C \A P L E CHOCTAW ^ DEFINER •o ENGLISH WITH CHOCTAW DEFINITION, *9»HK» ■HV- IBlEllsT ■WA.TKIISrS // FIRST PlDITIOn r; ,000 COPIKS. VAN RIKKN. ARK.: W J'>AI,1)\VIX. PRINTER & riliUSHKi; Entered According to an Act of Congress in the year 1892, by J. W. BALDWIN, In the ofllce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 6 I "^"^^ PREFACE. The purpose of this volume is to supply the great demand for a complete Choctaw detiner. We have given the subject our undivided aitention for many years, and when completed, sub- mitted it to the best experts of the Choctaw Nation, who pro nounce it as nearly perfect as the different idioms of the two languages will permit. There has been no effort to make a literary display — the object ])eing to make the English as simple as possible. Verv Respectfully, THE AUTHOR. * CHOCTAW ALPHABET. LETTKKS. NAM KS. SOUNDS. as a in father. A, a ah. Ai, ai i. a diptboiig, as i in ])ine. Au, ail ow. a diptboiiiT, as ow in now B, b be. Oh, cb cbe. K, c a as a in made; as e in tliev F, f 1V^ II, b be. Tib bl tble f t! ■■])ij'ale(i beiore a eonson: 1 ten lb, tble also. l,i. 0, as i in iticpu^ unl in pit. K, k. ke. L, 1. le. M, m. me. N, n. lie. 0,0. 0. as in note,. P,p, pe. S, s se. Sb, sh. nlie. T,t. te. U, u. 00. as 00 in woo], or 11 in fiiU. €, i:. uh. as u in tub. W, w. we. Y. Y. ve. A a I i r u A COMPLETE CHOCTAW DEFINER A — ho — ha, an indefinite article aft abode, chukka. Abolish, • . '. I,ssi:chih, akshuchih; abolish- ed, akshot taha. Aboniiiijihle, . Ik achukmo, okpulo fehna. Ab((Kiinate, ■. Inukkillih, ikahnincho AboritrinaJ, . Tikba, r.nnmona. Aborigines, t>. vL, Okla ai iittahpi. Abortion, . Ushi im okpulo. Abont, p.'T) . Eelika; . to turn about, folo- loah, filimoah turn about, folo- toah: to turn about, (plural,) fitimosh; about this time, himak foka. Above, i> ! . Pakna, paknaka; just above, pakuaka t:ba; high abov, uba ehaha, '3ba pillah: land al)Ove, i7ba yakni. Abroad, ',f/ •. Haiaka;' gone abroad, iksho, ki3uia. Absent, •. Kuuia, iksho, ikhaiako. Absorb, c. Ishko kunia; absorbed at, aki:n- iah. ADD bstain, v. Issa; to abstain from, hullochih one who abstains, iiulloehi. buse, •. . Amihaehih; abusing cruelly, il- busht3chi-ilbt3shachih; to abuse, okpt3nih nukhaklochih, ilbushalih; abused, okpu- lo ilbushah, nukhakloh. Abyss, / . ahofobi ahofobika, ahofombika. Academy, -i holisso ai ithana chito. Accept, I', t Ishih, ai okpLchih. habcnah. Accident, >i Nahucli; to have an accident happen to, ishkunnapa; to cause to meet with an accident, ishkunnapu chi; acci- • dental, ishkunnapa. Accommodate, r > Im atahli; accommo- dated, im clhtaha. Accompany, ' Auant aya, iba takla; to keep company with, ahinnah; to put an- other one as company, ahinnuchih. Account, ' ( Aliiiinchih, hotinah, anolih; accounted, holhtina anntja: on account * of, hokak ocha. hokak ona, bona, hocha. Accuse, (• ' Anumpah onochih achokush- palih; accused, anunipa ouutulah acho- kushpah; to falsely accuse, aholabi. Accustom, r i. Abuchih; to cause an ani- mal to be accustomed to a place, achayu- chi; to be accustomed to, ai imomachih. Ache, ' Hotupah, kommichih; to cause to ache, hottupachih, hottuplih; I am ach- ing, sakommichih, suttopah, sahottupah. Acid, HaAVUshko, hominchi; to become acid, homi; to cause acidity, hawushko- chih. Acquaintance, ' . Itikhana, hatak ikhana. Acquire, v i Ahauchi, ishi, ahayuchi. Across, it'Ti' Tunnt'p; to lay across, ai ok- hannilli; laid across, ai okhannayah; be- ing across, ai okhanah. Act. r t .\kaniohmi, akaniohmichi; to act with, ibachuffah ibaiachtjffah; to act wickedly or dishonest, isht akanohmi: to act with close intimacy, ittachukolbih; an act passed, ulhpisah. Acting, u)i Yummohmi; acting together, ittibahfokah. Action, u. Akaniohmi. Acute, ( . Chasah, haluppa. Add,'- t Achakalichi iba foki, ;■'. iba kahli; added, ibulhkaha, iba foka, olhchaka; to add more to, ibahkahli, ibani; more add- ed to, ibalhkaha, ibani. ADDER ALTEE Adder, n. Hahta, hahvvush. Address, t' Anuinpa isht hika; a short address, anunipa kolofa, anunipa tillofah, anumpa tillofasih. Adequate, Alauih, alauichili. Adhere,, ■ t31bo, halanli asitia ai ulboh; to adhere to, alapah ahipalinchi; to (iause to adhere', ai ijltauchih, ittai akmochi, it- takiiioehi, ittihalullih, ai ulbocihi; ad- hered to, ittulboh; adhereiuK, shinushbi. Ad.fo irn, Ubanublichi, tishelih, tishe- lichi; adjourned, ubanopa tishLli. Adjournnieiit, . Tisheli. Admiiiister . Nan im apesa. (More properly to administer justice.) Admire, anuksitah, uuuksita; to ad- mire intensely, anuksittiah. Adoption, ,> U'lla toba, ushi ishf atoba, atapshon. Adorable, Ai okpuchi ulhpesa. Adore, v t AI okpijcliih. Adorn, if Aiukliehi, aiukliehiehi, shemu- chi; adorned, Shrma ai okli. Adult, Asunu, ha*tak astjnochi. Adulteress, Ilatak i haklo. Adultery, • Ilatak i haklo, itJu lumaka; f'mgen hauiu. hauiu toba; to commit adultery, itin lumaka. Advance, ii. Achakalichi: to advance ip file, baiullit maya; advancing, i hiyah, " i shalichi, ishali maya, i shaht ia. Advertise, f. Otunichi; advertised, otuni, haklochi haklo; advertised. Advise, r >. Nan i miha, im anumpuli, al- umih, alumichi. Advocate, • Isht anumpulih. Adz, Peni isht chfiya, peni isht kula. Affection, Im anuktila achukma, chu- kush achukma. Afllrni, V. t Anoli; affirmed, annoa. Afflict, r. ^ Ilbushali; afflicted, ilbusha, nan ikanihmi; I am afllicited unto death, siaiokpuloh, siaiokpulokah, siabekah; afllietiou, ai ilbusha. Affright. . ' Nukshobli, nukhlakushli; af- frif^'-hted, nukshopa nukhlakancha. Affront, . Chukush hotupah; affronted, cliulcush hotopa. Aforesaid, << Chash, chash inli, chash akiuli, ash, kash, yash, chash kint; this re- fers to remote time, yummuk o achili rh'Hiftkinf; that is what I said long ago, the aforesaid, chash o, implying remote past time which is already known or seen; ■ ' hatak oh chash o miha li; the afore- said man I mean; it is the aforesaid, chash oka, chash ocha, chash ona, chash okak osh, chash akuto, chash oke, chash osh, chash okct, chash okhuno; even the aforesaid, chash oh kia; aforesaid, hash, some definite action recent and known, the aforesi'id, hash ona, hash o, hash kia, hash ocha, hash oka, hash okak o, hash okak ocha, hash okak anto, hash okak osh, hash oke, hash oh kia, hash okuno, hash okuto. hash okut, hash osh, hash uto. Afraid. Nukshopa, nukwia, anukwia; to b" afraid of me, anukwiah; to be afraid of inukwiah; I am afraid, sanukshopah sanukvviah. African, •, Hatak lusa, nipi lusa, Aflika hatak. After, ' Mayo, haya, himmak; after all. pc^laka. Afternoon, ii. Tabokoli ontia, okuttaha. Afterwaird, a v. 1 himmak, i himmaka, haya hayo. Again, o ■<. Anonti; f" .7. Again! What! Again i unnonti, pshaw: to S'-t or act against, ichapolih; to cause to act against, ichapolichi. Age, Afumi kanohmi; middle or passed middle ag<', kawashuchi; aged or old, kamussuli. sipukni; to make old, sipukni- chi; I am old, susipokni. Agent, '/ Isht im utta. Aggravate, 0. t. Aiyabachi; aggravated, ai yubbih. Agree, ". Ai ibachofa anumpa ittim apesah; shall or will agre, ai okpancha hinla; agn'cd, anumpa itim apesah; an agree- ment, anumpa ittim ulhpisa; agreeable, ulhpesa yukpa. Ague, >• Yunha hochukwa, hochukwa yanha; aguish, hochukvvachi. All, nift'ij. Aume, ikkike. Aid, u t Apela, ap'luchi; his aid, anumpa im eshi; aid de camp, anumpeshi. Aim, V. Anumpisachi (i. e. to take aim) v. t. atokoli; aimed, atokoa. Air, ". Mahli fiopa, ea. atmosfia; to air, hufkah; aired, holufkah; not aired, ik- hofkoh. Alarm v. '. Anukhlakushli, nukshobli; alarmed, anukhlakancha niikshopa. Alas, / ' ;■. Okokko! yakoke! (fem. gen. aiena!) hush, hushha! eheha huk or hok. Albumen, • . Akak ushi itohbe, akakushi i wulaha, akak ushi i wulokuchi. Alder //. Itukawiloha. Alight, V. Fohopah. Alike iidY Iti holiba, ittiobah. Alive, a. Okchuya: I am alive, saiokchaya. All, Bano, ilia, beka, bieka, moma, uha okluha, aiokluha, putta, moyuma; pro 1st. per." phi. eho, e, mominchit momint; to maki' all, banochi; all together, ittai ok- luhut; all entirely, kummohmi; after all, polaka. Allay, V. t Nuktalali,hopohlochi, hopohluli; allayed, nuktula; hopohla; to allay, chu- losuchi; allayed , chulosah. Allege, V. '. Miha. Alligator, c. Hachunchuba. Allot, V. Ima, apesa,. Allow, V. . Ima yohmi ahni. Allspice, . Tishi homi lusa holba, nan uni balama. Allure, V. . Apakummi; allured, apakuma. Ally, . Apela. Almanac, . Ilushi nittak isht ikhunna. Almost, V. Ahe. ahesi, naha; almost happen, ahetoh. Alms, . Naholhpila, na hulbina; to give alms, na habenuchi. Aloes, . Ishkot hlopulli, alos. Alone, -7. Akbano, akbat. bano, beka, bieka, kakbano, yakbano. h akbano; I am alonf, salapt3chuffah; he is gone alone, ih^p ak- bat ia. Alphabet, . t^mmona, holisso ai isht ia, al- fibit. Already, v. Mashko. Also /'. Akinli, aklcia, hokak kia, aiena. anonti, mak kia, yak kia, hinla. mi3t. Altar, . Aholuknii, iba topa holba, t3ba tula alta. Uter, V. . Aiinlnchi inla, ai inla. inlatoba; ALTEECATE AREOGANT altered, ai inlah. Altorcale, Anumpa itti lauachi; altercation anumpa itti lawa. Altoriiiite, . Jttulhtoboah, ulhtobah. Altlioiii?!!, . Atnk kia, kia, ak kia, hokak osh, hokak ot, hohkia. Altitude, y . C^haha. Altoaretlier, < v. l^ano. Aliiiii, . Tuli holuya. Always, . Bilia, b'.'ka, bitka, cliatiik, chnkuino, chokosh; always so, aii'moma; to be always, billiah; it is, or always was, so, chokuuio. Amaze, v. . Nukhlakushli; amazed, nuk- hlakancha. Amen, iv. Ikahli, ik yohmi, ik vumohini. American, : . Jliliki hatak, miliki okla. Amiable, a. Hulhpashi. AmonfT, f))- Takla. Amorous." Ai vnshkummi. Amputate, v. Bushlit tuplih. Amuse, v. . Yukpali, haksichi; amused, yakpa haksi. An, Ho; (see A ) Ancestor, ./. Hatak in tikba, hatak in tik- ba. Ancient, n. Tikba, tikba, chashpo. And, M j. Ahma, aiena, auonti, cha, mielia, mihma, mikma, mihmut, mikmut t. And-i-ron, . Luak in tikeli, luak ituksita. Ansrel. n. t3ba, hatak, ,) to take the place of another, ulhto- bah. Answer, v. t. Anumpa i falummichi, aful- tjmmichi: answered, anumpa i falama, afutuma; it will answer, ulhpesa; an an- swer, anumpa falama; answering, anum- pa falummihinchi; answers, anumpa fal- omoa; to answer, falummichit anumpu- Ant, . Shuktini. Anthem, n. Ataloa, uba isht taloa, hollsso ataloa. Antiquity, »'. Hatak tikba. .iiitler, II. Issi lopish. Anvil, /(. Tolaboa, tuli chito. Anxious, ". Koraunta, bnnna. ahni fohna. Any, ". Kia: any how, akinli; have you not any, ikchim iksho ho? not given you any, ikchemo. • Apart, Ittifalummi; to tear apart, ittahlila- fah, ittahliluffih, ittahlilalih; to CQme apart, itahakofah; too far apart, yauahah to make a distance, a distance apart, yan- ahuchi. Ape. // Hatak shaui, hatak shaui chito; to ape, hobachi. Apoplexy, . Ilaiochi. Apostasy, ' . Uba anumpa i filummi. Apostatize, v. Cba anumpa issa. Apostle, . Ubanumpeshi, cbanumpeshi t3n)mona, apostil; the Apostle of Jesus, Chisus im cbanumpeshi. Apparently, . Chinih. > Apparition, / . Chukkishikanchik, kahshi kanehak. Appeal, V. Kant3llichi, uchakcli, im issa. Appear, v. Haiyakah; to appear this way, et haiyakah; to appear to b' so, chiniti; appears to be, ai ahoba; appearance, haiakah; the place of app'.aring, akuch- aka. Appease, v. Nuktalali. nanaiyuchi, chulos- uchi, chulosali, hopohluc'hi; appeased, nuktula, uanaiya, chulosali hopohlah. Applaud, v. Ai okpcchi, ahninchi. Apple . Takon chito, takon misufa; thorn apple or .Jameson wee^l, liluchowa ikhish, ikJiish kosoma: custard a]>ple, umbi. Appoint, V. Atokoli, apesa; appointed clhtokh tjlhpisa. Appointee, . Hatak ulhtoka; appoint- ment, ulhtoka. Apprentice; i:. Toksuli ithana im ulhpisa. Approach, v. Bilinchi, minti, i3la hosi, i bilinchi, im -ola, im ona, okanalih, bilin- kuchi; to cause to approach, akanulichi. Approve, v. Ome achi, ulhpesa ahni, ai ok- puchi ahninchi; may or cr.n approve, ai okpucha hinla; docs not approve, ai okpuchi keyu; will not approve, ai ok- pucha he keyu. Approximate, v. Akanali; to cause to ap- proximate, akant'llichi. April . Eplil. Apron ; . Tikba takali. Arbiter • . Hatak nan olobichi. Arbor, -■. Hoshou'.ika. Arch angel • . En(;hil i miko, enchil puta i miko. Ardent, ''. Achunnachi, chilita, homi, yim- inta achilita; arduous, ahchiba, kollo, pa- lummi. Arj^ument; ". Anumpa isht ittichapa. Arise, v. Wakaya, tani; to arise or increase from, isht achaka. Arithmetic. . Na holhtina holisso. Arithmetician, n. Na holhtina holisso im- I)unna. , Ark, . Peni itombi. ' Arm. ■. Shakba; to arm, na nalupa atahli; ! armed, na halupa im ulhtaha: arm be- tween the wrist and elbow, ibbak usto; to hold me in arms, sasholih; my arm, sash- ' akba; arm pit, hatampi. i Around, Folota; to turn around, foluU- : i(!hi afulota. Arrange, v. Apoksiachi: arrangf^d, apok- sia; to arrange in order, hiohlichi. Array, v. Shemuchi, atahli; arrayed, she- ma, ulhtaha. ' Arrearage, v. Aheka takali. Arrest, v. Takchi, yukachi; arrested, yuka. Arrive, v. Haiyaka minti ona; to arrive with, ibai onah; to arrive in a row or , line, baiullit ula; not arrived, ik aionah ik haiyako. Arrogant. •. Ilefenuchi. AEEOW 8 BALL Arrow, n. Nakftiliko, shumo, shomutti. Artery, n. Chukush issish i biua, akshish ehito imiskola. Articles, ii. Nana, nana puta, ulhpoyak. Artiflcer. /*. Nan ikbi. Ascend. V. Oia, uba ia. Ash. )/. Shinop; prickly ash, iti kaposa, iti hachuMchuba. Ashiinied. .i. Hofahya; not ashamed, hofa- ya iksho; I am ashamed, sahofahya; to be ashamed of, ihofahyah. Ashes. M. Hituk chubi; to burn to ashes, tubilah; ash leaeh or hopper, hituk chu- bi a hoyo. Aside. (>.* Naksika. Aslc. V. Panaklo, asilhha; asking, po nahak- lo; to ask for me, saponaklo. Asp. .". Sinti okpulo; asp. Asparaj^iis. ■. Koui holba. Ass. ". Isuba haksobish falaia. Assassinate, v. Haksint ubi, haksiuchit ubi. Assemble, v. Itunnaha, itahoba. Assent, v. Ome ahni, ome achi. Assert, v. Miha, achi. Assimilate, v. Hobachi. Assist. V. Apela, apelcuhi. Associate, v Ai Ittupihah Assuaisre, c Chulosah, halatah, shiollih; assuaged, habofah. Assnme, (•. Isht ilonochi. Assure, r. Anumpa kuliochit miha; assu- redly, pulla. Asthma, /f. Niikshiuifa. Astound, Anukhlakanchali, anukhlaka- shli. Astringent,/! Homi. Asylum, ii Hatak tasimbo aiasha. At, *< ('. Kt3no. hokuno; to h*' at, ai antah. Atheist, n Chihowa i yimrai keyu. Athirst, a. Itukshila, nukshila. Athletic, n. Hlampko. Atmosphere, (; Mahlifiopa, atmosfia. Atonement, Isht ai iti nan aiya, isht iti nan aiya, isht iti kana. Attach, c. Yukachi; to be attached to, an- uksita, ihulloh. Attack, I . Amokufah. Attend, v. Haponakloh; good attention, ha- ponaldo achukma. j Attest, V. Ahliehi. { Auctioneer, n. Isht tahpula hatak. j Auditor, n. Haklo, haponaklo. ! Auger, n. Isht fotoha, iti islit fotoha; auger I hol'S afotoma. I August, n. Akus. ; August, f". Chito, holitopah. I Autumn, //. Hushtolahju, onafahpi. j Avenue, ii. Anowa, hina. ! Avoid, V. Apakfopah. Awake, v. Okchali, okcha; awoke, okcha: to awake, falamot okcha, faluuimint- okchulli, hapuuuayoh; to be awake, ok- chah; I awake, saiokchah. Away, . Kunia; away off or yonder, illupa pilla, yumma pilla, pillah. Awful, . Okpullo, ikachukmo. Awkward, a. Ik i mako, ik ithano. Awl, II. Chufak;" scribing awl, isht hlafa chufak; an awl handL', chufak aieshi. Ax, n. Iskifa, iskifa; grub-ax or hoe, itak- shish isht ulnio, itakshish isht kuchi; broad ax, iskifa putha; hatchet, iskifushi. B Babble, v. Anumpulli illahobbi; babbler, anumpulli illahobi, himak fokalit anum- pulli. Babe, n. 1311081; baby, pushkush. Baboon, n. Hatak shaui chito. Bachelor, ". Tekchiksho. Back, n. Null; upper bark of the back, shan- ukha; lower part, hutip; backbone, nah- chuba nulbuchcha; back of the neck, iyachuna; back of the head, chushak, back of the hand, ibbak paknaka; to come back, falumminchi, falummint; to answer l^ack, falumminchit anumpulli, to send or throw back, falumminchit pila fala- mint pila; to give back, falummint ibbak fohki; to sell back, falamint i kanchi; to take back, falummint eshi; to carry back, falummint isht ia. Back-bite, v. Anumpa chukushpa ikbi, anumpa chukushpali, hatak nanumachi; ba(;k-bit''r, hatak nanumuchi. Backslide, v. Ubanumpa issa falamut yo- shoba. Backward, adv. Obulhpilla ulbul pilla; to cause to go backward, obulhpiluchl, ulbul pi'llachih. Bacon, . shukha nipi shila. Bad, . Okpullo, haksi, ikachukmo; a bad ])lac'\ ai okpullo; going into a ba?, Tot holisso bolili. hollsso iyht atolcoli. BsiiKi, ». Na balama, bam, shiuuk tihloli. B:uubo, V, Iti okchtiniali ' Bamboozle, v. Ilaksichl. Hand,/). Afoboiria; belly band/ ikfoka,is- sita. ikl'oka isht tullbkohi; Ticati band, bitilih, ish bitJlih: back baud, uul abaua. lianli, V. Sakti, iskuli acbeli. Kanter. v, Isht yopula, i pafl, kinilichi; bauterin^. kiniiihan. Bapiisiii, n, Baptismo; to baptizie, baptis- iROchi; baptized, baptismo; one who baptizes, baptis mocbi. Ears. ri. Ai okshillihta; (bar, i. e.. a bank of sand, akchunak); the bars or bar hole in the post, holihta ai aehushkuchi; a sand bar, okchcwaha. Barbecue, v. Abaui t3buni; barbecued, i5!buni. BarJjer, /?, ITatak nuktakhish urao, yusk a- balichi; barbered. yuskabali; to shave and cut the. hair, ynskabalichi. Barp, n, Xipi bano; barely, peh. Bargfain, v, Itim apesa, anumpa ittim apesa; bargained, itiia ulhpisa. Bark, ti. Plakslnip. akchulhpi, hakchulhpi, iti hakshup; hirkf)ry bark, used in mak- ing rope, balnhehi; dry, or tan bark, ehulhpi, hakchulhpi shila; the bark of a dead tree being cracked open, katonli. Barque, n, Peni cliito. Barrel, /?, Itclhfoa. B:jr.ren, a, ik cheloh-ushi iksho; barrens, ompula. Barter, i\ Itatoba, itatobuchi. Barrow, u. Shnkha hobak. Bashful, a. Takshi, nukwia, hofahya; to produce bashfulness, hofahyochi, hof- ahyaliehi; to be bashful, takshi; being bashful, takshi; bashfulness, takshi. Basin, n. Isht ishko mahaia. kolukbi, oka- talaiya. Basket, n. Kishi, tupushik; work baslcet, tulbul; square basket used for sifting, tupgik. Basswoojl, ?(, Pishunnuk. Bat, n, Halambisha. Bath, /?, Aiyujn. yupi; to butlie, yupecui; vapor bath, ahobechi. Bay. '». Homma; a bay of water, okhuta telummi chito. Bayou, n. Bok. Beat], n. Sliikulla; long white bead, oksup. Beach, n. ]>ok sakti iti takla, yakni- akhu- ta sakti iti takla yakni. Beak, ;?. Ibichilu, ibishakni, ibicholo. Beam, ??. Itibachaya; beams, itibachoha; the beam of a loom; Panola apakfopa. Benn, n. Bola. tobi; bush bean, tobi hi- kintuni; pole bc^an, tobi uski atoya; bean pod, hula hakshup; bean porridge, bula okchi; butter beans, bi:ila jjutcssa, tobi tckussa; boiled beans, bula labuna; white beans, tobi tohbi. Bear, v. Chelih, eshih, shuli; to cause to bear, cheliehi: to bear up, halanli; to bear in arms, sholi; bear (u. an animal), nita, bear meat, nita nipi; bear's fat, nita nia; bear's oil. nita bila. Beard, a Nutakhish. Beast n. Napoa; tame beast, nan I'lhpoa. Be;it, )' Isso. lulli, neakullichi.. bohli ho- pusa; beaten, boa. i shallichi, lulla, i slialli iraaiya, timikli, timikcchi; to beat at, ai i.s*!o; to beat fine at, alnlli, alullichi; a place for beating fine, alula; to beat in a mortar, bahli, hussih; beat- ing with a stick, bakkaha, bakalichi; to beat freciuontly, boher, auusi; to go to the bed, anusi ona; bed time, annsi onah, to bed up, bunai yuchih; to make, making, or one who niakes up a bed or pallet, patahlih. Bee. n. Foishke, foi, Ibi bilishke, fobil; ishke; bees-wax, foi akmo, foi nia drones, foi bila ishke hochito; the king bee, foi bila ishke i miko; the queen bee, foi bila ishke epokni; bee bread, foi i lakua; bee hive, foi i chuka. Beech, n. Ilatombulaha. Bc«"f, /(. Wak nipi. Beet I). Bet, akchisli homma. Beetle, ;;. Shaksliampi. Befrtil, ('. Im akauiohmi. Before ir?'. Tiklm, tikba, tikbanli, chashpo, kush; go before, mia; before me, satikba; beforehand, tikbanli. Befriend, v. I kana. Bear, ('. Asilhha. Besifet, v. Tobachi. Be;?!?ar, n. A.silhha shahli; beggar lice, Bissa hlnkko. Begin, v. Isht ia; beginning, aiamonah. ai isht ai ommon.i; the beginning, r^m- juoua. Beguile, v. Ay^akummi, haksichi; beguiled, haksi. Behave, r. Ilapoyuksa. achukma; behave badly, isht atapa; well behavedj hopoy- uksia. Behold, 7". Hopompoyoh, hopokoyo'yakeh. Belch, V. Akelanachi, belched* akelana; to cause to belch, akelanachiehi. Believe, v. Yirami; believe, nayimmi; I l^elieve, sayimmi. Bell, n. Tulula. suba innuchi: bell collar, i.^suba innuchi isht talakchi: bell clap- per, tul ola unukaka takahli; bell rope, talola isht halnlli. BELLY 10 BITTER apufuchi. Keiiy, /'. Ikfoka, takobba; my belly, sukfo- ka; bip: belly, shittiua, lower part of the belly, ikfek.sa. lioloii^r, V. Ai ahalaya, imnii; belonging? to. ai imnn. Beloved, a. llolitopa:' most beloved, helito- hompa, holitoyliupa. Below, jj . Nuta * Belt, ". Uskafach), ikfoka isht tollakchi. Bench, n. Abinlli, ai omiuili.ai obinili falaia, iti waya; work bench, atokstjli. Bend, v. Eiknlli, bichullj, bikota; bent, be- kota, b' chota; bend in a stream, bokfol- ota, bok pnhloma; bent down by being broken, akochofah; to bend down, ako- chuffi, akoehuliiehi: to cause to bend, bieholiehi, Ijcknllichi; while bending, bekuulih; to bend down, ehussolah, chussulohah, kochufli; to cause to bend down, cht3ssulachi; bent down, kochu- fah; to bend the sharp edge, paiaffi, paiollih; bonding edge, paiofah, paiota, paiokaehi; to cause to bend, paiolichi. Beneath, / . Akka, nuta. Benefactor, ■ . Nan achukma imatahli, habeucchi hattak yukpali. Benefit, v. Im acjiukmali, achuknialichi, im atahli; benctitttMl, im i:llita}ia: I)eue- titted with, nan ishtil aivukjja. islit il aiyukpa. Benevolence, n. Tula vukpali ahni. Bereiive, v. tJlhtakluchi, im ishi; bereaved. i:lhtakla, nan ikanihmi. Berry, jt. I3ni, anih. Besniejir, r. Ahammih, akasliolichi, aka- shorti, alopuli. aluptjlichi. Best, r/. Achukma, achuynkma, achukma, moma ishahli. Bet, r. Kahli. ittcsiah; p. p. kaha; to bet at, ai ittcsituh. one that bets, na kahli, ittusita; betting, ittositi^h; let us bet, ke kahli. Betray, v. Haksichi. Betroth, r. Abohlih, ittobahli. Better, a. Achukma i shall; to make bet- ter, ai iskiachi, achukmaliehi, apoksia- (;hi. hochukmalichi. huchukmali. Between, pr. Iti takla, itintukla, ittitukla, takla. Bewail, v. Isht tabashi, isht nukhaklo, isht yaiya. Bewitch, 'v. Haksichi, yushpakummi; to c;ontinue to bewitch," haksihinehi; be- witched, haksi, pakamah, yushpakama; being bewitched, pakamoah; bewitch- ing them, pakamoli; to bewitch them, yushpakummolichi. Beyond, pr. Misha, misha pilla, mishihma. Bias, ?;. Hanaiyah. Bible, a. Holisso holitopa. Bid,")?. Atohnochi, isht tahpula, i miha, imunali; one who bids, isht tahpula, chumpa. Bier, v. ITatak illi ashali, ai onutula. Bia:, a. Chitoh, hochetoh. Bile, n. Lakna, basunlosh. Bill, n. Ibichilu, ibishakui. Billow, n. Banuthuchi poakuhanchi; a bil- low, banutha. Bin, V. Aiullito chito, itombi chito, aiash- achi. Bind, )'. Takchi, seteli; pi. sitohli; bound, talakchi, sita, sitoha; to bind, afohlih, af- ohlichi; bound, afohonui; one that binds, atohomnu; binding, sita; to bind the hair with binding, siteli; to bind, sitohlih; bound, Sitoha. Birch, /;. Opel haksun. Bird, //. Hushi, uba hushi; a winter bird, hlatintini; a bee martin or king bird, hush pottak: black bird, okchohla; large black bird, hahlon; blue bird, okchalush; jaybird, tlshkila; brant, shilaklak; buz- zard, sheki, sheki falaia; crane, wahton- lak; sand hill crane, wahtoulak oshi; wliite crane, oskup tbhbi, hush tohbi; carrion crow, sheki kolofa, sheki tullo; dove, puchiyoshoba; duck, okfochush; drake, okfochush nakni; wild duck, (with green head,) hakhoba; wood duck, hin- luk; a diver, oklubbi, kabaka; muscovy duck, muskoki, okfochuch; eagle, osi; bald eagle, ibahlumpa; grey eagle, tahla- ko; geese (wild) shilaklak, hakha; g<'fse, (tame) shilaklak tslhpoa; goose, shilak- lak; gander, shilaklak nakui; gosling, shilaklak ushi; guinea, koti ulhpoa; hen hawk, hatak hlipush; fish hawk, chuk- cho; squirrel hawk, hasimbish homma, hasimbish hommak; large hen-hawk, biakak; jjrairie hawk, iba fokchi, htjtaba fakchi: pigeon hawk, huhub, hanun; forked-tail hawk, pashfalakto; blue pig- eon hawk, tusobi; small hen hawk, aiyi- chi lichi; sparrow hawk, shikkiliklik; night hawk, oksup afohli, oksup iba fohli; night heron, iti kcshayaiya; hum- ming bird, hlikuhlo; lark, shonolo: kingfisher, tushalali; loon, okchtjhla chito; martin, chuki; mocking bird, hushbulbaha; owl, opa; horn owl, iskiti- ni; prairie owl, ,opa shilup; screech owl. ofunlo; paroqiiet, kiliki; parrot, kiliki chito, kiliki ulhpoa; peacock, okchan- lush chito; pelican, cliilantakoba, ])igeop, puchi; prairie hen, shunlolo chito; quaiL kofi; raven, fula chito; crow, iula; red bird, bishkomak, hushi homma; rice bird, konabani-li; robin, bishkukuk, bishkonlak; snipe, lopinu; snow bird, ak- sakina; sparrow, chusa. hushi iskitini; sparrows, luishi chipunta; cock sparrow, hlufintini; swallow, chukoba; chimney . swallow, chupihlah: swan, okak; turkey, fakit; thrush, taluktak; whippoorwill, wahwuli, chukkilakbila; woodcock, isi nia piehechi tikti; woodpecker, bakbak, hushi iti chauli, chilantak, fitakhak; sap-sucker, oktik, chckchijk, biskinik chito. biskinik iskitini; wren, okchiloha, chikchik: a bird cage, hushiai ulhpitta, hushi i chuka; bird's feather, hushi hishi; a bird's nest, hushi im ulhpichik; a bird trap, hushi i chuka, hushi ish't hokli, hushi isht ulbi; a bird's claw, hushi iyakchush; a young bird, hush ushi; to kill birds, hu.shi ubi. Birth-day, n. Ai utta nitak. Bishop, n. l')banuiimpa isht tjtta, apesuchi, nan im atahli, bishop. Bison, /'. Yanush. Bite, V. Kapoli, haksichi kislich; pi. kobli; to bite at, akopulih akopulichi; biting, as fleas, kislih; bites of insects, shushi ko- poli; bites of snakes, sinti kopoli; bites of mad dogs, ofi tasimbo kopoli. Bitter, a. Homi; to uuike bitter, homiclii; BLACK 11 BOW bitterness, homi ualiomi; somewhat bit- ter, hoiiii c'hohiui; very bitter, homi fehna; to become bitter, liomi; to become somewliat bitter, homi chohmi. Black, v. IjUsa; to blacken, lut^achi; to blacken at, alusachi; a place at which to blacken, alusa; to ?nix with black, alus- bichi alusuchi; to color black, lusachi I am black, salnsah; blacking, Isht lusa- chi, shulush isht lusachi: blacking to make a line with, nan isht lusachi. Blackberry, ». Bissa; blackberry root, bis- st'pi akshish; blackberry briers, bissoyn. Blackboard, . Itibt?sha " lusa aholisochi aholi sochi lusa. Black^:aiiri Issish; blood letting, issish kuchi: bh)od sucker, (leech) hallus lussus yal- lus. Bloom, . Pakanli, na pakanli. Blossom, / . Pakanli. Blot, V. Lusachi; blotted, lusa. Blow, 7'. Mahlichi, mahli pijfah; to blow at- amahli amahlichi; to blow the nose, hlin- ka; blowing, mahli; to blow gently, mah- lichi; blow with the nose, as a horse, pih- lokah plutokah; to cause to blow, pofuchi to blow upon, pufa. Blue, /.. Okehamali (deep); okchakko (pale). BJuflr, ». Hakti. Blunder, r. Ashuchi, ibetcbli; bltmder- head, hatak nusilhha shahli. Blunt, a. Ikhalupo. Blush, V. Takshi hosTi nashuka homma hommuchi. Boar, It. Shukha nakni. linard, ;;. Iti busha. iti shima. Boast, V. Isht ilawata; a ])oast -r, hattak ilawata. Boat, II. Peni; boatman, peui isht aya, hat- tak peni Ibhkut aya; llat-boat or I'erry- boat, peni putha. Bodkin, v.. Cliuiak chito; botkin. Body, II. Ilaknip: of an animal, uipi; of a tree or plant, upi. Bog, n. Hlabeta, hlafcha, hlafeta, hai iko haiyiko; to make boggy, haiikochi hlabetuchi, hlafehochi, hlafetcchi. Boil, V. Wahlulli, wahlullichi, tobulli, Jio- ni; to boil done together, ahlabocha; a vessel in which Lo boil (boiler) ahobi; to boil down, ashippuchi; boiled down, ashippa; to boil up this way, et tobollih; boiled until soft, hlaeopa; boiled to or by itself, ilahouni; various food boiled, na- honni; to boil up or out, (as a spring,) to- bullih; pounded meat boiled in or to- gether, ubahachi: boils, hichi. Bois-de-Arc, v;. Kutli lakna; iti kullo. Boisterous, d. Shakapah. Bold, a. Iknukwiyo, ntikv.ia iksho, l)old- ness, chijkush nakni. Boll, 7/. Nan uni. Bolster, /?. Ulhpishi.falaia. Bolt, n. Isht afacha. Bone, v. Foni; backbone, nahchuba ua- lajdssa; pain in the bones (rheumatism) foni hatupa; bone joints, foni itta cha kuli; bone ache, foiii kommichi; rotte>i bones, foni tushbi; to set or re-set bones, foni falummiht itti fohki; collar bone, imiskowata; a bone, na IVmi. Bi>nnet, 77. lahlipa, ohoyo i shapo; to wear a bonnet, inhlipili; wearing, or one that wears a bonnet, iahlipili. Book, V. Holisso; a pocket book, holisso nan aholisso, holisso i shukcha; a reg- ister l)ook, holisso anumpa atakahli; hymn book, holisso ataloa; a blank book, holisso ik aholisso, holisso tolibi hak- sbup asha; small book, holisso iskitini; a book shelf, (sing.) holisso ahekia; (plu.) holisso ahiohli, holisso aiasha; a book store, holisso akt3nchi; a book case, ho- lisso ai vlhto; to make a book, holisso ikbi; book worm, holisso i shnshi: to talk about a book, holisso isht anumpuli; ac- count book, ahek a holis.so. Boot, n. Shulush chaha; to give boot in a trade, alapanli, alapalinchi; a boot tree, shulush chaha atoba. Borax, 77. Isht aiakmo. Border, 7j. Ai tjlhli, alaka, takclia, takchaka. Bore, 7'. Fatohli; bored, fatoha; not bored, ikfotohoh; an instrument to bore holes, isht hlumpli, isht hlumpa. Born, 7'. Ctta; iirst born, uttahpi; to have firstborn, ishahpi: not having a young one born, ikchelo, ushi iksho. Borrow, v. Pota; borrower, na pota, na po- ta shahli. Both, a. Bika, ittatnklo, ittianinchit: both going, or both gone, ittiachi. Bottle, //. Katoba. Bottom, 7t. Lussah, lussa anuka, bok anij- ka yakni: okaabachaya; to search for the. bottom, akka hoyo; bottomless, akka ik- sho. Bound, 7'. Tul)i, tolupli; bound on (as an arrow.) hoUotti; bounds or boundary, ai uhli; to make a boundarv, ai ulhli(dii. Bow, 7'. Bikulli; bowed, bikota: to bow the; head, akahchunnoli, chunulli; bowing }30W 12 BROTHER the Jiead. akiichunni, yiislic.hoTiali; to bow down on the face,' akkaliUpkuehi, akkahlipiah: both bowed down on the face, akkahlipkaiyachi; head bo^ved and back np, like a poor hog, chnnnnlii; to bow down, hlipkuchi; not to bow the head, ikakahchnnalo; not to cause lo bow the head, ikakahchnnolicho. Bow, n. Iti tauampo; ox bow, wak toksoUi, ikonla aloka; wak toksoUi, ikonla ato- homa. Bowels, ?). Takobba. ikfoka; to run otf from the bow<'l.s, ikfiah. BowfF, )i. lIo.shoutika:'to make a bower, hoshonti kachi; to embower, hoshontika ashahehi. Bovv(, ii: Anipo; ampo ai ishko chito; wooden bowl, iti ampo, iti kula; tamfula or dirt bowl, lukfi ampo; a wash bowl, ampo ai okami, am o ai achifa. Box, n. Itoml)i, itombuslii, ai ulhto; ash box, hitnk chubi ai ulhto. Boy, n. Ulla nakni; boyif!:]i, ulla holba, kostini keyu. Br;n*t^, ('. Hlampkochi; braced, hlampko; brace and bits, isht fotoha touoli. Brjickish, a. Homi, takba. Br:i(3s, n. Clnifuk chipinta. Bniu:, V. Isht ilaiiata; a brag-i,^er, hatak ilauata, hatak nan isht ikniata. Braid, n. 8ita; to braid, tauoifo, pannih; braided, tuunuitb punah. BrHiii, ii. Ni.shkobo liipi, liipi. BiMke, n. Abohli. Br;isHbli>, It. Blsokehakini, bisokehuanak- ko. Bran, n. Ilakhlopish, hoshunlok. Brjinch, n.. Nakshlsh (of a ti'ee;) boknshi (of a stream;) to branch oft", felgmmih, felumminchi; to branch out wide with limbs, sliatialoha; to cause to branch wide, shaa\valohi3chi; branching otit wide, shauwala; branchy, washalali, \va- shalohah. Br:aid, //. I chuwa, ishtinchwva, toli isht in chuwa; one who brands,~i chuli. Brandish, v. Fahfolih. Brave, v. Chilita; bravery, chukush nakni. Bray, v. Ilopusih. Braze, V. Akmochi; brazed, akmo. BreACii, v,. Akobufa. Brc.-KJ. a. Ptsska; flour bread, bota tohbi paluska; corn bread, tiinchi i)aluska; to malve bread, puskah; thin bread, (batter cakes,) puska, tupuski; crackers, puska, tcpuski shilti, Brea(Jth, n. Hopulhka. Break, v. Kobuiii, litoffi, pakulli. kolihaui; broken, kobafa litafa, pakota, koa, kaui; to break to or with, akahlali; broken to or with, akalila; to break and bend down, akauwi, akauwichi, broken and bent, akauwa; to break in or at, akobuifi; bro- ken in or at, akobafa; the place where it is broken off, akobufa; to bend down by being broken, akochuHi; bent down by being broken, akochofa; to break and bend down, akushli aktishlichi; bent down by breaking, akoshaU; to break up, at or on^ al5showa; tobreak open, wuhli, mituffi, mitahli, niitahlichi, bakutii fa- kopa, fakoAva; broken open, bokafa, fa- hopa, wuhla; to break open by bursting, bokahlichi; broken open, bdkahli, mi- tufah: to break in pieces, bushulli; to break off, fakolicbi; to break, (as eggs,) kahloli, kokoa; breaking several, koko- lih; many being broken, kokoah; break- ing down from .stalks, kotahli; to cause to break down, kotahlichi; to break a joint or neck, kohiiJi; break fine (as powder,) lishoii; broken up (as a rope,) litahli; bro- ken x)ieces, litahlih; to break into short pieces, litahliehi; to break into, lituffi; broken into, litafah; continually break- ing, open, mituhafah; to break off, (lis limbs) nachohli; broken off, nachufa; be- ing broken otf, naehohah; to break off from, nachuHi; broken off' from, nepofa; broken ol^ tilofah, tilohli: to break off, tilohli, pe, tilijlf], tusha, tushafa; broken lueces, toshali; being continually broken off tuptuhowa. Breast, n. Ikishi. hakship ipishik, akcha- ya hushship: my bn'ast, saliushship. Breath, n. Fiopa. ilhfiopak; to breathe, tiopah; short breath, fiopa ikfalaio; last breath, fiopa ishtaiyopi; breathl'\ss, fiopa tuba, fiopa tupa; to cause to breathe, flQP'ochi; breathing, fiopa. Br-M-ii. t\ Chelih; to cause to breed, cheli- chih; a breeder, cheli. Br<-, !i. Malili; to blow a breeze, mali- chih. Bre~r, v Honnichih; brewed, honnih. Brilj", V. luianukfila chumpah, chum- pah. Br?j.',k, .'?,. Lukli nuna; brick kiln, lukfi nu- na aiikbi. Briible-be«>, ». Osiiii. Bismp, n. V\'okkolo; many bumps, wokoko- \va; bumpy, bomboki, bombaki. Bii:ieJi, n. hokus.sa, pokussa; in buchcs, lukluki, lukluklt. Bundle, n. Bona; to bundle up, bonui, ijo- nullichi. Buii^r, ,'j. Akamuli, ulhkamoah. Bar, n. Hakshup. Burden, n. Shapoh; to bear a burden, sha- pole; to cause to bear a burden, shapoli- ehi. Burial, n. Hoppi, hatti. Pivshukchl nia. Buttevlly, ;?. llL-tapushik. Butterjnilk, n. Psihuhchi nia okelil. Butternut, n. Hahe beta. Button, n. Tuli haksi, isht akarn-ssf atapochi ; to button, takai.U-:ii, raastili; buttoned, akami^ssa. Buy, V. Chumpa; bouglit, chumpu: tocaiisc to buy, chumpcchichi; can be bought, chumpa hinla ; cannot be bouglit, chumpa he keyu; not bought, ik chum- po; to buy with, isht^chumpa: a buyer, chumpa na chumpa. Buzxard, v. Sheki. By, j)rpp. Billnka; by and by, hopakikjDa- ko, hopakikma. c fabbage, «. Hishi hoputka, tuhi, kabich. Cage, n. Afoka, i chuka. Cake, n. Palcska champjilli, kek; batter cake, puska tapuski Calamus, n. Akshish balama. Csilculate, v. Hotina; calculated, holhtina; continnually calculating, holhtihina. Calendar, v. Hushl nitak isht ikhunna. Calf, V. Wak ushi; cow and calf, wak' ushi lauinli; calf of the leg, iyi holhki iyi ishitukwa. Calico, V. Kaliko; nantapuski, nafoka toba; blue calico, nantapuski oJkchako; dark calico, nantapuski lusbi; green calico, nantapuski okchamali; light calico, na- tapuski beta; pink calico, nantapuski tishepa; red calico, nantapuski homa; yellow calico, nantapuski lakna. Call, V. 1 boa, im paya, tuhpula-paya, ho- chifo; called, hohchifo; to call out toward this way, ettuhpala; an instrument to call with, isht i howa;, repeatedly calling, pa haya. Callous, a. Sulbo; to cause callousness, sulbochi. Calm, a. Cholusa; to calm, cholushuclii; calmness, chulosa. Calomel, n. Ikhish kullo. Calumniate, v. Anumpa okpuUo onochib, calumny, anumpa okpuUo; calumni;uor; anunipa okpuUo onochi; calumniuiud, anumpa okpuUo onotulah. Camp, n. Bina, binat asha, binut aiasha: to encamp, binanchi ulbinanchi; continu- ally camping, binahachi; to camp ii', abinuchi; to camp with each other, itli- binanchi; to camp on, ubinuchi. Camphor, n. Haiocbi ikhish, kafa Can, V. A hinla, hinla. chike; cannot or never can, hatoshba, yatoshba; caauo:; CAN'AL 14 CHATJM be, hatoslike; eanuot, ahetoli, he keyu, Canal, n. Yakui kula okhina. Cancel, V. Kashofi; uncancelled, takalL Cancer, n. Shalukwa okpuUo. Candid, n. Al ulhpiesa, apisanii. Candle, n. Pula. Cane. n. Oski; switch cane, oskjsh. Canister, n. Itombushi, ai ulhto. Cannibal, n. Hatak upa; cannibalism, hat- tak vpa. Cannot, v. He keyu, aheto; cannot be, ak ot; cannot be so, chint, chihchint; cannot but hokakano. Canopy, n. Hoshontika. Ciinter, v. Abatnllih, habatakli. hatulli hatonli; to cavise to canter, hatullichi. Cap, V. Hituk lakna atukafa. Capacious, a. Chito. Cape, n. Shokulbi. Capitol, v. Ohukka hunta. Captain. ?(. Kapituni. Captivate, v. Yukachi, chuku^fh vftkachi, yukpalit kanchi, chukush esbi; captiva- ted, yuka. Captive, n. Yuka. hattak tuka^ Carcass, v. Nan illi. Card, V. Bhelichi; cards, isht shiahchi cards, (to game with) bcskah; to play with cards, buska, busto; not playing, ikbusto. Care, n. Aha, ahui; be careful, ahah! care- fully, aha ahnit; careless, aha ikahno; carelessness, aha ahni iksho; carelessly, aha ahni keyu; to take care of, ilauclih; to care for us, pieshi; caring for us, pie- shit. .Caress, v. Pushohli; to caress me, sapush- ohli. ^ Carpenter, u. Chuk ita bunni, chukikbi. Carrier, n. Na shall; one that carries on the head, iatalali; a wood carrier, hatak iti sholi. Carry, v. Isht ia, isht ay a, sholi shali; to carry in, isht chukowa; to carrv back, ■ , ialummiut isht ia; to carry on the shoul- der, ia banali; to carry through with, isht hlopulli; to carry water, ochih. I art, n. Iti chanulli; cart body, itichanulli, talaiya; cart tongue, iti chanulli tikba hikia; cart wheel, chanaha. Carve, v. Bushli; carved, busha. Cascade, n. Oka chopa. C;ase, n. Afohka. Cast, V. Pila; to cast doAvn, akkapilah; to east or count, hotina; casted or couuted, . holhtina. Castor Oil, ». Ikhish bila. Castrate, v. Hobuk ikbi, hobuk tobachi; castrated, hobuk. Cat, ??,. Kuto, kutus; wild cat, shakba tina; Small wild cat, koinchiish. Cataraiit, n. Oka chopa. Catarrh, n, Hotilhko. Catch, v: Hokli, ishi yukachi; caught, yu- ka; not caught, ikhoklo: to catch one by several, Ittl hokli; to catch with claws, yichiffi; caught with claws, yichifa; to catch a disease, ulmoli, haleli; I have caught the disease, halelih; catching or ^ contagious, ulmoli. Catechism, a. Katikisma. Caterpillar, n. Hatak holhpa, hatak halh- pah haiovvrne. Cattle. V. Wak, wak laua; young cattle. wak himitta. Caution, n. Ahah ahnib; cautious, ila nuk- tahla. Cave. V. Yakui in chiluk chito, hochukbi; caved in, lobahli. oka lobali; to cause- to cave in, lobalichi; cavern, vakni chil-, uk; cavity, cholok " Cease, v. Issa. auola; eeaselossness. ahok- ofaiksho; ceasing, anuktupa; ceased, vo- kopa; cessatiou. yokopa. Cedar. ??. Chuahla. Cede. V. Ima. kanchi; ceded, kunla. Cebebraite. r. Holitublit isht anumpuli, celebrated, holitoput isht anumpa- Cellar. /^ Chuka, nutaka yakni kula, abo- ha nutayakni kula. Cement, v, Ittoll>ochi, ittai okmochi, ittak- mochi; cemented, ittulbo. Cemetery, n. Hattak aholopi. Census v. Hatak holhtina, hattak putt!> holh.tina. Cent, n 8int. Center., v. Ai iklunna, chukush. Century n. Afumrai luhlepa achoffa. Certaiin.. n. Ahli, pulla: to make certain, ahlich i; certainly, ahli tokba, akut, akta. ba; it is certain, ahlishke; certainly it is, akta, hakta. Certify, v. Hohssochit anoli;; eertifled. ulhtokowa, C?l»sil"e. V, Oshunachi, pihlofli. piko'fi; chafed, pihlofa, pikofa; chaff, hakhlo- pish. Chain, n. Tuli, iti takuli. toll chusopa: chain hook, uli chanakbi; chain link or ring, tali chtanaha; chain swivel, tnli chunaha fatokuchJace chains, tulilili schuopa; log or ox chain, tuli iti takuli chito; chaining, halan* to chain, tuli iti , takuli isht takchi. Chair, n. Aiobinili, aiominili ai o asha: chair bottom, ai obinili o hlipaH chair leg, ai obinili iyi; rocking chair, aiobin- ili faiokuchi. Chalk, n. Lukfuta. lukfatah, talhpa; red chalk, talhpa homma; chalk- ine, ponola isht apissuli. Challenge, v. Pafil, i pafl. Chamber, n. I3ba patalhpo; chamber stairs, uba patalhpo atuya. Chameleon, n. Funi imalukosi. Champ, r. Noti kiselichi, hoasa, hopasa. Chance. 11. Nahucli. Chans^e. v. Iti tobuchi, iti toba, inluhi. ai in locbi; changed it, ulhtoba. inla, ai inla, small change (money) bushulli; not changed, ikbushuUo. Channel, v. Oka ayanulli. Chap. n. Kichanli; chapped, kichanlicb. Chapel, n. Uba anumpaaiatoshowa chuka. Chaplain. ??. Ubanumpa isht utta ulhtoka. Chapter, n. Anumpa nishkobo, chapta. Char. V. Akabushlih, Character, n. Holisso. Charge, v. I raiha, apitta; charged, ulhpitta: to charge with, onochi; charger, hittuk ishtulhpisa, Charcoal, v; Tobaksi; charcoal powder, to- baksi bota; stone coal, tuli tabaksi. Charity, v. Man i hullo. Charm, v. Yukpuchi. yukpali, cliukusli Ishi; charmed, yakpa; to charm, fappo- (aiAEM. 15. CLEEK. ('hi, al()])p<)lit'hi. lappo oiioclii; channcd, lupi>o ouuttnla; a charmer, foppoonuchi. ('huso. r. Hliolili; e]iaso(i. lilioha, Chiisiii. /I. Itapahlata. chulok. i'liastity. /). Hapoyuksa, ahli, liaui aiuik- rila iksho. t'hatter. v. Himak fokaliehit auurapuli; chatter box, anumpuli shall. 4'h('a|). a. Ikholito]X), iulli ikchito. <'lieat. V. Plaksichih: to cheat with, isht haksichih; cheated, hak.sichih; to cheat frequently, haksihinchih. t'hi'ck. lu Bakowa; v. to check or stop, hi- lichi. * <'hoek. V. Ittisupi, ittl sukpi; cheek bone, itti supi foal; cheeks enlarged by wind, itakpofoli; my cheek, satis ukpi. <'heer. r. Yukpali, yukpa. yimintuchi, naknichi; cheered, yukpa yiminta; cheer- ing, naknichi, yimiutahanchi; cheerful- ness, chukush yukpa, Vhoerish. r. Holitoblichit hofantichi; cher- ished, holitipa hofanti. <"herrytr<'e. n, ItullikchJ. Chest, n. Itombi itombi chito, haknip ik- kishi. hushsliip; my chest or breast, sa- il u ship. Chestnut, n. Oti, uti; chestnut color, lakna. Chew. c. Hoasa, hopasa; a chaw, hopasa; to chew with, isht hopasa, Chu-iijiery. v. Haksichi. < hickeii. n. Akaka; young chickens, akak ushi; a brood of chickens, akak ushi pehlichi; a chicken hou.se, akak in chuka; a stealer of chickens, akak hukopa; a spur of a chicken, akakichahe; chicken feather, akakhishi; a prairie chicken, kofichito; chicken roost, akaka anusi; a hen. akakishki; rooster, akak nakni; a guinea chicken, koli ulhpoa. riiicke:i.|H)x. //. Akak inchiliswa; chicken snake, aboksha. ("hide. r. Nan i niiha, i nukoa. Chief. IK Miko, hatak i miko; a war chief, hopaii. <'hil(l. a. t311a; I am a child, si ulla; I am still a child, si ulla moma; when I was a child, si ulla moma met; childless, ulla ikimiksho; children, ulla ushi chipota. > Chill. II. Hochukwa; chills and fever, yanha Iiochukwa, liochukwa yanha; to chill, hochukwichi, kapussuli; to bo chilly, Jiochukwuchi. ChiiiK'se. II. tlskulfa yoskololi. Chimney. 7/. Ashobohli, luak ashobohli. Chin. v. Nul:takfa wishakchi. nutakfa. Ciina. n. Itulhpoa. <'hinch. n. Tupa i shushi. Chip. II. Shukurti; chipped, shukafa, shu- kali: chipping, shukahlichi. Chisel, n. Iti isht kula; cold chisel, tule ishit tuptuli- to chisel, kuUi: chiseled, kula. Choice. 11. Holitopa. Choke. V. Nuktakali nuktihliflfi; to choke with, nuktakalih; choking, nuktihlolih: choked, nuktihlifa; I am choking, sanukshifa. satolino. Cholera. ?(. Alilka kullochi, kalili; cholera morbus, itahlakla ontia. Choose. ('. Atokoli: chosen, atokoa, ulhtoka. Chop. V. Chanli, chant, chahanlit; chopped, chaya; to cause to chop, chanlichi; to chop down, chant, kinutii, akuchi; to , chop and score, chant bukli; to cho^) A notch, chant lampli; to chop down iUiO I water, chant okuchchi; to chop into small I pieces, chant tushtuli; to chop olf, chaut-" upli, a chop or gash made with an ax, chayut pacJiafa; not chopping, ikchaulo; to chop wood, iti chali. Christ, n. Klaist. Christian, n. €banumpuli, uba anumpa yimmi. Chrononieter. 11. Hushikanulli ishtulhplsa. Chub. /(. Nuni tuli huta. Church, a. Aiittunaba chukka, ubaanuni- puliiksa, chuch, aboha hunta; chiir<-)i member, iksa iba foka; church yard, ahoUopi uba isht ai anumpa chuka i bi' lika. Churlishness, a. Hatak nakoa, shahli. Churn, n. Pishukchi a niachi; chxirn dash- er, pishukchi isht niachi; churn top, Qpoholmo. Cider, n. Oka hauashko, saita. Cigar. H. Hakchuma shuna, sika. Cinnamon.//. Iti haksliup balama. siiiimoiu Cion. a. Nakshish iskitini. Cipher, r. Ilolhtina isht utta. Circle, n. Bolukta.chunaha. knliilui,; to lay circularly, chanaliuchi. Circuit. /(." Afolota. Circuitous, a. Tolotah. Cistern, n. Vakni kula oka ai ulhto. I Citation. /*. Imanowa; cited, imanuowa. j Citij.eji. II. Yakni achufa hattak. tumaha I hattak. ! City, n^ Tumaha chito; town, tumaha; vil- I lage, tumuhushi. ! Civil, n. Hopoyuksji> kostini, ulhpesa; un^ I civil, hopoyuksa he keyu. I Civili/.e. v. Hopoytiksuchi, hopoyuksali; I civilized, hopoyuksa; not civilized, ikho- ' poyukso. Clad. /'. Fohka: to clotlic. illefoka. fohka. Claim. V. Halulli* a claimant, halulli. Clam. /). Oka folush. I Clamp, n. Isht kiseli. j Clan. n. Iksa. Clang. V. Chumakchi. j Clank, t'. Chumakchi. : Chip. n. Yukbubi- Clasp, n. Ittakamcssuli; clasp(ia, apakehulli. Clin?,', V. KiillM hokli, kuUot Ishi: to cliii^ at, aiasitiah; to cling to, halulli. Clink, ('. Chamakchi, chamak; clinking, cliamakahanchi; to make jiuglc or cliuk, ehanialiclii. Clip, V. Tupli amo; to clip oS" once, lii- mona topli. Clouk, n. Anchi. 11 foka anchi; to put a cloak on another, auchiciii. Clock, n. Hijshi kanplil isht ikiiana cliito, liushl isht Ik liuua Clo?r, V. Ataklommi; cloggecl, ataklama. Closft, r. Okshita, akaniuli, okhishta, ak- uini, hakofiih, yalcopli; closed, yokopah, hokofa, ahshilita, akama, ulhkama; r/. close by, bilika; to be close or covetous, iliuUo. Clbsot, }). Abohushi; put into a closet, abohuslii fohka; to put into a closet, abohushi fohki. Clot", /?. Nantunna; woollen clotli;-!, cbuk- V\ hishi tuna. CloiiH', V. Fokichi, lohkuchi, i;afohka: cloLi^es brush, ilefoka isht kasholichi: fiv/i 'les line, ilefohka aholufka. CIo.!'! /(. Hoshonti; to becloud, boshoa- t: '.'i;; cloudy, hoshonti; to reach the c'.i'iils, hoshonti pit tikeli; cloud cap- ped, honshonti pit bekeli: to be cloudy, hoshonti toba; thin clouds, hoshonti tap- uski; flying clouds, hoshonti heli yHilipa Cloy, r, 'Yommichi; cloyed, yommi: to cloy me, sayummichi Clul», n. Bonijta. tubi. Cluck, V. Tuktuah. Cosl. 77. Tobaksi, toli tobaksi; coal mine, tobaksi akula. Coast, n, Okhuta lapalika, Ontolaka. Coat, 7). Na foka, kot. Cobble, ?'. AkcUi; cobbled, ijlhkuta; a cob- bler, aki3lli. shulush akulli. Cobweb, u. Chukhlampuli hachukhlam- puli Cock, n. Akaknakni. abichili; cock crow- ing, akak ola, to cock, (as a gun), hllechi; cocked, hikia, hikah; uncocked, ikheko. Cocklebiir, n. Pasiitahli. Cockroacli, n. Nia chupka, bila chopka, nuni chuka. holhtina; computation, liolbit-cna. <'oiiciive, ('. Bochussaclii, bocliopli; con- caved, bochussa. flouceal. V. Alulimi, aluhindchi; concealed, ikhaivako, aluhma. Conceiv*, v Chakali; to cans€ to conceive, chakalichi; to be conceived with, ai isht <"i)nceru, v. Ahalaiyah; concerned, ahal- ava. t'oiu-iliate, v Hopohluchi; conciliated, bopohlah. i'oiicubiiie, )u Aiina, ittaiina, <'ondeniM, 17. Nan im apesa, posilhuchi; condemned, posilhah: couoni, honi; to cook by boiling, hUi- boshli, hlabohlichi; a cook, hlaboshli, nahoponni; to cause one to }fin\ food, hfaboshlechichi, honnichi; to pur boil, honi umona; par boiled, honumlnona; boikdf )od, habonni; to cook done, nun- a chl; cooked, nuua. Cool, a. Kapussrli, shipputi; I am cooling off from fever, fuishippah; cooled or cooling, shippa; to cause to cool, sJiipp- u Hie hi. C»3op, //. Akak in chukka. Copper, 7^ Asonnk lakna, lakna (,'hobmi; copper mine, asonak lakna akali; cop- perhead snake, chahlakwa, cliihlakwa; copperas, nan isht laknuchi. Copy. II . Hobachi holissochi, kapi] to copy from or after, hlatit hobachi. Cord, n. i^onola honula, akshish.. Cork, II. Kotoba isht ulhkcmy; to cork, akamcli, ulhkamoah. Corn, II. Tanchi; corn tassel, hinak; corn laid bv, holhpuchi; to lay by corn, ho- pochi, ' to hill up corn for the first time, hopjlichi, the last time hopohchi; pounded corn boiled, tafula, (Tom Ful- ler), hulhponi; a corn crib, tanchi i chu; ka, kanchak, picha; corn row, tanchi- Hina; corn silk, tanchi okshuli; fodder, tanchi hishi; corn bran, tanchi hak hlo- push, tHsh hakblo^ish; yellow corn, lanchi lakna, flint corn, tanchi hlim- ishko; gourd seed corn, tanchi nihi fal- aia; white corn, tanchi tohbi; early or small corn, tanchushi: curn stalk or corn cob, tanch-upi; pop corn, tash bok- ali; corn meal, tash fotoha, tashpushi, tanch bota. Corner, n. Chukbi. chukbika. Corpse, n. Hatak illi, haknip iili. Correct, r. Apoksiachi, fummi; corrected, fuma; verp correct, aiahli fehna, ai ahli achukma; to correct ai iskiah; incor- rect, ikahlo; correctness, abli- Correspond, v. Ittinholissochi. Corroborate, v. Klampkochi. Corrupt. V. Okpuni; corrupted, okpullo, haksit okpullot taha. Costly, a. lulli chito, iulli chaha. Cottage. 7?. Aboha shikkia; cottager, abo- hushi utta. , Cotton. 77. Ponola, pokpo; cottonwood. shombula. Cough, n. Hotilhko. COULD 18 'CEUMPLE Could, r. Aheluk, chintok, chin txik, fehua hiula; could have, hetuk, hinla tok, hinla tuk. Council, n. Nan apesa; clerk of the coun- cil, nan apesa i hollissochi; Sergeant at Arms for council, Nan apesa i holisso shahli: door keeper of the council. Nan ai apesa okhis'a atoni. * Couusel. 7'. Nan i miha; counselor, nan i miha, Hatak anumpouli . Count. V. liotina, hopena; counted, holh- tina holBpena; a place to count from, aholhtiua; ,countles.s, holhtena atupa; continually counting; holhtihehna; to count together, ittibahotina; to count each other, ittihotena. I'ountenance. n. Nashukha. Counterfeit, n. Holabi, Country, n. Yakui, haiyaka. Course. 7i. Auowa, bachaya, Court, n. Aiapesa, koat. Courteous, a. Aiokpanchi, Covenant, n Ittim apesa; covenanted, iitim tjlhpisa; a covenant, nan ittim ulhp'sa, nan ulhpisa. Cover. V. Opohomo, holmo; covered, opo- holrao; covering, holmo; (roof), a cover, ishtopoholmo; to cover over, oholmoehi ohlippilli; covered over, oholmo, ohlipia; covering, holmo. Covet. II. Anushkunna, impotunno; covet- ous, bunna, nana ahauachi, bunna atam- pa, ihullo, Cow. n. Wak, wak tek; cow and calf, wak ushi laninli; miich cow, wak bisachi; cow pox, wak in chalakwa. Coward. ?i. Hobak. Cower, V, Bikottokuchi. Coxcomb, 11. Hattak ilak shema shahli. Crab. ?). Shakehi chito. Crack, v. Bisali bisinli, bisalichi; a crack, bisali, wakla, bisanli, kobafa; to make a vsmall crack or crevice, besin waklachi- lichi; cracked, bisinli bisali, wohlopa; to crack open, hokuMi, fachanli, betaseli; to cause to crack open, bitanlichi, bo- kaulichi, fachanlechi wohlolichi; crack- ed open, bokanli; to crack a whip, hluk- alichi, hlukata olachi; the sound pro- duced by cracking a whip, hlukata ola, Cracker. /). Puska kullo. pusktupuski shila. Cracking, n. Hlukahachi, basahuchi ba- sahlichi, basakuchit basahahanchi, ba- sahkahanchi. Cradle, n. Onush isht busha, oucsh isht umo. isht umo. Crag. n. Okfa. Cramp, n. Hlifa; a cramp in the leg, han- uli hlifa; I am cramped, sahlifa. Crane, n. Wahtonlak, wahtonlak oshi, osk- up tohbi, hushtohbi, wahtonla, wahton- la tohbi. Crape, n. Nantunna lusa isht tabashi. Crave, v. Btiuna, itukchuba. ('raw. V. Impafakchi. Crawi, v. Shalali, balali, yalulli; crawling, shalali; continually crawling, shalalali. Crazy, v. HoTillubl, tasimbo; to make crazy, tasimbochi, Creaking, n. Kuchukuehi. Cream, n. Pishukchi pakna nia; cream cup, pishukchi pakna aiulhto. Create, v. Ikbi; creation, nana moma toba, ikbi, nana moma ikbi, nanaoklijim ikbi. Creator, n. Ikbi: the Creator, Chitokaka. Credit, v. Ahekuchi, iyimmi, aheka; to get on credit; ahekah; a creditor, ahektjchi; a debtor, aheka im asha, ahekut ishi; to sell on credit, ahekachi; amount not paid, aheka takali; to let me have on credit. si ahekuclli, siahckuchi, ak chim aheka. Creek, v. Bok, bokushi, okhinushi oka ayanuli, oka abachaya: junction of creeks, bok ai ittuseli; the channel, bok ayanulli, swamp uf creek bottom, liissa, bok anuka; mouth, bok asetili; the branches of a creek, bok chuhhli, bok chuhlahli; a branch of a creek, bok chuhloffi; long creek, bok falaia; the; fork, bok falakto; the side, bok i tunnup: the other side, bok mishtunnup; this side, bok ola tunnop; main creek, bok upinli; head, bok wishakcibi; a bridged creek, bok iti patulhpo. Creep, v. Balali, baloli; to creej) up slyly, apuhli. Crevice, i\ Bisinliehi, bitanlichi; a crevice; bitanli, wakla; crevices, waklali; to make a crevice, waklachi. Crew, n. Hatak kanohmona, hattak kan- ohmi ona. Crib, V. Kanchak, picha, tanchi i chuka. Cricket, n, Shalontaki. Criminal, n, Anumpa kobufii; criminate, onochi. Crimson, u. Tishepa, natishepa, homma. Cripple, n. Chahiklichi, tabiklichi; a crip- ple, hattak imokpulo. Crockery, n. Amp h»3ta, ampushi; broken crockery, amp kokoa. Crook, V. Tanakbichi, shanaiyuchi; crook- ed, chassullah fulumoa; ta'nakbi, chan- akbi pe tanantobi; a crook, chasala; to cause to crook, chassalichi; crooked, (as legs), ikchLsimo. Crop, V, Bushli, tupli; cropped, bnsha, tupa. Cross, V. Taiyukhuneli, ataklummi; cross- ed, taiyukhuna; to go across, atanup- lichi; a crossing, atanapa; cross, indis- position, bashka iksho, hulhpasi. iksho, ok polo; to cross at, akuchi; to cross. hlupulli; across, hlopulli; to cause to go across, hlopullechi; to be cross or ill, ht3shaya; to make another cross, hushay- uchi; to lay wood across, iti abunseali iti abunna; cross, (an obstruction), katapa; lying across, nan alyukhona; a croosing or ford ahlupulli; crosswise: hanaiuchi. Crotch, n, Iti falakto, falakto. Crouch, n. lUkuttokuchi. Croup, i'. Fiopa tahli. Crow, V. Ola, ilawata; a crow, fu la, a raven, ftjla chito; carrion crow, shcki kulofa, sheiki tullo: a scare crow, fula atoni; t(j watch crows, fula atoni. tuli isht afenua. Crowd, n. Hatak laua; to crowd, lokoli. Crown, V. Mikochi; a crown, ia chuka; to wear a crown, ia chukoli; the crown of the head, nushkobo, iafafo. Cruel, a. Kullo. nan okpunui kot im achukma. Crumb, n. Puska, bushulli. Crumble, v. Boshxillichi, boshulli, fakol- ichi; crumbled, bushulli, fakoha. Crumple, v. Shekufh; crumpled, shikofa. cnusii • 19 DEAF tiusli. V. Pk'hiffi; crushed, pichefa; to crush auy hollow thing, wohlopli; crushed" wohlopa. t'rust, n. Hakshup, pcska hakshcp. €ry, V. Yaij-a, payj'a: crying, pahaj-a^ a crier) tahpula; twmake cty, yaycchi. €ub. n. Xitushi. napoaUsiii- Viibit, V. Klibit, nan tuntia ish clhpisa iklena foka rncuiiiber. ??. Okchak h-olba, fud, ?;. Hopasa. full, r. V. Aiyua; to cull, aiyuachi. *('ulli>Tatf', r. Apoksiachi, achukmalichi; cultivator yakni isht lapushkichi, yak* iii isht patafa laua tanchi isht lali. t'lilniii, n. Ivummiu. t'uniilng, 11. Haksi. 1'np, )K ishtishko; cuppings Icpish takal- ichi; cupboard, uba tula almpo aiasha, cba tela; cream cup, peshukchi pakna ait:lhto. t'lipidity, V. Holitopa bi3nna. rr,ro«bl<>, a. Hlakofti hiula; to cure, hlako- fichi cllL-chi, masiilichi. "Cured, v. Jllakolli. t:tta^ will be cured, hlakafachi; incuraVtle. hlakofa he keyu; to commvuci- to ouiv. lilakofit isht ia: to cause b) cure at, ahlakofichi; cure at. ahlakoti: to cure self. ilehlakofichi> <'urd, }). Walaha- h) v-ufdle,- wclakuchi; curdled, walahan. ^'nrl, n. Yikyua, yushlx)Uli; to curl up> bochlissalih, bochussachi. lurri'iit, V. A yanclli. t'lirse. ('. Chakapa, issikopali, annumpa okpulto isht miha. •H'ljl-laiii, V. I hullno nan tcuna toba» Vuticlf, /'. Hakshup* '('nrvip ?K Chussula' to make curl, chussc lachi. I'listoiii. n. Ayohml, nan ulhpisa, nan aka nio.hini chatuk, customarily, ke, kan- che ke. <'«t, >\ Chrnli, chuhli.bcsbli; to cut, chaya chuhla. bcshaito cut off, chanut tupli; -to cut from or at, abusha, akoluffi; cut at or Upon, abushli^ the part cut off, ahokQfa; the place where cut off, ahokofa, ahoko- ufa: to cut off" tojiether, ahokolichi, ahok*^ ohli, ahokoflichi; to cut off with knife or saw. bushlit tcpli: cut off, bcshut opa; to cut a piece, buvshlit tushufii; cut- ting a piece, bushlit tcshafa: cut in, chO' koah; to cause to cut in, chakQlichi; to cut meat for drying, chak()lih;cut up into small pieces, chanuttcshtuli. chakowah; to cause to cut or chop, cbanlichi; to cut down. cJiant kincffii. akcchi; to cut a notch, chant lampli; to cut down into watet. chant okuchchi: a cut or gash make by an ax, chaj-ot pachafa; a cut; rhjiya; cut lengthwise; chuhlata; to cut iu narrow strips, chuhlulli; to cut to a point., balupucJii: to cut off -once: him- <)na tcpli; cut off, hokoffi; cut pieces, hokohli, to cut pice, hokolichi; not cut, ik basho: not cutting, ik chanlt>; to cut Due's self witJi a knife, ile boshli; with an ax, ile chanli; to cut each other, itti chanli? to cut with scissors, kacheli; cut with scissors, kalasha^ to cut down kinufft; to cut trees down, kiuahlichi. to cut off.kalufil, n.schohliehi tcbli; cut oit". kolDfa-, tcpa: to cut several pieces* kololichi; cut in ijuinv pieces, kolohli; to cut up many, kctulhiili; many cut up, kutohli^ to cut open, mitahcchi, mitahli, mitufi: cut open, mitufa; cutting open continually, mituhafa; one who cuts na bushli; to cut off the legs, uipalichi nipahli; to cut off at the shoulder.^, nip- cfiK to cut from the body, niplih; haif cut short, okkchlouli; to' cut the lielly open, patufii, pL pctchlichi; to cut by scratching, shuilifie; ctitting a piece out, shulofah, to cut fine tihli; to cut a piece, tushufii, tushy; to cut many piecs, tustuli. tushalichi; to cut to a ix)int. tclhhli; cut to a point, tulha; to cut many off, tcptuli; m.iuy cut off^ tuptua. Ciitworni, 7h Haiowcui-. Cjpross, n* Shakola!ly, rtaiii, )'. Oktupli; dammed, oktcpa, ^hiniaere. r. Okpcni. damaged, okpulkx ^(aaination. ih Apullcmi; damned, ai ok- poloka. Damp. andruif. h. Nushkobo fochonli. Dare, r. Pafi; I dare you, hump-hi; i}»rk. ch Lusbic (color)* okhilli: very dark, tampki; dafkne.<,.s. Ai okhlilika, ai akhli' k*; to color dark, lusakbichi. Darn, v, Akulli; darned, ulhkuta. Dart. ?\ Tibulli. Daub* ('. Apolusli; daubed, ulhpolusa* Daughter. »•. Ushi tek; grand daughter. ipoktek. daughtef'-in-law, ipok; my daughter-in-law. sapok. Dawn, 7?s Onut okhlilichi. Day. H: Nitak; daylight. onah; becom= ing daylight, onnut tcha; almost day. onnahosi; all day long, shohbichi. Deacon, n. Chech nan isht im utta. Dead, a. lUi, fiopa ti:pa; you are not dead; ikchillo; we are dead, pilli; I am about dead, si ai illi mak oke, suUi mak okc; I am dead, selli. Deaf, a Haksobish, haksi. ikhaklo; deaf' DEAL 20 DIFFEE ness, haksi, ikhaponaklo; deafeu, liaksu- ba, hrtksubachi. DenJ, V. Itatoba, kanchi; dealt, it ulhtoba; g-CKxl deal, fiehua; to haue mutual deal- iug, ittlmakanlohmi. l>ear, a. Ilolitopa; uery dear, bilotompa; it is dear to me: ahollo. to be dear to, iholitopa; uery dear to, ibolitopu fehna; a uery dearlriend, ittikana fehua; O dear! okokko! Death, 71. Illi; to cause death, illichi; an oc- ca-sion that caused death, ai isht illi; a death bed, aiilli. Debase, v. Kalaks-iehi; debased, kalaksfhi. Debate, v. Itachowa. Debt, n. Aheka; debtor, aheka im asha; balance ol debt not paid, aheka, takali. Decay, r. Toshbi; to cause decay, tosbbicbi, shakbouuchi; decayed toshbi, shakboTia. Deceitful, a. Haksi. Deceive, r. Haksichi; yimmichi, a deceiver; bak.^ichj, continually d"ceiving;haksihin- chi, hatak haksicdii, deceived; haksichi, ihaksichi, one who is deceiue to or bv ihaksi; to deceiue self, ilehaksichi; to deceiue with, isht haksichi. Deeny, v. Aha acbih. Depart, r. Kuniah iah, illi, illit. kunia. de- PLirted, chufah, departing, chuhafa. to cause fo depart, chufhehi. Depend, r. Auukchetoh, to depend on, a? anukchito, dependent, anukchito, may depend upon, anukcluta hinla. Deposit, v. Bohlih, continually depositiugr- bohohlih oue that deposits. lx>hli- Depravity, 7;. Chuku.sh im amikfila okpulo ai imoma, okpullo. Depress, v. Chukush akanlusih, d(.»pressed chukush, akkalosi. isht uwiha, depres- sion, chukuush iknakno. Deride, r. Isht, yopuljih- Descend^ v. Aka iah, ak owah. ak kiah, a descendeht. aiisht atiaka, ehukacht'ifH. isht atia, a de.'jceudant of theChoetaws chahta isht atia, a descendant, isht ai onchuloli, isht atiaka. Desert, v. Kuniah, issot iah, a de.s«rter, ai itu]ieha i falummi. Desert, /;. Chokushmi foka, yakni hayaka, shinuk foka. Desire, v. Ahnih bnnnah, xH>lummih, to earnestly desire, ahni ahli,- no^ to desire, ikahuincho, desiring poUumma. Desk, /^ Aholissochi, aianumpuU, aio ho- M.s.sochi, Despair, -•. Yoiiraa he ahni ik im iksho. yohma he ahni ik ai ithano. Desperado, n. Hatak hak«i atupa, nais okpnni. Despise, v. shitilemah. is^ht ik iabno. ika- hobuloh, kunimmuehih. Despoil, r. -Okpunih, wehpolih, despoiled, okpulo, wehpoah. Destroy, v, Okpunih, destroyed, okpulo, bakustoh, to destroy all, bakostolih, a de- stroyer, nan okpuui. Destruction, v. Ai okpuloka, i>»ht ai okpu- lo napalommi. Desuetude, n. Ak.sho. Determination, n, AchiMta chtlita toeduse determination, achilituchi cMtituehi, to be determined, ai yimitah, mos-holikah, not determined, ikiiyiminto. Detonate, v. Hilohah.' Develos'j *'. Haiyakuchi. Deviate, v. Folotah, to caust^ to deviate, folotolih folotolichih folotowuchih, de- viation, fihjmmi. Devious, a, Fulumoa. folotah. Devour, v. Dput tahli, l&ht upa, hoasu. hoptisa. Dew. ». Fichak, Honey dew, fichak cham- puli, fichak kashaha.to fall as dew, fichak le will eh oh mi, dewbeny. bissa uDtaluli, haiuntaluli. dew lap, wulahii, i wulaha, imbichukohakshup. Diagonal, a, Hanaiyah, Dial, n. Hushi kanulli isht ulhpisa:. Dialoarue, n. Ittimanumpvxli. Diurrlioea, n. Ikflah, issish hlopulli to haue diarrhoea isht ahlopuUi to cause diarrhoea, ikfiuehi. Dictate, v. Anumpa apesah. Die, r. Illi, fiopissah nusi, to die at, ai illi, may die, ilia hinla, dead, illi, illitkouia to cause to die, illichi, death, illi, to die for another who was killed, itticilli, I am about to die, siaiillih mak oke. suli mak oke. 1 came near dying, sullinahah. I am dead sullih. Differ, v. Itim iula, ittachowa. ittimmikowa to cause to dilfer, ittachowuchih, differ- DIFPICITLT 21 DO <;iu ildiiiholbo. Difficult, a. Ahchiba ki:llo. ])alcinmi. J)iffidi'r, r. Knlli, dug, Kiila: digjTt'r. na knlli, to root or flii,' the s:rouii Discfrii, r. Akostiniuchih, uudi.se<.'rnable, ; akostinincha bekeyu; discernable, akos- ' tinineha hiula, Dischar:.'*', r. Ilus.sah, ( i, e. agun) isscehi. I Disciple. )K Aiithana. ithuna. nan itliuna, { uba anumi»a itJMMia, discipline ai im ; abuclii, ai ako.stininchi. . '. Discourage, v. Chukijsh illichi, discour- [ asred chukush illi. i Discourse, r. Anumpulih, the head of a i discourse, anompa nushkoba. Discover, v. Ahanchih, ahaynchi atonniu- , chih, akostiniuchib. i haiyakt:cliih, ok- i I'ahlih, discovered okfahah, \ Discretion, n. Hopoyuksa. Disdain, i\ Shittilernah, di.sdainful, shittileina. I Disease, r. Abeka, ililli, c. ^'immih, fimiplih, dispersed, fimah. fimimpah. Dispose. /•. kauchih, disposed of. kuniah. Dispositicn. n. Ai im ulhpiesa, a gentl • disposition, bashka. Despute, r. Ktjlot itim auumpulih, it achowah, t*>canse a dispute, itachowceh\ Dissertation, /;. Ilolisso. anumpuli. Dissela, distributed, holhpela. distribution, holbi.x)la. District, ii. Ulhti. Disturb, r. Ataklunimih, Kukhakloclii, afullib, atullichih, auumpullichih. Disuse, n. Aksho. Ditch. /(. Yakni Kuia, aka a yanclll. Divan, n. Ai o binili. Dive. i\ Oklobushlib, pi, aklubbih, diver oklubbi. Divert, r. Shauilih. Di'.i.le. r. Itapahlullih, kashuplih, kush- kolih, iti hopela, divided it apablat;>Ji. iti holhpelah, bolhpelah, divided into, bakapah, do so, ai yakohmi, a yakohmi, to do something with, akanimichi, doing some- thing with, akanimih tahli, to cause loor. n, Okhissa, aiabiha, ait^lbiha flboha okhissa, a door shutter, okhisa isht ok- shillihta, okhisa isht ulbkuma. aboha isht okshillilihta door keeper, okhissa., atonih. Dormitory, n. Anusi, aboh anus^i. Double. V. Puhlih, itulbilli, to double up, bonuih bouulli doubled up, bonah, bonu- tah, doubled puhlah, bunni, itulbita, pulhkachi, pohlomah (as a pocket knife) to shut or double up, as a pocket knife, pobloramih, pohlomfdichi, continually doubling, pohlohommih. 1 am doubling up, sabonah. Doubt. V. Anuktukl>. ikyimrno, doubtful anukwiah, chishba, to bodjubtfulchish- ba, doubtless, alilipulla, pulla, undoubt- edly, ikahlokawa ikyohmokabeto. Dou'jfh. " . Tanche " pushi Iccha. sour dough shatummi. l>ove. /;. Pochi yoshoba. Down. 1): Abokbo, downs. lipi«mo, lipinto, to be thrown down, akkapilah, to throw me down, akkasupilah to come or get down, akkowah, down stream sokbish. downward, akkapilah, akema. akimma, to go down, akkaiah, akkaiah, to go down ward and hunt, akkahoyoh, to lie down, akkaittoloh, to fall down, akkaittulah Ibhopa akkukaha. fallen down, akk- itulah, akkakahah, akkakohah, lying down, akkaittuyulah, laid down, akka- kahut aisha, akliakah tmayah, botljilaid down, akkakaiyaha, I fall down, akka- sutulah, you fall down, akkachittulah. Drab, n. Lusbi. Draar, v, Shallulichih halullih, akkashalul- lichih. draggine: akka shalullichit halu- ili. l>rain, n. HoUuya; holluyuehi drained. holoya, yanulli. Drake, n. Okfochush nakni. Drsnv, V. Shalih. halullih; to draw up through a loop, ahlitfih ahlitfichi: drown Up, ahlifah; to draw out by hammering, hot sheplih; drawn o\it, bot shepah; to draw outjWith a stick or tinger, follih; to draw a liquid, bichilih; drawn, bicha; to tiulsh drawing, bichet tahli; drawn (from spasms,) halahlih; to cause to draAV,, haluUichih; to unravel or draw out. hiifa; to draw a chance or lot, nashuelih " W draw water ochih; contijiually di awing Avater, olhchih; to draw down the ear, when made, as a horse, okmohlonlih; to- draw out strands, shihlih; drav/n out, shihah; to cause to draw out shihlichih; to draw up the hind part of the body sud-' denly, yofonokabchi; to draw tip with heat, yekullih; drawixup, vikotah; draw ing knife, isht shafa< Dreail. v. Komunta ikomnntah nukshopa, nukwia; to dread each other, ittikomun- tah. Dream, v. Ilolhpakunah; to cause to dream, holbpokunntjchih; to drean? about, aholhpokurmnchi; dreamed about, aholhpokunna; to dream.nusika; I dream, sanusika. Drench, r. Ishkochechi, Dress, v. Fokkichit .«hema hlafi; dressed; fohka, lilala; to clothe or dress, fohkuchichih; to dress for the? grave, hattak illi isht afohlih; dressy, shcmah; to dress in mourning, tataashih; a dre^^sy, clhkunua, uKkuffa. Drift, . llakchihjx), akchihpo. Drill, r. Katohlih; drillerd, fotohah; a drill, toll i^-iht fotobli. Drink, C- l.>^hkoh; a place at which to drink, ai iyhko; to drink with, ibai Ishkoj a drink, nasi i.shko. Drip, r, Iloyah; dripped, hoiyah- to cause to drip, h(riy ochih, hallyHvuchih; a drip- ping, holuy'a. Drive, r. Tihtelih pihlihchih, ayah chufl- chih, clanwclih; driving in orto drive in, shummullichi; to drive them, tihlilih; to drive theni in, ubihlih; driven in, ulbih" kudu ulbitkuchlh: driven back, katapa, katapoa; to be driven in (as spokes) achusiikuchi; driven, isht aya pchlichi; drov'ur, nan clhpoa isSbt aya. Drone, n. Foi bila ishki hochito, hattak intakobi. Drop, v. Hovu(^hi, hova, chilofah; dropped, haluva, kihahli, l-nvilih; to cause to drop, luuilichi; a drop, hoya; dropf«y. oka atoba ililli, oka toba, oka i toba. Dross, ?(. Hakhlopish. Drouth, .". Chahto; to cause a drought, chahtochi; not drouthy, ikchahto. Drown, v. Oka ai illi. Drum, V. Ahlipa chito olacbi; a drum,, ahlipachito, ahlipa: drummer ah lepaboli; to beat a drum, ahlepa chitobjlih; a- drum stick ahlipS ehlto isht boli, ahlip isht boa, to sound the drum, ahlipa olah. Drunk, a. Haksihi to be drunk haksi; oka haksih; drunkenness, haksih okishko haksih: somewhat drunk, h£6ksi chohmi. shimmohah; not drunk, haksi keyu; to make drunk, haksichih; dead drunk, haksit illi: a drunkard, hattak okah ishko, okishko shahli; a great drrmkard, hattak oka ishko- shahli. Dry, a. Shila bushshi, shelah; to be or being dry, shilah, chilakbl, chalakbi; to dry. shililih; drvness, shila; a place for drving, ahaka; to dry at, asbililih; dried to or in, ashila; to cause to bt? dry, chah- tochih, busbshichih: dried, chalokbih^ DUCK 23 EMBEACE becomiug dry, yauullih; l<> make olusbi, akshochc. bichi' 8hochobbi. Dust. I). Botulli. hitok tohbi, hittukchubi , puslii; to dust, tt:tuhli. Dutv. n. Ai uihpiesa, nana akaniomih-t clhpisa. D«arf. )i. Hattak kawasha, hattak irnom;.; hattak ikehaho. Dwell. V. Achukka; to dwell together. ittuchukuchi. " Dysentary )i. Tssish ikfia; to have dvsen- tery; ikfihlichi; to cause dyscutry, Ikfiji- chi". E Knch. fi. Bika; eaclr. aiyuka; each after his kind, ai imini aivukali. KHsrer. n. Achilita: to cause eagerness, achilitnchih: to be eager, akomuutah, ayimintih; not eager, ikayiminto. Kagle. n. Osi. Ossi, Kar. i). Haksobish; ear lock, haksobish tapaivi hishi.ampi, (corn); ear ache, haksobish hotupa roasting ears, nipusha; ear ring, haksobish: takahli; ear mark, haksobishbusha, marked ear. haksobish busha; to mark the ear, hakso bish bushli: shrill sound in the ear, haksobish chas;i; slit or split eai-. hak.sobish chuhla; an ear slit, hakso bish chulafa; slit ears, haksobish chu hlahli; ear wax; hakso- - bish hlltilli; a cropt ear, hakso bish hokofa:cropt ears, haksobish hokohli, hoksobish tcpa, haksobish i:lmo, hakso- bish tt'ptna; fox ear, hak.sobish ibak- ehufali; forkod ear. haksobish chulakto; ear rings, liaksoV)ish takohli; tlie lobe of the ear, haksobi.sli walohbi. Karly. a. Chik.'. Karii. r. Asitcbih. Earth, n. Yakni lukfi, yakni; to be num- bered with the earth, yakni ahulhtina. Kase. V. Nuktalali; eased nuktula; to take ease, fohah; easiness, nuktcla; easy, nuktula: anuktt:pah, nukcliito; 3nia. Efonomical. a. Ilatobah; economy, nan ila toba. Eddy, n. Okfoyulli. Edge, n. Alaka takcdia, takchaka hallupa, nhli; two edged, hallupa tuklo, tahlah- laka hallupa. Edict, ». Nan ulhpisa, aunmpa ulhpisa. Editor, ri Holisso ikbi. Educate, r. Holisso ithananchi; uneduca- ted, holisso ikithano; educated holisso ithaua, liolisso impiina Effervcrsce. Honi EITigy, n. Hatak hobuchih. Egg. V. Akak ushi. akak ushi hloboa, akak tishilobunchi; lobunchi; rotten egg, akak ushi shua; the yellow or yolk of an ogg. akak ushi i lakna; the white of an egg. akak ushi i tohbi akak ushi i wa^laha, akak iishi i wulakuclii. Eight, a. I'ntuchina; eight, anahnntuchna. eighty, pokoli untuchina; eight liuudred, tahlepa untuchina; eighth, islit untuchi- na. Either, a. Kanimampo; not either aehuf- fahpi kia keyu. Elate, r. Ilawatah. Elbow, n. Ibbak i shunkLini: elbow joint. ibbak i skukunf; itachakuli. Elder, r/. Buti, bashuk<'hi, iksa akni, iksa pehlichi, iksa apesrchi; elderly, hatak assunochi. hatak tikba Initak.asscnochika the eldest or oldest l)rother or sister, akni. Elect, r. Atokolih; cdected, atokah, ulhtokn; election, ulJitoka; the place to hold an electi(»n, ai rdhtoka; an election bv or with, nan isht t3lhtoka; elector, atokoli, fotbohli. Elcgjint. o. Islit imaka. Elephant, n. Yulhkun cliito; elifant. Elevate, r. Cluihatdiih; elevation, chah:i: elevated, chahah; elevator, nan isht (diahah. Elm. It,. Tohto;slippervelm, balup. Eiope, /'. Mullit kuniah. Eloquent, v. Anumpuli impunna. Elsewhere, ad. Kaiiiinakiuli. Emaciate, r. Chuiuiaclii hle].ushich!i). hlipushih; emaciated, chunna, hlipush ■'. Emaseuiate, v. Hobuk ikbi; emasculated, hobuk. • Embarrass, ?'. Anuktuklochih; embarra'^s- ed, anuktukloh unembarrassed, ikanu- ktukloh. Embellish, 7-. Aiuklichi, akohlih; to erab-I. lish with, isht akohlih, isht ulhkohali. isht aiuklichih; embellished, ulhkohah. Embers, n. Hituk yunha. Embower, r. Hashontika ashachi. Embrace, v. Islit anukfokah shaollh: to embrace me affectionately, sapcsholih. Emetic, a. Hocti3chi, emetic wood, hilol-.a ikhish. EMIGEAXT, 24, EVEE. Fniisfraiit, n. Wihi3t aya. KmineiK'e, «. ChaUa i shahli, holitompa. hinperor, n. Ulhti itibulhkaha i miko. Kniploy. V. Tohno: to t'mplov me, satohuo; employinj^, tohno, tahohnoh. Kiiipty, a. Jksho, ikshot taha, ataha, ikah- obx>, shahW; to empty into, asitilih; to make empty, shabicbihj (as a clean place ). Knanior, v. I hullocbi, aiasitiah; enamered atorwltfa, aiasitiah. Kncampmeiit, n. Binah, binat asha, Wnut aiasba: to encamp, Mnachih; encampihg- continnallv, binahanchih. Kncltant, r. A titiplih. alitipliehih, fcppnlih.' afoppulih; enchanted, afitipah, foppnlih an enchanter, hatakhulloka, isht ahullo^ enchantress,ohovo holloka. KncircJf, v. Apokfcihlicliih. apakfohlih, afolupli, afolnplichih; encircled, apakfo- hpah, afolupah afolotah. Kiidosp, V. Fohkib; enclose fohkab. Kiicourftsje, r. Atohnoehih, atohnoh, nak- nichih, yimintcfchih: encourag-ing, nakni chih, yimiBtahanchih; encouraged, yimi- ntah, Kud, n. Ahokofa, ai uhli, hokofa, hokollJIh, tshli; the extreme end, ai i.sbt aivop:; to make an end, ai uhiichi al vuVJbicbib; endless, ai uhii iksho; to end'samethiug already comun'iiced, ai vabicbih; ended, bokofa; the but end, sokbish. Kiidure, v. Achunnachih, lilopuMih. Kiiejiiy, n. Tanampi, tonop. Knaray-p, v. Tohnob itiin apesab; engaged, itim ulhplsa Kiisjlish, n. 1 klish, nahullo, englishman, iklish batak: englsb language, nahullo imannmpa nabnllo anumpa. hJiifravp.r.Brshlit Iiolissochih: anJengrauM bnshlit boIissoL'lii; engraving, busbot- holisso; engraved, bcshut holisso. Kng:rosN, v. Hfxdietolit holissucbi; engross- ed hochetolit holisso. Knhauce, v. (;hitolichib. Kiiij»iB:i, 11. Nan ittim ikbrna. •"'njoy, (/. Yukpah; en joved one's self with, ai isht il ayukpab; enjovment, ai isht il ayukpab. K!ii;irf,'e, V. Chitolih, cbitoUchih; enlarged, chito; tu cause to be enlarged, chitoh li- cbib; an enlarger, bochctccbi. Kiilighton. ('. Itbananchih, i towikelichih. anuklobkih, enlightened, anuk fohkab, one that enlightenes-. anuk fobkicbi, Knlist, V. Ilohchiib isbib. KnaWo, ?r, Cbabacbih. Kiioritioiis, It. Chitoh. Kiiongh, a. Ulbpesa. laua clhi»esa, j'umma, not enough, ikouo. Kiira^t', r. Nokoachih. ndkhobelucbih, en raged, ^ukoah, anukshomuntah, to be enraged, anukshomuntah chukush luab. KuroU. V. Holisso takoblichih: enrolled, bnbchifo bolissot takoblib, Kiislave, v. Yukacbi, a slave, yiikah. Kiitaiigle, /'. Yuslnvichalib, to be en- tangled yusbwichalih, ittofenah. Kilter, I'. (!hukowab, entered, chukowah, cannot enter; chukovt'a he keyu. Enthrone, i'. Ai asha holitopa om bini- licbih, a throne, alusha kolitopa; seated on a throne ai asha holitopa ombinili. Eiitic" V. Atono(!bih, anukp'ollicbih. I Kiitircly, ad. Kcmohmi, KummohmL Kiitoiub. V. AhoUuppi boblih; entombed;, I hoUuppih. j Entrails, n. Iskuna: my entrails; suskoua, I Eutraijcf*; n. Ai alota achukkowa. ! Entrap, v. Hoklichih; entrapped; hoklih. Entry, n. Acbukkowa. Enumerate, v. Holhtenah; enumerator, bolhpenah, enumeration; bolbtena, bolh* piua, bopenab. Envions, a. Potunnoh,. to cause envious- ness, potonnohcbi, envy, i uukkilli. Epicare, n. Hattak impa sbabli, issikopa. Epilepsy; n. Haiocbi, hoiochichi. Epistle, n. Anumpa holisso nowutaya. Equal, a. Ittilani, lawi, lawichi; to be equal ala\vih,alavvich.i;lawih not equal ikalauo; to equal, iti lauicbi; to be equal to me; salawih; equul to aittilauib; equality, ai ittilauih. E. Ai Yummohma. Fib, )'. Holabi. Fiddle, n. Ahlipushl; fiddle bow, ahlepa isht olachi ahlep isht olachi; a fiddle string, ahlipah ushi ishtallakchi; a fid- dler; ahlepa olochi, a base fiddle; ahlip- ushi chito. Fie, intj. ehwa! ehwak. Field, //.. Ossapa; a hay field, hashuk abusha. Fiend, n. Platak haksi atupa. Fierce, a. Yiminta, achilita; to cause fierce- ness, achlituchi; fierceness, homi. Pi?, n. Fik, a fig tree, fik upi. , Fiarht, V. Itibi; itibih, to cause afigh. ittibi- chi; fighter, nan itibi. Fiarnre, . Hobaehi; to figure, hotihua. Pile, 'J.. Mihloffi; filing mihlohofi; filed, mihlofa mohlohli, haluppa; filed at, amihlofah; a file or rasp, isht mihlofa: a flat file, isht mihlof'? patossa; hand saw file, isht mihlofa iskitini; filing, botulli. Fill, V. Alotuli: to fill up, alotolih, cause to fill alotulichi, full, alotoa, alotowah, fullness, alota. Film, n. Hakhlopish. Filter, n. Ahoiya, aholuya, to filter, holu- ya hoiyuchi. hoyah; filtrated holuya, hoyah; not filtered, ik hoyo, ik busho. Filthy, a. Litiha, chakapa; filthiness. litiha Fin, n. Nuni sanahchi, uuni sanihchi. Finally, ndv. Ont isht aiopi. ont isht aiopi- ha, polaka. Find, (). Ahauchi, pisa. ahayuchi; to find each other, ittahayuchi, to find me, siahavuchi. Fine, a. Chipinta, lapushki, achukma. haluppa; very fine or small, chipunta' FINGEE FOBBID chipintasi; to be fine or soft, lipistoh; to cause to be fine or soft lipistocni, pretty and fine^ ainkli. Fiiiecr, n. Ibbak iishi; forefinger, ibbak usbi tikba; middle finger, ibbak ushi iklunna. little fingi t. ibbak ushi ulhli; finger nail, ibbak chush; finger end, ibbak ushi wishakchi; thumb, ibbak ishki; finger ring, ibbak foka; finfer rings, ibbak ushi ubiha; my finger, subbak ushi; my finger nail, "subbuk- chush; my thumb, subbuk ishki. Fini.vh, v. Tahli, loshumi, ai ahli, aiahli- chi, isht ahlophili: continually finishing, tahahlih; finished, ai ulhtaliah, taha, loshoma; to finish off with alashummih. Fire, n. Luak, hullushmi; fired, bolukmi, hollushmi; to set on fire, hukmi, hushmi, luahanehi; make or kindle a fire, otih, tikbakahli; fire coal, tobaksi; fire wood, nlhti: fire place, ai ulhti, luak ai ulhti; fire dogs, luak in tikeli. Finn, >i. Kullo, ahli, kamussa. Iszard, a. Chakiffa. Glad, . Yukpah; to gladden, yukpalih; to be glad, imaehukma, yukpah. na yuk- pah; gladness, na yukpa, nan isht il ayukp; I am glad, sayukpah; gladsome, yukpah. Glan(!e, v. Anaktibuflih, anaktibulli, anak- tibullichi; glanced, anaktibafah, anak- tibafoah, anaktiboa, anaktibatoa: to glance off, chassulih; to cause to glance off, ehassuUichi; not glanced, ikchass- ulloh; to glance and go obliquely off, tibuUih, tibullichih. Glaring, a. Tohchalalih, tohpokali. Glass, n. Apisa; glassware, apisa toba; a a window glass, apisa kossliofa; a glass window, apisa kashofa okhisushi; sash for a glass window, apisa kashofa ai ulbiha; mirror, apisa. Glean, v. UlbuUi; gleaned, ulbulah. Glib. a. Halushki, haluski halosbih. Glimmer, . Maluttakachi, tohkasakli, to {glimmer this way, «jt tofohkoli. Glistf'n. V. Tohpakali, ehulhchulhchuki, malanchah to make glisten, chulhchulh- chukichih; glistening, ma atah, shohpa- kalih. Glorify, v. Holitoblichit ai okpachih; holitobli, holitobliehi; glorifi'd, holitopa GLOEY 30 CfEAND urapa; holituhompa; to cause to be glori- fied, holitopuchi. Olorv. n. Holitopa, aholitopaka, isht aholitopaka, shohpakali, holitopi3t annoa;glorious, aholitopaka; a place for honor or glory, aholitopa- Glossy, a. iVIalantah. Glove, n. Ibbak foka. Glue. a. Kaueto; glue pot. kaucto ahonni; ■ to glui' tog'ther, ai ulbochih. ittolboehi; glu'd tog th T, ittolboh; glutinous, shln- . ushbi. Gleet, n. HtJta; to have gleets or whites, hutah antia. Glutton, a. Hatak irapa shahli. Gnash, v. Xoti it ai issochi. Gnat, n. YiKofa, shushi; buflfa'o gnats, haehulopushki; dog gnats, yikutfa. Gnaw, v. Kilihih; gnavvlng'. kilhih. Go, V. la; if two, iti ach^; if more than two, ilhkoli;go and stay, ontantaoutai yashah; go by, ont ia; to go on farther, achakali- chi; to go to, ai onah akkanuHi; to go near, bilinkut ona, akkanallili; to go on foot, akkayah, akka noah; to go down, akka ia; to go oV'^r or across' atantjplichi, auanapolih; where to go ov t. atanapa; to go oaciiward, falamoah; to go asid'', nchupli, fiehupah, lichupolih; to go slowly dawn, (as wat'r) halatu kuUo; to go in,'chukkowa; goon, (if one) mia; if mor'> than one, hotepah; to go continual- ly, ihiyah; to go back to, i falamao; aiiout to go, "lahosi.ia chintuk; to go in or unto, iba chukkowa; to go with, ibai ia, awant ia; we all go, iloh ia, iloh ilhkoli; to go by, im ia imaiya; to go over or abov'', abanuplih, tanublih, tanuplih, abanupli- ehi; go and bring, ishti'chi; both going or gon'\ itti achi; going side by side, itta- potah; several go ng about, ittanowah; to go back to each other, itti falamah; to go in or going in. raaiah ubihah; to go out, as fire, mosholih; to cans > fl"" to go out, moshoUch'; to go in a wrong direction, naksiKa ia; to go down h II, akottohat; to cause to go fast, pulhkichih: to go under as wat T, yullullih; to go through, hhp- ulli, hlopulli; to go and return, falamut t3la Chi; to go back, falamut; going back, falamut aya; 1 go, ia li; 1 can go, ia la bin la; you go, isht ia; you can go, ish ia hinla; 1 !t us go,ki1 ia," \>'t us all go, kil ilhkoli kilohia; to go olf forevi'r, bilia- chih; to cause to go otf forever, bilia- chichi. Goat. n. Isi kosoma; male goat, issi kosoma nakni; femal'' goat, issi kosoma tek; kid, isi kosomushi, issi kosoma ushi. Gobble. V. Temah, olaJi; gobbling, t'himah, olahanehih; gobbler, fakit nakni, fakit homutti. God. It. Chitokaka, chihowa; godliness, chitokaka holitobli, chihowa holitobli; godly, chihowa nan ai ahni, holitopa; inspiration of God, chihowahut nakfoki- chi; kingdom of God, Chitokaka apeli- chika, chihowa aphlichika; love of God, Chitokaka isht i hullo, chihowa i hullo mercy of God, Chitokaka hokut i nukha- klo, chihowa nan isht i nukhaklo, ai i nukhaklo; omnipotince of God, Chito- kaka nana okltiha im aiya, Chitokaka nana moma im aya; omniscience of God, Chitokaka nan okluhaka Ithana: omn^" pr'ss'mc' of God, Chitokaka himmon* achufanli kanima moma anta; praise o^ God, Chitokaka ai im aholitopa, chihowa ahnichi; son of Go of Jod, 'Jhihowa i chukfi ulhpo ush ; an o )edi- ence to God. <..'hiho\va im at; a; a d'sbe- li"Ver'in God, (an athiest) Chihowa i yimrai keyu; an unknown God. Chihowa kuna ik ithuno; the almighty God, Ch'howa Chitokaka, Chihowa moma i shahli; rev 'lat on of God. Ch hovva sht otuni; gods, naholbut to'a putta. Gold, //. Tuli lakna, tuli holisso lakna: gold m'ue, tuli lakna akula, tuli holisso lakna akula. Good, a. Achukma, aiyoba, hopoyuksa, hoehukma. s 'eraiugly: good, achukma ahoba; good in the hightest degree, achu- yukma, achukma; very good, achukma fehna, achukma aiahli; bett 'v, achukma i shahli; best, achukma moma i shahl', achukma; still good, achukma moma; not good, achukma keyu, makali. ikackukmo to improve or make good, achukmal'chih achukmali, aiyooali; to look good, achuk malit pisa: a good plac/', ai achukma, a, yoinba; a very good place, ai achukma, ai yo )aka; a better plac ', ai achukmaka; to take good car', ai yonali; to be good, ai yoba, hocukma; good talk, anumpali achukma, anumpuli impunna; good nature, bashka; goodness, hochukma, nana achukma, nana aiahli; to make th 'm good, hochukmalichih, hojhuk- malih; lam good, siachukma; b )th good achuma bika, ittatiiklot achukma; all good, achukma bieka, achukma moma, moma achukma; in good health, ayum- bakah. Goods, n. Ulhpoyak; groceries, ilimpa ulhpoyak; drygobds, nan toshbi, ulhpo- yak. Goose. ??, Shilaklak tek; a wild goose, hakha: a tailor's goose, nafoka ishthumi chito; gooseberry, yuhlo ulhpoa. Gore. V. Bahlih; to cause to i><3 gored, bahlichih. Gosp'-'l, II. V )anumpa, uba isht anumpa. Oassi*), IK Anumpa chukushpa shahlih; a gossiper. anumpaehukushpashali, anumpa chukushpa shall. Gougiv V. Follih, fullih; gouged, fulah. Gourd, /). Lokush, shukshobak; a water gourd or dipp-r. ishtkufa. Govern, v. Pehlichi; governed, miko, ulthi i miko kufna; to make a govornor at, amikochi. (;rab. V. Tihliffih, pi, tihlolih: grabbed, tihlifah, tihloah. Grace, n. Chihowa holitobli, ayupa isht i kana: graceful (in manners), aiukli, isht imaka. Grain, n. 13ni. anih, tauch^, issubupa, onish lakchi. Grand, a. Chito: to cause to be grand, chitoliehi; grandeur, chaha, holitopa; grand-mother, ippokni; a granddaughter GEANT 81 HALL ipokt k: a grand son, ipoknaukui: grand father, imafo. errant, v. Inia, aiokpt^chi. frrapp. n Paki; a grape vine, pakapi; grape juiee, paki okchi, pakokchi: to piill down a grape vine, pakapi hiiffih. Grapple, v. Hokli. itti hokli, halulli; to grapple together, kiselih. «rasp. V. Yiehiffih, hokli. ishi. Grass, n. Hnshnk; crab grass, hashukputa. water grasses, hashnk tslhpoa; sedge grass, hashuk bassi; mowed or grass cut, hashuk busha; to cut grass, hashnk bushli; dry grass, hashuk busha shila; large grass, bashuk chito; grassy, hashukfoka to feed with with grass, hushuk ipht ipetah: to cause to eat grass, hushuk ai irapuchi; a grass blade, hoshuk isht bi3shli; a grass roof, h»3shuk isht holmo: to rake hay or dry grass, hushuk shila itti3nahlih; a grass or straw bed, hushuk patulhpo; to dry grass, hushuk shililiah; a grass eater, hashuk upa; a place from Avhich grass has been cut, hushuk abusha: bear grass, pissah. pissah chula: grass hopper, hatafo, hatuffo, shakili. CIrate. v. Mih'lomh; grated, mihlofah, mihlohah: continually grating, mihlo- hoiflih; a grater, tanchi isht mihlolhih, amihlofah. Grateful, n. Aiokpanchi. Gratify, i\ Fihoplih; gratified, fihopa. Grave, v. Holluppi; to lay in a grave, ahulluppi bohli; to dig agrave, aholluppi kullih; a grave stone, aholluppi tuli hikia; a grave yard, aholluppi, hattak ahollupi aholluppi holihta; monument, isht ikhanahe; service at the grave, ahopl ka ishtal utta he ulhpesa; mourners, tabashi ulhleha; prayer, anumpa ilbusha. Gravel, /;. Tull taloshik, tuli foka. Gravy, ». Bila. Gray, n. Tohbi, huta. -^ Graze, v. Ilopohka; xo cause to graze, hopoh kuchi. Grease, /<. Bila; to grease, fokkichi, litik- fochih, bila, ahammichi; greasy, bila bichah; melted grease, bila; uumelted grease, bila akmi; greased, litikfo, bila ahamah, to pour grease on, bila ohlalih: grease poured on, bila ohlayah; grease for a lamp, bila pula toba, to continue to grease, fokkihinchi; to grease at last, fokkiechi; greasy, litikfo; to make grease, litikfochih; I am" greasy, salitikfoh. Great, a. Hocheto, chito; greatness, chiuto, hocheto; to be great, chitoh; to make great, ehitolih; great ones, hocheto. Greedy, a. Anuktupah iksho: to be or being greedy, anuktupah, issikopa. bunna atupa. Green, rr. Okchamali; pale green, okchakko, bright green, kilikoba; green, (not ripe) okchaki, okchukkochi walohah wulwuki. Greet, v. Ai okpanehi; greeting, ai okpa- nchi; not greeting, ai okpanehi keyu. Greyhound, n. Ofi puihki. Griddle, v. Puska tuspuska anuna. , I'ridiron, ??. Tuli nip aiulhpusha. : Grief, n. Nauukhaklo, to grieve, nukhak- j lochi; grievous, okpulo. nukhaklochi. Grind v. Fotohli, botohli, shohliehi; ; groud, lotoha, bota, shuachi; a place for I grinding, afotoha; a back tooth or grin- I der, isht hopasa; a grind stone, tul ashua- i chi, tasheka, chashumpik, iskiffa ashua- ! chi. ; Grip, V. Yichitfi, kiseli. ; Grist, n. Fotoha. ! Grit, n. Lakchi; coarse grit, as sandstone, i shikkulah. 1 Groan, v. Hiha, kiffaha; frequent groan- I ing, hihiha, kiftahahah; to cause to groan ' kiffahuchi. ! (irooni, n. Hatak himona ohpyo ittawaya. Groove, v. Patahlichih: grooves, patahli. i Ground, n. Yakni; to ground, akkatulah; i ground nut, waya, yaknukwaya, yakni i j bula. I Group, v. Lokohli. Grow, r. Hofantli, ofl'o, aliktih, okpichillih; growing or grown, aliktih; to cause to grow, aliktichih; grown to manhood, hofanti; I am grown, sahofuntih; just grown, himona hofantih. Growl. V. Kilihah, tiklihah. Grub. V. Itakshish kuchi; a grub worm yalali. Grudee. v. I nukkilli. Grunt. V. Hlukah; grunting, hluka, hlukh- luah. Guard, v. Atoni; unguarded, ahaik ahuo. Guess. V. Im ahoba, himak fokalechitmiha. Guide. V. Apesanchi, ufunulih; a guide, apesuchi, tikba heka; guided, ufunah. Guilt. H. Ai ashuchika; guiltless, haksi keyu; to find guilty, onochih. Gull. V. Haksichi; gullet, isht nanubR. Gulp. v. Bulakachih. Gum. n. Nuta balakchi, nuta hika; sweat gum, hika; wax or gum, hlittilli; black gum, hushupa, itunih. Gun n. Tanampa. tanapoh; gunsmith, tanamp ikbi, tanamp aiska. Gurgle. V. Wunlohuchih; gurgling, chubo- huchi. chobohhanchi. Gut. n. Iskuna; my entrails, suskuna. H Habit. 7). Ai momuchi, ai yommohmi, ayummohmi, akaniohni, ayohmi; habit- ual, ai moniuclii; habitation, aisha; habit- ually, chatuk, chokumo. Hack, V. Chanli; a hack, iti chanmli, iti chunaha. Hail, //. Hatafo, hatuffo: hailstorm, hatuffo: to cause hail, hatafochih; to hail, hatafo. Hair. ;/. ilishi; having hair, ■ ishi asha; to be hairy, hishashah; long hair, hishi falaia; having much hair, hishi chito having no hair, hishi iksho; having hair grown, hishi toba; to grow hair, hishi tobah; lock of hair, haksun hishi; front or bang lock, ibishshuchi; hair of the head, pashi: hair of the hand or body, hishi; gray hair, pashi tohbi, yushbokoli; my hair, supashi; curly hair, yusbonoli wonoksho. Hall. n. Aboha itti takla. HALLOO 82 HEALTH Halloo, r. Apahlichih, all; to hollow, holi- tobllehi holltobli. HaJo. n. Achukmaka, nlpi achukma. Halt a. Kinafa, (lame) to halt or walk, lamely, tabiklih; a place where to halt, ahilechi: halter, Ibihcholo, foka. Halve. V. Ita pahlulli; halved, Ita pahlata. Ham. n. Obi. Haines, n. Iti ikoula; hame string; iti ikonla foka isht talakehi Hammer, n. Isht boa, nan ishtboa chufok isht boa; to hammer, bohli; hammered, boah; shoe hammer, isht boa iskitini; sledge hammer, tijli isht boa chito. H:iiiimo<'k, /?. Bokkoh, (ie hammock land). Hamper, v. Anuktuklochih; hampered, anuktukloh. Han 'I, n. Ibbak; to hand, ima. echi; to shake hands, ai okpuchi; hand it here, anechi, echi; the right hand, isht imma: left, afabi; my hand, subbak; handker- chiet, nan tapuski. Handle, n. Ahalulli. ahakli. aieshi, ai ulphi, to handle in conversation, isht anumpuli; touched or handled pashohah to touch or handle, pashohlih. potoli, isht anta. Handsome,, n. Aiukll, pisa achukmli, pi. hochukma. ayumba; not handsome, akajoklo, makali. Ha'i.f, V. Takalichi. takali; if more than one, takohlichi taholi, takomaya, to hang liy the neck,;;nuksitelih: hung by the neck, nuksitah; hang over, afahatati; a place for hanging by the nock, anuk- sita, anuksitili. liattak anuktilih; to hang on to, halanli; to hang many, nuk- sitohlih; to hana up, takalichi' tako- lichi; hung np. takohli; hanging the head to one side, chiksanali; a hang- man, hattak nuksitili. Hank, n. Pouola shuna talakehi, ponola shuna, ponoshona. Happen, v. Akaniohmih; to have some- thing happen, isht akaniohmih. Happiness, n. Ayukpa. isht ilaiyukpa. nan, yukka, nan" isht ilayukpa: the place of happiness, nan ayukpa; to be happy, imachukma Harbor, ?'* Fohah: a harbor for vessels, peni aiatuya. pen ataya. Hsird, a. Kullo, hakmo, kamussah, chalak- bi chilakbih: hard as flint corn hlim- impa: to become hard, as a roasted po- tato, kachumbi: diilicult or hard, palo- mmih: to harden, as grease or water, akmichih: hardened, akmih, akmoh; to Harden, kullochi kamusuli; hardened, kulo kumussa; hardihood, chukush nak- ni; hardy, hattak nipi achukma; hard- ware. n. Atuya. Ladle, /i. Xakabila. ishtkufa. Ijady, n. Ohoyo; ladylike, ohoyo imma, ohoyo holba. Ta-. '". Ulbul aya. r.ji„'ooii, n. Hayip, haiyip okhutta i fil- umma, Lake, /(. Okhutta, haiyip; a lake caused by a beaver dam, hohtak; a small pond or lake, hohtak ushi; okhutushi. Lamb, n. Chukti. uLhpo ushi. chukfi ushi. Lame, a. Tabikli, chahikli, hanahehi, shaioksholi, kinafa. Lament, v. Yayah, tabashih; Lamp, n. Bila pula, Lampass, n. Xutakbachi. Land, n. Yakni; land above,uba yakni. Landih^, n. Feui ataya akucha. Lancet, n. Issish isht kuchih; Lane, n. Holihta ittintakla. Langua'ere, n. Anumpa: bad language, anumpa okpullo; good language, anum apa achukma: obscene lauguagk, chaka Ea; to speak a foreign language, bulba- ah. Languid, a. Hlipushi, kotah, tikambih; to languish, hlipushichih; languor, hli- pushi. Lanlt, a. Yuhapa. Lantern, n. Pula afoka. Lap, V. Holukshih, ishkoh; the lap. iyobi pakna; lapstone, aluUchi; lap board, abushli. Larceny, n. Hukopa. Lard, n. Shukha bila, bila; leaf lard, ihlapa. Large, a. Chitoh hoeheto; to make large, chitolih, chitolichih, hochctochih hoch- etoli; to be very large or long, aiakah, ayakah; to cause to be very large or long, ayakachih; not large, ikchito. Lark, n. Shonolo, shonlolo. Larynx, n. Ikolupi, kolumbish. Lascivous, n. Haksi. Lash. V. Fummi, hlukkahah; lashed, fumma; to give one lash, hlukalichih; to continue, Ulukalihinchi. Last, a. Ishtaiopi; at last" himmakka, polaka; a shoe last, shulush atobah. Latch, V. Afachalih: to cause to latch, afachalichi; latched, afachah. Late. a. Ahchiba, cheki, himona; lately, cheki, cheki kash. chekosi kash. Latent, n. Luma, ikhaiako. Lath, n. Ulbuska, chukka ulbuska. Lather, ». Pokpoki. Land, v. Hummohlih: laudable, ai okpan- cha hinla, ahninchi ulhpesa. Laudannm, », Islikot nusi, lotnum. Laugh, n. Yukpah olulli: laughable, isht i yukpa ulhpesa; to cause laughter, yukpali. Laundry, n. Nan ai achifa; a launderer, hattak nan achefa; laundress, ohoyo nan achefa. Laurel, n. Tushhlukna, kalmia. Law, n Nanulhpisa, anumpa olhpisB; a law book, nan ulhpisa holisso; a written law. anumpa ulhpisa holisso; a law maker, anumpa ulhpisa ikbi; lawless, anumpa ulhpisa iksho; to nulify or repeal the law, anumpa ulhpisa akshochih; a lawyer, anumpa ulhpisa isht utta, nan ulhpisa isht utta; to become a law, anumpa ulhpisa ahlit tobah; to break or violate a law, anumpa kobulfih; a repeal- ed law, anumpa ulhpisa kobaffah. Lay, r. Bohlih hokchih; to lay down, akkabohlih, buchaiih; to lay them there, at or on, aiashachih; to lay across, ai yukhunnah; ;;ahasalih, abauulih; laid across, ai yukhanavah, bushkuchih, bachayah, ab'asah, to lay acJoss, as corn rows, ai yukhanilih; to lay them across, ai yukhannih; to lay down lengthwise, bachali; laid lengthwise, bachah bucha- yah; to lay them down, bacholi; laid down ill rows, bachohah; to lay up or lay down, bohlih; coutinually laying up bohohlih, boyuhlih; laid up in rows side by side, buchohah, bushkuchi; to lay aside, to or by self, ilabohlih; to lay it down, kahpulih; to lay it on, uuochih onashochih. onochih; laid on top of each- other, ittalata; to lay on top of each other, ittalatulih; laid several thickness- es on each other, ittalutkuchi; to lay across the tree or log, iti abunah, iti apanalih; to lay it down to or at, abach- alih; laid down to ar at, abachayah; to lay across, ai okhonnilih; laid across, ai okhanuayah Lazy, a' Nan intukobi, intukobi; laziness, nan intukobi. Leach, n. Ahoya, ahoiyah, aholuya; to leach or filter, hoUuyah; leached or fil- trated, holuyah, holiyah, hoyah. Lead, ». Naki; lead mine, naki akula; white leac nakhuta. Lead, v, Halullih, lauelih, pi, pehlichih, tikba heka; to lead by, ahalullih ahalull- ichih; leading, halulli; to load me. sah- ullih; a leader of men, hattak i miko hopii; a leader or pilot, tikba hika: to lead astray, yoshublih; lead astray, yoshubah. Leaf, n. Hishi, (of a tree) leaf of a book, holisso putta.putta; leafless, hishi iksho; ' having leaves, hishi asha; to put out leaves, hishi tobah; dry leaves, hushtup. League, n. Kowi tuchina. Leak, v. Hoiyah. hoyah, oka hlopullih, hoya; leaked, holiyah, holuya; leaking, hoUiiya; to cause to leak, hoiluyuchi; to leak out, bichillih; leaky, hoya, oka hlopulli. LEAN 40 LIGHT Lean, a. Chuna; leanness, chunnah; to f)roduce leanness, chunnaehih; I am ean, saehunnah; to lean over, waiyah; several leaning over, waiyohah, waly- okuchih. Leap, V. llatonchih, mollih, tullih, tul- uplih; a leaper, hatonehl. Leani, v. Ikhuunah, ikhtjnanctiih, akost- ininchih; to learaat, ai ithana; a learniT, ai ithana, nan ithana; a place of learning holisso ai ithana holisso ai ithananclli; learning, holisso impunna; to learn from or of, imaiithanah; educated or learned, impunna, nan impunna. Lease, v. Impota, pota. Leather, n. Wak haksup homma, nahak- ghuk lapushkit ulhtaha; sole leather, wak hakshup homma sukko; upper leather, wak hakshup homma; calf skin leather, wak ushi hakshup lapushkit »3lhtaha; dressed buckskin, talhko. Leave, v. Issah, kanchih, bohlih, left, ktsnia, chufah; to make leave; ehuffichih. Leaven, v. Nashutummichih, shatummih; a leaven. nasht;tt3mmich, shatummi. to make leave, shattjmmichih; leavened shattsmmih. Lecture, v. Anumpulih: a lecture, anumpa. Ledge, n Tuli iton tulhkuchi. Ledi^er, n. Holisso, Leech, n. Hallus, yallus; horse leech, hallus ehito. Leek, n. Hatofalaha. Lej?, n. lyuppi, hanoli, hulhki, iyulhki; fore leg , fulup; the leg bone, hind leg, obala, hulhki foni; thigh, obi iyubi; calf of the leg. iyi hulhki, iyi i shilukua iyubi achosholi; joint, itachakuli joints, itachakli; knee, iyi kulaha; muscle, akshish; pastern joint, iyakiska; shank, iyi; shin, iyinchibako, iyinchampko; shin bone, iyinchibako foni; sinew, akshish; veins* issish i hina; ankle iyi iraoksak, iyimosak; ankle bone, iyi imoksak foiii; ankle joint, iyi tilokuchi; artery, chukush issish i liina; cross Lagg- ed, iyi itontxjllichi; foot, iyi, toe, iyushi; big toe, iyishke: little toe, iyixsh ushli; toe nail, iyakchush. Legal, u. Anumpa ulhpisa ai ulhpisa. Leggin, n. lyubbiha: Legible, a. A.i itira anumpula hinla, haiak- ah otunih. Legion, ?i. Laua fehna, talhlep^h sepokni tuchina foka, leehun. Legislate, v. Anumpa tslhpisa ikbih; legis- lated, anumpa t:slhpisa ikbi; legislature, nan ulhtokut nan ulhpisa ikbih, nan apesa. Lend, u. Impotah, i potah; lending some- thing, nun i potah; a lender, impota. Length, n. Falaia, hopaki; to lengthen, falaiachih; great length, hoffoloha; to make them of great lenth, holfulohuchih; lengthy, falaiah; lengthened, falaiah; to lengthen by splicing, achakaehih, acha- kalih: not lengthy, ikfalaio. Leprosy, n. Ililli okpullo, iiplosi. Less, a. Iklauo. Lest, conj. Na. Letter, n. Hollisso in(!huwa, hoUisso, letta, i anumpa hollisso nowutaya; to mail a j letter, holisso bahta chito fohkih; a let- ' ter or mail bag, holisso ai olhto; a post office, holisso akaha. holisso nowut aya atiwa. Lettuce, n. Okchaki upa, letis. Level, V. Anumpisochih, itti]auechih; to be levil, ittilauih. to makelevii, ittilaue- chih; level land, yakni mutalih; to flat- ten and level, tak'ossalih; flattened and leveled, takossa. Lever, ??. Isht afana, isht afina. Lewd,/?. Hawi, haui. haksi; to cause lewd- ness, hanechih haksichih. Liable, a. Hinla. Liar, n. Holabi Libel, n. Anumpa chukushpa; to libel, anumpa chukushpa ikbih, anumpa chuk- ushptjlih; libelant, anumpa chukushpa shahli. Liberal, a. Ima im achukma. Librarian, n. Holisso aiasha apesuchih, library, holiaso ai asha. Licentious, a. Haksi; to cause licentious- nesa, haksichih. Lick, V. Holukshih, shukah; to hck re- peatedly, holuhakshih; a lick lukfopa. Licorice, n. Hotilhko kuchi. Lid, n. Ampoholmo, isht ompohomo. Lie, v. Holobi, anumpa holabi; to lie up- on or over, ahlipa; to tell a lie on, ahala- bih, to lie hard in the stomach, anuk- bikelih; to lie low or on the face, bihle- pah hlepah, hlipkuchih, lying on the ground with the face downward, bihlirn- pah, hlipiut, hlipil, hlepiah; to lie down, akka ittolah, ittolah. tushkih; lying down, akka ittuyulah, kahah, ittolah; both laid down, akkakaiyaha; all laid down, akka kahut aiashah, akka kahut mavah; to lie with the back to the Are, alahkih; to make lie with the back to the fire, aiahkichih; lying lengthwise, bushkuchih, buchohah; to sit or lie, chiyah; a worshiper, that lies on his face, hli piut ittulah; to lie (i. e. totell)holu- bih; do not go abont telling lies, as holnbit ish nohowa nah; to belie, holu bichi; to lio about each other ittaholubih; to lie on back, tulluyah: to lie on the back with the face up watvlhpit; to lie on, onatulah. Lieutenant, n. Kapitunniiakaiya. Life, n. Nan okchaya, okchaya, ilhfeopak, aiokchaya; to destrov life, fiopa tuplih; lifeless, illih, nusihha. Lift, V. Wakelih; to be able to lift, lauih; to lift up, wHkelih; to lift me, salowih, sawakilih, sawakelichit: to lift up the head, ubahchakalih; to cause the head to belifted up, t3bachakak'ehih. Light, n. Tohwikeli; to make a light, tohwikelichih; dim light, tohfokolih; sudden lights, (as those from a light- ning bug ), tojikaslih tokassalih, tohmao- lih, tohkallih; to lighten tohmaUih. tohraallichih hushuk mullih; lightning, tokmaslih, hushnk mulli, mulutha, tohkallih. continulallv lightning, malu- tmaya, to make light, by decreasing tne weight, shohalallh, light (not hesivy) shohhulah; brightning or getting light, shohmalalih; clearing up or getting light, shohmalalih: to cause to clear or get light, shohmalalichih; I am light, LIGHTS 41 LOOSE (not heavy) sashuhhulah; a light color, liutaohi hi3ta; to light up this way. et tohwikolih; a lamp lit, bila tohwikcli, bila pula; light horsemen, issuba o bini- li; about day light, onnut taha; light fingered, hukumpa: light headed, tasim- bo. chukfoloha; to make light, (as light- ing a lamp) palalih; a tree killed by lightning, hilohubi. Lights, n. Shulukpa Like, tt. Holba. hobachit; to make like, holbuchih; made like, holbut toba. to be like achoyuhmih, bikah, chohmi, chomi; to love or to like, auushkunnah; to make exactly like, choyumichih; to mimic or talk light,hobachit anumpuli, to write like another, hobachit holisso- chih: to make like another, hobachit ikbih: alike, ittiholba, ittiobah; in ap- pearance, like this, ohmih; to liken, ohmihchih; te be like, ohmih: being like ohmih; unlike or not like, ikchohrao; likelv, hinla; perhaps or likely, hah, chohmi, chechuk, chechike. to speak like another, hobachit miha: to walk like another, hobachit nowa; likeness, holba; to make a likeness, hobachit ikbih; to make somewhat like, ahobanli; to cause to appear like, ahobalih; like- wise, akinli, mut; liking ahuinchi; in- tensely liking, ahniechi. Lily, 7?.'Napakanli, lilli. Limb, n. Hanali (of an animal) limb of a tree, naksish; my limbs, sahanalih. Limber, a. Wuhlohbi, pulokuchi: to make limber, walohbiehih; to be limber, palolohhah, to make limber, palolohu- chih i wulbhbichih. Limestone, n. Tuli tohbi. Limit, n. Ai uhli; limitless, ai ulhli iksho. Limp, V. Kinnaklih, tabiklih. chabeklih. Line, v. Alatali, lapalichih, hlafih; a line or row, bachaya, hlafa, isht folullichih, blacking, to make a line with, nan isht lusachi; to face or line, olutalih; facing or linig, ulutah. Lineage, n. Chukka achufFa isht atia. Linen, n. Ponola, kullo nantunna; linen thread, ponola kullo nan isht ahchuwa; linen handkerchief, pono kullo nan tapuski. Linguist, n. Anumpa tusholi. Liniment, n' Nipi hotupa ikhish, liniment. Lion, n. n. Koi chito; lioness, koi chito tek. Lip, n. Ittiulbi; thick projected lips, itak- boshuli; upper Ub turned np, ibakpishili, ibakpishashli; my lips, satiulbi. ' Liquor, n. Xan ishko, oka homi; a seller of liquors, ako homi kunchi. Listen, v. Hoponakloh, hakloh; a listener, hoponaklo, hoponaklo nahaklo; a good listener, hoponaklo achukma; to cause to listeh, hoponakluchih; look out! listen! ma! Little, a. Iskitini, kunomosi, (i. e. few) iklauo, chubehasi. Live, V. Okchayah, anta, ahanta; to live by, ai okchayah; to live with iba chuk- kah: to live together in one house, itta chukkah; to live together, ittahayuchih; living, nan okchaya. Liver, 71. i^alakha; niy liver, sussulakha. Lizard, n. Halachalawa, chalawa; chame- leon or green lizard; fcni imalukusi; a small lizard that runs under leaves, hushtup yululh. Lo! iiif.j. Eheha! yakih! yaki. Load, i'. Alotolih; loaded, alotah, ulhpitt- ah. Loam, n. yakni paknali. Loan, u. Pota. Loathsome, a, Okpullo. Lobster, ?i. Shakchi chito. Locate, v. Binilichih. Lock, n, Ishtashana; to lock, ashunnichih; locked, ashana; a padlock, luksi; stock lock, aboha ishtashana; lockjaw nutak- fakullo. Locust, n. Hawa, hawa washa; black lo- cust tree, kuti holba. kutbi lusa; honey locust tree, kuti; katydid; (a spi?cies of locust,) chashaiyi. Lodge, V. Takalih,' itonlah, antah; to lodge in a fork, kafulih; a lodge or camp, bin- ah; lodging, anusi. Lol'ty, a. Chaha. Log, n. Iti; to lay across a log, itiabunah, iti abaualiht the upper side of a log, iti apakna, iti apakuaka; the under side of a log, iti nuta, iti nutaka; a hewed log, itipatussa; a rotten log, iti tushbi; a foot log, uhchup; honse logs, chukka ittubo- na; a log house raising, chukka itta- bunni; a notched log house, aboha lan- laki; a rib pole for a log house, abo ha naksi. Loin, Chushwa nipi. Loiter, v. Chukka apullit aya. Loll, V. Hahkah; to cause to loll, huhk- uchih, Lonely, ad. I chukkilissah. Long, a. Falaia, hoffulloha; long and slender, fabussa; to make long and slen- der, fabussuchih; all long and slender, fabuskuchih; oblang, falaia kut awata ka i shahli, long winded, fiopa i falaia; to make them long, hoffulohuchih; a long distance, hopa ki; a long time, hopa- ki; longer as to time or distance, hopaki i shakli; longest, hopaki, i shaiyahli. it will last a long time, hapaki ho tuha chi; to go a long distance, hopakichi; to take long steps, hopakichit haplih: to make very long, hopahkinchih; to increase distance, hopakiehichih; by and by, if long, hopakikma; when it shall be long or far, hopakikmako, hopaki- oh-mako; not long, ikfalaio, falaia keyu, yuskololi, j'ustololi, yushkololi; not a long distance, ikhopako, hopaki keyu; so long as, na; gone long distance, olanlichih keyu, olulichih keyu; long range, as a gun, pulhkichih; I am long, safahlayah; long way off, pillah; long since or long ago, hopaki kash, hopaki pilla kash. LooI(, V. Hopokoyoh, hopopoyo, hikiah, hoyoh; a look out, hopokoyo! to look about, ho pumpoyoh; to take one look, hopunnawoh; to look for, hoyoh; go and look for it, hotia; to cause to look after, hoyochih; to look repeatedly, hoyohon- chih; to look for each other, ittihoyoh; look! a word of warning, ma, to look at me, sapisah; looking glass, apisa. Loom, n. Nan atunna. Loop, n. Ahlifcchi. Loose, V. Yuhuplih, shohchupli, hlitofih, LOQUACIOUS 42 MAN" hotofih,; to unhitch or get loose . mokof- fih; unhitched or j?ot loose, mokofah; to b© untied or get loos ■, makohlih, hlitoa; loose, mokohah; to loosen, fatokoehih, yohaplih, yuhapolih; to become loose, fatolichih, yuhapa: loose or loosely, yohapa hoyopa; to untie or to loosen, hlitolih; untied or loosened, hlitoa; to loosen tiloliehih shochohah; loose or shaking-, tilokuchl; to have loose bowels, ikflah, okfiah; loosened, shochopah, yuhapoh, hlitolah, holhtohfah. Loquacious, ((. anumpuli shchli, itakhu- poli. Lord, n. Chitokaka; lordship, holitopa; Lord's supp T. chitok:ika im opyaka impa; Lord God, chitokaka chihowa; Lord's day, chihowa i niUik; Lord's prayer, chihowa im anumpa ilbusha- Lord's people, chihowa im okla; Lord of •hosts; uba nan okluha ilaieshi chihowa. Lose, V. I konia, yiishublih; lost, kuuia, yoshoba; if moro than one. i tamoah, tamoa; a place for losing, akt3nia; to lose sight of akuniah. Lot, //. Ai tjlhtoka; to draw lot or chance, na shuelih; a lot or chance, na shueli, an inclosure or lot hoUhta; inclosed in a lot, holihta ulbehah; to be inclosed in a lot holihta ulbohah; toinclose in a lot, holihta fohkih. Loud, n. Chitolih; loudly, chitot chitoli hosh; to speak loud, chitot anumpulih; to ring or sound loudly, chitot olah; loud sounding or loud ringing, chitot olah. Louse, n. Issup; nit, issup nihi; lice, issup laua. Love. V. Anuksitah. anushkunna, i hullo ahninchi; a lover, anushkunna, i hullo; to love a man, hattak anuksitah; to love a woman, ohoyo. aiuiksitah; not to love, ikaninchoh: to love each other, ittachuk- olbih: love, nan i hullo, peh ahnih: love of ^, akka; the lower end, akkai^shtula; i lowermost, akkafehna; to lower, akkiah, [ akkaiah, akaulichi, akanlosichih; hum- I ble or lowly, chukush akkanlusi; low ' spirit, chukush iknakno. ! Loyal, a. Imantia, i shahli imantia. j Lucid, a. Kostini, malanta, tohwekelih. s l.fHcky, n. Im ohlah Ludicrous, a. Isht yopulah. Lukewanu, a. Lahba, libisha ummona. Ivumbt'r, V. Iti busha, iti tihla; to saw lum- ber, iti bushli: to plane lumber, iti busha halushkichih; dressed lumper, iti bosha haluski. LuniiuouK, a. Tombi. tommi. Luusitic, a. Tasimbo, hattak tasimbo; a lunatic asylum, hattak tasimbo aiasha, hattak tasanibo aiasha chukka. Luuir. n. Shulnkpa, shilukpa; my lungs, Kishilukpa. Lust, V. Yushkummih; to lust after, ai i yu.shkummih; lustful, ai yushkummi: I lusted, ai yu.shkumah; to lust alter each I other, ittayushkummih. I Lyceum, //. Holisso ai akhanna. M Mad, ". Nnkoa, bashkiksho: crazy or mad, holilubi; to get mad, to pout, ht:sh ayah; to cause madness, hushayuchih; mad- ness or mad, chukcchi; I am mad, sanuk- oah; to make me mad, sanukowuchih; to madden, nukot3chih. ntikhobeluchih. Madder, v. Nan isht hommuchih. Mjig^:ot, n. Chukanushi. Matiic, ??. Fahpo, fappo; magician, fappoli, hattak fappo. Ma^uaniinous, a. Imaunkfila chito, holi- topa. Mstgiiificent, d. Holitopa, Magnify, v. Cbitolichih. Mjiguitudc, n. Chito, chinto. Mail. n. Holisso: to mail a letter, etc., holisso buhta chito fohkih; mail rider, holisso shahli. Majesty, n. Chitokaka. Mayor, a. I shahli. Make, /'. Ikbih, tobachih; to make con- tinually, ihikbih; maker, ikbi. isht utta, nan isht utta; to make a mistake at, aishueht; to make or fix at, ai atahli; to make a hole, hluah; a hole made, hlua: to make self known, ilehaiyaktjchih; to make self sullen, ilehashayuchih; to make .self well, ilehlakoffichih; to mate self worthless, ilekalukshichih; to make music, olachi; to make limber, palolohu- chih; to make a pallet or bed, patalih; to make .speckle, tiktikichih; made, toba, ikbi; not made. ikbo. M»le. V. Hattak nakni, nakni. Maiigiiaut, a. Homi fehna. MifUet. »'. nan isht boa, Iti isht boa. Man, n. Hattak; a grown man, hattak asu- nochi; an expressman, hattak anumpa, isht aya; a talking man, hatak anumpuli; a married man. hattak awaya; a profane man, hattak chakapa: an old man, hat- tak sipokni; ayoung man, hatiak himitta: a strong man. hattak hlampko; a large man, hattak chito; a small man, hattak. iskidni; a bold man, hattak chileta; a hard hearted man, hattak chukushkullo; a lean man, hattak chnna; a bad man, hattak okpullo. hattak haksi; a good man, hattak achukma; a sick man, hat- tak abeka; a well man, hattak ikabeko;, a dead mat., hattak illi; ca hattak im anukfila apessanli achukina: a talented man, hattak im anukfila achukma; a feeble minded man, hattak MANAGEE 43 MEDITATION im anukflla ikkcllo; a capricious man, hatUik, im anukfila shanaia; quick wit- tert mau, hattak, imanukfila tush pa; a high mau, huttak chaha; a low man. hat- tak ikchaho. hattak kawasha, hattak imoma; a lame man, hattak imomokpulo, a lazy man. hattak intakobi; a m< an man, hattak kalukshi; a firm man. hattak iamussa: a worthless man. hattak ohchik- imba; a wise man, hattak kostiui; a black man, hattak hisa; a yellow man, hattak lukna; a white man. nahullo, hattak iiipi tohbi; a dirty man, hattak litcha; a penurious or stingy man. hattak nan i holitOYja^ a learned mtin, hattak nan ithuna; a rich man, hattak, nan i lawa; a poor man, hattak ilhusha; an iguorant liiau, hattak nan ik ithuno: a poor .'^inful man, hattak nan ashtx-hi ilbusha; a healthy man. hattaknipi aehulima; a sleepy man, hattak nu.silhha shahli; a hangman, hattak nuksitili; a hunt.sman, hattak owctta: a severe man, hattak • palummi; headman, hattak iKjhlichi hattak pehlichika; a boatman, hattak peni I'ohkot aya; an insane man, hattak tasimlK>; a working mau, hattak toksuli; a workman, hattak nan isht utta: a murdered mau, hattak ubih; an impru- dent man, hattak ufekommi; manhood, hattak oua,hattak toba; a gentL-man, aattak holitopa, hattak ulhpesa: a red man, hattak upi homma, a ireemau, hattak yuka keyu: a bewitched man, hattak yushpakuma; a true man, hattak ahli, uakui ahli; I am a mau, nakni sia hoke. Miuiagcr, n Hattak i miko; to manage, apeseehi, isht utta. Mane. n. Chushak hishi. Mange. //, Washko. Maiiarer. 7?. Ai ilhpeta, aiimpa, Maiiffle, r. Ulil 13 tiih; mangled, hlilafah. Manifest, r. Haiakah: manifested, haiakah. Manner, n. Ai yummohmi. Mansion, n. Ai asha, chukka chito. Manslaughter, a. Hattak uoi. Mantel, lu Abatula, uuatula. , 3Iantle. n. Auchi. Many, <(. Laua, lawa; to make many; law- achih. a gr at many, apakuoeiiih; as many as, kaniohmi; lam many, salawah. Map. /(. Holisso yakui isht ulhpisa; map. Maple, ,,. Chukcho; sugar maple, chukcho kcllo, chukcho imoshi; soft or white maple, chukcho. Maraud, i\ Hukopa ittauowa. Marble, n. Toll halushki; marble quary, tuli halushki akula; a marble, tuli lombo. March, v. la, baiullit itanowa; to cause to march, baiullichih; marching, haiullit aya baiullit maya; march, (a month) mach. Mave, /(. fsuba tek. Margin, ». Alaka, Mark, ;;. Hlala, ahlafa; to mark, hlafih. hlalih, bushli; a marker, na hlafl bushli; to cause to b marked, hlalichih; to make streaks or marks, basolih, oasoli- chih, basowachih: long marks, basosuk- uchih: a mark or gash from a cut, busEa, marked, hlyfah bushah: to mark a hol- low mark, habiitih. habifflchih; not marked, ikhlafoh: to mark a line with. I isht hlafi. ' Marksman, /?. Hussa Impunna, I Marriasre, lu Ittihalulli. ! Marrow, ;». Lupi, foni lupi. ; Marry, ;•, Ittihalullih; ittauwaya, Hauway- i uchi, awaya. i Marsh, n. Okhlachako, hlabetah, hlaf< hah ' okhlachakoh. I Martin, ??.Chuki; bee martin, hush puttak. \ Mart«ing«1, //. Yuslichonolichi, issnba isht I tibinachi. { Martyr, n Atokowa kako isht illi. atakowa I anoli. ; Marvelous, a, Anukhlakuncha, I Masculine, o, Nakni imma. I Masli, V. Litolih; mashed, litowah; I am I mashed, salitowah. i Mason, n. Lukfi nuna isht utta, 1 Mast, ;j. Cni, nusi haiaka asha. , Master, n. Pehlichi, j nahullo: to master j shahLchih, Im aiyuch' h, pehlichih, I Mastieale, v. Hapasa, hoasa, bopasa, } Match, /). Luak isht ikr.i; to match, holba, ' itti laui; to make them match, holbuchih I to be made to match, holbutoba. { Mate, V. Itti lau- chih, itti hoyochih. ! Matter, //. .\ninchiclii; to matter aninchi- j chih; to cause to malt a, aninchidhichih, j Mattok, n-. Chahe iskiflfa, itakhish isht j ulmo; I Mattress, /!. Topa, Maudline, n. Haksi. oka isht haksi. Maul, v. Ishtboa, ?(an ishtboa; to maul, bohiih; mauled boah. Maxim, . Amiha. ilay. 1). Me, ahinlah, chike hinla: maybe, chike. Mayor. iu Hatak tumaha pehlichi. Me, pro. Sa, su, si. Meadow, ru Hoshuk ai umo, hashuk abuisha. Meal, n. Tanch pus hi, tanch bota; meal- time, ai impa oua. Mea;i. a. Makali, kalak.slii. Means, «. hskoUi. Meander, v. Pohlohommih; meandering. pohlomoah. Measles, n Chiliswa; to have measles or measly, chiliswa obih. Measure. )i. lshtai>esa, isht ulhpe.sa: to m'-asuro, apesah; to measure with, isht apesah; measured, ulhpisah; measurably chuyohmi, chohmi chiyohmi. Meat,'/-. NJpi, ilimpa, ilhpak; hog meat, shukha nipi; bi-ef meat, wak nipl; venson or deer meat, issi nipi; fresh meat, nipi okchaki dried m-at or bacon shukha nipi shila; meat house, nipi i chukka; meat markol, nipi akunchi, nipi achum- pa; TxniHt meat, nipi ulhpusha, nipi ulbtmih; Inikcd m-at, nipi ulhpu.sha; barbecued meat, nipi ulbunih; boiled meat, nipi honnih, cooked meat, nipi hlabochah; fri.d meat; nipi ulwosh; stewed meat, nipi honnih; meat; nan ilhpak; good meat, nipi achukma; sweet meat, nipi ehnmpuli. Mechanic, n. Nan isht utta. isht utta chuk- ikbi. Meddle, r. Ataklummih. Mediator, n. Hattak nan olubichih, itti takla hlkiut tosholih. Medicine, n. Ikhish, okhish. ishhish. Meditation, n. Anukfilli; to meditate, MEEK 44 MOCK anakfillih. Meek, a. Chukush ynhbih; moekniuktaula, yohbi. Mile, n. Kowi; a mile, kowiachufla- Military, a. Tushka chipota, imma. Milk, n. Pishukchi; to milk, beshlichih, ibishlichih, i wishlichih; milked, bish- ahchih; a milker, bishlichi: milk pan, pishukchi ai ulhto, milk strainer, pish- ukchi isht hoya; cream, pishukchi pakna uia; cream pitcher, pishukchi pakua ai ulhto; butter, pishukchi nia butter milk, pishichi nia okchi; milky, pishukchi ohmih; milkyway, ofi huta kolofa i hina. Mill, n. Afotoha: a saw mill, iti absuha: coffee mill, kafi afotoha; a mill (a coin) mill, pokoli kut siut achuffa; miller, fotohli, fotoli. Millenium, n. Afummi tahlepa sipokni achutfa itti takla ka yakui momakut chisus klaist a im antia he bano. micha setan iksho ka he hoke. Mimic, V. Hobachih; to mimic by talking, hobaehit anumpuli; to mimic iii walking I hobaehit nowa; to mimic in writing j hobaehit holissochi [ Mind, n, Im anukiila; to mind, hakloh, it- ; hanah, pisah, imantiah; mcndful, hakloh; 1 the mind of man, hattak im anuktila; a j good mind, im anuktiht achukma; a man ; of mind, hattak imauuktila aslia, a feebl- ed minded man, hattak im anuktilla ik I kullo; being of one mind, ittachuff'a. i ittaiachuffa; to herd or to mind, pehli- I ehih; a herder or minder, pehlichi." ! Mine, //. Akula, tuli akula; it is mine, uno I yokah; mine, su, ummi. : Minfjfle, v. Ittaiyummih, ai yummi, ai ! yummichih; mingled, ittaiyumah; to i mingle with, ai ittuyokoraraih; mingled j with, ai ittuyohoma. I Minister, n. Obanumpeshi, ubauumpa isht utta. ; Mink, n. Oshon holba. shakihba. I Minor, a. Iskitiui, ik lauo. '■, Mint, 7t. Shinuktihleli; mint. ; Minute, n. Hopaki achutfa; minit, minit [ achuffa. ' Minute, a. Iskitiui, atokoa; minutia . chukushpa, I Miracle, n. Nafehna, isht ahiulo; to work I myricals, nalehnuchih. I Mire, n. Haiyiko, hlabeta; miry, haismo, t hlabinta; to make ihiry, haismochih, I hlabbetuchi hlafehuchih. : Mir or, n. Apisa. I Mirth, a. Yukpa; mirthful, yukpa. i Misehievons, n. Acheba, isht jvchiba; to I make mischievous, afikommichih; to be I mischievous, afehkommih; toomischiev- ; ious, isht achibuchih. [ Miser, n. Hattak nan i hullo, hattak nan i holitopa. I Misery, a. Apalurami. j Misfortune, n. Ishkunnapa: to cause to I meet with misfortune ishkuuaapachih. i Mislead, v. Yoshublih; mislead, yoshubah. ' Misrepresent, v. Holubit anolih. ! Miss. V. Auaktibullih, anaktibullichih i ihlakofRih ashuchi; misstinding game poaffih" to cause to miss i hlakotflchih; to mis frequently, ittibatalih, ittibatulichih: to fail to meet or miss each other, ittP^ i hlakotlih; made unlucky or missed, poa- , fah; missed or failed to hit. ihlakoifih. I Missionary, n. Oklushi ubauumpa im abuchih. ': Mist. u. Okshimmichi; to mist, okshimmi- chih. oktobollih; misty, okshimmichi, ik haiako; to mist on, onoktoboUih. \ Mistake, v. Ashuchih. ' Mistletoe, n. Funi i shupha. Mistrust, V. Aha ira ahnih. \ Mitigate, v. Yohaplih; mitigated, yohapah, I Mitten, n. Ibbak foka i Mix. V. Ai yummih, ai yummichih; a mix- i ture with liquid, ahlata; mixed together ! ahlatah; to mix a liquid with something else, ahlatahih: mixed, ai yummali; mlx- , ed with water, olhkommoh; to cause to be mixed, olhkomochih; a mixture, olh- komo; to mix together, ittaiyummih; mixed together, ittaiyumah; not mixed together, ikittaiyummoh. j Moccasin, n. Chliua'-ha, ( i e a snake), moccasin, (a shoe), taihko shulush. i Mock, V. Hobachih; to mock each other I MODERATE 45 MULATTO ittihobachih; mocking bird, hushbolbaha Moderate, v. 'Jhulosah. peh loma, nukt- aula: moderation, cliulosa; moderatclv, chiyuhmi, chohmi, ehoyohmi: moderator hattak ittunaha pebliciii, hattak ittuun- aha pehlicheka. Modern, a, "limak. himonacmodernize, himonuchih. Modest, n Ahahahui. Moist, a. Anukyolibih, auukyohbichih, hokoibi hotokbi; to moisten, shiimmi- chill, liolkulbichih hotokbichih; to be moisteued with dew. okshachakmoh, oshaebakmoh. shachokmoh: to moisten with dew, shachakmochih: moisture, shummi. Ttiolasses. /?, Hopi champuli okchi, balasis, Mole, n. Yulhkua. Molest, V. Auumpulichih, ataklummichih. Moment )u Yakosi, during the moment, yakosi ittin takia; this moment, him- onasi. Monarch, n. Miko. Mouday, ik Monti, manti. Money, ?i. Tu[i holisso: small monev or change iskuli; moneyed iskuli in lawa. iskuli imma. Monster, n. Nan okpullo, nan isht ahullo okpulo; monstrous, okpullo. Month, n. Hushi; this month, himak hushi: one month, hashi achnffa; month- ly achuffdkma, hushi aivuka; bv the month, hcshi ulhpisa. Monument, 7). Isht ikhana he. Moon. n. Hushi ninak aya; moonlight, hushi ninak-aya tohwikeli, nittuk omih, to eclipse or hide the moou, hushi lumih the moon eclipsed or hidden, hushi luma an eclipse of the moon, hushi kunia; full moon, hushi bolukta; to become full moon, hushi boluktuchih; the new moon hush, himoua; like the moon, hushi holba: a circle round the moon, hu.sli akohullih; the place wheae the moon shines, hushi ninak ava atomi, hushi atorai: the rising of the moon, hushi kuchah; disappearance of the moon, hushi loshumma; this moon, himak hushi. Morality, ». Hopoyuksa, ahopoyuksaka, anuktanla: moral, hopoyuksa; moral law, isht ahopoyuksa he nan ulhpisa. More, a. Laua i shahli, himak ma; more than common, afehna: to praise more than is due, afehuuchih; more added to, ibalhkahah. Morniu*, n. Onnahiuli; in the moruing, onnahiulikma. Morose, a. Bashka iksho, yukka iksho, bashkiksho, bashka keyu; moroseness, hulhpasha iksho. Mortnl, n. Ilia hinla: illi im ulhtavak. Mortar, n. Chukka isht ulhpolusa, i e mortar to plaster a house, a mortar for pounding corn, kitti. ahusi; pestle to to pound with, kittush. Mortification, u. Hofahva, toshbi, nipi toshbi; to mortifv. hofahvuchih, nipi toshbichih; mortified, hofahva, nipi toshbi. Moss, n. Shumo, iti sumo; moss in water, oktushi: mossy, shumo bano, shumo asha. Most, a. Laua moma i shahli. tiehna. I ^Joth, n. Xan ilayak shushi. Mother, ». Isbki; my mother, hushki yx)UT Shk-*^'"' ^^^^'*^^' '^^^ ^^^^ ^r thoii mother, 31*11 Id, } ^ Akmichih. akmochih; mold- Jiolrt, S " ed, akmih, akmoh; a foundry or mould, aiakmo; mouldy, shukbuna, ookboki. . Mou»d, H. Yakui chishinto, bokkoh. Mount, n. See mound. Mountain, a. Nunih chaha, nunih, onch- uba chaha. Mourn, v Nuhakloh, Isht nukhakloh, isht yaiyah, tabashih; to mourn for, tabashih, mourning; tabashih; mourner, tabashi; mourners, tabashi uLhleha; mournful ' nukhaklo, ilbusha; davs of mourning, tabashi nitak ulhpisa. Mouse, n. Pinti; a brown mouse, pintukfi- a grass mouse, piutuksala; mouse color- ed, toshbokoli hishi toshbi; a short tail mouse usually found in grass, yumbak Month, IK Itakha, itih; inside of the mouth, itakhaanukaka.opening the mouth wide, itakhabali; open mouth, itakyabali,- to make the mouth water, itiikchubah, spittle sticking to the mouth, ituklapowa a yellowish collor about the mouth. I ituklukna; to put in the mouth, ittih I fohkih; to put it in the mouth, kupulih, black about the mouth, ibaklnsonli my j mouth, satih; sore mouth, itukhahutupa; the mouth of a stream, bok asetili. Moveable, ru Kanull. Move, r. Kanullih kanollictih; to move to, kanullichih, akanullih; to cause to move to, akanuUichih; to move away from, iwchah; moved or stirred as "water, piakuchih poalichih; to move or stir, pialichih poalichih, poakuchih; moving rapidly, palbkih^ to make haste or move fast, tuspalichih; moved, kunia ulhto- showah; removed, kanullih, akanullih, ulhtoshowah; to move away, wihah wihut kunia; moved awav, wihah. to move slowly, yalullih; a mover, wihut aya; moving in ranks as soldiers, baiut bayah; moving in rank, baiullit ava, baiullit maya; moving about, fulokahan- I chih. I Mow, ('. Bushlih, umoh; mowed, buslia, ulmoh; a place mowed, hushuk abusha; to mow grass, hushuk bushli; mowed grass, hushuk busha; a mower, hushuk bushli, hushuk isht bushli; mown, ulmoh. Much, a. Fehna, laua, apakna; very much, ai okluha; to make much of, fenuchih; as mtifh as, kaniohmi; I am much, sufehna; I am too much, sashahlih. Mud, n. Lukchuk. hlatiko, hlatimo; mud- dy, hlatiko, hlafchah; to make muddy hlatikochi, hlatimochih hlafehuchih, hlabetuchih; mire or soft mud, hlabetah, haiyiko; a muddy or wet place, hlachiko, oklashko; to make a muddy or wet place, hlachikchih, okhlachakochih, haijko- chih. Mug, n. Isht ishko ampo, isht ishko, luftti ampo chipunta. Mu!?gy, o. Hokulbi. Mulatto; n. Nipi lakna, hattak lakna, hat- tak lusa nipi homma. MITLBEEEY 46 NEUTEE ITulberry, n. Bihi; muiberry-tree, bibi upi, bibt3pL Mule. n. Issuba haksobisb falaia. Mullen, n. Hakchuraa bolba. Multiply, n. Ittih alvahliebih, lauaclii, lauat ia, lauat toba, isht itti bakahlih; multiplied, ittilb ulhkahah, Mu:nps, )t. Ikonla shatahli. Murder, v. Hattak illichih, battak ubih; a murderer, hattak ubi, hattak bika ubi; murderous, hattal^ ubi, bat)ak bik obi shabli. Mus(ile, n. xVksbisb, shah a, okafolush; muscle shell, o-kafolu&h hakshup. Muscadine, n. Sukko Muse, V. Isht anukfillih. Mush, 71, Ashila. Music, n. Taloa, ola;^ musical, taloa imma^ nana olachi imma; musician, nan oluohi. Musknielon, n. Ochak; musk rat, kint» bolba. Muslin, ». Na tapusbki. Musiiuito, n, Sapuntak; musquito Imr, isht ahlipo- Must. V. Cbike; must have been, akutoh; must be, fotoh; mus-t not, batuk ohmij it must be^ omihah. pulla. Musty, a. Toshbi, shaklx>na. Mustard, n. Mustot. Mute-, a. Ik anumpolo, hattak ik anumpola, Mutter, t'. Anunlpont ashah, anumpont iah. Mutton, n, Chiikfi nipi. My, pro. A, um, so, mine, ummi. Myrrh, n. Mnh, Mysterious, a. Inla, ik otano; mystery, nan ik otauo, nana aluhraa, na fehna ebiuto- N Kag', n. Isstiba Iskitina. Nail, n. Tuli chutak, chuifakj wroug-ht nails, chufak boa; four- penny nais, hol- htina ushta: eight-penny, holhtina un- tuchina; large nails, tuli chufak hochito; small nails, tuli chufak chipunta; to nail, anuhlichi; nailed, anahla, abonahla; nailed at, aiahonuhJa; nailed to, ana- ^ hla; to nail on, anulhhlichih; to cause them to be nailed on, ahonol hhlichih; spike nails, chufak hochito; linger nail ibbakchiish. Naked, a, Banoh, fijhko, nipi banoh, mib bauoh, nan iksho. Nauic, n. Hohchifo; name onlJ^ hobcbifo bano, hohchifo bieka; namole?5s hohchi- fo iksho; to take a name, hohchifo ishi; a nickname, hohchifo okpulo; named, hohchefo takali, hohchifo; to name, hoh- chifochih; Wiiile naming or calling, hochifo; continually naming, hochihifo; to name each other, ittihochefob. Nap. V. Nusi, napkin, nantapuski. Narrate, v. Anolih; narrated, annowah: narration, annoa; continually narrating, annohovvah; to narrate a story, fappulih. Narrow, a. Ik putho, at.'hlifa. Nasty, a, Litiha; I am nasty, salitihah, Natioiiiil, n. Okla imma, ai okla. Native, ' near to each other, itti- belikasih; to come near, olanlichih; near- er, olalichib; n arest, bilikasi; to draw near, bilikuchih, bilinchih; to live near, bilika utta; nearsighted, nishkin tulhha. Necessary, a Yohma bepulla; neeessitous, ilbusha, abunna. Neck, n. Ikonla; short neck, okwiohilih; bow neck, tibblna; necklace innouchi. i Necromancj', n. lUi isht anumpuli, illi nan I isht anoli ilahobbi. j Need, t' Bunnah; to be in need, ilbusha; needful, abunna needles.«r, a yohma ulhp^esa keyu; needy, abunna, ilbusha. j Needle, 71. Chufak ushi. chufak usbi nan j isht achunli; needle case, ai ulbiha; knit- I ting needles, iyubi huski isht tunua. [ Ne'?l!H',t, V. Imihaksi, abaksichib ik^ anuk- [ Jillo, issah; neglected, aksho, ahaksi; 1 ueglcctfui, immihaksi, nan isht ik ahno; I negligent, abah ik ahno, I Negotiate, v. Cbumpah. j Nc'jrro, ;(. Hattak lusa; negress, hattay lusa- I ohoyc^ a negro wench, hattak lusa oho- yo haul; a mulatto or half negro, hattak lusa iklunna: Africa, or tb'j negro country battak lusa i yakni; a negro boy, hattak lusa ushi; negro wool, hattak lusa pasbi: a negro slave, hattak lusa yuka. Neii^h, V. Sihika, shuka, kil'eha; neighing, sihihikah, sohohgka^ NedTJjbDr, n. Chukka apunta, b"lika utta; next neighbor, chukka et apatunlih; neigkbors, chukka apuntah asha; close neighbors, ai ittibilika; his neighbor, i chukka apanta, i chukka alokuii; neigh- borly, chukka apanta ayohma be ulhpesa. Nephew,/?. Ibaiyi Nerve, n. Hlampko, kull:>: an affection of the nerves, halohli; nerveless, ikhlamp- ko; nervous, kullo, hlampko. Nest, 7?.. Ulhpichik. Nestle, ('. Binilih, alatub. Nethermost, a. Akka fehna. Nettle, n. Ilattak hulhpa; to nettle, ho! lip- uelih: bull nestle, hattak hollipa ohito. Neuter, a. Aha'aia iksiio, pe aya. XEUTEAL 47 NUMBEB »utral, n. Pe aya, ahalaia ikslio. N<'\fr, ltd. Nitak nana \va. nitak nanakeyu; never will or never can. himma kcyn; never before, ehatoshba; nv. a. Himoni: to makenew, himonuchih; somewhat new, himona chohrai; renew- ed himonah; renewable, himonueha hiula; newly, himo: n«ws. anumpa, an- ' nowa, anumpa kaniohmi: the place where news is told, nan aiannoa; news carrier, anumpa shahli. "Next, a. tTimmakmaatukla: and next, cha. Tfibble. r. Kachelih. nip, kaohelih Jfice, o. Achukina, hochukraa, koshofa. >'ickii;iiiie, r Himak fokalichit hochifo; a nickname, isht vopula hohchifo. Sicotino, n. Ilakchuma hlltilli. Nig,:!ird, n. Hattak nan i hullo, nan i hullo. yigh. (t. Bilika; well nijrh, naha, ahosi. Mfiht, n. Ninak; dark night ninak, okhlili; moonlight night, ninak nit-tckohmi; to night, himak ninak: midnight, ninak ikluuna: fortnight, :fiitak hullo tuklo: last night, ninak asha; night before last nin- ak misha kash. nightly, ninak moma, ninak atukma, ninak aiyuka; I pass the night siononnah; night-cap, aihlipa; night clothes, nafoka fokut nusi; night mare, holhpokonnaokpullo; night watch; niuak atoni. ^'imble, a. Tush pa. Jfiiie, a. Chakkalih; nineteen, abih chak- kali; ninth, isht chakkali; nineteenth, isht abih chakkali. Nippers, n. Isht kiseli. Kipple, /?. Ipishik; my nipple, sapishik. Nit, n. Isscp nihi, Nitre, v. Hupi kapussa. No, ad. Keyu, aheto. ha ahah, chikimba; nal by no means, kaniohmi kia yohma, he keyu; in no wise, kaniohma he keyu. Noble, n. Holitumpa: nobleman, hattak holitompa; nobly, chitolihosh, chitot. Nod, r. Okfakolih, akkachimolih, akka- chunni. Noise, n. Yahapah. shakapah, tapijlah, ehobok, haksuba, hlaehuk kabak; to mak.' a noise from any object falling into water, chobokachih.* hlobukachih; to make a gurgling noise, chobohcchih; to churn and make a noise, chobolichih; to make a noise by scratching the bark of a tree, fachohcchih; to confuse with noise, haksubachih; to make a noise like that of a knife or ax when it cuts anything, hlachak achih; to make noise by con- eussiou, kabak; to make a noise with fe t, as tramping of a horse, kitilichih kittikuchih; making a noi.se by pressure on the nose, okchoshonlih; 'making a noise by whooping, yahapah shakapah; to make a noise by hollowing, tapclah; to make a rumbling noisi", wenihuchih, komohcchih; noisiness, yahapa. Nouiiiiul. a Hohchifo imma. peh hohchifo, hohchifo bieka. hohchifo buno. Nominate, v. Wakelih, wakelichih; to nominate me, sawakelih. None, a. Iksho; you have none, ikchim iksho. Nonsense, n. Anumpa keyu; anumpah makalih. anumpa kaniohmi keyu; non sensicaL, isht yopula, Ik ahobala Noon, n. Tabokkoah: tabakkoah. midday, tobokkolih. Noose, V Anukhlifih; noosed anukhlifah. Noritli, n. Falummi: northerly, falummih imma, falummi chohmi; the' north star, falummi fichik; northward or at the north, falummi pilah; way off north falum- mi pillah: northwest, falummi hushi aiokutula ittintukla; north-east, c];iukti ikpilo. Nose. ?;. Ibishakini, ibihcholo; nostril, ibihcholo; mucus from the nose, ibilhk- on; to bleed the nose, ibekolih; bleeds, ibikoah, my nose bleeds, sabikoah. Not, d. Keyu, ha, ik. aha, awa aheto; will not or cannot bo so, chihchint; not so, chikimba., cannot be so, not possible, or probably not so, chint: not often or not very, fehna keyu; would not or cannot, hokakant; itoiight not, hotuk; does not, may can or must not, hotuk ohmi; do not, nal I am not, sia keyu; not at all, keyu kummohmi; ought not or should not, yobat. cannot or will not, awa; not yet keyu kisha. Notable, '. Aunoa achukma, isht aunoa, it hannah hinla. Notch, /•. Chaht lamplih, lakoffih, loblih; to cut notches, chakoli; notched, chak- oah, lakowah, falakto, lakotah; notches, chakokokuchi, lakohli; to cause to cut notches; chakolichih, lublichih: a notch in a mountain, nunih itta hokofa. Note, n. Ilolis.so iskitiui; noted, annoa achukma, holisso; to note, ikhana, ho- lissochih. Notice, v. Xi okpauchih, hakhlo; not to not to notice, ikaiokpacho. Notify, V. HaklDchih, imannolih; not notified, ik im unnowoh; to be notified, imaunowah: a notification, imannowa; notified imunnoah: to notify each other, ittihaklochih. Notional, a. Imanukflla laua. Notorious, a. annohowa, isht otoni. Notwitiistandini;, pr-'P- Hohkia. atuk kia hokak, i. e. when followed by o, as umba hokako il iachi. which in Enghish is, notwithstanding it is raining we are going. Novel, n. Himona, a novel holisso; novel- ist holisoso ikblh; novelty, nana himona, a novice, himona isht utta. Now, ad. Himak. himo, himonasi, haha, himona, intah, tah; now-a-days, nitak bimak a fohkali; now at this time, him- akano; just now, himonasi hokak heno, hakak heto Nowhere, ad. Kauima keyu; not any where, kauima hoh keyu. Noxious, a. Ai okpula, himla. Nullification, n. Akshochi; to nullify, anumpa ulhpisa akshochih. Numb. a. Shimraoha" chilhhlinah illi; to cause numbness, chilah hlinuchih; a great numbness, chilhhlinoha. Number, n. Holhtena hopena hotinah; numbered, holhtenah; number! es.s, hol- htena atupa; can or must be numbered, holhtena hinla: innumerable, holhtena he keyu, aholhtinah iksho; to be num- bered with others, aholhtinah; numer- KUESE 4S OWE able, holhtinah atopa; not numbered, ikholhtinob: tanumbo^each otber, itti- hotehnah, a numerator, bop^ena; numer- ous, laua. Nurse, . Olla iskitini apesoebi, abeka apesucbi; to nursie, ilaueli, ape!*ccbih, pisbechih, bofautiehih. Nut, n. Uni; sbag^ bark hickory nut, kap»un; striped hickory nut, oksak shavv- iya; white hicbory nut, oksak hutta; hard hickory nut, oksak kullo, aksak toli ; walnut, oksak haho; pecan, aksak folah, hickory nuts generally, oksak. o 0, interj. Aiehnar o rtof ahah! oh dear! aienabi; oh! on account of pain from water, aksnuki: oh! on accont of pain from fire, akshupi: oh! indeed! aume; oh! Saiuful, eha: oh! haha! oh. what! ban, ai, heigh lio, bank; oh! from a sense of acute pain, humpbe; oh! in time of dan- ger, kaiho! oh! listen, look out, ma! oh! feeling contempt, makhaloka; oh! in de- fiance, ok; oh! when daiing, okinta; oh dear, okokko! oh! it may be so, omiba! ohl well! vvbi'u beginning to speak, omishke; oh! when suprised. owe! owi! oh! wlien a mistake is discovered, owib! oh dear! from pain, ulle! oh don't! weh- ka! oh thanka! yakoke! oh alas! yakoke! aiehna! O, that it might be, okbt3no, hokbnno, yokbuno; o me, hok. Oak, n. NosCDi; strictly speaking a red oak, black oak, nolukna upi noslaknupi; white oak.baiyi; Spanish oak, chilhputha. yukhe; post oak, cblsha; black jack, chiskelik, chokushmi; red oak, chishikta; chestnut oak, baiyi holba; over cup oak, bushto; water oak, chilhputha; Jerusalem oak, lupchobi, haiyukpulo kosoma; oaken , nosopi osh toba. Oat, //. Jssuba upa, ouush issuba upa. Oath, n. Anumpa kullo; to testify on oath, anumpa kullo onotulut nan anolih, to take an oath, anump kulk), onocbib, oath taken, anumpa kullo onotulah: to bind one's self under oath, anumpa kullo il , onocbib. (Obdurate,, a. Chukosh kullo. kt:llo. Obedient, a. lyimmi, imantia; obedience, ira antia; to obey, imantia, iyimmi, im- atia; not obeying, ikvimmoh, imatia keyu. \ Oblidge, V, Yukpalib; obliging, i kana, yukpali. Obliquity, n. Filummi, Oblong, a. Falaia kut awata ka i sbahli, shahbahki. Obscure, a. Tuhfokolih. ik otano, hima; to cause obcurity. tuhfokolichib. Observe, v Anumpulih holitoblih. Obsolete, a. Kcnia, aksho, ai issa, akshot tab a. Obstinate, d. Chukosh kullo, ikyimmo, ik- kosteno; obstinacy, chuktssh kullo. Obstruct, V. Ikumalih, yokoplih; to cause obstruction, yokoplichih; obstruction, yokoplih, katapa; obstructed, katapah, katapoah. Obtain, v. Ishih, ahanchih. Obtuse, a. Ikhaluppo Occasionally, nd. Bakah. Occult, a. Ik otano, luma, ikhaiako. Occupy, V. Aiashah, ainthwa, haluUih; not occupying, ikai'ashob, ikaiantob. Ocean, n. Okhuttachito, Octeber, n. Aktoba. Odious, a. Okpulo. Odor, n. Nabalama; a peculiar odor as the smell of flsh, nakshobib, as of urine, kablama; odoriferous, balama; odorous, balama; to cause odor, balamuchih. Oir, nd. Et, pit; off there or long war off, pillab; offspring, cheluppi; send this way or off this way, et pillh; send off that way. pit pillab. Offend, V. Cbukush hotopalih, nukhaklo- cbin, nokoachib; offended, chukush hoto- palih, cbukush hotopah; offense, hottupa to give offense, bottupaebih; offensive, okpulo. ai okpuninchi. Offer, V. Bohlib, wehlib: offering, pit welih non ai asbuchi isbt ulhtoba, uba pit isht ai okpuchi. Office, n. Ai olbtoka. nan isht utta, nan I isbt ai utta; officer, ulbtoka, isht utta, nan ulhtoka, tishu. 1 Officious, a. I kana, ataklommichih. i Often, nd. Chekohosi, chehiki; oft times or often times, himmona. I Oil, n. Bila, nabilla: oiled, bila ahamab, I ahamab; oily, bila bieka, litikfo, bila i bano; to oil, bila abammih. bila ahammi- chib; moistened with oil. bila ahlaya; ! to pour oil on, bila oblalih: lamp oil. bila pulatoba; to melt oil, bilelichih: to ! anMnt with oil, fokkicbib; to oil fre- ! quenntly, fokkibincbib: to oil at last, fokkiechib; coal oil, tobaksi bila; coal 1 oil can, tobaksi bila ai ulbto; an oint- I ment or hair oil, ahama: to rub oil on, j abammih. j Old, a. Sipokni; chashpo. hopaki, kam- i ussuli; older, sipokni i sbahli; oldest, sipokni moma i sbahli; the oldest brother ; or sister, akni; the olden times, chashpo; '' to wear out and make old, as a garment, I hliplih; to be old. hliput, bliput taha, [ . to make old, hlipuchih; to be aged or i old, kamussulib, kauashuchib; old or ! getting old, kauasha: I am getting old. [ sakamussulih; I am old. sasipoknih; to I be a year old, afummi. j Omen, n. Isbt ulhpisa, isht ikhuna. '< Omit, V. Ahaksib, ahaksichih. I Omnipresence, n. Himona acbuffanlit kuni- ma anta. On, pr. Pit; onward, pit. j One, a. Achuffa; one at a time, achuffalit; j not even one, achuffahpi kia keyu; not ! even one is, achuffahpi kia iksho; per- i haps one. achoffona; to take here and I there one, acbafohlih, acbafolib; just one ' with another, achanab; to become one ONION 49 PAIN with, ibachuffa, ibaiachuffah; to make one as one of them, ibachutfalih; to add one to or. sent one more in. ibafohkih: once, himonna; jiist one, himonna; at once, himonna achutfanli, himonali; all at once, himoua achuffanlit himonali; to to be at once, himonali; once or one time, himoua ha; let all talk or speak at once, himona achuffa momut ikannmpuli. Onion, n. Hatofalaha, hatofalaha chito; onion seed, hatofalaha nihi. Only nd. Banoh, akbanoh, hakbano. ak- bano, yakbano, akbat, bat, beka pulla bleka, ilia; only lately, biekah, Oorc, V. Bichilih; to cause to ooze out, bichilichih; cannot ooze out, bichilla he keyu; to ooze out; hlitillih. Open, V. Tivvih, fatummih, wakummih: opened, tiwah, fatomah, wakaraa, otuni- nichih; to cause to open, fatummichih; to crack open, fuchanli; cracked open, fuelianlih, bokanlih; to cause to crack open, fcchanlichih; not opened, as a knife, ikfatomoh; to reveal or open to him, imottonih ihaiyakah; an open place shuhbi. shahbii empty or open, shahbih; ' open woods, tohvvali; to open them, I wakamolih: opened, wakamoah; opening ! as cotton, bokanli; to burst open, bokah- ' lichih. ; OptuHi. /'. Xusechi kcllo; opiate, nusechi. ! ishkot nusi. ! Opp :rtuiilt}-, n. Ai ulhpiesa. I Opp=»se, V. Ichapah, ichapoah i sanalih katuplih; to oppose each other as candi- dates, ittichapah; opposite, ichapa in i tunnup. Opossum, /'. Shukhuta, possum; fat opos- sum, shukhuta nia. Oppr(-ss, ('. Ilbushalih; oppressed, ilbush- ah; oppressive, isht ilbushah. kullo. Opulent, a. Van in lana, holitompah. Oral, a. Itukha ai anumps, anumpah; f)rally. anumpah bano. Orator, ?i. Hattak anumpuli impunna. anumpa isht hika. Oruerly. nd. Achukmalit. Or-i !.:nce, /*. Anumpa ashuchit tusholih. Ordination, . . Isht ai ulhtoka, isht TJlhtokoa. Origin, n. Ai isht ia ummona, aminti; an orgin of, ai isht auechi; original, omm- ona, himonna, ai isht ia ummona. Oriental, a. Hushi akuchaka. Orifii-e, /?. Choluk. Ornament, n. Ishit shema; to ornament with, isht aiuklichih; ornamental, isht aiuklichi. Orphan, v. Ulktaklah. Orthodax, n. Ai ahli. yimml ahli; ortho- doxy, anumpa ai ahli ayimml. Ostensible, n. Haiaka hinla; ostensibly, haiakahinla pulla; ostentation, haiyakah. Other, a, Inla; and others, achomih; some other, inla. Otter, n, Oshun; otter skin, oshun hc- kshup. Ou!?ht, L\ Yohma he pulla; it ought not, hotuk, hiobft, yobat. Ounce, n. Ous; an ounce, ous achuffa. Ours, pro Pimmi, pishno;" our, pi, pin, pimmi, hup,, hupi, hupim, hupimmi, hupin; to be ours, hupimmit ours or our- selves, hupishno. Out, ad. Haiakah. taha, iksho, out doors, kucha; to turn out, kohchih; to take out, kuthh; taken out, kufah; to come out, haiakah; out let, asitili; to outrage, hott- upachin, hottupalih; outrageous, okpulo, atopa, outset, himona isht ia; at the outset, mihmak inli ho, mashko; out skirt, ai ulhli, OviU, a. Shabahki. Ovei!, n. Apaluska, ai ulhpusha; oven lid; apaluska o hlipa. Over, pr. Akuchchah, akuchah uba; to go over, ubanaplih; went over, ubanupolih; ulanupoah, annupolih; passing over, ai opitamah: ouercbarge, iulli atuplih; overclrarged, iulli atupah; over coat, nafoka chito; overcome, imaiyuchih, i shalichih; to overcome at, ai immaiyach- ih; overcup, bushto; overestimated, nafehnuchih; ovar flow, oka mitafa; overgo, i shalih, atupah, ontiah; overlay, lapalichih; overjoy, chukush yukpa atupah; to overlook, ahaksih, ahaksichih over seer, apesuchi; to overshadow, hoshontikachih; overtake, sakkih. Owing, a. Ahika im asha; owin^ to, hona hocha. Owl, n. Opa; horn owl, iskitini; prairie owl, opa shilup; screech owl, ofonlo; owlish, opah imma. Own, V. Halullih; ishih immih; his own, ai immi ilapo; what is his own, ai immi ha; to or at his own or its own. aki akinli; every one owning, ai immi aiyukah; to own to, il anoli; owning or ownership, nan immi; both owning; ai immibikah. Ox, n. WBk toksuli; ox bow. waktoksuli ikoula ofohoma, wak toksuli ikonla afoka; ox yoke, yok, ikonla abana, Oyster, n. Okafolush, chakla, opa haksun; oyster shell, akafolush hakshup. P Pace, V. Kiulih, kaiullih; a step or a pace, ahabli, uhali. Pacific, a. Yohbi, nuktula, i kana, hopohla to pacify, hopuhluchih, chulosalih. Pack. r. l^halih; packed shavah. Paddle, n. Isht motlih; to paddle, moffih. Padlock, n. Luksi, aboha i luksi. Page, n. Holisso i tunnup achuffa, holliso putta in tunnup'. Pail, V. Ishtochi, ishtohchi. Pain, V. Kommichi, hottupa, hihah: to be in pain, hottupah; painful, hottupa; nukhalochi; to cause pain, hottupuchih, hottupalih; afflicted with pains, nahut- PAINT 50 PEEP tupah; to pain me, sahottupah, si3ttopah. sahottupi3lih, suttupulih; severe paiu. simiklih; painless, hottupa iksho, ik- hottupoh. Paint, n. Isht inc]iunli,ancliaha; red paint, tishihomrua. anchaha: to paint tlie face, anchahlib;to paint another, auchalilichih; a painter, anehahlichi, i'chuli, in chuli. Pair, n. Hoioh, Palace, n. Aboha holitopa, chukka holi- tjpa. Pale.a. Iluta, kashofa; iti shima holihta, lioliJata liamppa; a paled yard or lot, holihta haluppa; to make pales, holilita haluppa ikbi; to be pale white, hantah, paleness, huta, haata. Piillid, a, Huta, kashofa. Pjrini, a. Ibbak putta. Palmetto, n. Tala. PalpaMe, r.. Ottjni. Palpitate, v. Nuktimikuchih, miehilhhah, uukwinakuchih; palpitation, nuktimiku- chi; michilhha; palpitation of the heart ikfoka maleli, ikfoka baleli, chukush nukbimimkuchi. PaJsey, /;. Haknip illi, nipi illi isht abeka, palsi; palsied, haknip illi. P.r.iiphlet, /I. Holisso hakshup iksho. Pan, n. Amp mahaia mulhha; frying pan, aiulwusha ai ishi asha; bake pan, upaluska; fire pan apula; tin pan, mulhha. Pai.icr. n. Annmpa akpuUo onochi. i anei^yric, n. Holitoblit isht anumpuli. P..u„, a. llottupa. Pant, V. Fohuklih, fiopa tuha, bunnah; pants, breeches or pantaloons; obalafoka. Panther, n. Koi. Papjnv, n. Umbi. Paper, n. Holisso. aholisso; white paper, Tiolisso tohbi; a slip of paper, holisso hlilafa; blank paper, holisso ik a holisso; paper maker, holisso ikbi; paper cutter, holisso isht busha; to paper a room, holisso lt3pelichih; news papers, holisso chito nan anuoa. Parable, n. Annmpa nan isht ulhpisa, nan islit ulhpisa annmpa. Parasol, n. Isht il o hhshontikachi iskitini PardoH, (;. Imihaksichih, i Icashofichih. i kashofih. Pare. v. Luffih; parred, lufah. Paregoric, n. licfoka hottupa ikhish; apar- ,ing. hakshup lufa. Parley, n. Ittimanumpuli: parlor, pe aiasha aboha. Paroquet, n. Kilikki; parrot, kilikki chito, kilikki ulhpoa. Parsimonious, a. I hullo, nan i hullo. Part, n. Kashapa; to be apartof, kashapah; to part from each other, ittifalummih; to part from, felummih; to cause to part from, filamolichih; partner, ai ittapela. Partial, a. Kanimanchi, i hullo, anuksita; to be partial to a man, hattak anuksitah. Partridge, n. Kofih; parturition, eshi. Pass, V. Ai opitommih; passed or passing over, aiopitamah; a ford or a pass, akuch- cha; passed by, antiah,a highway or pas- swav, hina; to pass through to, hluka- ffih;"bored through or passed, hlukafah; to pass through, hlopullit oua; to cause to pass through, hlopullechih; to come . through or pa.ss through, hlopuUih; rati- fied or passed.hlopullih; passable, hlopul- la liinla, ataya hinla; impassable, hlo- pulla he koyu; to pass quickly through, hlopohlih; to cause to pass quicklv through, hlopohliehih; just passed through, hlopoulih; to go by or to pass ahead, imaiah, imayah; to pass each other, ittiopitummih; to pass with, ahlo- pullih; to pass the night, onounah; pass- ing by without calling, okliowatant ava; passion, anushkuuna; passionate, 'im anukfila tushpa; the passover, ubanublit out ai impah; in the past, chikkjh; pastor apesochi, pehlichi,'iksa inp .hlichi. Pastebojird, n. Holisso sukko. Pasture, a. Hashuk ai impa; to pasture, hashuk ai impuchih; a pasture, holihta ulhpoa aiasha. Patch, ('. Akullih; a thing with which to patch, isht ulhkata; patched, ulhkutah. Patf^. n. Nashuka, ibitakla. Path. a. Hina ashi, hinushi. hina; path- less, hiua iksho. Patipnt. a, Nukchiuto, nuktanla; a patient hattak abeka; patience, nuktanla; achu- nanchi. Patriarch, n. Hattak iki chito, iki chito. Pattern, v, Hobachih. Paucity, n. Chubiha. Pauper, n. Hattak ilbusha inla anukchito. Paw. n. lyi ptjtta; to paw, shuliih, akohlah- lih. • Pay. V. Atobbih; to make him pay, atobbi- chih; to pay the debt, ehiloffih; paid the debt, chilofah, ulhtobah; the debt not paid, ikatobbah, ikchilofoh. Payment, n. Nan ulhtoba; a time or place of payment, ai ulhtoba; not time for pay- ment, ai ulhtoba ikono kisha; repayment, falamut ulhtoba. Pea. n. Tobihullo; garden pea. tobi hullo hikint uni: bush pea, tobi hullo abehla. peanut, way a; peacock, okchawu la, chito Peare. n. Chulosa,' huliipashi, halhpa.si na uaiya; peaceable, hulhpashi, nuktan- la, yukpa; peaceably, holhpa.shit; to make or making peace, nauaiyacliih; peaceful, nuktanla, hopohla, yukpa; a peace maker, hattak itta kushkoli. Peach, n. Takon; peach tree, takonupi. Peal, n. Biraihuchi; pealing, biniihochi. Pear, ii. Takouchito holba; pear tree, takbn chito holba upi; prickly pear, tulhpakha. l*eari, a. Sfiaha, okafolusli hakshup; pearl ash, hittuk. Pebble, ii. Taloshik. Pecan, n. Oksak fula, pecan tree, oksak fula upi; pecan trees, oksak hofaloha upi. Peck, n. Bus'iil iklunua ya iklunna: pek, * to peck, chanlih; to caus.; to peek, chanli- chiti; pecked, chayah; to peck each other, ittiehanlili. Peculiar, n. C'nukush ilupissah. Pedant, lu Hattak nan itliana iluhobbi. Peddler, n. t31hpoyak shat aya. Pedestrian, n. Akkaya, akka hikkit aya; pedestrians, akka hika. Peel, /?.. Hoffih, hlolilili, fokoplih, lutlili; peeled or to be peeled, lilofali; peeled off, nlohah lufah tinlah; fakoliah, fakopah fociionlih; a peeling, hakshup lufa; uu- peeled, hnkshup asha. Peep, V. Afanalichih- haiakah; peep at, afanatah. PEEVISH 51 PINE Peevish, v. Namak keyu, nukoa; peevish- ness, anuk' phomunta. Pej?, n. Isht a nail la. Pelit-aii, n. Clialantak ahoba. Pen, n. Ai uni, holihta, holiht cuih; writ- ing pen, isht hollisosochi; steel pens, tcli kullo isht holissoschi: gold pens, tuli holisso lakna isht holissochi; pent up, holihta ulbehah; penned, holihta ulhto, ulbihab. lead pencil, isht holissochi naki; penman, holissochi. ~ Peiiiteiil, a. Hattak yoshoba il e nukhak- I loehi, nukhaklo; penitence, ai isht nu- khak lo. Pcwifess, n. Tshkuli ik im iksho, ilbusha: penny, iskuli. Pension, v. A fcmmik ma ilhpeta; pensive, nukhaklo, asha. Peiitei'OKt. 1). tbanublit ont ai impa asha nitak tuklo: pentikost. P»•nul■iou^, II. ihullo, iskuli i hullo. People, )i, <)kla, oklushi. Peppei-, IK Tishi homi; red pepper, tishi homi homma; black pex^per. tishi homi lusa; pepper box, tishi homi aiulhto Pera a balan.a: ^opfrfume, balam- t-chih; perfumed, balamah. I Perhaps, ad. Ohechik, r-hechukhah, ka; { perhaps so, perhaps not so, chishba- ; perhaps, as to time, place or degree, i fokka. ! Perish, v. Rcshshih, illi, ilbushat illi; to ; cause to pi-rish, bushichih; perished, { bushih; perishabla, okpula he ai imma, | ilia hinla. okpula hinla. { Perjure, r. Holubit anumpa kullo ouochih. | Peiniaiient. a. Hikia billia he, amiha i acncfla billia. ! Pernicious, a, Okpulo, baksi. Perjieiidicuiar. a. Cba apissant hikia. Perpetual, a. Biliah; perpetuallv, billiah; Persecute, v, Ilbushalih, ilbushachih; ilbushulih; a persecutor, ilbushali, hottupuli, ; Persevere, v. Achebachih mahavah, achunnachih, amosholih amosholichih, ■ preserving, achunnachi, amoshohonli, , perseverance achunauchi; not perseving i ikchllito. i Per si mill on, ??. Ukof, Pesist, r. Achunnachih, persisting, i achunachi: persistence. achnnnachi, ' amoshohonli. i Person, ?;. Hattak; persons, okla. hattak , laua: personal, hattak ahalayah; a lean , person, hattak chunna: a fat person, 1 hattak nia; a sick person, hattak abeka; I a good person, hattak achukma; a bad | Eersou, hattak okpulo; a pert person, attak isht afekommi. Perspicuous, a, Haiakah. Perspiration, n. I^aksha: to perspire, lak- shuchih; to cause perspiration, lak- shuchih; perspiring, lakshah; not per- spiring, iklukshoh. Persuade, v. Anumpulit nukfohkichih. Pert a. Tushpa, okeha. Pestle, n. Kittush. Pot. /(. Aiasitia. Petition, n. Holisso nan asilhha, anumpa asilhha. Petrify, v. Tuli toba. kullo. Petticoat, n. Uskuffa yoskololi. Pettish, a. Namak keyu, nukoa, hush- ayah. Petulant, a. Hushayah, namak keyu. Pewter, lu Naki kullo. Pharisee, u. Falisi. Phlej?ni, n. Kahhifa ibilhkun, to raise phlegm, kahlafah. Physician, n. Alikchi Peazza, n. Hoshontika, ihoshontika, ohosh" ontika opushchia. Pick, V. Umoh; to pick out, fullih; picked out, fullah; picked, ulmoh, to open and pick out. fullih, lepimoh lepimochih; we pick, emoh; to picli them up, aiyoah, aioah, aiowah, a picket, holihta haluppa, pickle, okulhchi: to pickle, okuchih, uku- chih; pickled, ulh kuchih. Picture,*/. Hattak holba (is, when a pic- ture of a person); a picture of anything, holisso na holbut toba: to make a pic- ture of anything, hobachit ikbi; a pic- ture taken, hobachit ikbi. Piece, n. Tushafah, tusha; broken piece, tushahli; to cut a piece, tushuffih. tush- lih; to cut many pi.ec' s, tustulih, tusha- lichih; a small pie.-e, chinil'a. Pied, a; Bakoa; piebald bakoa; Pierce, v. Bahuffih, hlumplih, hlifelichih honuhlih, ahlumplih, hlukanlichih; pierced at, anuhiah. ahlukufiih; a piercing souud. chasha; a place pierced, ahlumpa hlukufah; pierced through, hlukafah, hlumpah. Piif, II. Shukhushi; shote, shukha him- mitta; sow and pigs, shukba ilauelih. Pigeon, V. Puchi; tame pigeon, puchi ulh- poba: squab, puchi ushi, puchi hima- hofulli. Pigiijy, n. Hattak, kawasha, hattak im- oma, hattak ikchaho. Pike, n. Bushah, i. e. a fish. Pile, V. Pullih ittunnalichih; piled, ittun- nahah; piled up, fohompah. Pilfer, V. Hokupah. Pilijrini, n. Pe nowut aya hattak. Pill, n. Ikhish lumbo. Pillow, u. Clhpishshi; pillow case, ulh- pishshi in shukcha. Pilot, n. Hattak peni isht aya. peni afana; pilot on land, tikba heka; Pin. n. Chufak ushi nusbkobo asha, chu- fak ushi yushkoboli; wooden pin, iti isht anahla; pin cushion, chufak ushi ashamohli. Pinch, r. Chiniffih; pinched, chinifah, chinoah; a pinch, chinifa; to pinch them, chinolih. Pine, n. Tiak; young pine, tiak himitta; PINK 52 POLLEIS^ pine knot, tiak pishi; pine bark, tiak hakshup; dead pine, tiak illi; pine leaves, tiak hishi; pine pitch, tiak ma hiitilli; pine rosin, tiak uia; pine tur- turpentinr, tiak shua; to pine away, hlipushili; pined away, hlipuslii. to cause to pine away, hlipusliichih; pine lumber, tiak buslia: to saw pine, tiak bt3shlih- Pi:ik, n. Tisbepa; pink root^ pakanli- homma. lupchubi. Pint, n, Isiit ishko achuffa. ^ Pious, a. Ubayimmi nuktanlutayu. Pipe, n. Hakchuma ashuka; an earthen to- bacco pipe, hakchuma shuti; pipe an in- strument to blow, isht i pufa. Piquo, V. Chukush bihlih; piqued, chukush. bihlah, chukush nuhla. Pistol, n. Tanamp ushi. tanamp puskush. Pit, n. Choluk. yakni; kernel or pit, foni; a cave or pit, hochukbi, hichukbi; to dent or to pit, htifikbih; to make a pit, hufikbichih. Pitch, n. Tiak nia hiitilli; tD pitch, hlili- chih pit pilla; pitched, hikah; pitcher, picha, isht ishko cliaha: pitchfork, chu- fak hushuk isht pehli hushuk isht piha. P.teoiis, a. Nukhaklo. nukhaklochi; piti. ful. nukhaklo, nukhakloclii; pity, isht i nukhaklo. Pithy, n. Aldj, shatummi. Fi ot, n. Ai ontalut folohkuchi. Pliop, V. Helichih; placed or set up, hikiah; to place at. ahelichih; an abandoned aiissah; another place, a taksika; the f>lacr^ of departed spirits, hattak illi shi- ombish aiashah; to place side by side, ittichaplih; placed on or upon, ontulah. Placid, a. Yohbi, yukpa. Piaj?ue, V. Anumpuliehih; plaguy, isht ahchiba, atuklummi, okpulo. Plain, a. Haiakah: to make plain, haiy- akuchih; a flat, level ground or plain, yakni matali, yakni patali; evident or plain, apissanli, otuni. Plait, V. Atunuffoh, tunuffoh, pannih; to plait in, atunuffochih; plaited, pounah. Plane, - . Isiit halnslikichi, s'aafih; to plane, lialushkichili; planed smooth, nalushkih, sh(g.fah; to plane a plank, iti busha haluslikichih; plank planed, iti b»3sha halushki. Planet n. Fichik, fichik chito; the orbit of a planet, fichik ataj^a. Plank. Iti busha; dressed plank, iti busha halushki; to dress a plank, iti busha halushkichih. Plant, V. Hokchih; a planter, na hokchi, nokchi; planted, holokchih; a weed or plant, haiyukpulo holokchi; seeds of plants, haiyukpulo nihi; to plant seed out of the same year's growth, afelim- miti; a place for planting, aholokchi; planted with or to. aholokchih. Plaster, v. Apaluslih; plastered, ulhpo- lusah: mortar or plaster, isht ulhpolusa. Plat, V. Pannih, tunuffoh. Plate, n. Ai impa, amp huta; pewter plate, naki kullo am, o; platter, amp huta chito; to plate, akolih; plated, akohah, ulhkohah. Platform, n. Alanumpuli. Plaj, V. Ilhhlauullih, wtsshohah, olachih, to cause to play, ilhhlauuelichin, wush- ohuchih; to play at a game, achuhpih; to play on an instrument, olachih: con- tinually playing, olahanchih. played, olah; a play ground, ai ihlawulli, to play to or for, iwushohah; playful, isht ach- iba. Plead, V. Isht anumpulih, isht im nttah, asilhah; a pleader.' hattak anum])uli. Pleasasnt. d. Yukpa, achukma. hochiik- ma: to please, yukpuchih; to be pleas 'd with, imaiachukma, Plentiful, a. Laua, chitoll, apakna; plenty, chubiha keyu. Pleurisy, n. Chunukko t3bi, chunukkubi; to have pneumonia or pleurisy, chunuk- ki3bih; the chest or pl'ura chunukkko; pleurisy root, chunukko ubi ikhish. Pliable, a, Auukyohbi, anukyohbichih; to render pliable, "hokulbichi: made yjliable by wetting, walashah; pliant, walohbi, niiktula. Plow. n. Yakni isht putafa, issubi i chahe, plow beam, yakni isht, putafa; plow stock, yakni isht putafa aiulhpi; plow share; yakni isht patafa; plow handle, yakni isht jjutafa, ai ishi; to plow corn while very young, alelih; plowed while young ulliah; to plow, yakni bushli. bushli patufiih; to plow corn, lelichih, to plow among corn, llhah , patafah. Pluck, V. Fullih, plucked, fulah, to pluck up by the roots, chukuffih; plucked up, chukafah. Pluff, V. Kamalih; plugged, ulhkumah. Plum. n. Takon ushi; wild plum, isi in takon ushi; tame plum tree . takonlush u|>i: wild plum tree, isi in takonlush upi. Plume, 77. Shikopah: a red plume, shiKopa homma: black plume, shikopa lusa: white plume, shikopa tohbi; blue plume shikopa akchukko: to wear a plunu, shikoplih. PJunimet, n. Naki isht hlafa. Plump, a. Hlampko. hloboah, hlobukta. Plunder, v. Hokupah. Plunge, V. Oklobushlih: plunged, oklub- bih. Ply, V. Isht ahantah. Pneumonia, n. Chunukko ubi. chunuk- kubi. Pocket, v. Shukcha: poket book, holisso i shukcha, holisso nan aholisso. Pod. n Hakshup. Poignant, n. Haluppa. Point, r. Bilhhlih, bilhliplih, haluppu- chih: a pointer, bihli, uabihliplih: drawn to a sharp point, ibakchufanli, ibakchufashli: to point one's self, ileb- ihliplih: to point at or out, nabilhhlih: to point at me, sabilhhlih: running to a point, tepah. Poison, V. Isht illi. Poke. n. Koshiba: poke root koshiba ak- shish: poke berrv, koshiba ani: to poke the fire, chilhlichih: a poker, luak isht chilhhlichi. Pole, n. Iti fabussa, fabussa: pole cat, konih. Polite, a. Hopoyuksa, ai ulhpissa, ai ok- puchi impunna. Pollen, n. Pushi. POLYGAMY 53 Pr.ETEN jj Polysai.iy, ». Ohoyo i lawa. hattak i lawa. Poiiiinel, /'. Chanwcna, i chanwuua. Pompous, a. Ilauata, ile chahuchi. Pond, V. Haiyip, hohtak; a small pond, hohtak ushi. Ponderous, ». Weki. Pool, V. Aiyupi. Poor, a. Chunna: ilbi*sha ik ahoho: to cause to be poor in flesh, chuuuaehih: poor in purse, ilbushah: not poor in flesh, ikchunuo: w are poor in purse, pil bcsha; I am poor in flesh, sachun- nah. Pop V. Basahi3chih. basahlih, to cause to pop, basahlichih: popping, basa kuchih bashahahanchi basasahkahanchi: pop- open, bokalih, hlukali: to make i)op, hlnkalichih; poplar" sipsi; poppy, haiyuk pulo nusechi: populace, okla moma. P< r ??. Hoshontika i hoshontika, o hoshontika, opushshia. Pork, n. shukha nipi; fresh pork, shukha nipi okchaki. PorrinjEfer, //. Isht ishko, ulla im isht ishko. Positire, a. Ahli. kullo, apissanli. Positive, a. Hiula, hinla cheehuk; to be possible, ehishke; possibly- chishba, yoba; might possibly be, yobah ka: per- chance or possibly, hinlakma, yobakma nana chishba. Post, n. Tonnink, tonik, ahika; ball posts, ai ulbi; postman, holisso shall; post- master, holisso atiwa apesuchil; post office, holisso atiwa, holisso nowut aya atiwa, holisso akaha. Pot, lyasha, ampo; a pottery ampo ikbi, ampo tuna; a pottery, ampo, atoba: earthen pot. shuti: pot lid, ohlipa; pot hooks, iyusha isht talakchi; potash, hit- tuk; potsherd, ampo koa, shuti koa. Potato, n. Ahe; potato patch, ahe aha abolokchi; a potato hill, ahe bunta, ahe ibish; to make a potato hill, ahe bun- tochih; to boil potatoes, ahe hobih; boil''d potatoes, ahe holbl; a potato house, ahe in chukka: wild potato; ahe nukshupa. lukchuk ahe; a yam. ahe kcshaha, yum; Irish potato; ahelumbo, ahe hluboa; seed pututoes, ahi- pehna; roasted potatoes, ahe ulhpusha; a potato vine ahe upi; fried potatoes, ahe ulwu- shah; potato peelings, ahe hakshuk. Pot'iit, (I. Ai ahli; hlampko, kullo, po- tentate, hattak pullummi. Pi>ultry, ». Akaha Pound, u. Weki achuffia; to beat or pound, hopusih, husih. bolih; pounded, boah, botah. hoUussih: to pound fine; botoli; to pound to powder, botullichih, to pound the busies off" corn, chilhhlichih. pounded in a mortar, holhpusi, hollussi, pounder; isht oka boa. Pour, u, Hlalih. fohoblih, hlatublih, bichelih, hlatuplih, fohopah, yanullih, hlatapa. umbah; to cause to pour, hlalichi. to pour upon, hlahlubh. o hlalih to pour them on the ground, akka hlalih, akka hlepolih; poured on the groud,akka lilayah, to pour out, fohoblih, to pour upon, ofoholichih, ohlatuplih; poured, fohopah, hlatapah, Pout, r. Hush, ayah. Poverty, n. Ai ilbusha, chuna. Powder, v. Hittuk; powder flask, keg. canister or horn, hittuk ai ulhto, powder mill, hittuk atoba; scattered powder, hittuk hlaya, to scatter powder, hittuk hlali: a powder charger, hittuh isht ulh- pisa: to powder fine, botolih; powdered fine, botah. Power, Ti. Aiuhlika, ibbak foka, nan isht im ai ahli, nan isht ai iihli; the power, isht imaiahlika: powerful, ai ahli. kullo hiami)ko; ppwerless, ikkullo, hlampko iksho. Practice, r. Isht uttah abuchih. ulbuchih; an excercise or practice, abuchi; to cause to practice, abuchichih; to teach by practice, abuchichih. Prairie,, ». Oktak; a small prairie, otak ushi. Praise, v. Afehnachih. ahnichih. hahli- itoblit isht anumpulih, hummahlih; to prise self, ilahnichih, ilanatah. Prance, v. Hatulli, hatonli; to make prance haitullichichuh; prancing, mullih. Prate, v. Anukchihlafah, anumpuli shah* lih, himak fokalechit anumpuli; prattle, anukchihlafa. Pray, v. Anumpa ilbusha, anumpuli; a prayer, anumpa asilhha, annmpa ilbusha. Preach, v. Anumpulih, ubanumpa isht anumpuli; preacher; uba anumpa isht anumpuli, obanumpa isht utta, isht anumpohonli Precint. n. Nan aiatokoli, elekshun isht aiasha. Pecious, a. Holitopa. ai itti chito. Precocious, ". Ik ai ono. Prefer, v. .\iahnichin; preferable; achuk- ma i shahli. Pre!?nant. a. Chakaiih, ushi kaiyah; preg- nancy, chakali; to cause pregnancy, chakalichih: not pregnant ikchakalo. Premature, n. Ik ai ono. Prepare, v. Atahlih, ulhtaha; prepared, ulhtaha. Present, n. Hulbina; to receive a present, banenah, to make a present, habenu- chihi to go in quest of a fauor, habenut ayah; to give me a present, sahabin- chih: a present, na hulbena; to present, welih, imah, habenuchih; presently, himonasi. chekikma, chekosikma; pres- ent time, himak. Preserve, v. Halullih; preserved for fu- ture use, ulhpoah. President, n. Ai i pehlichi, nahullo i miko. Press, V. Akantalih, katussulih, intohno: pressed, akantah, to press together, akantalichih, akapulih, akapulichih; to press or lie hard upon the stomach, anukbikelih, to touch or press on object over head, bikelih. bikelichichih; to press ones self, ilaktanlichih; pressed together, 4ttakamus.sah; pressed hard with the hand.obitipah ombitipah, obiti- to press in, shumuUih: pressed, shcm/;- llih! to cause to press in, shumullichih: urgent or pressing, acheba. akomuntah. Presume. '•. Ahni: presumtuous. himak fokalechi, ill vimmi. ahah ik ahuo. Pretend, v. Ilahobbih, a pretender, hattak PRETTY 54 PULL uan ithanailuhobbi. Pretty, a. Pisa achiikma. ai okli, achiikma; uot pretty, ikaioklo, pisa aehnkiua keyu, ikaclnikmo. . Prevaricate, v. Anumpa folotowt3chih fulohkuchit annmpulih, anumpa apok fohlichih. anumpa shanaiolih, anumpa ilaiyukachih: prevaricated, anumpa slianaioali, fulokucliih; a prevaricator, anumpa shanaioli fulokuclii;a prevareca- tion, anumpa yhanaioa, fulokuchi; pre- varicating, fulokahanchih. Prevent, v. Alumi]:^. alumichih, prevented, alamah. Previous, n. Tikba. Prico. V. Ai ulli, t^llbi, iulli, nan ulhtoba; to price, ai ullih, iulli onochih; a high price, iulli chaha; to raise the price, iulli chahuchih; high priced, iulli chito. cheap or low price, iulli ikchitoloh, iulli iklawo; a small or insufficient price, iulli ikonoi a price too high, or an over- charge, iulli atupah; to price too high or to overcharge, iulli atuplih. Prick, V. Bilhhlih, bilhhliijlih; pricked, hihlah; pricking, bihlah, bihli. Pride, a. llefehnuchi; proud, ilelehnuchi; to be proud; ilefehuuchih Priest, n. Hattak kullo, hattak na holit- ompa isht i^tta. Prime,;'. Haksuuchilih haksun onchilih; priming, hittuk haksun ou'chiya: prime, (first or" good), achnkma, ummona. Prince, v. Chitokaka; principal, i shaht tahli, moniii cJiohmi; principle, ai yum- mohmi, ayonimohuii. Print. V. Holisso ikbi tuii isht hoUisso- chih; printed, holisso tuli isht holisso; a printer, holisso ikbi, tuli isii holisso- chi, a print, oholisso. Prior, a. Tikba, tikba. Prison, v. Aboha kullo; prisoner, aboha kullo fohka. hattak yuka, yuka; to im- prison, aboha kullo fohki; imprisoned, aboha kullo fohkah: a [>risou keeper, abolta kullo apisuchi, aboha kullo ayjist- ekili; to arrest a prisoner, hattak yuk- achih. Private, a. Luma; private parts of a fe- male iyubulhtakla; privately, ikahaklo. Privilei'e, ». Nan isht il ai yukpa. Prize, n. Isht ulhtoba. Probable; a. Hinla chechik, chichik: bin- la; probly, achihi, chechuk, hatuk ok; probably so. chechike; probably, (may be hoped), chishke. chi chishke. Probe, n. Bushlit pisa. Prochiim. v. Anolih, continually pro- claiming, annohowah, anohonlih; a pro- el aimer, aunoachi, hattakpaya. Prodigal, a. Isht yopoma. Produce, n. Nuwaya; to produce, naway- uchih, a producer, nawayuchi, produc- ing, na wayuohih. Profane, a. "Chakapa, okpulo; profanity^ chakapa. b Prol'.'ss. V. Miha kut il otuninchi, il ahobbi. Proficient, a. Hattak impunna. nan im- punna. Profit. 71, Ai isht il apisa; to profit one's self, ai isht il ahauchih, ai isht il ahay- ucliih, ai isht il ayukpa; unprofitable, ai I isht il apisa keyu; gain, boot or profit, I alapanli: profitable, nan isht ahancha ! hinla, nan isht im ai achnkma. Profligate, a. Isht yopoma, okpulot kunia, I hattak okpulo. ! Pro'ound, a. Hofobi, impuna. Prognosticate, v. Anumpa tikbanll anoli. , Prohibit,Alumih; prohibited, alamah. I ProS!fic,Cheli impunna. Prolix, n. Salaha; prolong, falaiah. I Pronilcience, n. Haiakah. : Promise, et, /?. Hattak holba isht washoha. Puppy, IV. Ofusik, ofunsik. Purchase, v. Chumpah; )>urchaser, nachun- pa. Pure, o. Ai ahli, kashofa. PurgatiTP, (I. I.shkot hlopulli. I Purify, r. Kcshoffichih: to purity on's self ilektjsholl^h. I Purple, fl, Homayi. \ Purse, V. Tuli holisso i shukcha. Pursue, V, Hliohlih; pursued, ahlioah, I aehunanchih. I Pus, ?j.Aninchichi. t3nichichi, Push, r. Toblih; to push eachother, ittitup- I lih. •Put, r. Bolih, kahpulih; to put on iahlipe- lichih; n place for putting on. altjpluli; to putcarerully away, achiiknialit ashah- chih, achuk nialit bohlih; to put in, afoh- ki: to cause to put in, afohkichih; a place to put things in. afohka; to put, down, akkabohlih; to put a hand on. • • ' '■-. on as a dress, Ibhkih fohkuchi; to cause to put on, fohkfchi- chih: to piit up hiohlichih, hilichih; to put on. as shoes, holuh. holuchih; to put across, abanulih, abunkachih; to put u p at, ahilechih: to put side by side, itfa putali; to put together, ittf» bafohkih: to put in the mouth, itti fohkih; to put in. maiachih: to put to stay. kahpolih;'to put cover on, ompuhomoh; to put upon, onashachi, ontulalih, to put to one side, shaniih: to put out of joint, tahluflh, put out of joint, tahlofati, tahlofichih; to put into water, akuchih; to put it on, onxichih; to put more on, ulbitilih; ulbi- tale; to put iii trough, ai imy^a fohkih; to put in a bad place, okp\iloka fohkih; to put out as fire, mosholichih. Putrid, a. Toshbi, shua; putty, apisa.isht akmo. Puzzle, r. Aiyukomah; puzzled with, ai ittuyokomah, Q <}uair, V. Chitot ishko, chitot nulliti. Uuiiil, n. Kofi. <^uake, V. Wunniehih, winakuchih, win- nalichih, winuachih. Quarrel, r. Ittachowah, ittl nukkowah, to cause tu quarrol, ittachowcchih; quar- relsome, uukkhuoshahli. ittachowa shah- li: quarry, tuli akula, querulous, uan miha shahli. Quart, ?;. Kowat, isht ishko tuklo; quarter, 'hanali achofla; a quarter of a dollar. Iskuli tuklo: a quarter eagle, tuli holisso tuklo iklunna aiena, tuli holisso tuklo iklunna atuchina; quarterly, hi:shituchi- nakma. . Hotihnah, mahoba, amahoba. hopenah: reconed, holhtinah holhpenah , Reclaim, v. Falamint hoyoh, falommint i hoyoh. Recluse, n' Hattak haiaka keyu, hatak luma. Recoi!, V. Falamah. Recollect, v. It hanah, ithaiyanah.' Reconcile, v. Ilopohluchih, aiiskah, aiiski- achih; reconciled, hopuhlah; unreconcili- ation, isht itti nan aiyuchi, iskt ulhtoho- mba. Record, n. Holisso atakali: to record, ho- lisso atakalechi; recorded, holisso; a recorder holissochi. Recover, v. Masalih, hlakoffi; to cause to recover, masalichih, hla offichih; com- mencing to recover, hlako iit isht ia re- covered, hlalioffih, ahlalioffih, hlakofoah, hlakofot tuhah; I recovered, sahlakof- fih; I am recovering, sahlakoffit tuhah. Recruit, v. Fohah: recruited, fohah. Rectify, v. Achukmalih, achukraalichih; rectified, achukniah. Rectitude, n. Hopoyuksa. Kectuia, ??. Kobish.' Red, a. Humma, homma; to be red hom- mah; somewhat red, homma cholimi, homakbi; reddish, homaiyi, homakbi; a red spot, homma talaiya; very red, hom- ma fehna, homma tishepa; to color, tan, paint or blush red, hommachih; red- dened, horamah; I am red, sahummah: red bird, bishkommak. j Redeem, v. Falummint chumpah; re- deemer falummint chumpa. chumpa, to I redeem self, ilechumpah; The Redeemer, Chumput nlakofichi. chumput na hlako- I flchi; redemption falummint chumpa. I nanulhtoba; redemption for us, ai okcha- I iya pin chumpa he keyu. Reduce, v. Haboffih, ikbomechoh, koy- I utfih, shiollih; to cause reduction, haboh- I lih, habofuchih habofichih, shiollichih; reduced, habofah shiotah; to reduce in [ valua, kalakshichih; reduced in value, kalakshih. Reed, n. Uski chuhla. Reel, n. Aholhtofa; to totter or reel, faiok- uchih; to reel as thread, hotoffih. Refer, v. Isht amihah. Reform, v. Apoksiachih, hopoyuksalih ai iskiachi, hopoyuksachi, hbpoyuksoli; reformation, ile'kostinuchi. Refu,2:e, n. Ahlakolli. Refund, v. Falamut attobbih, falummint attobih; refunded, falamut ulhtobah. Refuse, n. Ashittilema; to refuse, ikaiokpa- choh, ikhakloh. kanimmuchih. Regard, v. Ai okpanchih ahninchih. ahnih, holitoblih, ithanah; regarding, ai okpah- REGENERATE 57 RESURRECT aiichih. K«sf"fnite, I'. Chukcsh himont3chih; re- geueration, chukush himona, himoua loba, atuklant utta, Kejjistry, n. Holisso anumpa atakali. Ueguliir, a. Biliah, regularly, billiali. itcgulate, i\ Aiiskiachih, a'liskah; regula- tor, al Iskiachl. lU'heiirse, v. Hobachit miJia. Keign, n. Araikoh, miko. Reimburse, v. Falummint attobih. Keiii, /*• Kapali Isht talakchl, to rein, hal- ulllh; reins , hailhchi, haiyihchi. Reinstate, v. Falummint lohki, falummint hilechih. Beiterute, t'. Anohoulih; reiteration, anoh- onlih. Reject, V. Ikaiokpanchoh. ikhakloh, shitti- lemah; to reject ine. sashittilemah. Bejoice, >. Yukpah, yukpali, uayukpah; rejoicmg, nayukpah. Rejuvenate, v. Himonachih. Reiupse, v. Afelimah, falamah; relapsed, afelimah; a relapse, afelima. lalamct abeka. Relate, v Anollh; related, anoali, anovvah; continually relating, annohowah; re- lated too much, annoah atupah; to nar- rate a story, fappulib; relating news, fappulih; relation, ittikauomi, ikanomi, hattak i kanomih,; related to each other, ittikanomih; relative, ikanomi. Relax, f. Shochoplih; relaxed, shochopah, shochohah. Release,.. Hlakoffih; released, hlakoffih Believe, v. Hlokotiichi; relieved, hlakortih . anuktupah. ReligiQn, ri. Ubnumpa anukfoyuka, uban- umpa yimmi, ubanumpa. Reluctant, a. Anukwiah, ikbunnoh, nuk- wiah. Rely, ('. Anukchitoh, ai anukchitoh. Remain, v. Antah, ahantah; remaining, takkalih; remains, nipi illi itola. Remedy, Ai iskiachih; remedied, ai iskiah. Remember, v. Ithauah, ithaiyanah, ikhan- ah; remembered, anukfohkah,; still re- membering, anuk fohkah. Remind, v. nukfohkih; reminded, uuk- fohkah- Remnants, n. nan utaha. Remote, a. Hopaki; remotely, hopaki; re- moteness hopaki. Remove, v. KanuUih. wihah, wihachih, kanullichih; to remove to, kanullichih, akanullih, akancllichfh; removed, kan- ullih ulhtoshowah. Rend, V. Hlilechih. hlilichih, hliluflfih, hli- lahlichih: rent, hlilofah, hlilahlih; a rent, hlilafa; to rent land, yakni impotah, Kendezvous, n. Ai ittofama; to rendezvous, ai ittufamah. Renegade, a. Hattak haksi okpulo. Rene»v, v. Himonachih; renewed, himonah, himonah toba; renewable, himonacha hinla. Renovate, v. Himonachi; renovated, himo- nah. Repair, v. Ai iskiachih, ai iskiachih; re- paired, ai iskiah: a repairer, ai iskiachi, achukmali, nan apuskiachi; not to repair or not repaired, ikaiiskoh; renarable, ai iskia hinla; irreparable, ai iskiah he kcyu. Repay, r. Falummichi, falumolichih, falum- mint attobih; repaid, falamut ulhtobah; repayment, falamut ulhtoba. Repeal, r. Akshochih; repealed akshoh, akshottaha. Repeat, v. Olbitelih, atuklanchih; repeat- ed, ulbitah, atuklah. Repel, V, Falummichih, falumolichih. Repent, r. He kostininchih; the place of repentance, aiile kostininchi. Replenisli, i'. Alotulih; replenishep, alotah. Reply, V. Afulummichih, falumminchih mihah, anumpa falummichih; replied, afulumah, anumpa falamah; a reply, afuluma, anumpa falama, replying, anumpa falommthinchih. i?eport, V. Anolih; reported, annoah. an- nowah; a report, aunoa, annowa; a good report, annoah achukma; a bad report, annoah achukma keyu; reported con- tinually, annohowah, annoah atupah; to be reported at, ai anowah; the report, ai annohowa; a reporter, anoli. Represent, v. Ahobachih, ahoballh; repre- sentative, aboha nakiish ctta ulhtoka. Repremand, v; Isht i fappulih. Reproach, v. Posilhhah, posilhhuchih; re- proachful, hattak hofahyah: reproached with,, ahohfahyah. Reprove, v. Isht i fappulih. Reptile, v. ]Sabalali, shushi balali. Request, n. Nan asilhha; a written request, holisso nan asilhha. Rescue, v. Hlakoffichih; rescued, hiakoffi. Research v. Hoyo fehna. Resemble, v. Aholbrchih; made to repem- ble. holba; resembling, holba; resem- bling to,ahoyulba; resemblance to, aholba Resentment, lali okha. Reserve, v. Ulhpoah. Reside, r- Binilih, utta, while residing, binilih takla; not residin, binilih keyu; residence, ai ahanta, ai utta; resident, ai utta, anta; residing, ottah. Resignation, ?i. I3ba Piki i nutaka lummot asha. Resin, »i. Tiak nia. Resist. V. Ichapah, echapoah; resisted, ichapah. Resolute, a. Achilituchih, aloshumah; to be resolute, amosholih, amosholichih. chilitah, yiminta, nukwia iksho, hoyopa; resolution, achunnachi. Respect, v. Ahninchih, ahnih, holitoblih, ithauah;to have self respect, ileholitoblih; to be respected together, ittibaholitopah; to mutually respect each other, ittiholi- tuplih; I am respected , saholitopah; re- spectful, ai okpanchi, ikana. Respire, v. Fiopah; respiration, fiopa. Respond, v. Falummiuchit mihah, falum- mint mihah. Rest, V. Fohah itunlah. a place of rest, afoha; restless, afoha iksho. komunta,* peh anta, himma keyu; resting at or on,' afoha: to cause to rest, afohuchih; rested,' fohah; a rest, foha; to give rest, fohuchih , Restitution, n. Falummichih, falumolichih. Restore, v. Hlakoffichi, falummichih, falu- molichih: restoration, hiakoffi. Restrain, v. Halanlih, haluUih; to cause re- straint, halullichih. Resurrect, i', Falamut okchayah; resurrec- EETALIATE 58 ROB tion^ falamut okchaya, illi falamut tani, illi a falaminchit taiiichi. retaliate, v. Atobbichih, okhah; retali- ation ilai okha. Betort, u. Anumpa chunkosh nulbhli; to retort falummiuchit miliah, falummint mibah. Returii, v, Falamut iab. falamoab, falamab falamut ulab: to return to, falamut onab; a riturner, falamolicbl; returned, fala- mab; falamoab; to go and return, fala- mtjt ulacbib; to restore or return back, falummicbib, to return from afalamab; to to return to. i falamab; not returned, ikfalamob; will not return, falama be koyu, Keveal, v. Imottonib, ibaiyakab, okfablih, o^tunicbicb; revealed, oktahab; not re- vealed, ikim ottunoh; revelation, nan otuni, uba anumpa otuni, nan isbt otuni- ncbi; book of revelation, nan otuni bo- li»so. Revenj^eful, a. Ilap ma attobi bunna, okba bunna, nukkilli. Revere, v. Ai akpancbib; to reverance, bo- litoblib; revered, bolitopab; reverend, bolitopa; reverential, nuktaula. Revert, v. Falamab; reverted, falamab. Revile, n. Lbakapab; reviling, cbakabapa; a reviler, cbakapa. Revive, v. Falummint okcbulib, falamut okchab, falamut oebayab; revivalist, falummint ubanumpa isbt okcbuli; re- vived, falamut okcbayab; a revival, fala- mut okcba. Revolt, V. Anumpa kobuffib: revolted, anumpa kobat'ah. Reward, ,(, Isbt ulhta")a. nan ulbtoba; to reward, attobib; reward, ulbtoba. Rhejiiiatisni, )i. Foui botopa, iti cbakli hotopa, na hisbi ubi. Rib, n. Naksi; a rib pole, aboba naksi: rib bone, naksi foni; my rib, sanuksi; ribbon, sitalapushki, sitafottaba, sita putba. Rice, n. Onusb asbila toba, onusb lakcbi: rice bird, koiiabmuli. Rich, a. Holitopab, nan i lawa; richly, fiehna. Rickets, n. Null kobafa. Riddle, «. Isbt yuba tash publa isbt yuba; a pun or riddle, nan ittim ikbuna. Ride, a. Ombinilit ayab, o asbut ayah; ridden or rode, ontulab; to ride or riding with, ibai ombinillb, ibai ontulayah; to ride double, ai ittisbolih; rider, on talaia o binile. Ridge, n. Buchcbab, onchuba; to ridge, bunaiyucbib; to make a ridgo, buchcbab ikbi; ridged, bunaiya; the top of a ridge buchcbab puknaka; a straight ridge, buchcbab apissab. Rtidicule, v. Namibuchih; ridiculing, nami- buhachih. Rifle. V Fatabllchih; rifled, patahlih; a rifle gun, tanamp patahli. Ri^ht, n. Ahli, ai ulbpiesa ulhpesa ai ulbpi'sa; rigbt time, ai t31hpesa; righte- ous, hopoyuksia, hopoyuksa; the righte- ous, hopoyuksa; righteousness, nan olhpesa, nana ai ulbpiesa, ahopoyuk- saka. Rif^id, a. Kullo, palummL Rill, n. Bok ushi. Rind, n. Hakshup, Bin{^, n. Tuli chanaha; finger ring, ibbafe uhsi fol?a; finger rings, ibbak ushi ubiha; to ring, chamak, olachih; continually ringing, olahanchib, chamakahauchih; rang, olab; ringing loud, chitot olah; ringworm. huUampa; to have ringworm, hullampubih. Riotous, a. Yahapa. Rip, V. HIiluffih, hlilichih; ripped, blilafa, hlilahlih; to rippje, bunukuchih; to cause to ripple, bunutkuchichih; a rip- ple, banutha. Ripe, n. Hanta (as grain) batucbib, nuna, tubachi; ripeness, hatuclii; to ripen; hatuchih. wayab, alaknali. alaknuchib; to begin to ripen, alaknut ia, alaknut isbt ia; ripened, alaknab; being ripe, nunab: green or not ripe, okchukkochi, waloba, wulwukl, Rise, V. Wakayah, tanib, uba iab. shatum- mih; to rise again, falamut tuuib; to leav- en and cause to rise, shatumraichib; to rise up, bokonolih; raised vip, biikkon- noab; risen, tahanih;to cause to rtse, as a blaster, wokkolachih: raised up as a blis- ter, wokkolah; rose or risen, wakayah. Rive, V. Siiimmib; riven, shimah; one who rives, shimmi. River, n. Bok, huchcha, okhina; channel of a river, bok ayanulli; thtt source bok wishakchi: the mouth, bok asetili: junc- tion of rivers, bok ai ittusetli: tributary, bok chuhlufii; tributaries, bok chuhlabli, bok cbuhhli; river bottom, bok anuka, lussa; a long, river, bok falaia; the fork, bok falakto; one side, bok i tunnup; the other side, bok mishtunnop; this side, bok ola tunnup; rivers heading together, bok ittitikobli; th<' main river, bok upinli; a deep river, bokhofobi; a shallow^ river, bok ikbofobo Rivet, V. bot apiliffih, hot apiliffichih; rivet- ed, boat apelifah. BiviiZet, /). Bok ushi. Roach, n. Nuni patussa. (a fish) cock roach, niacbupka; bila chupka nuni chupka. Road, I). Hina, ai ittunowah; a large or wagon road, hinachito, l»ina potha: the fork, hina falokto; to make a road, hina ikbi, a cross road, hiba akfoata, hina ubanubli, hina okhowata hina o hanubli; to cross another road, hina o hanublih, bina ittaiokbuhab hina ubanublih: an old deserted road, hinaksho; to measure or lav off o road, hina apeaa: along the road, hinabaiyah, binali, hina takla; a narrow road, hina ikputho; a path hiuu- shi. Roan, n. Bukboki. Roar, V. Bimikuchib. bimihuchib, fopah, chopah, fopah, winnehucbih, Idlehah; to make roar, bimihucbicbib; roaring, bimi- huchi, chopa; to roar, as wtnd fopah. fapah, fokah, komobucbih; to roar as water, chopah; to cause a roar, a a storm, fupuchih. Roast, V. Apushlih: toroast at, aiapushlih; roasted over a fire, ulbunih,; roasted, ulhpusbah. Rob, V. Wehpullih, hukopab, nawehpulih; to rob him of, i wehpulih; a robber, na- webpuli, hattak hokupa, hattak W'^hpoli: robbed, nawehpoa. wehpuah; caused to be robbed, webpuachib, wehpulichih. ROBE 59 RUSTLE hokupah; robbing, nawehpulih. Robe, II. Anchi. Robin, ft. IMshkohkok, bishkonluk; wake robin, hichi. Robust, a. Hlampko, kullo; to cause roliustness, hlampkochih. Rock, )/. Ti3li: a lar.s?e rock, tcli chito: large rocks, tuli hoehito; whet rock, tuli isht shuahcbi, tul ashuahchi; a rocker or rocking chair, ai obinile faiokuchi; to rock, faiokuchih faiolichih; rock salt, hapi kullo; rocky, tuli ai asha. Rod, n. Full, ahaplitahlapi. R'lsrue, n. llattak haksi, issikopa, hokopa; roij-nish, haksi, isht akanomi, okpulo yopula. Roll, V. Faiokuchih, banuthuchih, bunu- kuchih. chanullih, tonullih. tonullicbih; waving or rolling, poakunhanchi, banut- hah; to roll up, bonnih, bonullih; not rolled up, ikbonutoh; rolled up, bonah bonuntah, bonutah; a bundle or roll, bona bonuta, nabunota; bundles or rolls, uabunkuchi; to make a rail, bonullichih; to roll a wheel, channichih; not rolled, ikchanulioh; to roll up in, abonullih; to causL' to be roll«.d up together in. abon- ullichih; rolkd up m, abouutah, abunku- chih; to roll them up in, abunnih; roll- ing, tonolih; continually rolling, touo- nglih. tonullichih; rolls, ponola shiahchi. Roof, /;. Aboha isht holmo, isht holmo chukka isht holmo, holmo; the eves of a roof, chukka isht holmo uhli, aboha isht holmo uhli; a shingle roof, mismiki; to roof, oholmochih. Room, /*. Aboha, chukka; one room, aboha achuffa, aboha ilup ochufFa; dining room, aboha ai impa; bed room, aboha anusi: bath room, aboha ayupi: a large room, aboha chito: high room, aboha chaha: an adjoining room, aboha et achaka: a small room, aboha iskitini. abohushi: a medium sized room, aboha iskatcni: a wash room, abohauah ai achifa: an old room, aboha sipokni: roomy, putha, chito. Roost, II. Anusi: a hen roost, akaka anusi; rooster, akak nakni. Root, ». Akshish, haksish, akkishtula: to take root, akshish tobah. Rope, Aseta tancffo, ponola hcnula chito, pono kullo honula, ponolah kullo, pono kamussa, ishtuUakchi: ropiness, hlikaha: ropy, chinushbi. hlikaha. Rose, rt, Napakanli ulhpoa: rosy, homma. Rosin, n. Tiak nia, tiak nia paluska. hlitilli. Rostrum, ii. Ahikiut anumpuli, hattak ai anumpuli. Rot, V. Toshbichih shakbonuchih; rotten or rottenness, toshbi, shua, litowa; shak- bona shumba. Rotund, a. Lumbo, bolukta. Roujre, n. Anchaha, tishi homma; to color the face with rouge, anch^hiih, tishi homma achahlih; to color anothers face, anchahlichih. Rough, a. Babukih, haluppa; bambokih shikkulah, bambakih, bunutkuchih; to produce roughness, babukichih. Round, n. Eolukta; lumbo, hlaboa. halaha loboah; to make round, hlohoachih, lombochih; short and round, hlobukta; to make short and round, hlobuktuchih; roundish, lobuhko; roundness, kulaha, hloboa. Route, n. Aiaya, anowa. Row, 7?. Atia,' bachaya, hina; to make a row foJ planting, hina ikbi, hina apesa; to row or paddle , mofflh. Royal, a. Miko imma. Rub, V. Amishurtih, pushohlih, koshollchih mishoffih, pihloffih; to rub on, akasholi- ehih; akashoffih amishottih; to rub out or against, akushuffih, akoshuUichih, ami- shohlichih, amishokuchih; rubbed on, amishofah: rubbed, amishoah; a place to rub at. amisholichi; to rub on, as salt, yummichih, fohkichih; to brighten or rub smooth, halulukuchih; to rub gently with hand, hummih; rubbed, humah; to rub with, isht akohlih, isht ulhkoah; to rub off, mishoffih; rubbed off' mishofah; continually rubbing, mishohoffih; to rub off the skin, pikoffih, mofih, pishuffih, pikohlih; rubbing off the skin, mutah, pishuhkuchih; rubbed the skin off, pi- shuffah; my skin is rubbed off, sapisho- fah; to rub over me, sopushohlih; rubber holisso isht kashutfi. Ruddy, a. Homma. Rude, a Haluppa, okpulo. Rue, V. Ittifalummichih. Ruffian, n. Hattak haksi atupa. Ruin, V. Okpuninchih, okpunih; ruined, okpulo: ruinous, ai okpuui, isht okpulo; I am ruined, siaiokpuloh, siaiokpulokah. Rule, V. Amikoh. hlafih; a rule, auumpa ulhpisa, nan ulhpisa; ruled, hlafah; a ruler, atoni, na pehlichi, pehlichi. isht hlafa, hattak i miko. holisso isht hluffi. Rumble, r. Koniohuchih, fomohah, fomo- huchih: to rumble in the stomach, nu- kchawah, rumbling, fomohah. Ruminate, v. Hopasa, hoasa. Rumor, n. Anumput aya. Rump, n. Hapullo, hopullo, hutip, ishkish; a hiarh rump, chishina. Run, V. Balelih, tihlih matelih. bulullih, yihlepah, yauulli chufah, tihlaiah, a runner, baleli. maleli, chufa. anumpa isht aya, anumpa shall; to run as a vine, bulullih; to run away, chufah; running chuhafa; to cause to run, chufRchih malelichih; to run about, fitihkuchih; a place for running, achafa ayanulli; to ooze or run out, hletillih. running to- gether, ittapeha; to cause to run contin- ually, malelihinchih; to run out in a small stream, bichillih. pechillih; running down, shippah; to caiise to run down, sheppulichih; to run one down, ami- hochih; to run off, lihlih; to run as water, yanullih; all run, yihlipah; to run them, yihliplih; to make them run, yihlipli- chih; continually running them, yihli- himplih; to run under, as water, yululih; lunning lunder, lululi; a runagate hattak haksi okpulo: a runner, hattak chufa. Ruriil, a. Haiakaimma. Rush, V. Amosholichih, amosholih; rush- ing, amoshohoulih; a rush or bul rushes, kushahuchih. Russet, a. Lakna, homma. Rust, V. Alakna, alaknachi.' Rustle. V. Fomohah, fomohuchih, kusha- huchih. RUTH GO SCAKS Ruth, a. Nukhaklo; ruthless, nukhaklo | Rye, v. Onush lusa; ryo flour, onnsh lusa iksho. 1 bota; rye bread, onush hisa paloska. f^ibbath, n, ISTittak hullo, foha nittak. i 8»ble, a. Lusa, ' h»i'\, n. Bahta, shukcha;a corse sack, bun- cha; "grip" or traveliug sack, nafoka ashali. Sacrament, n Nan isht ulhpisa holitopa, okyaka impa. ^cred, a. Holitopah; holitopa, ai ahli; sacredly, holitopot; sacrifice, uba isht ai okpochi. Sad, a. Nukhaklo, im anukfela. Saddle, n. Issuba ompatolbpo; saddle skirt, haksobish; horn or pommel of a saddle, chauwuna, i chauwuna, stirrup, tuli ahupli, toll hupli; stirrup leather or strap, toll hopli isht tuUakchi; girth, Ik- foka isht sita; saddle bags, wak hakshup shukcha; to saddle umpatalih; saddled, nmputah, umpultslhpoh; saddler, issuba umpatulhpj ikbi. Sad iron, n. Nakfoka isht huma tuli pa- tussa. Safe, a. Hlakolli, achukma asha, Sai^iicious, a. Kostiui, Sage, a; Hopoyuksa. Sail, n. Kolita, sails, nahotah. Saint, n. t3banumpuli, ubanumpa yimmi, tsbaiikmpa isht holitopa; saluted holi- topah, tsbanumpah isht holitopah. Salad, n. Okchaki nan upa. Sale, II. Achumpa,alcanchi, kanchi, akvsnia saleable, kaucha hinla. Saline, n. Ho pi atoba, hupi ai ikbi. Sallow, a. Lakna. Salt, n. Hupi; salty, hopi homechi; salt works, hupi atoba, hupi ai ikbi; salt celler, hupi ai ulhto; like salt, hupi holba; salt;;, hupi holba; salt petre, hupi kapussa; salt spring, hupi kulih; coarse salt, hupi lakchi; salt water, hupi oka; iine salt, hupi pushi; salted, hupi yummi to salt, hupi yummichih; to make strong by salting, homechib: somewhat salty, hominchih; to salt at, ai yammichih, fohkichih; to salt with, ai yummih, ai yummichih; saltish, takba. Salubrious, n. Ikaiabeko. Salute, V. Ai okpuchih; saluting, ai ok- pahauchih; a saluter, ai okpanchi; not saluting, ai okpanchi keyu; a salutation hau. Salvation, n. Ai okchaya, isht ai okchlin- chi nan aiokchayah; sutficlent for salva- tion, ai okchaya he ulhpesa. SalTe, At. Hlachowa ahama. Same, n. Amiha chuffa, hasi, hash inii, inli; of the same kind, bika; same as, ohmih. Sanctify, v. Hullochih, hotoblih, kashofih, yohbichih, holitoblichih; sanctity, holi- topa; sanctification, isht akashofa, nan ashuchi ikim iksho, shilombish holitopa isht yohbi, saktifikeshun; not sanctify- ing, ikholitoploh; santuary, chukka holi- topa, ai ittunaha chukka; Sand, n. Shinuk; quick sand, shlnuk hais- mo. sand stone, tuna shukwa; sandy, shinuk fokah. Sane, a. Kostinih: I am sane, aakostinih. Sap, n. Okchi; sapience, hopoyuksa; sap- sucker, biskinik, oktik, chukchuk, biski- nik ehito, biskinik iskitini. Sarcasm, a. Anumpa cbukush nuhhli. Siirsaparilln, 7?.. Akshish lakna Sash, a. Apisa kashofa ai ulbiha, ishtu- skofuchi. Sassafras, ??. Iti kufl, kufl iti. Satan, n. Nan isht ahullo okpulo; Satan. Satchel, n. Huchik, bahta, shukcha. Sate, ('. Yummih. yummichih; to satiate me, siyomraichih." Satisfy, V. Kihoplih: satisfied, fihopah. shatuplih: satisfactory, fihopah: to caus'- satisfaction, fihoplicliih, shatuplichih; I am satisfied, safihopoh. Sitiirdtiy, n. Nittak hullo nakfish, satuti, Sa'Jcy, a. Tasimbo. haksi. isht akanumi. Saunter, ?' C^hukka apullit aya. Saurian, v. Kitiulbi. SaTape. V. Nukhaklo iksho, kullo, Savana, n. Oktak. Save, V. Okchalinchih, ilatorabah. hlakofi- chih; saved, ahlakoffih, hlakolfi, apou- chih. okchayah; a place of safety, ahlo- koflS; to cause to be saved at. ahlokofi- chih: saved with, ai isht okchayah; sal- vation, ai okchayah; hlakoffi; saved by. ai okchayah; The Savior, Hlako'lichi, Okchalinchi: saving, ilatobah, ilatobah irapunna, okchalinchi; savory, champuli kushaha. Saw, H, Itti isht busha; crosscut saw. isht busha chito: a circlar saw, ishtbusha chunaha; hand saw, isht busha iskitini; whip saw, uba itula isht busha; to saw, bushlih; sawed, busha; sawyer, bushli, iti bushli; saw mill, abusha, itti abusha; sawed lumber, iti busha. Say, V. Achih, mihah, ah, anumpulih; say no, aha achih; not to say, iliachoh; not saying, ikachoh; to say after, iakaiyachit mihah; it is said, miah. mihah; achih; saying, namihah. amihah; to say some- thing toward this way, nun et achih; said, iakaiyachit mihah. Scab. n. Liahpo; scabby, kochonlih; scab- bard, 1 shukcha; the scab of a sore, hla- chowa hokshup. Scald, n. Holhpa; scalded, holukmi; to scald, oka lushpa isht hokmi; scalded, oka lushpa isht liokmi; scalds, oka lush- pa holhpa, Scaile, V. Fachanlih, isht weki, isht weki- chi; to scale or peel off, fochonlih; scaled • off, fulah; scales, hakhlopish. Scalp, n. Hattak pashi. Scan, V. Hoyoh; scandal, anumpa okpulo; scandalous, hofahyah. Scars, n. Basosiikuchih, misa, lasa, misofa. SCARCE 61 SEESAW Ncarce, a. Iksho, chubihasih, chubihah' scarcity, chubihah. Scare, r/ Mahlulih. nukshoblih nukhlo- kushlih, mahlalichih, vLhlik achih; scar- ed, uiikshopah, aukhlakanchah, mahliah. Sacrify, v. Hlafih, hlalichih; scarified, hlafa; to scarify one's self, hlalih. Scarlet, 7u Homina. Scatter, v. i^'immih, fimimplih hlelih fimkuchib, hlalih, hlatnplih; to scatter them, hlahlulih, o hlalih; scattered. Maya; a scatterer, hlali, hloli, ua timmi. Scent, V. Ahchishih, huwah. ai ishuah; to scent after me. siahchishih. Schism, 71. Itta kushkowa, ubanumpa isht itta koshkovva. Scholar, n, Holisso ithana, holisso ikhana; scholarship, holisso ithana. School, n. Holisso ai ithana, holisso ai ikhana holisso apisa; large school, hol- isso apisa chito, aolisso ai ithana chito; school house, holisso ai ikhana chukka, hilisso apisa chukka; school mate, hol- isso ittiba pisa; school teacher, holisso pisuchi, holisso ikhunanchi, holisso ima- buchi. Scissors, n, Ishkalasha, ishkachaya' shears, ishtkalasha chito; to cut with scissors, kachelih, kalasha. Scold, V. I nukoachi; to be scolded at, i hiyyah. Scollop, V. Kachuniih, lanlakichih; scol- loped, kachuuiih, lakowah, lanlakih. Scorch, r. Anaksholih, anakshuttih; scor- ched,anakshofah,anakshohah; unscorch- ed, ikanakshotbh, ikauakshowoh. Score, V. Baklih, baklichih; to chop and score, chant buklih. Scorn, V. Shitilemah. uukkillih, isht ik i ahnoh; scornful, shitilema. Scorpion, n. Halambia,; a stiugiag scor- pion, halambia hasimbish isht nulhhli. Scoundrel, n. Hattak haksi. Scourge, n, Hlukata; to scourge, hluk- kahah, hlukalichih; a scourger, hlukaha: ^ continually scorgiug, hlukalihiuchih. Scout, ju Napisa; to go on a scout, napisut ayah; going on a scout, napisut aya. Scrape, v, Shaffih, pehlih, shuffih hlahhih; scraped, shafah, boafah, pihah, shuffah, hlahah; to scrape off the hair, boaifih; a scraper, akoshulichih. Scratch, v, Hlatih, kullih, kuluttih, shu- ffih, yicholih; scratched, hlaktjchih, kulafah, ullofih; scratches, hlakcchi; to cause to be scratched, hlolichih; a ])lace for scratching, akollx; not scratched, ikhlafoh; scratching or to scratch me, sakullih, sakullichili; to scratch up, shuffih; scratched up, shufah; continual- ly scratching up, shuhafih; to scratch with claws, yicholih. Scrawl V. Hi'mak- ^kalechit holissochih. Scream, 7'. Chalakj^h': screamad, chalakah; screaming, chalahakah: a scream chalak ^ chilak. chalaka; h screamer, chalakuchi. Screen, v. Hoshohtlka; to screen, hoshon- tikachih. Screw, iu Tuli isht shuna: scr w plate tuli ishi shon«k ai ikbi; screw driver, isht a-shunichih; screw threads, yikoha: to cut screw threads, yikohuchih; to cause to cut. yikolichih. Scribe, n Holissochi, hattak holissochi, anumpa ulhpisa isht utta, na holissochi. Scripture, v. Holisso holitopa: scriptural, holliso holitopa takali. Scrofulai,??. Chihlauli, shatohpa; to be scrofulous, shatohprth, chililailih: to produce scrofula, shatohpuchih, s atoh- pulih, shatohpullichih, chihlaulichih, Scrntinize, v. Achukmalit pis ah. Scuffle, i\ Ittimmufoah, haielih. afoah; a scufller, haieli. Scurrile, a. Cnakapa, okpulo; scurrility, anumpa makali. Scurvy, v. Noti ahika litowa. Scythe, v, Hashuk isht busha hashuk isht bushli liash\ik isht umo: scythe blade, bushpo hashuk isht umo. Sea. V. Okhuta chito: sea board, oka ai ulhli: armof the sea. okhuta i filummi. Seal, n. Nan isht tslhtokowa,- sealiug wax holisso isht ai akmo kullo. Seam, v. Ai ahchuwa, ai ulhcbuwa; seam- less, ai ahchuwa iksho; seamstress, ohoyo nan achunli. Search, r. Hoyoh; to search closely, achu- kmalit pisah; to research, hoyo fehna. Season, v. tohkichih, yommichih; to season at, ai yummichih; weather or season, kuclia; time or season, ai oua. Seal, /*. Aiasha, ai obinili, ai ombinili, ai onasha abiuili: a long seat ai obinili lalaia ai onusha; a sacred seat ai obinili hanta: a mercy seat, ai obinili holitopa; an arm seat, ai onasha sliukba asha; seated, binilih; not seated, binilih keyu; to sea\ biuilichih; to cause them to take a seat binililichih; to cause him or her to take a se^t, biuilichih, to be seated, chiyah; his seat, imaiasha. Second, a. Hitukla atukla; second ttme, atuklahma atuklant, atuklachih: to do it the second time, hituklochit: secondly, out atukla, ontatuklaha; a second (time), vakosi itti takla. sikan. Secret, v. Aluma; alumaka, luma; secretly, ikkahaklo; to secrete, alaluhnih aluhmi- chih. Secretjiry, n, Holissachi: aholissochi; his secretary, j holissochi. Secular, a. Yakni isht ai utta imma. Secure, a. Isht ai okpuloka hinla iksho: security, ihikiah. Sedate, a. >ruktanlah. Sedentary, a, Binili bilia. Sedge, n, Hushuk btissi. Seduce, c. Haksichih; seduced, haksichih. Sedulous, a. Achunnanchi. See, )'. Pisah. holhponayoh, noponayoh. hopumpoyoh, hopokoyoh, hopopoyo; to see visions, holhpokunna; to cause to see, holhponnayuchih. hopounayuchih; to see together, ittibapisaii: to see me, sapisah; to suffer me to see, sapisuchih. Seed, II. Nihi. nakhuta; seeds, nanihi; to save seed, i)ehuuchih; seed for planting, pehna, nihi pehna. Seek, v. Hoyoh, bunnah; unsought, ikhoyo seeker, na hoyo, Seem, v. Ahobachih, ahobalih, chinih; seemingly, chinih. achini. Seer, n. Hopaii. Seesaw, ». Ittintakanha. SEETHE 63 SHAWL Seethe, v. Honih; seethed, honnih, nn- seethed, ikhonnoh. Seldom, ad. Fehna keyu, kanimikma. Select, a. Dlhtoka: to select, atokoli: select- ed, atokoa. ullitoka. Self, pro. Akiuli, akint; self to, ile ak osh; that is self, (is understood) as, uno ak osh pisa li; I see myself, self examination, anukfillet ile pisa; self denial, ile kanchi, ile kaiyanehi; self esteem, ilefehnuchih, to show self, ilehaiyauc'hih; to hear of self, ilehakloh; to deceive self, ilr^hak- sichih; to cure self, ilehlakoffichih: to renew self, ilehimonuchih; to make self young, ilehimettuchih; to break one's self, ilekobuffih; to purify one's self, ilekushoffili; to wipe ones self, ilekusholi- chih; to tie ones self iletakchili; to give one's self up, ileynkocliih; by itself, ila; made by its If ila atobah; to" moke one's self sick, ilabekuchih; to wash self, ila- chifah; to have self esteem ilanichih; boiled by itself, ilahouuih; to fix one's self, ilaiiskiachih; to tell on one's self, ilai anolih; to squeeze one's self, ila kataulichih; to think of self, ilanukfillih; to examine self, ilanuktillit pisah; to talk to one's self, ilauumpulih, selfish, ila- pokpula, ilapunla; to praise self, ilawata; to cut one's self, ilebushli, ilechanlih; to redeem self, ilecnimpah; selfishness, ikhaponaklo. Sell. V, Kancliih. kampilah; sold, konia: a seller, konchi; to sell on credit, aheka- ^ chih; to sell back, falummiut i kanchih. Senate, n. Aboha akni; senator, aboha akni utta ulhtoka. Send, V. Pilah: sending, pilah; to cause to i send, pilachih; to send after, ikai yachit | pilah, ikaiyachit chu.fichi: to send back, faluminchit pilah, falomraint pilah. Senna, . Iti hishi holba. Sensible, a. Kostini, impjnna; senseliss, ikkosteno, im anukfila iksho, I am senseless, satasimoh. Sen te. ice, v. Anumpah onochlh: to pass sentence, anumpa ulhpisa onochih, nan im apesah; continually passing, nan im apihisah. Sentiment, n. Ai ahni. Seperate, v. Ittifilummih kashoplih; seper- ated. kashuplih. a seperator, kashupli: a separation, filamoli: to cause a separa- tion, filamolichih: a place of separation, ai ifilummi. Septeinber, n. Siptimba. j Sepuk'her. n. Aholuppi, hattak ahollupi. Sci-ene, a. Yohbi, nuktanla. { Serious, a. Ahli. ubanumpa yimmi, aba- | numpa anukfilli, abanumpa khni. i Sermon, n. Ubanumpa isht anumpa. | Serve, v. Isht uttah. toksulih, holitoblichih to serve faithfully, holitoblichi aiahli: \ servant, tishu. j Set, V. Alatah akatulah, talalih, talahli, • hilechih, ashachih, lapalichih; setting, i alata; to set out, apowah: to set at or on, i abinilih: to set up; hilichih hiohlichih, ' er.'Cted or set up, hiohlih; to set down, takkalichih: to cause to set (as a hen), alotalih: set; taliah, talohah, talomayah, hikiah, ashah, lapalih. Settle, V. IJinilih, binohlih; settlers, bin- ohli; settlement, ai okiah, ab'nili; settled, binohlih. binilih, okla ai asha: to settle at, ai okluchih, abinilih. abinohlih, achnkkah . ai okluchih; to settle on, abinilih; to cause them to settle at. abin- ohlichih, ai okluchichih: a colonizer," binohlichi; unsi'ttled, abiuili keyu ik- abiniloh: to settle lately, himona ai akla- chih; to settle to one's self, ilabinilih; settled (as sediment), oka tulah. Seven, a. Untuklo; seventh, isht untuklo, seventeenth, isht auahuutuklo. Sever, v. Hliluffi hokohlichih: severed, hokohlih; several, kanohmi. Severe, a. Kt3llo, palumraih; to be severe, pullummih. Sew, '•. Achunlih. non achonlih; to sew to- gether, ittachunlih: sewed i^lhchowah; sewing machine, isht achunlih, nan isht achunlih. Sex, ??.",Male. nakni: female, tek; sexton, hattak itti hopi, nan hopi. Shade, n. Hoshontika, ohoshontika, opa- shshia; to make a shade, hoshontikachih hoshontichih ohoshontikuchih: to place under a shade, hoshontika ashachih- shady, hos'>ontika, very shady; hoshon; tika lawa, shaded, ohoshontikah. Shadow, ri. Hoshonti, ahoba. naholba; to make a ahadow, hoshontichih; to over- shadow, hoshontikachih. Shag'jry, a. Fachanlih; shaggy hair, hishi chito. Shake, v. Fahalichih, taiokuchih, faiolih, faiolichih, tahtnlih. tahtiilichih, wunni- chih winnachih. winakuchih, wunnichih, shaking, faiokahanchi, winnakuchih; shaken, faiokuchih. tahtuah; to shake by the root, fotoklih; to shake self, as a dog, ilewilohlih; shook or shaken, tahtuah. Shall, V. Hinlah, ahinlah, chike, himma, (as hlakofa himma keyu; he shall never recover.) Shallot, n. Hatofolaha. Shallow, a. Ikhofoboh. malussa, okcht3nak. paknali; to be shallow, malussah. Shame, v. Hofahvuehih: to make one ashame. hofah valichih; ashamed, ho- fahyah; shamefalness. hofahya; shame- less, hofahya iksho, ik hofah yo; shame- fully, hofahyalit; shemoful, hofahya, hat- tak hofahya"^, Shank, n. Hanali foni, iyi foni. Sharp, a. Haluppa, homi; to be sharp, haluppah. sharpened; haluppah, shuah- chih; sharpness, haluppa homi; sharply, haluppa; to sharpen, haluppuchih, shoh- lichih,, haluppulih: the sharp <'dge. ahaluppa; sharp edge turned up, ahalupa anukpilifa; to utter shrill or sharp, sounds, chasah; not sharp haluppa keyuo ikhaluppo; not sharp yet, haluppa keyu kisha; to cut to a point or sharpen, tulhlih; a sharper, hattak haksichi. Shave n. Isht shafa. iti isht shafa; to shave, shafih: shaved, shafah. Shawl, n. Anchi, innochi, nantapuski chito; to put a shawl on, auchih; black shawl, anchi lusa; cotton shawll, anchi ponola; light colored . shawl, anchi huta; purple shawl, anchi homakbi; red shawi, anchi homma, homma; silk shawl, silk anchi; white shawl, anchi tohbi; woolen shawl, SHEAR 63 SICKLE chukfi hishi anchi. Shear, v, Umoh; shorn, olmoh; to shear shoep, chukfi liishi umo: a shearer, chukfi hishi umo; shears, isht kacbaya. isht kalasha chito, chukfi hishi isht tolmo, 8hed, ??. Ulhtipo, hushoutik, aboha uba takali; sh'-d room nboha et achaka; to make a shed, hoshoutikachih; to shed tears, hlatuplih; to shed the hair, buy- uflih, buaffih; shed off, l^oyafah. buafah, Slipei>. V. Chukfi. chukfi ulhpoba, ram. chkfi nakm; ewe, chukfi tek; wether, chuk hobuk; lamb, chukfi ushi, chukfu- shi: sheep wool, chukfi hishi: sheep shears, chukfi hishi isht ulmo; sheep skin, chiikfi hakshup; shepherd, chukfi apisuchi; sh(!ep fold, chukfi aiasha; mut- ton, chukfi nipi; fleece, chukfi hishi ulmo; tieeced, chukfe hishi u'lnoh; to shear sheep chukfi hishi umoh: a sheep shear- er, chukfi hishi umo; Shelf, V. Abatula. ubatula, ai onasha, ai ontalaia- a shelf for crockery, ampoatula, ampnshi atuloha; a long: shelf, uba tula falaia. SheJ). ». Hakshup; to shell, luffih, huchih, uihechih, nihelichih, chiluhka: to shell, as corn, chiluhka; shelled, cheluhkah, nihittuhi: corn sheller,. nan isht chilu- hka; a charm shell, fullush hakshup; to shell nuts, hanchih, hanlichih. Shelter, v. Ai atukko. Sheriflf, n. Hattak yukachi, hattak takchi, shulif. Shield, V. Ai atokko. Shin, V. lyinchibako iyinchampko, Ivi- chumko; shin bone, iyinchibako fohi, iyichumko foni. S'hiiie, ('. Chulhchulhchukichih. malan- chah, tohchallih. tohchtjllalih, tommih; shining bright, malatah, tohchalalih, tohpokolih; sunshine, hoshi torami Shiiisrle n. Jti shima yushkololi. aboha isht holmo: shinglo roof, mismiki. Shi?), n. Pohta, pcni chito. Shirt. '). X'af'oka lumbo:hunting shirt, nafoka patafa. Shiver, v. Chuhlih wunnichih, wunnihin- chih; shivered, chuhlah; to shiver with cold, wanannahuchih; shivering; wanan- nahhah; shivering, hochukwachi, wunni- hinchi. Shoal, a. Okchuwuha. Shoe. //.. Shulush, shilush; shoe maker, shulushikbi; shoe brush, shulush isht kasholichi: shoe blacking, shulush isht lusachi; shoe string, shulush isht talak- chih; shoe maker's apron, tikba takali; shoe hammer.isht boa; shoe knife, bush- po;lap board, abushli: shoe last, shulush atoba; shoe punch, ^holush ishthlumpa; shoe tacks, tuli chufak chipunta; shoe thread, pono kuUo isht ahchowBh; shoe bench, shulush ai ikbi ai o asha; rubber shoes, shulush shepa; brogan shoes, shu- lush kullo: .shoe <'obbler, shulush, akulli; mended or repaired shoes, shulush ulh- kuta; slippers, shulush malussa; boots, shulush chaha: ladies shoes, ohoyo i shu- lush; Children's shoes, ulla i shulu.sh; to shoe (as a horse.) shulush lapalih, lapoh- lichih: shod all round, shulush lapohlih. , Shoot, V. Ilussah. tokuffih; shooting, toka- I fah, hussa; shot, hussah, tokafah; shoot- ing off, tokahlih; to shoot off. tokahli- chih; a marksman, hussa imponna; to shoot at, anulhhlih: where shot, auuhlah; a shooting place, anuhla; to shoot as a bud, bikoplih; to cause to shoot, bikopli- chih: anything te shoot with; isht hussa; to shoot with a blow gun, bahpulih, shot, bahpoah; to shoot off obliquely, tibuUi- chih. Shop, n; Atoksahlih, ai ittuloba. Shore. '. Alaka, oka alaka, oka uhli on- tulaka. i Short, a. Yuskololi, yustololi, yushkololi, { ikfalaio toluski, koliikshi, akkalih; to be short, ynstololih; shortness, yustolollih; to shorten, yustololichih. toluskichih. Shot, n. Nakushi, uakushi; buck or grape shot, nakpaki. Should, ('. Chin tuk chin tok; should not, yobat: should have been, achin tok; should have, ahetok. Shoulder n. Tahchi, fulup: stoop shoulder sokkono, tokkono; shoulder blade, ok- putha; back of shoulder blade, shanakha; shoulder joiut, tahchit auetili; shoulder i of man, tahchi— of a beast, fulup; my I shoulder, suttuhchi; my shoulder blade, j sashannukha. I Shout, n, Yuhapa; to shout at, apahlichih. Sho^e, V. To.lih; to shove each other, itti- tuplih. Shovel, Ishtpeha; fire shovel luak Isht piha, hittuk chubi isht piha; dirt shovel, lukfi isht piha: to shovel, pehlih; shovel- ed, pihah Show, V. Haiakah, walih haiyakuchih, obuninchih, pisachih, ihaiyakuchih; shown, haiakah, otunih. pisah; to show, self, ilehaiyakuchih; showing, walih; a show, ayopisah. j Shrill, a. Halui4>a chasah, saraampa, kam- ampa. Shrine, n. Itombushi holitopa. I Shroud, n. Hattak. illi ulh foa nantumua aboiumta, hattak illi isht afohlih. ill i nukfoka; to shroud, hattak illi isht afoh- lih. Shrub, n. Bushukchi; shrubby, itakshish laua. Shuffle, ('. Tulohkuchih. fulohkuchit anumpulih: shuffling, fulokahanchih; shuffled, fulohkuchih. Shut. V. Akamulih, okummih akummih, okshihtah, okshilihtah, okhishtAh; shut, akamah, ulhkamau, akamah, okshilita: shut up or in, ai okshillihtah; ta fasten or shut as a bung, ikumalih; to shut as a pocket knife, pohlommih; shut, pohlom- mah; to cause to shut, pohlomolichi; shut- ting continually, pohlohommih; still shut, ulhkamah; shut in, ulhtoh; shut- tle, nan isht tunna i peni isnt pila. Shy, i\ Nukshopa; to shy off, punullukah- chih. Sick, a. Abeka, nan ikanihmi; to be sick, abekah: sickness, abeka; to caus'; sick- ness, abekuchih; to .sicken one's self, ilabekuchih; I am sick, siabekah; a sick- ly place, aiabeka; not sick, ikabekoh. abeka keyu. nan i kanihmi keyu. Siclile, n. Hashuk isht bushli, i.sht ulmo. SIDE 64 SLIT Side, n. Chnniikko ikfeksa naksi: inside, anukaka: side of, alapalika, lapulika; to put side by side, ittaputalih; going side [ by side, ittaputah; to stick on the side, j lapalih; each or both sides, tablahlakka; j on this side, takla, i tcnup; this side, ola; ' on this side of ola in tunnup olehma. Seive, n. Isht vuba; sifter, isht vuha. Sift, ('. Yohlih: sifted, yohah. Sigh, V. Chitolit fiopah, chitot fiopah. Siglit. n. Aianompisa; totako aim or sight, auumpi sahchih: an eyesight, hoihpona- yo, hoponayo, hopokoyo. Sign, V. 1-lohchifo takalichih. lupalichih signed, hohcliifo takalih, lupalih: signal isht unnoa, isht otauinchi. Signature, a. Hohchifo takali; signer, hoh- chifo holissoehit takalichih. Silence, n. chulosa, nuktanla; to silence, chulosuchih. chulo salih: silent, anumpa ik i lauoh, anumpa, ik im iksho. chulosa, loma, nan ik acho. ikanumpuloh; I am silent, sasammatah, sammtitulih. Silli, ?f. Silik; sewing silk, silik isht ah- chunlih; silk handkerchief, innochi; to silk, as corn, okshunlih; silking, okshon- lih; silk worm, silik shushi. Sill, . Aboha i tula, silly, ik kosteuo, hak- sulba. Silver, n. Tuli htJta: silver mine, tuli huta akula: silver ware, toll huta. Similar, ii. Sloven, V Uattak liteha; extremely sloven, lltabaokpnlo: slovenly, liteha. Sluvsrard. . Hattak I'ntakobi; slusg-lsh, intakobi: slutrgishness. nan intakobi. Sly, a. Apahli ■. alahllchih. Snnll, ". Isk'tini, ohipinta, kitini; not very small, ohipinta, chopunt i; to be very small, ebipintah. ehopnntah, ehi- I)'utasih: small ones, ehinta, chipintasi; qn te smmII. chipintasi: to make them quite small chipintuchih; small children, chipotah. chopotah; small things, ehnk- iMlipji: s'Mii'! bnt long, hlibatah: a small t ling, nanosi; a small-quantity, kcnomosi; to make the waist small, ynnushkichih; small arms.tanampo.tananip ushi.tanam- pa ynshkololi; small pox. chalakwa; to have the small pox, chalakwa. Smart, a. Kostinih; to smart, shimolih nuksimilih, nnksimilichih. mohlih. muf- kachih: to cause to smart, mohlichih: •smarting, mohlichih, mufkachih shimo- lih. Siiiiish, p. Wuhlih; smashed, wuhlah; be- in.g continually smashed, wniholilah. SiiH'lI, V. Ahchishih, huwal), huwah. bala- mah, kosomah. shuah, h(nnih; a fetid, disagreeable or old smell, bitemah: to smell bad. bitemah shuah: to cause a bad smell, bitemuchih. shoachih; a sour smell, as of urine, kahlama: smelling strong, as of musk, kosomah; to causi3 a musky smell, kosoinachih; a X<^Ti^ smell, kotoraah; to cause a ranc»d smell, kotomuchih: to stink or smellbad, shuah, shoah. •.''-; ■ Sisiih', V. Yukpah. Smite, V. Issoh. bolih, smite or smitten, boah. Siiioko. n. Shobohli; to smoke, shobohlih, shnbohliehih: continually smoking, sho- bohohlih; to omit smoke, kofullih: smoking of fire, kofotah; a place for smoking, as curing of meat, aioshoboh- lichi: to smoke tobacco, hakchuma shuk- ah; smoky, shubohli. Smooth, a. Halushki. haluski. hlimimpa, hlimishka, lisemo; to be smooth and ly- ing fiat, lisemoh: to make lie smooth, lisemochih: smoothness, hlimimpa. ha- lushki lisemoh: to make smooth, hlim, ishkuehih. hlimimpuchih. halulijkuchih, halushkichih; to smooth over, a difficul- ty, hummohlih. S'uic'i, a, Pinak, nan ilhpak, nan upah. Siiiiil. ». Hatta yoshubli: snail shell, hatta yoshubli hakshup Siiiike, n. Sinti; adder, hahtah; black snake. sinti lusah: chicken snake, ubak- shah; coach whip sinti koyufa tohbih; copper head, chahlakwah; garter snake, sinti basoaji; green snake, pasli falakto i sinti, king snake, sinti pohkul; joint snake, sinti kolokumfih: moccasin, chunashah. shaui imanchahah; rattle snake sintullo: diamond rattle snake, tiak i sintih; ground rattle snake, chuk- fitohtololih: striped snake; .sinti basoah; viper, sinti chilitah, sinti okpoloh; water snake, nan upah; snake root, tiak sh uwa. Snap, ??. Chahlak, basahli; to snap, chah- lalichih. bas}>hi:chih; continually snap- ping, chahlakahanchih, basahahanchi, basasahkahanchih; snappish, bassah- uchih; a snappish noise, basak; to cause to snap, basalichih. Snatch, v. Hhichuk et eshih. Snath, H. Hashuk isht busha aiulhpi. Sneeze, v. Habishkoh; to make sneeze, habishkuchih; sneezing, habihishko; a sneeze, habishko; I sneeze, sahabish- koh. Snipe, n. Okchus, lopinah. Snore, v. Hlabakah; snoring, hlabakah; a snore, hlabaka. Knort, ('. Hlotukah; snorting, hlotuka; a snorter, hlotuka. Snow, n. Okti pushi; to snow, oktushah, a snow bird, luksakina. Snuff, n. Hakchuma bota; to scent or snuff, huwah; a snuff, hubishkochi; snuff color, lakna; snuff box, hakchuma bota aiulhto; snuffers, pula isht tubli. Snufir, "• Ataklum iksho. katali. So, ad Hacha hoke; as, truly so, ahli hacha: usually so, ai imomali; to be so, orlik.- so, ai ohmichih; is it so? ayomeh? ayoh .' said so, achihhoke; so be it, or let it b ; so, ika.hli; let it be really so, ikijh . fehna, not so, ikahlo; will'surely do so. ikahlichoka he keyu; because it is not so, ikahlo kamba; it is so, or is so, muhlih, was so or did so, kashkint, kashkin, a,s, ali kashkin, I said so and you know it; so long as, na; surely it was so toshke. Soap. a. Isht ahchifa, isht ulhchifa, soap box, isht clhchifa aiulhto; bar soap, isht ahchifa kullo; shaving soap; isht ulhchifa balamah; soap stone; talhpa. Sober, a. Oka homi ik ishko, kostini; sobri- ety, kostiui, nuktanla, ili oktampli. Society, n. Iksa. Sock, n lyubbohoski, iyabihuski.* Soda, 71. Paska shatummichih, sote. Soft, a. l.apushki, yatushki, yabushki, haiemo;soft ground." hlatimo;to soften by moisture, hotokbichih; softened, hotok- bi; to soften, lapushkichih, yatushki- chih, yatushkichih, lopushkichih, yub- uskichih; softened, lapushkih lopush- kichih; softness, lapushki; to soften by wetting, walashuchih; softened, wal- ashah; all soft, yaboboah. yatotoah; soft feathers, lipismo. lij)into; ' to be soft, lipistoh; to cause softness, lipistochih. Soil, n. Lukfi; to soil, litehlih; soiled, liti- ha. Solace, n, Hopohla; to solace, hopohlu- chih; solaced, hopohlah. Solar, a. Hush; ahalaiya. Sold, V, Kunia. Solder, v. Aiakmochih, aiulbochih; to solder together, ittai akmochih, ittak- mochih, ittulbochih; soldered together, ittulbon, ittaiakmoh. Soldier, n. Tushka. tushka chipota. Sole, n. lyi putta, achuffa, ilap bano, ilaj) achuffa. Solemn, a, Nuk taula, ubanumpa isht nuk tanla; to solemnize, holitoblichih; sol- emnly, holitoput. Some, a. Chubbiha, kanimih; some of, SOI!^ 66 SPIN akanimi; somebody, kunah. kuna; I am somebody, safehnah; somewhere, kan- imraa; sometimes, kanimikma, kanioh- mikma; somewhat, chohmi. Son, Ushi, isoh; my son, sasohuakni; your sou, chiso; grand sou, ipokuakui; sou-iu- law, iyup; my son-iu-law, «aiyup; my grand son, sapoknakni. Soon, ad. Chikosi, cheki, chekosikma, ehckikma; to cause to be soon, chekich- ih, chikkichih; very soou, chekosi. chek- osi fehna, chekosikma, chikke; as soon as, makinli. Soothe, V. Hopohluchih; soothed, hopoh- lah. Sorcerer, Hi3ttak isht ahullo; nuseka. hat- tak. holhkunna; sorcery, holhkunna; to enchant by sorcery, hottosih, hottosi- chih. Sore, n. Hlachowa, liahpo, hattuppa. Sorrel, n. Pihchi, usonak ontulali. Sorrow, n. Nauukhaklo, nukhaklo, sor- rowful, nukhaklo; to be or being sorrow- ful, nukhakloh, ilbusshah; to produce sorrow, nukhaklochih; I am sorry; sau- ukhahloh; a place of sorrow, anukhaklo; an occasion of sorrow, anukhaklo; to be sorry from, anukhakloh; to cause to be sorry from., auukhaklochih. Sot, u. Haltak okah ishko, okishko peh atupa. Soul, V. Shilombish; to have a soul, shi- lombish im ashah; my soul, sashilom- bish: soulless, shilombish iksho. Sound, V. Olachih, olah, pofuchih-iktosh- bo, achukma; continually sounding, olahanchih; to fathom or sound, akka hoyoh; to sound loud, chitot olah; sounding loud, chitot olah; shrill sound, chumakuchih, Soup, //. Nahonni okchi. Sour, n. Hauushko. kushkaha, homl, homechi; to make sour, hawushkochi, hominchih; sourness, hawushko; not sour, ikhawushko; sourness, nahomi. Source, n. Ibetcp. aminti. South, 7/. Oka mahli; south wind, oka mahli; southerly, oka mahli imma, oka mahli chohmi; south west, oka mahli hushi ai ok tula ittintakla; south east. oka mahli hushi ai akuchaka ittintakla; southerner, okla mahli yakni ai utta. Sow, w. Shukha tek; boar, shakha nakni; pig, shukhushi. Sow, V. Fimmih, hlahlih, fimimplih, hok- chih; sown, fimah fimimpah, hlayah; a sower; na hokchi, fimmi: to sow thinly, fimkuchih; thinlvsown; fimimpa. Spa, Oka alikchi. Space, n. Hopaki; spacious, chito, achito. Spade, n. Lukfi isht peha, isht peha. Spanish, a. Ispani imma; Spaniard, ispani hattak; Spanish oak, chilhputha. Spare, a. Chunna; to spare, apouchin. Spark, n. Pohlota; to sparkle, shohpakalih, pohlohlih, chaulhchukih; sparkling, pohlohlih. chulhchulhchuki; to cause to sparkle pohlohlichih, chulhchulhchuki- chih; to shine or sparkle, tohchallih; sparkling, tohpokalih. Sparrow, ?). Hushi iskitiui, chusa; spar- rows, hushi chipunta; cock sparrow, hlu- fintiui. Sparse, a. Fimimpa: sparsely: fimimpa. Spasni, 71. Haiochi, haiochichi, halahli; to have a spasm, haiochichih, holahlih. to cause to have spasms, haiochichichih, halahlichih; I have a spa«-m. sahaluUih. Spetik, V. Anumpulih, achiJi, inihah: a speaker, hattak anurapuli; a llueui speaker, auumpa i kucha achukma; fre- quently speaking." anumpoholih, na mi- hah; evil speaking,^ anumpa chukushpa, a short speech, anumpa ikfalaio, anum- pa koiofasih, anumpa kolofah, short speeches, anumpa kolohli; speech- less, anumpa ik im ikso; to deliver a speech anumpa isht hikah; very brief speeches, anumpa tilohli; a very brief speech, anumpa tillofah; to speak in a foreign language, bulbahah; speaking in a foreign language, bulbahah; to speak loud, chitot anumpulih; to speak back to, falummichit anumpulih, falum- minchit mihah; let all speak at once, himonna achuffa momut ik anumpuli; not speaking, ikanumpoloh; to speak in undertone, woluhuchih; speaking under tone, wolohah; to speak in a very low voice, woshohuchih; speaking in very low voice, woshohohanchih; speaker, anumpeshi. Special, a Atokoa, specially, hatak heno, hokak het. Specify, r. ilochifoh. Specious, a. Achukma ahoba. Speckle, n. Blikoa; to speckle, hlikoko- lichih, hlekolih; to be speckled, hlikoah, chikchiki, tik tiki; to make speckle, chikchikichih, siksikichlh; specks, ehjk- chiki siksiki, a frosty speckle, shuksho- ki; spectacle, uishkin alata; spectacle case, nisakin, alata al 3ka. Spectator, n. Hattak yopisa, yopisa. Speech .<. Auumpa isnt hika; a loug speech, anumpa falaia; a siiort speech, auumpa ikfalaio; short speechea, auum- pa kolohli; speechless, anumpa ik im iksho; to deliver a speech, auumpa isht hikah. Speed, a. Pulhkih. shinimpah: to cause spued, pulhkichih, chekichih: speedy, tushpa, ashalika chekosi, chike; speed- ily; cheki, hokak heno, hokak het. Spell, V. Holisso hochifot ittini anum- polih; spelling book, holisso ai ishtia ummona, ispillin buk. Spend, V. Kanchih; spent, kuniah. Spice, 11. Na balama. Spider, n. Chulhkun; a spider web, chulh- kun i chukka. Spike, a. Chufak; spike nails, chufak hochito; hand spike, isht tonolichih; spikenard, spaiknut. Spill, V. Akkafohoplih, hlatuplih, hlalih, hlatapah, hlayah; spilled, spilt, akkato- hopah. hlatapah, hlayah; to spill them on the ground, akkahlatoplih, akka hli- pelih, akka hlaiih; spilt them on the ground, akkahlatapah . akka hlayah; to cause to spill, hlalichih; to spill shot or beads, hlelih; not spilt, ikhlatupoh; to spill upon, ohlipiah, ofoholichih, ohlat- upUh, ohlipilih; split upon, hlaya, ohlay- ah, ohlipiah. Spin, V. Nashunnih shunuih, honolah. SPIRIT 67 STAND spun, shunah, hounolah; spinning, shuhannih; a spinner, nashunni, honola; spinninir wheel, ponola ashuna, alionola; chunaha; spindle, tuli fabt3ssa. Spirit, n. Sliilombish, okahomi; my spirit, sashilombish; spirited, chilitah; spirit- ual, sliilombish imma; spirit world, shilombish ai asha yakni: to be spirit- less, ilehobuk tobuchih, hlepushih. Spit, V. Tolah, tufah; spitting, tuftuah; continually spitting, tuhofah, tuftulioah; spitting blood, issish tufah; spiltle, ituk- chi; spittoon, itukchi ai ulhto. Spleen, '*. Takushi, tukushchi, luksi; sploeny, namak keyu, nukoah. Sp.ue. . , Achakalih, aehakalichih, ittu- chrkka ili: >pliced, achakab, ulhchakah; tO caus to be spliced, achaKachih, ittu- chahkachih, ittuchukoliehih; the place spliced at, ai ittachaka; to splice them togeiker at, ai ittachakalih, ai ittachak- lih; not spliced, ikittachukoh. Splinter, if. Chuhlafa. Split V Chuhlih, pahlallih, pahlatucbih. puhlih, shiracllih; split, chuhlah, chol- aktoh. pahlatah, chuhlatah, shimafah, puhlah; to split off. chuhluffi. chuhlu- llih. shukuffih shibahlih. shimahlih; split off. chuhlafah, shibofah, chuhlatah, bakapah, shukafah; a split, chuhlafa, bokafa, cholakto; one who splits, chuhli: one who splits into, chuhluUi; to split blocks, bakahlih, baklih: split into halves, bakapoa; split open, bokufah, patahlih; to split open, bokuffih, patah- lichih: to split off, shibcffih, shimuffih, ubakupjih. Spoil, V. Okpunih; spoiled, okpulo, bak- ustoh. Sponge, n. Islet isht kasholichi. Spool, n. Ponala iti olhfoa. Spoon, V, Ishtimpa, toll isht impa, fulush; teaspoon, isht impushi; horn spoon, lup- ish isht impa, fulush. big spoon, isht impa chito; ladle, isht kufa. Sport, n. Yukpa; sportive, isht achiba. Spot, n. Bakoa, hlikowa; spotted, bakovva; large spjts, bakowa, bakokukuchih; small spots, chikchiki, tiktikih siksiki; to make spots, bakolih, bakowuchih; in bunches or spots, luklukih, luklukit; small spots or speckles, holisso, chik- chiki siksiki; to make small spots, sik- sikichih, chikchikichi; I am spotted, sabukoah; very spotted, hlikokoah; to make speckled or very spotted, hlikoko- lichih. hlikoiih, tiktikichih. Spout, V. Wishillih; to cause to spout, wishillichih. Sprains, n. Tahlofa naha. Spread, v. Fimmih, fimimplih, puUih; to spread out, putulichih; to spread as a flock of birds; hlapah; spread, hlapa; to spread a pallet or bed, patulih. Spri;?, a. Fuli, brok'-n sprigs, full kaua. Spring, /?. Kulih. ai oehi; hot spring, oka wahlulli; mediciual, oil or sulphur spring, oka alikchi: to spring; bichullih; sprung, bichotah; spring" of the year, toffuhpi; to spring open with a stick, fachammih; sprung open, fachamah. Sprinkle, i-. Fimmih, fimmimplih, push- kah, okshimmichih offimmi; sprinkled, fimah, fimimpah; to sprinkle with, isht dashkah, isht pashkalih; to sprinkle on, ofimmih; sprinkling, as rain, okshim- mihichih. Sprout, V. Abusalih, offoh; sprouted, abusah, busah; to sprout from, ai un- chululih, unchulolih; a sucker or sprout, aputut ofli, unchulolih; sproutad from, unchuloah . Spruce, a. Kashofa, ilapoksiachi. Spur, 11. Chukfak iyafoa, chukfak iyulh- foa; spurstrap. chufak, iyafoa isht tak- lakchi; the spur of a chicken, in chahe, chahi; the spur of a mountain, nuni lilummi; to spur, bahlih; spurred, bah- afah. Spy, /'. Lumut akostininchi, lumut apes- uchi. Squab, n. Puchi ushi, puchi himo. Square, a. Bolukta chukbi ishta folota; a square, a carpenters instrument, isht ulhpisa. isht apesah; squares, bolbokih, to make squares; bolbokichih. to square, boluktuchih, to be square, boluktah. Sqnasii, n. Ussi, isito, isitushi. Squat, V. Bikuttokuhchih. Squeal, v. Chikah, chilika; squealed, chi- kah; a squealer, chika; Squeeze, v, Katussalih, tihliffih, tihlolih; squeezed, tehloah, tihlifah; to squee/. out, bushlih; squeezed out, bushah: lo squeeze the hand, bocholih; squeeze. I, buchopah. Squirrel, h. Feci: a gray squirrel, funi okchukko, foui tushsho. tuui tushshi; a fox squirrel, lakna, fanukla, falakua; a black squirrel, funi lusa; a stripped ground squirrel, chinisa; flying squirrel, puli; red squirrel, funi homma. Stab, V. Bahlih, hlifelichih; stabbed, bahah; to stab several times, hlittihat one that stabs, hlifliha, hlilelichi. Stable, n. Issuba i chukka, kuUo. kamussa. Staff, n. Tubi; walking with 'a staff, tub- ilih, Stag, n. Lapitta; to stagger, faiakuchih. Stair, n. Atuya; stair case or stair way, uba chaha atuyya; up stairs, oba chaha. Stake, V. Ittufinilih; staked, ittufenah; a stake for a fence, holihta halnppa; to stake a fence, holehta ittafenilih; a staked fence, holita ittafena. Stale, a. Sipokni, stale as old bread, shilut kuUottaha. Stitik, n. I3bi. Stall, n. Ai ihpeta. ahikia. Stammer, v. Anuktukloh, anumpah auuk- tukloh, stammered anumpa anuktukloh; a stammerer, anumpa anuktuklo. Stamp, n. Habefa; to stamp, habiffih, ha- biffichih, huhlih, hohlichih, huflkbih; stamped, habefoah, hohlah. Stanch, v. Kullo. yiminta, achilita. Stand, a. Ahikia; a speakers stand, ahik- iut anompuli; to stand in, achushkachih; that which stands in, as spokes, achush- uwa; to stand on the ground, akkah. to stand erect, akuchakalih; to stand facing, et hikiah; to stand, standing or to stand still, hikiah; to make stand, hil- echi; to be standing, that is, any num- ber over one. hinli, hinlli; they stand, hiohlih, hiyuhlih; standing, hJohlih; to stand up several, hiohlichih: to stand STABLE 68 STORE about, hiohmiva, hiohtmaya, hioht hiohlit asha; to stand in place of, ihik- iah; one who stands in place of. ihikia; to stand Tipon, ohikiah; to stand erect with th'" head high, shikkiah; to stand at a place, ahelichih; a small table or stand, ai impa iskitini; standing facing, pithikiah. ' snle, a Ai afacha. S*av, n. Fichik, fochik; a larg" star, fichik cliito; shooting stars, fichik heli; starry, licliik asha. fichik haiyaka; the orbit of a star, fichik ataya; a fiying star, fichik hika; the great bear or dipper, fichik issuba; seven stars. fichik itolhpi; th'.> north star, fichikhomma; a fiery star, fichik luak; a sparkling star, fichik poh- lulli; a comet, fichik shobota, fichik sho- bulli; a constellation, fichik lokoli; star light, fichik tohwikeli, Starch, n. Nafoka isht chalakbichi. Starve, v- Hohchufoh: to cause starvation, hohchufochih; starved, hohchufo; to starve anything to death, hohchufochit aDih; starved to death, hohchufot illi; to starve them all to d. alh, hohchufochit ubit lahli; starvation, hopoba. hohch- ufo. Shite, n. Ur'titi. Stji ute, ??. Nau ulhpisa, anumpaulhpisa Stay, V. Antaa, ashan. ashwah, ahantah, utta i; to be contented to stay, achayah; to stay witli, aliinna i; a place to stay at, ai utta, aiahashwa, ai ushua, aianta; to stay around, ai yahantan, ai yantah; to to .stay with. Ibai antah; staying with, ibai aiitah: not contented to stay-, ika- chayon: not staying at, ikaiashoh; stay- ing, uttah; to stay with me for company, sia.dnnah; to steady or to stay, halanlih. Steady, a. Nuktanla,' kostini, apissuli; to steady, halauli. Steal, V, Hokopah, hukopah; stolen, huko- pah; to steal the heart, chukush eshi. Steam, v Hobochih; steaming, hobechi; to steam self, ilehobichih; to omit steam, kofullih; steamboat, peui oka wahlullih: steam engiue, oka wahlullih, nan isht bushlih, nan isht botolih. Steel, n. Tuli kullo; steelyard, nan isht weki, isht weki. isht wekichi. Steep, a. Chahah: to steepen, ehahuchih; very steep, chaha fena. Steer, n. VVakhobak; a steersman, that is of a boat, hattak peni isht aya. Stem, n. Isht takali. Stench, a. Shuah; to cause stench, shoa- chih. Step, ./. Ahabli,ahali; to step on, ahulhhli- cliih. ahalelichih, hablichih; to step, hablih; stepped, hablih;to take long steps hopakichit hapliji; to step lightly, yupu- llih, yupullichih; stepping lightly, yup- ullih; to step boldly, yuwukuchih; stair steps, atuya. Stew, ?(. lloni; stewed, honnih; stewed victuals, honnih; to cause to stew, honi- chih; not stewed; ikhonuoh; a steward, chukka achulTa pinak im ahauchi, chukka achutfa nan upa im ahauchi. Stick, n. Balih, ulboh, ai ulboh , ulbochih; stuck, bahah, okfayah, ulboh, ittihalul- lih; to stick it, achoshulih, shumulli- chih: to stick them in, achoshli'i nbiJilih; I tocftusethem to be stuck iii: iU'hoshli- chih; to stick to, alapalih, alapalich:li; a place for sticking on. alui)'^T\ to rub on or stick on. alupulichih, to stick them on. lapohlichih: stuck them on. lanflilili' a walking stick, tubi; walking w'th a stick, tublih; to stick poles, ubilhhl.h: stuck in. uchnshkuchih; to -stick the;ii lO!j thrr, ittihaluliih; to stick in cracks or crevices, kofohlih; sticky, shinushbi, nir'shmo; to make sticky, shinushbichih. Stiff, a. Kulloh, kamussali. cha'^r bib, chilokbih; to stiflfen, chibhTnih. diilhli- linuchih; stiffened, ehihhl uah, chala- kbih; a numbness or stiffness, chilhhlin- oha. Stig'm-iti/e, v. Plofahyalih; to stigmatize with, isht hohfabyaiih. Still, n. Cholosah, choUusah; to still, cho- lussuchih, chulosalih; yet or still, immo- mah, moma; stillness; chulosa. Stilly, V. Nuhli; stung: nuhla; to cause to sting, nuhlichih; stings of insects, shushi nuhli. S;iii y, a. Nan i hullo; to be stingv, i hulloh. Stink, V. Shuah; to cause to stink, shoa- chih. Stir. v. Tiwalichih ilhkolechih; stirred, ulhfulah. tiwalichih; stirring, tiwalilii- chih: to stir water, poalichih. pialichih, pokuchih; water stirred, poalic ii ', piakc- chi; to cause to stir, pialichih. poalichih; to stir a liquid while it is cooking, aful- lih. afullichih. * Siirr.n). ■*. Ahabli. ahali; stirrup leather or strap, ahupli isht tulakchi Slich, ('. Achunlih. nan achonlih; a seam or stich, ai ulhchuwa: stiched. ulhchu- wah. Stock, II. Nau ulhpoa nampoa: to stock. uppih; stocked, ulhpih, ulhpih; a stock- ing, iyabi huski falaia. Sto » icn, /). Takobba, ikfoka. tukubbo: a large stomach, bahanuh shittina, shutt- uaa; a very large stomach. bah!:nnayah. shittinioah; to make a large stoaiacih, buhunnuchib; full stomach, kaiyah; my stomach, sukfoka; pit of the stomach, wulwa, i wulwa; the crop or stomach of lowls. impafakchi; stomach ache, ikfoka hottuppa. S.^one, n. Tuli; lap stone, wak hakshup abusUh; ston ' laruise, chukfi nishkin: stone cutter, tuli bushli; stony.- tuli iaua, tuli foka. Stool. IK Abinili. ai obinili, obinili yush- kololi. Stop, V. Issah; a ces.sation. obstruction or a stop, yokopa: to cause to stop, issachih yokoplichih; to stop up. akamulih. ulh- kamoah, akummih; to stop as a bughole, ikumalih; a stopper, akummi i kumali, yokoplichi; to stop and stand, hikiah checked or stopped, hilichih. ikumalih: to dam or stop water, okhatapllh, oktu- blih, oktuplih: dammed or stopped, okhatapah, oktupah; to obstruct or stoi>. yokoplih; obstructed or stopped, yoko- pah: stop! take care! ahah; a stoppage, anukbikeli, bikeli. oka bikeli. Store, n. Achumpa, aittutoba; a" store STORM 69 SUBSIDE house, aiittGtoba chukka; to lay up or, store away, bohlih; a store ktou^ ry strong, homi fenah; somewhat strong, homi chohmi; not strong or not woven strong, yohapa, hoyapa; rancid or strong, kalau- cha; to b- strong or stout, kamossah: I am strong, sakullo; strong, as r.d pepper, shekanlm. Strugt?l<', V. Shiksulah; to struggle (or, haichih; to struggle against; amokulah. Stmt. ''. Wckkonah, yuwukuchih, ilawa- tct nowah: to strut as a turkey, temah; strutting, tehim ih. Stuboirn, .7. Ikhaponaklo. Stuiiious, ti. liolisso ajokpauchi, achuuna- chit pisa. Stud,-, /'. i-'isah, anuktihinlih. Stuff, V. .\lotulili; to cause to sttilT, alotuli- chih: stuffed full, aluttowah. Stu able, v. Ibetoblih, ibetuplih. Stump, H. Iti kolofa; stumpy, kaua>;ha; Stun, V. Haksubachih: stunned, haksubah; stunning, haksuba. Stupid, a. Im anukfila weki. Sty, 11. Hushilubi. kushilcbi; a pig sly, shukhushi i chukka. Style, u. ^ Akaniohmi; his style, ai im ulhpesa:'to name, specify or style, hoh- chifoh. Subdue, v. Kostininchih, im aiyuchih, atahlih. i shahlichih Sublime, n. Chaha, chaha i shahli, pisa achukma. Suborn, r, Holubichih: subordination, holubichi. Subscribe, r. Hohchifo takalichih: a sub- scriber, hohchifo takalichi. Subsequent, <, hattak nukovva shahli; to get sullen, ilehashayuchih. Sulphur, li. Hittuk lakna piishi, hittuk lukna. Sultry, n. Lushpa fehna. alluhbih; sultri- ness, alahbi, to produce sultriness, ala- hbichih. Sumach, n. Bashukcha. bushshukcha; a sumach bush, bashukcha upi; white sumach, buti. bashakchi. Summary, n. Anumpa nushkobo. Su'iimer, n. Toffa, yohbi; last summer, toffa yash; next slimmer, toffa atukla, toffa atuklakma; summer set, hachonu- shshi, hachowanushshih; to cause to turn a summer-set, hachowanushichih. Summon, v. Hoyoh, im ulhpisa tuk o hoyoh. Sun, n. Hushi; pertaning to the sun, hushi ahalaiya; a circle around the sun, hushi akonullih; a sunny place, hushi atomi; resembling the sun. hushi holba, to warm with the sun, hushi innih. tomi- mih, the moving of the sun. hushi kan- ulli: sun rise, hushi kucba: th-"> rising of the sua hushi kiichah; to obscure the sun, hushi kuniali; an eclipse of tha sun, hushi kunia: to get warm in the sun. hushi labisha: v^armth of the sun: hushi libesha. sun burnt, hushi lua: to be sun burnt, hushi luah; sun eclipsed, hushi luma, hushi itti opitummih; to eclipse the snn. hushi luhmih; sunset or sun down, hushi oktula, to sun, hushi ontom- bichih. hufkah; a sun beam, hushi tombi a sunflower, hushshi; dried by the sun. or sunned, holufkah: that which is sunn- ed, holufka; not sunned, ikhofkoh: sun- shine, tobih; Sunday, uittak hullo nittak, nittak hullo, nit'ak liolitopa; a sun dial, hushi kanulli isht ulhpisa; sunless; hushi luma. Supple, V. Walohbi, lapushki. Support, ?'. Ai ataya. halullih. ai okehava, halanlih; a support, bikeli, tikeli; to sup- port with a prjp, tikelih, tikohlichih; supporting, tikelih tokohlih. Suppose, V. Imahobah. mahofah. Suppurate, r. Anincbih, aninchichih; sup- puration, aninchichi, unichicbi. Surcingle, /?. Ikfoka isht tulakchi, c unukko isht tulakchi. Sure, a. Ahli, ai ahli toka,: surely, ahli. pulla: to make sure, ahlichih; ha will surely not do so,ikahlichoka he keyu; assuredly, pulla: surely it was so, toshke; surety, atoni. Surfeit, v. Anukbikelih. nukbikilih: yum- mih: surfeited, yummih; I am surfeitod, siyummih; to surfeit or satiate me. siy- ummichih. Surly, a. Hushaya. Surpass, v. Imaiyachih. Ssirprise, v. Anukhlakanchalih; anukhla- kashlih; by surprise, haksiuchi: surpris- ed. anukhlakanchah; to take by surprise, haksint eshi; a surprise or taken by sur- prise, haksint eshi. Surround, v. Afoluplih. afoluplichih: sur- rounded, afolupah, afolutah; entirley surrounded, afollotah. Survey, r. Chuhlih; to survey land, yakni chuhlih; surveyor, yakni chuhli, nan apesuchi. Sustain, v. Halullih; sustenance, ai ok- chaya. Swale, n. Okfa. SNv:iii »w. V. Nallih. nanuplih. lup na nub- lih. bulak achih, nunuplih, nuUih; swal- lowing, nallih; continually swallowing, naluhamplih; to swallow largely, chitot nullih; a caimney swallow, chopihlak, chukoba; to cause to swallow, nunupli- chi'h. Swamp, /?, Bok anuka, lussa, lussah anuka. Swiin, n. Okak. Swap, n. Ittatobah; itta tobuchih; swapped; it ulhtobah; to swap back, ittifalummi- chih. Swarm, v. Wihah, lawah, swarmed, wihut kuniah. Sway, V. Chassulah; swayed, chassulah. Swear, v. Anumpa kullo onochih, (this means to swear as a witness;) sworn, anumpa kullo onotulah: to curse or swear chakapah; swearing, chakahapah; a pro- fane swearer, hattak chakapa; not swear- ing, ikchakapo. Sneat, n. Laksha; to sweat or make sweat, lakshuchih; sweating, lakshah; a place for sweating, alaksha; sweated at, alak- shah; a place to produce sweat, alukshu- chih; to sweat to cure the sick, hobechih; not sweating, ;klukshoh. Sweep, V. Bushpulih, pashpulihpushpolih; swept, bushpoah, pashpoah. Sweeny, n. Shulla. Sweet, a. Champulih. kushahah, sweet- ness, champuli kushaha; to sweeten, champulichih; sweetened, champulih; to be sweet, champulih: loves to eat sweet things, ichampolih- not sweet, ikcham- SWELL 71 TAR pulo; to sweeten at, ai yammichih; sweet- ^ ened at, ai yauimih; to sweeteu with; ai t yummiehih, ai vuramih: sweet salt, (sn- f. gar) hupi ehampu i; to sweeten with su- ; i?ar, hupi champuli yummichih, lohki- : ehih: sweetened with sugar, hupi chain- ' puli yummi: sweetish, itukowisli, ituk- ' ^ wislichi. ; •Swell, V. Shatalih, shofohlih, oshunachih, ' chitolih; a swelling, shatali; swelling or ' swelled, shatasholih; to cause to swell, '■ shatalichih, shofohlichih, chitolichih; to swell from a sprain, sholohlih: swolen, ' shofohaji; I am swelling or swolen, sash- atulih; I am afflicted with swelling; sush- i utulih; to swell in spots, polkuchih: I swelled or swolen, mitiblichi; swelled up, • bokkonoah. to swell up, bokt- ; onolih, bokkonolichih. j Swift, n. Chahlih. pulhki, shinimpa; to ! cause swiftness, chahlichih. [ Swim, V. okshinillih. oka okpulalih, oka okyuhlih, yupih. i Swindle^ v. Haksichih; swindled, hakslh; a swindler, haksichi. Swine, /(. Shukha. Swing, p. Afahata, t3fuhata; to swing at, in or on, afahatah; to swing, fahatah, fahali- chih, sahlih; to swing slowly, fahakuchih; swinging slowly, fahakuhahchih; to cause to swing slowly, fahakuchichih; to swing off. fahuttijkuhcih. Switcli, n. Full; to whip with a switch, full isht fummih; switched, fuli isht fumah. Sword, ». Bcshpo falaia; sword scabbard, buslipo ishnkcha. Sycamore, n. Siuih; sycamore bark, sinihi hakshup. Syllable, n Silebil. Sympftthize, v. Nukhakloh; to sympathise with, iba nukhakloh. Synagogue, n. Chu okla uba isht ai auum- pa chukka, sinikak. T TaboriiHcle, n. Ulhtipo, tabauekil, chu okla ulhtipo i holitopa. Table, n. Aiimpa; a writing table, ahollis- sochi; a table leg, ai impa iyi; table cloth; ai impa o hlipa: a table cover, ai impa o patulhpo, ai impa o pohlomo: a work table, atoksuli; table land, yakui matali chahah; a long table, ai impa falaia. a small table, ai impa iskitini, ai impushi. Tacks, II. (.;hufak chipiuta; to tack togeter, ittahonolhhlichih; to tack on. tmulhhli- chih; tacked on' unclhah; a tack, chufak ushi. Tad pole, v. Yaloba. Tail, ». Kasimhish; to whisk the tall, basimbish fahlih; wisped the tail, has- imbish falah a short tail, basimbish tupa, to cut the tail basimbish tuplih; to shave the tail, hasimbisti amoh: bushy tail, po- hota; tailor, nafoka ikbi; tailoress, ohoyo nafoka ikbi. Talie, V. Ishih, yukachih, hoklih iishi; to take from or out, ai isni; to take alto- gether, ai okluhanchih;to take also, ai okluhalih- to cause all to be taken to- gether, ai okluhalinchih; to take root, akshish tobah; taken from, akucha; to take them out, akucha wehlih; to take out from, akuchichih; to take the hair off, bourtih, boytjffih; to take all, bakustolih; all taken, btikustoah; to take off, fakoplih takolichih; to take back, falummint isht ia: lotake by surprise, haksint; to take out. as honey, holhta. hota; to take the bark or skin off, hohlih; taken, ieshi; one who frequently takes, ihishi; to take in with, isht chukowah; to take through with, isht hlopuli h; to take away Irom by force, olubih; to take un, pehlili; taken up, pehah; to take down, takufflh, taken down takufah, tiapab; to takeout of me. siakuchih. Tale, II, Anumpa annowa, anumpa nan anoli ; a tale bearer, anumpa chukushpa, ikbi, hattack nan anoli. I Talent, n. Toli holisso laua isht ulhpisa. I weki non ishL ulhpisa chito, nan im- i ponna. , Talk, v. Auumpulih ; talked, anumpah: i to talk incessantly, anukchihlafali : a I anumpa; a round-about-talk, anumpa [ folot(iah. anumpah ilanjakah ; talkative, ; anumpa i laua, anumpah shohlih ; not i talkative, anumpa ik i lauoh ; a short talk, anumpah kolofasih, anumpa kolofo; i vile talk, anumpa okpulo ; a fluent talker, i anumpa i kucha achukma; to talk back. I folumminchit anumpulih ; talking Ire- queiitly, anumpoliolih ; a great talker, ! anumpa shahli; to sit and talk, auum ! pulit ashah ; to talk to one's self, ilanum- pulih ; to talk about self, isht ilanumpu- i lib .• to talk together, ittibai anumpulih; I to talk ablih,'yuhlfh; t6rn down, tia|>ah', vnlilah; coutinnallv tearing down.'- vu- iinhlih. ' ^ - '■ -• Teiisi', V. Im achibuchlh. achtinhachih im asilhha: teasing, isht alichiba.' ' ' ' - Teat,' /(, Ipishik; my teat, sapfshik. ' Tedioii!^, (I. Cllichiba i:bclii>)ali, ahcniba: to be tedious, ahcbibacbih,abch'ibbalib. Tell. r. Anolib, imnnol h; bbing told, im- un.noah; tobi, annoa>; to tell at, al'anolih: to be .tbbl at. aiannowab; continually told, annobowab; told too mtieb, annoali attjpah:' to cause to be told, annoacbib; continually telling, annobonlib; telling it at la.st, anoyiilih; cannot tell, anola be k' yn: to tell on one's s(.^lf. ilar anolib: we all tell, iloh im anolih: to tell talcs on, nan aianolih; the plac for ttilling U'ws, nan annoa; ' to tell a lie on me, siahob^- bih: to tell on me, sianolih: to tell a tale. fapiMilih: a teller, anoli. Teijn)('rate, n. Okikisbkp, nuktalanli. hopo- yuksa; tem]ierance, okikishko, ile dktan- epli, ile nuktalanli. . ■ : Temple, ?r. Cbukka huiita, aboha bolitopa; the temple, haksilii tubaiyi. haksun to- P^iiyi- .-, . ■■ , Tqiiipt, V. Ntikpullieliihi'anukpullichih, im- r'omaka pisah: tcinpted. ni'lkpuUih: temp- tation, nulqw'lli aniikpullika, isht imo- maka ])isab. anukpulli; to be tempted at, ai anukprllih; ai anukpollika: the place of temptation, aianukpulli; to tempt at, aianukpy Rich ill. Tend, i\ A!pesnchib, Tender, a. Lapushki. kanliksha; t- pab. Territory, ». Tullitoli, ulhti. TestjuiKiit, nK Ilolisso holitopa; testament, nana ItJtim ulhpisa. hattak im anumyia isht aiopi ilap ulhpoyak imma, nan isht ulh.pisa; New TestaEftent, testamout hi- mona. Testator, », Anumpa isht aiopi ikbi. Testify, r. Atokot anolih;, to testify at, aiatokolih; testified at, ai'fitolunvah:" tes- timony, ai atokowa, auuowa; to testify on oath, anumpa kuUoanotOlut nan anOlihj iusutticient testimojjliy, atinoah ikonxt. ' .' Tetter, ??. Plalampa, hnllampa; jtf'iHave tetter, hullarapubih. '. Text, 77. Anumpa nus'hkoko, uba aniimpa takali ai anumput isht ia. Tiiick, r?. Sukko, sokkoh:' thickness, sukko: to thicken. sukkc»chih, sukkoh. Thicket, n. Bafulli, bafulli talaia, brfaha, • abohli; to become a thicket, abohlichi.. , ,. •■ Thie\ n. Fattak wehpoli. hattah hiikopa. hokopa: thievish, hukopab, hukompa. Thi>rh, ??, Obi iyiibbi; upper side of tbigh, j: obi nibi: thigh bone, obi foni: socket ol i the thigh, eyubachushuli; my thigh, saiyobi. Thinible, n Itibak usbi foka. Th'B, rt. Chuuna, fimiTO]pa;, tapuski, ok- chauwi, shachahah: to. make po(^r or thin,.chuunaobib, yohunuachih; to thin out, shaeh'Thulih:' sparsely or tbinly, fimimpa; to* make thin, tapuskiehih; gaunt or tbin.yobunnab. j , Thine, pro. Chinimi, chin, chi* to be thine, chimmib:. to. become thine, chimmi tobah.^ h.- . ■ . Tliinar,, w. Nana, ng; anything, nana: small things', cbukushpa. Think, r. Ahnih. mahobah. anukfiUih; to think about, isht annukfillih: to think deeply, ahni ahli. ahnit'anukfillih: will or would not think, ahni he keyu: not thinking,, ikahno^: not thougbt pf, ika- hukfilloh:'to think much ol self.ileieh- nncbib: to think much of each otbor, ittohnih: to think of hira or beisVli. ila- nukfiUih: a thought, aiuikfilli: tbougbt- j ful. anukfiUi, imaiiuktila. , Third, ^. hitucnina, bituchiuaba. atuebina-: 1 thirdly, out atuebina, ont atuchinana. \ Thirst. )). Ituklapowa:. thirsty, itukshiM, nukshila. > ! Thirteen, n. Auahtuchina: thirteenth, isht auatiichina. : Thirty, a. Pokoli tuchina: thirti<^th, isht pokoli tuchiua. This, /)ro. Illuppa. yakohmih,. yakomichih: this side of or this way, ola; ole:na; just on this side of, eletoma. oletomasi. Thistle, «. Shomuttih.sbumO. Thither, >[<]. Illuppa piUa. yumma, ynm- mimma, illuppimma. Thonff, 77. lllibata. Thorax, 7?. ITaknip. Thorii, 77. Kntih: red hawjthom, knti: black hawthorn, ehunafila. Thou, 7>7-o. Chi, chia, chim, chLsno; thou art, chia hoke, chiushke. Though, a'}, ami o'lj. Hatok okia, hohkia hok, hatok okuno, hokakosh. hokakot. TFIRASH 73 TIE Th Msli. /•. liolih: a thrasher; auihi, auihi- clii, anihiliehih. Thread, ji. Ponola nan isht ulhchuwa, po- nolah nan isht aiichuwa; home spun thread, ponolah ilupint shunni; twisted thr(3ad, ponolah shcna, pouo shuna; tlireaU case, ponolah ai ulbiha; hank ol thrv-ad, ponolah shuna talakehi; flax thread, pono kollo isht ahchnvva; skeins of thrt*ad, ponola pakiissa; s',)DoIs of thread, ponola iti ulhfoa; silk thread, silik isht achunlih: shoe thread, pono kcUo nan isht ahchuwa. Three, a. Tuehiua; three times three, tuch- ina bat tuchina; three score. pokoU hau- nali; thrice, hituchina. hituchinaha; to do it throe times, hituchinaehi. Tiiroat, n. Nulcp, i nullcppi ikonla; his throat, inalcppi; sore throat, ikonla hottu- pa. Throb, V. Mitiklih, michiklih: throbbing, michilhhah. Throne, it. Aiasha holitopa. ai obinili han- ta, miko im ai obinili: to enthrone, ai asha holitopa ombinilichih; enthroned, aiasha holitopa ombiuilih ThcMi^^h. prp Ai ittitalcla; to go through, hlopuili, hlipalU: hluko !ih; to go quickly through, hlopohlih: to cause to go quick- l.v through, hlopohlichih; just through or those just through, hlopohlih: going through, hlopuili; to come through, hlo- puUih: to cause to go through, hlopulle- uhih: to p.iss throuir'i. h'opuliit ona; to pierce through, hluah. hluniplih; pierced through, hlukafBh hlumpali; worn through, punched through, bored through or perforated through, hluka- fah; to bore or work throng, hlukanli- chih; to break through, hlukuftih. Throw, I'. Pilah, pilachih, bohpulih; thrown kanchih: to cause to throw, i)ilaehih: to throw down, akkabolih. akkapilah, akbo- chehih; to throw me down, akkascpilah: to throw biick. talummint pilah; to throw them down, fohoblih; to throw each other about, itti fahfulih: to throw away, kanchih; to sling or to throw, bohpolih: to thro>v at, bohlih; thrown, bohpoah: to throw up with a stick, fachammih, facli- i3iumih; thrown up with a stick, facham- ah; to continually throw iip, fachihali- chih; to throw mud with a stick, fahkoh, fahkulih: to throw upward, uba pllah- Thrush, n. Taluktak. Tiirust, V. Bahlih. chikkihah: to thrust fo-ivvard, chauwunah; thrusting, chuki- hah: to thrust out the tongue from heat, hahkah; to cause to thrust, hahkcchih; to thrust in. maiahchih. Thiimti, a. Ibbak ishki; my thumb, sobbuk ishki: thumb nail, ibbakchush; my thumb nail, subbochush. Thump, »'. Timiklih; thumping, timikmilih, timiktilih; to mak • thump, timikliehih. Thunder, n. Hilohah, tasah: thundering, hilohah; a shasp peel of thunder, hilo- hah tusa: a thundercloud, hilohah hosh- onti; a thunder shower, hilohut uniba: to cause thunder, helohuchih; a thunder- bolt, huchuk mulli, mulutha, tasah. Thir-tda/, a. Hlusti. Thus, a. Yak, yakohmih, yakohmichih; to b-' thus, achoyuhmi. Thr, pro. Chimmi chin; thine, ehimm chin; thyself: chishno akinli. TioA, a. Shutounih; seed ticks, shutonnu- shi. Tick«-t, n. Holisso hlilafa. Tickle, V. Chukchulih, chukchulichih: tick- led, chukchuah; a tickler, chukchuli. Tidlir,'s, ». Anumpaaunowa. Tidy, ».. Kashofa, litiha kevu. Tie, V. Takchih. sitelih, sitohlih; ti.-d, tak- chih, sitohah; to tie a knot, ittashikonu- plih. ashifeonoplih; tying a knot, ittashi- konupah, ashikonopah;" to tie together, (as seed corn,) shikolih; tied together, shikowah; to tie one's self, iletakchih; to tie to, asitilih; tied to. asitiah; I tied him, her, it or them, takchili; I tied you, chi takchi li, (if "you," r -fers to more than one use, huchi takchi li,) you tie me, is sa takchi; you tie him, her or it, ish tak- chi; you tie us, ish pi takchi; you tie them, ish takchi or okla ish takchi; he or sho ties me, sa takchi; he or she ties you, chitakchi; he or she ties him, her or it takchi; he or she ties us, pi takchi, (pi) he or she ties you, huchi takchi; he or sne ties them, takchi or okla takchi; thev tie me, sa takchit okla; they tie you, chi takchit okla: they tic him, her or it, tachit okla; they tie us' pi takchii okla; they tie us all, hupi takchit okla: they tie you all, huchi takchit okla: they tie them, okla takchit okla; we tie you, e chi takchi; we ti'- him her or it; e takchi; we tie you (pi) e huchi takchi; we tie them, okla e tak- chi; we all tie him. her, it or them, eho takchi; ye or you tie me, hus sa takchi; ye or you tie him her or it, hush takchi! ye or you tie us, hush pi takchi; ye or you tie them, okla hush takchi; they tie m«>, sa takci. or oklat sa iakchi; they tie you. chi takchi; they tie him, her or it, takchi: they tie us, pi takchi: they ti.' us all, hupi takchi; they tie you. huchi: they tie them, oklat takchi: or takchi: I tie him, h-T. or it for you, chin takchi li; I tie him, her or it for him or her, in takchi li; I tie him, her or it for us, pin takchi li; I tie him, her or it for us all, hupin takchi li; I tie him. her or it for you, huchin takchi li; 1 ti tie him, her or it for them, in takchili or okla in takchili; you tie him, her or it for me. i.s san takchi: you tie him. her or it for him or her. ish in takchi: you tie him, her or it, for us, ish pin takchi: you tie him, her or it for us all, ish hupin'takchi; you tie him, her or ir. for them, ish in takchi or okla ish in takchi; he or she ties him, her or it for me, an takchi; he or she ties him, her or it for you, chin takchi; he or she ties him, her or it, for him or her. in takchi; he or she ties him. her or it, for us, pin takchi; he or sh" ties him, her or it. for us all, hupiu takchi; he or she ties him h'T or it. for you, huchin takchi; he or she ti"s him, her or it, for them, in takch'. okla in takchi; we tie him, her or it, for you, e chin takchi: we tie him. 'her or it, for him or her, il in ta kchi: we tie him, her or it, for you, e hu chin ■.takchi: we tie him, her or it, for the m, okla il in takchi; we all tie him, her or it. for them, TIE 74 TIE iloh in takchi; ye or you tie him, her or it . for me, hussan takchi; ye or you tie him, her or it, for m", hussan takchi; ye or you tie him, her or it, for him or her. Hush in takchi; ye or you tie him her or it, for us, hush pin takchi; ye or pou tie him, her or it, tor us all, hush hupin takchi; ye or you tie him. her or it, for them, okla hush in takchi; they tie him. her or it, for me, oklat an takchi; they tie him, her or it. for you, cliin takchi; they tie him, her or it, for him or her. in tak- chi; they tie him, her or it, for us, pm takchi: thev tie him. her or it, for us all, hupin takchi; they tie him. her orit.for you, huchin takchi; they tie him, her or it, for them, in takchi or okla in takchi; I am tying, takchi lishke; you are tying, ish takchishffe; he or she is tying, tak- chishke: they are tying takchit oklushke we are tying, e takchiske; we all arc ty- ing, eho takchishke; you are tying, hush takchiske; they are tying, takchishke. or oklat takchishke, ( "ishke" is simply a definite and emphatic way of expressng anything). I do tie, takchilihoke; you do tie. ish takchi hoke; he or she does tie. takchi hoke; thsy do tie, takchit olila hoke; we de tie. e takchi hoke; we all do tie, ehc takchi hoke; ye or you do tie. hush takchi hoke; they do tie, oklat tak- chi hoke or takchi hoke: I tied or have tied, takchi li tuk: you tied or have tied, ish takchi tuk: he or she tied or has tied, takchi tuk; we tied or have tied, e takchi tuk; we all tied or have tied, eho takcni tuk; ye or you tied or have tied, hush takchi tuk; they tied or have tied, oklat takchi tuk; takchit okla tuk, takchi tuk; if the time is very remote, tok; is nsed instead of tuk; I did tie, (it was so) takchili tuk o.ie; if sp 'aking of a tying that occui- ed long since, it would be thus, takchili tok oke; as tok refers to time remote aud tuk to time recent, I shall or will tie. tak- chi la Chi; her or she, shall or will tie, tak- cha chi; we shall or will tie, e takcha clii: we all shall or will tie, eho taiicha chi: ye or you shall or will tie, hush takcha chi they shall or will tie, oklat takcha chi takchit okla chi. takcha chi; If the time is remote and indefinite, it is thus. I «hall or will tie, takchi la he; you shall or will tie, ish takcha he: her or she shall tie, takcha he; we shall or will tie, e tak- cha he;we all shall or will tie; eho takcha he; ye or you shall or will tie, oklat takf cha he, takchit okla he or tak eha he; i- you wish to speak regarding the future and strongly express purpose in an im- perative sense, it goes thus. I shall or will tie, takchi lashke: you shall or will tie. ish takchaske; he oi she shall or will tie, takchashke; we shall or will tie, e takchashke;we all shall or will tie. eho takchashke: ye or you shall or will tie, hush takchashke; they shall or will tie. oklat takchashke. takchit oklashke, tak- chashke: I can or may tie takchi li hinla, you can or may tie, ish takcha hinla; he or she may or can tie, takcha hinla; we may or can tie, e takcha hinia: we all may or can tie, eho takcha hinla ye or you can or may tie, hush takfha hinTa, they may or can tie. takchit okla might oklat takcha hinla, takcha hinla: 1 might or could have tied takchi la hinla tuk^ you might or could have tied, ish tak- cha hinla tuk; he or she might or could have tied, taeha hinla tuk. we mig t have tied, eho takcha hinla tuk: ye or you might have tied, hush takcha "hinla tuk: they might have tied, oklat takcha hinla tuk or takcha hinla tuk; I was about to tie, takchi la chin tuk, you were about to tie. ish takcha chin tiik: he or she was about to tie takcha chin tuk; we all were about to tie, eho takc^'achi tukr ye or you were about to tie, hush takcha chin tuk: they were about to tie, oklat takcha chin tuk or takcha chin tuk; I should or would have tied, takchi la he tuk: you should or would have tied, ish takcha he tuk; he or she should or would have have tied, takcha he tuk, we should have tied; e takcha h ■ tuk: we all should have tied, eho takcha he tuk; ye or you should have tied, ttush take' a 'H^ tnk; thev should have tied, oklat takcha he he ink or takcha he tuk: (if you wish to refere to a remote time, use hi tuk in place of he tak). when or as 1 fe, takchi li mut: when you tie, ish takchi mut; when he or she ties, takchi mut: wlieu we tie. e takchi mut: when we all tie, eho takchi mut; when thev iie, oklat takchi ffiut, or takchi mut; if you wish to imply a future contingency, when I tie. (if I ti"), takchi likmut; when you ti", if you tie). ish tokchikmut; when he or she t'es, tak- ehikmut; when we tie &c, etakchikmut; wh''n w' all ti.', ehatakchikmut: when ye or you tic, hush takchikmut; wh'ii thev tie, oklat takchikmut, takchikmut; if I had tied, takchi li tukniut; if you had tied, ish takchi tukmut; if he or she had tied, takchi tukmut; if we had tied, etakchi tukmut; if we all had tied eho takchi tukmut: if ve or you had tied, hush takchi tukmut; if they had tied, oklat takchi tukmut or takchi tukmut; if von wish to refer to time far in the past use tokmut instead of tukmut; if I shall or will tie, takchi la chikmut; if you shall or will tie, ish takcha chikmut; if he or she will tie, takcha chikmut; if we shall tie, e takcha chikmut; if we all shall tie, eho takcha chikmut; if ye or you shall tl% hush takc'ia chikmut; if they shall tie, takcha chikmut; this refers to tying that will occur in the immediate future, if the time is more remot.', it goes thus, if I shall or will tie. takchilihokmut; if vou will tie, ish takchi hokmut; if he or she will tie, takchi hokmut; if we shall tie , e takchi hokmut: if we all shall tie, eho takchi hokmut; if ye or you tie. hush takchi hokmut: if they tie. takchi hok- mut; if I shall have tied, takchi la hinla tukmut; if vou shall have tied, ish tak- cha hinla tukmut; if he or she shall have tied, takcha hinla tukmut; if we shall have tied, e takcha hinla tukmut; if we all shall have tied, eho takcha hinla tuk- mut; if ye or you shall have tied, hush takcha hinla "tukmut; if they shall have TIGER TOUGH tied, ta'-cha hinla tukmut; let me tie. ak takehi; let liim or her tie. ik takchi; let them tie. takchit ik ok la; let us tie. te takchi: let us all tie. keho takchi: tie yoor you, ho takchi; let me tie, I will tie. tak- chi lashke; you shall tie, ish takchashki; let him or her tie. takchashki; to untie, hlitolih, hlitoffih, hotohliohih; united, hlitua. hlitofa, hlitofkuchih. hotohlih, hlitoha; to untie many, hlitohlih; to cause to be untied hlitohlichih, mokoh- lih. Tisfer, n. Koi basoa. koi; tigress koi tek. Tight, a. Katanlih, yuhapa keyu. kullo; okishkot haksi: to tighten, katanlichih, akullochih: to fasten tight, akullochih; to butten up or tighten, akamussalih: tightened, akaraussah; to set or stick in tight, ahlachalih, alachalichih; to be fixed in tight, ahlachah, ahlachayah- Till, nd. Na; a till, iskolli itumbushi: to till land, okchahll, okchuhlih; till this time, hinak ano. Timber, ». Iti, iti chaya. Time. n. Taim, nitak,'ai ona; a proper time ai ulhpesa; a time or place of payment, ai ulhtoba; not time for payment, ai ulhto'ia ikono kisha; time or place of ap- pointment or election, ai ulhtoka; a short time, chekosikma, chekosi hokma; pres- ent time, himonasi himak, himona, mih mak inli ho, ashalika; oft or often times, himmona; some times, kanimikma, kan- iohmikma; times, (used in repeating the multiplication table) bat, time or times, used atter ordinals, ha; as atukla ha; .second time, the third time, out atuch- ina ha; at this time, himak, himak ano; about this time, himak foka. himmak foka; at a future time, himmak ma; the comingtime, himmak pilla; one time, himonna ha; at the .same time, himmona achuffa; let all talk at one time, himmona achuffa momut ik auumpuli: a longtime, hopaki; a longer time, hopaki i shahli; it will last a long time, hopaki ho tuha chi; when a long iime, hopakikmako, hopaki- hokmako; not time, ikaionoh; to bring forth before time, ikaiono ho chelih; a short time, ikhopako; to have time, shaklah, i haiyakah; time piece, hush kanuUi isht ikhuna; meal time, ai impa onah. Timid, a. Anukwiah; I am timid,sanukwiah, sakomotah; to be timid, komontah; tim- idity, komonta; to produce timidity, komollichih: timorous, hobak toba. Tin. n. Asonak huta; tin ware, asonak huta; tin basin, mahaia iskitni; tin buck- et, asonak tohbi isht ohchi; tin canister, asonak huta ai ulhto; tin cup, isht ishko; tin pan. asonak mahaia; tin plote. asonak amp huta: tin wash pan, ai okami; tinner asonak huta ikbi. Tingle, v. Sumahuchih. Tinkle, v. Sumampah. Tip, n. Wishakchi; tipsy, okishkot haksi; tiptoe, shikkiliklih. •' Tire, v. Tikambichih, hoyublichlh, tikah- bichih, kotah, hoyaplichih; tired, hoyap- lih. tikahbih kotah; continually being tired tikohahbih; to tire out ai Intakobih, ai intakobichih. To, pr. Ak okuno; as to, ak okuno; to or unto, ako, hak o to-pit, toward, pit to. yoiia; as, "come to Jesus." okchalinchi yoka oh im ulah. Toiid, V- Shilukwah; a tree toad, chukpa- lantak To::st, r, Anakshollh, anakshuffih; toasted, auakshuah, anakshohah. Tobacco, n, Hakchuma; chewing tobacco, hakchuma paluska: a pulg oi trbiu co. hakchuma paluska: smoking tobacco, hachuma botn: tobacco snuii, hakchuma bota; to smoke tobacco, hakchuma shukah; a tobacco pipe, hachum ashvika, an eaithen tobacco pipe, hakchuma sheiti; a cigar, hakchuma shuna; a roll of tobacco, hakchuma ulhfoa; nicotine of tobacco, hakchuma hlitilli; a tobacco worm, hachumpa upa. hakchuma shushi tobacoo seed, hakcuma nihi, give me some tobacco, hakchuma sapetah; tobac- conist, hakchuma kanchi. Toe, n. lyushi; big toe, iyishki, toe nail, iyukchush; my toe nail, saiyukchush: my big toe, sayisiiki; my toes, sayushi; little toe, iyush uhli; my little toe, say- ushi uhli; to tip toe, shikkiliklih. Together, ad. Aieninchit, ittachaklih; to splice together at, ai illachakalih; to come together at, ai ittufama. Toii, V. Toksulih, pilesah. Toniiinawk, n. Iskiffushi Tomb, /(. AhoUopi aboha, aholuppi; tomb- stone, aholluppi tuii hikia. Tomorrow, ad. Onna, onnaha, onnakma tomorrow, ounahinlikma. Ton, II. Weki tahiepa sipokni tuklo. Tjnp^s, II. Luak Ishikiseli, isht kiseli. Tongue, n. Isuulush; to put out the tongue okchilabih; pulling out the tongue rap- idly like a snake, okchillubi: my tongue, sasonlush; languages or tongues, anumpa wagon tongue, Iti chanulU tikba hikia; bull tongue, wak isunlush. Tonic, n. Nipi isht hlampkochi ikhish. Too, ad. Akiulih. Tool, n, Isht toksuli, nan isht toksuli. Tooth, II. Xoti; foretooth, noti tikba; eye tooth, noti isht itioi; corner tooth, noti chukbi; molar tooth, noti pokta; tooth brush, noti isht kasholichih noti isht achefa; toothache, noti hottuppa; tooth- les.'^,noti iicsho;tO()th pick, noti isht shinli; my tooth, sanuti; my teeth, sanoti: tooth- some, impa achukma. Top, /(.. Wishakchi, paknaka; tophet. ai okpuloka. Torment, n. Apullummi, ai okpuloka; to torment, apullummichih, pullummichih; the place of torment, aiissikoi)a. Torti)i8e, ii. Luksi hachotakni; tortoise shell, luksihakshup. Torture, v. Hottupah, hottupuchih. Toss. V. Pilah: tossing, fahummih. Total, a. Momah, banoh okluha; totality, moma, banoh; totally, banoh. Totter, V. Faiokuchih; tottered, faiokuchih. Touch, V. Pashohlih, potolih. hulilih; to touch me, sahalelih; touched, pashohah: to touch the bottom, akkahikah; touch- ing continually, pashohohlih; not reach- ed" or touched, ikbikiloh ikhaleloh, to touch over head, bikelih, to cause to touch; bikelichih. Tough, a. Kullo, I am tough, sakulloh. TWO 76 TRUi: Two, I'. Halut isht ayah; towing, halut isht ayut. Toward, pr. Et; auet, pit pilah; towards the speaker, auet: to light up toward this way, et towekelih; to whoop toward this way, et ti3shah; to call out this toward way, et tuhpalah; to stand with face toward this way, et hikiah; towards, aheh, ,imina,- jjilah; standing with face toward, pit hikiah. '''owel, n. Nashuka isht kasholichi. Tower, n. Chukka chaha; to tower, chahah. 'Aowii, n. Tumaha, a small town, tumuha iskitini; a village. tumt3hushi; a city, tumuha chito. Trace, v, Hinay, hinushi; to tract or trace, silhhih; to trace a line, hlafih; traced, hlafa; traces or trace chains, isht halulli. Trachea, v. I Kolumbish, i kolupi. Track, n. Hina, ahapli; to track, silhhih; a small book or tract, holisso hokshup Iksho. Trade, ''. Ittatoba; trader, ittatoba shahli, na chumpa, ittutoba: tradesman, ittu- toba. Tradition, n. Anumpa isht auchinchi. Traffic, n. Ittatoba; a trafficker, ittutoba. Trail, v. Silhhi: a irail. hlohama. Traitor, n. Na haksichi. Trample, v. Aliahlichih, ahablichih, hab- lih, hablichih. TraiKiuil, . Nafoka ashali. Valley, n. Okfa. Talnable, a. Holitopa; to value, al ullih. Ii3lli onochi. ai illichih, holitoblichih, i holloh; undervalued, holitoblih keyu; invaluable, holitopa atupa, Yanish, v. Kuniah, kashofah, ikshoh. Tapid, a. Ikhomokit tuha. Taper, n. Kofota. Tarious, n. Ilaiyuka; to vary, aiyukachih, aivukalichih. j Tarnish, v. Itombi isht malantuchi, I Vast, a. Chitoh, hocheto; vastness, chinto. Tegetable, n. Haiyukpulo, ulba; vege- I table, hofantih. j Tein, n. Akshish. bakshish, issish i hina. j Tenerate, v. Holitoblih; venerated, hbli- ! topah. I Tenison, /i. Issi nipi. ! Tenture, v. Amosbolih, amosbolichih; I continually venturing, amoshohonlih. Terbal, a. Anumpah; verbally, anumpah banoh, [ Terbose, a. Anumpa laua. ( Terdant, a. Okchamalih. Terge, v. Bichotah, tobunah; the verge, ai tjhli. V>rily, ad. Ahli, ahli, bo, ahli hosh. Teniifnse, n. Hushwush ubi, hushshowush ubi, lupchubi; vermiluge weed, hushun. Terniilion, n, Tishepa. Terse, ?>. Anumpa ulhpisut holisso, holisso anumpa tupa; uerses, holisso anumpa ^tuptua. VERTIGO i9 WARN \ertigo, H. Chukiolt)lia, \«r.v, a. Ai ahli. illuppak atuk, akluha, alehnah, lehua, fehiiah, kcsh, hacha, ak, ilimpa, hoUi- poui; boiled victuals, honiii. \»e»v, r. Ilopgkoyoh. hopopoyo, pisah. Ti^ilaiit, '/, Okcha. il auuk tahla. Tile, a. Chakapa. haksi: t?o act vilely, hak- sih; to uilify, cbakapaii. Village, n. Tumuhushi. Tine . Baloli: a grape vine, pakapi: muscadine vine, sukkoupi. Vinejfitr, /(. Oka hauashko. Violin, n. Ahlipushi; bass violin, able- pushi chito; a violin bow,, ahlepah isht olachi; violin strings, ahlipah .ushi isht- talakchi; the sound of a violiu, ahlepah olhu to play t)ie violiu, ahlepah olachih; a violin player, ahlepah olachi. Tiper. n. Sintiokpulo, sinti chilita. Virtue, n. Ahli, ai dhpisuchi. nau ulhpi- sali, nana ai ulhpies*; virtuous, holitopa, ai ahli, ai ulhpesa. Virulent, a. Horai fehna. Viscid, a, Hlikaha. Vise, //. Isht kiseli chito; thumb vise, isht kiselushi. Visibl*, a. Haiakah. Visit. V. Chukalahah, i nowut ayah; to make a visit, chukalahuchih; a visitor, chukalaha chukalahuchi, nowtjt &ya. Vital (u Ai okchaya. Vitriiil, '. Tuli holuya okchamali. Voice, )\ Im anumpa ola, ola. Volcano, ». Xuni lua. Toniit, i\ H-owita, hoeta; to make vomit, hoetuchih; to try to vomit, hoetut pisah^ you all vomin. hohuctah; you all cause others to vomit, hohowituchih; vomiting, hoeta; vomiting olood, issish hoeta. Voracious, a. Anuktupah iksho, issikopa, impa shahli. Vote, r. Atokolih, totimah voted, atokoah, ulhtokah; a voter, atokoli. fot bohli. Vow, *'. Anumpa kullochit mihah, anumpa holitopa il onoehih, anumpa, ilonochih, im issa. Vulgar, n. Chakapa, makali; not vulgar, j ikcbakapo, vulgarity, chakapa. w M'ude, r. Oka nowah, oka hikah, anowah; to wade through, anowut hlopullih; waded through, auowah. ^Vafer. n. Holisso isht akulo, holisso isht akamussa. Wiig, /* Ilattak yopulla. iVason, H. Iti channuli, iti chuuaha; wag- on body, iti channuli o talaia. wheel, chcnalta'. fore wheels, ehuuaha tikba hlli; hind wheels, ehunaha ulbulaka heli; fcougU'', iti clmnulli tikba hikia; wagoner, iti channel, isht aya; wagon whip, isht fuma chito. Mail. t'. Yaiya isht yaiya. M'aist, n, Ikfeksa: waist coat, nakfokushi. Wait, r. Hoyoh; waiter tishu M'ake, v. Okcha, to waken, okchali. Walk, t'. Nowah. akkaya; walking nowah; a walker, nowa; a walk, auowa; to walkt on, anowah; to walk through, anowah hlopullih; to walk fast, chahlib; a a fast walker,chahli:to cause to walk fast, chahlichih; to walk with, ibanowah itti- banowah; walking together, ittibanowah; one who walks with another, ittapatoli; to walk with a cane, tabilih; to walk lamely, tabiklih; to walk lightly, yupul- lib, yupuUichih; walking lightly yupul- lih; to walk grandly, yiiltolah ymvoku- chih. Wallet, lu Bahtushi, bahta, shukcha. Walnut, ». Hahe, oksakhahe: walnut tree, hahe upi; oksakhahe upi Wander, r. Folokahanchih, fulohkuchih, filihkuchih, himak fokalechit aya, fitihk- uchih: wandered off from, filamah, filum- mih: to cause to wander off. Alamolichih, filummichih: a wanderer, filihkuchi, titi- hkuchi; wandered off, filummih filumo- lih. Want. V. Buunah. ikonoh, polummih, ik- shoh: wanting, bunnah. poluraah; one who wants, bunna: to come to want, as food or water, baiyunnah: not wanted, ikbunnoh: to lie in great want for meat, pushkunoh: 1 want, sabunnah: you want, chi bnnnah; he or she wants, bunnah: we want, e bunnah; we all want, eho bun- nah; I may want, bunna la hinla; you may want, chi bunna hinla; we may waiit, ebunna hinla: we all may want, eho bunna hinla. Wanton, a. Haksi. War, 7*. Itin tanampilh.itibi chitoh: to cause a war, tanampih: warrior, tushka: red warrior, tushka homma; a war song, hoy- opa taloa: a war whoop, hoyopa tussaha. Warily, d. Aha ahnit: wariness, aha ahni. Warm, a. I.ikema, libisha, yohbih: to warm, libeshah, libishlih. innih: warm- ing, libishah: warmth, libisha; to warm by the sun, likemah: to cause to warm, likemuchih: to warm at, ai innih: a place to warm at, ai inui; moderately warm, lahba; to be warm, lahbah, yohbih; warmed, lahbah; to make warm, lahbu- chih, luhbuchih, yohbichih; to warm up from anger, muklibishlih; warmed up, nuklibishah; to cause to warm up, niikli- bishshikahchih; I am warm, salibeshah. Warn, v. Imunolih, anolih; warned, imun- noah, annoah. WARP 80 WT^AR Warp, V. Bochussalih, bochussachih , chassulah, kofiissah; warped, bochoku- chih, bochussah, chassulah. kofussah; to cause to warp, chassaloehih, kofussa- chih; not vvarpod, ikchassoloh; a weaver's warp, upi. ponola tjpi; warping bars, poaola aholptijchi, ponola ahotachi, woof ponoltih isht touna, isht tunnah. Wart, ti. Shalukwa. Was, V. Tuk, tok; surely was. chahlih; was there, kamo, kumo. Wash, V. Achefah; washed, achcfah, t3lh- chifah; to wash the; head, aiehlih; a washer woman, ohoyo nan achifa; to wash one's self, ilachifah; unwashed, ikachefoh; face not washed, ikokamoh; to wash the face, okamih: to wash the face at or in, ai okamih: a wash pan, ai okarai a wash tub, ai achefa. iti kolofa, nan ai aehela; washed clothes, nun olhehifa. Wasp n. Chanushshik, ehushshik; black wasp or dirt dauber, tekhanto: large red wasp, chanushshik homma; striped wasp, koarabi; yellow jacket, uakni foi. Waste, /'. Isht yoporaoh, okpunih: wasted, okpulo; wasteiul. isht yopomo shohli. Watch, II, Hoshi kanulli isht ikhuna, hushi isht ikhona; watch chain, hoshi konolli isht ikhuna ishtallakchi: watch key, hushi kanulli ishht ikhuna isht ashania a watch maker, hush isht ikhuna ikbi; to watch, atonih,apistikelih,aieechih,apesu- chih; a watchman, atoni, nan apistikeli, napisa, hopokoyoh; watchful, hopokoyoh shahli. Water, n. Oka:not water.oka keyu; no water, oka iksho; good water, okachukma, bad water, oka okpulo: sweet watei, oka chumpuli: sour water, oka haushko; cold water, oka kapussa; warm water, oka libeaiia; hot water, oka lushpa; red water, oka homma; yellow water, oka lakaa; black water, oka lusa; clear water, okshawali, oka tjiwali. oka tawali, oka shohkanali; bad smelling water, oka shuwa;s\veet smelling water. oka;balama, fresh water, oka himona; hard or lime- stone water, oka takba; like water, oka ohmi; back water, oka bikeli, oka falama; high water, okchito; deep water, oka hofobi; shallow water, okaikholobo, oka hofobi keyu, okchuwuha; rain water, oka umba; river water, bok oka; creek, brook or branch water, bok ushi oka; spring water, kuli oka, salt water, hupi oki; sea water, okhuba oka; slack water, oktimpi; boiling or hot spring water, oka wahlulli; sulphur, oil or medicinal waters, oka alikchi; well water, kuli hofobi oka; frozen watar, oka kalampi; ice, okti; icicles, akalupi takohli; eddy water, okfoyuUi; a pond of water, haiy- ip, okutuch : a po>l of water, aiyupi; a lake of water, okhuta; a se i or ocean of water, okhuta chito; a gulf of water, oktiota shokulbi; th'? fountain head of water, amiute. kuli, bok atiaohli ibetup, wishakchi; a stream of water, ayanulli, okhina. hue ta. bok, bok ushi, okhinushi, oka abachaya; mouth of a stream of water, bok aseiili asetili; overflow of water, oka mitafa; a whirl pool of water, oka fuyo- ha: a hole of water, oka chuluk; h-avy water, oka weki; strong water, (whiskey) I oka homi; Tom Fuller ( t_ifula ) water, oka holushka; water having a fishy smell, oka nuk shobi; water in a vessel, oka ' talaiya; a place for water, oka ai asha; a place to get watapoii, n. Nahaluppa, nan ishtitibih. Wear, v. Fohkah: a wearer, fohka; to wear out. hliplih: worn out, hlipa; to be worn out, hliput tuha; to wear a strap or sash on sholder; hunawelik. WEARY 81 WHOOP Weary, a. Hoyubli. tikahbi- to weary: hoy- cblichih: wearied, hoyublih, kotah; to be weary, hoyaplih, tikahbih; wariness, hoyapli. Weather, n. Kucha; good weather, kucha achukma; bad weather, kucha okpulo; cold weather, kucha kapussa; warm weather kucha libesha. Weave, v. >iatunahtunnih; weaving, natu- nah: a weaver, natuna' tuna; woven, tunnah. Wed^e, n. Tuli isht puhlah; to wedge,akul- lochih; to wedge in, shamtsUichih. Wednesday, n. Witniste, winsti. Weed, n. Haiyukpulo, uiba; to hoe or weed alslih; weed seed, haiyukpulo nihi. Week, n. Nittak hulo. wik; last week, nittak hullo ash: week before last, nittak hullo atuklakash; next week, nittak huilo atuklakma nittak hullo atukla; weekly, nittak hullo aiyuka. Weep, V. Yayah, yaiyah; to cause to weep, yayuchih; weeping, nishkin okchi mihiti. Weevil, n. Hapulak, tauchi shaluukuchi; weevil eatan, shuluka. Weft, n. Isht tunna. Weigh, V. Wekichih; continually weigh- ing, wekihichih: weighty, weki; weighed, wekih; weights, weki isht ulhpisa. Welcome,!'. Aiokpanchih; unwelcome, ikai okpancho; a welcomer, ai okpuchi; to cause to welcome, ai okpuchichih. Weld, V. Ulbochih, ittaiakmochih. ittak- mochih; welded, ulboh; to weld together, Ittulbochih, welded together, ittulboh. Well, n Kuli hofobi; all well, achukma asha; still well, achukma moma, achuk- maka; well known and definite, chokusho chokush osh, well? (this or that) hakcho^ akcho; mighty well, fiehua; to make one well hlakoffichih, masalichih; to be well, hochukma, imachukma; to get well, masalih, talakyffih; to be well, nau i kanihmih keyu; very well, (when the same, as yes) ome! well! it may be (so, but it is new tome) omiha! well!! (call- ing attention ) ome, omishke; very well, (when admitting it to be right) ulhpesa. Wen, n. Shatohpa. Wench, n. Ohoyo haul; a negro weuch, hattak lusa, ohoyo haul. West, V. Hushi aiokatula; hushi ai okatul- aka; western or westward, hushi ai oka- tulaka; westerly; hushi ai okatula imma; hushi ai okatula pilah; a long way west, hushi ai okatukla pillah; a west wind, hushi ai okatula imma et mahU; western folks, hushi ai okatula okla. Wet, n. Lucha, lacha, hotobi; to wet, luchalih; to be wet, luchah; wet ground, hlatimo; I am wet, saluchah. Whale, n. Nuni chitookhuta osha. Wharf, n, Peni aiatuya. What, pro. Akcho. cho, ha, ho, hah. kush; what is it, hah? hai? nanta ho? what or how?katiohmi, nautah. natah: what then, akmuno, ak muto; somewhat' chohmi. Wheat, n. Onush, howit; wheat bread, onush palushka. Wheel, n. Chunaha; to roll a wheel ,, chan- nichih; iron wheel, tuli chunaha; spin- ning wheel, ponola ashunnah, ahonola; fore wheels, chunaha tikba heli; hind wheels, chunaha ulbul aka heli. When, ad. Ka, katiohmikma, kauiohmik- mi kash, na, okma, yokraa, hokma, achik- eh. akma, ak mak o; when is it, ak mak ocha, akmak ona; whence, katima kani- ma. Where, ad. Katima, kanima, muto: any- where, kanima kia; no where, kanima keyu: not anywher, kanima hoh kevu; elsewhere, kanimakinli; some where, kanima: wherein, yummako; whitherso- ever, kanima yoh kia; wherefore, katio- hmi, katiohmi ho. Whet, I'. Shohlichih, shuahchih, shuhli- chih; whetting, shuhlihinchih; whet stone, tuli isht ashuahchih. Whether, pr. akcho, katimampo, katima ko. Which, pr. Kuta; which one, katim ampo. While, ad. Takla, ua; a short while since, ash, yash , hash, kash; a good while ago, chamo. Whine, v. Bikbiah; a whine, bikbia; awhi- ner, bikbia. Whip, n, Hlokata. isht fumahlukata; whip lash, isht fuma wishakfthi takali, hlokata wishokchi takali; an ox whip, isht fuma chito; to whip, hlukahah, fummih; whip- ped, fumah; a whipper. hlukaha, hluka- lichih; whipping, hlukalihinchih; to pop a whip, hlukalichi, hlukata olaclii; sound of a whip, hlukata ola; to whip with a switch, tuli isht fummih; whip- ped, full isht fumah; a place for whip- ping, afuma; to whip while running, mokulichih; to whip with one stroke, tipilich; whipping, tippihah; riding whip, issuba isht fuma; wagon whip, isht fuma chito, whipping with a rod, teppihah; whippletree, iti okhowata. Whippoorwill, n, Wohwulih, chukkilak- bila. Whirl, V. Fatahuchih, to whirl around, hunnauokih, fitihuchih; to cause a thing to whirl round and round, hunnanoki- chih; whirling, futahuchih, fafohlih; to whirl about, titihah fafohlih: to whirl rapidly, fitihlichih; to whil with a stick, fatahuchih; whirling, fatahah: whirl pool, okafoyuha; whil wind, kpanuktila; whirligig, nan isht washohah. Whisker, n. Nutakhish. Whiskey, n. Oka homi: to sell whiskey, oka homikanchih: a whiskey seller, oka homi kunchi. Whisper, v. Woshohuchih: whispering, woshohuhanchih. Whistle, V. Kontah, kuntah; whistling, hohotah White 71. Tohbi; to whiten, tohbichih: a bluish white, tohbokolih; a greenish white, tohbokkoli; a pale white, hanta, huta; to make a pole white, hantucchih; whites, hutah out iah: to turn white, hutachih; a yellow white, huta lakna; to color a yellow white, huta laknanchih; a white man, na hullo; a white woman, uahullo ohoyo; I am white, tatohbih; I am a white man, nahullo sia. Who, pro. Kutah; whoever, kuna hohkia. Whole, a. Bonoh, momah; wholly, bonoh, momah. Whoop, V. Tasahlih, tussahah, whooping, tasahahlih, tasahah; whooped,, tasahah; WHORTLEBERRY 82 WORD to whoop at, apahlichih; to whoop to- ward this way, et tosahah; awar whoop, hoyopa tassuha; whooping cough, hoti- Ihko fika. Whortleberry, n. Shiupha, yuhlo. a huck- leberry bush, shiuphupi; a winter huck- leberry, aksak ohchi. Why, ad. Katihma, nantihmi, nakatimi, atuko. Wicked, a. Haksi. tasimbo, okpnlo; to act wickedly, isht akanomi; wickedness, ai tjlhpesa keyu, ai okpulo. Wide. a. Putha, auatah, hoputha, katupah; widley, hopakichit; to be broad or wide, hopulhkah; width, hopulhka; to widen, puthuchih, auatuchih; scattered wide apart, shachahah; to scatter wide apart, shachahulih; to spread the legs wide apart, wakchalulih; toowide, wakchah to widen out, yatuplih, yatupachih; wi- dened, yatupah; to stand with the feet wide apart, yuttulah. Widow,, n. I hattak illi: widower, tekchi illi. Wife, n. Tekchi; my wife, satekchi. Wiggletail, n. ITattak chukush upa; wig- wam, hattak upiborama inchukka. Wild, a. Nukshopa; to be wild, honayoh; wildness, honayo; not wild, ikhonnayoh; wild cat, shakbutina; wilderness, haiaka, yakni haiaka kowi. Will, * . Aiahni wil, shall or will, hinla, chike. Willingness, n. Ai okpanchi achukma; un- willing, ai okpanchi keyu. Willow, n. Tukobishshah, tnkowishah. Wilt, V. Bushih; to cause to wilt, bushi- ehih; wilted, bushih; not wilted, ikbu- shoh. Win, ('. Im ubih; to win back, okhah. Window, n. Okhisushi, okhisa uslii; win- dow, blind, okhisushi isht okshillihta okhisushi aiakmo; window glass, apis- sah. apisa, kashofa; window curtain, okhisushi, i holmo; window sash, apisa kashofa ai ulbiha; a glass window, apisa kashofa okhisushi. Windpipe, n. Ikolupi, kolumbish. Wine, n. Oka poki; wine glass, oka poki ai ishko; wine bibber oka pokisnko. Vfin^, HT Nasanihchi, sanihchi. Wink, V. Mochuklih, okmoshlih, mush- molih; winking, mochuklih; continually winking, mochukmolih, mochuhoklih. Winnow, V. Amahlih, amahlicliih; a place to winnow, amolichi. Winter, n. Htishtula, onafa; wintery, hushtula chohmi; the first of winter, hushtula ummona. onafahpi; to winter, htjshtula antoua hlopuliih. Wipe, V. Kashofih; to wipe off, kasholichih, kihlih; to wipe on, akashotichih, aka- shoffih; to wipe self, ilekt3sholichih, wiped, kashofah; a wiper, nan isht kas- holichih.. Wire, n. Tuli fabussa, wire fence, tuli fabussa hulihta. Wisdom, n. Hopoyuksa; to cause wisdom, hopoyuksalichih; having wisdom, isht hopoyuksaka. Wise, a. Hopoyuksa, kostini; to be wise, hopoyuksoh; not wise, ikhopoyuksoh, hopoyuksa keyu; to make wise, hopoyuk- sachih, hopoyuksalichih; I am wise, sakostiuih. Wish, V. Bunnah, polummih, ahnih; wish- ful, bunnah anakfilli; a wish, bunna, wishing, polumah. Witch, n. Aholhkunno, ohoyo aholhkunno isht ahullo; a wizzard. hattak ahalh- kuuno, hattak holhkunna, hattak ahnlh- kunna, hattak yushpokummi; a witch, ohoyo yushpakummi. to bewitch a man, hattak yushpakummih; a man bewitch- ed, hattak yushpakuma; witchcraft, hulhkunna, ikhish isht yuhpakama; a hobgoblin or witch, kashikanchak, kashikanchak; a place at whitch to be- come a witch, ai isht ahullo; to place at which to make another a witch, ai isht ahollochih. With, pro. Ishit, isht ibai takla iba awaut , itta. Wither, v. Bushshih bilakhlih; withered, bushshi, bilakhlih; not withered, ik bushshoh; withered, shullah; withers; ya wushka. Witness, n. Aiatokowa, nan anoli; to wit- ness together, ittibapisah. Wolf, n. Nashoba, wolf county, Nashoba kaunti. Woman, n. Ohoyo; a young woman, ohoyo himitta; young women, ohoyo himithoa; a pretty weman, ohoyo pisa achukma; a married woman, hattak awaya; a single woman, hattak ikawayoh; a good woman ohoyo achukmah: not a good woman, ohoyo achukma keyu; a white womau, nahuUo ohoyo; a choctaw woman, chahta ohoyo; a negro woman, hattak lusa ohoyo; a worthless woman, ohoyo ik- ahobo; a poor woman, ohoyo ilbosha. an old woman, ohoyo sipokni, kasheho; my woman, umohoyo; his woman, im ohoyo; your woman, chim ohoyo. Womb, 71. Ushuto, Wont, a. Chokumo. Wood, n. Iti; fire wood, iti ulhti, iti olulhti; woods, kowi, iti anuka, yokni haiaka; wood chuck, shanoktukosh, shanisht- tukoshi; wood cock, issinia pichechi; wooe pecker, tikti, chakchuk; red head wood pecker, bakbak; smaller redhead wood pecker, cbilantak; a small speckled wood pecker, biskihik; the common wood pecker, hushi iti chanli; rotten wood, iti toshbi; hard wood, iti ktsllo; to chop wood, iti chalih; iron wood, lyan- ubbi: dry wood, iti shila; honey comb wood, shal akpa. Wool, n. Ishtunna. ponalash isht tunna. Wool, n. Chukfi;hishi lambs wool, chukfushi hishi; woolen cloth, chukfi hishi nan- tunna, chnkfi hishi tuna; woolen goods, chukfi hishi nantunna toba; woolen yarns, chukfi hisht shunni; home spun woDlen yarn, chukfi hishi ilapint shunna; home spun woolen goods, chukfi hishi ilapint tunni; a wool sack, hishi ai ulhto; •'niggar" wool, hattak lusa pashi; wooly, wuksho; to make wooly, wukshuchih. Word, n. Anumpa; one word, anumpa achofFa; a sound or good word, anumpa ai ulhpesa; only a word, anumpa banoh; a new word, anumpa himona; a word maker, anumpa ikbi; topass many words, anumpa itti lawachih; a word of some VVOEK 83 YOUR sort, anumpa kaniohmi; a word of no sort, anumpa kaniohmi keyu; short words, anumpa kolohli; an oath or hard word, anumpa kuUo; wordy, anumpah lawa; an old word, anumpa tikba; the first word, anumpa tikba takanlih, anumpa ummona; to make a word, anumpa ikbih; God's word, Chitokaka im anumpa. Work, V, Toksulih, pilesah; to mak work, toksalichih; to work or ferment, as liquid chobokuchih; to work with, itabatok- salih, isht toksolih; working with, iba- toksalih; to make me work, satoksali- chih; a work house, chukka atoksuli; a workman, ai iskiachi, nan isht utta; a worker, nan isht utta, hattak na pilesa. World, n. Yakni, yakni ehunaha folota battak moma, yakni moma; the world above, uba yakni. Worm, n. Shushi; tape or grub worm, lupchn; a hairy worm, (that destoys hides) shokutti; glow worm, hulba, angle worm or fish worm, lupchu; silk worm, silik shushi; tobacco worm, hakchuma shushi; small worms that affect children, htjshowush. hushwush; worm wood, hushun. Worry, v. Anumpulechih, ataklununih. Worse, a. Okpulo i shahli, okpulo fehna. okpulo i shaht tahli, okpulot taha; to make worse, aiycbichih, made worse, ai yubbih. Worship, V. Holitoblichit ai okpachih ai okpuchih; a place at which to worship, aholitoble; worshipping ai okpahanchih; worshiper, ai okpuchi, hlipint ittula; to cause to worship, aiokpuchichih; wor- shipful, ai okpuchi ulbpesa. Worthy, a. Holitopa, ulhpesa: worthily, holitoput; worthless, ikahoboh. Would, pv. Hetuk; would have, hinla tuk; would be very, fehna hinla; would have been, chin tok, chin tuk. Wound, V. Nuhlih; to wound at, anulhhlih wounded, nchlah; wounding continually nuhahlah; the place where wounded. anuhlah; feelings wounded, chukush hotopalih; to wound, honuhlih; wounds of various kinds anuhla, alitowa, ai okfaya, ahoa, achaya. abaha, abushau, to wound in various ways, bushlih, chanlih bolih, litolih; wounded, bushah, chayah nuhlah, boah. litowah. Wrap, V. Bonullih; wrapped up, bonuntah; to wrap up, ubouullih, ubonullichih. Wrath. ?i. Isht i nukkilli, ai i nukilli; wrathy, nukhobela, nukoa shahli. Wren, n. Okchiloha; small wren, chikchik. Wrestle, v. Ittishih; to wrestle wath me, satishih. Wretch, n. Hattak okpulo; wretched. ilbusha, ikahobo. Wrij^^le, V. Fatahuchih; wriggling, futa' huchih. Wirnar, v. Bushlih; not wrung, ikbushloli. Wrinkle, v. Shikoffih. shinifflh yikiffih: wrinkled, shikifah shikofah, yikifah, a wrinkle, shikofa. Wrist, n. Ibbak iska; wrist joint, ibbakf tillokuchi ibbak ittachakuli; wrist band, ibbak aiohoma. Write, V. Holisnochih: continually write- ing, holissohouchih; a writer, holissochi; to write upon, oholissochih; wrote or written, holisso. Wrong, a. Yoshoba, ashuchi, okpulo. Y Tarn, n. Yt3m, ahekushaha. Yard, n. Holihta, wauuta, kusbihiyi tu- cbina; to put in a yard, holihta fohki; a yard stick, isht ulhpisa, nan ishtulhpisa. Yarn, n. Chukfihishi honnola, chukfi hishi puna nashuna, home; spun yarn, chukfi hishi ilupint shunna; one hank of yarn chukfi hishi ittupuna achuflla: to spin yarn, chukfi hishi shunnih; spun yarn, chukfi hishi shuna. Yawn, V. Hawa. Year, n. Afummih; yearly, afummi aiyu kalih; a yearling, afummi; to go over one year old, atunuplichih; over one year old atunupa; this year, himak afummi; next year, afummi atukla; afummi atuklakma new year's day, afummi himona nittak; last year, afumash. Yell, V, Tahpulah; yellow jaoket, yakni i fai, Yellow, n. Lakna; to turn yellow, ataknah, alaknochih; to make yellow, laknuchih; made yellow, laknuttuha; yellow ham- mer, fitxikhak. Yelp, V. Wohwah, wohlichih. Yes, ad. Ah. omi, yau, i ih, ukah; yes in- deed, ukah; yesterday, pilashash, pila- sha kash. Yet, con. Hokakano, immomah, kisha, moma, ki; not yet , keyu kisha: not there yet, ikaiono kisha; not come yet, iklo ki. Yoke, ??. Abunalih. abunkachih, yok fokih yoked, yok fokah; an ox yoke, wak tok- suli ikoula abana, yok. Yonder, a. Yummah pillah. You, pro, Chi, chia, chishno; to you chim, chishno: you not, chik; yourself, chishno akinli; because to vou, chishno vbka; you are, chishno yokut; you (plural). huchia, huchisno; not you, huchik. Younjr, a. Himitta; to make self young, ilehimittachih; I am young, sahimittah: somewhat young, hirnittah chohmi: very young, hiniittosi; to make young, himitt- uchih; to be young, hirnittah. Youth, ji. Hirnmittah, youthful, himmit- tah. Your, pro. Chin chi, chin huchi huchim, huchim huchimmi. huchishno yoka; yours, chimmi, chisno; yourself, chishno akinli; to become yonrs. huchimmi toba; yourselves, huchishno akinli. huchishno akint, huchishno akinli hosh; because it is yours, huchishno yoka. ZEAL 84 ZIGZAG Z Zeal, n. Aiyiminta, achilita, amoshuli; zealot, hattak ai yiminta; zealous, achil- ita, yiminta, chilita; to cause to be zeal- ous, achilituchih, ai yimitachih; to be zealous, ai yimitah, determined or zeal- ous, chukush yiminta; not zealous, ik- aj^imintoh, ikchilitoh. Zenith, n. Tubokaka. Zephyr, n. Htjshi aiokatula imma et mahli. Zi^za^,' a. Yayakih; to cause a zigzig, yayakichih. td " " He or she shall or will buy, Chumpa chi. " dual They shall or will buy, Chumput okla chi. " He or she shall or will sell, Kahcha chi. " dual They shall or will sell, Kan- chit okla chi. .#^ 1st " plu, We shall or will buy, E chum- pa chi. J " " We all shall or will hujr Eho chumpa chi. " " We shall or will sell, E kan- cha chi. We all shall or will sell, Eho kancha chi. 2d " " You shall or will buy, Hush chumpa chi. „ ., You shall or will sell^ Hush Kancha chi. 3d " " They shall or will buy, Chum- pa chi, oklat chumpa cht FUTURE TENSE — REMOTE AND INDEFINITE. 1st per. sing. I shall or will buy, Churapa la he. " " I shall or will sell, Kanchi la he. By changing chi to he all the numbers and persons can be conjugated. FUTURE TENSE— REMOTE, Strongly expressing purpose, and used in an imperative sense. 1st per. sing. I will buy, Chumpa lashke. " I will sell, Kanchi lashke. 2d " " You will buy, Ish chum- pashke. " " You will sell, Ish kanchashke, .3d " '.' He or she will buy. Chum- pashke. " dual They will buy, Chumput Oklashke, They will sell, Kanchit ok- lashke. 1st " plu We will buy, E chumpashke. " " We will sell, E kanchashke. " " We all will buy, Eho chum- pashke. " We all will sell, Eho kan- chashke. 2d " " You will buy. Hush chum- pashke. You will sell. Hush kan- chaske. 3d " " They will buy, Chumpashke, oklat chumpashke. FUTURE TENSE — EMPHATIC. 1st per. sing. I shall or will buy. Chumpa la chi hoke. " I shall or will sell, kanchi la chi hoke. In the same way add hoke or oke to the other persons, in all the numbers — they are one and the same, and ar^ simply changed to preserve the euphony. POTENTIAL MOOD — PRESENT TENSE. 1st per. sing. I can or may buy, Chumpa la hinla. " I can or may sell, Kanchi la hinla. 2d " " You can or may buy, ish chumpa hinla. " " You can or may sell, Ish Kancha hinla. .3d " " He or she can or may buy, Chumpa hinla. " " He or she can or may sell, Kancha hinla. " dual They can or may buy, Chum- put okla hinla. ■' " They can or may sell, Kan- chit okla hinla. appe:n'dix 1st " plu We can or may buy, E chum- pa hinla. " " We can or may sell, E Kan* cha hinla, " " We all can or may buy, Eho chumpa hinla. " ' We all can or may sell, Eho kancha hinla. 2d " plu You can or may buy, Hush chumpa hinla. " " You can or may sell, Hush Kancha hinla. 3d " " They can or may buy, Oklat Kanchahinla, chumpa hinla. " '■ They can or may sell, Oklat Kancha hinla. PAST TEXSE- 1st per. sing. I -IMMEDIATE OK RECENT. might or could have bought, Chumpa la hinla tuk. " '* I might or could have sold, Kanchi la hinla tuk. 2d " " You might or could have bought, Ish Chumpa hinla tuk. " " You might or could have sold, Ish kancha hinla tuk. 3d " " He or she might or could have bought, Chumpa hin- la tuk. ■' dual They might have bought. Chumput okla hinla tuk. 1st " plu. We might have bought, E chumpa hinla tuk. " " We might have sold, E Kan- cha hinla tuk. We all might have bought; Eho chumpa hinla tuk. " " We all might have sold, Eho kancha hinla tuk. 2d " " You might have bought. Hush chumpa hinla tuk. " " You might have sold, Hush kancha hinla tuk. 2d '• " They might have bought, Oklat chumpa hinla.. " " They raigkt have sold, Oklat kancha hinla! PAST TENSE — REMOTP- 1st per. sing. I might or could have bought, Chumpa la hinla tok. " I might or could have sold, Kancha la hinla tok. By changing tuk or tok all the numbers and' persons can be conjugated and trans- lated as above. PAST TEN.se second FORM— IMMEDIATE. 1st per. sing. I was abought to buy, Chum- pa la chin tuk. " " I was about to sell, Kanchi la chin tuk. 2d " " You were about to buy, Ish chumpa chin tuk. " " You were about to sell, Ish kancha chin tuk. 3d " " He or she was about to buy, Chumpa chin tuk. " " He or she was about to sell, Kancha chin tuk. 3d " dual They were about to buy, Chumput okla chin tuk,' They were about to sell. Kancha chin tuk. 1st " plu. We were about to buy, E chumpa chin tuk. We were about to sell, E kan- cha chin tuk. " " We all vfere about to buy, Eho chumpa chin tuk, '• We all were about to sell, Eho kancha chin tuk. 2d " " You were about to buy, Hush chumpa chin tuk. 3d " " They were about to buy, Chumpa chin tuk. " " They were about to sell. Kan- cha chin tub. PA.ST TENSE, SECOND FORM — REMOTE. 1st per; sing. I vvas about to buy, Chumpa la chin tok, etc.* By changing tuk to tok, all the numbers and persons can be conjugated and translated as above. PAST TENSE, THIRD FORM— IMMEDIATE. Is t per. sing. I should or would have bought, Champa la he tuk. " I should or would have sold. Kanchi la he tuk, 2d " " You should or would have bought, Ish chumpa he tuk. " " You should or would have sold. Ish kancha he tuk. 3d " •' He or she should have bought, Chumpa he tuk. He or she should have sold, Kancha he tuk. " dual They should have bought, Chumput okla he tuk. 1st " plu We should have bought, E chumpa he tuk. " " We should have sold, E kan- cha he tuk. " '■ We all should have bought, Eho chumpa he tuk. We all should have sold, Eho kancha he tuk. 2d " " You should have bought. Hush chumpa he tuk. " You should have sold, Hush Kancha he tuk. 3d " " They should have bought, Chumpa he tuk. PAST TENSE, THIRD FORM— RE.MOTE. Ist per, sing. I should or would have bought, Chumpa la hi tok. By changing /i.''^/A- to hitok, all the numbers and persons can be conjugated and trans- lated as above. Fr^TL'RE TENSE. 1st per. sing. I caa or may buy, Chumpa la hinlashke. 1st " " I can or may sell, Kanchi la hinlashke^ 2d " '■ You can or may buy, Ish chumba hinlashke. " " You can or may sell. Ish Kan- cha hinlashke. 3d " •' He or she can or may buy. (Jhumpa hinlashke. " He or she can or may sell. APPE^TDIX FUTURE TKNSE — 2ND FORM REMOTE. 1st per sing., If I shall or will buy, Chum- pa li hokmut. If J shall or will sell, Kanchi 11 hokmut. 2nd'* " If you shall or will buy, Ish chumpa hokmut. " " If you shall or will sell, Ish kanchi hokmt3t. ;^rd " " If he or she shall or will buy, Chumpa hokmut. " " If he or she shall or will sell, Kanchi hokmot. " " If they shall or will buy, Chiimpuh okla hokmut. " " If they shall or will sell, Kan- chih okla hokmct. Istperplu., If we shall buy, E chumpa hokmut. " " If we shall sell, E kanchi hokmut. " " If we all shall buy, Eho chumpa hokmut. " " Ifwe all shall sell, Eho kan- chi hokmut. 2nd ' " If you all shall buy, Hush chumpa hokmut . '• " If you all shall sell, Hush kanchi hokmut. 8rd " " If they all shall buy, Oklat chumpa hokmut. " " If they all shall sell, Oklat kanehi hokmut. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE — IMMEDI.^TE, 1st per sing.. If I shall have bought, Chum- pa la hinla tukmut. " If I shall have sold, Kanchi la hinla tukmut. 2nd" " If you shall have bought, Ish chumpa hinla tukmut. '* " If you shall have sold, Ish kancha hinla tukmut. ;>rd " " Ifhe or she shall have bought, Chumpa hinla tukmut. If he or she shall have sold, Kancha hinla tukmut. " dual. If they shall have bought, Chumpuh okla hinla tuk- , mut. " If they shall have sold, Kan- chih okla hinla tukmut. 1st " plu.. If we shall have bought, E chumpa hinla tukmut. " " If we shall have sold, E kan- cha hinia tukmut. Ifwe all shall have bought, Eho chumpa hinla tuk- mut. " Ifwe all shall have sold, Eho kancha hinla tukmut. 2nd" " If you all shall have bought, hush chumpa hinla tuk- mut. If you all shall have sold, Hush kancha hinla tuk- mut. •Srd " " If they all shall have bought Oklat chumpa hinla tuk- mut. PAST TENSE, 2nd FORM — REMOTE. 1st per sing., If I can or may buy, Chum- pa la hinla tokmut. If I were about to buy, Chum- pa la chin tokmut. " " If I should h ve bought, Chumpa la he tokmut. IMPERATIVE MOOD, I'RESEXT TENSE. 1st per sing.. Let me buy, Ak chumpa. " " Let me sell, Ak kanchi. lind " " Buv, Chumpa. ' ' " Sell. Kanchi. 3rd " " Let him buy, Ik chumpa. " dual. Let them buy, Chumput ik- okla. 1st " plu., Let us buy, Ke chumpa. " " Let us all* buy, Keho chumpa. 2nd" " Buy you. Ho chumpa. 8rd " " Let them buy, Oklat ik chum- pa. FUTURE TENSE, Not definite as to time, and is used as the future indicative; not to express bare futurity of action, but a purpose. 1st per sing., Let me buy; I will buy, Chumpa lashke. " " Let me sell. I will sell. Kan- chi lashke, etc. A verb transitive with prefix personal pronouns in the indicative mood, present tense. 1st per sing., I see him, her, it or them, Pisa li. " " I see you, Chi pisa li. ^ " I see you, (plural), Huchi pisa li. 2nd " " You see him, her, it or them, Ish pisa. " " You see us, Ish pi pisa. " " You see them, etc., Okla ish pisa. 3rd " " He or she sees me, sa pusa. " " He or she sees you, Chi pisa. " He or she sees him, her or it, risa. He or she sees us. Pi pisa. " " He or she sees us all, hupi pisa. " He or she sees you, (plural), Huchi pisa. " " He or she sees them, Pisa or okla pisa. 3rd " dual, They see me, Sa pisut okla. " " They see you, Chi pisut okla. " " They see him, her or it, Pisut okla. " " They see us, Pi pisut okla. " " They see us all, Hupi pisut okla.' " " They see you (plu.) Huchi pisut okla, " " They see them, Okla pisut okla. 1st " plu. We see you E chi pisa. " " We see him, her or it, E pisa. " We see you, (plu.), E huchi pisa. " " We see them, Okla e pisa. " " We all see him, he, it or them, Eho pisa. 2d. " " You see me, Hussa pisa. " " You see him, her or it. Hush pisa. " " You see us, Hush pi pisa. " " You see them, Okla hush pisa. 3d. " " They see me, Oklat sa pisa, sa pisa. They see you, Chi pisa. APPENDIX Kancha hinlashke. :M " dual They can or may buy, chum- put okla hinlashke. " " They can or may sell, Kan- chit okla hinlashke. 1st " plu We can or may buy, E chumpa hinlashke. '* " We can or may sell, E kan- cha hinlashke. '* We all can or may buy, Eho chumpa hinlashke. *: We all can or may sell, Eh6 kancha hinlashke. 2d " " You can or may buy, Hush chumpa hinlashke. " " You can or may sell. Hush kancha hinlashke. .M " " They can or may buy, Oklat chumpa hinlashke. " " They can or may sell, Oklat kancha hinlashke. gUBJUNCTIVE MOOD, PRESENT TENSE — IN- DEFINITE. 1st per. sing. When I buy, Chumpa li met '* When I sell, Kanchi li mut. id '' " When you buy , Ish chumpa met. " When you sell. Ish kanchi mut. 3d " :' When he or she buys, Chum- pa mut. 3d " duol When they buy, Chumput okla mut. " " When they sell, Kanchit okla mut. 1st " plu When we buy, E chumpa mut, AVhen we sell, E kanchi mut. " " When we all buy, Eho chumpa mut " " When we all sell, Eho kan- chi mut 2d " " When you buy. Hush chumpa mut. " " When you sell, Hush kanchi mut. 3d " " When they buy, oklat chum- pa mut. SECOND FORM, IMPLYING A FUTURE CON- TINGENCY. 1st per. sing. When I buy, if I buy, chum- pa, likmut. " " When I sell if I sell, kanchi likmut. 2d ** " When you buy, if you buy, Ish chumpakmut " •' When you sell, if you sell, Ish kanchikmut 3d " " When he or she buys, if he or she buy, Chumpakmut " " When heor she sells, if he sell, Kanchikmut. 2d " dual When they buy, Champut ok- lakmut 1st " plu. When we buy, etc., E chum- pakmut. ^ ". When we sell, etc., E kanchi- kmut" " *' When we all buy, etc., Eho chumpakmut. ' '• " When we all sell, etc, Eho kanchikmut 2d " " When you buy, etc., Hush chanpakmut 3d " " When they buy, etc., Oklat chumpakmut PAST TENSE — IMMEDIATE. 1st per. sing. If I bought if had bought, Chumpa li tukmut " If I sold, if I had sold, Kan- chi li tukmut. 2d " " If vou bought, if you had bought Ish chumpatuk- mut ,- If vou sold, if you had sold, Ish kanchi tukmut 3d •' " If he or she bought, etc., Chumpa tukmut. " dual If they bought etc., Chum- put okla tukmut " dual, If they sold, etc., Kanchih okla tukmut. 1st "plu.. If we bought etc., Echumpa tukmut _ , , . " " If we sold, etc., E kanchi tukmut ^^ " •' If we all bought, etc., Eho chumpa tukmut. " " If we all sold, etc", Eho kan- chi tukmut 2nd " " you bought, etc.. Hush chum- pa tukmut " •• If you sold, etc.. Hush kanchi tukmut ^, , . 3rd " " If they bought, etc., Oklat chumpa tukmut PAST TENSE — REMOTE. 1st per sing., If I had bought Chumpa U tokmut '* " If I had sold, Kanchi li tok- mut „ ^, By changing tukmut to tokmut all the numbers can be conjugated and translat- ed as above. FUTURE TENSE— IMMEDIATE. 1st per sing.. If I shall or will buy, Chum- pa la chikmut '• •• If I shall or'will sell, Kanchi la chikmut 2nd " " If you shall or will buy, Ish chumpa chikmut. " " If you shall or will sell, Ish kancha chikmut 3rd " " If he or she shall or will buy, Chumpa chikmut '• " If he or she shall or will sell, Kancha chimut " dual. If they shall or will buy, Chumput okla chikmut Ist " plu.. If we shall or will buy, E chumpa chimut •' " If we shall or will sell, E kan- cha chimut " " If we all 'shall or will buy, Eho chumpa chikmut •' " If we all shall or will sell, Eho kancha chikmut. 2nd " " If you all shall or will buy. Hush chumpa chikmut " " If vou all shall or will sell, Hush kancha chikmut .3rd" " If they all shall or will buy, Oklat chumpa chikmut " " Ifthev all shall or will sell, Oklat kancha chikmui. APPENDIX " They see him, her or it, pisa. " " They see us, pi pisa. ,' " They see us all, Hupi pisa, " " They see you all, Huchi pisa. " " They see them, Oklat pisa- pisa. A verb transitive with prefix possessive pronouns, in the indicative mood, pres- ent tense: 1st per. sing. I see him her or it for you, Chin pisa li. " " I see him, her or it for him or her, In pisa li. ** " I see him her or it for us, Pin pisa li. " '' I see him, her or it for us all, Htjpin pisa li. " *' I see him, her or it for you, (plu.), Huchin pisa li. "' *' I see him, her or it for them, Okla in pisa li. in pisali. 2d " " You see him her or it for me, Is san pisa. •' '* You see him, her or it for him or her, Ish in pisa. *• •' You see him, her or it for us, Ish pin pisa. " You see him, her or it for us all, Ish hupin pisa. " *• You see him, her or it for them, Okla ish in pisa. 3d " " He or she sees him, her or it for me , An pisa. *' " He or she sees him, her or it for you. Chin pisa. '* *' He or she sees him, her or it for him or her. In pisa. •' " He or she sees him her or it for us, Pin pisa. •' " He or she sees he him, her or it for us all, Hopin pisa. ** " He or she sees him, her or it for you. " " He or she sees him, her or it for them, Okla in pisa. l«t '' plu. We see him, her, or it for you, E chin pisa. " " We see him, her, or it for him or her, II in pisa, " " We see him, her, or it for you, E huchin pisa. " " We see him, her or it for them, Okla il in pisa. •* " We all see him. her or it for them; Iloh in pisa. 2d " plu. You see him, her or it for me, Hus san pisa. " •• You see him, her or it for him or her, Hush in pisa. *' " You see him. her or it for us, HtJsh pin pisa. " •* You see him, her, or it for us all. Hush hupiu pisa- " " You see him, her or it for them, Okla hush in pisa. M *' " They see him, her or it for me, Oklat an pisa. " "They see him, her or it for you, Chin pisa. " *' They see him. her or it for him or her. In pisa. ■' They see him, her or it for us, Pin pisa. *' " They see him, her or it for all, Hupin pisa. '* They see him, her or it for you, Huchin pisa. " " They see him. her or it for them, Okla in pisa. SENTENCES TO ILLUSTRATE THE USE OF TRANSITIVE VERBS. I see a man, Hattak o pisa li. I sell a horse, Issuba ho kanchi 11. You sell a horse, Issuba ho ish kanchi. You see a man, Hattak o ish pisa. You see the man, Hattak a ish pisa. You sell the horse, Issuba ha ish kauchi, A man sells the horse, Hattak osh issuba ha kanchi The man sells a horse, Hattak ut-issuba ho kanchi. A man buys the cow, Hattak osh wak a chumpa. The man sells a ccw, Hattak wak o kan- chi. They buy the horse, Issuba ha chumpa. NOUNS WITH AD.fECTIVES AND VERBS. Issuba achukraa, a good horse. Tanampo achukma fehna, a very good gun. tJlla nakni achukma ho, agoodb^y who ■ (is.) You buy a bay horse, Issuba homma yo ish chumpa . He walks in the path of peace, Hina han- ta ya a nowa. A good man is coming, hattak ahukma yosh miuti. THE PARTICLES, These are the most difficult words in the language to arrange, understand, and define; a literal translation of them is not attempted. They are sometimes used when there is no corresponding word in English. They are generally used, and may be translated, as articles, pronouns, conjunctions and preposit* ions. 1st Articles, A, an, the. Second relatives, Who, which, whom, that. Indefinite pro- nouns, some, some one, any, !anyone. Double pronouns, he, who, she who, they who. The following will exhibit some of the articles: The Ak. hak, yak, amo; hamo, yamo: ash, hash, yash, ato, hato, yato, atok, hatok, yatok, atuk; hatuk, yatuk, okut, hokut, yokut. okuto, hokuto, yokuto, ut, hut, yut, uto, huto, yuto, ano, hano, yano, oka, hoka, yoka, okuno, hokuno, yokuno, a, ha, ya, ano, hano, yano, kak' kamo, kumo, kut, kuto, mak, mut, muto,ahamo. chash. The particles, oke, hoke, yoke, are used atter verbs. The particle shke, (pro- nounced skay), is suffixed to verbs, and to other words where the verb to be in English is understood. Note.— The pronouns in Choctaw have no Third Person, V, \