GIFT OF A RE PLY TO THE LETTERS OF THE ABBE DUBOIS, ON THE STATE OF CHRISTIANITY IN INDIA. REV. JAMES HOUGH, CHAPtfAIN TO THE HON. EAST-INDIA COMPANY, ON THE MADRAS ESTABLISHMENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY R. WATTS. PUBLISHED BY L. B. SEELEY & SON, 169, FLEET STREET. H **^' CONTENTS. SECTION I. p. l. THE POSSIBILITY OF CONVERTING THE HINDOOS TO CHRISTIANITY. SECTION II. p. 61. THE NATURE OF THE MEANS EMPLOYED BY THE ROMAN - CATHOLICS FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE HINDOOS; TOGETHER WITH THEIR FAILURE, AND THE CAUSE OF THAT FAILURE. SECTION lit. p. 1 1 1 . THE NATURE OF THE MEANS WHICH PROTEST- ANTS USE FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE HINDOOS. SECTION IV. P. 155. THE SUCCESS WHICH HAS ALREADY ATTENDED THE MEANS USED BY PROTESTANTS FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE HINDOOS. 47 ( CONTENTS. SECTION V. P. 214. THE PRESENT STATE OF THE SYRIAN CHURCH IN TRAVANCORE, TOGETHER WITH THE SUCCESS THAT HAS ATTENDED THE MEANS USED FOR ITS MELIORATION. SECTION VI. P. 248. THE DUTY AND POLICY OF PROMOTING CHRIS- TIANITY IN INDIA; AND THE NECESSITY OF IMPROVING THE CHARACTER OF THE SER- VANTS OF GOVERNMENT, BOTH EUROPEAN AND NATIVE. APPENDIX. P. 305. TWO LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OF THE CALCUTTA JOURNAL " Ought Christians to allow People of any Faith or Sect, as Hindoos, Mussulmans, &c., to work at their Houses on Sunday ?" SECTION I. THE POSSIBILITY OF CONVERTING THE HINDOOS TO CHRISTIANITY. IN a work recently published by the Abb6 Dubois, late Jesuit Missionary in Mysore, entitled, " Letters on the State of Chris- tianity in India," the Author replies in the negative to the following questions: " First, Is there a possibility of making* real converts to Christianity among the natives in India ? Secondly, Are the means employed for that purpose, and, above all, the translation of the Holy Scriptures into the idioms of the country, likely to conduce to this desirable object?" His negative to both these queries he hesitates not to repeat in various parts of the work; stating it as his " decided opinion, First, that, under existing circumstances, there is no human possibility of converting the Hindoos, to any sect of Christianity : and, Secondly, that the translation of the Holy Scriptures circulated among them, so far from B 2 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. conducing to this end, will, on the contrary, increase the prejudices of the natives against the Christian Religion, and prove, in many respects, detrimental to it." " These assertions" he endeavours to sup- port "by such arguments and proofs as a long experience and practice in the career of proselytism have enabled" him, as he con- ceives, " to adduce." pp. l, 2. His "arguments" are founded upon the bad character of the Hindoos, but especially of the Brahmins upon the extensive in- fluence of the latter over all other castes of Hindoos upon the nature of their super- stitions and the inveteracy of their prejudices upon the contempt into which Christianity is, from various causes, brought upon the persecutions to which converts are exposed, &c.&c. (passim) all of which he regards as insurmountable obstacles to the dissemina- tion of the Gospel in Hindoostan. His "proofs" are deduced from the total failure, as he asserts, of the means hitherto employed. If there were the slightest pro- bability of success, it must, he thinks, ere this have crowned the exertions of Roman- Catholic Missionaries, who have laboured in India for three centuries back, conceal- ing, with care, every thing in the Christian Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 3 Religion likely to wound the feelings or offend the prepossessions of the natives, and en- deavouring, in every possible way, to con- ciliate their minds. And since these means have proved hitherto, and still continue to prove, abortive, he regards it as the wildest of speculations for Protestant Missionaries to think of gaining upon a race of people like the inhabitants of our Eastern Empire, with a mode of worship destitute, as he de- clares, of all attraction. From a review of the whole subject, he concludes, that God has predestinated the Hindoos to eternal reprobation ! ! that, ie let the Christian Religion be presented to these people under every possible light," " the time of conversion has passed away; and, under existing circumstances, there remains no hu- man possibility to bring it back." p. 42, &c. If his reasoning be sound, and his conclu- sion fairly drawn, we behold, in the millions of human beings who inhabit the vast con- tinent of India, a race of our fellow- creatures in as hopeless a condition as that of apostate angels: and, instead of cherishing the rising sympathies of our common nature, which would move us to stretch forth the hand of charity to raise them from so wretched a prostration of soul, it is our duty to stifle B 2 4 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. every tender emotion that straggles within our bosoms, on beholding their hapless condition ; lest we should, involuntarily, speak to them in the accents of mercy, tell them of the dying love of Christ, and thus, before we are aware of it, be fighting against the purposes of Almighty God. If the Author's views be correct, then we are justified in maintaining our sovereignty over the Hindoos, without once offering them that only equivalent compensation which is to be found in the benefits of the Christian Religion ! A question involving such tremendous consequences, to so great a proportion of mankind, demands the most serious delibe- ration. And after perusing and re-perusing the Abb6's Letters, with that attention which the importance of the subject de- mands, and carefully comparing his asser- tions with my own "experience and practice" in the Missionary Cause for some years in India, I have arrived at conclusions diame- trically opposite to those which he has drawn : and I here pledge myself to prove, First, " the possibility of making real con- verts to Christianity among the natives in India." Secondly, that " the means em- ployed for that purpose, and, above all, the Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 5 translation of the Holy Scriptures into the idioms of the country, are likely to con- duce to this desirable object." There are those who would tell me, that 1 am com- mitting myself on the very threshold of the discussion; for that, to assert the possibility of converting the natives of India to the Christian Faith, is to betray a total igno- rance of their character. I have studied their character; and could, from my own experience, give a description of their moral depravity that would afflict the Christian's soul. But I find that the Abb6, if he thought it convenient to his purpose, would not hesitate to deny the accuracy of any de- scription, how closely soever resembling his own: p. 145, &c. I shall not, therefore, expose myself to the charge of drawing " exaggerations and misrepresentations re- specting the Hindoos," but will describe them in his own terms. " The Hindoos may be divided into two classes the impostors, and the dupes. The latter include the bulk of the population of India ; and the former is composed of the whole tribe of Brahmins." p. 87. Contrasting the character of Cornelius with that of the Hindoos, he says, their " minds seem to be hermetically shut to the 6 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. voice of truth, and to the rays of light; and their judgment is led astray by their passions, and most of their public and private institutions. I have, alas ! nowhere met, among the Hindoo Brahmins, another Cor- nelius, * whose prayers and alms are come up as a memorial before God.' I have, to this day, remarked amongst them nothing but pride, self-conceit, duplicity, lying, and every kind of unnatural and ami- Christian vices." p. 92. " A Hindoo, and, above all, a Brahmin, by his institutions, his usages, his education and customs, must be considered as a kind of moral monster as an individual placed in a state of continual variance and oppo- sition with the rest of the human race," &c. &c. pp. 1OO,1O1. " The leading feature of the education of a Brahmin is an universal hatred and con- tempt towards all the human race." He " is taught, if not positively to hate his friends, and to return evil for good, at least to con- duct himself through life by quite selfish con- siderations, and to sacrifice all, without exception, to his private interests, without distinction between friends and foes ; to be entirely unmindful of the services rendered to him, and to consider them,* whatever may Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 7 be their importance and value, as his strict due/' " A Brahmin is, moreover, obliged, from duty, to be selfish, intolerant and proud, insolent and forbidding." p. 102. At pp. 103 and 104, after comparing the Brahmin to " those false philosophers of whom Paul speaks (Rom. i.) ," he adds, " In reading this chapter of our holy books, and the forcible style in which the Apostle treats the subject, one would fancy that he had in view the Hindoo Brahmins, when he wrote it. If one would draw up the character of this caste of Hindoos, it could not be bet- ter done, than by literally transcribing the 2Qth, 30th, and 3 1st verses of this very chapter." " The inferiority of the Hindoo Brahmins to all other Pagan Nations, with respect to religion, is the more striking, as they have not been able to distinguish what is a virtue, and what is not; since they in general sup- pose it much more meritorious to render service to beasts than to men. A pious Hin- doo Brahmin, who will make it his impe- rative duty to share his frugal meal with fishes, snakes, monkeys, and birds of prey, will, on the other hand, behold, with the coldest indifference, a poor wretch starving at his door, without thinking of assisting him." 8 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. Instead of that great leading precept of Christian Charity, * Thou shalt love thy neighbour like thyself,' which is calculated to convert the whole of mankind into a com- munity of brothers, it might be said, that the leading precept of the Brahmins is this, 1 Thou shalt love brutes like thyself.' " " To practise a virtue from quite disinterested motives, and only to enjoy the inward sa- tisfaction of doing good, are things above their comprehension. Ask a rich Hindoo, who spends the whole or a part of his for- tune in erecting or repairing places of reli- gious worship, in building choultries, &c. &c. &c., what are his motives for so doing, his answer will almost invariably be, that he does so to be publickly praised, as a virtuous man, during his life, and to transmit his name to posterity after his death." pp. 112, 113, 114. Much more to the same effect might be transcribed from the Author's more ela- borate work, giving " A Description of the People of India*:" but these extracts, 1 trust, will be sufficient to satisfy the reader, * For an exposition of the inconsistency between the Author's description of the immoral character of the Hindoos given in his former publication, and that drawn in many parts of the present Letters, see the Eclectic Review for Oct. and Nov. 1823. Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 9 that the Hindoo is, indeed, sunk into the depths of depravity. He will know, also, what degree of credit is due to the repre- sentations of the man, who can himself at one time describe the Hindoo in such appal- ling characters, and, at another, affect to have his " indignation roused to a high degree," by, what he calls, " the exagge- rations" &c. of the late Mr. Ward of Seram- pore, who nowhere represents the Hindoo as worse than a " moral monster." pp. J 45, 1 4Q,&c. Taking, then, the natives of India as the Abb6 Dubois himself describes them and in more terrific colours they need not be depictured ! I nevertheless maintain the possibility of converting them to Christ: for the Gospel has been proclaimed to as bad a people, and that with success. I will not fetch my proofs from Ancient Greece or Rome, Britain or Gaul, the Sar- matae or Daci, Scandinavians, Goths, or Vandals ; though all these, and many other people converted to the Faith, were, as might be easily shewn, as unpromising sub- jects for the Gospel as the inhabitants of Hindoostan. The testimony of St. Paul to the character of the Corinthians, previous to their conver- sion, shall suffice : " Neither fornicators, 10 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves \vith mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you ; but ye are washed, but ye are sancti- fied, but ye are justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." ( 1 Cor. vi. 9 11. See also Eph. ii. 1 5. Coloss. iii. 5 7. &c.) Then let us not despair of the Hindoo, bad as he confessedly is ! The same Almighty Being, who shewed mercy to the depraved Corinthians, is able and who dare say He is not willing? to deliver " the natives of In- dia" also from the bondage of corruption, and translate them " into the glorious liberty of the Children of God." Easy were it to prove, that the Hindoos are less culpable before God, than the Israelites who were cotemporary with our Lord and His Apostles. They have as yet manifested little of that perverse temper which led the Jews, at one time, to take offence at the strictness of John the Baptist; and, at another, at the freedom of Christ : (Matt. xi. 16 1Q.) They have not yet resisted those incontrovertible evidences for the truth of Christianity which were vouchsafed to the Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 1 1 Jews, who had the testimonies of prophecy, of John the Baptist, of miracles, and of a voice from heaven. Consequently, the Hin- doos, in rejecting the Gospel, could not be so culpable as the Israelites were, even though it had been stated to them in its purity, without any admixture of human error or device. Our Lord himself hath declared thus much: (Matt. xi. 2O, 21.) Bad as the Hindoos are, they are not worse than the inhabitants of Sodom. No (M. Dubois may rejoin); but these miserable people, with their city, were destroyed by fire and brim- stone from heaven. True : yet our Lord declares, that it shall be more tolerable for them, in the day of judgment, than for the inhabitants of Capernaum, and, conse- quently, for every other people who rejected Him, notwithstanding the evidence he gave them of His divine character and authority, by performing many mighty works in their presence: (vv. 23, 24.) The more numerous the religious privileges which we enjoy, or the opportunities that we may have for se- curing our salvation, in the event of our neglecting to avail ourselves of them, the more tremendous will be our doom ! I am, then, at a loss to divine how the Abb Dubois can reconcile to his mind his 12 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. abandonment of a people under the circum- stances of the present inhabitants of India and from his avowed conviction, that they lie under the irrevocable curse of the Al- mighty, and are doomed to eternal reproba- tion! (p. 42) The gracious Redeemer was much more merciful to the Children of Israel, though their offences were greater, and His own precious blood cried aloud from Cal- vary in judgment against them. In the prospect of their rejection of Him, and the mercies which he proffered them, He uttered a tender lamentation over their devoted city : (Matt, xxiii. 37.) Ere He bowed His head in death, He breathed forth this pathetic, this compassionate ejaculation, " Father, forgive them ! for they know not what they do:" (Luke xxiii. 34.) He commanded the Apostles to begin the preaching of repent- ance and remission of sins at Jerusalem : (Id. xxiv. 47 .) Accordingly, St. Peter, having reproved the men of Israel" for denying " the Holy One and the Just," and killing " the Prince of Life," exhorts them to " re- pent and be converted," that their " sins may be blotted out;" and encourages them to hope for mercy: (Acts iii. 13, &c.) St. Paul most feelingly lamented their state, with " great heaviness and continual sorrow Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 13 in his heart ;" for " he could wish himself accursed (separated) from Christ for his brethren," &c. (Rom. ix .l,&c.) For some time after our Lord's resurrection, the other Apostles also confined their ministry to the Jews ; and even when, upon the persecution which arose after the death of Stephen, they were scattered abroad, very few of the Dis- ciples travelled beyond the land of Pales- tine (Acts xi. 19,20); and wherever they went, they invariably addressed themselves, in the first instance, to the Israelites : (Acts xiii. 46, &c.) Nor did they abandon Je- rusalem, notwithstanding all they suffered, and the partial success that attended their labours there, until the signal for their depar- ture, which Christ had given them, appeared : (Matt. xxiv. 15, &c.) The destruction of their city and temple was suspended forty- three years after the Crucifixion ; and during the whole of that period, they were ad- monished, again and again, to look on Him whom they had pierced, if haply the blood which they had shed might wash away their crime. Such were the feelings of Jesus Christ and His Apostles towards the Israelites a peo- ple, than whom no other nation has been, or can be, placed in a situation to commit the 14 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. greatest of pardonable crimes. To them alone has the Lord of Life and Glory been " manifest in the flesh ;" and, consequently, none but they can have had the opportunity of shedding His precious blood. Then, will any uninspired mortal be so presumptuous, as to pronounce any other nation under hea- ven to be irrevocably doomed to eternal misery, and that for crimes of inferior magni- tude, and committed under less aggravating circumstances ? Or, will he be so unfeeling as to act upon that presumption, by ceasing to labour, and by exerting his ability and influence to dissuade others from labouring, to bring them to the knowledge of " the only true God," and to the faith of the only " Mediator between God and Man?" (i Tim. ii. 5.) The Abb6 Dubois is aware, that, in order to justify such a conclusion and such con- duct, it is necessary to shew that the Hindoos have committed the unpardonable sin; which he, accordingly, endeavours to prove. In what, I ask, does that sin consist ? Is it not the attributing of that to the power of Satan, which the reason of every unprejudiced mind were sufficient to convince him that nothing short of Omnipotence could effect? Thus many of the Jews, when they beheld the Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 15 mighty works, and heard the heavenly dis- courses, of Jesus, said, " He hath a devil, and is mad :" (John x. 20.) They accused Him of " casting out devils, by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils :" (Matt. xii. 4.) This crime of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, our Lord did declare to be unpar- donable : (Ib. 31, 32.) But no other sin whatever, not even the bitterest invectives or most malicious slanders uttered against Himself, nor the greatest cruelty inflicted upon His sacred person, did He exclude from the hope of pardon. What facts, then, does the Abbe" advance, in proof of the Hindoos having committed this unpardonable offence? " The Christian Religion," he says, " has been announced to the natives of India, without intermission, during the last three or four centuries ; at the beginning with some faint hopes of success, but at present with no effect." p. 42. Admitting, for the sake of argument only, that what he alludes to was the unadulterated Gospel, and that its rej ection. constituted the unpardonable offence ; still he ought to know, that it has been preached to a comparatively small proportion of the hundred millions who inhabit the Indian Continent. How then, upon the principles of Scripture, or common 16 Possibility of converting t/te Hindoos. justice, or the feelings of humanity, can he reconcile to his conscience his sweeping con- demnation of the whole, for the transgression of the few ? Neither our Lord nor his Apo- stles acted thus towards the Jews. Though Jesus declared, that such as had blasphemed against the Holy Ghost could not be forgiven, yet did He continue to labour, and pray, and weep, and suffer for the rest. St. Paul expressly declares, that, as a nation, they were not rejected by God : (Rom. xi. 1, &c.) while he and the other Apostles continued to exert themselves, as already shewn, to promote the conversion of their brethren. Then, even though M.Dubois be correct in charging those Hindoos who have rejected the Roman-Catholic mode of faith with com- mitting the unpardonable sin, yet, by what Scriptural authority or precedent does he turn his back upon all the other natives of India, and doom them to the irrevocable curse of Almighty God? A revelation from Heaven can alone justify such conduct ! St. Paul required no less to divert him from his purpose, when he desigaed " to preach the word in Asia," and " assayed to go into Bithy- nia:" (Acts xvi. 6 8.) And I am persuaded that I utter the sentiment of every consistent Christian, when I declare, that nothing short Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 1 7 of a manifestation of the Divine Will, equally unquestionable, should induce Missionaries to abandon the vineyard which they occupy in the East. The Abb6 Dubois seems to think that the instructions given by our Lord to His Dis- ciples, when He sent them forth to preach, (Matt. x. Mark vi. Luke ix, and x.) are suf- ficient to vindicate his abandonment of the Hindoos. " Happy would it be, indeed," he says, " had the divine instructions given by Christ to his immediate Disciples, in these chapters of his divine work, been followed by a great many of those styling themselves their successors/' The " instructions" to which he refers are, that they should imme- diately depart from all who returned not their salutation and rejected their word : (pp. 44, 45.) The Abbe assumes, that the modern Missionary has precisely the same duty to perform, and is placed in the same circumstances, as those Disciples of our Lord ; for without this, his argument falls to the ground. But I protest against his as- sumption. In those chapters, our Lord is not (as the Abb6 affirm s)_ in vesting His Dis- ciples " with full powers to preacfrHis divine Religion to all people." He merely charges them with a temporary office; viz. To an- c 18 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. nounce that the kingdom of heaven was at hand. This proclamation He expressly directs them to make to the Jews only; charging them not to go " into the way of the Gentiles," nor even to enter " into any city of the Samaritans ;" but to "go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel :" (Matt. x. 5, 6.) He also invests them with power to perform miracles, to prove that their com- mission was divine : (ver. 8.) Where they were not welcomed, they were forbidden to remain, only because they had not time then to stay in order to convince gainsay ers. It was a hasty journey ; and, therefore, it was not necessary to provide either gold, or silver, or brass, in their purses ; nor scrip, nor two coats (a change of apparel), nor shoes, nor yet staves, (vv. 9, 10.) Their time was very limited : consequently, they were not to suffer themselves to be detained un- necessarily, but to move on with the greatest possible speed, in consistency with the ful- filment of their commission. " For verily I say unto you," their Master adds, " ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of Man be come :" (ver. 23.) Should the Abb6 refuse to admit this brief explanation of the circumstances under which the Seventy Disciples were sent forth Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 19 by our Lord, yet, before he can establish his point, he must prove that the cases are pa- rallel that all the Missionary has to do in India, is, to proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is at hand that he has ocular de- monstration to produce of the divine autho- rity by which he speaks and acts and that circumstances are such as to require him to pass through the country in haste. And when he shall have succeeded thus far, (which he must for ever despair of doing,) still he will have to shew, that the Gospel has been actually preached, with fidelity, to the inhabitants of every town and village in the East and that it has been pertinaciously rejected by every one of them before the instructions of Jesus Christ to His Disciples will authorise him to shake off the dust of his feet against the whole race of Hindoos. He further quotes the example of the Apostles, and particularly that of St. Paul : (pp. 46, 47.) But, notwithstanding the ob- stinacy and cruelty with which they were driven from various places, we nowhere find that they deliberately abandoned the nation of Israel to their obduracy and unbelief. St. Paul, especially, returns again and again to persecuting cities, and even to Jeru- salem, though it was testified to him, by C2 20 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. the Holy Ghost, that bonds and afflictions awaited him: (Acts xx. 23. and xxi. 11.) Though the Apostle of the Gentiles by divine appointment, yet he did not consider himself warranted in abandoning the Is- raelites. When he finds that he can make no impression on them, " he yields, he sub- mits, he resigns himself ; he conducts him- self according to the rules laid down by his Divine Employer:" (p. 46.) But, in the spirit of " his Divine Employer," he watches for another opportunity to introduce his favourite theme : and when vouchsafed, he avails himself of it, and repeats his message of mercy and redeeming love to those who had hitherto opposed. And does the Abb6 Dubois feel himself supported in his desertion of India by such an example as this? But he refers to the sovereign purpose of God according to election^ in vindication of his conduct : (p. 42 44.) " That God, in his infinite mercy, will have all men 'to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth ;' and, that Christ died for the salvation of all mankind, and ' came into this world to save sinners ;' are truths," he says, " acknow- ledged by all sorts of Christians, if we except perhaps a few, who maintain the gloomy tenet Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 21 that God is willing to save only the elect or predestined :" (p. 105.) Here lie objects to the doctrine of personal election, as a " gloomy tenet" How can he possibly make this quadrate with his own use and application of that doctrine to one hundred millions of human beings ? (pp. 108, 109.) Is it possible that he can be so blinded by his peculiar notions, and so determined upon maintaining them in defiance of all consistency, as to think this application of the doctrine less gloomy than its application to a single individual*? I hesitate not to say, that there is no Christian, in whose heart a single spark of the love of Jesus glows, but will feel a thrill of horror pass through his veins, on reading this deliberate consign- ment of so many of our fellow-creatures to perdition ! True, St. Paul does confess, that the purposes and ways of God are myste- rious, secret, unsearchable, past finding- out, &c. (p. 10Q.) And, therefore, because un- known to us, he has not the temerity, the inhumanity, so to act upon the doctrine of predestination, as to abandon any in- * Unless he holds the doctrine of personal election, what in- terpretation does he give to Rom. ix. 18.? And to what purpose does he adopt it as his motto, " Cujus vult miseretur, et quern vult indurat" ? 22 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. dividual, not even his bitterest enemy, much less a whole nation, to eternal misery and that for no other reason, but because he is of opinion that they are doomed to per- dition by the divine decree, and that, con- sequently, it must prove a hopeless task to labour for their conversion to God. Such is the Abb6's persuasion ; and under these feelings, he has looked back from the plough to which he had put his hand : (Luke ix. 62.) He informs us, that he has laboured in India two and thirty years in vain ; that " every- where the seeds sown by him have fallen upon a naked rock, and have instantly dried away. At length, entirely disgusted at the total inutility of his pursuits, and warned by his grey hair that it was full time to think of his own concerns, he has returned to Europe, to pass in retirement the few days he may still have to live, and get ready to give in his accounts to his Redeemer :" (Advert, p. vii.) With his private reasons for retiring, no one but himself is concerned : but of this, his final step viz. The endeavour to deter others from embarking in the Missionary Cause may he consider well, before it be too late, how he can render such an account as shall prove satisfactory to his Judge! He desires to know " who has told us that Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 23 Christianity shall not remain stationary," and " continue to the end of the world to be," as he asserts it has hitherto been, " the religion of only the minority of mankind :" (p. 108.) I reply, that Jehovah himself has told us, in the most unqualified terms, that the Christian Religion shall one day become universal : (Psalm ii. 8. Isaiah xi. Q. Daniel ii. 44. vii. 13, 14. Hab. ii. 14. Zech. ix. 10.) He admits, indeed, that " Christ has promised that * the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be published in all the world, for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come.' ' This alone, then, is an argument for its promulgation throughout India ; until it can at least be proved that all the inha- bitants of that land have had a fair opportu- nity of receiving, or rejecting, that " witness." But he rejoins ; " Has He (Christ) told any one, that all nations, or even the majority of them, should be brought under the yoke of the Gospel?" (p. 108.) " He has, it is true, announced that His Gospel should be preached all over the world; but, to the best of my knowledge, he has never affirmed that it should be heard, believed, and embraced by all nations." (p. 42.) What, then, did He mean, by comparing it " unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of 24 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. meal, till the whole was leavened ?" or what, by the parable of the grain of mustard-seed, " which indeed is the least of all seeds ; but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof?" (Matt. xiii. 3133.) What other signification can be attached to these para- bles, but that they are intended to teach that all nations shall be enlightened by the doctrines, influenced by the principles, and seek refuge from the wrath of God under the peaceful shadow of the Gospel ? Did our Lord utter a word in opposition to the pre- dictions of His universal sway over men, cited above, from the Old Testament? Did He not imply, in His final command to His Disciples, to " preach the Gospel to every creature," that some would " believe and be baptized," wherever it was proclaimed? (Mark xvi. 16.) In short, was it not expressly re- vealed from Heaven, " The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever?" (Rev. xi. 15.) The Abb6 Dubois shall himself assist me with another argument, to prove the inac- curacy of his conclusion. Wishing to in- validate the late Mr. Ward's account of the Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 25 immorality of the Hindoos, he hesitates not to assert, that their general character is actually superior to that of Europeans : (p. 152 163.) We have already seen how differently he can write, when he has another object in view that he can represent the Hindoo as entirely destitute of charity, if his purpose be to shew the impracticability of converting him from his depraved condi- tion (p. 113) ; and can go so far as to assert, that, " in order to make true Christians among the natives, it would be necessary, before all things, to erase from the code of the Christian Religion the great leading pre- cept of charity :" (p. 63.) But when he wishes to contravene Mr. Ward's more cha- ritable and more rational inference from the same premises viz. The necessity for their conversion he actually asserts, that they are more charitable than Europeans : (p. 1 59.) I leave it for him to reconcile these contra- dictory statements ; and also to explain how it is possible for a man to be a " true Chris- tian," without charity: while I go on to argue, that if he will admit that some Euro- peans have been really converted to the true faith of Christ, the possibility of converting the Hindoos must follow as a fair and natu- ral conclusion. Supposing that he believes 26 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. his own statement respecting their superior virtues to be correct, he cannot fail to per- ceive that they must be more promising sub- jects for the reception of the Gospel, than the inhabitants of Europe. Again : "When I behold them prostrating themselves before their gods of stone and brass, I exclaim," he says, " Such were our ancestors, and so did they; and so would we ourselves do, had not God, through his infinite mercy, taken us out of such an abyss of darkness, in order to illumine us with the bright light of his Divine Revelation ! Let everlasting thanks be returned to Him, for this the greatest of all his divine favours in this life:" (pp. 1 14, 115.) Surely the man, who penned this sentence, forgot himself when asserting the impossibility of converting the inhabitants of India ! The only legitimate inference from these remarks is not that of M. Dubois, that the Hindoos cannot be con- verted, but that since, by his own shewing, they are no worse than our own ancestors were, the same "infinite mercy" and "bright light of Divine Revelation," which were vouchsafed to these, may, in the day of God's power, be extended also to the idolaters of Hindoo- stan. And if he rightly appreciates "this greatest of all the divine favours in this life," Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 27 and feels grateful to God for it, he renders to the Lord a very unsuitable return for so unspeakable a mercy, when exerting his utmost ability to prevent its diffusion through- out the habitable globe. Christ is glorified in the conversion of sinners, from vice and idolatry, to faith, and holiness, and love. M. Dubois would persuade us to extinguish His glory in the Eastern World ; to deny Him one jewel from the countless multitudes there, to decorate His crown ; to disappoint His anticipation of as goodly a company from the East as from the West, to " sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven :" (Matt. viii. 1 1 .) The Abb 6 contends, that in no country in the world has the Christian Religion had to encounter the stupendous obstacles that are to be met with in India ; that the sufferings which Hindoo Converts would have to en- dure, must for ever operate as an insurmount- able barrier to the introduction of the Gospel among them. " By embracing the Christian Religion," he says, a Hindoo loses his all. Relations, kindred, friends all desert him. Goods, possessions, inheritance, all disap- pear. The spiritual tyranny and cunning of the priests, and the baneful division of the people into castes, present (as he asserts) 28 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. such impediments to the propagation of Christianity in India, as have never existed in any country whatever: (pp. 13,14. 97 99.) Can the Abl>6 Dubois need to be reminded of the absolute controul held by the Scribes and Pharisees, in the days of our Lord, over the minds of their countrymen? Does he not know how entirely they gave the tone to the public feeling, and led the national opi- nion ? What is there in India that can ex- ceed the mental thraldom in which the Jews were held by their Rabbis ? (Matt, xxiii. 4, 13. Luke xi. 52.) In short, we have only to read the account of the character and proceedings of the Jewish Rulers, given in the Four Gospels, to be convinced that every Israelite who embraced Christianity, at its first introduction into the world, had, at least, as much to encounter as can possibly await the converted Hindoo : (John vii. 46, &c. ix. xii. 42. xix. 38.) There is nothing whatever, in the case of the Hindoo Convert, so bad as what our Lord candidly led his Disciples, of every age and country, to expect, as the consequence of their fidelity to His Cause : " The brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child : and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 29 be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men, for my name's sake :" (Matt. x. 21,22.) " Think not that I am come to send peace on earth : I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household :" (Id. 34 36. Mark xiii. 9, &c. Luke xii. 49, &c.) M. Dubois himself knows, that, what- ever losses, or privations, or reproaches, the Hindoo may have to encounter on embracing Christianity, his life is protected by the British Laws, which would condemn to the gibbet the murderer of the humblest individual. Christ forewarns His Disciples, that the time would come, when whosoever killed them would think that he did God service : (John xvi. 2.) Hindoos would persecute a relation embracing the Christian Faith, more out of regard for the reputation of their family and caste, than for the honour of their gods. And I believe it will be generally allowed, that persecutions arising from religious bigo- try have always been more obstinate, furious, and cruel, than those which have originated in other causes. The Hindoos therefore, on embracing Christianity, have less to fear than 30 Possibility of coiwerting the Hindoos. most of the earlier converts, for they have not much religious prejudice to encounter. He asks, "Where is the man furnished with a sufficient stock of cynical fortitude to be able to bear such severe trials?" (p. 14.) There have been Cynics, Stoics, and other Heathen Philosophers, such as Socrates and a few more, who have submitted to death, rather than renounce their sentiments : whilst Plato, Seneca, and various Greek and Latin Authors, have, upon philosophic principles alone, taught a good man to endure patiently, in the cause of virtue, the severest bodily tortures that fire or sword can inflict not considering what, but how well, he suffers " Non quserit quid patiatur, sed quam bene." Jesus Christ, however, inspires His Disci- ples with a nobler principle, than Cynical Fortitude, or Stoical Insensibility. He pro- mised HIS gracious presence with them, un- der all their toils, privations, and sufferings : (Matt, xxviii. 20.) viz. the consolations arising from the secret operations of His Spirit, and from the hope of a recompence " manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting ;" (John xvi. 1 7- Luke xviii. 29, 30.) His predictions of the persecutions they would endure were fully accomplished ; as the Acts of the Apostles, Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 31 and various parts of St. Paul's Epistles, abundantly testify. And under all their af- flictions, they experienced their gracious Master's fidelity to His promises. Though " troubled on every side," they were " not distressed ; perplexed, but not in despair ; persecuted, but not forsaken ; cast down, but not destroyed :" (2 Cor. iv. 8, &c.) Thus did God always comfort those that were cast down : (Id. vii. 5, 6.) They felt as men, indeed ; yet were they taught, by the words of the Saviour, and by the spiritual applica- tion of those words to their minds, to regard their present afflictions as light, and conti- nuing but for a moment, when compared with that " far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory/' for the enjoyment of which they were intended to prepare them : (Id. iv. 17.) Nor was this spiritual consolation and support under persecution confined to the immediate Disciples of our Lord. During the first three centuries of the Christian Era, the Church passed through no less than ten persecutions; many of which were conducted with a severity of torture, the very recital of which cannot fail to agonize the heart. Among the martyrs of that period, we read of many persons, young, in health and the 32 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. enjoyment of earthly comfort ; or poor, weak, and with every natural inducement to escape from torture and save their lives, by cursing the name of Christ, and burning incense to the gods ; yet, rather than make shipwreck of their faith, they braved death, accom- panied by the severest pains which the cruel ingenuity of man could invent. No tortures whatever, as the Younger Pliny and several ecclesiastical authors inform us, could move them from their purpose. This state of things continued, with but little intermission, until the Emperor Con- stantine embraced the Christian Faith. And the Abb6 Dubois will hardly deny, that these obstacles to the spread of the Gospel were much greater than any which " existing cir- cumstances" in India present. According to his mode of reasoning, then, it were im- possible for the Christian Religion to triumph over such stupendous barriers. Yet we find, that the more the Christians suffered, the wider did their faith spread ; insomuch that this apophthegm became proverbial, " The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church." Tertullian says, " We are but of yesterday ; and yet have filled all your places, your cities, islands, castles, towns, councils, even your camps, tribes, bands, your palace, Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 33 senate, and forum : in short, we have left you nothing but your temples.* " Arnobius, who wrote a short time before Constantine's reign, speaks to the same effect. Then, it may be reasonably asked, why are we not to anticipate similar triumphs for the Gospel in India, where, I maintain, the impediments to its success, arising from the persecutions consequent upon its recep- tion, are far less formidable? I am willing to concede, that persecution is calculated to deter the natives from professing Christianity, unless they be sincere. But this is rather an advantage, than otherwise ; since it will tend to preserve the Church from being crowded by hypocrites. At the same time I assert, that no opposition which man may raise can impede the advance of true religion, for it is the cause of Omnipotence! One or two instances, out of many, may here be adduced, in proof of the possibility of even the Hindoos bearing sufferings and reproach for the sake of Christ. A recent arrival from Madras brought ac- counts of a man who had been baptized a short time before, by a Missionary of the * Hesterni sumus, et vestra omnia implevimus, urbes, insulas, castella, municipia, conciliabula, castra ipsa, tribus, decurias, pa- latium, senatum, forum : sola vobis relinquimus templa. D 34 Possibility of converting the Hindoos, Church Missionary Society. When his de- termination to be baptized became known to his relations, several who lived with him, forsook him, others threatened him, and the wife of his bosom refused to return to his house. After some struggle between natu- ral affection and a consciousness of duty, and having received much appropriate ad- vice from his teacher, he went to him, " quite composed, and with joy in his coun- tenance," saying, " The Lord has given me grace. I cannot transgress against those words which you mentioned. I must love Christ, more than my wife and friends. I will commend all things to God, and trust Him. He will take care of me. I sincerely wish, in the name of the Lord, to be baptized to-morrow." He was baptized accordingly, in the presence of many heathen, besides the usual native congregation. " The same evening," the Missionary writes, "Cornelius (the name he had received at his baptism) was summoned before the Headman of his caste. This man had formerly been very kind to him. When he went, with the cate- chist, he was asked why he had acted so foolishly as to embrace the Christian Reli- gion: he replied, ' I have not acted fool- ishly ; for 1 believe that I cannot be saved Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 35 from eternal damnation without the Re- deemer, Jesus Christ/ He (the Headman) answered, * That is your misled mind, which makes you think thus. By what can you know that it is the word of the True God ?' His reply was, ' Permit me to say, honey is sweet, but its sweetness is known by him only who has tasted it : knowing no taste, nor what sweetness is, a man cannot conceive, by any description, the sweetness of honey. Read but our True Vedam ; and, if you seek earnestly the salvation of your soul, you will then know that it is the word of the True God.'"* The other instance is the following. " A Hindoo Youth belonging to the Mission School at Allepie, on the coast of Malabar, was employed by the Missionary at that Station, who belongs to the same Society, to transcribe portions of the Gospels in the ver- nacular languages. While thus occupied, he became impressed with a conviction of the truth contained in the Sacred Book, and gra- dually discontinued the observance of the idolatrous rites of his family. He was re- moved by his relations into the interior of the country, in order to detach him from the Mission ; and violence was threatened, to * This account has since appeared in the Missionary Register for October 1823, pp. 438, 439. D 2 36 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. induce him to conform to the customary prac- tices of his caste. Urged by this treatment, he fled from the country ; and coming into the Tinnevelly District, he heard of the Mis- sion near the town of that name, and sought admission into the Seminary there. Prior to receiving him, the Missionaries wrote to his former master at Allepie, to ascertain the truth of as much of the youth's account of himself as that gentleman might be acquaint- ed with; and he so far confirm edits accuracy. The youth has since applied himself dili- gently to his studies in the Tinnevelly Semi- nary, preparatory to baptism ; and the Mis- sionaries write in terms of entire approba- tion of his conduct." I could give many similar instances of Christian fortitude displayed by Hindoo Converts ; but these are sufficient for my pur- pose. They shew, both the kind of perse- cution to which they are exposed, (which certainly is not to be compared with what innumerable martyrs have endured, from the persecution that arose when Stephen was stoned to death, to the days of the Refor- mation,) and, also, that it is possible for the natives of India to be faithful to their con- victions, in the face of such opposition as the Abb6 Dubois describes. He thus explains the kind of influence, or Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 37 tyranny, which the Brahmins exercise over all the other castes, and the means by which they obtained it. " In framing their system of imposture, and in devising the monstrous worship prevailing all over India, they not only used every artifice in their power to adapt it to the dispositions of a simple and credulous people, but, above all, they em- ployed all possible means to establish in this way, in a pernlanent and indisputable man- ner, the high power and uncontroverted con- troul they have always exercised over the other tribes. In order that their artifice, in establishing throughout the body of society the most downright imposture which ever prevailed among any nation on the earth, might not be questioned, they had the pre- caution to encumber the people with those numberless institutions, which, at the same time that they secure the permanent superi- ority of the Brahmins, render the other tribes incapable of reasoning, or of any mental ex- ertion which might enable them to emerge from that state of intellectual degradation in which they are held by their unchangeable usages and customs." " It is a sin, it is a crime, a sacrilege, in every Hindoo who is not born a Brahmin, to endeavour to emerge from that state of ignorance, and to aspire 38 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. to the lowest degree of knowledge. It is a sin for him even to pretend to calculate on what days fall the new and full moon. He is obliged to learn this and similar matters, and to be guided in the most common occur- rences of life, by his religious teachers:" pp. 8890. These assertions would lead us to con- clude, that the Brahmins keep from the other castes all religious and scientific knowledge. They do, indeed, withhold from them the six principal Sastras, which are considered sa- cred ; and their perusal is regarded as the peculiar privilege of the Brahmins. But I never yet heard of their prohibiting the study of European arts and sciences, and am ac- quainted with several devoted Hindoos who have a respectable acquaintance with Eng- lish literature. Some, indeed, have been for a considerable time engaged in trans- lating many elementary works, and even such books as Ferguson's Astronomy, &c. &c. into the languages of the East, for the use of their countrymen who do not understand English. Many natives of the first respecta- bility patronize and liberally support several institutions (such as the School and School- Book Societies,&c.) established tiy Europeans, at Calcutta and Serampore, for the diffusion Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 39 of knowledge among all classes of native youths and adults. The free school at Be- nares, founded and liberally endowed by the late Jay INarain, presents a striking instance of liberality in a native, both in a pecuniary and intellectual point of view. The son, also, has shewn his mind to be equally free from Brahminical influence and sordid principle. When his father died, the legal transfer of the property assigned by him for the en- downment of the school having never been effected, he very honourably and generously secured to the Church Missionary Society the monthly payment of 200 Sicca Rupees which his father had assigned. The institu- tion of the Hindoo College, at Calcutta, " al- most entirely founded on the contributions of that class of natives whose appellation it bears," is another encouraging fact, in proof of the freedom of the natives of respectability from Brahminical influence. They are now begin- ing to encourage schools for FEMALE children also. Native presses, an engine unknown a few years ago to the inhabitants of India, are in active operation. They are even associat- ing with Christians in various charitable un- dertakings for the relief of suffering humanity. Their different addresses, for some time past, to official Characters, on their leaving 40 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. India, evince an expansion of intellect, and a liberality of principle, that can be attributed only to their free intercourse with enlight- ened Europeans, and their acquaintance with the literature of the West. But the most remarkable and most recent instance of the triumph of the native mind over Brahminical Influence, is furnished by the formation of the Hindoo Literary So- ciety. A number of natives of the first re- spectability in Calcutta have formed them- selves into a Society of that denomination. The first meeting was held in February ] 823. In the Address then read, they deplore the inconvenience attending the want of a public institution for the advancement of learning in that country, amongst its native society ; and declare, that the want of such an insti- tution has been long felt. The causes of their depressed condition they ascribe to those very prejudices and superstitions which the Abb6 Dubois asserts are insur- mountable ; but which they regard as an evil, to be removed only by the cultivation of literature, and by free intercourse with other people ; to promote which, they say, is the express object of their Society. The busi- ness at that meeting was conducted with a decorum that would have done credit to an Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 41 European Assembly ; and the sentiments of the different speakers were delivered with great propriety and freedom. Discussion was invited on literary and even religious subjects. Two persons present objected to all political discussion, and abusive exposures of their religion : but they were answered, that should any one publish a work abusing their religion, a defence must be offered thereto.* These are far from being the only in- stances that might be adduced, to shew the improvement that has taken place, within these few years, in the feelings and senti- ments of the natives of India. The Abb6 Dubois greatly calumniates them, when he says, that " to this day they have copied nothing of the Europeans, besides their vices and their follies :" (p. 118.) Freely as I ac- knowledge, and much as I deplore, the sad influence of immoral Europeans upon the manners of the inhabitants of India, yet there are Englishmen in the service, whose moral conduct is such as to command the admira- tion of the natives, and who exert them- selves to promote the improvement of the Heathen under their controul : while many * Asiatic Journal, for October, November, and December 1823. The Address read to the Meeting is particularly deserving of perusal, though too long for insertion here. 42 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. of the Hindoos feel grateful for the service thus rendered to them, begin to shake off the yoke of ignorance and superstition, and to think and act for themselves, with a spirit of independence which they have imbibed solely from their intercourse with respectable Europeans, " These things are not done in a corner." JNo pains are taken by these liberally-minded Hindoos to conceal their proceedings from the Brahmins : they are regularly published before the world : but never have I heard of a single Brahmin who raised a dissentient voice against the diffu- sion of literary and scientific knowledge among the other castes. I fear not to make the same assertion with reference to the Holy Scriptures and other religious publications. There may be in- stances of an intolerant spirit among the Brahmins, to prevent their circulation and perusal ; but such is very far from being the general disposition. I mean not to affirm, that the Brahmins are not as much attached to their peculiar institutions as the interested priesthood of any other nation : but I do say, and repeat it, that, as a body, they have hitherto never come forward to impede the progress of Christianity among the other castes. The Abb6 Dubois asserts, that u as long as Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 43 we are unable to make impression on the polished part of the nation, on the leaders of the public opinion, on the body of Brah- mins in short, there remain but very faint hopes of propagating Christianity among the Hindoos :" (p. 100, &c.) Enough has been here stated, to prove that the Hindoos have begun to examine into the literature and religion of Europeans, without waiting for the sanction of the Brah- mins, or deferring to their judgment and authority. I shall, therefore, merely subjoin two familiar instances, to shew that the Brahmin does not hold that commanding influence over the mind and actions of the people which is here pretended. Will M. Dubois think it possible that a na- tive could, or would, in opposition to the Brah- mins, introduce a band of European music into their very pagoda ; and have it to march and play before the idol, when carried out in procession? Yet this actually occurred at Palamcottah, during my residence at that station. The individual in question is a Moodalyar, a man of a liberal rnind, bene- volent to the poor, and highly esteemed by all the Europeans at the station. He is also the chief support of the pagoda near his habitation : and, having hired a music-master 44 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. to instruct his native musicians, he dressed them in uniform, and employed them in the manner I have related. When the Brahmins remonstrated against this innovation, he re- plied with a smile, and bade them only to listen well to the new music, and observe its vast superiority over their own tom-toms and pipes. For the same purpose, he frequently borrowed the drums and fifes of the native battalion, which are played by Pariahs, most of whom are Roman- Catholic Chris- tians, and would therefore prove doubly objectionable to the Brahmins. But their inclination, and even expostulations, he totally disregarded. On one occasion, while waiting for the ferry-boat to carry me over the Tambravany, I mingled with the crowd of natives collected for the same purpose, and endeavoured to improve the opportunity, by conversing with them upon the importance of Salvation, and ascertaining who were able to read, and willing to receive religious books. While thus employed, a Brahmin drew near, not- withstanding the jostling of the crowd, and seemed curious to know what I had to say, and what the books contained. I accosted him ; and, after some conversation, he ac- cepted a book. I then turned to another Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 45 man, who was importunate for a tract ; and while reading aloud the one which I had put into his hand, he stopped at a word, which he asked me to explain. It was the name Jesus. As soon as the Brahmin heard the sound, he returned the book 1 had given him. This gave me an opportunity of ex- posing the absurdity and weakness of his prejudice against a name; and while I was speaking, he stole silently away, without uttering a word to influence the minds of the people ; nor did his example diminish, in the least, their attention to myself. While crossing the river, I again spoke to this Brahmin (who was in the ferry with me, and had been joined by another), upon the impropriety of his conduct. He seemed to pay no attention to what I said ; but his companion accepted a small book ; and a respectable native in the ferry begged for the one which the other Brahmin had re- jected. Easy were it to state many other facts in proof of the Brahmins not possessing that controul over the people which the Abbe Dubois attributes to them ; but I shall abs- tain from crowding these pages with more anecdotes than may be required to support my counter-assertions. I maintain, that the 46 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. command which the Brahminy caste may be supposed, at one time, .to have held over the rest, is now greatly diminished. I have heard respectable natives, who, in conse- quence of their affluent circumstances, had crowds of Brahmins living upon them and constantly about their houses, speak with the greatest freedom, and in opprobrious language, of their drunkenness, debaucheries, &c. &c. And, as far as I know of the pre- sent state of the public feeling to wards them, I do assert, that their conversion is not a sine qua non, in our calculations and exer- tions upon the other castes. At, and in the vicinity of, every European and Mission Station which I have visited, and which form a considerable portion of those in South- India, I have found the natives beginning, and more than beginning, to think and act for themselves. Besides, it is not to a Brahmin, but to the Gooroo, or headman of the caste, that the natives generally refer such questions as af- fect their religious prejudices and reputation. But could it be proved that the Brahmins have that command over the minds of their countrymen which the Abbe Dubois attri- butes to them, their conversion would not be in any degree essential to the actual conver- Possibility oj converting the Hindoos. 47 sion of the other castes. It is the Holy Spirit which must convert the soul to God. He is free in his operations ; and influences the heart of one man, without any reference to the character or station of another. The Abb6 repeatedly asserts, that the " at- tachment of the people of India to their religion and customs is invincible," and their " religious prejudices insurmountable:" (Ad- vert, p. vi. p. 66, &c.) He himself knows and, when endeavour- ing to divest the late Mr. Ward's statements of all credibility, acknowledges that some of the most inveterate of those prejudices have long since given way, before the prudence, the humanity, and the perseverance of British Officers. He attributes to the late Governor Duncan the abolition of female infanticide among the Rajahpoots. That gentleman, when Resident of Benares, adopted every measure in his power for its abolition : but when removed to the government of Bombay, it was left for Colonel Walker to effect that object. Colonel W. persevered, against every obstacle ; resisted the remonstrances, en- treaties, and (more than implied) threats of the heads of that tribe ; until he entirely ac- complished his purpose, and that without the least danger to our dominion in the East. 48 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. He confesses also, " that the Bengal Go- vernment (under the Presidency of the Mar- quis Wellesley) had no sooner been made acquainted with the existence of this horrid practice" (mothers throwing the children of their vows into the sea, at the mouth of the Ganges, to be devoured by sharks and alli- gators), " than Resolutions were passed, by which it was declared, that the persons who were guilty of those execrable excesses should, when discovered, be put upon their trials, as guilty of wilful murder, and judged according to the severity of the laws :" (p. 205.) Upon this extract, I merely remark, that these admirable Resolutions were not passed as soon as the Bengal Government became acquainted with the existence of this horrid practice. It was publickly known before, and had long distressed the mind of every man susceptible of compassion. But when the Marquis Wellesley manifested an inclina- tion to abolish this practice altogether, as great an outcry was raised against this, as the Abb6 Dubois now raises against every similar interference with the prejudices of the natives. The Noble Marquis, however, was not to be put down by such unfounded clamour. The " Resolutions" were passed in 1802, and entitled, "A Regulation for Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 4 9 preventing the sacrifice of children, at Saugur, and other places." The law was put in force without delay : and, notwithstanding the pre- dictions of dangerous commotions, as the immediate consequence, it was obeyed, with- out the slightest resistance, or even expres- sion of displeasure. At the confluence of the Jumna and the Ganges at Allahabad, Hindoo devotees were for ages in the practice of drowning them- selves. But, not long ago, it was put a stop to, by the Judge simply issuing an order, " that any person found assisting to drown another should be taken up for murder." This had the desired effect : the multitude, collected together on the occasion, dispersed without the least disturbance. It will, I believe, be allowed, that, in the opinion of a confirmed Hindoo, it is the greatest of all crimes to put a Brahmin to death. No native Rajah or Magistrate ever dreamt of executing oiue of that caste, what- ever were his offence. But the British Go- vernment have paid no deference to this pre- judice ; awarding appropriate punishments to criminals of every caste, with the strictest impartiality. I very well remember a case in point, related to me by the late R. H. Young, Esq. who was for ten years Judge, E 5 Possibility of converting the Hindoos . and subsequently Collector, of Tinnevelly. When he was Magistrate of Trichinopoly, a Brahmin was condemned to die, and he, ex qfficio, had to see the sentence carried into effect. It was the first instance of the kind that had occurred at that Station ; and all the Europeans there were of opinion, that the populace would not allow the man to be executed, and would rescue him by force, if the attempt were made. When Mr. Young expressed his determination to do his duty, the Commanding Officer wished to support him with a strong escort of soldiers ; but this he declined, thinking it of importance to let the natives see that he reposed confidence in his own Peons. He requested, however, that, in the event of a tumult, the military might be prepared to assist in its suppression. The Brahmin was led out in the presence of a vast concourse of people ; from whom not a murmur was heard, while preparations were making for his execution, or at the moment of his being launched into eternity : and when the awful scene was closed, they quietly dispersed. The aversion of the Brahmins to mingle with inferior castes is well known, and was long considered unconquerable. But, for some years past, they have enlisted into our Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 5 1 native battalions, and stand in the line, or march indiscriminately with " vile Pariahs" (as the Abbe Dubois designates them), and even with Chucklers (workers in leather), who are some degrees below the Pariah. By entering our army, they make another compromise of their ancient prejudices. It is contrary to their superstitions, for any Hin- doos, except those of the lowest castes, to use the flesh or skin of any animal : and to hare done so formerly, a man would have lost caste. But the whole of our Seapoys, who are composed of all ranks, wear the belts, cartridge-box, bayonet-case, sandals, &c. which are all made of leather. Indeed, many private natives are now accustomed to wear leathern sandals and shoes. A short time previously to my leaving India, I ac- companied my Moonshees, one evening, to the door ; and, while they were putting on {heir shoes, desired to know of what they were made. " Of cow's hide" was the reply. I affected to startle with surprise, and asked how they could be guilty of such sacrilege : to which they replied, with a smile, " When we know a little more of you" (meaning European Gentlemen), " we shall lay aside all these notions." Till within these few years, none but low- E 2 52 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. caste Hindoos would embark on board ship : but now, the Seapoys are transported across the ocean, to any distance to which their ser- vices may be required, without any objection being expressed on their part, and, on the part of Government, with perfect indifference as to their distinction of caste. And when they return from these expeditions, they are received again by their friends, without the slightest hesitation. For a long time, the Seapoys refused to wear an uniformity of dress, until it was thought almost dangerous to propose it. But the late Lieutenant- General, Sir Henry Cosby, in the early part of his military career in South India, succeeded in prevailing upon them to receive the uniform which has con- tinued to be worn by them to the present day*. Numerous other instances could I give, in proof that the Hindoo's " prejudices" are not " insurmountable ;" particularly, as in the Seapoy's case, when his interest is concerned. But probably the reader will begin to think me prolix f. Trifling as some of these cases * Vide East-India Military Calendar. f For arguments of greater weight in proof of the practica- bility of overcoming " the prejudices" &c. of the Hindoos, vide Lord Teignmouth's " Considerations" &c. ; wherein it is proved, " that Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 5 3 may appear to him, yet the whole system of Hindooism is composed of trifles : and every one acquainted with the importance which they still attach to prejudices and customs equally insignificant, will acknowledge, that there is nothing whatever in their civil or re- ligious predilections, from which they may not be expected, with the same facility, and with as little danger to our Eastern Dominion, to deviate, when the moral state of European Society in India shall improve, and the natives become better acquainted with our scientific and literary productions. I shall dismiss this part of the question with a reply to what the Abb6 Dubois seems to consider an unanswerable objection against every attempt to interfere with the long- esta- blished practices of the Hindoo. It is in the case " of the burning of the Hindoo Widows on the pile of their deceased husbands." This he calls a " stale subject!!" So is that of the Slave Trade. And many of the advo- cates for this abominable traffic would gladly " that millions of Hindoos have been converted to the Maho- medan Faith ; and that hundreds of thousands have embraced the doctrines of Christianity" (viz. within the communion of the Syrian Church, in Travancore ; the Roman-Catholic Church, in various parts of India ; and the Protestant Church, in South India and Ceylon : (pp. 22 28.) Of these Christian Converts, I shall have frequent occasion to speak in the sequel. 54 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. join the Abb6 in endeavouring to pour con- tempt upon the question so odious to their respective feelings (feelings! did I say? Can such men possess feelings that are not degrading to human-nature ?) and persuade us to abandon the " subject," because it is " stale !" If this be argument, then I demand of the Abbe, upon the plea of consistency alone, the abandonment of his outcry against every interference with the customs of India, however inhuman or absurd: for WHAT sub- ject can be more stale than this ! This objection might be confidently left to be answered by the sympathies of our common nature. I pray to Almighty God, never so to abandon Christians of the West to the prince of darkness, as to permit him to extinguish every spark of humanity that yet glows in our bosoms ! While the blood of so many victims to Eastern Superstition calls aloud to Heaven for pity, may we open our ears to their cry, and flee to their re- lief ! May the protracted continuance of this abominable custom, instead of blunting the edge of our feelings, only increase their poignancy ! M.Dubois acknowledges " that these nefa- rious sacrifices have increased, of late years :" and he ascribes it, " in a great measure," to Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 55 what he calls " the intemperate zeal' 5 of the late Mr. Ward, " and that of many of his associates in the work of reform ; " which, he says, roused " the zeal of the Hindoos" " to a determined spirit of opposition and resistance." This insinuation is illiberal and unfounded ! We learn, from the " Papers relating to Hindoo Widows and voluntary immolations," published, in 1821, by order of the House of Commons, that the number of Suttees has, indeed, of late years increased. In the pro- vince of Bengal, there were In 1815 . . . 378 I 1817 .... 707 1816 . . . 442 I 1818 .... 839 Of the different causes assigned for this increase, the following is the most probable. It having come to the knowledge of Govern- ment, that many widows were burnt at a very tender age, in a state of pregnancy, and un- der other circumstances contrary to the Hin- doo Laws relating to the subject, an order was issued to prevent the burning of any widow, until the Magistrate had ascertained, that she was above the age of 1 5, and offered herself a willing sacrifice to the flames. Prior to this regulation, many families re- frained from burning their widows, in conse- quence of the odium which Europeans were 56 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. known to attach to those who assisted at those ceremonies. But now, whenever they took place, they seemed in a measure to have the sanction of the Local Government : the natives were, therefore, no longer ashamed of the practice, and hence the increase of these sacrifices. But how unjust to charge the Missionaries with the guilt of occasion- ing this increase ! Whatever were the cause of it, Missionaries were in no way concerned : and had the practice been peremptorily abo- lished, no such consequences would have followed. To M. Dubois, this " appears a measure too pregnant with danger to be at- tempted." And he argues, that, "in the moral order, as well as the physical, we are often reduced to the sad necessity of tolerating great evils, not to be exposed to greater ones." Had the MarquisWellesley, Governor Duncan, and Colonel Walker, consulted with him upon the expediency of abolishing Infan- ticide, he would, doubtless, have reasoned in the same way against the propriety and safe- ty of the attempt. The natives were as averse to relinquish that practice, as they can pos- sibly be to refrain from burning their widows : and yet none but the happiest consequences resulted from its prohibition. The fact of the diminution of Suttees in Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 57 consequence of the private disapproval of the Europeans, shews the powerful influence of the bare opinion of their rulers over the minds and conduct of the natives : and when all the Honourable Company's Servants shall exhibit to them a faithful specimen of the Christian character, and study to promote their mental and religious improvement, what beneficial effects may we not anticipate from their intercourse with the people whom they govern ! M. Dubois' comparison between the immo- lating of the Hindoo Widow, as by Law esta- blished, and the crimes of Duelling and Sui- cide, as committed in Europe and which are acknowledged to be contrary to all Laws both Human and Divine, and discountenanced in every possible way by all who have any sense of religion merits no other observation, than that which is elicited by the silent amaze- ment which his remarks cannot fail to excite : (pp.175, 1971990 I shall refrain from dwelling longer on this painful subject; and will merely subjoin the account of two cases of Hindoo Widows, south of Calcutta, who were prevented from burning, without occasioning the slightest disturbance to the public peace. The former occurred in ] 818, in the district 58 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. of Tinnevelly, when I was resident at that station. Upon the death of a respectable Brahmin, both his widows applied for per- mission to burn with his body. As this was an unusual circumstance in South India, no orders had been issued by the Madras Go- vernment upon the subject. The Magistrate replied to that effect; at the same time for- bidding tbem to burn, until the necessary orders should arrive. As this, however, would occasion too great delay, (in conse- quence of the sacrifice being considered as divested of its peculiar virtue if offered long after the husband's decease, and the diffi- culty of preserving the corpse five or six days,) it was burnt alone, without any in- convenience to the public, or the surviving widows. The other instance occurred at Chicacole, about sixty miles from Vizagapatam. A Lady at that station, shocked at hearing of a wo- man who intended to burn, and knowing that the wood was prepared for the dreadful sacri- fice, wrote to the late Rev. C. Church, at that time Chaplain at Vizagapatam, requesting him to intercede with the Magistrate, to pre- ventit. ThatGentlemanrepliedtoMr.Church, that he could not interpose his authority, but that he would withhold his sanction until Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 59 every means had been tried to dissuade her from her purpose. For some time she dis- regarded every thing that was said to her, and all importunity to save her was resisted by her Friends to the last. She, however, at length overcome by the kind and persuasive entreaties of the Lady in question, retracted. The immediate consequence was, her expul- sion from her caste, and loss of all her jewels. But her compassionate Protectress received her, and shewed her every attention she re- quired ; and a Subscription was raised for her support. After a time, her Friends, observing the notice taken of her by Europeans, re- ceived her back, and she was reinstated into all the privileges of her caste. She frequently visited her Benefactress, after her return to her Relations, and, with tears in her eyes, expressed her gratitude for her preservation. So much for the impracticability of abolish- ing this horrid practice ! and so much for the danger the Abb6 apprehends from the attempt! In short, I do maintain, that it betrays an ignorance of the native character, to suppose that the Hindoos are capable of being " roused to a determined spirit of oppo- sition and resistance," by such means as have been hitherto employed to wean them from any of their " sacred customs and practices." 60 Possibility of converting the Hindoos. The Abb6 very well knows, that the natives of India are not composed of such active and irritable materials. Having thus considered the question in every point of view suggested by the Abb6 Dubois* remarks, and endeavoured to put a fair construction upon all his statements, I think the arguments and facts here advanced in reply fully establish the position, that there is " a possibility of making real Converts to Christianity among the natives of India." Since the Abb6 endeavoured to establish the opposite position, by an appeal to the immoral character of the subjects upon whom the experiment is to be made, and to the nature of their superstitions and inveteracy of their prejudices, I have hitherto waved the religious and spiritual consideration of the subject, for the purpose of shewing, upon his own grounds, that the Hindoo's entrench- ments are not impassable, nor the moral impediments of his character irremediable ; since they are not more vicious than others, and even less culpable in the sight of God than many who have been converted to the Faith of Christ. Hence the possibility of their conversion, also, must be conceded by every ingenuous mind : and while that possibility exists, we have not the shadow of authority Possibility of converting the Hindoos. 6 1 for excluding them from all hope of obtain- ing the divine mercy provided for apostate but repenting creatures in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. SECTION II. THE NATURE OF THE MEANS EMPLOYED BY THE ROMAN. CATHOLICS FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE HINDOOS; TOGETHER WITH THEIR FAILURE, AND THE CAUSE OF THAT FAILURE. THE Abb6Dubois arrives at his conclusion that the conversion of the Hindoos is imprac- ticable from the failure of the means hitherto employed by Roman- Catholic Missionaries; which, he thinks, are better adapted to the purpose than the measures which Protestants adopt. Therefore, before proceeding to establish my position by arguments drawn from the successes which have crowned the labours of Protestant Missionaries, injustice to the Abb6 5 and to my own argument also, I will endeavour to take an impartial view of the efforts of M. Dubois and his Brethren to evangelize India, and of their result. 62 Means employed by the Roman-Catholics One of the most obstinate prejudices of the Hindoos, is that which ascribes to the Brahmin an origin and honours super- human. This prejudice must be overcome, before the Gospel can obtain any footing in the heart ; for Christ cannot be exalted, until Man is humbled to the very dust. How, then, have the Jesuits met this pre- judice ? They have adopted the very means that are calculated to strengthen it in the minds of the people, and to foster brahmi- nical pride. " After announcing themselves as Brahmins, they made it their study to imitate that Tribe : they put on a Hindoo dress of cavy (or yellow colour), the same as that used by the Indian Religious Teachers and Penitents ; they made frequent ablutions ; whenever they shewed themselves in public, they applied, to their forehead, paste made of sandal- wood, as used by the Brahmins* ; they scrupulously abstained from every kind of animal food, as well as from intoxicating liquors, entirely faring, like Brahmins, on vegetables and milk:'* (pp. 5, 6.) He pro- ceeds to expatiate on the prudence of this * This mark is worn also by the other castes of Hindoos, and distinguishes the worshippers of their respective gods from each other. The Jesuits, therefore, by adopting this mark, bore the stamp of idolatry on their very front ! for the conversion of the Hindoos. 63 mode of proceeding, and attributes thereto the acceptance they met with from the Native Princes. Some Catholic Friars of other Religious Orders justly complained of these proceed- ings to the Pope. The Jesuits were charged with "the most culpable indulgence, in tole- rating and winking at all kinds of Idolatrous Superstitions among their Proselytes; and with having themselves rather become Con- verts to the Idolatrous Worship of the Hin- doos, by conforming to many of their prac- tices and superstitions, than making Indians Converts to the Christian Religion:" (pp. 7, 8.) When the Pope called them to account for this shameful conduct, they attempted to excuse themselves, by representing the expe- diency of making this compromise ; which, they argued, was only temporary, and was justified by the example of the Apostles. But "all these, and many other like reasons, appeared, to the Holy See, futile, and merely evasive; and the Jesuits were peremptorily ordered to preach the Catholic Religion in all its purity, and altogether suppress the super- stitious practices, till then tolerated among the Neophytes:" (pp. 8, 9.) They did not comply with these orders, without making a further attempt to obtain 64 Means employed by the Roman-Catholics the Pope's sanction to their idolatrous pro- ceedings : and when, at length, Benedict XIV. peremptorily commanded them to de- sist from those practices, and to " bind them- selves, by a solemn oath taken before a Bishop, to conform themselves, without any tergiver- sation whatever, to the spirit and letter of the decree," M. Dubois says, that they obeyed, though with reluctance: (pp. 9, 10.) Over- awed, perhaps, by the Cardinal de Tournon, the Apostolic Legate at Pondicherry, they might comply at the time; but they soon resumed their Pagan customs and supersti- tions, and continue them to the present day. The Abb6 attempts to extenuate this po- licy, by representing the Hindoos as a people " constituted in such a manner, by their edu- cation and customs, that they are quite in- sensible to all that does not make a strong impression on the senses :" (p. 6S.) And hence the necessity, I presume, of disguising the Christian Religion, under images, pic- tures, processions, &c. &c. resembling, as closely as possible, those of the people we would convert ! When the Abb6 sat down to argue thus, did he recollect the words of Jesus Christ ? " God is a Spirit : and they that worship Him, must worship Him inspirit and in truth :'* for the Conversion of the Hindoos. 65 (John iv. 24.) Let him not reply, that they are too sensual to give ear to such a doc- trine ; for their own Shasters inculcate a similar principle : and it is the professed object of their Sanassees, by mortifying the flesh, to become insensible to surrounding objects and animal gratification, that they may keep the mind absorbed in contempla- tion upon the Deity. Though the majority of them are actuated by pride and indo- lence, and study how they may impose on the credulous with success, yet such is their avowed object : and the devotee who prac- tises the severest mortifications, is the most highly esteemed. They consider this dedi- cation of the body, or any part of it, as more acceptable to God than any other service or offering that can be rendered to Him ; and hence the strict Sanassees are regarded as the most holy of men. This Hindoo doc- trine and practice may, therefore, be con- sidered as facilitating the way for a favour- able reception of the Gospel, when they shall hear of its spiritual nature. Allowing, however, that the Hindoos are a sensual people, and easily captivated by pomp and magnificence, yet wherein do they differ in this respect, not to say from ancient and modern Heathens of all lands, 66 Means employed by the Roman- Catholics but from all the rest of their species, of every religion and every clime ? The constitution of the human mind is the same everywhere. The peculiarity of its attachments is quite accidental, and is formed by education and habit. We are all creatures of sense, and too prone to be allured by sensible objects : and in proportion as we are thus led away by the vanities around us, the thoughts, the affections, are drawn from God. To deliver us from this thraldom of the senses, is one of the practical designs of Christianity : and until the soul shall be thus enfranchised, we can never become spiritual, and, conse- quently, acceptable worshippers of the Only True God, nor faithful believers in Christ. The duty, then, of every Missionary to the Heathen, is obvious he is bound to en- force upon them the necessity of renouncing every idolatrous practice, before they can be admitted as Members of the Church of God. The Abb6 Dubois and his Brethren have adopted the opposite system they have in- dulged their Proselytes in their use of super- stitions, calculated to lock the minds in eternal ignorance of the spiritual nature of God, and of the service which He demands of all who approach Him. Are we, then, to be told by these men, that the Hindoos' pre- for the Conversion of the Hindoos. 67 judices are insurmountable? They have never attempted to overcome them ! M. Dubois confesses, that during a period of twenty- five years that he has familiarly conversed with them, lived among them as their Religious Teacher and Spiritual Guide he would hardly dare to affirm that he has anywhere met a sincere Christian. " In embracing the Christian Religion," he says, " they very seldom heartily renounce their leading super- stitions, towards which they always enter- tain a secret bent, which does not fail to manifest itself in the several occurrences of life ; and in many circumstances, where the precepts of their Religion are found to be in opposition to their leading usages, they rarely scruple to overlook the former, and conform themselves to the latter :" (p. 63.) Can this be matter of surprise, even to the Abb6 himself ? Every impartial observer will see, that such is precisely the effect that might have been anticipated, from the tem- porising policy of the Jesuit Missionaries in the East. Since, however, the Abb6 Dubois thinks they were justified in adopting those expe- dients by the examples recorded in the sa- cred page, (p. 6.) it will be right to inquire, how far the conduct of our Lord and His 68 Means employed by the Roman- Catholics Apostles may be considered as establishing a precedent for this mode of proceeding, in our endeavours to propagate the Gospel. We have seen that the Jesuits thought the favourable opinion of the Brahmins indis- pensable to their success ; and that they, therefore, in the first instance, endeavoured to gain their countenance. For the same reason, it would have been politic in our Lord and His Apostles to court the Scribes and Pharisees ; for they also, as already shewn, were " the polished part of the nation," and " leaders of the public opi- nion." But, so far from paying any defe- rence to those haughty Sects, Jesus Christ availed himself of every opportunity to hum- ble their pride. Even the Harbinger of our Lord, when announcing to the Jews the speedy approach of the Kingdom of Hea- ven, boldly rebuked the Pharisees and Sad- ducees, when he saw them coming to his baptism, and " said unto them, uthor of a " Brief History of the Syrian Churches," given Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. 217 He says, " They have numberless Fasts during the year ; they use candles, tapers, incense ; and have many more external Cere- monies than the Catholics, in the exercise of their religious functions," &c. (pp. 59, 60.) That there is much of superstition in their Religious Services, I admit ; and was pained to witness so close a resemblance in them to the Ceremonies of the Roman-Catholic Church : but that they " have many more external Ceremonies than the Catholics," is true only of the Roma-Syrians, i. e. those who have embraced Popery altoge- ther, or incorporated Popish Superstitions with the Forms of the Syrian Church. But of those Syrians who adhere to their ancient Ritual, it is not true. In the midst of their Service on Sabbath Morning, I witnessed what 1 never heard of in a Roman- Catholic Chapel, either in India or Europe, viz. the reading of the Lesson appointed for the Day, in the Vernacular Tongue. He says, that their Clergy " use the Sy- riac in their Liturgy and Religious Ceremo- nies :" (p. 60.) This, if intended as an ob- jection, comes with a very ill grace from a in the Appendix to the Seventeenth Report of the Church Mis- sionary Society, I shall refer the Reader to that able and interest- ing article, for the information required on those subjects. 218 Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. Roman-Catholic Priest; who, in common with the rest of his order, uses the Latin "in the Liturgy and Religious Ceremonies" of his Church ; a language equally unintelligi- ble to the Laity in India, and to the majority even in Europe. This objection is less formidable, in refe- rence to the Syrians, than to the Roman-Ca- tholics. For it is contrary to the laws of the Roman Church to pray in public in any other language; whereas the Syrian Metro- politan informed me, upon my putting the question to him, that they had no Canon which prohibited the translating of the whole of their Liturgy into the Vernacular Tongue, for the use of the Church ; except, indeed, a few Prayers, which are addressed to the Virgin Mary. But when the Abbe* goes on to assert, (p. 22,) that " all the science of their Clergy consists in being able to read, or rather spell, this lan- guage, in order to be qualified to perform their Religious Ceremonies" and says, that " he has been assured that there is at present no one amongst the Catholic or the Nestorian Clergy capable of properly understanding or ex- plaining two phrases of the Syriac Books" I answer, that this is an unfair representation of their present state. That, at the time he Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. 219 received his information, feiu of them knew more than is here asserted, may have been the case. But they have always had some Syriac Doctors (Malpans) amongst them; and in 1820, when I visited them, the Cata- nars read the Prayers with fluency, and I conversed with several who were masters of the language. And as to M. Dubois not being able to " see of what utility the project of sup- plying them with Syriac Bibles can be,"(p.6o.) this arises from his neglect to inform himself better as to their ability to make use of them. Upon the presumption that " no one amongst them is capable of understanding that an- cient language," his surprise that the Bible Society should think of sending them Syriac Bibles is not unnatural. But, then, all this is mere presumption not fact. The Priest who officiated at the Syrian Altar, on the occasion just alluded to, made use of one of the Bible Society s Syriac Testaments, when he read the Chapter in the vernacular lan- guage: and as his eye passed over the Sy- riac page, he rendered it into Malayalim with such facility, that I thought the book before him was written in that tongue, until in- formed to the contrary. Two Missionaries and myself spent an evening with the same man, when we discussed some of the princi- 220 Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. pal doctrines of Christianity. He sat with another of the Bible Society's Syriac Testa- ments before him ; and referred to it, in con- firmation of his opinions, with a readiness that proved him to be familiar with the Sa- cred Text. Several of the Catanars, whom I saw in the interior, shewed me, with appa- rent pleasure, their copies of the same work, carefully folded up in white cloth ; and gave me reason to believe that they knew the value of the boon. When Dr. Buchanan was with them, they were much in want of the Syriac Bible ; and it was only upon his promise to repay them an hundred-fold, that they entrusted to him their most valuable Manuscripts. Just before the arrival of the first supply from England, they grew so impa- tient, that they began to suspect that the Doc- tor had imposed upon them. But their su- spicions were soon removed ; and I had the satisfaction of hearihg them express their gratitude for the treasure which the Bible Society had sent them. The Abb6Duboissays,(p.22,)"The Jesuits, on their first arrival in India, hearing of them, in one way or another converted the greatest part to the Catholic Faith." It was not till up wards of forty years after the arrival of the Portuguese in India, that any attempts were made to Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. 221 seduce the Syrians from their own Commu- nion, or compel them, " in one way or ano- ther," to enter into that of Rome: and the duplicity, stratagem, arrogance, cruelty, and violence, even unto blood, of Don Alexion de Menezes, Archbishop of Goa, and other persecutors, cover their names with infamy ; and fill us with admiration at the constancy of the Syrians, who resisted such means used to convert them*. " There remains," he says (p. 22), " still among them, large Congregations, consisting of 70,000 or 60,000 Christians, of whom two- thirds are Catholics, and a third Nestorians." By this estimate, he computes the number of Faithful Syrians at about 25,000. At the time I was with them, their number was stated to be 53,000. They have since been reckoned at 13,OOO families ; which, allowing 5 to a family, will raise them to 65,OOO. He says, " They are all designated under the contemptuous name of Nazarany, and held by the Pagans in still greater contempt than the Christians of this part of the coun- try. The Nairs chiefly keep them at the greatest distance." (p. 22.) It will be seen, by reference to La Croze, * The history of these transactions is given in the Seven- teenth Report of the Church Missionary Society, just mentioned. 222 Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. that, at the time the Portugese arrived in India, and for a few years subsequent to that period, the Syrian Christians stood high in the estimation of their Heathen Rulers and neighbours. They enjoyed many privileges under the Native Princes ; ranked with the Nobility of the Country ; the authority of their Bishops was allowed to extend to all Civil as well as Ecclesiastical affairs ; they were carefully instructed in the use of arms, from their eighth to their twenty-fifth year, and were excellent hunters : the more of them a Pagan Prince had in his dominions, the more was he feared and esteemed ; and not more than two hundred years ago, they furnished the Rajah of Cochin with 50,000 of the best soldiers : on that ac- count, as well as on that of their fidelity and strict attachment to the truth in every thing, the Native Princes cherished and counte- nanced them in every possible way. In virtue of privileges granted by Sharen Per- maul, former Emperor of Malabar, they took precedency of the Nairs, who are the Nobility of the country ; and they were second in rank only to the Brahmins. The Kings themselves manifested an extraordinary vene- ration for them. The inferior castes looked up to them for protection against the oppres- Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. 223 sions of the higher castes. They depended directly on the Prince or Minister, and not on the Provincial Governors. They them- selves punished any infringement of their privileges, or insult offered them, by a Pa- gan. The Nairs, who are the Nobility and Warriors in Malabar, then respected them very highly, and considered it a great honour to be regarded as their brothers. So nume- rous were their privileges, that La Croze says it would be tiresome to describe them all. It was permitted only to the Brahmins, and them, to have inclosed porches before their houses. They were authorised to ride and travel on elephants ; a distinction accorded only to them and the Heirs of the Crown. They sat in presence of the King and his Ministers, even on the same carpet ; a privi- lege granted to Embassadors only. The King of Paroor, having wished, during the preceding century, to extend this privilege to the Nairs, the Christians declared war against him, and obliged him to restore affairs to their former state. Lieutenant- ColonelJohn Munro, late Re- sident at the Court of Travancore, in his* " Address to the Government of Fort St. * This Address was published in the Appendix of the Twen- tieth Report of the Church Missionary Society. 224 Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. George on the State of Christianity in that Residency," cites this account of the Syrians' privileges and respectability, in proof of the extraordinary advancement of the Christian Religion in a country governed and in- habited by the Hindoos. I quote it, to shew that they were not, in La Croze's time, so con- temptible in the eyes of the Heathen as the Abb6 Dubois represents them at present. At the period of the Roman-Catholics" unwar- rantable interference with them, they lived in the full enjoyment of these immunities : and though they subsequently lost much of their respectability (for which they have to blame only their Popish persecutors), they are yet held in greater estimation than the Native Roman Catholics; and at the very time when the Abb6 wrote the Letter in which he asserts the contrary, and represents them as held in great contempt, they were actually rising again in respectability, and in the esti- mation of their Rulers. In ]818, three years subsequent to the date of the Abbe's Letter, Lieutenant- Colo- nel Munro, who had for some time known the Syrians intimately, thus described them, in his Address to the Madras Government, already referred to 11 Notwithstanding the misfortunes which Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. 225 they have suffered, and the disadvantages of their situation, they still retain, however, some of the virtues by which they were for- merly distinguished. They are remarkable for mildness and simplicity of character, honesty, and industry ; their pursuits are con- fined to agriculture and trade ; and, although they have lost the high station and elevated sentiments which they once possessed, yet they are still respected, on account of their integrity and rectitude of conduct." Then, after explaining the improved state of their Ecclesiastical affairs, this enlightened Statesman proceeds " The temporal situation of the Syrians has also been materially improved. I have frequently taken occasion to bring them to the notice of her Highness the Rannee of Travancore ; and her intelligent, liberal, and ingenuous mind has always appeared to feel a deep interest in their history, misfortunes, and character. She is aware of the attention excited to their situation in Europe ; and her anxiety to manifest the sincerity of her at- tachment to the British Nation has formed, I believe, an additional motive for the kind- ness and generosity she has uniformly dis- played towards the Syrians. She has ap- pointed a considerable number of them to Q 226 Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. public offices ; and lately presented the sum of 20,000 rupees to the College of Cotym, as an endowment for its support. The Syrians are most grateful for her goodness ; and che- rish, in no ordinary degree, the sentiments of affection and respect toward her person that are entertained by every class of her subjects." Such were the respectability and improving circumstances of these people, whenM.Du- bois published his representation of them, as more contemptible in the eyes of the Pagans than even the Roman-Catholic Christians ! He says " Their Clergy lived till lately in celibacy :" (p. 60.) La Croze informs us, that the Priests are not engaged to celibacy ; nor was it universal among them, prior to their persecution by the Jesuits. Menezes found several of them married, whom he commanded to put away their wives ; and those who re- fused obedience to his unauthorised mandate, he excommunicated. With respect to his insinuation, "that all the success which the Protestant Missionaries stationed among them had to boast of was, the having prevailed upon many of the Ca- tanars to marry," I beg to state, that Colonel Munro, and Mr. Norton (the first Protestant Missionary who devoted attention to the Sy- Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. 227 rians), seeing the immoralities which the celi- bacy of the Priests occasioned, represented to them the duty and necessity of marriage. " The Bishop saw the evil of the practice, and wished to remedy it. One reason, among many that was urged in its favour, was their poverty : they were too poor to maintain a wife and family. To obviate this difficulty, the Resident (Colonel Munro) offered to give 400 rupees to the first Priest that should marry ; and promised so to arrange matters, that the Clergy, in general, might marry, and support their families." " The Metropolitan, a short time after, issued a Circular Letter to all the Churches ; in which he stated the prohibition of Sacer- dotal Matrimony to be, not of the Church of Antioch, but of the Church of Rome ; and desired that the Clergy would take the matter into consideration, and comply with the ordi- nance of marriage, when convenient. Two of the Clergy were, in consequence, soon after married ; and forty more entered into bonds that they would marry as soon as some pro- vision should be made for the support of their families, should they have any*." The other Missionaries promoted the prac- tice, as far as they thought it compatible with * Missionary Register, March 1818, p. 99- Q2 228 Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. their situation to interfere. When I was at Cotym, thirty -five of the Catanars had mar- ried, and the number has since increased. Whatever the Abb6 Dubois' feelings upon this success may be, Protestants, at least, may return thanks to God, for having so far prospered the efforts made to do " away with that which has been, among the Syrians/ as well as in the Church of Rome, a prolific source of immorality." But his principal objection against the Sy- rians appears to be, that " they, above all, deny the Blessed Virgin the title of Theo- tocus, or Mother of God, asserting that the Son of God did not assume a soul and a body in her womb." (p. 59.) This title, Qsoroxoc, was first given to the Virgin Mary by the GreekChurch ; andOrigen, I believe, was the person who proposed it. It was applied to her by several of the Greek Fathers after him ; and was at last confirmed by the Council of Ephesus, which was called to adjust the dispute which arose upon Nes- torius, and his Presbyter Anastasius, denying her that title rv Nsrof / *w ot,yia,v Ma^/a? eivott (dzorozov agvovfAtvx. The literal signification of the title is, "She who brought forth Him that is God ;" and it may originally have been intended to mean Of the Syrian Church in Travancore. 229 no more, than that she was the Mother of the Human-nature of Him who was God as well as Man. In this sense Nestorius himself would allow her the title : and what renders it probable that this was the meaning- at first attached to the name, is, that the Greeks did not call her M^rg^a rov 0g, vol. II. p. 264. t Mem, pp. 267, 268. 252 Necessity of promoting Christianity, hands, contrary to our expectations, and often against our wish. For what purpose, I ask, has the Almighty conferred upon a Company of British Mer- chants a more extensive dominion than any earthly Monarch governs ? Can it be for their personal aggrandizement ? to enrich our na- tion, and indulge us with exotic luxuries ? No ; there is not the shadow of a reason to conclude that His object is different from what it has generally been, m permitting one nation to triumph over another. That object is, to prepare a way for the Ambassadors of Peace, and to extend the boundaries and blessings of His Kingdom. To deny this, or to suppose that the case of the British Power in India forms an exception to the Almighty's general design, is to provoke Him to sub- vert that mighty Empire. We glory in the achievements of our arms : but soon will their splendour be tarnished, soon shall our Indian Possessions be taken from us, and given to a Nation more zealous for the honour of our God, unless we inscribe on our ban- ners, " Holiness to the Lord," and follow up our successes by rendering them subservient to the promotion of His glory in the East. How vast then, how tremendous, the re- sponsibility of our Indian Government ! I both among Europeans and Natives. 253 tremble for the mortal that shall presume to endeavour, either to extenuate its magnitude, or, by word or action, to divert the Rulers of our Eastern Empire from discharging that debt which they owe to The Lord of Hosts ! He has given them an opportunity to acquire a more splendid renown than ever rewarded the hero of the field. If they avail themselves of it, by diffusing the light of Revelation wherever they bear sway, then, when here- after they shall see countless myriads flocking from the East to meet the Ransomed from the West, they themselves will enter with the throng into the realms of unfading glory. But, if they use no means to promote this object, still it shall be accomplished for it is the Almighty's purpose : and He hath declared, " I will work ; and who shall let it (turn it back)?" " My counsel shall stand ; and I will do all My pleasure." No hostility or inactivity of man shall prevent the achieve- ment of the Redeemer's triumphs in the East : and if those, who are instrumental in effecting those conquests, shall find their future joys proportionably increased, the remorse of every opponent to the work, when he shall witness its completion, can neither be described nor conceived ! Often has it been, objected, that the propa- 254 Necessity of promoting Christianity, gation of Christianity in India is a measure fraught with imminent danger to our Eastern Possessions. Suppose, for the sake of argu- ment, we allow the possibility of the thing : yet will any man, of right understanding, and impressed with a moderate degree of reve- rence for the authority and holiness of the Supreme Being, urge this as a sufficient rea- son for the omission of so sacred, so obvious a duty? Shall secular interest be allowed to stand in competition with the performance of that duty ? No ! Will not such an one say, Let our Indian Empire go to its natural owners, to any one, rather than retain it on condition that we withhold therefrom the Light of Revelation, and thereby incur the Almighty's displeasure ! What is the wealth of the Indies, without the favour of God? we should soon find it more worthless than dross. If, in order to preserve our Eastern Dominions, we deny to the millions of our Indian Subjects, that " Light" which was re- vealed for the express purpose of enlightening the Gentiles theGod who has bestowed upon us the vast Continent of Hindoostan, may soon be provoked to recall that costly acqui- sition. An able officer, already named, (Sir John Malcolm) argues, upon principles not dissi- both among Europeans an d Na fives . 255 milar, for the diffusion of " knowledge and truth" throughout our Indian Possessions. He says, at the conclusion of the work above quoted " The relation of the Natives of India to the English is that of a conquered people to its conquerors. Since we have obtained sovereignty over them, we have greatly ameliorated their condition ; and all rational means have been employed to pro- mote their happiness, and to secure to them the benefits of good government. By pre- mature efforts to accelerate the progress of the blessings it is our hope to impart, we shall not only hasten our own downfal, but replunge the Natives of India into a state of greater anarchy and misery than that from which w r e relieved them. Let us, therefore, calmly proceed in a course of gradual im- provement ; and when our rule ceases for cease it must (though probably at a remote period), as the natural consequence of our success in the diffusion of knowledge ! we shall, as a Nation, have the proud boast, that we have preferred the civilization to the con- tinued subjection of India. When our power is gone, our name will be revered ; for we shall leave a Moral Monument, more noble and imperishable than the hand of man ever constructed !" 256 Necessity of promoting Christianity, This liberality of sentiment is worthy of the man, and of the subject which he advocates : and all that I require is, the application of the principle to the Cause for which I plead. If the enlightening of the Native Mind, with the knowledge of European Literature, is a duty paramount to every personal or politi- cal consideration, and should make us rise above every sordid calculation of secular interest and if it be more honourable to retain possession of India for a few years, while employing every means to improve the mind and condition of the Natives, than to keep them for treble the space of any given period in a state of mental darkness as well as corporal subjection we have only to con- sider the vast superiority of Christian Know- ledge over every human science or natural acquirement and also the unadulterated, the imperishable enjoyments to which it leads in order to be convinced how un- worthy it is of the man, who has any pre- tensions to the character and hopes of a Christian, to deny the inestimable blessings of our Religion to the Natives of India, upon the plea, that it will endanger our dominion over them, and our possession of their land. But while I concede, ex animo 9 that it is incumbent upon us to instruct the Natives of both among Europeans and Natives. 25? the East in the arts and sciences of the West, notwithstanding the danger to our Indian Empire which Sir John Malcolm apprehends from their improvement* ; yet ought it not to be maturely considered, how that effect of their advancement in knowledge can be best counteracted? The Ethics of a Socrates or a Seneca can never curb the natural free- dom of the spirits that have nothing better to restrain them. But if you call in the aid of Christianity, you apply a remedy, and the only effectual one, to obviate the evil you dread. To impart to your Indian Subjects merely secular knowledge, may be to supply them with weapons against yourselves. Cer- tainly the most dependence can be placed upon their allegiance, after they shall become better instructed, when they are brought also under the influence of the precepts and prin- ciples of the Gospel. If this reasoning be correct, we see that Christianity, instead of endangering our Em- pire in the East, will tend to increase its sta- * Though I reason upon the supposition that this effect may result from the mental improvement of the Natives, yet I think it questionable. When their minds are more enlarged than they are at present, we may reasonably anticipate, that they will be better able to appreciate the nature and advantages of our government : and when that shall be the case, we may expect them to yield us a willing obedience. S 258 Necessity of promoting Christianity, bility. So far then from its being impolitic to promote its diffusion through that Pagan Land, I am prepared to maintain, that it is the most politic measure that could be adopted. In this assertion I am supported by two authorities, which few will refuse to admit. The first is that of Lord Teignmouth, " who, after serving the Company for above five-and-twenty years, in various subordinate offices and after having been associated, for the last three or four of them, with Lord Corn- wallis in the Supreme Council when some changes of extreme importance were to be made in the East-India Company's system, was, without recommendation or interest, se- lected, solely on the ground of his high inte- grity, tried abilities, and perfect acquaintance with East-India affairs, to fill the high office of Governor-General of Bengal. A few years ago, that Nobleman published to the world his sentiments on this subject; and distinctly de- clared his strong and clear persuasion, that it was not only practicable, but expedient, on grounds of political interest, as well as just and right on theprinciples of Religion and Humanity, to communicate, prudently and discreetly, to the Natives of India, the knowledge of Christianity ; and thereby, through the Divine Blessing, to improve their bo th among Europeans and Na tives. 259 wretched state in this world, as well as to open to their view the prospect of eternal happiness*. Such are that Nobleman's general senti- ments upon the subject of evangelizing India. His view of the question, upon which I now more particularly quote his authority, I shall transcribe from his own Pamphlet. " Major Scott Waring asks if it can be possible 'that thirty thousand British sub- jects could retain an Empire containing fifty millions of people, if the Christian Religion was universal in India?' The question will not at this time be deemed to require a solu- tion: and on his principles the case will never occur. But it is more pertinent to ask, Whether the British Dominion in India will not acquire additional solidity by the acces- sion of a body of Natives united to us by the bond of a common Faith ? Major Scott Waring foresees no danger in the operation of bigotry, superstition, and prejudice; which, whilst they exist in their present force, must oppose a bar to a cordial union between the Natives of India and their European Rulers. I see the subject in a different light ; and, without wishing to circumscribe the limits of that toleration which has hitherto been adopted, feel the necessity of introducing a * Christian Observer, Vol. XII. pp. 26S, 67. S2 260 Necessity of promoting Christianity, principle of counteraction and melioration, by implanting amongst them the doctrines of Christianity*." Without comment upon this extract, I will merely subjoin the Query of the^riterin the Christian Observer, already cited : " Shall Lord Teignmouth's judgment of East-India affairs, so highly and universally respected in every other particular, be called in ques- tion in this instance only ?" My other authority is, that of Lieutenant- Colonel Munro, whose talents and assiduity, when young in the Service, attracted the notice of Government, and subsequently marked him out as a fit person to be entrusted with the responsible and important situation of Resident of Travancore. In the Address to the Madras Government, so frequently noticed in these pages by which it will be seen what a comprehensive view he took of the subject relative to the improvement of the Natives of India, and with what discre- tion and perseverance he projected and exe- cuted plans for their amelioration he says : " The facts which I have described seem to authorise the conclusion a conclusion, which, I am convinced, will be further con- firmed the more the subject is examined and studied that whatever impediments may be. "Considerations" &c. pp. 44, 45. both among Europeans and Natives. 261 opposed to the progress of Christianity, proceed from political, and not from religious jealousy. They who cherish sentiments of hostility against the British Power, and hopes of its instability, will, of course, decry any measures calculated to unite the interest of a body of the people with its permanency . That power is exposed to greater danger from secret conspiracy, than from open re- sistance ; and this danger must increase with the extension of the British Possessions, which augments the disproportion, in num- bers already so immense, between the Rulers and the Subjects. But, in establishing a body of Native Subjects connected with the mass of the people by a community of language, occupations and pursuits, and united to the British Government by the stronger ties of Religion and mutual safety, ample means would be acquired of procuring information of the proceedings of the people, and of all machinations against the British Power. In the course of time, still greater advantages would arise ; and the support of a respect- able body of Christian Subjects would con- tribute to strengthen the British Power, in those junctures of commotion and difficulty, which must be expected to occur in a country like India, that has been in a state of revolution for ages. The introduction of 262 Necessity of promoting Christianity, Christianity, in some of the Provinces, may be attended with delays ; but, in Travancore and Cochin, there is already a numerous body of Christian Inhabitants, who, with moderate assistance and encouragement from the British Government, will firmly attach themselves to its interests, and may prove of material service in supporting its power." If there be still a doubt on the Reader's mind, as to the policy or safety of Govern- ment countenancing the propagation of Christianity in India, let him look at the Island of Ceylon, where the experiment has actually been made. The Dutch Govern- ment, from their first possession of that island, and subsequently the British Government, have openly countenanced Missionaries, and furthered their designs for the Religious im- provement of the Natives. That Colony " has been highly favoured, in the beneficent views of persons in authority. A deserved testimony is borne on this subject, in the following passage of the Tenth Report of the Colombo Bible Society*" " It is not solely to the number of Copies of the Scriptures which the Committee have been enabled to circulate, important as that object undoubtedly is, that the advantages * Missionary Register for January 1824, p. (}4, both among Europeans and Natives. 263 arising from an institution of this nature are to be estimated. Much, very much, is to be expected from the beneficial influence of example. The Natives of this Colony have now, for a long course of years, beheld the Governor of the Island, and all the principal Officers of the Government, however various and dissimilar may be their general habits and pursuits, steadily combined together in cordial and zealous co-operation for the ad- vancement of one object, obviously dis- interested on their part, and solely intended to promote the welfare of the people." The popularity of several Gentlemen who have been most active in these proceedings, and the absence of the faintest appearance of dissatisfaction on the part of the Natives, furnish an undeniable proof of the safety with which a similar countenance might be afforded to the promulgation of Christianity upon the Indian Continent. 1 had been led to believe that Sir John Malcolm opposed the introduction of Chris- tianity into our Indian Empire, and took up his " Memoir of Central India" under that impression. But I find nothing in that in- teresting work which can be construed into hostility against Missionary pursuits, or that bears at all upon the general question of evangelizing the East. I should have been 264 Ncessity of promoting Christianity, surprised and pained to have found this intel- ligent Officer lending the authority of his respectable name in support of the outcry vociferated against this majestic and mo- mentous undertaking. If I understand him and I have taken pains to do so he admits, and even enforces, the duty of instructing and ameliorating the Natives. It is upon the measure, to be adopted for this purpose, that he recommends caution and patience ; and I know not the Missionary in India that would not unite with him in the suggestion. It is worthy of observation, also, that his remarks even on Education are not intended to apply to the whole of our Eastern Dominions not to the Presidencies and their neighbour- hood, nor to the " towns and provinces long under the British Government," but to newly- conquered countries. " Nothing could be more dangerous," he says, " at the present moment, than the extension of this plan of Education into countries just emerging from anarchy ; and the bad impression made upon ignorant and agitated minds, by the misrepre- sentations of our intentions in such a measure, would far exceed any good that could be effected by its establishment. These senti- ments led to the rejection of a proposition* * Sir John here subjoins the following Note- " A proposition for introducing Schools was made to the Hon. Mr. Elphinstone, when both among Europeans and Natives. 265 made by pious and excellent men for its im- mediate introduction over our late Conquests ; and the same caution led to very strict rules being laid down to prevent any European Merchants or Adventurers settling in Central India, or having any money concerns with its inhabitants." There is nothing in this Extract (and I find no stronger language upon the subject in the work from which it is transcribed) that can justify the conclusion, that the writer has enlisted himself on the side of those who are opposed to Missionary Pro- ceedings in the East. Instead of applying to the Advocates of the Cause, as is some- times done, contemptuous epithets, he speaks of them in respectful terms, as "pious and excellent men;" and explains his reasons for rejecting their proposition, to arise, not from any hostile feelings towards them or their ob- ject, but from that caution which he thought it necessary to observe in reference to all other Europeans not immediately in the ser- vice of Government. The same author has forcibly shewn the when Commissioner of the Poona Territories ; as well as to me, when in charge of Central India. An answer, grounded on the reasons that have been stated, was given, by both, for rejecting its adoption." 266 Necessity of promoting Christianity, necessity of peace throughout the British Empire in the East, in order to preserve its stability. The propriety of the measures which he suggests for the purpose, on their adaptation to the end in view, I presume not, nor does it fall within my province, to dis- cuss. One additional expedient, however, I may be permitted to mention, in consistency with the design of the present work ; viz. The introduction of Christianity. No policy can be compared with this ! No enactments, no concessions, no judicial or financial ar- rangements, can so tranquillize the minds of men, as the genial influence of our Holy Re- ligion. Peace is its appropriate characteris- tic. It reveals how peace was effected between God and apostate Man, by the Atonement offered on the Cross. It calms the fears of the guilty conscience, and reduces the turbu- lent passions of the soul to peace. When thus received into the heart, it will unite all the members of the body politic, to their Rulers and to each other, in one bond of amity and love. Visionary as these antici- pations may appear to the partial observer, they are the very predictions of Holy Writ. " And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the Mountain of the Lord's House shall be established in the top of the mountains, both among Europeans and Natives. 267 and shall be exalted above the hills ; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob ! and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths : for out of Zion shall go forth the Law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people ; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks : nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more :" (Isa.ii. 2 4.) " Come ! behold the works of the Lord, what desolations He hath made in the earth ! He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth ; He breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder : He burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still ; and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the Heathen ; I will be exalted in the earth :" (Ps. xlvi. 8 JO. Every Christian, who has felt the power of Religion in his own heart, will declare, that such must be the universal effect of its dif- fusion through the world. And hence it is obvious, that there can be no sounder policy than to promote its advancement in the East. That Sir John Malcolm has not noticed 268 Necessity of promo ting Christianity, this, in his enumeration of the measures cal- culated to preserve the tranquillity of India, cannot be fairly construed even into indiffe- rence, much less hostility, to this great sub- ject. It may, and, probably, ought to be attributed to the same cause which I assign for not entering mte the political view of the question it did not fall within his province. But while I argue thus for the policy of propagating Christiany in the East, I must not be understood to recommend the Go- vernment to take an active part in the work. Not because 1 think, with the Abb6 Dubois, that it would "prove detrimental to" the Cause, " by increasing the jealousy and dis- trust of the Natives" (p. 48) ; but because I am persuaded that it would occasion the Church to be crowded with multitudes who would prove a disgrace to our Religion. When, in the reign of Constantine, Christianity was first made the Religion of the State, such was precisely the effect produced. The unas- suming, the self-denying Genius of the Gospel fled before the Spirits of ambition and cupi- dity, which now possessed the Church. ' ' Ex- ternal piety flourished ; Monastic Societies in particular places were also growing ; but faith, love, heavenly-mindedness, appear very rare : yet among the poor and obscure Chris- both among Europeans and Natives. 2(>9 tians, I hope," says Milner, " there was far more Godliness, than could be seen at Courts, and among Bishops and persons of eminence. The doctrine of Real Conversion was very much lost, or External Baptism was placed in its stead ; and the true doctrine of Justi- fication by Faith, and the true practical use of a Crucified Saviour for troubled con- sciences, were scarce to be seen at this time. There was much outward Religion, but this could not make men Saints in heart and life." " True humility and charity were now little known in the Christian World, while Super- stition and Self-righteousness were making vigorous shoots ; and the real Gospel of Christ was hidden from men who profes- sed it*." Notwithstanding the confident assertions of M. Dubois and others, respecting the in- vincibility of the Hindoos' attachment to their customs and superstitions, I will venture as confidently to predict, that the Church of Christ in the East will soon become as crowd- ed, and as soon degenerate into this secular, heterodox, and vicious character, when the Natives shall find it conducive to their tem- poral welfare to embrace the Christian Reli- gion. They would flock by thousands to the * Church History, vol. II. p. 49. 270 Necessity of promoting Christianity, standard of the Cross, if they found it the passport to wealth and distinction. Send me forth with an unlimited commission from the Ruling Powers, and, were it possible that I could undertake so impious a task, 1 would engage to return you as many Converts, with a large proportion of Holy Brahmins among them, as I had lucrative situations to confer at the Baptismal Font ! ! But it is not the object of Protestant Missionaries to extend the name of Christianity, without its spirit ; and, therefore, they studiously withhold from the Natives every secular inducement to em- brace our Holy Faith. While, ^however, I do not propose to the East-India Company to engage in any direct measures for the Conversion of the Hindoos, there are yet two or three points deserving mature deliberation. First : The Missionary may, in various ways, be assisted in his humble, laborious, and self-denying task, at little or no expense to Government. While he behaves with pru- dence, and refrains from interfering with Civil or Military Affairs, the Company's Servants might receive express orders to shew him that respect which they pay to each other. The Natives of India seldom pay much re- gard to an European from whom they have ' both among Europeans and Natives. 2/1 nothing to expect, especially when they observe that he is neglected by his Country- men. Consequently, when a Missionary is scowled upon by the Gentlemen at his Sta- tion, it tends to degrade him in the eyes of the Heathen, and impedes the influence which his character and exertions might otherwise command. Whatever opinions, may be entertained of Missionary pursuits, and their probable results, the devoted men, who have embarked in the Cause, are deserv- ing of honour from all ranks. They have forsaken all that is dear to man on earth ; renounced every worldly prospect ; literally presented themselves as living sacrifices to their God and Saviour ; and that, with no one object in view, but to promote the present and future happiness of their fellow-men., Such characters are very undeserving of that contempt, with which I know they are some- times regarded. Were their personal feel- ings only concerned, they would hardly thank me for speaking thus in their behalf: but it is their office, their situation among the Heathen, which requires this small tri- bute of respect : and when it is withheld from them, and impediments are unneces^ sarily thrown in their way, for no other pur- pose but to annoy them, it is calculated 272 Necessity of promoting Christianity, to discourage them in their work, and to dimmish their influence. It has been said, and the Abb6 Dubois repeats the calumny (p. 176), that the interference of the Protest- ant Missionaries with the prejudices of the Hindoos hasproduced ' * irritation, opposition, and resistance." Why has he not given an instance in support of his assertion ? be- cause the experience of upwards of a cen- tury, from the arrival of Ziegenbalg at Tranquebar, to the present moment, can- not furnish one ! Of all European Residents in India, the Protestant Missionary is the truest friend to Government. The Soldier protects their frontiers, and preserves the internal tran- quillity of the State ; the Magistrate takes cognizance of individual transgressions of the Laws, and dispenses justice impartially to all ; the Commercial Agent promotes indus- try among different classes of the Natives, and conducts and improves the commerce of the Empire ; the Collector promotes the cultiva- tion of the soil, and replenishes the Public Treasury : but all these labour for reward. The humble Missionary, without any pecu- niary remuneration from the Government, de- votes himself exclusively to the improvement of the Subjects of the Realm ; and, in propor- tion as he succeeds, he accomplishes, or both among Europeans and Natives. 273 rather anticipates, much of the Public Ser- vants' duties. The effect of his doctrines and precepts is, to preserve peace on earth, and thereby to supersede the use of arms : whilst all ranks, learning from him their duty to God and Man, and seeking, through his directions, Divine assistance to perform their duty, will leave to the Officers over the dif- ferent Departments of the Service little more to do, than to gather in the fruit of his labours. And, above all, instead of holding the Natives in submission by constraint, he binds them (at least those of them who are converted by his means to Christianity) to their Rulers, by an identity of interest, and by the bond of Christian Love. Then is it too much to demand, for this useful class of Individuals, that attention, which their cha- racter ought to command, and which the nature of their services so justly merits ? I am not impugning the conduct of our Indian Rulers in this particular; and am persuaded that they would never sanction any marked and unmerited incivilities towards Missio- naries : but surely it is not too much to hope that they will make known, throughout the Service, that it is their pleasure to have every respect shewn to Missionaries, so long as they do nothing to forfeit it. 274 Necessity of promoting Christianity, It would greatly facilitate them in the pro- secution of their work, were the Collectors instructed to furnish them with a piece of ground, on which to build their Schools and Churches, where they do not interfere with public buildings or private property. When their Converts are persecuted by the Heathen as I have known them, even to the deprivation of their property it is but an act of justice in the Magistrate to inquire as patiently and impartially into their case, as that of the Heathen or Mahomedans. Go- vernment, doubtless, conclude that this is done : but there have been, and may be again, Europeans in the Service, who treat the Na- tive Christians with contempt, and dismiss their complaints in a manner that appals them ; gives their enemies occasion to tri- umph over them, and to repeat the vexatious and unjust persecutions ; and leaves them without the hope of redress. This would, I have little doubt, be prevented, by the issuing of express orders, requiring that the same protection be afforded to the Christians as to every other class of Natives. The Converts might, and ought, to have the same advantages as their Countrymen in the Public Service, where they are found to possess equal abilities. This would be both among Europeans and Natives. 275 effected, by simply abolishing those Regula- tions which require, that all the highest Offices which Natives can hold, shall be tilled by Mahomedans and Hindoos*. It is not just, and, perhaps, is not intended by the East-India Company, that the profession of Christianity alone should exclude a Native from situations of the first respectability : but such is the operation of the Regulations to which I refer ; and, so long as they conti- nue in force, they must be regarded as an impediment to Missionary Exertion. The Second point for consideration is, The Establishment of Schools throughout the Company's Dominions, for the Education of their Servants in the English and Native Languages. By this means, attention could be paid to their morals, and right principles inculcated. The bribery of the Upper Servants, the cru- elty and extortion often of even the Peons, are notorious. This must make an impression on the Native Mind, greatly to the prejudice of Government ; which is, of course, consider- ed responsible for the acts of its Servants. It * Extracts to this effect, from Regulations passed by the Go- vernor in Council of Fort St. George, are given in Appendix B of the " Diary " of a Field-Officer of Cavalry. T 2 276 Necessity of promoting Christianity, answers little purpose to punish individual offenders : the evil must be eradicated. While the Native Servants are left to pick up their education as they can, what else is to be expected, but that they will make the most of their situations, without much scruple of conscience? But give them a proper edu- cation, and you fortify them, as much as lies in your power, against the temptations of office. Sir John Malcolm recommends the encou- ragement of the Native Village Schools in Central India, as " the best means of com- mencing, if not completing, the introduction of knowledge amongst them, and thereby gradually ameliorating their condition." I know not the character of those Schools; but with the Native Schools in South India I have some acquaintance ; and will venture to say, that it will answer no good purpose to encourage them, while their present system is continued. Their character cannot be better described, than in the words of the Su- perintend ant of the Church Missionary So- ciety's Schools atTranquebar " Among the Schoolmasters of the com- mon Native Schools, many are to be found who give themselves to some open vice. I may say, there is not one who does not, pub- lickly or privately, encourage his Scholars, both among Europeans and Natives. 277 almost daily, to steal some trifle or other from their parents' homes. They are accus- tomed to bring betel-leaves every morning after breakfast, a piece of wood in the even- ing, and sometimes cash and areka-nuts : consequently, the Native Children are very early accustomed to the vice of stealing ; and, when they are grown up, they continue the same practice ; so that, when they are afterward employed in Public Duties, they do incalculable mischief to their Superiors and inferiors. These facts being well known to our English Superiors, and seriously lamented by many who have these Natives in their service, I need not dwell more on the sub- ject. The vices of stealing and bribery in *the country are beyond description; and thousands of poor people become objects of severe distress, by the dreadful corruption of the Native Public Servants*." Nothing, humanly speaking, can remedy these evils, but the establishing of Free Schools, by Government, throughout their dominions. This " will be one of the most successful means of correcting the children in their early vices, and of impressing on their minds the blessings and credit of ho- nesty f." Unless such an expedient be * Missionary Register, October 1823, p. 444, f Idem. 278 Necessity of promoting Christianity, adopted, this corruption, and these oppres- sions, will continue to grow ; until, if any thing can provoke the Natives to resistance, they will be roused to throw off a yoke, un- der which, contrary to the intention or regu- lations of the Government, they are made to groan, It is true, the children are taught in these Schools to repeat Native Proverbs, some of which contain excellent morals : but none of them understand the poetic language in which they are written. I remember once reading over a string of them with a Learned Brahmin, who was, every now and then, at a stand for their signification. Some he car- ried home with him, talked over them with his friends, but, after all, could not give me a proper explanation of their meaning. A short time before I left Madras, I went into one of the Native Schools, and requested the Teacher to let me see what the Boys were reading. He shewed me some Ollas, on which were written the Sayings of Ouvyar, I desired him to explain them to me ; when he took up another Olla, which contained the interpretation, and began to read. I stopped him, saying, that I wished him to tell me, from his own mind, what he supposed to be the sense of the Proverbs, or even of both among Europeans and Natives. 279 the written interpretation : upon this, he looked in my face, and confessed, with a smile, that he understood neither the one nor the other. Such is the ignorance of most of the Native Schoolmasters! and it is evident, tfyat their Scholars can derive no moral bene- fit whatever from repeating Sentences, how- ever sound the morality they contain, unless they are made to comprehend their meaning and application. But if Government would take up the subject of Education, the advan- tages that would result, from the measure, to the Natives, and ultimately to themselves, are too obvious to be named. It would tend also to conciliate the minds of the people. Several of their favourite Authors speak of the establishment of Schools for the Education of the Young as one of the most laudable actions, and loudly celebrate the praises of those who have founded Seminaries for Learning. Few plans could be adopted that would more effectually convince them that their Rulers took a real interest in promoting their happiness. The knowledge of the English Language acquired in these Schools would prove another bond of attachment on the part of the Natives towards the Government. In 280 Necessity of promoting Christianity, the event of the invasion of India by any Foreign Nation, a powerful auxiliary would be found in the body of Natives acquainted with our language and the rudiments of our literature. Of the vast number of Natives now in our Service, a very small proportion speak English. Some of the Head-writers, and most confidential servants in our Cutcher- rees and Courts, understand not a word of our language : many of the English Writers, even, comprehend not one sentence in five of what they transcribe : and seldom do you meet with a Native who can pronounce English intelligibly, or converse with you in it, upon any subject out of the common routine of business. The reason is, there a*e very few facilities beyond the Presidencies for the study of the language ; as not many Natives can afford to pay for instruction from a master capable of teaching it : those, therefore, who aspire after employment in the English department of the Service are often obliged to acquire the language as they can from other Natives, who, often without understanding its construction, and but im- perfectly acquainted with its pronunciation, engage to teach it upon moderate terms. This is a subject deserving the immediate attention of Government. Intelligent Youths, both among Europeans and Natives. 281 descendants of Englishmen, might be se- lected, from the Asylums at the different Pre- sidencies, for this service, and receive an ap- propriate education. Many capable young men of this description have long been em- ployed in the Financial, Medical, and Survey- ing Departments ; and they would be equally useful as Schoolmasters. Two were engaged in that capacity in the English Schools of the Church Missionary Society in Tinne- velly : their writing and pronunciation were as good as could be expected from English- men in the same rank of life : and had a little more attention been paid to their educa- tion, they would have equalled any ordinary Schoolmaster in Great Britain. If this sub- ject betaken up by Government, it will find respectable employment for an increasing and interesting body of people, and turn their labours to a very good account. A Third subject deserving attention is, The abolition of every practice that outrages the feelings and sympathies of human-nature, and of which British Law would take cognizance. Not withstanding the Abb6 Dubois' affected apprehension, that " the putting a stop to Suttees, by coercion, appears a measure too pregnant with danger to be attempted," (p. 1^8,) I maintain that it would tend 2S2 Necessity of promoting Christianity, to confirm our political power in the East. It might alienate the minds of the interested few who profit by these immolations ; but it would conciliate the bulk of the Natives, and attach them the more cordially to our Government. Remove every barba- rous superstition that paralyzes the affections of the soul, and instantly will you perceive the feelings of humanity begin to revive. Each chord entwined about the heart will soon vibrate to the sounds of parental, filial, and fraternal love ; and even the Hindoo, no longer a misanthrope, or deaf and blind to the charms of society, shall own and rejoice in the relative ties by which man is bound to man. The heart-melting gratitude with which the Rajahpoot Mothers presented at the feet of Colonel Walker the Children pre- served through his humane perseverance ; the conduct of the Widow rescued from the funeral pile at Chicacole towards her Bene- factress, and the subsequent behaviour of her relatives ; are alone sufficient to vindi- cate the Hindoo's claim to the feelings of humanity ; and to shew, that these anticipa- tions will, in all human probability, be realized, when the obstructions that now pre- vent the exercise of those feelings shall be removed. But how strange is it, that men, who can both among Europeans and Natives. 283 reason so fairly on other subjects, should advance their theories, again and again, upon the political danger and commotions to be more than apprehended (as they say) from any change that may be attempted in the Hindoos' practices! " The ancient rules for the collection of the Revenues have been changed and modified in innumerable in- stances" " the Revenue System, both in principle and practice, has undergone a funda- mental alteration." " In opposition to ancient rules and customs, the public assessment in Bengal has been declared fixed and irrevo- cable." " The Revenue-Officers have been deprived of the judicial power which they had from time immemorial exercised: they have been made amenable to the Courts of Justice for acts done in their official capa- city." The " discretionary authority" and " extensive influence" which " the great Zemindars or Landholders possessed," " dur- ing the Mahomedan Government," " are now completely annihilated ; and the greatest Landholder in Bengal possesses no more in- fluence than that of an English Gentleman of extensive landed property." Thus, \hefornwr customs have undergone a total alteration, to the great benefit of the community at large. " With respect to the Criminal Law, the 284 Necessity of promoting Christianity, British Government adopted the Mahomedari Code, by which it had been antecedently administered ; and the sentences of the Crimi- nal Courts are regulated by that Code, ' ex- cepting in cases in tvhich a deviation from it may be expressly directed by any Regulation passed by the Governor- General in Council'" " Thus the Regulations, in the very outset, intimate some exceptions." In the instances of trials for murder the admission of the testimony of such witnesses as, on account of their Religious persuasion, the Mahomedan Law rejected the capital punishment of tc a person deliberately intending to murder one individual, and accidentally killing another" the Law of Retaliation, by which a murderer 66 might escape the punishment due to his crime" in all these instances, the Mahome- dan Law has been altered ; and the very titles of some of the Regulations express, that they are enacted for the purpose of modifying the Mahomedan Law. So, also, in reference to the Hindoos. In 17Q5, the Government of Bengal put a stop, in the Province of Benares, to the Brahmins' establishing koorhs, during which they lace- rated their own bodies, threatened to swal- low, and sometimes actually swallowed, poison, and wounded or killed their female both among Europeans and Natives. 285 relations or children, " on the approach of any person to serre them with any process, or to exercise coercion over them on the part of Government or its delegates." By the same Regulation, they were forbidden to sit dhurna also. To recover a debt, or extort charity, they were accustomed to take their seat at the person's door of whom the demand was made. Provided with some offensive weapon or poison, in order to wound or kill them- selves upon any one entering or quitting the house, they sat fasting until their object was attained ; and it was considered " equally incumbent on the party who was the occa- sion of such Brahmins thus sitting, to abstain from nourishment until the latter were satis- fied." " The rules and measures adopted for putting a stop to these abuses, and for pre- venting the revival of the still more savage custom, which, until within these few years, had been generally prevalent among the Tribe of Rauje Koomars inhabiting the borders of the province near Jompore of destroying their infant female children, by suffering them to perish for want of suste- nance are hereby enacted, with modifica- tions, into a Regulation*." * Twenty -first Regulation of the year 1795. 286 Necessity of promoting Christianity, " By the Hindoo Law, to occasion the death of a Brahmin, either directly or indi- rectly, is an inexpiable crime." The disre- gard of this prejudice, in the distribution of justice by the English, has been already shewn ; also the abolition, by order of the Civil Authorities, of Infanticide, at S augur, at several places on the Ganges, and at Guzerat, and drowning in the River Jumna. In short, " the British Government in Bengal has wisely proceeded in the task of reformation, with cautious and measured steps ; yet the Civil Institutions of the coun- try have undergone, in the last twenty-five years*, a total alteration." " The Regulations, which, by deviating from ancient rules, have so much contributed to the comfort and happiness of the people, were, in many instances, at the time of their establishment, considered as hazardous inno- vations, repugnant to the feelings and preju- dices of the Natives of the higher class. Ac- customed to a despotic form of government, they were incapable of appreciating the be- nefits of a different system. Slaves and tyrants by turns, the great Landholders, in the exercise of arbitrary power, found some f This was written in 1813- both among Europeans and Natives. 287 compensation for their submission to it ; and although they have derived peculiar benefit by the innovations introduced by European Authority, the power and influence which they enjoyed under the former system were not resigned without reluctance, and the loss of them is still regretted." But no commo- tions have resulted from the alteration of the old system, to endanger the British Empire in India. The same may be said of the Regulations " enacted for the purpose of modifying the Mahomedan Law." " I do not learn," says Lord Teignmouth*, " that these modifica- tions have disgusted the Professors of that Law, who have quietly admitted the justice and propriety of them. Yet, were it told at Cairo or Constantinople, that, in opposition to the Divine authority of the Koran, and the Expositions of their Holy Imaums, their Laws had been altered by the authority of profane European Infidels, the Muftis of those cities would exclaim, * Impiety ! ' and Revenge ! ' " Since these alterations have been made without the slightest resistance from the * " Considerations " &c. The whole of this account of the Changes effected in the Laws and Usages of the Mahometans and Hindoos is borrowed from that Pamphlet : pp. 12 20. 288 Necessity of promoting Christianity, Natives whom they respectively affected, may we not hope that measures will be speedily adopted for the abolition of Suttees, and every other inhuman custom ? Will it be pretended that the Natives of India are more tenacious of the privilege of destroying helpless Widows, than of their natural rights, long-established laws, ancient customs, and prejudices ? However, were it likely for the Hin- doos, on being commanded to desist from immolating the Widow upon the funeral-pile of her deceased Husband, to resist the order, what possible danger to our Indian Government could arise from their "opposi- tion? They would form a very small mino- rity of the Natives not One in TwentyThou- sand. Unless, then, it be imagined, that the haughty Mahomedans who look down with supercilious contempt upon the whole race of Idolaters, and the hundreds of thousands of apathetic Hindoos who are quite indiffe- rent about the burning or burying of Widows alive, will all make common cause with the incensed few, and take up arms in defence of those abominable practices, there is little more to be feared from their abolition, than from the interruption of the Native Children's play. Be it remembered, that I am not both among Europeans and Natives. 289 hazarding a rash assertion here; but drawing a legitimate conclusion, from past experience of the safety with which other changes, much more likely than this to provoke irritation and rouse into action every interested feeling, have actually been effected. A Fourth point which I would take the freedom to suggest for consideration, is, That every practicable effort be made^ to improve the Moral Character of the Honourable Com- pany's Servants. The Abb6 Dubois describes but too accu- rately, the conduct of many of those persons, and its sad consequences upon the minds of the Natives. " I will refrain," he says, " from en- tering into details on the low state of Christia- nity among the Europeans living in this coun- try ; as this part of the subject is your* pro- vince, rather than mine. I will content myself with saying, that if their public and national virtues are a subject of praise and admiration to all castes of Hindoos, the bare-faced im- morality, the bad examples, and disregard of every sense of Religion, exhibited by a great many amongst them, are not the least among the many obstacles which oppose the pro- gress of their Religion in this country, by * The Archdeacon of Bombay. U 290 Necessity of promoting Christianity, increasing the prejudices of the Natives against it, and rendering it particularly odious to them, when they see it so ill ob- served by those who were educated in her bosom, and who come from countries where this Religion alone is publickly professed. They think that there can be no advantage in embracing a Religion, which seems to have so little influence on the conduct of those who profess it : nay, a great many among thein^ judging from outward appearances, question whether the Europeans living among them have any Religion what ever. Ihavebeen many times challenged to bear testimony on this fact ; and very seriously asked by them, whether the Frangy (Europeans) acknow- ledged and worshipped a God." (pp. 83, 84.) " It is a well-known fact, that it is pre- cisely those of the Hindoos who are most familiar and most connected with the Eu- ropeans, who manifest the strongest disgust and aversion to the Religion and manners of the latter. In proof of this assertion, I appeal to all the Officers, both Civil and Military, serving under the Three Presiden- cies in India." (p. 43.) ". Should the intercourse between the in- dividuals of both nations, by becoming more intimate and more friendly, produce a revo- both among Europeans and Natives. 291 lution in the Religion and usages of the country, it will not be to turn Christians that they will forsake their own Religion, but rather (what, in my opinion, is a thousand times worse than Idolatry !) to become perfect Atheists : and if they renounce their present manners, it will not be to embrace those of the Europeans, but rather to become what are now called Pariahs." (p. 50.) " Many persons who come from Europe to India with unsettled and wavering Reli- gious Principles, finish, on beholding the va- riety of Worships prevailing in the country, by laying aside what they term the prejudices of education, becoming Free-thinkers, and adopting the broad principle of Modern Phi- losophy, that all Religions are equally accept- able to the Deity, and conduct to the same end :" (p. 137. See much more to the same effect, at pages 115, 120, 152, &c. &c.) Is not this state of things awful and alarm- ing in the extreme ! Such conduct must tend, not only to alienate the affections of the Na- tives from their Rulers, and counteract all the liberal efforts of Government to reconcile them to their present situation, but to call down the vengeance of Almighty God upon the men, who thus cause His Religion to be reproached among the Heathen! u 2 292 Necessity of promoting Christianity, It is a fact, that, although the most irre- ligious of the Company's Servants are the most indulgent (and often ridiculously and un- necessarily so) towards the Natives, in regard to their superstitions, they cannot gain their confidence and attachment. They are not con- sistent in their behaviour towards all clases : and they seem to think, that their giving way to the childish superstitions of the more re- spectable, will be received as an atonement for their abuse, neglect to pay their debts, and general ill-treatment of the rest. But they greatly mistake. The Natives know very well, that all Europeans regard their Idola- tries as irrational and absurd ; and, therefore, never give us credit for sincerity, whatever respect we may pretend to shew them. But nothing can cause them to esteem the men, whose debaucheries, injustice to their trades- men, and, in a word, disregard of all appear- ance of Religion, are the general topic of conversation among them, and scandalize all castes. On the other hand, it is equally deserving of observation, that Gentlemen of the oppo- site character, though they evince a perfect indifference about the foolish Ceremonies of the Natives, are yet the objects of their ad- miration. In familiar conversation with them, both among Europeans and Natives. 293 I have heard their remarks upon persons attentive to their Religious and Moral Duties; and could give a striking instance of confi- dence, on an occasion of importance to the Revenue of Government, being reposed in a JUNIOR of this character, which was, and would continue to have been, withheld from his irreligious SUPERIOR. So true is the obser- vation of Lieutenant- Colonel Munro, in his Address to the Madras Government : " The Natives of India still retain an admiration of excellence, and a high veneration for virtue and sanctity : and the purity of morals, sub- limity of doctrine, and extraordinary adapta- tion to the condition of mankind, of the Pro- testant Religion, are eminently calculated, when understood and when their effects are A/ seen, to engage Converts." Surely, then, there can be no question as to the importance of using every possible means, to improve the Moral and Religious Character of all classes of Europeans, but particularly of the Company's immediate Agents in India. Waving the consideration of duty on the part of Government to give serious attention to the subject, its own in- terests, the stability, the very existence of our Eastern Empire demand it. No Govern- ment, indeed, can ensure the good conduct of 294 Necessity of promoting Christianity, its servants or subjects, however excellent the means used for the purpose : but much may be done to preserve the character of our Religion in India, and to ensure a strict ob- servance of the Ordinances of our Church, in every part of the Empire where Europeans are stationed . Much of the immorality and in- fidelity among the Company's Servants, com- plained of by the Abb6 Dubois and others, arises, I am persuaded, from the habits of indifference to Religious Exercises, acquired by a long residence among the Heathen, at a great distance from the Ordinances of Divine Worship, with every possible facility for the gratification of their passions. Under such circumstances, they must be more than human to preserve a reverence for the parting admo- nition of Parents, a recollection of lessons received from Religious Preceptors, and keep their youthful propensities under moral re- straint. Launched into a world peculiarly abounding in temptations, before reason is matured, or sacred principles are formed, to guide them in the paths of Virtue and Religion, what wonder if their passions precipitate them into every vicious excess ! Thousands of hopeful young men have thus been ruined, and brought to a premature grave, for want of timely admonition, Religious Instruction, both among Europeans and Natives. 295 and the authority of superiors, to controul them in their wicked and destructive ca- reer ! Will it be said, that Government, since it does not sanction, is not responsible for their crimes ? No ; that cannot justly be pleaded, until every preventive means has been em- ployed. The Ecclesiastical Establishment in India, though extensive, and a great bless- ing to the country, is yet inadequate. But this is too important a subject to be treated of in the concluding observations of the present Work. I shall, therefore, confine myself to one point; viz. The due observance of the Sabbath. To the habitual violation of that Sacred Day, may be traced the major part, if not the whole, of the evils of which we com- plain. Until men have so renounced the authority of God as to disregard His com- mand to consecrate the Sabbath to holy em- ployments, they will not abandon themselves to an unrestrained course of iniquity : but when once accustomed to profane the Holy Day of Rest, the transition to every other sin is easy and natural. I conceive, then, that proper attention to this important duty will contribute greatly to obviate the demo- ralizing tendency of Eastern habits and in- dulgence. The means to promote this desk 296 Necessity of promoting Christianity, rable end are few, obvious, and easy to be adopted. First Divine Service should be publicMy performed on the morning and evening of the Sabbath, at every Station. If there be no Chaplain, the Senior Officer, Civil or Mili- tary, should be required to read, or empow- ered to appoint a junior to read, the Service, and a Discourse. Even where there are but two or three Officers at the Station, they should not neglect this duty. It may be ob- jected, that it is enough', in the case of so small a number, for each individual to retire to his room, and perform his devotions in private : but this is to forget, or undervalue, the gracious promise of the Divine Presence and Blessing vouchsafed to " two or three assembled together in " the Name of God. No individual who feels the importance and privilege of Prayer, will neglect private devo- tion, because required to unite with one or more individuals in the Public Service of the Church ; or think that the one duty should supersede the other. It would also defeat another object in the public performance of Divine Worship, viz. to let the Natives see that we are not so regardless of Religion, as they have hitherto had too much reason to think us. And thus may we hope to remove both among Europeans and Natives. 297 that suspicion of us as an Atheistical People, which an inattention to Religious Ordinances has produced in their minds. At some Military Stations, this duty is at- tended to. This was the case at Palam- cottah, previous to my arrival there as Chap- lain. The Commanding-Officer, the late Colonel Charles Trotter, required all the Military Officers to assemble for Divine Worship ; and two or three of the Civilians joined them, until deterred by the ridicule of their companions. Secondly For the due performance of Di- vine Service, a Chapel should be built at every Station. At present, all the Chaplains Stations are not provided with Places of Worship. That this desideratum should be supplied with the least possible delay, few will hesitate to allow : and, in reference to the erection of a small Chapel at every other Station, I shall adopt the suggestion of a late Commander-in-Chief of the Madras Army (General M'Dowall). That Officer had been addressed by the Government of Fort St. George, desiring to know from him whether there was any truth in the report, that the Mutiny at Vellore was occasioned by attempts made to convert the Natives to Christianity. To which he replied 298 Necessity of promoting Christianity, " It may occasion some degree of surprise, that the people of this country should be brought to believe, that those who apparently conduct themselves with so much apathy in respect to what concerns Religious Worship, should have formed any serious scheme for the converting whole nations, of different castes and persuasions, to the Christian Faith. None but the weakest and most superstitious could have been deluded by so improbable a tale : and, accordingly, we find the rumour alluded to was by no means general ; and, except at Hydrabad, it had made little or no impression. " In making the above remark on the in- difference which is manifested in the Adora- tion of the Supreme Being, I must add, in justice to the Military Character, that it chiefly proceeds from a want of places (and, at several Stations, of Clergy men) exclusively appropriated for Divine Service : and I trust 1 shall be excused, if I suggest the propriety of having convenient Chapels, of moderate price, constructed in all situations within the Company's Territories, where European Troops are likely to be quartered. What- ever may be urged to the contrary, I am con- vinced that such an improvement, indepen- dent of the obvious advantages, would ren- both among Europeans and Natives. 299 der the British Character more respected by the Natives, and be attended by no evil con- sequences." The whole of this Official Communication was published by the late Dr. Buchanan, in his "Apology for promoting Christianity in India:' Since, however, the Vellore Mutiny continues to be ascribed to attempts to con- vert the Natives, and knowing that the judi- cious suggestion and observations of General M'Dowall, though made nearly eighteen years ago, have not yet been attended to, I shall not apologise for supporting my posi- tion by the copious Extract transcribed above. A Third point for consideration is, The supplying of every Chapel with a large Bible and Prayer-Book, the Book of Homilies of the Church of England, Religious Discourses, and such other Publications, as Government, or the Bishop of Calcutta, may think proper to select. Fourthly- Particular orders should be is- sued against the transacting of public business on the Sabbath . Notwithstanding the Regu- lations that already exist to this effect, and the close of Public Offices at the Presidencies, and of all Judicial Courts, it is a fact, that some Gentlemen, situated in the interior, 300 Necessity of promoting Christianity, attend to their Cutcherrees, and keep their Native Writers employed, almost as much on the Sunday as on any other day. Were this strictly prohibited, unless in cases of emergency, I am of opinion, that those who have thus thoughtlessly violated the Sabbath would begin to think more seriously and cor- rectly upon the subject, and refrain from in- curring the displeasure of Government. Fifthly All kinds of Diversion should be prohibited on that Sacred Day. How in- congruous must it appear to the Natives, to see Gentlemen go from Church to the card or billiard-table, and spend the Sabbath Even- ing in feasting, dancing, and mirth. These evils I have often had occasion to deplore, but could not, only for want of a Government Regulation forbidding them, prevent. When the late Colonel Trotter first took command of Palamcottah, the Junior Officers were ac- customed to spend the Sunday Afternoon at the Fives Court ! This he immediately put a stop to, by stationing a sentinel at the en- trance, with a written order that no one was to play there on the Sabbath, which he was desired to shew to every Gentleman that came. This had the desired effect ; and the practice was never repeated as long as Colo- nel Trotter lived . Easy were it for Government both among Europeans and Natives. 301 to apply a similar remedy to every such flagrant impropriety of conduct. Sixthly Even the Natives in the Service of Government should be required to pay some respect to the Sabbath. It is a violation of the Fourth Commandment* to employ " the stranger within our gates" on that day : and I know, from my own experience, and that of several Europeans who never employed Native Workmen on Sunday, and required all about them to reverence the day, that they cheerfully comply with the requisition, and, when acquainted with their motive, actually honour the Gentlemen who demand of them this tribute of regard. Sir R. Brownrigg, when Governor of Ceylon, ordered that all shops, bazars, and other places of trade, whether be- longing to Heathens, Mahomedans, or Chris- tians, should be shut upon the Sunday, from 9 A.M. to l P.M., on pain of fine or imprisonment. And I remember a Captain of the Madras Army informing me, that when, at Colombo, he wished to remove some baggage on a * I am aware that the application of this command to the pre- sent race of Hindoos has been questioned. A writer, under the signature of Philo-kalon, published a Letter on the subject, in the Calcutta Journal of January 31, 1820, which I was requested by a friend to answer. As the question is of great importance, I shall give both Philo-kalon's Query, and my own Reply, in an Ap- pendix to this Work. 302 Necessity of promoting Christianity, Sunday, he could induce no Cooley to carry it for him ; such was the respect paid to the Sabbath by all classes of Natives, in conse- quence of the Governor's order ! It is in the power of the Indian Government to procure a similar reverence for that Sacred Day, at every European Station throughout its do- minions ; and I feel persuaded, that, in doing so, the British Character would be raised in the Natives' esteem. These Regulations should be published in the vernacular language of every Station, for the information of all classes of Natives: for it is of importance to the Government, that the inhabitants should at length know how to distinguish between the Acts and Re- gulations of the Rulers, and the misconduct of their Agents ; otherwise the character of the former will continue to suffer from the delinquencies of the latter. By such precautions as are here suggested, I am confident that a great improvement will be effected in the Anglo-Indian Character. They will do more to consolidate our East- ern Empire, than any merely political ar- rangements that have ever been adopted. They will tend to command the respect and attachment of the Natives. And when that object is accomplished, I will riot hesitate to both among Europeans and Natives. 303 predict, that our possession of India will be retained to a period far beyond the most san- guine expectations, on the nicest calcula- tions, of the Statesman or Philosopher. But if no such means are adopted to improve the British Character in India, and ingratiate the English with the Natives, then will there be equal grounds to anticipate the downfal of our Eastern Empire, at a period not very re- mote. The Natives cannot be expected to submit -to the government of Foreigners whose irreligious character they despise, when they shall once possess the power of deliver- ing themselves from their rule. The Abb6 Dubois with justice remarks, that the present degraded and idolatrous state of India " reminds us of the great obliga- tions under which we stand to the Divine Author of Revelation, the common Father of all Mankind, for having, without any previous deserving on our part, chosen us, among so many Idolatrous Nations, to be His adopted people. What ought not our gratitude to be to Him for this, the greatest of all His Divine favours?" (p. 136.) To this I will only add, that when we do know the value of Revela- tion, we shall feel bound, by gratitude to its Author, to communicate its doctrines and precepts to those under our controul. If we 304 Necessity of Promoting Christianity, neglect this obvious duty, we shew that we know not how to appreciate the heavenly boon, and that our hearts are devoid of gra- titude to the Donor : and in the want of this principle is implied every thing odious to God! " Ingratum si dixeris, omnia dicis." To draw this Work to a close If the pro- positions laid down in the preceding pages are established, and the conclusions fairly drawn, it is plain that the sure method of preserving the dominion which the Almighty has so gra- ciously and so wonderfully bestowed upon us in the East, is, to promote the accomplishment of His design, to extend His Empire also over the hearts of the millions of Immortal Beings whom he has brought under our sway. Thus let us follow the guidance of His Providence ; and then may w r e expect that He will con- tinue to us the means of fulfilling His pur- poses towards the Natives of India, until their Redemption be complete. On the other hand, we see also, that to neglect the duty which we are so obviously commissioned to perform, is the most proba- ble way of provoking the Almighty to pluck the laurel from our brow, despoil us of our wealth, and lay our honours in the dust ! APPENDIX. To the Editor of the Calcutta Journal ; dated Central India, Jan. 31,1 820. " Ought Christians to allow People of any Faith or Sect, as Hindoos, Mussulmans, &c., to work at their Houses on Sunday ?" SIR A HE only passage in the SCRIPTURES that could have raised a doubt on this head, is the following : " The Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou shalt do no manner of work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, &c., nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gate." In this, the prohibition is so explicit, that nothing more than an assurance of its being addressed to Christians can be requisite to enable us to an- swer the question. Let this point, then, be ex- amined. The Jewish Religion was given to the Jews exclusively : it did not exact belief or profession from any other nation of the earth ; and in no part of the Scriptures were the Jews commanded to diffuse it. For what reason, then, do people, who profess a Religion which superseded and annulled it, suppose themselves bound to pay it obedience ? The Jews, we are told, are under APPENDIX. the displeasure of God, for continuing their ad- herence to it, and for rejecting Christianity : and yet Christians refer to it ; and, to supply what they imagine deficiencies in their own Faith,, select doctrines and mandates from this. Conduct so egregiously irrational could pro- ceed only from the supposition of its having been enjoined by our Saviour, or by some of his Apo- stles. Accordingly, passages from the New Tes- tament are cited to justify it: "Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Pro- phets : I am come, not to destroy, but to fulfil." " All Scripture is given by inspiration of God ; and is profitable, for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness :" (2 Tim. iii. 5 16.) But these passages have not the meaning ascribed to them. Of the first, the import is this "I am come to fulfil all righteousness, by a thorough and per- sonal obedience to that Law of Holiness ; and no part of the Typical Ceremonies of the Law shall be unfulfilled, and no obligation of the Moral Law shall be waived." Our Saviour hav- ing, in his own person, fulfilled all the Typical and Prophetical part, and obeyed rigidly and minutely all the Moral and Preceptive part, abo- lished the whole ; it having answered the ends for which it was given, and having received, in its completion, due honour and glory. This His Apostles declare, in every page of their writings " We are not under the Law." " We are deli- vered from the Law, that we should serve God in newness of spirit, not in the oldness of the letter.'' " The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ APPENDIX. 307 Jesus hath made us free from the Law of Sin and Death." With respect to the second passage, the Scrip- tures may justly be said to have been written for our instruction; as they contain innumerable instances of piety, holiness, and obedience ; and will furnish the most instructive lessons on the awful justice and the immaculate purity of the Divine Being, in his dreadful judgments on grace- less offenders. They were to be consulted, also, that we might perceive the perfect correspondence of the Prophecies regarding our Saviour, with their accomplishment in Jesus ; and that we might, consequently, attain the firmest convic- tion of the Divinity of our Faith. It appears, then, that we have no injunction from our Saviour or His Apostles to regulate our conduct by Judaism. And why is this particular Commandment deemed obligatory on the followers of Christ, when many other directions of Moses, and all the Ritual and Ceremonial parts of his Law, are supposed to be abrogated ? In the Chapter in which the Ten Commandments are delivered, is an order to Moses to build an altar and not of hewn stone : and the reason assigned is, that the altar would be polluted, if any tool were lifted on it. Why do not Christians avoid building an altar of hewn stone ? Why do not we either obey the whole, or reject the whole ? Surely we are not to cull such parts of a Religion as may suit our- individual inclinations ! The truth is this : The Jewish Law was adapted to the rude and unen- lightened age in which it was delivered ; and it now requires not observance, either from Jews or x 2 308 APPENDIX. Christians : it was a " shadow of good things to come :" it has been naturally succeeded and re* moved by the substance. The old Law, then, being abolished, by what are we to guide ourselves ? The answer is ob- vious : By the Precepts of Christianity ; and by those old Jewish Laws which are noticed and im- posed on us by Christ and His Apostles. Surely, nothing necessary for our guidance can have been omitted by our omniscient Saviour ? In what part, then, of the New Testament are we prohibited from employing Heathens on the Sabbath ? In no part. Then we may employ them? Certainly. Scripture, then, not forbidding the practice, let us examine if REASON will condemn it. Now, by employing Heathens to work on the Sabbath, we do not compel them to act in oppo- sition to the dictates of their conscience, or notions of rectitude ; or to do any thing, which, if left to themselves, they would refrain from doing. We do not prevent them from discharging any duty, moral or religious ; or from the performance of any, to which their reason or inclination might direct them. But, if we dismiss them on Sun- day, with orders to return and work as usual the following six days, we shall manifestly deprive them of the produce of a day's labour : we shall cause them to loiter and saunter about, a burthen to themselves, and useless to others : we shall thereby expose them to fall into the vices of idle- ness, drunkenness, and gambling ; and, conse- quently, to the probability of acquiring habits, which will render them unfit for the sober occu- pations they have hitherto pursued : hence, in- APPENDIX. 309 famy, poverty, and misery, are almost inevitable ; in short, from the prevalence of these vices, by which we ourselves have been enabled to gain an ascendancy over them, wretchedness and ruin, both temporal and spiritual, are necessarily con- sequential. Such dreadful evils may result from depriving people of employment on Sundays. If we attend to the progress of the human mind, when unoc- cupied, from folly to folly, and from sin to sin, we shall readily acknowledge the probability of such a lamentable gradation of iniquity. Does it not follow, then, that if, with this knowledge of what is likely to ensue from divesting labouring men of their ordinary occupations, we persist in dismissing workmen on Sundays, we shall not only not be pious and holy, but become ourselves guilty of those crimes which we thus allow them to be excited to commit ? Christianity shews us, that it is equally criminal, to commit sin, and not to prevent its commission. The deplorable end above mentioned may certainly not happen to one out of five ; but it also may happen to the whole : and, according to our Religion and to Reason, we are criminal, if we do not guard against even the probability of sins being com- mitted. This practice, however, though proved to be agreeable to reason, and not repugnant to Scrip- ture, is yet productive of an evil. The Sabbath is set apart for the care of the soul ; for the worship of God ; for the reading and hearing of His Holy Word ; for prayer, medi- tation, and self-examination ; for repentance of 310 APPENDIX. errors ; for humble acknowledgment of them ; for making resolutions of reformation and amend- ment ; and for thinking and conversing on Spi- ritual matters. Whatever tends to prevent or obstruct the performance of these duties, it be- hoves us to remove. If, therefore, we have people to work at our houses on Sundays, and, as usual, instruct them in their work, we shall cause a pre- judicial intermixture of worldly and spiritual con- cerns, and shall untune and unfit our minds for the due discharge of the duties just mentioned. On the other hand, if we merely allow Heathen Workmen to continue on the Sabbath their daily employment, while we ourselves are retired, and feel not, from their presence, the slightest inter- ruption, this evil will be removed, and, with it, every scruple against the practice in question. (Signed) PHILO-KALON. To the Editor of the Calcutta Journal; dated Southern India, March 1O, 1820. " Ought Christians to allow People of any Faith or Sect, as Hindoos, Mussulmans, &c., to work at their Houses on Sunday ?" SIR, IN your Number for January 31, there is a communication from Philo-kalon, on the above- stated Query, which the writer appears to have solved to his own satisfaction : but he must not be disappointed, to learn, that his conclusions are not sufficiently powerful to force conviction APPENDIX. 311 upon every mind that has been nurtured within the pale of our incomparable Establishment* The Church of England, in common with the Kirk of Scotland and all the Reformed Churches of the Continent of Europe., have followed the example of the Church of Christ from its earliest stage, in adopting the Ten Commandments of God which were delivered to Moses at Sinai', and inculcating them as of universal obligation to all that worship the God of Israel. With such pre- cedents then, the most punctual observance of the Sabbath, how erroneous soever in the Writer's estimation, should, in the outset,have commanded a little more respect than to be termed " egre- giously irrational ;" and it would have given us no unfavourable opinion of his candour, had he suspended his judgment on a point, which, so far from being questioned by the Fathers of our Church, received the concurrence of their deli- berate Council. Be it observed, that Philo- kalon's objections are as applicable to the whole of the Commandment enjoining the celebration of the Sabbath, as to the particular clause against which he points them ; for there is no direct in- junction regarding the Sabbath in the New Tes- tament. He must, therefore, be considered as impugning the wisdom of our Ancestors, in re- quiring this, or any other Mosaic Precept, to be taught our children at the earliest dawn of reason, to be repeated by them with the first accents of the lips, and to be read every Sabbath in the public Congregations of the Church ; unless such precept can be found, verbatim, in the New Tes- tament. I grant, that could the strict observance 312 APPEXDIX. of the Sabbath, according to the Law of Moses, be proved to be unscriptural, no human autho- rity would justify its continuance : but until that be done, I must continue to think that our fore- fathers were guided by the Word of God in en- joining its observance, and that every deviation therefrom is a departure from the same unerring standard. Your Correspondent remarks, that " the only passage in the Scriptures that could have raised a doubt on this head/' is that contained in the Fourth Commandment, which prohibits the em- ployment on the Sabbath of " the stranger that is within thy gate." And is not this enough ? What is this passage, but part of a Divine Law ? And if it can be shewn that this Law remains unrepealed in the New Testament, it will have all the force of a precept delivered by Christ himself. Human Laws often become obsolete, when the circum- stances that occasioned them no longer exist ; but, until formally abrogated, they remain among the Statutes of the Realm, and every one that transgresses them does it at his peril : and how many instances have we known, of a busy and unkind informer taking advantage of such anti- quated decrees, to bring an unconscious offender to justice ! But no part of the Ten Command- ments can be called obsolete, while they continue to form a portion of the First Lessons of our Children, and are publickly read in the Church every Sabbath. The onus probandi, then, rests with Philo- kalon : for he is evidently bound to shew, where, when, and by whom, any single passage of the APPENDIX. 313 Decalogue has been annulled, before he can have a right to demand proof of the whole being re- peated in the New Testament. He has indeed attempted this, by confounding the Preceptive with the Ceremonial parts of the Mosaic Institu- tion ; and, thus united by him under the term Judaism, has endeavoured to shew that the whole system was abolished by Christ. But, surely, I need not remind him that every thing about the Temple at Jerusalem, both internally and externally, together with all its offerings, services, furniture, and implements, were typical of the Redemption of Man by Jesus Christ ; and that, therefore, they were abolished when he had com- pleted the work of Salvation, and fled, like the shadows of the morn before the rising orb of day. It is to this the Apostles allude, when they speak of the abolition of the Law : and when they assert their liberty, it is their freedom from the painful rite of Circumcision, and the now unne- cessary Services of the Temple. (Tide the Epistle to the Hebrews, passim.) But, if such passages are to be applied to the didactic parts of Judaism, what is this but making the Apostles declare that they considered themselves free from all Moral Obligation. It is true, the Apostle does declare, " The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made us free from the Law of Sin and Death ;" and many passages of the like import are scattered through the Apostolic Writings. But every one who reads the portion of Scripture from which the above text is selected, will find, that the Apostle, so far from arguing (as your Corre- 314 APPENDIX. spondent states) that Christ " abolished'* " the Moral and Preceptive part" of the Law, by " ri- gidly and minutely obeying it," actually com- mends that Law as u holy," and the Command^- ment as "holy, just, and good :" (Rom. vii. 12.) The subject of his lamentation is, that he, through the debility of his nature, the strength of his passions, and the unconquerable propensity to evil that he finds within his heart, cannot observe that Law so perfectly as he ought, and whose every precept he confesses to be founded in wisdom, purity, and justice: (Ibid. v. 1 3 to the end.) And the ground of the exultation with which the next Chapter commences, is, that notwithstanding his inability to keep the Law of God, and thus render himself worthy of the Kingdom of Hea- ven he has nothing to fear from the penalties annexed to it ; for that Jesus Christ has paid the price of his ransom from eternal death. " There is, therefore, now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit ; for the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death :'' (Rom. viii. 1,2.) I feel persuaded that Philo-kalon, upon a more mature consideration of this concluding passage, in con- nexion with its context, will see that he has mis- taken its signification; and that nothing could be further from the Apostle's intention, than to assert that the Moral Law was abolished by the Obedi- ence of Christ, as was the Typical by the offering of His body on the cross. The Laws of Moses were given to the Children of Israel ; who have been preserved, to the present APPENDIX. 315 day, as a distinct people, for wise and gracious purposes, on which it is beside our present pur- pose to enlarge. But how it can be said, that their Religion was given to them " exclusively " when its privileges were extended to men of every nation, colour, or superstition, who submitted to and performed all its requisitions I am at a loss to comprehend ! And equally unable am I to account for another of your author's assertions ; viz. that the Jewish Religion was (e superseded and annulled" by the Christian. I have always under- stood that Christianity was but a more advanced stage of the same Religion as was promulgated to the Jews ; that it abolished only its externals, but retained the same object of adoration ; obeyed the same Divine authority ; required the same qualifi- cations of contrition, confession, and faith, in the worshippers ; and trusted in the very same Re- deemer for pardon and reconciliation : for the Jew believed in the Messiah promised ; the Chris- tian believes in Him who hath fulfilled all the promises of the Saviour of Mankind. Hence it would appear, that Christianity is rather the per- fection, than the abolition of the Jewish Religion ; for they are substantially the same : and, there- fore, there can be nothing very " irrational " in the " conduct" of those who scruple to violate any of the Ten Commandments, unless it can be proved from the New Testament that they have been annulled. It may be asked why the Saviour did not enjoin the strict observance of the Sabbath, if he in- tended the day to be kept in conformity with the Commandment. But, before this objection can 316 APPENDIX. have any force whatever, it must be proved that it was necessary for our Lord to repeat the Com- mandment, word for word, and sentence by sen- tence, in order to ensure the obedience of His Dis- ciples to the duty in question. But this it was not ; for Christ saw that the persons whom he addressed were already strict observers of the Sab- bath, and most tenacious of the slightest interrup- tion to its sacred duties. Nothing, therefore, re- mained for him to do, but to sanction the cele- bration of the day by his own example, and cor- rect what was amiss in those who professed obe- dience to the command of Moses ; and, conse- quently, we find that he did both. For the first : It were tedious to cite all the passages from the Four Evangelists, which declare that our Lord paid attention to this hallowed day, according to the command of God : nor is it re- quisite ; for one of them, St. Luke, informs us, (ch. iv. 16,) that it was "His custom" to go into the Synagogue on the Sabbath-day. For the second : He found the Pharisees had so disguised the Commandment by their false glosses and traditions, as to persuade themselves, and the people, that it was requisite to refrain from works of mercy, and even from acts of ne- cessity, on the Sabbath-day. But, instead of acting from a tenderness of conscience, their mo- tives were those of the basest hypocrisy ; substi- tuting numerous Services and privations that were not required, for that Spiritual observance of the day which alone could prove acceptable to God. In this manner did they u make void the Law by their Traditions ;" and render the Sabbath a bur- APPENDIX. 317 densome and painful duty, rather than a refresh- ing day of rest. Our Lord, with a bold and de- cisive hand, drew aside the veil, unmasked their dissimulation, and declared what? not that they should run into the opposite extreme, and violate the command of Moses, but that they should celebrate the Sabbath as the Law required, withoutanyadjunctsoftheirown: (Matt.xii.Q-lS.) But a Query arises here ; which, if Philo-kalon is unable satisfactorily to solve, will leave the whole of his reasoning with a very slender sup- port. Since the Saviour did all that could be necessary to ensure the continuance of the Sab- bath in his Church ; had He, on the other hand, intended to make any alteration in the observance of that day, was it not absolutely requisite for Him to state that alteration, and not leave us to guess at the particular clause or clauses of the Commandment that might be omitted with im- punity ?.. I think every candid mind will allow that it was requisite : otherwise it would expose our Heavenly Teacher to the imputation of leav- ing His Disciples in the dark, as to His intention on a point of such moment. And, since he has not done so with respect to any single passage of the Commandment, but has left the whole as He found it (except, indeed, that He has freed it of its numerous perversions), the only fair and legi- timate inference can be, that He intended the Law regarding the Sabbath to remain in His Church unaltered. Since, then, our Lord sanctioned the Sabbath by a personal observance of its duties, and took such pains to correct the abuses which the Jewish 318 APPENDIX. Rulers had introduced while He made no altera- tion in the Law itself that commanded the ob- servance of that day can we be reasoning on the principles of sound logic, to infer that we are at liberty to employ Heathen at our houses i.e. to let " the stranger work within our gates" on Sunday merely because it is not prohibited in the New Testament as well as in the Old f And can it be fairly concluded, from the Saviour's omitting to repeat the Fourth Commandment, that we may reject the whole, or such part of it as it suits not our convenience or inclination to observe ? I would beg once more to refer your Corre- spondent to the Redeemer's express command " to the multitude and to His Disciples" con- tained in Matthew xxiii. 3 : " All, therefore, what- soever they (the Scribes and Pharisees, ver. 2) bid you observe, that observe and do :" and the reason for this command is given in the second verse they " sit in Moses' seat." This does not seem to accord with Philo-kalon's asser- tion, that the whole of the Jewish Religion, as well the Preceptive as the Typical part, is annulled and superseded by Christianity : and, to my view at least, it amounts to a command to observe the Sabbath according to the Jewish Religion; for this, it is well known, was one of the principal laws which the Scribes and Pharisees enforced. It will avail nothing to say, that this command may have been addressed to the People as Jews, for it was given to His Disciples at the same time : and had He meant the latter to be free from any part of the law in question, on their renouncing Judaism, APPENDIX. 319 He would have told them so, and they would not have failed to publish the same to the Churches which they afterwards established : but not a single passage to this effect is to be found, throughout their Writings. I never before heard or saw it gravely stated, that we were not at liberty to employ workmen when we please, without incurring " the guilt of those crimes" which the vicious may commit when we cease to keep them at work. But I think it unnecessary to swell this Paper, by a reply to the latter part of your Cor respondent's Letter; else it were easy to shew, that the man who is really disposed to gambling, drunkenness, and the like, will surely pursue his vicious propensity at one time, if not at another : and a caviller might contend, that knowing a workman or servant to be so inclined, would furnish a good reason for his dismissal altogether ; since, by giving him employment, you (doubtless, unintentionally) add fuel to the flame of his passions, for you enable him thereby to provide himself with the means of illicit gratification. But, having shewn it to be the Christian's duty to observe the Sabbath in this particular as well as every other, he has nothing to do with the consequences. Let him obey the Commandment of God, and he will keep his own " conscience void of offence," whatever happen to those whom he may forbid to work upon his premises on this hallowed day. Philo-kalon, however, may not have given it a thought, that his arguments on this point, make the Jews equally guilty with Christians, for dis- 320 APPENDIX. missing the Heathen from their work on the Sab- bath ; yet he will surely allow, that they were right in obeying the Divine Law. I am quite at a loss to divine what could have been Philo-kalon's intention, in making this at- tempt to weaken the Christian's obligation to ob- serve the Sabbath ; for I give him too much cre- dit for consistency with the name he has assumed, to think he could have contemplated or suspected any evil to result from it. Yet, if it be fair to judge of a person's respect for the Sunday by the manner in which he spends it, I would venture to say, that there are many who would heartily thank your Correspondent, could he relieve their consciences of the Sabbath altogether ; and I feel persuaded, that such will hail his Letter as a welcome harbinger, to set them at liberty from the burthensome and unwelcome tasks of the day. They find themselves permitted to have work- men about the house, provided they shut them- selves up ; but, feeling no taste for the sacred occupations which Philo-kalon assigns them, it is not likely that they will submit long to what they must consider little short of incarceration : hence, they will not find much difficulty in persuading themselves, that there can be no great harm in looking at the people, giving one or two direc- tions, and so forth ; until they will be found en- tering into a regular superintendence of what is going on, and disregarding every duty that was intended to distinguish the Day of Rest. Philo-kalon must be too well acquainted with mankind, not to know that many will argue and practise thus ; and I cannot but think he would APPENDIX. 321 regret to have afforded any, the slightest aid, to entrench themselves in error and vice. I should like to see such a pen as his, employed in defence of the bulwarks of Sacred Truth and Virtue ; but he must excuse me if I say, that his present communication appears to me calculated to weaken, and even undermine them. Some contend against the Sabbath altogether, for the very rea- son that he assigns for dispensing with that clause of the Commandment which forbids the employment of " the stranger within our gates," viz. because it is not commanded in the New Testament : and they have nearly as much reason on their side as he has. Infidelity, like a swelling stream, exerts all its force to shake the embankments by which it is confined. The removal of one restraint will be as an opening at which it will enter : soon will the breach be widened ; one stone will fall after another ; until the torrent rush on with an im- petuosity that shall defy all resistance, wash down its ancient barriers,, overwhelm every Divine Insti- tution^ and leave us the sport of each noxious and varying blast that assails us. This unhappy pro- spect has been realized in the fate of too many victims of the Law, who have confessed that their vicious career began in the neglect of the Sabbath. And if I have succeeded in impressing others with my own conviction, that the habitual disre- gard of the clause of the Fourth Commandment now in question will, in most cases, if not in all, lead to the rejection of the Sabbath altogether, as its natural consequence every true lover of that which is good will see the danger of surren- dering the disputed point, and the necessity, the 322 APPENDIX. expediency, of maintaining, that the Law which Jehovah made for the celebration of the Sabbath is as binding on the Christian as it was on the Jew. (Signed) PHILO-ALETHINON. YC /*- :'>*.. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY