BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSirfctSF V CALIFOR^V /CV ^ •- & j$oofe of l^ntgbts. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation X lUntj fycwTv Yl., tfjr fust ,l»nigljt appearing in tins Boob. Uurleian MS N U06 QL i&oofe OF jknigfrte jSanneret, Battgbts of tJje ^atf), ano 3kntgf)ts j$ad)elor MA1IK BETWEEN THE FOURTH YEAR OE KING HENRY VI. AM) THE RESTORATION OF KING CHARLES II.. Mit\) tije grots gtbrn in Cotton fttS. Clauotug, from 1 fting f&enrg FEE. to 28 (©ueen eiuaurtfj, AM) H^ntgbts mate in 3lveIano BETWEEN THE YEA lis 1566 AM) 1698, TOGETHEB WITH <3n Xntrcv of Jlamtft, BY W ALT E R C. M ETC A I, V E, F.S. A. LONDON: MITCHELL AND HUGHES, 1 l<> WAEDOUR STREET, W. 1885. preface. lAi\ This is an attempt to give, in a convenient form, a Book of Keference to Knights made during- the periods covered by the Titlepage. It has been compiled from the most authentic Records available for the purpose, such as the Cotton, Harleian, and Lansdowne MSS. ; Hall's Chronicle; Stow's Survey of London; Sir H. A. Nicolas's Orders of Knighthood ; the printed books by Philipot and Walkley on the reigns of James I. and Charles I. ; and other authorities referred to throughout the Work. No attempt has been made to annotate further than by way of explaining discrepancies and correcting mistakes ; my object has been rather to provide a book for present use, than to delay its production for possibly a lifetime, by the accumulation of genealogical and other notes, the extent of which no one could foresee. Bis Dat Qui Citb Dat. I have endeavoured, by all the means in my power, to render the book complete and accurate, and hope it may prove of some service to those who consult its pages, especially with the aid of the carefully-prepared Index. WALTER C. METCALFE. 10 Lupus Street, S.W. 1st May, 1885. 459 Cable of Contents. I'ages Knights made 1426 to 1485 1—8,219,222,223 Knights made during the Reigns of — King Henry VII. - - 9—40 King Henry VIII. - - .... 41—85, 222, 223 King Edward VI. - - .... 85—104 Queen Mary 105—114,220 Queen Elizabeth - - 114—138,220,222,223 King James I. - 139—184,222,223 King Charles I. - - - - 184—204 King Charles II., 1650-1 ... .... 204 Knights made during the Commonwealth ------ 205 Knights made in Ireland 1566 to 1698 206—217 Appendix ----------- 219 — 223 Notes and Corrections --------- 224 — 226 Index ------ 227—240 & ^oofe of Unifljjta asannmt, linicjtjts of tf)t Bad), antr Ivmjjijts Barijctor mate bettoecn tljt pears 1426 aitU 1660. Hmcjijts matie brtbjcrn 4 Uing Pfntrrj 2J3L, 1426, ano tfje accession of ittng f^enrg OTL, 1485, (Cotton MS., Claudius, c. iii., fol. 61-67.) 1426. After the battell of Vernoill in Perche, the Duke of Bedford came over into England, and on Whitsonday this same yere, Anno 4 Henry VI., at Leycestcr, he dubbed HU'ngt |l?fm*l> Knight, and forthwith the sayd Kinge Henry the Sixt dubbed all these Knightes whose names follow, viz. : 9atcfjarB, Ounr of §?oru. .... the sonne and heire to the ©uftc of fiorfolft. rnvi?, sonne and heire to the C?Vlf of fiovtfjumbcriantJ. i^CllVP, the sonne and heire to the ©ric of ©rmontJ. &\)t HorH ftoos. Samrs liutlrr. 2T1K 3Lov& flrtaltraurvs. $>rm*i? Siti> of iTanferrutlL SSttU'm HLfUtU, beinge Lord Faucon- berge. ©COigr fLcutll, Lord Latymer. 2TI)f ILovU BtSHfUrs. 2Tijc 3Loi*U Bcrnclrin [ffalbot. The sonne and heire to the iLOl'tl ftauf &vtv of JCtrrur. liofccvt Vrcrr. litcfjaiti <&im (PUmonQ 3i>tmgrvforo\ Koocrt OTtngfrttf. 3foi)\\ Butler, ftctgnolti (Tooijam. Jfoijn |)asijdci>. CTijomas {TunstaU. Jfoijn eijttJtoUc. ftauf HangforO. WKtlPm Ovtmj. SZHiU'm np (Tijomas. KirijarU ftatfumill. tttrijarU antrum. 3fo\)\\ £ijtr&rloUjr. fitrijolas Blonurt. l\auf HatJrltf. (PBmontJ (TrafforU. iUHtU'm Cijrimf!?. fLSttH'm Bautngton. .?otm Jfmtr, a,ltl ©tlorvt ttraurijampr. KNIGHTS MADE 1460. 1460. Knightes made at the battell of Northampton, the 9th day of July 1458, Anno 36 Henry VI. (sic) : £ r liJcuri? *taffortJ. Stomas Smnmoftr. WUWm Smell. SSHtll'm «Ti>rriI of the &cci)t. {Thomas £trauln\ zmil'm florrus. Soljn of Sshctou. S&cnrn ftrtoijs. S r iThomas . fttdjarB Cam £»' |i>mrij Brlltugham. And by the handes of the Lord Roos : S r (Thomas Babthorpr. 1461. And at the second battell of St. Albon's, the xixth of February 1401 (sic), Anno 39 Henry VI. : Prince litJtoavt), sonne to $Uugc ii>rnri> the *txt. & r .?/ohn Donr. £ v amnujs. Knightes made by King Edward the Fourthe at the battell of Tow ton, Anno & r 8£liU'm ?i>astmtgcs. &* WLlaltcr Dfurvrur. £ r ?i)untfifi> Stafford. S>* (Thomas #1 outgo mm>. &$ oim&otoarB. S T (Tijomas (LClalgraur. £ v llauf (5rrn was a Knight of the Bathe as it appeereth by his disgradynge in Anno -l Edward IV., but where and when he was made inqui/raiur. KNIGHTS MADE 1461—1171. Knightes of the Bathe made at the Kinge Edward the Fourthe (1461): George, Suftc of Clarence, &tcl)arB, Buftc of Gloucester, bretherne to the Kinge. JTofm iftotooran, sonne and heir to the IDuftc of liorfolu. Jfofjtt Stafford, afterwards lErle of OTtltcslitre. HorU 2Tfjomas if it} Platte, sonne and heir to the l£rlc Of ftrunDcll. .... HorU Straunge. Tower of London before the coronation of % x 3foi)n fttarufjam. S r Boucrt Danbi?. £* WL tll'm i?clbcrton. % x JTolm fcEtmgefcltJ. S r OTalter Blount. S r Bobcrt i*1arufjam. S r Bouert Clifton. S r KKltU'm Stanlnj. S r flicljolas Bmon. S r Efltirm Cantclotoe. % x JToijnjFoggc and S r JTotjU Scott were made Knightes of the Carpett, and wold not pay their fees to the Office of Armes, wherfore the Heraldes then wrote Aug Was Vallough. 1471. Knightes made by Kinge Edward the Tewksbury, Anno 10, 1471, 3 Maii : &i)t HorU ©obl)am,.?olm. j© r George |lcbtll, sonne and heire to the HortJ of ftocrgabrnnn. % x Stomas OTtngcfclB. % x Henri? MtngfcltJ. S v lifnltpjie ©ourtencn. Sb x S?cnn> Beaumont % x tfflaurtcc Bcruclcn. & r BtcliarB Hasttnges, called by his wyfe HortJ &®tellcs. S r Bauf Hasttngcs. S r Bouert Harrington. S r Stomas Grri>. S r .fames tTmdl. S r |i?enrnJFerrers. S r SToijn auarrc. S v Henrn peryonnt. S r JToijnSone. S r Bogcr Ivtngeston. & x BtctjarU (Trofte. S r SToiin|3mungton. S r JTotjn SLmtgcimc. S r .?oijn 1i>arlen. £' miWm BottcUcr. Fourthe in the field of Grafton besydes S r C&rustoptycr fHoresbn. S r JToijn <£Iai>. S r Robert Greene. & r Soijn OTtllougpi?. & x Bogcr Bccti. S r Soijn Sabagc. S v CTjomas Strteulantf. £ r George Brobmc. S v 2£t tll'm fttotton. S r J^ofjn Crofter. % x . . . . Sfternc of C?ssex. S r JFames Crotomer. S r (LSttU'm Santies. S v .?oi)n Scbcrcux. S v ii)enri> Gtm S r Soijn Scmttloc. S r (PBtoarB (L2toot(f)ouse. S v (LSItH'm BranUon. S r litcijarU Bcauchamp. $ r iTIjomas Cornctoall. S v Bogcr Coructt. S r Humfrci? Blount. & . . . . tfoolc. 4 KNIGHTS MADE 1171-1475. At the Kinge's rctourne to London, the 20 day of May 1 -171, from the feild of Tewkesbury, in the highway without Shordiche, he dubbed Knightes as followeth, Aldermen of the Citie, as he was then rydinge into Kent : <5> r 3io\)n ^torfttOU, Maior of London. & v fttarhf u) |HjtItppr, Maior Anno 3. £ r fttrijattl Her, Maior Anno 0. S r £ZttH'm (Taijlrv, Maior Anno 8. S>* HAttf Vrrnr », Maior Anno 5. £ r SZtiH'm Hampton, afterward Maior Anno 12. S r WMtll'm StOffefV, afterward Sherif Anno 13, and Maior Anno 2 R. III. All the which liberally payd their fees to the Officers of Armes. Bannerettes made in that voyage and late ioumey, whose Pennons and Standardes (in the difference of Pennons) were rent by the Kinge's commanndement : £ r CSrorgc IvdantJ, Sherif Anno p'mo. £ r tTijomas StallnoUr, Sherif Anno 7. £ r Jfoim Croslm, Sherif. S r Htdjarfci $>orsUujUr. £ r .?oi)U i?ongr, Maior Anno 6. * r Bavtholmru) JfamfS, afterward Maior Anno 19. S r (Thomas agttngrg, afterward 3LortJ iLCUIlrs. S r JTohn erourtntri). S r Xfdjolas Hatgmer. *' Kauf 3i>astingcs. S r ftogrr tToudts. S v .?oi)n Stanlnj. £ r Sgtnott JitotmtfotU S T .? ohn ii>rnmnai)am. S r a^ltU'm Stanley. 1475. Knightes of the Bathe made with the Prince and his brother at Westm., in St. Edwarde's Chamber, Anno 1475, on Whitsonday : All these on the right syde of the Chamber — \ivi\m 3£trtoarD, litdjavD, Dutic of gorftc, bretherne. Z\)t iivlf of Hinroln, sonne and heire to the Duuc of Suffolbr. (TSronjr, lErle of Shretosfcurg. HtJuiartJ, ?£tir of . S r KtritfrtJ Bcaudjamp of %t 3man&. The sonne and heire to the 3L0l'tJ Stourton. $& WisHttV $)rrtorrt, brother to the 1£rlf of iJrnliroltr. S v (Ti)omas Bnjan, Justice. S> r iTijo. Hijtlrton, Justice. S l ?i)rnnj Botningan. ^ l lltdiart) (Tljarldon. S* ^tlhmgton. All these Knightes were on the left c syde of the Chamber — 3LortJ (Thomas (Orrn, made filar* qutsc Oovrrtt the same day after dynner, and so dyned in his habitte. iLotH lUdjarO an of ictaplcton. And in the Chamber end were these three, viz. — & milVm »nj>bctt. I S r ftidjarB HuMotoe. | S r RtcfjarB etjarlton. 1477. Knightes made at the mariage of Richard, Duke of Yorke, to Lady Anne, daughter and heire of John, Duke of Norff., 17 vel 18 Januarii, Anno 17 Edward IV., Anno D'ni 1477. The mariage was solemnized on the xv th day of January. These Knightes wer elected on the 17 day, and dubbed on the 18 day of the same moneth : 1. i#tnn?, sonne and heire to the HorB Bourgijdjter. 2. Z\)t HortJ SLatmncv. 3. &\)t ILortJ Barnes. 4. ,Soi)n. 8. jFoijn, sonne and heir to the Hor& Brattdjamj). 9. S r 2TI)0ma!3 t son and heir to 3To*)n, 3LorB ?i?otoartJ. 10. S r tTijomas Bourgijdjttr. n. S r Stomas Sdntlrgcr. 12. £ r .fToijtt Olrtngton, Threasoror of the Kinge's house. 13. *r $cnnj JTaijIbows. 14. % r VMill'm ©ascotgnr. 15. S r Ciijlrs CJatobntci). 16. ^^ 2HtU*m Stomtcr. 17. & r HtdjartJ t(c la Bcrc. 18. & r (Rug jFawrfax. 19. S r ftobrrt Brougf)ton. 20. S r oI* Drrncs. 8. S r JFamcs Strangtoans. 9. S r Robert itttUUdton. io. £* WLWmJFttitomiam. & iTbomasJftfttotlltam. j© r Stomas . 11. 12. 13. S r .?amrs Danbij. 14. £r iHjomas fiftalijuerrr. 15. & v Rauf Jftt> RanBoll. io. £* Cfjarles iJtUungton. 17. S r Robert OTatrrton. 18. S r JFofm XrutU of iLeuersege. 19. S r RteijarlJ Cotgnrrs of Coto= ton. 20. £ r WiiWm Rreutottfjc. Knightes clubbed by the Erie of same tynie, Anno 20 Edward IV. : i. % x itlarmaUuftr Constable 2. S r Cbrtstopbrr QMaxlfc. 3. S r Roger |i>rron. 4. & Stomas <5im 5. S r imm'm fttalonj. G. S v liters iittDBrlton. 7. S r 5tepben 1i>amrrton. 8. S r Robert 2l>rlnarBe. 9. S r Rauf 2£toDrtngton. Northumberland on the mayne of Sefford the io. S r Rauf ?i>arbotteU. 11. % r Jfofm isbcrtngijam. 12. &3ftfyn 3sur. 13. &* Rauf Rabtljorne. 14. S» Roger iTfjorneton. 15. £r (Tbrtstopbrr (Turtorn. 16. S r .?obn Saluemt of Dufflett. 17. S>* Cijomas <5rei> of Norton. 18. S r Stomas (Tempest. These two were dubbed after the Parliament was ended, Anno 20 Edward IV. : S r .?Oim tJcuUL 2. S r flatter $>rrbert. 3. %* Herbert ttrrnstohr. 4. S r .?obnlElungton. 5. S r |i>cnrn IJcrrn. 6. £ i iLSttU'm Casroigne. 7. £>* ilOmonO 11>astinges. 8. S l .?amrs tTijrrH. 9. $*JTam*0 Danbij. 10. £> $jugb ^astmgrs. 11. S r Rauf Ssbeton. 12. %* Mlt'H'm Rett man. 13. S r Rtrijarti RaBrltf. m. $ v (Tbomas iitalijurrrr. 15. S r Rnjan ^taplrton. ic. £» Jfobn Sabage. it. £> iLCltUm > ^trpbrn $>amerton. KNIGHTS MADE 1482. 21. S r Stomas ZTcmpcst. 22. S^Jfoim^uermgijam. 23. s r Ho&crt Harrington. 24. S r Stomas Brougtjton. 25. S r jroijn^sUf. 26. & r £1)omas of raarne. 27. S r ttauf fcEtoBmngton. Knightes made the same day by the 1. & r TOuTtttNebtH of tTijonteton BriBgc 2. & r liidjarU ?i>atotc. 3. & r .Mnt OToBcringtOH. 4. S r asttirm tnglcbi?. 5. S> r Stomas Sotorc. 6. &* HanBolf IJijgott. 7. S r Jfofm DavcU. 28. S r ftogtr g^ornrton. 29. S r iTijomas fttolimrux. 30. S r aicxanBcr #>ougi)ton. 31. S r tftcrs a Ucgl). 32. Sr e?Btoar& Stanly. 33. %r JFofjtt <&YCV Of S^tpltOn. 34. S r tttrijarU l^oMcston. sayd Duke : 8. S r WLXilVm |i>ougfjton. 9. S r ZMill'm $Jarfctr of iLonDon. 10. £ r liogcr Cotton. 11. S* tTfjomas Botolcs. 12. £t tHjomas Bvtogcs. 13. S r SlrxanBtr Bamttjam. 14. S v £an&» JarDen, a Scott. Knightes made the same day in the Englishemen's canipe, by Alexander, Duke of Albany, the 24 of July 1482 : i. & r mmx #iutm>. 2. & r Stomas ILmt&sci?. 3. S r JFotm Comngfjam. 4. £ r JFofm£totfjcrfotU Knightes made the same day by the Erie of Northumberland in Scotland i. & r Jfoim $)numgton. 2. j© r Kobcrt iDlomjJton. 3. ic r fttartgn of tije Sea. Knightes there made the same day by the Lord Stanley, Steward of the Kinge's House : 9. S r Eijomas tTaloott. S> r Jbtnrv iTariJOfftc. S r STofjn iTaloott. S r aicxantfrr StanUtsfjc. S r Ci)rtstopi)rr StantJisijc * r SLSttirm Jfarrington. ic r $?rnn> l\»gi)lcn. 1. S r CTijristopijer Souttjujortij. 2. S r l&trfjarB SLangton. 10. 3. S r fcfCuTm StanltP. 11. 4. S r Jfotjtt BoU)ti)c. 12. 5. S r George itfolforBe. 13. 6. S r UtrijartJ BoIBr. 14. 7. & r liicijarO frotonleg. 15. 8. S r JFamrs Hatorntcr. Be it remembred that these fower, S r Richard Lakyn, S r Will'm Roadman, S r Thomas Frowyke, and S r Henry Wentworth, dubbed Knightes at the mariage of Richard, Duke of York, second sonne to Kinge Edward the Fourthe, not counselled to their most worshippe, denyed part of the Duties belonginge unto the Officers at Armes, which beinge referred to the Lord Chamberleyne, who well understoode the auncyent customes of Chivalvry, he shewed it unto the Kinge's grace and to the high and mightie Prince the Duke of Gloucester, High Constable of England, 8 KNIGHTS MADE 1483—1481, who then was Judge of the Office of Armes. The sayd Constable went in hie owne p'son and com'annded Will'm Gryffyth, one of the Marshalles of the Kinge's hall, to charge every man of the said Company to pay the duties unto the Officers of Armes, vid'z, Every bachelor knight xx 8 , every Baronne xl s , and so double accord- inge to their estates and degrees, which wer kept and observed by all except the Lord Barnes. 1183. Knightes made by Kinge Richard the; Third on the Sonday before his Corona- tion, 5 July 1488, after he had created ecrteyn Lordes, as the Lord Howard to be Duke of Norff., his son Thomas to be Erie of Surrey, the Viscount Berkley to be Erie of Nottingham, and the Lord Lisle to be Viscount Lysle : 1. S r lloocrt Djnnmouc, his Champion. 2. & r Wtttllm Ronton. 3. S r Ilourvt iJrnsaij. 4. & r ££ttU'm .f/nmrin Justice. Knightes of the Bathe made the same 5 day of July : £ r (PDmonU (TorntoaU, Baron of BuvfortJ. £ v WLttU'm BcvHlrn of ZllXyUv. S r . S* (finnans Clifton. S r £i)omas arun&rU. &* aSltU'm Balnngton. S>* Jfamf 6 iLr tonrnor. S l miill'm (PnoTrtnj. S r ,?/ofm BvoUmr. S? r litrijavU StOVltfi?, Baron of the Exchequer, was dubbed Knight of the Carpet after, on Saturday in the Tower. ic r „?/amcB Cnvrll, the murtherer, was dubbed in Anno p'mo Richard III., in the Kinge's journey towardes Gloucester, and was worthely beheadded in Anno . . Henry VII. Knightes dubbed the 13 day of ... . Anno secundo Richard III.: «Ti)f 3LovU Brighton or llngfjton, aScottishman, \ before ( ] vlllu . r S r llourrt Brauimurrn, J 3? r iTijomas ?i>i>U, Major of London, after dynner. Kinge Richard the •"> on Twelfday, when he had created the Viscouni Lovell, he made S r iTijomas tTfjtoantrs Knighte. KNIGHTS MADE 1485. Ejje Names anti &rmea> of sucfje as fjaue been atibanceti to tfje tjonoraole ©rore of ^ntg^tfjootre in tfje tome of tfje pruocnt anti prosperous retgne of (Cotton MSS., Claudius, c. iii., fol. 1-60, by Robert Glover.) Knightes made at the landinge of Kinge Henry the Seventh at Jlylforde Haven : & ^OtoarU gtottrtetteg, after created Erie of Devonshire at the Kinge's coronation. Ftscount fcStdlcjj. ftor&e Sdjanfcfe of £atooi>, after created Erie of Bathe. % x JToijn ©fjenci?. S r fttrfjarB gSuflforft. S r ©UtoartJ pogm'ngro. & r Barnes Blount. Or, three torteaux, a label of three points Azure. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a plume of ostrich-feathers Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, a lion rampant double queued Sable; 2 and 3, Gules, a fess dance ttee between six cross-crosslets Or (Beauchamp; the fess should be plain). Crest — An ostrich's head and wings Argent, ducally gorged Gules, in the beak a horse-shoe Azure. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, six lioncels rampant Argent, a canton Ermine ; 2 and 3, Ermine, a chief per pale indented Or and Gules, in the dexter side a rose of the last (Shottsbrooke); over all a crescent for difference. Crest — Two bulls' horns Argent, separated from the scalp, roots Or, "fixed to the mantels without torce." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, a saltire between four martlets Sable ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chief Sable ; over all a bend engrailed Gules. Crest — On a chapeau Sable turned up Ermine and charged with an escallop Or, an ostrich- feather erect Argent quilled of the third. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Barry of six Or and Vert, a bend Gules ; 2 and 3, Gules, three lions pas- sant in pale Argent, a bendlet Azure (Fitz Pain). Crest — A dragon's head, wings dis- played, Sable. Badge — A key erect Argent, handle uppermost, ducally crowned Or. Quarterly — 1, Argent, two wolves passant Sable within a bordure Gules charged with ten pairs of lions' gambs in saltire Or (Ayala); 2, Or, a castle Azure (Castile); 3, Barry c 10 KNIGHTS MADE 1485. S v JToijn Jfovtrsctt. S r .fFoijn lUtsIcij. S r fcEtflh'am BranBon. £ v Cfjomas iSttftont. S r ilSttUiam iTijlcr. S r Jfotyn Creun*. nebulee of six Or and Sable (Blouxt) ; 4, Vair (Beauch.uii') ; over all a mullet for difference. Crest — A wolf passant Sable between two cornets out of a ducal coronet Or. Gules, a chevron Sable between three helmets close Argent garnished Or, a bend sinister of the last. Azure, on a bend engrailed Argent between two cotises Or a mullet pierced Sable. Crest — An heraldic tiger passant Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, on a bend Sable three antelopes Argent, attired of the field ; 2 and 3, Argent, on a chevron Sable three bezants. Barry of ten Argent and Azure, a griffin segreant Or armed Gules, a crescent for difference. Crest — A man's head affrontee Sable, earrings Or, wreathed Argent. Barry of ten Argent and Gules, a lion rampant Or, dueally crowned per pale of the first and second. Gules, a chevron between three escallops Argent. Vert, a bend between six passion nails Or. Crest— A bull statant "dunyshe," armed Or. Knightes made at the battell of Redmore ("a fair plaine ncere Bosworth, about seaven miles west from Leicester" — Yorke's Union of Honour) anno primo of the Kinge after Kinge Richard was slayne : £ v Gtllint tfaHiott. & r .foim4*tovtcmrr. % x QJLlnlttx ?t>ungcrforUr. S l liolirvt |)omt>. Quarterly — 1, Azure, a lion rampant within a bordure Or ; 2, Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed Or ; 3, Argent, two lions passant Gules ; 4, Argent, a bend between six martlets Gules. Crest — On a chapeau Gules turned up Ermine, a lion statant Or. Azure, three bars Or, an inescucheon Ermine, on a chief of the first two pallets between as many gyrons of the second. Great — In a ducal coronet Or a pyramid of leaves Azure. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, two bars Argent, in chief three plates ; 2 and :'>, Paly wavy of six Or and Gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronel Or a garb between bwo sickles erect proper. Quarterly — 1 and l, Quarterly per less indented Urgent and Azure (Aoton); 2 and 8, Quarterly Gules and Or, a bend Argent (FlTZ NlOHOLL). ( 'rest — FiveteazlesOr.stalked and leaved Vert . KNIGHTS MADE 1185. 11 & r fgumfrtg Stanton &* WLiWm OTnlougpi?. & r Mrs ap Stomas. S r fttdjartJ iEtigrcombr. Quarterly — 1, Argent, on a bend Azure three bucks' heads cabossed Or, quartering, Or, on a chief indented Azure three plates ; 2, Or, a chevron Gules between three martlets Sable ; 3, Azure, crusily and two organ-pipes chevronwise Or; 4, Gules, three lions passant Argent. Crest — An eagle, wings endorsed, Or standing over an infant, face proper, in its cradle Gules fretty Or. " Alibi, the creast a leopard's hed cabosed Argent, crowned Or, the crown full of ostryche-fethers Or, a crescent in the middest of the 6Ciicheon for a dif- ference." Quarterly — 1, Sable, a cross engrailed Or, quartering, Gules, a cross moline Argent, over all a crescent for difference ; 2 and 3, Gules, a cross patonce Or ; 4, Gules, four fusils in fess Argent, each charged with an escallop Sable. Crest — The bust of a man couped Sable ducally crowned Or. Argent, a lion rampant Gules ducally crowned Or. Argent, a chevron between three Cornish choughs Sable. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, three bars Gules ; 2 and 3, Ermine; all within a bordure Azure. Gules, on a bend Sable, cotised Or three boars' heads couped Argent. Knightes made between the batell of Redmore and the Kinge's coronation : &\)t Baron of (Tarcto. £ r JFoljn BtcncncU. £ v aHtirm Courtcnnn S r (STfjarlrB ^omcrsctt made Knighte by the Duke of Austria at or before this tyrne. Knightes of the Bathe made at the coronation of the Kinge the 30 day of Octobre Anno D'ni mcccclxxxv in the Halle within the Towre of London : IHtltoarU, BttKC Of Bucnmcrlja'. France and England quarterly, within a bordure Argent. Crest — On a chapeau, turned up Ermine, a lion statant ducally crowned Or, collared Argent. £i)C HorU jfttjtoaltrr. Or, a fess between two chevrons Gules. Crest — Out of a chapeau two wings Gules, united by a chain, therefrom depending a padlock Or above a sun in splendour of the second. "A wreath Or and Gules, and no chapeau." 12 KNIGHTS MADE 1485. £ v iTfjomass Coftrscg. S r ftogcr lUtoucnor. S r &rorg |i?ri?t>on. S r ftcignolti Brain S r JFofm Femes. S r Xtrholas Btllcstion, late Maior of London (1483). S r Sampson jlorton, dubbed in Bretaigne by Robert Wilughby, lorde Brooke. £* e?tjuiavti £El»ngfrfl&e, made Knight in Granado by S r Edward "Woodvill warringe on the infidels. £ r . . . . Cantrluyr, made Knight in Granado with S r Edward "Wyngfeildc. £ l iofinjfrnurU. Quarterly of six — 1, Azure, a cross engrailed within a bordure Or ; 2, Azure, crusily and a lion rampant Or ; 3, Argent, on a bend Azure three cinquefoils Or ; 4, Argent, a bend Sable, a label of three points Gules ; 5, Argent, a bend Gules within a bordure counter-compony Or and Azure ; G, Argent, on a bend Gules three annulets of the field. Crest — A garb of cinquefoils Or, banded Gules. Azure, three chevrons Argent. Crest — A unicorn's head couped Argent, spotted with annulets Sable, armed and maned Or. "Alibi, caput unicorni de Aserift absq. annulettis." Quarterly Argent and Gules, a cross engrailed counterchanged. Crest — A talbot statant Argent, spotted Sable. Argent, a chevron between three eagles' legs erased a-la-cuise Sable. Crest — A rabbit passant " dunyshe." Azure, on a cross Argent five mullets pierced Gules. Crest — A phoenix Azure, wings ex- panded Or, in flames Gules. Azure, a bend cotised Or, in sinister chief an eagle's head erased of the second. Azure, three swords in triangle pomel to pomel Argent, hilts Gules, on a chief Or a lion passant-gardant of the third between two maunches Ermine. Crest — A demi-winged lion rampant Gules guttee d'cau, holding in the dexter paw a sword proper. Sable, a fcss danccttec between three mullets Argent. Knightes of London made the xii th day of Christmas in the first yere of the Kinge : S r 1i)ucji) 13visr, Maior of Lon- Argent fretty Gules, over all a cross of the first within a bnnlure Sable charged with eighl cinquefoils Or. "Withontcinquefoyles." Crest — A demi-woman, habited Gules, lace proper, crined Or, holding in both hands also proper a ohaplet of the second. don ( 1 185), dubbed in the tower. KNIGHTS MADE 1485—1487. 13 S r H>mn> Collet*, Maior of London (I486), made on Twelfe day, the Kinge keepinge his Estate at the "Whitehall beinge crowned. £ r JFoim Brotonc. S r BStiH'm Capcll. S r JToijtt Bl?rOtt, made Knight as the Kinge came from Yorke, Anno p'mo. & &oger &otoncscn&r, Justice, dubbed at Worcester in the Kinge's chambre on Whit- Bonday, Anno p'mo. & r WtfXl'm moMc, cheif baron of th'eschequer, dubbed at Westminster Anno s'c'do by the Kinge. £ r JWjn StogltavB (SuliarU), Justice, dubbed at West- minster Anno 2. Sable, on a chevron between three hinds statant Argent as many annulets of the field. Crest — A hind statant Argent. Azure, a chevron between three escallops Or within a bordure engrailed Gules. Gules, crusily and a lion rampant Or. Crest — A demi-lion rampant Or, holding erect in both paws a cross-crosslet fitchee Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, three bendlets enhanced Gules ; 2 and 3, Argent, on a bend Azure three bezants, in sinister chief a cross- crosslet fitchee of the second. Crest — A mermaid with her comb and mirror all proper. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, a chevron Ermine between three escallops Argent ; 2 and 3, Gules, a chevron between three fleurs-de- lis Or. Gules, a fess between six cross-crosslets Argent (? Alborough). Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a chevron Gules between three pheons Sable ; 2 and 3, Gules, a chevron between three lions rampant Or. " Leones argentei in aliis libris." Banerettes made by the Kinge at the batell of Stoke besydes Newarke upon Trent the ix th day of June in Anno Sec'do, wherof the first three wer made before the batell, and the other xi afterward : & r (Ktlfccrt aralbott S r WLUl'm Stotmcr. & r JTofjit arttnUrll. S r Stomas <£oftr sn> alias S> r ISBmcmtJc Br&tngfriHJr. Arms and Crest as at p. 10. Arms and Crest as at p. 9. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, two bars indented and a chief Or ; 2, Azure, six lioncels rampant Argent, on a canton Or a mullet Gules ; 3, Argent, three roses Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a lion rampant Or ; 2 and 3, Sable fretty Or ; over all a crescent for difference. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Gules a dragon's head, wings expanded Argent, beaked and eared of the first. Arms as at p. 12, but 2, not crusily, and 6, three round buckles Or instead of annulets. Ermine, an eagle displayed Gules beaked and legged Or. Crest — An eagle displayed Or. 14 KNIGHTS MADE 1487. & r JtofmJFort«cu. £»' iihtmfvn> *tanln>. £ r jfamrg 13 Io tint. & r KtcfjarB IDriabcrr. S r .?ofm#tortnncr. & v tULXill'm JTroutijfrfec. & r fttrhartJ Croft. £ r .games BasUf rbtUr. Knigbtes made at the S r Samrs ato&clnn S r ^Thomas IJoolc. S v liobcrt €lijffovO. g* (PBtoavB Uovougij. S v (Srorgr ?i>optonof S ton. S v isUtoarU ilorvnjj. Arms as at p. 10, without the mullet ; the same Crest. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 11. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 9, without the mullet for difference. Azure, a bend Argent cotised Or between six martlets of the third. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a plume of ostrich-feathers Argent. Arms and Crest as at p. 10. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, three trouts fretted Argent; 2 and 3, Argent, a fleur-de-lis be- tween three Blackamoors' heads couped Sable. Crest — On three trouts fretted Argent a Blackamoor's head proper. Quarterly per fess indented Argent and Azure, in dexter chief a lion passant-gardant Gules. Crest — A wivern Sable, vulned in the side Gules. Argent, a chevron Gules between three hurts. Crest — A bunch of rosemary proper. foresayd batell of Stoke by Newarke : Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, fretty Or ; 2 and 3, Ermine, a chevron Gules. Crest — A man's head in profile, " swart," crined Sable bound round the temples Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure fleury Or, a lion ram- pant Argent; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron Sable between three bucks' heads cabossed Gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Gules a griffin's head Azure, beaked of the first. Chequy Or and Azure, a fess Gules. Crest — On a ducal coronet Or a wyvern Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 1, Azure, three fleurs-de-lis Ermine ; 2 and 3, Or, a lion rampant Azure, a crescent Argent for difference ; quartering Or, three pales Azure ; over all a labe] of three points Gules. Crest — A falcon rising Ermine, beaked and ducally gorged Or. willing- Argent, a chevron Azure, over all a label of three points Ermine. Crest — A friar's head proper, hooded Argent. Quarterly — l and 1, Argent, a chevron between three ravens' heads erased Sable ; 2 and '•*>, Bendy of six Azure and Or within b bordure diiles ; over all a label of three points Gules. < 'rest — A raven Sable. KNIGHTS MADE 1487. 15 %* OTtUtam Sgrtoijit of Kettleby. & r Stomas <&vcm. §b x ii>cnvw SSttlougpi?. S v Jf oijn Ittiusgrabe. &>' ©UtoavU |}t>Ucungc. S v WtU'm &anBre. S r 2Tijomas ILoMI. S r JTames parUcr. & ftnfyons ISrotonc. S v Jttauricc Barfclcin Sir OTtlTm ©areto. & r mtdjavB,jFtt}Ictott$. S'jroim^astott. &»• tSLUftwtti molt (fiolr). & v 3&ogn* Britatgfjam. Gules, three lapwings Or. Crest — A demi- lapwing Or. Azure, three bucks stataut Or. " Quarterly with Mablethorp, Gules, a chevron betwene 3 cros-crosslets Gold, in chief a lion passant Argent." Crest — A buck's head Or. Or, on two bars Gules three water-bougets Argent. Crest — An owl statant gardant Argent, ducally crowned and clawed Or. Azure, six annulets Or. Ermine, a lion rampant Azure, ducally crowned Or. Crest — A lion's gamb erect Azure, clawed Or. Argent, a cross ragulee .Sable, a label of three points Gules. Crest — A goat's head Argent, attired Or, between two wings of the second. Argent, a chevron Azure between three squir- rels sejant Gules each cracking a nut. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, three bucks' heads cabossed Sable ; 2 and 3, Sable, a fess Or between three bezants. Crest — A buck's head Sable. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, three lions passant in bend between two cotises Argent ; 2 and 3, Arundell as at p. 13, a mullet for differ- ence ; over all a crescent for difference. Crest — Out of a mound Vert seven sprigs of fox- glove proper. Gules, a chevron between ten cinquefoils Argent. Crest — A bear's head Argent, muzzled Gules and Vert. Or, three lions passant in pale Sable. Crest — Out of the round top of a mainmast Or a lion rampant issuing Sable. Sable, a chevron between three trefoils slipped Argent. " Quartred with Asure, a playne cross silver betwene 20 cross-crosslets Gold." Argent, six fleurs-de-lis Azure, a chief indented Or. Crest — A griffin sejant, wings endorsed, holding in the beak a chain ring Or. Per pale Or and Sable, a saltire counterchanged. Crest — A sea-gull Or, preying on a fish proper. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a bugle-horn Sable garnished Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, three bend- lets Gules, on a canton of the second a lion passant of the field. Crest — A buck's head Or, collared Argent. 1G KNIGHTS MADE 1487. S r ©BtoarU Earell. S r Stomas $>angartt. & r rijomas of ZZtalton. S r Robert of Brougijton. S r Stomas Blount. ft* ft&tflTtn rampage, the first Knight that was dubbed in the feild that day. & r $tttttfte£ Sabage. S r Jtofm Sabeotts. £> r (Sregori? 3LobeIl. S r fitebolas raul*. S* fcEltU'm iTrototbeue. S T .?ofm Erbemsbe. S r 3mi?a» |)oulett. $b v ?t?enr» Bottl&e. S>< amOIm Hcbmnjll. S v Robert CTijctnep. S r .?/of)n SBtgifflatn. & r George £letotll the Bastarde. S v llauf Sijtrlei?. Azure, a lion rampant Or^ ducally crowned Argent, on the shoulder a crescent Gules for difference. Gules, three mullets Argent. Argent, three hawks' heads erased Sable. Crest — A wild man proper, holding a club Or. Quarterly — 1, Argent, a chevron between three mullets Gules ; 2, Argent, a chevron Sable ; 3, Azure, two lions passant-gardant Or ; 4, On a cross in middle chief an escallop. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Barry nebulee of six Or and Sable ; 2 and 3, Ermine, a lion rampant Gules ducally crowned Or within a bordure engrailed Sable bezantee. Crest — On a cha- peau Gules turned up Ermine, a lion statant of the first ducally crowned Or. Azure, an eagle displayed Argent beaked and legged Or within a double tressure flory counter-flory of the second, a crescent for difference. Crest — A demi-lion rampant Or guttee de poix. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a pale fusily Sable ; 2, Or, on a fess Azure three garbs of the field ; 3, Gules, a chevron between three martlets Argent. Crest — A unicorn's head erased Argent armed Or ; on both Arms and Crest a crescent Azure for difference. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, three dovecotes Argent ; 2 and 3, Argent, three square buckles Sable. Crest — A goat's head erased Argent, attired Or. Arms as at p. 15. Chequy Argent and Gules, on a chevron Azure three roses Or. (Sable,) three swords in pile (Argent, hilts Or). Argent, a griffin segreant Sable beaked Gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Gules a griffin's head Sable wings displayed Or. Arms and Crest as at p. 9, a mullet for dif- ference. Gules, a saltire Argent, a bendlefc sinister Azure. Paly of six Or and Azure, a canton Ermine. KNIGHTS MADE 1487. 17 £ r Robert BvanDon. &* fflfflliU'm Hittlton. S r ©fjr'opijcr ffiStrougfjton. & r Wtll'm Norths. S r Stomas ILtcn. $P Jftaurtce ftuavoto. S r 2Tf)omas Hflattimgton. S v Jfamcs $?arington. S r Jfofm 3LongtnUe. % x Stomas 2Tj?rrU. % v Iftauf iLangfortij. S r ffijomas <&n\CV, Merchant, dubbed at Coventry the same somer the Kinge's banner yet desplayed ; he was of the same towne a b urges. S r fttdjarti tJToUtre, Maior of York, and there dubbed. & r MtdjarO |>OVftr, Maior of the Staple, dubbed at Yorke the same tyme. &* MtdjarB £aHu>Itr, dubbed by the Kinge at Duresme. S r Ktdjartr CTIrrbau.r, dubbed at Croft by the Kinge on S 1 Lau- rence Even the ix th of August. Arms as at p. 10 ; on the shoulder a crescent Sable. Azure, a fleur-de-lis Argent charged with a mullet Gules. Crest — An ostrich Argent holding in the beak a horse-shoe Azure. Quarterly — 1, Argent, a bend cotised Sable, a bordure engrailed Gules bezant^e ; 2, Argent, a chevron between three escallops Sable ; 3, Argent, a fess Azure between four sinister hands couped Gules ; 4, Argent, two wolves passant Gules. " Quaere quod genus ani- malis," in a later hand ; "it should be two dogs, for Preston." Argent, a chevron Gules between three boars' heads couped close Sable. Sable, two swords in saltire Argent between four fleurs-de-lis Or. Sable, a fret Argent. Gules, a fess dancettee between six cross-crosslets fitchee Argent. Crest — A talbot's head Gules, eared Argent, gorged with a fess dan- cettee of the second. Argent, two chevrons Azure within a bordure engrailed Gules. Per pale Azure and Gules, three lions rampant Argent. Crest — A maiden's head Sable, crined Or, the back hair plaited, wreathed round the temples Gules and of the second. Azure, a saltire Argent. Crest — A monkey's head, "greenish," the face proper. Argent, fretty Gules, a chief of the second. Or, a saltire Sable, " campus niger, saltatorium aureum." Crest — "A crane in the nest proper." D 18 KNIGHTS MADE 1485—1487. S r .fofm ZMavcn, dubbed by the Kinge at Ryppon on S* Bartholmew's Day. S v iTijOmas 3si)t(m, dubbed at Rippon the same tyme. S v IMLlMam l>orn, Maior of London (1487), dubbed by the Kinge in Hornsey Parke at his retourne to London, Anno 3. & 3i Oljtt ^CVSfUaU, dubbed in Hornsey Parke at the same tyme. & r E'fjomaBjHtjtotU'm, Recorder of London. S v fttdjarU Xanfant, dubbed by the Kinge before Christmas, who sent him in ambassade into Spayne ; he was dubbed in the way towards Kingston, Anno quarto. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Chequy Or and Azure, on a canton 'Miles a lion rampant Argent ; 2, Or, on a chevron Gules three martlets Argent ; 3, Azure, three lozenges between eight cross- crosslets Or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or, a pyramid of leaves Argent. Argent, a mullet Sable. Crest — A mower with his scythe, face and hands proper, habit and cap pei- pale Sable and Argent, handle of the scythe Argent, blade Sable. Azure, a bugle-horn proper. Crest — A hunter blowing a horn held in his right hand, in the left a bow, at his back a sheaf of arrows, all propel'. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Per chevron Azure and Gules, three greyhounds' heads erased Argent, collared counterchanged ; 2 and 3, Gules, a chief Or, over all a bend engrailed Sable, a crescent for difference. Crest — A lion sejant Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a chevron Ermine between three wings displayed Argent ; 2 and 3, Argent, three wolves passant Azure, "qutere quod genus animalis — puto Lupi." Crest — A spaniel dog passant Argent. Knightes made at the coronation of Quecne Elizabeth, wyf to Kinge Henry the Seventh, and eldest daughter to Kinge Edwarde the Fourthe, which was the xxv th of Novembre Anno D'ni 1485, Anno p'mo of the Kinge : WLill'm, HoiUc Courtcnci?, sonne and heire of Edward, Eric of Devonshire. & r lititoavD button, ilovU DuUlri). S>* IXLttU'm (T.asrotgnc. Arms and Crest as at p. 9. Quarterly— 1 and 4, Or, a lion rampant double- queued Vert; 2, Or, two lions passant Azure, quartering Argent, a cross patonce Azure; 3, Argent, a saltire Gnles, quartering Or, a lion rampant Gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or, a lion's head Azure langued Gules. Quarterly — 1, Argent, on a pale Sable a demi- lucy erect couped Or; 2, Gules, a saltire Argent, a crescent for difference; 8, Gules, a lion rampant Argent within a herd are en- grailed gobony of the first and Or; 4, Vair KNIGHTS MADE 1485. 19 S v Stomas Botclev of Warington. S r l£Btoar& Utaritlrg. S v WtfH'm ILucj). S r Stomas ilhmgcrfovtJ. S r S«5 of OTlulston. % x Stomas t?omcrtj>. &* maulf Scijclton. & v Stomas |3ultcncj>. S r $ugij Contoag. S r &ugf) Hotmll S r Ntcfjolas HtsJc. Gules and Or. Crest — A demi-lucy's head erect Or. Azure, a bend between six covered cups Or. Crest — A covered cup Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a chevron between ten crosses patee within a bordure Argent ; 2 and 3, Argent, on a saltire Gules five estoiles Or (Betishorne). Crest — A mitre Argent charged with the Arms. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Barry of ten, impaling Gules, crusily and three lucies hauriant Argent ; 2 and 3, Gules, a lion rampant tail forked Argent, ducally crowned Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Hungerford, as at p. 10; 2 and 3, Argent, a lion rampant Sable ducally crowned Or within a bordure Azure ; and the same Crest. Or, a lion rampant Gules, a bordure engrailed Sable. Crest — A lion sejant Gules, holding in the dexter paw a bezant. Azure, a cross Or. Crest — A friar's head pro- per, hood Argent, " alibi caputiu' depingitur ex auro et tegit caput Heremita." Argent, a fess dancettee Gules, in chief three leopards' faces Sable. Crest — A leopard's head Sable. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, on a bend cotised Argent a rose Gules between two annulets Or; 2 and 3, Azure, a cross double-voided Or. Crest — A Blackamoor's head Sable, wreathed Argent. Azure, a bend between six martlets Argent. Or, on a chief Azure three lioncels rampant of the field. Crest — A buck statant Argent, attired, collared, and lined Or. Argent, two branches ragulee conjoined in pile Gules. S r &rnoIB $afcc Fan Sollcjc, nat. Van Tyell, of Almaigne, dubbed by the Kinge the same yere, on Friday after the Con- ception of Our Lady. These three followinge came from High Almaigne to see this realme and to receave the ordre of Knighthoode of the Kinge, as they dyd : &* Balttjf^ar ©anijauscr. Sable, an eagle's leg couped a-la-cuisse issuing (Sic, but ? Tanhauser.) from the sinister side Argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or, an eagle's leg erect Argent. 20 KNIGHTS MADE 1489. S r Christopher Fan Silter* mcrg. & &0r»tin Tan Crrtmcrftc. Gules, three spade-heads conjoined 2 and 1 Sable bordured Or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet two spade-heads in bend, the one slightly behind the other, Sable bordured Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, on a bend Sable a lion passant-gardant Or; 2 and 3, Argent, a chief invected. Crest — A cord embowed Or, out of each end ducally crowned of the second four feathers Argent, the bow resting on an oval cushion Gules, tasselled of the second. These xx li followinge were made Knightes of the Bathe at the creation of Prince Arthure and of his Bayne on S l Andrew's Eve in anno quinto of the Kinge : l. 13 vim* ftrtyurr. 2. $>ror$, lErlc of Xorfhumhcv- ItUlttCt then a warde et igitur nihil solvebat officiariis Arruo- rum. 3. &\)t ILorUe iHaltratoros. 4. E\)t HorUf <5rcg of Ruthyn. 5. Z\yt ftovBe Stourton. France and England quarterly, a label of three points Argent. Crest — On a chapeau Gules turned up Ermine a lion statant-gardant ducally crowned Or, charged on the breast with a label of three points Argent. Quarterly — 1, Or, a lion rampant Azure, quarter- ing Gules, three lucies hauriant Argent ; 2, Azure, five fusils in fess Or ; 3, Barry of six Or and Vert, over all a bend Gules ; 4, Gules, three lions passant in pale Argent, a bend Azure ; on an escucheon of pretence — Or, three piles meeting at the base Azure. Crest — On a chapeau Gules turned up Ermine a lion statant Azure. Quarterly — 1, Gules, a lion rampant Or ; 2, Barry of eight Or and Gules ; 3, Argent, a fess and canton Gules ; 4, Sable, fretty Or, quartering Argent, a chief Azure ; over all a Label of three points Azure. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a dragon's head wings expanded Argent, beaked Gules, charged on the neck with a label of three points Azure. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Barry of six Argent and Azure, in chief three torteaux ; 2 and 3, Or, a niaunch Gules, quartering Barry of ten Argent and Azure, an orle of martlets I h Crest — On a chapeau Gules burned up Ermine a wyvern Or. Sable, a bend Or between six fountains. Crest — A demi-greyfriar proper, holding in the dexter hand a scourge handle Or of three lashes with knots Sable. KNIGHTS MA.DE 1489. 21 6. & r Stomas WLt&t, the father. 7. S r JToijn Saint jrofjn. 8. £ r fymvv Ucrnon. 9. S* Jfofm iijastmcjs. io. &* miWm GrtfKrtjs. li. & WiiiVnx srimtJall 12. S r Ntdjolas #tcmtgomevi>. 13. S v maitam FuwBan (TOcBall). 14. S r flfratfjcto Brotonc. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a fess dancettee Sable ; 2, Gules, crusily fitchee and a lion rampant Argent (De la Warr) ; 3, Azure, three leopards' heads jessant-de-lis Or (Can- TELtjpe). " Only La "Warr aud Cantelupe quarterly in the originall." Quarterly — ] and 4, Argent, a bend Gules, on a chief of the second two mullets pierced Or ; 2 and 3, Gules, a fess between six martlets Or, a mullet for difference. Quarterly of six — 1, Argent, fretty Sable; 2, Azure, three leopards passant in pale Argent; 3, Argent, a lion rampant double-queued Gules, collared Or ; 4, Barry of six Or and Azure; 5, Argent, fretty Sable, a canton Gules ; 6, Azure, crusily and two organ-pipes in chevron Or. Crest — A boar's head erased Sable, eared and tusked Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, a maunch Gules ; 2 and 3, Gules, a bend Argent. Ores! — A mermaid with comb and mirror all proper. Quarterly — 1, Gules, a chevron Argent between three men's heads couped of the second, wreathed Or, quartering Azure, crusily and a lion rampant Argent ; 2, Argent, on a bend Azure three bucks' heads cabossed Or ; 3, Argent, on a bend Azure three mullets Or ; 4, Gules, a chevron Sable fretty Or between three bucks' heads cabossed Argent. Crest — A buck's head cabossed per pale Or and Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a fess daneciUv and in chief three crescents Gules ; 2, Or, a lion salient Gules; 3, Gules, six escallops Argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or, a plume of five feathers Ermines banded Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, an eagle displayed Azure ; 2 and 3, Ermine, on a bordure Gules eight horse-shoes Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a cross moline Gules ; 2 and 3, Azure, fretty Or. Crest — On each side of a chapeau Azure turned up Argent a feather Gules stuck within the turning up. Arms as at p. 15, without the difference. Crest — A griffin's head erased. 22 KNIGHTS MADE 1489. 15. S r Stomas Oarri?. 16. & iTfjomas €i)cmuj. 17. S v ©tJmontJ Gorges. ib. S v £®taltcr J3cm>s. 19. & r WLilVm £cott. 20. S r JTot)n€5Uii)»f. &r 3H)rigf)t . . . ., brother to the Chauncellor of Denmarke, dubbed. £ v iTfjomas Stafford, dubbed by the Kinge at the sea-syde when he sent his army into Biytaigne. & v Joijn il>oBtUJton, dubbed with S 1 Thomas Stafforde. S v 3LCUJWS Carlton, dubbed by the K inge at 1 1 wvnes. (?&* Gilbert ffaUjott.) Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, crusily and three cinquefoils Argent; 2 and 3, Azure, three bars-gemelles and a chief Or. Crest — A bull statant Sable, armed Argent. Quarterly of five — 1 and 5, Quarterly Argent and Sable, over all a bend logenzy Gules ; 2, Gules, three birds Or — quartering, 1, Barry of eight Argent and Azure, on a bend Gules three mullets of the first ; 2, Gules, a fess dancettee between six cross-crosslets Or ; and 3, Argent, a chevron Sable, in dexter chief a cinquefoil of the field ; 3, Chequy Or and Gules, a bend engrailed Sable ; 4, Argent, on a bend Sable three cross-crosslets fitehee of the field. Quarterly — 1, Lozengy Azure and Or, a chevron Gules ; 2, Argent, on a chief Gules three bezants ; 3, Gules, a lion rampant Ermiue ; 4, Argent, a chevron between three dice Sable, each charged with four plates. Crest — A greyhound's head " swartishe," collared Gules bezantee. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a bend engrailed Azure between three leopards' heads Or, jessant-de-lis of the second ; 2, Argent, a Cornish chough Sable within a bordure en- grailed of the second bezantee ; 3, Argent, on a chief Gules three bezants. Argent, three Catherine wheels Sable, a bordure engrailed Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, seven lozenges con- joined 3, 3, and 1, Yair, on a canton Or a mullet Sable ; 2 and 3, Gules, a fess between six billets Or. Or, a chevron Gules, a canton Ermine, on the chevron a crescent Argent for difference. Gules, fretty Argent, a crescent Or for differ- ence. Quarterly of six — 1, 2, 4, and (5, as 1, 2, I. and 3 at p. 10; 3, Gules, a saltire Argent, a KNIGHTS MADE 1489. 23 (&*.... flrtnTL) (? & r BcnstcaB.) & &abagc. (S r fttcfcmng.) & r ©eorge HJaveU. (■ Stanlnn) ( CourtcnrsO ( rtxt.) ( jFitiW&mvn.) & r Uohtxt efureon. S r . . . . (Sascotgne. &* iframont martlet Sable for difference ; 5, Or, fretty Gules ; and the same Crest. Quarterly of five — 1, Gules, on a saltire Argent a rose of the field ; 2, Chequy Or and Azure ; 3, Or, three chevrons Gules ; 4, Quarterly Argent and Gules, fretty Or, over all a bend Sable ; 5, Gules, a fess between six cross- crosslets Or, a crescent Sable for difference. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, three bars-gemelles Argent ; 2 and 3, Azure, a fess dancettee Ermine between six cross-crosslets Argent. Per pale Purpure and Azure, three lucies' heads erased and erect Or, in the mouth of each a spear- head Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 2, as 1 and 2 at p. 16; 3, Gules, a chevron Argent between three falcons of the second, beaked, legged, and belled Or ; 4, Sable, a bend between two owls Argent. Quarterly — 1, Gules, a fess dancettee Argent ; 2, Azure, an eagle displayed Or, a bendlet Gules ; 3, Or, on a chief Gules two hands couped Argent, the one dexter, the other sinister ; 4, Gules, three lucies in pale Argent. Gules, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis Or as many pellets. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Darell, as at p. 16 ; 2 and 3, Argent, two bars-gemelles and in chief as many lions rampant Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Quarterly, as at p. 11 ; 2 and 3, Gules, three legs flexed in triangle in armour Argent, spurred Or; over all on an escucheon of pretence — Azure, a lion ram- pant Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, three torteaux ; 2 and 3, Or, a lion rampant Azure. Quarterly Gules and Or, in the first quarter a mullet Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a cross engrailed Gules between four water-bougets Sable ; 2 and 3, Gules, billitee Or, a fess Argent. Argent, on a bend Sable between three wiverns' heads erased Gules a popiujay Argent beaked and legged Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4 as 3, and 2 and 3 as 1, at p. 18. Azure, fleury and a lion rampant Or. 24 KNIGHTS MADE 1489—1494. Argent, a chevron between three cranes Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, quarterly Or and Gules, on a bend Sable three escallops Argent ; 2 and 3, Or, a cross Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, a cross engrailed Gules ; 2 and 3, Per pale Azure and Gules, a lion rampant Ermine. Or, four pales Azure, on a chief Gules three crosses patee of the first. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, two bars Sable ; 2 and 3, Sable, on a bend Or three lozenges of the field. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, two lions passant Argent, a bendlet Azure ; 2 and 3, Gules, on a bend Argent nine billets Sable. Arms of Hunoerford as at p. 10. Azure, a fess dancettee between three falcons Or belled proper. In Anno nono on the Twelf day the Kinge dubbed these fowrc followinge Knights in his chamber at Westminster : $b x ftatlf Ostrtcfic (ftStVJ)), then Maior of London in Anno nono. £ r tLEttH'm iilarttn, late Maior of London. 2Ti)C llorDc ii>otlje of Irelande. Z\)t Baron of j&Ianr. S r Wttll'm Brotonc. (?&*.... iHUtttt.) S r Brncton. &* Strange % v . . . . $>un&rrforBc. These xxiii followinge were made Knights (of the Bath) at the creation of Henry Duke of Yorke on the Eve of All Sayntes, Anno decimo of the Kinge et Anno D'ni 1494 : 1. 3i>cnq>, Duftc of §?oruc. 2. OjomaB, 3Lor& ?l>arincrton. 3. %>n\v\>, iLovtir Clijffortir. Arms as those of Prince Arthur at p. 20, the label Ermine. Quarterly of eight — 1, Barry of six Argent and Azure, in chief three fcorteaux ; 2, Or, a maunch Gules ; 3, Barry of twelve Argent and Azure, an orle of martlets Gules; I, Gules, seven mascles conjoined, 3, 3, 1, Or; 5, Azure, a cinquefoil Ermine; 6, Argent, a fess and canton Gules; 7, Sable, six mullets Argent, each charged with a torteaux; 8, Sable, fretty Argent : on the first three quarters a label of three points Ermine; on the first four another label of three points Azure. Crest — A unicorn passant Ermine armed Or, with Azure label as in the A rms. Arms and Crest as at p. 14. KNIGHTS MADE 1494. 25 4. 3LorDrjFiti&&tar$n. 5. ftortfc Oacrc of the South. 6. jc* {Thomas Stanlnj. 7. SMWin 3nmticU. 8. S r SSUltn -Grijffityr. 9. S v <5rvba»r Clifton. 10. S l ftohcvt ?>arrcourt 11. £ v isBmonU Crafov&f. 12. %t i>mvi) fWantri?. 13. S r Kogrr Xrtoliorouglj. Quarterly — 1 and 4, as at p. 23, a label of three points Azure each charged with as many fleurs- de-lis Or ; 2 and 3, Quarterly per fess indented Argent and Gules. Crest — A wyvern Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, three lions rampant Or ; 2 and 3, Gules, three escallops Argent. Crest — An eagle's head Or, in the beak a round buckle Quarterly—], 2, 3, as 1, 2, 3 at p. 23 ; 4, Gules, two lions rampant Argent, quartering, 1, Ar- gent, a fess and canton Gules ; 2, Or, a cross engrailed Sable ; over all a label of three points Argent, thereon another Azure ; the same es- cucheon of pretence. Crest — As at p. 11. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, six swallows Argent; 2 and 3, Azure, a bend Or, a label of three points Gules ; over all, on an cscucheon of pre- tence, Gules, an inescucheon within an orle of martlets Argent. Crest — A wolf passant Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, on a fess dancettee Argent between six lionccls rampant Or three martlets Sable ; 2 and 3, Azure, semee of cross-crosslets and three eagles displayed Or; on an cscucheon of pretence, Barry of six Argent and Gules, a bordure Azure charged with eight martlets Or. Crest — A maiden's head couped at the shoulders proper, vested Gules, crined Or. Quarterly— 1 and 4, Sable, semee of cinquefoils and a lion rampant Argent ; 2 and 3, Argent, a lion rampant double-queued Sable. C rest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a peacock's head Azure plumed of the first. Gules, two bars Or. Crest — On a ducal coronet Or a peacock proper. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a griffin segreant G ules ; 2, Argent, on a bend Azure three garbs Or ; 3, Argent, on a bend Gules three escarbuncles Or. Crest — A thrasher with his flail all proper. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a lion rampant- gardant Argent ; 2 and 3, Azure, two bars Argent. Crest — A chapeau Sable, lined Er- mine, winged on the top Argent, corded Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, three bends Azure, a bordure engrailed Gules ; 2, Argent, three E 26 KNIGHTS MADE 1494. 14. & r »auf »!>&fr. 15. «> r stomas BatotJc. 16. S r JToi)ttS))cftr. 17. S r H>umfrci>jFttlfovtJ. 18. S r ftoucrt Hitton. 19. & r $tcns ©Ogccomur. 20. S r IXohtvt ©Icre. 21. & r rfjomas Jfamfax. 22. S r KidjarB ItnigijtlfM de Falwesley. 23. S r .?of)neijoUf. S r Jfoijn 3Lrursciur, a Breton, dubbed by the Kinge afterwarde, the ix day of Novenibrc, the day of the tourney. lions' heads erased Gules collared Or ; 3, Argent, two bars Gules. Crest — A Blacka- moor's head proper. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, three crescents Or ; 2 and 3, Gules, a lion rampant Argent on the shoulder a fleur-de-lis Azure. Crest — A man's leg and thigh couped Sable embowed at the knee, the foot upwards pointing to the sinister side, thereon a spur or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Purpure, three chevrons Argent ; 2 and 3, Gules, three wings Or. Crest — A Blackamoor's head in profile be- tween two wings Sable. Argent, two bars Azure, over all a spread-eagle Gules. Crest — A porcupine proper. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a chevron between three bears' heads erased Argent, muzzled Sable ; 2 and 3, Azure, three bird-bolts erect Argent. Crest — A bear's head erect and erased Argent muzzled Sable. Ermine, on a chief indented three ducal coro- nets Or. Crest — A bittern proper. " Avis qusedam canens in arundiue vel hcrbam aliquam ore tenens." Quarterly — 1 and 4, as at p. 11 ; 2 and 3, Azure, fleury and a lion rampant Argent. Crest — A boar's head, as in the Arms. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, on a fess Azure three eagles displayed Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, a cross moline Gules thereon an annulet of the field. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or, a plume of feathers Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a lion rampant Sable debruised by three bars-gcmclles Gules ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron between three hinds' heads Sable. Crest — A lion's head erased Sable gorged with three bars-gemellcs Gules. Quarterly Or and Ermine, the first and fourth quarters charged with three pales Gules, a bordure Azure. Crest — A buck's head Argent, attired Or. Argent, three cinqucfoils per pale Azure and Gules. Crest — A crane's head proper. " Caput gruis." Azure, a fess between three lions' faces Argent. S KNIGHTS MADE 1494—1497. 27 All these xxiii Knightcs aforesayd of this Bayne payde all maner of fees to the Officers of Armes after their Estates and Degrees, viz., the high and mighty Prince the Duke of Yorke for his creation and all xx marks, the Lorde Harington I s , every baron xl s , and every bachelor xx s , with all their mantels, surcotts, girdels, laces, gloves, coyffes, and their blew gownes with their hoodes. These xiiij followinge were made Baneretts at the batell of Blackheathe the xvii of June Anno D'ni 1497, Anno 12 of the Kinge, hadde agaynst the Co'mons of Cornwaill : 1. & r tffjomas Honcll. 2. & r ©ijavlcs &omcr»rtt 3. & r HctgnalB Bran. 4. S r fttcljarB (Sunltforttr. 5. S r ftoi)crt ^arccourt. 6. S r Mcs an Stomas. 7. S r W.c\m> Wl\Umqfib& 8. S r J&irfjarB JFtt>3Lctocs. 9. £ r Jfofm &arot JFotjn. 10. S r Styomaa Greene. 11. & Robert Brougijton. Arms as at p. 15, a crescent Or for difference. France and England quarterly within a bordure gobony Argent and Azure; over all a bendlet sinister Argent. Arms as at p. 12, quartering Gules, three bends Vair. Arms as at p. 9. Arms as at p. 25. Arms as at p. 11. Arms as at p. 15. Arms as at p. 15. Arms as at p. 21. Arms as at p. 15. Quarterly — 1 and 4 as 1, and 2 and 3 as 2 and 3, at p. 16. Arms as at p. 16, quartering Gules, crusily and three lucies hauriant Or. Arms as at p. 15. Arms as at p. 17. "In originali campus asorius 12. £ r Xtefjolas Fattto 13. & r TOtlTm crmtoljitte. 14. S v 2Ti)omas &mc\l reliqui argentei et fimbria de rubro." The xiiij Banneretts beforesayd have payde their fees — v markes apeice. S r 3Foi)tt $? dubbed at the bridgefoote at thelvinge'sentringe of London after the battell of Blackheathe. S© r j#l organ dubbed at the bridgefoote the same tyme. Knightes made at Blackheathe feilde Anno 12 of the Kinge on Seint Botolphe's Day, the 17 of June Anno D'ni 1497, against the Comons of Cornwall. (The 22 Knights following are each stated to have been " dubbed at the Battell of Blackheath:") S r ISBtoaitl Blount. Barry nebulee of six Or and Sable. S r WKtU'm Uc la iJoolr, brother Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, a fess between three to Edmond de la Poole, Erie of leopards' faces Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chief Suffolke ; called Lord Will'm Gules, over all a lion rampant double-queued of Suffolke. Or. Crest — A Blackamoor's head in profile 28 KNIGHTS MADE 1497. £ r Cijomaa BranBon. £ r &o\)\\ (IsDtoarB) Satoage. £ r (Thomas Cornttoan, Baron of Burforde. S>* Jfohn icrwmcr of Wiltshire. S r . S r fUrnn? . Srjtotjn&ugssrr. S r JFoijit liotJnnj. £* IttrijarU |Ju&»n>. S r Jfoijn Davdl of Calehill in Kent. S r IiDmonB &VUtiOttt of the West. S v fcSltU'm itfcrjmgr. £ r (Thomas Dtgbij. proper wreathed and vested Argent charged with hurts and torteaux ; on each a crescent for difference. Arms as at p. 10, a mullet Sable for difference. Arms quarterly as at p. 1G, but falcons instead of martlets in the third coat. Ermine, a lion rampant Gules ducally crowned Or within a bordure engrailed Sable bezantee. Gules, a pair of "angels' wynges" conjoined in hire Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, on a cross Sable a leopard's face Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, a fess between three martlets Sable. Quarterly— 1 and 4, Vert, three wolves passant in pale Or ; 2 and 3, Sable, a bend between six cross-crosslets Argent (Longvillars). " Quaere de genere animalis, an sit Lupus vel vulpes." Arms as at p. 15, a crescent Gules on a mullet Argent for difference. Arms as at p. 17. Gules, seven mascles conjoined, 3, 3, 1, Or. Argent, on a chief Vert two mullets pierced Or. Argent, a fess and in chief three martlets and in base a chevron Azure. Crests — Out of a ducal coronet Gules a tiger's head Or. A tiger sejant. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, a cross Vert; 2 and 3, (Jules, three bars Ermine. Crest — A hind statant Argent. Or, three eagles displayed Purpure. Vert, a chevron between three mullets Or, a crescent Azure for difference. Aims as at p. 1G, a fleur-de-lis Sable for dif- ference. Anns as at p. 25, without the quartering, a orescent Argent for difference. Argent, on a chevron Sable three escallops Or. Crest — A giraffe's head Sable spotted Argent, Or, and Gules, in the mouth a ring of the second. " The hedde of an oraffle " (sec ' Sir John MLandevile's Travels, 1 by Halliwell. London, 1839 ; p. 289). Azure, a lion rampant Ermine ducally crowned Or. Arms as at p. 1 7. without the mullet. KNIGHTS MADE 1497. 29 S r Robert Canton. S r .f oljn 3l?ungerfortre, dabbed at the bridge foote on the Kinge's entringe of London. S r 0Of)U Jfjmeulr, Cheif Justice. S r JTofju $Usn»for&c. S r €Seorge tfanlfctms, dubbed at the Battell of Blackheathe. Sable, a cross engrailed Or, in dexter chief a mullet Argent. Crest — A griffin sejant wings endorsed Or. Arms as at p. 10, a mullet Argent for difference, quartering Argent, a lion rampant Sable ducally crowned Or, within a bordure Azure. Vert, a chevron between three eagles displayed Or. Crest — A "phenix hedde" proper ducally crowned Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a chevron engrailed between three fleurs-de-lis Argent ; 2 and 3, Gules, six eagles displayed Or (Broksbuiine). Argent, a saltire Gules, on a chief of the second three escallops of the field. (The three Knights following are each stated to have been " dubbed at the bridge foote at the Kinge's entringe into London:") £ r Brnan SantrfortJe. &< S v 3W)H HangfovBe. S r Stomas Brnan. Per chevron Sable and Ermine, in chief two boars' heads couped Or. Crest — On a ducal coronet Gules a boar's head couped Or, tusked Argent. Argent, a chevron Gules. Paly of six Or and Gules, over all a bend Argent. Crest — " Three chibolls (onion- heads) in a tufte of phesantes fethers." " Qusere num iste Johannes Langforde por- taret palatim de argento et rubeo in capite scuti asoreo leonem respicientem aureum. Constat namq. htec esse insignia Langfordor. de com. Derby." Argent, three piles meeting at the base Vert. (The seven Knights following are each stated to have been " dubbed at the Battell of Blackheath :") £ r Ityfltpjpc CTaltfjorpe. S r JWjU GlCCne of Essex. S r ftoger fcEtenttoortfje. S r lionert (Constable. £ r Sofm StttJJtotti) de com. Lincoln. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Chequy Or and Azure, a fess Ermine ; 2, Gules, on a chief Argent two mullets Sable ; 3, Azure, three wyverns passaut Or, beaked and legged Gules. Gules, a lion rampant per fess Argent and Sable, ducally crowned Or. Gules, on a bend Argent three escallops Azure. Quarterly Gules and Vair, over all a bend Or. Crest — A ship Or. Gules, three bars Argent, on a chief of the second a greyhound courant Sable. 30 £ r fcouIanB De rri>nfbi?Ur. KNIGHTS MADE 1497. Azure, two organ-pipes in ealtire between four crosses patee Argent. Argent, a lion rampant Gules charged on the breast with a bezant. (The twelve Knights following are each stated to have been " dubbed at the Bridge foote in the King's enteringe of London :") S r 3foi)\\ 2Tatr, then Maior of London. S r gtfifn %i)tlH, then Shyrif of London. * r UobtVt SijrffCtltJ, then Re- corder of London. S r Soijn Ounijam. S r Stomas ftotijerijam. S r 3f Ofm atotlclf » of Suffolke. S r |)ijUtpnc Cooke. S r .UToim Bntrrton. S r Stomas Be la HaunBr. £ r EUdjarB Houclacx. S r Stomas Salferfmrg. S r BirfjarBe (JJoijn) Cavctoc. S r BidjavU $atJtJon. S r SlnHrcu) Be iTrfutsano, a Venetian. % x Haurcnct 3i?lmct\ Per fess Or and Gules, a pale counter-changed, three Cornish choughs Sable beaked and legged Gules, a mullet Argent for difference. Argent, a chevron between three lozenges Ermines within a bordure Gules. Argent, a chevron between three garbs Gules. Azure, a chief indented Or, a label of three points Gules. Vert, three bucks statant Or. " Quaere an sit a robuck vel alterius generis." Crest — A buck's head Or between two branches Vert. Arms as at p. 14, a crescent for difference. Or, a chevron counter-compony Azure and Gules between three cinquefoils of the second. Argent, two bars sable. Argent, a fess dancettee between three billets Gules. Azure, on a saltire Argent five martlets Gules. Arms as at p. 15. Or, a man's leg couped at the middle of the thigh Azure. Crest — A man's leg couped at the middle thigh in armour proper embowed at the knee, the foot upwards, the toe pointing to the sinister side. Or, a chevron Azure. Crest — A man's head couped at the shoulders habited Azure, with three faces all proper, the middle one affron- ted, the others in profile on cither side, cii tied Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, on across engrailed between four martlets Sable live bezants within a bordure gobony Purpure and Azure; 2 and 3, Argent, on ;i fess between throe annulets Gules as many mullets of the field. Crest — An Indian goat statant Or, armed Sable. KNIGIITS MADE 1497—1501. 31 These ten Banerettes followinge wer made in Scotland by Thomas, Erie of Surrey, the Kinge's Lieutenant, Anno 13 of the Kinge's reigne : S r Militant <&aseotgnc. & r JToijn llcbtll S r JTofm $>asttnges. & r Stomas Saren. S r OTalter &rnffitf>. S r Battf Bitter. S r Stomas 2£tortlcr>. S r Roger BcUtngijam. S r ZSluTm JTijIrv. S r IS&toarB ftijuertnge. Knightesin nombre 30 made in Scotland by Thomas, Erie of Surrey, the Kinge's Lieutenant, in Anno 13 of the Kinge's reigne : OTjomas ILortJ lijotoarBc ijts sonne. S r lEBtoarB $?otoartie Ins sonne. S r H?cnvj? Seroone. S r aUtU'm ©ognners. S r OTtU'm Bttlmer, S r George manners. S r Kauf tEurrs. S r lEBtoarU Sauagc. S r Bogrr Ronton. S r SToijn OTarbrcton. S r Bantrolf Brurrton. S r Sln&reto Brtterton. S r Booert &sfte. S r Jtofjn lijotfjom. S r ifc?enrn Bomttott. S r lEBtoarfcf Bramnton's son, of Portugall, was dubbed by the Kinge at Wynchester Anno . . Other Knightes made in Scotlande by George, Lordc Strange, beinge there with Thomas, Erie of Surrey, Anno 13 of the Kinge's reigne : S r ©enti? ©ateaH, %x uobcxt Bcllmgfjam. S r BtdjarB fcEtooBrofr. S r Stomas IIBerton. & r JTofm OTantnsforD. & Boger fastings. %* .ITofm Bodijff. S r BtdjarO CijolmonBelet?. S r JToIjn flormanutle. S r BtdjartJ ftfteimrgft. S r BtcIjartJ ©aluerlrt?. S v OTtUtam Sfeargtll. S r BtefjarU ittijrfctttje. S r Baulf lEHcrcar. S r ©ZfcuTm Catoerlrj?. &*,3Fof)n45otorr. &* jrolm Erelan&e. S r OTtU'm Bototlje. S r BtdjarB &sJjetott. & r JToijn tTotonlrn. S r TOtU'm tEeilmne. S r Boger $)ntetott. S r IZDtoarB $anmarr. & $umfrrg !Li?slri>. Knightes of the Bathe made at the mariage of Prince Arthure the 17 day of Novembre, Anno 1501, Anno 17 of the Kinge's reigne : ftBttli'ttt, HorO SUSHtlOttgljun. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a cross engrailed Or ; 2, Gules, a cross moline Argent ; 3, Or, a lion rampant double-queued Sable. Crest — As at p. 11. 32 KNIGHTS MADE 1501. HorBc Clnnton. S r (Thomas IsnglcfctlUr. &i iltcholas (Tinjffim. S r #t organ ttwBtocHi?. S'ttt'fijarBJFotolrr. &* imMm ^arttorll. S v (Thomas* jFnujjj. & JTofm ILrgljc of Stockwell. &* JLEliU'm Wttalgraor. ^ r .fohn ^croonc of Castle- combe. Argent, six cross-crosslets fitchee Sable, on a chief Azure two mullets Or, on each a tor- teau. Crest — " A bushe of flaggcs or water- reedes Sable in a crowne Gules." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Barry of six Gules and Argent, on a chief Or a lion passant Azure ; 2 and 3, Sable, a fess between six martlets Or (Russall). Crest — A spread eagle per pale Azure and Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a griffin segreant Argent beaked and armed Or ; 2 and 3, Gules, a cross patonce Or, a label of three points Sable. Crest — Six feathers per pale Or and Argent, over all a fess Azure. Vair, a canton Gules. Crest — A unicorn's head erased Sable. Azure, a wolf salient Argent, collared counter- compony Or and Gules. Crest — A goat's head Argent, armed Purpure and Azure. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, three wolves' heads erased Gules within a bordure Azure charged with eight castles of the field; 2 and 3, Argent, a chief per pale Gules and Ermine, on the first an owl of the field. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a buck's head cabossed Argent between the attires a cross patee pierced of the second ; 2 and 3, Gules, in chief five and in base three lozenges con- joined Argent. Crest — Surrounded with pales Or, a hart lodged Argent attired of the first. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, three lions rampant Or ; 2 and 3, Gules, three escallops Argent ; over all a crescent Argent for difference. Crest — An eagle's head holding in the beak a round buckle Or. Gules, a cross engrailed within a bordure Argent. Crest — A cock Gules with a ram's head Or, legged of the second. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Per pale Argent and ("Jules; 2 and 3, Barry of ten Argent and Azure. Great — Out of a ducal coronet Or a plume of six feathers per pale Argeni and Gules. Quarterly — 1 and -1, Azure, on the upper end of a bend < M- a saltire engrailed Gules ; 2, Argent, a saltire engrailed Gules; .".. Argent, a Fess between two bars-gemelles Gules. Crml — KNIGIITS MADE 1501. 33 & r OTttl'm ftrafcfr. S^oijn ttoavMn>. S r WU» Bototftf. S r JW&tt 2,f» of Wiltshire. S r ainatfjc i*lali>brm\ & x Stomas 3Laurancc. S r ug1) HotJcr. S r Salter BasUrrutlc. S r Jfoijn Bassctt. £ l " aKtattt r Stricfclantor. £ T Hancdott ®§&cML £ r rnr»;ffrototItr. crescents Or (Spyney) ; 4, Argent, three bird- bolts (Burgox). Crest — An elephant's head Sable, eared Gules, armed Argent. Quarterly — 1, Sable, three chevroncls Argent ; 2, Argent, a bend Sable, on a chief Gules three mullets pierced Or ; 3, Argent, a chevron Sable between three round buckles Gules ; 4, Vert, a lion rampant-gardant Ermine de- bruised by a fess Gules. Crest — A buck's head couped affrontee Gules, attired Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a bend Ermine ; 2 and 3, Or, two bars Gules, over all a bendlet Sable. Crest — A porcupine Argent. Azure, a mannch Ermine, over all a bendlet Gules. Crest — A man's head " grayeshe," crined Sable. Or, six annulets Sable. Crest — A wyvern Argent, langued Gules. Arms of Baskervile as at p. 14, quartering G-ules, a fess Or between three escallops Argent. Crest — A garb of osiers Vert. " Oysyers." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Barry wavy of six Argent and Gules ; 2, Barry of six Vair and Gules ; 3, Gules, a saltire Vair. Crest — A unicorn's head Argent armed and crined Or, charged on the neck with two bars indented Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, three escallops Argent; 2 and 3, Argent, a fess dancettee between ten billets Sable, four in chief and six in base. Crest — A garb proper. Argent, a maunch Gules. Crest — On the battle- ments of a church tower Argent, windows Sable, steeple Azure, a woman proper vested Gules, in her right hand a sword erect, in her left a baby swathed, all proper. Argent, fretty Gules, a chief Azure. Crest — A unicorn's head Argent, armed and crined Or. Quarterly — 1, Argent, a maunch Sable, a label of three points Gules; 2, Sable, two bars Argent, in chief three plates ; 3, Argent, a griffill segreant G-ules, beaked and armed Or; 4, Paly wavy of six Or and Gules. Crest as that of BlJNGERFORDE at \K 10. Quarterly — 1 and I, Azure, a chevron between three Leopards' heads Or, a mullet Sable for difference ; 2 and 3, Azure, three sturgeons KNIGHTS MADE 1501. 35 2> r l&oger Ovmcston. S r • • . &Bton. S r Nicholas Bi?ron. & x 3fo\»\ ©togan. %r Robert fcfctatcvton. S r JWm&i?ffavBc. S r imWm asm. S r 35eorge fJutnam. S r &n>ffrtf) ap S r Hcs 2Tf)omas. S r Robert CToriictt S r iTijomas 1i>atotc. S r liogcr Strange. S r Cijomas JLStooUIjousr. S r iiUUjavtJJFi)It(mtgr. s r mmn eai>iuifi>. naiant in pale Or, over all fretty Gule3 (Sturgeon). Crest — Two arms counter- ernbowed proper vested Azure, holding in the hands a leopard's head Or. Sable, a chevron between three spear-heads Argent within a bordure Gules. Crest — A wyvern's head erased Vert. Per chevron Sable and Argent. Crest — An ass's head erased Sable. " Quaere cuiusmodi caput sit." Arms and Crest as at p. 13. Or, on a chief Sable three martlets of the field. Crest — A lion's paw erect Gules, unguled Azure. Barry of six Ermine and Gules, three crescents Sable. Crest — An otter " dunyshe," holding in the mouth a fish per fess Or and Argent. Argent, ten torteaux, 4, 3, 2, 1. Crest — A hand holding five gillyflowers all proper. Sable, a fess between three asses passant Argent. Crest — An ass's head Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, crusily fitchee and a stork Argent ; 2 and 3, Lozengy Azure and Or. Crest — A hind's head Gules. " Quaere an sit caput vulpis vel damaa." Arms as at p. 11, with a label of three points Gules. Crest — Out of palisadoes Argent and Vert a demi-lion rampant Sable. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, a crow Sable ; 2 and 3, Gules, crusily and three lucies hauriant Or. Crest — A squirrel sejant Or, cracking a nut. Arms as at p. 24. Crest — Five branches Vert flowered with quatrefoils Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, two lions passant in pale Argent, over all a bendlet Or ; 2 and 3, Gules, on a bend Argent nine billets Sable. Crest — Two hands couped and clasped Argent. Sable, a chevron Or billetee Gules between three cinquefoils Ermine. Crest — A demi-sai holding in his right hand and across his left shoulder a club, all proper. Argent, on a fess Azure three lozenges Or. Crest — Three filberts proper, leaved Vert. Quarterly — 1 and t. Argent, two glaziers' snip- pers iu saltire Sable between four "peares in proper colour V. Ar. and G. lyke Catherine peares," within a bordure engrailed of the 3(> KNIGHTS MADE 1501. & liirijiirtJ tie la WL&tvt. & Jtofjtt (©slgott. S v ?)rmi> Hogrrs. £» 3Toim yotolctt £ r tTfjomas 3Long<\ Ckr tTljomas »ami>son. S v Soim tTrrutltan. £ v SStt'U'm Sctntmorr. &* Mtill'm itiartm. S v .?/oljn 3ston. £ v tTijomajs ftrmpr. second ; 2, Argent, a fess Gules, in chief a label of three points of the second ; 3, Azure, ten bezants, 4, 3, 2, 1. Crest — A cock Argent, combed and legged Azure. Gules, crusily fitchee and a lion rampant Argent within a bordure engrailed Sable. Crest — An eagle's head Argent, beaked Gules. Ermine, on a bend Sable three congers' heads erased Argent. Crest — A conger's head erased and erect Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a chief Gules, a fleur-de-lis Or for difference ; 2 and 3, Argent, fretty Sable, a chief Gules. Crest — Five branches leaved Vert fructed Gules. Quarterly- — 1, Powlett, as at p. 16; 2, Argent, fretty and a canton Sable ; 3, Argent, six martlets Sable; 4, Azure, a fess between three fleurs-de-lis Or. Crest — A falcon, wings expanded Or, ducally gorged. " The Lord S l John's creste." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, crusily and a lion rampant Argent ; 2 and 3, Gules, two wings conjoined in lure Or. Crest — A demi-lion rampant Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a cross counter- compony Argent and Sable ; 2 and 3, Or, a lion rampant Gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or six feathers Ermine. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, ademi-horse Argent, hoofed and maned Or, issuing out of water in base proper ; 2, Argent, three bends Gules within a bordure Sable charged with ten bezants ; 3, Gules, a bend fusily Argent ; 4, Ermine, three bows Gules. Crest — Two arms counter-embowed proper,habited Azure, cuffed Or, holding in the hands a pellet, thereon a parrot Vert beaked Gules. Quarterly — 1 audi, Argent, two chevrons Gules, a label of three points ; 2, Or, crusily and a lion rampant Azure. Crest — A wolf passant " russett." Argent, two bars Gules. Argent, a fess and in chief three lozenges Sable. Gules, three garbs Or. Crest— On a garb lying fessways Or a falcon with wings endorsed proper. KNIGIITS MADE 1501. 37 Knightes of the Sworde made at the sayd manage of Prince Arthure : % v JTo^n Sanbers of Dairacy. S r Soijtt Cottesmore. S r $umfret> ©attsoi?- & v Jfoijn Fauasour, Justice. £ r JTotju^ountJe. & r 3ToJmJFogge. S r ILetoes Bagott. & OTtU'm ©lopton. &* OTtU'm $evott. % x .Barnes ajj <£>toen. S r ISBmontJ JTenng. £ r Stomas Barneston. &* Stomas 2&tooTJe, Cheif Justice. S r ftOOert BeaBe, Justice. S r Stomas «Eremai>Ie, Justice. S r ©BtflTm Bankers, Justice. £v jjToijn djampernotm. S>* 0oi)n FtUevis. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, on a hend Gules three martlets Or winged Vert ; 2 and 3, Gules, two bars Or, in chief two bucks' heads cabossed of the second ; over all a crescent for difference. Crest — Two hands conjoined in pile Argent. Azure, a spread-eagle Argent, charged with an escucheon Gules, thereon a leopard's face Or. Crest — A unicorn sejant Argent, maned Or. Argent, two lions passant in pale Sable within a bordure engrailed Gules. Crest — A cat's head Ermine. Or, a fess dancettee Sable. Crest — A squirrel sejant Gules, cracking a nut Or. Argent, on a fess Gules, between two boars' heads couped Sable in chief, and a cross patee fitchee of the third in base, three mullets pierced of the field. Crest — A gourd Or, leaved Vert. S r Stomas itmgfjt S r Bauf Frrnrij. S r |3ijtltpj)c (Jrtlnej?. % v Stomas IDanuers. S r 33e&0 He 3}CbC&0, a Spanyard. S r JfrrUmanBo De Villa 3Lobos, a Spanyard. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, three demi-woodmen Argent, holding clubs over their dexter shoulders Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, a pelican in piety Sable. Gules, on a bend wavy Argent three shovellers Sable beaked and legged Or. Crest — A sho- veller close per bend Argent and Sable, beaked and legged Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a fess between three brogues Gules, a crescent for differ- ence ; 2, Argent, a trivet within a bordure Sable ; 3, Sable, a chevron between three escallops Argent. Arms of Danvers as above, quartering Ermine, on a bend Gules two chevrons Or. 38 KNIGHTS MADE 1502—1503. & T JFranrteruft tit QZapcUo, a Venetian, made at Greenwich 18 of May, anno 17. & J) IDflUC of Islande, a Scott. S r 2Ti)0mas .jFrotojJKC, Cheif Arms quarterly as at p. 34. Justice of the Common Pleas, made at Richmont in Christmas, anno 18. S r JSobcft STattfrlttC, made Argent, two chevrons between three martlets Knight at the mariage of Prince Sable. Arthure. S r Bartijolomrto ftCOT, Mayre Per pale Gules and Sable, a cross bottonee . . . ., anno 18, dubbed at Bay- fi tehee Argent between four fleurs-de-lis Or. nardes Castle with these fol- Crest — A fleur-de-lis per pale Or and Argent. lowinge (ut opinor) : These followinge were dubbed by the Kinge in his chamber at Baynardes Castle betwene Ester and Whitsontyde after the death of the Queene, anno 18 : S r 1\CJ> "Ftltt "KntogU. Azure, a wing Argent issuing from the sinister side ; impaling, Barry of four Argent and Gules. Crest — On a cushion Gules tasselled Or a dog sejant gardant Argent, collared and belled of the second. S r JFotyn JFtSijcr. Argent, on a chevron between three demi- lions rampant Gules as many bezants. S r 3£timontJ 3Lum £*.... Cotton of Cambrigeshire. S r (GtlUtt't -Dcbbcnljam. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a bend between two crescents Or ; 2 and 3, Or, crusily and a chevron Gules (Brockhole). Knightcs of the Swordc dubbed at the creation of Prince Henry the 18 of February, anno 19 of the Kinge's reigne : S r SoijU , Viscount Lysle. Quarterly of six — 1 and 2 as 1 and 2 at p. 20 ; 3, Gules, seven mascles conjoined, 3, 3, 1, Or, quartering Azure, a cinquefoil pierced Er- mine ; 4, Azure, a lion rampant within a bordurc Or, quartering Gules, a lion rampant within a bordurc engrailed Or ; 5, Gules, a fess between six cross-crosslets Or, quarter- ing chequy Or and Azure, a chevron Ermine : fi, "Gules, crusily and a chevron Argent, quartering — 1, Gules, a lion rampant gard- ant Argent ducally crowned Or; and 2, Sable, a chevron Ermine between thr< > • KNIGHTS MA.DE 1503. 39 ILot'Bc 13 aires of the Northe. S r Uvsan Staplctmt. S r ftauf <5tm S r pities Bussi?. S r lEBtoaiti |)omcrcj». & r JToijn fttortant Shames $ulm-t. S r EUdjartJ I£mson. S r ©abg fJJnltjjjje. £ r i^ucjl) ITaucjijatt. &* lEBmonB ii?ampUcn. S r llidjolas fcffilaTOam. S r OTtUtam peryount. callops Argent. Crest — A unicorn statant Argent armed Or, a crescent Gules for dif- ference. Gules, three escallops Argent. Crest — A bull statant Gules, armed, collared, and lined Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a lion rampant Sable ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron Sable, in dexter chief a cinquefoil of the second. Crest — A Saracen's head in profile proper wreathed about the temples Argent. Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure en- grailed Argent. Argent, three bars Sable. Arms and Crest as at p. 19. Argent, a chevron between three estoiles Sable. Sable, an estoile of eight points Or between two flanches Ermine. Crest — A buffalo passant per pale Sable and Gules bezantee, armed Or, in the nostrils a gemel-riug of the third. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, two bends Sable ; 2 and 3, Gules, three pears Or. Crest — A wild cat statant-gardant "browne." Per bend Or and Argent, a lion rampant Sable within a bordure gobony of the second and Vert. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, a fess Or between three horses' heads Argent erased of the second, bridled Gules, within a bordure go- bony Argent and of the second ; 2 and 3, Per pale Azure and Purpure, three lucies' heads erased and erect Or, in the mouth of each a spear-head Argent. Crests — 1, A lion's gamb erect Or unguled Azure ; 2, A lucie's head as in the Arms. Argent, a saltire Gules between four eagles dis- played Azure, beaked and legged of the second. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a chevron between three roses Argent ; 2, Or, on a chevron Gules three martlets Argent ; 3, Argent, on a chief Gules three stags' heads cabossed of the field attired Or. Crest — The stump of a tree sprouting at the top per pale Argent and Vert, on the sinister side a bough of the second. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a lion rampant Sable within an orle of eight cinquefoils 40 KNIGHTS MADE 1503—1509. S r 3roijnSoutl)toortijr. S v 3&rtan JFortrscu, S v Soijn Himgrmt. S r .fFoijn Isbcrincrfjam. S v Jfoljn Constable of Holder- ness. S r &cnrg Zftn&rrmgton. S r £l)omas CTrcndjavD. S r WLtil'm C.ijffoiUr. S r tTfjomas Sutton. S r JFofjtt ILnsIe of Throkston in Wiltshire. S r STtjomas jFrtnpIafc. S r 0oijneuttc. S r Robert Soutfjtodl. 3LotUc ii)ntrn Stafford. S r JJofm fcSttltsijtrc, dubbed by the Duke of Julyers at the Kinge of Romano's coinand- ment. Gules ; 2, Argent, six annulets in pale, 3, 3, Sable ; 3, Azure, three porcupines Or. Sable, a chevron between three cross-crosslets Argent. Crest — A goat's head erased Argent. Arms as at p. 10, a crescent on the mullet for difference ; and the same Crest, with a crescent for difference. Barry of six Or and Azure, on a bend Gules three roses Argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a garb Vert, fructed Argent, banded " qu&re quid foret." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a lion rampant Vair ; 2 and 3, Argent, a fess Azure, a label of three points Gules. Crest — A stag's head Argent, attired Or. Barry of six Or and Azure. Crest — A dragon's head Argent charged with three bars Gules, on each as many lozenges Or. Quarterly — Argent and Gules, a bendlet Sable. Crest — A bull's head Sable, armed and spotted Argent. Arms and Crest as at p. 35. Argent, a canton Sable. Arms and Crest as at p. 19. Quarterly — 1, France and England quarterly within a bordure Argent ; 2, Azure, a bend Argent cotised Or between six lioncels ram- pant of the last ; 3, Azure, on a bend Argent cotised Or between six lioncels rampant of the third three mullets Gules ; 4, Or, a chevron Gules ; over all a crescent Gules for difference. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet per pale Gules and Sable a swan, wings endorsed Argent. Per chevron Azure and Argent, in chief eight crosses patee Or. Crest — An eagle's leg erased a-la-cuisse Sable. KNIGHTS MADE 1609. 41 Efje Names anto &rmcs of tfjose tfjat foere fjonourcO fottjj tfje ©roer of Itutajjtljoooc in tjje tome of tfjc triumphant retgrtc of Hinge f^tnrj> tf)t €ij$t (Cotton MSS., Claudius, c. iii., fol. 68-144.) S r Robert RaBcltff, Lord Fitz- walter. % x $enrg Scroope, Lorde Scroope. S r 3#enr» Baubeneg, Lorde Daubeney. S r Robert OTglugijbj?, Lorde Brooke. 2Tf)e 3LorBe jFtttfmgf). 2Tfje ILortJe mount jog. S r $enr» CtofforDe. 2> r ittaurtcc Baruden. % v Stomas ilngtortt. Quarterly — 1, Argent, a bend engrailed Sable; 2 and 3, as under Fitz Walter, p. 11 ; 4, Argent, three bars Gules ; and the same Crest. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, a bend Or ; 2 and 3, as 2 at p. 32 ; on an escucheon of pre- tence Scroope, with a label of three points Argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a plume of feathers Azure. Gules, five fusils in fess Argent. Crest — A holly- tree Vert, fructed Gules. Quarterly — 1, Quarterly as 1, 2 at p. 31, a crescent for difference ; 2, Gules, a cross patonce Or ; 3, Gules, on four fusils con- joined in fess Argent as many escallops Sable ; 4, Or, a chevron Gules within a bor- dure Sable. Crest as at p. 11. Azure, three chevronels braced in base and a chief Or. Crest — On a mural coronet Or a wyvern Azure. Quarterly of six — 1 and 6, 2, 3, and 4, same as 3, 1, 2, and 4 under Sir James Blount at p. 9 ; 5, Argent, three fleurs-de-lis Azure. The same Crest. Arms and Crest as at p. 14. On the coat a label of three points Gules. Quarterly of six — 1, as at p. 19 ; 2, Gules, three lions passant gardant in pale Or, a label of three points Argent; 3, Chequy Or and Azure ; 4, Gules, a lion rampant Argent ; 5, Sable, a lion rampant Argent, ducally crowned Or ; 6, Azure, crusily and a lion rampant Or ; and the same Crest. Quarterly of six — 1, Argent, a bend within a bordure engrailed Sable ; 2, Argent, a chief Gules, a bend Azure ; 3, Chequy Or and Gules, a chief Ermine ; 4, Bendy of eight Gules and Argent, quartering chequy Or and Gules, a bend Ermine ; 5, Argent, three pales o 42 KNIGHTS MADE 1509. S r aUtUrcto WHjmBrsorr. S r Stomas |)arre. S r Stomas BuIIegn. S r fttcijartJ OTenttoortfj. S r $?enrj? Sttrctgfjt. S r JFfcmcPB CTfjcnfi?. £* ^ntrj) ££li?att. Gules within a bordure Azure bezantee ; 6, Or, four bendlets Azure, a canton Argent. Crest — A demi-dragon, wings endorsed, Azure. Quarterly of six — 1 and 6, Gules, a saltire Ar- gent between twelve cross-crosslets Or ; 2, Argent, on a bend cotised Sable three mul- lets of the field ; 3, Azure, a cross moline quarter-pierced Argent ; 4, Argent, on a cross Sable five bezants ; 5, Gules, five lioncels rampant in cross Or. Crest — A buck's head Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, two bars Azure within a bordure engrailed Sable ; 2 and 3, Or, three water-bougets Sable. Crest — Five roses Gules, stalked and leaved Yert. Quarterly of eight — 1, Argent, a chevron Gules between three bulls' heads couped Sable ; 2, Quarterly Sable and Argent ; 3, Azure, a fess between six cross-crosslets fitchee Or ; 4, Azure, three sinister hands couped Argent ; 5, Ermine, on a chief Sable three crosses patee Argent ; 6, Azure, fretty Argent, a chief Gules ; 7, Argent, a bend wavy Sable ; 8, Azure, three mullets Or, a chief indented Argent. Crests — 1, A bull's head Sable, armed Or, langued Gules ; 2, A wyvern sejant Or. Quarterly — 1, Gules, on a bend Argent three escallops Azure; 2, Quarterly Argent and Gules fretty Or, over all on a bend Sable three mullets of the first ; 3, Argent, a saltire engrailed Gules ; 4, Barry of six Or and Gules, a canton Ermine. Crest — A griffin passant Or. " Huius Ricardi insignia paulo post inter baronettos melius et verms depin- guntur." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, on a cross patonce Or five mullets Gules; 2 and 3, Ermine, a cross moline Sable. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or, a buck's head Azure, attired Or. Arms (without the difference) and Crest as at p. 9. Gules, on a fess Or between three boars' heads couped Argent, as many lions rampant Sable. Crest — A demi-lion rampant Sable, charged on the shoulder with a pheon Or, holding in the dexter paw an arrow of the second. KNIGHTS MADE 1509—1510. 43 & x Qltovqc fastings. & r Stomas ittctijam. & r &»Ic$s &lmgton. S r JFoJm STrebcgnon. S r Stomas BcBrngfrtUi. &* JToim Sdjdton. & r SBtU'm ©rotomcr. & r Jf Oijn i^eg&Ott of Bacons- thorpe. S r £ad)cbcvcll S r Strpfjan JTrmnms, Maior of London (1508), dubbed the day of the coronation before dynner, payed his fee lyke a baron. Arms and Crest as at p. 21. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Quarterly Azure and Argent, in the first quarter a fleur-de-lis Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, a lion rampant Sable (Ashby). Crest — A bull's head Sable, armed Or, between two bats' wings of the first. "Ahe vespertilionis." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a bend engrailed between six billets Argent ; 2 and 3, Gules, three covered cups Argent. Crest — A talbot statant Ermine. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, on a fess Azure between two chevrons Gules three escallops Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, a lion rampant Gules. Crest — A stag statant quarterly Gules and Argent, attired Or. Arms of Bedixgfeild as at p. 13 ; quartering 2 and 3, Paly bendy of four Gules and Argent. The same Crest. Arms and Crest as at p. 19. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a chevron engrailed between three crows Sable ; 2 and 3, Argent, a squirrel sejant Gules, cracking a nut. Crest — A tiger statant regardant a mirror Argent. Arms and Crest as at p. 12. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a lion rampant double-queued Argent within a bordure Vert escallopee Or ; 2, Gules, crusily and a lion rampant Or ; 3, Gules, a bend Argent, fretty Sable. Crest — A demi-lion rampant double- queued Argent holding in the dexter paw an escallop Or. Quarterly — 1, Argent, on a saltire Azure five water-bougets Or ; 2, Gules, a pale fusily Argent (Statham) ; 3, Argent, a lion ram- pant Sable, ducally crowned Or, charged on the shoulder with a mullet of the field (Mor- ley) ; 4, Argent, three squirrels playing on bagpipes Gules (Hopewell). Crest — A goat statant Argent. Argent, a chevron Gules between three plum- mets Sable. Crest — A griffin's head Or, wings endorsed, holding in the beak a plummet Sable. 44 KNIGHTS MADE 1511—1512. & r $?UQl) ©BontU, dubbed at the bankett at Westminster anno secundo. S r ii?cnn> CuilUrfOtfJC, dubbed at Westminster the 20 day of Marche, the last day of the Par- lement anno iij°. S r paries BranBon, dubbed at Westm. the same day. S r $>cnn? ^utlUcforUe, dubbed by the Kinge of Arragon at Bruges in Castille the 15 day of Septembre anno d'ni 1511. S r ££t»stan Brotone, dubbed at Bruges the same tyme. Sb x Stomas Burgfjdjter, Lord Fitzwaryn. S r (Kurort nc ii>cnlf, &* Df la ittotc, dubbed at Greenwiche the 18 day of Aprill anno fcertio of the Kinge. S r ?i)cnvi) &ijrrl)ournr. Arms as at p. 9, a mullet Or for difference. Crest — A tree ragulee couped at the top Or, flamant Gules, a mullet Azure for difference. Quarterly — 1 and 4, as at p. 10 ; 2 and 3, Azure, a cross moline Or, quartering lozengy Ermine and Gules. Crest — A lion's head erased Or, guttee de larmes, ducally crowned per pale Gules and Argent. Arms as above, without the difference ; but on 1 and 4 a canton Argent charged with a pomegranate Gules, seeded Or ; the same Crest charged with a pomegranate as in the Arms. Gules, a chevron between three lions' gambs erased and erect, within a bordure Argent ; over all a chief of the second, thereon an eagle displayed Sable armed and ducally crowned Or. Crest — A lion's gamb erased and erect Argent, holding a wing Sable. Quarterly — 1, Argent a cross engrailed Gules between four water-bougets Sable, quartering Gules, billitee Or, a fess Argent, over all a label of three points ; 2, Quarterly per fess indented Argent and Gules, quartering Argent, two bends wavy Sable ; 3, Gules, four fusils in fess Ermine, quartering Gules, three arches Or, two single, and one double in base (Arches). Crest — An old man's head in profile proper couped at the shoulders, habited Vert, collared Argent, on his head a ducal coronet Or, out of which a long cap hanging forward Gules, tasselled of the last. Quarterly Gules and Or, in the first and third quarters three bars Argent. Crest — A swan wings expanded Ermine, ducally crowned Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, on a chevron engrailed between three eagles displayed Gules as many plates ; 2 and 3, Gules, a lion rampant Or, langued Sable, a canton Ermine. Crest — A lion's gamb erect Or, grasping an eagle's head erased Gules. KNIGHTS MADE 1512 45 & r Stomas ILueg. % x 3foi)n EurBett. S r &tttf)OttP SSttttgftt, made at Eltham. S r Uobert Norton. S r Zdfll'm Sffltttg, made in Bretaigne by the Duke of Norff., Lorde Admiral!. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, crusily and three lucies hauriant Argent ; 2, Quarterly Or and Azure, in the first and third quarters an eagle displayed Sable, in the second and third a buck's head cabossed Or ; 3, Barry of six Argent and Azure, on a bend three mullets, quartering, 1, Or, a cross between four martlets Gules ; 2, Argent, billitee and a lion rampant Sable ; 3, Azure, a fess be- tween six cross-crosslets Argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Gules a boar's head Ermine between two wings Sable billitee Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, two bars Or, on each three martlets Gules ; 2, Azure, a lion pass- ant Argent ; 3, Gules, a fess Or between six martlets Argent. Crest — A lion's head erased Sable, langued Gules. Arms and Crest as at p. 42, on each a crescent Or for difference. Quarterly— 1 and 4, Quarterly Gules and Or, in the first quarter a goat's head erased Argent, on a chief of the third three torteaux, each charged with an escallop of the second, a label of three points Azure ; 2 and 3, Argent, on a chevron between three lapwings Sable two Ermine spots. Crest — A lapwing rising Argent, winged and legged Sable. Or, a pheon Azure. Crest — A porcupine Azure, quilled, collared, and lined Or. (The following 28 Knights are each stated to be a " Banneret.") 1. S r 3FofmiJrrfjr. 2. Sb v llobm UranBon. 3. S r tytnvv GutlBforB. 4. S r l£BtoavB yomttngrs. 5. S r BnDrrto JHimBrsorr, Threasorer of the Kinge's Middle "Warde. 6. S r 3f0i)\\ l\CVMfQXH. 7. S r tycnxv imvatt. 8. S r SFoim Segmour. 9. S r UtrfjarB Carrto. Arms as at p. 2S. Arms of Brandon as at p. 10, a crescent for difference. Arms quarterly as No. 2 at p. 44. Arms as at p. 9. Quarterly of five — 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, as at p. 42. Quarterly — 1 and 4 and 2, as 1 and 2 at p. 29 ; 3, on a bend three roundles. Arms as at p. 42. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Carew, as at p. 15 ; 2 and 3, Quarterly Sable and Argent. 46 KNIGHTS MADE 1512. 10. & r 3Foi)n atoBelet). li. & r ainHjoni? Cttrctgijt. 12. S r £f)omas &LU*t. 13. & r ftofccrt OljmofeC, Threa- sorer of the Kinge's Rere- warde. 14. S r Soljn ?ntsce. is. S r Jfofm &rtmBen of the West. 16. &r HtdjarU ntn> CInfforUr. Stomas ContrtoaU. Oomas 3Lrtgi)ton. Cfyomag Blount. Jfoim 3ston. SSHiU'm |)rr|iount. ?t>rnrn SarijcbcrcU. cnri> 9i?alsaU. (Scorgc fcEtarblrton. Arms as at p. 30. Arms as at p. 45. Quarterly — 1 as 1, and 2 and 3 quarterly as 2 and 3, at p. 21 ; 4, Mortimer. " Mortymer of "Wigmore : beareth asure, 3 barres in the cheif 2 palettes in eche canton a gyron gold ; an inner scocheon Ermins." Quarterly of six — 1, Sable, two lions passant Argent ducally crowned Or ; 2, Or, a lion rampant double-queued Sable ; 3, Gules, a fess dancettee between six cross-crosslets Or ; 4, Barry of six Ermine and Gules, three cres- cents Sable ; 5, Vair, a fess Gules, fretty Or ; 6, Ermine, five fusils in fess Gules. Arms quarterly as at p. 28 ; but 2 and 3, Ermine, three bars Gules. Quarterly — 1, Sable, six swallows Argent; 2, Gules, four fusils in fess Ermine, quartering Gules, three arches Argent bases Or ; 3, Gules, an escucheon within an orle of martlets Argent ; 4, Azure, a bend Or, a label of three points Gules. Quarterly of six — 1, Sable, a chevron between three leopards' faces Or, a crescent Gules for difference ; 2, Quarterly Argent and Gules, fretty Or, over all on a bend Sable three mul- lets of the first ; 3, Argent, a saltire en- grailed Gules ; 4, Argent, a fess between two bars-gemelles Gules ; 5, Barry of six Or and Gules, a canton Ermine ; 6, Azure, three lucies hauriant between as many cross- crosslets Or. Crest — A ewer wreathed Argent. Gules, on a bend Ermines cotised Or three boars' heads couped Argent. Arms as at p. 36. Arms quarterly as at p. 39. Arms quarterly as at p. 43. KNIGHTS MADE 1513. 47 (? S r Stomas Barnar&tston.) Gules, a fcss dancettee Ermine between three cross-crosslets fitchee Argent, a bendlet sinister Or. Crest — A talbot's head Gules eared Argent gorged with a fess dancettee Ermine. (Knightes made at Tourraine in the Church, after the Kinge came from Masse, under his banner in the Church, 25 Decembre in the 5th yeare of his reigne — Harl. MS. C0G3.) 2. ftorBe eToWjam. 3. HortJc Hfcf>arB Greg. 4. Hortie IS&toartJ <®. 5. S r SUttfjonge OTgng*= urn. 6. Sb v 2Tljomaj5 2Tj?rrH of Gyp- pynge. 7. S r Cfjropijer &BtIug1)b». 8. S r lEDtoavtJ ©utltirforBe. 9. S r aWU'm Compton. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 14. Quarterly of eight — 1, 2, 3, same as 1 and 2 at p. 20 ; 4, Gules, seven mascles conjoined, 3, 3, and 1, Or; 5, Azure, a cinquefoil Er- mine ; 6, Argent, a fess and canton Gules ; 7, Sable, six mullets Argent, on each a tor- teau ; 8, Sable, fretty Argent. Crest — A sun in splendour Or behind a unicorn statant Ermine, armed of the first. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, on a bend Gules cotised Sable three pairs of wings conjoined in lure of the field ; 2, quarterly Sable and Or ; 3, Barry of six Or and Gules, a canton Ermine, quartering chequy Or and Azure. Crest — A bull passant quarterly Sable and Or, horned of the second. Arms as at p. 17, a martlet Or for difference. Crest — A boar's head erect Argent, in the mouth a peacock's tail proper, on the head a martlet Sable for difference. Quarterly of six — 1, Sable, a cross engrailed Or ; 2, Gules, a cross moline Argent ; 3, Gules, a lion rampant Or, quartering Sable, fretty Or, a crescent for difference ; 4, 5, and 6, as 2, 3, 4 under Dymoke at p. 46 ; over all a crescent Or for difference. Crest — Same as at p. 11, a crescent Argent for difference. Arms and Crest as No. 1 at p. 44, without the difference. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a lion rampant gardant Or between three helmets close Argent ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron Vert within a bordure Sable bezantee. Crest — A demi-griffin erased Gules enfiled by a ducal coronet Or. 48 KNIGHTS MADE 1513. 10. £ r UtcijarO Sadjcberdl. ii. & x Stomas reU. 12. $o x WiiWm iEbcrs. 13. S r £ijomas Borougi). u. S r Room tTjjrtoljtt 15. S r Stomas jFatrfax. 16. S r lEDtoarB HHmgerfortJc. 17. S r usrc. 22. S r ©torn |)rrrott. 23. S^35HtU'mjFtt>(LSltUtam. Arms and Crest of Sacheyerell as at p. 43, on each a crescent for difference. Tyrell, as at p. 17, quartering Argent, a cross between four escallops Sable (Coggesiiall). Crest as at p. 47. Arras of Evers as at p. 24, a label Azure. Crest — A wild-cat statant gardaut quarterly Or and Azure. Quarterly — 1, 2, and 4, as at p. 14 ; 3, Gules, on a chevron Or three estoiles Sable ; over all a label of three points Gules. Crest as at p. 14. Arras as at p. 15, a label of three points Argent. Crest — A lapwing Or. Quarterly of six — 1 and 6, and 2, same as 1 and 2 at p. 26; 3, Barry of eight Argent and Gules, on a canton Sable a cross patonce Or ; 4, Or, a bend Azure ; 5, Argent, a chevron between three martlets Sable. Crest — A goat's head erased Argent, armed and ducally gorged Or, debruised by three bars-gemelles Gules. " Alibi : couppe in originali." Arms and Crest as at p. 10, the latter without the coronet. Gules, a lion rampant between three cross- crosslets Or, a label of three points Argent. Crest — An anchor erect Gules bezantee, ringed Azure. Azure, a wolf salient Argent. Crest — Five serpents entwined heads erect Vert, langued Azure. Quarterly — 1, Azure, three eagles displayed in bend between two cotises Argent ; 2, Gules, a fess counter-compony Argent and Sable between six crosses patee fi tehee of the second ; 3, Or, two bends Gules ; 4, Bendy of ten Or and Azure. Crest — A lizard Or, scaled Vert, ducally gorged and lined of the first. Arms as at p. 28. Crest — A unicorn statant Ermine, armed Or, a crescent Gules for ditl'erence. Arms quarterly as at p. 9, a crescent Gules for difference. Crest — A hind couchant regardant Argent, ducally gorged and lined Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Lozcngy Gules and Argent, a mullet for difference ; 2, quarterly, 1 and 4, Argent, three lozenges in fess Gules, quarter- KNIGHTS MADE 1513. 49 24. £v gtfdr'opfjcr (Kavnrns. 25. £r$cmi>fl)ooIc(fl)olc). 26. & r JToIjn Frrv, 27. S v Joim Jttarnci?. 28. S r JToIjn Ittavftfjam, 29. S v JToljn Sabagc. so. S v lEBtoarfci £tratflmcjc. 31. &* jrofw marantic. 32. & lEBtoavtJ ©ijamiinl^tt. ing Or, an eagle displayed Vert, legged Gules — 2 and 3, Gules, a sal tire Argent, a label of three points compony of the second and Azure, and a crescent for difference ; over all on an escucheon of pretence, quarterly — 1, Gules, a cross engrailed Argent ; 2, Argent, on a canton Gules a cinquefoil Or ; 3, Azure, a fess between three leopards' faces Or ; 4, Argent, on a fess dance ttee Sable three bezants ; 3, Gules, six martlets Argent, quartering, 1, Azure, a bend Or, a label of three points Argent ; 2, Argent, three garbs between six cross-crosslets fitchee Gules ; 3, Argent, a bend fusily Sable. Argent, a chevron Azure between three escallops Sable. Crest — A cubit arm grasping a scimi- tar embrued all proper, hilt and pommel Or. Quarterly of eight — 1, France and England quarterly, a label of three points Argent, on each point a canton Gules ; 2, Per pale Or and Sable, a saltire engrailed counterclmnged; 3, Gules, a saltire Argent, a label of three points compony of the second and Azure ; 4, Gules, a fess between six cross-crosslets Or ; 5, Chequy Or and Azure, a chevron Ermine ; 6, Argent, three fusils in fess Gules ; 7, Or, an eagle displayed Vert ; 8, Or, three chev- ronels Gules, quartering, Quarterly Argent and Gules fretty Or, a bend Sable. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a demi-griffin Argent, beaked and eared Gules. Arms as at p. 23. Crest — A boar passant Azure, bristled and tusked Or. Quarterly — 1, 2, and 4j as 1, 2, and 4 at p. 25 ; 3, Argent, a saltire Sable between twelve apples Gules slipped Vert ; the same Crest, without the cord. Azure, on a chief Or a demi-lion rampant issuant Gules. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 16, without the difference. Paly of six Argent and Azure, on a bend Gules three cinqucfoils pierced Or. Per pale Or and Gules, three lions rampant counterchauged. Quarterly of six — 1 and 6, Gules, an inescueheon Argent within an orle of cinquefoils Or ; 2, H 50 KNIGHTS MADE 1513. 33. S r fcltiH'm (Tlnjfflitl). 34. ftt imWm fJavvr. 35. S v lE&toarB XrtwH. 30. S v UX t'U'm ISsscv. 37. &» liattf lEgcrton. 38. S r JFamr s jFramrlmgftam. 39. S r JTofjn Nf\)l?n ofLever- sese. 40. S v Sof)n flftaimtoavmgr. 41. &* OfliU'm CpIct. 42. &>„?/ofjn Si)avpr. Gules, a chevron between three escallops Or ; 3, Ermine, a chief indented Gules ; 4, Azure, two lions passant-gardant in pale Or, a label of three points Argent ; 5, Azure, on a bend cotised Argent three saltires Gules. Crest — An ass's head Argent. Arms quarterly as at p. 21, but the chevron in the last quarter Argent instead of Sable, fretty Or ; and the same Crest. " Gules, a chevron, in the upper part two Sarraceyns' beds with towels coupe, in the nether part a man's head rased Argent." Arms quarterly (with a crescent for difference) and Crest as at p. 42. Arms quarterly of five as at p. 23. Crest — A bull statant Ermine, armed, collared, and lined Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, a chevron Ermine, surmounting another engrailed Or between three eagles displayed Argent ; 2 and 3, Sable, a chevron Or between three crescents Ermine. On an escucheon of pretence : Quar- terly — 1 and 4, Argent, on a chief Or a fleur- de-lis Gules ; 2 and 3, Ermine, a chief per pale indented Or and Gules. Crest — A demi- griffin Or, in the beak a talon Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a fess Gules be- tween three choughs Sable ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron Ermines between three crescents Sable. Crest — A panther's head erased Or, spotted Azure and Gules. Argent, a saltire Gules, a label of three points Vert, a mullet Or for difference. Crest — A hound's head Or, charged with a label of three points Vert between as many pellets 1 and 2. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, two bars Gules ; 2 and 3, Gules, a scythe Argent. Crest — An ass's head erased Sable, haltered " lyke hempe." Sable, on a fess Or between two wild-cats pas- sant-gardant Argent a cross patee between as many crescents Gules. Crest — A demi- wild-cat erased Or, spotted Sable, charged with a cross patee out of a crescent Gules. Argent, three falcons' heads erased Sable each charged with a chess rook Or within a bor- KNIGHTS MADE 1513. 51 43. S r (Sates. 47. S r fttrijarfl tfrmprst. 48. & r £2Ml'm Bmrton. 49. S r $cnn? ©torn. &* OTtUm ^ansavtic. & m,nvm usttt. dure engrailed Azure bezantee. Crest — A leopard's head erased per pale Sable and Or ducally gorged counterchanged. Arms as at p. 15. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, three square buckles Gules ; 2 and 3, Gules, three bars- gemelles Or, a canton Argent (Fitzosborxe). Crest — A demi-eagle (? falcon) Azure, wings expanded Gules, penoned Or, charged with three bars-gemelles of the last. Argent, three torteaux between two bendlets Gules, a chief Sable. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Per pale Gules and Azure, three lions rampant-gardant Or ; 2 and 3, Gules, a cinquefoil Argent. Crest — A demi- lion rampant-gardant Or. Argent, a bend between six martlets Sable. Argent, two bars Sable. Crest — A bear's head erased Sable, muzzled Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Owen as at p. 10, quarter- ing Gules, a chevron between three lions rampant Or ; over all abendlet sinister Argent ; 2, Or, a cross Azure, quartering 1, Argent, a bend Gules, on a chief of the second two mullets Or — 2, Sable, a chevron Ermine between three men's heads Argent crined Or — 3, Vair, a canton Gules ; 3, Paly of six Or and Gules, on a chief Argent three lozenges of the second, quartering 1, Argent, a bend between two cotises and six lions rampant Sable — 2, Azure, on a bend Argent three mullets Gules — 3, Ermine, a fess counter- compony Or and Azure. Azure, three stirrups Or. Crest — A panther's head Or, spotted Azure and Gules, breathing fire proper. Quarterly — 1 and 4 and 3, as 1 and 4 and 2 at p. 36 ; 2, Argent, on a chief Gules a bezant between two stags' heads cabossed Or. Crest — A lion's head erased Argent, in the mouth a human arm erased and bleeding proper. " Alibi a demy lyon Argent." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, three mullets Argent ; ■2 and 3, Gules, a cross flory Argent, in dexter chief an escallop Or. Crest — A falcon rising Azure, penoned Gules, beaked and belled Or. Amis as at p. 35. 52 KNIGHTS MADE 1513. ft* ft* ft* JtolW (Slcmnijam. Hrtfyur IHantagcnct, dubbed ftmnon ll>arrcourt. Bo\)\\ )2?oU)Uftt de Germania. ILctors He SStalUntrourte de Hannonia llauf Yt rnnn KtrijarB fflSfcattten. antes Sarcll. SUttfjonu ilhmgrrfov&r. ot ft* iiDtoarU r JToijn Bruges. S v ®SltU'm / iTi)ndje. &* George li>av\ii>. S v litrfjolas &r$&ott. S v fLnondl IBijmour. S r <2?BtoarB Bcnstc B. S r OTtU'm Smi>tfjc. S* JToijn Baunce. S v 2®ttU'm ffijomas. & Jfotm Wiseman. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a chevron engrailed between three griffins passant Sable ; 2, Azure, three eagles displayed between two bendlets Argent ; 3, Sable, three shovellers in pale Argent, billed Gules. Crest— A finch Vert, wings expanded Or, standing on a bur-stalk proper. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, on a bend Argent three trefoils slipped Vert ; 2, Sable, a lion rampant Argent within a bordure gobony of the second and first. Crest — A leopard statant gardant Sable platee, collared and chained Or, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped Vert. Arms quarterly of six the same as at p. 46. — The ears of a hare " grey." Gules, three bars-gemelles Or. Crest Per pale Argent and Or, a fess nebulee between three lions' heads erased Gules, out of each mouth the head of a spear Azure. Crest — A horse's head Azure bezantee, bridled Argent. Arms and Crest the same as at p. 32. Per fess Azure and Or, a pale counterchanged, three lions rampant of the second. Argent, on a cross Sable five crescents Or within a bordure gobony of the first and Vert, the latter bezantee. Crest— A roebuck's head Sable between two branches of nettles Vert. Of the Lorde Chamberleyn's Warde at the same tyme, the 13 day of Octobre, anno , were made Knightes : &* . . . . Br la gottrfjr, Sonne and heire of the Lorde Zouche. &*.... ifcttttOtt, sonne and heire of the Lorde Dudley. S v autfjure |i?opton. Quarterly — 1, Ermine, two bars Sable, on each three mullets pierced Or ; 2, Argent, a chevron Azure, a label of three points Er- mine ; 3, Argent, on a bend Gules three 54 KNIGHTS MADE 1513. S v ©OmontJ Brain S v (Srorgc £amtlrgcr. £ r * (Stitoarti (SrcutUc. S* tTfjomas tHjtltjpy*. S v iTijomas (ftamagr. S r litrijarB IJrrbrrt. £* zniWnx ittatljcto. $b x ©fjropijcr Baimi)am. mascles Or; 4, Gules, a griffin segreant Or. Crest — A griffin passant Argent, armed Or, holding in the dexter claw a pellet. Sable, on a cross engrailed Or five pellets within a bordure engrailed of the second. S* litrijartJ raugijan. S>* djrojrtjcr 3scu. £ r ftnUrrto Bnltsnn. S v £i)omas pannier. Quarterly — 1, Gules, a chevron between three bulls' heads cabossed Argent, horned Or, a crescent Sable for difference ; 2, Gules, on a bend Ermine a mastiff courant Sable, a crescent Argent for difference ("Walwyn); 3, Vert, six gouttes d'eau, 3, 3, in pale (Greyn- dor) ; 4, Or, a fess between six cross- crosslets Gules (Greyndor). Crest — A wild ass statant Sable, eared and legged Gules, spotted with estoiles Or. S r JTofm 2Fi)tmInIin>. S r Smnon JfttjlUcfjarD. S v SffiltU'm i3ato&ri>nnr. Knights dubbed at Lysle the 14 day of Octobre, anno : *>*.... licbt'U, sonne and heire Quarterly of six— 1, Gules, a saltire Argent, a to the Lordc Latymer. a» ^Mcrt ffaluott. ^> Snmon Be jFcrrato. ^ v Stomas JfucfjB, £ v |)aul armraorofffr. torteau for difference ; 2, Gules, a fess be- tween six cross-crosslets Or ; 3, Chequy Or and Azure, a chevron Ermine ; 4, Gules, crusily patee and a chevron Argent ; 5, Gules, a lion passant-gardant Argent ducally crowned Or ; 6, Argent, a bend Gules. Crest — A griffin passaut Or. Arms quarterly of six the same as at p. 52, over the whole a label of three points Argent, and a crescent Azure for difference. The same Crest, without a difference. "Gules, a man havinge a heddc pecc, a cuirassc, gantlets, and sabbottes of barneys and gorget, all the rest mayle with a hoode of the same about his shoulders, holding in the dexter KNIGHTS MADE 1513. 55 & r OTtU'm Be flotujon. $b v Sofm Be la gourtjr. S v JTofm 3Uj?ftc. S r ©BtoavB ©toft $b x Stomas (CoUamt. S v J&icijarB Bassett. S v Bo\)\i i«ai)i\U)cvtngc of Ightfeilde. S r HtcfjavU ISoggum. $& ©rrsscnor. S r gtarsnUn HaBcigff. &* WtU'm Stanley &»• «Ul'm |)oo!e. &* WtU'm 3Ln>lon&c. S r SUrxanticv ©rtoajston. gv jroijn ^olfovUt. &* (pttoarB Brlimcjfjam. S r Robert iiicVjJ>U of Leversege. &* £$tMm 3Li)S3lc. S r OTaltcv Calunlnj. hand a battle-axe erect Argent." Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a demi-man Or, and the arms holding a mace of the first. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, twelve bezant-, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, on a canton Ermine a crescent Azure ; 2 and 3, Barry of six Argent and Azure, quartering Or, three piles Gules, a canton Vair. Crest — On a staff couped and ragulee Or sprouting at the dexter end, a falcon with wings expanded Argent, a cres- cent fur difference. Arms as at p. 14. Vair, Ermine and Gules. Azure, three cocks Gules, combed, beaked, and legged Azure. Crest — A cock's head as in the Arms. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, two bars Gules, a crescent Or for difference ; 2 and 3, Oheqny Argent and Sable. Crest — An ass's head erased "dunne" in a hempen halter proper, a crescent Or for difference. Arms as at p. 41. Crest — A bull's head erased Sable, ducally gorged, lined and horned Or. Arms quarterly as p. 14. Crest — A stag's head cabossed Gules, the attires barry of six Or and Azure. Argent, on a fess Sable a lion passant between two escallops of the field, in chief nine ears of wheat Gules, 3, 3, 3, each placed one in pale and two in Saltire and banded Or. Crest — A dove's head Argent, wings endorsed Azure, in the beak Gules three ears of wheat Or. Argent, a greyhound passant Sable. greyhound as in the Arms. Crest— A 56 KNIGIITS MADE 1513. S r CTjomas otoav&c. S r COrorgc Damn &* OTuTm (fiasco tgnr, Junior. &* fflJ&flTttt i*lL'UiltOH. £>' ototijom. Azure, a bend Or, a label of three points Argent. Quarterly of five — 1, 2, 3, 4, as under IIknry, Earl of Northumberland, p. 20 ; 5, as on the escucheon of pretence ; and the same Crest, a crescent for difference. Quarterly — 1, Gules, on a bend between six cross-crosslets fitchee Argent an escucheon Or charged with a demi-lion rampant within a double tressure flory counter-flory of the first ; 2, Gules, three lions passant-gardant in pale Or, a label of three points Argent (Brotherton) ; 3, Chequy Or and Azure (Warren) ; 4, Gules, a lion rampant Or (Mowbray) ; a crescent Argent for difference. Crest — On a chapeau Gules, turned upErmine 3 a lion statant gardant, the tail extended Or, ducally crowned Argent and gorged with a label of three points of the last, a crescent Sable for difference. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 22. Amis and Crest as at p. II, a crescent for dif- ference. Arms and Crest as at p. 29, a crescent for dif- ference. KNIGHTS MADE 1513. 57 & r Nicholas ftppIcwuKr. &* lE&toavti <5orgc. S v 3EUttf 3£UcVCav, Junior. S r I£tJtoar& iEdjtngfjam. S> r ^Olj« StanlCPt bastarde. £* flatter Stonncr. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, a chevron between three owls Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chief Or, over all a lion rampant Azure debrni.sed by two bendlets Gules. Crest — A demi-tigor rampant quarterly Azure and Gules, maned Or, holding in the mouth an apple proper slipped Vert. Arms quarterly as at p. 22. Crest — A grey- hound's head "dunne," collared Gules. Azure, fretty and a chief Argent. Arras and Crest as at p. 47, a crescent for dif- ference. Azure, a fret Argent. Crest — A demi-griffin Vert. Or, three eagles' legs erased a-la-cuisse Gules, on a chief indented Azure as many bucks' heads cabossed of the field. Crest — An eagle's head Or, charged with three pellets, in the beak a lion's paw Gules, clawed Argent. Arras of Stonner as at p. 13. & r Ngngan iWavUimfilB. %* mauf iSotoos. %r Brgatt Stajjlcton. S r (ffittg Batonnj. % x llauf Salwaijn. & v IXtdjarU iWauIrucrcr. S» WLiU'm Constable of Hatfeld. & WLiil'm COUQtauIC of Carethorp. S r dTijrtstopfjrv Daninj. S r Stomas Buvgi). S r OTtU'm lioos. &* (LEltll'm Nrtoton. g* l\oqtv (Sim S>* Hourvt (ToIirngtootJ. %* Uoqtr jFarctorll. S v {Thomas Strancjutshr. S r 0oijn Bulmrv. S r a®t(alsmgham). ILorUc (lStaitamof Geynsparke Hall in Essex. S r 3fol)n ?i>cmon, dubbed at "Wyndesore the 3 day of Janu- ary anno nono. * v iud)arB SLSUsston, dubbed at AVyndesor the same tyme. S v (Tfjomas Dijnfjam. &* tTijomas 3£.vmcto, then Maire of London (1517). £ r .?/amcs i?CtfortJC, then Maior of London (1519). & r tTijomas &ri>mour, dubbed by the Kinge at Oallaia in anno 12 of his reigne. S r Hatorcncc Starrer of Nor- emberge in high Almaigne. S r SL&ttU'm Gagrotgnc of Card- inari)n>. S r ISDUjartl CVbtYt f sonne and heire to the Erie of Worcester. Horti IJotocs. S v #ll?bn* Ittancrs, brother to the Lorde Roos. S r Hoiert Scrmngfjam. S r iSDmotttJc BromgfdlBf. S r ISBtoavB Sromour. S v (Kcorgc fcStadjam. S v Salter ittantdl S r Ht'tijur 1300lc, brother to the Lorde Montagu. & r Stomas OTmttoortfjr. S r ftidjartu Corurtt. S r WLilVnt Stourton. S r KtdjarB SanBr*. Arms and Crest as at p. 43. Quarterly — 1, Gules, two wings conjoined in lure Or ; 2, Vair ; 3, Argent, three denii- lions rampant Gules ; 4, Argent, on a bend Gules three leopards' heads Or. Gules, a fess Or between a goat's head couped in chief and three escallops in base Argent within a bordure engrailed of the second, a crescent Azure for difference. Crest — An arm embowed vested quarterly Argent and Azure, holding downwards in the hand proper a sword Sable, hilted Or, on the blade three plates on each a cross Gules. Argent, a cross engrailed between four martlets Sable. Item, the said Lorde of Suffolke at the same tyme made these two Knightes on the Ryver of Some : £ v 3foi)\\ 29 utiles. S r l\Oi)Crt CttrdgJjt. Arms and Crest as at p. 42. Item, at Valenciennes the sayde Lorde of Suffolke made these two Knightes the 3 day of Decembre at the same tyme : S r WLilVm IJrojnigtmt. | £ r Barrtjolomcto 2Tatt. 60 KNIGHTS MADE 1525—1529. S* tTijomas (LSlvnotijcsIc » alias Garter Kinge of Armes, dubbed by Don Ferdinando, Archduke of Austria, at Nuremberge in Germany in anno 16 of the Hinge's reigne. * l " WtfH'm Baijh), then Maior of London, dubbed in anno d'ni 152") by the Kinge at Brydewell. ^ v Cijomas BaloTlJ, then Maior of London. & Jftt>.?/ainrs. S v IXoqtv Jjttagnors, dubbed at Wyndesore on Corpus Chr'i day anno 19 of the Kinge. £ v Cfjomajj lElgott S r iTfjomas SLfctharton. ^ l iltttoaiti Gotocr. & Wli\VmjFa$vf&x. % x llourvt £UarcpjU. S l ttrovgr iLaUisson. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, a cross Or between four doves Argent; 2, Argent, fretty Gules within a bordure engrailed Sable, ona canton of the second a lion passant Or ; 3, Argent, a pale fusily Gules within a bordure Azure bezantee. Crest — A buffalo's head erased Sable, ducally crowned, ringed and guttee d'or. " A bugle's bed." Chiles, a fess Vair, in base three martlets Argent, in chief on a bezant between two estoiles Or an anchor Sable. Crest — A dexter arm embowed habited Argent, on the arm a fess Vair cotised Azure, the hand proper, sup- porting a staff Or. "A woodhous arms Argent." Sable, on a chevron engrailed Or between three demi-griffins segreant Ermine as many mart- lets Gules. Crest — Out of a daisy proper leaved Vert, a demi-maiden proper habited per pale Or and Sable, girdle and sleeves counter- changed, crined of the second, the head en- circled with " a garland Gules budded Gold." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, a dolphin embowed Argent between three mullets pierced Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, a cross engrailed Sable, in the first quarter an eagle displayed Gules. Gules, three linns rampant Or. Sable, a cross engrailed Or. Sable, an eagle displayed Or armed Gules, on a chief Azure a chevron Argent between two crescents in chief and a rose in base Or, within a bordure of the fourth. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a fess Gules between two bars-gemelles wavy Azure ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron Gules between three towers Sable. Sable, a maunch Argent. Quarterly — 1 and I, Argent, lour bars (Jules, over all a cross patonce Sable ; 2 and 3, Ermine, a. cross patonce Gules. Arms of Fairfax as at p. 26. Ermine, a saltire (iules. Or, a. cross tlory Sable. Paly of four Gules and Vert, on a chevron Argent a greyhound's head erased Sable between two cinquefoils pierced Azure, on a chief of the third a pellet charged with a demi-liou KNIGHTS MADE 1525—1529. 61 & v IEBUmvU Bougijton of Wolwiche iu Kent. S r STijomas SpcUc. S r James Hftctcalfr. S v ©corge ©arcto. rampant of the third between two crescents of the fourth each charged with three plates. Crest — An ass's head erased Argent gorged Vert between three pellets. Gules, on a fess between three goats' heads Argent erased and attired Or as many fleurs- de-lis Azure. Crest — A goat's head per pale Sable and Gules platee erased and attired Or. Arms and Crest as at p. 26. Argent, three calves passant Sable. Arms and Crest as at p. 15, in the latter, the top of the mainmast set off with pallisa- does Or. Knightes made by the Kinge at Parlement tyme Anno D'ni 1529, the & TOtU'm ^usscc. S'Jofjn Hilton. & r Utolmt Canton. £ r iUdjarO gSrccnfttftc. & midjatU Wast. S r |)i)t'lt'}JJ)C Butler of Hertfordshire S r Stomas Stvaungc. S r JWjn ftussdl. & r Uobtxt ©tjcmTdtic . S* Haufc HJoUmrrr, Maior of London $& • • • • |)avgctn\ Maior of London. S r James Stvangutsdjc. S l .fames Spcnccv. S r smtUm Stvdton. S v Mauf HangforUc. %* ftntijotu) Balmtgton. S r • • • • Basset of Blowre. Yorke place now called Whitehall in the 21 yere of his reigne : % v fffjomas tre Curton. S v • • • • XoilDPCfjC, Justice. i-> 1 " . . . . £f)dle», Justice. S v Joljn HutJstonr. & Jfolm fttunUij. S v iSrgatt 2Tufte. S* Uobcxt ILrgtjf. & .f oljn ©Icdtc. S r JTofnt Oamtrt. §b v laBtoavB |)i>ncnngc. S r ©simrnc lidjmgijam. £* lEltUrn |) outfit. % x ilwmdl ilorrrs. S r .?oini (Tljamottn. £>*.... Smijttjc of Chester. &* „?amrs SLrmjouvnc. S r litdjarli ILamplcij at AVolton. S r BtdjartJ erirmrnt. £* JTofm alien. Sfe* tfijomas Sprit. £ T $ntn>JFarmour. Or, three pellets each charged witli a talbot passant of the field, on a chief Gules a lion passant between two anchors Argent. Azure, two tilting-spears Or barbed Argent saltirewise between four hearts of the second, on a chief of the same " a shipp Sable sette on fyre Gules." Argent, on a saltire Sable between four lions' heads erased Gules a martlet Or between as many bezants, on a chief Azure between two pales an anchor of the fourth. 62 KNIGHTS MADE 1532—1533. Knightes made at Callais on All-hallowvn day anno d'ni 1532 in the xxiiij yere of the reigne of the Kinge : S r Cljomas Daren of Essex. S v li>umfrn> Jforstrr of Bark- Quarterly — 1, Sable, a chevron engrailed between shire. three arrows Argent ; 2, Gules, two lions passant in pale Argent ; 3, Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, on a chief Gules two stags' heads cabossed Or — 2 and 3, Gules, bezantee, a chevron Argent ; 4, Or, a bend fusily Sable. $ r Jfoijlt EfttCtt of Waterton in Ireland. % x (TitOiqc Somerset! of Northampton. S* Clrottjr (T.njffiti) of Staffordshire. S r WEttU'm flrtormait of Northampton. % x C?Umon5 Alston of Staffordshire. S r ftljomas |3fllmCV, capitayne of Newenham bridge, dubbed by the Kinge the 10 of Novembre. These Knightes followinge were made at Greenewiche before the coronatiou of Queene Anne Bulleyn on the Sonday before Whit Sonday : S>* €l)f'opi)tr Danuij. S* (T^r'opijcr 3ih>Ii>arBc. &* Bri?an listings. sc Dorsctt. 3£vlc of Dcrui?. 3LovUc CltffortJ. UorflcjFit>toaltrr. Arms as those of Thomas, Lord Harington, at p. 24, without the second label. Crest — In front of a sun in splendour Or, a unicorn passant Ermine, armed of the first. Arms and Crest as those of Sir Thomas Stanley at p. 25, without the label. Quarterly — 1, Clifford as at p. 14 ; 2, Sable, a bend llory counter-flory Or ; 3, Or, a cross Sable; 4, Gules, six annulets, 2, 2, 2, Or, quartering Vert, three flint-stones Argent; and the same Crest. Quarterly — 1, Quarterly, 1 and I, and 2 and S, same as 1 and 2 at p. 11 ; 2, Argent, a lion rampant Sable ducally crowned Or within a KNIGHTS MADE 1533. 63 HorBc Hflountragle. 3LorBc Fault. S v il>cnnj |)arferr, sonne of the Lorde Morley. S v SBlflVm £Etim»rsovr. ^ r JToiju i-novtrant. bordure Azure ; 3, Gules, three luces hau- riant Argent ; 4, Argent, three bars Gules. Crest as at p. 41. Arms quarterly as at p. 34. Crest — A bull's head erased Sable, armed and ducally gorged Or, a label of three points. Quarterly — 1 and 4 as 1 and 2, and 3 as 2, under Derby as above without the escucheon, a crescent for difference ; and the same Crest. Quarterly of five — l,Chequy Argeni and Gules, on a chevron Azure three roses Or, quarter- ing Argent, on a chevron Gules between three eagles' heads erased Sable, beaked Or, as many crescents of the last ; 2, Azure, three bucks statant Or; 3, Gules, crusily fitchee and three luces hauriant Or ; 4, Argent, three chevronels Sable ; 5, Gules, crusily a chevron and in chief a lion passant Or. Crest — An eagle's head Sable, beaked Or. Quarterly — 1, Argent, a lion passant Gules between two bars Sable, on the first two bezants, on the second one, in chief three stags' heads cabossed of the third ; 2, Argent, a lion rampant Sable, ducally crowned Or ; 3, Barry undy of six Or and Gules, quart er- ing Azure, a lion rampant within an orle of fleurs-de-lis Argent ; 4, Gules, a bend lozeugy Or ; over all a label of three points Azure. Crest — A bear's head Sable, ducally gorged and muzzled Or, a label of three points Argent. Quarterly of six — 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 at p. 42 ; 2, Barry undy of six Or and Sable ; quartering — 1, Argent, two wolves passant Sable within a bordure Or charged with ten saltires Gules ; 2, Or, a tower triple-towered Azure ; 3, Vair. Crest — A buck's head af- fronted Argent. Quarterly of ten — 1, Argent, a chevron between three estoilcs Sable ; 2, Gules, a cross pat<>nce Or ; 3, Quarterly per pale indented, in the first and fourth quarters five lozeuges in cross Gules ; 4, Argent, a lion rampant Gules charged with a shield Or, thereon three mart- lets Azure ; 5, Argent, on a bend Sable a lure Or ; 6, Gules, a cross lozengy Argent ; 7, Quarterly per fess indented Or and Azure, 61 KNIGHTS MADE 1533. £ v (Thomas 3nm0rU. S l "Jfofm 1L?uWrteUm. gp (Thomas pogmnge*. £* C.covcjc jftntotntam. £ r .?/ohn iTmiBaU. a crescent Gules for difference ; 8, Gules, a griffin segreant Or, charged with a label of three points Azure ; 9, Argent, three lozenges in pale Gules; 10, Gules, an eagle displayed Argent within a bordure engrailed Or. " Upon the pendant of the lable about the gryf on's neke 3 flour de lycc golde." Crest — A Saracen's head proper, crined Sable, wreathed Argent and Purpure, collared Or. Arms quarterly (with a label of three points Gules) and Crest as at p. 58. Arms quarterly as at p. 46, a crescent for dif- ference. Crest — A wolf passant Argent, a crescent Gules for difference. Quarterly of six — 1, Argent, on a bend Sable three owls of the field ; 2, Or, six fleurs-de-lis Azure, a chief Argent ; 3, Gules, three bars- gemelles Argent ; 4, Gules, two bars between nine martlets Argent ; 5, Argent, a bend Sable between a dove volant Vert beaked and legged Gules in chief and a cross-crosslet of the second in base ; 6, Gules, a cross patee Or. Crest — A maiden's head proper vested Gules, crined and ducally crowned Or, out of the crown a plume of feathers proper. Gules, fretty Argent. Crest — Two arms dexter and sinister embowed proper, holding in their hands " the scalpe of a manne's hedde, the ynner syde rawe and bluddy, the outesyde heary." Quarterly as at p. 9, a bendlet sinister Argent ; and the same Crest. Quarterly — 1 and I, Argent, a chevron between three cross-crosslet s Sable within a bordure Sable bezantee ; 2 and 3, Argent, two bars engrailed Sable. Crest — A phoenix in flames of fire proper. Quarterly — 1, :', and 3, as 1, 2, and 3 at p. 21 ; I, Argent, three fleurs-de-lis Gules; and the same Crest. Quarterly — 1 and 1, Argent, a lion rampant- gardant Gules; 2 and 3, Gules, a bend be- tween six martlets Or. Crest — A griffin statant Gules, armed Azure. KNIGHTS MADE 1533. 65 Knightes made with the sworde at the same coronation, anno 25 of the Kinge's reigne : S r 3nBrrto ISwrrton. S r JWjn (JTfjatoortiK. & r JFoijn ©onstaijfc. Sb x Stomas Ctmpton. & r Stomas Mussijc. & r JTofm %t mtdro. S r Entfjoni? Mim&csore. & r IttarmatMfcc Sunstall S r i^cnrj) JFarmgton. S r Stomas Walsall &* lE&toartJjWton. & r lE&toarD Jtta&CBon. £ r fttdjartf 3Li?gon. S v mobcvt #cM)am. S r George (Togmrrs. S» ^umfrn> jTrrrns. Arms and Crest as at p. 15. Argent, a fess Gules between three calves pas- sant Sable. Arms as at p. 51, quartering Argent, a chevron between three crescents Gules ; and the same Crest. Vair Argent and Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, on a fess engrailed Or between three spear-heads Argent a grey- hound courant Sable ; 2 and 3, Gules, two chevrons Argent. Crest — A denii-greyhound Sable, gorged Or, holding in the mouth a broken spear of the second. " Quaere si foret caput leporarii." Purpure, on a fess Or between three horses passant Argent as many hurts. Crest — A leopard's head erased Vert, guttee d'eau. Arms quarterly of six and Crest as at p. 42. Sable, three combs Argent. Crest — A cock Argent, combed and beaked Or, wattled Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, three cinquefoils pierced Argent ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron Gules between three leopards' heads Sable. Crest — A wivern Vert, breast Or, langued Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, three dragons' heads erased Azure ; 2 and 3, Gules, three unicorns' heads erased Or. Argent, two chevrons and a canton Gules. Crest — On a chapeau Purpure turned up Er- mine a cinquefoil erect proper. Azure, a bend between two bucks' heads ca- bossed Argent. Azure, a maunch Or. Quarterly of five — 1, Ferrers as at p. 28 ; 2, Or, a cross patonce Gules ; 3, Or, a saltire engrailed Sable ; 4, Vair, a fess Gules ; 5, Bendy of ten Or and Azure. Crest — A plume of peacocks' feathers proper. K 00 KNIGHTS MADE 1533—1537. S v • • • • HcmgforD. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Paly of six Or and Gules, over all a bend Argent ; 2 and 3, Quarterly Gules and Argent. Crest — " Three chibolls (onion-heads) in a bushe of phesants' fefchers." S v JLMtirm Fmaulcs, Baron of Azure, two bars Argent, Kynderton. tTijomas, 5L ortfc Cromto t\l f dubbed at the breakenge up of the Parle- ment anno 28. g>t .... poU)Irtt, dubbed the same tjme anno 28. S r £i)omas ZZtijatt, dubbed on Ester-day anno 28, the 18 day of March 1536. & 3f la jftovtt, dubbed the same tyme. j© r (Scovcjc ^prrftr, dubbed at "Wyndesore the 16 of October anno 28. $F cmtagr. S v {Thomas *njmom\ & v tttrhavB SLongr. £»' ggttU'm Coffim. S v i*ltri)arl H»»trv (Hm&trr Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a greyhound cou- rant Sable between three wolves' heads erased Gules " hyndes heddes alibi " within a bordure Azure charged with ten cinquefoils of the field ; 2, Or, three garbs Gules, quarter- ing Gules, a cross patonce between four trefoils slipped Or ; 3, Barry of six Argent and Gules, a canton of the second (Corbet). Crest — On a cinquefoil Purpure a greyhound's head couped Sable, collared Or. Quarterly of five — 1, 2, 3, 5, as 1, 2, 3, 4 at p. 59 ; 4, Per bend Argent and Gules, three roses in bend counterchanged. Crest — A phoenix Or, wings expanded Azure, in flames proper. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, crusily and a lion rampant Argent ; 2, Argent, on a chief Gules a bezant between two stags' heads cabossed Or ; 3, Gules, two wiugs conjoined Or. Crest — A demi-lion rampant Argent, holding in the mouth a human arm couped proper. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, three bezants within seven cross-crosslets Or; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron between three mullets pierced Sable. Quarterly — l and I, Azure, on a cross Argenl bel ween four magpies < >r live torteaux on each KNIGHTS MADE 1533—1537. G7 $o x ftofccrt Dormer. £ r JToftn BHfllianw. S r fytnvv 3tn»toctt. &* $ugh |)oto~lctt. S r strpijen |JrcocUf. £ r lEBtoarB ittontagu. S v 3l>umfrn> Brotonc & isnuase CTli?fton. S v llohcrt Botors. S v lUttf £bcns. &* otJtoarD mmtUham. £»• Cijr'onhrr itforrys. an estoile of the third ; 2 and 3, Gules, semee of crescents and a lion rampant Argent. Crest — On a mound a buck statant Sable bezantee, attired and ducally gorged Or. Azure, ten billets, 4, 3, 2, 1, Or, on a chief of the • second three Cornish choughs Sable. Crest — A wolf passant Sable between two wings Argent. Arms as at p. 30. Crest — A fish-weir. Arms quarterly of six and Crest as at p. 41. Quarterly of eight — 1 and 8, Poulett as at p. 16 ; 2, Azure, six mascles in fess, 3 and 3, Argent ; 3, Azure, on a chief Or a demi- lion rampant issuant Gules ; 4, Gules, three lions passant in pale Argent ; 5, Barry of six Argent and Gules ; G, Argent, a chevron between three garbs Gules, banded Vert ; 7, Argent, a fess between three cinquefoils Gules. Crest — An arm embowed habited Sable, in the hand proper a sword Argent, hilt and pomel Or. Gules, on a fess engrailed Argent between three bezants, on each a peacock's head erased Azure, as many mascles Sable. Crest — A peacock's head Or, wings expanded Azure, holding in the beak a serpent Vert. Argent, three lozenges conjoined in fess Gules within a bordure engrailed Sable. Crest — A griffin's head Or, wings endorsed and beak Sable. Arms and Crest as at p. 44. Arms quarterly as at p. 25. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a peacock's head per pale Argent and Sable, wings expanded counter- changed. Ermine, three bows in pale Gules, a crescent for difference. Crest — A sheaf of arrows Or, feathered Argent, banded Sable, buckled of the first. Arms as at p. 24. Crest as at p. 48. Azure, a chevron between three lions' heads erased Or. Crest — A fetterlock Or chained of the first and Argent, within the chain a lion's head erased of the first. Azure, a battle-axe in bend sinister surmounted by a tilting-spear in bend dexter Or headed Argent, between four cannons of the second, 68 KNIGHTS MADE 1537—1542. S r ftauf ZZttirrrn. & r Roger CTijolmdcg. 5 r iUcfjarD Grcsfjam. £* fllercgtoaU $>artr. £»' Hauf rcrncw. S r tTljomas fcSlvtothcsIn>. £r Robert SouthtocU. & flicholas 1i>avc. S r antijoni? Itmtgrjjton. on a chief of the same a fleur-de-lis of the field between a demi-rose Gules, emitting rays of the third and the stump of a tree eradi- cated and couped at the top Gules. Crest — A tower Or inflamed Gules. Azure, on a chevron between three lozenges Argent as many griffins' heads erased of the first, on a chief chequy Or and Gules a hound courant Ermine. Crest — Two hounds' heads erased addorsed Gules and Argent, eared Sable, gorged with a wreath counter changed. Gules, a sword in fess Argent hilted Or, point dexterwards, between a helmet close in chief and two garbs in base Or, a martlet for dif- ference. Crest — On a royal helmet Gules a garb Or. Argent, a chevron 'between three mullets pierced Sable, on a chief Gules a pelican of the first winged Or between two lions' gambs erased of the last. Crest — A grasshopper proper. Per chevron Azure and Gules, two bucks, their sterns in chief, drinking at a mural well in base Or. Crest — Out of a heart Purpure, between two wings Or, three sprigs of cinque- foil of the first, stalked Vert. Arms and Crest as at p. 12. Quarterly — 1, Wriothesley quartering 2 and 3 as at p. GO ; 2, Per pale indented Gules and Azure, over all a lion rampant Or; 3, Argent, a chevron Gules between three Cornish choughs Sable, a crescent for difference ; 1. Sable, a chevron Or between three cross- crosslets fitchee Argent. The same Crest. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, three cinquefoils pierced Gules, each charged with five bezants ; 2 and 3, Ermine, a gemcl-ring Sable, on a chief of the second three crosses pa tee Argent. Crest — A demi-Indian goat Argent, eared and hoofed Gules, charged on the body with three annulets in pale of the second. • Iiilis, two bars and a chief indented Or. Crest — A demi-lion rampant Argent, holding erect a cross botonny fitchee Gules. Arms of Kingston as at p. f>2, quartering Ar- gent, a lion's head Or between a chevron and a chief Sable. The same Crest. KNIGHTS MADE 1537—1542. 69 & r MtrfjarD CromtocU. &* 2Ti)omas ^opr. £ r JToijn arunBrll. S r Jtofm Bafter. S r |£tcf)olas Jformatt. S r JToijn &rt sfjam. S r antong 3Lf gfjf . S>* fttartttt BotottS, Maior of Loudon. £1 $?cnn> l^otoarB, Erie of Surrey, attainted. Gules, three chevronels Argent, over all as many lions rampant Or. Crest — A demi- lion rampant Or, charged with three chev- ronels Gules, holding between the paws a plummet Azure. Per pale Or and Azure, on a chevron between three griffins' heads erased four fleurs-de-lis all counterchanged. Crest — Two griffins' heads erased addorsed Or and Azure, ducally gorged counterchanged. Arms quarterly as at p. 46. Crest as at p. 64, without the difference. Azure, on a fess between three swans' heads erased Or, ducally gorged Gules, as many cinquefoils of the last. Crest — An arm em- bowed habited Vert, holding in the hand proper a swan's head erased Or. Barry nebulee of six Argent and Azure, on a chev- ron Sable three martlets Or, on a chief Gules a lion passant-gardant between two anchors of the fourth. Crest — A demi-dragon rampant proper. Sable, on a bend between a talbot courant in chief and a dolphin embowed in base Argent three torteaux. Crest — An arm embowed vested bendy of six Argeut and Sable, the hand proper cuffed of the second holding up a bunch of holly also proper. Argent, a chevron Ermines between three mul- lets pierced Sable, on a chief Or a trefoil slipped Azure between two hinds' heads erased of the second, double gorged of the first, a martlet Or for difference. Crest — A grasshopper, in the mouth a heartsease proper. Argent, on a fess Azure between three unicorns' heads erased Sable as many columbines of the first slipped and leaved Or. Crest — A falcon Or winged Gules preying on "an egle's foot " Azure. Ermine, three bows in pale Gules, on a chief Azure a swan Argent in the beak a ring, between two leopards' heads Or. Crest — A demi-lion rampant-gardant Gules holding up a sheaf of arrows Or, feathered Argent, bound Azure. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 56, on the Arms a label of three points Azure, and on the Crest label Argent, another Azure. 70 KNIGHTS MADE 1537-1542. & r OTtUtam, Horn paro. S r .3FofmVmum. g>* &tttf)0ng lim>urt, Porter of Callais. x 1 lltdjavH iilannns. &* (Tijomas Borottgij. Sb v liattf SaUICV t of Stondon in com. Hertford. &* iitimonU Itmgijtln?. S l (TijVopijcr flrtovc of Hamp- shire. S>* Jlamrs Jfoulrcijampr. Quarterly of six — 1, 2, 3, as 1, 2, and 3 at p. 42 : 4, Vair, a fess Gules ; 5, Or, three chevronels Gules, a chief Vair: 6, Barry of eight Argent and Gules, a fleur-de-lis Sable; and the same Crest. Anns of Vernon and Crest as at p. 21. Aims quarterly of six and Crest as at p. 41. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, two bars Azure, a chief Gules ; 2, Gules, three watcr-bougets Argent, quartering, 1, Azure, a Catherine-wheel Or, 2, Gules, three wheels Argent, and 3, Argent, a fess between two bars-gemelles Gules ; 3, Quarterly — 1, Gules, three lions passant- gardant Or within a bordure Argent ; 2 and 3, Argent, a saltire engrailed Gules; 4, Or, a lion rampant Gules. Crest — A peacock in pride proper. Argent, a saltire Gules. Crest — A parrot Vert, 1 leaked Gnles. Quarterly — 1, 2, 3, 4, as 1, 3, 2, 4 at p. 48, without the label. Crest as at p. 14. Per pale Or and Azure, guttee ami a lion ram- pant all counterchanged, on a canton of the second a buck's head cabossed Or. Crest — A demi-lion rampant Azure guttee d'or. Added, Or, a lion rampant per fess Azure and Gules. Crest — A demi-lion rampant Azure ducally crowned Or. Arms as at p. 26, on an escucheon of pretence, Quarterly of five — 1, Quarterly Gules and Or, on the first a mullet Argent ; 2, Gules, on a bend between six cross-crosslets fitchee Ar- gent an Erminespot; 3, Gules, six escallops Argent; 4, Or, a chevron Gules, a bordure engrailed Sable ; 5, Per chevron Sable and Argent, in chief three leopards' faces Or. ( Vest as at p. 26. Azure, on a cross Argent five martlets Sable, in the first quarter an annulet Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, abend between six escallops Or; 2, Argent, a bend Azure crusily Or; 3, Argent, a chevron between three escallops Gules. Crest — A leg couped at the thigh per pale Sable and Or. wreathed at the knee Azure and Argent, spurred of the third. Anoi her added, " ung chatloup," quarterly Sable and Or. KNIGHTS MADE 1537—1342. 71 £ r JWjnGoattoijftr. S r |i?umfrcij ratmgefctttJc. S r ftauf Hanc. & lEtitoarti ©ante. % x |)artridjc. &v&td)art>|)ouavD. S r itttdjad flovmev. S v fttcfjarft e?»gccomfce. & .fofm ^utltfrforar . £ v Jfofm $armgton. S r OZStU'm W\ilo\itf)b\\ & r Stomas atopic of Kent. Argent, a bend Gules between six Cornish choughs Sable, beaked and legged of the second, on a chief Or three horses' heads couped Sable, bridled Argent. Crest — "A gryflbn's hed betweene two wynges plated." Arms of Gascoigne as at p. 18. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. ! 7. Argent, a lion rampant Gules within a bordure Sable. Sable, a Julian cross Argent, in chief a crescent Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a chevron Azure between three escallops Gules, a crescent for difference ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron Sable between three mullets pierced Gules. Crest — A demi-polecat Or. Azure, ten billets, 4, 3, 2, 1, Or, on a chief of the second a lion rampant issuaut Sable, a mullet for difference. Crest — A wolf statant Sable, in the mouth a wing Argent. Arms as at p. 46. Quarterly of six — 1 and 2 as at p. ; 3, Mor- TiirER, on the escucheon three nails points in base Sable ; 4, Ermine, on a chevron Sable three crescents Or ; 5, Argent, a fess between three leopards' heads erased Sable ; 6, Vair, a canton Gules. Crest as No. 1 at p. 44, without the difference. Quarterly — 1, Sable, a fret Argent ; 2, Argent, a cross flory Sable ; 3, Argent, a lion rampant double-queued Azure ; 4, Gules, three escal- lops Argent. Quarterly of seven — 1, Or, on two bars Gules three water-bougets Argent ; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, as 1 to 6 at p. 47, a crescent for dif- ference. Quarterly — 1, Gules, an ass statant within a bordure Argent ; 2, Gules, a greyhound Or between two bars Argent and three martlets Sable thereon, in chief as many plates ; 3, Ar- gent, a saltire Sable between four estoiles Gules; 4, Quarterly per fess and per pale embattled Argent and Sable. Crest — Two demi-dragons addorsed and interlaced, the one Gules, the other Or. 72 KNIGHTS MADE 1537-1542. Wtaltrr limorrt S r Stomas Sohanrs. S r WBilVm Faugljan. S r ftoncrt Erton. £ r IHtfmonfci |)tcfef)am (note, Richard), Cofferer in the Kinge's howse. & r ttotolantJ mv\l S r George Cotton. S r lictgnolD Scotte of Kent. & r JToijn CanDnsiic. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Per pale Gules and Azure, three lions rampant Argent ; 2, Argent, a chevron between three Cornish choughs Sable ; 3, Sable, a chevron between three spear-heads Argent imbrued Gules. Crest — A maiden's head couped Sable at the shoulders, crined and eared Or. Argent, a chevron between three Cornish choughs Sable within a bordure engrailed Gules be- zantee, a mullet for difference. Crest — Two battle-axes in saltire, handles Azure, heads Or, between the upper ends a Cornish chough Sable, " alibi no byrde here." Sable, a chevron between three boys' heads couped at the shoulders Argent, crined Or, their necks encircled with serpents Azure. Gules, a 'fess and a bordure engrailed Ermine. Crest — An arm in armour embowed proper, holding erect in the hand a sword Argent, hilted and pomelled Or, on the point a boar's head couped Sable, the neck distilling blood. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a chevron Or between three cross-crosslets fitchee Argent ; 2 and 3, Or, on a fess Gules between three mullets Sable as many cross-crosslets fitchee Argent. Crest — A lion's head affrontee Sable pierced with three cross-crosslets fitchee Argent. Azure, two bars Argent, on a canton Sable a chevron between three pheons Argent, on the chevron a hind's head erased between two mullets of the third. Crest — A hiud's head erased Azure, collared Argent, in the mouth a trefoil slipped Vert. Azure, a .chevron between three cotton twists Argent, a mullet for difference. Crest — An eagle with wings expanded Argent, beaked and legged Or, holding in the dexter claw a cornet Or, " alibi, holdinge a buckle Or, thonge B." Crest — A demi-griffin wings endorsed Sable, beaked Or. Quarterly — f, Argent, three piles wavy Gules; 2 and 8, Sable, a chevron Or between three cups uncovered Argent ; i, Barry of six Er- mine and Sable. ( 'rest — A greyhound's head Azure, collared Or. KNIGHTS MADE 1512—1543. S r Uonugattg Jttacamijce of Irelande, dubbed at Grenwichc the first day of October, anno 34, and g r ntti)\lVt |ttafc= tttVttf also then dubbed, who bare these armes with a cres- cent difference. & r JTof)tt SfrtmBrll of Treryse. Argent, a hart statant Gules, attired or. roe bucke, but a harte." No S r JToijtt CotfS of London, Maire. & r smarm f&erfccrt, dubbed anno 35. S r ftofoert 2Ti)rb)i)ttf. S r WMVm tycttv. S r JToljnJFogac. Quarterly of six — 1, Sable, a hound courant be- tween six swallows Argent ; 2, Sable, three chevronels Argent ; 3, Argent, a bend en- grailed Sable, on a chief Gules three mullets Or on each a hurt ; 4, Argent, a chevron Sable between three bucks statant Gules ; 5, Vert, a lion rampant-gardant Argent, over all a fess Gules ; fi, Greenfield. Per pale Or and Azure, two dolphins hauriant addorsed and counterchanged, on a chief Sable a covered cup of the first between as many dove-cotes Argent. Crest — An arm erect habited paly of six Or and Azure, hold- ing in the hand proper a covered cup Or. Quarterly — 1, Herbert as at p. 17, a bordure gobony Or and Gules, the latter bezant'''- ; 2, Crusily and three boars' heads couped ; 3, Argent, three bendlets engrailed Gules, a canton Or ; 4, Gules, three leopards' heads jessant-de-lis Or ; over all a crescent for dif- ference. Crest as at p. 72, a crescent for difference. Arms same as at p. 15. Crest — A demi-savage Argent, cinctured Vert, holding in both hands a club of the first. Gules, on a bend Or between two escall ops Argent a Cornish chough Sable beaked and legged of the first between as many cinque- foils Azure, on a chief of the second a rose of the first seeded of the second between two demi-fieurs-de-lis of the fourth. Crest — Two hounds' (probably should be lions') heads erased and addorsed, the first Azure, the second Or, collared and in the mouth of each an annulet all counterchanged. Quarterly — 1 and 1, Argent, on a fess between three annulets Sable as many mullets pierced of the field ; 2, Paly wavy of six Or and Gules; 3, Azure, three baskets Or. Crest — A unicorn's head Argent, maned Sahle. armed Or. L 74 KNIGHTS MADE 1512—1544. Azure, on a cross engrailed between four eagles displayed Argent five lions passant Sable. Crest — A demi-heraldic tiger salient Sable, tufted and ducally gorged Argent. Arms as at p. 54. Arms quarterly as at p. 70, but 1 and 4 the chief quarterly Azure and Gules, in the first and fourth two fleurs-de-lis, and in the second and third a lion passant-gardant Or ; and the same Crest. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Stradlinge as at p. 49 ; 2 and 3, Azure, a chevron between three crescents Or, quartering chequy Or and Gules, a fess Ermine. Crest — A buck statant Argent, about his neck a scarf Or. Quarterly — 1, as at p. 57 ; 2, Ermine, a cross patonce Gules ; 3, Argent, a saltire engrailed Sable between four cinquefoils Gules ; 4, Argent, three Cornish choughs Sable, beaked and legged Gules. Crest — Two dolphins hauriant and addorsed Azure and Or entiled with a ducal coronet per pale counterchanged. tftt'rijarU SotttfitorH, dubbed at the Parlement Anno 33, who with these 3 following ar placed in the originall before S r Richard Edgecombe : & r ISBtoarB ittarbgn. £ r isBtoarfl Xortij. S r fcSttU'm Dcnljam. S r aittlTm 13 agf tt, Lord Pagett of Beaudesert, wrytten then of Bromley in com. Stafford. S r JFouHtc Gsrrbrll S r BirijartJ flftanncm S r lEBtoarB £traMtngc. S r ftauf lEHmar. x Knightes (58 in number) made in Scotland by the Erie of Hertforde, the Kinge's Lieutenant Generall, of whom 41 were made at Leith the 1 1 day of May Sonday after the destruction of Edenborough and other townes in anno 36 of the Kinge's reigne (6 at Leith marked * on the 13th, and 11 at Butterden marked f on the 18th of the same month— Harl. MS. 6063) : lEBtoarB, ftorBc CTlimton. Joijn, ILovOr Cognmm & v ZEltirm Mtrougljton. £ r (Tljomas #>olrroftr. Quarterly — 1 and 4, as at p. 32 ; 2 and 3, Quarterly Or and Gules. Crest — " Owte of a crowne Gules six feathers Argent with a blew lace." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, a maunch Or, an annulet Sable for difference ; 2 and 3, Azure, crusily and 3 cinquefoils Argent, quartering Azure, three bars-gemellcs and a chief Or. Crest — A sinister wing Gules. Arms as at p. 17. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a cross and bor- dure engrailed Sable; 2, Argent, a squirrel Gules devouring a nut Or ; 3, Argent, an eagle Sable standing on a child proper swathed Gules, a crescenl for difference. KNIGHTS MADE 1544. 75 £* IclitoartJ Ztamll. &* Jfofjtt $CttmtS of London, Skynner. S r Stomas 2£tatnton of Yorkshire. * &* Cijarlcs igotoartte. * ie r (Sforjc Blount. t £* ^tttx Jftctotag. t S r ISBtoarB a&tantcr. S r ftauf Bulmcr. S v 3#ugi) Cijolmclrp. S v 2Tijomas Her, Doctor. S v litdjartJ lUc of St. Alban's. (7res/ — A raven Sable, wings endorsed, holding erect in the dexter claw a sword in pale Argent, hilt and pomel Or, a crescent of the last for difference. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Arms of Darrell as at p. 10, the crescent surmounting a lozenge fitchee ; 2 and 3, Argent, two bars and in chief as many lions rampant Gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a Saracen's head in profile couped at the shoulders proper, bearded Sable, wreathed about the temple Argent and Sable, on the head a chapeau Azure fretty of the third. Or, a bend between six martlets Sable. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, on a fess Gules three bezants ; 2 and 3, Gules, a bull's head cabossed Argent, armed Or. Crest — A demi- lion erased holding erect in both paws a mace Azure. Arms as at p. 35. Arms quarterly as at p. 56, but 3 and 4 trans- posed, with difference and Crest as at p. G9. Arms quarterly as at p. 16. Crest — "An armed foote in the sonne." Azure, a unicorn salient Ermine, armed Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Per bend indented Sable and Argent, quartering Azure, a fleur-de-lis Or ; 2 and 3, Vert, a cross engrailed Argent; over all a crescent for difference. Crest — A double plume of feathers Or, a crescent for difference. Gules, billitee and a lion rampant Or. Gules, two helmets close Argent in chief, a garb Or in base, a fleur-de-lis on a crescent of the last for difference. Crest as at p. 68. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, two bars Argent, a bend gobony Or and Gules, a crescent for difference ; 2 and 3, Argent, two bars Gules, on a canton of the second a maunch of the first. Crest — Au arm embowed habited chequy Or and Gules, cuffed Argent, holding erect in the hand proper a sword of the third, hilt and pomel of the first, the point trans- fixing a dragon of the third. Per chevron Or and Gules, in chief two lions rampant Sable combatant. Crest — A dexter arm embowed in armour holding a sword, from the blade flames of fire issuing, all proper. 76 KNIGHTS MADE 1544. £ r $)rter 3Ur. £ r JoljttlLrgfjof Bowthe. ie r ILatorrnce *mj>tijr. S r QMXilVm Fauasour. & T XUrijarD Sljtrfiouror. £ r SXQbtvt Stapleton. S r Cijomaa $?oltr. t & r otfjomr of Yorkshire. t £ r .?of)nittassij. S r iUonarOc Bccfttojrtije. £ r 2Ti)oma» dToUcmt of Ash- burne in com. Derby. Azure, two bars wavy Ermine, on a chief Or a demi-lion rampant issuing .Sable, on the breast three wounds Gules. " One wound on the lion's breast." Crest— An ostrich's head quarterly Azure and Or between two wings expanded Gules, in the beak a horse-shoe of the second. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 52. Motto — " Je le veul bien." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a lion rampant- gardant Vert ; 2 and 3, Vert, an eagle dis- played Argent. Crest — A unicorn's head Argent, armed Or. Quarterly— 1 and 4, as at p. 30 ; 2, Argent, on a fess Azure three fleurs-de-lis Or, quartering Argent, a bend between six martlets Gules ; 3, Bendy of six Argent and Azure. Crest as at p. 39. Argent, a chevron between three cross-crosslets Sable. Crest — A man's head in profile couped at the shoulders and a rope round the neck, all proper. Azure, a fess between three fleurs-de-lis Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, three greyhounds courant in pale Argent, quartering Gules, a bend gobony Argent and Azure, over all a chief Or ; 2 and 3, Azure, on a bend between six martlets Argent a crescent Gules for dif- ference. Crest — A greyhound statant Argent, collared Azure. Barry of ten Argent and Azure, on a canton Or a martlet Sable. Gules, a lion passant Argent. Argent, a chevron Gules fretty Or between three hinds' heads erased of the second, on a chief of the same a saltire engrailed of the third between two roses of the field, at each end of the chief a demi-fleur-de-lis of the same. Crest — A stag's head erased quar- terly Or and Azure, the attires counter- changed. Arms (quartering Argent, two bars Vert) and Crest as at p. 55. KNIGHTS MADE 1541. 77 & r lifter JFredjfbtUe of Stave- ley in com. Derby. & r KtcfjarB ISgnton. S r &Htijoni> ilcuijU. t S r Soijn |lebi?U. s r smarm &aMt«* of orde- sale. S r George Botocs of the Byshopryke. * S v ffitrijan Brcrvton. S r SUlttl'm JSrmton. * S r fto&cr Brecrctcm. S r ISBtoavDi smavrcn. S r Brgan 3La»ton of Lanca- shire. & r itoiiert OTortcslcg (OTorsdc}?). S r Stomas S"aH)Ot of Bashall. S r $ugJ) Calbdcg, & r 2Tijomas <£lm of Norff. S r mtdjarti ^oHantir. j& r ^Tijomas Fenafclr s, made Knight at Edenborough. S r JfoijU Constable of York- shire. & r iSKmontJ ^rafforB of Lancashire. S r Soijn &tijerte Isgerton. t & v l>ugi) Wteluqfifbg. t S r Oijomas Constable of Yorkshire. * £ r OTtU'm tLStootHjous of Norf. quaere si 1'uit miles. t SB* fsBmonB &atoage. &* Stomas Dfimr. S r ^Thomas CarDen. & r |3ijthjjpc il>ofchi?. £> r 2Ti)omas 13a&ton. S r 3Tohn BarUcIcr?. S r paries BrantJon. S r JFranctS HsUut of Lincoln- shire. S r ftattf Fan*. & r Mirijarft i)anuc. &* Xtdjolao Zgtrottoorfyr of Essex. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, crusily patee Or, a Bait ire Argent ; 2, Or, a fess dancettee Gules, in chief three martlets Sable ; 3, Trout- BECKE, a mullet pierced Or for difference. Crest — An arm erect habited Azure, charged with a quatrefoil Argent, holding in the hand proper a garb Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a sling in bend be- tween two pheons Argent ; 2 and 3, Argent, three bends engrailed Gules. Crest — A hind statant Sable, holding in the mouth an arrow Argent. " Quaere quod genus ani- malis, forsan equus." Argent, on a chevron embattled counter- embattled Gules between three griffins' heads erased Azure each holding in the beak a cin- quefoil slipped of the third and Or as many roses of the last. Crest — A falcon belled, holding in the dexter claw a thistle proper leaved Vert. Quarterly — 1, Argent, six fleurs-de-lis Azure, a chief indented Or, quartering Or, on a chevron between three lions' heads erased Gules as many bezants ; 2, Azure, a cross Or ; 3, Argent, a chevron between three bears' heads erased Sable, muzzled Gules, quarter- ing — 1, Ermine, on a chief indented Gules three crowns Or ; 2, Sable, a fess between two chevrons Or; and 3, Argent, a fess between three crescents Gules ; over all a crescent for difference. Crest as at p. 15. Arms quarterly of six and Crest as at p. 41. Arms quarterly as at p. 44, abendlct sinister Or, and the same Crest. Sable, a fess Or between three asses passant Argent. Crest — An ass's head erased Argent, haltered proper. Azure, three dexter gauntlets Or, a bendlet sinister Gules. Crest — An arm erect in armour Or, gauntlet Gules, grasping three branches of heartsease proper. " Alibi the gauntlett only : no pari of the arme." Vert, on a chevron between three falcons volant Or as many trefoils slipped Sable. Crest — Out of a mound Vert four vine-branches of the second bearing grapes proper. Arms of WENTWORTH as at p. 46, without the difference, quartering Gules, three re- KNIGHTS MADE 1544. 81 S'llauf Ronton. & Jjfoijtt $)otolrtt, now Mar- quyse of Wynchester. S v Stomas f*t organ of Wales. &v Robert Stafford. £* fcfcttU'm Blount S l &ntnrfcMnamocnr. S v Utrfjavti «L2tyngrfnltff. * l Iftaurtrr Bavfelrnr. &* .?/ofin ZStriltsbourn. cuchcons Argent ; over all an annulet for difference. Crest as at p. 4 0, with the same difference, per pale Or and Gules. Gules, crusily fitchee and a lion rampant Or, a crescent Sable for difference. ( 'rest — A lion's head erased Or charged with a bend Gules, thereon three cross-crosslets of the first. Quarterly of nine — 1, Powlett as at p. 1G; 2, Gules, three fleurs-de-lis Ermine ; 3, Barry of six Or and Vert; 1, Argent, on a chief Gules two mullets pierced Or ; 5, Gules, two lions passant-gardant Argent ; G, Barry of six Ermine and Gules ; 7, Azure, a fess be- tween three fleurs-de-lis Or; 8, Argent, fretty and a canton Sable ; 9, Argent, six martlets Sable ; over all a label of three points. Crest as at p. 36. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, a griffin segreant Sable ; 2, Argent, guttee and a cross patonce Sable ; 3, Argent, a unicorn salient within a bordure engrailed Sable. Crest — A buck's head ca- bossed double attired Or. Quarterly of six — 1 and G, Or, a chevron Gules and a canton Ermine, a mullet for difference ; 2, Ermine, a fess Sable between three bee- hives Or ; 3, Azure, a cross Argent ; 4, Azure, two bars Argent, each charged with three martlets Gules ; 5, Per fess Gules and Azure, a lion rampant Or. Crest — Out of a ducal coro- net per pale Or and Gules a boar's head Sable. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Blouxt as at p. 1 6 ; 2 and 3, Quarterly paly of four Or and Gules and Er- mine within a bordure Azure, impaling Ar- gent, a cross flory Sable, on a canton Gules a lion's head erased of the first crowned Or ; and the same Crest. Argent, on a cross between four mullets pierced Gules five acorns Or. Crest — A tree ragulee Vert flamant Gules. Arms quarterly as at p. 47. Crest — A bull statant quarterly Sable and Or. On each an annulet fur difference. Arms quarterly of six as at p. 41, anl Crest as at p. 19. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a chief counter- compony Or and of the first, over all a griffin segreant of the second, debrnised by a bend 82 KNIGHTS MADE 1544—1545. Ermine ; 2, Sable, a fess counter-compony Or and Azure between three goats' heads erased Argent ; 3, Argent, a tower triple-towered between three covered cups Azure, quartering Ermine, on a canton Gules an owl Argent. Crest — A harpy Or without wings, but with a peacock's tail displayed proper. " Alibi no byrde but haulfe the body of a mayden the armes and brestes seene downe to the nether ribbes and behind it the pecock's fethers." S l Sfctiirm Buttrs. £> Grorg? Baimfjam. S r UtrijavB CanKwsijr, Cape- tayneof Blacknesse, dubbed in Scotland by the Erie of Hert- forde the 23 of September, anno 37 of the Kinge's reigne. S r OTtll'm 5La.VtO«, dubbed at the Pallas of Westm' anno 37 of the Kinge's reigne, on Sonday the 7 of February, he then beinge Mai or of London. £ r <5covgc (TonttoaU, dubbed at Bulleyn by the Erie of Eertforde anno 37 of the Kinge's reigne. Azure, on a chevron between three estoiles Or as many lozenges Gules. " Party per pale Or and B., the whole counterchanged." Crest— Tvro hands Gules, the dexter above the sinister, both grasping a (?) caduceus Or. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 54. On an escucheon of pretence, Azure, a cross Or be- tween four leopards' faces Argent, quartering Ermine, a leopard's face Or between a chief and a chevron Sable. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 72. Argent, a chevron engrailed counter-compony Ermine and Sable between three griffins' heads erased Gules guttee d'Or. Crest — A griffin's head per pale Or and Vert, collared counterchanged. Quarterly — 1 and 4, as at p. 28 ; 2, On a bend cotised three mullets, quartering, 1, Barry of six Argent and Azure, and 2, Sable, a bend lozengy Argent ; 3, Gules, three bars gobony Argent and Sable, quartering Barry of six Or and Azure, a bend Gules. Crest — A lion statant Gules, ducally crowned Or. Knightes made in Scotlandc by the Erie of Hertfordc, the Kinge's Lieutenant, the 23 day of September, anno d'ni 1545, anno regis 37, being then encamped by our Lady Churche by Norham Castle, at his cominge home after he had ben in Scotland 25 dayes : Soijn, Hovtif SLatinnrv. Quarterly of eleven— 1, Gules, a saltire Argent, an annulet for difference; 2, Or, fretty (Jules, on a canton per pale Ermine and of the firs! KNIGHTS MADE 1545. 83 S r Stomas OTfiarton, sonne and heire to the Lorde Wharton. S r Jfoim STrmpcst. & r George ftaOctyffc. S r dFrattti?s liMsttmgs. S r SfltH'm Seitrt i)ev4*1ctcalt S> r STfjonuw 13 acres. & r aUtU'm Stafford. S r Stomas <5rc j? of Horton. &* aSltU'm Callinlfw. &* OTtU'm Ingldnn & v &ogcvJfcntoi>ftc. a lymph ad Sable ; 3, Gules, a fess between six cross-crosslets Or ; 4, Chequy Or and Azure, a chevron Ermine ; 5, Argent, a fess between two bars-gemelles Gules ; 0, Gules, a lion passant-gardant Argent ducally crowned Or ; 7, Argent, a chevron Gules ; 8, Gules, crusily patee and a chevron Argent ; 0, Quarterly Or and Vert, quartering, 1, Quarterly Gules and Or, in the first quarter a mullet Argent — 2, Gules, on a bend between six cross- crosslets fitchee Argent an Ermine spot — and 3, Gules, six escallops Argent ; 10, Or, a chevron Gules within a bordure engrailed Sable; 11, Per chevron Sable and Argent, in chief three leopards' faces Or. Crest — A griffin passant Or. Sable, a maunch Argent, a label of three points. Crest — A bull's head erased Argent, armed Sable, ducally gorged per pale Gules aud Or ; a similar label. Arms as at p. 51. Arms as at p. 55, at the upper end an escallop Argent, "or els a molet "; the same Crest. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 21. Or, three chevronels Gules, a chief Vair. Argent, three calves passant Sable. Arms as at p. 39, a bendlet sinister Azure ; and the same Crest. Arms quarterly of six and Crest as at p. 81. Gules, a lion rampant Argent charged on the shoulder with a boar's head couped within a bordure engrailed of the second. Sable, an inescucheon within an orle of owls Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, an estoile of six points Argent ; 2, Argent, a chevron between three leopards' heads Gules ; 3, Gules, a lion rampant Argent within a bordure per pale indented Sable and Or. Crest — A boar's head erect Argent, tusked Or. Per fess Gules and Argent, three martlets iu chief and as manv in base counterchansred. Knightes dubbed by the Kinge sythence his retourne from Bulleyn : S r JPraUfPS 3LfJ>Uf. Argent, on a saltare engrailed Sable nine annu- lets Or. KNIGHTS MADE 1545—1546. * r l\oi)tvt tTotonshrntfe of Norf., dubbed on Trinity Sonday anno 37. S v itiirfjcifl Stanhope dubbed anno 37 at Bampton Courte. S* .WjU $)»fetOtt, dubbed . . . x l ... $>ogan. S r Itirijarfl llcBf, Doctor, anno 37 de Redbourne juxta S te Alban's. S r 88tflTm CabcnBtBfjr, Trea- surer of the chamber, dubbed in anno 37 on Ester-day. £ r JToijlt Vcrncnt of Hertford- shire, anno 37. S r jFrancw Bavnav&r, a Vene- tian, anno 37. S v .?o!m |)aftmgton, anno 37. S r iTijomao ISromlrw, Jui dubbed at the Parlement anno 87. Quarterly — 1 and 4, and 2, as at p. 13 ; 3. Ar- gent, crusily and a lion rampant Gules ducally crowned Or, a crescenl for difference. Quarterly — 1, Quarterly Ermine and Gules ; 2 and 3, as 1 and 2 at p. 28; 4, Argent, three saltires engrailed Sable ; over all a crescent for difference. Crest — Out of a tower Azure, a lion rampant Or ducally crowned Gules, holding between the paws a flint-stone Argent. " Alibi, a rynge, no stone." Argent, on a cross between two hurts each charged with a dove Argent in chief and as many- Cornish choughs Sable beaked and legged Gules in base, a lion rampant Or at the top and bottom ends and another passant at the side ends. "These two lyons gardant. Alibi two hurts with a white dove as above and not the Cornish choughs." Crest — A buf- falo's head Sable, fretty aimed and ringed Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, three stags' heads cabossed Argent attired Or, a crescent for difference ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron Gules between three crosses botony Sable. Crest — A snake nowed Vert. Gules, three crescents Argent. Crest — On a mound a parrot Vert, beaked and legged Gules, holding in the dexter claw a pear Or, slipped and leaved of the first. On each a mullet for difference. Per bend Argent and Gules, demi-fleurs-de-lis issuing from all sides, a rose counterchanged, a sinister quarter quarterly, I, Sable, a lion passant-gardant Or; i' and 3, voided of the field ; 4, also Sable, a fleur-de-lis also Or. Crest — An elephant's head Sable, tusked Or, collared Argent, charged with three Gules. Per chevron Sable and Argent, in chief three mullets pierced Or, in base as many garbs Gules i»n each a rose of the third. Crest — A demi-hare Azure, thereon lour bezants. Quarterly per fess indented Or and Gules. Crest — Two arms embowed, the dexter vested Or, the sinister Azure, each culled Ermine, holding in the hands proper a bunch of broom. KNIGHTS MADE 1545—1546. 85 £> r tyttCV (Ramboh), Spanyard, dubbed by the Kinge at Yorke Place, anno 38. & r fcfcltirmjFarmour of Norf. S r $?umfr?i> 3rton. &»'.... il>imBc, Justice, made at the Parlcment, anno 37. & r Stomas |) aimer. Vert, " a wolf silver in a nette Sable," impaling Argent three fig-leaves stalks upwards Vert. (added) Argent, a chevron between four lions' heads erased Gules, on a chief Azure an anchor between two pales Or, a martlet for difference. Ejjc Names antr &rmes of tfjosc tfjat tone atibancrtr to tfjc Ijonorable €)rorc of Ivmjjljtfjotie hi tjje fjappu reigne of 3&injje €titoartr tl)e &ijx. (Cotton MSS., Claudius ciii., fol. 151-178.) On Sonday the 6 of February, Kinge Edward the Sixt, in the first yere of his reigne, was made Knighte by Edward, Erie of Hertford his uncle, Lorde Protector, and the same tyme the sayd Kinge dubbed these two followinge : S> r $>enn> iijoublctfjornr, Maior of London, dubbed by the Kinge at the Toure the 6 of February before the coronation. S r 3f0\)\\ |lortman, Justice, dubbed at that tyme, the 6 of February, before the coronation. Sable, a mascle within a tressure flory counter- flory Argent. Crest — An elephant's head Azure, gorged Gules bezantee, tusked Or, on the top of the head leaves Vert. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, a fleur-de-lis Azure ; 2 and 3, Azure, a chevron Argent between three pears Or. Knightes dubbed by the Kinge on Sonday, the day of his coronation, the 20 of February, being crowned, to the nombre of 40, in lieu of the Bathe, w'ch then could not be perfourmed accordinge to all ceremonyes thereto belonginge, the tyme for that pourpose beinge to shorte : DttUc of jcUffoUtf. Quarterly of nine — 1, Brandon as at p. 10; 2, Azure, a cross moliue Or ; 3, Lozengy Er- mine and Gules ; 4, Sable, a cross engrailed Or; 5, Gules, a cross moline Argent ; 6, Gules, a lion rampant Or, quartering Sable, fretty Or, over all a crescent for difference; 7, Or, a lion rampant Sable ; 8, Gules, a fess dancettee be- tween six cross-crosslets Or ; 9, Barry of six Ermine and Gules, three crescents Sable. Crest — Brandon as at p. 44. 86 lErle of CToofte of Essex. & HlcXanDcr JtmptOU of Ox- fords] lire. & r (Ocortjcflovtcm of Somer- setshire. S v Valentine l.tntgiitlrp. £ r Mount Umton. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a fess Gules, in chief three torteaux ; 2 and 3, Vair Or and Gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a talbot's head Argent, eared Gules. On each a label of three points. Motto — " Loyal suis." Quarterly — 1, Quarterly same as at p. 1">; 2, Gules, a sal tire Argent, a label of three points and a crescent Sable for difference, quartering, 1, Argent, three lozenges in fess Gules — and 2, Or, an eagle displayed Vert ; 3, Gules, three lions passant-gardant Or within a bordure Argent, quartering, 1, Ar- gent, a saltire engrailed Gules — and 2, Or, a lion rampant Gules ; 4, Gules, a cross engrailed Argent, quartering, 1, Argent, on a canton Gules a rose Or — 2, Azure, a fess between three leopards' faces Or, an annulet Sable for difference — 3, Argent, on a fess dancettee Sable three bezants. Crest — A stag statant proper, attired, ducally gorged, and lined Or. Arms quarterly of six and Crest as those of the Earl of Hertford at p. 8G ; on each a cres- cent for difference. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 51. Quarterly of eight — 1 and 8, Cooke as at p. 30; 2, Sable, a fess between three pheons Argent ; 3, Or, a spread-eagle Sable, charged with a fleur-de-lis Argent ; 4, Three eagles displayed between two bendlets ; 5, Gules, a fess coun- ter-compony Argent and Sable between six crosses patee fi tehee of the first ; 6, Or, two bends Gules ; 7, Bendy of ten Azure and Or. Crest — A unicorn's head Or between two wings Azure. " Bothe the wynges be- hynde the hedd." Arms of Umpton as at p. 05, and the same Crest without the collar. Quarterly — 1 and I, Argent, three escallops in bend cotised between two lions rampant Sable, a crescent for difference ; 2 and 3, Per pale Azure and Gules, three li. 26. KNIGHTS MADE 1546. 89 & r (Seorge Fernon of the Peke. % v 3f0i)lX |)orte of Derbyshire. & r Stomas JTossdint. & x €i)Vopi)tv ftarttcr alias Garter Kinge of Amies. S v IStJmonBr 4$toljmcu.v, Ser- jeant at the Lawe. S v Jf antes $ales. S r BSttH'm Bal)ti)orpr. S r Stomas ISruttrnaU. % r ftljomas lirin'U of the Holte. Arms quarterly of six and Crest as at p. 21. Motto — " Mais si je puis." Azure, a fess between two cotises engrailed and three pigeons Or beaked Sable. Quarterly — 1, Azure, a josselyn Argent and Sable belled Or ; 2, Gules, on a saltire en- grailed Or five torteaux, a chief Ermine (Hyde) ; 3, Gules, a griffin segreant within a bordure engrailed Or (Battell) ; 4, Azure, a fess Or. Crest — A falcon's leg Or erased Gules, belled of the first. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, three bears' heads Argent muzzled Gules, in chief as many bezants ; 2 and 3, Argent, on a chevron between three Cornish choughs Sable as many estoiles Or. Crest — A bear's head per pale Or and Azure, muzzled Gules, between two wings counterchanged. Azure, a cross moline pierced Argent, a crescent Gules on another Or for difference. Crests — 1, A garb of peacock's feathers proper banded Or and Azure, a similar difference ; 2, "A hare in p'per colour sittinge on a rushe hill." Argent, on a chevron Sable between three chap- lets Gules, each enclosing a fleur-de-lis of the second, as many estoiles Or, on a chief Azure as many quill-pens points downwards Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a chevron Or be- tween three crescents Ermine ; 2 and 3, Barry of six Argent and Gules, three crescents Sable. Quarterly — 1, Argent, on a chevron Gules be- tween three chapeaux (? should be steel caps) Azure an escallop Or ; 2, Sable, a buck's head cabossed Argent, attired Or, between the attires a cross patee fitchee, in the mouth an arrow of the second ; 3, Ermine, on a chevron Gules three escallops Or ; 4, Azure, a bend cotised between six cross-crosslets fitchee Or. Crest — An arm embowed covered with leaves Vert, elbow proper, in the hand also proper a spiked club Or slung to the arm with a line of the last. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a saltire Ermine ; 2 and 3, Lozengy Or and Azure, a canton Ermine. Crest — A bull's head Ermine, armed Or. 90 KNIGETS MADE 1516. S r &ngcll fttavtan de Cremona, Italian. S v Soi)n?i)oIrvoft S v .?/oijn Cuttc of Essex. S v Ji)C\XVV tTmcIl of Heron. S v . 3LorUc tTijomas (Grcij. S> 3ntfjomj SUtdjrr. g>* 31 aim £i)fIton of Suff. £* 12»toarB £anrottrs. S v JftirijavU (JTotton. Arms quarterly as under Fitzwalter at p. 62, withoui the label. Crest as at p. 11. Quarterly — 1 and 1 as 1 and 2, and 3 as 2 and 3, at p. 25 ; and the same Crest. On each a crescent for difference. Arms quarterly of eight and Crest as at p. 52; en each a martlet for difference. Ermine, mi a chief Azure three linns rampant Or. Crest — A bull's head erased (inks. armed Or. Arms and Crest as at p. l!>. Quarterly — 1, 2. and I. as at p. L6; :'», Argent, on across Gules live escallops Or; and the same Crest. Arms as at p. 72, a crescenl I'm' difference; the same Crest hut a buckle Or, strapped Azure. KNIGHTS MADE 1546. 91 S v Jtofjn Ittason. instead of a cornet, wyngs asure." " This fowle close, his & x Cfcomaa Xctonam. S r Jtoijn fcStmttiijam. S r pjtltppe Calrtjorjjc. & r jttmtrgtt 13 CUPS of Glou- cestershire. S v ftotolatttt {Itorrtott. & r JToijn ttMtnttoovifyt of Essex, father to the Lady Maltravers. S r Stomas B»rr. S r 3Tol)tt(SotJ5$al\je. S r Sljomaa Bavncston. £ r Otyomag £Vi?ffor&c. S r liOCJCV (SwffOVBc of Devon- shire. S r JFoijn $auagr. S* ISBtoarB liogcrs. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, a two-headed lion rampant Azure, a wound on the shoulder Gules; 2, Quarterly Gules and Argent, a lion rampant counterchanged (Laxgston) ; 3, Argent, a chevron Gules between three snakes nowed Sable, a crescent for difference (Radley). Crest — A mermaid proper. Azure, three demi-lions rampant Argent guttee de sang. Crest — A demi-lion rampant Argent guttee de sang between two wings expanded Gules. Arms and Crest as at p. 67, the lion's head in the Crest on an escucheon Azure. Chequy Or and Azure, a fess Ermine. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 22. " Quaere si forte sederet vel hoc modo surgeret lupus." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Quarterly Or and Gules within a bordure Sable escallopee Argent ; _. Ermine, three chevronels Sable ; 3, Argent fleury Gules ; on an escucheon of pretence, Quarterly Or and Azure. Crest — An old man's head sidefaced proper, habited Gules and collared with two bars Or, on his head a cap Azure turned up Ermine charged with three guttes and tasselled of the second. Gules, on a bend Argent three escallops Azure, "untrue." Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Gules a unicorn's head Argent. Sable, three goats passant Argent, attired Or. Per pale Gules and Azure, on a fess nebulee between four crosses patee Or three crescents Sable. Crest — A griffin's head erased per pale indented Argent and Sable, in the mouth a heartsease slipped proper, stalked and leaved Vert. Azure, a fess dancettee Ermine. Arms and Crest as at p. 51. Sable, three fusils conjoined in fess Ermine. Crest — A unicorn's head Argent. Argent, a chevron between three stags passant Sable, a mullet Or for difference. Crest — A stag passant Sable platee, attired and ducally gorged Or. 92 KNIGHTS MADE 1546. £ r mUUtx Bucler (Will'm added). S r ftogcr Bictoctt. S r ?i>umfrn> ^tafforD. % v 3f0\)\\ |)erpOtmt of Notting- hamshire. r r Jfrancns lEnglcfriltJc. S v ^Thomas Jftt>hcrlint. £» Jfofm ^pnjnge. £ r Stomas llMmnarr. S»3Foim (T.rcbtU. & Jfoijn BvoUrtt. S T (Thomas Bell of Gloucester- shire. Sable, on a fess between three dragons' heads erased Or as many estoiles of the field. Crest — A dragon's head Sable charged with two bars between eight guttes d'Or. Or, a chevron between six eagles displayed Vert. Quarterly of six — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, as at p. 81 ; 6, Vair, three bars Gules ; and the same Crest. Gules, a chief Argent. Crests — 1, Out of a ducal coronet Or a Blackamoor's head Sable ; 2, On a mound Or a porcupine proper, "russett," quilled Argent. Arms quarterly as at p. 39. Crest — A lion rampant Sable holding in the dexter paw a cinquefoil Or. Arms quarterly as at p. 32. Crest — An arm erect vested per pale Azure and Gules, cuffed Argent, holding in the hand proper a branch of three cinquefoils Or, leaved and slipped Vert. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, three lions rampant Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, a bend Sable and a chief vair Or and Gules. Argent, on a chevron between three mascles Gules as many cinquefoils pierced Or, in each five hurts. Crest — A demi-stag salient quar- terly Argent and Or, holding in the mouth a branch of columbine proper. Vert, two dolphins addorsed in pale Argent. " These be the Hawmers' Armes, and this man's Armes ar Argent, two lyons passant- regardant Asure." Crest — A sea-dog statant Azure, finned and webbed Or, in the mouth a fish proper. Quarterly of six — 1, Sable, on a cross Or five pellets within a bordure engrailed of the second ; 2, Azure, crusily and a lion ram- pant Or ; 3, Argent, on a bend Azure three cinquefoils pierced Or; 4, Argent, a bend Sable, a label of three points Gules ; 5, Ar- gent, a bend Gules, a bordure chequy Or and Azure ; 6, Argent, on a bend Gules three round buckles Or. Crest — A greyhound's head Sable, collared Gules bezantec. Argent, on a chevron between three hawks' bells Gules two bars-gemelles of the first, on a chief of the second a hawk's lure between KNIGHTS MADE 1546. 93 S r .?/of)it Worsen. S r Hes (Brgffgtye of Wales. % v .Wjn %ali&bUY» of Wales. & x Stomas ll>oUi?es. S r OTtll'm Hamtsforltt. S r Stomas Wrotfjc. & r WWm f)»fcrtngr. S r JToijn €am S r SU|?an Brereton. S r OTtU'in Brum two martlets of the field. Crest — An arm erect vested Gules, holding also erect in the hand proper a battle-axe, staff of the first, head Azure. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, three horses' heads couped Argent, bridled Or ; 2, Azure, a chevron between three cross-crosslets fi tehee, within a bordure engrailed Or ; 3, Argent, four bars wavy Gules, a saltire Or. Crest — A horse's head couped Argent, armed Or, bridled Azure, and plumed of the second and third. No Arms given. " Anna in originali sunt de rubro super barram dance de Argento 3 merlettos de nigro inter 6 leones aureos rapaces, de quibus dubitari potest." Crests — 1, A buck's head cabossed per pale Or and Argent ; 2, A man's head erased proper, crined Sable, wreathed round the temples Or and Azure. Gules, a lion rampant Argent between three crescents Or. Arms as at p. 69, a crescent Or for difference, and the same Crest. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, an eagle displayed Argent ducally gorged Or ; 2 and 3, Argent, a cross Sable. Crest — A buck's head erased Ermine. Argent, on a bend Sable three lions' heads erased of the field, ducally crowned Or. Crest — A lion's head erased Argent ducally crowned Or. Gules, on a chevron Argent between three fleurs- de-lis Or as many hurts. Crest — An arm embowed habited Or two bars Gules, holding in the hand proper a fleur-de-lis of the first. Azure, three bucks' heads cabossed Argent. Arms of Brereton and Crest as at p. 65. Argent, on a chief Vert a tau Or between two mullets of the third, on each a torteaux. Crest — A greyhound passant Sable, eared Argent. " Ahounde Sable, the snowte Argent." £ r JFofjn Bttttdcr of Hertfordshire. j£ r OrCOrtje il?arptr. Argent, a lion rampant within a bordure en- grailed Sable. Crest — A boar passant Or, collared and lined Gules. S r Stomas 3&emjlC. Arms and Crest as at p. 36. 94 KNIGETS MADE 1546—1547. S v Jfoijn Xorton of Kent. £* Uobtvt ILangrlri?. £ v (Thomas Xcurtl. & r JToijn ap lies (&jjrgte). £ v Jf ofjn raugftan of Wales. S v ffijomas (Tuaucnor. £* amalter ittnlBmai?. £ v (Clement jemgtijr. * v Jfohn Jfmmm of Suffolk: S v .^amts iJasravbtUe. & r Same* <£l*OftCS, dubbed at Westm. 24 of Novembre, anno primo. S r Hnthomj (Tope, dubbed at Westm. the 24 of Novembre, anno primo. $ v fg*tttg Wttharton, dubbed at Westm. anno secundo vel p'mo. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a cross potent Er- mine ; 2 and 3, Ermine, a cross engrailed Gules. Crest — A talbot's bead erased be- tween two wings Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a cockatrice Sable ; 2 and 3, Gules, a mermaid Argent criiied mirror and comb Or (Prestwich). Quarterly — 1 and 4 (with an annulet for differ- ence), as at p. 78 ; 2 and 3, as 3 at the same page, without the label. Crest — A griffin passant Or. Sable, on a chevron between three leopards' heads Argent as many spear-heads of the field, on a chief of the second as many cocks Gules. Crest — A cock Gules, combed and legged Or, charged on the neck with two bars of the second, holding in the beak a heartsease. " Sine flore in originali." Per fess Argent and Sable, a fess nebulee per fess of the second and Or between three greyhounds' heads couped counterchanged, collared Gules bezantee, a martlet for differ- ence. Crest — A leopard's head erased Or, ducally gorged and lined Azure, on the neck beneath the coronet three pellets. Argent, a cross Gules between four peacocks Azure. Crest — An arm erect vested chequy Vert and Argent (" alibi or et b."), holding in the hand proper three arrows Or. Quarterly — 1, Sable, a crescent between two mullets in pale Argent ; 2, Sable, a fess be- tween three roses Or ; 3, Azure, a lion ram- pant Or, ducally gorged Argent ; 1, IIknynh- ham. Crest — A greyhound's head Sable, cured Gules, gorged with a bar-gemelle Or. Arms and Crest as at p. 34. Arms and Crest as at p. II, the wivem statant. Quarterly — 1 and I, Sable, a maunch Ermine within abordure Or, charged with eight pairs KNIGHTS MADE 1547. 95 &>' llobtvt Cuvson of Norf., anno p'mo. of lions' paws saltirewise erased Gules ; 2 and 3, Ermine, on a chief Azure three lions ram- pant Argent, quartering Quarterly Gules and Argent, a bend Or. Crest — A bull's head erased Argent, horned and crined Sable, ducally gorged per pale Or and Gules, a crescent Sable for difference. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Ermine, a bend gobony Sable and Argent, a crescent fur difference ; 2 and 3, Gules, two lions passant in pale Ermine, ducally crowned Or. Crest — Out of a crescent Azure thereon an cstoile Or two demi-griffins, the une Argent, the other of the second, respecting each other. Knightes Bannerettes and Bacheler Knightes made in the campe besydes Rockesburgh in Scotland in anno primo of the Kinge's reigne, by the handes of the high and mighty Prynce Edward, Duke of Somersett, Generall of all the Kinge's Armyes by lande and by sea, and Governuur of his royall person and protectour (if all his realmes, dominions, and subjectes : S v Jfrannjs Brinm, Banncrett. £>• Mattf £atflct\ Bannerett. S T Hattft Fane, Bannerett. ILOVtJ Gvri? of Wylton. ILovtif ISBtoarB £n>mour. HorOc SStaUJijur. 5 r iTijomas Danm Argent, three piles wavy meeting at the base Vert, a bordure Azure bezantee. Crests — 1, A tiger passant Argent bezantee, tusked and maned Or ; 2, A beacon proper. Arms and Crest as at p. 70. Arms and Crest as at p. 80. "The gantlet onely, no parte of the arme." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Barry of six Argent and Azure ; 2 and 3, Gules, three lions rampant Argent, ducally crowned Or. Crest — A falcon belled proper, wings expanded, standing on a gauntlet Argent, and encircled by a branch of columbine Azure, leaved Vert, issuing from the gauntlet. Arms quarterly of five, same as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 at p. 60, and Crest as under Hertford at p. 86, without the coronet and difference. Or, an estoile Sable. Quarterly of six — 1, Gules, three escallops Ar- gent ; 2, Barry of twelve Argent and Azure, three chaplets Gules ; 3, Gules, three cushions Ermine, tasselled Or ; 4, Vair Or and Gules, in dexter chief a lion rampant Or, quartering Gules, a fess counter-compony Argent and Sable between six crosses patee fitchee of the second ; 5, Azure, Henry and fretty Or ; 96 KNIGHTS MADE 1547. S v 3f0t)\\ UottWU alias Thynne. S r .?/otm (T.vrsijam. S v ftttlcs ^artngc. *' JFvannjs iijcmimgc. HovOc (Tijavks £tourtcm, executed for murthcr. S v i£tmtOttOf (IitJtoavtf) Bruges. % x Xtdjolas Strange. S> r .fFoi)n (Talbot of Grafton. & r Jfrannjs Salbcrm. S r .?oi)nSouti)Ujorti)r. three owls Argent. Sable, eared and 6, Chequy Or and Gules. Crest as at p. 39. On each a label of three points. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Barry of ten Or and Sable ; 2 and 3, Argent, a lion rampant tail forked and double nowed Gules. Crest — A reindeer Or, attired and erased Sable. Arms (with a label of three points Or) and Crest as at p. 68. Gules, on a fess between two bars-gemelles and three partridges volant Or as many torteaux, on a pile of the second a demi-rose Gules emitting rays. Crest — A partridge in the beak an ear of wheat Or. " Alibi, de rubro 3 bezantes inter 2 gemellos aureos in fece inter 3 perdices ut hie et non torteaux in fece de auro. Verius, le fece inter duos cotices et non gemelles." Gules, a chevron between Crest — A demi-sea-dog finned Or. Quarterly — 1, Sable, a bend Or between six fountains ; 2, Or, a cross engrailed Sable ; 3, Gules, an escocheon within an orle of mart- lets Argent ; 4, Argent, on a bend Sable three calves passant Or. Crest — A sea-dog Sable, finned Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, and 3, as at p. 28 ; 2, Or, a pile Gules ; over all a label of three points. Crest — A Saracen's head in profile couped at the shoulders proper, habited paly of four Argent and Sable, studded with pellets and plates and wreathed about the temples of the first and second. No Arms given. " In original! dc rubro 2 leones peditantes de Argento." Crest — A wolf pas- sant Argent, in the mouth a child proper. Alius quarterly of six as at p. 52. Crest — A talbot statant Argent. On both shield and crest a crescent for difference. " In original] hasc arma fuerunt de Argento cum tribus lconibus de purpuro. Crista hujusmodi canem de nigro." Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, on a chief Sable three mullets pierced Or ; 2 and 3, Or, a bend Sable. Anns us at p. 40. Crest — A bull's head erased Sable, armed Argent. KNIGHTS MADE 1517. l>er Hauratce. ft* i^enrj? €Sates. ft* IsBtoaiB igasttngea. ft* WtU'm ftluptottije. ft* OTttTm Buttes. ft* lfortie. S r ftauf <£opimger. S r ntr» amcottcs, Maior of London. S r ££UH'm Hocfce, Sherife of London. S r 3foi)\\ &tol»f, Sherif of Lon- don. * r Stomas ©argrabe of York- shire. & r fttcijarD 5aftcbiHr,Chancelor of the Augmentation Courte. S r JFoijn i?OVUf, Sherif of Lon- don. S r 0Oijtt Be la Zoxittyt, dubbed at Westminster the 10 day of November in anno 3 of the Kinge's reigne, and with him these that followe. S r .foijn|)onart(r. S r artfjur €ijamprntotm. & x <&ylt& £trangutBi)c fitrangtoai>rs). buck lodged and regardant Vert, attired Or, on the dexter side an oak -branch proper. Argent, two bars and a canton Gules. Or, two bends Gules, on the upper ends a rose proper. Crest — An angel proper, wings expanded Argent, crowned and the crown surmounted by a cross patee Or, the hands outstretched. Motto — " Otiosus nunquam." Crest — A squirrel sejant Gules, devouring a nut Or, leaved and slipped Vert. Per fess Azure and Or, a pale counterchanged, three falcons of the second. Crest — A falcon's wings endorsed Or, in the mouth a padlock proper. Argent, on a chevron Sable between three estoiles Gules, on each a bezant, as many stags' heads cabossed of the field. Crest — Out of a coronet Or charged with torteaux nine stems leaved Vert. Lozengy Argent and Sable, on a bend Gules three crescents of the first. Quarterly Or and Gules, a bend Vair. Crest — A ram's head erased Sable, armed Or. Arms as at p. 17, a mallet fur difference. Quarterly — 1 and 4, as at p. 55 ; 2 and 3, Ar- gent, two chevrons (Jules, a label of three points Azure, quartering Or, crusily and a lion rampant Azure ; the same Crest, without the difference. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 71, a crescent Sable for difference. Quarterly of six — 1 and G, Gules, billetee Or, a saltire vair ; 2, Bendy of six Gules and Ar- gent, a bordure Sable bezantee ; 3, Argent, a lion rampant Gules, a bordure Sable be- zantee ; 4, Argent, on a chevron between three eagles' heads erased Sable as many acorns Or ; 5, Sable, a chevron Ermine be- tween three shovellers Argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or an ostrich Argent, in the mouth a horseshoe Or, a crescent for difference. Quarterly of six — 1, Sable, two lions passant in pale paly of six Argent and Gules ; 8, Or, a chevron Gules, a bordure engrailed Sable : KNIGHTS MADE 1648. 101 S^oijnfttore. & r Stomas fcEloooljouse. S r WGtiWm Herbert. W^t Ibvfoi of 3Lutttni)orougi), dubbed at Westminster the 17 of November, anno 3 of the Kinge's reigne, and with him these fyve followenge : .... HOVBC JPttjtoarin, sonne and heir to the Erie of Bathe. & r ^etyam. Sb x Ambrose Bttolei?, sonne to the Erie of Warwyke. £ r 3toim$amtt S r 2Ti)omas ftussdl. 3, Sable, fretty Or ; 4, Per fess Azure and Gules, three crescents Argent ; 5, Argent, six lioncels rampant Gules ; 6, Azure, three bars-gemelles Argent. Crest — A boar's head erased Sable between two wings Azure bil- littee Or out of a ducal coronet of the last. " Or els the creast is one of the lyons in the first cote." Ermine, on a chevron Gules three quatrefoils Argent, on each a bezant. Crest — An arm proper, holding a sword Argent, hilted and pomelled Or. A.rms as those of Sir William " belonginge to the Shippes " at p. 78. Arms as at p. 17. Crest — A maiden's head couped at the shoulders Sable, habited Gules, face and hair Sable, wreathed Argent and Azure, earrings Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, three pelicans in piety Argent ; 2, Gules, two demi-belts pale- ways, the buckles in chief Argent ; 3, Or, fretty Azure. "The first cote only in the original." Crest — A peacock in pride Ar- gent, tail proper. Quarterly of eight — 1, Or, a lion rampant Vert ; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, as 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, and 8 at p. 98 ; and the same Crest and difference. Gules, three pears Or, on a chief Argent a lion passant Sable. Crest — On a mount Yert a parrot proper, winged of the first and beaked Gules. Quarterly — 1, Argent, a chevron between three cross-crosslets fitchee Sable ; 2, Gules, a saltire Argent within a bordure Sable mul- lettee Or ; 3, Argent, on a bend Gules three round buckles Or ; 4, Argent, on a bend Azure three cinquefoils pierced Or ; 5, Barry undv of six Argent and Gules, on a bend 102 KNIGHTS MADE 1548—1553. & r Stomas IHsstx S r Cijr'opijer $egtJon of Norf . S r ftljomas |3omerfg. & r Soim Sijtmam. S r ??atrij BctJmgfctUic. & r Ho get* Faugijan. S r (ZTijomas (SoltJimge. & JToijn ^atntloc. S r |3aulr Baptist £p»nola of Geane. S r litdjolao arnol&e. S r OTtU'm ftUcrton. Sable three bezants ; 6, Argent, on a bend engrailed between two cotises Sable three mullets of the field. Crest — A demi-lion collared and charged with a chevron, holding in both paws a cross-crosslet fitchee. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Hetdon as at p. 12 ; 2, Chequy Or and Azure, on a canton Gules a lion rampant Argent ; 3, Per pale Azure and Or, a lion rampant Gules ; and the same Crest. " Potius sic. Quarterly of seven — 1, Heydon ; 2, Argent, a windmill Sable; 3, Azure, a garb Or ; 4, Quarterly Vert and Gules, a lion rampant counterchanged ; 5, as 2 above ; G, Or, on a chevron Gules three swans Or ; 7, Azure, crusily and three lozenges." Arms as at p. 10. Crest — A lion's gamb erased and erect Or, charged with a gutte de sang, in the paw a heart of the second. Argent, three rams' heads cabossed Sable, armed Or. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 43. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a chevron Argent between three bezants ; 2 and 3, Gules, a chevron Argent, fretty Azure, between twelve cinquefoils pierced Or. Crest — A dragon's head erased Vert, langued Gules, collared and ringed Or. Or, a fess chequy Argent and Gules, in chief a mortcour of the second between a rose of the same and a portcullis Azure studded with torteaux. Crest — An arm erect habited Vert, guttee d'Or, the hand proper holding a sword Argent, hilted and pomelled of the second. Gules, a chevron engrailed Ermine between three pheons Or. " Quarterly with Sable a chevron gold 3 lewres of hauks silver." Crest (added) — A demi-lion rampant Or, bil- litec Sable, holding in both paws a fire-ball Sable emitting flames proper. Paly of six Argent and Azure, a chevron Ermine between three eagles displayed Or. KNIGHTS MAD IS 1548-1553. 103 S r &ntf)0tt» ©togDott. S r Stomas SaunDers. S r fttrfjarti Blount. S r anBwto Jfu&De. &* €5tli)frt Eetfjtfcf alias Garter Kinge of Armes. & WLill'm ©trill, Secretary. Per saltire Argent and Barry nebulee of six Or and Azure, two crescents voided in pale Gules, on a chief of the third a lion passant- gardant between three fleurs-de-lis Or, one in chief and on either side. Crest — A falcon rising Argent, wings Or, pennoned Gules, holding in the dexter claw a branch slipped Vert, fructed Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, a chevron Ermine between three bulls' heads cabossed Argent ; 2 and 3, Or, three lions passant-gardant in pale Sable. "Alibi, Argent, 3 lions Sable, non gardantes ut hie, igitur quaere." Crest — A demi-bull salient per pale Gules and Sable, armed and eared Argent and Or coun- tercharged, holding between the fore-legs three ears of a cereal fructed Or, leaved and slipped Vert. Motto — " Dum spero serviam." Arms of Blount and Crest as at p. 75, the shoe Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a fess ragulee be- tween three boars' heads couped Argent ; 2 and 3, Azure, three lions rampant and a bordure Argent. Crest— A boar's head per pale Gules and Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a fess vair Or and Gules between three water-bougets Sable ; 2, Argent, a chief Gules, on a bend Azure three escucheons of the first, on each a chief Gules ; 3, Or, a bend Gules, on a canton Argent five guttes de poix. Crest — A horse's head Argent. On each a mullet on a crescent for difference. Quarterly of six — 1 and 6, Barry of ten Argent and Azure, over all six escucheons Sable, on each a lion rampant of the first ; 2, Per pale Gules and Azure, a lion rampant Argent holding in both paws a tree eradicated Vert ; 3, Sable, a plate between three towers triple- towered Argent ; 4, Argent, on a bend cotised Gules three cinquefoils Or ; 5, Argent, a chevron between three chess-rooks Ermines. Crests — 1, A sheaf of arrows Or, feathered Argent, banded Gules, covered with a salade of the second ; 2, A garb Or, banded Azure, between two lions rampant respecting each other, the one Azure, the other Argent. 104 KNIGHTS MADE 1548—1553. S r $?fttn? lirinU S r i^enrg Sttfneg. S r JFoijn £i)eefte. S r r .?oi)n&fntIcger, Quarterly — 1, Gules, on a saltire Argent a cinquefoil ; 2, as at p. 23 ; 3, as 3, quartering 4 ; and 4, as 5, on the same page. Crest as at p. 50. Arms and Crest as at p. 45. Gules, a chevron Or between three crescents Argent. Azure, fleury Or, a chief per pale Argent and Gules, on the dexter side a flower of the third slipped and leaved Vert, on the sinister a lion passant of the third. Crest — Two ele- phants' probosces, one Argent, the other Azure. Gules, on a bend cotised Argent three popin- jays Vert beaked and legged of the field, a crescent Or for difference. Crest — In front of a peacock's tail proper a demi-tiger quar- terly Argent and Azure, holding in both paws a branch flowered Gules leaved and slipped Vert, a crescent for difference. Gules, two lions' hind feet issuing from the dexter and sinister sides meeting in fess Or between three hawks' lures Argent. Crest — A lion's gamb erased and erect Gules, holding a broken sword Argent, hilt Or. Per chevron Argent and Sable, three griffins' heads erased counterchanged. Crest — Out of clouds proper emitting rays Or a demi-horse Gules, maned of the second. Sable, a fess dancettee Argent billitee between three lioncels rampant-gardant of the second, each supporting an altar Or flaming proper. " This cote is quartered with Argent, on a bend Sable three cross- crosslets Argent, in the sinister corner a martlet Sable." Crests — 1, An eagle Sable holding in the dexter claw a torch Argent flaming Gules; 2, "A salimander in the fyre." Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 74. Crests — 1, A horse-barnacle Argent, tied to- gether at the bottom Or ; 2, As at p. 42. Sable, three goats statant Argent, a mullet Or for difference. KNIGHTS MADE 1553. 105 &jjc Namrs antr £rmcs of tjjose tfjat rcccabcrj tfje honorable ©rbre of Ifciugjjtfjofce in tfje tome of tfjc rctcjnc of (Cotton MSN., Claudius, C. iii., fol. 182-195.) (Knightes of the Bath, 15 in Coronacon of IH&toarU, Erlt of Ocbon»fjtrc. ^Tfjomas, l&rle of Sttrog. HOVOC i^ClOrm of CardyfT. HovUc of Buvgabcnj). ILovOc BailUrin 3LovOr Humlrin SLorOr 4Hounfjoi> (Blount). number, made in the Tower of London at the Queen Mary— Ilarl. MS. 6063.) Quarterly — 1, Quarterly France and England within a bordnre quarterly Gules and Azure, the first and fourth quarters charged with three lions passant-gardant, and the second and third with as many fleurs-de-lis Or ; 2 and 3, Or, three torteaux ; 4, Or, a lion rampant Azure. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a plume of feathers Argent. Arms quarterly and Crest as those of Sir Henry Howard at p. 69. Quarterly of seven — 1, Per pale Azure and Gules, three lions rampant Argent ; 2, Sable, a chevron between three spear-heads Argent imbrued Gules; 3, Argent, three cocks Gules, beaked, wattled, and legged Or ; 4, Argent, a lion rampant Sable ducally crowned Or ; 5, Azure, crusily and three boars' heads couped Argent; 6, Argent, three bends engrailed Gules, a canton Or; 7, Gules, three leopards' heads jessant-de-lis Or. Over all a label of three points. Crest — A wivern vert, gorged and lined Or. On each a crescent for difference. Quarterly of five — 1, Gules, on a saliiiv Argent a rose of the field ; 2, Chequy Or and Azure ; 3, Or, three chevronels Gules ; 4, Quarterly Argent and Gules fretty Or, over all a bend Sable; 5, Gules, a fess between six cr< 3 - crosslets Or, a crescent Sable for difference. Crest — A bullstatant Ermine, horned, gorged, lined, and ringed Or, the ring holding two drawn staples of the second, points Argent. Arms quarterly of six and Crest as at p. 41. Crest — A pelican in piety proper. Quarterly of six — 1, 2, 3, 4, as 3, 1, 2, 4 under Sir James Blount at p. 9; 5, Ar- gent, three fleurs-de-lis Azure ; G, Argent, a I'ess and in chief three covered cups Gules : and the same Crest. 10G KNIGHTS MADE 1553. S l ftobcrt ftorijrgttr, ^ ,( >"ip- troller of the Queen's howse. S> r lijcnnj Jfcnungtjam. S r fcfcttUiam iiJotolrtt. S r &cnrj> erignton. & T ?i>fnvjj Ipagctt. &* |i>cnrj) pavftrr. S r SBtflTin former. i/«C Hor&e (*frw«* 0w£) (ftavrrtt. ILorBc Buvgijr. S v iTfjomas Stanley. S v liDmontJc tLSUmtirsorc. £»• ?>cnrj? llatirljjffr. Crest — A demi-antelope salient Azure, armed and gorged Or, langued Gules. Arms quarterly as at p. 51, a crescent for dif- ference. Crest — On a ducal coronet Or a falcon, wings expanded, Argent, a crescent Gules for difference. Arms quarterly of nine and Crest as at p. 81. A cms quarterly and Crest as at p. 74. On each a label of three points. Quarterly Or and Azure, a chevron between three roundles, on each a lion rampant, all counterchanged. Crest — A talbot's head per pale Or and Gules. On each a label of three points. Quarterly — 1 and 4, as at p. 74 ; 2 and 3, Ar- gent, two bars Gules, on a canton of the second a cinquefoil of the field ; and the same Crest. On each a label of three points. Arms quarterly as at p. 63. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a boar's head Sable muzzled of the first, a label of three points. Arms as at p. 67. Crest — A wolf passant proper between two wings Argent, holding in the mouth another Or. usque Equites Balnei. Argent, a sal tire Gules. Crest — An ape proper, banded, lined, and clogged Or. Arms quarterly and Crest as those of Sir Thomas Borough at p. 48, without the difference. Arms quarterly of eight as under Strange at p. 86, and Crest as at p. 11, a crescent for difference. Quarterly of thirteen — 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 0, and 10, as the shield at p. 87; 5, Azure, fretty Argent ; 8, Argent, on a cross Sable five bezants ; 11, Argent, a chevron Sable between three mullets pierced Gules; 12, Ermine, a lion passant Gules ; 13, Argent, a pale lozengy Gules, a bordure Azure be- zantee. The same Crest. Quarterly of eight — 1 and 2 same as 1 quarterly, and 3, 5, same as 2, 3, 4, at p. 90 ; 1, Or, a saltirc engrailed Sable ; 7, Or, flory Sable ; 8, Argent, an eagle Sable standing on an infant swathed Gules fretty Or. Crest — As under FlTZWALTEB at p. 11, an estoile Or instead of a sun in splendour. KNIGHTS MADE 1553. 107 S r Stomas 1l>astmgc9. iLortJ SuOInn S v l£titoar& malgrabc. S* irr. S r Stomas dTaur. £* fflUCtt'tn eTallotoai? (Caijltori?). S r (T.rorgr e.nffor&r. Arras quarterly of eight and Crest as at p. 97, a crescent for difference. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Or, a lion rampant douMe- queued Vert; 2, Or, two lions passant in pale Azure, quartering Argent, a cross patonce Azure ; 3, Argent, a saltire engrailed Gules, quartering Or, a lion rampant Gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a lion's head Azure. Quarterly — 1, Quarterly as at p. 32 ; 2, Gules, an eagle displayed Ermine, armed Or ; 3, Or, afess (?) vair Gules and Azure; 4, Argent, two bars and in chief three mullets Sable ; over all a crescent for difference. Crest — As at p. 32. Arms quarterly of nine and Crest as at p. 81, a crescent for difference. Arms quarterly of six and Crest as at p. 41, but the bend in the second quartering engrailed. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 47. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 72. Argent, a chevron Gules between three lions rampant Sable, a chief Ermines. Crest — A demi-wivern per pale Or and Gules, gorged with two bars per pale Azure and Argent, holding in both claws three flowers of mari- gold Or, leaved and slipped Vert. Quarterly of six — 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, as at p. 49, but in the first quarter mullets ; 6, Argent, a saltire engrailed Azure. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or an ass's head Argent. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 90. Arms and Crest as those of Sir Anthony Leghe at p. 69. Azure, fretty Argent, over all on a bend Or a greyhound courant Sable within a bordure of the last pelletee. Crest — Out of a honey- suckle flower Or, stalked and leaved Vert, a greyhound's head per pale Argent and Sable guttee counterchanged. Quarterly — 1, 2, and 4, as 1, 3, and 2 at p. 35 ; 3, Ermine, on a chief three lions rampant. Crest — A cock Gules, combed, beaked, and legged Azure Gules, three lions passant in pale Argent, a crescent Or for difference. Crest — An arm crcei vested bendy Or and Azure, holding iu the hand < lules two bucks' antlers of the last. 108 KNIGHTS MADE 1553. S r {Thomas fttetijam. S T IS&toaiti Hitlcton. S r ©ijr'ojrtjcr &Hen. & IXohtxt ILanc. S r JFoijn eijtdjcstcr. ^ v .Woi)tt STrrgonclI. S v Eljomas palmer. S* lUdjarU «Tatc. g>* (Thomas JFmtcljc. £ v .f oi)n a 3Ll»c (3Lctglj or SMNJmJfavmouv. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 43. Quarterly — 1, 2, 4, as at p. 17 ; 3, Gules, a fess Or. Sable, a fess Ermine between three talbots passant Or, collared aud ringed Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Per pale Azure and Gules, three saltires Or ; 2, Argent, two bars Azure, a b ordure engrailed Sable, quartering Or, three water-bougets Sable ; 3, Gyronny of eight Sable and Or, on a canton Gules a covered cup of the second. Crest — Two griffins' heads issuant out of a crescent Or, the dexter Azure, the sinister Gules, beaks of the first Quarterly — 1, Chequy Or and Gules, a chief Vair ; 2, Gules, a bend Vair ; 3, Vair, quar- tering Gules, a saltire Vair ; 4, Sable, three chevronels Ermine. Crest — A bittern proper, beaked and legged Vert, in the beak an adder Azure. Argent, three pellets in fess cotised Sable between as many Cornish choughs of the second, beaked and legged Gules. Crest — A griffin's head erased Sable, the beak Or, a chaplet of the second and Gules. Or, two bars Gules, on each three trefoils slipped Argent, in chief a greyhound courant Sable, collared Gules. Crest — A demi-panther ram- pant-gardant holding in both paws a holly branch with leaves and berries all proper. Per fess Or and Gules, a pale counterchanged, three Cornish choughs Sable. Crest — An arm embowed vested per pale Gules and Or, in the hand proper a branch of pears of the second, leaved Vert. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 53. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a cross and a bor- dure engrailed Argent; 2, Barry of six Argent and Vert ; 3, Argent, a bend nebulae Gules. Crest — A cockatrice Azure, beaked, combed, collared, legged, and gut tee d'or. Quarterly — 1 and 1, Argent, on a fess Sable between three lions' heads erased Gules as many anchors Or; 2 and 3, Per pale indented Argent and Or, a chevron between three escallops Gules. Crest — A cock's head Gules, !•< nulled and beaked Or, in the beat a branch of flowers Argent, leaved Verl . KNIGHTS MADE 1553. 109 % x tycmv Soanrs. &» lEBtoarti Jetton. % v arijomas BasfcrrtotU. % v CFijomas (Kcrar&c. % x Itycnrs Stafford. S* lUdjatB Bvugijs. S r Stomas &Etai?tnan. S r BSltU'm 2&ti?gsto«. & r OTtU'm JFttitotUtam. S v Stomas CTfjvocjmorton. Arras and Crest as at p. 33, without the dif- ference. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 21. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, a fer-de-raoline Or ; 2 and 3, Azure, escallopee Argent, a lion rampant-gardant Or. Crest — As No. 1 at p. 89, without the difference. Argent, on a cross ragulee Azure between four pheons Gules five bezants. Crest — A raven's head erased Sable, holding in the beak a branch reversed Vert. Arms as at p. 65. Crest — On a chapeau Azure turned up Ermine a fleur-de-lis Or. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 34. Arms as at p. 78, quartering Argent, three torteaux in bend between two cotises Gules; the same Crest. Or, a chevron Gules, a label of three points Azure. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet per pale Or and Gules a demi-swan Argent, beaked of the second. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 96, the coat without the label, but with a crescent for dif- ference. Sable, on a fess Argent between three anchors Or as many leopards' heads erased Gules. Crest — A cock's head Gules, combed and beaked Or. Per chevron Ermine and Ermines, a chevron per chevron Sable and Argent, on the first three estoiles Or. Crest — A wolf's head erased per pale Gules and Azure guttee d'or. Quarterly often — 1, Lozengy Argent and Gules; 2, Chequy Or and Azure ; 3, Argent, a chief Gules, over all a bend Azure ; 4, Ermine, a fess Gules ; 5, Argent, three cinquefoils and a canton Gules ; 6, Chequy Or and Gules, a chief Ermine ; 7, Azure, a lion rampant Or ; 8, Azure, three garbs Or ; 9, Azure, a wolf's head erased Argent ; 10, Argent, a cross engrailed Gules, quartering Chequy Or and Azure, a bordure Gules. Crest — As at p. 49. On each a crescent for difference. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 33, in the second quartering the three escallops omitted. Quarterly— 1, Stapleton as at p. 76 ; 2, Or, two bars nebulee Gules, quartering— ], Azure, 110 KNIGIITS MADE 1553. S'JTamreJFttjJFamfB. S» tTtjomag Bcvmgcr. S r arfjomaa Wty$U, Maior of London. & r MATm fttmmcrf. S r ^LSttUm Courtencg. £ r Barnes WttiUtams. S r KicIjarB S>trangui»ljc. * r Oatoi? BrooUr, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. S r .?oim aHLtavudton (2£tar= burton). billitee and a fess dancettde Or — 2, Argent, a lion rampant Sable, ducally crowned Or, within a bordnre Azure — and 3, Azure, fieury and a lion rampant-gardant Argent ; 3, Azure, fleury and a lion rampant Or, quartering — 1, Azure, three garbs Or — 2, Azure, three cinquefoils Or — and 3, Quarterly Gules and Argent, in the first quarter an eagle dis- played Or ; 4, Argent, a chevron and in dexter chief a cinquefoil Sable ; the same Crest. Arms as at p. 59, and the same Crest, but on the sword-blade three roses Argent. Quarterly — 1, 3, and 4, as at p. GO ; 2, Sable, billitee and a cross flory Or. Crest — A cha- peau Azure turned up Ermine, the peak in the mouth of a dolphin embowed Argent. Anns and Crest as at p. G4. Or, a cross Vert and a bend Gules. Crest — A cockatrice Vert, wings per pale Or and Vert, expanded of the first. Gules, a bordure Sable, estoilee Or, on a canton Ermine a lion rampant of the second. Crest — A pewit proper. Arms and Crest as at p. 28. Arms quarterly as at p. 23. Crest as at p. 9. Or, on a fess between three ravens Sable as many crescents Or, in chief a spear-head Azure. Crest — A raven rising Sable guttee d'or. Quarterly of six — 1, Stranguishe as at p. 100 ; 2, Azure, a bend Or, a label of three points Argent; 3, Gules, a saltire Argent, a fleur- de-lis Sable for difference ; 4, Argent, a lion rampant Azure ; 5, Azure, crusily and three cinquefoils Argent; G, Azure, three bars- gemelles and a chief Or. Crest — A lion stat ant per pale as in the Arms. Gules, on a chevron Argent a lion rampant Sable ducally crowned Or, a crescent Azure on another of the third for difference. Crest — A Blackamoor's head proper wreathed Argent and Sable. Quarterly of six — 1, Argent, a chevron between three cormorants Sable; 2, Quarterly Argent and Gules, on the second and third quarters a (rel Or (Dm roN) ; 3, Argent, three chev KNIGHTS MADE 1553. Ill & v JFoijn ©onatafrlr. & &auf <£ijambn1q?nc. $* ©rovgc Stanley S r tfljomas liKsftctt S r IHDtoavB & retail. S'^tcijarUJFrcstott. S v Slmtaose JFermjm. S r 2Ti)omas 3LotaU. ronels Gules, on a canton of the second a mullet Or (Warburton, Ancient) ; 4, Azure, a garb between two bezants (Grosvexor) ; 5, Argent, an orle within eight martlets Sable (Winnington) ; 6, Sable, a cross pa- tonce Argent (Pulford). Quarterly of six — 1, Constable as at p. 40 ; 2, Argent, three chaplets Gules ; 3, Quar- terly Argent and Gules, on a bend Sable three escallops of the first, a crescent for difference ; 4, Gules, a saltire Argent, a mullet Sable for difference ; o, Argent, a cross patonce Or ; 6, Sable, a fess between three garbs Argent ; the same Crest. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, fretty Sable, on a chief of the second three plates ; 2, Or, three chevronels Gules, on each five fleurs-de-lis Argent ; 3, Three chevronels. Crest — An ass's head erased proper, ducally gorged Or. Or, three lions' gambs erased Gules, on a chief indented Azure as many bucks' heads cabossed of the field. Crest — An eagle's head Or, charged on the neck with three pellets, in the beak a lion's gamb erased. Quarterly of five — 1, Argent, on a bend Sable three garbs Or ; 2, Barry of six Argent and Azure, in chief three lozenges Gules ; 3, Ar- gent, a cross patonce Sable ; 4, Argent, a fess Gules ; 5, Sable, three crescents each enclosing a mullet Argent. Crest — A garb banded Azure. Quarterly of six — 1, Sable, a cross engrailed and a bordure Or ; 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, as at p. 92. Crest — A garb Or banded Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure platee, on a fess Or three leopards' faces Gules ; 2 and 3, Argent, on a bend cotised Sable three roses of the field. Crest — A demi-talbot Sable holding in both paws a plate. Quarterly — 1 and 4 as 1 and 2, and 3 as 2, at p. 94 ; and the same Crest. Gules, three unicorns' heads couped within a bordure engrailed Or. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Loyell as at p. 15 ; 2 and 3, Vert, two chevrons Argent, on each three cinquefoils Gules. Crest — A garb of peacock's feathers proper banded Gules. 112 KNIGHTS MADE 1553—1554. S r ftattf £gcrton. S r Eljomas ft ataman S v £HtoartJ . ft* Clement 3l>tgham. ft*Jfoijn WLtmt&out. Arms as at p. 77. Crest — A lion's gamb erect Gules grasping a sword Argent, hiked Or. Argent, on a bend cotised Sable three cinque- foils Or. Arms as at p. 29. Argent, three bars Azure, on a canton Or a fess and in chief three mascles Sable. Crest — A dexter hand and wrist gauntletted, grasping a broken sword Argent, hilt and pomel Sable. Azure, on a fess Or between three plates Azure, on each a griffin's head erased Sable, a lion passant between two cinquefoils Gules. Crest — On a pink proper a lion's head couped quarterly Ermine and Ermines. Argent, a fess Gules between three hazel-nuts Or, husks and stalks Vert. Gyronny of eight Gules and Sable, a lion rampant Or within a bordure Azure, crusily of the third. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, an eagle displayed Argent ; 2, Vair Argent and Sable, a canton Gules ; 3, Gules, a chevron Ermine between three eagles displayed Argent. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Chequy Argent and Gules, on a chief Or a brock statant proper ; 2, Argent, a cross patonce Sable. Crest — On a mount Vert a brock statant proper. Azure, a fess engrailed Ermine between three eagles' heads erased Argent. Crest — An eagle's head Argent. Per chevron Sable and Argent, three elephants' heads erased counterchanged, a martlet for difference. Arms as at p. 55. Or, on a fess Sable between three pellets on each an escallop Argent, a leopard's head erased between two boars' heads couped of the field, within a bordure engrailed Azure. Crest — An embowed arm habited barry of six Gules and Vert, holding in the hand proper a bunch of cinquefoils Azure, leaved Vert. Arms and Crest as at p. 12. Sable, a fess chequy Or and Azure betweeD three horses' heads erased Argent. Per fess Gules and Or, a lion rampant per fess Argent and Azure guttee counterchanged between three escallops also counterchangi KNIGHTS MADE 1555—1558. 113 S r Hofcrrt Z1Lli)it\\t\\ S r S§*tU'm CSarrat, Maior of London. S r KtcfjarB fcftaltomt. S r Stomas $) aldington. S r ?>rnn> (T.ascotgne. S r Roger s Stonncr. S r lEBtoarB Sage. S r IXohm Ocmjs. S r arfjomas <£)ffcln\ S r QMiU'm €fjc»ttr. S r 2Ti)Omas lUtrri?, created Erie of Northurnb'land and after re- belled in anno .... of Qneene Elizabeth, and therfore was be- hedded at Yorke. Vert, a cross counter-compony Or and Gnles. Argent, on a fess Sable a lion passant of the field. Crest — A leopard sejant proper. Sable, a fess between three leopards' faces Argent. Arms and Crest as at p. 84, the latter without the bezants. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 18. Arms and Crest as No. 1 at p. 78, the chevron billitee without the difference. Quarterly — 1, 2, and 3, as 1, 2, 3 at p. 13 ; 4, Argent, a bend Sable surmounted of another dancettee of the field, quartering Argent, a fret Sable, on a chief Gules three bezants. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Per saltire Azure and Argent, a saltire Gules ; 2 and 3, Azure, a sun in splendour Or. Crest — A ram passant Argent, armed Or. Quarterly — 1, Ermine, three battle-axes Gules ; 2, Per pale Argent and Sable, a spread eagle counterchanged, beaked, legged, and ducally gorged Or; 3, Gules, two demi-leopards passant-gardant in pale Or ; 4, Argent on a fess Sable three escallops of the field. Crest — A dragon's head erased quarterly Argent and Gules. On each a label of three points. Argent, on a cross flory Azure between four Cornish choughs Sable beaked and legged Gules, a lion passant-gardant Or. Crest — A demi-lion rampant quarterly Or and Azure, gorged counter-compony of the first and Sable, holding in both paws a branch, fructed Or, leaved Vert. Per pale Sable and Argent, a chevron engrailed between three rams' heads erased, all counter- changed within a bordure Azure bezantee. Crest — A ram's head erased Argent, armed Or. Quarterly of twelve — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, as at p. 56 ; 6, Sable, two bars nebulee Ermine ; 7, France and England quarterly, a bordure gobony Ar- gent and Azure ; 8, Gules, a fess between six cross-crosslets Or ; 9, Chequy Or and Azure, a chevron Ermine ; 10, Gules, crusily patee and a chevron Argent ; 11, Gules, a lion passant-gardant Argent ducally crowned Or ; 12, Azure, three icicles in bend Or. Crest as under Northumberland at p. 20. Q 114 KNIGHTS MADE 1555—1558. S v Stomas <£urtri>g. £* v a&ttfltam SamscH. S v Jfoijn StrtgarB. The same Arms and Crest, a crescent for dif- ference. Barry wavy of six Sable and Argent, a chevron Or between three plates, on a chief of the third two dolphins addorscd Azure between as many anchors Gules. Crest — Out of a crescent Or an arm erect habited Azure, hold- ing in the hand proper a branch of colum- bines Azure leaved and slipped Vert. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a chevron engrailed Ermine between three griffins' heads erased Argent ; 2 and 3, Paly of six Ermine and Azure, a chevron between three lions passant- gardant Or. Crest — A cockatrice proper, beaked and legged Gules, ducally gorged Or. Ermine, on a cross engrailed Sable, a tower Argent between four crescents, each enclos- ing a mullet of the third. Crest — A harpy proper. Arms quarterly as at p. 13, in 2 and 3 the lions Argent. Crest — A buck's head proper. Elje Names ana %xmm of tfjose tljat ixrere atibauncco to tlje fjonorafrle ©rore of Itnicjljtljooe in tjjc rjoolu quoct anti fortunate rrignc of (Cotton MSS., Claudius, C. hi., fol. 198 — 232, with additions in parentheses from llarl. MS. G063, up to 1586, and then continued from the hitter MS. and other MSS. indicated }wst.) (Knights of the Bath at the Coronation, A 1°.) 1. ILortJ Darrj) of the North. Quarterly of eleven — 1 and 2, as 1 and 2 at p. 22 ; 3, Argent, a bend between six martlets Sable, an annulet for difference ; 4, Azure, a fess between three fleurs-de-lis Or; 5, Gules, three goats' heads couped Or ; 6, Azure, a cross patoncc voided Argent ; 7, Gules, three lucies hauriant Argent ; 8, Argent, two bars Azure, a ileur-dc-lis Or ; 9, Argent, three chaplets Gules; 10, Argent, a boar Btatani Sable; LI, Or, a helmet close Gules. The same Crest. KNIGHTS MADE 1558. 115 2. ftorB SijfffctlSfe. 3. ILorUe 2D ZZtroton. 8. S r iEUtotirft Stmpton. o. S v Jltcijolas |}omt>. 10. S r JToIjn BavUici?. ii • S r (Scorgr Speaite. Crest — A boar's head erased Or, langued Gules. Quarterly of five — 1, Argent, three cinquefoils Gules ; 2, Argent, a fess Ermine double cotised Sable ; 3, Gules, a goat salient, attired Or ; 4, Argent, a saltire Sable, an annulet of the second for difference. Crest — A derni- maiden, face proper, habited and crined Or, holding in her right hand a branch of cinque- foils also proper. Arms and Crest as at p. 106. Azure, a lion passant Or between three fleurs- de-lis Argent, a label of three points. Crest — A dragon's head erased Sable, ducally gorged Or, a similar label. Quarterly of twelve — 1, as 1 at p. 55 ; 2, Barry of six Argent and Azure ; 3, Or, a lion rampant Azure; 4, Or, three pales Sable ; 5, Gules, three garbs within a double treasure flory-counterflory Or ; 6, Barry of ten Argent and Azure, an orle of martlets Gules ; 7, Or, three escucheons barry of six Vair and Gules ; 8, Gules, a bend lozengy Or ; 9, Argent, on a chief Azure three crosses patee fitchee of the field ; 10, Sable, three garbs Argent ; 11, Or, three piles meeting at the base Gules, a canton Vair ; 12, Or, a fess Gules. Crest as at p. 55, a crescent for difference. Quarterly of six — 1 and 2, as 1 and 2 at p. 58 ; 3, Ermine, a lion rampant Sable, ducally crowned Or ; 4, Argent, three chaplets Gules ; 5, Sable, a cross Argent, in dexter chief a cinquefoil of the second ; 6, Argent, a maunch Gules. Crest — A dromedary Sable, the hump Argent, gorged and hoofed Or. Quarterly — 1, 2, and 4, as 1, 2, and 4 at p. 65 ; 3, Azure, three griffins segreaut Argent ; and the same Crest. Quarterly of six — 1, Barry of eight Or and Gules ; 2 and 3, as 1 and 2 at p. 10 ; 4, Paly of six Or and Azure, on a fess Gules three mullets of the first ; 5, Argent, a fess between three boars passant Sable, a crescent for dif- ference ; 6, Or, a chevron between three cinquefoils Azure, a mullet for difference. Crest — An arm erect fist clenched proper. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 10. Arms and Crest as at p. 26. 116 KNIGHTS MADE 1558— 15G0. (Knights Bachelor the same year and the next.) & r (Thomas parrs (of Wales, Thresuxer of the Queene's hous- hold). S r ?>r«ri> ©arg, after created Baron of Hunsdon. S r (Thomas ILcttjijc (Maior of London). S r fltcijolas Bacon, Lorde Keeper of the Greate Scale, dyed at London on Friday the 21 February 1578, and was buried in Powles on Monday the !) of Marehe following. S r IxObtX't Catchmt, Cheif Jus- tice. S r (Thomas (Srrsham. & r WBMVm 1l)fUJCt, Maior of Loudon. Quarterly of six — 1, Sable, a chevron between three boys' heads couped at the shoulders Argent, round each neck a serpent Azure ; 2, Sable, a chevron between three spear- heads Argent, the points dropping blood Gules ; 3, Argent, three cocks Gules, combed and legged Or ; 4, Argent, a lion rampant Sable, ducally crowned Or ; 5, Argent, a bull's head couped Gules, armed Or, between three mullets of the second ; over all a crescent for difference. Crest — An arm erect proper grasping the neck and entwined by the body of a serpent Vert. Gules, on a cross engrailed Argent between four unicorns' heads erased Or five roundles Er- mines. Crest — A unicorn's head erased Or, collared Argent, studded Gules. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, on a chief Argent two mullets Sable ; 2 and 3, Barry of six Or and Azure, a bend Gules. Crest — A boar passant Ermine. On each a crescent for dif- ference. Per chevron Azure and Or, three lions passant- gardant in pale counterchanged, a chief Argent. Crest — A lion's head affrontee Ar- gent, ducally gorged between two wings Azure. Argent, a chevron Ermines between three mul- lets pierced Sable. Crest as at p. G8. Azure, on a fess flory-counterflory Or between three lions passant Argent as many lapwings proper. Cresf — A lapwing proper. (These twelve were knighted at Barwick by the Duke of Norfolk, 1560.) 1. & r (Scorgc BOUJCS. Arms and Crest as at p. 07, without the dif- ference. 2. S r ^vtl)UVf0})tcm, dubbed at Mr. Will'm Walgrave's house in Essex (Suffolk) anno d'ni 1561. % x WiilVm 3i>arj)cr, Maior of London, dubbed at "Westmin- ster the 15 of February, anno d'ni 15 62. 5 r tTfjomas SLoBgc, Maior of London, dubbed at Westni. (1562). S r HtJn>an $}oimtng;cs. S r Sofjn OT!)ttr, Maior of Lon- don, anno d'ni 1563. S r fycnxv <£fjnmi>, now Lorde Cheyny, called by wrytte to the Parlement holden at Westm. anno .... (knighted by the Queen's own hand, 1563). S r ?>fnvi> (LSLttlltamtt alias CTvomUKll (by the hand of the Queen, I 563 I Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 53. Azure, on a fess between three eagles displayed Or, a fret between two martlets of the field. Crest — Out of a crescent Argent, charged with a fret between two martlets Azure, an eagle displayed of the last. Azure, a lion rampant Argent, crusily fitchee Gules, within a bordure flory of the second. Crest — A demi-lion purpure supporting up- right in both paws a cross fitchee Gules. Arms and Crest as at p. 9, on each a bendlet sinister. Per fess Azure and Or, a pale counterchanged, three leopards' heads erased Gules between as many roundles barry wavy of six Argent and Vert. Crest — A lion's head erased quar- terly Or and Azure, guttee counterchanged. Quarterly of seventeen — 1, Azure, six lioncels rampant, 3 and 3, Argent, a canton Ermine; 2, Ermine, on the dexter side of a chief per pale indented Or and Gules a rose of the last ; 3, Argent, a chevron between three mullets Gules ; 4, Argent, three Blacka- moors' faces Sable ; 5, Sable, a chevron Er- mine between three bird-bolts Argent ; 6, Ar- gent, on a chevron Gules three fleurs-de-lis Or ; 7, Quarterly Argent and Gules, a bend of the second ; 8, Quarterly per fess indented Or and Azure ; 9, Gules, a bend Vair between six escallops Or ; 10, Sable, a saltire engrailed Argent; 11, Argent, on a cross Azure five escallops Or; 12, Barry of six Argent and Sable; 13, Argent, a horse-barnacle Sable; 14, Gules, a fess dancettee between six cross- crosslets Or; 15, Or, a cross engrailed Vert ; 16, Azure, two lions passant-gardant in pale Or; 17, Argent, on a chevron Sable a fleur- de-lis of the field. Crest — An heraldic tiger statant Vert bezant^e, ducally gorged and lined Or. Quarterly of six — 1, Sable, a lion rampant Ar gent ; 2, Sable, three Bpear-heads Argent, their points imbrued Gules ; 8, Argent, a chevron KNIGHTS MADE 1563— 15G5. 119 S* lEBtoavB ©ajicU. % x BtdjarB fHallorj?, Maior of London, dubbed at Westm. the 18 of February, anno d'ni 1564. (S r <£)tom (Dstotltfattt of Ire- land, 1564.) & r frames i^artngton, dubbed by the Erie of Leycester at the Queene's com'andment anno d'ni 1565. g r EttdjarD Ctfjampgott, Maior of London, dubbed at Gren- wiche by Thomas, Erie of Sus- sex, on Sonday the 17 of Feb- ruary, anno d'ni 1565. & r Stomas i#Oi)b£, dubbed at Grenwiche on Sonday the 9 of Marche, anno d'ni 1565. £ v $fttr£ Bai'Cl?, dubbed at Fodringhay anno d'ni 1566 (by the Erie of Leycester). between three fleurs-de-lis Sable ; 4, Gules, three chevronels Argent ; 5, Argent, a lion rampant Sable ; 6, Argent, on a chevron Gules a mullet of the field. Crest — A derni- lion Argent holding in the dexter paw a ring Or. Quarterly of six — 1 and 6, Gules, a lion rampant between three cross-crosslets fitchee Or ; 2, Argent, a chevron Gules between three torteaux, on a chief Azure a fret between two cinquefoils Or; 3, Argent, on a chevron Azure three garbs Or ; 4, Sable, a chevron Ermine between three escallops Argent ; 5, Gules, a chevron between three fleurs-de- lis Or. Crest — A demi-lion Argent holding in both paws a cross-crosslet fitchee Or. Or, a lion rampant within a bordure Gules. Crest — A horse's head Gules, the face and ears Argent, maned and ducally gorged Or. Argent, on a fess Gules between three trefoils slipped Ermines, an eagle displayed Or, a bordure engrailed Azure bezantee. Crest — An arm erect vested Gules, three bars Ar- gent, holding in the hand proper three roses Gules, leaved and slipped Vert. Quarterly of six — 1, Argent, a fess between three hawks Sable, beaked and belled Or, quartering — 1, Gules, three battle-axes in fess Or — 2, Argent, three bottoms in fess Gules ; 2, Sable, an eagle displayed Argent ; 3, Argent, a lion rampant Sable, langued and ducally crowned Or ; 4, Sable, a pome- granate Or, seeded proper, leaved and slip- ped Vert ; 5, Gules, a lion rampant-regardant Argent ; 6, Argent, a chevron between three boars' heads couped Sable. Crest — A falcon rising proper, ducally gorged and belled Or. Quarterly of six — 1 and 6 as 1, and 2, 3, 4, and 5 as 2, 3, 4, 5, at p. 114, but in the last the goats' heads erased. Crest — A buck's head Ermine, attired Or. 120 KNIGHTS MADE 1566. & fttrfjarfc Hmgfjtlcj? (the like). S r , dubbed at his owne house in Warwykshire anno d'ni 15GG. chevron Gules, abordurc engrailed Sable ; 15, Argent, six lions rampant Gules; 10, Or, a fret Sable ; 17, Azure, a less cotised Or ; 18, Per fess Azure and Gules, three crescents Ar- gent ; 19, Gules, billitee Or, a saltire Vair ; 20, Or, on a bend Sable three horse-shoes Argent ; 21, Azure, an eagle displayed Or ; 22, Gules, a fess between six martlets Or, a mullet Sable for difference ; 23, Argent, on a fess Azure three fleurs-de-lis Or. Crest — A greyhound's head erased Sable, gorged Ar- gent. Quarterly of twelve — 1, 2, 3, as at p. 17 ; I, Argent, a lion rampant Sable, debruised by a fess counter-compony Or and Azure- ; 5, Azure, a lion rampant and a bordure Or ; 0, Gules, a lion rampant and a bordure engrailed Or; 7, Gules, a saltire Argent, thereon a martlet Sable for difference ; 8, Argent, a bend between six martlets Gules ; 9, Or, a fret Gules ; 10, Argent, two lions passant in pale Gules; 11, Azure, six fleurs-de-lis Ar- gent, a chief Or; 12, Argent, a chevron between three leopards' heads erased Gules. Crest as at p. 117. Quarterly of six — 1 and 6, Gules, on a bend Argent three leopards' heads erased Sable ; 2, Gules, a fess counter-compony Or and Sable between six cross-crosslets Argent ; 3, Argent, a cross patonce between four crescents Gules; 4, Gules, a cross patonce Argent ; 5, Sable, an escucheon quarterly Or and barry of eight Argent and Gules within an orle of dolphins embowed of the third. Crest — A lion's head erased Sable, ducally gorged Argent. Quarterly of eight — 1 and 2, as 1 and 2 at p. 19 ; 3, Or, an eagle displayed Sable, gorged Ar- gent ; i, Azure, a buck's head cabossed Or ; 5, Barry of six Argent and Azure, on a bend Gules three mullets Or ; 6, Argent, billitee and a lion rampant Sable ; 7, Azure, a fess between six cross-crosslets Argent : 8, Or. a cross between four martlets Gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Gules, a boar's head Argent guttee de poix between two wings Sable billitee Or. r 122 KNIGIITS MADE 1566. £ r iittmonU BruDcncII, dubbed at S r Thomas Lueyc's house anno d'ni 1.3CG. & T ?i>rnrn XorrcwB, dubbed at Rycott bis owne house anno d'ni 156G. After called by writte to the Parlement holden at Westminster anno d'ni .... to be Lordc Norreys. ^ l UtcfjartJ (leiaimrman, dubbed ai h'ycott the same tyme, anno d'ni 15GG. & r .Ynonijcr ttrotomr, dubbed at Bradname anno d'ni 1566. Quarterly of twelve — 1, Argent, a chevron (Jules between three chateaux Azure; 2, Ermine, on a chevron Gules three escallops Argent ; 3, Gyronny of eight Or and Sable ; 4, Azure, a bend cotised between six cross- crosslets Or ; 5, Sable, a buck's head cabossed Argent attired Or, in the mouth an arrow of the last ; 6, Argent, a chevron Gules be- tween three squirrels Sable ; 7, Paly of six Argent and Azure, on a chief Sable two swords in saltire of the first, hilted Or ; 8, Sable, three fusils in fess Argent ; 9, Gules, a horse-barnacle Argent, a chief Sable ; 10, Argent, a horse-barnacle Gules ; 11, Argent, six cinquefoils, 2, 2, 2, Gules, on a canton Sable a mullet of the field ; 12, Argent, a fess dancettee Gules, in chief three leopards' faces Sable. Crest — A sea-horse Argent, mane and tail Or. Quarterly of ten — 1 and 2, as 1 and 2 at p. 14 ; 3, Or, two bars nebulee Gules ; 4, Azure, bil- litee and a fess dancettee Or ; 5, Argent, a lion rampant Sable, dueally crowned Or, a bordure Azure ; G, Azure, fleury and a lion rampant-gardant Argent ; 7, Azure, fleury and a lion rampant-gardant Or ; 8, Azure, three garbs Or; 9, Azure, three cinquefoils pierced Or; 10, Quarterly Gules and Azure, in the first quarter an eagle displayed Or. The same Crest. Quarterly of seven — 1, as Wayman at p. 109; 2, Gules, three lions passant in pale Argent ; 3, Argent, a chevron between thre martlets Sable; 4, Chequy Argenl and (Jules, on a chevron Azure three roses of the first ; 5, Ermine, on a chevron engrailed Gules three quatrefoils Argent ; G, Gules, a chevron Er- mine between three lions rampant Or; 7, Argent, on a chevron Azure between three lozenges Sable as many bucks 1 heads cabossed Or. The same Crest. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Sable, on a chevron Argent three mounds growing tulips Vert, a bordure Or; 2 and :;, Argent, on a chevron Sable between three pellets as many cinquefoils Or. Crest — A mound Vert growing tulips Or, leaved ami . talked of the first. KNIGHTS MADE 1566-1568. 123 S r JTofjtt ftronfcll, dubbed at the Courte the 27 of Novembre anno d'ni 15G6. S v ^ntfjomj Broume, Justice of the Conion Pleas, dubbed by Thomas Erie of Sussex at the Parlenient-house the 2 day of February anno d'ni 1566. & r $>enri? (Tumpton, dubbed by Robert Erie of Leycestcr at Arondell-house in London the 16 of February anno d'ni 1566. After made Lord Compton by writte to the Parlement holden at Westm. anno .... j£ r Xpopfjer Draper, Maior of London, dubbed at Westm. on Sonday the 16 of February anno d'ni 1566. (S r Eermonti Mvt f 1567.) S v iTJjomas Safceitle, dubbed at Westm. the 8 of June anno d'ni 1567 (by the D. of Norff.) and the same day created Baron of Buckhurst. S r Stomas itt$ftma», dubbed at Richmond by Robert Erie of Leycester the 23 day of June anno d'ni 1567. £ r Koger Utartm, Maior of London, dubbed at Westm. by Robert Erie of Leycester the 14 day of March anno d'ni 1567. S r George |JenrotJoefte t dubbed at Hatfeild by Robert Erie of Leycester the 7 day of August anno d'ni 1568. S v 3Lrtoejs filor&ant (1568). S r ISOUiartr iilontague (1568). Quarterly of six — 1 and 2, as 1 and 2 at p. 25 ; 3, Ermine, on a cross Gules five martlets Or ; 4, 5, 6, as 3 and 2 quarterly at p. 46 ; and Crest as at p. 25. Quarterly — 1 and 4, as 1 at p. 88 ; 2 and 3, Azure, a chevron between three ducks Ar- gent, beaked and legged Gules, quartering Per bend sinister Sable and Or, a lion rampant counterchanged. Crest as at p. 88, a crescent Gules for difference. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a demi-dragon erased Gules. Argent, two chevronels Sable, each charged with five martlets of the field between three escallops of the second. Crest — A dexter arm embowed in armour proper, holding an anchor Or. Arms and Crest as at p. 100. Arms and Crest as at p. !) 1. Gules, on a fess engrailed between three swans' heads erased Argent ducally gorged Azure as many mascles Sable. Crest — A cocka- trice's head proper. Quarterly — 1, Gules, a bend ragulee Argent ; 2, Per chevron Sable and Ermine, in chief two boars' heads couped Or ; 3, Sable, six annulets, 3 and 3, in pale Or ; 4, Azure, a fess be- tween three martlets Or. Crest — A demi- dragon Sable, wings Or, a crescent for dif- ference. Arms and Crest as at p. 67. 124 KNIGHTS MADE 1568-1570. S r KttfjarB jFcnna (1568). S r 3i>ntn> Wtallonpc dubbed at Basinge anno d'ni lf>69. 5 V QKflFnt Ittngrsmnll, dubbed at Basinge anno d'ni 15G9. Si T tTijomas* HOC, Maior of Lon- don, dubbed at Westm. anno d'ni 1569. S r OTtH'm WLt&t, dubbed at Hampton Courte anno d'ni 1569, and was then created Lorde De la Ware. S r Jfoljn (TiOOtJfUjljnf, dubbed at Eythorpe in Waddesdone at S r Will'm Dormer's house anno d'ni 1570 by the Erie of Leycester at the Qneenc's com'andment. S r iSOmtmU 3shfctItJ, dubbed at Eythorpe 1570. & George |)rrttijam (the like). S v llOUCVt 2£ti)ttnrr>, dubbed at Wyndesore anno (1570). (Sbt^fltoarB Alston, 1570.) x v TUaanlirv auction, Maior of London 1569, dubbed (at Somerset-house anno d'ni I .'.70 Quarterly — 1 and 4, Azure, three lions rampant Or ; 2, Argent, five mullets in cross Sal ik- on each a bezant ; 3, Argent, two chevronels Sal ile between three roses Gules. Crest as at p. 32, a crescent for difference. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, abend wavy Sable ; 2 and 3, Paly wavy of six Argent and Sable, on a chief Or a saltire Gules (Yalaxs). Crest — A mermaid proper. Argent, crusily fitchee Sable, a chevron Ermines between three fers-de-moline of the second, a chief of the third. Argent, on a chevron Azure between three tre- foils slipped per pale G ules and Vert as many bezants, a crescent Sable for difference. ( 'rest — A stag's head Gules, attired Or. Quarterly of five— 1, 2, and 4, as 1, 2, 4 at p. 57; 3, Azure, two bars-gemelles Or, in chief a lion passant of the second ; 5, Lozengy Gules and Vair. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a griffin's head Azure, beaked of the first. Quarterly — 1, Per pale Or and Gules, a lion rampant between three fleurs-de-lis all coun- terchanged ; 2, Argent, a saltire Gules fretty of the first between four escallops of the second; 3, Per chevron Sable and Ermine, in chief two foxes combatant Argent, a bordure Azure fleury Or (Bledlow) ; 4, Ar- gent, a stork Sable, beaked and legged ( I ules (Stakky). Crest — A demi-lion Argent, ducally gorged Gules. Quarterly of six — 1 and 3, as 1 and 2 at p. 72; 2, Chequy Argenl and Sable, on a chief Or three leaves Vert ; 4, Larry nebulee of six Or and Sable; 5, Argent, a lion rampant Gules, ducally crow ned ( >r, a bordure Sable bezantee; 0, Gules, two lions passant in pale Or. Crest as at p. 72. Azure, a cross chequy Argenl and Gules. Crest — A 1 mil's head Sable, armed paly of four Gules and Argent. Ermine, on a pale Gules a cross flory, on a chief Sable a billel Or w ; ' hin a mascle between two escallops Argent. ' st — An eagle's head KNIGIITS MADE 1670. 125 S r ttotobmttc |l)a»toarKe,Maior of London 1570 (the like). % x OTjomas ScottC of Kente, dubbed at Somersett-place in London anno d'ni 1570. S r JTamcft HJalc 0, 1570. T . . . Uticas. (This entry probably refers to S r Thomas Lucas at p. 126, jws/.) erased Vert, gorged with two bars Or between two wings expanded per pale Azure and Gules, in the beak a branch of three leaves slipped Vert. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, a lion rampant Argent, ducally crowned Or ; 2, Argent, two pales engrailed Sable ; 3, Argent, on a sal- tire engrailed Gules five fleurs-de-lis of the field. Crest — An ibex statant Or. Quarterly of six — 1, Argent, three Catherine- wheels Azure, a bordure engrailed Gules ; 2, Barry of six Gules and Argent, a chief Yair ; 3, Purpure, a lion rampant double-queued Or ducally crowned Argent ; 4, Argent, a saltire Sable between twelve pears Gules slipped Vert ; 5, Gules, a fess Ermine between six cross-crosslets fitchee Argent ; 6, Gules, a chevron between three leaves slipped Argent. Crest — A demi-griffin segreant Sable. Gules, three arrows Argent, barbed Or. Crest — An arm embowed in armour proper, wreathed Argent, holding an arrow as in the arms. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a fess between six annulets Gules ; 2, Gules, on a bend Argent seven billets Sable (Morieux) ; 3, Gules, a saltire between four cross-crosslets fitchee Or (Brampton). Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a demi-griffin wings expanded Gules. Knights dubbed by Thomas Erie of Sussex at Barwick the 11 May 1570 : & r OTt'Utam &VUV8 of Suffolk. & Stomas flftanncrs. &v lioiicvt Constable, Quarterly of nine — 1, as at p. 20, a crescent for difference ; 2, Chequy Or and Gules, on a chief Argent a lion passaut-gardant Sable (Comberworth) ; 3, Argent, two bars en- grailed Sable (Staxes) ; 4, Argent, a chevron between three martlets Sable (Arguai) ; 5, Gules, an eagle displayed Argent, a crescent for difference (Suthill); 6, Argent, a bend Sable (Pannell) ; 7, Gules, a cinquefoil Ar- gent (Powcher) ; 8, Gules, a lion rampant Vair (Everixgham) ; 9, Or, on a cross Sable five crescents Argent (Elys). & (Kccrgc eTan>. 126 KNIGHTS MADE 1570-1571. ^r Knights dubbed by Thomas Erie of Sussex at Carlyle the 28 of August 1570 : Valentmte BrotollC. Argent, three martlets in pale Sable between two flaunehes of the second, on each a lion passant of the first. Crest — A griffin Argent guttee de poix, wings expanded Sable guttee d'eau. S r £tmon ittusgraur. £r $enri> (Gray. l£titoarfci fastings. Jfranris ttussrll. imMam llMlton. 3i>enn> Curtoen. S r Robert Stapleton. S'J oljtt ettttc (at Mr. Altham's in Essex, p. Erie of Lest. 1571). S r Stomas 2Lueas (p. Erie of Lest. 1571). Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, fretty Gules, a chief Azure ; 2 and 3, Azure, a lion rampant Argent charged with three billets Or. Crest as at p. 34. I OS* Jferomc Botoes.) Arms epiarterly as at p. 90. Quarterly of six — 1, 2, and 6, as 1, 2, and 4 at p. 125 ; 3, Gules, a chevron Argent be- tween three eagles' heads erased Or (Ged- Dinge) ; 4, Azure, three chevronels Or (Aspall) ; 5, Argent, a fess between two chevrons Gules (Peche). The same Crest, without the wings. S r gTtyomtlg BarrtugtOtt at Greenwich, 1571.) S r (George CTaluelei) (1571). (S r $>umfreij (Gilbert in Ireland £ r (LiLttUtam alien (Lord Maior, at Whitehall, 1571). Quarterly of ten — 1, Argent, a fess Gules be- tween three calves passant Sable ; 2, Sable, on a chevron Argent between three cross- crosslets Or as many cinquefoils Gules ; 3, Argent, on a bend Sable three gemel-rings Or ; 4, Ermine, a fess Gules, a crescent f in- difference ; 5, Argent, on a saltire Sable five swans of the field; 0, Sable, two hinds counter-trippant in fess Argent; 7, Azure, a scimetar erect Argent, hilt Or, within a bor- dure engrailed of the third; 8, Argent, on a mound Vert a stag lodged Gules ; 9, Sable, a chevron between three bulls' heads cabossed Argent; 10, Gules, a fess daneet tee Ermine between three bugle-horns Or. Crest — Out of a (1 neal coronet Or a calf's head Sable. £ l „?/ol)n (Gilbert ai Westminster, 1571.) Per lis., Sable and Or, a pale engrailed and counterchanged, three talbots passani of the second, collared Gules bezante"e. Crest — A talbot passant Sable, eared Or, collared of the second studded Gules. KNIGHTS MADE 1572-1574. 127 & r QMt&ttV JUtallcr (1572). Crest— A tree eradicated Vert. (S v Cijarlcs Somrrsrt, 1572, of Wales.) (& r QMiliiam jFit}Wlil\itom of Northamptonshire, 1572.) (S r IStlbJartl fttauttrcH of Monmouthshire, 1572.) S r UtoncU -Dudtett, Maior of Quarterly — 1, Sable, a saltire Argent, thereon a mullet Gules for difference ; 2, Gules, three cushions Ermine, tasselled Or ; 3, Gules, a lion rampant Argent, langued Or, on the shoulder a fleur-de-lis Azure; 4, Gules, crusily Or, a saltire Argent, thereon a mullet Sable for difference. Crest — A garb of lavender Vert, flowered Azure, banded Or. Knightes dubbed in Kent in the progresse anno d'ni 1573 (at Rye, 12 August): London, dubbed anno 1574 (at Greenwich on Candlemas Day 1572). % v crijomass CSutttJcfortre. S r ftlcxanUrv Colrpcper. S r Stomas £Jjtrfo>. & r HtffjarK BaitCV (at Dover, ult. August). £ v iTijomas SEtalsmgfjam. (S r am. &* Stomas Fanr (the like). S v WiilVm ilSttntrr. Quarterly of eight — 1, as at p. G9 ; 2, Argent, a fess Sable, in chief a mullet of the second between two pellets (Dixgley); 3, Gules, three garbs Or (Comyn) ; 4, Argent, on a bend engrailed Azure three cronels Argent (Foxcott) ; 5, Azure, a bend Or, a label of three points Gules (Chendut); 6, Gules, three lions rampant Or (Fitzherbert) ; 7, Gules, a lion rampant-gardant, double - queued Ermine (Stokes) ; 8, Gules, six escal- lops Or (Brymton). Crest as at p. 69, the swan ducally gorged Gules. Sable, a fess and in chief a crescent Ermine, on a canton of the second a lion rampant of the field. & x JfOljtt i^crbfrt (? Thomas Herbert, at Greenwich, or Thomas Fitzherbert, 1573). S r astm*m Sruri? (1574). .S r lEBmOtttJ Strallimgc (at Greenwich, 1573 or 1575). (S r JFoijn Htbcrs, Lord Maior, at Greenwich, 1574.) S v Bt'djartJ JSavftlri? dc com. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Glouc, with these 22 follow- inge was dubbed in the pro- gresse to Bristowe anno d'ni 1574: 1. S r .f olm ffrarg. 2. &* (Tijomas porter. 3. $t jfoijn IJongr. chevron Ermine engrailed Sable. Gules, crusily pat^e Or, a 2 and 3, Or, a saltire 4. ** UtttH'm £t organ. 5- S r ^oljn Stttoam. 6. 5 r .fToim StotorU. 128 KNIGHTS MADE 1574—1575. S r .fFoi)tt tyOXncVt hath no armes. £ v (Srorgc ftogcrs. S r ?fe?cnr» iJortman. £ l .f/ofjn (TUfton. 11. S r IsDtoavB ?I?cd)crt 12. S r .?oi)nii>ovsfP. 13. S r Jtoljn 3fc?tmgcrforU. 14. *» 9i)nup i.*ni?bct. 15. S^famrs ittcrbht. (S r .?/oim $uban&, Warwickshire, 1574.) 9. 10. ic. &r rfjomas 5£trougijton. 17. S» r .f/oi)it Danbcvs. is. S r |i>mri) Sfjertngton. Arms quarterly and Crest as at p. 90. 19- S r ittatijctoi 3ronbcH. 20. S v IsBtoarfl Baijnton. 21. S v .?/ofjn£lovto«. 22. <5» WLWm Baumgton. Azure, a chevron engrailed Ermine between three scimitars {sic) Argent, on a chief Or as many martlets Gules. Azure, on a chevron Or three cinquefoils Gules, a canton Ermine. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet Or a buck's head Argent, attired of the first. S v CfjailfS, HOVtJ $)otoar0c of Effingham, dubbed in Aprill 1575, and immediately after elected Knighte of the Garter. S v Cljnstojjfjcr &2Jrai>, Lord Cheif Justice, dubbed at Hamp- ton Courte in November 1574. S v .fames 3i>atocs, Maior of London, dubbed anno d'ni 1575. Knightes dubbed at Kenel worth in the progresse anno 1575 : S r $>emi> ©obljam. S v tTbomas &tctU (* Hvtijuv Bassctt do com. Coraub. Quarterly of fifteen — 1, Per chevron Argent and Sable, three trefoils slipped Vert in chief and as many in base ; 2, Sable, fretty Argent ; 3, Argent, a cross patonce voided Gules ; 4, Argent, two bars Azure, a bordure en- grailed Sable ; 5, Or, three water-bougets Sable ; 6, Azure, three chevronels braced and a chief Or ; 7, Barry of ten Argent and Gules, a fleur-de-lis Sable ; 8, Gules, crusily and a bend Or ; 9, Barry of six Argent aiid Azure, on a bend Gules throe martlets Or; 10, Vair, a Cess Gules ; 11, Barry of ten Or and Azure, an eagle displayed Gules ; L2, Or, three chev- ronels Gules, a chief Vair; 13, Gules, a chevron between three cross-crosslets and in chief a lion passant Or; 11, Gules, a lion rampant between three crescents Argent; 15, Argent, a chevron between three eagles' heads erased Sable. Crest — A boar's head Sable, bristled and ducally crowned Or, In i i mth a trefoil Vert. KNIGHTS MADE 1575—1576. 129 S r JftattCPg £St|>lutrPi? de com. Nottingh'm, dubbed at Mydelton, his owne house, in the progresse anno 1575. S r SSttirm ©atCBOl? de com. Northamp., dubbed at Mydelton, Mr. Willughbie's house, in the progresse anno 1575. j©r JToIjtt SttvpiatC de com. Berks, dubbed at Woodstock in the progresse anno 1575. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Gules, two chevrons Argent ; 2, Ermine, three torteaux ; 3, Sable, a lion passant-gardant Argent, ducally crowned Or. Crest — A griffin's head erased Vert, beaked and eared Gules. (S v litflttOtttJ jFctlJ})Iaee, his cosen ; the like.) S r as ^Otolft de com. Wilt., dubbed at Wyndesor in October anno 1575. % x ftmurosc Ntcfjolas, Maior of London, dubbed at White- hall on Sonday the 19 day of February 1575 in the parle- ment tyme. ic r fttdjarD ttogros de com. Dorsett, dubbed at Westmin- ster on Sonday the 25 of March e, being the day of the Anuntia- tion of our Lady 1576. S r JToijn Bdltgrctor de com. Cornub., dubbed at Westm' the 25 of Marche in anno 1576, being the day of the Anuntia- tion of our Lady and the first day of the yere of our Lord 1576. Or, three fleurs-de-lis Azure, on a chief Gules a lion passant of the field. Cresl — A unicorn's head Gules bezantee, armed and maned Sable. Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a mullet Sable, on a chief Or a fleur-de-lis Gules ; 2 and 3, Argent, fretty Sable, a chief Gules. Crest — A fleur-de-lis per pale Or and Argent. Quarterly of eight — 1, Argent, a spread-eagle Sable within a bordure of the second bezantee ; 2, Sable, a chevron between three eagles dis- played Or ; 3, Argent, three mascles Gules ; 4, Argent, on a chevron Sable between three torteaux as many bezants ; 5, Azure, on a bend Or three leaves of the field ; 6, Argent, a lion rampant Gules ; 7, Gules, a bend between six lozenges Or ; 8, Azure, a bend Or, a label of three points Gules. Crest — A demi-lion rampant Sable charged with three bezants. S r ZSttH'm Cottrtmrg, anno 1576. £ v SZttirm ittoorr de com. Sur- rey, anno 1576. S r Jfvanris Carrto de com. Sur- rey, dubbed anno 1576. Azure, on a cross Argent five martlets Sable. Crest — On a ducal coronet an heraldic tiger passant Argent. Quarterly of eleven — 1, Or, three lions passant in pale Sable ; 2, Argent, three serpents nowed Vert ; 3, Gules, an arm habited in a maunch Ermine issuing from the sinister side, the haud proper holding a fleur-de-lis Or; 4, Quarterly Argent and Sable; 5, Azure, a fess between six cross-crosslets Or ; 6, Azure, 130 KNIGHTS MADE 1576-1577. three dexter hands appaumee couped Argent ; 7, Ermine, a gemcl-ring, on a chief Sable three crosses patee Argent ; 8, Azure, fretty Argent ; 9, Or, a lion rampant Sable, quar- tering Gules, a fess dancettee between six cross-crosslets Or ; 10, Barry of six Ermine and Gules, three crescents Sable; 11, Argent, three piles Vert, a bordure Azure bezantee. S> r (Tijomag Brotonc of Becheworthe Castell in Sussex, anno 1576. Knights dubbed at ... . anno 1576 : S r SftttH'tn Drttrg de com. (Bucks, Lo. Deputy). S r £ZttU'm OJLlalhtqva'bC de com. Essex. S r .f/0ljlt \)ttn de com. Essex. £ v lioforvt D'OjjIrin Crest — A demi-dragon Gules, winged and clawed Vert. & tLIXilVm tynbtVt de com (Wales). ^ r JFoJjlt £mttijc de com. Essex. &* liohrrt 13cII, made Lord Chief Sable, a fess Ermine between three bells Argent. Baron of the Exchequer, and Crest — On a mount Vert an eagle rising Ar- dubbed in January 1576. gent, beaked and legged Sable, on the breast three Ermine spots. S v fttcfjavB Bttlfeclfl) de com. Cestre, dubbed on Shrove Sonday the 17 of February 1576, at Whitehall, the day before his maryage. % r Soijn HanglCl), Maior of London, dubbed at Westminster anno 1576, in Marche. (& C, 1576.) Knightes dubbed at Gorambery, the house of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale, in May, anno 1577 : S r JTofm BrodtCt de com. Hertf. S v ii?mri? (COCUC de com. Hertf. Quarterly Gules and Argent. & v Bagnol, 1577.) i© r iEBtoaiU 2l?0VSCi>, Captaine of the Isle of Wight, dabbed at Hampton Court in December, anno 1577. jS> r Stomas BormtOU of Aclam Or, a fess between three crescents Gules, in com. Ebor., dubbed at Hamp- ton Courte anno 1577, in Jan- uary. & v JToijtt ItatJCIiff of Ordesall in com. Lancastre, dubbed at Hampton Court on Shrove Souday, anno 1577, in February. & r 3£BtoarB 3L0ltge of Wiltshire, dubbed anno 1578. 132 KNIGHTS MADE 1578. J5 r jFrattC£S lIHmtfe de Com. Cambridg (the like). S v tTfjOtttaft liamacn, Maior of London, dubbed at Greenwiche on May-day anno 1578. % v ©(jV'OpJjCV 3i>i?li>tlt*JJ of Yorkshire, dubbed at Greenwiche the 4 of May anno 1578. S r isDmonQ Craffor&C of . . . ., dubbed on Sonday the 25 of May 1578. JC r CSCOI'CJC Colt, dubbed at his Quarterly — 1 and 4, Argent, a fess between house called (Colts) Hall in three colts courant Sable; 2 and 3, Gyronny Suff. the first of August 1578 of eight Ermine and Azure. Crest — A horse's in the progresse. head Argent, three Ermine spots. Knightes dubbed in the progresse at Bury St. Edmond on Saturday the first of August 1578 : S v Itytltp ^arurr. &* artljur ^rbrmngijam. S r iXobtvt JJnmint. S r Stomas littson. S r Stomas BcrnarBrston. Knightes dubbed in the progresse at Norwich the 22 of August 1578 : £ v limit Stfjrtton. S r ISBtoarB ©lecre. S* miXVm flJaaton. S v Jlidjolas Bacon (at Norwich, son to the Lo. Keeper). $ v (Tfjomag llltnOCt. Quarterly of sixteen — 1, Argent, a bend and a bordure engrailed Sable ; 2, Argent, three bars Gules, a bordure Azure bezantee ; 3, Or, a saltire engrailed Sable ; 4, Bendy of six Or and Azure, a canton Ermine ; 5, Chequy Or and Gules, a bend Ermine ; 6, Bendy of ten Argent and Gules ; 7, Argent, a chief Gules, a bend Azure ; 8, Ermine, a fess Gules ; 9, Argent, three cinquefoils and a canton Gules ; 10, Chequy Or and Gules, a chief Ermine ; 11, Argent, a cross engrailed between four watcr-bougcts Gules, a label of three points, on each a lion rampant ; 1 2, Gules, billitee Or, a fess Argent ; 13, Quarterly Or and Verl ; 14, Argent, a chevron between three griffins 1 heads erased Gules (Tilney) ; 15, Barry of ten Argent and Gules, a bend engrailed Sable; 16, Quarterly Or and Gules, a bordure Sable bezantee. Crest as at p. 70, a crescent for difference. "Tilney bringeth these cotes: roos de tyj), rooheford, llmksey, ii or last, Thorpe, Gorbrioe, Norwood, Aspall." S r iiOUCrt WLtOOtJf, Maior of Norwich. KNIGHTS MADE 1578—1579. 133 (&* tyenvs ItttirtJCtt, 1578.) S r 2TfjomasS , dubbed at Woodrysinge in the progresse the 26 of August being Tuesday 1578. & v &*tttg OTooWjOUSe (the like). & r UoqtV £Et00tJfj0ttse, dubbed on Wensday the 27 of August 1578 at S r Edward Cleere's house in Thetford. S r iftojjcr iitantooofclr, one of Sable, two pales Or, on a chief of the second a the Justices of the Kinge's derni-lion rampant issuant of the first. Crest — Benche, dubbed on Saturday Out of a ducal coronet a lion's head affrontee the 15 of Novembre 1578 at Or. Richmond. (S r fttcfjarti |Jtj>e, Lo. Maior, 1578.) S r ffiSUU'm Herbert, dubbed at Richmond on S* Thomas Day being Sonday the 21 of Decembre 1578. % v EffOma* JFavvfOX, dubbed at Westminster in May 1579. £ r 2Tfjomas Bromla?, dubbed at Westminster in May 1579, and immediately made Lorde Chancelor of Eugland. & r Stomas 3Lai)tOtt (HctfffjtOtt, Shropshire), dubbed at Westminster in May 1579. S r CStlilcrt (KeratfJ, Attorney General!, dubbed at Grenwiche on Sonday the fifte of July 1579. S r Utetoe Breton? (of Norff.), dubbed at Wanstead in Essex in Septembre 1579. S v $Cnrg l^U&ICStOU (Edmond, 6063), dubbed with S r John Heigham ; this S r .... Hudleston was then Shiriff of Essex. " Quaere an sit Sir Edmond Hodle- ston." (Note.— A Sir Edward Hudleston was Sheriff of Essex 20 Eliz.) % v JToijtt Ith'crfjam, dubbed at Mulsham, S r Thomas Mildmaye's house, in Essex, 1579 in Septembre. Quarterly of twenty-four — 1, 2, 3, as 1, 2, 3 at p. 70 ; 4, Lozengy Argent and Gules, a mullet for difference ; 5, Chequy Or and Azure ; 6, Or, a chief Azure ; 7, Quarterly Or and Gules, a bend Sable, a label of five points Argent ; 8, Or, an orle Azure ; 9, Gules, six martlets Argent ; 10, Azure, on a bend Or an annulet Sable, a label of three points Argent ; 11, Or, crusily fitchee and three garbs Gules ; 12, Argent, a bend fusily Azure ; 13, Gules, a saltire Argent, a label of three points Argent, on each point a bar Azure, a crescent for difference ; 1-1, Argent, three fusils in fess Gules ; 15, Or, an eagle displayed Gules ; 16, Azure, flory and a lion rampant-gardant Argent ; 17, Three lions passant-gardant, a bordure ; 18, Or, two bars Gules, in chief three torteaux ; 19, Ar- gent, a saltire engrailed Gules ; 20, Or, a lion rampant Gules ; 21, Gules, a cross en- grailed Argent ; 22, Argent, on a canton S r (SotJfrrg Jfoulgcam de com. Derby, dubbed on Sonday the 24 of January 1579 at West- minster. 134 KNIGHTS MADE 1579—1583. Gules a rose Or ; 23, Azure, a fess between three leopards' faces Or, an annulet Sable for difference ; 24, Argent, a fess dancett^e Sable three bezants. Crest as at p. 70. S r .fFofjn Enron (the like). Knightes dubbed at Westm. on Sonday the 7 of February 1579 : jc r jltrijola* (LStooOrofr, Lord Maior of London. S r Jfoljn eijicijfstcr, S r arijomaa lijjuctt £© r JfranctS (fSotJOIpfjUt, dubbed at Richmond on Sonday the 20 day of Novembre 1580, de com. Cornub. S r 2Tijomas £amrtj)0U of Lincolnshire, dubbed at Richmond on Sonday the 20 of Novembre 1580. io r <£tOV(JC Bromlci) de com. Salope, Attorney to the Duchy of Lancaster, dubbed at Nonsuch in Surrey on Friday the 3 of June 1580. S r 3i>enn> fcStO&crtncrton (&Hftttrm&tat*t, dubbed at S 1 James' neere Westminster in Aprill 1581, sonne and heire of S r Percivall Hart of Kent. (S r 3FamC8 tytiCQ, Kent, 1581.) & r Cfjarlc* jFramltltgfyam of Suffolk, dubbed at Westminster on Sonday the last day of December 1581. &* JFamcji 3i)cruw, Maior of London, dubbed at the Court at Greenwich on Son- day the G of May 1582, after S r Edmond Anderson. & r liBmonfci 3Lnttrr0Olt, Lord Chief Justice of the Com'on Pleas, dubbed at the Court at Grenwich on Thursday the 3 of May 1582. £> v li&UJavB il>obl)i>» dubbed at Somerset Place in London on Tuesday the 22 of May anno 1582 the day after his manage with the Baron of llunston's daught'r. S r (Soi)U) $rUm, Knight Porter of Berwike, dubbed at Nonesuche in July 1582. S r ©ijavlrs ©aUCnUtSi), dubbed anno 1582. £ r iJrvcgvtUC Bcrtir, Lord Wilughby of Eresby, dubbed at Windesore on Sonday the 13 of January 1582, and was that day installed of the Order for the Kinge of Denmark. S r IMjlltppc SfrW£>, dubbed at Windesore on Sonday the 13 of January 1582, and was on that day lykewise installed for Duke John Cazimer Conte Palatine and Duke of Bavier. & v Cijomao Sauties ofThrowley in Kent, dubbed at Barne Elmes neere Fulham at Shrovetyde anno 1582 the 11 of February. KNIGHTS MADE 1583—1585. 135 (% r JFrattriS 8Stflfottgp$ of Wolterton, 1582.) S r Stomas Blaitftc, L. Maior of London, dubbed at Grenwiche on Sonday the fifte of May 1583. S r WLffim IWofjttn, dubbed on Sonday the 1G of June 1583. So r 2Tl?rIoU) ©'Brian of the House of Towmont in Ireland, dubbed by the Lord of Hunsdon 1583 at Otlandes (by the Quene). % v JToljtt <0rrill> of the Brenne in Ireland (the like). io r isUmonU Stafford, dubbed in October 1583 at his goenge Embassad'r resiaunt into France, at Otlandes. % x Mt'U'm $?ai>tJ0tt of Norf., dubbed on Sonday the 3 of Novembre 1583 by the Erie of Leycester at S 1 James'. S r tyl)i\ip UottiltV de com. Hertford (the like). S r C5corgc 2i>cnnrage of Lincolnshire, dubbed on Sonday the 8 of Decembre 1583 at S* James' by the .... j© r BotJtrt SaUfU de com. Lincoln, nothus Henrici Savell equitis (the like). & v Jfoljlt 3i?avtngt0tt, dubbed at the L. Lumleye's house on the Tower Hill the 9 of January 1583. S r lEDtoarB ©sboimt, L. Maior of London, dubbed at Westm. on Candlemasse- day 1583, the second of February. & x litCfjattl ftlaltUcm*, dubbed Quarterly— 1 and 4, Gules, three greyhounds at the L. Lumleye's house on courant in pale Argent collared Or, a crescent the Tower Hill the 9 of January for difference ; 2, Gules, a chief Or, over all 1583. a bend gobony Azure and Argent ; 3, Azure, a bend between six martlets Argent, a cres- cent for difference. On an escucheon of pre- tence, Quarterly — 1 and 4, as above, without the difference ; 2 and 3, as 3 above. Crest — A greyhound statant Argent, collared Or. & x (Sicavqc Sg&cnfjam, dubbed the first of Marche anno d'ni 1583 at Whitehall. S r liattf BuvgljdjtCV of York- Quarterly— 1 and 4, Argent, a cross engrailed shire, dubbed at Westm. White- Gules between four water-bougets Sable, hall the 6 of Marche anno 1583. quartering, 1 , Gules, billitee Or, a fess Argent ; 2, Quarterly Or and Yert ; 3, Argent, a chevron between three eagles' heads erased Gules ; all within a bordure engrailed Sable. Over all a label of three points Azure, on each a lion rampant Or. 2 and 3, Argent, a cross patonce Sable, quartering Argent, three bars Sable, a bend Ermine. Crest as at p. 44. (£ r JFoijit Brrijam, 1584.) io r (Srovgc (TijatoOVtJ) of Wyverton in com. Nottingham, dubbed at Greenwiche on Sonday the 17 of May 1584. iEBtoarU, IHrlc Of RotrtanD, dubbed at Greenwich 1584. j£ r ISDtoarB Omnoftc of Lincolnshire, dubbed 1584, in August. j© v 2L£taItcr KaU)ln>, dubbed at Greenwiche on the Twelveth day 1584. J3 r Stomas $JuUi?S0H, L. Maior of London, dubbed at Somersett House the 14 of February 1584. 136 KNIGHTS MADE 1585-1586. % x 0lOV\c jFv\\tl)C of Kent, dubbed at Greenwich the 7 of May 1584. jc r $>CttVl> iJfllUri) de Stoke in com. Som'sett, dubbed 1584. S v lit'djarU OlHT, sonne and heire to the late L. Chief Justice of the Comon Pleas, dubbed 1585, the 4 of Aprill. S v Cotton (SavgraOC of Yorkshire, dubbed 1585. S r CljOlttaS $Cl'OOpf, sonne and heire to the L. Scroope, dubbed at Greenwiche the 13 of Aprill 1585. J5 r HnttjOni? tTijoroltJ of Lincolnshire, dubbed the 6 of May 1585. S v lloorrt £otttt)U)ClI, dubbed at Thibaldes on Friday the 18 of June 1585. S v 3l>cnn? (JTomngrsoi), dubbed at Thibaldes the same tyme on the removing day 1585. S> r .^Otjn HvonUrU, dubbed at Richmond the 14 of October 1585, of Tolverne. it r ijCmavU -DvaftC, dubbed at Greenwich on Sonday the 9 of January 1585. S r (LStolstan 13 UN, L. Maior of London, dubbed at Greenwich on Sonday the 6 of February 1585, anno reg. R. Eliz. 28. (S r ittottogi) 3Ulard)!>, 1585.) io r SEttU'm BotofS of Stretlam in the Bishopprik of Durham, dubbed at Gren- wich anno 1586, reg. R. Eliz. 28. S r 3UI&VCUJ flod of Dalby in com. Leyce'shire, dubbed at Greenwiche on Wensday the 2 of March 1585, anno 28 reg. Elizabeths. Sb x €l)V'Q$l)tV (LEtantJCSfoVtJ of Kirtlington in Yorkshire, dubbed at Greenwich anno 1580, reg. R. Eliz. 28. Jo r BuijavU JjHolimrulX of Refton in Lancashire, dubbed at Greenwich on Mid- somer day, beinge Thursday the 24 of June 1586, anno 28 R. Eliz. S r JfOijU fttOUSOtt of Lincolnshire (the like). (S r 3ToIm ramgnclK, 1586.) ($ r 3ntfjomj £jnllman, 1586.) (S r ©tJloari fcEtmgndB of Kimbolton, 1586.) Knights made by Robert Erie of Lecester in Holland in a 1586 S r 3FoJjn|lorvi?s. IXohtxt 12. of Essex. George Horn 3Utt% & v ZMiUinm SUssdl. S r Jfcettrs |1 aimer. S r IstJtoavfci Dattti?. S r WMli&m ?i)atton. S r tytmv Mmjiton. S v &tnv$ ilonis. S r W.tni'V iUcll S v liobcrt Sijtmnj. & r „?/olm Bovrugt). S r Cfjavirs Blount. S r Jfrancis linotolrs. S l tytnvn (SooHncar. S r George Jfarvrr. £* ISDtoattf (LEttngfrtin. S r Jloms. S v iTijomas 1i>orsej>. £ r lliriiavtr ^Jr>n\ S r lEtftoarB . S v .?/oi)n pastott. £ r .?/ofjn ILloyU. S v 1i?ugtj (fljolmeln. KNIGHTS MADE 1587-1596. 137 £* tfUorgeSautle, 1587. &* $enrj? (? ftn&wto) llotocU, 1587. &' ISolnarD &StOU, 1588. Knights made by the Lo. Admirall at Sea 1588 : 2Tije 3Lo. OTjomas $>otoartJ. % v 3 ofm tyatokim. Ei)t 3Lo. etim. SfjcffdltJ. S* lioger eroUmstnU. Knights made by the Lord Willoughby in the Low Countries 15 S* ittartm JFroot'gijrr. S v <5corge Beeston. Sb x Stomas <*EttlfortJ. S v JFranets Vert. S l .?oijn boolean S'Soim^otnt*. &* iHtdjoIas |)arftcr. S v Stomas ftnotolrg. S v Joint Scott &* C?D. tUUc&all. S v Cijarlcs banners. S r ©ijrtstopfjcr Blount. & v ©DtoarB Bcnnn, 1589. & v OTjomas Sttfrlej?, Jun., 1589. Knights made by the French Kinge 1591 : & v £fjomas CijaNoncr. %r ^t'atxtnx fJoole. Knights made by Robert, Erie of Essex, before Roane 1591 S r &fjrtstopfjcr Hijtfcote. S r Stomas OTtlucs. &* Varies |3errj>. S* asttlltam Broouc. S r Stomas Comsuije. S v Stomas <£m*ar&. & r Soljn 2Trari>. SMWjnfcStootton. S* 9atcijavti acton. S v ?i?cnn> JToncs. S v Francis &Uim. S6 X IStitoartJ §?ornr. & v Uftatfjrto morgan* S v Stomas JFatrfax. 55* litrijolas ©Iffforo". S» iitjmontr $orfce. S»" Bobcrt Drurn. S v Stomas Jfrrmnn. & rartltam fcfctoooljotosc. S r Sffilflltam Oatotrrn. S r Griffin ittaruijam. £ v $>cnri> Oanucrs. S>* (PtJtoarU Bi>asttnges. S r JfrrDtnanUo Sorgr. Knightes made by the Lo. Admirall and the Erie of Essex at Cales 159G ftijc C?. of Sussex. Bon Ctijristoptjcro. Count ILoBoutcn. 2Tfjc Ho. Herbert. CTijc Ho. Burftc. S v Sam. Bagnall. S v ftrtijur Sauagr. &* »tUtam ^otoarB. S r Srorge 13 concur. S v ?i?rnn> ilfbtll. S r (Ptftom lUti). S v 3ntf). 3sijlci>. iitounsftr Hautns. ffctounsrir (Pttmarurr. S r ?i>rnri? Hrnnaro*. S v iltdjavU Hrtoson. S l Horatio rcrr. S r 3rtfjur jTijrogmorton. 138 KNIGHTS MADE 1596—1600. ft' attics Corbet. * r ©tJtoartr Ctmtoag. ft* <9lftrr Hambcvt. ft* 3ntijoni> (Toour. ft*3fofm STotonsrnB. ft* Cljrwtojpijtr 3i>aiBon. ft 1 ' Jfrands i3o«ljam. ft* ItyiUip SlStoooljotosf. ft* gfeanBer CTlifFortJ. ft* ffloxw Badtlcn. ftr G$arlt0 Blount ft* n Botollrs. ft* (PBtoavU Botocs. ft* li>umfrcij 23 veto dl. S r amgaa |)rrsstoit. ft v Bount Bcmtngton. &*£Tofra Butts. ft* JTofm 4*1 organ. ft r Jfofro aiBrtgg. ft r JToijn ftijdton. ft 1 JlSltUtam asljentron. ft* 4*tatljcu) Brotonr. ft v ZHjomas &don. ft* tTijomas (Sates. ft* GfuIItam iiTcntcft. ft 1 CTfjomas ftmntij. ft* fcfctt'Utam !io~In>. ft v tffjomas palmer. ft* Uobcvt iLobdl. ft r JToijn fttaffottf. ft^j^nffiOftert ft v SSttlltam $>arbn. ft' 3fo\)\\ <£rai>. ft* BaltJimn 4*teWm\ ft* avbn, Bedfordsh. Knights made at the Island 1597 2Tijc IS. of Southampton. ft* (Tijamas Isgcrton. ft v SHjomas Fabasor. ft v HoBobidt Gvrbill. ft r JFonatfjan CTvcIann at Whitehall on Shrove Tuesday, 1597. ft* fttrototici .... ~ *~. i ditto. S> (TJro.ittore J ft* ^5 CO. Cavn of Cockington at Whitehall, ult. Feb. ft 1 ' Cljomas Fane of Kent, 25 Maii 1598. ft* 4*1 tfjiU ftatlttS l at Green w'ch, ft* {TtjOS. BfVCSOi? J 18 Junii 1598. ft v 3i>nui> Ho. CTooijam at Nonsuch, July. ft* BcnalB iHoijun, 25 Martii 1599. ft r fttrnljcn ftoljam at Greenw'ch, Lo. Maior, 25 April. ft v Bid), ©f/mnnon. ft* Bid). |i>attgljton, January. ft* Bid). 3Lassdls. ft* £tim. WltytpoU. ft r flid). 4*l0Sdn?, Lo. Maior, August 1G00. ft 1 Jfrands HraUc. ft* ISOtoarH 4*1 ore. ftt Boom <9.vrnbnBg. ft* ^fVCt'Uall W.ZYt, June 1, 1601. ft* William Butter, Lo. Maior. ft*Jfoittt Norrfe, Novemb. 1601. ft* IStttoavtt $>imgcrfortt. ft v (TarrU) Batolij. ft* ?l>amttrn ^Jotold. ft* isttmontt iLuttloto. ft* iLrtgfj. KNIGHTS MADE 1603. 139 E\)t Karnes of all sue!) as Jafoe litem aObanccO to tfje ijonorablc Crorr of Ivnitjljtljooo in tfje tgme of tftc goOite $)ruocnt ano prosperous Eetgit of (Cotton MS., Claudius, C. iii., fol. 239—264.) This part of the MS. has been compared with " A Perfect Collection or Catalogue of all Knights Batchclanrs made by King James since his comming to the Crown of England ; Faithfully extracted out of the Records by J. P. (John Philipot), Esq., Somerset Herald, a devout Servant of the Royal Line ; London 1GG0;" additions from which are distinguished by a f> and variations between the book and the MS. are given in italics ; the counties added are from the book. The Knights of the Bath are added from Lansd. MS. 866. 1603. At Edenborough, 28 March S r ^olj«|3ai>ton. Norf. At Barwick, 6 of Aprill : & v £8Mliam SeH)£>. Northumb. S l lialplj &rei>. At "Widerington, 9 of Aprill : S> v #ettrj> &Stt&ermgton.Northmn. S* Xtcijolas jforstcr. „ S r oIcroft. Lauc. £ v Jfofpn {Stallone. York. 5 V t&tiHtam Ingcluu. „ £ v Robert flatter, Mayor of Yorke. jo v milip Constable. Durham. S v Cijnstopijer &a(B)£ar& York. £ l Robert 5U)tft. „ &* RtdjarB tltLtortlri?. £ v $>cnr» Rdlasts. £ v (Tijomas Fairfax. „ ft« &ettrg <5rtffttf). S>» jFrancts Bomvton. „ &* 3i>cnrr> Cfjolmclei?. „ S v RiefjarB Gargraue. S T {WarmaBuftc Grtmsston. „ &* Lancelot atforlf. „ &* Raluij Ullcrfccr. &* (George jFlCU til. Durham. £* {tlattgcr Tauasor. York. &* Ralpb Rabtfjornc. „ At Grimston, 18 Aprill: £ v Roger aston. &* Cijomaa astern. Chesh. 140 KNIGHTS MADE 1603. S v ETjomaa Holte. Chesh. S r .fames Harrington. Ruti. S r ©ijarlcs Montague. North'ton. £ v iTijomas £)atonn>. York. S r QMiUiam Bamoorottgi). „ S r JFrands ILoudl. Norf. S v Stomas BcattndD. S r Stomas (SrrarO. Lane. Sr Balpf) Coningsmc. Herfcf. & r Bidjarti iitusgrauc. York. At Worksop, 21 Aprill : £ v 3Toim (? James) ittamtrrs. Derby. S r Hc«r|> Gran. Bedford. S r ISBtoarti Horatnc. Derby. S v Htnrn |Jcrpoutt. Notts. S r Jf rands Xctoport. Salop. io r Hrurn Beaumont. Leic. & fclttlltam Sntntottfj. S r Hugf) Smt'tt). Somerset. & r WL<UC ©one. Oxon. %* iSUmonti Hucte. Warw. S v li&monij CorUame. Derby. % x JWjn harper. £* tUtjomas €XtTsIn>. Notts. S r JToijn Bmon. S r IJrtTiual (LSttUougpn. Line. £ » ^p f tf r jf IT d)0 tic . Derby. & r BidjarD {Tijcdiston. York. &* CTtjomas Stanlrn. Derby. At Newarke, 22 Aprill : £ r Joint $)arucr. Sussex. S> r liObCl't BtTtt. Devon. S v ftctois fUtolimrr. Sussex. £ r BidjarB i*lompesson. Bucks. S r jfrands UttcUctt. Salop. S v BtdjarD JiLlaruurton. Chesh. S v BidjarU ' isUUiarU JfOX. Salop. £ v OTiilfam Daucnport. Chesh. Uppon the way to Beavercastle (Bel- voir Castle, co. Leic.) : & r Bogcr ftftttCtor. Chesh. S v William button. Notts. £ r .?/oi)n Stanijop. Derby. j© v Brian ILassdls. York. At Beavercastle, 23 Aprill : S r ®liucr fanners. Line. S r William aufllougfrfm. „ S r CTijomas fcEtillougijun. „ S r (StTgori? (JTromtodl. Hunts. % x iitaruijam. Oxon. S v William Carre. Line. & v Joint 2Fi)orottJ. S r ISDtoarB ftsntc. &* Henri? |)agcnijam. S v ISBmuntJ Bussic. „ S v IStJtoartJ tfiruiitt. S r lEBtoavB ©am. S v ISurrarU fitgiur. Butl. S v William lErminr. Line. £ v Xidjolas SaitDTrson. „ &* BtdjariJ tciiman* „ ^ v CJjomas Beaumont. Leic. £ v ilStiUiam Jfrpson. I hints. S* iTijomas CTabc. Leic. ^> ^ijilip ^IjrrarU. ,, 56» JHHilliam ^Urmngton. „ S v WttUiam Jfaunt. „ S r Basil Bvoour. Salop. KNIGHTS MADE 1603. 141 & r azftfllfom ffurntne. Leic. & r mtilliam Hambert & r .fTofm 0OUei)C. Derby. & r JTofjn STijorncgij. Notts. S r lEOtnarti Stotft York. & r 13fjtltp £ttrlci> (? Strelley). Leic. & r 3foi)\\ jfrrrrrs. Warw. S r IHtJtoartJ ILtttlcton. Salop. % x ^ttUtam Jfctltung. Warw. S r JT0ijnaatmtb)0Vti). Essex. & r OTalter CJmtc. Kent. & r lE&toarB Commrs. Srjrofjn&mcU. S* Is&toarB Clear*. S r $amon& ^outljcote. At Theobald's, 7 May : & r 2«lltam Htllcgrrujc. & r iWtrfjacH Stanfjopc. j© r Jftanm Barrtngton. % v BotolanD iLitton. &* asaaitam fitter. %* JTolm Brograuc. & r JLKttUtam Coone. S r 3#cnr» (? Arthur) Cancll S r $>rrbm Croft S r e?t»U)arO CUrotllr. S* ii?fnri) Butlrr. S r $cnrij tflaimarfcf. S>* litdjarB ^nrncrr. S r Jfohn 3Lcornti)orne. £ r tffjomas |Jonr Blunt S r BtdjarB GtffarU. S v Cijomas JtUtralfr. S r &rnn> Jfansfjator. &* Gamaliel Caprll. $& fcSJiUtam ^nutije. & v JToinUfrrrcrs. S r BtctjarB Bauer. i© r Ftncrnt Sftttmer. j© v 3i>ugfj Brrston. £* Soijtt He*. Cornw. Suff. Essex. Hertf. Essex. Hertf. Essex. Hertf. Heref. Warw. Hertf. Essex. Hertf. York. Hertf. Essex. n Hertf. Midd. Chesh. S r 2Tf)0ma» Btsijop. Sussex. % x CferuatBe liltoes. &* liBtoarD tUtow. Glam. At the Charterhouse, 1 1 of May : &< & £* CljavICS 3i>otoarB. Sussex. Ambrose Otoar&. Surrey. i^enrte Hastings. Leic. (5 t'lfS ailmgtoit. Cambr. WLfUi&m ?i>m&c. „ litrijarU Fcrnci). Warw. 3Joim . „ Balufic &£ttsrman. Essex. (LfcttUtam 3i?loffr. „ i£5U)avtl tLfctatSOU. North'ton. JJamcs Cromer. Kent. iTJjomas (TJjrrUf. Essex. iTJjomas llousr. Suff. Soijn lioUnrn. ii)rnrn Faugijan. 0oijn $mtri). Cijarlrs CornfUjaUts. Jfoijn ?i>annam. {Tijomas iilrrOf. Kent. Suff. Chesh. Kent. iiusrutus Csijam. North'ton. ^rtijur Cooper. Surrey. llourrt iWtngfftlU. North'ton. {Tijomas .ffosjsrltnr. Hertf. genrg CooUrtue. York. ittartnultan Dalltson. Kent. (LiLttUtam Cone. North'ton. C«eorgejFieeteu)ooO. Bucks. 142 KNIGHTS MADE 1603. S r lifter libers. Line. £ x Henri? mm. Norf. S l isBtoartii jFranete. Strands iLStoUcn. Line. £ r ErHjttv ittantoaring. Chesh. S r ISUtoaiU r Henri) Conner. Sussex. S v ttteijarD Manors. Kent. & x ftourrt Cotton. Hunts. S l (DUoer Hunc. Beds. 5 r tTijomas Uniortt. Norf. &* Henri? SreuforB. Suff. S r ©Buim Santfs. Kent. S l 0oim asijlci?. S* WHWimx JFk rtioooD. Beds. S r ^Halter ItttlBmai?. Essex. &* artijur 3ti?e. Midd. £ r <£tftoart> iLctoucnor. Suff. £ r £tttlr» SantJrs. Cambr. S r (LSttlltant Hingsmtll. Hants. S r Cftjomas itcmjjc. Kent. S r C?tfU)arB ftttTdl Bucks. S r fftjomas (? William) liussell. Wore. S r KtcfjarB iTtdjuornr. Hants. S r * {Tijomas palmer. Kent. &* llourrt flrtotJigatr. Beds. S v (ftrorgc llatolcn. Essex. &* (Ttjomas Bcaufoc. Warw. & WLilii&m 3Lotocr. Oornw. & (Ttjarlcs Fairfax. York. S v ?i>cnri) Sionei?, Norf. S r \itxa\i Brocas. Hants. & r r Henri? Crispe or Crtpps. Kent. ic r George Heruri?. Essex. £ r Sofjn Heurningt)am. Norf. S r SStt'IItam B0UJi?n\ Bucks. t£ v ;?erom 2£tcston. Essex. tS v CBmonB BOUJMT. Surrey. & litdjolas HalSUldl (? Hasel- well) or HaselUJOOO*. Nortb'ton. io v .?otjn JFenmngcs. Wore. $b x Ambrose iTuruile. Line. S> r .fToijn Huiic. Beds. $ r Jtoi)n dormer. Bucks. % x BidjarU Sautters. Line. & v JTofw Simlei?. % x Stomas OUainman. Oxon. S r <5oBBar& IJemoertOtt. S r tfijomas #*rtijam. York. S r lEBtoarB Bdlingfjam. Cumb. %* JTofm Harrington. York. S r ©BtoarB Harrington. % x SSttlltam £Jtcr. Somerset. % x Soijn fcSlenttoorttj. &* WLalttv liflontaguc. „ S v <5uj? Palmes. Rutl. S r CBtoarB Hpslfi?. Sussex. S v Hntri? Mjlci?. Surrey. tS r Stomas Batter. S v STijomas VaefjcN. S r Stomas Bastteruifle. % r 2Ti)0maiEi StuUdci?. Sussex. S r SSlt'Htam ILeafee. S r ii?ugi) 5L06SC. Midd. * v IStiUiam 3Li>gon. Wore. S v iTijomas If (^rossr. Norf. S v (TtjomaajFoujlrr. Midd. S v (?U!3d)iu5s2lnUi'rujri5. North't n . S r lloocrt iLurn. Warw. S v WUMiam ilCtaltrr. S v llidjarU Blount. Oxon. S v 2lnti)onn Drrring. Kent. S v .?0ijn (TaifUJf. Somerset. KNIGHTS MADE 1603. 143 & r Sffltflltam SHforB. York. &* MoiHTt 3L(*. Line. S r (ZTfjomas Beaumont. Leic. g* liofcert (? George) iftavufjam. Oxon. S r JFtatttift ©asttltcm. Berks. & r Kobcrt (? John) fitavsfjall. & r e^covgc Satrill. York. S l Boucvt eicudanO. S r Mobert CTotoncscnO. Salop. At the Tower, 13 May : & x ffiSttlltam IDctfjtcur, Garter. gv ilolicrt fflacnlantJ (? Maick- land) or iJMaculavauB. Oxon. %* (KfOVgC Norton. Dorset. S r ©tmumtf Bdl. Norf. S r Stomas Vrijton. Kent. &* HJautBJFototos. £* SUflKam (Kavtoner. Surrey. S^SoimUJcanr. Essex. & v JToijtt Stofcor, Flint. S v OTjomas Smitijr. Kent. S v 2Ffjomas latitat. Norf. At Greenewich, 20 May: S r JTultus er&sav, &* Mogcr fcSttHnafjam, &WiittiztnWLa'tlt, S r OTjomas Smttfjc, S r ffijomag Gfrnonto, S r ZTijoma* Hccue, S r Jfoim aimooti, At Greenewich, 22 May : &>* 3£v0ilCVt lUf, Lord Maior of London. &* Jtofm CfOOttf, Recorder. & r ©BtoarB CToftf, Attorney- General. Masters ofy e Request. Clerks of the Counsell. At Greenewich, 22 May : S r .f/oijnii1orvns. S r ©BtoarD Srmnour. S r fcfctartotcU ?i)df. S r STijomajs ftrunttcH. At Greenewich, 10 June : S r EBtflltam £cll)!>. Essex. Devon. Cornw. Kent. At Bedington, at S r Francis Carew's : S r fitrijolas Eijvoeumorton. Surrey. & r C?tJUjarD Gorges. Soma S r atfexantfer Brett „ At Hcndon, at Sir John Fortescue's : & r £®ttniamjnrcttoooD. Bucks. Jo v fffjomas ii>C8ttCti), Attorney of the Wards. Lane. At Si on, — June : £> v ftotort 2L£tV0tijC. Essex. t& r WiiXliam fiorton. Hants. S v OTjomaa £trringf)am. S r tf-tarma&uuc ffilgtofll. York. S v BOUCVt (? Francis) flftoir. Berks. At Han worth, — July : S r Cijomaa GarBrncr. Surrey. S r iTfjomas Grimes. „ & r <5rorge (TrrndjarB. Dorset. S v JToijtt JFoItott Wore. & r ii?rnri? ^oolr. Wilts, ^r.folm^atolrtt. S r ffljomaa Cromptott. Heref. |© r JTofjn Hangton. Lane. At Windsor, 9 July : &* iHjomas (Trmprst. Bucks. S r 0Ot)ttliO}Jrr. Kent, J&* SEltlltam ii?ogan. Pembr. S'JToim&ogan. S r tttrijarB Cfjolmrlri?. York. 144 KNIGHTS MADE 1603. S*„?0imi?0Vft. York. & r .Wjtt Cfjambcrlatnc. Oxon. £ v jfranris iTvapjjrs. York. S v SfcttHtam ?i>WtaiU S>* tTijomas licnastsi. „ & r KicijarK (Ch r ) ftototfjcv. Cumb. S r an (? George) ffalmis. Hants. S r fttatfjctor Kctmtan. York. S r flftatfjcto truant. S r ftljomas Samfovtf. Wesfcmin. S v Stephen tTnnpfSt. York. & WHUmn flJaTOlJ. Oxford. S v .f ofjn (? Hemy) Batofjorpe. Devon. & l Hmtas BamfrtiB. ,, S r (LKttlltam iSrmtr. S r ftttrijatl <5 rente. Oxon. S r Jfrancts SttUoIfr. S v r j$tarttn CSamon. ,, & r tTijomas Preston. Dorset. S v IsBtoarB StOtJtfCV. Surrey. At S 1 ' Alexander Hampden's, — July : % x ^IrxanUcr 3#amptJcn. Bucks. & x &ntn> Barurr. Berks. S r (L®tt'niam 21ttUougfU>. Bucks. S r C?iJtoav& IJinrijon. Essex. At S r John Fortescue's : % x WHUimn Dunrfjr* Berks. S r .?oi)n£MUC. Beds. S r <5crarK arttorH. &* lltrijarD ^rtrc. Hunts. &* Same (5 ftagUm Norf. £ v JTi)omas Snaggc. Beds. Strands (Tt)cnn>. Bucks. S r &MXS SLongutlr. S r $>rnri> Drum. Bucks. £ v (LettUtam Burlarir. S l 2Tijomas Denton. „ S r antijoni? STtrnngijam. „ S5 r Soijn Santo. „ S r BtdjavtJ iiHmtlrn. S r tTijomas ii>tll. Kent. S r 2Tijoma» (TaUf. North'ton. & r (JFBmunB Congurst. Beds. S v .f0i)lt eTarvrU. Sussex. £ v Soijtt tToumBc nB. Salop. S r fttinan Snoope. Line. S r Robert £tridUano\ S r ©BrnunB Worrell. S r JToim 3Langton. S r arfjomaa ftnnplr. S r 3#ennj Bultngslen. London. At S r George Farmor's, — July : S r Ration jFarmor. Bucks. S v ©BtoarB 3Lff. S>* Stomas OToobijousr. Norf. S v JFrancw Curson. Salop. S r BtdjavtJ Conquest. Beds. S r Bapijc S'emncBt. York. & r CFtJUJavtJ BantJall. Surrey. S r 3Uttijonj> Cijrjstfr. Heref. & r ©CITarOjncctUJOOtJ. Bucks. & r OTalter Faugfjan. Heref. At S r William Fleetwood's : & miUiam ftatolrtt Wilts. S r CTijomas tflonuc. .§ r tTijomao Somrvutlr. S r avtijur fJortrr. Glouc. %*Jftmtiti partus. S r ©UtoarD BiMlIrs. S r lltfijavtJ ^auntJfVf3. S r .?/amrs prrrott. S r fcCttUtam SoutljIantJ. S r il>rnrn BiUtngsIrn. S v Stomas i£urvf5firiu. KNIGHTS MADE 1603. 145 At S r John Paginton's house, July : S r WLiUiam Snutf). At Hampton Court, 20 July : S r JFoijn <9amC0. Radnor. S r BSttlltam eauc. At Whitehall, 23 of July, before the coronation of the King : &* Baptist iijtcftB. S r Jfofftt Bennett. London. £ r Jftattcf* eatoDtr. Norf. S? r 2Tijomas fcEtalmcslcn. Lane. & r BobCTt Clcrfte. Essex. &* QOtoarB jfcimor. Midd. SMFofjn SaUtH. York. S r Scorgc itmgsttttH Hants. £* iPctcr OTarimrton. Chesh. S r CijrtstopiKt* IMbcrton. Norf. & JTofjn $dc. Devon. S r IS&toavfcl Wlltps. Somerset. S r .?ofjn Harris. Essex. %* HabtB fcEttUtams. & r SZfttUtam Sanndl. London. S r lEKtoarti &cron. Line. &* $?ntr» ^uiurt. Norf. S v 2Tijomas JFIrmtnge. Hants. & r jfranrt'g Bacon, Hertf. & r $rnn> Montague. North'ton. S r lEBtoavO Stantjop. York. S r JTof)ni!rmlian, Norf. & r fttatfjrtoc CTaiCUJ. London. t& v Scorgc Canto. S r HDantcl Sun. & r etjvtstonijrv |3cviuns. Kent. S r ixtcijatU Stoale. York. S> r 2Tfjomas ©rompton. London. & JToIjn Stbson. York. & r Srorgr Copptn. Norf. £ r BtdjarD Comngsbtc. Lond. S> r 3Fofjn Erommontr. Scotus. S r STIjoma* dTontoai?. London. % x Jfofjn £EttUougtnMr. Line. % x ISBtoartJ Colrpcper. Sussex. % r 3f0i)n£$iQY\ey. London. % x 3f0i)n ZiYVCll Essex. S r Wltp Scu&amorc. Heref. S r «Tfjoma» ftafcrfflgcourt. Hants. S r B&flltam Bopcr. Kent. S r JToijtt ©tloert. Suff. tS r Stomas Smttfj. Chesh. S r jFranrts Vincent. Surrey. S r JTofm Cotton. Cambr. S r Boocrt Hanc. Warw. tS r Bobcrt iHBtoaro's. Kent. & r flictjolas ©iluornc. S r Samuel SanOcs. Wore. S r * v SfOl'gc ScH)l>. Northumb. S v ^Halter Bice. S r Hetow iWaunsrlL Glam. S r Birijartf Satoftfn*. Kent. S r Jfotjn Hogrrs. S r Hobfvt ^IcranUrr. Hertf. S r 3foi)\\ BvoUmr. Dorset. S* lifdjarO SUtpbJtt^. Leie. S r iTijomas BarnarUtston. Essex. S r WttUtam ©crrarO. Berks. S r tHjomass i^almrr. Kent. S r BtrijarD Hston. Chesh. u 1-16 KNIGHTS MADE 1603. £ r WKtlltam Cljornrgij. Notts. £ r jfrancto UanlHon. York. S r (PBtoarB Dunrombr. ie r Wtfttmn $>anmrr. Chcsh. * r $>rnrtr fLongtytlr. Bucks. £ r „?oim fttrnm Kent. &* Cftarlca SmnocUc. Liuc. S r Valentine Brotonr. 5) S>* Srorgr lUmtdl. Devon. &* Jfolm liraOr. Line. S r .fofjn iLctglj. »> S r (PBtoarB $)ttts. Wilts. t^ v iTljomas Hoc. London. £>* (Scorgc llnigftton. Notts. tio v 3fc>rnn» Sab lie. York. £r OoUtJarU IJcmucrton. t£ v WisXttv tTrr a&toan. N orth'ton. 3 r $>rnri> Jtonre. tS* (PBtoartJ $)ointtrr. £ l " CPBtoarB £HtngfrilO. S v anttjoni? (£ucrartJ. Essex. S r liapijc BosutU. Kent. &* iTijomas BrtUgrs. Glouc. s r Houcrt StrouDe. S r £tcpijm Bor&r. Sussex. & iTijomas |ttan. )> £» .?/otnt Bc&dl. Hunts. £ r (Tijomas BctJdl. >> t£ v iijcnri? Sag. 5 r .foim££tmMjam. £ v ?k?rnri? 1l)aU)lri) {Rowley). Essex. &3o\»\jHt}. x r Jfvanns Smttfje. t& v #>rnn> Dvurj). Norf. S v 3LrU)ts Stuudcn. £ r Cijomas Harris. £ v (Scorgc (TJ)otone. Kent. &* artfjur artilanB. Devon. * r iTOomas lUmtcU. M & v lUrijavD Vrrnn>. S r OTtHtatn Barnes. Kent. Sb r liobrrtiilon&on. Line. & r l&Jenrn SlssUctuc. S r Cijai'IfS $>US6Cn. Line. S r Samf6l3ttt!3. Wore. S r WLfflam Bona. S r enrage. Line. S r (P&muntJ (TfjorottJ. S r ??rnvp Bottle. & r OTaltcr ILatoson. Westm'l'd. £ r (PUmunU #lontfor&. Norf. t£ r Jofjn ittontfortJ. S r Stomas 3Lami)rrt Norf. S>* WLXiUiam Btg&on. Line. S l Soijn iTijorntJorougi). „ S r jFrancw &oudjc {Sowth). $k x WL\\\iam Somrrutlr. Somerset. &* iitdjolas eToott. S v 3i>mn> Copingcr. Midd. S r ii?rnvi> Blomcr. Glouc. S r iPBtoarU {Tfjtmulctfjorjj. Norf. S r iltrijolas ILttsfjcr. Surrey. S r Bobrrt }Jijtltp))!3. Somerset. £ r Bobtt't 1i>t0c. Cambr. S r JTofjtt ^ijtltpott. Hants. io r (Tijomas firbtU. Berks. S r Cfjrtstopfjrr Bovcr. Kent. % x Robert (Tfnc^rsttT. Devon. S r CTijvtstopijrv $>artr. Kent. S r JFoim firtoDigatc. Beds. S r C?Utoar5 (T.orgCQ. Somerset. S v i*tarttne Bavnijam. Kent. S r JLEttUtam Sorruigton. Dorset. S r C?tlU)avtl (T.tlfss. Devon. * r lUrfjavD C?ti)fnngton. S r 3nrtjoni) Colrprprr. Sussex. S l lltd)avU (Tooprr. Surrey. S r S oim fnri> HatHfilforD. Surrey. S r .foi)n CTijamurrlainr. Oxon. S r &idjar& ILrrijforD. Kent. S r *Tijo. Srptuanjs aVa ^arflrrtr. Kent^ tS r Stomas Dutton. Chesh. S r iFranrttt OoUJSr. Somerset. KNIGHTS MADE 1603. 147 & x Stomas Boberts. Kent. & S r 3#cnri> Williams. % x & r $mr$ Botoner. London. t& r & x STimmas UJucuett Berks. &* S r ffijomag Sarncll. Line. & S r Bofccrt ftstjmc. Essex. £ r & r arfjomaa ^arttodl. &* & x C?t(ir»art( 3urm Glouc. £' S r George Sommcrs. Dorset. & & r Btdjarti|)ortman. Kent. £* S r STJjomas lihmte. Norf. £< % x Soijn ^mtlDcgos. Kent. £* S v George $ctrr. Essex. £ r S r Simon &tctoarB. Cambr. &* S r fltcfjolas Sascotgne. Surrey. £< S> r BcrnarB OTijcteton. Line. S< S r <&corgc raalBcgrauc. Suff. £ r S r Samuel HemtartJ. & S r Mtntam Barrotoc. Suff. 2> r S^ofm fcEUnttoortf). » &' jfc r SutlfovH Sltngcsutr. York. £< S r BtdjarB Smttfj. Kent. &* S r ^Irnolti 2U>gon. Wore. & r S r 3EtJtoarB aibantc. & r S» r George $>Oltgc. Somerset. £' S r ,0oim Stunner. Essex. S r <£om>crs 13 arete. York. % x S> x WHlluim |i>arman. £ r S r 3nti)oni> Broome. Essex. S r S r Xtffjolas |)omvt}. Glouc. S r S r Stoner. Sofm (Tarotose. iLeonarO $>t?Je. partes i*t organ. Botolanti i*t organ. |i)artgtU. tTfjomaa |i>arores. KtetjarB Beaumont. (Tijomas 3i>areoiooti. tytnvy €i)olmt\cv. CrtiioartJ |3eaeoelte. OTyatt. %)cnnj WtUtams. Sreu) Srurtc. BtrljarU Grfsijam. ii)cnri) llollr, Sen. 3fc>rnri> BoUr, Jun. .fToIjn ii>a(ci)rr. SSttntam BlarUston. Durham iTijomas itttltimai?. Essex BoluIantJ Hartr. Oxon ffiSEflltam rnr. Berks iTtmortjtc 3LoU)f. (T.tUron lujnsijam. tTijomas Siunnrr. JF«imc jj Croft. Kent. Oxen. Ilertf. Heref. Kent. Leie. Chesh. Midd. Norf. Devon. Kent. Midd. Essex. Heref. S v SLSttirm tLStorti)tngton. Essex. 0oi)n Sorrtngton. Notts. Hntljonij flrnton. Bucks. Jfoijlt flffUJjam. North'ton. CTjomas Wllauton. (?OUJarn Onlfn. North'ton. tTijomas Snnnorr. Somerset. 1i?rnri> primes. Norf. JLOtlltam ?Lrtg1)t0tt. Salop. (LSItntam iilpnnr. Kutl. JFaiUfS StOUffjOUSf. London. 148 KNIGHTS MADE 1603. & £* & &< £< & #tarft Iocs. Essex. Cljarlrs gducrton. Norf. .9Tamrs tTfjomas. Carnarvon. etJtoarB Candl. Norf. MttUtam iil orris. Carnarvon. tf[ orris Srimtf). anBrrto Hshlci?. ODtoarO SuUtaitr. Benjamin |)dldr. ftndrrto |)ascaU. 3nti)om> Botosr. (P&toarti Baldgf). 3i?rnr» autfjcrson. BidjarB C?tigromue. BtdjarU Faugijan. WiMam Coobc. Jfranris (JTlrarr. (Srorgrjforstrr. JTamrs Calthorn. (Tijoma* Darrdl. 2fc?cnri> Sisncn. William &Imgcsim. .f oijn Sulltartt. OTtUiam (StamsforU. IMjiltn Coningsbie. ©rorgr (Fotton. ilidjolas Smitfje. CPBujartJ $JcnrtttJ&orUc. WLfflam ih\ organ. BotolantJ i*l organ. e?titoatti Butler. ?i>rnr» . CVorgr Sdbtr. ©anted jiorton. tfkorgr ©ill. Suff. Sussex. Essex. Cornw. Warw. Devon. Heref. Norf. Norf. Line. York. Suff. Hertf. Cambr. Heref. Wilts. Staff. Line. Norf. Hants. Hertf. £* &< £* ta> r a* Cliprsbi? <5 a toll it. Suff. William Wortfjington. William Withm. Kent. $ni$i) Wmrall. luglrbij Oanidl. BidjartJ ^altomstall. London. . . . jfit>U)iUiams. Bogrr Norton. Fincentjfulndbi?. Jfranct* Ogcoftc. Wore. .... Slnrslic. \M)i\\p Hdgfjlci?. William Harris. Essex. tTljomas Dallison. Line. JfOl)tt ©Ormer. Bucks. jFrancis CanfrilB. Norf. Wrston Brotonc. 2Tijomas Stantrisij. <5rorgc Bdgrauc. Line. (Tlrmrnt Sntlman. Norf. (PfitoarU ^i)fffciHJ. York. Caltijropr (JarUrr. Suff. ©UtoartJ i*tarlnm>. Line. BidjarU iTrari?. Glouc. Soijn Satmrtr. Chesh. 3foi)\\ IJotortl. Bobrrt C?Uolfr. Kent. DabitJ ilStootiroffr. ittantoooU 13rnrutJUocU. Wilts. iTijomas i^ariueH Wore. litdjarD iiianUjanng. Chesh. iTi)omas Biggrs. Wore. (PDbjarU Blrnrrijasset. Norf. Bobrrt fcfclds!). Sussex, (^.rorgr SnrUing. „ :^o\)\\ Clarton. Durham. JKoiju (Dtdrn. iTijomas Bromlrn. .... BuDnarD. .... *i)rrborur. (George parkins. Kent Balpi) iilaftUisson. ODujarD Jftlmorr. KNIGHTS MADE 1603. 149 & Bucumore. & Bobcrt Stanford. Staff. S r MoUCVt €i)C8ttV. Hertf. S r 2Ti)0mas £U*CSf)am. Surrey. S r HKnnj Earner. Suff. Sb x 2Tf)omas images. & r tycnxv ftsfjlcg. Kent. S r Bobcrt fcmmBc. Norf. S r £?&U)av& Claiborne. §b x Jfrancis ©urson. Salop. S v OTtUtam BcmtarB. % x SSMtttattt £tf ctff. Kent. Sb x WLiWianx 3pric*. Hunts. S r ©Blatter Ecurrcux. S r OTttttam ?i?utisott. North'l'd. S r <$BtoartJ $)md)0H. Dorset. j& r CTfjomas jFrcaUc. „ % x Stomas ffrfflraux. Devon. £ r Mobfrt filler. Dorset. S r jFlrcttooof ©ormer. Bucks. £ r |?«W» i#taxeg. Essex. S r $*ttrg Boftcnljam. Norf. S r fcSttlttam Samuel. i© r JTofjn SCctOlt. Devon. S r Bartfjol. *ambornr. Som. & r Stomas Bocuttj). York. & r guarantor Barloto. Lane. £ r Bogcr |)orttngton. York. £* $cnri> aeJjttdjraUr. Hants. S r OTtlliam STIjomas. S r Bcimoifci Smuen. Salop. & r jroim Cijoritcg. S r JFrancts &tftrftle£. York. S r BtdjartJ |)dl. Hants. S r Stomas Barttttt. Glouc. S r ftntijomc Irdnc. Line. S r 3Uttfjon» $Jdijam. S r Stomas SoutfjtodJ. Norf. S r iEtJtoarD IJarijam. Line. & r S^oijn Brntlri). Derby. S r ISOtoavB Souti) (? Zouch). Som. Sb x JFoljn tyubtxt Norf. S r .iFamcs Bugges. & r Stomas jFotolcr, Jun. Midd. & r ©ijartts IXdue. Line. S r flatter 3i>seougfj. ,, S r Stomas Ingijam. S r BtdjarB Conquest. Bedf. S r JToim BijnUe. & r ©tlfS $?otoIantf. London. Strands Fmtrift. North' ton. S r &cnn> BttnmtVl). Chester. S r Stomas i;Ucn. Suff. S r ffcettrg .frames. Kent. tS r ©tttoarU 3tourn>. Pemb. tS r OTtttiam atobreg. t& r OTtUiam ^otoson. Line. S r OTttttam WLxavt. Cornw. S r BtdjarB itttef)fli)0rtte. Sussex. S r Isaauc SfrlrtOtt. Essex. £> r 2Tobj) Cijaunceg. North'ton. S r OTtlliam Cfjauwm „ S r STijomas Tarnam. York. & x eijrtstopijcr iiJoBson. Bucks. & r JToijn 3Locton. S r Stomas Smtrtjc. &*3rof>ntfatoIrtt. Wilts. io r Cijarlcs Barndig. York. S v Stomas DrtUJf. Devon. S r ©forge Soutijcotc. „ ^r Robert Broiunr. Dorset. & r ainrtjonn Drurg. Norf. S r BicfjartJ Corfts. S r ?i?«gi) Bralone. London. tS r i^etws WttntJham. Norf. & r B obrrt O runr . Suff. S r JFoijn |3rftttman. S r . S r JToijU lilmcr (Ayhner). Line. S r • • • • Darn>. £ r iTf)omas i^anmrr. Flint. S r JFasprr i^loore. S r Waintam CragforD. Kent. 150 KNIGHTS MADE 1603. S r ftobtrt ©OttOtt. Hunts. S r ©corgc Qrrnutlr. Comw. S r Srorgc gribtr (Gtilty). Line. S r tttrijaro" Jhttiplact. Berks. S r .^n'rmi? 3fc>onsn>. Bucks. S r JFranrts ©oRramttfj. Kent. S r Oomas ?IIlt0tt. Surrey. S r Itoticrt $tffrattx. Devon. S r fltdjolas £toBoaro\ Kent. % x ftobcrt |)cnrutitrocHr. Wilts. At Whitehall, 24 of July : S r IxtdjavB Bvotonr. Essex. S r itfarmatmlte Earrdl. Bucks. S r Hapfje WttrlBon. Kent. $b x fttdjarfc Codt alias COOUPB. Hertf. S'EartfjoIometoJFotoftCB. „ Knights of the Bathe made at the Coro- nac'on of K. James, 25 July, 1603: & 13i)tltj) $>n'l>ert, after Earl of Pembroke. % x ftijomag 33atfll?£, son to Lord Barkky. % x WiMim Sum, after Lord Evers of Mai ton. % x ©rorge fc&tijavton, son to Lord Wharton. & r iiobrrt $Xiti)C f after Earl of Warwick. & r liolicrt CaiT, after Earl of Somersett. & 3f0i)\\ ISgertOtt, after Earl of Bridgewater. S r $>nui> Co mp to It, brother to the Earl of Northampton. S r 3foi»\ lErafttmte, son of the Earl of Marr. S r fcMtlliam anstrutfjrr. Sb x ftattfcfc tflunan, Earl of Tul- libarne. £ Y .9amrss Jblnut, Lord Yester. & r JToJm HtntJSf i?. & fttdjarB ^rrstOlt, Earl of Des- mond. £ r ©It'brr Ctomtodl of Hunting- donshire. S r latJUJartJ Stattleg of Lancashire. S r MltHt'am ftttbtxt of Mont- gomerie. S r JFuIftc Cffbille, Lord Brooke. S r JFrattCW JFattf, after Earl of Westmoreland. S r ftobctt CljtdjCSter of Devon- shire. & x l\obci't ftnotolcs of Berkshire. S r S^fVbasc Clifton of Notting- hamshire. S r jFranrtS jFortfSCUe of Bucking- hamshire. S v HtdjartJ Corilrtt of Shropshire. & x BSBtoarB Herbert, Lord of Cherburye. & x Stomas Hangton of Lancas- tershire. S r fflSKHtattt |)0})C of Oxfordshire. S r artijUV 3l?optOU of Sornersett- shire. & r CJjarics Morrison of Hart- fordshire. & r JFranct'8 Hetgf) of Warwickshire. & r isOUiartt i«0Utague of North- amptonshire. % x IsBtoaitf Stattfjopc of York- shire. S T |)ctfr fttantoootJ of Kent. & r Hour it $arle£ of 1 [erefordshire. S r CTijomasi gtrfcttfattU of York- shire. S r CijliStopIjfr ©attOtt of North- amptonshire. & r lEtJUJavtl Griffin of Northamp- tonshire. S? r liobct't ikbtlc of Huntingdon- shire. KNIGHTS MADE 1603. 151 S r WLiiliam OTdfcg of Lincoln- shire. S r 0O^n UlaUett of Somersettshire. & r amaltcr StetOlt of Staffordshire. S r 2>cnrg &ato&|?e of Essex. S r fttdjarB fttusgrabc of West- moreland. £ r 3Tofm Stotodlof Somersettshire. S r UttfjarO ^LmcOteS of Lincoln- shire. £ r Stomas 3Lcftir» of Suffolke. S r Stomas Icnnm of Norfolk. S r &a«f)c il>arre of Hartford. S r SSEttlltam JfOStCT of Barkshire. S r George Spraftc of Somerset- shire. £ r George $?ljtJe of Berkshire. £* antfjomjJFdtOtt of Suffolke. S r 2£itUtam Broton* of North- amptonshire. JD r 2Ti)0mas WList of Essex. S r Bount ©ijambcrlajmc of Oxfordshire. & r ftntfjonj? palmer of Suffolk (Kent). S r IHtJtoarB i^cron of Lincolnshire. Sb x Stomas Burton of Surrey. S r Boucrt Barker of Suffolke. Sb v Wllillianx Xorrt'S of Lancashire. £ r iiUtoarU ii>ai1l)rU of Worcester- shire. 5> r Boger BoBfltfjam of Hereford- shire. At Whitehall, 26 of Julie : S r tTijomas Bennett. S r CTijomas 3Lotoc. S r SLronartJ &aUtBan. & r 0oijn JLSlatts. S r BtdjarB CoUtiartr. S r H>rnrn Botoc. £* l£tJtoar8 ^olmUrn. S r Robert Sampson. London. S r #>umpf)ri> WftdB. London. S r (Tijomas Cantod!. S r fcfctiutam Craocn. S r ^enrn 3ntJcrson. S r JULltUtam (Siotorr. S r JTamcs yemucrton. io r JJotjn Stomerton. S r OttUtam Bomnew. S r Stomas i^lititJlrton. S r tTfjomas ?i)ai>cs. S r fcSttUtam Cranlen. At Hampton Court, 5 August : % x STijomas Bcdtingijam. Essex. S r Raines itturrain & r jrotm,ifcron (? Freame). Lond. At South Warnborough : S r BtdjarB Z2Xl)ite. Hants. At Southampton : S r 3WjnGrffm>. At Winchester, — October Wore. S r .fames (Ddjtrrlong. S r SZltUtam BtdjarBsou. Wore. S r Raines Lancaster. Hertf. At Wilton, 8 of October : S v JTamrs 3Ua. Devon. At Wilton, — November : S r ittoungirr Donallr. At Woodstocke, 10 December : S r BtdjartJ CoOttC. Bucks. At the Tower, the 14 of March : S r 3Laurrnrc cst. Kent. %* lEBmonB 3sfjfctlB. Bucks S r WLfttiam Brotonc. Sussex. £ r jrofm adtlantf. Devon. S v 2Tnm. Wftfjttttngfjam. Bucks. S r ampBcn. Sussex. S r Is&toarB Bdltngljam. S r Caualtcro fitacott. Kent. S r ©rorge J?ongc. S r amontt Strange. Norf. £r,gofm?i>all. Hants. S r Stlbrrt JLHaftrnng. S r 2i?aruottdl ertmston Suff. S v Bobrrt Oaltngton. S r liBtoarti i*tan$sfc till (? Mansell). S r Soljn 3.Urnc. &* BtdjarB StrottUc. S r ffijomass fitulhms. S r $cnrtc St. Barbe. Devon. S v aicranBrr £cmplr. Kent. S r fc<lltam CTjorolir. Line. S r Stomas foreman. Line. S r CHemmt Sptllman. Oxon. S r ffl®M0Kam Btlsun. n S r $>.t\\xv Constable. York. S?* Jfoljn Bot?sc. Kent. S r Soljnii>rtiU)ortl). Durham. S v JWjn OTtlltams. &».foi)tt (IStcun. Wilts. S v tTljomas Hctoscin S r $Jctcr ©arton. Sussex. S r JFusttman SLrtorn. Kent. S r $cnri> JTcnlunson. %* Strpijrn proctor. York. S r JFvancta Fcrncn. S r efjnstojrijer 4*larttnc. S r Soljn BoBcs. Derby. S r i#oim (Tolltmorc. Kent. S r Jfranns 3Uaftc. York. % x .goljn Contoaj?. Flint. S r Stomas l&nctoctt. Wilts. 1604 At Royston, 1 of Aprill : S r Btdjartt t&r. Cambr. S r €Tijavlf JS ilortotdjC. North/ton. S r DautB (Comttngljam. At Whitehall, — Aprill : S v IXobcvt Brett. &* iTfjomas ilralc. S r Clrorgr CTontrrs. &* Bourrt Dolman. & ¥ Jfranrt*jFitt$. S r iTijomas Boolnn S r „?o!m Osborne. S r iTijomao fceitscman. S r fcfcttlforB llatoeon. Devon. York. Berks. Essex. Cambr. S r Stomas |)tgott. Bucks. S v 3lcA*an&rr Stat Wilts. S r Norton linatdjbttll. Kent. S v Bobrrt i?0ltgc. Somerset. S v ittirijari flormrr. Bucks. S'BtdjarB (T.rmttoan. Sussex. S v tTijomas Dtluro. j© v (T.rorgr (Tfnodunorton. Glouc. S v lUdjarU Ingolflbn. Bucks. fAt S.W. Cornwall, 1 May : tS v Bas. Broou (but sec p. 1 40). At "Whitehall, 12 of Maic: S> r jFranris d^urrs. York. S v iitartinr Colrprprr. Oxon. S v (?Duiarn Boi>ro. Kent, KNIGHTS MADE 1604. 153 S r ffijomag 13oU)CV. York. S r Bartijolomcto Wrfjell. Notts. & r £*tatfjeu) KamStltt. Devon. S v Mobcrt (i&gw) OTooBroffe. S r SStotetan HK.rte. Leic. S r Wfflliam GratuHcuc. S r Hatmljrfjus Carte. S r .?0J)U BobJIJf r. London. S v €?8toatt Crtppes. Kent. S r ©BtoarB 1i>e.rt. S r |ltdjOlas Stalage. Sussex. At Whitehall, 30 May : & r ©tttpcrt |)fJ)CV. Line. S r Eouert Osborne. North'ton. £< Gilbert print*. Wilts. J2> r ugij Bdijdl. S v tUljomas BlanO. S r ©ijavlf B IsflCVtOtt. Staff. ^'.ffoJmjfcron. York. S r fc&liUtam Bartotette. Suff. At Greenwich, 2 June : & r SToijtt Speccott. Devon. At Greenwich, 12 June : & SIBam £nraultngr. Kent. S v SfOrgC SntttfjC. Devon. &* frijomas $>oni>toootr. Kent, &* liUdjavB Grabcs. Hertf. S r Cfjarlcs ii?alcs. Kent. S v Soim 2£ibttbroouc. Salop. £ v Jtofm Clanpoolc. At Lay ton, 1G June : S v Ht'djarB Sraci? (see p. 148). Ss r SLSItlltam StOUC. London. S* OautD SLStooB. At Whitehall, 29 June : S* militant JForB. Suff. £* ftobrrt ?i>ttd)a:n. Suff. S r 1i>enri> iToumsenlJ. Salop. & Etjomaa (?tJcn. Suff. At Greenewicb, 3 July : S r aU&tUtant iihttton. Cumb. S r militant ?i>all. Kent. S r iitJm. \*CCl\i)m\(Pett«m). Suss. At Chatham, 4 July : « r Jfranct's $>otoar8. Surrey. S r SaruforU tTrcbor. Flint. S r Jfrancts (Tornetoall. Salop. % r r Jfrann'8 €l)CVVV. London. S r militant page. Kent. tS r militant (TljettormB. Staff. &* Wlfflam $>ortoooiJ. S r Robert .^auDrdl. Cambr. S r JFotyn £ covin s v amaitatn ?i>m. Kent. g* 3nrfjoni> Hugcr (Aucher). „ S r JFCVCmtC (Turner. Surrey. &* ISfitoavB Bromlcp. Salop. &* IsKtoartt StO&BClt. Bucks. S>* „Mjn Ratolinson. Essex. * l George mrigijt. Kent. At Whitehall, 7 July : S v (Tbomasjforstrr. Hertf. At Whitehall, 8 July : &* Barnes Deane. London. £* Roger Sours. At Whitehall, 10 July : &* Soljn 3Ltntorai>. Som. S>* Httoarti ittusgraue. Cumb. SS T EobertJfoljUSOU. Bucks. 154 KNIGHTS MADE 1604. At Otelands, 15 July : S r (T.rorgr Hmmr. *> Arthur .Alston. ic r Srorgr lUrrr. Kaifchnes. At Whitehall, 21 July : £ v ©tlbrrt $>ogijton. Lane. & ftPfc l&otoartr. Hertf. S v jlatfjanirU Baron. Norf. S r itfavtmr StutoiO. Suff. &* l/amrs Baron. „ S v ?i>rnrn Brmngfriltu At Ware, in the King's Bedchamber, the 21 July : S r zattUuim WLi&emm. At Theobald's : S r iHtcfjart $? truss. Essex. %* Strnhrn IJotole. S v ^Thomas HJarrrs. York. S v effjnstophrr ^Jtgott. Bucks. £ v ai>u)artJ. London. %* artintr £J aunts. York. £ r tfHturv Butlrv. S r ©BtoarB iilansfrtlti. At Whitehall, 20 of August : S r Stomas £tctoartf. Cambr. S v ^Thomas SHjtmtr. Wilts. S'.f/amrs £2tmgfciIB. North'ton. S v <$rorgr SautU. Bucks At Whitehall, 6 November : S l fttrhaib* Bulnlrtgi). Chesh. S r Ittjumpijri? rmr. bine S* tSrovgr Smnons. Devon. £t'l\tcf)avtni>opton. Heref. £ v OTiUtam 3l>amuttrn. No< I s. ■ S> r Jfoijn Dvuvtr. Essex. At Whitehall, 1 1 November : $b x 3fol)\\ Datoflon (? Dalston). At Whitehall, 16 November : £ v JFranrts ussen. Salop. t& r Isaae Jfermn. Suff. At Royston, 29 December : IS r ©tJtoartJ Bushell. Clone. At Royston, 17 January: £ r JFofttt Bouse. At Royston, 18 January: $& 3Fohn jfentoteue. North'l'd. At Royston, 22 January : & x &$oma* ittusdjampr. Surrey. S r 0Ol)tt?i>rUjrtt. London. At Hinchinbrooke, 30 January : S r iStJinarti KatrltfFr. Cambr. At Whitehall, 3 February : S r iTuomas Snaggr. Som. £ r „?oi)n$)ortman. At Whitehall, II February : S r KirljarU ftnolles. Berks. & r .?oim«5uri)arra. Line &* JFohn due. Wilts & r ftfjomas liotoe. Glouc 1605. At Greenwich, 2 April : & r William il>errteue. London. At Greenwich, 9 April : % x Stomas ©orntoaUis. Norf. S r 3foi)\% Semnore. Som. & r WMliam atueoale. Hants. S r <5eorge 3UBriDge. Som. S r jFranctft CaltOlt. Surrey. % x George $ne. Som. At Greenwich, 14 April : S r (Element SettUamore. Lond. At Greenwich, 22 April : S r Christonher Cline. Kent. S r fttjomas <5 toner. London. At Greenwich, 29 April : %r Robert Banester. Salop. At Greenwich, 4 May : S v Jfohn Seltiie. North'ton. S r CSeorge Jflotoer. Devon. At Richmond, 14 May : £ r (Thomas Jfoliambe. Derby. S r Boger ftauill. York. At Richmond, 1 5 May : S r $ugh 130llarB. Devon. &* ©ugh, iitontgomern. At Richmond, 16 May : S r Ehomas ?i>enlen. Kent. % x JTofjn Bunulei?. Duly. At Richmond, 17 May: S r Robert Wixicfyt Surrey. At Greenwich, 22 May : S v 0Oljn iitettX. Hants. & x ZSlilliam litrftham. Devon. S v Sohn jfit> amuitams. Redf. £>' Bouert iJaime. Hunts. £ r &ugh ftlatt Midd. SS T CDtoarti Cone. Xurth'ton. S r $enn> fitaUorg. Cambr. % x lliefj. 3i)all ( ? Halsewell). Devon. % x Hnselm ££tittlegO0. Sussex. £ r JFoim Hee (Leigh). Surrey. & r fcStilliam Cobijam. Devon. ic r Ambrose Button. Wilts. j$ r Robert Hlbanie. Surrey. At Dartford, 25 May : S r JTotjn Snflman, London. At Greenwich, 20 May : S r Santo #turrai>. At Greenwich, 29 May : S r <5eorge Chatoorth. Dub. S r Gilbert linifton. Notts. At Whitehall, 5 July : S r OTiHiam Button. Wilts. At Eaton, 27 July : S> r George iJeriam. Oxon. At Oxford, 30 July : S r IStiUiam Stolen. Kent. S r <5eorge Biuers. „ Upon the way, the same day : S>* (George (Tinning. Oxon. At Windesore : & x (Thomas ?i>0!5ftins. Surrey. % x \)tttV SaltOnStall. London. At Huntingdon : % x Charles Be Cambrai?. France. 156 KNIGHTS MADE 1G05— 1606. At Royston : ft* ■ Jfoijn £mttfj. Essex At i tinchinbrooke : ft 1 ' (Tijomas ?i?ai>u)aro\ Norf At Whitehall, 16 December: $ l HtdjariJ Wtyite. Hants ft* $Hjtltp ftttinijojp. Leic ft* 3murosc ffireg. >> ft* Jfrattcts lUttlefcw. Knights of the Bathe made at the crea- e'on of Charles, Duke of Yorke (Twelfth Day 1005) : Cijarlcs, 13vA\t of goritr. £ v £\0b. Urrtif, Lord Willoughbye. ft* Wiill €TomptOtt,Lord Compton. S v <5rc» linages, Lord Chandos. ft* Jfranris Noma, Lord Norris of Kicott. ft* WLiUiam Cctill, after Earle of Salisburie. ft* 3Ulan |)crci?c, brother of the Earle of Northumberland. & r JFttOtCfg Planners, after Earle of Rutland. ft* £tlttg ©IttfortJ, sonne to the Earle of Cumberland. ft* (Thomas ftomergett, after Vi- conl Somersel of ; lassell. S v tHjomas ?J>otoarS, Earle of Barkshire. ft* .?/oijn Harrington, of Exton. Ai Whitehall, 23 January : ft' XirOoIas UciitoKin, Venetian Ambassador. At Whitehall, 2 February: £ v 2£lilltam tTatr. North/ton. £ v lloucrt |)uvcrll. Salop. At "Whitehall, 16 Pebruarie : £ v . Warw. At Theobald's : ft* Stomas Broouc. North'ton. At Roys ton : ft* iljrnrn Canton. Suff. At Whitehall : ft* WLttli&m ILtBlfl). Hants. At Greenwich, 23 May: ft* (Srorgc fttarimm Line. ftt ixoqtv iitoston. Flint. At Greenwich, 25 May : ft* Hcnrn iittttrtrton. Ch< sh. At Richmond, 1 9 June : ft* Stomas Bale Surrey. At Greenwich : ft 1 JToijn Burlacn. At Greenwich, 13 July: ft* CTjomas tLSttngfrilB. At Otelands, 15 July : ft* £>rnrir Bauer. Kent. ft* Hrtfjttr Harris. E ex. At Greenwich, 23 July : ft v .?ofjnjroUfjj. Lond. Ai Eampton Court, 17 Augu ft* tTijomas (T.lourr, Ambas ft* lAngnoIB Kigali. Essex. At Windsor : ft* tTIjomass JfoiUamc. Ai Farneham Castle : x 1 ttrorgr iirsumr. KNIGHTS MADE 1606—1607. 157 At Beaulieu, 30 August : S r 3foi)\\ Hctgij. Hauts. At Hampton Court : S r £SttUtam Oglan&er. I rants. S r George IHjtlpot. At Newmarket, 17 October: S r WMUam 3i>ru)ett. London. At Newmarket, 18 October.- S r lltdjOlas |i>ai>es. Hants. At Newmarket, 1 9 October : S r (Thomas flHaijicr. Suff. & r ISDtoartJ ILetoufnor. At Royston : S> 1 ' tytmy Cfjrnen. Cambr. S r JFoijn tletgh. At Whitehall, 1 November : S v IstrtoarB iTarborBe. Lane. At Whitehall, 3 November : S'SohttGrej). £ r astffliam ffiStttgflt Suff. At Richmond, 13 November : S r fiteholas |)rfrraux. Cornwall. At Whitehall, 22 November : £ l IXobtVt HoUCtt Bucks. At Enfield, 5 December : £ r .0oljn,jFIemtng. Derb. At Enfield, 6 December : S r Esaaue StDIei>. Kent. At Whitehall, 1 1 December : $b x George jFuIIbJootr. Derb. £ v 3nrhoni> ii>ungerfortJ. Glouc. At Whitehall, 15 December : S> r (Maintain Button. London. At Whitehall, 23 December: S>* (Thomas palmer. Kent. At Whitehall, 3 January : Sb x George j? it} ZZUUmm. Line. At Royston, 20 January : S r Bo\)n itftiltseent. Cambr. At Whitehall, 8 February : £ l \0ohn l\tues. Dorset. At Whitehall, 1.". February : £ r Raines Hlttjam. London. % x JotjU (William) ^Joole. Devon. At Whitehall, 17 February: £ r $>enn> (DxenUon. Kent. &* Kugusttne (John) XtehoUs. At Whitehall, 1 March : i© r (Thomas BoU)leS. Lane. At Whitehall, 2 March : Sb x (Thomas Canton. Denbigh. At Whitehall, 4 March : S r (Thomas Grofion ( ? t $b x fcEttUtam JrtlDmg, At Royston : & (Thomas) gvvtll. At Royston : & v Hoger #U!Ifsrent. % x George Jftt^gefferi?. 1607. At Whitehall, 30 March : £ r jfranrts liussell. io r Robert Butler. At Newmarket, 13 April : % x iitiujartJ Fere. £ r Jloljn Fere. At Royston, 16 April : S> r JHoijn Gibson. At Whitehall, 29 April: S>* George 3i>rneage. Line S v D utJlrr> 3 igges. Kent. S* George (utfanoesfoiU York. % x (Thomas Chtrhlei?. Cambr. At Whitehall, 3 May : $ l i£U U) art* G o stto leu e. Bedf. At Whitehall, 14 May : tS* Charles i£gerton. 158 KNIGHTS MADE 1607. At Whitehall, 24 May : S r Jfohn Bonder. At Whitehall, 27 May : S> r 3f0i)\\ lUijrs. York. S r RirijavB Conquest. Bcdf. At Whitehall, 28 May. S r SgltUtiim Dillon. Devon. S r Cijaiirjs cnvtc ILrt'gi). Midd. At Whitehall, i June : Se*0oim £tanhop. Derb. At Whitehall, 7 June : S r Cijrtstopfjcv Harris, Devon. At Whitehall, 11 June : S r CJrorgr Saner. Essex. At Whitehall, 19 June : S r ?i> enrw i*t tin man. Essex. At Whitehall, 29 June : & r WLfflm i*UU)CSf Meux). Hants. % x George Salton. WestmTd. At Richmond : S r Jfranrts Jfreeman. North'ton. t£ r lialph mrn jfranulanB. g>* John rnnis. Hants. At Salisbury, 20 August : S r isOtoarU flttftf. Kent. S r (Thomas .Verbis. Hants. £ r Botonrr 2£torslen. „ At Salisbury, 26 August : tS r iiDmonO JtucUaU. Wilts. At Salisbury, 29 August: S r IHtftoartt ?£steourt. Salisb. £* ffiaiiricU pile. Wilts. At Windsor, 8 September : S r lEBtoarfc argrril. At Theobald's, 23 September : S r SFhomas Sarrell. At Royston, — October : S r tyenxic Houell. Essex. At Royston, 5 October : S r JFaotan ILeuens. At Royston, 7 October : S r #>enrn Clonall. S r JToIjn Constable. Y r ork. At Whitehall, 8 November : &* ^Thomas lEstrourt. Glouc. At Hampton Court, 1 7 November : £ r (LStiUiam Oanurrs. Wilts. At Whitehall, 20 November: S l '.fames (tenant. Kent. S r (Thomas WLilfottl. At Theobald's, 30 November: S r .? antes (John) Colutlc. Norf. * v liaphe Shelton. „ At Whitehall, 20 December: S v JStilliam li>amono\ Kent. £ l liobert (f oolte. Lond. At Hampton Court, 23 December: .$ v Jfoijn (Thompson. Kent. S v Charles Bran. Oxon. £ v iiolicvt Carre. Scotus. KNIGHTS MADE 1607—1608. 159 At "Whitehall, 7 January : S r Wtftti&m |)0tocll. Wales. At Theobald's, 15 January : % x jFranrus drarUr. Surrey. &r<£fctoav&JftSf)Cr. Berks. At Whitehall, 25 January : S r l&ofort ILetoUnov. Suff. At Whitehall, 1 February : & r ftajjhc SdauaK. North'l'd. At Whitehall, 11 February : & r „Mm Danics. Lond. & Jttolton 3LamhavtJ. Kent. At Whitehall, 15 February : $b r atatfjonj) ?i>ungcrfotU Wilts. S r i#cmj> (Guntijcvoiie (Gonthe- raut), Teutonicus. S r (MMiUtam &clam. Essex. At Newmarket, 5 March : S r ©titoatti Urtofernor. Suff. & r Uohtvt (QUiatles. S r tfijomas SccftfmU Bedf. 1608. At Newmarket, 25 March : S r 3fo\)\\ (Tvomuton. S r £tCJ)l)Ctt 3LctSUVCS (? Lescher). At Whitehall, 26 March : S r WLxttmtl JFitttyt. Essex. S r JToijtt Esfjam. North'ton. At Whitehall, 29 March : $£>* IStJtoarti $tu$sri>. At Whitehall, 30 March : S r ftntijoni) Barker. & flrtcruhtC &l\ti)Ctt(<(h'as A udley). S r JTamcs SUtfjam. At Newmarket, 8 April : S r JTvancis Harris. At Newmarket, 17 April : &* ©UbJattJ 33aWftt Essex. At Whitehall, 26 April : £ r ©tJtoattJ lUtofo. Wales. At Whitehall, 29 April : S r OSHtUtam gongc. Berks. At Whitehall, 30 April : % v iTfjomas ii?mtc (see 3 July 1603). Norf. At Whitehall, 2 May: S r tTfjomas arun>. Suff. At Whitehall, 8 May : £ r OTtlltam (Tutt. Cambr. £ r JFranrtft £toan. Kent. At Whitehall, 13 May: tS r (Oltbrr) Pgtt Surrey. At Whitehall, 15 May : % x .Wjn £traB!tng. Salop. % x Samuel Canton. Kent. At Greenwich, 24 May : S r (Thomas il>ollanO. Norf. S r Kothcram 2£ttllottgi)in>. S r anthoni) iJclL At Greenwich, 27 May : S r lEurrarfci ££ti)ttnci\ Heref. At Greenwich, 29 May : j& r (T.corgc (Soring. Sussex. At Greenwich, 5 June : S v (Thomas $>atofttn*. Kent. At Greenwich, 7 June : S r 3Fohn UroUmc. Essex. At Greenwich, 13 June: ^ v J&larham ^t. ftrgcr. Kent. £* Ixtchattl iiullfr. Cornw. S v aic.raut>cr 3i>ai>cs. N vtus. At Greenwich. 19 June : 3> r (Thomas (Ducrhurtr. Glouc At Lamore in Bedf. (co. Hertf.) : 160 KNIGHTS MADE 1608. At Grafton (co. Northampton) : * r (Tijarlcs fttorUrn. £»' tttcfjarB (Tatchmay. S v (Thomas Horhcram. Bedf. .\t Bletsoe, July : * r (Thomas tTrrsijam. North'ton. SS r Slexasffler £t. .?/oljn. Bedf. &* 3nthoni> J&t Soijn. At Grafton : S v OTilliam SantJcrs. North'ton. jc r (Thomas l>asdriggc. Leic. $ v (Thomas (Thcncin Bucks. At Alderton, at S r Thomas Haselrigg's, 4 August : $ v il>cm*l) UnKcrSOU, London. At Holmby, 6 August : S v KtrijarK 1i>arput\ Derb. At Grafton, 1!) August : S v EtdjarU jtiartooott. York. & l £ri>mouv3.intghtlf)>. North'ton. S* IstJtoarB Grtffrn. S r llctois (LSlatson. „ % v (Thomas Butler. At Windsor : &* Is&munB Urnthall. S r ttobrrt 3Lcr. £ r (Thomas 3Lcc. At Hampton Court : £ v William BoBcnham. At Hampton Court, 1 October: S v Phillip jfairfa.r. Turk. At Whitehall : £ v .?ustinr CTlarltr* At Whitehall, 1 November: S>* COicorgcSustmianus, Venetian. At Royston : % x dfianns ?i>ralr. Som. &* (T.rorgr Chaujovth. York. S^fohn ^rmon. Suff. At Whitehall, 7 November : &* (Tharlrs Faughan. Heref. At Whitehall, 10 November: £ v Sohn ittolinrux. Notts. At Whitehall, 13 November: % x KotolantJ Cotton. Salop. & x (LStilliam gtoatm. Kent. At Whitehall, 2 January : & v jTands £Lta\t. Hauls. At Whitehall, 8 January : £ r (Thomas jFtnrtj. Kent. At Whitehall, 9 January : %* i&Obtrt BrOORC. London. At Theobald's, 1 February : S v HtcfjarO Burnabin North'ton. & r JFofjn HnOrthit s. Glouc. At Whitehall, 2 February : £* Soi)U £t $ ohn. $& Ipctcr $>rttrstoovth. At Whitehall, 7 February : S v 2i>rnn> dSthdtmhall. Kent. S r SZittlltam (LOrbbr. S r 'untc. Suff. &i liobctt Sotoglas. Scotl. At Whitehall, 5 March : ^ r .fToljn £)abrrs. Glouc. At Whitehall, 7 March : * v setilliam (TaurntJish. Derb. £»' (PBmuntJ ^astott. Norf. &* $umphn> Basucruillr. Heref. &* OTilliam iiflaimaiU Essex. S v ILrbrntijoryr jfranur. „ S v (Thomas (PBoIfr. Kent. £ r tytwxv Sambornr. Oxon. £ v (Thomas 3uhvri?. Heref. %* 3/amrs Bogg. Line. At Whitehall, 22 March: &* CVorgr Brston. Lond. KNIGHTS MADE 1609. 161 1609. At Whitehall, 30 March : S r $?em 4 £ licbtll. Berks. At Whitehall, 18 April : S r &f)CoDore |Utoton. Som. & v Jtofcn ©voofte. Oxon. At Whitehall, 27 April : & r 2TijOma0 ©amsfOtU. Surrey. i5 r Militant C^rsitme. Scotus. At Whitehall, 8 May : &* &tnx$ Bavtlett. Som. At Greenwich, 23 May : S r flntfjonn (Kato&te. Norf. At Greenwich, 28 May : S r ^0ftnl3Jcni)am. Berks. S v JFVanris fttmgter. Surrey. At Whitehall, 2 June : S r Jtoim Bottrdner. York. At Greenwich, 24 June : & v Jtoljn ©age. Cambr. S r ©Dtoarti Soutijcott S r fUJrtanHftanmancr. Middleb'g. At Greenwich, 25 June : S v ©OrndtUS $>Offtmatt. Antwerp. At Whitehall, 26 June : & r Moi>crtjFurt)cr. Warw. At Greenwich, 2 July : S r i&corgc Mollis. S r 2Ti)omas ©ottcle. Teutonims. At Greenwich, 3 July : & v Stomas $}CX\\C (see 30 April 1608). Norf. At Richmond, 5 July : S r ©tJtoavB Bttllocue. At Whitehall, 7 July : % x JFofjn IXinq, Ireland. At Whitehall, 9 July : S r Brian CTauc. Leic. At Whitehall, 10 July : & r Stomas SdUCS. Chesh. At Whitehall, 19 July. % x $?enr» Sfctntottfj. Line. At AVindsor, 23 July : & $enrg jftinnt. Rutl. % v Soi)tt $antoarD. Salop. At Salisbury : S r Stomas ffiaimtg. Kent. At Theobald's, 20 September : & r OTtlltam Hondac*. Kent. At Hampton Court, 3 October : & r &tnvg (Sostrg. S r JTofjn HtQcott. Oxon. S r JToftn litBermtstcr. At Royston, 15 October: & Jtofm Blenerijassett. Norf. At Whitehall, 11 November: & r Slntfjottn Sxrvdl. At Royston : S r JTamcs Hamilton. &o^s. At Theobald's, 27 November : S r ?>ntrj> Botoner. At Whitehall, 6 January : S r fc&ttlltam St Clm. At Whitehall, 7 January : S r Navies pottos. At Whitehall, 9 January : S r fc&ttlltam Ungon. Wore. S r JFamrs Sltijam. Essex. S r ii?cnvi? Daunrs. S r 0oi)tt Norton. Chesh. At Theobald's, 10 January : S r 0Oijn HunsforD. Sussex. S r CScorge Jfarctorll. Som. At Royston, 1 6 January : S r tytnvv CancrctJ. York. S r JWjn 3LauvntCC. London. At Whitehall, 25 February : S r iEUmuntl Ootoitt. Hants. 162 KNIGHTS MADE 1610. 1610. At Whitehall, 25 March : S v iEtttoartt Bromley. Salop. At Whitehall, 14 May : S r Jfoim Brrur. S r nibtvt Be Feer. S r deltas ©l&enharnebeltJ. S r Elbert JToarhtmt. (Ambassadors.) Knights of the Bath at the creation of Henry, Prince of "Wales, 4 June 1610. H>enrn Fere, Earl of ©xenforB. a?je, Earl of Oarlile. Mantes, 3LortJ 3£rsutnne, son to the Earl of Mar. {Thomas JSttnUsorc, after Lord Windsore. ^Thomas, 3Lor& fcStenttoorth, after Earl of Cleveland. S r Charles Somerset!, sonne to the Earle of Worcester. S r liBtoarft Somerset!, his brother. SMfranctsStrbjarU (Stuart), sniiiR. to the Earle of .Murray. tS v Thomas Bateltff, son to the Earl of Surrey. S r JfrrUmanUo Sutton, sonne to the Lord Dudley. S* tyCMVV Cai'J)C, after Earle of Dover. S r OItbevSt..?/ohn, Lord St. John. S* Gilbert (ScravU, after Lord Gerard. S r Charles Stanhope, Lord Stan- hope. S r WL til tarn Stuart. S r iiUbjaro Brttre, Lord Kinlosse. S r liohert (William) SttJnen, after Earle of Leycester. S r #Urbtn £0UChett, after Lord Audley. S r peregrine Bertie, Colonell. S r W.tnvv ilt'ehe, after Earle of Holland? S r ISBtoartl Sheffield, Lord Shef- field. S r Militant CabenBish, after Viscount Mansfield. At Whitehall, 25 June : S r frhomas Cesar. At Windsor : S r ©tt&Ifi? Carleton. S r tftturraij. At Whitehall, 7 January S r |3eter Osborne. S r lEBtoarB Frrnen. At Whitehall, 8 January : S r 3fttilliam Sitmen. S r ohn beetles. S v lUetjartJ 3Lra. Surrey. Bucks. Kent, Surrey. Salop. At Hampton Court, 10 January: S r MteharJJ florton. i rants. S v STijomas Brereton. Chesh. At Theobald's, 15 January : S v Jfranets ££tort!ei>. At Whitehall, 22 January: S r 3i>enn> Croftes. At Whitehall, 8 February: S v iUehaiU a&Eorslej). At Whitehall, 10 February: S v (Thomas ittetotas. S v (Thomas iErsfettte, KNIGHTS MADE 1610-1612. 103 S r BtrnarO Ectoijuvjjt (Dias). S* P.tnvv itmgsmtll At Theobald's, 12 February: §b v JFranm f)rtncc. Salop. S r tLHtlltam &prtng. SufF. At Newmarket, 1 6 February : S r $enrg $)aUautcmu Cambr. S r Varies ?l>otoarb\ At Newmarket, 3 March : £ r tytnvv Fane. Kent. 1611. At Newmarket, — March : & r liobcvt Bell. At Whitehall, 28 March : S r lE&toartu |ln>to. At Royston, 13 April: S'SoimStetoarB. At Whitehall, 24 April : Zty isarl of Entnttd!, at which time he was elected of the Garter. At Whitehall, 25 April: Jo r Stomas WtyzxXtm. At Greenwich, 5 May: Z\yt Fmetian HmtasaBor. At Otelands: S r littfjartf Bmglci>. At Bagshot, 1 September: & iLatorCltce j^tOUgijtOtt. Surrey. At Whitehall, 1 November: a^jrofm&ofcart. Norf. At Whitehall, 10 November : £ r ©tlfrert tftcitrring. North'ton. £* ©Btoarti mijovtoootJ. Staff. S r SoJjtt$tmt. Leic. At Royston, 6 December: io r Stomas ri)l>ontc, S r .frames Hcbcson. Kent. At Whitehall, 16 March: £ r militant {Thomas) fttctljoltJ, Chief Justice {Baron) of Ireland. 1612. At Whitehall, 9 April : S r ftfjomas BrutfncU (created Bart. 29 June 1611). North'ton. & r Urim'S tTrfSfjam (created Bart. 29 June 1611). North'ton. % v Jfolm 5l)fllci> (created Bart. 22 May 1611). Sussex. At Whitehall, 24 May: S r fLwonclI tTalmatfjC (created Bart. 22 May 1611). j© r Ojomas Spencer (created Bart. 29 June 1611). At Whitehall, 3 June: * r Sfoijn fttolinritX (created Bart. 29 June 1611). S v ©forge @rt tSln? (created Bart. 29 June 1611). & r Cljomas iJttclmmg. At Eltham, 5 June : £ r Solm ^acurtt. At Whitehall, 7 June : S r JTof)n ££trag (created Bart. 13 August 1617). In the progresse, 21 July : S r ftobcrt £attoic alias flapper (created Bart. 25 Nov. 1612). At Leicester, 1 9 August : % v IHBtoarU SfbrmtX (created Bart. 25 Nov. 1612). Warw. At Rycott (co. Oxford), 30 August : £ r liofcrri l£aton. 164 KNIGHTS MADE 1612—1613. At Royston, 11 October: & r ©ijarlcs $?otoav& (see p. 163). At Whitehall, 15 November: §b x Utondl tEallmacfje. At Theobald's, 10 January: S r iiobert llnoUess. At Newmarket, January : & r &umpf)rg 4$tag. Sussex. Strands ILcigi). Warw. S r Slooert 812»mgfettB. &* Bs&muno* 2£ttltie. S r fSBtoaro" ftnacougft. & r JTogqpf) HtUegrctoe. & SEUtoarU sttttartjtU Warw. &* ileutU Poole. At Whitehall, 5 February : & r fc&ttlltam portage. Kent. At Royston, 21 March: S r ©BtoarK SUtfjam. S r ZZftlltam &rr sstam. North'ton. S r SToIjn OTooBtoarB. % r SToijn CTemole. S r lioger JTamcs. S r ©BtoarB eoenett. Norf. At Theobald's, 22 March: & v ^Ti)0ma^ &omeg. London. 1613. At Whitehall, 27 March: S r lUdjarU 0tolmrox. At Whitehall, 19 May: & r Soljtt fcStjmne. Carnarvon. S r liobevt $ougi)ton, tf*e Judge. At Greenwich, 27 June : S r ?fc?ntrj) aipletOU (created Bart. 1G Jan. 1614). Essex. At Otelands, 4 July : Sb x 3Lj)0ttCll CvanfetlB. London. At Theobald's, 9 July : S v ftrtfjur Ingram. London. At Theobald's, 6 October : & Cijarles Capsar. At Royston, 23 October : S r Jfranets Senmor. S r $?enn> «L£larWato. S r 3sBtoar& Bamtton. Scot us. Wilts. At Royston, 25 October: £ r ©crrarfl &evbevt S r tTijoma* BtUson. At Royston, 29 October : £ r ^umpljrj) Umif. Surrey. S r ftouert ©larfce. At Whitehall, 8 November : S r Ifemvit £>eU>erton. London. At Theobald's, 12 November : £* 2TJ)oma» amrotfje. At Royston, 13 November: S r OTtlliam StetoarB. «ws. At Royston, 1 9 November : £* WLiUiam Huetall. At Royston, — November : & WLMiam Selbte. NorthTd. S r Stomas ikoou. Leic. S r Robert Bell. Norf. & r efjarles Gato&fe. & r Stomas fcStalsmgijam. Kent. &* JTo^n eoi At Theobald's, 14 December: & v Cijomas &rnttfjar&. Dorset. At Theobald's, 15 December: S r ffijomas $eU)ett. London. At Royston, 18 January: % x ^umj)Jjrj> ffufton. Kent. S r 3oi)\\ eriaumng. At Royston, 9 February : S* tffctefjaeU ©uerarB. At Theobald's, 4 March : £ r Jfoim Steeoe. Kent. Sb x OZltUtam Clopton. Norf. KNIGHTS MADE 1614—1615. 165 1614. At Theobald's, 1 April : & x IXobtvt Sarrrll. Kent. S r $?enrn ftobinson. At Theobald's, 3 May : S r 2r»motJj» JEljornfjill. Kent. At Somerset House, 29 May : & r ISBtoarti lio&nen. At Whitehall, 8 June: & r JStanBall Cretoe. At Greenwich, 13 June: S r JToijn itterriene. S r OTtlliam (Erofte (Ci-m«). At Windsor, 7 July : & r JWm Corner. Som. At the Rye in Hatfield B. Oak, 18 July : & x JTames SeorBirfoe. Belg. At Awdley Ende, 19 July: $b x Rattle Banning, Bar't (created 10 James I.). London. At Woodstock, 18 August: % x tycn. 3Lee, Bar't (25 June 1611). At Theobald's, 2 October : & r jroljnjFranulin. Midd. At Whitehall, 7 November : % x iLatorenee $l?&e, the Qumie's Attorney. At Newmarket, 20 November : S© r ££tilliam Some. S r 3f0l)\\ lUnpingtOtt. Warw. At Whitehall, 31 December : Sb x lEtJtoarfl jMoselen. At Newmarket, 19 January: % x OuMen Norton. At Newmarket, 30 January : & JJoint Manage. At Newmarket, 3 February : Sb x Hcoert ftttStrOtijer. At Theobald's, 15 February : %r fxobtvt Dillon. At Whitehall, 2G February : & r JTofm fclagraue. & r JToijn ©arrarB. At Theobald's, 2 March : S r £?BmunB ££il)eeler. S r Cfjarlrs Xoell. At Newmarket, 17 March : & r WLXiUiam Hampton. At Newmarket, 19 March : & r Xtcf). (KlauBius jFoster. At Royston, 21 March : % x Stomas ©errarB. At Theobald's, 23 March : % x Stomas mijtte. 1615. At Oking, 30 March : S r Robert FemOtt, the Avener. At Whitehall, 13 April : $b x jFulfte £reutlle. S r <£BtoarB Canister. S r EabiB BafforB. At Somerset House, 24 April : & r ©eorge Fillers. Leic. At Theobald's, 25 April : 5 r Cijomas fLamplougft. S'SofmOfflrn. At Newmarket : % x Samuel 2Tri?an. London. At Greenwich, 26 May: S r liirfjarB Carrell. At Theobald's, 2 June : S r lioger fttannrrs. S r litrijarB Xrtonort. At Theobald's, 3 June : S r STofm 3sf)fetlB. 166 KNIGHTS MADE 1615. At Greenwich, 10 June : S r Stomas BlaUston. At Greenwich, 13 June: S r iTfjomas €abc. North'ton. At Greenwich, 18 June : At Greenwich, 22 June : S r UXiilmn lEItoags. At Wanstead, 22 June : £ r ZTijomas WLiwM. % x OSttllttim Zo\xti)t. At Greenwich, 26 June : S r arfjomas IsIItott. At Otelands, 2 July : S r WtilUam Htster. At Havering, 13 July : At Theobald's, 10 July : S r ULMXiiam Gartoag. At Theobald's, 19 July: S v il?cnn> Soutytorfl. At Whitehall, 21 July : % x Ojomas ^outfjtodl. S r iTijomas Smttfj. Chesh. £ r Barnaul? ISrjhllt. Ireland. At Bagshofc, 22 July : & Stomas 33dln> (? Bellew). At Salisbury, 5 August : & x .?oijn SamtriU. At Lullworth, 15 August : £ v 0oJmjm> Barnes. At Broadlands, 27 August : S r 3foi)\\ lltdjavtis. At Tichborne, 29 August : & mem* eiarftr. S r Soijn 4*lacDotogaU. &$*«*. At Farnham, 31 August : &*JoimDmQln\ At "Windsor, 7 September : S r llount Natation. At Theobald's, 21 September : S r Jfranrw CTIjorncj). At Royston, G October : & r Scorgc flftarsfjall. At Royston, 9 October : & patriate fttttrrag. At Royston, 14 October : S r ZZltlltam 3i>arington. &* ©UtoarD $>mtfc. At Theobald's, 31 October: & r ii>enri> <£roofce. At Whitehall, 6 November : & r George fastings. At Newmarket, 4 December : % v ZMMiam Brounucr. S r OTjomas («Mra) SLctgijton. At Newmarket, 15 December : At Royston, 22 December : £ r Jtofm Oglanttrr. Hants. At Theobald's, 23 December : & r liobcrt Broouc. At Theobald's, 22 January : & v Stomas $Jcricnt. S r ftobcrt 3Lctgij. & r iioucrt tf)fflci>. S r Soijn ILctgij. S r JToijn Sucultng. At Newmarket, 27 February : & r 2Ti)omas BlanB. At Theobald's, 1 6 March : %* ©tics SEtatcvflcctc. ^ ^ . S r ©orncltus 2LCtatcrflc etc. J At Whitehall, 21 March : SMfoljnjFtnctt. KNIGHTS MADE 1616. 167 1616. At Theobald's, 4 April : Strands &ttttf ergon. Scotus. At Whitehall, 24 April : S r ftntljonn fttarimrg. At Theobald's, 25 April : % x Stomas Entidl. S r Matter Snutlje. At Thetford, 4 May : S r Matter ISarle. At Thetford, 8 May : S r tyCM'V Bowleg. At Thetford, 9 May: & r 32tsmttniJ (Satosell. At Newmarket, 14 May: S r Steven Butler. At Greenwich, 18 May : & r Stomas Cijamberlame. At Greenwich, 3 June : & r jroim£3aettomoe. At Theobald's, 6 June : S r IStttoarB Baslje. S v Sljomas Brantljtoattr. At Alderni. Cockaine's House, 8 June: S r Militant ©oeftaine. At Theobald's, 15 June: S r (fterrartJ Santes. London. S r JToijn Bennett. At Greenwich, 1 6 June : & r Stomas ijrtl&eslen. Lane. S r mtcijavO Mmtne. Carnarv. At Whitehall, 20 June : S r %} enrn jf tnelje. Kent. S r Conor JftaCCjUmr. Ireland. At Greenwich, 26 June : S r Boorrt Miseman. London. 5 r ?£>enri> Jfox. At Greenwich, 27 June : & £ijeobal0 Gorges. Wilts. Ireland. Leic. Kent. Xorf. At Greenwich, 28 June : £* ^atrteueifor. At Otelands, 30 June : & r 3rofm Fillers. S r Bobert ©orgess. At Otelands, 2 July : S r JTofjn SiD!e». S r tTijomas Miseman. At Otelands, 3 July : & r George Stougijton. At Otelands, 4 July : S r Stomas ftttlflmaij. At Whitehall, 10 July : t& r ty\m\$i)Ytl2 fttiltlman. Essex. At Theobald's, 15 July : & r (Keorge Smitlje. Heref. At Theobald's, 1G July : S r ?>enrn ftebeston. Scotus. S r eijarles Snell. At Theobald's, 17 July : & r Sebastian ii>avben. Lond. £ r ^Ctrcr Crosbt'e. Ireland. At Theobald's, 18 July : & r enujarU efjieljester. S r jfraneis 3nneslei>. £ r Erttjur Bassett. S r i:DUJ. Cart'ngton (Dorrington). S r Militant jFenton (ffmton). At Theobald's, 19 July : S r BieJjartr 3Lttmlei>. S r Bobert ILlonti. At Eoyston, 28 July : S r Hreljibaltr Xanper. S r jFraneis Cragge. S v istonei? fttontague. North'ton At Bletsoe, 26 July : S r tTfjomas ii>atton. Cambr At Burley, 6 August : S^JFraneis Bo&enijam. Sussex. Scotus. 168 KNIGHTS MADE 1G16. At Dingley, 17 August : S r iTfjomas eatoe. Leic. At Holmeby, 18 August : S'JTamesSlgtar*. Som. At Woodstocke, 28 August : S r 3f0i)M BtUUC. Ireland. & v jFvanm Bogcrs. Som. S r £SttIltam $)oi)e. Oxon. S r BtcijartJ Cccill. North'ton. At Rycott, 29 August : S l JoIjn Scnijam. At Bysham, 30 August : S r ftnttrcto Sim Scot™. At Windsor, 7 September : &* IS&toartJ Fillers. Leic. S r |i?fnri) Butler. Hertf. S r Joint Eranr. Devon. At Theobald's, 17 September: S v ©ilrs Bridges. Glouo. At Enfield, 2:3 September : S r Jfrancis CTontngsbn. Hertf. & x WBiMWCSi |)lomrr. Surrey. At Hampton Court, 28 September : S r Bidjavti £t. . James, 3LortJ . iTfKoplnlus, iiortJ Clinton. liDtoavtJ £n>mour, 3iorO Bcatt= rljamu. ©covgc, HotU Bavulcn. Solm, Horn #tortrant. Joint, HortJ C?rslune. enrj? ^otoartr. S r Bobcrt &otoar&. S r astilliam $otoartr. S r etitoartJ &otoar&. %* etJinam gacuuilc. S r SZttlltam Scijntottr. S r i*tontagttc Bertie. £ r OTilliam Stottrton. S r fcEtilliam gainer. & r EttMrn #ortf). £ r Spencer (£ontpton. S r aSHUfsm Spencer. S r BotoianO St. Joint. & r Joint eauen&isfj. S* Stomas |leuile. S r Joint Boper. & r Joljn fiortij. S r $cnrn earne. At Whitehall, 5 November : % x QMUliam Scgar, tofer. S r BicljarD Booms. Cornw. At Theobald's, 12 November: % x George llctontan. Kent. S r CTljarles Botolcs. At Royston, 14 November: S^Joljn tLcntljall. At Newmarket, 18 November : % x ©tics #tompcson. Wilts. At Newmarket, 20 November : & OTtlliam llclljam. At Newmarket, 25 November : S r 4*toscs |t? til. At Newmarket, 28 November : S r Huntington Colbte. Suff. S v JfcrtJ. linigljtlcn. North'ton. At Newmarket, 29 November: S r Bobcrt ©.renbrtOgc. Hants. KNIGHTS MADE 161G— 1617. 169 At Newmarket, 6 December : & v (Slavics Crosse. S r fttxivg Itaoleg. & r Samuel homester. S r Kitfyaxh SauOfortr. At Newmarket, 12 December: & r iitcljavB OTaltfvon. At Newmarket, 14 December: S r |3atvtcftc Jtttonnpcmt. At Newmarket, 1G December: S r George 3Lamplouejij. S r ftfjoiuas astcuttoortfj. At Theobald's, 21 December : & r Stomas Hctgij. At Hampton Court, 1 6 January : & r 3Fofjn?B?ftf)ert. &* $cnr$ tfftartm. At Theobald's, 31 Jauuary : S r OTtlltam ittartm. At Theobald's, 1 February : & r 0oim (Krcsljam. At Hampton Court, 8 February : At Whitehall, 10 February : S r Stomas |tt maletolt. At Whitehall, 16 February: S r JFrauets $?otoavt». At Theobald's, 19 February: S v •-.. lifCtcnS, Dutchman. At Theobald's, 22 February: & r £l)omas HJaeres. & r Eijomas lloreltffe. York. At Whitehall, 23 February : & Wltp Carttongj&t At Whitehall, 28 February : S r jrofjttSmttfje. At Theobald's, 1 March : & r Jfoijn $otolau&. & r OTtlltam Sleelont. At Whitehall, G March : & r Stomas Sautle. At Whitehall, 9 March : S r .?oJjtt ?Lemau, Lo. Maior. At Whitehall, 10 March : Sb x ©eorge Blutttfell. At Whitehall, 12 March : S r Eobert $?attou. S> r tTijomasJftsijer. Sb x Joint &£tolstoui)olme. S v jFrauetsJoues. S r fltefjolas Salter. S r ££ttlltam Jours. At Whitehall, 14 March : & r fciotolanB C?gevton. At Theobald's, 16 March : S r Stomas Coueutrte. S r |3ljtlt}) Seeuljam (?Dackombe). At Theobald's, 17 March : S r iFrauris fftoore. Shames flJointes (Poyntz). These Knights following were made by his Majesty in his iourney into Scotland and backe againe, begin- ing at Royston 18 March 1616. At Royston, 18 March : & v @Mi)artJJFmtes. S r dTvauris Stot'ft At Hinchinbrooke, 21 March : S r 2Ti)omas 3i>uteinusott. Notts. Sb x militant Burtr. 1617. At Burley-on-the-Hill, 26 March : S r Jame s (Putugtoit. London. S v Ixtdjarn eomtg. Rutl. At Lincoln, 4 April : S r Joint Buefee. Line. S r |^CUn> BltttOtt. Surrey. S r ££ltirm £Billmer. North'ton. z 170 KNIGHTS MADE 1617. At Newmarket, 7 April : S r ©corgc ^rddjam. Derb. S r fyCWVV tytvliCVt, a Captain. At York, 11 April: S r Zmillmn eiltft. Line. S v Zfttlltam Ingram. & mmuim sijemm York. £ r 38ttlltam ^ungate. & |)cicr ffumitton. &*JFoIm 2i>otijam. „ & r fttrfjarB Sarlrin &* fcStaim- Brtljdl. At York, 12 April: S r C?tJU)tn SanUfg. ^ifrr&man&o Urtgf). At York, 13 April: &* Hob. aSKtottf), Lo. M. of York & KtcJjarK button, Recorder. At York, 14 April: & v HtdjartJ iijavprv. Derby. S r SSitUtam Bdla&tS. Durham. At York, 15 April: S v WMtUtam Cljafcr. York. S r 2Tijoma» IsilUS {of Grantham). Line. & George %mtk£. York. At Ripon, 16 April : & r 3fol)\\ Fauasor. York. &* iittdjadl immtnu At Auekland in Durham, 18 March {April) : % x „?ofm Stawjop. York. & r £f)0. ittttTte, Clerk Compt'ler. At Auckland, 19 April : S r SUtijur ©rci?. North'l'd. &* iitavmaUuUc rafoeU, York. At (the BishojpricJc, 2.°,), 2-1 April ■ S v tftrovgc iTongc. B'prick. S r QBiUfam ttladiston. &* tfattot ttotoos. S r liapijr Comers. B'prick. S r |ttatI)ctojFor»trr. S r 3fo\)\\ (Talbnlpi). S r SSttUtam SLZtrav. „ At Newcastle, the same day : S r ££tt'Hiam Bennett. Newcastle. At Hexham, 1 May : S r #>rmi> Bainngton. At Newcastle, 4 May : & r |Jeter HtUUrtl. Newcastle. S> r jrofmOclatoaH. At Chillingham, 9 May : &* ©Bmun& Craw. At Berwick, 11 May: & r ^ntijOUJj fcOdBOU, Clearke of the Kitchine. Kent. At Berwick, 12 of May : & v fcSlm. ittusdjainj). North'l'd. At Berwick, 13 May : & r ftolmtjadison. North'l'd. At Lanark in Scotland, 29 May : £ v mUWiaintftnta kl\. North'l'd. At Edinburgh, 8 June : S v ales. S r OTm. JFnjer. S r <*?Btoar& Burnett. &* IStJtoartJ ©tluorne. S r JFoljnjFawtoell (Farmer). Kent. At Carlisle, 6 August : £* SUetjartijfleteijer. Cumb. & r #>enn> Bleneo. &* £Etm. iilusgrabe. At Brome (Brougham) Castle, 8 Aug.: $&jfcmtiti BrantJton. NorthTd. S r il?rnn> trotter. Ebor. S r TOUtam *Ti)oroItJ. S> r Stomas button. „ &* ©fcrw. Oafoton. WestmTd. S r ftytftp HlOUtttltCfi. York. S r Oeorge Botoes. B'prick. S r • • • • ©romonfcf. tfcotfws. At Kendall, 9 August : S r &ettr£ ifttftman, 1 Sewers to S r (George S&cnrcr, J the King. S r JfranciS Itmgfjtlrg, Cupbearer. In the Parke, neere the E. of Cumber- land's, the same day : j&* .... a Scotchman. At Ash ton, 1 1 August : & v Charles Qarrctt. Midd. S r 2Tijomas fcfctalmeslen. Lane. At Houghton Tower, 18 August : t£ r artfjur Haft*. Midd. t& v CTectX 2FrafforB. Lane. At Lathom, 20 August : S r TOtUtam iWaoste. Lane. 3> r Bob. &\n\0&Zt(Bendloes). & (Gilbert) ffiltftOtt. S r JTofjtt 2TaIbot. S r (Gilbert ErelanB. &* lEBtoarfc ©ftbaltJeaton. At Busey (Bewsey), 21 August: & r iTijomas IrelanU. S r 3Leuns $)emberton. Herfcf. At Leigh, 23 August : S r <$eorgc Caluerto. At Vale Royal, 24 August : S r #>ennj 3Len. S r Btel)arfl (Grosuenor. Chesh. At S r John Done's house, 25 August : S r .?oi)« Done. S r anDrcto eorbett. Salop. At Nantwich, 26 August : S r ii>uQl) . Chesh. S>* SHiUtam (Duien of Oondover. £ r jrofjn Dauenport. Chesh. At Gerards Bromley (co. Stafford), 28 August : %* Boger ^ulestone. Flint. & Stomas . Staff. &* BtefjartJ ILijtJall. Berks. At the last bounds of the Shire : & $>cnn> 3gartJ, Sheriff of Derb. At Ashby de la Zouche, 2 September : S r (Uttalter DcUfVCUX (base bro- ther to the Earl of Essex). & r ittatfccto San&ers. Leic. S r 3f ofjn Ball. S* ffljaCttiatn 3!>artop. & r Jfranets Mjbie. Midd. S r Stomas Crrnfljam. Staff. At Coventry, 4 September : S r Mttflliam Botoner. S r ?I>enrn ^nelgroue. S v 2£tm. CatJf, Pensioner. Hertf. S r SFoljn BotJleiJ. Surrey. S r Jfran. Crane, £«■. to Me iV/««. At "Warwick, 5 September : S* cnn> <5tbl)C!3. Warw. S r ZZ&tfltam SottwrtotHe. „ % x Hercules Ctnticdjtn. At Woodstock, 10 September : & r Stomas CSInnfjam. Suff. % x ii>envi? lAotoc. Midd. % x Sljoma* iLSlamiinan. Oxon. At Bycott, 11 September : & r ftrtfntr Finer nt. £ r Robert Oormrr. Oxon. & JTofjn ©Olepener. Sussex. At Windsor, 15 September : % x ilapljC Jfreeman. London. At Hyde Park, the same day : S r Utttl). 13emi, Eecorder of Lond. At Whitehall, 16 September : S r ftUexantter 13 niton. At Enfield, 23 September : & Ertijur ©apell Hertf. At Hampton Court, 29 September : & r Element ISBmonBa. North'ton. S r <5eorge ©albert. York. % x ftibert fttorton. Kent. (Clerks of the Counscll.) At Whitehall, 1 October: S v GretriU Fernen. At Theobald's, 3 October : S r fitCf)Olas lUmpC. London. At Hinchinbrooke, 22 October : % x UtrijarB Ingolauie. At Eoyston, 28 October : & x (George aijiofe. Essex. At Whitehall, 8 November : £ r 3fo\)n UtUegrrtoe. At Hatton House, the same day : S v fcMtUt'am fcSlntfjinoIe. Sb x i/Iatfjaittei litcijC. London. S r dFranet8 jleettyam. & x Peter Cijapman. At Theobald's, 11 November : & x SToljU OTlID. Kent. At Theobald's, 12 November : S r ©BtoarB 0re*ljam. Surrey. S r 2TfjOma0 porter (Parker). & x ©fjrtstonije r Burble. Essex. &* <3*afcrtel Sotose. Hants. At Newmarket, 17 November : j© r Robert Etgine. At Newmarket, 27 November : £ r fl&ttUtamJFwije. At Newmarket, 3 December : & x Cfjatles $>ussen. At Newmarket, 6 December : S r ftttfjartt &alttng*taU (see 12 November 1618). At Newmarket, 14 December : % x .... SUfpt, Ambassador. At Whitehall, 7 January : & r fttrljartf £onge. London. At Whitehall, 8 January : S r KteijarB iLuete. Warw. At Theobald's, 10 January: S r 3£Btoar& JfleettoooB. S r llotolanB Faugtjan. % x Jfoim Btnglei?. At Newmarket, 30 January : S r JFrancts KIim&rH. Ireland. At Newmarket, 3 February : & x Simon glortotri). At Newmarket, 7 February : S r itttefjael Hongutle. At Newmarket, 8 February : & r Jasper Herbert. At Whitehall, 23 February : £ r &envn geluertott. KNIGHTS MADE 1617—1618. 173 At Theobald's, 25 February : & x JTamca HJalcs. Kent. At Theobald's, 26 February : £ r OTaltn* Scott At Whitehall, 16 March : S r $?ugf) ©lottoortfjte. Devon. At Hampton Court, 18 March : % x ©UtoarO Bvougijton. At Okeing (Woking), 20 March : & x J®tnv» fttantoartng;. Surrey. At Whitehall, 23 March : & x (Sfabrid 3Lotoe. 1018. At Whitehall, 25 March : &* <&tttoatft Contoajn At Theobald's, 28 March : % x &enrg palmer. Kent. At Whitehall, 30 March : % x Benjamin ilumavtt At Whitehall, 3 April : g* 3foi)\\ #tantooo&. At Whitehall, 6 April : §b x 1Hapf)e BtdiCttSfjaUm Ireland. At Theobald's, 10 April: S v CTijomas Stcpncn. S r tfijomas (barton. At Whitehall, 22 April : S r STijomas BluHticr. S r JFofjn STracte. At Whitehall, 25 April : S r WHttiam Sbt Urger. At Theobald's, 28 April : & x STamr ss BrimolDa. At Theobald's, 29 April : S r militant Bussdl. At Theobald's, 30 April : S r Bobert 3ftnkin&on. At Whitehall, 4 May : S r CTfjomas 3i>atoftm8. Kent. At Whitehall, 6 May: % x WtttUtam SUttfrctoea. At Whitehall, 9 May : & x tftatfjcto Bomtton. At Whitehall, 10 May : S r 3foi)\x iilltott At Whitehall, 14 May : % x jFrattds Bramont At Theobald's, 20 May. % x =&?cnrj> Bosutle. Kent. At Greenwich, 2G May .- & x &nBreto $ttme. At Greenwich, 31 May: & r ticU. At Bromham, 1 August : &* ftatolmt Busse g. At Salisbury, 10 August : S r ar&. At Theobald's, 11 November : & Sfjilston Calmatiie. At Theobald's, 12 November : $b x fticijartJ SaltingstaU (see 3 Dec. 1617). & r (George ©His. S r Robert lUmpt. At Newmarket, 23 November : & r Benjamin frfjonvbovongfj. At Newmarket, 24 November : SS X (George (Edward) ^arBIen. % x i^atijaniel llapper. At Newmarket, 30 November : & r Stomas Seiljam. At Newmarket, 1 December : & r $o!m $>are. At Newmarket, 4 December : % x $Hjilip BetJingftelB. At Newmarket, 5 December : & ixohtvt fcfcliUougpie. At Newmarket, 1 1 December : & r ,JFraneis ILeigfj. At Newmarket, 12 December : S r Soijn Bretose. At Newmarket, 15 December: S v fiatijaniel liarnavBiston. & Stepijen £oame. At Theobald's, 21 December: & x Jfranets JUmaston. At Whitehall, 1 January : $b x Wttaltev ii?eueningfjam. At Whitehall, 2 January: & v Holier* tftor&aunt. At Theobald's, 8 January: & r Houert BannatU Norf. KNIGHTS MADE 1618—1619. 175 At Theobald's, 9 January : % v jFranri* Ffbgan. & r 0olm ILane. At Newmarket, 21 January : & r Hobert ILaete. S'^olmtfl tiler. At Newmarket, 22 January : S r ©BtoarB Bering. Kent. At Newmarket, 24 January : &* ft ouevtjf timer. Kent. At Theobald's, 1 February : S r tfljom. |)0llei> (PoZMZ). Kent. At Whitehall, 2 February : & r ilteljolasjforteseue. & r JFofm dtouornr. & r jFranets Cotton. S r SUeljavB Sutton. &* OTtlltam pttt. At Whitehall, 10 February : S v <5eorge IHtljerington. S r George 3i>ovse£. % x Itobert Semnour. &* ftteljarB OTtseman. At Theobald's, 17 February : & r CTjomas iitusgvabe. &* 3i?enrj> ftostoell. At Newmarket, 26 February : S r Stomas! jf lee ttoootf. 1619. At Royston, 9 April : S r Jsaafce a&laue. At Royston, 19 April : & r $enn> tflerutn. & r 0o!m,3faenson. At Royston, 20 April : S r $enrj> $ ungate. At Theobald's, 24 April : &* CijavUs fttet). Lond. At Theobald's, 26 April : &* Robert Unolles. At Theobald's, 27 April : &* tfeter fcWrotfje. Kent. At Theobald's, 10 May: £ r #oijn WttngfcilB. At Greenwich, 18 May : So v Cijarlca (Tij to borne. Essex. & r 0ofmarfle ete. Kent. At Greenwich, 24 May: & r SUeranBer Jttunrrife. Scot us. At Whitehall, 1 June : S r flteljolas Hotoer. At Whitehall, 8 June : S r titles Santes. At Greenwich, 9 June : S r Sfoljn Mlfjtte. At Greenwich, 10 June : & r Josejil) $age0. At Greenwich, 11 June: & r liobert Bennett At Greenwich, 13 June : S r liobert ©orges. S* Sampson Barren. At Wansted, 18 June : S r SFoi)nii>onnu)OOt(. Kent. At Wansted, 22 June : S'flteijolasJFuller. At Greenwich, 24 June : S r Cijomas littilen. At Greenwich, 28 June : S r Cfjarles Smtrl). At Wimbledon, 28 June : S* Samuel Holies. 176 KNIGHTS MADE 1619. At Greenwich, 29 June: S r 3fm\t ales. Warw. S r BtdjartJ Broumr. At Woodstock, 25 August : S r $eetor 13au)Iett. At Rycott, 27 August, in the fields : S r fcittiitam Gm'gr. S r IStJtoarDjFrnncr, Sher. o/Oxon. S r Jfranets Suneomfce. North'ton. S r Joint Cateijer. Lond. At Windsor, 5 September : S r 3ntijom> Cijomas. Lond. At Theobald's, 1 9 September : S r Jfraneto iletijeroole. Kent. KNIGTITS MADE 1619—1620. 177 At Theobald's, 23 September : S r .?OfjnjrobjlC. Kent. S r Stomas ©olcpcjjcr. „ At Alderman Jaye's house, 23 Sept. : S r Stomas 3l>00tU Salop. At Whitehall, 23 September : S v Samuel ftijtoattcs. At Royston, — October : S r OTtUtam Stctoartr. At Royston, 13 October : S r iHUmunU Sucrne. Line At Royston, 14 October : S v OTtUtam 3Lctou$. At Hinchinbrook, 19 October : S r &enrg dSnmston. Kent. & r jroJm|)tdmmg. At Whitehall, 3 November : S r <£corgc fastings. At Whitehall, 4 November : S r ^COrgC {Thomas) ^ugijCS. At Whitehall, — November : & r 3foi)\x Uvxmx. S r lEBtoavti iLatorntce. At Greenwich, 8 November : &* iSBtoarti FotocU. S r $tf Cf). (John) ©avnsfjato. Line. At Whitehall, 9 November : S r Soim ^tmj?. S r Mantes 2i)uBsci>. S r Jtofm 3l>ai>ujavtr. Salop. S r .Wjtt flfctrijril. Surrey. S r IStftoavB HaUjIrn. Hertf. At Theobald's, 10 November : S r William lUrucs. S r 3f oi)\\ 2TJ)0vnijtU. Kent. At Theobald's, 11 November: S r Sofjn Bourdjicv. S r HidjavB Itoimts. At Whitehall, 2 March : &* (SfOrgc Sljcriri?, Oh. J. Ireland. 1620. At Theobald's, 1 April : S r ardjifcalB Htdjcson. Scotus. At TTampton Court, 11 April : S r (T.corgc (Cm.) Hhcmomtc. At Hampton Court, 15 April: & v ^rcfjthaltJ Bdon. Scotus. At Whitehall, 19 April : S r Urtots Dtur. At Greenwich, 1 May : S r 3llan £oud). Greenwich. At Greenwich, 13 May: S r • • • • ftamscij. At Theobald's, 31 May: So x 2&>ntrij Bdlingijam. At Greenwich, 1 June : Sb x liogcr CrtoisUrtt. At Theobald's, 18 June : S r Ciipsluc €vd»c. At Otelands, 4 July : & Dantdl Ur 3LtgttP. S r Htttfjoni) &>inton. In the Progresse since the 5 July. At . . . ., — August. S r £amudl atolnm Heref. At . . . ., — September : S r StaffovtJ fcWfflmott. Heref. S r antJvdi) Boijfl. S* Rattle IJmtJav. S r (John) fynjOon. At . . . ., — October : S r Cljomas Hamhert £ r .famrs 2£Ujitlodir. At Theobald's, 5 November : £ r ii>cnvi? SttaBImg. S r iLOilltam (Henry) gduntott. S* SabtU 2£tatnins. At Newmarket, — December : £ r jFraitrtS itttdjdl, since degraded (June 1621). A A 178 KNIGHTS MADE 1620—1621. At Theobald's, — December : (S v 3Uc.r. Norton, Harl. MS. 6062.) %* Gilbert CorntoaH. At Whitehall in Christmas, 26 Dec. : S v <£If Itt. Cottcrell, Groome Porter. & r $>ntrs CTaroeU. At Theobald's, 23 January : ■ & <&crbai»e $ottfft. At Whitehall, 28 January : & liobert ^enttje. At Whitehall, 1 February: S r militant lEXHott, At Whitehall, 13 February : &* litcljarD Brooue. 1621. At Whitehall, 25 March : S r an&omaa IfttdjarDson, %«for. At Whitehall, 2 April : & |)cter Scott. At Whitehall, 8 April, the States of the Low Countries sente to the King as Ambassadors : & % at ofc Be OTmgerDen. S r .?o. ©amerlutg. S r SUbcrttts Sudje. S r fllbcrtus Brumung. S r .?/acob tic Scijott. &* jfreDcrtuc Dc Fertoer. AW simfeodo. At Theobald's, 10 April : S* €ljarlc8 £®tilliants. At Whitehall, 2-1 April : & r ILconarB Bosbtle. At Theobald's, 11 May: S* ZSltlU ii?all, Capfc. in Ireland. At G-reenwich, 13 May: &* JFames Banltc. At Greenwich, 16 May: & v JFranct* (Slanbile. A t Greenwich, 1 8 May : & r aifranUrr Cljaulue. S v Robert Soselmtc. At Greenwich, 2:) May : S r &ntf)om> $>asettt)coo'. At Theobald's, 31 May: S* £&ttlltam ]tfu«. At Theobald's, 2 June : S* IJetcr il>ai>c. S r ipatrtcft 2i>ane. At Theobald's, 18 June: S r fltdjolas ffemnest. At Wanstead, 22 June : S r OTjomas Snrtngett. At Greenwich, 24 June : & Sfctflliam &£tf)itmorc. At Windsor, 9 July : S v ifcjenrn Campion. Kent. At Theobald's, 13 July: &* Robert ^i>e. At Theobald's, 16 July: & r ftrtijitr Ingram. & r tfijomas 3Lcutson. &* 2Ti)omajj 3EucrsnciD. At Royston, 19 July: & r 0otm tenner. S r ItUdjarD llogers. At Ampthill, 21 July : &* TOflltam ©ratoforD. S r Robert Coolie. S r ISBtoaro Salter. At Bletsoe, 2-1 July : S^JTranets Stanton. At Castle Ashby, 26 July : Sv$olm3Lambc. At Burlcy-on-the-Hill, 4 August : &* antfjong Colin. At Belvoir Castle, 6 August: S* IHDtoarD Offilortlcn. &* Stomas Sabagc. KNIGHTS MADE 1621—1622. 179 At Tutbury, 19 August: %v Robert limg. At Willenhall, 20 August : & r $enrg Mcvvv. At Tam worth, 21 August : S r ©OmontJ ammtfrsore. At Warwick, 22 August : S r litdjolas gfteruurg. & r ©BtoarO Utttlcton. At Woodstock, 28 August : S r (Richard) #atofcCBtoortfj. At Esthamsted, 31 August : & MtrfjarB garrison. At Windsor, 9 September : & r ©BtoarB Head). At Whitehall, 1 1 September : & iWaun'ce ISerfcleg. At Theobald's, 18 September: % v &rtf)ur Gorges. At Whitehall, 5 November : S r $eter Fanlore. At Theobald's, 9 November : S r $?enr|> Bourdjter. At Newmarket, 19 November : & r SHexanBer Colcpcprr. At Newmarket, 8 December : £ r Otyomag %mt\l (Lydall). At Theobald's, 22 December : JO r 2Tf)OmasjFantSeI0. Sussex. At Whitehall, 31 December: % x JFxancm i&otJotyijm. At Whitehall, 5 January : % x Stomas Stanley S r Jfoljn Bottler. At Theobald's, 11 January: S r 2Fracj> Smart At Theobald's, 14 January : S r SFofw ttolcptptx. Kent. At Theobald's, 17 January: & r ££itUtam fcKtasijmgtott. At Newmarket, 12 February : & r George 3i>ajjea. At Newmarket, 21 February : % x Stomas Barker. Saff. 1622. At Hampton Court, 6 April : S r 4*tatfjeto BranB. At Whitehall, 7 April : & fl-tarmatrnfte !Lloi>B. At Theobald's, 13 April : & Robert Sijarpetgfj. Ken t . At Whitehall, 18 April: & r SHjomas Gee. Suff. At Whitehall, 1 May : S r ?)rnri> =tt>o!eroft. At Whitehall, 14 May: S r Rattle Botole, a Dutchman. Knights made since his Ma ta direction to the Earle of Arundell, Earle shall, for recording theire names by Privie seale dated the 15 of May I whereof all such are written with this Paragraph ^[ uppon them have brought certificates into the Office of the certaine tyine of theire Knight- ing, the rest have not : At Whitehall. 22 May: U S r iTi)0. Sfjcrlfg of Betlebrig. At Greenwich, 81 May. S r aettntam eourteen. At Whitehall, 5 June : £ r |Mer tftoton. At Greenwich, 11 June : 11 £ r 3fcrommo (Sercomius) HanBo, the Venetian Ambassador. 180 KNIGHTS MADE 1622. At Whitehall, 12 June: If S r 2Ti)0. Sacfcbtle, Gent. Usher. At Greenwich, 1G June : If £ r IHDto. Barnijam, £o. J&wr. At Wanstead, 18 June : H S r Jfranets 3Lotoer. Cornw. At Wanstead, 20 June : U S r 88MUfem Waller. Kent. At Rochester, 26 June : If % v Samuel argall. Essex. At Otelands, 3 July : 1f S r WLiUi&m SfjerrarB. At Windsor, 10 July : & r Jfofjn Cotoprr. At Wanstead, 13 July : & r Stolnt $)rr»cott. & r jFranru* ErelanB. At Wanstead, 14 July : S r fc&trtltam tyobbv. At Woodford-row, 14 July : If S r $?ttmpljn? &anfor&, Sheriff of London. At Theobald's, 23 July : 1f S r BtdjarU Hemtell. At Whitehall, 25 July: 1f S& Sljoma* ^oUanO. At Guildford. 27 July : 1f S r llteljarB JLSttston. If 5* Robert Spiller. At Windsor, 6 August : £ v Sofm#teItirum. Scotus. At Esthampsted, 10 August : S r JFrancte ©nglefrtlB. At Farnham, 11 August : S r il>untpljri) *tm*e. Kent. At Eolte, 12 August : & x 3fol)\\ ©ompton. S r ffijomaa 2i>olme&en. At Windsor, 5 September : If *> tTfjomas Greece. At Windsor, 6 September : S r JPranrtss Bi>ontJi>. Italicus. At Theobald's, 17 September : H S r Stomas $>ttlrrstion. Bedf. At Royston, 21 October: S r Cljarlea Herbert. At Theobald's, 7 November : S r IJereij Herbert. At Royston, 8 November : S r • • • • Ballanttne. Scotus. At Newmarket, 16 November: S r ZStflliam Beeeijer, Clarke of the Counsell. At Newmarket, 3 December : S r tgftam. S r OTilliam Borvington. At Hampton Court, 29 April : S r Cijarles &otoartt, son to the Earl of Notts. Also 2 April 1624. At Whitehall, 30 April : & r Boocrt Napptr* At Greenwich, 4 May: S v jrotm Burgij. At Greenwich, 6 May: S r CJjvistonljrv i>cIucrton. At Theobald's, 9 May : % v i^wtfi &tttrteg. At Theobald's, 28 May : & r Spott. At Greenwich, 2 June : At Greenwich, 8 June : S v ptttV |)rohl>, Xo. Maior. At Greenwich, 15 June: S r iHvasmus Be la ^Fountain. At Greenwich, 22 June : £*$>rnragcjFmrlj. Kent. At Greenwich, 29 June: S l C«covge Cvoour. At Greenwich, 30 June : & IZtttoarB Bavuijam. S r STijomas Cannon. At Wanstead, 12 July : S r Bicijavfl HcdjfortJ. At Theobald's, 18 July : S r CTijomas CmU. At Whitehall, 21 July: S r BanBall CranfidB. At Wilton, 7 August : % x %}t\\YV il>cri)fVt, Master of the Revells. Sb r tTfjomas ftt organ, Steward to the Lo. Chamb. At Salisbury, 8 August : S r 3ToI)n iiUeltnc. S r Cfjoma* Sa&ler. S r #tilcs ii>ohart. S r Augustine Sotfjrrton. Sb x fcfcltlltam Broumc. At Cranbornc, 19 August: S'JToijnfcatf). At Bewley, 2G August : S r Cfjavles Bavulci>. At Tichborne, 29 August : S r Utttrg Cttpornc. At Easthamsted, 3 September : S r Bebis arfjeltoall. At Windsor, 7 September : S r BtcijavB lUngsmtH. At Wansted, 12 September: Sb v 2£ltHtam piaster. At Hampton Court, 29 September : &* Cijristonfjer Daim At Theobald's, 3 October: $b x Simon barbie. At Theobald's, i October : S T SFamfft38tHcr»Don. & r SToIjn Cotton, Serg.-at-Arms. At Royston, 20 October : ft* CTjobi? tftatfjeuj. At llinchinbrooke, 28 October : S v lUnrlmc Dtghin At Theobald's, 12 November: S r CJjrtstonijcr JLBran. Kent. & r S asptr jFotofcr. Dover. 182 KNIGHTS MADE 1623—1624. At Whitehall, 17 November : &t arfjom. &retoe, S. L, North'ton. &v 2Tijomas (Hetley tndgo)&t1fy& t S. L. Hants. At Theobald's, 22 November : £t arijomaa Boston. Flint. At Theobald's, 1 December : Sb x ©iles ©berburte. Glouc. S r 0Oijn StlOUbe. Dorset. At Theobald's, 2 December : £t £StMtam Smitfje. Esses. At Theobald's, 3 December : S r Stomas Hongbile. Berks. At Whitehall, 7 December : & JFofjn Bribgman. Glo u - At Whitehall, 8 December : &* ©ettlltam &otoar& At Whitehall, 11 January: £* JToim ftlOfi&e. Merioneth. At Theobald's, 15 January : &t ISgremont 8$frate. Hertf. At Whitehall, 12 February: & r Walter Robert. Kent. At Whitehall, 22 February : &t |)Ctn* ©OttrtWtt. Lond. At Whitehall, 25 February : &t William Ingram. York. At Hampton Court, 2G February : & artfjur Stnitlj. Glouc - At Theobald's, 4 March: *v Thomas (Krone. Ireland. At Woking, 11 March: &* l&aplje Cantrell. SufF. At Whitehall, 23 March : &t William H)0be. North'ton. 1624. At Theobald's, 9 April : S* Cornelius Baltic, of Tregose in Zealand. Bedf. Kent. Midd. At Theobald's, 19 April: & r Jfofm Sanbera. At Greenwich, 7 May: & Walter lloberts. At Greenwich, 18 May: &t William Roberta. At Greenwich, 19 May : & r Jfoljn Brereton. Chesh. At Greenwich, 23 May: & r martin Unmlen, Lo. Maior of Loud. At Theobald's, 1 June : & r $F0hnBattbcr8. North'ton. At Theobald's, 2 June : St antiionn Erebie. Line. &* Midjarb #nsl0b)C. Surrey. At Greenwich, 10 June : £t Hucas Dillon. Ireland. &t Stomas Cottttg. Rutland. At Greenwich, 13 June : &t |)eter <5 Irene. Norf. At Theobald's, 15 June: &r Jfobn $ ttijon. Zealand. &t William ©obbe. Oxon. At Greenwich, 17 June : &t$ U in.Dabrnnort, S.L. Chesh. At Wanstead, 19 June: S r William CTfjrebston. At Wanstead, 23 June : & r iSbtoarb ii>atolrj?. Som. At Otelands, 2 July : S* (George Winter. Glouc At Windsor, 4 July : £* Robert CTraforb. Kent. At Windsor, 7 July : S r lianbr Done. At Kensington, 9 July : S r Jfraneift Binblossr [Benloss). Lane. Chesh. KNIGHTS MADE 1624. 183 At Wanstead, 10 July : &* fffjomas fcEUjortoootr. Staff. S r William Hre. Glouc. At Theobald's, 14 July: & (Theodore) ffla»l)CV\\C, the K.'s PMsitcon. % x Stomas Contoai?, Sen. S r Stomas Contoai?, Jun. At Theobald's, 17 July : j© r JToijn Borrougl), Norroy. % x JTofju Comers, Wore. $b x STacoii 3stlei>. Norf. At Royston, 18 July : & r |Jftcr He iitatrc. London. In the waie betweene Royston and Houghton Lodge, 19 July: % x Clement SruBantorr, Sheriff of Hereford. At Houghton Lodge, 20 July : & r William JfleettoootJ. &* Samuel 3Luue. Bedf. In the way betweene Bletsoe and Castle Ashby, 23 July : S r jFranris Clerne, Sheriff of Bedf At Castle Ashby, 23 July : & r Will'm ftntton. Hertf. At Burley, 3 August : % x George &uarles. At Belvoir, 4 August : & JfOijtt Bale, Sheriff of Leic. At Belvoir, 5 August : Six Frenchmen K'ted. At Belvoir, 7 August : $b x JWjn Sauage. S r JFoiin WLintiv. S r So!)tt STfjimbleoi). Line. S r JTofm £*IeMieott. At Newmarket, — August : S r Stomas $?artop. Leic. At Welbeck, 10 August: S r 3fol)\\ JFit}i)tvbcvt Norbury. S r 31 ofm jFtt^erbert. Tissi i At Nottingham, 14 August: % x i*tatl)eto palmer, Sher. of Notts. At Derby, 1G August: $b x »oger Cooper. Notts. At Tutbury, 17 August: % x $>enn> llaimsforD. Glouc. At Tutbury, 18 August : S r 3HBtoar& Fernon. Derby. S r ©eruaise Cutler. York. At Tarn worth, 19 August : S r 0oijn SueftKngton. Leic. At Bastwell Hall, 24 August: S r liieljartJ Snerangton. Staff. At Warwick, 27 August : S r Simon 3rri)er. Warw. At Woodstock, — August : % x JTofm l\ej)ingtOtt. Warw. % x lialpl) Sutton. Glouc. At S r Timothy Tirrell's Lodge in Ox- fordshire, 29 August : S r tTimotiji? iTirrell. Oxon. S r 0oi)nJfermer. At Whitehall, 9 September : ic v Soljn CooHe, J/ r of the requests. Hertf. At Theobald's, 19 September: &* (Ttyomas Jfansfjatoe. Essex. Z%t Fenetian Hmtasa&or. At Enfield, 23 September : S r William (Tern). London. At Hampton Court, 2G September: S>* 3ntfjoni> ISrobmr. Surrey. **.... Scotus. At Theobald's, 3 October : ** liOtoartr Carr, Sen. Surrey. S r iiUmarU Carr, Jun., Pencioner. 184 KNIGHTS MADE 1024—1625. At Theobald's, 5 October : S r ii>rnri? dMbh. At Royston, 29 October: S r OTtUtam Qourttott. Scotus. At Chesterford Park, 6 November: S r WLfflttm £tta*on. I tering. At Newmarket, 1!J November: At Newmarket, 2 December : S r SUnanOcr Brett At Royston, 19 December: S r lloimt IxoUctoooB. At Whitehall, 25 December : |Two Scotch Captains. At Whitehall, 27 December : & r ardjtuattJ Souglas. At Whitehall, 29 December : jFour Frenchmen. Sun; Suff. At Whitehall, 30 December: S v llobtvt IDalltngtott. £ r .fames £t. Clrrc. At Whitehall, 3 January: S r • • • • -DrummontJ, a Scotchman. At Whitehall. 4 January: £ r . . . . BostorU, a Scotchman. ic r . . • . £t. (Tlrrr, a Scotchman. At Whitehall, 29 January : 2 r JTamKS Hfi>, a Scotchman. At Newmarket, 8 February : ie v tTijom. ^totnuorne, NorthTd- At Newmarket, 15 February: & r lltrijolas flflartm. Devon. At Newmarket, 20 February : & r Stomas Culpqprr. Kent. At Chesterford Park, 24 February : S v Kogrr JTijornton. Cambr. £ v cr. London. At Royston, 28 February : & r Ixtdjartf 13cttrnson. Essex. Itmajjtrs matre tw our fflost ffirattous &obrratgnc Horo Irtnjjt Charles nftrr ijis Ijapptc romrhujc to tijr Crounr, fcrhuj urorlatmro at iLonoon on tjjc 27 of ftf arrfj 1625, (Ilarl. MS. 60fi2 to the year 1636, compared with, and from that time continued from, Walkley's Catalogue, 1652, the differences in the latter being given in italics. A few additions are also made from ' Symonds's Diary.') 162 .). At Whitehall, 12 April: & r Jttorrtss 3l)t)Ott, Aid. of Loud. At Whitehall, 22 April: S v aiuafjam militant*. At Whitehall, 25 April: £v.?oijnfLt0lrj>. Scotus. At Whitehall, 30 April : S r $Jaul Harris. Salop. At Whitehall, 6 May: S r Jfolmftttllrr. Dorset. S v Oarlrs (T.lrmljam. Suff. At Whitehall, L5 May: *» (PtJtoartJ (Tlcrft. Berks. KNIGHTS MADE 1625. 185 At Whitehall, 20 May : & r ©UtoavB ©riffilt. North' ton. At Whitehall, 24 May : g> JToini $alcs. At Whitehall, 26 May : S r Matter ftong* Wilts. & x 2Ti)uv0ton Smttfj. Suff. At Canterbury, 15 June : &* ^rtstopfjer iftan. Kent. S r IXoiitvt &ongtoooB. „ At Whitehall, 18 June : S r 2Tijomas |Jotocr, Newcastle. At Whitehall, 20 June: & r $?ttgi) StftoWfg. Hants. At Whitehall, 27 June : S r ftogcr flftarttm Suff. At Whitehall, 4 July : & mtiiiiam ©ourfcon. Scotus. At Hampton Court, 9 July: S r i&artm Ulster. London. At Hampton Court, 10 July : & x iStaurtre Srummontt. Scotus, At Windsor, 16 July; & r fitdjolas Botoc, Midd. At Windsor, 17 July : & r fttdjarfc i^uttotu York. At Woking, 19 July: % v Morgan StanDatt, Surrey. At Woodstock, 3 August : S r STfjomas |30J)^ Oxon. At Woodstock, 7 August : S r tfijomas Norton. Kent. S r STijoma* $>orft, North'ton. At Woodstock, 8 August : S r CTijoma* Bauer. At Woodstock, 15 August : S r fycnxy &tUtgreU). At Holbury (Albury), 31 August: S r ^SttHtam SanBcrson. Line. & r Stomas BroUrteu. Wilts At Tichfield, 4 September : S r WKRtitm #torlrj}. At Tichfield, 12 September : % x .STofm aspurtvljam. Surrey. At Burton, 13 September: S r lEBtoarB Barftlci?. Som. At Ford, 15 September: S r fttdjartf VLt$MlL Devon. J© 1 2Tf)Omas ftegncll, his brother. & v SoijU ^Otmge. Devon. At Plymouth, 16 September : S r 3fo\)\\ Cfnefjester. Devon. At Plymouth, 17 September: $b x Jfaijtt Care to. Devon. At Saltcombe, 19 September: % x STamcg Bagg. Devon. At Plymouth, 23 September : & Stomas Ztyovnix, $p QZXHiiam Eonvtncv. S r 3i?cnrj? Spri?r. S r Cljomas (James) Srott, & r JFofjtt (Sheffield) eiapijam. S r Sofjn ©tfcson. S r 3§*trcg JKSillougPs, S r ffldoma* 3Loue (Love)- S r fHttfjarl <5erc, S^ofnt (LWatts. (Sea-captains.) At Ford, 26 September: £ r Stmon lUcefj. Devon, At II in ton St. George, 27 September : S r jFrancift SotJUington. Som. S r 3mi>a» (Thomas) |JauIft. „ At Wilton, 3 October: S T Stomas .?at>. Wilts. B B 186 KNIGIITS MADE 1625— 1G2G. At Salisbury, 18 October: £ r lloi)CVt COCU, CI. of the Cheque. At Hampton Court, 31 October: S* BtdjattJ Si)clton (Sheldeti). At Nonsuch, 3 November : S* isDtoarU aSatf>ttr»t Kent - At Hampton Court, 18 December : S r litltoartJ BtSljO)). Sussex. At Hampton Court, 27 December : g* iSDUiartf Sfaznttx* Midd. At Hampton Court, 20 December : S r Vttn UtUtgvcu). Knights of the Bath made at the Coro- nation of King Charles, 2 Feb. 1G25 (Lansd. MS. 8GG) : Scorgc Jfctltmtg, Ftsc. Callon. Jfamcs Stanlnj, HovtJ Strange. ©ijarlca Cecil, ILo. Cvanuouvnc. CtjatlCS, 3LO. 1i>CVl)CVt, of Shurland. Bobcrt, ILovt) l\tci)C. Mantes, ftorB l>anc. Basil!, iLoiBJffiltJmg. (Dltrjrr, 3LorB St. Joint. iittltmtan, ftovBJfanr. il>cnvi>, HovB ftatolett S v liBtoavti i*tontaguc, S v Joint Canjc. S v Cijavics 3i>otoartt. S r militant l>otoaro\ S r lloucvt Stanley. S r i>atolctt St. Joint. SrjftanciBjFanc. S V ,J antes $>otoavtt. S v William CaucnBisij. S v tTtjomas WMrnttoovtfj. S v anaiiatn Vagrtt. S* ©BfUiant HujjsjcII. S r 3i?fniL> Stanijopc. S r lltci)avtJ Vaugijan. S v Cint&tonncv ilcotU. S v Uogcv Brrttr. S r CTjomas ££tf)artoit. S r St. Joint Blunt. S v ttafr St. Clare. S r Joint itiamiarO. S r JFvanrt» Carcto. S v Joint Bmon. S r lio gcr palmer. S r #>cnvt> IHBtoarO*. S v Bafc Ronton. S r oimtj. S r Boucvt Bcuilc. S r Ccovgc SanOs. S r Cijomas Sntitij. S r Cfjomas JFansijator. S r fttilcs 3l>ouavt. S r W.tnvv $>art. S'jfvancis Careto alias «Tinog= movton. S v Joint BacWjousr. S v i*lati)cto iitmtncs. S r Joijn StoujcII. S v Joint Jennings. S r Stcucn #>avui>c. 1G26. At Whitehall, 12 April: S v Ootfntcc Cotton. At Whitehall, 12 May: S v WLttUiam IttUtgreu). A l Whitehall, 29 May: S> 3l>ugn Ojolntlen. fork. KNIGHTS MADE 1626—1627. 187 At Whitehall, 4 June : S r 3foi)\\ &OVC, late Lo. Maior. & x &llen Cotton, then Lo. Maior. At Whitehall, G June : & x Sofjn Hototfjer. Westm'i'd. At Whitehall, 2 July : & r jFranda $?avun>. North'ton. At Otelands, 22 July : S'Sofm mntrcrljtU. At Hampton Court, 7 September : S r ©Strtltam ©artincr. Peckham. At Whitehall, 27 November : S r ^C0tp,C ItttCUCtt, a Captain. At Whitehall, 30 November : & r Stomas ii?uncltf!3, Lieut.-Col. At Whitehall, 2 December : % x Stomas litcijavUson. Norf. At Whitehall, 3 December : & x WlaltCl' Hecdj. Devon. At Whitehall, 6 December : S r SinnonD S'lStoes. Suff. At Whitehall, 9 December : & x titles Santfcs. Cambr. At Whitehall, 11 December: % x Mtdjarti MimtyuO* Chesh. S r Robert ^an&rs, bro. of S r M. At Whitehall, 1G December: &* IJrtcr aettdje. At Whitehall, 28 January : S r lltdjolas ii?i)tif. Wilts. At Whitehall, 8 February : ^JFiands Clarlte. Bucks. At Whitehall, 4 February : & r Scorgc lUmpc. Essex. At Newmarket, 4 March : S v WLilliam Crauen. Berks. At Newmarket, 6 March : & smtUtam Can*. At Whitehall, 22 March : % x WLilliam ElcxanUcr. 1627. At Whitehall, 9 April : % x Cijnstoptjfr rrrntfjam. Staff. At Whitehall, lo April: £ r lEDtoarB Sebright. Wore. At Whitehall, 14 April : S r IXobtXt Bcrftdfi). Wore. At Whitehall, 19 April: S r CThomas tMlton. Scotus. At Whitehall, 21 April: $b x S'oil? ©age. Woodford Br. At Whitehall, 29 April : S r .fFohn |i)atthun>. North'ton. % x OTtlltam Brr>adid, Lo. Maior. At Whitehall, 23 May : & v ittartin Snoudtacrt. Flanders. At Portsmouth, 20 June : S r lltdjavti Grrnutlr. & x tlThomas jftvc r. S v WLiUizm Ctmntngham. &* Jfofm tToIcarnr. (Captaynes going the voyage with the Duke of Buckingham.) At Southwick, at S r Daniel Norton's house, 22 June: £ v John £au til. York. At Whitehall, 26 June : £» Sgmon #>arcouvt, Captain,. At Otelands, 7 July : jc v liohrrt 3yoni>U)OOU, servant to the Queen of Bohemia. 188 KNIGHTS MADE 1627—1628. At Theobald's, 17 July : S r OrcU) Btmt. Essex. At Ampthill, 22 July : £ r STo^n (George) Husaclt Bcdf. At Ampthill, 23 July : g* 3i>rnn> Suatrej?. Bedf. At Alderton, 29 July : S r Hatoranec ££tasfjmcjtlein Bucks. These six Knights following were knighted by the King of Sweden at Darsen in Prussia in the midst of his whole Annie in the King's tent with great honor and triumph, the King himself at the same time receiving the Order of the Garter, being upon Sunday, 23 Sept. : & |)ttcr $>ongc, a Gent. Usher and dayly wayter to K. Charles. %* &mrg %t. GtOVQt, Richmond Herald. Being both sent with the Order of the Garter as Ambassadors from the King to the King of Sweden, who likewise gave to each of them as a perpetual badge of Honor the Arms of the Kingdom of Sweden to be joyned with their own Arms for ever. S r V aimer ftutfjm. Scotus. $b x ftfexan&cr Urslfp. S r arijomaa fitusdjam}). S r 0ofjn &rliorn, Lief.-Colonel. At Whitehall, 8 October : S r tyemy i*t orison. Leic. At Whitehall, 13 October: &< militant Blanc. Midd. £* (TSarrrt liatnsfotu At Whitehall, 31 October: & r OTtlltam Dcxwxih Horn. At Whitehall, 5 December : S? r 0Ofm 3Tuft0tt, son and heir to the Lord Tufton. At Whitehall, 23 December : Sb x (Stovqc Fcrnon. Chesh. At Whitehall, 20 January : S r dfrancts Batfcltffe. Northurnb. At Whitehall, 27 January : S r Jtolm Etrrril. Essex. At Whitehall, 1 February ; S r Win eitJfiem. Chesh. At Whitehall, 5 February : S r 0tarma»ufec Hangflale. York. At Whitehall, 15 February : &* vmyitt Bcconsfjato. Hants. At Whitehall, 18 February : & r Bast'll Surtnril. Kent. At Whitehall, 21 March {Newmarket, 21 March 162G) : S r smtlltam flJrsljall. Canncll. 1628. At Whitehall, 1 April : S r CTtmotijP JFctijcraton&alg;!). Northumberland. At Whitehall, 14 April : S r ugfj iljammcrslen, Lo. Maior. At Whitehall, 29 June : S r CTijom. Garret (Gerrard). Leic. £ r 3foi)\x JJTrrlatonn. Cornw. S r flatter tLangtfon. At Whitehall, 11 July: & Soim jFotfjerbjn Kent. S'^OfniHototf). Derby. At Whitehall, 12 July: S* WLUliam &opuins. Warw. At Beverley, 5 August : S r 3FoIm#tttlj3. Kent. At South wick, 16 August : S r Stomas ISsmonB (Ismond). S r JFotm ©rosb£. S r ftouert <5rtsr. & r jroijn Ratline. S r Sofjn Hangtoortf). (Captains.) At Southwick, 1 September : & r Sotjn ILetgf). Hants. At Farnham, 8 September : S r €l)C\\C£ Culjirpcr. Sussex. At Windsor, 1 3 September : % x 3To*m ( George) miUmott. Berks. At Windsor, 2-1 September : S r Ho&ouiru an aiteren. Dutch. At Windsor, 25 September : S> r Cornelius JFairme&oto. Midd. At Whitehall, 29 October : S r 3£tftoarB Qo&sujortl). York. At Whitehall, 2 November : S r fcfctiuiam Salter. Bucks. At Whitehall, 8 November : S r Grrbatse flebtll. Line. At Whitehall, G December : S r OTilliam Catrijman. Glouc. At Whitehall, 10 December : S r SSttlltam <£uaBring. Line. S r Stomas Cutyeper. At Theobald's, 19 December : &* OTtlliam asfjton. Bcdf. £ r ©eorge Snnnes. Surrey. At Whitehall, 23 December : S r JTames Harrington. Oxon. At Whitehall, 1 January : £* 3foi)\\ Braenen. Bedf. At Whitehall, G January : S r Cornelius FermunUen. York. At Whitehall, 7 January : S r 3foi)\x ii)ai>0on. Norf. At Whitehall, 9 January : S r liteljartJ (TSrafjam (Grimes). At Whitehall, 22 January : S r fcfctflltam Kotoe. Essex. At Whitehall, 27 January : % x liiefjarU tflanlrn, one of the Grene Cloth. 1629. At Whitehall, 25 March : S r 3Letois ii\ organ, son of S r Tho. At Whitehall, 26 April : S r <5eruats Iiltors. London. At Whitehall, 28 April : S r a&tilliam Dalton. York City. At Greenwich, 3 May : S r fcobert l^re, E. of Oxford. 190 KNIGHTS MADE 1629—1630. At Greenwich, 31 May : & x lEUcfj&rtJ Dcane, Lo. Mayor. S r WITtlltant 3cton, Sher. of Loud. At Greenwich, 1 1 June : S r militant Caller*. Wilts. Jc r . . . . Balrljejar. Dutch. At Greenwich, 21 June : S r Cranmcr Harris. Essex. At Greenwich, 28 June : & r 3FoimHcc. Suir. At Nonsuch, 6 July : % x 3i>artrrcs mailer. Kent. At Greenwich, 19 July : S r £nrIjonr> M&mtl Glam. At Otelands, 11 August : S r popljam &0tttt)e0te. Devon. At Bagshot, 14 August : S r fytM'S Cason. Peyton, Suff. At Barton, 18 August : & r CTljavlcB WLwmm, Berks. At Barton, 19 August: &*$0lmi?ate. Berks. At Woodstock, 23 August : % x flatljanicl Urcnt, LL.D. Merton Coll. At Oxford, 27 August : % x TOtlliam Spencer. Oxon. At Abingdon, 28 August : & x militant (John) Stoncljottsc. Berks. At Hampton Court, 24 September : & x tTJjomao OTortclcn. At Hampton Court, 1 October : S r iTijomaQ tLIttarncr, Capt Ship S l Chrisioplier. At , 1 6 October : & r CfjUStoprjcr ai)fln. Kent. At Whitehall, 9 December : 56* iUnnarB jFrrim. Kent. S r (PBmonB fttontJcfortt. Xorf. % x Stomas . „ At , G February : S'.jFertJutantJo (Tarn. At Whitehall, 11 February : % x Stomas CTjornuoroto. Wore. At Whitehall, 12 February : S r fltcljolas Btron. Notts. At Whitehall, 15 February : S T liUmunU Scott. Surrey. At Whitehall, 21 February : S r lUljJl) BlaCHStonc. Durham. % x Peter Paul lUtbcns. At Newmarket, 1 March : S r OuUlej) Carleton. Oxon. At Whitehall, 21 March : & r George Herbert. Ireland. 1630. At Somerset House, 17 April : &* tLauncncc He la Cljamore. Sussex. At Whitehall, 25 April : % x George OTenttoorti). York. At Whitehall, 1 May : S r SToijn tfrlorlcn. Sussex. At Somerset House, 3 May : % x Oltuer Jlteljolas. Wilts. At Whitehall, 23 May: & r Jf antes (Tamucll, Lo. Mayor. At Whitehall, 25 May : S r pijtltn Staplcton. York. At Whitehall, 1 June : Sb x WL tUtam jFat vfa.r. Y< • l< At St. James's, 4 .lime : &* llobeit ilecoljam. At Whitehall : £* pijilip ftangton. Bcic. KNIGHTS MADE 1630-1G32. 191 At St. James's, 7 June : S* lEtJtoattf $tast(m Kent. At Whitehall, 24 June : S* cHjomas (Kolocr. York. &* fSttlltam StricftlantL At Whitehall, 27 June : S* (Knlnw Scvoopc. Line. At St. James's, 28 June : &* ©tftoilVtf HlOtH. Montgomery. At Whitehall, 29 June : & r Matter |3fie. Ilcref. At St. James's, 29 June: Jfatnis Stuavt, Dufte of iLrmtox* At Whitehall, 4 July : &* Stephen Scott. Kent. S r Jfofjn ?l?avoct\ Derb. At Whitehall, 7 July : S r Barnes Ittontgomrrg?* Scotus. At Theobald's, 9 July : &* l&tcfiavtJ |)tgott. Bucks. At Nonsuch, 19 July : S* STfjomas Botocs. Essex. At Moore Park, 14 September : S r JToim artjovotocrooD. At Theobald's, 19 September : S r Soljn SudUmg, Witton (in Twickenham), co. Midd. At Hampton Court, 27 September : S r iftcnrg JDatottfg. Sussex. At Windsor, 5 October : Raines, Ittavqucss Hamilton. At Hampton Court, 16 October : S r 2Ti)omas Carlton. Cumb. S r JFrrBmeft CTorntoaHts. Suff. S* Matter SUcvanoer. S* James's. At Whitehall, 27 September : S r i^envj) &tfctttS. London. At Theobald's, 1 3 January : S r Ojomas Sloan. Kent. At Whitehall, 15 February : S* artfjur liobtnson. York. 1631. At Whitehall, 25 April ■ &* fttartm liavnfjam. Kent. At Greenwich, 21 May: % x JFamrs Wltxton. Cambr. At Greenwich, 5 June : % x IXobtYt Duci>,Bart., Lo. Mayor. At St. James's, 12 June : & r JfOljtt BaitftS. Gray's Inn. S r Boont g?ritoerton. At Hampton Court, 13 October : &* mmimx flJoIcg. Saff. At St. James's, 30 October : S r Sof)tt CTassbJCU, a Captain with the King of Sweden. At St. James's, 21 November : &*IEMoartJlJobjcn,8art. At ,27 November: So r Cfjomas Mmtrtjam. Som. At St. James's, 6 February : &i)t Venetian ambassador. At Newmarket, 18 March: S* fcEttUtam (LWtUUnngton. Northumberland. At Theobald's, 22 March : S r ©corge Ceonmr. Warw. 1632. At Whitehall, 30 April : S r jFranrts 3stlci>. Warw. At Whitehall, G May : S r 3f oi)\\ Somerset Giouc. 192 KNIGHTS MADE 1632—1633. At Greenwich, 23 May : % x KtrfjarB prince. Salop. At Greenwich, 27 May : S r (George 2£tijttmore, Lo. Mayor. At Greenwich, 3 June : & George JFieettoooD, Col. to the King of Sweden. At Greenwich, 6 June : S r (George Carnegie. Scotus. At Greenwich, 18 June : S^JFranets fcBmtrebantt. At Theobald's, 22 June : S r JFrancia ftamssfortf. At Otelands, 2 July : io* .Barnes (Earmtefjael. Scotus. At Greenwich, 3 July : & x (George (£arj>, son of S r Edw. At St. James's, 5 July : S r ^intljottj) FanBgue. At Otelands, 29 July : At Bagshot Hill, 4 August : S r liooert |)am. Hants. At Nonsuch, 24 August : io r liiefjolas Slanmng. Devon. At Wanstead, 11 September: Sb x 3foi»\ fttelton. York. At Whitehall, 4 November : S r JFvanctj* Cratolep. Bedf. At Hampton Court, 22 November : S r CTfjomaB ifcjonptoooO. Essex. At Whitehall, 8 December : Sb x lEBtoarB aifortl. Sussex. At Whitehall, 18 February: S r OTtUiam lirorumait. Kent. At Whitehall, 24 February: & x 3rnolB opton. & OTjomas Alston. S r mtiWiam lE|?re. & JTamcs ^etfjlttOtt (Achmuty). S r JFranefe StBenljam. &* Utofcert OTooB. & r Ittattfjeto ll?otolan&. S r George tffjcoM&s. & JTofm Salttngston. &* George OTmMjam. S r Habtti Utrfe. & r Stomas 2Tress. & r JFofm SljorotogooB. S r llteljolas Serbm. S r Jfoim ffempie. &* &oger $tgges. At Berwick, 17 July : S r 2TfjO. Bafecrs (Dacre). Cumb. At Newcastle : %* OTm. MttJ&en. NorthumbTd. At Greenwich, 5 August : % x ftteijarfc $o*crt. At Woodstock, 27 August : S r Styomaa ©ogijtll. Oxon. S v &dtottt |)arfter, Gent.-Pens'r. At Abingdon, 27 August : £ r jFranets iHorrts. Oxon. At Whitehall, 4 February : &* 2Tljoma» Barren. Bucks. 1634. Aboard the "Unicorn," 14 April : & r arfjomaa (7^/0 IJenmngton. At Whitehall, 23 April : & r VlXiWmn He flebe, Norroy. At Greenwich, 1 June : & r Ojomas fttoulsott, Lo. Mayor. At Wentridge (Hertf.), 17 July : % x Enrfjoni? ©age. Cambr. At Belvoir, 25 July : & r ©UUjartJ iiJartoau. Leic. At Whitehall, 24 November: & JToijn Bramston. Essex. 1635. At Whitehall, 8 April : S r JTaeob Sfttttee. S r JTofjn Urus. S r (Sustabus Bantr. S r Gabriel ©xenstem. These four gentlemen came over with the Swedish Ambassador. At Greenwich, 10 May : Sb v JTofm jsfttttee, Junior. At Greenwich, 24 May : & r ftobert |)aruijurst, Lo. Mayor. At Whitehall, 6 June : £ r Gfttoartr Htttleton. Aboard His Majestie's Royal Ship called the " Marie Honor " by the Earl of Lindsey, 23 September : S r JFoIjn, 3Lor&patoIet. £ r JJofm $3atolet, his son. S r JF ames Souglas. S r JTofjn Dtgijij. S r Cfjarles 1i>otoarB, son and heir to S r Francis. S r ©lias l^tefeS, Gent.-Pens'r. c c 194 KNIGHTS MADE 1635—1639. At Hampton Court, 4 October : & ttalpf) raijitfrtltJ. Kent, At Royston, 12 October: *r Cijomas Corhctt Norf. At Whitehall, 7 December : S r SUdjarB meston. Staff. At St. James's, 8 January : S r 0Ofjnl3altOtt. Cambr. At Whitehall, 1 March : %* l&tcfjavtJ Fttotan. Cornw. At St. James's, 8 March : S r !i>ntn> Caltrop. Norf. 1636. At St. James's, 28 March : j& r SEltUtam Sljfncw. Susses. At Hampton Court, 29 May : S r ©i)as. $%tVbtVt of Moor. Hertf. At Oxford, 30 August : %* Simon Basftrrutlc, M.D. At Oatlands, 1 1 October : S r fl&attijcto Ulster. London. At Newmarket, 16 October: g* iTijomas Ingram. York. At Hampton Court, 15 January : S r CTfjriSt't 4 dttijtVOC, Lo. Mayor. At Whitehall, 3 February: jo r 2L5ttUtam iElucvton. Scotus. At Whitehall, 7 February : S r fflmflltaw ?!>0b)avtJ. York. 1637. At Whitehall, 4 June : & C?tJU)av& Biomftdtl, Lo. Mayor. At Oatlands, 7 August : &* (Tijadrs fiaovDant. Norf. At Whitehall, 4 December : & v .?/0l) ii>aiUCl?. London. At Whitehall, 2 February : io* &rtfjur W.optow. Som. At Whitehall, 12 February : S r ftotolantl . Suff. At Berwick, 2G July : & x WLUliam &C\b\J. Durham. At Berwick, 27 July : & r Ftbtan 4*toItncu.r. & l '3rofm|)au)Idt. S r #?umj)ljvcj> Sffltnijam. S r |)cvrgrtnc Untie. £ r Cfjadrs 3£ou)avtf. S r lltdjarO Bdlors. S r JToim tftorlrg. & r WHWiam Gun. $xtfws. & r Navies UttcaS. Essex. S v ifltdjad lEamfcg. S r •••• Douglas. & JToijn Barulc », S v aHiUiam Barftleg, Brothers to S r Charles. At "Whitehall, 4 September : S r SljOttlA* |iOt. Wore. & v Snots isnrr . Notts. &* OTtlliam Cvaum Warw. At Whitehall, 12 October : & r ©timonD Kcbe. Norf. At Whitehall, 31 December : S v £tyoma0 SatofS. Surrey. At Whitehall, 1 January : S r fltdjolas (Tnspr. London. S r JToijn #uiis. S r ivOllflt JfOlStCV. Surrey. At Whitehall, 21 March : & $cnrn Blunt 1640. At Whitehall, 31 March : % x tTijomasjFotijcrin. Hertf. At Whitehall, 2 April : S r George £ai?cr. Essex. At Whitehall, 12 May : S r ilatijantd jfFtndj. Kent. At Whitehall, 31 May : % x tyC\\Vl> Garinai?, Lo. Mayor. At Whitehall, 23 June : % x $enn> Fanr, Junior. At Whitehall, 30 June : S r STijomas Hsijton. Lane. At York, — August : % x ftOOCVt t*tlt, Lo. Mayor. S r tTijomas £2trigijttngton. York. At York, 11 October: & r £ijomas ii>avnson. York. At Whitehall, 22 November : S> r Grorge Fane. At Whitehall, 24 December : % x li> encage iJroon. At Whitehall, 4 January : S v JToijn damson. Hertf. At Whitehall, 9 January : £> x ittarttn ILumlrn, Bart, Essex. At Whitehall, 25 January : £ r JToijn Gore Hertf. At Whitehall, 28 January : & iTijomas JFatrfajr. York. S r IstJtoartJ 3i?nijrrt. At Whitehall, 1 February : io l ixOOert i)\l Hag. York. At Whitehall, 29 May : & r OTilltam Butler. Kent. At Whitehall, 31 May : S r flteljolas Itemtfl of Keven Mabley, co. Glam. At Whitehall, 1 June : Sb x lioiicvt tTfjorolfl. Line. At Whitehall, 1 June : S r StmOU 1£UfV1>. Derby. &*.?oijn Wttorlen. Stair. S r George ZU inter. At Whitehall, 5 June : & x ftogerJfteUJtng. Warw. At Whitehall, 6 June : & r $Jeter temple. Bucks. At Whitehall, 18 June : &* Herbert WSfntfielB. At Whitehall, 19 June : S r StyOtttaB Ontte. Sussex. At Whitehall, 20 June : &* ifiUmmtD WiVitff)t, Lo. Mayor. At Whitehall, 23 June : S* George © ourtfjope. Sussex. S* llobert De ffireg. Norf. & r €i)rtstoj)ljer atljotoe. „ At Whitehall, 24 June : S r Stomas Cane. North'ton. At Whitehall, 25 June : % v JToljn ISbelim. Surrey. At Whitehall, 26 June : & r SToijn Cotton. At Whitehall, 28 June : S r STijomas SZtijttmore. Salop. & r 3roim|)algraue. Norf. At Whitehall, 29 June: S* Fmeent Corbet. Salop. S r Jfofw flrlannen. Kent. S r raUr. Bucks . At Whitehall, 18 July: £ v ftoger Burgoim. Bedf. At Whitehall, 19 July: & JToljtt ^orOJtdj. North'ton. At Whitehall, 21 July : % x Stomas ^iootim Kent. S r ft*ter <£ootreg. At Whitehall, 22 July : & Stomas MoolriBge. Salop. At Whitehall, 23 July : &* STijomas 3£unsftdtJ. Sussex. At Whitehall, 26 July : & r &mv$ Pratt, Bart. Berks. At Whitehall, 27 July : S>* JToim ?l?entmt. Kent. & r SToIjU ©Off . Hertf. At Whitehall, 29 July : S v JFoijn mum. Salop. S r 2Tljomas UvtOges. Som. At Whitehall, 30 July : S> v Norton Ixnatdjlmll. Kent. S v £rorgc StrottU. At Whitehall, 31 July : & OTm. SalstOU, Bart, Cunib. S r lE&toavti fJartn&ge. Kent. At Whitehall, 5 August : S r Soljn Cuvson. Derb. S r Robert Barftljam. Midd. At Whitehall, 7 August : S r liOOert itemp. Essex. S>* Sampson 12ure. & r $ enrg $> cmnan. Ken t. S v Sofjn^lanbtle. Wilts. At Whitehall, 8 August : S l Stomas itfamcrsli). At Whitehall, 9 August: £ r JToljU liolt. Bedf. S r jFraim'g lifjotrcs. Derb. S r llobcvt <£roofc. Oxon. S r 3Fofm|JottS. Norf. S r tTfjomas Btsfjop. Line. S r ©eorgc Stecougfj. & r Francis amtlltamson. % v liOOert JFcn, Clerk Comptrouller. S r 4*ttdjad ?i>utdjmson. SB* Isaac £tMn>. Kent. At Whitehall, 10 August: S v $ttgfj (!DU)fn. Pembr. S v WMQi) (letmtlljam. Dorset. At Kingsland, 25 November : S r fttdjarB Qttrnrg, Lo. Mayor. & v tTijomas ©arUncr, Recorder. At Guildhall, 25 November : ^ r .fToljn|3dtus. Norf. At Whitehall, 30 November : &* is&toarti Xtdjolas. At Hampton Court, 3 December : S* JTofju Cornell. S>* iTfjomas £oamc. & r 3Tofm<£ager. £ v JTacob Sc rrarK. $ v Jfoijn tLStoIlaston. ^ r Grorgc ©arret (The last five Aldermen.) £ r (Srorgc Clarft, Sheriff of Lond. At Whitehall, 5 December : & GOUhirtl 3stln>, bro. to S r Isaac. At Whitehall, 8 December : S r Stntijoiti? ycrctOal. Kent. 198 KNIGHTS MADE 1641—1642. Midd. At Whitehall, 12 December ft* arfjomaft tTvrim*. At Whitehall, 18 December : ftt JTofw ftpclman. x < ,rf ■ At Whitehall, 20 December : ft* 0ofm ttobcrtB. Kent - At Whitehall, 21 December : ft* 3fo\)\\ 2Tufton. Kent. At Whitehall, 23 December : ft* JTohtt iiiallovj). York, At Whitehall, 27 December : ft* 3&en*s eijolmicjj. At Whitehall, 28 December : ft* tHjomaS UttttSfOlU Sussex. At Whitehall, 5 January : ft* gijomaft ittavtm. Cambr. ft* tttdjavB l>alfovti. Leic. At Windsor, 12 January : ft*jfofm©omn. Kent. At Whitehall, 21 January : ft* Isaac ftfttlrg, son to S 1 ' Jacob, the famous general. ft* ^oijn lUimejn Kent. At Hampton Court, 10 February : ft* fcffitUUam ftpvingatc. Kent. ft*$ohn,.fevmr>. Suff. In His Majesty's journey towards Dover, 14 February : ft* ?l>cnri> palmer. Kent. At Canterbury, 15 February: ft*lEBtoavB,iFrtmn\ Kent. At Dover, — February : ft* $cmij fttvaMing. Glam. ft*3Fl$tt i*lnuj», Vice-Admiral. ft* -JlMiUiam ittau. K,nl ft* i*lavtin Van &ttmp, Admiral ol' Holland. At Theobald's, 1 March: ft* WUUliam Cooucv. Kent. Hunts. At Theobald's, 2 March : ft* MttUtam Catolcn. At Newmarket, 12 March : ft* JToljU ftcaTJ, 2 son to S r Thomas, ft* lloucvt CromjJton. ^ IillJ At Newmarket, 13 March : ft* JF oim jFovtcscue. Suff. At Huntingdon, 14 March : ft* SUdjavB fttonc. At York, 20 March: ft* etmiUVOJ Cooper, Lord Maior of York. 1642. At York, 18 April : .fames, 13uuc of govft. llobcvt, (Pari of Cantavoou. (<5covgc) fttuavt, Ho. JB'&tt3rfgH8. ILovti Jfoim fttuavt. Hoiti BantavtJ fttuavt. At ,21 April : ft* Brian |)almr ». At Durham, 23 April : ft* Thomas Xorcltff. At York, 24 April : ft* man. At York, 1 May: ft* jFrancts Butler. At York, 2 May : ft* iHjo. fcOSUKll (? Bosvile). Kent. ft* $ ovUan i*t ctham. York. At York, 21 May: ft* lltctjavD Canftarto. At York, 6 June : ft* jfoim ©frlwjjton. At York, 7 June : ft* Stomas ailtUtamtton. York. At York, 25 June : ft* Ingram Ronton. York. ft*jfvann$J tflonUton. Rutland. York. York. Hertf. York. York. KNIGHTS MADE 1642. 199 At York, 26 June : S r &corge fttfrOlrton. Lane At York, 27 June: S r ISBmonti OuncomlJ. York. At York, 28 June : S> r |)ctcr (£ourtnn>. Comw. At Newark, 12 July : & r $WmHhgi>!?. Notts. At Lincoln, 14 July : & r ©tjarlca SaHt'gon. Line. S r SSttlltam Comtin g>* ftobert ErrtJtoa}?. S r UttfiarJi Witmgftclfcf. & r JToijn Burrell S r JTorBan CrosIantJ. York. At Leicester, 2G July : Leic. At Beverley, 28 July : S r George Btnnton. Lond. & v Slntfjoui) Sdlcnger. Kent. At Beverley, 30 July : S r JFvancts Cofc. York. At York, June or July : S r IJatncft OvummonU. Scotus. At York, 8 August : S r OTtUtam €larft. Kent. At York, 9 August : S v iSOmonO Jfortcscur. Devon. &* IsfctoarB <5 arret, Colonel. At Leicester, 19 August : & r Seorge STijeam. At Stoneleigh Abbey, 21 August : S r IXobtlt ILftgi). Warn. At Stoneleigh Abbey, 22 August : S r Eijomas UrtgJ). Staff. At Nottingham, 24 August : S r JF0lmitttWlct0«. York. At Nottingham, 7 September : & i^enri) SJoncs. Carm. At Nottingham, 13 September : & r Robert Stapleton. York. At Wellington, 19 September : £ r JTolm Wttlfle. Salop. At Shrewsbury, 21 September: & r jfranct$s . Salop. At Shrewsbury, 22 September : S r Jfotjn ZZtt'IUr, Junior. Salop. & WMtX ugt) Caloelein Chesh. At Chester, 2G September : S r litdjarU Crane. At Shrewsbury, 27 September : &* rtjomas Btron. At Shrewsbury, 29 September : S r 3rttoIB Be 3Lflfc. .Fm?cA. In the field at the head of his Com- pany, at Shrewsbury, 29 Sept. : S v b\ Denbigh. At Shrewsbury, 9 October : g* Garret (?aton. Derby. At Shrewsbury, 1 1 October : j© r tTtjomas izaton. Salop. At Southam, 21 October : & 3nttjom> iWorgan. North'! an. At Edgecot, 22 October : ^UirijarB sbufeuorougt). Warw. At Edgehfll, 24 October : ^vjoijn ^mPti), bro. to S r Chas. He recovered the King's great banner which the rebels had taken in battle the day before. S v Bourrt VLU\*l). 200 KNIGHTS MADE 1642— 1643. At Oxford, 2 November: ft* zgiflluim palmer. At Reading, 7 November : ft* cm*i> |i?cne. Berks. At Coalbrook, 12 November: ft* Sofm Sfrrmgftant. Bucks. At Reading, 29 November: ft* tTfjomas fttantoarmcj. Berks. At Oxford, 27 December: ft* Stomas BlaefttocII. Notts. At Oxford, 1 January : ft* ®tnv$ 3i>uncfts. At Oxford, 9 January : ft* IHtftoarti Chester. Hertf. At Oxford, 10 January : ft* Robert ftturrai?. Scotus. At Oxford, 14 January : ft* ?i>mn> Faugfjan, Lieut.-Col. At Oxford, 1 February : ft* (LSttlltam ittallorg, Captain. At Oxford, 3 February : ft* SLEttntam Xcal, Scout Master, upon bringing the news to the King of the taking of Cicester. At Oxford, 6 February : ft 1 George Faugljan. Wilts. At Oxford, 22 February : ft*i£BtoavtJ$>t&c. At Oxford, 23 February : ft* Isaac HBtlCJ), son to S r Jacob. At Oxford, 21 February : ft* JTofm |)cnvu&&orii. Wilts. At Oxford, 26 February: ft r Joijn aetmfovH. Wore. At Oxford, 2 March : ft* 11) ennj ?i> unlo rU. Derby. At Oxford, 5 March : ft 1 JTfjomaa Ban. Hants. ft*JFofm $)cnruflBotfc(*^ 24 Feb.). At Oxford, 22 March : ft* JFoijn ftruttamorr. Heref. At Oxford, 24 March : ft* Wlaltev HIopB. Card. ft*iFranns tUogtt. Carm. 1643. At Oxford, 12 April : ft*££ttUtamBIaeftstotte. Durham. At Oxford, 23 April : ft* fUtots litrft. At Oxford, 17 May: ft* ©UtoartJ Hattrcncf . Salop. Dorset. At Oxford, 1 June : ft 1 James J*tuvvar>. Scotus. At Oxford, 13 June: ft* Cijarlrs lUmtsij. Glam. ft* ©Btoavtf fttvaMmg. ft* Jfoijn Stnm Scotus. At Oxford, 24 June : ft* fumble oH)orn. At Oxford, 5 February : & JTofm Bern. Scotus. 1644. At Oxford, 25 March : & (ITfjomas (TiavDncr, who was knighted by his Majesty whilst he sat at dinner upon the delivery of the news of Prince Rupert's suc- cess against the Rebels that had besieged Newark. At Oxford, 2 April : %* $ugi) Carttortgftt. Notts. At Oxford, 9 April : jfc r ZSttlltam Couvtnri). At Oxford, 16 April : At Oxford, 19 April: S r SHjomas CljctJlr. At Oxford, 24 April : S r (George Ftllicrs. At Oxford, 25 April : £ r jFranris CSamuIl. At Oxford, 6 May : S v otoartt, a younger son to the Earl of Berks, for taking "Weraes, the Scot, General of S r William Waller's Artillery. At Williamscot, 29 June : & v arB Blftt, Colonel. %* Cijomaa $)vrstumh. St x Sadtutl (Slrmham, son of S r Thomas. &* fflKiUtaw Batdtff. Upon Redheath, 22 October: S r 3fofmBoijs. Near Newport Pagnell, — October : & r Sohn (TampsndtJ. At Oxford, l November: 2> r $etirg ( r .agr, Governor. Sb x (ThavlfS HlonU. Card. At Oxford, 2 November : SP Peter Broum. Oxon. At Oxford, 3 November : t£ v 3nthonr> r.iffnr. t^ v Cijavlrs aitaUJron, Captain. At Oxford, 7 November : S>* aU)UmS, Colonel. At Oxford, 20 March: S v (Thomas Brrurs, King's Advoc. At Oxford. 2] .March : &* Charlrs Cottrrd. -c v BtchavtJ Bvaham. 1645. At Oxford, 28 March: £> Btdiaro" f-Halrbrrrv. York. £ v Bolirrt |)rahr, Lieut.-Colonel. t£ v BQItntam iilason. KNIGHTS MADE 1645—1646. 203 At Oxford, 3 April : & r jrolm ftateltff. At Oxford, 29 April : £ r HoDobJtdj OTljer. German. Slain at Naseby Field. At Oxford, 5 May ■ S r Bartfjolometo Ha Boeije. Gallus. At Droitwich, 14 May : & r lEtrtoart! Barret Wore. At the Countess of Devon's house near Leicester, 2 June : $b x BtefjarB ft age, Colonel. % x WLilliam Bridges, Mayor. % x Ittattijtto EpplfgatfJ, Colonel. At Leicester, 4 June : S r ©Dbjartr $optOtt, Colonel. At Hereford, 25 June : & r BuMea? OTgat At Hereford, 6 July : & r $cnn> ILmgen, Colonel. At Monmouth, 6 July : S r ^eroert fLunftfortt, Governor. At Ragland, 10 July : S v <£&mon& Octree. Kent. At Cardiff Castle, 31 July : & r JTotm OTatyoIe . Line. At Hereford, 5 September : S r SSfttlltam Hai>ton, Colonel. & x Barnaog SeuBamore. At Chirk Castle, 15 September: & r &CWYV imvati), Gent.-Pens'r. At Chirk Castle, 23 September : £ r JTofm amattS, Gov. of the Castle. At Newark, 27 October : S r CJjCOpijtlus Gtlfcj), Colonel. At Oxford, 20 December : S* CJUtoarD ©OOJier, Gent.-Pens'r. At Oxford, 21 December: S r ©COrgc ILtSle, Colonel. % x JFc rtnuantf o JFtsfjer. At Oxford, 25 December : S r Charles Her, bro. to S r Robert. At Oxford, 2 February : & r „?oim$gle. At Oxford, 4 February : % x aUttijonr) . At Oxford, 1 6 February : % x Men Butler. Bucks. At Oxford, 1 7 February : S r Soijn $outfjeote. At Oxford, 25 February : io r STijomas $f)trlej>. Sussex. j& r £2liUtam Btron. 1646. At Oxford, 2 April : £ r George 3gItonbn, Major. At Oxford, 4 April : £ r Jfranet6 House, Scout M'r.-Gen. At Oxford, 8 April : S>* „?ames Brt&geman, Colonel. At Oxford, 11 April : £* e?Bmuntr ft o ln\ Suff. The King went from Oxford the 27 of April 1646. Knights made in this reign, but the dates not known : S r Stomas Honguebtle. ^e&toar&Barijurst of Lechlade. &* C?UU)arn Brag. £ r (SBtoartJ ftri&eaur. £ r .alien 0ouel). & r William Morgan. 204 KNIGHTS MADE 1619—1651. S r ©fctoartf amalgrabe. S v .?ohn ilovn's. North'ton. S r (Gamaliel £utflei>. In the Isle of Wight : S> r JFof)nl3uneomb of Battlesden in the county of Bedford. Knights made in 1649 by the Speaker of the House of Commons by re- commendation of the House: & r (Thomas Sntnctos, Lo. Mayor. S v Isaac Pennington, Alderman. £ v Stomas HtUtnS, Alderman. ItntgFjtg matie fog I&incj CJjarlcs dje ^tconli in Srotlanti, 16504. (Sir James Balfour's Historical Works, vol. iv., pp. 81 and 256-7.) 1650. At Falkland, 10 July: Sb v ^Thomas XtCOlSOU, his Majesty's Advocate. 1651. At Scone, 2 January : & x ILatorenee (DItnfjant. Gask. Shames Srummontt. Machiny. S v Sforgc l>ai), Jun. Meginche. S v Soijn 1\(V. Lochetoure. At Perth, 3 January : S v JTamrs Itidjar&son. Synton. % v HlCVanUct* BlatV. Baltbayocke. At Pertb, 8 January : S r ftreljibalO Soucjlas, Jun., Sheriff of Teviotshire. Cavers. At the Earl of Wemyss's House, 14 February : S r H>aut0 fteljmuti). % x Zijomass ai>» brother's son to the Earl of Tweedale. Linplume. At Aberdeen, — February : $& |)atrtfU 2.CSlrn, once Provost, S v lioilfl't Jfavquhav, present Provost. 3? Y . . . . iitotoat, son to Mr. Peter Mowat of Baquhaley, Advocate. At Dundee, — March : S* CromtorU, bis son. % r ffijomas Finer, Lo. Mayor, 8 Feb. 1653. & r ZMiUiam BotCUT, 1653 or 1654. S r Joint ©oplrston, 1 June 1 655. S v Joint &Cl>ttoUfS, 11 June 1655. £ r Cljlistopfjer |)acu, Lo. Mayor, 23 Sept. 1655. S r Prtcr .Julius Coijet, 1655. S r .fames W\i)iUoc\\, 6 Jan. 1655. S r ^Tijomas tf rffle, 17 Jan. 1655. S r .Joint BarRstcaB, 19 Jan. 1655. S r &ustauus tm Fair. S r (Scorgc JFimtoootJ. S r amilliam Hocnijavt. £ v .Jamr s Caltfjorjj. S v Mooert tlTitcpontc. S v 3Lisui)ottf 3Long, 15 Dec. 1655. S r BuIstlOtJC aStijttlOCU, as least as early as 1655. £ v SUrijarB eomiie, Aug. 1656. S r Joint Drtytrtt, 15 Sept, 1656. £ r tTi)0. OtCUiltSOlt, 3 March 1656. S r iUrijartj Statnrr, n June 1657. & r Jofttt €Iai>p00lf, 16 July 1657. S r mm. VZXi)CC\n\ 26 Aug. 1657. S* e&toarti rii)son. £ r .famfS Oraj, 6 Jan. 1657. S r &tnv$ picturing, l Feb. 1657. £ r \ii)ilip tTtoistlrtOtt, l Feb. 1657. S r Joi)tt HfUtfjall, 9 March 1657. S r Joint I-mon. S r |i?enrn Jones, 17 July 1658. £ r $noni?mous $annci>. S v antijomj {Morgan. S r tfljomas amijttgrato. £* 2LmtUtam ISIlis. By Eichard Cromwell, Protector. S r Joint Morgan, 26 Xov. 1658. S>* litcfjarU IScur, 6 Dec. 1658. 3&niij!)ts malic in SrelanU frctfoem X566 anto 1698, (From Add. MS. 4763 ; Carew MSS. ; Lans. MS. 678 ; Harl. MS. 6063 ; and Sir Thomas Phillipps's book of Knights made in Ireland, to the end of 1631, and from that time from information kindly furnished by Sir Bernard Burke, Knight, Ulster King of Arms.) By and in the time of S r Henry Sidney, Kt., Lo. Deputy. 1566. & r Stomas Butler, E. of Ormond. & r Otocn fttacCartn ffioxt, Earl of Clancarty. S r JFamcs Barrn, Lord Barry. & x BabttJ ftodfe, Lord Roche. At Limerick, — March : S r £1)0 mas (SrralD, Lord Fitz- maurice of Kerry. At Drogheda : & CfjnstojjiKr Nugent, Lord of Delvin. S r aaoicrt Barnetoell, Baron of Tremeleston. & r STijomas |Jlun«rt, Lo. of Lowth. &* Barnabi? JKt^atrtcK, Lo. of Upper Ossory (see p. 116). S r ©cralU ©ourcn. & r militant ©cfterbtH (O'Caroll), Baron of Elye. & x Berlg 4*U©art£, Lord of Muskerry. & r Mobcrt DC UtOtt of the New Town. & r eTijnstOlJljcV CNjitms of Massy Town. S r ©ItUcr ^lunftft of Ramore. S» Joijll BfMo alms BdlrU). S r Xtcfjolas Bagnall. £ l l£&toar&,jKtton. S r $cter <£arcto. S r 3 ante s Jftt> (5e raltr, bro. to the E. of Desmond at .... % x ©ijrist'r Barnetoell of Turvey. S r Patrtefc Bantrtoell of Fields- town. & Stomas JFtt> OTilliam of Merion. & r OTilliam &arsfelB of Lucan. 1567. At Clonmell, 24 February : 5 V £l)coi)atti Butler. Cahir. At Limerick, 3 March : S r Bonougfj ittacCartn ftragf). S> r 0Ofjlt lirsntontr, bro. to Gerald, E. of Desmond. & r Militant Bttrnc. Castle Eeny. At Balliloughrea, 4 April : S r 1Et?uffi) ©Sound. & r Samel O'Connor. Sligo. At Knockfergus, — September: & Brian pijcltm &&eill 1569. At Drogheda, 9 February : S r CTfjrtstopfjrr %t Hatorencc, Lo. of Howthe. At Limerick, 2 September : S* tTijomas jHt} GcralD alias f)irn t&tlbm (sec p. 126). KNIGHTS MADE IN IRELAND 1566—1698. 207 By S r William Fitz Williams. 1572. Sb r €onnougf) itttfitqt. 1573. & r Jfamw JFit} <5 craft, of the House of Dromaney, 26 April. 1576. At Drogheda : % x SLucas &r ILonc alias HJc 3Lton. At Dublin, 23 April : S l ?fc?cnr» Couluc. 1578. At Athlone, 7 October : & #id)oIas ittalocn. jfc r $cnn> Harrington. S r Henri) Bagnall. S v Brian 0'liorue. By S r William Drury, Lo. Deputy. 1578-1579. Sb x asttUtam |)dijam. S r ZSttUtam <5 craft, Lo. Chanc. S r 2££tUtam <$orgr. £* ZSttUtam Stanlci?. S r HtJtoarti tfloorr. Melivant. S v Scorgc Bourdjtcr. & r ©DUJartl Jfttton. ( See previous S r pctrr (Tarda. J page. S r Stomas |3rrrott. & r ^atrtcH amalsij. By Arthur, Lord Grey of Wilton, Lo. Deputy. 1580. S r £HtUtam liussdl, n Sept. S r fcittHtam Buruc, 16 Sept, j© r l\00CTt BtUon of Riverstone, Ch. J. Com. Pleas, 11 November. By Adam Loftus, Archb'p of Dublin, and S r Henry Wallop, Kt., Lords Justices. 1582. & r ftnfyonv Colclougf), Tinterne, 7 September. 1583. 6 May. % T 3foi)\\ Buruc, Baron of Leitrim. j© 1 ' JLzmrs. £ r ©corgr Carcto. £ r Connogij itiacGuprr. £ r .?ofm Dogijrrtn. In Christehurch, 2-1 February : £ r .?oi)n tTtvrcU of the Pace. 1588. In Christehurch : £ r «Tljo.jFtt> Uitlltams, 1 4 April. £ r Xtdjolas St. Haunrncr, son and heir to the Lo. Howth, 1 May. 208 KNIGHTS MADI-: IN IRELAND 1566—1698. S r fcSttlltam Brcrrton. Chesh. S r $)atrirfti3 AVnctodl of Gracedew, 28 February. S r „?ofm (Dtogan. Beleston. £* ODtoarD Badtlri?, 14 May. By S r William Fitz Williams, Kt., Lo. Deputy. S r ©rorgr €\i\it, 4 July. % x JBuftr. S r Ctrlougf) Hmtagft (D'jMU. & r (Sroffmj ifrnton. S r J&itfjolaa lie Strange. 1589. & r litdjarU £ijce, 1 2 Aug. Kilk. S r ©tJtoaiB flenmv 26 Oct. Essex. S r tTijomas &ijtrlcg>. S r OTaltcr Hongr. Wilts. & x 3l>uglj iitagUJtcr, 24 January. 1591. S r (5f0Vgc SflogB (?Delvers). j& r lltdjolas Brtmciu:. Wexf. 5c* Cijoma» <£oIdougfj, 24 Oct. 1592. &* flfttdjad fttohmjs, — Feb. 1593. S r 2Tf)0' iilOOlT, 28 May. King's Co. & r &Btoarti lUmasston, 17 Jan. Salop. S r antijom> 4$tanr». Kent. S r ©corgc FtHtrvs. S r ISBtoarB jFtt* ©craft. &* J oim Mollis. Notts. &t Robert £alt*lmrir. £ r liapfjr ILanr. ic 1 ' Srorgr (ToUnn King's Co. S v fflttWfi? 3Loftu». £ r (PUtoarH $0**1*. King's Co. £ l '.? oljn SotoUall. S r iTfjomas $)ogtijumou0 fyobv. & £tcpi)tn {Tfjontdntrst. By S r William Russell, Kt., Lo. Deputy. 1594. % x WL&iiSLm Clarltf, upon a hill near to Euishkillinge, which was then distressed, 1 Sept. & r lioiicrt flrcMjam, — Sept. 1595. JO r liKbaitl fttOtttttS, at Mone, 20 April. S r ISUtoarO Evaua?on. Leic. In Christchurch : S l , 9 Nov. North'ton. S r $>rnri? (barren, 4 Jan. 1596. In Christchurch : S r 3foi)\\ $Loxtih 11 April. In the Glynes, where that Traytor Feagh Mac Hugh sometymes re- mayned, 4 March : £ l JJoJjtt <£i)tdjrfttn\ Devon. 1597. In St. Patrick's Church, 27 March : %* ZHtiUuim ILaitC. North'ton. In the Glynes, 8 May : S r litdjavB iTrruor. Denbigh. S r ©altstljrnrjs Uvoftc. Kent. 5 r Stomas Jilarta a&tmgfidB. By Lo. TnoMAS Burgh, Baron Gains- borowe, Lo. Deputy. At the Kurt of the Blackwater, 19 July: £ r (Tijomass Waller, Kent, KNIGHTS MADE IN IRELAND 1566-1698. 209 At his Manor House, Dunsaghly : %* CfjrtBtopijcr $)lunftctt. At Drogheda, 24 September : & x 2l>cnri> Brounucr. Essex. By S r Thomas Norris, Kt., Lord Justice. & r iiidjolas WLalnl). S l Wtwfyaxa St Hcgcr. By Adam Loftus, Archb'p of Dublin, and S r Robert Gardiner, Kt., Joint Lords Justices. In St. Patrick's Church, 22 January : & v WLtiiXtX BtttlCV, son and heir to John Butler third brother to the Earl of Orniond. S v SamtS Btttler. Lismalyne. 1598. In Christchurch : S v Barrett Kijlmcr, 8 June. S r RtrfjarB fJcarsr, 24 Sept. &* Robert Hsijncltr, 24 Sept. 1599. In Christchurch ; S r Jfofjn Cgcrton, 8 April. By Robert, Earl of Essex and Ewe, Lo. Lieut, and Governor-General of Ireland. At Dublin, 9 May : £ r (Tijomas fttustt'an. Jo r Stomas ^Tasborougij. Bucks. At the Fort of Lease, Maryborough : S r jfranris Rustje, 17 May. At Kiltanan in Munster : S r , 12 June. At Killmallock : £* (George CTIjornton, 19 June. At S r John Colley's House : £ r .frames Deuereux. At his own house at Femes : S r Rteijarti ittasterson. At Dublin, 12 July: cnvi? €an>. S r artfjur CTijamuernoun. S v fcfctflltam Constable. S r .iFoijn D antes. S r .9foi)it^oolri). S r Carrto Remtell. & r George ittanners. Cijf 3LovD Cromtoeli. At Dublin : S r ratlltam (GoBoIpbtn, 13 July. S r aSMBtam Courtnei?, 13 July. S r Jfranets 3Laeon, 13 July. S r ROOCrt RaSSett, 15 July. S r Robert Constable, 22 July. S r £0toarD W&axvtn, 22 July. S r Cntfjbert Walsall, 22 July. At Meath, 24 July ■ S r ^etoet (Dsborne. In the Camp, 24 July, at the meeting with S 1 ' Conyers Clifford, ^vho fought well the day before : S r $>ugb O'Connor. Sb x Soijn fHeCogblait. jo* ittnllmorr ittacStomc. &* iTbeobalB Dillon. At the rising of the Camp after the fight at Ophaley, 30 July : £ r jTorrlin \}tvtv. £ r tTfjomas Burue. £ r WLttUtam < ii>enn> 3Lmlei\ S r iTijrojjfjtlits jKnti). £* JFoIjn Faugijan. E E 210 KNIGHTS MADE IN IRELAND 1566-1698. S r WiilUam Hob dace. & v .?oim Harrington. & x fc&tiUiam 0ascoignc. At Dublin, 4 August : £ r liobrrt Sigim. S r iEtfbjarU Blunt. At Dublin, 5 August, in the forenoon : S r Henry CSootMjcr. S r IsBtoarti lesser. & r fcStiUiam ©orntoallw. S r BidjarB HoOdace. S r iiUbJar5 BeaB,in the afternoon. & r 3HtJU)avtJ J*t organ. S v Hrorn (fartto. S r litdjarti i*t orison. & r ©harks 2L£tiUmot. S v C?tJlM.iWtdjdbornf,thesameday. S r JTohn HanBon. £ r jFrandsf*tcrridt. At Dublin, 6 August : S v JF oim ©roftcs. S r George Leicester. At Dublin : &* Henri? SSlallonp. %* JFoljn Satncs. & l Henri? JPooltcs. S r OTiUiam BoustreB. At Dublin, G September : S v JJohn Cfjamurrlamr. ^ l Boiurt i?a.rlrn. S r ©erratt Hfloore. £»• .f/ofjn CTaloott. At Dublin, 10 September: S' Jonathan |)ctto. S r Bobert Brooue. At S 1 ' Robert Gardiner's house in Dublin, 24 September: S r Booert ©sborne. On the Sands, same day : S> Soljn llathff. & v ©BtoarU Baimham. S r Thomas Hofttts. S r «P&toar» SLoftus. By Adam Loftus, Archb'p of Dublin, and S 1 ' George Gary, Kt., Joint Lords Justices : S v C?UmunU SanBcs. By S r Charles Blunt, Baron Mount- joy, Lord Deputy. In Christchurch, 28 February : S r ©liner St.: Uoim. 1G00. In Christchurch, 6 April: S r jFrancis Shane. At Dublin, 1 May : & v .?amcsjftt> p terse. At Drogheda, 17 November: S r £HilItanUfortcs cue. S v .?ohn Bothcrham. S r Jfamea StUon. At Dublin : JO r iSettjamtttiSerrg, 19 November. S l BichartJ Grramr, 10 March. 1601. Sb v STfjomas Sauagc, 31 October. At Tyrone's overthrow at Kinsale, 24 December : £>' BichartJ Bourne, Earl of Clan- rickard. S v 0ofjn jnt} lEBtoart Jfit^ (GcrraltJ of Clone, 11 March. At l 1 March : & r ffegue tTtrlouglj OBrian, uncle to the Earl of Thomond. At Waterford, 18 March : S r JJoimJrtt> ©era©. §b x C?UU)artJ <$ough. 1G02. At Dublin : £ v Henri? Slingsog, 19 April. £* itttlrs jFlcctUJOOti, 29 April. KNIGHTS MADE IN IRELAND 1566—1698. 211 In the Castle, 18 May: S* JSUrfjarfl afltoarB. S r lEBtoarB Xoril. S r Ncale <5arn> ©'Botmrll. S r Cainr ©'Sogfjrrttc. S r KanKoIpij fttcOondl. S r ftanBal #lacSorln> Bon. S r 2Ti)coi)aHJ Bourne a&w #lac~ Hong;, 4 January. At Trim : & r l&an&oife fttanncrtng, 5 Dec. 1603. In his Majesty's Castle at Dublin : S r H>enri> ILdgf), 19 April. %* JTavman |JooIr, 19 April. & r lE&toarti Blann?, 29 May. By S r George Carey, Lo. Deputy. At Christchurch, 25 July : &* ftalnf) Btnglrn. S r Stomas astflHams. S r ISBmonB JFdtrnlace. & r £obi> CauIfdltJ. S r JToJjn Cl'mll, Mayor of Dublin. At Dublin Castle, same day : S r stomas Coadj. & r jFcrtn'nan&o Jfrr rftlr ton. S l ©corgc ©rramr. &* UtttUoni? ©'Carroll. S r Stomas 3sij. S r QStflttam Ctsfjrr. S r BtdjartJ Bonle. 5c r fLaurntccCsmon&,after supper. At Christchurch, 4 September : S r ijltcijatK mtlbraijam. At Christchurch, 16 September : S r tTijomas Boner. At Christchurch, 18 September : & r a&tUtatit fcSttnBsor. At Dublin Castle, 29 September : £ r BoBcrtdt ©Sonndl, Earl of Tirconell. Strands Booc. S r &tnX2 Croftr. S r Bafc Constable. S r BtdjartJ flugcnt, Lo. of DeMn. S v Balnfjc £go% S r Barnes ©ougij. £ r Jfofjn fttacnamara, Thomond. At St. Mary's Abbey, 2 October : S r SElflltam ii>arnolc. £ r C?BtoarDjFust)rr. At Dublin Castle, 18 October : S r STofjn JFfpijson. S r 3Fofml3autrs. At Reban Castle, 22 February : S r (LHtUtam Braua>on. S r JFranctft Ittngsmtll, 9 March. & r ©lias JTonrs. 1604. At Reban Castle, 25 March : S r JFostas Boolcn. S r JTotjn ©torslen. S r ugij ©gc #U= i*taijOUJnr, 27 August. S* IJatnrU #UCartn tftonlr, 28 August. 212 KNIGHTS MADE IN IRELAND 1566—1698. ft* il>cnnj (Dgc (D'ilcalr, L2 Oct. ft* lUdjavU ^ansartJ, L2 Oct. S r 3rtijur iitagcnms, 1 Nov. ft* (5 atom 3i>arbci>, 7 November. ^ l Cintstopijrr ilttgmt. At Christchurch : ft* SWam lLoftUS, 25 December. By S r Arthur Chichester, Kt., Lord Deputy. At Dublin Castle, 10 February: S r Stomas Botfjcram. S r .?/oint£ucraro\ S l JDomim'cft ftargfrtltt. ft* djarlcs CTaltijorjir. 1605. ft* Cfjatics Butler, 12 April, ft* ii)ntnj itttttmtaij, 25 May. ft* Jfranris Slutgsotc, 5 June. ft* KUcit &?glge, 5 June. ft* Hobcrt flctocomcn, 9 June. ft*Sofm Bmgijam, 19 June. ft* iHtJmonU ugt) ©tUClt, 13 October. ft* Styomaa iinmcuc, 24 Nov. ft* liOUCVt ilugmt, 14 January. 1606. At Christchurch, 1 June : ft* iiUmonU Wtel*% At Dublin Castle, 7 June : ft* fcSttlltam <& limn. ft* fcWtUtam ftimnott, 22 June. ft* (Srorgc fttjcvlorlt, 28 Nov. At Droghcda : ft* iiDmonU jfit} 30 September. ft* WOUiam ^OUtrr, 24 March. 1010. ft* Francis JLfcttUougljbtr, 30 Oct. ft* attain tLOftttg, 22 January, ft* JToim Bourrbtrr, 24 March. 1611. ft* jFrancift CTooUr, 6 October. ft* tftatbfUJ (TaifUJ, 6 October, ft* iTbomas fttaffortt, G October. 1613. ft* lUcbattt iUttUJOVtb, 22 April. ft* £tttoartt iilOOlT, 20 July. ft* (Gamaliel Caprll, 1 August. KNIGHTS MADE IN IRELAND 1566—1698. 213 By Thomas, Lo. Archbishop of Dublin, and S r Richard Wikgfield, Kt., Lords Justices. 1614. & r JJolnt £lttl>tl), 5 Nov. Warw. S r BotolanO BtOglen, 5 Nov. j© r <&\i\)CV £f)0rtales, 12 February. & r Cijristopijer Etllon, 21 Feb. 1615. & r IJterre Butler, 30 April. & r porter, 11 July. Sb v ©Bflltam Coolj? of Edendery, 23 July. S r ii?rnn> Brhmg, 19 July. S r SToijU Bearr, the King's Serj*. By S r Oliver St. John, Lord Deputy. 1616. $k x Stomas Button, 30 August. S r Cljarlrs Coote, 5 November. S v Basil Bt'OOttC, 2 February. S r JToijn Fattgijan, 2 February. S r Bogrr O'^ljagijnes, 14 Feb. &x Beuerlrn fletoeomen, 24 Mar. 1617. & r .f oijn jftt^nraUJ, 27 April. S r 0Oi)tt Utngsmtll,29 June. £ v C.rorge iTrruelltan, 29 July. S v iiUU)avU CreUOr, 5 November. S r £&ttlltam Coif, 5 November. S r iTljomas fitOOir, 24 November. & r OTifltam £arsfrtIB, 30 Nov. S J Soljn Soto&all, 24 March. 1618. S v Cljrtstopljer ^tbrljorpr, 3 May. £ r ©arret ftototljer, 3 May. S r &rnr» 3Lee, 19 May. & r tbi)0tts, 5 Nov. £ l IsBtoartf Cables, 21 February. £ r .frames Blunt, 24 March. 1619. S r Bobert ILoftUS, 5 November. S r .fTofjn BelleU), 5 November. S r 3£UujartJ Butler, 5 November. 3> r lEOmunO ftmiti), 17 January. ft* OttDlciJ 3LoftU8, 28 February. ft* 0aiUCS m&tt f 28 February. ft*3FoijU BtoUme, 12 March. 1630. ft* Cijriftt'r jForrester, is July. ft* James ittoore, 15 July. ft* ©BUferos&atn £ofce, 15 July. ft* Robert IHton, — August. ft* BogCV Hangfoft, H December. ft* l T ittCCnt (GoOtttUS- 13 February. 1631. ft* ftamttd fWainUt, 5 November. ft* ccnavti SLototfjer, 9 Nov. ftr Jfoijtt |W»0t, — November. ft* Lancelot ILotottjer, 4 Dec. ftvJJoim ftt)erloeu, H December, ft* ffi&fMam liters, 2 February. By Lo. Wentworth, Lo. Deputy. 1633. At Dublin Castle, 25 July : ft* (George Wttrnttoorti), 5 bro. to the Lo. Dep. ft* frfjomas 13anl)j?. York. ft* arijoma* Remington. At Dublin Castle : ft* ifct cfjarB Iplomlcg. At Dublin Castle, 1 November : ft* (George liaBeliffe. York. 1634. At Dublin Castle : ft* 3Loren>o Carp, 27 March. ft* avtijUV ftoftUS, 27 April. ft* p\)i\i$ tflamtoarmg, 13 July. At the Mayor's House, 22 September : ft* liobevt DtJCOlt, Ma. of Dublin, ft* Robert jFawev, 5 November. 1635. ft* fiatijantel eTatlmte, 18 April. ft* »iUtam ett, 13 September. ft*3Foint ftijedoeit, 13 January. ft*. John (T.PffOVtJ, 16 January. ft* lEfltoarB BoltOtt, 2 February. ft* ILeo. Blenerfjassett, 6 March. 1636. ft* Joijn (Gibson, 3 April. York. ft* £®ltUtam Clsijer, 26 May. ft* |Jaul Sautes, 2 June. ft* |)i)tltu |Jeretual, 2 June. ft* 3Jof)tt ftOUtij, 27 November. ft* $enrn JftanlUanB, 27 Novemb. 1637. ft* tttcijarH <£>soaUJrston, 9 April. ft* fcfll'm menttoortf), 23 July. ft* Bommtea fcWte, 28 August. 1638. ft* flflorrtre QBflUsmfc 22 April. ft* Mobert |)arftf)urst, 29 A P riL ft* lUntJall tflarDonell, Earl of Antrim, 17 March. ft* iMjeltm O'Xeale, 17 March. 1639. ft* anTJveli) Barrett, 7 July. ft* fcEttUtam ftamorteft, — Sept. 1610. ft* James Barry, — August, ft* fffjomas {Tempest, 30 Dec 1611. ftt John #>ai>e, 23 October. ftr John BOllase, 1 November. ft* aCKUiatn ©ourtenan, l Nov. KNIGHTS MADE IN IRELAND 1566—1698. 215 By Henry Cromwell, Lord Deputy- General of Ireland. 1657. In the Council Chamber : S r IttatljcU) Z^omlmson, 24 Nov. 1658. & r Hobrrt <5ooBtoin, 3 May. At Cork House, 7 June, forenoon : S r 4*taurtccJfrnton. In the Council Chamber, 7 June, afternoon : S^ofmlitng. At Dublin Castle : & r zsttHtam Bcrrn, 21 July. &*3jfofm |JcrrtuaU, 22 July. S r antfjoni? i*t organ, 2G July. S r iTijomas Herbert, 20 July. S 1 ' ?i>tfl*omc Sant»>, 1C November. S r HJantrl 3000tt, 16 November. S r fytM'V tptrrs, 30 November. & (LKtt'Utam $en, 30 December. S r Oomas StanlflJ, 24 January. S r ©Ifocr St. George, 23 Feb. By S r Maurice Eustace, Lord Chan- cellor, Roger, Earl of Orrery, and Charles, Earl of Mount- rath, Lords Justices. 1660. S r ZQXiiUtim Buri>, 26 January. S r SU'tfjttr flfnni?, 1C February. S v BonlC 4*tamiar&, 1G February. S r tytxb. mvim Vrrum, 21 Feb. S r MtCfjartJ 3Lauf, 22 February. S r 3f0l)\\ ftotolcn, 13 March. S r NtdjOlaS IJurUon, 14 March. S r |)Cter COMfijOJJ, 15 March. S r (Lfcttntam IStng, 16 March. S r ttalpf) (Jettison, 18 March. S r jfranrtSjFoulHC, ID March. S r St. 3f0i)\X BroDcrtC, 20 March. 1661. S r JFamrs Oonnalan, 23 April. S r Mttlltam £ttd)bornc, 23 April. S r WttUtam Otxon, 23 April. S r dfrancts (Gore, 8 May. S v lit'djarU lUarlrs, 10 May. S v Crorgc St 0corge, 29 May. By James, Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieut. 1662. S r JFamf 8 WLtvmtfi, 3 August. S r ZSttllwrn Sautes, 3 August. S r Gforgc Carr, 3 August. S r Xtd)0las HoftUS, 24 August. S r $)ormt>, 7 September. S r Grorgc Gtlorrt, 30 Sept. S r Daniel ttrllmgijam, 30 Sept, S r #>cnn> arman, 5 June. #>rnrij Broourss, 5 June. jFranrts IJrasIrn, 7 August. Stomas (UHorsgojp, 4 Sept. (Tristram BrrrsforB. (Brorgr IngoIUstnn SUIirrt Cunmngijam. Cijarlrs fiirrrtJttlj. (Tijomas flrrjjcomrn. 3foi)\\ Dauns. JFotjn (PDgctoortfj. itttcfjarl Coir. JT0|tt tTottn, 7 April, 1672. CijarlfSjFtrltitng. KtrfjartJ aiDtoortfj. 216 KNIGHTS MADE IN IRELAND 1566-1698. 1674. S r .?o»ijua 3llcn, 29 May. S r 3rrI)ur„?oncs. £ r „?oim Cijamyanti, 13 Dec &* IXobcvt CoMlt. S v .fof)n|)arftrv. & 3f oijn {Topljam. By James, Duke of Ormond, Lord- Lieut. 1677. & r Jfofjn Dillon. S v iTijomas CTroslcn. S r ii>enn> fcEtcmns. S v .?oijni*tcatie. & lUcijartJ ?i>ull. Sb v Samuel JfOXCU. Limerick. (The last three made in the progress.) 1678. S r liOOCtt Sort, 23 February. io r tTijomas <5>0Uorne, 5 November. 5c r ?i>cnnj $}onsonln>. 1680. S r .?Oljn fttagt'U, 5 November. S r iitatijCU) Seanc, 3 December. & Pjtlt'p ©OOtC, 21 December. 1681. & r lltdjarB Hcncs, 1 May. S r BiHtrnpljlfn .fcrUtS, 5 Nov. By Richard, Earl of Arran, Lord Deputy. 1682. £ v £1)Oma& attimss, 29 January. 1683. S v James ILrtcjij, 21 April. S r fttcfjaitJ JDtjfOlt, 21 February. 1681. S r lUcijartJ (Tnvnci>, Kin- of Anns, 6 April. X v (Pliatt iSfOt, Lo. Mayor, 23 April. By James, Duke of Ormond, Lo. Lieut. & r afrfUEUm, Lo. Mayor, 13 Nov. & WKtlltam Domntllf, 7 Jan. 1685. By Henry, Earl of Clarendon, Lo. Lieut. ic v Joljn jFlrmtng, 6 February. S? r JfOljn t\\\0X, Lo. Mayor, 6 Feb. 1686. £ v flfttcijacl CTrragi), 23 April. S v .Joijn CogtytU, 5 June. % x JToijn CTastlf ton, 1 January. By Richard, Earl of Tyrconnel, Lo. Deputy. & r MtdjartJ fiaglc, 20 February. 1687. & Strnijm litre, 21 August. Sb x arfjomaa #?acfectt, Lo. Mayor, 31 October. S r Joljn Bamemall, Recorder, 1 November. Sb x ^ntijoni? iitullaln, 13 March. 1688. % x iiftatijCU) UriBgcs, who brought news of the Prince's birth. By his Majesty King James II., who landed at Kinsale, 12 March. S r tTijcotJorc Butler. 1690. ic r (Terence itleDermot, Lord Mayor, 14 May. S r 2Tetgue (Dllegan, 12 May. By Henry, Viscount Sydney, Lord Lieut. 1692. S' tfrltCijacI fllttcfjCU, Lo. Mayor, 5 September. ic v litet). 3LeUinge, 28 September. KNIGHTS MADE IN IRELAND 1566—1698. 217 In the Presence Chamber, 5 Nov. : S r $ticf)ar& l^nne, Lo. Ch. J. Com. Pleas. S r JTolJtt l®c\»f "Lo. Ch. Baron. & r $ttdjarB©o:r, Judge Com. Pleas. S r .Wofm JTcffreimon, Judge Com. Pleas. S r 3f0l)n 3LnnBon, Judge Q. Bench. & r &tnrg lErfjlm, Judge Q. Bench. 1693. S r Stomas ^acfccnfjam, 12 May. S r JTotytt l^Ogerson, Lo. Mayor Elect, 12 June. By Lord Capel, Sir Cyril Wych, and William Duncombe, Lords Justices. 1694. 5b x ^enrg &itd)bouvnt t 28 March. By Charles, Earl of Mountrath, and Henry, Earl of Douglas, Lords Justices. 1696. io r |)atrtCfc Sumt, 29 January. By the Marquis of Winchester, the Earl of Galway, and the Lord Villiers. 1697. S r OTtUt'am BtHtngton, Lo. Mayor, 17 June. 1698. S r 3fol)n l&ason, 20 July. F f APPENDIX. KNIGHTS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRECEDING PAGES. 1449. Knights of the Bath made at Christ- mas at Greenwich (Sir N. H. Nicolas's Orders of Knighthood): S r Edmund Tudor. S r Jasper Tudor. S r Thomas Neyille. S r John Neyille. S 1 ' William Herbert. S r Roger Lewknor. Sussex. S r William Catesby. 1464. Knights of the Bath made at the Coronation of Elizabeth, Queen of Edward IV., 20 May {Ibid.) : S r Hen. Stafford, 2 Duke of Bucks. S r . . . . Stafford, his brother. S r John de Vere, 13 E. of Oxford. S 1 ' Thomas Talbot, 2 Vise. Lisle. S r John Fitzalan, LordMaltravers, son and heir of John Fitzalan, 2 Earl of Arundel. S r George Grey, son and heir of Edmund, 1 Earl of Kent. S r Richard Widyile. S r John Widyile. S r Ralph Josselyne. S r Richard Bingham, Justice of the Common Pleas. S r Robert Danyers, Justice of the King's Bench, S r JonN Needham, Justice of the Common Pleas. S r Richard Choke, Justice of the King's Bench. S r Walter Moyle, Justice of the King's Bench. S r Richard Illingworth, Chief Baron of the Exchequer. S r . . . . Hingtiam. S 1 ' John Arundell. S r William Calthorp. S r Thomas Brewce. S r George Dayille. S r Richard Harcourt. S r Walter Mantell. S r Edmund Rede. S r William Hawte. S r John Clifford. S r John Say. S r John Cheyney of Canterbury. S r Robert Darcy. S r Thomas Uyedale. S r John Durward. S r John Heningham. S r John Sayage. S r Roger Corbet of Murton. S r (Nicholas ?) Culpepeb. S r Thomas Cooke. S r John Plomer. S r Henry Wat ye. S r Mathew Philip. Lord Duras, a Gascon. S r Bartelot de Robert, a Bayonne Gascon, 220 APPENDIX. 1522. Knights made by the Lord Admiral after the taking of Morlaix, 1 July , 15 Hen. VIII., "for ther hardines and noble courage" (Hall's Chronicle) : S r Francis Bryan. S r Anthoxy Browne. S r Richard Cromwell. S r Henry More. S r Giles Hussey. S r John Russell. S r John Ratnsford. S r George Con ham. S r John Cornwallis. S r Edward Rigley, and divers others. 1553. Knights made at the Coronac'on of Queen Mary, not included in Cotton MS., Claudius, c. iii. (I., 7, Coll. Armor. ; Harl. MS. 6063) : S r Henry Gaston (Gascon, Harl. 6063). S r Richard Morgan, Chief Justice. S r Thomas White, M r of the requests. S r Richard Lawson. S r Henry Cripps. S r Thomas Andrews. S r John Crofts. S r Edward, Lord Dudley (but see p. 107). S r Kowland Stanley. S r Richard Braye. S r Edw. 1'vi.sox (1., 7, Coll. Armor. ; Bdmond Pinson, Harl. 6063). S r William Lawson. S r JOHH BBEWSE. S r Richard Chudley. Knights not included in Cotton MS., Claudius, c. iii., taken from "a Catalogue of all the Knights dubbed in the tyme of Queene Elizabeth, drawne into Alphabet," Harl. MS. 6063, compared with and corrected from Lans. MS. 678 : S r Edward Butler, brother to the Earl of Ormond. 1559. S r Edward Stanley, brother to the Earl of Derby. 1559. S r John Allott, Lo. Mayor. 1591. S r Edmond Butler, Ireland. 1567. S r Edmond Butler, Ireland. 1583. S r Richard Bourk. 1583. S r George Barne,Lo. Mayor. 1586. S r Bartholomew Bafford. 1586. S r George Bond, Lo. Mayor. 1587. S r Paul Backes. 1588. S r Thomas Baskeryile. 1588. S r William Beyill. 1589. S r Michael Blount. 1590. S r George Browne. 1591. S r William Bridges. 1592. S r William Brinkerd. 1592. S r Henry Bromley. 1592. S r Henry Billingsley, Lo. Mayor. 1596. S r George Boom. 1599. S r Edward Brooke. 1599. S r CUTHBERT COLLINGBOURNE. 1570. S r Henry Cowley. 1576. S r Rowland Clarke. 1578. S r Robert Clarke, Baron of the Excheqiier. 1578. S r William Clabke. 1578. S r Thomas Cusack. L583. S r Henry Constable. 1586. S r Martin Calthorpe, Lo. Mayor. ir»ss. S r George E. of Cumberland. L588. S r Robebt Ceoill. L591. S r Walteb Covebt. L591. S r John C lrbell. L591- S r CONTERS I'l.ll ■MiHD, 1591. APPENDIX. 221 S r Anthony Cope. 1591. S r Arthur CniciiESTEE. 1596. S r Thomas Desmond. 1583. S r Lewis Dyve. 1587. S r Bobeet Dormer. 1591. S r Francis Darcy. 1591. S r Edward Dyer. 1596. S 1 ' Eobert Dudley. 1596. S r Ochemach Drinir. 1596. S r "William Eyre. 1592. S r Christopher Edmonds. 1592. S r Thomas Fitz William. 1565. S r Thomas Fitz Morris. 1567. S 1 ' Francis Fleming. 1583. S r Pierce Fitzjames. 1585. S r Edward Ferrers. 1590. S r Humphry Foster. 1592. S r Eichard Fynes. 1592. S r John Fortescue. 1592. S 1 ' Eichard Fetiplace. 1599. S r Thomas Gorges. 1586. S r Henry Grey. 1587. S r Eobert Gardiner. 1591. S r Henry Glemham. 1591. S 1 ' Henry Goring. 1591. S r Henry Guilford. 1591. S r . . . . Guilford. 1596. S r Bassingbourne Gawdy. 1597. S 1 ' Arthur Gorges. 1597. S r Nicholas Heron. 1565. S r Thomas Humfrey. 1581. S r John Hart, Lo. Maior. 1590. S r Ealph Horsey. 1590. S r John Hungerford. 1590. S r Walter Harcourt. 1591. S r Clement Higham. 1591. S r John Hickford. 1591. S r Francis Hastings. 1592. S r Hugh James. 1597. S 1 ' Henry Killegrew. 1591. S r Henry Lea. 1561. S r Eyan Lloyde. 1586. S r Walter Leyeson. 1587. S r William Leigh. 1589. S r John Leyeson. 1589. S r Thomas Lloyde alias Fludd. 1589. S r Edward Layton. 1591. S r Thomas Lucy, Junior. 1592. S r Eicii. Lever, a stranger. 1596. S r Peter Lee, Ireland. 1599. S r John Lyne. 1599. S r Eichard Lee. 1599. S r Eichard Lewkenor. 1600. S r Eichard Lee (see above). 1600. S r Peter Mannebinge. 1565. S r John McCostlyn. 1584. S r . . . . McNeale (Neale, Lans. 678). 1584. S r Eichard Malory. 1586. S r John Manners. 1587. S r Thomas Morgan. 1587. S r Anthony Maney (but see p. 208). 1588. S r Eicn. Martin, Lo. Mayor. 1589. S r George Mannering. 1595. S r . . . . Molines, Jun r (Lans. 678). 1596. S r Barrentino Molines (Harl. 6063). 1596. S r Henry North. 1586. S r Henry Newton. 1592. S r Thomas Napper. 1593. S r Ony Obasteich (Oshastrich, Lans. 678). 1567. S r Francis Odeiscoll. 1583. S r Donough Oliver. 1583. S r John Odonebley. 15S5. S r John Pereott. 1561. S r Bryan Phillyn. 1567. S r Horatio Palavichini. 1587. S r John Packington. 1587. S r Eichard Pawlett. 1591. S r John Puckeeinge. 1592. S r John Popham. 1592. S r William Pekiam. 1592. S r John Peyton. 1596. S r John Eoper. 1587. S r Thomas Eead. 1592. S r William Eowe. 1593. S' AVilliam Eead. 1595. S r Thomas Eidgway. 1600. S r Anthonie Standen. 1559. S r George Stanley. 1565. 222 APPENDIX. S r Wahiiam St. Leger. S r Warham St. Leger. S r Connogh McSkrine. S r Martin Skj.nkk. S r Alexander Steward. S r John Spencer. S r William Sackyill. S r Walter Sandes. S r John Seymour. S r Anthony Shelley. S r William Spencer. S r Anthony St. Leger. 1565. 1583. 1585. 1586. 1586. 1588. 1589. 1591. 1591. 1591. 1502. 1593. S r John Spencer, Lo.Mayor. 1595. 1596. Lord 1597. 1599. 1599. 1587. 1588. 1578. 1587. 1590. S r John Stanhop. S r Etchard Saltingbtall, Mayor. S r Francis Stafford. S r John Savage. S r Thomas Throckmorton. S r George Trenchard. S r James Whitney. S r Thomas West. S r Eichard Welciie. S r Thomas AVest (but see above). 1591. S r Wm. Webb, Lo. Maior. S r Edward Wotton. S r Henry Winston. S r John Woolley. S r William Weston. S r Edward Winter. S r William Wray. S r Anthony Wingfield. S r William Zouch. 1592. 1592. 1592. 1592. 1593. 1595. 1596. 1597. 1579. Knights made during the reign of James I., not included in Cotton MS., Claudius, c. iii. (MS., Coll. Armor., and Lans. MS. 678) : 1603. At Newcastle, 9 April : S r Nicholas Sc riven (struck out of Lans. MS. 678). S r Eobert Dudley. At the Charterhouse, 4 Mn\ : S r John Heveningham. Norfolk. At Sir John Eortescue's, — June : S r Edmond Herrick (perhaps same as S r Edward Horrell at p. 144). At Hamvorth, 23 July : S r Eobeet Kelligrew. At Whitehall, 23 July : S r Thomas Verney (probably the same as Eichard at p. 146, there being a Eichard at p. 141). S r Thomas Phillips. S r Charles Pershall. S r Thomas Crowe. At the Tower, 14 March : S r Nicholas Blunt. S r Eobert Donalt. S r Thomas Montford. S T Eobeet Verney (probably same as Francis p. 152). 1604. At Newmarket, 20 February : S r Edw. Francis (but see p. 142). 1607. At Whitehall, 21 January : S r Henry Lille or Lillie. At Theobald's, 30 January : S r Ferdinando Fairfax. 1610. S r James Vanden Eynden (Eot. Tractat,, 8 Jac. I., m. 1). 1612. S r William Van der Eit (Eot. Tractat., 10 Jac. I., m. 12). (Both quoted in Eymer's ' FoBdera,' with arms and crest granted to the first.) Lord Mayors Knighted, not included in Cotton MS., Claudius, c. iii. (Stow's ' Survey of London ') : S r John Eainewell. L426. S r .IniiN Q-EDNET. I '- 7 - S r Henet Barton. 1428. S r William Eastfield, made Knight of the Bath. S r John de Welles. S r John Parveis. S r John Brockley. S r Eoger Otlet. S r Henet Erowicke. S r John Michell. S r Stephen Bbown. S r John Paddesley. S r Simon Eyee. S r Thomas Chalton. S r William Gbegoey. S r Geffeey Eieldino. S r John Noeman. S r Stephen Eostee. S r William Maeeow. S r Thomas Canning. S r GODFEEY BULLEN. S r Thomas Scot. S r William Htjlin. S r Eichaed Lee. S T Hugh Wiche. S r Thomas Cooke (see p. S r Mathew Philip (see p. S r Ealph Jocelin (see p. S r TnOMAS OWLGEAVE. S r William Edwaeds. S r John Tate. S r Eobeet Deope. S r Eobeet Basset. S r Humfrey Heyfoed. S r John Browne. S r William Heeiot. APPENDIX. 223 1429. S r Edmond Shaa. 1482. 1437. S r TnoMAS Hill. 1484. 1431. S r Eobeet Tate. 1488. 1432. S r William White. IIS!). 1433. S r Hugh Clopton. 1491. 1434. S r William Maetin. 1492. 1435. S r Eichaed Chawry. 1494. 1436. S r John Percival. 1498. 1438. S r Nicholas Aldwine. 1499. 1440. S r William Eemington. 1500. 1445. S r John Shaa. 1501. 1449. S r Baetholomew Eede. 1502. 1451. S r William Capell. 1503. 1452. S r John Wingee. 1504. 1453. S r Thomas Knesworth. 1505. 1455. S r Stephen Jennings. 1508. 1455. S r Heney Keble. 1510. 1456. S r Eogee Atcheeley. 1511. 1457. S r William Coplngee. 1512. 1458. S r William Beowne. 1513. 1459. S r GrEOEGE MONOX. 1514. 1460. S r John Eest. 1516. 1461. S r Thomas Meefine. 1518. 219). S r John Bruges. 1520. 1462. S r John Milboene. 1521. 219). S r Thomas Seymeb. 1526. 1463. S r Nicholas Lambeet. 1531. 219). S r Chbistophee Askew. 1532. 1464. S r John Champneis. 1533. 1467. S r William Eoche. 1540. 1471. S r William Bowyeb. 1543. 1473. S r Eichaed Dobbes. 1551. 1474. S r Geoege Barne. 1552. 1475. S r Cuthbert Buckle. 1593. 1477. S r Eichaed Mabtln. 1593. 1480. S r John Gerrard. 1601. 1481. S r Thomas Bennet. 1603 ( 224 ) NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. Page 4, dele Sir Richard Charleton, it is clearly a double entry (see page 5). Sir . . . Pilkington is called John iu Sir N. H. Nicolas's " Orders of Knighthood." 7, Sir William should probably be Sir Richard Wentworth (see page 5). 1], line 2i,/o?' bars read pales. 15, line 7 from bottom, read saltire engrailed. 16, last line, for orant read Or and. 18, line 4, for eight read six ; line 6, for leaves read feathers ; line 8 from bottom, read saltire engrailed. 20, lines 2 and 4, for Or read Argent ; line 7, read invected Chiles. 22, line 6, for logenzy read lozengy ; line 12, for field read second ; line 26, dele engrailed. 24, line 1, read a chevron Gules between three cranes proper ; line 11, for Or read Argent. 25, line 10, for rampant read passant. 26, line 21, read indented Azure. 27, line 7 from bottom, for 22 read 23. 28, after Sir John Eodney add £&x $aJ)ll iH0ntg0mcr», Quarterly, 1 and 4, Or, an eagle displayed Azure ; 2 and 3, Ermine, on a bordure gules eight horse-shoes Or. 30, line 6 from bottom, read Sable, between four Cornish choughs proper ; lines 3 and 4 from bottom, read, on afess Gules between three annulets Sable. 31, I am indebted to Mr. William Brown of Arncliff Hall, for the insertion of the following very interesting document, discharging William Maleverer, Esq., from taking knighthood of the Bath on the marriage of Prince Arthur. The original is in the possession of Douglas Brown, Esq., Q.C., of Arnclifr Hall : " This bill indentyd made at Westm r the xxij th clay of May the xxviij" 1 yere of the Reigne of oure Souerayne lord Kyng Henr^ the vij th (1503) wittinessith that M r John Walles clerc hathe receyued in the name and for thuse and behove of our said Souereigne lord Kyng off William Maleuercr of Wedersom (in Bardsey) in the Com r of York Esquier in redy money sevyn poundes and ten shelinges of lawfull money of England in full contentacon of xvli* for the fine of the said William made and geven to the Kynges grace for his pardon to be rclissid frome thordre of Knyghthod of the Bath at the manage of my lord Arthur late Prince. In wyttinesse hereof th'ether pertie enterchangeabully hathe sette ther scales and subscribed ther names the day and yere above said, per me '• JOH'EM WALLES." 32, S r Richard Fowler add Crest, a wolf's head erased Gules. 33, line 9, read saltire engrailed. 34, line 5, read bund engrailed ; line 6 from bottom, for Or read Azure. 36, line 2, for of the second read Azure ; line 21, read crusily Or. 37, line 10, for sejant read conchani ; line 18 from bottom, read Gules crusily fitchee. 38, line 3 from bottom, read lion passant. 39, line 20, read bend engrailed : line 20 from bottom, read a bordure gobony of the third and first. 1l', line 19, dele fitchee ; line 11 from bottom, for Or read Argent. ■11, line 9 from bottom,,/;')' bars read pales. 45, line 5 from bottom.. At bend readfess. 47, Tourraine means Tervtu r< n, 6 miles E.S.E. from Brussels. 48, line 18 from bottom,. for Azure read Gules. 19, line 11, add Crest, out of a ducal coronet Or, a plume of feathers Argent, a mullet for difference. 50, line 16,/or Ermine read pied ; last line but 2. read patee fitchee. 51, line 2, for leopard read wolf. 52, line 13 from bottom, for Or read Azure. 54, line 1, for segreanl Or read segreanl Argent; line 17 Erom bottom, read ">i a saltire Argent a pellet, but probablj it should beau annulet sable Eor difference ; line l_' Erom bottom, for bend rnul cherron. 55, line. 2, for and rnul us in; line 16, this coat really is Vaii Argent guttee de poix and Gules ; line 16, for Azure read Argent, NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. 225 Page 56, line 17 from bottom,/^ 1 Or read Argent. „ 57, line 11, for a crescent read but no crescent. ,. GO, line 17 from bottom, for Or read of the second ; in the next line, for fourth read fifth. ,, 61, line 12, the pallisadoes are in fact spears. Sir Thomas Pargeter was Mayor of London 1530. „ 62, line 19 from bottom, for bend read f ess. ,, 63, line 7, read 1 and 4 as 1, and 2 and 3 as 2 ; line 7 from bottom, read per pale indented Or and Gules, in the first and fourth quarters five lozenges in cross of the, second. „ 67, line 8 from bottom, read Arms of Evers ; line 12 from bottom, read three bows pale n-ays in f ess. „ 68, line 22, read in chief Or ; and in the next line, read in base Argent. „ 69, Sir Nicholas Forman is probably the same as Sir William mentioned by Stow as Lord Mayor in 1538 ; line 21, add, his Crest, a demi-wyvern segreant Or, scaled Vert ; line 31, for second read third ; line 8 from bottom, for Argent read Or ; and line 9 from bottom, read three bows 2>alc?vays in f ess. 70, line 23, for pale read f ess. 71, line 23, add Crest, a boar's head erect Argent, eared Or. 73, line 10 from bottom, for fourth read fifth. 74, line I, for Azure read Sable ; and next line, for Sable read of the field. 75, line 18, read erased Or. 78, lines 21 and 22, read Quartering, 1, Argent, three turnpikes Sable, and 2, Argent, on a chevron Gules between three goats' heads Azure as many billets Or ; line 11 from bottom, read Arms — Quarterly, 1 and 4 as at p. 74 ; 2, Gules, three water-bougets Argent — quartering, 1, Gules, three wheels Argent; 2, Azure, a Catherine-wheel Or; 3, Gules, an eagle displayed Argent ; 4, Argent, two chevrons Gules; 5, Argent, a fess between two bars- gemelles Gules ; 3, quarterly, 1, 2, and 4, as at p. 74 ; 3, Chequy Argent and Gules. 79, line 5, for Argent read Or ; line 12, after as at p. 27 add but 2 and 3 are Vair three bends Gules ; line 18 from bottom, for fess read chevron ; line 5 from bottom, for spears read spurs. 80, line 7 from bottom, add, over the crest a bendlet sinister, 81, line 9, for fleurs-de-lis read tvater-bougets ; and next line, afterYevt read over all a bend Gules. 83, line 9 from bottom, read heads erased. 85, line 4, for chevron read saltire charged with a martlet Or and four bezants ; and line 6, for Or read of the third. 86, line 6, for chevron read saltire. 87, line 10, for 45 read 44 ; line 19 from bottom, after as at p. 32 read, but no saltire on the bend. 88, line 16 from bottom, for of the first read second. 90, line 12, read ARMS— Quarterly, 1, Tyrell as at p. 17 ; 2, Paly of six Argent and Sable (Burgatt) ; 3, Gules, on a chevron Argent three dolphins enibowed Vert (Flambert) ; 4, Coggeshall as at p. 48 ; Crest as at p. 47, without the difference. Line 11 from bott im, for 52 read 47. 91, line 17, dele and crest ; and after p. 22 add CREST, a wolf salient Argent, collared and lined Or. 92, line 20 from bottom, dele in pale ; line 8 from bottom, for chequy read counter-company. 93, line 11 from bottom, read Or, attired Argent ; last line, read Arms within a bordure engrailed of the second. 94, line 2 from bottom, for Ermine read Argent; line 12 from bottom, for gorged read crowned. 95, line 8, for gobony read counter-company ; line 12 from bottom, dele 2, 3. 4, 5, 6. 96, line 6, for erased read maned, 97, line 15, for second read third; line 17, add Crest, a wyvern's head erased Gules, gorged with two bars Or ; line 19 from bottom, for eight read seven. 99, line 6, read Or, a chevron between three escallops Gules. 100, line 23 from bottom, add but the tinctures are reversed. 102, line 1G. for Or read Argent ; line 23, add but the Crest is Gules ; line 20 from bottom, for chevron read saltire; iine 6 from bottom, for lion read tiger. 103, line 18 from bottom, for bend read chevron. 105, line 18, after Argent read within a bordure gobony Or and of the second, on every first division a torteau. Q Q 226 NOTES AMD CORRECTIONS. Page 106, line 20, for boar read bear ; next line bul t w< ■, aftt r p. 67 add but on the chief a demi- lion rampant issnant Sable. 1U7, line I, for eight read s< w n : line L5 from bottom, for bend readfess. 108, line 4, ?vw7 fess engrailed ; line 11 from bottom, for barry readpaly. 109, line 21 from bottom, /or Gules raid .lr/m : and last line but one,/w 76 read .39. 110, last line, after Or read a bendlei Sable. 111, line 20, for lion's gambs read eagle's legs. 112, lino 6 from bottom, add but the cross is Or ; last lino, odd CREST, an arm erect vested Gules between two winga Sable, in the haul proper a falcon Azure belled and jessed Or. 113, In Ilarl. MS. 6064 jgur ,g)al)lt JLUsHjtrJrJtm, the Judge, is given instead of §,\x Sohll ULIrmo'DUt ;is knighted 27 January 1554; he certainly was a judge at that time and probably Wyndoul is given in Cotton, Claudius, c. iii., in error for Sir John Whiddon; the arms here given are those of Wyndout. 115, line 6, after difference add 5, Argent, a fess between six leaves Gules. 116, line 3 from bottom, for mullet read label. 118, line 15. nod Arms — 1, 2, and I as 1, 2. and I at p. 9 ; 3, Or. three piles conjoined in base Azure ; and the same crest. Line 12 from bottom, for barry readpaly. 120, line 8 from bottom, for potent read moline. 121, line 11 from bottom, after p 19 read but omitting the coat barry of ten. 123, line 5, read 1 and 1 as at p. 44; Hue 9, for 88 read -14. 124, line 6 from bottom, for paly read barry. 126, line 19, /or eagles' heads read griffins' /wads. 127, line 8 from bottom, for Or read Argent. 128, line 21 from bottom,/or chevron read saltire. 130, Line 8 from bottom, for potent read moline ; line 1 from bottom, for barry readpaly. 131, line 2, for fleur-de-lis read trefoil slipped . 132, line 22 from bottom. for bars read pahs. 135, line 1 I from bottom, for eagles' heads read griffins 1 hoods. 136, dele line 17 from bottom. 137, dele line 14. 142, col. 2, dele sir John Shirley entered in col. 1 ; col. 2, for §>it (fj&uinra - ii-latson read £iv e&toara" ILyatnt. 144, after At Sir John Fortescue's add .... June. Sir Thomas Preston is lure probably a double entry, see p. 112; also Sir John Langton, see p. 143. Sir Edmund lb mil is given as Merrick in Lans. MS. 678, see Appendix, p. 222 ; deli the second Sir Henry Billingsley, evidently a double entry. 1 16, col. 2. Sir Richard Etherington is called Elderton in Lans. .MS. 678. 147, Sir Gideon Awnsham is called Julian Hanson in the same MS. 148, Sir Roger Hurt on is call oil 1,'idiert llorton in the same MS. 149, Sir William Howson is called Wilford Howson in the same MS. 155, Sir Nicholas Hall is called Raise in the same MS. 158, col. 1, read Sir George JJalsfon. 176, for Edmund Vanderduffin read Ewold Van der Dussen (Rymer's " Pcedera"). 184, for £iv ©MtUtam i-Hascm of iJrnng read £iv iUtllinm iHajau a"r 33rrtii0, a Dutchman. INDEX. A Abarow, 17. Abbott, 184, 215. Abdy, 190, 196. Abercromie, 177, 193. A'Brugos, 28, 53. 96. See Barges. Aburgaveny See Burgaveny. Acclom, 169. Aclimuty, 193, 204. Ackett, 62. See Hackett. Ackland, H6, 152. Aclam. 159. Acton, 72, 85, 137, 138, 149, 190. Agard, 171. Aglionby, 203. Agmondisham. See Awnsham. Ailvvard, 211. Albania, 147, 155. Alborough, 2. Aldeburgh, 31. Aldridge, 138, 155. Aid wine, 223. Aid worth, 212, 215 A Les;b, A Lye, 7, 108. Alexander, 145, 187, 191. Alford, 139, 143, 192. Alington, 43, 141. Allarchy, 136. Allen, 61, 108, 126, 194, 213, 216. Allenson, 192. Allerton, 102. Allott, 220. Allyn, 137. Alstone, 201. Alteren ab, 189. Althauo, 157, 159, 161, 164. Amcottes, 100, 151. Amy. 177. Anderson, 134, 141, 148. 151, 160. Andrews, Andrewes, 142, 160, 173, 204, 220. Anuesley, 148, 167. Anstruther, 150, 165. Aparre, 3. See Parre. Apleton, 149. L64. Appleyard, 57, 203. Ap Owen, 37. See Owen. Ap Roberts. 201. Apryce, 94, 149. See Price. Apsley, 142, 212. Ap Thomas. 1, 11, 27, 35. Archer, 183. Argall, 156, 180. Arley, 123, 130. Armesdroffer. 54. Arnolde, 102. Arthur. Prince, 20. Arundell, 8. 13, 25, 28. 34, 46, 64, 69, 73, 123, 128, 136, 143, 163, 202, 219. Ascough. See Ayscough. Ash, 211. Ashburnham, 152. 185. Ashby, 147, 171. Asheley. See Haseley. Ashendon, 138. Ashfield, 124, 152, 165. 209. Ashford, 148. Ashley, 137, 142 bis, 148, 149, 173. Ashton. 2, 6, 18, 31, 189, 195 Ms. Aske, 6, 7, 31. Askewe, Ascu, 35, 51, 54, 80, 98, 140 Ms, 146, 223. See Ays- cough. Askwith, 170. Astley, 183, 191, 197, 198, 200, 202. Aston, 35. 3(5. 46. 62. 117. 121. 137, 139 bis. 145, 151, 154, 193. Astry, 24. Atcherley, 223. Atcheson, 177. Atherton, 77. Athowe. 19(1. Atkins, 191, 204. 216. Atye, 142. Aubrey, 149 bis. 160, 177. Aucher. 90, 153, 196. Audlev, Awdeley, 1. 14. 30, 46, 47. its. 136, 181. Auugier, 161. Austrey. L88. Avenon, 124. Avery, 147. Awlyf. 100. Awnsham, 147. 226. Avlmer. 30. 149. 209. Ayloffe. 141, 142. 172. See "Awlyf. Ayscough, Ascough. 149, 164, 197. See Askewe. Azevedo, 37. B Babington, 1, 8, 61, 128, 170. Babthorpe, 2, 6, 89, 117, 139, 144. Backes, 220. Backhouse. 186. Bacon, 116, 132, 141, 145. 154 bis, 186. Bad, 200. Bafford, 165, 220. Bagg, 185. Bagnall. 97, 131. 137, 206, 207. Baejott. 37. Bailies, 138. Baker, 69, 127, 141, 142, 156, 185. Baldry, 60. Bale, 183. Balfour, 176. Ball, 171, 201. Ballantine, 180. Balthezar, 190. Baltis. 18S Bamborouc Bamfield, 144, 153. Banir. 193. Banister, 155. 165. Banks. 191. Barantine, 52, Bard, 201. Barker, 89, 144. 151. 159, 179. Barkham, 180, 181, 197. Barkley. See Berkeley. Barkstead, 205. Barlow, 149. Barnarde, 8 1. Barnardiston, 132,145,174, 196. Panic. 220. Barneby, 149. Barnes, 5, 146, 173. Barneston, 37. 91. Barnewall, 216. Barnewell. 206 ter., 207, 208. Barney, 147. Baruham, 146, 147. 191. Barrett, 159, 203, 213, 214. r, 190. J2 - L ugh. 140. 228 INDEX. Barrington, 53, 126, 141, 194. Barrow, 147, 149. Barry, 206, 214. Barteville, 98. Bartlett, 149, 161. Barton, 176. Barwick, 153. Bashc. 167. Baskerville. 14, 34, 94, 109, 142, 160, 194, 220. Bassett, 34, 55, 61, 128, 167, 202 bis, 209, 223. Bath, 181. Bathurst, 186, 203. Batten, 180. Bawde, 26. Bawdryppe, 54. Bayldon, 146. Bayly, 60, 178. Baynard, 174. Baynham, 7, 54, 82, 210. Bayning, 165. Baynton, 128, 164. Beake, 145, 205. Beamont, 173. Beare, 213. Beauchamp, ] , 3, 4, 5. Beaufield, 140. Beaufoe, 142. Beaumont, 3, 23, 140 bis, 147. Beckingham, 151. Beckwith, 6, 76. Beconsliaw, 188. Bedell, 146 lis. Bedingfield, 13, 43, 102, 174, 194. See Beningfield. Bedlo, alias Bellew, 206, 212. Beecher, 176, 180. Beelen, 180. Beeston, 137, 141. Belgravc, 148. Belknape, 48. Bell, 92, 130, 143, 163, 164. Bellasis, 139, 144, 170, 195. Bellew, 213. See Bedlo. Belley, 166. Bellingham, 2, 15, 31 lis, 55, 139, 142, L52, 177, 215. Bellors, 195. Belt, 192, 1 95. Belyng, 213. Bendloes, 171. Beningfield, 8, 59, 154. Benn, 172. B( -m ii, 145, 151, 167, 175. Ben tead, 23, 53. Bentley, 149. Beres ford, 215. Berham, 135. Bering, de, 184, 226; Beringer, 110. Berke. 162. Berkeley, Barkley, 1, 3,4, 8 bis, 15, 19, 41,56, SO, SI. 105, 115, 127, 136, 138, 150, 168, 179, L85, 187, 195 bis, 196, 208, 209. Berry, 210, 215. Bertie, 131, L56, 162, 168, 186, 195. Bertram, 2. Best, 216. Beston, 160. Bethell, 153, 170, 189. Bet on, 177. Bettenson, 184. Beverley, 211. Bevill, 150, 186. 220. Bickenell, 11. Bigges, 148. Bigod, 6. Billesby, 54, 152. Billesdon, 12. Billingsley, 144, 220. Billington, 217. Billson, 164. Bindlosse, 182. Bingham, 207, 208, 212, 219. Bingley, 163, 172, 211. Binlosse, 171. Binnion, 199. Bird, 169. Birkenshawe. 173. Biron. See Byron. Bishop, 141, 186, 197. Blackston, 147, 166, 170, 190, 200. Blackwell, 200. Blage, 97. Blagrave. 165. Blair, 204. Blake, 188. Bland, 153, 166. Blanke, 135. Blany, 201, 211. Blenco, 171. Blennerhasset, 147, 148, 161,214. Blewett, 92. Blomer, 146. Blonket, 1 . Blount, Blunt, 3 bis, 9, 14, 16, 27, 46, 75, 81, 103, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142, 151, 186, 195, 210, 213 bis, 220, 222. See Mountjoy. Bludder, 153, 173. Blundell, 169. 172. Bodenham, 151, 160, 167, 200. Bodley, 152, 171,211. Bodringan, 4. Bogg, 160. Bokenham, 149. Bolde, Boulde, 7, 16. Bolles. See Bowles. Boll onus, 100. Bolton, 213, 214. Bond, 146, 220. Bonham, 98. Booth. See Bowthe. Borde, 146. Borlase, 214. Borough, 14, 48, 70, 136, 183. Bossum, 55. Bosvile, 146, 173, 17S, 198. Boswell, 184, 192, L98. Botelcr, 130, 135, 179, 205. See Butler. Boteville, alias Thynne, 96. Boughton, 61. Boule, 146. Bourchier, 5 bis, 44, 135, 148, 161, 162, 177, 179, 207, 212. Bourke, 210, 220. Bourke, alias McDavies, 207. Bourke, alias McLong, 211. Bourne, 107. Boustred, 210. Bowes, 6. 57, 67, 69. 77, 116, 126, 136. 138, 170, 171, 191. Bowie, 179. Bowles, 7, 157, 168, 173. Bowthe, Booth,7,31, 33, 130, 220. Bowyer, 142 lis, 147, 153, 158, 161, 171, 193,223. Boyd, 177. Boyes, 152 lis, 202. Boyle, 211. Boyntou, 31, 131, 139, 173. Brabazon, 208, 211. Bracken, 189. Bradbourne, 76. Braham, 202. Braithwaite, 167. Brakynbery, 8. Brampton, 31. Bramston, 193. Branche, 134. Brand, 170, 179. Brandlyn, 171. Brandon, 3, 10, 17, 28, 44, 45, 80. 87. Branlyn, 99. Brawne, 149. Bray, 12, 27, 54, 79, 117, 158, 203, 220. Breerwood, 201. Brent, 190. Brereton, 24, 46. 51, 59. 65, 77 ter.. 93, 130, 162, 182, 208. Brett, 140, 143, 152, 184, 202. Brewce, 219. Brewse, 174, 220. Bridges, 7, 146, 156, 168, 197, 203, 216, 220. See Bruges. Bridgman, 182, 201, 203. Brighton, or Krighton, 8. Brinkerd, 220. Brise, 12. Britton, 169. Brocas, 112. Brocket, 92, 130. Brockley, 223. Brockman, 192. Broderick, is;,, 215. Brograve, 141. Broke, Brooke, 110, 112, 137, 110, 152, L56, 160, 164, 166, L78, 186, 208, 210, 213, 220. Bromfield. 194. Bromley, si, i;s;S, 13-1, 148, 153, 162, 220. Brookes, 215. Broughton, 5, 7, 16, 27, 173. Brounker, L66, 209. Brow me, 122. Browne, 3, 8, 13, L5, 21, 24, II, 67, 88, 123, 126, 130,138,140, 111, 146, I Hi. i 17. lis, 149, L60, LSI bis, L62 bis, L69, 176 bis, lsl, 183, 202, 212, 214 bis, 220 bis, 223 ter. Bruce, L62, I Brudenell, 89, 122, 163. INDEX. 229 Bruen, 177. Bruerton, 30, 31. Bruges, 53, 96, 109, 223. See Bridges. Bruyning, 178. Bryan, 4, 29, 25, 166, 220. Bryers, 187 Buchanan, 176. Buck, 147 bis, 153, 169. Buckingham, 11. Buckle, 172. Buckley, 99. See Bulkeley. Buckmore, 149. Bucler. 92. Bugg, 174. Bugges, 149. Bulkeley, 130, 154. Buller, 159. Bulleyn, 8, 42, 223. Bullock, 161. Buhner, 6, 31, 57, 75, 139. Bunbury, 149. Bunkley, 155, 202. Burdett, 45. Burgaveny, 105. Burgh, 57, 106, 181. Burgoyn, 197. Burke, 137, 168, 206, 207 bis, 209. See Bourke. Burlacy, 144, 156. 171. Burnaby, 160. Burnell, 171. Burrell, 199. Burton, 56, 151, 212. Bury, 215, Bushell, 154. Busay, 39, 140, 174. Butler, 1 bit, 3, 19, 58, 61, 62, 93, 118, 136, 141, 148, 154, 157, 158, 160, 167, 168, 186, 196 bit, 198, 200, 203, 206, 209 bis, 212, 213 bis, 216, 220 ter. See Ormond. Buttes, 82, 97, 138. Button, 155, 157, 213. Bynde, 149. Byondy. 180. Byron, Biron, 3, 35, 134, 140, 186, 190, 199 bit, 201, 203. Cade, 171. Caesar, 143, 162, 164, 170. Cage, 161, 187, 193. Calley, 190. Callon, Vise., 186. Calmadie, 174. Calthorpe, 29, 91, 148, 194, 205, 212, 219, 220. Calton, 155. Calverley, Calveley, 31 bis, 55, 65, 77, 83, 126, 170, 171, 199, 213. Calvert, 172. Cambell, 151, 190. Cambray, de. 155. Camerlyn, 178. Campion, 173, 178, 202. Campsfield, 2U2. Candy-she, 72, 82. Cauhauser, 19. Canning, 223. Cannon, 181. Cantelowe, 3. Cantelupe, 12. Cautrell, 182. Capell, 13, 4S, 119, 141 big, 148, 172, 202, 212, 223. Carbonell, 1. Carden, 80. Carew. 11, 15. 30, 45. 61, 66, 90, 129, 142, 145 bis, 153, 185, 186, 206, 207 bis, 210, 212. Carew, alias Throgmorton, 186. Carington, 167. Carlion, 22. Carleton, 162, 190, 191. Carmichael, 192. Carnabie, 176. Carnarvon, Earl of, 198. Carne, 71. Carnegye, 154, 192. Carney, 216. Carnshaw, 177. Carowse. 147. Carr, 140 bit, 150, 158, 183 bis, 187, 215. Carrell. 141, 142, 144, 165, 220. Carroll, 212. Cartwright, 169, 201. Carvell, 178. Cary, 2, 59, 93, 116, 125, 136, 138, 153, 155, 162, 168, 186, 190, 192, 193, 202, 209, 214. Cason, 190. Castilion. 143. Castleton, 216. Caswell, 191. Catcher. 176. Catchmay, 160. 189. Catelvne, 116, 214. Catesby, 6, 37, 129, 219. Caulfield, 211, 213. Cave, 107, 140. 144, 145 bis, 161, 166, 168, 196. Cavendish. 84, 134 bit, 160, 162, 168, 176. 186. Cawley, 198. Caylwey, 35, 107. Cecil, 103, 128, 139, 156, 168, 181, 220. Chalenor, 98, 137. Chalton, 223. Chamberlaine, 49, 107, 111.14 1, 146, 151, 167. 210. Chamoun, 61. Champanti, 216. Champernoun,37, 100, 138. 209. Champion, 119. Champneis, 223. Chapman, 172, 174. Charlton, 5. Charnock. 176. ('hater. 170. Chaulke, 178. Chaunev, 14'.< bis. Chaworth, 65. 135, 155, 160. Chawry, 223. Chedle, 201. Cheke, 104. 141,142. Cherry, 153. Chester. 104, 113, 117, 144, 149, 200. Chet wood. 144. Chetwynd, 153. Cheyfield, 61. Cheyney, < Iheney, 1. !». 13. 16, 22,42. lis. in". L57, 160,219. Chibborne, 175. Chichester, 108, 134, 146. 150, 167, 185, 208, 212, 221. Chichley. 157, 202. Chidioke, 1. Chidley, 185. Chisseline, 176. Chi vers, 206. Choke, 26, 201, 219. Cholmondeley, Cholmeley, 31. 68, 75, 77. 136, 139, 143, 147, 186, 198, 200. Chowne, 146. Christophero, 137. Chudley, 220. Chute, 141, 212. Clapham, 185. Clare, 154. Clarence. Duke of, 3. Clarke, Clerke, 61, 98, 145 Ms, 159, 160, 166, 17 1. 176, 1-3, 184, 187. 188, 197, 199, 208, 220 ter. Clavering, 164. Claxton, 148. Clay. 3. Clayborne. 149. Claypole, 153, 205. Clayton. See Cleyton. Clement, 61. Clere,26, 77, 132, 141, 142, 148. Clerke. See Clarke. Clervaux, 17. Cleveland. 143. Cleyton. 213. Clifford, 2 Us, 14. 24, 41. 46, 59, 62, 79, 137, 138. 156. 162, 219, 220. Clifton,3,8, 25,67, 128,160, 171. Clinton, 32. 53, 74, 106, 168. Clitheroe, 194. Clive, 155, 2d-. Clopton. :!7. 164, 223. Clotworthie, 173. Clovall, 158. Coach, 211. Cobbe, 1 18, 182, 1'.-:.. 2n2. C'obham, 1. 3. 47. 128, 138, 155, 220. . 130, 186. Cock, alias Cookes, 150. Cockaine, Cokayn. 55, 76. 140, 167. Cockett. 164. . 149. Coffyn, 66. Coghill, 193, 216. Coke, 143, 193. See Cooke. Coker. 176. Cokesey. 12, 13. Colbie. 168. Colclough, 207, 208. Cole, 195, 213, 215. 230 INDEX. Colepeper. Culpeper, 127, 145, 146, L52 bis, 172. 177, 179 bis, 184, 180 bis, 219. Collett, 13. Colley, 178, 208. Collimore, 152. Collingbourne, 220. Cnllver, 207. Colt' 132, 155, 192. Colvile. 158, 216. Colyngwod, 57. Combe, 205. Comines, or Commcs, 141. Compton, 17. 123, 150. 156,168. 180, 201 ter. Coningharn, 7, 152. Coningsby, 136, 137, 140, 145, 148, 168. Connv, 147, 169, 176. 182, 199. Conquest, Ml bis, 1 49, L58. Constable, 6, 29, 40, 56, 57 bis, 65, 77. 78, 98, 111, 1 25. 13!), 152, L58, 209 bis, 211, 220. Conway, L9, 97, 117, L38, 145, 152, 173. 1S3 bis. Convcrs, 6 bis, 31. 65, 74, 139, 152, 170, 1S3. Cooke, 3o, 88, 138, 141. 145, 151. i;,s. 176. 178, is:;. 212, 214, 219, 223. See (Joke. Cooly, 213. Cooper, 1 11.1 t6, 183,198 bis, 203. Coote, 146, 213, 216. Cope, 91. 140, 141. 155, 221. ( lopleston, 205. Coppin, 145. Coppinger, 98, 1 16.223. Corbett, 3, 35, 59, 99, 100, 138, 150. 158, 171. L94, 196,219. Cordell, 197. Cornwall, 3, 8, 28, 46, 82. 142, 153. L78. Corn wal lis, 141, 155, 191, 210, 220. Cosworth, 200. Cotes, 73. ( ottele, 161. Cottere'll, 178, 202. Cotton, 7, 38, 72. 90, 112, 112, I 15. 1 18, 15o. 160, 181, 186, 187, 196. Cult vsnmre. 37. Coulke, 207. Courcy, 206. 179, 182. Courteney. 2. 3. I. 9, 1 1. 18. 23, 1 10. 129, is.-,. L99, 20I. 209, 2 I I . I lourl hope, 1 96, 215. ( 'ovenl in'. 169. Covert, 182, 220. Cowley, L66, 220. Cowper, 180. Cox, 217. Coyet, 205. Cragge, I'm. ( Iranbourne, //<. . 213. Crewe, 165. 177, L82. < ', 155. 220. Crispe. 195. I Irispe, or Cripps, 142. ( Irocker, 202. Croft, 3, 14, 55. 138, 141, 147, L65, 2112. 211. Croftes, 91, 162, 188, 210, 220. Crofton, 157. ( Iroke. See Crooke. Croker, 129. 1 Iromer, 141. Crompron. 113, 145, 157, 159, 198. Cromwell, G6, 69, 87, 140, 150. 154, 205. 209. 220. Crooke. Croke, 1 15. 1 11, 161, 166, IS]. 1S2. 1:17. Crosby, 4, 167. 189. Crosse. 1(15. Crossland, 199. Crossley. 216. Crowe, 222. Crowmer. 3. 43. Culpeper. See Colepeper. < lumberland, Earl of, 220. ( lunningham, 1S7, 215. Curson, 23, 95, 144, 149. 153. 197. < lurteys, 1 14. ( Surton, iil. Curwen, 6, 34, 126. 139. Cusack, 220. Cutler, 183. Cutte, 40. 90. 126. 159. Cutis. 112. M Dabridgcourt, 145, 202. Dackombe, 167. Daere, Dacres, 25. 59. 56, 59, 83, 95. 15 1. 169, 193. Dakins, 154. Dale. 156. Dalington, 152. 184. Dallison, 1 10. 111,1 18, 199. Dalston, 158, 171, 197, 226. See Da v. son. Hall. -ii. 189, 191. Damsell, I l I. Danby, 3, 6 bis, 57. 62, 97, 214. Darnell, I 15. I is. Dannet, 61. Danvers, 57 ter., 128, 157 bis, I5S, 1S2. 219. Darcy, 6, 22. 51. 56, :^. 62, 1 1 I. 120, ill. 117, 1 1 '.1. is 1. L95, 219, 221. Darley, 170. Darnell. 117. Darrell, 7. L6, 2:;. 28, 52, 75, I is. 150. L58, L65, 175, 193. See Dorrell. Daunce, 53. Dauncie, 148. Dave, 38. Davenant, 201. Davenport, 76, 140. 171, 182. Davers, 160. Davies. Dawes, 159, 161, 211, 213, 214, 215 bis. Davill, 155, 219. Davison, 194. Dawbeney, 5, 41. Dawes, 192, 195. Dawney, 57, 66. 112, 134, 140. Dawson, 151. Dawtrey, 57, 137, 191. Day, 146. Deane, 143. 153, 188, 190, 216. Debenham. 38. De Capello, 38. Deckham, 169. Deerintr. 142. De Henie, 44. De la Bere, 5, 1 1. De la Chambre, 190. De la Fountain, 181. De la Launde, 30. Delamere. See Of-the-Sea. De la Moyte, 66. De la Pole. 27. Delavall, 139, 159, 170. De la Warr, 5, 36. De Ligne, 177. De Lille, 199. De Lion, 206, 207. De Loue, 207. Deloys (;' Del vers), 208. Delves. 161. De .Mollin, 156. Denham, 74. 161. 168. Dennis. See Denj -. Denny, 80, 136, 137, 188, 208, 215. Denton, 144, 147, 172. Denys, Dennis, 22, 59, 91, 113, 136, 158. Derby, 62. Derham, 174. Dering, 175. De Robert, 219. Desmond, 206, 221. Dethike. L03, 1 13, 205. De Veer, 162. Devenishe, L6. I >e Vere. S Vere. Devereux, 2. :;. 88, 120. 137, I 19. L63, 171. 191. 209. See Essex, L36, CD. Devonshire, L05. D'Ewes. 1S7. Dewhurst, 163. I >ias. S e Dewhurst. I >ieki list hi. 2o5. l>. by, 17. 28, 136, I 10. L66, 172, lsi. 193, 199, 210. Digges, 157. .1 52. Dillon, 168, L65, L82, 207, 209, 210, 213 bis, 216. ley, D',6. 1 18. Disney, 148. INDEX. 231 Dive. 144, 177, 221. Dixie, 136, 153. Dixon. 214, 215, 216. Dixwell, 188. Dobbes, 223. Doddington, 185. Doderidge, 158. Dodmere. 61. Dodsworth, 1-:'. Dogherty, 207. See O'Doghertie. I lolman, 152. Domville, 216. Donalt, 222. Done. 2, 3, 18, 171. 182. Donnalan, 21 5. Dormer, 67, 71, 106, Ml', 1 18, 149, 152. 172, 221. Dorrell, 198. See Darrell. Dorrington, 116, 147, 167, 181. Dorset. 62. Douglas, 158, 160. 184, 192. 193. 195, 204. Dovalle. 151. Dove. 182. Dowdall, 207, 208, 213. Dowse, 146. 161. 172. Doyley, Doyle.' 93, 130, 167. N-. 197. Drake. 134, 136, 168, L97. Draper, 123. Drax, 2(i:,. Drewe, 149. Drewell, 138. Drinir, 221. Drope. 223. Drummond, Drommond, 115. 171. 184, lso. L99, 204. Drury. 1. 28, 'J.'!. 125, 127. 130, 13:1 137. 144. 116, 117. 149 bit, 164, 171. Duckett, 127. 140, 147. Ducy, 191. Dudley, 59, 79, 98, 101, 107, 204, 220, 221. 222. Duke. 158, 197, 208. Dun. 145. 217. Dunch, 144. Duucombe, 146, 170. 176, 199, 2U 1. Dunham, 30. Duras, 219. Durham. 147. 204. Durward, 219. Dutton. 146. 1S3. Du Vale. 205. Dyer. 91, 104, 136 bis, 142, 221, Dves. '.is. Dvett. 214. Dyke, 196. Djmoke. 2. 8. 46. 53. 135, 116. 154. Dynharu, 58. Dyve. See Dive. E Earle, 167. Earnlev. 195. Eastfield. 223. Eaton. 163, 176, 199 bis. Eehinfjham. 57. Echlin, 217. Eden, L49, 153. Edgecombe, 11, 26, 46, 71. 1 18. Edgewortb, 215. Edmarker, 137. Edmonds, 143, 172,221. . 1 is. L60. Edward, Prince, 2. I. Edwards. 145. 1S6, 223. Egeoke, 148. bon, 50, 77. 78, 112, 138, 1 is. 150. 153. 157. L69, 209. Bldrec 59. Eldretoi . '-'. Elgin, Earl of, L94. Ellecar, 31, 57,74. KM. L39. Elliott, 60, 150. 166. 173. 17s. 20 I. 212. Ellis, 170 bis, 171. 205. Elrington, 5. 6. Elverton, 194. Elways, Hi'''. Elwes, 111. 189. Emson, 31). Endreby, 8. Engham, 176. Englefield, 32, 92, 180. Ermine, 140. Erskine, 150. 156. 161. 162 bis, 168. Esmond, 189. 21 1. Essex, 50. lo:', 136, 194, 210. Estcourt, 158, 180. Etherington, 146, 175, 226. Eton, 211. Eure, 197. Eveline, Evelyn. 171, 181, 196. Everard, 146, 164, 212. Everingham, 6, 7. 40. Evcrs. 6, 24, 31, 48, 67. 1 12. 150, 152. Eversfield, 144. 178. 197. Every, 1 96. Evington, 169. Ex mew, 58. Eyre. 155, 193, 195, 221, 223. F Fairfax. 5, 26. 48, 60, 117, 133, 137. 139. 141. 142, 160, L90, L95, 222. Fairmedow, 189. Fane. 147, 150, 186 bis. See Vane. Fanshawe, 141. 183, 186, 195. Farewell. 57. 161, 171. Farington, 7. 65. Farmer. 1 42. 144, 171. Farmour, 61, 85, L08. Farnfield, 179. Farquhar, 204. Faner. 136, 214. Faunt, Ho. Felton, 151. Fen. 194. 197. Fenkell. 12. Fenner, Fennor. 145. 174. L76, 178. Fenton, 167. 168, 208. 215. Fenwick. 139, 154, 170. . 32, 124. Ferby, 190. Fermer, 183. Feron (?Freame), 151. 153. Ferrate, de, 5 1. 5, 28, 48, 65, 141 bis, 171. 221. Fetheratonhalgh, 188. Fettiplace, 40. 129 his. 160,211, 221. Fielding, 141.157. 1-;. 196.215, v, Fyldynge. Filmer, 175. 198. Filmore, 148. Finch. 53, 108, 136, 160, 167, 181, 185, I95.2i'9. . 166. Fishe, 172. Fisher, 38, 154. 159, 161, 169, 203, 211. Fitch, 152, 159. Fitton, 65. 109. 206, 207. Fitz. 146. Fitz Alan. 3, 219. Fitzgefferv, 157. Fitz Gerald. 206 his. 207, 208, 210, 212. 2i;;. Fitz Gerard, 210. Fitzherbert, 92, 183 bis. See Herbert. 127. Fitzhugh, 5. 4 1 . Fitz James, 60, 110. 166, 207, 221. Fitzlewes, 15. 27. Fitz Morris, 221. Fitz Patrick. 116, 206. Fitz Pierse,210. Fitz Randoll,6. Fitz Richard. 54. Fitzwalter, 11. 62. 79. See Rad- cliff. Fitzwilliam. 6 bis, IS. 48. 58, 61, 104. 109, 127. 141, 148, 155. 157. 206, 207, 212. 221. Flamocke, B l . Fleetwood, 141. 142, 143. 144, 172. 175. 181. 183, 192. 205, 21o. Fleming. 145. 155. 157,207,216 221. Fletcher, 171. Flower, 155. Fludd. St r Llovd. . 3. 37, 7::." Foliott, 143. inbe. 155. See Foule- champc. -. See Fowkes. Foord,211. . 205. Ford, 153. 173, 201. Forman, ('is, III, I 16, L50, 151, L65, 157 bis, I5s, 160 bis, 162, 163, 164, L6 ■. 166, 169, I7'». 17 1. 183, L89, 190, L99&w,203,211, 213 lis, 216, 221 guint., 223. Leighton, 46, 133, 147, 166. Li -nies 159. Le Maire, 183. Leman, 169. Le Neve, 193. Lennard, 1 17. all, 160, 168, 205. Leonard. 137. Lermeuth, 154. Lesley, 188. Le Strange, 207, 208. Levens. 158. Leventhorpe, 141. Lever, 221. Levesque, 26. Leveston, L67. Levinge, 216. Le\ ison, Leveson, 163, 178, 186, 221. Lewen, 152. Lewis 2, 111, 153, 159, 177, 1SS. Lewkenor, 8, 12, 140, 142, 157, 15'.) lis, 202. 210. 22 1. Lew sey, 152. Lewson, 137. Ley. 33, 171. Ley bourne, til. Leyke, 55. 83. Leylondc 55. Lidcott, 137, 161. Lien, 17. Lille, or Lillie, 222. Lincoln, Earl of. 4. Lindsey, 150. Lingen, 203. Linley, 209. Linwray, 155. Lisle, 19, 40, 55, 87, 203. Lisley, 51. 156, 184, 204. Lister, 166, 185, 189, 194, 199. Litster, 60. Littleton, 141, 171. 179, 193. See Lytleton. Litton, Lytton, 26,88,141, 183, 107. Lloyd, 136, 167. 170. 182, 191, L99, 200 his. 2H2. 221. Lloyd, alias Fludd, 221. Locke, loo. Lockhart, 205. Lo< ton, 1 10. . 3, 1. , 118. Lodovick, 157. Loftus, 208, 2lo bis, 212 bis, 212., 211 lis, 215. Long, 36. 51. (W,. 131, L86, 206, 20S. Longford. 60. 1 gvile, 17, 1 II. 1 16. 172. 182, 205. Loraine, M0. Losse, 1 12. Loue, I'/- Love, L86. Lovelace, 30, lid. 210 bis. Lovell, 5, 13. L6, 27. 28,61, 111, L38, M". L68. Lovett, i-;. I,m\\ ,•, 117. 151 . 1 i 5. Lower. 1 12. 155. 175, 180. INDEX. 235 Lowreston, 154. Lowther, 139, 144, 187,213, 214. Lucas, 125, 126, 188. 196. Lucy, 19, 38, 45, 121, 140, 142, 172.221. Ludlow, 5, 139. Luke, 142 bis, 183. Lumley, 5, 105, L67, 182, 195. Luninborough, 101. Lunsford, 161, 198, 203. Lusher, 146. Lutterell, 2, 19, 75. Lydall, 171, 179. Lygon, 65, 142 bis, 226, 147, 161. Lyndon, 217. Lyndsey, 7. Lyne, 164, 221. Lynes, 176. Lyngeyne, 3, 40. Lynne, 154. Lyons, 112. Lytleton, 4, 17, 108, 117, 121. See Littleton. Lytton. See Litton. M Macamyee, 73. MacCarty, 206, 213. MacCarty More, 206. MacCarty Moyle, 211. MacCarty Reagh, 206. McCoghlan, 209. McCostlyn. 221. McDermot, 216. McDonnell, 211, 214. MacDowgall, 166. Macgwire, 167, 207, 208. Mackemyce, 73. Macklarand, 143. McMahowne, 211. Macnamaragh, 211. McSkrine, 221. MacSorley Boy, 211. McSwine, 209. McTege, 207. Macott, 152. Maddison, 148, 192. Madeson, 65, 180. Magennis, 212. Magill, 216. Majou. See Bering. Malbey, 207. Maleverer, 2, 6 bis, 33, 56, 57, 76, 109, 135, 202, 224. Mallett, 151, 196. Mallory, 6, 117, 119, 139, 155, 198, 200, 221. Maltravers, 1, 20, 86, 168. Man, 185, 198. Manley, 189. Manmaker, 161. Manneriug,24. -SVv Maynwaring. Manners, 31, 59, 70. 74, 125, 140 ter., 156, 165,209 bis, 221, Mansfield, 138, 152, 154. See Maunsell. Mantell, 59, 219. Manwaring. See Maynwaring. Manwood, 133, 150, 173. Manyngton, 17. Marbury, 148, 156, 167. Marian, 90. Markham, 3 bis, 49, 137, 140, 143. Markynfild, 57. Marney, 25, 49. Marrow. 223. Marshall, 143, 166. Martin, 24, 36, 123. 152, 169 bis, 184, 198, 221, 223. Marvin, 74, 128, 147, 185. See Mervin. Marwood, 160. Mason, 91, 202, 217. Massy, 76, 171. Al,-i I'lM', Masters, 180, 191. Masterson, 208, 209. Mathew, 54, 112, 181. Maunsell, Mansell, 127, 145, 190. See Mansfield. Maxey, 149. 171. May, 146, 147, 164. Mayart, 214. Mayherne, 183. Maynard, 141, 160, 186,215, 221. Mayney, 161, 196, 208. Maynors, 60. Maynwaring. Manwaring. 50, 55, 99, 142, 148, 173, 200^ 201, 210, 214, 221 bis. Meade, 180, 213, 216. Meautis, 196. See Mewtas. Medker, 138. Medlicott, 183. Meede, 141. Meeres, 146. Meldrum, 180. Melton, 6, 192. Mence, 24. Menys, 198. Meredith. 145, 214, 215. Merfin, 223. Merrick, 138, 165, 194. 210. Merrie, 170, 179. Merton, 200. Mervin, 98, 175. See Marvin. Merynge, 28, 110. Metcalfe, 61, 83. 141, 173. Metham, 2, 43, 62, 108, 142, 198. Methold, 163. Meux, 155, 158. Mewtas. 75, 162. See Meautis. Michel borne. 149, 210. Michell, 153, 177 Ms, 223. Middleton, 6 ter., 56, 151. 156, 169, 170, 199 bis. Milborn, 10. 223. Mildmay. 94. 123,142.115. 117. 158, l>'>7 bis, 171. 212. Miller, 149. 175, 184, 196. Milliscent, 157 bis. Mills, 189. Milton, 61. Milward. 194. Minshull, 1S7. Mitchell. 2 16. Mohun, 134. 135. 138. 200. Molines. 221 bis. Molvncux. 7. 89, 109. 136. 160, 163, 164, 195. Molyns, 208. Mompesaon, 140, 168. Moiicricll', Miincrife. 160. 175. Mondeford, 190. Monins, 2ns. Monke, 144. Monkton. 198. Monox, 223. Monson. Munson, 136, 138. 146, 180, 186. Montagu, 67, 123, 140,142, 1 15, 150, 167, 186. Montford, Mountford, 4, 1 46 bis, 222. Montgomery, 2, 21. 155. 191, 224. Monypenie, 169. Moody, 156. Moore, 129. 149. 169. 176, 207, 208,210, 212. 213,214. Mordaunt, Mordant. 39, 63, 123, 168, 174, 194, 211. Morden, 160. More, 70, 101, 138, 139, 143, 212, 220. Moresby, 3. Moreton. 91. Morgan, 54, 81, 127, 137, 138. 117 bis, 148, 181, 189, 1'.''.', 203, 205 bis, 210, 215, 220. 221. Morley, 5, 145. 174, 185, 190, 195. Morris, 67, 143, 148. Morrison, 150, 188, 210. Mortimer, 10, 14. Morton, 45, 143. 172, 185, 189. Moseley, 138, L65. Moston, 156, 182. Moton, 3, 179. Moulson, 193. Mounteagle, 63. 209. Mouutjoy, 5,41,105. See Blount. Mountney, 171. Mowat, 204. Mowbray, 3. Movie. 71, 219. Mu'die, 204. Mullaly, 216. Mullyns, 152. Moncrife. See Moncrieff. Mundy, 61, 22:;. Munson. See Monson. Murray, 7, 150, L51, 155, 162, 166, 200 bis. Muschampe, 154, 170, 1--. Musgrave, 15. 126. 140, 151, 15;;. 171. Mustian, 209. Myrfeild, 31. Myune. 147. 161, 186. N ,216. Nanfant, 18. Napper, 167, 174, 181, 196 bi. 221. Set -andie. Naunton. 166. Neale, 152. 160. 200, 207, 221. 236 INDEX. Needham, 65, 147, 172, 190, 208, 219. Neetens, 169. Negro, 99. Neilc, 192. Nethersole, 176. Nevill. 1 bis, 3, 4. 6. 7, 8. 16, 23, 31, 50 bis, 54, 55, 70, 77 bis, 78, 89, 94, 99, 103, 137, 1 16. 161.168.186, 189, 219 bis. Nevison, 153. Newborough, 25. Newcomen, 212, 213, 215. Newdigate, 142, 146. Newman, 62, 168. Newnam, 91. Newport, 117, 140, 165. Newton, 57, 162, 221. Nicholas, 129, 190, 197. Nicholls, 157. Nicolson, 204. Noel. 136 bis. 137, 165, 211. Norcliffe. 169, 198. Norfolk, 1. Norman, 223. Normanvile, 31. Norris, Norrys, 2, 14, 17, 61, 122, 136 ter., 139, 151, 156, 193, 204, 208. North, 74, 115, 168 bis, 173, 174, 208, 221. Northumberland. 1, 20. Norton, 12, 34, 88, 94, 128, 143, 148, 158, 162, 165. 178. Norwich, 152, 172, 197. Not, 195. Nouyon, de, 55, 61. Nuce, 178. Nugent, 206, 212 bis, 213. Nulls, 195. O'Bastrick, 221. O' Brian, 135, 210, 211. O'Cahan, 212. O' Carroll, 206, 207, 211. Ochterlony, 151. O'Connor, 206, 209, 211. 213. O'Dempsey, 209. O' Desmond, 206. 0'Doghertie,211. ,Sh?Dogherty. O' Doner!. 'v. 221. O'Donnell) I I. 206. 211 bis. O'Driscoll, 221. Offley, 113, 165. O'Flarharte, 207. Of-the-Sea, 7. Oglander, 157, L66. Ogle, .".7, 59, I Id. 203. Oglethorpe, I 17. 212. • Udenbarneveld, L62. Ol.lli.ild. Iss, 1. 171. ISO, 182. Sanderson, 140. 185. Sandes, 3, 15. 69, 134. 138. 142 bis, 144. 145. 170, 175. L86, 1-7 Us, 202, 210 bis, 222. Sandford. 29, 169. Sandie, alias Xapper, 163. Sankey, 205, 215. Sarsfeld, 206, 212, 213. 238 INDEX. Savage, 3. 6, 16, 23. 28, 31, 49, 78," 91, 137, 165, 170, 178. is:;. 195, 210, 219,222. SaviU, 6, 64, 135, 137, 143, 145, 146, 154, 169, 187. Sawyer, 1 84. Say, 8. 219. Sayer, 158, 195. Schande, 9. Schelton. Shelton, 19, 43, 90, 132. 138, 158. Schott, de, 178. So.rdicke. Hi.".. Scory. Scorie, 163, 173. Scott. 3, 22. 72, 125, 137, 173, 17s. 185. 186, 190, 191, 204. 214. 223. Scrimshire, 17l!. Scriven, 149, 199, 222. Scrope. 5, 31, 32, 41. 56, 87, 136, 144, 191. Scudatnore, 138. 145, 155. 183, 200, 203. Sebright. 187. Seckford, 142, 159. Segar. 168. Selby, 134, 139, 143, 145, 150, 155. 164. 195. Sellenger. See St. Lcger. Septuans, alias Harfleet, 146. Servin, 193. Seton, 204. Sexton, 168. Seymour, Seintmore, Seymer, 28, 36, 58, 59, 66, 88, 143, 147, 155, 164, 1G8 bis, 175, 202, 222, 223. Shaa, 30, 223 bis. Shane, 210. Sharington, 90, 128. Sharpe, 50, 154. Sharpeigh, 179. Shee, 208. Sheffield, 30, 115, 137, 148, 155, 162, 170. Sheldon, 186. Shelley, 61, 99, 163, 194, 222. Shelton. See Schelton. Sherborne, 44, 76, 148. Sherley, 177. 179. Sherlock, 212. 211 Us. Sherrard, 140, 180. Shirdelowe, 1. Shirley, 127, 137, 142 Us, 203, 208. Shortales, 213. Sluvw -luiry. Earl of, 4. Sliukborough. 199. Sibthorpe, 213. Sidenham. See Sydenham. Sidley, 155, 157, 197, 211. Si t. 15, 1(11, 134, 136, 112, 162 Us, 211. SmiuiiH. See Symons, Skargill, 31, 60. Skeffington, 140, 183 Us. Skept, L72. Skerne, 3, 177. Ski like, Til. Skinner, l ll, l 17 Us, Ml. Skipwith, 29, 97, Mo, 1 15, 161. Skittee, 193 Us. Skydmore. Srr Scudamore. Slane, Baron of, 24. Slanning, 192. Sleigh. 196. Slingsby, 117. 148. 210, 212. Smart, L29. Smith. Smyth. 5:;. (11, 76, 94, loi, i:;o.'i:is. Mil. mi hix,\ i:;. 1 15 ///.v. 146, 117. Ms. M9. 153, 156, 166, 167 Us, I69bis, 171. 175. 1 82 bis, 185, 186,197, 199. 213. 214. . Ml. 154. Snathe, 90. ' Snelgrove, 171. Snell. 167^ Snelling, 148. Snoukaert, 187. Son me, 174, 197. Soham, 138. Some. 165. Somerset, 11, 27, 62, 127. 156, 162 bis, 191. Somervile, 144, 146, 172. Somester. 169. Sommers. 147. Sotherton, 181. South, 149, 214. Southampton, 138. Southcote, Ml, 149, 161, 190, 203. Southland. 114. Southwell. 40, 68, 74, 136, 149, 166 bis. Southworth, 7, 40, 96. Sparke, 213. Speccott. 153. Speke, H). CI. 66, 115. 151. Spencer, 61, 112, 141, 163, 168, 171, 186. 190, 222 ter. Spoil. 61. Spiller, 171, 180. Spilman, Spelman, 136, 148, 152, 155, 198. Sprakling, 153. Spring, 92, 132, 163. Springett, 178, 198. S|>rye, 1 85. Spynalo, 102. Stafford, 2 bis, 3,22, 40,81.83, 92. 109. 135, 138, 142, 174, 212, 222. Stainer, 205. Stainforth, 112. Stalage, 153. Stalbroke, 1. Standen, 221. Standish, 7 bis, 148. Stanford, l 19. Stanhope, 28, 84, 128, MO, Ml, I 15, ir.o, 156, L58, L62, 170, 186, 222. Stanley,3, I bis,5, 7 Us, 11,14, 23, 25. 55, 57. 90. 106, 111, L36, Mo, 150, 152, 179, 186, 207, 215, 220 bis, 221. Stanton, 178. Btapleton, 5, 6, 39, 57, 76, 109, L26, 190, 199. Stayber, 58. Stecde, 149, 164. Stepney, 173. Steward. 117 bis, 154, 162. 163, 164, 177. 222. Stewkley. See Stukeley. Stidolfe. 1 11. Stirley, Ml. Stocker, 4. Stockton. 4. Stoddard, 150. Stoddcr, 144. Stoddert, 153. Stone, 153. Stonehouse, 147, 190. Stoner, Stonner, 5, 13, 57, 113, 117. Storkey. 8. Stouo-hton, 163. 167. Stourton, 4. 20, 59, 96, 168. Stowell, 127, 151. Stradlinge. 49, 74. 104, 127, 159, 177, 198, 200. Strange, 3, 24, 35, 61, 86, 96, 152, 186. Stranerwavs, 6. Strangwish, 57. 61, 100, 110. Stranley, 2. Stretton, 61. Strickland. 3. 34, 144. 150, 191. Stroude, 138, 146, 152, 182. 197. Stuart, 162, 191, 198 ter. Stukeley, Stewkley, 142, 146, 185. Stumpes, 104. Stutvill, 154. Style, 78, 180. Suche, 178. Suckling, 166, 191. Suffolk,^. 85. Suliard, 13, 114, 148 Ms, 174. Surrey, 105. Sussex 1 !^ 7 Sutton,' 18, 40, 53, 140, 162, 175. Swale, 145. Swan, 159. 160, 191. Swift, 139, 141, 169. Swinborne, Ml. Swinerton, 151. Sydenham. Sidnam. 102, 127, 135, Ml. 17o. 193, 195, 200. Sydney. See Sidney. Symons, Simons, 154, 181. Synnott, 212. T Taafc, 211. Talbot, 1, 7 Us, 10. 13. 22, 52, 54, 77, 86, 96, 171, 202, 210. Talmach. 163, 164. Tame, 59. Tancred, Tankard, 161, 198. Tanfield, 38, 1 18, LSI, 164. Tankard. Sa Tancred. Tarbocke, 7. 31, 157. Tasborou-h. 1 12, 209. Tate, 30, 59, 108. 156, 223 bis. Tay, 28. Taylboys, 2, 5, 29. INDEX. 239 Tayler, 4. Tempest, 2, 6, 7, 51, 83, 1 13, 141 to, 152, 178. 214. Temple, 144, 152, 164, 193,196, 213, 215. Tenant, 144. Terrell, 161. Terry, 183. Theam, 199. Theckston, 140, 182. Thelwall, 176, 181. Theobalds, 193. Tlnmbleby, 54, 183. Thimblethorp, 146. Thinne, 141, 118, 154. 182, 195. Thomas, 53, 1 18, L49, 166, 176. Thomlinson, 215. Thompson, 158. Thornborough, 98, 146, 174, 190. Thornehurst, 208. Thorn ey, 149. Thornhegh, 141, 146. Thoruhill, 165, 177. Thornix, 185. Thornton, 6, 7, 184, 209. Thorold, 136, 140. 146, 152, 171, 196. Thorowgood, 191, 193. Thorpe, 2. Throckmorton, Throsmorton, 33, 109, 120, 137, 143, L52, 156. 222. See Carew. Thwaytes, 8, 177. Thynne. See Botcville. Thyrkell, 34. Tichborne. 142 Us, 154, 174, 181,205,215,217. Tildesley, 167. Tilney, 37. Timperley, Tymperley, 37, 174. Tindall. ' See Tyndall. Tipping, 155. TirrelC Tyrell, 2 bis, 3, 6, S. ] 7. 27, 28, 47, 48, 90, 107, 141. 112. 145, 157, 158, 183, 188, 201, 207, 211. Tirringham, 143, 144, 170, 200. Todde, 17. Toketts, 4. Tolcarne, 187. Tollemache. See Talmacb. Tonge, 170. Topham, 216. Totty, 215. Touchett, 159, 162. Townley, 7, 31,98. Townsend, 13. 84, 137, 138, 143, 144, 153. Tracy, 127, 137, 145, 148, 153, 161, 168, 173. Trafford, 1, 25, 77, 132, 139, 171. Trappcs, 144. Treadway, 146, 199. Tregonell, 108. Trelawny, 13S, 189. Tremayle, 37, 56. Trenchard, 40, 143, 164. 222. Trentham, 171, 187. Tresbam, 128, 160, 163, 164. Tress, 193. Treury, 10. Trevanion, 202. Trevelian, 213. Trever. See Trevor. Treveynon, 43. Trcvilian, 36. Trevisano, 30. Trevor, Trever, 143, 153, 175, L76, 198, 208, 213. rrott, 176. Trotter, 171. Troutbecke, 14, 16. Tryan, 165. Tudor, 219 bis. Tufton, 139, 111. 164, 188, 198. Tuite, 213. Tuke, 61. Tunstall, 1. 65, 176. Turberville, 1 1. Turner. 1 ">•">. Turpyn, 121, 141. Turvile, 142. Tut i. L52. Twisden, 142. 177. Twistleton, 205. Tyas, 202. Tyler, 10, 31, 50. Tymperley. See Timperley. Tyndall. 21, 64, 109, 1 15. Tyrell. See Tirrell. Tvrwhit. 15. 27. 48, 73, 140 Us. U Umptou, 65. 88, 115, 136. Underbill, 164, 172. 187. Urrey, 200. Urswick. See Horswyke. Usher, 211, 214. Utreight. 42. 45. 46, 59. Uvcdall, 21. 137, 155, 158, 164, 174, 219. Vachell, 142. Vampage, 16. Van Anvyll, 38. Vanden, Eynden, 222. Van der Dusser, 176, 226. Van der Kit, 222. Vandyke, 192. Van Greknecke, 20. Vanlore, 179. Van Silberrnerg, 20. Van Sollge, 19. Van Tramp, 198. Vane, 80, 95, 127, 138,' 163, 195 Us. See Fane. Varnham. 145, 149. Vaueheline. 176. Vaugban, 5, 39, 54, 72. 94, 102, 141, 144. 14S. 160, 172. 176. 186,200 to, 201, 209, 213. Vaulx, 16, 27, 63. Vavasour, 37, 52, 76. 138, 139, 170. Venables, 66, 77. Venetian Ambassador, 163, 183, 191. Ventris 149. Vere. d'e Vere, 1, 23, 49, 137 Us, 157 Us, 162, L89, 219. Vermuyden, 189. Veruey. 4, 12. 37. 52, 68, 112. 141, 146, L52, L62, L72, 1'."'.. 201, 222 Us. Vernon, 21, 70, 89, 165, 183, is-. 209. Verver, de, 178. Ververe, 21". svylle, 30. Villa L( -. 37. Ville 3eige, , 99. Villiers, Villera, :;7. l<;.->. 168, 201, 208. Vincent. 145. 172. . L'u.",. Vivvau, 175, 194. Vowell, 177. W Waddington, 215. Wade, 1 1:;. Wadham, 39. 52. Wafvr. 219. Wagstaff, 202. Wake. 175. Wakering, 152. Waldegrave, Walerave. 2. 32, 62. 107, 130, 147, 158, 203, 208. Walden, 52. Waldencourte. 52. Walderton, 104. Waldron, 169. 202. Waldyke, 95. Wales. Prince <<'', 194. Walker. 202. Waller. 127. 180 Us, 190, 208. Wallopp, 124. 2lo. Walmesley. 115. 171. Walpole, 203. Walrand, 213. Walsh, 144, 199. 207, 209, 212. Walsingham. 57 Us, 127, 130, 164. Walter. 142. 175. Walton, 16. Walwvn, 113. Wandesford, 31, 136, 157, 194. Warbelton.Warburton, 110. 140, 145. Waibreton, 31. Warde, 6 Us, 200, 205. Wardlaw, 164. Wardonr, 174. Ware. 168, 214. Warham. 59, 110. Warinsr. L92. Warner. 75. 149, 190. Warren. Waxen, 18, 68, 77, 208, 209 to. Warton, 170. Washington, 179. 180, 188. Waterfleet, 166 bis. Waterhouse, 142, 207. 240 INDEX. Waterton, 6, 35, 75. Watkins, 177. Watson, 141, 160, 173, 176. Watter, 139k Watts, 151, 185, 203. Wauton, 1 17. I. VI, 180. Waynman, Wayman, 109, 122, 138, 142, 172*. 173, 212. Weave]'. See Wvver. Webb, 152 bis-, 160, 222. Welby, 151. Welch. See Welsh. Weld. 151. Weldon, 150, 170. Welles, de, 222. Wellisbonrn, 81. Wells. 1, 9. Welsh, Welch. 148, 154, 222. Wem vs. 21(5. Wendy. 174. Wentworth, 5, 29. 42, 46, 56, 59, 80, 91, 98, 141, 142, 147, 162, 163. 169, 186 lis, 190, 214 ter. Wesley, 211. West. 21, 46, 57, 66, 124, 209, 222 lis. Westmoreland, E. Wharton, 60, 83. 94. 163, 186. Wheeler, 165, 205. Whethill, 53. Whetston, 147. Whettenhall, 160. Whiddon, 226. Whitbrook, 153. White, 110, 118, 151, 156, 165, 175, 207, 212, 214, 220, 223. Whiteheade, I 19. Whitfii l.l. 194, 196. Whitgrave, 205. Wbitlock, 177, 205 lis. Wliitmore, 178, 192. 196. Whitney, 113, 124, 159, 222. Whittingham, 2, 152. Whitlon, I l">. Whmwood, 163, 183. Wichcote, 140. Wiche, 187.223. Widdrington, 40, 134, 139, 191, 194. Widnall, 176. Widvile. See Wydevill. Wigmore, 140. Wilbraham, l l.".. Wilde, 158, 164, 172, 197, 199 lis. Wildegos, 147. 155, 195. Wilford. 98, 137. 158. Wilkes, 137. Williams, 30, 67, 110, 136, 1 15, I 17 Aw. 152, 178, 184,194, 211, 214. Williams, alias Cromwell, 119. Williamson, 153, 197, 198. Willis, 199.' Willoughby, 3, 8, 11,15,27,31, 41. 47, 57, 65, 71, 78, 129, 135, 1 Id ter., 141. 144, 145, 159, 169, 174, 185, 203,212. Wilmer, 169. Wilmore, 147. Wilmot, 177, 189, 210. Wilson, 174, 215. Wiltshire, 40 ; Earl of, 4. Winde, 149. Windebanke, Wynybanke, 80, 145, 192. Windham. Wyndham, 16, 67, 91, 146, 149, 191, 193, 197. Windsor, Wyndesore, 42, 45,63, 65, 87, 106, 162, 179, 211. Winford, 200. Winger, 223, Wingerdon, 178. Wingfield, 1. 3 ter., 12, 47, 71, 81, 107. 136 ter., 141, 116, 154, 156, 164, 175, 199, 208 lis, 222. Winne. See Wynne. Winston, 222. Winter, 127, 182, 183, 196, 222. Wise, 151. Wiseman, 53, 141, 152, 154, 167, 175, 190. Withen, 148. Withepole. See Wythipole. W itherington. NerWorthington. Witterong, 196. Wivell. See Wyvell. Wodrington, 6, 7 Ms. Wogan. See Bogan. Wollaston, 197. Wollcy, 142. Wolmorc, 147. Wolseley. 171. Wulstonholme, 169, 192. Wolveridge. 176. Wood, 6, 37, 132, 143, 145, 153, 193, 201. Woodhouse, 3, 35, 78 lis, 101, 113, 133 lis, 137, 138, 144, 201. Woodroffe, 31, 134, 148, 153. Woodward, 164. Wool ley, 222. Woolridge, 197. Wootton, 137, 138. Worlev, 196. Worsley, 158, 162. Worssop, 215. Worteley, 190. Wortesley, 77. Worthington, 147. Wortley, 6, 31. 139, 162, 178. Wotton, 159. 222. Wray, 128, 149, 163, 170, 181, 200, 222. Wren, 158. Wright, 153, 155, 157, 196. Wrightington, 195. Wriothesley, 60, 68, 168. 171, 199. Wrothe, 93, 143, 164, 175, 203. Wroughton, 17, 74, 128, 174. Wulston, 19. Wyatt, 42, 45, 66, 104, 147, 174, 203. Wydevill, 1,4, 6, 219 lis. Wyer, 203. Wygston, 109. Wyndham. See Windham. Wvndout, 112, 226. Wynne, Winne, 156, 164, 166, 167. Wynwood, 158. Wynybanke. See Windebanke. Wyrrall, 148. Wythepole, Withipole, 138, 172. Wyvell, Wivell, 143, 170. Wyver, 149. Yardley. 174. Yate, 190. Yaxley. 210. Velverton. 145, 148, 164, 172, 177.181,191. Yerforde, 58. Yonge, Younge, 4. 127, 147, 152 bis, 154, 159, 172, 185, 188. York, 17, 100, 137 bis, 144, 156, 185. York, Duke of, 1, 4, 24, 198. % Zouch. 8, 53, 55, 100, 115, 141, 146, Kit;, 177, 203, 222. Zowkett, 7,2. London : Mitcholl ami Hughes, Printers, 140 "\Vnrdour street, W. 92 wm ■'/jpj*' J*JL.yJ -.'-"VJft^sV - U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDDb?525b2 I I A i ■■ ' If] vw o s ww IS