with their prisoners and captured munition of war, a Fed eral force arrived, having set off hastily from their camp, only eight miles distant by the Lebanon road, as soon as the continuous artillery firing indicated that an attack had been made on Moore. Scott and his nurses, busily engaged with their wounded men at Mrs. Hallibur- ton s, received an order to report to the commander of the newly- arrived troops. They responded promptly, but were uncertain as to what was in store for them, and feared some interference with the at tention now so important to the sufferers. Approaching the command ing officer, however, one of the detail recognized him, and ventured to call out familiarly, " How are you, John?" That dispelled the cloud. " John " was Gen. John M. Harlan, of Kentucky, and he responded cordially. Mutual inquiries were made about old friends and acquaintances back in the State and in the Confederate army ; "the wall of partition was broken down " for the time; and the Fed eral commander addressed himself at once to the business of providing medical and food supplies, and otherwise contributing to the relief of the suffering Confederates as well as of Col. Moore s men. III. "Cunny" Fooled Them. The Second Kentucky had a man named Cunningham, who so far resembled Cassius that he had at least a " lean and hungry look." It is to be presumed that after a year and a halfof army life, of which nearly seven months were spent in a Federal prison, he looked a good deal hungrier than the old Roman. The men called him " Cunny," and they declared that Cunny could never get a flesh wound. At Hartsville, however, a bullet found mus cle enough on one of his legs to go through without breaking a bone, and he had the laugh on them declaring that " Cunny did get a flesh wound and a good furlough." IV. Scenes on the Battlefield. The explosion of Cobb s cais son was frightful. It scattered men and horses with a horrible noise that hushed the din of battle. Near this spot we found the body of Watts, of Paducah. He was shockingly disfigured. He was riding the caisson when it blew up. A little further on towards the crest of the hill was Lieut. Charlie Thomas, of the Second Kentucky, wounded in the left breast the blood spurting from the wound; and near him, dead, lay his handsome mess-mate, Lieut. Rogers. This was the spot where some confusion occurred in the charge up the hill in the face of a galling fire, when Moss, McDowell, Lee, Joyce, Higgins and other officers rushed forward and by command and cheer renewed the charge. At the hospital we gathered about one hundred and fifty wounded men, Confederate and Federal; and when too late for glory or John Morgan the enemy captured our men. I remember one unsoldierly HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 165 act : a member of Stokes s cavalry took a United States blanket from (raven Peyton, Col. Morgan s orderly, who had been badly wounded, remarking, as he did so: "I guess that s our n; " but he did not see the fine ivory-mounted pistol Morgan had given him. Gen. Harlan went with us to Mrs. Halliburton s house, after we re ported to him, and ordered sugar, coffee, and other rations for our wounded; also, ambulances and a surgeon, and they were taken to Hartsville, about a mile from the field. The ladies entered heartily into the work of caring for them. Mrs. Hart had Craven Peyton car ried to her house, where he afterward died. Hodges, of Bourbon C ounty, had his leg amputated, but he never rallied from the effects of the chloroform. Young Edwards, Second Kentucky, wounded through the lungs, believed himself dying and asked a nurse to pray for him. Instead of doing so he rushed off after Father Pickett. He came and prayed there in the dead of night over the dying soldier a solemn scene. When the wounded were all cared for, I and my nurses returned to Murfreesboro and reported to Gen. Hanson. When I told him how kind Gen. Harlan had been he appreciated it, of course, but he simply asked, " And did he tell you what he was fight ing hit" Dr. John O. Scott. V. How We Took Nashville. Jim Wilson, of Co. E, Sixth Kentucky, was one of our wags whose pranks and speeches enlivened hours that might otherwise have been monotonous and very trying. On the march towards Nashville, November 4th, 1862, to divert atten- t on from Morgan s operations north of the Cumberland, the rank and fie were of course ignorant of what was in view; and when we were marching back two days afterward, without having fired a gun, and t eing still in some doubt as to whether anything had been accom- plished, we were not in the most comfortable frame of mind. Wilson was grum, but not entirely speechless, and occasionally stirred up his p. art of the column a little. One sally is worth recording: As we passed a large residence near the pike, on the portico of which a num ber of persons stood observing us, a lady called out eagerly, " Did you take Nashville?" Wilson was quick to reply, "Oh yes, yes: we took Nashville but we couldn t bring it with us ! " Our friends at the house joined in the laugh that followed, and Jim trudged on with the air of a man who with a single sentence had explained everything con nected with the expedition. VI. How Jap Got and Kept the Mule. Sergt. Jasper An derson, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky, familiarly known as "Jap," had the distinction, among others, of being the only " web-foot" whoever beat a Morgan man when property rights were to be considered. He was accused by some of those rough riders of having stolen one of their mules, and they said that a man who could steal a mule from them " inade a record." After Morgan and Hunt had compelled the Federal outpost at Harts ville to surrender, as noticed in preceding chapter, and the Confed erates were hastily gathering up arms, and other property with which the encampment abounded, preparatory to a hasty and successful re treat which followed, Jap found a red mule, with a blind bridle on, roaming around, and took possession of him. He seemed to have had a quick eye for the supply and medical departments, as being most 166 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. promising, and soon had his mule loaded with a dozen large United States blankets, about thirty pounds of coffee, and a dozen canteens of apple brandy a keg or barrel of which he had scented while nosing around, and from which he filled all the canteens he could lay hands on. Having mounted and set out for the ferry, he was halted by a cavalryman, who demanded the mule, under order of Gen. Morgan that all infantry-men should be promptly dismounted. Anderson re plied that the mule belonged to headquarters, and that they would have to go to Capt. Morehead, then in command of the Ninth Regiment, to see what he had to say about it. When Morehead was found he said that Gen. Morgan had ordered all animals to be given up, and that he would have to comply. " But," said Jap, " I can t do that, Captain. I have a valuable cargo here, and I can t carry it myself!" "What have you?" "Well, these blankets, as you see, and a big lot of coffee, and something in the canteens. Try a canteen." The Captain took a taste and a new light broke in on him. "Why, Jap, this is good apple brandy ! " Then he took another pull or two and wound up with: "Jap, you keep that mule, and stay along with headquarters. Shoot the first cavalryman that tries to take him away from you." And to the man who was waiting to dismount Anderson: "You tell John Morgan that this is my mule; he can t have him." The provi dent and persuasive web-foot said afterward that he rode that mule right along in front, like a staff-officer, slept at headquarters that night, and rode him to Murfreesboro next day at last turning him loose only when he had nothing for him to carry. VII. After Many Years : A Singular Occurrence. After that noble young fellow, Sergt. Thomas Maddox, of Co. E, Second Ken tucky, was killed, one of his lieutenants, the Rev. G. B. Overton, em braced the first opportunity which seemed to promise success in getting a letter through the lines to his parents, notifying them of his death and the manner of it, as well as the character which he had maintained as a man and a soldier. Two and a half years more of the exciting events of war, the disappointment brought by the final overthrow of the Confederacy, and the exacting duties of the life that followed, led him to forget that he had ever written it. Thirty-five years after ward, however, while as Presiding Elder he was holding a quarterly meeting at Jeffersontown, Ky. , he was invited to the home of Mrs. Buchanan, Maddox s sister, who brought vividly to his mind the mournful circumstance by giving him the letter, which she had care fully preserved. The following is a copy : " CAMP NEAR MURFREESBORO , TENN. , December 13, 1862. Mr. and Mrs. Maddox " DEAR SIR AND MADAM : It is my painful duty to announce to you the death of your son, Thos. Maddox, a sergeant of Second Kentucky Regiment. " He was killed in the battle of Hartsville, December 7, 1862. One ball entered his arm, another his breast, and a third his mouth, which being partly opened did not in the least disfigure his face. " I have known Tom well and intimately ever since he entered the army. I never knew a better boy nor one whom I loved more. The HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN URIGADE. 167 contamination of camp life never reached his pure and lofty spirit. I never knew him to do a wrong. I never heard him speak an unkind u-ord. He lived in the fear of God and kept His commandments. " He was as brave as the bravest; and a smile of heavenly sweet ness rested on his countenance in death. " As sure as the Bible is true and religion a divine reality, his spirit rests with the sacramental host of God s elect. I bid you not sorrow ;>s those that have no hope, for he shall live again when the light if the resurrection morn illumines the earth. Death shall restore him immortal. May this blessed hope console your hearts in your sad bereavement. May the God of all grace comfort your hearts as only He can. " Yours respectfully, "G. B. OVERTON, " Sometime Chaplain Second Kentucky, now a Lieut, of Co. E" 168 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER IX. BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. On the afternoon of the 8th December the brigade again took up its quarters at Murfreesboro , and the ordinary business attendant upon camp life engaged attention, with little to vary the monotony till near the close of the month. Daily drill was practiced; and all that con cerned their welfare and their training was inquired into by their ever- vigilant commander. An order, which had been received on the i8th of July, while Breckinridge s division was at Vicksburg, to discharge all soldiers who should be under eighteen or over thirty-five years of age, at the expiration of the term for which they had originally enlisted, re quired some attention here, both before and after the battle of Harts- ville ; and a few of this class of soldiers were discharged from the Sixth and Ninth Regiments. On the i3th of December, President Davis visited the army at this point and reviewed the troops. Occasionally an old familiar face would appear in the various camps, fresh from Kentucky, and news from home would contribute its mite of joy or sadness. The weather was generally fair, and seemed rather to invite to active operations; but, aside from the constant movements and skirmishes of the cavalry, all was quiet enough, and, as far as warfare may be, gen erally pleasant enough, too. The troops now had as many tents as were really needed, and to these little chimneys had been constructed, which rendered them almost as snug, even in the worst weather, as the cabins usually prepared for winter quarters. They were better fed and better clothed than they had been before since leaving Bowling Green; and thus Christmas came on, with its thousand memories and associa tions ; but with it came news of trouble at the front. On the afternoon of December 26th, it was rumored that Rosecrans was advancing with a heavy and well-appointed force. The forenoon had been dark, rainy, and disagreeable ; but about one o clock the rain ceased, the afternoon was brighter, and there was more animation in the widely extended encampments. Towards night the distant boom of artillery was heard, and was kept up steadily for a short period, as at the opening of a regular engagement. It was the Twenty-first Corps, under Gen. Crittenden, engaged with the Confederate outposts in the vicinity of La Vergne. This corps was advancing directly on Bragg s HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 169 < enter, by way of the Nashville and Murfreesboro pike, with Thomas and McCook (Fourteenth and Twentieth Corps), on his right, proceed ing by way of the Franklin and Nolensville roads. The advance of these corps was also contested, and their artillery was frequently brought into play before night. Crittenden encamped about nightfall near La Vergne. Rain fell again during the night. It ceased before daylight of the 2yth, but there was a deep fog in the morning, which did not lift until about nine o clock, when Hascall s Brigade was able to move upon the Confed erate force occupying La Vergne, which it compelled to retire. The corps then resumed its march; but soon the cold and driving rain set in, and continued almost without cessation during the remainder of the day. After some desultory fighting, as the Confederate outposts gradu ally retired, it encamped that night near Stewart s creek, within ten miles of Murfreesboro with the Confederate pickets, however, still I tetween it and the stream. At Murfreesboro the main army of Bragg lay quiet throughout the day, and there was little or no preparation looking to a battle. Rumor was there, with her "thousand tongues;" but at nightfall nothing definite seemed to have been learned with regard to the real design of ;he Federal general, or, if he had learned anything about it, Bragg appears to have been over confident of his strength, and rather de sirous of courting battle upon an open field than of securing himself from defeat by fortifying his position. Just before sunset the season of rain and dreariness seemed to be ended. The sun came out, and the sky began to clear; and though the night was dark with lingering clouds, the next morning was serene and bright a beautiful Sabbath morning, opening a week big with fate to the contending hosts and to the country. Bragg was at last aroused, and orders were issued at an early hour for the army to take position, which it did during the day, December 28th, and early on the morning of the next. For the better understanding of allusions in the reports which we herewith publish, we may state that the army had been divided into two corps, commanded respectively by Lieutenant-Generals Polk and Hardee. The extreme right of the position chosen terminated on the Lebanon pike, two miles, perhaps, from Murfreesboro , the extreme left beyond or west of the Franklin road. Hardee s corps was to form right wing, extending from the Lebanon road to Stone River, nearly opposite Cowan s house, or the famous "burnt house," so much referred to in descriptions of that engagement. Folk s corps was to form left wing, touching Stone River, opposite Hardee, and ex tending to the left across the Nashville pike, the Nashville Railroad 170 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. and on toward the Franklin road. In addition to the two divisions each of Folk s and Hardee s corps, the division of Maj.-Gen. Mc- Cown, of Gen. Kirby Smith s corps, was present. The cavalry was in two divisions, under Major-Generals Wheeler and Wharton, with a smaller command under Pegram. The cavalry commanders were to watch their opportunity to make a circuitous march, dash upon Rose- crans wagon train, and interfere with his arrangements in the rear as much as possible, after which Wheeler and Wharton were to watch a flank each, and Pegram was to be held in reserve by the commanding general. When the formation was first made, Hardee s corps was placed wholly on the right of Stone River, Breckinridge s division constitut ing first line, Cleburne second, while Maj.-Gen. McCown s was held as a reserve force. During the forenoon, Breckinridge s division, consisting of four brigades and their meager compliment of artillery, was formed on the right bank of Stone River, almost perpendicularly with the stream at that point its right resting on the Lebanon pike, and its left on or near the river, a short distance below the crossing of the Nashville pike. The Kentucky Brigade, then under command of Brig.-Gen. Roger W. Hanson, occupied Breckinridge s extreme left. Brig.-Gen. J. R. Jackson s command of cavalry, temporarily reporting to Breck- inridge, was held in reserve on the right flank, east of the Lebanon road. Cleburne s division formed the second line, in easy supporting distance, and Maj.-Gen. McCown, of Kirby Smith s corps, being then with Bragg, was held with his divisions as reserve. Thus, it will be seen, the preponderance of forces was at first on the right plainly indicating that Bragg anticipated the heaviest blow from that quarter, to which view he was doubtless led by the fact that the dense wood on the left offered such an obstacle to success ful advance or retreat as would most likely determine Rosecrans to strike at a less obstructed point. The day was passed in almost unbroken quiet the men cooking their rations in the afternoon, and preparing for active work. The next morning was clear, but crisp and chilly ; but as the sun rose it became spring-like in its mildness. The army remained in position ; but the formation of the previous day was essentially modified during the forenoon, when it was ascertained that the heavier Federal force was approaching by the lower roads. The divisions of Cleburne and McCown were transferred to the left, leaving Breckinridge alone to hold the right, with his own division and Jackson s cavalry. The cannonading, though distant, announced that the enemy was advanc ing. Steadily he came on, while the Confederate officers were busy HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 171 all the forenoon inspecting the ground studying the field so soon to become historic in the annals of America. There was an eminence, six or eight hundred yards in advance of Breckinridge s line, com manding the river on the left and in the front, sloping gradually to the water s edge; and this it was deemed necessary to occupy. It was also considered important that the right of the division should con tinue to rest on, or very near the Lebanon pike, while the left should be in easy supporting distance of the right of Folk s corps, and con venient to the ford near the ruins of the bridge on the Nashville rail road. The force assigned to this part of the line was not sufficient, however, to fill out the space from the river to the road, should the whole be advanced so as to cover the hill in question, without weaken ing the support; and it was determined to detach the Kentucky Bri gade. This was accordingly thrown forward; and before sundown the battery of light artillery, under command of Capt. Robert Cobb, (attached to this brigade from the time of its organization till just before the battle of Mission Ridge), was posted upon the crest of the hill, with the infantry in close supporting distance. Hanson was now com pletely isolated being considerably in advance of the right of Folk s corps, as well as the remaining brigades of Breckinridge s division. In the afternoon, a large brick house near the intersection of the railroad and the Nashville pike, almost directly in front of Hanson s position, was fired, by order of Bragg, to prevent its occupancy by Crittenden s sharpshooters. The flames had scarcely ceased to rage, when the advance of the Federal army appeared along the front, on each side of the turnpike, and bivouacked in line of battle Wood s division and Grose s bri gade, of Palmer s division, touching upon the left and the right of the road respectively, and just beyond the burnt house. As night drew on, the skies became again overclouded, and the air exceedingly raw and disagreeable. Without tents, without fires, and, on the Confed erate side, without adequate protection in the way of blankets and clothing, the troops prepared to sleep in line of battle. An incident now occurred which is worthy of record, as probably never having been fully understood in all its bearings by the Federal troops concerned in it. A heavy picket force had been thrown out in front of the Kentucky Brigade, occupying this^advanced and isolated position as before explained. The remainder of the command were endeavoring to make themselves as comfortable as possible, some thirty yards back from the crest of the hill, some of them having already lain down to sleep, when they were suddenly aroused by rapid firing in the vicinity of the burnt house. They sprang to arms, but had not completed formation when the flash of rifles was seen 17 2 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. along the little eminence, and bullets came whistling over and among them. The pickets had been driven in, closely followed by the Fed erals, who were now upon the main body of the brigade, in what force it was impossible to determine, and the situation was critical in the extreme. Knowing their own weakness, being apprehensive of the strength of the attacking force, and conscious at first thought that their shots might be far more destructive to the retreating pickets than to the enemy, there was no alternative for the Confederates but to fall back under fire, in the now total darkness, and prepare for action, or else break into a rout and leave the field precipitately. It was a try ing moment; but the officers were equal to the emergency, and the command was speedily aligned and prepared for resistance. It directly appeared, however, that the assailing force had no disposition to press the attack, as only a few straggling shots were fired after the first near volley or two the greater portion of the enemy withdrawing at once to their supporting force beyond the river. It was afterward stated that some misapprehension had arisen in the mind of Rosecrans, owing to false or misinterpreted signals, leading him to suppose that the Confederate right had been withdrawn ; whereupon he had or dered a portion of the Twenty-first Corps to advance and occupy the town. In compliance with this order, HascalPs brigade actually crossed the river, and, as we have seen, encountered and drove in the pickets, and part of it dashed up to the very muzzles of Cobb s guns, and almost within bayonet reach of the infantry. One man ran up so close to the battery that the fire from his rifle singed and powder-burnt one of the gunners ; but in the darkness and confusion he made his escape. When the enemy retired, the brigade was withdrawn some three or four hundred yards, fearing to advance, lest they come suddenly upon the enemy lying in wait, and being apprehensive of an attack in force should they remain in position there. The loss inflicted upon the main body of these troops was inconsiderable ; but a number of the pickets had been wounded some of whom fell into Federal hands, besides two or three killed. The Forty-first Alabama Infantry, which had lately been attached to this brigade, lost one of its best officers, who was commanding the picket force and fell when the onset was first made. Thus, it will be seen, this important position, the loss of which would have thoroughly disconcerted all the plans of the Confederate General, and changed the entire aspect of the battle, hung for a moment in the wavering of a balance. The Federals being once established upon it, the natural strength of Bragg s position would have been rendered nugatory. It would have given the Federal army three of the strong- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 173 est positions possible to have been attained on that memorable field ; namely, that which Gen. Sheridan occupied on Tuesday evening, and from which he could scarcely be driven at all on Wednesday, though the other divisions of that corps had been pushed back and left him doubly exposed; the celebrated " Round Forest," in the center, where Neg- ley and Rousseau withstood successive dashes of the storm, and over which the contending armies continued to struggle, at times, till after Bragg had brought about the denouement by sacrificing Breckinridge on Friday afternoon; and this, the key to the Confederate position, and which would have rendered practicable the original plan of the battle which Rosecrans proposed to himself. It was one of those peculiar circumstances of war beyond which men cannot see of which the prudent cannot avail themselves, but which sometimes serve" to give blind and heedless leaders an extrinsic greatness. A venturesome dash upon the place that night would have put it under Federal con trol. Even a conflict in the darkness, with the weak force by which it was held, could scarcely have resulted in anything else, had the assail ants been strong enough to cover the line while the temporary con fusion prevailed ; but there was really no need for this, as, after the skirmishers retired, the main body of Hascall s troops could hardly have reached it so soon as not to find it abandoned. It seems, how ever, to have been decreed that the battle should not be lightly won by either of the belligerents; and the night passed, with this bone of contention lying alone, midway between them. After having withdrawn to such distance as to be comparatively safe from the shots that might be fired from this hill, Hanson s command lay in line of battle in an open field. Early next morning, however, it occupied the line of the day before indeed, one of the regiments had moved up an hour or two before dawn, the rest following as soon as it was light. The weather had now set in windy, cloudy and cold, and the situa tion of the men was trying beyond conception. During the whole of that day they lay quiet, under frequent and furious shelling, to which they could reply with only an occasional shot from the battery. It was much of the danger without any of the excitement of battle. Fires were forbidden ; and so, damp, cold and in much anxiety and suspense, they passed the time. Meanwhile, McCook had fought himself into position on the ex treme right of the Federal line. Not satisfied with merely getting up, he pressed heavily upon Folk s left flank, just before night, and en deavored to take one of his batteries. But after a short and sanguinary conflict, he was driven back, and the opposing hosts bivouacked in order of battle, so close to each other that the Federal bugle and drum 17 4 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. calls were plainly heard by the Confederates whom the Federal bands also taunted by playing " Dixie " for a long time, and with uncommon pathos, and following this with two airs which the southerners were trying their best to forget Yankee Doodle" and "Hail Columbia." Temporary earth-works had been constructed along the crest of the hill of which we have been speaking, extending from the left of Cobb s Battery down the slope to the right, behind which lay the Kentucky Brigade ; while the remainder of Breckinridge s division and Jackson s cavalry kept their places as originally formed. Indications were now plain that the great struggle was close at hand. For five days the Federal army had been advancing, skirmishing and reconnoitering, and Rosecrans had perfected his plan of battle. It was afterward known, (and Bragg seems for once to have divined the purposes of his antagonist and to have frustrated his schemes by a timely blow), that these were in the first place, to throw Crittenden upon Breckinridge who, as has been seen, was covering Murfrees- boro with his right in constant jeopardy from any troops who might .advance by the Lebanon pike, holding Thomas in the center, ready to support him, and Negley s division in reserve to Thomas, to maintain connection between the right and left, in case the main body of the Fourteenth Corps should find it necessary to unite with Critten den in turning and breaking the Confederate right. In the next place, .and meanwhile, McCook was to hold the left in check, if possible, until Crittenden, or he and Thomas united, had performed the part allotted to that wing that of driving the Confederate right back upon its left. This would have turned every natural advantage against the Confederates, and, with Murfreesboro in possession of the Federals, the entire supplies of Bragg within their grasp, and his army thrown for the most part into a quadrangle, three sides formed by the lines of the Federal forces and Stone River, with its rugged bluffs, defeat would have been almost certain destruction. The dawn of the fateful day, Wednesday, December 31, 1862, was ushered in with a deep fog; this gave way, as the sun came up, to clouds less dense ; then this veil of nature was entirely lifted, the sun shone bright, and the air was balmy, till the contending hosts had rushed to the shock, and the smoke and stench of carnage began to rise upon the erewhile gentle breeze. A little after sunrise the battle opened in earnest on the left of the Confederate line, (north bank of Stone river), and raged throughout the day, with occasional lulls in the storm. So terrible was the onset of the Confederates upon Mc Cook coming, too, at a time when he had been lulled into a false security by the failure of Hardee to attack at daylight that the battle assumed an unfavorable aspect to the Federal army within HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 175 h.ilf an hour; and soon the right was hopelessly broken, and the right center engaged in a deadly struggle so that the condition of affairs determined that Crittenden should not attack at all. This relieved Ilreckinridge from the present hazard; and, weak as was his force, in view of the line to be covered, portions of the division were transferred, from time to time during the day, to the left, to meet such exigencies as arose in the course of the battle. A portion of the Kentucky Brigade (the Sixth Regiment) was re moved, in the beginning of the engagement, to the left of the position hitherto described, and stationed immediately on the south bank of the river, a little in rear of a right line with the rifle-pits on the hill, and slightly in advance of Folk s right flank. The plain immediately be yond an old cotton field, skirted by a dense cedar wood was in full view of this regiment, while to the troops about the battery the posi tion in front of McCook was more or less plainly visible; and much of the dire conflict of that day was witnessed by this command, as it lay tnere, watching the issue of the struggle, and ready to contest the p.issage of the river, should the Federal arms prove victorious on the left and threaten Breckinridge from that quarter. But the grand events of that day have passed into history. The ex cellent plan of battle determined upon by the Federal General, by vhich natural obstacles were to be turned into advantages; the unac countable false security of McCook, at a moment when vigilance was nost to be expected, and by which the fine divisions of Davis and Johnson were quickly driven back, with frightful slaughter, while Sheridan suffered scarcely less; the attack of Polk, (supported by troops from Breckinridge), first upon Negley and Rousseau, then upon the entire Fourteenth Corps; the obstinately contested field; the terri- tle carnage ; and at last the uncertainty of the issue, when night fell upon the scene, these things have constituted the themes of many pens, and we need not attempt to treat more fully of them here. It is of one of the minor events in the great drama of the week, and its at tendant circumstances, that we have principally to do illustrating in a striking manner a peculiar phase of blindness which now, for the sec ond or third time during the war, lost to Bragg the opportunity to strike a decisive blow for the cause of which he was one of the chosen leaders. Some time before night the detached regiment of Kentuckians re turned to its place on the right of the battery; and, with the exception of a few artillery shots fired from an eminence on the right of the burnt house, Hanson was not, nor indeed was any part of the division, sub jected to annoyance during the evening. The next day, (Thursday, January i, 1863), was spent in almost pro- 176 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. found quiet, the monotony being relieved only by the sound of distant cavalry fighting, an occasional artillery shot, and once in a while desultory firing of pickets. The Federals had been re-formed during the night ; but their movements were concealed by the nature of the ground and by forests at least from eyes so easily dazzled by the prospect of victory as to be insensible to the possibility of an American general s recovering from the effects of a disaster, and wresting triumph from defeat; and Bragg, probably deceived by the withdrawal of Hazen s brigade from the position which it had held in Crittenden s front line, and being under the impression that the Union army was ruinously cut up and retreating, telegraphed to Richmond that the enemy had yielded his strong point and was falling back ; that the Con federates occupied the whole field; that, in short, the victory was his. But the suspense among the troops was dreadful. Knowing less than Bragg pretended to know, but suspecting more, they felt that the issue of the battle was not yet determined ; and they waited anxiously for further developments. It became plain, early in the day, that, though repulsed on the left, the Federal army, or at least a large portion of it, was in the Confederate right front; and though a thousand rumors were afloat, to the effect that the show of organized strength was but for the purpose of enabling the main body of the army to draw off in safety, none of them gained credence to any considerable extent; for the dilatoriness and want of decisive action on the part of the com manding general argued doubt and perplexity rather than the con sciousness of victory. This gloomy New Year s day went by with the Confederate troops thus inactive ; and even before its noon the golden opportunity that comes so seldom to the leaders of armies had passed away from Gen. Bragg, and the mark of waning fortune was again upon the cause which he represented. The dispositions of the troops of Rosecrans were completed the snare was laid; and as the Federal army had nothing to lose but everything to gain by waiting, it waited but mean while it worked. The Confederate army waited, and hoped. About nightfall it was reported that some Federal artillery had been put in battery on a bluff, a little to the right of Breckinridge s center ; and an order came from Bragg that Hanson must move up and take it. This, as was known to officers of the division, would necessitate the crossing of the river, and the ascent of the bluff beyond, against what odds it was impossible to tell ; and that, too, in the gloom of night all upon insufficient knowledge of the exact topography of the position to be assaulted by this handful of men. Some explanations were vouchsafed to the commanding general, and the order was counter manded. There were perhaps at that moment fifty-eight pieces of HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 177 ordnance in position along that bluff, with heavy supporting columns ; and Van Cleve s division was then south of the river and between Hanson and the point to be stormed. Grose s brigade, of Palmer s division, had been sent over in the morning to support Van Cleve, (or rather, Col. Beatty, who was commanding in Van Cleve s absence); but Grose was withdrawn before sundown, to bivouac in the forest beyond and this was probably magnified by the scouts and spies into the statement that the whole advance force had been withdrawn, thus inducing Bragg to order a forward movement. The next morning, Friday, was dull, cold, cloudy, and as peculiarly dreary as the day before had been. Not a shot was to be heard along the extended space which had marked the lines of the contending armies two days before, and which, in part, they still occupied. There were few signs of animation in the Confederate ranks, and none that could be discovered among the Federals. Pickets and skirmishers were relieved in a measured and deliberate way, as though it were but the form that must be kept up in the presence of an enemy, there bi ing nothing to indicate to the rank and file that upon the vigilance of the moment depended the safety of the troops and perhaps the fate of a cause. In the Orphan Brigade as perhaps in all the rest the morning rr eal was leisurely dispatched, and the men relapsed into that half- stupid and half-restless state that is observed to pervade a body of troops under arms but without active employment. Some lay upon their blankets and gazed vacantly upon the scene ; others sat in groups and talked in a dull and listless manner. The more unquiet wandered from company to company as far as was consistent with the orders of the day; and all seemed oppressed by the sense of dreariness and uncertainty, and that partial freedom from the perils of impending battle which does not entirely remove from the thoughts the anticipations of the dreadful ordeal, but is still sutticient to allow of ennui. Before noon it began to drizzle rain, and fitful showers cold and benumbing imparted increased gloom and discomfort. But about i o clock came signs of a general waking up. There were shots at intervals along the line of pickets, and officers were riding out for reannoissance. It was reported before 2 o clock that Beatty s picket lint had been pushed up to a certain old house, near a fence, forward and somewhat to the right of the battery to which we have before alluded. The skirmishers of the brigade were relieved by detail at 2 o clock. The special detail of the Sixth Regiment of Kentucky Infantry was put under command of Capt. Gran Utterback, who had orders to force his way up to the house in question, and burn it. He moved off 178 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. promptly ; the old skirmishers were relieved ; and he found the Fed eral advance already up to the fence, just in rear of the house, and also to the right of it, in his front. A detail from the Twenty-first Kentucky Regiment, infantry, United States Army, were throwing the fence down, preparatory to a forward movement, or to prevent the Confederates from sheltering behind it. The captain began at once a vigorous attack, pushed back the enemy s line, and set fire to the building; but in the course of the action he was mortally wounded. Meanwhile an order had come to Gen. Breckinridge directing, in sub stance, that he must promptly move upon the position occupied by Beatty, plant his artillery upon that hill, and hold it. Grose had come back now, it must be borne in mind, and, with a strong brigade, was posted on and about Beatty s left flank for what purpose, and to what effect, in this attempt of the Confederate general to recover by one desperate venture, the advantages lost by delay, will be adverted to hereafter. Such was the train of events which had their emphatic denouement in the charge of Breckinridge s division on Friday afternoon of that terrible week in front of Murfreesboro. This officer had now about forty-five hundred men, infantry and artillery, exclusive of Pegram s cavalry, which was ordered to cooperate with the movement, and of one infantry regiment and Cobb s Bat tery which were left to hold Hanson s old position against the possi bility of being taken by troops that might approach by turning or avoiding the left flank of the assailing force, or the right of those corps now held in observation north of the river. The main body of cavalry which had been ordered to join in the at tack failed to come up in time ; but the order to Gen. Breckinridge was of such a nature that he did not deem himself allowed that dis cretionary power which would justify delay; and he made his disposi tions at once. The infantry, two batteries of the artillery, and the cavalry present, were put under arms, and the order to march was given. The point to be assailed lay obliquely to the right of Hanson, and his regiments were turned and advanced by the right flank across an open field, into some woodland, probably half a mile from the original position. Here the main body of the division had come up, and the whole was halted and aligned. Hanson occupied the extreme left, and his left was designed to touch upon the river bluff at the point of attack. When the alignment was made, this brigade stood in an open space a bit of depressed fallow land in an angle of a field. Inter vening between it and the enemy was an uncleared space, covered, for the most part, with sassafras and other brushwood, and with briars, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 179 and a little ahead was another open plat of ground, descending from the bushes, for some distance, then ascending to the line upon which the enemy lay. The general character of the ground along the whole division was undulating and broken by thickets, forest trees and i tatches of briars. The formation was but fairly completed when Hanson rode up, 1 saving just left Gen. Breckinridge, and, accosting the colonel of the Sixth Kentucky, (which was to move in front of the extreme left), ^ave the order of advance to this regiment in person, in full hearing cf the soldiers, who stood grimly waiting, at an order arms, for the next act in the drama. "Colonel," he said, "the order is to load, fix bayonets and march through this brushwood. Then charge at double-quick to within a hundred yards of the enemy, deliver fire, and go at him with the bayonet." " Attention ! " rang out the voice of the officer addressed a man whom such an hour served always to prove iar greater in every respect than in his ordinary seeming " attention ! " r.nd pulses beat quick and the men nerved themselves for the struggle, knowing that the decisive moment had comer Then came the load ing, that act in a soldier s life fraught with so terrible a significance then the order to carry arms and march, and they stepped off in line of battle. With low, cautionary commands, as the officers exerted themselves to preserve formation, the brushwood was passed, the line was dressed, the pieces were brought to a "charge bayonet," and then the order was heard along the line, caught up and repeated by fold, staff and company officers, "Forward! Double-quick! March!" and they dashed down the declivity. An obstacle, in the shape of a pond of water of unknown depth, threatened to check the progress of the left; but, by a quick command to avoid it by one of those dexter ous movements known to military men, and which was handsomely executed, they cleared the pond, closed ranks on the opposite side, sprang forward up the hill a few paces, and delivered fire. Then, with a loud shout, they rushed at the Federal advance. The latter re plied with a volley, having held their fire for close work; and as the assailants became partially broken by the fence to which we have re ferred, and which they struck obliquely, there was a momentary de lay, which the Federals on that part of the line improved by reload ing and firing again upon the advancing columns. The first volley of the Confederates, however, had been deadly, and the onset was so fierce, that the front line now broke and retreated on the second, by which time the pursuers were bearing down upon them in full career, and could not then be checked. But at this point some Federal ar tillery began a cautious but well-directed and steady fire upon the ad vancing columns, avoiding their own troops, and yet doing execution 180 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. among the Confederates ; and, among others, Gen. Hanson fell mor tally wounded. But heedless alike of those who were falling now, and of the sure destruction awaiting them at the front, tl\ey rushed on firing as fast as they could load, and cheered amid the carnage and the din by the thought that perhaps now, even now, they were dealing the finishing blow to what had been begun on Wednesday, and that the disastrous effects of Perryville and the retreat from Ken tucky were about to be retrieved. The left wing of the Kentucky Brigade, striking the river first, as it ran obliquely and made a turn, so that, some hundreds of yards ahead, it came around almost di rectly in front, dashed into the stream, and reached the opposite bank, where some of them were captured, some killed and others escaped by striking abruptly off to the left and returning up the river when they found into what kind of toils they had been led. In the madness of pursuit all order and discipline were forgotten. In one instance a reserve regiment having full view of the manner in which the attack was made, became almost ungovernable through ex citement, and begged to join in the fray, which, from some mistaken notion of duty or misapprehension of orders, was allowed, and they came tearing down the slope by the river and intermingled with the front line. This proved in the end to be a most unfortunate circum stance. The turn of the river had the natural effect of crowding the ranks back towards the right and mingling them; and so, with the reserve troops that were thus thrown untimely forward, there was, in a few minutes, a mass of men huddled together upon this flank wholly disproportioned to the strength of the entire force. As the bluff beyond the stream began to be plainly visible, the Con federates were met by a well-directed oblique fire from the Eighty- fourth Illinois and Sixth Ohio regiments, of Grose s brigade, which had been stationed by that officer farthest in the rear, or, rather, so as to have formed the left of his line had the attack come from the quar ter where it was most expected the extreme right of the Confederate position. As soon, too, as the retiring Federals had well cleared the front, the Third Wisconsin Battery, also put in position by Grose near the regiments last named, opened furiously. As Beatty s Division was disappearing over the hill beyond, and the main body of the Confed erates were on the point of dashing wildly into the river, the very earth trembled as with an exploded mine, and a mass of iron hail was hurled upon them. The concentrated fire of more than sixty pieces of ordnance including the Third Wisconsin Battery was dealing death and destruction among them. Negley s Division had come up solidly to the front, along the line of the Federal batteries, and was pouring steady volleys into the disorganized and struggling mass. The rushing HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 181 host had been checked in mid career, and now staggered back. The artillery bellowed forth such thunders that the men were stunned and ^ould not distinguish sounds. " There were falling timbers, crashing .irms, the whirring of missiles of every description, the bursting of the dreadful shell, the groans of the wounded, the shouts of the officers, mingled in one horrid din that beggars description. In fact, no gen eral description can convey to the reader an idea of the terrible reality. ft is only the minute details of personal experience, through which single small bodies of troops pass, or in isolated facts, as the reader bears in mind that these, or something similar, were experienced by thousands of others, can he be impressed with the nature of the con- ilict that raged there, and the manner in which men inured to arms conduct themselves in the midst of such horrors. At a point near where such of Hanson s left wing as had not crossed the river were brought to a stand, there stood two great oaks, close to each other, and behind these a few men naturally sought shelter; but :hey had scarcely done so when bullets were cutting the bark from them at every cardinal point of the compass. The assailants, having ] messed to the right, in following the course of the river, instead of taking it squarely as they came up, had now passed so far forward as to be abreast of where one of Crittenden s right regiments had a number of sharpshooters concealed in some old houses on the opposite bank, and these gave them a raking fire of small arms ; so that, front and llank, the air was literally burdened with flying projectiles. It seemed impossible for a man to live a minute in such a horrid hail of shot and shell; but there they stood, plying their rifles eagerly, while so dire was the confusion, so thunderous was the cannonade, that the long line of Federal rifles on the bluff, as they poured forth their volleys, could not be heard, nor could the whistle of their bullets, so close were the Confederates to the on-coming enemy. They knew of the flying missiles only as they struck into trees and men, or tore up the ground around them. There was a composure there as the composure of despair. Men put on their ordinary seeming after the first stagger it was the sober state succeeding the intoxication of the pursuit so suddenly checked. The wounded who were not wholly stricken down spoke calmly of their hurts and walked composedly away. The survivors looked upon the dead, and spoke to one another of their fall. It was, for a few moments, one of those appalling storms in which humanity sometimes finds itself without the hope of escape; against which it has no visible protection ; and yet, in which men nevertheless move and speak and from which many are finally saved. It is one of the unaccountable things of war how so many live and so 182 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. few fall under some of the most desperate circumstances in which sol diers can be placed. To endeavor to press forward now was folly, to remain was madness, and the order was given to retreat. Some rushed back precipitately, while others walked away with deliberation, and some even slowly and doggedly, as though they scorned the danger or had become indif ferent to life. But they paid toll at every step back over that ground which they had just passed with the shout of victors. In addition to the execution done by the main body of the Federals, who had now become pursuers, they were terribly galled by Grose, who, in the main, had held his ground, and was pouring a destructive enfilade fire into the shattered column. Near the line where Beatty s division received the charge, the Con federates rallied and re-formed; but the Federals were in too close pursuit, and the new formation was too weak to offer any effectual re sistance, so it presently broke, leaving a part of the batteries for want of horses to carry them from the field. Cannoniers and animals had been almost entirely destroyed by the Federal artillery, whose fire they had attracted early in the action ; and retreat was so suddenly necessitated as to preclude the possibility of their being replaced in time to move the guns. When the Confederate troops had reached the line of rifle pits from which they had first started, and which were still held, in part, by Cobb s battery and the Ninth Kentucky Infantry, they rallied again and the pursuit ceased the Federals following but little beyond the original line of Beatty. It was now near nightfall and the evening was so cloudy that dark ness soon came on precluding the practicability of further active operations. The actual combat had lasted less than an hour. Gen. Breckinridge gave the whole time of the action as having been eighty minutes. It was stated by a participant that the time from the giving of the command " Charge bayonets" till the Confederates had been driven back to that line was forty-two minutes. But, in proportion to the number of combatants among whom the shock first occurred, the slaughter had been terrible. The Confederate loss was almost unparal leled in the annals of war ; while that of the Federals, as shown by their reports, was more than ordinarily heavy, considering the time that they were exposed to fire. But if the advance Federal division suffered in the onset, it was fearfully avenged at the last; for, in the short space of time mentioned, and chiefly during the last fifteen min utes, Breckinridge s loss, as stated by himself, was seventeen hundred men more than thirty-seven per cent. The Federal loss would doubtless have been far greater had it not HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 183 been for the excellent disposition of Grose s men, which was so posted as to protect Beatty s left flank in case of a heavy assault there ; to re inforce his whole line conveniently, could he have withstood the first shock ; or, in case of a repulse, to cover the retreat and check pur- suit. After a temporary confusion, and the sudden flight of Beatty s division, as the Confederate right partially covered and bore down upon this brigade, it poured in a destructive and well-maintained fire, which had the effect of pressing the Confederate right wing back towards the center, much the same as was produced by the turn in the river on the left and causing an attempt to push obliquely past him after the retiring division. When the Kentucky Brigade had formed on the original ground, near Cobb s Battery, a hasty roll-call followed, and it was afterward ascertained that nearly every unhurt man of that renowned command was present to answer a remarkable and noteworthy fact, that even veteran troops should be so little affected by such a terrible reverse. " Here/ says an officer, ." we were joined by Gen. Breckinridge, \vho had come around from the right front, where he had gone to di rect in person some movement near the old mill on that flank. I never, at any time, saw him more visibly moved. He was raging like :i wounded lion, as he passed the different commands from right to left; but tears broke from his eyes when he beheld the little remnant of his ;>wn old brigade his personal friends and fellow-countrymen ; and a sorrowful exclamation escaped his lips, to find, as he said, his poor ( )rphan Brigade torn to pieces. Bragg at once made his dispositions to retire with as little loss of men, munitions, and subsistence as possible ; and Saturday night the evacuation began. Breckinridge s division remained upon the old line until the preparations were completed and the remainder of the in fantry had begun the march southward. When the movement of this division began, the Kentucky Brigade was selected as a special rear guard of infantry, and did not abandon the line until daylight Sunday morning. Thus terminated the great battle of Stone River. The official reports of Gen. Breckinridge and Col. Trabue are ap pended. The first gives, with sufficient minuteness, the operations of the whole division, of which the Kentucky Brigade formed so import ant a part, and makes mention of gallant Kentuckians who were serv ing on his staff, and were otherwise directly under his orders and his observation. That of Col. Trabue is a concise history of the Brigade during the week. 184 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. HEADQUARTERS BRECKINRIDGE S DIVISION, ) January, 1863. j Maj. T. B. Roy, Assistant Adjutant-General SIR : I have the honor to report the operations of this division, of Lieut. -Gen. Hardee s corps, in the recent battles of Stone River, in front of Murfreesboro . The character and course of Stone River, and the nature of the ground in front of the two, are well known; and as the report of the general commanding will, no doubt, be accompanied by a sketch, it is not necessary to describe them here. On the morning of Sunday, the 28th of December, the brigades moved from their encampments and took up lines of battle about one and a half miles from Murfreesboro in the following order : Adams brigade on the right, with its right resting on the Lebanon road, and its left extending toward the ford over Stone River, a short distance below the destroyed bridge, on the Nashville turnpike; Preston on the left of Adams, Palmer on the left of Preston, and Hanson form ing the left of the line, with his left resting on the right bank of the river, near the ford. The right of Maj. -Gen. Withers, of Lieut. - Gen. Folk s corps, rested near the left bank of the river and slightly in advance of Hanson s left. Brig. -Gen. Jackson, having reported to me with his command, was placed, by the direction of the lieutenant-general commanding, upon the east side of the Lebanon road, on commanding ground, a little in advance of the right of Brig. -Gen. Adams. My division formed the front line of the right wing of the army; Maj. -Gen. Cleburne s divis ion, drawn up some six hundred yards in rear, formed the second line of the same wing; while the division of Maj. -Gen. McCown, under the immediate direction of the general commanding, composed the reserve. My line extended from left to right, along the edge of a forest, save an open space of four hundred yards, which was occupied by Wright s Battery, of Preston s brigade, with the Twentieth Tennessee in reserve to support it. An open field, eight hundred yards in width, extended along nearly the whole front of the line, and was bounded on the opposite side by a line of forest similar to that occupied by us. In the opinion of the lieutenant-general commanding, who had twice ridden carefully over the ground with me, and the general commanding, who had personally inspected the lines, it was the strongest position the nature of the ground would allow. About six hundred yards in front of Hanson s center was an eminence, which it was deemed important to hold. It commanded the ground sloping toward the river, in its HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 185 front and on its left, and also the plain on the west bank, occupied by the right of Withers line. Col. Hunt, with the Forty-first Alabama, the Sixth and Ninth Kentucky, and Cobb s Battery, all of Hanson s brigade, was ordered to take and hold this hill, which he did, re pulsing several brisk attacks of the enemy, and losing some excellent officers and men. A few hundred yards to the left and rear of this position, a small earth-work, thrown up under the direction of Maj. Graves, my chief of artillery, was held during a part of the operations by Semple s Battery of Napoleon guns. In the afternoon of Tuesday, the soth, I received intelligence from Lieut.-Gen. Hardee, that the divisions of Cleburne and McCown were to be transferred to the extreme left, and soon after an order came to me, from the general commanding, to hold the hill at all hazards. I immediately moved the remainder of Hanson s brigade to the hill, and strengthened Cobb s Battery with a section from Lumsden s Battery and a section from Slocum s Washington Artillery. At the same time, Adams brigade was moved from the right, and formed on the ground originally occupied by Hanson s brigade. Jackson was moved to the vest side of the Lebanon road, to connect with the general line of ;battle. All the ground east of Stone River was now to be held by one divis ion, which, in a single line, did not extend from the ford to the Leb anon road. I did not change my general line, since a position in advance, besides being less favorable in other respects, would have widened considerably the interval between my right and the Lebanon road. The enemy did not again attack the hill with infantry, but our troops there continued to suffer, during all the operations, from heavy shelling. Our artillery at that position often did good service, in diverting the enemy s fire from our attacking lines of infantry ; and especially on Wednesday, the 3ist, succeeded in breaking several of their formations on the west bank of the river. On the morning of Wednesday, the 3ist, the battle opened on our left. From my front, information came to me from Pegram s cavalry force, in advance, that the enemy, having crossed at the fords below, were moving on my position in line of battle. This proved to be in correct : and it is to be regretted that sufficient care was not taken by the authors of the report to discriminate rumor from fact. About half-past ten o clock A. M., I received, through Col. J. Stod- dard Johnston, a suggestion from the general commanding, to move against the enemy instead of awaiting his attack. (I find that Col. Johnston regarded it as an order, but as I moved at once, it is not material.) I prepared to fight on the ground I then occupied, but sup posing that the object of the general was to create a diversion in favor 186 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. of our left, my line, except Hanson s brigade, was put in motion in the direction from which the enemy was supposed to be advancing. We had marched about half a mile, when I received, through Col. Johnston, an order from the general commanding, to send at least one brigade to the support of Lieut. -Gen. Polk, who was hard pressed, and, as I recollect, two, if I could spare them. I immediately sent Adams and Jackson, and at the same suspended my movement, and sent forward Capt. Blackburn with several of my escort, to Capt. Coleman and Lieut. Darragh, of my staff, with orders to find and re port, with certainty, the position and movements of the enemy. Soon after an order came from the general commanding to continue the movement. The line again advanced, but had not proceeded far when I received an order from the general commanding, through Col. John ston, repeated by Col. Grenfell, to leave Hanson in position on the hill, and with the remainder of my command to report at once to Lieut-Gen. Polk. The brigades of Preston and Palmer were immedi ately moved by the flank, toward the ford before referred to, and the order of the general executed with great rapidity. In the meantime, riding forward to the position occupied by the general commanding and Lieut.-Gen. Polk, near the west bank of the river and a little below the ford, I arrived in time to see, at a distance, the brigades of Jackson and Adams recoiling from a very hot fire of the enemy. I was directed by Lieut.-Gen. Polk o form my line, with its right rest ing on the river and its left extending across the open field, crossing the Nashville turnpike almost at a right angle. While my troops were crossing the river and getting into line, I rode forward with a portion of my staff, assisted by gentlemen of the staffs of Generals Bragg and Polk, to rally and form Adams brigade, which was falling back chiefly between the turnpike and the river. Jackson, much cut up, had re tired farther toward our left. The brigade of Brig. -Gen. Adams was- rallied and placed in the line across the field, behind a low and very imperfect breastwork of earth and rails. These brigades did not again enter the action that day, (which indeed closed soon after with the charge of Preston and Palmer.) They had suffered severely in an attack upon superior numbers, very strongly posted, and sustained by numerous and powerful batteries which had repulsed all preceding assaults. The list of casualties shows the courage and determination of these troops. Gen. Adams, having received a wound while gallantly leading his brigade, the command devolved upon Col. R. L. Gibson, who dis charged its duties throughout with courage and skill. Preston and Palmer being now in line, Preston on the right, Lieut.- Gen. Polk directed me to advance across the plain until I encountered HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 187 the enemy. The right of my line rested on the river (and from the course of the stream would, in advancing, rest on or very near it), while the left touched a skirt of woods from which the enemy had been driven during the day. At the opposite extremity of the plain a cedar brake entended in front of Palmer s whole line, and two-thirds of Pres ton s line, the remaining space to the river being 1 comparatively open, with commanding swells, and through this ran the railroad and turn pike nearly side by side. It was supposed that the enemy s line was parallel to ours, but the result showed that, in advancing, our right and his left, at the point of contact, would form an acute angle. These two brigades, passing over the troops lying behind the rails, moved across the plain in very fine order, under the fire of the enemy s artillery. We had advanced but a short distance when Col. O Hara (my acting adjutant-general) called my attention to a new battery in the act of taking position in front of our right, between the turnpike and the river. I immediately sent him back to find some artillery to engage the enemy s battery. He found and placed in position the Washington Artillery. About the same time, Capt. E. P. Byrne re ported his battery to me, and received an order to take the best posi tion he could find, and engage the enemy. He succeeded in opening on them after our line had passed forward. A number of officers and men were killed along the whole line, but in this charge the chief loss fell upon Preston s right and center. His casualties amounted to one hundred and fifty-five. The Twentieth Tennessee, after driving the enemy on the right of the turnpike and taking twenty-five prisoners, was compelled to fall back before a very heavy artillery and musketry fire Col. Smith commanding, being severely wounded but it kept the prisoners, and soon rejoined the command. The Fourth Florida and Sixtieth North Carolina encoun tered serious difficulty at a burnt house (Cowan s) on the left of the turnpike, from fences and other obstacles, and were for a little while thrown into some confusion. Here, for several minutes, they were exposed to a destructive and partially enfilading fire at short range of artillery and infantry. But they were soon rallied by their gallant brigade commander, and, rushing with cheers across the intervening space, entered the cedar glade. The enemy had retired from the cedars, and was in position in a field to the front and right. By changing the front of the command slightly forward to the right, my line was brought parallel to that of the enemy, and was formed near the edge of the cedars. About this time, meeting Lieut. -Gen. Hardee, we went together to the edge of the field to examine the posi tion of the enemy, and found him strongly posted in two lines of bat tle, supported by numerous batteries. One of his lines had the pro- 188 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. tection of the railroad cut, forming an excellent breastwork. We had no artillery, the nature of the ground forbidding its use. It was deemed reckless to attack with the force present. Night was now approaching. Presently the remainder of Lieut. -Gen. Hardee s Corps came up on the left, and with McCown s command and a part of Cheatham s prolonged the line of battle in that direction. Adams Brigade also appeared and formed on the right of Preston. The troops t>ivouacked in position. The commanding general, expecting an attack upon his right the next morning, ordered me during the night to recross the river with Palmer s Brigade. Before daylight, Thursday morning, Palmer was in position on the right of Hanson. No general engagement occurred on this day, the troops generally being employed in replenishing the ammunition, cooking rations, and obtaining some repose. On Friday, the 2d of January, being desirous to ascertain if the enemy was establishing himself on the east bank of the river, Lieut. - Col. Buckner and Maj. Graves, with Capt. Byrne s Battery and a por tion of the Washington Artillery, under Lieut. D. C. Vaught, went for ward to our line of skirmishers toward the right, and engaged those of the enemy who had advanced, perhaps a thousand yards, from the east bank of the river. They soon revealed a strong line of skirmish ers, which was driven back a considerable distance by our sharp shooters and artillery, the latter firing several houses in the fields, in which the enemy had taken shelter. At the same time, accompanied by Maj. Pickett, of Lieut. -Gen. Hardee s staff, and by Maj. Wilson, Col. O Hara, and Lieut. Breckinridge of my own, I proceeded to ward the left of our line of skirmishers, which passed through a thick wood, about five hundred yards in front of Hanson s position, and ex tended to the river. Directing Capt. Bosche, of the Ninth, and Capt. Steele, of the Fourth Kentucky, to drive back the enemy s skirmishers, we were enabled to see that he was occupying, with infantry and ar tillery, the crest of a gentle slope on the east bank of the river. The course of the crest formed a little less than a right angle with Hanson s line, from which the center of the position I was afterward ordered to attack was distant about sixteen hundred yards. It extended along ground part open and part woodland. While we were endeavoring to ascertain the force of the enemy, and the relation of the ground on the east bank to that on the west bank of the river, I received an order from the commanding general to report to him in person. I found him on the west bank, near the ford below the bridge, and received from him an order to form my di vision in two lines, and take the crest I have just described with the in fantry. After doing this, I was to bring up the artillery and establish HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 189 it on the crest, so as at once to hold it and enfilade the enemy s lines on the other side of the river. Pegram and Wharton, who, with some cavalry and a battery, were beyond the point where my right would rest, when the new line of battle should be formed, were directed, as the general informed me, to protect my right, and cooperate in the at tack. Capt. Robertson was ordered to report to me with his own and Semple s batteries of Napoleon guns. Capt. Wright, who, with his battery, had been detached some days before, was ordered to join his brigade (Preston s). The brigades of Adams and Preston, which were left on the west side of the river Wednesday night, had been ordered to rejoin me. At the moment of my advance, our artillery in the cen ter and on the left was to open on the enemy. One gun from our center was the signal for the attack. The commanding general de sired that the movement should be made with the least possible delay. It was now 2:30 p. M. Two of the brigades had to march about two miles, the other about one mile. Brig.-Gen. Pillow having reported for duty, was assigned by the commanding general to Palmer s brigade, and that fine officer re sumed command of his regiment, and was three times wounded in the ensuing engagement. The Ninth Kentucky and Cobb s Battery, un der the command of Col. Hunt, were left to hold the hill so often re ferred to. The division, after deducting the losses of Wednesday, the troops left on the hill, and companies on special service, consisted of some forty-five hundred men. It was drawn up in two lines the first in a narrow skirt of woods, the second two hundred yards in rear. Pillow and Hanson formed the first line; Pillow on the right, Preston sup ported Pillow; and Adams brigade (commaded by Col. Gibson), sup ported Hanson. The artillery was placed in rear of the second line, under orders to move with it and occupy the summit of the slope as soon as the infantry should rout the enemy. Feeling anxious about my right, I sent two staff officers in succession to communicate with Pegram and Wharton, but received no intelligence up to the moment of assault. The interval between my left and the troops on the hill was already too great, but I had a battery to watch it, with a small infantry support. There was nothing to prevent the enemy from observing nearly all our movements and preparations. To reach him it was necessary to cross an open space six or seven hundred yards in width, with a gentle ascent. The river was several hundred yards in rear of his position, but departed from it considerably as it flowed toward his left. I had informed the commanding general that we would be ready to advance at 4 o clock, and precisely at that hour the signal gun was heard from our center. Instantly the troops moved forward at a quick step, and 190 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. in admirable order. The front line had bayonets fixed, with orders to deliver one volley and then use the bayonet. The fire of the enemy s artillery on both sides of the river began as soon as the troops entered the open ground. When less than half the distance across the field, the quick eye of Col. O Hara discovered a force extending considerably beyond our right. I imme diately directing Maj. Graves to move a battery to our right and open on them. He at once advanced Wright s Battery, and effectually checked their movements. Before our line reached the enemy s po sition, his artillery fire had become heavy, accurate and destructive. Many officers and men fell before we closed with their infantry, yet our brave fellows rushed forward with the utmost determination; and after a brief, but bloody conflict, routed both the opposing lines, took four hundred prisoners, several flags, and drove their artillery and the great body of their infantry across the river. Many were killed at the water s edge. Their artillery took time by the forelock in crossing the stream. A few of our men, in their ardor, actually crossed over be fore they could be prevented, most of whom, subsequently moving up under the west bank, recrossed at a ford three-quarters of a mile above. The second line had halted when the first engaged the enemy s in fantry, and laid down under orders ; but very soon the casualties in the first line, the fact that the artillery on the opposite bank was more fatal to the second line than the first, and the eagerness of the troops impelled them forward, and at the decisive moment when the oppos ing infantry was routed, the two lines had mingled into one, the only practical inconvenience of which was that at several points the ranks were deeper than is allowed by a proper military formation. A strong force of the enemy beyond our extreme right yet remained on the east side of the river. Presently a new line of battle appeared on the west bank directly opposite our troops, and opened fire, while at the same time large masses crossed in front of our right, and ad. vanced to the attack. We were compelled to fall back. As soon as our infantry had won the ridge, Maj. Graves advanced the artillery of the division and opened fire ; at the same Capt. Robertson threw for ward Semple s Battery toward our right, which did excellent service. He did not advance his own battery (which was to have taken posi tion on the left), supposing that that part of the field had not been cleared of the enemy s infantry. Although mistaken in this, since the enemy had been driven across the river, yet I regard it as fortunate that the battery was not brought forward. It would have been a vain contest. It now appeared that the ground we had won was commanded by the enemy s batteries, within easy range, on better ground upon the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 191 other side of the river. I know not how many guns he had. He had enough to sweep the whole position from the front, the left, and the right, and to render it wholly untenable by our force present of ar tillery and infantry. The infantry, after passing the crest and descend ing the slope toward the river, were in some measure protected, and suffered less at this period of the action than the artillery. We lost three guns, nearly all the horses being killed, and not having the time or men to draw them off by hand. One was lost because there was but one boy left (private Wright, of Wright s Battery) to limber the piece, and his strength was unequal to it. The command fell back in some disorder, but without the slightest appearance of panic, and reformed behind Robertson s Battery, in the narrow skirt of timber from which we emerged to the assault. The enemy did not advance beyond the position in which he received our attack. My skirmishers continued to occupy a part of the field over which we advanced until the army retired from Murfreesboro . The action lasted about one hour and twenty minutes. As our lines ad vanced to the attack, several rounds of artillery were heard from our center, apparently directed against the enemy on the west bank of the river. About twilight Brig. -Gen. Anderson reported to me with his bri gade, and remained in position with me until the army retired. I took up line of battle for the night a little in rear of the field over which we advanced to the assault, and Capt. Robertson, at my request, disposed the artillery in the positions indicated for it. Many of the reports do not discriminate between the losses of Wednesday and Fri day. The total loss in my division, exclusive of Jackson s command, is two thousand one hundred and forty, of which I think one thousand seven hundred occurred on Friday. The loss of the enemy on this day was, I think, greater than our own, since he suffered immense slaugh ter between the ridge and the river. I can not forbear to express my admiration for the courage and con stancy of the troops, exhibited even after it became apparent that the main object could not be accomplished. Beyond the general good conduct, a number of enlisted men displayed, at different periods of the action, the most heroic bravery. I respectfully suggest that au thority be given to select a certain number of the most distinguished in each brigade, to be recommended to the President for promotion. I can not enumerate all the brave officers who fell, nor the living, who nobly did their duty. Yet I may be permitted to lament, in com mon with the army, the premature death of Brig. -Gen. Hanson, who received a mortal wound at the moment the enemy began to give way. Endeared to his friends by his private virtues, and to his command by 192 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the vigilance with which he guarded its interest and honor, he was, by the universal testimony of his military associates, one of the finest officers that adorned the service of the Confederate States. Upon his fall the command devolved on Col. Trabue, who, in another organiza tion, had long and ably commanded most of the regiments composing the brigade. I can not close without expressing my obligations to the gentlemen of my staff. This is no formal acknowledgment. I can never forget that during all the operations they were ever prompt and cheerful, by night and day, in conveying orders, conducting to their positions regi ments and brigades, rallying troops on the field, and, indeed, in the discharge of every duty. It gives me pleasure to name Lieut. -Col. Buckner, assistant adjutant-general, who was absent on leave, but re turned upon the first rumor of battle; Col. O Hara, acting adjutant- general; Lieut. Breckinridge, aide-de-camp; Maj. Graves, chief of artillery, twice wounded and his horse shot under him ; Maj. Wilson, assistant inspector-general, horse shot; Capt. Semple, ordnance officer; Lieut. Darragh, severely wounded. Captains Mastin and Coleman, of my volunteer staff, were active and efficient. The former had his horse killed under him. Doctors Heustis and Pendleton, chief surgeon and medical inspector, were unremitting in attention to the wounded. Dr. Stanhope Breck inridge, assistant surgeon, accompanied my headquarters, and pursued his duties through the fire of Wednesday. Mr. Buckner and Mr. Zantzinger, of Kentucky, attached themselves to me for the occasion, and were active and zealous. Capt. Blackburn, commanding my escort, ever cool and vigilant, rendered essential service, and made several bold reconnoissances. Charles Choutard, of the escort, acting as my orderly on Wednesday, displayed much gallantry and intelli gence. The army retired before daybreak on the morning of the 4th of Janu ary. My division, moving on the Manchester road, was the rear of Hardee s Corps. The Ninth Kentucky, Forty-first Alabama, and Cobb s Battery, all under the command of Col. Hunt, formed a special rear-guard. The enemy did not follow us. My acknowledgments are due to Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Lieut. - Col. Brent, and Lieut. -Col. Garner, of Gen. Bragg s staff, and to Maj. Pickett, of Lieut. -Gen. Hardee s staff, for services on Friday, the 2d of January. Respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, Maj or- General, C. S. A~ HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 193 HEADQUARTERS KENTUCKY BRIGADE, TULLAHOMA, Jan. 15, 1863. Col. T. OHara, A. A. G. SIR : The untimely fall of the gallant and lamented Hanson, briga dier-general commanding this brigade, in the engagement on Friday, the 2d instant, at Stone River, imposes on me the duty of reporting, to the extent of my knowledge, the operations of the brigade prior to and after his fall, in the battle before that place. On Sunday, the brigade having received orders to that effect, marched from their camp in rear of Murfreesboro , at eight o clock A. M., to the position in the front line of battle indicated for our occupation. This brigade formed the left of Gen. Breckinridge s Division, and in line rested with its left on or near Stone River, extending eastward until the right was united to Col. Palmer s Brigade. The position first taken up (the exact line not having been pointed out) was along the skirt of woods in rear of the open fields, east and south of Stone River, which afforded, by the existence of a small ridge running parallel with the front, and a consequent depression in rear, very good protection; against the enemy s long-range artillery. On Monday, Semple s Battery of six Napoleon guns, furnished by the chief of artillery, was placed on the crest immediately in front of the right wing, and Cobb s Battery was held to be placed later. Thus formed in line, the Fourth Kentucky was on the right ; Second Ken tucky, Maj. Hewitt, second; Forty-first Alabama, Col. Talbird, third; Sixth Kentucky, Col. Lewis, fourth; and Ninth Kentucky on the left, Col. Hunt. On Monday evening it was perceived that the enemy meant to occupy immediately all the advantageous positions in our front, of which he could possess himself, for artillery. A prominent elevation existed one thousand yards in front of our left, which Gen. Breckinridge desired we should hold, notwithstanding it was liable to assault, being isolated one thousand yards in front of our lines. To this end, Col. Hunt, with the Ninth Kentucky; Col. Lewis, Sixth Kentucky; Lieut.-Col. Stan- sil, Forty-first Alabama, and Cobb s Battery, were ordered to occupy it. Throwing out skirmishers, they were soon engaged with those of the enemy. The force above named was then moved up to the front, in support of the skirmishers, and succeeded in establishing Cobb s Battery on the eminence. This was not accomplished without the loss of two valuable officers, Lieutenants Beale and Kennard, of Co. D, Ninth Kentucky the former severely, the latter slightly wounded. By this time it was dark, when the enemy endeavored, in a spirited effort, to retake the position, rapidly driving in our skirmishers, and approaching to within a few yards of the battery. This attempt was. 13 194 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. frustrated by promptly advancing the Forty-first Alabama, under Lieut. Col. Stansil, when the enemy were driven off in confusion, leaving two of their dead near the battery. Our loss here amounted to not less than ten wounded, falling mainly on the Sixth Kentucky and Cobb s Battery, among whom was Lieut. Holman, Sixth Kentucky. On Tuesday night these regiments were withdrawn, and I, with the Second and Fourth Kentucky, and Cobb s Battery, occupied this posi tion. It was deemed of the last importance to hold this hill, and orders were received to do so at all hazards, it being called the key of the battlefield. On Wednesday evening the entire brigade was brought up, having been reenforced by a section of Lumsden s Battery, commanded by Lieut. Chalaron, and a section of the Washington Artillery, commanded by Lieut. Tarrant; and Semple s Battery, having taken up a position six hundred yards in rear and left of us, a section of this battery re placed, for one night, Cobb s Battery. During the week which followed, we were kept here bivouacking in the mud and rain, and exposed to an incessant fire from the enemy s batteries and sharpshooters. A temporary and slight intrenchment was made, which, to some extent, protected the batteries, but the casualties at this place were not inconsiderable, amounting to fifty men, as stated above, and as will appear by reference to regimental reports. During the engagement of Wednesday time and again did the gal lant Cobb, aided by his not less gallant lieutenants, and the three sections before referred to, disperse the enemy s columns as they en deavored to succor that part of their force engaged with the right of the left wing of the army. Indeed, during every day of our occupa tion of this hill, our battery did signal service, frequently driving the enemy s artillery away, and often dispersing his infantry. All this while the brigade covered more than a mile of front, with skirmishers and pickets, using for that purpose from six to ten companies daily. These advanced to within one hundred yards of the enemy, in many places, and were hourly engaged. On this hill Cobb s Battery lost eight men. Col. Hunt, Ninth Kentucky, lost a most excellent offi cer killed his adjutant, Henry M. Curd whose death all lament; and wounded, Capt. Joe Desha, whose subsequent conduct elicited universal praise, together with Lieut. Lewis, Co. A, and Buchanan, Co. H, wounded, and three other officers and twenty-three privates. Col. Lewis, Sixth Kentucky, lost slightly here. Lieut-Col. Stansil, Forty-first Alabama, lost here two of his best officers and several men. The Second and Fourth Kentucky, though equally exposed, lost less at this point. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 195 On Friday, the 2<i instant, at three o clock, the order came to move to the right and front, and form the left of the front line of Breckin- ridge s Division, to attack that portion of the enemy s left which was posted in the woods and ravines on the south side of Stone River, op posite the extreme right of our army, which was done. Col. Hunt, with his regiment, remained at the hill, ordered to support the battery, and six companies were kept out as before, on picket duty, thus leav ing us for the fight about twelve hundred men. Stone River, in front of this new position, runs nearly parallel with the new line, but inclined to the point occupied by the right of this brigade, when by a change of direction to the north, it runs for some distance nearly perpendicularly from the front of our line. At this point, whence the river changes its direction northward, is a skirt of woods and an elevated ridge, behind which, and in the ravines and woods, the enemy lay concealed. To the right of our line the enemy were likewise posted in a wood, thus outflanking us. A thousand yards in the front from this first skirt of woods is a ford of the river, while the bank of the river opposite us, between the ford and point of attack, overlooks the south and east bank. One mile further down the river is another ford, as I have since learned. This topography, as well as the enemy s strength, were wholly unknown to us. The two lines of the division having been formed, the signal for attack was sounded at four p. M., when the brigade, in line, moved steadily forward to the attack, with arms loaded and bayonets fixed, instructed to fire once and then charge with the bayonet. The peculiar nature of the ground and direction of the river, and the eagerness of the troops, caused the lines of Pillow s (formerly Palmer s) brigade and this brigade to lap on the crest of the hill, but the fury of the charge and the effective fire of the lines, put the enemy at once to flight. All in front of us that were not killed or captured ran across the river at the ford, and out of range of our fire, as did a bat tery which had been posted off to our right; and many of the infantry mentioned before as being on the right likewise fled across this ford. A part, however, of this force, double-quicking toward the ford, from their position, finding they would be cut off, formed in line to our right on a ridge, and not being assailed, held this ground meanwhile ; and from the moment of beginning the attack the enemy s artillery from the opposite side of the river directed on us a most destructive fire. Very soon, too, the crests of the opposite side of the river swarmed with infantry, whose fire was terrible. Thus exposed to the fire seemingly of all his artillery, and a large portion of his infantry, from unassailable positions, as well as to the flanking fire from the right, it was deemed prudent to withdraw. This was done slowly, though not in the best order, resulting mainly from the confusion con- 196 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. sequent upon the too early advance of the second line into ground already too much crowded by the first. The lines were reformed about six hundred yards in rear of the river, and near the line from which we advanced to the attack. While thus engaged in reforming my own regiment, I received in telligence of the fall of Gen. Hanson, when I took command of the brigade, the other regiments of which had likewise been reformed. This brigade in the battle having advanced to within eighty yards of the ford, part of Col. Lewis Sixth Kentucky, and part of the Second Kentucky, having crossed the river a little to the left, when near the ford, slightly protected by a picket fence on this side, they fought the enemy across the river, until the rear having fallen back, made it nec essary to withdraw them also. I obtained returns on the field, show ing still in line more than half the men with which we started, not withstanding a loss of thirty-three per cent, killed and wounded. I re mained in line until 9 o clock, having replenished the cartridge-boxes, when I received orders to return to my original position on the hill, which was obeyed. We remained in this position until Sunday morn ing at i o clock, when, having been assigned the duty of bringing up the rear, we moved off with Col. Hunt s Ninth Kentucky, Forty-first Alabama, Lieut. -Col. Stansil, and Cobb s Battery, being detailed as special rear-guard. My pickets were withdrawn at 3 o clock A. M., ty Capt. Bosche, of the Ninth Kentucky, under direction of Capt. Martin, of Gen. Breckinridge s staff. I have thus briefly given you a report of the part taken by this brigade, omitting many details and incidents creditable to individuals and the command. In the absence of a report from my own regiment, Fourth Ken tucky, prior to the time when I took command of the brigade, I will state simply that both officers and men did their duty. Willis Roberts, major, was killed early in the action, by a grape-shot. Than he, there was not a more gallant officer; he had not recovered from wounds received at Baton Rouge. Lieut. -Col. Nuckols was wounded in shoulder near the picket fence ; Capt. Bramlett, First Lieut. Burn ley, Second Lieut. Higginson, Second Lieut. Clayton and Second Lieut. Dunn were killed; and Lieutenants Dudley, Robert Moore (since said to have died), John B. Moore, Lashbrook, and Thomson were wounded, together with privates and non-commissioned officers. One company, Capt. Trice s, being on picket duty, was not in the en gagement. The color-bearer, Robert Lindsay, being wounded, re fused to allow any one to accompany him to the rear, although bleeding at the mouth and nose. He handed the colors, on return, to private Jones, who was killed, when they were borne to the last by Joseph HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 197 Nichols, of Company F. Thus it will be seen that of twenty-three officers of this regiment who went into the fight, seven were killed and six wounded. The command of the regiment was, on my assuming command of the brigade, turned over to Capt. Tho. W. Thompson. The detailed statement heretofore furnished show the casualties to have been as follows : KILLED. WOUNDED. MISSING. Second Kentucky 14 70 24 Fourth Kentucky 12 47 n Sixth Kentucky 2 60 14 Ninth Kentucky I 28 Forty-first Alabama 18 89 35 Cobb s Battery 3 3 Total 50 297 84 Total loss, 431. The conduct of Col. Lewis, Sixth Kentucky, and Lieut.-Col. Stansil, Forty-first Alabama; Maj. James Hewitt, Second Kentucky; Lieut.-Col. Nuckols and Capt. Thompson, of Fourth Kentucky, as well as that of the other field and company officers engaged, was gal lant in the highest degree, and the men repeated, also, the steadiness and courage which characterized them at Donelson, Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Vicksburg, and Hartsville. Lieutenants Stake, Benedict and Capt. Chipley, of Gen. Hanson s staff, bore themselves with exemplary courage. My thanks are due, too, to the medical staff, and to Capt. Semple, division ordnance officer, and acting Lieut. Presley Trabue, brigade ordnance officer, for their promptness in bringing up supplies of ammunition ; and to my adjutant, Robert Williams, of Fourth Ken tucky. I can not close this report without more especial mention of one whose gallantry and capacity we all witnessed with pride, and whose loss we and the whole army sincerely deplore I mean the gallant Gen. Hanson, who fell in the pride of his manhood, in the thickest of the fight, nobly doing his duty. His wound was mortal, and death en sued on Sunday morning at 5 o clock. Col. Hunt, Ninth Kentucky, though not in the engagement of Friday, deserves commendation for his conduct, prior and subsequent to that time, as do the other officers and men of his regiment. Respectfully, R. P. TRABUE, Colonel Commanding Brigade. P. S. The missing were those who went into the engagement but who were not seen to come out, and must have been killed or 198 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. wounded. I find, also, I have omitted to mention that Lieut. -CoL Stansil received a severe wound in the leg, but did not quit the field, and still commands his regiment. It will be observed that Col. Trabue, having led his own regiment up to near the close of the engagement, and witnessed its casualties, mentions his wounded officers, in advance of regimental report from the commander who led it from the field. The reader is referred to the " Brief History of Individuals" for mention of those of the other regiments who fell there. Speaking of the affair with the enemy s skirmishers on the evening of December 29th, alluded to in the preceding report, a staff officer re marks, that "About four o clock on Monday afternoon, the enemy s skirmishers appeared, and Col. Hunt was ordered to move forward with Cobb s Battery, supported by his own regiment and two others, and hold a hill which was the real key of Bragg s position. At dusk, our skirmishers met the enemy and were driven back upon our line. A brisk encounter ensued, with the loss of several officers and men. The Federals approached so near that a member of Cobb s Battery was severely burned by the powder from a gun, from the discharge of which he was wounded, as he stood with his hand resting upon the limber of his piece. At this critical moment, Col. Hunt ordered a charge, which he led in person, and drove what afterward proved to be a Federal brigade across Stone River. Night closed in, enveloping our line in darkness not a fire being kindled. An order came about ten o clock for Col. Hunt to abandon the hill occupied, and take a new line farther back. I had known much of him, but never before saw him so restless and excited when not under the observation of the men. Just over the hill which loomed above us could be heard the busy axes of the Federal troops ; and who, for a moment, imagined that, with the coming dawn, they would neglect to occupy a position, the possession of which would render our line untenable ? About four o clock next morning he sent repeatedly for permission to reoccupy the hill, and not receiving a prompt reply, he assumed the responsi bility, advanced, and formed upon it. When daylight came, it was obvious to all observing men that the movement had saved our posi tion." A Federal account of the action says, that the number of guns massed on the bluff was fifty-eight, and that for full fifteen minutes they continued to pour their storm of shot and shell into the now broken division. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 199 INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES : AT MURFREESBORO ; AND AT AND AFTER STONE RIVER. I. Preston s Coolness and Heroism. When Gen. Preston s brigade, in connection with Palmer s, made the attack on the enemy s left, December 3ist, as noticed by Gen. Breckinridge, having been ordered forward after the repulse of Jackson and Adams, it was on the right of Palmer, and nearest the river. It moved forward across the open field, with its flank exposed to the fire of twenty pieces of artillery, and the strongest position of the enemy s line. Preston or dered the Twentieth Tennessee to make a half-wheel to the right be yond the railroad, and it attacked with such dashing courage that it drew away the fire from his line advancing across the plain. The bri gade rapidly passed the plain, and, dauntlessly moving under the fire of the artillery, carried the wood. Preston had a staff officer (Ewing) killed by his side, and another (Lieut. Whitefield) severely wounded, who fell across his horse, covering him with his blood. The general s cap was struck with a shell, but he escaped without a wound. One of the regiments had broken ; but Preston seized the colors and rode before the line toward the enemy when, rallied by its officers, and by Whitefield, the standard-bearer seized his colors again, and the regi ment dashed forward over the plain and into the wood. II. Suffering -with Cold. After Sunday, December 28th, the week at Stone River was almost constantly inclement, and the suffer ing was great, particularly among those who at different times consti tuted the picket force that covered the position at night. On the night of Tuesday, December 3oth, it was extremely cold ; and as it was impossible to kindle even the smallest fire without attracting the enemy s attention, the pickets suffered almost to absolute freezing, as they quietly waited and watched, nearly motionless, for indications of the foe. " I thought," said one, describing his experience, " that I had been cold before; but I never suffered on account of wintry weather as I did that night." III. A Surgeon s Experience on the Field at Stone River. On Wednesday afternoon Capt. Jo Desha was brought to my ambu lance corps like a man dead from a shell wound. I ordered the nurse to put a cold-water compress to his head. I was so engaged for an hour that I could not give him my personal attention, but at the end of that time I went to look after my patient. He was gone; had hur ried back to the front and resumed command of his company. Cor poral Hawes, of one of Cobb s guns, had been detailed to serve with me as druggist for the Second Kentucky. When the firing began, he left me, saying: " Doctor, I must go to my gun. If I get killed, tell my sweetheart that I died like a hero." In two hours after that a can non ball took his head off. He has buried on Whayne s Hill, where he fell. Shortly after Breckinridge had made the desperate charge of Friday afternoon, a staff-officer on a black horse dashed up to the field hospital with an order: " Move up your ambulances at double-quick to yonder woodland," pointing to where the Orphans had gone in. There was now a mingled roar of continuous musketry and the thunder 200 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. of artillery. An ambulance was hurried to Gen. Hanson. A brave surgeon of Louisiana artillery had found him near Graves s Battery, wounded with the cone of a shell. A cord was used as tourniquet, and he was hurriedly driven towards Murfreesboro . I met his ambu lance and gave him a stimulant; his aide, Capt. Steve Chipley, was trying to control the artery; Lieut. Payne was holding his head; Gen. Breckinridge rode up a few hurried but pathetic words passed be tween him and his wounded brigadier and then he dashed away to look after his lines. Hanson did not utter a groan or speak a com plaining word. When I had done the little it was possible to do there, he asked me to leave him with Chipley and go to the help of his wounded men. About this time we found Lieut. Geo. Burnley with his leg all shattered; and as he could not then be moved we put him in a sink-hole to keep him from being torn to pieces with the enemy s shot and shell. Dr. John O. Scott, (Second Kentucky). IV. "That s Our Flag !" As the Second and Sixth Regiments retired from the river (and from the opposite side, where those who struck the stream first had gotten), Col. Lewis, directed an officer of the Sixth Kentucky, in answer to a question, to try to rally the men and make a stand just north of where Semple s five Napoleons were then in battery. The subaltern endeavored to execute the order, and called on the few men then on that part of the field to dress on a flag with which a brave color-bearer was faced to the front and standing fast. While the officer, within a feet of him, was directing attention to a body of the enemy coming up the slope a little to the left front, he heard a snap as of a blow against hard wood, and a glance at the color-bearer showed that a splinter had been knocked from the staff and the man was pitching -over as though desperately hurt. He ran and seized the colors, but had hardly raised them when a soldier who had stood, firing, a little to his right, ran up saying, " That s our flag !" "Whose flag?" "It belongs to the Second Kentucky, sir, and I ll carry it ! " It was promptly placed in the hands of the brave fellow ; but as the officer was knocked over in a minute afterward, and was soon after a prisoner, he saw nothing more of the colors or the man. The flag of the Sec ond Kentucky was carried off the field, after four color-bearers had been killed within a space of about thirty feet, but whether this was the fifth man who took the banner and saved it, or whether he mistook somebody else s for his own, has not been determined, though inquiry has often been made. V. Must Be Killed With Due Formality. The following horrid parody of the form of sentence usually passed by courts-martial upon offenders condemned to death was perpetrated at Murfreesboro in the autumn of 1862 by three officers of the Sixth Kentucky, who had been detailed to examine and report upon the condition of a dis eased mule : " We, the undersigned, a board appointed to examine a sick mule, respectfully report that in our opinion the said mule will never be fit for duty, and we do hereby recommend that he be shot to death in the presence of the wagoners." VI. Sententious as Suvaroff. James P. Tolle, the chief mu sician of the Sixth Kentucky, had for one of his drummers John C. Valcour, of Co. G. He was a hard-headed, refractory soul, and one HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 201 -morning Tolle became exasperated and shut off the wind of his nimble- sticks for an indefinite and threatening length of time. This was re ported to headquarters, whereupon came an order, duly headed, num bered and signed, to this effect : " The Chief Musician is hereby placed under, arrest for choking Valcour. " VII. Our One Military Execution. About the 4th of Decem ber, 1862, while the brigade was encamped near Murfreesboro , after its arrival from Knoxville, a young man of the Sixth Kentucky was found to be absent without leave. In a few days he was brought in under arrest, having been captured between that point and Kentucky. He was one of the corporals of his company ; had fought gallantly at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; and was every way a good and efficient soldier. Before a general court-martial convened in Folk s corps, December ist, and still in session when he was arrested, he was arraigned for trial on a charge of desertion. In the course of this trial it was brought out that in September or October, 1861, he enlisted for but one year, and that he did not hold the action of the regiment in reorganizing for the remainder of the war as binding on those who did not individually re-enlist, which he claimed he had not done ; that he was the son of an estimable widow with three daugh ters, for whose support and protection he had toiled living with them and making them his chief care ; that when he deemed it his duty to enter the army he provided for them a year s subsistence and left them all the money he could command; that he had expressed much solicitude con cerning them, and had at last told his messmates that he meant to go home and make further provision for them, after which he would return and resume his place in the regiment; and that his conduct up to this time had been exemplary. In spite of all this, however, and though ably represented by counsel, he was found guilty and adjudged to suffer death at such time and in such manner as the commanding general might direct. On the 2oth of December, Bragg issued an order ap proving the action of the court, and fixing Friday, December 26th, as the day on which he should be executed by shooting in the presence of the brigade. Personal pleading on the part of his officers and friends was of no avail, and on the 25th a petition was filed with the commanding general, asking suspension of sentence pending an ap peal to the President. This was signed by most of the commissioned officers of the brigade; but Bragg refused to grant it, alleging that de sertions were frequent in his army and that the law must be rigidly en forced. Gen. Breckinridge visited the condemned man in the Mur freesboro jail that night, and told him that his efforts and those of others had proved unavailing; and to Breckinridge he gave his pocket- book, requesting him to give it to his brother. Col. (afterward Gen eral) Lewis, and his captain and first lieutenant visited him on the morning of the fatal day, to have some last talk with him as his feet stood now upon the brink of eternity. Knowing him and feeling a comrade s interest in him, what a dreadful interview was that! With a yet lingering hope, but without communicating it to him, the three went again to Gen. Breckinridge to learn whether it were possible to move the commander ; but they found that Bragg was inexorable. The field officer of the day, charged with the execution of the sen- 202 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. tence, had detailed from the brigade guard one lieutenant, one non commissioned officer, and fifteen men (three from each of the five regiments). Three of the fifteen rifles were loaded with blank cartridges, so that there were twelve containing balls, and out of the fifteen men twelve were selected and given a rifle, but no one of the detail knew whether his contained a bullet. A circumstance should be related here, as at least one of the actors is yet living, and his con duct that day should be recorded, that now and henceforth he may be known and honored of those who still believe that mercy should have been extended to this erring man. Two or three lieutenants were designated successively to command the men who were to do the shooting, as one after another begged not to be peremptorily ordered to do so, and was excused. At length that noble soldier and Chris tian gentleman, Lieut. G. B. Overton, of Co. E, Second Kentucky, was called and told that he must doit. " Colonel," he answered, " I ll give up my sword before I ll command that detail ! " He was allowed to go and another was found. The morning was cloudy, and at ten o clock the rain began to fall heavily. At eleven, the hour fixed, the brigade was marched to its drill ground and aligned to make three sides of a hollow square. The clouds were lowering and the rain still fell, adding dreariness to the horrid scene. The condemned man was brought out in an open wagon, surrounded by his executioners. A hearse with coffin followed ; then came the brigade officer of the day and some other officers on horseback. As the wagon passed near me I could see the pale but firm countenance; the somewhat unnatural glare of his eyes when he looked upon those fellow-Kentuckians with whom he had fought and suffered as bravely as the best; and the sternly closed lips. He was placed standing with his back to the open space ; his hands were bound, but he asked to be spared that last indignity, blind-folding, and so he stood looking full at the file of executioners ten paces in front of him. Gen. Breckinridge dismounted and went and talked with him a little, then bade him good-bye, remounted his horse, and rode out of the lines. The Lieutenant of the Guard, on horseback, a few paces in the rear, called out, " Ready! " The guns were brought in position for cocking, and click ! click ! click ! went the hammers. Then the order, "Aim! " and a dozen rifles were leveled at the breast of our poor comrade. "Fire!" The sudden crash reverberated over the field, and he fell back dead. He was placed in the coffin, and the company buried him in accordance with his request, beside a cousin who had died at Murfreesboro in the spring of 1862, when the brigade stopped there on its way to Corinth. It was a horrifying spectacle. It was said that when the young man fell Gen. Breckinridge was seized with a deathly sickness, dropped forward on the neck of his horse, and had to be caught by some of his staff. If so, it was to the credit of the knightly leader whose presence on the field of battle was an inspiration. " The brave are ever kind," and only the desperately obdurate can look on with cold indifference when a fellow-soldier is shackled and shot down like a common male factor. VIII. Col. Trabue at Stone River. As an instance of Trabue s perfect self-possession under the most trying circumstances, Capt, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 203 John B. Moore, of Greensburg, related the following : When the brigade, reeling out of the fight, had reached the top of the hill from which the first lines of the enemy had been driven, a storm of shot and shell from more than fifty pieces of artillery, parked on the bluffs near the ford, was sweeping the ridge, and death to every man seemed imminent. Col. Trabue sat here on his horse, and while giving some directions he chanced to see a Yankee bugle lying on the ground near by. There, said he to one of my men, pick that up, Nichols. We ll need that. And near this point, too, is said to have occurred a rather humorous incident, as such things would, even in the most trying hours. A soldier who seemed to have held on near the river a little longer than others, was now observed coming out, with rifle trailed, in a long gallop. His line of march naturally brought him near the colonel, who exclaimed: Halt, sir! don t run. You re in just as much danger running as you would be in a walk. The man stopped a moment, and, looking up rather quizzically, bawled out in the uproar, Oh, yes, Colonel, I know that ; but then, you see, we get (/7, vn 1 so much quicker! and instantly set forward with even accelerated speed for a more eligible base upon which to rally." IX. Not a " Butternut Cap n." Occasional instances oc curred in which the Kentuckians rather involuntarily made it manifest that they did not want to be mistaken for other people. Whenever the Orphans became convinced that this or that body of troops was thor oughly reliable and could be trusted to stand fast to their flank, or come promptly and gallantly to their relief in a crisis, their admiration was quickly kindled, and their praise unstinted, no matter what State such troops came from. The term " butternut" was applied to the walnut- dyed jeans which was much worn by the Confederate soldiers in the Army of Tennessee, and by a natural metonymy the men them selves were "butternuts." (This, by the way of explaining what follows.) One afternoon soon after the battle of Stone River, a young and rather gasconading Federal surgeon came into the temporary hos pital, where Dr. Lytle was dressing the wound of Lieut. Frank Tryon, of the Second Kentucky. The wound was a dreadful one, and the sur geon s work, albeit as carefully done as though the patient were one of his own blue-coats, was so painful that the sufferer seemed to be grind ing his teeth, while his face was almost livid, though not a groan escaped him. The visiting surgeon, standing with his back to the fire, with his legs apart like the Colossus, stopped his general chatter long enough to ask : " Doctor, is that a butternut cap n ?" Tryon forget his misery for the moment and turned his eyes on the questioner, and they flashed as he jerked out angrily, "No, sir! I m none of your but ternuts!" Lytle, who was a thorough gentleman, was quick to ap prehend, and he answered soothingly, " Oh, no ! this is a Kentuckian." That, of course, was to the point, and the sufferer relapsed into quiescence under his hands. Poor Frank ! the sore place that a sight of his aspect and his misery made on my heart as he lay near me, and where he died soon after, remains with me, though the years of a gen eration have passed since then. 204 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER X. FROM MURFREESBORO TO MANCHESTER. TO MISSISSIPPI AGAIN. EX PEDITION TO RELIEVE PEMBERTON. FIGHTING AT JACKSON. RETURN TO CHATTANOOGA. BATTLE OF CHICK AM AUGA. INCI DENTS AND ANECDOTES. After the disastrous repulse of Friday evening, the weary night was passed, by the survivors, in the cold rain, at the old position, extend ing the line of Col. Hunt to the right the men hovering over a little fire, except the line of pickets, or wrapped in wet, some in bloody "blankets, while those of their wounded comrades who had fallen last were left to suffer the horrors of a long winter night, in their clotted gore, alone and unattended, perhaps to die, or to fall into the hands of their enemies, little less to be dreaded than death. The morning that dawned upon the armies was scarcely less gloomy and cheerless to the Confederates than the night had been. The day passed almost listlessly ; then the enemy s advance, for the purpose of feeling the position, on the night of the 3d, varied hum drum misery by putting the Confederate troops under arms. Then, on the early morning of the 4th, the retrograde movement began, under dispositions of the Kentucky Brigade mentioned, by Col. Tra- bue. Breckinridge s Division proceeded to Allisonia; thence, on the 8th of January, to Tullahoma, with the exception of the Ninth Kentucky, which was left at Manchester, and remained there some weeks alone, when the other regiments were sent back to that place. Pending the decision of the War Department as to the promotion of Col. Trabue, to succeed Gen. Hanson, Gen. Marcus J. Wright was assigned to the command of the brigade, on the iyth of January. He continued with it but a short time, however, till it was ordered to Man chester, February 3, where it was under command of Col. Hunt till the arrival of Gen. Helm, who had been some time on post duty, on account of accident at Baton Rouge, but had now recovered sufficiently to take the field, and had been relieved from duty at Pollard, Alabama, to report to Gen. Breckinridge for assignment. He took command of the brigade on the i6th of February, and announced the following staff: Capt. G.W. McCawley,*A. A. G. ; Maj. Thomas H. Hays, A.I.G.;Maj. * See part IV. of this work. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 205 John R. Viley, Chief Quartermaster; Maj. S. M. Moorman, Chief Commissary; Lieut. L. E. Payne, Ordnance Officer; and Capt. S. B. Shepp and Lieut. William Wallace Herr, Aides-de-camp. Capt. Fay- ette Hewitt, was added to the staff, on the i3th of May following, as A. and I. G. There was now a long period of comparative inaction. From the time of arrival at Manchester and Tullahoma little occurred to vary the monotony of camp life, save the expedients resorted to by the men to kill time with a certain amount of what they denominated enjoyment. The routine of drill and guard service, picket and police, by day ; dancing frolics with the girls in the neighborhood at night, or theatri cals and concerts in town, with the various amusements of the camp itself these duties were performed and these pleasures enjoyed ac cording to the tastes and dispositions of the men ; and these, for the most part, constituted the life of more than three months there. One little incident happened to create a more than momentary interest the capture of McMinnville, and some of a hundred men of the bri gade, who had been sent there on the 2oth of March to guard stores but military actions were rare with the infantry, and military achieve ments none. The cavalry under Forrest and Van Dorn was active, and, at Thompson s Station and Brentwood, in March, killed, wounded and captured almost the entire command of Col. Straight; but, up to some time in April, the infantry was allowed to rest ; and when move ments began, they were simply marchings and countermarchings, initiatory, as it proved, to the final abandoning of that line of defense, and even of Tennessee. Bragg s position was continually threatened, and picketing in force, with occasional movements apparently with a view to battle, took place during April and May. On the 23d of April, the Kentucky Brigade was sent forward to Beech Grove, twelve miles in the direction of Murfreesboro , and remained here till the first of May, when Gen. Helm was ordered to take position at Jacobs store, in the vicinity of Hoover s Gap Hardee s whole corps having been advanced in that direction. While here, the most noteworthy incident connected with the Ken tucky Brigade was its trial drill with the brigade of Gen. Dan Adams. A challenge had been made by Gen. Adams, and accepted by Gen. Helm, and it was arranged that four regiments of each should be drilled against each other, beginning on the igth of May, in the order of seniority of colonels. Matters were accordingly arranged, and, on the i pth, the Sixth Kentucky and Sixteenth Louisiana; on the 2oth, the Second Kentucky and the Thirteenth and Twentieth Louisiana (consolidated); on the 2ist, the Fourth Kentucky and Nineteenth 206 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Louisiana; and on the 220!, the Ninth Kentucky and Thirty-second Alabama were to contend for the championship of the Army not simply of the division, as it was matter of remark among Louisianians that Adams brigade was the best drilled in the Army of Tennessee, while Kentuckians retorted that they themselves could beat the world on any thing required of soldiers. This kind of badgering naturally produced great, but friendly emulation, and on the day of trial each strove to do his best, and show all his strong points to the greatest advantage. The Second, Fourth, and Sixth met their respective regi ments, and vanquished them the judges, who were the mutual choice of the parties, deciding, in every instance, for "old Kentucky." The Ninth was deprived of trial, as a movement was inaugurated be fore the day on which it was to occur, but no doubt existed as to favor able decision in its case. On these drill days a large concourse of people assembled to witness the display, and every thing assumed, for the time, a gala-day air of lively enjoyment. The generals of the Army of Tennessee looked on with pleased admiration as the splendid movements were executed; while the citizens, men, women, and children, manifested a most enthusiastic interest. On the 24th of May, Gen. Breckinridge marched, under orders, to Wartrace, where he was to take the cars for Mississippi, with all his force except the Tennesseeans, for the purpose of reenforcing Gen. Johnston in the attempt to relieve Pemberton, now closely besieged at Vicksburg. Orders had been issued that the men should have three days cooked rations in haversacks, and the Kentucky Brigade became impressed with the idea, by some means, that they were to go to Mississippi, though as yet no one not intimate at headquarters of division knew their destination. Their displeasure at the prospect of a return to a region where they had known little but want and suffering, in addition to the dangers they were always prepared to encounter, was great, and found vent in many expressions rather antithetical to good wishes for either Mississippi or Gen. Bragg. Gen. Breckinridge, knowing their feelings, appealed to Bragg to know whether he could not give him a brigade of Mississippians, who would naturally desire to return to their own State, and let the Kentucky Brigade remain where it would at least have the assurance of reaching Kentucky in case of a suc cess to the Confederate arms. Bragg left the matter to be decided loy Gen. Breckinridge himself, and in this dilemma he appealed to the brigade to know their choice. Having had them to assemble near his quarters, he explained to them the true state of the case. Though he made no allusion to the unpleasant feelings known to HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 207 have been existing between himself and Bragg ever since the battle of Stone River on account of Bragg s attempt to shift the loss of the battle to the shoulders of Gen. Breckinridge the men seemed naturally to take this view of the case that to stay was to decide for Bragg, whom they really despised, while to go would be to sustain their own general ; and when called upon they voted without dissent to accompany him, and made their vote emphatic by the most en thusiastic cheering for Breckinridge, and expressions of their determi nation to stand by him through good and evil. They accordingly took the train on the morning of May 25th, and were transported to Jackson, Mississippi, in common with the rest of the division, where they encamped on the 3d of June, having pre viously remained, however, three or four days six miles from the city, at the point to which the railroad had been torn up some time pre viously by Gen. Grant. The entire division of Breckinridge was encamped at Jackson, while the rest of the forces, then under immediate command of Johnston, for the relief of Vicksburg the divisions of Loring, Walker, and French were stationed in the neighborhood of Canton. Gen. Johnston was now making the most strenuous efforts to get sufficient force in hand to raise the siege of Vicksburg, but the condi tion of Bragg in Tennessee was such as precluded the practicability of having reinforcements from that army, while affairs in Virginia no less demanded the presence of all the troops now in that department, so that he was compelled to labor long and under many disadvantages to gather up a detachment here, another there, and little by little collect even enough with which to make a hazardous venture beyond the Big Black, for an attack upon the land force investing Vicksburg. Breckinridge s division spent the whole month of June in the vicin ity of Jackson, picketing, fortifying, and in little else than thecommo.n- place routine. The condition of Gen. Pemberton had now become so critical, however, that delay was disaster, and though an advance on the part of Gen. Johnston was but a forlorn hope, it was resolved upon, and on the first day of July his troops were ordered forward. The march of fourteen miles that day was the most trying ever made by the command. The day was hot, almost to suffocation, and to add to the extreme difficulty with which the movement was effected, the roads were dry, and the sand rose in clouds to envelop the heated, panting column. Water was so scarce that even a reasonable supply could not be procured, and extreme thirst contributed to the fatigue and discomfort otherwise endured. Many fell out exhausted by the way, and some died of sunstroke. No one of the Kentuckians, how ever, suffered to that extreme. 2C8 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. The command encamped that afternoon two miles west of Clinton, but resumed the march at three o clock on the morning of the 2d, and went to Bolton s Station, where it was again halted, and encamped early in the day. Then there was no further movement till the even ing of the 5th, at which time the division was moved six miles down the railroad and bivouacked in line of battle at Champion Hill; but next morning, Gen. Johnston having received information of the fall of Vicksburg, the return to Jackson began, and, on the after noon of the yth, the Kentucky Brigade went into camp on Pearl River, two miles below Jackson. On the morning of the pth, the approach of the Federals having been announced, the troops were placed in position, Breckinridge s division occupying the works between the Clinton road and the river, below Jackson, the Kentucky Brigade on the left of division, with its left flank resting on the river. The enemy appeared on the loth, and besieged the place. The Confederates improved their half-finished works, and the sharpshooters and artillery of both armies were thence forth engaged, more or less constantly till the lyth. Skirmishes between the advanced lines took place almost daily, and once during the week in which Gen. Johnston maintained his position there a heavy column of Federal troops made an attempt to break Breckinridge s center, oc cupied by Stovall s brigade, supporting Cobb s Battery. They were allowed to approach within short musket range, when Cobb opened upon them with grape and canister. Slocomb s Washington Artillery, of Adams brigade, on the right, was also in position to rake the enemy s left. The right of the Kentucky Brigade, as well as the left of Adams , and the entire front of Gen. Stovall, began an irregular fire of musketry ; but the dreadful discharges of the artillery could not be withstood. The enemy was instantly staggered, and, unable to advance, became confused, while the sweeping hail from the batteries mowed them down remorselessly till the living had escaped out of its deadly range, or made signs of surrender, to escape destruction. The only casualties to the Confederates were nine men of Cobb s Battery and three of Stovall s brigade, wounded; while the enemy lost two hundred killed outright, and two hundred and fifty wounded and pris oners. Five stands of colors fell into the hands of Stovall s brigade, and of the men of Cobb s and Slocomb s batteries. An attempt was made immediately to bring off the wounded and bury the dead, but even the litter-bearers were fired on, and it was not till the i4th that the Federal commander would consent to a short truce for the burial of his dead, when the horrid task of interring two hun dred mangled and now bloated corpses, the stench of which, at that HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 209 hot season, was almost insufferable, devolved upon parties detailed from the various commands of Breckinridge s division. The enemy gradually extended his lines and assumed a more and more threatening attitude ; heavy skirmishing and artillery fire, having excellent range, occurring on both the i3th and :6th. Gen. Johnston, knowing his own weakness, and having ascertained the strength of the enemy, which he was not prepared to withstand, had taken the neces sary precautions, and on the i6th withdrew by pontoon (the bridge having been destroyed) to the left bank of Pearl River, and began his march to Morton. The Kentucky Brigade was the rear-guard of the little army, but was not attacked, as the enemy did not press the pursuit in force, evidently inspired with caution, lest Gen. Johnston, whom they always seemed to suspect of some deep design, even when he was performing a most perilous feat of escaping from the toils of an overwhelming and well-appointed force, should inveigle them into a snare. On the 1 8th, the brigade was encamped on Dead River, and re mained there till the 2ist, then moved about nine miles, encamping four miles east of Morton, and, a little subsequently, to the spot, some four miles from that point, which was afterward known as " Camp Hurricane." This march of forty or fifty miles was, on the whole, a wretchedly disagreeable one, both on account of the warm and sometimes rainy weather, and the extreme scarcity of wholesome water, as well as the nature of the country through which the march was made. Gen. Helm, in a private letter to his wife, wrote, on the 22d: " As usual, we are on a grand retreat, the sufferings of which, so far as I am per sonally concerned, are unparalleled in the war. We have to drink water that, in ordinary times, you wouldn t offer your horse; and I have hardly slept out of a swamp since we left Jackson. This is the sixth day, and we have not come much over forty miles. Our retreat is very slow and deliberate. The enemy have not annoyed us." Here a month of inaction followed ; the quietest, and with least duty to perform, ever enjoyed by the Kentucky Brigade. Gen. Breckinridge was then ordered to reenforce Bragg at Chattanooga. The division left Camp Hurricane on the 26th of August, and pro ceeded by rail and steamer, by way of Mobile, to Chattanooga, or rather to Tyner s Station, where the brigade went into camp on the 2d of September. The health of the troops was now bad, and many of the division were consigned to hospitals; but those who were able for duty began, on the 8th of September, the initiatory movements to their part of the great battle of Chickamauga ; and after having marched and counter- 14 210 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. marched even more than is usually the case preliminary to an engage ment, they found themselves, on the i8th, in bivouac near the Chicka- mauga River, which was to be made classic on the next two days by a sanguinary contest scarcely paralleled in the annals of civilized man. As in previous instances, it is wholly impracticable to enter into minute inquiry as to the entire conduct of that battle, and the actions of various troops engaged. And even did the limits of our work ad mit, it would not be desirable, since we aspire to nothing of so compre hensive a nature. The following report of Gen. Breckinridge will en able the reader to understand the relative position of his division to the other divisions of the corps during the two days fighting, as also the position of the Kentucky Brigade of that division ; while the report of Gen. Lewis, following, records the special action of the brigade in question. It may be observed, however, that in August, Lieut. -Gen. D. H. Hill had reported for duty in the Army of Tennessee, and was placed in command of the corps of which Breckinridge s division formed a part. HEADQUARTERS, BRECKINRIDGE S DIVISION, ) D. H. HILL S CORPS, October, 1863. f Lieut. -Col. Archer Anderson, A. A. G. of Hill s Corps SIR: I have the honor to report the operations of my division in the battle of Chickamauga on the ipth and 2oth of September last. It was composed of the Second, Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth Ken tucky, and Forty-first Alabama Regiments, with Cobb s Battery, un der the command of Brig. -Gen. B. H. Helm; the Thirteenth, Twen tieth, Sixteenth, Twenty-fifth, and Nineteenth Louisiana, Thirty- second Alabama, and Austin s Battalion of Sharpshooters, with Slocomb s Battery (Fifth Washington Artillery), under the command of Brig. -Gen. Daniel Adams;* the First, Third, and Fourth Florida, Forty-seventh Georgia, and Sixtieth North Carolina Regiments, with Mebane s Battery, under the command of Brig. -Gen. M. A. Stovall. My effective strength was, of enlisted men, three thousand three hundred and ninty-five. Total, three thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine. At daylight of the i8th my command moved from Catlett s Gap, and that neighborhood, in the Pigeon Mountain, and the same after noon took position on the east bank of the Chickamauga, near Glass s Mill, and composed the extreme left of the infantry of the army. I immediately threw the Second Kentucky across the ford to skirmish with the enemy and reveal his position, the Sixth Kentucky being placed in close supporting distance at the mill. Adams brigade was *Gen. Adams was a native of Frankfort, Ky. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 211 sent by order of Lieut. -Gen. D. H. Hill to a ford a mile and a half above, where the enemy, as the cavalry reported, threatened to cross. It was so late when these dispositions were made that nothing satis factory was developed that night. On the morning of the ipth Slocomb, with four guns, Cobb, with two, and the remainder of Helm s brigade, were moved across Glass s Ford to ascertain the position of the enemy, while the two rifled pieces of Slocomb s Battery, under Lieut. Vaught, took position on a bluff upon the east side of the stream. An artillery engagement ensued much to our advantage, until the enemy, who occupied the better po sition, brought forward a number of heavy guns, and showed the greater weight of metal.* While the engagement was progressing, I received an order from Lieut.-Gen. Hill to withdraw my command, if it could be done without too great peril, and take position about three miles south of Lee and Gordon s Mill, on the road leading from Chat tanooga to Lafayette, and so as to cover the approach to that road from Glass s Mill and the ford above; leaving a regiment and section of artillery to observe those crossings. The movement was made in good order, Col. Dilworth, with the First and Third (consolidated) Florida, and a section of Cobb s Bat tery being left in observation. Our casualties, which fell upon Slocomb, Cobb and Helm, were twenty-two killed and wounded. The loss of the enemy in killed alone, as shown by an examination of the ground after the 20th, was nearly equal to the sum of our casualties. Although the enemy was in considerable strength at the fords above referred to, the result showed that it was a covering force to columns passing down the valley to unite with the center and left of his army. Soon after taking up the new position, I was ordered to relieve Brig. -Gen. Patton Anderson s division, which was facing the enemy opposite Lee and Gordon s Mill. The troops marched rapidly, yet it was late in the afternoon before this movement was completed. The division was hardly in position when I received an order from the general commanding the army to move to the right, cross the Chick- amauga at a point farther down, and occupy a position to be indi cated. The division crossed at Alexander s bridge, and arriving between ten and eleven o clock at night at a field about a mile and a half in the rear of the right of our line of battle, bivouacked there by order of Lieut.-Gen. Polk. Remaining some time at Lieut.-Gen. Folk s campfire, I left there two hours before daylight (the 2oth) to place my command in position. During the night Gen. Polk informed me that I was to prolong the line of battle upon the right of Maj.-Gen. Cleburne. Conducted by an officer of his staff and Lieut. Reid, aide-de-camp to *This was the celebrated artillery duel of Maj. Graves, alluded to elsewhere. 212 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Gen. Hill, my division reached Cleburne s right a little after daybreak. Upon the readjustment of his line, I formed on his right, and became the extreme right of the general line of battle. Helm was on the left of my line, Stovall in the center, and Adams on the right, the last extend ing across a country road leading from Reid s bridge and striking the Chattanooga road at a place called Glenn s farm. The country was wooded, with small openings, and the ground unknown to me. Our skirmishers, a few hundred yards in advance, confronted those of the enemy. Our line was supposed to be parallel with the Chattanooga road. Soon after sunrise, I received a note from Lieut. -Gen. Polk directing me to advance, and about the same time Maj.-Gen. Cleburne, who happened to be with me, received one of the same tenor. Lieut. -Gen. Hill having arrived, the notes were placed in his hands ; by his order the movement was delayed for the troops to get their rations, and on other accounts. Dilworth, who had been relieved by a cavalry force late the preced ing evening, and who had marched all night, now arrived and took his place in line. At half-past nine A. M. , by order of Lieut. -Gen. Hill, I moved my division forward in search of the enemy. At a distance of seven hundred yards we came upon him in force, and the battle was opened by Helm s brigade with great fury. The Second and Ninth Kentucky, with three companies of the Forty-first Alabama Regiment, encountered the left of a line of breast works before reaching the Chattanooga road, and though assailing them with great courage, were compelled to pause. From some cause, the line of my left had not advanced simultaneously with my division, and in consequence, from the form of the enemy s works, these brave troops were at first, in addition to the fire in front, subjected to a severe enfilading fire from the left. The rest of Helm s brigade, in whose front there were no works, after a short but sharp engage ment, routed a line of the enemy, pursued it across the Chattanooga road, and captured a section of artillery posted in the center of the road. This portion of the brigade was now brought under a heavy front and enfilading fire, and being separated from its left and with out support, I ordered Col. Joseph H. Lewis, of the Sixth Kentucky, who succeeded to the command upon the fall of Gen. Helm, to with draw the troops some two hundred yards to the rear, reunite the brigade, and change his front slightly to meet the new order of things, by throwing forward his right and retiring his left. The movement was made without panic or confusion. This was one of the bloodiest encounters of the day. Here Gen. Helm, ever ready for action, and endeared to his command by his HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 213 many virtues, received a mortal wound while in the heroic discharge of his duty. Col. Hewitt, of the Second Kentucky, was killed, acting gallantly at the head of his regiment. Captains Madeira, Rogers, and Dedman, of the Second, Capt. Daniel, of the Ninth Kentucky, and many other officers and men met their deaths before the enemy s works; while Col. Nuckols,* of the Fourth Kentucky, Col. Caldwell, of the Ninth, and many more officers and men were wounded. In the meantime Adams and Stovall advanced steadily, driving back two lines of skirmishers. Stovall halted at the Chattanooga road. Adams, after dispersing a regiment and capturing a battery, crossed at Glenn s farm, and halted a short distance beyond in an open field. When Helm s Brigade was checked, and I had given Col. Lewis orders in reference to his new position, I rode to the commands of Adams and Stovall on the right. It was now evident, from the com paratively slight resistance they had encountered, and the fact that they were not threatened in front, that our line extended beyond the enemy s left. I at once ordered these brigades to change front per pendicularly to the original line of battle, and with the left of Adams and the right of Stovall resting on the Chattanooga road, to advance upon the flank of the enemy. Slocomb s Battery, which had previously done good service, was posted on favorable ground on the west of the road to support the movement. The brigades advanced in fine order over a field, and entered the woods beyond. Stovall soon encountered the extreme left of the enemy s works, which, retiring from the "general north and sooth direc tion of his intrenchments, extended westwardly nearly to the Chattanooga road. After a severe and well contested conflict, he was checked and forced to retire. Adams, on the west of the road, met two lines of the enemy, who had improved the short time to bring reinforcements and reform nearly at a right angle to the troops in his main line of works. The first line was routed, but it was found impossible to break the second, aided as it was by artillery ; and after a sanguinary contest, which reflected high honor on the brigade, it was forced back in some confusion. Here Gen. Adams, who is as remarkable for his judgment on the field as for his courage, was severely wounded, and fell into the hands of the enemy. Lieut. -Col. Turner, of the Nineteenth Louisiana, was wounded, and the gallant Maj. Butler, of the same regiment, was killed. Stovall had gained a point beyond the angle of the enemy s main line of works ; Adams had advanced still farther, being actually in rear *Col. Nuckols received his wound while leading the Fourth, as skirmishers, and in conflict with a strong force of the enemy, some time before. 214 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. of his intrenchments. A good supporting line of my division at this moment would probably have produced decisive results. As it was, the engagement on our right had inflicted heavy losses, and compelled him to weaken other parts of the line to hold his vital point. Adams Brigade reformed behind Slocomb s Battery, which repulsed the enemy by a rapid and well-directed fire, rendering, on this occasion, important and distinguished service. By order of Lieut. -Gen. Hill, my division was withdrawn a short distance to recruit, while the troops of Maj.-Gen. Walker engaged the enemy. My new line was about six hundred yards in advance of the position on which I formed first in the morning, with a slight change of direction, which brought my right relatively nearer the Chatta nooga road. Soon after taking this position, an attack was reported on our right flank. It proved to be Granger s corps coming up from Rossville, and threatening our right with a part of his force. At the request of Brig. -Gen. Forrest, I sent him a section of Cobb s Battery, under the command of Lieut. Gracey, who assisted hand somely in repulsing the enemy. At the request of the brigade commanders, the artillery of the di vision had been ordered to report to the brigades with which they were accustomed to serve. Cobb s Battery, from the nature of the ground, could not participate to its accustomed extent, yet, as opportunity offered, it displayed its usual gallantry. The excellent battery of Capt. Mebane, for the same reason, was able to take little part in the action. The afternoon was waning, and the enemy still obstinately con fronted us in his intrenchments. I received permission from Lieut. -Gen. Hill to make another charge. A line of troops on my right, and covering a part of my front, advanced at the same time. A portion of these troops obliqued to the right, and my line passed through the rest, who seemed to be out of ammunition, so that after moving a few hundred yards, the enemy alone was in my front. The division advanced with intrepidity, under a severe fire, and dashed over the left of the intrenchments. In passing them I saw on my left the right of Maj.-Gen. Cleburne, whose brave division stormed the center. Several hundred of the enemy ran through our lines to the rear, the rest were pursued several hundred yards and beyond the Chatta nooga road; of these some were killed, and a good many taken pris oners, but most of them escaped through the darkness. It was now night; pursuit. was stopped by order of Lieut.-Gen. Hill, and, throw ing out pickets, I bivouacked in line near the road. The prisoners taken by my command, of whom there was a con- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 215 siderable number, were allowed to go to the rear, since details could not be spared for them, and it was known they would be gathered up there. The division captured nine pieces of artillery. I am aware that it is usually the whole army, not a part of it, that takes guns from the enemy, and that often the troops who obtain possession of them owe their good fortune quite as much to fire from the right and left as to their own efforts. Yet I think it due to my command to say that in regard to six at least of these guns such considerations do not apply, and that they were taken without assistance from any other troops. My total casualties, as shown by official reports, were twelve hun dred and forty, of which number one hundred and sixty-six were killed, nine hundred and nine wounded, and one hundred and sixty- five missing. To Brig. -Gen. Stovall, to Col. Lewis, who succeeded to the com mand of Helm s brigade, and to Col. Randall L. Gibson,* who suc ceeded to the command of Adams brigade, the country is indebted for the courage and skill with which they discharged their arduous duties. The officers and men of the division, with exceptions so rare as to place in striking contrast to them the general good conduct sustained their former reputation, and were alike worthy of each other. To the gentlemen of my staff I feel sincere gratitude for the prompt, fearless, and cheerful manner in which they discharged their duties. Maj. Wilson, assistant adjutant-general; Col. Von Zinken, A. I. General, who had two horses shot under him; Capt. Mastin, A. I. General, who received a contusion from a grape-shot ; Lieut. Breckin- ridge, aide-de-camp, whose horse was shot ; Capt. Semple, ordnance officer; Lieut. Berties (Twentieth Louisiana), A. A. I. G.; Dr. Heustis, chief surgeon ; Dr. Kratz, on duty in the field, and Messrs. McGehee, Coleman, Mitchell, and Clay, volunteers on my staff, performed their duties in a manner to command my confidence and regard. One member of my staff I can not thank. Maj. R. E. Graves, chief of artillery, received a mortal wound in the action of Sunday, the 20th. Although a very young man, he had won eminence in arms, and gave promise of the highest distinction. A truer friend, a purer patriot, a better soldier never lived. I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE-, Major- General, P. A., C. S. *Col. Gibson was a native of Woodford county, Ky. 216 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. INDORSEMENT OF REPORT. In speaking of the final attack on the afternoon of the aoth, Gen. Breckinridge employs a phrase in a different sense from its ordinary meaning. He says: "I received permission from Lieut. -Gen. Hill to make another charge." The facts in the case are simply these : About 3:30 p. M., or it may be a little later, I ordered another major-general, not of my corps, but who had been sent to report to me, to make the attack, telling him that Breckinridge s men, after their repulse, were scarcely in a condition to make another charge. He replied, "My division was sent by Gen. Polk as a support to Gen. Breckinridge, and, under my orders, I can do nothing more than support him." I then returned to Gen. Breckinridge, told him of this conversation, and asked him if his troops were ready to renew the attack. He answered, "Yes, I think they are." I then added, "Well, then, move promptly, and strike hard." The division responded to the order with a cheer, moved off in beautiful style, and made a most glorious charge. D. H. HILL, Lieutenant- General. HEADQUARTERS HELM S BRIGADE, 1 BEFORE CHATTANOOGA, September 30, 1863. ] Major James Wilson, Assistant Adjutant General SIR: The death of Brig.-Gen. B. H. Helm makes it my duty, as senior colonel commanding, to report the part taken by this brigade in the action of the ipth and 2oth instants : On the afternoon of the i8th, the brigade took position on the right bank of West Chickamauga, near Glass s Mill, except the Second Kentucky Regiment, deployed on the opposite side as skirmishers. On the morning of the ipth, the command, with Cobb s Battery, crossed the stream. About nine A. M., a shot from the battery, into a house about five hundred yards off, where the enemy s skirmishers were concealed, excited an immediate response from the enemy fur ther to the right, followed soon after by a spirited artillery duel, in which Slocomb s Battery, also, which had, in the meantime, crossed over, participated, resulting in silencing the enemy. Soon, however, another battery of the enemy opened fire still farther to the right. In a short time, orders having been issued from Maj.-Gen. Breckinridge to that effect, the whole command recrossed the stream and moved to the Chattanooga road. Fourteen men of this brigade were killed and wounded on this occasion. From thence we moved toward Chatta nooga, to the position held by and relieving Deas brigade. About HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 217 two hours after nightfall we reached a point one and one-half miles beyond Alexander s bridge, where we bivouacked until three A. M., 2oth instant, when we were ordered to our position in line of battle one mile or more beyond and on the left of the division. We got into position and were ready to advance by about half-past five A. M. Soon after getting into position, one company from each regiment was, un der command of Lieut. -Col. Wickliffe, of the Ninth Kentucky, de ployed two hundred and fifty yards in advance as skirmishers. Be coming hotly engaged with the enemy, the Fourth Kentucky Regi ment, Col. Nuckols commanding, was ordered to their support. The skirmishers of the enemy, having the advantage in position, showed determination and kept up a rapid fire, wounding several officers and men before the advance of the brigade. Among others severely wounded was Col. Nuckols, by which his command was thereafter de prived of the services of this gallant and meritorious officer. Between nine and ten A. M., the brigade advanced in the following order, viz.: the Sixth Kentucky, Col. Lewis, and the Second Ken tucky, Lieut. -Col. Hewitt commanding, on the extreme right and left respectively. The Fourth Kentucky, Maj. Thompson, and Ninth Kentucky, Col. Caldwell commanding, on the right and left center respectively, and the Forty-first Alabama, Col. Stansil commanding, in the center. The enemy s fortifications did not extend the entire length of the brigade front, but the Sixth and Fourth, and seven companies of the Forty-first, in advancing, passed to the right and clear of them, con sequently fighting the foe on something like equal terms. This por tion of the command, with but a momentary halt and no hesita tion, steadily drove the enemy back to within one hundred yards of the Chattanooga road, when I discovered a battery of two Napoleon guns fifty yards beyond the road. Here I also discovered, for the first time, what the thicker growth of timber had prevented me from observing before, that the left of the brigade was considerably in rear. Neither a halt nor retreat at this time was, in my judgment, proper or allowable. So the command was given to take the battery, and it was done. Soon after crossing the road, Capt. McCawley, of Gen. Helm s staff, informed me that the general had been mortally wounded, near the position occupied by the left of the brigade. The right not being then under fire, I left it in command of Lieut. - Col. Gofer, and started, on Capt. McCawley s horse, to where the other portion of the brigade was. I encountered considerable diffi culty in reuniting the brigade, on account of the distance apart and the want of staff aid, having no one with me but Capt. Hewitt, and not him immediately, on account of the loss of his horse. Although 218 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. not personally cognizant of the behavior of the left of the brigade previous to assuming command, yet I am warranted, by information of an entirely satisfactory kind, in speaking of it. Justice to the living, and affectionate memory of the dead, make it a duty and a pleasure to allude to their conduct in terms of praise. After advancing about four hundred yards, they encountered a heavy musketry and artillery fire in front, and also an enfilading fire from the left, which the failure of the command to their left, to ad vance simultaneously with Breckinridge s division, enabled the enemy to pour into their ranks. Besides, I am satisfied they were subjected to a fire on their right from the two pieces subsequently captured by the right of the brigade. Yet three several times this devoted little band charged the enemy, securely fortified and in a favorable position. Though necessarily repulsed, their frightful loss shows their constancy and bravery. Here the kind, pure, brave Brig. -Gen. B. H. Helm was mortally wounded, heroically doing his duty. Lieut. -Col. James W. Hewitt, in advance of his regiment, and showing a devotion and daring entitled to the highest commendation, was killed. Col. Cald- well was severely wounded, as usual, in his place, doing his duty. Robert C. Anderson, color-sergeant Second Kentucky, was killed upon the enemy s works, after having planted his colors thereon. Here fell many another officer and soldier, life images of Kentucky s old, re nowned, and valiant soldiers, true men. The blood of her sons also attest Alabama s chivalry and manhood. As soon as I ascertained the exact position of the left, I caused it to be moved, by the right flank, to the right, and in advance of where it was then, till the right of the brigade, under command of Lieut. -Col. Gofer, was met he having recrossed the road when I formed the brigade in line of battle nearly perpendicular to the road and to the enemy s works. About this time I received orders from Lieut. -Gen. Hill, through one of his staff, not to advance, but to await the arrival of fresh troops. In a short time Gist s brigade attacked the enemy, passing through my lines for that purpose, but was drawn back. Ec- tor s brigade then advanced, but, being unable to drive the enemy from his works, finally fell back, leaving this brigade again to confront the enemy. My men, though at this time nearly exhausted by several hours hard fighting, and suffering greatly for want of water, remained firm, no one leaving his place. After the repulse of the other two brigades, I was ordered to retire several hundred yards to the rear to rest the men, which was done in good order and without confusion. Late in the afternoon AValker s division advanced against the enemy, a portion of it attacking the same point the left of this brigade did in the morning. Being with my command about four hundred yards in HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 219 rear at that time, and out of sight of the combatants, I could not see with what result the attack was made, though a short time thereafter Cheatham s division moved to the attack over the same ground U right s brigade, of that division, passing through the lines of this brigade. After some time had elapsed, and it appearing from the firing that no appreciable advantage had been gained, this brigade was moved forward, being on the left of the division. In advancing, it was discovered that the center brigade of the division lapped on mine, making it necessary for me to oblique to the left about two hundred yards. It was also necessary to advance the left more rapidly than the right wing, in order to get on a line more parallel with the enemy. Both these difficult movements were executed while marching through the woods, without any material derangement of the line, the com mand moving steadily and unfalteringly forward. Upon arriving in sight of the enemy s fortifications, the brigade rapidly charged upon them, driving them from their stronghold, in confusion, toward the Chattanooga road. The pursuit was continued across an open field till the road was reached, when, it being dark, I judged it prudent to halt, which met the approval of Lieut.-Gen. Hill, who, close after us, immediately came up. In passing through the fortifications, a number of prisoners were captured and sent to the rear. We also captured two pieces of artillery in the road, which our rapid pursuit of the enemy prevented their carrying off one Napoleon ;md one James rifle. The nature of the ground (woodland) prevented Cobb s Battery performing the important part in this action he and his gallant company have so often done, and knew so well how to do though, in the afternoon, one section, under the gallant and faithful (iracey, was placed in position under Gen. Forrest. I refer you to ("apt. Cobb s report for an account of their behavior on that occasion. I am not enabled to state the exact number engaged in the actions of the ipth and aoth. But one thousand three hundred is the approx imate number of officers and men, including Cobb s Battery. The whole number of casualties were sixty-three killed and four hundred and eight wounded. It would afford me pleasure to designate, by name, the officers and men who so gallantly fought on these two occasions, for, with very few exceptions, all did their duty; but to do so would swell this report to an inordinate size. However, I feel it to be my duty, and take pleas ure in the performance of it, to call attention to the conduct of the field officers of the different regiments. Lieut.-Col. Cofer, in com mand of the Sixth, after I took command of the brigade; Maj. Clark, of the same regiment; Maj. Thompson, in command of the Fourth, after Col. Nuckols was wounded ; Capt. Millet, senior captain, acting 220 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. field officer, of the same regiment ; and Maj. Nash, in command of the seven companies of the Forty-first Alabama, all came under my observation. In each I remarked constancy, gallantry, and coolness. In the afternoon, Col. Stansil, of the Forty-first; Lieut.-Col. Wick- liffe, in command of the Ninth, after Col. Caldwell was wounded: and Capt. Gillam, acting field officer, of the same regiment, attracted my notice, and but confirmed the good account I had of them in the morning. Capt. Lee, of the Second Kentucky, though too unwell to endure the fatigue throughout the day, acted as field officer with his accustomed bravery in the charges made by the left in the morning. It is the highest praise I can possibly bestow on the officers of the brigade, to say they proved themselves, in nearly every case, worthy of their commands. Of the staff of Brig.-Gen. Helm, I take pleasure in bearing testi mony in behalf of, and making special mention of Capt. Fayette Hewitt, assistant adjutant-general. As soon as he was enabled to dc so, he reported to me, and throughout the entire action, after the death of Gen. Helm, as well as previous thereto, as I learn, he displayed coolness, gallantry, and judgment. Capt. G. W. McCawley, assistant inspector-general, promptly re ported to me the wounding of Gen. Helm, as before stated, at which time I got from him his horse, not having my own with me, when he returned to where Gen. Helm was wounded and remained with him. I am reliably informed that, previous thereto, he was in his place or the left, and acted bravely and efficiently. Capt. Helm, acting commissary of subsistence, though not compel led to do so, went on the field and did his duty. Lieut. William Wallace Herr, aide-de-camp, and Lieut. John B. Pirtle, acting aide-de-camp, reported to me as soon as the necessary at tention to their wounded general allowed, and thereafter acted gal lantly and faithfully. I inclose the several reports of regimental and battery commanders, together with a list of killed and wounded. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOSEPH H. LEWIS, Colonel Commanding Helm s Brigade. The Fifth Kentucky fought at Chickamauga in Kelley s brigade of Preston s division, and of course is not noticed in the preceding re ports. It behaved with conspicuous courage and steadiness and received honorable mention from both its division and brigade com manders. A number of the officers were specially commended in re ports. The following report of Col. Hiram Hawkins, commanding, is HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 221 uublished here, as the connection of the Fifth with the other regiments of the brigade began substantially with this battle : HEADQUARTERS FIFTH KENTUCKY, } NEAR CHATTANOOGA, October 20, 1863. ) Lieut. Mastin, A. A. G., Kellers Brigade: SIR : As directed, I submit the following report of the operations of my command, on the ipth and 2oth ultimo, in the battle of Chicka- mauga: My position was on the left of your brigade, in line of battle ready for action on the igth; frequently shelled during the day. On the 2oth, marched in my position in line over the battlefield >ome three miles (frequently under fire and in range of shells and can ister from the enemy s guns), when we came up to the enemy in strong position on a range of hills. We were immediately ordered to charge. My men rushed forward, reserving their fire until within a very short range, and, after a desperate struggle, drove the enemy before them, and crossed the bridge under a heavy cross-fire from the left and very direct, and a cross-fire from the right, at least eighty yards in advance : f the brigade, driving the enemy from my front, when the command :>n my left rallied, moved forward, and drove the enemy from my left. 1 then moved by the right flank and rejoined my brigade. The enemy, mil firing on me from the right, soon with great fury assailed my front. I ordered my command forward, swinging a little to the right, and again drove the enemy and crossed the ridge some forty paces in advance of the brigade, and nearly silenced the fire in my front, and uas directing my fire to the right when part of Col. Trigg s command passed to my left, covering part of my front. My ammunition being nearly exhausted, I ordered my men to fall back and rejoin the brig ade, and replenish their boxes with ammunition from the dead and wounded, as far as practicable. Col. Palmer, having been moved from the right to the left, placed my command in center of the brigade, which was ordered forward by the colonel commanding. Changing direction to the right, (it then being near dusk), we moved but a short distance, when a line of battle was discovered forty to sixty yards distant, who first announced that they were friends and then that they surrendered. Stealing this ad vantage, they treacherously fired upon us, killing and wounding several of my men and officers. Among the killed was Lieut. Yates, a brave and gallant officer. The same volley shattered the leg of Capt. Cal- vert, who has since died. My men, recovering from the temporary surprise caused by the treachery, reformed, and, with fixed bayonets, advanced on the enemy, 222 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. joined by Maj. French, then by Col. Palmer, in conjunction with Col. Trigg, and captured two regiments of the enemy, who surrendered to Col. Trigg during Col. Kelley s temporary absence. As the column began moving with the prisoners a volley was fired into our ranks, causing a good deal of confusion, it then being nightfall. Many of the prisoners scattered. Col. Trigg s command moved off, leaving them. They would have made their escape had I not recaptured them {249, including three field officers). Moved them from the battle ground and turned them over to Lieut. -Col. Wade, except the three field officers, who were sent by Col. Kelley to division headquarters. My loss was fourteen killed on the field, seventy-five wounded, one captured, and one missing. Maj. Mynheir fell severely wounded while urging the men forward in making first charge. Capt. Jo Desha was wounded early in the action (shot through the arm near the shoulder) ; remained on the field with his company until the enemy was ours. Although this was the first time, with few exceptions, that my officers or men were under fire, they behaved with becoming gallantry and courage, never faltering when ordered forward. Lieut.-Col. G. W. Conner and Adjt. Thos. B. Cook displayed great gallantry and coolness, and deserve honorable mention. My company officers and men, with few exceptions, seemed to vie with each other in deeds of gallantry. Very respectfully, H. HAWKINS, Colonel Commanding Regiment. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES : FROM MURFREESBORO TILL AFTER CHICK- AM AUGA. I. Danger in Loose Orders. We are indebted to a member of the Ninth Regiment for the following little incident, which shows that our honored corps commander, Gen. Hardee, entertained an idea that when danger was to be encountered, orders to Col. Hunt, at the head of Kentucky soldiers, should be cautiously worded, as, in case of doubt, he would be sure not to take counsel of fear, but would make things clear on that score, be the hazard what it might : While the brigade was at Beech Grove, Gen. Bragg directed Gen. Hardee to send him out with his own and another regiment towards Murfreesboro , with orders "to proceed as far as he possibly could." Gen. Hardee transmitted the order, as in duty bound, but imme diately rode over to Gen. Bragg s headquarters, and told him that it would never do to start Hunt with those Kentuckians towards Mur freesboro , with such an order as that, "for they wouldn t stop this HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 223 side of hell ! " The consequence was, that, about midnight, while the boys were busy cooking and preparing to take an early start for that uncertain point, the order was countermanded. II. The Best Drilled Regiments in the Army of Ten nessee. At Beech Grove there was a beautiful piece of grassy bot tom land surrounded by smoothest green bluffs, which was set apart and used for drilling purposes by the various military bodies in the vicinity. On this drill ground about the middle of May occurred a grand match drill between the First Kentucky Brigade, commanded then by Col. Trabue and the First Louisiana Brigade, commanded by Gen. Adams. A good deal of friendly rivalry had existed between the two brigades, and all things being propitious, a challenge was given and accepted. Each brigade had the same number of regi ments, (five), and these were to match each other according to seniority, the contest to end with a match brigade drill. Col. John C. Brown, afterward Governor of Tennessee, and a colonel, whose name [ have forgotten, were chosen judges, and Gen. W. J. Hardee, um pire. The day appointed for the first contest arrived, and large num bers of the citizens in the country round about assembled on the grassy slopes, overlooking the drill field, to witness what was to be to them a strange spectacle and so on from day to day. The boys, ar rayed in their best uniforms, and officers with swords flashing in the sunshine, vied with each other in precision of step and celerity of movement in the evolutions taught in the " School of the Battalion." The contest was long and earnest, and finally resulted in the triumph of each of the Kentucky regiments over its competitor. (The Ninth Kentucky was deprived of trial by the brigades being moved before its day arrived, but it would have won.) The victory was the more gratifying to the Kentuckians because of the excellency of their Louisiana competitors; for there was no other body of troops in the western army which rivaled the Louisiana brigade in soldierly accom plishments. The Fourth Kentucky Regiment, commanded by Col. Joseph P. Nuckols, was pitted against the Nineteenth Louisiana regi ment, commanded by Col. Von Zinken, a Prussian and a splendid sol dier. His broken English on the drill-field was the source of much amusement to the boys. The intended drill between the two brigades was deferred from time to time, and finally declared off. Thomas Owens, (Fourth- Kentucky). III. Should Have Stood Pat. Co. H, Sixth Kentucky, had among its non-commissioned officers James M. Lee, of Bullitt County, who was a wag, a good soldier, and a general favorite. This story will be appreciated by gentlemen who have indulged in a certain game sufficiently to understand the allusion : As Gen. Johnston s troops were returning from Big Black that hot July day, after the unsuccess- . ful attempt to strike Grant s rear before he could compel the capitula tion of Pemberton at Vicksburg, the Kentucky Brigade was marching -as rapidly as possible with the expectation of camping somewhere near Clinton. The sand was deep, the water very scarce, (as previously noticed) ; and as the men struggled forward, enveloped in a cloud of dust, and almost suffocated, they were naturally anxious to know, from time to time, something about how far the hoped-for resting-place was yet in the distance. Meeting a citizen riding alongside of the panting 224 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. column, some one in hearing of Sergt. Lee asked him how far to Clinton. " Four miles," was the answer. Having gone some dis tance farther they met another, of whom the same man asked again how far to Clinton. "Six miles," answered this one. Jim couldn t keep silent under this, but yelled out, as he puffed with fatigue, while his eyes lighted up with a momentary interest under the coating of sand which had settled over and around them : " By me sowl, Path- rick," (in imitation of an Irishman, though he was an unadulterated native), "by me sowl, Pathrick, why didn t ye stand? He s raised you two ! " IV. After Jackson: In Danger of Surfeit. While the brigade was at Camp Hurricane, Miss., summer of 1863, a considerable part of the daily ration consisted of roasting ears, which the commissary procured by impressment or purchase from the surrounding plantations. This would have answered admirably if merely additional to a fair supply of other food; but when other food was deficient in quantity and quality, and even the roasting ears, though in excess of the rest, had to be doled out, the reader can easily conceive that the food was hardly sufficient to keep up the daily and nightly supply of blood which the persistent mosquito took not only without leave but in spite of bitter opposition. As usual, however, the men made merry over it instead of cursing their hard fate, and the cry, when rations had to be distributed, was, " Come, draw your corn ! " and neighing was re sorted to as a reminder that they were hungry. After a time they came to complain with mock earnestness that they were not furnished oats, hay, or fodder they were in danger of taking the equine disease of surfeit, they said, for want of " long forage." V. How They Jollied Kelley. On Johnston s retreat from Jack son, noticed in the preceding chapter, the Military Court of the army lost orderlies and baggage, and at Morton the fact was communicated to Gen. Hardee, who advised that inquiry be made by circular letter through the commanders of divisions. The following reached the head quarters of Gen. Breckinridge : MORTON, Miss, July 28th, 1863. GENERAL : In the retreat from Jackson the wagon and orderlies of the Military Court of this army became separated from the court, and have not been found. At the suggestion of Gen. Hardee, I respect fully request that you have inquiry made for them through the limits of your command, and that, if found, you order them to report imme diately to the court at Morton. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, HENRY B. KELLEY, Colonel and Member Military Court. Thereupon circular letters of inquiry were issued to each of Breckin- ridge s commanders, who sent them to their subordinates to be indorsed with such information as they might be able to give. The one that reached Gen. Helm, then commanding the Kentucky Brigade, started from his headquarters with the following indorsement : Has anybody found a Military Court lying around loose ? " "FAYETTE HEWITT, A. A. G." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 225 The regimental commanders also made merry over it, and it came back indorsed as follows : " If this court understands herself (and she think she do), she haint seen that court. "JAMES W. HEWITT, " Lieutenant- Colonel Commanding Second Kentucky Infantry." " Narry sich as that about the Fourth Regiment. "JOHN A. ADAIR, " Colonel Commanding." " I hain t neither seen nor hearn of a thing like that. "JOHN W. CALDWELL, Colonel Ninth Regiment. " VI. At Chickamauga : Too Big a Wood-Chopping for the Major. At one time during the battle, as the brigade was pressing forward under fire, some troops belonging to another organization were coming back helter-skelter and meeting the Second Regiment, having met with such a reception from the Federal advance that they broke. Among them was a major whose appearance indicated that he was act ing on the plan of every fellow for himself and let the enemy s bullets take the hindmost. He came plunging towards Col. McDowell, who threw out his arms and caught him (hugged him, the boys said), ex claiming, "Hello, major! This is the biggest wood-chopping you were ever at, ain t it?" Old soldiers will recall how the term wood- chopping pretty fairly represents the repetition of volleys following each other in regular and pretty close succession. VII. Supposing a Case. During the heat of engagement on the second day, Sergt. Wm. W. Franklin, of Co. E, Sixth Kentucky, dis covered a man smartly in rear of the line, behind a tree, where his firing, if he fired at all, would endanger his own men. This man had previously made it apparent that he "wanted to live always," and Franklin objected to favoring him, so in pursuance of his duty as file loser, he ran and hauled him out, ordering him in no gentle terms to get into line. "Say!" cried the fellow, " didn t you see that cannon ball? Suppose it had hit me it would have killed me!" "Oh, sup pose!" replied Franklin, as he drew him into place, "suppose you were a pig, rooting in a potato patch ; but you re not ! " VIII. Spoilt His Beauty and Enraged Him. Konshatt- ountzchette, or Flying Cloud, of Co. H, Ninth Kentucky, the Mo- l.awk Indian chief who seemed to have chosen the life of a soldier of fortune, was a handsome man tall and symmetrical, with fairly good features. Occasionally he seemed to tire of conforming wholly to white men s ways, and would stalk about camp with his blanket over his shoulders and drawn about him Indian fashion, and wearing a head-gear of band and feathers. Being something of a curiosity and a good soldier withal, he was a favorite with the Southern peo ple wherever he chanced to make acquaintances, and was evi dently a little vain of the attention bestowed upon him by ladies. At Chickamauga, he was so dreadfully wounded in the face a consider able portion of the upper jaw being carried away that his features 226 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. became distorted and his aspect rather hideous, and this seems to have enraged him. It was long before he was able to rejoin the command, but when he did so he manifested such a savage hatred of Federal sol diers that it was deemed unsafe to entrust a prisoner to him, a responsi bility which he seemed to court. IX. The Sang Diggers. Before the battle of Chickamauga, and while the Fifth Kentucky belonged to Kelley s Brigade, the men of the other Kentucky regiments occasionally saw it, and had their flings at what they considered a newer and less experienced organiza tion. There were jokes about their hurting themselves with army rifles and bayonets; they were squirrel hunters, butternuts, etc., and as most of them were from the mountain sections where ginseng at one time constituted a sort of staple of barter, they were dubbed Sang Diggers. After Chickamauga, however, where the Fifth Regiment, officers and men, behaved like heroes of a hundred fights, the vete rans gladly welcomed them as members of the brigade, and took them into full fellowship the regiment being now transferred from Kelley to Lewis. Most of them had really seen much service; but Chicka mauga was to them as to the major whom Col. McDowell moment arily checked, "the biggest wood-chopping they had ever been at," and here they proved themselves to be as good as the best. The term Sang Digger, however, stuck, because it seemed to strike the brave fellows themselves as being a good sort of designation ; and to this day the survivors recognize it as their own. They made it be an honorable title. X. A Passage at Arms with Gen. Breckinridge. While Bragg was maneuvering for position, preceding the battle of Chicka mauga, Breckinridge s division was encamped one day near a well- inclosed field, and its owner asked that its fences be spared. An order was issued accordingly; but soon another order came to prepare three days rations within a prescribed short time. The Kentuckians were poorly supplied with axes, and no suitable wood was in reach ; so, considering the last order so imperative as to supersede the first, they promptly pounced on the fence and made the necessary fires. The citizen reported at headquarters and Gen. Breckinridge rode down to the bivouac in a white heat and scolded, in rather unmeasured terms, calling the men, as they thought, "a lot of vagabonds and thieves." This was too much for the Kentuckians. They thought the exigences of the case justified the destruction of the fence, and they were angry and they nursed their anger until late in the afternoon of the second day of the battle which soon occurred. When the brigade had made its last charge and taken the fine battery near the road which they struck when they went over the Federal position, some of them ran one of the guns forward, and just as Gen. Breckinridge and staff reached that point, elated over the victory and congratulating the men, Eph Smith, of the Fourth Kentucky, sprang astride one of the can nons, swung his cap over his head, and cried out: "Gen. Breckin ridge, see what your thieves and vagabonds have stolen ! " This brought the General to a standstill and a shade to his brow, and he rejoined: " My brave boys, you misunderstood me ! I didn t say it. I said that people would consider you thieves and vagabonds!" That was enough. Breckinridge resumed his place in their affections. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 227 CHAPTER XI. AT MISSION RIDGE AND TYNER s STATION. BATTLE OF MISSION RIDGK. RETREAT TO DALTON. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. After the fighting had ceased on the 2oth, as noticed in the preced ing chapter, the command bivouacked in line, a little in advance of the scene of the last engagement. Next morning skirmishers were thrown out, and the fact that the enemy had retired to Chattanooga became certainly known. The day was spent in collecting and at tending to the wounded, by details sent out for that purpose, till late in the afternoon, when the main body moved to within five miles of Chat tanooga, leaving a detail to bury the dead. Next day, September 2^d, the division marched over Mission Ridge, and lay on arms that night. It was confidently believed that the Federal works would be stormed during the night, or next morning, but the troops were withdrawn dur ing the 24th, to a position a little back over the crest of Mission Ridge, two or three miles from Chattanooga. Here a weary, monotonous, r.nd disagreeable period of two months was passed. The only shelter was, in most instances, a blanket stretched up in the manner of a tent- fly, while cold autumnal rains were frequent. Indeed, rainy, damp, and chilly weather prevailed nearly the whole time, and the gloom was oppressive. And generally, too, the poorest quality of food was issued, and in quantities that scarcely served to prevent the absolute gnawings of hunger. In this condition, the Army of Tennessee, in the main, passed the entire period intervening between the 24th of September and the battle of Mission Ridge ; but the Kentuckians, hap pily for them, escaped more than a month of this extreme hardship at the front. Chickamauga Station had been made a depot of supplies for the troops in the field, and the brigade was sent back to Tyner s Station, at convenient distance from Chickamauga, to guard the public stores from destruction by either secret enemies or raiding parties of Federal cavalry. The entire brigade went into camp at Tyner s Sta tion, on the 2 rst of October, whence a regular guard, consisting of daily details from each regiment, was constantly on duty at Chicka mauga till the i yth of November, when Col. Cofer was appointed to the command of the post at that place by Bragg, his own regiment to act as a special guard, and the Sixth was accordingly detached, and toc-k up quarters near the latter depot. At both Tyner s and Chicka- mnuga considerable preparations were made for protection against the 228 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. inclemencies of the weather. The few tents that had been collected were supplied with simple chimneys (in the building of which the men had now become adepts), while those who could not be furnished with tents erected cabins, which were destined to serve them for but a brief period, though sufficiently comfortable for the coming winter. Gen. Helm having fallen, Col. Lewis, who was not only senior, but had won an enviable reputation for gallantry and the most unfaltering devotion to the cause, had been promoted to brigadier-general, and as signed to the permanent command of the brigade. His staff, as an nounced on the 4th of October, consisted of Capt. Fayette Hewitt, A. A. G.; Lieut. Sam. H. Buchanan, A. I. G. ; Maj. John R. Viley, Chief Quartermaster; Maj. S. M. Moorman, Chief Commissary ; Lieut. Lewis E. Payne, Ordnance Officer, and Lieut. H. Clay McKay, Aide- de-camp. Lieut. Buchanan had been recommended for promotion, and was afterward made Captain and A. A. G.; but he long continued to dis charge the duties of inspector, while Capt. Hewitt, an assistant adju tant-general, P. A., C. S., performed the legitimate service of his department in connection with the Kentucky Brigade. Maj. Vile} was assigned to the staff of Gen. Bate in December, when Capt. Wil liam S. Phillips, of the Fourth Regiment, was made chief quartermas. ter, and retained that position till the close of the war. During mos: of the time after Gen. Lewis assumed command, Maj. Moorman was absent on sick leave or post duty, and in such absence Lieut. D. C. Hughes was the acting chief commissary till Capt. Helm was assigned to that duty. And afterward, in the absence of Helm, Lieut. Fletcher Thompson was chief in that department of brigade. About this period an order was issued from the War Department providing for organizing the troops of the various States in separate commands, as far as possible, instead of the promiscuous arrangement heretofore existing. During the autumn and winter a number of indi vidual Kentuckians, who had been serving elsewhere, were added, by transfer under this order, to the different regiments of Lewis br - gade. At Tyner s Station, November 5, 1863, the Fifth Regiment Ker- tucky Infantry was transferred from Kelley s Brigade, Buckner s corps, to Gen. Lewis, taking the place of the Forty-first Alabama, which was tranferred to the brigade of Gen. Gracie. Some account of the recruiting and organization of the Fifth Regi ment will be found in the biographical sketch of Col. Hawkins. An account of the various field and staff officers of the first organization may be seen elsewhere in this work, and in the same connection the field, staff, and line officers of the regiment after its reorganization in HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 229 the autumn of 1862. During the first year of the war it did constant arduous service in the Department of East Kentucky and West Ten nessee, and a detachment of it fought at Ivy Mountain in the autumn of 1 86 1. The entire regiment took a prominent part in the battle of Middle Creek, Kentucky, January, 1862, and, indeed, in all the operations of Gen. Humphrey Marshall s trying winter campaign at that period. At the battle of Princeton, Virginia, in which the Fed erals, under Brig. -Gen. Cox, were defeated, the Fifth Kentucky played a conspicuous part, and, indeed, virtually achieved the victory by one rapid and irresistible charge. We copy the following, from an account of the engagement which has fortunately fallen into our h.inds : " In May, 1862, Gen. Marshall s command moved up to Jef- fersonville, Virginia, and about a month afterward defeated a Federal force at Princeton. Gen. John S. Williams was in command of the advance, consisting of the Fifth Kentucky, Twenty-ninth Virginia, and Fifty-fourth Virginia Infantry, and a battalion of mounted men. Y\ hen the battalion developed the position of the enemy, Gen. Wil liams ordered a halt, and directed the Fifth Kentucky to take the front of the infantry force, (another regiment being front in the order of march,) thus giving it the post of honor and of danger. Two com panies were formed on the left of the road Col. May moving down aid directing the two thus formed, while the remaining eight were formed on the right of the road, under Col. Hawkins, and confront ing the main force of the enemy. At the proper command, the Fifth Kentucky charged forward and drove the Federals from every position in such rapid succession that the other regiments did not get up in time to fire a gun until they had been driven into the limits of the town, a distance of nearly four miles." After the order of Marshall, mustering out such of his twelve months troops as desired it, the ranks were again filled, as noticed in the sketch of Hawkins, and a new organization took place on the i8th of November, 1862. From this time, it continued on duty in the De partment of East Kentucky and West Virginia till July, 1863, when it left Abingdon with the other troops of Preston, and joined Buckner at Knoxville, in whose corps it remained until November, 1863, partici pating in the battle of Chickamauga, when, as we have seen, it was transferred to and became a part of the Kentucky Brigade in which no other organic changes took place, these five regiments surrender ing together at the close of the war. For the gallant manner in which the Fifth Regiment demeaned itself at Chickamauga, during the desperate fighting of Buckner s corps, the reader is referred to reports on preceding pages, where he will also find some striking facts connected with the final assault upon the stub- 230 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. born Thomas, which, if more generally known, would redound greatly to the honor of the Kentucky soldiers engaged on that momentous day, and of the Kentucky generals commanding them and other troops. Buckner, immediately after the sanguinary but successful conflict of Preston s division, rode out beyond the enemy s works, and to the right, just in time to get a glimpse, in the deepening twilight, of Breckinridge s division already over the works of the last Federal force between Thomas position and the Chattanooga road, and the battle closed with the magnificent, we might say, unsurpassed fighting of these commands. On the evening of the 23d of November, after Grant had begun un mistakably to show his intention to move on Bragg s position, the Ken tucky Brigade (with the exception of the Sixth Regiment, left to guard Chickamauga and remove stores in case of accident,) marched to Mis* sion Ridge, and bivouacked near the point which it had occupied pre vious to its removal to Chickamauga. Next day, it was moved some what farther to the left, and began the preparation of breastworks. Before day, on the morning of the 25th, it was again moved, and this time to the extreme right, as a support to Gen. Cleburne. When the engagement began that day, the Kentucky Brigade was marched from one part of Cleburne s line to another, as danger threatened, with the exception of the Ninth Regiment, which was formed on the right of Smith s brigade, of Cleburne s division, to occupy open space between him and Gen. Liddell. The Federals advanced on this regiment, un protected by works of any kind, but were repulsed, with a loss to the Ninth of three men wounded. The other regiments, though under fire, were not closely engaged, as Cleburne s division held its own, as usual. A desperate charge was made on Gen. Smith, just on the left of the Ninth Regiment, late in the afternoon, but the enemy, five lines deep, was repulsed with great loss. But during the day the Federal forces succeeded in turning the left, and late in the evening broke the center, and the retreat to Dalton be gan. Cleburne s division, to which the Kentucky Brigade was now attached, and with which it remained till they reached Dalton, was perfectly in hand, and fell back in excellent order, rendering import ant service in covering the retreat, and punishing the enemy whenever he came near enough. Several skirmishes took place during the 26th, as Cleburne moved so leisurely that it was dark before he had reached the little town of Graysville. He suffered little loss, however, of men or munitions, while he inflicted great loss on the enemy at Ringgold by masking batteries at a point from which they swept down the railroad, on which a strong column was advancing. No casualties HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. . 231 whatever occurred in the Kentucky Brigade, though at one time a battery, just in the rear of it, was ambushed and fired into. The brigade lost its battery on the evening of the 25th, when the Confederate center was compelled to give way, but it was through no fault of Kentuckians, as it had been detached and was at no time dur ing the day dependent upon them for support. The Confederate rear reached Dalton on the 28th of November, the main body of the Federals retired into the valley of Chattanooga ; and soon the infantry and artillery of both armies were quietly settled in winter quarters, while the cavalry forces watched each other on the outposts, and disturbed the general stillness by an occasional skirmish or a raid. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. I. "Where s Our Battery ?" At no time after he set out on his Kentucky campaign, leaving the Kentuckians in Mississippi, was Gen. Bragg in favor with them ; and matters grew worse with each suc ceeding failure of his to avail himself of the fruits of victory, which it cost them so many of the bravest and best to win. It was a lack of true generalship for which he himself severely condemned Gen. Iteauregard after the battle of Shiloh. At Mission Ridge the Ken tucky Battery (Cobb s), commanded by Lieut. Frank P. Gracey after ("apt. Cobb s promotion to be chief of artillery for division, was de tached from the brigade and placed in position near Bragg s head quarters. It was supported by troops that had hitherto conducted themselves well on every field, but were now among the first to give way before the Federal advance. The battery thus fell into the hands of the enemy, while the men who would have defended it as long as there was a charge to fire or room to handle a bayonet were far on the right, and ignorant of its peril. Lieut. Gracey stood to his guns, fightingtill the whole line was abandoned, and then walked off, slow and sullen. The men of the brigade had regarded the cannons composing the bat tery, which had been with them so long, with a species of attachment amounting almost to affection, and had even bestowed upon two of them the pet names of Lady Buckner and Lady Breckinridge. The abuse that was heaped upon those who lost them was perhaps out of proportion to the offense. The Kentuckians believed themselves in- c ipable of being routed from breast-wcrks, even of the slightest kind, when their battery was to be defended, without leaving bloody evidences to show that there had been a fight. Bragg came in for his share of blame for entrusting it to other troops; and the story was current that they were so angered that as he passed a part of the command next day they hooted and otherwise manifested disrespect, and asked what he had done with their battery. A sight of those who had been placed to support, but had abandoned it, was sure to result in cries of " Where s our battery ? " " What did you do with our battery ? " II. What Jim Lee Thought of Bragg as a Strategist. Shortly after the battle of Mission Ridge, the conversation around the 232 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. camp-fire of Sergt. Lee s mess at Dalton turned one night on religious subjects, and some one mentioned that Gen. Bragg was a member of one of the Protestant churches, whereupon Jim ejaculated, "What the devil s the use of that? If Bragg were now safe in heaven, he d fall back in less than three days for a better position ! " III. A Remarkable Incident. In the latter part of September, 1863, while we lay at the foot of Mission Ridge, a singular train of circumstances brought to my knowledge the fact that I had a brother in the Federal army then occupying Chattanooga. It happened about that time that Bragg, having in mind a scheme not now necessary to mention required from Gen. Breckinridge a man from each of his Kentucky regiments for voluntary service in the furtherance of his said scheme. It was my fortune to be chosen from the Fourth Regiment. I have the relics of the pass given me by Bragg on that occasion, which I value highly as a memento of the war. I translate it, as a part of the writing is gone : " MISSION RIDGE, Oct. 7, 1863. "Sergt. Thomas Owens, Fourth Kentucky, has permission to pass our line of pickets and hold intercourse with the enemy. The officer to whom this is shown will keep it secret. "W. W. MACK ALL, " Chief of Staff." Having received passes, we went down to the picket lines and hap pened to strike that part of the Federal line where my brother was doing duty. By tacit agreement of the pickets on both sides there was no firing; and the boys met and mingled together in a very friendly manner. After giving the signal the waving of a newspaper I met half way between the lines a lieutenant of the Tenth Ohio, who, hearing from some one that I had a brother wearing the blue, went back to his own lines, hunted up my brother, and brought him out to me. Up to that time neither of us knew that the other was in service on either side. As may be supposed, the meeting was a happy one. We remained together that day and the next two days, objects of great curiosity to the boys on both sides. The singularity of the circum stance was enhanced by the coincidence that I was a sergeant in Co. I, Fourth Kentucky Regiment, C. S. A., while he was a sergeant in Co. I, Fourth Kentucky Regiment, U. S. A. I am carrying a watch now which he gave me on that occasion. I may add that we are both living, and quite recently he spent a number of days at my house. Thomas Owens, {Fourth Kentucky). HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 233 CHAPTER XII. THE ARMY IN WINTER QUARTERS AT DALTON. INCIDENTS AND ANEC DOTES. The condition of the army in general was now deplorable ; but the Kentucky troops had maintained their morale admirably, notwithstand ing the sore disappointments and privations of the last four months ; and they went into winter quarters in fair condition as to health and spirits, though, in common with others, poorly provided with food, clothing and camp equipage. It has been maintained with much show of reason that want of even the ordinary comforts to which the Army of Tennessee had hitherto been accustomed had more to do with the loss of Mission Ridge and the giving up of Tennessee than the skill, courage and superior numbers of the enemy ; and it is unquestionable that a state of demoralization now existed to which it had hitherto been a stranger. Bragg was relieved soon after reaching Dalton, and to other hands was entrusted the work of restoring its broken strength and rekindling its spirit. It is said that the permanent command was tendered to Gen. Hardee, who modestly, but firmly, declined to accept it. He assumed temporary command on the 3d of December, and labored successfully in gathering up the scattered fragments and reorganizing, or, rather, restoring order, and rendering them available. On the ayth of December he was returned to the command of his old corps, and Gen. Johnston took immediate charge of the army. The scope of our subject forbids that we should enter into a minute description of the change that was wrought by this wonderful man, or the means employed to effect it. From that time until he was relieved, near Atlanta, the Army of Tennessee grew and strengthened. Even after seventy days fighting, on the i8th of July, when Gen. Hood took command, its strength was not impaired, and its spirit was wholly unaffected in deed, the men seemed to grow more and more confident that Gen. Johnston would yet prove the destruction of Sherman and his appar ently overwhelming host. Life at Dalton, during that winter of 1863-4, had many phases peculiar to soldiers long established in quarters ; but it would be im possible, even if consistent with the plan of the work, to describe in any reasonable space the employments and diversions, the scenes and 234 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. incidents, relating to the Kentucky Brigade alone. This period is therefore only briefly sketched. In February, 1864, Gen. Breckinridge was assigned to the com mand of some troops in Virginia, and Maj.-Gen. William B. Bate, of Tennessee, was placed in command of Breckinridge s old division. The men of the Kentucky Brigade were loath to part with their own major-general, and made earnest and repeated requests that they might accompany him to the Army of Virginia; but, owing, as it was said, to Gen. Johnston s high estimate of the command, and his determina tion not to part with it if he could possibly retain it, the request was never acceded to, and the campaign of 1864 was made under Bate. Breckinridge himself, in a speech at the house of Mrs. Anderson, in Dalton, where they had collected one night to hear what he had to say about taking them along, told them that they themselves were the sole cause of being retained in the Army of Tennessee, as their good marching, great endurance, and gallant fighting had given them a posi tion there that would be hard for any other brigade to fill. About the 2oth of February, Gen. Hardee was detached, with most of his corps, to assist Gen. Polk against Sherman, in Mississippi; and on the 23d, Gen. Thomas, probably misinformed as to the extent to which Gen. Johnston had reduced his forces, advanced to Ringgold, and on the 24th drove in the Confederate outposts. Johnston met him promptly, and on the 25th some skirmishing took place at Millcreek Gap and Crow A r alley, east of Rocky Face Mountain, in which the Confederates were successful. A Federal force had succeeded, how ever, in getting possession of Dug Gap, but on the morning of the 26th, Gen. Granbury drove them from that point. On the night of the 26th, Thomas withdrew his forces; and on the 28th, the Confed erates reoccupied their cabins around Dalton. The Kentucky Brigade had been posted in defensive attitude at Rocky Face Gap and on the ridge overlooking it, but was not at any time closely engaged, though one man of the Fourth Regiment was killed by the enemy s fire. The army now lay quiet, in the main, until about the last of April, when the enemy began to press back the Confederate cavalry, on the Ringgold road, and on the 5th of May the Federal army was in line between Ringgold and Tunnel Hill, skirmishing with Johnston s advance. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES : AT DALTON. I. Outwitting Col. Gofer. At Dalton the Orphans enjoyed al most uninterrupted rest and relaxation, as has already been inti mated, from about the first of December, 1863, to May 7, 1864, more than five months, the longest by far in all their experience. The HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 235 stories of their conduct during that time would fill a volume. Coming from Mission Ridge, where starvation and general discomfort in Bragg s army were no mean factors in losing the battle, they went into winter quarters with tightened belts, in other words, hungry, and but for a reasonable indulgence in " prowling," as they expressed it, there would have been almost unrelieved sameness in their bill of fare. Even "blue beef," bad as that was, was not abundant, and "grits," (cracked corn), though in fair quantity was of miserable quality. The men were not so conscienceless as to forage on the country without re gard to the rights of the citizens; but the public stores were their own, at least in part, and it was not difficult for them to conceive that quar termasters and commissaries did not always do the best by them. Another ground of complaint was the disadvantage of being so re moved from home and friends that even occasional shipments of food and clothing to eke out government issues were out of the question. The consequence was that close watch had to be kept on depots of supplies, and on loaded trains ; but with all the precautions taken by the authorities, the boldness and ingenuity of the men frequently made " trouble in the land," while the mess Jables of the poor Orphans were not always suggestive of starvation. Col. Cofer was provost-marshal, and he was a terror to evil-doers because of uncompromising devotion to duty, a keen circumspection, and an impartial temper that blinded his eyes when he had to deal with delinquents ; he would have strung up one of " his own boys," as he callec* the men of the Sixth Regiment, as quickly as he would a Louisiana " Tiger." But not infrequently he found that bolts and bars and strong guards and strict orders were not wholly efficacious. For instance, it became known in one of the regiments one day that an unusually good lot of fresh beef had come in by train, and the boys, feeling their need, went after it. Two of them eluded the camp guard, one carrying his rifle, and went to Dalton. The man with the gun fixed bayonet and added himself to the regular detail then on guard and began to walk a beat which he had prescribed for himself, simply saying that he had been sent to strengthen the detail. The other one watched his opportunity to cross the guard line, which he easily did by the connivance of his comrade, shouldered the best quar ter of beef readily accessible, and started for camp. The self-consti tuted sentinel was the first to detect him (of course), and promptly took him in charge abusing him meanwhile and vowing that he should suffer for his thievery. By this time others were attracted to the spot ; but our extra watchman had neither eyes nor ears for them, though they highly approved his purpose to make an example of the rascal in hand. With bayonet alarmingly close to the man s body, (as spectators regarded it), he started him briskly towards the provost s office, but the sequel need hardly be told; at the first convenient point where they could dodge out of sight, they headed for camp, relieving each other on the way in carrying the very considerable load of fresh beef and their company was for some days not wholly dependent upon the commissary. II. Misplaced Confidence. Among other tricks, of which the above is by no means the best sample of a job lot, Col. Cofer had a lit tle experience which came particularly home to him, and eventually 236 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. dumbfounded him. During almost their entire service the Orphans were in the main teetotalers. (Irreverent and degenerate sinners of this day will probably add "on compulsion," but their opinion is of no consequence.) At Dalton, however, as a member of the First Cav alry seemed to think was sometimes the case where his regiment encamped, " miasmatic conditions prevailed," and as quinine was generally scarce, the men thought it well to canvass the country round and use the railroad to some extent to supply themselves with enough brandy and whisky to ward off chills and fever. Under order from headquarters these articles were contraband; and the grim provost, Cofer, was particularly intolerant of attempts to " run the blockade." He managed to compel all the regiments except his own, the Sixth Kentucky, to rely mostly on quinine ; but, watch and scheme as he would, "his boys" seemed nearly always to have more whisky than malaria, and the notable way he had of showing his teeth under stress of mind seemed to grow on him. It was finally developed that they were supplying themselves through his office. The trick was to throw him off the scent by having their shipments made in boxes consigned to his care. The "innocents" would simply inform him that friends in Atlanta, or wherever they had their agents, would, at such and such a time, send them a box of creature comforts would he please to take charge of it and have it in safe-keeping till called for, etc. ? Of course this appeared to be almost filial; they were relying on him as a father and friend; and as the poor fellows seemed to feel themselves in a wicked world, away from home, and in danger of being robbed, his heart went out to them ; and under his fostering care and the protec tion of sawdust and strong nailing, the jug trade prospered. Had the survivors among these ingenious schemers turned their attention to " moonshining " after they came home they would have used the United States Marshals to further their own thrift. III. Punishments in the Army. At Dalton we frequently wit nessed the infliction of an ignominious penalty for various infractions of the military code, but it must be said to the credit of the brigade that no one of its men was ever subject to anything like it. There had been one execution in the command, as noticed elsewhere, but it was held by many to be substantially a military murder; and there were numerous executions at Dalton of men deserting from the army there and those of other commands who were hid ing out and had been brought in by the cavalry, as the policy of Gen. Johnston and others high in authority was to enforce the law rigidly, as a preventive measure; but the keeping of men for hours in the stocks obtained during the winter and early spring, and the punishment seemed so disproportionate to minor crimes that it was regarded with much disfavor. It was a species of torture painful even to beholders. Three half circles were cut on an edge of each of two planks, so that when the edges were brought together there were round holes for the neck and wrists of the culprit. One of the planks was made fast at the ends in a vertical groove in each of two upright posts, so that the yoke would be between four and five feet from the ground, while the other was slipped into the grooves and left movable, that it might be raised to admit head and hands and then brought down and pinned, thus making the man utterly helpless in a painful posture. In some HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 237 instances the head was shaved, and the poor creature, so pinioned and so exposed (as the stocks were placed in open ground), would be kept there sometimes to the very limit of endurance. He adopted the only change of position possible, (and without some change even a strong man must have soon lost control of his muscles and suspended himself by neck and wrists), and that was to keep his feet in motion raising and lowering them in a treadmill fashion. It was reported (though this cannot be vouched for) that occasionally one would faint and have to be removed. It is needless to say that to Kentuckians this was odious and shock ing and it is hardly probable that they would have, quietly submitted, to it, had even a most unworthy comrade been the victim. Men were condemned to this who had deserted under what were considered pal liating circumstances, and for other crimes for which no specific pen alty was provided. Another punishment had fallen under observation that of the shaved head and barrel shirt, or a wooden placard fixed on the back and labeled "thief," bearing which a soldier convicted of base robbery would be drummed out of camp and dismissed as unworthy to bear arms ; but no Kentuckian was ever subjected to this. It is not inti mated that they were saints, or that they were always meekly subordi nate. That would be too much to expect of high-headed and hot- blooded men, whose opinion of official position amounted to some thing like this, that an officer was about as good as a private as long as he behaved himself. Submissive to law and order, with the true old Anglo-Saxon spirit, they were nevertheless impatient of unnecessary restraint, and sometimes got into trouble on that account ; but orders from headquarters and sentence of courts-martial seldom imposed more than short confinement, or extra duty, with the occasional superfluous but hard work of taking up a stump. They were very human, and pangs of hunger and the discomfort of scant clothing, especially when they contrasted their condition with that of people who lived fairly well while fighting only with their mouths, sometimes operated to obliterate nice distinctions as to property rights ; and it was charged that in an emergency they could beguile a cook and steal a man s meal between the stove and dinner-table; but this was an invention of the wicked, and not to be credited. Their experience in this particular extended no further than that of the irreverent sinner in Forrest s Cavalry, who, hungering for a Thanksgiving turkey, prayed for it the day before, and declared that about 1 1 o clock that night his prayer was answered; but it was developed that he combined faith and works, and pulled the bird off the roost with his own hands. IV. Guying Gen. Bate. When Bate succeeded Gen. Breckin- ridge in command of the division to which the Orphan Brigade be longed, there was a good deal of dissatisfaction not that the men had anything in particular against Bate, but that they were opposed to serving under any division general who was not a Kentuckian. Be fore the Dalton-Atlanta campaign was over, however, they came to know that their new leader had fine qualities and to admire his gal lantry. Especially after he was wounded they began to feel some at tachment to him, and some visited him where he lay under a surgeon s care. At first, though, there were a good many who were not careful 238 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. to conceal their displeasure; and a story was soon current that Gen. Bate complained to Gen. Lewis that his men were behaving badly towards him, to which Lewis replied: "General, I think I wouldn t pay any attention to that if I were you. My boys are always pester ing some d d fool!" This was thought to be so much like Gen. Lewis that it went the rounds, though it probably got its left-handed twist after it left him. V. Punishment for Desertion : One of the Saddest Fea tures of the W^ar. Thomas Owens thus describes a military exe cution which he witnessed: " During the spring of 1864, while the army of Gen. Johnston was encamped near Dalton, Ga. , there were several military executions. Desertions had become so frequent as seriously to threaten the integrity of the army ; and it became necessary to make examples of the few, that the many might be deterred from committing so grave an offense. A soldier belonging to the - regiment in Hardee s Corps, was arrested for desertion, tried, and condemned to be shot. In order that the awful example might have its full effect, the entire division was ordered out to the drill ground to be witnesses of the spectacle, and was formed into a hollow square of three sides facing inward, the fourth side being open. The culprit, surrounded by his spiritual advis ers and an armed guard, was made to march around the entire square on the inside, and was then led to the middle of the open side, where a grave had been dug and a low cross had been erected near its edge. He was bound to the cross kneeling. His eyes were bandaged, and the officer in charge stepped off the regulation twelve paces, where he stationed the firing squad. A delay of some moments ensued, during which the officer stepped up to the doomed man, apparently for the purpose of adjusting the bandage over his eyes. The poor wretch gathered hope from this trivial circumstance, and quickly raised his head, which had been before bowed upon his bosom, and strove to peer out from under the bandage. The buoyancy of hope stood out in every feature of his face. But it was brief to him, O how brief for a moment later the fatal order was given, Ready, aim, fire" and the leaden bullets went crashing through his brain. The whole top of his head was blown off. The division was then caused to march in double file past the body as it hung upon the low cross to view the ghastly spectacle, and thence back to camp to ponder on the horrors of war and man s inhumanity to man. >: VI. A Singular Death. In February, 1864, Rocky Face Ridge was occupied by Johnston as a signal station. The Fourth Kentucky was so deployed as to form a living telegraph line from the valley next to Dalton to the top and front face of the Ridge at a point where, next to the Federals, the ascent was perpendicular. From the top of this ridge the Federal army was in full view. The next day after the formation of this line, there was a collision of the Federal and Con federate forces on the right of our line, and when the Federals would move, word was passed from man to man of the living telegraph, as, " Two more brigades advancing on such and such a point." The first night after the formation of the telegraph, the men slept at their posts. The next morning George Disney, a private of Company B, arose to a sitting posture, after a night s sleep on the top of this height in the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 239 open air, and was in the act of gaping, as many men are wont to do on first awaking. He was seen suddenly to resume his recumbent position, as though resolved to take another nap ; but after he had been so lying for an hour or two, men who tried to wake him found that life had departed. A careful examination at the time disclosed no wound, and it was conjectured that he had died from failure of the heart or other disease. Later, another examination was made, and while washing the face of the corpse, the hair on the back of his head was found stiff from clotted blood ; and it was then clear that while gaping a minie ball from a Federal musket in the valley in front had entered the open mouth and crashed through the back of the head of the unfortunate soldier. He was a native of England. Virginius Hutcfien, (Fourth Kentucky). VII. The Snow-Ball Battle. When reveille was sounded on the morning of March 22d, 1864, the soldiers encamped around Dai- ton were astonished on turning out to find the ground covered almost shoe-mouth deep with snow that had fallen during the night. Even for north Georgia, in a somewhat mountainous section, it was quite an unusual thing, particularly at that time of year and to such depth. The Kentucky Brigade was stationed on the west of the Georgia railroad, about a mile north of town, with an open field extending northeast from the main encampment, which was used as drill ground. The snow was of sufficient humidity to be readily made into balls; and about the middle of the forenoon a few of the Kentuckians were seen out on a rather high point of this ground pelting each other in a sort of lazy way ; presently the crowd increased, and then there was call ing over towards the east where some Tennesseeans were quartered, presumably giving a challenge, which was promptly accepted, and it was but a few minutess till there were two pretty fair lines of battle and an exchange of showers of the white missiles. The fun was con tagious, and soon about every well man in the brigade was out and the Tennesseeans also came on in force. The excitement extended to field and staff officers, who hastily saddled up and rode out to take command ; and then there was shouting of orders with words of en couragement as well as pelting. Of course each of the combatants did what he could to "bringdown" the officers of the other, after the manner of gunners; and even the Kentucky dog, Frank, rushed into the melee, where he found a Tennessee dog ready for battle. The two were quickly at it, tooth and nail, between the opposing lines. In their "official reports" both these four-footed warriors doubtless claimed the victory ; but Frank had the best of it, in one particular at least when his war was over he went back to camp limping, having received an honorable wound while standing up to his friends. Occas ionally something that seemed too solid for a snowball would hit a man, and of course there were charges that this or that side was violat ing the rules of civilized warfare by loading a little snow with a good deal of rock; but when all began to run short of ammunition, a treaty of peace was entered into by each side s withdrawing and gleefully explaining around the campfires how handsomely he had "used up" the other fellow. 240 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER XIII. THE DALTON- ATLANTA CAMPAIGN, MAY 5TH TO SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1864. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. When the campaign opened, Bate s division consisted of the Ken tucky Brigade, Tyler s (formerly Bate s) brigade of Tennesseeans, and Finley s brigade of Floridans. The artillery of the army had been organized in two battalions, attached to the respective corps of Hardee and Hood. Folk s corps, then about in Mississippi, had its own quota of artillery there. One of these battalions was under command of Capt. Rob. Cobb, while Capt. Frank P. Gracey commanded the Ken tucky Battery. The Kentucky Brigade did not take final leave of winter quarters until May yth, when it was marched out and took position the Ninth Regiment in advance, and stationed on an eminence beyond Rocky Face Gap, north of Dalton, while the other regiments were held in reserve between two hills, also on the left of the railroad as was the Ninth. Cobb s battery was placed on the Bald Knob to the left of Mill Creek. The brigade was now engaged in moving from point to point about the Gap, first on one peak of the mountain, then another skirmishing and sharpshooting most incessantly till the night of the 1 2th, when it was marched to Snake Creek Gap, and thence, next day, to Resaca. A circumstance ought to be noted here that was far more remarka ble in its consequences during the four-month campaign under con sideration than was at all apparent in the outset, and they doubtless exceeded the expectations of those who suggested it : namely, the detailing and specially arming of a corps of sharpshooters. The services of these men day by day, on march and in battle, can not be given in detail; and it is best to enter here a brief but comprehensive account, from which it may be understood that this little detachment of Kentucky marksmen was of itself almost as terrible to the Federal host as "an army with banners." For special and personal incidents the reader is referred to subsequent pages. In the winter of 1863-64, Gen. Breckinridge received eleven guns known as the Kerr rifle, which he allotted to his old brigade. It was said that an English friend presented them as a token of regard. It was a long-range muzzle-loading rifle, that would kill at the distance of HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 241 a mile or more, requiring a peculiar powder ; and there was some difficulty in charging it, so that it was not likely to be fully effective except in the hands of a cool and composed man. The use of ordi nary powder made it necessary to swab out the barrel after every fourth or fifth shot. There was a prolonged target practice in which a considerable number of the men engaged, and from these ten who had proved to be the best shots, and were known to be otherwise thor oughly reliable, were finally chosen. Lieut. George Hector Burton, Co. F, Fourth Kentucky, was not only a superior marksman but a dare-devil fighter, one of the few men known to any except bragga docios and closet-romancers who experienced what the old Romans really pretended to feel, "the joy of battle." He added to this the qualities without which even a fine soldier can not possibly be a good leader cool judgment, quick apprehension of whatever would give advantage of position, and a dogged resolution that made him proof against sore discomfort and unshaken by disaster. He was put in command and given only such orders as were so general in their na ture that a large discretion was allowed him. The most important of these was that he should not carry his men nearer the enemy s main line than within about a quarter of a mile cautionary, and presuma bly designed to prevent him and his young bloods from taking ques tionable risks. Occasionally it was thought necessary to direct them to take position under cover of darkness between the Confederate and Federal lines, and so dispose themselves as to avoid fire from their own artillery and small arms. In general they operated along Hardee s front; but if any other part of the army was annoyed by artillery, they went to its relief if they could be spared from their own corps. When one man was killed or disabled, another volunteered from that man s regiment to take his place; and as four or five were killed and almost every one of the original ten, except the lieutenant, was wounded some of them two, some of them three times there were many calls for volunteers to take permanently the places of the dead and permanently disabled, and temporarily those of men only tem porarily retired by wounds. It is probable that as many as twenty men served on the corps during the long campaign. It is known that seventeen different men were killed and wounded, though after Dallas there were but nine in the service at the same time. It is to be re gretted that no perfect list of the names was never made. The fol lowing are recalled by surviving members or have been found in a former history of the companies : George Hector Burton, Co. F, Fourth Kentucky; N. Frank Smith, Co. F, Second Kentucky ; Thomas Owens, Co. I, Fourth Kentucky ; Taylor McCoy, Co. A, Fourth Ken tucky, Jerry Spalding, Co. K, Fifth Kentucky; Wm. H. VanMeter, 242 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Co. H, Sixth Kentucky ; Wm. Ambrose, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky ; Wm. H. Anderson, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky ; John Y. Milton, Wm. H. Morgan and James Tennell, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky ; and Steve Estill, Co. H, Second Kentucky. This corps of sharpshooters was actively engaged every day of the one hundred and twenty except one. At one time it spent thirty-three consecutive days between the two armies, with an allowance of one canteen of water per day to each man. A detail of two was sent to fill the canteens and procure rations, the men alternating by couples. Without change of clothing, and with little opportunity to shelter them selves from rain, their condition soon became exceedingly uncomfortable by reason of dirt and vermin, and request was made repeatedly for a brief respite to wash clothing and bathe themselves, but in the great stress of difficulty and danger no attention was paid to this until Lieut. Burton went to Army headquarters and procured an order to suspend opera tions for this purpose one day. The general plan was to work themselves at night between the lines, reconnoiter, fix upon a rallying base, and then cover the front of the army, and keep a lookout for opportunities to kill off pickets, men who exposed themselves along the lines of Federal breast-works, and officers who came in view beyond while directing the operations of their troops. A particular object was to note the position of batteries, and take post so as to pick off the gunners through the embrasures. Ordinarily, if these sharpshooters could place themselves in sight of the enemy s cannon, with fair cover, and within a quarter to a half mile, it was al most certain death or disabling for a Federal soldier to swab or load after each discharge, as he could not protect himself while his gun was in position. It is unquestionable that the army was thus saved a vast deal of annoyance and much loss from Federal artillery. Sher man always kept his men abundantly supplied with ammunition, and to them the waste was nothing : so that it would often have been but a pleasant pastime to shell the woods all day long, even when the Con federate position was not definitely known, had not Burton, with his wide-awake and gallant fellows, taught them that the price of a useless shot from a battery was apt to be the loss of a cannonier. The conse quence was that cannonading ceased to be a pastime, and was resorted to only when something definite and absolutely necessary was to be attempted. The Federal sharpshooters had effective guns and many good marks men; but the loss that these inflicted upon Kentuckians was compara tively trivial. One of their tricks was not much in favor with Burton; namely, taking position high up in the foliage of a tree. This had the disadvantage of more readily discovering a man by the smoke of his HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 243 gun while he could not easily shift place and escape a shot aimed at the point where the whiff was seen. This was much resorted to by the Federals, and our men had had experience with them from Corinth to this time. Near Farmington, Miss., in April, 1862, one was brought down from an oak on a high point, and it was reported that he had clothed himself in green, so that he could not be distinguished from the tree-leaves, but he could not disguise his whiff of smoke. In the pitched battles and charges of the brigade, the sharpshooters were not expected to be in line ; they were to do all possible execution from their retired stations; but at Dallas, Burton thought he saw a bet ter chance to be effective by joining in the mad charge, and they suffered grievously thereby losing a man killed and a splendid rifle, and having three or four wounded, within twenty steps of that impass able Federal rampart. From Federal prisoners it was learned that these men were a terror. It was current that summer that one was brought in who was curious to know what kind of a gun it was that killed a man at a distance of a mile or more. He declared, it is said, that his colonel had been killed by one of Burton s men while riding far in the rear of the Federal lines, and made the extravagant estimate that he was about three miles away. Some of these prisoners even represented that their troops were exasperated, and would kill a captured man if he was found with a Kerr rifle in hand. When Gen. Polk was killed at Pine Mountain, this corps of sharp shooters quickly located the battery that fired the fatal shot, and in less than half an hour drove it from its place. The experience of this little band is without a parallel. It is known that the lieutenant commanding subjected every man to a crucial test before he would trust him, so it is certain that those who stayed with him, original and substitutes, were men of stern courage and a Roman fortitude. Their corps commander, Gen. Hardee, when about to part with them, complimented them in terms that confirm all that the writer has said of them; saying, among other things, that if all the men of John ston s army had been proportionately as destructive as they, Sherman would not have had a sound man left. On the 8th and 9th, the Kentucky Brigade of Cavalry which took a prominent part in all the operations of the spring, summer, and autumn, as will be found in the History of the First Regiment, in a subsequent part of this work, had fought at Dug Gap and Snake Creek (rap, and its splendid conduct at these two points had much to do in averting disaster from Johnston s army at the very outset of the cam paign. Late in the afternoon of the pth these troops, after holding 244 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. back Gen. McPherson from early morning, entered the fortifications at Resaca, previously constructed for the protection of Johnston s com munications southward, and now held by a small brigade of infantry under Gen. Canty, which had been stopped there on its way from Rome when first intimation was had that a Federal force was marching by roads west of the Chattanooga mountains, with a view to debouch ing into the valley through Snake Creek Gap, and so placing himself in great strength in the rear of the Confederate army. No determined assault was made upon these works until the i4th, though manned only by this little force of infantry and cavalry, while Gen. McPherson was within easy reach, with an infantry and artillery force of about twenty thousand men. After reaching the vicinity of Snake Creek on the night of May i2th, as previously explained, the Confederate army rested there till next day, when it took position at Resaca, the infantry and artillery being placed in the earth-works, and employed that afternoon, most of the night, and part of the next day in strengthening them. It was eight o clock on the evening of May isth when Bate s divi sion moved from Rocky Face Ridge, on the Sugar Valley road. It was ordered to bring up the rear of Hardee s corps, and, being retarded by troops in its front, did not reach Snake Creek Gap till about sun-up on the morning of the i3th. It was not till late in the afternoon that the division formed line of battle on the right of Hardee s corps. Bate occupied a cleared ridge between the Dalton and La Fayette roads. In the formation at Resaca, above alluded to, the Kentucky brigade constituted the right of Bate s line, with Smith in reserve to support it, while half of Finley s brigade constituted his left, the other half being in reserve as support. At half-past nine on the morning of the 1 4th skirmishing began in front of Finley, and by ten o clock there was skirmishing all along the line, which became more and more ani mated until noon, when five lines of battle emerged from the opposite wood and fiercely assaulted the whole of the division s intrenched line. They came up with banners flying, bands playing, and officers mounted, with drawn swords, in the most beautiful order; but when within short musket range the Confederates opened fire, and the host was staggered and thrown back in some confusion. They rallied again and advanced, but were repulsed with slaughter, and retreated out of range of the small arms. This had not occupied more than twenty minutes. In this assault two regiments (the Fifth and Sixth Kentucky) reserved their fire until the enemy approached within seventy-five yards, when, with well-directed volleys, they instantly broke his lines and drove him back. At half-past one another assault by three lines was made and repulsed in like handsome manner, and with similar HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 245 result. Another advance later in the day was easily repulsed. Dur ing the evening the Twentieth Tennessee and Fourth Georgia battalion of sharpshooters (Smith s brigade) participated in the fight. The brunt of the attack on Bate had been sustained by Gen. Lewis. The Major-General said of it : " The burden of this fight fell upon Lewis Kentucky brigade, which met and sustained it gallantly." When the enemy s infantry had retired, his artillery opened a furious fire upon the works. Their batteries of rifled cannon had direct fire on the left regiments of the brigade, while it swept up in rear of those on the right of the line, which, after crossing the railroad, curved back toward the Oostanaula river. The works were, at best, so slight as to afford lit tle protection, even from a front fire, and, while few suffered any in jury whatever during the infantry attack, more than forty were killed and wounded by the artillery, which played upon them throughout the day. Hotchkiss Battalion of Artillery was posted on the right of Bate s line, and did, from the beginning to the end, most efficient service. Slo- comb s battery, Cobb s battalion, was posted in the line of Finley s brigade, and fired with much accuracy and effect on the advancing lines of the enemy. Heavy skirmishing continued until night-fall, when the pick and spade were resumed to repair breeches and strengthen and remodel our defenses. The morning of the i5th was ushered in by heavy volleys of artillery, which, with constant fire from concealed sharpshooters, was kept up during the day. The enemy occupied high wooded points opposite and to our left, from which he gave us an enfilading fire with artillery, which was not so fatal as would be sup posed, because heavy traverses had been constructed in the flank along our trenches the previous night. Hotchkiss had two guns disabled, which were moved at night. Slocomb suffered much, also having two guns effectually disabled and one crippled; all of which, however, were brought off at dark. All the artillery engaged was well man aged, and fought with much coolness and judgment in this engage ment. In proportion to the number of men constituting the division the loss during these two days was considerable, notwithstanding the partial protection afforded by the earthworks. Twenty-four were killed, two hundred and thirty-three wounded, and fifty-five missing. The latter were practically skirmishers left on the front as per order on the night of evacuating Resaca. An examination of the Brief History of Indi viduals will disclose that a disproportionate part of the loss was sus tained by the Kentucky Brigade. The losses of the enemy could not be accurately ascertained, as the command did not go out of the trenches. It was estimated to have 246 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. been not less than fifteen hundred during the two days. Three battle- flags fell upon the disputed ground, which the Confederates were unable to get and the enemy could not regain them. The division was ordered out and left the trenches at ten o clock on the night of the 1 5th, leaving skirmishers on the line. Following Cle- burne s division it crossed the Oostanaula and marched out about five miles on the Calhoun road, where it bivouacked. Early next morning the enemy was reported to be in front, in what force it could not be ascertained, and Bate was ordered to form line of battle and bring up the rear of Hardee s corps on the march to Cal houn; and near this place he took position to support Maj.-Gen. Walker. This position was maintained till half-past one o clock that night, when the march was resumed, the Fifth Kentucky being de tached from the Kentucky Brigade to strengthen Granbury as rear guard. Arriving at Adairville at 7 o clock on the morning of the lyth, the brigade, in common with other troops of the division, had a few hours rest; but at two in the afternoon, line of battle was again formed Bate extending the general line from Cleburne s left, where he remained in position until after dark, when he was ordered to guard a train to Kingston. It was not until eight o clock on the morning of the 1 8th that the distance of ten or twelve miles was passed over, the march having proved the most disagreeable and exhausting of the campaign, so far. During the forenoon, line of battle was formed three and a half miles south of Kingston. The remainder of Hardee s corps came from Adairville during the i8th. On the i pth of May, Gen. Johnston had decided to give battle. A stirring order to that effect was read to the troops at noon, and was re sponded to with the most enthusiastic cheers. The army of Gen. Johnston had now been reenforced by Folk s entire corps from Missis sippi the last division having reached the front on the i8th. Gen. Johnston s plan, as he explains in his history of the campaign, was to attack the enemy when he could do so without encountering his whole strength ; and this appeared the auspicious moment. This was a turn ing point in the campaign, and though the Kentucky troops were no more concerned in it than the rest, it is not amiss to give, in connection with their service, Johnston s account of his purpose, his plan, and the unhappy circumstance which thwarted him and deprived the Confed erate army of a victory which would have so crippled Sherman as to throw him back upon his base, if it had not proved his destruction. In the exultation with which the battle-order was received, as he narrates, there were no more hearty cheers than those which went up from the Kentuckians, of all arms, and Hardee, knowing the temper of his corps, of which these Kentuckians formed so material a part, re- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 247 niained unalterable in his belief that he could hold the position as signed him. "Two roads lead southward from Adairville one following the railroad through Kingston, and, like it, turning almost at right angles to the east at that place ; the other, quite direct to the Etowah railroad bridge, passing through Cassville, where it is met by the first. The probability that the Federal army would divide a column following each road gave me a hope of engaging and defeating one of them before it could receive aid from the other. In that connection the in telligent engineer officer who had surveyed that section, Lieut. Buch anan, was questioned minutely over the map as to the character of ground, in the presence of Lieutenant-Generals Polk and Hood, who had been informed of my object. He described the country on the direct road as open, and unusually favorable for attack. It was evi dent, from the map, that the distance between the two Federal columns would be greatest when that following the railroad should be near Kingston. Lieut. Buchanan thought that the communications be tween the columns at this part of their march would be eight or nine miles, by narrow and crooked country roads. " In the morning of the i8th, Hardee s corps marched to Kingston; and Folk s and Hood s, following the direct road, halted within a mile of Cassville the former deployed in two lines, crossing the road and facing Adairville ; the latter halted on its right. Jackson s division observed the Federal columns on the Kingston road, and Wheeler s troops those that were moving towards Cassville. Those two officers were instructed to keep me accurately informed of the enemy s pro gress. " French s division of Folk s corps joined the army from Mississippi in the afternoon. " Next morning, when Brig. -Gen. Jackson s report showed that the head of the Federal column following the railroad was near Kingston, Lieut. -Gen. Hood was directed to move with his force to a country road about a mile to the east of that from Adairville, and parallel to it, and to march northward on that road, right in front. Folk s corps, as then formed, was to advance to meet and engage the enemy approach ing from Adairville; and it was expected that Hood would be in posi. tion to fall upon the left flank of those troops as soon as Polk attacked them in front. An order was read to each regiment, announcing that we were about to give battle to the enemy. It was received with exul tation. "When Gen. Hood s column had moved two or three miles, that officer received a report from a member of his staff, to the effect that the enemy was approaching on the Canton road in the rear of the right 248 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. of the position from which he had just marched. Instead of transmit ting this report to me, and moving on in obedience to his orders, he fell back to that road and formed his corps across it, facing to our right and rear, toward Canton, without informing me of this strange departure from the instructions he had received. I heard of this erratic movement after it had caused such loss of time as to make the attack intended impracticable ; for its success depended on accuracy in timing it. The intention was therefore abandoned. "The sound of the artillery of the Federal column following Hardee s corps, and that of the skirmishers of Wheeler s troops with the other, made it evident in an hour that the Federal forces would soon be united before us, and indicated that an attack by them was imminent. To be prepared for it, the Confederate army was drawn up in a position that I remember as the best that I saw occupied during the war the ridge immediately south of Cassville, with a broad, open, elevated valley in front of it completely commanded by the fire of troops occupying its crest. " The eastern end of this ridge is perhaps a mile to the east of Cass ville. Its southwest end is near the railroad, a little to the west of the Cassville Station. Its length was just sufficient for Hood s and Folk s corps; and half of Hardee s, prolonging this line, was southwest of the railroad, on undulating ground on which they had only such advantage as their own labor, directed by engineering, could give them. They worked with great spirit, however, and were evidently full of con fidence. This gave me assurance of success on the right and in the center, where we had a very decided advantage of ground. Brig. -Gen. Shoupe, chief of artillery, had pointed out to me what he thought a weak point near Gen. Folk s right, a space of one hun dred and fifty or two hundred yards, which, in his opinion, might be enfiladed by artillery placed on a hill more than a mile off, beyond the front of our right so far, it seemed to me, as to make the danger trifling.- Still, he was requested to instruct the officers commanding there to guard against such a chance by the construction of traverses, and to impress upon him that no attack of infantry could be combined with a fire of distant artillery, and that his infantry might safely oc cupy some ravines immediately in rear of this position during any such fire of artillery. " The Federal artillery began firing upon Hood s and Folk s troops soon after they were formed, and continued the cannonade until night. " On reaching my tent soon after dark, I found in it an invitation to meet the lieutenant-generals at Gen. Folk s headquarters. Gen. Hood was with him, but not Gen. Hardee. The two officers, Gen. Hood taking HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 249 the lead, expressed the opinion very positively that neither of their corps would be able to hold its position next day ; because, they said, a part of each was enfiladed by Federal artillery. The part of Gen. Folk s corps referred to was that of which I had conversed with Brig.- Gen. Shoupe. On that account they urged me to abandon the ground immediately, and cross the Etowah. " A discussion of more than an hour followed in which they very earnestly and decidedly expressed the opinion, or conviction rather, that when the Federal artillery opened upon them next day it would render their position untenable in an hour or two. " Although the position was the best we had occupied, I yielded at last, in the belief that the confidence of the commanders of two of the three corps of the army of their inability to resist the enemy would inevitably be communicated to their troops, and produce that inability. Lieut.-Gen. Hardee, who arrived after this decision remon strated against it strongly, and was confident that his corps could hold its ground, although less favorably posted. The error was adhered to, however, and the position abandoned before daybreak." Hardee was near Kingston, as will have been seen, when the order was received to fall back by way of Cartersville to Cass Station, to join in the offensive movement. Bate had been skirmishing from noon till about 2 o clock of the ipth when the order was received, and he fell back in the face of the enemy successfully, and reached Cass Station about 4 o clock, where he was placed in support of Cleburne, but was moved within an hour to the extreme left of the Confederate po sition, to hold himself as a reserve, and guard against a. flank move ment which the cavalry might be unable to check. Here the Ken tucky Brigade worked in constructing defenses till n o clock in the night, when an order was received to withdraw across Etowah river, and at 1:30 the movement began. The division crossed and encamped about three miles out on the Altoona road, near the Etowah iron works. This was the morning of May 2ist, and the army remained in camp here until the 23d. At 2 o clock in the afternoon Bate took up line of march in the rear of Gen. Walker, and at night went into bivouac a mile west of Dr. Smith s, on the Dallas and Altoona road. Before midnight he received orders to move at 2 o oclock to New Hope Church and guard the approach on Johnston s right flank until the re mainder of the army passed ; after which he was to bring up the rear till near Powder Spring and halt there. When the division arrived at New Hope, the Kentucky Brigade, with one section of artillery, was formed in line of battle across the Burnt Hickory road. Smith, with one section of artillery, was advanced to Dallas to support our cavalry, 250 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the Florida Brigade and two batteries of Cobb s battalion held in re serve. Here, (May 24th), there was some fighting. Smith became engaged and was reenforced by two of Finley s regiments. A double line of skirmishers was thrown out, and the enemy was driven back a half mile, with a slight loss to the Tennesseeans. At half-past one o clock that afternoon, he was ordered to withdraw to the vicinity of Dallas, and by noon of the next day the division was encamped in line of battle a mile and a half east of that place. Before four o clock the enemy s infantry, cavalry, and artillery were at Dallas, the Confederate cavalry falling back before their advance. Defensive works were promptly begun, as usual, and this work was pressed until daylight next morning, May 26th, but the position was subjected to artillery fire before night of the 25th, and skirmishing occurred, along Bate s front. During the night of the 26th, a strong skirmish force cf the enemy (some have reported this to have been five infantry regi ments) gained a foothold on the heights commanding the right of the division s main line. When this was communicated to Gen. Johnston he ordered Cheatham to storm the position at daylight next morning; but Gen. Bate took the responsibility of preparing to- retake the hill in case Cheatham (several miles distant) should not arrive in time. Gen. Lewis was directed to take two of his regiments, the Second and Fifth Kentucky, and the Fifteenth and Thirty-seventh Tennessee, Smith s brigade, and take it by storm at daylight, 2yth. It was handsomely done, with the loss, however, of a noble and gallant captain (Rich ard B. Donaldson) killed, and four wounded. In this dash Lewis drove the enemy from the heights with such rapidity as to forbid the capture of more than six or eight. Seven or eight were killed or wounded. Gen. Cheatham arrived soon after and took position on the right of Bate s line, his left occupying this height. Gen. Walker s division, the same day, was placed in prolongation of his left. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES : DURING THE DALTON- ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. I. They All Say That. Some time during the night of May 1 5th, after the army had crossed the Oostenaula, the brigade was making the best of its way in the dark towards Adairville, when some horsemen, coming up to the rear of the column, tried to proceed by keeping to the road, which was too full of men on foot to allow of easy passage. One of them seemed to be a little too bold and persistent in getting straight forward, when it was thought he might feel his way along the flank through the woods. This aroused the ire of a web-foot who was being made uncomfortable, and he began saying words to the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 251 offender that wouldn t look well in print, and at the same time struck the horse along the side a furious blow with his rifle, that threatened if it did not hurt the rider s leg. Thereupon the man ordered him in an angry tone to desist and allow him to pass on, saying, " I am Gen. Bate!" That made matters no better. Oh!" cried the wrathful soldier, still using his gun, " I know. You can t play it on me that way. Every scoundrel that wants to ride over us says he s Gen. Bate ! " Whoever it was had to hunt a route to the head of the col umn by a flank movement, as nobody s name given in the dark could have secured immunity from rough usage at the hands of the men he was trying to press out of his path. II. "Two Minutes to Get to Your Holes." Many stories are current illustrating with what facility the men of the Confederate and Federal armies fraternized, even during the bitterest years of the war; and they do credit to American manhood, albeit some of them indicate a certain disregard of military discipline. The real soldiers quickly learned to respect and trust each other, and, when not engaged in the dreadful pastime of killing, were inclined to chaff across the interval between picket lines, even to meet for the purpose of talking over matters and swapping articles which one had to spare and the other needed. The staples of trade were chiefly coffee and tobacco the northern men being well supplied with coffee while short on tobacco, and the southerner having tobacco to smoke and chew, while coffee (a most valuable article in army life) could hardly be procured at all after the blockade was established. This story indicates the nature of these odd little episodes in the jjreat drama, as well as the sententious style of the officer who broke up the meeting: On the Dalton- Atlanta campaign, busy as the two armies usually kept each other, the respective outguards sometimes had their long range passage of words as well as shots, and sometimes met. One morning (this I have at second hand, but every old Orphan will recognize it as true to life if not to particulars), Col. Hervey Mc Dowell went out with a detail to relieve the brigade s picket. His approach was not perceived until he was right upon their night base, and there he found a squad of blues and grays gathered around a blanket and absorbed in a game of cards, whether for stakes or in a trial of skill is not stated. The Confederates knew McDowell s grim fashion of demanding conformity to the articles of war, and of course they were as much disconcerted as the Federals; but he quickly dis pelled the fears of the latter by giving them honorable terms. Draw ing his watch he said to them : " Boys, two minutes now to get to your noles! " It is hardly necessary to say that they made such use of those two minutes that they had snatched up their weapons and were at their posts and ready for duty before the time had expired. III. War Could Not Make Them Inhuman. Familiarity with scenes of blood during years spent in the savage occupation of killing enemies could not destroy the sensibilities and demonize true men. Gen. Hewitt gives a case in point, in connection with our corps ( >f sharpshooters above alluded to. Taylor McCoy, Co. A, Fourth Ken tucky, was apparently an unsentimental devil-may-care man, full of light, and always on hand when his regiment went into battle. Nobody seemed to suspect that the shooting of a Federal soldier could disturb -252 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. him in the least. On the Dalton-Atlanta campaign, he came in one day after the corps had been engaged forward along the front, and was observed to be sitting around moody and abstracted. Hewitt asked him what was the matter with him. " Oh, nothing nothing." As he continued quiet and grum, however, his questioner saw that there was some trouble, and he went to him again : Taylor, are you sick ? " 4 No, not sick;" then he added: "Well, I ll tell you. I did not want to kill the fellow. On the line this morning some one picked me out and began shooting at me. I watched my chance for a shot, and got it. I struck him, and he screamed. It was the cry of a boy! I don t like to think of having killed a boy ! " This, notwithstanding the boy had on a blue uniform and was trying to kill him. IV.- Wouldn t Be Checked Off Till His Time Came. All Presbyterians have of course a more or less positive belief in predes tination ; but it does not regulate the conduct of every one in time of difficulty and danger. Col. McDowell, however, seems to have ac cepted the doctrine so literally as to feel that his destiny was by no means in his own keeping, and that on the battlefield any special effort at self-preservation was unnecessary. One day on the Dalton-Atlanta campaign, while the brigade was in reserve and awaiting orders under a pretty heavy fire, he appeared to the men to be rather unnecessarily exposing himself, and some of them suggested that he get behind a tree. He declined the well-meant advice, however, replying in his positive way that he would not be killed till his time came, no matter which side of the tree he was on. V. Frank, the Soldier Dog. Among the singular circumstances attending the life of soldiers, few are more deserving of special men tion than the facts in connection with this representative of the canine species in the army of the Confederacy. The peculiar ties existing be tween men and dogs the strong and constant attachment of the ani mal for his master have long been the subject of song and story. The noble Newfoundlander, in the snows of the Alps, seeking the be nighted and storm-caught traveler, presents to our minds the image of a benevolent 1 intelligence; and the poet has made " Old Dog Tray " the embodiment of unselfish love, and fidelity, for which man seeks in vain among his fellows, and not always finds, even in woman, after he leaves the sacred precincts of his childhood home, and the domain that is lighted by the eye of his mother. Frank was a sort of counterpart to Postlethwait, Capt. Richard A. Collins s pet black bear, that shared the fortunes of his battery in Gen. Joe Shelby s splendid command of Missouri Confederates; and to the Militia Pig that campaigned with the Kentucky volunteers during the War of 1812. He was brought into the Second Regiment by one of the members of Co. B, and long experienced with the men the privations of inclem ent season, scanty fare and hard marching, and the perils of the field. He went into the engagement at Donelson, was captured with the troops, and spent his six months in prison at Camp Morton : and to all attempts of the Federal guard to coax him away, he returned a silent but very dignified refusal, as much as to say that he preferred to share with his friends the life of a captive and the scraps of the barracks. When the regiment was marched out from the prison inclosure, on HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 253 the 26th of August, 1862, Frank was observed to wag his tail joyfully, and he departed somewhat from his ordinarily dignified demeanor, and was gleeful at the prospect of going forth again to " the stern joys of the battle." In more than one subsequent engagement he was wounded, but that did not deter him in the least from marching out promptly when the "long roll" was sounded next time, and taking his chances. If a soldier fell, Frank looked at him with the eye of a philosopher; and the close observer might have discovered something of pity in his glance, and a half-consciousness that the poor man was dead, or in :igony, and that he could not help him. On these, as indeed on almost all occasions, he seemed to partake largely of the spirit of the men. If the conflict was obstinate, Frank was silent and dogged. If the men shouted in the onset, or cheered when the ground was won, he barked in unison. He took part in the memorable "snow-ball battle" at Dalton, March 22, 1864, and was wounded in the foot, having come in con tact, during the melee, with one of his own species who was serving with an adverse party. On the march he frequently carried his own rations in a small haver sack hung on his neck. He almost invariably went out, when not " excused by the surgeon," to company, regimental, and brigade drills, sometimes looking on like a reviewing officer, but oftener taking part in the maneuvers ; but he had a sovereign contempt for " dress parade," and generally stayed at his quarters when he found that the men were to go no further than the color-line. He was rather choice, too, in his associates ; and, though widely known and friendly to all, he would not allow of much familiarity out side of his own mess. When rations were short, he would visit other messes, and even other companies, and accept the little that his friends ion Id spare ; but he did not want them to presume upon his sense of obligation, and indulge in any thing like caresses. In this way he lived the soldier s life. If Co. B had a shelter, Frank had his corner in it. When he was shot, his wounds were dressed, and he had no lack of attention. If the commissariat were well supplied, he fed bountifully, and put on his best looks. If life were eked out on " hard-tack " and a slice of bacon, or of poor beef, Frank had but his share of that, and grew lean and hollow-eyed, like his soldier-friends. But, in the summer campaign of 1864, he disappeared; and we have to write of Frank, the soldier-dog, as we have done of many a noble soldier boy, " fate unknown." Perhaps some admirer of his species laid felonious hands upon him, and carried him captive away ; or, perhaps, a ball from some " vile gun " laid him low while he was taking a lonely stroll in the woods. 254 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER XIV. THE DALTON-ATLANTA CAMPAIGN, MAY 5TH TO SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1864, (CONTINUED). INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. The position of Johnston s army, as noted in preceding chapter, was essentially modified during the night of May 2yth. Cheatham s and Walker s divisions, excepting a line of skirmishers, were withdrawn, and the line from Higley s Mill to the left of Walker s skirmish line, left to be defended by the (cavalry) division of Gen. Jackson and by Bate s infantry. Disposition being made to that effect, the latter re ceived, during the afternoon, the following communication from corps headquarters : "Gen. Johnston desires you to develop the enemy and ascertain his strength and position, as it is believed he is not in force." This was in keeping with the opinion of both Jackson and Bate, and the follow ing order was thereupon issued : " HEADQUARTERS BATE S DIVISION, 3 p. M., May 28th, 1864. " Gen. Jackson will move his left brigade (Ferguson s) to Van Wort Road, and have it take position in rear of Dallas by 4 P. M., leaving a force in observation on the south and west approaches to said town of Dallas. He will have Ross s brigade to move in flank of Dallas, and be ready, if necessary, to enter said town. Armstrong s brigade will move directly forward, and drive the enemy ; and when opposi tion ceases in his front, he will swing on his right as a pivot. Smith s infantry brigade will advance directly to the front, and execute same movements as Armstrong, when able to do so without exposing his flank. Bullock and Lewis (the latter commanding, in addition to his brigade, the skirmishers on his right), will move at signal agreed upon. " By command of Maj.-Gen. Bate." "C. J. MASTIN, A. A. Gen." After this the Major-General had an interview with brigade com manders,, and the order was thus qualified verbally : " Develop him by this movement, but, if coming in contact with stubborn resistance behind the fences, withdraw without assault, unless satisfied it can be carried." Gen. Armstrong s brigade charged, and found the enemy in force, and entrenched. .He made a gallant charge, entered their HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 255 intrenchments, and captured a battery ; but a brigade s being hurled against him caused his retirement. Gen. Bate then ordered the move ment on the right to be stopped, the signal for the advance of infantry not yet being given. The charge of Armstrong s brigade was made with a yell, which, together with the fire of musketry and the enemy s artillery, caused Gen. Lewis and Col. Bullock, on the right, to believe the entire left was charging ; hence they moved forward, and came, amid the thick undergrowth, in close range of the enemy s fire before they were able to see their intrenchments one or two regiments of the former taking the first line of the breast-works of the enemy, and the latter approach ing near the same, both driving everything before them, killing many and capturing some thirty prisoners. Smith, being near the signal station, and therefore better informed, did not advance. The prison ers taken subsequently, said that the enemy conceded a loss of one thousand in the fight. The enemy was found to be in force and in trenched Logan s corps, of three divisions, and Dodge with two, inder command of McPherson, and Jeff C. Davis, of Palmer s corps, on the left. While the movement accomplished the effect of ascer taining the strength and position of the enemy, and had perhaps some important bearing on his subsequent operations, it was made at an enormous sacrifice to Kentuckians. Col. Bullock received the order to retire before Gen. Lewis got it, and withdrew, and as Smith had not advanced at all, both flanks of the Kentucky Brigade were with out support after it had rushed upon the enemy s advanced line, as- >ailed by a literal storm of shot and shell. Cobb s artillery demolished ;i battery of the enemy, drove it away, and exploded a caisson. The brigade succeeded as previously stated, in silencing the enemy s batteries in the first line of works, and drove his infantry along its front back into the second line ; but the fire was murderous, and to Advance further, was certain destruction ; yet it held its ground within less than fifty yards of the enemy s line, that swarmed with riflemen, while some artillery in his rear fired upon it as point-blank as possible without endangering the men in the trenches. When ordered to retire, those who had not been killed or wounded returned and formed in their works. When the signal was given to retreat the Fifth Kentucky had gotten to within twenty yards of the enemy s rifles, and either misunderstood or stubbornly refused to go until Col. Hawkins seized the colors and again ordered it to the rear. It was a desperate charge, and a heroic stand, well illustrating the clashing yet steady and unflinching courage of Kentuckians the indom itable will that makes them maintain unequal conflict and brave destruc tion rather than falter or flee. The loss of the brigade in the short 256 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. period of time was fifty-one per cent. , and among those killed outright or mortally wounded were some of our noblest officers and men. The movement was so futile, however, as compared with results, and so destructive because only partially carried out as planned, as to give rise to much dissatisfaction and complaint at the time; but subse quent inquiry and investigation developed the fact that the Major-Gen- eral had not been either culpably rash or careless. He made the fol lowing explanation of it himself, which was accepted by Kentuckians as exonorating him from blame, though they had suffered so terribly : "The movement was made upon full consultation with brigade com manders, on the receipt and exhibition of Gen. Johnston s order, sent that evening, through Lieut. -Gen. Hardee. We being located several miles distant from the corps as well as army headquarters, and the even ing too far spent to await further communications, it was believed that the enemy in our front was not in force ; that, as he was several miles from his railroad base, it was merely a force of observation to prevent his right being turned. This belief was partly induced from the fact of our having so easily driven the enemy, at daylight the day before, from the high and advantageous point on my right, where Capt. Don aldson fell, as before shown, which was the key to the left of Gen. Johnston s line, as could be seen by the enemy; and there having been no attempt to regain this point, which, if occupied, would have re versed the left center of our army line, to possess which was all im portant to him, if his object was either to turn our left, or to hold, with tenacity, his right in my front. Those, among other reasons, then dis cussed, induced the belief with my brigade commanders and the cav alry commander, as well as in my own mind, that the enemy was not in force, nor heavily intrenched in my front; and that he was demon strating on his right, to draw out and thin Gen. Johnston s line, prepar atory to assaulting it at a central point, or to strike his right. Skirmish ers advanced in my front, in order to ascertain his strength and state of his position, without being able to develop either, because of the dense and tangled undergrowth, and the heavy timber which intervened be tween the two opposing lines ; and as so many on these advancing skirmish lines had been- shot down from ambush, it was concluded to ascertain the strength and position of the enemy before me that even ing, as per order of the General, through my corps commander, and especially, as he had written it was of the utmost importance to know we not knowing what other dispositions of the General depended on its execution; hence the order, cited above, for the movement. It will be seen that the whole advance movement of the infantry de pended on the result of Gen. Jackson s cavalry movement on the extreme left of my line, and a signal was to be given for his (Jackson s) HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 257 movement alone, when he ascertained whether the enemy, on my ex treme left, was in force and intrenched; and if so, there was to be no signal given for the advance of the infantry. Jackson advanced Arm strong s brigade promptly at the first signal, which, by a bold, vigor ous and direct assault, found him to be in force and intrenched, and reported to me at once. I immediately forbade the signal, upon the giving of which depended the advance of the infantry, and hurried staff officers and couriers to the brigade commanders, ordering them to remain in their works, and not advance ; that the enemy in my front was strongly intrenched and in force. Smith s infantry brigade did not advance, as there had been no signal to do so ; but two brigades, the Kentucky and Florida, did advance. Inquiring into the cause, I learned that Gen. Lewis, on my extreme right, not knowing cause of delay, thinking, perhaps, he had failed to hear the signal for his ad vance, and that the infantry lines were engaged, sent an officer to see iio\v this was. This officer came down the line to the point where Smith s (the left infantry) brigade should have been, and finding his works (the line) vacated, and hearing the charge of Armstrong, ;ook it for granted that Smith was engaged, and that the signal had been given, and under this very natural impression, hurried back and informed Lewis that Smith was engaged, and that they were behind time. Thereupon these two brigades charged. In point of fact, the signal for infantry to advance had not been Ljiven. Smith had not advanced, but had merely vacated his line of \vorks, and formed line of battle under the brow of the hill immediately in his front, so as to move more promptly and in better order should the signal be given. Thus it is seen that the infantry movement de pended altogether upon the information from Jackson as to the strength and position of the enemy in his front, (which being received, no signal was given), and that the partial and gallant fight was made under a misapprehension, (and a very natural one under the circumstances). " On the 29th, sharpshooters and skirmishers continued their work all day, and, notwithstanding the defenses, Bate s division suffered some what. At eleven o clock that night while Stephenson s brigade was being moved, in accordance with order from Gen. Hardee, from left t > right of Gen. Bate s line, and he was extending his line to the left to cover interval thus made, the enemy opened a terrific fire on his right and drove in his skirmishers, but this night assault was promptly repulsed. Artillery and musketry, however, continued at intervals till nearly day to fire furiously upon the position. The lines were properly adjusted during the night, but no reply was made after the charge on the right had been repelled, but the expected assault, which the men quietly awaited, was not made. 17 258 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. On the 3oth Gen. Bate was reinforced, and placing his new troops in the trenches, he sent Col. Smith to execute a flank movement, and come down at nightfall on the Federal extreme right. This was done. Striking the right of their works beyond the point where Armstrong had assaulted, and finding but little resistance, he pushed down to the flank of his line, then occupied only by videttes and skirmishers the main force having, the night before, been with drawn from Bate s entire front some miles to his left, where defensive works had been put up at right angles with his main line. Smith re- occupied Dallas, capturing a few prisoners ; and he was greeted by the painful spectacle of finding our wounded, some twenty or thirty, who, on the 28th, had penetrated the enemy s lines, and fallen into his hands, lying in hospitals and uncared for, some of them with limbs amputated, and undressed for two days, until, from neglect the weather being warm insects had found a lodgment in nearly every wound. There were no attendants, and neither medicine nor provis ions left for the wounded prisoners who were found there. Every possible attention was given them, and a detail of surgeons from their respective brigades left with them. The graves in rear of the enemy s line indicated the serious punishment he received on the 28th, cor roborating the statement of prisoners. The campaign from the yth of May till the ist of June had been a trying one. There had been much and sometimes serious fighting; the losses, particularly in the Kentucky Brigade, had been great ; there had been repeated night marches, during which the division had been rear guard of the army ; there had been almost daily labor in the con struction of defensive works, but everything had been encountered cheerfully and executed promptly, and the spirit and zeal of officers and men were unabated. The enemy gradually extended his intrenched line toward the rail road, while Gen. Johnston kept in his front by extending his own; but his force was rendered proportionately weaker and weaker, as in many instances the men occupied the works not only in single file but even a yard apart. Skirmishing and cannonading were kept up almost without intermission until the army passed over the Chattahoochee River, about the middle of July. On the morning of the 5th of June, the enemy had again succeeded in gaining a position to endanger Gen. Johnston s flank, when he took up a new line, extending from near the railroad, between Acworth and Marietta, to Lost Mountain, on which the left rested. While the main army occupied this line, Bate s divis ion was stationed on Pine Mountain, in advance, and in range of three Federal batteries. Cobb s, Slocomb s, and Mebane s batteries, with also a battery of Parrott guns, were in position on Pine Mountain. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 259 This force remained here until the main line was on the point of being abandoned, engaged in skirmishing, sharpshooting, and cannonading, and enduring almost daily shelling from the various Federal batteries in front. Gen. Bate speaks as follows of this position and of the notable and distressing casualty which occurred there : " Pine Mountain is an isolated hill rising some two or three hundred feet from the level of the plain, with graceful slopes on either flank studded with timber. The distance from its right to left base across the apex, as I fronted the enemy, was about a mile. Substantial re sistive works were rapidly constructed. The enemy appeared on my front the same day, but approached with much caution. This point was some distance in advance of, and separated from the line occupied by the main army, and hence was found a serious obstruction to his movement, a thorn in his pathway, which he could not well pass with out being pierced in the flank, and dared not assault. The enemy hugged its base as near as practicable, and kept up a desultory fire from his skirmish line, while he planted batteries and brought them to bear on my position. An artillery duel, rather furious at intervals, continued several days with but little effect. On the i4th day of June, Lieut.-Gen. Polk, in company with Generals Johnston, Hardee, and others, visited my Hues, and while making observations from the top of Pine Mountain, Lieut.-Gen. Polk was shot through and in stantly killed by a rifle cannon shot coming from a battery located in a right-oblique direction from the center of my line, which was the crown of the mountain. This incident not only threw a gloom over my command, but appalled it with grief. His gallant bearing, his de voted patriotism and Christian virtues, had endeared him to officer and private to a degree rarely equalled. This lone mountain, rising as a solitary peak from a broad and fertile plain, in full view of hamlet and city, around the base of which constantly sweeps a current of population over a great Southern thoroughfare, is a fit monument to his greatness and goodness, the more so because nature seems to have Luilt it there for the occasion." On the i pth of June, the Confederate army was formed with its left on or near the Marietta and Lost Mountain road, the right on the Marietta and Canton road, while the center, now under Gen. Loring (ien. Polk having been killed was stationed at Kenesaw Mountain. I lood was shortly afterward moved from the right to the left of the line, thus leaving Hardee s corps in the center and somewhat to the kft of Kenesaw. The same incessant skirmishing and sharpshooting, with occasional cannonading, were kept up here till the night of the sd of July, when Gen. Johnston withdrew, first to Smyrna Church, 260 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. then to a line of redoubts covering the Chattahoochee bridge, where he remained till the 9th, and then crossed the river, establishing the infantry and artillery south of Peachtree Creek. The enemy, by rea son of his greatly superior force, had been able to move constantly, though slowly, on Atlanta, flanking with strong columns, while still leaving an army largely in excess of Gen. Johnston s to confront him. While at Kenesaw Mountain, the most important action in which the Kentucky Brigade, or any part of it, was engaged, occurred on the 2oth of June. During the day Gist s brigade, prolonging Gen. Bate s line to the right, was covered in front by a strong detachment of skirmishers from the Kentucky Brigade. In the afternoon, the enemy made three un successful assaults upon this outer line, then under command of Capt. Price Newman, Ninth Kentucky, but he was handsomely repulsed. After being reinforced, he made a fourth attempt, which was success ful. A new detail was sent out under command of Maj. John Bird Rogers, Fourth Kentucky, who succeeded in retaking part of the line of rifle pits, but chanced himself to mistake for his own, in the dark, an intrenched position from which the enemy had not been driven, and, here, it is believed he was killed, as he was not afterward heard of except through a rumor that a Confederate officer had run up to the intrench- ments ordering the men to take or to hold the position. As to what ensued no information could be obtained. Lieut. Hez. Nuckols, also of the Fourth, was captured near the place where Rogers is said to have struck the works. The men to his left succeeded in driving the Federal occupants of the pits back upon their base, and they held them until about midnight, when they were ordered to withdraw. Gist s brigade withstood a strong line of battle after Newman s re pulse, fighting for an hour, taking about fifty prisoners, and driving the main body back ; but as he did not man the rifle pits in his front, the enemy had lodged a strong line of skirmishers there before the de tail under Maj. Rogers made the effort to retake them. Except the constant cannonading, infantry skirmishes, and cavalry engagements, nothing of special note transpired till the i8th of July, when Gen. Hood assumed command, Gen. Johnston having been re lieved. To the army in general this was a source of surprise and mor tification to many, of the bitterest indignation. And nothing con tributed more to the distrust with which the measure was viewed than the fact that Gen. Bragg was known to have visited Gen. Johnston after his passage of the Chattahoochee. The Kentucky troops naturally felt a great pride in Gen. Hood, as a native of their own State, and a dash ing officer in battle; but they had the most implicit confidence in Johnston s generalship, which they had not in Hood s, and were ad- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 261 verse to any change. When the order was read to them, they ex pressed their feelings according to the various dispositions among them. Gen. Hood soon withdrew his main army into the defensive works around Atlanta, and every effort was made to strengthen them, while the enemy approached, under cover of intrenchments, and gradually extended his lines toward each flank. A slight engagement took place on Peachtree Creek, on the afternoon of July 2oth, in which the Kentucky Brigade participated, and suffered some loss, mainly in skirmishers under Col. Conner, who charged those of the enemy and drove them across the creek. After being up and in motion nearly all night of the 2oth, Bate s division was moved from the west of the Burkhead road to the Atlanta and Augusta railroad, on the 2ist, then back to the first po sition. Hardee s corps had orders to proceed to the vicinity of Decatur, a small town east of Atlanta, for the purpose of attacking the flank of the Federal army, extended to their left across the Georgia railroad ; and about dark Bate moved his command, though much fatigued, through Atlanta, down the McDonough road for some miles, and then to Cobb s Mill on Intrenchment Creek. The march was slow and toilsome, and the point was not reached till 3 o clock on the morning of the 22d. Two hoars afterward, he moved in the direction of Decatur, and formed line of battle on the extreme right of Hardee s corps. His first orders were to form in two lines, with his right rest ing at Mrs. Parker s, on the Decatur road, and then to move, at such time as might be designated, in the direction of Renfro s, on the Atlanta and Augusta railroad. When in motion to assume this position, a staff officer from corps headquarters overtook and directed Gen. Bate, by order of Gen. Hardee, to halt and form in manner directed half a mile before reach ing Mrs. Parker s, parallel to the road on which Bate was moving. This he did by placing Lewis brigade and part of Finley s in the front line, and Tyler s (Col. Smith) and the other regiments of Finley s brigade in rear line. Slocomb s Battery, of Cobb s battalion, being the only artillery with him, was placed between the two lines, and be ing unable to move through the dense wood and with the line, was directed to take a left-hand road, which turned off in the neighborhood >f Mrs. Parker s, and, as soon as possible, to unite with the lines in ihe forward movement. Caswell s battalion accompanied as a support. The Major-General had been informed by Gen. Hardee that a brigade irom Cheatham s division, would be ordered to him as a reserve force, lor which, after getting in line, he made fruitless application. In lieu 262 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. thereof, a part of a cavalry regiment reported to him for duty, and de ployed in his front, with instructions to remain stationary until a line of battle was put in motion, and to keep well advanced until the enemy s locality was ascertained, and then to retire by the right flank and form on Bate s right. In this formation the division remained for an hour or more, waiting for the command on the left to get in po sition. This command, as Gen. Bate understood, was to be governed in its alignment by his position; but Gen. Walker informed him that his (Walker s) orders were to form on Cleburne, and all were to dress to the left. This was contrary to original order, and fearing that it might materially affect his movements, he sent a staff officer for definite in structions, who brought an order, after the division was in motion, facing toward the railroad, to dress to the left. Wheeler s cavalry, meanwhile, passed his right, moving in the direction of Decatur, and when it formed facing the enemy, a gap of a mile or more was left be tween Bate s extreme right and Wheeler s left, and there was no com munication between these commanders during the day. Skirmishers having been deployed, the line was put in motion, and governed in its movements by the command on the left. The under growth was dense, and the surface of the country undulating, with a small stream, skirted with broad and miry bottoms along the route. Upon ascending the hill beyond the stream, the lines were so placed as to necessitate an adjustment. While waiting for this, Bate was ordered to move forward at once. He advanced his lines through an old field, beyond which he again corrected the alignment, believing, from information received, that the enemy was but little distance in his front, and probably not aware of the Confederate approach; and receiving another peremptory order to move at once upon the enemy, he advanced before the lines on his left were adjusted. He had pro ceeded but a short distance before the enemy opened the artillery in front, across a wooded bottom, filled with an almost impenetrable un dergrowth, in which there was an old mill-pond (Widow Perry s), filled with the debris and brushwood peculiar to such. His order was to move right on, regardless of obstacles, resisting every impediment, and, if possible, overrun the enemy. The alignment had been adjusted, but it was impossible to keep it so, in consequence of the thick under growth forbidding any scope of vision as well as penetration in line, and the various obstacles preventing regularity of motion. There had been no opportunity for reconnoitering, and he was ignorant of what was in his front; but it was believed the enemy was without defenses, and hence the desire to move rapidly, and strike him before he had time to make them after discovering Bate s approach. This was a mistake. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 263 The skirmishers soon began their work. The men moved forward with alacrity and spirit. On the comb of the hill which overlooked this boggy bottom the enemy had a strong force, with breastworks and heavy batteries crowning the eminence. The assailants were under the fire of small arms before this fact was known. The line moved on, though of necessity in fragments, as only stout and athletic men were able to pass the morass in good time, while many were killed and wounded in struggling through its mire. The undergrowth so ob structed the river that the second line closed almost upon the first. The enemy not yet being engaged upon the left of Bate s division, opened his batteries (one of eighteen guns), and his small arms upon that flank, and caused the line, without proper orders, to move by the right flank. There was also a heavy fire from the front; yet, but for the unfortunate right flank movement, the works would have been car ried and held. The men advanced upon them with such spirit as to cause the enemy to evacuate them in places; but finding so few Con federates able to gain them, the retiring Federals rallied, were re inforced, and drove away the gallant spirits who had pressed so far forward. This division now numbering not more than twelve hun dred men, was reformed, and skirmishers were thrown out to renew the attack. Its battery was also brought into play on the enemy s lines to divert him from reinforcing other parts of them which were being assaulted with more success. On the left of Bate the enemy be gan to advance, but was checked by the skirmishers ; but the condi tion of the division did not justify a renewal of the attack in force. Bate asked for reinforcements with which to do so by moving some what to the right, and Maney s brigade, under Gen. Walker, came up shortly afterward ; but before anything could be done both this and a brigade of his own (Tyler s) were ordered off by Gen. Hardee for operations in another part of the field, and the remainder of the com mand merely held the ground and did what it could to bring off the wounded and bury such of the dead as had not fallen in and under the Federal works. The Kentucky Brigade was peculiarly unfortunate in this affair. When it came within sight of the enemy it was at once absolutely with out cover, at short range, and met by a withering volley, rapidly re peated and unusually destructive ; while the artillery played fairly upon both front and reserve lines. In a very brief space of time one Hundred and thirty-five men were killed and wounded, and it was noted that more than the wonted number of the most excellent officers and men of the command fell there. An effort was made to advance, but the confusion and destruction rendered it futile. The brigade was 264 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. withdrawn by order and retired without panic, though subjected to a galling fire while falling back. The attack on the left of Bate s division had been far more success ful, and, altogether, something was achieved, but nothing to compen sate for the loss sustained. On the left, the enemy had been driven from his works, and several pieces of artillery, with nearly a thousand prisoners, had been captured. The corps retired next day into the defenses around Atlanta, which was now virtually in a state of siege. The Federal artillery approached so near, that, by the ist of August, it was throwing shells into the principal streets of the city. Gen. Lewis was sent with his brigade, on the 2pth of July, to interrupt a raiding party coming across by way of Fairburn and Fayetteville for the purpose of striking the Macon road at Jonesboro ; but the main body crossed the railroad lower down, and nothing was effected beyond the capture of a few prisoners, after which he returned to Atlanta, and resumed his place in the division. On the 5th of August, the Kentucky Brigade, and that of Tyler, or, at least, a portion of Tyler s, were ordered to form an extended line, perpendicularly to the main works, and running from near the extreme left of the curve line occupied by the Confederate force. These troops were placed in single file, a yard apart, extending far out on the Sandtown road, and in the neighborhood of Utoy Creek. Skirmish pits were immediately constructed in advance, and the main line also fortified. At an early hour next morning (August 6th) the enemy appeared, and lively skirmishing began. About one in the afternoon, the position was charged in gallant style by two Federal brigades. They were allowed to approach very near, having driven in the skirmishers, but were thrown back in great confusion. Three different assaults were made, but with a like result; and they finally retired, with the exception of a portion who were sheltered beyond a kind of abrupt hill, in front of Tyler s brigade, against which, and the Second and Fourth Regiments, the attack had been mainly directed. These were charged by Col. Tom Smith, commanding Tyler s brigade, and dispersed. About thirty of them were captured. The success was very decided, and the troops were complimented by Lieut. -Gen. Stephen D. Lee, who had succeeded to the command of Folk s old corps, to which Bate s division was now temporarily attached. The following is an extract from Gen. Lee s congratulatory order issued on the next day: "The lieutenant-general commanding takes pleasure in announcing to the officers and men of this corps the splendid con duct of a portion of Bate s division, particularly Tyler s brigade, and the Second and Fourth Kentucky Regiments, of Lewis brigade, in sustaining and repulsing, on yesterday afternoon, three assaults of the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 265 enemy, in which his loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was from eight hundred to a thousand men, with two colors, three or four hun dred small arms, and all of his intrenching tools. Our loss was from fifteen to twenty killed and wounded. Soldiers who fight with the coolness and determination that these men did, will always be victo rious over any reasonable number." During the evening, however, a large body of Federal troops suc ceeded in turning the left of this traverse force, and it was thus com pelled to retire into the main defenses that night. About the last of August, when it was known that the enemy was moving to the left and threatening the Macon road, now the only one open into Atlanta, Bate s division was ordered to East Point. The Kentucky Brigade was detached and sent to Jonesboro , where it was joined by an Arkansas brigade, detached from another division. A dis patch from Gen. Armstrong announced the enemy advancing in heavy force, and Gen. Lewis, the ranking officer, in command of the two brigades, ordered them to throw up works hastily, with a view to the protection of the town. This was done on the 2pth of August. At an early hour on the 3oth, a cavalry commander reported that the Federals would certainly reach Jonesboro by the close of the day. Gen. Lewis continued to press forward his preparations to check them and prevent the destruction of the railroad, as the immediate fate of Atlanta depended upon this. Late in the afternoon the cavalry was driven into the town, and skirmishing began from the outworks. The enemy, meeting with a stubborn resistance, and unable to detect the real weakness of the force confronting, encamped for the night, and twenty thousand men were thus held at bay by a few hundred. During the night, Hardee hurried out with the remainder of his own, and with Lee s corps, and reached the place about daylight on the morning of the 3 1 st. It was now conceived to attack the enemy with these two corps be fore he could get into position ; but the night march had been pro ductive of straggling, and the Confederates were not well in hand until noon of that day, by which time the Federals had gotten into position and fortified. At three o clock in the afternoon a charge was ordered, but proved wholly unsuccessful, the Confederates were repulsed with loss, and returned to the shelter of their works. The interval over which the charging column had to pass, was, for the most part, an open plain or field terminated by rough, and, in some places, almost impassable ground in the immediate front of the Federal works. Bat teries were advantageously posted, so that, in addition to the small arms of the enemy, the air seemed literally swarming with screaming .and bursting shells, as the assailants moved across the field toward the 266 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Federal position. Lewis brigade pressed closely upon the works, but r owing to the ground, was unable to preserve formation, and could have reached them only by detached parties, moving on to certain destruc tion. The loss of the brigade was severe, and among the killed and those who fell into the hands of the enemy and died in prison, were several gallant and meritorious officers, and privates no less distinguished in their sphere. It was now evident that Atlanta must be abandoned, and Hood s forces be concentrated as speedily as possible to prevent more dire misfortunes than had yet befallen them. Lee was hurried back with his command to enable the corps yet in Atlanta to withdraw without being cut to pieces in the attempt, thus leaving Hardee alone to hold the works around Jonesboro . On the morning of September ist, the Kentucky Brigade was or dered to the depot to take the cars for some point, but after remaining there till the afternoon, it was moved to the extreme right of the Con federate line, and placed in single file, three feet apart, with orders to dig pits and prepare as speedily as possible to receive an attack. Govan s brigade reported to Gen. Lewis, who was to command the entire force, leaving his own brigade in immediate command of Col. Cald- well. The line to which they were assigned had been designated by some officer of engineers, and when the two brigades were formed, the Kentuckians occupied a space between the Macon road (west or northwest of Jonesboro ) and the wagon road leading to Atlanta, their right resting on the railroad. Govan s brigade prolonged this line to the left, but curving rapidly toward the south, since a prolongation in a di rect line with the position occupied by the Kentucky Brigade would have thrown Govan among the Federal troops, who were on that part of the line, much in advance of the force immediately in front of Col. Caldwell. Opposite the point of contact between the Kentucky Brigade and Govan s where the curve began, and almost on a line with the former, was a Federal battery, which, firing at Govan s right, threw its shot in rear of the Kentucky Brigade, having almost a perfect enfilade, while an accident to Govan s line would throw the Ken tuckians between the force in their front and another assailing their rear. After the troops had formed and begun fortifying, Gen. Hardee and staff rode out, and, meeting with Capt. Hewitt, inquired about the position. He had discovered its weakness, and immediately pointed it out, but it was too late to rectify ; and in answer to a ques tion as to whether the Kentucky Brigade could hold its position or not, he replied, that though an exceedingly bad one, he thought it could, but that he feared the line on the left was in danger, and that, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 267 on the whole, the situation was a perilous one. He advised that a battery be placed across the road at such a point as to enfilade the enemy in case he should occupy the pits of the Kentuckians, or fire upon his right front if Govan should be driven back. Gen. Hardee had two guns placed near the point indicated. The men worked as rapidly as possible with such intrenching tools as they had, but these were few and poor. One company, which was about as well supplied as any, had an old ax, with a rough bit of sapling for a handle, one old shovel, and their frying-pans (which they used to throw out dirt with after the soil had been broken with the ax and shovel, and the sandy earth was reached). They had scarcely begun this work, when the Federal batteries opened on them, striking front and rear some shots rolling into the half-made pits while the men were in them at work ; and before they could finish even slight defenses, the enemy s infantry were upon them. Under cover of the thick undergrowth, the Fed erals massed a large body of troops and advanced along the whole front of both the brigades under Gen. Lewis. The first assault was handsomely repulsed, their lines retreating in great confusion ; but they again formed, and in greater force; and in the second attempt the half- finished works of Govan were carried. Both the left flank and the rear of the Kentucky Brigade was now exposed, and Col. Caldwell attempted to withdraw, and would have done so, had not an order been transmitted from Gen. Cleburne, that the works should be held, as reinforcements would promptly assist in reestablishing the broken left. But he had scarcely time to order them back into the pits before the Federals were pouring in behind his line. The men fought desperately, and refused to surrender until they knew themselves hopelessly sur rounded. The Ninth Regiment, on the left flank, and first reached, behaved with defiant gallantry, till convinced that it was useless to con tend longer. It is not in keeping with the general tenor of our plan, to notice cither officers or men individually in the course of the general narra tives, as all are accounted for in another department of the work; but we may venture to record, as a mere example of the determination with which the enemy was resisted, that Lieut. Boyd was killed here, refusing to surrender, while another officer, it is said, was pulled out of a pit by the hair of his head, for the same reason, and a strong force was at their backs, as well as having gained the front, before any of them surrendered. About two hundred of the Kentucky Brigade were captured, and most of Govan s brigade. When matters became hopeless, all who could do so escaped, by darting rapidly into the brush in the rear, as the Federals pressed up the line. Gen. Lewis caused the two guns, placed in position as heretofore described, to open on the 268 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. enemy now occupying the Confederate works, and the fragments of the regiments were formed back somewhat in the rear of the left of the line which had been occupied by Govan s brigade, and ordered to fire in cessantly in the direction of the enemy, who was thus deceived, and failed to advance, though there was nothing in his front to prevent it; and but for the prompt action of Gen. Lewis, and the circumstance of the battery s being in the right place, Hardee s entire corps would have been destroyed. The casualties of the Kentucky Brigade were few compared with those of the day preceding, but the loss of the captured was sorely felt in a command already so greatly reduced by three years constant service in the field. That night, Hardee retreated to Lovejoy s, and erected new works, preparatory to checking the foe till the remainder of the army could arrive from Atlanta. The other corps came out speedily, and the Confederate forces were once more intact. The enemy appeared in front on the morning of the 3d, but did not seem disposed to offer battle. Bate s division was ordered that evening to proceed to Bear Creek Station, four miles farther down the railroad, for the purpose of checking a cavalry raid, said to be heading in that direction. The only occurrence at this point, of special importance to any, was the reception of an order by Gen. Lewis, to proceed to Griffin, for the purpose of having his command mounted; and thus the infantry service of the Kentucky Brigade, as also its connection with the Army of Tennessee, terminated here. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. I. Lieut. Geo. Hector Burton and His Sharpshooters. I believe that this officer took more pleasure in a fight than any other man I ever knew. He was never wounded, but he exposed himself recklessly. When one of his sharpshooters fell, either killed or dis abled, and a new one volunteered to take his place, Burton would take that man and expose him, with himself, to the severest fire from the enemy generally to artillery firing. If the new man stayed with him without hunting cover, that would be the last time he would put him in danger unless it was absolutely necessary; but if he flinched he was sent right back to his company. He had an order never to take his men within less than four hun dred yards of the enemy ; but he was impetuous, and when the bri gade swept by on the charge at Dallas, he said to the sharpshooters, "Boys, let s go ; it is too glorious to miss!" They caught his en thusiasm and sprang forward, and one of them was killed within twenty yards of the enemy s breastworks. That night he and those who were not disabled crawled in a pouring rain to those works, feel ing around in the dark as they neared them for their fallen com- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 269 rade and his gun, but they found neither. One gun had previously been lost. Soon after the corps of ten was organized and armed, one man got a bullet fast about midway the barrel of his, and failing to dislodge it otherwise, tried to melt it, and so spoiled the gun. Thus the lieutenant was left, after the Dallas fight, with but eight. It was seldom that all these were together, except at night, being divided into twos and fours when on duty. Burton s indifference to danger was conspicuously shown in visiting the little squads. He seemed to know intuitively which was in the hottest place, and there he was sure to go and do what he could to protect, while his presence cheered and encouraged, the men, whose comfort was his chief and ever-present care. While, as noted above, the young commander would have none but the best, it may not be invidious to mention Taylor McCoy. He seemed to take a stern delight in fighting, and was cool, calculating, de liberate, and daring. He was unquestionably one of the very best. When the brigade was mounted and Gen. Hardee was to accompany Mood and so lose his Kentuckians, he had Burton and the men who at that time constituted the corps to come to his headquarters, where he addressed them substantially as follows : " Men, I am sorry to part uith you; I hate to give you up. Had every man in our army been as effective as you, had they every one done as much execution as each of you, Sherman would not now have a man left." JV. Frank Smith, (Second Ken tuck} ). II. Another Comrade s Account of Burton s Men. About the apth of April, 1864, a corps of sharpshooters was organized in the brigade, consisting of two from each of the five regiments. They were armed with English Kerr rifles, a magnificent muzzle-loading gun, and c artridges of English manufacture capable of throwing a ball the distance of a mile with deadly accuracy. Lieut. George Hector Burton was as signed to the command of this corps under the immediate direction of the brigade commander. Its theater of operations embraced the entire length of the brigade line of battle. The boys had been chosen because of their superior marksmanship ; and their principal duty was to pick off the gunners of such batteries as made themselves troublesome when not in regular battle. Batteries hidden behind their breastworks frequently became very annoying to us, throwing shot and shell among us. Securing, if possible, a posi tion commanding a view of the battery, the boys soon obtained the range, and as the smoke of the gun announced its discharge, they were enabled to pour a volley into the embrasure, which almost surely caught some of the gunners, who, at that moment, ran up to swab and reload the piece. So much execution was done by this kind of fighting that batteries exposed to view seldom took the risk of firing unless some emergency required it. There was a freedom and hazard in this sort of warfare which made it fascinating to the boys, though no less than seventeen of them were killed or disabled during the march to Atlanta. As fast as they fell others took their places. No part of the army did more effective ser vice during the fearful campaign than did those skillful, fearless sharp shooters. Many a battery did they silence which might otherwise have done us serious injury. 270 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Here I will relate an incident showing the cool gallantry of Lieut. Burton. At the battle of Jonesboro , on the first day of September, he, with his men, occupied the extreme right of our line ; the shadows of night were beginning to fall upon the combatants; the gathering gloom and a dense undergrowth of timber made it difficult to distin guish a friend from a foe. Burton, while striving to rally a mass of fugitives, calling upon them to follow him as he moved forward, ran suddenly against a soldier who ordered him to surrender. Looking quickly around he found himself confronted with a gun in the hands of a grim-looking blue-coat, who repeated his demand. A glance sat isfied him that there was no escape, and he promptly yielded himself a prisoner. His captor conducted him to the line of breastworks we had so recently vacated and directed him to move on back to the Fed eral lines. He did so, creeping through the bushes, until he reached a point where few were passing, and then turning to the right, and passing between the two lines of battle, the darkness favoring him, he succeeded in getting round our right flank and rejoining us in less than an hour after his capture. At Lovejoy Station, six miles south of Jonesboro , the last shot of the four-months campaign was fired, the Federals withdrawing to At lanta. The brigade was moved on down to Griffin, then to Barnes- ville, it having been determined to mount it as soon as horses could be procured. The sharpshooters were compelled to exchange their splen did Kerr rifles for common Enfields, but were permitted to retain their organization intact, and were placed under the command .of Lieut. Buchanan, with full permission to roam in any direction where horses might be captured from the enemy. After many miles tramping from Campbellton on the northeast to Newnan on the west and Stone Mountain on the east of Atlanta, the boys returned to the brigade, having had little success in capturing horses, and were respectively assigned to their former companies. Thomas Owens, (Fourth Ken tucky. ) III. How the Gallant Fellow Lost His Life. About noon of June aoth, when the brigade skirmishers were engaged in front of Kenesaw Mountain, Capt. Newman, in command, sent back to the Sixth Regiment for men to take the place of two of its men who had just been killed. Col. Gofer called on Co. H to furnish one of these, when Sergt. Tom Cox, who had been in almost every engagement, great and small, from the beginning, promptly offered to take the place. A comrade reminded him that he himself was next on the list for skirmish duty; but Cox replied that the comrade had already done more than he, and he wanted to do a full part. He set off with the guide, and soon after taking his place on the perilous line was killed by a sharpshooter. IV. A Rifleman Up a Tree. While the Confederate army was occupying Pine Mountain in Georgia, a smaller hill a half mile in front of which, if secured by the Federals, would have given them a great advantage, enabling them to enfilade with cannon a part of the Con federate line, was heavily guarded by our skirmishers. These were somewhat annoyed by Federal sharpshooters from the dense woods in front. One day two men of Co. B, Fourth Kentucky, were shot dead within two or three hours, James Chism and John Hennessey. Soon HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 271 after the death of Chism, who was the last to fall, an orderly came to our rifle pit on the main line, and said another man was wanted from Co. B; whereupon our orderly sergeant, John Brummitt, called out, Hutchen, get ready for picket." " There, now," said I, " my time has nearly come. Good-bye, John " and hastily taking up and put ting on my outfit, I was soon at the little hill that had been so fatal a place for my comrades. The line of skirmishers was on the very top most ridge of the hill and just behind the hill, but a pace or two, and perhaps three feet lower than the ground on which they stood, was a kind of table-land extending the full length of the line. On this table, where there was no sort of danger of the balls from the front, lay the two dead whose names I have given. I looked upon them, sadly, and noticed that each had come to his instant death from a ball in the very center of the forehead. Noting this, I asked of the skirmish ers near me," Where did these men stand? " They pointed to a pile of rocks alongside a tree just above me and answered, "There." "Well," said I, " I will shift the position," and accordingly took a .seat several feet to the right of the fatal rock. After awhile, not hear ing any bullets singing near me, I took a stick upon which I placed my hat, and, crawling to the stones by the trees, elevated the hat to tiie top of them. In an instant I heard the ping of a ball. On taking down the hat, I found a bullet had made the hat its billet, and three several times the hat was thus stricken by the good marksman in the Avoods before us. At the last shot I discovered, a long distance off, Hiioke issuing from a large tree some twenty or thirty feet from the ground, and after the smoke cleared away, plainly saw one of Ber- dan s pets. Just then one of our sharpshooters, Taylor McCoy, came up. I tried hard to make him see the Federal sharpshooter, but in vain. Finally he handed me his long-range gun and said, " Shoot him your self." I said I would try, and taking careful aim, pulled the trigger, vhen several saw him fall from the tree. I then went to the pile of rucks and there remained until relieved. It was thought that the stand taken by Co. B s boys was perhaps the only one clearly exposed to the view of the sharpshooters in front. Virginius Hutchcn, (Fotirth Kentucky). V. "A Roland for An Oliver." In 1864, while the Confeder ate army occupied the Kenesaw twin mountains, near Marietta, Ga. , the Federals let off a shot or shell that exploded a caisson on the top of Little Kenesaw. In a very few minutes afterward the Confederate Buttery, on Big Kenesaw, from its lofty perch, sent a missile that ex ploded a caisson on the Federal line, and before the vast cloud of white smoke had rolled away, both armies gave a shout that made the welkin ring. It was the grandest tit-for-tat perhaps they had ever seen. The "Orphan Brigade" was there. Virginius Hutchen, (Fourth Ken tucky). VI. They Would Do the Wind-Work. When the detail under that splendid soldier, Maj. John Bird Rogers, who lost his life there, was forming to retake the riflepits at Kenesaw, on the evening of June aoth, 1864, a man of my company, James F. Jordan, who was one of the detachment, said when he came back, that some of 272 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the men who had lost the works bawled out: "Go in Kaintuck We ll yell! " Capt. Hugh Henry (Co. H, Fourth Kentucky], VII. About to Kill His Friend. When the order was sent at midnight of June 2oth, at Kenesaw, to withdraw the detail from the skirmish pits retaken by them under Maj. Rogers, the men of the Sixth Kentucky did not receive it and were left until their absence was reported at headquarters and Capt. Buchanan went specially to them. These were Lieut. Frank Harned, Wm. S. B. Hill, Milton B. Stotts, and Henry S. Harned. There was a considerable interval between them, Hill on the extreme left and Henry Harned on the extreme right. The latter got warning first and started to creep along the line and notify the others. As the enemy was known to be near, and even a slight noise or the appearance of a moving object was likely to bring a shot, he was keeping close to the ground and moving cautiously along the front of the line, when Hill, who had heard nothing, perceived what he took to be a Federal picket, at the distance of about twenty yards, creeping towards him. Scanning the object as closely as possi ble in the darkness, he concluded that the man was trying to surprise and capture or kill a Confederate skirmisher. Bringing his rifle to bear upon him he cocked it. Harned was fortunately by this time near enough to hear the ominous click, and, realizing his danger, spoke his name. Recognizing the tones of a messmate and comrade, to whom he was more than ordinarily attached, and realizing that but for the timely warning he would have shot him to death, Hill was seized with such a tremor that he dropped his gun and was for a moment dizzy and sick. Having thus narrowly escaped death for the one and distraction for the other, they now made their way back to the main line. VIII. Devoted Brothers. John A. Hays and his brother Daniel, of Co. B, Fifth Kentucky, displayed a remarkable brotherly attach ment, which was evidently so sincere that their officers respected it and humored their wish to share every duty and danger in company. They did guard, picket and fatigue duty together, and both fell in the same battle, (July 22nd, 1864), John being killed and Daniel mortally wounded. Their captain expressed the belief that if only one had been shot down, the other would have stayed with him regardless of consequences. IX. After Intrenchment Creek : If They Had But Known. Just after dark on the 22nd of July, 1864, when the men of the bri gade who were still on foot had bivouacked in an open wood southeast of the battlefield, the writer was standing near a fire which he and a few messmates had started for the purpose of preparing the scant sup per left to them. Capt. Hewitt came by and stopped to relieve the gloom of the so recent disaster with a few cheerful words. " Well," he said among other things, " I passed a group of the Ninth Regiment a moment ago talking about to-day s affair, and they brought me in. I wasn t hanging around to hear, but it came as I was walking by un- perceived. One said, I have courage enough to stay and try to do my duty when fighting has to be done, but I do wish I could bear my self like that man Hewitt. He rode down there into the jaws of that hell on the left, to get us out of the tangle, composed and smiling. I like it. " And then Hewitt remarked to us: " And I said to myself, My friend, if you only knew how badly Hewitt was scared you HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 273 wouldn t like it ! " When it is known that two of the group overheard were Capt. Chris Bosche and Lieut. Henry Buchanan, of Co. H, N inth Kentucky, the compliment paid their adjutant-general will appear of unusual significance. If Bosche and Buchanan had had Eneas s privilege of visiting Avernus, there would have been short parley with ;he ill-natured and howling Cerberus, when they got to the gate: they would have told him promptly where they came from and closed in on ii im for a fight. X. A Humane and Heroic Act. After the fruitless charge on the enemy s works at Jonesboro , August 31, 1864, across the open field intervening between the railroad and the Federal position, as hitherto described, and the brigade had retired, the firing from the rifle-pits continued fiercely for a few minutes, and some of the infantry < orps were struck while bravely trying to bring off those who had f.illen. Above the din could be heard the cries of our wounded men who lay here and there in close range of the enemy s guns, and volun teers were called for to attempt their rescue. To this there was a quick response by three men whose names deserve to be held in everlasting remembrance. They were John W. Green, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky (sergeant-major of his regiment) ; John B. Spurrier, Co. B, Sixth Ken- uicky, and Thomas Young, Co. C, Ninth Kentucky. As they dashed across the space in full view of the Federals, they drew a terrific fire; but when each reached a wounded comrade, lifted him, and turned to bear him off, the enemy suddenly ceased firing and sent up a rousing cheer. The splendid act was too much for honorable foes ; ringing applause was substituted for volleys of musketry, and testified to their admiration. XI. How a Bullet Made a Sans Culotte. Wm. M. Robb, of Co. K, Fifth Kentucky, was a thoroughly careless and clownish fellow, who never had his coat buttoned if he could help it, nor his shoes tied, and he scarcely ever had more than one button at a time on his pantaloons. His captain once said that Robb lost more guns u:id clothing during the war than he could pay for in a lifetime, with nages at $11 per month. At the battle of Jonesboro , August 3ist, 1 364, he had, as usual, but the one button which secured his panta loons at the waistband and no suspenders, and this button and waist band were not covered by the cartridge belt. Presently, having his side towards the Federal lines, his waist was grazed by a bullet which car- ri -d away the lone support of the breeches, and down they dropped. He quickly drew them up, and held them with his hand, but there was warm work around him shot, shell, and rifle balls were fairly sweep ing like hail along the lines ; and as he had nothing to fasten them with, and was too good a soldier to turn his back upon the foe without orders, he let them go, stepped out of them, and went forth bare legged. He fought it through in that condition, and marched out with flying colors. XII. Presence of Mind. Much was written during the war, and has been since, about the gallant conduct of soldiers who threw shells out of riflepits, and from the immediate presence of uncovered lines of battle, before they could explode, and thus saved lives. When the brigade was hurriedly engaged, September i, 1864, under fire of the Federal batteries, trying to provide some protection against a charge 18 274 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. upon its weak line, William M. Steenbergen, and Mark H. Jewell, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky, each threw a shot out of his pit, under the apprehension that it was a loaded shell. Though all were in deadly peril, Jewell said composedly to a comrade, James O. Wilkinson, as he resumed his work: "Jim, I ought to be promoted to major on the spot for that." XIII. A Hero and a Martyr. Father Blemill was a fit counter part to Chaplain Kavanaugh in his devotion to the men cf his com mand and in his steadfast courage. Comrade Thomas Owens paid him the following just and beautiful tribute in " The Sunny South" some years ago: " He was of French extraction and a priest of the Catholic Church, and was chaplain of the Fourth Kentucky Regi ment. His faithfulness and devotion to the duties of his calling, and to the cause which he had espoused, endeared him to the soldiers of his charge, both Protestant and Catholic. He knew no difference of creed in his preaching to us, or in his ministrations to the sick and wounded. True to a sense of duty, and shrinking from no danger, he always went with his regiment into battle, remaining just in the rear where his services to the wounded would be most needed. And here, while at his post of duty, he was instantly killed by an exploding shell at the bloody battle of Jonesboro , Ga., August 3ist, 1864. We carried his body to the rear and reverently buried it in a grave a hun dred yards or more southeast from the old stone depot at Jones boro ." The manner of his death was peculiar and touching in the extreme. It was after the assaulting column had found it impossible to carry the Federal position, and had been ordered to retire. As Gen. Lewis rode back under the destructive fire of artillery and musketry that was still kept up, observing his broken regiments making their way to shelter, he noticed Father Blemill kneel beside Capt. Gracie, of a South Carolina regiment, and lift his hands to utter a prayer for the dying officer. At that instant a cannon ball from one of the enemy s guns carried away the head of the heroic priest. He had evidently perceived that Gracie was wounded unto death, and halted to supplicate Heaven for the repose of his soul. In the act of making petition his own took its flight, in advance of his for whom he had lifted holy hands. That evening the detail sent to remove our dead found them sleeping together where their life-blood, commingling, had made them a gory bed. When a branch of the Confederate Memorial Association was formed at Jonesboro , his remains were removed from where the Ken- tuckians had buried him to the Pat Cleburne Cemetery and placed be tween those of Capt. Gracie and a soldier named Ignatius Brook?, who died in hospital there in 1864. About the year 1890 one of the Benedictine Fathers, to whose order Father Blemill belonged, brought his remains to Kentucky, and they now rest in their monastery in Nelson County. XIV. A Dreadful Experience. It is to be lamented that among all who, during the war, held places of power and responsibility, Kentucky developed one Jeffreys, one brutal and blood-thirsty monster, to mar the pages of her history one whose memory is justly execrated by the honorable men of both armies, and whose monument of infamy HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 275 is the numerous graves at Frankfort and elsewhere in the State filled by those who were murdered in obedience to his orders. A member of the Orphan Brigade, Gervais I). Grainger, Co. I, Sixth Regiment, had some experience with Burbridge which may be recited in brief to indicate the treatment to which innocent men and helpless prisoners in his hands were subjected. Grainger was a brave and efficient soldier and an honorable man. From Vicksburg to Jonesboro he fought with his command in its numerous battles and partook of its hardships as a Kentuckian " leal and true." At Jonesboro , August 31, 1864, he and some comrades were caught within the lines, with the battle-flag in their possession, and when the brigade was driven back they concealed themselves to escape capture and buried the banner, that it, at least, might not fall into the enemy s hands. They were not discovered, and at night dug up their colors and worked their way around traverses and the pits in front of them, and rejoined their command. The next day, however, he was cap tured with the rest. When the Kentuckians were started from Chattanooga, after a week s detention there, towards Nashville, he, with George R. Page, Jack Gavin and others tried to escape from the box car in which they were shut up, but only he succeeded. From La Vergne, Tenn., where he got through the hole which they had cut in the bottom of their box, he made his way, after encountering numerous dangers and diffi culties, being once recaptured and again escaping, and suffering with hunger and fatigue, to his father s house in Simpson county. Remain ing a few days, he attempted to return to his command, which had now been exchanged ; but was recaptured and carried to Scottville, thence to Bowling Green, thence to Louisville, where he was imprisoned with eighteen others. In less than a month orders came from Burbridge to execute four of them. In the drawing of lots Grainger was not one of the unfortunate ones who were manacled and sent by rail to the place of execution ; but next morning the names of eight men were called, of whom he was one; and when they were handcuffed and placed on the east-bound train they supposed they were on the way to be executed, but they were carried to Lexington and placed in prison with about three hundred citizens and soldiers, old men and boys, and their handcuffs removed. Kept here a month in an almost starving condition, he learned on the night of November ist, 1864, that he was one of fifteen from whom ten were to be taken and killed. In the drawing which followed he was again fortunate enough to be spared for the time. The full enor mity of the proceedings attending the drawing and the preparation of the victims for the slaughter, (apparently ordered in a spirit of fiendish cruelty to prolong the agony of suspense), has been graphically set down by T. O. Chisholm, as related by Grainger himself, and after ward published in the Franklin Favorite. The fifteen men were or dered to a lower floor, where they were surrounded by thirty or forty armed soldiers. Now follows the description of what ensued : " Two officers stood at a desk near by, with their backs turned upon us, and a third stood in our midst, holding a hat in his hand. Raising it above his head, he announced that he was ready. One of the offi cers at the desk came forward, and placing his hand in the hat, he drew 276 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. therefrom a single slip of paper. This was carried to the officer re maining at the desk, and the name written thereon silently recorded in an open book. Another and another slip was drawn until ten names were registered. The terrible meaning of this dumb procedure was all too plain. Ten men were to be executed, but which of our names had been inscribed on the death roll was not as yet revealed. We were commanded to go back up stairs, which we did, followed by the soldiers who had been present at the drawing. "The soldiers on duty in the prison were then directed to close up to their right, and the space thus cleared was filled by those who came from below. The walls of the prison were literally lined with loaded guns and bristling bayonets. An officer stepped forward and demanded the attention of the troops. Every prisoner was ordered to lie flat on the floor, and any man who should raise his head unless his name was called was to be shot without further orders. "Another file of soldiers came up from the fateful room below, the first two bearing an anvil and the others bringing balls, chains and handcuffs. During these preparations a stillness as of death reigned in the room, broken only by the clanking of chains and the solemn tread of those who bore them. Motionless and almost breathless, we lay on the floor and watched the development of the awful program. How our minds flew back to home and loved ones, as we contemplated an approaching fate, in which each of the fifteen expected to share ! "The details of preparation perfected, an officer said in tones that were touched with a solemnity befitting the moment, Thomas Hunt, come forward. "He was a young man of twenty years from Maysville, Ky. , a mag nificent specimen of physical manhood and as brave as a lion. He arose promptly and walked to the officer, holding up both hands as he said calmly and distinctly : If it is for my country I die, it is all right. To this the officer replied : You will possibly not be so patriotic be fore you get through with this. "Handcuffs were placed upon him, and the click of each cuff as it was pressed together was plainly audible all over the prison. He was then told to sit upon the floor, and shackles, one of which was attached to a long chain and a ball of forty pounds, were put about his ankles. Each foot was placed upon the anvil, and a man, wielding blow after blow with a hammer, riveted the shackles firmly together. This was all. Thomas Hunt s doom was sealed, and he was ready for execu tion. "Ten minutes had passed since Hunt s name was called until the echo of the hammer s last blow had died away. Who was to come next? The agony of soul which each of the remaining fourteen men suffered baffles the puny insufficiency of language to describe. We were ready if need be to die for the cause we had espoused ; but to be executed to avenge a crime we had not committed, and of which we had no knowledge, made the situation tenfold harder to contemplate. "In another moment the suspense of one of us was forever relieved. His name was called, he arose and went forward, and the same process through which the first victim had been carried was repeated. One by one the names were called, and one by one the dooms were sealed, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 277 as shackles, chains and cuffs of steel were fastened upon those on whom the lot had fallen. As the number remaining grew less the suspense waxed more awful. I lay prostrate, with fists clenched, teeth set together and every mus cle drawn to its utmost tension. So powerfully was I wrought upon that my finger nails almost pierced the flesh of each palm. Dim oil lamps, few in number, shed a strange, uncertain light upon the solemn scene. Not a word had been spoken, save by him who called the deathroll, until the last name was reached, when the same fateful sentence that had been uttered an hour before greeted my ears : That s ten. "This done, the balls and chains were removed from the doomed men. A small space was allotted to them near the stove, and in this they sat grouped together, gazing vacantly into each other s faces. With them the die was cast; and in that despair which sees no gleam of hope they waited for their fate. Some of them procured Bibles and read for hours. The lips of others could be seen moving in prayer. The offi cers had all gone below, and the lynx-eyed guards that stood along the shadowy walls seems as rows of spectres. The stillness that reigned in the room was oppressive, broken only by an occasional sigh breathed by some of the three hundred prostrate prisoners. The soldiers them selves were deeply impressed with the solemnity of the situation. I lay in one position on the hard floor the whole of that terrible night, not daring even to move, for fear that my life, grown more precious to me than ever, might pay the penalty. Sleep was of course out of the question, but as I lay and gazed upon the scene about me, the feeling would now and then steal in upon my consciousness that the whole thing was a horrible nightmare. Oh! how I longed for the morning, though it was a longing not unmixed with dread, for I had no assurance that I would not be called upon to meet the doom which had already been assigned to my companions, Finally the shadows of night gave way to the indistinct light of dawn. A sigh of relief went up from the floor of the prison, saving that space where the ten men sat, quietly awaiting the approach of the end. What storms of agony raged in their bosoms, what keen knife thrusts of despair pierced their hearts, as they thought of the homes where mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, wives or children were eagerly an ticipating their coming back who should never return ; what shrink ing from the awful fate that was near at hand and what thoughts of the great future upon which they were soon to enter, passed in hurried march through their minds, will never be known until the last great day, though a pitiable index of their feelings was seen upon every face, which wore a cast of inexpressible sadness. "By and by it was fully day. The heavens seemed to be in sympa thy with the occasion, as a dismal mist of rain was falling, and the clouds were dark and lowering. Breakfast was announced at six o clock, and although our appetites had been sharpened by thirty days on quarter rations, I dare say not a morsel was touched by any man in the prison. Soon the scream of a locomotive was heard in the dis tance, and a moment later it drew up with two or three cars in front of the prison door and stopped. An officer, with some soldiers, as cended the stairs and commanded the condemned men to get ready. 278 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Each man rose unfalteringly as his name was called, and with man acled hands clutched the chain fastened to his leg and threw the iron burden over his shoulder. For some reason the names of only eight were called, and it was afterward reported that an indemnity had been offered to secure the release of the other two. "The death procession filed down the stairway, young Hunt leading the way. It was followed by the soldiers who had stood on guard during the night, a fresh detail taking their places. Hunt and his seven comrades were carried to Frankfort, where in the outskirts of the city eight new-made graves were waiting to receive their occupants. The doomed men were assembled in close proximity to the graves, and a minister who chanced to be present asked the privilege to hold a brief religious service, which was granted. "One of the prisoners was an old man of seventy years. His hair was silvery white, and he had tottered along with the rest, scarcely able to bear the heavy iron ball. From long confinement he was much ema ciated and very weak. The iron band about his ankle had worn its way into the flesh, and he had torn off a piece of his clothing and slipped it between the shackle and bleeding surface. While prayer was being offered, he managed with the aid of the cloth to slip the shackle from his leg. When the Amen was pronounced he rose with the others, and, quickly whirling about, made a desperate effort to escape. Gun after gun was discharged, but he ran on until he reached a fence. Just as he was mounting it, the sure aim of a sol dier pierced him in a vital part and he fell over the fence dead. "This was witnessed by the other seveli, but they seemed unmoved, and were evidently determined to die like brave men. They were ranged in a row and a detachment of fifty soldiers stood in front of them fifteen paces away. One of the prisoners asked for a drink of water before being executed and it is said to have been dipped from one of the graves and handed him. The words ready, aim/ fire/ were then spoken in quick succession, a volley of bullets was discharged, and seven souls were sent into eternity. "To day there stands in the cemetery at Frankfort a monument erected in memory of these eight men [and of others], and every year flowers are brought and strewn over their graves. "The next day Dick Vance, commander of the post, came into prison. I recognized him, and still fearing that I might be the unlucky victim in another draft, I approached him, told him who I was, and that I desired, if possible, to be released. He had already received a letter from Dr. G. W. Duncan, of Franklin, written in my behalf and had doubtless come in search of me. I was promised a hearing on the morrow, which was had, and which resulted in my being admitted to parole north of the Ohio river. "On the following day myself and four others who had secured hear ings when I did, one of them a nephew of John J. Crittenden, were placed in charge of an escort of soldiers. They were part of those who had participated in the slaughter of our comrades at Frankfort, and from them we learned the details of the execution. We were car ried across the river to Cincinnati, and were free men once more. "I remained there a month or so, after which, through the instru mentality of Mrs. Francis Ford, of Covington, then Miss Augusta HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 279 Webb, the Legislature passed an act in my favor, making the corporate line the limit of my parole." Grainger s experience while in the power of the inhuman wretch was such as to create a vengeful determination to kill him, cost what it might; and in the autumn of 1865, he thought he had found his op portunity. Meeting him in the Metropolitan Hotel, in Cincinnati, in conversation with Garrett Davis, he reminded him of the butchery of his comrades at Frankfort, and drew his pistol to shoot him ; but Davis threw himself in the way, and other bystanders interfered, which en abled Burbridge to escape. The indomitable character of the old Orphan is shown by his con duct since that time, as well as by his record while in the field. For many years he has been almost totally blind, but to all outward seem ing has " bated nothing of heart or hope." Engaging in such business as a man in his condition is capable of, he has admirably maintained himself and his family, and is known as an honorable citizen as well as a loyal comrade. 280 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER XV. THE BRIGADE, AS MOUNTED INFANTRY, IN GEORGIA AND SOUTH CARO LINA. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. It had been, for a great while, the earnest wish of the men, and, in most instances, of the officers, that they should be mounted, and thus render it possible for them to accompany some expedition into Ken tucky, where they could hope to fill their depleted ranks, as well as en joy something more of communication with home and friends. They had served long and with exceeding faithfulness, wholly cut off from their native State, and the prospect of returning grew more and more hopeless while they were retained in the infantry service. Various efforts had been made during the past year, but one difficulty after an other arose to prevent the Government from taking the action desired. But the change had at last been decided upon, and steps were taken to effect it as speedily as possible. On the yth of September, just four months from the time of having marched out from Dalton, the brigade quitted the remainder of the di vision, and marched to Griffin, thence to Barnesville, where the first installment of horses was distributed, and life in the " Old Brigade assumed a new phase. The four months preceding, however, had told so disastrously upon them that there were few left now for any service. On leaving Dalton, the five thousand, of which the regiments and the battery had orig inally been composed, had dwindled down to eleven hundred and twenty enlisted men, with the proportionate number of officers. At Barnesville, in September, 1864, there were but two hundred and seventy-eight guns. The loss during the campaign from Dalton to Jonesboro had been about nine hundred men, rank and file, and of these only two hun dred had been captured. Counting all wounds, as noticed in the quo tation from Shaler in Chapter I, the number was more than fifty per cent, greater than that of the men composing the command when the fighting began on Rocky Face Ridge. Many had been struck re peatedly, while very few escaped altogether. Gen. Hardee reports the actual loss of the brigade to have been greater than that of any other in the corps. For four months there had scarcely been a day in which some had not been killed or wounded, sometimes from forty to one hundred and fifty in a single one. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 281 But those who remained entered with great zest into the new project; and for a time there were even accessions to the ranks, as those who had been disabled for infantry service reported as soon as an oppor tunity to be useful presented itself. Some who were sent on honorable detail service, sought to be relieved, that they might rejoin the ranks and try with their comrades, this (to them) new feature of the service. At Barnesville, as has been said, more than two hundred horses were distributed among the men ; but they were in miserable plight, being, in the main, such as had been abandoned by the raiders who had passed through the State. They were not utterly worthless, however, and the " old web-foots," as the cavalry laughingly called them, got upon them and began their movements, even before saddles were furnished. A detail had been sent to Xewnan for the purpose of manu facturing saddles, and these were distributed as fast as they could be turned out; but it was long before those of the command who, first and last, obtained horses at all, were supplied. Those who had been captured at Jonesboro were exchanged on the ipth of September, by a special arrangement; and with these and the wounded who had recovered, the aggregate was about nine hundred ; but of this number more than two hundred were never mounted, being continually, from that time till the close of the war, moved from place to place, under command, first of Col. Wickliffe, then of Col. Connor, either to guard some threatened point, or assist in collecting abandoned horses designed for their use sometimes moving in con nection with the cavalry troops. Gen. Lewis left no means untried to have the entire command properly mounted and equipped; but the _, r reat scarcity of suitable Government horses left him solely dependent upon such as could be gathered up in the track of the raiders ; and, though his chief quartermaster, intrusted with the direction of this \vork, labored long and earnestly, the object was never wholly accom plished. The nature of the subsequent service was of so desultory a charac ter that it would be impossible to notice it in detail, even were it neces sary or desirable. We may remark, however, as preliminary to the following hasty sketch of this part of their career, that though no im portant engagements afterward occurred in their department, and but few casualties are recorded, they were nevertheless active until the very last, and lost none of whatever efficiency might be displayed by so small a body of men, in such circumstances as they were afterward placed. Gen. Lewis, intrusted now with larger discretionary powers, as he was often wholly detached from every other force, exerted himself un tiringly, and with excellent judgment, to harass and thwart the enemy, 282 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. and, when possible, to deal him a blow. In making or receiving an attack, the men always dismounted, as they retained their old weapon, the Enfield rifle, and as their horses were, to say the least, not alto gether suitable for a charge, being of that unique kind best adapted to a certain species of ground and lofty tumbling. From Barnesville, Gen. Lewis went to Forsythe, thence, after a short time, across the Chattahoochee, by way of Newnan, to a point near to Campbellton, for picket duty. After remaining here a few days, he was ordered to Stockbridge, a little post-village on the Mc- Donough road, eighteen miles south of Atlanta. The brigade was now part of the division commanded by Brig. -Gen. Iverson, who established a strong picket-line near Atlanta, on all the roads leading southward, and here the Kentucky Brigade did constant picket and scout duty until the i5th of November, when Sherman began his " march to the sea," and toward the close of the day the pickets were driven in, and Gen. Lewis moved out to skirmish with his advance column. He fell back slowly before the enemy, with the main body, while Col. Hawkins, who had been sent out with a scouting party toward Yellow River, went down parallel with his flank. When the command reached Griffin, Gen. Wheeler had arrived from the Army of Tennessee, and was collecting such force as he could to oppose the columns of Sherman, or, at least, to prevent the widespread devasta tion which would result from marauding parties if allowed to operate undisturbed on each flank. He left there with from four to five thou sand cavalry and mounted infantry, which, with about eight hundred militia under Gen. Gus Smith, was all the force that was at hand to confront the immense army of Sherman. Successful resistance was, of course, out of the question, and nothing could be accomplished but to prevent small parties from preying upon the people far out of the line of march. Wherever such advance or flanking parties could be found, they were driven back upon the main body, and the Kentucky Bri gade, though small, was conspicuous in this service, and in daring scouts, flank and rear. When Sherman s army reached Savannah, Gen. Hardee, in com mand there, had one regiment of veteran volunteer infantry, and seven thousand militia, old men and boys, with which to defend the place. The city was well fortified, however, and a few siege guns were in position. Gen. Wheeler was driven through the works, and crossed the river into South Carolina, with all his force except the command of Gen. Lewis, which was dismounted by order of Hardee, and placed in the works. Their horses were sent over the river, the spurs laid aside, and the long Enfields again made to do execution similar to that which HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 283 had been wrought upon the enemy s columns between Dalton and Jonesboro . Heavy skirmishing was kept up from day to day, the t-nemy showing little disposition to assault, till the i3th of December, when Fort McAllister, on the Ogeechee River, was carried by storm. The enemy s land forces had now established communication with his fleet, and the city was soon so closely invested, that Hardee, being 1 owerless either to attack or prolong resistance, was forced to abandon the place on the night of the 22d. At Hardeeville, South Carolina, the Kentuckians again received their horses, and were ordered to the Savannah River for picket duty with Iverson, some distance above Savannah. When Sherman began his march through South Carolina, they were stationed still higher up the river, with a view to checking an anticipated raid on Augusta. At one time it moved over into Georgia, and marched for some days from one point to another, and then returned into South Carolina, by way of Augusta. Gen. Wheeler, with all the cavalry corps except this division under command of Iverson, moved in front of Sherman, that he might keep the country as clear as possible of marauding bands, as he had done in ( leorgia. In February, 1865, Maj.-Gen. P. M. B. Young was placed in com mand of Iverson s division, and ordered to follow in Sherman s rear. This movement was conducted for some days, but with little progress, on account of the extreme difficulty which attended foraging the horses, since every means of subsistence had been destroyed along the enemy s track. Gen. D. H. Hill, then commanding at Augusta, or dered the division back a few days afterward, and had it stationed at a point on the Savannah river, above Augusta, but within striking dis tance of that place, as a raid was again expected in that direction. It remained here for several weeks. About the first of April, Gen. Lewis was ordered to send a regiment to Sumter, South Carolina, for the purpose of protecting rolling stock collected there, and the Ninth Regiment was accordingly dispatched on that duty (see sketch of Col. Caldwell for an account of the opera tions which took place while his command remained there alone). When it was definitely known that a strong Federal force was mov ing up from the coast, in the direction of Sumter, Gen. Lewis was ordered to proceed with the remainder of his mounted men to that point. He marched at once to Columbia, where he learned that the enemy were already near Sumter, and fighting Col. Caldwell, when he marched rapidly to his relief. Some fortifications had been thrown up eight miles south of Camden, and were now occupied by about three hundred militia. Gen. Lewis. 284 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. proceeded to these works, and found that the enemy was two miles in front, but nothing was known of his strength. He at once dispatched trusty scouts to the Federal rear for information, and, dismounting his men, placed them in the fortifications and proceeded to strengthen them. The scouts returned in a few hours and reported the enemy falling back slowly. He immediately moved forward with the mounted men and two brass field pieces, instructing the militia to follow. Late in the afternoon the Federal rear guard was encountered and driven back on his main force, and a slight skirmish was kept up till dark. Col. Caldwell was now reunited, with his regiment, to the main force. Gen. Young had promised that another brigade should follow directly from Aikin, but it did not arrive for some days. Next morning, April i5th, pickets reported the enemy s whole com mand advancing, and skirmishing soon began. Lewis fought them resolutely all day, sometimes with all his little force at a single point, then by detachments, as the nature of the case required, and inflicted considerable loss, though suffering but slightly, and that almost entirely in wounded. He was, however, gradually forced back by the over whelming infantry force of the enemy, whose superior numbers enabled him to flank successfully any position not readily assailable by front at tack On the night of the iyth of April, Col. Lee was sent with his regi ment to check a column of Federal cavalry moving by way of McCler- nand s ford. Reaching the neighborhood about midnight, the detach ment dismounted and slept till morning, reins in hand. A reconnois- sance of the ground at daylight showed that the stream ran through a miry swamp, covered with thick brush, through which it was impossible for the eye to penetrate. The ford seemed to be the only passage near, and that did not cross in a straight line, so that parties on opposite sides could not see each other. Militia had some time before thrown up a slight fortification to cover the ford, and behind this Col. Lee stationed his men, having previously concealed it with branches of trees. The enemy, on reaching the opposite bank, sent out two or three men to see that the way was clear. They came about half-way across, and, finding everything still as death, returned, and the head of the column was allowed to approach within a few feet, their bridle- reins hanging loosely about the necks of their horses as they leisurely drank from the stream. At a given signal the men in ambush fired, and a scene of the wildest confusion ensued, during which the fire was kept up, until the Federals retreated beyond range. It was afterward ascertained that more than thirty men were killed and wounded, while a number of horses also lay dead in the water. From the direction in which the enemy was heading, and from in- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 28& formation received from scouts, Gen. Lewis became satisfied that his objective point was Camden, as it contained a considerable quantity cf government stores, with a number of locomotives and other rolling stock that could not be moved. He accordingly ordered the militia to hasten back to the vicinity of Camden, and begin the erection of fortifications, sending a suitable officer to superintend the work. The Federals continued to press him back in that direction, but so slowly and cautiously that it was three days before he had reached the posi tion occupied by the militia. A heavy skirmish was kept up some time, in front. It was soon evident, however, that the enemy did not intend a direct attack on the fortified line, but, by a flank movement on the left, reach the town without serious fighting. Unable to prevent t:ds, Gen. Lewis determined to destroy the rolling stock collected there, and whatever other public property that could not be carried away. He accordingly sent a detachment into town for this purpose, which was accomplished before the enemy s advance reached the place ; but it was soon occupied by his whole force. They remained only one right, and then set out evidently to retrace their steps to the coast. Gen. Lewis had hitherto been intrusted with the entire conduct of affairs here, but he was now joined by Gen. Young, the division com mander, who was accompanied by the brigade of cavalry which had been expected some days before. They continued to harass the enemy for two days, skirmishing with his rear-guard constantly, but at the end of that time, Young received a dispatch from Gen. Johnston, announc ing a truce the Confederate troops were withdrawn the Federals pursued their route seaward, and soon Gen. Johnston s surrender was announced. The war had virtually ceased. Though the last six or seven months had not been prolific of great battles and the usual amount of sacrifice among the Kentucky troops, they had acted well the part assigned them, and many an interesting episode transpired which lent a zest to their experience in the new line of soldiering. Several daring scouts were made during the time by small parties under Capt. Turney, Lieut. Henry Buchanan, Lieut. Kavanaugh, and other officers, the particulars of which would be full of interest were it consistent with our plan, or even possible, to enumerate them. After it was definitely ascertained that the armies under Lee and Johnston had surrendered, Gen. Lewis proceeded to Washington, Georgia, where he was met by Gen. Wilson s provost marshal, prepared to receive surrender of such troops as should report at that point. The arms were laid by on the afternoon of Saturday, May 6, 1865, paroles were received, the survivors of many trials and many conflicts separ ated, with a future before them more dark and doubtful than the past 286 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE, had been, and the First Kentucky Brigade as an organization was no more. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. I. Its Effect on a Dead Man. The relaxation from restraint and repression imposed by four months of daily danger, anxiety, labor, all the hardships incident to a long and unintermitting cam paign, which came with the order to join the cavalry, speedily brought into play the characteristic cheerfulness and the exuberant fun of the jolly boys. The latter found expression at one point in rallying the new-comers ; and a man had to show proof that he had been absent because he was really a "poor sick soldier," or had been sent to hos pital with bullet holes in his hide, if he wished to escape unmerciful guy ing. On one occasion a lively member of the chosen band that answered to roll-call when the first horses were distributed led a new arrival around and showed him to the different detachments of the brigade as the identical man he had buried at Shiloh nearly two years and a half be fore. He had laid him neatly to rest, he said, and patted the dirt down gently but firmly over his head; and yet, here he was, ready to mount a horse and range the woods in search of buttermilk and pine-top whisky. II. A Conglomeration of Odds and Ends. Dyer, in his Reminiscences of the First Cavalry, presents a pretty hard picture of what the brigade had to encounter in getting itself on a cavalry footing. His intimation that the men made bridles and saddles in their sleep may be set down to a lingering memory of the abuse his regiment got every time it made itself too busy waking up the enemy and getting the Ken tucky infantry in trouble. " It was to be expected," he says, "that after the long and gallant service of the Orphans, now to be mounted, they would be furnished with the very best of everything. The love of Kentuckians for horses, and their pride in good ones, would naturally, it was supposed, induce at least any effort to give them something good and serviceable. "Not so, however. All the worn out and disabled horses of the cavalry and artillery were gathered and turned over to the Kentuckians. There were few in the lot able to do duty. Some were worn out with long and hard service, and all were defective in some way. Sore backs, sore shoulders, gun-shot wounds, skinned legs, graveled hoofs, they had, in fact almost every ill that horse-flesh is heir to; and all were very poor. It was the greatest aggregation of crow-bait I ever saw, and not good, decent crow-bait at that. A sensible crow would have thought twice before depending on the entire lay-out to furnish him a square meal. And the equipments ! If possible they were worse than the horses. Old dilapidated saddle-trees, innocent of stirrup cr leathers, and bridles without bit or head-stall, were the rule; and many had not so much as either bridle or saddle or the semblance thereof. But the boys accepted the situation as they found it, and went to work with a will to fix themselves up for business. They concocted all sorts of liniments and lotions, and put in their time bathing, rubbing, and feeding, with such good effect that in three weeks nearly all the horses were ready for duty. The next items were saddles and bridles, which HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 287- they manufactured in their dreams, at least I suppose they did, as they ;ilways procured them at night. Why they dreamed so many styles <>f saddles I could never tell. They were of all sorts, shapes and pat terns; old men s saddles, young men s saddles, and boys saddles, but very few of the army pattern." III. Thought He Knew Cavalry Tactics. Among the Orphans was a young fellow, hardly grown at the time, who was known as Bill Khodes. He was rather gawky and somewhat of a butt for his com rades; but he wasn t always asleep, even when his eyes were closed. One Col. Hannen had a small regiment of cavalry that sometimes ap peared, for which the brigade had conceived a dislike presumably be cause they got most of the buttermilk that was to be had, while the re ports never showed that enough of them were killed to compensate for the advantage their good horses gave them. One morning Hannen s cavalry came through the bivouac of the brigade, on a creek between Jonesboro and Fayetteville, after Stoneman s discarded horses had :>een turned over to Gen. Lewis, as previously explained. The Ken- :uckians were about ready to mount and take the road. Rhodes had no saddle, but he had ingeniously extemporized a pair of stirrups by girding on his blanket with rope in such a way that each end had a ,oop for the foot and hung down like the stirrup leather of a saddle. As die unpopular cavalrymen were filing by Rhodes was preparing to nount, but he was on the wrong side of his war-horse, with his right foot in the stirrup. This raised a laugh as soon as Hannen s men saw r, and one of them cried out: " Just see that cavalryman ! He s mount- >ng on the wrong side ! " Rhodes threw himself a-straddle of his bare- bones, and as he straightened up he yelled: "You re a d d fool ! We re marching left in front to-day! " This stopped the laugh, and the ;nerry-makers seemed to wonder whether Kentucky wasn t really bet- :<_T up in cavalry tactics than they were. IV. Kentucky Against Georgia: How Capt. Turney Got the Sheepskin. After the brigade was partially mounted, Capt. Turney was ordered to take a detail of men and go down below For- sythe, Ga. , to gather up mules and horses, as many of the men were .still afoot. One morning as they were saddling up to move, a citizen rode up. He was a stout-looking man, apparently about forty-five years old, and would have done "excellent well" to stop a bullet in the effort which Kentuckians were making to keep Sherman from spread ing all over Georgia; but he was evidently one of the stay-at-homes. There was no inducement for the boys to swap horses with him, as they happened to have as good as he, but he had a splendid black sheepskin for a saddle-seat, and as Turney was new to the use of the rough army saddle, it is at least presumable that there were sore places on him; and besides, he was short of blankets. It was but reasonable that he should covet that sheepskin ; it was a good, soft thing, and held out the promise of comfort by day and by night. Badly as he wanted it, however, it wasn t the Kentucky way not to give even a stay-at-home a chance for his life and his sheepskin; so he offered to buy it. The conversation was short, but not at first satisfactory. " Will you sell me that sheepskin?" " No, I won t sell it." " But," says Turney, * I ll pay a big price for it." " Nobody d be fool enough," said the 288 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. owner, " to give me what I paid for it." " How much did you pay?" "Forty dollars." I ll pay eighty dollars." " But I won t sell at any price." Turney was about to despair, but he tried a forlorn hope: " Well," said he, " 111 play you a game of seven-up for who shall have it." Fortunately, that struck the old sinner, and he inquired with ani mation who had the cards. Turney, of course by mere chance, had a deck himself. The sheepskin was spread in a fence corner; the citizen seated himself ; the captain in his eagerness got on his knees, and business began the latter playing as though his life depended on the game. The Georgian soon showed why he was so quick to accept the challenge he knew a thing or two himself; and either his skill or the captain s bad luck was making matters blue; the game presently stood five for Turney and six for his antagonist, and Turney s deal. Turney stilled his con science by persuading himself that his struggle for that saddle-seat and night protector from damp ground, was war and, " everything is fair in war." Success depended now almost wholly upon strategy, so he resorted to that. He shuffled and talked, and talked and shuffled in such a way that he confused his opponent and made him lose his count. " The game now stands five to six, you know you re five, I m six." The citizen studied this assertion a minute and then assented. The next step was to throw the deal on him ; so he went through another process of shuffling, and his talk was wilder than ever; his mind seemed to turn on bushwhackers, and he showed a bloody delight in his ability to kill them. By this time Georgia was fairly rattled, perceiving which Turney passed him the cards to deal. He studied the situation again, dealt, and turned a club. The crisis had come. Each looked at his hand, anxiously, and Georgia, in great triumph, said, " Here s the ace." Kentucky asked, with apparent contempt, what good an ace could do a man who only had five while his opponent had six, and held the low ; he then showed the deuce. Having thus lost his sheepskin, Georgia got up and rode away with out even saying good-bye. The last audible sound he uttered was: " Here s the ace." It seemed that when Kentucky s deuce beat his ace his tongue was paralyzed ; and it is not known to any of that band of Philistines whether he ever recovered. One peculiarity about the game was that in his eagerness to show Turney that other people could play cards as well as Kentuckians, the citizen failed to notice that nothing was staked by the captain, the proposition being simply to play for who should have the hide. The sorely coveted and cleverly won saddle-seat was used during the remainder of the war; then ridden home; and at last was de stroyed by a mule in the barn of Capt. Turney s father. V. Jim Price. Mr. Lincoln had the misfortune not to know Jim Price, of Co. F, Second Kentucky. A four-year experience with Price would have led him to modify that famous statement of his as to the impossibility of "fooling all the people," etc. Price could elude a camp sentry in broad daylight, cheat a provost guard made up of men from his own brigade, hoodwink his officers, visit his friends in side the enemy s lines, beat his way on railroads, and make himself a HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. :M) welcome guest in Southern homes whenever it struck his fancy to do so. He needed no passes, no tickets, no disguises except such as his face and figure could assume in a twinkling. A story or two may be recorded now as a sort of monumental tribute to the memory of our jolly comrade, who made a good soldier, fought in many battles, and made a thousand friends, but couldn t take life seriously after he came home. He died a few years ago with little to his credit, except his honorable scars and his fame as the only and unapproachable one of his kind. In moving from place to place by railroad, as it was some times possible for troops to do, a man would drop off occasionally, to make friends among the citizens, and better his physical condition by getting something more nourishing than he had in his haversack to eat. Ordinarily, a soldier had to have a little money with which to pay fare when he wanted to take a train for his regiment, but Price did not need money ; he could fall off and get on and go on whenever it suited him. How he played conductors will be understood from a single in stance. Taking his place among passengers one day after he had absented himself without leave, and thought it time to be getting back to his command, he awaited the appearance of the conductor. When that individual stopped to collect his fare Price had metamorphosed himself. Instead of a sensible and soldierly looking body, he was now a staring idiot, with his jaw down, his hair pulled over his fore head, and twiddling his fingers, after the manner of a vacant mind. "Ticket!" said the conductor, holding out his hand. Jim looked at him with lack-luster eye and said, as though unable to comprehend his meaning, "Sir?" "Ticket! ticket! " jerked out the conductor. Then Jim: 41 Oh, I m a co co cornscript." (A conscript.) "You re a damned fool! " rejoined the officer. " Yes," said Price, " there s lots o them." The ticket-gatherer left him in disgust. Being one day in a store at Albany, Ga. , two young ladies, seeing that he was a soldier, asked him where he belonged. " To the Ken tucky Brigade." "Oh, you re a Kentuckian, and way down here fighting for us ?" "Yes, Miss, that s what we are doing." "Don t you get awfully home-sick, being away so long? " " A little so, some times," he replied; "but nothing like one of your Georgia men I saw up yonder the other day." " How was that ? " (Price could mimic anything from a crying baby to a hee-hawing donkey, and now he gave the ladies a specimen of his powers.) " Well, I happened to find him out on picket-post, and instead of looking out for the enemy, he had his hands over his face, crying. (Then showing how it was done he put up his hands and boo-hooed and snuffled, while his listeners laughed.) They ve put me out here by myself, a hundred yards from camp boo-hoo ! I told him that was nothing he was in no danger. But that ain t all, he answered (and then Price introduced more mimicry of voice and manner), that ain t the worst of it! I ve been serving three weeks and haint never drawed a dollar. I told him that wasn t anything, either ; that I d been out three years and had neither drawn a dollar nor had a furlough. Oh, continued my Georgia friend, that ain t the worst yet! every time Ishetmy eyes I see Betsy and the children (more snuffling) I can t stand it! I see Betsy and the children every time I shet my eyes ! : Though the girls could but see that Jim was unmercifully satarizing their Georgia soldiers, he won 19 290 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. their admiration, and they invited him to stay at their home while in that vicinity. How quick-witted he was in an emergency is shown by the follow ing : Some time during the war he concluded to visit a family of whose members he had some time before made friends, though it re quired a trip beyond the enemy s lines. Armed with his usual pass port, his cheek, he reached the residence without mishap, and walked in, unexpectedly and unceremoniously, where he found himself in a bad box. Some Federal officers were with the family at dinner. When he realized his danger, he saved himself and relieved his friends by throwing his head up in a silly way, and bawling out: " I come to borry your harrerr ! " (sounding the word " harrow " in as clownish a way as he could). His friend caught on instantly, and spoke up: " Right out there, right out there, go and take it ! " Of course he lost no time in backing out and taking to his heels. His surviving comrades could add a score of entertaining stories to these some of them better, perhaps; but these are enough to indicate that Co. F wore the belt in the matter of odd characters. VI. Dead on His Feet. On the morning the enemy occupied Camden, South Carolina, April, 1865, a scout of ten men was sent out in advance of the brigade to ascertain position and movements of Potter s troops. Among them were A. T. Pullen, Co. D, Pius Pulliam, Co. B, and John Miller, Co. I, Second Kentucky. At a turn in the road they unexpectedly ran upon a large detachment of Federals. The scout wheeled, under a furious fire, and narrowly escaped with the loss of one man, John Miller, killed. Pius Pulliam was severely wounded, but. escaped capture. Pullen was among the foremost ones, and when he turned to retreat he had scarcely gotten under way before he dis covered Miller standing on the ground beside his horse, and asked him whether he were hurt. He replied no, but seemed dazed, and Pullen hastily dismounted, lifted him on his horse, gave him the reins, and told him to ride ; but glancing back he saw that he had drawn the left rein tightest and was heading toward the enemy. The situation ad mitted of no attempt to rescue him, and he was seen no more. The story gained currency that he was captured and murdered; but Pullen believed that he received his death-shot at first volley, and was almost unconscious when he replaced him in his saddle. Pullen had thirteen bullet marks in his clothing without a scratch on his body. VII. My Ole Missis Skillet. On the March to the Sea, the bri gade went into bivouac one evening in some woodland skirting the road, and one flank was within about a hundred and fifty yards of a farmhouse by which the road ran. The men of one mess, at least, found themselves short of frying-pans; and a borrower was dispatched to the house to inquire whether " you-uns would lend we-uns" that article. He was furnished a small skillet, which he promised to return ; but next morning when the command was preparing to march, it appeared that somebody had a short memory the property had not gotten home. Seeing the stir, the lady of the house sent a negro woman in haste to demand it. She came trotting down the road with the inquiry : " Who s got my ole missis skillet? Some o you men got dat skillet! " She was abreast of the Second Kentucky (the truly good), when her tongue got loose; HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 291 but nobody seemed to hear till she grew vociferous. Then a kindly soul desisted from his preparations long enough to walk to the road and inquire earnestly what was wanted. " Whar s my ole missis skillet? You s de very man, I guess, what s got it!" "No, 1 haven t; but I can tell you where it is. Captain Lewis has your skillet. You hunt him up and make him give it to you." To her eager inquiries as to where "Cap n Lewis" might be found, he pointed toward where Gen. Lewis and his staff were stationed, down on the other flank, and advised her to call on the " Cap n" immediately and not to be put off. Away she went, demanding to know as she rushed along, " Which one o dem men is Cap n Lewis?" and of course the innocents pointed out the brigadier and encouraged her not to allow him to escape. It is not known to the writer what peculiar phraseology the general used when attacked, or even whether she reached him at all; but it is safe to say that those people died under the impression (if they are dead) that the Cap n kept that skillet and was a mighty bad man. VIII. New Brains Evolve Old Jokes. A writer on " Fact and Fable" has said that most of the striking anecdotes of modern sol diers and eminent public men may be traced to the ancients. This is doubtless true to a great extent; nevertheless, a large proportion of those that relate to soldiers are as truly their own expressions of wit, humor, and sentiment as though the ancients had never lived. Men of all times fall into similar trains of thought in similar circumstances certain apposite reflections or ludicrous whims suggest themselves with the occasion, and are as much the offspring of the last brain from which they are coined as though no other head had ever done so. Grim- shaw, in his History of the United States, spices a page with a story of an American captain who went with a new hat on into battle with the British and got a bullet through it, which raked his skull with sufficient force to knock him senseless. When he was removed and had recovered consciousness, some began to condole with him about the severity of his wound, to which he replied : Ah ! Time and the doctors will mend that; but the rascals have spoiled my new hat!" Speeches with the same turn of thought were heard after almost every battle in which the brigade was engaged, from men who had probably never read Grimshaw s story. A soldier detailed for picket duty one day was observed to pull off a new shirt and put on an old and tat tered one. "What s that for?" asked an astonished comrade. "Oh!" he answered, " I m not going to let the Yankees shoot my new shirt ! " And another, whose clothes had been badly torn by a piece of shell, settled the question of comparative merits of shell and solid shot by declaring that if a man was hit without being killed the shell was the worse missile because it tore his clothes up so. IX. The Cheerful Brigade. Comrade Hutchen wrote in an appreciative vein some years ago of what he was pleased to call the "Cheerful Brigade." His evident admiration of the "jolly boys" could but touch a responsive chord in the hearts of all who live to re member under what trying circumstances and what a long succession of them they kept their good humor and drove away dull care, even when hope was waning and there was little to appeal to them except a sense of honor and true manliness. He cites the conduct of certain other troops, with whom the Orphans were sometimes associated as 292 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. neighbors in camp how they would mope and moan and repine at their hard fortunes as the star of the Confederacy seemed to pale, and their army was defeated by the overpowering numbers and inexhausti ble military resources of their enemies; while their thoughts of peaceful pursuits and their recollections of home life made them fret and fume, and express almost childishly their longing to throw aside the soldier s trappings and return to field and shop and marts of trade. The condition of the Kentuckians had little of promise in it; as the years went by it had less of hope ; and as they gave up their brave and true in every conflict, and reflected that the sacrifice was for a prin ciple which blood and suffering could sanctify but seemed insufficient to save from defeat, it had in it an element of despair. And yet they faltered not, and uttered no curses, complaints or distressful cries. Ap parently too much of this has been attributed to the fact that in the main these Kentuckians were young men unmarried men, upon whom the cares of the world had not yet fallen heavily, and who were not yet bowed down by responsibilities and subdued by suffering. The exuberent spirits of the young amount to much in giving that elasticit} which recovers from repeated blows and rises when borne down by mis fortune; but the explanation of the fact that there was a "Cheerfu. Brigade/ even in days of darkness and dire calamity, is found in the simple statement that they were Kentuckians. It is characteristic of the Kentuckian that he disdains to whine, and he scorns a sniveller. If he assumes a burden or a responsibility, he bears it like a man, and re frains from upbraiding others when he has to meet the consequences of of own acts. If he finds himself fairly beaten in a contest, he respects his adversary, and cheerfully pursues his way, instead of sitting down to repine over ill-fortune and invent excuses for being miserable and distressing others with a scowling brow and bitter speech. They sang their songs rollicking sometimes, as though they defied fate; had their games and played their pranks; told their stories and read and discussed such favorite authors as they could lay hand> upon; knew of uncles and aunts and cousins in strange places and played their officers for leave to slip off and see the dear ones once more and get something to eat and drink; made life a burden to Jc3 Brown s militia; scared plantation negroes; made gawkish youth and credulous old men believe that nothing else in earth or atmosphere or sea was like things up in Kentucky; put on the airs of gentlemen and gallants so well, when opportunity for a social evening offered, that mean clothing could not discount the man in short, were as full cf life on the march and in camp as they were full of fight on the bloody field. X. Our Star-Gazer. Pat Fitzgerald, of Co. K, 2d Kentucky, an Irishman, who had cultivated a taste for reading and study, carried a small library in his knapsack and used it with some diligence. His favorite subject was astronomy; and he combined with his reading quite an intelligent observation of the heavens. On one occasion he was corporal of the picket guard, but he had no watch, and declined to provide himself with one by borrowing. So for a time-keeper he put up at his picket base two sticks, one of which was to cast a shadow from moonlight and the other to indicate the end of the first two hours, when his relief was to be posted. Frank Mullen, who afterward served HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 293 awhile in the Confederate navy, was on post when the sticks were set up; but when at least two hours had passed, as he reckoned it, he began to look for the corporal with a man to relieve him. The weary hours went by, however, and he did not appear till it wasalmost dawn. It was reported that he found Mullen indulging in an audible soliloquy, the burden of which was profane abuse of a man who in a case of the kind would rely on an extemporized clock. Fitzgerald had miscal culated. While he was watching for the shadow to approach the mark, the moon went down, and he fell into such confusion of mind that he couldn t perceive the difference between two hours and a half- dozen or more. XI. Dying in the Last Ditch. There was some vaunting on the part of men of both sections during the few months of agitation and excitement preceding the beginning of hostilities, and even after the war was being waged in earnest. A good deal was heard about the determination of Southern men to die in the last ditch rather than sub mit to Northern domination ; but the serious work of four years stopped a little (though comparatively little) short of this dire consummation. It is not extravagant to claim, however, that the main body of men who lived and fought till the struggle was seen to be hopeless would have gone to this extremity at the call of leaders whom they really trusted. The temper of the Kentucky soldiers during the last days, taken in connection with the fact that, several times before, they had refused to give ground without orders when imminent destruction stared them in the face, warrants the assertion that if, like Leonidas and his little band, they had been posted with orders to " guard the pass " against overwhelming odds, live or die, there would have been a virtual repetition of the old story that " none were left to tell the tale." 294 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER XVI. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICERS OF THE BRIGADE, WITH BIOGRAPHI CAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS. The History of the Kentucky Brigade would be incomplete without a special notice of those officers who constituted its medical staff. To their hands were committed, not only the care of the sick and wounded, but, in a large measure, the efficiency of the command. Their office was not only to cure and to heal, but to befriend, to nurse, to comfort; not only to restore the disabled to their commands, but carefully to discriminate for duty, and to adopt general measures for the prevention of disease. They were not merely to dress the wounded and comfort the dying in battle, but to nerve the soldiers with the as surance that the calamities of the impending conflict would be miti gated by a skillful as well as a willing hand, and by kind and gentle care. These benefits were realized in an unusual degree by the Kentucky troops. Their surgeons were generally men of talent, skill, and friendly feeling. In field and in hospital they commanded the resources of the army and the cooperation of citizens alike, through their per sonal character and their singular relation to the hospitalities of the country. Fortunately, they were aided by the influence and abilities of fellow- Kentuckians who shared their interest, and were capable, through their positions as medical directors and purveyors, of affording facilities otherwise difficult to command Dr. David W. Yandell, medical director for Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston and Gen. Joseph E. Johnston; Dr. S. M. Bemiss, assistant medical director of hospitals for the Army of Tennessee; Dr. Preston B. Scott, medical director of the Department of Mississippi and Alabama, and Dr. John F. Young and Dr. Schaub, all Kentuckians, while discharging their general duties to their own and to the honor of their native State, were always alive to the peculiar interests of the brigade with which they were so much identified. Dr. D. W. Yandell left Louisville in the autumn of 1861, and was at once made the medical director of the lamented Albert Sidney Johnston. Upon the death of that officer, he was made president of the medical examining board for the Army of Tennessee. Seeking HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 295 more active service in the field, he made the campaign of Kentucky as the medical director of Gen. Hardee. Recognizing his skill as a surgeon, and his high order of administrative ability, Gen. Joseph E. Johnston called him to his personal staff, and gave him charge of the medical department of field and hospital during the eventful campaign of Mississippi in 1863. His preeminent abilities found ample scope for their exercise in the general disorder attending the fall of Vicks- burg. With a bold hand he grasped and met the difficulties of the occasion, which would have dismayed any ordinary mind. He rapidly replenished our exhausted hospital supply, and reorganized and placed in immediate efficiency a department demoralized by the reverses which preceded him. Upon the transfer of Gen. Johnston, to the command of the Army of Tennessee, he was assigned to duty with Gen. E. Kirby Smith, in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and remained his medical director to the close of the war. He then sought the field of his former usefulness and honor, and reengaged in active practice and in teaching in the University of Louisville. Dr. Bemiss was a native of Nelson County, and left a large and lucra tive practice in Louisville to go where he could assert his opinions without restraint, and devote his eminent administrative ability and professional skill to the care of those whose confidence he had already acquired. He was immediately assigned to hospital duty, for which he was peculiarly fitted, and was soon transferred to a larger field of usefulness, as assistant medical director of hospitals, for the Army of Tennessee. In this capacity he served with distinction throughout the war, and returned, at its close, to Louisville, where he resumed active practice until, in 1866, he was invited to take the chair of theory and practice of medicine in the University of Louisiana, which position he filled with distinguished usefulness and honor. In this connection we may mention another Kentuckian, whose hos pital was sought by almost every member of the brigade who needed treatment Dr. Joshua Gore, of Bloomfield not only for his medical skill, but to receive his humane care and tender nursing. Dr. Schaub and Dr. John F. Young, medical purveyors, both genial and high-toned gentlemen and accommodating officers, deserve great credit for the efficiency with which they supplied the medical and hos pital wants of the brigade. In our notice of the medical officers of regiments, we are compelled to be brief, not only on account of the limited space allotted to this part of the work, but from the difficulty of obtaining special information. Dr. B. M. Wible, a native of Nelson county, wasthe first surgeon of the Second Regiment. He entered the command at the beginning of the war, at a time when excess of sickness demanded a skillful and humane 296 HISTORY OV THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. physician. His excellent heart and faithful attention endeared him to every member of his regiment. After having served with it some time, he was ordered to assume charge of the Hess Hospital, in Bowling Green, and, in a short time, was made medical director for the Central Army of Kentucky, in which capacity he acted some time. He then took charge of the sick of the Second Regiment, at Bowling Green, when that command went to Donelson, and, after having sent them to Nashville, he reported to Gen. Johnston at Murfreesboro , and-was as signed to duty as post surgeon at Huntsville, Alabama. When the battle of Shiloh occurred, he hurried to the field with the hospital supplies which he had collected, and was on duty in the various field hospitals assisting in attention to the wounded, particularly on the second day. After this he was variously engaged, some time at Cor inth, in care of the wounded, whose surgeons had not come in from the battlefield ; then as medical inspector of the army (in which capacity he performed much arduous duty) ; then as surgeon in charge of post hos pital at Brookville, Mississippi; then at Tunnel Hiil, Georgia; after ward at Forsythe, from which place he was ordered to Newnan, to suc ceed Dr. Gamble, as senior surgeon in charge of hospitals there. He was here during the excitement caused in 1864 by the apprehen sion of raiders, when the wounded were frequently sent into the woods and secreted, to prevent capture ; and when the fight occurred be tween McCook and Brownlow, commanding Federal cavalry, and Wheeler and Roddy, he received the enemy s wounded and cared for them. From Newnan he went to Fort Valley and Americus, and estab lished hospitals at those places, himself taking charge of those at Amer icus. In the early winter of 1864 he relieved Surgeon Nichol, in charge of hospitals at Cuthbert, Georgia, and was ordered to organize there, and take charge of the same, a special hospital for the treatment of unhealed wounds and deformities. He remained here till the close of the war, when he repaired to the home of his wife. He had mar ried, November, 1864, Miss M. C. Brown, daughter of Dempsey Brown, Esq., of Houston county, Georgia. He remained at Houston, engaged in both planting and practice, till March, 1866, when he took up his residence at his old home in Louisville. Associated with Dr. Wible, in the Second Regiment, was Dr. The- ophilus Steele, of Woodford county, afterward a resident of New York, who, after a brief period spent in the medical department, sought more active service, and distinguished himself as a gallant colonel of cavalry in the command of Gen. Morgan. On the return of the Second Regiment from prison, Dr. Hugh G. Smith, of Owen county, was appointed surgeon and assigned to the place vacated by Dr. Steele s transfer. (See sketch). HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 297 Ur. John O. Scott, of Franklin county, was assigned to this regi ment in October, 1862. (See sketch). Dr. B. W. Dudley, of Lexington, was appointed assistant surgeon in October, 1861, and served with the Second Regiment until the trip to Rochester, when he was taken ill; and, after having recovered, was assigned to duty elsewhere. Dr. Arthur T. Forman, of Danville, was appointed assistant surgeon at a period in the war not definitely known to the writer, and which he has found it impossible to ascertain. He was a gentleman of fine literary tastes, agreeable manners, and professional skill; ambitious of distinction in life, and entertaining just views of the means by which alone young practitioners may hope to rise. He served with honor, and those who knew him best esteemed him most. It is regretted that our limited intercourse with him was inadequate to give us more explicit knowledge of his career, both as a surgeon and a civil prac titioner. Dr. B. T. Marshall, of Greensburg, became surgeon of the Fourth Regiment at its organization. He resigned after the battle of Shiloh, on account of ill-health, but afterward entered the service as one of the surgeons of Wheeler s command of cavalry. On the ist of May, 1862, Dr. Preston B. Scott was appointed to fill this vacancy. (See sketch). In May, 1862, Dr. Stanhope P. Breckinridge, a young physician of Danville, reported to his distinguished kinsman, Gen. Breckinridge, then in command of the Reserve Corps, and was assigned to duty as assistant surgeon of the Fourth Regiment. He was afterward placed on duty with a cavalry command, and his health failing very soon, he was assigned to hospital duty, in which he continued throughout the remainder of the war. He died in Chattanooga about thirty years after the war. This vacancy was for a time filled by Dr. Ben Scott, of Greensburg, (see Co. F, Fourth Regiment), who afterward became a gallant officer of cavalry ; and subsequently by Hospital Steward Robert R. Parsons, of Frankfort, whose fidelity in this capacity secured the esteem of the regiment. On the 25th of November, 1862, Dr. Thaddeus L. Dodge, of Clin ton, Ky. , was regularly appointed to fill the vacant position. . He was held in high regard by officers and men, for his kindness, his uniform courtesy, and for his unchanging fidelity to his duties. Associated with Dr. Dodge, after the transfer of Dr. Scott, in the professional care of the regiment, was Assistant Surgeon J. W. Eck- ford, of Aberdeen, Mississippi. He had been on hospital duty, and was left with our wounded at Murfreesboro . By his faithful and effi- 298 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. cient service there, he won the confidence of Dr. Scott, then brigade surgeon, who, immediately upon his return, secured his services to his own regiment. Dr. Charles Mann, surgeon of the Fifth Regiment at the time it was connected with the Kentucky Brigade, is a native of Kenton County, and graduated with distinction at the Ohio Medical College, Cincin nati. Upon Gen. E. Kirby Smith s marching into Kentucky, he re ported to this officer, and was placed on duty with the sick and wounded in and around Nicholasville. Having remained until this duty was discharged, he passed through the lines, and again reported to Gen. Smith, at Knoxville, December n, 1862. He was then as signed to hospital duty under Medical Director Frank Ramsey, with whom he remained, filling a number of responsible stations, till No vember, 1863, when he was ordered by Gen. Buckner to report to Col. Hawkins, commanding the Fifth Regiment, and he afterward continued its surgeon to the close. Surgeon Mann was a faithful and attentive officer earnest and careful as a medical attendant, and skilled as an operator. Dr. N. J. Thompson, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., was long on duty with the Fifth Regiment as assistant surgeon, but both our personal knowl edge of him, and our material, are inadequate to supply further no tice. The medical staff of the Sixth Regiment underwent but little change. The care of it was intrusted for the first year to Assistant Surgeons R. R. Stevenson and John L. Vertrees, and, in a great measure, to Dr. Thomas L. Newberry. (See more detailed sketch elsewhere in this work.) In the fall of 1862, Dr. Stevenson was promoted to surgeon, and one year subsequently was transferred to hospital duty. (See sketch.) Dr. Vertrees succeeded him in regular promotion, and re mained the surgeon of the command until the surrender of the armies. He had been a practicing physician in Glasgow, and by a previous acquaintance with a great many of the officers and men, secured their esteem and good will. This he retained to the last by his faithful ad herence to their fortunes, as well as by his unvarying kindness and good humor. The care of the medical department of the Ninth Regiment was first intrusted to Surgeon John Ed Pendleton and Assistant Surgeon Alfred Smith, with James Bemiss as their hospital steward. Dr. Pen dleton, a native of Washington county, graduated at the University of Louisville in the spring of 1854, and was engaged in the practice of medicine at Hartford, Ky., till the war broke out. He then recruited a company of infantry, and joined the Confederate forces at Russell- ville, where he was attached to Col. Hunt s regiment, and the com- DR. JOIIX E. PENDLETON. DR. WALTER J. BYRNE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 299 pany was afterward commanded by Captains Mitchell and Newman. He was chosen in a short time by Col. Hunt to be surgeon of his regi ment, whereupon he gave up his position as captain, appeared before the medical examining board, and was commissioned surgeon. He was assigned to duty with the Ninth Regiment, and served as regimental (and brigade) surgeon till just prior to the battle of Baton Rouge, when, owing to the illness of Dr. Avent, he was appointed on Gen. Breckinridge s staff, and remained with him until after the battle of Murfreesboro , serving also, meanwhile, on the board for the exam ination of applicants for position as surgeons and assistant surgeons, in connection with Dr. D. W. Yandell, of Louisville, and Dr. J. F. Heustis, of Mobile. He was left in charge of the wounded of Breck inridge s division, after the battle of Stone River, where he remained for nearly t,w,o months engaged in the most laborious official duties. Returning through the lines, he was appointed inspector of the med ical department of the cavalry of the Army of Tennessee, in which capacity he served some time, when he solicited to be assigned perma nently to the cavalry, and was accordingly made chief surgeon of Maj.- Gen. Martin s division, of Wheeler s corps, and was with that com mand through every raid and engagement from the diastrous affair at Shelbyville, Tenn., to the final surrender. In all the duties of his office, Surgeon Pendleton displayed throughout an eminent fitness. A discreet and experienced physician, a bold, yet prudent and skillful surgeon, a brave and courteous gentleman, he filled the several sta tions to which he was called with honor to himself, satisfaction to his superior officers, and benefit to those under his care. In his official intercourse with his fellow-surgeons he won their esteem and friend ship ; and, as a staff officer, the respect of all by his gallant bearing. He returned from an eventful military career with the consciousness of a service well directed and well performed, and of a reputation justly won, to his wife and children, home and friends, and to a larger pro fessional patronage, to devote to them the remainder of his life. Dr. Walter J. Byrne succeeded Dr. Pendleton as surgeon of the Ninth Regiment, in the autumn of 1862, at Murfreesboro . He was associated with the command during the occupation of the State by the troops of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, but was detained, on its evacuation, by domestic afflictions. He had a kind of inherited fitness for his profession, his ancestors having been physicians for genera tions; and was fully qualified for it by a thorough classical education, and by professional study in the office of his grandfather, Dr. Walter Jones (an eminent practitioner of his day), and in the universities and hospitals of Louisville and St. Louis. He was favorably introduced to his command by their previous knowledge of his large experience and 300 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. established reputation. No medical officer could have been more faithful to his charge. During his long connection with the regiment he was absent but four days. He was on duty at every engagement from Hartsville to Jonesboro , which latter closed the career of the Kentucky Brigade as infantry. He served repeatedly as senior sur geon of brigade, and directed its interests with judgment and fidel ity. During the winter spent at Dalton he was one of the division medical board for the examination of disabled soldiers, and his discharge of this duty was such of itself as to mark him thoroughly skilled in his profession. His disposition was social and genial, and he made many and lasting friends. As a surgeon, he was skillful, but conservative; and he saved, through his judgment and kindness, many a limb which, under other circumstances, would have been sacrificed. After the close of the war he resumed his practice at Russellville, and took his place among his fellow-soldiers and fellow-citizens as a man of honor and usefulness. Dr. Alfred Smith, of Bardstown, was chosen by Col. Hunt as the as sistant surgeon of his regiment. He left Bardstown with Capt. (after ward Colonel) John C. Wickliffe, in the autumn of 1861, to engage in what he deemed a righteous resistance of unwarranted interference with the rights of the States. He had taken, at St. Joseph s College, of his native city, the degrees of Bachelor and Master of Arts, and a complete course of professional study in the University of St. Louis. He discharged the duties of assistant surgeon with constant fidelity, giving rare satisfaction for one so young, until March, 1864, when, from seniority, and in consideration of meritorious service, he was pro moted to fill the vacant position of surgeon of the Fourth Regiment. He was welcomed by his command, and retained their esteem and confidence throughout his connection with them. A modest and refined gentleman, a kind, careful and skillful physician and surgeon, he merited the honorable standing and generous patronage that he en joyed, in an enlightened community, upon his return home, after the close of the war. Dr. Benjamin L. Hester, of North Carolina, was so long identified with the Kentucky troops thas he has been regarded as belonging to them. His first duty in the brigade was with Cobb s artillery, as assistant surgeon, in the autumn of 1862. He afterward served some time with the Sixth Regiment; and, on the promotion of Assistant Surgeon Smith, he was assigned to the vacancy in the Ninth Reg iment, and continued on duty with that command to the close. He was a brave as well as a faithful officer, and secured, in an eminent degree, the confidence and friendship of those with whom he was con nected. DR. ALFRED SMITH. DR. PRESTON B. SCOTT. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 301 In other departments of this work it will be seen that mention is made of Dr. H. Rutherford, Dr. Basil Duke, Dr. J. W. Thompson, and others of Kentucky, as also Dr. Brookin, of Texas all of whom were, at some time, connected with the various regiments. How the medical officers of the Kentucky Brigade met the difficul ties of their position cannot be better estimated than by the high position they occupied in the general department, and the esteem and confidence that most of them inspired throughout their respective com mands. In addition to those who did service with Kentucky troops of vari ous arms, Kentucky furnished a number of educated and skillful phy sicians and surgeons to the soldiers of other States, who so acquitted themselves as to win reputation and reflect honor upon their native commonwealth. Among these are remembered Dr. Todd, of Lexing ton (Mrs. Abraham Lincoln s brother), who served with South Caro linians; Dr. Charles H. Todd, of Shelby County (now of Owensboro), in the Army of Northern Virginia; and Dr. Samuel F. Smith, of Jefferson County, who was on duty with the Thirty-third Alabama In fantry while that regiment was identified with other organizations under command of Gen. Buckner. When Buckner became governor (1887) Dr. Smith was a successful practitioner in Frankfort, and his old com mander evinced his regard for one who, as a young surgeon, had attracted his attention and won the love and confidence of his men, more than twenty years before, by offering him official position. Dr. Smith died a few years afterward (March i4th, 1892), while on a pro fessional visit. DR. PRESTON B. SCOTT. BY MAJ. HENRY T. STANTON. Preston Brown Scott, now a highly distinguished physician of Louis ville, is the oldest son of Col. Robert Wilmot Scott and Elizabeth Watts (Brown) Scott. He was born at Frankfort, Ky. , September i2th, 1832. His father was of pure Scotch descent, a man of scholarly at tainments and extensively known as an advanced thinker and writer upon agricultural and other scientific subjects. His mother was a granddaughter of Rev. Dr. John Brown and a great granddaughter of John Preston, of Virginia, each family being of prominence in that State. Dr. Preston Brown, his mother s father, for whom he was named, was a noted physician of Frankfort, and a younger brother of Dr. Samuel Brown, who became celebrated in his profession at home and abroad, both as a practitioner and a scientific thinker and writer. Hon. John Brown and Hon. James Brown, (one the first Senator from 302 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Kentucky and the other a Senator from Louisiana from 1812 to 1824, when he resigned to accept the appointment of Minister to France), were elder brothers. His father, Robert Wilmot Scott, was born at Mill Farm, on Elk- horn, Scott County, Ky. , November 2d, 1808, and was married Octo ber 2oth, 1831, at Frankfort, Ky. His grandfather was Joel Scott, born near Abi.ngd.on, Va. , Novem ber 15, 1771, and came to Kentucky with his parents in 1785. He married Rebecca R. Wilmot, a member of one of the most distin guished families of Maryland and Virginia, December 24, 1805. Joel Scott was a very prominent man in Kentucky in the early part of this century. His great-grandfather was John Scott, born in Madison County, Va., June 26th, 1748. He married Hannah, daughter of Joshua Earle (or Earley), of Culpeper County, Va. , October 25th, 1770. He was a lieutenant of militia at King s Mountain, was at the capture of Cornwallis atYorktown, and a participant in numerous other engage ments of that war. He came to Kentucky in 1785, and located on North Elkhorn, near the Great Crossing, in which vicinity his de scendants have held large tracts of fertile land since. His great-great-grandfather was Thomas Scott, who came with his family from England to the colony of Virginia, and settled in Cul peper County, a part of which was afterward Madison County ,in the early part of the eighteenth century, about 1715. His wife was a Miss Coleman. His great-great-great-grandfather was John Scott, born in England, and the immigrant ancestor of the Scott family in this country. He settled with his son, Thomas, in the same part of Virginia, and, it is supposed, died soon after, but there is no record of the date. In this connection it may be mentioned that in his will he left a cane, or staff, which he had used, to be handed down to the succeed ing John Scotts, and that it is now in the possession of a great-great- great-great-great-grandson now living on Elkhorn, in Franklin County. The great-grandfather, four times removed, or the fifth great-grand father, was Thomas Scott, born in Scotland and an immigrant to Eng land about 1620. His father, the most remote European ancestor of which there is any record, was born and died in Scotland, but his Christian name has not been preserved. The genealogy of the family has been fairly well kept and shows a long line of distinguished and honorable ancestry. On both the paternal and maternal lines, Preston Brown Scott has exceptionally marked antecedents. The Scotts, Browns, Prestons, Wilmots, Earleys and Colemans are all families conspicuous in Amerr HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 303 can history. Their relationship is very numerous, extending into many families throughout the South notably, the Dorseys, of Mary land, and Marshalls, of Virginia. Preston Brown Scott, though born at the residence of his grand father, Joel Scott, in the city of Frankfort, was raised at Locust Hill farm, his father s place, about five miles from that city. His early childhood was passed there and the primary steps in his educa tion taken under private tuition. His father, Col. Robert Scott, was the first school commissioner appointed under the common school sys tem, and erected upon his own land, within a short distance of his residence, the first public school building in the State. This occurred in 1841, when Preston Brown Scott was nine years of age, and he was the first pupil registered in that institution. Here he continued until about the age of fifteen, when, under the private tuition of Rev. James Eales, he was prepared for college. At seventeen he entered the junior class at Georgetown College, whence he graduated with the first honors of his class. Following this, he took the course at the University of Tennessee, where he also graduated with distinction. In 1853 he returned to Georgetown and received his Master s Degree. His inclination to the science of medicine and surgery was mani fested strongly at the close of his general scholastic studies, and in October, 1854, with a view to devoting his life to the profession of medicine, he entered as a student in the office of the renowned Dr. Lewis Rogers, and under his guidance, was graduated in the medical department of the University of Louisville in the spring of 1856; and the following year he served as one of the resident physicians at the Louisville City Hospital. After this experience in theory and prac tice, he went to Hickman County, Kentucky, and began the private w-ork of his profession, but finding a better field in Bolivar County, Mississippi, he went there and was soon engaged in a large and lucra tive practice for one of his years and limited experience. The way to success was fairly opened to him, for he had gained the respect and con fidence of the people of that locality, and might have remained to build his fortune there but for the inauguration of the civil war and the sud denly imposed duty to take part in it for the defense of his section. He responded promptly to the first call, entering the Confederate ser vice April 2oth, 1 86 1. He was afterward appointed surgeon of the famous Fourth Kentucky Regiment of Infantry, then commanded by Col. Robert P. Trabue. In this position he served but a short time when he was promoted to brigade surgeon on the staff of Gen. Ben Hardin Helm. From this he advanced rapidly. At the battle of Jackson, Mississippi, he was made Medical Director on the staff of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, serving there until assigned to duty as Medi- 304 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. cal Director on the staff of Lieut. -Gen. Leonidas Polk. Following the death of this distinguished commander, he was placed in charge pf all the military hospitals of Mississippi and Alabama, in which position he continued to act until the close of the war, serving as Chief Medi cal Officer under Generals Stephen D. Lee, Dabney H. Maury and Richard Taylor. In this service his experience in both medicine and surgery was largely augmented. He had dealt with the ills and misfortunes of thousands, and had put in practice almost every theory upon which his education had been founded. He had served as surgeon upon many sanguine battlefields and as surgeon and medical director through all the contagious and other diseases that pervaded the numer ous hospitals in the wide territory over which he had supervision. Returning to Kentucky at trie close of the war, in the summer of 1865, he entered the general practice and in a very little time, was fairly on the way to the head of his profession. His success has been somewhat phenomenal. Quiet and unostenta tious in his contact with men, he has gone steadily forward by moral and intellectual force and the natural impetus of genius. In love with his profession from the start profoundly impressed with its importance to humanity and the great responsibility which it involved he has never ceased to be a student, and has kept fairly abreast with modern scientific discovery in all branches of his business. Outside of his private practice, which grew from the start and which has known no abatement in the years intervening since the war, he has devoted much time and attention to public enterprises and charitable work. Among the numerous positions held by him may be noted the follow ing : In 1870, physician in charge of the Episcopal Orphan Asylum; in 1871, physician to the Masonic Widows and Orphans Home, a posi tion he still holds; in 1872, physician to the Young Women s Home; in 1 88 1, president of the Academy of Medicine and Surgery in the Polytechnic Society of Kentucky; in 1882, reflected to the same office; in 1886, elected president of the Louisville Medical Society. In all of these, and in other societies, he has been an important factor, taking great interest in social progress and the amelioration of the condition of the poor. He has shown unwavering courtesy to all the membership of his profession and has done his utmost to advance the means of education. His manifest desire is to promote professional skill and encourage the ambition of younger men. Dr. Scott has never manifested any of the lower instincts of the mere money-maker. His situation in life, though easy and comfort able enough, has come naturally of his labor, but where he has saved DR. JOHN ORLANDO SCOTT HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 305 hundreds, he has given away thousands. He inherits the liberal and hospitable spirit of a splendid ancestry that has always given to the world more than it has received. He has never taken part in the jealousies and rivalries that too often appear in all professions, but he has accorded to all practitioners, of whatever schools, the merit that their characters and their energies deserved. He has tried to promote amity and unity among his colleagues, and in consequence holds the respect and confidence of all. In 1854 he was confirmed as a member of the Episcopal Church, and has remained with it in full sympathy and contributing to its sup port ever since. Although only a layman he has done much to pro mote the progress and the general cause of Christianity the example of his own acts, his amiable and thoroughly moral life having no little influence to that end. In November, 1862, soon after the close of the war, he married Jane E. Campbell, daughter of Jno. D. Campbell, a prominent citizen and a retired banker of Jackson, Tennessee. From this alliance has resulted three children Campbell, Jeanie Porter and Rumsey Wing Scott all of whom are living. Such is an epitome of the life of a brave, honorable and efficient Confederate soldier a man who did his duty in both the humble and higher spheres, who had behind him antecedents of the American Rev olution, and who gave the same patriotic spirit to the modern effort at a revolution that failed. From the after acts and builded characters of such men alone can be derived a clear idea of the material upon which the South based her hopes of success. The basis of history can be reached only through the incidents of biography. The Confederate soldier, having no pen sion, no moral or material support from the victorious government against whose sectional discrimination he deemed it right to oppose his strength, has had to make his own way and carve out his own fortune, and nobly has it been done in the case of Preston Brown Scott. DR. JOHN O. SCOTT. John Orlando Scott, a son of Col. Robert Wilmot Scott and Eliza beth Watts (Brown) Scott, was born in Frankfort, Ky. , in 1837. (He is a brother to Dr. Preston B. Scott, in the sketch of whom, on pre ceding pages, will be found a sufficiently detailed and very interesting account of the families of both parents.) He was educated in the schools of his native city and county, and at Center College, Danville, Ky. Choosing the profession of medi cine, he entered the University of Louisville, in 1858, in which famous 20 306 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. school he graduated in February, 1862. He passed through the lines southward very soon after Gen. Sidney Johnston s withdrawal from the State, and was at once placed on duty with Byrne s Battery. The battle of Shiloh occurred in a short time, and here he began an active professional career in the hard school of military experience, deporting himself under all circumstances as a skillful, painstaking surgeon, and a man whose kind and courageous heart inclined him to be prompt in rendering assistance to the wounded, whether at extemporized hos pitals on the field or under the guns of the enemy where they fell. AVhile engaged at a point somewhat in rear of the line of battle, he learned that there was need of surgical care on the ground where his battery was in action, and thither he went under heavy fire and com posedly took up the work. In a letter to Gen. Breckinridge, Capt. Byrne complimented him for his gallantry and for the essential service he rendered his wounded. Shortly after this battle he was transferred to the Third Kentucky Infantry; subsequently to Cobb s Battery; next, (October, 1862), he was assigned to the Second Kentucky Infantry, and, (November 27, 1862,) was commissioned its assistant surgeon. At the battle of Hartsville, December 7, 1862, he rode with Maj. Moss to the attack; but when Cobb s caisson blew up, there was imme diate necessity for surgical work, and he at once devoted himself to that. When the conflict ceased, and the forces of Hanson and Mor gan re-crossed the river, he was the only Confederate surgeon left to care for the wounded. Mrs. Halliburton, a noble woman, whose com modious and well-furnished residence stood within a hundred yards of the eminence on which the Federals were attacked, unhesitatingly and in the excitement of battle, when she saw the need of the fallen, friend and foe, for shelter and care, tendered to the surgeons the use of her mansion, all her bed linen and whatever else she had at her disposal. Impressing a wagon and team, he soon had nearly all the wounded conveyed to Mrs. Halliburton s, where he gave himself sedulously to their relief, to which the excellent lady contributed in every practica ble way, and in which Gen. Harlan, coining upon the field soon after, with a view to reenforcing Col. Moore, joined them and exerted him self like a soldier and a gentleman. (See Incidents and Anecdotes elsewhere). At Stone River, he was with his men during the whole of that try ing week, and more than once displayed conspicuous gallantry. When Gen. Hanson fell, he went to him, under fire, and accompanied him in the ambulance some distance, laboring to stay the flow of blood which threatened speedy death, and he desisted only when the general bethought himself of his suffering men on the field, and, trusting him- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN P.RIGADE. 307 self to his adjutant-general, asked the young surgeon to go back and help them. , After Bragg had retired to Tullahoma, Dr. Scott s health so failed that he was unfitted for active field work, and he was assigned to hos pital duty at Marion, Ala., where he remained until he was promoted to full surgeon, January ist, 1864, and assigned to the Seventh Ken tucky Mounted Infantry, whose fortunes he followed for the remainder of the war, and where he was the same efficient and popular officer as when connected with the Orphan Brigade. After the war closed he spent nearly a year visiting prominent hospitals in Europe, with a view to still further enlargement of his knowledge of both medicine and surgery; then, in 1886, he located in Ovvensboro, where he prac ticed eight years. In 1874, he settled in Sherman, Tex., where he has been inactive and successful practice ever since. In 1865 he was married to Miss Ellen Mellvin, a cultured and re fined lady, whose acquaintance he had made at her home in Marion, Ala., while he was on duty there; and they have reared and liberally educated three sons and a daughter, to perpetuate in Texas a name which has been honored in Kentucky from pioneer to present days. With a frank and manly bearing, being uniformly courteous and kind, and courageous withal, as became his blood and lineage, he won a place (which he still holds) in the minds of the many gallant men with whom he was associated and to whom he rendered assistance in times of danger and suffering. Believing in his fellow-Kentuckians then, and true to them now, he uses such leisure as his profession allows him to study not only their deeds, but those of their fellow-soldiers from other States, and to speak for them on occasion, that their names may live in the memories of men as vividly and as profoundly honored as though at the end of the war their banner had waved in triumph over a government whose ex istence and whose powers were derived from the consent of the governed." His public addresses, while breathing naught unbecoming to a citi zen of the government to which he owes allegiance, bear testimony to his unabated loyalty to his comrades, dead and living, and to an ad miration which arises spontaneously when he contemplates with what constancy and heroism they struggled against odds, and bore, with more than Roman fortitude, hunger, cold, imprisonment, wounds, suffering unto death, and the ultimate calamity of defeat. His tribute to " Albert Sidney Johnston and his men at Shiloh," delivered July 2ist, 1894, at the reunion of Camp Mildred Lee, United Confederate Veterans, and the Eulogy on Hood s Brigade of Texans, August 29th, proclaim the soldier and the man. 308 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. DR. R. R. STEVENSON. At the outbreak of the war, Dr. Stevenson was practicing his profes sion in Anderson County, Kentucky. In hearty sympathy with the Southern cause from the first, he left a lucrative practice when the Kentucky troops were organizing in 1861 and offered his services as surgeon. Pending action on a recommendation to the Richmond au thorities that he be put in commission, he belonged nominally to the Sixth Kentucky Infantry, and when (December i8th, 1861), he was commissioned assistant surgeon he was assigned to that regiment. Serving it faithfully with this rank for a year, he was promoted to sur geon, (December, 1862). He continued to do field duty till January, 1864, when he was assigned to duty in the Anderson ville prison. The following sketch of his career there and subsequently is from the pen of Dr. James B. Read, a prominent physician of Sherman, Texas: "Dr. Richard Randolph Stevenson was my warm personal friend and for five years my preceptor in medicine. I first knew him early in 1864, when he was surgeon of the Sixth Kentucky Infantry. He was sent shortly afterward to Andersonville, Ga., for duty in the prison hos pitals, where he did a great deal toward ameliorating the sufferings of the Federals confined there. He also kept a record of all deaths, and had the graves of prisoners marked with a number corresponding to the number of each one s name on the hospital register in which it was enrolled, his company, regiment, etc., so that the United States Gov ernment was enabled to identify the grave of every prisoner (about 13,000), that died at Andersonville. " For this service the only recognition he ever received from the Federal Government was an indictment for murdering prisoners, in connection with Jefferson Davis, John C.Breckinridge, Henry Wirz, and others. He left Newburn, N. C. , as soon as the fact that he had been in dicted was announced, and in disguise passed through Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Portland, and thence by steamer to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he was hospitably received by the medical men. A grand dinner was given in his honor at the Halifax hotel. He left his family at High Point, N. C., till he secured a home for them in Upper Stewiacke, Colchester County, Nova Scotia. He remained in Nova Scotia about ten years and continued the practice of his profession, establishing a reputation as a skillful physician and sur geon throughout the province. In 1875 ne rnoved to Worsham, Vir ginia, and thence to Farmville and probably to some other location in the same section. It was while in Virginia that his second wife died, and soon afterward he returned to Nova Scotia, where he married his third wife, and where a few years later he died. DR. R. R. STEVENSON. DR. HUGH G. SMITH. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 309 " It was my good fortune to know intimately Dr. Stevenson. He married my cousin, Miss Frances Ilsley, in 1864, to whom was born five children all of whom except the oldest (Frank) are still living. He was a gentleman of the old school brave, generous, hospitable, true to his friends and magnanimous to his foes. " But what should be remembered by every ex-Confederate and every Southern man, woman and child, is the fact that he used his pen in vindication of the South in reference to the treatment and exchange of prisoners. He was the author of a book entitled The Southern Side, or Andersonville Prison, published in 1876. In this book he gives a full account of the Wirz trial and a great deal of valuable in formation in regard to the mortality in Northern and Southern prisons, exchange of prisoners, etc. I have been told that the Federal authori ties bought up or destroyed all that could be procured." DR. HUGH G. SMITH. On the return of the Second Kentucky from prison, (September, 1862), Dr. Hugh G. Smith, of Owen County, was appointed to the sur geoncy left vacant by the transfer of Dr. Steele. He was a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, hav ing obtained both his general and professional education by his own exertions and under the most adverse circumstances. He served during the war with Mexico, 1847-48, as a private in the Third Regiment Kentucky Volunteers. In the Confederate service he was a brave and faithful officer, unre mitting in attention to his duties and having the confidence and esteem of the men under his charge. A skillful surgeon and a ripe prac titioner of medicine, his services were of great value to his command. He shared in all its trials and vicissitudes after his assignment, and surrendered with it at the last. He was an outspoken", unaffected, un pretentious and candid gentleman, but warm hearted and of generous impulses. After an honorable career in the army he returned to Owenton and practiced there ten years. In November, 1875, ^ e re ~ moved with his family to Texas, where he remained till December, 1888, when he came back to Owenton, where he is still actively en gaged in professional work (1897). DR. THOMAS L. NEWBERRY. Dr. Newberry, the successor of Dr. Vertrees as assistant surgeon of the Sixth Regiment, was born near Slick Rock, Metcalfe County, Ky., July nth, 1833. His boyhood was spent on his father s farm, with meagre educational advantages; but by application to books and by 310 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. his own efforts to meet the expenses of schools he educated himself in the ordinary branches, and took also the college course necessary to fit him for entering upon the practice of medicine and surgery. He had located at Hiseville, and made an excellent beginning in his chosen profession before the war began. Then he earnestly and zealously espoused the cause of the Confederacy. He enlisted as a private of Co. F, Sixth Regiment, but was, almost immediately after the organization of the company, given charge of a number of the sick of his regiment, who had been placed for attention at the houses of John Gorin and others, on Jennings Creek, below Bowling Green. He here won the entire confidence of officers and men who had hith erto been strangers to him, and was thereafter almost constantly en gaged in the medical department. His fidelity and patient attention, his- uniform courtesy and kindness in this capacity, won, in a singular degree, the warm approval of all with whom he was associated. Though advanced only one course of lectures, yet, by hard study and careful observation, he was enabled to fill with honor and success his respon sible station. During the battle of Shiloh he was exposed both days to the fire of the enemy, assisting the wounded, either on or near the line where they fell, and directing their removal, and discharged his trust with conspicuous courage as well as skill. At Stone River, he remained on the field four days, at the end of which time he was relieved, and ordered to report for duty in Dr. Scott s hospital, in town. This was the only time during the war in which he was in field hospital during an engagement being generally at the front, as was the case at Shiloh. He was present on every battlefield of his command sometimes in the trenches with it prepared to render surgical assistance. Three different times, even before he had been promoted, he served in hos pital, after engagements were over, as assistant surgeon, in charge of brigade sick and wounded. At the close of the war he bore with him to his home the esteem of his fellow-soldiers, and a studious-experience qualification to introduce him to an honorable practice of his profession. He completed his course of lectures, and graduated at the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in the winter of 1865-6, and, returning to Hiseville, re- entered upon a professional career, under auspices rendered as favor able as any young physician ever enjoyed, by his own previous manly struggle to overcome difficulties and achieve distinction in the paths of usefulness, and by a moral and Christian character wholly above re proach. He soon built up a large and lucrative practice, and became recog nized as one of the most skillful surgeons in the State. He has prob- DR. THOMAS L. XEWBERRV. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 311 ably done more successful work of that kind than any other practitioner in that region of country. Uniformly a close student, he keeps abreast of the times in all that relates to his calling; has acquired a valuable estate; has rejected opportunities for political preferment that he might the better devote himself to his profession and the immediate care of his family; and reared and educated four children, the oversight and education of whom have for about twelve years devolved wholly upon him, his wife having died in 1886. He became a member of the Baptist Church when a very young man, and has led a thoroughly consistent Christian life. He was ad mitted to membership in the Graniteville (S. C.) Lodge, A. F. and A. M., in 1865, while a detachment of the Kentucky Brigade was stationed there, and has for twenty-one years been a working Mason in his home lodge. 312 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER XVII. CONFEDERATE WOMEN OF KENTUCKY, WITH PORTRAITS. In the quieter walks of life, while nothing comes within the sphere of woman to call forth an exhibition of her heroism, and an assertion of the influence which she is capable of wielding, we are apt to lose sight of her as the arbiter of the destinies of men. We forget that she is concerned in the more momentous events of life, and that she has modified the history of every civilized people ; that, in times of great public calamity, she has displayed a courage, a fortitude, a steadiness of devotion which, in their appropriate field of manifestation, put to shame the boasted prowess and achievements of man. It is an old story that " woman was last at the cross and first at the tomb" of the Crucified; that, when friends failed and enemies deemed that they had triumphed when even the apostles, who, in the character of com panions and pupils, had witnessed His wonderful career, were scattered and brooding in despair she remained steadfast, and could not be frightened away; and, even after death, the sepulcher was sought that she might pay a last tribute to the departed. Profane history glows with examples that need not be cited. The mothers of Sparta and of Rome became synonymous with feminine patriotism, that would sacrifice whatever should be necessary to the public good without a murmur. The wives, and mothers, and daugh ters of America, during the dark period of the Revolution, won im mortal honors. So, when the South assumed a defensive position in 1 86 1, and the clouds of war began to gather, woman stepped forth, not in Amazonian armor, nor for immodest display of herself in coun cil, but to grace the cause with her smiles, to warm the hearts of her defenders by a manifestation of her interest, to fire them with the thought that she would sustain and strengthen them in the contest that she would honor them, love them, labor for them, sacrifice ease and wealth, and take upon herself toil and hardship, danger and desti tution that they might go forth to battle as under her eye, and feel that she would glory in their gallant deeds. She appeared upon the scene not only as an anxious sympathizer with her warrior country men, but as a ministering angel. She came forward not only with en couraging smiles and words of cheer, but held forth her hand with the assurance that she would contribute her quota of strength to the work MRS. BEN HARDIN HELM. The (present) " Mother of the Brigade. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 313 that she would supply the wants of the needy and minister to the relief of the suffering that she would clothe, and feed, and soothe the sorrow and pain of those whom the fortunes of war might consign to her tenderness and care. How she fulfilled her mission has been a matter of wonder and praise since South Carolina threw her sword in the scale. The history of nations can produce no parallel to the wonderful ex ertions and endurance, the steadfast courage, the undying faith of the women of the South. Their fathers, husbands, sons and brothers were soon falling upon many a field ; but they quenched their tears, stifled the manifestation of grief, and sent others to fill their places. Servants fled, and property was destroyed then they labored for their daily bread, and still hallowed the cause in their hearts and prayed for its success. In all her afflictions, her courage never quailed; the treas ures of her heart she gave up as Cornelia gave up her jewels; and her resignation to the will of heaven was like that of the holy Uzzite. Even the vilest wretch of history, who fled from his people when they had arms in their hands, and came back to insult and oppress them after the Northern armies had overpowered them, was struck with their conduct, and said of them, on one occasion, in a speech in New York: "I bear testimony of my own knowledge to the influence of, and the indomitable courage of, the ladies of the Southern Confederacy. The most wealthy, the best educated, the most refined among them have planted themselves in their doors and piazzas, and have run their husbands, sons, nephews, uncles and brothers out into the army. Go, volunteer and fight, or I will disown you forever! When the Yankees meet them and they fall, the Southern women complacently fold their arms and thank God that they die in a good and glorious cause, fighting for the independence of the South." Through all the vicissitudes of war they never despaired ; but, with a firm faith in the righteousness of their cause, encouraged resistance, and labored with indefatigable though sorrowful hearts. In the spring of 1864, when it could almost have been said of the Confederacy as of Egypt when the angel slew the first born, "there was not a house where there was not one dead," the following circular letter was pub lished for distribution in the army, and signed by a hundred noble names : "SOLDIERS: The President, Congress, the public press, and your Generals have told you their high estimate of your noble devotion in RE-ENLISTING for the war. We also, as your mothers, wives, daugh ters, sisters, and friends, claim the right to thank you. It is the GRANDEST ACT OF THE REVOLUTION, and secures immortality to all concerned in it. It awakens anew the enthusiasm with which we be- 3J4 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. gan this struggle for Liberty, and removes all doubt of its eventual success. Such men, in such a cause, can not be overcome. In the dreariness of camp life, you may sometimes have imagined yourselves forgotten or little cared for. Counting up your privations and dan gers, you may have doubted their full appreciation, and fancied that those who stay at home and risk nothing, while you suffer and bleed, are more esteemed than yourselves. We beseech you, harbor no such thought. You are constantly present to our minds. The women of the South bestow all their respect and affection on the heroes who defend them against a barbarous and cruel foe. In the resolution to aid you, they are as firm and determined as you in yours not to lay down your arms till independence be won. When that sacred vow shall have been accomplished, your reception by us will more than attest our sincerity. It shall be shown, while the contest goes on, by our efforts to increase your comforts in the field, and to lighten the burdens of the dear ones left at home. For your stricken country s sake and ours, be true to yourselves and our glorious cause. Never turn your backs on the flag, nor desert the ranks of honor or the post of danger. Men guilty of such infamy sell your blood and our honor,, and give up the Confederacy to its wicked invaders. In after years, from generation to generation, the black title of Tory and deserter will cling to them, disgracing their children s children. But no stigma like this will stain you and yours. Brave, patriotic, and self-sacrificing in time of war, you will be honored in peace as the saviors of your coun try, and the pride and glory of your country-women. We beg you to keep near your hearts these memorials of affection and respect, and to remember them, especially in battle, and we invoke for you always the protection of a kind and merciful Providence." Nowhere was this spirit more strongly manifested than in Kentucky; nowhere more fully maintained. From the first, and under all circum stances, they proved themselves worthy of those whom they claimed as their own champions in the army of the South. In very many in stances they maintained different sentiments, or at least, a different attitude, from the men of their families. Fathers, husbands, and brothers might adopt a conciliating, even a cringing, policy, but this is foreign to woman s nature when any question of moment is. at issue; and for the most part the women of Kentucky were notoriously for the South, first, last, and forever. Their greatest pride was that they were identified with the South, during the war, by the sons of Ken tucky who chose t to follow that banner; and their greatest pleasure was to minister to the necessities of any soldier who wore the gray. When the State was overrun by the Federals they made no efforts to conceal their sentiments; on the contrary, they gloried in them, and defended,. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN I -RIGADE. 315 as best they could, the names of their soldiers from insulting imputa- ti >::s. When Gen. Morgan occasionally went to work on the disturb ers of State sovereignty, the women were his warmest coadjutors. They gave him information, concealed his spies, strewed flowers, and (\vhat was more to a hungry cavalryman s purpose,) food along his line of march. When battles occurred, they hied out to seek the wounded and nurse them with all the devotion that the ladies, in the days of c livalry, bestowed upon their gallant knights who fell in a contest par ticularly for them. In the hospitals of the cities, where the Federals kept their wounded prisoners, these worthy daughters of the State tried to gain admittance, and labored in every possible way to furnish shoes, and clothing, ?nd money, to add what they could to the shamefully inadequate rations furnished by the Federal prison authorities; to convey grateful stimu lants and palatable delicacies to the sick ; and to serve as a means of correspondence between these prisoners and their friends. Perhaps there is not a State of the South some of whose soldiers have not been sick, wounded, and in want, at the prison barracks on Broadway, Louisville ; and none who ever spent a day there can for get the Confederate ladies of that city. Without their care, the lot of the sufferer there would have been hard indeed, even in the midst of an abundance of all that could be necessary to the well being of ihe sick or wounded, for it was always inconsistent with prison discipline there to do more than keep body and soul together, as everything taken from the allowance made by the Government to feed, clothe, and furnish medical supplies, was taking that much from the possible ^tealage of the non-combatants whose cupidity led them to seek to have charge of such establishments. But the ladies of the city vied with each other in efforts to relieve the suffering and needy, and many a heart throughout the Confederacy, as well as among the soldiers of Kentucky, beats warm when their thoughts recur to them and to their daily ministrations, under the harsh restrictions and evil eyes of those -weet loyalists who became familiar with villainous gunpowder" only by smelling it on the clothes of wounded soldiers fresh from the field -f battle. Among those of special note in Louisville were Mrs. Lytcr Huff man, whose beneficence and personal exertions were great and unre mitting, and whose devotion was such that jt defied danger and con- emned a selfish regard of property interests; and Mrs. Ann Maria Welby, whose fervid patriotism and keen sympathy with suffering Con federate soldiers were characteristic of her lofty poetic soul. These ire but instances ; their associates in this noble work were many, and hey were true to the last. Not only this, but such of them as still 310 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. live have been these thirty years active in promoting the welfare of their surviving soldiers and fostering every enterprise designed to pre serve their memory and perpetuate their fame. It is much to be re gretted that the name of every one cannot be recorded among those of the Orphan Brigade, to whose members they were an inspiration, and by whom they are revered for their motherly, wifely, sisterly, and womanly devotion. In Frankfort, Mrs. Mary B. Morris and Mrs. Jane Stout were so devoted and helpful during and afcer the war that, since their death, Confederate soldiers perpetuate their memory by annually decorating their graves, when they perform this rite over comrades buried there. In Lexington, Miss Kitty Todd, who afterward became the wife of William Wallace Herr, devoted much of her time to relieving the wants of the Confederate soldiers captives near her home and in Northern prisons, and even those who, were doing battle far southward, at the front. She used her influence and exercised her tact in getting permits to send supplies here and there, and many a destitute and suffering soul had cause to bless her. When Capt.McGhee snd Walter Ferguson were condemned under Burbridge s orders to be hung at Lexington, she and Mrs. Todd, her mother, strove to save them, and it is believed that they would have succeeded had not their appeal to the kind heart and manly instincts of President Lincoln been inter cepted. And the sorrows and bereavements of these noble women were in proportion to their generous aspirations and their faithful en deavors. Of Miss Kitlie s three brothers and a half-brother (a full brother to Mrs. Lincoln), who took service with the South, only the half-brother, a surgeon in a South Carolina regiment, lived through the war. Samuel, serving a Louisiana regiment, was killed at Shiloli ; Alexander, who belonged to the Orphan Brigade, was killed at Baton Rouge; and David, commanding a battery at Vicksburg, sickened and died there. And not only were the women of Kentucky to be found in the hospitals of their own State, but in no few instances, driven from home, they labored in the front and in the track of armies. Among the many instances of this character that might be adduced, we may mention one, without any disposition whatever to do injustice to any who did similar service to the cause in this way, but rather as an ex ample. During the campaign of Gen. Johnston, in 1864, Marietta, Atlanta, and many other towns in Georgia, in the rear of his army, were put in requisition for hospital accommodations ; and in the Acad emy Hospital at Marietta, two ladies of Kentucky Miss Kate A. Mon roe and Miss Lizzie Hardin, assisted also by Miss Mary Monroe and Mrs. Leovey devoted themselves week after week, until Johnston s HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 317 movement of the ad of July uncovered the place, to the care of the sick and wounded, with an untiring energy and an efficiency that won the gratitude of the sufferers and the admiration of all witnesses who were concerned for the welfare of the men sent down daily from the front. And even before they took charge of the hospital, the house which they, with other members of Judge Monroe s family, occupied, was made a hospital of itself, since every available place was crowded, and every possible attention was bestowed. It was not in Southern hospitals alone that the women of Kentucky found their soldiers. At Johnson s Island, Rock Island, Camp Chase, Fort Delaware in fact, wherever they were confined as prisoners, they at times realized that this beneficent care was over them. Sup plies of food, clothing and money were sent to them sometimes even carried to them by a lady delegated for that purpose whenever prison regulations allowed it. Many a poor fellow, who now goes back, by retrospection, over those days, recalls incidents of this kind, and blesses hands that, though unseen to him, were still the ministers of comforts that only the sick and wounded, the starving and freezing captive, could properly appreciate. What a list it would make if we could gather up the names of all Kentucky s daughters who encountered danger, braved insult, risked life and sacrificed property in their determination to aid and comfort the soldiers of the South, and what a chapter in history a recital of their deeds would make ! It would be full of stirring and romantic in cidents, and show also that there was much foundation for that appre hension of her influence in the struggle which stirred Brownlow s spleen and found acknowledgment in Ben Butler s conduct at New Orleans. The ladies of Kentucky whom the members of the brigade had most frequently the pleasure of seeing were Mrs. John C. Breckinridge, Mrs. Roger W. Hanson, Mrs. Ben. Hardin Helm, Mrs. Martin H. Cofer, Mrs. William L. Clarke and Mrs. William S. Phillips. In the presence of these, (and of others, if there were others), the men always tried to appear at their best. The profound respect with which the great majority of them evidently viewed their country-women, was an excellent indication of their high social character. They could no more have been guilty of ruffianly conduct before these ladies in camp, when they chanced to pass, or on the march in their sight, than they would in the drawing-rooms of polite society. Nor, upon a drill or review, could they have failed to make their best display. Men long debarred refined and virtuous society are more or less affected in manners and morals ; and those who are essentially vulgar sometimes grow deeply licentious, and are lost to all the happy influences that are so preemi- 318 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. nently the province of woman. But among these men that chivalric deference remained unimpaired to the last ; among the more earnest and thoughtful minds it was enhanced, for they realized, in all its ex tent, during those four years of privation, how much they were indebted to her for all that makes life desirable, and came out of the crucible with a higher and a more beautiful appreciation. And no thoughtful and feeling man could witness the sufferings the uncomplaining de votion the wonderful constancy to their cause, of the women of the South in general, without having his estimate of womanly character raised as high as is at all consistent with what we know of frail human ity. The simple recital of the sacrifices and trials, the bereavements and sickness of heart, and the thoughts and feelings that all these things developed in them, would be enough to wring tears of blood from any but the hardest hearts. And yet, as heretofore remarked, they bore it all with air and demeanor that were grand. An instance of the interest created among the men by the presence of a Kentucky lady occurred during the winter of 1863-4, while the army lay at Dalton. Mrs. Col. Will Clarke, who boarded some months at the house of Maj. Bard, in town, was accustomed to come our .sometimes and spend the day in camp, at the regimental headquarters of her husband. She thus frequently graced the mess-table at dinner, around which were accustomed to gather the sun-browned veterans that composed the colonel s mess himself, Lieut. Bowling, Sergt. Garvin, Tommie Helm, and William H. Nuchols. This was a novtl sight a rose not. so much among thorns, as among the transplanted oaks of a Kentucky wood; and during the period of these visits it was a standing joke among the more facetious, that the Sixth Regiment used all the blacking about Dalton, under the evident apprehension that Mrs. Clarke wouldn t like for them to come into the colonel s cabin with dirty shoes on ! Her presence among them was suggestive; of other scenes and better days in the past, and kindled a more intense desire that the coming campaign might prove the speedy attainment of Southern independence, and the restoration of the survivors to the walks of peaceful life, and to the companionship of those whom they most loved in the world. Mrs. Hanson, closely identified with the brigade, both by associa tion and as the wife of one of its heroic commanders, known after his fall as The Mother of the Brigade proud of its fame, loyal to the memory of the fallen, true to the living, and revered by them died suddenly in Frankfort, October 16, 1888, and was buried beside the general in the Lexington Cemetery. She was then serving her third term as State Librarian. Her pastor, in his remarks at the time of her interment, said, among MRS. VIRGINIA HANSON. "The Mother of the Brigade." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 319 other things : " How womanly and self-reliant she was ! With what a brave spirit she battled her way in the world! . . . True to the mem- or> and name of him who was laid to rest in an honored soldier s L, r rave twenty-six years ago, she bore the burden and heat of the day alone, and by her resoluteness and decision of character marked out for herself an independent career in the world . . . She has been faithful to the interests committed to her as the needle to the pole." {See Biographical Sketch of Gen. Hanson.) Mrs. Emily Todd Helm, the devoted wife of our fourth brigadier (the second one to be killed while gallantly leading his command in battle), was in the South till after the fall of the general, and was known to many of the men. A member of one of the old and proud families of the State, a handsome and accomplished lady, who did not need to assert her dignity or maintain her importance by being hedged about with conventionalities and approached with formal ceremony, she was a favorite in her own right ; but of course the death of the young general made a common bond of sorrow between her and the men and gave them mutual possession of a tender memory. She shared with Mrs. Hanson their knightly, and a sort of filial, regard which gave the former (the senior in years and in bereavement), the title of Mother of the Brigade, to which the latter succeeded upon the death of Mrs. Hanson. Mrs. Helm was the daughter of Robt. Todd, whose father was Gen. Levi Todd, of Revolutionary fame, and both were noted in the annals of Kentucky. Her mother was Elizabeth Humphreys, a daughter of Dr. Alexander Humphreys, of Staunton, Va. When Mrs. Helm was widowed, the care of three little children devolved upon her. Their education being her chief concern, she took this mainly upon herself and accomplished it with the spirit of a Roman mother and the skill of the trained scholar. Their home is the beautiful Helm Place, near Elizabethtown, the ancestral residence of the Kentucky Helms, having been in possession of the family for nearly a hundred years. Here the general s remains lie under the shadow of the handsome monument reared to the memory of his father, the governor, and surrounded by his kindred. In 1893 Mrs. Helm contributed to the Illustrated Ken- tuckian an interesting article on the old home, its history and its sur- "oundings. Like Mrs. Hanson, she has been honored with important public position, having been postmistress at Elizabethtown for twelve \ ears, three successive presidential terms, preceding 1895. Mrs. Bettie Phillips was as nearly identified with the brigade as any lady ever was with a military command, perhaps, except indeed such heroines of history as the Maid of Saragossa and Joan D Arc, and h( r just pride in the fame of the organization, as well as her soliciiudc for 320 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. its welfare during the war, and efforts to promote it, mark her as de serving the special mention awarded to members. She was the wife of Capt. William S. Phillips, of Uniontown ; and on the i4th of September, 1861, joined her husband, then a lieutenant in the Fourth Regiment, at Camp Boone, after which she was not at home again till after the war. When the army was stationary for any length of time, she was either with it, at the quarters of Capt. Phil lips, who was made regimental quartermaster in February, 1862, or boarding in the neighborhood. She sometimes accompanied it on the march and again, during its unsettled periods, would stay with some family in country or city. After an engagement, she usually remained some time at the place to which the wounded of the brigade were sent, and devoted herself to their care and comfort, either directly, by her own exertions, or by enlisting the favor and attention of others in their behalf. In the winter of 1862-3, after the battle of Stone River, her health failed sadly, and, deeming it best that she should return home, she set out from Manchester alone, by way of Tompkinsville. Arriving at the latter place, she was advised to go to Glasgow and procure a passport for Uniontown. She accordingly reported to the Federal commandant there ; and instead of getting the passport, was arrested as a spy, and sub jected to indignities that the veriest savages would scarcely have perpe trated. A sergeant was ordered to search her person, and when she defi antly refused to submit to this, some women were called in, whom she described afterwards as being " two officers wives and a Mrs. Taylor, a native Kentucky Yankee." These creatures examined every article of clothing twice, with a scrutiny that peered under the threads of the stitches, lest the rebels had stored some infinitesimal infernal machine in a needle-hole, and had sent her into Kentucky with it to blow the heart out of "the best government." They failed to find it, however, but gave out that she was a spy notwithstanding, and the lowest and most brutal soldiers of the garrison were allowed to gather about, and indulge in ribald remarks in plain hearing. Two or three times she was marched from her prison to the office of the provost-marshal and back under a valiant guard, sometimes of cavalry, sometimes of in fantry. After having been kept there several days, she was sent to Louisville, to report to Gen. Boyle, and chanced to find in his adju tant a soldier, who gave her permission to put up anywhere she chose and report next morning. She was ordered the next day to leave the State, and informed that if she were caught in it during the war, she should be treated as a spy. She was sent by way of Glasgow and Bowling Green to Nashville, meeting with a small specimen of mean ness at Bowling Green, and being arrested by a ruffianly soldier when HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 321 the cars stopped at Nashville, who slapped her familiarly on the shoul der, and informed her that she was his prisoner, though a Federal officer aboard professed to have charge of her. Here she was kept for days, a female detective set to work at her, a male of the same species of animal lending his assistance, an effort made to get her into the house of an adept of this class, who could make what evidence she could not extract, and at last sent out in a wagon, the driver of which was impressed for the occasion, and told to drive her out a mile and a half, and drop her. He had been told, too, that she was the wife of a major-general, and a lot of other meaningless lies, which she contra dicted to the gentleman who was to carry her, before they started, and in the presence of the pimp who had told them. The gentleman who was ordered to carry her out was a Southerner ; and instead of putting her down in the woods, carried her eleven miles, to a comfortable family residence, from which place, through the kindness of Lieut. Fall, she was enabled to proceed to Beech Grove, where the Ken tucky Brigade then was. This is but a single series of incidents in her career, but a striking example of the petty meanness and pusillanimity of those who ruled in Kentucky and Tennessee during that time, in stead of carrying their precious carcasses to the front, where true men battled with each other honorably. She thereafter followed the fortunes of her countrymen. In need, she looked after their interests in that quiet and as unostentatious way that might not be noticed at the time, but was effective for good. If her influence could procure food and clothing, delicacies and nursing for the sick and wounded, anything that the soldier needed and prized, it was exerted. If one had a garment to be made up, she did it for him with her own fingers, from the most obscure private in the ranks to the general commanding. After the army was established in huts at Dalton, she took up her residence at the headquarters of her husband, then quartermaster of brigade, and spent the winter with him. This establishment, situated at the big spring, in the bottom between the Chattanooga railroad and the wagon road leading in the same direction, was to the brigade what Col. Clarke s cabin was to the Sixth Regiment during his lady s visits a kind of headquarters of polite society, where all general, field, staff, and line officers, non-commissioned officers and privates dropped in when off duty for a cosy chat. About that time the plan of correspondence under flag of truce, by way of Fortress Monroe, became generally understood and was adopted; and it would be amus ing to recount the scenes that occurred around Mrs. Phillips fire, but tor the sadness that is conjured up by thoughts of the after-days. Many and many an evening, until far toward the midnight hour, was 21 322 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. spent by a circle of soldiers there, recounting the incidents of home- life and the deeds of the army ; and the recitals were varied by every thing that can make simple narrative and informal colloquy entertain ing to the listener. One had a story of love to tell, another of deadly feuds ; one of country pleasures and pursuits ; some indulged in the drollest humor, others in earnest discussion of our chances of success ; while some described battles, battle incidents humorous, serious, full of fun, or touched with grief; and some had letters from home, by the means previously intimated, which were read and commented upon, thus furnishing a fruitful incentive to talk about the old State, from which no true Kentuckian is ever weaned, go where he will. Many a poor fellow, whose pleasure was so great at receiving a letter from those whom he loved and longed again to behold that he could not keep it to himself, but wanted others to be happy with him, and read it with beaming face to Mrs. Phillips and a selected few, or even to a miscellaneous company, now sleeps uncoffined beneath the mournful-waving and bullet-scarred pines of Georgia and South Caro lina, having fallen in deadly conflict with a heart full of unsatisfied love and hope. The active operations that began on the yth of May, 1864, had no cessation for the Kentucky Brigade until the army was surrendered, and Mrs. Phillips spent but little time actually with the command after that, though occasionally visiting it when in bivouac, and being almost constantly engaged for both the wounded and those in the field. At Washington, Georgia, she saw the last of them as a body, and looked upon what no woman, perhaps, ever saw before a military body of men whom no reverse could dispirit, no sufferings nor dangers weaken, and who deemed themselves unconquerable save by the single means of destroying the last man, bidding her, and their general, and each other farewell, preparatory to final separation, without arms in their hands, but choked with emotion, that found vent, in many instances, in tears, to which they had been strangers from the days of their child hood. She had in her possession the flags of some of the regiments which they had brought out from Kentucky with them, and under which they had first fought, and these she cut into small strips and divided among the men as mementoes till the last was gone, and thus she parted with those of whose careers she had been a constant witness, and in whose defeat she felt a grief as poignant as their own. It is fitting to close this chapter with the eloquent apostrophe and appeal of Col. John N. Edwards, found in his history of Gen. Joe Shelby s famous command: " O, women of the South! your love and purity and faith and hope and courage were without limit, and Furl it! for the hands that grasped it, And the hearts that fondly clasped it, Cold and dead are lying low: And the banner, it is trailing, While around it sounds the wailing Of its people in their woe. For, though conquered, they adore it, Love the cold dead hands that bore it, Weep for those who fell before it, Pardon those who trailed and tore it, And oh! wildly they deplore it- No w to furl and fold it so." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 323 worthy of eternal blessings. Man proposes and God disposes. Guard the sacred memories of the dear, dead past, and keep forever as a priceless heritage the recollections of those immortal deeds, dared and done for love of you ! " 324 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER XVIII. OUR DEAD AND WHERE THEY LIE. CONFEDERATE VETERAN ORGAN IZATIONS, THEIR OBJECTS, AND THOSE NOW MAINTAINED IN KENTUCKY. " How sleep the brave, who sink to rest, " By all their country s wishes bless d ! " When Spring, with dewy fingers cold, " Returns to deck their hallow d mould, " She there shall dress a sweeter sod "Than Fancy s feet have ever trod. By fairy hands their knell is rung; <l By forms unseen their dirge is sung ; " There Honor comes, a pilgrim gray, "To bless the turf that wraps their clay; "And Freedom shall awhile repair, " To dwell a weeping hermit there ! " It has long been a matter of observation and remark that the Con federate soldiers of Kentucky have a livelier, more enduring, and more loyal feeling of comradeship than is at all apparent in those whose arms were finally triumphant. This is due in part, no doubt, to the enthusiastic temper of Kentuckians, and to that hearty social turn which readily makes friends but by no means so readily loses in terest in them and casts them off; but certainly in greater part to the peculiar circumstances of their association in the military service, and to those disasters which "followed fast and followed faster" until the final and irretrievable overthrow of the Confederacy. In the family that has known misfortune, and across whose threshold has fallen again and again the black shadow of death, bringing bereave ments and leaving the memory of delightful life terminated by the agonies of dissolution, there come to the survivors a deeper tender ness and more loving solicitude for each other than is possible to those who live in the sunshine and know little of the defeats and disappoint ments that sadden if they do not break the spirit. So the thought of the days when these thousands of ardent young Kentuckians mar shalled themselves in a cause which to them was as sacred as any that ever led men to array themselves against the perpetration of a great wrong; the ever-insistent and inappeasable ghost of " what might have HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 325 been;" and the knowledge of what part they played in the great trag edy whose curtain was at last rung down only after the world had witnessed their undoing, all this had the effect of profoundly stirring the minds of these men, intensifying their feelings, and of binding them together as only achievements, sufferings, calamities borne in common, can strengthen the ties that unite either families or organized bodies of men. In the beautiful ceremony of decorating the graves of their dead, one who studies the meaning of manifestations finds indications of thoughts and feelings that are not paraded before men. Running through the simple ceremonies of these occasions the prayer, the unstudied ad dress, the quiet conversations of the men and women who move rev erently above the sleeping dust of their comrades and friends is the echo of a tender refrain, an undertone of sadness, which speaks of a past whose lines are deeply and ineffaceably graven upon heart and character, to the chastening of them and the bettering of them in direc tions most honorable to human nature. If loyal comradeship among the living, continuing through the life of man, is noble, the reverential tribute of annually " decking the hal lowed mould " where dead comrades sleep is both beautiful and useful. When Rome ceased to apotheosize her good and great men, (a step toward losing reverence for the memory of those whose lives had been devoted to her service), the first traces of "Ichabod" were written upon the walls of the mighty empire her glory had begun to depart. And when the Confederate soldier ceases to take a deep and serious interest in the dead past in which he was a notable actor, and to man ifest to the world that he still holds in his heart and honors in his thought the comrades who trod with him the paths of suffering, of danger, and of manful deeds, he will cease to cherish in him and his posterity the noble traits that make the highest order of citizen and the truest patriot. At the close of the war thousands of our fellow-soldiers still lay in the rude graves on the many battlefields and in their vicinity ; about the hospitals where they died of wounds or disease ; and near prisons where they died or were killed. Some few had been brought home by their relatives and friends. To Charlie Herbst, an intelligent, brave and faithful soldier of Co. H, Second Kentucky, more than to any other, perhaps to all others, is due the honor of making it possible to identify the graves of hundreds of them and remove the bodies to cemeteries in the South, or home to Kentucky to rest with kindred dust. Soon after the war he began to devote himself sedulously to locating the spots where his fellow-Kentuckians lay, and indicating them by neat head-boards. From time to time for twenty years these 326 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. bodies were removed, one by one, by individuals and families; but at the fourth annual reunion of the brigade, at Glasgow, August ipth, 1885, a movement was organized to remove as many as possible of the remains of comrades killed and buried on the battlefields" of Georgia and still remaining there, and a fund was raised for that purpose. Col. John C. Wickliffe, Gen. Fayette Hewitt and Lieut. Willis L. Ringo were appointed a committee to superintend the undertaking. In pursuance of the design, Lieut. Ringo went to Chickamauga in the early autumn of 1888, and succeeded in finding thirty bodies of Kentuckians, which were interred in the Confederate lot in the Frank fort Cemetery, September 25. He subsequently ascertained the loca tion of five more. The work was one of much responsibility, and was rendered difficult because most of the wooden head-boards put up by Charlie Herbst soon after the war, (as noticed above), had decayed or been destroyed; in some cases he could not identify individually, and the remains of fourteen rest there as unknown, though among these the following are certainly included : Elias Gay, Co. A, Second Kentucky ; * Joseph Daily, Co. E, Second Kentucky; C. Fritz, Co. F, Second Kentucky; Robert Moore, Co. H, Second Kentucky; Oscar Hack- ley, Co. I, Second Kentucky; Sergt. J. W. Munford, Co. K, Second Kentucky; A. H. Thompson, Co. F, Fourth Kentucky; Sergt. Lean- der Ellis, Co. A, Fifth Kentucky, and G. Hurley, Cobb s Battery. The following were identified and their headstones are marked : Col. James W. Moss, Second Kentucky (reinterred at reunion, Sep tember 26, 1888); Robert Clinton Anderson, ensign Second Ken tucky ; Capt. Harry B. Rogers, Co. D, Second Kentucky ; Sergt. N. M. Pullen, Co. D, Second Kentucky; Wm. T. Richardson, Co. H, Second Kentucky; J. G. Bryant, Co. F, Fourth Kentucky; Lieut. John Bell, Co. K, Fourth Kentucky ; Isaac Fugate, Co. B, Fifth Ken tucky ; Lieut. George R. Yates, Co. E, Fifth Kentucky; J. Wooley, Co. I, Fifth Kentucky; J. C. McCormack, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky; John McMahan, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky. The following other members are buried there, some removed from the South by their friends prior to the movement previously referred to, some having died since the war : Maj. Thomas B. Monroe, Fourth Kentucky ; Capt. Ben Monroe, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky ; John W. Payne, Co. E, Second Kentucky; Lieut. Isham T. Dudley, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky; Q. M. Sergt. Samuel South, Co. B, Fifth Ken tucky; R. R. Parsons, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky; Lieut. Robert A. Thomson, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky; Hubbard H. Kavanaugh, Chap lain Sixth Kentucky ; Sergt. James G. Crockett, Co. E, Fourth Ken- *The reader will note that where a regiment is given by number, without speci fying whether infantry or cavalry, the Kentucky Infantry is indicated. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 327 tucky; Lieut. Geo. B. Burnley, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky; Ensign R. Kidder Woodson, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky; Jack Pattie, Co. K, Fifth Kentucky; A. G. Brawner, Co. H, Second Kentucky; Sergt. Thomas T. Price, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky ; Corporal J. K. Exum, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky ; W. C. Church, Co. E, Second Kentucky ; Sergt. Samuel W. Shannon, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky ; and Sergt. B. A. Vaughn, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry. It was once proposed to move to Frankfort the following comrades: Isaac Cole, Co. B, Fifth Kentucky (buried at Versailles) ; Sergt. Eliphas P. Williams, Co. B, Fifth Kentucky (buried at Flat Gap, Johnson County), and John Kazee, Fifth Kentucky (buried on George s Creek, in Lawrence County) ; but the plan was not carried out. The following names of those still in the South are taken from a valuable list printed by comrade Herbst after he had concluded his re searches. Those known to have been removed to Frankfort and else where are of course omitted. On the battlefield of Chickamauga and in the neighborhood are : At Breckinridge s Division Hospital, six and a half miles from Ring- gold, Joseph Kerburg, E. Townsend, Nathan Board, and N. Stovall, all of Co. H, Ninth Kentucky; John L. Dunn, Co. G, Ninth Ken tucky; Capt. Gus Dedman, Co. I, Second Kentucky; R. King, Co. H, Fourth Kentucky; S. Walsh, Co. I, Sixth Kentucky; D. M. Bry ant, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky ; John L. Henton, Co. B, Sixth Ken tucky (the last at Ed Fowler s). About two miles from the above, and near Mr. Kelly s, W. Jones, Co. G, Second Kentucky; J. Steele, Co. , Second Kentucky; W. H. Skinner, Co. G, Second Kentucky. A little nearer the breast works over which the Kentuckians charged is J. C. Carmack, Co. B, Fifth Kentucky ; and within one hundred and forty yards is a pit said to contain three or four Kentuckians. About a mile from where a steam saw-mill then stood in the woods is Sergt. W. Allen, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky. At Mr. Snodgrass s place, about one and a half miles from the spot from which Ensign Anderson was removed, are George Montgomery, Co. D, Fifth Kentucky ; John Stamper, Co. G, Fifth Kentucky ; and two of the Fifth Kentucky whose initials only are given : H. T. E. and J. R. ; also, W. M. S., Co. K, Fifth Ken tucky. In the Citizens Cemetery, at Ringgold : Maj. Rice E. Graves, Chief of Artillery; B. S. Hamilton, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky; - - Wood- son, Co. K, Ninth Kentucky. In the Confederate graveyard, one mile from Ringgold, is T. Foley, Co. K, Ninth Kentucky. At Cherokee Springs, Ga., is W. Haynes, Co. E, Kentucky; and at Ebenezer Church is Isaac H. Beam, First Kentucky Cavalry. 328 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. At Catoosa Springs, Ga. , are Joseph M. Barnett, Cobb s Battery, and Joseph Wells, Co. E, Second Kentucky. At Dalton and in the vicinity are : R. P. Sanford, Co. G, Fourth Kentucky; Thomas J. Lee, Co. , Ninth Kentucky; George Harper, Co. A, Ninth Kentucky; Joseph H. Erwin, Co. H, Ninth Kentucky; Robert S. Dobyns, Co. G, Ninth Kentucky; Thomas Withers, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky; J. R. Gordon, Co. I, Sixth Kentucky; A. J. Mar tin, Graves s Battery; W. J. Parker, Co. C, First Kentucky Cavalry; Lewellyn Fuller, Co. D, First Kentucky Cavalry; B. F. Kendall, Co. F, First Kentucky Cavalry; Joseph H. Page, Co. A, Ninth Kentucky; W. T. McCormack, Co. A, Ninth Kentucky; Martin Rafter, Cobb s Battery; W. F. Hopkins, Co. , Ninth Kentucky, (the last at Ed Frackland s) ; George Disney, Co. B, Fourth Kentucky, (on top of Rocky Face Ridge); Mitchell, Lewis s Kentucky Brigade. At Marietta, Ga., in Citizens Cemetery: Henry Crow, First Ken tucky Cavalry; G. B. Partridge, Co. K, Fourth Kentucky; T. E. Covington, Co. D, Fourth Kentucky; Capt. John Calvert, Co. E, Fifth Kentucky ; W. Ackerman, Co. A, Fifth Kentucky; Wm. H. Herrington, Co. I, Sixth Kentucky; L. Gross, Co. B, Fifth Kentucky; Deriah Prather, Co. G, Sixth Kentucky; Lieut. H. Clay McKay, Gen. Lewis s staff. Three miles from Dallas, Ga., at place known as Lewis s graveyard: F. S. Lane, Co. K, Second Kentucky ; James N. Mason, Co. H, Second Kentucky; Wallace Western, Co. D, Second Kentucky ; Jas. Cochran, Co. B, Sixth Kentucky; Sergt. G. Smith, Co. H, Fifth Kentucky; W. W. Chambers, Co. K, Ninth Kentucky; and one un known marked "Kentucky Infantry." At the Methodist Church, Dallas: S. A. Sothern, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky; J. Geiger, Co. , Fifth Kentucky; J. L. Street, Co. I, Second Kentucky; George Stone, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky; Wm. Mox- ley, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky; Lieut. E. J. Freeman, Co. B, Sixth Kentucky; G. W. Larkin, Co. D, Second Kentucky; Capt. D. E. McKendree, Co. D, Sixth Kentucky; J. Lyon, First Kentucky Bat tery, (the last at P. M. Carter s). On the battlefield of Dallas: V. M. Wells, Co. A, Sixth Ken tucky; Samuel Borders, Co. I, Fifth Kentucky; James Masden, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky; Joseph J. Morton, Co. I, Sixth Kentucky; C. H. Dawson, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky; Lieut. C. A. Schroeder, Co. I, Fourth Kentucky; Samuel Gilchrist, Co. C, Fourth Kentucky; L. A. L. Wallace, Co. C, Fourth Kentucky ; R. H. Young, Co. B, Sixth Kentucky; Lieut. H. M. Watts, Co. B, Fourth Kentucky; James Perry, Co. C, Fifth Kentucky; V. F. Fisher, Co. C, Second Ken tucky; A. L. Kaufman, Co. C, Second Kentucky; W. Dave Ray- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 329 mond, Co. C, Second Kentucky; Green B. Boothe, Co. H, Fourth Kentucky; W. Zion, Co. B, Fifth Kentucky; W. C. Fletcher, Co. K, Fourth Kentucky ; and two unknown at picket line, Lewis Kentucky Brigade. Supposed to be on the battlefield of Dallas, or in the vicinity, are the following known to have been killed there: L. D. Berry and E. R. Edwards, Co. A; Sergt. G. M. Penny, Co. B; Capt. W. A. Brad- dock, C. H. Levering and Richard Sothern, Co. C; Corporal C. W. Flowers, Co. D; James Schroeder, Co. E; J. H. Gregory, Co. F; Sergt. J. T. Smith, Corporal J. M. Chiles, J. Barry, and O. Watts, Co. G; Sergt. J. H. Summers and C. Bentol, Co. H, all of the Second Kentucky. At Jonesboro, Ga.: Robert H. Lindsay, Ensign, Fourth Kentucky ; Richard W. Bowling, Co. F, Fourth Kentucky; George Bosh, Co. H, Fourth Kentucky; one unknown of Co. A, Fourth Kentucky; S. Thomas, Co. E, Fifth Kentucky; C. W. Cohorn, Co. , Fifth Ken tucky; J. P. Keith, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky; Lieut. Wm. M. Neal, Co. A, Fourth Kentucky; Ephraim R. Smith, Co. A, Fourth Kentucky. At Newnan, Ga. , in Citizens Cemetery: J. W. McClasky, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky; Joseph McClasky, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky; Frank Rowell, Co. H, Ninth Kentucky; Edward Watt, Co. A, Fourth Kentucky; V. H. Erron, Co. C, Fourth Kentucky ; Harry C. Colston, Ensign, Sixth Kentucky; Lieut. J. W. Carroll, Co. D, Ninth Ken tucky; P. W. Williams, Co. G, Ninth Kentucky; W. Watts, Co. I, Sixth Kentucky; Charles E. Hall, Co. B, Second Kentucky. At LaGrange, Ga. , in the Confederate Cemetery : Robert Clinton Bryan, Sixth Kentucky ; D. P. Conny, Fourth Kentucky; W. B. Cole- man, Ninth Kentucky. At West Point, Ga., in the Confederate Cemetery, is Steve Estill, Co. H, Second Kentucky. At Charleston, East Tenn., is Sergt. W. Frank Standiford, Co. D, First Kentucky Cavalry. In the cemetery at Griffin, Ga.: James F. Talbott, Co. C, Second Kentucky; G. C. Harris, Co. B; W. B. Edson, Co. G, Fourth Ken tucky; Newton Cook, Co. C, Ninth Kentucky; W. Meredith, Co. G, Ninth Kentucky; Charles Segler, Co. H, Ninth Kentucky; Jesse Cornelius, Co. A, Ninth Kentucky ; W. D. Burney, Co. C, Ninth Kentucky; A. J. Miller, Co. D, Fifth Kentucky; D. R. Willett, Co. F, First Kentucky Cavalry; H. J. Haddock, Co. B, Sixth Kentucky. In the cemetery at Rome, Ga.: J. L. Turner, Co. D, First Ken tucky Cavalry ; S. Crevison, Cobb s Battery ; Chris Jones, Co. E, Ninth Kentucky; B. E. Settle, Co. , Sixth Kentucky. At Atlanta, Ga., in the Citizen s Graveyard: Capt. G. W. McCau- 330 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ley, First Kentucky Cavalry ; Col. James W. Hewitt, Second Kentucky ; A. Dawson, Co. A, Second Kentucky; George R. Moore, Second Kentucky; W. F. Willingham, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky; Oscar E. Reed, Co. I, Sixth Kentucky; W. A. Hatcher, Co. C, Second Kentucky; J. E. Dawson, Co. I, Sixth Kentucky; D. Passin, Co. H, Fifth Kentucky ; R. Wolfe, Co. G, Fifth Kentucky; I. Sampson, Co. K, Fifth Ken tucky; John B. Scott, Co. F, Fourth Kentucky; David Evans, Co. A, Fifth Kentucky; J. A. Smith, First Kentucky Cavalry; James N. Wilkinson, Co. A, Fourth Kentucky; C. Hutchinson, Co. G, Ninth Kentucky; E. R. Pemberton, Co. G, Ninth Kentucky; Levi Jones, Cobb s Battery; Capt. Tom Walker, Byrne s Battery; J. W. Davidson, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky; L. H. Spalding, Co. C, Fourth Kentucky ; David Ellison, Co. B, First Kentucky Cavalry ; Adam Razor, Co. C, First Kentucky Cavalry; Silas H. Bingham, Co, F. First Kentucky Cavalry; W. B. Hanley, Co. H, Fourth Kentucky; J. W. Ellington, Co. C, Fifth Kentucky; M. Rogers, Co. F, Fourth Kentucky; C. H. Jones, Co. F, Fifth Kentucky; D. D. Shyrer, Co. F, Fifth Kentucky ; James M. Plaster, Co. C, Second Kentucky; P. Formhals, Co. I, Fourth Kentucky; G. J. Stewart, Co. K, Second Kentucky; J. H. Calvert, Co. E, Fifth Kentucky; E. V. Henry, Co. C, Fifth, Kentucky; Mark Hancock, Co. C, Fourth Kentucky; J. W. Williams, Co. C, Fifth Kentucky; Lieut. J. W. Cleveland, Co. I, Fifth Kentucky; L. Maxon, , Ninth Kentucky; W. A. Bush, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky; George Peach,, Co. G, Sixth Kentucky; H. G. Hogge, Co. A, Fourth Kentucky ; G. M. Calhoun, Co. G, Fourth Kentucky; E. W. Anderson, - , Sixth Kentucky; Lieut. John W. Webb, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky, (the last near Col. Grant s house); G. B. Barnes, Co. G, Fifth Kentucky; W. H. Walker, Co. B, Fifth Kentucky; G. E. Rice, Co. C, Fourth Kentucky; B. G. Collier, Co. G, Sixth Kentucky; John Bradshaw, Co. C, Fifth Kentucky; S. D. Hancock, Co. C, Fourth, Kentucky;. J. C. Grissom, Co. C, Sixth, Kentucky; J. L. Ambrose, Co. C, Fifth Kentucky; Thomas Whallen, Co. B, Fifth Kentucky; Jedediah Branch, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky; J. T. Boyd, Co. G, Fourth Ken tucky; Lieut. Phil Murphy, Co. F, Second, Kentucky; A. Wells, Co. B, Sixth Kentucky ; James M. Ashford, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky ; Silas King, Co. I, Ninth Kentucky; James Metcalfe and John With ers, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky; L. N. Stout, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky; James Osborne, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky; J. E. McDonald, First Ken tucky Battery ; Lieut. Robt. D. Spalding, Co. F, First Kentucky Cav alry. There are many around Atlanta of whom no record has been preserved. In the Confederate Cemetery at Forsythe, Ga. : H. E. Mott, Co. MONUMENT TO OUR CONFEDERATE DEAD. In the Frankfort Cemetery. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 331 , Fourth Kentucky; R. H. Williams, Adjutant, Fourth Kentucky; F. S. Barnes, Co. A, Fifth Kentucky; Lieut. S. M. Orr, Co. G, Sixth Kentucky. At Resaca, Ga. : Sergt. Robert E. Hewitt, Co. G, Second Ken tucky; Charles W. Gayley, Co. A, Second Kentucky, and eight others marked " Kentuckians, Lewis s Brigade, Infantry, names not known." The above were reinterred in a beautiful little Confederate cemetery near Resaca, completed through the exertions of Mr. John Green s family. At Kenesaw Mountain are W. H. Ross, Co. K, Fifth Kentucky; Maj. John Bird Rogers, Fourth Kentucky. The following names, with places of interment, have been copied from the private papers of the writer and furnished by friends here and there in response to inquiries; but at almost every place men tioned there are doubtless a number of others, about whom he could not obtain reliable information. At Dover, Tenn. , in the vicinity of the battlefield of Donelson : J. F. Wyatt, Co. B, Second Kentucky; A. Lyle and J. Sothern, Co. C, Second Kentucky; Felix G. Stier, Co. D, Second Kentucky; Lieut. Wm. H. Hill, D. H. McDaniel, G. H. Eveleth and S. Mat thews, Co. F, Second Kentucky; H. B. Nelson, Co. G, Second Ken tucky ; G. W. Emerson and Perry Turpin, Co. I, Second Kentucky. On the battlefield of Shiloh and in the vicinity : Wm. L. Rogers, Co. A, Fourth Kentucky; Hugh McVey, Co. D, Fourth Kentucky; Nathan Booker Thompson, Co. F, Sixth Kentucky ; John Crawford and John Purcell, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky; Matt Champion, Co. F, Fourth Kentucky; Tom Porter, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky. At Coritfth, Miss. : G. S. Williams, Co. G, Sixth Kentucky ; John Harned, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. At Goodwin, Miss. : William Martin and Nathaniel Martin, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky. At Jackson, Miss. : George W. Oliver, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky. In the old Waddy Thompson burying ground on Little Barren River, Metcalfe County : Capt. James B. Thompson, first a member of Co. D, Sixth Kentucky; commissioned a captain of cavalry while Bragg was in Kentucky, 1862. On the battlefield of Intrenchment Creek : Richard M. Johnson, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky ; Lieut. Frank Harned and Allen Snellen, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky ; and Capt. }. Matt Bowling, Co. D, Sixth Kentucky. At Hartsville, Tenn., and in the vicinity : Corporal D. W. Weaver, Co. A, Corporal R. N. Yancey, Co. B, Lieut. Charles H. Thomas and Lieut. John W. Rogers, Co. C, J. A. Pryor, and John R. Usrey, Co. D, Sergt. Thomas Maddox, Co. E, G. A. Elgin and John N. 332 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Mason, Co. H, all of the Second Kentucky ; Peter Kay and Albert Rhea, Co. H, Ninth Kentucky. At Murfreesboro, Tenn., and elsewhere in the vicinity of Stone River battlefield : Sergt. Reed and Corporal Robinson, Co. A, Cor poral A. G. Montgomery, Co. B, Elijah Barnes, Thomas Clark and J. W. Glasscock, Co. C ; Lieut. Frank Tryon and Robert Garter, Co. E, Corporal Edward Sayse Wright, Co. H, Sergt. A. O. Hornbaker, Bugler Charles H. Bowen, and W. O. Hardesty, Co. I, all of Sec ond Kentucky; Eugene L. Johnston, Co. B, Fourth Kentucky; Sergt. Whayne, Cobb s Battery ; Thomas Higdon, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry; Wilson G. Parker, Asa Lewis, and Thomas W. Payne, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky; Hense G. Tracey, Co. C, Sixth Kentucky; Wm. Harned, Henry Hayman, James A. Hill, and John Tabb, all of Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. At Fayetteville, Tenn. : Charles Vise, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. At Manchester, Tenn : John G. Tisdale, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky ; Wm. Younger, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. In the Chattanooga Cemetery : John Baiter, Co. B, First Kentucky Cavalry; W. Berry, Co. B, Second Kentucky; J, G. Burgess, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky; A. Bohet, Co. B, First Kentucky Cavalry; Wm. McCullen, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky; James Switzer, Co. F, Ninth Kentucky; D. M. Simpson, Co. D, First Kentucky Cavalry; Joseph M. Winston, Co. D, Fourth Kentucky. At Tullahoma, Tenn. : John Holtzclaw, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. At Nashville, Tenn. : Theodore Pearl, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. In Louisiana, (place not definitely stated): Capt. Frank D. Moffitt, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. At Estelle Springs, La. : James Ross, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. At Baton Rouge, La. : John Clark and John Smith, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. At Columbus, Ga. : W. Dudley Chipley, Adjutant Ninth Ken tucky. At Columbus, Ky. : John Chinn, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. In Bullitt County, Ky. : Capt. Jno. B. Cundiff, Co. C, Second Ken tucky (at Belmont) ; Abram Brooks, First Kentucky Cavalry, near Zoneton; John Henry Lee, Co. C, Second Kentucky: Wm. Dawson, Stephen Quick, Thomas T. Lee, Ben Chambers, and Hardin Masden, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky (the six last named are near Pitt s Point). Two and a half miles from Chattanooga, across the river : R. G. Shacklett, First Kentucky Cavalry; James Mitchell, Co. H, First Kentucky Cavalry ; Lieut. Thos. Harrison, First Kentucky Cavalry ; C. W. Love, Co. I, First Kentucky Cavalry ; J. H. Anderson, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry; Thos. Hardaway, First Kentucky Cavalry. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 333 In Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Ky.: John Leals, Co. B, Second Kentucky; J. R. Ashbrook, Co. B, Second Kentucky ; N. Brown, Co. A, Fifth Kentucky; Vincent Eastham, Co. B, Fifth Kentucky; James Tabscott, Second Kentucky ; Joseph W. Steele, Co. D, Fourth Kentucky; John Howe, Fourth Kentucky; John H. Haddington, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky; Albert S. Smith, Fourth Kentucky; Alex ander H. Lloyd, Co. B, Sixth Kentucky; Phil Uhrig, Co. E, Sec ond Kentucky; Matthew Lewis, Co. H, Ninth Kentucky; Joseph Cole, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky; Cicero Harris, Co. B, First Ken tucky Cavalry; Surgeon W. H. Gait, First Kentucky Cavalry. In private lots, same Cemetery : Col. Phil Lee, Second Kentucky ; Charles L. Ward, Co. D, Fourth Kentucky ; Col. Thomas W. Thomp son, Fourth Kentucky; Thomas Clay, Ninth Kentucky; Capt. Alex ander Casseday, Buckner s Staff; Henry Elston, Ninth Kentucky; Phil Vacaro, Ninth Kentucky ; Adam Wayland, Co. K, Second Ken tucky; David F. C. Weller, Co. C, Second Kentucky; Maj. Clinton McClarty, Breckinridge s Staff; Andrew W. Randolph, Co. B, Sixth Kentucky; Col. J. Russell Butler, First Kentucky Cavalry; Geo. W. Ball, Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry; Wm. R. Abbott, Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry ; Julius Dorn, Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry. In the Lexington Cemetery: Maj. -Gen. John C. Breckinridge ; Bng.-Gen. and Mrs. Roger W. Hanson; Col. Thomas H. Hunt, Ninth Kentucky; Maj. Joel Higgins, Second Kentucky; Capt. Cor nelius M. Hendricks, Co. B, Second Kentucky; Lieut. Ed Keene, Co. B, Second Kentucky ; Dr. B. W. Dudley, Assistant Surgeon, Second Kentucky; Thomas S. Stamps, Co. B, Second Kentucky; John W. Davis, Co. B, Second Kentucky; Lieut. Henry M. Curd, Co. H, Ninth Kentucky ; William P. Frazer, Co. B, Second Kentucky ; Wal ter G. Ferguson, Co. B, Second Kentucky; Samuel W. Garrett, Co. B, Second Kentucky; Chilton A. Sandusky, Co. F, Fifth Kentucky ; T. E. Thomason, Co. B, Second Kentucky; Lieut. J. C. Griffith, Co. B, Second Kentucky ; Mornix W. Virden, Co. B, Second Ken tucky ; J. Ed Cromwell, Co. B, Second Kentucky. In Daviess County, Ky. : Lieut. Al M. Hathaway, Co. K, Fourth Kentucky; T. A. Moreland, Fourth Kentucky; Maj. George W. Trip- lett, First Kentucky Cavalry; W. H. Johnson, Co. H, Ninth Ken tucky; Phil A. Pointer, S. M. Dean, A. J. Hawes and James Hath away, these three of Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry; (all the preced ing eight in the Elmwood Cemetery, Owensboro) ; Capt. Wm. J. Tay lor, A. N. Conyers, Richard Ray, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry, (near Masonville) ; James O. Wilkinson, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky, (near Habit) ; S. D. Lashbrook, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry, (at Mace donia Church); P. J. Bowles, Wm. McBride and Elisha Able, Co. A, 334 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. First Kentucky Cavalry, (at St. Lawrence Church) ; David McCune, Co. G, First Kentucky Cavalry, (near Gatewood); Maj. W. F. Hawes, first Captain of Co. D, First Kentucky Cavalry, afterward Major in the Department of Subsistence, (in the Catholic Cemetery, Owens- boro) ; Nick Parks, Frosty Grooms, Pat Monahon, all of Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry, W. Harvey Lober, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky, and John Mulligan, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky, (particular place of these latter five not given); Lieut. J. G. Taylor. (Gip), Co. F, First Kentucky Cavalry, (near Yelvington). In the W. B. Rogers burying ground, Barren County, Ky. : George Walter Rogers, Co. A, Fourth Kentucky, and Lieut. E. Moses Smith, Co. F, Sixth Kentucky. In Franklin County, Alabama: Capt. Charles T. Noel, Co. C, (after ward Co. A), First Kentucky Cavalry. In Nelson County, Ky. : John Ewell, Co. A, First Kentucky Cav alry, and Philip Troutman, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky, (particular place of these two not given); Tyler Wilson and Richard Hart, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky, (in Bardstown Cemetery); Dr. Al. Smith, surgeon Fourth Kentucky, and Thomas Lilly and James Hunter, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky, (in the Catholic Cemetery at Bardstown); James Burba, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky, (in the St. Thomas Cemetery); D. W. Holtz- houser, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky, (in the Coleman Cemetery); George Ambrose, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky, (at Mill Creek Church); John Gates, Co. B, Ninth Kentucky, (at St. Gregory s Church); Capt. Charles B. McClasky, Lieut. Charles Dawson, and E. Darwin Merrifield, all of Co. A, Sixth Kentucky, (at Bloomfield); David Middleton, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky, (at Big Spring Church); H. Lynch Terrill, Co. C, Second Kentucky, (at Fairfield), and Father Blemill, Chaplain Fourth Kentucky, (at Nazareth). At Eminence, Ky.; G. C. Sutton, Cobb s Battery. Near Jamestown, Ky.: J. C. Stowers, ("Chap"), First Kentucky Cavalry. At Glasgow, Ky,: T. M. Lackland, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry. Near Glasgow, Ky.: Col. Joseph P. Nuckols, Fourth Kentucky; Wm. H. Anderson and Theodore Allcock, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky. At Bowling Green, Ky.: Wm. Jones and J. McDaniel, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry ; and Jesse McWilliams and J. H. Durbin, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. At Willow Branch, Bracken County, Ky.: Robert Dunn, Co. I, Fifth Kentucky. In Harrison County, Ky. : Capt. A. K. Lair, Co. H, Second Ken tucky ; Capt. W. T. Beaseman, Co. F, Second Kentucky ; Andrew HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 335 Thompson, Co. I, Fifth Kentucky; Maj. Ben Desha, Ninth Ken tucky ; W. R. Hoffman, Co. I), Ninth Kentucky, (all these in Battle Grove Cemetery, Cynthiana); Joseph F. Cummins, Co. I, Fifth Ken tucky, (at Antioch Mills); Joseph Taylor, Co. F, Second Kentucky, (at Salem Church); John F. Courtney, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky, (at White Oak); John C. Stiers, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky, (particular place not given); James Sauls, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky, (at Curry s Run Church.) In Simpson County, Ky.: Capt. David C. Walker, Philip Miller, John Meguiar, Capt. Samuel B. Crewdson, these four of Co. I, Sixth Kentucky ; Finis Hampton, John DeBerry, W. T. Bibb, George Clark, Erasmus Hatfield, these five of the First Kentucky Cavalry, (all these in the Franklin Cemetery); Samuel Wilson, Sixth Kentucky, (particular place not given). In Logan County, Ky.: John Smith, Co. , Sixth Kentucky, (par ticular place not given). In Hardin County, Ky. : Gen. Ben Hardin Helm, commander of the brigade, Samuel Renner, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky, Freeland Cul- ley, Co. C, Second Kentucky, (these three at Elizabethtown) ; Wm. Carlisle, L. Warren and Hercules Hays, all of Co. H, Sixth Kentucky, (particular places not given). At Burnsville, Miss. : Capt. Lee Harned, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. At Vicksburg, Miss. : James Bohannon, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. Near Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. : Sergt. Thos. W. Cox, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. In Kenton County, Ky. : Rod Reynolds, Co. H, Second Kentucky, (removed from Donelson soon after the battle there ; particular place not given). At Carrollton, Ky. : John G. Anderson, Co. H, Second Kentucky, (removed from Donelson soon after the battle there). Near Sadieville, Ky.: James F. Hedger, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky. In Scott County, Ky.: George W. Drake, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky (on Lytle s Fork); Andrew J. Montgomery, Cobb s Battery; John F. M. Lemon, Co. H, Second Kentucky; John T. Smarr, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky ; James Hedger, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky ; Gov. George W.Johnson, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky; Lieut. John T. Varnon, Co. H, Second Kentucky (removed from Catoosa Springs, Ga.) ; John Cantrill, Co. H, Second Kentucky (removed from Camp Morton, 1862) ; Joseph May, Co. D, Ninth Kentucky (these eight in Georgetown Cemetery) ; James Wells, Co. F, Second Kentucky (in the neighbor hood of Turkeyfoot) ; Levin McFarland, Co. E, Fourth Kentucky ; Lieut. L. E. Payne, Co. H, Second Kentucky (the latter two at places not given) ; Erastus Fish, Co. H, Second Kentucky (on Little Eagle) ; 336 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Lewis Gatewood, Co. D, Fourth Kentucky (at Stamping Ground) ; Thomas Lynn, Co. F, Fifth Kentucky (in the neighborhood of Tur key foot). In Hart County, Ky.: Lieut. A. Monroe Adair, Co. D, Sixth Ken tucky (near Hardyville) ; Hal B. Garvin, Co. D, Sixth Kentucky (particular place not given). Near Frankfort, Ky.: E. P. Mershon, Co. E, Second Kentucky. New Salem Church, Barren County, Ky.: Sergt, Thomas Wilson, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky. Near Bear Wallow, Ky.: James T. Wilson, Co. E, Sixth Kentucky. In Bourbon County. Ky. : Capt. John S. Hope, Lieut. James A. Allen, Wm. O. Hite, Thomas York, LaFayette Bills, James Patton, George M. Hibler, and H. C. Richardson, all of Co. G, Second Kentucky, in the Paris Cemetery); R. Bruce Champ, Co. F, Second Kentucky, (at Millersburg); Ben F. Batterton, Co. G, Second Ken tucky, (at Ruddle s Mills); James Price, Co. F, Second Kentucky, (at Centerville); Adjt. O. F. Payne, First Kentucky Cavalry, (at Paris). In Owen County, Ky.: Green P. Smith, Co. E, Fifth Kentucky, (near Jonesville); and Capt. John N. Witt, Co. C, First Kentucky Cavalry, (at Gratz, removed from Louisville, Ga., after the war); Thomas Steger and Paschal Jones, Co. D, Fourth Kentucky, (in the neighborhood of Poplar Grove). At Richmond, Va. : Col. Robert P. Trabue, Fourth Kentucky. Near Zion Church, in Barren County, Ky. : Sergt. Wm. J. Calla- han, Co. A, Fourth Kentucky, and Wm. L. Witt, Co. F, Sixth Ken tucky. At Covington, Ky. : Lieut. Michael J. Campion, Co. H, Second Kentucky, and Capt. Wm. T. Estep, A. Q. M., Second Kentucky. At Clinton, Ky.: Lieut. Luther C. Moss, Co. A, Second Ken tucky. In Oldham County, Ky.: Col. Jacob W. Griffith, First Kentucky Cavalry, (near Floydsburgh); F. M. Crow, First Kentucky Cavalry, (near Floydsburgh); Wm. Oliver, First Kentucky Cavalry, (near Floydsburgh); Paschal Wilhoite, First Kentucky Cavalry, (near Pleas ant Hill Church); Joseph Griffith, First Kentucky Cavalry, (place not definitely named). At Anchorage, Ky. : Presley Gaar, Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry. In the mountains of Kentucky : William Russell, Co. B, First Ken tucky Cavalry. At Pleasant Valley, Ky. : T. R. Griffith, (old) Co. E, First Ken tucky Cavalry. At Mt. Sterling, Ky. : Lieut. Guy Flusser, (old) Co. E, First Ken tucky Cavalry. MONUMENT TO OUR CONFEDERATE DEAD. Louisville. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 337 In Webster County, Ky. : James Carrico, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry. In Henderson County, Ky.: Homer Hall, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry. In Ohio County, Ky. : William Nelson, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry, and at Hartford, that county, Surgeon John Ed Pendleton, Ninth Kentucky. In Marion County, Ky. : Dr. M. Lewis, Assistant Surgeon, First Kentucky Cavalry. At Fort Delaware, (on Pea-Patch Island, Delaware Bay) ; J. M. Conyers, J. C. Hardesty and Robert Wood, Co. A. First Kentucky Cavalry. At Camp Douglass, 111. : Ben Hardesty and Pat Mahon, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry ; James Sweeney, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. In Hillsboro, Texas) : Geo. D. Robey, Co. I, Sixth Kentucky. At Austin, Texas : Lieut. Leslie Waggoner, Co. A, Ninth Ken tucky. At Barnesville, Ga. : Wm. H. Van Meter, Co. H, Sixth Kentucky. At Talladega, Ala.: Jas. E. Miles, Co. B, First Kentucky Cavalry. At Mooresville, Ala.: Henry Simcoe, (old) Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry. At Hopkinsville, Ky. : Thomas G. Woodward, Lieutenant-Colonel First Kentucky Cavalry. Near Louisville, Ky. : Adjt. Sam E. Shipp, First Kentucky Cavalry; Sergt. Guy Elder, Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry. In Jefferson County, Ky. : Lieut. Alonzo W. Graham, Co. B, First Kentucky Cavalry ; Joshua Speed Camp, Co. B, First Kentucky Cav alry, (on the old Camp farm); Minor G. Miller, Co. B, First Kentucky Cavalry; Richard H. Isaacs, (old) Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry. Near Noonday Church, Ga. : John Hanlon, Co. B, First Kentucky Cavalry. Near Ringgold, Ga. : Lieut. Joseph M. Yewell, Co. A, First Ken tucky Cavalry. In Georgia, (place not definitely stated): D. B. Butler, E. Herron r D. W. McKeg, P. W. Sutton, John Taylor, and Frank M. Thompson, all of Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry. In Tennessee, (place not definitely named) : Richard Stonestreet, (old) Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry. In Florida, (place not definitely stated) : J. Anderson, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry. In Arkansas, (place not definitely stated) : Harman Hall, Co. A, First Kentucky Cavalry; at Little Rock, Wm. P. Campbell, First Kentucky Cavalry. 338 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. In Sequatchie Valley, Tenn. : Capt. Jack Jones, Co. B, First Ken tucky Cavalry. At Snake Creek Gap, Ga. : Samuel Walker, Co. A, First Ken tucky Cavalry. At Marietta, Ga. : R. H. Groan, Co. B, First Kentucky Cavalry. At Fairfield, Tenn. : John H. Beckley, (old) Co. E, First Ken tucky Cavalry. After the war was removed to family burying ground, near Eastwood, Ky. Near Smithville, N. C. : John Harris, Co. B, First Kentucky Cav alry. In a Southern State, (place not definitely stated) : Richard Long, (old) Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry. The following members of Co. F, First Kentucky Cavalry, at places indicated : John T. Clement, near Morrison s Depot, Tenn. ; Stephen Cromwell, at Schopp s Springs, Ga. ; Hiram Eddings, near Noonday Church, Ga. ; Wm. Gough and James Riggs, at Tuscumbia, Ala. ; Wm. Hedges, at Rogersville, Ala. ; Matt Jones and Wm. Retter, at Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Peter Loyal, on Rock Island, 111. ; George Mob- ley, at Spring Hill, Tenn.; and John Smoot, at McMinnville, Tenn. At Lawrenceburg and elsewhere in Anderson County, Ky. : Robt. Wooldridge, G. G. Hanks, Thomas Tindall, William Jett, Lieut. S. J. Hanks, C. C. Lillard, Stephen S. Collins, Ben F. Taylor, W. H. Mor ton, John Farrell, F. M. Robinson, Capt. Gus Dedman, Oscar Hack- ley, all the above of Co. I, Second Kentucky; Mark P. Rucker and L. F. Frazier, Co. C, Second Kentucky; James Prather, Co. G, Sixth Kentucky; Scott Green, Fifth Kentucky. The organizing of fraternal associations, known as Confederate Veteran Camps, began some years ago, and at the present writing there are thirty-seven of these in Kentucky, most of which are mem bers of the general organization of the South, The United Confederate Veterans. To these Kentucky camps belong most of the surviving soldiers of the five infantry regiments, their batteries, and the First Cavalry, of which this volume treats. They are as given below. The numbers are those which they bear on the register of the general or ganization. The Jno. B. Hood Camp, 233, Augusta; theThos. H. Hunt, 253, Bardstown ; the Adam Johnson, 376, Benton; the P. R. Cleburne, 252, Bethel (Bath Co.); the P. R. Cleburne, 143, Bowling Green; the Geo. W. Cox, 433, Campton ; the W. P. Bramlett, 344, Carlisle; the Ben Desha, 99, Cynthiana; the Grigsby, 214, Danville; the Cofer, 543, Elizabethtown ; the E. Kirby Smith, 251, Eminence; the W. H. Ratcliff, 682, Falmouth; the Johnston, 232, Flemingsburgh : theThos. B. Monroe, 188, Frankfort; the David C. Walker, 640. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 339 Franklin; the Geo. W. Johnson, 98, Georgetown; the Wm. Preston, 96, Harrodsburgh ; the Merriwether, 241, Hopkinsville ; the J. E. Rankin, 558, Henderson; the F. Smith, 769, LaGrange; the Helm, 101, Lawrenceburgh ; the Confederate Veteran Association, 803, Louisville; the John C. Breckinridge Camp, 100, Lexington; the Hopkins County ex-Confederate Veteran Association, 528, Madison- ville ; the Joseph E. Johnston Camp, 442, Maysville; the R. S. Cluke, 201, Mount Sterling; the Corbin, 683, Newport; the Marshall, 187, Nicholasville ; the Albert P. Thompson, 174, Paducah; the Lloyd Tilghman, 463, Paducah; the Jno. H. Morgan, 95, Paris; the Jim Pearce, 527, Princeton; the T. B. Collins, 215, Richmond; the Cald- well, 139, Russellville ; the Jno. H. Weller, 237, Shelby ville ; the Abe Buford, 97, Versailles; and the Hanson, 186, Winchester. The objects of all these associations are, briefly: To cultivate social relations among those who were honorably engaged in the service of the Confederate States ; to preserve the ties of comradeship ; to aid those of their members who, from disease, misfortune, or the infirmi ties of age, may become incapable of supporting their families; to pay a decent respect to the names and to the memory of those who die; and to see that no worthy Confederate shall ever become an object of public charity. 340 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER XIX. ANNUAL REUNIONS OF THE BRIGADE. The survivors of the Orphan Brigade came home in 1865 poor many of them penniless and wholly dependent upon their own ex ertions to make their way in the world. Very many were broken in body by wounds; and the hard life of four years on the field or in prison, had told upon those whom the engines of war had spared. Their first duty was to find employment, to engage in avocations that promised remuneration to do work, and to do it as became men who had the reputation of being men of whom Kentucky would never need to be ashamed to call citizens, and never be disappointed if she relied on them to do their part in restoring right relations and repairing the ravages of the great conflict. How well they have done tKese the world knows; but what strug gles it cost, the world does not pause to consider. Though proud to call one another comrade, they lived and toiled in comparative ob scurity and personal isolation for seventeen years before the engross ing cares of business were sufficiently relaxed to allow them to plan a meeting that each might again shake the hands of the others who with him had borne the deadly firelock or wielded the flashing blade on many a bloody field that all might feel again the touch of elbow which gave quiet assurance in battle that on the right hand and on the left he who went forward that day would not be forsaken, however dire the extremity, until death or disabling had stricken them to the earth. In 1882, the first preconcerted and general meeting of these men took place. For fifteen years thereafter they were held annually, with ever-increasing interest. Thomas D. Osborne, one of the brigade s "boy" soldiers, and faithful as though he had been old enough to command instead of earring a rifle and accoutrements, has long been the Brigade Secretary, and he suggests that a running account (a sort of resume of the minutes) of these meetings would be a valuable ad dition to a book which is to serve as a reference manual for the old soldiers and their offspring as long as there are any to take interest in the part played by a few thousand of young Kentuckians in one of the most wonderful struggles of any age and any clime. His account follows : HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 341 " Roman soldiers in triumphal procession through the streets of the Imperial City were not more royally received than was the Orphan Brigade at its various reunions held, since the war, throughout Ken tucky, beginning with the first reunion at Blue Lick Springs in 1882. " These great occasions followed every year, each city and town trying to surpass its predecessor with its widespread welcome. Other soldiers and visitors attended by the thousands, until the few hundred members of the Orphan Brigade were almost overwhelmed. "On the 2oth of July, 1882, the first reunion was held. The vet erans met on the grounds of the Arlington Hotel. "At ten o clock the bugle call resounded. The bugle used has a history. It was captured at Harts ville, Tenn., by Jno. W. Payne, Chief Bugler of the Second Kentucky Regiment. Engraved on its bat tered sides are the noted battles it went through : Stone River, Chick- amauga, Mission Ridge and Rocky Face Ridge, etc. Sixty of the Ken tucky Brigade and fifteen from other commands responded to their names. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Jos. Desha Pickett, chaplain of the brigade. Maj. Hervey McDowell was elected chairman, and Capt. John H. Weller, of Louisville, secretary. A mo tion was made that the brigade attend in a body the historic battlefield of the Blue Licks, about a mile from the Springs. "Among those present were Capt. W. E. Bell, of Lawrenceburg; Charles Herbst, Librarian of Macon, Ga., who had with him a scrap- book, containing remnants from the Confederate flags of the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Georgia Regiments and many others; Virgil Hewitt, of Frankfort; Capt. Hugh Henry, Paris; Capt. Wm. T. Beaseman, Cynthiana; Lieut. L. D. Young, Plum Creek; Jos. Desha Pickett, Frankfort; Capt. Dan Tur- ney, Blue Licks; Squire H. Bush, Sixth Kentucky; Dr. A. J. Beall, Ninth Kentucky, and Wm. L. Jett, Fourth Kentucky. "The Secretary furnished to the author of the old History of the First Kentucky (or Orphan) Brigade, (published in 1868), a copy of part of the minutes of that meeting which recorded the sense of the assembled veterans. He was then a resident of Arkansas, and of course this greeting from those whose names and deeds he had tried to pre serve, and whom he could not forget, though seas might separate, touched him peculiarly. The following is the copy alluded to : BLUE LICK SPRINGS, KY., July 20, 1862. At a meeting of the surviving members of the First Kentucky Brigade held here to day, on motion a committee consisting of Judge W. L. Jett, Fourth Kentucky; Capt. W. Ed Bell, Second Kentucky ; 342 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. S. H. Bush, Sixth Kentucky; Judge J. W. Green, Fifth Kentucky j and Dr. A. J. Beall, Ninth Kentucky, were appointed to draft reso lutions expressing the sense of the meeting relative to Capt. Ed Porter Thompson, concerning the history of the First Kentucky Bri gade as written by him. Said committee made the following report, which was unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, Our esteemed friend and comrade, Capt. Ed Porter Thompson, of the Sixth Kentucky, has evinced his devotion to the First Kentucky Brigade by writing a history of the same, and has pre served the name and deeds of each member in a manner most remark able, and, WHEREAS, By this labor on his part, he underwent sacrifices and clung to his work with a patriotic zeal, known only as his own ; there fore, be it Resolved, by the members of the First Kentucky Brigade here as sembled, that our thanks are due to him for the valuable services rendered; and we hereby tender to Capt. Edwin Porter Thompson our gratitude for the patient care he used in the record of the move ments and the muster-roll of the soldiers of our beloved "Orphan Brigade." Resolved, That the secretary of this meeting transmit a copy of these resolutions to Capt. Thompson. W. L. JETT, Chairman. From the minutes. (Attest.) JNO. H. WELLER, Sec y. " The second reunion was held at Lexington, September 5th, 1883. Nearly two hundred survivors were present. After dinner they marched in a body to Masonic Hall, where they met ex-Gov. Luke P. Blackburn and his party, who had come from the inaugural scene at Frankfort, and were escorted by the Lexington Guards. Gen. William Preston delivered the welcome address, followed by Gen. Joseph H. Lewis, Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner, and the Rev. Joseph Desha Pickett. " At a business meeting Col. Hervey McDowell was elected presi dent, and Capt. W. Edward Bell, of Lawrenceburg, secretary. It was determined to solicit subscriptions to erect a monument to Generals Helm and Hanson. " The command then visited the graves of Hanson, Breckinridge, Morgan, and other distinguished Confederates whose remains are in terred in the cemetery there. "Gen. Preston made an eloquent address on the life of Hanson, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 343 and after prayer by Rev. Joseph Desha Pickett, the command dis banded to meet at Elizabethtown, September 19, 1884. " The meeting at Elizabethtown (September 2oth, 1884), (the third one), was the largest since the war several Federal soldiers being pres ent also. " In the afternoon the brigade was formed by Gen. Lewis to escort the remains of Gen. Helm to Helm Place for interment, after which the veterans proceeded to a neighboring grove, where addresses were delivered by Col. J. P. Nuckols, Generals Buckner and Lewis and Gov. Knott. " On their return to town they marched to the cemetery to visit the grave of Judge Martin Hardin Gofer, lieutenant-colonel of the Sixth Kentucky, (Chief Justice of Kentucky at his death). "At the night session, Col. John W. Caldwell, of Russellville, was elected president, and John A. Murray, of Glasgow, secretary. The First Kentucky Cavalry was elected to brigade membership. Glasgow, (August, 1885), were made the time and place of next meet ing. Col. Bennett H. Young, President of the Louisville Exposition, invited the brigade to visit it. " The fourth reunion was held accordingly, August 1 9th, 1885. The people of Glasgow and for miles around, gave the veterans a royal welcome. The special train bringing those from Louisville and points along the road was met by an escort composed of the Nuckols Guards and a mounted squadron of Morgan s men. All marched to the courthouse, where they were welcomed by Maj. W. H. Botts. Gen erals Buckner and Preston responded. A most interesting business meeting was called to order by Col. John W. Caldwell. Cynthiana was selected as the next place of meeting, Capt. Joe Desha, president, and John T. Hogg, secretary, for the ensuing year. " A banquet and ball a concluded the exercises of the occasion. "The fifth annual reunion was held at Cynthiana, August i8th, 1886. Five thousand people filled this town to-day to see the Orphan Brigade, which after a march met in the Opera House. Called to or der by the President, Capt. Jo Desha, and prayer by Rev. Jos. Desha Pickett, the command and visitors were welcomed by Capt. W. H. Ratcliffe, of Cynthiana. Gen. Jos. H. Lewis responded in behalf of the brigade. Short speeches appropriate to the occasion were made by Gen. Wm. Preston, Gov. C. W. West, of Utah, Col. W. C. P. Breck- inridge, and Col. Polk Johnson. "After roll-call, it was resolved, on motion of J. A. Murray, that Willis L. Ringo be designated Permanent Secretary of the Association, and a sum be raised to provide a permanent Record-book containing the names, post-office address, and occupations of all the survivors of 344 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the brigade the minutes of each meeting to be printed for distribu tion. Thirty and 80-100 dollars was thereupon contributed for these purposes. A committee, composed of Chas. Herbst, Capt. Hugh Henry, Capt. J. T. Gaines, Capt. Thos. G. Page, Col. J. C. Wickliffe, and Col. E. Polk Johnson, selected Bardstown, August i8th, 1887, as the time and place of next meeting. " It was resolved that a thirty-day notice of the reunion be sent each survivor. "The exercises of the occasion were concluded by a splendid ban quet at night, and many stirring reminiscent speeches in response to toasts. "At Bardstown, sixth reunion, August ipth, 1887, Col. Cripps Wickliffe, with an admirable reception committee, welcomed the vast multitude of visitors. Gen. S. B. Buckner, Gen. Jos. H. Lewis, Col. J. C. Wickliffe and Chaplain Jos. Desha Pickett, mounted, headed a procession composed of veterans with their wives, daughters and friends, and marched to the ancient Bardstown Cemetery, where, with flowers given them by children at the gate, they broke ranks and dec orated the graves of the Confederate dead. Proceeding to the campus of St. Joseph College, Col. Wickliffe introduced Judge Fulton, who delivered the address of welcome, to which Gen. Lewis responded. He was followed by Gen. Buckner. " At 3 P. M. a business meeting was held, Col. J. C. Wickliffe pre siding, with Wm. Ambrose, Secretary. " At the banquet at night an address was delivered by Col. E. Polk Johnson on Gen. Ben Hardin Helm ; and a toast was responded to by Capt. Thomas Speed, a Federal soldier. " At 7 A. M. a special train carried the warriors home from the most successful meeting they had ever held. "On the occasion of the seventh reunion (September 26, 1888,) Frankfort was filled with the veterans and their friends. A meeting held in the Opera-house was called to order by Gen. Lewis, prayer was offered by Rev. H. H. Kavanaugh, Chaplain of the Sixth Ken tucky, and the Hon. Ira Julian welcomed the soldiers in an eloquent address. The response was made by Gen. Lewis. After the roll-call the President introduced Col. W. C. P. Breckinridge, who .delivered a splendid eulogy on the life and character of Gen. Wm. Preston. " Lieut. Willis L. Ringo made a report for the committee appointed to look after removing the scattered and isolated remains of comrades, which showed that the committee had well performed, the duty as signed. " At 3 P. M. the brigade and visiting comrades marched in procession to the cemetery and reinterred the remains of Col. Jas. W. Moss; HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 345 and then visited the newly-made graves of comrades brought from Chickamauga, where, after brief services conducted by Elder Jos. Desha Pickett and Rev. G. B. Overton, the graves of all our dead were decorated. They then returned to the Opera-house, and Col. John W. Caldwell delivered an address on the lives and characters of Col. Jas. W. Moss and Maj. Rice E. Graves. " Jno. A. Murray introduced a resolution constituting Gen. Jos. H. Lewis and Willis L. Ringo a committee to raise money and superin tend the removal of the remains of other deceased comrades, from the Southern battlefields and reinter them at Frankfort. " After the usual resolution of thanks for the manner in which all visitors had been entertained, the meeting adjourned, to meet at Louis ville, September 18, 1889. " A reception given by Gov. and Mrs. Buckner and a ball con cluded the occasion. "At the eighth reunion, (Louisville, September i8th, 1889,) all parts of the State were well represented. " The morning was given up to informal meeting, greeting, and conversation. At noon the address of welcome was made by Mayor Chas. D. Jacob, which elicited a ringing response from Maj. Clinton McClarty. After repeated calls, Gen. Wm. B. Bate, of Tennessee, spoke eloquently and at length. " In the afternoon, after appointing a committee on time and place for next meeting, resolutions of regret were passed on the death of Mrs. Virginia Hanson. Lieut. Willis L. Ringo, reported on behalf of the committee ap pointed for the removal of comrades remains, showing a need of $100 more. A collection was taken and $145.18 given, that all expenses might be fully met. "The present officers were reelected; and on motion of Capt. W. K. Bell, of Lawrenceburg, a unanimous vote of thanks was extended Louisville for her handsome hospitality. Senator J. C. S. Blackburn, who had served on Gen. Wm. Preston s staff, was uproariously called tor and spoke amid cheers. At the close of his remarks the body ad journed to meet at eight P. M. at the armory for the banquet, with which the reunion ended. " Every home in and near Lawrenceburg was open to receive the soldiers as they met in the ninth reunion of the Orphan Brigade, Sep tember 3d, 1890. At ii A. M., on the fair grounds, Chaplain Kava- naugh, Sixth Kentucky Infantry, opened with prayer. Judge W. H. Bickers welcomed the soldiers. The response was delivered by Col. K. Polk Johnson, of Helm s regiment, First Kentucky Cavalry. Judge 346 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. William Lindsay, of Frankfort, was then introduced, and entertained the audience with an able and interesting address. "After dinner a business meeting was held, Gen. Jos. H. Lewis presiding, Hon. Willis L. Ringo, secretary. An invitation of Owens- boro was accepted; officers were elected, and speeches were made by Col. Bennett H. Young and Gen. Buckner. "At the close of the speaking Gen. Lewis had all the veterans to form in a semi-circle while he walked around to take a good look at them. There were only 147 in the group. It was an affecting scene. Following this there was a splendid drill by the Buckner Rifles and the cadets from the Kentucky Military Institute. The day closed with a grand hop at the hotel. "The tenth reunion, (Owensboro, September 9, 1891,) was a mem orable one in the history of that city and of the brigade. Several hun dred members and visiting soldiers from a distance were in attendance. By 8 A. M. the streets were lined with people waiting to view the pro cession as it filed out to the fair grounds, where Capt. W. T. Ellis in an eloquent address gave the old soldiers a Kentucky welcome. He was followed by Col. Jno. H. Caldwell. "At the brigade business meeting, Gen. Joseph H. Lewis was re- elected president, and Thos. D. Osborne, Co. A, Sixth Kentucky In fantry, was elected secretary. "The reception given the veterans and their friends was enthusiastic, and surpassed what was expected of even that hospitable city and the warm-hearted people of its county. " It was said of Paris on the occasion of the Orphan Brigade s meet ing there, (September 28th, 1892,) that never before was there such a crowd in the city. Everybody came, from everywhere, to welcome these men now assembled at the capital of Bourbon County, which had contributed so many to their ranks in the stirring days of 1861 and lost so many before the end came. " Marching to the fair grounds, while cannon boomed, reminding them of the many fields on which they had heard the roar and crash of artillery, great and small, Mayor Chambers and Judge Vaughn wel comed them to Paris in able and eloquent speeches, and to this double welcome Col. W. L. Clarke, Sixth Kentucky, responded handsomely. "A letter from Rev. Dr. Jos. Desha Pickett was read, in which he expressed his regret at not being present, and paid a touching tribute to the memory of Chaplain H. H. Kavanaugh, lately deceased. "At the business session Gen. Lewis was reelected president and Thos. D. Osborne was reelected secretary. " The brigade and visiting soldiers of other commands were mag- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 34T nificently entertained, in every way that kindness and good-fellowship could suggest, by that warm-hearted and hospitable people. "On the occasion of the twelfth reunion (at Versailles, September 28th, 1893), more than three thousand strangers visited that city. On the march to the fair grounds, the veterans, preceded by their field officers on horseback, were joined in line by the Lexington, George town, and Versailles companies of the State Guard, and by the local Knights of Pythias. After prayer by the Rev. Wm. Stanley, captain of Co. G, Sixth Kentucky Infantry, Senator J. C. S. Blackburn, in iiis now celebrated suit of Confederate jeans, delivered the address of welcome. Col. Jno. B. Caldwell, introduced to the audience largely composed of strangers, by Gen. B. W. Duke, responded in behalf of the brigade. Col. Caldwell is the only man now living ex cept Gen. Lewis, who commanded the Orphan Brigade on a march or in battle. : After the splendid dinner was partaken of, Gen. Duke made an address in his usual able and entertaining manner. " At the business meeting, Gen. Lewis was reelected president, and Thos. D. Osborne was reelected secretary. The proposition to raise by subscription, among the living members of the brigade, for the purpose :>f erecting a monument to the memory of Gen. and Mrs. Roger W. I lanson, was discussed, and the matter was intrusted to a committee, nstructed to proceed at once with the work and report at the next meeting. The committee was as follows: Capt. Ed F. Spears, Sec ond Kentucky, (chairman); Capt. John H. Weller, Fourth Kentucky; Capt. Jo Desha, Fifth Kentucky; Capt. Ed Porter Thompson, Sixth Kentucky; Sergt.-Maj. John W. Green, Ninth Kentucky; and Col. E. Polk Johnson, First Kentucky Cavalry.* A camp-fire on the fair grounds at night and a ball at the opera house concluded the occasion. "At the thirteenth reunion, (Russellville, September 4, 1894,) nearly every county in Kentucky was represented by soldiers or citi zens, and many came from Tennessee and. other States. 11 The brigade and visiting soldiers were marched, under lead of Gen. Lewis, to the campus of Bethel College, where eight thousand people listened to the exercises, which were begun with prayer by President W. S. Ryland, of Bethel. A choir of beautiful young women sang The Bonnie Blue Flag, after which Col. Caldwell made the speech of welcome, to which the Rev. G. B. Overton, on behalf of the brigade, responded, following which Miss Juliette Odam, of Austin, Texas, sang The Conquered Banner. *The monument was built, as a result of this action. See sketch of Gen. Hun son. 348 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. " After dinner, (a great barbecue, served in CaldwelFs grove,) Gen. John B. Gordon, the famous Georgia soldier and statesman, introduced by Gen. Buckner, made a thrilling speech, which elicited great ap plause. Col. Bennett H. Young followed with a glowing tribute to the women of the South. " At the business meeting, Gen. Lewis and Thomas D. Osborne were reflected president and secretary respectively ; and the following committees were appointed : "On organization: J. P. Bernard, Hervey McDowell, Joe Vin cent, David E. Walker, Lot D. Young, and J. T. Gaines. " On time and place of next meeting : John L. Stout, Norborne G. Gray, John H. Grain, John H. Walker, and Wm. Wallace Hen. Gen. Fayette Hewitt reported that the graves of our men in Frankfort had been marked by suitable headstones in accordance with instruc tions to the removal committee, (Hewitt, Ringo, and Wickliffe). "Bowling Green was named by committee as above as place of next meeting the time to be specified subsequently. " Ed Porter Thompson was elected historian of the command, and a resolution was passed requesting him to revise the former History of the Brigade, and republish, including that of the adopted member, First Kentucky Cavalry. " Capt. Spears, chairman of the Hanson Monument Committee, re ported progress, and as sufficient funds had not been paid in, some contributions were made by members present " A list of comrades who had died was read, after which the meet ing adjourned. " To-day (September 26, 1895), where thirty-four years ago the Orphan Brigade slept in the Bowling Green courthouse yard, the rem nant gathered in their fourteenth reunion, and six thousand people participated in the warm county welcome, the speech being by Gen. W. F. Perry and responded to by Jno. S. Jackman and Gen. Buckner. These exercises were followed by a grand barbecue banquet, attended by 20,000 people. " At the business meeting the former officers were reflected. The Women s Confederate Monument Association was warmly thankrd and $100 was donated to assist in carrying out their purpose. "The death-roll was 40 per cent, more than that of last year, which was 50 per cent, more than the preceding year. By a unanimous vote Walter N. Haldeman was elected an hon orary member of the Brigade Association. "Tennessee, through S. A. Cunningham, editor of the Confederate Veteran, invited the Brigade to hold its next meeting at Nashville. In view of the great death rate a standing committee on Necrol- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 34 ogy was appointed, to consist of Gen. Fayette Hewitt, Col. Jno. C. Wickliffe, Capt. John H. Weller, Thos. D. Osborne, and Lieut. Robt. Tyler. "Morgan s command and all other Confederate soldiers in Ken tucky were admitted to membership. "John A. Murray, Jas. Vaughn, E. B. Ross, Jack Lewis, J. M. Arnold, and S. H. Buchanan were appointed to arrange for next meeting. " The usual vote of thanks was given the people of Bowling Green and Warren County. "There were several songs and recitations admirably rendered. It is said that there was never before such a crowd in Warren County. "The fifteenth reunion took place in Nashville, Tenn., October i4th and i5th, 1896. It was held in connection with that of the Ten nessee Confederate Veterans, and is remembered as a great and happy occasion. " Miss Mary L. Morris, introduced by Col. Thomas Claibourne, \velcomed the soldiers. Gen. Lewis responded to her tender and touching address. " On Thursday there was a parade through the principal streets of t le city and out to the Cumberland Park, under lead of Capt. Joe B. O Brien, officer of the day. The Rev. R. Linn Cave prayed, and then spoke with great feeling. He was followed by Capt. John H. Weller and Col. Hiram Hawkins, both of the Orphan Brigade. Then followed Prof. Wharton, of Nashville (on the Confederate Navy), as al>o did Col. J. J. Turner, of Gallatin, Tenn., and Dr. Monees, Su pervisor of Confederate Hospitals. At the business meeting Gen. Lewis, last commander of the bri gade, presided, and Secretary Thomas D. Osborne was at his desk. "Gen. Fayette Hewitt announced the death of Lieut.-Col. Joseph P. Nuckols, Fourth Kentucky, and of Surgeon Jno. Ed Pendleton, Ninth Kentucky. Capt. John H. Weller offered a resolution recom mending Capt. Ed Porter Thompson s new edition of the History of the First Kentucky Brigade. "Resolutions of thanks were offered by Sergt. S. H. Bush and Thos. D. Osborne to the Frank Cheatham Bivouac, the citizens of Nashville, (e-pecially the ladies,) and to S. A. Cunningham for the beautiful sou venir badges, and recommending his magazine, The Confederate Vet eran. " Gen. Lewis and Thos. D. Osborne were reflected president and secretary, respectively. "Gen. Lewis announced the adjournment, and the Orphans took 350 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. leave of their generous entertainers with cordial hand-shakings and the warmest expressions of good will. "Invitations for 1897 were not accepted at the time, no arrange ments were subsequently made, and since the Nashville occasion there has been no meeting to this date, (April, 1898)." MONUMENT TO BRIG.-GKN. AND MRS. ROGER W. HANSON. Lexington. PART II. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT OF BIOGRAPHY. LIEUT.-GEN. S. B. BUCKNER. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 353 LIEUT.-GEN. S. B. BUCKNER. Simon Bolivar Buckner, son of Aylett and Elizabeth A. (Morehead) Buckner, was born in Hart County, Kentucky, April i, 1823. His father was descended from the Buckners of England, some members of which were among the early colonists who settled Gloucester, Caroline, Essex, and York counties, Virginia. The immediate pro genitors of the subject of this sketch came nearly a century ago to Kentucky, and settled in the Green River country. His mother was of the Morehead family of Virginia, other descendants of which are found in various parts of this State. She was the daughter of Turner II. Morehead, of the Revolutionary army, and cousin to James P. Morehead, Governor of Kentucky, 1834-6, and a relative to Charles S. Morehead, who was Governor, 1856-9. Gov. Buckner, it will be seen, was the third of the family to occupy the gubernatorial c lair. He was reared on the farm, attending Kentucky schools at intervals daring the eight or ten years preceding 1840, when he entered the Vest Point Military Academy. Here, during the four years, he was associated with many who afterward distinguished themselves in the frontier wars, the Mexican and Civil wars, rose to high rank and at tained to national renown. Prominent among these were Newton, Rosecrans, Gustavus W. Smith, Doubleday, Longstreet, Franklin, Augur, Pleasanton, Hancock, Porter, McClellan, Fry, and Burnside. Graduating in 1844, he was assigned to the Second Infantry, with the rank of brevet second lieutenant; served one year on garrison duty at Scott s Harbor; was called from this to West Point as Assistant Professor of Ethics; was relieved at his own request, to enter into active service in Mexico; engaged in the operations of the Army of Occupation at Matamoras, Monclava, and Paras, and was promoted to second lieutenant in the Sixth Infantry. In 1846, the Sixth Regi ment joined Gen. Taylor at Saltillo; in January, 1847, he was sent to Vera Cruz, where he landed with Worth s division and partook of the dangers and duties of the siege. ( )n the march to the Mexican capital, he fought at Cerro Gordo, Coutreras, and Churubusco; was brevetted first lieutenant for gallant and meritorious conduct in the last two battles, but declined the honor because his regiment was not really on the ground at Contreras. He accepted it, however, for heroic behavior at Churubusco, where he - 3 354 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. was slightly wounded. Fought at Molino del Rey, Chepultepec, and at the Belen Gate ; was brevetted captain for gallant and meritorious conduct at Molino del Rey. He was among the first to enter the city, and among the last to leave coming out after peace was proclaimed, with the rear division. While stationed here he visited Popocatapetl, climbing to the crater upon its very summit. He published in Putnam s, April, 1853, an account of this expedition. He was now assigned to duty as Assistant Instructor in infantry tac tics ; reported at West Point in July, 1848, where he remained on duty till January, 1850; was then ordered to New York Harbor, where he served a few months ; was then sent to his company at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, where he did duty with his regiment till September, 1851. Meanwhile, he had married (May, 1850,) Mary, the only daughter of Maj. J. B. Kingsbury, United States Army. In September, 1851, he was transferred to the command of a com pany at Fort Atkinson, on the Upper Arkansas, where he lived among the wild Indians till the autumn of 1852; was promoted to a captaincy in the Subsistence Department of the staff; was subsequently sent to New York, where he was on duty till January, 1855. At this time he resigned his position ; Jived awhile in Chicago ; then in Nashville; and in 1858 he took up his residence in Louisville. His next public act was the organization of the. Kentucky State Guard, 1859-60, of which he was made commander-in-chief and in spector, with the rank of major-general. He was sent as commissioner to Washington under instructions from Gov. Magoffin to confer with the Government as to the policy likely to be pursued toward the border States. The mission proved fruitless; and in July, 1861, he- resigned his position in the State Guard, and visited Richmond. He was offered an honorable command by both the Washington and Rich mond governments, but declined awaiting the action of his own State. At Nashville, on his return, he learned that troops of the con tending armies had already occupied points in Kentucky. He sug gested the proposition which was made by Gen. Polk to the Governor of Kentucky, that both sides should withdraw their troops and respect the State s neutrality. This was declined; and he then entered the Confederate service. He was made a brigadier-general on the i5th of September, 1861; on the iyth, under orders from Gen. Sidney John ston, he occupied Bowling Green with a division of troops. Taking part in such operations as were conducted about Bowling Green, Munfordville, Russellville, and elsewhere in the State, he re mained in Kentucky till February, 1862. He was then ordered by Gen. Johnston to reenforce Pillow at Donelson with eight regiments; HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 355 arrived on Wednesday night, February i2th; on Thursday morning the right wing of the little army, (13,000, all told,) began, under Buckner s command, the three days conflict. During all this time he bore himself in such a manner as to win the confidence of his own troops and the respect of the enemy ; and had his counsel been heeded, the Confederates would at least have escaped capture. When his rank ing officers, Floyd and Pillow, at last found the garrison in the toils, and proposed to abandon the troops and save themselves by flight, Buckner endeared himself to Kentuckians by that high resolve ex pressed in words that have become historic : "For my part, I will stay with the men, and share their fate." This, notwithstanding, he had been denounced as a traitor deserving of the gallows, and threat ened with summary vengeance in case of capture, and that he knew well the perils of his position. Gen. Lew Wallace, in his account of the battle, published in the Century Magazine of December, 1864, speaks of him as follows : " All in all he was the fittest of the three commanders, [though the junior,] for the enterprises entrusted to them. He was their equal in courage; while in devotion to the cause and to his profession of arms, in tactical knowledge, in military bearing, in the faculty of getting the most service out of his inferiors, and inspiring them with confidence in his ability, as a soldier in all the higher meanings of the word, lie was greatly their superior." Speaking of the last council held by general and field officers, at which Floyd and Pillow declared their in tention to abandon the troops and escape, Gen. Wallace gives the views expressed by Gen. Buckner as to continuing the conflict or endeav oring to effect retreat, and says : " Buckner added that as for himself he regarded it as his duty to stay with his men and share their fate, whatever it might be. Throughout the affair he had borne himself with dignity. He ordered the troops back to their positions and opened communications with Gen. Grant." Wallace met him at the old Dover tavern after the capitulation, of which meeting he says: "The tavern was the headquarters of Gen. Buckner, to whom I sent my name ; and being an acquaintance I was at once admitted. I found him with his staff at breakfast. He met me with politeness and dignity. Turning to the officers at the table, he said: Gen. W r allace, it is not necessary to introduce you to these gen tlemen; you are acquainted with them all. They arose, came for ward, one by one, and gave me their hand in salutation. I was then invited to breakfast, which consisted of corn-bread and coffee, the best the gallant host had in his kitchen." 1 Ie was imprisoned in Fort Warren till August, 1862 ; was exchanged and was at once promoted to Major-General, with orders to report 356 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. to Gen. Bragg at Chattanooga. Here he was placed in command of one of Hardee s divisions. At Woodsonville, Ky., his advice was heeded by the command ing general after a bloody and fruitless assault in front, and the garrison was forced to surrender by a simple and to him obviously necessary disposition of Folk s corps. At Bardstown he was detached from his division and assigned to the duty of organizing new troops. Recalled to his command on the advance of the Federal army, he rejoined it at Perryville, the night before the battle. He had time, however, to get information as to the position of Gen. BuelPs force, and he quickly comprehended the exigencies of the case. When oc casion was offered, he advised a line of action, which, if it had been adopted, would have enabled Bragg to beat his antagonist without serious loss, and so to have changed the whole aspect of the Kentucky campaign. As it was, he rendered important service in preventing an overwhelming disaster. About the middle of December, 1862, he was ordered to take charge of the defenses at Mobile. In four months he changed that place from an open town to an almost impregnable fortress ; and was highly com plimented by the Confederate Government for the manner in which his duties had been performed. In the spring of 1863, he was placed in charge of the Department of East Tennessee. In September, 1863, he was ordered from Knox- ville to join Bragg in North Georgia, and at the battle of Chicka- mauga his command, (Stewart s and Preston s divisions), did distin guished service. " No officer," says one eye-witness of that battle, "on the eventful aoth of September, 1863, distinguished himself more by heroic bearing than Gen. Buckner. He rode through the fiery tem pest as calmly as if he knew himself invulnerable." Twice during the operations preceding and during the battle he saw, and as opportunity offered, suggested, dispositions which would have resulted in cutting Rosecrans off from his base after the repulse of the 2oth, and have made the victory complete. He was prevented by illness from accompanying Longstreet on his expedition into East Tennessee ; but upon recovery, he was assigned by that officer to the command of Hood s old division. When Long- street was ordered back into Virginia, Gen. Buckner was sent, on ap plication of Gen. Kirby Smith and the trans-Mississippi Congressmen, to take command of the District of Louisiana, succeeding Gen. Dick Taylor, transferred to the Department of Alabama and Mississippi. Buckner was now made a lieutenant-general. His abilities as an or ganizer, long before recognized, were again brought into play, and he soon had a small army ready for effective service ; but there were few HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 357 active operations in that department during 1864. In 1865, after the surrender of Lee and Johnston, he and Gen. Sterling Price negotiated with Gen. Canby a surrender of the trans-Mississippi ; and as by its terms he was not permitted to return at once to Kentucky he took up his residence in New Orleans. His fortune had been wrecked ; but he was at no loss in adapting himself to changed conditions and en gaging in business pursuits to secure a competency for himself and family. A valuable property in Chicago, confiscated during the war, was finally restored to him, and with this and various accumulations in Kentucky, he is now one of the few millionaires in the State a fact to which he never refers, and of which others seem to take little or no cog nizance, from the fact that he has other and better titles to distinction. In 1887 he was nominated by the Democratic State Convention, almost by acclamation^ to the office of Governor a distinction more regarded by Kentucky s ambitious citizens than that of United States Senator, and almost as much as that of the Presidency itself; was elected in August of that year; closed, September ist, 1891, a popu lar administration, serving meanwhile, 1890-91, as the delegate from his home county to the Constitutional Convention. He evinced states manship of a high order ; a clear apprehension of the rights and in terests of the people; and a defense and an advocacy of them which had an influence, not yet fully appreciated, upon the moulding of Kentucky s new organic law. If he made mistakes, he never at tempted to justify them; if he made enemies, it was not because he wished to do any man an injustice, and he seemed not to feel any bit terness towards his accusers; if anybody else was blameworthy for any alleged error of his administration, it was not known abroad, for he never attempted to shift a responsibility to another man s shoulders. Praise and admiration for others he could not disguise; to detraction he was a stranger. In his dealings with law-breakers and convicts, his principles were few and simple, always present with him, though but seldom expressed. An instance or two will suffice to show the character of them all. When an attempt to enlist his sympathies in favor of a certain criminal was made, he indorsed upon the petition: "The sympathies and the duty of the Governor are with the people whose laws he is compelled to ex ecute." Replying briefly to importunate beseechings in behalf of Another: "Clemency to him would be a wrong to the whole com munity/ To another: " Mercy to the law-breaker is cruelty to those ^ho keep the law." Some years after the war, Mrs. Mary (Kingsbury) Buckner died, leaving an only child, Miss Lillie, afterward the wife of Morris Bel- knap, a prominent Louisville gentleman. 358 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. A few years subsequently he married Miss Delia Claiborne, of Vir ginia, a daughter of the late Col. Claiborne, of the old colonial family of that name, a grand-daughter of Burrell Bassett and Mary (Dan- dridge) Bassett, the latter a sister of Mrs. Gen. Washington. Mrs. Buckner is descended on one side from Fielding and Bettie (Washing ton) Lewis. They have one child, Simon Bolivar, Jr., known during the General s term of office as "the young Governor" an anusually bright and promising boy. After the expiration of his term, and the conclusion of his labors in the reassembled Constitutional Convention, Gov. Buckner returned to Hart County, where he and his family now occupy the old home, " Glen Lily," in which he was born. MAJ.-GEN. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE. The history of the Kentucky Brigade is necessarily in a great meas ure the military history of Gen. Breckinridge, and obviates the neces sity for an elaborate and finished sketch of that portion of his life. As for his political career, it would exceed the limits of our design to notice it in full. His youthful aspirations and manhood s success; his early perception of the true theory of the constitution of his country, and where its life-principle lay ; his steady adherence to his convic tions of duty to his country, as events more and more foreshadowed that evil days drew nigh; and his manly defense of the South on the floor of the Senate these would constitute a chapter of surpassing interest ; but, for the political student, they form a part of the coun try s history, that may be found in the archives of State; and, for the general reader, another hand may one day gather up the details, and another pen do ample justice to the life and times of a statesman and a soldier, who could achieve distinction in either .field apparently without effort, while thousands, struggling up the ascent to the gilded Temple of Fame, have fainted by the way, or sunk in despair at its base. John Cabell Breckinridge was born in Lexington, Ky., January 16, 1821. His family is readily traceable, through its different branches, remotely to that of Breckinridge, of England, Hopkins, of Ireland, and Capellari, of Italy; more immediately, to Dr. John Witherspoon, a revolutionary statesman, to the Smiths, of Princeton, New Jersey, and to the Breckinridges, Cabells, and Prestons, of Virginia. From the time of the Presbyterian troubles in England and Scotland, the family appears to have been noted for the remarkable character of its male members. His great-grandfather, Col. Robert Breckinridge, marked his impress upon the history of colonial times in Augusta MAJ.-GEN. JOHN C. HRECKINRIDGE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 359 County, Virginia. His grandfather, the Hon. John Breckinridge, was a lawyer, excelled by none, perhaps, of his day ; a gifted speaker; a commanding statesman ; the leader of the old Democratic party of Kentucky; the author of that masterly exposition of principles, the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798; and above all, his private as well as his professional character was without reproach. His father, the Hon. Joseph Cabell Breckinridge, who died while Secretary of State for Gov. Adair, was one of the most handsome and accomplished men of his times; a lawyer of high attainments, an eloquent speaker, a writer of rare force and purity, a soldier, a statesman, and a Christian gen tleman. The subject of the present notice, it will be observed, was left an orphan at the age of less than three years, his father having died on the ist of September, 1823, but his education was not neglected, and such influences were thrown around him from the first as tended to develop his manly character. After a preparatory course in the schools of Lexington, he was entered at Center College, Danville, Ky., and graduated at that institution in the autumn of 1838. He went, shortly afterward, to Princeton, New Jersey, and spent some time as resident graduate at the college there ; after which he returned to Kentucky and read law with Gov. William Owsley. He attended the law lec tures at Transylvania University in 1840-41; and in the spring of 1841, being now but twenty years of age, received license, and en tered upon the practice at Frankfort. He spent but few months here, however, before he experienced some of that migratory feeling which leads the young men of America to look for new fields of enterprise, where success is supposed to be more readily attainable, and life may be characterized with something more of spirit and adventure; and, in the autumn of that year, he traveled through the States of Indiana and Illinois, and finally took up his residence in Burlington, Iowa. He practiced at this place two years, occasionally joining a hunting and fishing excursion with the Indians of the frontiers. On the site of Des Moines, the present capital of that State, now a large and nourishing city, he then hunted the elk and buffalo; and in that region of country the Des Moines River flowed by in almost uninterrupted solitude, whereas, at the present day, towns and villages dot its shores, from the capital city to the borders of the commonwealth. In the autumn of 1843, he returned to Kentucky on what he at the time intended merely as a visit, but circumstances changed his plans, and gave him, henceforth, to his native State, and opened to him a field of usefulness and fame among his own people. He formed an attachment for Miss Mary C. Burch, of Scott County, and in December, 1843, they were married. She is described, by those who have en- 360 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. joyed the pleasure of her acquaintance, as being a lady of cultivated mind, manners the most unaffected and winning, and, indeed, possess ing a wealth of feminine accomplishments. After his marriage, Gen. Breckinridge opened a law-office in George town, and remained there till the summer of 1845, when he removed to Lexington, and formed a partnership with the late Judge S. R. Bul lock, which existed for several years. In 1847, the war with Mexico having broken out, he applied to Gov. Owsley for a position as major of the Third Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, and received the appointment. He accordingly repaired, with his command, to the scene of action, and served during the re mainder of the war. Among other incidents connected with his career there was his masterly defense of Gen. Pillow before the court- martial which was instigated against that officer by Gen. Scott, in which he is said to have distinguished himself, and elicited the warm est encomiums from the friends of Pillow. At the close of the war he returned to Lexington and resumed the practice of law. When the bodies of Kentuckians, who had fallen in Mexico, were brought to Frankfort for interment in the State Ceme tery, he was selected as the speaker of the occasion, and the oration was indeed a beautiful and eloquent tribute to those "who had helped to uphold the honor of their country in the land of the Montezumas." In 1849 he was elected to the Legislature from Fayette, and was the candidate of the Democrats for Speaker of the House. His con duct during the term in which he sat here his admirable judgment, as well as his eloquence, and, withal, the great power that he exercised over all with whom he came in contact, amounting almost to fascina tion, not only fixed him prominently and firmly in the esteem and con fidence of his constituents, but placed him fairly before the country. In the autumn of 1850, by the common voice of both parties, he was selected to deliver the address of congratulation and welcome with which it had been determined to meet Mr. Clay, on his return from the Congress characterized by the compromise measures originated by that statesman, and carried after a stormy and bitter struggle. In 1851 he was put forward as the Democratic candidate for Con gress, against a popular Whig nominee, Gen. Leslie Combs, and, con trary to public expectation, was elected, after a long and active can vass. In 1853, though his course in Congress had been consistent and creditable, an honor to both himself and his constituents, the Whigs determined to prevent his return, if possible, and, to that end, put in nomination an old veteran of the Whig party, ex-Gov. Robert P. Letcher, who had heretofore been the most popular and powerful man, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 361 in a contest of this kind, in the State of Kentucky ; who had never known defeat, and who was unassailable in every point except that of his political creed and the particular public measures that he then advo cated. The struggle was close, vigorous, exciting almost violent but the young champion of the Democracy triumphed, and took a recognized position as one of the ablest leaders in the country. Of his public services in a civil capacity we can not, as heretofore remarked, speak at length, but will merely point out the main inci dents of that period of his life. Mr. Pierce, then President, offered him the mission to Spain, but he declined it ; and, after his second term in Congress had expired, he returned to the practice of his pro fession at Lexington. He was destined, however, to come again, more prominently than ever, before the country, and to win new triumphs. He was a delegate to the Cincinnati Convention, which was to select candidates for the presidential contest of 1856, and was, unexpectedly, and, on the last ballot, unanimously nominated for vice- president. His election to that exhalted post, at the age of thirty-five years; the dignified, able, and popular manner in which he presided over the Senate; his candidacy, in 1860, for President all these are familiar to the people, and are recorded in the various annals of the country. At the sitting of the Kentucky Legislature, in the winter of 1860-61, he was elected to the United States Senate for the full term, beginning on the ist of March, 1861. He took his seat, and endeavored for some time to mediate between the sections and stay the invasion of the South. He often manfully opposed his almost single voice to the Sen ate, now fairly inflamed to the madness of fanaticism. He finally ex posed their purposes, boldly denounced their violent schemes, and defended the South against the wretched aspersions of those who were bent on destroying her. But, finding that all this world avail nothing for immediate purposes, he resigned, and wrote a letter to the people, in which he briefly disclosed the revolutionary designs of the Repub licans, recounted the evils of their policy, and showed them the utter folly of basing hopes of the restoration of "the Union as it was" upon the announcements of the administration as to the objects of the war. His subsequent history is that of the soldier, who won a name on many a field that can perish only with the annals of his race. He went to Richmond, in September, 1861, was appointed brigadier- general, and, on the i6th of November, assumed command of the Kentucky Brigade. His public services from this time up to 1864, and personal incidents relating to him, are recorded in the first depart ment of this work, and so fully, too, that even a recapitulation is unnecessary. 362 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Early in 1864 he was transferred to Southwestern Virginia, and per- formed important services in that department during that year. AVith a small force of from three to four thousand, all of arms, he gained a decisive victory over Sigel at New Market, May 15 ; took part in the defense at Lynchburg; accompanied Gen. Early on the campaign into Maryland, fighting at many points; and Gen. Eckols having been re lieved in the Department of East Tennessee and West Virginia, he was sent there to take command. While here he planned and executed the movement against Saltville, which resulted in the defeat and rout of Burbridge. About the ist of March, 1865, he was called to Richmond, and ap pointed to the duties of Secretary of War. He at once entered upon a wise and vigorous performance of those duties; but it was too late to correct whatever errors had been committed in that office, and to institute such measures as his large experience and excellent judg ment might have suggested to retrieve the fast failing fortunes of the Confederacy; but he was thus included among those who were under special ban, and denied the benefit of the terms of surrender. He accompanied President Davis from Richmond into North Caro lina; visited Gen. Johnston, and conferred with him regarding the necessity of surrender, and the terms upon which it should be effected; and was present at the conference between Johnston and Sherman at Durham Station. After terms had been agreed upon, he rejoined the President at Charlotte, and the party was escorted thence, by a body of troops which had collected at that point, to Washington, Geor gia. At Abbeville, S. C., on this march, President Davis held his last council of war, with Generals Breckinridge, Duke, Debrell, Vaughan, Ferguson, and Bragg, and Col. William C. P. Breckinridge, an inter esting account of which has been given by Gen. Duke, in his "History of Morgan s Cavalry." From Washington, Gen. Breckinridge made his way, in company with a few devoted friends, to the cape of Florida, whence, after many hardships and great peril, he reached the coast of Cuba in an open boat. As soon as the general had entered the army, November, 1861, the old political issues, if not forgotten, were at least ignored, and he entered upon his duties uninfluenced by partisan prejudices. It is said that he himself never alluded to them, and on but a single occasion was the subject mentioned in his military family. One night, around a camp-fire, an officer laughingly remarked that two-thirds of those who then composed his staff had heretofore been his political opponents, which was, no doubt, true at various times during the war, but they suffered no diminution in his esteem on that account, nor he in theirs. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 363 It was also a noticeable fact that he was never heard to utter a word of reproach against former fellow-citizens, acquaintances or friends whose convictions had led them to a different field. Not only were men of all the parties previously known in Kentucky intimately and harmo niously connected with him in service, but he commanded, at different rimes, troops from every Southern and border Slave State, and won :he admiration of all. So many attempts have been made of late years to portray the char acter of Gen. Breckinridge, as displayed in both his civil and military acts, as to render it a superfluous work for us to enter into any critical inquiry in that direction, or to record more than a general view. It is admitted by all that his abilities were transcendent, and his eloquence wonderful and the more wonderful, we may remark, from the fact that it would be with the most extreme difficulty that any one could define exactly in what its charm consisted. He had a rare power of < ontrolling men, individually or in masses. He was one of those men vvhom we sometimes find that are equal to any emergency. His < apabilities were developed with the occasion, and he was as perfect a master of resources and expedients as was Lord Chancellor Montague, and as successful in everything to which he turned his attention, if left to his control. As an orator, a statesman, and a military leader, he took rank with the very foremost men of America, and possessed the admiration of the South to an extent seldom surpassed. In personal appearance, engaging manners, and courtly grace, it has been .alleged that he had not a superior among men. The homely, but characteristic, remark of an admiring soldier, when President Davis reviewed the army at Murfreesboro , in December, 1862, is no coubt expressive of the sentiments of thousands of others who have observed him in the various relations of life. Present at the review was a large number of general officers, and conspicuous among them was Breckinridge. A soldier, who stood near their point of observation, noticed them attentively as they rode up, and after they had taken position, and finally broke out earnestly with the expression of his opinion : " Well, there s the President of these Confederate States, so called, and there are some of his great gen erals ; but, when it comes to looks, that Breckinridge of ours ranks them all! " From Cuba, to which he made his way as above noticed, he went to England ; came afterward to Canada ; and when the amnesty act in which he was included was passed, he returned to his home in Lex ington having been an exile and a wanderer for about two years sub sequent to the close of the war. He resumed the practice of law; soon had a lucrative and growing business, and seemed on the high 364 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. road to wealth, if not to renewed political influence; but he died at an age when he had scarcely reached the full maturity of his powers (May 17, 1875). MAJ.-GEN. WILLIAM PRESTON. William Preston was born on the i6th of October, 1816, at his father s plantation, near Louisville, Kentucky. His great-grandfather, John Preston, emigrated, about the year 1739, from the County of Derry, in Ireland, to the County of Augusta, in Virginia. He erected the first church west of the Blue Ridge, at Tinkling Spring, where he is buried ; and from him are descended the Breckinridges, the How ards, the Browns, the Blairs, the Marshalls, and others of the earliest and most enterprising pioneers of Kentucky and the Southern States. The only son of John Preston was William Preston, of Montgomery, a colonel during the Revolutionary .War, who was wounded at Guil- ford. Col. Preston died during the Revolutionary War. He had received a military grant of a thousand acres, near the Falls of the Ohio, ad joining the original site of the city of Louisville, which he bequeathed to his third son, William, then a minor. He entered the regular army, and served with credit under Wayne, and in defense of the W T est. After the establishment of peace he resigned, and married Caroline, the daughter of Col. George Hancock, of Botetourt County; and, subsequently removing to Kentucky in the year 1815, established a plantation on the property given to him by his father, which is now partially covered by the city of Louisville. Maj. William Preston died in 1821, leaving his son William and his young family to the care of their mother. After the death of his father, the family removed to Louisville, and William was placed at the best schools, until he reached his fourteenth year, when he was sent to Augusta College, and afterward to St. Jo seph s, a Catholic institution at Bardstown, under the control of Bishop Flaget. He resided with a friend, the Hon. Ben Hardin, and re ceived a good classical education. He afterward went to New Haven, Conn., to complete his studies; and subsequently, in his twentieth year, to Harvard University, to the law school, then under the control of Judge Story and Professor Greenleaf. He graduated at Harvard in the class of 1838; and returning to Kentucky, was afterward ad mitted to the bar at Louisville. In the year 1840, William Preston married Margaret, the youngest daughter of the Hon. Robert Wickliffe, of Lexington. He had en gaged in the practice of law with the Hon. William J. Graves, be- V MAJ.-GEX. WILLIAM PRESTON. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 365 tween whom and himself a strong friendship existed, until it was sev ered by death. The estate bequeathed to him and his father s family was large; and as he was the only son, much of his time was devoted to attending to the business, which had been under the control of his mother. At the beginning of the Mexican War, William Preston was in com mand of a company, called the Washington Blues, forming part of the Louisville Legion. The legion, of which his brother-in-law, Jason Rogers, was lieutenant-colonel, went to Mexico, joining the column of den. Taylor. Preston volunteered with the Washington Blues, and, being incorporated in the Fourth Regiment of Kentucky Volunteers, v.as appointed by Gov. Owsley its lieutenant-colonel. These regi ments went, under Gen. William O. Butler, to Vera Cruz and the City cf Mexico, to join the immediate command of Gen. Scott, and re mained until the close of the war, when they were ordered home and disbanded. Gen. John S. Williams and Gen. William T. Ward were the other two field officers, and Gen. T. L. Crittenden and Gen. John ( . Breckinridge were the lieutenant-colonel and major of the Third Regiment, with which the Fourth was brigaded. Many officers of these regiments rose to distinction, both in the service of the United States and in the Confederate States, during the war. After the conclusion of peace he returned home and continued to reside at Louisville, until, in the year 1849, the convention was called for the purpose of revising the constitution of Kentucky. The ques tions of emancipation and abolition, which have since so fearfully dis tracted the country, were issues involved in the campaign. A ticket, composed of the Hon. James Guthrie, James Rudd, and Col. Pres ton, was nominated in opposition to one consisting of the Hon. James Speed, afterward Attorney-General of the United States, Chapman Coleman, Esq., and David Beatty. After an excited can vass, the latter were defeated by the former, of whom Preston was the foremost candidate at the polls. In the discussions of the convention hr took a prominent part, and particularly in opposition to the native American and anti-Catholic views urged with great zeal by the Hon. Garrett Davis, subsequently a Senator from Kentucky. He was afterward successively elected to represent the city of Louis ville in the House of Representatives and in the Senate of Kentucky. He was the chairman, in the former body, of the committee which secured the adoption of the code of civil practice, superseding the for mer rules of pleading in our courts. In the year 1852, having always been an uncompromising member of the Whig party, he was nominated as an elector for the State at large. Gen. Scott was the Whig candidate for the Presidency ; but, 366 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. before the election, Preston was nominated for Congress, and elected by a majority of nearly two thousand in a district which had, but less than a month before, voted for the Democratic party. After having served out the term, he was again nominated and reflected by an in creased majority. In the meantime, the Know-Nothing or native American organiza tion, embracing most of the old Whig party, succeeded in carrying many States. At the next election, he took open and decided ground against the new party, and with many other Whigs opposed its princi ples. The Hon. Humphrey Marshall was nominated by it, and Pres ton by the Democracy and old Whigs. The canvass was extremely exciting, and resulted in the defeat of Preston his friends, the naturalized citizens, having been driven from the polls. The most sanguinary scenes followed, in which it is supposed more than fifty citizens were killed. The day is yet known in Louisville as " Bloody Monday." Having thus identified himself with the Democratic party, he was chosen as a delegate for the State at large to the Cincinnati Conven tion which nominated Buchanan and Breckinridge for the presidency and vice-presidency. He took an active part in the nominations and election, and Kentucky cast a heavy majority for the Democracy. Afterward, in 1858, his name was urged as a candidate for governor, with the best chances of assured success, but Mr. Buchanan offered him the mission to Spain, and his friends pressed him to accept it. He was appointed, and unanimously confirmed by the Senate, without the usual reference to a committee. At the time, the relations with Spain were precarious. The Cuba question greatly engaged the public mind, and our citizens had many claims for injuries sustained during the civil war for the succession in Spain which remained unadjusted. It was understood that their demands were to be pressed, and the acquisition of Cuba was to be secured, if possible. To aid in this object, the sum of thirty millions was to be appropriated by Congress. Under these circumstances, he went to Madrid, at a time when the Queen and the Cortes had assumed a very unfriendly aspect toward the United States. The discords of the Democratic party caused the failure of the Thirty- Million Bill, and rendered the chief object of the mission impossible, but the American claims were pressed with great energy and complete success. The Spanish government, after forty years of delay and procrastination, entered into a treaty the first since that of Florida for the adjustment and payment of these claims. This treaty was re jected by a minority being the Republican party in the Senate because a clause provided for the reference to arbitration of the " Amistad claim," which had been constantly admitted by successive HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 367 administrations of the government of the United States, irrespective of party, to be just and valid. Subsequently Spain, at the outbreak of the war, seized the Bay of Samana, against which a strong protest was made by Col. Preston, as being in violation of the Monroe doc trine, but the embarrassed condition of the country prevented the government from its assertion. As soon as Carolina seceded, Preston forwarded his resignation ; but was delayed by these events, so that he did not reach America until after the beginning of hostilities and the battle of Bull Run. Upon returning, he proceeded to Washington and gave a full and satisfactory account of his mission, to the Secretary of State, Mr. Seward. He was permitted to leave unmolested, though his opinions were well known and undisguised. He returned home after the Ken tucky election, and found the Legislature pretending to believe, or be- iieving, in the false promises of the government, and at once de clared, in public addresses, that the true intent of Mr. Lincoln s ad ministration was to usurp all power, trample under foot the rights of the people, abolish slavery, and disregard utterly the neutrality of Kentucky. The Kentucky Legislature, seemed to him to be terrified or corrupted. It suffered the arrest of its best citizens without warrant or remonstrance, and abandoned the protection of their rights. The mask was thrown off Breckinridge, Preston, and others left their homes upon the same night, in September, 1861, to share the fate of the South. Passing through Virginia and Tennessee, they joined Gen. Sidney John ston at Bowling Green ; and Breckinridge, having resigned his seat in the Senate of the United States, was appointed a brigadier-general in the Confederate service. Only one brigade having been at that time formed, Preston was announced as a colonel, on the volunteer staff of the commander-in-chief, Gen. Johnston, who was his friend and brother-in-law, until a command in the line, which was promised, could be organized. In this capacity, and with the most confidential and intimate association with Gen. Johnston, he served at Bowling Green through the winter of 1861-62, at Nashville, after the fall of Fort Donelson, and at Corinth until the battle of Shiloh. In that great battle Johnston fell, in the very instant of achieving a splendid victory. The enemy were broken, routed, and huddled for flight upon the river bank, and while the general in person was leading the fore most troops against their shattered lines, he received a mortal wound. H e expired on the field in the arms of Preston., who bore his body to the camp; and afterward, with the staff of Gen. Johnston, reported to Bcauregard, who added it to his own. The next day Beauregard in trusted the remains of Johnston to Preston s care, for temporary inter- 368 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ment at New Orleans, until they could be removed to Texas, where they now rest. He was honorably mentioned in the dispatches and reports, and, on his return from the sad duty confided to him, received a commission, a week after the battle of Shiloh, as brigadier-general in the Confederate army. Gen. Breckinridge had been created a major-general, and his old brigade was reorganized. A portion of the Kentucky troops, con sisting of the regiment of Col. Thompson, who afterward fell in action at Paducah, and of Colonel (afterward General) Joseph H. Lewis, with the regiment of Wickliffe, who was killed at Shiloh, and who had been succeeded by Col. Crossland, with other troops, formed the brigade. Preston was the next officer in rank to Breckinridge in the division, and served with his command during the siege of Corinth by Halleck. Beauregard having foiled Halleck by his defense and evacuation of Corinth, the army fell back to Tupelo. While there, Breckinridge left, on a short leave of absence, and visited Louisiana, and the com mand of the division devolved on Preston. The passage of the Tal- lahatchie was menaced by Sherman and Hurlbut from the direction of Grand Junction and Holly Springs, and the division, with Parson s brigade of Missouri troops, amounting in all to about 10,000 effective men, were detached, under Preston, by Bragg, to guard the line of the Tallahatchie, and to remove all stores and munitions from Oxford and Grenada. This was done successfully, when, about the last of June, 1862, Admirals Farragut and Porter appeared with the fleet and troops before Vicksburg. Van Dorn had for its defense but about 1,500 infantry, and some feeble and badly supplied batteries. Preston hastened to his relief; and, in three days march from the Tallahatchie, joined him with his command, and, soon after, with large supplies of forage collected by his wagon trains, which he took the precaution to send through the country for that purpose. After a short time, Breck inridge returned and resumed command. The place was subjected, for more than a month, to a furious bombardment and menaces of as sault, but without effect. On the 2yth of July, 1862, the fleet and forces abandoned the first siege of Vicksburg. A few days after the withdrawal of the fleet, Preston was prostrated with a fever, and was left ill in camp. The division moved to Baton Rouge, and, after the action at that place, returned to Jackson, for the purpose, it was understood, of joining Bragg in his Kentucky cam paign. He rejoined his command, and every preparation was urged for the prompt departure of the division, when there seemed to be some misapprehension as to orders, Van Dorn not considering them as peremptory, and desiring to retain the division, for the purpose of remaining at Jackson, or moving directly southward, for the recapture HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 3<>9 of Corinth. Breckinridge was anxious to march toward Kentucky, but could not do so under the circumstances. The march to Ken tucky was strongly urged by Preston, in the hope that the presence of the troops might arouse the State to action, and drive the Federal forces beyond the Ohio. Delay followed, and at length he applied to Breckinridge to be relieved of his command, and ordered to report to Bragg, so as to reach Kentucky in time for the decisive battle which \vas impending. The order being obtained, through the friendly interposition of Breckinridge, he left, and succeeded in reaching Bragg a few days before the battle of Perryville, but too late to effect his ob ject. He had telegraphed to President Davis the situation of affairs, atid Breckinridge s division was peremptorily ordered to Kentucky, !>ut did not succeed in getting further than the vicinity of Cumberland Gap when the battle of Perryville was fought, and the retreat to Knox- ville ensued. Having been thus separated from his command, he received from I .uckner the fine brigade of Gen. Wood, of Alabama, who had been severely wounded at Perryville. He commanded these troops upon the retreat from Kentucky to Knoxville, and afterward in Bragg s ad vance upon Murfreesboro , until a new brigade was organized in Ireckinridge s division, composed chiefly of the Twentieth Tennessee, or Battle s regiment, one of the finest in the service; and the troops of Florida, under Colonels Miller and Bowen ; and the Sixtieth North Carolina Regiment, under Col. McDowell. The Kentucky troops had been brigaded, during the absence of Preston, and placed under the command of Brig. -Gen. Hanson. Preston received this command only three or four days before the battle of Stone River. The v.-eather was wintry and inclement, and the troops were almost bare foot, in the snow, and destitute of all but their courage. His conduct and the part played by his brigade in the battle of Stone River have been noticed in our account of Breckinridge s division on that field. He received honorable mention for his services. Remain ing with his command at Tullahoma till the spring of 1863 he was or dered by the President to Abingdon, in Southwestern Virginia, to re lieve Brig. -Gen. Humphrey Marshall, and assume command of the troops guarding the mountain passes in that region from the invasions of the enemy. He organized these troops at once, with a view to operations in a campaign contemplated against Kentucky, under Buck- ner. Capt. Pete Everett, a brave young officer, was sent forward, anil, after several -brilliant skirmishes, penetrated as far as Mays- ville, on the Ohio, attracting the attention and drawing the Federal troops to North Kentucky, so as to leave the passes in Southeastern Kentucky uncovered for an advance. 370 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Such was the condition of affairs in August, 1863, when Preston was ordered, unexpectedly, to join Buckner, with the greater part of his command, at Knoxville. This was caused by the advance of Rose- crans on Chattanooga, and its evacuation by Bragg before the battle of Chickamauga. Gen. Buckner, collecting all his available force, moved, by Lenoir, Loudon, and Cleveland, to Bragg s support. At Knoxville, Buckner organized Preston s division, and, with this and the divisions of Stewart and Forrest, he joined Bragg in good time for the impending battle. This force was known as Buckner s corps. Preston s division consisted of three brigades of new troops, not used to trying service, under Brig. -Gen. Gracie, Col. Trigg, and Col. Kelley. Gracie s brigade was composed of the Sixty-third Tennessee, Lieut. - Col. A. Falkerson; the Forty-third Alabama, Col. Y. M. Moody; the First Battalion of the Alabama Legion, "Lieut. -Col. J. H. Holt; the Second Battalion, Lieut. -Col. B. H. Hall; and the Third Battalion, Lieut. -Col. J. W. A. Sanford. Trigg s brigade was composed of the Sixth Florida Volunteers, Col. Finley; the First Florida Cavalry (dismounted), Col. Maxwell ; the Fifty-fourth Virginia, Lieut. -Col. Wade ; and the Seventh Florida Regiment. Kelley s brigade consisted of the Fifth Kentucky, Col. Hawkins; the Sixty-third Virginia, Maj. French; the Fifty-eighth North Carolina, Col. J. B. Palmer; and the Sixty-fifth Georgia Volunteers. The armies of Rosecrans and Bragg maneuvered for some days near the Chickamauga River, when that of the latter crossed the stream, and formed in line of battle to attack. Preston, at midnight, threw Gracie s brigade across the river, at Hunt s or Dalton s Ford, near Lee and Gordon s Mills. He had skirmished with Kelley s brigade against the enemy the preceding evening, and thus secured the ground on which he established his division in line of battle at dawn on Satur day, the ipth of September. The enemy were deployed in great force near the mills and intrenched, with batteries about fifteen hundred yards distant. The batteries opened with a heavy cannonade, but Preston held his division, without reply, in a slight undulation in the cornfields, desiring to accustom his troops to fire. He had an officer and some men of the Sixth Florida killed and wounded, and an officer and some men of the Sixty-third Tennessee wounded while silently occupying this position. The passage of other divisions established Bragg s line of battle Preston s division holding the left and resting on the curve of the Chickamauga, between Hunt s house and Lee and Gordon s Mills. The troops having engaged heavily on the right, about noon Preston was withdrawn, closing in that direction, and shortening the line a half or three-quarters of a mile. About three o clock in the afternoon, Hood became hotly engaged a few hundred HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 371 yards to the right, and in advance of Preston s division. The enemy had attacked, through some cornfields, Robinson s brigade, of Hood s division, and had broken it, though the men were bravely contesting the ground against superior forces, when Preston advanced Trigg s brigade, and the enemy were handsomely repulsed, barely saving their batteries from the Sixth Florida, which, under Col. Finley, suffered severely in the fight. The brigade sustained a loss of about one hun dred and fifty men, killed and wounded, and behaved most gallantly. This closed the battle on the left on Saturday, near nightfall. On Sunday morning the battle was not renewed promptly, but, some hour or two after sunrise, opened again on the right; and at length the firing became incessant, showing a furious conflict. Lieut - Gen. Longstreet came to Preston s division, which had been held in reserve, and gave the order for Buckner to advance the left wing. Preston left the Sixty-fifth Georgia, under Col. Moore, to guard Jef- frees Battery in some intrenchments he had thrown up during the night, covering the road to Hunt s Ford, as a precaution against re verse, and as the wooded ground prevented the use of cannon. The division advanced where Hood had fallen, and where the dead body of Gen. Lytle and his men strewed the ground behind the fieldworks near Brotherton s house, which had been carried by Hood. Nearly a mile beyond, with the cornfield of Dyer s farm intervening, were some heights near Snodgrass s house, and between the roads from Lafayette to Chattanooga, and from Crawfish Springs to Rossville. This was the key of the enemy s position. Here Gen. Thomas had massed all his troops for desperate and final resistance. The advance of Longstreet routed the enemy in front, after heavy fighting, and Brannan and Van Cleve s troops were driven from the ground in front of the heights by the divisions of Hood and McLaws. It was near this junction when the Reserve Corps, under Gen. Granger, and the division of Stead- nian came unexpectedly to the relief of Thomas and lined the heights. They bravely received the attack of McLaws. These admirable troops, tried in the fiercest campaigns of the Potomac and Virginia ; recoiled before the strength of the position and the terrible fire of Steadman s fresh division. The ground was exceedingly strong, being a wooded ridge, with points for batteries, and open cornfields in front, with a broken ravine intervening. Another impetuous attack was made by Ilindman s division and repulsed. It was at this time that Preston was ordered to advance and support Hindman. The Confederate troops h id sought cover in the ravine at the foot of the hill. Preston, about five o clock, advanced Gracie s brigade, and assaulted the crest. The enemy met the attack with loud huzzas and a withering fire. A fear ful struggle ensued ; Hall s battalion leaped the breastworks, and the 372 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. bodies of Federal and Confederate troops were promiscuously strewed over the ground occupied by the batteries. In less than an hour Gracie lost more than seven hundred men out of his brigade. The colors of Hall s battalion were pierced in eighty-three places, and one hundred and seventy-nine out of two hundred and thirty-nine men were killed and wounded. The flag was carried, after the battle, to Richmond, by President Davis, as an interesting memorial for the War Department, and the color-bearer (Hiatt) was promoted. Imme diately in the rear of Gracie, but near to the left, Preston, with Kelley s brigade, attacked the enemy crowning the crest. This attack stag gered the line, and the regiments of Colonels Carlton and Lefevre were broken, and they were taken prisoners by Kelley. Trigg had been de tached by Buckner to guard against cavalry, and was nearly a mile away, but when Gracie attacked, Preston ordered him to come up at all hazards, without regard to other orders, and as rapidly as possible. He arrived, most fortunately, just as Kelley gained the hill. Preston had found out that Dyer, the owner of the farm, was in his command, and secured him as a guide. He was a man of intelligence and strong character, and Preston learned that beyond Kelley was a ravine running at a sharp angle and traversing the enemy s line. Up this ravine he hurried Trigg s brigade, and this fresh force, making a sudden wheel to the right from the ravine, fell upon the enemy s flank and broke it, routing and capturing the Twenty-second Michigan, the Eighty-ninth Ohio, and a portion of the Twenty-first Ohio regiments, and took more than fifteen hundred stand of small arms. This decided the contest for the position, which was carried, however, at great cost, Preston losing, out of four thousand and seventy-eight men, fourteen officers and one hundred and eighty-four men killed, and sixty-three officers and one thousand and fourteen men wounded, with sixty-one missing in the battle. The London Times of November 24, 1863, contained from its cor respondent on the field the following account of Preston s part in de ciding the conflict in favor of the Confederate arms : " His bearing on the slope of Missionary Ridge, under the setting sun of the 2oth of September, will, if ever the American war becomes really historical, rank with that of Dessaix recovering the lost battle of Marengo, or with any other famous deeds of arms ever witnessed upon earth. Slowly and under a withering fire one of Preston s brigades, com manded by Gracie, and fighting its first pitched battle, deployed into line. As they ascended the hill they reeled and staggered under the iron tempest which rent them, and Gracie, turning to Preston, ex claimed in agony, We are cut to pieces ! Calm as though he had seen a hundred fights, Preston replied, You have not suffered half HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 373 such a loss as my brigade sustained at Stone River ; tell your men to fix bayonets, and take them at it again. The order was given, and nobly was it obeyed. Right up and over the slope they went ; their comrades swept upon the Federal flank. Hindman and Kershaw gal lantly did their part ; simultaneously the Confederate right, long inac tive, again advanced and drove the Federals, weakened by the re- enforcements sent to their right, from their works. The whole of Missionary Ridge was gained, and the Federals in one long, confused, and huddled mass burst down the ridge, through the little village called Rossville, and along every other road and by-path they could find, and never stopped until they reached Chattanooga. One trophy of the desperate strife is shown by Gen. Gracie s men the flag of an Alabama regiment, pierced by eighty-three bullet holes, the flag-staff severed in three places, but carried to the last by the same color- sergeant, who still survives to wear the honors and enjoy the commis sion which he has so nobly won." Soon afterward, he was urged for promotion by Buckner and Long- street, in official communications, for his services on that field. After the battle, Longstreet visited the heights carried by Preston s division, and said: " If the troops who carried these heights had de fended them, they never could have been taken." Buckner s force was now reorganized, and Preston was ordered back to his old command at Abingdon, about a month after the battle. At this time the relations of the Confederate States with the recently proclaimed Empire of Mexico became important. The Archduke Maximilian, of Austria, had been called to the throne, erected by the intervention and influence of the Emperor Napoleon. A pro visional government had been inaugurated, and the votes of the people of Mexico secured for the new empire. The propriety of establishing friendly relations with the Confederate States was suggested by the provisional government. The archduke had not left Miramar, nor ac cepted the proffered throne. Under these circumstances, President Davis appointed Preston Minister Plenipotentiary from the Confed erate States to Mexico, and he was confirmed by the Senate, and or dered to meet the emperor at his coronation in the City of Mexico. He succeeded in running the blockade from Wilmington, and in reaching N assau and Havana. At the latter city he waited in expectation of the emperor s departure from Europe for Mexico, but, in the meantime, events happened which caused a change of policy upon the parts of the emperors of France and Mexico toward the Confederacy, and led them to a friendly understanding with the government of the United States. He at once visited France and England to confer with Mr. Mason and Mr. Slidell. His information was verified, and he requested to be re- 374 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. called, unless assurances were given of the immediate recognition of the Confederacy by the Emperor Maximilian. This was approved, and, after some delay, no satisfactory answer being given, he returned to Bermuda, after an absence of a year, and attempted to reenter the Confederacy by running through the blockading fleet of the enemy at Wilmington. Fort Fisher had just fallen. Of eleven vessels that at tempted to run the blockade, nine were destroyed or captured. His aide-de-camp, Capt. Ford, was taken prisoner, but Preston escaped. He returned to Havana, and immediately made another attempt to run the blockade at Charleston, but was again disappointed. He then went to Matamoras, in Mexico, and, after a long and toilsome jour ney, joined Gen. Kirby Smith at Shreveport, La., hoping to cross the Mississippi and reach Richmond. While in Texas, he heard of Gen. Lee s surrender at Appomattox. He found the Mississippi overflowed for miles beyond its banks, and guarded by gunboats and vessels vigilantly watching to intercept Pres ident Davis. Everything was in such disorder as to render his passing over the river impracticable. Under these circumstances, he reported to Gen. E. Kirby Smith, then in command of the Trans-Mississippi Department, for military duty. Smith refused to surrender the de partment, and, under the authority conferred upon him, promoted Preston to the rank of major-general in the Confederate army, with the promise of the division of Gen. Prince Polignac, but, for certain reasons, placed him upon special duty of importance. The subsequent capitulation of the army of Gen. Joseph E. John ston and other forces east of the Mississippi, left to Smith no alterna tive but the surrender of the Trans-Mississippi Department. After this was made, Preston, with Generals Smith, Magruder, Walker, Wilcox, and others, and with Governors Allen and Moore, of Louis iana, crossed the Rio Grande and went to the City of Mexico, through a disturbed and dangerous country. Subsequently he went to the West Indies and England, and afterward to Canada, to which country his family had been exiled, during his absence, by the Government at Washington. The Government of the United States having adopted a more len ient policy, he returned to Kentucky with his family, in 1866, and re sided at Lexington, employing himself in agriculture and the manage ment of his estate. In 1867, when Gov. Helm was nominated, his name was urged as a candidate for the office of governor, but was withdrawn by himself. He labored earnestly for the establishment of universal amnesty and the reorganization of the Democratic party; and, as a delegate from the State at large, witnessed its auspicious BRIG.-GEN. ROGER W. HANSON. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 375 restoration in the National Convention, which nominated Seymour and Blair for the presidency and vice-presidency of the United States. After the war he lived a private citizen, engaged with his own affairs, but taking a lively interest in public matters especially such as affected the people of Kentucky and those of the South, whom as a tidier and a statesman he had so faithfully served. He died in Lex ington September 21, 1887, of rheumatism of the heart, aged about seventy-two years. BRIG.-GEN. R. W. HANSON. Roger Weightman Hanson was born in Winchester, Clarke County, Kentucky, August 27, 1827. He was the second son of Samuel Han son, a lawyer of eminent abilities, who practiced at the Winchester bar. He went, when about twenty years of age, to Mexico, as first lieutenant in the company of Capt. John S. Williams, afterward a dis tinguished general officer in the Confederate States army. His con duct is represented as having been characterized by the wildness of youth at all times, a reckless daring upon the field, great aptitude in comprehending military principles, and a lively humor, which turned discomfort, difficulty, danger, absence from home and friends every thing into sources of laughter and amusement. When the volunteers were disbanded, he returned to Winchester. Shortly afterward, January, 1848, he had some difficulty with a gen tleman who had also served with the army in Mexico, which resulted in a duel, and in this affair he received a shot in the right hip, render ing him a cripple for life. During the confinement which followed, he devoted himself to reading works on law, and when so far recovered as to be able to attend again to business, he was licensed to practice ; but about this time the first gold-seekers from Kentucky were leaving for California, and he attached himself to a company of these, and crossed the plains, actuated far more, no doubt, by a love of adven ture than by a love of gain. Early in 1850, he again returned home, without having increased his fortune, and began the practice of law in his native town. In 1851, he became a candidate for the legislature, in opposition to his old captain known after the Mexican war as " Cerro Gordo Wil liams." This gentleman was personally popular, had a military repu tation, justly won on Mexican fields, a fine character, and was an elo quent speaker, but Hanson proved himself a powerful opponent, and gave eminent promise of that oratory for which he was afterward famous. He was defeated by only six votes. At the next election, he was chosen for the Lower House, and before the close of his term 376 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. had made a widespread reputation. Shortly after this he removed to Lexington, and entered upon the practice of his profession in that city. In 1855, he was chosen a member of the legislature for Fayette. In 1856, he was elector for the State at large on the Fillmore ticket, and so powerful were his forensic displays that his already great reputation was enhanced, and the next year he was the choice of the Know- Nothing Convention as a candidate for Congress, from the Ashland District. Opposed by Hon. James B. Clay, an able, eloquent man, who early saw, not only the evil influences that were at work in the country, but that his father s old party was fast becoming committed to the ultraism of the Northern wing, and had boldly taken position with the Democracy. The canvass that ensued was a great one, not de void of the partisan bitterness which such men as they could awaken ; but Hanson was defeated, and the Know-Nothing power, already wan ing, now rapidly declined, and was soon lost. He resumed the prac tice of his profession. Upon his prospects in this field, his defeat had had no appreciable influence. He rose rapidly at the bar, and at the beginning of the war his power and popularity as a criminal lawyer were considered to be as great as those of any other in Lexington, and some of the ablest in the State practiced there. In 1859-60, he again engaged in public political discussion ; first, for J. F. Bell, in the guber natorial contest against Magoffin, and then for Bell and Everett, in the presidential campaign of 1860. At the beginning of hostilities he was a Union man spoke against the right of secession, and the practicability of it and was inclined to the opinion that rather than the Union should be dissolved, coercive means should be employed to preserve it. But the Southern people were his people; their institutions were his; he had represented them in a foreign war. Though a Whig, he was no fanatic; he was a Whig in the general meaning, but was not prepared for the ultimate conse quences of that doctrine. He stood firmly by the Constitution of his country, and could not quietly submit to seeing its powers transcended for the purpose of achieving designs inimical to any section ; and as events began to develop themselves, they unfolded to his clear insight the purposes of the administration. He now paused in his opposition to the Southern movement, and found himself compelled, as he seemed to consider it, to choose between two evils. To preserve constitutional liberty he declared to be his desire, irre spective of parties or of sectional prejudice, and, believing that though the Union might be preserved, should the North succeed, it would be a Union at the expense of freedom, his prejudice against the Confed erate cause gave way. To stay the prevailing madness, however, and to raise up a mediatorial power, he was willing to make one more ef- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 377 fort, and the anomalous state of his mind (not yet fully committed to either party) must account for his action here the strangest of his life; he took the field for neutrality, and gave the influence of his great powers to the advocacy of that measure. This was a virtual abandon ment of his Whiggery. It was not only an acknowledgment of State sovereignty fully, unequivocally but an effort (and a masterly one, too, if we may judge from the reports of his speeches and the profound sensation among the people) to carry that doctrine to its practical end. This failing, his next step was but a natural one he entered the Con federate service, and was shortly afterward commissioned colonel of the Second Regiment Kentucky Infantry. The main points of his history as an officer of the army have been written in the course of this work. We have seen how he fought at Donelson how the confidence of the soldiers and the government was speedily won, and his appointment as brigadier how he fell at Stone River, January 2d, 1863, at the head of his charging columns. In person, Gen. Hanson was robust, and his constitution was sound, vig orous and capable of great endurance. He had one of those acute, yet comprehensive intellects which see a field of business, the circle of the sciences, the world of philosophy, as the elder Cyrus saw his army, every man for himself, every feature familiar. Hanson saw every point of any thing to which he turned his attention, while looking at the whole result. He had, almost to perfection, that rare power of in dividualizing, which fitted him for the details of a business, as well as for grasping it in its general import the power of analyzing, as well as of comprehending aggregations. "Horse sense," he is said to have called it, humorously, but by this term men mean a rough talent, and his was not "horse sense." Great powers of observation, of percep tion, which furnish food to the mind in the shape of isolated facts, combined with that large reason which enables a man to digest, to com prehend these facts and their relative value, constitute genius the highest order of mind the power to see and understand, to adapt, to apply, to read men, to divine the tendency of events, which few men possess. Earnest, energetic, with an indomitable will, a large ambition, and invincible courage, the motive force, the "power be hind the throne" of this great intellect, was not wanting, and the capability of achievement was bounded only by the limits of possi bility. That these characteristics of mind gave him capacity for a great commander, no man who knew him, who saw his conduct in the ad ministration and execution of military affairs, will doubt for a moment. Whether as a colonel or brigadier, he was ever active, ever watchful bending circumstances to his will marking the impress of his own 378 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. character on everything he touched. For two months before he assumed command of the Kentucky infantry, things had been going rather slipshod. Colonels, lieutenant-colonels, majors and captains, first one, then another, had commanded, from the time of leaving Comite River to the arrival at Bridgeport. Camp guard, drill, police and picket had grown unfashionable. But at Knoxville, October, 1862, he took charge, and the command was moved to Murfreesboro . Part of the brigade reached the spot designated for encampment on the morning of the 28th. During the ensuing night he came in with the remainder. Next morning there was an ominous growl somewhere in the neighborhood, and it was soon known that Hanson had passed where somebody s guard lines should have been without being either halted, saluted, or shot at. At dress parade, on the evening of the 2pth, there was a long order from headquarters, and instantly affairs began to wear a stringent military aspect. All line officers, among other things, must attend drills and roll-calls, in armor and with coats buttoned "all who are reported for duty must do duty." Next morning, when the bands had scarcely sounded the reveille, he was observed on the officers street, going the rounds of the brigade, to see that the order was not evaded. Among them all he went, not neg lecting the battery, down among the trees, nor some loosely-constructed cavalry, hard by. This went on, morning after morning, and soon there was a promptness among officers in leaping out of blankets at the tap of the morning drum that was refreshing to see. He went everywhere, saw everything, knew everybody upon whom any re sponsibility rested. He rose constantly in the esteem of men who not only loved a strik ing character, but who were ready to appreciate labors devoted to the enhancement of their efficiency, and to the consequent good of the cause. But soon the fatal day came when he was removed from them. It was during the furious storm of shot and shell that met the division, after the advanced line of the Federals had been driven down the slope, as noticed heretofore, and could be distinctly seen by their gun ners on the opposite bank of -the river, that he fell. He was struck by a Bormann fuse, or some similar leaden contrivance for firing a shell. Dr. John O. Scott, of Kentucky, and Dr. Legaree, of Louisiana, who stanched the wound on the field, described the lead as having struck him near the left knee, and torn through muscles, veins and arteries down into the bone. He was removed to the house of Mr. I. J. C. Haynes, in Murfreesboro , where his wife, with Mrs. Gen. Breckinridge and other friends, was with him during the few re maining hours of his life. The practiced eye of Dr. Yandell, who had been sent for, saw at once that the hemorrhage had been so great HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 379 as to render him incapable of bearing a surgical operation, and, in stead of rallying, he soon gave signs of sinking rapidly, and he seemed to have had but littje hope himself, from the first, that he would re cover. It is said that on the way from the field he met Gen. Polk, and, replying to some remark of his, said: "Ah! general, it is a glorious cause to die for." To Dr. Yandell, when told that he was not without faint hope, he remarked: "Well, do your best for me, doctor. I would like to live to see the war through. I feel that we are right, and ought to succeed." And after the first outburst of feel ing, when Gen. Breckinridge came in, during the night, he said : General, Dr. Yandell does not think I will live, nor do I; but I have this satisfaction, I shall die in a just cause, having done my duty." The scene around that deathbed, as described to the writer by the family of Mr. Haynes afterward, was such as one who loved him could not hear without grief and tears. The almost frantic agony of Mrs. Hanson; the stricken hearts of Gen. Breckinridge and family, whom he seemed, in those last hours of earth, when reserve was forgotten, to love as though they were brother, sister, sons the hours of hopeless v, atching over pain that could find cessation only in the dissolution of the sufferer all these things go to make up another among the many I ictures of disaster, agony, and death, which no true soldier of the South can contemplate without a feeling of bitter sorrow. He died on Sunday morning, January 4, 1863. His heart-stricken wife, her husband a corpse, her friends gone (the army having evacu ated the town the evening before), surrounded by the enemy, made preparations for carrying the remains into Kentucky, for sepulture, and set out with them, but on arriving at Nashville, the Federal com mandant forbade her carrying them further, and they were buried, for a time, in that city. In November, 1866, however, it became known that Mrs. Hanson desired to have him brought to Kentucky for re- imerment, and the soldiers who had followed him on the sanguinary field, claimed the privilege of transporting the body, and performing the rites. Accordingly, he was brought to Louisville, where honors were paid him by Kentucky soldiers of all arms, and religious services performed. The remains were then escorted to Lexington, where an eloquent funeral oration was delivered, on Sunday, November nth, by Elder Jos. Desha Pickett, first chaplain of the Second regiment, afterward chaplain of brigade, to an immense congregation of his old comrades in arms, and of citizens of the city and surrounding country. He was that afternoon committed to the grave in the Lex ington Cemetery ; and thus, at last, he sleeps near friends and home, in the soil that he died to defend. At the annual reunion of the brigade, held in Versailles in 1893, a 380 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions for the purpose of erecting a monument to Gen. and Mrs. Hanson the latter having died in 1888. This committee consisted of one member of each of the five infantry regiments and of the First Cavalry. Capt. Ed F. Spears, Co. G, Second Kentucky, was made chairman, and it was mainly through his generous and well-directed efforts that a sufficient sum was realized and the work executed. The handsome monument which now marks their resting place was unveiled July pth, 1895, ^ n the presence of a great concourse of soldiers of both armies and the citizens who came from far and near to witness the ceremonies. On the side of the column facing the graves is inscribed : The surviving members of the Orphan Brigade erect this stone in memory of their commander and his de voted wife. Let this monument witness now, and to coming genera tions, our knowledge of his worth, our sense of his valor, our pride in his patriotism, and our profound conviction that he fell in defense of a righteous cause. BRIG.-GEN. B. H. HELM. Ben Hardin Helm, a native of Hardin County, Kentucky, was born June 2d, 1831. Of illustrious parentage and excellent connection, he inherited, in a great measure, those powers of mind and nobility of character which made him afterward the admiration and pride of his countrymen, and placed him high on the list of Kentucky s imperish able names. His father was the Hon. John L. Helm, a man of not only wide-spread political reputation, but a pure and incorruptible patriot, and a Christian gentleman. He was twice Governor of Ken tucky, and filled minor offices of trust and profit. His mother was Lucinda Barbour Hardin, a daughter of that prodigy of legal learning, political sagacity, and peculiar eloquence the famous "kitchen knife," as the eccentric Randolph expressed it, among the little blades in Congress and at the bar Ben Hardin, of Bardstown. She was related to the family of the gallant Maj. Philip N. Barbour, who fell at Monterey. Gen. Helm received his literary education in the seminary at Eliza- bethtown, where he early displayed great vigor of mind, enabling him to complete the ordinary course at the age of fifteen. In the winter ol" 1846, he went to the Kentucky Military Institute, then in charge of Col. R. T. P. Allen, who afterward commanded a regiment of Texans in the army of the Trans-Mississippi. He remained here three months, after which, June 2d, 1847, having just completed his sixteenth year, he entered the West Point Military Academy. He graduated at this in stitution, high in his class, in 1851, and was brevetted second lieutenam BRIG. -GEN. BEX IIARDIN HELM. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 381 in the Second Cavalry, with which he was ordered to the frontiers of J exas. He served here about six months, when, having been at- ticked with inflammatory rheumatism, rendering him wholly unfit for duty, and his chances for recovery becoming more and more dubious, he obtained leave of absence, and returned home. He was thoroughly imbued with the spirit of his profession, and cherished the hope that he might yet be able to rejoin the " Old Second Dragoons," as he loved to call his regiment; but it was now a time of profound peace, and, even had his health admitted, there was little opportunity for at taining to distinction in the army. He yielded, therefore, but against his inclinations, to the wishes of his father, and, shortly after his return to Hardin, resigned his position. Ambitious of renown, to b-j won in some field of useful enterprise, he resolved to enter the profession of law, and accordingly devoted himself to study under the direction of his father. He soon entered the Department of Law in the University of Louisville, and graduated in the spring of 1853. During this year he went to Cambridge, Massachusetts, and spent six months there, after which he returned home, and began practice with h > father; afterward formed a partnership with Col. Martin H. Cofer r with whom he was some time connected at Elizabethtown. In 1855, he was chosen to represent Hardin County in the legisla ture, and during the two years in which he sat in that body, he acquit ted himself with such credit displaying a legal acumen and large ac quirements, seldom found in one so young, with a devotion to business arid the interests of his constituents that, in 1856, he was elected commonwealth s attorney for his judicial district. While a member of the legislature, he met with Miss Emily Todd, an estimable lady, daughter of Robert S. Todd, Esq., of Lexington, and was married to her in 1856. In 1858, actuated, perhaps, by a desire for a more ex tensive field of business, he went to Louisville, and entered upon the practice there. He now engaged, with all the ardor of his nature, in the duties of his profession. Great talents, in a high state of cultiva tion ; a lofty sense of honor, that could not stoop to the little tricks of a mere pettifogger; undeviating consistency and integrity of purpose habits which enabled him to pay close attention to the interests of his clients ; more than ten years varied experience in intercourse with men in almost every capacity, with the kindest heart and the most en gaging manners these qualities and accomplishments he possessed at the age of twenty-seven. Naturally he rose rapidly, taking rank in a short time with the ablest of the Louisville bar. Hon. H. W. Bruce, his brother-in-law, who formed a partnership with him shortly after he located in Louisville, and with whom he practiced until both gentlemen went South and united their fortunes. 384 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. to attempt anything was to display ability, and win the warm enco miums of those who observed him. On the iyth of April, Beauregard announced the promotion of Helm to brigadier, to rank from the i4th of March, and he was or dered to report to Gen. Breckinridge, which he did April 26th. About this time, the Reserve Corps was reorganized, and, April 28th, Helm was assigned to the command of the Third Brigade, in which, however, there were no troops of his own State. At Vicksburg, July 8th, there was another change in the Reserve Corps, and Hawes brigade, con sisting of Fourth and Ninth Kentucky, Fourth Alabama Battalion, Thirty-first Alabama, Thirty-first Mississippi, and Hudson s battery, was designated as Second Brigade, and placed under command of Gen. Helm. After the unfortunate occurrence of August 5th, described in the general history, he was disabled for weeks, but reported for duty in September, and was ordered to the command of the post of Chatta nooga ; but after the troops of Bragg had passed that point, on the re treat from Kentucky, he was sent to the command of the Eastern Dis trict, Department of the Gulf, with headquarters at Pollard, Alabama, an advance of the Federals from Pensacola being then apprehended. After the battle of Stone River, Hanson having fallen, and Col. Trabue. who was expected to succeed him, being dangerously ill in Richmond, Helm was ordered, January 31, 1863, to relinquish the command of his department, and report to Gen. Hardee for duty. This officer accordingly ordered him to report to Breckinridge, for the command of the Kentucky Brigade, consisting now of the Second, Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth Kentucky Regiments, Forty-first Alabama Regiment, and Cobb s Battery. He was thenceforth in command of the men of his choice, and of men who not only had the most implicit confidence in his generalship, but who loved him as a brother. While the brigade lay at Wartrace, at Manchester, Beech Grove and Hoover s Gap, he was present and active in the duties of a com mander, and during the absence of Breckinridge he commanded the division. The movements of this period have been treated of in full,. and his name is so intimately connected with them, and with subse quent transactions, that we need not recount them. The expedition to Jackson, the march to Big Black, the return and defense of the city, the retreat to Morton which he declared to Mrs. Helm, in a letter about that time, to be the most trying and disagreeable event in his life as a soldier hitherto the field of Chickamauga, contemplated with grief when we remember that, though a victory, it was barren, and purchased at the expense of so much of Kentucky s noblest blood speaking of these has been to speak of him. It was about ten o clock, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 386 on the morning of September 20, 1863, when, opening the battle, as Gen. Breckinridge describes it, with "great fury," and pressing obsti nately upon the enemy s works, that he was struck in the right side with a musket ball, and fell from his horse. He was borne to the field hospital, and every attention which devoted and stricken hearts could suggest was paid him, but at midnight he died. The pathos of that scene beggars description. Words can convey it to none but those whose imaginations are vivid, and whose heart- experience of such battle-consequences enables them to fill out the 1 icture. Here and there, about the fountain of water, and on the little stream, the hospital tents were standing, in the open wood, beneath the boughs of stately trees. On an extemporized couch, in one of these, was laid the young commander; the attendants, though used to scenes of blood, gathered around in half-stupefied r,\ve, while the surgeon hastened to revive the failing energies, to cut a\vay the clothing, to probe the wound. This done, the pale face fixed upon him a wistful gaze, and asked in a voice low but firm, a voice thrilling in its tones of anxiety, "Is there hope?" What a moment is that! How the heart of every one almost stood still, and eager ears v/ere strained to catch the reply: " My dear General, there is no hope!" The attendants turned away to their duties with other sufferers who lay around, while the hero summoned up his fortitude to suffer a few brief hours, and composed his mind to meet death. Through the weary afternoon, into the deepening shades of night, he lingered, but his life vuis waning, and the end was near, and yet there is the roar of conflict on the distant field. Anon it ceased, and he forgot his sufferings to wonder whether the struggle was over, and whose the triumph was. Soon there was a messenger, and he again roused himself, while anx ious voices asked what cheer. He heard the word; it was -victory! There was a momentary lighting of the eye, a gleam of satisfaction irradiated the almost rigid features, and a whispered sound escaped his lips, "victory!" Though dying, the word was sweet, and the failing heart was thankful for it. In another hour or two the spirit had passed into the paradise of God. He died trusting in him who pities the sufferings and forgives the sins of men. His remains were conveyed to the house of Col. W. H. Dabney, in Atlanta, where they lay until the 23d, when funeral services were per formed in the Episcopal Church, and he was then buried in the Atlanta Cemetery, with military honors. The following account of proceedings had by his officers shortly afterward, and recorded upon the books of the command, speaks in fitting terms of the love and admiration in which he was held by those who knew him best : 386 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. BIVOUAC BEFORE CHATTANOOGA, TENN., October 5, 1863. At a meeting of the officers of Lewis brigade, Col. Gofer, Sixth Reg iment, was called to the chair, and, on motion, the following committee was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meet ing with regard to Gen. Helm : Lieut. -Col. James W. Moss, Second Regiment; Lieut. -Col. Thomas W. Thompson, Fourth Regiment; Lieut. -Col. William L. Clarke, Sixth Regiment; Lieut.-Col. John C. Wickliffe, Ninth Regiment; Maj. J. G. Nash, Forty-first Alabama Regiment; Lieut. Frank P. Gracey, Light Artillery. The committee reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, By the casualties of war we have been called upon to mourn the loss of our beloved leader, who fell in the prime of his man hood, September 20, 1863, on the field of Chickamauga, and as his rare attributes as a gentleman and comrade, and his chivalrous bear ing as a soldier have endeared his memory to our hearts; therefore, Resolved, That in the death of Brig. -Gen. B. H. Helm the service has lost a superior soldier and officer, society a gentleman of unusual intelligence and attainments, while many of his late command lament, with the deepest grief, the departure of an esteemed and amiable friend. Resolved, That his gallantry, so eminently displayed from Bowling Green to Shiloh, at Baton Rouge, at Jackson, and on the field of his last act of devotion to his country, has won for him the admiration of all brave men, and the lasting gratitude of lovers of human liberty. Resolved, That to his family in their exile, and to his friends in their Kentucky homes, we tender our heartfelt sympathy, and assure them of our high appreciation of his grand and noble qualities as a friend and fellow-soldier while in our midst, and of our unchanging venera tion for his memory. Gen. Breckinridge, in a letter to Mrs. Helm, under date of October 31, 1863, said respecting him and his command: " My solicitude for the welfare of the Kentuckians is in proportion to the pride and affec tion I entertain for them ; and no one need be told that I hold them not inferior (to say the least), in general good conduct, discipline, and valor to any troops in the service of the South. Your husband com manded them like a thorough soldier. He loved them, they loved him, and he died at their head, a patriot and hero." BRIG.-GEN. JOSEPH H. LEWIS. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN 1 BRIGADE. 387 So lived and labored this gifted and honored son of Kentucky, so fought and fell one whom she can not forget. At thirty-two years of age, when life was but just begun, when the world was before him for a field, and the master-spirit was within to shape a brilliant future in the path of usefulness, he shed his blood in attempting to stay the de struction of his people. In person Gen. Helm was six feet in height, with a well-proportioned figure, clear, blue eyes, brown hair, and an expression of countenance that was genial and attractive. In the day of action no danger could appall him, no confusion rob him of self-possession. In his ordinary intercourse with men he was suave, genial, generous ; no man had a more consummate power of being all that is kind and affable without affectation, and without stoop- irg to that familiarity which breeds contempt. Under the auspices of the Orphan Brigade and his old regiment, the First Kentucky Cavalry, his remains were brought from Atlanta twenty- one years after he fell, and reinterred September 19, 1884, in the family burying ground near Elizabethtown. The survivors of the bri gade had met there in annual reunion, with their invited comrades of other commahds ; and with imposing and very touching ceremonies, viewed by a great assembly of people, the hero was laid to rest with his fathers. BRIG.-GEN. JOSEPH H. LEWIS. Jn the preceding pages of this work, we have seen Gen. Lewis as the officer; but it is only in the biography the private as well as the public history of the individual himself that we obtain a full view of the man, and learn to place a proper estimate upon the character, in stead of entertaining that vague sense which waits upon reputation. History is but biography in general, while biography is history in par ticular, and, after all, we derive more pleasure from the latter than the former, and to the great mass of mankind it is not only more agree able, but more profitable. We turn from exciting scenes in the history of ancient Rome to read a passage in the social and domestic life of Caesar, not only without regret, but with a high degree of pleasure. Joseph Horace Lewis was born of wealthy and highly respectable parents in Barren County, Kentucky, October 24, 1824. Reared in his native county and educated in the schools of his own State, he is one of those thorough Kentuckians, who, in all the circumstances of life, cling with a constant devotion to the old commonwealth, and, whether there is a temporary stigma thrust upon her, or she lifts her head in all her ancient renown, are still proud to know that their child- 388 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. hood breathed none but her pure air, and that their manhood could ask no greater honors than are to be enjoyed under her auspices. He was married November 29, 1845, to Sarah H., daughter of Dr. George Rogers, of Glasgow, of one of the first families of the coun try, and long the most prominent physician in Barren County. But, while birth and family connections confer a distinction which should not be ignored, since they impart that pride of character which pre serves the self-respect of the individual, the honor of the family, and the chivalry of the State, they are, nevertheless, but the extrinsic cir cumstances that give social position, and we must look to intrinsic worth and personal usefulness in justification of claims to solid and enduring honors. Having chosen the profession of law, he began practice at an early age, in Glasgow, where he continued it successfully until the breaking out of the war, occasionally taking part in the political contests of that period. In the beginning of his career he identified himself with the Whigs, and as a Whig was elected to the State legislature. But in maturer manhood he saw the growing tendency of that party to the assumption of Federal power, and its gradual affiliation with the ex ponents of other New England heresies, and, regardless of the rage and consequent misrepresentations of his former associates, he publicly renounced his previous political faith, and declared himself a Demo crat an earnest advocate for those principles of State sovereignty, the practical importance of which so few men really understood, and which was fast being overshadowed by the growing splendor of the General Government. He dared to abandon a party which at that time had superior prestige, and with which he had been identified by early train ing, from the conviction that another creed, which was fuller in its assertion of the doctrine of State Rights, and more earnest in the ad vocacy of its practical application in the administration of the Govern ment, was the one to which the men of the South especially should give their constant adherence. In 1857, he was nominated to represent his district in Congress, and made the race against Warner L. Underwood, of Warren, who had been elected in 1855 by an overwhelming vote. After an exciting con test, in which Underwood replied to exposures of party fallacies by sophistical appeals to popular prejudices, and rebutted scathing de nunciations of his own course as a legislator by affected tears of injured innocence, Lewis was defeated by a singularly small majority. In 1860, as a natural sequence of previously entertained opinions, he espoused the cause of Breckinridge and a more liberal recognition of Southern rights. When the result of that contest became known, and it was evident that power had passed from conservative hands, he HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 389 was one of the first to declare for action prompt and decisive maintaining that honor and interest alike demanded that Kentucky should cast off, boldly and at once, the bond of Federal Union, and identify herself with the Southern movement. In 1 86 1, when it was plain to those not willfully blind or hopelessly ignorant, that an effort was being made to defeat the action of the State, ;md tie her down in subserviency to the new administration, he consented to become a candidate for Congress not with the hope of election, or of accomplishing anything by legislation, even should he be chosen; but with the determination to arouse the citizens, if possible, to a sense <jf their danger, and to incite opposition to the designs of the Washington cabal. He was opposed to Henry Grider, of Bowling Green, who, safe ji the overweening sympathy and power of the prejudiced majority, ex erted himself, not\Q answering the arguments of the Southern candidate, and coolly considering the great questions at issue, but to arousing the angry passions of the people, by false appeals to their love of country, and to that pride of power symbolized by the "old flag," and by de nouncing the Southern action- as a trick of ambitious men treason to the best government the world eyer saw." So great was the ex- oitement that in many portions of the district it was extremely danger ous for a friend of the new cause to express his opinions; but Lewis could not be intimidated, and wherever his opponent went, there he boldly proclaimed his principles, and defended the Southern leaders against the aspersions of demagogues. He was defeated, as expected, but his conduct won the confidence of the fighting element among his friends; and when the neutrality policy of the State was violated, by the enemy s having established a recruiting station and camp of in struction at " Dick Robinson," and taken other faithless measures, he immediately set about raising troops for the Confederate service. The consolidation of his recruits with those of Col. Cofer, thus forming the Sixth Kentucky Infantry, has been already noticed. Of this organiza tion he was chosen colonel, to rank from November i, 1861. At Shiloh he first led his command into action, and more than realized the expectations that had been formed of him by his friends. D iring the whole of that memorable two days struggle he led his reg iment wherever duty called. He challenged the admiration of his men by his intrepidity, for, though willing to shield them from unnec- es.-ary danger, himself was always exposed. He had two horses killed and another wounded, but he escaped without a shot. Among those upon whom it devolved to cover the retreat on that disastrous after noon of the second day s conflict, he was one of the most eager and alert to strike the advancing enemy, and he lost no opportunity to turn upon him with his almost exhausted and broken band and deal a blow. 390 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. During the retreat, he marched on foot with the men, fighting as long- as the Federals continued to pursue, then superintending the work nec essary to make the road passable for the reserve artillery and for the removal of the wounded, and reached Corinth on the Friday follow ing the battle, worn and sad, but firmly fixed in the esteem of men with whom gallantry is accounted one of the first of virtues. At Corinth, when Halleck was investing the position, gradually closing in with his overwhelming numbers, and it was necessary for the Confederate forces to be constantly on the alert, and often drawn out in anticipation of a battle, he was ever at his postand ready for action. Here his health began seriously to decline, but he remained with the regiment until three weeks after it reached Vicksburg, participating in the privations and dangers incident to the defense of the city ; but about the 2oth of July he was taken so ill as to be compelled to seek relaxation and medical attention in the country. From this cause he did not participate in the engagement at Baton Rouge the only affair in which his regiment took part when he was not with it. At Stone River, however, he was again in command, and enhanced the reputation he had previously won. " Yes," said an officer of the Second Regiment to the writer, at Fort Delaware, when talking about the probable successor of Hanson, " I saw Col. Lewis at Stone River, when we were falling back under that galling artillery fire, and it re quired the vigilance of officers and all the stubborn pride of the men to keep them from abandoning the field precipitately. There are times when men. rise above themselves, and on the battlefield he does it. He sat erect and unflinching among the plowing shot and bursting shells, coolly directing and preserving order among the men. Amid the dreadful danger and confusion of that moment, I thought I never saw a more soldierly presence and bearing/ He was favorably men tioned by his superior officers for gallant and meritorious conduct. He was at Jackson, Miss., July, 1863, but the operations there, as we have previously noticed, consisted of an attempt to relieve Pern- berton then a return to the city, and skirmishing along the line of in- trenchments ; and nothing of special importance occurred requiring notice here. At Chickamauga, September 19, he was in command of the Sixth Regiment, but early on the morning of the 2oth one of the strongest positions of the enemy was charged by the Kentucky Brigade, and in this charge the lamented Helm fell mortally wounded. Lewis, then senior colonel, was immediately notified, and promptly assumed com mand. The Fourth and Sixth Regiments, in reaching the battery of which mention has been made, had moved obliquely past one flank of a strong Federal position, while the remainder of the brigade had HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 391 struck these works and engaged them. The enemy pressing, in ap parently overwhelming numbers, upon these regiments, and rendering it necessary for the Fourth and Sixth to rejoin them as speedily as pos sible, the whole command was thrown into momentary confusion. Ac companied by a single orderly, Lewis now attempted to reach, by the shortest route, the position occupied by the staff of Gen. Helm, and to find the most available point from which to reform and direct the movements of the command. Riding rapidly over broken ground, and through the timber, his course led him almost directly toward a flank of the enemy s position, and he did not perceive his danger until he was within seventy yards of the Federals, who had observed him, and were holding fire in the expectation of making him prisoner. Seeing his predicament, he headed his horse in an oblique direction, put spurs and dashed off to the point in view amid a shower of balls, neither he nor the orderly receiving injury, though the bullets were almost literally filling the air around them. Order was soon restored, and he conducted the brigade through the operations of the day. His command was foremost of all in the charge of the evening that de cided the fortunes of the day. Immediately after this battle he was highly recommended by Gen. Breckinridge for promotion, and soon received notice of his appoint ment as brigadier-general, to take rank from September 30, 1863. At the battle of Mission Ridge, November 25th, he was detached with his command from Breckinridge s division early in the morning, and sent to the extreme right of the Confederate position for the pur pose of supporting Cleburne. During the day the enemy made re peated attempts to dislodge this division, but were always repulsed, with slight loss to the Confederates. At nightfall Cleburne was or dered to abandon the works, and with his own troops, Lewis brigade and First and Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, to protect the rear of the army that was now moving rapidly upon Dalton. For two days they skirmished heavily with the enemy, suffering little, but inflicting seri ous loss at times, upon the assailants, and effectually protecting the retreating army. When Sherman made his demonstration on Johnston s position at I alton, February, 1864, Gen. Bate was absent, and the command of the division devolving upon Gen. Lewis, he conducted its movements until Sherman withdrew. When the campaign opened at Dalton, May yth, 1864, he was " present for duty," as usual; and during these four months of hard ship, danger, and anxiety for the cause, he was not absent a single day skirmishes in force, charges, defense all things he shared with his men, with a constancy and fortitude as admirable as his courage 392 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. was marked and conspicuous. In one of the closing engagements of this campaign, Jonesboro , August 3ist, while advancing under that sweeping artillery fire elsewhere described, he was struck by a shrap nel shot, on the left breast, but with no other injury than a bruise, and it did not arrest his advance. This, strange to say, was the only time he was struck during the war. September 7th, he received an order from Gen. Hood to retire to Griffin, for the purpose of mounting his men. He immediately set about the work; dispatched officers in search of the horses that Stone- man and McCook had left upon their line of march ; put a detail to work on saddles; besieged the Government in short, used every ex ertion fully to mount and equip the command; but more than a month afterward we find him complaining to Gen. Hood, that not exceeding two-thirds of his men were mounted, and that, in this crippled condi tion, he was to be left in the rear of the Army of the Tennessee. When Sherman left Atlanta, November i2th, on his march for the coast, Lewis was at Stockbridge, a few miles south. Powerless to offer any effectual resistance, he retired slowly toward Macon, skirmishing daily with the enemy s advance, watching for an opportunity to punish him. The march to Savannah, thence into South Carolina, the opera tions before Sumter and Camden, the surrender at Washington, etc., have been noticed with sufficient minuteness elsewhere, and Gen. Lewis name is so inseparably connected with those details as to render further mention unnecessary. Of Gen. Lewis, as an officer, it may be truly said that he owed his distinction to merit. Reflecting men will understand the force of this when they revert to the fact that, even in military affairs, impu dence often goes farther than sense, and dogged perseverance in urging claims to notice places men in position and power whose talents are mediocre and whose merit is small. He never pressed his claims to personal consideration, nor courted favor with high or low. For his men he was ever solicitous, guarding their interests with a warmth that made his efforts seem more of a fatherly care than a mere per formance of duty. But so reserved was he in all things that looked like asking the favor able regard of his men, that they knew nothing of these things, save as they saw the result of his efforts, or learned of them through other channels. To that unsoldierly conduct, of which even good officers were sometimes guilty, of seeking to curry favor with the men by unfavorable allusions to the conduct of their superiors, hiding their own faults behind the alleged delinquencies of others, he never stooped. It is the opinion of those who observed him in all his relations dur ing the service that he appeared to uncommon advantage on the field HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 393 of battle. It has been alleged that he often exposed himself unneces sarily, but it was this disregard of danger that made him so effective in the handling of troops. He placed himself promptly at the most available point for observation or for leading on, let the danger be much or little; and here, cool, self-possessed, and correctly viewing the situation, no opportunity for taking and following up an advantage escaped him. He is said to have preferred the infantry service. Pick eting, light skirmishing, and raiding were not so agreeable to him, be cause not so useful, as " pounding continuously." Of some men we form a favorable opinion at a glance. They have a suavity and grace of manner, a smiling urbanity, a communicative turn of mind, that win us at once, often to disappoint us afterward. Others, blunt, outspoken, with strong feelings, and a perfect freedom from dissimulation, generally make unfavorable impressions at first sight, that it requires time and a more perfect knowledge of the char acter to obliterate. In his personal relations, Gen. Lewis was as far removed from obsequiousness as any man living. A kind of irascibility of temper, and an intensity of feeling against those with whom he had cause to be displeased, that almost amounted to bitter scorn, often re pelled approach, and sometimes deeply offended ; and once having made an enemy, he never took pains to repair the breach. But behind this unaffected and apparently harsh exterior, those who knew him most intimately, and watched his career with a dispassionate scrutiny, knew that he possessed a warm and generous heart. One one occasion, when there was excitement and threatened trouble among the men of the Sixth and Ninth Regiments, (while he was colonel of the Sixth,) on account of unjust distinction being made between them and the First Kentucky Cavalry, Morgan s squadron, and the Fifth Infantry, he was unusually taciturn for days together, and made no loud protestations of love to the men, and determination to see justice cone to them. He listened to all complaints, but said little, and that little not of a nature to exonerate him from any imputation that might have been brought against him ; but he was all the time pondering in his own mind, and consulting with his confidential officers as to what A\ as best to be done, and doing it. Hanson, then commanding bri gade, was put in possession of the facts ; Breckinridge was appealed to every thing he could reasonably and honorably do, to secure the strictest justice and quiet the men, was done. He wrote a personal letter to Gen. Breckinridge, in which these passages occur, and do him infinite credit: " I do not fear open resistance to authority ; but I have not the philos ophy to meet, with composure, the gradual destruction of a regiment, by a slow poison, that has hitherto conducted itself so gallantly. 394 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. I desire, as I have done from the beginning, to do the service all the good in my power, in any sphere in which I may be placed, and I ask for no more honorable position than the command of the Sixth Kentucky Regiment ; but I wish to be spared the pain of wit nessing its defection on account of unjust treatment." Earnestness and devotion to the cause which he espoused were dis tinguishing traits of his character. No man served more constantly, with more unflagging determination, with a more real singleness of purpose and unflinching integrity, than he. In the administration of affairs he was probably as little influenced by considerations of personal friendships and preferences as any man could be. He seemed to have continually in view " the greatest good of the greatest number," and dared to do what he considered to be best. The manner in which he received the intelligence of Lee s surren der, and the truce pending between Johnston and Sherman such emotion in one usually so stern and immobile speaks more plainly than words how dear was the cause for which he had so often perilled his life. When Young received the dispatch from Gen. Johnston, an nouncing the surrender of Gen. Lee, and his own truce with Sherman, and ordering Young to withdraw toward Columbia, he rode imme diately to Gen. Lewis, who was skirmishing with Potter s rear guard, and handed him the order. He glanced hurriedly over it, his eyes filled with tears, and, his voice trembling with emotion, he exclaimed, " All is lost!" and turned away abruptly to order the withdrawal of his troops. The following incidents show with what pride he viewed his men, and how solicitous he was for the reputation that they had won. In an address, issued to the command at Pine Mountain, June 15, 1864, he says : " This brigade has the confidence of the commanding general of the army, and the admiration of the entire South, and it is justly the pride of our friends at home. It is but speaking the literal truth to say that no body of men has a wider and more enviable reputation; and, as a matter of course, upon no similar organization does such re sponsibility rest." At Dalton, February, 1864, the writer, at the re quest of the editor of the "Southern Illustrated News," prepared a biographical sketch of Gen. Lewis for that journal. When appealed to for permission to publish it, he replied, " No, no! don t do that; I am not entitled to that particular consideration." "But," we ventured to remonstrate, " the devotion and heroism of" " Oh, yes," he interrupted, " I know about heroism, and all that, but every man in the Kentucky Brigade is a hero!" 396 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. He went with Col. McKee to Mexico, and remained till the expira tion of his term of service, and improved the opportunity to win a reputation which was inferior to that of no company commander of Kentucky volunteers in the operations preceding the only battle of importance in which they were engaged, and in the battle. With a disposition naturally stern and exacting, he did not fail to bring his company to as high state of discipline as possible under the circumstances; and when the ordeal came, on that day noted in our calendar, February 23, 1848, at Buena Vista, he is said to have dis played not only the same unflinching courage for which he was dis tinguished in the Confederate army, but a cool judgment, that enabled him to handle his command to the greatest advantage possible to one acting under immediate orders, and in conjunction with other com panies of the regiment. The manner in which he sheltered his men from unnecessary exposure when not engaged, and brought them into action when McKee went forward, was long a subject of remark ; and when Lieut. -Col. Clay fell from his horse, mortally wounded, Capt. Moss had the presence of mind, in the sad confusion that momentarily ensued, to perceive that the regular infirmary detail was not available, and accordingly ordered some of his men to bear him from, the field, which they attempted to do, and one of them, Austin M. Chaudoin, was killed while thus engaged. His service to that unfortunate officer was afterward acknowledged by Mrs. Clay in a substantial present to Mrs. Chaudoin. It is to be regretted that there is not a more complete record of this part of his life; but he was never communicative, even to his most trusted friends, and could scarcely be induced to speak of his own ad ventures and exploits a fact which renders more valuable, however, the meager accounts that have come down to us, since those who are continually recounting incidents involving their own personal prowess are seldom credited by their listeners, even though they may some times keep strictly within the bounds of truth. After having returned .from Mexico, he again engaged in trade, chiefly in live stock and produce, for which he sought a Southern market ; and his transactions were so uniformly fortunate that, at4he beginning of hostilities in 1861, he had amassed a large property^and had a reputation for both sound judgment and promptness, and his in tegrity in business transactions commanded the respect and confidence of all who knew him. His principles, however, soon called upon him to risk all, and, as it proved, to lose all. The knowledge that war was again in the land aroused at once his martial fire. In June, 1861, having now been some years a citizen of Columbus, Kentucky, he raised a company, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 397 consisting cnietly of young men from Ilickman and Ballard Coun- tieSr-which was the first to clear a space and pitch a tent at Camp V.nnnp. His company was organized on the 5th of July, 1861, and he was elected its captain. The same firm and determined disposition mani fested sixteen years before, in a similar capacity, now contributed to the preparation of these men for many conflicts, beside which Buena Vista pales in comparison. But, though considered stern, strict, and precise in the requirement and in the performance of duty, he was devoted to his men, proud of them, solicitous for their personal com- f( >rt, as well as their reputation, and the consequence was that they trusted and honored him. When the Second Regiment first went into battle, it was looked upon as a matter of course that he would set a noble example to his men and to hitherto untried officers ; and one who served with him throughout, and knew him well, expressed him self, when speaking of Col. Moss, to the effect that he never saw a braver man in battle nor a more collected one ; that he was so much so, indeed, that he seemed as wholly insensible of fear as though he knew himself invulnerable. He fought at Donelson, and shared the subsequent imprisonment of the command ; then at Hartsville, commanding there the right wing of the regiment, In the absence of all but one of the field officers; and on the i3th of December, 1862, he was promoted to major, and fought in that capacity at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. After the fall of Lieut.-Col. Hewitt, September 20, 1863, he was promoted to that rank ; and, a little later, on the resignation of Col. Johnson, to colonel, October 19, 1863. He now commanded the regiment in every subsequent battle up to the 3151 of August, 1864, when, endeavoring to press forward upon the enemy s works, under their withering fire, he had an arm shattered, and, having been pre viously greatly debilitated by ill health, he directly became so weak ened with loss of blood and excruciating pain that he could not drag himself away, nor could the infirmary detail reach him without the almost certain loss of many lives; so he fell into the hands of the enemy, and was carried to Marietta, where he suffered amputation, and shortly afterward died there. He is described as having been, in the opinion of those who ob served him closely, a man of uncommon military judgment, both as regarded the handling of his own command, and the more compre hensive business of divining the purpose and plans of an enemy and suggesting the means that should be adopted to thwart him. And he was no less remarkable for a disposition to act upon his own judgment, when left with discretionary power, and was found, in the main, to be 398 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. correct, even when he chose to act in opposition to the express opinions of others. His ordinary demeanor was rather gruff and taciturn, apparently severe, and as blunt as that of " Old Jube;" but a feature of his char acter, as marked as those of his bravery and self-reliance, was his warm hearted generosity toward his family and friends. He evidently delighted in obliging and relieving any who were distressed. " This," says one who was intimate with him, " was the greatest pleasure of his life;" and Dr. Daniel P. White, who knew him from boy hood, replied to some inquiries of the writer, that he "never knew more whole-souled and liberal-hearted men than the brothers Mss, who were grown up and in business before they left Greensburg." He related that while he was engaged in mercantile trade there, it was a custom with Col. Moss (who was joined in it by his brothers), to. leave a standing order at the Establishment to let his father, mother, and sis ters have everything they called for ; that the account during the year was often extravagantly large, but never questioned, and the items never asked for. They would simply inquire the amount when the day of settlement came, and pay it. During the summer campaign of 1864, the health of Col. Moss be came sadly impaired, and in August he had sick leave, and went down to Macon, where, after a few days, Chaplain Pickett met him; and, in answer to inquiries concerning his health, he replied in a tone touched with sadness, almost with the solemnity of sorrow, and wholly unlike himself, that he was not improved; "but," said he, firmly, "I am going up to the front." The chaplain remonstrated, and insisted that so far from its being required of him, it would be absolute injustice to himself to enter the field again in that worn and feeble state. But he was not to be moved, and declared that he could not be satisfied away from his command during such a time of danger and responsibil ity. Then exclaiming, "Yes, yes; I must go up," concluded the in terview, and, like one impelled by some mysterious power to " rush upon the thick bosses" of his fate, he set out directly afterward, ar rived at Jonesboro in time to enter the charge of August 3ist, and re ceived a wound that terminated a gallant and devoted career. Under an act of the Legislature, appropriating a sufEcieiiLa.niiunt for that purpose, his remains were brought from Marietta, Ga., w-here they_ found temporary sepulture, and at their seventh annual reunion, September 26th, 1888, the Orphan Brigade reinterred.JhiiiJn__the Frankfort Cemetery, where sleep so many of Kentucky s famous dead. COL. PHILIP L. LEE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 399 COL. PHILIP LIGHTFOOT LEE. The third son of Wilford and Margaret Lee, was born in Bullitt County, Ky., October 22d, 1832. His father, who emigrated from Virginia in early life, was intimately related to the old revolutionary families of that name, and possessed, in no ordinary degree, their high sense of freedom, and that decision of character which forbids a man to halt between duty and interest, principle and policy. The subject of our sketch was educated at St. Joseph s College, Bardstown, grad uating at that institution at eighteen years of age. He shortly after ward entered the University of Louisville, and, in 1852, at the age of twenty, he graduated in the law class there, and was admitted to the bar. In the practice of his profession, he has always been consid ered by his friends an able advocate, and particularly so before juries. In 1853, not having yet attained to his majority, he was elected to represent Bullitt County in the Legislature, and was, it is said, the youngest member who ever sat in that body. Here he served two terms, having been reflected in 1855. In 1856, he was a candidate for presidential elector on the Fillmore ticket, in opposition to Gov. Magoffin; and, in 1860, was on the electoral ticket for Bell and Everett, opposed by Judge Marcus R. Hardin and Capt. Graves. This canvass is described as a most spirited one. The country was aroused; danger to our institutions seemed imminent; and the speakers were excited to more than common exertion. For three months they addressed the people almost daily ; and, in this contest, the strong points of Col. Lee, as a popular debater, so fully developed them selves, that, before the close of the campaign, he had won a reputa tion for ready polemic wit, a certain sharp invective, and, when it better suited his turn, a broad, old Kentucky humor, all of which combined to make him an antagonist to be feared on the stump, since these characteristics enabled him to suit his address to the occasion, and to reach every class of people, whose sympathies, it appears, he always enlisted in his favor, if not in that of the men whom he repre sented. Early in 1861, true to his blood and lineage, he came out boldly for the South, declaring that the honor of Kentucky was at stake, that an alliance with the South was the only natural and legitimate course that Kentucky could pursue. He pronounced the neutrality policy "a foolish and impracticable thing," a trick of demagogues to deceive the too-confiding people ; and he advised them to take no counsel of their fears, nor to consider for a moment the promptings of that unworthy 400 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. spirit of policy that led men to stand aloof from the struggle, or to ally themselves with the strong against the weak. He continued his opposition to the purposes and measures of the government until further efforts were vain, and the chances for giving the Confederacy substantial aid were growing more and more danger ous and uncertain, when he set about enlisting men for the Southern service, and soon repaired, with more than a hundred young men emphatically young men, for there was but one married man among them all to a point in Tennessee, near the Kentucky line, where, in company with Moss, Breckinridge, and Tilghman, July 4th, 1861, he assisted in laying out the now historic Camp Boone. July i6th, his company was organized under the designation of C, Second Kentucky, of which he was elected captain. Shortly after this, he was ordered by Col. Bob Johnson, then commanding, to take charge of a hundred picked men, and penetrate as far as practicable into Kentucky, for the purpose of disarming home-guards, and securing guns for the Confederate troops. Accordingly, August 2oth, he set out with his detachment, (among whom was the gallant and soldierly Graves), and, capturing a train of cars, he proceeded almost as far as Bowling Green. But the news preceded him; the cry had been raised that the rebels were coming, and the points along the route were hastily abandoned by the redoubtable militia, while the " rebel" cap tain, who was compelled to confine himself to the road, returned with no other fruits of his expedition than having proved a dreadful fright to "the defenders of their homes." This incident is noteworthy chiefly on account of its having been the first Confederate raid into Ken tucky, and the capture of the first train. Henceforth, until the disastrous close of the great struggle, his his tory is interwoven with that of the immortal Second Regiment, whose exploits at Donelson, in which it alone of the First Brigade took part, as we have elsewhere noticed, sent a thrill of joy to the hearts of Ken tucky soldiers everywhere. Though they were defeated and in cap tivity, there was a secret pride to those who had not yet engaged the foe, in the knowledge that these, their brothers, had upheld the tradi tional honor of Kentucky on one bloody field, and that, sooner or later, their example should be emulated; that the old State, through these her representatives in the Army of the South, should still pre serve her prestige ; should still be known as the chivalrous old Ken tucky first and worthy daughter of the "Mother of States" "land of fair women and brave men." Imprisoned for six weary months, his regiment at length came forth to win new laurels at Hartsville. It is unnecessary to dwell upon his particular conduct on every occasion, for that has passed into history. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 401 to be known and read of all men. Suffice it to say, that (what the n ader has, perhaps, observed, in the course of the general narrative) he was present at every engagement in which his regiment participated d iring the war, except that of 22d of July, near Atlanta, and de meaned himself alike in all. Always active and vigilant, he inspired confidence and won honors in the path of danger and of duty. At Chickamauga, though yet in the line, and suffering, too, with illness, he was acting field officer, and is referred to in the report of the com manding officer as having done his duty " with his accustomed gal lantry." Shortly after this battle, he was promoted to major, and, November 5th, to lieutenant-colonel. On the campaign from Dalton to Atlanta, he received the only wounds that were inflicted upon him during the war. He was painfully wounded at Resaca, May i4th, and received at Dallas, May 28th, a slight wound. On the fall of Moss, at Jonesboro , August 3ist, he was promoted to colonel, and commanded the Second Regiment till the close of the war. P>y reference to our account of the operations in South Carolina, it wi .I be seen that, by a well-planned, timely, and properly executed an .buscade, at McClernand s Ford, Lee, with his regiment alone, suc ceeded in repulsing and heading off an overwhelming Federal column, and saving the brigade train from falling into their hands. A writer in the Louisville Courier, some years ago, gave us a descrip tion of Col. Lee in the following terms, which, though very general, are yet accurate, and give us a tolerably fair idea of his personnel : " In stature, medium, with a heavy, muscular frame; a piercing gray eye. and a countenance beaming with genial good humor." In the army, as well as at home, the suavity and cheerfulness of his general deportment made him friends; and the esteem in which he was held in his own regiment attested the goodness of his heart. To him it was a source of great pride that he always had the love of the brave boys who were under his orders ; that he was always welcomed with a smile and pleasing courtesy, whether at the marquee of the general or the c amp-fire of the soldier. Gen. Hanson once remarked that " Phil Lee s flow of spirits, his pleasantry, and genial wit go far toward light ening the toils of a campaign, since they always keep the regiment in good humor." The strength of his attachments, the generous feelings of his heart, are attested by the importance that he attached to these things. To have been the object of devoted friendship, to have pos sessed the brotherly esteem of his comrades in arms, was as much a source of honest and soldierly pride as to have walked undismayed over the many fields where Death held his carnival. Speaking of the fall of his lieutenants, Thomas and Rogers, there was a pathetic force in the language that went to the heart, and it bears out the esti- 402 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. mate of this feature of his character. Poor fellows ! " said he ; " after having suffered a long imprisonment with me at Camp Chase and John son s Island, they were killed under my eye, at Hartsville, within five minutes of each other. Rogers, who had been my schoolmate, my earliest and best friend, and who loved me as an elder brother, died in my arms. Two braver hearts than those that beat in the bosoms of Charlie Thomas and John Rogers never gave their life s blood for the cause of freedom ! " Returning to Kentucky soon after the war closed, he resumed the practice of law, at first in Bardstown, but afterward locating in Louis ville. There he married, (June 2$d, 1866,) an elegant and accom plished lady, Miss Belle B. Bridgeford, daughter of James Bridgeford, one of the leading stove founders of the country. In 1868 he was nominated on the Democratic ticket for Common wealth s Attorney for the Louisville district, and elected by a large ma jority, and was re-elected in 1874. Soon after entering upon this second term, however, and when still a young man, he died (July 1 2th, 1875). The high esteem in which he was held is indicated by the fact that on the announcement of his death the flag on the City Hall was lowered to half mast, and the bells were tolled. The Commercial of July i3th, spoke of his ability, worth and influ ence as follows : " He filled the position of prosecuting attorney with distinguished ability. As a pleader the Louisville bar has had but few men who could compare to Col. Lee. Brilliant and passionate as a speaker, he never failed to exert a wonderful effect upon the jury ; and for the first time in the history of the court, a distinguished attorney for the defense in a certain case based a motion for a new trial on the ground of the undue influence of Col. Lee s passionate eloquence upon the jury. He was the most severe prosecutor that the Circuit Court has ever had, and perhaps did more to enforce the law and mete out justice to criminals than any man who ever held the position. It is said that while he was prosecuting there was not a single verdict of acquittal on the charge of homicide. " He was a constant and hard worker, and, by close application to his profession and laborious efforts as prosecuting attorney, he broke down his constitution. For nearly two years he has been unable to appear at his place in court, and for more than a year was so wasted by disease as to be little more than a walking skeleton. He breathed his last, surrounded by his family and a number of devoted friends." COL. ROBERT P. TRABUE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 403 COL. R. P. TRABUE. The Trabues of Kenlucky are descended from an old Virginia stock, and, from the earliest known history of the country, have been of the most decidedly martial disposition engaging in the Indian wars in Virginia, 1755-60; in the Revolutionary War; in the border troubles of Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois; and lastly, in the heroic straggle of the South. When the late war broke out there were of the name, and related to Col. R. P. Trabue, in the States of Kentucky, Missouri, Illi nois, Tennessee, and Mississippi, thirty-five able-bodied men, fit to bear arms, of whom thirty-two united their fortunes with the Army of the Confederate States. In November, 1777, James and Daniel, two younger brothers of William Trabue, (who served during the Revolution as an officer of the Virginia line, and from whom descended the late Hon. George A.fred Caldwell, of Louisville,) enlisted in Caroline County, Virginia, urder Gen. George Rogers Clarke, for the expedition into the western wilds, to attack the British garrisons at Kaskaskia and Vincennes. James Trabue was appointed to the then hazardous post of commissary- general for the troops in the West, and Col. Daniel Trabue (as he was afterward designated) was the issuing commissary. They filled these positions until the objects of the expedition had been accomplished, when they settled in Kentucky. Daniel settled in what is now known as \Voodford County, and remained there until 1795, when he re moved to that portion of Greene which was afterward Adair County, and here he died in 1840. His son, Daniel Trabue, Jr., was for some years a merchant in the latter county, but afterward removed to Colum bia, where he remained till the year 1853, when he removed to Texas. Mrs. Trabue died on the Gulf, before reaching Galveston, but himself lived in Texas till 1865, when he died, leaving several sons and daugh ters residents of that State. A brother of his, James Trabue, is one of the oldest and most respectable merchants of Louisville, Kentucky. Thus we find that from a time prior to the Revolution, through all the trials that have beset the country in war, in peace the family has been prolific of brave, enterprising, and honorable men. The subject of this memoir was the son of Daniel Trabue, Jr. His mother s maiden name was Mary Paxton, a daughter of Capt. Robert Paxton, who commanded a company of Kentuckians at the battle of New Orleans, where he is said to have deported himself gallantly. Robert Paxton Trabue was born in Columbia, Adair County, Ken tucky, January ist, 1824. He was brought up in his native town, and his education, acquired in the schools of that place, was considered a 404 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. liberal one. While quite a young man he began the study of the law under Judge Zach Wheat, who was then practicing in Columbia. He afterward went to Frankfort, and spent some months under the imme diate care and instruction of Judge Thos. B. Monroe, when he was ad mitted to the bar, and returned to Columbia, where he practiced suc cessfully, and exhibited, at that early age, those qualities for which he was subsequently distinguished a ready comprehension of the law, even in its abstruse points; a studiousness that was remarkable in one whose constitutional vigor impelled him to almost ceaseless bodily activity ; a close attention to the business intrusted to him ; and a bold, fearless advocacy of whatever cause he chose to espouse. When a call was made for volunteers to serve in Mexico, the old adventurous spirit of the family could not be repressed. The remonstrance of more lethargic friends, the tempting business prospects before him, the pleas ures that naturally wait upon an accomplished and rising young man, had no power to cool his military ardor. He accordingly enlisted in the company of Capt. John C. Squires, and was made second-lieutenant. The company marched to Camp Butler, near Louisville, where a regi ment was organized under Col. John S. Williams, who immediately recommended the promotion of young Trabue to the rank of first- lieutenant and adjutant, and the appointment was made. He served in this capacity with much ability and deserved popularity till near the close of the war, when, Capt. Squires having died, he was unani mously chosen captain of that company, which position he filled until the troops were disbanded. After his return from Mexico, he settled in Mississippi, and resumed the practice of his profession in the courts of that State and of Louisiana. His energy, ability, and unexcep tionable deportment, soon gave him social position and a professional reputation. In 185-, he was married to a beautiful and accomplished young lady, Miss Hibernia, daughter of Dr. Inge, of Natchez. When it became evident that the North would resort to coercive measures, and thus inaugurate an unjustifiable war on the South, he at once ap plied to the Confederate Government for authority to raise a .regiment of Kentuckians for the service, which was readily obtained, and he set out for his native State. The enlistment and organization of the Fourth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers has already been noticed at length. Of this command he was made colonel, September 23d, 1861. During this fall and winter he was actively engaged in exercising a general supervision over the several departments of business connected with his command arming, equipping and not forgetting to con tribute in every way in his power to their personal comfort. When the troops of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston had arrived at Burnsville and Corinth, March, 1862, and Gen. Breckinridge was named to the com- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 405 mand of the Reserve Corps, Col. Trabue was placed in command of the Kentucky Brigade, and conducted its movements at Shiloh. No man, who observed his deportment during that eventful struggle, can ever erase from his mind the impression then made. This, to the Kentucky infantry, was its day of trial. For the first time they beheld their own hosts marshalling for the fight; for the first time they ad vanced over ground strewn with" the still warm, but mangled and ghastly corpses of friend and foe, where the smell of blood came reek ing up to greet them as they passed; for the first time they stood quiescent under the iron storm of a battery, met the withering sheet of lead-laden fire from the deadly rifles, or poised the bayonet for the dashing charge. Early in the action a commanding figure was ob served to ride along the line, ordering the necessary movements in a clear, calm voice, as natural in its tones, and apparently as free from excitement as when on review. Ever and anon it appeared to each regiment in turn, frequently issuing orders to the regimental officers in person, or making some remark as to the progress of the battle. It was Trabue, and there was a little phrase, the force of which his men, for the first time, understood " coolness and intrepidity" there was the embodiment before their eyes. A graceful rider at all times, he seemed doubly graceful now erect, steady, undisturbed, while sitting to observe the enemy or his own troops without constraint of motion while passing from point to point. What Kentuckian could have failed to notice and to emulate so bright an example ! During those two days of carnage it was presented to them, and the effect was salutary. He issued orders and directed movements with a nonchalance that would have done credit to the hero of Ciudad Rod- rigo and Waterloo, and the men executed them with a promptness and spirit that gladdened his gallant heart. He escaped unhurt, and led the brigade to Corinth after the battle, where he continued to com mand it until a division in the Kentucky troops was made, and two brigades were formed of them and others, and placed under the re spective commands of Hawes and Preston. On the i3th of April, Gen. Breckinridge recommended him for promotion to the brigadier- general " for gallant and meritorious conduct at Shiloh." Though his qualifications for such a position were known to be of a high order, the appointment was not made, probably from the fact that there had recently been so many. Helm, Hawes, Preston, and Tilghman had already been promoted to that rank, and commissions had been issued to Kentuckians out of proportion to the number of troops they had in the field. He accordingly resumed the charge of his own regiment; but, Hawes leaving, he was in command of the First Brigade on the route to Vicksburg. He did not participate in the engagement at 406 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Baton Rouge, from the fact that he was absent on sick leave when the division was ordered to that place, and was not sufficiently recovered to rejoin the brigade until some time after the battle. He took charge again, however, at Comite River, and after the Third and Seventh Regiments were sent to another department, and the other Kentucky infantry was brigaded together, he retained command, nominally, until Hanson reported for that duty. Nothing further of any note occurred till the battle of Stone River. When Bragg learned, late in the afternoon of Thursday, January ist (as we have elsewhere recorded), that the enemy had moved to the right, and were posting artillery on the bluffs, an order came at twilight for Hanson to move forward rapidly, cross the middle ford in front of the lines, and take the position. It is said that, with others, Col. Trabue denounced the project as impracticable madness, know ing the strength of the position, and the difficulty of assailing it, even with the most determined men. Officers of the division are repre sented as having remonstrated with the general commanding at any rate the order was revoked; but by the next afternoon it seems to have become evident to Bragg that this throwing of Breckinridge with his division into a well-laid trap of the enemy would be the grand coup de grace of the struggle, and accordingly the order came to " take the hill. " The order was imperative this time, and there was nothing for these officers to do but to get under arms, and surpass the mad gallantry of the devoted band at Balaklava when " Into the jaws of death Rode the six hundred." When the dispositions were made, Col. Trabue was observed to wear a look of half-sleepy indifference, strange and unusual to him under any circumstances; and when the brigade, shattered and torn, was re ceding from the river, he exclaimed bitterly to Col. Nuckols : "I saw from the first that there was no use going there ! I was afraid, too, that all our boys would be needlessly killed." He now received in formation that Gen. Hanson had fallen, and the command devolving upon him, he set to work to withdraw the men from under the destruc tive cannonade, and reform the broken line with sufficient expedition to be ready to offer some resistance, should the enemy attempt to advance over the brow of the hill. " His coolness, clear judgment, and prompt action," says an officer, " saved the brigade from annihila tion." The line was restored between the river and the original position " more than half the brigade," says Col. Trabue, in his report of the battle, "being present in the new alignment, notwithstanding the fact, as afterward ascertained, that more than a third of all who went in COL. JOSEPH P. NUCKOLS. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 407 had fallen in the struggle." He remained here till 9 o clock that night, when he was ordered to occupy the original position. This he did until i o clock on Sunday morning, when, the stores and wounded having been removed from Murfreesboro , and the main army being under way, he withdrew his pickets, and moved out on the Manchester road after the advance column. It was now supposed that he would be promoted, and assigned to the permanent command of the Kentucky Brigade. He was recom mended in the strongest terms, by Gen. Breckinridge, and indorsed by other prominent officers ; and would have, no doubt, received the appointment, but, having gone to Richmond shortly after reaching Manchester, he was taken violently ill, and died there, February 12, 1863. It is wholly unnecessary to sum up and dwell upon his merits as a military officer. They were so strikingly exemplified in his con duct as to leave no doubt of his eminent ability, no room for cavil as to his intrepidity and self-possession. Among his distinguished social traits, we can not omit to mention his marked generosity; "he was liberal," says one, " to a fault." When he could not relieve the wants and minister to the comfort of his men by the regular means, he dis bursed his own private funds. As before noticed, his energy was like that of Bonaparte, and his mind was an eminently practical one. When it was known at Manchester that he had died, Gen. Helm issued the following order: "The general commanding announces with feelings of sorrow and regret the death of Col. Robert P. Trabue, which occurred at Richmond, Va., on the i2th of February. The deceased had exhibited in the highest degree the courage of a true soldier, and the coolness of an able commander, and was emi nently beloved by the officers and soldiers of his regiment. The Ken tucky Brigade, under his command won imperishable honors on the bloody field of Shiloh, and so long as their gallant deeds are emblaz oned on the pages of history, his name will be associated with their glory. Another patriot has been numbered with the heroic dead. Let us mourn his loss, and emulate his example." COL. JOSEPH P. NUCKOLS. [AFTERWARD KRIGADIER-GENERAL UNDER STATE COMMISSION.] Joseph Preyer Nuckols, eldest son of Hezekiah P. and Susan J. Nuckols, was born in Barren County, Kentucky, April 28, 1828. His immediate ancestors came from Virginia remotely, they were of the old cavalier stock. Imbued, from boyhood, with a martial turn of mind, so characteristic of deep-toned and really enthusiastic natures, he 408 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. embraced the first opportunity, when there was an evident tendency in the affairs of the country to render such a step necessary and useful, to gratify this passion. Under the act of the legislature providing for a State guard, he organized a company of young men at Glasgow men, for the most part, of good families and good character, who have been described as the flower of the county." With that ardor and determination, that earnestness of purpose, which characterized him through life, he set about this work to succeed, and in a short time had the finest company in all that portion of country. . Meeting with opposition in the outset, chiefly from those who were known to be adverse to the South, he took more than ordinary pains in his work, and an uncommon pride in his men, that led him not only to improve every chance to exercise and instruct, but to uniform, arm, and equip them in the most excellent style. To this end he drew largely upon his own private purse, entailing upon himself the expense of furnishing almost wholly the beautiful gray dress for which they were noted. Not that they were unable to meet these expenses individually, for the greater part were the sons of the wealthy, as well as of the most re spectable people, but that to uniform without delay, to arm and equip speedily, with the best that could be furnished by the State, and to im part a martial bearing to the company, were objects upon which he had set his heart to meet them was to triumph over the captious and the croaking and money, in such a case, was a paltry consideration, save as it enabled him to accomplish his purpose. When the success of the North, in the election of a sectional presi dent, had been proclaimed, there was general trouble in the State Guard, and but few companies remained perfectly intact. In a large number of instances, these organizations were broken up, the weapons and colors sometimes falling into the hands of one or the other party ; sometimes each man retained his gun, and refused to parade under this or that banner. The material of this company, however, was such, and the influence of the commanding officer so great, that, despite every effort of the new converts to fanaticism, and the cavils of the weak-kneed, they maintained their organization, and, early in the spring of 1861, paraded through the streets of Glasgow under the standard of the South. Continual additions were now being made to the company, and by the ist of August it numbered eighty-three, there being no married man among them but the captain himself. The now famous spot, Camp Boone, in Montgomery County, Tennessee, was already occupied by the Second and Third Regiments, under Hawes and Tilghman, together with the nuclei of several unorganized com panies. The preparations were at this time complete, and the company ready for camp; but the political contest between Maj. Barlow, for HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE 409 the South, and one Waring, for the abolitionists candidates for the legislature was pending, and they remained in Barren County until after the election, to cast their votes for the major, who was triumph antly elected. Previous to setting out, Capt. Nuckols evinced a re gard for law and order, and an honesty of purpose that will do him credit wherever these principles are known and respected. The arms and accouterments of his company belonged to the State in form, if not fairly and in spirit, she had declared for neutrality and there had, as yet, been no palpably overt act of war within her borders. He therefore boxed them up and turned them over to the county judge, who was even then organizing "home-guards," that were generally so well known to be in the interest of the Federal power that no friend of the South would engage with them. This spirit, so diametrically opposed to that of his foes, he exemplified in his conduct, and enforced, as far as possible, during the operations of the war receiving nothing without compensation, and always frowning down a wanton disregard of the rights of friends or enemies. Arriving at Camp Boone, August pth, he shortly afterward met with Col. Trabue, who had authority to raise a regiment of Kentuckians for three years. His company was immediately sworn into the Confederate service, and its organization completed. Other companies were speedily united with it, and the Fourth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers was organized. He was offered the position of major, but declined the honor, esteem ing it a duty, as well as his desire, to be immediately with his own company in its first engagement. The regiment was consequently without a major till October 21, when Thomas B. Monroe, Jr., was appointed to the position. Capt. Nuckols being the senior officer of his rank in the regiment, and the field officers much engaged in look ing after the other interests of the troops and of the cause, the com mand devolved upon him for the greater portion of the first four months, and right worthily did he discharge his trust. A strict disciplinarian, and of a soldierly bearing himself, his influ ence is acknowledged to have been great, and his labors and example contributed much to the formation of the splendid character of the regiment. While on this subject, it may be well to remark that during the war he evinced an admirable tact in keeping the regiment together on the march his men well in hand which all observers of military affairs will readily admit to be one of the most difficult ordinary duties of a commander. Straggling was out of the question, and desertion was exceedingly rare. The better to preserve the morale of the regi ment, he steadily set his face, when he was in command, against the exchange of his men for those of the cavalry. Though it pained him, he remarked, to deny the boys anything, his sense of duty compelled 410 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. him to guard against any precedent of this kind. He reasoned that the habits and military education of the cavalryman were not such as to enable him to adapt himself readily to the infantry, and that by losing any considerable number of his men, even though he received others in return, the efficiency of his command would soon be weak ened, if not destroyed, since there would at least be a want of that mutual confidence which adds so much to the effectiveness of any military body. At Shiloh, contrary to his wishes, he was placed in charge of the left of the regiment, as acting major, and in this first trial proved equal to the estimate that had been formed of him. Mounted through out the day, always uncovered, avoiding no exposed place, his lofty stature rendering him more than commonly conspicuous, the figure was such as a soldier loves to contemplate. The example gave force to the words of cheer, and when that battle closed, his name had been written among the proud ones of Kentucky. The splendid engage ment with the Forty-sixth Ohio on Sunday, and the more trying strug gle with a division of BuelPs army on Monday, in which his conduct is matter of special remark, were noticed at length in Col. Trabue s- report. The wound received in the latter affair was by a musket-ball in the ankle joint, which wedged itself between the bones, and caused the most dreadful pain. It was extracted on the field ; and while he was being borne to the rear, a strange incident as any recorded of war the singing of " The Kentucky Battle Song," under the furious roar of musketry and the constant falling of men took place. He slept that night on the ground, in a cold and drenching rain, and in such a situation that the water accumulated under and around him. Some of the men, less seriously wounded, did all they could to alle viate his sufferings, but it was a night of terrible misery one of those trying scenes in war which the ancients had in view when they repre sented fortitude as being one of the noblest of the virtues. He was taken to Corinth on Tuesday, and, as he afterward ex pressed it, he " turned himself over to the tender mercies of the sur geons." His wife joined him in a few days, and nursed him through the succeeding months of pain. Gen. Breckinridge, in his report of the part taken by his division, made honorable mention of his con duct, and ever afterward manifested for him the warmest friendship and esteem. Judge Walker, too, of New Orleans, who published a pamphlet descriptive of the battle, noticed his conspicuous gallantry. About the ist of October, he rejoined the command at Knoxville, and, though still unable to walk without great pain, reported for duty. Breckinridge now gave him permission, in company with four other officers, to precede the division to Kentucky, for the purpose of re- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 411 cruiting, with the comfortable assurance that he expected them to be murdered for their hardihood before they reached the orderly portions of the State. They set out, however, and went as far as Barbourville ; but meeting the head of Bragg s column here, they returned to Knox- ville, and went with the division to Murfreesboro . At this place, in November, he was promoted to major, to take rank from the yth of April; and he again devoted himself to exercising and increasing the efficiency and high character of the regiment. Decem ber i8th, he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, rice Hynes, resigned. On the afternoon of the 28th of December, when Rosecrans had ap peared before Murfreesboro , he was ordered, by Gen. Breckinridge, to take command of one company from each regiment of the division, and to deploy them so as to cover it, one mile in front. He remained in command of this advance line until Wednesday, watching the move ments of the enemy, and reporting position. Relieved on Wednesday morning, December 3ist, he rode back to Breckinridge, and repre sented to him that a regiment ought to be thrown upon the hill over which the terrible struggle of Friday took place, lest the enemy, foiled at all other points, should seize it, and have to be driven away. The general sent Col. Buckner with him to reconnoiter it, and Buckner coincided in the opinion of its importance. Breckinridge promised that it should be attended to ; but the battle was raging on the left, and the matter was dropped for the time. What the result of this far- sighted and prudential course would have been upon the fortunes of that week, no one can see ; but it seems to have been one of those singular circumstances, so common in the history of warfare, upon which hang the destinies of armies, and by neglecting or attending to which a battle is lost or won. At about one o clock, Friday afternoon, he was conversing with Breckinridge, Hanson, and other officers, in the rear of Cobb s Battery, when the order of Bragg came to Breckin ridge to report to him on the west bank of the river, and he was instructed to take the position and establish his artillery upon it. Returning, the general remarked to Nuckols, "Ah! colonel; this is a pet measure of yours, I believe. Do you desire as much as ever to place the Fourth there ? " But he, knowing that Van Cleve was already in possession, replied that he thought they would have " some dispute abotit it now." "Well," the general is said to have rejoined, "we must take it anyhow," and accordingly made his dispositions. When the Fourth Regiment had been formed, Col. Nuckols rode along in front of the line, talking in that cheerful and encouraging tone, so well calculated to impart and extend the mysterious sympathetic influ ence which goes far toward sustaining bodies of men under trying ordeals ; but with that ready tact at discovering the tendency of matters 412 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. on a battlefield, and of comprehending a situation, for which they were remarkable, they had discovered the true state of affairs, and knew that a desperate and bloody crisis was at hand, and that more than ordinary deeds were expected from them. Said he, describing the scene afterward: "They were calm and collected; but I saw a pecu liar glitter in every eye, and a circumscribed red spot on every cheek, as of men who were moved by no idle fears, but who knew the dread ful nature of the work they had to perform." The particulars of that short but sanguinary contest have been recounted at length. After the first repulse, noticed in the report of the battle, he sug gested an attempt to reform parallel with the river, higher up, for the purpose of arresting the fury of the cannonade by killing off the enemy s gunners. Endeavoring to execute it, he had an arm stricken powerless when in the act of grasping the colors, and designating with them the point for the rally. Here, too, his horse was shot, but not fatally, and when it was found necessary to retire still further, he as sisted Gen. Breckinridge in restoring order on that part of the field the men, he described it, "falling in promptly as they arrived," which only veteran heroes could do under circumstances so desperate. His horse was now shot again this time disabled and he was com pelled to limp from the field on foot. But the drama had been played, and the disastrous denouement reached before he turned with a bleed ing heart to leave to the merciless cold of the approaching night, and to the now victorious foe, so many of his mangled and suffering friends. He was under the necessity of seeking rest and attention away from the army; but rejoined it about the last of February, at Manchester. He was at this time (Col. Trabue having died) promoted to colonel. At Jackson, he was present during the week in which the brigade was engaged there. The excellent discipline, the reciprocal confidence existing between him and his regiment, as well as the splendid material of which the regiment was composed, were strikingly exemplified at Chickamauga (on the morning of the first day) , where he led them forward to pro tect the artillery, so furiously engaged, under the heroic Graves, near Glass Mills. Through the storm of heavy shot and screaming, burst ing shells, they marched steadily and unfaltering, well aligned as though upon the drillground anon a missile tearing through the line shoulder to shoulder they pressed forward the pride of their brothers near by, the admiration of the army to the designated spot in front of the cannon, and held the ground until Graves drew off. So dread ful was the ordeal that many of the officers and men declared that without the steady, collected, magnificent bearing of their leader, they could not have marched through that open field, under the horrid fire, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 413 with such gallant precision a compliment indeed, and worth more than a volume of common eulogy. Yet this was scarcely more ex cellent conduct than that of Sunday morning, when he was thrown for ward to feel the enemy and report position. After having ascended the rising ground, with his command as skirmishers, and come full upon an intrenched line, he rode back and forth along the regiment, under a storm of balls, explaining the necessity of holding the ground at all hazards, while the men answered with a shout, and plied their rifles unflinchingly. It was here, after having alighted at the center of the regiment, with the intention of defending the position until supporting force should arrive, that he received a wound which disabled him, in some measure, for life. A minie ball passed through the left arm, below the elbow, shattering the bones, and inflicting intense pain. He suffered long with the wound itself, and the effect upon his general health never good, and for the past year so dreadfully impaired was such as to preclude the possibility of further service in the field, though he long continued to cherish the hope of being able to return to duty. In personal appearance, Col. Nuckols was tall and commanding six feet two inches in height with dark hair, dark eyes, and a certain settled, stern expression of countenance, which was, however, the result of constitutional ill health, and not of any moroseness of temper or sour misanthropy. When we take into consideration his naturally feeble physical organism, the many trying vicissitudes of his life, the hardships and exposures incident to his career as a soldier, with the severe wounds that were inflicted three during the war, and one by the hands of would-be assassins, in August, 1866 we can but wonder that he was able to survive so long. His force of will and great de cision of character, combined with unaffected kindness and devotion to his friends, always gave him much influence with them ; but to those who wantonly excited his enmity, he was full of the scorn and bitter ness that characterize determined natures. In his intercourse with the officers of the army, there was none of that envy and spirit of detrac tion always so plainly discernible in little minds. His star, he con ceived, would shine none the brighter by any attempt of his to obscure that of his brother in arms. Speaking, after the battle of Murfrees- boro , of the momentary pause that was occasioned by the sudden dis covery of a pond of water in front of the line, when a movement to avoid obstacle had to be made, his mention of " that brilliant advance of the gallant Lewis " was as creditable to him as it was complimentary to the officer named. When the war had closed, though returning to his home worn in body and ruined in fortune disappointed of the hopes he had so 414 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. fondly cherished four years before the manner of his reception in his native town was like an ovation, and the " war- broken soldier " was as much a hero as though he had come in pomp, beneath the fluttering of triumphant banners. After the war he was three times elected clerk of the Barren County Court, but resigned during his last term to accept the position of adju tant-general of the State, to which he was appointed by Gov. Mc- Creary and reappointed by Gov. Blackburn. He was elected to represent Barren County in the legislature of 1894. He was in feeble health during the term, and was not at any time thereafter fully recovered. In the winter of 1895-6 he became seriously ill, and, after long-protracted suffering, he died at his home in Glasgow, March 3oth, 1896. 4 COL. THOMAS W. THOMPSON. Few men so young rose to more honorable distinction in the army than Col. Thompson. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky, January 13, 1840, and consequently his military career began at the age of twenty-one years, with the rank of captain; at twenty-four he had passed through the intervening grades, displaying not only a lofty courage, and a general gallant and meritorious conduct, but skill that evinced military talent of no common order, and was colonel of one of the noblest regiments that ever kept step to a martial strain. At the age of six years he was left an orphan, but was adopted by an uncle, Mr. Thomas Williams, who brought him up to the advantages of the schools in his native city. Naturally bold, ardent, and of that chivalric disposition which leads men to espouse the cause of the oppressed often for no other reason than that they are oppressed he decided upon his course early in the Confederate struggle, and de termined to follow the standard of the South. With him, however, conduct was not based upon either mere feeling or impulse. Young as he was he had already acquired the habit of considering every ques tion thoroughly and acting with deliberate judgment. Accordingly, in July, 1861, he left Louisville for Camp Boone with part of a company recruited in the city and surrounding country. When Camp Burnett was laid off he and his men went to that place, where, consolidating with a similar body under Capt. Blanchard, they organized Co. I, Fourth Kentucky Infantry, September i3th, 1861, and he was chosen captain. Ready in apprehending the principles of evolution and maneuver, and always at his post, his company improved constantly in drill and discipline, and by the time active operations were inaugurated, they were prepared for their duty. :- *"" *7 COL. THOMAS W. THOMPSON. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 415 At Shiloh that trial-ground of so many gallant spirits he fought both days, handling his company with skill, and deporting himself with that courage, coolness, and self-possession for which he was distin guished throughout the war. Here he received three different wounds, but remained at his post until the closing scenes on Monday. No higher commendation of his conduct on this first field can be given than the simple fact that shortly after the battle Gen. Breckinridge offered to place him in command of an Alabama regiment, and recom mended his promotion at once to the rank of colonel. This honor he declined, feeling a strong attachment for his company, which had lately suffered so much, and modestly deeming himself too young to assume the responsibilities of such a position. It was one of his striking characteristics that he never failed to be present when the outposts sounded the alarm, and the hosts were pre paring for battle. Fortune favored him, for his health was generally good, and this enabled him to follow the promptings of a devoted spirit, and to be with his men when they must face danger and meet death. So marked was his fate in this respect that even wounds, though he received six or seven, never so far disabled him as to " fur lough " him over a battle. He was present at the defense of Vicks- burg, and fought at Baton Rouge and at Stone River. On the ist of April, 1863, he was promoted to major; was on the expedition to Bolton s and participated in the defense of Jackson ; and, shortly afterward, August 3ist, was promoted to lieutenant-colonel. At Chickamauga, when Col. Nuckols was disabled, on the morning of that eventful 2oth of September, the command of the Fourth Regi ment devolved upon him, and he conducted its movements, like his predecessors, with marked ability. We find him commended in the general s report for "constancy, coolness, and gallantry." He was present also at Mission Ridge, and his regiment was conspicuous for its orderly conduct on the retreat from that ill-starred scene of an un fortunate general s operations. While the army lay at Dalton, he was almost constantly present, to preserve the morale, and increase, if pos sible, the efficiency of his command, as well as to watch over their ordinary comforts. At Dalton, February, 1864, Nuckols having been retired, he was promoted to colonel. On the unparalleled campaign from Dalton to Jonesboro , when, for four months almost daily, yea, hourly, the command was under fire often desperately engaged and but two days only from under the in fluence of that peculiar music consequent upon the screaming shell and the whistle of the bullet, he was never absent. Planning and superintending the construction of defenses, reconnoitering, leading in the sortie and the charge, his services were conspicuous ; and he 416 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. taught by example that coolness and contempt of danger which is best evinced in that quiescent state, when a command is compelled to re ceive an enemy s fire without returning it, or engaging in maneuver. At Resaca he was wounded, again at Dallas, and again during the flank defense of the army, on the 6th of August. The manner in which he conducted the fight on the ist of September, 1864, and suc ceeded in saving the greater portion of his command from capture, has been noticed with sufficient minuteness elsewhere. And his opera tions during the mounted service have also been matter of special mention, which it is not necessary to repeat. An evidence of the estimation in which he was held by the general officers was shown at the eleventh hour none the less pleasing be cause it came too late, for to deserve it was enough. It was ascertained after the close of the war that he had been recommended for promo tion to the rank of brigadier-general, and that the recommendation was favorably passed upon in the subordinate departments, but never reached Mr. Davis, as the evacuation of Richmond was about taking place, and consequently the appointment was not made. North Carolina has claimed, through the public press, the honor of having made the last fight, east of the Mississippi; but this, it seems clearly to have been established, belongs to the Fourth Kentucky, five companies of which, under the immediate command of Capt. Weller, of Co. D, then acting lieut. -colonel, were engaged with the rear guard of Potter s division, April 29, 1865, when Gen. Lewis received the order announcing surrender, or truce, and dispatched last to Col. Thompson to recall his veterans from their familiar work. When the war was over, he resumed business in Louisville, in his quiet but energetic and persistent way ; was shortly afterward elected Clerk of the Chancery Court, in which office his duties were discharged with military promptness, precision and courtesy which won confidence and increased the number of his friends and admirers. He had scarcely reached middle age when his honorable career was closed by death ; he died, at his home in the city, August 6th, 1882. COL. HIRAM HAWKINS. We are indebted to a gentleman of Alabama, Lucien Julien Walker, Esq., for the "following sketch of Col. Hawkins: "He is strongest who meets and manfully performs every material duty required of him. Such a man does not pause to inquire into the reasons that have prompted the call, but goes about the doing of whatever has been appointed to him to do, thus setting example to the fraternity and encouraging those who are steadfast. It is not for him to question, COL. HIRAM HAWKINS. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 417 but to do. The voice of duty is trumpet-toned to such a one; and he goes forward valiantly, whether upon the field of battle, in the realm of commerce, upon the hustings, in the cabinet, or in the peaceful paths of the arts and sciences. He is of that stuff which elevates the world by serving the higher and better purposes of humanity ; that ma terial of which publicists, statesmen, philosophers, and heroes are made. In all the concerns of men he plays his part, and he nearly always plays it well. That spirit moves him which makes the best hobnail and frames the wisest law. It is the spirit of application, of that infinite capacity for labor which we call genius. " Such a man as that is Hiram Hawkins, of Alabama, soldier, law yer, farmer, legislator, man of many affairs. He has always performed his duty, and performed it with a fidelity and a perseverance which won for him high honors in battle, and has brought him high place in the State, and the confidence of his people. Few names in Alabama are so familiar, few so sincerely honored. He enjoys the personal friendship of all men of note, and the esteem of all intelligent citizens, the confidence of all classes. In battle he won high rank ; in peace he bears most worthily the distinction of leader and good citizen. The agricultural interests of Alabama own more to him than to any other Alabamian of his time, for he has been for many years first in pro gressive farming and in the movements looking to the material welfare of the farming community. Upon the affairs of State he has long ex ercised a wise and wholesome influence, and those in authority have sought his counsel eagerly. " He was born in Bath County, Ky. , September 9, 1826. He was one of the seven sons of Thomas and Mary (Dean) Hawkins, and he had five sisters. His ancestors came from the shores of Bristol Chan nel to Maryland, shortly after the first settling of that territory as a colony, being driven away from England, as so many others were, by political and religious oppression. Their property at home had been confiscated to the crown, and on their arrival in America they began life anew. They prospered in the new land, and for nearly a century the family enjoyed very considerable influence, and took an active part in the war for American independence. " At the close of the Revolution Col. Hawkins grandfather removed from Maryland to Kentucky, and was one of the band of brave and hardy men who redeemed Kentucky from wilderness and savagery. " Col. Hawkins was brought up on his father s farm in Bath county, and obtained his education at the schools of the neighborhood, which were then not of the best. He left school at the age of nine teen, and it was intended that he should receive collegiate training, but reverses in the family fortunes made that impossible. Being a 27 418 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. student from habit and inclination, and being left to his own resources, he trained himself in the higher branches of study. " His father was a man who held high place in the esteem and confi dence of his neighbors, and did much towards the upholding of his district. By occupation the elder Hawkins was a farmer, merchant, and miller, combining the three in one, as was frequently done in that day, and even now in country places. He was the good man of the district ; and his generosity was imposed upon. When his neighbors desired to borrow money he affixed his name to their promises to pay. By this means heavy losses were incurred; and the son was called from school to assist in the management of the estate. The father, shortly afterward, went on his annual journey to Baltimore for the purpose of purchasing goods for the store. On his return trip, and when at Maysville, Ky. , he was stricken with cholera, which was then scourging the country, and the son, being unformed of the facts, hastened to his father s side, arriving in time to be with him when death came. Returning home, he assumed charge of the family affairs, and by his energy, activity, and ability, quickly made himself felt in the business, social, and political circles in which he moved. " Early in life, he evinced a fondness for military affairs, and when twenty-six years old he was chosen by the militia regiment of his county as colonel, and the selection was confirmed by the governor of Ken tucky. That was in 1852. In 1854 the Democratic party in Bath undertook for the first time to organize to the extent of nominating a full ticket of its own for the various county offices. Hawkins was nominated for the responsible position of high sheriff, a worthy honor for one so young. He made a vigorous and able canvass, and was de feated by the old sheriff, who was a Whig, by only thirty odd votes, and this notwithstanding the fact that two independent Democrats ran against the nominee. He won something more than a personal vic tory, however, for this campaign made a nomination thereafter by that party in his county equivalent to election. " He was an eloquent and convincing speaker, and, with his tall, perfectly proportioned figure, his clear-cut, almost classic, face ; black, wavy hair; keen eyes; and voice of great volume, he was a notable man in all that region. He possessed to an unusual degree the confi dence of the people, and of this he was himself soon to receive con vincing proof. " The year 1855 is memorable in the political annals of Kentucky. It was then that the great Whig and Know-Nothing parties swept the State with a whirlwind of enthusiasm and political madness, carry ing the State ticket through by a majority of more than 4,000. Jn that year the governor, all the State officers and members of HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 419 the lower house, and half the senate were elected. Bath and Bour bon counties formed one senatorial district, and it was Bath s turn to name the Democratic candidate for senator. Hawkins lived in Bath, and was not an aspirant for the senatorship or any other political office; but his party was determined to have him, and when the time came to name county candidates, he was unanimously chosen for the senate. A committee was sent to notify him, and he declined the honor which had been conferred, saying that he was not an aspirant for the place, and, if elected, he could not take his seat because he was constitutionally ineligible on account of his age ; whereupon he was immediately chosen for the lower house. That was a remarkable tribute to his worth as a man and his influence with his party. It would have been an extraordinary honor to any man. " He accepted the nomination to the lower house, and entered upon the canvass with his characteristic vigor. All over the county his voice rang loud and clear for democracy. On election day he led the ticket of his party, and was elected by nearly 500 majority. This was when Kentucky was swept by the opposition. In this hitherto Whig county the storm was stayed, and that was owing largely to the personal popularity and influence of Col. Hawkins a rare triumph, indeed, for a man under thirty. His predecessors of his own political faith had been able under no unusual conditions to win by but fifty majority at best. Such distinguished honors and such remarkable achievements are rare even in American political history. Upon the records of the Kentucky legislature he left the impress of a wise, pru dent, and zealous friend of the people. "When he had finally settled up his father s business he found that he had not saved a dollar for himself. But he had something more than money a good name, an irreproachable character, the confidence of a wide circle of personal friends, who stood manfully by him in the most trying time of his career. His credit was good, and he never abused it. Within four years after his settlement of his father s affairs, he owned several farms and disposed of them profitably, and at the end of that time he owned in fee simple two hundred acres of valuable bluegrass land, upon which he resided with a lovely and gifted wife. But the restless and energetic spirit of enterprise did not long permit him to dwell in peace under his own home-roof. In 1859 he sold his farm, with a view to entering upon broader fields, and he made some investments in Texas. The following year he established a sheep ranch in that State, stocking it with several hundred head of Kentucky sheep of superior breed, and intended to remove to his new property the next year, 1861. But it was not to be. The thunder of the ap proaching storm of war filled all political and civil space with its 420 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. roar; and while the tumult raged, death came and bore away Col. Hawkins wife from his side. Fate was weaving a web of its own that wound the man within its mazes, and he was powerless. "In that day in Kentucky it required a man of nerve and convic tions to express and defend his own position in regard to the dispute which led millions to battle. Col. Hawkins did not wait, nor did he dally with the issues of the hour. He boldly arrayed himself against what seemed to him to be the coercive measures of the Federal gov ernment; and he joined his fortunes to those of his State upon the basis of neutrality. As soon as hostilities began he raised, drilled, and dis ciplined a company of cavalry, which he tendered to the governor to be used in sustaining the State s policy. A state legislature was elected, a majority of which, it was said, was pledged to this policy of keeping out of the strife. But when the legislature had met and organized, the situation was quickly changed. The neutrality theory had ex ploded by formal act, and soon the State was occupied by Federal sol diers and Federal marshals; and many of the leading citizens were ar rested and hurried away to prisons beyond the Ohio River. " Early in the afternoon of a September day, in 1861, a messenger, sent by one of Col. Hawkins s friends, came in haste to inform him that troops had been sent to Bath County, and that Federal marshals were already on the way to arrest him. To him no course was left but to get out of the way as speedily as practicable. Hurriedly he summoned a few of the young men of his company of volunteers, and preparations were hastily made. At 12 o clock midnight this little band of gallant souls, armed with shotguns, mounted their horses and rode away to battle for what they believed to be the cause of constitu tional liberty and American freedom. The next afternoon the party were joined by thirteen other young men, well armed and equipped, and having the same purpose in view. Arriving at West Liberty, the courthouse town of Morgan County, they found several companies in process of being organized to join the Confederate forces. An agree ment was entered into, whereby these companies were to follow Col. Hawkins and join him at Prestonburg, on the Big Sandy River, and there await developments. " Within a few days about four hundred men had gathered at Pres tonburg, among them being several well organized and equipped com panies. A mass meeting was held, and it was resolved to go into camp and prepare for war. A leader was needed to assume charge of the camp, and by common consent, and with remarkable unanimity, Hawkins was chosen for this honorable and responsible position. Hon. J. R. Burns, the circuit court judge, took part in the meeting. He was made commissary of the camp (and afterward of the regi- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 421 ment), and did great service, for he was amongst his own home peo ple, and in him they had great confidence. Within a short time hun dreds of men came to that camp of volunteers upon the Big Sandy River. On one day five full companies from the interior of the State arrived, all well mounted and well armed, most of them carrying Enfield rifles. This was the outlet for Gen. Breckinridge. Col. John (Cerro Gordo) Williams, afterwards United States Senator, came to the camp, and he was sent to Richmond to obtain government recog nition and to muster Col. Hawkins s forces into service of the Confed eracy. Before Col. Williams s return, Col. Hawkins, seeing that he had no company and probably would have no command when Wil liams did return, resigned his position as commandant of the camp, and recommended, as his successor, Hon. John Ficklin. Mr. Ficklin was chosen. Within a few days Hawkins had organized a company of seventy men for cavalry service, he preferring that arm, if he could be at liberty to report only to the colonel commanding. Upon this condition he tendered the services of his company as soon as Col. Williams returned from Richmond with the authority to muster the troops into active service. "Williams refused to accept the company as mounted rangers, whereupon Hawkins called his men together and told them that he preferred the infantry rather than to be placed in the battalion of mounted men. His company was thereupon disbanded, and, together with thirty of his men, he was mustered in as a private soldier. Probably no similar record can be found in the annals of the civil war. He gave up the certainty of commanding a fine company of cavalry, and took his place in the ranks of the infantry; and this fact is a strong illustration of his character as soldier as citizen. " But the course he pursued proved to be the wisest. Three days after the occurrence he was mustered in as captain of a company of one hundred and fifteen men, and permitted to nominate every sub ordinate company officer, each one of whom was unanimously ac cepted. When the regiment was organized Capt. Hawkins was elected major, only one company voting against him, and that company had a worthy candidate of its own for the same position; Capt. Jack May, of Co. A of the regiment, was made lieutenant-colonel; some months after that Col. Williams was made a brigadier-general. In 1862 May resigned, and the honor of commanding the regiment was conferred upon him who had done so much for its welfare and its efficiency. Once more it was Col. Hawkins. His regiment was the Fifth Ken tucky Infantry, and from the time he assumed command till the close of hostilities that regiment bore a conspicuous part in the great struggle. 422 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. " It was a glorious record that famous regiment made. At Prince ton, Va. , Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Intrenchment Creek in every battle it was in the thick of the fight, and its heroic colonel was at its head. At Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864, his clothing was many times torn by bullets; one ploughed through his sword belt ; and finally one struck him in the left hip, producing a dangerous wound. It being a flesh wound he soon recovered, and resumed command of his regiment, taking an active and conspicuous part in harassing detachments of Gen. Sher man s army in its march to the sea. " Of his valor in battle, his gallantry and noble bearing at all times the record of those dreadful years of strife tell in the terse but eloquent language of the soldier. His men loved him and trusted him im plicitly; and the high regard entertained for him by his military supe riors is best shown by a letter from Lieut. -Gen. S. B. Buckner to the Secretary of War, recommending him for promotion to brigadier- general; and a letter from Gen. Humphrey Marshall making the same recommendation. Gen. Buckner s letter is dated January 20, 1864, and he refers to Col. Hawkins as an officer of zeal, intelligence, gal lantry, and ability. Gen. Marshall wrote under date of January 27, 1864, to President Jefferson Davis, that Col. Hawkins was attentive to his duties; of most excellent character and deportment; of cool courage under fire ; of fine military bearing, and of great skill and caution. " He has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Mary Work man, daughter of James Workman, Esq., of Bath, Ky. , whom he wedded September 8, 1853. She died August i, 1860. His second wife, who still survives, was Mrs. L. A. Boykin, of Eufaula, Ala., whom he married September 22d, 1864, while on wounded leave, after the battle of Intrenchment Creek. He is without children. This second marriage was really the beginning of his career in Alabama. After Johnston s surrender at Greensboro, N. C. , in 1865, Col. Hawkins returned to Eufaula and engaged in farming a few miles from that town, in Barbour County, in which occupation he is still en gaged. In his leisure moments he resumed the study of law, having fitted himself for admission to the bar before the war. He early took a high place in his adopted county, and soon became its most noted progressive farmer. To all his neighbors he endeared himself, and his public spirit, his energy, and his ripe intellect made him a conspicuous figure, not only in his county, but in the life of the State. In 1870, he was chosen president of the Union Female College at Eufaula, his accomplished wife was made lady principal, and during the three years in which he had control of that institution, the number of pupils in- COL. MARTIN H. COFER. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN I5RIGADE. 423 creased one hundred per cent.; and that this great increase was due to his personal influence and worth is demonstrated by the fact that after he resigned, the attendance fell off one-half. In 1882, he was elected a member of the lower house of the Alabama legislature, as a Demo crat, and reelected in 1884 without opposition, thus receiving practical demonstration of the people s confidence. " In the legislature his record proved him to be an enlightened and broad-minded patriot. He was honored each term with the chairman ship of the committee on agriculture, and was instrumental in securing much needed legislation in that interest among which was the act establishing the Department of Agriculture, of which he was the author. He has for many years been a leader in the agricultural organizations of Alabama, and for a term of two years, 1889-91, was the second officer of the great National Grange organization, and for five years has been master of the Alabama State Grange, a position of honor and trust which he still holds. In 1890 he was elected president of the Alabama State Agricultural Society, and has been chosen his own successor at each annual meeting since then. He was chosen president and general manager of the Alabama State Fair, with headquarters at Birmingham, in 1891, and reelected in 1892. The wisdom of this choice was demonstrated by the fact that the fair of 1891 was the most successful ever held in his State." It will be noted that he has made himself felt in his adopted State, interesting himself actively in many measures for the promotion of his people s good. His comrades in arms are proud of his record as a representative Kentuckian away from home. COL. M. H. GOFER. Martin Hardin Gofer was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, April r, 1832. His early life was spent upon the farm, and his educational advantages were limited to such as could be enjoyed in the country schools of that day. He had not attained to manhood, however, be fore he determined to enter the profession of law; and, having ac quired a degree of proficiency in the branches then taught in the rural districts, he began, at twenty years of age, as a teacher of common schools and devoted his leisure hours to reading legal works. He continued in this way about a year, when (1853) he was married to Miss Bush, sister of Squire H. Bush, afterward a brave and faithful >oldier, and since the war an able legal practitioner and honorable citizen. In a short time he removed to Illinois, where he resided three years. 424 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. While there, he continued to study his profession when not en gaged in active business, and on the ist of April, 1856 (having just completed his twenty-fourth year), he was licensed, by the Supreme Court of that State, to practice ; but, instead of opening an office there, he concluded to return to Kentucky and labor among his own people. He began at Elizabethtown during that year. It appears that, up to this time, he had not been fortunate in acquiring property, as he started under depressed pecuniary circumstances, and in humble style ; but his purpose was fixed, and that, to those who knew him, was, of it self, a guarantee of success. He had attained such a degree of proficiency as to enable him to appear creditably in the outset. His natural abil ities were great, and he had such energy, perseverance, and force of will that but to resolve was an earnest of achievement, and he acquitted himself well in his first efforts. He commanded respect by an upright walk and an honorable deportment, and suffered nothing to deter him from the continual acquisition of knowledge necessary to enable him to attain the greatest possible proficiency and the largest success. He made steady progress, and, at the beginning of the war, had as large a practice as any lawyer at the bar of Elizabethtown. In 1860, a military company was organized at that place, and he was chosen its captain. It soon afterward became a part of the State Guard, and, in 1861, spent some time in a course of drill lessons at Camp Joe Daveiss, under his command. During this year, too, he was the Southern Rights candidate for the lower house of the legisla ture, having openly avowed his principles and determined to stand by them. His competitor was Hon. B. R. Young, who had been a mem ber of Congress, and was, withal, a man of ability and great popularity. In June, 1861, at the special election for member of Congress, ex- Governor Wickliffe, Union candidate, had carried Hardin by more than eight hundred majority. Col. Cofer and Dr. Young entered upon the canvass in July, and, after an exciting contest, the Union candi date was elected by a majority of only ninety votes. The fight was made on the square issue of South or North, Col. Cofer con tending that, as the war had already begun, the abstract right of seces sion, or the constitutional warrant for coercion, was of no practical force under the circumstances ; that men could not well stand and plead about ideas and. theories of government when the enemy was already at the door Kentucky must take position with one or the other section, and which should it be the North, that was the open enemy to an institution that was peculiar to her in connection with the Southern States, and, therefore, to her material interests ; or the South, with which she was identified in all that should make one peo ple dear to another ? So plainly was this issue made, and so boldly HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 425 insisted upon, that, after the Federals occupied Kentucky, there was no more conclusive evidence of disloyalty in their minds than that a man had voted for Cofer. They were marked and proscribed, and many of them afterward felt the vengeance of the oppressor. His con duct during the canvass, his frank declaration of a policy necessary for the hour, and founded on a principle that would justify it, together with his able defense of the position taken, won the confidence and the applause of the party that he represented, and he had the assurance from them that, though defeated, he had made a noble fight. His next step was to enter the Confederate service. He started to Richmond, September 10, but met Gen. Buckner, at the State line, coming to Bowling Green, and returned with him. He was soon after ward authorized, in connection with Maj. Thomas H. Hays, to raise a battalion of six companies, of which he was to be lieutenant-colonel. They succeeded in getting but five companies, and, in November, were consolidated with other companies, that formed the Sixth Regi ment (as noticed elsewhere). He was elected lieutenant-colonel of this command, and took rank from the first of November. As will be seen from other portions of the work, he participated in every engagement of his regiment up to the 3oth of August, 1864, except that of Stone River, and was severely wounded at Shiloh. He was promoted to colonel, September 30, 1863. The day before the first battle of Jonesboro , he was made provost marshal-general of the Army of Tennessee, and entered upon the discharge of the duties devolving upon that officer. He reorganized, or, rather, remodeled, the force with which he was intrusted, and was prepared for effective service soon after the battle of Jonesboro . When Gen. Hood started on his Tennessee expedition, he accompanied him, and, during that trying period, rendered the most signal service. The duties of that position, during active operations, and more particularly on a campaign embracing in its scope so vast a department, are onerous in a degree that is scarcely realized, and the responsibility is great. Only large administrative abilities are adequate to the proper comprehension of the difficulties that lie in the way of the army and affect the prospects of success, and the devising of means necessary to the safety and effi ciency of the troops. Spies, scouts, all the general police of the depart ment, are under his immediate control. He is to deal with the wily, the dangerous, and the desperate characters who infest an army and prowl about the theater of operations. He must understand of what value are circumstances, apparently trivial in themselves, as pointing out the purposes of an enemy, and the perils that threaten either the front or the communications. And he must not only comprehend these things, but be alive and energetic prompt to determine, clear-headed 426 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. as to duty, decisive as to the execution of it. It has been matter of remark that, under his administration, the department of the provost was admirably organized and controlled, and more than usually efficient. After Hood s disaster at Nashville he had orders to go back to Co lumbia and arrest the retreating stragglers at Duck River. He spent the first night after the battle at Franklin, where he organized the teamsters and detailed men of the quartermaster and commissary de partments into companies, and armed them for the protection of the wagon train. Having effected .this, he put the train in motion about dark on the second evening, and set out, in a drenching rain, which continued during the night. Arriving at Columbia, he found every thing in the most distressing confusion. Men and horses, artillery carriages, caissons, and pieces, ambulances and baggage wagons the advance guard of this disorganized army were crowding over the narrow bridge. He passed over the river, collected around him a few soldiers who had not been affected by the almost general panic, and at once placed a guard at the bridge and stopped the crossing. He en deavored to induce those who had straggled from their commands to return, but the demoralization was too great, and but few who had reached that point could be brought to a sense of shame sufficient to return and assist in checking pursuit. When stopped in their progress at the point referred to, they endeavored to cross on the railroad bridge below, but he had anticipated the movement, and they found a guard there prepared to prevent a passage. The rain continued to fall in tor rents, and amid all the confusion of the hour could be heard the distant roar of artillery, where Forrest and his brave men were holding Thomas in check, and preventing him from overwhelming the broken battalions of Hood. Nearer and nearer came the sound of the conflict, and the disorganized body on the north side of the river continually increased by new arrivals. In the gloom of a deep-clouded day, in the merci less rain, and the dreadful mud, the great mass swayed to and fro as though moved by a restless but half-despairing spirit, and was power less to resist, unable to advance. When the main army came up, Cofer was sent forward to the Ten nessee River to prepare for crossing the troops. He had now been up and on duty for three days and nights, without sleep or rest, but there was no time. for delay. He got into a wagon, and lay down upon his blanket with a view of having such sleep and repose as could be ob tained under the circumstances, and set out for Pulaski. He after ward described his feelings as having been of a nature painful in the extreme. He was worn in body and fevered in mind, by constant duty and momentous responsibility, for more than seventy hours by HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN liRIGADE. 427 physical privation and exposure to the inclement weather which few men have had the fortitude to bear; but it was impossible that, with his knowledge of the dangers that threatened them cm every hand, his mind should have been filled with any but the most gloomy forebod ings, and these almost denied him the relief of sleep. The army was disorganized and almost helpless. At least one-fifth of the entire number were barefoot; and now, the rain having ceased, the weather had turned suddenly to a bitter cold, and the ground over which they must track their way was freezing rapidly. A majority of them were almost naked, and none were well clad. Gen. Rousseau, with five or six thousand men, lay at Murfreesboro , on the left flank, and a railroad ran from that place to Stevenson, Alabama, thence to a point midway between Decatur and Huntsville, on the south bank of the Tennessee, and from there to the Mussel Shoals was but thirty miles. The shoals offered the only point on the river, from Chatta nooga to Smithland, where a pontoon could be put down out of reach of the gunboats, and it was supposed, as a matter of course, that Gen. Thomas knew it. Allowing him to be a man of even ordinary dis cernment and enterprise, the condition of Hood was seen to be criti cal in the extreme. The retreat bade fair to become another march from Moscow, and the Tennessee the Beresina of the South. But Thomas contented himself with pressing down the then dreadful roads leading toward Florence ; and, as he left the only avenue of escape open, Gofer succeeded in perfecting the preparations, and the army made its way across the river, and thence to Tupelo, Mississippi. Here they built huts for winter quarters, but had scarcely completed them when orders were received to proceed at once to Gen. Johnston in North Carolina. Cofer joined him at Smithfield, between Raleigh and Goldsboro . With the army, he began to retire before Sherman about the first of April, but soon halted at Greensboro , and surren dered there. It is admitted by all to whom he was known all who were capable of judging, and had occasion to notice his conduct in whatever capac ity that he was an officer of extraordinary merit. Several qualifica tions, which are absolutely essential to the commander who is charged with both the direction and execution of military affairs, he had in a surprising degree. His judgment was so excellent that he was rarely known to draw a conclusion from a false premise, or, having a true premise, to fail of driving straight to the proper inference, without being confused by minor propositions of no special weight. His sense of order was remarkable. He had great abilities for " bringing order out of confusion," and whatever business he took 428 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. in hand was speedily reduced to system. His moral sense was high, and could not be assailed and corrupted by the blandishments of the designing, by unworthy appeals to his sympathies, or by the fear of unjust accusation. He was solicitous only to know what was right, and then, to do it. The consequences might be left to themselves. The plain path of duty, however rough, however stormy for the time, was never abandoned for that of expediency. To look at him while in the discharge of disagreeable duty, one could but think of Lever s illustration of Wellington s manner of dealing with incorrigible offend ers, and of the provost who sat during the five minutes in which old Monsoon was preparing to be hanged, " eyeing him all the time," not because he delighted in it, but, as it was to be done, he would not hesitate to do it. Whenever a measure was necessary for the preven tion of mischief, Gofer executed it, however contrary to the prompt ings of his sympathies ; and though it sometimes drew down upon him the maledictions of the offending, he could conscientiously say that he never dealt harshly with any one but from a sense of inexorable duty. Add to all this a personal courage that was in keeping with the other features of his character not rash, but cool, steady, constant; look ing not at the dangers that beset him on the field, but to the end to be attained, and pursuing it with an unwavering determination and it is not difficult to account for the fact that he won the unbounded confi dence of all who were capable of estimating character. He was always solicitous for the personal comfort of those under his control, and exerted himself personally to see that it was secured. But he never tolerated anything that was contrary to order or impaired efficiency. He exacted of others what he took upon himself strict subordination, prompt performance of whatever was enjoined. Reports of battles published elsewhere in this work contain allusions to his conduct on various occasions. In early manhood he attached himself to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and, in all his relations after that time, maintained himself as the upright, honorable, and consistent gentleman. He returned to Elizabethtown in June, 1865, and resumed the practice of law, which he followed with marked success for five years, publishing meanwhile a valuable legal work. In 1870, Gov. Stevenson appointed him Judge of the Circuit Court of his district to fill a vacancy; in August, 1871, he was elected for the ensuing term; and in August, 1874, he was elected Judge of the Court of Appeals. He died before the expiration of his eight-year term, May 226., 1881, having just passed his forty-ninth year. COL. THOMAS H. HUNT. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 429 COL. THOMAS H. HUNT. This officer, who recruited and so ably commanded the Ninth Regi ment, and, at Baton Rouge, the brigade to which it belonged, is de scended from the Hunts, of New Jersey, and the Harts, of Mary land, and was born in Lexington, Ky., January 2, 1815. His father, John W. Hunt, was a man renowned in his day, in the South and Southwest, for his great energy of character, enterprise and commer cial ability. The tastes of the son for mercantile pursuits dis played themselves at a very early period in life ; and, at the age of eighteen, he left school and embarked in business. For fifteen years after this he continued to reside in Lexington, having, meanwhile, (and before he had attained to his majority), married Miss Mary Til- ford, of that city; but, in 1848, he removed to Louisville, and en gaged largely in commercial enterprise. A few years afterward, he combined with his mercantile operations the manufacture, on an ex tensive scale, of bagging and rope. He continued in business here until the war broke out, constantly gaining the confidence of the peo ple, and increasing in popularity. Though steadily and consistently opposing a resort to arms as long as such a step could honorably be avoided, he was at no loss to deter mine which side to favor, when it was found that war was inevitable. He was not accustomed to take an active part in the political affairs of the times ; but he was, nevertheless, well informed upon all the points of difference between the sections, and clearly comprehended the issues both directly and remotely involved. His business and cor respondence had been chiefly with the South, and he saw that his own interests were similar to those of his State at large, and that the obliga tions of trade, as well as common traditions, and the abstract princi ples of the constitution itself, naturally pointed to the course which Kentucky should take, in defense of her own rights, as well as those of her sister States of the South. In 1860, when the State Guard was being organized, he, without solicitation on his own part, was chosen major of the First Battalion, and he was afterward appointed to the command of the Second Regi ment, K. S. G. , with the rank of colonel. Some time during the year 1860, he went into camp with his battalion, at the fair grounds, near Louisville; and here, under Gen. Buckner, he received his first instruction in tactics and military routine. In the spring of 1861, in obedience to orders from Buckner, he established a camp of instruction on Salt River, which was after ward removed to Muldraugh s Hill, and continued for several weeks. 430 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. The discipline was as good, and the instruction as thorough, as are usually found among volunteer troops; and the improvement thus de rived prepared many young men for positions as company commanders in both armies, according as their predilections led them to espouse this or that cause. After these camps were discontinued, he resigned his commission in. the State Guard, having determined to take part in the Confederate struggle, and, early in September, he repaired to Nashville. Attend ing to some private affairs there, he returned, about the ist of October, to Bowling Green, and began to recruit the Ninth Regiment, (as noticed in a preceding portion of the work,) of which he was appointed colonel, to take rank from the 3d of October, 1861. He now devoted himself assiduously to the duties incumbent upon him ; and his labor and care, directed by a superior practical intellect, and combined with a rare natural adaptation to lead and direct, bore legitimate fruits. His officers were soon duly impressed with the re sponsibilities of their several stations, and with the certainty that they would be held to a strict accountability for the discharge of their duties ; while the men were not only drilled and instructed trained for the intelligent and ready execution of the hazardous trust of battle but they were speedily confirmed in the assurance that they had a commander upon whom they could rely in any event short of death. Tall, erect, robust, and of magnificent mien, dignified without being touched with hauteur or severity, his very appearance was such as would distinguish him to be a man of marked character; and his ordi nary air and demeanor would speedily win upon those accustomed to observe men in the various relations of life. He was one of the few officers who could exact the most implicit obedience to necessary orders, without the appearance of harsh authority ; who could refuse an untimely request without incurring the charge of being willfully unkind and disobliging; who could be firm in the line of duty without the appearance of obstinacy ; who could reprimand without arousing resentment; who could so temper justice with mercy as never to be suspected of caprice, and could thus even punish without exciting en mity ; in short, who could be the courteous and kind, yet firm and uncompromising ruler, both loved and feared. A neglect of duty, or disobedience of orders, was as certain to meet with punishment as it came under his eye, yet no one thought of him for a moment as the spiteful tyrant, "clothed in a little brief authority," but as one who knew what the service, what the exigencies of the case, demanded, and was prompt to do it. Instances could be multiplied to show that with all this character of the military precision, he was a man of the .liveliest and warmest impulses. The men of his regiment never ceased HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 431 to love and honor him for the kindly interest that he took in their per sonal comfort, and the readiness with which he shared their hardships, and set them a cheerful example. One case, which occurred in the outset, and was but a prototype of many subsequent ones, will suffice : On the march from Dripping Springs to Merry Oaks, December 22, 1861, he rode some time at the head of his column, which was strug gling through the mud, under a constantly-pouring wintry rain ; but he seemed to be much concerned for them, and after seeing them wade through one of the numerous wet-weather streams that were en countered that day, he alighted from his horse, (familiarly known as "Old Pomp, and which served him faithfully as a battle-charger after that,) and, throwing the bridle over his arm, marched on foot, through the mud, and straight through the swollen streams, during the re mainder of the day. It is said that he knew every man in the regiment by name, and his pluck as well as his name; that he made it a point to favor the prompt, courageous, and faithful all he could, but that he visited woe upon " every son of man" whom he found disposed to shirk either the duty of the camp or the danger of the field. Characters of this description, as well as those of the haughty, im perious, overpowering will, mold bodies of men to an approximation of their own standard, and largely impress them with their own indi viduality. It may readily be allowed, without detracting any thing whatever from the excellent character of the material of the Ninth Regiment, or from its other officers, that not only its early and marked proficiency in the drill and efficiency in battle, but its uniform, un shrinking, undeviating temper to the last were largely attributable to the excellent administration and discipline of Col. Hunt. Reports published in another portion of this work of those engage ments in which he took part, furnish abundant evidence of his superior bearing in battle of both courage and ability, that were never called in question, but elicited the most flattering encomiums from the first. Shortly after the battle of Shiloh, Gen. Breckinridge recommended him for promotion in the following terms : HEADQUARTERS RESERVE CORPS, A. M., NEAR CORINTH, April 24, 1862. Gen. Tho. Jordan, Chief of Staff: SIR I have the honor to recommend to the notice of the general commanding, and to the Government, for promotion, Col. Tho. H. Hunt, commanding Ninth Kentucky Infantry. He is, in all respects, an admirable officer, with a marked aptitude to command ; and he con- 432 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ducted himself with the utmost coolness and courage upon the battle field of Shiloh. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JNO. C. BRECKINRIDGE, Major-General. The details of his conduct at Shiloh, and subsequent military career, are embraced in the general history preceding this. Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River; the excellent manner in which he handled Helm s Brigade at Baton Rouge, and drove the enemy steadily until he was dangerously wounded and rendered incapable of further action ; the masterly achievement at Hartsville, in which he played so prominent a part; his prompt action in re-occupying the key position at Stone River, on Monday night, all these the attentive reader will find recorded there. At Manchester, April 22, 1863, impelled by a sense of duty to his family, who had been sent through the lines, and were placed under circumstances that rendered them immediately dependent upon him, he sent up his resignation, and in a short time received notice of its having been accepted. This was known, to those who were in his confidence, to be a bitter alternative, but one which, though devoted as ever to the cause, he could not avoid. The morning on which he left the regiment is described as having furnished, in the manifestations of the officers and men, a testimonial of the most expressive character to his worth, and an indication of the feelings of affection with which they regarded him. Few among them could take his hand, in parting, without tears, and all were sad and de pressed. After having settled his family in Augusta, Ga., and gone into business with a view to their maintenance (and we may justly add that he never hesitated to aid the needy soldiers of the command, too, wherever he found them), a commission as brigadier-general was for warded to him from Richmond ; but the reasons that compelled him to resign now operated to prevent his acceptance of the new appoint ment, and the commission was respectfully returned. To show the slight estimation in which he held the services that he rendered, and his aversion to anything that looked as though he could arrogate to himself the slightest credit, we may record that, to one who proposed, after the close of the war, to prepare a personal sketch of him for publication, he replied : " I do not think that one like my self, who resigned without giving even as much as two years service to the cause, deserves prominent notice. There were many in my own and the other Kentucky regiments who served steadily and un complainingly to the end of the war, and they deserve the honor." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 433 At the suggestion of Adjt. W. D. Chipley, we have obtained a copy of a letter written by Gen. Helm, and herewith publish it, as an evi dence of the great esteem in which Col. Hunt was held by his bri gade commander. The letter also contained the most flattering in dorsements by both Generals Hardee and Breckinridge : HEADQUARTERS HELM S BRIGADE, BRECKINRIDGE S DIVISION, HARDEE S CORPS, NEAR BEECH GROVE, TENN., May 16, 1863. Lieut. -Gen. Hardee, Commanding Corps: SIR The resignation of Col. Thos. H. Hunt, Ninth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, having been accepted by the President, I desire to tender him some manifestation of my approval of his exemplary conduct, true courage, and unusual judgment as an officer, as well as my appreciation of his rare attributes as a gentleman. His ability as an officer was too eminently displayed on the fields of Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River to re quire any mention from me. His qualities as a comrade are evinced by the deep regret which fills the hearts of his associates on account of his departure. The resignation of so gallant a soldier and devoted a patriot is painful ; yet I recognize the demand upon him to be such as to compel him to leave a profession in which he had won many bright laurels, and to bid adieu to the members of his regiment, who have followed him so long, and who regard him with the greatest de votion. Col. Hunt s regiment constituted a part of Breckinridge s brigade, of the Central Army of Kentucky, which you commanded at Bowling Green. It has since remained under Breckinridge s immediate com mand, and a great portion of the time under you. I therefore re spectfully forward, through Gen. Breckinridge, this expression of my regard for any indorsement which Col. Hunt s services may warrant Gen. Breckinridge and yourself in making. I am, general, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, B. H. HELM, Brigadier-General. After the war closed he located in New Orleans, where he died, May 6th, 1884. He was at that time Secretary of the World s Expo sition. 434 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. COL. J. W. CALDWELL. John William Caldwell, son of Austin and Louisa A. Caldwell, was born in Russellville, Ky. , Jan. 15, 1836. Here he was put to school at an early age, and the main advantages of scholastic training which he has enjoyed were acquired before he had attained to his fourteenth year, his father, about this time, removing to Texas. After remaining five years in that State, he returned to Kentucky, and began the study of law. At the age of twenty-one he was admitted to the bar, and he practiced in Russellville until the beginning of the war, when he raised a company in Logan County, and entered the Confederate service with the rank of captain, September, 1861. He was ordered to report to Col. Thomas H. Hunt, at Bowling Green, where his company was immediately organized and designated A, of the Fifth (afterward Ninth) Kentucky Infantry. This regiment was not fully organized before leaving Kentucky, there being no field officer but Col. Hunt ; and in this condition it went through the battle of Shiloh. Into this engagement Capt. Caldwell carried sixty-four men, rank and file, and the casualties of the company well attest what it had to encounter, and the gallantry with which it deported itself throughout. Twelve men were killed outright, and twenty-nine wounded, the very unusual loss of more than sixty-four per cent. The captain himself had his left arm badly broken on Sunday. His con duct in this battle won the confidence of Col. Hunt, who never al lowed the bearing of an officer in battle to escape him, nor failed to report any who faltered in their duty, and Caldwell was mentioned in the reports, and recommended for promotion to the rank of major. Under the order for the organization of troops, however, the Ninth Regiment completed its organization on the i5th of May, 1862, and Maj. Caldwell was elected lieutenant-colonel, and commissioned ac cordingly. His wound was of such a nature that he long suffered from the effects of it, but he was absent only a short time, returning to the brigade on the 2yth of May, and assuming command of his regi ment on the zd of June, at Baldwin, on the retreat toward Tupelo. Hunt was now in command of first brigade of division, and, conse quently, Lieut. -Col. Caldwell continued to command the Ninth Regi ment until Gen. Helm took charge of the brigade, and Col. Hunt was relieved. While at Vicksburg, he was ordered to Cartersville, Ala bama, on business, by Gen. Breckinridge. On his return, he was taken ill at Jackson, but not so severely as to prevent his reporting in person, which he did after having been absent but three days ; and he now stayed during the remainder of the siege, though suffering with fever, COL. JOHN W. CALDWELL. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 435 really unfit for duty at all, and doing himself injustice by attempting it. We have hitherto had occasion to notice such manifestations of de votion to duty and to the cause, on the part of both officers and men, amounting to disregard of self, denoting a character of marked force and excellency, the true soldier, whom nothing short of the fiat of Deity can conquer. Such a one may be trampled in the dust, mangled and broken in body, borne down by the sheer force of calamity, chained to the car of unpropitious fortune, yet, the true spirit, like Truth, "though crushed to earth will rise again," and, shining out amid all, projecting its light into the future, will illumine the page of history, and teach men to disregard the evils that beset their path, and pursue, with an unwavering determination, the objects of a just am bition. When the division left for Baton Rouge, he accompanied it, and marched to the attack, commanding right wing of the reserve force of Helm s brigade ; but in the confusion consequent upon the disorderly conduct of the Partisan Rangers, his horse was wounded by the first fire, which caused it to plunge headlong to the rear, his strength being inadequate to the task of controlling a frantic animal, and as it ran down in front of the reserved troops (Ninth Kentucky Regiment and Fourth Alabama Battalion), his own men, mistaking him for one of what they at first supposed to be Federal cavalry, fired upon him. His escape seemed almost miraculous, as his clothes were pierced by several balls, and his horse received a fatal shot. In its fall, he was thrown against a wheel of Cobb s caisson, and badly bruised; but Gen. Helm having been disabled and Col. Hunt placed in command of brigade, the command of his own regiment and the Alabama Bat talion devolved upon him, and he determined to march on foot, and join in the attack. This he was able to do, as it was early morning, and neither the heat nor exercise were violent until between eight and nine o clock, when the great exertion required by the rapid move ments over hedges, fences, and through the grass and weeds of the fields, together with the intense heat of the sun that now began to be felt, completely exhausted him, and he was compelled to relinquish the command to Maj. Wickliffe. He returned with the division to Jackson, and remained with his men almost constantly thereafter, though his health was not completely restored until late in the autumn. At Knoxville, he was one of the officers selected to be sent forward into Kentucky to recruit for the Ninth Regiment, but returned in time to participate in the operations and engagement at Stone River. April 22, 1863, Hunt having resigned, he was promoted to colonel. He was with his regiment during the operations in Mississippi, 1863, and fought at Chickamauga, where he was again badly wounded; his 436 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. left arm being again so badly broken that he did not recover the free use of it during the remainder of the war. He returned to duty, how ever, and remained throughout, though it was long necessary for him to have assistance in mounting his horse. In February, 1864, when the Federal general (Thomas) advanced toward Dalton, and the bri gade marched out to defend the passes, he commanded it, Gen. Lewis being in command of Bate s division. On the trying four months campaign from Dalton to Jonesboro , he won increased confidence in his gallantry and ability. At Jonesboro , September i, 1864, Gen. Lewis again commanded division, and he was placed in command of brigade ; and had he been allowed to act upon his judgment, he would have saved the command from capture. The fight was obstinately maintained, as heretofore noticed, along the whole line, but the enemy finally succeeded in forcing it by throwing a heavy charging column on the Sixth and Seventh Arkansas. These troops held their position until actually run over and borne down by overwhelming numbers. Col. Caldwell, on the alert, and with char acteristic self-possession, saw this movement on his left, and knew at once that either capture or destruction awaited the brigade unless he could withdraw it so speedily as to escape the flank and rear advance of the Federals, now pouring over the slight works of Govan. He accordingly ordered a retreat, but before the order could be commu nicated, Gen. Lewis, who had been directed by Cleburne to hold his division to the works, had dispatched Adjt.-Gen. Hewitt, with the or der to Col. Caldwell, and he was compelled to remain, in consequence of which a large number of the men were captured. When the enemy was upon him, however, and there was no hope of succor, acting upon the discretionary power which such a condition naturally conferred, he again attempted to withdraw, but succeeded in getting out only about two hundred and fifty men. In the effort made by Cleburne to retake the line, Caldwell moved promptly forward with his broken band, but was unable to regain his ground; only Col. Thompson, with the Fourth Regiment, reaching the pits at all, and he, without support on either flank, was obliged to retire. On the movement between Atlanta and Savannah, he was some times in command of the brigade, and, in whatever capacity, he was all the time vigilant in observing the enemy, assisting to retard his progress, and preventing him from throwing out parties to ravage the country. In March, 1865, when the brigade had returned to the vicinity of Augusta, to prevent an apprehended raid on that place, Gen. Young ordered Gen. Lewis to send a regiment to Sumter, South Carolina, to ascertain whether the Federals were moving inland, and, if so, to pro- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 437 tect the rolling-stock at that place. Col. Caldwell was selected for this duty, and he accordingly set out, and was five days on the track over which Sherman had passed, having previously provided himself with forage and rations, which were carried on the horses, for it was impossible to feed either man or beast where the destroyer had been. Reaching the Santee, at the mouth of Eutaw Creek, and near the old Revolutionary battleground the most practicable point for crossing he found that the boats were sunk, and that to carry out the design of the expedition, he must raise these, and by their means pass the com mand over the ferry, now three and a half miles wide river and swamp. He immediately set vigorously to work, the boats were raised, and for two days and nights he was employed in crossing one hundred and fifty men and horses. On going over himself, during the second night, he learned that one Potter had come up from the coast, and was within ten miles of Sumter, laying waste the coun try; and he forthwith put his column in motion, making a forced march of forty miles, and arriving at the point of destination before the enemy. Here he found two hundred militia, tolerably armed, and having in charge two old iron guns. He took command of this force, and posted it at Dingle s Mill, on Turkey Creek, and on the main road leading from Sumter to Man ning, half a mile from the confluence of the little creek with the Poco- taligo. The mill-dam had been cut, and the bottom beyond his posi tion was flooded. The Ninth Regiment was sent, under command of Lieut. -Col. Wickliffe, to the rear of the Federals, to burn the wagon train, if possible, and create a diversion that would prevent the ad vance of the whole force on the troops at Dingle s. Two officers, who were sick in hospital at Sumter, volunteered their services, and were placed in charge of the guns. At about three o clock on the afternoon of March th, the Federals appeared, posted their artillery, and opened fire, but without effect, and at the end of one hour they endeavored to pass over the flooded road and carry the colonel s line by assault, but were three times repulsed, and abandoned the attempt un til, having brought up some rifled pieces, they succeeded in killing the officers in command of battery, and so demoralized the militia as to render useless any attempt to handle them efficiently. Caldwell now retreated to Sumter, in tolerable order, shipped everything to Cam- den, and lost his militia support, they having disbanded as soon as the public property was removed from the town. The Ninth Regiment re ported, and he moved out on the Camden road. With this small force, augmented by a few mounted citizens, he boldly confronted Potter, skirmished with him constantly, and, in the language of one of Gen. Lewis staff officers, "compelled him to keep to the main road, thereby 438 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. preventing a large amount of damage to the country." At no time, perhaps, after the fight at the mill did his command exceed two hun dred men, while Potter s troops, of all arms, amounted to five thou sand. When it was definitely known at Augusta that the Federals were in the interior of South Carolina, Gen. Lewis hastened to Cam- den. He found Col. Caldwell some miles below, actively engaged with the enemy, and the brigade was reunited. The subsequent events in that vicinity have already been noticed, and in previous engage ments the history of the brigade is the history of Col. Caldweil, and need not be repeated. As a lawyer, he has always been considered to possess great abilities, and his good character, fine social qualities, and studious habits have enabled him to rise steadily in his profession and attain to civil distinc tion. As a military officer, he was devoted to the cause for which he had sacrificed the pleasures and pursuits of the honored citizen, and taken arms ; he was attentive to duty, jealously watchful of the interests of his men, and brave, cool, and efficient in the day of battle. Having been proved at Shiloh, he ever afterward enjoyed the confidence of the com mand and of his superior officers. Hunt and Lewis are said to have regarded him with particular favor ; and in no instance during the war did he fail to meet the expectations that had been based upon his early engagements and known ability. When the war closed, he returned to Russellviile, and reentered upon the practice of his profession with renewed zeal and an enlarged experience of men. In 1866, he was elected Judge of the Logan County Court the people thus evincing their approval of his course during the four years in which he represented them in the glorious army of the Confederate States. He was subsequently elected to represent the third district in con gress, in which body he took high rank and so won the approval of his constituents that he was again and again returned ; but he finally declined a nomination, and has since lived the life of a retired gentle man, though giving personal attention to his private affairs and exert ing himself actively when the interests of his people, and especially of his old comrades-in-arms, seem to require it. LIEUT. -COL. JAMES W. HEWITT. James W. Hewitt was born at Kanawha, Va. , August 27, 1827. His father was long known in Kentucky, and, indeed, almost the entire South, as Capt. James Hewitt, of the firm of Hewitt, Norton & Co., cotton factors and commission merchants, who did a large and flourish ing business in the cities of New Orleans, Louisville, New York, and LIEUT.-COL. JAMES W. HEWITT. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 439 Liverpool, where they had established houses for commercial purposes. He had removed to Louisville, Ky. , while the subject of the present sketch was but a child; and before the beginning of the war had amassed a great fortune. The son was brought up to all the advan tages that the wealth in the hands of his parents could bestow. He attended the schools of his adopted city during his early boyhood, had the best of teachers, and all the facilities that were deemed essential to improvement. After having grown up somewhat, he was placed under the care of Col. R. T. P. Allen, superintendent of the Kentucky Military Insti tute, and there completed his education. In early manhood he was married to Miss Belle Key, of Louisville, and engaged in business as a commission merchant, first in St. Louis, then in New York. Dur ing his residence in the latter city, he was captain of one of the com panies of the famous Seventh New York Regiment, but, upon the breaking out of the late war, he gave in his adherence to the South, and, having resigned his commission in the regiment alluded to, he entered the Confederate service as major of the Second Regiment Kentucky Infantry, to which position he was elected on the iyth of July, 1 86 1. When the winter campaign of 1861 opened, the Confederate Gov ernment had not found it possible to furnish such clothing as was absolutely necessary to protect its soldiers from the rigors of a winter in Kentucky and Tennessee, and Maj. Hewitt generously supplied every man in his own regiment with an excellent overcoat, at an enor mous expenditure, which has been variously estimated at from ten to twenty thousand dollars; and the command was thus rendered more comfortable during the bitter trial at Donelson, in which the elements seemed to combine with the efforts of the Federal forces in visiting suffering and destruction upon the unfortunate garrison. He was slightly wounded at Donelson, in command of the right wing of the regiment (the lieutenant-colonel being absent), but escaped cap ture, and reported to Gen. Breckinridge at Corinth, after the battle of Shiloh. He was now assigned to staff duty, and served with Generals Preston and Breckinridge during the summer. After the Second Regi ment was exchanged, he rejoined it, and at the battle of Hartsville was in command. He was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, December 13, 1862, and commanded the regiment at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. At Stone River he was wounded, though not seriously, by a shell, and it will be seen that mention is made of him in the report of Col. Trabue. He fell at Chickamauga, September 20, 1863, in the desperate charge of that morning, under circumstances thus mentioned in the report of the battle : " Lieut. -Col. James W. Hewitt, in advance 440 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. of his regiment, and showing a devotion and daring entitled to the highest commendation, was killed." LIEUT.-COL. HERVEY McDOWELL. Hervey McDowell, a son of John Lyle McDowell and Nancy Haw thorne (Vance) McDowell, was born near Lexington, Ky., April 15, 1835. He is one of the family of that name famous in the history of several States characterized by lofty courage ; a sense of honor so in grained that it needs not to be paraded or insisted upon, as it manifests itself in all the conduct of life; a lively public spirit that makes its possessor an important factor in promoting the good of society; and a martial temper that has caused the name to be inscribed upon almost every roster and muster-roll of the colonies and the Republic, as well as in the archives of the State, since Ephraim McDowell came to America more than a century and a half ago. His European ancestors were Scotch Covenanters, who emigrated from Scotland to the north of Ireland during Cromwell s protectorate. Ephraim McDowell, his great-great-great-grandfather, born in Ireland, in 1674, was a soldier in the siege of Londonderry (1689) and at the Battle of the Boyne (1690), but came to America after his four chil dren were grown, on the ship "George and Anne" (October, 1729). They settled first in Pennsylvania, but in 1737 moved to the valley of Virginia and settled on Borden s grant afterward Rockbridge County. John McDowell, the oldest son of this Scotch-Irish immi grant, was commissioned by Gov. Gooch as captain of a company in the colonial force for the protection of the frontier, and was killed in battle with Indians, December 25, 1742. John s oldest son, Samuel, became prominent in both Virginia and Kentucky. He was a mem ber of the House of Burgesses ; was a soldier in the French and In dian war ; colonel of a regiment during the Revolution ; and a trustee of the Washington College, in which he had been educated when it was known as Augusta Academy. In 1783 he and Col. John Floyd opened the first court in Kentucky. Afterward he was chairman of the nine conventions held to consider the question of Kentucky s rela tions to the mother Commonwealth, and provide for the admission of Kentucky to the Union, and was also chairman of the first Constitu tional Convention. He was one of the first trustees (1783) of Tran sylvania University. His son, James, the grandfather of Col. Hervey McDowell, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war; and in that of 1812 he held the rank of major. The father of the subject of this notice was a soldier during the war of 1812. The farm on which Col. McDowell was born, and which remained in the family from 1775 to LIEUT.-COL. HEKVEV McDOWELL. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 441 1885, was granted to his great-grandfather, Judge Samuel McDowell, for services in the French and Indian war the house built on it by Col. James McDowell in 1792 being the oldest brick house in Fayette County. When Hervey McDowell was twelve years old, the family removed to Owen County and settled on the Kentucky River, where he lived during the remainder of his minority, except when absent at school. He took a preparatory course at Drennon Springs ; and went afterward to the Kentucky Military Institute, where he graduated in 1856. He then read medicine with Drs. Ethelbert Dudley and Henry Skillman, at Lexington, attending the annual sessions of the Missouri Medical College, at St. Louis, where he graduated in 1858. He located that year in Cynthiana, and practiced until the summer of 1861, when he took fire, after the manner of the old Covenanter, who had impressed his traits so powerfully on his descendants, and entered the Confed erate army. He recruited Co. F, Second Kentucky Infantry, and was its first captain; was promoted to major after the battle of Chickamauga; and to lieutenant-colonel after that of Jonesboro , 1864. The following paragraph in Green s "Historic Families of Ken tucky " is so truly descriptive of his person and his character that it properly finds a place here: "With a large, well-formed head, a square forehead and prominent brow ; a very large, clear, pale-blue eye that looks squarely at you and sometimes glitters like steel ; a full jaw and chin, indicating the utmost resolution and force ; an athletic person with features that are peculiar to his race, Col. McDowell combines to a remarkable degree the family traits. About his manner there is a quiet reserve ; his appearance and bearing impress all who meet him as those of a man absolutely impenetrable to fear, and as absolutely incapable of falsehood and any kind of meanness. The sol diers who fought by his side in the Confederate army describe his cour age as heroic, his coolness and composure under the heaviest fire as phenomenal. These characteristics were most amply tested In prison, in camp, on the march, in the hottest fights of the bloody war ; in victory and defeat ; always uncomplaining, calm, energetic and daring, he exhibited the best qualities of a soldier." An educated, observant, and gallant soldier of Co. B, Second Ken tucky, once said to the writer: "Col. Hervey McDowell has what I consider a quality rather rare among men he is absolutely truthful and candid. He is a man of vigorous intellect, and I think he has an especially tenacious memory. The entire South did not produce a better or a braver soldier than Col. McDowell." In the battle at Donelson he was severely wounded in the head and 442 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. side; was captured with the rest of the command and kept in prison on Johnson s Island six months. When exchanged, he returned with his command to Vicksburg, where it was reunited with the other regi ments of the Orphan Brigade, and thenceforth they were inseparable and Col. McDowell s career as inseparably connected with it. He was in every subsequent battle : Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, the many engagements from Dalton to Jonesboro and on the campaign from the latter place to the sea and through the Carolinas. At Stone River he was wounded through both arms and struck in three other places; was wounded at Chickamauga also. After the war, his thorough-going proclivities led him to seek still profounder medical and surgical knowledge, and he attended two courses of lectures as a post graduate in his old school, the Missouri -Medical College. In St. Louis, 1869, he married a second cousin, Miss Louise Irvine McDowell, daughter of Judge Alexander Keith Marshall McDowell, of Alabama. They located permanently in Cyn- thiana, where he has since been engaged in practice with marked suc cess and never-waning popularity. They have six educated, spirited, and worthy sons, to whom we may look to carry into the peaceful pur suits of life those soldierly instincts and qualities which are the surest guarantee of honorable citizenship. In his family he is a marked exem plification of the truth that "The tenderest are the truest, The bravest are the best." Under the stern and undemonstrative exterior of the soldier is to be found the warmest domestic devotion ; and only kindred natures and those who know him well can comprehend the poignancy of his suffer ing (as well as that of the loving mother s) when, two years ago, they lost their beautiful and only daughter, Anna Mary, in her. sixteenth year. He is an active elder in the Presbyterian Church, holding the place for useful service and not for the sake of prominence among his peo ple. He takes a special interest in all establishments and enterprises that have for their object the welfare of society. For twenty-four years a member of the local Board of Education and since 1878 con tinuously its president, he has been largely instrumental in providing for Cynthiana and the country contiguous excellent educational facili ties, and steadily maintaining them. His character as a soldier and a man has been sufficiently indicated with the one exception, that no sketch of Col. McDowell would be com plete without a reference to that strong and distinct individuality which made him during the war, and has made him since, about the most talked-of man in the Orphan Brigade. Men of all the regiments and LIEUT.-COL. WM. L. CLARKE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN KRIGADE. 443 of all localities, from the Mississippi to the Big Sandy, know him ; and he has become the hero of more stories than have ever been told on Wellington humorous, serious and dramatic. In a good many of them, no doubt, he would fail to recognize the faintest trace of him self; but he has to suffer the fate of all men who are so out of the ordi nary as he is in ways that both excite admiration and appeal to that sense of humor which responds readily when originality unconsciously manifests itself in a ludicrous way. He was no more like a buffoon than an elephant is like a monkey ; but his way of putting things was often better than any studied art in provoking laughter, even on a battlefield, and in driving dull care away from a camp-fire. LIEUT.-COL. WM. L. CLARKE. When we recur to the history of the old pioneers of Kentucky the men who encountered the hardships of the wilderness and subdued the savage, who united in their persons the character of laborer, war rior, and statesman it is pleasing to know that the spirit of the heroic fathers is not extinct; that the intervening years of quiet, and the pur suits incidental to peaceful life, have not enervated their posterity, nor unfitted them for as glorious deeds as those for which we honor the men of that hardy and adventurous generation. Gen. Ben Logan came from Virginia to Kentucky in 1775, and set tled in Lincoln County ; distinguished himself in every engagement with the Indians; was a member of the convention that formed the State constitution, in 1792; served in the legislature a term of years, and died at an advanced age, having reaped the reward of a virtuous and useful life "love, honor, troops of friends." Hon. William Logan, his son, twice a judge of the Court of Appeals, and, at one time, a member of the United States Senate, maintained the honor and dignity of the family during that period in which distinction was to be found chiefly in the possession and practice of the social and civic virtues. The subject of our sketch, William Logan Clarke, was the grand son of Judge Logan, and in him neither the martial fire of the old pioneer, nor the private virtues that distinguished the judge, failed of manifestation. He was born in Louisville, June 26th, 1839. His father, Mr. Charles J. Clarke, in whose veins, also, courses the old Virginia blood, through life an honorable and highly-esteemed citizen, was clerk of the Louisville Chancery Court, from the year 1839 till the year 1856, when partisan fury, consequent upon the Know-Nothing movement in Kentucky, deprived him of a place in which he had spent almost the 444 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. whole of his business life, for which he was peculiarly qualified, and had filled with honor to himself and advantage to those dependent upon his exertions. The father being a man of but limited fortune, and having a large family, the subject of our sketch was thrown, at an early age, upon his own resources; not, however, without some edu cational advantages, which he obtained in the schools of the city, and under the private instructions of Mr. Lewis Marshall, an excellent but eccentric old gentleman, who abused his pupils in the roughest of English when they failed to see the beauties of the Latin classics, or to make progress in the mysteries of their philology. At the age of seventeen, he entered the custom-house at Louisville, as deputy surveyor, and so diligently and ably did he acquit himself, that, in a short time, most of its duties devolved upon him. He con tinued here until the election of Mr. Lincoln, and a change was about to be made in the office, when he was recommended by the business men of the city for appointment as Surveyor of Customs for that port. He was informed that he could have the appointment if he would de clare his opposition to the Southern movement, and his unqualified adherence to the Government. True to the spirit of his fathers, he scorned the offer, refusing to belie the instincts of his nature and abandon his people for the sake of civil position and filthy lucre. At this time, being now about twenty-one years of age, he was cap tain of the "National Blues," a company of citizen soldiers, organized in Louisville in 1860, in accordance with the military system inaugu rated by the legislature under Gov. McGoffin. This company, like most every other State Guard organization, was torn by dissensions in the beginning of the troubles; and, finding it impossible to carry it intact to the aid of the South, he repaired, in August, 1861, to Glas gow, where he assisted Joseph H. Lewis in the formation and conduct of a camp of instruction, for the purpose of drilling and instructing in military duties those who chose to resort to them, and of thus testing the temper of the young men of that region of country. Finding them ready for resistance, he united his exertions to those of Lewis, McKendree, and others, in recruiting the Sixth Regiment, and labored assiduously in drilling and disciplining the men. At the organization of the regiment, November 19, 1861, he was elected first lieutenant of Co. D, waiving all claims to higher position, in order the more effectually to accommodate matters between Lewis and Cofer, whose battalions it was necessary to unite for the formation of a regi ment with its full quota of men. He served in this capacity till Feb ruary 14, 1862, when he was made adjutant, Sixth Regiment, and served as such until the loth of May, 1862, when he was elected major. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 445 Meanwhile, the battle of Shiloh had been fought, where he proved himself worthy of the blood of the "hero of Logan s Station." Assiduous in acquiring a knowledge of tactics and of military laws and customs, his services were always in demand, whether in camp or field; as early as March, 1862, he was the chief instructor in the "school of officers" for his regiment; in April was appointed one of a brigade board for the examination of officers-elect. He was with the command during the first siege and bombardment of Vicksburg, July, 1862, and fought at Baton Rouge, during a portion of which day he was in command of the regiment, and received a slight wound. At Stone River, though emaciated by disease, having been in ill-health for some weeks, he left his sick-room in town to take part in the furious engagement of Friday afternoon, where he was pe culiarly exposed, being enveloped in a large overcoat, of a military cut, but of decidedly butternut color, that showed him like a mark among the mounted officers. He did his duty, however, with that serene calmness and deliberate judgment that true courage alone can sustain, and escaped with a slight wound, but lost his horse. After this battle, he was highly complimented in orders, by Col. Lewis, for gallant and meritorious conduct. At Chickamauga he fought with his wonted courage and judgment, and again received the compliment of special, honorable mention by Col. Gofer and Gen. Gibson. Gen. Breckinridge, also, at various times, expressed a highly favorable opin ion of him as a brave officer and an excellent tactician and discip linarian. Shortly after the latter engagement, he was promoted to lieutenant- colonel, to rank from the 3oth of September, 1863. At Dalton, from December i, 1863, to May i, 1864, he was in command of the regi ment, Col. Cofer having been made post commander ; and here, as usual, he labored with indefatigable zeal in the " school of officers," and in the drill preparatory to active operations in the spring. May 7, 1864, he marched out with the brigade to try the fortunes of an other campaign, and engaged at Rocky Face Ridge, at Resaca, and at Dallas ; but at the later place, May 28, too indifferent to danger, he occupied an exposed point during some sharpshooting, and was unfor tunately struck in the right arm by a large Minie-ball, which crushed the bone just above the elbow, inflicting a painful and dangerous wound. It was long feared that he would have to submit to amputa tion, but, by skillful surgical treatment and the faithful attention of a devoted wife, he regained the use of his arm not, however, in time to participate in the closing scenes of the war, and not entirely until two years after his return home. In person, Col. Clarke was tall and handsome, with blue eyes, hair 446 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. rather a dark auburn and inclined to curl, clear-cut features, and a fair skin. On the ipth of December, 1861, he was married to Miss Sallie Helm, a daughter of Maj. Thomas Helm, long a distinguished citizen of Glasgow. At the close of the war he engaged with Lithgow & Co., and subse quently went into partnership with Col. T. W. Thompson in the stove and tinware business, on Main street, above Third. He sold out to Col. Thompson, and in 1882 moved to Nashville and became secre tary and traveling agent for the Phillips-Buttorff Manufacturing Com pany, dealers in hardware. At this time began the era of his greatest conquests in civil life. In recognition of his ability as a salesman he was given, as a territory, the country at large, being free to use his own judgment as to his going and coming. In a year or two his sales had grown until he disposed of about 25 per cent, of the entire output, and he was conceded to be at the head of his vocation. Into St. Louis, and even Chicago, were Southern manufactures introduced as the result of his efforts. In January, 1883, the directory of this company, in recognition of his success, elected him secretary of the company, with the duties also of treasurer, his predecessor voluntarily resigning from the posi tion in order that this compliment might be bestowed. It was soon demonstrated, however, that he could not be spared off the road, and, regardless of his own inclinations, he decided to lay aside the honor bestowed upon him in order that he might open up still greater fields for this growing establishment. The announcement of this in tention brought out considerable opposition, but his arguments were convincing and his resignation accepted, in August, 1885. An heirloom treasured by his family is a handsome gold watch with chain presented at this time to the retiring official by an appreciative directory. On it is inscribed: "To Col. W. L. Clarke, from Phillips & Buttorff Manufacturing Company, in recognition of efficient services as Secretary and Treasurer." In 1891, he was again elected without solicitation to this post of honor as the one man, possessing the ability, who could harmonize all interests in this now widely extended organization, and he continued to hold it until his death, which occurred January 19, 1895. Without any ostentation, he had made his presence felt among his new fellow-citizens, and in all walks of life he was honored for his abil ities and nobility of character. In his church, (the Woodland Presbyterian), the position of elder was proffered, but fearful, in his modesty, lest he prove a stumbling- block, the honor was declined. In Frank Cheatham Bivouac, U. C. V., LIEUT.-COL. JOHN C. WICKLIFFE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 447 he had held every office at their disposal, save that of president, and the nomination for this office had been officially tendered him, and was declined because he felt that an older comrade should come next in line. His devotion to all Confederate associations was marked. Not hav ing been a Mason, Odd Fellow, or member of any lodge or order, it would seem that all the love which men bestow upon such institutions was in his case concentrated upon the veterans wherever they were found; and hearers knew his heart prompted the speech made when declining the proffered nomination that he had "rather be president of Cheatham Bivouac than of the United States." Taking, always, a warm interest in the welfare of his adopted home, he soon became prominently identified with the management of the Tennessee Centennial movement, having for its aim the celebration, with a fitting inter-state exposition, of the zooth anniversary of Ten nessee s statehood. As one of a commission sent to Washington, D. C., to enlist gov ernmental aid in this enterprise, his services were recognized as being peculiarly efficient on account of his wide acquaintance with the pub lic men of the time. This was his last work for Nashville, for on his return trip he contracted pneumonia, which brought on an attack of heart trouble the very day he reached home ; and after an illness of five days he sank to rest. He was possessed of a personal magnetism that gave him influence wherever he might be. A devoted husband and father, his home life was a picture that at tracted all who caught a glimpse of it, while in business circles he made a friend of the slightest acquaintance. He died without an enemy on earth ; and, in the language of one, himself a Confederate who had lived in that city for thirty-five years, " he left more friends to mourn his loss than any other man that ever died in Nashville." LIEUT. -COL. JOHN C. WICKLIFFE. John Cripps Wickliffe is the son of Hon. Charles A. Wickliffe, who long figured in the councils of the State and of the nation, as well as having been a distinguished participant in the battle of the Thames. His mother was Margaret, only daughter of Christian Cripps, the ad venturous, handsome, and noble-hearted pioneer, who, in May, 1778, tell in a conflict with the Indians near Bullitt s Lick, "after having displayed," says a historian of that period, " a courage and generosity unsurpassed in the annals of Western adventure." 448 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. The subject of the present notice was born in Nelson County, Ky. r July n, 1830. After having completed his course of study in the schools of Bardstown, he entered upon the study of law, and was ad mitted to the bar in 1853. He began practice in the courts of Nelson and surrounding counties, in connection with his father. He was mar ried November 2, 1853, to Miss Curd, daughter of R. A. Curd, of Lexington, and fixed his residence in Bardstown, continuing in the un interrupted practice of his profession until 1857, when he entered the political arena as a candidate for the lower house of the legislature, and was elected to represent his county in that body, serving one term. At the opening of the session of 1859, he was chosen secretary of the Senate. When the legislature convened in September, 1861, he was again a candidate before the Senate for the secretaryship ; but, being an avowed Breckinridge man, and, withal, fully committed to the policy of the seceded States, he was beaten by the so called Union party." Prior to the beginning of hostilities between the sections he had or ganized a fine body of the young men of Bardstown and vicinity as a company of the State Guard, and was made its captain. In the latter part of September, 1861, the company having lost such members as in clined to the Federal cause, and received new accessions of those who were in sympathy with the South, he took leave of father and friends, home, and wife and children whom he saw no more for almost four years and with it proceeded at once to Green River, being joined on the road by the afterward famous chieftain, John H. Morgan, then on his way with a few men from Lexington. Himself and men were now sworn into the Confederate service, and he was elected captain of the new organization, Company B, Ninth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, October 2, 1861. He served in this capacity until May 15, 1862, when, upon the re organization of the Ninth Regiment he was elected major. He did not participate in the battle of Shiloh, having contracted disease at Bowling Green, which eventuated in typhoid fever, with which he was suffering at the time the command left Burnsville, and was absent on sick leave. He was, however, at the siege of Vicksburg; and at Baton Rouge, when Col. Caldwell was disabled he turned over the command of the reserve troops to Maj. Wickliffe, " who," says Cald well, "fought it gallantly during the remainder of the engagement." After the arrival of the army at Murfreesboro , he went to Mississippi and Louisiana, under orders from Gen. Breckinridge, to collect the absentees of the command, and on that account was not present at the battle of the 2d of January, 1863. While at Manchester, April, 1863, Maj. Wickliffe was placed in command of a small body of men, chosen HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 449 from the different regiments of the brigade, and ordered to McMinn- ville, to protect the government stores at that place, and, incidentally, the supply train engaged in collecting subsistence. This was the only regular guard there, and, on the i9th of April, the Federals advanced in heavy force, of all arms, to attack. The major, assisted by his second in command, Capt. Tom Steele, Fourth Kentucky, though having but a short notice a scout having reported but a few minutes before the head of the Federal column was in sight of his picket- guard hastily made such a disposition of his men as led the enemy to believe that he would be resisted; and the supply train was ordered to move rapidly toward Manchester, by different roads. After some skirmishing between the escort of Gen. Morgan (that officer chancing to be in the place) and the Federals, the cavalry of the latter dashed into the town ; but time had been gained to save the transportation and a large amount of government property. The enemy attempted to pursue the infantry, who were now slowly falling back to a strong position in the hills; but they were met with such steady and deter mined volleys that they relinquished the pursuit, and the little band was drawn off in safety, with the exception of eight men captured. Col. Hunt, then commanding brigade at Beech Grove, alluding to this affair in a complimentary order, April 3oth, remarks that " Maj. Wickliffe, of the Ninth Regiment, in command of the force, had the forethought, in the short space of time allowed him, to make such disposition of his small command as to bring off safe almost every man, and to save all the transportation The brigade has rea son to be proud of the small number of their fellow-soldiers who have so nobly represented them." About this time, Lieut. -Col. Caldwell having been made colonel, rice Hunt, resigned, Maj. Wickliffe was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, taking rank from April 22, 1863. He M as present with the regiment during Johnston s campaign in Missis sippi, June and July, 1863, in the attempt to relieve Pemberton, and on the retreat from Jackson, through the swamps, to Morton. At Chickamauga he was engaged both days, and Col. Caldwell having been again badly wounded on the morning of the second day, the com mand devolved upon him. Gen. Lewis, in his report, speaks of " Lieut. -Col. Wickliffe s conduct having attracted his attention in the afternoon, and it but confirmed the good report that he had had of it in the morning." He commanded the regiment at Mission Ridge, and on the retreat to Dalton. And during the dreadful campaign of 64, he was generally with his regiment, engaged in the various ardu ous and dangerous duties of that momentous period. When Gen. Lewis left Fort Valley, Ga. , January, 1865, he gave Col. Wickliffe command of the dismounted men, and means of transportation, and 29 450 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. he continued to conduct their movements till February 20, when he rejoined the mounted force, at Graniteville, and participated in all the subsequent active duties and engagements of the cavalry in South Carolina. In person, Col. Wickliffe is tall, and of commanding appearance, more than six feet in height, and large in proportion, with that massive contour of head and features peculiar to his father s family, and indic ative of the strong, practical intellect, the lion-like boldness, and de termined will. Few men have a more marked inclination to be eminently sociable and obliging; and among his friends he is always cheerful, often mirthful, fond of a joke, and relishing sport like an English lord. When on duty, and compelled to wear the buttoned-up coat, and the reserved air of the officer, the look of constraint that he put on showed too evident signs that being "clothed in a little brief authority," had no power to sink the man into the domineering official; and it always seemed a relief when he could undo the brass buttons, and explode in a general humorous, sportive attack upon all who came in his way, "officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and pri vates." His superior officers, as well as the gallant boys of the Ninth Regiment, bore willing testimony to his courage, coolness, and judg ment in the hour of conflict; and his posterity will repeat his name, in coming days, with as much, and as just pride, as we now feel when re calling the deeds of our fathers who suffered and bled under the ban ners of the ever-to-be-revered heroes of the Revolution. He returned to Bardstown in May, 1865, and resumed law practice; but in December of that year he removed to Florida, to take charge of the interests of a brother-in-law who had been arrested on some charge after the surrender of the Confederate armies, and was still a United States prisoner, in Fort Pulaski. He remained in that State until the spring of 1869, when he came back to his old home. In January, 1870, he was elected circuit judge for his district, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Judge Kavanaugh. In 1874, he was re-elected and served the full term; in May, 1885, he was appointed by President Cleveland to be United States Attorney for the District of Kentucky, from which office he was removed by President Harrison in August, 1889. In 1893, he was appointed adjutant-general of Kentucky, with the rank of brigadier-general, by Gov. Brown ; but he resigned that posi tion in 1895. Since that time he has practiced his profession in Louisville, though still retaining his residence in Bardstown. MAJ. CHARLES SEMPLE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 451 MAJ. CHARLES SEMPLE: Is the son of Alexander and Anne (Gore) Semple, and was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, March 27, 1833. His paternal grandfather, Capt. Alexander Semple, was an officer in the British army, and for some time commandant of Tullow Barracks, County Carlow, Ireland. His maternal grandfather was Capt. Henry Gore, of the Twenty-fourth Light Dragoons, British army. Maj. Semple has in his possession a commission issued to a brother of his, signed by Queen Victoria, ap pointing him surgeon for British troops then stationed on McCarthy s Island, West Africa. Maj. Semple was educated at St. John s College in his native city; left the shores of his home-land September 2d, 1852; and soon after arriving in America came to Louisville (January 3d, 1853), where he yet resides. He began business with a cousin, A. B. Semple, as a clerk in a hardware establishment, and remained with the firm several years. He then became a member of the hardware firm of Moss & Semple. In the prosecution of this business while with his cousin and in the lat ter connection be canvassed for the Southern trade, when much of his travel was on horseback and in the old stage coach instead of by railroad, as soon afterward became common; and his journeys were attended by hardship and occasionally not without peril. An ardent sympathizer with the South, he was among the first to t-ngage in raising troops for the Confederate service, and in connection with Owings, Joyes, and Carson recruited Co. K, Second Kentucky Infantry. He was elected first-lieutenant, July i3th, 1861 ; and after the death of Capt. Owings, (October, 1861,) commanded the company. He fought at Donelson with conspicous courage, and on the third day (February i5th, 1862), was severely (believed at the time mortally) wounded. (See story of Lieut. Carson after the chapter on Donelson). He was sent to hospital in Clarksville, Tenn., of which place Fed eral troops soon took possession, and he was a prisoner; but in April he escaped and rejoined the brigade at Corinth, where he was placed in command of Co. D, Ninth Kentucky, there being but one of its commissioned officers able and present for duty. On the retreat from Corinth, (May, 1862), he commanded the special picket-guard at Tuscumbia bridge, and engaged the enemy, with the loss of some wounded. His conduct was favorably noticed in report ; he was soon afterward assigned to duty as ordnance officer on the staff of Gen. Breckinridge; and as such staff officer he took part in the defense of Vicksburg, (July, 1862), and fought at Baton Rouge, (August 5th, 1862,) where he was again severely wounded, and had a 452 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. horse killed under him. Having recovered, he rejoined his general at Murfreesboro, and was promoted (December i4th, 1862), to chief of ordnance for Breckinridge s division, with the rank of captain of ar tillery* In the battle of Stone River his horse was wounded under him, and he behaved throughout with distinguished gallantry.* He fought also at Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. At Chickamauga he was knocked from his horse and his left side badly contused; but his life was saved by a little Testament taken from the body of Lieut. Car son, who was killed the day before. On a fly-leaf of this was : "If found by a fellow Mason, I enjoin him, and if by a comrade I request him, to send this book to Miss. " (name not re membered at the time the circumstance was made known to present writer). Maj. Semple placed this in his breast-pocket, which brought it over his heart. Late in the afternoon of September 2oth, 1865, Gen. Breckinridge sent him and Maj. Rob Cobb to reconnoiter the hill in front of the line upon which the Ken- tuckians and others of the division made the last charge, and the one that closed the battle victoriously for the Confederate Army. As they rode forward, a bullet from the Federal position struck the book, tore partially through it, was deflected from its course, and struck the hilt of his sword, which it knocked off. The blow was so severe as to throw him from his saddle ; but he was caught in the arms of Maj.. Cobb instead of pitching headlong to the ground. His side was bruised black, and he was nearer to receiving a mortal hurt than at any other time except at Donelsoh. This bullet-riddled book he brought home to Carson s father, not having found the sweetheart; and as a memento and for the sake of his dead fellow-officer, to whom he had been warmly attached, he offered the father $50 for it, but he declined the offer. When Gen. Breckinridge was assigned to the command of the De partment of Southwestern Virginia (February, 1864), Maj. Semple was retained on his staff, and in that capacity continued in active ser vice till Breckinridge was made Secretary of War (February, 1865), when he was assigned to the staff of Gen. John Echols, who suc ceeded to Breckinridge s command. As ordnance officer he was not *After Gen. Hanson s fall it soon became current that he went into battle Fri day afternoon, January 2d, 1863, with a strong premonition that he should be killed. That the end was foreshadowed to him was evinced by a remark made to Maj. Semple. The latter rode to him with an order from Gen. Breckinridge, placing him in line, and on receiving it Gen. Hanson looked at him with an air of sadness wholly unusual to him in action, and said: "Charlie, I believe this- will be my last ! " HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 453 required by the nature of his duties, by the articles of war, by pre cedent, or by special order, to keep on the "fiery marge of battle" when the armies came in conflict; but whenever trouble was imminent along the front he so scorned to occupy a bullet-proof position that he courted the privilege of being with those who bared their breasts to the storm; and Breckinridge and Echols, admiring his temper, trusting in his admirable military judgment, and appreciating his services as an officer on the field, allowed him to have his way. At New Market, Cold Harbor (second fight there), Monocacy, Winchester, and else where, to the close, he was on the field, active, watchful, promptly executing all with which he was intrusted, and in such a manner as won admiration of the noble soldiers under whose eyes he served, and brought forth spontaneous encomiums from them. At New Market, where Gen. Breckinridge met Gen. Sigel advanc ing up the valley (May 15, 1864,) and so signally defeated him, Maj. Semple s keen and composed observation in the heat of battle and his quick comprehension of the effect to be apprehended from the enemy s movements, contributed so much to the success of the Confederates that Gen. Breckinridge told a friend afterward that Semple saved the day. The Corps of Cadets of the Virginia Military Institute had been marched from Lexington and placed under Breckinridge s orders, to meet emergencies. The story of those gallant boys is one of the most thrilling of the war; and one of the most moving episodes in that story is the one with which Breckinridge and Semple were connected. The general had told their commander that he did not want the cadets to engage unless it became absolutely necessary ; and they were placed in reserve, though at times, even in the earlier stages of the battle, they could not be wholly shielded from exposure. Subsequently Maj. Semple discovered that a German regiment was working its way around one flank of the Confederate force, to take it in the rear. The junc ture was critical. Semple saw that the crisis had come, and rode hastily to Gen. Breckinridge. Explaining the situation, he added that he believed the cadets would better be brought into the thick of the fight. The general asked anxiously whether he thought "the boys" would stand. "Yes," he replied, "they are of the best Virginia blood, and they will." Breckinridge then gave the word, "Charlie, bring up the boys and God forgive me the order ! " as tears rolled down his cheeks.* He promptly executed the order, and led them to :s Another instance of the fact that Breckinridge s influence with men was not <lue to the studied arts of the politician, but to genuine kindness of heart and a pervasive human sympathy, is given in the account of the military execution of one of his soldiers found among the incidents and anecdotes following the chapter on Stone River. 454 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the point of attack, assisting in the alignment. The young fellows (most of them under sixteen years old), well trained, but taking now their baptism of fire, went at their work like heroes of a hundred fields. The Kentuckian, long used to bloody conflict, was struck with admiration. He said afterward, "They fought desperately; even better, I think, than the oldest soldiers we had." They covered the threatened space; checked the on-coming and dangerous column ; and presently Sigel s whole force was irretrievably broken. Before it was, however, fifty-six of the little battalion were down, seven killed and forty-nine wounded. In the charge, the command devolved on Capt. Henry A. Wise, of Co. A, who was complimented in report for the gallant manner in which he led. So soldierly were they that when a file was broken or knocked out, the line would shift right and left, seeking touch of elbow, even while rapidly loading and firing, or charging forward. In April, 1865, Semple was made chief of ordnance for the Depart ment of East Tennessee and West Virginia, with the rank of major. When the end came, he surrendered with Gen. Echols and the men under his command, and was paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May ist, 1865. Returning to Louisville, he soon resumed business as a hard ware merchant; subsequently engaged in the tobacco trade, being one of the firm of Semple, Force & Co.; and was, at a later period, for twelve years, the traveling agent for B. F. Avery & Sons plow factory. Recently (September ist, 1897), he purchased the Louisville Girth and Blanket Mills, of which he is now sole proprietor. His religious affiliations are with the Protestant Episcopal Church, in which he was baptized and confirmed at an early age. He is a life long Democrat, of "the most straightest sect," and a life member of the Louisville Commandery, Knights Templar. He was married January 15, 1873, in Old Church, Hanover County, Va., to Miss Virginia Sayre Braxton, daughter of Carter and Mary (Grimes) Braxton, of Ingleside, a member of one of the historic fami lies of the Old Dominion ; and they have reared a family of four boys and two girls, to whom they transmit that noblest of possessions, an untarnished record in all the relations of life. True to his Celtic blood, which has reddened every battlefield of me diaeval and modern times where men have struggled for freedom and the rights of man ; which is especially quick to glow with manly indig nation in favor of the weak when pitted against the strong ; and de scended from martial sires in both the maternal and paternal line, whose traits he inherits, Maj. Semple has every instinct and attribute of the true soldier. How well he illustrated the valor and constancy of his race during the civil war is indicated not alone by this brief MAT. RICE E. GRAVES. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 455 sketch, but by the admiration and esteem to which expression is given by his surviving comrades when they recount the events of those never- to-be-forgotten days. MAJ. RICE E. GRAVES: Was born in Rockbridge County, Va., June 23, 1838. His father, Rice E. Graves, Senior, a native of Goochland County, Va., was a descendant of one of the early pioneers of that State. In 1833, he married Mrs. Amelia Gregory, the widowed daughter of Capt. Jesse Richeson, a wealthy and influential citizen of Amherst County, Va., and shortly afterward moved to Rockbridge, where Rice, their third son, was born. Remaining here until 1844, Mr. Graves set out with his family, designing to settle in Missouri, and, having reached Cin cinnati, took passage on the " Star of the West," bound for St. Louis. About two miles below Cloverport, Ky., that vessel was run into by the old " Hark-away," and sunk. All the personal effects of the Graves family were on board, and, of course, were all lost ; and they them selves barely escaped drowning, having reached the shore in their night clothes. Having been thus stripped of all he had, Mr. Graves abandoned the design of going to Missouri, and rented a farm near Cloverport, Ky., where he lived three years, and by dint of great energy, industry, and devotion to business he laid the foundation for future competency. At the expiration of three years, he removed to Daveiss County, and took charge of the large farm of Hugh W. Hawes, Esq., of which he had control for some years, and added to his growing resources. He then purchased a small farm adjoining the lands of Mr. Hawes, which he improved and adorned, and made the permanent home of the fam ily. Here he toiled with a marked energy and perseverance, and gradually enlarged his domains till he was the owner of one of the finest estates in the county. He was himself diligent in business, and at tentive to all lawful and honorable means of improving his temporal prospects; and Mrs. Graves is represented as having been a help-meet lor him in every trial, and under every vicissitude of life. "She is," says one who wrote during her lifetime, "a. model woman possessed of a fine and well-cultivated intellect, and blending, withal, the deepest piety and the most tender affection. She is, indeed, worthy to be the mother of such a son." But there was a family of eleven children, and, as the parents began in Kentucky without property, it was impossible to bestow upon them that liberal education which they desired them to have. During the greater part of the year they were engaged in the duties of the farm 456 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. and the household, but attended the occasional sessions of the country school that was accessible. The subject of our sketch, however, was not satisfied with that. He had a thirst for knowledge from childhood, and, withal, a judgment that enabled him to estimate the importance of it in forming his mind and character, and he sought books, and eagerly devoured their contents. It was the old story of the yearning mind and the determined will. When not engrossed by the labors of the day, he found pleasure and profit in his book. While others slept, he bent over the light of the evening lamp, and satisfied the wants of an active and aspiring intellect by the acquisition of knowledge. When he was seventeen, the circumstances of the family were greatly improved, and he was sent to the Owensboro Academy, then under the supervision of Prof. Henry Hart, an able teacher, and spent three sessions in the institution, making rapid progress in his studies. He won the confidence of his teacher and the love and esteem of his schoolmates by his untiring application and his uniformly strict integrity of character, as well as agreeable deportment. After he left this school, he spent a year or more laboring on his father s farm, still passing the leisure hours of the day, and his evenings, in study, or in conversation with those who could instruct and profit him. He had no disposition to engage in frivolous amusements or in idleness or dissipation. Sometime in 1858 he made application for the then vacant scholar ship at West Point, for the Second Congressional District of Kentucky, and through the influence of the Hon. S. O. Peyton, at that time their able representative in Congress, he obtained the appointment, and entered that institution, bearing with him high testimonials from Hon. Thos. C. McCreery (afterward United States Senator) and other leading men of Daveiss. It is scarcely necessary to add that he more than fulfilled the expectations that had been formed of him by those who then spoke of him in such flattering terms. He remained here two years, and sometimes for six months together never received a single mark of demerit. He would, doubtless, have completed his course and won the highest honors of his class, but for the breaking out of the war. But the knowledge that; war was abroad in the land was sufficient of itself to fire him for the contest, and fill his mind with visions of martial glory to be won upon the very threshold of his man hood ; and the thought that his country his own Kentucky was to be a party to the strife, inspired him with an ardor that can be felt by none but the enthusiastic lovers of the profession of arms, and the devoted lover of his own people as well.* * For the facts upon which the preceding remarks are based, relative to the early life of Maj. Graves, and for some quotations throughout the sketch, we are indebted to Capt. Sam H. Jesse, of Daveiss. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 457 He accordingly returned home, and was much engaged, during the .summer of 1861, at the camps of instruction for the State Guard. He entered upon the discharge of these duties with an ardor that bespoke the spirit of the soldier, and with a knowledge of military affairs that told plainly of assiduous and well-directed study. He was full of energy and fire. He was alive to the importance of judicious train ing, and seemed to become absorbed in the work. He impressed others as only genius and energy can impress the more phlegmatic among men, and at once gave eminent promise of future greatness. When recruits began to gather for the formation of the Second Regi ment, he was among them ; and, at the organization of that command, he was appointed first lieutenant and adjutant. He served in this ca pacity till November, 1861, how well, how acceptably to those who knew what depended upon him, was evinced by the admiration which was felt for him by the better and more reflecting officers and men. In November, as has heretofore been seen, he was placed in com- mand of a battery of field-pieces, manned by some few recruits who enlisted specially for that service, by Co. B, Fourth Regiment, and by some men detailed from the various other companies of the brigade. He was promoted to the rank of captain of artillery, and in that ca pacity fought at Donelson. It is said that he proved himself on that field a superior artillerist ; and it is even related that he attracted the attention of Gen. Grant, who inquired, after the surrender, who had commanded that particular battery, remarking that however he tried to conceal or shelter his men during the various maneuvers, it was use less ; do what he could, that battery found them. When Gen. Breckinridge reorganized a division at Murfreesboro , Graves was named as his chief of artillery, with the rank of major, and the appointment was shortly afterward made by the President. He had now been for months confined in prison ; and to an ardent, energetic, ambitious man like him, imprisonment is a living death, and restoration to liberty is lifting such weight from his shoulders as ap parently to remove the obstacle to every achievement. He worked with even increased energy, and fought with, if possible, unwonted chivalry. Wherever his division went there was he ; whatever it en countered he helped to resist; the glories that it won (whether in vic tory or by sustaining, with a dignified fortitude, disaster and defeat), he shared. At Stone River he was twice wounded and had his horse shot under him. The reports of the battle of Chickamauga, published in this volume, and our own remarks, have already disclosed the melancholy fact that here was terminated his career here a life so full of promise was lost to the cause, and his friends were called to mourn that one so 458 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. young in years, yet so endowed with all the manly virtues, so marked with those excellencies that would have made him conspicuous even in the age of chivalry, should be cut down while mounting, with a daring eye and a steady foot, the rounds of the ladder to the zenith of fame. The tribute paid him by Gen. Breckinridge was expressive, and heartfelt as expressive, for he enjoyed the confidence and love of his general as few young officers, ever did. Noticing some of those who had distinguished themselves under his eye, he wrote, as will be seen in his report: "One member of my staff I cannot thank; Maj. Rice E. Graves, chief of artillery, received a mortal wound on Sunday, the 2bth. Although a very young man, he had won eminence in arms, and gave promise of the highest distinction. A truer friend, a purer patriot, a better soldier, never lived." The character of Maj. Graves, in both mind and heart, was such as to justify the highest hopes of those who admired and loved him. His naturally bold and comprehensive intellect had not been prostrated by the enervating influence of sin and the gratification of evil passions. His heart was not debased by the indulgence of the animal appetites. No phase of his manhood had been prostituted to purposes inimical to growth, development, and purity. His mother was a good and true woman, endowed not only with natural talent and mental culture, but with "the wisdom that cometh from on high." She brought him up in the way he should go, and he did not depart from it. She im pressed the brave, stern, manly character with truth and honor, in stilled into him a love of virtue, and integrity of purpose; and so fitted him for the trials of life that the siren of pleasure could not charm him, nor the lion in the pathway affright him. That such a character should rise to distinction, seems but a natural sequence ; that he would have gone on to higher degrees of excellence in his profession, is predicable upon the foundation laid in his boyhood, and sustained by the results achieved before he was smitten down. While at West Point, he connected himself with the Presbyterian Church, and maintained his Christian standing untarnished till death. Among the veterans of the army, he was not ashamed to acknowledge his dependence upon the Divine Power; and before any who chanced to find shelter beneath his tent, he did not hesitate, upon retiring to rest, to offer up the evening orison, that would enable him to feel that he had committed himself to One who was able to protect him till his work was done, and who would take him only when it were the better time for him to die. A gentleman, who knew him from boyhood, says of him: "I feel that I can say, without exaggeration, that, take him altogether, I have never known his equal. He was remarkable for his virtue, honesty,. MAJ. T. B. MOXROE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 459 and integrity. To his parents he was always dutiful, loving, and obedient; to his brothers and sisters affectionate and kind. Forage and superiority he entertained the greatest reverence. He was upright and correct. I never knew of his contracting a bad habit, or being guilty of a dishonorable action." In the performance of his military duties, he allowed himself no in dulgence that endangered the public service or set an example of care lessness or insubordination, and he exacted the like conduct from those under his control. But he was never unreasonably harsh, and still less n-as he unjust. When off duty he was modest before those to whom deference was due, and to all, generous and genial. It will be seen in the progress of our work that his energy, courage, and devotion were like those of Jackson. An incident is said to have occurred at Chickamauga, after he was wounded and carried from the scene of conflict, which shows how un- ^elfish and generous he was. A poor fellow had been laid near him, with a dreadful wound, and his agony was such that he raved. Some one proposed that he should be moved away from Maj. Graves, to irevent disturbing him; but the dying officer sternly forbade it, and eproved them for proposing to cause, on his account, another pang 1:0 the sufferer. Like the gallant and true-hearted of every Christian age and clime, lie entertained for his mother the most profound respect and filial love. I stood by his side," says the friend heretofore quoted, as he took leave of the family, when about to repair to the seat of war. One by one he bade them adieu. Last of all he turned to the fond mother, u ho, with her overburdened heart, had reserved the privilege of the last embrace ; and while his bosom heaved with deep emotion and his manly cheeks were wet with tears, he exclaimed, though scarcely able to articulate, Mother, I will return for your sake. But he came no more; and that household was darkened with the shadow of a great sorrow, which the heritage of honor he won for them can not dispel which nothing can lift till they meet him where the glories as well as the calamities of earth are regarded no more. MAJ. T. B. MONROE. " Whom the gods love, die young," was a saying among the ancient heathen, founded upon a fact common in our own day, and which the observation of ages has confirmed. The favored of nature, the bright and good, seem always to have been followed by a kind of fatality. Among them, those whom the hand of disease does not drag to the tomb in the bloom of youth, seem to be the shining marks at which 460 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the arrows oi calamity are aimed; and they fall in battle, or by some unlooked-for disaster, which appears rather the minister of evil spirits than of the Wise and Benevolent Father of all. Maj. Monroe united in himself the three characteristics which even singly are said to make men great; morally, his attributes were such as make the dutiful son, and tender, considerate brother ; the loving and faithful husband; the affectionate father; the estimable citizen in short, the noble gentleman, whose actions are squared by the rule of right, and whose lofty integrity the allurements of vice can not assail. Intellectually, his natural endowments were of a most uncommon or der. And in action, he was a hero, whether upon the broad field of life s battle, or amid the shock of arms at the meeting of contending nations. Thomas Bell Monroe, Jr., fourth son of Judge Thos. B. Monroe, was born in Frankfort, Ky., July 3, 1833. Under his father s tuition, for the most part, though attending at intervals the schools in his na tive city, he made rapid progress in his studies from the first, display ing an ability to grasp not only a single science or set of principles, but a versatility of mind that readily seized upon everything in the ordinary range of learning, and made it his own. His father, design ing that he should pursue his own honorable vocation, however, he directed his studies accordingly, and at the age of fifteen he had ac quired a proficiency, almost unparalleled, in those branches of learn ing more properly correlative to the profession in view : his compre hensive knowledge of the constitution and laws of his country, of his tory, of rhetoric, logic and the laws of mind, was the more remarka ble in one of his age, from the fact that in his case there appeared to be none of that feverish, unnatural precocity, which we so often see making large acquirements in early youth, to sink into insignificance in manhood, for the want of energy, determination, and that practical cast of mind which enables us to apply theoretical acquisitions to the utilitarian purposes of life. With him, learning was not wholly the end, but the means ; his powerful intellect not only readily acquired, but assimilated and adapted. At fifteen, he accompanied the judge to New Orleans, where he was occupied during the winter months in the discharge of his duties as a professor in the State University. Attending the lectures of this in stitution for two terms, young Monroe graduated, being now but a boy of scarcely seventeen, and, returning to his native State in the spring of 1849, he fixed upon Lexington as his home, and determined to enter at once upon the practice of his profession. The nature of this undertaking will be readily comprehended by Kentuckians when they remember that at that time, and subsequently, the Lexington bar HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 461 was one of the ablest in the State, and that none but a daring intellect and a resolute will could have hoped to rise where the very brightness of the lights around him would obscure a star of no common magni tude. But he determined to succeed, and accordingly announced aimself. A brother-in-law, Mr. Richard Pindell, a gentleman of social and literary distinction, was residing there, and he became a member of his family, and received the advantage of this gentleman s influence and exertions, which, as he observed, did much to enable him to sur mount the earlier difficulties of his position. His uncommon acquirements and great force of character soon made themselves felt, and were speedily acknowledged. Among the younger members of the bar he was a leader, and the old Titans themselves saw that he was a kindred spirit. In a few years his name was not ( onfined to Lexington and Frankfort, but began to find its way over the State, as one of rare promise and rapidly rising influence. He had scarcely passed his twenty-first year when he was elected city at torney (the first Democrat elected to that position for a long period), and at a time, too, when the influence of Mr. Clay had not begun to \vane in Kentucky, much less in the very city of his adoption. In January, 1859, he was elected mayor of Lexington. In 1856, the stockholders of the "Kentucky Statesman," a Democratic journal of Lexington, attracted by the talents and influence of Mr. Monroe, ten dered to him the editorial chair of that paper, which he accepted and continued to fill until the breaking out of hostilities in Kentucky. The udgment and general ability with which he filled this new station, no one can forget who saw the able editorials and noticed the character of that paper during those years. And when the presidential contest of 1860 came up, the bold and uncompromising stand which he took for f.reckinridge and State rights drew upon him not only the attention of Kentucky and contiguous States, but the malignant wrath of both the enemies of free government and the short-sighted of even the Douglas I emocracy. On the accession of Magoffin to the governorship, Mr. Monroe was made secretary of State the youngest man, perhaps, who ever held such a position in the United States; and when Mr. Lincoln had been elected, and the Southern movement was inaugurated, his manly, straightforward nature looked with abhorrence upon the thought of any double-dealing or equivocation on the part of his State, and he assumed that it was the duty of Kentucky to ally herself promptly with the South, and to natures like his, duty and interest are of convertible signification. He exerted his personal and official influence to bring about a decision in keeping with the general high-toned character of the commonwealth, and, still retaining the editorship of the " Statesman/* 462 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. his pen became a barbed arrow, which penetrated all the flimsy de fenses of the opposition, and galled them like the open play of a Da- mascan blade. His many appeals disturbed even the half-insensate and very hungry aspirants for Federal patronage and power ; and what with his unanswerable logic, his keen inventive, and his eloquent ad vocacy of Kentucky s maintaining her honor, at all hazards, he became obnoxious to the tricksters, and they determined to silence him. It was well understood that they awaited only a favorable opportunity to have him arrested. Finding that further opposition of the press would be of no avail, and his situation becoming daily more and more precarious; knowing, too, that his father was alike an object upon which the pent-up malice of the government party was ready to be poured, he determined to add the strength of his arm to the cause. He had married, Novem ber 15, 1859, Miss Elizabeth C., daughter of Judge Robert C. Grier, of the Supreme Court of the United States, and a citizen of Phila delphia. Uncertain who would succeed in the permanent occupation ,of Kentucky, and desirous that his wife and little son should be re moved from scenes of excitement likely to become dangerous from the conflict of the two parties into which Kentucky was unhappily divided, it was agreed that she should proceed to Philadelphia and remain with her father s family until the issue should be determined, or until it should be considered prudent for her to visit him in the army. He accordingly bade them farewell the beloved wife and idolized little boy and each took the several way, she to her childhood s home, to endure the withering blight of absence made sickening with suspense ; lie to brave the diseases and sufferings incident to a change of habits, and the dangers of the field. Only the husband and the father, who has thus torn himself away, with a bleeding heart, from the treasures of his home, can conceive of what a parting was that ! In company with his father and a nephew, Winder, older son of his brother Victor (and who afterward served with Gen. Morgan), and with a few neighbors and friends, he set out, about the 2oth of Sep tember, 1 86 1, for the South. They made the best of their way, taking some precautions to elude their enemies and alternately walking and riding their horses toward the last becoming almost unserviceable, owing to rough roads and hard travel they reached Munfordville on the 25th, thence they pressed on to Bowling Green and to Nashville, .at which latter place a part of the Fourth Kentucky Infantry was now encamped, having been sent down to be armed. After the organiza tion of the State Guard, he had been chosen lieutenant-colonel of one of the regiments, and, though having had no previous military train ing, he had applied himself with his usual energy and activity of mind HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 4H3 to the study of suitable works, and was soon almost a perfect master of tactics and military regulations. Remaining in Nashville a few days, and occasionally exercising the Fourth Regiment in the drill and manual, by request of the officers, he returned to Bowling Green, where he met Gen. Buckner, who, with the advice and consent of the chief officers of the Fourth Regiment, telegraphed immediately to Richmond, recommending his appoint ment as major of that command. On the i5th of October, Buckner received notice that the appointment had been made; and on the 2ist the new major was ordered to report for duty. He now devoted him self to promoting the discipline and general morale of the organization in every way consistent with his position. The other field officers, who had hitherto been much engaged otherwise, and had depended largely upon Colonel (then senior captain) Nuckols, now suffered much of their responsibility to devolve upon Maj. Monroe; and, though sufficiently strict as a disciplinarian, he yet had the tact, great power of judging men, individually and collectively, which enabled him to administer authority without harshness, and to promote improvement without wounding the self-respect of the volunteer, in consequence of which he was not only efficient, but grew daily in favor, and won upon the con fidence of those brave men. To few men was that expressive, oft- quoted, almost trite maxim of the Latins, suavitor in mode, fortiter in re, more truly applicable than to him. Though making no attempt at display, that vulgar expedient of lit tle minds, he was soon looked upon by those grand chieftains, Albert Sidney Johnston, Buckner, and Breckinridge, as a man upon whom they could rely, under any circumstances, and his military career was ( heered by a knowledge that men like these awarded him the honor of their unpretentious, but nevertheless unequivocal, respect and confi dence. During that trying retreat from Bowling Green, when none of the circumstances that depress and dishearten men were want ing, the effect of his presence among the troops was magical. He knew how to encourage, how to divert the thoughts of his men from gloomy channels. Arriving at Burnsville, the usual camp and drill duties were kept up for some days, when, on the 3ist of March, he was ordered to take charge of the division forage train, and a guard consisting of three hun dred infantry and a small body of Forrest s Cavalry, and proceed to the vicinity of Yellow Creek for supplies. This he executed promptly and successfully, returning to camp next evening, April ist. On the morning of the 4th (as we have noticed heretofore) the brigade marched out from Burnsville, and on the night of the 5th encamped in the neighborhood of the enemy and slept on arms. The Fourth Regiment 464 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. was engaged about nine o clock on the morning of the 6th, Maj. Mon roe commanding, as Col. Trabue was in charge of brigade, and Lieut. - Col. Hynes insisted that the major should maneuver it, giving him the less responsible position of simply commanding right wing. It is scarcely necessary to record that he did not disappoint the high expectations of his friends. Coming suddenly upon the Forty-sixth Ohio Infantry, and, owing to the nature of the ground, finding his command observed, and the enemy ready before he knew of their proximity, and being under the necessity of changing front before he could engage, he coolly gave the command, and his admirable regi ment executed it in the very face of the fire, and with a regularity that would have done credit to veterans of a hundred battles, dressing on the colors as though the field were a mere parade ground, or the foe were armed with the simple fusils of the school-boy. They awaited the or der to fire, which was preceded by the usual commands of " ready" and "aim." By this means the men were kept steady, and their aim was not a mere mockery of the word it was deadly, and when he gave the order to "fire," the unfortunate command of Worthington melted away as though the simoom had swept over it. The conduct of himself, of his brother officers, of his men, during that day and the next, has passed into history, and the survivors of the glorious dead recall yet with stricken hearts the untimely fate of " the gallant and the good." In the desperate stand made by the still unscathed members of the Fourth Kentucky and the Fourth Ala bama Battalion, about one o clock on the afternoon of Monday, against what was afterward ascertained to be a whole division of Buell s army, Maj. Monroe fell mortally wounded and was borne to the rear. His brother, Capt. Ben Monroe, who had been previously wounded and forced to retire, hearing that he was dying at the field hospital, was assisted to mount a horse, and succeeded in finding him. " Ah ! old fellow," said the dying major in a tone of brotherly affec tion and confidence, which showed too plainly that he had been anxiously looking and hoped to see him once more before his eyes were closed forever, " I knew you would come ! " Capt. Monroe de scribed him as " living two hours without much suffering, perfectly sensible, and conversing freely. After expressing himself perfectly resigned to his fate and willing to die then sending messages of love to his family he expired quietly, consciously, and with more perfect calmness and serenity than I ever witnessed in any one before." To die away from home and friends, no loved one nigh save a wounded and suffering brother, with the roar of the contending hosts still sounding in his ears, and the mangled, bloody, ghastly dead and dying all around him, was a little thing to one who had no fears of the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 465 fate beyond the tomb ; but there were thoughts, nevertheless, which took hold of the failing heart, and touched it with a sorrow too deep for even the penetration of the stricken watcher. When he turned his dying eyes to the circle of home, the images of the gray-haired father and mother, of the sisters who loved him as only the sisters of such a man can love, rose up before him a picture that he could contemplate without anguish, for the old would soon join him, and time tempers the sor rows of the young ; but all the fountains of his tenderness were broken up when he thought upon his young wife and the dear babes (one of which, a little girl, was born after he left home), and his mind was weaned away from approaching dissolution to wander back over the days of domestic love and conjugal pleasure. Oh, to gaze one moment on the little group ! to feel the hand of her upon his brow ! to embrace them once more and pour out the pent-up feelings in com munion with them as he passed away ! Though he must leave them done to the cold world, it would have lent a joy to his dying hour, whose radiance would have been to them, too, a light in the dark scenes of widowhood and orphan life. His friends were fprced to abandon the body, but the Federals rec ognized him, and buried him with the respect due to a soldier and a hero. His name was cut upon the tree beneath which he was buried, ;>nd after the war closed his remains and those of Capt. Ben Monroe, Ins brother, were brought to Kentucky. They now sleep side by side in the Frankfort Cemetery, where their surviving comrades pay an nually to their memory the tender tribute of decorating their graves. The writer of an obituary notice, published shortly after his death, remarked that, " Few men of twenty-eight years have filled, with such marked ability, so many offices of honor and public trust; fewer still have resigned so distinguished a position as he occupied for the toils and dangers of a soldier s life. . . . His was a brief record, but American history has no brighter for the brave. That he was a true man, no one will deny who knew him well. His was a positive char acter he was no trimmer. On all questions of importance, he took a position, and having taken, maintained it firmly. His mind was possessed, in an eminent degree, of many of the elements of great ness and usefulness. . . . As a friend, he was warm, genial, and unreserved to those whom he truly esteemed. To the many, he had few professions of attachment; to all, the bearing of a modest gentle man; to his family, he was attached with a tenderness and devotion rarely equalled." Says another : He was one of those men whom the Almighty seems to send upon the earth, at intervals in the history of the race, to illustrate the higher and nobler attributes of humanity. He was- 30 466 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. fearless, honest, just; stern and decided as becomes a man, yet with all that delicacy of feeling and purity of sentiment which make the character of woman beautiful." His heart-stricken wife remained with her father s family until after the war was over ; but she then hastened all honor be to her for a true woman ! to take up her residence in a Southern city, where she might be among his friends, and show the most noble and becoming respect to his memory by rearing their children in the land that he loved, where their characters might be modeled after the pattern of his own, and no word implying disrespect to the dear name ever jar upon their sensitive ears. May the mantle of the father rest upon the little son, and, escaping the misfortunes, may he live again the admirable life, and preserve in its purity the beauty of the family name ! MAJ. JOHN B. ROGERS. It is due to the memory of the noble soldier whose name stands at the head of our page, that we should leave on record the special tribute of a short biography; though there were some who fell, of the same, and even higher grade in rank, that we are unable to sketch in full from the simple fact that the data are inaccessible. It was the fortune of the writer to know Maj. Rogers prior to the war ; to be his tutor for a time at an academy in his father s neighborhood ; and to watch his mili tary career with more than ordinary interest and satisfaction. He is therefore the better able to give him somewhat special and extended notice in this record of the heroic sons of Kentucky who cast their lots with the Confederacy. John Bird Rogers, eldest son of William B. and Nancy (Bagby) Rogers, was born in Barren County, Kentucky, on the nth day of January, 1835. His father was remotely connected with the hero of Kaskaskia and Vincennes, the pioneer general, George Rogers Clarke, while his mother was descended from the Bagbys of Virginia, her father, Mr. John Bagby, having served, when a lad of sixteen years, with the Continental troops in that State during the Revolution. The subject of this notice was brought up on the farm his father being one of those plain, industrious, persevering laborers, who, starting in life without fortune or extraneous aid, acquire wealth, and the distinction which is ever awarded to the honest yeomanry; and in his case, re markable energy and perseverance were directed by more than ordi narily excellent sense and a sound judgment. The son was educated in the schools of the county, attending the winter sessions until he had attained to eighteen or nineteen years of age, when he taught awhile, MAJ. JOHN B. ROGERS. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 467 and then, in 1856, visited Missouri, with a view to engaging in business there, and, perhaps, of making it his permanent home, as he had a large number of relatives and acquaintances in Holt County, of that State. He was very young, however, and though having inherited the firmness of will, the indomitable, unyielding temper which character ized both the Rogers and Bagby families, he did not fix upon any thing ; and his real force of character was never prominently displayed until his connection with the army. With a kind of roving, romantic turn, which appeared the more striking from his other general charac teristics of mind, he manifested no disposition to engage in business, and was careless of his means ; recking little what kind of skies to morrow should bring, if he could only enjoy himself to-day. While engaged in study, it was marvelous with what ease he mastered his les sons, from Smiley to Euclid, from Webster to the classics. Conse quently, in learning he seemed never to labor, and his father s discipline appeared to have had about as little effect on him as the general prin ciples of economy and prudence which he had endeavored to instill into his mind. The ordinary manifestations of his disposition seldom gave any indications of the more profound character that lay beneath the surface. He possessed an equability of temper so rare that he seemed almost devoid of the passion of anger, and yet, when fully aroused he was like an untamed tiger, fearless, and perfectly uncon querable; a cheerfulness that often increased to hilarity, and gave him the appearance of having never had a serious thought in his life; and a blunt candor, which made him the open and sarcastic foe of cant and affectation, and had the effect of indicating to the ordinary observer that he was a perfect stranger to sentiment, and as really devoid of sensitive feeling as a man could be. All these, however, were but the outer manifestations of the spirit the counterscarp to the strong cita del of passions, aspirations, and affections. His errant life in Missouri during the two years he spent there into every thing that promised sport and adventure ; taking a lively part in all the frolics of the young; attending to business only when business was the sole thing on hand, and could be made a mere pastime; roaming about among the Indians of Kansas and Nebraska; wandering off, supplied with gun and tackle, with the ostensible design of hunting and fishing, but forgetting to do cither in the more attractive occupation of exploring out-of-the-way places, and poking into unknown nooks and corners for something he had never seen before would have led one to think him such a wild and perfectly intractable genius as would never settle down to any thing, but would immeasurably prefer to frolic his life away, and die, like "Rosin-the-bow," in a madcap fit of mock solemnity, hoping that the man, who had done the world no other harm than to enjoy 468 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. himself, would meet with a pleasing enough reception in that undis covered country." The zest with which he enjoyed humor, the love of mischief, that was an inbred source of real pleasure, no one can forget who ever saw the merry twinkle of his eye, or heard his hilarious laugh when a true piece of fun was on hand. His knowledge of human nature was no less striking. He seemed, more than any other man we ever knew, to have really adopted, as a maxim of his life, the advisory stanza of the wise as well as true-hearted Burns : " Conceal yoursel as weel s you can Fra critical dissection, But keek through ev ry other man, Wi lengthened, sly inspection." While he was a perfect enigma himself, he seemed to read others by intuition; his judgment of men was as marvelous as his keen sense of the ridiculous and his love of sport delightful. In the autumn or winter of 1859, he concluded to embrace the law as a profession, and accordingly procured the volumes of Blackstone, and for awhile assumed the airs and habits of a student. He became more settled and reserved, and read diligently. He was delighted with the great treatise on the English Constitution, and in common law he could arrive at a logical conclusion as readily as an old barrister. But he had not long pursued this course when another star arose on his vision it was of deeds of daring and -military prowess. Trouble was brewing between the sections. The legislature of Kentucky had passed the famous militia bill, providing for the State Guard, and his whole soul seemed to become at once engrossed. He read Bonaparte again, and Roman history. He bought works on military themes and devoured them. At one time his romantic disposition came near getting the better of him; he fell upon " Ivanhoe," and concluded to introduce into the county the tournament of chivalry. Providing him self with lance and ring, he mounted his favorite young mare, and practiced the feat that whilom won the honor of being crowned by fair lady, and tilted in the forest with imaginary Cceur de Leons. In a short time, the State Guard companies began to be formed, and the governor promised real guns, that would certainly kill a hundred yards, if aimed with accuracy and fared with steady nerve. He at once pro vided himself with Hardee s latest edition, and in a week could maneuver a battalion of beans, on a board representing a field, with about as much precision as the renowned Georgian himself. Attach ing himself to a company at Hiseville, he was commissioned one of the officers, and took the foremost place in drilling, uniforming, and HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 469 providing suitable colors, which happened to be, just then, the " Star- Spangled Banner," but which he soon learned to despise as the emblem of what he regarded as of lawless and ruthless power. When Capt. (afterward colonel) Nuckols announced his determination, July, 1861, to connect himself with the volunteers gathering on the border, and called for men to fill his ranks, Lieut. Rogers, with a few equally en thusiastic young friends, left the now discordant body at Hiseville and united with the recruits about to depart from Glasgow. At the organization of Co. A, Fourth Regiment, August i3th, he was elected first lieutenant; and, as Capt. Nuckols was much of his time engaged in regimental duty, the command of the company de volved largely upon him. At Shiloh he had charge of it, and not only handled it well, but showed an example of lofty courage. Here a disagreeable duty devolved upon him, that he could never afterward escape, when special dangerous service was to be done. Co. A was deployed as skirmishers for the right, and a platoon of Co. D for the left of the Fourth Regiment. Every soldier knows that to be a skir mish company, though a post of honor, is an honor that is dearly paid for. To the new soldier it is peculiarly trying. To move forward promptly, over brushwood and brake, through forests and past ravines, where every tree may hide a foe, and every cut and every clump of bushes a band of them where the first intimation of their presence may be a deadly fire, the blaze of the rifle almost in his very face is not a duty to be lightly ventured upon. But Rogers and his men ac quitted themselves too well to pass unnoticed ; and many and many a time after that, when peculiar danger attended " feeling the woods," the order came, "Capt. Rogers will deploy his company as skirmish ers and advance upon the enemy." Early in the engagement at Shiloh, his brother, William L. Rogers, was shot dead while firing with a coolness and care that must have made every bullet an effective one ; and himself shortly afterward fell, severely wounded, but not until he had assisted in conducting the opening skirmish skillfully, and twice charged, like a hero, in the van of the men. About this time, the Sixth regiment was ordered up, to move forward with the Fourth, which had been twice bloodily en gaged, and drive the Federals, if possible, from the position in front of the open ground of the second encampment, which they were hold ing with such desperation. A friend of his, belonging to the Sixth legiment, passed forward on the right, and found him lying on his back, a little in advance of the line his breast, shoulder, and arm covered with blood and the first impression was that he was mortally Bounded ; but his look was one of cheerful patience, though in pain and still in imminent danger of being struck by an accidental shot. 470 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. The friend had but time to cast a pitying yet admiring glance upon the fallen form ; but he had the satisfaction, about the last of May, to have a mischievous body, dressed in a new captain s uniform, thrust itself unexpectedly into his quarters near Corinth, and to learn that the wounded arm was healed, though still useless. He now took charge of the company as its commanding officer, having been promoted to the captaincy, to take rank from the yth of April. He went with it to Vicksburg, and participated in the defense of that city ; then to Baton Rouge, where he fought with a judgment and gallantry that was now considered a matter of course; then to Stone River, where, in the thickest of the fray, he had the heart rending misfortune to see another beloved brother, and extraordinary soldier, George Walter, fall headlong, and to find, on hurriedly turn ing him over, that he had received a ball through the right side, which the sufferer himself seemed to consider necessarily fatal, as he begged to be left there, to " die on the field as a soldier should." Speaking of this scene afterward, in answer to some inquiries of the writer, and of his having gone to the hospital in Murfreesboro , on Saturday night, just before the troops began their march southward, to bid the dying boy a last farewell, the apparently imperturbable and immobile brother could not utter half a dozen words before emotion choked his utterance, and tears, bitter and blinding, told of anguish which had wounded his heart too deep for healing. On the Mississippi campaign of 1863 then fighting at Chickamauga and Mission Ridge; at Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas ; in the skirmishes and picket from New Hope to Kenesaw he was always present, always prompt, doing his duty bravely and efficiently. During this latter campaign, he was pro moted to be major, to take rank from the 28th of May, 1864. When it was reported at headquarters of brigade, on the afternoon of June 2oth, that the skirmish-pits covering the position had been assaulted by a Federal force and captured, preparations were speedily made for re taking them, which was done, with the exception of those on the ex treme right, and Maj. Rogers was ordered to relieve the officer in charge, and take command of the force. He did so at once, but it was now night-fall; and not having been made perfectly acquainted with the state of affairs, and the precise locality and bearing of the pits still held by the enemy, he went too far to the right while examin ing the line, and was either killed or captured. Beyond this nothing is certainly- known of him. A Federal officer, brought in afterward, spoke of their having captured a Confederate officer that night, who came up, not perceiving them to be Federal soldiers, and ordered them to " hold their pit to the last man" ; and he gave a description so perfectly answering to Rogers, that it was long considered a matter of k MAJ. THOMAS H. HAYS. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 471 course that he had merely been sent North as a prisoner ; but time wore on; Lieut. -Nuckols, who had been captured when the assault was made, escaped and returned; some men made prisoners with him, were ex changed; the war closed, but still no tidings came, either to the army or to his friends at home, of the missing officer. There is no sadder record of the true soldier than to write of him, " Fate unknown." The conjectures that arise concerning him can bring no comfort to the sorrowing heart. The state of mind is like a never-ending suspense, for we can not persuade ourselves of anything. We never settle down into the absolute belief of death we know nothing of the man ner of it, and refuse credence to that which affords us not only no joy but no relief. It is necessary to add only that, in the occupation of a soldier, he found something worthy to fix his mind, engage his attention, and thoroughly arouse his manhood. When he had determined to enter the field, he took a calm and comprehensive survey of the evils and dangers that must beset his path, and, apparently for the first time, seriously considered the Christian faith, and the necessity of casting anchor in the sure haven of religious peace, as a preparation for meet ing his fate, should he be destined to fall in battle ; and he accordingly connected himself, in the spring of 1861, with the Reformed Church, and partook of the holy sacraments. MAJ. THOMAS H. HAYS. Thomas Hercules Hays, a son of Col. William H. and Nancy (Neill) Hays, was born at West Point, Hardin County, Ky. , October 6th, 1837. His paternal grandfather was Hercules Hays, a Ken- tuckian by birth, who was a son of W. H. Hays, a son of Wm. H. Hays, Sen., a native of the vicinity of Edinburgh, Scotland, and a descendant of the old border clan known as "The Hays." His mother was the daughter of Capt. Thomas Neill, and Phoebe L. (LaRue) Neill, both of the Shenandoah Valley, Va. They were first cousins, the mother of each being a Helm. Thos. Neill, who came to Kentucky in 1808, was a captain in the Revolutionary Army. He was of Scotch descent. The grandmother of Maj. Hays on his father s side was Elizabeth Lusk ; her mother was a Miss McMurtry, of Jessamine County, Ky. , and her mother a daughter of Hannah Todd, of the prominent pioneer family of that name. The earliest instructor of the subject of this notice was Robert Hewitt, one of the foremost scholars and preceptors of the day, and later he was for one year under the tuition of Gen. Fayette Hewitt, a son of Robert Hewitt s, by whom he was prepared for college. In 472 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1853, he entered St. Joseph s College, Bardstown, where he took a classical course (devoting special attention during the last two years to Civil Engineering also), and graduated in 1857. He studied law under his uncle, the Hon. James W. Hays, and under the late Gov. John L. Helm, whose daughter, Sarah Hardin Helm, he married in July, 1861. In 1860 he was elected major of the Salt River Battalion, of the Kentucky State Guard. He was in command of Camp Joe Daveiss, on Muldraugh s Hill, when Federal troops invaded Kentucky in Sep tember, 1 86 1, and by order of Gen. Buckner captured the trains at Lebanon Junction and at Elizabethtown, and burned the L. & N. bridge over the Rolling Fork. When the Sixth Kentucky Infantry was organized for the Confederate service he was made its major, and commissioned early in October, 1861. With this he fought at Shiloh, and was in command of the regiment during the afternoon of the sec ond day of the battle. When the regiment was reorganized (May loth, 1862), he was as signed to duty as major and A. A. General on the staff of Gen. Wm. Preston, in command of a brigade composed in part of Kentucky regiments. When Gen. Helm, his brother-in-law, took command of the Orphan Brigade, Maj. Hays was made its inspector-general, and served as such in the Mississippi campaign of 1863, and on that -which terminated with the battle of Chickamauga. After this battle, he was ordered to report for duty on the staff of Gen. S. Cooper, Adjutant-General of the Confederate States Army. Under this officer he made an inspection and roster of the army of Tennessee at Dalton ; was then assigned to duty as A. A. and T. Gen eral on Johnston s staff and served with him on the Dalton-Atlanta campaign. When Johnston was superseded by Hood, Maj. Hays was tem porarily assigned to duty as A. A. General on the staff of Gen. John S. Williams, with whom he remained till after the battle of Saltville. He then reported to Gen. Hood, at Florence, Ala., was assigned to duty by Hood as A. and I. General on his staff, and in this capacity served with him on the Nashville campaign and until after his retreat from Tennessee. During the three months from the time he took service with Williams till he joined Hood at Florence he had been in active discharge of the duties of his position in camp, on the march, in the field, and had ridden on horse back from Marietta, Ga., to Strawberry Plains, Tenn., thence to Pu- laski, Tenn., thence to Saltville, W. Va. , thence to Florence, Ala., and then took part in the fearful campaign and retreat which termi nated only with Hood s return to the Carolinas. He went to Rich mond, and was sent from there for service in West Virginia, where he HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 47, 1 ! was when Lee surrendered. From White Sulphur Springs he traveled on horseback to Savannah, where he was paroled, sometime in May, and took ship for New York, from which city he returned to Ken tucky. Instead of law practice he concluded to engage in farming, and he is to-day one of the largest farmers in the State having engaged in this industry first in Hardin County, then in Jefferson, where he has lived (near Louisville) since 1875, on one of the handsomest places in Kentucky. In 1869 he was elected to represent Hardin County in the lower house of the legislature, and served through the sessions of 1869-70 and 1870-71, (regular and adjourned). In 1876, (after having re moved to Jefferson), he was appointed general superintendent of the Pullman Southern Car Company, and served as such five years, then two years as second vice-president of the company. In 1882, he was the democratic nominee for congress, in the Louis ville district, but was defeated by the Hon. Albert S. Willis, then in cumbent, who made the race as an independent. He was one of the first of a party of gentlemen who built the Ox- more blast furnaces, near Birmingham, Ala., and may justly be styled one of the eight pioneers of the great iron industry of Alabama. He was one of the projectors and builders of the Louisville Southern Rail road, and the projector and builder of the Hodgenville and Elizabeth- town Railroad. It will be noted that he has been actively engaged since the war in many enterprises for building up and developing the State. In 1893 he was elected State senator for the thirty-sixth district, composed of the county of Jefferson and the first and second wards of Louisville, and drew for the long term ; so that he served the full term of over four years. In 1897 he was reflected senator on the straight democratic ticket, having maintained in 1895-6 steadfast alle giance to his party, while so many of his former political associates fall away because of their views on the financial questions of the time. In the face of strong opposition, and notwithstanding the fact that at the previous general election the republicans were greatly in the ma jority, he carried his district by about 2,000 majority. His first wife, Sarah, the fourth daughter of Gov. Jno. L. Helm, went South and shared the fortunes of war with him, and their oldest daughter was born during the time, in Canton, Miss. Mrs. Hays died June 2, 1868, leaving three daughters. He afterward remarried, his second wife being the daughter of Judge Edward Broughton, of La- Grange, Ga., and to her has been born six daughters. The family live on their beautiful farm, seven miles and a half from Louisville, 474 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. where, he says, " the latch-string always hangs out for his comrades and friends." As a soldier, a legislator, a trusted official in the conduct of great business enterprises, as a private citizen superintending his agricultural interests, he has led a diligent, useful and honorable life, and contrib uted a generous share towards maintaining in civil life the unsurpassed reputation of that body of citizen soldiery with whom in young man hood he left the State, to do battle for a cause which appealed to his honor and his principles. CAPT. FAYETTE HEWITT. [AFTERWARD BRIGADIER-GENERAL UNDER STATE COMMISSION.] He was born in Hardin Co., Ky., and reared chiefly in Elizabeth- town, as the family removed to that place when he was but two or three years of age. His father, who was long principal of the academy in that town, was a man of eminent scholarly attainments, and devoted to literary pursuits. He early instilled into the son a fondness of study and a love of books. The consequence was, that his naturally sensi tive and retiring disposition was indulged to such an extent that he became almost a confirmed recluse, even in the days of his boyhood averse to company, utterly wanting in that inclination to hilarity and sport that usually characterizes boys. Out-door pleasures he had none. Hunting, fishing, skating, swimming, horsemanship of these he abso lutely knew less than of the Olympic games and the pastimes of a Roman holiday. Society not only had no charms for him, but he was even miserable when drawn into company, and could enjoy compan ionship with only the few whose tastes were similar, and who could ap peal to his senses by something more than a mere volubility, whose burden was cheap slang, or by a boisterous manifestation of animal spirits. His sensibilities were painfully acute, and are forcibly de scribed by a remark he once made respecting his feelings when first entering upon active life, to the effect that he was as sensitive as a skinned man among furze bushes. Though this retired, sedentary life was no doubt deleterious to health, and prevented that superior physical development which he might otherwise have enjoyed, it was not without proportionately favor able results at regarded the unfolding of the powers of the mind and an uncommon degree of culture. At the early age of sixteen, he had gone through the usual college curriculum of languages, mathematics, and the minor incidental studies ; and during the next year he devotee! some time to natural sciences and history. CAPT. FAVETTE HEWITT. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 475 Circumstances now began to transpire to wean him away from the solitude of the private library and the quiet companionship of books alone. His father died when he was seventeen years old, and he awoke to the realization that life has duties and responsibilities for all. He was the oldest of four sons, and besides these and his mother there were two female relatives, all of whom now looked to him, and were, in a great measure, dependent upon him. He was offered a position as principal of the academy of which his father had had charge, and he accepted it. Though he had never been put to business of any kind, he deemed it his duty not only to provide for the material wants of the family, but to complete the education of his brothers, and assist in the formation of their moral characters as well. In pursuance of this noble purpose he took charge of the school, and for eight years discharged the important trust. Among others who grew up and completed their scholastic course under his tuition were his brothers, and thus the first great obligation of his life was fully met. His health now began seriously to suffer, in consequence of such assiduous application, and he gave up the school and went to Louisiana, with the hope of improving his physical condition. He remained in that State two years, when he was appointed by Postmaster-General Joe Holt to a position in his department. He repaired to Washington, and continued there till March, 1861, when, fearing that Kentucky would not take such action as he desired, or, if she did, that it would be too late for practical purposes, looking either to her own defense or to the assistance of the South, he resigned his position and went to Virginia to engage in the war. The Postmaster-General of the Con federate States learned of his whereabouts, and immediately tele graphed to him, desiring his assistance in getting the new department in working order. He accordingly repaired to Montgomery, received an appointment, and went earnestly to work. When the department had been put in successful operation, he resigned his place; and, hav ing entered the army about the ist of December, 1861, was appointed Assistant Adjutant-General, P. A., C. S., with the rank of captain, and ordered, January, 1862, to the Trans-Mississippi, for duty with Gen. Albert Pike, commanding department of Indian Territory. He remained in that department, first with Gen. Pike, then with Generals Hindman, Holmes, and Walker, till February, 1863, at which time he was ordered to report to Gen. Breckinridge. After serving a short time on the staff of the latter officer, he was ordered to the Kentucky Brigade, for temporary duty with Gen. Helm the assistant adjutant- general who had previously served with him being then absent. He \vent with the command to Mississippi and fought at Jackson, thence back to Tennessee, and fought at Chickamauga, and, in fact, in every 476 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. one of its subsequent engagements, as he was never absent except a short time, on two occasions, when he was sick, and no fighting was going on. It is unnecessary to dwell at length upon each particular action ; and it is scarcely required to say that his entire service was above the slight est cavil of the meanest mind; but it is pertinent to refer here to a re mark made by an officer of the Fifth Kentucky relative to his conduct on the 22d of July, 1864, at a critical juncture, noticed in the account of that battle. "The nature of the ground," said the gentleman, "and the furious reception with which we were met as soon as the Federals caught sight of us, and the withering fire under which we tried to press forward, had the effect of throwing the brigade too much in a mass towards the left, and the situation was dangerous in the ex treme. We were being destroyed, while in poor shape for returning effective fire. Hewitt came straight from the right, fearfully exposed, and not only was his arrival opportune, but his cool judgment grasped the situation in a moment. He saw the remedy, and we were extri cated. It was a display of qualities of which real generals are made. r During the campaign from Dalton to Jonesboro , he suffered con stantly from ill health, and was so afflicted at one time as to be unable to mount his horse without assistance; but he refused to take the benefit of a sick leave, and the indomitable will triumphed over the ills of the flesh, so that he was enabled to continue on duty, and measurably to regain his health in the midst of the most arduous service. This was an exhibition of fortitude and determination seldom witnessed, even among those men with whom heroic devotion was the rule, and no: the exception. His courage was of that superior kind which enables a man to be perfectly collected, cool, constant, and not to be thrown off his guard and unsteadied by the most imminent and surprising danger, or by the greatest calamity that can characterize a conflict of arms. An incident that shows with what perfect self-control he could act, even amid appall ing dangers, is well worthy of note : Going into the battle of Intrenchment Creek, he observed a soldier throw away his blanket, because, as he said, it was so in his way that hi, didn t want to fight with it on. The captain remonstrated with him, and remarked that he would need the blanket if he should chance to be wounded. He then took it himself and tied it behind his saddle, to keep for the soldier in case he should have use for it, and went into the battle. Amid the storm of missiles that met them, Hewitt s horse was almost literally torn to pieces with a shell, but himself was unhurt; and, after getting upon his feet, stooped down, untied the blanket, threw it over his shoulder, and went on with the general for orders, which he HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 477 transmitted on foot till another horse was procured for him on the field. After the battle, and when he had gone back 10 the field hospital, about the first man he found among the wounded was the owner of the blanket, who, upon receiving it from the captain s hands, expressed the greatest astonishment that he should have kept it under such cir cumstances. He remarked that he saw the horse shot, and swore that he wouldn t have thought of blankets then, nor anything else but get ting away. Besides the horse just referred to, he had two others killed under him during the war, but was never wounded himself, though balls re peatedly passed through his clothing and hat, and one through his hair. There was, perhaps, no man in the Confederate army more popular among those with whom he served, and who, had he been disposed to avail himself of it, could have been more rapidly promoted. A major- general in the Army of Tennessee expressed a desire, early in 1864, to have him promoted to colonel and assigned to duty with him as chief of staff, (an act of Congress entitling him to a chief of that rank,) but he declined to have his name mentioned to the government in that t onnection, because, as he had said on a previous occasion, he would rather be a captain among his fellow-Kentuckians of the Orphan Bri gade than general of any other brigade in the army. During the winter of 1863-4, it was thought that the troops would be permitted to reorganize, under the second conscript act, and, though every Kentucky regiment was then commanded by an able, gallant, and popular officer, a strong determination existed in three of them, and in some considerable measure found expression, to elect him colonel of whichever one he could be induced to appear before as a candidate. Early in 1865, a petition was gotten up, without his knowledge, asking that he should be promoted, but still retained on duty in that brigade, and it was signed by every member then present in camp. We have already observed that about this time an appoint ment was forwarded to department headquarters, assigning him to duty with Cleburne s old division, in case he should accept of it. Shortly after his return home, May 18, 1865, he was offered the po sition of principal of the Elizabethtown Female Academy, of which he took charge in September, and was five months thus engaged. When the expatriation laws were repealed, he began the practice of la w in the courts of Hardin ; but in October, 1867, shortly after the accession of Gov. Stevenson to the gubernatorial chair, he was ap pointed quartermaster-general with the rank of brigadier, and set him self earnestly to work arranging the claims of the commonwealth against the United States. 478 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. His labors in that position were extraordinarily great and showed business ability of a very high character. The State had incurred an expenditure of nearly $4,000,000, arming and equipping her troops for service in the field. The Act of Con gress calling out the troops urged the States to hurry them forward, promising to refund all expenditures thereby incurred. Yet when the war was over and these accounts were presented, the war and treasury departments required them to meet all the technical formalities ob served in such expenditures in time of peace. Indeed, a set of rules was adopted in the treasury department for the settlement of these claims, which was regarded in the department as being superior to the laws which pledged the nation to refund these expenditures, and, in effect, shut out a large proportion of them. An agent, at a salary of $4,000, with an office, clerks, etc., had "been maintained at Washington for several years to facilitate the settle ment of these claims, but so little progress was made with it that the legislature, in 1868, in a fit of vexation, repealed the acts providing for any agency, whatever, for the furtherance of this work. The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, who had been looking into the matter, asked Hewitt to assume charge of the accounts and urge payment by the General Government. He found it necessary to re arrange the vouchers, making much of the arrangement anew. He gathered evidence from all quarters of the country, obtained the affi davits and statements of every officer of any prominence in the west ern army, from Gen. Sherman down to quartermasters and commis saries generally. He succeeded in collecting almost the entire claim, there being a comparatively small balance still unadjusted when he re signed his office the difficulty not arising from the provisions of the law, but from the enforcement of the arbitrary and unreasonable rules of the treasury department. He served as quartermaster-general under Gov. Stevenson, Gov. Leslie and Gov. McCreary, resigning in April, 1876, when he re turned to Elizabethtown to resume his profession. By the death of a brother who lived in Louisville, he was com pelled to go to that city in 1877, where he spent some time in settling up his brother s unfinished business. In 1879 he was elected Auditor of State, entering upon the duties January 5th, 1880. He was reflected in 1884 and again in 1888. each of the last two times virtually without opposition in his own party. He was noted for the constant and laborious attention he gave to his duties. He reorganized the office, and most of the tax laws now in force were written by him and made into laws under his advice and urgency. He did not serve out his last term as Auditor, but resigned HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 479 November loth, 1889, to accept the position of President of the State National Bank of Frankfort, which position he now holds, and which institution has had almost phenomenal success, although most of the time of its existence has been one of financial distress throughout the country. His general character, both private and public, may be gathered, by inference, from the preceding notice of his career. The war, he re marked on a certain occasion, was in one sense, at least, a blessing to him, since it forced him into contact with men, broke up his old habits of seclusion, and gave him broader views of humanity and a more healthful tone of mind. His public life has furnished abundant evi dence of the fact that though his early days were spent in almost per fect seclusion, with but books for his companions, which are usually considered as only auxiliaries to a true knowledge of men and things, he has a mind of a thorough practical cast, and a ready adaptation to any thing to which he chooses to turn his attention. Contemplating him in the character of the student, the scholar, the man of elegant tastes, pure affections, acute sensibility, beautiful appreciation of all that charms the soul which is yet uncontaminated by degrading vices or groveling instincts, on the one hand, and on the other as the man of business, the government official, and the soldier who passed un scathed in body, in reputation, in moral purity, through all the dan gers and temptations that attend upon the followers of Mars, we invol untarily think of the blind bard of England, lofty always, whether the student, the teacher, the politician, the secretary of the common wealth, or the poet reveling in the beauties and sublimities of his im agination. Though now long accustomed to society, of which he is an ornament, and as general a favorite as he was among his comrades in the army, he has not yet lost the tinge of early diffidence and seclusion, and it still requires a strong sense of propriety and of obligations to society, to keep him from retirement from solitude and books. His chief ambi tion is to fill whatever position he may chance to occupy in a worthy manner, discharging its duties in a humble, quiet, unostentatious way. We cannot better conclude this sketch than with a letter from Gen. Albert Pike, in reply to some inquiries as to his services and standing in the Army of the Trans-Mississippi. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, iyth July, 1868. DEAR SIR : Capt. Hewitt was appointed at my special request second assistant adjutant-general for Department of Indian Terri tory, and assigned to duty with me. He served with me until some 480 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. time in June, 1862, and during that time I not only neverjiad occa sion to censure him, but he daily deserved praise, and won the love and admiration of all who knew him. He became as dear to me as my own sons. Brave, courteous, amiable, unassuming, obliging, and kind to every one, firm in the performance of duty a nobler gentleman or or better soldier never lived. If he has a vice, a fault, or a failing, I never discovered it; and there is no knightly virtue or excellence with which his character is not adorned. A more gallant soldier there never was gallant with the cool, reflective courage of a gentleman and man of honor. He needs no encomium from me. But I am glad to say this that I have said, because I want him to know how I love and honor him. My indorsement in Kentucky he cannot need. Respectfully yours, ALBERT PIKE, Late Brigadier-General, C. S. A. CAPT. SAM H. BUCHANAN. We have here an instance of a young soldier, without a military ed ucation, or any of the circumstances that give prestige without war rant of conduct, rising, by energy, devoted attention to duty, and gal lant behavior in the day of action, to distinction in the Army of the Confederate States. There are men who seem to be the peculiar favorites of fortune, who enjoy advantages that lead us to prejudge favorably, and to award position without proof of merit. In char acters of this description we are apt to be disappointed afterward, since there is generally a lack of those solid virtues, born of trial and opposition, which sustain men under an increasing weight of cares and in the hours of peril and disaster. But when we find a young man, without favoring circumstances or adventitious aid, addressing himself, like Theseus, to turning the stone of trial, and grasping the sword of proof that it covers, we rely with more confidence upon his powers of achievement, and are seldom disappointed in his ability to surmount obstacles, sustain himself under adverse circumstances, and attain to honorable distinction in whatever path of life he may choose. Samuel Horine Buchanan was born in Floydsburg, Oldham County, Ky., December 23, 1838, and had the advantage of his native schools until the age of fourteen, when he was placed in a mercantile estab lishment in Louisville, where he acquired a knowledge of business, and, above all, formed those habits of attention to duty, and prompt ness in performing whatever was enjoined upon him, which were of CAI T. SAM H. BUCHANAN. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN P.RIGADE. 481 such eminent service in the administrative department of his military career. In early boyhood, the corn-stalk parade, the flam-flam of the mili tia drum, and the screaming of the fife had a charm for him, which with a certain adventurous disposition, and a fondness for stories of war and prowess, evinced a martial turn of mind ; and he, being naturally ambitious, gave early indications of that spirit which led him subsequently to resist, with the most uncompromising, unfaltering con stancy, the effort to subdue the Southern people. His reputation, in the schools of his native county, for being one whose enmity it was not pleasant to excite, and whose opposition might be counted on when anything offensive presented itself, is, no doubt, still remembered by the pedagogues and pupils of that day. Shortly after taking up his residence in Louisville, he joined the National Blues, a company of citizen soldiers frequently mentioned in the course of this work. At nineteen years of age he was elected second lieutenant, which position he continued to fill until the organi zation was broken up on account of political troubles. In August, 1 86 1, he repaired to Glasgow, in company with William L. Clarke, and engaged with Lewis in the camp of instruction there. Returning to Louisville, preparations were made for such of the Blues as desired to follow the fortunes of the South to enlist under Lewis. Accord ingly, September 12, eighteen or twenty of the members set out for Glasgow, and, on arriving there, connected themselves with the re cruits at that point. A temporary recruiting station was established at Cave City; and the commanding officer, who had noticed the knowl edge of military rules and business qualities displayed by Buchanan at Glasgow, the month preceding, now appointed him acting adjutant for the new regiment. In this capacity he served with great useful ness and acceptability until the consolidation of battalions, when, by the terms of union, Col. Gofer s recruits were entitled to the adjutancy, and Gid Welch was appointed. Buchanan was elected second lieu tenant of Co. C, and acted with that company until the reorganiza tion of the regiment, May 10, 1862, when he was appointed first lieu tenant and adjutant the colonel, in his communication to the War Department, recommending his appointment not only on account of business qualification, but for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Shiloh. He was at Vicksburg during the siege and bombardment of that city, July, 1862, but, toward the latter part of the month, he was so reduced in health as to be compelled to seek relaxation and attention in the < ountry. He was thus unable to participate in the battle at Baton Rouge the only engagement of his command, however, in the dan- 31 482 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. gers and glories of which he did not share. Of his conduct at Stone River, it is only necessary to state that his commanding officer was so pleased with it as to mention him again to the department as deserving promotion for his gallantry. After the battle of Chickamauga, when Lewis succeeded to the command of the brigade, he recommended him for appointment as captain and assistant adjutant-general on his staff. Capt. Hewitt, an assistant adjutant-general, P. A., C. S. , had been temporarily assigned, by order, to duty in the brigade, and, pend ing the action of the War Department, Buchanan was assigned to duty as assistant inspector-general. He was appointed in accordance with the recommendation, February 19, 1864, but Hewitt continued, by agreement, to fill that office, and Buchanan that of inspector-general, until 2oth December, 1864, when he was ordered to perform the func tions of office according to appointment, which he did until the war closed. As before remarked, he participated in every engagement of the brigade, except one, and demeaned himself alike gallantly in all. He had the great good fortune to enjoy more than common health after the summer of 1862, and to receive but a single wound during the war, that of December , 1864, and that not of a serious na ture. On the field of battle he was active and vigilant, as well as courage ous, in the discharge of his duty. In his official capacity, generally, he was considered rather stern and exacting. Prompt and orderly him self, he admitted of no excuse on the part of others. He had a great pride in the troops of his own State; and in the command with which he was identified, his desire was that the men, without any of those degrading processes required to make soldiers out of mercenaries, should be brought, by proper management encouraging the good, arousing the pride of all, and restraining the bad by that means, and by the preservation of strict order and regular discipline to as high state of efficiency as regular soldiers, and to look as well. With a quick eye to discern the evils that operated to destroy the morale of an army, he opposed, almost from the very first, facilities that sometimes ob tained for procuring "leave of absence," and in the end was so pro ductive of mischief, if not ruinous to the cause. Convinced of the bad effects of such a policy, he used all his influence against it, and set an example to those around him ; and he was proud to say, in after years, that he never enjoyed, never even asked for, a leave of absence during the war. He sometimes drew down upon himself, no doubt, the maledictions of the less devoted by his uncompromising opposition to granting indulgence ; but that he should have excited the wrath of such men redounds to his credit, and should be referred to as praise worthy, and significant of one who had the good of the cause at heart. CAPT. BEN MONROE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 4&j and chose rather to arouse temporary enmity than consent to the ad mission of practices destructive of efficiency. While he was adjutant, woe to the sergeant who failed to present himself in a short time after the last stroke of the drum. If he plead indisposition or exhaustion, he was reminded that the surgeon of the Sixth Regiment was on duty near by, and ready for reports of that character. If he attempted to excuse himself on the plea of having mistaken the call, he was advised to attend to his ears, or trouble would ensue. While in the department of inspection, arms, accoutre ments, quarters, clothing, and general bearing were scrutinized with an eye as critical as that of a West Pointer ; and how often the quar termasters and commissaries wished him elsewhere is scarcely to be recalled, even by those persecuted individuals themselves. Since the war he has led the life of a diligent but quiet business man, chiefly in Louisville, though he spent a few years in the West. He has never sought public position nor courted prominence, except that which comes naturally of the honorable and successful conduct of one s own affairs. CAPT. BEN MONROE. In all the annals of the war (as has been justly remarked by an other) there seems to have been no family in Kentucky upon which the hand of affliction pressed more constantly than upon that of Judge Monroe. The death of the incomparable major was followed by the seizure and partial destruction of their home, and the compulsory ban ishment of the young ladies, who, it had been vainly hoped, would meet with protection from a lawless soldiery. Next came the sickness and death of the captain, then the grievous affliction to the grandson, Frank so young and yet disabled for life and lastly, after the fate of the Confederacy had been decided, after trials that would have bowed a less resolute nature to the dust, the gray-haired sire himself passed away, the once lovely homestead became the property of a stranger, and the survivors of the wreck of hopes and fortune found a home far from those scenes of childhood where the sweet memories of former happy days must ever linger. Benjamin James Monroe, the fifth son of Judge Monroe, was born at Montrose, near Frankfort, August 7, 1836; and though he died at the age of twenty-six years, he had lived long enough to win a name and give promise of a brilliant future, evincing talent of a high order, and manly characteristics which can not be too highly extolled. His tuition began at a very early age, and was conducted by his father until he was old enough to be put to school. The Judge, a life-long 484 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. student himself, endeavored earnestly and constantly to impress upon the minds of his children not only the necessity of acquiring the rudi mentary branches, but, (for the all-important growth and vigor of the mind), habits of daily reading and reflection, with a view to an en larged and comprehensive knowledge of any subject they might take in hand. After some preparatory instruction, and a kind of induction into the proper role of discipline, he was sent to the school of Mr. Sayre, in Frankfort, which he attended with regularity for two or three years, and at the end of that time, with the assistance of his father, which he had in addition to the regular school-training, he had completed the ordinary literary course, and made large proficiency in the mathematics. He is represented as having been an uncommonly bright and intelligent boy, more full of animal spirits, perhaps, than any of his brothers, and almost as much given to mad pranks as the son of a Gahvay squire ; but observing to keep so well within the bounds of propriety as never to neglect his studies while at school, nor bring down the wrath of Master Sayre upon his devoted head. Afterward he entered the Western Military Academy at Dren- non Springs, then under the superintendence of Colonel (afterward Confederate General) Bushrod Johnson; and in 1857, he took the de grees A. B. and LL.B., and was admitted to the bar of the Court of Appeals, and the Federal courts, in Frankfort. Prior to his entering upon the study of law, Judge Monroe had or ganized a law class, and he derived much benefit from his father s in structions, both before his admission to the bar and subsequently. Reviewing again and again the elementary works, in connection with each formation of a new class, he became proficient in the principles of law far beyond his years. Shortly after entering upon the practice, he concluded to try his fortunes in a new and wider field, and accord ingly, in 1858, went to Leavenworth, Ks. Here, his pleasing ad dress, and an ability that needed not to be sounded from the house tops to attract attention, soon drew to him a number of admiring friends, and gave him a lucrative business for a stranger, in so new a settlement. His prospects for eminent success were excellent, the future was promising, but after remaining here a year or two he con cluded to return to Kentucky. To a man like him, reared, as he had been, in a highly refined family, surrounded by an intellectual, orderly society, amid scenery beautiful, if not sublime, this home in a mush room city, in a new country, whose very features, naked, bleak, uni form, seemed to speak of harsh realities and cold, stern labor, without the refinements and amenities that render life beautiful; the rough, boisterous, scrambling populace, made up in great part of ruffians HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 485 and their female counterpart, of sharpers, jobbers, and small traders of every nationality ; where the Sabbath was forgotten, and Christian rites performed only by the quiet few, who may be found even in the worst society all these things were so foreign to his fine nature that he pined for the little city among the hills, and longed to turn his eyes away from the murky Missouri, with its sandy and ever shifting shore, its bars and sawyers, to gaze again upon the bright waters of his own cliff-bound Kentucky. He accordingly returned, and again began practice in Frankfort; but had not long remained at home before he was engaged by Messrs. John H. Morgan & Co. , of Lexington, to go to New Mexico, and look after some matters of commercial interest for them. He went out in the spring of 1860, and was gone more than a year, but reached home while his native State was halting between two opinions. His own course was soon determined upon. He began his arrangements for entering the Confederate service; and as there were yet many young men about Frankfort who had not enlisted, he proposed to raise a company for the Southern army. Meeting with Col. Trabue about this time, in Louisville, he agreed to recruit for his regiment, and the colonel made the necessary arrangements for having the volunteers transported to Camp Burnett. In July, he began enlisting, and about the last of that month a body of men who had rallied at his call were sent on by way of Louisville. He continued to exert himself in and about Frankfort till the middle of August, when, the government party having become bold and confident, he was in imminent danger of ar rest he even had reason to believe that a writ had already been pro cured, and he left home, and joined his men in Tennessee, while his nephews, Winder and Frank, continued for a short time, to recruit for him, when they, too, were compelled to desist, and Frank repaired to camp. He had not had time to gather even the minimum number re quired for a company, and as Thomas Steele, Jr. , who had come out from Woodford, had a like number, a consolidation was agreed upon, and Co. E, Fourth Kentucky Infantry, was organized on the nth of September, 1861, with him as captain. His previous training at the Western Military Institute had fitted him for this position, and his company, composed of some of the most excellent young men of Franklin and Woodford, was soon in a high state of discipline. He de voted himself to his duties with the constancy and precision of the martinet, but without his severity and harsh administration of authority. With so much judgment, tempered by prudence and an agreeable manner, did he acquit himself that the men loved him, and followed his lead and obeyed his commands without a murmur. Their respect and affection was never abated but rather increased throughout the 486 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. time that he was spared to them. His conduct at Shiloh won their un qualified confidence in his character as a soldier and a leader, and the admiration of all who observed him. Self-possessed and watchful, he led them without confusion ; firm, unflinching, bearing himself sol dierly, as became his name, they were proud of him, and emulated his example. Between eleven and twelve o clock, on the second day of the battle, he was shot in the leg, and so badly hurt as to prevent him from walking, and he was thus compelled to desist ; but so true was his devotion to the men whom he had led, so anxious to stay with them until the struggle was over, that he was carried from the field with evident reluctance. An hour or two afterward, he was informed that his brother, the major, was badly hurt, perhaps mortally, when he procured a horse, and proceeded to the field hospital, where he re mained till that noble spirit had departed, and left him to struggle with a bitter sorrow. When the battle and its attendant excitement was over, he was found to be completely exhausted, not so much from his wound, as from a disease which had been preying upon him for months ; and he was advised to retire to the country on wounded furlough, and seek to re cruit his health, but this he refused to do, alleging that he thought him self able to recuperate his lost strength and vigor, and still remain with "the boys." A fight seemed imminent, and he thought it was his duty and, therefore, it was his inclination to be with them under all circumstances of trial, responsibility, and peril. He preferred dying at his post to even accepting temporary immunity from hardship and danger, though it were urged on him. But his superior officers, know ing his condition and admiring his determination, interposed to save one so true to his country and his comrades, arid ordered him off, ostensibly on business for the brigade, which he was assured he could transact, under the circumstances, with more propriety than any other, but really that he might be benefited by the travel and diversion, and his health restored, if possible. He went first to New Orleans, then to Manshac ; and on the latter occasion he met his father and other members of his family, who advised him, in consideration of his feeble condition, to remain with them and make application for a furlough but he declined to accede to their wishes, as he was under orders, and thought that he ought to return to his men as soon as possible, and stand up to them as long as he could. The brave and determined heart never yields until the physical powers refuse to do their office ; but shortly after his return to Corinth, he found himself so enfeebled as to be wholly incapable of any duty, and was thus, at last, compelled to accept sick leave, and seek, in rest and recreation, the restoration of his health. CAPT. JOHN H. WELLER. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN P3RIGADE. 487 He had an aunt (sister to his father), Mrs. Hardin, mother of Col. Tom Hardin, Nineteenth Mississippi Infantry, who was living in Mar shall County, Mississippi, and with her, and with the families of her sons-in-law, Col. Greer and Dr. Wilson, of the same neighborhood, Judge Monroe and his family, together with Mrs. Leovy, were then staying. Capt. Monroe repaired thither, and was kindly welcomed and cared for by his relatives, and family and friends nursed him with every attention ; but disease had taken too firm hold to be baffled of its prey, and he died, October 4, 1862, and was buried in the family graveyard of Mrs. Hardin. After the war his remains were brought to Frankfort, where they now rest, in the city cemetery, beside those of his gallant brother who fell at Shiloh. (See biography of Maj. Monroe.) In his last days, he gave expression to his gratitude to the beneficent Father, that he had not been cut off suddenly on the field of battle, as his beloved brother, for he, the dying man, declared, "was ready then to meet death, but I was not." He gave joyful expression to his thankfulness that he had been spared to prepare for the judgment of God, and died in the assured hope that he should " live again." One who described the trials and bereavements, the sad sufferings and losses of the family, speaks of them as bowing with a humble submis sion to the decrees of Heaven brave hearts, that could defy the world, and laugh at the evil machinations and malice of men, yet ac cepting with Christian resignation and patience the chastenings of the great Arbiter of their destinies. " They believe," said he, " that He doeth all things well. Having acted from the dictates of a principle higher than that of self-interest, or of happiness upon earth, they ac cept the decree, and have nothing with which to reproach themselves nothing to regret." CAPT. JOHN H. WELLER. John Weller, Sr., came from Germany to Pennsylvania, and later (about the year 1730), to Maryland. He had several sons in the Con tinental army. One of them, Daniel, moved from Mechanicstown, Maryland, to Kentucky, in 1796, landing with his family from a flat- boat at the mouth of Beargrass Creek, and going as far into the interior as the vicinity of Bardstown, where he bought a large tract of land. Samuel Weller, a son of his, and the father of the subject of this notice, was then nine years old, and at twenty-five years of age, he, with two brothers, David and George, was among the Kentucky volunteers who so promptly enlisted for service against the British and Indians in the northwest, 1812-14. 488 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. John H. Weller was born in LaRue Co., Ky. , April nth, 1842. His mother, Phoebe LaRue, was the daughter of William LaRue, a son of Jacob LaRue, who, with his family and brothers and sisters, came from Virginia in 1784, and settled near what is now Hodgen- ville. Robert Hodgen, a brother-in-law of Jacob LaRue, and great- grand-father of John H. Weller, owned a mill which was known by his name, and the town took its name from the same. When the new county was taken from Hardin it was named LaRue County, and the county seat was located at Hodgenville. They were French Hugue nots who came to America in 1685. In 1854, when John H. Weller was but twelve years old, he lost both parents, and was brought to Louisville, where he was reared by his elder brothers, William L. and Jacob F. Weller, living in the home of the former as a beloved son the latter being his guardian. In 1856, having received preparatory instruction in the country schools and in those of Louisville, he entered the Freshman class of the Ken tucky Military Institute and was graduated with high military honors, June i3th, 1860. He now began business as a clerk in the wholesale grocery of his brother Jacob, and about the same time took steps to continue the course of military exercises and training which gave him prominence as a soldier very early in his service in the Confederate army. He joined the National Blues, Kentucky State Guard, and was made sergeant-major of the Second Regiment. He was soon afterward elected captain of the Louisville Zouaves. Soon after this, Lovell H. Rousseau, subsequently a prominent Fed eral general, then recruiting at Camp Joe Holt, Indiana, a regiment for the Federal army, offered to make him lieutenant-colonel of it an evidence of confidence and esteem which he appreciated and for which he still kindly remembers Rousseau; but his views of the impending strife compelled him to decline promptly to accept the tempting offer. In August, 1 86 1, Col. Robert P. Trabue and Lieut. -Col. Andrew R. Hynes visited Louisville to make arrangements for raising a regiment, and under authority which had been conferred upon them by the Rich mond government, they appointed Weller adjutant; J. Wood Shrews bury, of Madison, Indiana, (a college mate of Weller s), quartermas ter; and Geo. T. Shaw, commissary. The five went to Camp Boone, Tenn., which the Second and Third Regiments of Kentucky Infantry had established, to await the arrival of companies which had been en listed in various parts of the State with a view to taking service with Trabue. When these began to come in, Weller and Shrewsbury were sent to choose an eligible spot, about two miles from Boone, where they laid off Camp Burnett. Here he continued actively engaged with HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 439 the remainder of the field and staff in organizing and drilling the Fourth Regiment till the Kentucky troops were ordered to Bowling Green. Two hundred men of the Fourth Regiment were sent under command of Xuckols, who requested that Weller accompany the detachment as adjutant, and as the latter also desired it he was sent forward to act in this capacity his commission as first-lieutenant and adjutant of the regiment, under appointment previously alluded to, having arrived. The remainder of the regiment went to Nashville, ostensibly to be armed, and Col. Trabue appointed Joseph L. Robertson, of Co. H, to be adjutant for that part of the command. When the entire regi ment was collected at Bowling Green, Gen. Buckner ordered Weller to report to the Twenty-third Tennessee Infantry as drill-master, and he served as such for a short time ; but he became dissatisfied with what he designated "a roving commission," and returned to his regi ment. As the appointment of Robertson apparently dispensed with his services as adjutant, he determined to enter the ranks of Co. F as a private ; but Capt. Willis S. Roberts, of Co. D, met him and re quested that he make the race for the first lieutenantcy of his com pany, made vacant by the promotion of Theobald to be quartermas ter. He was promptly elected, without opposition, and at once en tered upon duty as company drill-master. When Roberts was made major, December 18, 1862, Weller was promoted to captain of Co. D, and held commission as such during the remainder of the war, though for the last two years he was on the roster of Brigade Field and Staff, and served at times as major and as lieutenant-colonel of his regi ment. With the splendid career of the Fourth Regiment no man was more closely and honorably identified from the day of its organization till the last gun was fired than Capt. Weller. An active factor in enlisting and organizing the command ; so versed in military affairs and effi cient as drill-master that before he was twenty years old he was in demand for this work ; an enthusiastic soldier and a vivacious and companionable man, whose presence and speech helped to drive away dull care or lessen the gloom of disaster, his influence did much to mold young men and to give individuality to a noble regiment, whose only fault was that while it respected the other Orphans it felt itself capable of doing things a trifle better and dying in the enemy s rifle-pits a little more unanimously than even they could. From the morning, when at Shiloh, the Kentuckians had their bap tism of fire, to the last combat with the enemy in South Carolina, he scarcely missed a battle or an occasion when the brigade was exposed to the enemy s guns. At Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face, Resaca ; from the crossing of the Osten- 490 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. aula to the capture of Jonesboro ; on Sherman s flank through Geor gia and South Carolina, everywhere he was the same steady and in telligent fighter; and when Gen. Lewis received, on the field below Camden, the news that Lee had surrendered, Weller was at the front in command of five companies of the Fourth Kentucky, engaged with the Federal advance in the last affair, he believes, in which men of the Orphan Brigade took part. During the last day at Chickamauga he was severely wounded in the face, and in April, 1865, near Statesboro , S. C. , he was again wounded. Returning to Louisville after the Southern troops were disbanded, he lost no time repining over what might have been, but set to work cheerfully and energetically to win a place as an honorable and useful citizen and achieve pecuniary independence. In 1867 (January i6th), he married Miss Jennie Goodrich, (born November 17, 1846,) of Oldham County. She was one of that type of women whom Wordsworth characterizes as being " * * * * * * * nobly planned, To warn, to comfort, and command ; " who need not to have their virtues proclaimed from the housetops but are known nevertheless, since their husbands could not disguise, if they would, how helpful they have been, how beneficent their influ ence, in all the trials of life. She was the daughter of John R. Good rich, of Meade County. Her mother died when she was but six years old, her father during the war, and she was reared by her uncle and guardian, Parham Woolfolk, of Oldham. In 1880, he was elected clerk of the Chancery Court, which place he filled for two terms. When the new constitution consolidated this office with that of the circuit clerk, he declined to offer again for re election, and resumed private business. In 1893, Governor Brown appointed him to be one of the commis sioners for the State to locate positions occupied by the Kentucky troops in the battle of Chickamauga ; and during that year he was elected to the State Senate. He served but the one session, (1894,)- as he drew for the short term, in the adjustment then required. In 1895, he received the nomination for reelection, without opposition from his own party, but was defeated at the polls, in common with the whole democratic ticket, city and State. Few men possess in a greater degree than he that feeling of com radeship so characteristic of large and genial natures. Without bitter ness toward honorable foemen, (with whom, on the contrary, he maintains pleasant relations and is popular,) and lacking in no essential CAPT. JO DESIIA. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 491 of that patriotism which comprehends our whole country, the memory of those who fell on his right hand and on his left on the many fields where the Orphan Brigade won its renown, furnishing new examples of Kentucky constancy and valor, is sacred to him, and his loyalty to the living is as that of a brother. His poetical and prose writings, of which a considerable number have appeared in different periodicals during the busy years since the war, are all admiringly and affection ately reminiscent of his fellow-Kentuckians who bore the tri-colored banner without complaint and without faltering wherever duty led. His song, " Oh! lay me away with the boys in gray," has been sung at the grave of many of them and will still be sung till the roll shall be called no more because no one is left to answer. CAPT. JO DESHA. The Desha family of Kentucky are descended directly from the French Huguenots, and for two hundred years have maintained all the striking characteristics of that spirited people. There is the same hatred of tyranny and oppression ; the same steady, uncompromising adherence to principle; the same courage and fortitude to do and suffer for a cause once espoused, that distinguished those world- renowned converts to the truth, whether persecuted by Louis Le Grande ; suffering injustice and severity from the heartless and sense less James of England; or braving the hardships and dangers of the New World. The name is intimately connected with the history of Kentucky. Gen. Joseph Desha came to the State in 1781; was a major-general during the troubles with the British and Indians on the lakes, 1812-15 ; was several times a member of Congress ; and in 1824 was elected governor. Gen. L. B. Desha, his son, gave two sons to the cause of the South the subject of this notice, and a younger brother, Ben, who, though peculiarly unfortunate on the field, never engaging without being badly shot, rose to the rank of major, and en joyed the merited reputation of being a gallant soldier and agreeable gentleman. Jo Desha was born in Harrison County, Ky. , May 22, 1833. His father being then engaged in agricultural pursuits, he was brought up to the business of a farmer. His education, however, was not neg lected. He enjoyed first the advantages of schools in Cynthiana, then a half term in the Kentucky Military Institute, and afterward a session in the University of Virginia. After having quitted the uni versity, he engaged in practical surveying, and, in 1860, was elected county surveyor for Harrison. Early in the spring of 1861, he raised a large company for the Con- 492 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. federate infantry, and went out under the temporary command of Col. Blanton Duncan, but, shortly after the operations at Harper s Ferry, it was mustered into the service as an independent company. In July, 1861, he joined the Kentucky Battalion under Lieut.-Col. Clai- bourne. This became, in a few weeks, the First Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, in which his company was incorporated, under the title of C. When the regiment was organized, under Col. Thomas H. Tay lor, Capt. Desha was offered the position of major, "but," says an army correspondent of that period, " though this step forward in the line of promotion was very tempting to one so young he declined it, feeling that his duty to his company was imperative thus sacrificing his ambition to the obligations which bound him to these men. The battle of Dranesville occurred shortly afterward ; and in this affair the Kentucky Regiment acted with that constant gallantry which had all the time been expected. He was wounded here, but did not leave the field, and toward the close of the action he assumed command of the regiment, and conducted the retreat. During the early spring of 1862, he was with the command on the peninsula, engaged in arduous outpost duty. In May, 1862, the term of enlistment having expired, the First Regiment was mustered out of service, no order having been issued for reorganization under the act of April i6th. During the two months following, he endeavored to recruit a new command; but circumstances were now adverse; the people had not recovered from the surprise and mortification conse quent upon the retreat of the army from Central Kentucky; and those who had not already enlisted were inclined to follow the lead of Mor gan, and he accordingly abandoned the project fbrthe time, and himself joined that chieftain, August ist, with whose assistance he speedily raised a company of mounted men, and with whom he served on the campaign about Gallatin and in the capture of that place. When Bragg entered Kentucky, Morgan went directly to Lexington, arriving there on the 5th of September, and Capt. Desha, disliking the cavalry, or conceiving that the infantry was the more useful and consequently more honorable service, he resigned, and was authorized by Gen. E. Kirby Smith to raise a regiment. He went earnestly to work, but re cruiting for the infantry was still slow. Young men of Kentucky had seen that to serve with an infantry officer was to be cut off from the possibility of revisiting home, or even the State, unless occupied by the southwestern army; while the cavalry service was not open to that ob jection, frequent incursions being made into the country by that arm. The few weeks, therefore, in which he had to labor, scarcely sufficed to get together and organize a single company. Of this, September 27, 1862, he was chosen captain, and shortly afterward set out from HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 493 Cynthiana for Camp Dick Robinson, upon which Bragg was now mov ing. Before leaving the latter place, October i3th, his company, and three others under command, respectively, of Henry C. Musselman, John W. Calvert, and Jno. T. Gaines, were united, and Capt. Desha was placed in command of the battalion thus formed. Arriving at Knoxville, the companies of Musselman and Calvert (as we have seen in the particular account of Co. I, Fifth Regiment), having been re cruited for Marshall s command, expressed a desire to return to West ern Virginia. By retaining these companies, even though no further additions were made to them, the probability was, and in fact it was intended, that Desha should be promoted to the rank of major, and as signed to the permanent command of this battalion. By a word of remonstrance, addressed to the general commanding department, he could have prevented the removal of these recruits, and so have secured to himself a somewhat more extended field in which to display those soldierly qualities which, under Taylor and Morgan, had already won the confidence and esteem of the army and of the government. His action, however, was not determined by a selfish disregard of the preferences of others. He acquiesced without hesitancy in the desired change, disclaiming any desire to command men who did not wish to serve in the department of his choice. In reply to some remark ex pressive of apprehension that he would endeavor to retain them, "What!" said he, "do they think I m a soldier merely to ride a horse?" He was afterward associated with these officers and men in the Fifth Regiment, and their respect for him, based upon his behavior at Knoxville, his abnegation of self in order to gratify them, increased to the warmest attachment, and years afterward, in speaking of their command, they omitted no opportunity to mention "Capt. Jo," as he was familiarly called, and to speak in terms of the highest regard and commendation. Such are the fruits of a manly and straightforward course. His own company and that of Gaines were ordered, at their own request, to report to Col. Thomas. H. Hunt, and accordingly joined him, early in November, taking position in the Ninth Regiment as I and K. He entered upon the business of drilling and instructing these new men with his characteristic energy and perseverance, and Co. I was soon of soldierly appearance, skillful and confident. He was always alive, not only to the training of his men, but to their personal comfort. No man who had any connection with them, and whose duty it was to minister to their wants, in either sickness or health, was allowed to impose upon them without hearing from him in a style that was certainly not the most agreeable to such delin quents. The company was soon proved in a fight, the battle of Harts- ville occurring about a month after their discipline began. Here 494 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. they are represented as having maintained well their line, and de ported themselves as became men and Kentuckians, suffering a loss of three killed and five wounded. Returning to camp, Capt. Desha again improved every opportunity to infuse and strengthen a proper spirit, and increase their general efficiency, which, in fact, he never neglected at any time. That they henceforth behaved with consistent gallantry, and that excellent judgment which well-disciplined and properly-instructed troops evince in action, needs scarcely to be said. At Stone River, an incident occurred which exhibited, in a strong light, the metal of which he was made: On Thursday afternoon, January i, 1863, ex posed to the fire of the enemy directed at Cobb, he was struck across the side of the head with a six-pound shot, which cut an ugly gash and knocked him senseless. He was carried to the field hospital, all who saw him fall regarding him as either killed outright or mortally wounded. About nightfall, Bragg ordered Gen. Hanson to move forward (as noticed in another portion of this work) and drive off the enemy reported to be posting artillery on the bluff, to the right of Cobb s position. "Then it was," says a member of the company, " that we felt the severity of our loss. The expression was on many tongues : If Capt. Jo were only here, it would be all right ! The order was countermanded before the troops got under motion; but he had heard that a fight was imminent, and, to the surprise of every body, he soon appeared and took his place with the company. His head had been dressed and bandaged, and, though the effects of the first shock were not over, and the severity of the wound, too, was such as to have furloughed most men over the winter, he remained during the continuance of the battle and made the disagreeable march to Man chester, not only setting an example of manly courage and patience under trial, but even assisting the sick and weak to bear their burdens. Such conduct on the field, such kindness and care on the march, de veloped in the minds of these men such confidence and attachment that no danger was so great, no toil so onerous, that, in his lead, they would not have encountered it cheerfully. Col. Trabue, in his report of the battle of Stone River, speaking of the Ninth Regiment, says, that among the wounded was Capt. Desha, " whose subsequent con duct won universal praise." When the brigade had reached Montgomery, May 27, 1863, on the way to Mississippi, he was ordered to report, with Cos. I and K, to Gen. Preston, at Abingdon, for the purpose of uniting them with other companies and forming a battalion (or regiment), to be under his com mand. After having reached Abingdon, circumstances precluded the possibility of carrying out the design for which he had been brought there, and for two months and a half the company was kept on the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 435 tramp first to Big Creek Gap ; then to Cumberland Gap ; to Knox- ville and back to Cumberland Gap ; then to Morristown, whence they were removed by rail to Abingdon again, and, on the 2ist of August, reported to Col. Hawkins, from which time their history, and, in a great measure, that of the captain, is identified with that of the Fifth Regiment. As noticed in a preceding portion of this work, that regi ment was in the third brigade of Preston s division, at Chickamauga, and, of the conduct of Desha in that engagement, it is only necessary to quote the words of Col. Kelly, who was then in command of brigade, and reported operations. Says he: "I must be allowed to speak of the gallant conduct of certain officers (whom he names), and especially of Capt. Jo Desha, Fifth Kentucky, who, though painfully and severely wounded early in the action, remained at the head of his com pany till the enemy was defeated." He was now necessarily absent for sometime, but returned, though yet really unfit for duty, to com mand the company at Mission Ridge, and, on the movement to Dai- ton, engaged in defending the rear of the retreating army. At the opening of the campaign by Gen. Joe Johnston, he engaged at Rocky Face Ridge and at Resaca. On the afternoon of May 27, a detail of a hundred men was ordered from Bate s division, for the purpose of dislodging the enemy s skirmishers from a strong position and bringing on an attack. It was regarded as a more than ordinarily hazardous undertaking, and, though not his regular turn by roster de tail, Gen. Lewis selected him to lead fhe men of his brigade. The order, however, was countermanded. At Dallas, May 28, 1864, when the Fifth Regiment advanced so gallantly upon the battery, whose gunners they killed and drove off, as noticed heretofore, and the line was halted within less than fifty yards of these guns and their support, he was observed to turn his head to see if the line was in good shape, speak in encouraging tones to the men to be steady, then draw his pistol and fire its several barrels at the gunners " as coolly, and with as deliberate aim," (says an officer of Company E,) "under the awful storm then assailing us, as though he were trying his skill at a mark." But in this affair he was wounded and disabled, the left arm being so badly shattered that he did not regain the use of it during the remain der of the service perhaps never, perfectly. He was obliged to retire. In September, following, on the dis abling of Adam R. Johnson, commanding department of Southwestern Kentucky, the delegation at Richmond concurred in the propriety of having Capt. Desha promoted to brigadier-general and sent to the command of that department. President Davis, knowing his eminent fitness for the position, promised, without hesitation, that the appoint ment should be made in case he were ready to take the field. But 496 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. this honor he was compelled to decline, being, at the time the propo sition was communicated to him (as we have already seen), wholly unfit for any duty. His qualifications for such a command were ample, and in that position he would have been of more general advantage to the cause ; but it was not necessary to the enhancement of his repu tation, which depended not upon position, but upon positive merit, which all men recognized. In April, 1865, though yet unfit for the field, and particularly in a mounted capacity, since his bridle-hand was powerless, he rejoined the command near Camden. His company had been placed on duty as couriers between Columbia and Chester Village, and he acted as field officer (Lieut.-Col. Connor being in com mand of dismounted detachment), and was engaged in the subsequent operations in that vicinity. Of his qualities as a soldier, it is scarcely necessary to speak farther. These, the attentive reader will have perceived, were of the highest order. In matters of whatever importance in camp, on the field he did his duty, and was never satisfied with anything less on the part of others. His natural turn of mind was essentially martial ; his ordi nary bearing was soldierly ; his conduct was regulated by those high principles of honor which have always been the boast of men in the profession of arms. A questionable act; a disregard for the rights and feelings of others, however humble ; any little scheming for place or preferment; anything like affectation, cant, hypocritical sniveling, he detested with all the lofty scorn of which a bold and open-hearted nature is capable. These qualities naturally rendered him averse to anything like an attempt at display, and gave his general deportment not only an air of unaffected modesty but of much reserve. In pro portion as men seek advantage, and the approbation of mankind, by courting favor with the powerful, catering to the whims of the many, and assuming importance disproportioned to merit, are they sure to be despised and contemned, even while people smile and profess regard. And that the reverse of this mode of action is the surest way to the hearts of all who are capable of rightly discerning to lasting honor and a just fame we need look no farther than to the subject of the present notice. As an instance of his peculiar reserve in all matters relating to him self, a friend has related to the writer the following incident : In Feb ruary, 1864, he visited Richmond, and President Davis, as a token of regard, presented him with a fine pistol. This, considering the noble donor, was, no doubt, regarded with uncommon pride, as it would have been by any officer in the Confederate army ; but it was long in his possession before any one, even of his company and intimate friends, knew that it was a gift from the president. And, another case CAPT. I. T. GAINES. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 497 in point, the proffered promotion to brigadier-general was rarely ever alluded to by himself. In his ordinary social intercourse and his general dealings with men, he was courteous and obliging, giving no intentional offense, nor sub mitting to any. Shortly after his return to Kentucky, when the war had closed, he received a personal affront from one who had served in the Federal army, and a duel ensued, in which his antagonist was severely wounded, but himself escaped unhurt. Since the war he has devoted himself to the business of farming and stock-raising with characteristic energy and steadiness, taking little part in public affairs save on exceptional occasions, but so discharging his duty to society as to rank with that class of substantial and reliable citizens who honor the State. CAPT. J. T. GAINES. In August, 1862, when Capt. Jo Desha, under authority of Gen. Kirby Smith, was endeavoring to recruit a regiment of infantry, during Bragg s occupancy of Kentucky, one of the three companies which he succeeded in enlisting, and which constituted the battalion which he led South, was under command of Capt. W. D. Acton, with the sub ject of this sketch as first-lieutenant. Acton fell sick on the retreat in October, was captured, escaped, but was shortly afterward re-captured, and confined in prison till August, 1864. At Knoxville, Desha s bat talion was temporarily broken up as a separate organization and Ac ton s company was assigned to the Ninth Kentucky Infantry as Co. K. Gaines continued in command as first-lieutenant till the spring of 1864, when, nothing having been heard from Acton, he was promoted to captain. Previously (during the summer of 1863), he had been returned with his company to Capt. Desha, who had orders to reor ganize his battalion for service in Virginia. Just before the battle of Chickamauga, however, the battalion was finally broken up and the respective companies were attached to the Fifth Kentucky. In August, 1864, Acton was released from prison and returned to duty, and by an order from the War Department was restored to rank and pay. Co. K thus had a superfluity of commanders, and in October, 1864, Gaines resigned; but he remained with the men and fought with them till March, 1865, when he came to Kentucky with recruiting orders. The circumstances were now such, however, and the end so near, that his efforts were fruitless. When Johnston surrendered, he reported to the Federal provost at Lexington, by whom he was regularly paroled. He was in all the battles of his company while with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, 32 498 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Pine Mountain, Peachtree Creek, In- trenchment Creek, Jonesboro (two days), Lovejoy s Station, and in several minor engagements, after the command was mounted, during the March to the Sea." In the Autumn of 1865, he began teaching in the common schools, and displayed such fitness for this avocation that in 1868, when the graded school was organized at Frankfort he was elected first assistant. He continued as such for five years, and was elected principal of the Morton school at Lexington. From Lexington, after four years serv ice, he took charge of the Third Ward School in Louisville as princi pal, which position he occupied till 1895, when the Board of Education transferred him to the Tenth Ward School, which is now in his charge. Capt. Gaines is one of the leading educators of the State a man of force, though unostentatious ; a man of thought who contemns mere -catchy methods, however popular, and strives to proceed on right lines. He has been president of the State Teachers Association and of the Louisville Educational Association; served as State Examiner under Pickett s administration, as Superintendent of Public Instruction, and as a member of the State Board of Education under that of Thomp son. He has written a book entitled "Principles in Teaching," which has had an extensive sale and attracted many favorable notices. Three or four years ago his revision of Butler s Grammar (in collaboration with Prof. O. B. Theiss), made its appearance as "Inductive Gram mar," and is regarded by scholars and educators as a work of very unusual merit. In 1866 he married Miss Cordelia Russell, a daughter of John Russell, of Frankfort. They have reared and educated six children, who may justly pride themselves on the reflection that in all the rela tions in which father and mother were tried, they proved true; and that the soldier father was a boy-leader of men during a great conflict for principles an officer brave and faithful, whose life as a citizen has been loyal to the military corps whose fame he helped to make. CAPT. D. E. McKENDREE. Among the millions of Methodists scattered abroad in the land, from Maine to the Pacific shore, the name of the great bishop, William McKendree, is a household word. At mention of him, men s minds go back to the days of Washington and his struggling patriots, when William McKendree, a youth, did service under the great chieftain, and numbered among his personal friends the Father of his Country." And when the " star of empire " took its way to the boundless West, CAPT. D. E. McKKNDREE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 499 and Methodism came with the pioneers, to rear the cross in the wilder ness, the mild and gentle, but heroic McKendree, was foremost among these heralds of peace and good-will, and his name is so intimately connected with the wild scenes of border life as to be as much im pressed upon the history of settlements as upon the annals of the church. In another capacity, in this our own day, has lived one to perpet uate the name. The mantle of William McKendree fell upon the subject of our sketch ; not his sacerdotal robes, but the charm of his character; not the miter of the bishop, but the spirit of the man. In many a household in Kentucky, this day, the voices of stern men are softened when they speak of him. When they think of how he died, in the flower of youth, their hearts go out impulsively to the graves of the many who fell in the unequal struggle; and the past is hallowed in their inmost souls when.they reflect how such as he gave up their lives, without a murmur, yea, proclaiming their readiness to die in defend ing the right of the people to choose their own government. Dudley Ellis McKendree was born in Sumner County, Tenn., July 4, 1835. His father, Dr. James McKendree, was brother to the bishop, and his house was for a long time the home of that famous divine. His mother, whose maiden name was Moore, was closely re lated to the Taylor family, of which Gen. Zachary Taylor was a mem ber, and both the McKendrees and Moores were Virginians. Young McKendree was put to school, at an early age, in the neighborhood where he was born, and continued to attend, at intervals, until the death of his father, in 1846. His mother then removed to Scottville, Kentucky, where she resided with her son-in-law, Mr. Charles F. Harvey. This gentleman, who seems to have been a man of honor and feeling, took great interest in Ellis (as he was familiarly called), and superintended his further scholastic training endeavoring at the same time to induce those steady habits, and give him that acquaint ance with business, that would fit him for future usefulness. His parents, conscientious and consistent Methodists, had instilled in his mind, while he was yet a child, the great cardinal principles of Christianity, and laid the foundation for that reverential, respectful, and virtuous disposition which afterward rendered so lovely his inter course with his fellow-men. While young he made a public profession of religion and attached himself to the church. In his business en gagements, in subsequent life, it is said that he never permitted any thing to stand in the way of his private devotions and his attendance upon the public ordinances. Punctual at the house of worship, liberal in all that pertained to the support of the ministry and the welfare of men, an instructor in the Sabbath-school, an active agent of the Ameri- 500 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. can Bible Society, he was honored by both the clergy and the people, loved by the children, and pointed to by parents as a worthy model for their own sons. At the age of fifteen or sixteen he was placed in Mr. Harvey s busi ness house, where he conducted himself in such a manner as to win the warmest approval of his patron, and the good opinion of all with whom he became acquainted. Having expressed a desire to be put to some trade or profession by which he might hope to achieve pecuniary independence, Mr. Harvey procured him a situation in the wholesale drug establishment of J. S. Morris & Sons, Louisville, where he soon made himself familiar with the details of the business, and was made confidential clerk of the house. Here, as heretofore, his steady habits and agreeable deportment made friends of all who came in his way. Having been sent out on a collecting tour (1857), he met, at Glasgow, Messrs. Barrick and Garnett, who made propositions to sell their drug store in that place, and he accordingly purchased it, in connection with Mr. E. G. Walker, of Scottville. He did here a lucrative busi ness for some time; but shortly prior to the war, he formed a part nership with Mr. Peter G. Wooten, and, abandoning his former occu pation, erected an establishment for the manufacture of tobacco. His father had been an uncompromising Democrat, of the old Vir ginia type ; but Ellis, probably influenced by Mr. Harvey, and little inquiring, like the majority of young minds, what were the legitimate tendencies of the opposite party, declared himself a Whig, and during his early manhood acted with them, and with what were afterward known as National Americans ; but when Federalism, under its different guises, had well-nigh worked the ruin of the South, and Kentucky was called upon to decide between Federal domination and State sovereignty, he was not slow to perceive that the Democratic party had been the exponent of principles which, had they prevailed, would have secured the South, to this day, in all her rights and immunities. To minds and hearts like his, in which the principles of honor forbade every thing like mercenary calculation, there was, indeed, but one course to espouse the cause of the oppressed and fight for the weak. Accord ingly, about the middle of September, 1861, he left his business to the care of Mr. Wooten, and began to enlist men for the Southern serv ice. He labored zealously in connection with his friend and fellow- townsman, Joseph H. Lewis, until the ipth of November, when the Sixth Regiment was organized throughout, by the election of both field and line officers, and young McKendree, asking no higher position, was chosen captain of Co. D, and entered upon that military serv ice which was to preserve the luster of a name already honored in the land. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 501 His physical constitution was never powerful, and, without the in domitable spirit that never yields, he must have soon succumbed to the demands upon his strength, and to the hardships to which he was un avoidably exposed; but he never faltered in the line of duty ; and his patience and fortitude, the cheerful alacrity with which he encountered cold, hunger, and toilsome marching in short, every trial and evil in cident to a soldier s life constituted as admirable a feature of his char acter as that which led him to meet danger calmly and unflinchingly. Prompt and cheerful in all his duties uncomplaining, even buoyant, under trials and hardships his influence was felt throughout the com mand, his example was such as to encourage the faltering, sustain the weak, and reprove the murmuring. There was a charm in his deportment, whether in the serious or frolicsome mood. For the most part, he was blithe and playful in his intercourse with the men often humorous--always pleasing. In the tent, around the bivouac, on the wearisome march, in the perilous front of battle, every where, the soldier met the handsome young offi cer with a welcoming smile. Just before meeting the enemy at Shiloh, he had made these remarks to his men, not with the air of one who was only screwing up his own courage by a blustering harangue, but to arouse, by a few timely words, all their manhood, and guard them against confusion: "Boys, we are about to be engaged with the foe for the first time. It will pain me to see any man falter; and for heaven s sake don t let it be said, by those whom we love at home, that one member of Company D dis graced himself." He fought through the first day without injury, but during the engagement on Monday he was painfully wounded in one leg below the knee. He fell, but, upon his brother s expressing a wish to have him removed, he said, " No, I do not wish to be carried away yet; the boys will fight better, if they know that I am near them." He never entirely recovered from the effects of this wound; but an unconquerable spirit induced him to rejoin the command in the au tumn. At the battle of Stone River, January 2, 1863, he was dan gerously wounded through the thigh ; and here an incident occurred which showed in how great esteem he was held, even by his foes who had known him in peaceful days. Just before the division was with drawn over the ridge, an officer of the Sixth Regiment had a leg broken, and was left upon the spot, the proximity of the enemy pre cluding the possibility of removal. About nightfall, some Federal soldiers, engaged in collecting the wounded, had carried him to a fire which they had kindled under a large oak, when he heard a United States officer, riding by at the time, remark to some one : " It was the Barren County boys who fought us on this part of the line, and we 502 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. have killed Ellis McKendree. Poor fellow ! there never was a better man, if he was a rebel ! " He had not been killed, however, but was borne to the rear, dan gerously wounded. When it became known that Bragg intended to withdraw from Murfreesboro , Dr. Vertrees told Capt. McKendree that his wound would probably prove fatal if they should undertake to remove him, but if he would remain in the enemy s lines he might recover. "No, no!" he replied, "I cannot stay I prefer death. Remove me, if only for a mile, and, if I die, bury me in some se cluded spot, where the enemy can not find my grave." He was ac cordingly carried to Chattanooga, and, strange to say, recovered, and was with the regiment at the battle of Chickamauga. At the subsequent engagement (Mission Ridge), November 25, 1863, he was acting on the personal staff of Gen. Lewis. When the campaign opened at Dalton, May, 1864, he was again at the head of his company, and fought at Rocky Face Ridge and at Resaca. On the 28th of May, Sherman had succeeded, by that series of flank movements already noticed, in pressing Johnston back beyond the Hiawassee, and to the neighborhood of the little town of Dallas. Among others who fell there, in that disastrous charge upon the Fed eral works, was Capt. McKendree. While gallantly leading his men under a close and destructive fire, a large Minie-ball pierced his neck, and he was left in the hands of the enemy. Some days after this, Sherman abandoned Dallas, leaving the Confederate wounded there. Dr. Newberry, Sixth Kentucky, was sent in to take charge of them, and found them in a state of the most shameful neglect. He ascertained that the ball which had wounded McKendree struck the spinal column, producing complete paralysis of the whole nervous system, except the head and the organs pertaining thereto. He saw at once that his efforts could only smooth the way to the grave; but he addressed him self at once to the task, and did all he could to allevia-te the sufferings and quiet the mind of his departing friend, who, convinced himself that. there was no hope, said to the surgeon, whom he regarded with more than common favor : I know that very soon I shall die. I may live through to-day perhaps to-night then I shall be no more. Pay particular attention, and remember all that I tell you. You are my dearest, only earthly comforter now, and you must stay by me and render my last moments as pleasant as you can I want to tell you how my business matters must be arranged." After giving directions as to these things, he called the surgeon by his familiar name, and said : " I want you to have my Bible Tell my men that I never CAPT. DAVID C. WALKER. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 503 had one of them punished in any way without feeling sorry that duty compelled me to do it, and that I love them all Write to my dear old mother and tell her how I have lived I am content to die. When I am dead, write to Mr. Harvey and tell him to carry my body home to mother. Under present circumstances, bury me here, in such manner as you see fit." When asked if he desired a minister, he replied: " No; he could do me no good. Death has lost its terrors for me. I am not afraid." Certain of his men obtained leave to visit him, to whom he said, on their parting with him not in a vindictive tone, but with the expression of one who felt it the duty of all to resist to the death " Boys, I want you to fight the Yankees as long as there is one of you left to fire a gun." On the morning of June 6, 1864, he died. Of all men in his own regiment, he might best have been called " the well beloved." When his death was announced, those stern veterans paused to pay a tribute to his memory. A meeting was called, and resolutions passed, de claring that the cause had sustained the loss of one of its bravest, best, and most earnest defenders; Kentucky, one of her most chivalrous sons ; society, one of its ornaments ; the regiment one of its most genial companions and a gallant leader, and that his brethren in arms would wear a badge of mourning for thirty days. CAPT. DAVID C. WALKER. He was the son of Dr. A. S. and Mrs. M. M. (McReynolds) Walker, and was born in Scottville, Ky., December 5th, 1837. His family, in the line of both parents, was of that Revolutionary and pioneer stock that has so deeply impressed Kentucky history. His father, a prominent practitioner at Scottville, and a public-spirited, influential citizen, was descended from the Walkers and Holcombs of Albemarle County, Va. He was a grandson of George Walker, who came from England and settled in Virginia, and afterward served in the Continental army. The grandfather of David Walker was among the early settlers of Kentucky, and members of the family have occupied various positions cf honor and trust in this and other States. The an cestors on the mother s side were Scotch Presbyterians who, on com ing to America, settled first in Maryland, then in Kentucky. Capt. Walker was reared in Scottville, where he received his earlier education ; entered Bethel College, Russellville, in his seventeenth year; and graduated there in 1858. He then read law and was ad mitted to the bar in 1860. When the sectional trouble resulted in war, his ardent nature led him to take up arms ; and both his associa tions and his study of the principles and polity upon which the fathers 504 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. of the Republic had founded it, led him without hesitation to volun teer in defense of the Confederate States. He enlisted in Co. F, Sixth Kentucky Infantry; was soon afterward made regimental quartermas ter, with the rank of captain, and served as such till the reorganiza tion of the regiment, May loth, 1862, when he attached himself to Co. I, and was elected second lieutenant; and was promoted to first lieutenant, December i6th, 1862. He was on the field during the battle of Shiloh in his capacity as quartermaster and in charge of detail with the supply train ; fought as a line officer at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge, commanding the com pany in the latter engagement, his ranking officers being on sick leave when the expedition began ; fought also at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca. In the charge at Stone River he was wounded in the right leg, and at Resaca he lost his left arm. When he recovered sufficiently to enter upon duty of any kind he reported to Col. Cofer, then provost marshal-general of the Army of Tennessee, who assigned him to provost duty at Ameri- cus, Ga. , in which capacity he served till the war closed. Returning to Scottville soon after the surrender, he resumed the practice of law ; in 1866 he was elected County Attorney of Allen County; at the close of his term, 1868, he located in Franklin, Simp son County, where he continued practice; and in 1872 he was elected Commonwealth s Attorney for the Fifth Judicial District, to which po sition he was reflected in 1874. In 1883 he was elected to represent Simpson County in the Lower House of the Legislature. In 1888 he was delegate to the National Democratic Convention which was held in St. Louis. At the time of his death (which occurred at his home, January loth, 1895), he was chairman of the Third Congressional District Democratic Committee, having been for several years a mem ber of the State Central Committee. March 29, 1870, he married Miss Ellen, a daughter of William H. McGoodwin, who, with three daughters and a son, survives him ; and it is of his home life that those who knew him well speak with an ad miration befitting the warm encomiums which they bestow upon his character as a soldier, a public officer, and a man of business. It was in the domestic relation," says one, that his character was per haps most beautifully exhibited. Home to him meant all that is bound up in the word. As a husband and a father he filled his place most nobly." And his widow, writing in answer to one who had asked about him, said: "I am glad you remember him kindly, and, I trust, lov ingly, in the turmoil and confusion of life. I cannot bear to think of him as forgotten by his comrades, for he was so true to them and so fond of them that I hope he will always live in their hearts. The grave CAPT. JOHN B. PIRTLE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 505 never closed over a more faithful friend; and to miss the beautiful sim plicity and tenderness which characterized his home life makes our house lonely indeed." And the following is from the pen of a sincere man, and an admirer of those elements of character which distinguish one among his fel lows : "To all lovers of true manhood, the death of Capt. Walker is in the nature of a personal bereavement. A square fighter and a faith ful friend, a man of the utmost rectitude of private character and in public capacities, he lived out his life, serving his God and his people, and died beloved and honored. Verily, the fragrance of memories such as these perfumes the pathway of life, and blesses the world." When the news of his death had gone abroad, messages of sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family indicated the esteem in which he was held by his comrades-in-arms, the members of the bar, ministers and members of his church (Presbyterian,) prominent business men, officers of State, and others; and Gen. Buckner under whom he had served and who knew his worth, attended his funeral and joined his assembled comrades afterward in organizing a camp of Confederate Veterans which they named in his honor, Camp Walker. CAPT. JOHN B. PIRTLE. Enlisting in Co. B, Ninth Kentucky Infantry, as a private soldier, he served in the ranks till after the battle of Shiloh. Here, however, the gallant and meritorious conduct of the young soldier was so marked as to attract the attention of Col. Trabue, commanding the brigade, who shortly afterward had him detailed as clerk in his adjutant-general s office, and for some time during the next two months he was recog nized as aide-de-camp on Trabue s staff. At Vicksburg, in July, 1862, he was assigned, on application of Col. Orr, as adjutant of his regi ment, the Thirty-first Mississippi Infantry, and recommended for ap pointment to the position. At Baton Rouge, he was acting lieutenant-colonel of the Thirty-first Mississippi, and was complimented, after the battle, for gallantry and skill. He was then recommended by Col. Orr, Col. Trabue, and Gen. Breckinridge, for a commission in the Regular Army of the Confeder ate States. When the Kentucky Brigade started north, September, 1862, he gave up his position with Col. Orr, and went to Knoxville with Col. Trabue, as temporary aide. He here obtained authority from Gen. Breckinridge, based upon an order from the War Office, to raise a company of infantry in Kentucky, and set out for that purpose in advance of the division, but returned with Bragg s army. In March, 1863, he was commissioned by the president second lieutenant for 506 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. " valor and skill," and assigned to Co. D, Fourth Kentucky, but was immediately thereafter made additional aide-de-camp and provost marshal for Gen. Helm, and served in this capacity till the death of that officer. When the army went into winter quarters at Dalton, he was assigned to duty with Col. Cofer as adjutant of the post; and when the spring campaign opened, he was chosen for staff duty with Gen. Bate, and was afterward promoted to be captain and A. A. G. He served with Bate during the remainder of the war. He took part in the various battles from Baton Rouge to Jonesboro , and those of the Nashville campaign, and was wounded at Resaca and Jonesboro . At Chickamauga, he was with Gen. Helm when he fell, and after assisting in removing him to the field hospital and placing him in com petent and careful hands, he returned to act as aide to Gen. Lewis, who complimented him in his report of the battle. He and acting aide-de-camp Wallace Herr carried dispatches at one time during the day, without hesitation, through a veritable fiery tempest, where neither cover nor advantage of ground could be had, in a manner that won the admiration of all who beheld it. He was born in Louisville, May iyth, 1842, so that when he re turned to private pursuits, at the close of that wonderful four years struggle, with an honorable record and bearing the scars of battle, he was but twenty-three years of age. In 1866 he was made State Agent for Kentucky of the Traveler s Insurance Company, his territory being afterward extended to cover the entire South, east of the Mis sissippi River, of which he had control for many years, though of late he has voluntarily given up much of this because the labor was exact ing beyond his strength. He was married, February 26th, 1874, to Miss Mary Belle Thomas, a daughter of John H. Thomas, who was for many years the leading wholesale hardware merchant in the city. They have two living children, a son and daughter. He was one of the men who in 1880 reorganized the People s Bank of Kentucky and was a director until 1895, when its affairs were woundup; is now a director in the Louisville Trust Company; vice- president of the National Building and Loan Association of Louis ville ; and president of the Ellander Coal and Iron Company. His father was a prominent physician of Louisville, and the family on both sides was of the old Revolutionary stock, coming to Ken tucky from the valley of Virginia after that war. ADJUTANT THOMAS E. MOSS. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN HRIGADE. 507 ADJT, THOMAS E. MOSS. The twelfth of Capt. Tom Moss s thirteen children, the subject of f this sketch, was born in Greene County, Ky., March i4th r 1840. He was younger by nearly twenty years than his brother, Col. James W. Moss, whose biography is given on preceding pages. He was educated chiefly in the schools of his native county, but graduated at the Louisville Law School in ,1860, and began practice in Paducah that year. When Captain (afterward Colonel) Moss began the enlistment of troops for the Southern service, he was among the first to enrolLhim- self a member of that splendid hndy nf Hir.kninn and JJallard County - men that soon afterward became Co. A of the Second Kentucky In fantry. When Graves was transferred to the artillery, Lieut. Thos. E. Stake, of Co. E, became the acting adjutant, but upon Hanson s pro motion as brigadier, Stake was appointed to the staff, and young Moss was commissioned first lieutenant and adjutant of the regiment, which position he helcLduring the remainder of the war. His battles were the battles of his company, and these comprised all in which the Ken tucky Brigade took part except Shiloh, at 3i hich,lime h^e.,was_con fined in a northern prison.; and his gallantry was conspicuous, as became fthe warlike ancestors from whom he sprang. At Donclson he-was I among the forenw>&t of those, who-charged and captured the battery-err I Buckners-tefr. At Hartsville he was one of the sixteen men to charge the battery which the enemy had begun to make effective, and to capture it. At this time, seeing further resistance useless, Col. Moore handed his sword to Moss, who returned it, and then mounted an artillery horse to ride to Gen. Hanson or Gen. Morgan and announce that when his battery was silenced the Federal officer surrendered. At Stone River he was wounded and fell into the hands of the enemy. From Murfreesboro, where he was kept for some time, he was sent to Louisville, thence, in April, to Fort Delaware, where he remained until the 24th of May. He was then sent with thirty-five other officers and many private soldiers to City Point, on board the Maple Leaf, to be exchanged, but some trouble arose to prevent the exchange of half the officers on board, and he was one of the eighteen upon which the lot fell to go back to prison. When the vessel set out on the return trip, he and a Capt. Simms ar ranged a plan to overpower the officers and guards and escape to land. Simms was to look to the upper and Moss to the lower deck ; and the plot was communicated to a sufficient number of those who were not 508 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. crippled or had so recovered as to be able to go on foot through the country. When the time set for the attack was too near at hand to allow of communication with Simms, most of the men upon whom he had relied declined to take the risk; but he determined not to disap point his coadjutors on the upper deck, and he and one Sergt. Swayne promptly opened the fight Moss breaking one of his crutches over the head of a guardsman. The determined onset and the uproar above and below had the effect of reassuring the more timid prisoners, and the officers and guards were overcome. The vessel was run to the shore near the lighthouse on Cape Henry. Twenty-three unarmed Confederates had succeeded in capturing many more than their own number, whom they paroled. The sick and seriously crippled had to be left on the vessel; but the rest hurriedly set out for Richmond, which they reached in safety though the alarm spread in a short time and efforts were made to recapture them. He rejoined his regiment in time and was sufficiently recovered to take part in the expedition to relieve Pemberton at Vicksburg and in the fighting at Jackson. At the latter place, he boldly assumed the di rection of a battery, which seemed to be improperly handled at an im portant crisis, and broke the charge of the Federals to force the left /enter of the Confederate line. He was wounded five times and twice a prisoner, spending in all I more than eleven months in the hands of the enemy. At the close of the war he returned to Paducah and resumed the practice of law. Soon afterward he was elected Commonwealth s at torney; in 1859 he was elected to represent McCracken County in the legislature; was elected attorney-general in 1875; and at the end of his four-year term, 1879, was again chosen to represent his county in the legislature. During his first term in the General Assembly he married the daugh ter of Hon. Jesse D. Bright, one of the United Sates Senators for In diana, from which State he had removed to Kentucky during the war because of his opposition to the coercive policy of the United States, to which Indiana was so unequivocally committed. LIEUT. KELLER ANDERSON. .[SUBSEQUENTLY BRIGADIER-GENERAL ON THE STAFF OF GOV. BUCHANAN AND LATE COLONEL OF THE SECOND REGIMENT OF TENNESSEE TROOPS, N. G.] I am indebted to a friend for the following excellent sketch of a Kentuckian who since the war has nobly done his part as an adopted citizen of another State in maintaining the good name and enhancing the fame of the Orphan Brigade : LIEUT. KELLER ANDERSON. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 509 " He is a Kentuckian by birth, a Tennesseean by adoption, and by every instinct of his nature a soldier. His father, John Miller Ander son, was born in Culpeper County, Va. His mother, Helena Pope, was a Kentuckian. Keller was their fifth son, and was born Septem ber 21, 1842, in Cynthiana, Ky., where he grew up. In May, 1860, we find him a corporal in a company of militia known as the "Bour bon Guards," in Paris, Ky., where he had a sister living. April 22, 1 86 1, he enlisted as a private in Co. C (Capt. Jo Desha), First Ken tucky Infantry, C. S. A., that went to Virginia at the beginning of hostilities, under Blanton Duncan and Thomas H. Taylor. On July i3th of that year he was promoted to "lance sergeant," and served in Virginia from April, 1861, to May, 1862, when the time of the regi ment expired. He immediately reenlisted and served three months under Capt. Shawhan, First Battalion Kentucky Cavalry, in South western Virginia. During Bragg s Kentucky campaign he served with the battalion then under command of Capt. Jo Desha, as a member of the company afterward designated I, Ninth Kentucky Infantry, and of which he was elected second lieutenant, September 22, 1862. In August, 1864, he became first lieutenant by promotion, Lieut. Fish- back having died of a wound received at Intrenchment Creek. Capt. Desha (as noted elsewhere) was permanently disabled at Dallas, and Anderson now took command of the company and led it gallantly and with soldierly skill until March, 1865. This company bore the same designation in the Fifth Kentucky, to which it was assigned in August, 1863, while on detached and special service in the mountains about Abingdon, Va. " In March, 1865, he was ordered to Kentucky with sealed instruc tions for secret service, which proved to be recruiting within the enemy s lines; but it was too late for even so bold and discreet an officer as he to effect anything, as the end soon came, and on the 26th of May, 1865, he surrendered to Col. Buckley of the Federal army, at New Castle, Ky., and was paroled. This officer demanded that his horse and equipments be given up, contrary to terms granted by Gen. Sherman; but he was allowed to retain his side arms. He par ticipated in the following battles: Dranesville, Va., the three weeks siege at Dam No. i, Yorktown, Va. , Hartsville, Tenn., Stone River, Chickamauga (was wounded in the shoulder there ; and lost a brother, the gallant Ensign Robert Clinton Anderson, who first planted the ( olors on the enemy s breastworks but gave up his brave young life in the act), Rocky Face Gap, Chattahoochee River, Kenesaw Mountain, Pine Mountain (saw the gallant Gen. Polk fall); Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, Jonesboro , in the mounted engage ments at Sandersville, Griswoldville, Buckhead Church in fact, in all 510 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. that occurred in the campaign preceding the fall of Atlanta and on the march to the sea. He received three wounds, all in the left arm and shoulder. He still carries a ball flattened against the bone under the fore arm, which is plainly discernable by touch, though it gives him but little trouble. In a skirmish near Cassville, Ga., May 19, 1864, a small Bible in his left breast pocket caught a Minie-ball which passed through four-fifths of the thickness of the book, and tore out a top, leaving him scathless but from the shock, which threw him to the ground, sickened and stunned, with a very distinct feeling that the wind was blowing entirely through his body. This Bible is a treas ured and sacred souvenir in his family. " His chief source of pride is that he was a member of the famous Orphan Brigade. He came south immediately after the war closed (in fact, started to Mexico to join many of his comrades who felt that they could not live in the United States) ; was stopped by accident at Helena, Ark. ; became interested there, and engaged in agricultural pursuits near that place, where he married, in 1869, Miss Jean Rob ertson, the daughter of Hon. James Robertson of that State. The latter, a born and bred Scotchman, had but recently made his home in Middle Tennessee. Mrs. Anderson is therefore a Tennesseean. Her mother s maiden name was Anne Lewis Dale. She was descended from the Dales of Colonial and Revolutionary fame in Virginia and Maryland ; from the Lewis and Taylor families of Virginia ; and from the patriot Moores of North Carolina. "In 1872 Keller Anderson located in Memphis, Tenn., and has since made his home there, engaging in mercantile pursuits with fair success from a business standpoint. His rugged probity, high moral character, and stern integrity have won for him the absolute confi dence of his fellow-men. His early military training, in the school of real warfare, has lent a coloring or bent to his whole life, as he has been connected in some capacity with the State militia ever since com ing to reside in Memphis. He was for a time captain of the justly famous Chickasaw Guards ; also held a gubernatorial commission on the staff of Gov. Buchanan, with rank of brigadier-general ; and is now colonel of the Second Regiment, N. G. S. T. During the mining troubles at Coal Creek, Tenn., 1891-2-3, he was specially commis sioned to raise troops sufficient to quell the riotous mob and maintain the law. He was stationed at that point for two years in command of a garrison of three companies ; and his experiences there were parallel to those of many famed heroes of frontier warfare, enduring with his men hardships and dangers equal to those he bore for the Confederacy. Much has been said and written in regard to his heroism while a pris oner (entrapped under a flag of truce), for two days in the hands of HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 511 the infuriated miners, who threatened him with instant and igno minious death subjecting him to cruelties and indignities worthy of barbarians in their efforts to secure an order for the surrender of his troops. All this he met calmly and with positive and persistent refusal, daring them to do their worst. It is believed that his steadfast courage and intrepid bearing overawed them and appealed to the better in stincts of their leaders, who by strategy slipped him away to the moun tains, where he was finally rescued by the large reinforcements sent from all quarters of the State to his rescue. The public press was for a time filled with the details (all in his praise), and it was the sensation of the hour, even beyond our own continent. Letters of commenda tion and congratulation poured in upon him from most of the States of the Union, and even from France, Austria, Italy, Scotland and Canada ; but he, the hero of the hour, dodged reporters, modestly re fusing to be lionized and to talk of himself; earnestly protesting that he had done but his duty, and had simply followed the only course possible for a soldier; nevertheless, his soldierly record is held up as a model in military journals and circles. " He has given evidence of literary possibilities if he cared to turn his pen to that account. His Rebel Yell written several years ago and accidentally in print has been copied and republished at frequent intervals in journals in all sections of the country; and has brought him Mattering offers for other productions, from many publishers, to all of ^vhich he turns a deaf ear. Subsequently to 1893 he held a govern ment office in the revenue department. He has two children, a son (Claude Desha Anderson, who has inherited the martial spirit of his father; is first lieutenant of the Chickasaw Guards; and holds a high position of trust and responsibility in the Mercantile Bank of Memphis ; has lately married ; and his genial nature and upright character have won him hosts of friends), and a fair little daughter, Jean Keller, who worships her soldier father." A man like Gen. Anderson reflects honor not only upon his family but upon his native State. Sternly devoted to duty, defiant of danger, faithful in all the relations of life, his example is an inspiration to those who are to make our future citizens. With what deep interest his old comrades watched each new development in that episode in his life (the mining troubles), when he added a new chapter to the annals of heroic Kentuckians, can be fully appreciated only by those who know ho\v much they feel that each one is in a certain sense his brother s keeper, to be made ashamed if he fail under trial ; to be proud of him if he enchance the just renown which they won together in arms. 512 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. LIEUT. JOHN W. GREENE. John Wm. Greene is the son of Jesse L. and Caroline (Cannon) Greene, and was born in Grant County, Ky., August 8th, 1842. His opportunities for acquiring education were limited to the common schools of the day, with such attendance as a boy has who is regarded as an indispensable farmhand after he is twelve years old, with the privilege of going -to school during spare months, if any occur between cropping seasons. The Greenes and Cannons of Kentucky were of the Virginia families of those names who came from Europe in the early history of Virginia and settled in Culpeper County, whence members of them emigrated to this State, after the Revolutionary War. In his twentieth year (1862), John W. Greene enlisted for the ser vice of the Confederate States, joining Co. C, Fifth Kentucky Infan try. When the company was organized he was appointed second sergeant, October, 1862; was subsequently promoted to first ser geant, August 3oth, 1863 ; was elected second lieutenant, January i5th. 1864; and promoted to first lieutenant, June i8th, 1864. From the time of enlistment till he was maimed for life, his service in general was the hard service of that steadfast regiment, his battles were the many in which it never failed to do its part. He fought ac Chickamauga and Mission Ridge ; then on the long and celebrated Dalton-Atlanta campaign, he was daily and nightly present for duty on outpost, in the skirmish, in battle, and bravely and uncomplain ingly he bore himself as became a Kentuckian. He fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; then from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, and in the opera tions inside the works during the siege. In the desperate charge at Jonesboro , Ga., August 3ist, 1864, he was so badly wounded in a leg as to necessitate its amputation next morning, thus disabling him for further field service. He was nominally connected with his regi ment, however, until it was surrendered. During the spring and summer of 1865, he taught a school in Perry County, Ala. ; returning that autumn to Owen County, Ky., he again taught for awhile. In 1866, the General Assembly having repealed the expatriation act, and thus restored the franchise to the ex-Con federates of Kentucky, he was elected sheriff of Owen County, and in 1869 was reflected. Dv. ms incumbency of this office, and after the expiration of the four years, he studied law, and in 1871 was licensed. He began practice in Owenton. In 1874, he associated himself with Wm. Lindsay, and the partnership was maintained for LIEUT. JOHN W. GREENE.^ LIEUT. ROBERT A. THOMSON. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN KRIf .ADE. 613 some years. In 1875 he was elected county judge, and served as such for four years. In 1889 the governor appointed him a member of the State Board of Equalization; in 1891 he was re-appointed; but in 1892 he resigned to become a candidate for Judge of the Circuit Court for the Fifteenth Judicial District, to which he was elected in August of that year. The first term under the new constitution was for only five years ; but in 1897 he was elected for the ensuing six-year term, beginning the first Monday in January, 1898. He has long been a consistent member of the Baptist Church and an Odd Fellow in good standing. He has been twice married the first time to Miss Margaret M. Gaines (of a Henry County family), December, 1870. This lady died February 22, 1882, and nearly three years afterward (October, 1884), he married Mrs. Ada (Howard) Williams, a member of the Howard family of Gallatin County. With meager opportunities to acquire an education and little en couragement to strive for distinction in any line, Judge Greene never theless followed the promptings of ambition, and when but little past his majority, he had found "the bubble reputation even at the can non s mouth." In civil life he has filled various public places with satisfaction to his people and honor to himself arriving at length to high judicial station. A brave, hardy, and stern young soldier, and an industrious, conscientious, and incorruptible civil officer, he early won and still retains the confidence and esteem of his old comrades and other fellow-citizens. LIEUT. ROBERT A. THOMSON: [SUBSEQUENTLY JUDGE OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY COURT FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS.] Robert Alexander Thomson was the only child of David and Eliza (Beatty) Thomson, natives of W T oodford and Scott Counties respect ively. He was born in Woodford County, August 22d, 1828. His grandfather, David Thomson, was a soldier in the Revolutionary urmy, from Louisa County, Va. He immigrated to Woodford seven or eight years after the war, and settled on Glen s Creek. Having received preparatory instruction in the schools of Woodford, the subject of this sketch entered Georgetown College at the age of fifteen, and remained there two years. He next took a course in the Military School at Drennon Springs, where he graduated in 1842. In 1851 (January 16), he married Miss Lavinia Wingate, daughter of Isaac Wingate, of Franklin County. 33 514 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. In 1853, having previously read medicine under Dr. Joseph Carter, he removed to Frankfort. He had also studied law for about eighteen months under Gov. Porter, at Versailles. When he came to Frank fort he had graduated in medicine at the Louisville Medical School. In 1 86 1 he enlisted for the Confederate service in Co. E, Fourth Kentucky Infantry, and was elected second lieutenant. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River, at which latter place he was wounded ; fought also at Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. From December, 1863, to the close of the war, he served as quarter master of the Fourth Regiment. Returning to Frankfort in 1865, he engaged in private business, but was soon afterward elected one of the Justices of the Peace in his district. The lower house of the legislature of 1869-70 elected him doorkeeper; and in that of 1871-72, he was sergeant-at-arms. In 1870 he was elected Judge of the Franklin County Court, and was several times successively reflected, serving continuously till 1889. He died Octo ber 23d, 1890. He was a brave and true-hearted man, whose comrades were all his friends ; and his popularity and worth as a citizen are attested by the manner in which his people kept him in public office. He did not obtain these by the arts of the demagogue but by the open candor and manliness of the soldier, and that unstudied kindliness which wins affectionate regard. THOMAS D. OSBORNE. From the time he was seventeen years old, the subject of this sketch has been identified with those who did service for the South. At first he was engaged, in connection with his father, in business for the Con federate Government; then, when but little past his eighteenth year, he entered the ranks and took part thereafter in all the battles of the regiment till he was so stricken as to be disabled for further field duty ; and subsequent to the close of the war has always been ready, in season and out of season, to do a comrade s part in promoting the objects of fraternal organizations and maintaining in civil life the fame that Ken- tuckians won during those years of privation and sanguinary conflict. He has long been the secretary of the Orphan Brigade Association, the keeper of its archives, and devoted to its interests. Thomas DeCoursey Osborne, son of Lee B. and Ann E. Osborne, was born near Owenton, Owen County, Ky., November 8, 1844. His paternal grandfather, Bennett Osborne, was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary Army. In 1846, the family removed to Louisville, thence, eight years after- THOMAS D. OSBORNE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 515 ward (1854), to Seymour, Ind. ; but in 1859 they went to Murfrees- boro , Tenn., where this son entered Union University, then presided over by Dr. Joseph H. Eaton. Among the students were Dr. R. W. Morehead, Dr. T. T. Eaton, Dr. H. C. Irby, Dr. Wm. H. Whitsitt, Judge Hammond, and other leading men of the South. When the war between the States opened, the university closed. Having engaged with his father, as indicated above, till early in 1863, he went to Manchester and enlisted in Co. A, Sixth Kentucky Infantry (February 2oth). Thenceforth he was the good and brave young sol dier, campaigning with his regiment wherever it was called to go and fighting wherever it joined battle with the enemy during the next fifteen or sixteen months; as, at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face, Resaca and Dallas, he fought with the foremost. At the latter place (May 28th, 1864), he was shot down and with others severely wounded left on the field. The Federal soldiers carried them, after the Confederates retired, to New Hope Church, and placed them therein on cotton pal lets, but soon abandoned them, after which they were found by Sur geon Xewberry and a detail, sent to take charge of them, in a sad state of neglect and suffering. Young Osborne was taken to the Fair Grounds Hospital, Atlanta, later to Macon, and at Augusta was honorably retired. His father and family had refugeed South, and when peace came they returned to some property at Stevenson, Ala., where he engaged in merchandising and planting. In 1868 he became half-owner and editor of the New Era, a weekly and afterward a semi-weekly Democratic paper. In 1870, by appointment of Gov. R. B. Lindsay, he, with five other commissioners, located and organized the A. & M. College at Auburn, Ala. Through his instrumentality Dr. I. T. Tichenor, an ex-Ken- tuckian, was elected president of the college. September ist, 1870, he was married in Louisville, Ky., to Miss Christina C. Ray, daughter of Col. W. R. Ray. In 1872, his father having died, he moved to Louisville, and was a short time managing editor of the Daily Ledger. In 1876, associated with O. H. Rothaker and W. H. Gardner, he started the Sunday Argus. In 1879 he was elected assistant city license inspector, which office he has held ever since. Has never held any political office except delegate and alter nate delegate to State and National Democratic Conventions. He has served as secretary of many organizations, namely, Alabama Press Association, Tennessee River Association, General Association, (State Board), Long Run Association, Louisville Charity Organization Society, Confederate Association, Orphan Brigade, etc,, etc. He is a member of the Baptist Church. When fifteen years old he was baptized in Stone River near Murfreesboro , Tenn., by Dr. J. M. 516 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Pendleton, and has ever since been a quiet worker among the Bap tists. Aided in organizing the Baptist Book Concern of Louisville, was the first secretary, and was a member of the board of directors till he resigned. Recently he joined in founding the Baptist Argus, in which corporation he is a director. For twenty years or more he has been a delegate to the Southern Baptist Convention and other denominational assemblies. His mem bership is at Broadway Baptist Church, where he is chairman of the deacons, assistant-superintendent of the Sunday-school, and superin tendent of the Foreign Sunday-school, also member of the Board of Managers of the Baptist Orphans Home. He has for many years had charge of the religious department of a well-known city paper, being called " the religious editor." He is also prominent in fraternal circles. Is one of the founders of the Fraternal Congress, over which he presided several years. At the death of James A. Demaree, grand reporter, founder of the Knights of Honor, in accordance with his request Osborne was appointed grand reporter, but declined to accept the office. He has filled leading offices in Grand Lodge K. of H., A. O. U. W., Golden Cross, Royal Arca num, Chosen Friends, and Knights of Honor Commandery. GOV. GEORGE W. JOHNSON. We are indebted to Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, himself a Kentuck- ian, and a gallant soldier in the army of the Confederate States, for the following appropriate sketch of one of the noblest and best of men : " In the long roll of Kentuckians whose lives were offered up, during the late war, upon the altar of conscience and duty, the name of George W. Johnson stands out in conspicuous relief. Of all who fell at Shiloh, next to the loss of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, his death caused the most widespread and profound sorrow, not only in Ken tucky, but in other States where he was known and honored. The time has not arrived when the biography of one who bore so active a part in the inception of the late war can be written, and it must be left for some future historian to do justice to his memory. For us it must suffice to glance briefly at the important events of his career before the war and his participation in it up to the time of his lamented death. "Sprung from a Virginia family, which immigrated to Kentucky before its organization as a State, George W. Johnson was born near Georgetown, Scott County, Ky., May 27, 1811. His father, William Johnson, was the son of Robert Johnson, whose name is connected GOV. GKO. \V. JOHNSON. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 517 with the earliest history of the State, and who was the ancestor of a very large family of that name, which, in Kentucky and other States in the South and West, has furnished men of prominence in all the callings of life. Graduating at Transylvania University, the subject of this sketch studied law, and, for a time, pursued the practice in Georgetown, but subsequently, having, in 1833, married a daughter of Capt. Willa Viley, of Scott, he engaged in agricultural pursuits, and was, up to the beginning of the war, a farmer. In early life, in the session of 1838-9, and, perhaps, once subsequently, he served as a member of the legislature; but ever after declined election to any office of profit. In addition to his farming in Kentucky, he, at an early day, embarked in cotton planting, in Arkansas, and for many successive years spent his winters in the South, where, as in Kentucky, his home was rendered attractive to his friends by the genial and social qualities which, for nearly thirty years, made his name the synonym of cordial hospitality. " Attentive to business and applying himself with zealous devotion to his duties as a father, husband, and neighbor, he yet was always a student, and never wearied in prosecuting research in some branch of science, or in the fields of classical learning, in each of which he was equally at home. To political science he was always devoted, and to the enthusiasm of a student he added the ardor of a patriot. Educated in the school which accepted the Jeffersonian construction of the Fed eral Constitution, he was always a democrat, and contended, on all occasions, for the correctness of the principles at the foundation of the party, as the only security for republican liberty in America. " On several occasions he represented his party in important polit ical periods, but always declined political preferment. In 1852, and in 1860, he was presidential elector, and made a vigorous and success ful canvass; but he declined repeatedly to be a candidate for congress when the position was tendered him. Devoted to his family, he val ued domestic life above the turmoil of a political career, and yet esti mated too justly the duties of a citizen to abstain from a certain par ticipation in public affairs. His influence was always exercised to promote the success of the views which he cherished ; and from the unselfish spirit which was known to actuate him, he gradually acquired a power which was widely recognized and respected, but of which he never availed himself for his own aggrandizement. "When, after the election of Mr. Lincoln, the aspect of affairs be gan to forebode a conflict, no one contemplated with more concern the coming trouble than George W. Johnson. All the instincts of his nature, his love of domestic life, his devotion to his family, pointed to him as one not marked out for active participation in the war. Added 518 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. to this predisposition was a physical disability, caused by an injury to one of his arms, which made him literally a non-combatant. But see ing in the attempt to coerce and subjugate the Southern States the germ of a despotism, which, if successful, he predicted would result in the subversion of republican institutions, he early committed him self to the cause of the South, and exerted all his efforts to place Ken tucky by the side of the Southern States. This he believed would give them such power in numbers and resources as would practically prevent war and secure the establishment of two confederacies, which, enjoying free-trade and uniting in treaties, offensive and defensive, would give peace to both and remove the harassing points of contest which had arraigned the two sections against each other. He seemed, after the beginning of the war, and before Kentucky was involved in it, to realize, more than any leading man in Kentucky, the tendency of affairs, and labored to avert what subsequently happened. "When the reign of terror was inaugurated, by the arrest of Gov. Morehead and other prominent men, in September, 1861, simul taneous with the occupation of the State by the Federal troops, in company with Breckinridge and others, he left his home, and through the mountains of Eastern Kentucky made his way to Virginia, and thence by way of Tennessee to Bowling Green, Kentucky, which had been occupied by Confederate troops under Gen. Buckner. Here he set on foot the organization of a provisional government for the State, which was effected by a convention held at Russellville, Kentucky, when a constitution was adopted. Under this he was chosen Gov ernor, and upon his memorial to the President and Confederate States, Kentucky, as represented by the provisional government, of which he was the head, was admitted as a member of the Southern Confederacy. It is not within the scope of this sketch to enter into the details of this movement, nor can we give the memorial upon which this action was based. We question, however, whether there was written, during the war, on either side, a State paper of more force or which showed a more profound knowledge of the fundamental truths of political science and civil government. " During the occupation of Bowling Green by the Confederate forces, Gov. Johnson remained there, exerting himself, and in every way cooperating with Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston to promote the success of the cause nearest his heart. Cut off from his family, his home surrendered for an exiled life, he threw into his new work all the intensity of a nature which never flagged in the pursuit of an un dertaking. Between him and the commander-in-chief there sprang up a friendship which, in the brief period which intervened until ter minated by the death of both, ripened to an intimacy, which was HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 519 strengthened by mutual confidence, admiration, and esteem. In the military chief, the civilian saw one long known and esteemed through the representation of common friends and through his public record. To him he looked as the liberator of his State, and in his ability as a commander he confided with implicit faith. In the civilian, the dis criminating Johnston, no less a reader of men than a general, saw qualities which attached him to himself as with bands of steel. In his strong, practical sense he found a safe counsel, which never failed him, and in his devotion to the cause he found a well-spring of healthy enthusiasm which never admitted of despondent thoughts. Both men of profound education, their minds given to research, and their lives spent in study of all the varied branches which go to make up the sum of human learning, there are few occasions which the writer recalls with more interest than conversations to which he has listened be tween these original minds, investing, as they did, all topics which came under discussion with a perfect glow, as of the heated metal under the stroke of two stalwart smiths. Unlike in temperament, their characters were molded of such noble types that they seemed to fit in, as it were, to each other, and to make one grand and perfect whole, each supplying, in his own composition, the qualities in which it differed from the other. In calmness and perfect serenity of char acter, Sidney Johnston was unequaled. He was the iceberg moving forward with resistless power, carrying everything before him by the imperturbable force of his own frigid purpose. George W. Johnson was, as it were, a mass of molten metal; a sun, so to speak, radiating with its latent heat, and warming into life and vigor all who came within the sphere of his influence. All who saw either acknowledged the superiority of each in the elements which gave individuality to their character, and were swayed by a power which was obeyed implicitly, without stopping to analyze the secret of its potency. Thus, in their respective duties, each sought counsel from the other, and united in the harmonious execution of their respective trusts. When disaster befell the Confederate arms, and it became necessary to evacuate Kentucky, and, subsequently, to withdraw from Tennessee, the provisional governor became the companion and guest in the field of the commander, seconding, by his sagacious advice and his salutary influence, the military movements which culminated in the battle of Shiloh. " Participating in the councils which preceded the movement from Corinth to the fated battlefield, he went forward with the army, feeling that upon the result hung the hopes of the Confederacy, and sharing in the high and daring purpose which inspired the brilliant movement. Upon the 6th day of April, he went into battle as a vol- 520 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. unteer aid to Gen. Breckinridge, desiring to share with the troops of his State the result of the contest. When the Kentucky Brigade was separated from Breckinridge, he accompanied it as volunteer aid to Col. Trabue. Shortly afterward, his horse was killed, and he entered the ranks of Capt. Ben Monroe s company, with which he fought the remainder of the day. That night after the conflict ceased, he an nounced his determination to participate next day; and, causing the oath of a private soldier to be administered to him next morning, he was enrolled as a member of Co. E, Fourth Kentucky Infantry. " That day he went again into battle, and in one of the bloody charges in the early part of the afternoon, he received the mortal wound which terminated in his death. All night he lay upon the field of battle with two wounds upon his body one in the right thigh and the other in the abdomen the latter from a Minie-ball, which entered near the median line and passed through the body. The vigor of his constitution and the vitality of his system were so powerful that life lingered with him longer than the nature of his wounds would have indicated as possible. On the afternoon of the 8th, after having lain nearly twenty-four hours on the field, he was discovered by Gen. Mc- Cook, who recognized him first as a Mason, from the sign given, and then as having met him at the Charleston Convention. " With a tenderness and magnanimity which so generally marked the soldiers of both armies who met in battle, he caused him to be con veyed to one of the United States hospital steamboats lying at Pitts- burg Landing, and had every attention bestowed upon him of which the circumstances admitted. But the shaft of death had sped too surely, and the spark of life, which had struggled so long, yielded finally, and he died tranquilly about daylight on the morning of the pth, conscious almost to the last breath, and leaving in his last words a testimony that his only aim had been his country s good. Thus, in his fiftieth year, after a life of spotless integrity, in the very prime of his intellectual vigor, died one upon whom the highest eulogy that could be passed upon any one was accorded him by a friend, who said, upon hearing of his death, that he believed his highest wish in life was to do right, and the next highest was to see his friends do right. A noble tribute, expressing, in a sentence, what all who knew him will recognize as the key-note of his whole nature. " His body, after death, was kindly cared for by officers in the Fed eral service, who had known and admired him in former days, among whom was Gen. John M. Harlan, who had been the opposing candi date for elector in the preceding presidential canvass. Mainly through his instrumentality and kind services, his remains were sent to Louis ville, and thence conveyed to his home in Scott County. From Louis- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 521 ville they were accompanied by a committee of citizens, and, on the i8th, they were followed to the public cemetery, near Georgetown, by one of the largest collections of citizens ever assembled for a similar purpose in that county. The universal respect in which he was held by men of all parties was attested by the fact that, notwithstanding an order had shortly before been promulgated prohibiting the interment of any Confederate dead except with the strictest privacy, no objection was interposed, and the funeral ceremony was conducted without mili tary interference, and the rites of burial performed by the Masonic order, of which he was a member, without regard to sectional sym pathy. " To his family, consisting of a devoted wife and seven children, the affliction came with crushing force, relieved only by the consola tion that he had fallen in the discharge of what he regarded a sacred duty. To the people of his county, who knew and loved him as the generous neighbor, the open-hearted friend, the upright man, the loss was felt with a keenness and force manifested to this day by the sad ness which shrouds the brow of all who enjoyed his acquaintance whenever his name is mentioned. As to the estimate in which he was held, and the regret caused by his death in the South, the following paragraph from Gen. Beauregard s official report of the battle of Shiloh, dated on the nth of April, 1862, bears honorable testi mony : " I deeply regret to record, also, the death of the Hon. George W. Johnson, Provisional Governor of Kentucky, who went into action with the Kentucky troops, and continually inspired them by his words and example. Having his horse shot under him on Sunday, he entered the ranks of a Kentucky regiment, and fell, mortally wounded, toward the close of the next day. Not his State alone, but the whole Confed eracy has sustained a great loss in the death of this brave, upright, and able man. " In the quie.t cemetery of Georgetown, his grave marked by a sim ple inscription, in the midst of a people whom he loved dearer than his own life, rests the body of this pure and spotless man. The failure of the cause for which he sacrificed himself has left him to slumber in a grave watered only by the tears of domestic affection, and marked only by the care of private and personal devotion. For deeds less noble than were illustrated in his death, shafts of marble and columns of bronze have been reared in all ages of the world. For him, until such day as receding time shall permit his virtues to be properly commem orated, his monument will be in the affections of all who, knowing, loved him, or who, reading this brief and imperfect story of his life and death, shall accord to his memory the tribute which belongs to a char- 522 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. acter so exalted, and death rendered memorable by heroic and unselfish devotion to duty." HON. ELI M. BRUCE. Eli Metcalfe Bruce was preeminently the soldier s friend and bene factor. To Kentuckians in the field he endeared himself as no other man did ; and his memory is cherished as only that of a great-hearted and practical philanthropist and fellow-countryman can be. He was the son of George S. and Sabina (Metcalfe) Bruce ; was born near Flemingsburg, Ky. , February 226., 1828; and was reared on his father s farm, receiving such education as the neighborhood schools of those days could furnish. In 1847 he became a clerk in a dry-goods store at Maysville ; was employed a few months subsequently by an uncle, John S. Morgan, in a pork-packing establishment at Cincinnati; and soon became a partner in the business, which proved fairly remu nerative. In 1853, he married Miss Elizabeth Withers, daughter of Charles Al bert and Matilda (Lynch) Withers. Two children are yet living, Ma tilda L., wife of Dr. Dudley S. Reynolds, of Louisville, and George S. Bruce, a tobacco broker, of Cincinnati. On the death of Mr. Morgan, he sold his interest in the firm, and in 1854 he engaged with his uncle, Henry Bruce, in the manufacture of pig iron, near Terre Haute, Ind. This business proved very profitable; but seemed too restricted in its scope, and he sold out his share in the iron furnace in 1859, and re-engaged in pork packing, establishing packing houses on the Wabash, Missouri and Mississippi rivers, with his central office at St. Louis, Mo. He soon enlarged the business to include beef, and in 1861, when the war cry was raised throughout the coun try, he at once saw the importance of a change in the base of his opera tions, having determined to cast his lot with the South in the impending struggle. He accordingly closed his establishment, and, shipping everything to the South, he established his packing business at Chattanooga, Tenn., at Augusta, Ga., and several other points. The war fairly opened, it became necessary to engage experienced men to supply the rapidly-organizing armies with food, and Bruce s talents were employed in that direction. He became, in fact, the chief reliance of the South ern forces for supplies, and when the ports were blockaded, and his internal resources were inadequate, he purchased suitable ships for running the blockade. Loading them with cotton, he boldly sailed forth into British and other foreign ports, where he disposed of his cotton, and, loading his ships with supplies for the army, he passed HON. ELI M. BRUCE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 523 the blockading squadrons safe. This he was able to continue through out the greater part of the war. Notwithstanding all these engagements, he found time to assist in the organization of the Confederate States Government. At Russell- ville, Ky., in December, 1861, the newly-elected legislature adopted the constitution proposed by the Confederate States Government; pro ceeded to divide the State into congressional districts ; and to provide for the election of congressmen and senators. Bruce was elected to congress from the Ninth District of Kentucky, to serve for four years, and was reflected again on the i4th of May, 1864, for a like term. He proceeded to Richmond, and sat with the congress most of the time during its various sessions, and was an important member of the Committee on Ways and Means. During all this time he was carry ing on blockade running, and transporting supplies for the Confederate army to different parts of the country. At the conclusion of the war, soon after the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln, he went directly to Washington City and called upon President Johnson in person, to whom he confessed his active partici pation in the Confederate cause, and expressed a desire to be pardoned and restored to citizenship in the United States. His request was granted without a moment s hesitation ; and, tendering his thanks to the president, he proceeded to New York City, where he soon estab lished himself as a cotton factor, with a branch house at Augusta, Ga. In October, 1865, he purchased the Southern Hotel, which he im proved, refitted, and opened to the public. He did a prosperous business until December, 1866, when he died suddenly of heart dis ease. His remains were removed to the family cemetery, at Coving- ton, Ky. It is related of him that when he was about to take his departure for Washington, on the disbanding of the armies of the South, he gave to the poor Confederate soldiers many thousands of dollars in gold to enable them to return to their homes and engage in various pursuits. Besides this, he loaned more than a million dollars to different busi ness and professional men with whom he had been associated in the lost cause. Large sums of this money were never returned; but his name is to this day mentioned in grateful remembrance by thousands of the beneficiaries of his kindness. A few weeks before his death, his name was mentioned in many of the newspapers of Kentucky, as an available man for Governor of the State. It is not likely, however, he would have sacrificed his business interests in New York to return to Kentucky for the honor of being Governor. The Bruces trace their ancestry through the Bruces of Scotland to 524 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. King Malcolm the First. A brother of Eli Bruce (Wm. Bruce, of Cincinnati), has successfully traced this relationship. From an article by Col. Robert W. Woolley, published in the Louis ville Courier of December iyth, 1866, the following beautiful tribute to the memory of this worthy descendant of a noble race is copied : "They who by nature possess, and from noble aspirations cultivate, those tenderer emotions which assimilate them to the condition of re deemed immortality, always feel something more keen than sorrow when they hear of the death of one so good that even envy was forced to flatter, and sought to praise where she dared not detract. In all the misfortunes of country and of life, rupture of social relations, injustice from the State, displeasure of fortune, in each and all there is pain which the heart can not avoid. But there is a peculiar grief which we will not express, because we can not, that all keenly suffer when we see the grave receive into its cold chamber one who lived and hoped still to live, that kindness, charity and happiness might be increased and ex tended to all the world around him. There are people who will not be as well fed now as they were a few days ago. There are many women, now reft of husband and child, with no claim save that which the fallen traveler had on the Samaritan, who must now look elsewhere for raiment and shelter, so often given by him who gathered together this world s goods that he might make others as happy as he himself was kind. From this river to the gulf there are cripples on crutches which he purchased, wounds still healing with unctions which he gave, homes swept away by the torch of war replaced from that curious purse which hundreds have seen, empty for his own wants, as full as that of Fortu- natus, when touched by an appeal from suffering humanity. " E. M. Bruce never fought battles, but was in them. If, in defense of a creed which was as sacred as the cross he worshipped, he did not strike the enemy who came to attack his country, he still was where the danger was thickest to catch the wounded comrade as he fell, and to give him a Christian soldier s grave, or bind his bleeding wounds, and in the chamber of sickness nurse him to health. If it was the high province of Breckinridge and his lieutenants to kill on fields of battle those who assailed the flag they followed, it was the noble task of Bruce to heal the wounds, cure the sick, and save the lives of those who loved him only less than he loved them. We appeal to 10,000 living Kentucky soldiers to attest the full truth of all we say, and there are now thousands standing at the bar of heaven asking to be called as witnesses to prove that even in that sacred society there is no purer spirit than that which fled from the dead body over which we now bend and mourn. " Money worth more than $400,000 in Federal currency he gave HON. H. W. BRUCE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 525 away to suffering soldiers, and yet with all the gratitude they bore him, and with all the affection in which they still hold his memory, the greatest pleasure was not with them who received, but with him who i^ave. There are many who have seen him often on a night as black as the one that now wraps his tomb in this cold December, stand ing alone on the banks of the James, waiting for the exchange boat. And they well remember that curious, motley procession of tagged, starved, tortured prisoners, following him to the hotel by hun dreds, and they will not forget the rapidity with which he gave them rooms with carpets on the floor, and baths, and food, and raiment and drink, and warm beds, his own among the number, that the brave men might sleep and sweetly dream of wife, sister and child, far away at the home from which they had been exiled. " It was not necessary to tell us that he died of heart dis ease. Sooner or later, all knew, that was to be his fate. His heart was by nature too large for the frame that contained it. Constant ex ercise had made it, like the muscles of a wrestler, large to deformity. Sleep gave quiet to the brain, rest to the body ; but that full, exuberant heart was forever palpitating with joy in doing charity by day, or dreaming at night of the happiness it would diffuse in the morning. "Farewell, E. M. Bruce! If, as the best and wisest men have said, there is a chosen place, best in the heaven, where the spirits of the good and noble are received, we know that you are happy now, for there is charity there, and of that virtue which includes all others you were the living transfiguration. Farewell, good, kind man ! Many tears will fall in your native State to-day from eyes not used to weeping." HON. HORATIO W. BRUCE. Judge Bruce was prominently identified with the Kentucky Con federates in a State capacity from first to last. He says that the mili tary service of his life consisted of a captaincy of a company in Lewis County under the old militia law; membership in a company of the State Guard (1860); and the " lugging of a box and gun" in com pany with other members of Congress when Gen. Kilpatrick threat ened Richmond; but his active service in the formation of the State Government, under which Kentucky was admitted to the Confederacy, and his work with his fellow-members of the State Council and with the gentlemen who were organizing the Kentucky Confederates for resistance ; his solicitude for the welfare of Kentucky soldiers in their isolated position, and his intelligent oversight of their interests in the Richmond Congress, these make him substantially an Orphan, and 526 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. suggest his being put on record with the men whose badge he has long been entitled to wear, but declines to do so, though holding mem bership in our Veteran Association, because he does not find on that badge the Stars of Kentucky and Missouri, which he claims to have been members of the Confederacy by virtue of revolutionary action, the right to take which is always lodged with the people. Horatio Washington Bruce, born near Vanceburg, Lewis County, Ky. , February 22, 1830, was a son of Alexander and Amanda (Bragg) Bruce. The father was born in Garrard County, Ky. ; the mother in Lewis County. John Bruce, the grandfather of the subject of this notice, emigrated in the earlier pioneer days from Pittsylvania County, Va., to Garrard County, Ky., where he died, in 1827, at the age of seventy-nine. He was the son of a Scotch merchant who came to Virginia long before the Revolutionary war. Alexander Bruce s mother was Elizabeth (Clay) Bruce, daughter of Henry Clay, Jr., of Mecklenburg County, Va. The ancestors of Horatio W. Bruce s mother were also Scotch people, the first of whom to come to America were John and Maran Gibbs, his great-great-grandparents. Alexander Bruce was a lawyer, merchant, farmer, and mill owner in Lewis County, and represented his county in the legislature of 1825-26, having been elected by the Old Court Party. Horatio W. Bruce received his academic education at private ischools in Lewis County, Ky. , and in Manchester, Ohio. Without the advantages of a college or university course he nevertheless mas tered not only the elementary English branches, but mathematics, pure and applied, and the Latin language chiefly by his own unaided exer tions being blessed with strong natural powers of mind and that great zest for learning which made him a student from early boyhood. Such were his legal and other requirements (among them as ufficient knowl edge of French to enable him to read it well), that in 1872 he was elected to a professorship in the law department of the University of Louisville, which position he filled acceptably for seven or eight years. In his sixteenth year he became salesman, book-keeper, etc., in a general store, where he remained till 1849, having charge of the busi ness of the Vanceburg post-office during the time, which occupation he followed till 1849, i n which year and the year following he taught two five-month schools, devoting his leisure and his vacations, mean while, to the study of law. In December, 1850, he went to Flemings- burg, where he studied in the office and under the valuable instruction of Hon. Leander M. Cox, and was admitted to the bar in 1851. Be ginning the practice of his profession at the age of twenty-one, he continued the habit, already formed, of close and systematic study of HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 527 principles and practice, which has made him one of the foremost law yers in Kentucky. In that year (1851), when the office of examiner was first created in the Civil Code of Practice, he was appointed to that position by the Fleming Circuit Court. Shortly afterward he was elected a trustee of common schools in the Flemingsburg district; in August, 1855, he was elected to represent Fleming County in the legislature, serving in that body just thirty years after his father s term as member from Lewis County; in 1856, he was elected Commonwealth s Attorney for the Tenth Judicial District (Mason, Lewis, Greenup, Rowan, Fleming and Nicholas Counties), but moved to Louisville before his term ex pired (December, 1858), and resigned. Previously to locating in Louisville, he had married (June i2th, 1856), Miss Elizabeth Barbour Helm, a daughter of John L. Helm, of Hardin County (before and afterward governor of Kentucky), and on removing to the city he formed a partnership with his brother-in- law, Ben Hardin Helm, and practiced with him under the firm name of Helm and Bruce until the war began. Reared a Whig, he had taken part in the presidential election of 1852 by making speeches in favor of Scott and Graham, and there after acted with that party until its organization was broken up and most of its members had become identified with the American or Know-Nothing party ; then with the latter until after the presidential election of 1860, during which campaign he spoke for the Bell and F.verett ticket. When it began to appear that our sectional troubles ^.\ ould result in war, he made a more careful and serious review of political principles as represented by the different parties, and became convinced that those of the American party were erroneous, especially that feature which dealt with religious belief, and that the Democratic theory as to protection was more constitutional and more in the in terest of the people at large than that of the Whigs. As far as the Bell and Everett platform was concerned, being simply " The Union, the Constitution, and the Enforcement of the Laws," he could con scientiously hold to that while the election was pending, and found no fault with it afterward ; but from the Republican doctrine that the con stitution authorized a resort to force to maintain the Union, he utterly dissented and held that even the extreme views of the State Sovereignty Democrats were more tenable, as being more in accordance with the principles of the fathers. At any rate he felt that he could consistently act with the State Rights party, whose teachings at the time had little reference to the nice distinction between State Rights and State Sovereignty, but did in reality maintain the latter; and he became the candidate of that party for Congress in the Louisville district at the 528 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. special June election, 1861. The result of that election was con clusive as to the possibility of Kentucky s taking decisive action in favor of the Southern movement, whither the drift of public sentiment had strongly tended during the early months of the year, and that large and influential element who believed the State to have been be trayed into adopting the disreputable policy of so-called armed neutrality took steps to ally themselves by formal action (revolutionary action, it may perhaps be called), with the Confederacy. Judge Bruce was a member of the Southern Conference at Russellville, October 29th~3ist, 1 86 1, and of the Sovereignty Convention which met pur suant to a call issued by the conference, and which was held at the same place, November iSth-aoth, 1861. This convention, representing the southern sentiment of Kentucky, having passed an ordinance of secession, adopted a constitution, and organized a provisional government under which the State was ad mitted to the Confederacy; and of the Council of Ten (having legislative functions), Judge Bruce was made the member for the Louis ville district. At the election held January 22d, 1862, he was elected to represent Kentucky in the Confederate Congress, and was reelected February roth, 1864. After the downfall of the Confederacy he came back to Louisville and resumed the practice of law. In August, 1868, he was elected Circuit Judge of the Ninth Judicial District (Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, and Bullitt Counties). In January, 1873, he was appointed Chancellor of the Louisville Chancery Court to fill a vacancy pending the special election in February following, when he was elected for the unexpired term. In August, 1874, he was reelected for a full six- year term ; but a short time before the expiration of the term (March, 1880), he resigned, to accept the attorneyship of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, which position he has held ever since, being now the company s chief attorney. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and, by virtue of services rendered by ancestors both paternal and maternal in achieving American inde pendence, a member of the Kentucky Society of Sons of the Revo lution. DR. DANIEL P. WHITE. Intimately connected with the Kentucky Brigade during a part of its career, and an active promoter of enlistment, equipping, and other preparations for taking the field, Dr. White s service for the Confed eracy was held to associate his name with that command, and to make him at least an honorary member. As a representative in the Con- DR. DANIEL P. \VHITK. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 529 federate Congress he watched the interests of the Kentucky troops with a jealous eye, and did all that his position enabled him to do for their honor and their welfare. He was born in Green County, Ky., November 16, 1814. His father, W. P. White, was prominent in business and public affairs, and represented his county in the Legislature several times. His grand father, Maj. Daniel White, served in the campaigns of Gen. Harrison in the Northwest, 1812-15, and was for eighteen years a member of the Kentucky State Senate. Dr. White was prepared for college by the private schools of his own county ; then took the usual course in Center College ; afterward stud ied medicine at Lexington, Ky., and Cincinnati, O.; and, having com pleted the course in medicine and surgery, located in Green County, where (and in adjoining counties) he had a large and lucrative practice for many years. He married, June 14, 1837, Miss Nancy F. Clarke, of Cumberland County. In politics he was an uncompromising Democrat, of the Jefferson school, and was several times elected by his party to represent his legislative district in the General Assembly ; and was Speaker of the House, 1857-59. He was a member of the National Democratic Convention of 1860, instructed to support the Hon. James Guthrie for President; was that year a Douglas elector for the State-at-large, having declined to bolt the convention in common with the men of extreme Southern views who afterward nominated Breckinridge and Lane. When the power of the government passed, with the election of Mr. Lincoln, into the hands of the radical minority, with whose views he was utterly at variance, he declared his allegiance to the Southern cause, and when war resulted he favored determined opposition, on the part of Kentucky, to the coercive measures of the Washington government. He allied himself with those who were organizing re sistance, and was especially intolerant of the so-called peace policy which eventuated in a declaration of neutrality, in which he had no faith. When active enlistment began, he removed most of his slave prop erty to Yell County, Ark., and then returned to Camp Boone. He was actively but unofficially engaged in giving medical attention to the Kentucky volunteers till after the Central Army took position at Bowl ing Green and farther northward. In November, 1861, he took part in organizing a Provisional Government for Kentucky, and securing its admission to the Confederacy, and was elected to the Richmond Congress. 34 530 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. He had previously taken part with the Texas Rangers in the fight below Munfordville, in which Col. Terry was killed, and was near that dashing officer when he fell. When his presence was not absolutely required at Richmond, he was with troops in the field. At Shiloh he was on duty as volunteer field surgeon. It was reported and for sometime believed by his wife in Kentucky that he was killed at Shiloh ; and it was not till his brother went down to remove his body to his native State that the rumor was found to be false. His son (now Dr. William P. White, of Louisville) was through out the war a member of the Second Regiment Arkansas Cavalry; and he occasionally visited him in the Trans-Mississippi Depart ment, and on three occasions took part with him in battle at Prairie Grove, Poison Spring, and Jenkins Ferry. He was also on the field during some of the numerous battles in Virginia. After the war he came back to Kentucky ; but instead of engaging in the exclusive practice of his profession, he embraced what he re garded as a better chance to retrieve his broken fortunes, and entered into the tobacco warehouse business in Louisville. This, by energy and good judgment, he made remunerative, and he did much mean while to place that city at the head of the tobacco markets of the world. At the time of his death (April izth, 1890), he had met all the pecu niary obligations which the fortunes of the war had imposed upon him and accumulated a considerable estate. He was a strong, self-poised, brave, and stern man, but of kindly heart withal. To his family he was tenderly devoted, and to his friends as true as steel. He did not take position on any matter of moment without serious reflection ; but when he had resolved upon a course in accordance with his convictions he was as immovable as the hills. ELDER J. D. PICKETT. Joseph Desha Pickett was born at Washington, Mason County, Ky., January 6, 1822. His grandparents, paternal and maternal, were pioneers of the State, and descendants of the Huguenots, whose name in history is synonymous with devotion to political and religious lib erty. He enjoyed rare advantages for education. At an early age, he moved to Washington City with his parents, where his father was en gaged in the public service of his country. This was during the palm} days of the republic, when Jackson, Webster, Clay, and Calhoun were the leading men, whose illustrious patriotism and integrity told the world ELDER JOS. DESIIA PICKETT. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 531 that we had a country. His father, a highly accomplished gentleman, for years directed and superintended the education of his sons. His mother possessed one of those eminent natures whose influence is felt and whose memories live in the hearts of those who have been associ ated with them. She died during the ^arly youth of her sons. After her death, Joseph D. Pickett entered upon his collegiate education. He attended two most noted institutions Nassau Hall and Bethany. Some time after his course at the latter college Was completed, he trav eled in Europe, Asia, and Africa with great advantage, in consequence of his extensive reading and familiarity with both classical and modern languages and history. On his return from this extensive tour of more than two years, vari ous positions were offered him, and he finally accepted a professor s chair in Bethany College, through whose walls he had passed as a student. He remained here until after the opening of the war in 1861. At an early period of these exciting times, he was nominated as candi date for the Virginia Convention. This was done in his absence, and over his protest, for he preferred the nomination of one of the candi dates already in the field. But, with his usual earnestness and direct ness, he accepted the call, and zealously entered upon his work, and has been known, laughingly, to remark, that he " was nominated, that lie accepted, that he completed his campaign, and was beaten, all in one week" so rapid were the movements and revolutions of the day. His campaign over, he returned to his post as professor, and remained in discharge of his duty until the college (for the session) was dissolved, .and until the last class and last student of that memorable term had recited in the halls of Bethany. He continued about a fortnight at Bethany, and then removed his family to Kentucky; and started south ward with the intention of finding a home and returning to take his family South. He believed it to be the honor and the duty of every Southerner to be upon the soil, ready for service. A few weeks after he reached Richmond, our troubles culminated in Kentucky, and the army was established at Bowling Green. This was the beginning of a separation which lasted through the war. Con sidering it his duty to go where, in his judgment, he could do most good, he became a chaplain, for he desired to minister to the spiritual wants of the thousands of sufferers with whom he knew he would come in contact. Having joined the army in this capacity, he was found more than once pressing forward in the heat of battle, sharing the hot exposure for the sake of the soldiers who fell. His friends around him remonstrated with him at this exposure of his life; but his response was, "Those who need my services first and most are those who fall first in the battles of my country. There are messages to mothers on 532 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the dying soldier s lips, that would never be conveyed were I to wait until the shock is over." The shells hurtled over him, the bullets whistled around him, but they never drowned the voice of prayer upon his lips, and never out-sang the voice of sympathy within his heart. Though imperiling his life in this manner, he was untouched by mis siles except that, during the siege of Jackson, while sitting in an ex posed place, quietly conversing with two or three officers, a spent bul let struck his foot. Some one picked it up and presented it to him. He remarked that he was thankful it struck his foot instead of his head. The regiment (Second) was then on special duty to support Cobb s Battery, and he was the only man hit. Alluding to it, he laughingly remarked, "You see, now, that chaplains are not bullet-proof." Shortly after he went South he was elected, by absent citizens, to the convention at Richmond, to fill the vacancy which had been cre ated in the county of Brooke. He was a member of that noted body, and was present at its dissolution. After this, however, his family being in his native State, he identified himself with the Kentuckians, and in field and in hospital was untiring in his efforts to alleviate their wants, to soothe their sorrows, to encourage and upbuild their hopes. While he thus devoted himself to his fellow-soldiers, he sought also the sick and wounded, the sorrowing and suffering, of the Federal army. On the field, in the hospital, in prison, he was ever ready to soothe and comfort the soldier in that dread hour when time and eternity met above his gaping wound and contended for his struggling spirit as it awaited its fate. The regard of the soldiers of his brigade for Prof. Pickett was such that they nominated him to represent them in Congress. For certain reasons the nomination was declined. And, finally, his health being broken by exposure, he was compelled to resign his position and leave the field. But this he did not do until his brigade was retired, in order to be mounted. He continued as president of the Kentucky Relief Society (of which he was founder), and earnestly pleaded the cause of the Kentucky soldier at Richmond. The work accomplished by this society, the soldiers themselves will never forget. Not until the last shot had been fired did he cease his labor of love. At the conclusion of the war he returned to Kentucky, and resumed the work of the ministry. He was connected with the Kentucky University in 1867-68; was professor in the Agricultural and Mechan ical College in 1878-79; was elected during the latter year superin tendent of Public Instruction, and was twice reflected, serving in that office twelve consecutive years. At different times during his connection with the State College and the University of Kentucky, he was president of the former and of the College of Arts in the latter. ELDER G. B. OVERTON. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 533 On retiring from office in 1891, he removed with his family to River Forest, Illinois, where he has since resided. REV. G. B. OVERTON. George Buck Overton, son of Garland Terrell Overton and Louisa (Garnett) Overton, was born in Meade County, Ky., April 18, 1839. The place of his birth had been the home of three generations of the family. His progenitors on both sides were of good old English stock, who came to Virginia in the early history of that colony and afterward set tled in Kentucky, where they were identified with the stirring events of our pioneer times. The father of the subject of this sketch was a miller, farmer, and trader, who died in his thirty-second year, leaving him one of the three children dependent upon the widowed mother, who was in but moderate circumstances. This son was sent to live with a paternal uncle; but when his mother remarried he returned home. His opportunities for an education were confined to only a few years; but he mastered thoroughly every branch embraced in his course. He attended neighborhood schools and Transylvania Uni versity ; but the part of his education most prized by him is that ob tained under the tuition of Prof. D. C. Cully, with whom he studied, and with whom he was associated for a time as teacher. Intending to adopt the law as a profession, for which he was pecu liarly fitted by a thoroughly logical mind and a capacity for grasping and mastering the most intricate subjects, he began by teaching, and reading law during leisure hours, to fit himself for admission to the bar. This course he pursued for some time, teaching at Garnettsville, West Point, and Middletown. After his conversion, however (De cember, 1857), he was influenced to give up law for the ministry. His parents were Baptists, but he followed his own convictions and joined the Methodist Church, by which body he was licensed in 1859 to preach. His first sermon was delivered at Doe Run Church, from the text "Worship God." He joined the Louisville Conference at Bardstown (1859), and was stationed at Millerstown. His second appointment was at Asbury Chapel) Louisville, where he remained from October to July, at which time he entered the ranks of the Confederate army. On his last Sunday the congregation was so small that he was influenced to ask the reason, and was told that his church people would not come to hear a rebel. Going to his Presiding Elder, Dr. Lynn, he told him of his desire to enter the Confederate service. The doctor replied that 534 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. it was exactly what he wanted to do. Overton thereupon enlisted un der Capt. Chipley, and was stationed at Camp Boone. He joined the army the day after the second battle of Bull Run and served through the four years. He was appointed chaplain of the Second Kentucky Infantry, July 19, 1861, but remained in the ranks, doing a private soldier s duty, until October. He then served as chaplain until September, 1862, when, upon the regiment s return from prison, he was elected second lieutenant of Co. E, receiving the vote of every member of the com pany; and about five months afterward (February, 1863), ne was promoted to first lieutenant. He fought in every battle in which his regiment took part at Donelson, where he became a prisoner with the rest, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas (May 2oth, 1864), to Atlanta (July 1 8th, 1864); at Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, and Utoy Creek ; both days at Jonesboro ; and some of the mounted en gagements. During the siege of Atlanta he was wounded in the knee ; and after the brigade entered South Carolina he was again captured (April loth, 1865), and was shortly afterward sent to Johnson s Island, where he was detained in prison more than three months after the sur render of Johnston in North Carolina till August 3rd. While there in captivity he devoted himself to the study of law and theology. Returning home, he engaged in business (preaching also as occa sion offered) for about four years, when he again joined the Louisville Conference (1869). Meanwhile (December 26th, 1865,) he had mar ried Miss Sue J. Lawson, of Garnettsville, a sweetheart whom he had once walked five hundred miles to see. They have reared to manhood and womanhood six children, seeking by precept and example to im press them with the importance of following after those things that make for the higher life rather than for those that please the sense, but perish with the using. Since 1869, he has continued active in the ministry serving vari ous churches west of Louisville, till 1885, when he came to Louisville, where he has since made his home, giving six of the twelve years to Jefferson-street Church, one to the Portland Church, and one to that of Jeffersonville, Indiana, being for three years presiding elder of the Louisville District, and now (1898) serving his second year as presid ing elder of the Elizabethtown District. Capt. John H. Weller belonged to another regiment, but he was keenly observant and dearly loved a superior type of soldier, in what ever regiment he found him, and he could but be attracted to Overton a man who kept his place as an irreproachable minister of the gospel while fighting fiercely, as have fought in all ages profoundly earnest HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 535 men who felt that they must protest against outrage and plant them selves defiantly in the path of an invader. Weller wrote of him sub sequently : " On my mind is yet pictured an impressive scene a tall, handsome man, in the uniform of a Confederate officer, towering above the recumbent forms of comrades, whose eyes were riveted on him, and whose faces forcefully indexed the emotions of their hearts. It was in the gloaming, with which we associate quietude and rest; but alas! not so then. The death dealing shells fluttered as they flew; and the spitting, crying voice of the bullet, these warned us that lives were hanging on threads all too brittle. As long as life lasts, and the lost cause clings to us as a sacred memory, I shall glory in the remembrance of Buck Overton s prayer-meetings behind the trenches, as we were trying to stem the tide of Sherman s March to the Sea. No chaplain in the army was more successful than he, though he did his whole duty as a soldier. He was always at work, just as earnestly as he fought. Then he fought and prayed, and now at home he works and prays. As a presiding elder he preaches constantly." And a church brother who knows him well declares that it is safe to say that Overton has kept up his work better and done more good than any other man Louisville ever had. Maj. Semple, who knew him from the time of his enlistment, and observed his course thenceforward till he (Semple) was transferred to Virginia, says : " From my personal knowledge of Mr. Overton I consider him one of the coolest and most gallant men in battle that I ever saw. I believe he did not know what danger was, and if he did know, he ignored it utterly. I recall having seen him in the hottest Tights under a galling fire, kneel down very coolly by a fallen comrade to talk with him and pray for him ; and he would pray as calmly as if there were no danger nigh, even though balls and shells were falling around him all the time. I remember having seen him do this many times, but I noticed him more especially at Chickamauga, one of our hardest battles. He was a great favorite with all the officers, and was highly respected by all the men of the command. I think he had more influence for good morally than any other man in the regiment to which he belonged. He was unusually modest, never putting himself for ward really he seemed so backward that one would suppose that he was not concerned about the cause, when in reality his whole heart was in it." During the four years of bitter trial years of war with their mani fold temptations and influences that too often degrade the " Fighting Chaplain," as he was called, remained the clean-minded and pure- hearted Christian gentleman a type of man that makes the best and bravest soldier, for such a one enlists only under a banner which em- 536 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. blems to him a right and good cause ; then goes forward with something of that spirit which animated the Crusaders to fight and suffer and die for the recovery of the Holy Sepulcher ; and he strikes in the fear of God. REV. H. H. KAVANAUGH. Hubbard Hinde Kavanaugh, son of the Rev. Williams Barbour Kavanaugh and Susan (Evans) Kavanaugh, was born in Mt. Sterling, Ky., May 28, 1836. He had his preparatory training for college in various primary schools and directly from his parents ; and eventually became a man of far greater attainments than he was ordinarily credited with, since he never vaunted himself on either the possession of learning or the performance of gallant and good deeds. His father was, for a part of his active life, a missionary to the border Indians and a teacher among them, and the son spent some years of his boyhood on the frontier with his parents in their dangerous and self-sacrificing work. The family resided in Newport, Ky., about the time he reached adult age, and from this place he went to Fulton, Mo., where he was engaged by a kinsman, Dr. Hinde, as prescription druggist. He had previously had instruction in pharmacy. He did not remain here long, however. Having determined to enter the ministry he went to Greensboro , Ala., where he took a course in the Southern University, and graduated in June, 1861, with the degree of A. B. Meanwhile he had been licensed as a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and had preached at times while a student. Returning to Kentucky, he was arrested by the Federal authorities on the usual charge of disloyalty ; but he escaped soon after and en listed with Morgan s cavalry, with which he served about thirteen months. During this time he was three times wounded the first time but slightly in the calf of the leg ; the second, by a shot in the ankle, from which he soon recovered; but the third time severely, a leg being broken near the knee by a heavy ball. He was taken to a hospital in Knoxville, Tenn., where, before he was sufficiently recovered for active duty, either field or post, he took upon himself the work and incurred the additional danger of nursing small-pox patients, this dread disease having broken out among the inmates. When able to leave the place, he was still incapable of arduous military duty, and was sent on indefinite furlough to Greensboro , Ala., where he had taken his college course, and the president of the university, Whiteman, (afterward bishop,) assigned to him a vacant circuit, pending his re covery of health and strength that would warrant his return to the ELDER II. H. KAVANAUGH. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 537 army. While on this circuit he was married, December 22, 1863, to Miss Anna M. Kimbrough, a daughter of Marmaduke Kimbrough, a prominent planter of Green County, Ala. He now spent a month in soliciting contributions of supplies of clothing for the soldiers at the front, and in purchasing them when not otherwise obtainable. He used to give, as illustrating the straits to which the Confederate gov ernment was then reduced in the matter of furnishing its soldiers, the prices paid for certain articles ; as $60 for a single pair of shoes, and these not of the best, and so on of other things. Sometime in January, 1864, he was assigned to duty, at his own re quest, as chaplain of the Sixth Kentucky Infantry, and ordered to report to Gen. Lewis. Reaching Dalton early in February, he began his service with that command, which terminated only with the close of the war. It was such as to win the admiration of all who knew how to appreciate unostentatious valor, and simple, but never flagging devotion to his comrades. When the Kentuckians were ordered for ward in February to occupy Rocky Face Ridge, in anticipation of an advance by Sherman, Kavanaugh marched and bivouacked with the men, and was ready for the fray; and when, on the jth of May, the Confederate Army began that wonderful struggle of four months with a thrice powerful, aggressive, and gallant foe, the chaplain of the Sixth Kentucky Infantry was always "present for duty" not only in his province of spiritual adviser and comforter, but as a nurse for the sick and wounded and a purveyor for the needy. His efforts provided much that our commissariat could not give, and he mitigated the suffer ings of the wounded and dying as few other men did. His exertions were given without stint to men of all the five regiments that com posed that now historic band, without regard to regimental number ; and a thousand eyes of stricken Kentuckians blessed him during that memorable campaign. Danger did not appal him, and physical suffer ing had no power to drive him from duty until it became disabling ; but he was never touched with " that last infirmity of little minds " which leads its possessor to exploit his adventures, magnify his gal lantry, and base on an occasional worthy service a claim to high con sideration. Thomas Owens, of the Fourth Kentucky, wrote thus of him in "The Sunny South " of June 2d, 1894 : " Possessing in a marked degree the robust qualities, physical and mental, of the eminent Kavanaugh fam ily of Methodist preachers, he was able to endure all the hardships and privations of the soldier s life with a cheerfulness which inspired his fellow-soldiers. Many a time has the writer seen him trudging along on foot with the boys through the mud, leading his horse, ready to be used by the first footsore and exhausted comrade whose needs were 538 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. made known to him. And thus was he ever ready to minister to the bodily as well as to the spiritual comfort of the men. Who can won der that his influence for good was so potent with them ?" When the war was over he reentered the traveling ministry, preach ing awhile in the South, then in Kentucky, and engaging for a time in teaching. In 1883, he was made chaplain of the State prison, at the instance and through the influence of his ever-faithful friend, Gen. Fayette Hewitt. In this capacity his life was characterized by the same ever-active, untiring devotion that marked him as a soldier, as a teacher, and in the hard and exacting life of an itinerant preacher. He was continued in this office by successive State administrations until his death, which occurred at his home in Frankfort on the morn ing of January 18, 1892. Three hours before he died, when scarcely able to utter an intelligible word, he signified that he wanted all the family to be present (all who were able one was absent, others sick abed) that he might pray for them. With faltering tongue and labored effort he repeated the twenty-third psalm, " the Lord is my shepherd." Then he prayed the last of coherent speech he uttered here. With a great heart for others he had yet been mindful of his own household and struggled to rear in the fear of God the six children who grew to manhood and womanhood, and fit them by education for honorable places in society. Thus lived and died an unpretending and pure-hearted, but heroic man of sterling old pioneer stock and illustrating as a soldier and a citizen its sturdy traits. THE BRIGADE BUGLE. Given to Gen. Fayette Hewitt by John W. Payne, to be kept in his collection of Confederate relics. PART III. BRIEF HISTORY OF INDIVIDUALS, FIELD AND STAFF, RANK AND FILE. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 541 GENERAL INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. We enter upon this department of our work with diffidence and em barrassment. It is a new and untried project, and were it in our power to accomplish it to our own entire satisfaction, there are never wanting those who are ready to decry any departure from the ordinary general manner of recording the actions of men. The writer of military an nals has usually confined himself to the task of describing the deeds of collective bodies. The general officer is the agent of the whole, and if his prominent subordinates are named, they serve merely as the co- representatives of the collective power. As a common rule, this is necessarily so, since particular detail is simply impossible ; and the truth of history, in its important bearings upon the lives, fortunes, and opinions of men, is sufficiently attained without descending into minutiae. To record names in these cases is unnecessary. The chief agents in memorable actions the leaders of those who do and dare who, under the principal, superintending, directing minds, fight bat tles and work revolutions in the affairs of nations, are unavoidably handed down to personal fame, while the individuals who acted under them are remembered as individuals only, perhaps, in their own fami lies, or in the little circle in which they moved. History takes no cog nizance of the names of even so small a body as the " Three hundred deathless Spartans," and few of the "Old Guard" of Napoleon had the honor of being borne as separate characters upon the calendar. In the case under consideration, it is enough, perhaps, for the world in general to know that the First Kentucky Brigade took part, as a body, in such and such actions ; but there are reasons why, to Ken- tuckians themselves, this is not enough. More, we may say without hesitancy, than in almost any other military organization of which we have been personally cognizant, or of whose material we have had the means of judging by written records, was the great body of private soldiers the peers of their commanders. The chief difference, in a large number of instances, could be summed up in the simple state ment that the officer was one whose merit had been acknowledged and rewarded by place and power, while the private, though of acknowl edged worth and ability, had not been distinguished by rank. In looking over the lists of names, how many do we recognize as those of men who could have filled almost any station in the army with 542 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. honor to themselves and to the country ? How many who, living, would adorn any position in society, and discharge any public trust, however momentous, with ability and credit? And to these men in the ranks talented, educated, well-bred gentlemen of business capacity, of social position and influence at home, more than to the officers, was due the excellent morale and marked character of the command. The threadbare, even ragged gray coat, the short, ill-fitting, coarse pants, feet, often stockingless, thrust into heavy shoes, and the horrid cap that such a man was doomed to wear had no power to disguise him. To all lawful rule he submitted with a grace that made obedience ap pear, as it really was, the means of obtaining and preserving not only order, but distinction in the day when manhood should assert itself by deeds of prowess. The officer represented authority, and the soldier accorded him honor as such, and conformed to the dictates of that authority without any thought of lowering self-respect or feeling dis honored by submitting. And few were the instances in which officers had to resort to extreme measures. Though there were bad men in the ranks, as there must perforce be in any body of equal magnitude, the stocks and the pillory (as has been heretofore remarked) were never erected for that command; no member ever had his head shaved, none ever stepped to that lugubrious tune, the "Rogue s March ; " and no one of them knows, to this day, the comfort and convenience of that beautiful arrangement called the " barrel-shirt." The singular clearness with which the Confederates of Kentucky saw and interpreted the designs of the new administration, the striking exactness with which they detailed the results that would flow from the success of the Northern arms, their steady adherence to the principles which they advocated, notwithstanding the influences exerted upon them by the powerful party, and their manly and singularly de voted defense of the rights of the States, has thrown about them a kind of romantic interest, and the day is fast approaching when the people of Kentucky will be still more deeply interested in knowing who were those families that were represented in the "Army of the Confederate States," and who were the men that took part a promi nent and more than commonly honorable part in that struggle at which the world wonders more and more as the light gradually breaks upon the true nature of the contest and the strange devotion of the people. It was said by men high in command during the war men, too, who had no immediate connection with the Kentucky infantry, and who felt no interest in them more than was occasioned by their soldierly deeds that in after years a man could claim " no higher honor than that of having been a worthy member of the First Kentucky Brigade." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 543 If this be the case, then, it is well to record these names, and to tell, in a simple way, the main incidents in the life of each during his mili tary service, thus leaving an indisputable evidence to posterity that they were of the gallant band, and that their offspring may justly claim the honor of descent from those who best illustrated Kentucky s old re nown for adherence to principle, scorn of wrong and oppression, and a gallant defense of rights assailed. In such a record there is no room for amplification nor the play of rhetoric it must be a concise, straight forward statement of the facts; but still it may not be uninteresting to either the thoughtful or the curious general reader, while to Kentuck- ians themselves it must surely constitute one of the most interesting features of the work. It will form a kind of heraldic repository, where future generations of men may seek for proof in support of claims to hereditary honors. It may be a means of imbuing the children with the spirit of the fathers, and of teaching them that they who rally at the bugle-blast, in the day of their country s calamity, and stand fast by the banner of their choice, shall "in nowise lose their reward." And this departure from the general tenor of historical writings is the more allowable from the fact that we aspire to nothing more than to chronicle the deeds of a particular command ; and if it be a worthy effort, thus to contribute to the annals of our own State, it is eminently proper to be particular in the details of our subject. While the first department of our work may answer the purposes of the coming his torian, the second may find a place in the esteem of the lovers of biographical literature everywhere, and the third may remain the pe culiar possession of the people of Kentucky. We derive some confi dence from the fact that, prior to the close of the war, we mentioned the project, and our purpose to carry it into execution in the form which follows, to many, both officers and men, and it met with un qualified approval; and in all our correspondence since that time, made necessary by our failure to procure full accounts while the men were together, we have had no one to raise an objection, but all, in either expressed or implied terms, commend it. The embarrassment that we feel, as remarked in the outset, arises from the fact that, in the first place, the material at our disposal does not enable us to give minute and perfect details of every company alike, and this is too liable to be set down to the temper of the writer, instead of being attributed to the true cause paucity of information. In a large number of instances it has been with the most extreme diffi culty that we could procure reports at all. The surviving members of such companies have hesitated and delayed, when appealed to, be cause fearful of not being able to give perfect data, and have, many of them, failed to do anything because they knew they could not do all. 544 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Many, too, seem to have misapprehended the nature of the design, and, instead of full and proper remarks appended to each name, have given a mere roll, with some general facts as to who was killed and wounded. In other cases, we have had rambling statements of when, where, and by whom such and such companies were recruited, and how they ordinarily deported themselves. These things have not only caused immense trouble, and greatly retarded the progress of the work, but the effects will be more or less perceptible after all the care and labor that we have been compelled to bestow. In almost every company there were men who deserved, from some circumstance or other, more than the ordinary statement of deeds performed men who stood preeminent among their comrades, and whom, as a general thing, those comrades honored, and would have scorned to rob, by a single spiteful manifestation, a single whisper of detraction, of any of the glory that was their due ; and yet, as every such man was not per sonally known to the writer, and the facts that he has gathered up, one by one, "here a little, there a little," furnish no invariable clue, he has not been enabled to give them that prominent notice which they deserve. He regrets this the more as he feels that the greater propor tion of those living would prefer that certain old comrades should be awarded a prominence which they justly won. Such distinction, whether the subjects be dead or living, would not be looked upon as invidious. If any one took preeminence among them, they seemed rather to glory in his praise than to indulge a spirit of envy, jealousy, or depreciation. There were men in almost every company who had been selected by their comrades as deserving the "medal of honor" which the government proposed to award those who should be dis tinguished for more than ordinarily " gallant and meritorious conduct on the field." Though desirous that all these, especially, should be named in this connection (and the more so, since many of the brave fellows now sleep in death, and such a fact would be a heritage of honor to their families and friends), we have found it impossible either to recall every one to mind, or to gather them from the brigade records, or yet to learn from the living, and we have doubtless been compelled to omit some. With these preliminary explanations we hope that the following pages may be received by all to whom they relate, by all intimately or re motely concerned, as the honest effort of an impartial mind, influenced by a heart as free from unjust prejudice as it is possible for a man of strong feelings to be in any case. We refer with confidence to the preceding portions of the work as substantiating our claim to fairness and impartiality. So far has it been from our purpose to misrepresent any company, any regiment, that there has not been a single man even, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 545 not a solitary individual whom we wished to set forth in an unfavorable light from whom we desired to withhold one iota of just praise. If we have inclined to any fault it is that we have extenuated rather than "set down aught in malice." One of the most despicable of all vul gar-minded characters is he who can use official power to work per sonal vengeance ; and reflecting men who entertain just views of the proprieties that should hedge us about in all our earthly relations will readily concede that next to him who makes office subservient to the base purpose of malicious infliction, is the historical writer who can stoop to make his books the repository of small spite, a medium through which to shoot his venom at those who may have at some time injured or offended him. It is but just to all concerned to remark here that, after long reflec tion, and a free interchange of views with some whose opinions we value, we have concluded to draw the veil of charity over those who, in the hour of sore temptation, forgot their manhood, and deserted their comrades and their cause. We have been influenced in this de cision greatly by that declaratory maxim of the law, that it were "bet ter that ninety and nine guilty persons escape punishment than that one innocent man suffer." To write DESERTER against a soldier im plies a stigma of no common kind. Military men recoil from the very name of a deserter with a kind of horror which they cannot conceal ; and from time immemorial, through all the history of the world, so far as we have been able to gather, the man that abandons his comrades, whom he has pledged himself to stand by under circumstances of peril and danger, who withdraws from the defense of his principles and country in the hour of threatened calamity, has been looked upon with peculiar abhorrence, and his disgrace is proportioned to the issues in volved, and the general good conduct of others whom he leaves to bear the burden and face the foe. It is gratifying to know that few of all the gallant band whom Buckner and Breckinridge led to Donelson and Shiloh cravenly abandoned the service. But two instances can now be recalled of men who deserted to the enemy and turned their arms against their friends. In several instances, men escaping from their captors, or released by exchange, preferring some other branch of the service, would seize upon such occasions to connect themselves in an irregular way with cavalry or artillery or to enter the naval serv ice. Some, with shame be it said, willfully abandoned the cause, and went home to rest supinely while the country which they had bound themselves by solemn oath to defend was engaged in a death-struggle with a giant and determined adversary. And yet there were shades of guilt, even in these, between which it is impossible for the writer or any other mortal man to discriminate, and for this reason, if 35 546 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. for no other, we should hesitate to write an odious epithet against any one of them. Some, after having proved themselves men on many a field, were overcome by the knowledge that a loved and dependent father, mother, wife, or child was in want, and went to the relief of such. Against these we would not only re fuse to write a denunciatory word, but would be glad if we could blot out the remembrance of every act that might be called a crime. In the eyes of the law, in the code of the martinet, no ex cuse is admissible; but while we deplore that the fair fame of the First Brigade was tarnished by a single instance, let us give to every one credit for his good and gallant deeds, and remember against him no more, as far as in us lies, the circumstances of his sinning. We would place no barrier in his way to prevent him from redeeming his name, nor would we encourage the world to twit him or his with the false and hateful step. The remembrance of it, to him who was truly guilty, who, without the most potent of extenuating circumstances, wantonly quitted the field, will be a punishment from which he can not escape. But while we would thus plead that oblivion might fall upon the memory of these acts, that cast a blackened shadow over the hard- earned fame of Kentucky, we would commend to the reflection of her future soldiers the words of tried and true men, who had occasion, during the war, to speak of those who thus fell from their high estate In approving the proceedings of a court-martial which had condemned some deserters to death, Gen. Hindman wrote, at Dalton : " All that is honorable, and good, and worthy to be held in remembrance, is blotted out by this their record of shame They abandoned their flag, they left their fellow-soldiers to struggle unaided, and consented to the subjugation of the South. " And Gen. M. L. Smith, review ing the findings of another commission, remarks : " The court seems to have forgotten that these are times of war, in which laxity of dis cipline is our greatest enemy; and that he who fails to view offenses as they are viewed by the articles of war, and by their general spirit, is in reality serving against us." In the last days of the Confederacy, January, 1864, that noble soldier and pure patriot, Maj. -Gen. Wheeler, had occasion to issue an order, in which he said : "The major-general announces to the brave and faithful soldiers of his command the sur prise and capture, on the 24th of December, of a body of men who had basely deserted their colors, comrades, and country in this the hour of our greatest need .... The service is indeed hard, and our priva tions great; but what are our sufferings to the shame and mortification of those base creatures who, having voluntarily abandoned their honor, were forcibly led in disgrace by the gallant spirits whom they HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 547 had left facing dangers ? The soldier who falls while confronting the enemies of his country, dies gloriously, and immortal honor invests his name. For the deserter, nothing remains but a felon s ignoble death and a name blasted with eternal infamy." In examining the following pages, the careful and reflecting reader will note the advantages that each man enjoyed for attaining to dis tinction in his sphere. Wounds, disease, imprisonment, or the ex emption from these, were the modifying circumstances which, in the great majority of cases, determined the amount of active service and the standing of the man. " Let us call no man happy until after death," is a maxim full of human wisdom, and the honors of man are almost as fleeting and un certain as his joys. But here we record of the living as well as of the dead what they did during a momentous struggle. If, in after years, they disappoint the hopes of their friends, if they forget what they owe to the memory of that band whose fame they helped to achieve, the brand of shame be upon them, and not upon him who would fain encourage them to remember the past, and deport themselves in society as becomes the soldier of the stately Breckinridge, and the surviving comrades of those who sleep beneath the sod, that was first stained with their blood, and over whom the genius of Kentucky must forever keep her tender vigils. 548 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. SECOND REGIMENT. FIELD AND STAFF. In these notices, preceding the accounts of the several companies of each regiment we include the original field officers and commis sioned staff, with such other officers as may not be elsewhere fully ac counted for. The names of the non-commissioned staff, both origins! and subsequent, are for the most part borne with their respective corr - panics. J. M. HAWES, Paris, was appointed colonel, July 17, 1861; was soon afterward promoted to brigadier-general, and assigned to duty elsewhere; in the spring of 1862 he commanded first bri gade of Breckinridge s division, at Corinth, for a short time; but was transferred to the Trans-Mississippi Department some time during the summer, and continued to serve there. ROGER W. HANSON, Winchester. (See biography.) ROBERT A. JOHNSON, Louisville, was appointed lieutenant-colo nel, July 17, 1861; and was promoted to colonel, Dec. 13, 186-.:. He was assigned to temporary duty with the Ninth Regiment in the autumn of 1861, and fought with it at Shiloh. He rejoined his own regiment after it was exchanged, and afterward, Oct. i<), 1863, he resigned. JAMES W. HEWITT, Kanawha, Va. (See biography.) SAMUEL K. HAYS, Covington, was appointed captain and A. Q. M., July, 1861, and served some time with this regiment, but was pro moted to major and A. Q. M. in the autumn, and assigned to duty elsewhere. WILLIAM T. ESTEP, Covington. (See Co. H.) R. C. WINTERSMITH, Hardin County, was appointed captain and A. C. S. , July, 1861. He served a short time with this regiment, after which he was assigned to the staff of Gen. Buckner, and pro moted to the rank of major. CHARLES W. HELM, Warrenton, Va., was appointed captain and A. C. S. , Oct. i, 1862, and served with the regiment till July 17, 1863, when he was assigned to duty as chief commissary of bri gade. He served in this capacity till after the fall of Gen. Helm, when he entered upon post duty in Southwestern Georgia. In the winter of i863- 64, he was made chief commissary, on the staff of Gen. Lewis. He was in the battle of Chickamauga, as volun teer aid to Gen. Helm. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 549 RICE E. GRAVES, Daveiss County. (See biography.) B. M. WIBLE, Louisville, was appointed surgeon, July 19, 1861. (See Medical Officers.) B. W. DUDLEY, Lexington, was appointed assistant surgeon, Octo ber, 1861. (See Medical Officers.) HUGH G. SMITH, Owenton. (See biography.) JOHN O. SCOTT, Franklin County. (See biography.) ARTHUR T. FORMAN, Danville. (See Medical Officers.) A. B. BROOKIN, Texas, was on temporary duty with the Second Regiment, as assistant surgeon, during the campaign of 1864, and was slightly wounded at Jonesboro , Aug. 3ist. (See Medical Officers). R. C. THOMAS, Bowling Green, was on duty, as assistant surgeon, during the last year of the war. JOS. DESHA PICKETT, Maysville. (See biography.) COMPANY A, SECOND REGIMENT. [It will be noted that it has been impossible to obtain full and reliable informa tion as to the service of the many good men of this company.] JAMES MOSS, captain. (See biography.) HENRY F. LESTER, captain was promoted from first lieutenant to captain Dec. 13, 1862; captured at Jonesboro Sept. i, 1864. THOMAS HORNE, first lieutenant, died Dec. 9, 1862, of wounds received at Hartsville Dec. yth; was prisoner at Johnson s Island. LUTHER C. MOSS, second lieutenant, promoted to first lieutenant" Dec. 13. 1 862 ; wounded at Stone River. Jan. 2. 1X63. Died in Clinton, Ky., 1898. WM. J. HAYS, third lieutenant, promoted to second lieutenant Dec. 20, 1862 ; was wounded and captured at Stone River. WILLIS L. RINGO, second lieutenant, wounded at Dallas, May 28, 1864. J. B. OSTRANDER, first sergeant, appointed sergeant-major Dec. i, 1862. WM. B. JOLLEE, first sergeant, was transferred to another depart ment of the service in which he attained to the rank of major. DAVID M. McCUTCHEN, first sergeant. J. R. OWEN, first sergeant, promoted successively from third cor poral to first sergeant ; was wounded at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863; detailed in Quartermaster s Department. 550 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. LEWIS C. YOUNG, first sergeant, was promoted successively from fourth corporal to first sergeant; was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864, and captured. WM. B. JOLLEE, second sergeant. DAVID M. McCUTCHEN, second sergeant. C. D. DAVIS, second sergeant, promoted successively from second corporal to second sergeant; was wounded at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863, and at Dallas, May 28, 1864. J. W. HAYES, third sergeant. JOSEPH M. GAY, fourth sergeant. J. G. REED, fourth sergeant, killed at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863. A. A. DAVIS, fourth sergeant, died at Atlanta, of wounds received at Chickamauga. J. W. HAYS, fourth sergeant. SIDNEY G. REED, fifth sergeant; appointed Nov. i, 1861 ; was killed in battle. JAMES HOUSE, fifth sergeant, had indefinite leave of absence Nov. 17, 1861. R. B. .OGDEN, fifth sergeant, was appointed Oct. 10, 1862. N. T. CANNON, color sergeant, was wounded at Dallas, May 28, 1864. C. J. MOON, commissary sergeant. DAVID McCUTCHEN, ordnance sergeant. J. B. OSTRANDER, sergeant-major. SIDNEY REED, first corporal. J. W. GAYLE, first corporal on detachment at McMinnville, April, 1863 ; taken prisoner at Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863. J. H. McCONNELL, first corporal. J. A. WEATHERFORD, first corporal; was promoted successively from third corporal; was captured at Dallas, May 28, 1864. B. H. OGDEN, second corporal. J. W. GAYLE, second corporal. W. T. WILLINGHAM, second corporal, died in Atlanta March 13, 1864. M. C. GOODJOIN, second corporal ; promoted to fourth sergeant; died at Atlanta. HENRY H. WINTER, second corporal ; was promoted from fourth corporal ; was wounded at Hartsville ; was shot while in discharge of his duly as Sheriff of Hickman County, Dec. 31, 1888, and died Jan. i, 1889. E. T. WESTON,. third corporal. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 551 W. T. WILLINGHAM, third corporal. W. E. BUGG, was promoted from third corporal. E. T. WESTON, third corporal, appointed Nov. i, 1861. H. ROBINSON, third corporal. N. T. CANNON, third corporal, promoted to sergeant, Sept. 21, 1863. J. H. McCONNELL, third corporal. CHARLES W. GAYLEY, musician. DAVID ALLEN, musician. D. J. ALLEN, musician. R. L. ATWOOD. J. A. ARMSTRONG. LEB. ALLISON. GEO. W. ATCHISON, was wounded and captured at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863; lost an arm at Dallas. W. L. ATWOOD, guarding tunnel on L. & N. R. R., February, 1863; was captured at Jonesboro , Sept. i, 1864. J. W. BURKHEAD. G. W. BERRY, accidentally wounded : detailed in shop at Atlanta. J. W. BERRY, was killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. ROBT. BERRY. JOHN A. BYERS, detached Dec. 4, 1862, to serve in artillery corps; wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863; transferred to Cobb s Battery, March 31, 1863. JESSE R. BUGG, was wounded at Hartsville, Dec. 7, 1862. A. BYASSEE. L. D. BERRY, was transferred from 3d Kentucky Infantry, Nov. i, 1863 ; was killed in battle. ED. BIGGER. RICHARD S. BADGER, was transferred from 54th Tennessee In fantry, Nov. i, 1863; was captured at Dallas, May 28, 1864. W. C. BOONE, was transferred from the 8th Arkansas, March 2, 1864; was captured at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. JACOB COFFEE. JAMES CUNNINGHAM. ABRAM COLLINS, was transferred to another command by order of Gen. Johnston. N. T. CANNON. J. A. COFFEY, was wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863; was afterward detailed in hospital at Montgomery, Ala. 552 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. W. N. COLEMAN, was erroneously reported killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863; was captured at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. ALEXANDER A. DAWS. R. B. DYSON. E. L. DAVEZAC, was detailed as hospital clerk at Forsythe, Ga., February, 1864. C. D. DAVIS. THOS. C. DUPOYSTER, escaped from prison and joined Wood ward s Cavalry. JOHN W. EDWARDS, was wounded at Chickamauga. S. H. EDWARDS, died Dec. 9, 1862, of wounds received at Harts- ville, Dec. yth. E. R. EDWARDS, was killed in battle. H. S. FAULKNER, died at Nashville, Dec. i, 1861. L. H. GIBSON. M. C. GOODJOIN, was promoted to corporal, Sept. 20, 1863. GEO. R. GWYNN, was wounded at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. E. H. GAY, was killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. J. W. GAYLE, was captured at Chickamauga. T. D. GADDIE. CHARLES W. GAYLEY, was killed in battle. JOSEPH M. GAY, was wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863; was afterward division wagoner. WM. B. HODGKINSON. JAMES H. HELM, died at Bowling Green, Dec. 8, 1861. ROBT. H. HICKS, was transferred to cavalry. W. J. HAYS, was wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1862. J. W. HAYS. HENRY HORNE. JAMES H. HOUSE. HENRY J. HALES. - HINES. RICHARD E. HAMMOND. THOS. N. HAILE. G. W. HOLLAND. A. B. HAYS. THOMAS HANNER. J. K. P. JACKSON. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 553 O. F. JARVIS. S. H. JOHNSON, was captured at Chickamauga, Sept. 21, 1863. T. B. JOHNSON. W. E. JACKSON, was wounded at Mission Ridge. JOHN W. KING, was wounded at Hartsville, Dec. 7, 1862; dis charged July i, 1863, because of wounds. E. L. KEENE, was discharged Nov. 4, 1861. JAMES F. LANER. TOBE LONG. HENRY McDOWELL, was captured at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. JAMES H. McCONNELL, was wounded at Chickamauga. WM. McCABE, was wounded at Chickamauga; was captured at Dallas, May 28, 1864. J. W. McGHEE, was on detached service at McMinnville April, 1863 > nurse at Marietta, Ga. , October, 1863. T. H. McGHEE, was wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863, and at Jonesboro , August, 1864. W. P. MATTHEWS. THOS. E. MOSS. (See biography.-) W. G. MYERS, was wounded at Dallas. GEO. R. MOORE, was prisoner at Camp Douglas ; was wounded at Chickamauga ; died before the war closed. E. G. MOSS. ^" CHARLES J. MOORE, was accidentally shot, Oct. i, 1861. W. D. MARTIN. BAILY G. MARTIN, was brigade wagoner; was wounded at Chick amauga. J. R. OWEN. R. B. OGDEN, was captured at Jonesboro , Sept. i, 1864. J. W. O NEAL, was captured at Jonesboro , Sept. i, 1864. J. B. OSTRANDER, was first sergeant from Nov. i, 1861, to Oct. i, 1862; sergeant-major from Dec. i to Dec. 31, 1862; clerk in the quartermaster department at Blountville, Ala., February, 1864. R. H. PARTON, was on detached service at McMinnville, April, 1863; was captured at Jonesboro , Sept. i, 1864. BEN F. PARKER, was awarded medal of honor for gallant and mer itorious conduct at Stone River and Chickamauga; died of dis ease. THOMAS PARROTT, died Dec. 18, 1862, of wounds received at Hartsville, Dec. 7, 1862. 554 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES S. PUCKETT. HENRY H. ROBINSON, color corporal, was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Stone River and Chick- amauga ; was killed at Chickamauga. J. R. RUTTER. M. U. L. RAY, died at Dalton, June 5, 1863. J. M. RUSSELL, was detached Dec. 4, 1861, to serve in Byrne s artil lery corps. E. R. REEVE. \VM. SMITH. HENRY SUTCLIFFE, died of disease. R. W. STEVENSON. J. R. SEAY. SAM L R. SEAY. THOS R. SMITH. RICH D F. THOMAS, was division wagoner ; was wounded at Chick amauga. GEO. H. THOMASSON, was wounded in the face at Hartsville, Dec. 7, 1862, and taken prisoner. H. A. TARVER, was wounded at Chickamauga. J. F. TARVER, was wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863; was made division wagoner. THOS. B. TREVATHEN, was wounded at Dallas, May 28, 1864. W. T. WILLINGHAM, died in Atlanta, March 13, 1864. WM. H. WARD, was killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. JOHN E. WARD. JAMES S. WALLER, was wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863. - WILLOUGHBY. D. W. WEAVER, was killed at Hartsville, Dec. 7, 1862. E. T. WESTON was detailed as clerk, Montgomery, Ala., Feb. i8 r . 1864. COMPANY B, SECOND REGIMENT. ROBERT J. BRECKINRIDGE, JR., Lexington, was elected cap tain, July 5, 1 86 1, but having been chosen one of the Kentucky delegates to the Confederate Congress, he resigned in the latter part of 1 86 1 or early in 1862. He afterward received a commis sion as colonel of cavalry, and served with that arm. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 555 JOEL HIGGINS, Lexington, was elected first lieutenant, July 5, 1 86 1 ; was promoted to captain, Feb. 4, 1862 ; and to major, September, 1864. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and L T toy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died in Lexington in June, 1894. GEORGE B. PICKETT, Lexington, was elected second lieutenant, July 5, 1861 ; was soon afterward promoted to captain and as signed to duty in the department of engineers ; served some time with this rank, and was finally promoted to major of engineers on the staff of Lieut. -Gen. Hardee. EDWARD L. KEENE, Lexington, was elected second lieutenant, July 5, 1861, and was killed in battle at Donelson, February, 1862. RICHARD ARMANT, Lexington, fought at Donelson. JOHN A. ALLEN, Danville, was almost wholly unfitted for any duty by constant ill health, and was discharged in the spring of 1863. JAMES ALLISON, Lexington, was transferred early in the war to some other company, and no other facts respecting him are known to the writer. CHARLES S. BURBANK, Lexington, went to Donelson, but was taken ill there, and died shortly afterward at Montgomery, Ala. JOHN S. BRIDGES, Lexington, took part in nearly all the engage ments of his company, and was accidentally drowned while cross ing the Congaree River, near Columbia, S. C., February, 1865. R. H. BOYD, Lexington, fought in most of the battles of his regi ment up to Pine Mountain, June, 1864, when he was killed there. J. CABELL BRECKINRIDGE, Lexington, served with this com pany until November, 1861, when he was detailed for duty as courier for Gen. Breckinridge, his father, and fought at Shiloh as aide-de-camp on the general s staff. His conduct was favorably noticed here by Gen. Johnston and other officers; and, after the battle, Beauregard recommended him for appointment to the rank of first lieutenant and aide-de camp, which was done, and he con tinued to serve on staff of Gen. Breckinridge, taking part in all the engagements, to that of Mission Ridge, when, in carrying an order to a distant part of the line, he found the Federals there in stead of his own troops, and was captured. A special exchange having been effected, he rejoined his father s staff in Virginia, in the spring of 1864, and took part in the subsequent battles in which Gen. Breckinridge was engaged, having been promoted, on his return, to the rank of captain. When the general was called to the War Office, Capt. Breckinridge assisted him in Rich mond when there was no active field work, but during subse quent battles he was present, on the staff of Maj.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. 556 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES T. BRECKINRIDGE, Lexington, participated in most of the battles of his command till near the close of the war, when he was captured and died in prison at Rock Island, Illinois. CHARLES S. BOLER, Woodford County, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there ; fought also at Hartsville, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, Pine Mountain, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was wounded by a shell at the latter place, but recovered and took part in some of the subsequent operations. OLIVER LEE BRADLEY, Lexington, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. CABELL B. BULLOCK, Lexington, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. J. C. BRENNAN, Lexington, was discharged early in the war on account of disability by disease. ROBERT BAILY, Woodford County, was wounded in battle at Donelson, and died from the effects of it at Murfreesboro , late in the autumn of 1862. WILLIAM BANGE, Wayne County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. Died of disease at Chattanooga, early in the year 1863. E. P. BROWN, Lexington, was transferred, April 27, 1863, from the Fourth Regiment, and took part with this company in the subse quent engagements. PHILIP A. BEAYS, Maryland, escaped capture at Donelson, and was transferred, July 4, 1862, to the First Maryland Infantry. JOHN B. COLE, Scott County, fought at Donelson, but escaped from Camp Morton after having been imprisoned there, and joined Morgan s cavalry, with which he continued to serve, and was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. W. L. COOLEY, Jessamine County, took part in nearly all the en gagements of his command to the close. W. S. CARTER, Fayette County, fought at Donelson, and was sur rendered there, but escaped with Gen. Forrest, and joined Mor gan s cavalry, in which he was elected a lieutenant, and then pro moted to captain. He took part in the various operations and engagements of his chief until the fight occurred at Rolling Fork, Kentucky, when he was killed. A. S. CARTER, Fayette County, fought in nearly all the battles of his company to the close. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 55T B. T. CASTLEMAN, Fayette County, fought at Donelson, and was captured, but escaped from Camp Morton and joined Morgan s cavalry, with which he afterward served, and attained to the rank of first lieutenant. JOHN C. CURD, Lexington, was appointed second sergeant, July 5, 1 86 1, and afterward promoted to first sergeant. After having served some time with this company, he was transferred to Mor gan s cavalry, and subsequently attained to the rank of first lieu tenant. ELI CHESHIRE, Bourbon County, was transferred to Co. G, Aug ust, 1 86 1. DANIEL CLANCEY, Lexington, fought at Donelson, and was killed in a street fight at Vicksburg, just after having been exchanged. JOHN E. CROMWELL, Lexington, was one of the corporals of the company, and took part in nearly every engagement of his com mand to the close. ARMSTRONG CARR, Henry County, was discharged early in the war, being of unsound mind. RICHARD T. DOWNING, Fayette County, was discharged early in the war, on account of disability by disease. MICHAEL C. DOUGHERTY, Lexington, was wounded in battle at Hartsville, and, while suffering from the effects of it, he was appointed a captain of Georgia militia, with which he afterward served. CHARLES E. DELPH, Louisville, participated in nearly all the bat tles of his company, and was wounded at Stone River. JOHN M. DONELLAN, Lexington, fought at Donelson, and was captured, but escaped from Camp Morton, and joined Morgan s cavalry, with which he thereafter served. JOHN W. DAVIS, Midway, was one of the corporals of the company, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chick- amauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Stone River. JAMES V. EMERSON, Woodford County, was in nearly every battle of his command, and was wounded at Jonesboro . ALFRED EHRMAN, Louisville, fought at Donelson. WALTER F. FERGUSON, Lexington, fought at Donelson, and was captured there, but escaped and joined Morgan s cavalry, in which he was elected to a lieutenantcy, and with which he served some time, when he was captured in Kentucky, and hanged by order of Burbridge. WILLIAM FRAZIER, Lexington, fought at Donelson. Died in prison at Camp Morton during the summer of 1862. 558 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JEROME FRAZIER, Lexington, was furloughed while at Camp Boone, came into Kentucky, was captured and never exchanged. TERAH M. FREEMAN, Scott County, fought at Donelson, and was captured there, but escaped from Camp Morton, and joined Morgan. He was appointed first lieutenant and adjutant of the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry, and continued to serve in that capacity. BEN F. FORD, Lexington, fought at Donelson, and was made team ster after the exchange, in which capacity he served during the remainder of the war. WILLIAM E. GEORGE, Lexington, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. ROBERT H. GRAVES, Lexington, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there ; fought also at Hartsville and Stone River, and was killed at the latter place. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. ELISHA SMOOT GORDON, Lexington, was one of the sergeants of the company, and participated in nearly every one of its bat tles. He was wounded at Hartsville and Chickamauga. JOHN C. GRIFFITH, Lexington, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 19, 1862, and participated in nearly all the battles of his command. He was wounded at Chickamauga. .SAMUEL W. GARRETT, Lexington, fought at Donelson with Graves Battery, and with this company at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. WILLIAM GILMORE, Lexington, was elected first lieutenant of Jackson s Battery at Bowling Green, 1861, and assigned to duty accordingly. .CORNELIUS M. HENDRICKS, Lexington, was elected first lieu tenant, Sept. 19, 1862, and promoted to captain, September, 1864. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dal las; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. He was wounded at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. ELIJAH N. HENDRICKS, Lexington, fought at Donelson, and was wounded and captured there ; fought at Stone River, and was again wounded and captured; fought in several engagements up to Pine Mountain, where he was killed June, 1864. GABRIEL C. HARRIS, Indiana, took part in some of the earlier bat tles, and died of disease at Forsythe, Ga. , 1863. MARTIN E. HOUGHLAND, Lexington, was one of the sergeants of the company, and took part in nearly all of its battles. CHARLES E. HALL, Lexington, fought at Donelson and Harts ville. He was wounded at the latter place, and died from the effects of it, at Newnan, Ga. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 559 WILLIAM O. HITE, Paris, was transferred to Co. G, 1861. WILLIAM HARRIS, Georgia, was one of the Georgia militia, but joined this company at Newnan, and took part in the subsequent engagements. W. M. HIGGINS, Lexington, was discharged early in the war, on account of disability by disease. WILLIAM HUNTER, Jessamine County, fought at Donelson, Harts- ville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place. STEPHEN H. HENDRIX, Germany, fought at Donelson. JAMES P. INNIS, Fayette County, fought at Donelson and Harts- ville, and was killed at the latter place, Dec. 7, 1862. MANLIUS JOHNSON, Louisville, was discharged early in the war, being under age. ERNEST KRUM, Germany, fought at Donelson. T. W. KELLEY, Georgetown, lost a leg in battle at Donelson, and is supposed to have died there, as he was never afterward heard of. JOHN KEENE, Fayette County, fought in nearly all the battles of his command, and was wounded at Dallas, May 28, 1864. E. J. KENNEY, Louisville, took part in nearly every engagement of his company. He was highly commended in orders by the Com manding General of the Army of the Mississippi for having de ported himself gallantly and skillfully in extinguishing the flames and saving a train of ordnance stores on the Mobile and Ohio road, which had been halted and fired by Federal cavalry, as preparations were being made to evacuate Corinth, May, 1862. CHARLES V. KENNEY, Louisville, served some time in the Army of Northern Virginia, but was afterward transferred to this com pany, and took part in its subsequent engagements. MARSHALL J. REISER, Lexington, fought at Donelson, Harts- ville, and Stone River. He was shot through the right wrist at the latter place, and disabled for further duty during the war. WM. LARY, Lexington, died of disease at Bowling Green, 1861, or early in 1862. SAMUEL D. LINDSAY, Lexington, fought at Donelson, and was captured there, but escaped from Camp Morton and joined Mor gan s cavalry, with which he continued to serve, and in which he was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. JAMES S. LOWRY, Lexington, fought in nearly all the engagements of his company, and was wounded at Chickamauga. DAVID J. LEWIS, Lexington, was transferred early in the war, to the corps of engineers. 560 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES S. McKENZIE, Jessamine County, took part in nearly all the battles of his command, and was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. JAMES McCONNELL, Woodford County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River; was detailed for duty, March 27, 1863, in the quartermaster s department, with Maj. Viley, and served some time in this capacity, but returned to the ranks and took part in most of the subsequent engagements. A. G. MONTGOMERY, Frankfort, was but eighteen years old when he went into the battle of Donelson, and fought and suffered there as became a man. When it was determined that the fort should be given up, he volunteered to carry the flag of truce to Gen. Grant, and Gen. Buckner awarded him that honor. He fought again at Hartsville, and when the commandant of the Federal forces surrendered, young Montgomery went to him and conducted him to Col. Hunt. He went into the battle of Stone River, but was accidentally killed there by an unfortunate wretch of his own company (whose name is not included in this account), who is represented by those who saw it as having been so under the influence of fear as not to, know what he was doing. ASA MERRILL, Lexington, fought at Donelson, but escaped cap ture and joined Morgan s cavalry, with which he served until he was accidentally drowned. HENRY McGUINNESS, Kentucky, was some time bugler, but par ticipated in most of the engagements of his company. JOHN MONTAGUE, Lexington, took part in nearly every engage ment of his command, and was wounded at Jonesboro . M. DE LAFAYETTE MOSELEY, Russellville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River; and was transferred, early in 1863, to another qommand. W. M. MATTHEWS, Lexington, was some time commissary ser geant of the Second Regiment, but died of disease at Knoxville, Tenn., 1862. THOMAS HUNT MORGAN, Lexington, was transferred to Mor gan s cavalry, Nov. 9, 1861 ; was soon afterward promoted to a first lieutenantcy, and served with this cavalry command until he was killed in battle at Lebanon, Ky. L. C. NICHOLS, Lexington, was one of the sergeants of the com pany, and participated in nearly all of its engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. JOHN H. OLDHAM, Jessamine County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and some time color-bearer of the regiment. He took part in nearly all the engagements of his command, and is said to have been the first one who reached the captured artillery at Hartsville. He bore the colors through that battle, and planted them on one of the enemy s guns. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 561 LESLIE COMBS OLDHAM, Jessamine County, fought in most of the engagements up to Mission Ridge, when he was captured, and afterward died in prison. JAMES PATTON, Bourbon County, was transferred, early in the war, to Co. G. ROBERT T. PAYNE, Georgetown, fought at Donelson and Harts- ville. He was wounded at the latter place, and died at Manches ter some time afterward, from the effects of the wound and dis ease. LEWIS D. PAYNE, Georgetown, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at Hartsville. In June, 1864, he was elected a second lieutenant of Co. E, Fifth Kentucky Cavalry. He was ordered, on the 27th of that month, to report to Gen. Morgan, in whose command he afterward served, and was promoted to first lieutenant. HENRY C. PAYNE, Georgetown, was for some time the orderly sergeant of the company. He took part in nearly all the engage ments of the company, and was wounded at Stone River. GEORGE M. PENNY, Louisville, was for awhile the sergeant-major of the regiment. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. THO. J. PHILLIPS, Louisville, fought in nearly all the engagements of his company, and was wounded at Dallas. ROBT. W. ROSS, Scott County, took part in nearly all the battles of his command. LLOYD BENTON REESE, Lexington, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. GEO. W. RANDOLPH, Lexington, was detailed, and served as hostler for Gen. Breckinridge during the war. SMITH STORY, Lexington, took part in nearly all the engagements of his company to the close. WILLIAM STEVENS, Lexington, was engaged in nearly all the bat tles of his command, and was wounded at Chickamauga. GEORGE J. SUMMERS, Woodford County, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 19, 1862, and was afterward promoted to first lieutenant. He fought in nearly all the battles of the command, and was wounded at Dallas. THOMAS S. STAMPS, Fayette County, fought in nearly all the bat tles of the command, and was wounded at Stone River. W. C. SKILLM AN, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson, but escaped capture, and joined the First Regiment Kentucky Cavalry, of which he was afterward made commissary, with the rank of cap tain. 36 562 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. THOMPSON SCROGGIN, Franklin County, participated in nearly every engagement of his company, and was wounded at Chicka- mauga. SAMUEL SCOTT, Lexington, fought at Donelson and Hartsville, and lost a leg at the latter place. WM. H. SELLARS, Woodford County, fought with this company at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was transferred, April 27, 1863, to Co. E, Fourth Regiment. JOHN S. STOUT, Franklin County, took part in almost every en gagement of his company to the close. After the war he became a pilot on Mississippi steamers and distinguished himself by acts of conspicuous bravery on two most trying occasions. He was at the wheel of the Robert E. Lee when it was burned at Yuca tan Plantation, in 1882, and he stuck to his blazing ship to the very last, barely saving his own life by sliding down the hog chains, after saving a score of lives by remaining at the wheel and holding his boat to the bank. He received a valuable gold watch as a token of appreciation for his heroism. Again, in 1886, he had a still more narrow escape, being on board the steamer J. M. White when it was burned above Bayou Sara. He had to jump overboard, and was picked up almost lifeless and with his health permanently shattered. He died in New Orleans, Feb. i4th, 1887. STEPHEN SWIFT, Lexington, was discharged soon after having enlisted, being under age. PATRICK SHEA, Paris, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there. EDWIN THOMASSON, Lexington, took part in almost every battle of his command to the close. CHARLES W. THORNTON, Louisville, fought in nearly every battle in which his regiment was engaged during the war. JOHN W. VILEY, Woodford County, died of disease at Bowling Green, early in 1862. MORNIX W. VIRDEN, Lexington, fought af Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was severely wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Jackson and Chickamauga, and was disabled for life, in the latter battle, by the loss of a leg. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. He died in Lexington long after the war. J. F. WARD, Scott County, was discharged early in the war, on ac count of disability by disease. CALEB WALLACE, Woodford County, was discharged early in the war, on account of disability by disease. SAMUEL J. WALKER, Fayette County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River, and was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Jackson and Chickamauga ; was mortally wounded in the latter battle, and died shortly afterward. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 563 JOHN S. WILLIAMS, Paris, took part in almost every battle of his command during the war. WALTER WARNER, Lexington, took part in nearly all the battles of his company to the close. J. F. WYATT, Lexington, was killed in battle at Donelson, February, 1862. DAVID WORSHAM, Lexington, took part in nearly all the battles of his company during the war, and was wounded at Chickamauga. RICHARD WORSHAM, Lexington, fought at Donelson, but escaped capture, and joined Morgan s cavalry. He was killed in battle at Lebanon, Ky. LEMUEL S. WILSON, Frankfort, fought at Donelson, and was cap tured there, but escaped from Camp Morton, and joined Mor gan s cavalry. In the engagement of this command at Paris, Ky., he was captured, and, after having fairly surrendered, was shot dead by a Federal soldier. COMPANY C, SECOND REGIMENT. PHILIP LIGHTFOOT LEE, Bullitt County. (See biography.) R. S. FORD, Elizabethtown, was elected first lieutenent, July 16, 1861 ; resigned, September, 1861. CHARLES H. THOMAS, Elizabethtown, was elected second lieuten ant, July 1 6, 1 86 1 ; was promoted to first lieutenant, September, 1 86 1. Fought at Donelson and Hartsville, and was killed at the latter place, Dec. 7, 1862. JOHN W. ROGERS, Bullitt County, was elected second lieutenant, July 1 6, 1 86 1 ; fought at Donelson and Hartsville, and was killed at the latter place. EUGENE SMITH, Bullitt County, was appointed first sergeant, July 1 6, 1 86 1 ; fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. CHARLES KLIESENDORFF, Jefferson County, was appointed second sergeant, July 16, 1861 ; fought at Donelson and Harts ville; was elected second lieutenant, Dec. 9, 1862; fought at Stone River; resigned, June 23, 1863. J. D. McQUOWN, Louisville, was appointed third sergeant, July 16, 1 86 1 ; fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River; was elected second lieutenant, June 23, 1863; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was promoted to first lieutenant, May 28, 1864; engaged in skirmishing between Dallas and Atlanta; fought at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, at which latter place he was wounded; on Sand Town road; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the engage ments of the mounted service. JOSEPH HOGLAN, Bullitt County, was appointed fourth sergeant, July 16, 1861, and died of disease at Bowling Green, September, 1861. 564 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN B. CUNDIFF, Bullitt County, was appointed fifth sergeant, July 16, 1861; fought at Donelson and Hartsville; was elected second lieutenant, Dec. 29, 1862; fought at Stone River, Jack son, and Chickamauga ; was promoted to first lieutenant, Oct. 5, 1863; fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas; was promoted to captain, May 28, 1864; fought from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; on Sand Town road; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died at home long after the war. WM. H. DUVALL, Franklin County, was appointed first corporal, July 1 6, 1 86 1 ; died from effects of wounds received Feb. 14, 1862, at Fort Donelson. KIM A. MONDAY, Mercer County, was appointed second corporal, July 16, 1861; fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. Acted as color corporal at Stone River, and was wounded at both Hartsville and Stone River. THOMAS NEWCOMB, New York, was appointed third corporal. July 1 6, 1 86 1, and first lieutenant of engineers, September, 1861, and served during the war in the engineer corps, Army of Ten nessee. J. O. EGBERT, Anderson County, was appointed fourth corpora, July 16, 1861; fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River. Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrench ment Creeks, at which latter place he was killed, July 22, 1864 JOEL ASHLEY, Woodford County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. After this latter battle he was confined by disease to hospital. ERASTUS B. BELLICAN, Louisville, was severely wounded in bat tle at Donelson; fought also at Hartsville, Stone River, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; on Sand Town road; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. ED BROWN, Hardin County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Jackson. J. BROOME, Kentucky, was sent to hospital, sick, in the autumn of 1 86 1, and was no more heard from. ELIJAH BARNES, Nelson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River; was wounded at the latter battle, reported dead, and dropped from the rolls. He returned after having been ex changed, however; but on learning that the company had consid ered him dead, he concluded to be dead to them, and accordingly left them to enjoy the delusion as much as they pleased, while he went and served with Morgan s cavalry. L. BALLOU, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 565 J. BALLOU, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrench- ment Creeks; on Sand Town road, and at Jonesboro , where he was captured, Aug. 31, 1864, and did not return in time to par ticipate in the last engagements. THOMAS BOWLING, Boyle County, was left sick in hospital at Rus- sellville, 1861, and not afterward heard of. WM. A. BRADDOCK, Marion County, was elected second lieutenant, September, 1861 ; was promoted to first lieutenant, Jan. 8, 1862 ; fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chick amauga; was promoted to captain, Sept. 20, 1863; fought at Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. THOMAS BUFORD, Elizabethtown, fought at Donelson, and died of disease in prison at Indianapolis, Ind., March, 1862. BEN BARNETT, Bullitt County, fought at Donelson ; died in prison at Indianapolis, Ind., of disease, March, 1862. J. BLINCOE, Nelson County, fought at Donelson. THOMAS CLARKE, Bullitt County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River ; was killed at the latter place. FRELANDH. CULLEY, Elizabethtown, was appointed color corporal at Manchester, 1863 ; fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrench- ment Creeks; on Sand Town road; at Jonesboro , where he was wounded, Aug. 31, 1864; took part in the mounted engagements. Died in Elizabethtown, March 23, 1895. BEN COLE, Bullitt County, fought at Donelson; died of disease in prison at Camp Douglas, March, 1862. VIVIAN CROSTHWAITE, Warren County, was appointed third sergeant, 1863, and first sergeant, July i, 1863; fought at Donel son, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson and Chickamauga ; was captured at Chickamauga, but returned in time to take part in some of the mounted engagements. JOHN CONNOR, Ireland, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. Afterward served with a cavalry command in Virginia. JOHN CONLEY, Nelson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, at which latter place he was killed, Sept. 20, 1863. He was awarded a medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. WM. COMER, Marion County, died of disease at Bowling Green, September, 1861. CHARLES CLUSKEY, Nelson County. While Gen. Hanson com manded brigade, he was his orderly; afterward served as hospital steward. 566 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WM. E. CRAYCROFT, Jefferson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; on Sand Town road ; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted infantry engagements. MARINE DUVALL, Franklin County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, at Camp Boone, 1861. FARMER DULANEY, Warren County fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. This man is deserving of special mention, from the fact that he was so afflicted that he might have been honorably discharged at any time ; and yet, notwithstanding the dreadful hardships and privations to which the Confederate soldier was reduced, he steadily refused it, and fought gallantly in every engagement up to Dalton, where he died of disease while the army was in winter quarters, January, 1864. His teeth and a portion of his jawbones had been destroyed by the effects of mercury, and his mouth was so dreadfully distorted that he could take only some kind of soft food, with a spoon ; and a great portion of the rations regularly issued to the troops was to him useless. JO. DECKER, Jefferson County, was appointed quartermaster- sergeant in 1 86 1, and retained that office till the close of the war; but voluntarily entered the ranks on several occasions and took part in the battles. L. F. FRAZIER, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree and Intrenchment Creeks; on Sand Town road; at Jones boro , both days, and was afterward with dismounted detach ment. JACK M. ENGLISH, Hardin County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree and Intrenchment Creeks; on Sand Town road ; at Jones boro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. R. J. EVANS, Caldwell County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. F. T. EVANS, Johnson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; on Sand Town road; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. VICTOR F. FISHER, Jefferson County, was transferred to this com pany from a Tennessee regiment, December, 1892, and fought afterward at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. FULTON FORD, Nelson County, fought at Donelson. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 567 GEORGE FOGLE, Nelson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson; was captured at Jackson, and re mained in prison till 1864, when he escaped, and afterward served as independent ranger. GEORGE GALLAHER, Jefferson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was wounded at Hartsville. WM. GLASSCOCK, Marion County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River; was killed at the latter battle, January 2, 1863. JAMES T. GUTHRIE, Jefferson County, was transferred from Co. F, Thirtieth Tennessee Infantry, June 26, 1863 ; came to the company with a reputation for good and gallant conduct; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. RICHARD HAYS, Jefferson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at the latter place, but returned to duty in the autumn, and took part in the cavalry en gagements. HENRY P. HOWSLEY, Nelson County, fought at Done*lson, Harts ville, Stone River, and Jackson. Was captured at the latter place, and died in prison at Camp Douglas, 1864. R. R. HEAD, Mercer County, was an old man, really unfit for any active duty, but was always present in battle when he could be, though nothing was demanded of him. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. Was so de bilitated when the army reached Morton, Miss., that he was sent to hospital, and was not again able to return. C. HIGGINS, Jefferson County, fought at Hartsville. S. G. HAGERMAN, Anderson County, was elected second lieuten ant, Jan. 13, 1864. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and Dal las ; was wounded at Dallas, but rejoined company in time to take part in all the mounted engagements. RICHARD HOGLAN, Bullitt County, died of disease at Bowling Green, 1861. JACK HAYS, Hardin County, served with Morgan s command while the Second Regiment was in prison, but was disabled by disease, and discharged some time in 1862. EUGENE JABINE, Jefferson County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson ; was on the field at Chickamauga as orderly for medical officers; fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at Dallas, but rejoined com pany, and fought at Jonesboro , where he was captured. JOSEPH JACKMAN, Marion County, was hospital steward in the earlier part of the service, but was discharged on account of disa bility by disease in the summer of 1862. 568 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. A. L. KAUFMAN, Bulhtt County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas. Was killed at Dallas, May 28, 1864. C. W. LEVERING, Jefferson County, was killed in battle at Resaca, May 14, 1864. ED LIVERS, Nelson County, fought at Donelson. Died in prison at Camp Douglas, March, 1862. F. W. LANE, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas. Was wounded at Dallas, May 28, 1864, but served with mounted troops as bugler. N. F. LUCAS, Warren County, fought at Donelson, but escaped cap ture, and fought with Morgan s men until his regiment was ex changed. He then rejoined it, and fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. AL LYLE, Hardin County, was killed in battle at Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862. JOHN HENRY LEE, Bullitt County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, at which latter place he was wounded and dis abled for further duty. Died long after the war. JOHN A. LEE, Bullitt County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. Was appointed midshipman in the navy, February, 1883, and afterward served in that line. A. McCORMICK (a Cherokee Indian), fought at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River. JOHN A. MURRAY, Nelson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, at which latter place he was wounded and captured. He was confined at Camp Chase seven months, but, in February, 1865, he escaped and succeeded in reaching Louisville in disguise and under an assumed name. Here he was again captured, charged with being a spy, and put on cars for a Northern prison, but escaped en route, made his way into Canada, and reported to a Confederate agent for exchange. The war closed, however, before an exchange was effected, and he re turned home. WILLIAM L. MARSHALL, Louisville, fought at Donelson, but was afterward detailed for work in a government shoe shop, and was not again with the company. J. M. McINTYRE, LaRue County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. ARCH. MARRAMON, Bullitt County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville and Stone River. WILLIAM MALONE, Hopkins County, fought at Donelson. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 569 BEN MUIR, Todd County, was appointed fourth sergeant in 1864. Fought at Donelson, and was wounded there, but escaped cap ture, and fought with another regiment at Shiloh, where he was again wounded; was at the first siege of Vicksburg, and fought at Baton Rouge ; rejoined his own company after the exchange, and fought with it at Hartsville and Stone River; was again wounded at Stone River; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek ; on Sand Town road; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engage ments. CABELL MADDOX, Anderson County, was on detached service when the battle of Donelson occurred. Served afterward with Morgan s cavalry. WILLIAM NETHERY, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at the latter place, but took part in the mounted engagements. JAMES NASH, Marion County, was left sick at Russellville, when the regiment marched to Donelson ; afterward served as a lieu tenant in Morgan s cavalry. GEORGE H. PHILLIPS, Marion County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson; was captured at the latter place, escaped once, was recaptured, and detained in prison till the close of the war. DAN PHELPS, Bullitt County, fought at Donelson; was appointed third sergeant in the autumn of 1862; fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek; on Sand Town road; at Jonesboro , both days, and after this, was detailed for work in brigade saddle-shop, and remained there till close of the war. WILLIAM H. ROWLEY, Bullitt County, was appointed corporal at Dalton, 1864. Fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at In trenchment Creek ; on Sand Town road ; at Jonesboro , both days, and in all the mounted engagements. After the battle of Stone River, he was awarded medal of honor for "gallant and merito rious conduct on the field." He was wounded at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. JOHN ROSE, Anderson County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, at Camp Boone, July, 1861. MARK P. RUCKER, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree Creek; at Intrenchment Creek, at which latter place he was severely wounded in the jaw, and afterward served as brigade blacksmith. Died long after the war. 570 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. W. D. RAYMOND, Bullitt County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Dallas, at which latter place he was killed, May 28, 1864. WILLIAM SCHWAUB, Jefferson County, was detailed for service in Lyon s Battery before the Second Regiment went to Donelson, and missed that engagement, but fought with the battery at Shi- loh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge : and with his company at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek ; on Sand Town road ; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. RICHARD SOUTHERN, Bullitt County, was transferred to this company in October, 1863, and fought with it at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, at which latter place he was killed, May 28, 1864. JOE SOUTHERN, Bullitt County, was killed in battle at Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862. WILLIAM SKINNER, Arkansas, joined this company from another command, in the autumn of 1864, and took part in all the mounted engagements. GEORGE SEBREE, Franklin County, fought at Donelson. Served afterward with Morgan s cavalry. NICHOLAS R. SMOCK, Marion County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek ; at which latter place he was killed, July 22, 1864. JAMES F. TALBOTT, Nelson County, was appointed first sergeant at Dalton, 1864; fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek; and was killed at the battle at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. H. LYNCH TERRILL, Nelson County, was appointed first sergeant, August, 1864; fought Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at In trenchment Creek; on Sand Town road; at Jonesboro , both days, and in all the cavalry engagements. Died at Fairfield, Nel son County, some years after the war. WM. H. TRACEY, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, and Jackson; after which he was permanently detached for service in a government saddle shop. MILT TAYLOR, Warren County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. HENRY CLAY ULAN, Nelson County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. JAMES H. WILLIAMS, Bullitt County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 571 DAVID F. C. WELLER, Nelson County, fought at Donelson, where he was wounded in seven or eight different places, one of which wounds, in the shoulder, so disabled him that he was never really capable of field service again. Did duty with Dr. Stout in the spring and summer of 1863, but rejoined the company, and fought at Chickamauga, after which he again did detail duty until the close of the war. He died in Louisville long after the war. WM. H. WILKINS, Jefferson County, was enlisted when only fifteen years of age; and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek; at In- trenchment Creek; on Sand Town road; at Jonesboro , both days, and in all mounted engagements. KIDDER WOODSON, Jessamine County, was sick when the com pany marched to Fort Donelson, but served in a Tennessee com mand while the Second Regiment was in prison, and was recommended by Gen. Bushrod Johnson for promotion, on ac count of gallant conduct during the spring and summer of 1862. Fought with his own company at Hartsville and Stone River, at which latter place he was killed, Jan. 2, 1863. Was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct on that field. J. T. WILLIAMS, Edmonson County, died of disease at Bowling Green, in the autumn of 1861. JOHN WALKER, Hart County, fought at Donelson; was detailed as teamster after the exchange, and served as such till spring of 1863, when he was sent off sick, and was not again heard of. COMPANY D, SECOND REGIMENT. L. S. SLAYDEN, Graves County, was elected cap tain, July 13, 1861, and resigned, Dec. 24, 1862. Died before the war closed. H. B. RODGERS, Graves County, was elected first lieutenant, July 13, 1861, and was promoted to captain, Dec. 24, 1862. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Jackson and Chicka mauga, and was killed in the latter battle, Sept. 20, 1863. A. J. PRYOR, Graves County, was elected second lieutenant, July 13, 1861 , was promoted to first lieutenant, Dec. 29, 1861, and to captain, Oct. 5, 1863. He fought at Donelson, and was wounded there ; fought at Hartsville, where he was again wounded. These wounds, in addition to a natural delicacy of constitution, had the effect of long disabling him, but he rejoined the company at Dai- ton, and fought at Rocky Face Gap and Resaca, when he was again compelled by ill health to abandon the field. He returned, however, in August, and fought at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements up to March, 1865. He was then sent into Ken tucky with recruiting orders, and was there on that duty when the war closed. Now (1898) a citizen of Missouri. 572 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. R. L. USREY, Graves County, was elected second lieutenant, July 13, 1861, and was promoted to first lieutenant, Oct. 5, 1863. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka- mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Pine Mountain, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was wounded in the hip at the latter place, but rejoined the company and took part in the mounted engagements. AMOS WEST, Graves County, was appointed first sergeant, July 13, 1861, and was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 10, 1863. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka- mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded in the breast at Hartsville, in the leg at Chickamauga, and in the arm at In trenchment Creek. CHARLES A. HASKELL, Graves County, was appointed second ser geant, July 13, 1861 ; was promoted first sergeant, Jan. 10, 1863, and was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 13, 1864. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. It will be ob served that he missed but one engagement (that of Dallas, when he was too ill to march) and that he was present in all other operations of his regiment. He was never wounded, though at different times had haversack, canteen, and cap-box pierced by balls. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and merito rious conduct at Stone River. W. N. BOAZ, Graves County, was appointed third sergeant, July 13, 1 86 1, and he fought at Donelson. After the exchange of the Second Regiment in the autumn, he was detailed as clerk in the hospital department, being unfitted for duty in the ranks by ill health, and served in that capacity during the remainder of the war. Died in 1894. <G. W. BLAIN, Graves County, was appointed fourth sergeant, July 13, 1861, and was discharged, October, 1861, on account of dis ability by disease. Died before close of the war. R. U. BUCKNER, Graves County, was appointed first corporal, July 13, 1861. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River ; after which he was unfitted by ill health for duty in the ranks, and was appointed wagon master, in which capacity he served during the remainder of the war. RICHARD RALEIGH, Graves County, was appointed second cor poral, July 13, 1 86 1. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, after which he was transferred to the Confederate navy. JAS. D. WATSON, Graves County, was appointed third corporal, July 13, 1861, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was captured at the latter place, and detained in prison until about the close of the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 573 H. T. WILKERSON, Graves County, was appointed fourth corporal, July 13, 1861, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River ; after which he became so afflicted in one of his knees as to be wholly unfitted for duty, and was placed on the list of re tired soldiers. G. W. HURT, Graves County, was appointed a sergeant some time in 1861, he fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . He was wounded at the latter place, September i, and died from the effects of it, Sept. 20, 1864. J. A. RYBURN, Graves County, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 21, 1864. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Re saca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrench ment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was never in hospital, never missed a march nor a battle. He is said to have made the march from Murfreesboro to Tullahoma, in January, 1863, barefoot. ROBERT ANDERSON, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River, and was wounded at the latter place. He fought also at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca. Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain, after which he applied for a discharge, (being yet under eighteen years of age,) which was granted, and he returned home, but died of dis ease shortly afterward. He distinguished himself at Resaca and Dallas, and particularly at the latter place. A large part of a shell fell into the rifle pit which he and others occupied there, and, believing it to be a perfect shell, and on the point of explod ing, young Anderson deliberately seized it and threw it over the works, to the admiration of all who saw it. NEWTON J. ANDERSON, Graves County, fought at Donelson, After he came from prison, he joined Forrest s cavalry, and fought with it till the close of the war. Now (1898) a citizen of Florida. W. F. BURTON, Graves County, was not with the regiment when it marched to Donelson, and so escaped capture there, but he at tached himself to another command and fought at Shiloh. He rejoined his own company in the autumn, and fought at Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, but recov ered in time to take part in the mounted engagements. Now (1898) a citizen of Hickman County. GEO. W. BRYANT, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. LEVI BRYANT, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. 574 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. W. E. BRAND, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was wounded in the foot at the latter place, and disabled for further duty in the ranks, but he did detached service, after having recovered somewhat, till the command was mounted, and then rejoined his company and took part in the subsequent engagements. Died in Arkansas in 1872. T. J. BROWN, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. J. C. BOUREN, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JAMES BURTON, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was wounded in the hip at the latter place, and some time disabled, but recovered and fought at Kenesaw Mountain, after which he was discharged, being over age. He was wounded also at Stone River. C. A. BOSTIC, Graves County, was sick when the regiment went to Donelson, but recovered and joined a cavalry command, with which he afterward served. Died soon after the close of the war. W. B. BRIDGES, Graves County, fought at Donelson, but it is not known whether he was in other battles or not. as he was generally sick, in hospital. JOHN BROCK MAN, Graves County, fought at Shiloh, with Byrne s Battery; rejoined his own company after it came from prison, and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain, after which he attached himself to Forrest s cavalry. Now (1898) a citizen of Hickman County. T. F. BOAZ, Graves County, fought at Donelson and Hartsville, and was so badly wounded at the latter place as to be disabled for further duty during the war. WILLIAM BYRNE, Graves County, fought with this company at Donelson, but served after the regiment came from prison with a command of Tennesseeans. MILTON BURNS, Graves County, shot himself accidentally while the regiment was near Munfordville, 1861, and was given an in definite furlough and left in Kentucky. ALEXANDER BEARD, Graves County, fought at Donelson, and was captured with this company, but afterward changed places with J. D. Henderson, of the First Tennessee Infantry, and noth ing further is known of him than that he was at the battle of Chickamauga. JEFF BREALSFORD, Christian County, was sick when the regiment went to Donelson, and was left in Kentucky, where he died be fore the war closed. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 575 J. P. BAIRD, Graves County, was sick when the regiment went to Donelson, and it is not known what became of him. FRANK B. BUCKNER, Graves County, was one of the corporals of the company. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at Stone River, and killed at Chickamauga. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. J. V. CANADAY, Graves County, was one of the sergeants of the company. He was sick when the regiment marched to Donelson, and, after having recovered, he attached himself to the Forty- seventh Tennessee Infantry, and fought with it at Shiloh, Rich mond, Ky., and Perryville, Ky. After the Second Regiment had been exchanged, and General Bragg had reached Stone River, Sergt. Canaday rejoined his own company, and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations of the command he served with the detachment of dismounted men. He was wounded at both Chick amauga and Dallas. D. P. COULTER, Graves County, fought at Donelson, was wounded in the shoulder early in the action, and, having been sent off, es caped capture. He rejoined the company in October, 1862, and fought at Hartsville. He was left at Stone River, when that place was evacuated, and was captured, but rejoined the company at Beech Grove, having been exchanged, and fought at Jackson and Chickamauga, and was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. W. F. CHAPMAN, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro ; and served during the cavalry operations with the dismounted men. Remained in Georgia; is now (1898) a citizen of Augusta. WILLIAM CHILDERS, Graves County, was sick when the regi ment marched to Donelson, but recovered and joined another command, with which he served till his death. FRANK DRINKARD, Graves County, fought at Donelson; was cap tured and carried to Camp Douglas, Illinois, where he died of disease some time afterward. W. S. DAVIS, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. CAGER W. FLOWERS, Graves County, was some time a color cor poral of the regiment. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca, and was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. 576 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN FLOYD, Graves County, fought at Donelson and was wounded there. ROBT. T. FOWLER, Graves County, was transferred from the Third Confederate Infantry, Sept. i, 1864. . He fought with that regi ment at Shiloh, Perryville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and at Jones boro , and with the Second Kentucky in all its mounted engage ments. SAMUEL FLOYD, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations he was generally with the dis mounted men. T. B. GREGORY, Graves County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. After this, he was detailed as teamster, and served in that capacity till the autumn of 1864, when he reentered the ranks, and fought in the mounted engagements. Died about twenty years after the war. H. L. GIBSON, Graves County, fought in all the principal battles in Virginia with the First Texas Infantry, Longstreet s corps, and was transferred to this company some time before the war closed, and took part in the concluding engagements. JAMES GARY, Ireland, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson ; after this he was unfitted by ill health for any fur ther duty in the ranks, and died about the close of the war. WM. GOSSETT, Graves County, was sick when the regiment went to Donelson, but recovered and attached himself to a battery of light artillery, with which he fought at Shiloh. What afterward became of him is not known. J. C. HOLMES, Graves County, fought at Donelson. Died in Ken tucky before the close of the war. FRANCIS M. HANDLEY, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations he served with the dismounted men. Is now (1898) a citizen of Arkansas. T. H. HOPKINS, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. Now (1898) a citizen of New Mexico. JEFF HUNNICUTT, Graves County, was in ill health during the early part of the service, and was consequently not at Donelson, but afterward joined Forrest s cavalry, and served with it. Died about 1886. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 577 OWEN HARRINGTON, Ireland, fought with the Tenth Tennessee Infantry at Donelson and Stone River; was transferred to the Second Kentucky in 1862, and fought with it at Jackson, Chicka- mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry opera tions he was with the dismounted detachment. J. D. HENDERSON, Tennessee, was transferred to this regiment, in exchange for Alexander Beard, in 1863, and fought at Jackson. JESSE IRBY, Kentucky, was transferred from Cobb s Battery, in 1862, in exchange for John Brockman, and fought with this com pany at Hartsville, where he was severely wounded in the wrist, and disabled for further service. He was afterward discharged in consequence of it. Now (1898) a citizen of Arkansas. HENRY L. JONES, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, at which latter place he was wounded on the foot. He fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . He served during the last months of the war with the dismounted de tachment. E. M. JACKSON, Graves County, fought at Donelson. THO. J. JACKSON, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was wounded at Hartsville. JOHN KIGER, Graves County, fought at Donelson. Died in Ken tucky before the war closed. R. I. LIGON, Graves County, was discharged on account of disability by disease shortly after having enlisted. GEORGE W. LARKIN, Graves County, was one of the corporals of the company, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863, and killed at Dallas, May 28, 1864. J. W. MASON, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. He died of disease in the spring of 1863, and was buried with the honors of war at Manchester, Tenn. THO. F. MASON, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Stone River. J. D. MALAYER, Jonesboro , 111., fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . During the last months of the war he was with the dismounted men of the command. 37 578 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. M. McCONNELL, Graves County, was taken sick on the march to Donelson, and sent to the hospital, after which he was never heard of. J. C. McLEAN, Dukedom, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas and Kenesaw Mountain. JOHN MYERS, Graves County, died of disease in the autumn of 1861. JOSEPH MYERS, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jones- boro . He served with dismounted men during the cavalry operations. Now (1898), a citizen of Hickman County. JOHN McLAUGHLIN, Graves county, was sent from Bowling Green to Nashville, sick, and never afterward heard of. JESSE MOORE, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. M. BYRD MOORE, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville. Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and. both days at Jones boro . During the last months of the war he served with the dismounted detachment. Died about 1889. JAMES A. PRYOR, Graves County, fought at Donelson and Harts ville, and was killed at the latter place. J. SPENCER PRYOR, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge He was wounded at Stone River. Died about 1872. R. T. PRYOR, Graves County, was one of the sergeants of the com pany, and fought at Donelson and Hartsville. He was severely wounded in the elbow at the latter place, which disabled him fo further duty, and he was accordingly discharged. ALLEN T. PULLEN, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro ; and in the mounted engagements. W. W. POTTS, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was severely wounded in one hip at the latter place, and disabled for further infantry service, but rejoined the command in the autumn, and took part in the mounted en gagements. G. C. POTTS, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 579 A. B. PULLEN, Graves County, was not with the regiment when it went to Donelson, but fought with another command at Shiloh, and was wounded there. He rejoined his company in the au tumn, and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. He was wounded also at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. During the last months of the war he was one of the ser geants of the company. N. M. PULLEN, Graves County, was not with the regiment when it marched to Donelson, but fought with another command at Shiloh, and was dangerously wounded there. He recovered in time to fight again at Baton Rouge, after which he rejoined his own company, and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. M. H. PURYEAR, Graves County, died of disease early in 1862. JEFF READ, Graves County, served with the First Texas Infantry, Hood s Brigade, from the spring of 1861 till the autumn of 1864, and took part in all the principal battles of that command during that time. He was then transferred to this company, and fought with it in the mounted engagements. Died at home shortly after the war. FELIX STIER, Graves County, was killed in battle at Donelson. WM. STOKES, Granville County, N. C., died of disease in the au tumn of 1861. FRED SAWYER, Graves County, fought at Donelson. J. M. SULLIVAN, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was wounded at Hartsville. JAMES SMITH, Graves County, was sick when the regiment went to Donelson, but recovered and joined a command of cavalry. He afterward died in the service. THOMAS TRIGG, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was wounded at both Donelson and Stone River. JAMES TOUHEY, Ireland, fought with the Fifteenth Tennessee In fantry at Belmont, Shiloh, Perryville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was transferred to this company, September, 1864, and took part in the mounted engagements with it. Died in Graves County in 1897. JOHN R. USREY, Graves County, fought at Donelson and Harts ville, and was killed at the latter place, Dec. 7, 1862. 580 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. L. B. WEATHERFORD, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta. and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was captured at the latter place. A. T. WEATHERFORD, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River. W. W. WESTON, Graves County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was killed in a skirmish at the latter place, May, 1864. T. T. WALLACE, Kentucky, was almost constantly unfitted by dis ease for any duty whatever, though he remained nominally in the service to the close. JOS. C. WILLIAMS, Graves County, fought at Donelson and Harts ville, and afterward attached himself to Forrest s cavalry. J. R. WILLIAMS, Graves County, fought at Donelson and Harts ville, and afterward attached himself to Forrest s cavalry. Died about 1868. ROBERT WYLEY, Graves County, fought at Shiloh with Byrne s Battery, having been detached for that service at Bowling Green He was wounded here in the hand, and disabled for further ser vice during the war. THOMAS WINGO, Graves County, was sick when the regiment marched to Donelson, but recovered and joined Morgan s cavalry, with which he fought until he lost a leg in battle. He was wounded at Lebanon in one of his eyes. Died in 1871. COMPANY E, SECOND REGIMENT. S. F. CHIPLEY, Louisville, was elected captain, July 13, 1861; he fought at Donelsdn, and was captured there, but was released by special exchange in June, 1862. After Buckner was exchanged, he accompanied him on the Kentucky campaign as chief of ord nance, and was at the battle of Perry ville. He remained at Mui- freesboro when Buckner was ordered to Mobile, and fought in the battle of Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863, on the staff of Hanson. He was with that officer when he fell mortally wounded. He afterward rejoined Buckner, and. served with him during the remainder of the war. He was with him at the battle of Chicka mauga. In 1864, he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel in the department of ordnance. T. E. STAKE, Louisville, was elected first lieutenant, July 13, 1861, and promoted to captain, Feb. 8, 1863. He was the acting adju tant of the Second Regiment, from November, 1861, till the autumn of 1862, and while Gen. Hanson commanded brigade, he served on his staff; also on the staff of Gen. Wright, and that of Gen. Helm, for some time during the year 1863. After Capt. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 581 Buchanan was wounded, December, 1864, Capt. Stake served some months on the staff of Gen. Lewis; he fought at Donel- son, Stone River, Jackson and Chickamauga, and was severely wounded at the latter place, but recovered and fought again at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. FRANK P. TRYON, Louisville, was elected second lieutenant, July 13, 1861, and fought at Donelson and Stone River. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863; fell into the hands of the enemy, and died a few days afterward. FRANCIS BRADY, Franklin County, was elected second lieutenant, July 13, 1861, and resigned early in 1862. G. B. OVERTOX, Meade County. (See biography.) J. W. SCHROEDER, Louisville, was appointed corporal soon after having enlisted, and was subsequently promoted to sergeant. He was elected second lieutenant in January, 1863 ; he fought at Don elson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; and was killed at the latter place after he had passed the first line of the enemy s in- trenchments. ROBT. A. ROLLINS, Louisville, was appointed first sergeant, July 13, 1861 ; he fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was wounded at Stone River, and captured, but made his escape near Evansville, Ind. , and not being disabled, walked back to his command at Tullahoma. He was elected second lieu tenant, February, 1863, and fought afterward at Jackson, Chicka mauga, and Mission Ridge. He was captured at the latter place, and was not exchanged in time to participate in the closing en gagements. J. T. ATKINS, Franklin County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was captured at the latter place. A. BAKER, Louisville, was transferred to Cobb s Battery soon after having enlisted, and continued to serve with that arm. JAMES BRENNAN, Louisville, fought at Donelson and Hartsville, and was afterward appointed division ordnance sergeant, in which capacity he served during the remainder of the war. CHARLES BESS, Louisville, fought at Donelson, but escaped cap ture by crossing the river after surrender became necessary, and joined Morgan s cavalry, with which he served during the re mainder of the war. GEORGE BEGGS, Louisville, fought at Donelson, but escaped cap ture, and was not afterward heard of. BRADLEY, Franklin County, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there. He escaped from Camp Morton during the summer, and attached himself to Morgan s command, with which he served till 1864, when he rejoined his company and took part in all the subsequent engagements. 582 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. F. M. CHAMBERS, Franklin County, was appointed first corporal, July 13, 1 86 1, and was afterward promoted to sergeant. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was either killed or wounded and captured not afterward heard of. He was awarded a medal of honor for gallant and meritorious con duct on this latter field. JOHN CRUTCHER, Franklin County, took part in most of the en gagements of his company, and was more than once wounded, but particulars are not remembered. ANDREW CARTER, Franklin County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville and Stone River. ROBERT CARTER, Franklin County, was enlisted in November, 1862; fought at Stone River, and was killed there, Jan. 2, 1863. JAMES CULLEY, Louisville, fought at Donelson and Hartsville, and was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Stone River, Jackson, and other points during the war. J. W. CUNNINGHAM, Franklin County, fought at Donelson and Hartsville ; he was wounded in the thigh at the latter place, and disabled for further duty during the war. W. C. CHURCH, Franklin County, took part in most of the battles of his company, and was wounded at Stone River. EPHRAIM CAMPBELL, Louisville, fought at Donelson and in a number of other battles ; and was wounded at Chickamauga. L. D. DEMASTERS, Bullitt County, fought at Donelson, but after his return from prison he was generally disabled by disease for field duty, and was employed at the hospital. W. E. DICKENS, Bowling Green, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. JOSEPH DAILY, Franklin County, fought at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; and was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. D. D. DUFLOT, Louisville, was on detail duty at hospital, untilafter the battle of Donelson, when he joined Morgan s cavalry, and served with it till March, 1863. He then rejoined his company, and fought with it at Jackson, Chickamauga, and nearly all the other engagements to the close. HENRY DRENNON, Scott County, fought at Donelson and most other engagements of the command, except those around Atlanta, and in the cavalry operations. JOHN ELKIN, Louisville, fought at Donelson. LOGE EDWARDS, Louisville, fought at Donelson. G. H. EVALETH, Kentucky, was killed in battle at Donelson. JAMES B. EDELIN, Baltimore, Md., served some time in the ranks, but was assigned to duty in hospital at Bowling Green, Novem ber, 1861, as assistant surgeon. In February, 1862, he was trans ferred to Morgan s cavalry, and was afterward appointed surgeon. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 583 L. FLEMING, Louisville, was appointed second sergeant, July 13, 1 86 1, and fought at Donelson. WILLIAM FRAZEE, Illinois, was one of the sergeants of the com pany, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and most other engagements to the close. He was wounded at Stone River, and was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious con duct at Chickamauga. ELIJAH FEE, Louisville, fought at Donelson, and in nearly every other engagement of his company to the close, and was wounded at Chickamauga, Dallas, and Jonesboro . JOHN GILLEY, Tennessee, was enlisted in November, 1862, and took part in nearly every subsequent engagement to the close of the war. He was once wounded. JOHN GARDNER, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Pine Mountain, and Kenesaw Mountain, and was killed on the skirmish line at the latter place, June 20, 1864. WM. GOODMAN, McCracken County, was wounded in battle at Donelson, and is supposed to have died from the effects of it. FRANK M. GOODMAN, McCracken County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Jackson. D. M. GIBSON, Louisville, fought at Donelson and Stone River. He was wounded and captured at the latter place, but rejoined his company after having been exchanged, and fought again at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and almost every succeeding engagement to the close. J. W. HOFFLER, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was captured at Chick amauga, and was not exchanged in time to take part in the subse quent engagements. WILLIS HENSLEY, Franklin County, was enlisted when but a boy, and took part in a number of engagements with his company. W. C. JOHNSON, Warsaw, fought at Donelson, and in most other engagements of his company ; was once captured, but made his escape from the guard, and attached himself to Giltner s com mand, with which he served for some time, but afterward rejoined his own company. He was more than once wounded. WILLIAM JENKINS, fought at Donelson, and in some other en gagements, but the particulars concerning him are not remem bered. WILLIAM JONES, Louisville, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there ; took part also in other engagements, in one of which he was killed, but particulars are unknown to the writer. EMANUEL LAIR, Louisville, was one of the sergeants of the com pany, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was wounded at the latter place. WILLIAM LUCAS, fought at Donelson. 584 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. P. A. LANGDON, Portland, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was wounded at Donelson, and was killed at Stone River. E. P. MERSHON, Franklin County, fought at Donelson; served for some time after the exchange as teamster, but again entered the ranks and took part in a number of engagements during the last year of the war. He was wounded at Dallas. Died near Frank fort, 1897. ALF McFALL, Louisville, fought at Donelson, and died of disease at Camp Morton, 1862. TOBE McDONALD, Louisville, was appointed fourth sergeant, July 13, 1861, and fought at Donelson, and was wounded there. WILLIAM McCLELLAN, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge, at which latter place he was captured. No other facts are known to the writer. VAN B. McMILLAN, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and afterward attached himself to cavalry. JAMES McDONALD, Canada, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Jackson. He was wounded at Hartsville. D. H. McDANIEL, Kentucky, was killed in battle at Donelson, February, 1862. THOMAS M ADDOX, Jefferson County, was one of the sergeants of the company. He fought at Donelson and Hartsville, and was killed at the latter place. (See page 166.) JO OHLMAN, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. G. B. ORR, Warsaw, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engage ments. JOHN W. PAYNE, Franklin County, fought at Donelson, and served during the remainder of the war as bugler. Died in Frankfort in December, 1883. JAMES PLASTERS, Franklin County, fought at Donelson, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died shortly afterward. JOHN PULLIAM, Franklin County, fought at Donelson and Stone River. PIUS PULLIAM, Franklin County, took part in nearly every battle of his company to the close, and was wounded in a cavalry fight near Camden, S. C. D. L. REVILL, Owen County, fought at Donelson. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 5&5 J. W. ROBSON, Franklin County, was appointed third sergeant, July 13, 1861, and was promoted to first sergeant in 1863. He fought at Donelson, and most other engagements of his company to the close. MOSES RICKETTS, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. W. H. RUPE, Franklin County, took part in nearly all the battles of his company to the close. FRED RICE, Louisiana, was one of the corporals of the company, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Pine Mountain, and Kenesaw Mountain. He then attached himself to Morgan s cavalry, and served afterward with that arm. He was wounded at Stone River. SAM SHEETS, Franklin County, took part in almost every engage ment of the company to the close, but no further particulars are known to the writer. BEN SHEETS, Franklin County, was one of the corporals of the company was for some time a color corporal and on more than one occasion bore the banner in battle. He fought at Donelson, and almost every other battle of the command, and was wounded at Dallas and Jonesboro . ARTHUR SPALDING, Spencer County, fought in nearly all the battles of his company, and was wounded at Stone River, and at Jonesboro . C. A. SEVERING, Louisville, was transferred from the Thirteenth Louisiana Infantry, April, 1863, and fought with this company. at Jackson and Chickamauga, and was wounded at the latter place. He fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. JOHN T. SEBREE, Franklin County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and in most of the remaining battles to the close. He was wounded through the hips at Shiloh and in one ankle at Dallas. J. O. SEBREE, Franklin County, died of disease at Bowling Green, December, 1861. GEORGE SEBREE, Franklin County, fought in most of the battles of his regiment, and was wounded through the leg at Chicka mauga. ROBERT SEBREE, Franklin County. No facts known to the writer. CALEB TOWNLEY, Louisville, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. 586 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. J. C. WALSTON, fought at Donelson, and in a number of the subse quent battles, and was captured in the summer of 1864. THEODORE WHITE, Louisville, fought at Donelson, and was cap tured with the regiment, but escaped from Camp Morton, and at tached himself to Adam R. Johnson s regiment of cavalry, with which he continued to serve, and in which he was promoted to a captaincy. KING WHITE, Louisville, was discharged soon after having enlisted, being under age. BEN WRIGHT, Franklin County, took part in a number of the battles ; but the particulars relative to his service are not known to the writer. HAM WENZEL, Portland, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and is supposed to have been killed at the latter place. PHILIP UHRIG, Germany, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and in most of the subsequent engagements, both infantry and cavalry, but particulars are not remembered. He was wounded once on the campaign from Dalton to Jonesboro . Died in Louisville, Feb. 21, 1896. LEWIS YOUELL, took part in most of the battles of his company, but particulars are not known to the writer. COMPANY F, SECOND KENTUCKY. HERVEY McDOWELL, Harrison County, captain. (See biography.) WM. BEASEMAN, Harrison County, first lieutenant; had served in Mexico as a member of Cutter s company, McKee s regiment, Second Kentucky Infantry, fought (1861-65,) at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River. After this latter engagement his health so declined that he was unable to do military service, and he never fully recovered, even after the war. Upon McDowell s promotion he became captain. He died at his home in March, 1896. ROBT. H. INNIS, Harrison County, second lieutenant, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at Stone River, and killed June 2oth, 1864, at Kenesaw Mountain by the explosion of a shell, no part of which struck him. After the war his remains were removed from Marietta to the Confed erate Cemetery in Atlanta. During the winter of 1863-64 he served in the quartermaster s department. PHILIP MURPHY, Cynthiana, second lieutenant (Sept. i8th, 1862). Had served in Mexico as a member of Shawhan s company, Humphrey Marshall s cavalry regiment. Fought (1861-65,) at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN 15RIGADE. 587 Mountain. Was wounded at Chickamauga, and killed on the picket line at Kenesaw, June 22d, 1864. Is buried in the Con federate Cemetery at Atlanta. WILLIAM HILL, Bourbon County, third lieutenant, fought at Don- elson, where he was mortally wounded by a cannon shot, and died shortly after being removed from the field. After the war his re mains were removed to Jacksonville in his native county, where a beautiful monument marks his resting place. HIRAM M. CARPENTER, -Bourbon County, second lieutenant (Jan. ist, 1864), was promoted to first lieutenant, June 2oth, 1864, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. HENRY FRITZ, Parkersburg, W. Va., first sergeant, fought at Uonelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga, at which last place he was killed. Was awarded medal of honor for gal lant and meritorious conduct at Chickamauga. WM. O. COPPAGE, Bourbon County, color sergeant, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. Was killed at the latter place and was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. C. L. FORD, Harrison County, first sergeant, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. WM. G. THOMPSON, Harrison County, second sergeant, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw, Peachtree, and Intrenchment Creeks, and was captured at the latter place. JAMES A. REMINGTON, Harrison County, third sergeant, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, and in the mounted engagements. At Kenesaw the explosion of the shell which killed Innis so injured Remington as to disable him for more than two months. JNO. T. HOGG, Harrison County, third sergeant, (was the son of the first white man born in Harrison County,) was transferred from Morgan s cavalry just before the battle of Hartsville; fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and in the mounted engagements. He was sergeant-major of the regiment after Tho. E. Moss was made adjutant. He died in Cynthiana, Nov. 9, 1890. JAMES PRICE, Harrison County, fourth sergeant, fought at Donel son, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Peachtree Creek, and Jonesboro . He had served as a volunteer during the Mexican war. 588 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN B. WAY, Bourbon County, fourth sergeant, was promoted from fourth corporal ; fought at Donelson. WM. G. BARNETT, Scott County, fourth sergeant, was enlisted at the age of fourteen years ; fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements ; was once severely wounded, and was a fine soldier throughout. W. H. THOMAS, Nicholas County, fifth sergeant, fought at Donel son, escaped capture, and joined the cavalry, with which he after ward served. F. SAM THOMASSON, Scott County, fifth sergeant, fought at Don elson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Resaca, and Rocky Face Gap. JAMES W. RISK, Scott County, first corporal, fought at Donelson, and at Hartsville. Lost a leg at the latter place. JAMES H. GREGORY, Bourbon County, first corporal, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was killed on the enemy s breastworks at the latter place, being the foremost man of his company. A good soldier from first to last. DAVID HEARNE, Scott County, first corporal, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro , where he was captured Sept. i, 1864. JOHN W. HEARNE, Scott County, second corporal, died of typhoid fever, at Bowling Green, 1861. ROBERT CLINTON ANDERSON, Harrison County, second cor poral, was a member of Capt. Jo Desha s company, in First Ken tucky Infantry ; after that company s time expired he enlisted in this company, and fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. At Jackson he was made color-bearer, with the rank of first lieutenant; was killed at Chickamauga, after hav ing planted his colors on the enemy s works. He had honorable mention in report of the battle. GEORGE H. EVELETH, Cynthiana, third corporal, was killed in battle at Donelson. DANIEL MUSSER, Cynthiana, fourth corporal, was killed in battle at Donelson. JOHN DAVIS, Cynthiana, fourth corporal (was an Englishman) ; fought at Donelson. JACK DAVIS, Cynthiana, musician, fought at Donelson, and was captured with the rest, but escaped from prison. J. D. TAYLOR, Harrison County, musician, fought at Donelson. VALENTINE M. BELL, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River ; was killed at the latter place. WM. BEARD, Harrison County, died of disease, in 1861. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 589 JULIUS BUSHEY, Canada, was sent to hospital, sick, soon after en listment, and was never afterward heard of. THOMAS H. CLAY, Bourbon County, served during the war as teamster. JOHN COOLEY, Cynthiana, was sent to hospital, sick, soon after en listment, and was not afterward heard of. BRUCE CHAMP, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face, and Resaca. Died in Paris,. Ky., about twenty-seven years after the war. THOMAS CUMMINS, Harrison County, served some time as regi mental teamster ; was afterward detailed as teamster for Gen. Har- dee, and continued with him till the war closed. B. F. DAVIS, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson. JACK W. DUROSSETT, Harrison County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. MIKE DONOVAN, Harrison County (an Irishman), fought at Don elson, and was afterward detailed as cooper. A. J. EGNEW, Harrison County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw, Peachtree Creek, and in the mounted engagements. Died, a few years ago, in Maysville. WM. A. FREEMAN, Ohio (an old man), was sent, sick, to hospital, and not afterward heard of. GEORGE GALBRAITH, Harrison County, fought at Donelson. Died in 1895. STEPHEN D. GORDON, Kentucky, was transferred from cavalry late in 1862 ; fought at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. Lost an arm in the latter battle. GROSS, Harrison County, committed suicide at Camp Boone, 1861. DANIEL L. HANDY, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson. Died of disease during that year. JOHN T. HOWARD, Harrison County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was badly wounded at Hartsville, and on the retreat from Dallas was so badly wounded as to be permanently disabled. Still lives in his native county, though suffering from the wounds received thirty-four years ago. VIRGIL HALL, Barren County, was transferred in 1861 to Co. A, Fourth Kentucky Infantry. A. S. HOLLAND, Harrison County (an Irishman), fought at Donel son, Hartsville, Stone River, and afterward served as teamster. PARKER JEWETT, Scott County, fought at Donelson. 590 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. J. FRANK KELLEN, Todd County, was but fourteen years old when enlisted, but made one of the finest soldiers in the com pany; fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas ; was severely wounded in one of the fights around Atlanta, but recovered sufficiently to take part in the mounted engagements till the war ended. JAMES WM. LINDSAY, Scott County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and fought on the Dalton- Atlanta cam paign and to the close of the war. HAYDON N. MATTHEWS, Harrison County, was killed in battle at Donelson. CHARLES MALLEN, Bourbon County (an Irishman, who served m the British army during the Crimean War), fought at Donelson; escaped from prison and rejoined his company at Murfreesboro ; fought at Stone River, and was killed there. PAT MERRILL, Ireland; no facts as to his service are remembered. WM. MERRIGAN, Bourbon County (an Irishman), fought at Don elson; died of disease at Jackson, Miss., after the exchange. THOMAS J. MITCHELL, Bracken County, fought at Donelson ; after the regiment returned from prison he was detailed as dis tiller, and served as such for the remainder of the war. S. H. McCARTY, Pendleton County; was killed in the battle at Donelson. WM. F. McCARNEY, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw ; was killed by a shell at the latter place, June 2oth, 1864. GEORGE McDANIEL, Scott County; was killed in battle at Donelson. THOMAS D. McCAW, Lexington, fought at Donelson, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, and Rocky Face Gap. Died in Vir ginia some years after the war. DANIEL McCARTY, Harrison County (an Irishman), was trans ferred to the sappers and miners, Nov. 13, 1861. JOHN M. McKNIGHT, Harrison County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Rocky Face Gap, and Dallas ; was wounded on the retreat from Dallas, but recovered and took part in some subsequent engagements. A. D. MOORE, Bracken County, fought at Donelson. FRANK M. NORRIS, Kentucky, died of disease at Bowling Green, Dec. apth, 1861. WM. ORR, Scott County (an Irishman), fought at Donelson, but was afterward discharged because of disability by disease. . WM. ORR, Harrison County; was transferred to Byrne s Battery, and made a fine artilleryman. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 591 WM. H. PARMENTER, Harrison County (a native of New York), was accidentally wounded at Camp Boone, sent to hospital, and lost sight of. WM. M. PARKS, Harrison County; lost an arm in battle at Don- elson, and was discharged. Now a citizen of Georgia. E. T. PHILLIPS, Bourbon County, was transferred to Co. G. JERRY QUINN, Bourbon County; was transferred to Byrne s Bat tery, where he made a good soldier. He was killed in battle. MIKE ROGERS, Bourbon County (an Irishman), fought at Donel- son, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, at which latter place he was wounded. N. FRANK SMITH, Cynthiana, was not with the company when it went to Donelson, and so escaped capture; fought with another command at Shiloh; rejoined his company after its return from prison and fought with it at Hartsville and Stone River; served some time in Division Commissary ; was made one of the brigade detail of sharpshooters organized at Dalton, early in 1864, and in that capacity took part in all the operations to the close of the campaign. JOHN SHEELEY, Harrison County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. SOLOMON SPEARS, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson; escaped from prison and joined Morgan s cavalry; was promoted to a lieutenantcy and fought with that command during the remainder of the war. JOSEPH D. SPEARS, Harrison County, fought at Donelson. After return from prison he died of disease at Jackson, Miss. ROBT. SPARROW, Scott County, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there. JOHN STEELE, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh with Capt. Ben Desha s company ; then with his own company at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, at which latter place he was killed. SENECA SUTTON, Harrison County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and Jonesboro . He was wounded at Hartsville and killed at Jonesboro. JAMES T. SMITH, Scott County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro ; was captured at the latter place, Sept. i , 1864, but was soon exchanged and did subsequent service. A. R. SIPPLES, Harrison County, was on other duty when the com pany went to Donelson, but fought at Shiloh with Capt. Ben Desha s company; rejoined his own company on its return from prison, and fought with it at Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree Creek, and Intrench ment Creek, at which last place he was killed by a shell, July 22, 1864. 592 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ROBT. SHARON, Scott County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, in all the engagements around Atlanta, at Jonesboro , and with the mounted command to the close of the war. DUNCAN SCOTT, Harrison County ; no facts as to his service known to the writer. WASHINGTON TAYLOR, Harrison County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dal las, and Kenesaw ; was wounded in the head at Donelson : was wounded in one of the battles between Dalton and Atlanta; died at home in 1870. JOSEPH W. TAYLOR, Harrison County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River. Died in his native county about 1870. ALEXANDER TALBOTT, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson, but escaped capture and joined Morgan s cavalry, with which he served to the end of the war. JASPER TAYLOR, Harrison County, enlisted at first in Humphrey Marshall s command ; when his time in that expired he joined this company and fought at Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; at the latter place he was wounded in the arm, but he served till the close of the war. NEWTON TAYLOR, Harrison County, enlisted at first for one year in Humphrey Marshall s command ; when his time expired he joined this company and fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chicka- mauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. " One of the best soldiers," said his captain, "in the regiment." C. A. WEBSTER, JR., Cynthiana, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River; was one of the McMinnville guard in the spring of 1863 and was captured there. After his exchange he rejoined his company and served to the close of the war. Died in Lexington about 1889. WM. M. WEBB, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, in the battles around Atlanta, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded near Atlanta. Was commended for conspicuous gallantry at Chickamauga. Died in Paris long after the war. GEO. W. WELLS, Scott County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River; was captured at the latter place. JOHN T. WILLIAMS, Harrison County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. JOSEPH WELLS, Scott County, died of disease. JAMES WELLS, Scott County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 593 COMPANY G, SECOND REGIMENT. JOHN S. HOPE, Virginia, was elected captain, July 19, 1861. He was sick when the regiment went to Donelson, and, after having recovered, he did staff duty with Generals Buckner and Breckin- ridge till autumn, when he rejoined his company, and commanded it till Gen. Hanson took charge of brigade, when he was named as A. A. G. on the staff, and served in that capacity with Hanson and Helm until he resigned, some time during the year 1863. He was afterward appointed assistant adjutant-general on the staff of Maj.-Gen. Dick Taylor, and served with him till the close of the war. He took part in various engagements, both with the Kentucky troops and with Gen. Taylor. Died in Washington, D. C. , several years after the war. ED F. SPEARS, Paris, was elected first lieutenant, July 19, 1861, and was promoted to captain, Jan. 22, 1863. He fought at Don elson, and was wounded through the wrist, Feb. 15, 1862 ; fought also at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and at Jonesboro , commanding Co. G on every occasion named. At Jonesboro he was again seriously wounded, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. SAMUEL B. HAWES, Winchester, was elected second lieutenant, July 19, 1 86 1, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was twice wounded at Donelson once dangerously and was killed at Stone River. JAMES L. WHITE, Bourbon County, was appointed first sergeant, July 19, 1 86 1, and fought at Donelson. He was afterward mur dered in prison at Camp Morton by one of the company whose name does not appear in this account. DANIEL TURNEY, Paris, was appointed second sergeant, July 19, 1 86 1, was promoted to first sergeant after the death of Sergt. White, and was elected second lieutenant, Feb. 27, 1863. He fought with this company at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. After the death of Capt. Dedman, and the promotion of Lieut. Bell, he was elected first lieutenant of Co, I, without opposition; and when Capt. Bell was retired, he was made captain of that company, and continued to com mand it till the close of the war. (This election to lieutenantcy in Co. I, is said to have been the only instance of promotion out of the regular line that took place in the regiment during the service.) He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chick amauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements, and was but once wounded, and that slightly. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct on the field at Stone River. 38 594 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. R. E. HEWITT, Tennessee, was appointed third sergeant, July 19, 1 86 1, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. JAMES A. ALLEN, Paris, was elected second lieutenant in the autumn of 1861, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was wounded at the latter place and disabled for further duty in the line, and was shortly afterward placed on the retired list. On the resignation of Capt. Hope he had been promoted to first lieutenant, February, 1863. Died in Paris about twenty years after the war. JOHN W. McGHEE, Jefferson County, was appointed first corporal, July 19, 1 86 1, was afterward promoted to sergeant; was elected second lieutenant, Feb. 23, 1863, and was promoted to first lieu tenant, November, 1863. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro both days, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. Died near Pewee Valley after the war. GEORGE M. HIBLER, Paris, was appointed second corporal, Jul) 19, 1 86 1, and was afterward some time orderly sergeant of the company. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and was wounded at both Hartsville and Stone River. The wounc received at the latter place was so severe as to disable him for duty with the company during the entire year of 1863, excep-; that he fought during the defense of Jackson. He served awhile, after having partially recovered, as clerk with Maj. Boyd, and some time as wagon master for ordnance train. At Dalton he re joined the company and fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro . In the autumn and winter of 1864, he was employed a portion of the time as forage- master, but took part in nearly all the mounted engagements in Georgia and South Carolina. Died in Paris about twenty years after the war. CHARLES C. IVEY, Washington, D. C., was appointed third cor poral, July 19, 1861. He was the first drill-master of the company. In the autumn of 1861, he was detailed for duty on the staff cf Gen. Breckinridge ; and Aug. 23d, 1863, he was assigned to duty as adjutant of the Thirty-second Alabama Infantry. He was afterward transferred to Virginia, but no other facts concerning him are known to the writer. LAFAYETTE BILLS, Bourbon County, was appointed fourth cor poral, July 19, 1 86 1, and fought in most of the battles of the com mand up to Resaca, when he was captured. Died in Paris sev eral years after the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN I5R1GADE. 595 JAMES D. ARDERY, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson, but was sent off to Nashville with prisoners before the termination of the engagement, and thus escaped capture. He attached himself to the Fourth Regiment, with which he served until he was sent sick to Columbus, Miss., where he died, 1862. GEO. W. ALLEN, Kentucky, died of disease. JAMES A. ALLISON, Lexington, took part in nearly every engage ment of his company to the close. Died in Lexington after the war. JOHN BARRY, Bourbon County, was in nearly all the battles of the company up to Dallas, and was killed there, May 28, 1864. BENJAMIN F. BATTERTON, Bourbon County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chickamauga. Died several years after the war near Shawhan, Ky. JOHN T. BARLOW, Bourbon County, died of disease at Nashville, January, 1862. DAVID S. BECKLEY, Mason County, fought at Donelson and Hartsville, and was killed at the latter place, Dec. 7, 1862. WILLIAM O. BUTLER, Millersburg, was generally unfitted for duty in the ranks by an affection of the eye, and did detail duty as blacksmith. Died in Bourbon County after the war. C. A. BARNETT, was sick when the regiment marched to Donelson, and joined Marshall s command while his own was in prison. He died in the service, of disease. WM. BROWNING, Kentucky, was transferred to another command. P. A. BIGGS, , was transferred to a Maryland regiment. J. P. BALLINGAL, Nicholas County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and at Jonesboro , at which latter place he was killed, Sept. i, 1864. S. ABIJAH BROOKS, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863, and died a few days afterward. J. J. CORRINGTON, Millersburg, was at one time orderly sergeant of the company. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JNO. R CROUCH, Kentucky, served during the war. 596 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. J. M. CHILES, Clarke County, was one of the corporals of the com pany, and took part in most of the battles of the command up to Dallas, when he was killed, May 28, 1864. ELI CHESHIRE, Paris, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. Died in Lexington after the war. FRANK CLARK, Kentucky, killed, in a private difficulty, at Nash ville, 1861. Was a good soldier. JOHN C. DAVIS, was sick when the regiment marched to Donelson, and while it was in prison ; he fought with the Fourth Regiment at Shiloh, where he was disabled for further infantry service dur ing the war by a wound in the foot. He rejoined his company, however, after the command was mounted, and took part in the mounted engagements. WILLIAM P. FITZPATRICK, Bourbon County, took part in most of the battles of his company. E. L. GILVIN, Bourbon County, took part in some of the engage ments of the first two years. J. D. GRIFFIN, Shelbyville, was of unsound mind, and was not re quired to engage with the company. ANDREW GRIFFIN, Ireland, fought at Donelson, was wounded there; fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chicka mauga, and detained in prison till the autumn of 1864, when he rejoined the company and took part in the mounted engage ments. ISAAC HANSON, Clark County, fought at Stone River; served afterward on Gen. Helm s staff. WM. O. KITE, Paris, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was wounded at the latter place, but recovered, and fought also at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Was for years subsequent to the war engineer of the Paris fire department. Died in 1893. JOHN W. KITE, Paris, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. Has been employed on the Kentuckian-Citizen ever since the war. GEO. W. HINTON, Paris, was transferred from a battalion of sharp shooters in the A. M. V., May 29, 1863 ; he was afterward mostly engaged as harnessmaker, and died of disease, just before the war closed, near Augusta, Ga. S. H. HENDRICKS, Kentucky, served during the war. JNO. T. HOGWOOD, Manchester, Tenn., took part in a number of the engagements, and was badly wounded at Chickamauga. J. H. HOWARTH, Kentucky, served during the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 597 FRANK HURLEY, Ireland, was in several battles with the company, but was much of his time employed in detail service, as tailor. He was wounded in the foot at Dallas. THO. J. HOWARD, Bourbon County, discharged because of dis ability by disease. J. A. KIRKPATRICK, Nicholas County, took part in a number of the battles up to July 21, 1864. JERRY LEGGETT, Bourbon County, was discharged soon after having enlisted, on account of disability by disease, but after hav ing measurably recovered, he joined Morgan s cavalry, and served during the remainder of the war. W. H. LEAR, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson, and was badly wounded there. He thus escaped capture, and, after having re covered, served some time in the commissary department, but subsequently rejoined the company and took part in some of the engagements up to July 21, 1864. MADISON MANN, Kentucky, served during the war. PETER MURPHY, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died a few days afterward. J. M. McGUIRE, Kentucky, took part in several of the battles of the company up to July 10, 1864. JOHN MAHON, Ireland, fought at Donelson, and was severely wounded there. He was sent to Nashville before the fall of the fort, and thus escaped capture. After having measurably recov ered, he attached himself to the Fourth Regiment, and fought at Shiloh, where he was again wounded; fought also at Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge, and was again wounded at the latter place. He rejoined his own company in the autumn, and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was wounded again at Chickamauga. He rejoined company at Dai- ton, and fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro , and was also wounded at Jonesboro , but re covered, and took part in some of the mounted engagements. " As good a soldier," said his captain, " as ever shouldered a musket. Was hit with a bullet in every battle." JAMES MERNAUGH, Ireland, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dal las; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was badly crippled in one hand, by accidental discharge of his gun, but handled his weapon as well as he could, and lost no opportunity to be present in battle, unless prevented by sickness. Has been city marshal of Paris for many years, and a good officer. WILLIAM McLEAN, Paris, took in some of the earlier engage ments, but was generally employed in hospital duty for the regi ment. Died in Jefferson County after the war. 598 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES A. McDONALD, Fleming County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peach- tree, and Intrenchment Creeks. He was badly wounded by a shell at the latter place, July 22, 1864; but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Stone River. FRANK McKINNEY, Ireiana, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and in most of the other battles of the company, and was wounded at Dallas. GEO. W. McINTIRE, Montgomery County, was an old soldier of the Mexican war ; he fought with this company at Donelson, and almost all other battles of the command up to Dallas. He was wounded and disabled at the latter place, May 28, and was dis charged, Sept. 2, 1864. H. B. NELSON, Nicholas County, was killed in battle at Donelson ; the first man of the Second Regiment who fell in fight. He was the first man of the Orphan Brigade," says Capt. Spears, "who fell in battle." Spears was by his side when he was struck, and tried to staunch the wound with his pocket handkerchief, but found it useless. J. H. NASH, Bourbon County, was a United States regular before the war. He fought with this company at Donelson, and was wounded in the neck. He was sent off to Nashville and escaped capture, and, after having partially recovered, attached himself to the Fourth Regiment, and fought at Shiloh, where he was se verely wounded in the side, and disabled for further duty during the war. WILLIAM O NEIL, Kentucky, was in the secret service for Gen. Buckner until the close of the battle at Donelson, when he escaped with valuable government papers. He rejoined the com pany after the exchange, and fought at Hartsville and Stone River. He was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. MIKE O BRIEN, Ireland, took part in most of the battles of the company. W. JULIUS PURNELL, Millersburg, was mortally wounded in bat tle at Donelson, and died next day. JAMES M. PARRIS, Winchester, was one of the sergeants of the company until elected second lieutenant, Dec. 4, 1863. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka- mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. Died in Cincinnati some years after the war. E. T. PHILLIPS, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was captured at the latter place, and detained in prison till the close of the war. He was one of the McMinnville Guard, March and April, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 599 L. W. PHILLIPS, Kentucky, took part in nearly all the engagements up to Chickamauga, where he was killed, Sept. 20, 1863. MICHAEL POWERS, Ireland, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and in some other engagements, to the close, and was wounded at Hartsville. R. M. PRATHER, Kentucky, served during the war. V. PRICE, Kentucky, was sick when the regiment marched to Don elson, but joined Morgan s cavalry while his command was in prison, and in the battle of Cynthiana was shot through the lungs and disabled for further service during the war. HARRY PIPER, Kentucky, was discharged early in the war, on ac count of disability by disease. He recovered sufficiently, how ever, to join Morgan and serve till the war closed. L. H. PAR A DOE, Bourbon County, was transferred from A. N. V., early in 1863, and fought with this company at Jackson and Chickamauga. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further infantry duty, but took part in the mounted engage ments. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and merito rious conduct at Chickamauga. Died some years after the war, in Clarke County. PAT PUNCH, Ireland, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrench- ment Creeks. He was captured at the latter place, and detained in prison until just about the close of the war. He was wounded at Chickamauga. JAS. M. PRIEST, Jefferson County, took part in most of the engage ments of his company to the close. JAMES E. PATTON, Paris, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree Creek. Died some years after the war, in Chicago. W. J. RICHARDSON, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there. He also took part in some other engagements up to some time in 1864. H. C. RICHARDSON, Paris, fought at Donelson. After the war he was killed in Paris by accident. S. L. SPRAGGINS, Kentucky, died of disease early in the war. W. G. STONE, Kentucky, served during the war. THO. H. SHANNON, Ireland, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, and Utoy Creek. W. T. SHIELDS, Bourbon County, fought in a number of the battles of his company up to Aug. 9, 1864, when he was killed on the skirmish line by a piece of shell. He was wounded at Stone River. 600 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. J. T. SMITH, Bourbon County, was one of the sergeants of the com pany, and was a noted marksman. He fought at Donelson, and was dangerously wounded and disfigured by the loss of part of an ear ; rejoined his company the day before Hartsville, and fought also at Hartsville and Stone River, and at Stone River was dan gerously wounded in the foot. He recovered, however, sufficiently to rejoin the company the day before Dallas, and went into that fight, where he was killed. WM. H. SKILLMAN, Kentucky, was transferred from this company, and served in another command. W. \V. SKINNER, Nicholas County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place. JASON SANDERS, Millersburg, fought at Donelson. W. J. TUCKER, Bourbon County, took part in several of the en gagements of 1862-3. HENRY SPEARS, Paris, was disabled for service in the field, and was assigned to duty early in the war, in the paymaster s depart ment, at Richmond. JOE S. TRIGG, Millersburg, was discharged early in the war, on ac count of disability by disease. A. G. WAINWRIGHT, Kentucky, served during the war. J. M. WINSTON, Bourbon County, fought at Donelson, and in some other engagements, but was generally on duty in hospitals. He died of disease in Mississippi before the close of the war. OSCAR WATTS, Clarke County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. JAMES WADDLE, Nicholas County, was sick when the regiment went to Donelson, and was afterward discharged. THO. YORK, Ireland, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was captured at the latter place, and detained in prison till the close of the war. He was wounded at Kenesaw Mountain. Died in Paris in 1895. BRICE R. YOUNG, Kentucky, served during the war. COMPANY H, SECOND REGIMENT. ASTON MADEIRA, Covington, was elected captain, Aug. i, 1861. He fought at Donelson, and was captured there, but made his escape into Canada, where he remained till winter, when he made his way to the Confederate States, and rejoined his company at Tullahoma. He fought at Jackson and Chickamauga, receiving at the latter place, September 20, a mortal wound, of which he died in Atlanta, Sept. 28, 1863. In 1847, ne enlisted in a regi ment of Kentucky volunteers for service in Mexico, and was HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 601 chosen lieutenant of a company, in which capacity he served during his term, and fought at Buena Vista. Returning to Cov- ington, in 1848, he practiced law successfully at that place till the breaking out of hostilities in 1861, when he raised a company for the Southern service, and by personal sacrifice and heroic deeds wrote an honorable name in the annals of his people. LEWIS E. PAYNE, Kentucky, was elected first lieutenant, Aug. i, 1 86 1. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. At Dalton, he was made ordnance officer on the staff of Gen. Lewis, waiving his right to captaincy of this com pany in favor of Lieut. Lair, and served in that capacity during the remainder of the war. WM. T. ESTEP, Covington, was elected second lieutenant, Aug. i, and was promoted to captain and A. Q. M., Nov. 28, 1861. He served as quartermaster of the Second Regiment during the re mainder of the war, but voluntarily entered the field, and fought at Donelson, at Utoy Creek, ami in some of the mounted engage ments. A. K. LAIR, Lair s Station, was elected second lieutenant, Aug. i, 1 86 1, and was promoted to captain, January, 1864. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died in Georgetown, Sept. 30, 1895. MICHAEL J. CAMPION, Covington, was elected second lieuten ant, Sept. 19, 1862. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Jack son, and Chickamauga; was severely wounded at the latter place, but recovered and fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dal las; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and the mounted engage ments. This young officer brave and faithful obedient to authority himself, but indulgent to his men, and accommodating to all won for himself a place in the affections as well as the esteem of his companions in arms ; but after having passed through so many trials and dangers, he returned to meet death in his native town by violent hands, having been set upon and killed in an affray at a public celebration, at that place, on the 4th of July, 1867. JOHN T. VARNON, Georgetown, was elected second lieutenant, January, 1864. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, and Resaca. He died of disease at Selma, Ala., in the summer of 1864. ROBERT A. ARNOLD, Carroll County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was wounded at the latter place. He fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro and in the mounted engagements. 602 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ROBERT A. ANDERSON, Harrison County, was at one time a soldier in the old army of the United States; served, first year of the late war, in Capt. Jo Desha s company (C), First Kentucky Infantry, A. N. V. ; reenlisted (after his company was disbanded) in the Second Regiment, and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. Was killed at Chicka- mauga. JOHN G. ANDERSON, Kentucky, was killed in battle at Donelson, February, 1862. PAXTON T. BAKER, Owen County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the closing operations. JOHN BOYCE, Scott County, fought at Chickamauga. CALEB BENTOL, Boone County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. THOMAS BATTS, Kentucky, fought at Donelson with this company, and afterward joined a cavalry command and served with it. MIKE H. BARLOW, Harrison County, fought at Donelson with this company, but after the exchange was effected in September, 1862, he joined Morgan s cavalry, served with him during the remainder of the war, and attained to the rank of lieutenant. ALEXANDER G. BRAWNER, Frankfort, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died in Frank lin County some years after the war. CONRAD BILLS, Germany, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was severely wounded at the latter place. He was employed most of the remaining time, till the command was mounted, on detail service, but took part in the mounted engage ments till February, 1865, when he was drowned while the com mand was crossing the Savannah river. WM. BRADLEY, Petersburg, was transferred to this company, Sep tember, 1863, and fought with it at Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He then joined Col. Howard Smith s regiment of Mor gan s command, and was killed, June, 1864, at Mt. Sterling, Ky. THOMAS P. BRAWNER, Frankfort, fought during the first year of the war with a regiment of Mississippians; attached himself tem porarily to the Second Regiment in the autumn of 1862, and fought with this company (H) at Hartsville, Stone River, Jack son, and Chickamauga. He then joined Morgan s cavalry, and continued to serve with that arm. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 003 ROBERT CHRISLER, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, and was cap tured there. GARRARD D. CRUTCHER, Woodford County, fought at Don elson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson, and was on detail duty at Chickamauga. ROBERT D. G. CHAPMAN, Alleghany County, Pa., was known throughout Breckinrkige s division as a fine violinist and for his singular sobriquet of " Shoot-the-cat." He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. J. HUGHES CONRADT, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there. After having recovered, he joined Morgan s cavalry, and became a lieutenant of that arm, participating in various subsequent engagements. JOHN CANTRILL, Georgetown, fought at Donelson, and, having been captured there, he died in prison at Camp Morton, March, 1862. T. L. COX, Kenton County, fought at Donelson and Stone River, after which he was on detached service, and did not again enter the ranks. BEN F. CONNOR, Boone County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge ; after which he joined the Sixth Confederate Cavalry, and served there with. JAMES D. CAMPBELL, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, but served most of the remainder of the war in the quartermaster s depart ment with Maj. Sam Hays. JAMES WM. DOUGHERTY, White Sulphur, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was killed at the latter place. CHARLES H. DAVIS, Georgetown, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was wounded at the latter place. W. IKE DAVIS, Ghent, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. ROBERT K. DULANEY, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, but es caped and joined Morgan s command, with which he served dur ing the remainder of the war. H. CLAY ELLIS, Carrollton, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was as signed to duty with Co. E, Fifth Regiment, March, 1864, having been elected to a lieutenantcy in that company, and afterward fought with it till the war closed. B. WINSLOW ESTEP, Covington, was not enlisted till December, 1862, but fought afterward at Stone River, and was wounded there; fought also at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; atPeachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. .604 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GANG A. ELGIN, Georgetown, fought at Donelson and Hartsville, and was badly wounded at the latter place. He was transferred to Col. W. C. P. Breckinridge s regiment Kentucky cavalry, being disabled for infantry service, and fought with the command until the close of the war. He was complimented by his officers for gallant and meritorious conduct on the field. Died at home some time after the war. STEVE ESTILL, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga and Mission Ridge. At Dalton, he was placed on the corps of sharpshooters, and was almost daily engaged with the enemy from Dalton to Jonesboro . He died at West Point, Ga. , Oct. 27, 1864, of a wound which he himself had accidentally inflicted. JOHN FAHEY, Germany, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was wounded at Stone River. While the army was at Dalton, he was detailed as butcher for brigade, and served in that capacity till the command was mounted, after which he generally remained with the dismounted detachment. THOMAS E. FISH, Scott County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. BENJAMIN FINNELL, Scott County, did not join the company till February, 1864. He fought with it at Resaca and Dallas. ROBERT GORDON, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was afterward on detached service. CHARLIE HERBST, Maysville, fought at Donelson while in con finement at Camp Morton, he was for three months employed in the post-office for prisoners, and was for some time sergeant of a prison division. After the exchange he fought at Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was severely wounded at the latter place and long disabled, but reported in the autumn, and was assigned to duty with Col. John F. Cameron, who appointed him sergeant-major, and with whom he remained until the close of the war. URIAH HUMBLE, Harrison County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . After the com mand was mounted, he was detailed as blacksmith, and was gen erally engaged in that duty during the remainder of the war. LEM R. HARRIS, Carrollton, fought at Donelson. After the ex change, he was left sick at Jackson, beyond which no other facts are known to the writer. SAMUEL K. HAYS, Kenton County, was appointed major and A. Q. M., at Bowling Green, 1861, on the staff of Gen. Buckner. He fought at Donelson, but was generally afterward confined to the legitimate duties of his office. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 605 WILLIAM B. HARSON, Carroll County, fought at Donelson, Harts- ville, Stone River, and Jackson. Was sent sick to hospital, some time during the summer of 1863, and is supposed to have died there. WILLIAM H. HAMMOND, fought at Donelson, but no other facts are known to the writer. N. B. HAMMOND, Kentucky, fought at Donelson. No other facts are known to the writer. ROBERT HOWE, Owen County, fought at Donelson and Hartsville. ROBERT M. JONES, Grant County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge, after which he joined the Sixth Confederate Cavalry, December, 1863, and served with that command. WILLIAM JEFFREY, was transferred to this company, February, 1863 (having previously served elsewhere), and fought with it at Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He then joined the Sixth Confederate Cavalry, January, 1864, and served afterward with that command. JOHN R. KINDALL, Owen County, fought with this company at Donelson. JOHN F. M. LEMON, Georgetown, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. WILLIAM H. LONGMORE, Covington, fought at Donelson, and acted some time, during the autumn after the exchange, as orderly for Gen. Hanson. WOODFORD W. LONGMORE, Covington, fought at Donelson, and was captured there, but escaped from Camp Morton and joined Morgan s cavalry, with which he served during the re mainder of the war, and lost a leg at Cynthiana. Died in Frank fort while clerk of the Court of Appeals, March 20, 1891. JAMES N. MASON, Owen County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. JOHN N. MASON, Owen County, fought at Donelson and Harts ville ; was very badly wounded there, and long disabled, but recovered and fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. RICHARD L. McLEAN, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was seriously wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the engagements at Peachtree and In trenchment Creeks, and was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. 606 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. LAFAYETTE H. McCLUNG, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. DUDLEY C. MITCHELL, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, and after ward served with a command of cavalry. JAMES MOORE, Carroll County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and most of the other engagements of his company to the close. WILLIAM C. MILLER, Kentucky, was transferred, Nov. 2, 1862, from Bullitt s Kentucky cavalry, and took part in some of the sub sequent engagements. ROBERT MOORE, Carroll County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died two days afterward, at the field hospital. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. JAMES P. MOOKLAR, Covington, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River. GEORGE W. MARQUESS, Kentucky, took part in nearly all the engagements of his company, and was wounded at Stone River. DAVID OSBORNE, Boone County, fought at Donelson, and was slightly wounded there. WILLIAM O DAY, Scott County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; and then con nected himself with a cavalry command, with which he served till the close of the war. PHILIP ORR, Kentucky, fought at Donelson. ELIJAH PARKER, Petersburg, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there ; fought also at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; and was again wounded at Dallas. After having recov ered he joined the Sixth Confederate Kentucky Cavalry, and took part in a number of engagements with that regiment ; was present in the affair at Greenville, Tenn., in which Gen. Morgan fell. MARION POWELL, Owen County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone R.iver, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. JO S. ROBINSON, Covington, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was wounded again at Jonesboro , but took part in some of the mounted engagements. He was some time sergeant-major of the regiment. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 607 WILLIAM REID, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Chickamauga. He was transferred to Co. C, Fifth Regiment, Nov. 23, 1863. HARDIN T. RODGERS, White Sulphur, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was wounded at Chickamauga. WILLIAM T. RICHARDSON, Scott County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was mor tally wounded at the latter place, and died a short time afterward. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious con duct. JOHN A. RUCKER, Georgetown, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. JO B. RUCKER, Georgetown, fought at Donelson, after which he connected himself with cavalry command, and did service with it. SAM T. RAWLINS, Scott County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. Was captured on retreat from latter place and detained in prison at Nashville, then at Louisville, then at Rock Island, till after the close of the war. He has long been a successful physician and business man in Scott County. ROD REYNOLDS, Kentucky, was killed in battle at Donelson, Feb. 14, 1862. ALEXANDER RANKIN, Scott County, fought at Ponelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. FRANK RIGGS, Kentucky, fought at Donelson. No other facts known to the writer. CHARLES M. SWAGAR, Louisville, fought during the first year of the war in the First Kentucky Infantry, A. N. V., at Dranesville and on the Peninsula. After the First Regiment was disbanded, he enlisted with this company, Sept. 16, 1862, and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was captured at the latter place, but escaped, while en route to prison, into Canada ; participated in the St. Albans raid ; was twice arrested and im prisoned, under charges, at Montreal, but was released about the time the war closed, and went to Paris, France, where he spent two years, and then returned to his native city. During his service with the Second Regiment, he was wounded at both Hartsville and Chickamauga. WM. B. STAMPER, Kentucky, was transferred, Nov. 2, 1862, from Bullitt s Kentucky cavalry, and took part in some subsequent en gagements. 608 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES H. SUMMERS, Covington, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was captured at the latter place, but was exchanged in time to be present at the surrender. JOHN W. SMITH, Florence, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was killed at Dallas, May 28, 1864. ED J. SANDERS, Carroll County, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there; fought also at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. HUGH B. STAMPER, Owen County, fought at Donelson, and was captured, but escaped from prison at Camp Morton, and entered the cavalry, with which he continued to serve. OWEN T. SOUTHER, Boone County, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there. After having been exchanged, he connected himself with the Sixth Confederate Cavalry, with which he after ward served. BEN M. TALBOTT, Boone County, fought in almost every engage ment of his command, and was wounded at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. ED R. THOMAS, Covington, fought at Donelson, Hartsville and Stone River. ODELL G. TABER, Covington, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was discharged in the spring of 1863, being under age, but was again with the regiment in May, 1864, and fought with his old company at Resaca. WASH C. TAPMAN, Boone County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; and in April, 1864, connected himself with the Sixth Confederate Cavalry. GEORGE VAN BUREN, Kentucky, fought at Donelson. After the exchange, he was detailed as teamster; was afterward appointed wagon-master, and continued to serve in such capacity. EDWARD SAYSE WRIGHT, Georgetown, D. C., fought at Don elson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct on the field. TOM C. WRIGHT, Georgetown, D. C., fought at Donelson, but after the exchange, in September, he was assigned to duty in the quartermaster s department, and transferred to the command of Gen. Buckner. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, Covington, fought at Donelson, but was aft erward appointed a captain of artillery, and organized a battery, which was assigned to duty in the department of East Kentucky and West Virginia. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. (509 HARRISON P. WHITE, Kentucky, fought at Donelson and at Hartsville. At the latter place he was wounded and disabled for duty in the ranks, and in May, 1863, he was made orderly for brigade headquarters, in which capacity he served during the re mainder of the war. COMPANY I, SECOND REGIMENT. GUSTAVUS DEDMAN, Anderson County, was elected captain, July 28, 1 86 1. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. C. C. LILLARD, Anderson County, was elected first lieutenant, July 28, 1 86 1. He fought at Donelson and Stone River, and resigned, Feb. 15, 1863. Died in Lawrenceburg, June 24, 1896. S. S. COLLINS, Franklin County, was elected second lieutenant, July 28, 1861. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and resigned, Feb. 15, 1863. W. E. BELL, Anderson County, was elected second lieutenant, July 28, 1861 ; promoted to first lieutenant, Feb. 15, 1863; and to captain, Oct. i, 1863. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson and Chickamauga. He was acting adjutant of the Second Regiment from the battle of Stone River, to that of Chick amauga , and at the latter place was wounded and disabled for further duty during the war. After having despaired of recover ing for efficient service, he was placed on the list of retired officers, Oct. 24, 1864. DANIEL TURNEY, Bourbon County. (See Co. G.) S. JAMES HANKS, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River, and was severely wounded at the latter place. He was elected second lieutenant, Nov. 16, 1863, and fought afterward at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca and Dallas ; and lost a leg at the latter place. He was highly complimented both for gallantry and devotion to the cause, from the fact that the wound received at Stone River really disabled him for any further service during the war, being of the most dangerous character through the bowels but he entered determinedly upon the sum mer campaign of 1864, though suppuration of the wound was still going on. Died near Lawrenceburg, 1892. JORDAN M. FRAZIER, Anderson County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and in January, 1864, was elected second lieu tenant. He fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. CAMPBELL ARNETT, Woodford County, attached himself to a cavalry command, with which he served till the close of the war. 39 610 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN P. AUBREY, Franklin County, fought at Donelson, Harts- ville, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and in all the mounted engagements. CHARLES APPLETON, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks- burg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Resaca, Dallas, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga and at Dallas. J. L. ARNETT, Woodford County, was transferred to a cavalry com mand in 1 86 1, with which he afterward served. BEN F. BROWN, Franklin County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Resaca, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Resaca. JOHN BROWN, East Tennessee, enlisted late in the war, and took part in the mounted engagements. CHARLES H. BOWEN, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and at Stone River. He was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. WM. BROWN, Anderson County, fought at Donelson and Hartsville. He was wounded at the latter place, and after having recovered, he joined Forrest s cavalry. JOHN H. GRAIN, Anderson County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. He was severely wounded at Stone River, and was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct on that field. E. J. COLLINS, Franklin County, was killed in battle at Donelson. February, 1862. GEO. W. CHANEY, Franklin County, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there. He fought also at Hartsville, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca. and Dallas. He was seriously wounded at Dallas, but recovered and took part in the closing engagements. THOMAS COKE, Anderson County, served with this company till February, 1862, when he attached himself to a cavalry command, and continued with that arm. BRADLEY COX, Anderson County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, 1861. G. W. EMERSON, Kentucky, was killed in battle at Donelson. JORDAN FIDDLER, Anderson County, served as teamster, through out the war. JOSEPH FORD, Anderson County, was generally disabled by dis ease for service in the ranks, but fought at Donelson and Chicka mauga. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 611 JOHN FARRELL, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta, and in the mounted engagements in South Carolina. JOSEPH A. FRAZIER, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. BEN FROMAN, Anderson County, attached himself to cavalry some time after having enlisted. DAVID FROMAN, Anderson County, served with this company till February, 1862, when he attached himself to a command of cav alry. JOHN GALVIN, Bloomfield, attached himself to a cavalry command soon after having enlisted. W. O. HARDESTER, Nelson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River, and was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. OSCAR HACKLEY, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, and Stone River, and was wounded at the latter place ; fought at Chickamauga, and was killed there. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. S. O. C. HACKLEY, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. A. O. HORNBAKER, Anderson County, was one of the sergeants of the company. He fought at Donelson and Stone River, and was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. JOHN M. HANKS, Anderson County, fought in every battle in which his regiment took part during the war; was never sick nor absent, and was never wounded. D. G. HANKS, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, but escaped capture, and fought with another regiment at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. He rejoined his own company in the autumn, and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, and Mission Ridge. After this he served some time with a cavalry command, but returned to the Second Regiment in the autumn of 1864, and took part in its subsequent engagements. WILLIAM JETT, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, and Chickamauga. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further infantry duty, but rejoined the command in the autumn of 1864, and took part in the mounted engagements. J( )HN JETT, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Resaca, Dallas, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. 612 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GEORGE W. JAMEISON, Anderson County, was killed in battle at Donelson. ROBERT JOHNSON, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, and died of disease at Camp Morton, Ind. P. H. JONES, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Chickamauga, and Resaca. J. K. KINKTON, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Jonesboro . JOHN KELLY, Anderson County, fought at Donelson and was wounded there ; served afterward with the First Mississippi Heavy Artillery. CHARLES J. KLEM, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rock) Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was disabled at the latter place by the loss of a leg, May 28, 1864. D. P. LANE, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Resaca, Dallas, and in the mounted engagements. ARCH MARRS, Mason County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. A. G. McANALLY, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there. Having been sent off before the surrender, he escaped capture, and fought with another command at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. He rejoined his own company after it had been exchanged, and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was captured at the latter place, and died of disease in prison at Camp Douglas, 111. JOHN MARRS, Mason County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was captured at the latter place, and was con fined for two years in a dungeon on Johnson s Island, under sen tence of death, but was released about the close of the war. JOHN R. MOTHERSHEAD, Anderson County, fought aDonelsor, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro and in the mounted engagements. H. C. McMICHAEL, Anderson County, died of disease at Bowling Green, 1861. JOHN McGUIRE, Anderson County, died of disease at Tunnel Hill, Ga. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 613 JAMES McGUIRE, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, and was disabled by the loss of a leg in that battle. JOHN MILLER, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. He was killed near Camden, S. C., in April, 1865. J. R. MOTHERSHEAD, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Jonesboro , and mounted engagements. S. S. MOORE, Anderson County, died of disease near Atlanta, Ga. WESLEY MOORE, Tennessee, fought with this company during the cavalry operations in Georgia and South Carolina. BEN MICKEY, Shelby County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. H. T. POINDEXTER, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and in the mounted engagements, and was wounded at Donelson and Dallas. He was one of the sergeants of the com pany. FOUNT PEACH, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was killed at the latter place. N. H. PENNY, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and died of disease during the summer of 1863, at Lauderdale Springs, Miss. JOHN S. PENNY, Anderson County, was killed in battle at Don elson. JAMES PAXTON, Franklin County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Ky. F. M. ROBINSON, Anderson County, was first sergeant of the com pany during the greater part of the service, and fought at Don elson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was severely wounded at the latter place, May 28, 1864, and disabled for further service, on which account he was placed on the list of retired soldiers, July 8, 1864. Died athome more than twenty years after the war. R. R. STEVENSON, Anderson County. (See biography.) "WILLIAM STREET, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, and died of disease at Chattanooga, Sept. 9, 1862. J( >HN W. SMITH, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service during the war. He was also wounded at Stone River. 614 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN L. STREET, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts- ville, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at Hartsville and killed at Dallas. WILLIAM SMITH, Spencer County, served some time with this company, but subsequently attached himself to a command of cav alry. JOHN D. SALE, Anderson County, served some time with this com pany, but subsequently attached himself to a cavalry command, and was killed at Augusta, Ky. J. W. SUTHERLAND, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks- burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. G. H. TAYLOR, Anderson County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted en gagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga and Dallas. B. F. TAYLOR, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River, and afterward attached himself to a cavalry reg iment. C. R. TOLLE, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. SAMUEL TINDALL, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was wounded at the latter place, and long disabled, but rejoined the command in the autumn of 1864, and took part in the mounted engage ments. THOMAS TOOLE, Anderson County, Ky., served a short time with this company, after which he attached himself to Morgan s cav alry, with which he served during the remainder of the war. THOMAS TINDALL, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Resaca, Dallas, Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. PERRY TURPIN, Barren County, was killed in battle at Donelson, February, 1862. HENRY TURNEY, Bourbon County, took part in all the mounted engagements. J. H. WILLIAMS, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, and, after having been captured, escaped, and entered Co. G, Sixth Regi ment, with which he fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. He was permanently disabled at the latter place by the loss of a leg. MORTON WATTS, Anderson County, died of disease at Atlanta,. Ga. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 615 GEORGE W. WILLIAMS, Anderson County, was sick when the regiment marched to Donelson, and, after having recovered, at tached himself to another command, with which he fought at Shiloh, and was killed there. ROBERT WOOLDRIDGE, Anderson County, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there. Having been sent off before the surren der, he escaped capture, and attached himself to another com mand, with which he fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. He rejoined his own company in the autumn of 1862, and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka- mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engage ments. COMPANY K, SECOND REGIMENT. JOHN W. OWINGS, was elected captain, July 13, 1861, and died of disease at Bowling Green, October, 1861. CHARLES SEMPLE, Louisville. (See biography.) ERSKINE JOYES, Louisville, was elected second lieutenant, July 13, 1 86 1, and elected captain, Nov. 27, 1861. He fought at Donelson, and was captured there ; rejoined his company after an exchange was effected, and fought afterward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was killed in battle at the latter place, July 22, 1864. WILLIAM M. CARSON, Louisville, was elected second lieutenant, July 13, 1861, and was promoted to first lieutenant, Dec. 9, 1862. He fought at Donelson; was captured there, and carrried to John son s Island, but escaped during the summer into Canada, and from there made his way, in disguise, back to his company, re joining it at Jackson, shortly after the exchange. He afterward fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. During the artil lery duel near Glass s mill, Sept. 19, 1863, he was struck in the head by a rifle ball, that inflicted a mortal wound, and he died next day at a house on the Chattanooga and Lafayette road. EDWARD B. HARDING, Louisville, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 19, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant, Oct. 5, 1863. Fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree Creek, at Utoy Creek ; at Jones boro , both days, and in all the mounted engagements. After the war he was nearly twenty years connected with the Louisville police; was at the time of his death second lieutenant of one platoon; was murdered while in discharge of his duty, Dec. 6, 1885, by a desperado, who was at once shot to death by Officer Len Ferguson, ex-member of Byrne s Battery, whom he had also attacked. 616 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN D. LA FLETCHER THOMPSON, Louisville, was appointed first sergeant in the autumn of 1862; was appointed second lieu tenant, Jan. n, 1863. Fought at Donelson, but escaped capture, and reported for duty at Burnsville, where he was assigned to commissary department, and was generally engaged in that line during the war. ROBERT M. BOWMAN, Fredericksburg, Va., was appointed fourth sergeant, 1861. Fought at Donelson, where he was wounded and captured. He was imprisoned at St. Louis, but escaped and re joined the company at Jackson, shortly after which he was trans ferred so Co. A, Thirtieth Virginia Infantry, Aug. 5, 1863. JAMES H. BIRCH, Baltimore, Md., fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree and Intrenchment Creeks ; on Sand Town road at Jones- boro both days, and in the cavalry engagements. D. M. BAGBY, Madison County, fought and was captured at Don elson ; attempted to escape from Camp Morton, but was pursued and shot in the leg, when he again fell into Federal hands, and was recommitted to prison. Was left there when the regiment was exchanged, but finally recovered and was released. Has long been a successful practicing physician in Boone county. ED BARNES, Mt. Washington, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro both days, and in all the mounted en gagements. BALL, Madison County, fought at Donelson, where ne was wounded, and was no more heard of. GEO. N. CHAPPELL, Louisville, was on detached service through out the war in staff, medical, and commissary departments. JOHN L. CASPAR, Salisbury, N. C., a soldier of the United States Regular Army, before the late war, but was generally engaged in detail service for the Second Regiment while a member of this company. ED CLAYLAND, Louisville, fought at Donelson, but escaped cap ture, and attached himself to the Ninth Regiment, with which he fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. He rejoined his company after the exchange, and fought at Hartsville. Was left sick at Murfreesboro , Jan. 2, 1863; was captured there, and died of disease some time afterward, at Camp Morton, Indiana. WALKER CAMDEN, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. Was wounded at the latter place, after which he was employed as teamster till the close. JOSEPH CANNADY, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there, but escaped capture. Served with Mississippi cavalry until after the exchange, when he rejoined his company, and was afterward employed in detail service. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 617 J. F. COLLINS, Madison County, fought at Donelson; was captured and confined at Camp Morton, but escaped from the inclosure in company with D. M. Bagby and fifty others, and had gotten more than a mile from the prison grounds when he was overtaken. He surrendered without resistance when he found the Federals were upon him, but one of them instantly shot him dead. J. H. DILLER, Louisville, fought at Donelson. J. W. DODGE, Louisville, fought at Donelson, but escaped capture, and reported to Gen. Morgan, with whose command he afterward served. Was severely wounded near McMinnville, in the spring of 1863. HENRY DEHANE, Missouri, fought with his company at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. Was transferred to First Missouri Infantry, March n, 1863. L. P. EISERT, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. EDWARDS, Madison County, transferred to cavalry, Septem ber, 1861. WILLIAM O. FLYNN, Louisville, fought at Donelson, but escaped capture, and served with the First Mississippi Cavalry till the sum mer of 1863, when he rejoined his company and fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at Dallas, but after he recovered, rejoined his command, and took part in all the mounted engagements. JAMES FAGAN, Indiana, an old man, but brave and adventurous. Fought at Donelson; and while imprisoned at Camp Morton, he was constantly trying to effect his escape. At one time he eluded the vigilance of the guard and got some distance into the coun try, but was recaptured by some old farmers, with squirrel rifles, and brought back in a wagon. After the exchange, in the autumn of 1862, being in feeble health, he was sent to hospital, and, in 1863, died. GEORGE FELKER, Louisville, received a wound in battle at Don elson, of which he afterward died. PAT FITZGERALD, Ireland. This was Co. K s astronomical char acter. He fought at Donelson, and was wounded there ; at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrcnchment Creek ; on Sand Town road ; at Jonesboro , both days, and in all the mounted engagements. After Gen. Johnston s surrender was announced, he refused to report for parole, and started at once for Texas. T. B. GATEWOOD, Bedford, fought at Donelson. Escaped from Camp Morton, but was recaptured and committed again to prison. JAMES GAGE, Ireland, fought at Donelson, where he was wounded. No other facts are known to the writer. 618 HISTORY OF- THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JNO. B. GLOVER, Virginia, was appointed third corporal, July 13, 1 86 1. Fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dal las; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek; at Intrench- ment Creek, Utoy Creek, and at Jonesboro . He was wounded in the foot at Jonesboro , but took part in the mounted engage ments. JAMES R. HALLAM, Covington, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , and in some of the mounted engagements in Georgia. LEWIS B. HICKS, Louisville, fought at Donelson. After the ex change, he was stricken with paralysis in the left arm, and dis abled for field duty, but went down on the Gulf and engaged in some detail service during the remainder of the war. GEO. HELDER, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded in the left hip, by a shell, at Chickamauga, and was also wounded in another engage ment, not now remembered. J. B. JONES, Baltimore, Md., fought at Donelson. No other facts are known to the writer. J. B. JOHNSON, Hardin County, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there, but escaped capture. Rejoined the company after the exchange, and fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. B. FRANK JACKSON, Louisville, fought at Donelson, but was not captured, reported to Gen. Morgan, with whose command he fought while the Second Regiment was in prison ; was captured in the summer of 1862, and confined in the Nashville peniten tiary, but escaped and rejoined his company at Murfreesboro . Fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at Chickamauga. Fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jones boro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. He was also wounded at Stone River. R. W. LAWS, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was captured at Resaca, and was detained in prison till close of the war. FRANK S. LAWS, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was mortally wounded at Dallas, and died at Marietta, June, 1864. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 619 J. T. LAWS, Louisville, was appointed a corporal, 1864, and was afterward promoted to sergeant. Fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at Dallas, but re covered sufficiently to rejoin the company near Atlanta, and fought at Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the cavalry engagements. M. A. MANSFIELD, Louisville, fought at Donelson. MICHAEL MORRIS, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. Was transferred to the navy at Dalton, February, 1864. He was wounded at Chickamauga. WILLIAM MARSHALL, Louisville, fought at Donelson. JNO. P. MIX, Mount Washington, fought at Donelson, was captured there, and died in prison at Camp Morton, 1862. DAVID MORDAN, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. THO. McGRATH, Louisville, fought at Donelson. J. W. MONTFORT, Cincinnati, Ohio, was appointed second ser geant, 1 86 1. Fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was severely wounded at the latter place ; captured, and detained as prisoner at Camp Morton till close of the war. JOHN MOREHEAD, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River. FRANK MULLEN, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was captured at Chicka mauga, but afterward served in Confederate States navy. JAMES MONTGOMERY, Louisville, was left at Bowling Green, sick, when the Second Regiment marched to Donelson. He was detailed, Feb. 20, 1862, as teamster for some other command, in which capacity he served till just before the battle of Chicka mauga. JAMES METCALFE, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, where he was wounded; served afterward in a cavalry command. J. H. McKENZIE, Lexington, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River; was detailed, April 22, 1863, and served awhile with the sappers and miners ; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the cavalry engage ments. JAS. A. PEARCE, Hart County, fought at Donelson, but was not captured. Fought with the Fourth Regiment at Shiloh, Vicks- burg, and Baton Rouge ; rejoined his company in the autumn, and was killed in battle at Hartsville. 620 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN W. POFF, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. Was badly wounded in the face at Dallas, but rejoined company in time to participate in mounted engage ments. GARRETT PENDERGRAST, Louisville, fought at Donelson. JOHN PENDERGRAST, Louisville, was wounded in battle at Don elson. Is supposed to have died in prison at Alton. R. REBERGER, Louisville, fought at Donelson. JAS. A. REEDER, East Tennessee, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, R.ocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek ; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. F. A. SCHEIDECKER, France, was an old Crimean soldier, and was suffering in consequence of a wound received in that war, when he was enlisted; was found to be disabled thereby for duty, and was discharged at Bowling Green, 1861. THO. J. STEWART, Louisville, was appointed a corporal, July 13, 1 86 1 ; was promoted to third sergeant in the autumn of 1863. Fought at Donelson, and was wounded in battle at Hartsville; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was again wounded at Dallas, and died in consequence, June, 1864. CHARLES SHUPEY, Louisville, fought at Donelson; escaped from prison, and served with Morgan s men; was killed in battle near Richmond, Ky. WM. STANLEY, Tennessee, was transferred from the Army of Vir ginia early in 1864. He fought afterward at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. HENRY SELF, Louisville, fought at Donelson. JAS. W. TARR, Maryland, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. Was trans ferred to the Maryland line while the army lay at Dalton, 1864. FRANCIS TAYLOR, St. Louis, Mo., fought at Donelson, and was wounded there ; at Hartsville, and was again wounded ; at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; at which latter place he was killed in battle, Sept. 20, 1863. B. F. TURNER, Louisville, was detailed for service in the quarter master s department, September, 1862 ; and in the summer of 1 863, he died of disease, in Mississippi. ADAM WAYLAND, Louisville, fought at Donelson, and was wounded there; was one of those who escaped from the boat at Memphis, September, 1862. Fought afterward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 621 Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peach- tree and Intrenchment Creeks. He had been first sergeant in December, 1862, and in this latter battle he led the company in the charge, the only commissioned officer not disabled being Capt. Joyes, and he was acting as field officer. He was severely wounded here, in the right side of the face, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. It was proposed at Tul- lahoma to have him appointed to a vacant lieutenantcy in the com pany, but he declined to accept of the position, declaring that the men should be allowed to choose their own officers, and continued to discharge the duties of a first sergeant to the close of the war. Died in Louisville, Nov. 24, 1893. W. T. W ATKINS, Jefferson County, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, and Stone River ; was detailed as one of the guards for McMinn- ville, Mach 21, 1863, and was captured there; fought at Jackson; was on the field at Chickamauga, with the Infirmary Corps ; fought at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; was on infirmary duty at Jonesboro , and again wounded; and was in all the mounted engagements. LORENZ WEIGART; Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. RICHARD J. WETHERTON, Louisville, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. W. P. WILLIAMS, Indiana, fought at Donelson, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. Was captured at Chicka mauga, and detained in prison until the close of the war. WM. WILLIAMS, Louisville, was the original first sergeant, and ac quired the sobriquet of "Old Sarge." Was an old Mexican sol dier also. He was with Co. K at Donelson. Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga. A. J. WILLIAMS, Indiana, fought at Donelson, but escaped capture, and fought with the Fourth Regiment at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; lost a leg at Baton Rouge, and was afterward en gaged in a government shoe shop. C. WHITE, Madison County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Dec. 29, 1861. WM. M. YANDELL, Louisville, was assigned to duty in the medical department, July, 1861 ; while the Central Army of Kentucky was at Bowling Green, he was sent to Nashville, sick; was sent from there, December, 1861, on sick leave, to West Tennessee, but was soon afterward discharged because of disability by dis ease. In April, 1862, he enlisted in the Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, then commanded by Col. (afterward Maj.-Gen.) Wm. H. Jackson. Was subsequently again discharged because of disa bility by disease ; afterward enlisted for service in the medical de partment, and was assigned to duty in the Lee Hospital, Lauderdale Springs, Miss. When the war closed he was on a sixty-day sick furlough, which had not expired. 622 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. FOURTH REGIMENT. FIELD AND STAFF. ROBERT P. TRABUE, Columbia. (See biography.) ANDREW R. HYNES, Nelson County, was appointed lieutenant- colonel, Sept. 23, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there, April 7, 1862; resigned Dec. 18, 1862. THOMAS B. MONROE, JR., Frankfort. (See biography.) ED S. WORTHINGTON, Louisville, was appointed captain and A. Q. M., September, 1861; was shortly afterward disabled by an accident for active field duty; after his recovery he did various post service until Dec. 20, 1862, when he was assigned to duty as a member of Gen. Folk s military court, and continued to serve with the Army of Tennessee, having attained the rank of colonel. <J. P. THEOBALD, Owen County, was appointed captain and A. Q. M. , Oct. 19, 1 86 1 ; served with the Fourth Regiment until some time in February, 1862, when he was assigned to other duty, and for most of the remaining time till the close of the war was post quartermaster at Enterprise, Miss. GEO. T. SHAW, Louisville, was appointed captain and A. C. S., Oct. 4, 1 86 1 ; afterward served as commissary of division, with rank of major. B. T: MARSHALL, Greensburg, was appointed surgeon, Sept. 3, 1861 5 resigned May 23, 1862; afterward served as surgeon of the Kentucky cavalry, under Gen. Williams. S. P. BRECKINRIDGE, Louisville, was appointed assistant surgeon, April, 1862; served some time with the Fourth Regiment, and was afterward assigned to duty in hospitals ; died at Chattanooga about thirty years after the war. PRESTON B. SCOTT, Franklin County. (See biography.) ALFRED SMITH, Bardstown, was appointed assistant surgeon, 1 86 1, and assigned to duty with the Ninth Regiment, with which he remained till March 30, 1864, when he was promoted to sur geon, and served thereafter, till the close of the war, with the Fourth Regiment. Died at home some years after the war. THADDEUS L. DODGE, Hickman County, was appointed assistant surgeon, Nov. 22, 1862, and served with the Fourth Regiment during the remainder of the war. JOSEPH W. ECKFORD, Mississippi, was appointed assistant sur geon, June 28, 1861 ; and was generally on duty with other com mands, but served with the Fourth Kentucky Regiment during the winter of 1863-64. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 623 REV. E. P. WALTON, Kentucky, was appointed chaplain, 1861, and assigned to the Fourth Regiment, but was relieved April 15, 1862, and ordered to report to Gen. Stonewall Jackson for duty in the Fifth Virginia Infantry. FATHER BLEMILL, Kentucky, date of his appointment as chaplain not known to the writer. (See Incidents and Anecdotes after last chapter of Dalton- Atlanta campaign.) COMPANY A, FOURTH REGIMENT. JOSEPH P. NUCKOLS, Glasgow. (See biography.) JOHN BIRD ROGERS, Barren County. (See biography.) JOSEPH C. BETHEL, Barren County, was elected second lieuten ant, Aug. i, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh; was promoted to first lieu tenant, April 7, 1762; fought at Vicksburg and Chickamauga, having been prevented by ill health from taking part at Stone River and Jackson; was wounded at Chickamauga; fought at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas; was promoted to captain, May 28, 1864; engaged in the skirmishes between Dallas and Atlanta; fought at Peachtree Creek, July 2oth; at Intrenchment Creek, July 22d; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the engagements in Georgia and South Carolina, with the mounted infantry. NAT D. CLAYTON, Barren County, was elected second lieutenant, Aug. i, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, at Vicksburg, at Baton Rouge, and at Stone River, where he was mortally wounded, fell into the hands of the enemy, and died at the home of one Mr. Nat Miller, on the Nashville and Murfreesboro turnpike, January, 1863. HEZEKIAH F. NUCKOLS, Glasgow, was appointed first sergeant, Nov. i, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh; was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 6, 1862 ; fought at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas. He was captured at Kenesaw Mountain, June 20, 1864, but escaped by jumping off the cars between Franklin and Bowling Green, and returned to the company. He participated in the engage ments of the mounted service in South Carolina and Georgia. He was but once wounded Shiloh, April 7, 1862. JOHN W. SMITH, Glasgow, was appointed second sergeant, Aug. i, 1 86 1 ; was killed at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. R. P. LANDRUM, Barren County, was appointed third sergeant, Aug. i, 1861; fought at Shiloh, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas ; at the latter place he was severely wounded, but recovered in time to take part in the engagements of the mounted service. GEORGE BYBEE, Barren County, was appointed fourth sergeant, Aug. i, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, in skirmish engagements between New Hope and At- 624 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. lanta; fought at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, and at Jonesboro , where he was captured, Aug. 31, 1864. WILLIAM L. WILKINSON, Barren County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Nov. i, 1861; fought at Shiloh, where he was severely wounded; at Stone River, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, at different points between Dallas and Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and all the engagements of the mounted infantry in Georgia and South Carolina ; died in Barren County, Oct. 19, 1895. WM. M. NEAL, Barren County, was appointed first corporal, Aug. i, 1861 ; right general guide of regiment, Oct. 18, 1862; was elected second lieutenant, Nov. i, 1863; fought at Shiloh, where he was severely wounded, April, 6, 1862; at Baton Rouge, at Chicka mauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, at different points between Dallas and Atlanta, at Peach- tree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, and at Jones boro , where he was mortally wounded, Aug. 31, 1864, and died in the hands of the enemy. EPHRAIM R. SMITH, Barren County, was appointed second cor poral, Aug. i, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, where he was severely wounded and captured, April yth ; fought at Stone River, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, at different points between Dallas and Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, and at Jonesboro , where he was killed while cheering on his comrades, Sept. i, 1864. He was awarded badge of honor for distinguished gallantry. RICHARD LOCKE, Barren County, was appointed third corporal, Aug. i, 1 86 1 ; was killed at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. THOMAS W. DAVIE, Barren County, was appointed fourth cor poral Aug. i, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, at Baton Rouge, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, between Dallas and Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in all the engagements of the mounted infantry. H. P. HODGE, Barren County, musician; died of disease, 1862. B. W. REYNOLDS, Glasgow, musician; subsequently connected himself with the cavalry. LEWIS McQUOWN, Glasgow, was but a boy when enlisted, but served throughout the war. THOMAS MUSGROVE, Glasgow, musician; died of disease at Nashville, 1861. CLINTON BYBEE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, at Stone River, and at Jackson. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 625 JOHN S. BARLOW, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded ; was on detail service during the spring and summer of 1862 ; fought at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas, at points between Dallas and Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, and at Intrenchment Creek, at which point he was captured, July 22, 1864, and did not return in time to participate in the mounted engagements. THOMAS J. BURKE, Barren County, fought at Stone River, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, at different points between Dallas and Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, and at Jonesboro , both days. During the service as mounted infantry he acted as ordnance sergeant. GEORGE T. BYBEE, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh, where he was killed, April 7, 1862. CHARLES BE ALE, Bowling Green, fought at Shiloh, and was killed, April 7, 1862. JOHNW. BATES, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh, was mortally wounded.,. April 6, and died April 15, 1862. G. CLEMENTS, Switzerland, fought at Stone River; was discharged, August, 1863, on account of disability by disease. RICHARD COOPER, Barren County, fought at Shiloh; died of disease at Greensboro , La., August 10, 1862. WILLIAM CARTER, Barren County, died of disease at Oakland Station, 1861. JAMES A. CARTER, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded, April 6, and captured at hospital next day; at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas, between Dallas and Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in all the engagements of the mounted service. JAMES CHAMBERS, Barren County, fought at Shiloh ; was killed in battle at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863. WILLIAM J. CALAHAN, Barren County, was appointed first ser geant, Oct. 9, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, where he was severely wounded, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mis sion Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, at different points between Dallas and Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, at In trenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the engagements during the mounted service. Died at home many years after the war. WM. R. DOUGHERTY, Barren County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Utoy Creek ; was then assigned to duty in the quartermaster and ordnance depart ments, and so continued to the close. He is now a successful and honored citizen of Coldwater, Miss. A. G. DAVIDSON, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, and Jackson; was afterward engaged in detail service. 626 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. PHILIP DAVIS, Logan County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. JAMES DAVIDSON, Barren County, fought and was wounded at Shiloh; died of disease at Columbus, Miss., May 20, 1862. H. E. ELLIOTT, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Jackson; died of disease in Alabama, May 3, 1864. JAMES R. FISHER, Barren County, fought at Resaca and in the mounted engagements. WM. J. FISHER, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, and Jackson. THOMPSON FISHER. Barren County, died of disease at Summer- ville, Ala., June 20, 1862. WM. W. FORBIS, Barren County, fought at Shiloh; served in the commissary department until May, 1864; fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, between Dallas and Atlanta, at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro both days, and served in the commissary again during the mounted cam paign. CHARLES FRANCIOLI, Switzerland, was killed in battle at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863. WM. H. GILLOCK, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro both days; he was wounded at Shiloh ; after the command was mounted he served mostly with dismounted detachment. JAMES M. GILLOCK, Barren County; was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. WM. GILLERLAN, Barren County, teamster; discharged on ac count of disease, Sept. 15, 1862. WM. F. HARLOW, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, where he was captured, April 7, 1862, at Stone River, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; was left sick at Dalton, when the army withdrew, and falling into Federal hands he was imprisoned on Rock Island, and died there, 1864. VIRGIL S. HALL, Barren County, was appointed second sergeant, July 22, 1863, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded, at Baton Rouge, at Stone River, where he was again wounded, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, where he received another wound, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, between Dallas and Atlanta, at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, at Jonesboro both days; was severely wounded at the latter place, Sept. i, 1864, and dis abled for the remainder of the war. H. J. HUFFMAN, Barren County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; died of disease in Alabama, June 30, 1864. HISTORY OF THK OKI IIAX BRIGADE. 627 HENRY C. HALL, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded; was killed in battle at Stone River. REUBEN HUFFMAN, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and was wounded there ; was killed in battle at Stone River, Jan 2, 1863. JAMES HUMPHREY, Barren County, was a teamster, during the earlier years of the war, but fought during the mounted service, 1864-65. JOSHUA HIGDON, Barren County, fought at Jackson, Chicka- mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, and at Jonesboro , both days. Was wounded at the latter place, Sept. i, 1864. LOGAN HUGHES, Barren County, discharged in 1861, because of disability by disease. JOHN P. HARRIS, Barren County, was appointed third corporal in April, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas. Was severely wounded at Dallas and disabled for the remainder of the war. GEORGE T. JOHNSON, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and long disabled ; at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro . and in the mounted en gagements. He was wounded also at Utoy Creek, Aug. 6, 1864. FRANK JONES, Glasgow, discharged at Burnsville, Miss., April, 1862, because of disability by disease. A. J. KENNEDY, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, at which latter place he was wounded ; at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was captured during the attack on the skirmishers at Ken- esaw Mountain, June 20, 1864, and did not return in time to take part in the closing engagements. VAN BUREN KENNEDY, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, at which latter place he was wounded; at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro . After the command was mounted he was discharged, being yet under military age. WILLIAM KINCHLOE, Barren County, fought at Stone River, where he was wounded, at Rocky Face, at Resaca; at Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the en gagements during the mounted campaigns. JOHN KINCHLOE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. JOHN LAWRENCE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Baton Rouge. Was killed while fighting as a sharpshooter, at Jackson, July, 1863. 628 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. TAYLOR McCOY, Barren County, was appointed first corporal, Oct. 17, 1862; fought at Shiloh, at Vicksburg, at Baton Rouge, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, and at Mission Ridge. On the campaign from Dalton he was one of the corps of sharpshooters for brigade, and was engaged almost daily until July 22, when he was wounded. Was with the dismounted de tachment during the cavalry operations in Georgia and South Carolina. R. M. MATTHEWS, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded; at Stone River, at Jackson, and Chickamauga. Was with dismounted detachment during the last months of the war. JOHN MADDOX, Ohio County, fought at Shiloh, at Stone River, at Chickamauga, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in some of the cavalry en gagements. He was wounded at Shiloh on the first day, and again wounded at Stone River, and again at Chickamauga, in the second day s battle. SAMUEL B. McCULLOUGH, Barren County, fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, and Jonesboro , both days. Was mostly afterward, till surrender, with the dismounted men. JONAS MEADOWS, Barren County, died of disease at Decatur, Ala., March 21, 1862. SAMUEL MANSFIELD, Barren County, was killed in battle at Shi loh, April 7, 1862. JAMES F. MYERS, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded, April 6, 1862, and permanently disabled. ALFRED MARR, Glasgow, died of disease at Bowling Green, 1861. WM. J. NABORS, Glasgow, fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in most of the mounted infantry engagements. JAMES F. NUCKOLS, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh, where he was dis abled by wound, and Sept. 15, 1862, was discharged. F. W. OWEN, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded twice on the same day; at Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree Creek, and at Intrenchment Creek, where he was wounded and captured. Returned before the close of the war, but was never mounted. ALONZO OWEN, Barren County, died of disease at Nashville, 1 86 1. C. C. PACE, Barren County, was wounded at Shiloh, and died in consequence, June i, 1862, at Castalian Springs, Miss. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 629 C. C. PARKER, Barren County, was appointed hospital steward, 1 86 1 ; was discharged on account of disease, July, 1862. JOHN PORTER, Barren County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. WM. H. PERRY, Hart County, fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas ; in the skirmish engagements between Dallas and Kenesaw Mountain, at which latter place he was wounded, June 22, 1864 ; and fought at Jones- boro , both days. When the brigade was mounted, he was de tailed to make saddles, and sent to Newnan, where he remained until the surrender. Was killed by negroes, in Alabama, 1890. C. Y. QUICK, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded; at Stone River, and was again wounded; at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at Dallas ; fought in most of the mounted engage ments, in one of which, at Singleton s farm, South Carolina, he was again wounded. WM. L. ROGERS, Barren County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. GEORGE WALTER ROGERS, Barren County, was appointed corporal, April, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, at Vicksburg, at Baton Rouge, and Stone River. Was mortally wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, and died Jan. 5, 1863. Was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. SAMUEL T. SPENCER, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and captured; was discharged after exchange, June 30, 1863, on account of his wound, but reenlisted, Sept. 15, 1864, and served during the remainder of the war with a detachment of scouts. Died in Arkansas in 1890. E. J. SANDERS, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. Was captured at Kenesaw Mountain, June 20, 1864. BAYARD T. SMITH, Barren County, was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 10, 1863. Fought at Stone River, where he was wounded ; at Jackson, and was killed in battle at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. NAT SMITH, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Stone River. HENRY STEFFI E, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Baton Rouge ; was killed at the latter place. GEORGE T. SHAW, Louisville. (See Field and Staff.) C. C. TINSLEY, Barren County, was transferred to Cobb s Battery, 1862. ROBERT A. WILLIAMS, Barren County, fought at Stone River, where he was wounded ; at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, at Jones- boro , both days, and in the mounted engagements of 64- 65. 6:50 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ED WATT, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, at Baton Rouge, at Stone River, where he was wounded ; and at Jackson. Died of disease in Georgia, Dec. i, 1863. JAMES N. WILKINSON, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas. Was severely wounded at Dallas, but returned in time to take part in the operations at Utoy Creek, where he was mortally wounded, Aug. 6, and died Aug. 9, 1864. MILES WILKINSON, Barren County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. GEO. WAUGH, Barren County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 7, and disabled. Was discharged in consequence, Sept. TO, 1862. JNO. W. S. YOUNG, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and in most of the mounted engagements. COMPANY B, FOURTH REGIMENT. It will be seen that most of this company were engaged at Donel- son, which is accounted for by the fact, that in December, 1861, they were detached from the regiment to serve in the field battery of Capt. Graves. Only a few escaped capture at that place, and as there was no exchange until the following September, none of them were en gaged at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge, except those few. Some of them escaped from prison, and attached themselves to cav alry commands, with which they afterward served. After the ex change, the compa ny remained in charge of Capt. Graves, until the arrival at Murfreesboro , when it was returned to the regiment, and served with it during the remainder of the war. At Jackson, these men aided in serving the guns of a battery; and at Chickamauga, during the second day s engagement, they turned a captured battery of the enemy upon them, which contributed materially to Confederate success on that part of the line. JAMES INGRAM, Henderson, was elected captain, Sept. 9, 1861; fought at Donelson, Feb. 12 to 15, 1862 ; resigned in the autumn of 1862. JAMES WILSON, Henderson, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 9, 1861; fought at Donelson ; was captured there, and imprisoned at Camp Chase. After having remained there three weeks, he escaped, and reported to Gen. Breckinridge at Burnsville, when he was immediately assigned to duty on the general s staff, as ordnance officer and chief of artillery, with the rank of captain; was afterward promoted to major, and served with Breckinridge as A. A. General of Division; fought at Farmington, at Vicks- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 631 burg, at Baton Rouge, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chicka- mauga, and at Mission Ridge. After the battle of Chickamauga, he was commended for gallantry, and promoted to the rank of lieu tenant-colonel. He was captured at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863, and detained in prison till near the close of the war. Died at Henderson, Nov. 8, 1886. JNO. S. CHAPMAN, Union County, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 9, 1861. Fought at Donelson, where he was captured. He was carried to Camp Chase and imprisoned there, but made his escape, and reported to Gen. Breckinridge at Corinth, who as signed him to duty as ordnance office of Preston s brigade, in which capacity he served a few days, and then resigned. He went to Kentucky, and recruited a company of cavalry, which was attached to Johnson s regiment (Tenth Cavalry), and of which he was made captain. With this regiment he fought at Union- town, Ky. ; at Milton, Snow Hill, and Liberty, Tenn. ; at Cory- don, Ind. ; and was captured at Cheshire, Ohio. After having been imprisoned in the Ohio Penitentiary, and at Fort Delaware, until the spring of 1865, he was sent to Richmond, and paroled. W. G. OWEN, Washington, D. C., was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 9, 1 86 1. Fought at Donelson, and resigned in 1862. Was subsequently major of the Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. THOMAS H. WINSTEAD, Henderson, was elected second lieuten ant of Co. K, Sept. 9, 1 86 1, and fought with that company at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. In December, 1862, Capt. Ingram having resigned, Lieut. Winstead was assigned to the temporary command of Co. B. The men had known him before, however, and he was so popular with them, that after the battle of Stone River, in which he commanded them, they elected him captain, and he led the company in every subsequent engage ment to Dallas, when he was very badly wounded, and for some months disabled. He had also been slightly wounded at Resaca. After having recovered, he was assigned to duty in the autumn of 1 864, with Provost Marshal General Gofer, and acted in that ca pacity during the remainder of the war. EUGENE L. JOHNSON, Henderson County, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 9th, 1861. Fought at Donelson and Stone River. He was killed in the latter battle, the second of his command, and was buried on the field. His qualities as a man and a soldier were so great as to attract unusual attention, and to entitle him to far more extended notice than is consistent with the plan of this work. JAMES E. BEATTY, Pittsburg, Pa., was made chief musician of the Fourth Regiment, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, at Vicksburg, at Baton Rouge, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Rocky Face Ridge, at Resaca, at Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, at Jonesboro, on both days, and in the engagements of the mounted infantry. W. H. H. JOHNSTON, Louisville, was appointed first sergeant, 1862. Fought at Donelson and Stone River; was elected second 632 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. lieutenant, Jan. 10, 1863 ; fought at Jackson, at Chickamauga, where he was wounded in the shoulder, Sept. 20, 1863 ; at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas, from Dallas to At lanta, at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, on Sand Town road, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements of 1864-65. JOHN BRUMMITT, Henderson, was appointed first sergeant, Jan. 10, 1863; fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, on Sand Town road, and at Jonesboro . He was elected second lieutenant, February, 1864, and was wounded at Jones boro . JOHN W. RANKINS, Henderson County, was appointed first ser geant, 1864; fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, at Jonesboro both days, and in the mounted engage ments. JOHN W. CROCKETT, Jr., Henderson, was appointed first ser geant, 1863; fought at Donelson, where he was captured; was one of the leaders in the attempt to overpower the guard at Camp Morton, in the summer of 1862, in which he escaped. Fought at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree, Intrench ment and Utoy Creeks, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Dallas and Kenesaw Mountain. WM. HEDGES, Louisville, was appointed corporal, 1862; was ap pointed first sergeant, 1862; fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas. His health failing in the campaign of 1864, he was sent to the hospital, and was not again engaged. JOHN PERRY, Henderson County, was appointed second sergeant, 1862; fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chicka mauga, at Mission Ridge, at Resaca, at Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks, at Jones boro , both days, and in the engagements of the mounted infantry. THO. A. HIGGS, Daveiss County, was appointed third sergeant, 1862; fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded; at Baton Rouge, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, and at Resaca. He was sent to the hospital sick, in May, 1864, and was not again engaged. CHAS. E. WOODS, Louisville, was appointed third sergeant, 1861; fought at Donelson, but escaped capture, and, in company with some others, made a raid into Indiana, for the purpose of arming and mounting themselves, but was captured and turned over to the civil authorities. Upon the demand of President Davis, how ever, he was released, and joined Morgan s cavalry. Was se verely wounded in battle at Cynthiana. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 633 MARION HANCOCK, Henderson County, was appointed third ser geant, 1864; fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, and at Re- saca. At the latter place he was wounded and sent to hospital, but recovered in time to participate in the mounted engagements. C. GOUGH, Union County, was appointed third sergeant, 1862; fought at Donelson, at Stone River, and at Jackson. Subse quently joined the Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. LEVI RUDY, Henderson County, was appointed corporal, 1861 ; fought at Donelson, at Stone River, where he was wounded in an arm ; at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peach- tree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the engagements of the mounted infantry. GEO. ALLEN, detached for service as clerk at Gen. Anderson s headquarters, 1861. THOS. ALVEY, Union County, was killed at Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862. SAM L W. BOARDMAN, Henderson, fought at Donelson and Stone River. GEO. BERRY, Union County, fought at Donelson, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas, and was captured at Kenesaw Mountain, after which he had no further opportunities for field service. BRINEY COLLINS, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, and died of disease at Vicksburg, 1862. BEN COLE, Uniontown, fought at Donelson ; was captured there, but escaped from prison. JEROME CLARKE, Franklin, fought at Donelson, where he was captured, but shortly afterward escaped from Camp Morton, and returned to Kentucky, where he engaged in guerrilla warfare, and became notorious under the sobriquet of " Sue Mundy." Was captured, tried by a military commission at Louisville, and executed there, 1865. PAT CUNNINGHAM, Ireland, fought at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, where he was wounded; at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the engagements of the mounted infantry. JAS. W. CHISM, Henderson, fought at Donelson, Stone River, at Resaca, at Dallas, and was killed in a skirmish near Kenesaw Mountain, June, 1864. THO. E. CHARLTON, Union County, fought at Donelson and Stone River. C. C. COOKE, Webster County, fought at Jackson, at Chickamauga, and at Mission Ridge. He was killed at Jonesboro , Sept. i, 1864. 634 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES CAMPBELL, Ireland, fought at Donelson ; subsequently- served as hospital attendant. HENRY CROMWELL, Union County, fought at Donelson; was captured there, and carried to Camp Morton, but escaped, June, 1862, and joined Tenth Kentucky Cavalry, in which regiment he was afterward a lieutenant. THO. DAVIS, Union County, fought at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas, where he was wounded ; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, and Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. (See Co. C.) ROBERT L. DUDLEY, Lynchburg, Va., fought at Donelson, at Stone River, and at Jackson. Was subsequently detailed as clerk at the headquarters of Maj.-Gen. Bate. W T . T. FORD, Union County, fought at Donelson. LOUIS FISCHINGER, Union County, was left sick at Nashville, February, 1862, and was captured when the Federals came in, but afterward escaped and joined Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. J. G. FOGARTY, Ireland, fought at Donelson, but was afterward disabled by disease, and discharged. S. W. GARRETT, Lexington, fought at Donelson. JAS. W. GOBIN, Henderson, fought at Donelson, Stone River, at Jackson, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas; from Dallas to Pine Mountain, where his health failed, and he was sent to hospital, and was not again actively engaged. J. E. B. GRANT, New York, fought at Donelson. Was afterward absent on sick leave, and no more actively engaged. JAMES GEIGER, fought at Jackson, at Chickamauga, and at Mis sion Ridge. At Chickamauga he was wounded through the jaw. JNO. HENNESY, Union County, fought at Shiloh, at Vicksburg, at Baton Rouge, at Stone River, where he was wounded; at Jack son, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Re saca, at Dallas, and was killed in a skirmish at Kenesaw Mount ain, June, 1864. ROBT. A. HASKINS, Henderson County, fought at Donelson, at Resaca, at Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, where he was wounded, and was not en gaged again during the war. B. F. HANCOCK, Henderson County, fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree Creek, and at Intrenchment Creek. W. H. HYATT, Pennsylvania, fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the engagements of the mounted infantry. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 635 THO. HANCOCK, Union County, fought at Donelson. VIRGINIUS HUTCHEN, Henderson (city), was at first a member of Co. I, Tenth Tennessee, "the Bloody Tenth" (mostly Irish soldiers), with which he served six months, during much of which time he assisted in building Forts Henry and Donelson. He was transferred to the Fourth Kentucky early in 1862 ; was appointed second sergeant; and fought at Donelson, Stone River, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrench- ment, and Utoy Creeks ; on the Sand Town road ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was severely wounded while riding in the race between a Federal regiment and the Fourth Kentucky to Oconee river bridge at Milledgeville, Ga. Was left at the house of Col. Birney, in Wilkes County, which was visited by Federal troops daily for a week, and after several days escaped by wagon, making his way to Macon, shortly after which he rejoined the command and served in all its en gagements until the last skirmish, near Gov. Manning s residence, on the Wateree river, Clarendon District, South Carolina. ED HUGHES, Union County, fought at Donelson. W. G. HUGHES, Union County, fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, and Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and was captured at Stonebridge, November, 1864. W. L. HEATH, Crittenden County, fought at Chickamauga, at Mis sion Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas, was captured at Utoy Creek, but rejoined the company a short time before sur render. WM. HEATON, enlisted at Barnesville, Ga., September, 1864, and took part in the mounted engagements. WM. McE. HILL, Union County, fought at Donelson; died of dis ease at Murfreesboro , 1862. THO. JOICE, Ireland, fought at Donelson and Jackson; but was so disabled by disease that he subsequently did but little field duty. THO. KERSEY, Union County, fought at Donelson and Stone River. At the latter place he was wounded, and fell into the hands of the enemy. FRED LEWIS, Louisville, fought at Donelson and Jackson. WM. LATHAM, England, detailed to work as a finisher of cannon in Confederate ordnance establishments. JAMES LYNN, Union County, was captured at Fort Donelson, but escaped from Camp Morton and joined Adam R. Johnson s regi ment of cavalry. JAMES LANHAM, Kentucky, fought at Donelson, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, and was killed in battle at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. 636 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. T. B. MOBLEY, Union County, fought atDonelson and Stone River. Died of disease at Chattanooga, 1863. DANIEL MAHONEY, Cork County, Ireland, fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas ; had sick leave from Kene- saw Mountain, June, 1864, and was not afterward engaged in battle. Was wounded at Donelson by a Minie-ball through the thigh. BENJ. MOFFITT, McLean County, fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Mission Ridge, at Resaca, at Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engage ments. ED MARTIN (born at sea), fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the engagements of the mounted infantry. T. H. MOULDER, England, was left sick at Nashville, February, 1862, and was not afterward heard of supposed to have died there. JOHN McALLISTER, Henderson, was placed on regimental band, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, and was afterward detailed for duty with field hospital, in which capacity he acted at Chickamauga and at Mission Ridge. JAMES NELSON, Union County, was discharged on account of dis ability, by disease, at Bowling Green, 1861. JOHN PATTERSON, Simpson County, fought at Donelson; subse quently joined Tenth Kentucky Cavalry, and was captured in a skirmish in Kentucky. After he had fairly surrendered, a Fed eral soldier shot his eyes out without provocation. A. A. PREWITT, Henderson County, fought at Donelson, at Stone River, and at Jackson ; was afterward so disabled by disease, as to preclude his doing field service. JNO. LOVELL ROUSSEAU, Henderson, was elected brevet second lieutenant, April i, 1864; fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, and at Mission Ridge; was after ward a member of the Tenth Cavalry. SANDY RUDD, Union County, fought at Donelson, at Stone River, and at Jackson. JNO. ROBINSON, Henderson County, fought at Donelson; was drowned in the Mississippi, opposite Helena, Arkansas, when re turning from prison, September, 1862. J. B. RAILEY, Union County, fought at Donelson. ABSALOM RAY, Union County, was never engaged in battle, on account of disease, of which he at last died, in Jackson, Miss. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 637 CHARLES H. SANDEFUR, Henderson, fought at Donelson and Stone River ; was captured on both occasions, and died in prison, 1863. GEO. W. SHEETS, Union County, fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas ; was wounded in a skirmish at Kene- saw Mountain, and Avas not afterward engaged. ED SUMMERS, Union County, fought at Donelson; was afterward connected with Confederate cavalry. FRED SAUNDERS, France, fought at Donelson. J. SCHWAUER, Germany, fought at Donelson. H. T. TRIMBLE, Indiana, fought at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge. WILLIAM UTLEY, Henderson, was discharged at Bowling Green, 1 86 1, on account of disability by disease. JOHN R. VAIL, Henderson County, fought at Donelson, at Rocky Face, at Resaca, at Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. S. W. WILKINS, Madisonville, fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge. On the campaign of 1864 his health was so poor as to necessitate sick leave, and " he was not afterward engaged. HENRY WILLIAMS, Ireland, fought at Donelson, at Hartsville, where he was wounded ; fought also at Stone River, and at Jack son. J. G. WRIGHT, Union County, fought at Donelson, at Stone River, at Jackson, at Chickamauga, at Mission Ridge ; and afterward at different places with Forrest s cavalry. GEO. WALTON, Maryland, transferred to Cobb s Battery, 1862. S. B. YEAKY, Webster County, fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, Dallas, from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, at Jonesboro , both days; and in the mouted infantry engagements between Stockbridge and Savannah. Was captured near Savan nah, December, 1864, and held prisoner until after the close of the war. COMPANY C, FOURTH REGIMENT. J. M. FITZHENRY, Uniontown, was elected captain, Aug. 14, 1861; fought at Shiloh ; and resigned, April 25, 1862. JOHN G. GRIFFIN, Uniontown, was elected first lieutenant, Aug. 14, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh; and resigned, April 25, 1862. 38 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WM. S. PHILLIPS, Uniontown, was elected second lieutenant, Aug. 14, 1 86 1 ; on the march from Kentucky he was assigned to duty as quartermaster of the Fourth Regiment, and was afterward pro moted to captain, taking rank from Feb. 13, 1862 ; he served with his regiment till December, 1863, when he was made quar termaster of brigade, on the staff of Gen. Lewis, and recommended for promotion to the rank of major ; and he served in this capacity till the close of the war. CY H. HIGGINSON, Uniontown, was elected second lieutenant, Aug. 14, 1861, was promoted to captain, May i, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; was dangerously wounded in the hand and shoulder at the latter place, and permanently dis abled; resigned, Jan. 8, 1864. JACK T. BROWN, Uniontown, was appointed first sergeant, Aug. 14, 1861 ; was elected first lieutenant, May i, 1862, promoted to captain, Jan. 8, 1864; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta ; was about this time disabled for field service by ill health, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. JOHN B. SPALDING, Union County, was appointed second ser geant, Aug. 14, 1861 ; was transferred to First Kentucky Cavalry, Oct. 20, 1861. CHARLES BUCKMAN, Union County, was appointed third ser geant, Aug. 14, 1861 ; was killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. SAMUEL A. CLEMENTS, Union County, was appointed fourth ser geant Aug. 14, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements ; he was badly wounded in the neck at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863, captured and imprisoned for four months. His commissioned officers being disabled, he commanded the com pany at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and the last day at Jonesboro . SOL DEWESE, Union County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Aug. 14, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; was wounded at Resaca, but engaged in some of the skirmishes between Dallas and Atlanta, fought at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ROBERT SPALDING, Union County, was appointed first corporal, Aug. 14, 1862 ; was wounded in battle at Shiloh, and permanently disabled, and was discharged, June, 1862. ELISHA CLEMENTS, Union County, was appointed second cor poral, Aug. 14, 1 86 1 ; was wounded in battle at Shiloh, and per manently disabled, and was discharged, June, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 639 MARK HANCOCK, Union County, was appointed third corporal, Aug. 14, 1861 ; died of disease in Atlanta, March, 1862. WM. RAGSDALE, Union County, was appointed fourth corporal, Aug. 14, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. FRANK AUSTIN, Union County, was on detail service till July, 1862; fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, from Dallas to At lanta, at Utoy Creek, both days at Jonesboro , in the mounted engagements up to December 20, 1864, when he was detailed for service with the provost guard, and was on that duty the remain der of the war. CHARLES BEARD, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge, was captured at the latter place, and detained in prison till the close of the war. JOSEPH BEARD, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was captured at the latter place, and afterward died in prison. JOHN J. BERRY, Union County, was one of the regimental musi cians, served on the Infirmary Corps at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was detailed as druggist, and served in that capacity during the remainder of the war. JAMES H. BERRYMAN, Union County, was one of the regimental musicians ; served on the Infirmary Corps at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge ; was captured at the latter place. THOMAS BURRIS, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; died of disease at Murfreesboro , December, 1862. JOHN BUMPUS, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone. River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was dangerously wounded at the latter place, and disabled for any further service during the war. JOHN R. BRINKLEY, Union County, fought at Chickamauga; was transferred to the Twentieth Tennessee Infantry, March, 1863. THOMAS C. BLACKWELL, Union County, was elected second lieutenant, January, 1863, and was promoted to first lieutenant, Jan. 8, 1863; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; commanded Pioneer Corps from Dalton to Dallas; fought at Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; was disabled by ill health for active field duty till autumn, when he rejoined the company, but was assigned to duty with Capt. Bosche, commanding detail of saddle and harnessmakers, at Newman, Ga., and remained there till the close of the war. THOMAS BROWN, Union County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, January, 1862. 640 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. SCOTT BAKER, Union County, was one of the regimental musi cians; served on the Infirmary Corps at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was captured at Mis sion Ridge, Nov. 21, 1863, and died in prison. JO BUTLER, Union County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, May i, 1862. FRANK P. CLEMENTS, Union County, was elected second lieu tenant, January, 1864; fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there, April 6, 186,2; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and "fought at Utoy Creek, and at Jonesboro; was again wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864. He was in the mounted engagements up to March, 1865, when he was sent to Kentucky on recruiting service, and was thus engaged when the war closed. EDWARD CRIBBS, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, from Dallas to At lanta, at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place ; fought in the mounted engagements till after the command left Savannah, when he was detailed for other service, which he continued to do till the close of the war. ALFRED CHANEY, Union County, died of disease at Bowling Green, January, 1862. PETER CAMPBELL, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and did detail service during the remainder of the war. CARNEY, Union County, died of disease, 1862. JAMES CISSELL, Union County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, and permanently disabled; was discharged, June, 1862. GEORGE DIEFENBACH, Union County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. THOMAS DAVIS, Union County, was detailed as teamster, Feb. i, 1862, and generally served in that capacity till the army reached Dalton, when he was transferred to Co. B, and afterward fought with that company. GARRETT EMERSON, Union ounty, was one of the regimental musicians; served on the Infirmary Corps at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, and Jackson ; fought in the ranks at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was captured at Kenesaw Mountain, June, 1864. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. (>41 SAM FITZHENRY, Union County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. CHAS. FITZHENRY, Union County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and captured, April 7, 1862. GEORGE FENWICK, Union County, fought at Shiloh; was dis charged on account of disability by disease, May, 1862. WM. GREENWELL, Union County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place, lost an eye, and was permanently disabled. SAMUEL GILGHRIST, Union County, fought with the Louisiana infantry at different points, up to January, 1864, when he was transferred to this company, and fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. HENRY GREEN, Union County, was one of the regimental musi cians, and served on the Infirmary Corps at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree. Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . After the command was mounted, he was made bugler, and served in that capacity during the remainder of the war. WM. HENRY GOUGH, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was captured at Kenesaw Mountain, June, 1864, and detained in prison till the close of the war. JERRY HENISSEE, Union County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, 1862. THO. J. HITE, Union County, was transferred to First Kentucky Cavalry, November, 1861. WM. HITE, Union County, was wounded at Shiloh, April 6, 1862, and permanently disabled for duty in the ranks, but took charge of an ambulance, and faithfully performed that service till the close of the war. HENRY HARDESTY, Union County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks burg ; was afterward discharged on account of disability by dis ease, 1862. GREEN F. HIGGINSON, Union County, was detailed as forage master, Feb. i, and served as such till May i, 1862, when he was elected second lieutenant; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River, commanded Co. C in the latter battle, and was killed there, Jan. 2, 1863. JAMES HANCOCK, Union County, was elected second lieutenant, Jan. u, 1863; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was severely wounded and permanently disabled at the latter place, May 28, 1864. 642 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN HUDGENS, Union County, was detailed as teamster, Janu ary, 1862, and served as such until he was discharged on account of disability by disease, 1862. ROMANUS HERD, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge. Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Dallas; in skirmishes from Dallas to Atlanta; atPeachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and was killed near Atlanta, Aug. 14, 1864. JOSEPH JAMES, Union County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, June, 1862. SYLVESTER JONES, Union County, was detailed as teamster in January, and served as such until July, 1862; fought at Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was killed while carrying the regimental colors at the latter place, Jan. 3, 1863. R. J. JENKINS, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. EDWARD KELLY, Union County, was wounded in battle at Shi loh, and captured April 7, 1862. After having been exchanged, he was detailed for service in hospitals, and remained on that duty till September, 1864, when he rejoined the company and took part in the mounted engagements. PAT KEARNEY, Union County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; was captured at the latter place, and detained in prison till the close of the war. ROBERT KENNEDY, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, and permanently disabled, June, 1864. THO. KENNEDY, Union County, died of disease at Bowling Green. JOHN LAMBERT, Union County, fought at Shiloh; was discharged on account of disability by disease, May, 1862. THOMAS LAMBERT, Union County, died of disease at Nashville, Dec. 1861. ELIAS LIVSEY, Union County, fought at Shiloh ; died of disease at Sumter, Ala., July 12, 1862. SIMON MAYBERRY, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree, and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. REV. MR. MARTIN, Union County, was transferred to Co. I, 1861. HENRY MELBOURNE, Union County, fought at Shiloh; was dis charged on account of disability by disease, June, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 643 JOHN McGUIRE, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. WILLIAM McCLELLAN, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge. Was captured near Dalton, Dec. 21, 1863. JAMES NEWMAN, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge ; was cap tured near Dalton, Dec. 21, 1863, and was detained in prison till the war closed. THOMAS PIKE, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Lost a leg in the latter battle and was discharged. IGNATIUS PIKE, Union County, died of disease at Nashville, No vember, 1 86 1. FRED E. ROBERTSON, Union County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; was wounded at the latter place, and permanently disabled, Sept. 20, 1863. He carried the colors through the battle of Baton Rouge; and, in January, 1863, he was appointed first sergeant. JAMES ROSS, Union County, was disabled for duty by ill health health during the whole war, and was not required to be with the command. WILLIAM ROSS, Union County, was one of the regimental musi cians; served on the Infirmary Corps at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. Died of disease at Macon, Ga. , 1864. JAMES ROUSE, Union County, was one of the regimental musicians ; served on the Infirmary Corps at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge ; was captured near Dalton, Dec. 21, 1863. (AMES RICE, Union County, died of disease in Atlanta, March, 1862. LEGRAND ROWE, Union County, was detailed for duty in hos pitals, and served till June, 1862, when he was discharged on ac count of disability by disease. JAMES RIDDLE, Union County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, at Bowling Green. LLOYD SPALDING, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; was mortally wounded at Dallas, May 28, and died at Atlanta, June, 1864. WILLIAM SPALDING, Union County, fought, at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. 644 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WILLIAM SHERCLIFFE, Union County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN SMITH, Union County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there during the first day ; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree. Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days ot Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JAMES STORY, Union County, fought with this company at Shiloh; was afterward transferred to the Second Regiment. JOSEPH STIFFLER, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. DANIEL TEEL, Union County, was transferred to Morgan s cav alry early in the war. WILLIAM TURNER, Union County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. HORACE THOMPSON, Union County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh and permanently disabled; was soon afterward dis charged. WILLIS THOMPSON, Union County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks burg. THOMAS J. THOMPSON, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. THOMAS THRELKELD, Union County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. PRESLEY TRABUE, Union County, was appointed ordnance offi cer, with the rank of first lieutenant in 1862, and remained with the brigade during the year ; was afterward assigned to duty else where. PHIL VAN BUSSUM, Union County, fought at Shiloh and was wounded there, April 7, 1862 ; fought also at Baton Rouge, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. JOHN WILLIAMS, Union County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg, and afterward died of disease. CHARLES WATHEN, Union County, fought at Shiloh. PATRICK WATHEN, Union County, died of disease, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 645 THEODORE WATHEN, Union County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. WILLIAM YATES, Union County, was wounded and captured at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. COMPANY D, FOURTH REGIMENT. WILLIS S. ROBERTS, Scott County, was elected captain, Sept. 12, 1861 ; was promoted to major, Dec. 18, 1862. Fought at Shi- ioh and Vicksburg ; was wounded in the confusion created by Partisan Rangers on the morning of Aug. 5, 1862, before Baton Rouge, and was thus prevented from taking part in that engage ment; was killed in battle at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863. FRANK SCOTT, Ohio County, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 12, 1 86 1, and soon afterward resigned. GRIFF P. THEOBALD, Owen County, was elected second lieuten ant, Sept. 13, 1861. (See " Field and Staff.") S. O. PEYTON, McLean County, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 12, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; was wounded in the former engagement, April 7, 1862 ; was elected first lieu tenant of Capt. Jones company, Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, and assigned to duty in that command, December, 1862. JOHN H. WELLER, Louisville. (See biography.) ROBERT MOORE, New Orleans, La., was appointed sergeant- major, September, 1861 ; and was elected second lieutenant of Co. D, Nov. 14, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River. He was mortally wounded in battle at Stone River, Jan. 2, and died Jan. 8, 1863. WILLIAM H. LUTON, Ramsey, was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 1 6, and was promoted to first lieutenant, Jan. 22, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JO LECOMPTE, Henry County, was elected second lieutenant, April i, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Savannah, December, 1864. Died at Alexandria, Ark., about 1882. 646 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ROBERT H. WILLIAMS, Owen County, was elected sec >nd lieu tenant, April i, 1863. He was prevented by ill health from par ticipating in the earlier engagements, but fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. JOHN W. BOWER, Scott County, was appointed sergeant in 1864. He was sometimes prevented by ill health from taking part in engagements, but fought in several battles with the infan try, and was in all the cavalry operations. He was once detailed for duty with the corps of sappers and miners, and served some time in that capacity. Died in Paris, Mo., March 17, 1896. GEO. BEATTIE, Scott County, was constant laboring under griev ous affliction, but bore up with fortitude, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. A. H. BROWN, Hopkinsville, served almost exclusively on detail duty. DUNCAN R. BURKE, Owen County, was appointed corporal, 1863, and was promoted to sergeant, 1864. Fought at Shiloh; was wounded and captured there; after having been exchanged, he fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; at Jonesboroand in the mounted engagements. He was wounded also at Dallas and at Intrenchment Creek. ROLAND C. BRYANT, Webster County, was generally employed in various detail duty. JOHN BEATTIE, Scott County, was appointed first sergeant, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. D. CHANDLER, Hopkins County, was appointed second sergeant, Sept. 12, 1861; and was transferred to cavalry in 1862. F. M. CHAPMAN, Owen County, was transferred from Ireland s cavalry company, 1862; fought with the Fourth Infantry at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. W. H. CONDER (Chip), Owen County, was transferred to Co. C, First Kentucky Cavalry, January, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 647 JOSEPH CRAIG, Gallatin County, was transferred from First Ken tucky Cavalry, January, 1863, and was generally afterward em ployed in various detail service. THOMAS H. COVINGTON, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks- burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was mortally wounded in battle at Chickamauga, and died shortly afterward. He was one of the corporals of the company, and was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chickamauga. CHARLIE CARDWELL, Muhlenberg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and U toy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga Station, Nov. 26, 1863. HERMAN CHOWNING, Owen County, fought at Shiloh; was aft erward detailed as blacksmith for the regiment, and died of dis ease at Columbus, Ga. , 1863. G. REED CALDWELL, Owen County, was appointed sergeant, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In trenchment and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. SAMUEL G. DENTON, Owen County, fought at Shiloh; and was generally afterward on detached service. JOHN DEES, Henry County, served mostly with a cavalry command, but fought with this company at Chickamauga, and was wounded there. M. W. ELLISON, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Sta tion, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was dangerously wounded at Dallas, and permanently disabled ; was discharged some time during the year. FRANK EDDINGS, Owen County, fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. JOHN CAHILL, Ireland, was an old man, but served throughout the war, and was in most of the battles oT his regiment. J EFFREY FANNING, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. JOHN GORDON, Henry County, was appointed sergeant in 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; and was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. JOHN GORHAM, Scott County, was discharged, November, 1862, being under age. 648 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. BARNETT GORDON, Henry County, was appointed corporal in 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro ; was wounded at the latter place, Sept. i, 1864, and disabled for further service during the war. The leg in which he was shot had finally to be amputated, which was done in Frankfort in August, 1864. LAWRENCE GORDON, Henry County, was crippled in the hand when enlisted, and was consequently employed in detail duty or detached service during the war. Was appointed brigade forage- master, Dec. 24, 1863. JOHN W. GUILL, Owen County, was appointed sergeant early in 1864. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. LEWIS GATEWOOD, Scott County, was wounded in battle at Shi loh, April 7, 1862, and was discharged on account of disability by reason of it, some time during the summer. JOHN GILLEN, Louisville, was killed in battle at Shiloh. FRANK HARPER, Scott County, was transferred to the Ninth Ken tucky Infantry, 1862. SILAS D. HARDIN, Henry County, fought on the skirmish line, at Utoy Creek, and was wounded there, Aug. 6, 1864, and though he remained till the close of the war, he was in no other engage ment. TABOR HANCOCK, Owen County, died of disease at Lauderdale Springs, Miss., during the summer of 1862. JOHN M. HERNDON, Owen County, was detailed as wagon master, 1 86 1 ; served some time in that capacity, and was then trans ferred to the First Kentucky Cavalry. (See Co. C, First Ken tucky Cavalry.) PASCHAL JONES, Owen County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died in Owen County, 1896. W. E. JONES, Owen County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was dangerously wounded at the latter place, and fell into the hands of the enemy ; rejoined company during the summer, and fought at Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Moun tain ; was killed at the latter place in a skirmish, June 20, 1864. SAMUEL JONES, died of disease at Bowling Green, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 649 THOMAS JENKINS, Hopkins County, was appointed third sergeant in 1 86 1 ; died of disease at Huntsville, Ala., March, 1862. W. R. JENKINS, Hopkins County, was transferred from Co. I, Third Kentucky Infantry, Sept. 18, 1862 ; was generally engaged in de tached service till the close of the war. JOHN LECOMPTE, Henry County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was wounded at Shiloh, and was killed at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863. After the battle of Stone River, his name was before his company as one of the contestants for the award of the medal of honor. W. A. JONES, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, and Pine Mountain ; was killed in a skir mish at the latter place, June 14, 1864. JOHN O. LUCAS, Owen County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1864. WILLIAM H. LUCAS, Owen County, was generally incapable, by reason of ill health, for any duty, but fought at Shiloh, and in some other engagements, and was sometimes on detail service for the regiment. MOSES LUCAS, Scott County, was usually engaged in detailed or detached service. STEPHEN LUCAS, Scott County, was generally employed as team ster. When Gen. Hanson fell, Stephen Lucas drove an ambu lance into the storm of shot and brought him off. He was slightly wounded at Dallas while bringing off wounded, and he partici pated in the mounted engagements. ROBERT H. LINDSAY, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and at Jonesboro . He was severely wounded at Stone River, and after that battle his name was before the company as one of the contestants for the medal of honor. After the battle of Chickamauga, he was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct, and was appointed ensign of the regiment, with the rank of first lieutenant. He had received the colors at Shiloh, after Williams fell, and he carried them in every other battle up to the time of his death. He was killed in battle at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. ALEC LEATHERWOOD, Indiana, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. SILAS D. MORROW, Owen County, died of disease at Bowling Green, 1862. THOMAS McCARDWELL, Owen County, was in two or three rights. DANIEL McGUINESS, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was killed at the latter place. 650 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. THOMAS McCAULIFF, Owen County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks- burg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga Station; was cap tured at the latter place, Nov. 25, 1863. JAMES McMILLAN, Scott County, was killed in battle at Shiloh. HUGH McVEY, Ireland, was killed in battle at Shiloh. JAMES O DONNELL, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Chickamauga Station; was transferred to the navy, April 10, 1864. JOHN PACE, Owen County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Chickamauga, and Chickamauga Station ; was captured at the latter place, Nov. 25, 1863, and died in prison. STROTHER ROBERTS, Owen County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there. JOSEPH ROGERS, Owen County, was often incapacitated by ill health for duty in the ranks, but fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, and in some of the engagements between Dalton and Atlanta. During the mounted service he was on duty with a detail of soldiers. NIM RYAN, Owen County, was in some of the battles, but nothing definite is known to the writer. A. B. ROBERTS, Scott County, was appointed fourth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1 86 1 ; lost an arm in the battle at Shiloh, and was dis charged soon afterward. Was caught by a blizzard in Colorado, more than twenty years afterward, and frozen to death. GEORGE E. ROBERTS, Owen County, fought at Shiloh; was ac cidentally wounded at Baldwin, Miss., disabled, and soon after ward discharged. JAMES SHUMATE, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Chickamauga Station. JOHN SPARKS, Owen County, fought at Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca; was wounded at Stone River, and captured at Resaca. TIMOTHY SULLIVAN, Ireland, was transferred to artillery in 1861. JOHN W. SLUSSER, Hillsboro , Ohio (known as " Devil Dick"), was appointed sergeant in 1863; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones- boro . During the cavalry service he was all the time on duty generally with the detail of mounted scouts. JOSEPH W. STEELE, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 651 JAMES STANLEY, Hopkins County, was appointed corporal, Sept. 13, 1861; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at Resaca, and killed at Dallas. SAMUEL SUTER, Owen County, died of disease at Nashville, 1862. THOS. R. STEGER, Owen County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; was disabled by wounds received at the latter place, and placed on the list of retired soldiers. Died in Owen County more than twenty years afterward. CRAWFORD STRUM, Webster County, was in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged, and was specially mentioned by his captain as being a gallant and meritorious soldier. GREEN T. TAYLOR, Henry County, was on detail and detached duty up to Dalton (1864), when he entered the ranks and fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry service he was generally on duty with the party of mounted scouts. SAMUEL THEOBALD, Owen County, was transferred to Morgan s cavalry, 1862. J. W. TOMLINSON, Owen County, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 13, 1 86 1 ; was discharged, 1862, being overage, and en tered the cavalry service, and was afterward elected a lieutenant of that arm. GEO. W. THORNBERRY, Owen County, served as regimental clerk during much of the time after enlisting up to January, 1863; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Chickamauga Station ; was captured at the latter place, and was not exchanged during the war. THOMAS TODD, Hopkins County, died of disease at Oakland Station, January, 1863. WM. THOMAS, was transferred to artillery, 1861. JAMES TUCKER, Owen County, was transferred to artillery, 1861. JOSHUA WALLACE, Owen County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Chicka mauga Station ; was afterward connected with cavalry, and was killed in battle, 1864. RICHARD WAY, Louisville, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; died of disease at Marion Station, Miss., during the summer of 1862. DANIEL WELSH, Owen County, fought at Shiloh, and died of dis ease at Corinth shortly afterward. CHARLES L. WARD, Louisville, fought at Shiloh with the Ninth Regiment; was transferred, 1862, to this company, and ap pointed chief musician of the regiment. He served with the band the remainder of the war. Died in Louisville, Feb. 25th, (552 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. SIMPSON WILLIAMS, Owen County, was killed in battle at Shiloh. C. O. WHITE, Owen County, was appointed corporal, Sept. 13 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chick- mauga, and Chickamauga Station ; was relieved from duty in 1864, on account of epilepsy, but rejoined the company in the autumn, and was sent to Newnan for duty with the detail of sad dlers. E. B. WELSH, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh; was discharged, 1862, being under age. T. B. WRIGHT, Kentucky, (known as " Wild Bill,") fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN YARBROUGH, was appointed third sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Chickamauga Station, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creek ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. COMPANY E, FOURTH REGIMENT. BEN J. MONROE, Frankfort. (See biography.) THOMAS STEELE, Jr., Versailles, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861; was promoted to captain, Oct. 5, 1862; fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and captured; was exchanged and rejoined company, September, 1862; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements up to March, 1865, when he was sent into Kentucky with recruiting orders; was captured there, and remained in prison till after the close of the war. GEORGE B. BURNLEY, Frankfort, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was promoted to first lieutenant, Oct. 5, 1862; fought at Shiloh, where he was severely wounded in the foot, April 7, 1862; fought a Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was mortally wounded at the latter place, Jan. 2, and died Jan. 3, 1862. ISHAM T. DUDLEY, Frankfort, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861; was promoted to first lieutenant Jan. 4, 1863; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; and at Peachtree and Intrench ment Creeks; was captured on the skirmish line, near Atlanta, Aug. 5, 1864, and was detained in prison till the close of the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 652 ROBERT A. THOMSON, Franklin County. (See biography.) JAMES W. SMITH, Woodford County, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861; and was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 10, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863 ; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. R. L. RUSSELL, Frankfort, was appointed second sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861; was detailed as telegraph operator for Gen. Breckin- ridge, December, 1861, and served in that capacity till September, 1864, when he returned to the company and, when on duty, was with the dismounted detachment till the surrender. Now (1898) a citizen of Texas. THOMAS T. PRICE, Frankfort, was appointed third sergeant, Sept. 13, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro ; and was captured at the latter place, July 22, 1864. SAMUEL W. SHANNON, Frankfort, was appointed fourth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; and was transferred to Byrne s Light Artillery, December, 1862. ALFRED CLARKE, Bardstown, was appointed fifth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Resaca, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Now (1898) a citizen of Indianap olis, Ind. GEORGE W. LAWLER, Frankfort, was appointed first corporal, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Jackson, Chick amauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was wounded and captured at Shiloh ; was also wounded at Stone River, and other places receiving in all five shots, that had the effect of disabling him, in a measure, for life. WILLIAM T. PRICE, Frankfort, was appointed second corporal, Sept. 13, 1 86 1. Had a leg broken in August, 1861, by a fall from a horse, which disabled him from infantry service, and he was therefore transferred to First Kentucky Cavalry, October, 1862. S. S. STRINGFELLOW, Covington, was appointed third corporal, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Re saca, and Jonesboro , and was captured at the latter place. He was wounded at Chickamauga. JOHN ELLIS, Covington, was appointed fourth corporal, Sept. 13, 1 86 1. Was left sick at Nashville, February, 1862, but after hav ing recovered he escaped from the enemy and joined Morgan s cavalry ; was afterward elected a second lieutenant, and continued to serve that command. 654 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. M. B. GRAHAM, Lexington, was one of the regimental musicians, and generally served in that capacity, but fought at Shiloh. JOHN H. ADDINGTON, Norfolk, Va., fought at Shiloh; was wounded and captured, and afterward died in prison at Louisville, 1862. JOSEPH C. BAILEY, Versailles, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was promoted from the ranks, July 28, 1864, to first lieutenant and adjutant Fourth Regiment. BENJAMIN BAXTER, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh; was wounded and captured there, but rejoined the company after hav ing been exchanged and fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was again wounded at the latter place, but recovered and served with the dismounted detachment during the cavalry operations. ALBERT BARNETT, Owen County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, and Jackson ; was accidentally drowned in the Alabama River, August, 1863. JAMES BOHANNON, Louisville, was transferred to Graves s Bat tery, October, 1861. E. B. BROWN, Lexington, fought with the Fourth Regiment at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was transferred to Co. B, Second Regiment, April 27, 1863. JOHN R. BOYETTE, Versailles, fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge, and was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. JAMES BURNETT, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; died of disease on Comite River, Aug. n, 1862. JOHN TV CARDWELL, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days, at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOSEPH COLE, Franklin County, fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Re saca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrench ment and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. During the first years of the war he was employed in various detail service. Died in Louisville, January, 1898. ROBERT W. COLEMAN, Louisville, fought at Baton Rouge and Resaca. GEORGE A. CROCKETT, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh ; was discharged, June 15, 1862, on account of disability by disease, and afterward joined Morgan s cavalry. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 655 JAS. G. CROCKETT, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh; was ap pointed sergeant, May i, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place; fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks; and at Jonesboro , where he was disabled for life by the loss of a leg, Aug. 31, 1864. Died May 20, 1885. JAMES CLOUD, Kenton County, fought at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. JAMES W. CURRY, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded and captured at the latter place, and died in prison. He was also wounded at Shiloh and Mission Ridge. SOUTHEY W. DARNELL, Woodford County, was transferred from the Fourth Missouri Infantry, May, 1862, and fought at Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was wounded at the latter place; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. E. R. DAWSON, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. W. H. DAWSON, Woodford County, fought at Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; and at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks. JOHN H. DEMAR, Paducah, was transferred to Graves Battery, October, 1861. WILLIAM DUNN, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought also at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge, and was killed by falling from the cars near Holly Springs, Miss., 1862. CORNELIUS DUVALL, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh. JAMES DANT, Bardstown, was discharged on account of disability by disease, Aug. 20, 1861. JOHN ELLISON, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks burg ; was discharged on account of disability by disease, July 18, 1862, and died at Castilian Springs, Miss., shortly afterward. J. K. EXUM, Franklin County, was appointed corporal. April i, 1862 ; was wounded in battle at Shiloh and captured, and died in prison at Louisville, 1862. 656 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. DAN C. GRAVES, Franklin County, was wounded in battle at Shi loh, and disabled for life. J. J. GRAVES, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. JOSEPH GEORGE, Lexington, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. WALLER W. HAWKINS, Franklin County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WM. K. HAWKINS, Woodford County, was appointed corporal, April i, 1862; was promoted to sergeant, May, i, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. DENNIS HALEY, Franklin County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was captured at the latter place, but was exchanged, and rejoined the company in March following; fought at Jackson ; was again captured at Tyner s Station, Nov. 26, 1863, and died in prison. ANDREW J. HALL, Covington, was wounded at Shiloh, and was discharged on account of disability, July 16, 1862. H. HANCOCK, Scott County, fought at Shiloh and was wounded there ; fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge ; was again wounded at the latter place, and disabled, and was afterward placed on the list of retired soldiers. W. H. HIERONYMOUS, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh, and was captured there, but rejoined the company after the exchange, and fought at Stone River, where he was again wounded; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas, and was wounded again at the latter place, May 28, 1864. WM. HOWE, Franklin County, was not enlisted until 1863; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas, and was wounded in the latter engagement. No other facts known to the writer. CHAS. HOWE, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh; was wounded and captured there; fought also at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. ANDREW J. HULL, Owen County, was transferred from a cavalry command in 1863, and fought at Jackson ; died of disease in April, 1864. Z. R. HUTCHINSON, LaRue County, was tranferred from a cav alry command, 1863, and fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 657 HARRISON HULCEE, Louisville, was discharged on account of disability by disease, July 18, 1862. PADDY HUDSON, Scott County, was left sick in Bowling Green, February, 1862, and was not afterward heard of. GEO. W. JOHNSON, Scott County. (See biography.) JAMES K. JOHNSON, Galloway County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, November, 1861. DODDRIDGE JETT, Franklin County, was captured at Shiloh, April 7, 1862, and died of disease at Camp Chase some time aft erward. WM. L. JETT, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh, and was captured there; rejoined the company after having been exchanged, and fought at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place ; fought at Rocky Face Ridge and Resaca ; was severely wounded in the head at the latter place, and was after ward on detached service, having been disabled by wound for duty in the ranks. He was one of the sergeants of the company. B. MAHONEY, Lexington, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg, and was discharged, December, 1862. J . R. McLEAN, Galloway County, fought at Shiloh, Resaca, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Resaca, May 14, 1864. CHARLES McFARLANE, Owen County, fought at Shiloh. LEVIN McFARLANE, Owen County, fought at Shiloh. DENNIS McSWANEY, Frankfort, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River. JAMES MOORE, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh; was wounded and captured there, April 7, 1862, and afterward died in prison of his wound. l- RANK A. MONROE, Frankfort, was discharged on account of disability by ill health, also, being under age, March, 1862. J liSSE R. MIDDLETON, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. WILLIAM W. MENZIES, Franklin County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. THOMAS MUNSON, Covington, was left sick in Nashville, Febru ary, 1862, and was not afterward heard of. JOHN W. MULLEN, Frankfort, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered, and took part in the engagement at Intrenchment Creek, where he was captured, July 22, 1864. SAMUEL NORRIS, Covington, was captured at Shiloh, April 7, 1862, and afterward escaped into Canada. 658 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. TIMOTHY PITTS, Prince George County, Md., fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at the latter place, but fought at Peachtree, Intrench- ment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ROBERT R. PARSONS, Franklin County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh; fought also at Stone River, where he received a wound in the head. He was the hospital steward of the regiment. JOHN W. PLATTE, Washington County, was killed in battle at Shi loh, April 7, 1862. SAMUEL RODGERS, Owen County, fought at Stone River. RANDOLPH RAILEY, Jr., Versailles, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Chickamauga, and Intrenchment Creek. Died in Versailles, May 5, 1882. COLUMBUS ROBERTS, Henry County, was transferred from Byrne s Battery, December, 1862, and was killed at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863. THOMAS J. SURRAN, Newport, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creek; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Stone River and Chickamauga. JAMES L. SCOTT, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place; fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchmem,and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. He was one of the sergeants of the company after September, 1864. JAMES T. TOWLES, Henderson, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, and Jackson ; was captured near Tyner s Station, 1863, and died in prison. JAMES TALBOTT, Scott County, fought at Chickamauga. WILLIAM S. THOMASSON, Scott County, was transferred to Mor gan s cavalry, November, 1862. R. D. TWYMAN, Woodford County, died of disease at Oakland Sta tion, February, 1862. ANDREW J. WITT, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg. and Stone River. Was transferred to Co. C, First Kentucky Cavalry, Jan. 20, 1863. JOHN WELLS, Louisville, was left sick in Nashville, February, 1862, and is supposed to have died there. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 659 JAMES S. WHITTINGTON, Woodford County, was appointed ser geant, December, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was mortally wounded at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1864, and died shortly afterward. He was also wounded at Shiloh. After the battle of Stone River, he was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct on that field. E. H. WHITTINGTON, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, and at Jackson ; was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was one of the ser geants of the company after September, 1864. WILLIAM T. WHITTINGTON, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; fought also at Vicksburg, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. He was one of the corporals of the company after September, 1864. I). C. WHITE, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Was discharged on account of disability by dis ease, August, 1863, but rejoined in March, 1864, and remained in service till the close of the war. WILLIAM J. WATKINS, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; was awarded medal of honor for distinguished gallantry at the lat- tor place; fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas : from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and both days at Jonesboro ; was killed at the latter place, Sept. i, 1864. ROBERT H. WILLIAMS, Marshall, Tex., was appointed color- bearer, September, 1861 ; was promoted to first lieutenant and adjutant, April 7, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was mortally wounded at the latter place, July 22, and died July 26, 1864. COMPANY F, FOURTH REGIMENT. JOHN A. ADAIR, Greensburg, was elected captain, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was promoted to major, Jan. 12, 1863; to lieutenant-colonel, Feb. 28, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, where he was dangerously wounded in the head, but rejoined the command and fought at Stone River and Jackson. He resigned, Aug. 31, 1863, on ac count of ill health, induced by the wound received at Shiloh, having never afterward been really able for field duty. 660 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. HENRY C. IRVINE, Columbia, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861; died of disease at Nashville, Nov. 5, 1861. JOHN B. MOORE, Greensburg, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was promoted to first lieutenant, Nov. 10, 1861 ; and to captain, Feb. 12, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Eaton Rouge, and Stone River; was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was also severely wounded in battle at Shiloh. JOHN BARNETT, Greensburg, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was promoted to first lieutenant, Feb. 12, 1863. Fought at Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree and Intrenchment Creeks; and in the cavalry engagements till March, 1865, when he was sent into Kentucky with recruiting orders, and was thus engaged when the war closed. WILLIAM A. SMITH, Green County, was elected second lieuten ant, Nov. 17, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas . from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry opera tions, he served with the dismounted detachment. GEORGE HECTOR BURTON, Adair County, was elected second lieutenant, April i, 1863, Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; was placed in command of sharpshooters at Dalton, and fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was engaged almost daily from Dallas to Atlanta; fought at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Was once awarded medal of honor for g-allant and meritorious conduct. (See account of the sharpshooters.) WILLIAM L. SMITH, Greensburg, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was discharged on account of lameness, induced by disease, July 22, 1862. WILLIAM B. MOORE, Greensburg, was appointed second ser geant, Sept. 13, 1 86 1 ; fought at Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, and in the mounted engagements. He was one of the McMinnville Guard, in the spring of 1863 ; was frequently precluded, by ill health during the war, for duty on the field. WILLIAM SAULSBURY, Maryland, was appointed third sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861. Died of disease at Nashville, Nov. 17, 1861. ADAIR WAGGONER, Greensburg, was appointed fourth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Died of disease at Magnolia, Miss., Sept. 18, 1862. M. N. STONE, Wayne County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh with this regiment, and was then transferred, May 15, 1862, to Capt. Roberts company of cavalry. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 661 GEORGE D. JOHNSTON, Taylor County, was appointed first cor poral, Sept. 13, 1861, and was promoted to first sergeant, April i, 1863. Fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and served with the dismounted detachment during the cavalry operations. E. P. RUDD, Greene County, was appointed second corporal, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN P. GAFFORD, Bowling Green, was appointed third corporal, Sept. 13, 1 86 1. R. P. DURHAM, Taylor County, was appointed fourth corporal, Sept. 13, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh. Was discharged on account of disability by disease, July 22, 1862. WINSTON B. ANDERSON, Greene County, was discharged on ac count of disability by disease, July 22, 1862. JO A. ATKINS, Columbia, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN BLAKEMAN, Greene County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded ; fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chick amauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. He was one of the McMinnville Guard, in the spring of 1863. MILTON BLAKEMAN, Greene County, was killed in battle at Shi loh, April 6, 1862. DANIEL BLAKEMAN, Greene County, was not enlisted till Sept. 17, 1862. Died of disease at Murfreesboro , Jan. 15, 1863. JAMES G. BRYANT, Adair County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, and Chickamauga; was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. NAT GAITHER BRYANT, Adair County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. THOMAS BARLOW, Taylor County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River ; was captured at the latter place, but rejoined the company after having been exchanged, and fought at Chicka mauga, where he was killed, Sept. 20, 1863. 662 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES BARNETT, Greene County, was wounded in battle at Shi- loh, at died, May i, 1862. RICHARD W. BOWLING, Hart County, was appointed third ser geant, April i, 1863. Fought at Chickamauga, having been pre vented by ill health from taking part in the earlier engagements; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and at Jonesboro ; was killed in the charge at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864. JESSE BOSTON, Wayne County, fought at Shiloh. HUGH B. BARKER, Alabama, was not enlisted till March 19, 1863. Fought at Jackson. THEODORE COWHERD, Taylor County, fought at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks. He was se verely wounded at Shiloh, slightly at Resaca, and lost right arm, July 22, 1864, at Intrenchment Creek. JOHN P. CROUDUS, Taylor County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, July 20, 1865. MATT CHAMPION, Ireland, was killed in battle at Shiloh. WM. CRUMPTON, Greene County, died of disease at Nashville, Dec. 7, 1861. TOBEY COFFEY, Wayne County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Nov. 5, 1861. CHAS. T. COX, Greensburg, was appointed fourth sergeant, Nov. 15, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and cap tured. JAMES W. CASTILLO, Wayne County, was appointed third ser geant, May i, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River; during the campaign of 1864 he was badly crippled, but returned to duty as soon as able, and took part in all the mounted engagements. FRANC M. DAFRAN, Wayne County, fought at Shiloh, where he was severely wounded in the arm and leg ; was discharged in con sequence of it, July 22, 1862. JOHN DAFRAN, Wayne County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, July 22, 1862. MORGAN DAFRAN, Wayne County, died of disease at Nashville, Nov. 10, 1861. E. L. DOBSON, Greene County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded in a skirmish at Pine Mountain, June 21, 1864, but re covered and took part in the mounted engagements. WM. DARNELL, Greene County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, May 25, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. (563 M. L. DAVIS, Greene County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg and Stone River ; was wounded at the latter place. Died of disease, Sept. 15, 1863. JOHN A. GENTT, New Orleans, La., fought at Baton Rouge, Jack son, and Chickamauga. I,. T. -HATCHER, Greene County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was captured at the latter place, July 22, 1864. JOHN HARNESS, Wayne County, fought at Shiloh. FRANK HOLLIDAY, Adair County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. A. J. HALL, Taylor County, was appointed corporal, April i, 1862; was promoted to third sergeant, Sept. i, 1864 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Jonesboro , Sept. i, 1864. EDWARD HICKMAN, Davidson County, Tenn., enlisted at Barnes- ville, Ga. , Sept. 9, 1874, and took part in the subsequent engage ments. E. HAM, Wayne County, enlisted Nov. 29, 1862, and fought at Chickamauga. JESSE JOHNSON, Taylor County, fought at Baton Rouge. C. H. JOHNSON, Taylor County, fought at Stone River, and was wounded there. Died of disease at Beech Grove, May 3, 1863. ANDREW KELLY, Greene County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. THOMAS KELLY, Lexington, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and participated in the cavalry operations, sometimes in the ranks, sometimes with the party of scouts. W. D. LATIMER, Taylor County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh; died of disease at Grenada, Miss., Sept. 10, 1862. K. B. MARSHALL, Greene County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the cavalry engagements. HENRY MARSHALL, Greensburg, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. 664 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. SAMUEL MARSHALL, Taylor County, was generally incapacitated by ill health for duty in the ranks, and was therefore employed as teamster, but fought at Baton Rouge. SAMUEL McKINNEY, Adair County, was killed in battle at Shi- loh, April 6, 1862. JOSEPH MAYZE, Greene County, died of disease at Nashville, Dec. 5, 1861. MARK O. MOORE, Greensburg, enlisted at the age of twelve years, and was the drummer boy " of the Fourth Regiment, until April 9, 1864, when he was discharged. JAMES W. NELSON, Adair County, was appointed corporal, May 2, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In- trenchment and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro, and in the mounted engagements. Was wounded below Camden, April, 1 865, in the last fight in which the company took part. (See Incidents and Anecdotes, page 104.) JOSEPH NICHOLS, St. Louis, Mo., enlisted Oct. 9, 1862, after having served a year in Wheat s Louisiana Battalion ; was ap pointed corporal, Sept. i, 1864. Fought with the Fourth Regi ment at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones boro , and was only prevented from taking part in all the mounted engagements by want of skill in horsemanship, having never been taught to ride. He brought off the colors from the field at Stone River, after three standard bearers had been shot, and was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. WM. F. PETTUS, Taylor County, was appointed corporal, Dec. 17, 1862. Fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; was killed at the latter place, Aug. 6, 1864. R. R. PEEBLES, Columbia, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was captured at the latter place, but returned to the com mand at Newberry, S. C., and took part in the subsequent opera tions. THOMAS PETTUS, Taylor County, died of disease at Burnsville, Miss., April 10, 1862. JAMES PIERCE, Hart County, was a member of the Second Regi ment, but escaped capture at Donelson, and fought with this com pany at Shiloh, where he was badly wounded. After his own regiment was exchanged, he rejoined it at Murfreesboro. A. J. RUSSELL, Wayne County, fought at Shiloh, where he was captured, and at Resaca, where he was wounded ; and took part in the cavalry operations. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 665 A. K. RUSSELL, Adair County, was appointed commissary ser geant, Oct. 11, 1 86 1, and was usually confined to his official duties till the close of the war, but took part in some of the en gagements. DANIEL RUCKER, Greene County, fought at Shiloh with this com pany, and was then transferred, May i, 1862, to the Third Regi ment. JAMES READ, Greene County, was killed in battle at Shiloh. JEFFERSON SMITH, Greene County, was killed in battle at Shiloh. D. L. SMITH, Greene County, fought at Shiloh and Jackson; was detailed for duty in the division commissary, and served there till the command was mounted, when he took part in the cavalry en gagements. H. T. SMITH, Grenee County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; fought at Stone River, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca and Dallas ; and was captured in a skirmish at Kenesaw Mountain, June 20, 1864. FRANK STUBBS, Greene County, died of disease at Nashville, Dec. 20, 1861. FIELDING SKAGGS, Greene County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; lost his left hand on the latter field, and was awarded medal of honor for gallant and mer itorious conduct. B. B. SCOTT, Greensburg, was employed as assistant surgeon soon after having enlisted, and remained with the Fourth Regiment in that capacity till -Nov. 15, 1862, having bravely discharged his duty at Shiloh and Baton Rouge. (See Medical Officers.) JOHN B. SCOTT, Taylor County, fought at Shiloh ; was wounded and captured there, but rejoined the company after having been exchanged, and fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. A. H. THOMPSON, Taylor County, was appointed corporal, Dec. 19, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. ALEXANDER THOMPSON, Greene County, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca; and took part in the mounted operations. He was wounded at both Shiloh and Resaca. JOSEPH THOMPSON, Greene County, fought at Shiloh. SAM TURK, Adair County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; after which his health so failed that he was disabled for further duty during the waj. JAMES TITTLE, Floyd County, Ga., was enlisted at Barnesville, Ga., Sept. 8, 1864, and took part in the subsequent engagements. 666 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. H. T. WILLOCK, Taylor County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was wounded at the latter place, May 14, 1864. WM. WILSON, Greene County, fought at Stone River and Chicka mauga. Died of disease near Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 17, 1864. MIKE WHALEN, Ireland, fought at Stone River, and was wounded there. W. W. WOODRING, Greensburg, fought at Shiloh ; was afterward disabled by disease, and was discharged, May 5, 1863. JOHN B. WHITE, Greene County, died of disease at Murfreesboro , March 10, 1862. A. A. WAGONER, Greensburg, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. COMPANY G, FOURTH REGIMENT. JOHN L. TRICE, Trigg County, was elected captain, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh ; was wounded and captured there, but rejoined the company, after having been exchanged, and fought at Stone River and Jackson. He resigned, July 20, 1863, on account of ill health. JOHN CUNNINGHAM, Trigg County, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh. Resigned, June 6, 1862. JOHN F. BAKER, Trigg County, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was promoted to first lieutenant, June 6, 1862; to captain, July 20, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements up to March, 1865, when he was sent into Kentucky with recruiting orders, and was on that duty when the war closed. FRANC M. BAKER, Trigg County, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Died of dis ease at Greensboro , Louisiana, Aug. 5, 1862. ROBERT W. MAJOR, Trigg County, was appointed second ser geant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 10, 1863; promoted to first lieutenant, July 20, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was wounded at Resaca, May 14, 1864, but returned to duty, June 20, and skirmished be tween Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta; fought at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was also wounded at Tyner s Sta tion, September, 1863, which prevented his being present at Chickamauga. Died in Princeton, Ky., Oct. 29, 1891. G. M. EZELL, Trigg County, was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 20, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; after which his health failed, and he resigned, Aug. 8, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 667 A. L. WALLACE, Trigg County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 30, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. Z. HUGHES, Trigg County, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 13, 1 86 1. Fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was cap tured in a skirmish at the latter place, June 20, 1864, and detained in prison till after the close of the war. A. W. VVADLINGTON, Trigg County, was appointed fourth ser geant, Sept. 13, 1 86 1. Died of disease at Nashville, Feb. 14, 1862. H. D. WALLACE, Trigg County, was appointed third sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and both days at Jonesboro ; was wounded and captured at the latter place, and detained in prison till after the close of the war. ROBERT DEW, Trigg County, was appointed first corporal, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was wounded at the latter place, May 14, 1864. No other facts known to the writer. W. W. DEW, Trigg County, was appointed third corporal, Sept. 13, 1 86 1 ; was promoted to sergeant, March 16, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in some of the mounted operations. W. L. DURRETT, Trigg County, was appointed fourth corporal, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh; was wounded and captured there, and died at Paducah, May 20, 1862. W. H. ANDERSON, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was captured at the latter place, and detained in prison till the close of the war. W. A. AT WOOD, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; was appointed corporal, Jan. 25, 1863; fought at Chickamauga and Mission Ridge; was promoted to first sergeant, April 18, 1864; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Jonesboro . TANDY BATTOE, Trigg County, was appointed corporal, April 13, 1862 ; was promoted to first sergeant, Nov. 19, 1863. Fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face 668 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Gap, and Resaca; was wounded at Resaca, but rejoined com pany near Atlanta, and fought at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and LJ toy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. W. H. BRABERRY, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought at Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. J. W. BELL, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was captured at the latter place, June 20, 1864, and detained in prison till the war closed. J. F. BAKER, Trigg County, was appointed sergeant, July 8, 1863; fought at Stone River and Jackson; Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements to Savannah ; when he was disabled for further duty during the war by an affection of the eyes. J. G. BAYNHAM, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and Dal las; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtreee, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted en gagements. LYNN BOYD, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg, and in the mounted engagements. He was appointed corporal, March 2, 1864. WILLIAM T. BOYD, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was mortally wounded at the latter place, May 28, and died in Atlanta, June 6, 1864. FRANC M. BOUNDS, Trigg County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Dec. 20, 1861. J. T. BATT, Trigg County, was appointed corporal, July 8, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was captured at the latter place, and remained in prison till the close of the war. R. A. BATT, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was wounded at the latter place, and did not recover for further duty during the war. WILLIAM BRIDGES, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks burg ; died of disease at Castilian Springs, Miss., Sept. 10, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 669 M. C. CUNNINGHAM, SR., Trigg County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was wounded at the latter place; fought at Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted en gagements. M. C. CUNNINGHAM, JR., Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and so disabled that he was shortly afterward discharged. Returned to Kentucky, where he measurably recov ered, and then went to the company at Beech Grove, Tenn. , and reenlisted. Was detailed as teamster, in which capacity he served till September, 1864, when he entered the ranks and took part in the subsequent engagements. E. A. CUNNINGHAM, Trigg County, fought at Stone River, Jack son, and Chickamauga ; was wounded at the latter place, but re turned to duty at Dalton, and fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas : from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. G. G. CUNNINGHAM, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at Dallas, but returned to duty at Kenesaw Mountain, June 30, 1864, and skirmished be tween that point and Atlanta; fought at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. ROBERT CALHOUN, Trigg County, died of disease in Atlanta, Feb. 10, 1862. D. CANNON, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. W. F. DEW, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; fought at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was wounded at the latter place, and did not participate in the other engagements in consequence of it. W. B. EIDSON, Trigg County, was appointed corporal, Feb. 10, 1863; was promoted to sergeant, Dec. 20, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, but returned to duty in a short time, and fought at Utoy Creek, where he was mortally wounded, Aug. 6, and died at Griffin, Ga. , Sept. 12, 1864. FRANC M. FERGUSON, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1862. J. O. FERGUSON, Trigg County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. 670 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. F. M. FERGUSON, Trigg County, was left sick at Nashville, Feb ruary, 1862, but recovered, and served with the Second Ken tucky Cavalry, C. S. A. J. Q. .FOSTER, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and served with the dismounted detachment during the cavalry operations. S. P. B. FAUGHM, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; was captured near Resaca, May 13, 1864; was supposed to have died in prison. J. V. GANT, Pendleton County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones boro , and in all the mounted engagements. M. GRESHAM, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, and was so badly wounded there that he was shortly afterward discharged; after having gone home and recovered in some measure, he returned to the command at Beech Grove, Tenn., and reenlisted; fought afterward at Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; was ac cidentally wounded by a comrade at the latter place, and disabled for further service. G. E. GRACE, Trigg County, was generally incapacitated by disease for duty of any kind, but fought at Stone River. Died at Jackson, Miss., Aug. 9, 1863. RICHARD GRACE, Trigg County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, Nov. 20, 1861. S. HODGE, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh; was discharged on ac count of disability by disease, July 4, 1862. F. M. HUGHES, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was captured at the latter place, June 20, 1864, and was never after ward heard of. H. HUGHES, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Intrenchment Creek. D. HALE, Trigg County, was left sick at Clarksville, Tenn., October, 1 86 1, and, after having recovered, here joined a Tennessee regi ment, with which he served during the war. RILEY HERALD, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Died of disease at Amite City, La., Aug. 5, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 671 F. P. INGRAM, Trigg County, was left sick at Nashville, February, 1862. After having recovered, he joined Co. C, Ninth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry, with which he served during the war. G. JOHNSON, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and both days at Jonesboro ; was captured at the latter place, and did not return in time to partici pate in the closing engagements. S. A. JEFFERSON, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh; and was dis charged, June 25, 1862, on account of disability by disease. N. LYON, Trigg County, fought at Baton Rouge, and was wounded there ; fought also at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was captured at the latter place, and never returned from prison. J. T. LANCASTER, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Re saca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrench ment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Shiloh, and fell into the hands of the enemy, and imprisoned five months. RICHARD MAYBERRY, Trigg County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. WM. MEREDITH, Trigg County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment Creek, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro ; was killed at the latter place, Sept. r, 1864. G. W. MITCHELL, Trigg County, was not enlisted till March 20, 1863; fought at Jackson and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro ; and afterward, did various duty till the war closed. J. F. PRITCHARD, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was severely wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service during the war. RICHARD POGUE, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, and was dis charged, July 20, 1863, on account of disability by disease. H. PHISTER, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh ; was wounded there, and was discharged in consequence, July 24, 1862. M. ROGERS, St. Louis, Mo., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baten Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was mortally wounded at the latter place, May 14, and died in Atlanta, May 24, 1864. 672 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. W. W. RYAN, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. A. P. RUTLEDGE, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh and Chicka mauga; was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded again at the latter place, and disabled for further service. D. RAY, Trigg County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Dec. 20, 1861. R. P. SANFORD, Trigg County, was generally incapacitated by dis ease for any field duty, and died at Dalton, Feb. 17, 1863. MONROE SEARS, Trigg County, fought at Stone River, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. A. SMITH, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was wounded in a skirmish at the latter place, June, 1864, and did not recover for further serv ice during the war. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chickamauga. WM. SILLS, Trigg County, fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jones boro . During the cavalry operations, he was generally off on leave, or serving with dismounted detachment. T. R. TYER, Trigg County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there ; fought also at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was captured at the latter place, and did not return in time to participate in the closing engagements. E. TIMMONS, Trigg County, fought at Shiloh, and was discharged July 4, 1862, on account of disability by disease. A. C. THOMAS, Trigg County, was appointed sergeant, Nov. 10, 1864; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Re saca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrench ment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. W. S. WILLIAMS, Trigg County, fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was after ward detailed as teamster, and continued to serve in that capacity. TAYLOR WALLIS, Trigg County, was discharged, Dec. 25, 1861, on account of disability by disease. WALTER WATKINS, Edgefield District, S. C., was enlisted at Newberry, S. C., March 12, 1865, and fought the troops of Pot ter till the close. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 673 H. WILLIAMSON, Caldwell County, was not enlisted till Feb. 10, 1863. Fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro ; and generally served afterward with the dismounted men. J. B. WINN, Trigg County, was not engaged in any battle, on ac count of age and physical debility, but drove an ambulance, and did other useful detail duty, until Oct. 10, 1864, when he was discharged. W. K. WALLIS, Trigg County, was discharged, Dec. 25, 1861, on account of disability by disease. S. A. YARBROUGH, Trigg County, died of disease, Jan. 15, 1862. COMPANY H, FOURTH REGIMENT. WM. P. BRAMLETTE, Nicholas County, was elected captain, Sept. 13, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was mortally wounded at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863, re ceiving two shots through the body; fell into the hands of the enemy, and died a short time afterward in Nashville. JO LINDEN ROBERTSON, Montgomery County, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was appointed adjutant, Nov. 12, 1861; was promoted to captain and assistant adjutant-general on the staff of Gen. Hawes, May 5, 1862 ; was acting as assistant in spector-general on the staff of Gen. Breckinridge during the latter part of the summer, 1862, and was shortly afterward again as signed to duty with Gen. Hawes, in the Trans-Mississippi De partment. Fought with the Kentucky troops at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. HUGH HENRY, Bourbon County, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was promoted to first lieutenant, May 5, 1862 ; to captain, Jan. 20, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements ; was wounded at the latter place, Sept. i, 1864. C. C. DOOLEY, Bourbon County, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1 86 1. Was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. CHAS. H. MYNHIER, Montgomery County, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . After the command was mounted, he was sent out as scout, and was murdered near Sparta, Ga., Nov. 25, 1864, by an officer of the Ninth Michigan Cavalry. He had up his hands in token of surrender when the scoundrel shot him dead. 43 674 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES HARVEY ORR, Nicholas County, was appointed second sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861, and was elected second lieutenant, March 27, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations, he was generally with the dismounted detach ment. SAM D. EVERETT, Montgomery County, was appointed third ser geant, Sept. 13, 1861, and was elected second lieutenant, May i, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones boro , and in some of the mounted engagements. He was sent into Kentucky with recruiting orders, March, 1864, and was there when the war terminated. BEN F. LEE, Bourbon County, was appointed fourth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861, and was afterward promoted to first sergeant. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. W. E. KNOX, Nicholas County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1 86 1, and was promoted to first sergeant, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at the latter place, but recov ered, and participated in the subsequent operations, up to the time of surrender. SOLOMON TRACY, Montgomery County, was appointed first ser geant, Sept. 13, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there, and died from the effects of it, at Castilian Springs, Miss., during the summer of 1862. BARTHOLOMEW SULLIVAN, Cork County, Ireland, was ap pointed second corporal, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was promoted to second sergeant, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was drowned in the Alabama River, Sept. 26, 1862, having acci dentally fallen overboard the steamer "R. B. Taney," between Mobile and Montgomery. JONATHAN ATCHISON, Bath County, was appointed third cor poral, Sept. 13, 1.86 1 ; was promoted to second sergeant, 1862; fought at Vicksburg; was afterward transferred to cavalry ; was wounded in a skirmish near Dalton, 1864, and shortly afterward died from the effects of it. WM. S. TROTTER, Bourbon County, was appointed fourth cor poral, Sept. 13, 1861, and was promoted to sergeant, 1863; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; was captured at the latter place, November, 1863, and died in prison at Louisville, Ky. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 675 WM. N. BALLARD, Kentucky, fought in most of the engagements of his company, and was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chickamauga. WILLIAM B. BANTA, Bourbon County, was mortally wounded in battle at Shiluh, April 7, 1862 ; fell into the hands of the enemy, and died shortly afterward at St Louis, Mo. PETER J. BANTA, Bourbon County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. JOSHUA BARNETT, Estill County, was captured in battle at Shi loh, April 7, 1862, and died at Camp Chase of disease. GREEN B. BOOTHE, Bourbon County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks- burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; and was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. JAMES BOGARD, Galloway County, was discharged by substitute, December, 1862. ISRAEL BRINEGAR, Estill County, died of disease at Nashville, 1861. GEORGE BUSH, Estill County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones- boro , and was killed at the latter place, Sept. i, 1864. JOHN W. CALL, Nicholas County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was captured at the latter place. No other facts are known to the writer. JOHN W. CARLISLE, Smith County, Term., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree. Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . No other facts are known to the writer. SAMUEL CLARKE, Estill County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. JAMES COOK, Nicholas County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones boro , and was killed by a railroad accident in Georgia, Septem ber, 1864. ANDREW W. CRAY, Livingston County, Mo,, died of disease at Bowling Green, October, 1861. A. D. CROUCH, Nicholas County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta, at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. 676 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GEORGE DAVIS, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. Died of disease at Forsythe, Ga., Feb. 6, 1864. JAMES DUROSSETT, Bath County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; and was shortly afterward discharged on ac count of disability by disease. ROBERT DOOLEY, Bourbon County, was transferred to Marshall s brigade early in 1862. JEFF FIELDS, Mason County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. ROBERT FOX, Estill County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Died of disease at Murfreesboro , Nov. 8, 1862. NICK FRENCH, Alleghany County, Tenn., was dangerously wounded at Shiloh, and disabled ; and was shortly afterward dis charged. MILES C. GILLESPIE, Montgomery County, was discharged on account of disease, 1862. THOMAS GLASGOW, Nicholas County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and both days at Jonesboro . Took part subse quently, sometimes with the mounted, sometimes with the dis mounted men. RICHARD GWINN, Bourbon County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; was captured at the latter place, November, 1863. SAMUEL GRANT, Clark County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; at Murfreesboro , 1862-63, na( ^ inflammatory rheumatism, and being left there, was captured. MALEN HALL, Montgomery County, was appointed corporal, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. PHILIP HALL, Montgomery County, was discharged on account of disease, and died at Lauderdale Springs, Miss., after having started home, 1862. FULTON HENSLEY, Madison County, was appointed corporal, 1862 ; was promoted to second sergeant, 1863; to first sergeant, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought also at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge ; was wounded again at the latter place ; fought at Stone River, and was again wounded ; at Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 677 MOSES J. HOPKINS, Nicholas County, died of disease at Nash ville, 1862. JOSHUA HOUSE, Bourbon County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, __ Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and both days at Jonesboro . LANCE JORDAN, Madison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was wounded at the latter place, and died of disease at Manchester, Tenn., 1863. JAMES F. JORDAN, Madison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN LOVELL, Fleming County, was mortally wounded in battle at Shiloh, and died shortly afterward. JOSEPH LOGAN, Bourbon County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, January, 1862. JOHN MYNHIER, Morgan County, was wounded in battle at Shi loh, and died at Castilian Springs, Miss., shortly afterward, from the effects of it. WILLIAM McCARTY, Nicholas County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, and Chickamauga. TOM McCABE, Wexford, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro ; and after the command was mounted, he did various duty till the close of the war. JAMES McIVER, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga; was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. HENRY CLAY NORTON, Nicholas County, was transferred to Mis souri infantry, 1862. MICHAEL O BRIEN, Limerick, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, and was severely wounded there ; fought also at Baton Rouge and Stone River. Died of disease at Ringgold, Ga., April 6, 1863. DANIEL O LAHA, Waterford, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations he was with the dismounted detachment. WILLIAM O DANIEL, Limerick, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, and Baton Rouge; was severely wounded at the latter place; after having recovered, he was transferred to the Confed erate navy. 678 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GREEN PATRICK, Johnson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was badly wounded at Dallas, but re covered and took part in the mounted engagements, and was again wounded at Savannah, which disabled him for further serv ice during the war. WM. PRESSER, , was a dismounted cavalryman who joined Co. H at Manchester, and did faithful service to the close. Was in all the battles from spring of 1863. WILLIAM REID, Morgan County, was transferred to the Ninth Reg iment, 1862. THOMAS J. ROGERS, Nicholas County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. J. WOOD SHREWSBURY, Madison, Ind., was scarcely ever able for any duty, being consumptively affected, but served through out the war, and took part in several engagements. The names of his battles are not definitely known to the writer, but he was on the field whenever he could be. He died at home, after the close of the war. WILLIAM J. STONE, Estill County ("Polk Stone"). Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chick amauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the cavalry engagements. FRANC M. STONE, Estill County, was appointed second sergeant, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at Dallas, but rejoined company and fought at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. BEN F. SCOTT, Nicholas County, .fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. Died of disease at Cassville, Ga. , Jan. 24, 1864. JAMES L. STITT, Nicholas County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, 1862; and afterward served with Morgan s cavalry. ROBT. J. STEPHENS, Fleming County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. SIMMS TYREE, Clarke County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN IJRIGADE. 679 JOHN VAUGHAN, Estill County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. ELIJAH VAUGHAN, Estill County, was usually employed in detail service, being an old man, but took part in several engagements, from the time of enlisting, December, 1862, to the surrender. STEPHEN VAUGHAN, Estill County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, 1862. JAMES WILLIAMS, Montgomery County, fought at Shiloh. Died of disease at Tupelo, Miss., June, 1862. WILLIAM WILSON, Nicholas County, died of disease at Nashville, 1861. BURGESS WALLS, Nicholas County, died of disease at Nashville, 1861. ANDREW J. WATERS, Estill County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. LOT D. YOUNG, Nicholas County, was elected second lieutenant, May i, 1862, and was promoted to first lieutenant, March 2, 1863 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Cap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro ; was severely wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, and disabled for further service during the war. JAMES YOUNG, Nicholas County, died of disease at Nashville, 1861. COMPANY I, FOURTH REGIMENT. THOMAS W. THOMPSON, Louisville. (See biography.) SAMUEL T. FORMAN, Maysville, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861, and was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. THO. B. DARRAGH, Maysville, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; while at Burnsville, he was assigned to staff duty, and served in that capacity with Gen. Breckinridge and other commanding officers, until Aug. 5, 1863, when he resigned, hav ing meanwhile taken part in the various battles in which his com mand had been engaged. He was severely wounded in battle at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863. ROBT. DUNN, Louisville, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861; was promoted to first lieutenant, April 7, 1862; fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded ; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was mortally wounded at the latter place; fell into the hands of the enemy, and died, Jan. 12, 1863. 680 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WM. PATTERSON, Louisville, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; and was elected second lieutenant, June 24, 1862; fought at Shiioh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; atPeachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro , He was wounded at In trenchment Creek, July 22, and killed at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. WM. H. LASHBROOK, Maysville, was elected second lieutenant, Nov. 23, 1862; was promoted to first lieutenant, April, 1863 ; to captain, Aug. 5, 1863 ; fought at Shiioh, where he was wounded; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was wounded at the latter place; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; atPeachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ALBERT S. SMITH, Louisville, was appointed third corporal, Sept. 13, 1862, and was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 27, 1864; fought at Shiioh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrench ment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. C. A. SROUFE, Dover, was appointed fourth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861, and was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 27, 1864; fought at Shiioh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. JOHN L. MARSHALL, Bourbon County, was appointed second sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; was promoted to sergeant-major, Nov. 15, 1 86 1, and served in that capacity during remainder of the war; fought at Shiioh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and other points. His health, which had never been vigorous during the war, so failed during this Georgia campaign, that he was unable to con tinue in active field service, and he was assigned to duty in the quartermaster s department at Newnan, but soon rejoined the command, and took part in the mounted engagements. JOHN P. BONVILLE, Louisville, was appointed third sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861. Died of disease at Bowling Green, Nov. 18, 1861. N. T. WHITE, Louisville, was appointed fifth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861; fought at Shiioh, and was wounded there ; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. Was transferred to the navy, April 10, 1864. JAMES REID, Louisville, was appointed first corporal, Sept. 13, 1861, and was killed in battle at Shiioh, April 7, 1862. J. L. STRODE, Maysville, was appointed second corporal, Sept. 13, 1861; fought at Shiioh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 681 Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Re- saca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrench- ment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro . WM. H. ALEXANDER, Maysville, was appointed fourth corporal, Sept, 13, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN T. BALLAN, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; and was captured near Pine Mountain, June, 15, 1864. JOHN H. BLANCH A RD, Mason County, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, and Chickamauga; was severely wounded at the latter place, and long disabled; and was promoted to the rank of sec ond lieutenant, for gallant and meritorious conduct on that field, and afterward served with a cavalry command in Virginia. E. K. BIRD, Louisville, was wounded and captured at Shiloh. ERNEST BROSMERE. Louisville, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. ED BUTLER, Glasgow, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. JAMES CROSS, Dover, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, and Jackson. JOHN CONELLY, Ireland, "Little Tommie." He "wasn t the height for a soldier," and was generally employed on brigade staff duty. TOM COSGROVE, Louisville, fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; and was captured, Nov. 26, 1863. ( . C. CHINN, Louisville, was wounded and captured at Shiloh, but rejoined the company after having been exchanged, and fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and at Jonesboro . He was wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, but took part in the mounted engagements. JAMES CASLEY, Russellville, died of disease at Nashville, Decem ber, 1 86 1. W. H. DEVIN, Maysville, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there. WM. G. DEMPSEY, Mayslick, fought at Shiloh, and was so badly wounded there as to be disabled for further duty in the ranks dur ing the war. When able for any service, he was usually employed on detail, and was one of the brigade saddlers at Newnan when the war closed. LEWIS J. DOOLITTLE, Louisville, was wounded at Shiloh, and disabled for life, April 6, 1862. 682 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN W. BOWEN, Mount Carmel, died of disease at Nashville, November, 1861. PETER FARMHALLS, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; fought also at Vickburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. JOHN COOPER, Lewis County, fought at Shiloh, and was dis charged on account of disability by disease, July, 1862. JAMES T. GUILLIAM, Russellville, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought also at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; lost his right arm at the latter place, May 14, 1864. ED B. GUILLIAM, Russellville, was generally employed in various detail service. ALEXANDER GRANT, Montgomery Co., Tenn., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was captured at the latter place, and detained in prison till close of the war. ELIAS GREEN, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. JAMES B. HARDING, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was captured at the letter place, June 2oth, 1864. GEO. F. HALL, Maysville, was an old man, but fought gallantly at Shiloh and Jackson ; and was with the command, in performance of light duty, whenever able. THOMAS HICKEY, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought also at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge ; and was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. THOMAS HIXON, Maysville, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April?, 1862. JOHN D. JOHNSON, Louisville, was one of the regimental mu sicians; sometimes mounted orderly ; and served in various duty throughout the war. He fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge; and was on the field at Chickamauga as orderly and courier. ROBT. JONES, Russellville, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. JOHN A. JAMES, Maysville, was engaged in detail service through out the war. HENRY KRAFT, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was captured at the latter place, but was exchanged, and took part in the engagements in South Carolina. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 683 TERRENCE F. KENNEDY, Maysville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. ADRIAN T. KENDALL, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and fought at Rocky Face Gap and Resaca; was again wounded at the latter place; fought at Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. MICHAEL LARY, Maysville, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. JOHN W. MILLER, Louisville, was appointed ordnance sergeant, September, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro ; was badly wounded in the jaw at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, but recov ered and took part in all the mounted engagements. JOHN J. MORFORD, Maysville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. REV. MR. MARTIN, Union County, was transferred from Co. C, 1 86 1, and was discharged on account of disability by disease, 1862. T. T. MORRISON, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro . After the command was mounted, he was transferred to the Thirty-seventh Georgia Infantry, October, 1864. LACY R. MITCHELL, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks; at Jones boro , and in the mounted operations to Savannah, where he was captured, Dec. 20, 1864, and was not released till the close of war. He was wounded at Shiloh, Dallas, and Jonesboro . JAMES W. MASSEY, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and captured, April 7, 1862. JOHN H. MILLER, Louisville, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. F.DWARD McFADDEN, Louisville, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. GEORGE H. NORTHERN, Russellville, was killed in battle at Shi loh, April 6, 1862. 684 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN W. OWEN, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge. Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. He was captured at the battle of Stone River, and detained in prison about five months. L. G. OWEN, Louisville, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. THOMAS OWENS, Maysville, was fourth sergeant after Sroufe s promotion ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was wounded at Chickamauga. On the Dalton-Atlanta campaign he was one of the corps of sharpshooters, and was engaged nearly every one of the 120 days. (See elsewhere an account of the services of this detail). He also took part in the mounted engage ments. CLARKE OWEN, Louisville, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 6, and died from the effects of it, at Corinth, April 28, 1862. JOSEPH OWEN, Louisville, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. EDWARD PRESSON, Montgomery County, Tenn., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. JOHN M. PICKETT, Maysville, was appointed quartermaster ser geant, Sept. 16, 1861, and served in that capacity during the war, but fought at Jackson. HENRY W. RAU, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas and Kenesaw Mountain ; was wounded at the latter place, June, 1864, but fought at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. J. J. RYAN, Maysville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face .Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jones boro . He was captured at Stockbridge, November, 1864, and did not return in time to participate in the closing engagements. HOOPER C. SWAIN, Russellville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; was captured at Tyner s Station, Nov. 26, 1863, and did not return in time to participate in the closing engagements. JOHN STORDE, Maysville, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 685 JOHN H. THOMAS, Maysville, was appointed commissary-sergeant, September, 1861; fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded; fought also at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. Died of disease, be tween Knoxville and Cumberland Gap, Oct, 24, 1862. BEN THOMPSON, Maysville, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was wounded at Stone River. JOHN P. TWYFORD, Greenupsburg, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. When not engaged in active field service, he was almost constantly on duty at headquarters of regiment or brigade as clerk. LEWIS VANDEN, Maysville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Jonesboro and at Statesboro . After Ensign Lindsay was killed, the colors were borne by Lew Vanden during the remainder of the war. X. H. VANFOSSEN, Dover, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. JAMES H. WALKER, Maysville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. COMPANY K, FOURTH REGIMENT. JOSEPH H. MILLETT, Owensboro , was elected captain, Sept. 13, 1861, and was promoted to major, Nov. 19, 1863; fought at Shi loh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River, at which latter place he was wounded ; fought also at Jackson and Chick amauga, and was again wounded at Chickamauga ; fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; and was killed at Dallas, May 28, 1864. DAVID C. HUGHES, Owensboro , was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh; was afterward (April 20, 1862,) as signed to duty in the commissary department, and continued to serve there until Feb. i, 1865, when he assumed command of the company; was but a short time with it, however, until he was sent into Kentucky with recruiting orders, and was on that duty when the surrender was announced. THO. H. WINSTEAD, Owensboro . (See Co. B.) 686 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GEORGE W. ROGERS, Owensboro , was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1861, and fought at Shiloh. JOHN BELL, Louisport, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861, and was elected second lieutenant, August, 1862. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; and was killed in the last charge at the latier place, Sept. 20, 1863. JAMES C. BRASHEAR, Stephensport, was appointed second ser geant, Sept. 13, 1861. He fought at Shiloh, and was slightly wounded there ; fought also at Vicksburg, and was some time in command of the company during the siege there, his officers being absent sick. He afterward fought at Baton Rouge and Stone River, and on the first of March, 1864, was transferred to Mor gan s cavalry, with which he served till the war closed. During his connection with the infantry, he was employed a great portion of his time in the commissary department. JAMES HANDLEY, Daveiss County, was appointed third sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; he was captured early in 1862, but escaped, and attached himself to the Tenth Kentucky Cavalry, with which he afterward fought. JAMES THOMPSON, Daveiss County, was appointed fourth ser geant, Sept. 13, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was captured at Chicka mauga, and detained in prison until just before the termination of the war. WOODFORD COLLINS, Breckinridge County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Sept. 13, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, and was discharged by substitute, May 28, 1862. HORACE M. WATTS, Owensboro , was appointed first corporal, Sept. 13, 1 86 1 ; was promoted to first sergeant, Nov. 10, 1862, and was elected second lieutenant, March 20, 1863; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chick amauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; and was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. ALBERT M. HATHAWAY, Owensboro , was appointed second corporal, Sept. 13, 1861, and was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 15, 1863 ; fought at Shiloh, and was wounded in the leg and foot; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was again wounded in the leg, at the latter place, and captured ; re joined company after having been exchanged, and fought at Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. After the battle of Stone River, he was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. GEO. FAITH, Owensboro , was appointed third corporal, Sept. 13, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 687 ELISHA ADAMS, Owensboro, was a member of the First Kentucky Infantry, and served first year of the war in Virginia; after the First Regiment was disbanded, he enlisted in this company, June 10, 1862, and fought with it at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was severely wounded at the latter place, but rejoined the company in August following, and fought at Jonesboro , and in all the cavalry engagements. JOSEPH BIGGS, Hancock County, fought at Shiloh, and was cap tured there; was exchanged and rejoined the company in Septem ber, and fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. \VM. BRADSHAW, Owensboro , fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JAMES M. BOWLES, Owensboro, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN CHAMPION, Washington County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; was twice wounded in the latter battle; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. JOHN C. CHURCHWELL, Paducah, fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge, and was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was captured at the latter place, and de tained in prison till the close of the war. GREEN B. COOPER, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh, where he was twice wounded; fought at Stone River, and was captured ; re joined company after having been exchanged, and fought at Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. PATRICK COYLE, Ireland, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge ; and was captured on the movement from the latter place, November, 1863. ANDREW J. CONNER, Hancock County, fought at Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. 688 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WM. CAIN, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was captured at the latter place ; rejoined company, having been exchanged, and fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge, and was transferred to the navy, April 3, 1864. JAMES DONALDSON, Owensboro , fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at the latter place, and was captured at the field hospital. He did not return in time to participate in the closing engagements. GEORGE DISNEY, Owensboro , served first year of the war in First Kentucky Infantry; enlisted in this company after the First Regiment was disbanded ; and fought with it at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was killed in February, 1864, on Rocky Face Ridge, while the army was out between Dalton and Tunnell Hill, to meet Thomas, and was buried where he fell. PHILIP DIX, Hancock County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. JOHN L. EDWARDS, Illinois, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; and was on detached service during the re mainder of the war. JAMES FORBES, Daveiss County, fought at Stone River and Chickamauga ; was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service during the war. WM. H. FORBES, Daveiss County, was appointed fifth sergeant, April 10, 1863; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson and Chickamauga ; was wounded at the latter place ; fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . THOMAS FEHANEY, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River ; was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Jackson and Chickamauga. ALBERT FRAZIER, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements to Savannah, when he was detailed for duty with the provost guard, and was shot by deserters while thus engaged. He recovered, but not until after the termination of the war. WM. C. FLETCHER, Owensboro , fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was severely wounded in side and hand at the latter place ; fought also at Rocky Face Gap and Resaca, and was killed near Dallas, May 27, 1864. WM. GARNER, Kentucky, supposed to have been killed in battle at Shiloh. WM. GOODWIN, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 689 LEWIS C. GARRIGUS, Terre Haute, Ind., was not enlisted till Nov. 26, 1862 ; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. MATTHEW GARRETT, Daveiss County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was severely wounded in the shoulder, at the latter place, but rejoined the command in the autumn, and took part in the mounted engagements. TURNER GRIFFIN, Daveiss County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Oct. 20, 1861. TERRY HOWARD, Hancock County, was enlisted at Tupelo, June 10, 1862; fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, and Jackson. He was missed about Sept. 10, 1863, and is supposed to have been killed by a shell from a battery then firing, as he was no more heard of. He served during the first year in the First Ken tucky, in Virginia. [AMES HAYDEN, Daveiss County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. II. B. HAYDEN, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh, with the light artillery, and was wounded there. Died of disease, July 10, 1862. 1 .EWIS HOLMES, Hancock County, fought at Shiloh, and was cap tured there. JERRY HENNESSEY, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOSEPH JARBOE, Daviess County, was appointed first sergeant, July 8, 1863; fought at Baton Rouge, and was wounded there; fought also at Stone River, and was captured there, but was ex changed and rejoined the company in June, and fought at Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. W. H. JARRETT, Breckinridge County, fought at Shiloh. MILES C. JENKINS, Owensboro , fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was captured at the latter place. ROBERT KENT, Kenton County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there. 44 690 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES KINCAID, Hawesville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creek ; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. EDWARD LAMBDIN, Owensboro , died of disease, Feb. 10, 1862. WM. LASHBROOKE, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh, and after ward died of disease, 1862. CRAWFORD McCLARTY, Daveiss County, was on duty in the commissary department, till March i, 1864, when he rejoined the company and fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered, and took part in the mounted engagements. ENOCH C. McKAY, Owensboro , was one of the regimental musi cians till 1864; fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was wounded by a shell at the latter place, and did not recover for further duty during the war. WM. E. McDONALD, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . S. T. MORRIS, Henry County, Ga., was enlisted Dec. i, 1864, and took part in all the subsequent operations of the command. J. D. MAY, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh ; was wounded there, and permanently disabled, and was discharged, November, 1862. JOHN MATTINGLY, Daveiss County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. BURR NORRIS, Daveiss County, fought at Stone River, and was detailed as blacksmith during the remainder of the service. E. E. NAPIER, Hawesville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was again wounded at the latter place. SHADRACH NICHOLS, Hancock County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. G. W. O BANNON, Louisport, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge. Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was captured at the latter place, and was detained in prison till the close of the war. DAVID OSBORNE, Hancock County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was transferred to the navy, April, 1864, and was one cf the party that boarded and captured the " Water Witch." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 691 He died at Nashville, of disease, after the close of the war, hav ing started to his home in Kentucky. GREEN B. PARTRIDGE, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh, and was twice wounded there; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded twice, also, at the latter place, and fell into the hands of the enemy, but was found after Sherman abandoned his prisoners, and died among his friends, June, 1864. JOHN R. PARTRIDGE, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh, Vick- burg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; and shortly afterward died of disease at Tullahoma. THOMAS QUINN, Vicksburg, Miss. , enlisted in the Fourth Regi ment, May, 1862, and was appointed ordnance sergeant shortly afterward. He was on duty, on the field, during all the following engagements: Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . At the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, he was struck on the left side of the head with a piece of shell, which caved in the skull, and rendered him insensible for some days, but he finally almost wholly recovered, though not in time to participate in the closing engagements. N. M. STOWERS, Louisport, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was captured at the latter place and detained in prison till the termina tion of the war. JAMES WILLIAMS, France, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . Served during the remainder of the war with the dismounted de tachment. FIFTH REGIMENT. FIELD AND STAFF. By reference to preceding portions of the work, it will be seen that this regiment was first organized in 1861, and was composed of twelve month men. Under that organization, the following officers composed the field and staff: JOHN S. WILLIAMS, Clarke County, colonel. A. J. MAY, Morgan County, lieutenant-colonel. 692 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. HIRAM HAWKINS, Bath County, major. R. T. DANIEL, Richmond, Va., adjutant. H. RUTHERFORD, Bath County, surgeon. BASIL DUKE, Mason County, assistant surgeon. WM. S. ROGERS, Bourbon County, A. Q. M. J. H. BURNS, Morgan County, A. C. S. THOMAS S. PAGE, Kentucky, sergeant major. Though we are unable to give a detailed account of the above-named officers, the following general remarks may not be amiss : In April, 1862, Col. Williams was promoted to brigadier-general, afterward to major-general of cavalry, and served throughout the war in command of various troops. Lieut. -Col. May became colonel b) promotion, vice Williams, and took part in all the engagements of his regiment till compelled by ill health to resign. Major Hawkins was promoted to lieutenant-colonel at the same time, and served in thai capacity till the " new Fifth Regiment" was organized, when he was promoted to colonel. Adjt. Daniel was at Richmond, Va., on leave of absence, when the battle of Seven Pines occurred took part in that engagement, and was badly wounded. On his recovery, he wa> promoted to be captain and A. A. G. , and assigned to duty on tho staff of Gen. Pegram. In consequence of his removal from the Fiftli Regiment, officers of the line acted as adjutant till the old organization was broken up. Dr. Rutherford served as surgeon both of the old and new organization until November, 1863, when he was assigned to duty in hospitals, at his own request, having become disabled by ill healt i for further field service. Dr. Duke was made brigade surgeon fcr Gen. Marshall in the winter of 1861, and was not again connected with the regiment. Capt. Rogers resigned the position of A. Q. M. soon after having accepted it, and Lieut. W. W. Cox, of the line, acted in that capacity till the old organization was broken up. Capt. Burrs served as A. C. S. until the summer of 1863, when, by act of Con gress, commissioned officers were relieved from that duty in regi ments. Sergt-Maj. Page gave up his position soon after the first or ganization took place, and was succeeded by Asa M. Swimm, of Flem ing County, Ky. The latter was killed by bushwhackers in Kentucky, in 1862; after which Wm. Wallace Hawkins, of Bath County, was ap pointed to the position, and he, after having fought at Middle Creek and Princeton, died of disease, at the age of nineteen. At the reorganization of the regiment in 1862, and subsequently, the following officers composed the field and staff: HIRAM HAWKINS, Bath County. (See biography.) HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 693 GEORGE W. CONNOR, Bath County, was appointed lieutenant- colonel, Nov. 14, 1862. He was captain of Co. H under the first organization, and served with it till February, 1862, when Marshall s command retreated from Kentucky, and Connor was left sick at Prestonburg, being too low to be removed. He was captured there, and detained in prison till the autumn of 1862, when he rejoined his regiment, having been meanwhile promoted to major. He was then promoted to lieutenant-colonel, as has been seen, and served during the remainder of the war with his regiment, taking part in nearly every engagement of whatever character. He was wounded at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864, and some time disabled, but rejoined the command at Green s Cut, Jan uary, 1865. Died in Owingsville, Feb. 2, 1894. WM. MYNHIER, Morgan County, was first lieutenant of Co. A (old organization) till May was promoted, when he was promoted to major, and served as such during the remainder of the war. He fought at Middle Creek, Princeton, and Chickamauga ; was severely wounded at the latter place, but recovered, and rejoined the command at Dallas, after which he took part in all the en gagements of his regiment to the close. Died at Mount Sterling, July 25, 1892. THOMAS B. COOK, Jessamine County. (See Co. F.) H. RUTHERFORD, Bath County, was appointed surgeon, Oct. 22, 1861. CHARLES MANN, Kenton County, was appointed surgeon, Oct. 26, 1863. (See Medical Officers.) N. J. THOMPSON, Tuscaloosa, Ala., was appointed assistant sur geon, Aug. 9, 1862, and was on duty with other troops till Jan. n, 1864, when he was assigned to this regiment, with which he served during the remainder of the war. WM. WELLS, Montgomery County, was appointed captain and A. Q. M., Nov. 14, 1862, and served in that capacity during the re mainder of the war. j. H. BURNS, Morgan County, was for some time regimental com missary. Various chaplains served with the regiment during the war, but no regular appointment was ever made. COMPANY A, FIFTH REGIMENT. ALEXANDER G. ROBERTS, Falmouth, was elected captain, Sept. 10, 1862 ; fought at Perryville, and resigned, June 30, 1863. JOHN H. MITCHELL, Memphis, Tenn., was appointed first lieu tenant by Brig. -Gen. Preston Smith, Sept. 10, 1862; and was promoted to captain, Aug. i, 1863. He fought with the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Infantry at Belmont, Shi- loh, and Richmond, Ky., and with this company at Perryville, Chickamauaa, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and 694 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Dallas. He was severely wounded in the shoulder at the latter place, and disabled for further duty in the line, in consequence of which he was placed on the retired list, for the remainder of the war. He was also severely wounded at Shiloh. JOHN L. WOODSON, Falmouth, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 10, 1862 ; fought at Perry ville, and died of disease at Moc casin Gap, Va. , March n, 1863. R. H. KAVANAUGH, Pendleton County, was appointed fifth ser geant, Jan. 5, 1863; was elected second lieutenant, March, 1864. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . After the command was mounted, he was fifteen days in the rear of Sher man, on scout duty, and rejoined the brigade during the engage ment at Sandersville. In conjunction with Capt. Finn, Sixth Regiment, he burned the trestlework on the Charleston and Sa vannah Railroad, and did various other service until March, 1863, when he was sent into Kentucky with recruiting orders, and was thus engaged when the war closed. PERRY D. FIELDS, Pendleton County, was elected second lieuten ant, Aug. i, 1863. He fought at Perry ville, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was killed at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864. JOHN L. MELFORD, Catawba, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 10, 1862, and fought at Perryville. JOSEPH M. CLAYTON, Pendleton County, was appointed second sergeant, Sept. 10, 1862. He fought at Perryville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. SAMUEL COX, Pendleton County, was appointed first corporal, Sept. 10, 1862, and fought at Perryville. G. W. ARNOLD, Pendleton County, was appointed second corporal, Sept. 10, 1862. He fought at Perryville and Chickamauga, and was severely wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at In trenchment Creek. WILLIAM ACKMAN, Pendleton County, fought at Perryville and Chickamauga, and died of disease in Atlanta, Dec. 15, 1864. LEANDER ABERNATHY, Pendleton County, was elected second lieutenant, April 16, 1863, and died of disease at Holston Springs shortly afterward. C. C. BARNES, Pendleton County, was appointed first sergeant, Oct. 12, 1862, but was relieved at his own request, shortly afterward. He fought at Perryville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 695 Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, aud Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jones- bo ro . He was one of Lieut. Kavanaugh s party of scouts in Sherman s rear, and was one of the picket detail that burned the trestlework near Savannah. He also took part in the mounted engagements in South Carolina. F. S. BARNES, Fleming County, was not enlisted till August, 1863. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; and at Peach- tree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, suffered amputation of leg, and died at For- sythe, a short time afterward. WILLIAM T. CLAYTON, Williamstown, fought at Perryville, and died of disease, Dec. 20, 1862. J. WILLIS CLORE, Boone County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Dec. 20, 1864. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was one of the scouts in the rear of Sherman, November, 1864, assisted in burning the railroad trestle, and did various mounted duty in South Carolina. JAMES CASTELL, Scott County, Va., fought at Chickamauga, and died of disease, some time afterward, in Atlanta, Ga. ALEXANDER DURR, Kenton County, fought at Chickamauga. R. W. DAVIS, Pendleton County, fought at Perryville, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was killed at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864. PERRY DAVIS, Pendleton County, fought at Perryville, and died of disease at Abingdon, Va. , Jan. i, 1863. FKANK DAVIS, Pendleton, County, fought at Perryville. He was discharged on account of disability by disease, some time after ward, but was captured on his way homeward, and remained in prison till the close of the war. JOHN S. DAVIS, Pendleton County, was appointed fourth sergeant, Dec. 20, 1864. He fought at Perryville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. H. S. DEDMAN, Kenton County, was appointed first sergeant, Feb. 9, 1863, and was reduced to ranks at his own request, July 10, 1863. He fought at Perryville, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. At Dalton, he was placed on the corps of sharpshooters, and fought as such at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, at which latter place he was killed, May 28, 1864. LEANDER ELLIS, Pendleton County, fought at Perryville and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place. 696 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES ELLIS, Pendleton County, died of disease at Holstor Springs, Va., April 23, 1862. RICHARD FOGLE, Falmouth, fought at Perryville, Chickamauga. Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was killed on the skirmish line, at the latter place June, 1864. JACK FRYAR, Pendleton County, fought at Perryville. ISAAC GRAY, Falmouth, was teamster for the regiment until Novem ber, 1864, when he entered the ranks and took part in the mounted engagements. J. J. GREEN, Pendleton County, fought at Perryville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and in the mounted engagements. JOHN A. HATHAWAY, Pendleton County, fought at Perryville. Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas. He was severely wounded in the hand at Dallas, and was long disabled, but fought on one occasion, in April, 1865, and was again wounded. HENRY HARDMAN, Falmouth, fought at Perryville, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. G. W. HENDRICKS, Falmouth, fought at Perryville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was awarded medal of honor, and pro moted to corporal for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chicka mauga; and at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864, he was so severely wounded in the arm as to be disabled for further duty during th^ war. E. P. KENNEDY, Campbell County, was appointed first sergeant, Nov. 10, 1862, and served as such till Feb. 8, 1863, when ha was reduced to ranks at his own request. He fought at Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. N. P. LIVINGSTON, Kenton County, fought at Perryville, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro both days, and in the mounted engage ments. JOHN W. LOWE, Pendleton County, was appointed first sergeant, July 9, 1863. He was killed in battle at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. G. N. LIGHTFOOT, Pendleton County, fought at Chickamauga, and was afterward disabled by disease for further service until August, 1864, when he rejoined the company, and fought at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 697 G. T. MONTAGUE, Pendleton County, died of disease at Emory and Henry College Hospital, 1863. GEORGE W. MARTIN, Pendleton County, was captured on the retreat of Bragg from Kentucky, but was exchanged shortly after ward, and was detailed to take care of a sick comrade, at a pri vate house in Loudon, Tenn., when he was again captured and detained in prison till the close of the war. PENDLETON MARSHALL, Williamstown, was captured on the retreat of Bragg from Kentucky, and imprisoned some time, after which he rejoined command and fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ALEXANDER MARSHALL, Kenton County, died of disease at Stoney Creek, Va., Nov. 15, 1862. H. S. MARSHALL, Pendleton County, fought at Perryville, Chick amauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at Dallas, but rejoined the company in August following, and fought at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. He was one of the sergeants of the com pany. J. J. MARSHALL, Pendleton County, fought at Perryville and Chickamauga, and was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and in the mounted engagements. He was one of the corporals of the company. OLIVER L. MAINS, Williamstown, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Perryville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ISAAC PAINTER, Owen County, was transferred from Co. E, Jan uary 8, and died of disease at Jonesville, Va. , Feb. 20, 1863. CALVIN E. PARKER, Kenton County, fought at Perryville, Chick amauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; and at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, and disabled for further service during the war. JOHN E. POOR, Pendleton County, was detailed to serve as wagon- master while in Western Virginia, and was appointed quartermas ter sergeant, Sept. 4, 1863. PAT ROBERTS, Pendleton County, fought at Perryville and Chick amauga. JOHN RAY, Falmouth, fought at Perryville, and died of disease at Emory and Henry College Hospital, Nov. 24, 1863. G. L. SOMERS, Pendleton County, was appointed fourth corporal, May 4, 1863. He fought at Perryville, Chickamauga, and Mis sion Ridge. 698 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. D. L. STOWERS, Pendleton County, was disabled at Loudon, Term., Aug. 10, 1863, for further service, by an accidental saber cut in the thigh. He afterward died from the effect of the wound. G. W. SEEVER, Fleming County, was enlisted for one year in the " Old Fifth Kentucky," and when his time had expired, he re- enlisted in this company ; took part in the engagements of Mar shall s command in 1861-2 ; fought with the new organization at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. HENRY SEEVER, Fleming County, was enlisted for one year in the "Old Fifth Kentucky," and when his time had expired, he re- enlisted in this company. He fought at Princeton, Va., Chick amauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. JAMES A. SHACKELFORD, Franklin County, fought at Perryvilie and Chickamauga. B. A. SOUTHER, Falmouth, Ky. , was afflicted in his eyes, and thus unfitted for duty in the ranks, in consequence of which he was generally employed in hospital service. G. S. TUPMAN, Kenton County, fought at Perryvilie and Chicka mauga. R. M. WOOD, Pendleton County, fought at Perryvilie, and died of disease at Jonesville, Va., Feb. 12, 1863. RICHARD WILHOIT, Kenton County, fought at Perryvilie and Chickamauga. JOSIAH W. WILSON, Grant County, fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations of the command, he was with the dismounted detachment. JOHN W. WILSON, Grant County, was captured on the retreat of Gen. Bragg from Kentucky, but was exchanged shortly after ward, and fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Bath County, was the chief musician of reg iment, and fought at Chickamauga. He was also present in al most all other engagements as litter-bearer, and fought in the ranks during the cavalry operations. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 699 SUPPLEMENTAL LIST. The following names not contained in the foregoing, are found on roll of Co. A now on file in Washington, D. C. , captured in Rich mond in 1865 : JAMES AMBER, Grant County. LAFAYETTE ARRINGTON, Pendleton County; was transferred from Fourth Kentucky Cavalry. W. A. ARMSTRONG, Grant County; was missing after the battle of Perryville, Oct. 8, 1862. ] >AVID BEAL, Pendleton County ; was transferred to another com mand, April 15, 1863. W. F. BARNES, Kentucky; was transferred from the Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. J ONATHAN BARKER, Kentucky; was transferred from Twenty- seventh Virginia. SAMUEL BAKER, Pendleton County. MINOR COLVIN, Pendleton County; was transferred to Fourth Kentucky Cavalry. JOHN COUNTS, Pendleton County. W. F. CATRON, Kentucky; was transferred from Twenty-seventh Virginia. JAMES CROFTON, Kentucky; was transferred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. THOMAS DAUCE, Grant County. K. DOUGAN, Kentucky; was transferred from Fourth Kentucky Cavalry. J. M. DORMAN, Pendleton County. A. F. EDWARDS, Kentucky; was transferred from Twenty-seventh Virginia. JACOB M. FOGLE, Grant County; was transferred to Co. I, March i, 1864. * JAMES FORSYTHE, Kentucky; was transferred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. W. L. FAULKNER, Kentucky ; was transferred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. S. S. FERGUSON, Kentucky ; was transferred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. L. GOSNEY, Pendleton County. W. H. GREENWOOD, Kentucky; was transferred from Fourth Kentucky Cavalry. J. W. GREENWOOD, Kentucky ; was transferred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. 700 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. J. R. HARDIN, Kentucky; was transferred from Fourth Kentucky Cavalry. J. C. HUNT, Kentucky; was transferred from Fourth Kentucky Cav alry. HENRY HUNTER, Kentucky ; was transferred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. J. R. JACKSON, Pendleton County. J. S. M. KIMBLER, Kentucky ; was transferred from Twenty-seventh Virginia. THOMAS LEA, Kentucky. J. J. McKINLEY, Pendleton County. F. S. MOORING, Pendleton County. GEO. MONROE, Grant County; died at Jonesville, Va., February 20, 1863. THEODORE NELSON, Pendleton County. W. H. PENICK, Pendleton County; was discharged, Feb. 18, 1863. JOSEPH PAUNELL, Kentucky ; was transferred from Twenty- seventh Virginia. JOHN REVENAY, Pendleton County. JOSEPH RALSTON, Kentucky ; was transferred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. J. W. RICHMOND, Kentucky ; was transferred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. J. R. SIMPSON, Grant County. ISAAC N. SEAY, Pendleton County; was transferred to Co. A, March i, 1863. JOSEPH STREETER, Grant County. JOHN SMITH, Kentucky; was transferred from Twenty-seventh Virginia. W. T. TURNER, Pendleton County. JOHN TAYLOR, Pendleton County. G. W. WILLIAMS, Kentucky; was transferred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. THOMAS WOOLEY, Kentucky; was transferrred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry. COMPANY B, FIFTH REGIMENT. WM. T. B. SOUTH, Breathitt County, captain; was first lieutenant of Capt. Ben CaudilFs company, old Fifth Kentucky ; had pre viously fought in the ranks of Capt. Swango s company at West Liberty, when the Federal colonel, Harris, with infantry, cavalry, and artillery, was met there on his way to attack the Confederate camp at Prestonburg ; was in all the engagements of his regi- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 701 ment till March, 1865, when he was sent with others into Ken tucky on recruiting service. In the battle of Jonesboro , Aug. 3ist, 1864, he acted as lieutenant-colonel after Conner was wounded; and at Sandersville, during the brigade s mounted service, he was sent forward in command of his own and another company, with orders to hold a hazardous position and prevent a flank movement of the enemy till reinforcements could arrive, which he successfully executed. EDWARD C. STRONG, Breathitt County, first lieutenant, took part in all the operations and battles of his company. JERRY W. SOUTH, Breathitt County, second lieutenant; was a member of the old Fifth Kentucky ; took part in all the opera tions and battles of his company till after July 22, 1864; fought at Intrenchment Creek notwithstanding he had previously re ceived a furlough, with orders to procure recruits in Kentucky; started soon afterward in company with others, was attacked by Federal soldiers before he reached home, whom he repulsed, but was wounded, and had to be left at the house of John Holley, and while helpless there, he was killed by Home Guards. THOMAS J. LITTLE, Breathitt County, third lieutenant; was drafted into the Federal army, but declined to serve, and escaped to this company in 1863; was in all its subsequent engagements to the close. RICHARD L. SOUTH, Breathitt County, was promoted from sec ond to first sergeant ; fought in all the engagements of his com pany until he was killed at Dallas, May 28, 1864, within twenty steps of the enemy s breastworks, being the most advanced man of his regiment in its efforts to take the battery. ROBERT ALLEN, Clay County, was promoted from fifth to first sergeant ; fought in all the engagements of his company ; was wounded at Jonesboro , Sept. i, 1864. After the war he was ordnance sergeant in charge of State Arsenal, under Adjt. -Gen. Nuckols; was prison guard under Capt. South; and in 1890-91, during Gov. Buckner s administration, was special policeman for State grounds and buildings. ELIJAH HERD, Clay County, was promoted from fourth to third sergeant ; fought at Chickamauga and Mission Ridge, and was killed at the latter place. SOLOMON BACK, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and engagements of his company. JOHN W. BACK, Breathitt County, was promoted from fourth to first corporal; was wounded at Dallas ; took part in all the opera tions and engagements of his company when he was not disabled by wounds. ROBT. S. CALLAHAN, Breathitt County, second corporal; served faithfully to time of death by disease, which occurred in Scott County, Va., June 15, 1863. 702 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JEPTHA CALLAHAN, Breathitt County, took part in all the opera tions and battles of his company ; was wounded at Chickamauga, and carried the bullet in his body for more than ten years, finally dying from effects of the wound. JOHN D. OLIVER, Breathitt County, took part in all his company s operations and engagements when not disabled ; was wounded at Dallas ; was promoted from third to second corporal. MARTIN BAILEY, Johnson County, was promoted from fourth to third corporal ; took part in all the operations and engagements of his company. HENRY C. FISH, Breathitt County, musician; was a member of the old Fifth Kentucky ; served faithfully till discharged, Dec. 3oth, 1863. ELIHU REYNOLDS, Owsley County, was the only one of the five Confederates who went from Owsley that served through and re turned. Two were killed, and two remained in the South. He and one other recruit encountered five Federal soldiers in Breathitt County before the company left the State, and though his companions fled, Reynolds stood his ground and handled his gun with such determination that the Federals took to flight after one of them was hit. He was in every battle of his regiment; was on the picket line at Kenesaw when a Federal force tried to surprise them, but he was on his guard while the others were un suspecting, and would have been captured and the command sur prised and endangered, had he not fired his gun. Thereupon all sprang to arms, and a sharp conflict ensued, during which every one was either wounded or had his clothes pierced. Reynolds s gun was shot twice in his hands. When the regiment was recalled from the attack on the Federal line at Jonesboro , he carried a wounded comrade out on his back, though he himself was also wounded. ANANIAS BARNETT, Breathitt County, took part in all the opera tions and engagements. DANIEL BAKER, Breathitt County, in all the operations and en gagements of his company when not disabled ; was wounded at Dallas. E. D. BAILEY, Johnson County, no facts known to the writer. JAMES COCHRANE, Breathitt County, fought in all the battles of his company, including Dallas; was wounded at Dallas, and died of that wound, July 30, 1864. ISAAC COLE, Breathitt County, took part in all his company s oper ations and engagements. WM. CHANEY, Breathitt County, took part in all his company s operations and engagements when not disabled ; was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. OEO. CHANEY, Breathitt County, took part in all his company s operations and engagements when not disabled ; was wounded at Dallas. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 703 COLE CAMPBELL, Breathitt County, was killed by lightning near Jackson, Ky. , Oct. 15, 1862. JOHN W. EDWARDS, Breathitt County, took part in all the opera tions and battles ; married in South Carolina and remained there. WM. FLINCHAM, Breathitt County, took part in the operations of his company till disabled by disease, of which he died at Holston, Va. , April n, 1863. ISAAC FUGATE, Breathitt County, took part in his company s operations and engagements, including Chickamauga, where he was killed. JOHN D. FUGATE, Breathitt County, took part in all his company s operations and engagements when not disabled; was wounded at Dallas. CORNELIUS FROST, Owsley County. No facts known to the writer. JOHN FOSTER, Breathitt County, was one of the company s most remarkable members. When enlisted he was less than fourteen years old; "but," says his captain, "he never missed a day s duty or a fight." Now a citizen of Bath County. SAMUEL GROSS, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and engagements of his company. THOMAS GROSS, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and engagements of his company. JOHN P. GREEN, Breathitt County, took part in all his company s operations and engagements, including Kenesaw Mountain; was wounded at the latter place, and died of the wound shortly after ward. HIRAM HATTON, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and battles of his company. WM. HALL, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and engagements of his company; died in Arkansas about fifteen years after the war while in charge of Samuel South s plantation there. DANIEL HAYS, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and engagements of his company, including Intrenchment Creek; died of wound received there. J( )HN A. HAYS, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and engagements of his company, including Intrenchment Creek, in which battle he was killed. WM. A. HADDIX, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and engagements of his company till disabled by disease, of which he died in Georgia, Nov. 10, 1864. JAMES HADDIX, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and engagements of his company. HIRAM HADDIX, Breathitt County, died in the service. 704 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN C. LITTLE, Breathitt County, was transferred to a cavalry command, Dec. i, 1862; was killed some time afterward by bushwhackers. JOHN MILLER, Breathitt County; no facts known to the writer. DILLARD NEWTON, Breathitt County, took part in the operations of his company till disabled by disease, of which he died in Lee County, Va., Feb. 24, 1863. WM. PENNINGTON, Owsley County; no facts known to the writer. FELIX STAGEY, Breathitt County. SAMUEL SMITH, Breathitt County ; no facts known to the writer. SAMUEL SOUTH, Breathitt County, received a colonel s commission from Gen. Kirby Smith in 1862, with authority to recruit a regi ment, but Bragg s retreat from Kentucky prevented this and he went into the ranks ; was made quartermaster-sergeant, but went into the battle of Chickamauga, where he was wounded and dis abled for other service than the duties of his office. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chickamauga. Died in Franklin County in 1889. AMBROSE WATTS, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and engagements of his company. ENOCH WATTS, Breathitt County, took part in all the operations and engagements when not disabled ; was wounded at Dallas. JOSEPH D. WILLIAMS, Owsley County, took part in all the opera tions and engagements of his company. WILLIAM ZION, Owsley County, took part in all the operations and engagements of his company, including Dallas, at which place he was killed. COMPANY C, FIFTH REGIMENT. THOMAS J. HENRY, Morgan County, was elected captain, Sept. 26, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was wounded at the latter place, May 28, 1864. He also took part in some other infantry engagements, in one of which, at Jonesboro , he was wounded in the face, and disabled for further duty during the war. JAMES McGUIRE, Magoffin County, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 26, 1862. He took part in nearly every battle of his com pany, and was wounded at Intrenchment Creek and at Jones boro . MILTON B. COX, Morgan County, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 26, 1862. He took part in most of the battles of his com mand, and was wounded in the shoulder at Rocky Face Gap,, May, 1864. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN 15RIGADE. 705 ROBT. D. STROTHER, Morgan County, was elected second lieuten ant, Sept. 26, 1862. When the regiment marched to Chickamauga, he was left sick, with incipient consumption, in Virginia, and was generally so feeble in health, during the entire service, as to be unable for duty in the line. JESSE FRANK AMBERN, Morgan County, was accidentally wounded in the foot, in front of Chattanooga, Oct. 22, 1863. No other facts relative to his service are known to the writer. THOMAS BROOKS, Magoffin County, died of disease at Holston Springs, Va. , 1862. DANIEL WILLIAM BURTON, Magoffin County, was generally employed as teamster for the regiment. ALLEN M. BARKER, Morgan County, participated in almost every .battle of his company, and was wounded at Chickamauga, Jones- boro , and Sandersville. [OHN BERRY, Lawrence County. (The particulars of his service are not remembered, except that he was once wounded in the right leg.) LEVI BELCHER, Pike County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there; fought also in most other battles in which his company engaged, and was wounded again at Jonesboro . BENJAMIN F. BECRAFT, Bath County, took part in nearly all the battles of his company up to Jonesboro , where he was killed, Sept. i, 1864. JAMES M. BOURNE, Bath County, was in Alabama when the war broke out, and enlisted for service with the troops of that State, Feb. 27, 1 86 1. He lost an eye by accidental bayonet wound, March 28, 1861, and, after having recovered sufficiently for duty, he served with the Twentieth Alabama Infantry till Jan. i, 1864, when he was transferred to this company. He was afterward one of the sergeants, and took part in nearly all the subsequent battles. JERRY BRANCH, Georgia, was not enlisted till late in the war, after which he took part in nearly all the subsequent operations of the company. CAMPBELL C. BROOKS, Magoffin County, was detailed as cou rier some time after having enlisted, and generally served in that capacity. PEYTON B. BYRNE, Greenup County, was an old man, but took part in most of the battles of his company. GEORGE W. COX, Morgan County. (No other facts relative to his service have been furnished the writer than that he was detailed and some time acted as quartermaster-sergeant.) WM. THOMAS COX, Morgan County, took part in most of the bat tles of his company, and was wounded at Dallas. JOHN COX, Morgan County, was generally employed as teamster. 45 706 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. DANIEL GUMMING, Estill County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was again wounded at Dallas, but recovered and fought at Intrenchment Creek, where he was killed, July 22, 1864. ELIJAH D. COCHRAN, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga. He was captured, Nov. 23, 1863, and died in prison. SANFORD DAVIS, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga. He was captured, Nov. 23, 1863, and kept in prison till the close of the war. JAMES WM. ELLINGTON, Morgan County, fought at Chick amauga and Mission Ridge, and died of disease in Atlanta, Ga., March, 1864. JASPER FRISBY, Morgan County, took part in most of the battles of his company, and was wounded at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. JOHN FOGG, Georgia, was not enlisted till near the close of the war, and took part in only the closing engagements. WILLIAM J. FERGUSON, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded in the shoulder at that place. He fought also at different points during the summer campaign of 1864, and wa.s captured at Intrenchment Creek and detained in prison till the close of the war. JOHN L. FERGUSON, Morgan County, participated in most of the engagements of his company, and was wounded at Intrenchment Creek. MILTON G. F ANN IN, Morgan County, took part in some of the operations of his company, but was captured in 186-, while on furlough, and died in prison. HAWKINS FULLER, Pike County, engaged in most of the battles of his company, and was wounded near Atlanta, 1864. JOHN FRANKLIN, Magoffin County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded in both legs, but recovered, and fought also at Rocky Face Gap and Resaca. He was wounded in the hand at the lat ter place, May 14, 1864, but took part in some of the subsequent engagements. JOHN FUGATE, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was again wounded at the latter place, but took part in some of the subsequent engagements. THOMAS B. GORDON, Bath County, served some time with this company, but was afterward transferred to a command of cavalry. GILBERT GORDON, Bath County, was some time employed in the commissary department. No other facts relative to his service are known to the writer. NEAL GORDON, Bath County, was transferred to a cavalry reg iment in 186-, with which he afterward served. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 707 MATTHEW J. HOWERTON, Morgaa County, engaged in a num ber of battles with the company, and was killed on the skirmish line at Kenesaw Mountain, June, 1864. EDWIN V. HENRY, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was wounded at Dallas, May 28, and mortally wounded at Kenesaw, June, 1864. WALTER S. HENRY, Morgan County, was first sergeant of the company during the first years of his service, and in 1865 was elected second lieutenant. He took part in nearly all the battles and other operations of his command, and was wounded in the neck at Intrenchment Creek. PATRICK HENRY, Morgan County, was transferred to cavalry, in 1862. WILLIAM F. HAVENS, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there ; fougty: also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and at the latter place was again wounded, butrecov- ered and took part in some of the subsequent engagements. JOHN F. HILL, Morgan County, took part in some of the engage ments and the general operations of the company, but nothing definite respecting his service is known to the writer. JAMES M. HANEY, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga, where he was wounded in the left side, but recovered and took part in nearly all the subsequent battles. WM. WALLACE HAWKINS, Bath County, died of disease at Hol- ston Springs, Va. , 1862. WM. JASPER JONES, Morgan County, died of disease at Hanson- ville, Va., 1863. DAVID JENNINGS, Morgan County, participated in the various operations and in some of the battles of the company, but defin ite facts relative to his service are not in the writer s possession. WOODSON JOHNSON, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga, Dallas, Jonesboro , and some other point or points not now remembered. JAMES DAVIS JOHNSON, Morgan County, participated in most of the battles of his command, and was wounded at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. LUTHER M. JOHNSON, -Morgan County, took part in most of the battles of his company, and was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. AARON KIDD, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was mortally wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31. 1864, and died the same day. 708 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WILLIAM W. LEWIS, Morgan County, participated in a number of engagements, but no particulars relative to his service are known to the writer. WINSTON LEMASTER, Morgan County, was captured, Nov. 23, 1863, and died in prison. MEREDITH LEMASTER, Morgan County, was captured, Nov. 23, 1863, and died in prison. DUDLEY C. LYKINS, Morgan County, took part in most of the engagements of his company, and was wounded in the head at Jonesboro , Sept. i, 1864. JOSEPH C. LYKINS, Morgan County, took part in most of the bat tles of his company, and was wounded at both Resaca and Jones boro . WM. T. MAY, Kentucky. No facts known to the writer. JAMES C. McGUIRE, Morgan County, took part in some of the earlier engagements, but was discharged, in 1864, on account of ill health. He was afterward arrested and imprisoned till the war closed. JOHN M. McGUIRE, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. Shortly after the latter engagement he was accidentally wounded, but took part in some of the subsequent operations. J. FRANK McGUIRE, Morgan County, participated in most of the battles of his command, and was wounded on three different oc casions, but particulars are not known to the writer. JESSE F. McGUIRE, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jones boro , and in some of the closing engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga, Dallas, Jonesboro , and on another occasion, not now remembered. WM. H. MANNING, Morgan County, took part in most of the bat tles of his company, and was wounded at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. WM. MAY, Morgan County, participated in most of the engagements of his company till Nov. 1864, when he was accidentally killed. WM. ODITT, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there. He was captured in November, 1863, and died in prison. JOHN PALMER, Ohio, died of disease at Jonesville, Va. JOHN REED, Bath County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca, and was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. WM. RIADON, Bath County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there ; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded also at Dallas, but took part in a number of subsequent engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 709 EZEKIEL M. RATCLIFFE, Morgan County, participated in some of the battles and other operations of his company, and was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. LLEWELLYN RIADON, Bath County, fought in most of the battles of his command, and was wounded at both Dallas and Pine Mountain. WM. REED, Bath County, was on almost every battlefield of his com mand as a member of the regimental infirmary corps. JOHN H. SETTERS, Mason County, engaged in most of the battles of his company, and was wounded and captured at Intrenchment Creek. TOM STEVENS, Mason County, was usually on detail service as butcher. ISAIAH SALYER, Scott County, Va., fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was disabled at the latter place, May 14, 1864, by the loss of an arm. JOHN SALYER, Scott County, Va., fought in most of the battles of his company, and was once wounded. BENJAMIN C. STAMPER, Morgan County, fought at Chicka mauga, and was wounded there. He also took part in other en gagements of his command, but particulars are not known to the writer. JOHN S. STAMPER, Morgan County, was killed in battle at Chicka mauga, Sept. 20, 1863. WM. J. SPARKS, Morgan County, fought at Chickamauga and Mis sion Ridge. He was captured at the latter place, November, 1863, and detained in prison till the close of the war. JOHN SHULTZ, Bath County, died of disease at Holston Springs, Va., 1863. WM. H. VANCE, Morgan County, was generally employed as team ster. R. 1). WEAVER, Rowan County, was usually employed in the med ical department. JAMES M. WILLIAMSON, Bath County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at the latter place, May 28, 1864, and died at Atlanta, from the effects of it, about a month afterward. JAMES M. WEDDINGTON, Pike County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there. He took part in other battles of the company, but further particulars are not known to the writer. JNO. T. YOUNG, Bath County, was transferred to cavalry, in 1863. 710 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. SUPPLEMENTAL LIST. The following names, not included in the above account, are found on the roll of Co. F, now on file in Washington, D. C. , as part of the archives captured at Richmond in 1865 : ANDREW J. PARKER, Morgan County, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 14, 1862. JESSE SALYER, Magoffin County, second corporal; was transferred from Lykins company. THO. J. WILLIAMS, Floyd County, chief musician ; was transferred to Co. A. JOHN W. BRAY, Moccasin, Va., was transferred from Co. G; died at Holston, March i, 1863. ALFRED BROWN, Moccasin, Va., was transferred from Co. K; was discharged, March 26, 1863. DAVIS BROWN, Pike County. ZACHARIAH BARNES, Montgomery County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. i, 1863. CHARLES BEVINS, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. i, 1863. ISAAC COLBERT, Montgomery County, was transferred from Sec ond Kentucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JOHN J. COOPER, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. R. H. COLVIN, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. J. P. COLVIN, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. THOMAS CARR, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JAMES CARROLTON, - , was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JAMES DUNAWAY, Morgan County. ANDREW J. DOWNS, Bath County. LEWIS DOYLE, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. COLEMAN EVANS, Fleming County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 711 HIRAM FARMER, Letcher County, was transferred from Co. G; died at Jonesville, Va., Feb. 19, 1863. JOHN FISH, Hawkins County, Tenn., was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 27, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. WM. W. GULLETT, Magoffin County, was transferred from Lykins Co. ; wounded July 22, 1864. WM. GWINN, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, June 15, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. LEWIS HENRY, Johnson County, was transferred to Williams s company. IRA HANEY, Estillville, Va. , was transferred from Twenty-seventh Virginia, June i, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. COLEMAN HANEY, Estillville, Va., was transferred from Twenty- seventh Virginia, June i, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. MADISON D. HANLEY, Holston, Va., was transferred to Co. H, Fourth Kentucky Cavalry, Nov. 24, 1863. SAMUEL HUMPHRIES, Hawkins County, Tenn., was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, June 15, 1863; was retrans ferred, Aug. 10, 1863. ISAIAH HALL, Hawkins County, Tenn., was transferred from Sec ond Kentucky Cavalry, June 15, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. IRA HUNTLEY, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, June 15, 1863 ; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JOSEPH HEROLD, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, June 15, 1863 ; was retransferred, Aug. 10, 1863. O. A. KIDWELL, Trimble County, was transferred from Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863 ; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JOEL F. McGUIRE, Magoffin County, was transferred from Lykins Co. ; wounded May 28, 1864. J. P. MANLEY, Pike County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred, Aug. 10, 1863. L. P. MANLY, Bath County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. A. J. MILLER, Fleming County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JAMES McKINNEY, Holston, Va. JOHN D. PERRY, Morgan County. THOMAS D. PERRY, Fleming County, was transferred from Sec ond Kentucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JAMES B. PAYNE, Breathitt County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. 712 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WM. A. SWARTZ, Floyd County, was formerly of Ewing s company; then of Connor s. JOHN STRICKLIN, Johnson County ; transferred from Co. A. JAMES C. STAGEY, Letcher County, formerly of Co. A; then of Bradshaw s company. DAVID STOUT, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred, Aug. 10, 1863. ALONZO STOUT, Lewis County, was transfered from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. A. G. STOUT, Lewis County, was transferred May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JOHN SHEPHERD, Fleming County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. ALLEN SPENCER, Montgomery County, was transferred from Sec ond Kentucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. C. H. SAUNDERS, Fleming County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JAMES N. TODD, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JAMES M. TAYLOR, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Kentucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. WM. TAYLOR, Lewis County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. O. P. THOMAS, Fleming County, was transferred from Second Ken tucky Cavalry, May 22, 1863; was retransferred Aug. 10, 1863. JOHN TACKETT, Hansonville, Va., was killed July 22, 1864. COMPANY D, FIFTH REGIMENT. A. C. COPE, Breathitt County, was elected captain, October 9, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JAMES K. P. SOUTH, Frankfort, was elected first lieutenant, Oct. 9, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He en listed in Co. B when less than fifteen years old; afterward, when Co. D was organized, he was elected first lieutenant, and transferred to that company. HAYDEN FERGUSON, Johnson County, was elected second lieu tenant, Oct. 9. 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was wounded at the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 713 latter place. He was some time disabled, but rejoined company, and took part in the mounted engagements. GABRIEL HAYS, Kentucky, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 9, 1862 ; was captured in 1863. GEO. W. SEWELL, Breathitt County, was appointed first sergeant, Oct. 9, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was severely wounded at the latter place, but recovered and fought at Jonesboro and in the mounted engagements. HENRY JAYNE, Johnson County, was appointed second sergeant, Oct. 9, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and in nearly every subsequent en gagement. ANDREW J. HOUNSHELL, Breathitt County, was appointed third sergeant, Oct. 9, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ED R. TURNER, Breathitt County, was appointed fourth sergeant, Oct. 9, 1862, and was killed in battle at Chickamauga. WM. JAYNE, Johnson County, was appointed fifth sergeant in 1863. He fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was again wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, and was disabled for further service during the war. GEO. W. BARKER, Johnson County, was appointed first corporal, Oct. 9, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded in the breast there; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations, he was with the dismounted de tachment. AVM. H. SMITH, Kentucky, was appointed second corporal, Sept. 20, 1862; was wounded at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. JOSHUA ELDRIDGE, Johnson County, was appointed second cor poral, Oct. 9, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there ; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and Jonesboro . He was again wounded at the latter place, and consequently did not take part in the mounted engagements. I.. C. COCKRILL, Breathitt County, was appointed third corporal in 1863. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face .Gap, Resaca, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and Jonesboro . He was wounded at the latter place, and did not take part in the mounted operations. He was killed in Jackson, Ky. , after the war. LEWIS PELFREY, Kentucky, was appointed fourth corporal, Sept. ii, 1862 ; died at Jonesville, Ya., Feb. 22, 1863. 714 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN AIKIN, Kentucky, was transferred to Co. B, June i, 1863. WM. WALLACE BAILEY, Kentucky, was some time second cor poral; was wounded near Atlanta, Aug. 9, 1864. JAMES BARNETT, Kentucky, was transferred to Co. B, June i, 1863. THOMPSON S. CAUDILL, Breathitt County, fought at Chicka- mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; he was severely wounded at the latter place, but rejoined the com pany and took part in the mounted engagements. JAMES CAUDILL, Breathitt County, fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WILEY COOPER, Breathitt County, died of disease at Newnan, Ga., in 1863. GALLOWAY COOPER, Breathitt County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations, he did vari ous service to the close. GREEN COOPER, Breathitt County, was discharged in 1863, or account of disability by disease. JAMES M. DARNELL, Breathitt County, fought at Chickamauga. Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was severely woumded at the latter place, but rejoined the company in the autumn, and took part in the mounted engagements. JESSE ELDRIDGE, Johnson County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, at Jonesboro , and in the mount ed engagements. WILLIAM FOUCH, Breathitt County, fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. L. KLINE, Breathitt County, died of disease in 1863. ISAAC LYKINS, Breathitt County, fought at Chickamauga, and Jonesboro . No further particulars respecting his service are known to the writer. JNO. J. LAMASTER, Johnson County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at the latter place, but rejoined the company in the autumn, and took part in the mounted engagements. ANDREW J. MILLER, Breathitt County, was killed in battle at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. SAMUEL MILLER, Breathitt County, died of disease in 1863. GEORGE MONTGOMERY, Breathitt County, was killed in battle at Chickamauga. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 715 ABNER H. QUILLEN, Breathitt County, was appointed sergeant- major in 1863, and took part in almost every engagement of his regiment. LEWIS NAPIER, Breathitt County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and almost every subse quent engagement of his. company. PLEASANT SPURLOCK, Harrison County, fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Dallas, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN R. TOMLINSON, Breathitt County, fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. KMMETT TOMLINSON, Breathitt County, lost an arm in battle at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863, and was soon afterward discharged. KLIPHAS P. WILLIAMS, Johnson County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was permanently disabled at the latter place, by the loss of a leg, May 28, 1864. COMPANY E, FIFTH REGIMENT. JOHN CALVERT, Owen County, was elected captain, October, 1862, and fought at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. He was mortally wounded in that battle, and died at Marietta, Ga. , Sept. 25, 1863. GEORGE R. YATES, Scott County was elected first lieutenant, Oc tober, 1862, and was killed in battle at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. J( )SEPH M. ABBOTT, Louisville, was elected second lieutenant, Oc tober, 1862; was promoted to first lieutenant, September, 1863, and to captain, January, 1864. He fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; in skirmishes from New Hope Church to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the engagements of the mounted infantry. JOHN W. GWINN, Owen County, was elected second lieutenant, Aug. 30, 1863, and promoted to first lieutenant, January, 1864. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, May 28, and died June i, 1864. JOHN W. GREEN, Owen County. (See biography.) HENRY CLAY ELLIS, Carroll County, fought with Co. H, Second Regiment, until January, 1864, when he was elected to a second lieutenantcy in this company, and fought with it at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. 716 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. PASCHAL ADAMS, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga. ELIJAH BALLARD, Owen County, enlisted when but fifteen years of age, and fought at Chickamauga, where he was wounded and permanently disabled. Died at Walton, Ky., about twenty-five years after the war. B. D. BALLARD, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there, but rejoined the company at Dalton, and fought ft Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. JAMES BEVERLY, Owen County, was left sick when the regimer t marched to Chickamauga, but rejoined it in front of Chattanooga, and fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dal las; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. JOHN BARNES, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, but w..s disabled afterward, by disease, for service in the ranks, and was usually employed, till the close, in hospital duty. GEORGE M. BEATTY, Owen County. No facts known to the writer. JOHN BEATTY, Owen County, died of disease at Johnsonville, V;u (Date unknown to the writer.) PETER BEATTY, Owen County, was captured while the regiment was in Kentucky, autumn of 1862, and died at Jackson, Miss., 1863, after having been exchanged. CHARLES BRADLEY, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there ; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrench ment Creeks. He was again wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, but recovered and took part in the subsequent operations of the command. JOHN H. CALVERT, Owen County, was appointed fourth corporal, in 1863, and was promoted to fifth sergeant, 1864. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was severely wounded at the latter place. He died in Atlanta, July, 1864, from the effects of the wound. WILLIAM CANNON, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. J. D. FRANKS, Owen County, was killed in battle at Chickamaug; .. MARION GALE, Grant County, died of disease in Atlanta, Ga. , 1863. JAMES GREEN, Owen County, died of disease at Jonesville, Va., March 4, 1863. He had enlisted at sixteen years of age. JAMES R. HEARNE, Grant County, died of disease of Abingdon, Va., 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 717 J. T. HENSLEY, Owen County, was greatly incapacitated by disease for duty in the ranks, but fought at Jonesboro , where he was wounded and captured, and was never afterward heard of. EDWARD HERNDON, Grant County, was left in Virginia, sick, when the regiment marched to Chickamauga, but rejoined it in front of Chattanooga, and fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. J. D. HEAD, Owen County, was on detached service almost the en tire term for which he was enlisted. WILLIAM ISRAEL, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga. J( )HN W. JACOBS, Owen County, was frequently incapacitated for service in the ranks by ill health, but remained till the close of the war, and fought at Chickamauga and in some of the other en gagements. WILLIAM JUMP, Grant County, was a rather old man, and some times unfitted by ill health for duty in the ranks, but fought at Chickamauga, Intrenchment Creek, and other points not now re membered. JOHN JUMP, Grant County, died of disease at Montgomery, Ala., 1862. SILAS JONES, Owen County, died of disease at Abingdon, Va., 1862. JESSE JOHNSTON, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, where he was wounded and disabled for infantry service. He was after ward transferred to the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry. GKO. M. JAMEISON, Grant County, fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. JOSEPH LONG, Owen County, fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was captured near Stockbridge, Ga. , November, 1864, but was exchanged and took part in some of the concluding operations. W. T. LUCAS, Grant County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JAMES LYON, Owen County, fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. JERRY LYON, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, where he was wounded and permanently disabled, Sept. 20, 1863. 718 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. THOMAS LONG, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and U toy Creeks. He was wounded at the latter place, Aug. 6, 1864, but recovered* and took part in some of the mounted engagements. WM. MOORE, Owen County, served to the close of the war, and fought at Chickamauga, but it is not known to the writer what battles he was engaged in. JOHN McGREGORY, Grant County, fought at Chickamauga, where he was wounded and permanently disabled. .AMBROSE MOORE, Owen County, fought at Rocky Face Gap and Resaca, and was wounded at the latter place. He recovered and served to the close, taking part in some of the subsequent en gagements. JOHN MAJORS, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, and was never after ward heard of. GEORGE OSBORNE, Owen County, died of disease in Atlanta, 1863. JAMES PERRY, Owen County, fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was killed on the skirmish line at the latter place, May 26, 1864. He was sick in Virginia at the time of the battles of Chickamauga and Mission Ridge. ROBERT PEARCE, Owen County, was wounded in battle at Chick amauga, and permanently disabled. D. A. ROWLETT, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. GEO. M. SMITH, Henry County, was appointed fifth sergeant in 1863, and promoted to second sergeant, January 15, 1864. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, May 28, and died at Marietta, Ga. , May 30, 1864. WILLIS SMITH, Owen County, fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at the latter place; fought also st Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. B. SMITH, Owen County, died of disease at Jonesville, Miss., 1862. .GREEN P. SMITH, Owen County, fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; after this he was engaged some time as team ster in charge of ambulance, but fought at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements; committed suicide near Jonesville, Ky., Saturday morning, Sept, 9, 1893, while suffering from aberration of mind because of the accidental death of an adopted son. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 719 JOHN H. STEWART, Owen County, died of disease at Abingdon, Va., 1862. HAYDEN STEWART, Owen County, died of disease at Abingdon, Va., 1862. WHITEFIELD SANDERS, Owen County, died of disease at Holston Springs, Va. , 1862. [AMES SHELTON, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WM. HAYDEN SHELTON, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ROBERT STEWART, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, and was killed in the last and decisive charge, Sept. 20, 1863. JOHN SIMONS, Washington County, Va., served one year in East Kentucky and West Virginia, under Col. May and Col. Hawkins, and fought at Ivy Mountain and Princeton. Reenlisted in the new organization, October, 1862, and fought at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863, where he was wounded and permanently disabled. SPENCER THOMAS, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap. Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was wounded at the latter place, but returned to duty, August 3oth, and was killed in battle at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. HENRY TUCKER, Bourbon County, fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was mortally wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, and died a few days afterward at Macon. CARTER THOMAS, Owen County, died of disease at Holston Springs, Va. , 1863. JAMES W. WATERS, Owen County, died of disease at Vicksburg, Miss., 1863. STEPHEN D. WEBSTER, Grant County, died of disease at Abing don, Va., soon after having enlisted. BENJAMIN WRIGHT, Owen County, fought at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WILEY WEBSTER, Grant County, was afflicted so as to be rendered partially deaf, and was not required to go into battle, but he was generally on duty as teamster. RICHARD YARBROUGH, Owen County, fought at Chickamaugn, where he was wounded and permanently disabled, Sept. 20, 1863. 720 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. The following names are found on the rolls of Co. E, now on file in Washington, D. C., as part of the archives of the Confederate Govern ment, which were captured at Richmond in 1865. The facts given as to their service are meagre, but it will be noted that several of them did render soldierly service and ought to be put on record accordingly. It is to be inferred that this is the case with those about whom no re marks are made on the captured rolls, as a few who enlisted but did no duty with the company are specially marked as deserters. These are not included in the following list : WM. H. GARNETT, Owen County, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 15, 1862 ; was soon afterward made quartermaster of Free man s Battalion. JOSEPH W. THOMAS, Owen County, first sergeant. He was pro moted successively from fifth sergeant ; was wounded at Chick- amauga. SPENCER CARTER, Owen County, first sergeant subsequently. He was promoted successively from third corporal. Was dis charged, March 28, 1863. W. H. MEFFORD, Owen County, fifth sergeant. MOSES DAVIS, Owen County, first corporal. He was promoted successively from fourth corporal. GEORGE BEATTY, Owen County, second corporal. JESSE JOHNSON, Owen County, third corporal. JOHN W. SMITH, Owen County, fourth corporal. BENJ. ALCORN, Owen County, was transferred to cavalry Oct. 12, 1862; returned to company May 27, 1863. J. T. AYERS, Owen County, transferred from Scott s cavalry com pany. PASCHAL AYERS, Owen County. Z. K. ASHLEY, Owen County. BERRY BALLARD, Owen County, was wounded at Chickamauga. ISAAC BURKE, Owen County. JAMES A. BRADLEY, Scott County, was wounded at Chickamauga. WM. BECK, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. JOSEPH BARNES, Owen County, was left sick at Camp Blakemore, 1862. GEORGE BANKS, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cav alry, May 27, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 721 G. W. CARLTON, Owen County. JAMES CHAMBERS, Owen County. WOODFORD GULP, Owen County, died at Hickory Flats, Va., March 12, 1863. GRANVILLE CROUCH, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. J. H. CROUCH, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cav alry, May 27, 1863. MASON CARTER, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cav alry, May 27, 1863. A. CONNELL, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. HARDIN DAVIS, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cav alry, May 27, 1863. VVM. D. HAYDEN, Owen County, died at Jonesville, Va., Feb. 24, 1863. \V. S. HURD, Owen County. \VILSON HUNT, Owen County, was discharged, March 28, 1863. [AMES M. HAYDEN, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. ANDREW HUMPHRIES, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. COLUMBUS INGRAM, Owen County. VVM. JENNINGS, Owen County. BENJAMIN KENNEY, Owen County, JOHN KENDALL, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. HEZEKIAH MAY, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. WESLEY MAY, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. S. G. MORELAND, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. R. MITCHELL, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cav alry, May 27, 1863. JOHN N. MARTIN, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. HENRY OLIVER, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cav alry, May 27, 1863. W. L. RENFRO, Owen County. JACOB RENFRO, Owen County. SAMUEL RENSHAW, Owen County. 722 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GEO. T. RANSDELL, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. THOMAS ROY, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. NATHANIEL RAZOR, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. JESSE SMITH, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. J. W. SPENCER, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cav alry, May 27, 1863. WM. SIDEBOTTOM, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. CHARLES L. THORNTON, Owen County, was transferred to i cavalry command, Dec. 31, 1862. J. A. TINGLE, Owen County, was transferred from the Fourth Cav alry, May 27, 1863. REUBEN TINGLE, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. ROWLAND TINGLE, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. SILAS VAUGHN, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cav alry, May 27, 1863, was returned to that regiment in April, 1864. THOMAS WHITE, Owen County. R. D. WEAVER, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cav alry, May 27, 1863. R. WILSON, Owen County, was transferred from Fourth Cavalry, May 27, 1863. COMPANY F, FIFTH REGIMENT. JAMES M. WHITE, Nicholasville, was elected captain, Nov. 25, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was slightly wounded at Jones boro . H. CLAY MUSSELMAN, Williamstown, was elected first lieutenant, Nov. 25, 1862. He fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements, and, though his clothes were repeat edly pierced with balls, he was never wounded. JOHN H. CLEVELAND, Nicholasville, was elected second lieu tenant, Nov. 25, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, and resigned about the istof March, 1864. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 723 T. B. COOK, Nicholasville, was elected second lieutenant, Nov. 25, 1862, and was promoted to first lieutenant and adjutant, July 18, 1863. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was severely wounded in the lat ter engagement, losing the thumb of his right hand, but recov ered and took part in the mounted engagements throughout. , He was hurt by the fallmg of a bridge at Green s Cut, Ga. , and was wounded in the head in South Carolina, April 15, 1865. TILFORD NAVE, Jessamine County, was elected second lieutenant, March 30, 1864. From the time of enlistment up to November, 1863, he was on detail duty. During the year 1864, he was some time on duty in the quartermaster s department, and in March, 1865, he was sent to Kentucky with recruiting orders. SAMUEL J. EALES, Williamstown, was elected second lieutenant, April 4, 1864. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Jonesboro , at which latter place he was so severely wounded in the left leg as to be disabled for further duty during the war; now a prominent citizen of Burton, Ks. MOREAU SPARKS, Nicholasville, was appointed first sergeant, November, 1862, and served as sergeant-major during the cam paign from Dalton to Jonesboro . He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Dallas, May 28, 1864. W. T. LUCAS, Qrant County, was appointed second sergeant, No vember, 1862, and was transferred to Co. E, January, 1863. I AVID D. SHYRER, Grant County, was appointed third sergeant, November, 1862. He fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there ; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was so severely wounded at the latter place as to ren der amputation of the left leg necessary, and died from the effects of it, June n, 1864. JAMES BAUGHN, Jessamine County, was appointed fourth ser geant, November, 1862, and fought at Chickamauga. H. T. EALES, Grant County, was appointed fifth sergent, Novem ber, 1862, and was killed in battle at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. E. A. BROWER, Jessamine County, was appointed first corporal, November, 1862, and promoted to second sergeant, June 28, 1863. He was almost constantly disabled by disease for field duty during his entire service. C. B. KING, Monterey, was appointed second corporal, November, 1862, and fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . 724 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN TILFORD HAWKINS, Nicholasville, was appointed fourth corporal, November, 1862, and commissary sergeant, October, 1863, in which capacity he served till the war ended. W. S. HAYDEN, Nicholasville, was appointed corporal, January. 1863, and was promoted to fifth sergeant, May, 1864. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Re saca, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. GEORGE H. ARNSPIGER, Jessamine County, was almost disabled, by disease for duty in the ranks, but fought at Rocky Face Gap. Resaca, and Dallas, and in skirmishes from Dallas to Atlanta. JNO. B. BLACKFORD, Jessamine County, fought at Chickamauga Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro . He was badly hurt by a railroad acci dent, Sept. 24, 1864, but recovered and took part in all the mounted engagements in South Carolina. JAS. C. BURCH, Jessamine County, fought at Chickamauga, and was captured and imprisoned at Nashville, where he was hurt by the falling of the stairway. He was never exchanged. R. C. BOWMAN, Jessamine County, fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree Creek. He was wounded in the foot at the latter place, July 20, 1864, and disabled for further service during the war. J. L. BUSKETT, St. Louis, Mo., was one of the Missouri State Guard that was captured at Jefferson Barracks in 1861. He came to Kentucky, having been released on parole, and when the time expired in which the parole was binding, he enlisted in this company, and on the retreat from Kentucky rendered the most efficient service in procuring supplies for the men. He was or dered to report to Gen. Price, however, about the first of Decem ber, 1862, and was in no engagement with the Kentucky troops. JASPER BAKER, Grant County, fought at Chickamauga. DANIEL D. BAKER, Grant County, captured Sept. 15, 1862; re turned to company about two weeks afterward ; missing at Jones boro , Sept. i, 1864. B. D. BAKER, Grant County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. J. O. BARNES, Grant County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was captured at the latter place, July 22, 1864, and detained in prison till the close of the war. WARREN BOONE, Harrison County, fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca ; Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 725 L. BOWMAN, Jessamine County, died of disease at Abingdon, Va. , Nov. 26, 1862. JAMES COLLIER, Grant County, was comparatively an old man, and though always ready for duty beyond his strength, he was generally unfitted for duty in the ranks, by disease, and died at Macon, Ga. , Oct. 24, 1864. WILLIAM COLLIER, Grant County, died of disease at Abingdon, Va., Jan. 7, 1863. FERNANDO W. CAMPBELL, Nicholasville, fought at Chicka- mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree Creek. He was wounded at the latter place July 20, 1864, and disabled for further duty in the field, but served as sergeant-major for a camp of direction at Augusta. He was awarded medal of honor, and appointed a sergeant of the company, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chickamauga. GEORGE W. GORMAN, Jessamine County, fought at Chickamauga. GRAT GORMAN, Jessamine County, fought at Chickamauga. HENRY EAVES, Nicholas County, discharged Dec. i, 1862. JOSEPH FIGHT, Sr., Grant County, died of disease at Holston Springs, Va., April 4, 1863. OSEPH FIGHT, Jr., Grant County, fought at Chickamauga, where he was wounded, from the effects of which, rendered more dread ful by gangrene, he did not recover sufficiently for duty till Aug ust, 1864, when he rejoined the company, and fought at Jones- boro and in the mounted engagements. HENRY E. FUNK, Jessamine County, was lost on the retreat of Bragg from Kentucky, and attached himself to the Thirty-first Alabama Infantry, with which he served till April, 1864, taking part in several engagements with that regiment. At that time, he he rejoined his own company, and fought with it at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was severely wounded in the hands at the latter place, May 28, and died from the effects of it at Cov- ington, Ga., July 4, 1864. JAMES GOOCH, Jessamine County, fought at Chickamauga. HENRY GABLE, Liberty Hill, South Carolina, was enlisted in this company after the brigade entered his State, and took part in the closing engagements. THO. F. JONES, Harrison County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, Peachtree Creek, Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. CHARLES M. JONES, Grant County, fought at Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at the latter place and fell into the hands of the enemy, who abandoned him after three days, when he was taken charge of by a Confederate surgeon, and sent to Atlanta, where he died, June 8, 1864. 726 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JNO. H. JONES, Owen County, fought at Dallas, was wounded there, and was promoted to corporal for gallant and meritorious conduct on that field. He fought also at Jonesboro , and was wounded there. MELVIN JACOBS, Jessamine County, died of disease at Jonesville, Va., Jan. 8, 1863. N. B. KING, Owen County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. J. B. LAMKIN, Jessamine County, was appointed sergeant, May, 1863, and acted with the company a short time, when, June 15, 1863, he was appointed ordnance sergeant, and acted in that capacity during the remainder of the war. THOMAS LYNN, Scott County, fought at Dallas, Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN T. LAIR, Jessamine County, was lost on retreat from Ken tucky, 1862, and attached himself to the Thirty-first Alabama In fantry. He fought at Baker s Creek, Miss., and was captured there, but was exchanged, and rejoined this company, April i, 1864, with which he fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and in the mounted engagements. JAMES F. METCALFE, Jessamine County, was appointed commis sary sergeant, Nov. 25, 1862, and served as such until Dec. 20, 1862, when he was appointed quartermaster-sergeant, in which capacity he served till July 30, 1863, when he returned to the ranks. He remained with the company till February, 1864, when he was made a hospital steward, and served as such until June, 1864, at which time he again returned to the company. He was, however, generally incapacitated by disease for duty in the field, though he remained with the command to the close. GEO. W. METCALFE, Jessamine County, was appointed first cor poral, Feb. i, 1863, and was promoted to sergeant, Nov. i, 1863. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was severely wounded in the left shoulder at Dallas, and was slightly wounded again at Jonesboro . JOHN McKINNEY, Fort Valley, Ga., enlisted Dec. 20, 1864, and served during the remainder of the war with dismounted detach ment. SAMUEL D. NAVE, Nicholasville, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, at which latter place he was captured, but was exchanged some time after ward, and served with the dismounted detachment. He was ap pointed first corporal, April i, 1864, and promoted to sergeant, June 8, 1864, on account of gallantry displayed at Chickamauga and Resaca. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 727 JAMES T. NUCKOLS, Fort Valley, Ga., enlisted Oct. i, 1864, and took part in the mounted engagements, in one of which, at Spring Hill, S. C., April 18, 1865, he lost a little finger. WILLIS PARSONS, Grant County, fought at Rocky Face Gap, Re- saca, Dallas, Peachtree Creek, and Intrenchment Creek, at which latter place he lost a leg, and fell into the hands of the enemy. EDWARD PARSONS, Grant County, fought at Chickamauga, and was severely wounded there, from the effects of which he died, in Atlanta, Nov. 19, 1863. ISAAC PAINTER, Scott County, died, Feb. 15, 1863, from over dose of opium administered in sickness by a careless nurse, at Jonesville, Va. STEMBLE REED, Grant County, died of disease at Stoney Creek, Scott County, Va. , Jan. 3, 1863. SAMUEL ROBERTSON, Liberty Hill, S. C., enlisted March 5, 1865, and fought at Statesburg and Spring Hill. GEORGE W. REYNOLDS, Jessamine County, fought at Chick amauga, where he was so severely wounded in the ankle as to be disabled for infantry service, but rejoined the command in the autumn of 1864, and took part in the cavalry engagements. RICHARD REYNOLDS, Liberty Hill, S. C., enlisted March 5, 1865, and took part in the subsequent engagements. SAMSON RICHARDSON, Grant County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. GREEN B. SIPPLE, Grant County, was left sick in Virginia when the regiment marched to Chickamauga, but rejoined it, Oct. 15, and was appointed third corporal, Nov. i, 1863. He fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. CALEB H. SIPPLE, Grant County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. M< )SES SIPPLE, Grant County, was discharged on . account of dis ability by disease, January, 1863. JA MES H. SIPPLE, Grant County, died of disease at Abingdon, Va., Nov. 20, 1862. JACOB A. SHYRER, Grant County, was left sick in Virginia when his regiment marched to Chickamauga, but rejoined it in front of Chattanooga, Nov. 15, 1863, and fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was appointed third cor poral, March 12, 1865. 728 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JERRY SMITH, Grant County, served as teamster from Oct. 18, 1862, till the close of the war. GEO. W. SMITH, Grant County, served as teamster from Oct. 18, 1862, till December, 1863, and was generally afterward disabled by disease for any duty. WILLIAM SWITZER, Harrison County, left Dalton on furlough, Feb. 20, 1864; was captured in Kentucky, and confined at Camp Morton, Indiana, till the close of the war. JACOB SAN DUSKY, Jessamine County, fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was appointed fifth sergeant, June, 1864, f r gallantry at Dallas. LEWIS E. SANDUSKY, Jessamine County, fought at Chickamauga. DUDLEY SANDUSKY, Jessamine County, died of disease at Abingdon, Va. , Jan. i, 1863. CHILTON SANDUSKY, Jessamine County, died of disease at Abingdon, Va.,Jan. 19, 1863. SAMUEL SCOTT, Jessamine County, fought at Chickamauga. JAMES M. STARNES, Nicholas County, was for some time first ser geant. NICHOLAS R. VARNER, Scott County, fought at Chickamauga and Mission Ridge. EMANUEL VANTREES, Jessamine County, enlisted at fourteen years of age, and was appointed corporal a short time afterward. He fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was killed at the latter place, May 2<S, 1864. JAMES WELCH, Jessamine County, fought at Chickamauga. COMPANY I, FIFTH REGIMENT. The material consulted in the preparation of this notice has enabled us to speak more fully of particular individuals than is the case with most other companies. Not having all the facts as to individual char acters before us, so that we might make just remarks, even of the worthy dead, we have, in general, confined ourselves to a plain state ment of the military deeds performed by each, and with respect to those who yet survive, we have adhered almost wholly to this policy, lest, with our inadequate personal knowledge of different men, we might make unjust and odious distinctions. This company was recruited by Capt. Jo Desha, with the assistance of Lieut. James William Cleaveland, acting under authority of Maj.- Gen. E. Kirby Smith, September, 1862. It was organized and sworn HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 729 into service, September ayth, at the Cynthiana Fair Grounds, and re mained here until October 5th, when it marched to Camp Dick Rob inson, by way of Lexington. Here it was united with the companies of Gaines, Musselman, and Calvert, and the four were placed under command of Capt. Desha, and went out of Kentucky with the main army of Bragg, leaving Camp Breckinridge, October i3th. The com panies of Musselman and Calvert had been recruited for Marshall s command, and on arriving at Knoxville they expressed a desire to re turn to West Virginia, in which Capt. Desha at once acquiesced, though manifestly to his own disadvantage. After their departure, the other two companies were, at their own request, ordered to report to Col. Thomas H. Hunt, then at Murfreesboro . They were accord ingly attached to the Ninth Regiment, under the titles of I and K, and remained with it until May, 1863, when the brigade had reached Montgomery, on it way to reenforce Gen. Johnston, in his attempt to relieve Pemberton. Here, they were ordered to report to Gen. Pres ton, at Abingdon, Va., with a view to the formation of a battalion, or regiment, to be commanded by Capt. Desha. Owing to the difficulty that then attended recruiting for the infantry, and to the active move ments shortly inaugurated, the contemplated organization was never completed. The troops assembled at Abingdon, marched thence to Big Creek Gap, thence to Cumberland Gap, and again to Abingdon ; after which Gen. Preston was ordered westward to reenforce Bragg, at Chickamauga, and Companies I and K were attached to the Fifth Regiment temporarily, it was proposed at the time; but they re mained with that command from that period until the close of the war. It will be seen that, in noticing the services of the men, we mention their having taken part in the mounted engagements in Georgia only, which is accounted for by the fact that the company was detached from the brigade at Liberty Hill, S. C., just previously to the march to the region of the Wateree, and sent to Columbia, to act as couriers between that city and Blackstock, and that they remained here until the main body of the command passed through Columbia, on its way to Washington, Ga. JO DESHA, Harrison County. (See biography.) JAMES WM. CLEAVELAND, Harrison County, was a member of Capt. Desha s company (C), of the First Kentucky Infantry, hav ing enlisted on the 23d of April, 1861. He served in Virginia until the First Regiment was disbanded. He then attached him self to Cameron s battalion of Kentucky cavalry, and served with it in Western Virginia, and on the march into Kentucky a por tion of the time in the commissary department. Early in Sep tember, 1862, he again enlisted with Capt. Desha, assisted that officer in recruiting, and, on the 2-jth of the same month, was 730 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. elected first lieutenant of this company. He fought at Hartsville r Stone River, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. . Just before the battle of Chickamauga, and before his regiment had been transferred to Lewis, he was detailed, in opposition to his will, to act as commissary for the brigade of Gen. Kelley. " This," says a brother officer, prevented his acting with the company on that glorious day, but he did his important duty well and the commissary who did that is entitled to honor." He was detained on duty in that brigade long after the Fifth Regiment had been attached to Lewis s, but rejoined his company before the opening of the campaign of 1864. He was slightly wounded at Harts- ville, Dec. 7, 1862, and mortally at Dallas, May 28, 1864. He received five wounds "a shot," says our authority, "through the chest and one through the bowels; one arm was badly mashed above the elbow the other below, and his face was contused. He evidently did not receive those wounds simultaneously, but was knocked down and rose and advanced, to be knocked over again and again. He was down on his face, while our line was firing, about thirty yards from the enemy s works, and lay there when we fell back. He afterward reported that the Federal litter- bearers came to him and examined him, but refused to carry him off, remarking that he would die anyhow. They took his pistol and hat, and left him, but during the night he managed to crawl back far enough to be within hearing of our skirmish line. The men took him in next morning, and, to the unspeakable joy of us all, we found him at the field hospital, game as ever. He was re moved by ambulance to Marietta, thence to Atlanta, and died at the latter place on the 6th of June. He was a true friend un selfish, noble-hearted. His courage as a soldier his heroic de votion to the cause combined with his cool judgment, sound common sense, and temperate life made him a most valuable officer indeed." WM. N. FISHBACK, Harrison County, was a corporal in Co. C, First Kentucky Infantry, and fought at Dranesville, Dec. 20, 1861, where he was wounded in the arm, and disabled. He was discharged some time afterward on account of disability by that wound, but went to West Virginia, and remained with the Ken tucky troops in that department till September, 1862, when he was enlisted in this company, and on the 2yth of that month was elected second lieutenant. He fought afterward at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. At Chickamauga, after Capt. Desha was wounded and relinquished the command of the company, late in the afternoon, Lieut. Fishback assumed that duty, and discharged it till the retreat from Mission Ridge. At Dallas, his captain and first lieutenant having been disabled, he again took command, which he retained until July 22, 1864. He was twice slightly wounded at Dallas, and mortally at Intrenchment Creek in neck and knee. He fell into the hands of the enemy, and died at Marietta some time in August. He was complimented by one of his superiors as being a gallant officer, devoted to duty, vigilant HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 731 in watching the interests of his men, well acquainted with the drill, and of fine social qualities. KELLER ANDERSON, Harrison County. (See biography.) JEFF OXLEY, Cynthiana, was appointed corporal, November, 1862 ; was promoted to fifth sergeant, January, 1863, and to second ser geant some time afterward. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was severely wounded in the side at Chickamauga, and was wounded in both legs at Intrenchment Creek, but rejoined the company, November, 9, 1864; was mounted in January, 1865, and took part in the subsequent operations. He was highly compli mented by one of his commanding officers for courage of a high order, for industry and attention to business, for intelligence and alacrity in the performance of duty, for cheerfulness under hard ships, for personal truth, soldierly pride, temperate habits, and high moral principles. Died in Nicholasville, Oct. n, 1885. DENNIS O HALLORAN, Ireland, was one of Morehead s partisan rangers, and was attached to this company in November, 1862. He was appointed corporal in January, 1863, was promoted to third sergeant, January, 1864, and on the summer campaign of 1864 he was color-sergeant. He fought with this company at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was wounded at Hartsville, Dec. 7, 1862, and severely wounded and captured at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864, and detained in prison till just before the termination of the war. He served first year in Capt. Desha s company of the First Regiment. JOSEPH OOLERY, Harrison County, was appointed fourth sergeant, Sept. 27, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. BEN F. G. WHITAKER, Pendleton County, was appointed fourth corporal, Sept. 27, 1862, and was promoted to fifth sergeant, January, 1864. He fought at Hartsville, and was wounded there; fought also at Stone River and Chickamauga, and at the latter place was again wounded, but fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, and disabled for fur ther duty during the war. C. McKINNEY, Kentucky, was one of the corporals of the company, and fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, and died in the hands of the enemy. 732 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WM. RANDALL WHITAKER, Harrison County, was one of the corporals of the company, and fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dal las, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was unfitted by ill health for any duty in the ranks after July i, 1864, and died shortly after reaching home, in the summer of 1865. He was complimented for conspicuous gallantry on the field at Dallas. JOSEPH BAYLESS, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded in the breast at the latter place, but recovered and fought at Jonesboro , and took part in the clos ing operations. W. T. BROWNING, Kentucky, was appointed corporal in 1863, and promoted to fourth sergeant, 1864. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements in Georgia. JOE F. CUMMINS, Harrison County, was on the field during the battle of Stone River as one of the infirmary corps; fought in the ranks at Chickamauga and Mission Ridge, and was wounded at the former place, and on the campaign from Dalton he was regu larly detailed for infirmary duty, and was on every field. During the cavalry operations, he was with the dismounted detachment. Died at home some years after the war. J. W. CUMMINS, Harrison County, was incapacitated by disease for any duty, and had permission to return to Kentucky, but died in Louisville, on his way home. JOSEPH CUMMINS, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. ROBT. S. CUMMINS, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. GEO. CUMMINS, Harrison County, died of disease at Murfreesboro, December, 1862. JOHN S. CRAIG, Bracken County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Mission Ridge, and Rocky Face Gap. He lost an arm at the latter place, May 9, 1864, and was subsequently retired, but fought with one arm at West Point, Ga., during Tyler s defense of that post in 1865. L. F. CRAIG, Bracken County, was appointed corporal, Sept. 27, 1862, but was soon afterward reduced to ranks at his own request, and detailed as teamster, in which capacity he served till after the army reached Dalton, when he reentered the company, and was killed in his first battle, Dallas, May 28, 1864. J. E. CASEY, Bracken County, died of disease at Emory and Henry College Hospital, July, 1863. WILLIAM CARR, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 733 W. T. CASEY, Harrison County, was appointed third sergeant, Sept. 27, 1862; promoted to second sergeant, Jan. 3, 1863, and to first sergeant, July 4, 1863. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga, aud was wounded at the latter place. JOHN CONNOR, Ireland, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. ROBT. DUNN, Bracken County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations, he was with the dismounted men. Died at home some years after the war. R. DAWSON, Kentucky, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died in Atlanta a few days afterward. J. A. J. EARNEST, Kentucky, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. HENRY J. FOWLER, Harrison County, was generally employed as teamster. Died at home some years after the war. BEVERLY M. FRYAR, Pendleton County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. JOHN M. FOGLE, Pendleton County, was transferred from Co. A, 1864. He fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Ken- esaw Mountain, and was killed on the skirmish line at the latter place, June 19, 1864. DRAKEFORD GRAY, Hickman County, was appointed third ser geant, Jan. 3, 1863, but was returned to ranks, at his own re quest, in December of that year. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Jonesboro . He was wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, and disabled, and was afterward retired. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct. HENRY GIFFORD, Bracken County, was appointed corporal, Sept. , 27, 1862. He was sent to hospital, sick, December, 1862, and no other facts are known of him. FRANK GLASGOW, served first year of the war in Capt. Desha s company of the First Regiment, and fought with Co. I, Fifth Reg iment, at Hartsville and Stone River. E. A. HICKMAN, Harrison County, was sent to hospital, sick, Jan. 6, 1863, and was not again heard of. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Bracken County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. CASSIUS HUMPHREYS, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements in Georgia. He was wounded at Chickamauga and at Dallas. HENRY HERRINGTON, Harrison County, died of disease at Ma rietta, Ga., Feb. 12, 1864. 734 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. RICHARD HODGE, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements in Georgia. JAMES HANGLEY, Ireland, fought at Hartsville and Stone River, and in August, 1863, attached himself to cavalry, with which he afterward served. ELISHA HAWKINS, Virginia, was informally transferred to Co. D, Ninth Kentucky, and fought at Chickamauga, where he was wounded and disabled. HENRY L. HALL, Jessamine County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Sept. 27, 1862, but was returned to the ranks at his own request, in January, 1863. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga, at which latter place he was wounded. He was afterward detailed as clerk in the quartermaster s department of Gracie s brigade, and served in that capacity during the remain der of the war. WILLIAM HENRY, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. SILAS KING, Pendleton County, died of disease in Atlanta, Feb. 5, 1863. ABRAHAM KING, Pendleton County, died of disease at Murfrees- boro, Nov. 23, 1862. JACOB KRIEGER, Germany, served first year of the war in the First Kentucky Regiment Infantry; afterward joined Morehead s squadron of partisans; and in November, 1862, he was attached to this company, and fought with it at Hartsville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at Hartsville, and at Dallas he was mortally wounded, fell into the enemy s hands, and died some time in June, 1864. THOMAS LEA, Kentucky, was sent to hospital, sick, December, 1862. Fate unknown. WILLIAM B. MOSS, Bracken County, fought at Hartsville, and was severely wounded in the mouth. He was captured in hospital at Stone River, January, 1863, and remained in the enemy s hands till the spring of 1865, when, upon the termination of the war, he was released, and returned home, where he soon afterward died. WILLIAM T. McCORMICK, Nicholas County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River, and died of disease at Dalton, Ga. , 1863. JAMES MICHAEL, Harrison County, was killed in battle at Harts ville, Dec. 7, 1862. GEORGE MICHAEL, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. ALEXANDER McCLURE, Harrison County, fought at Chicka mauga. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 735 FRANK McKINNEY, Kentucky, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. LEVI MAINS, Kentucky, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. SAMUEL MAINS, Kentucky. " If any one man of the company," says his captain, "deserves more particular honor for what he did than another, this was the man. He was crippled by white- swelling early in life. One of his arms was so imperfect that he could not execute the manual, and one of his legs was very badly injured ; yet, he stood up to hard marching and hard fighting better than many men who were whole and sound, and when he could march no longer, he stayed with the wagons and helped to cook." He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, and on the campaign of 1864 till his crippled leg gave out, when he did faithful duty on the cooking detail till August. He then reentered the ranks, and fought both days at Jonesboro , and he also took some part in the operations after the command was mounted. GEORGE MAINS, Kentucky, was appointed second sergeant, Sept. 27, 1862, and died of disease at Ringgold, Ga. , April 4, 1863. CHARLES POPE, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. He was afterward detailed as teamster, and served in this capacity till the autumn of 1864, when he reentered the ranks and took part in the mounted engagements in Georgia. JOHN M. ROGERS, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca and Dallas. He was wounded at Chickamauga, and at Dallas he was mortally wounded, and died in the enemy s hands. WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Harrison County, was transferred from Morgan s cavalry, and fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga. He was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. JAMES SNODGRASS, Harrison County, was appointed corporal in 1864. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga. At the latter place, he was wounded in both legs, and disabled for further service in the ranks during the war. Died at home some years after the war. GREEN SCOTT, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements in Geor gia.. Died at home some time after the war. ED SHADD, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga. JOSEPH SHADD, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga. SAMUEL SHADD, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. JOHN SMITH, Maryland, was transferred from Morgan s cavalry, and was killed in battle at Hartsville. 736 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN SHADD, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dal las; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrench- ment Creeks. He was captured at the latter place, July 22, 1864, and detained in prison till the war closed. JAMES SWITZER, Harrison County, died of disease at Chatta nooga, April 6, 1863. LEWIS TANDY, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place. ABRAHAM TURNER, Bracken County, was sent to hospital sick, soon after having enlisted, and when he recovered, he was de tailed as teamster, and served with another command. ANDREW J. THOMPSON, Cynthiana, served first year of the war in Capt. Desha s company, of the First Regiment, and was se verely wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20, 1861. He fought with this company of the Fifth Regiment at Stone River, Chicka mauga, Resaca, and Dallas, and was wounded at the latter place. After the command was mounted, he was sent to Newnan as one of the saddle detail, and continued on that duty till the close of the war. Died at home some years after the war. DAVID HENRY THOMSON, Cynthiana, served first year of the war as second lieutenant of Co. C, First Regiment, and fought at Dranesville and on the Peninsula. After his regiment was dis banded, he did not regularly enlist again, but kept the field as a free fighter. He engaged in foraging for Marshall s command during its cooperative invasion of Kentucky, September, 1862. When he arrived in Harrison County, he at once prepared to en list again under Capt. Desha, but was prevented by that officer, who, knowing his worth, hoped to procure him a commission. He assisted in recruiting Co. I, and was nominally a member, but was not sworn, nor was he in the sworn service of the Confederate States, though encountering hardships and dangers as such. On the stone at his grave is the only record of his membership "D. H. T., C, First Kentucky; I, Fifth Kentucky." He was with Cluke in his invasion of Kentucky, in the winter and spring of 1863, and was of much service to his friends after the retreat. His health now began to fail his lungs having suffered severe hemorrhage but he marched with the Fifth Regiment to North Georgia, and engaged at Chickamauga, where he was killed out right, Sept. 20, 1863, having fired but a few times. His captain, to whom we are indebted for the above facts, remarks: " My friendship for him, and a proud remembrance of his friendship for me, prompts this feeble panegyric, that he was conspicuous for heroism in action, and for the most conscientious observance of his duties ; and truth sustains me in saying that it is no more than he deserves." S. P. F. WHITAKER, Pendleton County, fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there ; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, and was again wounded, but re covered and took part in the mounted engagements in Georgia. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 737 BEN A. WHITAKER, Harrison County, was appointed first ser geant, Sept. 27, 1862, but was returned to ranks at his own request, July, 1863. He fought at Stone River and Chicka- mauga, after which he was detailed as blacksmith, and served as such during the remainder of the war. Died at home some years after the war. COLEMAN G. WHITEHEAD, Harrison County, fought at Harts- ville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, and in the mounted engagements in Georgia. RICHARD WOOLFE, Kentucky, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863, and died in Atlanta a few days afterward. COMPANY K, FIFTH REGIMENT. W. D. ACTON, Franklin County, was elected captain, Oct. 12, 1863. He was captured on the retreat from Kentucky, but was soon aft erward released. He attempted to reach the army, but was again captured, and was detained in prison till August, 1864, when he rejoined his company. He was restored to rank and command in October, and took part in the subsequent engagements. After the war he married and settled in Burke Co., Ga. He died there in 1895. J. T. GAINES, Franklin County. (See biography.) D. S. CROCKETT, Frankfort, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 12, 1862, and was killed in battle at Hartsville, Dec. 7, 1862. J. C. ROBB, Franklin County, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 12, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Intrenchment Creek and Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. After the war he located in Hawesville, Ky., where he died in 1895. H. S. GREEN, Farmdale, was appointed first sergeant, Oct. 12, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to At lanta; and at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks. He was detailed in September, 1864, to collect the cavalry horses left by Federal raiders on their line of march, and served in this way till 1865. In March he was sent into Kentucky with recruiting orders, and was there when the war closed. He was partially paralyzed about 1887, and died in 1895. BEN F. ROGERS, Franklin County, was appointed second sergeant, Oct. 12, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca and Dallas. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service in the field, and was afterward placed on the list of retired sol diers. 47 738 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. W. D. WRIGHT, Franklin County, was appointed third sergeant, Oct. 12, 1862. He fought at Hartsville and Stone River, and died of disease in the spring of 1863. JAMES LOWRY, Bridgeport, was appointed fourth sergeant, Oct. 12, 1862. He died of disease a few months afterward. JAMES SAMPSON, Franklin County, was appointed fifth sergeant in 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died in Atlanta. LEMUEL FORE, Shelby County, was at one time a sergeant of the company. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission. Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and at Jonesboro . He was wounded at Chickamauga and Jones- boro ; disabled at the latter place for further field service during the war. He was accidentally killed a few years after the war. JACK PATTIE, Franklin County, was at one time a sergeant of the company. He fought at Hartsville and Stone River; was sick in Virginia when the regiment marched to Chickamauga, but recov ered and rejoined his company in time to fight at Mission Ridge, and was wounded there. He after ward fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Peachtree and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died in Franklin County in 1891. C. H. MENZIES, Franklin County, was appointed first corporal, Oct. 12, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was wounded at the latter place, but rejoined the company at Kenesaw Moun tain, and fought afterward at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was captured at the latter place, and was not exchanged till March, 1865, when he returned to the command, reaching it just before the troops were paroled. JAMES B. McQUEEN, Franklin County, was one of the corporals of the company, and fought at Stone River and Chickamauga, and was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was wounded at the latter place, June, 1864, and disabled for fur ther service during the war. THOMAS HAWKINS, Franklin County, was appointed corporal, Oct. 12, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chick amauga. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for field service, but was afterward detailed for duty in the arsenal at Augusta, where he remained till the close of the war. He died in 1883. JAMES YOUNT, Franklin County, was one of the corporals of the company, appointed Oct. 12, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 739 JOHN WHITE, Shelby County, was appointed corporal, Oct. 12, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was wounded at Stone River. THOMAS COOKE, Shelby County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River ; after which he was disabled by disease for active field ser vice, and was generally employed on detail duty till the close of the war. JAMES G. CRUTCHER, Shelby County, served till June, 1863, as one of the regimental drummers ; fought at Chickamauga, and was wounded there, but recovered in time to engage in the battles of Jonesboro . After the command was mounted, he served as courier for Gen. Lewis till the close of the war. Died of con sumption soon after the war. WM. G. CRUTCHER, Franklin County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WILLIAM ELLIS, Franklin County, died of disease in December, 1862. HENRY FLOYD, Kentucky, took part in the engagements of the mounted men. WM. GLORE, Franklin County, died of disease some time during the winter of 1862-3. NEILL HACKETT, Franklin County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River, and died of disease in the spring of 1863. ROBERT HEDGER, Shelby County, was separated from his com pany on the retreat from Kentucky, and connected himself with a Tennessee regiment, with which he was sent to the Trans-Missis sippi department, and served till the close of the war. BEN HICKMAN, Franklin County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Was crippled in Chicago during the rebuilding of that city and died of his injuries. THOMAS HUDSON, Shelby County, was disabled by disease for infantry service, and was transferred to the cavalry company of Capt. Sanders. A. JOHNSON, Shelby County, fought at Stone River, and Chicka mauga. He was captured at the latter place, and died in prison. ALLAN JONES, was not enlisted till the winter of 1864-5. He fought in the mounted engagements in South Carolina. FELIX LONG, Franklin County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. A. LONG, Shelby County, fought at Hartsville. HENRY MARSHALL, Franklin County, fought at Hartsville. 740 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES McQUEEN, Franklin County, was discharged in the spring of 1863, on account of disability by disease. ED MERSHON, Farmdale, was killed in battle at Hartsville, Dec. 7, 1862. N. L. MOORE, Franklin County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River, and was afterward transferred to the First Kentucky Cav alry. LEWIS MOORE, Franklin County, fought at Stone River, Chicka- mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro , and served with the dis mounted detachment during the remainder of the war. JAMES D. MOORE, Franklin County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River ; after which he was disabled by disease for duty in the ranks, and was detailed for service in the subsistence department, in Alabama, in which capacity he served during the remainder o"~ the war. Died at home in 1894. THOMAS POWERS, Franklin County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. He died at home some years after the war. WM. M. ROBB, Henry County, served as teamster in charge of ambu lance till June, 1863, when he entered the ranks, and fought after ward at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. HENRY B. ROBERTS, Franklin County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River, and died of disease in the spring of 1863. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct st Stone River. JOHN ROBERTS, Franklin County, was left sick at Murfreesboro , January, 1863; was captured there, and died in prison. SAMUEL SHEETS, Benson, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; after which. he was on detail duty till September, 1864. He served with the dismounted detachment during the cavalry operations. He was wounded at Chickamauga. Died several years after the war. ALEXANDER SHEETS, Franklin County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the mounted en gagements. He was wounded also at Chickamauga. W. N. SHELTON, Graefenberg, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga, at which latter place he was killed. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chickamauga. PRESLEY SANFORD, Franklin County, died of disease at Mur freesboro , December, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 741 JOHN W. SMITH "Kirby" Franklin County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. He was one of the McMinnville guard, and was captured there, but was shortly afterward exchanged, and fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Re- saca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was wounded at the latter place, June, 1864, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. He died soon after the war closed. JAMES EMORY SPEER, Georgia, was not enlisted till late in the war. He took part in mounted engagements. When he enlisted he was but a stripling of a boy. He made a good soldier, how ever, and has since become one of the most distinguished men of his native State having filled offices of honor and responsibility, and being recognized as an able statesman and jurist. He has been for some years United States District Judge for the Southern District of Georgia. JERRY SPALDING, Bridgeport, fought at Hartsville, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. At Dalton, he was placed on the corps of sharpshooters, and was almost daily engaged with the enemy for four months. He took part in the mounted engagements also. THOMAS TOOLEY, Shelby County, died of disease during the win ter of 1862-3. JERRY TRACEY, Frankfort, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service in the ranks, but did detail duty during the last months of the war. JAMES K. P. TRACEY, Frankfort, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was mortally wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, and died some time afterward in Alabama. FRANK TRUMAN, Shelby County, fought at Hartsville and Stone River. HENRY WHITE, Franklin County, fought at Stone River, Chick amauga, and Mission Ridge. He was slightly wounded at Chick amauga. JACOB WILLIAMS, Bridgeport, fought at Stone River, and was wounded there. He was left in hospital, and was captured, but was exchanged and rejoined the command in the summer of 1863, after which he was engaged in various detail duty. After the command was mounted, he was veterinary surgeon for brigade. JAMES WRIGHT, Bridgeport, was disabled by railroad accident, June, 1863, and afterward placed on list of retired soldiers. 742 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. SIXTH REGIMENT. FIELD AND STAFF. JOSEPH H. LEWIS, Glasgow. (See biography.) MARTIN H. GOFER, Elizabethtown. (See biography.) THOMAS H. HAYS, Hardin County. (See biography.) DAVID C. WALKER, Scottville. (See biography.) JOHN F. DAVIS, Shelby County, was appointed captain and A. C. S., Oct. 8, 1 86 1 ; but went into the battle of Shiloh as volunteer aid to the colonel commanding, and was wounded there; was made chief commissary of division, Oct. 14, 1862, and served till the close of the war on various duty in that department. ED PORTER THOMPSON, Metcalfe County, was captain and A. Q. M., after October, 1863, having been disabled for duty in the line. (See Co. E.) GID WELCH, Shelby County, was appointed adjutant, November, 1861, but was not confirmed, and joined Morgan s cavalry, Feb ruary. 1862. Was afterward killed in battle. R. R. STEVENSON, Anderson County. (See biography.) JOHN L. VERTREES, Glasgow, was appointed assistant surgeon, Oct. 5, 1861 ; promoted to surgeon, April i, 1864; and served throughout the war with his regiment in the field. THOMAS L. NEWBERRY, Hiseville, was appointed assistant sur geon, April i, 1864. (See biography.) H. H. KAVANAUGH, JR., Falmouth, chaplain. (See biography.) COMPANY A, SIXTH REGIMENT. C. B. McCLASKEY, Bloomfield, was elected captain, Oct. 8, 1861; fought at Shiloh; at Stone River, where he was wounded; at Jackson, at Chickamauga, where he was again wounded; at Rocky Face Gap, at Resaca, at Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek, at Intrenchment Creek, at Utoy Creek, and at Jonesboro , where he was severely wounded in right shoulder, and disabled for the war, while gallantly leading the Sixth Regi ment against the enemy, Aug. 31, 1864. He died at home in January, 1896. CHARLES DAWSON, Bloomfield, was elected first lieutenant, Oct. 8, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, where he was severely wounded, April 7, 1862, and fell into the hands of the enemy. After hav ing been exchanged, he was appointed commissary of the Sixth HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 743 Regiment. In August, 1863, he was made an agent for the col lection of supplies in Mississippi, and served there during the re mainder of the war. He died at home about thirty years after the war. PEYTON L. McMEKIN, Bloomfield, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 8, 1 86 1 ; resigned, May 10, 1862 ; and enlisted as a private in Co. C, Second Kentucky Cavalry. M. E. AULL, Spencer County, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 8, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, where he was mortally wounded, April 7, and died at Crystal Springs, Miss., April 20, 1862. JOSEPH HENRY McCLASKEY, Nelson County, was appointed first sergeant, Oct. 8, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. Died of dis ease at Newnan, Ga., Nov. 22, 1863. ALEC V. DUNCAN, Nelson County, was appointed second ser geant, Oct. 8, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. Was wounded in the foot at the latter place, July 22, 1864, but rejoined the company, Oct. 10, and took part in the mounted engagements. ISAAC N. STILWELL, Spencer County, was appointed third ser geant, Oct. 8, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Jackson, after which he was disabled by ill health until August, 1864, when he fought at Utoy Creek, both days at Jonesboro , and was with dismounted detachment during the remainder of the war. P. SHINDLER, Spencer County, was appointed fourth sergeant, Oct. 8, 1 86 1. Was discharged on account of disability by dis ease, Dec. 15, 1861, and died at home. THOMAS G. DUNCAN, Nelson County, fought with Co. G, Fif teenth Mississippi, at first Manassas, and was wounded there; was appointed fifth sergeant Co. A, Sixth Kentucky Regiment, Nov. 17, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River. In the spring of 1862, he was appointed sec ond lieutenant by Gen. Bragg, to fill a vacancy in Co. G, but was displaced by an order from the W T ar Department, making all line officers elective, November, 1862. In April, 1863, he was transferred to Co. C, Second Kentucky Cavalry. JNO. N. McCLASKEY, Nelson County, was appointed fifth ser geant, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Intrenchment Creek, where he was wounded and permanently disabled. Died in Texas long after the war. ANDREW ROGERS, Spencer County, was appointed first corporal, Oct. 8, 1861 ; promoted to first sergeant, May 10, 1862; was elected second lieutenant, Dec. 17, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, at which latter place he was wounded by a shell; Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; 744 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. Is now (1898) a citizen of Kansas. WILLIAM PRATHER, Washington County, was appointed second corporal, Oct. 8, 1861. Died of disease at Bowling Green, Dec. 2, 1861. WILLIAM W. KNOTT, Washington County, was appointed third corporal, Oct. 8, 1861 ; was elected second lieutenant, May 10, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge ; was wounded at the latter place; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements up to March, 1864, when he was sent into Kentucky to recruit, and was there when the army surren dered. Died in Springfield, Ky., about sixteen years after the war. WILLIAM B. MOXLEY, Nelson County, was appointed fourth cor poral, Oct. 8, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and was mortally wounded in battle at Dallas, fell into Federal hands, had leg amputated, but was neglected, and died after Sherman abandoned his prisoners there, June 20, 1864. L. H. BENNETT, Spencer County, was appointed second lieutenant to fill the vacancy occasioned by death of Lieut. Aull, April 3, 1862; was elected first lieutenant, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was wounded at the latter place, but rejoined the company and fought at Jonesboro . Was with the dismounted detachment during the cavalry service. Died in Jackson, Miss., about twenty years after the war. THOMAS ASHBY, Anderson County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Was regimental teamster until April, 1864; fought at Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. Now (1898) a citizen of Illinois. MARION ASHBY, Anderson County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jack son, and Chickamauga, at which latter place he was wounded in the shoulder ; at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. JOSHUA W. ASHBY, Anderson County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, and died of disease at Lauderdale Springs, Miss., June 4, 1862. LOGAN BARNARD, Washington County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. Was the first man of Co. A killed in bat tle. Was old when he enlisted. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 745 WILLIAM BURROWS, Nelson County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. Now (1898) a citizen of Blandins- ville, 111. NACE BARNARD, Washington County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded in the shoulder, April 7, 1862; at Vicksburg, Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, at which latter place he was severely wounded in the face and neck, and disabled till autumn, but fought in the mounted engagements. Now (1898) a citizen of Texas. LOSSON BODINE, Nelson County, was severely wounded in battle at Shiloh, and disabled; was discharged, Sept. 3, 1862, but after ward enlisted in a Mississippi regiment, and fought till the close of the war. WILLIAM H. BEMISS, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, and Baton Rouge, and was severely wounded in the face at the latter place ; at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and was with dismounted men during cavalry operations. S. G. BYARS, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded; at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was permanently dis abled at the latter place by a wound in the arm. Now (1898) a citizen of one of the Southern States. W. J. BOWLING, Woodford County, was transferred from First Ken tucky Cavalry, March 9, 1863. Fought at Jackson, Chicka mauga, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ELIJAH BASYE, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River. Was transferred, July 9, 1863, to Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry, with which he served till the close of the war. GEO. BURKHEAD, Washington County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks. L. D. BURTON, Shelby County, transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh; was discharged on account of dis ability, Sept. 3, 1862. Died soon after the war. RICHARD BOND, Washington County, fought at Stone River; died of disease at Ringgold, Ga., May 5, 1863. SAMUEL N. BENNETT, Spencer County, was enlisted at Jackson, June 6, 1863, and was employed in various detail service during the remainder of the war. 746 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GEO. D. BRIGGS, Spencer County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 6, and was discharged on account of disability, Nov. 17, 1862. Afterward joined Morgan s command, and fought till the surrender. A. F. BRIGGS, Spencer County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Nov. 21, 1 86 1. B. SCOTT BENNETT, Spencer County, foughtat Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap,Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements to Savannah; after which he was with the dismounted detachment till surrender. He was wounded in the neck at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. J. HEADY BENNETT, Spencer County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died several years after the war. SEBE CRUTCHER, Spencer County, fought at siege of Vicksburg, and at Stone River, at which latter place he was wounded and captured, Jan. 2, 1863. STEPHEN B. CRUTCHER, Spencer County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River, at which latter place he was wounded. CHRISTOPHER H. CASEY, Washington County, discharged on account of disability, June 2, 1862. JOHN T. CRAYCROFT, Washington County, fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded in the shoulder at Dallas, and long dis abled, but rejoined the command at Greene s Cut, Ga. , and was with dismounted detachment till surrender. JOHN T. CECIL, Hardin County, was transferred from Co. B, June, 1864. Fought with Graves s light artillery at Donelson, and was captured there ; rejoined Sixth Regiment, September, 1862, and fought at Jackson. Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, and afterward did detail service till surrender. R. F. COX, Anderson County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Foughtat Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. DUD CALVERT, Nelson County, was appointed corporal, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face, Resaca, Dallas, and Pine Mountain; was captured in a skirmish at Kenesaw Mountain, but was exchanged and rejoined command; was with dismounted de tachment during the remainder of the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 747 STINSON COX, Anderson County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Was discharged, being under age, November, 1862. LUD M. DADISMAN, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River, at which latter place he was severely wounded, Dec. 31, 1862, but recovered sufficiently to take part in the cam paigns of 1864-5, an d fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dal las ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the cavalry engage ments. Now (1898) a citizen of Georgia remained South after the war closed. HAB DUNCAN, Nelson County, fought at Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. W. O. DAVIDSON, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River; was one of the McMinnville guard, in the spring of 1863, when he was captured. GEORGE W. FOREE, Shelby County, died of disease at Columbus, Miss., May n, 1862. J. W. FRYAR, Spencer County, fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, and Jackson ; was captured at Jackson, and detained in prison till the close of the war. Nothing known of him subsequently. J. B. FORM AN, Spencer County, transferred from the garrison of Fort Morgan, November, 1862, and fought at Stone River. AMOS FOX, Nelson County, was appointed hospital steward, Nov. i, 1 86 1, and assigned to post duty. Served in the medical de partment during the war. R. FRANKLIN, Anderson County, was transferred to Co. G, No vember, 1862. J. GUTHRIE, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. JOHN GENTRY, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Died of disease at Tangipahoa, La., Aug. 15, 1862. NAPOLEON B. GENTRY, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded in the head, April 7, 1862. In June, 1862, he was made second lieutenant by order of Bragg; but owing to the illegality of the proceeding, he returned to the ranks in November. Fought at Vicksburg and Stone River, and was transferred to Co. G, Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, April 9, 1863. ROSS GREER, Barren County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded in the arm and disabled; was discharged, July 5, 1862, but soon reenlisted, the last time in a Southern regiment. His former comrades saw him during the Dalton-Atlanta campaign, and he expected to re join them, but the brave boy was killed during the siege of At lanta. 748 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. HENRY C. HURST, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was appointed first sergeant, Feb. 8, 1863; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrench- ment Creeks; was killed at the latter place, far in advance of his regiment, July 22, 1864, and his body fell into the enemy s hands. HELM HOBBS, Nelson County, fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dalton to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, at which latter place he was wounded; at Utoy Creek, and at Jones- boro , where he was again wounded, Aug. 31, 1864. After hav ing recovered, he was sent into Kentucky to recruit for the regi ment, and was there at the close of the war. Now (1898) a citi zen of Covington. JOHN HOUGLAND, Spencer County, was transferred from First Kentucky Cavalry, April, 1863 ; fought at Jackson, Chicka mauga, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dalton to At lanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. W. H. HARDIN, Henry County, was transferred from First Ken tucky Cavalry, April, 1863; fought at Jackson and Chickamauga ; was generally disabled for duty by reason of ill health, but was with the dismounted detachment at the time of surrender. VALENTINE HARDIN, Henry County, was transferred from First Kentucky Cavalry, 1863 ; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was killed at the lat ter place, July 22, 1864. AMBROSE HOPE, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg ; died of disease, at Ringgold, Ga. , June 5, 1863. W. H. HAGERMAN, Anderson County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862; fought at Shiloh; died of disease at Lauder- dale Springs, Miss., May, 1862. JNO. BEN HUGHES, Spencer County, fought at Shiloh; was ap pointed third corporal, May 10, 1862 ; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, at which latter place he was severely wounded and permanently disabled. WM. RILEY JACKSON, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face, Resaca, Dallas ; and was killed in a skirmish at Pine Mountain, June 20, 1864. BUD JEWELL, Spencer County, was in some of the earlier battles, but was at length discharged because of disability by disease. He died at home soon after the war. W. H. KELLEY, Henry County, was enlisted October, 1862; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was captured May 16, 1864, on movement between Re saca and Dallas. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 749 W. P. KELLEY, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 20, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh; died of disease at Corinth, May, 1862. J. W. KACKLEY, Franklin County, was transferred from First Kentucky Cavalry, April, 1863 ; fought at Jackson, Chicka- mauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. N. L. LEATHERS, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks burg; was discharged on account of disability by disease, July 18, 1862. HARVEY LOWBER, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chickamauga. Died in Daveiss County more than twenty-five years after the war. J. W. McCLASKEY, Nelson County, served in the commissary de partment till 1863 ; fought at Jackson and Chickamauga; died of disease at Newnan, Ga. , March 22, 1864. WILLIAM H. MORGAN, Nelson County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was placed on the corps of sharpshooters at Dalton ; fought with them at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was engaged almost daily from Dallas to Atlanta ; fought at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. Now (1898) a citizen of Missouri. W. C. MORGAN, Nelson County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Jan. 9, 1862. He was more than seventy years old when he en listed. ALEXANDER McMEKIN, Nelson County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862; was discharged on account of disability, July 18, 1862. LEONARD MUDD, Grayson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was wounded in the neck at the latter place, but fought in the mounted engagements. Died at home some years after the war. HENRY CLAY McKAY, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was appointed sergeant- major, May, 1863; fought at Jackson, and Chickamauga; was ap pointed first lieutenant and aid de-camp to Gen. Lewis, October, 1863; fought in that capacity at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Pine Mountain. He was killed at Kenesaw Mountain, June, 1864, while observing the fire of Cobb s Bat tery. He was but a boy when enlisted, and only about nineteen years of age when he fell. 750 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. S. M. MILTON, Nelson County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Dec. 5, 1861. JOHN Y. MILTON, Nelson County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, and Jackson ; was placed on the corps of sharpshooters at Dalton ; fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was almost daily engaged from Dallas to Atlanta; fought at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Now (1898) a citizen of Louisiana, (near Baton Rouge). GEO. McAFEE, Spencer County, was killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. JOHN WILLIAM MONTGOMERY, Nelson County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. GEO. H. MILLER, Marion County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks burg; was discharged Nov. 15, 1862, being under age. DAVID MIDDLETON, Spencer County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, 1862. Died soon after the war. E. D. MERRIFIELD, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; was transferred to First Kentucky Cavalry, June 12, 1863. He was captured and confined in a Northern prison, from which he was at length released, but he died a few weeks after the war. E. P. MARSHALL, Nelson County, fought at Donelson with Graves s Battery ; was captured there, and detained at Camp Morton till September, 1862, when he rejoined Co. A, and fought at Stone River, where he was severely wounded and again captured; after having been exchanged, he was made a courier for Gen. Lewis, and served in that capacity during the remainder of the war. H. NOLAND, Marion County, died of disease at Decatur, Ala., March 6, 1862. J. R. NANTZ, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, where he was severely wounded in an arm and shoulder ; fought at Stone River; was appointed corporal, 1863; fought at Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded and captured at Dal las, but escaped and rejoined command, and was with the dis mounted detachment till the surrender. Died in Hodgenville, July 4, 1894. J. D. OVERSTREET, Spencer County, fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca; was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. THOMAS D. OSBORNE, Louisville. (See biography.) R. PAYNE, Clarksville, Tenn., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; was discharged, Dec. 15, 1862, being over age. WM. PHELPS, Washington County, fought at Shiloh. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 751 F. E. PARRIS, Spencer County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Dec. 29, 1861. J. L. PATTIE, Franklin County, was transferred from First Kentucky Cavalry, April, 1863; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face, and Resaca ; was captured between Resaca and Dallas, May 16, 1864. JOHN R. RACHFORD, LaRue County, fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. JOHN ROWLAND, Nelson County, died of disease at Corinth, May 9, 1862. WM. RHODES, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Now (1898) a citizen of Texas. WM. REASOR, Union County, was discharged at Murfreesboro on account of disability by disease, Feb. 18, 1862. GEORGE STONE, Union County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died, June 3, 1864. LEWIS SLOANE, Spencer County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Oct. 29, 1861. JOSEPH SWEAZY, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg ; was discharged, being under age, Nov. 25, 1862, and joined Morgan s scouts. Now (1898) a citizen of Illinois. J. F. SWEAZY, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River; was wounded in the hand at the latter place; fought at Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the cavalry engagements, in one of which he was again wounded. JOSEPH V. SWEAZY, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded in the right side ; fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge, at which Latter place he was wounded in the right shoul der; at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; at Chicka mauga he was again wounded in the right shoulder; fought at Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. Died in Illinois long after the war death caused by the old wounds. WM. STULL, Spencer County, fought at Shiloh. L. N. STOUT, Spencer County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River; died of disease in Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 15, 1863. 752 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. PAT SIMMS, Washington County, was appointed quartermaster-ser geant, Nov. 12, 1861; fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; was transferred to cavalry, July 15, 1862. JACKSON TABB, Nelson County, was appointed wagonmaster, Oct. 9, 1861; was captured at Jackson, July 17, 1863, an d detained in prison till the war terminated. WM. B. SPEARS, Springfield, ("Tobe"); fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Stone River, and Jackson ; was appointed fifth sergeant, Nov. i, 1863 ; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. L. C. THOMAS, Spencer County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Nov. 8, 1861. H. C. TRAVIS, Nelson County, was at siege of Vicksburg, July, 1862. NAPOLEON B. THOMPSON, Jefferson County, was transferred from First Kentucky Cavalry, April, 1863 ; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded in the neck at Kene- saw Mountain, June 20, 1864. During the cavalry operations he was with the dismounted men. WM. B. THOMPSON, Shelby County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was discharged on account of disability, 1862, but afterward joined a regiment of Georgians, and served with them to the close of the war. Died about twenty years after the war. JAMES TENNELL, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. (See account of sharpshooters.) Now (1898) a citizen of Texas. JACK WEBSTER, Spencer County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. V. M. WELLS, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. J. O. WILKINSON, Nelson County, fought with Co. A at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; and was transferred to Co. E, October, 1863. COMPANY B, SIXTH REGIMENT. GEORGE W. MAXSON, New York, was elected captain, Oct. 28, 1861; was promoted to major, Sept. 20, 1863; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 753 and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro ; and during the cav alry operations he was with the dismounted detachment. After the war he was ordained a minister of the Presbyterian Church, and rose to eminence as a pastor and teacher having had rharge of different Southern churches and filled chairs in some of the higher educational institutions. L. M. TUCKER, Louisville, was elected first lieutenant, Oct. 28, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded, April 7, 1862; was relieved, at his own request, Nov. i, 1862. WM. H. MILLER, Hardin County, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 28, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh; resigned May 10, 1862. Is now a citizen of Texas. E. D. RICKETTS, Louisville, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 28, 1861; was promoted to captain and A. Q. M., May i, 1862, and served as such with the Sixth Regiment until November, 1863, when he went to the Department of West Virginia. JOHN S. SULLIVAN, Louisville, was appointed first sergeant, Oct. 28, 1 86 1 ; was elected second lieutenant, May 10, 1862; was pro moted to first lieutenant, Nov. i, 1862; to captain, Sept. 20, 1863; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face, Resaca, and Dallas; was severely wounded at Dallas, but recovered and fought both days at Jonesboro , and in the cavalry engagements. Took service after the war with the L. & N. R. R. Company. He died in Lexington, Oct. 4, 1885. M. D. SCIFERS, Hardin County, was appointed second sergeant, Oct. 28, 1861 ; was relieved of that duty at his own request, Sept. 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was severely wounded at the latter place, but recovered to fight at Jackson and Chickamauga. JO L. TUCKER, Louisville, was appointed third sergeant, Oct. 28, 1 86 1 ; was returned to the ranks at his own request, Feb. 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh and Stone River; and in 1863 he was assigned to duty in the department of engineers, with the rank of first lieutenant, and served in that capacity during the remainder of the war. J. M. ENGLISH, Hardin County, was appointed fourth sergeant, , Oct. 28, 1 86 1. Died of disease at Bowling Green, Jan. i, 1862. JAMES RICKETTS, Louisville, was appointed fifth sergeant, Oct. 28, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded in the first day s fight at Shiloh. ABRAHAM LOEB, Germany, was appointed first corporal, Oct. 28, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, and was wounded in the nose; at Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, where he was again wounded; at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. 48 754 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. O. J. HALL, Hardin County, was appointed second corporal, Oct. 28, 1861; was promoted to third sergeant, May 8, 1862; was elected second lieutenant, Nov. i, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was wounded at the latter place; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca,, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree and Intrenchment Creeks ; at the latter place he was again wounded, but fought at Utoy Creek, both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He is now a citizen of Arkansas. O. McDONALD, Louisville, was appointed third corporal, Oct. 28, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg ; was drowned in Comite River, Aug. 4, 1862. JOHN DILLARD, Hardin County, was appointed fourth corporal, Oct. 28, 1861. Was discharged on account of disability by dis ease, Dec. i, 1 86 1. J. W. APPLEGATE, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh. Was dis charged on account of disability by disease, Oct. 20, 1862. D. T. BISHOP, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh. Was discharged on account of disability by disease, July 15, 1862. JAMES BLANKS, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenehment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded on the skirmish line at Kenesaw Mountain, July i, 1864. S. H. BUSH, Elizabethtown, was appointed commissary sergeant, Nov. 2, 1861; was appointed first sergeant, May 8, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River. Jackson, and Chickamauga; was dangerously wounded at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863, and disabled, but remained to the close of the war. At this time, more than thirty-four years after received, the wound is causing suffering and inconvenience. J. E. BRANNON, LaRue County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, Nov. 30, 1862. M. S. BENNETT, Hardin County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, disabled, and was discharged in consequence, Nov. 30, 1862. E. BRISTOL, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh. Died of disease, Jan. i, 1863. HENRY O. BROWN, Hardin County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, Feb. 20, 1862. C. A. BUFORD, Hardin County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, Feb. 28, 1862. A. BRASHEAR, LaRue County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both da) s at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagement:;. Died some years after the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 755 CY W. BRANHAM, Hardin County, was appointed corporal, Sept. i, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Chicka- mauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and was killed in battle at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. LUKE CHENAULT, Hardin County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; and was severely wounded on the skirmish line at Kenesaw Mountain, July 2, 1864. JOHN T. CECIL, Hardin County. (See Co. A.) |. R. COPE, Louisville, fought at Shiloh ; was discharged on account of disability by disease, June i, 1863. WILLIAM T. CAPLINGER, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. JAMES CRUTCHER, Hardin County, was transferred to Forrest s cavalry, Nov. i, 1862. JOHN T. CRAYCROFT, Washington County. (See Co. A.) A. CHENAULT, Hardin County, died of disease, April 4, 1862. J. DONOHUE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh; was discharged on account of disability by disease, July 15, 1862. ROBT. DARST, Grayson County, was generally disabled by ill health for duty in the ranks, and was employed as teamster. L. L. DUNCAN, Louisville, was appointed sergeant, Feb. 10, 1862. Fought at Baton Rouge, and was wounded there. Was assigned to duty in the ordnance department, Army of Northern Virginia, in 1863, with the rank of first lieutenant, and remained there during the war. W. B. DAVIS, Kentucky, transferred to commissary department, Sept. i, 1862. GEO. S. ESSEX, Louisville, was detailed for duty at Gen. Breckin- ridge s headquarters early in the war, and was with him on the field at Shiloh ; fought at Stone River and Jackson ; was trans ferred to Co. G, June i, 1863; was generally employed as clerk at the headquarters of different field and general officers until the opening of the campaign of 1864, when he rejoined the company, and fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; after which he joined Morgan s cavalry, and served with it until Feb ruary, 1865. He was then sent into Kentucky with recruiting orders, and while engaged in that duty, was captured and im prisoned, but was released about the close of the war. FRANK EVANS, Louisville, was discharged on account of disa bility by disease, Dec. i, 1861. 756 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. J. J. EDELIN, Grayson County, fought in nearly all the engagements of his command, but was some time on detail service, having been disabled by wound. Now (1898) a citizen of Owen County. JORDAN FLOOR, Jefferson County, was transferred to the Buckner Guards, Nov. i, 1861. FRANK FUNK, Louisville, was transferred to the Buckner Guards, Nov. i, 1861. EDWIN J. FREEMAN, Elizabethtown. When Co. B was first or ganized, he was elected a lieutenant, but upon another organiza tion, he was displaced, and served as second sergeant of the com pany until the autumn of 1863, when the War Department ad judged that he had never lost his original rank, and that he should be, by promotion, captain; but at his own request he was assigned to duty as a second lieutenant. He fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Dallas; was mortally wounded in the charge at Dallas, and died in June, 1864. C. L. GLASGOW, Hardin County, was appointed corporal, May 10, 1862 ; promoted to sergeant, November, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WM. GLASGOW, Hardin County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. JOHN S. GRAHAM, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks burg. Died of disease near Comite River, Louisiana, Aug. 20, 1862. JAMES B. HIGDON, Grayson County, was appointed sergeant, Feb. 10, 1862; was elected second lieutenant, May 10, 1862. Fought at Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. Resigned, June 23, 1864, and joined Williams brigade of cavalry. Died in Leitchfield some years after the war. FRANK HIGDON, Grayson County, was appointed sergeant, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WILLIAM HENTON, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro*, both days, and in the mounted engage ments. He was wounded at Stone River. JOHN HENTON, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, at which latter place he was killed, Sept. 20, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 757 ANDREW HARRIS, Hardin County, died of disease, Feb. 20,1862. ALBERT HERRON, Hardin County, was transferred to Morgan s cavalry, November, 1862. M. ELSTON HOCKER, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Was appointed sergeant-major, June 4, 1863; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River; was severely wounded at Stone River, and captured. L. P. JENKINS, Hardin County, was mortally wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862, and died in Holmes County, Miss. , shortly afterward. G. W. KELLEY, Hardin County, fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was twice wounded on the campaign of 1864. Died some years after the war. JOHN M. KEY, Hart County, fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOSEPH A. LLOYD, Louisville, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, May 30, 1862. Was about 65 years old, and had served in the Mexican war. Died in Louisville about 25 years after the civil war. JAMES F. LLOYD, Louisville, fought at Shiloh. Was discharged on account of disability by disease, Dec. 10, 1862. Died in Louisville some years after the war. ALEC H. LLOYD, Louisville, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, Jan. 20, 1862. Died in Louisville, Dec. 25, 1894. A. J. MOREMAN, Hardin County, was appointed sergeant, Feb.io, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River. Died of disease at Albany, Ga., November, 1863. W. T. MATTHEWS, Hancock County, died of disease, April, 1862. J. MILES, Hardin County, died of disease, Jan. 20, 1862. LEN MUDD, Grayson County, was transferred to Co. A, June 15, 1864. WILLIAM PRICE, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862, but afterward joined a regiment in the Trans- Mississippi Department, and was killed in battle there. FRELINGHUYSEN PAUL, Henry County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Was employed in detail service during the earlier part of the war, but fought on the campaign of 1864, at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was mortally wounded at the latter place ; fell into the hands of the enemy, and died at Marietta, Ga. , 1864. 758 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WILLIAM PEARCE, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Was discharged on account of disability by dis ease, Nov. 30, 1862. A. W. RANDOLPH, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro ; and during the cavalry operations was with the dismounted detachment. Died at Clifton, Ky. , March 12, 1895. E. W. READ, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamanga; on the campaign of 1864, he was mostly engaged in detail duty, but fought at Jonesboro . After the command was mounted he was again detailed for other service. Now a citizen of St. Joseph, Mo. J. O. READ, Hardin County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, Sept. i, 1862. J. H. READ, Hardin County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; was wounded at the latter place; fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. Now a citizen of St. Joseph, Mo. J. B. READ, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; was wounded at the latter place ; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. JNO. B. SPURRIER, Louisville, fought at Hutcherson s October, 1 86 1 ; at Shiloh, where he was dangerously wounded while help ing to work Byrne s guns, and fell into the hands of the enemy. After he was exchanged, he was made ordnance sergeant of the Sixth Regiment, and served in that capacity during the remainder of the war. J. W. SCIFERS, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; was wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, June 30, 1864; fought at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Now a citizen of Hancock County. FRED SEVER, Prussia, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Was discharged, Nov. 17, 1862, being over age. ANDREW STORMS, Grayson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. On the campaign of 1864, he was employed on fatigue duty, having grown partially blind; and was with dismounted detachment during the cavalry operations. Died long after the close of the war. JOHN STORMS, Grayson County, died of disease, Oct. i, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 759 A. W. STITH, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh ; died in prison, July, 1863. A. M. STITH, Hardin County, was appointed corporal, November, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was wounded on a skir mish line, August, 1864; was in the mounted engagements to Savannah ; was captured at the falls of the Ogeechee, December, 1864, and detained in prison until after the war closed. D. G. STITH, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh and was wounded there ; fought also at Stone River, Chickamauga, on the four- month Dalton-Atlanta campaign, and in the mounted engagements on the March to the Sea and through the Carolinas. Died at home in 1892. J. M. SCIFERS, SR. , Hardin County, fought at Baton Rouge; died of disease at Clinton, La., Nov. 9, 1862. J. M. SCIFERS, JR., Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Now a citizen of Hancock County. R. H. SCIFERS, Hardin County, was accidentally shot at Bowling Green, and disabled; was discharged, January, 1862. CLABE W. SCIFERS, Hardin County, was generally employed as teamster, being unable to do regular field service. Was dis charged, Feb. 10, 1864. J. A. THOMAS, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, Sep tember, 1862. Fought at Donelson, with Graves s light artillery; at Stone River, with the Sixth Regiment; and was transferred to Mebane s Battery, June 20, 1863. FRANK M. THOMAS, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded in the hip at Kenesaw Mountain, June, 1864, but recovered and fought at Jonesboro , and in some of the mounted engagements. Now a citizen of Breckenridge County. DAVID B. TATE, Hardin County, fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca. Dallas, and in the mounted engagements. PETER THOMAS, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864; was in the mounted engagements between Stockbridge and Savannah ; and was captured at the Falls of the Ogeechee, Nov. 28, 1864, while on scout duty. 760 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WILLIAM W. WATKINS, LaRue County, was appointed corporal, Feb. 10, 1862; was promoted to sergeant, November, 1863; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chick- amauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died at home in 1894. ALFRED WILHELM, Breckenridge County, fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at Dallas, but recovered and fought at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ALEC WELLS, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; and was killed in battle at the latter place, May 28, 1864. " Uncle Alec," as he was familiarly called, was a man somewhat advanced in age quiet, unpretending, but gallant and faithful to the last. GEORGE W. WELLS, Shelby County was transferred from Co. K, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was employed during the campaigns of 1863 on detached service, in the department of subsistence; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, at Peachtree and In trenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1 864> an d disabled for the remainder of the war. COMPANY C, SIXTH REGIMENT. ISAAC SMITH, Barren County, was elected captain, Nov. 7, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge, at which latter place he was the acting major of the Sixth Regiment ; resigned, March 15, 1863. JAMES A. HINDMAN, Barren County, was elected first lieutenant, Nov. 7, 1861; resigned. May 10, 1862. SAM H. BUCHANAN, Oldham County. (See biography.) JOHN T. NEVILLE, Barren County, was elected second lieutenant, Nov. 7, 1 86 1 ; resigned, May 10, 1862. WM. J. MORRISON, Barren County, was appointed first sergeant, Nov. 7, 1 86 1 ; but was discharged on account of disability by dis ease, Jan. i, 1862. J. R. WILSON, Barren County, was appointed second sergeant, Nov. 7, 1861; fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; was discharged on ac count of disability by disease, Sept. 15, 1862. NOAH SMITH, Barren County, was appointed third sergeant, Nov. 7, 1 86 1 ; was promoted to first sergeant, June i, 1862 ; was elected first lieutenant, May 10, 1862; and promoted to captain, March 15, 1863 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 761 Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was se verely wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863, and so severely wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864, as to be disabled for service during the remainder of the war. J. J. OWEN, Barren County, was appointed fourth sergeant, Nov. 7, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, and was wounded; at Baton Rouge; at Stone River, where he was wounded and captured ; after having been exchanged he fought at Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; at the latter place he was again severely wounded and disabled for service during the remainder of the war. J. H. WILSON, Barren County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Nov. 7, 1861 ; died of disease at Bowling Green, Dec. r, 1861. BEN M. STEFFEY, Hart County, was appointed first corporal, Nov. 7, 1861 ; and was elected second lieutenant, May 10, 1862; fought at Shiloh, where he was severely wounded; at Baton Rouge and Stone River; was promoted to first lieutenant, March 15, 1863; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro ; resigned, October, 1864. S. S. MARTIN, Barren County, was appointed second corporal, Nov. 7, 1861 ; was promoted to fourth sergeant, Nov. 3, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, through which battle he bore the regimental colors ; at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was wounded and captured at the latter place ; after the exchange he fought at Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; fought at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. WM. H. HAYDEN, Barren County, was appointed third corporal, Nov. 7, 1861; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River; Jack son, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, and died at Vineville, Ga. , Sept. 28, 1864. A. E. YOUNG, Barren County, was appointed fourth corporal, Nov. 7, 1861. W. J. BIRD, Adair County, was appointed fifth sergeant, May 5, 1863; fought at Baton Rouge and Stone River; was wounded at the latter place and captured ; after having been exchanged, he fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree, Intrench ment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. DAVID C. BREEDING, Adair County, was mortally wounded in battle at Shiloh, and fell into the hands of the enemy ; died on board a vessel bound for Cincinnati, April, 1862. JAMES A. BREEDING, Adair County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, Feb. 28, 1862. 762 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ED BISHOP, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River; was mortally wounded at the latter place, Jan. 2, and died there, Jan. 28, 1863. J. H. BROWN, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Baton Rouge. WILLIS P. BUSH, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Stone River. JOHNSON J. BROOKS, Barren County, fought at Jackson and Chickamauga; was generally too fat for hard service, and was employed as teamster. JAMES J. BROOKS, Barren County, was appointed corporal, Nov. 3, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was but sixteen years old when enlisted, but served like a man to the last. L. C. BAINE, Barren County, was enlisted at fourteen years of age; fought at Vicksburg; was sick when the regiment left Tangipahoa for Baton Rouge, but started on in a day or two to rejoin the company; fell in with some Louisiana troops, and served with them till November, when he came back to the Sixth Kentucky, and though generally disabled by disease, he fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. J. H. COOPER, Barren County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at the latter place, and permanently dis abled, May 28, 1864. J. O. COOPER, Barren County, was killed at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. O. CONELLY, Ireland, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; was dis charged, Nov. 10, 1863, being over age. W. H. COX, Barren County, died of disease, Sept. 7, 1862. W. FRANK DICKEY, Barren County, was elected second lieuten ant, October, 1863; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN H. EARLES, Adair County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was severely wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further duty in the ranks, and was afterward detailed as teamster for supply train. OTHO EASTES, Adair County, was discharged, Nov. 10, 1862, being under age. D. W. ELLIS, Barren County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Jan. 8, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh. T. C. GRISSOM, Adair County, died of disease in Atlanta, March 12, l862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 763 ROBERT J. HINDMAN, Barren County, fought at Baton Rouge, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was permanently disabled at the latter place by the loss of a leg, iMay 28, 1864. DANIEL M. HEWITT, Boone County, was appointed corporal, Nov. 3, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was disabled by disease for fur ther duty during the war. THOMAS H. HATCHER, Barren County, was appointed corporal, Nov. 3, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded, April 7, 1862 ; at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WM. A. HATCHER, Barren County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Nov. 3, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, and was dangerously wounded, April 7, 1862; at Stone River and Jackson. Died of disease at La Grange, Ga., April 17, 1864. W. H. HAMILTON, Barren County, was transferred to Graves s Battery, Nov. 27, 1861. J. A. HIGDON, Barren County, was transferred to Co. D, Nov. 10, 1861. W. W. KIGER, Monroe County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Died of disease at Tullahoma, Tenn., March, 1863. W. B. KIDD, Barren County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Dec. 12, 1861. P. J. KIRTLEY, Edmondson County, was appointed third sergeant, Jan. 2, 1862, and was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 24, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was severely wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, and disabled for the remainder of the war. J. BEVERLY LEWIS, Barren County, was appointed first sergeant, May 10, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River; was severely wounded at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863, in left hand and right leg, and disabled for further active field duty, and fell into the hands of the enemy. After the exchange, he was detailed for duty in the commissary department, and was engaged in that service during the remainder of the war. He was awarded medal of honor for "gallant and meritorious conduct" at Stone River. He was accidentally drowned some years after the war. S. H. LEWIS, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River ; was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. ROBT. G. LONG, Monroe County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, July, 1862. 764 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. LEVI LANCASTER, Monroe County, fought at Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements in South Carolina. W. J. LYON, Barren County, died of disease at Decatur, Ala., March 18, 1862. J. E. LIVELY, Hart County, discharged on account of disability by disease, Nov. 25, 1862. ISAAC H. MARTIN, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Stone River; was disabled by disease for any further service during the war. WM. S. MARTIN, Barren County, was appointed corporal, Nov. 3, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. A. H. MARSHALL, Greene County, fought with Graves s Battery at Donelson, and was captured there; rejoined his company in Sep tember, 1862, and fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. L. F. MANSFIELD, Hart County, fought at Shiloh. F. D. NUCKOLS, Barren County, was killed in battle at Baton Rouge, Aug. 5, 1862. JOHN NAIRY, Ireland, was employed as teamster till Sept. i, 1864; afterward entered the ranks and took part in all the mounted en gagements. WM. HENRY OWEN, Barren County, was appointed corporal, Nov. 3, 1862; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. He carried the regimen tal colors at Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, and Jonesboro . R. ACH OWEN, Barren County, was another boy soldier ; and fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded, April 7, 1862 ; at Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was wounded at the lat ter place, but recovered and took part in the mounted engage ments. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and merito rious conduct at Chickamauga. E. L. OWEN, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Jonesboro , both days, and in all the mounted engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 765 J. M. OWEN, Barren County, fought at Shiloh; was discharged on account of disability by disease, November, 1862. R. F. PARKER, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River; was wounded at the latter place; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. HUGH PARKER, Edmonson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. P. T. POYNTER, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was wounded at the latter place, and permanently disabled for duty in the ranks. During the campaign of 1864, he was engaged in light fatigue duty for the regiment. D. F. PACE, Barren County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, Jan. 18, 1862. J. B. PULLIAM, Barren County, was appointed third sergeant, Jan uary, 1864; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and was killed in battle at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. J. PATTERSON, Adair County, fought at Shiloh, where he was cap tured, April 7, and died in prison at Camp Douglas, June, 1862. JAKE M. PITTMAN, Bullitt County, was generally employed as regimental blacksmith, but fought at Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was badly wounded at the latter place ; recovered and took part in all the mounted engagements. ISAAC WES. SMITH, Barren County, fought at Baton Rouge and Stone River ; was wounded at the latter place and permanently disabled for duty in the ranks, but served on fatigue detail during the campaign from Dalton, and with the dismounted detachment during the cavalry operations. Died in Barren County, Oct. 28, 1894. JAMES A. SMITH, Barren County, was appointed second sergeant, March 10, 1863; fought at Baton Rouge, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro , where he was badly wounded in the face, and permanently dis abled by wound in the right wrist, Aug. 31, 1864. W. B. SMITH, Barren County, was transferred from Co. D, Feb. 25, 1862; was appointed color-sergeant, June 7, 1862; fought at Shiloh and Baton Rouge. W. A. SMITH, Milton County, Ga., was not enlisted till May 4, 1864 j fought at Resaca and Dallas, but was disabled by disease for further service during the war. K. C. SELF, Barren County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, was wounded and permanently disabled at the latter place ; and died of disease at La Grange, Ga., June 16, 1864. 766 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. MILTON B. STOTTS, Adair County, was appointed second ser geant, Nov. 3, 1862; was promoted to first sergeant, Jan. 5, 1864; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River, was severely wounded and captured at the latter place ; after having been exchanged, he fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. W. H. SINK, Barren County, was transferred from Co. E, May i, 1862, and fought at Baton Rouge. W. J. SELF, Barren County, fought at Baton Rouge, Jackson, Chick amauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; and at the latter place was wounded and captured. HENSE G. TRACY, Barren County, was transferred from Co. E, May i, 1862. Fought at Stone River, where he was severely wounded and captured ; had leg amputated, Jan. 7, 1863, fivedays after having received the wound, and died next day at Nat Mil ler s, on the Nashville and Murfreesboro pike. T. M. WOOTEN, Adair County, fought at Shiloh ; was discharged on account of disability by disease, July 6, 1862. COMPANY D, SIXTH REGIMENT. D. E. McKENDREE, Glasgow. (See biography.) WILLIAM L. CLARKE, Louisville. (See biography.) A. M. ADAIR, Campbellsville, was elected second lieutenant, Nov. 19, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh; resigned, May 2, 1862. Died at Col. John A. Adair s, Canmer, Ky., March 22, 1892. THOMAS L. DODD, Glasgow, was elected second lieutenant, Nov. 19, 1861 ; resigned, May 10, 1862, being unfitted by ill health for duty in the line (and was by the same cause prevented from taking part in the battle of Shiloh) ; but afterward served as lieu tenant of artillery, captain of cavalry, etc., until disabled by wound, after which he commanded at Covington and Atlanta. JAMES M. BOWLING, Metcalfe County, was elected second lieu tenant, May 2, 1862 ; elected first lieutenant, at reorganization, May 10, 1862; and was promoted to captain. June 12, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Jackson, Chick amauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. JAMES SCOTT, Barren County, was appointed first sergeant, Nov. 19, 1861 ; was elected second lieutenant, May 10, 1862. Was at first siege of Vicksburg, and resigned, Oct. 18, 1862. HENDERSON J. STREET, Hart County, was appointed fourth ser geant, Nov. 19, 1861 ; was elected second lieutenant May 10, 1862 ; promoted to first lieutenant, June 12, and to captain, July HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 767 22, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree Creek; at Intrench- ment Creek, where he was slightly wounded ; and in all the mounted engagements. ALEC G. KING, Barren County, was appointed second sergeant, Nov. 19, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was permanently disabled by the loss of a leg, Dec. 31, 1862, and fell into the hands of the enemy shortly afterward. WILLIAM F. SMITH, Glasgow, was appointed third sergeant, Nov. 19, 1 86 1 ; was detailed, Dec. 12, 1861, for scout duty with the First Kentucky Cavalry ; did various service with that command till the spring of 1863 ; at which time he returned to this company and fought with it at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry op erations he was with dismounted men. JAMES B. RAY, Barren County, was appointed third sergeant, Oct. 24, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . He was captured, November, 1864, while on furlough, and died of small-pox at Camp Douglas. WILLIAM H. NUCKOLS, Glasgow, a sergeant, was generally em ployed in detail service, but fought at Jonesboro , at which place he was captured, and did not return in time for further service. THOMAS POLLARD, Glasgow, was appointed third corporal, Nov. 19, 1 86 1. Was discharged on account of disability by disease, July 20, 1862. THOMAS J. BAILEY, Greensburg, was appointed fourth corporal, November 19, 1861 ; was promoted to sergeant, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. CALEB W. ALLEN, Burksville, fought at Shiloh; during the first siege at Vicksburg ; he was transferred to the navy, and fought heroically on the ram "Arkansas," July 22, 1862, as noticed else where. He returned to the Sixth Regiment in the autumn, and fought at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was taken prisoner on the retreat from Mission Ridge, Nov. 26, 1863, and died of disease at Rock Island, 111. WILLIAM H. ARNOLD, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and during the cav alry operations he was with the dismounted detachment. 768 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN H. B. ADAMS, Barren County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; was wounded in battle at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864, ar >d did not recover for further service during the war. He was promoted to color-sergeant after the battle of Stone River for gallantry on that field. TOM BOWLES, Barren County. (See Co. G.) W. J. BENNETT, Barren County, fought at Shiloh. Died of disease at Columbus, Miss., 1862. DAVID BRANDENBURG, Mercer County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks- burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson,, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones boro , and in all the cavalry engagements. S. A. BEAMER, Hart County, fought at Vicksburg, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was usually employed in detail service. THOMAS A. BELL, SR., Greene County, fought at Baton Rouge and Stone River; was wounded and captured at the latter place; after having been exchanged he was sometimes on detail duty, but for the most part was disabled by disease for any active field service. THOMAS A. BELL, JR., Greene County, fought at Stone River and Chickamauga. He was wounded at Stone River, and is sup posed to have been killed by a railroad accident in Georgia, in 1864. JAMES BELL, Greene County, fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Re saca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrench ment, and Utoy Creeks ; was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864; fought at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. FOUNTAIN C. CARTER, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment. and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones boro , and in all the mounted engagements. A. B. COLLINS, Barren County, fought at Shiloh ; died of disease at Columbus, Miss., 1862. H. S. COLLINS, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; and was captured on the re treat from Mission Ridge, November, 1863. N. CRUMPTON, Barren County, was mortally wounded in battle at Shiloh, and died April 13, 1862. LUTHER P. CHAUDOIN, Greene County, fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was severely wounded at Dallas, and disabled for further duty during the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 769 CHARLES J. CLARKE, Louisville, fought at Shiloh ; was dis charged on account of disability by disease, November, 1862. WILLIAM DICKINSON, Glasgow, was enlisted at sixteen years of age, but refused to accept a discharge, November, 1862, when tendered to all under eighteen, and reenlisted. Was appointed corporal, November, 1862 ; was elected second lieutenant, February, 1863. Fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . Obtained a furlough in October, 1864, and returned to Kentucky, where he recruited a company for the regiment, but did not succeed in rejoining the army before the surrender. J. F. DAVIDSON, Barren County, was wounded in battle at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863, and captured. Died in prison at Nashville some time during that year. WILLIAM H. ESTES, Greene County, fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the cavalry engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. DAVID EDWARDS, Edmonson County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh ; fought also at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. HAL B. GARVIN, Hart County, was appointed first sergeant, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge ; was slightly wounded at the latter place ; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the cavalry engagements up to March, 1864, when he was sent into Kentucky to recruit, and had not time to return before the army was surrendered. THOMAS GALLOWAY, Barren County, was transferred to Co. F, January, 1862, and died at Decatur, Ala., some months after ward. WILLIAM S. GILL, Barren County, was appointed corporal, Oct. 25, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River ; was wounded at the latter place ; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dal las to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WILLIAM H. GILLOCK, Barren County, fought at Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Jonesboro , and in some of the mounted engagements. F. G. R. GILLOCK, Barren County, was appointed corporal, Sept. i, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Was discharged in November, 1862, being under age. JAMES GIBSON, Barren County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, 1861. 49 770 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GEORGE F. GIBSON, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; was mortally wounded in a skirmish, Aug. 15, 1864, and died shortly afterward. At Shiloh, April 7, 1862, he was wounded and captured. TOM C. HELM, Glasgow, was enlisted at sixteen years of age, but refused to accept the discharge offered to all under eighteen, and reenlisted at the expiration of his term of service. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the lat ter place, July 22, 1864, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. RUFUS HELM, Russell County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, and permanently disabled, by loss of an arm, and was discharged. L. V. HENDRICKSON, Barren County, was severely wounded and captured in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862; fought, after having been exchanged, at Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; was wounded in battle at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864, but recovered and took part in the mounted engage ments. . JOSHUA HUCKABY, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Dallas and at In trenchment Creek. J. HIGDON, Barren County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, November, 1862. WILLIAM H. HAZELWOOD, Greene County, was generally em ployed as teamster, but fought at Chickamauga, and in all the mounted engagements. E. S. JONES, Barren County, was appointed corporal in February, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was mortally wounded at Dallas, May 28, 1864, and died next day. DAVID JONES, Barren County, died at Burnsville, Miss., of dis ease, April i, 1862. B. F. JACKSON, Barren County, served throughout as teamster. ELIJAH KINCHLOE, Barren County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh ; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service dur ing the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 771 AARON KINSLOW, Barren County, died of disease at Bowling Green, 1861. HENRY LAYMAN, Edmonson County, was mortally wounded in battle at Shiloh, and captured. Died in prison at St. Louis, Mo., 1862. J. N. McKENDREE, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at the latter place, and after his recovery he served dur ing the remainder of the war with the medical purveyor of de partment. ZACH T. MAYFIELD, Munfordville, was appointed sergeant, May 10, 1862. Fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, and Jackson. He was wounded at Stone River. Died of disease near Demop- olis, Ala., October, 1863. ISAAC McCULLOUGH, Hart County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. PRY MURPHY, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. GEO. MARTIN, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; was wounded at the former place. SAM MARTIN, Allen County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, February, 1863. WILLIAM L. MUDD, Greene County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Stone River, and fell in the hands of the enemy. MARION MUDD, Greene County, died of disease at Bowling Green, 1861. M. S. MATTHEWS, Barren County, fought at Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. J. M. MEDLEY, Barren County, fought with Graves s light artillery at Donelson, and was captured there; rejoined Co. D in October, 1862, and fought at Stone River and Jackson. JAMES O. NORVELL, Barren County, fought at Shiloh. Died of disease at Columbus, Miss., 1862. E. M. NORVELL, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Died of disease at Montgomery, Ala., 1862. DUFF W. NEAL, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; was dangerously wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service during the war. He was discharged, Oct. 7, 1862. 772 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN C. PEDEN, Barren County, fought at Shiloh. GEO. PEDEN, Barren County, fought at Shiloh. JOSEPH RAY, Barren County, was appointed corporal, March i f 1864. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro ; and after the command was mounted he served as scout until December, 1864, when he re- entered the ranks and took part in the subsequent engagements. H. H. SMITH, Greene County, was appointed corporal, Feb. i, 1864; fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Jonesboro , Sept. i, 1864. JOHN G. SMITH, Greene County, fought at Shiloh; was discharged on account of disability by disease, at Corinth, May 20, 1862. JOSEPH STREET, Hart County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. ROBERT N. SANDERS, Barren County, fought at Shiloh ; died of disease at Jackson, Miss., Oct. i, 1862. HENRY SIMMS, Hart County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, and captured ; was discharged on account of disability by wound, Jan uary, 1863. JAMES P. TOLLE, Barren County, was appointed chief musician, Feb. 18, 1862, and retained that position throughout the war; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864. After having recovered, he was mostly engaged in detail service, but participated in some mounted engagements in South Carolina. ROBERT TINNELL, Barren County, was almost constantly disabled for service by disease, and died, September, 1864. ED UNDERWOOD, Greene County, fought at Shiloh ; died of dis ease at Corinth, Miss., 1862. ELIAS UNDERWOOD, Greene County, fought at Shiloh ; died of disease at Montgomery, Ala., 1862. JAMES B. WINN, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and captured, April 7, 1862; after having been exchanged, he fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and both days at Jonesboro ; was captured at the latter place, and was not exchanged in time to take part in the subsequent engagements. A. WILKINSON, Barren County, fought at Shiloh; died of disease at Montgomery, Ala., 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 773 SMITH E. WINN, Glasgow, was on the field at Shiloh and under fire both days, carrying orders and messages between Gen. Har- dee and his medical director ; was appointed second sergeant, September, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro ; was wounded at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. After the command was mounted, he engaged in scouting till Dec. 17, 1864, when he rejoined the company and took part in the subsequent engagements. E. M. WOODSON, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JESSE WHELOCK, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. ROBERT YOUNG, Greene County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was killed at the latter place, May 27, 1864. A Night Attack. The following noteworthy incident was overlooked, and so failed of insertion in the proper place preceding these accounts of companies : While the brigade was encamped on Mission Ridge (November, 1863), a strong detail from Co. D, Sixth Kentucky, or, in fact, about all the serviceable men the company could then muster, was sent one night down into the valley above Chattanooga to a picket station, and about midnight they were ordered forward to discover whether (as had been rumored at army headquarters) the Federals were about to evacuate the city. They moved promptly but cautiously forward, and soon came in contact with the Federal pickets. Opening fire on these they drove them in ; but the suddenness with which they were greeted by a rifle vol ley, and, by a battery which began throwing shells inconveniently near, con vinced them that the enemy was still in position between them and Chattanooga, and they retired. There was great commotion for a few minutes, but fortunately none of the Kentuckians were hurt. The men of Co. D engaged in this affair were: Capt. D. E. McKendree, Lieut. J. Matt Bowling, Lieut. Henderson J. Street, Lieut. Wm. Dickinson, Caleb W. Allen, Wm. II. Arnold, John II. B. Adams, David Brandenburg, Thomas J. Bailey, Thos. A. Bell, Jr., Fount C. Carter, II. Scott Collins, Luther P. Chaudoin, Wm. II. Estes, Hal B. Garvin, Wm. S. Gill, Wm. H. Gillock, George T. Gibson, Thomas C. Helm, L. V. Hendrickson, Joshua Huckaby, Wm. H. Hazlewood, E. S. Jones, Elijah Kinch- loe, Wm. L. Mudd, James B. Ray, Joseph Ray, H. H. Smith, James P. Tolle, James B. Winn, Smith E. Winn, E. M. Woodson, and Robert Young. COMPANY E. SIXTH REGIMENT. D. P. BARCLAY, Rocky Hill, was elected captain, Nov. 19, 1861 ; died of disease at Bowling Green, Jan. 8, 1862. JOHN G. HUDSON, Rocky Hill, was elected first lieutenant, Nov. 19, 1861 ; was elected captain, Jan. 10, 1862 ; fought at Hutch- erson s and at Shiloh ; was slightly wounded at Shiloh, and re signed, May 10, 1862. THOMAS J. MATTHEWS, Rocky Hill, was elected second lieuten ant, Nov. 19, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, and resigned, July 10, 1862. 774 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. THOMAS G. PAGE, Barren County, was elected second lieutenant, Nov. 19, 1861 ; elected first lieutenant, Jan. 10, 1862; elected captain, May 10, 1862; fought at Hutcherson s, Shiloh, Vicks- burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863. JAMES B. HOLMAN, Rocky Hill, was appointed first sergeant, Nov. 19, 1861 ; was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 10, 1862; reflected second lieutenant, at reorganization of the regiment, May 10, 1862; and was promoted to first lieutenant, Feb. 19, 1864; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dal las; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. He was wounded at Stone River, on the evening of Dec. 29, 1862. M. D. L. WIN.N, Barren County, was appointed second sergeant, Nov. 19, 1861, and first sergeant, May 10, 1862; fought at Shi loh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was badly wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service during the war. SANDY T. EDWARDS, Edmonson County, was appointed third sergeant, Nov. 19, 1861; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro ; and during the cavalry operations was with the dismounted detachment. GEORGE W. YOUNG, Barren County, was appointed fourth ser geant, Nov. 19, 1 86 1, and fought at Shiloh. A. SINKS, Prussia, was appointed fifth sergeant, Nov. 19, 1861. DAN ATKINSON, Barren County, was appointed first corporal, Nov. 19, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh. BERRY MITCHELL, Barren County, was appointed second cor poral, Nov. 19, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh. WM. MARTIN, Barren County, was appointed third corporal, Nov. 19, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh; died of disease, June, 1862. ASA LEWIS, Barren County, was appointed fourth corporal, Nov. 19, 1861; fought at Shiloh, where he displayed more than ordi nary gallantry ; also at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. He was killed at Stone River, Dec. 26, 1862. SAM ANDERSON, Barren County, fought at Hutcherson s, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . When the command was mounted, he was detailed for duty in the saddle shop, and served there during the remainder of the war. Died at home some years after the war. HISTORY OK THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 775 WM. H. ANDERSON, Barren County, fought with Co. H, Third Arkansas Infantry, during the first two years of the war; was transferred to the Sixth Kentucky Regiment, Jan. 13, 1863, and fought with it at Jackson and Chickamauga; was placed on the corps of sharpshooters at Ualton, and fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was engaged almost daily from Dallas to Atlanta; fought at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died near Glasgow, in the spring of 1889. THEODORE ALCOCK, Glasgow, was appointed corporal, Sept. i, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chick amauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. During the autumn of 1864, he met with a railroad accident, by which he lost some teeth, and was otherwise severely wounded. Died in Nashville, Tenn., about thirty years after the war. LOT BRADSHAW, Roseville, fought at Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864, where he was severely wounded and died of wound and disease, at Macon, Ga. , the following November. MIKE BOWMAN, Tennessee, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Jackson, and Chickamauga. SAM BORDERS, Roseville, fought with the Seventeenth Tennessee Infantry during the first eighteen months of the war; was trans ferred to the Sixth Kentucky, November, 1863, and fought with it at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was killed by a cannon shot at the latter place, May 28, 1864. JOSEPH W. BUTLER, Rocky Hill, fought at Shiloh. JOHN BUTTON, Rocky Hill, was enlisted at about fourteen years of age, but refused to be discharged, and served with all the courage and fortitude of a man. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. J. B. BENEDICT, Rocky Hill, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. JOHN BURGESS, Roseville, fought at Shiloh. Was discharged on account of disability by disease, Sept. 20, 1862. JOSIAH CHAMBERS, Roseville, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, July, 1862. S. G. CHAMBERS, Roseville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. JAMES L. CARVER, Rocky Hill, fought at Shiloh; was left sick at hospital near Amite River, La., August, 1862. JOHN CARVER, Pageville, died of disease at Bowling Green, Jan uary, 1862. 776 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. AMBROSE CLAYTON, Glasgow, was at first siege of Vicksburg; and was discharged, November, 1862, being under age. M. N. GRAIN, Barren County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862; fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge ; was wounded at the latter place ; was discharged, November, 1862, being under age; was captured at the house of his father (Rev. Eli B. Grain) shortly afterward, but manfully re fused to take the oath, and was sent South to be exchanged ; joined Morgan s cavalry, and was killed in East Tennessee, in the autumn of 1864, by bushwhackers. FRANK M. DRISCOLL, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Jonesboro . TUCKER W. DOCKERY, Russellville, was disabled by disease for duty in the ranks, and was employed as ambulance driver until September, 1864, when he was detailed to make saddles for the brigade. Died in Edmonson County, January, 1879 FIELDING W. DAVIDSON, Barren County, fought at Vicksburg and Jackson; was generally unfitted by disease for duty in the ranks, and died in Atlanta, May, 1864. JESSE W. DURHAM, Barren County, was transferred from Co. F, April 26, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Chickamauga, and in some of the mounted engagements. GEO. B. DODD, Allen County, fought with Co. H, Third Arkansas Infantry, during the first two years of the war; was transferred to the Sixth Kentucky, Jan. 13, 1863, and fought with it at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was se verely wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further serv ice during the war. JOHN DRANE, Barren County, enlisted at fourteen years of age, and was the drummer-boy " of the Sixth Regiment till Novem ber, 1862, when he was discharged. JUDD EMERSON, Barren County, died of disease at Bowling Green, December, 1861. JOHN H. ELMORE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks burg. Died in Barren County, May, 1872. SETH B. ELMORE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks burg. WILLIAM W. FRANKLIN, Barren County, was transferred from Co. F, April 26, 1862. Was appointed corporal, 1862, and pro moted to sergeant, 1863. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded and permanently disabled at the latter place, and was afterward retired. H. E. FERGUSON, Barren County, was appointed sergeant, Feb ruary, 1862, and fought at Shiloh. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 777 JAMES GTLLOCK, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Cretks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. HEZ GILLOCK, Barren County, was enlisted at sixteen years of age, but fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge with all the spirit and hardihood of a man. Was discharged, November, 1862. THOMAS J. GRINSTEAD, Warren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ISAAC. J. GREEK, Barren County, fought at Shiloh. A. JEFF HENDERSON, Barren County, was another boy sol dier, but hardy, courageous, and faithful. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree Creek, where he lost a finger, July 20, 1864, and in some of the cavalry en gagements. G. MARSH HUDSON, Barren County, served on the Infirmary Corps at Shiloh. J. W. HAINES, Barren County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Was disabled by disease for further duty, and died in May, 1863. MARK H. JEWELL, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was appointed second corporal, September, 1862. JERRY S. JORDAN, Barren County, was elected second lieutenant, May 6, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was badly wounded at the latter place, May 28, 1864, but rejoined the company in August and fought at Jonesboro ; when the com mand did mounted service he was some time in command of a mounted patrol, or police, and took part in the engagements in South Carolina. Died at Rocky Hill about two years after the war. CHARLES M. JOHNSON, Barren County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F, and was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the cavalry engagements. He was wounded at Shiloh and at Stone River. 778 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. RICHARD M. JOHNSON, Barren County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864, receiving two or three shots in quick suc cession. BEN MARR, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . WILLIE MARTIN, Barren County, died of disease at Goodwin, Miss., June, 1862. NATHANIEL MARTIN, Barren County, died of disease at Good win, Miss., June, 1862. CY MOSBY, Barren County, was transferred to Morgan s squadron, December, 1861. THOMAS L. NEWBERRY, Barren County. (See biography.) WILLISB. NEWBERRY, BarrenCounty, was disabled by ill health for duty in the ranks, and was employed in detail service until Oc tober, 1862, when he was discharged. NEIGHBORS, Barren County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, December, 1861. TOM KELLEY, Barren County, fought at Shiloh. JACK LEWIS, Glasgow, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Was dis charged, November, 1862, being under age, and entered the military academy ; was afterward assigned to duty as cadet at the Augusta arsenal. D. S. OLIVER, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was severely wounded in the left leg at the latter place, and fell into the hands of the enemy. His limb was amputated at Marietta, but he recovered and returned home at the close of the war. GEORGE W. OLIVER, Barren County, died of disease at Jackson, Miss., July 12, 1863. JAMES OSBORNE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh ; was discharged on account of disability by disease, July, 1862. S. J. J. P ARRIS, Barren County, fought at Jackson and Chicka mauga ; was captured on the movement between Mission Ridge and Dalton, November, 1863. C. R. PALMORE, Warren County, fought at Vicksburg, Chicka mauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was relieved from duty at the latter place, having taken an affection of the eye that rendered service impossible ; was generally incapacitated by ill health for duty in the ranks,, but recovered and fought in cavalry engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 779 JOHN H. PHILPOTT, Cumberland County, was wounded in the knee at Shiloh, April 7, 1862; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and was with the dismounted detachment during the cavalry engage ments. THOMAS W. PAYNE, Barren County, was disabled by ill health for field duty until the battle of Stone River, when he won the admiration of his officers and comrades for his eagerness and in trepidity; was among the first to reach the river, where he re ceived a rifle-ball in the forehead, which killed him almost in stantly. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meri torious conduct. GEORGE R. PAGE, Barren County, was another boy soldier and a hero; fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the cavalry engagements. ANDREW J. PARRISH, Barren County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862; fought at Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was wounded through the left high at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dal las to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Some time after his return from the army he was dangerously wounded by a horse-thief, of whom he was in pursuit. D. W. PRICE, Barren County, was at Shiloh, in charge of ordnance wagon; was discharged at Manchester, Tenn., April, 1863, on account of disability by disease, having been almost constantly afflicted from the first. JAMES W. PAYNE, Roseville, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. W. G. PARKER, Barren County, died of disease at Stone River, February, 1862. JOHN L. STOUT, Covington, fought at Shiloh with Co. F. was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862; was appointed a corporal of Co. E, 1862, and was promoted to first sergeant, 1863; fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Utoy Creek ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. T. W. SPILLMAN, Barren County, was appointed corporal, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; was dangerously wounded at the latter place ; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations he was with the dis mounted detachment. 780 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WM. M. STEENBERGEN, Barren County, was shot through the body at Shiloh and left for dead ; lay in temporary hospital on the field for ten days before the Federals sent him by boat to Evans- ville, Ind. Was there three months and surgeons regarded him as hopeless, but he recovered sufficiently to be sent to Camp Morton. Was exchanged with the men of the Second Kentucky in September, 1862, and reported to his regiment, but was unable for field service and was assigned to hospital duty, serving in this way for eight months. Returned to his company in May, 1863, and took part in the engagements that followed, including Dallas, where he was again wounded. Rejoined the company, however, and went into the fight of Sept. i, 1864, though unable to use his arms in a way to load a gun, but threw over the wall a shell that had fallen near him in the rifle-pit, and fired as fast as Lieutenants Terry and Holman could load for him. Was captured with the rest and became a prisoner again for twelve days. Served to the close, and since then has been an upright and much respected cit izen of his native county. WM. A. SETTLE, Barren County, was one of the regimental musi cians, but was on almost every field, sometimes in the ranks, but generally engaged in carrying off the wounded. ED PORTER THOMPSON, Metcalfe County, was appointed first sergeant of Co. F, March 2, 1862, and fought with that company at Shiloh, where he was wounded; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862, and appointed fifth sergeant of that company; was elected first lieutenant, May 10, 1862 ; fought at Vicksburg and Stone River, at which latter place he was severely wounded (Jan. 2, 1863), and fell into the hands of the enemy. -He was one of the thirty-six officers who cast lots at City Point, Va., May 25, 1863, for the chance of being returned to Fort Delaware prison and shot in retaliation, but was one of eighteen who drew for tunate tickets and were admitted to exchange. Though disabled for service in the line, he voluntarily rejoined the regiment in November, 1863, and was promoted to captain in the quartermas ter s department, at that time embracing in the regiments both quartermaster and commissary duty, and served in that capacity during the remainder of the war, five months of which time he had a running wound and was on crutches. During much of the time during the Dalton-Atlanta campaign he was in charge of the ambulance, ordnance, and supply train of his regiment, at the front, and frequently exposed to fire. In his report of the part taken in the battle of Stone River by the Sixth Regiment, Colonel (afterward General) Lewis said of him : " Of those wounded, several were left on the field and at Murfreesboro , and of the missing I fear all are either prisoners or some killed and wounded, as they had all crossed the river; and one of them, Lieut. Ed Porter Thompson, the last seen was with pistol firing on the ad vancing enemy. It is due to him to say that, detailed as com missary, he was not required to go into action, but during that week he discharg; d his duties as commissary and as an officer on the field, sharing the hardships and dangers throughout." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 781 ELLIOTT W. THOMPSON, Barren County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh ; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862; fought at Vicksburg; was on the field at Stone River, in charge of ord nance wagon, having been accidentally crippled just before the battle ; fought at Jackson and Chickamauga ; was on detail ser vice during the campaign of 1864 ; conducted the medical stores twice across the line of fire, in rear of the troops, during the bat tle at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864, and was in the mounted engage ments. Has long been a prominent citizen of Livingston County, Missouri. WM. A. TERRY, Barren County, was appointed third sergeant of Co. F, November, 1861, and fought with that company at Shiloh; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862, and was appointed a sergeant of that company ; fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge ; was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 24, 1862 ; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . He took part in the mounted engagements until March, 1865, when he was ordered into Kentucky on recruiting service, and, having been captured, was under guard at Glasgow when the war closed. He has long been a prominent citizen of Bentonville, Ark. A. W. TRACY, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. JOHN G. TISDALE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F, where he was severely wounded in the arm ; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862, and fought at Baton Rouge; died of dis ease at Manchester, Tenn., 1863. JOHN S. TOLLE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River; Jackson, Chickamauga,, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. THOMAS WILSON, Barren County, was appointed a sergeant of Co. F, Nov. 19, 1 86 1, and fought with that company at Shiloh; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862, and was appointed ser geant; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks: both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was but once slightly wounded during the whole war, though nearly seven feet high, and an excellent mark. Died almost sud denly at Hardyville, Sept. 13, 1878. JAMES T. WILSON, Barren County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh, where he was wounded on Monday ; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862; fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge; was dis charged, November, 1862, being under age. Died at home soon after the war. 782 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOSEPH T. WINLOCK, Barren County, fought with Co. F at Shi loh; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862; fought at Vicks- burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at the latter place, but rejoined the company in July, and fought at Peachtree and In- trenchment Creeks ; was captured at the latter place, and was not exchanged in time to participate in the closing engagements. WILLIAM L. WITT, Barren County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F, and was captured, April 7, 1862. Was attached to Co. E, after the exchange, September, 1862, and fought at Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; after this time his health so failed that he was wholly unfit for duty. Afterward procured a furlough and went to Virginia, thence, after the war closed, to his father s, in Kentucky, where he died of consumption, 1865. JAMES O. WILKINSON, Nelson County, was transferred from Co. A, October, 1863, and fought with Co. E at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. JOHN H. YANCEY, Barren County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862, and was one of the non commissioned officers of that company. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jones boro . After the command was mounted, he was captured near McDonough, November, 1864, and was not exchanged in time for further service. COMPANY F, SIXTH REGIMENT. WILLIAM W. BAGBY, Hiseville, was elected captain, Nov. 19, 1861; was severely wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862, but was brought off under fire by some almost exhausted but heroic members of his company. He died from the effects of his wound, and general ill health, at Mr. Ed Trewitt s, near Okolona, Miss., July 7, 1862. WM. W. PAGE, Allen County, was elected first lieutenant, Nov. 19, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh; resigned, May 10, 1862, and afterward served with Morgan s cavalry. E. M. SMITH, Barren County, was elected second lieutenant, Nov. 19, 1861; fought at Shiloh; resigned, May 10, 1862; was captured before he left Corinth, and while in prison contracted disease, of which he died, after having been released, at the house of William B. Rogers, in his native county. THOMAS C. MULLIGAN, Allen County, was elected second lieu tenant, Nov. 19, 1861; fought at Shiloh ; resigned, May 10, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 783 CHARLES R. BAGBY, Hiseville, was appointed first sergeant, Nov. 19, 1861, but was discharged March 20, 1862, on account of lameness induced by an accident previous to the war. ED PORTER THOMPSON, Metcalfe County. (See Co. E.) FOUNT P. RANDLE, Sumner County, Tenn. (See Co. I.) WM. A. TERRY, Barren County. (See Co. E.) WM. R. BARLOW, Allen County. (See Co. I.) JESSE E. GRIFFIN, Allen County. (See Co. I.) JOHN H. YANCEY, Barren County. (See Co. E.) JO RENFRO, Allen County. (See Co. I.) JOHN L. STOUT, Covington. (See Co. E.) WILLIAM H. ANTHONY, Allen County. (See Co. I.) S. A. BRAMER, Hart County. (See Co. I).) W. A. BUSH, Allen County, died of disease in Atlanta, March 2, 1862. J. T. CARVER, Allen County. (See Co. I.) J. W. CARVER, Allen County. (See Co. I.) MOSES N. CRAIN, Barren County. (See Co. E.) C. C. DUKE, Allen County. (See Co. I.) JESSE W. DURHAM, Barren County. (See Co. E.) JOHN VINCENT ELMORE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh, where he was dangerously wounded and captured; recovered and was exchanged, but was not able for further service. THOMAS M. FIELD, Barren County, was left sick in Kentucky, February, 1862, and died shortly afterward. T. M. FISHER, Allen County. (See Co. I.) WM. W. FRANKLIN, Barren County. (See Co. E.) JOHN GAVIN, Ireland. (See Co. I.) JOHN GREGORY, Barren County. (See Co. I.) C. T. GALLOWAY, Barren County, was sick and absent from com mand after Nov. 15, 1861. Fate unknown. WILLIAM S. GILL, Barren County. (See Co. D.) JOHN HAMILL, Barren County, died of disease at Nashville, Jan. 5, 1862. CLABE D. HANDY, Barren County, was left sick at Decatur, Ala., March 20, 1862. Fate unknown. F. M. HAINES, Allen County. (See Co. I.) J. J. HAGAR, Allen County. (See Co. I.) GEO. F. JOHNSON, Barren County, died of disease at John Gorin s, on Jennings Creek, Jan. 18, 1862. 784 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHARLES M. JOHNSON, Barren County. (See Co. E.) RICHARD M. JOHNSON, Barren County. (See Co. E.) ALEXANDER LAWSON, Allen County. (See Co. I.) THOMAS H. McFARLANE, Allen County. (See Co. I.) C. R. McCANDLESS, Barren County, was severely wounded in bat tle at Shiloh, and was discharged in consequence, July, 1862. JOHN W. McGARVEY, Allen County. (See Co. I.) M. S. MATTHEWS, Barren County. (See Co. D.) PRY MURPHY, Barren County. (See Co. D.) THOMAS L, NEWBERRY, Hiseville. (See biography.) WILLIS B. NEWBERRY, Hiseville. (See Co. E.) JAMES H. ODLE, Barren County. (See Co. I.) THOMAS W. PAYNE, Barren County. (See Co. E.) ANDREW J. PARRISH, Barren County. (See Co. E.) JOHN H. PHILPOTT, Cumberland County. (See Co. E.) FRANK PORTER, Allen County. (See Co. I.) D. W. PRICE, Barren County. (See Co. E.) C. W. PALMORE, Barren County, was discharged by substitute, Jan. 20, 1862. JOHN R. PARRIS, Barren County, was transferred to Second Regi ment Tennessee Infantry, March 20, 1862. ELISHA W. PURRINGTON, Barren County, died of disease, De cember, 1 86 1. GEORGE W. PATTON, Allen County. (See Co. I.) THOMAS J. PEERS, Barren County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, Feb. 2, 1862. MATT. RAINEY, Allen County, was sent sick to hospital at Nash ville, Feb. i, 1862. Fate unknown. OSCAR E. READ, Louisville. (See Co. I.) WILLIAM H. READ, Allen County. (See Co. I.) GIDEON B. RHOADES, Allen County. (See Co. I.) NATHAN B. THOMPSON, Metcalfe County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. ELLIOTT W. THOMPSON, Metcalfe County. (See Co. E.) JOHN S. TOLLE, Barren County. (See Co. E.) JAMES P. TOLLE, Barren County. (See Co. D.) THOMAS M. TRAMMELL, Barren County, died of disease at John Gorin s, on Jennings Creek, Dec. 31, 1861. JOHN G. TISDALE, Barren County. (See Co. E.) HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 7^ JOHN F. TERRY, Barren County, died of disease at Mr. Head man s, near Bowling Green, Dec. 8, 1861. WM. W. WILSON, Barren County, died of disease at Harvey Dish- man s, on Jennings Creek, Dec. 5, 1861. THOMAS WILSON, Barren County. (See Co. E.) DAVID C. WALKER, Allen County. (See Co. I.) JOSEPH T. WINLOCK, Barren County. (See Co. E.) JAMES T. WILSON, Barren County. (See Co. E.) JOHN H. WALKER, Allen County. (See Co. I.) COMPANY G, SIXTH REGIMENT. GRAN UTTERBACK, Lawrenceburg, was elected captain, Oct. 8, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was mortally wounded while in command of the skirmish party, at the latter place, January 2, and died, January 6, 1863. J. K. GAINES, Lawrenceburg, was elected first lieutenant, Oct. 8, 1861, and died of disease at Lauderdale Springs, May 23, 1862. GEO. J. PENNY, Anderson County, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 8, 1 86 1 ; resigned, February, 1862. WILLIAM STANLEY, Shelby County, was elected second lieu tenant, Oct. 8, 1862; was promoted to first lieutenant, May, 1862; to captain, January, 1863 ; fought at Shiloh; was A. I. G. on the staff of Gen. Preston during the summer of 1862; fought at Stone River, was on detached service during the campaigns of 1863, and was assigned to general court-martial duty, as judge advocate, March 22, 1865, in which capacity he served during the remain der of the war. SAMUEL M. ORR, Anderson County, was elected second lieu tenant, October, 1862, and was promoted to first lieutenant, Jan uary, 1863 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded in the thigh at the latter place, July 22, and died from the effects of it at Forsythe, Ga. , Aug. 9, 1864. JAMES H. COLE, Anderson County, was elected second lieutenant, May 10, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. It is not in strict accordance with our plan in the arrangement of these company accounts to speak in commendation of the living; but this officer displayed so much courage and fortitude, and such devotion to the cause and to his men, that he deserves special mention. Of a naturally tender constitution, he was afflicted al most from the first, and during the entire service ; but, instead of so 786 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. taking advantage of this, to abandon the cause, or to shirk the bloody field, he could scarcely ever be persuaded to leave the company for the purpose of recruiting his health; and when he chanced to " smell a battle," expostulation was in vain he would drag himself to the scene of conflict, and make almost super human exertions to do his whole duty, whether the banner waved in triumph or trailed in defeat. After the battle of Chickamauga, Col. Gofer made special mention of him, and recommended that a medal of honor be awarded him for gallant and meritorious con duct. He was wounded at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1864. JOSEPH J. WATERFILL, Anderson County, was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 28, 1863; fought at Shiloh ; was long afterward disqualified for service by ill health, but rejoined the company at Tyner s Station, Nov. 29, 1863 ; and fought at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations he was with the dismounted men. THOMAS J. DYER, Woodford County, was appointed first sergeant, Oct. 8, 1861, and died of disease at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 21, 1862. DAVID W. BOND, Anderson County, was appointed second ser geant, Oct. 8, 1 86 1 ; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jones boro ; was with dismounted detachment duringcavalry operations. Died at Ripyville, Dec. 7, 1895. EUCLID WALKER, Anderson County, was appointed third ser geant, Oct. 8, 1 86 1 ; was discharged at Knoxville, on account of disability by disease, October, 1862. LLOYD REDMAN, Anderson County, was appointed fourth ser geant, Oct. 8, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chick amauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. ADELBERT WALKER, Anderson County, was appointed fifth ser geant, Oct. 8, 1861 ; fought at Stone River, Chickamauga, Dal las; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. JNO. L. ABBOTT, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and captured on the morning of the second day ; was not exchanged till March, 1863. On reaching home it was found necessary to amputate his leg the wound being badly gan grened, after which he recovered, but has been a sufferer through life. THOMAS ABBOTT, Lawrenceburg, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. JOS. WM. ALLEN, Anderson County, died of disease at Shelbyville, Tenn., May 8, 1862. W. D. BROWN, Anderson County, fought at Baton Rouge. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 787 BEN F. BOND, Anderson County, was appointed corporal, May 10, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service during the war. JACOB BOWMAN, Grant County, served as teamster until after the battle of Shiloh, when he was detailed as blacksmith, and was engaged in this duty till the command was mounted. He then took part in the cavalry operations in Georgia and South Car olina. T. M. BAXTER, Anderson County, was appointed first sergeant, May 10, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. THOMAS H. BOWLES, Barren County, was transferred from Co. I) in 1862; fought at Shiloh, Stone River, and Chickamauga; was permanently disabled at the latter place by the loss of an arm, Sept. 20, 1863. R. P. BAUGH, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg, and was killed at Baton Rouge, Aug. 5, 1862. JOHN COLTER, Anderson County, was wounded at Shiloh, April 7, 1862; fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge; was wounded at the latter place ; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded on the skirmish line at Kenesaw mountain ; fought both days at Jones boro , where he was again wounded, and in all the cayalry en gagements. Died in Louisville, in 1893. SILAS F. CROOK, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Jackson, and was captured at the latter place, July, 1862. WM. CLARKE, Grant County, was wounded in battle at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863, and permanently disabled. BEN F. DICKERSON, Franklin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations he served with the dismounted detachment. C. H. DAWSON, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. CHARLIE DAWSON, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh; was ap pointed commissary sergeant in 1862, and served in that capacity during the war. GEORGE S. ESSEX, Louisville. (See Co. B.) 788 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ELIJAH FLOYD, Owen County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Feb. 5, 1862. JAMES FIGG, Fayette County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, 1862. THOMAS GIBBONY, Scott County, died of disease at Nashville, Tenn., 1861. WILLIAM GRIFFIE, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks- burg, Stone River, and Chickamauga; and was killed at the lat ter battle, Sept. 20, 1863. WILLIAM GUDGEL, Anderson County, served as teamster during the war. T. S. GILLISS, Anderson County, was appointed third sergeant, May 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree and Intrenchment Creeks; was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. JOHN W. HACKLEY, Anderson County, fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas-to Atlanta; at Peach- tree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. GEORGE W. HUMES, Anderson County, fought at Baton Rouge, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and in the mounted engagements be tween Stockbridge and Savannah. Was afterward with the dis mounted detachment. D. G. HANKS, Anderson County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. GEORGE HARRISON, Anderson County, was transferred from Co. K, April 26, 1862, and fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. W. T. JOHNSON, Anderson County, was appointed fifth sergeant, October, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. CHARLES W. JONES, Anderson County, was generally unfitted by ill health for active field service, but fought at Baton Rouge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. P. H. JONES, Anderson County, was wounded in the hip by a shell at Shiloh, and disabled, April 7, 1862. JOSEPH L. KENDRICK, Grant County, fought at Shiloh. Was discharged, March, 1863, being over age. WILLIAM T. KNIGHT, Shelby County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh. Was discharged, March, 1863, being over age. ELI LONAKER, Grant County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 789 Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro ; was wounded on the skirmish line near Lovejoy s Station; and fought in the mounted engagements until just about the time the fighting ceased, when he accidentally killed himself with his rifle. April, 1865. WILLIAM LYON, Anderson County, was transferred from Co. K, April 26, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca and Dallas; was wounded at Dallas, May 28, and died in consequence of it, July 22, 1864. WILLIAM H. MORTON, Anderson County, was discharged on ac count of disability by disease, July, 1862. O. MARTIN, Anderson County, fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations, he was with dismounted detachment. THOMAS J. MATTHEWS, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Was discharged, November, 1862, being over age. J. F. MATTHEWS, Woodford County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded and captured at the latter place, and detained in prison until after the surrender. A. McMURRAY, Anderson County, was wounded in battle at Baton Rouge, and died in consequence of it shortly afterward. H. OLIVER, Anderson County, fought at Baton Rouge, and was discharged, November, 1862, being over age. D. H. PRATHER, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, and Jackson. Was sent sick to hospital, August, 1863, and never again heard from. JAMES T. PRATHER, Mercer County, was wounded and captured at Shiloh on the second day ; rejoined company after exchange, September, 1862, and fought at Stone River, where he was again wounded and captured, in a skirmish on the picket line, Dec. 29, 1862 ; rejoined company in April, 1863, and fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Was killed in Anderson County, Sept. 12, 1896, in a personal affray. D. C. PRATHER, Mercer County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, and P.e- saca. Was sent to Covington, Ga., sick, May, 1862; was cap tured there by Stoneman s raiders, and never afterward heard of. GEORGE PEACH, Lincoln County, died of disease in Atlanta, March 3, 1862. 790 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. P. D. PATTERSON, Mercer County, fought with Graves s Battery at Donelson, and was captured; rejoined company in September, 1862 ; and was afterward employed till the close of the war as brigade blacksmith. JOHN PHILLIPS, Owsley County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, through the breast, and died at Corinth, in consequence of it. G. POWELL. Greene County, Ala., was transferred from Co. I, Sixth Florida Infantry, Sept. i, 1864; fought and was captured at Jonesboro the same day; and after the exchange he took part in the mounted engagements. WILLIAM W. PENNY, Anderson County, died of disease at Bowl ing Green, Jan. n, 1862. WILLIAM P. ROUTT, Anderson County, died of disease at Nash ville, April 25, 1862. R. G. ROUTT, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh. Died of disease at Columbus, Miss., Sept. 20, 1862. WILLIAM L. ROUTT, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Chicka- mauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for any further service during the war. C. T. SHELEY, Anderson County, fought at Stone River, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. Z. W. SHELEY, Anderson County, died of disease in Hinds County, Miss., Aug. 15, 1862. SMITH SHERWOOD, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh; was dis charged April, 1863, on account of disability by disease. JOSEPH SEARCY, Anderson County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Jan. 10, 1862. JAMES SEARCY, Anderson County, fought at Yicksburg, Stone River, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. JOHN SUTHERLAND, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh. No other facts known to the writer. Z. M. SUTHERLAND, Anderson County, was not enlisted till July, 1862; fought at Chickamauga, and was afterward employed in detail service. PHILIP THURMAN, Anderson County, died of disease near Mooresville, Ala., June 30, 1862. CHARLES P. THOMPSON, Burlington, N. J., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro , both days. During the cavalry operations, he was with the dismounted detachment. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 791 JOHN C. VALCOUR, Owen County, was one of the regimental drummers; fought at Shiloh and Stone River. Was transferred, August, 1864, to the Florida infantry. WM. M. WATERFILL, Anderson County, died of disease at Nash ville, Nov. 25, 1861. J. P. WATERFILL, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks- burg. Died of disease at Ringgold, Ga., April n, 1863. JOHN WILSON, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Jonesboro ; was captured while on picket near Stockbridge, Ga., November, 1864, and was not ex changed in time for further service. C. M. WALKER, Anderson County, fought at Shiloh, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas. ROBT. WOOLDRIDGE, Anderson County, served on the Infirmary Corps at the battle of Shiloh. Nothing further known by the writer. G. S. WILLIAMS, Anderson County, was mortally wounded in bat tle at Shiloh, and died at Corinth, April 14, 1862. WM. YOUNG, Anderson County, was transferred to this company in March, 1864, and fought with it at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. COMPANY H, SIXTH REGIMENT. WM. LEE HARNED, Hardin County, was elected captain, Oct. 10, 1861 ; was mortally wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 6, and died at Burnsville, Miss., April 15, 1862. FRANK D. MOFFITT, Elizabethtown, was elected first lieutenant, Oct. 10, 1861 ; was elected captain, April 26, 1862, and again at the reorganization, May 10, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded in the neck and shoulder ; at Vicksburg, and at Stone River ; was again wounded at the latter place ; at Jackson and Chickamauga ; was dangerously wounded at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863, and disabled for further service during the war. JAMES HARGAN, Hardin County, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 10, 1861, and resigned May 10, 1862. FRANK HARNED, Nelson County, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 10, 1861, and first lieutenant, May 10, 1862 ; fought at Shi loh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; was wounded at the latter place ; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. JAS. CLAY HAYS, Hardin County, was elected second lieutenant, May 10, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; resigned on ac count of ill health, October, 1862. 792 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WM. JUDD SHAW, Bullitt County, was elected second lieutenant, May 10, 1862; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was wounded at the latter place ; fought at Jack son, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was severely wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, and dis abled for further service during the war. VIRGIL HEWITT, Elizabethtown, served during the first year of the war with Gen. Helm; was attached to this company, Sept. 18, 1862 ; was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 12, 1863, and was pro moted to first lieutenant and adjutant Sixth Regiment, October, 1863 ; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at Dallas, but recov ered in time to take part in the battle of Intrenchment Creek, at which place he was so severely wounded as to be disabled for further service during the war. L. WARREN, Bullitt County, was appointed first sergeant, Oct. TO, 1861 ; was discharged on account of disability by disease, March 27, 1862. WM. WARREN, Bullitt County, was appointed second sergeant, Oct. 10, 1861 ; was discharged on account of disability by dis ease, March 27, 1862. THO. W. COX, Nelson County, was appointed first sergeant, May 10, 1862 ; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, and Pine Mountain ; volunteered to occupy a dangerous position at Kenesaw Mountain, and was killed by the enemy s sharpshooters, June 20, 1864. WM. HARNED, Nelson County, was appointed third sergeant, Oct. 10, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. JAMES M. LEE, Bullitt County, was appointed third sergeant, 1863 ; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka mauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements till sent into Kentucky on recruiting service. He was wounded at Stone River; was one of the McMinnville guard, 1863, and was cap tured there. FRANK HARDY, Bullitt County, was appointed fourth sergeant, Oct. 10, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was discharged by substitute in the spring of 1863. JOHN KINNISON, Bullitt County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Oct. 10, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at the latter place, but rejoined the com pany in the autumn, and served with the dismounted detachment till the close of the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 793 HENRY HAYMAN, Bullitt County, was appointed first corporal, Oct. 10, 1 86 1 ; was severely wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862, but recovered in time to fight atChickamauga, where he was again dangerously wounded, and disabled for further service during the war. L. BOGARD, Hardin County, was appointed second corporal, Oct. 10, 1861; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. GEO. W. SCOTT, Bullitt County, was appointed third corporal, Oct. 10, 1861; fought at Shiloh. Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded in the right arm at Dallas, and permanently disabled. JAMES ROSS, Nelson County, was appointed fourth corporal, Oct. 10, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died at Estelle Springs, La., Aug* 9, 1862. HORACE B. CULLEY, Hardin County, fought with Co. K, Eight eenth Mississippi Infantry, at first Manassas, Leesburg, Dam No. 2, Williamsburg, Savage Station, Frazier s farm, and Malvern Hill; was transferred to Co. H, Sixth Kentucky, Oct. 7, 1862, fought at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place ; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was wounded at the latter place. After the com mand was mounted, he was detached for service with Capt. Cam eron, provost marshal of Wheeler s corps, and was thus engaged till the guard was surrendered at Greensboro , N. C. ALEXANDER BURTON, Bullitt County, fought with Graves s Light Artillery at Donelson,and was captured; rejoined the com pany in September, 1862, and fought at Stone River; died of disease, 1863. JAMES BREWER, Bullitt County, served as teamster. JAMES BOHANNAN, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, and died of disease at Vicksburg, July, 1862. JEDEDIAH BRANCH, Hardin County, died of disease in Atlanta, May 6, 1862. JOHN CLARK, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. FRANK CLARK, Grayson County, was generally incapacitated by disease for active field duty, and died, Sept. 10, 1862. BEN CHAMBERS, Louisville, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 6, and was discharged, May 20, 1862. HENRY C. COLSTON, Louisville, fought with Graves s Battery at Donelson, and was captured there; rejoined the company in Sep tember, 1862, and fought at Stone River, Jackson, and Chicka mauga; was appointed ensign of the Sixth Regiment, February, 1864; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, and Pine Mountain, and died of disease at Newmin, Ga., July, 1864. 794 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN CRAWFORD, Hardin County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. "A boy," says a comrade, "in years, but a man in action." WILLIAM CARLISLE, Hardin County, served as teamster till Nov. 10, 1862, when he was discharged, being over age. JOHN CHINN, Shelby County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was incapacitated by disease for active field duty during the remainder of the war, but did detail service in the hospital department. WM. DAWSON, Bullitt County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh; was generally incapacitated by disease for duty in the ranks, and served as teamster from May to November, 1862, when he was discharged. J. H. DURBIN, Edmonson County, died of disease at Bowling Green, January, 1861. WM. S. B. HILL, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. JAMES A. HILL, JR., Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River; was killed at the latter place, January 2, 1863. ACH L. HARNED, Nelson County, lost right arm in battle at Baton Rouge, and was discharged, December, 1863. HENRY S. HARNED, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; atPeachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN HARNED, Nelson County, was mortally wounded in battle at Shiloh, and died at Corinth, April 30, 1862. JOHN HOLSCLAW, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; died of disease at Tullahoma, Tenn., June 20, 1863. HERCULES HAYS, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place ; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WM. HIBBS, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh and Baton Rouge, and was wounded at the former place. JOHN HOSKINS, Hardin County, died of disease, 1862. JO HARBOLT, Hardin County, was disqualified by disease for duty in the ranks, and served as teamster till Sept. 12, 1862, when he was discharged. JOHN HUFF, Grayson County, fought at Shiloh and Baton Rouge, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 795 WM. HUBBS, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh. PETER HASTINGS, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge ; was discharged, Nov. 10, 1862, being over age. LUKE KENNADY, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh; was ap pointed quartermaster sergeant, June 20, 1862 ; was generally thereafter actively engaged in his official duties, but fought at Chickamauga and Jonesboro ; was so badly wounded in right arm at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, as to be disabled for further service during the war. DAVID L. LEE, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at Dallas, and disabled for further duty in the ranks, but was engaged in various detail serv ice till the close. THOMAS T. LEE, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River ; was generally disabled by disease for duty in the ranks, and was detailed in 1863-4 for post duty ; rejoined the com mand after it was mounted, and took part in the subsequent en gagements. Died at home several years after the war. JAMES MASDEN, Bullitt County, was a boy hero willing, ready, vigilant, and brave; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1864. JESSE McWILLIAMS, Bullitt County, died of disease at Bowling Green, Dec. 10, 1861. WM. McCULLOM, Hardin County, was wounded in battle at Shi loh ; fought also at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge ; died of disease at Chattanooga, May, 1863. JOHN MULLIGAN, Daveiss County, was transferred to Kentucky Cavalry, 1862; died of disease, May, 1863. SAMUEL MILLER, Grayson County, fought at Baton Rouge. JAMES METCALFE, Grayson County, fought at Vicksburg and Stone River; died of disease at Atlanta, 1863. HARDIN MASDEN, Bullitt County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, March 12, 1862. THEODORE PEARL, Bullitt County, died of disease at Nashville, January, 1862. GEORGE PATE, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh; was afterward detailed and served till the close with the corps of pioneers. STEPHEN QUICK, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Was discharged in the autumn of 1862, being over age. He died at home some years after the war. JOHN PURCELL, Nelson County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. 796 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. SAMUEL H. RUNNER, Bullitt County, served in Co. C, Fourth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, during the Mexican war ; fought with Co. H, Sixth Regiment, during the late war, at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was discharged, Nov. 29, 1862, being over age. HEZEKIAH H. STOVALL, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded on the skirmish line at Kenesaw Mountain, June 22, 1864, and did not participate in the subsequent engagements. . JOHN SMITH, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. ALLEN A. SNELLEN, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. JAMES SVVENEY, Bullitt County, was captured at Shiloh, and died of disease at Camp Douglas, June, 1862. HENRY C. THOMPSON, Bullitt County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was captured at the latter place, July 2, 1864, and detained in prison till the close of the war. WM. TROUTMAN, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh. PHILIP TROUTMAN, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh; was dis charged on account of disability by disease in May, and died at home in July, 1862. JOHN TABB, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. WM. H. VAN METER, Hardin County, was not enlisted till Nov. 6, 1862; fought at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was placed on the corps of sharpshooters at Dalton, and fought with them at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was engaged almost daily from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchmtnt, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro ; was wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, and died from the effects of it, September, 1864, at Barnesville, Ga. CHARLES VISE, Union County, died of disease at Fayetteville, Tenn., March 4, 1862. JOHN VIERS, Hardin County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; lost a leg in the latter battle, but remained South during the war. THOMAS WITHERS, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh and Vicks burg; died of disease in Atlanta, May, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 797 WM. YOUNGER, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was discharged, Nov. 29, 1862, being over age, but died of disease in camp at Manchester, Tenn., February, 1863. OEO. W. YOUNGER, Bullitt County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro ; was wounded at the latter place, but took part in the mounted en gagements. COMPANY I, SIXTH REGIMENT. SAMUEL B. CREWDSON, Simpson County, was elected captain, Nov. 30, 1861. Fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg, and resigned, Oct. 30, 1862. KICHARD P. FINN, Franklin, was elected first lieutenant, Nov. 30, 1861; promoted to captain, Dec. 16, 1862. Fought at Vicks burg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. I P. EDMONDS, Simpson County, was elected second lieutenant, Nov. 30, 1862; fought at Shiloh, and was severely wounded, April 7, and resigned, May 10, 1862. |. D. BRYAN, Simpson County, was elected second lieutenant, Nov. 30, 1861; fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; resigned, May 10, 1862. DAVID C. WALKER, Scottsville. (See biography.) ( . M. MOORE, Simpson County, was elected second lieutenant, May 19, 1862. Fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; resigned, Dec. n, 1862. THOMAS M. GOODKNIGHT, Franklin, was appointed chaplain of the Sixth Regiment, Dec. i, 1861. Resigned that position and returned to ranks, Dec. i, 1862. Was elected second lieutenant, Dec. 10, 1862. Fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was severely wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, and fell into the hands of the enemy, who detained him in prison till after the close of the war. TULLIUS C. HERRINGTON, Simpson County, was elected second lieutenant, April n, 1863. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. 798 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. A. P. ANDERSON, Simpson County, was appointed second cor poral, Nov. 30, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and at Jonesboro ; was captured at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, and sent to Camp Chase, where he soon afterward died of small-pox. WILLIAM H. ANTHONY, Allen County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862; was appointed third sergeant. June 4, 1862; fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge; was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. J. T. ALEXANDER, Allen County, was transferred from Co. K, Twenty-fifth Louisiana Infantry, May i, 1864. Fought with the Louisianians at different places, and with the Sixth Kentucky at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. A. P. BARLOW, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Died of disease at Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 22, 1862. FRANCIS BELL, Simpson County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, Jan. 30, 1862. WILLIAM R. BARLOW, Allen County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F, and was wounded there; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson. Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JOHN S. BARLOW, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca. Was blown up with a shell at the latter place, May 14, 1864, but recovered and returned to duty in time to participate in the mounted engagements. R. C. BRYAN, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River. Jackson, and Chickamauga. Died of dis ease, at La Grange, Ga. , March 16, 1864. "J- C. BRYAN, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Was discharged, November, 1862, being under age. W. W. BUSH, Simpson County, was discharged by substitute, Janu ary, 1862. J. O. CUSHENBERRY, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. Died of disease at Cassville, Ga., May 12, 1864. J. F. COMPTON, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was severely wounded at Dallas, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements in South Carolina. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 799 J. T. GARNER, Allen County, fought with Co. F, at Shiloh ; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862 ; and died of disease at Vicksburg, July, 1862. J. W. CARVER, Allen County, was transferred from Co. F, April 26, 1862; died of disease at Vicksburg, July, 1862. C. C. DUKE, Allen County, was transferred from Co. F, April 26, 1862. Fought at Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; was sent sick to hospital, July 21, 1864, but returned in the autumn and did detail service till the close of the war. T. H. FORD, Simpson County, was appointed fourth sergeant, Nov. 30, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. T. M. FISHER, Allen County, was transferred from Co. F, April 26, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg; was one of the Infirmary Corps at the battle of Baton Rouge; fought at Stone River, and was killed there. D. H. GIBSON, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg. Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was severely wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, fell into the hands of the enemy and afterward died. JOHN GAVIN, Ireland, fought at Shiloh with Co. F, and was wounded there; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862; was appointed corporal, June 4, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. J. S. GORDON, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was severely wounded at Dallas, and did not recover to take part in the subsequent engagements. GERVAISD. GRAINGER, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh. Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca. He was wounded at Resaca and sent to hospital, but returned in time to take part in the engagements from Pine Mountain to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . He was captured at Jones boro , Sept. i, 1864, but escaped, and went into Kentucky, where he was again captured, and while in custody, under orders of Bur- bridge, he was twice subjected to casting lots for the chance of being murdered for outrages said to have been committed by guer rillas, but was fortunate every time, and was finally released. (See page 274.) A. S. GRAINGER, Simpson County, was appointed third corporal, June 4, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca ; was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. 800 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. J. R. GORDON, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. Died of disease, March, 1864. JESSE E. GRIFFIN, Allen County, was first corporal of Co. F, and fought with that company at Shiloh ; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862 ; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. JOHN GREGORY, Barren County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh, where he was seriously wounded in the arm, April 7, 1862 ; was transferred to Co. I, April 26; was shortly afterward discharged on account of disability by wound. JOHN HOPE, Simpson County, was appointed third corporal, Nov. 30, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded; fought also at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. Died of disease at Jackson, Miss., 1862. F. M. HAINES, Allen County, was transferred from Co. F, April 26, 1862 ; was discharged on account of disability by disease, Sept. 1862. J. \V. HUNT, Simpson County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded in a skirmish at Lost Mountain, June 18, and died at Milner Hospital, Aug. 21, 1864. W. J. HERRINGTON, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks ; was wounded and captured at the latter place, July 22, 1864, and soon afterward died in a Federal hospital. J. B. HOPKINS, Simpson County, fought at different points with the First Arkansas Infantry, till Jan. i, 1864, when he was transferred to Co. I, Sixth Kentucky, and fought with it at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. D. C. HERRINGTON, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh. Died at Corinth, shortly afterward. J. J. HAGAR, Allen County, was appointed ordnance sergeant, Nov. ii, 1 86 1 ; was discharged, November, 1862, being over age. J. D. JENNETT, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas. During the cavalry operations, he was with the dismounted detachment. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 801 THO. A. JONES, Simpson County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrench- ment and Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WM. C. KYLE, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. ALEXANDER LAWSON, Allen County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862 ; fought at Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements from Stockbridge to San- dersville, where he was captured, and did not return in time to take part in the closing operations. He was appointed first cor poral of Co. I, June 4, 1862. H. F. McCUTCHEN, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River. Was discharged by substitute, April 8, 1863. JAMES McCUTCHEN, Simpson County, was appointed fifth sergeant Nov. 30, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; was wounded at the latter place, May 28, 1864, and disabled for further service during the war. JOHN B. McCREARY, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. THOMAS H. McFARLANE, Allen County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862; fought at Vicks burg and Baton Rouge; was accidentally wounded at Stone River, and long disabled ; fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was mortally wounded at the latter place, July 22, and died near Atlanta, Aug. 1864. JOHN W. McGARVEY, Allen County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrench ment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in some of the mounted engagements. J. J. MORTON, Simpson County, was left sick in Kentucky, Feb ruary, 1862, but rejoined the company near Baton Rouge; fought there, and was wounded ; fought also at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; was killed at the latter place, May 28, 1862. 802 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. PHIL W. MILLER, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca. He was wounded in the foot at Chicka mauga, Sept. 20, 1863, and lost an arm at Resaca, May 14, 1864. JOHN W. McGUIRE, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River ; was captured at the latter place and shortly afterward died. T. M. NEWMAN, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh; was with a cavalry command during the siege of Vicksburg and battle of Baton Rouge ; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. CHARLES W. NEELEY, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there, April 6, 1862. JAMES H. ODLE, Barren County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862 ; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was badly wounded in the foot at the latter place, July 22, 1864, but recovered sufficiently to take part in all the mounted engagements. GEORGE W. PATTON, Allen County, fought with Graves s Light Artillery at Donelson, and was captured there ; was attached to Co. I, September, 1862, and fought at Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; was wounded at Jones- boro , Aug. 31, 1864, but recovered to take part in the mounted engagements in South Carolina. FRANK PORTER, Allen County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh ; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862, and was discharged, Novem ber, 1862, being over age. FOUNT P. RANDLE, Sumner County, Tenn., was appointed second sergeant of Co. F, Nov. 19, 1861 ; fought with Co. F at Shiloh: was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862 ; was appointed third sergeant, Co. I, May, 1861 ; was appointed sergeant-major of the Sixth Regiment, Oct. 23, 1863. Fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; after the latter engagement, he was awarded medal of honor for " gallant and meritorious con duct;" fought also at Rocky Face Ridge and Resaca; was again wounded at the latter place; took part in the skirmish engage ments between Dallas and Atlanta; fought at Peachtree, Intrench ment, and Utoy Creeks ; and both days at Jonesboro . During the cavalry operations he was acting adjutant of the regiment, and took part in all the engagements. R. B. ROBINSON, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was discharged, November, 1862, being under age. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 803 WILLIAM H. READ, Allen County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862 ; was appointed second corporal, June 4, 1862; promoted to third sergeant, November, 1863. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was one of the McMinnville Guard, and was captured there; re joined the company in August, 1863, and fought at Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Entrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was slightly wounded at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. OSCAR E. READ, Louisville, fought at Shiloh with Co. F; was transferred to CQ. I, April 26, 1862 ; was appointed fourth cor poral, June 4, 1862 ; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Jack son, and Chickamauga. Died of disease, in Atlanta, May 2, 1864. GEORGE D. ROBEY, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; was severely wounded at the latter place, and did not recover to take part in the closing engage ments. Died in Hillsboro, Texas, several years after the war. GIDEON B. RHODES, Allen County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862, and died of disease at Lauderdale Springs, Miss., during the summer. J. RENFRO, Allen County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh, and with Co. I at Vicksburg. JAMES S. ROBEY, Simpson County, was appointed second sergeant, Nov. 30, 1861 ; was promoted to first sergeant, June 4, 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements to March, 1864, when he was sent into Kentucky on recruiting service, and was there when the war closed. ALLIE SALMON, Simpson County, was appointed first sergeant, Nov. 30, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. TOM J. SIMMONS, Franklin, was appointed third sergeant, Nov. 30, 1861. JOHN C. SMITH, Ireland, was not enlisted till April i, 1863; fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . After the com mand was mounted, he was detailed for duty in hospitals. JAMES STARKS, Simpson County, belonged to a Mississippi regi ment, but escaped capture at Donelson, and fought with this company at Shiloh, and remained with it until his own command was exchanged. ALONZO N. THOMPSON, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was wounded and permanently disabled at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863. 804 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES VENABLE, Simpson County, fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. JOHN H. WALKER, Allen County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh, where he was slightly wounded ; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862; was appointed second sergeant, June 4, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, and Intrenchment Creeks ; was captured at the lat ter place, July 22, 1864; afterward escaped, but did not reach the command in time to participate in the closing engagements. SAMUEL L. WILSON, Simpson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. G. F. WILSON, Simpson County, was appointed fourth corporal, Nov. 30, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there. No other facts known to the writer. J. H. WICKWARE, Simpson County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, September, 1862. MATT WILLIAMS, Allen County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F ; was transferred to Co. I, April 26, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. COMPANY K, SIXTH REGIMENT. This company was informally organized on October 8, 1861, but never completed the minimum complement of men, and was, there fore, broken up when reorganization and consolidation of companies took place at Corinth. The company went through the battle of Shi loh under the lead of its own officers ; but as most of those who fought there were incorporated with Companies A and B, and are ac counted for with them, it is unnecessary to make further mention of them in this place than merely to record their names as among those who originally composed the company. About forty were united with different companies of the Sixth Regiment ; the remaining private sol diers were transferred to other commands of all arms, and the officers resigned and went into the cavalry service. It will be seen by a glance at the following names, and a reference to accounts of A and B, that some of the most excellent soldiers of the command were mem bers of this company. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 805 OFFICERS. JOHN G. JONES, Captain. JAMES W. JOHNSON, First Lieutenant. GEORGE WALKER, Second Lieutenant. JOHN R. HINKLE, Second Lieutenant. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. J. W. DABNEY, First Sergeant. ELIJAH BASYE, Second Sergeant. WM. T. CAPLINGER, Third Sergeant. NAPOLEON B. GENTRY, Fourth Sergeant. WM. C. PRICE, Fifth Sergeant. A. D. HOPE, First Corporal. W. B. H. FARMER, Second Corporal. WM. HENTON, Third Corporal. W. O. DAVIDSON, Fourth Corporal. PRIVATES. James Anderson. Thomas Ashby. Marion Ashby. J. W. Ashby. John Brinby. S. G. Byers. L. D. Burton. D. C. Breckinridge. H. B. Coleman. Robert F. Cox. Stinson Cox. John H. Chinn. John H. Coleman. John F. Davis. James Donohue. John B. Gentry. T. V. Gentry. George B. Gibbon. James Guthrie. Ross Greer. M. Elston Hocker. Joseph Helm. John Henton. Wm. Hagerman. Henry Hedges. W. G. Harrison. W. P. Kelley. Wm. Lyon. Wm. Minor. David McGrath. Joseph Mclntire. H. N. Oliver. John Peters. Wm. Pearce. Walter Pearce. Frelinghuysen Paul. R. S. Payne. J. F. Sweazy. J. V. Sweazy. J. G. Sweazy. John A. Thomas. Wm. Thompson. Henry C. Travis. Nat Walford. Alexander Wells. George W. Wells. 806 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. NINTH REGIMENT. FIELD AND STAFF. It will be seen that only six companies of this regiment are regularly accounted for here. In the temporary organization, which was effected before the battle of Shiloh, there were eight companies, under com mand of the following officers : John W. Caldwell, John C. Wick- liffe, William Mitchell, Ben Desha, George A. King, James T. More- head, Chris. Bosche, and J. R. Bright. After the battle of Shiloh, at the reorganization which had been ordered, the companies of More- head were thrown together, and lettered G, with Morehead as captain. A number of men who had belonged to Crews battalion (which was, at that time, broken up), were organized into a company, under Capt. B. A. Fitzgerald, and attached to this regiment, with the title of F. There were thus, though some changes had taken place, still eight companies, and the requisite number of men for a full regiment. After the command had reached Murfreesboro , in the autumn of 1862, the newly-formed companies of Captains Jo Desha and W. D. Acton (the latter commanded by First Lieut. John T. Gaines), reported to Col. Hunt, and were included in the regiment under the designa tions of I and K, thus making the full compliment of ten companies. Two companies, however (E and F), commanded then by Captains W. P. Simpson and W. B. Powers, respectively, were composed chiefly of Tennesseeans, and were transferred, about this time, to Col. Newman s regiment, Tennessee infantry, thus again reducing the regi ment to eight companies. A still further reduction took place in May, 1863, when Captains Desha and Gaines were ordered to report to Gen. Preston, at Abingdon, leaving the six companies only, which are included in the following pages. The reports of I and K will be found in connection with others of the Fifth Regiment. It is impos sible to procure material for a full account of the Tennessee companies and they are omitted. THOMAS H. HUNT, Lexington. (See biography.) JOHNW. CALDWELL, Russellville. (See biography.) JOHN C. WICKLIFFE, Bardstown. (See biography.) HENRY W. GRAY, Louisville, was appointed captain and assistant quartermaster, September, 1861, and served with the regiment till February, 1862, when he resigned. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 807 J. MORT PERRY, Russellville. (See Co. A.) PHIL VACARO, Louisville. (See Co. B.) WM. BELL, Louisville, was appointed first lieutenant and adjutant, October, 1861. He was mortally wounded in battle at Shiloh, and died at Memphis shortly afterward. JOHN E. PENDLETON, Hartford. (See Medical Officers.) ALFRED SMITH, Bardstown. (See Field and Staff, Fourth Regi ment.) WALTER J. BYRNE, Russellville, was appointed surgeon, Nov. 26, 1862, and assigned to duty with this regiment. (See Medical Offi cers.) B. L. HESTER, North Carolina, was appointed assistant surgeon, Oct. i, 1862. He was assigned to temporary duty with the Sixth Reg iment, December, 1863, and remained with it till April, 1864, when he was assigned to the Ninth, and served with it till the close of the war. JOHN H. BRYSON, Tennessee, was appointed chaplain of Crews battalion, March 25, 1862. When the battalion was broken up, he was assigned to this regiment, with which he was con nected till the spring of 1863, when he was assigned to duty in hospitals. W. D. CHIPLEY, Louisville, was appointed sergeant-major, Octo ber, 1 86 1, and served in that capacity till the fall of Lieut. Curd, acting adjutant, when he was recommended to the Department of War, and was appointed first lieutenant and adjutant, to rank from March i, 1863. He fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there. He returned to the command at Corinth, but was there accidentally wounded, and disabled until autumn ; after which he fought at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and,at the latter place, was wounded again. He fought on the campaign from Dalton, at Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. At the latter place, July 22, 1864, he was captured, and was not ex changed in time to take part in the subsequent engagements. He was appointed, Aug, 29, 1863, by Gov. Richard Hawes, " com missioner aed agent for the State of Kentucky, for the purpose of collecting, arranging, and perpetuating the names, rank, services, casualties, etc., of the native born and citizens of Kentucky who have entered into the service of the Confederate States," and suc ceeded in collecting a large amount of valuable material of that nature (though he maintained his place and did service in his reg iment meanwhile), all of which fell into the hands of the Federal force that occupied Augusta after the surrender. 808 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. COMPANY A, NINTH REGIMENT. JOHN W. CALDWELL, Russellville. (See biography.) J. MORT PERRY, Russellville, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 22, 1861; again elected to the same position at the reorganiza tion, May 14, 1862 ; was assigned to duty in the quartermaster s department, April 17, 1862, and soon after promoted to be cap tain and A. Q. M. He fought at Shiloh, but was afterward con fined to the legitimate duties of his office till the close. Died in Louisville, April, 1885. JOHN W. GILLUM, Logan County, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 22, 1 86 1, and was elected captain at the reorganization, May 14, 1862. He took part in all the principal engagements of his company, and was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. W. L. HARDING, Logan County, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 22, 1861. Fought at Shiloh. Resigned, May, 1862. THOMAS A. McLEAN, Logan County, was appointed first sergeant, Sept. 22, 1861; was elected first lieutenant, May, 1862. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca, and was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. O. J. RHEA, Logan County, was appointed second sergeant, Sep tember 22, 1 86 1, and was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. GABE LEWIS, Russellville, was appointed third sergeant, Sept. 22, 1861, and was elected second lieutenant, May 14, 1862. He took part in most of the engagements of his company ; was wounded at Stone River, fell into the hands of the enemy, and was some time in prison. DANIEL SAFFRANS, Logan County, was appointed fourth ser geant, Sept. 22, 1861. and was transferred to Biggs s cavalry, Feb. 20, 1862. GEORGE SMALL, Logan County, was appointed fifth sergeant, Sept. 22, 1861, and was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. A. CASEY, Logan County, was appointed first corporal, Sept. 22, 1861; and was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. JOHN H. CALDWELL, Russellville, was appointed second cor poral, Sept. 22, 1 86 1 ; fought at Shiloh; was appointed ordnance sergeant soon afterward, and was engaged in that capacity during the remainder of the war. SAMUEL RYAN, Logan County, was appointed third corporal, Sept. 22, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; and was discharged, November, 1862, on account of disability by wound. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 809 OSCAR HARDAWAY, Logan County, was appointed fourth cor poral, Sept. 22, 1861, and was afterward promoted to fifth ser geant. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Harts- ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. E. ALLISON, Logan County, was transferred from the Eighteenth Tennessee Infantry, October, 1862; fought at Stone River; died of disease at Wartrace, Tenn., May 15, 1863. GEORGE R. BEALL, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. GEORGE M. BIBB, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER, Logan County, was appointed a corporal of the company in 1862 ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. HENRY BARKER, Logan County, was at one time a sergeant of the company; fought in nearly all the engagements to the close, and was wounded at Shiloh and at Resaca. THOMAS CALDWELL, Russellville, was a boy-hero, being but six teen years old when he went into the battle of Shiloh, and was killed there. JOHN CHASTAIN, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. BOONE CHASTAIN, Logan County, was in most of the engage ments of his company, and was wounded at Peachtree Creek, July 20, 1864. JESSE CORNELIUS, Logan County, fought in nearly every en gagement of his company up to Jonesboro ; was wounded at Shiloh, Dallas, and Jonesboro , mortally at the latter place, and died shortly afterward, at Griffin, Ga. "W. E. CLARKE, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; was discharged at Stone River, November, 1862; reen- listed in November, 1863 ; fought in nearly all subsequent battles, and was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. 810 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. J. A. CHESTNUTT, Logan County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. GEORGE COR BIN, Logan County, fought in most of the engage ments up to Stone River, where he was mortally wounded. He died, near Manchester, shortly afterward. C. COLEMAN, Logan County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, and disabled. He was soon afterward discharged. E. E. DUNN, Logan County, was one of the corporals of the com pany, and took part in nearly all the battles. He was wounded at Chickamauga and Peachtree Creek, and was killed at Jones- boro . JOHN DUNN, Logan County, was one of the corporals of the com pany. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was killed at the latter place ; and was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritori ous conduct. GEORGE DOYLE, Logan County, was in most of the engagements of his company until April, 1865, when he was captured by some of Potter s negro troops, near Statesburg, S. C., and murdered. JOHN W. EDMONSON, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River; was one of the McMinnville Guards, March and April, 1863 ; fought afterward at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was wounded at Chickamauga, and was killed at Resaca. W. C. EDMONSON, Logan County, took part in nearly all the en gagements, and was wounded at Chickamauga and at Pine Mountain. D. EDMONSON, Logan County, was discharged at Murfreesboro , Tenn. B. FOURQUERAN, Logan County, participated in most of the en gagements, and was wounded at Jonesboro . JOHN M. FRANCE, Logan County, was in most of the battles up to Resaca, where he was killed, May 14, 1864. J. B. FINCH, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Resaca and at Intrenchment Creek. JAMES G. FOULKS, Logan County, took part in nearly all the engagements of the regiment; was appointed ensign in 1864; was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. AVILEY P. FLETCHER, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Harts ville, Stone River, and Jackson, and was captured at the latter place, July, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 811 JOHN H. FUQUA, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chicka- mauga. He was killed at the latter place, September 20, 1863. PLEASANT L. FAULKNER, Logan County, was wounded in bat tle at Shiloh and disabled, and was soon afterward discharged. WM. H. GRUBBS, Logan County, was in most of the engagements of the company. SAMUEL GRUBBS, Logan County, was wounded in battle at Shi loh and disabled, and was soon afterward discharged ; but in 1864, having measurably recovered, he reenlisted and took part in the subsequent engagements. T. E. GILLUM, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Resaca. W. H. GILLUM, Logan County, was usually employed in various detail service for the regiment. D. W. GRINTER, Logan County, was in most of the engagements of the company to the last, and was wounded at Resaca. H. C. GRAHAM, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the engagements of the mounted infantry. CHARLES GORHAM, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was killed at the latter place. W. F. HENRY, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was captured at the latter place, and did not return in time to take part in the closing engagements. MOSES H. HESTER, Logan County, took part in most of the en gagements of his company, and was wounded at Peachtree Creek, July 20, 1864 G. M. D. HESTER, Logan County, was wounded in battle at Shi loh, and disabled, in consequence of which he was soon after ward discharged. DAVID HERRING, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. ISAAC HUNTER, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, and Stone River. 812 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GEORGE HARPER, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chicka- mauga, and shortly after the latter engagement, he died of dis ease at Dalton. SAMUEL HOBBS, was enlisted at Augusta, Ga., in the autumn of 1864, and took part in all the subsequent engagements. R. M. HOG AN, Logan County, took part in nearly all the engage ments, and was wounded at Resaca. W. T. HARBISON, Logan County, was discharged, November, 1862, being under age. URIAH JOHNSON, Logan County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. WILLIAM KING, Logan County, participated in most of the en gagements up to Resaca, and was killed there, May 14, 1864. GEORGE KING, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there. E. T. KIRKMAN, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was one of the Mc- Minnville Guard, March and April, 1863, and was wounded at Resaca, May 14, 1864. GEORGE KENNERLY, Logan County, was killed in battle at Shi loh, April 6, 1862. CHARLIE LOFTLAND, Logan County, was not a member of the company, but fought with it at Shiloh, and was wounded there. THOMAS LYLE, Logan County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. WM. LYLE, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; and was discharged in November, 1862. ROBERT LYLE, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, aad Chickamauga. He was wounded at Chickamauga. WM. H. LAWRENCE, Logan County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. WM. L YON, Logan County, was discharged, November, 1862, being under age. JAMES M. MATLOCK, Logan County, was sent to hospital in Jack son, Miss., 1862, and is supposed to have died there. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN* BRIGADE. 813 [AMES R. MCALLEN, Logan County, was appointed second ser geant, May 1 6, 1862, and was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 20, 1864. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. L. W. C. MASON, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; from Resaca to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro , and and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Shiloh and at Chickamauga. THOMAS MASON, Logan County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, January, 1862. MARCUS MARRS, Logan County, was discharged, November, 1862, being under age. 1 MUIR, Logan County. No facts as to his service known to the writer. Killed himself in Todd County, April 3, 1872. T. W. NEELY. Logan County, was discharged on account of disa bility by disease. <>EORGE T. PRICE, Logan County, fought at Shiloh : was shortly afterward appointed wagonmaster : was detailed, April 16, 1864, as foragemaster for Bates division, and was generally employed in various detail duty of this description throughout the war. V*. H. PRICE, Logan County, was usually employed as a teamster for the regiment. ALBERT PRICE, Logan County, died of disease, January, 1862. JOSEPH PAGE, Logan County, was transferred from the Eighth Kentucky Infantry, 1862, and died of disease, some time after ward, at Dalton, Ga. J. W. PALMER, Logan County, was transferred to a Tennessee reg iment in the spring of 1862. I RANK G. PATTERSON, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, and died of disease, some time afterward, at Meridian, Miss. JOHN PILLOW, Logan County, was another heroic boy, and was killed in battle at Shiloh, being but seventeen years of age. JOSEPH S. RICHARDSON, Logan County, was disabled by wound received in battle at Shiloh, and was discharged shortly afterward. JOSHUA N. RICKMAN, Logan County, was in some of the en gagements prior to November, 1862. J . RUST, Logan County, served with Co. F, Eleventh Tennessee In fantry, till Aprils, J 864. when he was transferred to this com pany, and fought with it at Rocky Face Gap and Resaca : was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died a short time after- Mid. 814 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. BLAKEY RYAN, Logan County, was disabled by wound received at Shiloh, and was discharged; but after having recovered some what, he joined Morgan s cavalry, and did service with that com mand. W. H. RUST, Logan County, served with Co. F, Eleventh Tennes see Infantry, till April 24, 1864, when he was transferred to this company, and took part in its subsequent engagements. He was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. J. L. SIMMONS, Logan County, took part in some of the engage ments, but was usually employed as teamster, and on various other detail service. JOHN W. SIMMONS, Logan County, died of disease at Jackson, Miss., 1862. He fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there. T. B. SMALL, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Resaca. JOHN E. SMALL, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements; and was once wounded. ROBERT E. SMALL, Logan County, was disabled by wound re ceived at Shiloh, and was soon afterward discharged. SIDNEY SMALL, Logan County, fought at Shiloh; was afterward discharged on account of disability by disease, and died in a short time. W. W. SMITH, Logan County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. CHARLIE SMITH, Logan County, was transferred from the Eighth Kentucky Infantry some time during the year 1862, and took part in all the subsequent engagements of the company. GEORGE B. STARLING, Hopkinsville, took part with this com pany in some of the earlier engagements, and was transferred, Dec. 15, 1863, to Martin s artillery. W. H. WATERS, Logan County, died of disease at Bowling Green, soon after having enlisted. J. G. WAKEFIELD, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; from Resaca to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements, and was never wounded. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Stone River. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 815 W. C. WALKER, Logan County, participated in nearly all the engagements of the company, and was wounded at Resaca. ST. CLAIR WALKER, Logan County, was killed in battle at Shi- loh, April 6, 1862. T. P. WIMMS, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Hartsville ; was wounded at the latter place, and fell into the hands of the enemy. He rejoined the company after having been exchanged, and fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Kenesaw Mountain. He was wounded at the latter place, June, 1864, and died in Atlanta shortly afterward. BEN WHITE, Logan County, participated in most of the engage ments of his company, and was wounded at Peachtree Creek, July 20, 1864. WM. WHITESCAWER, Logan County, is supposed to have died of disease at Brandon, Miss., some time in 1863. LESLIE WAGGONER, Russellville, fought at Shiloh, and was so badly wounded there as to be thought disabled, in consequence of which he was discharged soon afterward. Having measurably re covered, however, he reenlisted in the autumn, and was elected second lieutenant on Nov. 29, 1862. He fought in almost every subsequent battle of the regiment, and was again wounded at Chickamauga. COMPANY B, NINTH REGIMENT. JOHN C. WICKLIFFE, Bardstown. (See biography.) X. A. CROUCH, Bardstown, was elected first lieutenant, Oct. 2, 1861, and was promoted to captain, June 10, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; after which he was un fitted for field duty by ill health, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. ij. G. SCHAUB, Bardstown, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 2, 1 86 1, and was promoted to first lieutenant, June 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, where he was so severely wounded in the arm as to be disabled for further service during the war. He resigned, inconsequence, March 6, 1863. JOE BENEDICT, Louisville, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 2, 1 86 1, and was promoted to first lieutenant, March 6, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jack son. He was aide-de-camp to Gen. Hanson, November and De cember, 1862, and during the battle of Stone River; and was also aide to Col. Hunt during the time he commanded the brigade, 1863. He resigned on account of ill health, Dec. 8, 1863. He afterward joined Morgan s cavalry, and served with it. Died sud denly in New Orleans, Nov. n, 1895. 816 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. D. W. HOLTSHOUSER, Bardstown, was appointed first sergeant, Oct. 2, 1 86 1, and was appointed second lieutenant, June 10, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. Was transferred to Co. C, Second Kentucky Cavalry, March, 1863. Was killed at his father s house in Nelson County, March 22, 1873. THOMAS H. ELLIS, Bardstown, was appointed third sergeant, Oct. 2, 1861; was elected second lieutenant, Feb. 27, 1863; and was promoted to first lieutenant, Dec. 8, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chick- amauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga and Intrenchment Creek. JOHN C. APPLEGATE, Bardstown, was appointed fourth sergeant, Oct. 2, 1861 ; and was elected second lieutenant, June 30, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. GEO. R. MATTINGLY, Bardstown, was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 8, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and in all the mounted engage ments. He was one of the McMinnville Guard, 1863. W T M. AMBROSE, Bardstown, was appointed fifth sergeant, Oct. 2, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. At Pine Mountain, June, 1864, he was placed on the corps of sharpshooters, and served in that ca pacity till the command was mounted fighting almost daily from Pine Mountain to Atlanta; then at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . In the autumn of 1864, he was one of Buchanan s party of scouts, but took part in the mounted operations in South Carolina. He was wounded at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. GEORGE AMBROSE, Bardstown, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Pine Mountain, after which he was disabled, by ill health, for further service during the war. Died at home some years after the war. JASPER ANDERSON, Bardstown, was appointed fourth sergeant, Jan. 8, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; was wounded at Pine Mountain; fought also at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 817 IGNATIUS ALVEY, Bardstown, died of disease at Bowling Green, February, 1862. CHARLES APPLEGATE, Bardstown, fought at Hartsville, and died of disease at Ringgold, Ga. , June 24, 1863. ISAAC BRYANT, Bardstown, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was so badly wounded at the latter place as to be disabled for further service during the war. JAMES BURBA, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; was wounded at the latter place, but fought afterward at Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died at home some years after the war. H. C. BEULMEUR, Bardstown, was left sick at Nashville, Febru ary, 1862, and was discharged on account of disability by dis ease. JAMES BEMISS, Bloomfield, was employed in the medical depart ment, but was present on all the battlefields, and did good serv ice in his capacity. A. BLACKSHEAR, Savannah, Tenn., was transferred from Crews battalion, May, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, and Jackson ; was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Stone River. He was transferred to a Tennessee reg iment some time in 1863. W. S. BARNETT, Savannah, Tenn., was transferred from Crews battalion, May, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, and Jackson, and was transferred to a Tennessee regiment some time in 1863. TYLER BALLARI), Marion County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. THOMAS BRENT, Louisville, was transferred to Morgan s cavalry in the autumn of 1861. CHARLES CECIL, Marion County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was wounded in the latter engagement, July 22, 1864, and disabled for. further service during the war. L. M. CANNON, Savannah, Tenn., was transferred from Crews bat talion, May, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. 52 818 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES CRUTCHFIELD, Louisville, was made an orderly for Gen. Breckinridge, and served with him and other general officers dur ing the war. DAVID W. CARUTH, Louisville, was appointed third corporal, Oct. 2, 1 86 1, and was promoted to second sergeant, Jan. 8, 1864; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jack son, Mission Ridge; was wounded at the latter place, Nov. 25, 1863; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JAMES S. CARPENTER, Bardstown, was ordered at Bowling Green, 1861, to report for special duty to Gen. Sidney Johnston s chief commissary, with whom he remained until after the battle of Shiloh. Was then assigned to duty in the commissary depart ment at Demopolis, Ala., and was actively engaged there till the spring of 1865 in the work of subsisting various troops. He was captured, April 3, 1865 (his wedding night), while at Tuscaloosa on a furlough, but was exchanged four days afterward the final surrender of all coming a few weeks subsequently. JOHN DRURY, Bardstown, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. AL DURBIN, Bardstown, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. H. D. DOUGHERTY, Kentucky, was captured at Whippoorwill Bridge, November, 1861, and was never again heard from. E. C. DANCER, Purdy, Tenn., was transferred from Crews bat talion, May, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta, and Oli at Utoy Creek. He was wounded at Chickamauga and at Utoy operaticfer"^ 6 latter wound disabling him for further duty during the 7, 1862. GEORGE AMBROSE /ou i sv ^ e > was appointed second sergeant, Oct. 2, Baton Rouge, Hartsvil in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. Mission Ridge, Rocky jville, was transferred, November, 1861, to Mountain, after which he wiVirginia, and promoted to the rank of service during the war. Dieahe staff of Gen. McLaws, in which JASPER ANDERSON, Bardstown/ war - Jan. 8, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, v appointed quartermaster-sergeant, ville, Stone River, Jackson, and Cat capacity with the regiment until the latter place; fought also at Re Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta was f i -n -n -j XT frmn-^f oic.^ 4- T> I,. , Whippoorwill Bridge, Novem- davfat or,; h * T In , trenchme -t year, and rejoined the corn- days at Jonesboro , and m the mountecj at Hartsville, Stone River, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 819 Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted en gagements. JOHN GATES, Nelson County, was discharged on account of disa bility by disease, December, 1862 ; but afterward joined Morgan s cavalry, and served till the close of the war. Died at home some years after the war. FRANCIS A. GERVERS, France, was disabled by disease for duty in the ranks, and was detailed, soon after having enlisted, as cleric in the department of engineers, and served as such till the war terminated. JOHN W. GREEN, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, where, on the first day of the battle, he received a severe wound in the head, but would not leave the ranks ; on the second day he was again wounded, but continued at his post. Col. Hunt appointed him corporal in recognition of his gallantry in this field. Fought at Vicksburg, where he was color corporal; also at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He missed but the one engagement, that at Baton Rouge, being then severely ill and in hospital. He was sergeant-major of the regiment from April, 1863. (See Inci dents and Anecdotes after account of Jonesboro .) NORBORNE G. GRAY, Louisville, was placed by his father in a military academy at the beginning of the war, but left it as soon as opportunity offered, and enlisted in this company, November, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chick amauga, and was dangerously wounded at the latter place. He was appointed second lieutenant, Feb. 20, 1864, on account of gallant and meritorious conduct at Chickamauga, and after having measurably recovered, July, 1864, he reported to Colonel Chest- nutt, at Columbia, S. C., who assigned him to duty as dnllmaster of conscripts. He was afterward assigned to duty on the staff of Gen. Hodge as A. I. G., in which capacity he served about two months. He was then ordered to Mobile for post duty with Col. Tom Taylor, and remained there till the war closed. ED HAGAN, Marion County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; af Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and at Jones boro . He was wounded in an arm at Chickamauga, and lost an arm at Jonesboro . J. C. HOLTSHOUSER, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain ; was wounded at the latter place, July 2, 1864, but recovered and participated in the mounted engagements. 820 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES HUNTER, Bardstown, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. J. S. HILL, Nelson County, engaged in nearly all the battles of 1862-3, and was badly wounded at Chickamauga. Having measurably recovered, he was placed on detail duty at Dalton, 1864, which he continued to do till the close of the war. RICHARD HART, Bardstown, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mount ain; was wounded at the latter place, June 17, 1864, and disabled for further service during the war. Died at home some years after the war. JAMES HUSTON, Tennessee, was transferred from Crews battal ion, May, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was trans ferred, early in 1864, to a Tennessee regiment. JOSIAH HUSTON, Tennessee, was transferred from Crews battal ion, May, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was transferred to a Tennessee regiment early in 1864. O. HENRY, Tennessee, was transferred from Crews battalion, May, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to At lanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was wounded at Chickamauga. JOHN HEAD, Bardstown, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. WM. HAGAN, Bardstown, died of disease at Bowling Green, Feb ruary, 1862. THOMAS F. HOSKINS, Marion County, fought till August, 1864, with the Second Arkansas Infantry, when he was transferred to this company, and fought with it at Jonesboro , and was wounded there, Sept. i, 1864. After having recovered he took part in the mounted engagements in Georgia. He was wounded and cap tured near Savannah, December, 1864, and detained in prison till the war closed. HATCH JUPIN, Bardstown, was killed in the fight at Whippoorwill Bridge, Dec. 4, 1861. JOHN S. JACKMAN, Nelson County. Being disabled by ill health for service in the ranks, he was assigned to duty as regimental clerk, and acted in that capacity most of the time during the war, but generally entered the ranks, and fought when the regiment was in battle. He was with the medical officers at Shiloh, and on the field ; fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, and Jackson ; was on detail duty during the battle of Chickamauga, and on the field ; fought at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas. He was wounded at Pine Mountain, June 14, 1864, by HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 821 a fragment of shell that struck him across the top of the head a little to the right of the crown seriously breaking and depressing the skull. He was thus disabled for any further service during the war, but measurably recovered, though experiencing some ill effects from it through life. DANIEL JENKINS, Bullitt County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. THOMAS LILLEY, Bardstown, fought at Whippoorwill Bridge, and was captured there, but was exchanged and rejoined the company in September, 1862; fought at Hartsville ; was sick in hospital at the time of the battle at Stone River, and was again captured ; returned after having been exchanged, May, 1863, and fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Re- saca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and In- trenchment Creeks; and lost an arm in the latter engagement, July 22, 1864. Died at home some years after the war. WM. LIVERS, Nelson County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Died of disease at Mississippi Springs, Miss., July, 1862. J. B. L. LOCKHERT, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain, and in the mounted engagemerits. He was appointed first sergeant, March, 1863. After the war, a citizen of Clarksville, Tenn. A. J. MOORE, Bardstown, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree Creek, and at Intrenchment Creek. He was captured at the lat ter place, July 22, 1864, and did not return in time to participate in the closing engagements. PAUL I. MOORE, Washington County, was left sick in Kentucky, February, 1862, but came out with Bragg s army, and rejoined company. Fought at Chickamauga and in the mounted engage ments. The remainder of the time he was employed on pioneers duty. He was wounded at Swift Creek, S. C., April, 1865. ROBERT G. McCORKLE, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought also at Hartsville, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; from Resaca to Atlanta ; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments. His wound received at Shiloh prevented him from taking part in the battles of 1863, as it was impossible for him to march. LEN S. MILLER, Louisville, fought at Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . He was afterward with the Army of Tennessee, and accompanied it on the Nash ville campaign. 822 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. COLUMBUS NEWTON, Nelson County, was transferred from Mc- Clung s battery, Oct. 13, 1862. Fought at Chickamauga, after which he was detailed as blacksmith, and served as such during the remainder of the war. N. OVERALL, Nelson County, was left sick at Gallatin, Tenn. r February, 1862, and died there. ELIJAH OSBORNE, Nelson County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. H. OSBORNE, Meade County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; at Baton Rouge, and was wounded again. Died of disease early in 1863. JOHN O BRIEN, Nelson County, was discharged on account of dis ability by disease, December, 1862. JOHN B. PIRTLE, Louisville. (See biography.) TOM PORTER, Bardstown, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. GEO. PRUNTY, Bardstown, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and VJtoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. F. PRICE, Louisville, was chief musician of the regiment. GEO. PASH, Nelson County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Hartsville, and lost an arm at the latter place. He was left at Stone River, and fell into the hands of the enemy; was ex changed, and returned to the company. December, 1863. Dur ing the campaign from Dalton, he was frequently engaged in voluntary detail service, but was discharged some time in the autumn, 1864. WM. POPE, Louisville, was severely wounded in battle at Shiloh; suffered amputation of the arm, and died shortly afterward. WM. F. POOLE, Bardstown, was transferred from Stonewall Jack son s division, December, 1862. Fought at Jackson and Resaca; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Jonesboro . CHARLES RAPIER, Bardstown, was disabled by an accident, near Nashville, Tenn., February, 1862, and was left in that city. P. BOOKER REED, Louisville, was on the field at Shiloh, as mounted courier for Gen. Breckinridge. He was detailed in the spring of 1862 for temporary service with Gen. Morgan, but re joined the company, and fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jones boro . During the mounted operations. he was with the scouting party under Buchanan, till December, 1864, after which he took part in the various engagements in South Carolina. GREEN ROBERTS, Louisville, was transferred to Morgan s squad ron, 1861, and was killled in battle at Lebanon, Tenn. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 823 D. W. ROBERTSON, Bardstown, was unable for active duty, on ac count of lameness contracted before he enlisted, and was left at Nashville, February, 1862. J. T. ROBERTS, Tennessee, was transferred from Crews battalion, May, 1862, and engaged in some of the subsequent engagements. He was transferred, in 1864, to a Tennessee regiment. SYLVESTER SMITH, Bardstown, was mortally wounded at Shiloh, and died at Corinth, May 23, 1862. LLEWELLYN P. SMITH, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. H. SHOTWELL, Bardstown, was appointed third sergeant, Jan. 4, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought also at Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Jonesboro . WILLIAM STONER, Bardstown, died of disease at Bowling Green, February, 1862. ROBERT TYLER, Louisville, was transferred to Morgan s cavalry, April 23, 1862. He fought with this company at Shiloh. PHIL THOMPSON, Bardstown, died of disease at Bowling Green, February, 1862. JOSEPH M. TYDINGS. Louisville, on going to Camp Boone, in July, 1861, was assigned temporarily to the Second Kentucky as assistant surgeon. After being relieved he went to Nashville and thence bore important public documents to the Central Army of Kentucky (headquarters then at Bowling Green). In the autumn he enlisted as a private in Co. B ; but was put in charge of the regimental hospital at Bowling Green. Was at Russell ville on leave of absence when Johnston s army left Kentucky, but rejoined his company at Murfreesboro , where he was left sick when the army moved to Mississippi. Recovering, he went southward to find his command, but fell in with Morgan s cavalry, and did serv ice with it until after the raid through Kentucky (July, 1862), taking part in scouts, skirmishes, and some more serious engage ments at Chattanooga, Tompkinsville, and Cynthiana. In August, 1862, he rejoined his company, then near Jackson, Miss., and fought with it at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallaa to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . He took part in the mounted operations until at Whitesville, Ga. , Feb. n, 1865, he was severely wounded in right arm, by accidental discharge of his own gun, by which he was disabled until some time after the war closed. PHIL VACARO, Louisville, was appointed captain and A. C. S., 1 86 1, and served in the commissary department throughout the war. 824 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. S. P. WIEL, Jefferson County, fought first years of the war with the Eighteenth Mississippi Infantry ; was transferred to this company, November, 1863, and fought with it at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and at Jonesboro . Dur ing the cavalry operations he was with the dismounted detach ment. JOE WILSON, Bardstown, fought at Whippoorwill Bridge, and was wounded there, Dec. 4, 1861 ; fought also at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. A. M. WAYNE, Bardstown, died of disease at Oxford, Miss., August, 1862. CHARLES L. WARD, Louisville. (See Co. D. Fourth Regiment.) L. WINN, Tennessee, was transferred from Crews battalion, May, 1862, and died of disease at Murfreesboro , December, 1863. JAMES WALKER, Tennessee, was transferred from Crews bat talion, May, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. JOHN WALKER, Tennessee, was transferred from Crews battalion, May, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg and Jackson, and was afterward transferred to a Tennessee regiment. A. P. WALKER, Tennessee, was transferred from Crews battalion, May, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Mission Ridge, and Rocky Face Gap, after which he was transferred to the Fouth Confederate Infantry. TYLER WILSON, Bardstown, was transferred from the Eighteenth Mississippi Infantry, March, 1863. Fought at Jackson, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died at home some years after the war. M. WEEDMAN, Meade County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded and captured there; but rejoined the company, after having been exchanged, September, 1862, and fought at Stone River, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks; was wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, but recovered and took part in the mounted engagements. BEN WEBER, Bardstown, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN IJRIGADE. COMPANY C, NINTH REGIMENT. WILLIAM MITCHELL, Hartford, was elected captain, Sept. 22, 1 86 1, and was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. MOSES WICKLIFFE, South Carrollton, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 22, 1 86 1. He took part in nearly all the engagements of the command up to the autumn of 1864, after which he was the acting quartermaster of the regiment till the close. PRICE C. NEWMAN, Louisville, was elected second lieutenant, November, 1861, and was elected captain at the reorganization, May 15, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; Peachtree, Intrench- ment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. Died in Louisville, July 30, 1894. H. H. HARRIS, Greenville, was elected second lieutenant, Novem ber, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was severely wounded at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862, and resigned on account of it, Feb. 27, 1864. FIELDING FORMAN, Hartford, was elected second lieutenant, May 14, 1862. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro ; and in the cavalry engagements up to December, 1864, when he died of a wound received near Savannah, Ga. JAMES W. FORD, Hartford, was elected second lieutenant, March 10, 1864. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chicka mauga. ALEXANDER T. HINES, Hartford, was appointed first sergeant, September, 1861. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. STEPHEN W. ROWAN, Livermore, was appointed second ser geant, September, 1861. He fought in nearly all the battles of his company to the close, and was wounded at Jonesboro. J. L. COLLINS, Hartford, was appointed third sergeant, September, 1 86 1. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at 826 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Shiloh, Baton Rouge, and Chickamauga, and was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Stone River. SAM O. PEYTON, Auburn, was appointed fourth sergeant, Septem ber, 1 86 1. He took part in nearly all the engagements of his company to the close, and was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. JOSEPH G. HALL, Glasgow, was appointed fifth sergeant, Septem ber, 1 86 1. He was captured at Whippoorwill Bridge, in 1861, but was exchanged, rejoined the company in September, 1862, and took part in nearly all the subsequent engagements to the close. He was wounded at Chickamauga. JAMES H. FAUGHENDER, Greenville, was appointed first cor poral, September, 1861. He fought in nearly all the battles of his company to the close. C. C. AMBROSE, Paradise, was appointed second corporal, Sep tember, 1 86 1. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, and Stone River; was wounded at Stone River, and long disabled, but reentered the ranks at Dalton, and took part in nearly all the subsequent engagements. JAMES W. YOUNTZ, Paradise, was appointed third corporal, Sep tember, 1 86 1. He was generally in ill health, but took part in most of the battles, and was wounded at Chickamauga. WM. T. SMITH, Hartford, was appointed fourth corporal, Septem ber, 1 86 1. He was enlisted when a mere boy, but served throughout, and was once or twice wounded. JNO. L. F. AMBROSE, Paradise, died in Atlanta of a wound re ceived in battle. No other facts are known to the writer. J. ROLLA AUSTIN, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was wounded at the latter place, and died from the effects of it. JOHN T. BERRYMAN, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg, and died of wound received at the latter place. WM. F. BISHOP, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; served some time as regimental clerk; was captured at Manchester, 1863; escaped into Canada, and remained there some time, but rejoined the company. W. D. BURNEY, Kentucky, died at Griffin of wound received in battle. No other facts are known to the writer. R. SAMUEL BROOKS, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. JOHN BLAZER, Russellville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was captured near Mission Ridge, November, 1863, and was de tained in prison till near the close of the war. I. P. BARNARD, Hartford, took part in some of the earlier engage ments, but was discharged at Stone River, November, 1862, be ing under age. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 827 WM. T. BARNETT, Kentucky, died of disease. SAMUEL L. BERRY, Cromwell, took part in some of the earlier engagements, but was discharged in November, 1862, being under age. HENRY G. COWLING, Louisville, took part in the earlier battles of 1862, but, being over age, he was discharged in November of that year. He was afterward engaged in the ordnance depart ment at Augusta, Ga. JOEL CRAIG, Kentucky, died of disease at Tishamingo bridge, on the retreat from Corinth. CHARLES T. CHINN, Cromwell, fought in most of the battles of his company, and was twice wounded. JOHN CHINN, Kentucky. JAMES S. CHINN, Hartford, took part in most of the battles of his command, and was once severely wounded. W. R. CHAPMAN, Hartford, engaged in most of the battles, and was wounded at Chickamauga. He was sometimes employed as pioneer. RICHARD GREEN, Kentucky, took part in some of the engage ments, and was captured at Stone River. No other facts are known to the writer. JOSEPH HALL, Kentucky. No facts known to the writer. HENRY E. HEWES, Louisville, was appointed commissary sergeant, Feb. 12, 1862, and was retained in that office, and almost con stantly engaged in its duties till the close of the war. \VM. P. HARRIS, Kentucky, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. H. H. HARRIS, Kentucky. No facts known to the writer. HARRY HENDRICKS, Muhlenburg County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. I). C. HAY, Greenville, was wounded and captured at Shiloh. After ward died of disease. 0. P. HILL, Hartford, fought in nearly all the battles to the close, and was once or twice wounded. JOHN F. JERNIGAN, Greenville, was one of the infirmary detail during the battle of Shiloh, and fought in most of the subsequent battles. BEN G. JERNIGAN, Greenville, was wounded in battle at Shiloh. No other facts are known to the writer. JOS. L. JACKSON, Rochester. No other facts than that he was a member of the company are known to the writer. C. K. JONES, Kentucky, fought in most of the earlier engagements, and died in 1863 of wounds received at Jackson, Miss. 1. ED JONES, Kentucky, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. 828 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. R. W. JONES, Kentucky. No other facts than that he was a mem ber of the company have been communicated to the writer. A. H. KINCHELOE, South Carrollton, fought in some of the earlier battles, but was discharged in November, 1862, being under age. A. J. KIRTLEY, South Carrollton, fought in nearly all the battles of the company, and was wounded at Chickamauga and Jonesboro . ELISHA B. KIRTLEY, McLean County, was for some time a mem ber of Co. C, First Kentucky Cavalry ; afterward enlisted in the Ninth Kentucky; fought in the skirmishes about Tuscumbia, in battles at Shiloh, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, and on the re treat to Dalton. Was discharged because of disability by dis ease, February, 1864. N. R. LETNER, South Carrollton, took part in some of the engage ments, and was wounded at Shiloh. AL LINN, Kentucky. No facts known to the writer. W. C. LANDER, Kentucky, was not enlisted till the second year of the war, but engaged in some of the subsequent battles, and was captured on the retreat from Mission Ridge. JNO. J. MAHAN, Paradise, fought in most of the battles of his com pany, and is believed to have been once or twice wounded. DAVID MIDKIFFE, Hartford, was discharged on account of disa bility by disease, October, 1862. JAMES S. MITCHELL, Hartford, died of disease at Bowling Green, 1861. CHARLES MITCHELL, Kentucky, died of disease. C. W. MILLER, Hartford, was generally on detail service till No vember, 1862, when he was discharged, being over age. J. S. MORTON, Kentucky, was transferred to Dibbrell s cavalry. JAMES H. NEVILLE, Cynthiana. No other facts than that he was a member of the company have been communicated to the writer. WM. C. PENDLETON, Hartford, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. CRAVEN PEYTON, Hartford, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Hartsville, and was killed at the latter place, Dec. 7. 1862. He was at that time serving on the staff of Gen. Mor gan. JAMES H. ROLL, Kentucky, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. GEORGE RANNEY, Muhlenburg County, took part in nearly all the battles up to the spring of 1863, when he was discharged on account of disability by disease. He was wounded at Shiloh. CHARLES W. ROTHNOCK, Hartford, fought at Shiloh. No other facts known to the writer. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 829 LYCURGUS REID, Ohio County, was wounded at Hartsville; severely wounded at Dallas; slightly wounded near Richland, Ga.; was once hurt in a railroad accident; and served sometime as agent for the purchase of hospital supplies. Since the war he has been police judge of Rockport and filled other civil office. " I teach my children," he once wrote to a friend, " to honor the men of the Orphan Brigade above all others. I point them out as we meet them as men on whom the country can depend in time of need." ALBERT ROBINSON, Kentucky, was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. S. W. ROWAN, Kentucky. No facts known to the writer. E. C. SHULL, Kentucky, was generally disabled by disease for act ive service, but engaged in some of the battles, and was killed at Chickamauga. W. T. SMITH, Kentucky. No facts known to the writer. ELI AS G. SMITH, Kentucky, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. PHILIP SNAPP, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta, at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. DAVID SAULSBURG, Owensboro , died of disease at Columbus, Miss., 1862. JAMES E. TAYLOR, Bowling Green, engaged in nearly all the bat tles, and was wounded at Chickamauga. WM. TAYLOR, Ohio County, took part in some of the earlier en gagements. W. F. TATUM, Hartford, was generally disabled by disease for active duty, but took part in some of the engagements. MONROE TINSLEY, Livermore, engaged in nearly all the battles, and was wounded at Shiloh and Resaca. DIDWARD TINSLEY, Livermore, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service during the war. GUS THOMPSON, Kentucky, died of disease at Russellville, Ky., 1861. M. O. TOWNS, Kentucky. No facts known to the writer. ROBT. TYRER, Kentucky, died of disease. HENRY L. VICKERS, Hawesville, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there, April 7, 1862. He was discharged soon after wards, being disabled by the effects of the wound. JAMES W. WEEKS, Rochester, took part in some of the battles, and was wounded at Chickamauga. 830 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN K. WICKLIFFE, Greenville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. ELIJAH WOODWARD, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh. JOHN WOODWARD, Kentucky. No facts known to the writer. JEROME B. WILLIAMS, Manchester, Tenn., was enlisted in the spring of 1863; fought at Jackson and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place, and afterward, March 27, 1864, he was transferred to Co. B, Twenty-ninth Tennessee Infantry. M. L. WEEKS, Kentucky. No facts known to the writer. JAMES L. WALTHALL, Kentucky, died at Montgomery, Ala., of wound received in battle. No other facts are known to the writer than that he fought at Shiloh. R. W. WALLACE, Paradise, was disabled by lameness for active field duty, and was generally employed as ward-master of hospital. THOMAS B. YOUNG, Bowling Green, engaged in most of the bat tles of his company, and was more than once wounded. Was at one time third corporal. COMPANY D, NINTH REGIMENT. BEN DESHA, Cynthiana, was elected captain, Oct. 21, 1861, and was promoted to major, April 6, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, where he was so severely wounded as to be long disabled for duty, but rejoined the command and fought at Jonesboro , where he was again wounded and disabled for further service during the war. Died in Cynthiana some years after the war. ANDREW J. BEALE, Cynthiana, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 21, 1861 ; was promoted to first lieutenant May 7, 1862, and to captain, April 6, 1863. He fought at Hartsville and Stone River, and was wounded at the latter place. He was ap pointed surgeon, Oct. i, 1863, and served, during the remainder of the war, in the medical department. HUGH M. KELLER, Cynthiana, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 21, 1 86 1, and was promoted to first lieutenant, April 6, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. He was se verely wounded at Shiloh, April 7, 1862, and finally had to aban don field service on account of it, though he retained his connec tion with the army till the termination of the war. OSCAR KENNARD, Cynthiana, was elected second lieutenant, May 7, 1862, and was promoted to captain, Feb. 15, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chick amauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments to Savannah, after which he was engaged in other duty till .the close of the war. He was wounded at Baton Rouge. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 831 JOHN H. WEBB, Cynthiana, was elected second lieutenant, June 30, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, MissionRidge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was mortally wounded at the latter place, Aug. 31, 1864, and died in Atlanta shortly aft erward. JOHN W. CARROLL, Scott County, was elected second lieutenant, January, 1864. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. Died of disease at Newnan, Ga. , 1864. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chicka mauga. RICHARD M. WALL, Cynthiana, was first one of the sergeants of the company, but was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 20, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Chicka mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Jones boro . He was captured at Jonesboro , and was not exchanged in time to participate in the closing engagements. JOHN ADAMS, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh; was generally afterward incapacitated, by ill health, for duty in the ranks, and was employed as teamster. TAN ADAMS, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; and was discharged, July, 1862, on account of disability by disease. W. W. ADAMS, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there, April 7, 1862 ; fought also at Hartsville; was transferred to Co. K, Second Kentucky Cavalry, December, 1862. W. A. ALLEN, Scott County, was made one of the sergeants of the company in 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, and Chickamauga. He was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. ALVIN AGNEW, Cynthiana, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there, April 7, 1862. He was generally afterward employed as blacksmith, till the close of the war. JAMES BARNETT, Scott County, fought at Baton Rouge, Harts ville, Stone River, and in the mounted engagements. JOHN O. BRYANT, Cynthiana, was generally employed as teamster, but fought in some of the engagements between Dalton and At lanta, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Kenesaw Mountain. AL N. BARRETT, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, was wounded there, and disabled for further infantry service during the war, but took part in the engagements of the mounted infantry. E. J. BARLOW, Scott County, was one of the sergeants of the com pany. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was afterward disabled by disease for further service, and died at Montgomery, Ala., 1864. 832 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JAMES BURGESS, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, and after ward died of disease. ELZY V. BRIGHT, Fleming County, was one of the sergeants of the company ; and fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. Died in Missouri after the war. JAMES BELL, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, and afterward died of disease. L. C. CLIFFORD, Harrison County, died of disease at Bowling Green, December, 1861. JNO. B. CLEARY, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; and was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. ASAHEL C. CLARKE, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh; was afterward disabled by disease, and was discharged, Dec. 20, 1862. JAMES M. CHANCELLOR, Mason County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was captured at the latter place, and kept in prison till the close of the war. Died in Missouri some time subsequently. JOHN T. COURTNEY, Harrison County, fought at Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; in skirmishes at Pine and Kenesaw Mountains; at Peachtree, Tn- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was cap tured at the latter place, and did not return in time to participate in the closing engagements. Died at his home near Connersville, Ky., in 1884. PARKER CRAWFORD, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, and was discharged on account of disability by disease, May 10, 1862. NEWTON COOK, Harrison County, fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. Died of dis ease in Atlanta, Ga., August, 1864. He was wounded at Chick amauga. M. DEVERS, Harrison County, was one of the corporals of the com pany, and fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and in the. mounted engagements. JOHN H. DILLS, Cynthiana, was discharged on account of disability by disease, Feb. 12, 1862. (See Incidents and Anecdotes.) GEORGE W. DRAKE, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Re saca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died near Sadieville, Ky. , some time after the war. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 833 THOMAS EVANS, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, was severely wounded there, and was afterward discharged in consequence of it. STEVE ESTILL, Scott County, was one of the corporals of the com pany, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. After ward died of disease. JOHN FIGHTMASTER, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. JOHN FIELDS, Scott County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Was discharged November, 1862, being under age. \VM. GLASSCOCK, Scott County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. GEORGE W. HILL, Scott County, was appointed second sergeant, Oct. 21, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Was transferred to Morgan s cavalry, Dec. 15, 1862. JOHN W. HENRY, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. JOHN HARDIN, Harrison County, died of disease. \V. H. HICKS, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. JACOB HAMILTON, Harrison County, fought at Vicksburg, Harts- ville, Jackson, Chickatnauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. S. HEDGER, Harrison County, died of disease at Selma, Ala. N. F. HEDGER, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Hartsville, Stone River, and Chickamauga ; and was killed at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. JAMES HEDGER, Harrison County, was generally employed as teamster, but fought at Chickamauga, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died at Sadieville, Ky,, some years after the war. WM. HEDGER, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. THOS. HEDGER, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. E. B. HAWKINS, Kentucky. No facts relative to this man, except that he was wounded at Chickamauga, are known to the writer. WM. R. HOFFMAN, Cynthiana, fought at Shiloh. Was discharged, October, 1862, on account of disability by disease. Killed at Cynthiana before the war closed. 53 B34 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. LESLIE C. HORN, Harrison County, was one of the corporals of the company, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, both days at Jonesboro , and in all the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Jonesboro . CHESTER HOWELL, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga ; was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service dur ing the war. LEWIS HARRIS, Scott County, was generally unfitted by ill health for duty in the ranks, and was employed in various detail service, but fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Jackson. W. PARKER INGRAHAM, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Died of disease at Knoxville, Tenn., October, 1862. WILLIAM JENKINS, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was captured at the latter place, and de tained in prison till after the close of the war. Died in Harrison County some years afterward. FRANK M. JACKSON, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. CHRISTOPHER C. KENNON, Bracken County, was one of the cor porals of the company; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Jonesboro , both days, and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Jonesboro . Died at Milford, Bracken County, after the war. ED KERNES, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, and was dis charged on account of disability by disease, July, 1862. JOS. MAY, Scott County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was severely wounded at Chickamauga, and disabled for further duty during the war. Died in Georgetown after the war. REED M. MARTIN, Cynthiana, was appointed first sergeant, De cember, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree Creek, Intrenchment Creek, Utoy Creek, and in the mounted engagements. JOHN W. MARTIN, Harrison County, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. WM. L. MOONEY, Mason County, was generally disabled by dis ease for duty in the ranks, and was employed in hospital and other detail service, but fought at Shiloh, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Pine Mountain and Kenesaw Mountain. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 835 THOMAS McKINNEY, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. WM. T. MAGEE, Cynthiana, was appointed second sergeant, Oct. 21, 1 86 1, and was promoted to first sergeant, Nov. 10, 1861. Fought at Shiloh. Was discharged on account of disability by disease, Dec. 10, 1862. Died in Colorado after the war. AARON McLONEY, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was captured at the latter place, and died in prison, of disease. JAMES McNEES, Harrison County, was one of the corporals of the company. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. Was killed by accident, at Chickamauga River, Oct. 10, 1863. JOHN McMAHAN, Harrison County, was not enlisted till June, 1862. F ought at Chickamauga, and was killed there. JAMES PRICE, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, and was afterward discharged on account of disability by disease. SOLOMON C. PERRIN, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and so disabled that he was discharged in con sequence of it. Died in Arkansas after the war. THOMAS PEMBERTON, Scott County, fought at Jonesboro , and was killed there, Aug. 31, 1864. JOHN REESE, Harrison County, was not enlisted till June, 1862. Was made one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Intrenchment Creek. He was wounded at the latter place, July 22, 1864, and died from the effects of it. HYSON REESE, Harrison County, fought at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kcn- esaw Mountain, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WILLIAM H. ROWLAND, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was wounded and captured at the latter place. AVILLIAM STEVENS, Mason County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. THOMAS SNODGRASS, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, and Baton Rouge, and was discharged some time afterward, on account of disability by disease. Ts AT SHARON, Scott County, fought at Shiloh; was wounded there, April 7, 1862, and disabled for further duty in the ranks, but re joined the command in the autumn of 1863, and served during the remainder of the war as orderly for Gen. Lewis. JOHN T. SMARR, Georgetown, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. Died at home some years after the war. 836 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. HOLLIDAY SAULS, Harrison County, was transferred from cavalry, December, 1862. Fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Jonesboro , and served with the dismounted detachment during the cavalry operations. He was wounded at Chickamauga. JAMES SAULS, Harrison County, was transferred from cavalry, December, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; and though he remained with the command until the close of the war, he was not again en gaged. He was wounded at Chickamauga. WILLIAM SIDNEY, fought at Shiloh; and was afterward discharged on account of disability by disease. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh. Died near Cynthiana after the war. JAMES H. TAYLOR, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks- burg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. DAVID H. TAYLOR, Harrison County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. ARIS C. TAYLOR, Harrison County, was one of the corporals of the company, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. POLK WHALEN, Harrison County, was accidentally killed at Ab- ingdon, Va. , November, 1861. WM. J. WILLIAMSON, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WM. H. WHALEY, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; at Jonesboro . and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chicka mauga. ANDREW J. WHITE, Harrison County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, and Baton Rouge. Was transferred to Morgan s cavalry, November, 1862. HENRY WEBSTER, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 837 ROBERT WALKER, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, and was dis charged, June 12, 1862, on account of disability by disease. Died some years afterward. I AMES L. WEST, Cynthiana, died of disease at Burnsville, Miss., May 5, 1862. JOSEPH W. WELLS, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and disabled for further service in the ranks. He re mained with the company, however, to the last, and sometimes engaged in light detail duty. GEORGE W. WOLFE, Scott County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River, after which he was sent sick to hospital, and, when he had recovered, was detailed as blacksmith, and served in that capacity during the remainder of the war. WILLIAM YOUNG, Scott County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and he fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service dur ing the war. COMPANY G, NINTH REGIMENT. JAMES T. MOREHEAD, Cloverport, was elected captain, Sept. 24, 1 86 1. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, and Stone River. He commanded the Ninth Regiment at Hartsville; was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Stone River, and died of disease, Jan. 7, 1863. PETER V. DANIEL, Hardinsburg, was elected first lieutenant, Sept. 24, 1 86 1, and was promoted to captain, Feb. 8, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was wounded at the latter place; fought also at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; and was killed in the later battle, Sept. 20, 1863. J. B. LILLARD, Cloverport, was elected second lieutenant, Sept. 24, 1861, and resigned, April, 1862. GEORGE A. KING, Logan County, was elected captain of a com pany, Oct. 17, 1861, but his men were afterward consolidated with those of Capt. Morehead. He fought at Shiloh, and resigned when reorganization took place, May, 1862. J. W. BURKS, Logan County, was elected first lieutenant of King s company, Oct. 17, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, and resigned, April 22, 1862. J. T. SHACKLEFORD, Logan County, was elected second lieuten ant of King s company, Oct. 17, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, and re signed, April 22, 1862. R. M. SIMMONS, Logan County, was elected second lieutenant of King s company, Oct. 17, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there. Resigned in the autumn of 1862. 838 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. HENRY C. BOYD, Cloverport, was appointed third sergeant, Sept. 24, 1 86 1 ; was promoted to first sergeant, December, 1861; was elected second lieutenant, Feb. 8, 1863, and was promoted to first lieutenant, Sept. 20, 1863. Fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg; was then assigned to duty in the quartermaster s department, but rejoined the company in the autumn, and fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, In- trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro . He was killed at the latter place, Sept. i, 1864. ALEXANDER M. MOSELEY, Logan County, was elected second lieutenant, Feb. 8, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville; Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and in all the engagements of the Dalton campaign, up to July 22, 1864, when he was wounded in battle at Intrenchment Creek, and dis abled for further service in the line. He was assigned to provost duty in the autumn, and was thus engaged during the remainder of the war. JOHN J. WILLIAMS, Hawesville, was appointed second sergeant, Oct. 8, 1861; was elected second lieutenant, April 25, 1862; was promoted to first lieutenant, Feb. 8, 1863, and to captain, Sept. 20, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree, Intrench ment, and Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments up to March, 1865, when he was ordered into Kentucky on recruiting service, and was thus engaged when the war closed. He was wounded at Shiloh, Chickamauga, and Intrenchment Creek. ED GREGORY, Cloverport, was appointed first sergeant, 1862, and was elected second lieutenant, Dec. 8, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. NATHAN ANGELL, Cloverport, fought at Baton Rouge and Jones boro ; was mortally wounded at the latter place, Sept. i, 1864, and died shortly afterward. J. E. ADAMS, Logan County, fought in all the battles of his com pany up to that of Jonesboro , Sept. i, 1864, where he was killed. R. E. T. ADAMS, Logan County, was in a number of the engage ments up to Resaca, May 14, 1864, when he was wounded. He recovered, however, and took part in the fights of the mounted infantry. J. W. ADAMS, Logan County, took part in all the battles of his com pany up to July 22, 1864, when he was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died on the train that was conveying the wounded to hospital. H. C. ALLEN, Logan County. Nothing definite known to the writer with regard to his service. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 830 THOMAS BROWN, Breckenridge County, was long in bad health, but took part in every battle that he could, to the close. JAMES BRUCE, Breckenridge County, fought in most of the battles of his regiment; was wounded at Chickamauga, and severely wounded at Jonesboro . SAMUEL W. BOUTCHER, Hancock County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; fought also in most of the other engagements up to Jonesboro . He was wounded at Chickamauga, Resaca, and Jonesboro ; at the latter place, we believe, mortally. J . W. BURNETT, Hawesville, went to the Army of Virginia, May, 1 86 1, with Capt. (afterward Maj.) Jack Thompson, but was not sworn into the service, and drove a team for Gen. Magruder until December, 1861. He then came to Bowling Green, and joined this company, and fought with it at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was twice wounded at the latter place, but did not leave the field; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones boro , and in the mounted engagements. J. H. BURKS, Logan County, fought at Shiloh and in a number of other battles up to Intrenchment Creek, when he was captured, July 22, 1864, and did not return in time to participate in the mounted engagements. PAUL BURGESS, Logan County, was captured at Whippoorwill Bridge, November, 1861, and detained in prison about two years, but was finally exchanged, and fought at Chickamauga, where he was wounded, and in some other battles that the company engaged in afterward. L. F. BOLTON, Edmonson County, was in several of the infantry engagements, but it is not definitely remembered whether he served as mounted trooper or not. HENRY BEATTY, Logan County, was transferred to the company, July, 1864, and fought with it at Utoy Creek, Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He had fought with another command in the earlier engagements. WM. BEAUCHAMP, Daveiss County, fought in most of the battles; was wounded at Baton Rouge and Resaca; was captured at In trenchment Creek, and detained in prison until about the close of the war. C C. BEASLEY, Cloverport, fought at Hartsville. NATHAN BOARD, Breckenridge County, fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, and in most of the other engagements up to Chickamauga, where he was wounded by a Minie-ball that penetrated the brain, but did not instantly kill him. He lay nine days in that condi tion, and then died. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct on the field. D. J. BURKS, Logan County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg, and was discharged, November, 1862, being under age. 840 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOSEPH BOLTON, Edmonson County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh and captured, and died in prison at Camp Chase. A. J. BAILEY, Logan County, fought at Shiloh; was permanently disabled by wound received there, and was discharged, October, 1862. W. W. BADGER, Hawesville, was appointed fifth sergeant, Sept. 30, 1861, and was promoted to first sergeant, Sept. 20, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mis sion Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements, till about a month prior to the close, when he was detailed to take charge of the regimental papers and baggage, at Washington, Ga. J. WILSON BAIRD, Logan County, was a sergeant in the Eighteenth Tennessee Infantry, and was transferred to this company in Oc tober, 1862, retaining his non-commissioned rank. Fought after ward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks, and Jones boro . He was wounded at Chickamauga. JOHN BEARD, Breckenridge County, was discharged on account of disability by disease, October, 1862, and died before the close of the war. JOHN E. COOK, Logan County, fought at Whippoorwill Bridge, and escaped capture; remained on duty with the company till Novem ber, 1862, when he was discharged, being under age. THOMAS B. CLARKE, Logan County, was transferred from the Eighteenth Tennessee Infantry, October, 1862, and fought after ward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, in some of the engagements on the Dalton and Atlanta campaign, and in the fights of the mounted infantry. He was wounded at Jonesboro . SQUIRE CUMMINGS, Grayson County, was discharged soon after having enlisted, on account of disability by disease. BUFORD CUMMINGS, Grayson County, was killed in battle at Shiloh. RICHARD COONEY, Daveiss County, died of disease at Bowling Green, soon after having enlisted. E. W. DENT, Cloverport, was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 3, 1862, but resigned some time afterward and served with More- head s partisan rangers till they were ordered to the infantry, when he rejoined his old company and fought with it at Stone River and other important battles, among which Jonesboro is remembered. He fought also in the mounted engagements. WM. DYER, Breckenridge County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, April 7, and died from the effects of it, May 7, 1862. ALLEN DERRYBERRY, Logan County, fought in some of the en gagements up to Jackson. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 841 JAMES C. DODSON, Grayson County, fought at Shiloh and in most of the other battles, both as infantry and mounted infantry. He was wounded at Resaca. JAMES L. DAVIDSON, Ohio County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought in most of the battles with it. He was wounded at Jonesboro . M. V. DYER, Breckenridge County, fought in several of the infantry engagements, and in all those of the mounted men. He was wounded at Chickamauga. R. S. DOBBIN, Kentucky, was a member of the Eighth Kentucky, but escaped capture at Donelson, and reported to Col. Hunt. He was taken up on the rolls of Co. G, and was in one or two battles with it, after which he died of disease. J. W. EVANS, Hawesville, was one of the regimental musicians, but was sometimes on the field with the infirmary corps, and was painfully wounded at Chickamauga while on that duty. J. N. FLOWERS, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, and was wound ed there; fought also at Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. R. E. FARMER, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. A. G. FISHER, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and in nearly all the other engagements of his company to the close. He was wounded at Chickamauga. MARK FISHER, Robertson County, Tenn., fought at Shiloh, Vicks burg, and Hartsville. JOE FISHER, Logan County, was wounded in battle at Shiloh, and died from the effects of it shortly afterward. H. J. FISHER, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, and in other impor tant engagements. He was wounded at Shiloh and Chicka mauga. A. J. GROSS, Cloverport, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, In trenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro . He was wounded at the latter place and captured, but escaped and rejoined company in a few days. After the command was mount ed he was sent out on a scout in the region of Rock Mountain, and was again captured. He was put on board cars, and started for a Northern prison, but escaped while passing through Ten nessee, made his way back through the country, then in entire possession of the Federals, rejoined his command again, and took part in the closing operations sometimes scouting, sometimes righting in the ranks. 842 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. A. H. GILBERT, Logan County, was generally unfitted by disease for duty in the ranks, but fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Harts- ville. He was sent to hospital, Jan. n, 1863, and is supposed to to have died. JAMES GRIFFIN, Logan County, was transferred to this company from a Tennessee regiment, August, 1864, and took part in the subsequent operations. J. B. GORDON, Logan County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. A. J. GEE, Logan County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought in most of the battles of 1862 and 1863, after which he died of disease. S. G. GIVEN, Logan County, died of disease at Burnsville, Miss., 1862. D. B. GORDON, Logan County, fought at Shiloh with the company of Capt. King, and nothing further is known of him. H. N. HAYNES, Breckenridge County, was killed in battle at Shiloh. J. AV. HAMPTON, Logan County, fought in all the battles of the company till the close. OTHO HAYDEN, Logan County, was transferred from the Eight eenth Tennessee Infantry, October, 1862. Fought afterward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. MIKE HEAD, Logan County, was a member of the Eighth Ken tucky, but escaped capture at Donelson, reported to Col. Hunt, and was taken up on the roll of Co. G. He fought at Stone River and in several other engagements up to Kenesaw Moun tain, where he was wounded and disabled for further service dur ing the war. W. F. HOLCOMB, Hancock County, was transferred from a cavalry command, November, 1861, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and in various other engagements. In one of the earlier ones he lost a finger, and again, at Chickamauga, he lost another. CUB HOWARD, Cloverport, was one of the regimental teamsters until after the battle of Baton Rouge, when he was detailed to drive Gen. Breckinridge s ambulance, and continued to do so as long as the general kept to the field. After the surrender, he ac companied him to Cuba, and thence to Canada. NEHEMIAH HAYDEN, Hancock County, was discharged on ac count of disease, October, 1862, but afterward joined a cavalry company, and served with it during the war. WILLIAM B. HALDEMAN, Louisville, was not at first an enlisted member of any company, but entered the ranks, and fought at Jackson and Chickamauga. He then spent some time in the naval academy, after which he joined this company and took part in the subsequent engagements. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 843 A. J. HAYDEN, Hancock County, fought at Shiloh, and died of dis ease at Jackson, Miss., 1862. ROBERT HAYS, Breckenridge County, was killed in battle at Shiloh. T. J. JACKSON, Breckenridge County, fought at Baton Rouge, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge ; was captured near Ringgold, Ga., November, 1863, and died in prison. C. C. KIGER, Logan County, was transferred from the Eighteenth Tennessee Infantry, October, 1862, and afterward fought at Stone River and Jackson. JOHN KIGER, Logan County, was assigned to the company by special order, November, 1863, but was soon afterward dis charged, being under age. JOSEPH KIRBERG, Cloverport, fought with the company in sev eral of its battles up to Chickamauga, where he was mortally wounded, and died in a short time. ALBERT KEITH, Meade County, served a short time with cavalry, but joined this company at Bowling Green, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Chickamauga. FRANK KEITH, Meade County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was mortally wounded at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. J. W. LAWSON, Hawesville, was generally unfitted by ill health for duty in the ranks, but fought at Stone River and in the mounted engagements. ELI H. LAWSON, Hawesville, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. He had a thigh terribly mangled at the latter place by a piece of shell weighing four and a quarter pounds, but had almost recovered of the wound when he took sick, and died of disease. JOHN C. LINDSAY, Hancock County, fought at Stone River. THOMAS LINDSAY, Hancock County, died of disease at Jacksport, Ark., 1862. WM. LINDSAY, Breckenridge County, was one of the infirmary de tail at Shiloh; was captured atTuscumbia River, Miss., while on picket duty, June, 1862. J. W. LAWRENCE, Adairsville, was transferred from a cavalry com pany, early in 1863, and was appointed corporal; fought afterward at Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca, from Resaca to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. JESSE LOCKETT, Obion County, Tenn., was transferred from the Fifty-first Tennessee Infantry, December, 1862, and fought after ward at Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place ; fought also at Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree and Intrench ment Creeks ; was captured at the latter place, and did not return in time to participate in the closing engagements. 844 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. W. LOCKETT, Hancock County, fought in some of the earlier bat tles, but which specific ones are not remembered; was one of the McMinnville Guard, March and April, 1863, and was captured there, but rejoined company after having been exchanged, and fought at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro , at which latter place he was killed, Sept. i, 1864. WM. MOORE, Logan County, was in nearly all the infantry engage ments of his company ; was wounded at Chickamauga and at Jonesboro ; was captured at the latter place, and kept in prison till the close of the war. J. B. McCLENDON, Logan County, was transferred from the Eight eenth Tennessee Infantry, October, 1862, and fought afterward at Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Intrench ment Creek. J. N. McCLENDON, Logan County, was transferred from the Eight eenth Tennessee Infantry, October, 1862, and fought afterward at Hartsville and Stone River. Died of disease at Lauderdale Springs, Miss., 1863. H. H. MOSELEY, Logan County, was in all the battles of the com pany to Chickamauga, where he was wounded and disabled for further service. W. C. MOSELEY, Logan County, was one of the sergeants of the company, and in nearly all the infantry engagements. He was killed by a cannon shot at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. FRED MOOSE, Breckenridge County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; was wounded at the latter place. JOSEPH MILLER, Grayson County, died of disease, 1862. PETE MURRAH, Logan County, was transferred from the Eighteenth Tennessee Infantry, October, 1862, and fought afterward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and at Jonesboro , at which latter place he was killed. JOHN MURRAH, Logan County, was left sick in Kentucky, Feb ruary, 1862, and, after having recovered, joined a cavalry com mand, and served with it. MIKE McCARDEN, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, and Jackson. He was wounded at Baton Rouge. WM. MURPHY, Logan County, fought in one or two of the earlier engagements, and was discharged, November, 1862, being under age. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 845 MITCHELL MILLER, Grayson County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. T. J. MOORE, Logan County, was transferred from a Tennessee regiment, August, 1864; fought at Jonesboro , and was killed there. WALKER NASH, Grayson County, fought in several of the earlier important engagements; was severely wounded at Chickamauga; was placed on the corps of sharpshooters at Dalton, and was en gaged almost every day during the four months campaign from that place. After the command was mounted, he was usually employed a scout, and sometimes sent out on important tours of observation to the enemy s flank and rear. OBADIAH NEWMAN, Breckenridge County, was appointed ser geant, October, 1861 ; fought at Shiloh, and died of disease in Arkansas, May, 1862. J. S. NEWMAN, Hancock County, was in nearly all the battles of the infantry; was one of the McMinnville Guard, March and April, 1863 ; and was killed in battle at Jonesboro . ED NEWMAN, Hancock County, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. MAC NEWMAN, Kentucky, died of disease at Stone River, De cember, 1862. G. W. NAPIER, Hawesville, was in some of the earlier engagements, and died of disease at Catoosa Springs, Ga. WM. A. ORNDORFF, Russellville, was one of the corporals of the company, and took part in every battle except that of Baton Rouge. He still carries a ball in his left arm, received at Shi loh. JOHN ORAM, Cloverport, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and perhaps another engagement or two; and was captured at McMinnville, April, 1863. J. H. PEARSON, Logan County, was in several of the infantry and in the mounted engagements to the close, and was wounded at Resaca. He was one of the McMinnville Guard, March and April, 1863. S. P. POOLE, Breckenridge County, was not enlisted till April 20, 1862. He was generally unfitted by ill health for duty in the ranks, but fought at Vicksburg, and in some other engage ments at different times during the war. SAMUEL A. PORTER, Breckenridge County, was appointed cor poral, October, 1861. Fought at Baton Rouge, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He carried the regimental colors at Jackson and Chickamauga ; and he was wounded at the latter place and dis abled for further service during the war. ALFRED H. PEYTON, Hardinsburg, was appointed sergeant, Oc tober, 1 86 1, but was detailed soon afterward for duty in the com missary department, and served in that capacity during the war. 846 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. H. P. POOLE, Breckenridge County, was killed in battle at Shiloh. H. P. PULLIAM, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; from Resaca to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and was killed on the skirmish line at the latter place, August, 1864. E. R. PENNINGTON, Breckenridge County, was appointed first ser geant, September, 1861. Fought at Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and at other points during the summer campaign of 1864. He was captured while on a scout, near Atlanta, after the fall of that place, and did not return in time to participate in the closing engagements. HENRY C. RUTHERFORD, Logan County, was one of the cor porals of the company, and fought in several of the infantry en gagements. He was killed on the skirmish line near Atlanta, 1864. S. C. RUSSELL, Logan County, fought at Shiloh ; was wounded there and permanently disabled. RICHARD R.OBERTS, Logan County, was in almost every battle and skirmish to the close ; and was wounded at Chickamauga and Resaca. He was wounded in left wrist at the latter place, and permanently disabled. THOMAS W. STITH, Cloverport, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson; and after ward died of disease. For gallant conduct at Shiloh he was men tioned in the colonel s report, and was appointed color-sergeant; and he was detailed, April 9, 1862, to carry banners and other trophies of the battlefield to Richmond. THOMAS STROTHER, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, and in nearly all the other engagements up to Intrenchment Creek, where he had an arm carried away by a cannon-shot. He was wounded also at Shiloh and at Chickamauga. BEN SMEATHERS, Daveiss County, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there. He was then employed as teamster for the regi ment till some time in 1863, when he reentered the ranks, and fought at Chickamauga, where he was wounded in both hands. After having recovered, he was again detailed as teamster, and served in this capacity during the remainder of the war. I). SCANLAN, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, and some other engage ments during the war. He was wounded at Shiloh, and was cap tured at Jonesboro , Aug. 31, 1862, and did not return in time to take part in the mounted engagements. WM. INLOW SMITH, Breckenridge County, fought at Shiloh. Was discharged, May, 1862, being under age. D. W. SIMMONS, Logan County, was discharged, September, 1862, being under age. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 847 RICHARD SHACKELFORD, Logan County, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg. Was discharged, November, 1862, being under age. NOAH STOVALL, Logan County, was appointed third sergeant of Capt. King s company, 1861. He was on the Infirmary Corps at Shiloh, and fought in other engagements up to Chickamauga, where he was killed Sept. 20, 1863. JAMES STRATTON, Logan County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. Obtained a furlough after the army reached Stone River, in the autumn of 1862, and died of disease while absent. JASPER TOMS, Grayson County, was one of the corporals of the company, and fought in a number of the infantry engagements, in one of which, at Jonesboro , he was severely wounded, and disabled for further service during the war. E. J. TOWNSEND, Logan County, fough t at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chicka mauga. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died a few days afterward. ROBERT K. TAYLOR, Scotland, was killed in battle at Chicka mauga, Sept. 20, 1863. B. C. TISON, Logan County, was in every engagement up to Chick amauga. He was wounded at Shiloh, and was killed at Chicka mauga. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, Hancock County, was one of the corporals of the company, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and in other en gagements up to Chickamauga, where he was wounded and dis abled for further duty in the ranks. He afterward died of disease at Newnan, Ga. JOSEPH WHITEFIEL1), Grayson County, fought at Shiloh. M. S. WILSON, Breckenridge County, was detailed for secret service under Gen. Buckner, 1861, and remained under his orders until after the fall of Donelson, when he rejoined the company and took part in its engagements until Buckner was exchanged, when he again entered the secret service. Besides other duty, more im mediately connected with the army, he visited all the principal Northern cities, but finally took small-pox and died in Illinois. GREENVILLE WOOSLEY, Edmonson County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further duty in the ranks, and afterward died of disease at Catoosa Springs, Ga. DAVID YOUNGER, Logan County, was almost all the time unfitted by ill health for duty in the ranks, but took part in some of the engagements, and sometimes did detail duty in hospitals. 848 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. COMPANY H, NINTH REGIMENT. CHRISTIAN BOSCHE, Germany, was elected first lieutenant, Oct 7, 1861, and was elected captain, April 25, 1862. Fought with the company in various engagements during the years 1862 and 1863, though he was much of that time in command of the Pioneer Corps. He was assigned to duty, April 3, 1864, as A. A. I. G. on Bate s staff, and served with that officer on the field during the summer campaign of that year. After the command was mounted he was placed in charge of the detail of saddlers sent to Newnan, and continued in that duty till January, 1865, when he rejoined the brigade and took part in the subsequent en gagements. Died in Louisville in December, 1890. HENRY CURD, Kentucky, was elected first lieutenant, April 25, 1862, and was appointed adjutant, June i, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River, and was killed at the latter place. HENRY BUCHANAN, New York, was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 1 8, 1 86 1, and was reflected, April 25, 1862. He was pro moted to first lieutenant in 1862. Fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; from Resaca to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; and both days at Jonesboro . After the brigade was mounted, he was placed in command of a company of scouts, and continued in that service till December, 1864, after which he was some time with the dis mounted men, and then took part in the closing engagements. PETER H. O CONNOR, New York, was elected second lieutenant, May 14, 1862. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge, after which he was so disabled by ill health as to be unfitted for further duty in the line during the war. LEONARD H. ATWELL, Kentucky, was elected second lieutenant, Jan. 22, 1863. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Harts ville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Shiloh and Baton Rouge. LEANDER W. APPLEGATE, Louisville, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peach- tree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chicka mauga and at Resaca. At Jonesboro , September i, when the Federal soldiers began to turn the flank of the Ninth Regiment, and ordered it to surrender, this man ventured an attempt to save the colors, and succeeded escaping unhurt with them to the rear. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 849 JAMES ASHFORD, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Partisan Rangers, and was attached to this company in November, 1862. Fought afterward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chicka- mauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was wounded at Chickamauga, and killed at Resaca. ED ASHER, St. Louis, Mo., fought in most of the engagements dur- the first two years, and was wounded at Chickamauga ALHENAN BARRE, Trimble County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chicka mauga, and was disabled for life by the loss of an arm at the lat ter place, Sept. 20, 1863. J. T. BERRY, Louisville, was enlisted after the battle of Shiloh, and was appointed sergeant, Oct. 15, 1862. He fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was transferred to the navy, April n, 1864. R. S. BERRY, Kentucky, was in some of the earlier engagements, but was detailed, June 4, 1863, f r duty in the ordnance depart ment, under Maj.-Gen. W. H. C. Whiting, Wilmington, N. C. JACOB BROWN, Germany, was enlisted at Corinth, April, 1862, and fought in several engagements, and was almost always on the field as bugler when not fighting in the ranks. C. M. BERRY, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Partisan Rangers. He was attached to this company, November, 1862, and fought afterward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; from Resaca to Dallas; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jones- boro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. ALEXANDER BARRY, Louisville, was enlisted at seventeen years of age ; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge, and was killed at the latter place. RICHARD F. BARNES, Texas, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, and Resaca; from Resaca to Dallas; at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks, and was killed at the lat ter place, June 22, 1864. W. W. CHAMBERLAIN, Louisville, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was killed at the latter place, May 14, 1864. JAMES L. GATES, Texas, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was transferred, July 27, 1864, to Co. C, Tenth Texas Cavalry. WILLIAM A. CLOVER, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh, and died shortly afterward of disease, at Okolona, Miss. 850 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN CONNELLY, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Rangers, and was attached to this company, November, 1862. He par ticipated in most of the engagements after that date, both in fantry and cavalry. W. D. COLEMAN, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Partisan Ran gers, and was attached to this company in November, 1862. He took part in nearly all the subsequent battles and skirmishes, and was wounded at Chickamauga. JOHN COYLE, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to At lanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. GEORGE CARDINAL, Canada, was one of Morehead s Partisan Rangers, and was attached to this company in December, 1862. He fought afterward at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, and was transferred, April u, 1864, to the navy. He was wounded at Chickamauga. ANDREW CRONAN, Ireland, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; and was killed at the lat ter place. He was wounded at Chickamauga. ISAAC DUCKWALL, Louisville, was captured at Whippoorwill Bridge, Dec. 4, 1861, but rejoined company after the exchange, and took part in almost every subsequent engagement to the close. BEN DAVIS, Louisville, is represented by some of his officers as having taken part in every engagement. JOHN DICKMAN, Germany, was enlisted in May, 1862, and fought at Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. WM. E. DAVIS, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Rangers, and was attached to this company in November, 1862. Fought after ward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and afterward served with a cavalry command. S. P. DORRIS, Texas, was enlisted, May, 1862, and took part in most of the subsequent engagements up to Pine Mountain, at which place he was killed, June, 1864. E. B. DORRIS, Texas, was in some of the engagements prior to May 2, 1863, when he was transferred to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry. E. P. ELLIOTT, Kentucky, was wounded in battle at Shiloh. No other facts are known to the writer. CHARLES EDWARDS, Kentucky, was enlisted in May, and killed at Vicksburg in ]ulv, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 851 PETER FRITZ, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at J.onesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Baton Rouge and at Jackson. CHARLES FREEBURG, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge, and was killed at the latter place, Aug. 5, 1862. WM. FIFE, Louisville, was killed in battle at Shiloh. JOHN FOX, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was wounded at the latter place and disabled for further service during the war. JAMES L. FORTINBERRY, Texas, was enlisted at Corinth, May, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; and at Peachtree and In trenchment Creeks. He was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864. PETER GOOD, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Partisan Rangers, and was attached to this company, November, 1862. Fought after ward in almost every engagement to the close. JOHN GOLDEN, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Partisan Ran gers, and was attached to this company in November, 1862. He was generally incapacitated by disease for duty in the ranks, but remained to the last, and was employed in various detail service. GEORGE GRAINGER, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was transferred to the navy, April 11, 1864, and was one of the party that afterward attacked and cap tured the Water Witch. JOHN GOSSON, Germany, was enlisted in May, 1862, and took part in every subsequent engagement. HENRY H. GILLESPIE, Texas, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was transferred, May 2, 1863, to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry. ROBERT C. GRAVES, Texas, fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was transferred, May 2, 1863, to Company H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry, and afterward lost an arm at Chickamauga. JOHN GATON, Ireland, was in nearly every engagement of his com pany up to Chickamauga, where he was killed. A- W. HOPTON, Kentucky, was one of the corporals of the com pany, after December, 1862, at which time he was attached, hav ing served with Morehead s Rangers. Fought in most of the subsequent engagements to the close, and was wounded at Chick amauga and at Jonesboro . 852 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. HIRAM GARR, Louisville, was killed at Oakland Station, Ky., by the explosion of a boiler in a mill at which he was doing some grinding for his regiment, January, 1862. JULIUS HERR, Germany, was an old " soldier of fortune," and had fought with the German armies, with the army of Great Britain in the campaigns against the Sepoys, etc. He was enlist ed in this company in May, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson and Chickamauga. He was wounded at the latter place, and died from the effects of it shortly afterward, in Atlanta. JOHN HUGHES, Louisville, was one of the sergeants of the com pany, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge. He was killed at the latter place. ROCK HERRON, Kentucky, was one of the corporals of the com pany, and fought in almost every engagement to the last. He was wounded near Statesboro , Ga. A. J. HARRISON, Texas, was enlisted, May, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was transferred, May 2, 1863, to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry. ERNEST HALEY, Germany, was enlisted in May, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died in Atlanta shortly afterward. JAMES HUNT, Kentucky, was enlisted in May, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further duty during the war. JAMES M. HARMON, Texas, was enlisted after the battle of Shiloh, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was transferred, May 2, 1863, to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry. He was wounded during the siege of Vicks burg, July, 1862. JOHN H. HENDERSON, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Par tisans, and was attached to this company in November, 1862. He fought afterward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chick amauga, and Mission Ridge. ROBERT H. HESTER, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Par tisan Rangers, was attached to this company in November, 1862; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge, and was transferred to the navy, April n, 1864. H. C. JOHNSON, Texas, was enlisted after the battle of Shiloh, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca. He was transferred, July 27, 1864, to Co. C, Tenth Texas Cavalry. JOHN JANUARY, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Rangers, and was attached to this company in November, 1862. He fought in nearly every one of the subsequent engagements, and was wounded at Chickamauga. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 853 JAMES JOHNSON, Kentucky, was captured at Whippoorwill Bridge, November, 1861 ; rejoined company after having been exchanged, September, 1862, and fought at Hartville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engage ments till December, 1864, when he was captured, and was de tained in prison till after the termination of the war. C. R. JORDAN, Texas, was enlisted in May, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was transferred, May 2, 1863, to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry. I ACK KELLEY, Kentucky, was one of the Partisan Rangers, at tached to this company in November, 1862. He was generally employed afterward as brigade butcher. DAVID KIMBERLY, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mis sion Ridge. i ETER KAY, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Hartsville. He was killed at the latter place. WM. KINMAN, Kentucky, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Stone River, and was killed at Chickamauga. KONSHATTOUNTZCHETTE, or Flying Cloud, was a Mohawk Indian chief, and served awhile with Gen. Jeff Thompson, then with Morehead s Partisan Rangers, was then attached to this com pany, November, 1862, and fought with it at Stone River, Jack son, and Chickamauga; was dreadfully wounded in the face on the latter field a ball shivering and destroying a large portion of the upper jaw. After this, he was long disabled, but rejoined the command in the autumn, and took part in the mounted operations. M ATT LEWIS, Louisville, was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. Died in Louisville, Sept. 2, 1895. RICHARD T. LAMB, Louisville, was not enlisted till December, 1862, after which he was one of the sergeants of the company, and fought in nearly every subsequent engagement. JOHN P. LAPAILLE, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Kidge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded there. MOODY LASSITER, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge, and was killed at the latter place. 854 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GREEN H. LASSITER, Louisville, was one of Morehead s Partisan Rangers, and was attached to this company in November, 1862. He fought afterward in almost every engagement of the company up to Kenesaw Mountain, where he was killed, June, 1864. ED S. LAUDERBACK, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Rangers, and was attached to this company in November, 1862. He fought afterward at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chick- mauga. THOMAS LIVELY, Louisville, was a member of the First Kentucky Infantry, and served in Virginia until that regiment was dis banded. He then joined this company during the siege of Vicks- burg, and fought at Baton Rouge, where he was killed, Aug. 5, 1862. MATT LITTLE, Kentucky, was one of the Partisan Rangers ; was attached to this company, November, 1862 ; fought at Harts ville and Stone River; and was transferred to the navy, April, 1863. WM. J. LITTLE, Kentucky, was a member of the First Kentucky Infantry, and served in Virginia till that regiment was disbanded; he then joined this company, but, having been wounded in Vir ginia, he was disabled for duty in the ranks. He was also un der age, and, in a short time after having reenlisted, he was discharged. JOE M. LEE, Texas, was enlisted at Corinth, after the battle of Shi- loh, and was in several of the engagements, prior to May 2, 1863, when he was transferred to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry. A. LOVELL, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Partisans, and was attached to this company, November, 1862 ; fought at Stone River, was left sick on the retreat to Tullahoma, and was cap tured. WM. McFATRIDGE, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; both days at Jonesboro , and in the mounted engagements. He was wounded at Baton Rouge. HIRAM MALLORY, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks ; and at Jonesboro . He was wounded at Shiloh. WM. McGREEVEY, Kentucky, was enlisted after the battle of Shi loh, and took part in almost every subsequent engagement to the close. WM. B. MOONEY, Texas, was enlisted, May, 1862 ; fought at Vicks burg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River ; was trans ferred to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry, May 2, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 855 JOHN NICHOLAS, Greece, fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there ; he fought also at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was transferred to the navy, April 1 1, 1864, and afterward died of dis ease at Richmond, Va. J. NELSON, Texas, was enlisted after the battle of Shiloh, and took part in a number of the subsequent engagements, up to April 26, 1864, when he was transferred to Co. C, Twenty-third Tennessee Infantry. S. D. POER, Texas, was enlisted after the battle of Shiloh, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was transferred to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry, May 2, 1863. WM. POWER, Kentucky, was one of the Partisan Rangers ; was at tached to this company, November, 1862, and took part in some of the subsequent engagements. GODFREY POLFUS, Germany, was enlisted after the battle of Shi loh, and took part in all the subsequent engagements. He was wounded at Baton Rouge. JOHN W. RICKETTS, Louisville, is believed to have been in every engagement of his company, and was wounded at Resaca. JOHN E. ROCKHOLT, Kentucky, was enlisted after the battle of Shiloh, and took part in all the subsequent engagements. He was wounded at Chickamauga. JOHN RHODES, Texas, was enlisted after the battle of Shiloh, and fought in all the subsequent engagements, up to July, 1864, when he was killed in a skirmish at Kenesaw Mountain. ALBERT RHEA, Texas, was enlisted May, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Hartsville. He was killed at the latter place, Dec. 7, 1862. FRANK ROWELL, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Partisans; attached to this company in November, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga; was wounded at the latter place, and died from the effects of it at Newnan, Ga. AUGUSTUS REYNAUD, Louisville, was not enlisted till after the battle of Shiloh ; was made one of the sergeants of the company; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jack son, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge; was wounded at Chicka mauga; and was transferred to the navy, April u, 1864. ]). A. SMITH, Texas, was not enlisted till May, 1862; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; was transferred, July 27, 1864, to Co. C, Tenth Texas Cavalry; and was afterward killed near Atlanta. THOMAS STEVENS, Kentucky, was one of the sergeants of the company, and took part in almost every engagement of his com pany to the close. He was wounded at Intrenchment Creek. 856 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHARLES SMITH, Kentucky, was one of the Partisan Rangers, and was attached to this company, in November, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, and Jackson. JERRY SULLIVAN, Kentucky, was one of Morehead s Rangers, and was attached to this company in November, 1862. He took part in nearly every subsequent engagement to the close. He was wounded at Chickamauga. A. M. SWIMM, Kentucky, was not enlisted till after the battle of Shiloh; fought then at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Mission Ridge. He was wounded at Chickamauga; and was transferred to the navy, April 1 1, 1864. LEV I W. SURRATT, Texas, was not enlisted until after the battle of Shiloh. He fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River; was transferred, May 2, 1863, to Co. H, Fif teenth Texas Infantry ; and was afterward wounded in battle at Chickamauga. JOHN S. SHACKLETT, Kentucky, was one of the Partisan Ran gers, and was transferred to this company, November, 1862. He fought at Hartsville and Stone River; and was transferred to the navy, April, 1863. LOUIS STOLSENBERG, Germany, was enlisted in May, 1862, and fought in the subsequent engagements of his company. He was wounded at Baton Rouge. NELSON UNDERWOOD, Louisville, is represented as having been in every engagement of his company, and never wounded. J. L. VAUGHAN, Buffalo, N. Y., was one of Morehead s Partisan Rangers, and was attached to this company, November, 1862. He fought at Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga, and was killed at the latter place. ANDREW WRIGHT, Louisville, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was permanently disabled by loss of a leg at the latter place, Sept. 20, 1863. RICHARD WILBURN, Texas, was enlisted in May, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was transferred to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry, May 2, 1863. WM. H. WALKER, Texas, was enlisted in May, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, and Stone River. He was transferred to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry, May 2, 1863. FRANK WOODSON, Louisville, was generally unfitted by ill health for duty in the ranks, and finally died of disease, in Atlanta. P. W. WOODWARD, Texas, enlisted in May, 1862, and fought in some of the subsequent engagements, up to May 2, 1863, when he was transferred to Co. H, Fifteenth Texas Infantry. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADK. 857 CHARLES ZEIGLER, Germany, was enlisted at Corinth, after the battle of Shiloh, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Harts- ville, Stone River, Jackson, and Chickamauga. He was mortally wounded at the latter place, and died soon afterward. BYRNE S BATTERY. The action of Light Artillery, under command of Captain (after ward Major) Byrne, in two battles with the Kentucky Brigade, those of Shiloh and Stone River, has been treated of heretofore ; but we may notice here the origin and organization of the battery, and some incidents not elsewhere alluded to. When it was announced that South Carolina had passed the ordi nance of secession, Edward P. Byrne, a native of Kentucky, but re siding at that time in Washington County, Miss., determined to recruit and organize a company of Light Artillery, and accordingly set about the work. He repaired to Memphis, and contracted with <,)uinby & Robinson for the manufacture of six brass field pieces, and Nvith Street Hungerford for carriages and caissons. This was the first battery manufactured in Memphis, and was furnished to Capt. l>yrne, and contributed to the service, by the citizens of Washington County, Miss. The guns were four six-pounders and two twelve- pound howitzers; the company consisted of a fine body of the better < lass of young men Kentuckians and Mississippians; the horses were excellent, and largely in excess of what was actually demanded lor the officers and for draught ; and the whole was thoroughly and handsomely equipped. Pending the manufacture of the guns and equipments, Capt. Byrne proceeded to Louisville, where he met Colonels Temp Withers and Robert A. Johnson, who, aided by some of the prominent and wealthy c itizens of that city, were completing their arrangements for recruiting the Second Regiment of Infantry, as observed in the preceding part of this work. Meanwhile, however, he had contemplated adding the battery, when completed, to the forces at Charleston, and telegraphed t ) Gen. Beauregard to know if he desired more artillery, whereupon the following telegram was sent to Capt. Lockwood : " The Confed erate flag now floats over Fort Sumter," and that night of wild excite ment ensued in Memphis which has been noted by others as a part of the history of those times. He proposed to the officers aforementioned that he would attach his battery to the Kentucky troops, now about to be organized on the Tennessee border, but remained some time in Louisville, assisting in 858 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. transporting recruits and their effects to Camp Boone, and participat ing in those exciting scenes about the Nashville depot, where the Gov ernment detective, with a force at his command, was constantly on the alert to prevent what he was pleased to denominate blockade-running, and would have prohibited the transportation of men and their bag gage to the rendezvous on the border, could he have done so without arousing the fury and the vengeance of the friends of the South who gathered about the outgoing train whenever men and baggage were to be shipped. He then returned to Greenville, Miss., and organized his battery under the following officers, whose commissions bore the dates written opposite their respective names, though their services began at a time even prior to the organization : Edward P. Byrne, captain, July 13, 1861 ; Guignard Scott, first lieutenant, Aug. 29, 1861 ; Thomas Hinds, first lieutenant, Oct. 9, 1861 ; Bayless P. Shelby, second lieutenant, Aug. 29, 1861 ; John Joyes, Jr., second lieutenant, Oct. n, 1861. Elias 13. Lawrence, of Louisville, Ky., was the sergeant-major; and Frank Peak, of Chicot County, Ark. , was first sergeant. Both of them were afterward promoted to be lieutenants of artillery. Capt. Byrne reported to Col. Robert A. Johnson, then commanding at Camp Boone, early in August, and entered upon the necessary drill and other disciplinary measures to secure order and efficiency. He was well supplied with blankets, tents, transportation, and what ever else was requisite to the comfort of his men; but he found the new recruits who had gathered there, in some measure, destitute of blankets. He communicated this fact to the ladies of Greenville and the country immediately surrounding, when they took from their beds, regardless of their own discomfort, and notwithstanding the liberal contributions which they had already made, five hundred pairs of fine blankets, which were immediately shipped to Camp Boone, for the battery and the Second Regiment. When Gen. Buckner advanced into Kentucky, Capt. Byrne s artil lery was sent forward, with the Second Regiment, to Green River, capturing at Bowling Green a six-pound gun, which was added to the battery ; and he was here instrumental in mounting some twenty-five or thirty men who had come out with Captain (afterward General) Morgan, without horses, and thus materially contributing to render the afterward famous squadron at once effective. The citizens of Wash ington County, Miss., had furnished him a number of horses in excess of his absolute need at that time, and, as most of those not already under harness were too light for artillery purposes, and could be made useful chiefly as saddle horses, and choosing to dispose of them him self, he placed them at the disposal of Capt. Morgan, who mounted HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADK. 859 that number of men upon them, and largely increased his already act ive and daring scout. The part played by Byrne s battery at Shiloh will be found in our account of that engagement. After the battle, when the reorganiza tion of the Reserve Corps took place, Byrne and his lieutenants, deeming themselves so seriously aggrieved by the manner in which favors were distributed as to make service in another command more agreeable, resigned, and the battery was broken up, the pieces and appurtenances thereto being turned over to the Department of Ord nance, and the horses to the Quartermaster s Department, while the men were assigned, some to Hoxton s battery, Light Artillery, and some to Cobb s. But their conduct on that first terrible field had been such as to win the warmest encomiums of the general and other officers who witnessed it, and they were awarded, by Beauregard, the post of honor at the last being selected as the battery that was to aid the Re serve Corps in covering the retreat, and arriving in Corinth three days after the main artillery force engaged had reached that place. After his resignation, Capt. Byrne repaired to Richmond, and was nominated colonel of cavalry, with orders to report to Bragg, which he did as Bragg was moving into Kentucky. After the return of the army to Murfreesboro , he was offered a command to consist of all Kentucky companies not regularly brigaded with troops of their own State, but preferred the command of a battalion of horse artillery with Gen. Morgan, which he was offered and which he accepted, with the rank of major, before his nomination as colonel was acted on by the Senate. It was agreed that he should name his own officers, and he selected those who had served with him in the old battery, and had distinguished themselves in battle. Among them were Elias D. Law rence, John Joyes, Jr., and Frank Peak, lieutenants; and A. G. Tal- bott, Danville, Ky. , who was sergeant-major. Other worthy names of tie old company we have found it impossible to procure, except those of some who were non-commissioned officers and gunners (and we have only the surnames of those), which may be sufficient, however, to identify them. They were Gantry, McGrath, Johnson, and Cleave- land, 01 Washington County, Miss.; and Wheatley and House, of Ken tucky. Two gunners of the old battery were Hawes, of Kentucky, and Cleary, of Chicot County, Ark. A gunner, by name Wilson, is also remembered. Johnson was shot through both hips at Shiloh; and gunner Wilson, while a member of the horse artillery, distinguished himself greatly. While working his piece, in one of the engagements in which he took part, he had his right hand shot off, but refused to leave his post, wishing still to behold in others what he was now no longer able to perform himself. 860 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Maj. Byrne, as has been seen, was detached from Gen. Morgan, and fought with Breckinridge s division at Stone River. When Gen. Morgan returned from his Kentucky campaign, he rejoined him, and, with his battalion, took part in the subsequent operations of that officer. GRAVES S BATTERY. In November, 1861, Rice E. Graves was promoted to captain of artillery, and placed in command of a battery of field pieces, manned by some men enlisted for that particular service and others detailed from the several regiments of the Kentucky Brigade, with Co. B, Fourth Kentucky Infantry, entire. This company, and the details and recruits alluded to, constituted Graves s Battery at Donelson, where it did the splendid fighting which won the admiration of the Confederate officers, and was commented on by the enemy. Several of the men named below were afterward assigned to Cobb s Battery, and Co. B was reunited with its regiment after returning from prison, with the exception of a few noted as having been permanently trans ferred for artillery service : RICE E. GRAVES, captain. SELDEN SPENCER, first lieutenant. ALBERT C. GIBSON, first lieutenant, was detailed as adjutant of the battery. MARSHALL SPENCER, second lieutenant. JAMES E. RANKIN, second lieutenant, was detailed as commissary of the battery. THOMAS R. HOTCHKISS, first sergeant. JOSEPH N. BELL, second sergeant. CHARLES B. SCOTT, third sergeant. ANDREW J. MONTGOMERY, fourth sergeant, was detailed for commissary duty. He was accidentally shot and killed in George town about twenty-five years after the war. MAURICE LANGHORNE, fifth sergeant. WILLIAM HENRY, sixth sergeant. J. J. JACKSON, seventh sergeant. J. J. WILLIAMS, first corporal. JAMES B. PHILLIPS, second corporal. JOSEPH H. WOOLFOLK, third corporal. JOHN H. THOMAS, fourth corporal. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 861 HENRY HAMILTON, fifth corporal. GEO. S. WOOD, sixth corporal, was captured at Donelson, but escaped from Camp Morton. HENRY C. COSTON, seventh corporal, was temporarily detailed from Co. H, Sixth Kentucky Infantry. OLIVER B. STEELE, bugler, was afterward an officer of Co. B, Fourth Infantry. JOHN TANDY STANDEFUR, bugler. PRIVATES: M. J. ANDERSON. WM. BREWER. ALEXANDER BURTON. ELI BOHANNON, was killed at Donelson. SAMUEL CREVISON. THOMAS COLLINS. JAMES C. CLARK. JAMES T. CISSELL. WM. COX. JOHNT. DEMAR. WM. DICKERSON. JAMES FECHTSTRAWN. JACOB FRIEND, walked out of Camp Morton in broad day and escaped. ] . G. FOG ARTY, fought at Donelson ; was afterward discharged be cause of disability by disease. OWEN GLASS, escaped from Camp Morton, but was killed in Hen derson (his home) County, on his return, by Federal Home Guards from Indiana. JOHN HENNESSY. (See Cobb s Battery.) MIKE HENNESSY. WM. SAXIE JOHNSON. WM. KNOX. JOHN KNOX, died of disease. WM. KENNEDY. JAMES S. KENT. DAVID E. LUSBY, was captured at Donelson, but escaped from Camp Morton. JOHN McGEE. 862 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN B. MATTHEWS. A. H. MARSHALL. E. P. MARSHALL. J. M. MEDLEY. THOS. H. PLEMANS. GEO. W. PATTERSON. GEO. W. PATTON. JOHN QUINN. MARTIN RAFTER. (See Cobb s Battery.) SAMUEL STEWART. BEN W. SANDEFUR. WM. E. THOMPSON. (See Cobb s Battery.) J. W. TUCKER. J. T. WILLIAMS. BRYAN WORDICK. DAVID WILLIAMS. COBB S BATTERY. This artillery has been so often referred to, in the course of the work, that it is scarcely necessary to notice it at length as a separate organization. H. B. Lyon (afterward a general of brigade,) was associated with Capt. Cobb in the recruiting and organizing of the battery, and was its first captain; but he was promoted to colonel of the Eighth Kentucky Infantry before it saw any service, and Cobb was promoted to captain. He commanded it till after the battle of Chickamauga, when he was promoted to be major and chief of artillery on the staff of Gen. Breck- inridge, and served on the division staff during the remainder of the war. He was engaged with his battalion of artillery almost daily from Dalton to Jonesboro , during the campaign of 1864, and acquitted himself with his usual gallantry, and with all the promptness and ex cellent judgment which had characterized him previous to his promo tion. The following is the roll of the battery, with such facts relative to the individual members as the writer has been able to obtain. No at tempt is made to indicate each man s home county or city, as no reli able record is now to be had ; but nearly every one was a Kentuckian born and bred : HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 863 ROBT. L. COBB, captain. (See foregoing note.) FRANK P. GRACEY, first lieutenant; was promoted from second lieutenant. After the war he was long a prosperous and very popular citizen of Clarksville, Tenn. He died there April 27, 1895. ROBT. B. MATTHEWS, first lieutenant; was promoted from second lieutenant; was promoted from first sergeant to the latter rank. BARTLEY A. JAMES, second lieutenant. ALEXANDER B. DAVIS, second lieutenant, was promoted from the ranks. JOHN O. SCOTT, surgeon. (See biography.) C. S. BRUNSON, assistant surgeon, was transferred from Wilcox s cavalry company. R. B. MATTHEWS, assistant surgeon, was appointed Dec. 13, 1861. C. C. YANAWAY, assistant surgeon. R. B. MATTHEWS, first sergeant, -(afterward assistant surgeon.) N. B. YOUNG, second sergeant. JAMES H. BRINDLEY, second sergeant, was promoted from third sergeant. J. M. BARNES, third sergeant. FELIX GREGORY, fourth sergeant. GEO. E. SARLLS, fourth sergeant, was promoted from sixth cor poral. H. L. MACHEN, fifth sergeant. R. RUDDIE, fifth sergeant. JOSEPH M. BARNETT, sixth sergeant. CHARLES LEFFLER, seventh sergeant. THOMAS WATTS, eighth sergeant. JOHN PARMLY, first corporal. J. M. COLEMAN, first corporal, was wounded at Stone River. JAMES HUNTER, second corporal. JAMES DARRAH, second corporal, was promoted from eighth cor poral ; was wounded at Hartsville. THOMAS LIGHT, third corporal. JOHN T. HOGAN, third corporal, was promoted from tenth cor poral ; was wounded at Shiloh. ROBERT L. DUDLEY, fourth corporal. He was from Lynchburg, Va.; was transferred from Co. B, Fourth Kentucky Infantry; went back, after the war, to his native place. BETH ROSS, fourth corporal. 864 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. JOHN LEONARD, fifth corporal, was wounded at Hartsville. J. W. HOWLETT, fifth corporal. JO. H. WOOLFOLK, sixth corporal. VAN HAWLEY, seventh corporal. JAMES RICH, seventh corporal. N. W. BAKER, eighth corporal. FRANK CAMBY, ninth corporal. JNO. T. HOGAN, tenth corporal. (See preceding.) JAMES M. PATTERSON, eleventh corporal. JAMES HILDRETH, twelfth corporal J. W. KIRLIN, musician. FRANK WELDON, musician. GEORGE FROST, musician. J. L. COLE, artificer. SAMUEL RAINS, artificer. WM. PARMLEY, artificer. PRIVATES. JOHN D. ANDERSON. M. J. ANDERSON. GEORGE ANDERSON. HARRISON ADAMS. JOHN AARONS. DANIEL BLACK. W. B. BENBRAY. R. H. BLACK. J. EARNER. JACK BOYD. H. C. BENNETT, died, Nov. 3, 1861. JOHN J. BENNETT. J. B. BEASLEY. L. D. BRINDLEY. WM. BLACKMORE. JOHN BROCKMAN. B. F. BAKER. ED BIGGER. HENRY BURNS. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 865 J. A. BYER. J. M. BRYSON. COLE BROWN. WM. CATLEY. HOOPER CHAMPLAIN. JOSHUA CARNEY. LEWIS CROUCH, was mortally wounded at Stone River. JOHN A. CRADDOCK. R. P. CRADDOCK. JAMES CROCKER. JOHN A. COLT. JAMES M. COLEMAN. J. P. COLEMAN. F. CAMBY. H. T. CROXTON, was discharged Aug. 12, 1861. J. CHAMBLISS, was discharged Aug. 12, 1861. REUBEN A. CLARK. FRANK CRIDER. T. J. CARNHILL, was wounded at Hartsville. ALEXANDER CORWIN, was killed at Chickamauga. MIKE CRONAN. SAMUEL CREVISON. GEO. COKLE. SAMUEL DAVIS. JAMES DOOM. GEO. D. DANIELS. F. M. DARRAH. SAMUEL DUNN. B. A. DUDLEY. THOS. DOUGHERTY. Z. T. DRAINE. JOHN T. DEMAR, an old Mexican soldier. J. R. DUDLEY, was at one time a sergeant. W. H. DICKERSON. J. EAST. H. ENGLISH. J. T. EAST. 55 866 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. J. EDWARDS. W. E. ETHERIDGE, was at one time a sergeant; was killed at Hartsville. HENRY FARRIER. GEO. FROST. ALEXANDER FRENCH. JAMES FIELDS. MARION FRALICH. L. A. FUQUA. STEPHEN H. GORDON. A. W. GUNNELS. L. D. GORDON. W. R. GLASS. G. GRAY. JAMES W. GOBIN. M. GRUDINGER. L. P. GREEN. F. G. GREGORY. J. W. GRESHAM. R. C. GREEN. GEORGE HURLEY. THOMAS W. HOPSON. C. G. HUTTON, was wounded at Stone River, at Jackson, and at Chickamauga. Died in Chattanooga, Jan. 13, 1896. TEMP M. HERMAN. J. HILDRETH. T. F. HALLIDAY. H. HUGHEY, died Aug. 15, 1861. GEO. A. HYATT. BENJ. HERALD. B. F. HALLIDAY. JOHN HENNESSY, was killed at Pine Mountain, 1864, by a Federal sharpshooter, the ball striking him in the forehead. MIKE HENNESSY. C. B. HANCOCK. R. HARPER. A. HETRICK. A. HOLLAND. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 867 S. W. HAMILTON. A. G. HEYDECK. J. F. HA WES, was killed at Stone River; was at that time a corporal. W. S. JOHNSON. A. JOHNSON. L. D. JENKINS. LEVI W. JONES. JAMES A. JOHNSON. J. A. KING. THOMAS KIRBY. WASHINGTON KEATING. R. KING. JAMES LUTTRELL. N. J. LYON. NATHANIEL LAKE. J. T. LEAR. R. F. LEAR, was wounded at Hartsville. C. H. LEFFLER. W. M. LEFFLER. JAMES LUCAS. WM. MARTIN. N. MITCHELL, died Nov. 16, 1861. J. R. MURPHY. E. C. MACHEN. H. MARSHALL, was discharged Aug. 12, 1861. BEN G. MOORE. JOHN C. McMAHON. M. McMAHOX. JASPER MCDOWELL. L. MARTIN MILLER, died at Bowling Green, 1861. J. R. McGEE. P. McDERMOTT. J. McMURRAY. JOHN MONTGOMERY. RILEY MITCHELL. W. O BRIAN. [. O NEIL. 868 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. W. OSBORNE. WM. ORR. T. OLIVER, was killed by a shell on the second day at Donelson. WASHINGTON G. OWEN, was transferred from Co. B, Fourth Kentucky Infantry. C. PETERSON. L. B. PARRENT. W. A. PARMLY. CALVIN S. PYLES. BURRELL PYLES. WESLEY PYLES. L. PAYNE. NEWTON PAYNE. GEO. PAGE. L. PIERCE. B. F. PERDUE, was wounded at Hartsville. S. C. PERDUE, died Dec. 16, 1861. B. J. ROSS. JOSEPH RICH. J. RULO. J. J. ROBERTS. H. D. ROLAND. MARTIN RAFTER, was stabbed and killed by John T. Demar in a personal quarrel. F. B. RUMAGE. JOHN A. ROSS. N. RULO. SAMUEL SALYERS, was discharged Oct. i, 1864. THOS. C. SKINNER. M. SMITH. L. M. SCOTT, was discharged Aug. 12, 1861. HENRY SAUNDERS. CHARLES B. SCOTT. J. STONE. T. STIGALL. S. SUMNER. JOHN TANDY STANDEFUR, was killed at Hartsville. L. E. SHAW. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 869 J. H. TAYLOR. J. TULLY, was discharged Aug. 12. 1861. P. M. THURMAN. JAMES TAYLOR. JOHN H. THOMAS, was wounded at Hartsville. W. TUTT. WILLIAM E. THOMPSON, lost right arm on Wayne s Hill at Stone River, Dec. 30, 1862. W. R. VINSEN. F. M. WADLINGTON. SAMUEL WALKER, was discharged Nov. 16, 1861. DAVID WATTS, was killed at Hartsville. GEO. WEBB. D. WILLIAMS. G. W. WALTON. D. WEBSTER. RICHARD WHAYNE, then one of the sergeants, was killed at Stone River, Dec. 30, 1862, one of his legs being shot off while his battery was in action. The hill where the battery was posted was named by his comrades, in his honor, Whayne s Hill. HENRY WILLIAMS, was transferred from Co. B, Fourth Kentucky Infantry ; was wounded at Hartsville. W. WHITE. R. WHEATLEY. J. WIGGINS. HORATIO WITTY. THE HELM MONUMENT. Elizabeth town. PART IV. GENERAL HISTORY OF THE FIRST KENTUCKY CAVALRY. I am always glad to think and write about the gallant old First Kentucky Cavalry. It was as brave a body of men as any officer had the good fortune to command. If I sent them into action oftener than I should have done, it was because I knew they would be equal to any heroic duty which might be imposed upon them. LIEUT.-GEN. JOSEPH WHEELER. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 873 PREFATORY NOTE. For twelve years the men of the First Kentucky Cavalry have been known as "adopted orphans" this term associating them with the First Brigade of Infantry, which, as noted elsewhere, it has pleased the popular fancy nearly ever since the war to recognize as the "Or phan Brigade." In explanation of the regiment s having become co- possessor of the pet name, and of its being included in this volume ol our series of works rather than in the one devoted exclusively to Kentucky Cavalry, I quote the account of its adoption, as given by the Hon. E. Polk Johnson : "At the reunion of the First Kentucky Brigade of Infantry, at Elizabethtown, Sept. 19, 1884, on the occasion of the reinterment of the remains of Gen. Ben. Hardin Helm, a few of the First Kentucky Cavalry attended the evening session. It occurred to me that our regiment was alone in the world, so to speak. We did not belong to the Morgan organization, nor regularly to any other; but we had been organized at the same time as the Orphans ; had served now and again with them; had given them our colonel for a commander, who died gloriously, leading them at Chickamauga, and we had now finally helped to lay him away beside his loved ones. On the impulse of the moment, I asked the Orphan Brigade to adopt us, and supported the motion in the strongest speech I knew how to make. The Hon. Frank Camp, of Louisville, also a member of the First Cavalry, sec onded my motion in a few heartfelt words that were effective. The old boys of the Infantry seemed at first not to understand why we cavalrymen should come charging into their camp; but no one spoke in opposition to receiving us. Gen. Lewis made a few earnest and favorable remarks from the presiding officer s chair ; the vote was taken, and the First Kentucky Cavalry was formally adopted as an honorary member of the Orphan Brigade. At the next, and, indeed, all subsequent meetings, we were treated as active members, and we have always been proud of the honor." The tie that binds the two commands is neither purely fictitious nor dependent wholly upon that formality which put the First Regiment on record as being one of this distinctive association of veterans. During the war, as above intimated, they seemed to have "no abid ing place" with any prominent organization, but were knocked about wherever special service was important, and hard blows were con fidently to be expected; their history will disclose to the fair-minded and attentive reader that they were Kentuckians to the core, and they have a common possession, the name and fame of Ben Hardin Helm, 874 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. these make it fitting that they should appear together on the lists" which their posterity will scan when they would learn how their sires bore themselves in that period of pain and peril. All who hold in proud and affectionate remembrance the name and deeds of members of the First Kentucky Cavalry that fell in battle ; who have a patriot s respect for such as suffered and fought, yet lived and endured to the end, afterward illustrating in peaceful times the civic virtues, but have since gone to their account; who recognize the veterans that still survive as their worthy representatives in keeping Kentucky s honor during a most momentous struggle; who appreciate the fact that they themselves are the partakers of the increased fame which their fathers and brothers and friends gave to their native State, all these, as well as the old soldiers themselves, owe a debt of grat itude to the men without whose aid and encouragement the author could not have succeeded in achieving any real success in making up the record of names and military service, and bearing due testimony to their high character in other walks of life. It should be noted here that not only the men of this regiment, but those of every other cavalry command that went from the State, fur nished their own horses and their own side arms, and in most in stances the shotguns, carbines, muskets whatever long-range guns they bore in the beginning of their service. Subsequent supplies of arms and ammunition, better patterns, and more uniformity were due chiefly to their own prowess and not to the War Department. Those who have contributed useful (in many instances indispensable) information are : Gen. Joseph Wheeler, of Alabama, in whose corps- the First Kentucky saw much and varied service; Col. Wm. C. P. Breckinridge, of the Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, who, for some time, commanded the Kentucky Cavalry Brigade, of which the First Ken tucky was a part ; Robt. S. Sprake and Milford Overley, of the Ninth Kentucky Cavalry; and of the First Cavalry, Wm. T. Ellis, Jas. H. Bozarth, and W. T. Aull, Co. A; Capt. Geo. W. Beckley, E. Polk Johnson, B. F. Camp, and Joseph E. Vincent, Co. B; John M. Herndon, and W. H. Conder, Co. C (second organization); Thomas D. Ireland, Co. D (original organization); Samuel D. Brooks, and Wm. H. Smith, Co. D (second organization); Wm. Wallace Herr, James H. Rudy, and F. M. Scrimsher, Co. E (original organization); Wm. DeCoursey Jones, J. Byron Montgomery, and Joseph L. Davis, Co. E (second organization); Jno. Will Dyer, Co. F (original organ ization); Geo. W. Quarles, Co. G; and Reuben J. Laughlin, Co. K (original organization). These gentlemen have honorable mention elsewhere in this work. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 875- FIRST KENTUCKY CAVALRY. CHAPTER I. ORGANIZATION OF THE REGIMENT SUBSEQUENT CHANGES ERRONE OUS DESIGNATION BY NUMBER EXPLAINED. In the biography of Brig. -Gen. Ben Hardin Helm, his relation to the family of President Lincoln is given, with a brief account of his visit to Washington after the inauguration, when the matter of his again taking service in the United States Army was discussed. When a major s commission was afterward forwarded to him, in accordance with Mr. Lincoln s promise, such a radical change in the aspect of affairs had taken place, and so evident was it that his acceptance would involve the using of his sword, directly or indirectly, for the coercion of the South, and against those of his own people in Kentucky who shared his feeling of opposition to this policy, he rejected it, though the in ducement was held out to him that he would be sent to the frontier, and spared the necessity of engaging in fratricidal strife. This was specious, and with a base nature it would have availed. He felt that partiality for the old army which characterizes the better class of those who have been trained for it and seen service therein. Add to this that his connection with the President made it highly probable that successive promotions might come by favor rather than through long and arduous service, and it is easy to be perceived that here was a touchstone that would detect any latent selfishness and sordid ambi tion. Any one, however, who knew his race and lineage, and that no degeneracy marked the individual, could have forecast the issue. Without vulgar parade he resented the bare suggestion that he could act contrary to the views expressed to Mr. Lincoln. He promptly offered his services to the newly organized Southern government, and soon thereafter began the enlistment of volunteers for his favorite arm of the service. Such was the man by whose influence and exertions the First Regi ment of Kentucky Cavalry was recruited, organized, and fitted for its work. His example was like the chieftain s of whom it was said that " One blast upon his bugle-horn Was worth a thousand men." 876 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. The ten companies of which the regiment was composed were officered as indicated in rosters and lists given on subsequent pages of this work. They were recruited in various sections of the State, and more generally composed of a superior class of young men than is usually found in any organization of like numerical strength. Though eight of the companies enlisted for but one year, it has been said that at the end of that time nearly all who were alive and able to do mili tary duty reenlisted in this and other commands many of those who took service elsewhere being advanced to official positions. Co. A, designated according to first formation, was recruited chiefly in Christian, Todd, and Trigg Counties; Co. B in Christian and contiguous counties ; Co. C in the fine country around Mason- ville, Daveiss County ; Co. D in Hancock and Meade ; Co. E in Jefferson and Oldham ; Co. F in Union ; Co. G in Warren ; Co. H in Christian ; Companies I and K in Hopkins, Webster and Caldwell. Helm received a colonel s commission early in September, 1861, and took charge of the regiment, the several companies of which had reached Bowling Green from various directions and in some instances roundabout ways from their places of enlistment. He began a course of training which soon made the raw recruit a soldier. Dyer, in his interesting reminiscences of the command, tells in a few words the story of Helm s first lessons. "Company drill in the forenoon," he says; " regimental drill in the afternoon; brigade drill on Friday; in spection on Saturday ; saber exercise between times ; and guard and fatigue duty to occupy leisure hours." In general, volunteers are loath to submit to this prompt and unre mitting demand for preparation. Especially is this so with Kentuckians, who are peculiarly impatient of control and restless under restraint; but the test of soldierly qualities in men is the readiness with which they perceive the necessity of training, and respond to the requirements of a capable and earnest commander. These young men, in their first fever of excitement and enthusiasm, were no exception to the rule that grumbling followed an attempt to instruct them in the art of war, and reduce them to discipline ; they felt themselves capable of riding down by mere force of concerted, though not scientifically organized action, any reasonable or unreasonable odds; but their leader had char acter and technical skill and tact, and he quickly won respect and con fidence. Essential training was kept up, and soon the regiment took on the necessary machine character to be handled with precision by a competent leader ; but it has never been in the power of any man or any military establishment to make of a body of Kentuckians a mere machine. The feeling of personal importance and personal responsibility can not be drilled out of them, and disaster to the verge of despair can HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 877 not cow it out of them. In battle each feels that he stands for himself, not as a mere dependent element of a corps. He strikes his blows as though victory depended on his single arm; he thinks of himself as being personally responsible for his family name and for the honor of his State. He is, in effect, an individual Knight Paladin, with the ad vantage that he has been taught and disciplined to act in close method ical concert with his comrades, and thus many times to multiply his offensive and defensive self. The influence of the first commander, personally and professionally, was felt from first to last. He taught what was required to make a soldier and a regiment of soldiers ; he inspired by his example and communicated his loyal temper and quiet determination. To say this detracts nothing from the fame of the excellent gentleman and true soldier who afterward commanded, nor of the gallant and capable field and staff, however constituted, from time to time. The place that the regiment will take in history is their place, and they can not be de preciated by special notice of another. The organization underwent changes at one time apparently a rad ical change but its individuality was never destroyed. The second formation was around a veteran nucleus of the original, and it was still the First Kentucky Cavalry. Similar to the physical body of man, that in a series of years substitutes new particles for all its old ones, and yet the person is the same, this military body assimilated what came to it and did not yield its identity. (For account of first and subsequent formations, see remarks on rosters and lists.) The War Office at Richmond fell into confusion by reason of some erroneous numbering of regimental returns j and when the commis sioners to mark location where the troops of the different States fought at Chickamauga met there for their work, it appeared that no First Kentucky had any part or lot in that campaign and battle. State Commissioner Herr, who knew the facts, indicated the proper points at which to place stones in the National Cemetery ; but it was only after correspondence with one of the National Commissioners, Gen. Boynton, at Washington, that the mistake could be accounted for. Herr s declaration to Boynton, while engaged in the work of examin ing the grounds, that the First Kentucky was in the campaign and fought on the field, was met by the information that there was nothing in the records to show it. A subsequent examination of reports showed that the Third Kentucky Cavalry, commanded by Lieut. -Col. Grif fith, was at Chickamauga, and the same regiment commanded by Col. Butler was at Missionary Ridge. He wrote Gen. Boynton explaining the error of designation. The latter wrote, Oct. 6, 1893 : " Please to accept thanks for your letter. It clears up the mystery. I have sent B78 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. your statement to Mr. Kirkley, of the War Records Office, who com piled the rosters. When I receive his reply as to how the error oc curred I will send it to you." Subsequently he wrote (Oct. 24, 1893) : " It gives me great pleasure to send you the letter of Mr. Kirkley, of the War Records, who compiles the rosters for the printed volumes. You will see that he has already discovered the facts of which you wrote me, and that the designation has been changed in the volumes on the Atlanta campaign." I extract from Kirkley s letter to Boynton : " I beg to say that Capt. Herr is correct as to the original organization of the First Kentucky Cavalry and subsequent consolidation with Col. J. R. Butler s regi ment. According to the muster-rolls of the regiment, after consolida tion, it continued to be known as the First Cavalry ; but the Rich mond authorities designated it as the Third, and we have been so gov erned in the preparation of our rosters. There is no doubt as to the identity of the regiment. ... In the roster of the Atlanta campaign I described it as the First (Third) Cavalry. Gano s regiment, to which Capt. Herr refers, was known at Richmond as the Seventh or the Third Regiment of Morgan s brigade." For brief notice of the attitude which Kentucky had assumed be fore the enlistment of the various regiments for the Confederate serv ice, see Chapter II. of preceding history of the Orphan Brigade. I have endeavored there to set out in as clear and emphatic terms as possible the theories upon which these men based their action theo ries which they still hold to be so sound as to warrant the claim that they fought not for slavery, not for sectional aggrandizement, nor the gratification of sectional animosity; not for the destruction of just government but in defense of the principles essential to the integrity of the States, and to the permanence of institutions that alone can maintain unimpaired the right of all men to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." So actuated, they have never admitted that defeat vitiated their claim to the title of patriot soldiers, nor abated the proud consciousness which possesses all generous minds when heroically combating error, oppression, or usurpation of power. As observed in the connection referred to, an apologetic tone would indi cate a lower order of men than those who accepted the result with no other mental or spoken reservation than that their purity of purpose must not be questioned, and then set earnestly to work to prove their eminent fitness to be honored citizens of the government established over them by a decision adverse to their arms, but by them accepted .as one to which they would thenceforth give allegiance. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 879 CHAPTER II. 1861-1862. , It is impossible at this remote period to write the history of the First Kentucky Cavalry in detail. As a general thing, the reports of offi cers during the period of its service were nothing more than short communications to commanders, giving information as to duty per formed in locating an enemy or executing other specific order ; and these papers are lost. The general reports of brigade, division, and corps commanders under which the regiment served from time to time are not found in published records to relate particularly to the part performed by it in the various battles and raids; and of regimental reports few exist. For the most part, reports were made by Wheeler and Forrest, and of conrse relate to large bodies of troops of which the First formed a part. It has been found practicable, however, by comparing such records as are preserved, by the use of such printed papers as the author has collected during some years, and particularly by the generous and hearty assistance of survivors, to trace its movements from the begin ning, and show that its long service was arduous from the first, almost continuous, and gallant as becomes a State famous for soldiers good and true. From the autumn of 1861, when it was temporarily brigaded with the First Infantry Brigade, till May, 1865, when it parted with Presi dent Davis, after having escorted him and his suite from Greensboro , N. C., into Georgia, it had few opportunities for real rest and re cuperation. When the great armies lay still the First Kentucky was on outpost duty, generally exacting and often perilous, or operating in the enemy s rear, breaking up his communications, and fighting almost daily. When the troops of all. arms went on long expeditions it helped to cover their front, looking out for danger ahead ; and on hazardous retreats it brought up the rear, fighting by day and picketing by night, to make a show against pursuers and keep them in check. When the main army joined battle with its antagonist the ever-reliable First Kentucky fought his threatening flankers or threw its men, dis mounted, into a breach, or hastened to reinforce a weak place in line ; 880 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. but when the battle was done, and infantry and artillery could rest in camp or bivouac, there was still duty for it to do on front or wings to pursue or to guard against surprise. Those witty (or witless) fellows who occasionally offered rewards for a dead cavalryman (palming off as new a joke which was perhaps hoary with age before Columbus discovered America), doubtless had in mind some unreliable riders who had at some time allowed the enemy to come upon them before they could buckle on armor or shoulder gun. The First Kentucky Cavalry left its dead in every State where it was called to go on battlefields, on route of a raiding force, on skirmish line, in rear of retreating armies, on lonely outposts, and in prison where they were sometimes wantonly killed by irrespon sible guardsmen. If they were not called on for a day, or days, or a week of contin uous pounding, as in the case of infantry, they were far more frequent ly engaged in light fighting, that brought its casualties, and far more exposed on advanced outpost to the sudden onslaught of the enemy s enterprising cavalry or infantry. An examination of the History of Individuals in a subsequent part of this book will show that of the gallant cavalcade of young Ken- tuckians who mustered under Helm, and those enlisted in 1862 to complete the second organization, comparatively few were left to stack arms when the final disaster came. Particular affairs in which but few individuals or a small detachment engaged cannot in general be noticed in detail ; but a circum stance ought to be mentioned here with a view to supplementing the account of the fight at Cy Hutcherson s, in Barren County, found on pages 52 and 53. Since giving the partial list of men on guard at the house that night, it has been ascertained that four men of Co. E, First Cavalry (old organization), were among the number, having accom panied Mr. Hutcherson on his return that afternoon from his visit to Col. Lewis to ask for protection. These were Micajah Mayfield and Richard H. Isaacs, of Jefferson County, and Richard F. Stonestreet and F. M. Scrimsher, of Oldham County. It is noted in the account given, as alluded to above, that several of the members of Co. E went up from Horse Cave next day, but there was no further trouble. When Gen. Sidney Johnston began to mobilize troops at different points along his line of operations in Kentucky, Col. Helm with his command was connected with the Central Army, at Bowling Green. He was diligent in his oversight of the men arming, drilling, requir ing care and training of horses, providing every necessary equipment and sending out scouting parties; but few noteworthy events oc curred during the autumn and early winter. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 881 In September, Gen. Buckner had in consideration to send this regi ment to Rochester, reinforced by some troops under command of Col. Geo. B. Hodge, to destroy the lock and dam on Green River, at that point ; but nothing was done at the time. Later, however (Nov. 17), a part of the First Cavalry, under Lieut. -Col. Woodward, and a detachment of Kentucky Infantry, were sent, and a short time after ward the remainder of Helm s regiment joined them there. When Woodward s party rode into town they were fired on by Federal troops on the opposite side of the river where Capt. Netter had a con siderable force. Two of the Confederates and a few of the horses were wounded. Woodward was anxious to get across and attack at close quarters, but the river could not be passed, and the assailants escaped without punishment. The Kentuckians remained in the vicinity about a week and then returned to Bowling Green, nothing else of special in terest having occurred. December ist, the regiment was ordered to Glasgow. The Federals then had a strong force at Munfordville, and their troops occupied Columbia also, in considerable strength, while a comparatively large army lay at Louisville and conveniently disposed in the vicinity. For about two months the First Cavalry was the only organized Confed erate force between Louisville and Bowling Green. Helm kept active and enterprising scouting parties well forward of his position, in the direction of Munfordville, and occasionally sent others to vicinity of Columbia. He kept the commander-in-chief constantly advised as to the movement of troops towards Zollicoffer s position on the Cumber land ; while Munfordville and other points along Green River were held in close observation, at the same time providing against the possi ble destruction of bridges across Skeggs s Creek and Big Barren River. On the 1 2th of January, 1862, he reported to Gen. Johnston the movement of Federal troops across the Cumberland River above Zol- licoffer at Mill Creek, and on the i8th he expressed the apprehension that it was designed to attack him, with a view to getting into East Tennessee and so turning the position at Bowling Green instead of trying to drive Johnston by direct assault, which prediction was quickly fulfilled. It should be noted here that two companies, recruited presumably for Helm s regiment, had little connection with it as organizations. These were the companies of Capt. Merriwether and Capt. James K. Huey, numbered I and K on the rolls filed in Richmond. Co. I, ac cording to some record in the Richmond war office, it seems was the company afterward commanded by Capt. Joe B. Williams. While Hopkinsville constituted an outpost of the army at Bowling Green, and Forrest was stationed there, these companies apparently 882 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. made a part of his force, and it seems that Williams had then succeed ed to the captaincy of Co. I. When Gen. Clark, commanding at Hopkinsville, evacuated the place, Feb. 7, 1862, Forrest covered the rear as far as Clarksville, where he was detached and ordered to report to Gen. Pillow, at Fort Donelson. With him at that time were three companies of Kentucky cavalry Capt. Joe Williams s (I), Capt. Huey s (K), and Capt. Wil- cox s. It is gathered from Richmond records that the latter was at one time regarded as a part of the First Kentucky ; but the connection was wholly nominal, as it never did service with the main body of the regiment under Helm. Of these companies it should be observed that they engaged with Forrest in all his operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama till they were assigned to Wheeler on the retreat from Lan caster (October, 1862), and that when mustered out at Clinton, some of them reenlisted in companies organized there and at Chattanooga to continue the life of the original regiment ; while others took service with other commands, infantry and cavalry. Of course a few of them retired, but the rule with Kentuckians was that mustering out meant little to them except to give them a chance to connect themselves with whatever arm of the service or whatever organization they preferred. It needs to be stated, however, that after the fighting at Donelson, all the men of these companies did not or would not make the attempt to escape with Forrest, and some were surrendered with the main army, and sent to prison, so that the above remarks as to continued service with the incomparable Tennesseean do not apply to them. It is said, however, that after their exchange (late in August, 1862), most of them returned to duty, either in their former companies or in other regiments, following their own inclinations, as many volunteers seemed to consider perfectly legitimate stringent military regulations to the contrary notwithstanding. When Gen. Johnston evacuated Bowling Green, February, 1862, and began his movement south, Col. Helm kept in observation the rear and left flank, burning bridges as he fell back, at one time making a considerable detour to the left, to guard against possible interruption of the main army by troops from Thomas s forces from Eastern Kentucky and Tennessee. Arriving at Nashville, the regiment was detained there several days, guarding military stores and striving to restore order ; and at Decatur it was kept some time guarding the Memphis and Charleston railroad bridge. In March its headquarters were at Florence and Tuscumbia, with orders to keep a close watch on Buell, and if found necessary to burn the bridge at the former place. Detachments of considerable HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. >s:; strength as well as small parties of the most active and daring men were operating almost constantly, over a wide extent of country, oc casionally skirmishing with the enemy s scouts and pickets, and taking some prisoners. Gen. Johnston was kept daily so reliably informed of Buell s move ments and the position of his forces that he timed accurately a move ment from Corinth, having used all possible dispatch in getting the army in condition, that would have enabled him to strike Gen. Grant at Shiloh on Saturday morning, thirty-six hours before Buell could reach Pittsburg Landing, and crush him before reinforcements could arrive ; but the unfortunate circumstances (familiar to all students of the war), heavy rains and execrable roads, delayed the attack a day, and so lost Beauregard the battle which Johnston had already won but did not live to make conclusive before Buell could cross over to the south side. After the battle of Shiloh, during which the First Cavalry was re quired to hold its position up the Tennessee, to guard the approaches to Johnston s left and rear, Helm was commissioned a brigadier- general, and ordered to report to Gen. Breckinridge for command of infantry troops in his division. The announcement of his promotion was not made until April 17, 1862, but his commission bore date of March i4th. The command of the First now devolved on Lieut. -Col. Woodward, also a brave and enterprising officer. About this time one Col. John Adams was assigned to the command of a small brigade of cavalry consisting of the First Kentucky, the Eighth Texas (Rangers), and, as seems probable, though this is not definitely stated, some other cavalry. On the 8th of May, Adams or dered Woodward to take part of his regiment and a small detachment of Texans with which to surprise and capture a Federal force occupy ing the little town of Bethel, on Elk River. The following report shows how well this was executed. It is proper to explain that among the men of the First, the trestlework of which Woodward speaks has ever since been known as Hewey s Bridge ; and that Capt. Noel, a most ex cellent gentleman and a promising soldier, reported as severely wounded, died of this wound two days afterward. Among the wounded was also Capt. Jake Griffith, of Co. E. Woodward s report of the expedition and its results was as follows : CAMP NEAR LAMB S FERRY, TENN., j May 10, 1862. ) To Acting Brig-Gen. Adams, Commanding Cavalry Brigade : SIR In accordance with instructions from your headquarters, I started from this point on the 8th instant, at 6 p. M., with 350 men of 884 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. my regiment and a detachment of eighty men from the Texas Rangers, under command of Capt. Houston, for the purpose of surprising a party of the enemy, supposed to consist of 350 men, in and about Bethel, a small town on Elk river, thirty-two miles from Lamb s Ferry, Capt. Noel, of this regiment, with fifty men, joined me on the road. I arrived at Bethel by daybreak, but found no enemy, and learned that no Federals had been there, except an insignificant party of strag glers. Ascertaining that Elk river could be crossed at two fords in the vicinity, and that a detachment of the enemy, variously reported as to number, were guarding a trestlework on the railroad on the opposite side of the river, I determined to capture them, and, for this purpose, divided my command, placing one squadron of my regiment with the Texas Rangers, under Capt. Houston, with directions to cross at the ford below the trestlework, and cut off the retreat of the enemy in that direction, while the party under my immediate command, crossing at the upper ford, should make the attack from above. The movement was entirely successful, resulting in the capture of the entire force stationed at the trestle-work, which force was found to be much smaller than it had been represented. The enemy, under cover of some buildings, made a gallant defense for about ten minutes, but finally surrendered. I have as prisoners two captains, two lieutenants, and forty three non-commissioned officers and privates; also eight negroes. Our loss is five killed, among them Capt. Harris, of the Rangers, whose loss is deeply regretted, and seven wounded. Among the latter I regret to include Capt. Noel, a most excellent and gallant officer, se riously wounded in the side. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded was much heavier. Capt. Houston is entitled to much credit for the able manner in which he cooperated ; and the conduct of the men was extremely gal lant and praiseworthy. Minute particulars will be communicated to you as soon as they can be furnished. Very respectfully, etc., T. G. WOODWARD, Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding First Kentucky Cavalry. About a month afterward (June 4, 1862,) Adams had his command encamped in Sweeden s Cove, about twelve miles northwest of Jasper, Tenn. Gen. James S. Negley made a forced march from Huntsville, Ala., a distance of about twenty miles, over what he described as "a rugged and almost impassable mountain road," and between two and three o clock captured Adams s pickets. Planting a battery without being observed, to bear upon the Confederate encampment, they rushed HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 885 into the cove and completely surprised the force. Attacked without warning, and by a greatly superior number, effectual resistance was out of the question ; but they sprang to arms and to horses and made the best of a bad situation. They put in a shot when they could, but the chief business in hand was to escape capture or total destruction, and they went. The survivors laugh at themselves to this day when they recount how they did go. Through a narrow lane toward Jasper most of them rode pell-mell, with the howling and swearing enemy, saber in hand, crowding behind. The man who could find a side exit out of the pocket, or break over a fence, was fortunate; but most of them got out by way of the lane. The narrowness of their race track contributed materially to lessen their loss, as the Federals had no time to tear down fences and take them in flank. It is astonishing, how ever, that so few fell or were made prisoners. Negley s reports (two of them) are marked by more than the usual vainglory of men who seek to magnify their achievements ; but he could not bring himself to the Falstaffian extravagance of publishing to the world that he and each of his troopers " pinked seven men in buckram" (or gray coats). There lacked more than twenty-five thousand Kentuckians and other Confederates to furnish material for so much bloodletting. He places the Confederate casualties at the modest estimate of "twenty killed and about the same number wounded," and adds that he took twelve prisoners. Some of the Kentuckians were wounded and some captured. His own loss was two killed and seven wounded. Gen. Leadbetter, reporting to Kirby Smith, makes a better showing for Negley. . He says that the Confederate killed and missing were one hundred, among whom were Col. Adams and Maj. Adams, his brother. This was a slight mistake. Maj. Adams was wounded, and the colonel was very badly missing. Negley referred to the affair some days afterward in another communication, saying he had learned that Adams fled with out hat, sword, or horse. It was told that he had his headquarters outside of his picket line, and that the Federals were on him so sud denly and so numerously that he had not time even to cry " fall in ! " It is to the credit of the men so surprised and attacked that so few were killed or captured. They inflicted some loss on Negley, as has been said. Some of the wounds, he said, were severe. But the fun of the thing comes in with the Federal reports and their tenor. Maj. -Gen. O. M. Mitchel made two and Brig. -Gen. James S. Xegley made two. Mitchel said that the force sent was "composed of troops from all those under his command," and that they had broken up a most important enterprise." Negley said that the Con federates formed in line and opened fire on his advance, to which he replied with his artillery. Then certain of his troops "led the charge 886 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. with the most reckless daring, dashing into the midst of the enemy, using their sabers with terrible execution ! " Also, that the Confed erates "strewed the ground for miles with guns, pistols, and swords. * Next day he reported that he had captured four men from Chattanooga (Union men, no doubt, who had come in to praise his exploit), from whom he learned that the routed brigade never stopped till it reached Chattanooga, " 43 miles away," arriving there the night of the 4th. His statement as to distance was erroneous, as by air-line it does not exceed 32, and road meanderings could not increase that by as much as eleven miles. We have found it impossible to get even reliable approximate esti mate as to the number of Confederates encamped in the cove or of Federals that made the attack. Gen. Leadbetter wrote to Kirby Smith that Negley had with him 4,000 men, and Gen. Mitchel said the force was composed of troops of all those under his command. When Adams was placed in command of the "small brigade," CoL John A. Wharton, commanding the Texas Rangers, objected to serv ing under his orders, and several days before this he had permission to "cooperate" with Adams nothing more. Apparently the eight companies at that time under Adams as acting brigadier were about all the force then at that outlying picket station. It is safe to say that the numerical disparity between them and their assailants was very great. When we reflect on the sublime order of reckless daring " required to ride down a comparatively small body of soldiers, surprised, and struggling in a confused mass, and to follow them boldly while in pre cipitate flight, we can but regret that such valiant knights were not long ago elevated to places with the Roman demi-gods. When Constantinople fell beneath the guns and the assaulting col umns of old Suvaroff, he made haste to send that famous but brief dispatch to St. Petersburg: "Glory to God and glory to Kath arine ! Ismail s taken ! " Negley s gushing effusions said, inferen- tially, "Glory to me and glory to Mitchel! The Confederacy s busted! " Our grim and frosty-pated old comrades who survived the " terrible execution " are not prepared to admit that they all slept in Chattanooga that night ; but they found the vicinity of that city a good place at which to rally ; and the regiment soon pulled itself together, and was again in fighting trim. Shortly afterward the two three-year companies, C and D, were ordered to report to Gen. Forrest, under whose orders they formed a squadron commanded by Capt. W. J. Taylor as senior officer. They were thus separated from the remainder of the regiment, till the other six companies were ordered to report to Forrest for the Kentucky HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 887 campaign (August-October, 1862). The squadron participated in the numerous skirmishes and battles of Forrest during his active, almost continuous, operations in Middle Tennessee. In the brilliant affair at Murfreesboro (July 13, 1862), the Kentucky companies took a con spicuous part ; and in the final successful charge on the second en campment, where the Michigan Battery was placed and strongly de fended, they proved themselves especially gallant and efficient. Among the many notable exploits of this audacious leader and furi ous fighter, this was one of the most notable. Besides liberating pris oners, some of them held on unjust charges, and in accordance with the whims of malicious persons, he captured two brigadiers, with staff and field officers, 1,200 men, 300 mules, 150 to 200 horses, 60 wagons, and a field battery of four pieces, besides destroying military stores to the value of $200,000, carrying off for the use of the South ern forces about $300,000 worth, and destroying the depot and railroad in the vicinity of the town. He hurried with his prisoners and cap tured property to McMinnville, and sent them thence to Chattanooga ; and a few days subsequently he made a determined but less successful assault upon the Federal works at Tullahoma, in which Companies C and D lost five men killed and wounded. It would be impossible, however, to show how essential a part of this active and, to the enemy, terrible force, were these companies of dashing and ambitious young Kentuckians without going into the de tails of Forrest s operations in Tennessee that summer. They proved themselves as good as the best, and had the confidence of the great soldier by whom cowards and shirks were soon discovered, and from whom they speedily fell away and ceased to encumber the muster rolls and lower the general tone of the corps. We return now to the main part of the regiment. When Bragg was preparing for the Kentucky campaign, some con tradictory orders were issued relative to the First Cavalry. At first it was to remain subject to the orders of Gen. Hardee (Aug. n, 1862), though it had previously been ordered to join Forrest twenty miles from Kingston. Later (August 17), it was to be left with Gen. Maxey for base of operations at Chattanooga, Gen. Sam Jones, commanding. Still later (September 2), Jones seemed to be laboring under the ap prehension that Negley, with " part of all the troops " under Mitchel s command, had hit it again, as we have him writing that he couldn t find it had "searched in vain for it." September 7, Maxey has as surance that it would be ordered to report to him had been left in Sequatchie Valley by order of Hardee. September 13, Jones was again complaining that he couldn t find it, but he seems to have heard a rumor that it was gone with Forrest. He had been searching too 888 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. close around home. By that time the First Kentucky was at Glasgow, and had been making trouble all along the route for Federal scouts, pickets, foragers, small garrisons whatever came in Forrest s way. September i4th it was assigned by order of Bragg to Gen. Joseph Wheeler, commanding cavalry of left wing of the Confederate army under Hardee. Such records as are extant indicate that about this time Lieut. -Col. Woodward relinquished the command to Maj. J. W. Caldvvell, and was then engaged in recruiting what afterward became the Second Kentucky Battalion, which under his leadership did much hard and efficient service. The First Kentucky did its full share of all the duty allotted to Wheeler in the advance on the Federal garrison at Munfordville and the fighting (September i4th to lyth,) which eventuated in the capture of that place. On the i8th, when Bragg s infantry and artil lery had all crossed Green River to the Munfordville side, some unre liable scouts reported that Buell was close upon the Confederate posi tion. The First Kentucky was thereupon sent back hurriedly to in vestigate, and soon learned that a reconnoitering party, far in advance of Buell s main army, had given rise to the rumor that he was in the vicinity in strong column. During the ensuing three weeks the campaign was exciting, full of stirring incidents, and to the men of the First Cavalry it was a time of buoyancy and much rejoicing. They were on their own soil, whither they had returned, after a year s service abroad, with high hopes that the expedition would result in great and lasting advantage to their cause, and as yet nothing had occurred to indicate disaster. No event occurred, however, on the march to Perryville and at the various positions occupied en route which was so disconnected with all the operations of Wheeler s division as to demand that it be recounted separately and in detail. Its services were greatly in demand, owing to the more intimate acquaintance of its members with the people and the country, and it did whatever it was set to do with cheerful alacrity and with steadiness and courage that had now come to be regarded as a matter of course. At Perryville (Oct. 8, 1862) it took a more than ordinarily prominent part in fighting off flankers from the left wing of the Confederate army. With the retreat from that field began the hardest and most trying experience, continuing till Bragg was well out of the State, to which the regiment had been or was at any subsequent time subjected. The enemy became bold and persistently aggressive pressing close and with constantly increasing rather than diminishing forces ; and the re sponsibility of the rearguard, of which the First was a part, was great, while danger was imminent, day and night. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ^s .i Five days after the battle of Perry ville, Wheeler was appointed chief of cavalry, and had thenceforth, therefore, command of all the troops of that arm then directly connected with the Army of Tennessee. He was ordered to cover the rear of the army which was to move from Lancaster in two columns, one by Crab Orchard, the other by Big Hill, and also to interpose to protect his right flank. So well was this executed that it was not at any time necessary to call on the infantry. The latter, with the artillery, live stock, and immense wagon train with which the retreating columns were cumbered, in the effort to save for the use of Confederate forces as much as possible of captured property, went forward with as much expedition as was practicable ; but progress was necessarily slow and the work of the mounted rear guard proportionately long-continued and exceedingly hazardous, as the Federal forces could keep in close proximity and infest every ap proach without other effort than that which was necessary to make easy daily stages. At Loudon the Federal cavalry made a bold dash, in force, but the Confederates handled them so well that they were there after more cautious, and sought opportunity to strike detachments rather than to bring on a serious engagement. The manner in which Wheeler s force watched every road, turning as occasion required to give battle to such eager pursuers as came threateningly near, soon called out from both Bragg and Polk congrat ulatory orders, and a feeling of confidence pervaded the army, that if they could surmount the obstacles before them bad roads, serious ob structions placed in their way by unfriendly citizens, and bushwhack ers who from concealment and points inaccessible from the line of march plied their murderous rifles they had nothing to apprehend from the rear. The First Cavalry, though proud of the distinction, paid on this long and hazardous retreat a penalty for being regarded by an observ ant and appreciative commander as exceptionally intelligent, alert, and thoroughly reliable. It was often singled out for emergencies, and did much extra hard and perilous duty. For more than two weeks the men were generally in the saddle for eighteen hours daily, and at times even when they believed they would have a few hours in which to prepare meals, feed horses, and sleep, while others picketed the approaches, a message would come that they were wanted for a scout or a skirmish, and the bugle would sound "boots and saddles mount ! " when they had but so recently halted for the night that the work of removing saddles was scarcely begun. Every day had its dangers, its stern duties, and exciting incidents, .to recount which would require a little volume. 890 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. A member of the First Kentucky wrote afterward of the famous re treat and some of its features, as follows : " Much as Kentuckians disliked Bragg, it must be said of him that he made a masterly retreat from Perryville. His wagon train was re puted to be forty miles long ; he went out over mountain roads, and very bad roads they were ; he marched through an unfriendly country, infested with bushwhackers, who placed obstructions in his way over almost every mile of road ; he was closely followed by the enemy, active and persistent in pursuit ; and yet, marvelous as it is, he never lost a wagon. Behind that train, from Crab Orchard, Ky., to Clin ton, Tenn., over the Cumberland range, fording the swollen Rock- castle river under fire of the enemy, and numerous smaller streams, fighting cowardly bushwhackers in front and brave Federals in the rear, rode the First Kentucky Cavalry. It was on duty all the time, both night and day, and the most dangerous duty, too. I recall one place where the pickets crept to their posts to escape the murderous shots of these sneakers, who, from points of vantage on the mountain sides, fired at every moving object. " One day, in the heart of the mountains, the column had halted, and the men of Co.B, which was next to the extreme rearguard, worn out by constant duty, had dismounted and thrown themselves upon the ground to rest. There had been no sign of the enemy for some time, and it was not known or cared whether he was far or near. We were too tired even to think ; and, besides, what were our officers for if not to think for us? Half of us were asleep in the warm sunshine, when suddenly it began to rain bullets. The atmosphere seemed full of them, and, to use the old saying of soldiers, you could have held up your hat and caught it full. The horses were frightened, and about to stampede, as many of them were loose, the reins having fallen from the hands of the unconscious soldiers. The Federals, flanking the rearguard, had seen us first for once, and, creeping near us, had hid den behind trees on the mountain side, and begun active operations calculated to demoralize the best of troops. Lieut. Dick Stonestreet (afterward murdered by bushwhackers), was in command, and his steady, boys, steady ; no stampeding for the First Kentucky, brought order out of what would have been chaos with less disciplined men;, and in a short time we were in line and at work on the gentlemen on the hillside, though the latter had advantage of position, and as Gen. Forrest would have said, had got there first with the most men. But we stayed right where we were when they waked us up, and did our best. A little mountain howitzer came to the rescue and joined in the argument in our behalf; and it seems to me now that I never heard one of those little musical instruments play sweeter music than on that oc- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 891 casion. Its notes charmed our ears, but had a different effect on the enemy, who presently fled incontinently and left us alone in our glory. It was a close shave, and but for that little black gun we might have been destroyed. This incident is but one of many. While not many casualties occurred, they were liable to occur at any moment, and we were kept at concert pitch both night and day. "One evening we halted and made every preparation for the night, supposing that we were to remain. After disposing of a frugal meal of parched corn, we received orders to build fires, and within an hour the valley (wider -Jihere than at any other point) was ablaze with a thousand campfires. Then came whispered orders to mount, and we quietly moved away up the mountain side. It was a beautiful sight. The blazing fires, seen in the valley below, seemed to be sentinel stars reflected from the clear sky above. There were enough of them to have warmed the entire army; and while we regretted having to leave them and ride into the chill October night, it was for our good and the confusion of the Federal mind. They saw them, and stayed away; and it was late the next day before their advance came up and began the regular daily disturbance with us. "The army in front had its troubles, too. Bushwhackers would cut large trees, felling them across the road at points where the trains could not drive around them ; and while these were being removed they would take pot-shots, at long range, at the halted column. Driven off by skirmishers, they would hide in their mountain fastnesses and await the coming of the cavalry rearguard. Then they would come out and warm up our rear as we faced the pursuing enemy, thus placing us between two fires and rendering life exciting. This went on day after day for some time ; but finally some one told us that sev enteen bushwhackers had been caught red-handed, and hanged to trees by the roadside. I did not see them, but I do know that from that time onward we were less troubled than had been the case before. Our command caught three of these gentry ; and as they did not be long to the Federal army, but were going to war against the Confed eracy on their own hook, it was thought proper to place some obsta cles in their path, so they were shot and left as a grim warning to others of their kind. The First Kentucky did not do the shooting, but observed that it was effectively done. We learned the name of at least one of these murderous skulkers, which doubtless some of the survivors of the old command can still recall." Eleven days after the battle of Perryville, the head of Bragg s col umn reached Cumberland Gap, and within the next six (Oct. 19-24111) the entire army had passed through the mountain defiles the pursuit 892 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. meanwhile (Oct. 226) having ceased and was on its undisturbed march to Knoxville. Part of the cavalry took position on the Tennessee River, in the vicinity of Clinton, and here the twelve-month men of the First Ken tucky, whose time had expired some months before, were mustered out ; but, as heretofore indicated, many reenlisted to form new com panies to continue the existence of the regiment, while others took service with other Kentucky cavalry. At Chattanooga, soon after ward, there was new regimental reorganization, the three-year com panies, C and D, and those made up of reenlisted one-year men, uniting with J. Russell Butler s battalion (recruited during Bragg s occupancy of Kentucky), and of this regiment Butler was made colonel. (See Brief History of Individuals.) There was for the cavalry of Bragg s army but a brief period of rest and recreation after the recent long and trying campaign. The Federal army took position at Nashville after turning from fol lowing Bragg, and the latter had most of his concentrated at Murfrees- boro within ten days after passing Cumberland Gap. Wheeler and Forrest, meanwhile, (the First Kentucky continuing to be identified with the force under Wheeler s immediate command) were soon actively afield again, guarding every front and flank ap proach to Bragg s position, and dealing the enemy s outposts and re- connoitering and raiding detachments a blow wherever found. In all the cavalry movements preliminary to the great battle of Stone River (Dec. 31, i862-Jan. 2, 1863), the First Kentucky performed its part with the gallantry and efficiency which had characterized the old organization. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. I. A Brave Kentucky Woman. Lieut. Joseph E. Vincent (old Co. E, afterward of Co. B, First Cavalry,) gives the following ac count of how he was beaten and driven back upon his base by one woman, in a case where a man or a dozen men would doubtless have fared very badly : " When Bragg was preparing to move from Bardstown (September, 1862), Gen. Wheeler ordered the First Kentucky to get some wagons from the country in which to carry such of our sick and otherwise dis abled men as were then in town, and I was detailed to take about fif teen men and go on the hunt of the necessary vehicles. Probably three miles west of Bardstown -(or a little south of west), we saw four or five negroes coming across a field with horses and plows. Riding up to the house towards which they were coming, I told an elderly lady who appeared that I had orders to get some wagons in which to move our sick, and added that when her hands got to the road I would HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 893 have them put the horses to two wagons which were standing near. You won t do any such a thing ! she said, coming straight to me. Oh ! I replied, I guess I will. Which side do you belong to, madam ? That s none of your business ! I have been imposed on by both sides long enough, and I ll take no more of it ! Each man of us had a saber, a pistol, and a double-barreled shotgun ; but I was completely whipped. As the enemy was known to be pressing forward and little time was left to us, we hurried back to town without those wagons. When we got there, the Texas boys were being driven in from the fair grounds. If we had gotten the wagons, the Yankees would have gotten us." II. The Bushwhacker s Non-Combatant Brother. A mem ber of the First Cavalry who saw the execution of the bushwhackers noticed in the preceding chapter, and learned the name of one of them, served some years afterward in the Kentucky Legislature with a member who had the same surname an odd character, who at tracted the attention of the former cavalier. He said to him one day : "Jim, I saw a man of your name shot for bushwhacking during the war." Imagine his astonishment when Jim replied : " Yes, he were my brother. He burnt a good deal of powder before he were shot ; but as for me I never burnt none. I said when the war come up I had no powder to burn, and I haint never burnt none yet! " Of course that closed the conversation, and Jim s brother was left to rest in peace. III. Preparing for Rapid Flight. Marion Schrimser, Esq., furnished the following incident : " At the battle of Perry ville a part of our company (E, First Kentucky Cavalry,) made a charge on Co. F, Ninth Kentucky Federal Cavalry, then commanded by Lieut. Sam D. McMeekin, and captured that officer and fifteen of his men. One of these, Corporal Wm. H. Long, of Eminence, whom some of our Oldham County boys knew, was on the ground when overtaken, pull ing off his shoes a pair of brand-new army brogans. One of our men called out: What are you doing there, Bill? Taking off my shoes, said he, so I can run ! His appearance and haste to get in light running order were so ludicrous that they raised a great laugh among his old neighbors ; but we captured Bill shoes and all." IV. A Gallant Escort. Miss Kittie Todd, then but nineteen years of age, a sister to Mrs. Gen. Helm and half-sister to Mrs. Abra ham Lincoln, had an experience during the war of which a queen might have been proud, for no queen ever had a bodyguard that would have protected her from insult and danger more promptly and desperately than hers. Before the beginning of hostilities she had gone from Lexington, Ky., to Selma, Ala., to see a sister, and she was still in the South when Gen. Helm was made commandant of the post at Chattanooga, winter of 186263. She now wished to return and be with her mother, and Gen. Helm procured a permit for her to pass the lines of the Confederate Army ; and as it was deemed impracti cable to get passage over the L. & N. Railroad, then controlled by the United States troops as far south as Murfreesboro , he gave her an escort from the First Kentucky Cavalry, which was to accompany her to Uniontown, Ky. , where she could take passage on an up-river steamer. For a week or more, traveling in a buggy with Dr. Bob 894 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Spalding, she was guarded by this cavalcade of young Kentuckians, who sought out ways not infested by Federal troops, sometimes proceeding by night when day-travel would have been more perilous, and conducted in safety to the top of the hill back of Uniontown, then in possession of Federal soldiers, where she left them and went on foot into the town. Remaining in the vicinity only long enough to ascertain that she was with friends, Capt. Alfred McGill and his good wife, at the old Union Hotel, they returned to their command. She took passage on a steamer that night for Louisville, and went by rail to her home in Lexington. She found friends everywhere, even among acquaintances who were now identified with the Union cause, and but once was trouble imminent. The officer at Louisville threat ened to send her back South; but it appears that somebody noti fied Mr. Lincoln, who, it is said, curtly telegraphed him to stick to his own business. At any rate, she was allowed to go home, where she remained to the close of the war, engaged, heart and hand, with her mother, during the two remaining years, in contributing to the wants of her countrymen at the front and relieving the destitution and suffering of those who were sick and in prison. She is noticed in a previous part of this work as having been an active and efficient ally of the Southern soldiers, and becoming after the war was over the wife of Wallace Herr, whom she had known as a young lieutenant on Jier brother-in-law s staff. V. "The Rose and Expectancy of the Fair State." Speaking of a certain gentleman who served in different capacities dur ing the war, and once laid aside his sword to take up a gun in the ranks, a comrade said : " I do not know whether he had been com missioned again or not. Certainly he was worthy of a commission; but this could be said of so many Kentuckians who served in the ranks that it did not excite surprise when a good soldier either received or failed of promotion. Gen. Wm. Preston once said in my hearing that the young Kentuckians in the Confederate Army were the rose and expectancy of the fair State, representing all that was great and heroic in its remarkable history. President Davis spoke to me in the same vein after the war, referring to us as the young seed corn of the Con federacy, and saying that from the bloody planting and the heroic cul tivation of the battlefield there would have grown a crop that would have made illustrious our government had we succeeded in establish ing it. How it brightens the memory of the dark days that finally came to us to know that we made our mark on the history of our era, .and that those in the highest places bore willing testimony to our de votion to duty !" VI. The American Soldier the Best of This Age. I deem the American soldier in many respects the finest soldier of the age, as he is certainly the most intelligent. He unites within himself the es sential qualities. His patriotism is unquestioned, his endurance al most without limit, while his courage has stood the crucial test of a thousand battlefields, and his pride in his name and honor is a part of the great history of his country. The combination of genuine courage and true pride are in no nation more happily blended than in Ameri can soldiery. Their splendid conduct in the field is equalled only by HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 895 the readiness with which they adapt themselves to the pursuits of peace when war s alarms are fled, becoming as excellent citizens as they have been admirable soldiers. E. Polk Johnson (in " Southern Bivouac"}. VII. " Burgoyne " Had It In for His Drillmaster. Lieut. Joe Vincent tells the following on Wallace Herr, as too good to be lost: "When we went into the army we were a green lot, as far as military matters were concerned. Herr was our first instructor (for Co. E), and he was very particular to impress upon us the importance of observing the rules. Some of us were on picket one night at a bridge between Glasgow and Munfordville, and Wallace was sent out with a squad some time after we had been stationed, to see whether we were doing our duty. We heard him talking to his men some distance off, and knew very well who it was; but Lyter Vincent (whom Wallace had nicknamed Burgoyne ) put off down the road toward them, to challenge in due form before they reached our base. At the proper distance, he called out: Halt! Who comes there? Friends/ was the answer, with the countersign. Dismount, one; advance; and give the countersign. Oh, now, Burgoyne, you know who I am. Click click! went Lyter s gun, and he repeated, Advance one, and give the countersign. Wallace got off his horse and complied with the order; but it was bad medicine he had to take, if it was his own, as the road was slushy, and he growled a little. Burgoyne, he added, after he had whispered the watchword, you knew who I was! What did you make me get down in the snow and mud that way for? " 896 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER III. 1863. In the operations pending and during the battle of Stone River, al luded to in preceding chapter, the First Kentucky constituted with the Fifth Kentucky, Col. D. Howard Smith, and the Sixth Kentucky, Col. J. Warren Grigsby, a small brigade of cavalry under command of Brig. -Gen. Abram Buford, one of four brigades under the general command of Gen. Joseph Wheeler. Buford was at Rover, eighteen miles from Murfreesboro , while Rosecrans was fighting his way into position along Stone River. Un der order of Gen. Bragg, he left this post at daylight, Dec. 31, 1862, and by noon had taken position on the extreme left. Here he was joined by Wheeler s main force. A movement was now begun along the enemy s flank, the First Kentucky in advance, till a strong force of Federal infantry, cavalry, and artillery, near Miller s house, escort ing a large wagon train, was encountered. Buford promptly formed, with Col. Butler on the right and threatening the enemy s flank. Skir mishers had been thrown out, and these opened the attack, to which the enemy replied with artillery. The affair continued only a short time, the brigade receiving an order from Gen. Wheeler to withdraw, but not until some loss had been sustained. The First Kentucky had a man killed, and three of the brigade were wounded ; also, two horses were killed and two disabled ; but they took thirty prisoners, whom they paroled and left on the field. Shortly after rejoining Wheeler the united forces moved out on the Wilkinson pike, and on the right bank of Overall s Creek found the enemy posted under cover of woods. Some fighting ensued here, dur ing which Maj. Chenoweth, Capt. Wm. Campbell, and six privates of Buford s brigade were wounded. The enemy on this part of the line was driven back more than a mile, and some prisoners were taken, whom, as at Miller s, they were compelled to parole and leave at large. During the movement in rear of the enemy, Thursday, Jan. i, 1862, the First participated in the capture and destruction of a large wagon train at La Vergne, and bringing off a considerable number of pris oners. On Friday morning, January 2d, the brigade took position on Bragg s left, near Mrs. Washington s, where it remained during the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 897 day ; but at 9 o clock that night it again moved with other cavalry un der Gen. Wheeler to Rosecrans rear, and pressed to within eight miles of Nashville. At Cox s Hill, the First Kentucky, being in the rear, found the advance engaged with the enemy (Saturday morning, January 3d). The command was hastily drawn up and dismounted, preparatory to an attack on the Federal left ; but Wheeler, having cap tured a wagon train and begun the work of destroying what he could not remove, was assailed by four regiments of infantry and forced to retire, and Buford had orders to withdraw before he could attack. Returning to the vicinity of Murfreesboro the brigade resumed the position of the day before (at Mrs. Washington s), where it rested till sunrise Sunday morning (Jan. 4), when Buford was notified that the cavalry would take up the march in rear of Bragg s retreating columns, whereupon he retired through town and made part of the rearguard proceeding southward by the Shelbyville pike. Some fighting took place en route to Tullahoma and Shelbyville, opposite which latter place Folk s Corps halted, while Hardee took position at Tullahoma ; but no detailed information is obtainable as to the particular part taken by the First Cavalry. While at Winchester, before he had established headquarters at Tul lahoma, farther north, Bragg issued an order (Jan. 7, 1863,) that Wharton and Buford should "cover the front of the army," while Wheeler should proceed to operate on the enemy s rear. Thus en gaged, the First Kentucky did not accompany Wheeler on his expedi tion to the Cumberland River, thence to Harpeth Shoals, during which he captured and destroyed transports and a large quantity of military stores, and took many prisoners. On Jan. 30, 1863, Buford was relieved and ordered to report to Gen. Pemberton. The Fifth and Sixth Kentucky were returned to Morgan, while the First Kentucky fell under the general direction of Wheeler, who had been assigned to the command of all the cavalry in Middle Tennessee. Nothing of unusual importance occurred until Rosecrans began his movement from Murfreesboro , June, 1863, which forced Bragg to retire to Chattanooga. In general it was kept well forward, and almost daily and nightly employed during these months :n scouting and outpost duty, and was frequently engaged in skirmish ing with the pickets of the enemy. The comparative inaction of the main army brought little rest (rather increased responsibility and care) for the cavalry. The First Kentucky was on duty at Hoover s Gap, east of the Chat tanooga railroad, when the Federal army began to press in force, by the different roads, upon Bragg s position (June 24, 1863). About 10 o clock that morning, the pickets of the First were driven in, and the 898 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. regiment was quickly under arms and drawn out to meet the enemy s advance ; but he came on in such strength as to compel retreat, and the command began to fall back in the direction of Fairfield. Maj. Chenoweth called for a dozen volunteers with whom he could act as special rearguard and enable the remainder of the regiment to retreat in order and be well in hand for emergencies, and had promptly at his disposal the required number of well-mounted, cool, and determined non-commissioned officers and privates, who faced to the front and began a running fight, which was gallantly maintained, and which pre vented a precipitate rush of the enemy for about seven miles, before they met the infantry which had been ordered to join in covering the retreat. When they did, there were but five or six of them left, and three of these, though still able to keep their saddles, were wounded. Loading as they rode, they would wheel about, dismount, throw their Enfields across their saddles, fire into the faces of their close-coming pursuers, then remount and repeat. One of Chenoweth s men after ward wrote of this affair, and of the experience of the regiment that day, as follows: "One of the twelve who took upon themselves this special hazardous duty, Sergt. Cicero Harris, was shot by my side, and I did not know it for a half hour or more afterward. His foot was torn to pieces by a musket ball ; yet he made no sign, uttered no complaint, but fought on like the splendid soldier he was till his white, death-like face attracted attention, and in response to inquiries he told of his wound and his agony. When we got out, Maj. Cheno weth reported to the general and asked the honor of commanding the advance on the enemy, proposing to make it with the three of us who were still unhurt. Of course, his request was denied ; and we re joined our regiment and heard the infantry as they marched by us in the rain toward the front, going, as they said, on a wild goose chase, curse the cavalry for raising a false alarm, as they called it. Poor dear boys ! It was not many minutes before they found what a real alarm it was; and many of them never answered roll-call again. The fight was a sharp one, lasting all the remainder of the day. Dur ing the entire night after it ceased we sat on our horses, not far in ad vance of the enemy, in such a down-pour of rain as is seldom seen anywhere. The next day, desultory fighting began ; then we fell back to Tullahoma; and when Bragg s general retreat began the First Ken tucky was in the rear every step of the way and did its duty as Ken- tuckians were wont to do. When we rode across the bridge at Steven son, Ala., it was already burning; but we had been given the post of honor, had held it, and were proud of it. It was a good old regi ment, if one of its members does say it, and never did anything to be ashamed of." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 899 An incident of the day s experience is worth recording : At one time, after leaving Tullahoma, the regiment was ordered (for what reason the writer has not found it definitely stated), to draw up in an open field, and hold its ground without returning fire. It was but a short time till a Federal regiment came within range and halted. It was so close that the Kentuckians distinctly heard the command of its colonel as the line dressed up, " Ready aim fire !" True to orders the First stood its ground without wavering, and took the volley happily without serious consequences, as the enemy seemed to have checked up but momentarily in the execution of a rapid movement. " It was well done," said a participant, " but it was not easily done, if the other men felt as I did." With this retreat upon Chattanooga began the marchings, counter- marchings, reconnoiterings in force all the preliminary steps to the marshaling of the great armies fronting each other on the battlefield of Chickamauga. Previous to the conflict which began here, Sept. 19, 1863, the First Kentucky had been assigned to what was known as the second brigade of Wharton s Division, Wheeler s Corps. This cavalry brigade, under command of Col. Thomas Harrison, was re ported on the yth of October to consist of the First Kentucky, Eighth Texas, Eleventh Texas, Third Confederate, and a battery of six small guns. Meanwhile, from some time in July till August 31, the First Ken tucky had one period of real rest and recreation a freedom from re sponsibility which could be appreciated in its fullness only by men who had been kept on the move and much in action for nearly two years ; an abundance of wholesome food for man and beast to which they had long been strangers, and in such variety as the Southern soldier seldom found, even for a single day. This unusual experience can best be de scribed in an extract from an account by a member of the regiment, m whose memory it seemed to linger as something thitherto unknown in a Kentucky cavalryman s life. Note also that he explains how Col. Butler got himself into temporary trouble by resenting unjust treat ment of his men in the matter of arms, and how the regiment could de pend on its own resources, as it had done several times before, when arms and equipments were not furnished or were not to their liking. We quote as follows : " After Bragg s army had been withdrawn from Tullahoma and neighboring points where it had spent the winter and spring, the First Kentucky all the time forming part of his cavalry rearguard, and was established south of the Tennessee, the authorities concluded that the regiment had earned a rest, and it was sent early in July to Spring Creek, ten miles from Rome, Ga. , a splendid section, rich enough to 900 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. claim kinship with our native State, and peopled by families that would honor any section. No troops had ever been stationed there ; and the First Kentucky had from six to eight weeks of relaxation and enjoy ment. Military duty was light and easy to these veterans of so many campaigns ; the paymaster came and the command received all arrear ages ; money was plentiful, and the citizens in the neighborhood got it all in return for the delicacies they brought daily into camp. Fruits were abundant. The supply of watermelons, sweet and luscious, was so great that the cost was merely nominal. Sweet potatoes, then in market, with green corn and the juciest of young and tender beef, were staple articles of diet. " For two years these men had known nothing like this. Often sub sisting for many successive days on what they could hastily forage in poor regions of country ; in general but inadequately supplied when their commissariat was at its best, the contrast was striking, and to troops covetous of inglorious ease rather than honorable service, it would have been demoralizing. " The men grew fat and saucy; but they did not forget that they must up and away at a call from the front ; and they looked to their horses and accoutrements. Their animals literally lived in clover, and the worn and wasted creatures rapidly recovered flesh and spirit. The First Kentucky became once more an ideal regiment, fit for any serv ice, ready for any emergency. The army missionaries went there, and a spacious church building near by was tendered them. Here for some weeks services were held regularly each day. The rough riders whom they hoped to reach had not established a record for either re ligion or pronounced morality ; they resembled far more the cavaliers who rode with Rupert than the Roundheads who sang psalms and killed their brother Englishmen in the name of the Lord ; but they were gentlemen born and bred, and they respected these ministers of God and attended the services as regularly as they had been wont to do in peaceful and sunnier days in their old Kentucky home. They listened to the earnest pleas of the good missionaries, and some of them publicly proclaimed their intention to lead henceforth a Christian life, and they kept the pledge, too. " During its campaigns succeeding Stone River the regiment had been very indifferently armed. Their gun was the Columbus carbine, a weapon made at Columbus, Ga. , short of range, loosely constructed, unreliable in almost every respect, and a cause of uneasiness in battle, and of much complaint. On the march to Spring Creek, these car bines were left at the arsenal in Rome to be repaired. When ordered to the front, last week in August, the command found them rusty and still out of order; they had been untouched by the gunsmith and his HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 901 workmen; and Col. Butler peremptorily refused to receive them, justly claiming that his regiment was entitled to the very best weapons, and that those old ones were unfit for any sort of service. The men cheered him and joined in demanding something trustworthy ; and when this was reported he was ordered under arrest. " When the regiment rejoined the army in the field, the men were without guns, and an issue of Belgian rifles was made. This gun, as will be remembered by those who handled it early in 1862, was long and heavy, with a recoil like a mountain howitzer. The men took this withou.t a murmur, little as they liked it. They knew what they wanted, and they believed in their ability to get it. These clumsy rifles, if well handled, would enable them to do what they had done before take from the hands of the enemy something suited to their purposes. A few days later the battle of Chickamauga was fought, and at its conclusion there was not a Belgian gun in the regi ment; it was armed with splendid new Enfields, bearing the U. S. brand. After the capture of the Kentucky Federal Cavalry, noticed elsewhere, almost every man had also more pistols than he had any use for. These Federal troops carried excellent carbines, but they were broken in pieces, as they could not be turned to good account by Confederate cavalry for want of suitable ammunition." Gen. Wheeler s report, which gives in a general way the important part performed by mounted force, pending, during, and for a short time after, the two days of momentous struggle at Chickamauga, as well as the summing up of what it achieved, is as follows : HEADQUARTERS CAVALRY CORPS, Oct. 30, 1863. On August 27, my command, consisting of Wharton s and Martin s divisions and Roddey s brigade, was stationed as follows : Estes regi ment, of Wharton s division, picketing the Tennessee River from Bridgeport to Guntersville ; Wade s regiment, Martin s division, from Guntersville to Decatur, and detachments from Roddey s brigade from Decatur to the mouth of Bear Creek. The main body of Wharton s division was stationed near Rome, Ga. ; of Martin s division, near Alexandria, Ala., and of Roddey s brigade, near Tuscumbia, Ala. Two regiments of the corps were on detached duty with Gen. Pillow. On the 27th, Gen. Martin s command, numbering about 1,200 men, was ordered to Trenton, and Gen. Wharton s to the vicinity of Chatta nooga. On the 29th the enemy crossed the Tennessee River in force, driv- 902 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ing back the pickets of Gen. Estes regiment. About 500 men of Gen. Martin s division, under Lieut. -Col. Mauldin, moved up Wills Valley, and were placed on picket duty below Chattanooga. It now became evident that the enemy were moving two divisions of cavalry and McCook s corps of infantry over Sand Mountain and into Wills Valley by the Caperton road. I was ordered to take post in Broomton Valley for the purpose of picketing the passes of Look out Mountain. Gen. Martin, with about 1,200 men, guarded the passes from the Tennessee River to Neal s Gap, and Gen. Wharton from Neal s Gap to Gadsden. These commands kept the enemy con stantly observed, and full reports concerning him were several times each day sent to headquarters. Several columns of the enemy s cav alry pushed over the mountain, all of which were successfully driven back. On September izth, McCook s corps of infantry and Stanley s corps of cavalry moved over the mountain at Alpine, and, after a severe fight, pur cavalry (under Col. Avery, a most gallant and discreet officer,) was compelled to fall back. Skirmishing every day until the iyth, when I was ordered to move into McLemore s Cove, by Dug and Catlett s Gaps, and attack the enemy in order to make a demonstration in that direction. We fought for some hours, driving the enemy for some distance, but finally de veloped a force too large to be dislodged. On the following day we moved to Owen s Ford, on Chickamauga River, leaving heavy pickets at all the gaps of the mountain as far as Gadsden. About 2 P. M., I learned that the enemy s cavalry were moving up McLemore s Cove. I moved across the river and warmly assailed their flank, dividing the column and driving the enemy into confusion in both directions. During the night I received orders to guard well all the passes of the mountain, and all the fords of the river, down to Gen. Longstreet s left flank, and to attack the enemy at every opportunity which pre sented itself. This order was complied with, and the remainder of my force was concentrated at Glass s Mills. A considerable force of the enemy with artillery were deployed on the opposite bank, and we warmly assailed this force, hoping that we might draw troops from the center, and thus create a diversion. After a short fight the enemy wavered. We charged him and drove a largely superior force fully two miles to Crawfish Spring, killing and wounding large numbers, and taking thirty-five officers and men prisoners, besides the wounded. We were successful in creating the diversion, as the enemy thought our advance a heavy flank movement, and reenforced this point heavily. The HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 903 enemy, in his accounts of the battle, states that Gen. Longstreet flanked him at this point at the hour we made the attack. At this time I received orders to move my available force to Lee and Gordon s Mills, and attack the enemy. We arrived at that place about 3 P. M. , crossed the river, and vigorously assailed him. After a short time he began retreating in confusion. We followed as rapidly as pos sible, capturing about 1,000 prisoners, twenty wagons, and a large amount of arms and ordnance stores. About dark (September 20), we also captured five large hospitals, with a considerable supply of medicines, camp equippage, and a great number of wounded prisoners, besides over one hundred surgeons. The pursuit was continued till after nightfall, when we retired to feed our horses. Early on the morning of the 2ist, I detached two regiments, pur suant to orders, to pick up stragglers and arms. About 9 A. M. I re ceived orders from Gen. Longstreet to send a force of cavalry to find the enemy s position. At the same time I received orders from Gen. Bragg, through Col. McKinstry, to save the captured property. To accomplish both these objects I detailed five hundred of my best mounted men, under Col. Anderson, to comply with Gen. Longstreet s orders, with full instructions to report every hour to that officer. As previously stated, two regiments were already at work collecting strag glers and arms, leaving with me but about 1,700 men. Just at this time I received information from my pickets at Owen s Ford that the enemy, in large force, was driving back our cavalry from that point. It was also reported that the enemy had a large train of wagons with him. At the same time I observed a heavy dust in Chat tanooga Valley, which appeared to indicate a movement from Chatta nooga along the foot of Lookout Mountain toward McLemore s Cove. For the purpose of succoring the command reported at Owen s Ford, I immediately moved over to Chattanooga Valley. I then left the Eighth Texas Rangers and my escort to hold the enemy in check, while with the balance of the command I moved up toward McLemore s Cove. After marching about five miles, we met a large force of cavalry, which, seeing the dust of our approach, had deployed a considerable force in a strong position. I immediately deployed two regiments and began skirmishing. Finding their position strong, I detached a squadron to turn their right flank. This caused the enemy to waver, when we charged in line and also in column on the road, driving him in confusion. The enemy attempted to form a new line with his re serve several times, but we met him with such force as to disperse him each time, driving him before us. We continued the charge several miles, capturing, killing, or dispersing nearly the entire command, 904 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. said to number about two thousand men. We secured immediately upon the road only about one hundred. We also captured eighteen stand of colors, and secured their entire train, numbering about ninety wagons, loaded with valuable baggage. Many of the men who escaped to the adjoining woods were picked up on the following morn ing, and only seventy-five men, half of whom were dismounted, suc ceeded in joining the Federal army. We also captured a number of arms. The wagons and mules were turned over to the chief quarter master, Army of Tennessee. On the following morning, pursuant to orders, we pressed on to within one and a quarter mile of Chattanooga, driving the enemy s cavalry behind his infantry. We remained in this position till night, when, pursuant to orders, I proceeded toward Trenton, preparatory to crossing the Tennessee River. After one day s march, I received orders to return and sweep up Lookout Mountain to Point Lookout. The order was received at 2 p. M., and I immediately started with an advance guard of two hundred men, ordering the command to follow. On arriving at Summertown at dark, I found one regiment of the enemy behind strong barricades. I dismounted my men to feel their position and charge their flanks, driving them for some distance. In this hasty retreat they left several guns, knapsacks, overcoats, and cooking utensils ; also their supper, already copked. By this time I learned that my command had been stopped and ordered to Chicka- mauga Station. I, however, with my small command (which num bered 105 mounted men), pressed the enemy off the mountain. After surveying the enemy s works and reporting fully his position to the commanding general, I proceeded to Chickamauga Station, where I re ceived orders to cross the Tennessee River above Chattanooga. During the night, however, I received orders to move toward Charles ton to support Gen. Forrest who was moving upon the enemy in that direction. The results of the operations of the cavalry under my command during the battle of Chickamauga were, first, guarding the left flank of the army for a distance of ninety miles during and for twenty days preceding the battle of Chickamauga, during which time it continually observed and skirmished with the enemy, repelling and developing all his diversions. During the battle, with the available force (which never exceeded 2,000 men) not on other duty (such as guarding the flank), we fought the enemy vigorously and successfully, killing and wounding large numbers, and capturing 2,000 prisoners, 100 wagons and teams, a large amount of other property, and eighteen stand of colors, all of which were turned over to the proper authorities. JOSEPH WHEELER, Major- General. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 905 We notice the operations of the First Kentucky somewhat more in detail. Arriving at LaFayette, after leaving Rome on August 31, and obtaining a supply of Belgians, the brigade of which it was a part was ordered to guard the various gaps from Catlett s to Alpine, in the exe cution of which duty it occasionally engaged advanced parties of Fed eral troops. Some days before the battle of Chickamauga, it was sta tioned at Tryon s Mill, between LaFayette and Summersville ; but when battle became imminent it was moved to the left flank of the Confed erate army, and during the battle took an active part, " sustaining," says the record found on the roster and muster-roll of the regiment under date of Dec. 31, 1863, "considerable loss of men and horses." Jefferson Davis, in his "Rise and Downfall of the Confederacy," says, referring to incidents of the second day : " Wheeler, with his cavalry, struck boldly at the enemy s extreme right, and with such effect that in the Federal reports the attack was mistaken for a flank movement by Gen. Longstreet." This refers to a charge made on foot. These dismounted cavalrymen, among which were the men of the First Kentucky, charged through an open field, and drove the enemy from their breastworks on that flank, completely routing them, and pursuing them for more than a mile. Besides the dead and wounded left on the ground, these Confederates brought off a large number of prisoners. The First Kentucky was the first to break through the lines. Sept. 21, the day succeeding the close of the great battle, the First Kentucky and Eleventh Texas were part of Wheeler s force sent to McLemore s Cove, and these troops charged a brigade of Kentucky Federal cavalry and took about two-thirds of them prisoners. When Bragg took position along Mission Ridge, where for about two months he held the Federal army in a state of siege, Gen. Wheeler s corps was stationed on the extreme right, along the Tennessee River, where for a few days he continued active operations by small detach ments ; but soon engaged in force in a daring and difficult enterprise which resulted in the infliction of great loss of munitions of war and other military stores, and was the cause of much annoyance and no lit tle real suffering to the Federal army. From his post of observation above Chattanooga, he was ordered (September 2pth) to cross the Tennessee and break up Rosecrans communications with Nashville and with such portions of Middle Ten nessee as were accessible to the Federal army for food supplies. This was in pursuance of Bragg s policy to shut hi n in Chattanooga by in. vesting the place with infantry and artillery as completely as possible and using his cavalry to prevent him from foraging to the northward or receiving supplies by rail. 906 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Leaving one brigade with the army, and taking some troops that Gen. Forrest had sent him, though many of these had such bad and jaded horses that they had to be left, he crossed at Cottonport, October ist, in the face of the enemy, whom he drove three miles that night. On the 2d, about ten miles out on the Jasper road, towards Sequat- chie Valley, he overtook and destroyed thirty-two six-mule wagons. On approaching Anderson s Cross Roads, in the valley, he was met by a considerable force of Federal cavalry, which he charged and drove back and then struck a great wagon train, extending from the top of Walden s Ridge ten miles toward Jasper, heavily loaded with ord nance, quartermaster, and commissary stores, and escorted by a strong guard. The number of wagons has been variously estimated at from eight hundred to fifteen hundred. The quartermaster in charge, as Gen. Wheeler reported, stated that there were eight hundred six-mule teams, besides a large number of sutler wagons. Placing the Kentuckians in reserve, with the main body of the force then in hand he promptly attacked the leading escort. The com mander was a determined fighter and his men were veterans ; he formed quickly and met the attack with such vigor that the Confed erates were repulsed. Wheeler then rode up to Col. Griffith and asked him whether his Kentuckians could take the train. What followed was afterward tersely told by a participant : Griffith s answer was to dismount; and in less than two minutes the First Kentucky was going up the ridge. In less than ten minutes the train, with a number of prisoners, was ours ; and the commander of the escort, with his sur viving men, was going toward Chattanooga on short rations." After hastily appropriating to their use whatever supplies of food and clothing they needed and could conveniently remove, they were ordered to fire the train, and most of the wagons were speedily in flames. Hardly was this work of destruction fairly under way, how ever, before the order to remount was sounded. A heavy force was moving up the valley to support the escort or to retake the train ; and the advance had begun firing on the victorious cavalry. Wheeler, now greatly outnumbered, brought it to a stand by the sharp fighting that ensued, and continued the work of destruction until it was well accom plished, after which he retired in good order, and took up the line of march for the interior of Tennessee without being immediately pursued. As the Confederates withdrew through a wood, they reached an open field, on one side of which a strong line of the enemy had taken position behind a stone fence, almost in the rear of the line of retreat; and in crossing this field the First Kentucky sustained loss. Col. Griffith received a wound. Here, too, Capt. Jack Jones, of Co. B, received his death wound. (See end of this chapter.) The little HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. <K)7 regiment, lost in killed, wounded and prisoners, about twenty-five, rank and file. Though forced to retire, it was not, as has been said, until the Con federate general had been completely successful, and at a loss which, estimated numerically, was in striking contrast to the achievement. The destruction of this immense train of wagons and teams, with great stores of provisions, clothing, and munitions of war, was a serious blow to Rosecrans army and gave promise of the ultimate success of Gen. Bragg s plans to compel his surrender and the transfer of Federal oc cupation to the shores of the Cumberland. Moving that night over the Cumberland Mountains, he joined Gen. Wharton at the foot of the range. Proceeding on the 3d to McMinn- ville, which was then garrisoned by a Federal force, he captured that place, with its enormous supplies of quartermaster and commissary stores. Such of these as were not needed he destroyed ; also a loco motive and train of cars, and a bridge over Hickory Creek. The gar rison of 587, rank and file, with their arms, ammunition, and accoutre ments, surrendered. Next day (October 4) there was skirmishing with the enemy at Hill s Gap, near Beersheba; also at Ready ville, while the expedition was threatened, front and rear, by the now thoroughly aroused Federal forces. Passing to Murfreesboro , known to be garrisoned, but in what strength was uncertain, an incident occurred which indicated that Gen. Wheeler meditated an attack upon the defensive works east of the town, from which he desisted only after having ascertained that the garrison was much stronger than had been supposed having been heavily reinforced when it was known that the Confederate cavalry was advancing in that direction. When the command halted in sight of the place, an order was sent back to the First Kentucky to the effect that every man who was well-mounted and had a good pistol must report at the head of the column. Instant preparation was made; and about half the regiment, on good horses and carrying pistols of their own or borrowed from comrades whose horses were unfit for the desperate en terprise, reported under command of Maj. James Q. Chenoweth. These were formed at the right of the general line, and advanced at a trot, which was presently quickened to a gallop, and the fight seemed to be on, as the enemy s outworks were in plain view ; but at this criti cal moment an aide dashed up with an order to Chenoweth to halt and return to the former position. Timely information had been received, and the gallant squadron was prevented from charging madly upon the enemy s batteries, advantageously placed, well manned, and supported by a strong force of infantry. A little delay, and the detachment would have ridden gallantly to almost inevitable destruction. 908 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. After some further demonstration, the Confederates passed Stone River. A brief conflict ensued which resulted in the capture of a strong stockade guarding the railroad bridge over that stream, with its garrison of fifty-two men. The bridge was destroyed and the track torn up for three miles. On the 6th, they destroyed all the large bridges between Murfrees- boro and Wartrace, and at Christiana and Fosterville a train and a quantity of military stores ; captured guards ; skirmished with the enemy at Sims s farm near Shelbyville; and at Shelbyville the garrison fled on their approach, leaving large supplies and munitions of war. The enemy was now closely pursuing, and in great force, and at Farmington, on the yth, Wheeler was compelled to fight a large force of infantry and mounted troops in order to save Gen. Wharton s com mand and the wagons and caissons, not at the time well up, and certain to be captured if left unsupported. This serious conflict resulted from a misapprehension of orders on the part of Gen. Davidson, who, with Gen. Hodge, had joined Wheeler on the march; but after some des perate fighting, during which Gen. Wharton and the train passed, Wheeler withdrew without being followed. Though he had sustained some loss, he had inflicted much more. During all these operations the First Kentucky had maintained a place which had become habitual; namely, that of an apparently in dispensable part of every movement, of almost every skirmish and every special detail; but at the latter town, after the corps had turned southward, the First Kentucky was subjected to that trying ordeal which tests the mettle of troops more severely than the shock of battle. When dispositions were made for fighting there (Oct. 7), this regiment was halted in column in a wood which came upon each side of the road by which it had approached. For a while there was firing to the right, though not in its immediate vicinity ; but presently the enemy, apparently in strong force, and partially concealed, observed the col umn and opened fire upon it. There were no orders, express or im plied, and the officers were at a loss whether to form and engage or simply to maintain position as a necessary part of the commander s plan. With true soldierly appreciation of the principle that the right of independent action on the part of an individual or of a regiment on the field of battle must not be taken for granted, but given in ex press terms, the men kept their places steadily, though it appeared evident that there was some mistake and that no necessity existed for this exposure and restraint from replying. The firing was furious and apparently well directed, but the regiment stood fast until an order was received to withdraw. Fortunately no loss had been sustained which was due to want of steadiness and deliberation on the part of HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 909 the enemy. A body of troops that can hold a position, without flinching or confusion, for the mere purpose of drawing fire and de veloping the enemy or of being in readiness to repel an expected charge on a battery, can be depended on in the most desperate emer gencies. This was the second time during the year which this regi ment had been subjected to the test ; but the one at Tullahoma, in June preceding, was expected, and so had not the elements of sur prise and of question as to whether there was design or simply mistake. On the 8th, a reconnoissance was made toward Columbia, which caused the enemy to evacuate the place and destroy his stores. On the 9th there was some skirmishing along the route to Mussel Shoals, where, at the only fordable place, the Confederates crossed, and shortly afterward passed to the right of Bragg s army, and Gen. Wheeler reported. In less than two weeks, he had marched hundreds of miles around Rosecrans rear, including the route from the Shoals to his former position ; had fought in Sequatchie Valley at the outset, a far superior force, first and last, without derangement of preconceived plan; had captured McMinnville ; had briskly skirmished almost every day thereafter ; and besides taking prisoners, had destroyed wagons and teams, military stores, railroads, rolling stock, and bridges, amounting in the aggregate to not less than three millions of dollars. Rosecrans communications were for the time broken up. The First Kentucky was now ordered to the right flank of the Con federate army and stationed along the south bank of the Tennessee, where it picketed and watched the movements of the enemy night and day until the battle of Mission Ridge. As heretofore noticed, the Orphan Brigade operated at Mission Ridge in connection with Cleburne s division three regiments being moved from one flank to the other, as occasion seemed to demand, while the Ninth Regiment was formed on the right of Smith s Brigade, and extending to Liddell, farther to the right. (The Sixth Kentucky was on guard at Chickamauga Station.) When the center of Bragg s line broke and the retreat began, a part of Cleburne s division, Gist s and Maney s brigades, aided by the Ken tucky Infantry, covered the retreat in connection with the First, Sec ond (Woodward s regiment), and Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, which were designated by Gen. Wheeler to constitute cavalry flank and rear of the infantry rearguard. The First Cavalry was thus engaged in fighting the pursuing enemy from point to point during the 26th. At one time, when the Kentucky Infantry turned to engage a strong and threatening force of Federals, the First Cavalry formed on its left, and together, by nearly an hour s sharp fighting, they arrested this, advance of the enemy. ^10 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. From Graysville, in the neighborhood of which place Cleburne bivouacked that night, so leisurely had he proceeded, he moved next morning to Ringgold Gap. When he turned and formed here, the First Cavalry was placed in front of the infantry and artillery and somewhat .forward of the gorge the little regiment constituting his vidette. Osterhaus division of Hooker s corps had been ordered to take the lead through the gap. It threw out a double line of skirm ishers and advanced over the open plain stretching northward from Ringgold, with colors flying and bands playing. They saw but this thin line of Kentuckians .sitting their horses in grim silence. This .attitude was maintained until the Federal skirmishers were within easy range, when they opened deliberate and effective fire with rifles and revolvers, and, as the heavy line of infantry bore down upon them, retired through the gap. They were then dismounted and formed on Cleburne s left in time to take part in the action which was so vigorous and destructive as effectually to stop further pursuit. The regiment had maintained its morale during that week, after the long and hard outpost service at Harrison s Landing; while actively .engaged on the flank of Bragg s army and witnessing the disaster -which befell it; and then playing an important part in preventing utter rout and confusion. It was now left near the defile from which Hooker had been driven back upon the main Federal force, but soon afterward went into camp near Tunnel Hill, where it resumed its al most unremitting task of outpost and scout duty. This was kept up for a month, at the end of which time an expedition was undertaken, which proved more or less unfortunate for all the Confederate troops engaged, and particularly so for the First Kentucky. This was in pursuance of a plan of Gen. Wheeler s to attack and break up if possible a Federal outpost at Charleston on the Hiwassee River. It had been reported to be a sort of recruiting station or con valescent camp and depot of supplies gathered from the surrounding country, as well as transported by rail and river, and held by a gar rison of no great strength. He left Tunnel Hill, Dec. 27, 1863, with about nine hundred men. We have found it impossible to get detailed information as to the troops making up this raiding force, the conduct of the affair, etc.; but it is known that the First Kentucky constituted an important part. All the men who had really serviceable horses were called into requisition as was usual when anything unusually hazardous or important was to be attempted. The first day s march was made through almost continuous heavy rain and over heavy roads. Bivouacking late that night and building .fires, it was not till some hours afterward that clothes and accoutre- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 911 ments were dried, arms cleaned, and preparations made to deliver bat tle next day. The weather turned cold during the night ; and before the march was resumed on the morning of the 28th the ground had frozen suffi ciently to make travel slow and painful to the horses, since the hard crust was not of such strength as to support the moving column but broke under tread and wounded their legs. At some point after leaving Tunnel Hill about one-third of the force was detached from the main body and sent by a different road, per haps with a view either to assail a flank or prevent reinforcements from coming to the succor of the Federal position after direct attack should be made. There was therefore, as has been estimated, not exceeding six hundred men in hand for the assault ; and it was afterward ascer tained that a large body of infantry and some cavalry, on their way from Knoxville to Chattanooga, had reached Charleston the day before and were still encamped there. The detachment of Wheeler s men referred to above had not come within supporting distance, and some time during the 28th the main body reached the place and the larger part of it made a prompt and furious assault. The First Kentucky was held in reserve, under orders to await de velopments. Dismounting, the regiment took position within rifle shot of the advance, now hotly engaged with overwhelming odds. This could not be long maintained, and presently the Kentuckians were ordered to fallback upon their horses and remount; but they could not do so in time to be brought well into action before the advance was being pressed back all along the line by the irresistible Federal force. They had scarcely mounted, lined up for battle, and begun firing, be fore a part of the Confederate troops, somewhat to the left front, which had been stubbornly falling back, fighting as it came, broke, and went rapidly to the rear. The First Kentucky, left thus uncovered and un supported, was struck on one flank by cavalry, on the other by infantry, and only by precipitate retreat could escape capture or complete de struction. Obstacles in the rear of their position compelled them to move obliquely into a wood ; but this afforded little protection, as it was already swarming with the exultant enemy, and there was no safety until they had distanced their pursuers. The regiment, although engaged for but a brief time, lost in killed, wounded, and captured. (See History of Individuals). Some of the prisoners were taken on the field, others during the pursuit which the Federals for awhile pressed furiously. Altogether the expedition was wholly different in its results from the experiences to which the men who followed Wheeler during those years had been accustomed ; and the year closed in disappointment and gloom 912 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. for the Kentuckians in his corps, especially for the poor fellows who had fallen into the enemy s hands and were doomed, as it proved, to realize the horrors of a long imprisonment, under unusually hard con ditions. After the failure of the attack and the loss of gallant comrades who could ill be spared, the regiment again took up its quarters near Tunnel Hill, and resumed its well-nigh unceasing duties of watch and ward. Some time after the assignment of the First Kentucky to the brigade commanded by Col. Thomas Harrison (October or November, 1863), elsewhere noticed, a brigade was formed composed mostly of Kentuckians, and placed under command of Col. J. Warren Grigsby. It embraced the First Kentucky, Col. J. Russell Butler, with staff and other field officers as previously given ; Second Kentucky Regiment, Col. Thomas G. Woodward; Ninth Kentucky, Col. William C. P. Breckinridge; two battalions of Kentuckians and Tennesseeans, com manded respectively by Captains Kilpatrick and Dortsch; and a small Tennessee battalion commanded by Maj. Shaw. The brigade is esti mated to have numbered only about 1,200, rank and file, a little more than a large regiment at the beginning of the war. It was a gallant body of men, in the main ably officered, inured to hardship, and most of them acquainted with all the vicissitudes of war. Gen. Duke, in his History of Morgan s Cavalry, gives the substance of a description of that winter of 1863-4 by one who was conversant with the experience of the First Regiment, as well as others of that brigade from the time Wheeler returned from his Tennessee raid (October, 1863). Beginning at a period anterior to the battle of Mis sion Ridge, he speaks of " The dreary days and long cold nights of that winter; the arduous duty of the men shivering through the dark, dragging hours, with eyes fixed on the enemy s signal lights, burning on Walden s Ridge and Lookout Mountain. Then the Federal bat talions pouring, one night, across the river the bright blaze and quick crash of rifles, suddenly breaking out along the picket lines. The hurried saddling and rapid reinforcements ; the steady Federal ad vance driving the Confederate cavalry back. Even amid the snarl of musketry and the roar of cannon could be heard the splash of boats plying from shore to shore. Couriers were sent with the information to army headquarters, but, losing their way in the pitch darkness, did not report till daylight. Next day came the grand Federal attack and the unaccountable stampede of the entire Confederate Army from Mission Ridge that army which a few weeks before had won the great victory of Chickamauga. When Bragg halted at Dalton, this brigade was again posted on the front and suffered, hungry, half-clad, (many barefooted,) through that awful winter." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 913 Despite all this, these men never lost heart or hope. There is abundant evidence that they were cheerful under privation ; unsub dued by the shameful disaster by which at Mission Ridge was lost the splendid advantage of Chickamauga ; ready for a frolic whenever opportunity offered; and equally ready for a fight, with or without warning. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. I. A Base Fiction. In connection with the retreat from Mission Ridge a thrilling incident occurred which has been noticed in the biographical sketch of Lieut. Rudy the killing of the scout or vidette on the night of November 26th. It appears from published reports that when Davis division of the Federal army reached Greysville, three picked men were sent forward to reconnoiter. Two of these re turned and reported that they feared their comrade had been captured, as a large body of Confederate cavalry had passed back over the road, and in recognition of the daring of these two survivors their officers recommended that they be granted a furlough. Some days after the occurrence above alluded to, Rudy, having been sent toward Chatta nooga to make a reconnoisance, passed over the ground and found that the dead man had been buried near the spot where he fell. A board marked the grave, and on this was inscribed his name, company, and regiment, with the words, " Murdered Nov. 27, 1862. Shot while a prisoner." The "large body of cavalry" that had passed back over the road was the lone courier, overcome by sleep, but keeping his sad dle through mere force of habit; the scout alleged to have been shot while a prisoner was killed while trying to take a prisoner; and the brave fellows who had reported at headquarters had lied infinitely worse than Falstaff did about his " Men in Buckram." In keeping with this remarkable fabrication is the report made by the officer commanding on the main road, that he was fiercely assailed by a strong force of Confederates, but bravely held his position. This "strong force" was Co. A, Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, sent by Col. Breckinridge to form on the main road and move out parallel with it in the direction in which the Federal division was believed to be approaching. It had not advanced far before it received a volley, but it returned the fire and kept it up till the regiment had passed along the road southward, when it withdrew in good order. II. How the Bugler Was Promoted. It has been told of Tom Richards, the bugler of the First, who was known as one of the very best in the army, that the men soon learned to catch from the twang of his horn, with reasonable certainty, when he sounded "boots and saddles," whether there was a forage and cracker train, with concom itant sutler s wagon, in the neighborhood, that needed looking after, and that supplies for man and beast were to be had by quick and auda cious onslaught ; or whether the enemy was so near and so numerous that furious fighting impended. As he was thoroughly reliable and gave out no uncertain sound, and was withal a companionable gentle man, he was much esteemed, despite the fact that his music more fre- 58 914 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. quently meant mischief than bread and meat. He was brave and faithful, and the men gave him the honorary title of captain ; but in the sharp skirmish at Smithfield, Tenn., he was promoted for "gallantry in the presence of the enemy," or rather by gallantry, etc. A com rade addressed him after the fight by his usual title, but he rebuked him with feigned austerity and informed him that he was now a major pointing at the same time to a spangled mark on each side of his collar where a major wore his stars. A bullet had passed through the two ends of the collar, in front of his throat and his jugular, hap pily advancing him on the honorary roster instead of killing him. After the war he was for some years postmaster at Stanford ; and whether in official or private station, he has retained the confidence and good will of his fellow-soldiers. III. Henry Groan in Sequatchie Valley and at Mission Ridge. A comrade who fought with Croan on many fields related the following: "About the time Capt. Jack Jones was killed, Henry Croan, who was riding by my side, exclaimed that he, too, was wounded. I think he said he was killed. I was then trying to help Capt. Jones, and had no time for anything else, and did not see him again until an hour or two afterward, when he was very much alive. Hello, Henry, I thought you told me you were killed! No, he said, laughing, I wasn t killed, only desperately wounded. Well, you are in a better humor than most desperately wounded men. I may very well be/ he replied, I was wounded in a safe place, at the same time holding up his heavy leather gun-sling, which had saved his life for the time, the bullet having lost its force in piercing it. " On the retreat from Mission Ridge, the First Kentucky was in the rear, and late in the afternoon of the first day after the battle, we had a very sharp fight, during which my horse was shot. At the same time I heard an exclamation from Henry, and asked him what the matter was. They have got the general at last, he said. (His camp nick name was general. ) I knew that he was wounded, perhaps mor tally. The fighting was brisk, and I lost sight of him, and supposed he had died when struck. To the great surprise of the company, he rode merrily into camp next morning, jauntily remarking that he had as good a thing as he wanted a Yankee bullet had given him a fur lough for the winter. He had a seemingly slight wound on the right shin, which sent him to the hospital for treatment. In three weeks word came that the gallant soldier had been granted an eternal fur lough, and that our camp would never again be enlivened by his good- natured presence. The little scratch had killed him. He was a good soldier, a descendant of the gallant Croghan family known in the early history of Kentucky, and was mourned by the entire command." IV. Attention There, Yank Unlimber ! Just before the battle of Mission Ridge," says a member of the First Kentucky, " I was sent with about a dozen men to picket the Tennessee at a point where it was quite narrow. Despite orders to the contrary, our men and the Federals frequently had amusing conversations across the stream. One day I heard a great sounding of bugles and beating of drums on their side, and was much astonished to see a splendid battery brought into position and unlimbered, the guns bearing directly on my HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 915 little camp. I did not know what to make of it, and had half a mind to inquire of our friends, the enemy, why they were about to pay us the distinguished honor of an artillery salute. I had been attacked and run in, in the orthodox way, several times, but had never before had a full battery brought to bear upon my squad. Calling upon the men to fall in, in order to give the folks over the way the best we had, I found two of them missing, and, looking about for them, quickly discovered the occasion of the trepidation in the Federal camp. The two rascals had gone to the summit of an eminence overlooking our post, and some hundreds of yards away, where, finding the axle and wheels of an abandoned cart, they had mounted thereon a log of wood. This Quaker gun was trained full upon the camp of the enemy. Recognizing the trick that had been played, I sent a man to dismount that cannon. This he did in full view of the hostile battery, and as he tumbled off the log-gun our derisive laughter and cheers sent the Federal artillery back into camp, while those of their infantry were mingled with our own. " Later in the day one of them came down to the river and called out: Say, Johnnie, we are coming over to see you to-morrow. All right; come on ; we ll have something warm for you when you get here. Perhaps that Federal soldier builded better than he knew, for, as a matter of fact, in less than an hour an order came to me to leave one man on duty at the river and with the rest join my com mand immediately. This I did; and the next day my Federal friend s prediction came true. They did come over to see us, and we did have something warm for them : it was upon that day that the battle of Mission Ridge was fought." V. How Capt. Beckley s Negro Body Servant Came to Be a Valiant Knight. Anderson (Capt. George Beckley s colored cook) was a Tennessee negro who took to soldiering as a duck to water. He was a good boy and a general favorite with the men. Be longing to a fighting regiment, he concluded that it was also his duty to fight, and when he broached the subject the members of the com pany encouraged him and set about arranging his outfit. The " man and brother" was soon armed and placed upon a strictly war footing. He was mounted on a calico pony and presented quite a striking ap pearance. An ancient pair of horse pistols and holsters were on his saddle, while from his side dangled and clanked an egregiously long sabre that had been captured from the enemy. The regiment, fighting as a rule, dismounted, carried no sabres, and Anderson felt that the addi tion of this weapon raised him almost to the dignity of an officer. He was very proud of his position, and, encouraged by the men, prom ised to do great execution in the next engagement. This soon came, and had scarcely begun when a meteor was observed shooting along a Tennessee turnpike, in the shape of a piebald pony ridden by a de moralized negro towards the rear. Three days later Anderson rode into camp wearing an air of injury and indignation. He said it was the pony that failed him ; his own heart was stout and he was fully determined to kill many Yankees when the firing began ; but the pony was a coward and had run at the first fire, nor had he been able to 916 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. stop him until they reached Manchester, twelve miles away. He contended that the pony s cowardice came of having white spots on his bay sides, and that he was really unfitted for anything but playing "calico hoss " in a circus. Anderson had lost his horse-pistols and sabre, and never afterward asked to be armed and equipped or to join us in the extermination of our enemies. He was a wise "nigger" and knew when he had enough. Member of Co. B. VI. Cole Basye s Chill Stuff. As was the case with some of their fellow Orphans of the infantry, the men of the First Cavalry oc casionally concluded that they were not proof against malarious in fluences, and were inclined to regard whisky as a fair specific. One day Coleman Basye, of Co. B, was sick and represented to a trusted messmate that miasmatic poison was about to undo him; that he had prescribed for himself a quart of whisky if the messmate could only get it. The latter, moved, of course, by compassion, " went to the country," as soldiers said when they left camp, and was fortunate enough to find the medicine. By the time he got back both were ill and both partook of the prescription in proportion to their dangerous symptoms, after which Basye hid the bottle, to continue the treatment next day. On the following morning the trusted chum felt himself growing worse, and so represented to Basye, in hopes that he would promptly administer the antidote; but he went off without appearing to understand, and the sick man concluded to help himself; he had noted where the bottle was buried. He squared himself to take hastily a rousing dram, and took it before he realized that Basye had fairly thickened it with quinine, probably with a view to discouraging other men who might suddenly fall sick, and of taking it himself by the spoonful. Neither thought proper to mention to the other the respective parts they had played with that bottle until after the war, when they could discuss the matter over a glass of soda-water. VII. A " Poor Rebel " in Extremity. Once in North Georgia the First Kentucky encamped late in an afternoon on a woody hill side, and as there was a prospect of rain some of the men improvised shelter, using as covers the rubber cloths which from time to time they had borrowed from the Federal soldiers. One mess pitched its " she bang," as they called it, unfortunately. A heavy rain fell during the night, and the water, gathering from the top of the hill, had acquired considerable volume before it reached them, and quickly filling the slight ditch on that side, leaped over on the men in such quantity that they were instantly wet to the skin. Clothing, blankets, rations everything was saturated. Thus suddenly aroused and not apprehend ing at the moment the cause of the trouble, one of the men thought destruction was impending, and broke out vehemently in prayer : " O, Lord ! if you are ever going to have mercy on a poor rebel, please to have it now ! I didn t come down here to be drowned, but to kill Yankees; and please, Lord, don t let us have another flood!" The rest were not too much scared to note and keep in mind this impromptu petition; it struck them forcibly as being the only time the "poor rebel " had ever prayed at least audibly. VIII. The Improvised Chevrons. There were times (and no few of them), when whole bodies of Confederate troops were fearfully HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 917 and wonderfully clothed, anything had to answer that was not blue enough to expose the wearers to the danger of being mistaken for Fed eral soldiers. Inspection orders that took into account the kind and condition of a man s uniform were often to that extent a hollow mock ery. If he could cover his nakedness and show a clean gun and ac coutrements, he was regarded by sensible officers as meeting the demand; but sometimes the ways of the martinet took precedence of common sense. While the First Kentucky was at Harrison, Tenn. , on outguard, after Wheeler s hard campaign around Rosecrans rear, an inspection was ordered, and one requirement was that every non commissioned officer should display his chevrons, under penalty of being reduced to the ranks. This, to many, was a poser, as insignia of rank, whether commissioned or non-commissioned, had been at a discount, and the time was short; but there was hurrying and scurry ing among the sergeants and corporals, most of whom cared little for the rank but did not wish to be degraded. On the morning of inspec tion day, however, one sergeant hadn t succeeded in getting the sleeves of his jacket properly barred, and was laughed at as a man who would soon be a private ; but when his company was ordered into line he appeared with a serious face, and eyes to the front, with a beautiful and symmetrical set of chevrons marked on his gray sleeves with a bit of charcoal. The inspector was a dapper little fellow who seemed to have stepped out of a military fashion plate ; and the bars on his collar apparently made him as sternly dignified as a wooden Indian. Reaching this sergeant, however, he gazed a moment upon the extemporized insignia and broke into a laugh. His dignity was not proof against this, though the sergeant solemnly maintained his own ; and the inspection was practically at an end ; but nobody was reduced to the ranks. IX. Death of Capt. Jack Jones: A Soldier s Tribute. ( >n the retreating fight (after burning the train in Sequatchie Valley), I rode by the side of Capt. Jones and saw him receive his fatal wound. I le fell slightly forward, as I caught him in my arms, exclaiming, Don t let me fall! I cannot see!" At this moment the man on my oiher side was wounded. I assisted Capt. Jones from the field and surrendered him to his beloved friend, Sergt. Cicero Harris. I looked then upon his face for the last time, as he died soon after falling into the hands of the enemy. He was a gallant young soldier, ambitious, p- oud of the service, and of the men who had chosen him to command them. He was a native of Jefferson County, and when the war broke o.it he was practicing law in Louisville, having served one term as County Attorney. He was a favorite with the regiment and with Gen. Wheeler, and would doubtless have won high rank had he not met his fare so soon. Member of Co. B. X. John Vincent at the Charleston Fight. A member of the First Kentucky who was captured at Charleston in the affair of Dec. 28, 1863, tells this of a comrade: " While we were lying in reserve (and lying low), the bullets flew about us, but they were mostly flying hi;_;h. John Vincent, a brave boy soldier, brother to Lieut. Joe Vin cent, was a joker; and when an especially vicious ball would pass us John would remark, Boys, that one had a bundle of fodder tied to its 918 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. tail ; or, if the sound indicated that it was flying low and rather more lazily, That one was blindfolded. "About a dozen men of the First were captured among them the youthful joker, who was taken after the retreat was ordered. When he was brought back to where I was, I greeted him with a sickly attempt to be cheerful, saying, Hello, John, they have you, too. He was somewhat subdued, but he answered, Yes ; but if they hadn t shot old Hardee I would have been running yet, and they never would have got me. Hardee was his horse, whom he had named after the general. "Poor John! He remained many weary months in prison, then went back South with the rest of us to resume his duties ; but it was not long before he laid down his arms forever (May 10, 1865), with thirteen other survivors of Co. B, and came home to loved ones. Soon he surrendered again, this time to the Great Conqueror; and the bright, jolly, fearless soldier-boy sleeps in peace among his own peo ple." XI. True to Their Colors : A Roll of Honor. As indicated in the preceding chapter, the First Kentucky was peculiarly unfor tunate in the fight at Charleston. Frank Standiford, of Co. D, was killed, some were wounded, and fifteen were captured. The prison ers were S. H. Mobberly, David Harrison, and J. W. Moseley, of Co. A; E. Polk Johnson, John Vincent, and John P. Winchester, of Co. B; W. H. Conder ("Chip"), Samuel Z. Herndon, and Lyman Suter, of Co. C; Lieut. Barney Logsdon, C. R. Grafton, John R. Barber, and E. D. Merrifield, of Co. D, and George T. Delaney, of Co. G. They were carried to Loudon on the Little Tennessee, about thirty miles distant, where, on the ever-to-be-remembered " cold New Year," Jan. i, 1864, they were put on board an open boat, without fire, to make the trip to Chattanooga. The intense cold was more bitterly felt from the circumstances that a few previous days had been warm and for part of the time somewhat damp, so that there was a degree of physical enervation and unusual susceptibility. Poorly clad, fireless, without even a place where they could screen themselves from the wind, their sufferings were almost intolerable. To add to the misery of at least two of them, Johnson had been badly hurt by the fall of his horse, and S. H. Mobberly had been wounded by a shot. A Ten- nesseean, named Bean, froze to death on the night of the ist and was rudely buried next morning on shore. Some of the Kentuckians were frost-bitten, but after a slow passage the boat, with its wretched pas sengers, reached Chattanooga. They were marched to the provost s prison, an old warehouse, dirty, infested with vermin, without means of being heated, and occupied by a lot of the riff-raff of the Federal army, under arrest for almost every conceivable violation of law a set of wretches who did what they could to add to the horrors of the situation in which the Confederates found themselves. Not long after their arrival the Kentuckians were mustered separately in one of the lower rooms. After forming and dressing line at the command of a Federal officer, they were told that they would be released and fur nished transportation home on taking the oath of allegiance to the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 919 Federal Government. Those willing to accept the terms were to ad vance three paces to the front. Not a man stirred from his place. The officer waited for a sign of wavering, but the little line was as steadfast as though an enemy were before them upon which they ex pected to spring at a word. When he (apparently a gallant and sol dierly man) found that this offer of release, of quick return to loved ones at home, of escape from prison horrors cold, hunger, heart- sickness, bodily disease was silently but sternly scorned, he expressed his admiration of their honor and their pluck. To those who study the significance of individual conduct, history has few better things to show than this. These Kentuckians were yet but boys most of them less than twenty years old too young to have given much thought to forming character on classic models. With the story of Curius, re jecting the gold of the Samnites, who would have bought his alle giance ; of Fabricus scorning the purchase money of the crafty king and looking unblanched upon an unusual danger; of Regulus, keep ing his word of honor and going back to Carthage, though he knew it meant torture and death, with the blood-stirring story of these men, whose fame will last through time, perhaps no one of them had yet familiarized himself; but their conduct was of like heroic nature and reflects honor upon their names, their regiment, and their native State. They were then suffering misery enough to break the spirit of weak men, and the temptation to get away from it, to fly to home and kin dred and comfort, was powerful. Character is not a thing of books, how much soever these may modify it, but the influence of family and community atmosphere acting upon strong inherited tendencies. XII. Even Prison Horrors Could Not Subdue Them. The Iventuckians above alluded to were conveyed to Rock Island, 111., and confined there for about fourteen months. The following extract is from a deeply interesting account of their prison experience, afterward \vritten by one of their number ; and it fully confirms all that has been >aid of their splendid conduct at Chattanooga, while it furnishes ad ditional evidence that they were made of that stern stuff which is proof against pain, and unyielding under strong temptation, when honor is at stake: "I think there were about 12,000 of us imprisoned there at one time or another. Soon after we reached the place, in January, 1864, small pox broke out among us, and many died; some in the barracks, as the hospital accommodations were inadequate in the time of infection. Prison life, at best, is drearily monotonous, and especially does it effect men, used to the active life of a soldier. Add to this monotony the horrors of so loathsome and deadly disease as small-pox, and one has new light upon the meaning of Dante s Inferno. When this disease had worn itself out, after destroying many of our comrades, we were forced to meet another and unpleasant complication: our rations, which had hitherto been sufficient, was suddenly reduced to the lowest limit adequate to sustaining life; those few of us who had money were denied the privilege of buying food from outside the prison, and our condition was rendered about as disagreeable as it was possible to make it. We heard, but had no means of verifying the rumor, that the new conditions were the result of a retaliatory measure adopted by the 920 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. United States Government, because of alleged ill-treatment of Federal prisoners in the South. It mattered little to us what the causes were ; we were more interested in the fact that confronted us. We were hungry, there was no disputing that; and we remained hungry as long as we were in the prison. It is still a common remark among the sur vivors of these days that we never knew what it was not to be hun gry during the last year we remained in Rock Island/ and I can feel ingly subscribe to the truthfulness of the statement so far as I am per sonally concerned. About the time when this hungry feeling had become thoroughly established, the United States Government, through its representatives at Rock Island, made us a proposition which meant comparative com fort, freedom from prison life, and full stomachs. In return for these pleasures and comforts so generously offered us, we were merely in vited to desert our flag, our comrades and our country, and enlist in the United States army. We were promised that for each year of our enlistment we should receive at once, the sum of $100 bounty money; that we should not be required to meet our former Confederate com rades in battle, but should be sent to the frontier to keep the peace among the Indian tribes whom alone we would be required to meet in battle. A good many men accepted these terms weak fellows who had not in them the stuff of which true soldiers are made. With them went the soldiers of fortune, the Dugald Ualghettys, who, too restless to endure confinement, and little interested in the flag they followed, were glad enough to exchange their unpleasant surroundings for the larger freedom of the great West, even at the risk of adding their scalps to the collection of some enterprising Sioux or Comanche war rior. "Those were very shrewd Yankees who had us in charge; they knew the influence of a good dinner upon the best fed men ; and from this knowledge calculated how best to appeal to a hungry one. Each morning a large wagon, filled to the top with every delicacy of an over flowing market, was driven slowly through the prison yard, stopping now and then to let its beauties and charms impress themselves fully upon us. This done, the team moved slowly towards the barracks near by in which were the new recruits who were separated from us by a high fence and an intangible wall stronger and harder than ada mant a wall which they had builded for themselves when they went over on the other side. I have seen poor hungry boys, gaunt and hollow-cheeked, follow this wagon with longing eyes to the gate, reaching which, unable longer to control themselves, they took the last step, made the fatal plunge into the pool of oblivion, and sold themselves and their souls for a morsel of food. God pity them and forgive them even as I, once their comrade, pity and forgive those helpless young boys who knew not what they did ! For the men who de serted, the strong men who should have suffered and remained strong, I have now as then nothing but contempt. " In the afternoon the same programme would be carried out, and three times each day at the two roll-calls and at inspection we were offered an opportunity to forswear ourselves, and this went on for weeks and until there were none left to listen to the tempter s voice. I do not recall even one Kentuckian who accepted the proffered HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 921 terms; there may have been a few who did; if so, I never heard of them. Of one thing I am absolutely certain, and that is that no mem ber of the First Kentucky enlisted in the Federal army to fight Indians or any one else, nor do I believe that any of them ever, for one mo ment, contemplated doing such a thing. They had the honor of their country, their flag, their State, their families, and themselves at stake, and upheld it there amid the gloom of a prison even as they had done it upon hundreds of the battlefields of the South. Dear, gallant boys ; young in years ; old in experience ; full-grown in suffering and in honor, they refused to listen to the voice of the tempter and remained steadfast to the bitter end. God bless them and keep them wherever they may be to-day." XIII. A Bit of Personal Experience. From the recollections of a member of the First Kentucky, we quote the following account of circumstances in connection with the Charleston fight : "It was Christmas week of 1863, and the First Kentucky was on outpost duty at Tunnel Hill, Ga. I had been invited to dinner with the Lieut. -Colonel commanding. (What would be thought of a lieutenant-colonel in the regular service who should invite a mere non commissioned officer to dine with him ?) Tom Richards, our bugler, had found an old partridge net, and by skillful use had caught a covey of birds, and these we were to have for our dinner. That morning, for the first time, whiskey, in homeopathic doses, had been issued to the regiment. One of my mess was just then undergoing a spasm of temperance and gave me his share. I took mine before I did my frugal breakfast, and, though it was cold and snowy, I went to a brook and enjoyed the luxury of a bath. Putting on a new uniform of which I was then the proud possessor, and drinking my comrade s gift to keep out the cold, I was ready for that dinner. No one but a soldier can understand how we enjoyed that splendid meal. It proved to be the last memorable one I was to have for many a weary month. " On the afternoon of that day I quitted the Lieut.-ColonePs quar ters to take charge of a squad and picket two roads on the outpost. On the morning of the 26th, I was astonished at being relieved by an officer from another regiment and ordered to report with my men at regimental headquarters. Here I learned that a raid had been planned ; Gen. Wheeler was going into the enemy s lines, and, as usual, the First Kentucky was in demand. Soon the regiment was marched up to Tunnel Hill, where an aide rode along the line and directed that men who were ill or otherwise unfit for duty, or whose horses were unequal to a hard march, must fall out and return to camp. My horse was suffering from a wound, but I was imprudent enough to want to go, and I paid well for it afterward. On request, the officer com manding my company permitted me to remain in the ranks and I started on a march northward, which it took me nearly fifteen months to complete. " All that day it poured down rain, as it can rain only in the South, and it was far into the night (December 27th), perhaps 10 o clock, before we went into camp. Then, around heaping rail fires, we dried our clothes, took apart and cleaned our guns, looked to our pistols, and finally, past midnight, began to seek for rest and sleep. The rain 922 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. had ceased and the night grew very cold. By early morning, when the march was resumed, the muddy roads of the preceding day were frozen, and our poor horses suffered intensely, breaking through the frozen crust to the mud beneath, cutting their ankles and legs and seriously retarding our progress. The rank and file had no idea where we were going, but felt it in the air that there was a wagon train ahead of us. As we plodded wearily along a horseman rode rapidly down the column and presently Capt. Wm. O. Butler, a younger brother of our Col. J. Russell Butler, dashed by calling out: Close, up, boys; close up; we are onto them! So we were, and it wasn t long before they were onto us. Of the 900 men of various regiments which set out from Tunnel Hill, 300 had been sent off on a side road, so there were only about 600 of us engaged. As we approached Charleston the sharp rattle of guns showed that we had found the people we had rid den so far to meet. " Our men were quickly dismounted and sent in, those of the First Kentucky being held as reserve. Soon the wounded began to come out of the pines and cedars in front of us. Over to our left we saw some gallant fellows slowly falling back, firing as they went, keeping their faces to the enemy but still going back. Things began to look blue; the firing was very heavy; and we were ordered to mount. Scarcely had this been done and the line dressed before the bullets began to snap and crack among the trees just in front of us, and in a moment we were engaged. Only a few volleys had been fired when the men on our left front (of other regiments) fell back hurriedly, and just as an order was given us to withdraw, a column of cavalry came upon what had been our left, a body of infantry struck us full in front, another body of infantry flanked us on the right, and then and there, for the first and last time I had the mortification of seeing the First Kentucky beaten. I was captured, being held fast by my horse, which had been shot under me, and I learned from my captors that our little body of six hundred had attacked 4,500 infantry and a heavy force of cavalry and artillery. It was the first time Gen. Wheeler had ever gone after a wagon train and failed to get it." HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 923 CHAPTER IV. 1864. For some time after Bragg s army went into winter quarters at Dai- ton and Tunnel Hill there were indications that the day was approach ing when starvation might accomplish what had so far baffled the skill of Federal generals, with unlimited numbers of soldiers and unfailing means at their disposal. It is almost inconceivable how men, even comparatively inactive, lived and kept heart with their small food sup ply, and that, in general, of poor quality. Anything like that variety which is held to be essential to health and vigor was out of the ques tion, while coffee and tea were things remembered as of the long ago. On the igth of January, 1864, a deserter from Grigsby s brigade gave Gen. Thomas, at Nashville, a sorry account of the condition of things at Tunnel Hill. He made it appear that he had been employed in the commissary department, and dwelt at some length upon the alleged fact that hunger was likely to prove a great factor in subduing the glorious souls who seemed at that time as full of fight and as sternly devoted to what they deemed duty as they were in 1861 . Dur ing nearly two months which had elapsed since the battle of Mission Ridge, he said, Grigby s brigade had had bacon twice, and during the last three weeks there had been two issues of flour. When the men fared most sumptuously the daily ration was one and a quarter pound of corn meal (and we who still live recall that it was blessed good meal we got made of corn out of which weevil had eaten the heart) ; one-third pound of bacon, or three-fourths pound of beef; less than one-seventh pound of rice ; one-twenty-fourth of a pound of sugar. To season the soups, gravies, etc., which could be prepared from this wealth of materials, and salt down the fresh beef (when it was fresh), there was an allowance to each man of one-twenty-fourth of a pound of salt. When flour was to be had, our communicative statistician (com municative to the Federal general) put the ration at one pound. He did not forget the soap, either, which was kind of him, as otherwise Gen. Thomas might have concluded that we were an unwashed lot of ragamuffins, and not fit to come "between the wind and his nobility" even on a battlefield. This was a great story to pour into willing ears ; but the informant had evidently been around Dalton and Tunnel Hill. As the infantry 924 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. remember it, his description of the destitution was somewhat exag gerated ; but there is no denying that living was not luxurious. It is a thing to be proud of, however, that at any rate the Kentuckians in that army did not lose heart as they lost flesh, and they were as dan gerous and tenacious when they got gaunt and hollow-eyed as when they could boast of " fair round belly with good capon lined." There has always been a suspicion in the minds of guileless foot- soldiers that somehow the cavalry ek ed out and also improved this scant and poor ration, even when they found too many people, as they did at Charleston, who had prior claims on rich commissary and sutler trains ; but at any rate our gallant Kentucky horsemen were always ready, come hunger and cold, come sunshine or shadow, to do their whole duty in making trouble for their enemies, and that, too, without repining over their hard lot and railing at fortune. In January, 1864, soon after the Charleston affair, the Federal out post in the vicinity of Ringgold probably had information of a con dition of things at Tunnel Hill which led to an attack upon the brigade camps. Nearly all the field and staff offices were absent, having gone to Dalton on some public occasion or private invitation. Maj. Cheno- weth, of the First Kentucky, was the ranking officer present; but he was not meditating an attack, and, of course, when it came, he had to act on the spur of the moment. Gen. Kilpatrick, with his brigade of cavalry, left Ringgold that morning, dashed to the Confederate picket line, and charged it. The warning received by the men in camp was the firing, which then occurred; and by the time the thunder of the on- rushing squadrons of Federal horse was heard they were almost upon the Kentuckians. Before a line could be formed, the bullets were whistling about their quarters. There was, however, no stam pede, and comparatively little confusion. Chenoweth promptly as sumed direction ; some of the men sprang to their guns, and, from whatever cover offered, as fences trees, and cabins, kept up a steady fire, which gave the rest an opportunity to saddle and mount. Kilpatrick did not press his advantage, but retired before the de termined charge, which Chenoweth gallantly led in person, and in which he was as gallantly followed. Though so conspicuous as to furnish a target for the enemy s rifles he was unhurt, but had a horse shot under him, and had to remount in the melee. (See Incidents and Anecdotes.) The Federals were driven back through Ringgold Gap; the Kentuckians then retired ; and the affair ended. The ordinary routine duty now went on, little varied except by the two weeks of unusual activity when Gen. Thomas came out in Feb ruary to make a demonstration on Johnston s position at Dalton. The Federal advance reached Ringgold on the 226 of February, 1864, HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 925 and occupied the town that night. The First Cavalry had its videttes on the spur of the ridges about the gorge which they had occupied in the previous November, and from which they had helped to adminis ter the furious blow which sent the pursuers back to Chattanooga. During the operations about Tunnel Hill, Mill Creek Gap, and Rocky Face Ridge, which resulted in Thomas s failure and the return of his corps to the base at Chattanooga, the First Cavalry did varied and constant service in connection with the other troops of Wheeler s corps. Not a great while subsequently, the First Kentucky, in common with the rest of the brigade, received from the authorities that justice which had been withheld till there was reasonable ground of complaint that, like a willing horse that may be ridden to death, they were in danger of being overtasked and disproportionately cared for. Nearly all the troops about Dalton except the Kentuckians were within com paratively easy reach of their homes, and the South, though poor, was able by home donations to contribute very materially to its soldiers at the front. Their State governments also did something in this way; and the wretched plight in which Gen. Johnston found Bragg s army when he took charge of it was bettered from week to week, so that two months had not elapsed before there was a marked contrast between the fairly comfortable appointments of a large part of the army and the partially destitute condition of the Kentuckians in the matter of food, clothing and blankets. True, the Southern people were not wholly unmindful of the latter ; and they received some generous treatment, but it was spasmodic ; it was not like that which came of a direct personal interest felt in almost every Southern home, however humble. The quartermaster and commissary departments of the government of course disiributed with reasonable impartiality to all alike, but where these were all or the chief reliance, troops were at this period of the war ill clad, ill fed, as previously explained, and frequently without a sufficiency of blankets to insure comfort in wintry weather, and espe cially when on duty away from camp and without shelter, as was so often the case with cavalry. There was another advantage which most of the Southern soldiers in that army had over the Kentuckians : a system of furloughing was adopted which enabled a few at a time of each organization to revisit their homes; but this opportunity of relax ation and recreation was denied the latter. For two and a half years the First Cavalry had been in almost con tinuous active duty had lived in the saddle, so to speak, or on out post and at the picket front. One chance to rest and recruit man and beast was given it for a few weeks, and the regiment had made the 926 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. most of it, at Rome, Ga. (July-August, 1863), as has been noticed. This, it is true, was not so long anterior to this month of bitter Janu ary weather, when we find them at Tunnel Hill engaged in the old business which they seemed scarcely ever to have relaxed that of scouting, picketing, and fighting occasionally, while other troops hugged their cabins and had dress parade; but for four months subse quent to leaving Rome they had been subjected to trials that would have broken the spirits of weak men as well as wear out their bodies; .and they were here now with jaded horses, living on scant forage which was often moldy, weevil-eaten, or half-decayed, while their clothing was poor in kind and inadequate in quantity for even a less severe season. At length, however, about the first of March, as intimated, the brigade was relieved and sent to Oxford, Ala., where it went into quarters, and had several weeks of much needed rest, received a long arrear of pay, recruited horses, and found such various diversion among the good people in Talladega Valley as made them forgetful of past troubles and measurably unconcerned as to what fate a lowering future might have in store for them. The result was that when they were ordered to the front they resumed their ordinary duties with in creased spirit and vigor, and soon afterward entered upon the long four-month campaign with new life, with rekindled hopes, and with renewed determination that, come what might, the Kentucky soldier would not be found at last to have been recreant to his trust. Some time before the long campaign opened, however, a minor affair in which the First Kentucky was concerned occurred, which is appropriately noticed here. For reasons not explained, Gen. Johnston or Gen. Wheeler wished to obtain information as to position of the enemy north of the mountain and below Ringgold, and Wheeler sent to this regiment for a detail of men under command of one of the best of its company officers. Col. Griffith conferred this honor on Lieut. Joe Vincent, then the junior commissioned officer. Selecting the men and naming Sergts. James E. Miles and A. M . Head as the non-commissioned officers to have oversight each of a half of the detachment, Vincent reported to Gen. Wheeler, and was ordered to be ready at dark with his detail properly equipped for a night s special service. At the time designated Vincent and his men left the general s headquarters accompanied by a staff officer who had been instructed as to the nature of the reconnoissance to be made. Passing over the ridge some distance below Ringgold Gap, they built a high and strong rail fence in a hollow and extending some distance on each side of a public road as afterward ascertained, but a short distance from the .camp of a brigade of Federal infantry. The men took position by HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 927 twos in each corner of their fence, and silently awaited developments. Near dawn, at the proverbial darkest hour just before day," they heard picket firing not far off, whereupon about twenty-five mounted men, as they estimated, came dashing down the road, apparently from a picket base, and were almost upon the fence before the officer in command saw it, and cried halt the horsemen in their rush huddling together somewhat before he could check them. They were suddenly greeted with a volley from fifty rifles and the pistols of the officers, which emptied every saddle, and, as appeared to the Confederates, in the dim light, left few if any horses standing. The detachment hastily retreated over the ridge, before the troops near by could attack, and escaped without injury. It had found the enemy s position on that part of his line, and inflicted considerable loss upon him. This affair, from the direction and the locality, rather than from the character of the expedition, was afterward known as the Nicka- jack raid. The service of the regiment was henceforth somewhat diversified, but was as hard and exacting as any they had experienced. We have spoken of the campaign that soon opened as being the "four- month campaign;" but in truth the activity and the arduous duty of these men were scarcely intermitted for a day till they laid down their arms, a little over twelve months afterward. It took a prominent part in engagements which had an important bearing upon the campaign from Dalton to Atlanta, and which had received little notice from those who write about the events of greater magnitude. When Sherman moved upon Dalton, he was evidently aware of the importance of the two gaps through Johnston s natural line of defense on his left flank, Rocky Face Ridge and Milk Mountain, and that their passes were neither fortified nor held by any considerable num ber of troops. The road direct from Tunnel Hill to Dalton passes through Mill Creek Gap, in Rocky Face, about which and northward of which, as it was the front of the Confederate position, an adequate force was at all times in position ; but to the southwest from Dalton, where the road from this place to LaFayette passes through Rocky Face, is Dug Gap,*so called, though in fact it is but a depression in the ridge through which the road is cut. South of this, from twelve to fifteen miles, is Snake Creek Gap, between Milk and Horn Mountains of the Chattooga range, through which the road from LaFayette by way of Villanow and thence through Shipp s Gap in Taylor s Ridge, enters the Valley of the Oostanaula, nearly directly west of Resaca. On the yth of May, when the Confederate cavalry was driven through Mill Creek Gap, the passes above referred to were not fortified. Col. 928 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Williamson, with perhaps two hundred and fifty Arkansas troops, was near Dug Gap, apparently as a vidette rather than a force to hold it against attack. After Col. Grigsby s brigade went into camp on the night of May 7, south of Mill Creek Gap, he was ordered to send a regiment to the front of this pass to guard the approaches. He sent the Ninth Ken tucky Cavalry, under Col. Breckinridge, who bivouacked about mid night on Mill Creek, a mile in front of the pass, and threw out heavy picket lines on the roads approaching it. Wallace Herr and Alberry Houk, scouts at that time on duty with the Ninth Regiment, were sent forward with others to ascertain the movements of the enemy. When they had advanced beyond the picket on the road out from Dug Gap, they were fired upon at close range, but received no injury, and, re turning to the main scout, continued their investigation. Before day light of the 8th, they had discovered that large bodies of troops were moving down the valley on all the roads leading south. The evident plan of the Federal commander, and the condition of affairs that morning, have been thus explained by Col. Breckinridge : " McPherson" (commanding the army of the Tennessee, more than 24,000 strong), " had marched from Chattanoogo to Rossville, thence west of Chickamauga Mountain to Shipp s Gap and to Villanow, where the road forks one branch leading down the east foot of Taylor s Ridge, the other across towards Rocky Falls ; and this branch again forks, one leading through Dug Gap, the other down the valley to Snake Creek Gap. Until McPherson reached Villanow, it was only a conjecture as to his course ; and until the head of his column turned towards Snake Creek Gap his destination was uncertain. His march was concealed by Hooker s corps, of the army of the Cumberland (an army commanded by Thomas, and numbering nearly 61,000 men), and this corps, forming the right of Thomas marching from Ringgold by way of Nickajack Gap and Trickem, hid the flank movement of Mc Pherson. The plan was for Hooker to seize Dug Gap and push for ward sufficiently to protect the flank of McPherson and strike the flank of Johnston if he turned on McPherson ; while the latter, march ing through Snake Creek Gap to Resaca, should not only destroy but hold the only railroad tributary to Johnston. The possession of Dug Gap by Hooker would not only have rendered Dalton untenable, but made a retreat by the line of the railroad extremely hazardous, and it would have completely protected McPherson on his left flank. With Hooker descending from Rocky Face on our left flank and rear, McPherson holding Resaca, Thomas with the corps of Howard, and Palmer pushing to Dalton, and Schofield to his left, our army would have been in a perilous posture." HISTORY OF THE OP.PHAN BRIGADE. 929 Learning that an attack on Dug Gap was, certain, and in too great force either to be resisted or developed by his advance, Col. Breckin- ridge sent information to Gen. Wheeler, who ordered the remainder of Grigsby s brigade to his support. This was drawn up along the moun tain side the advancing enemy being delayed in his march as much as possible by the Ninth Regiment till two o clock in the afternoon, when Gen. Geary, of Hooker s corps, attacked with two brigades and two battalions of his division, about four thousand five hundred men, and drove the Kentuckians across Mill Creek and slowly up the mountain side till they took position in line with Grigsby. It is estimated that, making allowance for horse-holders and including Williamson s Arkan sas troops, there were about 1,050 Confederates, without artillery, to confront more than four times their number. From three o clock till after dark the enemy made assault after assault ; but he was repelled with an aggregate loss of more than three hundred killed and wounded and about fifty prisoners. The Confederate loss was small, less than twenty being killed and wounded. The fighting had been desperate, as the Federal soldiers were of manifestly unsurpassed daring andxletermination, and made repeated attempts to ascend the face of the ridge. The prisoners alluded to above surrendered within a few feet of the line held by the First Reg iment. The nature of the ground concealed them from the view of the Confederate troops until they approached within close rifle range, and they came more than once so near that the pistols carried by the cav alry were effective. The First Kentucky occupied a position favorable to the use of stones, which they used with such effect as to contribute materially to the discomfiture of the enemy hurling and rolling the loose bowlders of various sizes down the declivity, especially after the enemy began to give way under musket and pistol fire, and when they observed the consternation produced by them, as they bounded down the slope, crashing through brush and branches, and difficult to be eluded by the retreating lines. Even with this unusual auxiliary the ammunition ran so low that the First Kentucky had to dispatch a detail to their ammunition wagon, more than a mile away, for a supply, which was brought to them about the time they had fired their last round and while the gallant and persistent enemy was forming for another determined effort. After the final repulse, Gen. Cranberry s Texas brigade, sent by Gen. Hardee, reached the ground and relieved Grigsby s brigade, which retired to the other side of the mountain and down the valley for about two miles, where they went into camp. Their rest was of brief duration. Before 10 o clock Col. Grigsby received an order to remove his brigade during the night to Snake Creek Gap, notwithstanding the Ninth Kentucky had been on duty 59 930 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. continuously for more than twenty-four hours, the remainder of brigade for more than twelve hours, and all under fire nearly the whole after noon. Having fed and grazed their horses in a clover field by which they had halted, and replenished cartridge boxes, they moved off, about 10 o clock, in the darkness, over a rough road, unknown to them, and experiencing difficulty in finding reliable guides; and at dawn came in sight of the eastern mouth of the pass. Col. Grigsby knew that no provision had been made to guard the gap against a probable movement of Federal troops on Resaca by that route ; but he had been told that a company of Georgia soldiers were picketing the road ahead of him and near the eastern outlet; and relying upon this he had marched close upon his objective point without sending forward a scout, and the advance vidette was so little ahead that by the time it reported having discovered the Federal troops instead of the Confederate picket, the head of his column was in gunshot of the enemy. In the yet uncertain light of dawn, and the men ahead being par tially concealed, he was incredulous, and a small scout was ordered to ascertain the real state of case. Meanwhile the Federals had discov ered his command and formed line of battle, concealed by a wood and by the character of the ground. Coming thus unexpectedly upon the enemy, the Kentuckians were not only without formation, but the different commands, pressing up toward the head of column, and halted in a narrow lane, were somewhat mingled while some had dis mounted to rest, and in no condition to make or receive attack. Be tween them and the foot of the mountain, forward, was an open field, and on the edge nearest them a row of deserted cabins. The road along which they had advanced ran along this field for a few hundred yards until it passed through a fringe of willows and underbrush. On both sides of the open ground were thick woods, extending back southward beyond the willow thicket. The Ninth Kentucky was in front, and before the scout could exe cute the order, a long skirmish line broke from the woods beyond the fields, and ran through the willows toward the row of cabins, firing steadily as they came. The front companies of the Ninth Kentucky received the fire, which was concentrated upon them, when they halted in column by twos. This threw them into momentary confu sion ; but with characteristic presence of mind they promptly rallied upon the flank of the Second Battalion, which had marched next in column and had begun formation on the first intimation of danger. While this was going on Adjt.-Gen. McCauley had galloped to the front of the First Kentucky with an order to Maj. Chenoweth to take fifty of his men and make a demonstration on the left flank of the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 931 enemy s advancing line of battle. Co. A was nearest him. Calling on Capt. Taylor to take position, he asked for volunteers to make up the complement of fifty men, as Taylor s company then numbered only about thirty-five. Instantly the requisite number from those nearest the front fell in, and, placing himself at the head of the squadron, he ordered the advance. In a moment they were on a brisk and steady trot to the right through the deep pine forest towards the advanced flank of the enemy; presently they quickened to a gallop; and when by a detour they had reached the edge of the field, they saw beyond it, and within a hundred yards, the strong cavalry force of the enemy, drawn up in order, Chenoweth cried the charge. The so- called " Rebel yell " burst simultaneously from the men as they spurred their horses and dashed furiously upon the astonished foe. The as sault was so audacious, the onset so terrible, that the Federal line broke. They were followed almost to their lines of infantry, and two of the men actually passed through, in their impetuosity, and were made prisoners. Besides these the loss was small except that First Lieut. Tho. C. Jones received a wound in the foot which made him a cripple for life, and his uniformly gallant service and inspiring influence was thenceforth lost to this particular command. (See biography.) Of such stuff were made the men in the Confederate service, who had in their keeping the honor and glory of Kentucky They were always ready for any desperate enterprise and never halted in the per formance. The young Hotspur, their leader, came out with a reeking sword. The men had emptied their pistols, some of them more than one each, as they frequently carried extra ones at the saddle-bow; some had drawn their sabres, and had they not been prudently with drawn when the object was accomplished would have died there to a man. Meanwhile, Col. Breckinridge had formed and charged with the Ninth Kentucky on foot past the row of cabins and driven the skir mishers back upon their support. These detachments were now re united with the remainder of the brigade, and dispositions were made for the running fight which they knew l^hey must make, unless suffic iently strong reinforcements should arrive in time to drive the Fed erals back through the pass or hold it until Johnston s plans at the front should be developed. A courier had been dispatched to headquarters as soon as the critical state of affairs had become manifest ; but some hours had elapsed and no assurance of help had been received when the enemy indicated his intention to press upon Resaca. The brigade contested the ground stubbornly during the day, delaying his advance as much as possible; and it was late in the afternoon before Grigsby was driven into the works at Resaca, where the command awaited an 932 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. assault. This, however, the Federal general declined to make, though having within reach an overwhelming force. The determined oppo sition which he had met since early morning, and the promptness and spirit with which a demonstration on the line of works was responded to, doubtless rendered him unduly cautious. To the astonishment of those who manned the redoubts he drew back to the vicinity from which he started in the morning. In the fighting during the day the First Regiment suffered in killed and wounded. Lieut. Jones is spoken of above. Capt. Taylor s horse was shot, though not fatally, and himself wounded. A. N. Conyers, Co. A, was wounded; S. D. Lashbrook was captured and died in prison; and Walker Samuel, Co. A, and H. S. Roberts, Co. C, were killed. These do not cover the list of casualties, but are all that are now recalled. At both Dug and Snake Creek Gaps Gen. Hardee visited the brigade while engaged and afterward warmly complimented officers and men for their excellent behavior and the valuable service they had ren dered. It is no part of the present writer s plan to criticise the conduct of this or other campaigns in which the Kentucky troops of which he writes were engaged. As said elsewhere, this were better left to mili tary critics and the future historian who shall essay to sit in deliberate and dispassionate judgment on our leaders. It is not easy, however, to impress the reader of to-day with a just sense of what that little bri gade of Kentuckians achieved during those two stirring days without explaining the peculiar condition of affairs when the campaign opened. These passes through the otherwise almost impassable ridge that pro tected the left flank of the Confederate army at Dalton, the possession of which by the enemy would have rendered Johnston s position wholly untenable, if it had not brought speedy disaster, were un guarded neither fortified nor held by any considerable force when Gen. Thomas appeared (May 8th), at Tunnel Hill, the Confederate outposts having fallen back through Mill Creek Gap, directly in John ston s front. True, there was at Dug Gap a small body of Arkansas troops (estimated to have been about 250), apparently sent out as a mere corps of observation ; but Snake Creek Gap, from fifteen to eighteen miles southwestward and in rear of the Confederate position, was unoccupied, though but a few miles from the Georgia railroad at the crossing of the Oostanaula River, and this road constituted Gen. Johnston s only line of rapid transportation southward to and from his base of supplies. As previously remarked, the importance of these passes was fully comprehended by the Federal generals. In February, Thomas proposed a campaign on the plan of masking the real design HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 933 by a demonstration in force on Buzzard Roost, front and right of John ston s army, and then throwing the main Federal army through Snake Creek Gap to cut him off from the Oostanaula and destroy the Geor gia railroad. In pursuance of this, Dug Gap was seized on the 26th of February by a regiment of Indiana mounted infantry, this being neces sary to the protection of troops on the march to Snake Creek Gap ; but Gen. Cleburne retook it and thus rendered their main plan impracti cable. As noted heretofore, Gen. McPherson, with the army of the Tennessee, about 25,000 men, was discovered on the morning of May 8th to be marching down the valley in accordance with the design con ceived more than two months before, while part of Hooker s corps was endeavoring to protect his flank by seizing Dug Gap. All this emphasizes the fact that the conduct of the Kentucky Cav alry Brigade was of the utmost consequence in averting disaster in the very outset of the campaign. The effectual repulse of more than four times its number at Dug Gap ; the weary night s march; the timely ar rival in front of the open way through which McPherson in great force had already penetrated the valley of the Oostanaula; the prompt rally from the confusion caused by misinformation and misapprehension ; and the splendid fighting then and during the day, all this marks an intrepid, much-enduring, and thoroughly reliable soldiery. It is a singular fact, though, that services so signal never received any adequate recognition from the commander-in-chief. Gen. [ohn- ston, usually a fair and candid man, and much in favor with Ken- tuckians, makes in his narrative but brief mention of them ; and Gen. Canty, who had been stopped on his way from Rome a few days be fore and ordered to occupy the redoubts at Resaca with his small bri gade of infantry, and whom the Kentuckians found there when they entered the works after having held back the powerful Federal force till late in the day, makes no mention of them at all, but apparently tries to create the impression that, unaided, "his engagement which lasted till dark " had repulsed McPherson and sent him back to the gap. Grigsby seems never to have reported at all. We pass rather more hastily over the subsequent events of this mem orable year. The operations in which the First Kentucky were inti mately concerned, from the time the campaign opened until we find it now at Resaca, have been treated at some length because of their great importance; but it would be impossible to include, in an ordinary volume, the details of this year s service. It is not necessary. The history of this regiment is intimately interwoven with that of John ston s army. It should be explained here that the brigade of Kentuckians known as Grigsby s was commanded during most of this year, and on until 934 "HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the final surrender, by Col. Wm. C. P. Breckinridge and Gen. John S. Williams ; but no orders of assignment have been found, and we are unable to state definitely when Col. Grigsby was given other ser vice, or at what dates Breckinridge and Williams, respectively, took command. Almost every day, every night, had for the First Kentucky its duties and dangers as a regiment, by detachments, or by details, and its thrilling experience for individuals; and for more than a hundred days the command, or parts of it, engaged in skirmishes or pitched battles fighting not only cavalry but occasionaly with advancing infantry, and not infrequently reinforcing Johnston s infantry to strengthen line of battle at critical junctures. Gen. Wheeler, who, as has been observed heretofore, had much confidence in it, and so evinced by giving it posts of honor and dan ger, in emergencies, operated during the first month mostly on the right flank of the Confederate army, and lost during the twenty-five days preceding May 3ist, 73 men killed and 341 wounded, and the First Kentucky contributed its full proportion of these, as well as to the work of capturing during that period more than 500 men, as many horses, and five standards. Following the main army after it crossed the Oostanaula on the night of May 1 5th, the cavalry opposed and much impeded the Federal ad vance during the i6th and lyth; and when it was known that Sherman was marching by two roads and Gen. Johnston made his dispositions to strike one column and dispose of it before it could be reinforced by the other (as explained at some length in a preceding part of this work), the Kentucky Cavalry Brigade was between the two wings of the enemy, and while here were twice charged by Federal cavalry, which it repulsed each time and kept its ground in expectation of a battle and of serious work to do. To the great disappointment of these Ken- tuckians, who, it appears, were acquainted with, the existing conditions, that seemed to promise great results for the Confederate arms, the fail ure of Hood to strike as ordered defeated the plan, and the cavalry had to extricate itself from a somewhat perilous position and march to Calhoun. On the i yth, Wheeler fought the enemy who were advancing on the Calhoun road, compelling him to deploy his lines of cavalry, infantry, and artillery. Here the men were dismounted and somewhat pro tected by breastworks which they had hastily constructed of rails, and the conflict was maintained until the Confederates were in danger of being taken in the rear by a force of Federal cavalry. Gen. Williams *was thereupon sent to reenforce Martin s division on the Tanyard Ford road, and in the afternoon Wheeler s main force retired slowly, fight- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 936 ing at every favorable opportunity, and in this way the enemy was compelled to advance in line of battle on that wing during the entire day. So from day to day the enemy was kept in check in a manner ex traordinary for the number of troops Wheeler had in hand, but the work required well-nigh unceasing activity, and detachments of the di vision had to be shifted from place to place. The main army crossed the Etowah on the ipth; part of Wheeler s division, including the First Kentucky, had to make a detour to prevent being caught between two columns of Sherman s army, and this gave it a long and toilsome march, of about thirty-six hours, for the most part through a pouring rain, the men almost constantly in the saddle and on the move, with little to eat themselves and nothing for their horses. Late in the after noon of the 2oth, the rear of W heeler s column crossed over and burned the bridge ; and now the division had its first rest for nearly three weeks (May 2ist and 22d). On the 23d he was ordered to re- cross to the north side, to ascertain location, strength, and movements of the enemy, and on the 24th, discovered a wagon train at Cass Sta tion. The escort, though strong, was charged by part of his com mand and driven away. About eighty wagons were brought off, and some were burned. The enemy, through some misapprehension or because of a temporary panic, burned a considerable train of their own below Cass Station and a quantity of commissary stores which had been brought there for transportation. Here Wheeler s troops were fiercely assailed by a large body of Federal cavalry, but these were driven back in confusion, and in the pursuit many of them were killed and wounded, and more than a hundred were captured. After passing south of the Etowah, the First Kentucky, as well as other troops of Williams s brigade, was frequently called upon to man the riflepits and ditches, fighting day and night part in the pits, part lying outside on arms, in such sheltered position as they could find, to get rest, turn by turn. At times the food they got was brought to them, and this they ate as they could find opportunity. When Sher man s flanking tactics compelled the abandonment of a line of works, they would be in requisition to remount their horses and act under Gen. Wheeler s orders in guarding a flank, hunting and detroying an ammunition or provision train, or curtaining the rear of Johnston s moving columns of infantry and artillery and turning to fight when the enemy pressed too close. But we cannot enter into details. The preceding will give the reader an idea of the part which these mounted troops took daily in the almost continuous conflict, long maintained. On June 18, Gen. Wheeler issued a congratulatory order to his corps in which he said 936 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. they had been for about two months constantly under fire and engaging a powerful foe, and that every attempt to turn the Confederate flanks or strike their communications had been baffled. He made special men tion of the conduct of the Kentucky Brigade at Dug and Snake Creek Gaps, saying that it reflected the highest credit upon every member of it. It is proper to mention that a short time before the battle of Dallas ^May 28), the Kentuckians captured and destroyed an ordnance train, somewhere in the neighborhood of Ackworth, and took next day a detachment having in charge two supply wagons, which they appro priated to their own use. And so on, from day to day. At Dallas, New Hope Church, and Noonday Creek; at Kenesaw Mountain, Pine Mountain, Lost Moun tain, and along the Chattahoochee River wherever there was danger to flank or rear of the army they went and watched and fought. The " Eye of the Army," as cavalry has been called, seemed never to sleep ; and when Sherman flanked Johnston out of a position he was not allowed to approach so closely to a wing as to necessitate precipi tate retreat. The commander-in-chief trusted the mounted corps and moved deliberately, without loss of men or munitions. After he had fallen back behind the Chattahoochee and entered the fortifications around Atlanta and had been superseded by Hood, the cavalry corps took a specially brilliant part in the notable movement to strike Sherman s extreme left, and in the desperate engagement of July 22d, when the Orphan Brigade, fronting along Intrenchment Creek and encountering such odds, under peculiarly unfavorable cir cumstances, suffered so dreadfully. Wheeler gives the following gen eral account of the operations of his force : " On the night of July 2ist, pursuant to orders from Gen. Hood, I moved around to the enemy s rear to attack him in conjunction with Lieut. -Gen. Hardee, who also moved upon their flank for the same purpose. My order from Gen. Hardee was to attack Decatur at one o clock P. M., which was the enemy s extreme left, and, owing to the curvature of his line, was far in the rear. Gen. Hardee supposed the place to be occupied by cavalry ; but on reconnoitering the position in person about 12 o clock, I found that a division of infantry, strongly intrenched, occupied the town. Having communicated this to Gen. Hardee, I dismounted my command and moved upon the enemy at the appointed hour. Just as I was moving my line, he began to throw out two regiments of infantry to meet my approach. These were over thrown, a number of prisoners captured, and the remainder driven in confusion into the works, from which we received a most galling fire from both infantry and artillery. " Seeing the strength of the position in front, I threw a force upon HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 937 his right flank and rear, and formed my main line so as to bear obliquely upon his right, with the right of my line covering and en gaging his front. From these positions simultaneous charges were made upon him, the troops bearing upon his right being somewhat the most advanced. At first the severe fire made the most exposed portion of my line waver; but, quickly rallying, the onset was renewed, and with a triumphant shout the entire line of works was carried. "Some 225 prisoners, a large number of small arms, one twelve- pounder gun, one forge, one battery wagon, one caisson, and six wagons and teams, together with the captain of the battery and most of his men, were captured and brought off. We captured also his camp equipage, stores, and hospitals. "Just as I was pursuing the enemy beyond the town three of Gen. Hardee s staff officers came to me in rapid succession, directing that I should reenforce Gen. Hardee as quickly as possible. The pursuit was stopped, and all my available troops moved at a gallop to Gen. Hardee s position. The forces under my command fought warmly until the pressure upon him had ceased; and night coming on, we bivouacked. "Just before the troops were formed for the attack, I reported to Gen. Hardee that a large raiding force of the enemy had moved to ward Covington, but he directed that it should not be followed, as he thought the attack about to be made would cause the raiders to re turn. The following day at noon I was relieved from my position with a portion of my command and ordered to pursue the enemy. My troops were in motion in ten minutes, after I received the order, and by midnight I had traveled forty miles, only to find that the enemy s cavalry had returned to his main army before I had received orders to pursue. On returning I took my place on the right of the army, skirmishing with the enemy until the 27th." In the fight to which Gen. Wheeler refers as being so successful in the taking of prisoners, guns, stores, etc., the First Kentucky was on the extreme right and charged on foot, across an open field, the left of the regiment touching upon a dense wood. After striking the enemy s partial cover beyond the field, part of the regiment, comprising as has been understood, but little more than Co. A (though all were fighting fiercely whatever was before them), became involved in an almost hand-to-hand conflict apparently with a regiment of infantry. The Kentuckians maintained themselves gallantly; but in the rush some confusion ensued, and blue and gray commingled, with the re sult that eighteen or twenty of the First Kentucky were captured, though for a time it was insisted that the Federals were themselves prisoners. About the time the argument was decided against the Ken- 938 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. tuckians, some men of their own company, assisted by Capt. Witt and his company, having been notified by an officer who had adroitly re leased himself, came to their rescue and quickly drove off their cap tors. Somewhere on the line occupied by the First Kentucky, Capt. McCauley, the splendid soldier, beloved of all who knew him (then adjutant-general of Williams s brigade), was needlessly killed by a Federal soldier while William Partridge was begging him not to shoot. It is said that McCauley was the third of the regiment s favorite and distinguished soldiers to be shot to death on the horse which he was riding Capt. Noel, at the bridge or trestle in Alabama, and Gen. Helm, at Chickamauga, being the others. For such account of Par tridge s action as we have been able to obtain, see History of Individ uals ; see also Incidents and Anecdotes at the end of this chapter for a participant s recollections of the capture and rescue of part of the regiment. The next specially important service of the cavalry was the break ing up of the great force sent under command of Gen. Geo. Stone- man to destroy Hood s communications south and east. The follow ing is Gen. Wheeler s report of that remarkable achievement: "At daylight on the morning of the 27th, pursuant to orders, I re lieved Gen. Hardee s entire line with my cavalry. While doing so I discovered that the enemy had abandoned their strong position in my front and fallen back to his position north of the railroad. At the same time I discovered that a large raiding party of the enemy, under Maj.- Gen. Stoneman, had moved toward our line of communication. This was reported to the general commanding ; and after being relieved I was ordered to pursue, but not to continue the pursuit in person unless it was absolutely necessary to take the greater portion of my command. By daylight the following morning I had gotten ahead of the enemy and driven the advance of Garrard s division, which was marching for Jonesboro , across Flat Creek. He, finding himself so strongly op posed, retreated rapidly toward the left of the enemy s main army. W T e pursued a few miles, capturing a few horses and arms, and caused him to abandon three wagons. "About this time I discovered that Gen. Stoneman, with 2,200 men, had moved early that morning on towards Covington with the inten tion, according to statements of prisoners, of continuing his march toward Macon. I felt unauthorized with my orders to pursue Stone- man s force of 2,200 men in person, particularly as I had received a dispatch from Gen. Shoup, chief of staff, that the left of the army was also threatened by raid. I, therefore, ordered Gen. Iverson, with his own, Gen. Allen s, and Col. Breckinridge s brigades, to follow Stone man rapidly and attack him wherever found. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 939 " While this order was being executed I received additional dis patches from Gen. Shoup stating that a large cavalry force, estimated at over 3,000, had crossed the Chattahoochee near Campbellton, and was making its way toward the Macon railroad. Gen. Shoup further stated that he feared Brig. -Gen. Jackson could not check its move ments, and that Gen. Hood desired me to move immediately to oppose this force with such troops as could be spared. I immediately ordered Ashby s brigade, under Gen. Humes, which was on the march to join me, to move rapidly to Jonesboro . I ordered Gen. Kelly to remain and hold Garrard s division in check with Dibrell s brigade, and to send Anderson s brigade after me on the Jonesboro road. " By riding rapidly I arrived at four o clock at Jonesboro with Ashby s brigade, 500 strong, which I had overtaken on the march. I here learned that the enemy had struck the railroad six miles south of that point. I arrived at that point about dark and found the enemy had moved off on the Fayetteville road. A courier with a dispatch, and a staff officer whom I had sent to communicate with Gen. Jackson, met me with a message from Gen. Jackson to the effect that if I would press the enemy s rear he would gain their front and thus secure his capture. Immediately I replied to Gen. Jackson, agreeing to the prop osition. " Finding him so far in the rear I pushed on, and in a few moments struck the enemy s line of battle. I immediately attacked and drove him from his position, routing the entire line and capturing 200 pris oners, with their horses, equipments, and arms. In this engage ment, and the running fight which ensued, more than 40 of the enemy were left dead on the field. My entire force, including my reserves, which were not engaged, did not exceed 500 men. I pushed on, con tinually engaging the enemy s rearguard, until about 9 A. M., when they succeeded by a rapid movement in gaining some two miles upon my advance. Upon reaching a point two miles from Newnan I again overtook him, and captured 20 prisoners in the engagement which ensued. My command had up to this time traveled about seventy miles without having halted. "About this time Col. Cook, with a portion of his regiment, and Gen. Ross, with two small regiments, each about one hundred strong, reported to me, increasing my force to about 700 men. I here found that when the head of McCook s column approached the town he ob served Confederate troops there, and, without engaging them, turned off, leaving the town to the right. Feeling certain he would attempt to come into the LaGrange road below, I ordered Col. Ashby to move through Newnan and down the LaGrange road to gain his front if possible. I then sent scouts and pickets out upon all roads by which 940 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. the enemy could approach the town, and moved with the remainder of my command, now less than 300 men, down between the railroad and the main LaGrange road in the hope that I might strike the enemy s flank. After marching about three miles I discovered the enemy in a dense wood forming a line, the right flank of which was scarcely fifty yards in my front. Almost at the same moment I re ceived a dispatch from Col. Ashby informing me that he had struck the head of the enemy s column just as it was entering the main La- Grange road, three miles and a half below Newnan, and that the enemy was forming a line of battle dismounted. Feeling that I was upon the flank of the force to which he referred, I determined to at tack immediately, notwithstanding the great disparity of numbers the enemy having ten times my force. I immediately sent orders to Col. Ashby to engage the enemy in front, while with the remainder of my troops I attacked with great vigor. I met with a strong resistance at first, but in a few moments the enemy gave way, when with a shout and a gallant charge, the entire line was thrown into confusion and began a disorderly retreat. We pursued rapidly, captured a great number of prisoners, and divided the enemy s forces. "While pursuing, I heard firing in my rear, when I was surprised to learn that Gen. Ross had left his horses where he had first dismounted. Convinced that they were being attacked I immediately recalled the line, returned, and drove off the enemy, capturing a number of pris- oners and horses and recovering all of Gen. Ross s horses. " My scouts now reported that the enemy had taken the road cross ing Flint River. Feeling confident he would destroy the bridge, I sent a staff officer to ascertain, and also sent scouts to ascertain if any of the enemy went toward Griffin. Finding that the bridge had been destroyed and that all the enemy had moved toward Fayetteville, I changed my course and followed them rapidly. " Upon arriving at Fayetteville about midnight, I learned that the enemy had passed through that place without meeting any opposition whatever, and was then not more than an hour in advance of me. I pressed on rapidly and overtook his rear at Line Creek. He had de stroyed the bridge and was holding the opposite side with troops in strong barricades. With great difficulty he was dislodged and driven from the bank. After an hour s hard labor a bridge was constructed and my command passed over. I had with me at this time about 400 men, having traveled so rapidly that a number of my horses had been absolutely unable to keep up with the column, and Gen. Anderson, whom I had ordered to follow me, had not, on account of the rapidity of my march, been heard from. After crossing the bridge I pressed on rapidly, in the extreme darkness encountering barricades every few HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 941 Hundred yards, the first intimation of the enemy being a volley from their small arms. " Immediately after attacking him with success and before I had re established my line, the enemy made a most determined charge, driv ing back a portion of my line and throwing the whole of it into tempo rary confusion. In a moment my troops were rallied and he was repulsed. The fight had now lasted two hours; we had driven the enemy from every position and captured 400 prisoners, including three } Tigade commanders, one of whom lay wounded on the field. At this -noment Gen. Anderson come up with his brigade, 400 strong, which u-as thrown into position. While doing so, Gen. Anderson was wounded, and the brigade left under command of Col. Bird. Upon advancing my line I ascertained that the enemy had fallen liack and taken a strong position in the edge of a wood, with a large : ;eld in front, and a deep ravine, passable only at certain points, inter vening between my troops and his position. He had thrown up strong barricades, and was using his artillery freely. Gen. Roddy, who had been in the town, and had not been engaged, came up with but 600 men, and was placed in position on my left. He advised strongly against attacking the position. I immediately moved my troops to the right and pressed down upon the enemy s left flank. Upon discover ing this movement he began retreating. I pressed rapidly down the road upon his flank, cutting off nearly two entire regiments, which surrendered in a body, with all their artillery, wagons, and ambu lances. The entire column was thrown into disorder, and a number of prisoners, arms, horses, and two stand of colors were captured in the pursuit which ensued. Some 300 prisoners, mostly quartermasters, commissaries, and other non-combatants whom the enemy had cap tured the previous day, were also recaptured by our troops. Gen. Roddey, on account of the fatigued condition of his men, had been authorized by me to retire to Newnan before this movement began. After pursuing four miles I found the enemy had become very much scattered through the woods and fields, and that the only party claim ing organization had been severed nearly equally. One column, esti mated at about 400 men, under Gen. McCook in person, had moved at a gallop toward the mouth of New River, and the other party, un der Col. Brownlow, had moved on by-roads toward the Chattahoochee River, near Franklin. I ordered Col. Bird, commanding Anderson s brigade, to pursue the party with McCook vigorously. In anticipation that the enemy would take the direction pursued by the other party, I had some time previously sent Col. McKenzie, with his own and the Third Arkansas regiment, to gain the front of the enemy moving toward Franklin. 942 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. " I omitted to state that a short time before dark Gen. Jackson ar rived, but his troops, numbering only about 300 men, remained in the rear and did not come up to engage the enenry. After dark I ordered Gen. Jackson to take his entire command to the battlefield and take charge of all the prisoners which had not been sent to the rear, to gather up the arms, wagons, horses, artillery, and all other public property, and take them to Newnan and await my orders. The bal ance of my command left with me I ordered to search the woods and gather up the straggling parties of the enemy who had been cut off .and were scattered over the country. Col. McKenzie was very for tunate in his movement and succeeded in capturing between two hun dred and three hundred prisoners. " Col. Bird was not so successful. His instructions from me were to press on rapidly, and to report by courier to me his progress and the force he found himself following. It was full daylight before I heard from him at all, and then I heard that he had fallen asleep and allowed the demoralized mass to escape to the river. " On my arrival at that point in the morning I found that some 400 of the enemy had succeeded in crossing, after abandoning some 200 horses and equipments, and throwing away most of their arms. These were still pursued on the other side of the river and a number cap tured, thus completing the destruction of the entire command. This proved to be a picked body of cavalry, and with it was destroyed the flower of Gen. Sherman s vast cavalry organization. Gen. Iverson had been equally successful in his pursuit of Gen. Stoneman, whom he met, defeated, and captured, with 500 of his command, some twenty miles from Macon. The remainder of Stoneman s command was much demoralized and scattered. Col. Breckinridge pursued, and, in successive engagements, defeated and captured one of the or ganized parties which attempted to escape. "Thus ended in most ignominious defeat and destruction the most stupendous cavalry operation of the war. As was acknowledged by the brigade commanders captured, their plan was to unite these col umns on the railroad north of Macon, destroy the railroad, then move rapidly upon and release the 30,000 prisoners of war we held at An- dersonville. In this he was thoroughly thwarted at the cost of 5,000 men, with their horses, arms, equipments, colors, cannon, etc. The force which was sent on this expedition numbered as follows, all picked cavalry : Garrard s Division 4,000 McCook s Division 3, 200 Stoneman s Division 2,200 Total 9,400 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 943 " Garrard returned to the army without sustaining much damage except the morale of defeat. McCook, according to the enemy s own accounts, succeeded in returning with only 500 men, most of whom were dismounted and unarmed, while none but a few stragglers from Stoneman s column ever returned, making their entire loss over 5,000 men. Of these, I am informed, 3,200 were lodged in prison, and the remainder killed, wounded, or scattered through the country. Mc- Cook s column was a picked body of men selected from his own division and a division a short time previously brought from Tennes see by Maj.-Gen. Rousseau. All this was accomplished by a force of cavalry not exceeding an aggregate of 3,800 men." The pursuit made by Col. Breckinridge, of which Gen. Wheeler speaks in his report, which resulted in the capture of most of the only organized forces which attempted to escape, terminated with a bril liant affair which deserves more particular notice. When Stoneman announced his intention to surrender (July 3151), Col. Silas Adams, commanding a brigade of Federal Kentucky cav alry, obtained permission to extricate his brigade if possible. This he succeeded in doing, and ultimately rejoined the Federal army in the neighborhood of Jonesboro without having suffered serious loss. A lew minutes before this, Col. Horace Capron had escaped with a part of the Fourteenth Illinois Cavalry, the Eighth Michigan Cavalry, and the First Ohio Squadron. Maj. Davidson, with another detachment cf the Fourteenth Illinois, soon joined Capron, as did also Lieut. -Col. Matson with a remnant of Col. Biddle s brigade. This having been ascertained, and that they were working their way by a somewhat cir cuitous route towards Madison, Col. Breckinridge turned back to intercept or to overtake them; but this was not until about i o clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, August 2d. Riding as rapidly as the condition of the horses would allow, till about nightfall, the column halted, fed animals, and ate the scant rations that were left to them. After a brief rest, the march was resumed; but it became evident dur ing the night that at the best rate of travel which the entire force could make the Federals could not be overtaken before safe back in their lines; and it was determined that a volunteer detachment of men who wore well mounted and equipped should make a forced march and take the chance of either beating the enemy or holding him at bay till the other Confederates could come up. This brought to the front about 80 men, with good horses, and eager for a dashing pursuit, each regiment contributing to the select list. We have endeavored to get the names of all the detachment, but with poor success. The following are known to have taken part in the affair: Col. Wm. C. P. Breckinridge, Ninth Kentucky (whom the 944 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. men requested to take immediate command) ; Wm. T. Ellis, Elisha Abel, and Phil Pointer, Co. A, First Cavalry; Allen Estes, Ferd C. Mills, and George W. Quarles, Co. G, First Cavalry; Capt. Sam Peyton, Lieut. Dud C. Logan, Robert S. Sprake, Pres C. Calvert, S. L. Perry, and Al Scott, Co. A, Ninth Cavalry; Capt. Smith, and Lieut. Yager, Co. G, Ninth Cavalry; Sergt. Elley Blackburn, S. T. Leavy, Henry S. Halley, Dr. John A. Lewis, and Wm. A. Gaines, also Ninth Cavalry. Keeping track of Caperton, as indicated by some stragglers picked up along the route, they came upon his picket just before dawn (August 3d), and as these fired and fled, Col. Breckinridge gave the order to charge, knowing that the main body could be but a short dis tance ahead, and the detachment dashed upon the bivouac before the startled sleepers could realize their danger and prepare for resistance. Several of them were killed in the first onset, and a few escaped to the woods on foot, but most of them were captured there or in the pursuit which followed. Part of the command, who occupied a posi tion considerably in advance of those first struck, succeeded in mount ing and lining up for battle, but these were promptly put to flight by a small body of men who were not engaged with prisoners already taken or in pursuit of fugitives in other directions, but were ready for action when Col. Breckinridge ordered the charge. The result of the morning s work was the capture of between six and seven hundred men (rank and file), the taking of about a hundred negroes, who had gathered and hung about the Federal column on its march from Newnan, and about eight hundred horses and mules. Breckinridge lost but one killed a man named Parker who was found dead in the woods several days afterward ; but in the desultory firing which was possible to the Federals before the rout was complete, some of the assailants were wounded, among whom Allen Estes and Ferd Mills are recollected. On Gen. Wheeler s return to the army, after having disposed of McCook and Stoneman, Gen. Hood ordered him to move upon the enemy s line of communications, destroy them at various points be tween Marietta and Chattanooga; then cross the Tennessee River, break the communication of the two roads running from Nashville to the Federal army; then to leave 1,200 men to continue their opera tions on those roads, while he turned and again struck the railroad south of Chattanooga, after which he was to rejoin the main army. He started promptly, though the horses of his corps were much worn by rapid marching and insufficient food. On August loth he began expedition which lasted for nearly a month, and was far more destructive of the enemy s communications and stores than the one of HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 945 October, 1863, and was eminently successful in breaking up fortified posts, diverting troops from the support of Sherman in Georgia, taking prisoners, bringing out beef cattle and other supplies for the Confed erate army, and strengthening that army by enlisting more than 3,000 new men. The Kentucky Cavalry Brigade, under Gen. Jno. S. Williams, took an active part in destroying the railroad between Tunnel Hill and Grayville, and making demonstrations at various points to prevent the enemy from repairing the tracks ; but before the expedition passed to the north of the Tennessee, Gen. Williams requested to be allowed to take two brigades, including his own, and half of Wheeler s artillery, and move upon Strawberry Plains, promising to capture the garrison there, destroy the bridge, and rejoin the main force that night by marching by moonlight. To this Gen. Wheeler reluctantly consented, and was thereby deprived of some troops which would have been very valuable in the execution of the work for which he had been detached from Hood s army. Before Gen. Williams could accomplish his ob ject, he learned that heavy forces of the enemy were interposed be tween him and Gen. W T heeler, who had crossed the French Broad above Knoxville, whereupon he turned into Middle Tennessee, where he operated for some time, destroying railroads, engaging in occasional skirmishes with the enemy, and taking some prisoners. When at length pressed by a force with which he could not successfully con tend, he moved by way of Bristol into western Virginia. He was now out of his department ; but when the expedition under Burbridge moved from Kentucky to destroy the works at Saltville, Washington County, Va., Williams joined Gen. Echols in time for the battle there (Oct. 2, 1864), where his Kentucky troops fought on foot and contributed so materially to the victory that they were regarded by some as having really saved the salt works to the Confederacy. His service there was so favorably regarded by the Confederate Con gress that he was voted a resolution of thanks. Here for the first time the Confederate Kentuckians met colored troops in battle, and it is said that Burbridge pressed them forward on that part of the line, as perhaps elsewhere, when they were assailed with such fury that they presently broke and could not again be brought into action. Capt. George Beckley, W. T. Aull, George Wolfram, and others of the First Kentucky, were wounded (see His tory of Individuals) ; but the casualties were few from the fact that the enemy was inferior in discipline and dash, and the conflict was not long maintained. From Saltville, Gen. Williams marched to Asheville, N. C., thence in a short time to Georgia, where his troops were reunited with 946 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Wheeler s corps. Because of his failure to join Gen. Wheeler in Ala bama, as he was ordered to do, during Wheeler s expedition, after being detached to reduce the garrison at Strawberry Plains, he was now ordered under arrest and suspended from command. A court of inquiry upon which he insisted then, and subsequently, was never or ganized to try the case, and specific charges were never formulated. Col. Breckinridge commanded the brigade from that time until it reached Columbia, S. C. , in February, 1865, when Williams was re stored to his position, which he held to the close, Breckinridge resum ing the immediate command of his own regiment, the Ninth Ken tucky. On the 1 2th of November, Gen. Sherman was still at Kingston, where he had made his headquarters for some time, but the move ment of his army from various points north of Atlanta began about that time, and in a few days the march to the sea was well under way. Wheeler hung upon his flanks and pressed upon his rear from first to last, and the Kentucky cavalry and mounted infantry in his command did its full share of watching, scouting, and almost daily skirmishing with the enemy s outguard and foraging detachments, as well as with those parties that ventured out from time to time on their mission of depredation and destruction. Near Louisville, the county seat of Jefferson County, Ga. , about fifty-four miles from Milledgeville, the brigade (then under Col. Breck- inridge s command, as previously explained,) was attacked (November 30th) when about going into camp by a strong column of Sherman s army, which began firing at short range and made an effort to surround and capture it. Breckinridge was without any available support ; but such fierce and effective resistance was made that the brigade not only extricated itself, but made the impression (as afterward appeared from Federal accounts) that the Confederate force was composed of both infantry and cavalry and of great strength. The first Kentucky fought on foot, the other regiments mounted, which naturally made it appear that both arms were on the field; but the brigade probably numbered .at that time, present for duty, not exceeding a thousand men. The Federals left their dead and wounded (more than a hundred, as was reported,) oil the ground, and pressed on to the main column. Breck inridge lost, killed and wounded, between thirty and forty. Among the killed was Capt. John Witt, Co. C, First Cavalry, a gallant officer, .and one of the most popular in the regiment. (See Incidents and Anecdotes; also, History of Individuals.) On Dec. 9 and 10 the several corps of Sherman s army reached the defenses around Savannah. Wheeler had not been strong enough to impede the enemy s advance, but his ceaseless vigilance, never flag- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 947 ging energy and activity, and audacious fighting, day or night, when ever occasion required, doubtless kept Sherman out of Macon and Augusta, compelled his vast army to keep in general to the main roads, and greatly narrowed the track which from Atlanta to the coast was swept as by the besom of destruction. To this work the Ken tucky Cavalry, of which the First was a material part, had contributed its full share. Dec. 13, the main defensive work of Savannah, Fort McAllister, was taken by direct assault, and Hardee s inner breastworks and trenches were no longer tenable. He soon withdrew across the river, taking position with his infantry and artillery at Charleston, S..C. ; and the close of the year found Sherman making careful and unmo lested preparation for an early start across the Carolinas, with only a comparatively very small force of Confederate cavalry on the direct route between him and Gen. Grant in Virginia. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. I. Cutting His Comb. A participant in the affair at Tunnel Hill, when Kilpatrick came unexpectedly upon the Kentucky Cavalry, tells this on the gentleman who played so gallant a part in repelling him: " Maj. Chenoweth cut quite a conspicuous figure in this fight. Besides .his fine uniform and fine gray horse, he had a long, red fox brush which he wore on his hat for a cockade. He persisted in keep ing in front of the line, where he was exposed to unnecessary danger, although we insisted that he should keep back. He was angry, and when his horse was shot down he was furious. Procuring another horse, he exposed himself more than ever, and seemed to be reckless. Apparently he had drawn the fire of Kilpatrick s whole line, and we expected every moment to see him shot down. Finally we saw his fox tail fall shot off his hat and then the major turned his horse s head to the rear and took cover with the rest of us." II. The Kentucky Way, Whatever the Uniform. As illustrating the difference between real soldiers and those fellows who forgot that the jawbone with which Samson did execution was in his hand and not in his mouth, and that other equally odious class who wore uniforms in bomb-proof positions and thought they were serving the country by being brutal to prisoners of somebody else s catching, I quote again from the account of life at Rock Island, alluded to else where : "I was a very sick boy when orders were received by the Confederate prisoners of war confined in the barracks at Ninth and Broadway, Louisville, about Jan. 22, 1864, to get ready to go* north ward. Consulting my best interests, I would have asked to be sent to a hospital, but not wishing to be separated from my friends who had been captured with me, I went with them. Reaching Jefferson ville, we were put aboard a train for Chicago. The weather was intensely < old, and the best passenger cars in use in those days were uncom- 948 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. fortable. The officer in command was a captain in a Kentucky Fed eral regiment, whose name I am not sure I remember rightly ; and as soon as we had found places in the several cars, he went into each, and calling for the sick men, got seats for each of them near the stove, then in the center of the car, and ordered that they should not be dis turbed during the trip. He had with him a large basket filled with food, and this he generously shared at each meal-time with the sick boys, none of whom were able to eat the rougher rations issued to their stronger comrades. Arriving at Kokomo, Ind., the train, a special one, was delayed for an hour or two, and the captain came into our car and said to the sick : Boys, come with me ; a gentleman who has a store near by has given permission for you to sit by his stove while we are detained here. Of course, you will not attempt to escape, he added with a smile. Escaping was of course in the mind of each of us, but none would have taken advantage of the oppor tunity thus presented, since, being unguarded, we were upon our honor not to attempt to impose upon the soldierly officer who was re sponsible for our safe-keeping. "The merchant received us kindly and gave us seats near his red- hot stove, and in every way endeavored to make us comfortable. Soon several citizens came in to see what a real, live Confederate soldier looked like ; and among them the inevitable man of words rather than deeds. This latter individual availed himself of his opportunity to assail us in the most abusive manner, though none of us dignified him by replying to his coarse tirade. We had been born and bred gentle men, and properly apprehended that this fellow could not insult us. The proprietor of the store, however, for the time being our host, came to the rescue promptly: Look here, Bill Jones, said he, these men are not only defenseless prisoners of war but are ill besides. They are in my house by my consent, and as long as they remain here they shall be treated with respect. If you have such a burning hatred for rebel soldiers, I suggest that you enlist and go to the front where they can be found prepared to defend themselves. You are a d d cow ard, else you would not attack these men who are in the hands of their enemy, ill and defenseless. The quicker you get out of here the better it will be for your cowardly hide. As Bill Jones slunk out of the room, we clapped our hands in appreciation of the merchant s kind ness, and it is doubtful whether any one of us has forgotten the un known gentleman who so quickly took our part. "We reached Rock Island at night; and just before we were to leave the train, the Captain came to me, whom he seemed to think the feeblest of the lot, and said : You have a rough experience ahead of you, as you may have to stand in the open air for some time before you are assigned to quarters. You would better come with me for a minute. I followed him and was soon confronted with a large flask of Kentucky whiskey. Take some of this, said he, you are sick and need it. I was young and inexperienced in those days, and mod estly took a very light drink. Here, said the Captain, I asked you to take a drink and you would better do it. It will probably be along time before you receive a similar invitation from any one else ; and you must take enough to brace you up for an hour s stand in the cold. He was in command, and, of course, it was my duty as a soldier to HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 949 obey orders. I did so, and when the flask was returned to him there was a twinkle in his eye which seemed to say, now that was better ; that really was very well done for a chap of your tender years, and then he put out his hand with a cheery good-bye and heartily expressed a wish that I might get through my prison life and the war all right and finally get back to my friends in God s country, grand old Ken tucky, the only State in the Union worth living in. And thus we parted, perhaps forever. I know not whether he is living or dead ; but, wherever he is, he was a gentleman, and a soldier of that type which has made the name of Kentucky illustrious upon a hundred battlefields ; and may God bless him and his ! " III. Fidelity Commands Respect. How true men in the Fed eral service regarded these men has been referred to in the account of the scene at Chattanooga. Another should be recorded. While they were at Rock Island, suffering as described, and tempted while suffer ing, a Federal captain wrote to one of them, Johnson, who before the war was a student of his, and offered his services to have him released if he would take the oath of allegiance. The young man replied, thanking him, but rejecting the terms. He added: "You never taught me in school to do such a thing as you know propose, but to be hon orable, truthful, and just. How can I, remembering this, swear to support the government you represent in the face of the fact that I have solemnly sworn to support another government, with which it is at war? You would not respect me if I did." He had little hope that the letter would reach its destination, as all correspondence had to undergo inspection by the prison authorities; but it did; and when, after the war, they met, the teacher took him cordially by both hands and said, " My boy, I was never so proud of you as when I read that letter!" IV. Faithful Unto Death. Other instances of unyielding fidel ity to their cause occurred, which mark the actors as worthy to be included in that roll of honor which ought to be preserved as an in spiration to future generations of Kentuckians. This one has in it the element of pathos as well as heroism, and ought to be inscribed on the stone which marks the resting-place of the noble young fellow. J. G. Taylor (Gip) was a lieutenant in Co. F, First Cavalry, till the summer of 1862, when he was transferred to Morgan command. In one of the engagements at Cynthiana he was captured. In prison he became so seriously ill that the only chance for recovery seemed to be release and the special nursing of friends. The only chance to be released was to take the oath of allegiance to the power he had volunteered to fight in other words, to desert his flag. The alternative was offered him, but he spurned it and died there true to himself and to his principles. V. Capt. John \Vitt. As indicated in the preceding chapter, this officer was a brave and true man who had in an unusual degree the confidence and esteem of the entire regiment. Lieut. Joseph Vincent, of Co. B, gives the following account of his death : "At Louisville, Ga. , our gallant Capt. Witt lost his life, because of what seemed to me unnecessary daring. Half way across a field between our line and 950 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. a fence along which Federal soldiers lay thick, was a fodder stack, Capt. Witt expressed the belief that if he could get to that with some of his men he could fight the partially concealed enemy with more effect. I had just come from a point at the right of line from which they could be plainly seen, and I advised him not to try it explaining what I had discovered. But he went, and never came back." Another account says that Homer Hill attempted to bring him out after he was shot, but was killed in the act. VI. The Killing of John Hanlon. At Noonday Church (or Noonday Creek, as some designate the place where the fighting oc curred), the First Kentucky had a brief skirmish, and John Hanlon, a good soldier, lost his life rather because of reckless courage than of necessity. An officer of the regiment wrote of this incident as fol lows : "When we came upon the enemy, Capt. George Beckley took part of Co. B and went to the right of the road; and with the other part I went to the left; but as it turned out, there was but little fight ing for us. John Hanlon was wounded, however, and died soon afterward. He disobeyed my order not to expose himself needlessly. He was so eager to shoot at a man on a white horse that he could not be restrained from making himself a prominent mark, and so got his death-wound. " This man on the white horse is reported to have been a Federal officer who invariably rode along in front of his men when ever they were formed for battle, conspicuous on his fine white charger the same one, we suppose, of whom Dyer says that the Confederates tried for a while, on different days, to kill him but failed, and soon agreed among themselves that the gallant rider of " Old Whitey " shouldn t be hurt. He was so brave and evidently cool that he challenged their admiration. The gentleman quoted with respect to the Noonday affair speaks of the Fifth Georgia Cavalry as being new to the business, though the war was then in its fourth year, and though brave enough, lacked the training and steadiness necessary to stand up to Sherman s veterans. He says the Kentuckians called the regiment (then as big as the entire Kentucky Brigade) the "Five Georgia." We quote him: "At Noonday, the Five Georgia went in as game as any fellows you ever saw ; but pretty soon they got confused and a lot of them were thrown from their horses. As I recollect, none of them were shot, but every man as he came back declared that he was the only one left ! " VII. Capture and Recapture of First Kentucky Men in Battle. Reference is made in the preceding chapter to the taking of several of the First Cavalry during the battle of July 22, 1864, and their rescue by comrades before the enemy could get away with them. Lieut. Joseph Vincent, of Co. B, gives this account of the incident : " We drove the Federals through Decatur and were then ordered to the hill on which Maj. Wash McCauley had been killed; but we went on the opposite side of the road and had gotten four or five hundred yards to the right. When the mistake was discovered we were ordered back double quick, and when we got to the hill our pickets were firing across the creek at the enemy. In getting back, the men became somewhat scattered, those with best wind going ahead of the others. In the meantime the enemy had eluded our pickets and gotten right in HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 951 their rear, not more than fifty yards away. The underbrush was very thick, and six or eight Federal soldiers had come forward of the com pany, and as our boys went ahead in their scattered condition, they were picked up one at a time on entering the thick wood. I remem ber a few of them only; as, Sunny Payne (our adjutant), A. M. Head, Dr. Morton, J. H. Hancock, and Phil Pointer. " When I got into the trap I saw our boys and the Federals stand ing together quietly, and one of the latter said that we were prisoners. I told him that I guessed not, as I reached for a pistol which I had not taken from the scabbard, and proposed to show who were prisoners; but the muzzles of two Enfields in Federal hands were put within about two feet of my head, and I very readily acknowledged that they had me. Looking around, I saw fourteen or fifteen of our men not far off, while the Federals who had us in charge numbered not more than seven. Then a quarrel began as to which party were prisoners, but they persuaded me with their guns again. They had already disarmed me. I then told them that they would better take us out, and showed them that our men to whom I have alluded were forming for a fight, while some of theirs, concealed by the woods, were giving orders of like purport, and they began to move off. I was watching for a chance to make a break, and as I did not go as straight as they wished they began to make trouble, and I to explain that I was merely rounding instead of going over a big log; but I thought I had an opportunity and sprang away, making a few crooked jumps, and so escaped. I hurried to Capt. Johnson and Capt. Witt, who had halted with the remainder of the regiment in the edge of a wood. Hat in hand I rushed up gestic ulating and begging them to charge the enemy who had our boys. Telling me to lead them in the right direction, they and their men raised a yell and went at them ; and in a few moments we had rescued our comrades and captured the enemy who had them. I caught the fellow who had my pistol, and so got that again. " The coolest and most daring act of the whole affair was that of Phil Pointer. When he got into the underbrush, as I have explained above, and saw that it was a fight against odds or immediate capture, he deliberately raised his rifle, the muzzle within two feet of a Federal soldier, and pulled trigger, but the gun snapped. He promptly threw it down and was allowed to surrender, so all escaped harm ; but if he had killed his man some or all of us who were near him would doubtless have also been killed on the spot." 952 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CHAPTER V. 1865. Gen. Sherman left Savannah, Jan. 22, 1865, on his march through the Carolinas, some of his troops having previously crossed the river. Others followed within a few days, and by February ist the movement in force was begun in earnest. The First Kentucky had waited and watched along the north bank for more than a month, making what preparation it could for a cam paign that proved to be its last. It was part of the force placed in front of the Federal army to impede its progress and prevent it from spreading out laterally and laying waste a vast extent of country. For the Confederacy there appeared to be now scarcely a ray of hope ; but these men endured hardship and met danger with as much spirit and constancy as though every day promised ultimate triumph instead of irretrievable disaster. Whatever untoward fate might come upon the cause which they had championed, one thing stood as in dubitable as destiny it was not to come because of failure on the part of the Kentuckians to do their whole duty. Hood had brought back the remnants of his broken army to join Hardee ; Gen. Wade Hampton was in the field with all the mounted troops that could be spared from Virginia or obtained elsewhere, to assist in resisting the invasion of his native State ; and that splendid soldier, Joseph E. Johnston, was soon recalled to the chief command, like Phocion, in this hour of the country s great distress ; but the strength of these combined forces was too small to stay materially the on-moving host, flushed with the pride of past achievements and buoy ant with the hope of an early termination of the mighty struggle. The experience of the Kentucky Brigade, still under Wheeler, dur ing the next two months, was but a repetition on a new field of that of 1864. Whenever a stream was to be crossed, Gen. Sherman found these men in his front; his pickets, videttes, and scouting parties were captured or run in, day and night ; and his foraging forces had to fight, however cautiously they might move and in whatever strength they might be found ; while his cavalry were compelled to guard with almost sleepless vigilance every approach to his flanks or rear to pre vent surprise and sudden assault on his main columns. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 953 By February i5th, the enemy had reached the vicinity of Columbia, and that night the rearguard of the Confederate Cavalry crossed the Congaree, below the city, and the Federal forces of all arms were well up in the vicinity, ready to force their way over the Congaree and Broad Rivers and take possession of the proud capital where the first formal step in the provisional establishment of the Confederate Gov ernment was taken in 1860. Here the Kentuckians had a more than usually desperate and thrilling experience, which is thus related by Lieut. Milford Overley, of the Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, in his graphic papers entitled "Sherman s March through the Carolinas" : The Confederate Cavalry crossed the Congaree at Columbia, burning the bridge behind them. Breckinridge s brigade passed through the city and on to Broad River, which they crossed, camping in the angle formed by the Saluda and the Broad. On the following day, Feb. 16, Howard s advance crossed the Saluda and attacked the Kentuckians. A rattling fight ensued, the latter holding their own against a greatly superior force, until pushed back by the very weight of numbers. Broad River was immediately in the rear of, and paral lel with their line of battle. The Kentuckians were mounted infantry ; were armed with Enfield rifles; and did their fighting on foot, every fifth man holding the horses. On this occasion, in anticipation of just what did happen, the horses were sent across the river early in the action. The bridge was a long, wooden structure, covered, the sides weatherboarded, and a partition extending its entire length, dividing it into two passways one for footmen ; the other for vehicles and stock. It had been prepared for the torch, which, unfortunately, was applied too soon. The men in the center of the line were the first to enter the bridge, the line doubling as it went in. They crossed in safety; but those at the extremities of the line were less fortunate. It was in flames, and the enemy were only a few rods distant, firing into the entrance. The situation was extremely perilous. The Confed erates had either to surrender or run the fiery gauntlet. They chose the latter, and, with yells of defiance at the enemy, who were calling upon them to surrender, dashed into the bridge, and on through the fire and smoke and biz of balls, nerves and muscles strained to the utmost capacity of endurance. It was a race for life, with odds against the soldiers. Almost suffocated with smoke and heat, some staggered and fell, then rose again, and with the energy of desperation, blindly rushed on. At length the end was reached; the race was won, the men dashing out through a solid sheet of flames. " About fifty of the Kentuckians were burned, some very seriously, but none fatally. The hands of several were so badly burned they 954 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. could not feed themselves ; the faces and necks of others burned in blisters. A few came out of the bridge with blood flowing from their nostrils, caused by the suffocating heat and smoke and their own des perate exertions." Dyer, in his interesting Reminiscences of the First Cavalry," gives this account of it : "At nightfall the brigade crossed the Con- garee on a pontoon below the city, going through and recrossing above on a double bridge, camping about midnight two miles out on the Atlanta road. Early next morning the enemy advanced, and we, sending our horses back across the bridge, formed in the woods on the left of the bridge and made ready to meet him. The extreme left was fully a half mile from the bridge, with the right reaching the road leading from it. The First Kentucky was on the left and our com pany (G) near the left of the regiment. To the right of the road, Col. Goode s Confederates held the line, and were also in charge of the bridge, which they had prepared to burn, in case we were unable to hold it. " A description of the bridge and the preparation for its destruction may assist my readers in forming a correct idea of our experience on this occasion. It was four hundred feet long, double track, three rows of braces, sided (weatherboarded) and built entirely of Southern yellow pine. From end to end, pine faggots and raw cotton, saturated with turpentine, were interwoven between the braces sides and middle. A fire was kept burning at the north end of the bridge, guarded by a detail of four men, who had a pile of fodder convenient. Their orders were : When the last man gets into -the bridge, light a bundle of fodder and set her off. "The first advance was made on our front, which we repulsed. While waiting for another attack we heard a few shots on the right of the road, and then for a few minutes all was quiet. We were trying to account for the sudden change when the order was passed down our line, by the right flank, by fours, double quick, march. Although a surprise, we hastened to obey, and the further we went the faster we ran hurried on by our officers, who seemed to be anxious to get away, as well they might be, for when we arrived at the bridge we found that the Confederates had crossed and fired it, and it had the appearance of a hollow tube of fire from one end to the other. The Yankees had gained possession of the bluff above the bridge, and the river bank below it, and poured Minnie balls into roof and sides like a hail storm; but we risked it, and rushed through, and strange to say, although bullets and splinters flew thick around, not a man was wounded, but all were nearly suffocated and badly scorched, and ten HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN* BRIGADE. 955 or fifteen of the boys, who stumbled and fell, got hands and faces so badly burned that they had to go to the hospital." An officer of Co. B, First Cavalry, thinks that his company was on the extreme left of the regiment when it was formed for the attack that morning. At any rate, the company was so late in getting the order to retreat that was passed down the line, that when it started, it seemed to be almost alone, and when, moving straight for the Atlanta road, it came in sight of it, the enemy had already gotten to that point. Making a rapid detour through the woods toward the river, and over some obstructions, they reached the bridge; "but," he says, "if Col. Breckinridge and his gallant fellows had not held the road a little south of us and kept firing as long as they did we should have been cut off." All accessible accounts of the affair indicate that some men of several companies of the regiment were mingled when they reached the tube of fire, and that Gen. Wheeler was himself still south of it and was assisted by them in forcing his horse into the flames and smoke. It is remembered that John Wisotzki, of Co. B, was almost on the point of falling from exhaustion, but Lieut. Vincent took his rifle and so helped him to pull through; that the hat of Lieut. Pope, Co. D, was on fire when he reached the open ground, and he was severely burned; and that Wm. T. Ellis, J. E. Miles, and A. M. Head, First Kentucky, and Robert McGowan, Ninth Kentucky, were also burned some of them pretty badly. Forming along the river, Wheeler made dispositions to prevent the Federal army from laying pontoons and moving directly on Columbia. He withdrew at night, when relieved by infantry, and bivouacked some miles out ; but by next morning Sherman had succeeded in crossing part of his force, and the cavalry began anew its varied duty the details of which need not be given. The city was surren dered on the iyth, by the mayor (for there was no military power in charge), and that night it was burned in sight of a scout detailed from the First Kentucky. From Columbia, S. C., to Bentonville, N. C., for a month, the Con federates were forced back, a distance of less than two hundred miles, direct; and for the Kentuckians there was little of either rest or safety. At the latter place (March 19, 1865), they took part in the last serious conflict between Johnston and SHerman. This failed of decisive advantage to the Confederates, though under their old leader, Johnston, they fought so splendidly that the enemy could not make head against them, and nightfall found them still in his front. After a ft -w days, during which Sherman operated with unusual caution, and got all his troops well concentrated, giving him vast numerical odds, Johnston withdrew to Raleigh, thence soon after to Greensboro . 956 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. There were occasional minor conflicts at various points, but nothing of marked importance occurred. From Virginia, however, came the intelligence that Lee had surren dered (April pth) to Grant, and President Davis, with his family and some members of his cabinet, came to Greensboro . Before negotia tions began for the surrender of the army in North Carolina, a call was made for a cavalry escort for the President and his party, and, as is understood, Gen. John C. Breckinridge, then Secretary of War, requested that the Kentucky Cavalry Brigade and one of Ten- neseeans under Debrell be assigned to this duty. "And now," says one conversant with the facts and with the temper of the men, "the old First Kentucky was ready to accompany him and rally about the Southern Cross wherever he might set it up." At Charlotteville, where the party halted, they were joined by Gen. Duke, with some of the men whom he had commanded since Morgan s death. Here the President learned that Gen. Johnston had concluded to accept Sherman s terms, as modified by Gen. Grant; and he pro ceeded to Abbeville, S. C., where the last cabinet meeting was held. Prominent among the few troops that still kept their organization and accompanied the president across the Savannah was the First Kentucky. It continued with him for some time after his party had broken up and each had taken his several way; and it left him only after it appeared that remaining longer would tend rather to his disad vantage than to his safety, as it was not strong enough to contend with the Federal cavalry that was gathering in great force for the pursuit. When it repaired to Washington, Ga. , for final surrender, the Fed eral officer assigned to the duty of receiving it, demanded that horses, side-arms, and personal effects be given up contrary to terms prom ised by Gen. Sherman. To this, as one account (regarded as authentic) has it, Col. Breckinridge refused to accede in behalf of the brigade, and referred him to the men themselves. Before the matter was ad justed, the First Kentucky moved off towards Athens, preferring to take chances; but they were presently overtaken and assured that the Sherman-Johnston agreement should be respected; whereupon they yielded (May 10, 1865) ; but, meanwhile, a part of the command had come upon a body of Federal cavalry, which, through mere force of habit or because of anger and desperation, they charged and routed. For this, such participants as had been allowed to retain their side- arms, were punished next morning by having them taken away. All made their way to Chattanooga, and were sent thence to Nash ville. They finally reached home, having experienced at the hands of provosts and their subalterns, who occupied bomb-proof positions at the above-named posts, some treatment wholly inconsistent with the CAPT. W. J. TAYLOR. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 957 terms upon which they had surrendered, and in strong contrast with that given them by the honorable soldiers who had fronted them on many fields. But they had been true, under fiery trials, to themselves and to the traditions of a martial people. In the language of a survivor who had a just pride in their record, and who wrote of them afterward : " The First Kentucky did its duty, in and out of prison. It was true to its colors under all circumstances. And to-day I know none of its mem bers who would not be as true to the flag of the Union, should any foreign power assail us, as they were to that under which they fought and failed." INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. I. A Desperate Encounter. Among the incidents that illus trate in a striking way the steady gallantry of individuals, one in which the participants were Capt. W. J. Taylor, Sergt. Jas. H. Bozarth, and Private Walter McDaniel, all of Co. A, deserves to be recorded. In the spring of 1865 all the Kentucky regiments, infantry and cav alry, had become so depleted by casualties in battle, by disease, and by loss of captives still detained in prison, that the authorities gave them the only opportunity to recruit which was then open to them. Commands to which the homes of their men were easily accessible re ceived the new enlistments from their respective States ; the Kentucky regiments whose service was wholly below their southern boundary acquired no appreciable additions at any time, as most of those who took service after Bragg withdrew from Kentucky in October, 1862, connected themselves with Morgan. This was not only most conven ient to them, but the fame of this dashing and enterprising leader and his troopers naturally attracted them. Toward the last of February, 1865, the gentlemen above named with some others received from Richmond a ninety-day furlough for the purpose of raising recruits for the thin ranks of the First Cavalry. Of the one thousand to fifteen hundred men who had enrolled them selves in its ranks, less than three hundred now remained, and to the everlasting honor of the regiment it should be known that an examina tion of all the muster-rolls accessible disclose that but a handful had deserted. The First Kentucky compares favorably in this respect, as ^vell as others, with the very best in the service. Taylor, Bozarth, and McDaniel, after a long and arduous journey from Charlotte, N. C., reached Daveiss County on the 4th of April. The season was unusually rainy and the streams were so swollen that they could cross even ordinarily insignificant ones only by swimming their horses the bridges and boats being either destroyed or guarded by Federal soldiers. They had been almost continuously in country occupied by the enemy, but they had skillfully avoided outposts and traveling scouts, and got home safe and unobserved. A stay of twenty-four hours among their friends convinced them that 958 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. their errand would be fruitless. The people had come to believe that the struggle was hopeless, and few were ready to make any further sacrifices. To add to their discouragement, the murderous and blood- guilty Burbridge was in command in Kentucky, and his order to shoot as spies all Confederate soldiers caught here was in force. Having rested about a week, they left on the night of April loth, swam Green River, and hid themselves in the hills until next afternoon, when they proceeded southward. It was a most perilous undertaking. The same difficulties as to passing water courses existed as on their homeward trip. Capture meant almost inevitable murder. Not only were regu lar troops or home guards watching the bridges and ferries, but they infested the woods and by-ways. On the evening of the nth they reached the home of Dr. R. H. Davis, a friend, on the Tradewater River, in Hopkins County. Gath ering what information he could give, they resumed their journey early on the morning of the i2th, but soon found, on passing a farmhouse, that they were discovered. Armed men rushed out and began firing on Bozarth (who had fallen a little in the rear), but without effect, and the three were soon in rapid flight through the woods, across fields, along by-paths, seeking to get beyond the observation of men who seemed to spring up from unsuspected places, like Rhoderick Dhu s on the road to Coilantogle Ford, and in such odds that it would have been madness to fight them. At intervals blue uniforms were seen on this :side and that, and there appeared to be imminent danger that the pursued would be surrounded. Thus endangered and driven from a direct course they became sufficiently confused to mistake direction, and about ten o clock in the forenoon found that they had been mov ing almost in a circle and were near the identical spot from which the chase began in the morning. They were at the mouth of a lane a quarter mile or more in length. A cavalry troop was known to be in dangerous proximity behind them, and home guards were advancing on foot through open fields on each side. The alternative of surrendering or running this perilous gauntlet was before them. They chose the latter, then spurred their jaded horses and dashed forward as bullets whistled around them from right, left, and rear. Before clearing the field Capt. Taylor received a severe flesh wound in one leg, but kept his saddle. The mounted men were gaining on them, and they saw that these must be checked or they themselves would soon be either captured or killed. They formed the desperate resolution to make a stand and give battle. Turning abruptly through a passable way into one of the fields, at one side of which was a bit of open woods, they took shelter there and faced about as Taylor exclaimed, " We will fight them here ! " They sat with drawn revolvers to await the coming of their pursuers into close range. Six well-mounted men dashed in open order upon them. They were armed with carbines and pistols, and led by an officer of whose gallant bearing his three foes afterward spoke admiringly. There was no confusion, no sign of retreat on either side, but the grim silence was suddenly broken by a crash of carbines and revolvers. When it ceased there were six empty saddles. Five Federal cavalry men lay dead or dying, and the officer, whose horse had been shot under him, stood dismounted and mortally wounded. The pursuers were JAMES II . BOZARTH. ,-x X" : v- WALTER McDANIEL. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 959 either too much excited by the chase or they lacked skill, for the three Kentuckians were untouched. This stopped the pursuit. The three men proceeded leisurely the remainder of that day and all night, and at daylight next morning reached the house of Robert Lewis, in Daveiss County, having ridden more than one hundred miles in twenty-four hours, and made one of the most remarkable fights and escapes of the war. Here Capt. Taylor s wound was dressed by Dr. Samuel Haynes, and he received the attention necessary to a speedy recovery; but by this time it was known that Lee had surrendered, which was generally understood to mean that the war was over; and there was no further effort to reach the Southern armies, except on the part of Sergt. Bozarth, who, having remained some time with his wounded captain, set out about May ist, met with some stirring adventures, and nar rowly escaped being killed, but at length reached the headquarters of Gen. Richard Taylor, at Jackson, Miss., where he learned that the troops under Johnston had also laid down their arms, and he was forced to accept the conclusion which his daring comrades, Taylor and McDaniel, had reached two or three weeks before. Here he received, he afterwards said, his " worst shot since his enlistment the reading of Gen. Taylor s order of surrender." The remarkable fight above described was one among the very last that took place during the war between regular soldiers. Its result was in keeping with the reputation which the men of the First Ken tucky had established for intrepidity, steadiness, and skill in action. II. In the Swamps of Salkiehatchie. The personal expe rience of two members of Co. G, in connection with the stand made by the First Regiment at a causeway illustrates not only a phase of soldier life, but how audacity may extricate men from difficulty. The furious fire poured upon the command aligned across the road was ineffective, except that at the first volley John Will Dyer s horse and Lewis Wall s mule were killed. When the men still on horseback turned about to charge through the line forming their rear, these two sought refuge in the swamp and escaped observa tion. About sundown, when the last of Sherman s army had filed by the point at which Dyer sat watching them from his position among the mosquitoes and the creeping things in the water, he crawled out and started in the direction the regiment had taken and was presently joined by Wall. To reach their command necessitated either passing tiirough the Federal army or flanking it. They adopted the dangerous ( ourse. Keeping in hiding, after they came in sight of the Federal ( olumn, until it went into camp, took supper, and was apparently asleep, the venturesome young Kentuckians bore their guns at a right- shoulder-shift, took step, and marched boldly through the bivouac of the enemy, with the air of a detail moving off on duty. Traveling tiie remainder of the night they came up with the regiment, about sunrise, ready to move. Dyer, to whom I am indebted for the circum stance, naively adds that though they were mortally hungry while among those sleeping Federals, and the "air was redolent of fried ham and coffee," they abstained from appropriating haversacks. This indicates a fine sense of old Kentucky honesty under severe tempta- 960 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. tion or perhaps the boys had a lively feeling as to the importance of " saving their own bacon. The reader can put his own construction on the matter. III. They "Would Know Him in the Dark. It is maintained that Tom Richards style of bugle blowing, referred to elsewhere, was so peculiarly his own that to this day if he should sound his calls in the old way within hearing of men of the First, even in unexpected places and out of sight, they would instantly recognize him. Col. Chenoweth told of a circumstance which corroborates the impression. Many years after the war, while on a visit to Kentucky, he took his seat in the old Concord coach at Nicholasville for Harrodsburg, when sud denly he heard "boots and saddles." He jumped to his feet, ejacu lating, "Tom Richards! " And sure enough, there was Tom. Hav ing caught sight of his old major, he had crawled upon the coach over the boot and gotten the driver s bugle, with which he was filling the town with unfamiliar echoes, except perhaps to his own and Cheno weth s ears ; but to the latter they were the thrilling tones of a friend and comrade coming unexpectedly out of a stirring period now long past. IV. Adjutant Payne, the Genial and Well-Beloved. Speaking of some of his comrades, Col. Chenoweth says : With Sunny Payne (sunny by name and nature), Tom Richards, Tom Jones, Jeff Rogers, and other glorious spirits of the First Kentucky, around a winter s camp-fire, more jolly fun could be squeezed into a few hours than I had previously dreamed of in my philosophy. Poor, dear, glorious Payne ! He was murdered in cold blood by a villainous Federal soldier, after the war. Please do not forget him. He had the happiest, sunniest nature I have ever known." V. Phil Pointer. In a letter to us, relative to the Jug Tavern fight, Col. Breckinridge says : " Will Ellis, and Phil Pointer (now dead) particularly distinguished themselves." The gentleman first named is the Hon. Wm. T. Ellis, of Owensboro, and he has this to say of his gallant comrade : Phil Pointer was regarded as one of the bravest and best young men in the First Cavalry. At Jug Tavern he and myself were in Breckinridge s advance guard, and when we came upon the enemy, just after the first gray dawn of morning, Pointer led the first charge on his pickets, and was in the very forefront of that remarkable and brilliant episode until the last enemy was captured or sent flying before us. When some three hundred or more of them and four hundred or more of their horses had been captured and we were pressing them furiously, something like a hundred of their cavalry, which was more than double as many men as we then had in action, and who were farthest away from our first point of attack, had succeeded in saddling their horses, and had formed in line of battle to resist us. It was a well formed line. There was no evidence of a panic or disposition for a retreat as far as appearances indicated. We had but about eighty men in that engagement to start with. Some of these were killed, and others were wounded, while others had been detailed to guard or try to guard the large number of prisoners we had already captured. When we came upon this line of the enemy s cavalry, which stood HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 961 ready to oppose us, the situation was critical in the extreme. Breck- inridge could not muster exceeding forty men at that moment, and the indications were that we would lose, not only the triumph we had achieved, but would ourselves be made prisoners. At that moment Phil Pointer again dashed to the front. He was a beardless boy and as handsome as a woman. Standing up in his saddle stirrups, he shouted to Col. Breckinridge to charge them again that victory would be ours. Breckinridge acted on the soldier boy s advice, and a fierce charge was on in a second, with Phil Pointer in the very forefront of it. The little sergeant was right. The enemy s line broke and fled in- gloriously. All that remained to us after that was to pick up as many more prisoners as possible, and try to hold them after we had them." VI. Some Remarkable War Horses (a) Yeager. The pic ture fronting this represents Lieut. S. D. Brooks s charger in his old age, taken a short time before he died. He had lost the fine proportions and the attractive appearance of youth, but by no means his martial fire, for he was, so to speak, a soldier to the day of his death. He was one of the serviceable horses captured with Stoneman s men when his great raid on Hood s communications (July ay-Aug. 3, 1864,) was broken up. In the distribution, Yeager fell to Brooks. In color, he was light brown or chestnut mane and tail somewhat lighter than his body. It was ascertained that he was then eleven years old ; that he was reared near Lexington, Ky.: and was a direct descendant of old Wagoner, and was also of racing breed on the dam s side. It was soon developed that he was sufficiently fleet of foot to distance horses of other commands that had the reputation of racers, and the boys of the First embraced an occasional opportunity to steal him out and win with him. When it was necessary for his master to extricate himself irom a dangerous place, Yeager could show a clean pair of heels on short notice and save him from capture. He was unusually intelligent, and though spirited, was gentle and perfectly trustworthy. Brooks rode him during the remainder of the war ; then managed to retain him in accordance with Gen. Sherman s terms, while so many of his fellow-soldiers were unjustly deprived of theirs, and brought him home. From that day Yeager was a pensioner the only one, his master said, that the Southern army has had. For a few years he was used as a buggy horse, but was never put to hard service. For about twenty years he was not used at all. He bossed the stables, and in fact pretty much everything on the place gave way to him. He was re sponsive to the advances of children, who rode him in safety, and he was the hobby horse of the place on whom they learned to ride. But the bugle stirred his blood to his latest day, and the noise of guns kindled the battle-fire in him. The sound of a trumpet remained to him a call to duty ; at the first blast he would throw up his head and snort, and then start full speed to the place to which he thought himself sum moned. At the firing of a gun he seemed to have in mind the instruc tions that govern troops unengaged and in doubt as to where to strike, he would neigh and then like a good soldier break for the point of heaviest firing. The smell of powder had in it for him a sug gestion of mischief and set him on the lookout for a fight. He was twice wounded in battle and carried one bullet in his shoul- 962 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. der for many years. His master watched for it to work out, which it finally did and was lost, much to his grief, as he wished to preserve it as a relic of the war and a memento of the gallant charger. A relative says that he was greatly distressed. In his old age, Yeager stood upon his dignity as a pensioner who was the only quadruped within his knowledge who had breasted the storm of battle and " laughed at the shaking of the spear," and richly deserved the reward he got. Once, a short time before he died, a niece had his owner s consent to ride him to the postoffice for mail. He was carefully saddled and she mounted. When he reached the gate leading into the highway he put his head over the gate, looked about a little, seeming to reflect upon this new departure, then turned and walked deliberately back to the house, where he waited for the young lady to dismount and the saddle and bridle to be removed. It was the last time the veteran was subjected to bit and saddle. He had shown that even a lady ought to respect the prerogatives of one who had served with Brooks so faithfully in defense of the Constitution as framed and understood by the Great and Glorious Fathers of the Re public. In August, 1889, he died, aged thirty-six years. His master, to -whom he had been so faithful on the fiery marge of battle, and some times saved when disaster threatened, was moved as though he had lost a dear friend, and his family scarcely less so. He gave him de cent burial and built a roofed structure around his grave. The old war horse was not without honor in life, and, being dead, his resting- place is numbered among those of " the boys in gray." (b) Fanny. This was a brown mare ridden by Frank Camp, Co. B, First Cavalry, during the entire four-year service except three months. In 1861 she was seven years old. Surviving the rough riding and the fighting of the First during those years of conflict, she was brought home by her owner, who, like Lieut. Brooks, was fortunate enough to retain his mount; and notwithstanding she shared the lot of Confederate soldiers in general and had to go to work to earn her liv ing, she did not die till 1890, when, like Yeager, she had reached the age of thirty-six. She was the granddaughter of old Pilot on one side and of Clara Fisher on the other, and was active and ambitious. The Confederate Government fixed her valuation at first at $150; when last appraised it was placed at $ 1.800. In a skirmish at Eagleville, Tenn., part of her tongue was shot off, but it is not recorded that this bullet through her mouth diminished her powers of speech or lessened her warlike spirit. After the battle of Saltville, when Burbridge was hurriedly trying to regain his base, (not because he was whipped, he said, but because he was out of ammunition,) the Kentuckians gave chase. On the rapid ride Fanny took the thumps and seemed likely to fall out, seeing which an officer ordered Camp to abandon her and procure a fresh horse. Leaving the column, he was on the point of beginning a search for an animal that could carry him through; but she presently became so eager to follow those that were pushing forward that she vigorously resisted his efforts to hold her back, whereupon he dismounted and held the reins with the intention of resting her somewhat and then re- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 963 suming his ride ; out he found it difficult to restrain her from breaking away. At length she grew desperate and attacked him so furiously that he was in danger of being torn to pieces. He concluded it best to allow her to go, so he remounted and she dashed off soon not only overtaking but pressing to the front of the column and leading it. When at length it seemed that the Federals had made a stand and must be attacked, the First Kentucky, as usual, left their horses and advanced on foot. Camp expected, in case of his coming safe out of the engagement, to find her dead where he left her ; but he was agree ably disappointed on getting back to see her grazing with the rest, en tirely recovered from the thumps, and ready for duty. It was the last time she was affected by that or other disorder, though the regiment .did hard service for about six months longer. PART V. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT OF BIOGRAPHY. (FIRST CAVALRY.) LIEUT.-GEN. JOSEPH WHEELER. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 967 LIEUT. -GEN. JOSEPH WHEELER. [NOTE. It is in accordance with requests of prominent surviving members of the First Cavalry that the portrait and sketch of Gen. Wheeler is included in this volume. For most of the time, after Bragg set out on the Kentucky cam paign, till the close of the war, it served under him ; and almost from the very first these men were prepossessed in his favor. He had qualities which so won their confidence and so kindled their admiration that their relations were soon pleasant, almost personal. The saying became current that they were " Wheel er s Pets." Old soldiers will quickly apprehend that this meant anything but that favoritism which secures immunity from hardship and danger ; that on the con trary, for a particular body of troops to become "pets" of a bold and enterpris- ng commander is like the kindly attention which a bear bestows on a man by iiugging him. It is the " pets" which constitute a general s forlorn hope or get more frequently than others thrown into " the imminent deadly breach " where -omebody must stay to avert disaster from an army. Writing to one of them after the war, in answer to an allusion made to the general s way of " putting them in hard places ; " he admitted the " soft impeachment," but explained (what his accuser knew) that it was because he trusted them to go promptly and stay when i hey got there. The "War Child," (he was a major-general at twenty-seven, md a lieutenant-general at thirty), was not a Kentuckian (more s the pity) ; but : he veterans of the First Cavalry who followed him so long and at last parted .vith him sorrowfully thirty-one years ago, have cherished for him rather the omrade s kindly feeling than the mere memory of a commanding general, and iheir desire that he be associated with them here is reasonable and creditable alike to both.] Joseph Wheeler was born in Augusta, Ga. , Sept. 10, 1836. He was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1859, and assigned to the dragoons. He was a lieutenant of cavalry in New Mexico till .April, 1 86 1, when he resigned. Entering the Confederate army, he became lieutenant of artillery, colonel of infantry, brigadier-general, major-general, and lieutenant- general of cavalry. At Shiloh he commanded a brigade and covered the Confederate retreat from the field. In July, 1862, he was transferred to a cavalry command, and engaged in raiding West Tennessee. During Bragg s Kentucky campaign he had charge of the cavalry, and fought at Green River, Munfordville and Perryville. He commanded the rear guard of the Confederate army when it retreated into Tennessee and in Octo ber was promoted to brigadier-general. At Stone River he was in charge of the cavalry, and thereafter he was continuously active in contesting Gen. Rosecrans advance, also attacking his flanks, raiding in the rear, and destroying his trains. On the ipth of January, 1863, he received his commission as major- general. In May, 1863, the Confederate Congress passed a resolution thanking him for his daring deeds and successful military operations. He opposed the Federal advance upon Chattanooga, skillfully protect ing Bragg s trains in crossing the Tennessee River, and fell upon Rosecrans line of communications, defeating the force that was sent 968 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. against him and destroying over 1,200 wagons, with stores. On this raid he succeeded in damaging government property to the value of $3,000,000, and burnt bridges and destroyed Rosecrans railroad communications. Subsequently he took part in the siege of Knox- ville, and November 22d to 2yth covered Bragg s retreat from Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain. During the winter and spring he con tinually harassed the Federal troops, and, on the advance of Gen. Sherman s army toward Atlanta, he opposed every movement and fought almost daily, often with his men dismounted. July 27-30 he fought the raiding force of Gen. Stoneman, Gen. Garrard, and Gen. McCook, and captured 3,200 prisoners, including Gen. Stoneman, and all the artillery and transportation. On the pth of August, 1864, he was sent by Gen. Hood to capture the Federal supplies, burn bridges, and break up railways in the rear of Gen. Sherman s army. He raided through Northern Georgia, East and Middle Tennessee, and then recrossed the Tennessee River into Northern Alabama. During this raid he was continuously engaged and greatly crippled the enemy s resources. When the Confederate commander became con vinced of the impossibility of arresting Sherman s advance, Wheeler was sent in front of the invading army to prevent the national troops from raiding and foraging. He successfully defended the cities of Macon and Augusta, with their vast arsenals and depots of supplies. He then engaged in the defense of Savannah, and for his defense of Aiken received the thanks of the State of South Carolina. He re ceived his promotion to the rank of lieutenant-general in February, 1865, and continued in charge of the cavalry under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston until the surrender, in April, 1865. The death of Gen. James E. B. Stewart, May n, 1864, made him senior cavalry general of the Confederate armies. After the war he studied law; was offered in 1866, the professorship of philosophy in the Louisiana State Seminary, but declined; in 1869 he became a lawyer and planter in Alabama, and engaged in these oc cupations till 1880, when he was elected to Congress. He has been elected eight times by continually increasing majorities. He is a dis tinguished member of the Committee on Ways and Means, is one of the six members of the house of longest service and is now the senior Congressional Smithsonian Regent. His speeches on tariff, currency, and national election laws have attracted widespread attention, and are pronounced as among the ablest and most profound. He is re garded as authority upon military matters, the tariff and constitutional questions, and he is especially noted for his untiring devotion to his congressional duties. As a soldier he was both strategist and fighter ; audacious, tireless, aggressive, the incarnation of a ubiquitous energy. He was present COL. JAS. Q. CHENOWETH. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 99 at Pensacola; aided in capturing Gen. Prentiss division at Shiloh; rendered distinguished service at Perryville and on the retreat from Kentucky, winning therefor the highest commendations from the Confederate generals; turned Rosecrans flank at Murfreesboro , cap turing troops and wagons, and destroying gunboats and supplies ; dis tinguished himself at Chickamauga, and after the battle made his famous raid around Rosecrans rear, previously alluded to. As a cavalry officer he ranked with the Confederates, Forrest and Stuart, and the Federal, Sheridan, although younger than any of them. At twenty- six years of age he received the thanks of the Confederate Congress for his magnificent service in general, and of South Carolina for de fending Aiken. The able and heroic manner in which he hung upon Sherman s course on the march to the sea and through the Carolinas was warmly commended by President Davis. He was wounded three times and had sixteen horses shot under him. Seven of his staff officers were killed, and thirty-two wounded. As a national legislator he has exhibited the traits that distinguished him as a soldier. He is an indefatigable worker and student, and, as previ ously indicated, is devoted to the interests of his constituents, handling public questions in a masterly way, and speaking exhaustively upon great practical issues. COL. JAMES Q. CHENOWETH. Col. Chenoweth has had a varied and eventful career as a soldier, a legislator, a jurist, a civil officer of his county and of the general government; and through it all and everywhere he has been a Ken- tuckian mindful of the traditions and the history of his native State; proud of those traits in her people which give them a marked individ uality, in whatever land, under whatever circumstances they may chance to be ; and true in thought and conduct to the comrades who dared and suffered with him in a heroic struggle against the subversion of principles of government which they had been taught to regard as unalterably true. He was born in Louisville, Feb. 9, 1841. His parents were Thomas Hanna and Nancy Trapnall (Passmore) Chenoweth. His paternal ancestors came from England to America about the year 1700, and the Kentucky branch settled near Martinsburg, Va., coming afterward to Kentucky among the first settlers. The Passmore family came from Holland, and settled in Mercer County, Kentucky, at an early day in the history of the State. His ancestors on both sides served with Gen. George Rogers Clark in his campaigns against the British and Indians, .by which he secured to Virginia the great Northwestern Territory 970 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. (now six populous and flourishing States of the Union), and they took part also in the war of 1812. He was prepared for college by the schools of his home city. Enter ing Asbury University in 1856 he graduated there four years afterward with the degree of A. M. Making choice of the law as a profession, he began his preparatory reading and study with Capt. Phil B. Thomp son ; but the great sectional trouble was soon agitating the country, and the mind and heart of the ardent young Kentuckian were at once enlisted in behalf of the South, and he gave himself more to military exercises and the study of tactics than to the subtleties of the law. In September, 1861, he was mustered into the First Kentucky Cavalry by Col. Ben Hardin Helm, and having already acquired some reputa tion as a tactician, was immediately assigned by Gen. Hardee to duty as drillmaster, and sent to Gallatin, Tenn., to organize and drill the Bennett Battalion of Cavalry. He remained with this command till a short time before the battle of Shiloh, when Hardee ordered him to report for duty to Gen. Beall, commanding cavalry in Sidney John ston s army; took part in the great battle of April 6 and 7, 1862, where he received his first wound a shot in the left wrist. On Gen. Hardee s recommendation he was ordered by the Rich mond War Office to enlist a cavalry regiment in Kentucky during Bragg s occupation of the State. He reported to Gen. Kirby Smith at Lexington, who assigned him to duty as major of the regiment then being organized by Col. J. Russell Butler, in which capacity he was active during the remainder of the Kentucky campaign and in the cav alry operations around Murfreesboro preceding the battle of Stone River. On the first day of this battle, Dec. 31, 1862, he led the es cort of Gen. Buford (of whose brigade his regiment was a part), when it captured the celebrated "Anderson troop" from Philadelphia (about one hundred strong). Anderson s magnificent black charger, no longer serviceable to him, Maj. Chenoweth at once appropriated to his own use ; but about an hour afterward, while leading in a charge of the brigade, he was shot off his back. He was not permanently disabled, and when the Butler men became a part of the First Ken tucky Cavalry he was assigned as major of the new organization. About the middle of September, 1863, a court-martial of which he was a member was sitting at Rome, Ga, ; but when it became evident that the battle of Chickamauga was imminent, he promptly took leave of that judicial body and hurried to the front. He was in all the en gagements of his regiment on that field and was wounded on the chin ; was in the fight in Sequatchie Valley, October 2d, and after Lieut. -Col. Griffith was wounded, he took command and led his regiment during the remainder of Wheeler s raid in the rear of Rosecrans position. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 971 When the division reached Murfreesboro and the commanding general had in mind to attempt the capture of the place, Chenoweth was or dered to charge with all the well-mounted and well-armed men of his regiment, and was promptly on the gallop with his gallant young bloods to ride at that strong garrison and as certainly "into the jaws of death " as did the Light Brigade at Balaklava ; but Gen. Wheeler, ever alive and circumspect, quickly discovered the strength of the enemy s forces and position and recalled him. Returning from this long raid, he was sent with the First Regiment and Kirkpatrick s Battalion to Harrison s Landing to guard the cross ings of the Tennessee and do general outpost duty, where he remained until the battle of Mission Ridge ; then fought his command on flank and rear of Bragg s retreating army to Ringgold Gap and was aligned in front of Cleburne to receive the attack of Osterhaus s advance, as described in a previous part of this work. At Tunnel Hill, January, 1864, when Kilpatrick attacked the Ken tucky Cavalry, the brigade and regimental commanders were absent ; but Major Chenoweth took command, and though some confusion had resulted from the sudden Federal dash aud firing, he quickly had the brigade in fighting order, repulsed Kilpatrick, and drove him wounded back to Ringgold. At one time during this winter, either from Tunnel Hill or Oxford, Ala., he led a detachment into McLemore s Cave and captured nearly a hundred deserters from the Confederate Army, who had ren dezvoused there to effect some offensive or defensive organization, and turned them over to Gen. Johnston at Dalton. On the campaign of 1864 he shared with his regiment all its dan gers, hardships, and conflicts, until a few days before the army reached Atlanta. The splendid charge which he led at Snake Creek Gap, and its effect in retarding McPherson s advance on Johnston s communica tions, have been described. Col. Breckinridge, in an address at a re union of Co. A, in 1883, said, referring to this : "I saw the charge of Chenoweth with you and your comrades ; the flank movement under cover was rapid, skillful, and quiet ; the dash from cover handsome and brilliant." In July, 1864, Gen. Joseph E. Johnston ordered him to report to Col. Adam Johnson to aid in recruiting a brigade of cavalry. With about fifty men, the nucleus of a regiment, which he enlisted en route, he entered Kentucky and was soon afterward made colonel of one of the three regiments which they had succeeded in raising. His com mand was known as the Sixteenth Kentucky Cavalry. As the brigade retired from the State there was fighting at Grubb s Cross Roads (where Gen. Adam Johnson lost his eyes by a gunshot wound). At 972 -HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. Paris, Tenn. , where the command halted, an incident occurred which illustrates with what promptness and boldness Chenoweth acted in emergencies. The notorious butcher, Paine, was in command of Federal forces at Paducah when the affair at the Cross Roads oc curred, and in this engagement the adjutant of the Sixteenth Ken tucky, Waller Bullock, was captured. Col. Chenoweth learned that he had fallen into Paine s hands, and was under sentence of death, though he had been taken in open fight and as a regularly enlisted sol dier. Chenoweth had under guard four or five Federal prisoners, whom he had taken at Cumberland River. He at once wrote Paine that if Bullock should be harmed he would immediately kill every prisoner he had. This letter reached the monster by the hands of a Union woman, to whom it had been intrusted; but meanwhile the ad jutant had escaped. Soon after Johnson s misfortune, Gen. Lyon was assigned to the command of the brigade, and during his raid in Kentucky, in the winter of 1864-65 (undertaken to create a diversion in favor of Hood s army in its advance on Nashville), Col. Chenoweth played an especially active part, though it proved unavailing to avert disaster from Hood. It was a campaign of dreadful hardships and suffering, such as he had not hitherto experienced, varied and constant as had been his service. Just before Christmas he burned the Nolin Bridge, on the L. & N. Railway, and near by captured a train of cars loaded with Federal soldiers, a little in rear of one that bore nearly all the Confederate prisoners captured from Hood s army, whom timely in formation would have enabled him to release. Lyon did not wholly discontinue his operations in the State and on its borders till the spring of 1865, when he withdrew the remnants of his force to Paris, Tenn. There, after the surrender of Lee and Johnston, intending to go to Mexico, he left Col. Chenoweth in chief command. The latter went shortly afterward to Paducah, where he arranged with Gen. Meredith, then commanding there, liberal terms of surren der, which were approved by the department commander, Gen. Thomas, who furnished him and his staff an escort, and his men trans portation, to Nashville; and soon this little brigade, whose experience had been short, but bitter, existed no more as an organization. His mission to Paducah, though under flag of truce, was a danger ous one, as Mr. Lincoln had but recently been assassinated, and the advent of a Confederate officer into the garrison created excitement; but after conditions had been agreed upon, Gen. Meredith furnished him an escort, commanded by Col. Hawkins (afterward Governor of Tennessee), who took him under safe conduct beyond the Federal lines and treated him with soldierly consideration. % r \ 4 HON. WM. T. ELLIS. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 973 When he laid down his arms he went to Harrodsburg, Ky., where his late grandfather s family then resided ; thence, soon afterward, he went to Montgomery, Ala., and resumed the study of law in the office of ex-Chancellor Keyes. The following year he was admitted to the bar and began practice in Montgomery, with characteristic zeal and energy. He did not remain long there, however, but returned to Ken tucky, and in 1869 he was elected to represent his district in the State Senate, but concluded in 1872 to remove to Texas, and he thereupon resigned his seat in that body. Settling in Bonham, he formed a part nership with Gen. (afterward United States Senator) Maxey; less than two years afterward he was appointed by Gov. Coke to be Dis trict Judge of his district, which office he filled for one term; and he was twice elected to represent Fannin County in the Legislature, where he was a recognized positive force during the seventeenth and eight eenth sessions. In 1885 President Cleveland appointed him to the exceedingly important and responsible position of First Auditor of the United States Treasury, which he filled during that term with marked ability and to the entire satisfaction of the administration. In 1892, his health being broken, so that he was unable to resume the practice of law, he was made President of the Board of Commissioners for Fannin County, which place he now holds. The educated and chivalrous gentleman and brilliant cavalier is re membered with pride by his surviving comrades, who look to him with confidence to see that the fair fame they won by a display of true Ken tucky valor on many fields suffer no hurt among the people of the Lone Star, with whom he has become identified by adoption. % HON. WILLIAM T. ELLIS. Born in 1845, he was but sixteen years old at the beginning of the war, but was among the first in his section of the State to volunteer in defense of the South. Enlisting with the Hancock company (D of the First Cavalry), he soon sought transfer to Co. C to be more closely identified with the men of his own county. He was second corporal of Co. D; was made fourth corporal of Co. C; but before the war closed was promoted to second sergeant. From the date of his enlist ment to the close of the war he was continuously and actively engaged ; was zealous, enterprising, and ambitious to do well whatever there was for him to do ; was dashing as a fighter, trustworthy as picket and scout, manly in bearing privation, and undismayed by disaster, in short, the stripling farmer boy seemed fashioned by nature and unpretentious Kentucky home life into that stern stuff which the Spartan law-giver deemed so essential to his country s defenders as to justify him in sub- -974 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. jecting them as boys to long and painful training that they might not fail as men. To recount the affairs in which he took part would simply be to name in detail the scouts, skirmishes, and pitched battles in which Co. C (after the reorganization Co. A), was engaged. At Hewey s bridge; in Sweeden s Cove ; at Murfreesboro with Forrest ; in the charge on the stockade at Tullahoma; with the company when, alone on outpost, it was thrown back by a regiment of mounted infantry, but rallied, coun ter charged, and kept the ground till reinforced ; at Perryville, and during those trying days. in Bragg s rear, from Crab Orchard to Cum berland Gap; at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, and Ringgold Gap; in Sequatchie Valley, and at Charleston ; at Dug and Snake Creek Gaps ; around Atlanta; in the chasing and taking of Stoneman s main force; then at Jug Tavern, as one of the eighty who took many times their own number of men and horses and arms; at Saltville, and so on to the end. The list is too long ; where his command was there he was, unless on detached and important duty, and the history of the regi ment furnishes details. During the fight in Sequatchie Valley his horse was shot under him ; at Jug Tavern, Col. Breckinridge says that he particularly distinguished himself; and Gen. Wheeler wrote as follows of the desperate affair when the bridge over Broad River at Columbia, S. C. , was crossed, Feb. 1 6, 1865 : "I remember well an episode in which the Hon. Wm. T. Ellis was prominent. A large force, probably half of Sher man s army, were engaged with my cavalry command, driving us rap idly back to the only bridge which there crossed the river. When I had been driven to near the head of the bridge, I sent most of the command across and remained with a small force endeavoring to keep back the enemy, while a detail was engaged in preparing the structure for burning. We fought most desperately in order to prevent being cut off from it ; and when near it were compelled to charge an ad vancing line. While this charge was being made, the bridge, through accident or design, was fired. All the horses, except my own, had previously been sent across, and when we reached the mouth of the bridge we were confronted by an almost solid flame of fire. The men, Ellis among the number, beat my horse with their guns and compelled him to spring through the flame, and they ran through it, all of them being more or less burned. When we got to the end of the bridge, I noticed Ellis, who was still only a boy, with his hair and hat singed, and his hat torn by a bullet which had furrowed along the top of it. No men ever acted with more true courage than this gallant body of fifteen." After he was promoted to sergeant he was repeatedly sent in charge HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 975 of scouting parties on expeditions that were regarded as important. One of these is noted as an indication of the confidence reposed in him by his superiors and the manner in which he executed his trust. An order of Col. Griffith s, dated April 4, 1865, directs that : " Sergt. Ellis, in charge of ten men, is ordered to proceed to the rear or to the vicinity of the enemy, for the purpose of getting such information as he can concerning his movements." Pursuant to this he selected ten men whom he regarded as being the very best in the regiment, and made a complete circuit of Sherman s army. He collected information for which he was complimented not only by Col. Griffith but by Gen. Joe Johnston, to whom Griffith ordered him to report in person. The expedition lasted ten days, and his little party brought in, besides reliable intelligence, about thirty prisoners, among them a colonel and his staff, taken in their own quarters. He was, so to speak, " in at the death," as he was one of the rem nant of the First Cavalry that formed part of President Davis escort and which did not abandon him till Gen. Wilson had effected his cap ture. At the close of the war he attended school in his native county ; studied law completing his preliminary course as a member of the Senior Class of 1869, Harvard University; and he has had an exten sive practice from the beginning. He has been engaged on one side or the other of many important law suits. In 1870 he was elected County Attorney of Daveiss ; was re-elected, 1874; was Presidential Elector in 1876; and was three times elected to represent the Second District in Congress, serving in the Fifty-first, Fifty-second, and Fifty-third sessions of that body. He declined the nomination for a fourth term, which he could have had without op position from his own party. Of the various committees on which he served, perhaps the most important was that on Banking and Currency, Fifty-third Congress the most important of that session, at any rate ; and one of the conspicuous features of his career in the House was his opposition to the Carlisle currency bill. His strictures on this and on Mr. Cleveland s financial policy created a sensation in Congress, and the speech was widely commented on by the press throughout the country. A speech made on the 25th of May, 1894, in favor of in creasing the pension of Mrs. Susie Conway, the widow of a naval offi cer, won applause from the Republican side of the House as well as the commendation of his Democratic colleagues. As indicating the attitude of a man without a superior in his devotion to the Confed eracy until its flag was furled forever, on a question affecting Federal soldiers and sailors, it is worthy to be quoted here. He said : 976 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. " During the five years I have been a member of this body, while I have all the time had clearly denned views on the subject, I have taken no part in the numerous and sometimes acrimonious debates which have taken place here relative to pensioning Union veterans. Having been a Confederate soldier myself, I have thought that perhaps the proprieties required that I remain silent, and I have sometimes won dered whether it did not occur to certain of my Democratic colleagues from the South that silence was the true policy ; lest the attitude we appeared to assume with respect to pensions might furnish a pretext to those seeking to make political capital out of small things, to say that we of the South were not as loyal as we profess to be Speaking for myself, who as a boy followed the varying fortunes of the Confederacy from the opening to the close of the war, and correctly reflecting, as I think, the sentiments of every soldier who wore a Con federate uniform and honored it, I am in favor of a liberal pension for every Union soldier who is disabled, whether that disability results from wounds received in battle, or from broken down or shattered health consequent upon the exposure to which he was subjected while engaged in the service of his country. " I go further, Mr. Chairman, and say I am in favor of pensioning the dependent widows and dependent children of the Union soldiers who fell in battle and whose silent gravestones mark every mile of the way from Shiloh to Gettysburg " If the Federal soldier owes the scars he wears, his halting step, his rude crutch, his empty coat sleeve, to the punishment he received at the hands of his adversaries, he is entitled at least to know that those who fought him so fiercely in war are his friends in peace, and that they stand ready to cooperate with him not only in defending the in tegrity of the national flag, but in securing for him a liberal pension for all the injuries they inflicted upon him. The attitude of the ex- Confederate and his section has been too long misunderstood, and his sentiments too often misrepresented. Confederates believed when the armies of the South were disbanded that the war was over. Hungry, clad in rags, without money and without price, they followed with un faltering trust the Confederacy s alternating star of hope until it sank forever behind the bloody fields on which they won their fame. When they could no longer contend against fearful odds they stacked their muskets, took off their faded grey uniforms, saluted the stars and stripes, struck hands with the victors, and greeted them with the genuine salutation, Henceforth let us have one flag and one country. If it had been left to the men who fought the battles of the war on both sides, this matter of pensions would never have become a politi cal question. HON. E. POLK JOHNSON. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 977 " All this was in good faith, and by it Confederates committed them selves to the payment of pensions to all who, on account of services ren dered in the struggle to preserve the Union, were entitled to receive them ; and whoever undertakes, here or elsewhere, to make the im pression that ex-Confederates are hostile to a system that provides for pensioning the Federal soldier, not only misrepresents the living, but slanders the memory of the dead. While demanding pensions for those against whom he fought, the ex-Confederate neither asks nor de sires a pension for himself. It is enough for him and his descendants to know that impartial history will record the fact that he contributed his full share in the great tragedy which made the fame of American arms immortal, and that his deeds of valor will be remembered as long as the nation keeps a record of its heroes." His congressional career was honorable to himself and gratifying to his fellow-soldiers, who feel a personal interest in a comrade, and ad mire to see him acquit himself like a man, whether in public or private station; and it was useful and satisfactory to his constituents. Having convictions on all important questions he never quibbles and never temporizes, and neither friend nor foe is ever at a loss to know where he stands. He was born in Daveiss County, July 24, 1845; was orphaned at eight years of age by the death of both parents ; was brought up on a farm by his maternal grandfather, H. Kullom, who gave him some ed ucational advantages before and after the war. His ancestors on both sides were Virginians one of his grandfathers, William Ellis, coming to Kentucky from Culpeper County, Va., soon after the Revolution, and settling in Shelby County. He afterward removed to Daveiss, where he became the owner of large bodies of land in that and in Ohio County. HON. E. POLK JOHNSON. The son of John D. and Eveline H. Johnson, he was born on a farm, in Jefferson County, Ky., Dec. 21, 1844. The father, a native of Bourbon County, was the son of James Johnson, of Fauquier County, Va. His mother, born in Orange County, Va., was the daughter of Aaron Shelton Quisenberry and Henrietta Reynolds, his wife. James Johnson was a Revolutionary soldier, as were the men of the Quisen berry family, so that the martial fire and soldierly aptitude which early manifested themselves in the subject of this sketch were no chance traits, but an inheritance from those who bore an honorable part in the struggle for independence. He was reared on the farm, and grew acquainted with the labors 62 978 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. that usually fall to boys so situated, but was kept in school as much as was practicable under the circumstances ; and at the beginning of the war was better educated than is usual with those who have not had access to schools above the country grade. The parents were wisely planning to give him a college course ; but the war came before he was prepared to begin this higher scholastic training. He had the privilege of choosing "between the college course and an education in the University of War," and chose the latter building perhaps better than he knew, for he entered a school whose lessons are more potent in the development of men than those received in scholastic shades, though he has never undervalued the latter. He enlisted in Co. B, of the First Kentucky Cavalry, being then less than seventeen years old, and bore a man s part from first to last coming out of this four-year fiery trial on May 9, 1865, when he was still a minor by nearly eight months, with the respect and confi dence of his officers and veteran fellow-soldiers. He was at first the fourth corporal of his company, but was from time to time promoted through all the grades of non-commissioned officers to that of second sergeant. In the countless smaller affairs in which the First Regiment was concerned, scouts, raids, skirmishes, disagreeable and dangerous vidette duty, he bore his part, and participated in the battles of Perryville, Chickamauga, and Missionary Ridge. He was well en titled to a full share of the honor done the First Regiment by the con gratulatory order of Gen. Wheeler, elsewhere referred to, in which he commended its admirable conduct in the Kentucky campaign of 1862, during which, as he said, it had been under fire a hundred times. In the fight in Sequatchie Valley (a battle of no mean magnitude), he was actively engaged. Next day, Oct. 3, 1862, at the foot of the Cumberland Mountains, he was struck on the head by a musket ball, which knocked him from his horse, but, though for awhile stunning him and being very painful, it did not disable him. On the retreat from Mission Ridge, it fell to his lot, in regular turn, the day after the battle (Nov. 26), to serve as sergeant in com mand of the horse-holders (a duty which he disliked), as the regiment, constituting an essential part of the rearguard, fought on foot. A comrade (himself a brave, enterprising, and enthusiastic fighter), furnishes an incident of the day which is appropriate here : " My pro pensity for sharpshooting had gotten me into a very close place, dur ing one of the stands we made to impede the Federal advance, and it is probable that the cool bravery of Polk Johnson, a beardless boy, saved my life. He was near the man who held my horse ; the enemy pressed us hard and close ; and all of my company who had not been HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 979 hurt, except me, had returned to their base. Wishing to take an effec tive parting shot, I had remained a little too long. When I reached the top of the hillside where the horses had been left, I found all gone except my own and that of his holder and the one Johnson rode. My man had become nervous (and he was not to blame for it, as the enemy was nigh and the bullets were fairly raining around). He had declared that I had been killed or disabled, and that he would not wait. He was prevented from carrying off my horse only by John son s command to stand fast, or he would shoot him. I was almost breathless, and could have gone little further on foot. I mounted and we escaped unhurt, through a shower of balls." Before night Johnson s horse was shot under him, but he kept up with his company, and was ready for the fight at Ringgold Gap next morning. The gentleman above quoted says of another affair : When Wheeler, with two or three brigades of cavalry, attacked a strong Federal infantry and cavalry force at Charleston, Tenn., Decem ber 28, 1863, the First Kentucky was held in reserve. The enemy, too strong for Wheeler s advance, had driven it back through our reg iment, and the Federal cavalry charged our left flank, and had us almost surrounded. It was there that I noticed Polk Johnson, a non commissioned officer, who had charge of part of Co. B. He was as cool in this dangerous crisis, and handled the men as well, as a veteran of a hundred battles." Here Johnson s horse was again shot and fell, catching the rider s right leg under him. He could not extricate him self, and from the fall and struggle of the horse he received severe injuries to the ankle, from which he has never fully recovered. The regiment had been driven back and he fell into Federal hands, with fifteen or sixteen others. They were carried to Loudon on the Little Tennessee, more than thirty miles, and from there by boat to Chatta nooga during the day and night of Jan. i, 1864 the "cold New Year s" and subsequently to Rock Island prison, where they were detained till March 6, 1865. (For circumstances illustrating in a striking light the sterling manhood of these prisoners, as tested by try ing conditions at Chattanooga and later in prison, see Anecdotes and Incidents, at the end of Chapter III.) Returning from confinement he reached Richmond March 12, 1865 ; was at Danville, Va., when Lee surrendered; hurried thence on foot to Charlotte, N. C., where he rejoined his command, and with it acted as a part of the escort for Mr. Davis and his cabinet. At Washing ton, Ga. , he was in command of Co. B, none of its commissioned officers being present, and he and his men for the first and last time laid down their arms in the presence of the enemy. 980 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. He came home and went to work on his father s farm. The greatly enlarged views of life which his four-year connection with a wonderful drama had given him led him now to long for that more thorough scholastic training which a college course would have given him; but the always kind father needed him ; seeing his duty he did it. Early next year, however, Feb. 27, 1866, he married Miss Florence Taylor, and apparently settled down to a farmer s life ; but after two years, finding this rather unpromising and not wholly to his taste, he taught school for a year or more, devoting himself very earnestly meanwhile to the study. of law, and in 1869 he was admitted to the bar. He soon built up in Louisville a modest practice. In 1871, before he was twenty-seven years old, he was nominated and elected by the Democ racy to represent Jefferson County in the Legislature the youngest member the county had ever had. He served during the two long sessions of 1871-72 (regular and adjourned), but declined to be a can didate in 1873. During the adjourned session (the last held in the State under the old constitution), Dr. E. D. Standiford, Senator from Jefferson, resigned to take his seat in Congress, and Johnson was offered the Senatorial succession, but declined it on the ground of in- eligibility, as he was not yet thirty the constitutional age. He was criticised by a Senator laboring under the same disability, as being too scrupulous ; but to his honor be it said, he adhered to his decision preferring private station to a public position with a clouded title. He continued law practice till 1875, when, having attracted, by occasional newspaper work, the attention of the Hon. Henry Watterson, he was offered a position on the Courier-Journal, on such terms as to justify his relinquishing his law practice for a time. This was during the ex citement in the Tennessee Legislature attendant upon the candidacy of Andrew Johnson for the United States Senate, and he was assigned to duty at Nashville as special correspondent. His daily letters were graphic, and attracted unusual attention because of their caustic treat ment of the character and methods of "Andrew Johnson, that grim and forceful chief demagogue of his day and generation." He did correspondence for some time ; was then made city editor of the Courier-Journal; in 1879-80 he edited, in connection with Em- mett G. Logan, John Underwood s paper, the Bowling Green Intelli gencer ; returned during the latter year to the Courier-Journal ; then became co-editor with Logan of the Louisville Times the first num ber of which was issued under their direction. In 1888, he was man aging editor of the Courier-Journal, which position he resigned Jan. 4, 1889, to become Public Printer and Binder of the State under appoint ment of Gov. Buckner. He held this place five years, being unani mously nominated as his own successor by the Democratic caucus of HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 981 the General Assembly of 1889-90, and receiving in the joint assembly the unanimous vote of both Democrats and Republicans. While Pub lic Printer he edited the Frankfort Daily Capital. Jan. i, 1894, he retired from the office of Public Printer and at once assumed the duties of Special Agent of the United States Treasury, for the district com prising Missouri, Nebraska, and Colorado, with headquarters at St. Louis. To this place he was appointed by Secretary Carlisle on the latters own motion no application having been filed and no recom mendation asked. In 1872, he was an alternate elector, for the Fifth District, on the Democratic Presidential ticket; in 1880, he held the same position on the ticket, for the State-at-large ; was three times elected assistant clerk of the House of Representatives ; was one time elected its chief clerk ; was twice President of the Kentucky Press Association ; and three times elected Vice-President of the Kentucky Society of Sons of the American Revolution. Gov. Buckner, at the beginning of his term, tendered him an appointment as Railroad Commissioner, but he was then managing editor of the Courier-Journal and preferred to re tain that position. Buckner s first official act as Governor was to com mission him a colonel on his staff, so he came fairly by his military title, though strictly on a peace footing, and not so proud a one in his estimation as that of sergeant, when " grim-visaged war" gave a ser geant something to do which made the title significant. He and Mrs. Johnson have reared three sons and a daughter to bear their fair name. As a writer he is piquant and forceful. When managing editor, the Courier-Journal had not alone his excellent judgment in determining the character of its daily issue, but even to the bulletin column, usually only a stupid index, he imparted a raciness which awakened interest and invited to further reading. As a speaker he is ready and unaf fected, and rarely wanting in a certain spontaneous humor which never descends to buffoonery. True to his friends ; loyal to his family, near and remote ; proud of Kentucky, with a Kentuckian s weakness for believing that even the old State s faults " all lean to virtue s side ; " faithful to every public and private trust ; feeling still that spirit of the corps which keeps alive an interest in comrades, quick or dead ; and with a fine scorn for small devices and low subterfuges by which little men seek to gain their ends and shirk their responsibilities, his life as a man has been in keeping with his service as a soldier boy, and worthy of the regiment whose fortunes he followed and whose fame he shares. 982 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. HON. THOMAS C. JONES Was born and reared on a farm near Owensboro. His parents were Andrew and Hannah F. Jones, both of North Carolina families. His father was born in that State son of James Jones, a soldier of the revolution, who received a sabre cut in one of the battles. The subject of this notice was among the first to enlist in Capt. Noel s company (C, of the First Kentucky Cavalry), and was elected second lieutenant. He was promoted to first lieutenant of Co. A, (which was made up at the reorganization of the regiment of the old Cos. C and K,) when Taylor was made captain. A comrade writes of him: "He would have been a captain if Taylor had been made major, as he was at one time entitled to be, not only because of seniority but because of good service. Jones was a good soldier; a fighter from the word go; and I doubt whether he knew what it was to be afraid." He was active, vigorous, and adventurous one of the specially notable soldiers of that notable command. At Sweeden s Cove he was wounded and captured, June, 1862 ; but though afterward engaged in the company s many scouts, skirmishes, raids, and battles, escaped further injury, until May 9, 1864, when, in the dare-devil charge made by Major Chenoweth at Snake Creek Gap, he received a shot in one foot which rendered him a cripple for life. This terminated his mili tary career, as he was in hospital and under surgeon s care till the war closed. He was paroled at Meridian, Miss.; went thence to New Orleans; and shortly afterward came home, where he engaged awhile in private business ; was then elected clerk of the Daveiss County Court; afterward (1874) he was elected clerk of the Court of Appeals and served a full term of six years. In 1885, President Cleveland appointed him consul to Funchal, Madeira Islands; in 1889 he was removed by President Harrison; but upon Cleveland s second accession to the presidency he was ap pointed (1893) t the same office, of which he is now incumbent. A gallant soldier, a faithful, efficient, and popular civil officer true wherever tried his honorable record is worthy of the noble regiment with which he suffered and bled. LIEUT. JAMES H. RUDY Was born in Jefferson County, Ky., Sept. 17, 1843. His parents were George and Frances Rudy. His ancestors on both the father s- HON. THOMAS C. JONES. HON. JAMES II. RUDY. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 983 and mother s side came from England as early as 1709, and settled in now what is Chester County, Pa., having obtained a grant of land from William Penn. At the close of the Revolution a branch of the family from which the subject of this sketch is descended came to Kentucky and settled in Jefferson County. His mother was of the Herr family which came to Kentucky from Pennsylvania. She died in 1849, the father in 1851, and thus at eight years of age he was left wholly orphaned ; but an uncle took him in charge. During the summer months, after he became strong enough to labor, he worked on the farm, and in the winter attended the country schools, thus alternating until shortly before the beginning of the war. In 1860, he joined a cavalry company of the State Guard, and was an enthusiastic member, embracing every opportunity of local drill or of camp of instruction, especially one at Shepherdsville in the spring of 1861, under the personal direction of Gen. Buckner. At this time, though less than eighteen years old, his convictions were strong, and his feelings were with the Southern States in their ex pressed determination to withdraw from a Union which they believed inimical to their interests, and whose government was now assuming to exercise power with which the constitution had not clothed it. September 19, 1861, when it was evident that the Federal troops under Rousseau would invade the State, he left home in company with Wallace Herr, and joined a body of men assembled at Bloomfield for the purpose of enlisting in the Confederate service. Under the temporary command of Col. Jack Allen, most of these men marched to Munford- ville, then held by Col. (afterward Gen.) Hanson, with the Second Kentucky Infantry and a small body of Tennessee cavalry. There his service really began, as he did outpost duty, and was with the detachment that was stationed for awhile at Horse Cave, making one of the party of mounted men sent to Cy Hutcherson s on the morning of October n, to reinforce the men of the Sixth Infantry and First Cavalry who had had the fight the night before with Federals sent to arrest Htitcherson, as noted on page 52 and elsewhere. At Bowling Green, shortly afterward, he enlisted regularly in Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry, and was made fourth corporal. In all the movements and engagements of this company he took an active and spirited part until the time of this company (a twelve-month one) ex pired, having been made in July, 1862, first sergeant. The company was mustered out in October, 1862, and he joined Co. G, Ninth Ken tucky Cavalry. He continued, as before, to be uniformly present for duty, and bear his part manfully in all service, picket, scout, skirmish, and battle and sometimes more than a just proportion, as he had be come so well known for quick perception and obstinate courage in ac- 984 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. tion that he was apt to be made one of almost every special detail for more than ordinarily important and dangerous work. After the battle of Mission Ridge, in which his regiment took a no table part, and was made, in connection with the First Cavalry, the mounted rearguard, Col. Breckinridge ordered Rudy to take command of a detachment of picked men and remain in the rear of the two cav alry regiments. He was to make a show of resistance at every proper point, and so retard the pursuing Federal advance that the main mounted force, with the infantry rearguard in easy supporting distance ahead, could move deliberately and successfully curtain the operations of the main army in its attempt not only to withdraw in an orderly manner, but remove all its transportation and stores. This was the forenoon of November 26. The instructions were faithfully carried out till late in the afternoon, when he was ordered to withdraw his de tachment, as the enemy was moving on another road, and was now on its flank as well as rear. Here he displayed not only coolness, but ex cellent judgment and skill. Though a Federal force was almost on the point of enveloping the road on which he was marching and cutting off retreat, he succeeded, by a bold dash and the firing of a volley, in so confusing the enemy that the detachment was not fired upon until almost within the lines of a strong body of the rearguard, infantry and cavalry, drawn up to check this flank movement. Three of his men were wounded, but none killed, and he was complimented by the com manding officer. After nightfall, when the Federals, outnumbering the Confederate rearguard four to one, found it unadvisable to advance, and were preparing to bivouac, this detachment was again ordered to take position in the extreme rear and remain until ordered to move. When the order came, information came also that a division of the Federal army had interposed itself between Bragg s main army and the infantry and cavalry above referred to that were trying to cover the re treat, and that the chances of Rudy s little band were desperate. He withdrew silently, crossed the Chickamauga river, and found things in confusion; but his men were steady, and he was preparing to burn the bridge when Gen. Gist, commanding the rearguard, two brigades of infantry (his own and Maney s), two batteries, and the First and Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, sent for him and told him to try to make his way out, and, if successful, to see Bragg, Hardee, or Breckinridge which ever he could find to describe the situation and ask help. He suc ceeded in finding Hardee, only to learn that it was impossible for him to give relief. On his replying to a question from the general that he believed he could find his way back to Gist, he was told to carry the discouraging message, with direction to Gist to surrender if he could not make his way to Ringgold by daylight. He set out, the night being HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 985 now considerably advanced, and tried to retrace his steps. For three days and nights he had scarcely slept; had been engaged in all the active movements of the Ninth Regiment, which began the day before Bragg s defeat; had been subjected to much tension of mind by the dangerous and responsible position of commander of the special detachment in the rear; and riding alone at this time, without sentry challenge, with no noise of battle near or far, now and again fell asleep, but kept his sad dle. Once he was saved by the instinct of his mare from riding into a Federal camp. At length he found the Ninth Kentucky, and gave Col. Breckinridge information as to the position of the interposing Federal force. This officer directed him to push on in his search for Gist. He was soon overpowered again, and fell into the unconscious ness of that slumber which ensues when the powers of endurance are well-nigh exhausted; but from this sleep he was awakened by the cold muzzle of a gun against his face. A short colloquy ensued, and a de mand for surrender was made ; but this was answered by a death-shot from Rudy rifle. He had carried it resting on the saddle before him, and his enemy was now on the left, with his head nearly touching it. When startled by the challenge he had cocked it without noise, and now a touch of the trigger saved him from capture and possibly averted disaster from his regiment, which took up the march as soon as he reported the cause of the shot. By quiet and circumspect move ment during the remainder of the night the entire rearguard avoided the strong Federal columns that had then so nearly surrounded it and reached Ringgold early on the morning of November 27. After Gen. Wheeler s attack on the Federal force at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863, in which Rudy participated, he received a com mission as cadet in the Confederate States Army and was ordered to report to Gen. Morgan. He was now promoted to be first lieutenant and assigned to Co. B, Second Battalion (Maj. Jacob Cassell com manding). This battalion was held in reserve when Morgan engaged Averill at Wytheville, Va. (May, 1864), but rendered signal service just before dark by charging the enemy in its front, completely routing him, and contributing largely to decide the action in favor of the Con federate arms. The battalion played a conspicous part also during Morgan s last raid in Kentucky, and the subject of this sketch, acting not only with valor but good military judgment at all times, especially distinguished himself in the second day s fight at Cynthiana (June 12, 1864). In command of three companies of the Second Battalion, he received from Gen. Morgan, at a critical juncture, an order to bring his men as quickly as possible and accompany him. They rode out on the Paris pike, where they found the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry (Col. Giltner), 986 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. outnumbered, out of ammunition, endangered front and flank, and slowly giving way. A force estimated to be a thousand men were rushing forward on Giltner s right and separating him from the Fifth Kentucky Cavalry, his support on that flank. Morgan ordered the young lieutenant with his little band (about one hundred and fifty men) to check this Federal advance. He promptly charged, and with such impetuosity as to drive them back ; then he held the position gained till the main portion of the Confederates could withdraw. He was ordered away by Morgan in person, and told to cover the retreat along the Augusta road. As at Mission Ridge, he proved equal to the emergency. This rearguard was pressed upon by great odds, and at one time the enemy had partially interposed between it and the main body in front, but it was skillfully maneuvered, fighting steadily and stubbornly, and led across the Licking River to join the advance. At Greenville, Tenn., when Morgan was surprised there (Sept. 4, 1864), Cassell s Battalion and the artillery were on the somewhat high ground in the eastern suburbs. The first intimation of danger was a volley fired into their camp by the enemy. Rudy, now in command of Co. B, quickly formed it and was preparing to charge, as in the confusion there was an opportunity for independent action on the part of subalterns, but he was ordered back to support the artillery. Moved by impulse or influenced by sound judgment, he declared his ability to drive from the town that part of the enemy s troops already rushing toward Morgan s headquarters, and begged to attempt it, but was re fused. He has always maintained that by a quick and furious dash, which his gallant little band was so ready to make, he could at least have caused such a diversion as would have saved his chief. In the fight at Duvault s ford (Sept. 30, 1864), Rudy and his com pany were included among the picked men with whom Gen. Duke or dered Capt. Messick, of Co. A, Second Battalion, to cross at a lower ford and attack the Federals in the rear. Meeting a full battalion, they charged and utterly routed it; but it was the ambitious young lieutenant s last fight. He received a carbine ball in his right leg above the knee, which severed the femoral artery, and necessitated amputation to save life. In his account of the engagement, Gen. Duke says : " Lieut. Rudy, a brave and excellent young officer, lost a leg in this charge." The indomitable will of the man, as well as his devotion to the cause for which he had fought, was manifested in his conduct when he learned that Gen. Lee had evacuated Richmond. He was then in hospital at Charlotte, Va. Thinking that if he could get to Lynch- burg he might be of some service in the great stress that had come, he set off on crutches to walk the intervening seventy miles. Two LIEUT. WM. WALLACE HERR. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 987 one-legged companions started with him. At the end of the first day, ten miles having been made, these two found themselves unable to proceed, but Rudy was unconquerable; next day he had traveled ten miles by noon. He learned now, however, that Lee had surren dered, whereupon he accepted hospitable care at the home of a Mr. Martin until an opportunity to get to Kentucky offered. After coming home he attended a business college, in which he graduated in an unusually short time. In October, 1866, he married Miss Sallie Magness, of Jefferson County, and removed during the same month to Daveiss County, where he has since resided and reared a family of seven children. He has engaged in farming and coal min ing, and is at present one of the Directors of the Citizens Savings Bank, of Owensboro. In 1879 he was elected to represent Daveiss in the Legislature; again in 1881 ; then in 1883 ; declined to be a candi date in 1885 ; but was afterward twice elected (1887 and 1889). He is the only man who has ever served Daveiss County in this capacity more than two terms. To those who are hereafter to bear his name, his record as a sol dier and a citizen will be a proud inheritance. For Kentucky, he has exemplified in war and in peace the sterling traits by which her sons have given her preeminence among the States of the Union. LIEUT. WM. WALLACE HERR. In 1860 he was active in organizing Capt. Benson Ormsby s Jeffer son County company of cavalry in the State Guard, and was elected its second lieutenant. Here he took his first lessons on the art of war. The company was splendidly mounted and well drilled, and most of its members afterward took part in the war, entering the service of one or other of the combatants. Among those who went South was Lieut. Herr. Accompanied by Jas. H. Rudy, also a member of Ormsby s company, as noted elsewhere, he went to Bloomfield in September, 1861, and thence with other mounted men under Col. Jack Allen to Munfordville ; soon thereafter to Horse Cave, where he was sworn into the service. He was one of the detachment that went to Hutcherson s on the morning of October nth to reinforce the infantry who had repulsed the Federals the night before. A little subsequently, at Bowling Green, he became a member of Co. E, First Kentucky Cavalry. On the trip from Bloomfield he had his first experience as a scout ; and so well did he do the duty assigned him refusing to be excited and misled by sensational people, whose apprehensions frequently mag nified a chance rider or a neighbor on foot into a band of soldiers, but 988 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. seeing for himself and making exact report that he attracted attention and was much in demand during the war for this important and often dangerous service. He was soon known so to combine unflinching courage with prudence and sound judgment as to make him a reliable leader of scouting parties as well as trustworthy for solitary missions. Helm was quick to discern his fitness and " put him in training," as lie said, to command a company of sharpshooters which he had in mind to organize. He was one of Col. Woodward s detachment sent to Rochester in November ; and while the First Kentucky was at Glasgow, December and January, he was kept almost constantly scouting and picketing be tween that point and Munfordville, where the Federals had a strong garrison having for a guide during this time Fletcher Smith, detailed from Co. D, Sixth Kentucky Infantry. Helm was kept so well advised that he was never in doubt as to the condition of things. Herr and his party being absent when the First Regiment left Glasgow to take position in the rear of Johnston s retreating army, and finding bridges burnt, swam the intervening streams, regardless of the wintry weather, and overtook the command at Nashville. At this place, at Decatur, at Florence, whatever outpost the regiment occupied he was generally actively employed. From Florence he was sent with a force of scouts and couriers to Eastport to note and report the movements of gunboats sent from Pittsburg Landing to try to cross over Harpeth Shoals and land troops for the purpose of tearing up the railroad, burning bridges, etc., and while faithfully executing his trust he was commended in or ders for efficient service hitherto, and notified that he had been pro moted to sergeant-major. Helm was made a brigadier-general about this time ; but Col. John Adams, who was placed in temporary com- mand of the regiment, ordered him from Eastport to assume the duties of the office to-which he had been appointed. The fight at Hewey s bridge had already occurred, but he took part with his company in that in Sweeden s Cove. Part of Companies E and D were cut off from the main body during the action, but they passed over the mountain in rear of the Federal force, crossed the river above Chatta nooga, and there rejoined the regiment, which had arrived some days before. By July, 1862, a number of the commissioned offices in the twelve month companies had become vacant, and, at an election to fill them, he was chosen to be first lieutenant to Co. G. This company was ordered to outpost duty on the Tennessee, about fifteen miles below Chattanooga, and as Capt. Shipp was absent on sick leave, the com mand devolved upon Lieut. Herr during several weeks while it re mained there a period of routine camp life in the main, but with the HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 989 occasional excitement of a skirmish, as details went across the river to operate along the front of the enemy whenever he approached. About the last of August, when the company had been recalled to Chattanooga, he was sick and at a private house some miles in the country ; but when he learned that his regiment had marched with Bragg s army on the Kentucky expedition he set out, though much debilitated, and with difficulty and suffering came up with the com mand north of Bowling Green. Reaching Munfordville, he persisted in doing scout duty, but, after a few days, was compelled to succumb to what was pronounced typhoid fever ; and when the army moved toward Louisville he sent forward by his comrades his horse and arms, lest he might be captured and lose them, and remained at the home of a Mrs. Barrett until able to go by carriage to Bloomfield. Here he found himself among Federal officers, and though mingling with them and even taking his meals with them at a hotel, he was adroit enough to deceive them and avoid arrest. Unable to overtake the main army he fell in with Morgan, who came through the State after Bragg had gotten out ; went with this command to Hopkinsville ; whence he made his way to Chattanooga, where he found the First Regiment already reorganized but still seeking to increase its strength by recruits ; where upon he entered upon this work with Capt. Jack Jones and others of Co. B. While thus engaged he was offered by Gen. Helm a staff po sition, and was commissioned (November, 1862,) first lieutenant and aide-de-camp. He was on duty in this capacity, doing with charac teristic spirit and efficiency all that offered to be done, until after the battle of Chickamauga. When the trying march was made from Jack son towards Vicksburg (July i, 1863), he rendered very important service to the men of the Orphan Brigade who were parching with thirst but unable of themselves to procure water. He rode all day, back and forth between the panting column, and whatever fresh water he could find at different points off the line of march, conveying freshly filled canteens to be distributed among them. While the brigade was at Camp Hurricane he fell ill again and went on sick leave with Col. Caldwell, of the Ninth Infantry, to Selma, Ala.; but they soon learned that Breckinridge was en route for Ten nessee to rejoin Bragg, and that a fight was impending, whereupon they set out, feeble and suffering as they were, and reached their com mand some days before the battle of Chickamauga. When Gen. Helm fell, on the morning of Sept. 20, 1863, Lieut. Herr was near him and assisted in carrying him from the field ; then reported to Col. Lewis, who had taken command of the brigade, and so conducted himself during the remainder of the day as to attract attention. In his report Col. Lewis said: "Lieut. W. W. Herr > 990 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. aide-de-camp, and Lieut. Jno. B. Pirtle, acting aide-de-camp, reported to me as soon as the necessary attention to their wounded general al lowed, and thereafter acted gallantly and faithfully." When Lewis was commissioned brigadier-general, Lieut Herr re mained with him some weeks ; but, getting no definite assignment, he went back to the First Cavalry, and though still holding his commission took a private s place in Co. B and served in the ranks till Grigsby s brigade was sent to Oxford, Ala. Having some relatives in the Ninth Kentucky Cavalry he then took service in that regiment, till the autumn of 1864, when Col. Butler got orders for him to proceed to Kentucky to recruit a company of cavalry. From the opening of the Dalton-Atlanta campaign to this time he shared all the hardships and dangers often doing duty as a scout. When Gen. Williams succeeded Grigsby in command, he detailed Herr specially for this work ; and he and his little party, consisting generally of Allensworth and McGuire, Second Kentucky Battalion (Woodward s) ; Johnson, First Kentucky; Price, Dortsch s Battalion; and Brit Wilkerson, Ninth Kentucky, re ceived orders directly from their general, and were so active, daring, and efficient, keeping him accurately informed and frequently bringing in as prisoners men whom they found scouting and foraging on the flanks and rear of Sherman s army, as to win his warm commenda tion. At Dug Gap (when the campaign opened), he was sent by Col. Breckinridge, with Alberry Houk and a few others, on the night of May 7, in advance of the picket line, to discover the position and probable destination of the Federals on that flank. They went so near the enemy s videttesas to be fired upon, but escaped injury ; and before daylight next morning Breckinridge was advised of the impending at tack. He and his fellow-scouts took part in the fight that followed. At Snake Creek Gap, (May 9, 1864), he was slightly wounded. This gave him little inconvenience at the time, but was of such a nature as briefly to disable him eight or nine months afterward. When his intimate friend and comrade, McCauley, was killed, he obtained his body and buried him beside Gen. Helm, the chieftain whom they both had loved. In the autumn of 1864, after starting from Bristol, Tenn., over the mountains to Kentucky, he lost his horse, but refused an offer to " ride and tie," and so delay Col. Butler and others going on the same recruiting mission, and he was left alone in a section infested with bush whackers ; rested awhile on the borders of Kentucky with a Mr. Williams, who proved a friend; at length fell in with a small detach ment of Kentucky cavalry on the way to Kentucky to replace their broken-down horses by fresh ones; was fired on by bushwhackers, but HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 991 without effect ; and finally reached the central part of the State. He found it impossible to execute his mission; the people had despaired of Southern success ; and as he feared capture if he either remained or tried to return, he made his way to Canada, and joined Capt. Hines, who was then in Toronto. The Northwestern Conspiracy having failed, Hines had despatched escaped prisoners and others southward in small parties, in order to join their commands, and Herr, was with one of these parties ; but shortly after reaching Kentucky, and while wait ing with Capt. Hines, who had armed quite a number of these and some new recruits, but had not mounted them, the war closed and he returned to his home in Jefferson County. In January, 1866, he married Miss Kittie Todd, a sister to Mrs. Gen. Helm. (See Incidents and Anecdotes following Chapter II.) He engaged in farming near Louisville till 1879, when he bought a farm three miles below Owensboro, to which he removed with his children, and where he reared them. Mrs. Herr died in 1875, and he has not remarried. His parents were Alfred and Mary Herr. His mother was a Miss Sherley. He was born in Jefferson County, June 9, 1834. The father s family came from Pennsylvania to Kentucky, in 1796; the mother s from Virginia, in 1820. He has never courted prominence nor asked for official position being content with his honorable pursuit and the retiracy of home life. In 1893 Gov. Brown appointed him one of the commissioners for the State to locate positions of Kentucky troops on the battlefield of Chickamauga ; and he was chairman of the Daveiss County Demo cratic Committee for five or six years, but resigned in 1895 not from any indisposition to serve his party or his friends, for in this particular he has always been emphatically one of the " boys in the trenches," a willing worker, outspoken in his preferences, and influential. For the attentive reader, it is hardly necessary to point out his sol dierly qualities : they are manifest. With a martial disposition that could easily be aroused to enthusiasm, he was yet self-poised, circum spect, and steady as a veteran commander; and his high-hearted de votion to duty could in no other way be made more manifest than it was by his rising superior to physical suffering and resulting feebleness, as he did on several occasions, and making his painful way to where his fellow-soldiers were expecting to meet the enemy. A gentleman who knew of his service from first to last, and was much with him, wrote of him : " After the battle of Chickamauga, Wallace Herr put aside the trappings of a staff officer and came back to his company in the First Cavalry, taking up his gun modestly, and bravely and un complainingly serving in the ranks, where he was a model soldier. He 992 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. was as brave as the bravest and yet gentle and refined as a woman, and almost as lovable. I never heard him speak a word that his mother might not have listened to, nor do I believe there was a man in the regiment who was not devotedly attached to him. I never knew him to fail in any emergency." This is high praise, when we consider how potent are the influences of camp life and a long-continued state of war to lower moral stand ards and dull the finer sensibilities. Holding sacred the memory of those who fell in the unequal strug gle, and feeling still a comrade s interest in those who survive, he was active in helping to organize the Confederate Association of his county and to promote the plan to erect a suitable and enduring monument to Daveiss s Confederate dead. HON. JOHN WILL DYER Was born on a farm at Gum Grove, Union County, Ky., May i$ r 1840. Here he was reared to manhood, obtaining his education in the meanwhile in the neighborhood schools, his attendance alternating with his work on the farm " the work," he once humorously remarked, "alternating the oftenest." His parents were John and Lauren (Mason) Dyer. His paternal grandfather, William Dyer, came from near Jamestown, Va. , in 1803, and settled in Union (then Henderson) County, within a mile of the present town of Morganfield. Soon afterward John Mason, his ma ternal grandfather, from the same county in Virginia, removed from Bourbon County, Ky. , where he had first located for a year or two, and settled within a mile of William Dyer. Here the two families of children were brought up as neighbors and two intermarriages re sulted. Dyer and Mason were the sons of Revolutionary soldiers, and the Masons were related to the Lauren family of South Carolina, also of Revolutionary fame, and from them the mother of John Will had the unusual feminine name Lauren. The subject of this sketch, true to his ancestral blood, could not re main a mere spectator when war was in the land, and family traditions inclined him naturally to ally himself with the Southern cause. When the State had assumed her ostensible non-combatant attitude and men began to take independent action, he was among the first to en list with Capt. Barnett, of Union County, for cavalry service in the Confederate Army. His company (F, of the original organization) was one of three companies enlisted for three years or the war. After the regiment was reorganized in 1862, he was made fourth sergeant of Co. G. He shared a soldier s fortunes from that time to the close { ^k /tTv .<ir \ HON. JOHN WILL DYER. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 993 always on duty or present for duty except when some casualty con signed him temporarily to hospital, or confined him in prison or a prisoner s bonds. His experience was varied, marked by special inci dents, , and full of adventure. Near Florence, Ala., May 13, 1862, he, with a comrade, was captured and imprisoned some months at Camp Chase; was paroled in the autumn and reported to Gen. Breck- inridge, then commanding the department of East Tennessee ; came back home pending negotiations to resume exchange, when he might honorably return to duty ; had many adventures and some narrow escapes while in Kentucky; but was finally exchanged, and under much exposure to danger and through many difficulties made his way to Albany, in Clinton County, Ky. , where he found Col. Scott s regiment of Louisiana Cavalry. From this time, March, 1863, for about six months, he remained with Col. Scott, taking part in all the scouting, picketing and fighting of the command, in the mountains of Kentucky and East Tennessee. Just before the battle of Chicka- mauga he rejoined his old regiment at Ringgold ; but being afflicted with boils, which prevented his riding, he entered one of the regi ments of the Orphan Brigade and fought through the battle of Chicka- mauga on foot. About the middle of November, 1863, he reentered the ranks of his own company, and henceforth shared in all its duties, dangers, and sufferings. He was frequently detailed for special and dangerous scout duty, alone or leading a detachment, and proved himself daring and efficient. At Kenesaw Mountain, July 4, 1864, he was accidentally crippled, and was for some weeks in hospital at Newnan, where, having some what recovered, he took part with the extemporized force which pre vented McCook from passing through that town on his retreat before Wheeler, and in the fight two miles out in which Wheeler killed and captured the greater part of the Federal raiders. About the last of August, being still unfit for active field duty, he was detailed as pur chasing agent for hospitals, and traveled considerably in Southeastern Georgia, thus engaged. After the battle of Jonesboro , and during the progress of mounting the Orphan Brigade, he again did service for some time with that com mand the First Cavalry being then absent on the Tennessee and Virginia expedition ; but when, shortly afterward, it returned, he re sumed his place with Co. G, and met with no further mishap during the remainder of its almost continuous and arduous service through Georgia and the Carolinas. After Gen. Lee s surrender, the First Kentucky Cavalry formed part of President Davis s escort in his at tempt to leave the country, after which, Dyer, with others of the com es 994 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. mand, was paroled at Washington, Ga. Returning home, he engaged in business with characteristic spirit and energy, and in common with nearly all Kentucky Confederate soldiers who had fought so gallantly and borne privation and suffering with such heroic constancy to the end, he took upon himself to discharge his obligations to society, and make himself a useful and honorable citizen. He is a member of the ancient and honorable order of Knights Templar, and, religiously, a believer in the doctrines and polity of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Dec. 24, 1867, he married Miss Amelia Brooks, whose mother was Hannah Echols, of the old Vir ginia family of that name, and they have six living children who should cherish the proud consciousness that the blood of their Revolutionary ancestors was found not to have lost its fire when " war s alarms " called men to the field in 1861. He has followed the various avocations of merchant, steamboat cap tain, and contractor and builder ; has served as police judge; repre sented his county in the Lower House of the " working Legislature," sessions of 1871-72, regular and adjourned; and during Cleveland s second term was postmaster of Sturgis. His canvass for the Legisla ture was one of the most hotly contested and exciting ever known in the county. When Union was erected out of part of Henderson, his grandfather, William Dyer, was one of the commissioners to locate the county seat, which was fixed at Morgan s Spring, then the center of population. In 1871, the courthouse was condemned, and a move ment was set on foot to change the site to Uniontown, and the grand son was elected as the candidate of the party opposed to removal. The odds were in one sense largely against him, as his opponent was one of the most popular men in the county; but after a rousing cam paign, in which men, women and children participated, he was elected by 347 votes, and had the satisfaction of perpetuating the grandsire s choice. As the author of Reminiscences of the First Kentucky Cavalry (published serially in the Sturgis Ledger and soon to appear in book form,) he has rendered a notable service to the private soldier, and to all others who take a patriotic interest in the men of the South, who for four years battled so manfully against overwhelming odds, in re sisting what thoy regarded as a usurpation of power to compel acqui escence in a construction of the Constitution which perverted the spirit and set at nought the will of the founders of the Republic. Biography is history in detail ; and personal sketches give us a more life-like view of the hardships of our soldiers in camp and on the march, of their temper under severe trial, of their conduct on the bloody field, and of their real character as men. PART VI. BRIEF HISTORY OF INDIVIDUALS. FIELD AND STAFF. RANK AND FILE. (FIRST CAVALRY.) HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 996 ROSTERS AND ROLLS OF THE FIRST REGIMENT KEN TUCKY CAVALRY, C. S. A. [NOTE. It will be seen that in the following lists very little definite informa tion is given of a great many of the men. Attention is called to the circumstance that no effort was made to gather up and record even so much as the names until thirty years after the war. Copies of the muster-rolls on file in Washington City, to which we had access, are very imperfect ; in some instances confusing in the matter of proper designation of companies ; and misleading as to spelling of names, correct initials, and connection of certain men with this or that com pany. The surviving members to whom we have appealed for assistance in rescuing from oblivion the names and deeds of this body of Kentuckians, and who have so generously and heartily responded, could hardly be expected to have vividly in mind, after the lapse of so long a time, the details of every comrade s service. It has been impossible, for instance, to ascertain the counties to which the men ought respectively to be credited. Definite statement as to time served, skir mishes, battles, raids, etc., in which each participated, could not, in very many instances, be gotten ; and we could not speak except in cases where survivors have been sure and have so written. Where only the name is given, or the record contains but an item or two, or stops short of the close, it is not to be inferred that the man was not a soldier good and true. There are doubtless exceptions; but the rule is that those who are borne on this list held to their work unless killed, or disabled by wounds, disease, capture, and imprisonment, or other un toward circumstance. If unworthy names have unavoidably been placed here and there on a shining list, it is better than that a single one should be excluded on insufficient evidence and so deprived of due reward for him and his children and his children s children.] FIELD AND STAFF: BEN HARDIN HELM, colonel. (See biography.) THOMAS G. WOODWARD, lieutenant-colonel. N. R. CHAMBLISS, major. SAMUEL E. SHIPP, adjutant; was made captain of Co. G in July, 1862, at Manchester, Tenn.; in the spring of 1863, he was as signed to duty as volunteer aide on Gen. Helm s staff; was after wards assigned to duty on the staff of Gen. Cosby. Accidentally killed himself on his farm in Jefferson County, some years after the war. GEORGE W. TRIPLETT, A. Q. M. JACK VALENTINE, A. C. S. ROBERT D. SPAULDING, Union County, surgeon. GEORGE N. HOLMES, assistant surgeon. 996 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GEORGE W. McCAULEY, sergeant-major; was afterward adjutant- general on Helm s staff; after Gen. Helm s death he served on the staff of Gen. John S. Williams ; was killed in the battle of Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864. ALEXANDER TODD, ordnance. sergeant; was made aide-de-camp on Helm s staff when that officer was promoted to brigadier-gen eral; was killed in Breckinridge s advance on Baton Rouge, Aug. 5, 1862. There are no complete and authentic rolls of all the companies of the original regiment. As far as can be ascertained the ten companies composing it were officered as set out below, and the names of Com panies D, F, E, H, and K are given, together with certain facts as to both officers and men. CO. A, DARWIN BELL, Christian County, captain. Afterward adjutant Second Kentucky Cavalry. CO. B, WILLIAM CALDWELL, captain. ELLIOTT, first lieutenant. Afterward captain Co. A, Second Kentucky Cavalry. CO. C, DR. CHARLES T. NOEL, captain; was mortally wounded at Hewey s Bridge, Ala., May pth, and died May n, 1862. W. J. Taylor, first lieutenant, commanded the company after Noel s death till the reorganization of the regiment in the autumn of 1 86 1 ; when Companies C and K were consolidated as Co. A, he was elected captain; was wounded at Snake Creek Gap, Ga. , May 9, 1864; also, in fight in Hopkins County, Ky., April 12, 1865. (See Incidents and Anecdotes after Chapter V.) THOMAS C. JONES, Daveiss County, second lieutenant, was pro moted to first lieutenant when Taylor became captain ; was wounded and captured in Sweeden s Cove, Tenn., May, 1862; was badly wounded and crippled for life at Snake Creek Gap, Ga., May 9, 1864. (See biography.) JOSEPH YEWELL, third lieutenant. Died soon after battle of Mis sion Ridge. COMPANY D. W. F. HAWES, captain, was transferred to Commissary Department in the spring of 1862. WM. MURRAY BROWN, Hancock County, first lieutenant, was promoted to captain after Hawes was transferred. Died in 1891. JOHN R. HOLT, second lieutenant, was captured in 1861, while on a recruiting expedition to Meade County. J. GIBSON TAYLOR, Daveiss County, third lieutenant, served faith fully till summer of 1862, when he joined Morgan s command; HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 997 was* noted for gallant and meritorious conduct under this com mander; was captured at Cynthiana. June 12, 1864, and died in prison. [NOTE. During the changes that took place when part of a Meade County company was united \vith this company, and after the transfer of Capt. Hawes, Preston Lindsay was a second lieutenant, and became first lieutenant on Murray Brown s promotion ; George Richardson was second lieutenant to succeed Holt ; Samuel G. Hughes was third lieutenant, and became second lieutenant when Lindsay was promoted, and Taylor joined Morgan, and John S. Lamar was third lieutenant to succeed Hughes.] THOMAS ESTES, Hancock County, first sergeant, was captured in Sweeden s Cove, but afterward returned to the regiment. SAMUEL G. HUGHES, Hancock County, second sergeant, was promoted to lieutenant, later to captain. Died at home about 1895. JOHN S. LAMAR, Daveiss County, third sergeant, was subsequently a lieutenant. Died long after the war. PRESTON LINDSAY, Hancock County, fourth sergeant (see above), was wounded in the shoulder at Murfreesboro, July 13, 1862, but returned to the regiment. BEN F. JOHNSON, Hancock County. Died at home some years after the war. THOMAS D. IRELAND, Hancock County, first corporal. WM. T. ELLIS, second corporal, transferred to Co. C. (See biography.) LEONARD T. PINSON, Hancock County, third corporal. JAMES J. PATTERSON, fourth corporal. BATES, SAMUEL, Hancock County. BOWLES, PIUS, Daveiss County. BURCH, J. K. P. BLACKFORD, JOHN A., Hancock County. COX, GEORGE T., Daveiss County, was killed at Murfreesboro , July 13, 1862. COLBERT, RAYMOND, Hancock County. DEJARNETTE, BEN F., Hancock County. DORSEY, ELI, Hancock County. DRAKE, JAMES, Muhlenburg County. ESTES, ALLEN, Hancock County, was wounded in the shoulder at Jug Tavern. ESTES, AB, Daveiss County. Died at home some years after the war. ESTES, WARREN, Daveiss County. Died at home some years after the war. EMMICK, GEORGE, Hancock County, died of disease in Glasgow, Ky. 998 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ERSKINE, JAMES, Daveiss County. ENGLISH, ADDISON, Breckenridge County. GREEK, JAMES, Meade County. GREENWELL, GEORGE, Meade County. HARLEY, JAMES, Hancock County. HARRISON, DAVID, Hancock County. HALL, WM ., Hancock County. HUGHARD, ALEXANDER, died of disease on the retreat from Glasgow, February, 1862. LEWIS, E. B. LOYAL, PETER, Hancock County, in all the engagements till cap tured. Was killed in prison. MAYS, RICHARD, Hardin County. MAYS, THOMAS, Hardin County. MAYFIELD, JAMES, Hancock County, served throughout the war. McCUNE, DAVID, served throughout the war. MILLS, FERDINAND, Union County, served throughout the war; was wounded in one hand at Jug Tavern. NAFUS, GEORGE, Meade County. ROBERTS, HILLARY. REID, FRANK, Hancock County. RICHARDSON, DANIEL, Meade County. RHODES, GEORGE, Meade County. RUTLEDGE, WILLIS, Daveiss County. STOWERS, J. W. (" Chap"), killed by bushwhackers. (See Co. A.) SKILLMAN, RICHARD, Breckenridge County. STANFIELD, ALLEN, Meade County. STANFIELD, KEN, Meade County. STARK, JOHN, Hancock County. SHACKLETT, JOHN. SHACKLETT, BEN L., Meade County. SHACKLETT, G. W., Meade County. SHACKLETT, RICHARD, Meade County. TODD, ALEXANDER, transferred to Helm s staff; killed at Baton Rouge, Aug. 5, 1862. TOUGET, THOMAS, Hancock County. TAYLOR, MAHLON R., Meade County. WITHROW, ROBERT. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 999 WILLIAMS, HENRY, died of disease at Knoxville, Term. WORLING, BARNEY. [NOTE. At the reorganization, October, 1862, most of the men of this com pany and of Co. F united to make Co. G of the new organization.] COMPANY E. JACOB W. GRIFFITH, Oldham County, captain, was promoted to lieutenant-colonel of the second organization ; was badly wound ed in shoulder at Hewey s Bridge, Ala., May 9, 1862; was se verely wounded in Sequatchie Valley, October 2, 1862. Had served in Humphrey Marshall s regiment (First Kentucky Cav alry) in the Mexican war. JACK JONES, Jefferson County, first lieutenant, became captain in July, 1862; on the reorganization of the regiment he was elected captain of Co. B ; was killed in battle in Sequatchie Valley, Oct. 2, 1863. GEO. W. BECKLEY, Jefferson County, second lieutenant, became first lieutenant on the promotion of Lieut. Jack Jones ; was elect ed first lieutenant of Co. B, second organization ; was promoted to captain on the death of Capt. Jones ; was wounded in head at the battle of Saltville, Va. In the Sequatchie Valley fight (Oct. 2, 1863,) he captured a Federal paymaster, Capt. Boyd, who had with him $75,000, and delivered him and his funds to Gen. Wheeler. Served to the close. W. T. VINCENT, Oldham County, third lieutenant. After expira tion of the twelve-month term he joined Cluke s regiment, Mor gan s command, with which he served to the close. He was in commandof this company, E, at the Sweeden s Cove fight. Hesays that Col. Adams had his headquarters outside of the picket lines toward Winchester, and that the P ederal soldiers came near catch ing him before he knew they were in the neighborhood. JOSEPH E. VINCENT, Oldham County, first sergeant; was elected second sergeant Co. B, second organization; was promoted to second lieutenant Co. B, Nov. i, 1863 ; was wounded in the hand in battle in Sequatchie Valley (Oct. 2, 1863); was struck with spent ball during the battle in Dug Gap (May 9, 1864). Served to the close. RICHARD H. ISAACS, Jefferson County, second sergeant. Is re ported to have been in all the engagements of his regiment during the first year, after which he joined Morgan s command. He was one of the four cavalrymen who took part with the detail from the Sixth Kentucky Infantry in the fight at Cy Hutcherson s, Oct. 10, 1861. (See page 52). CHARLES H. LEE, Jefferson County, third sergeant. Was for a few months orderly sergeant. Now (1898) a citizen of Owens- boro. 1000 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. AUGUSTUS M. HEAD, Oldham County, was in all the engage ments of his command to the close. (Member of Co. B, second organization.) JAMES COLLINS, Shelby County, first corporal. After twelve month term expired, he joined Morgan s Cavalry, with which he served to the close. Died at home in 1896. J. S. HINKLE, Oldham County, second corporal. At expiration of twelve-month term he joined Morgan s Cavalry, with which he continued to serve. SILAS YEAGER, Shelby County, third corporal. After twelve month term expired he joined Morgan s Cavalry, with which he continued to serve. JAMES H. RUDY, Jefferson County, fourth corporal. (See biog raphy.) ABBOTT, WM. R., Hart County, after expiration of term of enlist ment joined a company in Vaughan s Tennessee cavalry, in which he became an officer. Was once severely wounded in East Ten nessee. BECKLEY, JOHN H., Jefferson County, died of disease at Fairfield y Tenn., February, 1863. Was in all battles up to death. BELL, THOMPSON, Jefferson County, served to end of enlistment. BAXTER, CHARLES, Jefferson County, served to end of enlist ment. BOOKER, AUGUSTUS, Jefferson County. BALL, GEO. WASHINGTON, Jefferson County, captured at Sweed- en s Cove. BEARD, STEPHEN, Spencer County, served to end of enlistment. Died at home about 1890. BOSLER, HENRY. BENTON, PARKER, Oldham County, reenlisted in Fourth Ken tucky Cavalry at the end of twelve-month term, and served to the close. COLEMAN, JOHN, Jefferson County, after expiration of twelve month term joined Morgan s cavalry, with which he served to the close. CRUM, BEELER, Oldham County, after expiration of twelve-month term, joined Morgan s cavalry, with which he served to the close. CAMP, B. F., Jefferson County. (See Co. B.) CROW, F. M., Oldham County, was captured at Muldraugh s Hill, but escaped. Was killed at Lebanon, July 4, 1862. DORSEY, WARREN, Shelby County, served to end of twelve-month term and then joined another command, with which he served to the close. DORN, JULIUS, Jefferson County, was a corporal, then commissary sergeant. Served to the end of enlistment. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1001 FLUSSER, GUY, Louisville, acted as adjutant after Shipp s promo tion. Was captured in Sequatchie Valley, Oct. 2, 1863, but es caped before his guard had reached Louisville with him. He then joined Co. K, Fourth Kentucky Cavalry, in which he be came a lieutenant. Was killed in battle at Mt. Sterling, June 9, 1864. FREEMAN, D. LEONARD, Oldham County. (See Co. B, second organization.) FREDERICK, SAMUEL, Jefferson County, served to close of twelve month term. Nothing further known to writer. GAAR, PRESLEY, Jefferson County, was afterward a first lieuten ant; was killed in battle in East Tennessee, while with Morgan s men. GRIFFITH, THOMAS R., Oldham County. (See Co. B, second organization.) GRIFFITH, NEWTON, Oldham County. (See Co. B, second or ganization.) GRIFFITH, JOSEPH, Oldham County, was killed by Rousseau s pickets at Muldraugh s Hill, 1861. GATHRIGHT, RICHARD O., Oldham County. After his term expired he joined the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry, in which he be came a captain (1862). Was afterward wounded at Limestone, Tenn., at Raytown, Tenn., and at Mt. Sterling, Ky. He was captured at the latter place, but escaped between there and Lex ington. Was recaptured, but escaped from the barracks at Lex ington. Was in command of the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry when it surrendered, at the close of the war. GATHRIGHT, JOHN R., Oldham County, was captured while re cruiting in Kentucky in 1863, and sent to Johnson s Island, where he was kept till the war closed. GRAHAM, ALONZO W., Jefferson County. (See Co. B, second organization.) HERR, WM. WALLACE, Jefferson County. (See biography.) HAFER, JOHN, Jefferson County, served to end of twelve-month term. HINKLE, JOHN R., Shelby County. (See Field and Staff, second organization.) HARRIS, JOHN, Jefferson County. (See Co. B, second organiza tion.) HARRIS, CICERO, Jefferson County. (See Co. B., second or ganization.) HOCKER, M. ELSTON, Shelby County. (See Co. B, Sixth Ken tucky Infantry.) JONES, WELCH, Mercer County. After expiration of twelve-month term, he joined Morgan s command, with which he continued to serve. 1002 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. LONG, RICHARD, Shelby County. At expiration of twelve-month term he joined Morgan s command and was killed in battle. LUCKETT, JACK, Jefferson County, served till twelve-month term expired. MILLER, JAMES F., Jefferson County, captured at Sweeden s Cove. MILLER, MINOR G., Jefferson County, captured near Liberty, Tenn. , after having been in many engagements, and was confined in Fort Delaware, where he died in 1863. MILLS, SAMUEL, Jefferson County, was once severely wounded in battle. MITCHELL, WM. L., Jefferson County, captured at Sweeden s Cove. MAYFIELD, MICAJAH, Shelby County, was one of four cavalry men who took part with the detail from the Sixth Kentucky In fantry in the fight at Cy Hutcherson s, Oct. 10, 1861. (See page S^). MILES, JAMES E. , Jefferson County. (See Co. B, second organiz ation.) MILLER, JOHN P., Oldham County, served till term of enlistment expired. OLIVER, WM., Oldham County, was killed at Shelby farm fight, 1861. OGLESBY, WILLIAM, Oldham County, though a man of honor and spirit, was wholly incapacitated by disease for active field service. PEEL, AUGUSTUS, Cincinnati, O., fought at Munfordville, 1861, and in several other engagements. No other definite facts remem bered. RUSSELL, GEORGE E., Jefferson County, was captured at Sweeden s Cove, June, 1862; was exchanged; was afterward re captured near Alexandria, Tenn., and kept awhile in prison, but was finally exchanged and rejoined his command before the war closed. Died at home about 1887. RUSSELL, WM., was killed in Kentucky by bushwhackers, after having served about three years. ROBINSON, LUTHER, Union County, served till term of enlist ment expired. SHEilLEY, JOHN C., Jefferson County, was appointed quartermas ter after Triplett s promotion. (See Co. D, second organization.) SIMCOE, HENRY, Jefferson County, died of disease in Mooresville, Ala., March, 1862. SMITH, GEO. T., Henry County, was for awhile a member of this company, and afterward served to the close in Ninth Kentucky Cavalry. SMITH, JNO. W., Jefferson County, was once wounded at Hogg s Landing, Tennessee. River. (See also Co. B, second organization.) HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1003 SPEERS, CHARLES ALBERT ("Bud"), Oldham County, served out his term of enlistment. Now (1898), a citizen of Texas. STONESTREET, RICHARD F., Oldham County, was one of four cavalrymen who took part with the detail from the Sixth Kentucky Infantry in the fight at Cy Hutcherson s, Oct. 10, 1861. (See page 52.) Fought with this company during first year ; then joined Morgan s command ; was killed by bushwhackers in East Ten nessee in 1864. SCRIMSHER, F. M., Oldham County, was one of four cavalrymen who fought at Cy Hutcherson s. (See Stonestreet above.) Fought at Hewey s Bridge, Courtland Bridge, Sweeden s Cove, under Forrest at Murfreesboro (July 13, 1862); acted as courier for Col. Helm and Gen. Johnston betweeen Tuscumbia and Eastport (March, 1862); fought at Perryville, and was in every skirmish from Perryville to Cumberland Gap (October, 1862). Was on the expedition through Tennessee, and by way of Saltville, W. Va., to North Carolina, but didn t reach the field in time for bat tle at the latter place (Oct. 2, 1864), because of illness. SWINDLER, WILLIAM. THURBER, HARRY, Philadelphia, Pa., was captured with F. M. Crow and Joe Griffith at Muldraugh s Hill, but was paroled. Then joined Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, and was again captured. Served to the close. Died in Pennsylvania some years after the war. VANCE, BEN. VINCENT, LYTER, Oldham County. (See Co. B, second organ ization.) VINCENT, JOHN, Oldham County. (See Co. B, second organ ization.) WOLFRAM, GEORGE, Jefferson County, had horse killed under him at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863; was wounded in the hand at Saltville, Oct. 2, 1864. Served to the close. WILHOITE, WM., Oldham County, was accidentally wounded in arm, at Bowling Green ; was afterward severely wounded in battle. Served to the close, and is said to have been in every engage ment. WILHOITE, SAMUEL, Oldham County. WILHOITE, PASCHAL, Oldham County, was killed in Shelby Farm fight, on his way to join others of this company, 1861. 1004 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. COMPANY F. [NOTE. The original officers of this company were elected Oct. 14, 1861.] J. J. BARNETT, Union County, captain, resigned June 30, 1862. R. D. SPALDING, Union County, first lieutenant, was assigned to the quartermaster s department some time subsequently to the reor ganization of the regiment. E. HUDSON WATHEN, Union County, second lieutenant, was elected captain July i, 1862, but election was declared illegal by Secretary of War, and he resigned his commission as lieutenant. F. B. BROWN, Union County, third lieutenant; after the reorganiza tion he was assigned by Gen. Bragg to various detached service, with the rank of captain. JOHN L. HOWELL, Union County, was elected first sergeant Oct. 14, 1861 ; was promoted to captain March 3, 1863 ; was wounded through one wrist near Cartersville, Ga., 1864. ADAMS, HENRY, Union County, served to the close. BRIGHT, JOHN, Union County, discharged on account of disability by disease, February, 1862. BINGHAM, SILAS H., Union County, served to close of war. BROWN, WM., Union County, wounded and captured at Morrison s Depot, Tenn., August, 1862. BERRY, WM., Union County, discharged on account of disability by disease, February, 1862. BERRY, THOMAS, Union County, discharged March, 1862, being under age. BUCKMAN, JOHN N., Union County, discharged on account of disability by disease, June, 1862. BLAYLOCK, JOHN W., Union County. (See Co. A, second or ganization.) BALL, DEMETRIUS, Union County, discharged by substitute, June, 1862; joined Tenth Kentucky Cavalry; was badly wounded at Henderson, Ky., 1863. DYER, JOHN WILL, Union County. (See biography.) DYER, THO. M., Union County, captured near Florence, Ala., 1862. FORD, ISAAC, Union County, transferred to Fourth Kentucky In fantry, November, 1861. FINNIE, DANIEL, Union County, discharged by substitute, June, 1862. COUGH, WM., Union County, died of disease at Tuscumbia, Ala., April, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1005 GRAINGER, ANDREW, Union County. GEIGER, JAMES, Union County, discharged on account of disabil ity by disease, May, 1862 ; joined Fourth Kentucky Infantry; was captured at Mission Ridge and imprisoned in Camp Douglas. GARDINER, WM. J., Union County, captured at Rogersville, Ala., 1862 ; was afterward elected a lieutenant in Tenth Kentucky Cav alry; was captured in Ohio during Morgan s raid, 1863. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, Union County, discharged on ac count of disability by disease, June, 1862. HEDGES, ROBERT, Union County, accidentally killed at Rogers ville, Ala., May, 1862. HARDIN, ALFRED, transferred to Second Kentucky Cavalry, April, 1863. HAGAR, HILLARY, Union County, discharged on account of dis ability by disease, but remained with the command till the surren der. HITE, THOMAS, Union County, discharged on account of disability by disease, February, 1862. KLINE, FREDERICK, Union County, was promoted to captain in the quartermaster s department, Nov. 3, 1862 ; was tranferred to Tenth Kentucky Cavalry, Aug. i, 1863. LUCAS, CHARLES, Crittenden County, transferred to Morgan s cavalry, 1863. MAY, CHARLES, Hancock County, was captured, June, 1863 ; es caped but was again captured, at Pulaski, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1863. MOBLEY, GEORGE, Union County, died of disease at Spring Hill, Tenn., September, 1862. McDONALD, J., captured in Tennessee, 1863. METCALFE, COATES T., Union County, was transferred to Tenth Kentucky Cavalry, January, 1863 ; was captured in Ohio during Morgan s raid, 1863. NEWCOMBE, JAMES, Crittenden County, was transferred to White s Battery, March, 1863. POOL, PHILANDER, Union County, wounded at McMinnville, Tenn, July, 1862 ; also at Chickamauga Station, November, 1863. Served to close of war. PAYNE, ROBT, Union County, was discharged by substitute, June, 1862. PAYNE, CLAY, Union County, was discharged on account of dis- ability by disease, June, 1862. PATTERSON, SAMUEL, Hancock County, was captured at Harri son, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1863. REASOR, WILLIAM, Union County. RINEY, BENJAMIN, Union County, was wounded at Marietta,Ga., 1864. 1006 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. REED, FRANK, was captured, September, 1863. RIGGS, JAMES, Union County, died of disease at Tuscumbia,Ala., April, 1862. RITTER, WM., Christian County, was killed in prison at Chatta nooga by a guard. SCHONE, JOHN, Hopkins County, was transferred to Second Ken tucky Cavalry, August, 1863. TULL, FREDERICK, Union County, discharged on account of dis ability by old age, June, 1862. Was a veteran of the Mexican war. WATHEN, EX., Union County, discharged on account of disability by disease, January, 1862. YOUNG, ROGER, Union County, discharged on account of dis ability by disease ; afterward joined Tenth Kentucky Cavalry ; was captured in Ohio during Morgan s raid, 1863. YOUNG, JOSEPH O., Union County, was discharged by substitute, December, 1863. COMPANY G. JOHN H. JOHNSON, Warren County, captain. After reaching Bowling Green with his recruits this man soon took service about the headquarters of Gen. Sidney Johnston, and Sam E. Shipp . commanded the company for awhile as captain, with Wm. Wal lace Herr as first lieutenant; but it soon disintegrated, and the members took service with other companies. But few of the names are certainly known. Capt. Johnson was killed in a railroad wreck near Vicksburg, Miss., 1862 COMPANY H. H. C. LEAVELL, captain, was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, July, 1862; died at Chattanooga, Sept. 27, 1862. W. W. WESTERN, captain. J. W. BARCLAY, first lieutenant. JOHN B. MASSIE, first lieutenant. W. T. RADFORD, second lieutenant. M. W. STEVENSON, third lieutenant. JAMES BRONAUGH, Franklin County, first sergeant, captured at New Haven, Ky., Sept. 27, 1862. W. P. WINFREE, second sergeant. JOHN T. MULLINS, third sergeant. W. T. WILLIAMS, fourth sergeant, captured at New Haven, Ky., Sept. 27, 1862. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1007 THOMAS JOHNSON, fifth sergeant. T. E. FORT, first corporal. W. JESUP, second corporal, C. W. LOVE, third corporal, captured at New Haven, Ky., Sept. 27, 1862. A. B. CARVER, fourth corporal. ALLEN, E. M. ANDERSON, THOMAS. ATKINSON, ED, farrier. BENSON, J. E. BRONAUGH, BANKS, captured March 28, 1862. BRONAUGH, D. A. BARRETT, R. B. W., died at Winchester, Term., May 23, 1862. BARKER, J. W. BILLINGSLY, CHARLES, Christian County. BURT, RICHARD H. BREAME, JOHN, served through the war. BREAME, C. W., served through the war. BREAME, M. B., served through the war. BOYD, W. A. BROOKS, S. R. BOWLEY, J. R. BROWN, B. BUCKNER, FRANK. BUCKNER, L. A., captured May 10, 1862. CHILTON, J. S. CHILTON, JOHN. CHILTON, L. B. CAVANAUGH, M. B. CARROLL, M. H. CHILES, JAMES. CLARDY, MONK, Christian County. CLARDY, HENRY, Christian County. DUNLAP, C. S. DILLARD, R. M. DONALDSON, J. C., captured at New Haven, Ky., Sept. 27, 1862. DRINKARD, W. J., died Jan. 8, 1862. 1008 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. DYE, C. M., died May i, 1862. GARNETT, W. W., appointed sergeant-major, July i, 1862. GARNETT, V. A., captured at New Haven, Ky., Sept. 27, 1862. GARNER, H. B. GWYNN, R. HANNA, T. F., captured at New Haven, Ky., Sept. 27, 1862. HUFFMAN, PHILIP. KNIGHT, ROBERT. LACKEY, A. O. LACKEY, B. D. LANE, N. G. LANDER, J. H. LONG, H. G. McREA, J. W. McREA, W. H. MASSIN, JOHN H. MARQUESS, J. C. MAJOR, J. H. MAJOR, P. H., captured at New Haven, Ky., Sept. 27, 1862. MALLORY, J. R. * MOSS, JOHN, captured at New Haven, Ky., Sept. 27, 1862.^ MOORE, WM. PENDLETON, J. T. POLLARD, H. S. QUISENBERRY, G. T. RAIDINS, T. ROGERS, J. W., captured at New Haven, Ky., Sept. 27, 1862. RITT, B. F. REEVES, W. M. SARGENT, J. G. A. SHELTON, W. T. SKILLMAN, W. C., Meade County. TANDY, D. A. TANDY, G. A. TILLMAN, W. L. TURNER, JOHN, captured May 10, 1862. TUNLEY, M. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1009 WILLIS, L. R. WATSON, T. O. WATSON, L. D. WATSON, N. T. WATSON, NATHAN T. WYATT, W. C. WOOD, E. B. WHEATLEY, WM. WILTSHIRE, JOSEPH. WORD, R. T. YOUNG, T. Co. I : JOE B. WILLIAMS, captain, was killed in North Carolina near the close of the war. (Names of other officers not found.) Co. K: One of the officers of this company furnishes the following note : " The company was organized at Hopkinsville, October, 1 86 1. With Merriwether s (afterward Williams s) company, it operated as a Kentucky squadron under command of Col. For rest, about Fort Donelson. When Donelson was surrendered, Forrest took the vote of Co. K as to whether it would take chances with him in attempting to cut his way out. Capt. Huey, with about half the men, fell into line for the venture ; Lieuten ants Wallace and Winstead went home ; Lieut. Head surrendered with the garrison. Of that part of the company that escaped with Forrest, George D. Richardson became first lieutenant ; Samuel S. Woolfolk, second lieutenant; Reuben J. Laughlin, third lieutenant ; and Jno. W. Headley, first sergeant. When the regiment was reorganized, after Bragg s Kentucky campaign, some of these twelve-month men of Co. K ree nlisted in Co. A, originally Co. C (Capt. Noel s). The original company was as per muster-roll, a copy of which you have." JAMES K. HUEY, captain. JAMES C. WALLACE, first lieutenant. JOHN D. HEAD, second lieutenant. BUSH D. WINSTEAD, third lieutenant. LABAN T. RICE, first sergeant. JOHN W. HEADLEY, second sergeant. JAMES L. BAKER, third sergeant. B. F. WORLAND, fourth sergeant. J. W. SMITH, fifth sergeant. JOHN B. JONES, first corporal. SAMUEL H. WOODBURY, second corporal. JAMES SNIDER, third corporal. 1010 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. R. WILLETT, fourth corporal. ASHBY, WM. ALLISON. AUGLE, ED H. BLACKBURN, JAMES. BLACKBURN, LEWIS. BLACK, HUGH D. BEAN, JOHN. BASSETT, THOMAS. BOWERS, ISAAC M. BROWN, WM. E. BATES, SAMUEL H. BEWLEY, R. B. BURCH, J. K. P. CAMPBELL, BRASHEAR C. CASTLEBERRY, JAMES B. CRABTREE, CYRUS W. CRABTREE, H. R. CLAYTON, AL. COFFMAN, FRANK. CARLISLE, THOMAS. CARLISLE, CYRUS. CARTER, J. A. COBURN, E. B. CHRISTIAN, G. C. CHRISTIAN, WM. CURRY, C. LEWIS. DAVIS, WM. DRAKE, J. A. EDDINS, BEN. EDDINS, BROWN. EVANS, JAMES. FARMER, BEN. GIST, J. W. GIVENS, RICHARD. GIVENS, NAT. GIVENS, ALEXANDER. GRAINGER, WM. L. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1011 GREEK, J. P. HUMPHREY, RAWLS E. HUMPHREY, BEN. HEAD, DANIEL. HADDEN, B. F. HALL, HENDERSON. HALL, THORNTON. HALL, CALEB. HINES, - HALE, - HARLEY, JAMES H. HARMAN, B. F. HERRON, E. HOKET, WM. HOLMAN, THOMAS. HEAD, JAMES B. JOHNSON, CAVE. JOHNSON, DAN W. JAMISON M. "JIMMIE" (Irishman). JONES, JAMES C. KENDRICK, J. W. KIRTLEY, E. B. KUYKENDALL, W. H. KUYKENDALL, FRANK. LINDSAY, JOHN F. MAR.TIN, JOHN. MITCHELL, JOHN W. MONROE, G. JAMES. McCULLEY, R. J. MITCHELL, JAMES. McCORMACK, GEORGE. McCORMACK, WM. McCHESNEY, WALTER. MCVEIGH, JAMES. MILLS, JOHN R. MILLER, ADRIAN. 1012 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. MONTGOMERY, JOHN FOUNTAIN. MOORE, JOHN L. MAY, L. F. MOON, L. E. MILLER, JOHN E. MAYS, THOMAS H. MERCHANT, PAUL. MCCARTY, E. NEWMAN, R. NAFUS, GEO. L. OWEN, AMPLUS. ORTON, DAVID. OGDEN, ED H. OGDEN, JOHN W. PAYNE, JOHN H. PARKER, TITUS. PROW, JACK. PROW, VAN. PIPER, THOMPSON. PARTRIDGE, WM. M. POTTS, M. A. RICE, KEARNEY G. RICE, FRANK. RICE, JAMES NED. RUDY, JAMES F. RAMSAY, ANDREW. RUTHERFORD, R. J. ROBERTS, B. W. ROBINSON, THOMAS. RAGSDALE, - . RUSH, CYRUS. RICHARDSON, ISAAC. RICHARDSON, D. F. RHODES, G. W. SALE, JAMES. SMOOT, GEORGE. SCOTT, FRANK. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1013 SAUNDERS, G. L. SAUNDERS, D. J. SHACKLETT, JOHN G. SHACKLETT, G. W. SHACKLETT, R. J. STITH, THO. J. STANFIELD, K. O. THORNTON, WILLIAM. TULL, WILLIS C. TRADER, JAMES. VAN METER, D. R. VAUGHN, JEFFERSON. VAUGHN, JESSE. VICK, D. L. WALLACE, ROBERT C. WITHERS, SAMUEL. WITHERS, WM. WALLACE, WM. R. WALLACE, J. C., JR. WALLACE, W. H. WILLIAMS, ROBERT. WICKLIFFE, A. W. WORTHINGTON, SAMUEL G. WORTHINGTON, WM. F. WILLIAMS, H. S. WHITSITT, WASHINGTON L. WITHROW, ROBERT B. YARBROUGH, DREW. YOUNGER, TILLER. YOUNGER, IDA. 1014 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ROSTER AND MUSTER ROLLS, SECOND ORGANIZATION. [NOTE. Companies C and D of the first organization were three-year men, but the other eight companies enlisted for but one year. In the autumn of 1862, when the time of these men began to expire, the regiment was reorganized with eight companies, as given below. These included the companies which Col. Butler recruited in Kentucky during the Bragg campaign, and which were con solidated with the First Kentucky early in 1863. The great majority of the one- year volunteers reenlisted in this and other regiments. So many of the officers and men of the old command took service in the new that it was essentially the First Kentucky Cavalry, not only in name, but in spirit and efficiency as a dis tinctive body which it had acquired under the training and leadership of the first commander, Helm.] FIELD AND STAFF. J. RUSSELL BUTLER, Frankfort, colonel, served during the war. Died in Louisville some years after it closed. JACOB W. GRIFFITH, lieutenant-colonel. (See Co. E, first or ganization.) J. Q. CHENOWETH, major. (See biography.) GUY FLUSSER, adjutant from May 13, 1862. (See Co. E, first or ganization.) O. F. PAYNE ("SUNNY"), adjutant from March i, 1863; was murdered in Paris, Ky., after the war, by a Federal officer. JOHN G. JONES, Shelby County, A. Q. M.; had been captain of Co. K, Sixth Kentucky Infantry ; was subsequently division quar termaster. E. H. ENGLISH, A. C. S. W. H. GALT, Louisville, surgeon; was subsequently chief medical officer of division. A. B. BOSLEY, Daveiss County, assistant surgeon. S. M. LEWIS, assistant surgeon from March i, 1863. J. R. HINKLE, sergeant-major. MICAJAH MAYFIELD, quartermaster-sergeant from Nov. 11,1862. GUY ELDER, commissary-sergeant. HUGH LEONARD, Frankfort, ordnance-sergeant. THOMAS RICHARDS, chief bugler. At some time, under either the first or second organization, the fol lowing names are found on the roster captured in Richmond as having been connected with this field and staff: HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1015 H. C. Leavell, lieutenant-colonel; John Allen, lieutenant-colonel; J. W. Caldwell, major; George Wright, Thomas W. Napier, C. W. Ford, A. S. English, and William Timberlake, each as quartermaster; R. M. Morehead and R. S. Hunter, as chaplains ; W. W. Garrett, sergeant-major, and W. E. Russell and William Killebrew, as quarter master-sergeants. COMPANY A. W. J. TAYLOR, captain, elected in June, 1863 ; was wounded at Snake Creek Gap, Ga., May 9, 1864; also in fight near Madison- ville, Ky., April 12, 1865. (See Incidents and Anecdotes after Chapter V.) THOMAS C. JONES, first lieutenant. (See first Co. C ; see also biography. ) JOSEPH M. YEWELL, second lieutenant, promoted from third lieu tenant; died at Ringgold, Ga., Jan. 26, 1864. RUSH IRWIN, third lieutenant, promoted to second lieutenant, Jan. 26, 1864; was wounded by saber cut in a fight with a detachment of Stoneman s Cavalry below Newnan, Ga., 1864. JOHN S. HINKLE, third lieutenant, elected by the company, Feb. i, 1864. B. A. VAUGHN, first sergeant ; killed near Beech Grove, Tenn. , Jan. 24, 1863. [Name of second sergeant not ascertained.] JAMES H. BOZARTH, third sergeant, promoted to first sergeant, Oct. 9, 1862. (See account of fight in Hopkins County, Ky., after Chapter V.) W. H. McKAY, fourth sergeant. WILLIAMM. LASHBROOK, fifth sergeant; promoted to second sergeant, Oct. 9, 1862. PHILIP A. POINTER, first corporal; was afterward promoted to third sergeant. (See Incidents and Anecdotes after Chapter V.) A. N. CONYERS, second corporal, wounded at Dug Gap, May 8, 1864. S. H. MOBERLY, third corporal, wounded at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863. S. D. LASHBROOK, fourth corporal, captured at Snake Creek Gap, May 9, 1864. Died in Rock Island prison. WM. T. ELLIS, Daveiss County, fifth corporal, promoted to ser geant. (See biography.) J. H. MOBERLY, company bugler, captured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863; escaped at Kelly s Ferry, but was recaptured; afterward escaped from Rock Island prison into Canada. 1016 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. ABELL, ELISHA, Daveiss County, served to the close. He was- one of the picked men engaged at Jug Tavern. AULL, WM. T., Daveiss County, was in all the engagements of his company till desperately wounded and disabled. Lost a leg in the battle of Saltville, Oct. 2, 1864. ANDERSON, JAMES, Daveiss County, died of consumption in 1863. ANDERSON, JOHN, Wilson County, Tenn., enlisted in this com pany in 1863, and served to the close. Was a student in Lexing ton, Ky., after the war. BOWLES, PIUS J., Daveiss County. BELL, J. HARVEY, Daveiss County, served to the close. Afterward became insane and died in the Western Asylum (at Hopkinsville). BOSLEY, A. B., Daveiss County, after serving in the ranks till June 24, 1863, he was appointed hospital steward ; became subsequently assistant surgeon of regiment being a medical graduate. BUTLER, D. B., Daveiss County, was killed at Louisville, Ga.,. Nov. 30, 1864. BARRON, ALEXANDER, Daveiss County, killed at Louisville, Ga., Nov. 30, 1864. BARRON, EILBECK, Daveiss County, went with Morgan on the Indiana and Ohio raid, during which he was wounded and cap tured. Is now (1898) blind. BRADLEY, WM. , Daveiss County, was discharged, Jan. 25, 1863. CAMPBELL, J. H., Daveiss County, was wounded near Tullahoma, Tenn., July, 1862. COFFIELD, CAMPBELL, Daveiss County, was captured at Farm- ington, Tenn., Oct. 8, 1863. CLEMENTS, JOHN. CARRICO, JAS. D. CONYER, JOHN M., was shot in left arm in Sequatchie Valley, Oct. 2, 1863; was wounded and captured at Snake Creek Gap, May 9, 1864, and died in Rock Island prison. CARTER, JAS., Daveiss County. CARLIN, CHARLES P., Daveiss County, went with Morgan on the Indiana and Ohio raid, during which he was captured. DEANE, S. M., Daveiss County, was discharged July, 1862. Died in Owensboro in 1895. DUNCAN, FRANK, Daveiss County. EWING, J. D. , Daveiss County, was captured at Farmington, Tenn. r Oct. 8, 1863. FIELDS, JOHN, Daveiss County, served to the close. Now (1898) an architect, resident in Chicago, 111. FAULKNER, F. M., was captured July 13, 1864, and imprisoned at Camp Douglas. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1017 GEORGE, RICHARD, was severely wounded in the charge on the stockade at Tullahoma, Tenn., July, 1862. GRIFFIN, F. M., Daveiss County. GRIFFITH, WM., Daveiss County. GROOMS, FROSTY, Daveiss County, was discharged in 1862. HIGDON, THOMAS, Daveiss County, was killed in Murfreesboro , Tenn., in Forrest s charge on the Court House, July 13, 1862. HENNING, ALBERT, Daveiss County, served to the close. " Not yet," says a comrade (1898), "very much reconstructed, and wants now to try his hand on Spain." HARDESTY, BENJAMIN, Daveiss County, captured near Liberty, Tenn., and died in prison at Camp Douglas, July 13, 1864. HARDESTY, JAMES C., Daveiss County, was captured June 6, 1863; died in prison at Camp Douglas. HARRISON, DAVID, Hancock County, was captured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863. HAWES, A. G. , Daveiss County, served to the close. Died in 1893. HALL, HARMON, Daveiss County, served to the close. Was for some time a lieutenant. Became after the war a citizen of Arkansas, where he died some years ago. HERRON, ELISHA, Daveiss County, served to the close. Settled in Georgia after the war closed, and still a resident there. HOLMAN, WM. T. HILL, HOMER, Henderson County, served to the close. Died at home some years ago. HOWARD, T. Y., Daveiss County, served to the close. JONES, G. H., Daveiss County, went with Morgan on the Indiana and Ohio raid and was captured. JONES, J. F., Daveiss County. JONES, WM., Daveiss County, died at Bowling Green, Ky., January, 1862. JONES, T. B., Daveiss County, served to the close. KIRK, T. P., Daviess County, served to the close. KELLY, S. D., Daveiss County. LEWIS, S. M., Daveiss County, was appointed assistant surgeon, March i, 1863, after having served long in the ranks. Died in Nelson County some years ago. LACKLIN, THOMAS M., Daveiss County, died on Big Barren River, January, 1862. MOSLEY, CORNELIUS, Daveiss County, was appointed corporal; was afterward second lieutenant, Co. H, Eighth Kentucky Cav alry, and served to the close. McKIEG, D. W., Daveiss County. 1018 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. MOSELEY, D. P., Daveiss County, served to the close. Now (1898) a citizen of Ohio County. MOSELEY, J. W., Daveiss County, captured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863, after having taken part in all the operations of his company to that time. Was not exchanged till March, 1865, after which he returned to his command. Is now (1898) a citizen of Ohio County. MORRIS, WM., Daveiss County, served till the close. Had served during the Mexican War. McDANIEL, WALTER. (See account of the Hopkins County fight after Chapter V.) Is now (1898) a citizen of Texas. McDANIEL, IGNATIUS, Daveiss County, died at Bowling Green, Dec. 1 86 1. McKAY, J. C., Daveiss County, served to the close. Now (1898) a citizen of Mississippi. MORTON, JAS. S., Ohio County, was a lieutenant of an infantry company ; served afterward as private in -this company (A) ; was subsequently a lieutenant in the Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. Now (1898) a citizen of Hartford, Ky. MORTON, DAVID, Daveiss County, enlisted from Memphis, Tenn., and served to the close. McBRIDE, WM., Daveiss County, served to the close. Died at home in 1892. MILLER, W. H. MURPHY, T. M., Daveiss County, served to the close. MONOHAN, PAT, Daveiss County, served to the close. Died at home in 1889. MAHAN, PAT, died in prison. MELTON, ALEXANDER, Daveiss County, was wounded and cap tured at Sweeden s Cove, May, 1862. MOORMAN, S. M., Daveiss County, was regimental commissary; afterward commissary of brigade for Gen. Hanson ; then post-commissary at LaGrange, Ga., where he died before the war closed. NELSON, WILLIAM, Ohio County, was a minister of the Christian Church; served for awhile as chaplain of the First Kentucky; was discharged in July, 1862. He died at home some time after the war. NASH, JOHN W., Daveiss County. PRIEST, L. L., a native Kentuckian who enlisted from Memphis, Tenn., served to the close. Is now (1898) a citizen of Mont gomery County. PARK, N. G., Daveiss County, served to the close. Died at home in 1802. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1019 PARTRIDGE, WILLIAM M., Daveiss County, was captured July 22, 1864, by three men, one of whom killed Maj. McCauley un necessarily, though Partridge begged him not to shoot. When a part of the First Cavalry dashed up and were close enough to succor him, he seized his rifle and killed McCauley s slayer, and, with the dead man s gun, killed another; then collaring the third man before he could fire, he led him away prisoner. PURCELL, WESLEY, Daveiss County, was discharged in July, 1862, and died shortly after the war. RAY, RICHARD, Daveiss County, served to the close. Died at home shortly after the war. RAY, ENOCH, Daveiss County, was captured Oct. 4, 1863. SUTTON, P. W. , Daveiss County, died of wound received at Mission Ridge, Dec. 25, 1863. SPEER, W. J., Oldham County, was for awhile first sergeant; served to the close. Is now (1898) a citizen of Alton, Ky. STOWERS, J. W., ("Chap"), Daveiss County, was killed by bush whackers near Jamestown, Ky., during Bragg s campaign, 1862. (See Co. D, first organization.) STOWERS, J. W. , Daveiss County, served to the close. Is now (1898) a citizen of Simpson County. TAYLOR, A. R. , Daveiss County, afterward captain of Co. B, Eighth Kentucky Cavalry ; served to the close. Was a member of the convention that drafted the present constitution of Missouri. TAYLOR, JOHN, Daveiss County, died of wound June 28, 1864, having taken part in all the engagements of his company to that time. TABOR, JAMES, Daveiss County, was captured Jan. 24, 1863. Died many years ago. THOMAS, JOHN, Daveiss County, served to the close. Married in Alabama just after the war, and since that time has been a citizen of that State. THOMPSON, FRANK M., Daveiss County, was in all the engage ments of his company till he was killed in battle at Louisville, Ga., Nov. 30, 1864. TRIMBLE, THOMAS. TRIPLETT, GEORGE W., Owensboro, was afterward quartermas ter; later a member of the Confederate Congress. Died in Owensboro about twenty years after the war. WILLIAMS, J. D., Daveiss County. No facts as to his services known to the writer. He died at home in 1892. WILLIAMS, J. T. , Henderson County, served to the close. WESTERFIELD, J. H., Ohio County, after serving some time in the ranks of this company (A) he became third lieutenant of Co. H, Eighth Kentuclcy Cavalry, and served to the close. 1020 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. WAYNE, JOSEPH D., Daveiss County. WILHOIT, W. M., Oldham County, served to the close. WALKER, SAMUEL, Daveiss County, was killed May 9, 1864. WILSON, BEN, Wilson County, Term. WOOD, R. M., Oldham County, was captured June 24, 1863, and died in prison. YEWELL, JOHN, Daveiss County, was in all the operations of his company till sometime in 1862, when he died at Bardstown, Ky. YEISER, A. R., Daveiss County, served to the close, and " is not yet," says a comrade, "much better reconstructed than he was when Sumter was fired on." COMPANY B. JACK JONES, Jefferson County, captain, was killed in the battle at Sequatchie Valley, Oct. 2, 1863. GEO. W. BECKLEY, captain, was promoted from first lieutenant. (See Co. E, first organization.) BEN W. THOMAS, Spencer County, first lieutenant, was promoted from second lieutenant; was captured at Dirt Town, Ga., Sept. 13, 1863. ALONZO W. GRAHAM, Jefferson County, second lieutenant, cap tured at Alexandria, Tenn., June 4, 1863; was brought to the Louisville prison barracks, Tenth and Broadway ; was taken thence to Johnson s Island; was exchanged and reached his com pany the night before battle of Bentonville, N. C., in which he took part. Died at home in 1867. JOSEPH E. VINCENT, Oldham County. (See Co. E, first organ ization.) AUGUSTUS M. HEAD, Oldham County. (See Co. E, first organiza tion.) GEO. E. RUSSELL, Jefferson County, second sergeant, was pro moted from fifth sergeant; was captured in Sweeden s Cove, 1862. (See Co. E, first organization.) E. POLK JOHNSON, Jefferson County, third sergeant, afterward second sergeant. (See biographical sketch.) JAMES E. MILES, Jefferson County, fourth sergeant. In nearly every engagement of his company, serving to the last. Died in Talladega, Ala., 1895. B. F. CAMP, fifth sergeant, was promoted from second to first cor poral, then to fifth sergeant; joined Co. E, first organization, and reenlisted in this company. Fought at Perry ville, Oct., 1862; Stone River, with Orphan Brigade, Jan. 2, 1863; Chick- amauga; (was absent sick during fight in Sequatchie Valley); Mission Ridge ; in the skirmishes from Mission Ridge to Ring- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1021 gold ; fought also at Dug Gap, Resaca, Intrenchment Creek, and at Saltville, W. Va.; was in all skirmishes afterward up to battle of Bentonville. Was shot through the whiskers at Liberty, Tenn., spring of 1863 > snot once through the boot leg at Chickamauga Station, and had hammer shot off his gun while loading ; was scraped on the leg by a bullet on Dalton- Atlanta campaign. Surrendered at Washington, Ga. , but though honorably paroled, he was indicted in Louisville for treason, and the jury was ready to try the case when a pardon, which had been secured by his friend and former law partner, Jas. Speed, who was then Attorney-General, was received in time to stop the trial. J. S. WILHOITE, Oldham County, first corporal, was promoted from third to second, then to first corporal. Fought with this command to the close. COLEMAN BASYE, Shelby County, second corporal, was in every engagement of his command. Now (1898) a citizen of Neosho, Mo. BENNETT, W. G. , Louisville, was captured in battle at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. BENTON, PARKER, Oldham County. (See Co. E, first organiza tion.) BOWMAN, ROBERT, Pittsburgh, Pa., enlisted at Chattanooga, in 1862, and fought with his company to the last. "As gallant a soldier," said a friend and comrade, " as ever lived." BARKER, AUGUSTUS, was captured near Chattanooga, Sept. 22, 1863. BURRIS, CLARKE, was captured on the retreat from Tullahoma, June, 1863; returned to company after exchange and was killed in front of Atlanta, 1864. BROWN, WM., was once taken prisoner. BAKER, W. D., was killed in the battle at Saltville, Va., Oct. 2, 1864. BECKLEY, J. H., Jefferson County, died of disease at Fairfield, Tenn., March 29, 1863. CROAN (or CROGHAN), R. H., Bullitt County, was slightly wounded in Sequatchie Valley, Oct. 2, 1863 ; on the retreat from Mission Ridge, Nov. 26, 1863, was again wounded of which latter wound he died at Marietta, Ga., Dec. i, 1863. CARR, R., was promoted to captaincy in another command and after ward killed in battle. CUTTER, JOHN, New Hampshire, was captured at Dechard,Tenn. , July 28, 1863. CAVE, J. H., was captured in Kentucky in 1864, and ordered by Burbridge to be shot, but his life was saved by interposition of members of the Masonic order, to which he belonged ; was ex changed and returned to command, after which he remained to the close ; was for a time a member of Co. E, second organization. 1022 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. COYLE, SCOTT, was captured at Smithville, Tenn., June 5, 1863. COBURN, A., Louisiana, was captured in Sequatchie Valley, Oct. 2, 1863; died at Camp Morton, Indiana. CAMP, JOSHUA SPEED, Jefferson County, was orderly for Gen. Hardee for a year before he joined this company ; was but a boy when enlisted, but served bravely and faithfully to the last ; died at home in January, 1871. ELLISON, DAVID ("Shaker"), Warren County, was killed in bat tle near Atlanta, 1864. FREEMAN, D. LEONARD, Oldham County, in nearly every en gagement of his company to the close ; was killed in Kansas by railroad accident several years after the war. GRIFFITH, NEWTON, Oldham County, was connected with the regiment to the close. GRIFFITH, THOMAS, Oldham County, was wounded in Sweeden s Cove. HARRIS, JOHN, Jefferson County, accidentally wounded himself in the knee at Smithville, N. C., March, 1865; had leg amputated, soon after which he died. He was in all the engagements of his command till disabled. HARRIS, CICERO, Jefferson County > was at one time a sergeant, but was returned to ranks at his own request ; was wounded at Hoover s Gap, June 24, 1863; accidentally wounded himself in North Car olina, in April, 1865, and was left in the neighborhood when the . command resumed the march. It was supposed that his wound was mortal, but he recovered and lived from ten to fifteen years after the war. HUTCHISON, O. H., Texas, joined this company soon after the reorganization, and served faithfully and bravely to the last. After the war he returned to Texas. HAMILTON, ISAIAH(" Belzie"), Jeffersonville, Ind., was wounded desperately and captured in Sequatchie Valley, Oct. 2, 1863 ; was not exchanged before the war closed. HANCOCK, JOHN H. ("the squirrel shooter") , Kentucky, a very old man, and a very deliberate fighter, aiming to make every shot effective. Was in every engagement of the command to the close. Had served in the Mexican war. HANLON, JOHN, Chattanooga, Tenn., joined this company in 1862 ; was in all the engagements till he was killed at Noonday Church, Ga. , June 20, 1864. HARDY, ALFRED, Louisville, was a member of another company till the reorganization ; was in all engagements till transferred to Second Kentucky Cavalry, in 1863. Served with this thereafter to the close. HINKLE, JNO. R., Shelby County. (See Co. E, first organiza tion.) HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1023 HAGAN, ALEXANDER, Shelby County, was captured on retreat from Mission Ridge, Nov. 26, 1863 ; was not exchanged, and so remained in prison till the war closed. HERR, WM. WALLACE, Jefferson County. (See biography.) JONES, HENRY, Illinois, was wounded and captured in Sequatchie Valley, Oct. 2, 1863. Was a Union soldier in 1861, but had trouble with his captain and transferred himself to this company for Confederate service. LOW, JOHN, Jeffers.on County, was discharged, Oct. 20, 1863, on account of disability by disease. LONG, LEMUEL, Shelby County. MAYFIELD, MICAJAH, Shelby County, was for a while wagon- master. Served with the regiment to the close. (See Co. E, first organization.) MOSELEY, PETER, Winchester, Tenn., remained to the close. Died at home in 1897. RUSSELL, WM., Shelby County. (See Co. E.) RUSSELL, WM., Oldham County, served to the close. SMITH, JOHN W., Jefferson County, was struck in the hip at Gun- tersville by a ball which ran down and around the leg and lodged at the knee on the inside. Capt. Beckley cut it out with his pocketknife, on the spot, and Smith continued the fight. Re mained in the service to the close. SHERLEY, JOHN. (See Co. E, first organization.) VINCENT, JOHN, Oldham County, captured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863; was taken to Rock Island; was at length ex changed and reached his company a short time before the war closed. Died at home, July 9, 1878. VINCENT, J. LYTER ("Burgoyne"), Oldham County, was cap tured in Tennessee in 1862 and kept in prison till the war closed. Died at home, March 2, 1875. WISE, JOHN, Jefferson County, served faithfully through the war. WINCHESTER, JOHN P., Jefferson County, was captured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863 ; but was exchanged in March, 1865, and rejoined his company. WISOTZKI, JOHN F., Louisville, was on clerical duty for some time in the office of Gen. Sidney Johnston. When he was relieved he joined this company and served with it to the close. WOLFRAM, GEORGE, Jefferson County. (See Co. E, first or ganization.) (NOTE. When the war closed there had been changes among the non-com missioned officers, and James E. Miles was first sergeant ; E. Polk Johnson sec ond sergeant, present and commanding company ; and B. F. Camp, third ser geant.) 1024 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. COMPANY C. THOMAS A. IRELAND, Owen County, captain, resigned at Fair- field, Tenn., March, 1863, because of disability by disease. Died at home in 1893. JOHN N. WITT, Owen County, captain; promoted from first lieu tenant; was killed by a sharpshooter, while on the skirmish line, at Louisville, Ga., Nov. 30, 1864. HAMLET SANFORD, Owen County, first lieutenant; promoted from second lieutenant; captured at Liberty, June 6, 1863. SAMUEL Z. HERNDON, Owen County, second lieutenant; cap tured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863. JAMES A. SUTER, Owen County, third lieutenant ; promoted from first sergeant. Served throughout the war. JOHN M. HERNDON, Owen County, was transferred from Co. D, Fourth Kentucky Infantry, Jan. 15, 1863. While a member of the Fourth Infantry he was made brigade wagonmaster (at Oak land Station), and served as such till the battle of Stone River, when he was relieved at his own request and took part in that battle. At Tullahoma, shortly afterward (as noted above), he was transferred to this company, with which he took part in the engagements to the close. Surrendered near Savannah River, May 10, 1865. He was for some time first sergeant of his com pany. W. E. WITT, Owen County, second sergeant; promoted from third sergeant ; was in all the engagements of his command to the close. JAMES HAYDON, Owen County, third sergeant; promoted from fourth sergeant; served to the close. Was drowned at Lock No. 3, Kentucky River, about two years after the war. T. A. SANDERS, Owen County, third sergeant for some time; was in the battle at Perryville and all subsequent engagements to the close. ANTHONY THOMAS, Owen County, fourth sergeant ; was in bat tle of Perryville and all subsequent engagements to the close. Died at home in 1880. W. W. SMITH, Owen County, was for some time fourth sergeant; was in battle of Perryville and all subsequent engagements to the close. J. B. HANCOCK, first corporal. JACKSON ALDRIDGE, for some time first corporal. J. J. THOMAS, Owen County, was for some time first corporal promoted from second corporal. R. M. TRUE, Owen County, second corporal, was at the battle of Perryville and all subsequent engagements to the close. Died at home in 1887. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1025 LYMAN M. SUTER, Owen County, third corporal, was captured at Ultawa, Nov. 25, 1863; was exchanged and returned to company, with which he served to the close. JOHN THORNTON, Owen County, for some time third corporal. Died at Sweetwater, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1862. ALDRIDGE, BEN F., Owen County, company blacksmith. ANNIS, L. A., died at Sparta, Tenn., May 2, 1863. ABBOTT, THOMAS. BATES, THOMAS, was captured at Eutaw, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1863. BURTON, ANDERSON, was in battle of Perryville and subsequent engagements, including Stone River. After that, was detailed to drive wagon with blacksmithing outfit, and continued to serve thus till close of war. Now (1898) a citizen of Missouri. BIBB, L. H., was transferred to Fourth Kentucky Cavalry. BARNETT, AMBROSE. BIBB, W. H., died at Fairfield, Tenn., March 5, 1863. CARTER, JORDAN, was sixty years old ; never did any active service, but remained with the company until the surrender. He died in Owen County after the war. CARTER, JOSEPH, was captured at Liberty, June 7, 1863. CARTER, JOSIAH D. CRABBE, NATHANIEL, Owen County, was captured at Chicka- mauga, Nov. 26, 1863. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, was in the battle of Stone River and all subsequent engagements till the close. CUNNINGHAM, JACOB H., Owen County, was very young when enlisted, and was discharged at Fairfield, Tenn., because of disa bility by disease. CHOWNING, NED, was captured at Ultawa, Nov. 25, 1863. CARTER, J. M., was captured at Liberty, Tenn. CHAPMAN, F. M., was in the battle of Stone River and all subse quent engagements to the close. Died in 1883. CONDER, W. H. ("Chip"), Owen County, was transferred from Co. D, Fourth Kentucky Infantry, Jan. 15, 1863; took part in the subsequent engagements till he was captured during the Charles ton fight, Dec. 28, 1863 ; was imprisoned at Rock Island, where he remained till exchanged, March 26, 1865 ; then rejoined his company and served till the surrender, May 10, 1865. CRAIG, JOE, was transferred to Fourth Kentucky Infantry, Jan. 12, 1863. DURHAM, JOHN. DICKENS, JAMES, Henry County, took part in the battle of Perry ville and all subsequent engagements to the close. He was acci dentally killed thirty years after the war (1895). 65 1026 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. DAWSON, GEORGE, Owen County, took part in all the engage ments of his company from first to last. "One of the best all- around soldiers," said a comrade, " that I ever saw." He died at home about 1881. DAWSON, J. W. DUNLAP, R. GILES, THOMAS, Owen County, was captured at Snow Hill, Tenn. GODDARD, W. A., Owen County. GLASS, J. M., Owen County, was in the battle of Perry ville and all subsequent engagements to the close. GIBSON, R. GUDGELL, ELIJAH, was transferred from Morgan s command, Sept. 25, 1864. HARDY, WM. H., Frankfort, was at first the first lieutenant of J. Aleck Grant s company (1862), but when that company was con solidated with others he reported to Capt. Witt, and was in all en gagements to the close. HAYNES, JOHN, was captured at Pulaski, Tenn., Oct. 16, 1863. HARDWICK, JOSEPH, joined by transfer. HARDIN, SILAS D., Henry County, was transferred to Co. D, Fourth Kentucky Infantry (which see), Jan. 15, 1863, and took part in subsequent engagements with that command. HULL, A. J., was transferred to Fourth Kentucky Infantry, Jan. 15, 1863. HALBERT, B. F., died at Sweetwater, Tenn., Sept. 20, 1863. KINCAID, ALFRED, Owen County, was in all the engagements of his company from first to last. Died at home in 1868. KEMPER, BEN F., was capturedat Ultawa, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1863. LUCAS, SQUIRE L., was captured at Charleston, Tenn., and taken to Rock Island, but was afterward brought home sick, and died there. LINN, AARON. LONG, WILLIAM. MULLIN, J. G., wagonmaster. MOSS, THOMAS A., Owen County, was in battle at Perry ville^and subsequent engagements, including Stone River. After this he was detailed as regimental blacksmith, and, as such, served to the close. MORGAN, JOHN. MORGAN, MINARD. PERKINS, W. D. PIERCE, R. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1027 QUISENBERRY, JAMES, was an old man, and generally stayed with the wagons and looked after the disabled horses. RAZOR, ADAM, Owen County, served well and faithfully till June 20, 1864. When the command was near Pine Mountain, on the Dalton-Atlanta campaign, he and Spot Clarkson (S. B.), of Co. F., got into a dispute at the wagon camp in rear of the line (both belonging to a detail sent back to get rations for the men at the front), in the course of which both men fired, and Clarkson was killed. Razor was mortally wounded and died five days afterward. RAZOR, HENRY, Owen County. No facts known to the writer. Died some years after the war. RAZOR, DAVID, Owen County, was in the battle of Stone River and all subsequent engagements to the close. Died at home about i873- ROBERTS, H. S., was killed at Snake Creek Gap, May 9, 1864. ROMANS, J. W. SMOOT, W. A. SCRUGGS, MARCELLUS, Owen County, was captured at Charles ton, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863, and imprisoned at Rock Island. SARGENT, JAMES K., was captured at Liberty, June 7, 1863. SMITH, R., died at Sparta, Tenn., May 21, 1863. SMITH, MITCHELL, teamster, was captured at Ultawa, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1863. SMITH, S. P., Owen County, took part in the battle at Stone River and in all subsequent engagements to the close. Is now (1898) a citizen of Fort Worth, Tex. SMITH, LEWIS, driver of ambulance. SMITH, GEORGE W. STOFLETT, JOHN, was captured at Harrison, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1863. Died of small-pox in Rock Island prison, January, 1864. SMITH, RICHARD. SNELSON, B. R., was transferred to Bullitt s command, Nov. :o, 1863. SCOTT, JAMES. STAMPER, W., Owen County. SUTER, NATHANIEL, died at Fairfield, Tenn., March 8, 1863. THOMAS, SPENCER, Owen County, was in all the engagements of his company to the close. THOMAS, FRANK, Owen County, was in all the engagements of his company to the close. THOMAS, GEORGE W., Owen County, was in all the engagements of his company to the close. 1028 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. THOMAS, EDWARD, Owen County, was in all the engagements of his company to the close. THOMAS, R. , Owen County, was in all the engagements of his com pany to the close. WAY, R. T. WITT, ANDREW J., Owen County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Stone River, in Co. E, Fourth Kentucky Infantry ; was transferred from that company to this (Co. C, First Kentucky Cavalry), Jan. 20, 1863, an< ^ took part in all subsequent engage ments to the close. WILSON, F. F. WORKS, JOHN. WILLIAMS, A. J. COMPANY D. S. B. WILLIAMS, Bullitt County, captain, died in the service, at Fairfield, Tenn., April 3, 1863. JEFF ROGERS, Bullitt County, captain; promoted from second lieu tenant after the death of Williams. Was for some time on de tached service, but did his duty to the close. Now (1898) a citizen of Uniontown. J. McLAUGHLIN, Jefferson County, first lieutenant, resigned at Fairfield, Tenn., April 4, 1863. BARNEY LOGSDON, Jefferson County, third lieutenant, was pro moted to first lieutenant, April, 1863; was wounded and cap tured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863 ; was confined in Rock Island prison and not exchanged till March, 1865. SAMUEL D. BROOKS, Bullitt County, first sergeant ; was promoted to second lieutenant ; was at times the ranking officer present for duty and commanded the company on march and in battle serv ing to the close. G. R. POPE, Boyle County, for some time a second lieutenant; was wounded at Tunnel Hill, Ga. ; was captured at Bentonville, N. C., March 20, 1865, and remained in prison till the close of the war. J. R. BARBER, Jefferson County, was some time first sergeant; was captured at the Charleston fight, Dec. 28, 1863, and not ex changed till March, 1865. G. W. SANDERS, Bullitt County, second sergeant ; was promoted to first sergeant ; served to the close. T. J. BELL, Jefferson County, third sergeant; was promoted to sec ond sergeant ; then to first sergeant, and served to the close. Died March 27, 1885. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1029 W. FRANK STANDIFORD, Jefferson County, fourth sergeant; was promoted to first sergeant ; was killed in battle at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863. A. B. OVERALL, Nelson County, third sergeant ; was promoted to second sergeant; was captured at Harrison, Tenn., Nov. 23, 1863. C. R. GRAFTON, Jefferson County, fourth sergeant ; was promoted to third sergeant; was captured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863, and died in prison. W. H. FRAZIER, Bullitt County, first corporal; served to the close. A. F. BROOKS, Bullitt County, second corporal ; was promoted to second sergeant; served to the close. JAMES McDOWELL, Bullitt County, third corporal; served to the close. JOHN F. SHANKLIN, Bullitt County, fourth corporal ; was wounded in the hand at Hoover s Gap, June 24, 1863 ; served to the close. Died Nov. 28, 1884. WILL THURMAN, Bullitt County, was at one time third corporal; served till March, 1865, when he was discharged, being overage. Died some time after the war. MORRIS B. STALLINGS, Bullitt County, was for some time fourth corporal; was wounded through thigh at Columbia, S. C. ; served to the close. ALLOWAY, M. C., Spencer County, served to the close. ALLOWAY, HENRY M., Spencer County, died at Sweetwater, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1862. BURDETT, W., killed at Stone River, Dec 31, 1862. BATES, E. , Jefferson County, captured. BATES, D., Jefferson County, captured. BELL, JOHN S., Bullitt County. BURT, A. L. , Jefferson County, captured at Bentonville, N. C., March 20, 1865, and remained in prison till the war closed. BROOKS, JAMES B., Jefferson County, was captured at Beech Grove, Tenn., June 24, 1863; remained in Fort Delaware till the war closed. BROOKS, W. W., Bullitt County, was captured; afterward exchanged and served to the close. BROOKS, D. L., Bullitt County, captured at Harrison, Tenn., Nov. 23, 1863 ; died of exposure. BRIDEWELL, G. BOSWELL, R. S., Bullitt County, served to the close. BEAN, HORACE D. , served to the close. BRADY, J. P. COLLINGS, BEN, Spencer County, served to the close. 1030 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. COLLINGS, ISAAC, Spencer County, died at Fairneld, Tenn., Feb. 9, 1863. COLLINGS, JOHN H., Bullitt County, captured, but was exchanged and served to the close. COLLINGS, WM. E., Bullitt County, captured. COX, HENRY C., Jefferson County, served to the close. CLARK, T. CONELLY, JAMES W., Nelson County served to the close. CASTIN, W. T. , Spencer County, captured at Harrison, Tenn., Nov. 23, 1863; remained in prison till the war closed. DIETRICH, JOSEPH, Jefferson County, served to the close. DAVIS, F. DAVIS, J. DAVIS, R. L., Garrard County, served to the close. Died some time afterward. DUNN, G. W., Garrard County, captured at Bentonville, N. C., March, 1865, and remained in prison till the war closed. DUVALL, MILES A., Hardin County, transferred to Forrest s com mand. Died some time after the war. FORMAN, JACKM., Spencer County, captured at Harrison, Tenn., Nov. 23, 1863. FULLER, LEWIS P., Jefferson County, transferred to White s Bat tery; was killed at Dalton, Ga. , Aug. 20, 1864. GILMORE, J. M., Jefferson County, captured; died some time after the war. GARNETT, J. J. GALBREATH, W. A., Bullitt County. GRAY, L., Grant County, died in hospital in Atlanta, Ga., April 28, 1863. GRAY, W. M., Grant County, teamster, served to the close. HERRICK, J. M. HINCH, G. W. HOFFLER, T., Jefferson County. HANSBROUGH, J. E., Jefferson County. HORNBECK, SAMUEL A., Bullitt County, served to the close. HUGHES, H. HUGHES, J. F. HEADY, R. B., Spencer County. HOPEWELL, F. M., Bullitt County, captured at Harrison, Tenn., Nov. 23, 1863 ; was kept in prison till close of the war; died some years subsequently. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1031 HUTCHINS, I. H., Garrard County, wounded and captured at Beech Grove, Jan. 24, 1863. HUTCHINS, J. P., Garrard County, was captured, and while in prison was shot. HAIGHT, F. M., Grant County, served to the close. HOFFHEIMER, SAMUEL, Bullitt County, transferred from an Ar kansas regiment, June i, 1863. HARP, JAMES A., Tennessee, served to the close. INGRAM, SAMUEL. JONES, C. H., Bullitt County. JONES, J. JEW, A. J. KURTZ, G. W., Garrard County, served to the close. KIMBERLAIN, W. I., Garrard County, joined Morgan s cavalry after enlisting in this company. KNIGHT, DAVID. KACKLEY. JNO. W., Woodford County, transferred to Co. A, Sixth Kentucky Infantry (which see), April, 1863. LACEY, RICHARD, Bullitt County, was wounded three times; served to the close. Now dead. LACKEY, JOHN, Spencer County, captured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863, and was kept in prison till near the close of the war. LONG, RICHARD, Frankfort, was a member of the First Kentucky Infantry, A. N. V., first year; after enlisting in this company (D) he joined Morgan s cavalry. LONG, W. M., Frankfort, killed at Stone River, Dec. 31, 1863. LESTER, H. P., Frankfort, served to the close. LUCAS, W. H., Franklin County, served to the close. Died some years after the war. MORRISON, J. L. , Jefferson County, served to the close. McDOWELL, WILL, Bullitt County, captured at Beech Grove, Tenn.. June 24, 1863, and was kept in prison till the war closed. Now (1898) a citizen of Iowa. McMILLAN, J. D., Jefferson County, captured at Southville, June 4, 1863. McINTYRE, W., Jefferson County, captured. McKENDREE, W. McCROCKLIN, W., Spencer County, was killed at Stone River, Dec. 31, 1862. McQUEARY, I., Owen County, joined Morgan after enlisting in this company. 1032 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. McQUEARY, J. C., Owen County, joined Morgan after enlisting in this company. McQUEARY, W. J., Owen County, joined Morgan after enlisting in company. MASON, S. F. , Grant County, captured at Harrison, Nov. 23, 1863. MERRIFIELD, E. D., Nelson County, captured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863, an d died in prison. (See Co. A, Sixth Kentucky Infantry.) MILLIGAN, J. PATTIE, J. L., Franklin County, was transferred from a regiment of First Kentucky Infantry Brigade. POSTLETHWAITE, W., Jefferson County. PIERCE, J. M. POTORFF, NEWTON, Jefferson County, died at Post Oak, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1862. RILEY, W. H., Bullitt County, transferred to White s Battery. RIGGS, G. A., Grant County, transferred to Seventh Arkansas In fantry, Jan. i, 1863. RICHARDS, THOMAS, Garrard County, bugler, served to the close. REEDER, SAMUEL P., captured in West Virginia, Oct. i, 1864. SHERRON, I., Garrard County, died at Sweetwater, Tenn., Dec. i, 1862. STALLINGS, W. T. , Bullitt County, served to the close. SMITH, J. D., Bullitt County, served to the close. Died in DeWitt, Ark., Feb. 10, 1891. SMITH, F. B., Bullitt County, killed in Franklin County, Tenn., July 2, 1863. SMITH, WILLIAM H. ( "HOOSIER"), Bullitt County, served to. the close. STONE, H. SNYDER, J. T., Frankfort, captured at Hoover s Gap, Jan. 24,1863,. and was killed in prison. SHERLEY, JOHN C., Jefferson County, quartermaster sergeant,, served to the close. SANDERS, C., was transferred to another command. THIXTON, JOHN, Jefferson County. THOMPSON, N. B., Jefferson County, was transferred April, 1863, to Co. A, Sixth Kentucky Infantry (which see). TURNER, J. J., Garrard County, died in Rome, Ga., 1863. TURNER, J. L., Garrard County, died of exposure, at Fairfield,, Tenn., 1863. WALLS, N. H. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1033 WATTS, J. WELLS, S. H., Jefferson County, captured at Harrison, Nov. 23, 1863, and was kept in prison till the close of the war. Died some years afterward. YEAGER, J. A., Boyle County, captured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863, and was kept in prison till the close of the war. COMPANY E. JAS. W. JOHNSON, Shelby County, captain. When Co. K, Sixth Kentucky Infantry, in which he was first lieutenant, was consoli dated with others, he resigned and enlisted with this company, and was elected captain. J. R. MONTGALL, Shelby County, first lieutenant, captured at Tryon Factory, Ga., Sept. 15, 1863. Was kept in prison till the close of the war. Now (1898) a citizen of Missouri. WM. C. PRICE, Shelby County, second lieutenant, had been a member of Co. K, Sixth Kentucky Infantry. Died after the bat tle of Stone River, at Beech Grove, Tenn. JOS. L. DAVIS, Spencer County, second lieutenant, was wounded at Lebanon, Tenn., by having his horse shot under him and crush ing his arm in the fall ; had another horse killed under him at Marysville, Tenn. While recovering from the effects of the fall at Lebanon he was placed in command of Convalescent Camp at Sparta, Tenn. After he recovered he returned to service with this company and remained to the close. JAS. B. KING, Spencer County, second lieutenant ; after the battle of Stone River he was made sergeant-major of regiment ; served to the close. JOHN H. GILLILAND, Jefferson County, first sergeant, served throughout the war. ROBERT ONAN, Franklin County, first sergeant, was captured at Liberty, Tenn. Other facts not known to the writer. THO. B. GARR, Spencer County, first sergeant, served to the close. JOHN T. THURMAN, Spencer County, second sergeant, was cap tured on retreat from Dalton; other facts not known to writer. GUY ELDER, Spencer County, third sergeant, promoted from fourth sergeant, is said to have been in every engagement of the com pany to the close. WILLIAM DECOURSEY JONES, Jefferson County, fourth ser geant promoted from first corporal; enlisted withCapt. Johnson at Post Oak ; was in skirmish at Rough and Ready with Wyn- koop s Cavalry, where several of the members of the command were wounded ; had a horse shot under him at Chickamauga ; was also badly injured in the charge on McCook by having his horse jump a ditch, from which he has never fully recovered, (the 1084 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. horse died from the effects of the jump); was struck with a Minie ball at Chickamauga Station, and taken off the field under the im pression that he was mortally wounded ; was desperately sick for a short time, but went back to the field and stayed till the battle was over; was struck on neck at Bentonville, N. C.; was in 165 battles and skirmishes ; served to the close. JAMES V. MURRAY, Nelson County, first corporal, was killed be tween McMinnville and Murfreesboro, 1863. C. H. MAY, Spencer County, first corporal promoted from third cor poral ; was wounded in Kentucky during Bragg s campaign (1862); was wounded also at Louisville, Ga. , Nov. 30, 1864; served to the close. JAMES W. BEAUCHAMP, Spencer County, second corporal; served to the close. S. P. DAVIDSON, Franklin County, second corporal promoted from third corporal ; was captured near Manchester and kept in prison till the war closed. WM. M. JOHNSON, Franklin County, third corporal, promoted from fourth corporal ; was Captain Jones s clerk in Commissary Department. Stayed with company till the close. JOHN YEAGER, Jefferson, fourth corporal. Served to the close. ALLEN, W. D. BROWN, BURR ("Cotton"), Nelson County, was in all the engage ments of his company. BENNETT, QUINT, Spencer County, was with company till near the close, when he was taken to the hospital and was sick there at time of surrender. BEEM, ISAAC, Spencer County, died early in the war at Beech Grove, Tenn. BEEM, JOHN, Spencer County, was teamster for a year or more. Served to the close. BELL, THOMAS, Shelby County. No facts known to the writer. BELLMAN, CHAS., Spencer County, captured Oct. 20, 1862. BURROWS, C. BOWLING, W. J. BRYANT, RICHARD, Shelby County, was transferred to Sixth Kentucky Infantry; was killed at Chickamauga. BASYE, ELIJAH, Shelby County, was transferred from Co. A, Sixth Kentucky Infantry, July 9, 1863; never missed a fight or skirmish; was shot in right arm at Shiloh, while a member of the Sixth Kentucky Infantry. BRYANT, THOMAS, Shelby County, joined this company at Marys- ville, Tenn., having been transferred from Steam s Regiment of Tennessee troops, with which he had enlisted Oct. 5, 1862. He remained with this company till war closed. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1035 CRAVENS, J. C. CRAVENS, J. D. CRAVENS, W. P. COLLIER, C. M., was captured at Harrison, Nov. 23, 1863. COX, JAMES, Spencer County, served to the close. Died some years after the war, at Taylorsville. CAVE, JACOB HOLLY, Shelby County. (See Co. B, second organ ization.) COCHRAN, D. F. , Spencer County, was discharged, May 25, 1862, on account of disability by disease. CARLIN, WM. P., Spencer County, was in all engagements of his company; was wounded at Louisville, Ga., Nov. 30, 1864. CAPLINGER, JACOB, Shelby County, was captured, but returned and fought to the close. CHEATHAM, G., Spencer County. CRUTCHFIELD, G. W., Shelby County, detailed as scout; was captured and not exchanged. Time of capture not known. CROSBY, C. F. CALAHAN, JOHN, Franklin County, quartermaster-sergeant. CALVERT, REUBEN. CALVERT, W. T. COWPER, J. T., Shelby County, enlisted with Fourth Tennessee Regiment under Stearns, but was transferred to this command and fought with it to the close ; was wounded at Dover, Tenn. , being shot through the body ; got a furlough but stayed and still fought on to the end ; was struck with spent ball at Columbia, Tenn. DOAK, THOMAS, Shelby County, was captured once; no facts known about him beyond this. DADISMAN, J. D., Nelson County. DOWNEY, JAMES, Owen County, wounded and captured near Rough and Ready, but was exchanged and came back to com pany and stayed to close. EASTBURN, J. C. FUSSAR, J. J., Frankfort, a very old man when he enlisted; was a Frenchman and had fought at Waterloo. About the second year after joining this company, he was sent into Kentucky by consent of officers at request of company to come in and see the families of the men and bring letters to them and other friends. He was recognized and captured at his home at Frankfort, after having discharged his mission, having delivered every letter. He was sent to prison, but afterward turned loose because of old age. He came back to company and was told to wait for his exchange, but he said, D n the exchange ! All I want is a horse and gun. I haven t long to live, anyhow, and I want to kill one 1036 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. more Yankee before I die ! " On the last raid the command made he gave out, and was left at a farmhouse. He was afterward seen by Decoursey Jones just before the company surrendered, and when told of the downfall of the Confederacy he declared he would never surrender, and putting spurs to his horse, dashed away. It is said that he got back to Frankfort, but nothing is certainly known. He was a fearless and determined fighter, and looked old enough to have been of mature age when the battle of Waterloo occurred. OARR, THO. B., Jefferson County. (See notice of non-commissioned officers of this company.) GARR, J. POLK, Jefferson County, served to the close. GILLILAND, JOHN H. (See notice of non-commissioned officers of this company.) GORDON, MASON, Franklin County, was captured with Morgan in Ohio. GIBBS, ROBERT T., Shelby County, wounded at Bethel Church, Dec. i, 1864; was transferred to this company from Stearns Tennessee Regiment, with which latter he fought to the close. HOUGHLAND, JOHN, Spencer County, was transferred in April, 1863, to Co. A, Sixth Kentucky Infantry. HAWKINS, G., Franklin County, was captured on retreat from Mc- Minnville; no other facts known to writer. HEADY, MIKE, Spencer County, captured with Morgan in Ohio. HEADY, WALTER, Spencer County, was with company till close. HERRICK, GEORGE, Shelby County, commissary sergeant ; was captured at Manchester, Tenn., June 24, 1863, and kept in prison till the war closed. HAGERMAN, S. HAWKINS, ROBERTS., Franklin County, was captured at Harri son, Tenn., Nov. 23, 1863. HARROD, JOHN, Owen County, was captured with Morgan in Ohio. HARP, J. M., Owen County, was captured once; other facts not known. HACKETT, S., Owen County, was transferred to White s Battery, April 30, 1863. HORD, EDWARD, Frankfort, was wounded at Clinton, Ga., Nov. 20, 1863, but recovered and served to the close. JONES, WM. DECOURSEY. (See notice of non-commissioned officers of this company.) JOHNSON, WM. M. (See notice of non-commissioned officers of this company.) KING, J. B. , Spencer County. (See notice of non-commissioned offi cers of this company.) HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1037 McATEE, H. DELL, Nelson County, served to the close. McKINLEY, E., Spencer County, was captured at Alexandria, Tenn., June 3, 1864. MONTGOMERY, JAS. R., Spencer County, fought with company in all engagements to the close. MONTGOMERY, W. G., Frankfort, served to the close ; was slightly wounded in Sequatchie Valley. MONTGOMERY,]. BYRON, Frankfort, enlisted in J. Aleck Grant s company, 1862 ; when the men of that company took service with others at Chattanooga, he joined this company (E), and served with it till just before the battle of Mission Ridge; was then pro moted to captain, at Harrison, Tenn. (1863), and ordered to re port to Gen. W. D. Kelly to act on his staff as ordnance officer; served in that capacity till that brigade was taken out of his divi sion and then became ordnance officer of brigade. Gen. Wheeler ordered him to report to Col. J. Warren Grigsby, commanding brigade of cavalry, and he served with Grigsby and Gen. John S. Williams to the close of the war. Was once wounded in the hand. He fought in the battle of Stone River with Co. B, Second Regi ment, Orphan Brigade, of which company his brother, whom he had gone to see, just before the battle, was a member. MOCK, EDMUND. MOORE, RICHARD, Franklin County, fought with the company to the close. MOORE, N. L., Franklin County, fought through to the close. MILLER, D. ON AN, DENNIS F., Franklin County, was captured once; was killed at Munfordville on Morgan s raid to Ohio. ONAN, GEORGE, Franklin County, was captured with Morgan in Ohio. OUTTEN, T. PLASTERS, W. H., Franklin County, was captured with Morgan in Ohio. No other facts known to the writer. PEARCE, WM., Shelby County, transferred from Co. K, Sixth Ken tucky Infantry, May, 1862. PEARCE, J. WALTER, Shelby County, transferred from Co. K, Sixth Kentucky Infantry, May, 1862. PRICE, J. H., was captured in October, 1862. POLSGROVE, GEORGE, Franklin County, was captured at Harri son, Tenn., Nov. 22, 1863. PARRISH, J. H., Spencer County. RUCKER, GEORGE, Madison County, was once captured. No other facts known to the writer. RICE, WM. ("Rough"), Spencer County, served to the close. 1038 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. RANKIN, C. A., Franklin County, was captured at Manchester, Tenn., June 24, 1863. RAGAN, J. O., Franklin County, fought at Rough and Ready and was captured there, but returned ; was wounded at Bear Creek Station, Nov. 12, 1864. Served to the close. RAWLINGS, H. H. , Kentucky, enlisted at first with the Nineteenth Texas Cavalry, in which he was a lieutenant, but was transferred to this company. REDMAN, J. H., was captured at McMinnville, Tenn., Oct. 6, 1863. SHRADER, A. J., Jefferson (or Oldham) County, was captured at Beech Grove, Tenn., June 24, 1863; after exchange he returned to company and stayed to the close. SHRADER, A. J., Jefferson (or Oldham) County, was captured at Alexandria, Tenn., June 3, 1863. SLUCER, JOHN, Shelby County, was in skirmish at Rough and Ready; was wounded at Bear Creek Station, Nov. 12, 1864; served to the close. SHEETS, G., Franklin County. THOMAS, W. S., Shelby County. WHITE, J. S. WYATT, GEO. C., Spencer County, served to the close. WELLS, FRANK, Spencer County, was captured at Manchester, Tenn., June 24, 1863. Died in prison. YAGER, JOHN, Shelby County, served to the close. YOUNT, THADDEUS, Shelby County, was transferred to Sixth Kentucky Infantry, July 9, 1863. COMPANY F. W. K. SHACKLETT, Meade County, captain, was killed in a skir mish at Meadeville (in his home county) soon after enlisting the company. DAN B. TAYLOR, Meade County, captain; promoted from first lieutenant, on the death of Capt. Shacklett. Served to the close. Died at home, 1869. D. R. WEEDMAN, Meade County, first lieutenant; promoted from second lieutenant. J. W. SPINK, second lieutenant. J. H. PYNE, first sergeant. J. P. GREER, first sergeant ; promoted from second sergeant. M AHLON R. TAYLOR, Meade County, second sergeant ; promoted from third sergeant. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1039 G. W. RHODES, third sergeant. J. A. SHACKLETT, Meade County, third sergeant ; promoted from fourth sergeant. GEO. H. STITH, Hardin County, fourth sergeant ; captured with Morgan in Ohio. ISAAC SPILLMAN, fourth sergeant. G. F. GREENWOOD, fourth sergeant ; promoted from fifth sergeant. J. K. RIPPENSTEIN, fifth sergeant. GEO. S. SANDERS, Meade County, fifth sergeant. A. L. BARNES, Meade County, first corporal. B. L. OSBORNE, Meade County, first corporal ; promoted from fourth corporal. GEO. S. DORMAN, second corporal, was killed at Tunnel Hill,Ga., Jan. 25, 1864. L. T. DAILEY, second corporal ; promoted from fourth corporal ; was captured in East Tennessee, Dec. 10, 1863. BEARD, ED., Meade County, served to the close, then married in Georgia and stayed there. BAKER, W. D., was transferred July i, 1864. CLAYCOMB, ALLEN, Meade County, was captured in Ohio, July 25, 1863. CUNNINGHAM, M. J. CLARKSON, GEO. N., Meade County, was captured Nov. 23,1863. CLARKSON, S. B. (" SPOT"), was killed in single combat at Pine Mountain, June 20, 1864. (See Co. C.) DOWELL, JOHN H., Meade County, was captured at Liberty, Tenn., June 4, 1863. DOWELL, BEN G., Meade County, was captured at Liberty, Tenn., June 4, 1863. GARDNER, J. M. GREENWOOD, F. W. GREENWOOD, G. F. GREENWELL, H. B., Meade County. GREENWELL, T. S., Meade County. GARRITY, JAMES. HOCKMAN, G. A. HUMPHREYS, H. D. JONES, J. D. KLINGLESMITH, H. W. KENDALL, B. T., Meade County, was killed at Dug Gap, May 8, 1864. 1040 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. LASLEY, A. LEWIS, O. A. McGLASSON, H. C. McCLELLAN, J. F. MAYS, C. H., Hardin County. OSBORNE, B. L. PHILPOTT, B. R. PHILLIPS, J. H., was captured at Liberty, June 4, 1863. PYNE, T. H., was captured at Liberty, June 4, 1863. PERRY, S. P. PERRY, A. C. RICHARDSON, D. F., Meade County. REED, E. , was captured at Green River, Ky., Aug. 17, 1863. RIPPENSTEIN, J. K., captured at Liberty, Tenn., June 4, 1863. ROBERTS, J. STITH, J. P., Hardin County. STITH, FRANCIS M., Meade County, served to the close, and died at home some years after the war. SKINNER, J. G., was wounded, Dec. 20, 1863. SHACKLETT, G. W., Meade County. SANDERS, DAN J., Meade County, supposed to have been captured at Aquia, Ga., June i, 1864. SANDERS, T. P., Meade County. TODD, B. TAYLOR, B. G., Meade County, served to the close, and died at home some years after the war. WILLETT, DAN R., Meade County, was captured at Green River, Ky., Aug. 14, 1863; killed at Chickamauga, Oct. 20, 1863. YATES, A. W. , was captured with Morgan in Ohio, July 20, 1863. COMPANY G. JOHN L. HOWELL, Union County, captain, was wounded near Cartersville, Ga., 1864. JOHN S. LAMAR, Daveiss County, first lieutenant, was wounded near Resaca, Ga. , May 14, 1864, but recovered and was after ward on duty with his company. SAMUEL G. HUGHES, Hancock County, second lieutenant, was much on scout duty. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1041 PRESTON LINDSAY, Hancock County, third lieutenant, was wounded severely at Murfreesboro , Tenn., July 13, 1862; captured near Fairfield, Tenn., .July, 1863. JOHN B. SPALDING, Union County, first sergeant, was transferred to Tenth Kentucky Cavalry and sent on recruiting service, 1864. THOMAS D. IRELAND, Hancock County, first sergeant, was pro moted from second sergeant to succeed Spalding ; was returned to ranks at his own request; was wounded near Manchester, June 27, 1863 ; but recovered and returned to duty. THOMAS SALE, Union County, first sergeant to succeed Ireland, promoted; was wounded at Marietta, Ga. , 1864. DAVID McCUNE, Hancock County, second sergeant, was wounded near Cassville, Ga., 1864. JOHN WILL DYER, Union County, fourth sergeant. (See biogra phy.) JOHN C. RYLE, Union County, fifth sergeant, was wounded near Resaca, May 14, 1864 ; unable after wound healed to handle a gun, he was made courier for Gen. Williams ; died of yellow fever at Bayou Sara, La., in 1868. BEN E. RYNEY, Union County, fifth sergeant, was promoted from second corporal; was wounded at Marietta, Ga. , July, 1864. AB ESTES, Daveiss County, first corporal, was accidentally wounded at Murfreesboro , July 13, 1862, but recovered and re turned to duty. STEPHEN C. CROMWELL, Union County, first corporal, was pro moted from second corporal ; died of disease at Sharp s Landing, August, 1863, ELI DORSEY, Union County, first corporal, was promoted from second corporal ; served to the close of war. ADAMS, HENRY, Union County, fought to the close of war. BATES, SAMUEL H., Daveiss County, was captured at Bardstown, September, 1862 ; was exchanged and served to the close of war. BARRETT, ALEXANDER, Union County, served through and died a year or two after the close. BLACKFORD, JOHN A., captured at Beeeh Grove, Tenn.; was ex changed, after which he returned to duty with his company. BAILEY, AUGUSTUS F., Union County. BELL, HUGH, Union Cou.nty, was wounded at Sparta, Tenn., Oct. 6, 1864. BAKER, WILLIAM, was wounded in South Carolina, in 1865. CHRISTOPHER, MATTHEW J., Union County, was captured at Harrison, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1863; returned to company and served to the close. COLBERT, S. R., was captured in Kentucky. 1042 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. GOLEM AN, PRESTON B., Union County, was wounded at stockade at Morrison s depot, August, 1862; recovered and returned to duty, and served to the close. DUPIN, JOHN H., Union County, was captured at Harrison, Tenn. r Nov. 20, 1863. DELANEY, GEO. T. , Union County, was captured at Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863. DIAMOND, V. B., was captured at Pulaski, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1863; again at Tunnel Hill, Ga. , April, 1864. DYE, JESSE B., Webster County, was transferred to White s Bat tery, May 16, 1863. EDDINGS, HIRAM, Union County, was killed at Noonday Church, Ga., while going on picket; rode into Federal lines through mis take, June 12, 1864. ERSKINE, JAMES R., Hancock County. ESTES, ALLEN H., Daveiss County, was wounded at McMinnville, Tenn., August, 1864; served afterward as courier. ESTES, WARREN W., Daveiss County, was captured at Stone Moun tain, Ga., July 20, 1864; but was retaken by his comrades, and served to the close. FRENCH, BEN, Union County, was captured at Manchester, Tenn., July 27, 1863. HOWELL, HARRISON, Union County, was captured in August, 1862; was exchanged and returned to command, and fought to the close. HOWELL, WALKER, Union County, was captured in October, 1862; was exchanged and returned to company, and served till the war ended. HORD, WM., Crittenden County, served throughout the war. HENRY, THOMAS, Union County, was granted furlough in August, 1863; came to Kentucky and operated with Sue Mundy and Berry ; was captured and tried by court-martial ; was sentenced to be hanged, but was pardoned by President Johnson. HUGHES, WM. H., Jefferson County, was tiansferred from First Louisiana Cavalry. JERNIGAN, JOSEPH R., Union County, was severely wounded in the neck at Hillsboro , Ga. , from which he suffered partial paralysis, but is yet living in Union County (1898.) JONES, MATT, died of disease at Chattanooga, January, 1863. JAMISON, MOSES, Livingston County, was wounded at Marietta, Ga. : recovered and served to the end. JOHNSON, BEN F., Daveiss County, was captured at Manchester, Tenn., June 20, 1863 ; was exchanged and returned to duty, after which he was wounded at Pulaski, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1863. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1043 LUCAS, SIDNEY W., Crittenden County, was captured at Pulaski, Term., Oct. 20, 1863; was exchanged and returned to duty, after which he was wounded at Marietta, Ga. , July, 1864. LAWSON, GEORGE, was captured at Harrison, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1863, and imprisoned in Camp Douglas. LEWIS, E. B., was captured at Pulaski, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1863. LOYAL, PETER, was wounded and captured at Beech Grove, July, 1862; was exchanged at Harrison, Tenn.; was again captured, Nov. 20, 1863 ; was killed at Rock Island prison by a guard. MOBLEY, THOMAS F., Union County, was captured at Manchester, Tenn., June 27, 1863. MILLS, FERDINAND C., Union County, was wounded at Jug Tavern, 1864; recovered and fought to the close of the war. MILES, JAMES E., Jefferson County, was transferred to Co. B. MAY, FRANCIS, Daveiss County, was captured at Pulaski, Tenn. MITCHELL, WM., Union County, was captured at Liberty, Tenn., June 7, 1863. NESTLEWOOD, ANTHONY, was wounded at Marietta, Ga., and at Bentonville, N. C. PINSON, L. T., Hancock County, served till the close of war. QUARLES, GEORGE W., Union County, served with another company until the regiment was reorganized, and fought with it in the South, then at Perry ville, Ky. , and on the retreat. At the re organization he joined this company (G), and was in all the bat tles, skirmishes, and raids; was wounded at Intrenchment Creek, July 22, 1864, after he had carried a dispatch to the right of the line; was one of the first to reach Adjt.-Gen. McCauley after he fell; and was wounded at Bentonville, N. C., in the regiment s last fight, while on the skirmish line. QUARLES, JOHN T., Union County, Ky., was at first a member of Adam Johnson s regiment; joined First Cavalry at Chattanooga in the winter of 1862-63. At Mission Ridge, night of Nov. 25, 1863, when the First Cavalry was moving from one flank of the Orphan Brigade to the other, John Quarles and six others re ceived wounds in left leg, and those of the six proved mortal. He is now a citizen of Missouri. RUTLEDGE, J. W., Hancock County. ROBERTS, HILLARY M., was captured at Stone Mountain, Ga., July 20, 1864. RIATT, CHARLES H., Meade County, was wounded at Saltville, Va., Oct. 2, 1864. RHODES, GEORGE, was transferred to Co. F, June, 1863. SMOOT, JOHN, Hopkins County, was killed at McMinnville, Tenn., August, 1864. SULLIVAN, JOSEPH, was captured in Georgia, 1864. 1044 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. SKIPPING, J. W., was captured at Manchester, Tenn., June 27, 1863. TOUGET, THOMAS, was left sick in Tennessee, August, 1862, and never heard from. WALLER, ROBT. A., Union County, was captured near Atlanta, July 16, 1864. WALL, WM. B., Union County, was wounded at Columbia, S. C. , Feb. 16, 1865. WALL, LEWIS, Union County, was wounded at McMinnville, Tenn., August, 1863; served to the close. Died in 1870. WILLETT, RICHARD, Union County, was transferred to Co. B, August, 1863. WARD, DAVID, was captured at Manchester, Tenn., June 27, 1863. YOUNG, HAL P., Union County, was captured at Alexandria, Tenn., June 4, 1863. YOUNG, JOSEPH O., Union County, was discharged by substitute, December, 1863. COMPANY H. [NoTE. Among the Confederate archieves captured in Richmond, April, 1865, and now on file in Washington City, are the rolls of two companies marked H and I, of First Kentucky Cavalry; but the surviving members of that regiment say that no such companies had any permanent connection with it. Apparently, they were recruited during Bragg s operations in Kentucky, and went out on the retreat temporarily attached to the First Kentucky Cavalry, and were afterward broken up or consolidated with other companies. Some of the names are found on the rolls of companies accounted for on preceding pages. They were prob ably part of the battalion of Col. Russ Butler which was united with the First Cavalry at the reorganization. While Bragg was in Kentucky, J. A. Grant (Aleck), of Frankfort, enlisted a fine company for the Confederate Army, and this also is noted on old rolls as having been identified with the First Regiment; but when he was given a staff position the company seems to have disintegrated the men taking service with the several companies of the First Cavalry and other commands.] WM. O. BUTLER, Carroll County, captain. JAMES NASH, first lieutenant. M. P. McENNIS, second lieutenant. W. T. McENNIS, second lieutenant, was elected, Sept. 15, 1862. JAMES COIN, first sergeant. S. M. YOUNG, second sergeant, was appointed, Nov. i, 1862. ALLEN, JAMES. BARLOW, WM. COLSON, EPHRIAM. DOYLE, JOHN. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1045 HAYS, DEMPSEY. HARGROVE, HENRY. HUGHES, JAMES, died March 14, 1863. MARTIN, GEO. W. MOTLEY, JAMES. McBEE, ISHAM. OGLE, GENERAL. RAINS, GEO. W. RENSHAW, JAMES, died April 2, 1863. STOKES, L. H., was captured at McMinnville, Tenn. THOMASSON, Z. W. TATUM, JOHN. WEST, JOHN. WHITEHEAD, JOHN. YOUNG, STEPHEN. COMPANY I. H. C. MYRES, captain, resigned Dec. 23, 1863. J. J. NASH, first lieutenant, resigned April 2, 1864. W. J. HARDIE, first lieutenant. G. R. POPE, second lieutenant. D. P. RATICAN, second lieutenant. ANDREW JONES, first sergeant. TOBIAS BARNES, second sergeant, was killed in skirmish below Milledgeville, Ga. , November, 1864. J. F. RICE, third sergeant. J. W. DICKERSON, fourth sergeant. J. H. HUTCHINS, first corporal. J. M. THOMAS, second corporal. J. H. SHOM, third corporal. R. L. DAVIS, fourth corporal. BYERS, J. S. BAUGHMAN, J. H. BROOKS, E. BROWN, E. CURTIS, G. W. 1046 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. CIMBERLIN, W. CHANDLER, J. DICKERSON, W. DUNCAN, R. S. DAVIS, G. W., was discharged, Nov. 30, 1862. DUNN, W. G. DODGE, R. ELLIS, R. F., was transferred to another command. EVANS, J. FORD, B. F. FOWLER, W. L. FOWLER, A. J. GRAY, JOHN. GATLIN, A. GLASSCOCK, J. HARMON, R. HUTCHINGS, J. HENDERSON, G. W. HUGHES, T. HUTCHINS, A. JONES, A. JOHNSON, J. H. JONES, J. S. KIRTY, G. W. KIMBERLAIN, J. LAWRENCE, L. McNABB, J. W., was wounded Oct. 12, 1862, and left in Kentucky. MYRES, J. W. MOORE, J. R. McQUERRY, J. C. McQUERRY, W. J. OBANION, S. . OVERSTREET, H. L. POPE, A., was transferred to another command. PATTON, J. PIPER, C. H. PIPER, B. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1047 PIPER, S. PIPER, A. RAMEY, S. RICHARDS, T. SLAUGHTER, S. SMITH, J. S. SMITH, T. B. SIEBEL, F. SINKHORN, W. SAPPINGTON, H. SUTHERLAND, - SHEARIN, JAMES, died at Shelbyville, Tenn., Jan. 10, 1863. SHEARIN, THOMAS, died at Sweetwater, Tenn., Dec. i, 1862. SMITH, J. E., was transferred to another command. WAPP, R. WALL, ROBERT, died at Sparta, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1862. WINGATE, J. W. Y ANTES, J. W. YEAGER, G. H. YOCUM, J. S. YOUNG, W. R, 1048 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. FINAL CHAPTER. MEN OF THE BRIGADE WHO, AFTER THE WAR, BECAME NOTED IN THE PROFESSIONS, IN VARIOUS BUSINESS CALLINGS, AND IN PUBLIC STATIONS. When the survivors returned to Kentucky, they found themselves in the attitude of men without a country. The act of expatriation, passed by the General Assembly soon after their enlistment in the Confederate army, had virtually outlawed them. Desiring now to take upon themselves, on their native soil, the obligations of citizen ship and to engage in business for the maintainance of themselves and of those who were or might become dependent upon them, they stood divested of the rights of citizens and without other protection under statute than that which is extended to even the unnaturalized for eigner whose only claim is residence and exemption from interference with his person or property. But, while they stood thus before the law, their coming had not been as the coming of aliens and strangers. On the contrary, they were welcomed home ; and the people in general received them with a generous warmth which indicated admiration, not condemnation, for those who had suffered so manfully and fought so gallantly to uphold a cause against which the State in official capacity had formally com mitted herself. What to do with the returned Confederates became directly an in teresting and vital question ; and soon the great heart of Kentucky manifested itself. These prodigals were not to be either humiliated or exasperated by being denied equality with her sons who had fought under the banner which was henceforth to wave unquestioned over all and to be defended by all; and the first legislature which met after ward (Dec. 4, 1865,) passed a sweeping act by which pardon was ex tended to all indicted in the courts for acts of war, and the expatria tion act and all other severe measures against Southern soldiers and sympathizers were wiped from the statutes. Meanwhile, the ex-soldiers had set vigorously to work in the avoca tions of their choice, or which for the time they took up of necessity ; and they soon gave assurance that the brave and true and well-nigh indomitable men who had made a proud record for their brigade had HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1049 in them all the qualities essential to good citizens, and they presently enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the soldiers who had fought them, and of the people who claimed them both. They met with favor commensurate with their efforts to deserve it. The assertion has been made (with what plausibility the reader must judge), that no other organization of an equal number of soldiers, in the history of the continent, has ever furnished as many men who have been honored by their people with public office, intrusted with positions of responsibility, recognized as able, useful, and in fluential members of the learned professions, or have so well main tained themselves as honest, enterprising, and highly respectable toilers in private station. On examination of the Special Department of Biography and of the list with which this chapter concludes, it will be found that the Orphan Brigade has given the State a Governor, two Secretaries of State, an Attorney-General, an Auditor of Public Accounts, four Adjutants- General, two Quartermasters-General, a Commissioner of Agriculture, one Prison Warden, a Prison Chaplain, two State Librarians, two Justices of the Supreme Court, a Public Printer and Binder, two Superintendents of Public Instruction, and several minor officers of State Departments, a United States District Attorney, a United States Assistant District Attorney, one First Auditor U. S. Treasury, one member Constitutional Convention of 1890-91, one U. S. Treasury Agent, four Congressmen, two Consuls, five Circuit Judges, numerous County and Probate Judges and County At torneys, three Commonwealth s Attorneys, a Mayor of Louis ville, and Mayors of other cities, many Representatives and Senators in the General Assembly, three Clerks of the Court of Appeals, three Clerks of the Louisville Chancery Court; and of county, district, and municipal officers too many to be enumerated. In the learned professions many have been prominent in this and other States, while a host who have engaged in private callings have been among the leading men in their respective communities. This list of those who have not special mention elsewhere except in the Brief History of Individuals, is far from being perfect. The writer has had to depend largely on memoranda made since the war as facts have come under his observation. Survivors to whom he has applied for information have given what they could ; but many whom the people have honored with their confidence and their votes have doubtless been omitted, because those who have responded have no reliable information as to their comrades who live in localities in the State removed from their own, or have made their homes in other States. What we are able to give, however, will show that the men 1050 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. who made the fame of the organizations (infantry, cavalry, and artil lery,) noticed in this work were men of character, men of mind, and fitted for civil as well as military affairs. Taking the organizations in numerical order, and arranging names alphabetically, we note that the Second Kentucky Infantry gave to the prominent business and civil service of the State as follows : Capt. Robt. J. Breckinridge, an able attorney-at-law, an eloquent and popular politician, member of the State Senate ; Cabell B. Bul lock, who has held civil office, and has been prominent as a citizen and man of affairs ; Capt. Wm. Ed Bell, for many years Clerk of the Anderson County Courts (County and Circuit), and recently a Deputy Collector in the United States Revenue Service ; Capt. W. T. Bease- man, Sheriff of Harrison County, before and after the war; Col. S. F. Chipley, Clerk of Louisville Chancery Court, and since then prom inent citizen of Pensacola, Florida; John H. Grain, member of the Legislature, 1885-86, for three terms City Recorder or Police Judge of Lawrenceburg, and Mayor of Lawrenceburg for the term beginning in 1895; D. P. Coulter, Deputy Clerk of the Graves County Court, 1874-1878, Clerk of the County Court, 1878-1882, and again, 1886-1890; F. M. Handley, attorney-at-law and prom inent citizen of Melbourne, Ark.; James W. Hoffler, Justice of the Peace, Jefferson County; Charles Herbst, Librarian in Atlanta, subsequently in Macon, Ga. , and long active in the work of locating burial places of our fallen comrades and having the remains sent home to rest in their native soil, also collector of mementoes and zealous pro moter of all that looks to the perpetuation of Kentucky s honor and fame; Charles A. Haskell, long a prominent and self-sacrificing minister of the M. E. Church, South; Edward B. Harding, for years connected with the Louisville police, and murdered while on duly as an officer thereof; Charles J. Klem, Jailer of Anderson County; Woodford W. Longmore, for many years Clerk of the Harrison County Court, sub sequently Clerk of the Court of Appeals ; Jno. H. McKenzie, promi nent in business and in politics, member of the Board of Education, for some years Mayor of Versailles ; James Mernaugh, City Marshal of Paris for some years; James McGuire, U. S. revenue officer, has held also other positions ; Pat Punch, Jailer of Montgomery County for some years, and from 1893 to 1897 Deputy United States Marshal; A. T. Pullen, prominent citizen, and representative of Graves County in the Legislature of 1891-2-3; Lieut. Willis L. Ringo, busi ness man and active politician in Hickman County for some years, afterward for eight years Clerk in the State Auditor s office, then Assistant Secretary o f State, and for awhile Secretary of State, since then an officer of a business and commercial organization in Eastern HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1051 Kentucky, and a most active and influential promoter of public enter prises in the city of Ashland ; Henry Spears, banker and bank officer, member of Paris Board of Education, etc.; Capt. Dan Turney, mem ber of Paris City Council, member of Board of Education, etc., and widely known as an enterprising man of affairs always a loyal and popular comrade ; Wm. G. Thompson, officer-in-charge of State Arse nal during Buckner s administration ; Thomas Wingo, clerk of the Graves County Circuit Court for some years; Amos West, postmaster at Mayfield 1893-1897; James I). Watson, member of the Legisla ture, postmaster at Mayfield 1885-1889, and clerk of the Graves County Circuit Court 1892-1896; Henry H. Winter, Sheriff of Hick- man County; Richard C. Wintersmith, at different times in State and United States employ, recently consul at a foreign port; Dr. Wm. M. Yandell, the boy soldier who persisted in serving somewhere and in some capacity, notwithstanding surgeons and mustering officers found him unfitted by tender years and a frail constitution for the exacting duties of camp and field, after the war a prominent physician in Texas. Among those who have not entered the professions, nor sought political preferment, many have been prominent and influential. We note : Capt. A. K. Lair, an enterprising and progressive man of business; Lieut. Chris. C. Lillard, a well-known and leading man of affairs in Anderson County ; John A. Murray, for some years active as an insurance agent, subsequently for a long time in the continuous employ of railroad com panies, and always enthusiastically devoted to his old command ; Jo S. Robinson, well-known and popular in business circles in Kentucky and elsewhere ; N. Frank Smith, well and widely known as an educa tor; Capt. Ed F. Spears, "one," says a comrade, " who exemplifies in his life the best type of Confederate soldier, the reliable citizen, and quiet Christian gentleman" ; David F. C. Weller, during most of the time after the war active in the newspaper business, full of service in civil capacities as he was of wounds at Donelson; Jas. S. McKenzie; and many others whom we regret our inability to speak of definitely. Of the Fourth Kentucky: Elisha Adams, U. S. revenue officer; Adjt. Joseph C. Baily, for many years clerk of courts in Woodford County; Capt. Jack T. Brown, a county officer; James G. Crockett, for sixteen years clerk of the Franklin County Court; Theodore Cow herd, U. S. revenue officer served also in other civil capacity; G. R. Caldwell, Justice of the Peace in Owen County; Virginius Hutchen, journalist, and author of both prose and poetical works; Waller W. Hawkins, U. S. revenue officer; Capt. Cy H. Higginson, prominent banker and bank officer in Kentucky and Texas; Wm. L. Jett, for four years common school commissioner of Franklin County, twelve years master commissioner of the Franklin County Circuit Court, eight 1052 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. years police judge, and four years United States postoffice inspector; Thomas Owens, prominent lawyer, and a contributor to current peri odicals; Robert R. Parsons, city judge of Frankfort; A. B. Roberts (Gus), for some years clerk of the courts in Owen County; Lieut. James W. Smith, prominent banker and bank officer in Versailles; Lieut. Robert H. Williams, for some years Sheriff of Owen County; E. H. Whittington, revenue officer, also for some years on the Frank fort police force. Among those who have not sought political prefer ment but have been nevertheless active and influential in politics and prominent in the various avocations to which they have turned their attention, are Capt. Jo C. Bethel, Lieut. Tho. C. Blackwell, Geo. Hector Burton, Wm. R. Dougherty, Capt. Hugh Henry, Thomas A". Higgs, John L. Marshall, Capt. Wm. S. Phillips, Jo Linden Robert son, R. L. Russell, Tho. J. Surran, Griff P. Theobald, Lot D. Young, and others of whom we have no definite information. Of the Fifth Kentucky: Robert Allen, for some years State prison guard, and subsequently guardsman on Capitol square during part of Buckner s administration; James M. Bourne, surveyor and civil en gineer, connected with railroad enterprises in Illinois and Kentucky; Col. Geo. W. Connor, State Senator; Adjt. Tho. Benton Cook, long a prominent member of the M. E. Church, South; Galloway Cooper, has been for more than twenty years a Baptist minister; Capt. A. C. Cope, a member of the Legislature; Capt. Thomas J. Henry, Clerk of the Court of Appeals one term ; John Tilford Hawkins, banker and bank officer in Lexington; Wm. Jayne, an active Baptist minister al most ever since the war; Joseph C. Lykins, lawyer, County Judge, and member of the Legislature ; Isaac Lykins, a Baptist minister ; Maj. Wm. Mynhier, lawyer, member of the Legislature, and held other public positions; Jack Pattie, guardsman on the State-house square during part of Buckner s administration ; Abner Quillen, a prominent lawyer, now residing in Virginia; Ben F. Rogers, revenue officer has filled other public place; Capt. W. T. B. South, warden of the State prison, 1883-85; Edward C. Strong, Judge of the Breath- itt County Court; Geo. W. Sewell, member of the Legislature; James K. P. South, almost ever since the war a prominent minister of the Christian Church, especially active and successful as an evangelist; James Emory Speer, statesman and jurist in Georgia (see History of Individuals). Well-known business men and prominent citizens were Samuel J. Bales, Henry Clay Ellis, H. S. Green, H. C. Musselman, Charles Pope, Samuel South, Jacob Sandusky, Capt. James M. White, Jacob Williams, and others. Of the Sixth Kentucky: A. M. Adair, a successful lawyer before and after the war, who held both State and county offices; S. H. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1053 Bush, a prominent lawyer, has filled also some civil positions ; John T. Craycroft, U. S. revenue officer, for some years sheriff of Washington County, besides filling minor positions ; Fount C. Carter, jailer of Bar ren County ; Capt. John F. Davis, State Commissioner of Agricul ture, U. S. revenue officer, etc.; Charles Dawson (Co. A), sheriff of Nelson County ; Alec V. Duncan and Thomas G. Duncan, both suc cessful practicing physicians and business men in Texas ; William W. Franklin, physician, for some years clerk of the Barren County Court, and enterprising man of business ; Amos Fox, prominent merchant and citizen of Atlanta, for four years postmaster of that city ; Capt. Richard P. Finn, educator, member of the Legislature, etc.; Thomas M. Goodknight, lawyer, superintendent of schools for Simpson County, postmaster of Franklin, 1885-89, chief clerk in the State Department of Education, 1891-95 ; Virgil Hewitt, chief clerk in the State Insurance Bureau, for years Assistant Auditor of State, etc.; Robert T- Hindman, for some years Assessor of Barren County, etc.; Ach L. Harned, member of the Legislature, and filled also minor civil positions; Wm. S. B. Hill, U. S. revenue officer, for many years an officer of the Court of Appeals, and filled also minor civil positions ; Helm Hobbs, U. S. revenue officer; James A. Hindman, member of the Legislature two or three terms, and prominent in both politics and business; A. G. King, several times door-keeper of the House of Rep resentatives, a successful farmer, etc.; Alexander Lawson, U. S. revenue officer, active politician, and man of affairs ; James M. Lee, member of the Legislature of 1898; Maj. George W. Maxson, for many years an educator and a leading Presbyterian minister in the South; Lewis McQuown, one of the most prominent lawyers in South ern Kentucky ; Wm. L. Mudd, a lawyer, has filled county office ; J. R. Nantz, postmaster of Hodgenville, 1885-1889, and had filled minor offices; A. W. Randolph, City Engineer of Louisville for some time, and for sixteen years County Surveyor of Jefferson; Wm. H. Read, for some years Clerk of the Allen County Court; James S. Robey, member of the Legislature of 1898, and had held minor civil positions ; Capt. Noah Smith, Judge of the Barren County Court, and had held other county office ; James A. Smith, Postmaster of Glasgow, 1885- 89 ; Capt. Wm. Stanley, lawyer, but almost ever since the war one of the leading ministers of the Christian Church; Pat Simms, U. S. revenue officer; John L. Stout, Justice of the Peace, member of Bowling Green Board of Education, and prominent man of business; Elliott W. Thompson, Justice of the Peace in the Chillicothe district, and for several years Assessor of Livingston County; Ed Porter Thompson, State Librarian, October, 1888, to March, 1890, Private Secretary to Gov. Buckner, March, 1890, to September, 1891, Super- 1054 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. intendent of Public Instruction, Sept. 7, 1891, to Jan. 7, 1896, Presi dent of Frankfort Board of Education, term beginning 1897; Thomas Wilson, physician and prominent citizen at the time of his death; Joseph T. Winlock, physician, lawyer, but subsequently exclusively devoted to farming and fine stock breeding; George W. Wells, U. S. revenue officer, and filled also county positions ; Smith E. Winn, for most of the time since the war a prominent physician and business man in California. Among the many who did not enter upon professional life or seek public position, but have nevertheless been active and in fluential citizens and prominent in different business callings, we note Wm. H. Bemiss, John Colter, Lieut. W. Frank Dickey, Wm. S. Gill, Gervais D. Grainger, Tho. C. Helm, Henry S. Harned, Luke Ken- nady, Lieut. Paschal J. Kirtley, Jack Lewis, Capt. Thomas G. Page, A. J. Parrish, Lieut. Ben M. Steffey, Capt. Henderson J. Street, Wm. M. Steenbergen, W. Fletcher Smith, Lieut. Wm. A. Terry, James O. Wilkinson, and John H. Yancey. Of the Ninth Kentucky: Wm. Ambrose and Jasper Anderson, U. S. revenue officers; Capt. A. J. Beale, physician, clerk of Harrison Circuit Court, Sheriff of Harrison County, member of the Legislature, subsequently removed to Oklahoma and was elected first Mayor of Oklahoma City; Lieut. Henry Buchanan, banker and bank officer, and otherwise prominent in affairs in Hickman ; Al N. Barrett, prom inent physician in Richmond, Mo.; Adjt. W. Dudley Chipley, for several years Vice-President of the Board of Trustees of the State Agri cultural College at Lake City, Fla., at the time of his death (Dec. i, 1897), member of the Board for Stetson University at DeLand and State Seminary at Tallahassee, served several years as Mayor of Pen- sacola, was State Senator for a term, for years Chairman of the Demo cratic State Executive Committee, President of the Board for the founding of the Confederate Memorial Institute and an earnest co- worker with Mr. Rouss, and in the spring of 1897 came near being elected a United States Senator ; John H. Dills, State Senator for the Sherman (Texas) district, and otherwise prominent as a citizen ; Lieut. Thomas H. Ellis, U. S. revenue officer and prominent citizen; A*. J. Gross, county officer, U. S. Marshal for Kentucky, 1885-89, Adjutant- General of Kentucky, 1891-95, State Senator, long prominent in poli tics and business; Ed Gregory, U. S. revenue officer, etc.; Norborne G. Gray, for several years member of the Louisville Board of Educa tion, and a prominent citizen; Wm. B. Haldeman, a leading politician and long distinguished in the newspaper world; John S. Jackman, a leading lawyer of the Louisville bar; Capt. Oscar Kennard, U. S. gauger 1885-1889, and otherwise distinguished as a citizen ; Len S. Mil ler, U. S. revenue officer, etc.; A. M. Moseley, lawyer, U. S. reve- HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1055 nue officer, etc.; Wm. Alonzo Orndorff, a well-known lawyer, political worker, and has filled public position; P. Booker Reed, active and influential politician and business man, and for some years Mayor of Louisville; James H. Taylor, U. S. revenue officer, 1885-1889; Lieut. Robert Tyler, active and influential politician, U. S. revenue officer, for many years an officer of the House of Representatives, and, for some terms, of the Senate ; Leslie Waggoner, one of the most distinguished scholars and educators of the South, for some years a professor in Bethel College, afterward its President, and at the time of his death (Aug. 20, 1896,) President of the great Uni versity of Texas ; M. L. Weeks, a gospel minister. Prominent in their respective callings and upholding the reputation of their old com mand in the communities where they have made their homes we recall Capt. Chris. Bosche, David W. Caruth, W. R. Chapman, John W. Green, Alec T. Hines, E. T. Kirkman, Capt. Price C. Newman, and Lieut. Richard M. Wall. Of the artillery: Maj. Rob Cobb, Capt. Frank P. Gracey, Wm. E. Thompson, and Wm. Henry, the latter a well-known educator, and all popular business men and honorable citizens. Of the First Cavalry : W. T. Aull, Assessor of Daveiss County, 1874-1878, Deputy Clerk of the County Court, 1878-1898; Wm. R. Abbott, prominent lawyer, Prosecuting Attorney of Louisville City Court, etc. ; Capt. Wm. Murray Brown, Judge of the Hancock County Court; James H. Bozarth, Constable of his district, for eight years Deputy Sheriff of Daveiss County, and for one term member of the Owensboro City Council ; Capt. F. B. Brown, member of the Legis lature ; B. F. Camp, member of the Louisville Board of Education nine years, member of the Legislatures of 1869-1870 and 1879-1880, Justice of Peace in Louisville, 1889-1895; J. H. Campbell, Judge of Probate Court at Augusta, Ark. ; J. D. Ewing, physician, well-known practitioner in Central Kentucky; W. H. Gait, for several years Health Officer of Louisville; Wm. Gardiner, U. S. revenue officer; T. Y. Howard, physician, well-known practitioner in Henderson County ; Augustus M. Head, U. S. revenue officer, and for several years Assessor of Marion County; Capt. James K. Huey, for some years Judge of the Livingston County Court; Samuel A. Hornbeck, U. S. revenue officer; Jno. W. Headley, Secretary of State; Tho. A. Ireland, for twelve years Clerk of the Owen County Court ; S. M. Lewis, physician, a successful practitioner in Nelson County, where he died some years ago; Reuben J. Laughlin, Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff United Confederate Veterans, Division of Northern Arkansas; J. S. Morton, prominent physician in Ohio County; J. W. Moseley, for many years Assessor of Ohio County; Geo. W. Quarles, 1056 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. U. S. revenue officer; Ben L. Shacklett, Jailer of Meade County; George W. Sanders, U. S. revenue officer; J. W. Speer, physician, a well-known practitioner in Anderson County; Capt. W. J. Taylor, member of the Legislature, 1875-76; Capt. A. R. Taylor, lawyer, County Attorney of Daveiss, afterward distinguished at the St. Louis bar, delegate for St. Louis to the Convention which drafted the pres ent Constitution of Missouri; Maj. Geo. W. Tripplett, for several years Judge of the Daveiss County Court; J. T. Williams, Judge of the Robards City Court. Many who have not sought political preferment have been influen tial in politics and men of mark in private affairs; as Capt. Geo. W. Beckley, Lieut. Sam D. Brooks, Elijah Basye, W. H. Conder, John M. Herndon, Thomas D. Ireland, F. M. Scrimsher, Lieut. Joe Vin cent, Andrew J. Witt, and others not now recalled. WM. R. McOUOWN. Wm. R. McQuown, Barren County, was enlisted in the Second Kentucky Infantry, and was bandmaster of that regiment till some time in the spring of 1862. While the brigade was stationed at Corinth, the Second Regiment being then in prison, he was assigned to the Fourth Kentucky, at the request of Col. Trabue. He served as chief musician of that regiment till about the begin ning of the Dalton-Atlanta campaign, when he was transferred to Maney s Brigade of Tennessee Infantry, with which he remained to the close. He died in Boston, Mass., about thirty years after the war. OH, LAY ME AWAY WITH THE BOYS IN GRAY. WORDS BY CAPT. JOHN H. WELLER. MUSIC BY WM. R. McQUOWN. Oh, Lay Me Away with the Boys in Gray. CAPT. JNO. H. WELLER. WM. R. McQcowN. *5i* vi !-f~ f* ?-3 ^ 1. When my war-fare is o er and my 2. I ask no heav n piercing 3. Give me a place in ^ **s SEP&LJT __^ ^ N fc-H~~ I P , I 3 5qi=g3=*=-*-^-E*=^=-J- >ZL^^3E3 toil is done, And your lone -ly watch you keep; When your spire or shaft To mark the nar - row bur- ial plot, Where mem ry s dearest hours, When the lost steal thro your heart, My tat -0-^ -K-- f ten - der eyes are filled with tears, As in death I you may come when flow - ers bloom, To deck with name may start the crys - tal fount a-gain, And join our :b= Meno niosHO. Z~ Rail -&-_ Oh, Lay Me Away. Continued. peace-ful - ly sleep. When your ten - der eyes love the qui - et spot. Where you may come souls tho far a - part. My name may start are when the filled with tears, As in death I peacefully sleep, flow - ers bloom, To deck with love the quiet spot, crystal fount again, And join our souls, tho far a-part. t? , N U N 5^ ^-^ * * -=? 1 ^*~^*~ __jer^ L :* - * - 1 -* =E =t f*- IIORI S. Andantino. # Oh, lay me away with the boys in gray, With the comrades I love so Oh, lay me away with the boys in gray, With the comrades I love so 7 r^ z^ r " c *-i -^ i? -1 ^ ^-* -i-* 1 J ^-*^- J Oh, Lay Me Away. Concluded. Cres ... do. N S well ; For there s no sacred place on earth s green space, Like the well ; For there s no sacred place on earth s green space, Like the > --*. i &. M? ^_J^_^!^q== M^ a-t.-ai t-J i- F^ h^ -^-9*T- -S-^J h LJ - v * -0- -% -*#-* graves where these heroes dwell. these heroes dwell. Rit. ^^^ m graves where these heroes dwell. ife f >, > > I u U- ^H HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1057 THE C. S. ARMY S COMMISSARY. [From the Royal Gallery by permission.] 11863. "Well, this is bad! " we sighing said, While musing round the bivouac fire, And dwelling with a fond desire, On home and comforts long since fled. "But while we ve meat and flour enough The bayonet shall be our spit." "How gaily came we forth at first ! Our spirits high, with new emprise, Ambitious of each exercise, And glowing with a martial thirst; "Equipped as for a holiday, With bounteous store of every thing To use or comfort minist ring, All cheerily we marched away. 1058 HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. "But as the struggle fiercer grew, Light marching orders came apace, And baggage-wagon soon gave place To that which sterner uses knew. "But while the corn fields give supply We ll take, content, the roasting-ear." "Our tents they went a year ago; Now kettle, spider, frying-pan, Are lost to us, and as we can We live, while marching to and fro. " Our food has lessened, till at length E en want s gaunt image seems to threat- A foe to whom the bravest yet Must yield at last his knightly strength. HISTORY OF THE ORPHAN BRIGADE. 1059 " But while we ve meat and flour enough The bayonet shall be our split The ramrod bake our dough on it A gun-cloth be our kneading trough. " We ll bear privation, danger dare, While even these are left to us Be hopeful, faithful, emulous Of gallant deeds, though hard our fare ! " 111864. "Three years and more," we grimly said, When order come to " Rest at will " Beside the corn field on the hill, As on a weary march we sped "Three years and more we ve met the foe On many a gory, hard-fought field, And still we swear we cannot yield Till Fate shall bring some deeper woe. "Three years and more we ve struggled on, Through torrid heat and winter s chill, Nor bated aught of steadfast will, Though even hope seems almost gone. "Ill-fed, ill-clad, and shelterless, How little cheer in health we know ! When wounds and illness lay us low, How comfortless our sore distress ! "These flimsy rags, that scarcely hide Our forms, can naught discourage us; But hunger ah ! it may be thus That Fortune shall the strife decide. "But while the corn-fields give supply We ll take, content, the roasting-ear, Nor yield us yet to craven fear, But still press on, to do or die!" 1060 PERSONAL INDEX. PERSONAL INDEX. Aarons, John, 864. Abbott, J. L., 786. Abbott, Joseph M., 715. Abbott, Thomas, 1025. Abbott, Thomas, 786. Abbott, Wm. R., 1000, 1055. Abernathy, Leander, 694. Able, Elisha, 944, 1016. Ackman, William, 694. Acton, W. D., 787. Adair, John A., 85, 225, 659. Adair, A. M., 766, 1052. Adams, Dan, 184, 186, 199, 205, 213. Adams, John H. B., 768, 773. Adams, Henry, 1004, 1041 Adams, J. E., 838. Adams, R. E. T., 838. Adams, J. W., 838. Adams, John, 831. Adams, Tan, 831. Adams, W. W., 831. Adams, Elisha, 687, 1051. Adams, Harrison, 864. Adams, Paschal, 716. Addington, John H., 654. Addison, Mr., 128. Agnew, Alvin, 831. Aikin, John, 714. Alcock, Theodore, 775. Alcorn, Benj., 720. Aldridge, Jackson, 1024. Aldridge, Ben F., 1025. Alexander, J. T., 798. Alexander, Wm. H., 681. Allen, Geo., 633. Allen, John A., 555. Allen, James A., 594. Allen, David, 551. Allen, H. C., 838. Allen, W. A., 831. Allen, Jos. Wm., 786. Allen, Caleb W., 116, 767, 773. Allen, George W., 595. Allen, Robert, 701, 1052.- Allen, H. W., 124, 130, 136, 141. Allen, Jack, 54, 94, 97, 109. Allen, Jos. Wm., 786. Allen, D. J., 551. Allen, James, 1044. Allen, John, 1015. Allen, E. M., 1007. Allen, W. D., 1034. Allison, Leb, 551. Allison, James A., 595. Allison, E., 809. Allison, James, 555. Alloway, M. C., 1029. Alloway, Henry M., 1029. Alvey, Thos., 633 Alvey, Ignatius, 817. Amber, James, 699. Ambern, Jesse Frank, 705. Ambrose, C. C., 826. Ambrose, J. L. F., 826. Ambrose, Wm., 242, 816, 1054. Ambrose, George, 816. Anderson, Sam, 53, 774. Anderson, Wm. H., 242, 775. Anderson, M. J., 861, 864. Anderson, John D., 864. Anderson, A. P., 798. Anderson, James, 805. Anderson, Jasper, 165, 816, 1054. Anderson, Keller, 508. Anderson, James, 1016. Anderson, Archer, 210. Anderson, Patton, 191, 211. Anderson, George, 864. Anderson, Robert, 573. Anderson, Newton J., 573. Anderson, Thomas, 1007. Anderson, Robert Clinton, 218, 5. Anderson, Robert A., 602. Anderson, John, 1016. Anderson, John G., 602. Anderson, W. H., 667. Anderson, Ben, 44, 83, 85. Anderson, Winston B., 661. Angell, Nathan, 838. Annis, L. A., 1025. Anthony, William H., 783, 798. Anuker, Capt., 130. Applegate, J. W., 754. Applegate, Charles, 817. Applegate, Leander W., 848. Applegate, John C., 816. Appleton, Charles, 610. Ardery, James D., 595. Armant, Richard, 555- Armstrong, J. A., 551. Armstrong, W. A., 699. Arnett, J. L., 610. Arnett, Campbell, 609. Arnold, Robert A., 601. Arnold, William H., 767. 773. Arnold, G. W., 694. Arrington, Lafayette, 699. Arnspiger, George H , 7 2 4- PERSONAL INDEX. 1061 Asher, Ed, 849. Ashby, Thomas, 744, 805. Ashby, Marion, 744, 805. Ashby, J. W., 805. Ashby, Wm. Allison, 1010. Ashby, Joshua W., 744. Ashford, James, 849. Ashley, Joel, 564. Ashley, Z. K., 720. Atchison, George W., 551. Atchison, Jonathan, 674. Atkins, Jo A., 66 1. Atkins, J. T., 581. Atkinson, Dan, 774. Atkinson, Ed, 1007. Atwell, Leonard H., 144, 848. Atwood, W. A., 667. Atwood, R. L., 551. Atwood, W. L., 551. Aubrey, John P., 610. Angle, Ed H., 1010. Austin, J. R., 826. Austin, Frank, 639. Aull, M. E., 90, 743. Aull, Wm. T., 874, 945, 1016, 1055. Avent, B. W., 80, 109, 299. Ayers, J. T., 720. Ayers, Paschal, 720. Back, Solomon, 701. Back, John W., 701. Badger, Richard S., 551. Badger, W. W., 840. Bagby, D. M., 616. Bagby, Wm. W., 782. Bagby Charles R., 783. Bailey, Augustus F., 1041. Bailey, Robert, 556. Bailey, Martin, 702. Bailey, E. D., 702. Bailey, Thomas J., 767, 773. Bailey, Wm. Wallace, 714. Bailey, A. J..84O. Baily, Joseph C., 654, 1051. Baine, L. C., 762. Baird, J. P., 575. Baird, Col., 104. Baird, J. Wilson, 840. Baker, Scott, 640. Baker, Samuel, 699. Baker, Jonathan, 699. Baker, Paxton, T., 602. Baker, John F., 666. Baker Frank M., 666. Baker, B. F., 864. Baker, A., 581. Baker, N. W., 864. Baker, W. D., 1021, 1039. Baker, James L., 1009. Baker, Daniel D., 724. Baker, B. D., 724. Baker, J. F., 668. Baker, Jasper, 7 2 4- Baker, Dan, 702. Baker, Wm., 1041. Ball, Demetrius, 1004. Ball, , 616. Ball, George Washington, 1000. Ballan, John T., 68 1. Ballard, Elijah, 716. Ballard, B. D., 716. Ballard, Berry, 720. Ballard, Tyler, 817. Ballard, Wm. N., 675. Ballard, Judge Bland, 60. Ballingal, J. P., 595. Ballou, J., 565. Ballon. L., 564. Bange, Wm., 556. Banks, George, 720. Banta, Wm. B., 675. Banta, Peter J., 675. Barber, J. R., 918, 1028. Barbour, A. P., 1 10. Barclay, J. W., 1006. Barclay, D. P., 773. Bard, Sam, 133. Barker, George W., 713. Barker, J. W., 10x37. Barker, Henry, 809. Barker, Allen M., 705. Barker, Augustus, 1021. Barker, Hugh B. , 662. Barlow, E. J., 831. Barlow, A. P., 798. Barlow, Thomas, 661. Barlow, John S., 625, 798. Barlow, Wm. R., 743, 798. Barlow, John T., 595. Barlow, Mike H., 602. Barlow, Wm., 1043. Barnard, Nace, 745. Barnard, Logan, 744- Barnard, I. P., 826. Barner, J., 864. Barnes, Richard F., 849. Barnes, W. F., 699. Barnes, C. C., 694. Barnes, F. S., 695. Barnes, J. O.. 724. Barnes, Elijah, 564. Barnes, John, 716. Barnes, Zachariah, 710. Barnes, Joseph, 720. Barnes, A. L., 1039. Barnes, Ed, 616. Barnes, J. M., 863. Barnett, Ambrose, 1025. Barnes, Tobias, 1045. Barnett, Joshua, 675. Barnett. R. B. W., 1007. Barnett, J. J., 1004. Barnett, Wm. G., 588. Barnett, John, 660. Barnett, Joseph M., 863. Barnett, James, 662, 714. Barnett, W. T., 827. 1062 PERSONAL INDEX. Barnett, Ben, 565. Barnett, W. S., 817. Barnett, Albert, 654. Barnett, Ananias, 702. Barnett, C. A., 595. Barnett, James, 831. Barre, Alhenan, 849. Barrett, Al. N., 831, 1054. Barrett, Alexander, 1016, 1041. Barren, Eilbeck, 1016. Barren, Alexander, 1016. Barry, Alexander, 144, 849. Barry, John, 595. Bassett, Thomas, 1010. Bayse, Coleman, 916, 1021. Basye, Elijah, 745, 805, 1034, 1056. Bate, Wm. B., 228, 234, 237, 250, 255, 257, 259, 261. Bates, Samuel H., loio, 1041. Bates, James P., 40. Bates, Samuel, 997. Bates, Thomas, 1025. Bates, D., 1029. Bates, E., 1029. Bates, John W., 625. Batt, R. A., 668. Batt, J. T., 668. Batts, Thomas, 602. Batterton, Ben F., 595. Battou, Tandy, 667. Baughman, J. H., 1045. Baughn, James, 723. Baugh, R. P., 787. Baxter, Charles, 1000. Baxter, Benjamin 654. Baxter, T. M., 787. Bayless, Joseph, 732. Baynham, J. G., 668. Beal, David, 699. Beale, Charles, 625. Beale, Andrew J., 830, 1054. Beall, George R., 193, 809. Bean, John, 1010. Bean, Horace D., 1029. Beamer, S. A., 768. Beard, Alexander, 574. Beard, Stephen, 1000. Beard, John, 840. Beard, Wm., 588. Beard, Charles, 639. Beard, Joseph, 639. Beard, Ed, 1039. Beaseman, Wm. T., 75, 341, 586, 1050. Beauchamp, James W., 1034. Beauchamp, William, 144, 839. Beauregard, P. G. T., 84, 91, 883. Beasley, J. B., 864. Beasley, C. C., 839. Beattie, John, 646. Beattie, George, 646, 720. Beatty, Henry, 839. Beatty, James E., 631. Beatty George M., 716. Beatty, John, 716. Beatty, Peter, 716. Beays, Philip A., 556. Beck, Wm., 720. Beckley, David S., 595. Beckley, John H., 1000, 1021. Beckley, George W., 874, 915, 944, 950. 999, 1056- Becraft, Benjamin F., 705. Beech, John C., 48. Beem, Isaac, 1034. Beem, John, 1034. Beggs, George. 581. Behorn, Capt., 133. Belcher, Levi, 705. Bell, Thomas, 1034. Bell, James, 832. Bell, Francis, 798. Bell, Wm., 85, 807. Bell, J. Harvey, 1016. Bell, J. W., 668. Bell, Thomas A., Sr., 768. Bell, Thomas A., Jr., 768, 773. Bell, James, 768. Bell, Wm. Ed, 341, 609. 1050. Bell, John, 686. Bell, Darwin, 996. Bell, Thompson, icoo. Bell, Hugh, 1041. Bell, Valentine M., 588. Bell, T. J., 1028. Bell, John S., 1029. Bell, Joseph N., 68, 860. Bellman, Charles, 1034. Bellican, Charles Erastus, 564. Belzhoover, D., 109. Bemiss, William H., 745. 1054. Bemiss, James, 817. Bemiss, S. M., 294, 295. Benbray, W. B., 864. Benedict, Joe, 151, 160, 197, 815. Benedict, J. B., 775. Benham, Calhoun, 150. Bennett, W. G., 1021. Bennett, James Heady, 746. Bennett, B. Scott, 746. Bennett, M. S., 754. Bennett, W. J., 768. Bennett, Samuel N., 745. Bennett, L. H., 744. Bennett, Quint, 1034. Bennett, John J., 864. Bennett, H. C., 864. Benson, J. E., 1007. Bentol, Caleb, 602. Benton, Parker, 1000, 1021. Berry, J. T., 849. Berry, R. S., 849. Berry, John. 705. Berry, Wm., 1004. Berry, Thomas, 1004. Berry, Samuel L., 827. Berry, George, 633. PERSONAL INDEX. 1063 Berry, John J., 639. Berry, G. W., 551. Berry, C. M., 849. Berry, Robert, 551. Berry, J. W., 551. Berry, L. D., 551. Berryman, John T. , 826. Berryman, James H., 639. Bess, Charles, 581. Bethel, Joseph C., 623, 1052. Beulmeur, H. C., 817. Beverly, James, 716. Bevins, Charles, 710. Bewley, R. B., 1010. Bibb, L. H., 1025. Bibb, W. H., 1025. Bibb, George M., 809. Bigger, Ed, 551, 864. Biggs, P. A., 595. Biggs, Joseph, 687. Billingsly, Charles, 1007. Bills, Lafayette, 594. Bills, Conrad, 602. Bingham, Silas II., 1004. Birch, James H., 616. Bird, W. J., 761. Bird, E. K., 681. Bishop, William F., 826 Bishop, D. T., 754. Bishop, Ed, 762. Black, Daniel, 864. Black, Hugh I)., 1010. Black, R. H., 864. Blackburn, James, 1010. Blackburn, Lewis, 1010. Blackburn, Elley, 944. Blackford, John A., 997, 1041. Blackford, John B., 724. Blackmore, William, 864. Blackshear, A., 817. Blackwell, Thomas C., 639, 1052. Blain, G. W., 572. Blakeman, John, 661. Blakeman, Milton, 661. Blakeman, Daniel, 661. Blanchard, John H., 681. Blanks, James, 754. Blazer, John, 826. Blaylock, John W., 1004. Blemill, Father, 274, 623. Blincoe, J., 565. Board, Nathan, 839. Boardman, Samuel W., 633. Boaz, W. N., 572. Boaz, T. F., 574. Bodine, Losson, 745. Bogard, James, 675. Bogard, L., 793. Bohannon, James, 793. Bohannon, James, 654. Bohannon, Eli, 861. Boler, Charles S., 556. Bolton, Joseph, 840. Bolton, L. F., 839. Bond, Richard, 745. Bond, Ben F., 786, 787. Bonville, John P., 680. Boman, J. H., 84, 129, 133, 136, 139. Boman, Robert, 1021. Booker, Augustus, 1000. Boone, Warren, 724. Boone, W. C., 551. Boothe, Green B., 675. Borders, Sam, 775. Bosche, Christian, 163, iSS, 196, 273, 848, 1055. Bosler Henry, 1000. Bosley, A. B., 1014, 1016. Bostic, C. A., 574. Boston, Jesse, 662. Boswell, R. S., 1029. Bounds, Franc M., 668. Bouren, J. C., 574. Bourne, James M., 705, 1052. Boutcher, Samuel W., 839. Bowen, John W., 682. Bowen, Charles H., 610. Bower, John W., 646. Bowers, Isaac M., 1010. Bowley, J. R., 1007. Bowling, W. J., 745, 1034. Bowling. James M., 766, 773. Bowling, Richard W., 662. Bowling. Thomas, 565. Bowles, Pius J., 997, 1015. Bowles, Thomas H., 787. Bowles, Tom, 768. Bowles, James M., 687. Bowman, Robert M., 616. Bowman, R. C., 724. Bowman, L., 725. Bowman, Mike, 775. Bowman, Jacob, 787- Boyce, John, 602. Boyd, R. H., 555. Boyd, W. A., 1007. Boyd, Lynn, 668. Boyd, Wm. T., 668. Boyd, Alfred, 44, 48, 109, 125, 129. 150. Boyd, Henry C., 838. Boyd, Jack, 864. Boyd, Samuel, 133. Boyette, John R., 654. Bozarth, James H., 874, 957, 1015, 1055- Braberry, W. II., 668. Brady, Francis, 581. Brady, J. P., 1029. Braddock, Wm. A., 565. Bradley, Wm., 602. Bradley, , 581. Bradley, Charles, 716. Bradley, Oliver Lee, 556. Bradley, James A., 720. Bradley. Benj. F., 40. 1064 PERSONAL INDEX. Bradley, Wm , 1016. Bradshaw, Wm., 687. Bradshaw, Lot, 775. Brashear, James C., 686. Brashear, A., 754. Bragg, Braxton, 81, 88, 105, in, 149, 150, 154, 158, 169, 174, 183, 186, 192. 201, 206, 209. 222. 226, 231, 888, 891, 896. Bramer, S. A., 783. Bramlette, Wm. P., 673. Branch, Jerry, 705. Branch, Jedediah, 793. Brand, W. E., 574. Brandenburg, David, 768, 773. Branham, Cy W., 754. Brannon. J. E., 754. Brawner, Alexander G., 602. Brawner, Thomas P., 602. Bray, John W., 710. Brealsford, Jeff, 574. Breame, John, 1007. Breame, M. B., 1007. Breame, C. W., 1007. Breaux, J. H., 125, 129, 132, 133. Breckinridge, J. Cabell, 94, no, 127, 150, 1 88, 555. Breckinridge, James T., 556. Breckinridge, S. P.. 622. Breckinridge, Robert J., Jr., 40, 554, 1050. Breckinridge, W. C. P., 874, 912, 929, 931.956,961. Breckinridge, D. .,805. Breckinridge, Stanhope, 192, 297. Breckinridge, John C., 27, 45, 48, 77, 80,81,86,89,93,97,101,108, 114, I i 6, 122, 129, 134, 142, 144, 147. 152, 178, 179, 183, 192, 195, 199, 206, 215, 226, 232, 237, 240, 956. Breckinridge, Mrs. John C., 317- Breeding, David C., 761. Breeding, James A., 761. Brent, Thomas, 817. Brennan, J. C., 556- Brennan, James, 581. Brewer, William, 86 1. Brewer, James, 793. Bridewell, G., 1029. Bridges, W. B., 574. Bridges, John S., 555. Biidges, William, 668. Briggs, A. F., 746. Briggs, George D., 746. Bright, Elzy V., 832. Bright, James R., 85. Bright, John, 1004. Brinby, John, 805. Brindley, James H., 863. Brindley, L. D., 864. Brinegar, Israel, 675. Brinkley, John R., 639. Bristol, E., 754. Brockman. John, 574, 864. Bronaugh, James, 1006. Bronaugh, Bank, 1007. Bronaugh, D. A., 1007. Brookin, A. B., 301, 549. Brooks, W. W., 1029. Brooks, A. F., 1029. Brooks, Sam D., 874, 961. 1028. 1056. Brooks, R. Samuel, 144, 826. Brooks, D. L., 1029. Brooks, Campbell C., 705. Brooks, S. Abijah, 595. Brooks, Thomas, 705. Brooks, E., 1045. Brooks, James J., 762. Brooks, Johnson J., 762. Brooks, Ignatius, 274. Brooks, S. R., 1007. Brooks, James B., 1029. Broome, J., 564. Brosmere, Ernest, 681. Brower, E. A., 723. Brown, William Murray, 996, 1055.. Brown, F. B. , 1004, 1055. Brown, John C., 223. Brown, Jack T., 638, 1051. Brown, Jo, 102. Brown, A. Frank, 40. Brown, B., 1007. Brown, Wm. L., 48. Brown, E., 1045. Brown, E. P., 556. Brown, T. J., 574. Brown, Jacob, 849. Brown, William, 1004, 1021. Brown, Ben F., 610. Brown, John, 610. Brown, William, 610. Brown, E. B., 654. Brown, A. H., 646. Brown, Thomas, 839. Brown, Thomas, 639. Brown, W. D., 786. Brown, Ed, 564. Brown, J. H., 762. Brown. Burr. 1034. Brown, Henry O., 754- Brown, William E., 1010. Brown, Davis, 710. Brown, Alfred, 710. Brown, Cole, 865. Browning, William, 595. Browning, W. T., 732. Bruce, E. M., 40. Bruce, H. W., 40. Bruce, James, 839. Brunson, C. S., 863. Brummitt, John, 632. Bryson, John PL, 807.. Bryson, J. N., 865. Bryan, R. C., 798. Bryan, J. C., 798. Bryan. J. D., 797. PERSONAL INDEX. 1005 Bryant, James G., 661. Bryant, Nat Gaitlier, 661. Bryant, Isaac, 817. Hryant, Roland C., 646. Bryant, George W., 573. Bryant, Levi, 573. Bryant, John O., 831. Bryant, Richard, 1034. Bryant, Thomas, 1034. Buchanan, Henry, 194, 273 285, 760, 848, 1054. Buchanan, Sam H., 228, 272. Buckman, Charles, 638. Buckman, John N., 1004. Buckner, R. U., 572. Buckner, Frank B., 575. Buckner, John A., no, 125, 134, 136, 139, 142, 150, 158. Buckner, I.. A., 1007. Buckner, Frank, 1007. Buckner, S. B., 22, 46, 51, 64, 66, 70, 188, 192, 229, 233, 881. Buell, Don Carlos, 82, 108, 883, 888. Buford, Thomas, 565. Buford, C. A., 754. Buford, Abram, 896. Bugg, Jesse R., 551. Bugg, \V. E., 551. Bullock, Cabell B., 556, 1050. Bumpus, John, 639. Burba, James, 817. Burbank, Charles S., 555. Burch, James C., 724. Burch, J. K. P., 997, 1010. Burdett, W., 1029. Burgess, John, 775. Burgess, Paul, 54* 839. Burgess, James, 832. Burk, Isaac, 720. Burke, Duncan R., 646. Burke, Thomas J., 625. Burkhead, George, 745. Burkhead, J. W., 551. Burks, D. J., 839. Burks, J. W., 837. Burnam, John, 40. Burnett, T. L., 40. Burnett, J. W., 839. Burnett, James, 654. Burnett, H. C., 640. Burney, W. D., 826. Burns, J. H., 692,693. Burns, Milton, 574. Burns, Henry, 864. Burnley, George B., 89, 103, 196, 200, 652. Burnside, J. P., 40. Burris, Clark, IO2I. Burris, Thomas, 639. Burrows, C., 1034. Burrows, Wm., 745. Burt, A. L., 1029. Burt, Richard H.. 1007. Burton, Alexander, 861. Burton, L. D., 745, 805. Burton, James, 574. Burton, W. F., 573. Burton, George Hector, 241, 243, 268, 660, 1052. Burton, Daniel William, 705. Burton, Anderson, 1025. Burton, Alexander, 793. Bush, W. W., 798. Bush, George, 675. Bush, Willis P., 762. Bush, S. H., 341, 754, 1053. Bush, W. A., 783. Bushey, Julius, 589. Buskett, J. L., 724. Butler, J. Russell, 877, 892, 896, 899, 901, 912, 1014. Butler, Jo, 640. Butler, Maj., 213. Butler. Joseph W., 775. Butler, Ed, 681. Butler, Ben F., 809. Butler, Wm. O., 595, 922, 1044. Butler, D. B., 1016. Button, John, 775. Byars, S. G., 745. Byassee, A., 551. Bybee, George, 623. Bybee, Clinton, 624. Bybee, George T., 625. Byer, J. A., 865. Byers, S. G., 805. Byers, J. S., 1045. Byers, John A., 551. Byers, J. S., 44. Bynum, Tom, 133. Byrne, Ed P., 87, 187, 188, 857. Byrne, Walter J., 299, 807. Byrne, Peyton B., 75- Byrne, Wm., 574. Cahill, John, 647. Cain, William, 688. Caldwell, John W., 85, 124, 126, 143, 213, 217, 218, 220, 225, 266, 283, 806, 808. Caldwell, G. Reed, 647, 1051. Caldwell, Thomas, 809. Caldwell, John H., 808. Caldwell, William, 996. Caldwell, J. W., 888, 1015. Calhoun, Robert, 669. Call, John W., 675. Callahan, Robert S., 701. Callahan, William J., 625. Calahan, John, 1035. Callahan. Jeptha, 702. Calvert, W. T., 1035. Calvert, Reuben, 1030. Calvert, Pres C., 944. Calvert, Dud, 746. Calvert, John H., 716. Calvert, John, 221, 715. 1066 PERSONAL INDEX. Camby, Frank, 864, 865. Camden, Walker, 616. Camp, Joshua Speed, 1022. Camp, B. F., 873, 1000, 1020, 1055. Campbell, BrashearC., 1010. Campbell, James, 634. Campbell, Peter, 640. Campbell, Fernando W., 725. Campbell, James D., 603. Campbell, William, 896. Campbell, Ephraim, 582. Campbell, J. H., 1016, 1055. Campbell, Alexander, 1025. Campbell, Cole, 703. Campbell, George, 54. Canaday, J. V., 575. Cannady, Joseph, 616. Cannon, D., 669, Cannon, William, 716. Cannon, L. M., 817. Cannon, N. T., 550, 551. Cantrill, John, 603. Caplinger, Jacob, 1035. Caplinger, William T., 755, 805. Cardwell, Charlie, 647. Card-well, John T., 654. Cardinal, George, 850. Cargill, William M., 100. Carlin, Charles P., 1016. Carlin, William P., 1035. Carlisle, Thomas, 1010. Carlisle, Cyrus, 1010. Carlisle, William, 794. Carlisle, John W., 675. Carlton, G. W., 721. Carney, , 640. Carney, Joshua, 865. Carnhill, T. L. J., 865. Carpenter, Hiram M., 587. Carpenter, James S., 818. Carr, R., 1021. Carr, William, 73 2 - Carr, Armstrong, 557. Carr, Thomas, 710. Carrico, James D., 1016. Carroll, John W., 831. Carroll, M. H., 1007. Carrollton, James, Jio. Carson, \Villiam M., 73, 615. Carter, J. M., 1025. Carter, Joseph, 1025. Carter, William, 625. Carter, James A., 625. Carter, Andrew, 582. Carter, Robert, 582. Carter, Mason, 721. Carter, Fountain C., 768, 773, 1053. Carter, W. S., 556. Carter, A. S., 556. Carter, J. A., 1010. Carter, James, 1016. Carter. Jordan, 1025. Carter, Spencer, 720. Carter, Josiah D., 1025. Caruth, David W., 818, 1055. Carver, J. T., 783, 799. Carver, J. W., 783, 799. Carver, John, 775. Carver, James L., 775. Carver, A. B., 1007. Casey, A., 808. Casey, Christopher H., 746. Casey, J. E., 732. Casey, W. T., 733. Casley, James, 681. Casper, John L., 616. Cassidy, Alexander, 47. Castillo, James W., 662. Castin, W. T., 1030. Castell, James, 695. Castleberry, James B., 1010. Castleman, B. T., 557. Gates, James L., 849. Catley, William, 865. Catron, W. F., 699. Caudill, Thompson S., 714. Caudill, James, 714. Cavanaugh, M. B., 1007. Cave, J. Holly, 1021, 1035. Cecil, John T., 746. Cecil, Charles, 817. Cimberlin, W., 1046. Cisell, James, 640. Cissel, James T., 861. Chambers, Josiah, 775. Chambers, Ben, 793. Chambers, James, 721. Chambers, S. G., 775. Chambers, F. M., 582. Chambers, James, 625. Chamberlain, W. W., 849. Chambliss, H. J., 865. Chambliss, N. R., 995. Champ, Bruce, 589. Campion, Michael J., 601. Champion, John, 687. Champion, Matt, 662. Champlain. Hooper, 865. Chancellor, James M., 832. Chandler, D., 646. Chandler, J., 1046. Chancy, George W., 610. Chancy, William, 702. Chancy, George, 7 2 - Chancy, Alfred. 640. Chapman, F. M., 1025. Chapman, Robert D. G., 603. Chapman, W. R., 872, 1055. Chapman, John S., 631. Chapman, F. M., 646. Chapman, W. F., 575. Chappel, George N., 616. Charlton, Thomas E., 633. Chastain, John, 809. Chastain, Boone, 809. Chaudoin, Luther P., 768, 773. PERSONAL INDEX. 10<>7 Cheatham, G., 1035. Chenault, A., 755. Chenault, Luke, 755. Chenoweth, J. Q., 896, 898, 907, 924, 93 * 947, 96o I OI 4- Cheshire, Eli, 557, 596. Chestnut, J. A., 810. Childers, Wm., 575. Chiles, J. M., 596. Chiles, James, 1007. Chilton. L. B., 1007 Chilton, J. S., 1007. Chilton, John, 1007. Chinn, John II., 805. Chinn, John, 794. Chinn, Charles, 827. Chinn, John, 827. Chinn, James S., 827. Chinn, C. C., 681. Chipley, S. F., i5i, 197, 200, 580, 1050. Chipley, W. D., 807, 1054. Chisholm, T. O., 275. Chism, James W., 270, 633. Choutard, Charles, 192. Chowning, Herman, 647. Chowning, Ned, 1025. Christian, G. C., 1010. Christian, Wm., 1010. Christopher, Matthew J., 1041. Chrisler, Robert, 603. Chrisman, James S., 40. Chum, Capt., 133. Church, W. C., 582. Churchwell, John C., 687. Clancey, Daniel, 557. Clardy, Henry, 1007. Clardy, Monk, 1007. Clark, Frank, 596. Clark, James C., 861. Clark, fohn, 793. Clark, T., 1030. Clarke, Mrs. Wm. L., 317,318. Clarke, W. E., 809. Clarke, Ruben A., 865. Clarke, Thomas, 565. Clarke, Charles, 125, 127, 132, 134, 137, 139, 142, 882. Clarke, Asahel C., 832. Clarke, Samuel, 675. Clarke, Wm., 787. Clarke, Thomas B., 840. Clarke, Jerome (Sue Mundy), 633. Clarke, Charles J., 769. Clarke, Wm. L., 219, 766. Clarke, Frank, 793. Clarke, Alfred, 653. Clarkson, S. B., 1039. Clarkson, George N., 1039. Clay, Thomas H., 589. Claycomb, Allen, 1039. Clayland, Ed, 616. Clayton, Joseph M., 694. Clayton, Win. T., 695. Clayton, Al, 1010. Clayton, Nat D., 196, 623. Clayton, Ambrose, 776. Cleary, , 859. Cleary, John !>., 832. Cleburne, Gen., 170, 184. 212, 214, 230,. 249, 267, 910. Clements, G., 625. Clements, John, 1016. Clements, Samuel A., 638. Clements, Elisha, 638. Clements, Frank P., 640. Cleveland, John II., 722. Cleveland, James W., 161, 729. Cleveland, , 859. Clifford, L. C., 832. Clifton, J. M., 80, 83, 91, 108. Clore, J. Willis, 695. Cloud, James, 655. Clover, Wm. A., 849. Cluke, Col., 155, 156, 157, 163. Cluskey, Charles, 565. Cobb, Robt. L., 80,83, 87, 92, 109, 112, 122, 124, 125, 135, 145, 148, 153, 154, 158, 160, 162, 164, 171, 177, 185, 189, 192, 193, 194, 196, 198, 199, 2O8, 2IO, 211, 214, 2l6, 219, 231, 240, 245, 250, 862, 863, 1055. Cobb, Howell, 120. Coburn, E. B., 1010. Coburn, A., 1021. Cochrane, James, 702. Cochran, Elijah Dock, 706. Cochran, D. F., 1035. Cockrill, L. C., 713. Gofer, Martin H., 45, 90, 129, 133, 136, 142, 217, 227, 234, 235, 270, 742. Cofer, Mrs. Martin II., 317. Coffee, Jacob, 551. Coffee, Tobey, 662. Coffey, J. A., 551. Coffield, Campbell, 1016. Coffman, Frank, 1010. Coin, James, 1044. Coke, Thomas, 610. Cokle, George, 865. Colbert, Raymond, 997. Colbert, Isaac, 710. Colbert. S. R., 1041. Cole, James II., 785. Cole, Joseph, 654. Cole, Isaac, 702. Cole J. L., 864. Cole, John B., 556. Cole, Ben, 565, 633. Coleman, John, 1000. Coleman, James M., 863, 865. Coleman, W. I)., 850. Coleman, C., 810. Coleman, W. N., 552. Coleman, Robert W., 654. Coleman, J. P., 865. 1068 PERSONAL INDEX. Coleman, H. B., 805. Coleman, John H., 805. Coleman, Preston B., 1042. Collier, James, 7 2 5- Collier, C. M., 1035. Collier, Wm., 725. Collins, James, 1000. Collins, J. L.,825. Collins, A. B., 768. Collins, J. F., 617. Collins, E. J., 610. Collins, S. S., 609. Collins, Briney, 633. Collins, Woodford, 686. Collins, Abram, 551. Collins, H. Scott, 768, 773. Collins, Thomas, 861. Collings, John H., 1030. Collings, Wm. E., 1030. Collings, Isaac, 1030. Collings, Ben, 1029. Colson, Eph., 1044. Colston, Henry C., 68, 793. Colt, John A., 865. Colter, John, 787, 1054. Colvin, J. P., 710. Colvin, R. H., 710. Colvin, Minor, 699. Comer, Wm., 565. Compton, J. F., 798. Conder, W. H., "Chip," 646, 874, 918, 1025, 1056. Conelly, O., 762. Conelly, John, Little Tommie," 58, 681. Conley, John, 565. Connelly, James W., 1030. Connelly, John, 850. Connell, A., 721. Conner, John, 106, 565, 733. Conner, Andrew J., 687. Connor, Ben F., 603. Connor. George W., 222, 693, 1052. Conradt, J. Hughes, 603. Conyer, John M., 1016. Conyers, A. M., 932, 1015. Cook, Thomas B., 222, 693, 723. Cook, Wm., 1052. Cook, James, 675. Cook, John E., 54, 840. Cook, Newton, 832. Cooke, C. C., 633. Cooke, Thomas, 739. Cooley, W. L., 556. Cooley, John, 589. Cooney, Richard, 840. Cooper, Wiley, 714. Cooper, Green, 714. Cooper, J. O., 762. Cooper, Richard, 625. Cooper, S., no, 153. Cooper, Caloway, 714, 1052. Cooper, J. H., 762. Cooper, Green B., 687. Cooper, John, 682. Cooper, John J., 710. Cope, A. C., 712, 1052. Cope.J. R., 755. Coppage, Wm. O., 587. Corbin. George, 810. Gorman, George W., 725. Gorman, Grat, 725. Cornelius. Jesse, 809. Corrington, J. J., ^95. Corwin, Alexander, 865. Cosgrove, Tom, 681. Coston, Henry C., 861. Coulter, D. P., 575, 1050. Counts, John, 699. Courtney, John T., 832. Covington, Thomas H., 647. Cowherd, Theodore, 662, 1051. Cowling, Henry G., 827. Cowper, J. T., 1035. Cox, W. H., 762. Cox, Bradley, 610. Cox, Samuel, 694. Cox, Robert F., 805. Cox, R. F., 746. Cox, Milton B., 704. Cox, W. W.,692. Cox, George W., 705. Cox, William Thomas, 705. Cox, John, 705. Cox, T. L , 603. Cox, Thomas W., 270, 792. Cox, Stinson, 747. Cox, Charles T., 662. Cox, Wm., 861. Cox, James, 1035. Cox, George T., 997. Cox, Henry C., 1020. Coyle, John, 850. Coyle, Patrick, 687. Coyle, Scott, 1022. Crabbe, Nathaniel, 1025. Crabtree, H. R., loio. Crabtree, Cyrus W., 1010. Craddock, John A., 865. Craddock, R. P., 865. Craig, John S., 732. Craig, L. F., 732. Craig, Joseph, 827. Craig, Joseph, 647, 1025. Grain, Moses Nat, 103, 105, 776, 783. Grain, John H., 610, 1050. Cravens, J. C., 1035. Cravens, J. D., 1035. Cravens, W. P., 1035. Crawford, Parker, 832. Crawford, John, 99, 794- Cray, Andrew W., 675. Craycroft, John T., 746, 755, 1053. Craycroft, William E., 566. Crevison, Samuel, 861, 865. Crewdson, Samuel B., 101, 797. PERSONAL INDEX. 10ti9 Cribbs, Edward, 640. Crider, Frank, 865. Crittenden, George B., 57, 62, 70, 76, 80, 86, 169, 174, 175, 181. Croan, R. II., 914, 1021. Crocker, James, 865. Crockett. George A., 654. Crockett, James G., 655, 1051. Crockett, John W., 40, 632. Crockett, Dandridge S., 161,737. Crofton, James, 699. Cromwell, John E., 557. Cromwell, Henry, 634. Cromwell, Stephen C., 1041. Cronan, Andrew, 850. Cronan, Mike, 865. Crook, Silas F., 787. Crosby, C. F., 1035. Cross, James, 68 1. Crossland, Ed, 126, 129, 133, 135, 138. Crosthwaite, Vivian, 565. Crouch, John R., 595. Crouch, Granville, 721. Crouch, J. H., 721. Crouch, N. A., 162, 815. Crouch, Lewis, 865. Crouch, A. D., 675. Croudus, John P., 662. Crow, F. M., 1000. Croxton, H. T., 865. Crum, Beeler, 1000. Crumpton, William, 662. Crumpton, N., 768. Crutcher, Stephen B., 746. Crutcher, William G., 739. Crutcher, Sebe, 746. Crutcher, John, 582. Crutcher, Garrard D., 603. Crutcher, James G., 739. Crutcher, James, 755. Crutchfield, James, 818. Crutchfield, G. W., 1035. Culley, Horace B., 793. Culley, Freland H., 565. Culley, James, 582. Culp, Woodford, 721. Cummins, Joe F., 732. Cummins, Joseph, 732. Cummins, George, 732. Cummins, J. W., 732. Cummins, Robert S.. 732. Cummins, Thomas, 589. Cummings, Squire, 840. Cummings, Daniel, 706. Cummings, Buford, 840. Cundiff, John B., 564. Cunningham, M. C., Jr., 669. Cunningham, John, 666. Cunningham, G. G. , 669. Cunningham, M. C., Sr., 669. Cunningham, E. A., 669. Cunningham, James, 551. Cunningham, J. W., 164, 582. j Cunningham, Pat, 633. ! Cunningham, Jacob H., 1025. | Cunningham, M. J., 1039. ! Churchwell, John C., 687. Curd, Henry M., 194, 848. Curd, John C., 557. Curry, C. Lewis, 1010. Curry, James W., 655. Curtis, G. W., 1045. Cushenberry, J. O., 798. Cutter, John, 1021. Dabney, James W., 805. Dadisman, J. D., 1035. Dadisman, LndM., 747. Daily, L. T., 1039. Daily, Joseph, 582. Dafran, Franc M., 662. Dafran, Morgan, 662. Dafran, John, 662. Dance, Thomas, 699. Dancer, E. C., 818. Daniel, R. T., 692. Daniel, Peter V., 144, 213, 837. Daniels, George D., 865. Dant, James, 655. Darnell, James M., 714. Darnell, Southey W., 655. Darnell, Wm., 662. Darrah, F. M., 863, 865. Darragh, Thomas B., 92, 186, 192, 679. Darst, Robert, 755. Davezac, E. L.,522. Davidson, A. G., 625. Davidson, James, 626. Davidson, James L., 841. Davidson, Thomas J., 128. Davidson, S. P., 1034. Davidson, W. O., 747, 805. Davidson, J. F., 769. Davidson, Fielding W., 776. Davie, Thomas W., 624. Davis, R. L., 1030, 1045. Davis, Wm., 1010. Davis, Moses, 720. Davis, Joseph L., 874, 1033. Davis, G. W., 1046. Davis, W. Ike., 603. Davis, W. B., 755. Davis, F., 1030. Davis, J., 1030. Davis, Perry, 695. Davis, John S., 695. Davis, Hardin, 721. Davis, Sanford, 706. Davis, Philip, 626. Davis, Thomas, 634, 640. Davis, Ben, 850. Davis, Sam, 865. Davis, Wm. F., 850. Davis, B. F., 589. Davis, Jack, 588. Davis, M. L.,663. Davis, W. S., 575. 1070 PERSONAL INDEX. Davis, John C., 596. Davis, Charles II., 603. Davis, John, 588. Davis, A. A., 550. Davis, C. D., 550, 552. Davis, Jeff C., 23, 25, , 144, 168, is, John F., 742, 805, 1053. Davis, R. W., 695. Davis, R. H., 958. Davis, Frank, 695. Davis, Garret, 279. Davis, George, 676. Davis, Alexander B., 863. Davis John W., 557. Daws, Alexander A., 552. Dawson, R., 733. Dawson, Charles, 90, 142, 1053. Dawson, Charles, 787. Dawson, Wra., 794. Dawson, E. R., 655. Dawson, W. H., 655. Dawson, J. W., 1026. Dawson, George, 1026. Dawson, C. H., 787. Dean, S. M., 1016, Debrell, Gen., 119, 956. Decker, Jo., 566. Dedman, Gustavus, 213, 609. Dedman, H. S., 695. Dees, John, 647. Dehane, Henry, 617. Dejarnette, Ben F., 997. Delaney, George T., 918, 1042. Delph, Charles E., 557. Demar, John H., 655. Demar, John T., 861, 865. Demaster, L. D., 582. Dempsey, Wm. G., 681. Dent, E. W.,84O. Denton, Samuel G., 647. Derryberry, Allen, 144, 840. DeSaulles, A. B., 133. Desha, Ben, 85, 830. Desha, Jo, 194, 199, 222, 728, 729. Devers, M., 832. Devin, W. H., 681. Dew, Robert, 667. Dew, W. W., 667. Dew, W. F., 669. Dewese, Sol, 638. Diamond, V. B., 1042. Dickens, James, 1025. Dickens, W. E., 582 Dickerson, J. W., 1045. Dickerson, W., 1046. Dickerson, W. H., 865. Dickerson, William, 861. Dickerson, Ben F., 787. Dickey, W. Frank, 762, 1054. Dickinson, William, 769, 773. Dickinson, M. H., 53. Dickman, John, 850. Diefenback, George, 640. Dietrich, Jo, 1030. Dillard, John, 754. Dillard, R. M., 1007. Diller, J. H.,6i7. Dills, John H., 59, 832 1054. Disney, George, 238, 688. Dix, Philip, 688. Doak, Thomas, 1035. Dobbin, R. S., 841. Dobson, E. L., 662. Dockery, Tucker W., 776. Dodd, Thomas L., 119, 766. Dodd, George B., 776. Dodge, J. W., 617. Dodge, Thaddeus L., 297, 622. Dodge, R., 1046. Dodson, James C., 841. Donaldson, James, 256, 688. Donaldson, J. C., 1007. Donellan, John M., 557. Dongan, K., 699. Donohue, James, 755, 805. Donovan, Mike, 589. Dooley, Robert, 676. Dooley, C. C., 89, 673. Doolittle, Lewis J., 681. Doom, James, 865. Dorman, J. M., 699. Dorman, George S., 1039. Dorn, Julius, 1000. Dorris, S. P., 850. Dorris, E. B., 850. Dorsey, Eli, 997, 1041. Dorsey, Warren, 1000. Dougherty, Thomas, 865. Dougherty, Michael C., 557. Dougherty, H. D., 54, 818. Dougherty, James William, 603. Dougherty, William R., 625, 1052, Downing, Richard T., 557- Downey, James, 1035. Downs, Andrew J., 710. Dowell, John H., 1039. Dowell, Ben G., 1039. Doyle, Lewis, 710. Doyle, George, 810. Doyle, John, 1044. Drake, James, 997. Drake, J. A., 1010. Drake, George W., 832. Drane, John, 776. Draine, Z. T., 865. Drennon, Henry, 582. Drinkard, Frank, 575. Drinkhard, W. J., 1007. Driscoll, Frank M., 776. Drury, John, 818. Duckwall, Isaac, 54, 850. Dudley, B. W., 297, 549. Dudley, Robert L., 634, 863. Dudley, J. R., 865. Dudley, Isham T., 47, 103, 196, 652, I KKSONAL INDEX. 1071 Dudley, 15. A., 865. Duflot, D. D., 582. Duke, Dr. Basil, 301, 692. Duke, Gen. Basil, 154, 155, 157, 162, 163, 956. Duke, C. C., 783, 799. Dulaney, Robert K., 603. Dulaney, farmer, 566. Dunaway, James, 710. Duncan, G. \V.,278. Duncan, L. L., 755. Duncan, Alex V., 743, 1053. Duncan, Thomas G., 743, 1053. Duncan, Hab, 747. Duncan, Frank, 1016. Duncan, R. S., 1046. Dunlap, R., 1026. Dunlap, C. S., 1007. Dunn, Robert, 85, 196, 679. Dunn, E. E., 810. Dunn, Robert, 733. Dunn, John, 810. Dunn, William, 655. Dunn, \V. G., 1046. Dunn, Sam, 865. Dunn, G. W., 1030. Dupin, John H., 1042. Dupoyster, Thomas C., 552. Durbin, Al, 818. Durbin, J. H., 794. Durham, R. P., 661. Durham, John, 1024. Durham, Jesse \V., 776, 783. Durossett, Jack W., 589. Durossett, James, 676. Durrett, W. L., 667. Durr, Alexander, 695. Duvall, Marine, 566. Duvall Cornelius, 655. Duvall, Wm. H., 564. Duvall Miles A., 1030. Dye, C. M., 1008. Dye, Jesse B., 1042. Dyer, Thomas M., 1004. Dyer, Wm., 840. Dyer, M. V., 841. Dyer, John William, 874, 959, 1004, 1041 ; quoted 286, 876. Dyre, Thomas J., 786. Dyson, R. B., 552. Eales, Samuel J., 7 2 3> 1052. Bales, H. T., 723. Earles, John H., 762. Earnest, J. A. J., 733. East, J., 865. East, J. T., 865. Eastburn, j. C., 1035. Eastes, Otho, 762. Eaves, Henry, 725. Eaton, Joseph H., 515. Eaton, T. T., 515. Eckford, Joseph W., 297, 622. Eddins, Ben, 1010. Eddins, Brown, 1010. Eddings, Hiram, 1042. Eddings. Frank, 647. Edelin, J. J., 756. Edelin, James B., 582. Edmonds, J. P., 797. Edimmsor,, W. C.,8io. Edmunson, John W., 810. Edmunson, D., 810. Edwards, Charles. 850. Edwards, Sandy T. , 774. Edwards, J., 866. Edwards, S. H., 165, 552. Edwards, A. F., 699. Edwards, John, 818. Edwards, David, 769. Edwards, , 617. Edwards, Lodge, 582. Edwards, E. R., 552. Edwards, John W., 552, 703. Edwards, JohnL., 688. Egbert, J. O., 564. Egnew, A. J., 589. Ehrman, Alfred, 557. Eidson, W. B., 669. Eisert, L. P., 6 17. Elder, Guy, 1014, 1033. Eldridge, Jesse, 714. Eldridge, Joshua, 713. Elgin, Gano A., 604. Elkin, John, 582. Elmore, Seth B., 776. Elmore, John H., 776. Elmore, John Vincent, 783. Elliott, John W., 40. Elliott, , 996. Elliott, E. P., 144, 850. Elliott, H. E., 626. Ellis, James, 696. Ellis, Wm., 739. Ellis, John, 653. Ellis, Thomas H., 816, 1054. Ellis, D. W., 762. Ellis, Henry Clay, 603, 715, 1052. Ellis, Wm. T., 874, 944, 960, 997, 1015. Ellis, R. F., 1046. Ellis, Capt., 1004. Ellis, Leander, 695. Ellis, Wm., 739. Ellington, James William. 706. Ellison, M. W., 647. Ellison, Davis ("Shaker"), 1022. Ellison, James, 655. Elliston, H. P.,8i8. Emerson, Garret. 640. Emerson, James V., 557. Emerson, G. W., 610. Emerson, Judd, 776. Emmick, George, 997. English, Addison, 998. English, A. S., 1015. English, E. H., 1014. 1072 PERSONAL INDEX. English, H., 865. English, Jack M., 566. English, J. M., 753- Erskine, James R., 998, 1042. Essex, George S., 755, 787. Estep, William T., 548, 601. Estep, B. Winslow, 603. Estes, Allen H., 944, 997, 1042. Estes, W. W., 997, 1042. Estes, William H., 769, 773. Estes, Thomas, 997. Estes, Ab, 997, 1041. Estill, Steve, 242, 604. Estill, John Steve, 144, 833. Etheridge, W. E., 866. Evaleth, G. H., 582. Evans, James, 1010. Evans, F. T., 566. Evans, Thomas, 833. Evans, J., 1046. Evans, J. W., 841. Evans, Frank, 755. Evans, Coleman, 71-0. Evans, R. J., 566. Evans, Alexander, 150. Eveleth, George H., 588. Everett, Sam D., 674. Ewing, George W., 40. Ewing, J. D-, 1016, 1055. Exum, J. K., 655. Ezell, G. M., 666. Fagan, James, 617. Fahey, John, 604. Faith, George, 686. Falkerson, A., 370. Fannin, Milton G., 706. Fanning, Jeffrey, 647. Farrier, Henry, 866. Farmer, W. B. H., 805. 1010. Farmer, Hiram, 711. Farmer, R. E., 841. Farmhalls, Peter, 682. Farrell, John, 611. Faughender, James II., 826. Faughm, S. P. B., 670. Faulkner, William L., 699. Faulkner, Pleasant L., Sn. Faulkner, H. S., 552. Faulkner, F. M., 1016. Fechtstrawn, James, 861 Fee, Elijah, 583. Fehaney, Thomas, 688 Felker, George, 617- Fenwick, George, 641. Ferguson, Hayden, 712. Ferguson, William J., 706. Ferguson, S. S., 699 Ferguson, Franc M., 699. Ferguson, H. E., 776. Ferguson, F. M., 670. Ferguson, Len, 615. Ferguson, J. O., 669. Ferguson, John L., 706. Ferguson, Walter F., 557. Fiddler, Jordan, 610. P ield, Thomas M., 783. Fields, Perry D., 694. Fields, Jeff, 676. Fields, John, 1016. Fields, James, 866. Fields, John, 833. Fife, William, 851. Figg, James, 788. Fight, Joseph, Sr., 725. Fight, Joseph, Jr., 725. Fightmaster, John, 833. Finch, J. B., 810. Finn, Richard P., 797, 1053. Finnell, Benjamin, 604. Finnie, Daniel, 1004. Fischinger, Louis, 634. Fish, Henry C., 702. Fish, Thomas E., 604. Fish, John, 711. Fishback, William N., 730. Fisher, William J., 626. Fisher, James R., 626. Fisher, Thompson, 626. Fisher, Victor F., 566. Fisher, Mark, 841. Fisher, H. J., 841. Fisher, A. G., 841. Fisher, Jo, 841. Fisher, T. M., 783, 799. Fitzgerald, Pat, 292, 617. Fitzhenry, James M., 89, 637. Fitzhenry, Charles, 641. Fitzhenery, Sam, 641. Fitzpatrick, William P., 596. Fletcher, Wiley P., 810. Fletcher, William C., 688. Fleming, L., 583. Flincham, William, 703. Floor, Jordan, 756. Flowers, J. N., 841. Flowers, Cager W., 575- Floyd, Henry, 739. Floyd, John, 576. Floyd, Samuel, 576. Floyd, Elijah, 788. Flusser, Guy, 1001, 1014. Flynn, William O., 617. Fogarty. J. G., 634, 861. F gg, J onn > 76- Fogle, George, 567. Fogle, Richard, 696. Fogle, Jacob M., 699. Fogle, John M.,733- Foote, Commodore, 63. Forbes, William II., 688. Forbes, James, 688. Forbis, William W., 626. Fore, Lemuel, 738. Force, George W., 747- Ford, Mrs. Francis, 278. Ford, Ben F., 558. PERSONAL INDKX 1073 Pord, R. S., 563. Ford, Fulton, 566. Ford, C. L., 587. Ford, S. H., 40. Ford, W. T., 634. Ford, Joseph, 610. Ford. T. II., 799. Ford, James W., 825. Ford, Isaac, 1004. Ford, B. F., 1046. Forman, Arthur T., 297, 549. Forman, Fielding, 825. Forman, J. B., 747. Forman, Jack M., 1030. Forman, Samuel T., 88, 679. Forrest, Bedford, 80, 151, 205, 214, 219, 881, 886, 888, 892, 904. Fort, T. E., 1007. Fortinberry, James L., 851, Foster, J. Cj., 670. Foster, John, 703. Forsythe, James, 699. Fouch, William, 714. Foulks, James G., 810. Fourqueran, B., 810. Fowler, A. P., 144. Fowler, Robert T., 576. Fowler, W. L., 1046. Fowler, A. J., 1046. Fowler, Henry J., 733. Fox, John, 851. Fox, Amos. 747, 1052. Fox, Robert, 676. Fox, William, 818, Fralich, Marion, 866. France, John M., 810. Francioli, Charles, 626. Franklin, R., 747. Franklin, John, 706. Franklin, William W., 225, 776, 783, 1052. Franks, J. D., 716. Frazee, William, 583. Frazier, L. F.. 566. Frazier, Jordan M., 609. Frazier, Albert, 688. Frazier, Joseph A., 611. Frazier, William, 557. Frazier, Jerome, 558. Frazier, W. II., 1029. Frederick, Samuel, 1001. Freeburg, Charles, 144, 851. Freeman, William A., 589. Freeman, Edwin J., 756. Freeman, Terah M., 558. Freeman, Leonard D.. 1001, 1022. French, Alexander, 866. French, Ben, 1042. French, Nick, 676, Friend, Jacob, 861. Frisby, Jasper, 706. Fritz. Peter, 144, 851. Fritz, Henry, 587. 68 Froman, David, 611. Froman, Ben, 611. Frost, Cornelius, 703. Frost, George, 864, 866. Fry, Henry W., 818. Fryar, Beverly M., 733. Fryar, Jack, 696. Fryar, J. W., 747. Fugate, John, 706. Fugate, Isaac, 703. Fugate, John D., 703. Fuller, L. P., 1030. Fuller, Hawkins, 706. Funk, Frank, 756. Funk, Henry E., 725. Fuqua, L. A., 866. Fuqua, John II., 811. Fuqua, J. O., 133. Fussar, J. J., 1035. Gaar, Presley, 1001. Gable, Henry, 725. Gaddie, T. D., 552. Gafford, John P., 661. Gage, James, 617. Gaines, J. K., 785. Gaines, J. T., 24, 737. Gaines, Wm. A., 944. Galbreath, W. A., 1030. Galbraith, George, 589. Gale, Marion, 716. Gallaher, George, 567. Gait, W. H., 1014, 1055. Galloway, Thomas, 769. Galloway, C. T., 783. Galvin, John, 611. Gant, J. V., 670. Gardiner, Wm. J., 1005, 1055. Gardner, J. M., 1039. Gardner, John, 583. Garner, H. B., 1008. Garner, Wm., 688. Garnett, Wm. H., 720. Garnett, W. W., 1008. Garnett, V. A., 1008. Garnett, J. J., 1030. Garr, Hiram, 852. Garr, Thomas B., 1033, 1036. Garr, J. Polk, 1036. Garrett, Mathew, 689. Garrett, Samuel W., 558. Garrett, S. W., 634. Garrigus, Lewis C., 689. Garrity, James, 1039. Garvin, Hal V., 769. Gary, James, 576. Gates, John, 819. Gatewood, Lewis, 648. Gatewood, T. B , 617. Gatlin, A., 1046. Gathright. Rich O., 1001. Gathright, John R., 1001. Gaton, fohn, 851* Gavin, John, 275, 783, 799. 1074 PERSONAL INDEX. Gay, E. H., 552. Gay, Joseph M., 550, 552. Gayle, J. W., 550, 552. Gayle, Marion, 716. Gayley, Charles \V., 551, 552. Geiger, James, 634, 1005. Gentry, John, 747. Gentry, Napoleon B., 747, 805. Gentry, T. V., 805. Gentry, John B., 805. Gentt, John A., 663. George, Joseph, 656. George, Wm. E., 558. George, Richard, 1017. Gervers, Francis A., 819. Gee, A. J., 842. Gibbs, Robert T., 1036. Gibbon, George B., 805. Gibbony, Thomas, 788. Gibson, D. H., 799. Gibson, D. M., 583. Gibson. R. L., 186, 189, 215. Gibson, Albert G., 860. Gibson, George F., 770. Gibson, L. H., 552. Gibson, James, 769. Gibson, R., 1026. Gibson, H. L., 576. Gifford, Henry, 733. Gilbert, A. H., 842. Gilchrist, Samuel, 641. Giles, Thomas, 1026. Gill, Wm. S., 769, 783, 1054. Gillen, John, 648. Gillerlan, Wm., 626. Gillespie, Henry H., 851. Gillespie, Miles C., 676. Gilley, John, 583. Gilliland, John H., 1033, 1036. Gilliss. T. S., 788. Gillock, Hez, 777. Gillock, F. G. R., 769. Gillock, James M., 626. Gillock, William H., 626, 769. Gillock, James, 777. Gillum, John W., 90, 145, 220, 808. Gillum, T. E., 811. Gillum, W. H.,8n. Gilmore, J. M., 1030. Gilmore, Wm., 558. Gilvin, E. L., 596. Gist, J. W., 1010. Given, S. G., 842. Givens, Richard, 1010. Givens, Nat, 1010. Givens, Alex, 1010. Glasscock, Wm., 567. Glasscock, J., 1046. Glasscock, Wm., 833. Glasgow, C. L., 756. Glasgow, Thomas, 676. Glasgow, Frank, 733- Glasgow, Wm., 756. Glass, W. R., 866. Glass, J. M., 1026. Glass, Owen, 861. Glore, Wm., 739. Glover, John B., 618. Gobin, James W., 634, 866. Goddard, W. A., 1026. Golden, John, 851. Gooch, James, 7 2 5- Good, Peter, 851. Goodjoin, M. C., 550, 552. Goodknight, Thomas M., 797, 1053. Goodman, William, 583. Goodman, Frank M., 583. Goodwin, William, 688. Gordon, Stephen H., 866. Gordon, Barnett, 648. Gordon, Thomas B., 706. Gordon, Robert, 604. Gordon, Stephen D., 589. Gordon, Elisha Smoot, 558. Gordon, Mason, 1036. Gordon, Gilbert, Jo6. Gordon, J. R., 800. Gordon, Lawrence, 648. Gordon, D. B., 842. Gordon, L. D., 866. Gordon, John, 647. Gordon, J. B., 842. Gordon, J. S., 799. Gordon, Neal, 706. Gore, Joshua, 295. Gorham, Charles, 811. Gorham, John, 647. Gosney, L., 699. Gossett, William, 576. Gosson, John, 851. Gough, C., 634. Gough, William Henry, 641. Gough, William, 1004. Grace, G. E., 670. Grace, Richard, 670. Gracey, Francis P., 214, 231, 240, 863, 1055- Grafton, C. R., 918, 1029. Graham, Alonzo W., 1001. Graham, M. B., 654. Graham, John S., 75^- Graham, H. C., 811. Grainger, Andrew, 1005. Grainger, William L., 1010. Grainger, Gervais D., 275, 799> IO 54- Grainger, George, 851. Grainger, A. S., 799- Grant, Alexander, 682. Grant, U. S., 75, 82, 108, 207, 230, 883, 947, 956- Grant, J. E. B., 634. Grant, J. Aleck, 1044. Grant, Samuel, 676. Gramor, Albert, 144. Graves, Dan C., 656. Graves, J. J., 656. 1 KKSOXAL INDEX. 1075 Graves, Robert .,851. Graves, Robert H., 558. Graves, Rice E., 46, 64, 66, 68, 71, 74, 148, 150, 185, 188, 190,211, 860. Gray, John, 1046. Gray, Samuel, 92, 103. Gray, G., 866. Gray, Henry \V., 806. Gray, W. M.. 1030. Gray, Norborne G., 819, 1054. Gray, Isaac, 696. Gray, Drakeford, 733. Gray, L., 1030. Grear, Ross, 747. Green, John W., 273, 819, 1055. Green, John W., 715. Green, J. J., 696. Green, James, 716. Green, H. S., 737, 1052. Green, Henry, 641. Green, R. C., 866. Green, Richard, 827. Green, John P., 703. Green, Elias, 682. Green, L. P., 866. Greenwell, H. B., 1039. Greenwell, William, 641. Greenwell, George, 998. Greenwell, T. S., 1039. Greenwood, J. W., 699. Greenwood, W. II., 699. Greenwood, F. \V., 1039. Greenwood, G. F., 1039. Greer, Isaac J., 777. Greer, Ross, 747, 805. Greer, J. P., 1011. Greer, James, 998. Gregory, James II., 588. Gregory, John, 783, 800. Gregory, T. B., 5/6. Gregory, Ed, 838, 1054. Gregory, Felix, 863. Gregory, F. G., 866. Gresham, M., 670. Gresham, J. W., 866. Grime, \Villiam, 788. Griffin, Jesse E.. 783, 800. Griffin, James, 842. Griffin, Andrew, 596. Griffin, J. D., 596. Griffin, John G., 637. Griffin, F. M., 1017. Griffin, Turner, 689. Griffith, John C., 558. Griffith, Newton L., 1001, 1022. Griffith, Joseph, 1001. Griffith, Jacob W., 906, 926, 977, 999, 1014. Griffith, William, 1017. Griffith, Thomas R., 1001, 1022. Grigsby, J. Warren, 896, 912, 929, 934- Grinstead, Thomas J., 777. Grinter, D. W., 8n. Grissom, T. C., 762. Grooms, Frosty, 1017. Gross, A. J., 841, 1054. Gross, Thomas, 703. Gross, , 589. Gross, Samuel, 703. Grubbs, William H., 8ll. Grubbs, Samuel, 8n. Grudinger, M., 866. Gudgel, William, 788. Gudgell, Elijah, 1026. Guill, John W., 648. Guilliam, James T., 682. Guilliam. Ed B., 682. Gullett, \Vm. \V., 711. Guthrie, James, 747, 805. Guthrie, James T., 567. Gunnels, A. W., 866. Gwinn, John W., 7 I 5- Gwinn, William, Jll. Gwinn, Richard, 676. Gwynn, George R., 55 2 * Gwynn, R., 1008. Ilackely, Oscar, 611. Ilackett, Neill, 739. Hackett, S., 1036. Hackley, John W., 788. Hackley, S. O. C., 611. Hadden, B. F., ion. Haddix. W. A., 703. Haddix, James, 703. Haddix, Hiram, 703. Ilafer, John, IOOI. I lagan, William, 820. Hagan, Alexander, 1023. Hagan^ Ed, 819. Hagar, J. J., 783, 800. Hager, Hillary, 1005. Hagerman, William, 805. Hagerman, W. II., 748. Hagerman, S., 1036. Hagerman, S. G., 567. Hague, R. M., 144. Haight, F. M., 1031. Haile, Thomas N., 552. Haines, F. M., 783, 800. Haines, J. W., 777. Halbert, B. V., 1026. Haldeman, William B., 842, 1054. Hale, , ion. Hale, Lieut.-Col., 80, 83, 108. Hale D., 670. Hales, Henry J., 552. Haley, Dennis, 656. Haley, Ernest, 852. Hall, Caleb, 1011. Hall, B. H., 307. Hall, Henry L., 734. Hall, O.J., 754. Hall, Thornton, ion. Hall, William, 998. Hall, Virgil S., 626. 1076 PERSONAL INDEX. Hall, Joseph, 827. Hall, A. J., 663. Hall, Isaiah, 711. Hall, Henderson, ion. Hall, Harmon, 1017. Hall, Henry C, 627. Hall, Joseph G , 54, 826. Hall, Charles E., 558. Hall, Virgil, 589. Hall, Malen, 676. Hall, George F., 682. Hall, William, 703. Hall, Philip, 676. Hall, Andrew J., 656. Hallem, James R., 618. Halliburton, Mrs., 165. Halliday.T. F., 866. Halliday, B. F., 866. Halt, H. C., 133. Ham, E., 663. Hamilton, William, 733. Hamilton, Isaiah ("Belzie"), 1022. Hamilton, Henry, 861. Hamilton, W. H., 763. Hamilton, Alexander, 1005. Hamilton, Wm. B., 128. Hamilton, S. W., 867. Hamilton, Jacob, 833. Hamlin, John, 783. Hammond, William H., 605. Hammond, N. B., 605. Hammond, Richard E., 552. Hampton, J. W., 842. Hampton, Wade, 952. Hancock, Marion, 633. Hancock, B. F., 634. Hancock, James, 641. Hancock, Mark, 639. Hancock, Tabor, 648. Hancock, Thomas, 635. Hancock, John H., 951, 1022. Hancock, J. B., 1024. Hancock, H., 656. Hancock, C. B., 866. Handy, Daniel L., 589. Handy, Clabe D., 783. Handley, James, 686. Handley, Francis M., 576, 1050. Haney, James M., 707. Haney, Ira, 711. Haney, Coleman, 711. Hangley, James, 734. Hanks, D. G., 6n, 788. Hanks, John M., 611. Hanks, S. James, 609. Hanley, Madison D., 711. Hanlon, John, 950, 1022. Hanna, T. F., 1008. Hanner, Thomas, 552. Hansbrough, J. E., 1030. Hanson, R. W., 22, 45, 63, 66, 68, 71, 75, 148, 151, 158, 159, 165, 170, 175, 180, 193, 196, 200, 548. Hanson, Mrs. Roger W.. 317, 318. Hanson, Isaac, 596. Harbolt, Jo, 794. Hardaway, Oscar, 809 Hardee, Lieut. -Gen., 187, 192, 205, 222, 224, 233, 243, 248, 256, 259, 261, 263, 265, 267, 269, 282, 887, 897, 929, 936, 95 2 - Hardester, W. O., 611. Hardesty, Henry, 641. Hardesty, Benjamin, 1017. Hardesty, James C., 1017. Hardie, W. J., 1045. Hardin, Gen., 80, 81, 82, 86, 89, 124, 169. Hardin, John. 833. Hardin, W. H., 748. Hardin, Alfred, 1005. Hardin, Valentine, 748. Hardin, J. R., 700. Hardin, Miss Lizzie, 316. Hardin, Silas D., 648, 1026. Harding, W. L., 808. Harding, Edward B., 90, 161, 615, 1050. Harding, James B., 682. Hardison, W. T., 812. Hardman, Henry, 696. Hardy, Frank, 792. Hardy, William H., 1026. Hardy, Alfred, 1022. Hardwick, Joseph, 1021. Hargan, James, 791. Hargrove, Henry, 1045. Harlan, John M., 60. Harlan, James, 60. Harley, James H., ion. Harley, James. 998. Harlow, William F., 626. Harman, B. F., ion. Harman, R., 1046. Harmon, James M., 852. Harned, Henry S., 272, 794. 1054. Harned, Ach L., 794, 1053. Harned, Frank, 133, 141, 272, 791. Harned, William, 792. Harned, John, 794. Harned, William Lee, 85, 791. Harness, John, 663. Harp, James A., 1031. Harp, J. M., 1036. Harper, George, 812. Harper, Frank, 648. Harper, R., 866. Harrington, Owen, 577. Harris, Gabriel C., 558. Harris, Lem R., 604. Harris, John P., 627. Harris, William, 559. Harris, H. H., 101, 144, 825. Harris, William P., 827. Harris, H. H. , 827. Harris, Andrew, 757. 1 KKSOXAL INDEX. 1077 Harris, John, IOOI, IO22. Harris, Cicero, 898, 917, 1001, 1022. Harris, Lewis, 834. Harrison, David, 918, 998, 1017. Harrison, A. J., 852. Harrison, Thomas, 899, 912. Harrison, George, 788. Harrison, W. G., 805. Harrod, John, 1036. Harson, William B., 605. Hart, Mrs., 165. Hart, Richard, 820. Haskall, Charles A.. 572, 1050. Haskins, Robert A., 634. Hastings, Peter, 795- Hatcher, I,. T., 663. Hatcher, Thomas II., 763. Hatcher, William A., 763. Hathaway, Albert M., 686. Hathaway, John A., 696. Hatton, Hiram, 703. Havens, William F., 707. Hawes, W. F., 996. Hawes., Samuel B., 593. Hawes, J. F. , 199, 867. Hawes, Cary N., 150. Hawes, J. M., 108, no, 114, 548. Hawes, A. G., 1017. Hawkins, G., 1036. Hawkins, Robert S., 1036. Hawkins, Hiram, 220, 222, 228, 255, 282, 370, 692. Hawkins, E. B , 833. Hawkins, T. T., 48, 93, 109, no, 150. Hawkins, Waller W., 656, 1051. Hawkins, William K., 656. Hawkins, Elisha, 734. Hawkins, JohnTilford, 724, 1052. Hawkins, Thomas, 738. Hawkins, William Wallace, 692, 707. Hawley, Van, 864. Hay, D. C., 827. Hayden, William H., 761. Hayden, James M.. 721. Hay-den, Nehemiah, 842. Hayden, Otho, 842. Hayden, A. J., 843. Hayden, W. *S., 724. Hayden, William D., 721. Hay den, H. B., 689. Hayden, James, 689. Haydon, James, 1024. Hayman, Henry, 793. Haynes, Samuel, 959. Haynes, II. N., 844. Haynes, John, 1026. Hayes, J. W., 550. Hays Samuel K., 548, 604. Hays William J., 549, 552. Hays James Clay, 791. Hays Gabriel, 713. Hays Robert, 843. Hays J. W., 550, 552. Hays, Thomas H., 43, no, 204, 742. Hays, Jack, 567. Hays, Richard, 567. Hays, A. B., 552. Hays, Dempsey, 1045. Hays, Hercules, 794. Hays, Daniel, 272, 703. Hays, John A., 272, 703. Hazelwood, William H., 770. Head, A. M., 926, 951, 955. 1000, 1020, 1055. Head, T.D., 717. Head, R. R., 567. Head, Mike, 842. Head, James B., ion. Head John, 820. Head, John D., 1009. Head, Daniel, ion. Heady, Mike, 1036. Heady, Walter, 1036. Heady, R. B., 1030. Headley, John W., 1009, 1055. Hearne, John W., 588. Hearne, David S., 588. Hearne, James R., 716. Heath, W. L., 635. Heaton, William, 635. Ileaton, W. L., 635. Pledger, S., 833. Hedger, William, 833. Hedger, Robert, 739. Hedger, James, 833. Hedger, Thomas, 833. Hedger, N. F., 833. Hedges, William. 639. Hedges, Henry, 805. Hedges, Robert, 1005. Helder, George, 618. Helm, Rufus, 770. Helm, Charles W., 151, 228, 548. Helm, Joseph, 805. Helm, James H., 552. Helm, Tom C., 770, 773, 1054. Helm, Ben Hardin, 46, 80, 108, no, 116, 124, 129, 134, 147, 204, 205, 210, 216, 218, 220, 224, 228, 873, 875, 880, 882, 938, 995. Helm, Mrs. Ben Hardin, 317, 318, 893. Henderson, John H., 852. Henderson, G. W., 1046. Henderson, A. Jeff, 777. Hendersen, J. D., 577. Hendricks, Elijah N., 558. Hendricks, Cornelius M., 64, 558. Hendricks, Harry, 827. Hendricks, S. H., 596. Hendricks, G. W.. 696. Hendrickson, L. V., 770. Hendrix, Stephen H., 559. Henissee, Jerry, 641. Hennessy, John, 634. Hennessey, Jerry, 689. 1078 PERSONAL INDEX. Hennessey, John, 207, 861, 866. Hennessey, Mike, 861, 866. Henning, Albert, 1017. Henry, O., 820. Henry, Thomas, 1042. Henry, John W., 144, 833. Henry, Hugh, 673, 1052; quoted, 272. Henry, William, 734. Henry, William, 860, 1055. Henry, W. F., 811. Henry, Edwin V., 707. Henry, Patrick, 77- Henry, Thomas J., 704, 1052. Henry, Lewis, 711. Henry, Walter S., 707. Hensley, J. T., 717. Hensley, Willis, 583. Hensley, Fulton, 676. Henton, John, 756, 805. Henton, William, 756. 805. Herald, Riley, 670. Herald, Benjamin, 866. Herbst, Charlie, 325, 604, 1050. Herd, Elijah, 701. Herd, Romanus, 642. Herman, Temp M., 866. Herndon, Samuel Z., 918, 1024. Herndon, Edward, 717. Herndon, John M., 648, 874, 1024, 1056. Herold, Joseph, 711. Herr, Wallace, 54, 205, 220, 874, 878, 895, 1001, 1023. Herr, Julius, 852. Herrick., George, 1036. Herrick, J. M., 1030. Herring, David, 811. Herrington, W. J., 800. Herrington, Tullius C., 797. Herrington, Henry, 733. Herrington, D. C., 800. Herron, Elisha, 1017. Herron, E., ion. Herron, Rock, 852. Herron, Albert, 757. Hester, Robert H., 852. Hester, G. M. D., 8n. Hester, B. L., 807. Hester, Moses H., 811. Hester, B. L.,3OO. Hetrick, A., 866. Heustis, Dr., 192, 199,215. Hewes, Henry E., 827. Hewitt, Virgil, 792, 1053. Hewitt, Daniel M., 763. Hewitt, R. E., 594. Hewitt, Fayette, 205, 217, 224, 228, 251, 272. Hewitt, James W., 43, no, 158,161, 193, 197, 213, 217, 225, 548. Heydeck, A. G., 867. Hibbs, William, 794. Hibler, George M., 594. Hickey, Thomas, 682. Hickman, Ben, 739. Hickman. E. A., 733. Hickman, Edward, 663. Hicks, Lewis B., 618. Hicks, William H., 144,833. Hicks, Robert H., 552. Hieronymus, W. II.. 656. Higdon, Thomas, 1017. Higdon, Joshua, 627. Higdon, J., 770. Higdon, James B., 756. Higdon, Frank, 756. Higdon, J. A., 763. Higgins, W. M., 559. Higgins, Joel, 73, 164, 555. Higgins, C., 567. Higginson, Cy H., 196, 638, 1051. Higginson, Green F., 641. Higgs, Thomas A., 632, 1052. Hildreth, James, 864, 866. Hill, G. H., 210, 211, 212, 214, 216, 283. Hill, Wm., 65, 587. Hill, George W., 833. Hill, O. P., 827. Hill, Wm. S. B., 272, 794, 1053. Hill, J. S.,.820. Hill, John F., 707. Hill, Wm. McE., 635. Hill, James A., 794. Hill, Homer, 1017. Hindi, G. W., 1030. Hindman, Robert J., 763, 1053. Hindman, James A., 760, 1053. Hind, Thomas, 858. Hines, Alexander T., 825, 1055. Hines, , 552, 1011. Hinkle, John R., 805, 1001, 1014, 1022. Hinkle, John S., 1000, 1015. Hinton, George W., 596. Hite, John W., 596. Kite, Thomas J., 641. Hite, Wm. O., 559, 596. Hite, Thomas, 1005. Hite, William, 641. Hixon, Thomas, 682. Hobbs, Helm, 748. Hobbs, Samuel, 812. Hocker, M. Elston, 757, 805, 1001. Hockman, G. A., 1039. Hodge, George B., 40, 48, 83, 93, 103, 109, no, 88 1. Hodge, II. P., 624. Hodge, Richard, 734. Hodge, S., 670. Hodgkinson, Wm. B., 552. Hoffhimier, Sam, 1031. Hoffler, J. W., 583, 1050. Hoffler, T., 1030. Hoffman, W. R., 833. Hogan, R. M., 812. 1 KRSONAL INDEX 1079 Hogan, John T., 863. Hogg, John T., 587. Hoglan, Richard, 567. Hogland, Joseph. 563. Hogwood, John T., 596. Hoket, \Vm., ion. Holland, A. S., 589. Holland, A., 866. Holland, G. W., 552. Holcomb, W. F.,842. Holliday, Frank, 663. Holman, James B., 194, 774. Holman, Wm. T., 1017. Holman. Thomas, IOII. Holmes, Lewis, 689. Holmes, J. C., 576. Holmes, George N., 995. Hooe, John, 921. Hood, Gen., 24, 233. 247, 248, 261, 269, 944, 952. Holt, John R., 996. Holtensburgh, L., 144. Holtshouser, D. W., 816. Holtshouser, J. C., 819. Holsclasv, John, 794. Hope, Ambrose. 748. Hope, John, 800. Hope, A. D.. 805. Hope, John S.. 109, 127, 151, 593. Hopewell, F. M., 1030. Hopkins, Moses J.. 677. Hopkins, T. H., 576. Hopkins, J. B., 800. Hopson, Thomas W., 866. Hopton. A. W., 851. Hord, Edward, 1036. Hord, Wm., 1042. Horn, L. C., 834. Hornbaker, A. O., 611. Hornbeck, S. A., 1030, 1055. Home, Thomas M., 161, 549. Home, Henry, 552. Hoskins, John, 794. Hoskins, Thomas F., 820. Hotchkiss, Thomas R., 860. Houghland, John, 748, 1036. Houghland, Martin E., 558. Hounshell, Andrew J., 713. HouseJ Joshua, 677. House, James H., 550, 552. Howard, Terry, 689. Howard, Cub, 842. Howard, John T., 589. Howard, T. Y., 1017, 1055. Howard. Thomas J., 597. Howarth, J. H., 596. Howe, William, 656. Howe, Charles, 656 Howe, Robert, 605. Howerton, Matthew J., 707. Howell, John L., 1004, 1040. Howell, D. P., 144. Howell, Chester, 834. Howell, Harrison, 1042. Howell, Walker, 1042. Hewlett, J. W., 864. Howsley. Henry P., 567. Hubbard, G. C., 137, 138, 140, 142. Hubbs, William, 795. Huckaby. Joshua, 770. Hudgens, John, 642. Hudson, Thomas, 739. Hudson, Paddy, 657. Hudson, G. Marsh, 777. Hudson, John G., 53, 90, 108, 773. Huey, James K., 881, 1009, 1055. Huft", John, 794. Huffman, H. J., 626. Huffman, Mrs. Lyter, 315. Huffman. Reuben, 627. Huffman, Philip, 1008. Hughard, Alexander, 998. Hughes, John Ben, 748. Hughes, W. G., 635. Hughes, David C., 126, 134, 228, 685. Hughes, Samuel G., 997, 1040. Hughes, H., 670. Hughes, William H., 1042. Hughes, James, 104^. Hughes, Capt., 126, 134. Hughes, Ed., 635. Hughes, Z., 667. Hughes, T., 1046. Hughes, John H., 144, 852. Hughes, F. M., 670. Hughes, Logan, 627. Hughes, II., 1030. Hughes, J. F., 1030. Hughey, II., 866. Hull, A. J., 1026. Hull, Andrew J.. 656. Hulcee, Harrison, 657. Humble, Uriah, 604. Humes, George W., 788. Humphrey, James, 627. Humphrey, Rawls E.. ion. Humphrey, Ben, ion. Humphreys, Samuel, 711. Humphries, Cassius, 733. Humphries, Andrew, 721. Humphries, H. D., 1039. Hunnicutt, Jeff, 576. Hunt, Wilson, 721. Hunt, Thomas H., 45, 47, 54, 83, 89, 90, 91, 104, 112, 114, 115, 116, 124, 134, 154, 158, 159, 161, 165, 185, 189, 192, 194, 198, 204, 222, 276, 278, 806. Hunt, J. W., 800. Hunt, James, 852. Hunt, J. C., 700. Hunter, Isaac, 8l I. Hunter, William, 559. Hunter, James, 820, 863. Hunter, Henry, 700. Hunter, R. S. ( 1015. 1080 PERSONAL INDEX. Huntley, Ira, 711. Kurd, W. S., 721. Hurley, Frank, 597. Hurley, George, 866. Hurst, Henry C., 748. Hurt, G. W., 573. Huston, James, 820. Huston, Josiah, 820. Hutchen, Virginius, 635, 1051 ; quoted, 239, 270, 291. Hutchenson, O. H. r 1022. Hutcherson, Cy, 52, 880. Hutchings, J., 1046. Hutchins, A., 1046. Hutchins, I. H., 1031. Hutchins, J. H., 1045. Hutchins, J. P., 1031. Hutchinson, Z. R., 656. Hutton, C. G., 866. Hyatt, George A., 866. Hyatt, W. H., 634. Hynes, Andrew R., 83, 91, 105, 464, 622. Ingram, F. P., 671. Ingram, James, 630. Ingram, Columbus, 721. Ingram, Samuel, 1031. Ingraham, W., Parker, 834. Innis, Robert H., 586. Innis, James P., 559- Irby, Jesse, 577. Ireland, Thomas A., 1024, 1055. Ireland, Thomas D., 874, 997, 1041, 1056. Irvine, Henry C., 660. Irwin, Rush, 1015. Isaacs, Richard H., 880, 999. Israel, William, 717. Iverson, Gen., 282. Ivey, Charles C., 594. Jabine, Eugene, 567. Jack, Thomas M., 158. Jackman Joseph, 567. Jackman, John S., 820, 1054; quoted, 1 20. Jackson, W. E., 553. Jackson, Joseph L,., 827. Jackson, E. M., 577. Jackson, B. Frank, 618. Jackson, Thomas J., 577. Jackson, J. K. P., 552. Jackson, Frank M., 834. Jackson, J. J., 860. Jackson, T. J., 843. Jackson, B. F., 770. Jackson, J. R., 700. Jackson, , 186, 199, 254. Jackson, J. S., 144. Jackson, Wm. Riley, 748. Jacobs, John W., 717. Jacobs, Melvine, 726. Jameison, George W., 612. Jameison, George M., 717. James, John A., 682. James, Joseph, 642. James, Bartley A., 863. Jamison, M., 101 1. Jamison, Moses, 1042. January, John, 852. Jarboe, Joseph, 689. Jarrett, W. H., 689. Jarvis, O. F., 553. Jayne, Henry, 713. Jayne, William, 713, 1052. Jefferson, S. A., 671. Jeffrey, William, 605. Jenkins, William, 834. Jenkins, Daniel, 821. Jenkins, L. D., 827, 867. Jenkins, Miles C., 689. Jenkins, R. J., 642. Jenkins, W. R., 649. Jenkins, William, 583. Jenkins, L. P., 757. Jenkins, Thomas, 649. Jennett, J. D., 800. Jennings, David, 707. Jennings, William, 721. Jernigan, Ben G., 827. Jernigan, John F., 827. Jernigan, Joseph R., 1042. Jesup, W., 1007. Jett, Dodridge, 657. Jett, William, 6u. Jett, John, 611. Jett, Wm. L., 24, 657, 1051. Jetton, Wes, 143. Jew, A. J., 1031. Jewell, Mark H., 274, 777. Jewell, Bud, 748. Jewett, Parker, 589. Jimmie," Irishman, ion. Joice, Thomas, 635. Jollee, William B., 549, 550. Johnson Richard M., 778, 784. Johnson, James K., 657. Johnson, G., 671. Johnson, W. C., 583. Johnson, Manlius, 559. Johnson, Robert, 612. Johnson, Robert A., 1548. Johnson, John D., 682. Johnson, Thomas, 1007. Johnson, George W., 657- Johnson, C. H., 663. Johnson, J. B., 618. Johnson, John H., 1006. Johnson, Cave, ion. Johnson, Dan W., 1011. Johnson, Jesse, 663. Johnson, Ben F., 997, 1042. Johnson, W. S., 867. Johnson, William Saxie, 861^ Johnson, A., 867. Johnson, James A., 867. Johnson, James Davis, 77- PERSONAL INDEX. 1081 Johnson, George F., 783. Johnson, J. H., 1046. [ohnson, William M., 1034. Johnson, S. H., 553. Johnson, Tom, 40. Johnson, E. Polk, 874, 918, 1020 ; quoted, 873, 894. Johnson, Jilson P., 48. Johnson, C. H.,663- [ohnson, George W., 40, 84, 89, 92, 103, 516. I ohnson, Jesse, 663, 720. Johnson, H. C., 852. fohnson, Robert A., 45, 90, 91, 857, 858. [ohnson, James W., 805, 1033. Johnson, Charles M., 777, 783. [ohnson, A., 739. [ohnson, W. T., 788. [ohnson, Uriah, 812. [ohnson, Woodson, 707. [ohnson, Luther M., 707. Johnson, James, 54, 853. [ohnson, Eugene L., 631. Johnson, T. B., 553. [ohnston, George T., 627. Johnston, W. H. H., 631. Johnston, Albert Sidney, 62, 96, 98, 294, 880, 883, 924, 934. /ohnston, George D., 661. [ohnston, J. Stoddard, 185, 186, 192, 5>6. fohnston, Jesse, 717. ohnston, Joseph E., 23,42, 51, 55, 76, So, 81, 94, 207, 223, 233, 236, 238, 246, 250, 254, 256, 259, 285, 294, 952, 956. Jones, J. B., 618. iones, W. A., 649. iones, Frank, 627. Jones, Sylvester, 642. Jones, Henry L., 577. ones, Jack, 906, 914, 917,999, 1020. iones, Robert M., 605. Iones, Sam, 148, 887. Jones, Samuel, 648. Jones, T. B., 1017. lones, Robert, 682. Jones, William, 583. ones, Paschal, 648. Jones, W. .,648. iones, J. F., 1017. Jones, R. W., 828. iones, Charles, 133. Iones, Charles M., 725. "iones, E. S., 770, 773. Jones, Charles W., 788. Jones, Allan, 739. iones, Thomas A., 801. Jones, P. H., 612. Jones, Levi W., 867. Jones, C. K., 827. Jones, William Decoursey, 874, 1033. Jones, P. H., 788. Jones, John G., 805, ion. Jones, C. 11., 1030. Jones, John II., 726. Jones, Silas, 717. Jones, Thomas F., 725. Jones, David, 770. Jones, J. Ed, 827. fones, William Jasper, 707. Jones, Thomas C., 931, 960, 996, 1015. Jones, G. H., 1017. Jones, J. D., 1039. Jones, William, 1017. Jones, Andrew, 1045. Jones, Henry, 1023. Jones, Welch, looi. [ones, John B., 1009. Jones, James C., ion. Jones, J., 1030. Jones, Matt, 1042. Jones, A., 1046. Jones, J. S., 1046. Jordan, Lance, 677. Jordan, James F., 271, 677. Jordan, Jerry S., 777. Jordan, C. R., 853. Jouett, Parker, 589. Joyes, Erskine, 163, 164, 615. Joyes, John, 858, 859. Jump, William, 717. Jump, John, 717. lupin, Hatch, 54, 820. Kackley, John W., 749, 1031. Kaufman, A. L., 568. Kavanaugh, H. H., Jr., 536. Kavanaugh, R. H., 285, 694. Kay, Peter, 853. Kearney, Pat, 642. Keating, Washington, 867. Keene, Edward L., 73, 555. Keene, John, 559. Keene, E. L., 553. Keiser, Marshall J., 559. Keith, Frank, 144. 843. Keith, Albert, 843. Kellen, J. Frank, 590. Keller, Hugh M., 86, 830. Kelley, W. P., 749, 805. Kelley, Jack, 853. Kelley, W. H., 748. Kelley, T. W., 559. Kelley, G. W., 757. Kelley, John, 612. Kelley, Thomas, 775. Kelly, Thomas, 663. Kelly, Edward, 642. Kelly, Andrew, 663. Kelly, S. D., 1017. Kelly, John, 612. Kemper, Ben F., 1026. Kendall, Adrian T., 683. Kendall, John, 721. Kendall. B. T., 1039. 1082 PERSONAL INDEX. Kendrick, Joseph L., 788. Kendrick, J. W., ion. Kennard, Oscar, 144, 193, 830, 1054. Kennady, Luke, 795, 1054. Kennedy, Thomas, 642. Kennedy, Tarrence F., 683. Kennedy, William, 861. Kennedy, A. J., 627. . Kennedy, E. P., 696. Kennedy, Robert, 642. Kennedy, Van Buren, 627. Kennerly, George, 812. Kenney, E. J., 559. Kenney, Benjamin, 721. Kenney, Charles V., 559. Kennon, Christopher C,, 834. Kent, James S., 861. Kent, Robert. 689. Kernes, Ed, 834. Kersey, Thomas, 635. Key, JohnM., 757. Kidd, Aaron, 707. Kidd, W. B., 763. Kidwell, O. A., 711. Kiger, John, 843. Kiger, C. C., 843. Kiger, John, 577. Kiger, W. W., 763. Killebrew, William, 1015. Kimberlain, W. I., 1031. Kimberlain, J., 1046. Kimberly, David, 853. Kimbler, J. S. M., 700. Kincaid, James, 690. Kincaid, Alfred, 1026. Kincheloe, A. H., 828. Kinchloe, Elijah, 770, 773. Kinchloe, John, 627. Kinchloe, William, 627. Kindall, John R., 605. King, George, 812. King, Abraham, 734. King, George A., 53, 90, 837. King, William, 812. King, J. B., 1033. King, J. A., 867. King, R., 867. King, C. B., 723. King, N. B., 726. King, Silas, 734. King, John W., 553. King, Alec G., 767, 1053. Kinkton, J. K., 612. Kinman, William, 853. Kinnison, John, 792. Kinslow, Aaron, 771. Kirberg, Joseph, 843. Kirby, H., 515. Kirby, Thomas, 867. Kirk, T. P., 1017. Kirlin, J. W., 864. Kirkman. E. T., 812, 1055. Kirkpatrick, J. A.. 597. Kirtley, A. J., 828. Kirtley, Elisha B., 828. Kirtley, Paschal J., 763, 1054. Kirtley, E. B., ion. Kirty, G. W., 1046. Klem, Charles J., 612, 1050. Kliesendorff, Charles, 563. Kline, Frederick, 1005. Kline, L., 714. Klingsmith, H. W., 1039. Knapp, Philip Coombs, 29, quoted. Knight, Robert, 1008. Knight, David, 1031. Knight, William T., 788. Knott, William W., 744. Knox, William E., 674. Knox, William, 861. Knox, John, 861. Konshattountzchette, , 225, 853. Kraft, Henry, 682. Kratz, Dr., 215. Krieger, Jacob, 734. Krum, Ernest, 559. Kurtz, G. W., 1031. Kuykendall, W. H., ion. Kuykendall, Frank, ion. Kyle, William C., 801. Lacey, Richard, 1031. Lackey, John, 1031. Lackey, A. O., 1008. Lackey, B. D., 1008. Lacklin. Thomas M., 1017. Lair, John T., 726. Lair, A. K., 601, 1051. Lair, Emanuel, 583. Lake, Nathaniel, 867. Lamar, John S., 997, 1040. Lamaster, John J., 714. Lamb, Richard T., 853. Lambdin, Edward, 690. Lambert, John, 642. Lambert, Thomas, 642. Lamkin, J. B., 726. Lancaster, Levi, 764. Lancaster, J. T., 671. Lander, W. C., 828. Lander, J. H., 1008. Landrum, R. P., 623. Lane, F. W., 568. Lane, D. P., 612. Lane, N. G., 1008. Laner, James F., 553. Langdon, P. A., 584. Langhorne, Maurice, 860. Lanham, James, 635. Lapaille, John P., 853. Larkin, George W., 577. Lary, William, 559. Lary, Michael, 683. Lashbrook, William M., 1015. Lashbrook, William H., 680. Lashbrook, S. D., 932, 1015. Lashbrooke, William, 690. PERSONAL INDEX. 1083 Lasley, A., 1040. Lassiter, Green H., 854. Lassiter, Moody (Moses), 144, 853. Latham, William, 635. Latimer, \V. D., 663. Lauderback, Ed S., 854. I.aughlin, Reuben J., 1009, 1055. Lawler, George W., 653. Lawrence, John, 627. Lawrence, J. W., 843. Lawrence, L., 1046. Lawrence, William H., 812. Lawrence, Elias D., 858. Laws, R. W., 618. Laws, Frank S., 618. Laws, J. T., 619. Lawson, Eli H.,-843- Lawson, George, 1043. Lawson, Alexander, 784, 801, 1053. Lawson, J. W., 843. Layman, Henry, 771. Lea, Thomas, 700, 734. Leach, J., 144. Lear, W. H., 597. Lear, J. T., 867. Lear, R. F., 867. Leathers, N. L., 749. Leatherwood, Alec, 649. Leavell, II. C., 1006, 1015. Leavy, S. T. , 944. Lecompte, John, 649. Lecompte, Jo, 645. Lee. Charles H., 999. Lee, Capt., 220. Lee, Steve, 264, 266. Lee, Joe M., 854. Lee, Robert E., 26, 96, 956. Lee, John A., 568. Lee, David L., 795. Lee, John Henry, 568 Lee, Phil, 284, 399. Lee, Ben F., 674. Lee, James M., 223, 231, 792, 1053. Lee, Thomas T., 795. Leffler, C. H., 867. Leffler, W. H., 867. Leffler, Charles, 863. Leggett, Jerry, 597. Lemaster, Winston, 708. Lemaster, Meredith, 708. Lemon, John F. M., 605. .eonard, John, 864. .eonard, Hugh, 1014. >eovey, Mrs., 316. >ester, H. P., 1031. .ester, Henry F., 549. -etner, N. R., 828. .evering, C. W., 568. .ewis, Joseph H., 22, 45, 54, 82, 89, 91, 105, 193, 197, 200, 210, 212, 215, 217, 220, 228, 237, 245, 250, 255, 357, 264, 268, 281, 283, 285. 742. 873, 880. Lewis, O. A., 1040. Lewis, Matt, 853. Lewis, Jack, 778, 1054. Lewis, William W., 708. Lewis, Gabe, 808. Lewis, S. II., 763. Lewis, J. Beverly, 763. Lewis, David J., 559. Lewis, Asa, 774. Lewis, E. B., 998, 1043. Lewis, Lieut., 194. Lewis, Fred, 635. Lewis, S. M., 1014, 1017, 1055. Lewis, John A., 944. Lewis, Robert, 958. Light, Thomas, 863. Lightfoot, G. N., 696 Ligon. R. L, 577. Lillard, J. B., 837. Lillard, C. C., 609, 1051. Lilley, Thomas, 54, 821. Lincoln, Abraham, 41, 875. Lindsay, William, 843. Lindsay, John C., 843. Lindsay, Thomas, 843. Lindsay, Robert H., 196, 649. Lindsay, Samuel D., 559. Lindsay, James William, 590. Lindsay, Thomas N., 60. Lindsay, Preston, 997, 1041. Lindsay, John F., ion. Linn, Aaron, 1026. Linn, Al, 828. Little, William J., 854. Little, Matt, 854. Little, Thomas J., 701. Little, John C., 704. Lively, J. B., 764. Lively, Thomas, 144, 854. Livsey, Elias, 642. Livers, Ed, 568. Livers, William, 821. Livingston, N. P., 696. Lloyd, Alec H., 757. Lloyd, James F., 757. Lloyd, Joseph A., 757. Locke, Richard. 624. Lockett, Jesse, 843. Lockett, W., 844. Lockhert, J. B. L., 821. Lockwood, Capt., 857. Loeb, Abraham, 753. Loftland, Charlie, 812. Logan, B., 144. Logan, Dud C., 944. Logan, Joseph, 677. Logan, John A., 67. Logsden, Barney, 918, 1028. Lonaker, Eli, 788. Long, Tobe, 553. Long, Joseph, 717. Long, Thomas, 718. Long, Phelix, 739. 1084 PERSONAL INDEX. Long, Robert G., 763. Long, Richard, 1002. Long, Lemuel, 1023. Long, H. G., 1008. Long, William H., 893. Long, Richard, 1031. Long, William, 1026. Long, W. M., 1031. Long, A., 739. Longmore, Woodford W., 605, 1050. Longmore, William H., 605. Lonsdale, F., 109. Love, C. W., 1007. Lovell, A., 854. Lovell, John, 677. Low, John, 1023. Lowber, Harvey, 749. Lowe, John W., 690. Lowry, James S., 559. Lowry, James, 738. Lpyal, Peter, 998, 1043. Lucas, W. P.," 7 1 7, 723. Lucas, Squire L., 1026. Lucas, Sidney W., 1043. Lucas, James, 867. Lucas, William H., 649. Lucas, N. F., 568. Lucas, Charles, 1005. Lucas, W. H.. 1031. Lucas, William, 583. Lucas, Stephen, 649. Lucas, John O., 649. Lucas, Moses, 649. Luckett, Jack, 1002. Lusby, David E., 861. Luton, W 7 illiam H., 645. Luttrell, James, 867. Lykins, Joseph C., 708, 1052. Lykins, Dudley C., 708. Lykins, Isaac, 714, 1052. Lyle, Robert, 812. Lyle, Al, 568. Lyle, Thomas, 812. Lyle, William, 812. Lynn, Thomas, 726. Lynn, James, 635. Lyon, William, 812. Lyon, N. J., 867. Lyon, N., 671. Lyon, William, 789, 805. Lyon, Jerry, 717. Lyon, James. 717. Lyon, H. B., 862. Lyon, W. J., 764. Machen, H. L., 863. Machen, E. C., 867. Madeira, Aston, 213, 600. Maddox, Thomas, 166, 584. Maddox, John, 628. Maddox, Cabell, 569. Magee, William T., 835. Magoffin, Beriah, 31. Mahan, Pat, 1018. . Mahan, John J., 828. Mahon, John, 597. Mahoney, B.,657. Mahoney, Daniel, 636. Mains, Samuel, 735. Mains, Levi, 735. Mains, George, 735. Mains, Oliver L., 697. Major, P. H., 1008. Major, Robert W., 666. Major, J. H., 1008. Majors, John, 718. Malayer, J. D., 577. Mallen, Charles, 590. Malons, William, 568. Mallory, Hiram, 854. Mallory, J. R., 1008. Manley, J. P., 711. Manly, L. P., 711. Mann, Madison, 597. Mann, Charles, 297, 693. Manning, William II., 708. Mansfield. Samuel, 628. Mansfield^ L. F., 764. Mansfield, M.A., 619. Marquess, George W.. 606. Marquess, J. C., 1008. Marr, Ben, 778. Marr, Alfred, 628. Marramon, Arch, 568. Marrs, John. 612. Marrs, Marcus, 813. Marrs, Arch, 612. Marshall, Humphrey, 40 45, 229 Marshall, II., 867. Marshall, A. H., 764. Marshall, John L., 103, 680, 1052. Marshall, William L., 568. Marshall, William, 619 Marshall, E. P., 862. Marshall, B. T., 297. Marshall, Henry, 663. Marshall, Alexander, 697. Marshall, Pendleton, 697. Marshall, J. J., 697. Marshall, II. S., 697. Marshall, E. P., 750. Marshall, B. T., 622. Marshall, Samuel, 664. Marshall, Henry, 739. Marshall, R. B., 663. Marshall, Samuel, 53. Marshall, A. H., 862. Martin, W. D., 553. Martin, O., 789. Martin, John, W., 834. Martin, George W., 1045. Martin, Reed M., 834. Martin, S. S., 761. Martin, George W., 697. Martin, John N., 721. Martin, Sam, 771. Martin, William S., 764. PERSONAL INDEX. 1085 Martin, Willie, 778. Martin, Bailey G., 553. Martin, William, 867. Martin, George, 77 - Martin, Ed, 636. Martin, Rev. Mr., 642, 683. Martin, John, ion. Martin. Isaac H., 74, 764. Martin, William, 774. Martin, Nathaniel, 778. Masden, Hardin, 795. Masden, James, 795. Massey, James W., 683. Massie, John B., 1006. Massin, John H., 1008. Mastin, Charles J., 48, 92, 109, 192, 196, 215, 221, 254. Mason, John N., 605. Mason, J. W., 577. Mason, S. F., 1032. Mason, Thomas, 813. Mason, L. W. C., 813. Mason, Thomas F., 577. Mason, James N., 605. Matchen, Willis B., 40. Matlock, James M., 812. Mathews, R. M., 628. Mathews, M. S., 771, 784. Mathews, W. T., 757. Matthews, W. P., 553. Matthews, Robert B., 863. Matthews, W. M., 560. Matthews, John B., 862. Matthews, Haydon N., 590. Matthews, J. F., 789. Matthews, Thomas J., 789. Matthews, Thomas}., 773. Mattingly. George R., 816. Mattingly, John, 690. Maxson, George W., 752, 1053. May, A. J., 691. May, Hezekiah, 721. May, L. F., 1012. May, Joseph, 834. May, J. D., 690. May, Wesley, 721. May, William, 708. May, William T., 708. May, Charles, 1005. May, Francis, 1043. May, C. H., 1034. Mayberry, Simon, 642. Mayberry, Richard, 671. Mayfield, James, 998. Mayfield, Micajah, 880, IOO2, 1014, 1023. Mayfield, Zack T., 771. Mays, Richard, 998. Mays, C. H., 1040. Mays, Thomas, 998. Mays, Thomas H., 1012. Mayze. Joseph, 664. McAfee. George, 750. McAllen, James R., 813. McAllister, John, 636. McAnally, A. G., 612. McAtee, IT. Del, 1037. McAull, W. W., 232. McBee, Isham, 1045. McBride, William, 1018. McCabe, William, 553. McCabe, Thomas, 677. McCandless, C. R., 784. McCarden, Mike, 844. McCardwell, Thomas. 649. McCarney. William, 590. McCarty, S. H., 590. McCarty, E., 1012. McCarty, Daniel, 590. McCarty, William, 677. McCauley, George W., no, 204, 217, 930, 95. 996. McCauliff, Thomas, 650. McCaw, Thomas D., 590. McChesney, Walter, ion. McClarty, Crawford, 690. McClarty, Clint, 48, 109, no. McClaskey, J. W., 749. McClaskey. Joseph Henry, 743. McClaskey, C. B., 742. McClaskey, John N., 743. McClellan, William, 643. McClellan, William, 584. McClellan, J. F., 1040. McClendon, J- !>-, 844. McClendon, J. N., 844. McClung, Lafayette H., 606. McClure, Alexander, 734. McConnell, James H., 550. 551, 553. McConnell, M., 578. McConnell, James, 560. McCook, Gen., 169, 173, 174, 175. McCorkle, Robert G., 821. McCormack, George, ion. McCormack, William, ion. McCormick. A., 568. McCormick, William T., 734. McCoy, Taylor, 241,251, 269, 628. McCreary, John B., 801. McCrocklin, W., 1031. McCulley, R. J., ion. McCullom, William, 795. McCullough, Isaac, 771. McCullough, Samuel 15., 628. McCune, David, 998, 1041. McCutchen, B. F., 801. McCutchen, James, 801. McCutcheon, David M., 549, 550. McCutcheon, David, 550. McDaniel, George, 590. McDaniel, Ignatius, 1018. McDaniel, D. H., 584. McDaniel, Walter, 957, 1018. McDermott, P., 867. McDonald, O., 754. McDonald, James A.. 598. 1086 PERSONAL INDEX. McDonald, Tobe, 584. McDonald, James, 584. McDonald, William E., 690. McDonald, J., 1005. McDowell, Henry, 553. McDowell, Jasper, 867. McDowell, James, 1029. McDowell, Hervey, 67, 225, 226, 251, 252, 586. McDowell, Will, 1031. McEnnis, M. P., 1044. McEnnis, W. T., 1044. McFadden, Edward, 683. McFall, Alf, 584. McFarlane, Charles, 657. McFarlane, Levin, 657. McFarlane, Thomas H., 734,801. McFatridge, W., 144,854. McGarvey, John W., 801. McGarvey, John W., 784. McGee, John, 861. McGee, J. R., 867. McGhee, J. W.,533- McGhee, John W., 594. McGhee, T. H., 553. McGill, John, 47. McGill, Alfred, 894. McGlasson, H. C., 1040. McGrath, Thomas, 619. McGrath, David, 805. McGreevey, William, 854. McGregory, John, 718. McGuiness, Daniel, 649. McGuinness, Henry, 560. McGuire, J. M., 597. McGuire, James, 613, 1050. McGuire, John, 612. McGuire, James C., 708. McGuire, Jesse F., 78. McGuire, John M., 708. McGuire, John W., 802. McGuire, John, 643. McGuire, James, 704. McGuire, Joel F., 711. McGuire, J. Frank, 708. Mclntire, George W., 598. Mclntire, Joseph, 805. Mclntyre, J. M., 568. Mclntyre, W., 1031. Mclver, James, 677- McKay, Enoch C., 690. McKay, J. C., 1018. McKay, W. H., 1015. McKay, Henry Clay, 228, 749. McKee, Robert W., 40, 84, 92. McKenney, Frank, 598. McKendree, D. E., 90, 498, 766,773. McKendree, J. N., 771. McKendree, W., 1031. McKinley, J. J., 700. McKinley, E., 1037. McKenzie, James S., 560, 1051. McKenzie, John H., 619, 1050. McKieg, D. W., 1017. McKinney, John, 726. McKinney, C., 731. McKinney, James, 711. McKinney, Frank, 598, 735. McKinney, Thomas, 835. McKinney, Samuel, 664. McKnight, John M., 590. McLaughlin, John, 578. McLaughlin, J., 1028. McLean, J. C., 578. McLean, Thomas A., 808. McLean, William, 597. McLean, J. R., 657. McLean, Richard L.,6o5. McLoney. Aaron, 835. McMahan, John, 835. McMahon, M., 867. McMahon, John C., 867. McMekin, Alexander, 749. McMekin, Payton L., 743. McMeekin, Samuel D., 893. McMichael, H. C., 612. McMillan, J. D.. 1031. McMillen, Van B., 584. McMillen, James, 650. McMurray, A., 789. McMurray, J., 867. McNabb, J. W., 1041. McNees, James, 835. McQueen, James B., 738. McQueen, James, 740. McQuerry, J. C., 1032, 1046. McQuerry, W. J., 1032, 1046, McQuerry, L, 1031. McQuown, J. D., 563. McQuown, Lewis, 624, 1053. McRea, J. W., 1008. McRea, W. H., 1008. McSwaney, Dennis, 657. McVeigh, James, ion. McVey, Hugh, 101,650. McWilliams, Jesse, 795. Meadows, Jonas, 628. Meardin. Michael, 144. Medley, J. M., 771. Medley, J. M., 862. Mefford, W. H.. 720. Melbourne, Henry, 642. Melford, John L., 694. Melton, Alexander, lOiS^. Menzies, William W., 657. Menzies, C. H., 738, Merchant, Paul, 1012. Meredith, William, 671. Mernaugh, James. 597> IO 5- Merrifield, E. D., 750, 918, 1032. Merrigan, William, 59- Merrill, Patrick, 590. Merrill, Asa, 560. Merriwether, Capt., 881, 1009, Mershon, Ed, 740. Mershon, E. P., 584. PERSONAL INDEX. 1087 Meshew, C. H., 92. Metcalfe, George W., 726. Metcalfe, James, 619. Metcalfe, James, 795. Metcalfe, CoatesT., 1005. Metcalfe, James H., 726. Michael, George, 734. Michael, James, 734. Mickey, Ben, 613. Middleton, David, 750. Middleton, Jesse R., 657. Midkiffe, David, 828. Miles, J., 757. Miles, James E., 926, 955, 1002, 1020, 1023, 1043. Miller, Mitchell, 845. Miller, Joseph, 844. Miller, C. W., 828. Miller, L. Martin, 867. Miller, William C., 606. Miller, John H., 683. Miller, A. J., 711. Miller, Samuel, 714. Miller, John, 290, 613. Miller, Samuel, 795. Miller, John W., 683. Miller, Len S., 821, 1054. Miller, Phil W., 802. Milier, Andrew J., 714. Miller, John, 704. Miller, James F., 1002. Miller, William H., 753. Miller, George H., 750. Miller, John E., 1012. Miller, W. H., 1018. Miller, Adrian, ion. Miller, D., 1037. Miller, John P., IOO2. Miller, Minor G., 1002. Milligan, J., 1032. Millett, Joseph H., 136, 140, 219, 685. Mills, John R., ion. Mills, Ferdinand C., 944, 998, 1043. Mills, Samuel, 1002, ?Iilton, John Y., 242, 750. Milton, S. M., 750. Minor, William, 805. Mitchel. O. M., 885, 887. Mitchell, Riley, 867. Mitchell, N., 867. Mitchell, Thomas J., 590. Mitchell, James S., 828. Mitchell, Dudley C., 606. Mitchell, Lacey R., 683. Mitchell, William, 825. Mitchell, G. W., 671. Mitchell, John H., 693. Mitchell, R., 721. Mitchell, William, 825. Mitchell, Charles, 828. Mitchell. James, ion. Mitchell, John W., ion. Mitchell, William, 90. Mitchell, William L., 1002. Mitchell, William, 1043. Mitchell, Berry, 774. Mix, John P., 619. Moberly, S. H., 918, 1015. Moberly, J, H., 1015. Mobley, Thomas F.. 1043. Mobley, T. B., 636. Mobley, George, 1005. Mock, Edmond, 1037. Moffitt, Benjamin, 636. Moffitt, Frank D., 791. Monday, Kim A., 564. Monohan, Pat, 1018. Monroe, Thomas B., 88, 100, 103, 622. Monroe, Miss Mary, 316. Monroe, Ben, 84, 89, 103, 652. Monroe, Miss Kate A., 316. Monroe, Judge, 40. Monroe, George, 700. Monroe, Frank A., 657. Monroe, G. James, ion. Montague, John, 560. Montague, G. T., 697. Montfort, J. W., 619. Montgall, J. R., 1033. Montgomery, J. Byron, 874, 1037. Montgomery, Andrew J., 860. Montgomery, A. G., 560. Montgomery, James, 619. Montgomery, John Fountain, 1012. Montgomery, John, 867. Montgomery, George, 714. Montgomery, James R., 1037. Montgomery, W. G., 1037. Montgomery, A. J., 860. Montgomery, John William, 750. Moody, Y. M., 370. Mooklar, James P., 606. Moon, C. J., 550. Moon, L. E., 1012. Mooney, William B., 854. Mooney, W. L., 834. Moore, BenG., 867. Moore, William, 844. Moore, T. J.,845- Moore, John B., 89, 196, 203, 660. Moore, J. L., 85. Moore, Mark O., 664. Moore, Robert, 645. Moore, James, 657. Moore, Jesse, 578. Moore, M. Byrd, 578. Moore, James, 606. Moore, James D., 740. Moore, Charles J., 553. Moore, George R., 553. Moore, A. D., 590. Moore, Robert, 196, 606. Moore, William, 1008. Moore, J. W., 40. Moore, N. L., 740. Moore, Ambrose, 718. 1088 PERSONAL INDEX. Moore, S. S., 613. Moore, Paul I., 821. Moore, A. J., 821. Moore, Lewis, 740- Moore, Wesley, 613. Moore, N. L., 1037. Moore, J. R., 1046. Moore, C. M., 797. Moore, William B., 660. Moore, John L., 1012. Moore, William, 718. Moore, Richard, 1037. Mooring, F. S., 700. Moorman, Silas M., no, 151,205,228, 1018. Mordan, David, 619. Moreman, A. J., 757. Morehead, R. W., 575. Morehead, R. M., 1015. Morehead, Jas. T., 158, 160, 163, 837. Morehead, John, 619. Moreland, S. G., 721. Morford, John J., 683. Morgan, William H., 749. Morgan, Richard C., 150. Morgan, Charlton, 84, 92, 157. Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 560 Morgan, Mineard, 1026. Morgan, John H., 47, 60, 83, 92, 151, 153. 154, 158, 165. Morgan, John, 1026. Morgan, W. C., 749. Morris, Mrs. Mary B., 316. Morris, Michael, 619. Morris, S. T., 690. Morris, William, 1018. Morrison, J. L., 1031. Morrison, William J., 760. Morrison, T. T., 683. Morrow, Silas D., 649. Morton, J. J., 801. Morton, J. S., 828. Morton, William H., 789. Morton, James S., 951, 1018, 1055. Morton, David, 1018. Mosby, Cy, 778. Mosley, Cornelius, 1017. Moseley, D. P., 1018. Moseley, Peter, 1023. Moseley, W. C., 844. Moseley, H. H., 844. Moseley, Alexander M., 838, 1054. Moseley, M. De Lafayette, 560. Moseley, J. W., 918, 1018, 1056. Moose, Fred, 844. Moss, Thomas E., 553. Moss, John, 1008. Moss, Luther C., 549. Moss, Thomas A., 1026. Moss, William B., 734. Moss, E. G., 553. :Moss, James W., "549. Mothershead, John R., 612. Mothershead, J. R., 613. Motley, James. 1045. Moulder, T. H., 636 Moxley, William B.. 744. Mudd, Leonard, 749, 757. Mudd, William L., 771, 773, 1053. Mudd, Marion, 771. Muir, Ben, 569. Muir, B., 813. Mullen, J. G., 1026. Mullen, Frank, 292, 619. Mullen, John W., 657. Mulligan, Thomas C., 782. Mulligan, John, 795. Mullins, John T., 1006. Munson, Thomas, 657. Murphy, T. M., 1018. Murphy, Phil. 586. Murphy, Peter, 597. Murphy, Pry, 120, 771, 784. Murphy, J. R., 867. Murphy, William, 844. Murrah, Peter, 844. Murrah, John, 844. Murray, James V., 1034. Murray, John A., 568, 1051. Musgrove, Thomas, 624. Mussellman, H. Clay, 722, 1052. Musser, Daniel, 588. Myers, W. G., 553. Myers, John, 578. Myers, James F., 628. Myers, J. W., 1046. Myers, Joseph, 578. Mynhier, William, 693, 1052. Mynhier, John, 677. Mynhier, Charles H., 222, 673. Myres, H. C., 1045. Nabors, William J., 628. Nafus, George L., 998, 1012. Nairy, John, 764. Nantz, J. R., 750, 1053. Napier, E. E., 690. Napier, Thomas W., 1015. Napier, G. W., 845. Napier, Lewis, 715. Nash, John W., 1018. Nash, James, 1044. Nash, J. J., 1045. Nash, Walker, 845. Nash, James, 569. Nash, J. H., 598. Nave, Tilford, 723. Nave, Samuel D., 726. Neal, William M., 624. Neal, DuffW., 771. Neeley, Charles W., 802. Neeley, T. W., 813. Negley, James S., 173, 175, 180, 8 quoted, 885, 887. Neighbors, , 778. Nelson, H. B.. 598. Nelson, William, 33. PERSONAL INDEX. 1089 Nelson, Wm., 1018. Nelson, J., 855. Nelson, James W., 104, 664. Nelson, James, 636. Nelson, Theodore, 700. Xestlewood, Anthony, 1043. Xethery, William, 569. Neville, John T., 760. Neville, James H., 828. Xewberry, Thomas L., 74, 298, 309, 742, 778, 784. Xewberry, Willis B., 778, 784. N ewcomb, Thomas, 564. N^ewcombe, James, 1005. N ewman, J. S., 845. Vewman, M. S., 144. Newman, T. M., 802. N ewman, R., 1012. Vewman, James, 643. Vewman, Ed, 845. N ewman, Mac, 845. Xewman, Price C., 260, 270, 825, 1055. X ewman, Obadiah, 845. X T ewton, Columbus, 822. Xewton, Dillard, 704. Xicholas, John, 855. Xichols, Joseph, 197, 664. Nichols, Shadrach, 690. Xichols, L. C., 560. Noel, Charles T., 884, 938, 996. Xoland, H., 750. Xorris, Frank M., 590. Xorris, Burt, 690. Xorris, Samuel, 657. Northern, George H., 683. Xorton, Henry Clay, 677. Norvell, E. M., 771. Norvell. James O. , 771. Nuchols, James T., 727. Xuckols, Jo, 88, 91, 100, 196, 213, 217, 219, 223, 623. Nuckols, James F., 628. X uckols, William H., 767. X uckols, Hezekiah, 623. Xuckols, F. D., 764. Obanion, S., 1046. O Bannon, G. W., 690. O Brian, W., 867. <J Brien, John, 822. O Brien, Mike, 598, 677. O Connor, Peter H., 54, 848. O Daniel, William, 677. O Day, William, 606. O litt, William, 708. O He, James H., 784, 802. O Donnell, James, 650. O-den, B. H., 550. O^ den, John W., 1012. Cvden, Ed H., 1012. O^den, R. B., 550, 553. O ^le, Gen., 1045. Ot lesby, William, 1002. 6J O Halloran. Dennis, 731. O Hara, Theodore, 80, 109. 187, 190, 192, 223, 232, 238, 241, 270. Ohlman, Jo, 584. O Laha, Daniel, 677. Oldham, Leslie Combs, 561. Oldham, John H., 159, 160, 560. Oliver, D. S., 778. Oliver, William, 1002. Oliver, Henry, 721. Oliver, H. N., 805. Oliver, John D., 702. Oliver, George W., 778. Oliver, T., 868. Oliver, H., 789. Onan, Robert, 1033. Onan, George, 1037. Onan, Dennis F., 1037. O Neal, J. W., 553. O Neil, William, 598. O Neil, J., 867. Oolery, Joseph, 731. Oram, John, 845. Orr, William (Ireland), 590. Orr, Philip, 606. Orr, Samuel M., 785. Orr, James Harvey, 674. Orr, William (Ky), 590, 868. Orr, G. B., 584. Orndorff, William A., 845, 1055. Orton, David, 1012. Osborne, B. L., 1039, 1040. Osborne, Thomas D., 750. Osborne, David, 690. Osborne, George, 718. Osborne, David, 606. Osborne, James, 778. Osborne, Elijah, 822. Osborne, W., 868. Osborne, H., 144, 822. Ostrander, J. B., 549, 550, 553. Outten, T., 1037. Overall, A. B., 1029. Overall, N., 822. Overley, Milford, 853, 874. Overstreet, J. D,, 750. Overstreet, H. L., 1046. Overton, G. B., 166, 202, 581. Owen, William Henry, 764. Owen, Washington G., 868. Owen, J. M., 765. Owen, J. J., 761. Owen, E. L., 764. Owen, F. W., 628. Owen, John W., 684. Owen, Clarke, 684. Owen, Alonzo, 628. Owen. R. Ach, 764. Owen, L. G., 684. Owen, Joseph, 684. Owen, Amplus. 1012. Owen, W. G., 631. Owen, J. R., 549, 553. 1090 PERSONAL INDEX. Owens, Thomas, 684, 1052 ; quoted, 97, 119, 223, 232, 238, 269, 274. Owings, John W., 615. Oxley, Jeff, 731. Pace, D. F., 765. Pace, John, 650. Pace, C. C., 628. Page, Joseph, 813. Page, Thomas G., 53, 133, 141, 774, 1054. Page, William W., 782. Page, Thomas S., 692. Page, George R., 275, 779. Page, George, 868. Painter, Isaac, 697, 727. Palmer, J. B., 184, 186, 193, 195, 199, 221, 222, 370. Palmer, J. W., 813. Palmer, John, 708. Palmore, C. R., 778. Palmore, C. W., 784. Paradoe, L. H., 599. Parker, R. F., 765. Parker, Calvin E., 697. Parker, Andrew J., 710. Parker, C. C., 629. Parker, Elijah, 606. Parker, Ben F., 553. Parker, Titus, IOI2. Parker, W. G., 779. Parker, Hugh, 765. Park, William M., 591. Park, N. G., 1018. Parmenter, William H., 591. Parmly, John, 863. Parmly, W. A., 868. Parmley, Willia m, 864. Parrent, L. B., 868. Parris, JohnR., 784. Parris, S. J. J., 778. Parris, James M., 598. Parris, F. .,751. Parrish, J. H., 1037. Parrish, Andrew J., 779, 784, 1054. Parrott, Thomas, 553. Parsons, Robert R., 658, 1052. Parsons, Edward, 727. Parsons, Willis, 727. Parton, R. H., 553. Partridge, Green B., 691. Partridge, John R., 691. Partridge, William M., 938, 1012, 1019. Pash, George, 822. Pate, George, 795. Patrick, Green, 678. Patterson, J. R., 765. Patterson, John, 636. Patterson, William, 680. Patterson, P. D., 790. Patterson, George W., 862. Patterson, Frank G., 813. Patterson, James M., 864. Patterson, James T., 997. Patterson, Samue., 1005. Pattie, J. L., 751, 1032. Pattie, Jack, 738, 1052. Patton, James E., 599. Patton, James, 561. Patton, George W., 784, 802, 862. Patton, J., 1046. Paul, Frelinghuysen, 757, 805. Pannell, Joseph, 700. Paxton, James, 613. Payne, R. S., 805. Payne, O. F., 40. Payne, Thomas W., 779, 784. Payne, L., 868. Payne, Lewis D., 561. Payne, R., 750. Payne, Newton, 868. Payne, Henry C., 561. Payne, Clay, 1005. Payne, John H., 1012. Payne, John W., 584. Payne, Robert T., 561. Payne, Lewis E., 209, 228, 601. Payne, James B., 711. Payne, Robert, 1005. Payne, O. F., 951, 960, 1014. Payne, James W., 779. Peach, George, 789. Peach, Fount, 613. Peak, Frank, 127, 858, 859. Pearce, J. Walter, 805, 1037. Pearce, James A., 619. Pearce, William, 758, 805, 1037. Pearce, Robert, 718. Pearl, Theodore, 795. Pearson, J. H., 845. Peden, George, 772. Peden, John C., 53, 772. Peebles, R. R., 664. Peel, Augustus, 1002. Peers, Thomas J., 784. Pelfrey, Lewis, 713. Pemberton, Thomas, 835. Pemberton, Gen., 207, 223,897. Pendergrast, John, 620. Pendergrast, Garrett, 620. Pendleton, J. T., icoS. Pendleton, John E., 127, 192,298,807. Pendleton, William C., 828. Penick, W. H., 700. Pennington, William, 704. Pennington, E. R., 846. Penny, John S., 613. Penny, George M., 561. Penny, George J., 785. Penny, N. H., 613. Penny, William W., 790. Perdue, B. F., 868. Perdue, S. C., 868. Perkins, W. D., 1026. Perrin, Solomon C., 835. Perry, S. P., 1040. Perry, S. L., 944. PERSONAL INDEX. 1091 Perry, A. C., 1040. Perry, William H., 629. Perry, James, 718. Perry, John D., 711. Perry, J. Mort., 807, 808. Perry, John, 632. Perry, Thomas D., 711. Peters, John, 805. Peterson, C., 868. Pettus, William F., 664. Pettus, Thomas, 664. Peyton, Alfred H., 845. Peyton, Sam O., 645, 826, 944. Peyton, Craven, 89, 157, 165, 828. Phelps, Dan, 569. 1 "helps, William, 750. Phillips, Thomas J., 561. Phillips, J. H., 1040. Phillips, George H., 569. Phillips, Mrs. Wm. S., 317,319. Phillips, John, 790. Phillips, James B., 860. Phillips, L. W., 599. Phillips, E. T., 591, 598. Phillips, William S., 228, 638, 1052. I hilpott, John H., 102, 779, 784. I hilpott, B. R., 1040. Phister, H., 671. Pickett, George B., 555. Pickett, JohnT., no, 188, 192. Pickett, Joseph Desha, 549. Pickett, John M., 684. Pierce, J. M., 1032. Pierce, James A., 619. Pierce R., 1026. Pierce, L., 868. Pierce, William, 758. Pierce, James, 664. Pike, Ignatius, 643. Pike, Thomas, 643. Pillow, John, 813, 882. Pillsbury, J., 40. Pinson, L. T., 1043. Pinson, T. Leonard, 997. Pim, L. T., 150. Piper, Harry, 599. Piper, S., 1047. Piper, A., 1047. Piper, Thompson, 1012. Piper, B., 1046. Piper, C. H., 1046. P.rtle, John B., 136, 220, 822. Pittman, J. M., 765. Pitts, Timothy, 658. Plasters, W. H. 1037. Plasters, James, 584. Platte, John, W., 658. Plemans, Thomas H., 862. Peer, S. D., 855. Poff, John W., 620. Pogue, Richard, 671. Poindexter, H. T., 613. Pointer, Phil A., 944, 951, 960, 1015. Polfus, Godfrey, 144, 855. Polk, General, 81, 82, 89, 100, 119, 169, 186, 211, 212, 234, 243, 245, 248, 259, 897. Pollard, H. S., 1008. Pollard, Thomas, 767. Polsgrove, George, 1037. Pool, Philander, 1005. Poole, H. P., 846. Poole, S. P., 845. Poole, William F., 822. Pope, G. R., 955, 1028, 1045. Pope, William, 822. Pope, A., 1046. Pope, Charles, 735, 1052. Poor, John E.. 697. Porter, Frank, 784, 802. Porter, John, 629. Porter, Samuel A., 845. Porter, Tom, 822. Postlethwaite, W., 1032. Potorff, Newton, 1032. Potts, G. C., 578. Potts, M. A., 1012. Potts, W. W., 578. Powell, Marion, 606. Powell, G., 790. Power, William, 855. Powers, Michael, 599. Powers, Thomas, 740. Poynter, P. T., 765. Prather, D. H., 789. Prather, D. C., 789- Prather, James T., 789. Prather, R. M., 599. Prather, William, 744. Prentiss, Clarence J., 150. Presser, William, 678. Presson, Edward, 684. Preston, William, 22, 96, 108, iio, 114, 116, 136, 147, 151, 184, 186, 187. 189, 199; 894 quoted. Prewitt, A. A., 636. Price, Thomas T., 103, 653. Price, James, 835. Price, H. H., 133. Price, James, 288, 587. Price, V., 599. Price, J. H., 1037. Price, William C., 805, 1033. Price, W. H., 813. Price, F., 822. Price, Albert, 813. Price, William T., 653. Price, George T., 813. Price, D. W., 779, 784. Price, William, 757. Priest, L. L., 1018. Priest, James M., 599. Pritchard, J. F., 671. Prow, Van, 1012. Prow, Jack, 1012. Prunty, George, 822. 1092 PERSONAL INDEX. Pryor, James A., 578. Pryor, A. J., 161, 571. Pryor, R. T., 578. Pryor, J. Spencer, 578. Puckett, James S., 554. Pullen, A. B., 579. Pullen, N. M., 579. Pullen, Allen T., 290, 578, 1050. Pulliam, J. B., 765. Pulliam, Pius, 584. Pulliam, John, 584. Pulliam, H. P., 290, 846. Punch, Pat, 599, 1050. Purcell, Wesley, 1019. Purcell, John, 795. Purnell, W. Julius, 598. Purrington, Elisha W., 784. Puryear, M. H., 579. Pyles, Calvin S., 868. Pyles, Burrell, 868. Pyles, Wesley, 868. Pyne, J. H., 1038. Pyne, T. H., 1040. Quarles, George W., 944, 1043, 1056. Quarles, John T., 1043. Quick, C. F., 629. Quick, Stephen, 795. Quillen, Abner H., 715, 1052. Quinn, Thomas, 691. Quinn, John, 862. Quinn Jerry, 591. Quisenberry. G. T., 1008. Quisenberry, James, 1027. Rachford, John R., 751. Radford, W. T., 1006. Rafter, Martin, 862, 868. Ragan, J. O., 1038. Ragsdale, William, 639. Ragsdale, , 1012. Railins, T., 1008. Railey, J. B., 636. Railey, Randolph, 658. Rainey, Matt, 784. Rains, Samuel, 864. Rains, George W., 1045. Raleigh, Richard, 572. Ralston, Joseph, 700. Ramey, S., 1047. Ramsay, Andrew, 1012. Randle, Fount P., 783, 802. Randolph, George W., 561. Randolph, A. W., 758, 1053. Rankin, C. A., 1038. Rankin, James C., 860. Rankin, Alexander, 607. Rankins, John W., 632. Ranney, George, 828. Ransdell, George T., 722. Ransom, Col., 67. Rapier, Charles, 822. Ratcliffe, Ezekiel M., 709. Ratican, D. P., 1045. Ratliff, W. P., 144. Rau, Henry W., 684. Rawlings, H. H., 1038. Rawlins, Sam T. , 607. Ray. James B., 767. Ray, John, 697. Ray, M. D. L., 554. Ray, Enoch, 1019. Ray, D., 672. Ray, Richard, 1019. Ray, Joseph, 772. Ray, Absalom, 636. Raymond, W. D., 570. Razor, Adam, 1027. Razor, David, 1027. Razor, Henry, 1027. Razor, Nathaniel, 722. Read, E. W., 758. Read, J. H., 758. Read, William H., 784, 803, 1053. Read, J. O., 758. Read, J. B., 758. Read, Oscar .,784, 803. Read, James, 665. Read, Jeff, 579. Reberger, R., 620. Redman, Lloyd, 786. Redman, J. H., 1038. Reasor, William, 751. Reasor, William, 1005. Reed, E., 1040. Reed, Frank, 1006. Reed, J. G., 550. Reed, P. Booker, 822, 1055. Reed, William, 709. Reed, Stemble, 727. Reed, Henry E., 40. Reed, Sidney G., 550. Reed, John, 708. Reeder, Samuel P., 1032. Reeder, James A., 620. Reese, Lloyd Benton, 561. Reese, John, 835. Reese, Hyson, 835. Reave, E. R., 554. Reeves, W. M., 1008. Reid, William, 607, 678. Reid, Lycurgus, 829. Reid, James, 680. Reid, Frank, 998. Remington, James A., 587. Renfro, Jacob, 721. Renfro, W. L., 721. Renfro, J., 803. Renshaw, Samuel, 721. Renshaw, James, 1045. Revenay, John, 700. Revill, D. L., 584. Reynaud, Augustus, 855. Reynolds, Rod, 607. Reynolds, Richard, 727. Reynolds, Elihu, 702. Reynolds, George W., 727. Reynolds, B. W., 624. PERSONAL INDEX. 1093 Rhea, O. J., 808. Rhea, Albert, 855. Rhodes, Gideon B., 53, 784, 803. Rhodes, John, 855. Rhodes, William, 287, 751. Rhodes, G. W., 1012, 1039. Rhodes, George, 998, 1043. Riadon, William, 708. Riadon, Llewellyn, 709. Riatt, Charles H., 1043. Rice, J. F., 1045. Rice, James Ned, 1012. Rice, Frank, 1012. Rice, Kearney G., 1012. Rice, William ("Rough"), 1037. Rice, James, 643. Rice, Laban T., 1009. Rice, Fred, 585. Rich, James, 864. Rich, Joseph, 868. Richards, A. Keene, 109, 126, 150. Richards, Thomas, 913, 921,960, 1014, 1032. Richards, T., 1047. Richardson, William T., 607. Richardson, W. J., 599. Richardson, Isaac, 1012. Richardson, Daniel, 998. Richardson, D. F., 1012, 1040. Richardson, H. C., 599. Richardson, Josephs., 813. Richardson, Samson, 727. Richmond, J. W., 700. Ricketts, John W., 855. Ricketts, E. D., 753. Ricketts, James, 753. Ricketts, Moses, 585. Rickman, Joshua N., 813. Riddle, James, 643. Riggs, J. A., 1032. Riggs, Frank, 607. Riggs, James, 1006. Riley, W. H., 1032. Riney, Benjamin, 1005. Ringo, Willis, 549, 1050. Rippenstein, J. K., 1039, 1040. Risk, James W., 588. Ritt, B. F., 1008. Ritter, William, 1006. Robb, William M., 273, 740. Robb, J. C., 737- Roberts, Columbus, 658. Roberts, J., 1040. Roberts, H. S., 923, 1027. Roberts, B. W., 1012. Roberts, Strother, 650. Roberts, A. B., 650, 1052 Roberts, George B., 650. Roberts, Richard, 846. Roberts, Capt., 124, 157. Roberts, Hillary M.,998, 1043. Roberts, Willis S., 196. 645. Roberts, Henry B., 740. Roberts, John, 740. Roberts, Green, 822. Roberts, Pat, 697. Roberts, Alexander G., 693 Roberts, J. T., 823. Roberts, J. J., 868. Robertson, J. W., 125, 129, 135, 138. Robertson, Joe Linden, 92, 110, 673, 1052. Robertson, Samuel, 727. Robertson, Fred E., 643. Robertson, William, 735. Robertson, D. W., 823. Robey, George D., 803. Robey, James S. , 803, 1053. Robinson, H., 551. Robinson, Henry H,, 554. Robinson, Luther, 1002. Robinson, John, 636. Robinson, Thomas, 1012. Robinson, F. M., 613. Robinson, James F., 60, 104. Robinson, R. B. , 802. Robinson, Albert, 829. Robinson, Jo S., 606, 1051. Robson, J. W., 585. Rockholt, John E., 855. Rodgers, H. B., 571. Rodgers, Hardin T., 607. Rodgers, Samuel, 658. Rogan, Frank, 60. Rogers, John Bird, 85, 99, 100, 164, 213, 260, 271, 623. Rogers, George Walter, 629. Rogers, John W., 161, 563. Rogers, Ben F., 737, 1052. Rogers, John M., 735. Rogers, Thomas J., 678. Rogers, Joseph, 650. Rogers, William L., 629. Rogers, Andrew, 743. Rogers, George W., 686. Rogers, William S., 692. Rogers, Mike, 591. Rogers, Jeff, 960, 1028. Rogers, M., 671. Rogers, J. W., 1008. Roland, H. D., 868. Roll, James H., 828. Rollins, James, 133. Rollins, Robert A., 581. Romans, J. W., 1027. Rose, John, 569. Rosecrans, Gen., 152, 173, 174, 897. Ross, James, 793. Ross, Robert W., 561. Ross, William, 643. Ross, James, 643. Ross, John A., 868. Ross, Beth, 863. Ross, B. J., 868. Rothnock, Charles W., 828. Rouse. James, 643. 1094 PERSONAL INDEX. Rousseau, Gen., 173, 175. Rousseau, John Lovell, 636. Routt, William L. , 790. Routt, R. G., 790. Routt, William P., 790. Rowan, Stephen W., 825. Rowan, S. W., 829. Rowe, Legrand, 643. Rowell, Frank, 855. Rowland, William H., 835. Rowland, John, 75 1 - Rowlett, D. A., 718. Rowley, William H., 569. Roy, T. B., 184. Roy, Thomas, 722. Rucker, George, 1037. Rucker, Daniel, 665. Rucker, John A., 607. Rucker, Jo B, 607. Rucker, Mark P., 569. Rudd, E. P., 661. Rudd, Sandy, 636- Ruddie, R., 863. Rudy, James H., 54, 1000, 1012. Rudy, Levi, 633. Ruggles, Dan, 87, 104, 122, 123, 127, 134, 137. HI- Ruggles. E. S., 133. Ruggles, M. B., 133. Rulo, N., 868. Rulo, J., 868. Rumage, F. B., 868. Runner, Samuel H., 796. Rupe, W. H., 585. Rush, Cyrus, 1012. Russell, J. M., 554. Russell, A. J., 664. Russell, S. .,846. Russell, William, 1002, 1023. Russell, William, 1023. Russell, R. L., 653, 1052. Russell, A. K., 665. Russell, W. E., 1015. Russell, George E., 1002, 1020. Rust, J., 813. Rust, W. H., 814. Rutherford, R. J., 1012. Rutherford, H., 301,692, 693. Rutherford, Henry C., 846. Rutledge, J. W., 1043. Rutledge, Willis, 998. Rutledge, Isaac, 144. Rutledge, A. P., 672. Rutter, J. R., 554. Ryals, G. M., IOO. Ryan, Blakey, 814. Ryan, Samuel, 808. Ryan, J. J., 684. Ryan, Nim, 650. Ryan, W. W.,672. Ryburn, J. A., 573. Ryle, John C.. 1041. Ryney, Ben E., 1041. Saffrans, Daniel, 808. Sale, James, 1012. Sale, John D., 614. Sale, Thomas, 1041. Salmon, Allie, 803. Salyar, Isaiah, 709. Salyer, Jesse, 710. Salyer, John, 709. Salyers, Samuel, 868. Sampson, James, 738. Samuel, Walker, 932. Sandefer, Charles H.. 637. Sandefur, Ben W., 862. Sanders, Ed J., 608. Sanders, T. A., 1024. Sanders, C., 1032. Sanders, Robert N., 772. Sanders, J. B., 44. Sanders, E. J., 629. Sanders, Jason, 600. Sanders, Whitefield, 719. Sanders, George S., 1039. Sanders, T. P., 1040. Sanders, Dan J., 1040. Sanders, George W., 1028, 1056. Sandidge, L. D., 133, 136, 138. Sandusky, Dudley, 728. Sandusky, Chilton, 728. Sandusky, Jacob, 728, 1052. Sandusky, Lewis E., 728. Sanford, J. W. A., 370. Sanford, Hamlet, 1024. Sanford. R. P., 672. Sanford, Presley, 740. Sargent, J. G. A., 1008. Sargent, James K., 1027. Sarlls, George .,863. Sappington, H., 1047. Saulls, Holliday, 836. Sauls, James, 836. Saulsburg, David, 829. Saulsbury, William. 660. Saunders, Fred, 637. Saunders, C. H., 712. Saunders, G. L., 1013. Saunders, Henry, 868. Saunders, D. J., 1013. Sawyer, Fred, 579. Sayler, John, 709. Scanlan, D., 846. Schaub, Dr., 294. Schaub, G. G., 90,815. Scheidecker, F. A., 620. Schone, John, 1006. Schroeder, J. W., 581. Schwaub, William, 57- Schwauer, J., 637. Scifers, J. M., Sr., 759. Scifers, ClabeW., 759. Scifers, J. W., 758. Scifers, J. M., Jr., 759. Scifers, M. D., 753. Scifers. R. H., 759. PERSONAL INDEX. 1095 Scott, Samuel. 562. Scott, Guignard, 858. Scott, George W., 793. Scott, L. M., 868. Scott, B. B., 665. Scott, Charles B., 860, 868. Scott, Frank, 1012. Scott, S. S.. 40. Scott, Ben F., 678. Scott, James, 1027. Scott, James, 766. Scott, Augustus, 130, 133. Scott, Frank, 645. Scott. Green, 735. Scott, James L., 658. Scott, Duncan, 592. Scott, Preston B., 297, 301, 622. Scott, Ben, 297. Scott, John B., 665. Scott. Samuel, 708. Scott, Al, 944. Scott. John O., 297. 549, 863; quoted, 103, 164, 165, 200. Scrimsher, F. M., 874, 880, 1003, 1056. Scroggin, Thompson, 562. Scruggs, Marcellus, 1027. Searcy, Joseph, 790. Searcy, James, 790. Sears, Monroe. 672. Seay, Samuel R., 554. Seay, J. R., 554. Seay, Isaac N., 700. Sebree, George, 585. Sebree, John T., 585. Sebree, George, 570. Sebree, Robert, 585. Sebree, J. O., 585. Seever, Henry. 698. Seever, G. W., 698. Self, W. J., 766. Self. K. C., 765. Self, Henry, 620. Sellars, Wi lliam H., 562. Semple, Charles, ill, 138, 197,215, 615. Setters. Tohn H., 709. Settle, \Villiam A., 780. Severing, C. A., 585. Sewell, George \V., 713, 1052. Sever, Fred, 758. Shackleford. James A. ,698. Shackleford; J. T., 837. Shackleford, Richard, 847. Shacklett, W. K., 1038. Shacklett. G. W., 998, 1013, 1040. Shacklett, John G., 1013. Shacklett. T- A., 1039. Shacklett, John S., 856. Shacklett, John. 998. Shacklett, Ben L., 998, 1056. Shacklett. Richard, 998. Shacklett, R. J.. 1013. Shadd, Samuel, 735. Shadd, Joseph, 735. Shadd, Ed, 735. Shadd. John, 736. Shaler. Prof.; quoted, 27. Shanklin, John F., 1029. Shannon, Samuel W., 653. Shannon, Thomas H., 599. Sharon, Robert, 592. Sharon. Nat, 835. Shaw, L. E., 868. Shaw, George T., 622, 629. Shaw, William Judd, 792. Shea, Patrick, 562. Shearin. Thomas, 1047. Shearin, James, 1047. Sheep, S. B., 205. Sheeley, John, 591. Sheets, G., 1038. Sheets, Samuel, 740. Sheets. George W., 637. Sheets, Sam, 585. Sheets. Ben, 585. Sheets, Alexander, 740. Shelby, Bayless P.. 858. Sheley, C. T., 790. Sheley, Z. W., 790. Shelton, James, 719. Shelton, William Haydon. 719. Shelton, W. N., 740. Shelton. W. T., 1008. Shepherd. John, 712. Shercliffe, William, 644. Sherley, John C., 1002, 1023, 1032. Sherman. William T., 91. 233, 243, 946, 956. Sherron, I., 1032. Sherwood, Smith, 790. Shields, W. T., 599. Shindler, P., 743. Shipp, Samuel E., 995. Shorn, J. H., 1045. Shotwell, H., 823. Shrader, A. J.. 1038. Shrewsbury, J. Wood, 678. Shull, E. C.,829. Shulu. John, 709. Shumate, James, 6^0. Shupey. Charles. 620. Shyrer, Jacob A., 727. Shyrer, David D., 723. Sidebottom, William, 722. Sidney. William. 836. Siebel, F., 1047. Sills, William, 672. Simcoe, Henry. 1002. Simons, John, 719. Simmons, D. W., 846. Simmons, John W.. 814. Simmons, J. L., 814. Simmons, Thomas J., 803. Simmons, R. M., 85,837. Simms, William E., 40. 1096 PERSONAL INDEX. Simms, Henry, 772. Simms, Pat, 752, 1053. Simpson, J. R., 700. Sink, W. H., 766. Sinks, A., 774. Sinkhorn, W., 1047. Sipple, Green B., 727. Sipple, Moses, 727. Sipple, Caleb H., 727. Sipple, James H., 727. Sipples, A. R., 591. Skaggs, Fielding, 665. Skillman, \V. C., 561, 1008. Skillman, William II., 600. Skillman, Richard, 998. Skinner, J. G., 1040. Skinner, Thomas C., 868. Skinner, William, 570. Skinner, W. W., 600. Skipping, J. W., 1044. Slaughter, S., 1047. Slayden, L. S., 571. Sloane, Lewis, 751. Slucer, John, 1038. Slusser, John W., 105, 650. Small, George, 808. Small, T. B., 814. Small, Sidney, 814. Small, John .,814. Small, Robert E., 814. Smarr, John T., 835. Smeathers, Ben, 846, Smith, J. S., 1047. Smith, T. B., 1047. Smith, George W., 728. Smith, William L., 660. Smith, D. L., 665. Smith, B., 718. Smith, Samuel, 704. Smith, James W., 653, 1052. Smith, John, 735. Smith, John, 700. Smith, J. E., 1047. Smith, George M., 718. Smith, Green P., 718. Smith, John, 644. Smith, Albert S., 680. Smith, Jerry, 728. Smith, William A., 660. Smith, Jefferson, 665. Smith, Willis, 718. Smith, William H., 713. Smith, A., 672. Smith, N. Frank, 241, 591, 1051; quoted, 269. Smith, Thomas R., 554- Smith, James, 579. Smith, J. T., 600. Smith, James T., 591. Smith, Hugh G., 7,96. 309, 549. Smith, John W., 623. Smith, William, 554. Smith, John W., 613. Smith, Alfred, 300, 622, 807. Smith, Ephraim R., 226, 624, Smith, John, 700. Smith, Bayard T., 629. Smith, S. F., 301. Smith, Capt., 944. Smith, William F., 767, 1054. Smith, Charlie, 814. Smith, Llewellyn P., 144, 823. Smith, D. A., 855. Smith, M., 868. Smith, William Inlow, 846. Smith, John W., 720. Smith, William, 614. Smith, H. T., 665. Smith, Kirby, 170. Smith, I). Howard, 896. Smith, J. I)., 1032. Smith, Nat, 629. Smith, Isaac, 133, 141, 760. Smith, Eugene, 563. Smith, Gus, 282. Smith, Charles F., 63, 67. Smith, John W., 608. Smith, M. L., 114, 125, 126.. Smith, T. M., 868. Smith, Charles, 856. Smith, W. B., 765. Smith, John W., 1002, 1023. Smith, Lewis, 1027. Smith, W. W., 1024. Smith, R., 1027. Smith, George W., 1027. Smith, James A., 765, 1053. Smith, W. W., 814. Smith, William T., 826. Smith, Sylvester, 823. Smith, Noah, 760, 1053. Smith, John G., 772. Smith, F. B., 1032. Smith, John, 796. Smith, Jessie, 7 22 - Smith, John W., "Kirby," 741. Smith, E. M., 782. Smith, Isaac Wes., 765. Smith, W. A., 765. Smith, H. II., 772. Smith, Mitchell, 1027. Smith, John C., 803. Smith, George T., 1002. Smith, Elias G., 829. Smith, W. T., 829. Smith, S. P., 1027. Smith, William H., 713. Smith, Richard, 1027. Smith, J. W., 1009. Smith, William H., ("Hoosier"), 874,. 1032. Smock, Nicholas R., 570. Smoot, John, 1043. Smoot, W. A., 1027. Smoot, George, IOI2. Snapp, Philip, 829. PERSONAL INDEX. 1097 Snellen, Allen A., 796. Snelson, B. R., 1027. Snider, James, 1009. Snodgrass, Thomas., 835. Snodgrass, James, 735. Snyder, J. T., 1032. Soery, R. B. L., 138. Somers, G. L., 697. South, Jerry W., 701. South, James K. P., 712, 1052. South, William T. B., 700, 1052. South, Richard L., 701. South Samuel, 704. l5 2 - Souther, Owen T., 608. Souther, B. A., 698. Southern, Jo, 570. Southern, Richard, 570, Spalding, Jerry, 241, 741. Spalding, John B., 638. Spalding, R. D., 1004. Spalding, Robt, 638. Spalding, Arthur, 585. Spalding, Lloyd, 643. Spalding, JohnB., 1041. Spalding, William, 643. Spaulding, Robert D., 894, 995. Sparks, Moreau, 723. Sparks, John, 650. Sparks, William J., 709. Sparrow, Robert, 591. Speer, James Emory, 741, 1052; quoted, 24. Spears, Joseph D., 591. Spears, Ed F,, 73, 593, 1051. Spears, William B., 752. Spears, Henry, 600, 1051. Spears, Solomon, 591. Speer, W. J., 1019, 1056. Speers, Charles Albert, 1003. Spencer, Sam T. , 629. Spencer, Allen, 712. Spencer, Selden, 860. Spencer, Marshall, 860. Spencer, J. W., 722. Spillman, T. W., 779. Spillman, Isaac, 1039. Spink, J. W., 1039. Spraggins, S. L., 599. Sprake, Robert S., 874, 944. Spurlock, Pleasant, 715. Spurrier, John B., 53, 105. 273, 758. Srouff, C. A., 680. Stacey, James C., 712. Stacey, Felix, 704. Standiford, W. Frank, 919, 1029. Stake, Thomas E., 73, 151, 197, 580. Stallings, Morris B., 1029. Stallings, W. T., 1032. Stamper, Ben C., 709. Stamper, William B. , 607. Stamper, W., 1027. Stamper, John S., 709. Stamper, HughB., 608. Stamps, Thomas S., 561. Standefur, John Tandy, 861, 868. Stanfield, Allen, 998. Stanfield, K.. 998. Stanfield, Ken. O., 1013. Stanley, James, 651. Stanley, William, no, 785, 1053. Stanley, William, 620. Stark, John, 998. Starks, James, 803. Starling, George B. , 814. Starnes, James M., 728. Steele, Joe W., 650. Steele, Thomas, Jr., 652. Steele, John, 591. Steele, Thomas, 89, 188, 652. Steele, Oliver B., 74, 100, 861. Steffey, Ben R., 761, 1054. Steffie, Henry, 629. Steger, Thomas R., 651. Steenbergen, Wm. M., 274, 780, 1050. Stevens, Robert, J., 678. Stevens, Tom, 709. Stevens, Thomas, 855. Stevens, William, 561. Stevens, William, 835. Stevenson, R. W., 554. Stevenson, R. R., 298,. 308, 613, 742. Stevenson, M. W., 1006. Stewart, Samuel, 862. Stewart, John II., 719. Stewart, Haydon, 719. Stewart, Thomas J., 620. Stewart, Robert, 719. Stier, Felix, 579. Stiffler, Joseph, 644. Stigall, T. 868. Stilwell, Isaac N., 743. Stith, A. M., 759. Stith, D. G., 759. Stith, J. P., 1040. Stith, Thomas W., 144, 846. Stith, Thomas J., 1013. Stith, A. W., 759. Stith, George H., 1039. Stith, Francis M., 1040. Stitt, James L., 6/8. Stratton, James, 847. Street, Henderson J., 766, 1054.. Street, William, 613. Street, John L., 614. Street, Joseph, 77 2 - Streeter, Joseph, 700. Stricklin, John, 712. Stringfellow, S. S., 653. Strode, John L., 680. Strong, Edward C., 701, 1052. Strother, Robert D., 705. Strother, Thomas, 846. Strum, Crawford, 651. Stoflett, John, 1027. Stokes, William, 579. Stokes, L. H., 1045. 1098 PERSONAL INDEX. Stolsenberg, Louis, 856. Stone, Franc M., 678. Stone, M. N., 660. Stone, William J., 678. Stone, J., 668. Stone, H., 1032. Stone, W. G., 599. Stone, George, 751. Stoneman, George, 938. Stoner, William, 823. Stonestreet, Richard F., 890, 1003. Storde, John, 684. Storms, Andrew, 758. Storms, John, 758. Story, Smith, 561. Story, James, 644. Stotts, Milton B., 272, 766. Stout, John S., 562. Stout, Mrs. Jane, 316. Stout, A. G., 712. Stout, Alonzo, 712. Stout, L. N., 751. Stout, John L., 779, 1053. Stout, David, 712. Stovall, Noah, 847. Stovall, Hezekiah II., 796. Stowers, D. L., 698. Stowers, J. W. (Chap), 998, 1019. Stowers, J. W., 1019. Stowers, N. M., 691. Stubbs, Frank, 665. Stull, William, 751. Stultz, John, 709. Sullivan, Timothy, 650. Sullivan, J. M., 579. Sullivan, Joseph, 1043. Sullivan, John S., 753. Sullivan, Bartholomew, 674. Sullivan, Jerry, 856. Summers, Ed, 637. Summers, James H., 608. Summers, George J., 561. Sumner, S., 868. Surran, Thomas J., 658, 1052. Surratt, Levi W., 856. Sutcliffe, Henry, 554. Suter, Lyman M., 1025. Suter, Samuel, 651. Suter, James A., 1024. Suter, Nathaniel, 1027. Sutherland, , 1047. Sutherland, Z. M., 790. Sutherland, John, 790. Sutherland, J. W., 614. Sutton, P. W., 1019. Sutton, Seneca, 591. Swagar, Charles M., 607. Swain, Hooper C., 684. Swartz, William A., 712. Sweazy, J. F., 751, 805. Sweazy, J. G., 805. Sweazy, J. V., 751, 805. .Sweazy, Joseph, 751. Sweney, James, 796. Swift, Stephen, 562. Swimm, Asa M., 692, 856. Swindler, William, 1003. Switzer, James, 73- Switzer, William, 728. Tabb, John, 796 . Tabb, Jackson, 75 2 - Taber, Odell G., 608. Tabor, James, 1019. Tackett, John, 712. Talbott, James F., 570. Talbott, James T., 658. Talbott, Alexander, 592. Talbott, Ben M., 608. Tandy, G. A., 1008. Tandy, D. A., 1008. Tandy, Lewis, 736. Tapp, John, 796. Tapman, Wash C., 608. Tarr, James W., 620. Tarver, J. F., 554. Tarver, H. H., 554. Tate, David B., 759. Tatum, John, 1045. Tatum, W. F., 829. Taylor, William, 836. Taylor, J. H., 869. Taylor, A. C., 836. Taylor, James, 869. Taylor, Robert K., 847. Taylor, John, 1019. Taylor, Mahlon R., 998, 1038. Taylor, A. R., 1019, 1056. Taylor, John, 700. Taylor, Dan B., 1038. Taylor, B. G., 1040. Taylor, J. Gibson, 949, 996. Taylor, William J., 886, 931, 932, 957, 1015, 1056. Taylor, Washington, 592. Taylor, Newton, 592. Taylor, Francis, 620. Taylor, J. D., 588. Taylor, David H., 836. Taylor, G. H., 614. Taylor, Green T., 651. Taylor, Joseph, W., 592. Taylor, Milt, 570. Taylor, B. F., 614. Taylor, James M., J12. Taylor, William, 712. Taylor, Jasper, 592. Taylor, James E., 829. Taylor, James H., 836, 1055. Taylor, J. M., 134. Taylor, J. T., 144. Taylor, William, 829. Teel, Daniel, 644. Tennell, James, 242, 752. Terrill, H. Lynch, 570. Terry, William A., 781, 783, 1054. Terry, John F., 785. PERSONAL INDEX. 1099 Theobald, G. P., 622, 645, 1052. Theobald, Samuel, 651. Thixton, John, 1032. Thomas, A. C., 672. Thomas, J. M., 1045. Thomas, Carter, 719. Thomas, O. P., 712. Thomas, R. C., 549. Thomas, John A., 805. Thomas, Spencer, 719. Thomas, Joseph \V., 720. Thomas, Richard F., 554. Thomas, W. II., 588. Thomas, John II., 860. Thomas, William, 651. Thomas, J. A., 759. Thomas, John H., 869. Thomas, Peter, 759. Thomas, L. C., 75 2 - Thomas, Frank M., 759. Thomas, Ed R., 608. Thomas, John, 1019. Thomas, Ben W., 1020. Thomas, Edward, 1028. Thomas, George W., 1027. Thomas, J. J., 1024. Thomas, Spencer, 1027. Thomas, R., 1028. Thomas, W. S. 1038. Thomas, Anthony, 1024. Thomas, Frank, 1027. Thomas, John H., 685. Thomas, Charles H., 161, 164, 563. Thomas, John, 40. Thomasson, F. Samuel, 588. Thomasson, Z. W., 104^. Thomasson, Edwin, 562. Thomasson, George H., 554. Thomasson, William S., 658. Tomlinson, J. W., 651. Thompson, Thomas W., 89, 124, 125, 197, 217,679. Thompson, \Villiam G., 587, 1057. Thompson, N. J., 298, 693. Thompson, Willis, 644. Thompson, Horace, 644. Thompson, Joseph, 665. Thompson, John De LaFletcher, 228, 616. Thompson, J. L., 144. Thompson, Napoleon B., 752, 1032. Thompson, Thomas J., 644. Thompson, A. H., 665. Thompson, Gus, 829. Thompson, Andrew J., 736. Thompson, Ben, 685. Thompson, Philip B. , 40, 81. Thompson, Henry C., 796. Thompson, William, 805. Thompson, Phil, 823. Thompson, Wm. E., 862, 869, 1055. Thompson, Elliott W., 104, 781, 784, 1053- Thompson, J. W., 44, 146, 301. Thompson, Charles P., 790. Thompson, Ed Porter, 742, 780, 783, 1053- Thompson, William B. , 752. Thompson, Albert P., 44, 129, 130, 132, 136, 138, 140, 142. Thompson, Alexander, 665. Thompson, John B., Jr., 40. Thompson, Alonzo N.,8o3. Thompson, Frank M., 1019. Thompson, Nathan B., 104, 784. Thomson, Robert A., 196, 653. Thomson, David Henry, 736. Thorneberry, George W.. 651. Thornton, John, 1025. Thornton, William, 1013. Thornton, Charles L., 722. Thornton, Charles W., 562. Threlkeld, Thomas, 644. Throckmorton, John R., no, 138, 158. Thurber, Harry, 1003. Thurman, Philip, 790. Thurman, P. M., 869. Thurman, Will, 1029. Thurman, John T., 1033. Tilghman, Lloyd, 44. Tillman, W. L., 1008. Timmons, E., 672. Tindall, Thomas, 614. Tindall, Samuel, 614. Tingle, Roland, 722. Tingle, Reuben, 722. Tingle, J. A., 722. Tinnell, Robert, 772. Tinsley, Monroe, 829. Tinsley, Didward, 144, 829. Tinsley, C. C., 629. Tisdale, John G., 781, 784. Tison, B. C., 847. Tittle, James, 665. Todd, Thomas, 651. Todd, Miss Kitty, 316, 893. Todd, Dr., 301. Todd, Alexander, no, 138, 150,996, 998. Todd, B., 1040. Todd, James N., 712. Todd, Charles H., 301. Todd, Mrs., 316. Tolle, James P., 200, 772, 784. Tolle, C. R., 614. Tolle, JohnS., 781, 784. Tomlinson, Emmett, 715. Tomlinson, John R., 715. Tomlinson, J. W., 651. Toms, Jasper, 847. Toole, Thomas, 614. Tooley, Thomas, 74 1 - Topp, H. E., 135. Touget, Thomas, 998, 1044. Touhey, James, 579. Towles, James T., 658. 1100 PERSONAL INDEX. Townley, Caleb, 585. Towns, M. O., 829. Townsend, E. J , 847. Trabue, Presley, 151, 197, 644. Trabue. R. P., 33, 83, 90, 93, 95, 100, 147, 183, 192, 197, 202, 203, 204, 223, 622. Tracey, Hense G., 766. Tracey, James K. P., 741. Tracey, Jerry, 741. Tracey, William II., 570. Tracey, Solomon, 674. Tracy, A.W., 781. Trader, James, 1013. Trammell, Thomas M., 784. Travis, Henry C., 752, 805. Trepagnier, N., 133. Trevathen, Thomas B.. 554. Trice, John L., 196, 666. Trigg, Joseph S., 600. Trigg, Thomas, 579. Trimble, H. T., 637. Trimble, Thomas, 1019. Triplet!, George W., 40, no, 150,995, 1019, 1056. Trotter, W. S.. 674. Troutman, Philip, 796. Troutman, William, 796- True, R. M., 1024. Truman, Frank. 721. Tryon, Frank P., 47, 203, 581. Tucker, Henry, 719. Tucker, William J., 600. Tucker, James, 651. Tucker, Jo L., 53, 753. Tucker, J. W., 862. Tucker, L. M., 753. Tull, Willis C., 1013. Tull, Frederich, 1006. Tully, J., 869. Tunley, M., 1008. Tupman, G. S., 698. Turk, Sam, 665. Turner, W illiam, 644. Turner, Abraham, 736. Turner, John, 1008. Turner, B. F., 620. Turner, J. J., 1032. Turner, J. L., 1032. Turner, Lieut. -Col., 213. Turner, Ed R., 713. Turner, William T., 700. Turney, Daniel, 285, 287, 593, 609, 1051. Turney, Henry, 614. Turpin, Perry, 614. Tutt, W., 869. Twyford, John P.. 685. Twyman, R. D., 658. Tyer, T. R., 672. Tydings, Joe M., 823. Tyler, Robert, 157, 823, 1055. Tyree, Simms, 678. Tyrer, Robert, 829. Uhrig, Phil, 586. Ulan, Henry Clay, 570. Underwood, Ed, 772. Underwood, Nelson, 856. Underwood, Elias, 772. Usrey, R. L., 572. Usrey, John R., 579. Utley, William, 637. Utterback, Gran, 133, 141, 177, 785. Vacaro, Phil, 807, 823. Vail, John R., 637. Valcour, John C., 200, 201, 791. Valentine, Jack, 995. Van Buren, George, 6c8. Van Bussum, Phil, 644. Vance, Wm. H., 709. Vance, Ben, 1003. Vanden, Lewis, 685. Van Dorn, Gen., 114, 117, 122, 146, 205. Vanfossen, N. II., 685. Van Meter, Wm. H., 241, 796. Van Meter, D. R., 1013. Vantrees, Emanuel, 728. Varner, Nicholas R., 728. Varnon, John T., 601. Vaughan, J. L., 856. Vaughan, Stephen, 679. Vaughan, John, 679. Vaughan, Elijah, 679. Vaughn, Jefferson, 1013. Vaughn, Jesse, 1013. Vaughn, B. A., 1015. Vaughn, Silas, 722. Vaught, D. C., 188, 211. Venable, James, 804. Vertrees, John L., 298, 742. Vick, D. L., 1013. Vickers, Henry L., 829. Viers, John, 796. Viley, John R., 157, 205, 228. Viley, John W., 562^ Vincent, W. T., 999. Vincent, Lyter, 895, icoj, 1023. Vincent, Joe E., 874, 949, 955, 1020, 1056; quoted, 892, 895, 950. Vincent, John, 917, 918, 1003, 1023. Vinsen, W. R., 869. Virden, Mornix W., 562. Vise, Charles, 796. Waddle, James, 600. Wadlington, A. W., 667. Wadlington, F. M., 869. Waggoner, Leslie, 815, 1055. Waggoner, Adair, 660. Wagoner, A. A., 666. Wainwright, A. G., 600. Wakefield, J. G., 814. Walford. Natt, 805. Walker, A. P., 824. Walker, John, 571. Walker, John, 824. PERSONAL INDEX. 1101 Walker, St. Clair, 815. Walker, James, 824. Walker, C. M., 791. Walker; W. .,815. Walker, Adelbert, 786. Walker, William H., 856. Walker, Samuel, 1020. Walker, Samuel, 869. Walker, David C., 742, 785, 797. Walker, Robert, 837. Walker, George, 805. Walker, James II., 68 5^. Walker, John H., 785, 804. Walker, Euclid, 786. Walker, Samuel J., 562. Wall, Lewis, 059, 1044. Wall, Richard M., 831, 1055. Wall, William B., 1044. Wall, Robert, 1047. Wallace, J. W., 144. Wallace, Lew, 64, 65, 67. Wallace, R. W., 830. Wallace, T. T., 580. Wallace, W. H., 1013. Wallace, A. L., 667. Wallace, Caleb, 562. Wallace, James C., 1009. Wallace, H. D., 667. Wallace, Joshua, 651. Wallace, J. C., Jr., 1013. Wallace, Robert C., 1013. Wallace, William R., 1013. Waller, John, 571. Waller, Robert A., 1044. Waller, James S., 554. Wallis, Taylor, 672. Wallis, W. K., 673. Walls, Burgess, 679. Walls, N. H., 1032. Walston, J. C., 586. Walthall, James L., 830. Walton, G. W., 869. Walton, E. P., 623. Walton, George, 637. Wapp, R., 1047. Ward, Charles L., 827. Ward, William H., 554. Ward, David, 1044. Ward, John E., 554. Ward, J. F., 562. W r ard, A. H., 60. Ward, Charles L., 651. Warner, Walter, 563. Warren, L., 792. Warren, W r illiam, 792. Waterfill, William M., 791. W T aterfill, Joseph J., 786. Waterfill, J. P., 791. Waters, James W., 719. Waters, W 7 illiam II., 814. W r aters, Andrew J., 679. W T athen Ex, 1006. Wathen, E. Hudson, 1004. Wathen, Charles, 644. Wathen, Theodore, 645. Wathen, Patrick, 644. W atkins, William W., 760. Watkins, W. T., 621. Watkins, William J., 659. Watkins, Walter, 672. Watkins, W. T., 621. Watkins, William W., 760. Watkins, Walter, 672. Watt, Ed, 630. Watts, Thomas, 863. Watts, Ambrose, 704. Watts, Enoch, 704. Watts, Oscar, 600. Watts, Morton, 614. Watts, David, 869. Watts, J., 1033. Watson, James D., 572, 1051. W atson, T. O., 1009. Watson, N. T., 1009. Watson, Nathan T., 1009. Watson, L. D., 1009. Waugh, George, 630. Way, Richard, 651. Way, John B., 588. W r ay, R. T., 1028. Wayland, Adam, 620. Wayne, A. M., 824. Wayne, Joseph D., 1020. W 7 eatherby, Dr., 127. Weatherford, J. A., 550. W eatherford, L. B., 580. Weatherford, A. T., 580. \Veaver, R. D., 709. \Veaver, R. D., 722. Weaver, D. W., 554. Webb, John H., 831. Webb, George, 869. Webb, William M., 592. Weber, Ben, 824. Webster, Stephen D., 719. Webster, Wiley, 719. Webster, Henry. 836. Webster, D., 869. Webster, Jack, 752. Webster, C. A , Jr., 592. W eddington, James, 709. Weedman, D. R., 1038. Weedman, M., 824. Weeks, James, 829. Weeks, M. L., 830, 1055. Weigert, Lorenz, 621. Welby, Mrs. Ann Maria, 315. Welch, Daniel, 651. W r elch, E. B.,652. Welch, Gid, 742. Welch, James, 728. Weldon, Frank, 864. Weller, John H.,99, 100, 645. \Veller, David F. C., 571, 1051. Wells, George W., 760, 805, 1054. Wells, S. H., 1033. 1102 PERSONAL INDEX. Wells, V. M., 752. Wells, James, 592. Wells, George W., 592. Wells, John, 658. Wells, Joseph, 592. Wells, William, 693. Wells, Alexander, 760. 805. Wells, Joe W., 837. Wells, Frank, 1038. Wenzel, Ham, 586. West, Amos, 572, 1051. West, J. A., 133. West, James L. , 837. West, John, 1045.- Westerfield, J. H., 1019. Western, W. W., 1006. Weston, W. W., 580. Weston, E. T., 550, 551, 554. Wetherton, Richard J., 621. Whalen, Mike, 666. Whalen, Polk, 836. Whaley, William H., 836. Wharton, John A., 170, 189, 886, 897, 899. Whayne, Richard, 869. Wheatley, William, 1009. Wheatley, R., 859, 869. Wheeler, Joseph, 151, 170, 282, 874, 888, 892, 896, 906, 921, 929, 934, 944; quoted, 871, 901, 938. Whelock, Jesse, 773. Whitaker, William Randall, 732. Whitaker, Ben F. G.. 731. Whitaker, Ben A., 737. Whitaker, S. P. F., 736. White, Henry, 741. White, Thomas, 722. White, Theodore, 586. White, C., 621. White, D. .,659. White, J. S., 1038. White, C. O., 652. White, N. T., 680. White, John B., 666. White. W., 869. White, John, 739. White, Dan P., 40. White, Andrew J., 836. White, James M., 722, 1052. White, Harrison P., 609. White, Ben, 815. White, James L., 593. White, King, 586. Whitecawer, William, 815. Whitehead, Coleman G., 737. Whitehead, John, 1045. Whitefield, Joseph, 847. Whitefield, George, 133, 199. Whitsitt, Washington L., 1013. Whitsitt, William H., 515. Whittington, William T., 659. Whittington, James B., 659. Whittington, E. H., 659, 1052. Wible, B. M., 295, 549. Wiggins, J., 869. Wickliffe, Nat, 1 10. Wickliffe, John K., 830. Wickliffe, A. W., 1013. Wickliffe, Moses, 825. Wickliffe, John C., 126, 136, 143, 144, 217, 220, 281, 806, 815. Wickware, J. H., 804. Wiel, S. P., 824. Wilburn, Richard, 856. Wilcox, Capt., 882. Wilhelm, Alfred, 760. Wilhoite, Paschal, 1003. Wilhoite, William, 1003. Wilhoite, Samuel, 1003. Wilhoite, J. S., 1021. Wilhoite, Richard, 698. Wilhoite, W. M., 1020. Wilkerson, H. T., 573. Wilkins, William H., 571. Wilkins, S. W., 637, Wilkinson, Miles. 630. Wilkinson, A., 772. Wilkinson, J. O., 274, 752, 782, 1054, Wilkinson, William L., 624. Wilkinson, James N., 630. Willett, Richard, 1044. Willett, Dan R., 1040. Willett, R., 1010. Williamson, H., 673. Williamson, William J., 836. Williamson, James M., 709. Williams, John J., 838, 860. Williams, Jerome B., 830. Williams, David, 862. Williams, Henry, 869. Williams, D., 869. Williams, J. T., 862. Williams, Joseph C., 580. Williams, George W., 847. Williams, John T., 592. Williams, George W., 608. Williams, J. H., 614. Williams, George W., 615. Williams, J. R., 580. Williams, John S., 563. Williams, J. T., 571. Williams, James H., 570. Williams, A. J., 1028. Williams. H. S., 1013. Williams, W. T., 1006. Williams, S. B., 1028. Williams, J. D., 1019. Williams, J. T., 1019, 1056. Williams, Robert, 1013. Williams, John S., 691. Williams, Joseph D., 704. Williams, Jo B., 881, 1009. Williams, Henry, 637. Williams, W. P., 621. Williams, John, 644. Williams, Simpson, 652. 1 KKSOXAL INDEX. 1103 Williams, Robert 11., 197, 659. Williams, William, 621. Williams, Thomas, 698. Williams, G. W., 700. Williams, W. S., 672. Williams, James, 679. Williams, Robert H., 646, 1052. Williams, Robert A., 629. Williams, G. S., 791. Williams, James, 691. Williams, "Matt, 804. Williams, A. J., 144, 621. Williams, John S., 229, 934, 945. Williams, Henry, 999. Williams, Jacob, 741, 1052. Williams, Thomas J., 710. Williams, Eliphas P., 715. Willingham, W. T., 550, 551, 554. Willis, L. R., 1008. Willock, II. T., 666. Willoughby, , 554. Wilson, Thomas, 781, 785, 1054. Wilson, W. W.,785- Wilson, Tyler, 824. Wilson, James, 150, 165, 192,215,630. Wilson, J. R., 760. Wilson, G. F., 804. Wilson, , 859. WiLson, M. S., 847. Wilson, Lemuel S., 563. Wilson, Ben, 1020. Wilson, Samuel L., 804. Wilson, F. F., 1028. Wilson, Josiah W., 698. Wilson, William, 679. Wilson, William, 666. Wilson, John W., 698. Wilson, R., 722. Wilson, lohn, 791. Wilson, J. H., 761. Wilson, James T., 781, 785. Wilson, Joe, 54, 824. Wiltshire, Joseph, 1009. Wimms, T. P., 815. Winchester, John P., 1023. Winfree, W. P., 1006. Wingate, J. W., 1047. Wingo, Thomas, 580, 1051. Winlock, Joseph T., 782. 785, 1054. Winn, Smith E., 120, 773, 1054. Winn, J. B., 673. Winn, James B., 772, 773. Winn, M. D. L., 774. Winn, L., 824. Winstead, Bush I)., 1009. Winstead. Thomas II., 631. 685. Winston, J. M., 600. Winter, Henry II., 550, 1051. Wintersmith, Richard C., 548, 1051. Wise, John, 1023. Withers, Temp, 43, 184. Withers, Thomas, 796. Withers, Samuel, 1013. Withers, \Villiam, 1013. Withrow, Robert, 998. Withrow, Robert B., 1013. Witt, Andrew J., 658, 1028, 1056. Witt, Wm. L., 782. Witt, W. E., 1024. Witt, John N., 938, 946, 949, 955, 1024. Witty, Horatio, 869. Wisotzki, John F., 955, 1023. Wolfe, George W., 837. Wolfram, George, 945, 1003, 1023. Wood, George S., 861. Wood, E. B.j 1009. Wood, R. M., 698, 1020. Woodbury, Samuel H., 1009. Woodring, W. W., 666. Woods, Charles E., 632. Woodson, Frank, 856. Woodson, Kidder, 571. Woodson, E. M., 773. Woodson, John L., 694. Woodward, Elijah, 830. Woodward, John, 830. Woodward, Thomas G., 881, 912, 995 ; quoted, 884. Wooldridge, Robert, 615, 791. Wooley, Green, 144. Wooley, Thomas, 700. Wooley, R. W., no. Woolfe, Richard, 937. Woolfolk, Joseph II., 860, 864. Woosley, Greenville, 847. Wooten, T. M., 766. Word, R. T., 1009. Wordick, Bryan, 862. Works, John, 1028. W orland, B. F., 1009. Worling, Barney, 999. Worthington, Samuel G., 1013. W T orthington, William F., 1013. Worthington, Ed S., 622. Worsham, David, 563. Worsham, Richard, 563. Wright, Marcus J., 204. Wright, Andrew, 856. Wright, George, 1015. Wright, Edward Sayse, 608. Wright, Tom C., 608. Wright, George, 53. Wright, Benjamin, 7 9- Wright, James, 741. Weight, J. G., 637. Wright, T. B., 652. Wright, W. D., 738. Wright, Ben, 586. Wyatt, George C., 1038. Wyatt, W. C., 1009. Wyatt, T. F., 563. Wyley, Robert, 580. Yager, John, 1034, 1038. Yanaway, C. C., 863. Yancey, John H., 782. 783, 1054. 1104 PERSONAL INDEX. Yandell, William M., 621, 1051. Yandellj D. W., 294. Yantes, J. W., 1047. Yarbrough, Richard, 719. Yarbrough, S. A., 673. Yarbrough, John, 652. Yarbrough, Drew, 1013. Yates, George R., 221, 715. Yates, A. W., 1040. Yates, William, 642. Yeager, Silas, 1000. Yeager, J. A., 1033. Yeager, G. H., 1047. Yeaky, S. B., 637. Yeiser, A. R., 1020. Yewell, John, 1020. Yewell, Joseph M., 996, 1015. Yocum, J. S., 1047. York, Thomas, 600. Youell, Lewis, 586. Young, Brice R., 600. Young, Thomas, 273. Young, George W., 774. Young, A. E., 761. Young, James, 679. Young, Th. B., 144,830. Young, Lewis C., 55- Young, John W. S., 630. Young, Lot D., 679, 1052. Young, William, 837. Young, N. B., 863. Young, W 7 illiam, 791- Young, P. M. B., 283, 284, 285. Young, John F., 294. Young, John T., 709. Young, Robert, 773. Young, Hal P., 1044. Young, S. M., 1044. Young, Stephen, 1045. Young, Roger, 1006. Young, Joseph O., 1006, 1044. Young, T., 1009. Young, W. R., 1047. Younger, George W., 797. Younger, William, 797- Younger, David, 847. Younger, Tiller, 1013. Younger, Ida, 1013. Yount, Thaddeus, 1038. Yount, James, 838. Yountz, James W., 826. Zeigler, Charles, 856. Zion, William, 74- Zollicoffer, Gen., 57, 72, 844. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. FEB 1 1967 1 J - t - SI ! 4 IN STACKS JAN ift 1967 RECEIVED Mf\R? 7*67 -9 AM LOAN nEPT. i. rt 38O? f 7|.^ PW 24 LP_o 2 11 | UNiV. Ufc- <~AUi*-. .- - OCT151C 91 AUTO DISC i * T yu LD 21A-60m-7, 66 (G4427slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley IU JC BERKELEY LIBRARIES coansmsa M204209 THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY $1*