THE A.F. MEMORIAL LIBRARY Univ. of California Withdrawn THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS THE HISTORY OF THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY IN THE UNITED STATES Drawn by B. Ifcst Clinedimt THE CROWD IN FRONT OF THE NEW YORK TIMES OFFICE ON THE NIGHT OF THE T1LDEN-HAYES ELECTION, iBjb THE HISTORY OF THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY IN THE UNITED STATES 1870-1895 BY E. BENJAMIN ANDREWS PRESIDENT OF BROWN UNIVERSITY WITH MORE THAN THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME I NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS MDCCCXCVI LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS Copyright, 1895, 1896, By CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Press of J. J. Little & Co. New York. U. S. A. PREFACE IT^EW quarter-centuries in the world's life bristle with salient events as does that following the year 1870. Recognizing this the writer recently un dertook, in a series of papers published in Scribner's Magazine, to portray the chief of these events so far as they relate to the United States. In the opinion of the publishers the series met with gratifying success, which suggested the preparation of the present work. While based on the Magazine articles it is essentially new. The original matter has been carefully revised, much of it, in fact, re-written, while extensive and valuable additions have been made, securing to the narrative a consecutiveness which the separate papers forbade. A detailed national history since 1870 the reader must not expect. He is going upon a rapid excursion through vast tracts, with frequent use of the camera, and not upon a topographical survey. Hap penings of mere local moment are ignored altogether ; legal and constitutional developments we can only 95100 PREFACE sketch; while many other interesting and even vital matters are barely brought to notice. The task is certainly arduous and hazardous. None of the sources for our most recent history have as yet been sifted. On each specially critical occurrence studied by them con gressional committees report contradictorily. State and private papers needed fully to explain the acts of pub lic men and the policies of administrations falling within the period covered by this History are still under seal. A writer treating of affairs so uncertainly vouched must keep in tense exercise a form of dis cretion which in better trodden fields predecessors have made unnecessary. At best he will err, and he will often be thought to err when he does not. In dis cussions of yesterday's transactions statements the most true are sure to be challenged from some quarter. If you are right in essentials, your ideas of proportion and of the relative importance of things may to many seem strange. And, however sincere and unremitting the effort to treat all sections, parties, and persons with perfect fairness, perhaps no man can judge his contem poraries without a degree of prejudice. To write freshly made history would thus be difficult enough had one ample space for all necessary modifications and explanations ; being obliged to condense the narra tive as these chapters require doubly aggravates the un dertaking. A. labor so forbidding in these many ways PREFACE might well be declined but for the following consider ations : It is hoped that precisely on account of their occurrence in recent time the doings set forth will have a peculiarly living interest; that the work may here and there rescue from oblivion some significant deed which would surely meet that fate were the recording deferred; and that prospectors traversing this forest hereafter may get on better for our toil in blazing the path. CONTENTS I The United States at the Close of Recon struction . . , . ". i Land and people in 1870. Territories. Railroads in the West. Fenian Movements. Boston's Peace Jubilees. The Great Cities. The Chicago Fire. The Boston Fire. The Tweed Ring. Tweed's Escape and Cap ture. Financial Condition of the Nation. Ships. Army and Navy. Reconstruction, the Problem. The Presidential and the Congressional Plan. Iron Law of March 2, 1867. The Process of Reconstruction. Situation in 1870. Debate on the Coercion of States. Outcome. The Test. All States at Last Again Represented in Both Houses of Congress. II General Grant as a Civil Chief . . . 23 The Republican Party in 1870. Its Defects. President Grant's Short comings. His First Cabinet. The Party's Attitude Toward the Tariff". Toward the Democracy. Toward Re-enfranchisement at the South. The Liberal Movement. The Democrats. The "New Departure" Among Them. Vallandigham. John Qujncy Adams. Reconstruction. Errors Committed Therein. The Fifteenth Amendment. The Ku- Klux Klan. The Force Bill Re-enfranchisement at the South. Grant and the Nation's Finances. Gould and Fisk. Black Friday. The Treaty of Washington. Relations with Cuba. Proposed " Annexion " of Santo Domingo. Sumner and the Administration. Ill The Greeley Campaign . . . . 57 The Rise of Horace Greeley. The Tribune. Greeley and Grant. The Liberal-Republican Movement. The Spoils System. Shepherd at Wash ington. Scandals Connected With the Collection of the Revenues. Reversal of Hepburn -vs. Griswold. Grant and Greeley Nominated. Mixed Politics. Both Candidates Severely Criticised. A Choice of Evils. A Bitter Campaign Difficulties Confronting Greeley. Grant Elected. Greeley' s Death. His Character. Continuation of Republican Policy at the South. Force and Anarchy in Louisiana. CONTENTS IV The Geneva Award and the Credit Mo- bilier . 87 Outcome of the Washington Treaty. The " Alabama Claims." Vain Efforts at Settlement. The Geneva Tribunal. Rules for its Guidance. Questions Answered by It. Its Decision. The Northwestern Boundary Settlement. The Credit Mobilier Story. Enthusiasm for the West. Vastness of that Section. The Rush Thither. The Pioneers. Land Grabbing. Grants for Transcontinental Railways. Inception of the Union Pacific Company. The Credit Mobilier Company. Oakes Ames and His Contract. Stock Sold to Congressmen. The "Sun's" Publica tion. The Facts. Ames's Defense. Censure of Him by the House of Representatives. His Death. Reasons for the Sentiment Against Him. V "Carpet-Bagger " and " Scalawag " in Dixie in Grant's Re-election and the South. Court Decisions Confirming State Sovereignty. The Louisiana "Slaughter House Cases." Osborn vs. Nicholson. White vs. Hart. Desolation at the South After the War. Discouragement, Intemperance, Ignorance. Slow Revival of Industry. Social and Political Conflict. The " Scalawag." The "Carpet-Bagger." Good Carpet-Baggers. Their Failings. Resistance. Northern Sympathy With This. The Freedmen. Their Vices. Their Ignorance. Foolish and Corrupt Legislation. Extravagant Expenditures in Various States In Mississippi. In Georgia. In South Carolina. Overthrow of Many Carpet-Bag Governments. Violence Still, But Often Exaggerated. VI Decline of the Transitional Governments in South Carolina, Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana . . . . . 131 Gen. Sherman on the Southern Problem. Reckless Legislation in South Carolina. Appeal of the Taxpayers' Union. Gov. Chamberlain's Re forms. The Conflict in Arkansas. Factions. The Stake Fought For. A New Constitution. Gov. Garland Elected. Report of the Poland Committee. The Vicksburg "War." Mayor vs. Governor. Pres ident Grant Will Not Interfere. Senator Revels on the Situation. The Mississippi Reconstructionists. The Kellogg-McEnery Imbroglio in Louisiana. Metropolitans and White Leaguers Fight. The Kellogg Government Overthrown but Re-established by Federal Arms. Protests. The Election of November 2, 1874. Methods of the Returning Board. Gen. Sheridan in Command. Legislature Organized Amid Bayonets. Members Removed by Federal Soldiers. Sheridan's Views. Allegations Contra. Public Opinion at the North. The "Wheeler Adjustment." VII Indian Wars and the Custer Death . -, . 169 Civilized Indians in 1874. Grant's Policy for the Wild Tribes. Diffi culties of the Indian Commissioners. Indians' Wrongs and Discontent. Troubles in Arizona. Gov. Safford's Declaration. Massacre of Apaches in 1871. Report of Federal Grand Jury. The Apaches Subdued. Grievances of the Sioux. The Modoc War and Gen. Canby's Death. Troubles in 1874. The Mill River Disaster in Massachusetts. The Sioux Rebellion. The Army's Plan of Campaign. Custer' s Party. - His Death. How the Battle Went. "Revenge" of Rain-in-the-Face. Custer Criticised. And Defended. CONTENTS VIII " The Year of a Hundred Years " The Centennial Exposition and the Hayes- Tilden Imbroglio . . . . 195 Origin of the Centennial Exposition. Philadelphia Landmarks. The Ex position Buildings. The Opening. The Various Exhibits. Attendance. A Political Crisis. Grant and Jewell. The Belknap Disgrace. An other Reform Movement. Fear of a Third Term for Grant. Issues Be tween the Parties. Hayes and Tilden Nominated. Their Letters of Acceptance. The Campaign. Prophecy of Trouble Over the Presidential Count. The Twenty-second Joint Rule. Result of the Election in Doubt. Cipher Dispatches. Queer Ways of Returning Boards. Fears and Hopes. The Electoral Commission. The Case of Florida, of Louisi ana, of Oregon, of South Carolina. Hayes Declared Elected. An Elec toral Count Law. IX Hayes and the Civil Service . . . 223 Hayes's Character. His Cabinet. End of Bayonet Rule at the South. This the Result of a "Deal." "Visiting Statesmen" at the Louisiana Count. Hayes Favors Honesty. His Record. Hayes and Gar-field Com pared. The Spoils System. Early Protests. A Civil Service Commis sion. Its Rules. Retrogression Under Grant. Jewell's Exit from the Cabinet. Hoar's. Butler's "Pull" on Grant. Collector Simmons. The Sanborn Contracts. Bristow a Reformer. The Whiskey Ring. Myron Colony's Work. Plot and Counter-Plot. " Let no Guilty Man Escape." Reformers Ousted. Good Work by the Press. The " Press- gag." First Democratic House Since the War. Hayes Renews Reform. Opposed byConkling. Fight Over the New York Collectorship. The President Firm and Victorious. X "The United States Will Pay" . . 249 Back to Hard Money. Act to Strengthen the Public Credit. Difficulty of Contraction. Ignorance of Finance. Debtors Pinched. The Panic of 1873. Causes. Failure of Jay Cooke & Co., and of Fiske & Hatch. Black Friday No. z. On Change and on the Street. Bulls, Bears and Banks. Criticism of Secretary Richardson. First Use of Clearing- House Certificates. Effects and Duration of the Panic. An Important Good Result. Resumption and Politics. The Resumption Act. Sher man's Qualifications for Executing It. His Firmness. Resumption Act ually Begun. Magnitude and Meaning of This Policy. Our Bonded Debt Rapidly Reduced. Legal Tender Questions and Decisions. Juilliard vs. Greenman. The "Fiat-Greenback" Heresy. "Dollar of the Fathers" Demonetized. Not By Fraud But Without Due Reflection. The Bland Bill and the " Allison Tip." The Amended Bill Vetoed, But Passed. Subsequent Silver Legislation. XI Agrarian and Labor Movements in the Seventies . . . . . .281 The "Grangers." Their Aims. Origin of the Inter-State Commerce Act. Demand for Cheap Transportation. Illinois' s " Three-Cent War." Court Decisions. Land-Grant Colleges. Their Significance. Various Labor Congresses and Platforms. Rise of Labor Bureaus. The National Department of Labor. Its Work, Methods, and Influence. Value of the State Bureaus. Contract-Labor Law. The Greenback Partv. Peter CONTENTS Cooper and Gen. Butler. Violence in the Labor Conflict. Causes. Combinations of Capital. Of Laborers. Black List and Boycott. Labor War in Pennsylvania. Methods of Intimidation. The " Mollie Ma- guires." Murder of Alexander Rea. Power and Immunity of the Mollies. Plan for Exposing Them. Gowen and McParlan. Assassina tion of Thomas Sanger. Gowen' s Triumph and the Collapse of the Con spiracy. Great Railway Strike in 1877. Riot at Pittsburg. Death and Destruction. Scenes at Reading and Other Places. Strikes Common From This Time On. XII "Anything to Beat Grant" . . . 307 Presidential Possibilities in 1880. Grant the Lion. Republican Conven tion. A Political Battle of the Wilderness. Garfield the Dark Horse. Grant's Old Guard Defeated But Defiant. Democrats Nominate Han cock. "The Ins and the Outs." Party Declarations. The Morey Forgery. Elaine Can't Save Maine. Conkling's Strike Off. Garfield Elected. "Soap" vs. Intimidation and Fraud. From Mule Boy to President. Hancock's Brilliant Career. The First Presidential Appoint ments. Conkling's Frenzy and His Fall. The Cabinet. Garfield Assas sinated. Guiteau Tried and Hanged. Star Route Frauds. Pendleton Civil Service Act. XIII Domestic Events During Mr. Arthur's Administration . . . . 343 Mr. Arthur's Dilemma. His Accession. Responsibility Evokes His Best. The Presidential Succession Question. Succession Act Passed. Electoral Count Act Passed. Arthur's Cabinet. Condition of the Coun try in 1 88 1. Decadence of Our Ocean Carrying. Tariff Commission of 1882 and the Tariff of 1883. Mahone and the Virginia "Readjust- ers." Mahone's Record. His Entry Into the Senate. President Arthur and the Chinese. Origin of the Chinese Question. Anson Burlingame. The 1878 Embassy. Chinese Throng Hither. Early California. The Strike of 1877 Affects California. Rise and Character of Denis Kearney. His Program. The "Sand-Lot" Campaign. Kearney's Moderation. He Is Courted. And Opposed. His Constitutional Con- . vention. Its Work. Kearneyism to the Rear. The James Desperadoes. Their Capture. The Yorktown Celebration. Mementoes of Old Yorktown. The Pageant. "Surrender" Day. The Other Days. Close of the Fete. Flood and Riot in Cincinnati. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS SCENES AND VIEWS Crowd in Front of the New York Times Office on the Night of the Tilden-Hayes Election, 1876 . . . . . . :'* . . . . . Frontispiece Drawn by B. West Clinedinst Driving the Last Spike of the Union Pacific. Scene at Promontory Point, May 10, 1869 . 3 Drawn by B. West Clinedinst from photographs loaned by General G. M. Dodge The Court House at Chicago before the Fire ..,* ..... . . 6 From a photograph The Chicago Court House after the Fire . . .' . . ..-!-. 6 From a photograph The Chicago Court House in 1895 . ...'.. . . " . . 7 From a photograph The Reconstruction Committee . ' . ... . . . . 25 Drawn by W. R. Leigh from photographs The High Commissioners in Session at Washington . . * . ' ... 33 Drawn by E. B. Child from photographs Fisk and Gould's Opera House in a State of Siege .... . . .41 Drawn by B. West Clinedinst Scene in the New York Gold Room on Black Friday . . . . . . 49 Drawn by C. S. Reinhart from photographs and descriptions by eye witnesses Horace Greeley Signing the Bail Bond of Jefferson Davis .... '' .- . 63 Painted by W. R. Leigh from photographs, and sketches made at the time by W. L. Sheppard Mr. Greeley Receiving the Democratic Committee which Notified him of his Nomination . 65 Painted by W. R. Leigh from photographs and descriptions Dispersal of the McEnery Legislature at Odd Fellow's Hall, New Orleans . ~". .81 Drawn by C. K. Linson from photographs and descriptions Three Famous Confederate Cruisers : The Florida, the Shenandoah and the Alabama . .89 Drawn by M. J. Burns from photographs Count Sclopis Announcing the Decision of the Geneva Tribunal . . . . -93 Painted by W. R. Leigh from photographs and diagrams loaned by J. C. Bancroft Davis, Esq. The South Carolina Legislature of 1873 Passing an Appropriation Bill . . . - . . 123 Painted by W. R. Leigh from photographs, plans, and a description by an eye-witness Beginning of the Conflict in Front of the Anthony House, Little Rock, Arkansas . .133 Painted by W. R. Leigh from photographs and descriptions The Brooks Forces Evacuating the State House at Little Rock . . . . .137 Painted by Howard Pyle from photographs and descriptions LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Scene of the Conflict at the Pemberton Monument, near Vicksburg, December 7, 1874 143 From a photograph made for this work The Mississippi Legislature Passing a Resolution Asking for Federal Aid after the Attack on Vicksburg .... 146 Drawn by B. finest Clinedinst from photographs and descriptions General Badger in Front of the Gem Saloon, New Orleans . . . . . . 1 49 Drawn by C. K. Linson from photographs The Mass Meeting of September 14, 1874, at the Clay Statue, New Orleans . . . 154 Drawn by C. K. Linson from photographs L. A. Wiltz Taking Possession of the Speaker's Chair in the Louisiana State House, Janu ary 4, 1875 : .163 Drawn by W. R. Leigh from photographs and plans The Lava Beds . . . . . . . . ... ... .178 From a photograph by Taker Scene of the Canby Massacre . - . ...... . . . . 1 79 From a photograph by Taker Indian Trader's Store at Standing Rock, North Dakota . . .. . . .185 Drawn by W. A. C. Pape from a photograph by Barry The Custer Monument . . .. ' ,, . . ... . . .190 Drawn by Harry Fenn from a photograph by Barry Old Swedes' Church, Philadelphia, Built in 1700 . ... . . . 195 Drawn by Harry Fenn from a photograph by Rau State House Row, Philadelphia . . . . ... . . . 197 Drawn by Harry Fenn from a photograph by Rau Centennial Opening Ceremonies on May 10, 1876 . . ' . . ... . 199 Drawn by Harry Fenn from a photograph View From Photographic Hall Looking Toward Machinery Hall . ... . -203 Drawn by C. K. Linson from a photograph Fountain Hall . . . .... > . . . . . . 206 Exterior of Horticultural Hall . . . ..- . . . . . 206 Interior of Horticultural Hall . . -. ... ' .... . ; ; . . 207 The Main Building at Philadelphia . . . . . . . . . 209 After a photograph The Trial of Thomas Munley, the " Mollie Maguire," at Pottsville, Pa. ... 297 The Attempt to Fire the P. R.R. Roundhouse in Pittsburg, at daybreak of Sunday, July 22, 1877 . . . . . "~ . " * . . . . . . . .301 Painted by US. R. Leigh from photographs by Robinson Burnt Freight Cars at Pittsburg . ' . . . ... . . . . 303 From a photograph by Robinson Union Station and Interior of Roundhouse after the Riot of 1877 ..': . -". ,. * . 304 From photographs by Robinson The Interview at the Riggs House Between Conkling and Garfield .. . . -322 Drawn by B. West Clinedinst from photographs and descriptions Conkling' s Speech Before the "Committee of Conciliation" ... . . . 325 Drawn by C. K, Linson from photographs, and a diagram and description furnished by Mr. H. L. Dawes The Anti-Chinese Riot of 1880, in Denver, Col. .... . . .328 Drawn by C. K. Linson from a photograph and a sketch made by an eye-witnesi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS President Garfield's Remains Lying in State at the Capitol . . . . . -335 Drawn by W. R. Leigh from f holographs Scene at a Station on the P. R.R. as the Garfield Ambulance Train Passed on its Way to Elberon .............. 337 Drawn by C. K. Linson The Garfield Funeral Car About to Start from the Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio, for the Cemetery ............. 339 Drawn by T. dt Thulstrup from a photograph by Ryder President Arthur Taking the Inaugural Oath at his Lexington Avenue Residence . . 345 Drawn by IT. R. Leigh President Hayes and his Cabinet Receiving Chen Lan Pin and the First Resident Chinese Embassy to the United States, September 28, 1878. . . . . . -358 Drawn by W. R. Leigh from photographs The Chinese Consulate in San Francisco . . . . . . . . . 360 Drawn by A. F. Jaccaci from a photograph by Taker A "Mixed Family" in the Highbinders' Quarter, "Chinatown" . . . 361 From a photograph by Taker God in Joss Temple, "Chinatown," San Francisco . . . . * ; . 362 Drawn by Harry Fenn from a photograph by Taker Chinese Accountants ............ 363 Drawn by E. B. Child from a photograph by Taker Alley in "Chinatown" ........... 365 Drawn by F. H. Lungren from photographs by Taker Dining Room of a Chinese Restaurant in Washington Street, San Francisco . . . 366 Drawn by Harry Fenn from photographs by Taker A "Sand Lot" Meeting in San Francisco . . . . . .'''.- . 368 Composition of B. West Clinedinst with the assistance of photographs by Taker Denis Kearney Addressing the Workingmen on the Night of October 29, on Nob Hill, San Francisco ............ _..'. . 372 Drawn by G. W. Peters from photographs, and diagrams and descriptions by eye-witnesses Denis Kearney Being Drawn Through the Streets of San Francisco After his Release from the House of Correction . . . . . . . . . . 375 Painted by Howard Pyle from photographs by Taker and a description by Kearney himself The Old Chronicle Building in San Francisco ........ 377 Drawn by Otto H. Backer from a photograph by Taker Procession Wong Fong in San Francisco . . . . . . . ; . . 379 Drawn by T. de Thulstrup from a photograph by Taker The Nelson House in 1 88 1 -383 The West House at Yorktown 384 The Yorktown Memorial Monument . . . . . . . . -385 Lawrenceburg, Indiana, During the Floods of 1884 . . . . . . . 387 From a copyrighted photograph by Rombach & Groene Second Street, Cincinnati, Looking East . . . . . . . . .388 Gas Tanks in Second Street, Cincinnati . . . . . . . . .388 Cincinnati Riots of 1884 Barricade in South Sycamore Street ..... 389 From a photograph by Rombach & Groene PORTRAITS William M. Tweed 12 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph Hiram R. Revels, of Mississippi . . . . . . . .20 Joseph F. Rainey, of South Carolina ......... 20 George E. Harris, of Mississippi .......... 21 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph John F. Lewis, of Virginia . . . . . . . . . . .21 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph James Fisk, Jr. ............. 28 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph by Rockwood Jay Gould . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 President Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 From a photograph by Hoyt in i8bq Fred. Douglass ............. 30 Buenaventura Baez, President of Santo Domingo . ....... 30 From a photograph in the collection of James E. Taylor President Grant's First Cabinet Borie, Creswell, Hoar, Washburne, Cox, Schofield and Boutwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . -35 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from photographs Alexander T. Stewart ............ 36 After the portrait by Thomas Le Clear Stanley Matthews . . . ... . . . . . . . -37 Oliver P. Morton . . . . . . . . . . . -45 Clement L. Vallandigham . . . . . . . . . . -53 From a photograph in the collection of James E. Taylor Horace Greeley . . .. . . . . . . . . -59 From a photograph by Sarony William Henry Fry . -. , . . . ... . .60 After a daguerreotype in the possession of Horace B. Fry Count Adam Gurowski ........... 60 After a daguerreotype in the possession of Charles A. Dana George Ripley . . . . . . . . ... . .60 After a daguerreotype in the possession of Charles A. Dana Margaret Fuller . . . . ...... . . . .60 After a daguerreotype in the possession of H. If. Fay Bayard Taylor .' . ... . . '., 60 From a photograph by Sarony LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Thomas Hicks Charles A. Dana . > 61 George William Curtis From a daguerreotype "by Brady, l8j2, in the possession of Charles A. Dana Zebulon B. Vance .......... -69 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph Lyman Trumbull . . . . . . ...... .~ . . . -7 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph Henry Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph B. Gratz Brown . . . , -. . . ... 72 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph Charles O'Conor . . j . - . . .... . . . . . 76 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph John Quincy Adams, in 1870 . . . .. .... . . 77 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph Henry Clay Warmoth .... . . " . . . . . ' .. -79 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph P. B. S. Pinchback . . . . . . . . ...,-. 79 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph Charles Sumner 90 The English Representatives at Geneva Tenterden, Bernard, Cockburn and Palmer . . 96 Drawn by Orson Lowell from photographs The American Representatives at Geneva Gushing, Evarts, Adams, Davis and Waite . 97 Drawn by Orson Lowell from photographs U. S. Grant . ... . -99 From a very rare photograph by Walker, June 2, 1875 George Bancroft . . .... . . . . . . . . 101 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph in the historical collection of H, IV. Fay Emperor William I. of Germany . . ... . . ... . 105 Oakes Ames . ... . . . -.' . .' . . 107 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph Daniel H. Chamberlain . . ... . . " . . . . . -113 W. Beverley Nash . . . . . . " . i 2I Charles Hayes, of Alabama . . . . . '. . . ' -. . 128 Elisha Baxter . . . . . . . . . . .- ' . 135 Drawn by J, Brittain from a photograph Joseph Brooks . .. - : . '"'. ." -. . . . . . . ... 135 Drawn by J. Brittain from a photograph Chief Justice John McClure . . . . . ' ; . . . 135 Drawn by J. Brittain from a photograph Augustus H. Garland . ' . . ... . . . . -. 139 Adelbert Ames . . . . . . . " . + . . . . 142 Richard O'Leary, Mayor of Vicksburg in 1874 . . . . . . . . 144 William Pitt Kellogg . __- . . . 7: . , . . .- .. .. . 15 6 Drawn by Alfred Brennan from a photograph PLANS, MAPS, FACSIMILES, ETC. TITLE PAGE Railroads of the United States in 1870 . ... . . . . 4 Railroads of the United States in 1894 . . . . . . . -5 Chicago in 1869, Showing the Burned District .' . ' , . . . ... 8 Chicago in 1894 . . . ". . . . 9 Autograph Telegram from General Sheridan to the Secretary of War, Announcing the Great Fire at Chicago . . . .... . . . - .10 In the collection of C. F. Gunther Nast Caricature : "The Brains that Achieved the Tammany Victory at the Rochester Convention" . . . . . . . ... . . 13 Nast Caricature : " Who Stole the People's Money ?" . . . . . 15 Fragment from the Original Engrossed Text of the Fourteenth Amendment at the State De partment, Washington .... . . . . . . . 2 4 A Ku-Klux Warning in Mississippi, put in Evidence Before the Congressional Committee . 27 A Newspaper Cutting put in Evidence Before the Congressional Committee . . 27 Signatures to the Treaty of Washington ......... 3* From the original at the State Department, Washington Grant and Wilson Campaign Medal . . ^ . . . . . . . -74 Greeley Campaign Medals and Badge . .... . . . . -75 Map of the Northwest Water Boundary ......... 102 Summary of the Amounts Paid to One Firm for Furniture by the South Carolina Legislature of 1 872-74 . . . . . . . . . . . . H5 From the Report of the Investigating Committee "Gratuity" Voted to Governor Moses by the South Carolina Legislature of 1871 . .116 From the original at the State House, Columbia A Bill for Furnishing the State House at Columbia, South Carolina, in 1872 . . . 119 From the original at the State House, Columbia Map of the Region Occupied by the Modocs, Showing the "Lava Beds" . . . 174 Ku-Klux Notice Posted up in Mississippi During the Election of 1876 .... 214 One of the Cipher Dispatches Sent During the Election Deadlock with Translation . .217 From the original put in evidence before the Congressional Committee Two Chamberlain-Hampton Letters After the State Election of 1876 in South Carolina . 229 From the originals at the State House* Columbia A " Mollie Maguire " Notice ... . . . . . . . 293 A Notice put in Evidence During the "Mollie Maguire" Prosecutions .... 294 A " Mollie Maguire " Notice. . . . . . . . . . . 295 Front Page of the Issue of Truth Containing the Morey Letter . . . . . 315 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY IN THE UNITED STATES CHAPTER I THE UNITED STATES AT THE CLOSE OF RECONSTRUCTION LAND AND PEOPLE IN 1870. TERRITORIES. RAILROADS IN THE WEST. FENIAN MOVEMENTS. BOSTON'S PEACL JUBILEES. THE GREAT CITIES. THE CHICAGO FIRE. THE BOSTON FIRE. THE TWEED RING. TWEED'S ESCAPE AND CAPTURE. FINANCIAL CON DITION OF THE NATION. SHIPS. ARMY AND NAVY. RECON STRUCTION, THE PROBLEM. THE PRESIDENTIAL AND THE CON GRESSIONAL PLAN. IRON LAW OF MARCH 2, 1867. THE PROCESS OF RECONSTRUCTION. SITUATION IN 1870 DEBATE ON THE COERCION OF STATES. OUTCOME. THE TEST OATH. ALL STATES AT LAST AGAIN REPRESENTED IN BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS. IN 1870 the United States covered the same tract of the globe's surface as now, amounting to four million square miles. Hardly more than a fifth of this represented the United States of 1789. About a third of the vast do main was settled, the western frontier running irregularly parallel with the Mississippi, but nearer to that stream than to the Rocky Mountains. The centre of population was forty-eight miles east by north of Cincinnati, having moved westward forty-two miles since 1860. Except certain well- peopled sections on the Pacific slope, and small civilized strips in Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico, the Great West had but a tenuous white population. Over immense regions it was still an Indian fastness, rejoicing in a reputation, which few could verify, for rare scenery, fertile valleys, rich mines, and a delightful climate. The American people numbered 38,558,371 souls. Not quite one in seven had colored blood, while a little more than that proportion were of foreign birth, most of these Irish THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY and German. In the settled partG of our country the popu lation hacLa density of 30.3 persons to the square mile, south ern New England b&hg'fclie'most closely peopled. Much of western /Pennsylvania was in "the condition of the newest States, railroads building as' never * before, population increasing at a remarkable rate, and industries developing on every hand. Petroleum, which before the Civil War had been skimmed off the streams of the oil region and sold for medicine, in 1870 developed a yield of over five and a half million gallons in Pennsylvania alone, more than eleven times as much as a decade previous. The West was rapidly recruiting itself from the East, the city from the country. Between 1790 and 1860 our urban population had increased from one in thirty to one in six; in 1870 more than one in five dwelt in cities. There were now thirty-seven States, nine organized terri tories, and two unorganized ones, these being Alaska and the Indian Territory. Noteworthy among the territories was Washington, whose population had doubled in the preceding decade and was now 24,000. Colorado had about 40,000. Utah boasted 86,000, one-third of whom were foreigners. New Mexico numbered in 1870, 91,874, in 1871, 114,000, less than one to each square mile. Arizona was still much harried by Indians, and contained hardly 10,000 civilized men. This year female suffrage, hitherto unknown in America, if not in the world, gained a foothold in Wyoming and in Utah. During the ten years preceding 1 870 the railroad mileage of the country nearly doubled. The Union and Central Pa cific Roads, forming the only transcontinental line then in existence, had been completed on May 10, 1869. Into Denver already came, besides the Union Pacific, three other railroads, all short, while Washington Territory contained the germ of the Northern Pacific, whose eastern extremity had just been begun at Duluth. Dakota had sixty-five miles of railway, Wyoming four hundred and fifty-nine. With the above ex ceptions the territories were wholly v/ithout railroads. DRIVING THE LAST SPIKE OF THE UNION PACIFIC. SCENE AT PROMONTORY POINT, UTAH, MAT /o, i8bq Drawn by B. West Clinedinst from photographs in the possession of General G. M. Dodge THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY V / r v- > "^r I . M c*.r i /.r *** RAILROADS pfthe UNITED STATES, 1870 The close of the long Civil War had gladdened all true American hearts. Only the Fenians sought further bloodshed, and even they pursued their aim rather feebly. Their attempt, in April, 1866, to capture the British island of Campobello, near Eastport, Me., collapsed on the approach of Gen. Meade with United States troops. On June i a detachment of Fenians succeeded in capturing Fort Erie, across from Buffalo, and on the yth another company occupied St. Ar- mand, just over the Vermont border ; but both parties were speedily dislodged and routed. The heart of the nation delighted in peace. In 1 869, carrying out a conception of Mr. P. S. Gilmore, Boston held a great Peace Jubilee to celebrate the end of the late fraternal strife. An immense coliseum was erected for the performances, which began on June 15 and lasted till June 20. A choir of 10,000 singers, an orches tra of over 1,000 pieces, a battery of artillery, and an anvil chorus of 100 men beating anvils made up the unique musical ensemble. So great was the success, financially and other- THE GREAT CITIES KAILROADS o/the UNITED STATES, 1894. wise, of this scheme, that in 1872 Mr. Gilmore under took an international Peace Jubilee. This, too, was held in Boston, opening June 17 and lasting till July 4. Twenty thousand voices and an orchestra 2,000 strong joined in it, parts being taken also by choice military bands from France, Germany and England, and from the United States Marine Corps. Vast crowds were attracted, but the receipts this time fell far short of the expenditures. In 1870, New York, with 942,292 inhabitants, Phila delphia, with 674,022, Brooklyn, with 396,099, St. Louis, with 310,864, and Chicago, with 298,977, were, as in 1890, our five largest cities, and they had the same relative size as in 1890, save that Chicago meantime passed from the fifth to the second place. This in the face of adversity. In October, 1871, the city was devastated by one of the most terrible conflagrations of modern times. It began on Sunday evening, the 8th, in a wooden barn on DeKoven Street, in the West Division. Lumber yards were numerous there, and through THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY The Court House at Chicago before the Fi these the flames raged, leaping across the stream before a strong westerly wind into the Southern Division, which was closely built up with stores and warehouses. The fire continued all Monday. It crossed the main channel of the Chicago River into the Northern Division, sweeping all before it. " Niagara sank into insignificance compared with that towering wall of whirling, seething, roaring flame. It swept on and on, devouring the massive stone blocks as though they had been the cardboard playthings of a child. Looking under the flame one could see, in the very centre of the furnace, stately buildings on either side of Randolph Street whose beauty and magnificence and whose wealth of con tents were admired by thousands the day be fore. A moment and the flickering flame crept out of a window; another and another hissing tongue followed; a sheet of fire joined the whirl ing mass above, and the giant structure was gone. One pile after another thus dissolved like snow on the mountain. Loud rbt chicago Court House after the Fi THE CHICAGO FIRE T'be Chicago Court House in i8Qj detonations to the right and left, where buildings were being blown up, the falling of walls and the roaring of flames, the moaning of the wind and of the crowd, and the shrill whistling of tugs endeavoring to remove the shipping out of the reach of danger, made up a frightful discord of sounds that will live in every hearer's memory while his life shall last." The glare could be seen for hundreds of miles over the prairie and the lake. The river seemed to boil and mingle its steam with the smoke. Early Monday morning the Tribune building, the only structure left in the business quarter, re mained intact. Two patrols were constantly at work; one sweeping away live coals and brands, the other watching the roofs. Till four o'clock the reporters passed in regular reports of the fire. At five the forms were sent down. In ten min utes the cylinder presses would have been at work. At that moment the front basement is discovered on fire. The water- plug at the corner is opened, but the water-works have been destroyed. The pressmen have to fly for their lives. By ten o'clock the block is in ashes. THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Streets, bridges, parks are gorged with panic-stricken throngs. Not a few are crazed by terror. One old woman stumbles along under a great bundle, crooning Mother Goose melodies. Anarchy reigns. The horrors of the night are mul tiplied by drunkenness, arson, burglary, murder, rape. Vigil ance committees are formed. It was estimated that fifty ruf fians first and last were shot in their tracks, among them five notorious criminals. Convicts locked in the court-house base ment would have been burnt alive but for the Mayor's timely order, which his son, with the utmost difficulty and danger, de livered after the building had began to burn. The morning after the fire the indomitable Chicago pluck began to show itself. William D. Kerfoot knocked together a shanty, facetiously called " Kerfoot's block/' an unrivalled structure, for it was the only one in the neighborhood. To it he nailed a sign which well typified the spirit of the city. " Wm. D. Kerfoot, all gone but wife, children, and ENERGY." The next Sunday the Rev. Dr. Collyer preached where his church had formerly stood, in the midst of the city, yet in the heart of a wilderness, more than a mile from human habitation. Not till Tuesday morning was the headway of the fire checked, and- parts of the charred debris smouldered on for THE BOSTON FIRE months. Nearly three and a third square miles were burned over; 17,450 buildings were destroyed; 98,500 persons ren dered homeless; and over 250 killed. The total direct loss of property amounted to $190,000,000, which indirect losses, as estimated, swelled to $290,000,000. Fifty-six insurance companies were rendered insolvent by the fire. A Relief and Aid Society was at once formed, which within a month had subscriptions from all over the country amounting to three and a half million dollars, was aiding 60,000 people, and had assisted in building 4,000 temporary shelters. Later the Illi nois legislature voted aid. Next after that of Chicago the most destructive conflagra tion ever known in the United States visited Boston in 1872. It originated during Saturday evening, November 9, on the corner of Kingston and Summer Streets, spread with terrible rapidity east and north, and raged with little abatement till nearly noon next day. During Sunday afternoon the flames seemed well under control, but an explosion of gas about mid night set them raging afresh, and much of Monday had passed before they were subdued. Ordinary appliances for fighting THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. 3TAGEB. neVal3uperintend**/ high places. "The early movements of Grant as President were very discouraging. His attempt to form a cabinet with out consultation with any one, and with very little knowledge, except social intercourse, of the persons appointed, created a doubt that he would be as successful as a President as he had been as a general, a doubt that increased and became a conviction in the minds of many of his best friends. . . The impression prevailed that the President regarded the heads of departments, invested by law with specific and inde pendent duties, as mere subordinates, whose functions he might assume. . . It can hardly be said that we had a strictly Republican administration during Grant's two terms. While Republicans were selected to fill the leading offices, the policy adopted and the controlling influence around him were purely personal. He consulted but few of the Senators or members, and they were known as his personal friends. Mr. Conkling, by his imperious will, soon gained a strong influ ence over the President, and from this came feuds, jealousies and enmities, that greatly weakened the Republican party and threatened its ascendancy."* In the questions of taxation, debt and finance, so important to the welfare of all, Grant showed little interest. " His veto of the bill to increase the amount of United States notes, on the 22d of April, 1 874, was * John Sherman's Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet. 24 THE RECONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE Drawn by ^. R. Leigh The Joint Committee of Fifteen, appointed to " inquire into the condition of affairs in the so-called Confederate States," wh finally adopted, April 28, I&bb, a series of resolutions embodying a recommendation which afterward took form as the Four teenth Amendment. Senators W. P. Fessenden, Maine, 'Chairman; J. W. Grimes, Iowa; Ira Harris, New York; J. M. Howard, Michigan; George H. Williams, Oregon. Representatives: Thaddeus Stevens, Pennsylvania; E. B. Washburn, Illinois; Justin S. Morrill, Vermont; J. A. Bingham, Ohio; G. 5. Boutwell, Massachusetts; Roscoe Conkling^ New Tork; H. T. Blow, Missouri; H. M. Grider, Kentucky; A. J. Rodgers, New Jersey; Senator Reverdy Johnson, Maryland. The last three voted against the resolutions. PRESIDENT GRANT'S SHORTCOMINGS "Dam Your Soul. The Horrible Sepulchre and Bloody Moon ha at last arrived. Some live to-day to-morrow "Vie." We the undersigned understand through our Grand "Cy%>s" that you have recommended a big Black Nigger for Male agent ou onr nu rode; wel, sir, Jest you understand in time if he gets on the rode yon can make up yonr mind to pull roape. If yon have any thing to say in regard to the Matter, meet the Grand Cyclops and Conclave at Den No. 4 at 13 o'clock midnight, Oct. 1st, 1871. "When, you are in Calera we warn you to hold your tounge and not speak o mncb !! li THE "NEW DEPARTURE" A. E. Borie, Navy. J. A. J. Creswell, Postrn'r-General. E. R. Hoar, Att'y-General. E. B. Waubburne, State. J. D. Cox, Interior. *J. M. Scbofield, War. G. S. Boutwell, Treasury. PRESIDENT GRANT'S FIRST CABINET bonds or the interest thereon should be taxed. Even in the South the leaders began to see that the true policy of "The Reform Party" the Democracy's nom de guerre ', was that voiced by the South Carolina Convention of 1870, which pro posed to "accept the results of the war as settled facts" and make the best of them, striking out for new issues. This was the key-note of the "New Departure" led by Clement L. Vallandigham, of Ohio. Vallandigham had been the most extreme " copperhead " in all the North. By his outspoken ness in defence of the Confederacy during the war he had got himself imprisoned and banished to the South. It was signifi cant, therefore, when, in his last public utterance he acci dentally shot himself a month later his voice once more joined that of South Carolina, this time in accepting " the results of the war, including the three several amendments de factO) as a settlement in fact of all the issues of the war." *Schofield held the office for several months after President Grant's inauguration. The latter then appointed John A. Rawlins. 35 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Chief Justice Chase wrote Vallandigham, praising his action as a " great service to the country and the party," and " as the restoration of the Democratic Party to its ancient platform of progress and reform/' John Quincy Adams, Democratic can didate for Governor of Massachusetts, like Vallandigham, pro posed a hearty acquiescence in what was past, and " deplored the halting and hesitating step with which the Democracy was sneaking up to its inevitable position." " The South," he continued, " is galled to-day not by the presence of the Fif teenth Amendment, but by the utter absence of the Constitu tion itself. Is it not silly then to squabble about an amend ment which would cease to be obnoxious if it was not detached from its context ? " The method of reconstruction resorted to by Congress occasioned dreadful evils. It ignored the natural prejudices of the whites, many of whom were as loyal as any citizens in the land. To most people in that section, as well as to very many at the North, this dictation by Congress to acknowledged States in time of peace seemed high-handed usurpation. If Congress can do this, it was said, any State can be forced to change its constitution on account of any act which Congress dislikes. This did not necessarily follow, as reconstruction invariably presupposed an abnormal condi tion, viz., the State's emersion from a rebellion which had involved the State government, whose over throw, with the rebellion, neces sitated congressional interference. Yet the inference was natural and widely drawn. " Congress was wrong in the ex clusion from suffrage of certain classes of citizens, and of all unable to take a prescribed retrospective 3 6 ALEXANDER T. STEWART (Mr. Stewart always refused to sit for a portrait. The accompanying illustration is from a painting, made after his death, by Thomas Le Clear, and now at St. Paul's School, Garden City, Long Island) ERRORS COMMITTED IN RECONSTRUCTION oath, and wrong also in the establishment of arbitrary military governments for the States, and in authorizing military commis sions for the trial of civilians in time of peace. There should have been as little military government as possible ; no military commissions, no classes excluded from suf frage, and no oath except one of faithful obe dience and support to the Constitution and l aws > an d sincere attachment to the Consti tutional Government of the United States/'* " It is a question of grave doubt whether the Fifteenth Amendment, though right in principle, was wise or expedient. The declared object was to secure impartial suffrage to the negro race. The practical result has been that the wise pro visions of the Fourteenth Amendment have been modified by the Fifteenth Amendment. The latter amendment has been practically nullified by the action of most of the States where the great body of this race live and will probably always remain. This is done not by an express denial to them of the right of suffrage, but by ingenious provisions, which exclude them on the alleged ground of ignorance, while per mitting all of the white race, however ignorant, to vote at all elections. No way is pointed out by which Congress can enforce this amendment. If the principle of the Fourteenth Amendment had remained in full force, Congress could have reduced the representation of any State, in the proportion which the number of the male inhabitants of such State, denied the right of suffrage, might bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age, in such State. This simple remedy, easily enforced by Congress, would have secured the right of all persons, without distinction of race or color, to vote at all elections. The reduction of the representation would have deterred every State from excluding the vote of any * Salmon P. Chase, Letter to Democratic National Committee in 1873. 37 THE LAST QUARTER- CENTURY portion of the male population above twenty-one years of age. As the result of the Fifteenth Amendment, the political power of the States lately in rebellion has been increased, while the population conferring this increase is practically denied all political power. I see no remedy for this wrong except the growing intelligence of the negro race.'** If the South was to become again genuine part and par cel of this Union, it would not, nor would the North consent that it should, remain permanently under military government. Black legislatures abused their power, becoming instruments of carpet-bag leaders and rings in robbing white property- holders. Only doctrinaires or the stupid could have expected that the whites would long submit. So soon as federal bayo nets were gone, fair means or foul were certain to remove the sceptre from colored hands. Precisely this happened. Without the slightest formal change of constitution or of statute the Southern States one by one passed into the control of their white inhabitants. Where white men's aims could not be realized by per suasion or other mild means, resort was had to intimidation and force. The chief instrumentality at first used for keeping colored voters from the polls was the Ku-Klux Klan, a secret society organized in Tennessee in 1866. It sprung from the old night patrol of slavery times. Then, every Southern gentleman used to serve on this patrol, whose duty it was to whip severely every negro found absent from home without a pass from his master. Its first post bellum work was not ill- meant, and its severities came on gradually. Its greatest activity was in Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi, where its awful mysteries and gruesome rites spread utter panic among the superstitious blacks. Men visited negroes' huts and " mummicked " about, at first with sham magic, not with arms at all. One would carry a flesh bag in the shape of a heart and go around " hollering for fried nigger meat." Another would *John Sherman, Recollections. 38 THE KU-KLUX KLAN put on an India-rubber stomach to startle the negroes by swallowing pailfuls of water. Another represented that he had been killed at Manassas, since which time " some one had built a turnpike over his grave and he had to scratch like h 1 to get up through the gravel." The lodges were " dens," the members "ghouls." "Giants/ "goblins," "titans," " furies," " dragons," and " hydras" were names of different classes among the officers. Usually the mere existence of a " den " anywhere was sufficient to render docile every negro in the vicinity. If more was required, a half-dozen " ghouls," making their noc turnal rounds in their hideous masks and long white gowns, frightened all but the most hardy. Any who showed fight were whipped, maimed, or killed, treatment which was ex tended on occasion to their " carpet-bag " and " scalawag " friends these titles denoting respectively Northern and South ern men who took the negroes* side. The very violence of the order, which it at last turned against the old Southrons themselves, brought it into disrepute with its original instiga tors, who were not sorry when Federal marshals, put up to it by President Grant, hunted den after den of the law-breakers to the death. In 1870 and 1871, by the so-called Force Bills, Federal judges were given cognizance of suits against anyone for depriving another of rights, privileges, or immunities under the Constitution. Fine and imprisonment were made the penalties for " conspiracy " against the United States or the execution of its laws, as by forcibly or through intimidation preventing men from voting. The army and navy were placed at the service of the President to enforce the act, and Federal judges might exclude suspected persons from sitting on juries. By this drastic measure and its rigorous execution in nine counties of South Carolina the organization was by 1873 driven out of existence. But some of its methods survived. In 1875 several States adopted and successfully worked the 39 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY " Mississippi plan," which was, by whatever necessary means, to nullify black votes until white majorities were assured. Less violent than the Ku-Klux way, this new one was equally thor ough. Considering the stupendous upheaval in Southern society marked by the erection of bondmen into full citizens, dark days were few. Schools arose. The ballot itself proved an educator, rough but thorough. The negro vote, become a fixed fact, was courted by the jarring factions of whites, and hence to some extent protected. Meanwhile it was plainly to the negro's advantage that he was fighting, not to acquire status and rights, but for status and rights guaranteed in the organic law of his State. It yet remained to restore the disfranchised whites and to remove the political disabilities imposed by the Fourteenth Amendment. Except in the case of a few leaders, the disa bilities were annulled by the Act of Amnesty passed May 22, 1872. At about the same time general re-enfranchisement was accomplished by State legislation, Liberal-Republicans joining with those Democrats, specially numerous in Missouri and West Virginia, who already enjoyed the right of suffrage. By March, 1866, the price of gold in paper money had fallen from war figures to 130^. There was much illegiti mate speculation in the metal, dealing in " phantom gold " mere betting, that is, on gold fluctuations. Prominent among the operators was the firm of Smith, Gould, Martin & Co. The mind of the firm was Jay Gould, a dark little man, with cold, glittering eyes. Closely associated with him was James Fisk, a vulgar and unprincipled yet shrewd and bold man of business. During the spring of 1869 Gould bought $7,000,- ooo or $8,000,000 in gold, immediately loaning it again on demand notes. There being not over $20,000,000 gold available outside the Treasury, the business community, in case of any call for gold, was at his mercy, unless the Treasury should sell. This must be prevented. Drawn by B. West Clinedimt FISK. AND GOULD'S GRAND OPERA HOUSE IN A STATE OF STEGE GRANT AND THE NATION'S FINANCES In June, 1869, President Grant, on a trip from New York to Boston, accepted a place in a private box of the theatre which Fisk owned, and next day took, at the invita tion of Fisk and Gould, one of their magnificent steamers to Fall River. After a handsome supper the hosts skillfully turned the conversation to the financial situation. Grant re marked that he thought there was a certain fictitiousness in the prosperity of the country, and that the bubble might as well be tapped. This suggestion "struck across us," said Mr. Gould, later, " like a wet blanket/' Another wire must be pulled. Facts and figures were now heaped together and pub lished to prove that, should gold rise in this country about harvest time, grain, the price of which, being fixed in Liver pool, was independent of currency fluctuations, would be worth so much the more and would at once be hurried abroad ; but that to secure this blessing Government must not sell any gold. Gould laid still other pipes. Fisk visited the presiden tial sphinx at Newport ; others saw him at Washington. At New York Gould buttonholed him so assiduously that he was obliged to open his lips to rebuke his servant for giving Gould such ready access to him. The President seems to have been persuaded that a rise in gold while the crops were moving would advantage the country. At any rate, orders were given early in September to sell only gold sufficient to buy bonds for the sinking fund. The conspirators redoubled their purchases. The price of gold rose till, two days before Black Friday, it stood at 140^. Though he kept it to himself Gould was in terror lest the Treasury floodgates should be opened to prevent a panic. Business was palsied, and the bears were importuning the Gov ernment to sell. At his wits' end he wrote Secretary Bout- well : " SIR : There is a panic in Wall Street, engineered by a bear combination. They have withdrawn currency to such an extent that it is impossible to do ordinary business. The Erie 43 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Company requires eight hundred thousand dollars to disburse . . . much of it in Ohio, where an exciting political contest is going on, and where we have about ten thousand men employed, and the trouble is charged on the administration. . . . Cannot you, consistently, increase your line of currency?" Gould, like Major Bagstock, was " devilish sly, sir." In his desperation he determined to turn " bear " and, if neces sary rend in pieces Fisk himself. Saying nothing of his fears, he encouraged Fisk boldly to keep on buying, while he him self secretly began to sell. Fisk fell into the trap, and his partner, taking care in his sales to steer clear of Fisk's brokers, proceeded secretly and swiftly to unload his gold and fulfil all his contracts. From this moment they acted each by and for himself, Gould operating through his firm and Fisk through an old partner of his named Belden. On Thursday, September 23 d, while his broker, Speyers, is buying, Fisk coolly walks into the Gold Room and, amid the wildest excitement, offers to bet any part of $ 50,000 that gold will rise to 200. Not a man dares take his bet. On Black Friday the Gold Room is crowded two hours before the time of business. In the centre excited brokers are betting, swearing, and quarreling, many of them pallid with fear of ruin, others hilarious in expectation of big commissions. In a back office across from the Gold Room, Fisk, in shirt sleeves, struts up and down, declaring himself the Napoleon of the street. At this time the Ring was believed to hold in gold and in contracts to deliver the same, over $ 100,000,000. Speyers, whom all suppose to represent Gould as well as Fisk, begins by offering 145, then 146, 147, 148, 149, but none will sell. "Put it up to 150," Fisk orders, and gold rises to that figure. At 1 50 a half million is sold him by Mr. James Brown, who had quietly organized a band of merchants to meet the gamblers on their own ground. From all over the country the " shorts " are telegraphing orders to buy. Speyers is informed that if he continues to put up gold he 44 GOULD AND FISK will be shot; but he goes on offering 151, 152, 153,154. Still none will sell. Mean time the victims of the corner are sum moned to pay in cash the difference between 135, at which the gold was borrowed, and 150, at which the firm is willing to settle. Fearing lest gold go to 200, many settle at 148. At 155, amid the tremendous roar of the bull brokers bidding higher and OLIFER p. MORTON higher, Brown again sells half a million. " 1 60 for any part of five millions." Brown sells a million more. " 161 for five millions." No bid. " 162 for five millions." At first no response. Again, "162 for any part of five mil lions." A voice is heard, " Sold one million at 162." " 163^ for five millions." "Sold five millions at 163}^." Crash! The market has been broken, and by Gould's sales. Every body now begins to sell, when the news comes that the Gov ernment has telegraphed to sell four millions. Gold instantly falls to 140, then to 133. " Somebody," cried Fisk, " has run a saw right into us. We are forty miles down the Delaware and don't know where we are. Our phantom gold can't stand the weight of the real stuff." Gould has no mind permanently to ruin his partner. He coolly suggests that Fisk has only to repudiate his contracts, and Fisk complies. His offers to buy gold he declares " off," making good only a single one of them, as to which he was so placed that he had no option. What was due him, on the other hand, he collected to the uttermost dollar. To prevent being mobbed the pair encircled their opera-house with armed toughs and fled thither. There no civil process or other molestation was likely to reach them. Presently certain of " the thieves' judges," as they were called, came to their relief by issuing injunctions estopping all transactions connected with the conspiracy which would have been disadvantageous for the conspirators. 45 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Far the strongest side of Grant's Administration was the State Department, headed by the clever diplomat, Hamilton Fish, one of the most successful Secretaries of State who ever served our country. Here distinguished ability and abso lute integrity reigned and few mistakes were made. Were there no other testimony, the Treaty of Washington would sufficiently attest Mr. Fish's mastery of his office. Ever since 1863 we had been seeking satisfaction from Great Britain for the depredations committed during the war by Confederate cruisers sailing from British ports. Negotiations were broken off in 1865 and again in 1868. In 1869 Reverdy Johnson, then our Minister to England, negotiated a treaty, but the Senate rejected it. In January, 1871, the British Govern ment having proposed a joint commission for the settlement of questions connected with the Canadian fisheries, Mr. Fish replied that the adjudication of the "Alabama Claims " would have to be first considered, " as an essential to the restoration of cordial and amicable relations between the two govern ments." England consented to submit this question also to the commission, and on February 2yth the High Commissioners met at Washington. The British delegation included, besides several noblemen, Sir E. Thornton the Queen's Minister at Washington, Sir John Macdonald, of Canada, and Mountague Bernard, Professor of International Law at Oxford. The Ameri can commissioners were the Secretary of State himself, Justice Nelson of the Supreme Court, Robert C. Schenck our Minister to England, E. Rockwood Hoar late United States Attorney- General, and George H. Williams, Senator from Oregon. On May 8th the commission completed a treaty, which was speedily ratified by both Governments. It provided for arbitration upon the "Alabama Claims," upon other claims by citizens of either country against the other for damages during the Rebellion, upon the fisheries, and upon the northwest boundary of the United States. The principal settlements happily arrived at in this way will be described later. 4 6 RELATIONS WITH CUBA In 1868 the "Junta of Laborers" in Cuba inaugurated a rebellion against the mother country. By 1870 most South American States had recognized them as belligerents, and they were eager that the United States should do the same. The sympathies of our people and Government were with them. In the summer of 1869 Secretary Fish, directed by the Presi dent, had prepared and signed a proclamation according to the insurgents the rights of belligerents, but owing to the Secretary's firm unwillingness this document was never issued. In July, 1870, the President changed his mind, heartily thank ing Mr. Fish for restraining him from issuing the belligerency message. The good offices of the United States were, how ever, tendered, with the view of inducing Spain to recognize Cuba's independence, preventing further bloodshed ; but the overtures were declined. Spain's barbarous method of warring excited horror. The Spanish Captain-General in Cuba freely sequestrated property, to whomsoever belonging, ordered shot every male over fifteen years of age found outside his premises without good excuse, burned every uninhabited hut and every hamlet not flying a white flag. Such procedure called forth our re monstrance, which, in conjunction with the known sympathy of Americans for the rebels, greatly irritated Spain. Our lega tion house at Madrid was threatened, our vessels in one or two instances brought to by Spanish men-of-war, and a num ber of our citizens in Cuba and on the high seas maltreated or killed. Two American citizens, Speakman and Wyeth, em barked by mistake in a vessel carrying an insurrectionary force destined for Cuba. They gave themselves up, but were bru tally murdered after the merest form of a trial. This was exasperating enough; but when, on October 31, 1873, tne VirginiuS) belonging to an American citizen, was captured on the high seas off Jamaica by the Spanish man-of-war %*0maJo, the American flag hauled down, and Captain Fry, with fifty- six of his ship's company nine of them American citizens 47 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY shot, for some weeks hostilities seemed actually imminent. The Virginiuss errand was in spirit illegal, perhaps literally so. Many revolutionists were on board, also 2,000 Remington rifles, a mitrailleuse, and a large supply of ammunition and provisions for the insurgents. According to the best authori ties Spain was quite justified in seizing the vessel, though Attorney-General Hoar denied this, but not in putting to death those on board with no trial but a drumhead court-martial. When the news of the outrage reached this country innu merable indignation meetings were held. President Grant convoked his Cabinet to deliberate upon the case, and the navy yards were set working night and day. The Spanish Minister of State at first haughtily rejected our protest, saying that Spain would decide the question according to law and her dignity. Madrid mobs violently demonstrated against the American minister, General Sickles. November 4th, Secretary Fish cabled Sickles: "In case of refusal of satisfactory repara tion within twelve days from this date, you will, at the expira tion of that time, close your legation and will, together with your secretary, leave Madrid." On the I5th, hearing that fifty-seven men had been executed, he sent word : " If Spain cannot redress these outrages the United States will." And on November 25 : " If no accommodation is reached by the close of to-morrow, leave." Next day Spain became tractable and Sickles remained. War was happily averted. Spain re leased the Virginius and all the surviving prisoners. Having been on December 1 6th delivered to officers of our navy, the ship, flying the Stars and Stripes, proudly sailed for New York, but foundered in an ocean storm. The prisoners freed reached New York in safety. Spain solemnly disclaimed all thought of indignity to our flag, and undertook to prosecute any of her subjects guilty, in this affair, of violating our treaty rights. President Grant's negotiations for the annexation of the turbulent little republic known as Santo Domingo " Holy Sabbath," a bit of unconscious irony ended less happily. 4 8 THE SCENE IN THE NEff YORK GOLD ROOM ON BLACK FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, Drawn by C. S. Rtinhart jfrom pbotografhs and dtscriftions by eyt-witnutti PROPOSED "ANNEXION" OF SANTO DOMINGO The strategic situation of the island is good, and its aspect in viting luxurious and fertile valleys between grand ranges of volcanic mountains. The heat is tempered day and night by sea-breezes sometimes rising to hurricanes. The rich mineral and other resources of the island were known in 1870 but lit tle exploited. A tenth of the people were white, living mainly in the sea-board towns. The rest were hybrid descendants of the man-eating Caribs and of the buccaneers and warlike ne groes who fought under Toussaint L'Ouverture. Embarrassed with a rival, President Baez wished to turn his domain over to us, as a predecessor of his had in like case once given it to Spain. He indicated his desire to President Grant, who dispatched Col. Babcock, his assistant private Sec retary, to report upon the country, its people, its harbors, etc. No member of the Cabinet favored the mission, yet none offi cially objected. The State Department had nothing to da with arranging it. New York merchants trading to San Do mingo offered Babcock passage thither, showing that his pro posed mission was known, and he would have accepted their offered favor but for Secretary Fish's protest. Transportation for him by the navy was then ordered, and it was found that he was to be accompanied by Senator Cole, of California, and an officer from the Inspector-General's department who spoke Spanish. "As the members of the Cabinet were carefully dis creet in their reticence, the increase of the party and of the apparent importance of the mission caused a certain uneasi ness, especially as rumors began to fly about that business speculations were involved, and that the official character of the affair was much less than its real significance. The mem bers of the Government felt loyally bound to suppress their own doubts, and to attribute to the excitability of the quid nuncs the rumors of important purposes connected with Bab- cock's voyage."* * This and the next following quotations are from J. D. Cox's interesting article, already cited in this chapter. THE LAST QUARTER CENTURY Babcock returned bearing a draft of a treaty containing an agreement to cede Santo Domingo to the United States out-and-out for something over a million dollars, or to accept our protectorate over it at the same time giving us *a fifty-year lease of the important bay and harbor of Samana. President Grant had become intensely anxious to acquire this realm. It would afford us a coaling and naval station and a commercial entrepot, enrich the United States and extend its power, and open a region which the American negro could colonize and manage. At the first Cabinet meeting after his arrival in Washington Babcock appeared, showing each member as he arrived " specimens of the ores and products of the island and descanting upon its extraordinary value. He met a rather chilling reception, and soon left the room. It had been the President's habit at such meetings to call upon the members of the Cabinet to bring forward the business contained in their portfolios, beginning with the Secretary of State. This would at once have brought the action of Babcock up by Mr. Fish's disclaimer of all part in the matter, and his statement of its utter illegality. On this occasion, however, General Grant departed from his uniform custom, and took the initiative. < Babcock has returned, as you see,' said he, and has brought a treaty of annexation. I suppose it is not formal, as he had no diplomatic powers ; but we can easily cure that. We can send back the treaty and have Perry, the consular agent, sign it ; and, as he is an officer of the State Department, it would make it all right/ ' " But, Mr. President," said Mr. Secretary Cox, " has it been settled, then, that we want to annex San Domingo ? " General Grant " colored, and smoked hard at his cigar. He glanced at Mr. Fish on his right, but the face of the Sec retary was impassive, and his eyes were fixed on the portfolio before him. He turned to Mr. Boutwell on his left, but no response met him there. As the silence became painful, the President called for another item of business, and left the SUMNER AND THE ADMINISTRATION CLEMENT L. LALLAN- DIG HAM (After a photograph in the col lection of James E. Taylor) question unanswered. The subject was never again brought up before the assem bled Cabinet." The treaty was put into form, signed on November 29, 1869, and sent to the Senate the following month. Violent op position to it was at once manifest, of which Mr. Sumner was the soul. Sumner was Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and in whatever related to this committee's work was in clined to domineer. He had not agreed with Secretary Fish or the President respecting the ground of our war complaint against England. " Sumner insisted that the hasty proclamation by Great Britain of neutrality between the United States and the Southern Confederacy was the gravamen of the Alabama claims. The President and Mr. Fish contended that this proclamation was an act of which we could not complain, except as an indication of an unfriendly spirit by Great Britain, and that the true basis of the Alabama claims was that Great Britain, after proclaiming neutrality, did not enforce it, but allowed her subjects to build cruisers, and man, arm and use them, under cover of the rebel flag, to the destruction of our commercial navy." The President, Sumner now said, had violated our Con stitution in negotiating the San Domingo treaty as he did ; he was also conniving at an infringement of the Dominican consti tution, which forbade alienating any part of that land ; and was traversing international law by a menace to the indepen dence of Hayti. San Domingo, he alleged, with its undesir able population, was in continual turmoil, had cost Spain more blood and treasure than it was worth, and been lost to her after all. Baez he denounced as a " political jockey," and he declared that adventurers were abusing the President's confi dence, as it was beginning to be suspected they had done in 53 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY regard to " Black Friday " the September previous. Writing to Garrison December 29, 1870, and referring to his speech on the " annexion " of San Domingo, Sumner said that the Haytian Minister had previously visited him, " full of emo tion at the message of the President as ( trampling his country under foot.' ' President Grant did his utmost to secure ratification for the treaty. Having expired by limitation on May 2ist, it was renewed and sent to the Senate again on the Jist. Direct application to Senators in this interest was made on the President's behalf, a course generally felt to be very objec tionable. Republican politicians became divided touching annexation, and the utmost bitterness of feeling prevailed. Secretary Fish's position pending this business was extremely embarrassing. An intimate friend of Mr. Sumner, he was ac customed freely to discuss with him all diplomatic affairs. "He had honestly treated the talk of Dominican annexation as mere gossip, without solid foundation, and now he suddenly found his sincerity in question, under circumstances which forbade him to say how gravely the State Department had been com promised." Twice during the episode he offered his resigna tion, but the President's earnest entreaty, backed by that of leaders anxious to avoid a breach in the party, each time in duced him not to insist on its acceptance. " But the progress of the San Domingo business put Mr. Fish in a false position, apparently, and having yielded to the President's urgency that he should remain in the Cabinet he could not, at the moment, explain fully to Mr. Sumner the seeming changes of his atti tude. It is in the nature of such differences to grow larger, and in the following winter they led to an open rupture be tween the old friends." The President's campaign to secure annexation involved bargaining for the votes of certain " carpet-bag " Senators. " He was told that they desired to please him and to support his plans, but, considering Mr. Sumner's controlling influence 54 SUMNER AND THE ADMINISTRATION with their colored constituents, it would be at no small politi cal peril to themselves if. they opposed that Senator on the San Domingo question. . . In matters of patronage . . . they found themselves less influential than they had a right to expect. Reciprocity was necessary if the President required their aid. When asked in what departments they found a lack of consideration, the Attorney-General's was named, and it was strongly urged that Judge Hoar should be displaced by a South ern man acceptable to them." Attorney-General Hoar was nominated to the Supreme Court presumably to answer this Southern demand. The Senate refused to confirm his appoint ment, and Mr. Hoar had to be gotten rid of in some other way. One morning in June, 1870, he received a letter from the President containing the " naked statement that he found himself under the necessity of asking for Hoar's resignation. No explanation of any kind was given or reason assigned." In an interview, subsequently, the President was frank enough to connect this action with " the necessity, to carry out his pur poses, of securing support in the Senate from Southern Repub licans, who demanded that the Cabinet place should be filled from the South." Amos T. Ackerman, of Georgia, was im mediately nominated and soon confirmed. The final vote on the treaty was taken June joth. A considerable majority of the Sen ators favored it, but not quite the necessary two-thirds. The treaty having been refused ratification the matter died out of mind ; but an irreparable rift between Grant and Sumner resulted. Shortly after Sumner' s speech, above re ferred to, Grant asked Fred. Douglass, who, friendly to Sum ner, yet agreed with Grant : " What do you think of Sumner now ? " "I believe that Sumner thought himself doing a service to a down-trodden people, but that he was mistaken," Douglass replied. This answer not seeming to please the President, Douglass asked what he thought of Sumner. After some hesitation Grant replied, with feeling : " I think he is mad." President Grant considered the failure of the treaty a 55 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY national misfortune, but submitted with patience, not only to the adverse action of the Senate, but to the suspicions of friends and to the attacks of enemies which his San Domingo ambi tion had aroused. The annexationists had their revenge when Sumner lost the chairmanship of the Senate Committee on Foreign Rela tions, which he had held so long and prized so highly. John Lothrop Motley's recall from the British mission was also referred by nearly all to Senator Sumner's course in the Santo Domingo matter. The Saturday Club, of Boston, protested against thus allowing the President's disagreement with Sum ner to prejudice Minister Motley by reason of their friend ship, considering such treatment certain " to offend all the educated men of New England." Grant's only reply was : " I made up my mind to remove Mr. Motley before there was any quarrel with Mr. Sumner." In his annual message the next December the President proposed a commission to visit San Domingo for additional information about the island and to inquire into the charges of corruption which had been made against the Executive and his agent. With his usual intemperance Sumner opposed this as committing Congress to " a dance of blood ; " yet a bill to create the commission passed the Senate unanimously, the House by a majority of 123 to 63. The commissioners were Dr. Samuel G. Howe, President Andrew D. White, and Hon. A. A. Burton. Their report was favorable, making it credible that the President might have secured annexation had he attempted it in a less autocratic way. CHAPTER III THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN THE RISE OF HORACE GREELEY. THE TRIBUNE. GREELEY AND GRANT. THE LIBERAL REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT. THE SPOILS SYS TEM. SHEPHERD AT WASHINGTON. SCANDALS CONNECTED WITH THE COLLECTION OF THE REVENUES. REVERSAL OF HEPBURN VS. GRISWOLD. GRANT AND GREELEY NOMINATED. MIXED POLITICS. BOTH CANDIDATES SEVERELY CRITICISED. A CHOICE OF EVILS. A BITTER CAMPAIGN. DIFFICULTIES CONFRONTING GREELEY. GRANT ELECTED. GREELEY' S DEATH. HIS CHARACTER. CONTINU ATION OF REPUBLICAN POLICY AT THE SOUTH. FORCE AND ANARCHY IN LOUISIANA. ONE hot day in August, 1831, an ungainly journeyman printer from Erie, Pa., was among the " arrivals " in New York City. It was Horace Greeley, born twenty years before, on a farm in Amherst, N. H. From childhood an insatiable reader, at ten he had become the prodigy of his native town. His stump-grubbing on a farm in Vermont, whither poverty drove his father's family, his service as prin ter's devil there, and later as job and newspaper printer at Erie, paid little. The young man reached the metropolis with only ten dollars in his pocket, while the rest of his earthly goods formed a bundle which he swung in his hand. After long and vain search for work he at last secured a situa tion so hard that no other printer would take it. In it he wrought twelve or fourteen hours a day at a rate never exceed ing six dollars a week. After various vicissitudes in job-printing and desultory editorial work, where he evinced genius and zeal but no special aptitude for business, Mr. Greeley, in 1841, started the 'Tribune. For this venture he had borrowed $>i,ooo. 57 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY The first week's losses engulfed nearly half this sum, but at the end of a year the paper was an assured success. It soon became the mouth-piece of all the more sober anti-slavery sentiment of the time, whether within or without the Whig party, and rose to power with the mighty tide of free-soil enthusiasm that swept over the land after 1850. Greeley and his organ were the chief founders of the Republican party, and the most effective moulders of its policy. The influence of the paper before and during the war was incalculable, far exceed ing that of any other sheet in America. Hardly a Whig or a Republican voter in all the North that did not take or read it. It gave tone to the minor organs of its party, and no politician on either side acted upon slavery without consider ing what the Tribune would say. While hating slavery and treason, and hence not averse to the war, Greeley was anxious for peace at the earliest moment when it could be safely had ; and forthwith upon the collapse of the Confederacy he dismissed all rancor toward the South. At Jefferson Davis's presentment for treason he stepped forward as bondsman ; and in the long friction which followed he persistently opposed all harshness in dealing with the conquered. He disliked Grant as the exponent of severe methods in reconstruction, and, like Sumner, peculiarly abominated his policy of annexing San Domingo. At length Grant and Greeley became, in effect, foes. They had many party friends in common, who sought by every means to reconcile them, but in vain. Greeley was once induced to call at the White House. Grant invited him to a drive, and he accepted. The horses went, the President smoked, and Greeley kept silence, all with a vengeance. Only monosyllables were uttered as the two stiff men rode side by side, and each was glad when they could alight and separate. In January, 1872, the Liberal Republicans of Missouri issued a call for a national convention at Cincinnati. Greeley and his Tribune took sides with the revolt. Soon they were 58 THE SPOILS SYSTEM the life of it. Henceforth the opposition to the Administra tion increased in strength day by day. The Cincinnati Com mercial and the Springfield, Mass., Republican sided with the Tribune, while the New York Times and Harper s Weekly earnestly advocated Grant's re-election. Sumner had long since broken with Grant. Many other prominent Republi cans in Congress and outside had lost confidence in the Administration, and then become hostile thereto. General Banks was one of these, Stanley Matthews another, George W. Julian another. Senator Schurz openly stated that if Grant should be nominated for a second term he would bolt the ticket. Early in the second session of the Forty-second Con gress there was question of appointing a com mittee on Investigation and Retrenchment. De bating this, Senator Trumbull vigorously de nounced the prevalent a- buses in the civil service. The spoils system had been permitted to in vade every branch of the Government. The odium heaped upon car pet-bag rule at the South was all along due in large measure to its corruption. By their influence and example many white federal office - holders misled the negro officers, State and national, and the voters as well, to regard office as the legiti- HORACE GREELET 59 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY mate prey of the party triumphant on election day. At the North, no less, appointments in an swer to political wire pulling were the regular order of the time. " Work ! " said an office-holder in 1870 ; " I work ed to get here ! You don't expect me to work now I am here ! " Federal offices were needlessly multiplied. In March, 1871, a custom-house appraiser was appointed at Evansville, Ind. He informed " his Senator " and the Secretary of the Treasury that his office was a sinecure, writing " his other Senator " soon after that it ought to be abolished. He was removed and a more contented incumbent appointed. " Yet/* says the ex-appraiser, " there could be no charge of neglect or incompetency, for no officer was ever more faithful and dili gent in drawing his salary than I was during those two years, WILLIAM HENRT FRT After a daguerreotype in the p sion of Horace B. Fry After a daguerreotype in the possession of Charles A. Dana GEORGE RIPLET MARGARET FULLER BAYARD TAYLOR After a daguerreotype in the posses- After a dague sion of Charles A. Dana er a daguerreotype in the histori- After a photograph by Szrony cal collection of H. W. Fay SOME NOTED CONTRIBUTORS TO 60 SHEPHERD AT WASHINGTON THOMAS HICKS CHARLES A. DANA GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS After a daguerreotype by Brady, 1852, in the possession of Charles A. Dana and absolutely there was nothing else to do." In connection with offices where there were far weightier functions than drawing salaries, extravagance, carelessness, and corruption were exposed with damning iteration. In 1871 the District of Columbia had been given a ter ritorial government, with a Governor, a Board of Public Works, and a Legislature. The new territory lived too fast to live long, letting out contracts at exorbitant rates, so that they were bought up and sublet, sometimes again and again. It entered upon ambitious schemes of city improvement, which involved the District in a debt far beyond the lawful limit of $ 1 0,000,000. These and other evidences of wasteful administration led Congress, in 1874, to abolish the territorial system and again assume direct control of the District. Lapse of time disposed Washingtonians kindly to remember Shepherd, the head of the territorial government during the THE TRIBUNE IN ITS EARLY DATS 6l THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY great transformation, and later not a few wished his statue to appear in the city which had been rendered so beautiful and commodious through his agency. More notorious than the " Washington Ring " were the scandals connected with the collection of the revenues. Early in April, 1874, a meeting was held in New York to protest against the revenue and " moiety " laws ; " moiety," meaning that the law gave to a spy, with certain officials, one-half of the property forfeited to the Government by fraud discovered through such person's agency. Under these laws there were repeated instances of technical forfeitures and condemnation on the ground of constructive fraud, owing to some slight accidental mistake. The laws were often confused and self- contradictory, placing honest officials in danger of committing flagrant wrongs by the effort to execute their terms. A. T. Stewart is said to have been at one time liable to a forfeiture of $3, 000,000 for an error of $300. An informer intimated to a revenue official that an im porter had defrauded the Government, paying insufficient duty upon his goods. The official then obtained a secret warrant to seize the importer's books and papers, which was done. The contingent rewards accompanying this business were so enormous that every kind of intrigue, deceit and subornation was practiced. Informers were charged with downright black mail, for which the power to seize private books and papers gave them exceptional opportunity. They sought to stigma tize the entire mercantile class in the importing cities. The terror in which the house of Phelps, Dodge & Co. was long kept by the lurking agents of the Government would be incredible to most of our citizens now. The system would not have surprised people in Naples, but it was revolting to Americans. " Every clerk might become an informer. The Government stealthily put its hand into every counting-room, as the Church through its agents surreptitiously knew every secret of the household." Vicious as it was, not until after 62 REVERSAL OF HEPBURN VS. GRISWOLD Supreme Court of the United States/ etc., it was enacted 1 that no vacancy in the office of Associate Justice should be filled by appointment until the number of Associates should be reduced to six, and thereafter the Supreme Court should consist of a Chief Justice and six Associate Justices/ By an act of loth April, 1869, to take effect from the first Monday of December, 1869, it was enacted 'that the Court should consist of a Chief Justice and eight Associates, and that, for the purposes of this act, there should be appointed an addi tional Judge/ Hepburn vs. Griswold, it is stated in the opinion of the Court in the case, was decided in conference November 27, 1869 (8 Wallace, 626), there being then eight Judges (the Chief Justice and seven Associates) on the bench, the lowest number to which the Court had been reduced. One of them, Justice Grier, resigned February i, 1870. The judgment in Hepburn vs. Griswold was announced from the bench and entered February 7, 1870. Mr. Justice Strong was appointed February 18, 1870, and Mr. Justice Bradley March 21, 1870, and the order for the present [new] argu ment was made by, and the argument itself heard before, the Court of nine, as constituted by act of loth April, 1869."* Both of the new Justices, Strong and Bradley, voted for the reversal. Judgment was rendered in December, 1870, when the Hepburn vs. Griswold decision was set aside by a majority of one. The new dictum of the Court was later quite gen erally accepted as not forced law, as in real accord with the meaning of the Constitution deeply and broadly viewed. We shall recur to the subject again in Chapter X., there arguing that the Court's conclusion was sound ; but at the time not a few classed it with the Dred Scott decision, as a partisan and most dangerous attack upon our fundamental law. Said an eminent writer : " When public opinion has reached the point of tolerating such proceedings, paper constitutions may well be consigned to oblivion before they fall into contempt." *8 Wallace, 528, note. 67 THE LAST QUARTER- CENTURY In spite of all these grounds for criticism, partly solid and partly fanciful, so evidently did the rank and file of the party wish Grant to continue in the White House that his adver saries saw no hope of capturing the Republican convention. Most of them, therefore, allied themselves with the Liberals. The Democrats maintained a policy of " passivity," but long before their convention there were hints that they would accept the bolting Republican candidates as their own, should these not be too radically opposed to democratic ideas. With such aid the separatists expected to carry the country. The convention of Come-outers assembled at Cincinnati on May ist, and effected a permanent organization with Carl Schurz as chairman. Touching the South, the platform declared for general amnesty, local self-government, and the abolition of all military authority as superseding civil law. The suspension of habeas corpus it especially condemned. It denounced corruption in the civil service, and declared against a second term in the Presidency. It demanded a tariff which should not unnecessarily interfere with industry, advocated a speedy return to specie payments, and ended with a eulogy on the Union soldiers. Mr. Greeley was nominated for the Presidency on the sixth ballot. B. Gratz Brown, Governor of Missouri, received the nomination for Vice-President. Grant's friends were not frightened. They pretended, rather, to regard the nomination as a huge joke. All con ceded that Greeley was an honest man, yet he did not inspire confidence. He had a reputation for doing strange, compro mising things. John Sherman thought him " probably the most unfit man for President, except Train, that had ever been mentioned." Many of the Liberals themselves did not fancy him. He was an ultra protectionist, while Schurz and other prominent anti-Administration Republicans leaned toward a revenue tariff. Greeley was understood to intend, in case of his election, to hold his tariff ideas in abeyance in deference to the preferences of his free-trader and low-tariff supporters. 68 GRANT AND GREELEY NOMINATED This understanding did not conduce to men's respect for him. Sumner was for radical measures in the South, which most of the Liberals deprecated. It was Sumner who, in the Forty- second and Forty-third Congresses, so earnestly sought to pass the Sup plementary Civil Rights Bill, with the aim of securing for the Southern negro . , ., ,. i ,. . , ZEBULON B. VANCE social as well as political equality with the white man. It imposed heavy penalties on hotel-keepers, theatre and railway managers and others for conducting their businesses so as in any way to discriminate against the blacks. This bill readily passed the Senate whenever moved, but always failed in the House until March i, 1875, when, a year after Sumner's death, it went upon the statute book to be, by a Supreme Court decision October 3, 1883, declared uncon stitutional and void.* Little as they agreed with one another, however, the majority of the seceders, wishing " anybody to beat Grant," accepted Greeley with no small heartiness. The Republican Convention met at Philadelphia on June 5th. The platform declared for civil service reform and com plete equality in the enjoyment of all civil, political, and public rights throughout the Union, and uttered a somewhat ambigu ous statement in regard to the relations of capital and labor. It upheld the President in his Southern policy, though main taining that State governments should be permitted to function in the fullest degree practicable. The latest amnesty bill of Congress it approved, and it eulogized the President in the highest terms. The Convention exhibited no opposition to Grant, and he was renominated by acclamation. Henry Wil son, of Massachusetts, was given the second place on the ticket, defeating Colfax, who had incurred the enmity of several men influential in the party^ *i^ U. S. Supreme Court Reports, 3. 69 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Between the nomination of Grant and the Democratic Convention at Baltimore, over a month later, public attention was centred upon the attitude of the Demo cratic leaders to the candidacy of Greeley and Brown. That these nominees were not wholly acceptable to the Democracy there could be no doubt. Many of the party chiefs spoke of Greeley with open LYM4N TRUMBULL . . . Ar . i " i / i derision. Yet, as it was evident that if the Liberal candidates did not receive Democratic endorsement all efforts against Grant would prove unavailing, the majority of the party was for Greeley at all hazards. Said ex-Governor Vance, of North Carolina: " If Old Grimes' is in the demo cratic hymn-book, we'll sing him through if it kills us." Accord ingly, the Convention, which assembled at Baltimore July 9th, notwithstanding considerable opposition, accepted the Cincin nati candidates and platform, adjourning in some hope of victory. A few dissatisfied Democrats met at Louisville on September jd and nominated Charles O'Conor for President and John Quincy Adams for Vice-President. Both gentlemen declined, but the nominations were left unchanged. Greeley accepted the Baltimore nomination in a letter dated July i8th. In this he insisted on the "full enfranchise ment " of all the white population at the South, and declared that henceforth Democracy and Republicanism would stand for one and the same idea, "equal rights, regardless of creed or clime or color." The entire effective force of the Democ racy, South as well as North, rallied to the Greeley standard, joined, strangely, by Republicans and Abolitionists like Trum- bull, of Illinois, Julian, of Indiana, Blair, of Michigan, Sedg- wick, of New York, and Bird, of Massachusetts. General W. T. Sherman wrote from Paris to his brother, the Senator: " Of course I have watched the progress of political events from this 'standpoint, and feel amazed to see the turn things 70 BOTH CANDIDATES SEVERELY CRITICISED have taken. Grant, who never was a Republican, is your candidate ; and Greeley, who never was a Democrat, but quite the reverse, is the Democratic candidate." The Senator re plied : " As you say, the Republicans are running a Democrat, and the Democrats a Republican. And there is not an essen tial difference in the platform of principle. The chief interest I feel in the canvass is the preservation of the Republican party, which I think essential to secure the fair enforcement of the results of the war. General Grant has so managed things as to gain the very bitter and active hostility of many of the leading Republicans, and the personal indifference of most of the residue. He will, however, be fairly supported by the great mass of the Republicans, and I still hope and believe will be elected. The defections among Republicans will be made up by Democrats who will not vote for Greeley." On June joth George William Curtis wrote : " The best sentiment of the opposition is that both parties must be destroyed and Greeley's election is the way to destroy them. This is Schurz's ground, who likes Greeley as little as any of us. The argument seems to be, first chaos then cosmos. The Nation and the Evening Post in this dilemma take Grant as the least of evils. He has been foully slandered, and Sum- ner's speech [of May jist see page 75] was unpardonable. He was bitterly indignant at me said that my course was unspeakable and inconsistent, and that I was bringing un speakable woe upon my country. I could only reply, ( Sum- ner, you must learn that other men are as honest as you.'-' Much could be truly said in Greeley's favor. An editor opposed to his election declared " that he was a man of unimpeachable private life, just, charitable, generous ; that like many of our greatest statesmen he had raised himself by his own unaided exertions to a place of great power and distinc tion ; that though he had been all his life a politician he had never basely sought office and had never held office save once, and then very briefly ; that with all his errors his influence had 71 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY always been used in favor of every true reform as well as many that merely promised well ; and that he was a thorough be liever in American ideas and things." Among Grant's critics the cooler argued about as follows : The war issues, they said, should be treated as settled ; in its prosperity the party had become careless ; the President was surrounded by unwise counsellors and influenced by unscru pulous men ; under him the civil service had been debauched as never before, even in Jackson's time ; if he should be re- elected things could not but go from bad to worse. Putting the very best possible construction upon his motives, they de clared, it was obvious that Grant was dividing the party, and therefore should no longer continue its official head. Some of the President's an tagonists did not hesitate even to impugn his honesty. His advocacy of reform in the civil service they denominated " thin twaddle." He was charged with incorrigi ble nepotism. The fact that he had been given a house was deemed suspicious. The utmost was made of his incessant smoking and of his love for fast horses. " It is not a great draft upon the pub lic purse," said one, " nor a creation of a dangerous family influence, when the Presi dent appoints a dozen or more of his rela tives to office ; but it is a bad example, and shows a low view of the presidential office. But far worse than this was the scandal of the President's brother-in-law at the capital following the profession of agent for claims against the Government, carry ing his family influence into the subordinate executive depart ments where such claims are judged, and actually as he testified before a Congressional Committee appealing cases 72 HENRT WILSON B. GRATZ BROWN A CHOICE OF EVILS from the departments to the President and appearing before him to argue them. In effect this was the sale of the Presi dent's influence against the ends of justice by his brother-in- law." This criticism was made by an able writer who, after all, preferred Grant to Greeley. The President's thick and thin supporters pleaded that under his administration the public debt had been decreased, taxes lowered, the utmost honesty and economy introduced in public affairs, industry revived, and confidence restored. They alleged that the cause of the Cincinnati Convention was noth ing but selfish discontent. The meeting, they said, had been controlled by scheming politicians and place-hunters, who knew that under Greeley they could have what they wished. If Grant was incompetent, it was asked, what would be the state of affairs should Greeley, who had hardly ever in his life held an office, and never an administrative office, be elected ! A very large class of Republicans admitted as true most that was put forth in criticism of the Administration, yet wished Grant elected. " Of Grant," said one of these Republicans, " we have some reason to think that we know the worst. It appears that he favors civil service reform at least as much as Mr. Greeley does. His relations are now, we believe, all com fortably provided for ; gratified citizens have showered upon him as many gifts as he will probably care to receive." " Pitiful as it is to be compelled to choose one of two evidently unfit persons for the highest office in the nation, our prefer ence would be for General Grant. . . Though of proved incapacity in civil government, he is still believed to be honest, cautious and steady, with a reserve of intellectual power and moral purpose which, in any coming crisis of our affairs, might be an invaluable aid to the country." This writer did not doubt that Grant was " stolid, barren of ideas, and below the intellectual level of Jackson, Taylor and Harrison," admitted that vast numbers of Republicans would vote for him merely as a choice of evils, and declared that his re-election could not 73 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY be taken for an unqualified approval of his administration. " Grant," he said, " conspicuously fails " in obvious desire for the people's good ; " his presence inspires no enthusiasm ; his pulse does not beat with the popular heart ; he has the cold ness of Washington without his lofty self-devotion." As the conflict deepened feeling waxed painfully bitter and the meanest personal allusions were common. Greeley's supporters dubbed their candidate " Honest Old Horace ; " the opposition, remembering his bail to Jefferson Davis, whom most abolitionists wished hung, called him " Old Bail-Bonds." " Grant beat Davis," they said, " Greeley bailed him." He was named " Horrors Greeley," and his homely manners were made the subject of innumerable jests. "Greeley " so ran one relatively sober estimate " Greeley, with his immense experi ence and acuteness, and philanthropic philosophy of life, is still unsteady, grotesque, obstinate and ridiculous epithets never yet justly applicable, all at once, to a President of the United States." Cartoons, which played a great figure in this campaign, vastly exaggerated his corpulency. On the unfortunate B. Gratz Brown the stalwarts heaped the worst disgrace which a politi cal candidate can receive, that of being ignored. His views and his record were never mentioned ; only his bare name came before the pub lic. In every car toon by Nast where Greeley was represented, a tag bearing the legend " and Gratz Brown," hung from his coat-tail. Carl Schurz and Whitelaw Reid, both fighting Greeleyites, were pictured with classical and pedantic features, eye-glasses big as tea-cups, and legs ten feet long. Such coarseness was not confined to the supporters of the 74 A BITTER CAMPAIGN Administration. The Gree- ley press made Grant call to his intimates to bid him good-by, as he sang : " My friends are gone to Chappa- qua, Oh, put me in my little bed." Chappaqua was Greeley's country residence. Greeley was dubbed " Old Whitey " for his coat and hat, his most unique habiliments, and the fol lowing doggerel was concocted, equally unique in its good humor : "Press where ye see my White Hat gleam amid the ranks of war, And be your oriflamme this day the Coat of Chappaqua." On May Jist Sumner delivered a speech in which he ap plied to the President the following extract from a letter of Lord Durham to Henry Brougham : " Among the foremost purposes ought to be the downfall of this odious, insulting, degrading, aide-de-campish, incapable dictatorship. At such a crisis, is this country to be left at the mercy of barrack coun cils and mess-room politics ? " If the disclosures and falsehoods about the Credit Mobi- lier, of which we shall give an account in the next Chapter, hurt the party in power, the revelations already made and still coming out concerning the Tweed Ring told against Greeley's cause. Tweed was of Tammany, and Tammany, now in the worst repute it had ever borne, threw to the breeze the Greeley flag. The question of Female Suffrage also plagued Mr. Greeley. The National Women's Suffrage Association met in New York May 9, 1872, and adopted resolutions strongly condemning him for his position in regard to their movement assever ating the right of women to vote under the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. 75 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Nor was this all. As an uncompromising opponent of the Democracy, Greeley had during his editorial career wielded a terribly caustic pen. This fact much aggravated his new position. A cut in Harper s Weekly represented him in the act of eating uncomfortably hot soup from a dish bearing the inscription, " My own words and deeds." Greeley had said that the Democratic party would be better off if there were not a school-house in the country, and he had always repre sented that only people of the lowest sort naturally found their way to its ranks. Now, as " standard-bearer of the great Lib eral movement," he had accepted the nomination of that very party. Against Greeley the arch-abolitionist, every fire-eater paper at the South had for twenty-five years been discharging its most venomous spleen. Once, before the war, a Northern sheet characterized the representative plantation lord as sigh ing : " Oh for a nigger and oh for a whip, Oh for a cocktail and oh for a nip, Oh for a shot at Old Greeley and Beecher, Oh for a whack at a Yankee school-teacher ; And so he kept ohing for what he had not, Not contented with owing for all he had got." Now the quondam plantation lord was invited to the polls to vote for the " Old Greeley " aforesaid. Numerous and weighty as were Grant's faults and Greeley' s virtues, events or sentiments proved too strong for the bolting movement. Many for a time deluded themselves with the hope of its triumph, but as election day approached it became evident that Grant would receive an overwhelming majority in the electoral college. Most of those Republicans who at first disinclined to vote for Grant, hop ing for a better man, determined, as the campaign advanced, to put up with the ills they had rather than fly to the unknown CHARLES O'CONOR 7 6 GREELEY'S DEATH ones which they believed the promotion of Greeley sure to bring. As State after State declared for Republicanism during the late summer and fall, the shadows of defeat lengthened across Greeley's path. Finally he undertook a personal canvass, stumping New Hampshire and Maine in August, Pennsylvania and Ohio in September. From this campaign work 7 HN TZ ADAMS he was called to the death-bed of his wife,- over whose stricken form he watched with the tenderest love and care until she passed away, a week before the election. His defeat at the polls was overwhelming. He carried but six States, all of them Southern. Grant's popular majority approached three-quarters of a million. Mr. Greeley was quite spent in body and mind by the terrible bitterness of the campaign, by the magnitude of his defeat, and most of all by his deep bereavement. Before his wife's death he had said to an intimate, " I am a broken old man. I have not slept one hour in twenty-four for a month. If she lasts, poor soul, another week, I shall go before her." For six weeks he did not enjoy a night of natural sleep. Malaria had already undermined his system, and on November 29th he succumbed, ere the shouts of the victors had died away. At once all laid aside thoughts of triumph, his bitterest enemies hastening to do honor to the memory of his noble character. In the death of Horace Greeley the nation lost a citizen of sterling worth and deep patriotism. Opinionated, an ideal ist rather than a practitioner in his contention for right, he had been led into more than one quixotic error, laying himself open to attacks that left their sting. His judgments were often precipitate and unsound. June 29, 1862, he wrote to J. R. Giddings : " We are going to ruin. McClellan is certainly a fool, probably a traitor, and Halleck is no better. We are doomed/' But every one now forgot the man's blunders 77 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY and remembered only the purity and benevolence of his spirit. No one had ever impeached the honesty of his motives. It was the universal verdict that he had been a man of great soul and lofty devotion, not unworthy the title bestowed upon him by Whittier, of " The Modern Franklin." As in duty bound, Congress, on February 12, 1873, counted the electoral vote. When the State of Georgia was reached, Mr. Beck, of Kentucky, announced three of the votes of that State for Greeley. The House voting to reject these, since the candidate was dead at the time they were cast, and the Senate voting to receive them, they were thrown out under the Twenty-second Joint Rule, then in force. Upon different objections, but under the same rule, the votes of Arkansas and Louisiana were also rejected. Had Greeley lived he would probably have received sixty electoral votes. Grant was inaugurated March 4, 1873. In his inaugural address he declared strongly for the establishment of the ne groes' civil rights. He maintained that no executive control was exercised in the Southern States which would not be had in others under similar circumstances. He favored the exten sion of the country's territorial domains, pledging himself to the restoration, so far as possible, of good feeling, and to the establishment of the currency on a solid basis. He urged the construction of cheaper inland routes for travel and trade, and also the re-establishment of our foreign commerce. The campaign of 1872 naturally sweetened Sumner's temper toward the Southern people. In a letter to the col ored voters of the United States, dated July 29, 1872, he said : " Pile up the ashes, extinguish the flame, abolish the hate such is my desire." In accordance with this sentiment he introduced in the Senate a bill providing that the names of battles against citizens of the United States while in rebellion should not be continued in the army register or placed on the colors of regiments. This failed to pass, but an act did pass which happily reduced to some extent the rancor felt by the 78 REPUBLICAN POLICY AT THE SOUTH HENRT CLAY WARMOTH. South against the North. It removed political disabilities from all citizens of the late Con federacy, except Senators and Representatives in the Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Con gresses, officers in the judicial, military and naval service, and heads of departments and foreign ministers of the United States. This act was approved May 22, 1872. However, the Re publican programme for governing the Southern States was as yet by no means essentially al tered. Congressional discussions over race difficulties were re newed with some bitterness when, in May, 1872, a bill was brought before Congress, extending to all election precincts the act of 1871, whereby Federal Supervisors could be ap pointed in towns of over 20,000 inhabitants. It passed the Senate without great difficulty. In the House it was strenu ously opposed, its enemies dubbing it " election by bayonet." It finally passed the House also, June 8th, as an amendment to an appropriation bill. During the second session of the Forty-second Congress, there was more or less race trouble in the South, and the anti- Administration forces took occasion to reflect anew on the President's policy under the Force Act. On January 25, 1873, the House passed a resolution re questing the President to inform Congress touching the condition of South Carolina, in which State, under the authority of the act of April 20, 1871, he had sus pended the writ of habeas corpus. The citizens of the State also made a request for a statement of the Government's policy in prosecutions under that act. The reply stated that the Executive was dis posed, except in grave cases, to show great P. B. S. PINCHBECK 79 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY clemency and to discontinue prosecutions against violators of the law. The election of November, 1870, gave Louisiana to the Republicans by a substantial majority, but almost immediately the party began to break up into factions. Governor Warmoth was opposed by leading federal officers, who succeeded in gaining control of the Republican State convention. With the assembling of the Legislature in January, 1872, the situation assumed a grave character. On the death of Lieutenant-Governor Dunn, in November of the previous year, P. B. S. Pinchback, a colored adherent of Warmoth, had been elected President of the Senate, but the Administration leaders declared his election illegal. In the House, Speaker Carter, an anti-Warmoth man, was antagonized by Warmoth's friends. After a bitter struggle, during which Warmoth and a number of his supporters were arrested by the Federal authorities, Carter was deposed. A congressional committee investigated the quarrel, but could not quiet it, and the politics of Louisiana continued in an inflamed condition. Estrangement soon arose between Governor Warmoth and Pinchback, Warmoth heading the Liberal Republican movement in the State. After much manoeuvring the Liberals united with the Democratic and " Reform " parties in a fusion ticket headed by John McEnery, with an electoral ticket sup porting Greeley and Brown. The Pinchback faction united with the Grant party, nominating W. P. Kellogg for Governor and Pinchback for Congressman-at-large. There can be little doubt that McEnery was elected by a large majority. The returns of the election were to be submitted to the State Returning Board. At the time of the election the Board consisted of Governor Warmoth, Lieut.-Gov. Pinchback, Sec retary of State Herron, John Lynch, and T. C. Anderson. When this board met, Pinchback and Anderson being candi dates for office at this election whose result was to be deter mined, were declared incapable of serving. The Governor 80 THE DISPERSAL OF THE McENERT LEGISLATURE AT ODD FELLOES' HALL, NEW ORLEANS On March 6th, 1873, a body of Metropolitan Police, under orders from General Longstreet, the Commander of the Kellogg militia, marched to Odd Fellows^ Hall, where the McEnery Legislature was in session, and arrested the only Jive members who refused to disperse or to leave the building. FORCE AND ANARCHY IN LOUISIANA supplanted Herron with a more trusty friend, and proceeded to fill the other two vacancies. In like manner. Lynch and Herron, professing to be the true board, supplied their own lack in numbers. In December, the Supreme Court of the State declared Herron an intruder into the office of Secretary of State, thus demolishing the Lynch and Herron board,, while Federal Circuit Judge E. H. Durell, in answer to Kellogg's prayer, enjoined Warmoth's board from acting. Meantime a legislative act, duly passed and approved, ousted both boards and provided for a new one. This being speedily organized, the returns were canvassed and McEnery was de clared elected Governor by a majority of 7,000. Kellogg's prospects now seemed desperate, but they did not prove to be so. On the night of December 5th, " in his own chambers, without any previous motion in Court," Justice Durell drew up and issued to the United States Marshal, Packard, the following: "It is hereby ordered, that the Marshal of the United States for the District of Louisiana shall forth with take possession of the building known as the Mechanics* Institute and occupied as the State-house, for the assembling of the Legislature therein, in the city of New Orleans, and hold the same subject to the further order of the Court; and mean while to prevent all unlawful assemblage therein under the guise or pretext of authority claimed by virtue of pretended canvass and returns made by said pretended returning officers- in contempt and violation of said restraining order; but the Marshal is directed to allow the ingress and egress to and from the public offices in said building, of persons entitled to the same." This mandate, void in point of law, was efficient, and next morning, obeying the Marshal's order, Captain Jackson, with United States soldiers, began a six weeks' occupation of the State-house. Collector of the Port, Casey, tele graphed the President: "Marshal Packard took possession of State-house this morning, at an early hour, with military 83 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY posse, in obedience to a mandate of Circuit Court, to prevent illegal assemblage of persons under guise of authority of War- moth's returning board, in violation of injunction of Circuit Court. . . The decree was sweeping in its provisions, and if enforced will save the Republican majority and give Louisiana a Republican Legislature and State government. " The same day the Lynch board met and, though without the returns, elected Kellogg Governor by 19,000 majority. They then proceeded by the very easy and summary method set forth in the following bit of testimony, to create a Republi can legislature in place of the legal body: By Mr. Carpenter. Q. " You estimated it, then, upon the basis of what you thought the vote ought to have been ? " By Lynch. A. " Yes, sir. That was just the fact, and I think, on the whole, we were pretty correct." This Legislature at once impeached Warmoth, thus mak ing Pinchback Governor for the unexpired term. The Court again aided, enjoining all not named on the Lynch list from claiming office, and enjoining Warmoth from interfering with the organization of the Lynch Legislature. On December n, 1872, Pinchback telegraphed the Attorney-General at Washington : " May I suggest that the commanding general be authorized to furnish troops upon my requisition upon him, for the protection of the Legislature and the gubernatorial office ? " Kellogg, the heir apparent, also telegraphed: "If the President in some way indicates recogni tion, Governor Pinchback and Legislature would settle every thing." Collector Casey co-operated : " The delay in placing troops at disposal of Governor Pinchback, in accordance with joint resolution, is disheartening our friends and cheering our enemies. If requisition of Legislature is complied with, all difficulty will be dissipated, the party saved, . . and the tide will be turned at once in our favor . . . . " Next day, the I2th, Attorney-General Williams re sponded: From the Report of the Investigating Committee CjOing On, SUh P We won't stand it no mo,' suh ! The Governor has sent for his staff to meet with him and consult about it in Columbia, suh ! I am one of his staff, suh ! We won't stand it any longer, suh ! No, suh ! It is intolerable, suh ! No, suh ! ' ' Stand what ? ' I asked, in surprise, not unmixed with dread. c What is going on ? ' He answered : Stand the encroachments on our Southern institutions, suh ! ^Governor Chamberlain's Administration in South Carolina, Preface, vi. THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY The abolitionists must be crushed, suh ! We will do it, suh ! South Carolina is ready, suh ! ' "* In reconstruction times Southern heroes of this stamp turned up as " scalawags." Most of the scalawags so hated after the war were the fire-eaters, old slave-traders, and plantation overseers whom decent society had tabooed before the war. They had no social position to lose, and it was but natural, their social superiors being Democrats, that they themselves should become ardent Republicans. Negro voters they now bought and sold, or shot, just as formerly they had bought and sold, or shot, negro slaves. These same men, who, under Republican rule, sought, with too much success, to lead the blacks, reappeared with the restoration of the Democracy in their original character as negro-baiters, hunting and killing their poor victims whenever this met party exigencies better than bribery did. A few old Whigs and perhaps some others joined the Republicans on principle. In the heat of political controversy these might be denounced as scalawags, but they were of a different spirit. Soon after the reconstruction of his State, at a public meeting in celebration of the event, Wade Hampton advised THE STA Will pay to the Order of M For amount of acccu.i ecl by the, HOUSE OF R Facsimile of a " Gratuity " Voted to Governor Moses by the South Carolina Legisla ture in 1871 the blacks to seek political affiliation with the best native whites, as both races equally wished order and prosperity *S. S. Cox, "Three Decades of Federal Legislation." 116 THE "CARPET-BAGGER" restored. Beverly Nash, colored, addressed the meeting, urg ing the same. "His people," he said, "recognized the Southern white man as their c true friend,' and he wished all the Confederates re-enfranchised. In this temper colored men formed the Union Republican party of South Carolina, and adopted a platform free from rancor. Unfortunately, such chance for affiliation was lost. Causes were at work which soon lessened Sambo's respect for " Old Massa," and " Old Massa's " for Sambo. Republicans from the North flocked to the South, whom the blacks, viewing them as representing the emancipation party, naturally wel comed and followed. These cc carpet-baggers/' as they were called, were made up, in the main, of military officers still or formerly in service, Freedmen's Bureau agents, old Union soldiers who had bought Southern farms, and people who had settled at the South for purposes of trade. There were, no doubt, many perfectly honest carpet-bag gers, and the fullest justice should be done to such. They considered themselves as true missionaries in partibus, commis sioned by the great Republican party to complete the regime of righteousness which the war and the emancipation proclam ation had begun. A prominent Democratic politician, describ ing a reconstruction Governor of his State, whom he had done his best to overthrow, said : " I regard him as a thoroughly honest man and opposed to corruption and extravagance in office. I think his desire was to make a good Executive and to administer the affairs of the State in the interest of the people, but the want of sympathy between him and the white people of the State, and his failure to appreciate the relations and prejudices of the two races, made it next to impossible for him to succeed." In the States where the worst evils were suffered the really guilty parties were usually few, the great body of legislators being innocently inspired by some loud and ringing watchword like " internal improvements," or " the development of the 117 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY State," to vote for measures devised to enrich cunning sharks and speculators. What history will condemn in connection with the reconstruction governments is not so much individuals as the system which permitted a few individuals to be so bane- fully influential, not only in spite of their well-meaning asso ciates but by means of these. Moreover, carpet-bagger character differed somewhat with locality. Perhaps the recon- structionists of Mississippi were the best. We have evidence that the majority of the white leaders there were honest, being moved in their public acts by strong convictions of right and justice, which cost many of them their lives. But even of the honest carpet-baggers many were idealists, little likely to help reconcile the races, nearly certain to be misled by their shrewd but unprincipled colleagues. All were disliked and mistrusted by the local whites, as aliens, as late foes in arms, as champions of an order intolerable to the dom inant Anglo-Saxon. The sons of Dixie had been educated to believe in the negro as an inferior being. The Confederacy had been, in a way, based on this principle. To establish a government so founded they had ventured everything and had lost. A power unjust and tyrannical, as they conceived, had filled their States with mourning, beggared them, freed their slaves, and, as a last injury and insult, done its best to make the negro their political equal. They resisted, some passively, others actively. The best of them could not but acquiesce with a certain joy when the younger and more lawless used violence and ven murder to remove the curse. The powerful hand of the Federal Government, sometimes itself perpetrating outrages in effort to suppress such, was evaded by excuses and devices of all sorts. When it was withdrawn, the Southerners announced boldly that theirs was a white man's government and that the ex-slaves should never take part in it. On the race issue the North, including no few Republi cans and even carpet-baggers themselves, gradually sided with 118 BEGINNINGS OF NEGRO SUFFRAGE CHILDREN S CABRIACES, WACUJ1S. ie. S.reel. Nexl Door lo R. A W. C. Swaffiel, the South. Northern Republicans, especially such as had travelled in the South, not seldom regretted that the suf- rage had ever been given to the blacks. It is interesting to notice that the idea of colored men's voting did not originate at the North. Till 1 834 and 183 5 free men of color voted in Tennessee and North Carolina. In some sec tions " the opposing candidates, for the nonce oblivious of social dis- tinctionsand intent only on catching votes, hob nobbed with the men and swung corners all with the dusky damsels at election balls/' In 1867 General Wade Hampton, being invited by the colored people to address them at Co lumbia, S. C., did so, advocating a qualified suffrage for them. After the war Mississippi whites voted unanimously for the Fifteenth Amendment. On the other hand, in the North, at first only Stevens and Sum ner were for negro suffrage. So late as 1865 Oliver P. Morton was strenuous against it,* foretel ling most of the evils which the system actually brought forth. In 1865 Connecticut rejected a negro suffrage amendment by 6,272 majority; in 1867 Ohio, Kansas and Minnesota did the same by the respective majorities of 50,620, 8,923 and 1,298. In 1868 New York followed their example with a majority of 32,601. *See North American Review, Vol. 12,3, p. 259 et seq. 119 Facsimile of a Bill for Furnishing the State House at Columbia, S. C., in 1872. THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY The experiment being tried, all interests, not least those of the blacks themselves, were found to require that the supe rior race should rule. It seemed strange that any were ever so dull as to expect the success of the opposite polity. One perfectly honest carpet-bag Governor confessed that while he could give the people of his State "a pretty tolerable govern ment," he could not possibly give them one that would satisfy " the feelings, sentiments, prejudices or what not of the white people generally in that State." The good carpet-baggers and the bad alike somehow exerted an influence which had the effect of morbidly inflam ing the negro's sense of independence and of engaging him in politics. His former wrongs were dwelt upon and the bal lot held up as a providential means of righting them. The negro was too apt a pupil, not in the higher politics of prin ciple but in the politics of office and "swag." In 1872 the National Colored Republican Convention adopted a resolution " earnestly praying that the colored Republicans of States where no federal positions were given to colored men might no longer be ignored, but be stimulated by some recognition of federal patronage." The average negro expressed his views on public affairs by the South Carolina catch : " De bottom rail am on de top, and we's gwineter keep it dar." " The reformers complain of taxes being too high," said Beverly Nash in 1874, after he had become State Senator ; " I tell you that they are not high enough. I want them taxed until they put those lands back where they belong, into the hands of those who worked for them. You worked for them ; you labored for them and were sold to pay for them, and you ought to have them." The tendency of such exhortation was most vicious. In their days of serfdom the negroes' besetting sin had been thievery. Now that the opportunities for this were multiplied, the fear of punishment gone, and many a carpet-bagger at hand to encourage it, the prevalence of public and private BEVERLY NASH NEGRO VICES stealing was not strange. Larceny was nearly universal, burglary painfully common. At night watch had to be kept over property with dogs and guns. It was part, or at least an effect, of the carpet-bag policy to aggravate race jealousies and sectional mis understandings. The duello, still good form all over the South, induced disregard of law and of human life. " The readiness of white men to use the pistol kept the colored people respectful to some extent, though they fearfully avenged any grievances from whites by applying the torch to out-buildings, gin-houses, and often dwellings. To white children they were at times extremely insolent and threatening. White ladies had to be very prudent with their tongues, for colored domestics gave back word for word, and even followed up words with blows if reprimanded too cuttingly. It was also, after emancipation, notoriously unsafe for white ladies to venture from home without an escort. . . If a white man shot a colored man, an excited mob of blacks would try to lynch him. His friends rallied to the rescue, and a riot often resulted. The conditions were reversed if a white man was shot by a negro." Negro militia at the governors' beck and call alarmed the whites. White companies formed and offered themselves for service, swearing to keep the peace, but were made to disband. To the Union and Loyal Leagues on the reconstructionists' side answered the Ku-Klux Klan, al ready described, on the other. Colored men were quite too unintelligent to make laws or even to elect those who were to do so. At one time doz ens of engrossed bills were passed back and forth between the two Houses of the Alabama Legislature that errors in them might be corrected. According to contemporary reports the Lower House expelled one of its clerks for bad orthography and appointed a specialist to rectify the errors. Upon 121 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY exposure of clerical mistakes the Upper House could not fix the blame, some Senators being unable to write three lines correctly, others wholly ignorant even of reading. One easily imagines how intolerable the doings of such public ser vants must have been. The colored legislators of South Carolina furnished the State House with gorgeous clocks at $480 each, mirrors at ^750, and chandeliers at #650. Their own apartments were a barbaric display of gewgaws, carpets and upholstery. The minority of a congressional committee recited that " these ebony statesmen " purchased a lot of imported china cuspi dors at 1 8 apiece, while Senators and representatives " at the glorious capital of the nation " had to be " content with a plain earthenware article of domestic manufacture." Of the Palmetto State Solons in 1873 an eye-witness wrote : cc They are as quick as lightning at points of order, and they certainly make incessant and extraordinary use of their knowledge. No one is allowed to talk five minutes without interruption, and one interruption is the signal for another and another, until the original speaker is smothered under an avalanche of them. Forty questions of privilege will be raised in a day. At times nothing goes on but alter nating questions of order and of privilege. The inefficient colored friend who sits in the Speaker's chair can not suppress this extraordinary element in the debate. Some of the black est members exhibit a pertinacity in raising these points of order and questions of privilege that few white men can equal. Their struggles to get the floor, their bellowings and physical contortions, baffle description. The Speaker's ham mer plays a perpetual tattoo, all to no purpose. The talking and interruptions from all quarters go on with the utmost license. Everyone esteems himself as good as his neighbor and puts in his oar, apparently as often for love of riot and confusion as for anything else." Around the State-house, during the session of a Legis- FREEDMEN AS LEGISLATORS THE SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE OF 1873 PASSING AN APPROPRIATION BILL lature in which were colored representatives, a dense crowd of open-mouthed negroes would stand, rain or shine, and stare at the walls from hour to hour, day after day. In one State election in South Carolina Judge Carpenter, an old South Carolinian and a Republican, ran in opposition to the carpet- 123 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY bag candidate. Against him it was charged that if he were elected he would re-enslave the blacks, or that, failing in this, he would not allow their wives and daughters to wear hoop- skirts. Another judge was threatened with impeachment and summoned before the Legislature above described, because he had " made improper reflections on a colored woman of doubt ful character." There were said to be in South Carolina alone, in Novem ber, 1874, two hundred negro trial justices who could neither read nor write, also negro school commissioners equally igno rant, receiving a thousand a year each, while negro juries, decid ing delicate points of legal evidence, settled questions involving lives and property. Property, which had to bear the burden of taxation, had no voice, for the colored man had no property. Taxes were levied ruinously, and money was appropriated with a lavish hand. The public debt of Alabama was increased between 1868 and 1874 from $8,356,083. 51 to 125,503,593.30, including straight and endorsed railroad bonds.* A large part of this went for illegitimate expenses of the Legislature ; much more was in the form of help to railroads ; much went into the hands of legislators and officials ; little was returned to the people in any form. In 1860 the expenses of the Florida Legislature were $17,000; in 1869 they were $67,000.*}* Bonds to the amount of $4,000,000, which this State issued to sub sidize railroads, were marketed with difficulty. For some the best terms obtainable were fifty cents on the dollar.J In less than four months the Legislature of North Carolina authorized the issue of more than $25,000,000 in bonds, princi pally for railroads, $14,000,000 being issued and sold at from nine to forty-five cents on the dollar. The counties began to exploit their credit in the same way, and some of the wealthier *Hilary A. Herbert, "Why the Solid South," p. 62. (-Samuel Pasco, " Why the Solid South, p. 150. JIbid. 124 EXTRAVAGANT EXPENDITURES had their scrip hawked about at ten cents on the dollar.* In 1871 the Louisiana Legislature made an over-issue of State warrants to the extent of $200,000, some of which were sold at two and a half cents on the dollar and funded at par/j~ In 1873 the tax levy in New Orleans was three per cent. Four and a half years of Republican rule cost Louisiana 106 millions, to say nothing of privileges and franchises given away.J Clark County, Arkansas, was left with a debt of $300,000 and $500 worth of improvements. ^[ Chicot County spent $400,000 with nothing in return ; and Pulaski County, including Little Rock, nearly a million. Town, county and school scrip was worth ten to thirty cents on the dollar, and State scrip with five per cent, interest brought only twenty-five cents. The bonded debt of Tennessee, most of it created in aid of railroads and turnpikes, was increased by $16,000,000, and the bonds were sold at from seventeen to forty cents on the dollar for greenbacks. In Nashville,** when there was no currency in the treasury, checks were drawn, often in the name of fictitious persons, made payable to bearer, and sold by the ring to note-shavers for what they would bring. Warrants on the Texas treasury brought forty-five cents a dollar, and the bonds of the State were practically val- ueless.ff In Mississippi during 1875, including $374,119.80, vouchers, etc., not charged on the books, $2,164,928.22 were expended. In 1893 the expenditures were only $1,249,- 193.91. In 1870 the State tax rate was $5 on the $1,000. In 1871 it was $4; in 1872, $8.50; in 1873, $12.50; in *S. B. Weeks, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. IX., p. 686 et seq. Cf. " Why the Solid South," pp. 80, 82. Mr. Weeks vouches for the truth of ail the above statements relating to North Carolina. fB. J. Sage, " Why the Solid South," p. 403. JIbid., 406. ^|W. M. Fishback, "Why the Solid South," p. 309. See ibid, for the other references to Arkansas. |J. P. Jones, " Why the Solid South," p. 214. **Ibid, 199. ffChas. Stewart, "Why the Solid South," p. 378. On all the foregoing debt state ments see also S. B. Weeks in Political Science Quarterly, Vol. IX., p. 68 1 et seq. THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY 1874, $14. In 1875 ^ fe^ to $9' 2 5* The Democrats came in in 1876, whereupon the rate fell to $6, decreasing contin ually until it reached $2.50 (1882-1885), a ^ ter which time it rose once more in, 1894 standing at $6. The average county tax rate also fell from $13.39, m l %74> to 17-68, in 1894. Comparing the average rate between the years 1870 and 1875, inclusive, with that between 1876 and 1894, inclusive, we find that the State tax rate under Republican rule was two and a third times higher than under the Democrats afterward. The county tax rate for the same six years averaged about an eighth higher than for the nineteen years after 1875. Under the Republicans the annual average of auditor's warrants issued for common schools was $56,184.39. To September, 1895, the Democrats issued an average nearly six times as large. Mississippi's total payable and interest-bearing debt on January i, 1876, when the Democratic administration succeeded the Republican, amounted to $984,200, besides $414,958.31 in unpaid auditor's warrants. The Republicans' expenditures were as in the following table : 1870 (Beginning March n) . . $ 975*455-65 1871 (For the whole year) . 1,729,046.34 1872 ..... 1,596,828.64 1873 . 1,450,632.80 1874 '..... 1,319,281.60 1875 ...... 1,430,192.83 Total ... . v $8,501,437.86 Average per annum . . $1,464,480.00 After the downfall of the Republican order the heaviest expenditures were in 1894 $1,378,752.70; the lightest, $518,709.03, in 1876. The average annual expenditure from 1876 to 1894 was between sixty and seventy per cent, of the average for reconstruction times.* *The Mississippi figures are vouched for by J. J. Evans, State Treasurer in October, 1895, as from the Mississippi State Treasurer's and Auditor's books and reports. The author begs his readers' pardon for using in the Magazine draft of this History a table of Southern State recon struction debts which enormously exaggerated the Mississippi and also the Georgia debt. 126 CORRUPTION IN GEORGIA When, in July, 1868, Rufus B. Bullock became Gov ernor of Georgia, the debt of that State stood at $5, 8 27,000. All had been created since the war except the Brunswick and Albany debt about to be mentioned. $429,000 of the debt, perhaps more, was paid during Governor Bullock's three years, but the bonded indebtedness of the State was meantime in creased by the issue of $3,000,000 in gold bonds for the State's own behoof, and of $1,800,000 gold bonds in pay ment of a State war debt to the Brunswick and Albany Rail road Company. Considering this sum the State's debt at the end of the war, its actual debt on January i, 1874, being $8,343,000, we may place the debt incurred during recon struction at about six and a half millions. The outstanding bonds of defaulted railroads the validity of which was acknowl edged by the State, are not included in this amount. The contingent liabilities of the State were also increased during the Bullock administration by the endorsement of rail road bonds to a total of $6,923,400. The Georgia Air Line returned $240,000, which should be deducted from the above total. On the other hand, the total must be enlarged by $400,- ooo in bonds of the Macon and Brunswick Railroad Com pany, endorsed, as it would seem, though no official record was made, by Governor Jenkins. It was charged and almost universally believed, but not proved, that State endorsement was often, if not regularly, secured before the beneficiary roads had built and equipped the required number of miles. The Cartersville and Van Wert secured $275,000 of endorsed bonds ; then, changing its name to the Cherokee Railroad and agreeing to withdraw these bonds, obtained a new issue of endorsed bonds to the amount of $300,000. The first issue was not, after all, withdrawn, and color was thus given to insin uations against Governor Bullock's integrity. Such insin uations were also made in the case of the Bainbridge and Columbus road, but fell flat. $240,000 in bonds for this road the Governor endorsed before leaving the State on a temporary 127 CHARLES HATES OF ALABAMA THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY visit, but the guarantee could not be valid without the State seal. The Secretary of State was to affix this in case the road com plied with the conditions, which was not done, and the bonds were never issued. The Georgia railroad bonds were bought partly by Northerners, partly by a German syndicate. At home they were ceaselessly denounced as " bogus " and " fraudulent," on the- ground that they had been issued con trary to the conditions of the authorizing statutes, as well as, in some cases, to the Constitution of the State. The State, how ever, refused to submit the question to her courts, but re pudiated the bonds, and, to assure herself against payment, in 1877 embodied the repudiation in her Constitution.* The first South Carolina Legislature under the recon structed Constitution, an excellent instrument, by the way, consisted of seventy-two white and eighty-five colored mem bers, containing only twenty-one white Democrats. At that date the State's funded debt amounted to $5,407,306. 27. At the close of the four years of Governor R. K. Scott's admin istration, December, 1872, though no public works of appreci able importance had been begun or completed, that debt, with past-due interest, amounted to $ 18,5 15,033.91. This increase represented " only increased, extravagant and prof ligate current expenditures." In December, 1873, an Act was passed declaring invalid $5, 965,000 of the bonds known as "conversion" bonds, recognizing as valid $11,480,033.91 in principal and accrued interest, and providing for refunding the debt in new bonds at 50 per cent, of the par value of the old. Between 1868 and December, 1874, the total cost of sessions of the Legislature, six regular and two special, *The direct gold bonds to the Brunswick and Albany were among the repudiated. The only railroad bonds recognized as valid amounted to $2,688,000 to four different roads, one of which was paying its interest. Tenth Census, Vol. VII., p. 585. 128 EXAGGERATED STORIES OF VIOLENCE was $2,147, 43-97> to Sa 7 nothing of bills payable for legis lative expenses, amounting to $192,275.15.* The total cost of State printing and advertising during the period named was $1,104,569.91, and during the last three years thereof $9 1 8,- 629.86. Running deficiencies were simply enormous. For the single fiscal year ending October 31, 1874, they were $472,619.54. Warrants, orders and certificates for public money were issued when no funds were on hand to pay them. There was thus, in addition to the bonded debt, a floating indebtedness of nearly or quite a million dollars.f By 1874, in most of the Southern States, the carpet-bag governments had succumbed. Such States were well on the way to order and prosperity, though breaches of the peace still occurred there with distressing frequency. From Ala bama, in particular, came startling reports of terrorism. They had some foundation, but were greatly exaggerated by interested or ill-informed persons. In a letter to Hon. Joseph R. Hawley, Hon. Charles Hayes wrote of one Allen as having been beaten by ruffians and threatened with death if he " didn't keep his mouth shut about that d d Yankee, Billings/' who had been assassinated. To a New York 'Tribune correspondent Allen said he had been assaulted by a solitary gentleman, armed only with the weapons of nature, who scratched his face. Some " massacred " persons denied that they had been hurt at all. Such violence as did occur by no means always proceeded from whites. It is well authenticated that colored Democrats were maltreated by colored Republi cans. The blacks were often unfriendly to whites even when these were Republicans. It is quite true that where negroes were thought to be politically dangerous or were otherwise obnoxious to the whites they received little consideration. Sixteen were taken from a jail in Tennessee and shot by a band of masked horsemen, their bodies being left in the road. ^Governor Chamberlain's Administration in South Carolina, p. 17. flbid., p. 1 8 et seq. 129 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY The Governor offered a reward for the apprehension of the murderers, when one turned State's evidence and told every thing. The others were at once arrested ; whether punished does not appear. 130 CHAPTER VI DECLINE OF THE TRANSITIONAL GOV ERNMENTS IN SOUTH CAROLINA, ARKANSAS, MISSISSIPPI, AND LOUISIANA GEN. SHERMAN ON THE SOUTHERN PROBLEM. RECKLESS LEGIS LATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA. APPEAL OF THE TAXPAYERS' UNION. GOV. CHAMBERLAIN'S REFORMS. THE CONFLICT IN AR KANSAS. FACTIONS. THE STAKE FOUGHT FOR. A NEW CON STITUTION. GOV. GARLAND ELECTED. REPORT OF THE POLAND COMMITTEE. THE VICKSBURG "WAR." MAYOR VERSUS GOVER NOR. PRESIDENT GRANT WILL NOT INTERFERE. SENATOR REVELS ON THE SITUATION. THE MISSISSIPPI RECONSTRUCTIONISTS. THE KELLOGG-MCENERY IMBROGLIO IN LOUISIANA METROPOLITANS AND WHITE LEAGUERS FIGHT. THE KELLOGG GOVERNMENT OVERTHROWN BUT RE-ESTABLISHED BY FEDERAL ARMS. PRO TESTS. THE ELECTION OF NOV. 2, 1874. METHODS OF THE RETURNING BOARD. GEN. SHERIDAN IN COMMAND. LEGISLATURE ORGANIZED AMID BAYONETS. MEMBERS REMOVED BY FEDERAL SOLDIERS. SHERIDAN'S VIEWS. ALLEGATIONS CONTRA. PUBLIC OPINION AT THE NORTH. THE "WHEELER ADJUSTMENT." SOUTH Carolina, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana were in 1874 still under carpet-bag sway. Their nearly complete deliverance therefrom during this year and the next forms an interesting chapter in the recent history of our country. In a letter written so early as 1869, after an extended Southern trip, General Sherman said : " I do think some po litical power might be given to the young men who served in the rebel army, for they are a better class than the adventurers who have gone South purely for office." Again, in 1871, he wrote : " I told Grant plainly that the South would go against him en masse, though he counts on South Carolina, Louisiana, THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY and Arkansas. I repeated my conviction that all that was vital in the South was against him ; that negroes were gene rally quiescent and could not be relied on as voters when local questions became mixed up with political matters." This was an exact forecast of the actual event in all the States named. In each a reform faction of white Republicans grew up, dis gusted with carpet-bag corruption and unwilling longer to limit their political creed to the single article of negro rights. In the face of this quarrel negroes became bewildered, so that they either scattered, withheld or traded their votes, in a way to replace political power in the hands of the Democrats. The carpet-bag legislature of South Carolina guaranteed $6,000,000 in railroad bonds to subsidize the Greenville & Columbia and the Blue Ridge Railroads, taking mortgages on the roads to cover the amount. Rings of carpet-baggers and native speculators obtained legislation releasing the mortgages but continuing the State's liabilities. Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars or more in fraudulent State bank-notes were approved and assumed by the State. Though property in general had lost two-thirds of its ante-bellum value, it paid on the average fiye times heavier taxes. In 1872, 288,000 acres of land with buildings were said to have been forfeited for the tax of twelve cents an acre. As in Arkansas and in Louisiana, the Governor had dangerously great patronage. Negro felons were pardoned by wholesale for political purposes. Undeserv ing white convicts could be ransomed for money. Of the three justices on the Supreme Bench one was a carpet-bagger and one a negro. Juries were composed of illiterate and de graded men. In March, 1874, a committee of the South Carolina Tax payers' Union waited on President Grant with complaints. He expressed regret at the anarchic condition of South Caro lina, but said that as the State government was in complete working order the federal authority was powerless. This ap peal, however, favorably affected public opinion. " It shows," 132 Painted by W. R. Leigh THE BEGINNING OF THE CONFLICT IN FRONT OF THE ANTHONY HOUSE, LITTLE ROCK, SUBSEQUENT TO BAXTER'S SPEECH TO THE COLORED REGIMENT CHAMBERLAIN IN SOUTH CAROLINA ELISHA BAXTER said one journal, " that the South cherishes no sullen hostility." Antipathy toward South erners slowly changed to sympathy. The doings of the South Carolina Republicans could not but be disapproved by the party in the Nation. Democrats and non-partisans de nounced them as travestying free institutions. In 1 874 the South Carolina Republicans quarrelled. After a hot contest the regular convention nominated Hon. D. H. Cham berlain for Governor, Moses, his predecessor being set aside. Chamberlain was a native of Massachusetts, a graduate of Yale and of the Harvard Law School. He was a polished gentleman- and an able lawyer. During the War he had been First Lieutenant and then Captain in the Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry. His principal service in the army was in the way of staff duty as Judge- Advocate and as Assistant Adjutant-General. War ended, he became a citizen of South Carolina in time to sit in its Constitutional Convention. The Independent Republicans bolted Chamber lain's nomination and put up for Governor Judge John T. Green, a native South Caro linian, to whose standard rallied the entire "reform JOSEPH BROOKS CHIEF- JUSTICE JOHN Me C LURE ele ment of the State, whether Conservative or Republican. The Chamberlain ticket was elected. In his inaugural address Governor Chamberlain marked out an able scheme of retrenchment and reform, soon showing, to the astonishment of many and to the dismay of some among his leading support ers that he was in earnest with it. The enormous power given the Executive, apparently that he might abuse it, enabled Chamberlain, spite of his party allies, to effect sweeping im provements. He supplanted dishonest officials with men of THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY integrity. Republicans if such were available, if not, Demo crats. He vetoed corrupt jobs and firmly withheld pardons. Ex-Governor Moses and the infamous Whipper, elected by the legislature to the Circuit Bench, he refused to commis sion. Good jurors were selected, and crime and race hatred wonderfully diminished. Like the English in Ireland, Gov ernor Chamberlain learned that an abstractly good govern ment over a community may fit the community very ill. Carpet-bagger, scalawag, and negro, however well intentioned and wisely led, could not in the nature of the case rule South Carolina well. Nevertheless his praiseworthy effort hastened the advent of order by revealing the nature of the evils which needed reforming. Arkansas was another of the States where exotic govern ment died extremely hard. Its persistence there was due to the strong Union sentiment which had always existed north of the Arkansas River. The State's colored vote was only a quarter of the whole, but was potent in combination with the large white vote which remained Republican till shamed into change. In this State, so stubborn were the traditions and temper of its citizens, neither faction readily gave way. The conflict in Arkansas was between the Liberal- Republicans, called " brindle-tails," led by James Brooks, and the Radical-Republicans, headed by Baxter. Chief Justice McClure, nicknamed " Poker Jack," and the United States Senators, Clayton and Dorsey, sided with Baxter. The re turns of the 1872 election seemed to make Baxter Governor, but Brooks alleged fraud and sought by every means to change the result. He appealed to the United States Court for a quo warranto against Baxter, but it declined to assume juris diction in the case. The State Supreme Court also declined. The legislature could have authorized a contest, but refused to do so. Not disheartened, Brooks sued for and secured from the Circuit Court of Pulaski County, April 15, 1874, a judg ment of "ouster" against Baxter, took forcible possession of 136 Painted by Howard P THE BROOKS FORCES EVACUATING THE STATE-HOUSE AT LITTLE ROCK BROOKS AND BAXTER IN ARKANSAS the State-house, and held it with cannon and some hundred and fifty men. Next day Baxter proclaimed martial law, marched two hundred partisans of his into Little Rock and surrounded the State-house. The federal forces, while neutral, enjoined both parties from precipitating an armed collision. Re-inforcements from both sides constantly came in, making Little Rock AUGUSTUS H. for the time a military camp. A body of Baxter's colored supporters, applauding some utterance of his, were fired into accidentally, as was said. Indiscriminate shooting ensued, with sanguinary results. Federal forces had to quell the disturbance. Excitement was undiminished until the end of April, breaches of the peace being frequent, though no general engagement occur red. On April joth took place an action in which Brooks suffered the loss of twenty-five men killed and wounded ; some accounts say seventy-one. A week later, and again two days later still, there were sharp skirmishes. The streets of Little Rock were barricaded, and communication with the outside world much impeded. Meantime the agents of the two parties in Washington were engaged in legal and diplomatic fencing, but effort after effort at compromise proved abortive. Neither side had an inspiring cause. In that poverty- stricken State offices were perhaps more numerous and fat than in any other commonwealth of the Union. Each side hungered for these. A cartoon of the period figured Arkansas as a woman gripped between two remorseless brigands with pistols levelled at each other. By the Constitution of 1868 the Governor appointed to five hundred and twenty-six sal aried posts, besides creating all the justices of the peace and constables. Public expenditures, which, in six years, had amounted to $ 17,000,000, might, if properly looked after, be made a rich source of revenue to many. The 139 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY following instance is well authenticated and where there can be one such there are certain to be many : In Fort Smith in 1873 a widow who made a living by sewing was taxed $60 on a lot fronting in a back alley and a house which could be built for from $300 to $400. It was more money than she ever had at one time in her life. Moved to tears over this woman's deep distress at the prospective loss of her home, a benevolent lady persuaded her husband to pay the taxes as an act of charity.* The legislature, convened by Baxter on the nth of May, telegraphed for federal interposition. Grant at once recognized Baxter and his legislature, and ordered " all turbu lent and disorderly persons to disperse." But the end was yet remote. The Poland Committee on Arkansas Affairs, appointed by the National House of Representatives, elicited the fact that Baxter and the leaders of his party, notably Clayton and Dorsey, were no longer on good terms. His disappointing integrity had lost Baxter his " pull " with the Senators and with the Arkansas Supreme Court, presided over by McClure. The following is from the evidence laid before the committee during the summer of 1874: " Q. State what you know in regard to the origin of the difficulties between Governor Baxter and the leaders of the party that elected him. " A. As I understood it, in the time of it, it originated with an effort made on the part of the Republican party proper to carry through the railroad bill. It originated with his opposition to this bill, or with his declaring that he would defeat the bill. " Q. What was the nature of the bill? "A. There had been $5, 200,000 State-aid bonds issued, and the object of the bill was for the State to assume that indebtedness and take in lieu of it railroad bonds. " Q- Was that considered as any fair equivalent? *W. M. Fishback. " Why the Solid South," p. 308. 140 ARKANSAS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION "A. It was considered that that would be of no value at all. " Q- What was the general opinion in relation to those bonds ; was it that the State had any benefit from them, or the roads, or individuals who pocketed the bonds ? " A. The impression on the public mind is that the bonds were divided up between the managers of the different roads."* Baxter's new attitude surprisingly quickened the Supreme Court's sense of jurisdiction. Two of its judges were kid napped, but escaped, and four days before the legislature con vened, four of the five, though " feeling some delicacy " in doing so, reversed the former denial of jurisdiction, and on May 7, 1874, affirmed the decision of the Circuit Court- in Brooks's favor. The legislature provided for a Constitutional Convention to convene on July 14, 1874, an action overwhelmingly in dorsed by the people at the next election. The new Consti tution, ratified 78,000 to 24,000 in October, swept the Gov ernor's enormous patronage away, as also his power to declare martial law and to suspend habeas corpus. The tax-levying and debt-contracting functions of the legislature were strictly hedged about. The number of offices was to be diminished and all were to be elective. Disfranchisements were abol ished. The most important of all the changes related to the Returning Board. The old Constitution had vested in this body extraordinary authority, like that given it by statute in Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana. It desig nated three officers who were to receive all election returns, compile and count them, reject fraudulent and illegal votes, and in case of irregularities in the election, occasioned by fraud or fear in any county or precinct, to correct the return *House Committee Reports, ist Session 43d Congress, Vol. V., Report No. 771, p. 149 ; Testimony of Ex-Circuit Judge Liberty Bartlett. 141 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY % or to reject it and order a new election. The judicial part of this fearful sov ereignty was now annulled. The State Democracy endorsed these changes as "just, liberal, and wise," and offered Baxter the nomination for Gov ernor, which he refused. The opposition cried out that the State was betrayed into AMES tne hands of the Ku-klux and White Xeagues, that Brooks was the true Governor, and that the new Constitution was revolutionary and void. They made no nom inations under it, so that at the election Garland, the Demo cratic nominee, was elected by a majority of 75,000 votes. Early in 1875 the Poland Committee submitted to the House its report upon the Arkansas imbroglio. It stated that the new Arkansas Constitution was Republican in form and recommended non-interference, saying that while negro citizenship was not relished by the Southern people, few, ex cept certain lawless youths, who should be sternly dealt with, would do aught to disturb it. A minority report was signed by Jasper D. Ward, of Illinois, who had gone to Little Rock in company with Dorsey, and had during his entire stay re mained at Dorsey's house, where he met few but Brooksites. The President took issue with the Poland Committee. In a special message, two days after its report, he expressed the opinion that Brooks was the legal Governor of Arkansas and the new Constitution revolutionary. Spite of this, however, the House adopted the Poland report, thus, in effect, ending the long broil and suspense. Governor Garland at once pro claimed Thursday, March 25, 1875, a day of thanksgiving. Before light one morning in the winter of 187475, the white citizens of Vicksburg, Miss., were roused by the news that armed negroes were approaching the city. They sprang to arms and organized. Just outside the city limits a detach ment of whites met a body of two hundred negroes and soon RACE HOSTILITIES IN MISSISSIPPI /\\.y-,/ THE SCENE OF THE CONFLICT AT THE PEMBERTON MONUMENT, NEAR riCKSBURG, DECEMBER 7,1874 The negroes were entrenched in the old federal breastworks at the top of the hill put them to rout, killing six, wounding several, and taking some prisoners. Almost at the same, time a similar engagement was in progress near the monument where Pemberton surren dered to Grant in 1863. The man who headed the citizens said that the conflict lasted only a few minutes. The negroes fled in wild disorder, leaving behind twenty killed and wounded. At still other points negro bands were charged upon and routed. Three whites were killed and three wounded, while of the colored about seventy-five were killed and wounded and thirty or forty made prisoners. By noon the war was over, and on the following day business was resumed amid quiet and order. The causes of this bloody affair were differently recited. An address published by the citizens of Vicksburg a few days later alleged a series of frauds by certain colored county H3 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY officials. Some of these had been indicted by a grand jury composed of ten colored and seven white men. Among the accused was George W. Davenport, Clerk of the Court of Chancery and a member of the Board of Supervisors. The citizens further declared that the bonds of Sheriff and Tax Collector Crosby were worthless, and also that he had made away with incriminating records to save comrades of his who were under indictment. A mass-meeting was held, and the accused officials asked to resign. Davenport fled the county ; Crosby yielded. Soon, however, by an inflammatory hand bill, over Crosby's name, in which the " Taxpayers " were named a mob of ruffians, barbarians and political banditti, the colored people of the county were called upon to support him. It was rumored that a rising of blacks was imminent, though Crosby had disowned the pamphlet and promised to bid his adherents disperse. Governor Ames proclaimed a state of riot and disorder, and invoked the aid of all citizens in up holding the laws. Upon receipt of the Governor's proclama tion the Mayor of Vicksburg issued a counter-manifesto asserting that the mass-meeting, which the Governor had denounced as riotous and as having driven the sheriff from his office, was a quiet and orderly gathering of taxpayers who, without arms or violence, had " requested the resignation of irresponsible officials." His Honor con tinued : " Whereas the Governor's pro clamation has excited the citizens of the county, and I have this moment received information that armed bodies of colored men have organized and are now marching on the city," I command such "unlawful assemblages and armed bodies of men to disperse." Spite of his Honor's denial, Gover nor Ames ascribed the trouble to violence and intimidation against blacks by whites, RICHARD O'LEJRY Mayor of fichburg in 1874 144 vn by B. W. Llinedinst THE MISSISSIPPI LEGISLATURE PASSING A RESOLUTION ASKING FOR FEDERAL AID AFTER THE ATTACK ON riCKSBURG Scene in the Senate Chamber FEDERAL INTERVENTION REFUSED constituting a reign of terror, and convened the legislature in extra session. This body called upon President Grant to awaken what Sumner called "the sleeping giant of the Con stitution" and protect the State against domestic violence. Grant was reluctant to interpose. In his annual message hardly a fortnight before he had said : " The whole subject of execu tive interference with the affairs of a State is repugnant to public opinion." " Unless most clearly on the side of law such interference becomes a crime." He therefore merely is sued a proclamation commanding all disorderly bands in Mississippi to disperse. But breaches of the peace con tinued. At a public meeting in Yazoo City one man was killed and three or four wounded. The speaker of the even ing, a Republican office-holder, left the county, professing to believe his life in danger. In Clinton, three days later, at a Republican barbecue, where there was a discussion between a Republican and a Democrat, a personal quarrel sprang up, during which two negroes were shot. This was the signal for a general attack by blacks upon whites, in the course of which three white men were killed and several wounded. Later in the night seven or eight negroes were killed, when the armed men dispersed and quiet was restored. Another outbreak at Friar's Point, a month afterward, was clearly in cited by a colored sheriff, who had called together a body of armed negroes to support him in the County Convention. Ames now renewed his petition for United States troops, but met with a chilling response from the new Attor ney-General, Edwards Pierrepont, a Democrat till Seymour's nomination, thereafter a conservative Republican. He de clared that the General Government could aid Mississippi only when all the resources of the State Executive had been ex hausted. He accompanied this utterance with words from Grant's despatches : "The whole public are tired out with these annual autumnal outbreaks in the South, and the great majority now are ready to condemn any interference on the part of the 147 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Government/' Failing to secure assistance from Washington, Governor Ames's party finally made an arrangement with the Conservatives, which assured a peaceable election. This resulted in Republican defeat, whereupon Mr. Revels, the colored Senator from Mississippi, wrote to the President the following : " Since reconstruction the masses of people have been, as it were, enslaved in mind by unprincipled adventurers. A great portion of them have learned that they were being used as mere tools, and determined, by casting their ballots against these unprincipled adventurers, to over throw them. The bitterness and hate created by the late civil strife have, in my opinion, been obliterated in this State, except, perhaps, in some localities, and would have long since been entirely effaced were it not for some unprincipled men who would keep alive the bitterness of the past and inculcate a hatred between the races in order that they may aggrandize themselves by office and its emoluments to control my people, the effect of which is to degrade them. If the State admin istration had advanced patriotic measures, appointed only honest and competent men to office, and sought to restore confidence between the races, bloodshed would have been unknown, peace would have prevailed, federal interference been unthought of, and harmony, friendship, and mutual con fidence would have taken the place of the bayonet." This " Yea, yea," as it was called, " of a colored brother who never said nay," was corroborated by testimony from other promi nent Republicans, white and black. On the other hand, it was warmly urged that, as a class, the Northern men in Mississippi were noble ex-sol diers, possessing virtues equal to those of their old associates, worthy sons of the fathers who founded this republic, and that they went to Mississippi with the same commendable motives under which their kinsmen have populated the continent from ocean to ocean to establish homes and to improve society taking all their capital and urging others to follow them. 148 Drawn by C. K. Linson GENERAL BADGER IN FRONT OF THE GEM S4LOON, NElf ORLEANS On January /o, 1872, General A. S. Badger, under orde Saloon in Royal Street, and demanded the surrender of the Ca\ there. 's from Governor ffarmoth, marched to the Gem ter Legislature which had made its headquarters GOVERNOR AMES'S VIEWS " The Southern man had a motive in slandering the reconstructionists. He committed crimes upon crimes to prevent the political equality of the negro, and found his jus tification, before the world, in the conduct of those who were obeying the laws of the land. The debts of South Carolina were made to do duty in Mississippi, where there were no debts. In fact violence began at once, before there was time to contract debts in any of the States. " At first there was no political question. At first the enmity of a conquered people did not manifest itself. It was left for the Union soldiers practically to solve the problem of reconstruction put upon them by a Union Congress a Con gress whose laws they had always obeyed and the wisdom of whose decisions it never occurred to them to doubt. Their only offense against the State of Mississippi was an honest effort to obey the laws of the United States. They incor porated into the organic laws of the State, to its great benefit, some of the best features found in the constitutions of North ern States. They especially sought to build up, or rehabilitate educational and eleemosynary institutions. They would have liked to help by legislation the material condition of the State in its railroads and levees, but wiser counsels prevailed and the errors of other reconstructed States were avoided. "The offense of the Northern soldier was in reconstructing at all in giving (under the law) the negro the ballot. Political equality for the negro meant, to the whites, negro supremacy. Physical resistance followed. The few Union soldiers and their allies in Mississippi soon fell before the Mississippians and their re-info rcements from Louisiana and Alabama."* Whatever the faults of Republican administration in the State, the only serious assault on the finances of Mississippi during the stormy era of reconstruction was an effort to repay some of the millions which Mississippi had repudiated years before. But this effort was not made by Union soldiers or by *Ex-Governor Adelbert Ames. THE LAST QUARTER- CENTURY Southern unionists, or by freedmen, but by an old Confederate; and the scheme was defeated by a carpet-bagger official. It is well known that while Governor of Mississippi General Ames saved that State in the case of the Confederate General Tuck er's railroad about one million dollars, and in the case of the Vicksburg and Ship Island road some seven or eight hun dred thousand dollars more. But for General Ames's timely antagonism and the use of counsel to resist the diversion of the State's funds, the State would have lost largely over a mil lion dollars. The intelligent people of Mississippi to this day appreciate Governor Ames's action in this matter. In Louisiana, because of the peculiarity of its social struc ture, the color-line was drawn even more sharply than in South Carolina. In South Carolina there were three distinct castes of whites the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie, and the poor whites or " sand-hillers," while the Louisiana white people were a thorough democracy, the only caste division in the State being founded on color. The best families used no coats-of-arms ; their coachmen and servants wore no livery. The splendors attending vulgar wealth were eschewed. "There was a nobility in the white skin more sacred and more respected than the one derived from the letters-patent of kings." Such solidarity among the whites rendered the feud precipitated by the negro's enfranchisement peculiarly bitter. White and black children no longer played together as of yore. To avoid seeming in feriority colored servants refused to sleep under the same roofs with their old masters. It will be remembered that in November, 1872, Kellogg and McEnery each claimed to be elected Governor of Lou isiana, that President Grant recognized Kellogg, but that McEnery and his supporters energetically protested. This contest had never been quieted. McEnery's government retained its organization though deprived of all power. Near the close of August, 1874, the troubles grew menacing. The two parties had met in convention, when the country was 152 THE MASS-MEETTNG OF SEPTEMBER 74, 1874, A Drawn by C. K. Linson THE CLAY STATUE, NEW ORLEANS KELLOGG AND McENERY IN LOUISIANA startled by the news of the arrest and deliberate shooting of six Republican officials. As in all such cases the reports were conflicting, one side declaring it a merciless war of whites upon blacks, the other an uprising of the blacks themselves. The wealth of Louisiana made the State a special tempta tion to carpet-baggers. Between 1866 and 1872 taxes had risen five hundred per cent. Before the war a session of the legislature cost from $100,000 to $ 200,000; in 1871 the reg ular session cost between $800,000 and $900,000. Judge Black considered it "safe to say that a general conflagration, sweeping over all the State from one end to the other and destroying every building and every article of personal property, would have been a visitation of mercy in comparison to the curse of such a government." This statement is not extravagant if his other assertion is correct, that, during the ten years pre ceding 1 876 New Orleans paid, in the form of direct taxes, more than the estimated value of all the property within her limits in the year named, and still had a debt of equal amount unpaid. Kellogg had a body of Metropolitan Police, mostly col ored, paid for by the city of New Orleans but under his per sonal command, which formed a part of his militia. Over against this was the New Orleans White League, which again is to be distinguished from the White League of the State. On September I4th a mass-meeting was called in New Orleans to protest against the Governor's seizure of arms shipped to private parties. By 1 1 A. M. the broad sidewalks were filled for several squares, and there was a general suspension of business. A committee was appointed to wait upon the Gov ernor and request him to abdicate. He had fled from the Executive Office to the Custom-house, a great citadel, gar risoned at that time by United States troops. From his retreat he sent word declining to entertain any communication. Their leaders advised the people to get arms and return to assist the White League in executing plans that would be arranged. A large number formed in procession and marched '55 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY up Poydras Street. By 3 p. M. armed men were posted at street-crossings south of Canal Street. Soon a strong position was taken in Poydras Street, the streets between Poydras and Canal being barricaded with cars turned sideways. General Ogden commanded the citizens and superintended these arrangements. Five hundred Metropolitans, with cavalry and artillery, took their station at the head of Canal Street, while General Longstreet, their leader, rode up and down Canal Street calling upon the armed citizens to disperse. About 4 p. M. the Metropolitans assaulted the citizens' position. A sharp fight ensued. General Ogden's horse was shot under him, as was General Badger's, on the Kellogg side. The colored Metropolitans broke at the first fire, deserting their white com rades. The citizens' victory was soon complete, General Long- street and others seeking refuge in the Custom-house. Next morning, at seven, the State-house was in the citizens' hands ; two hours later the whole Metropolitan force surrendered. The barricades were torn down and street-cars resumed their trips. Lieutenant-Governor Penn hastened to assure the blacks that no harm was meant toward them, their property or their rights. " We war," said he, " only against the thieves, plun derers and spoilers of the State." All the morning Penn's residence was filled with congratulatory crowds. Throughout Louisiana the coup-d'etat roused delirious enthusiasm. At the same time leading citizens counseled moderation, especially urging that no violence toward colored people should be permitted. Penn, in a speech, said : " If you have any affection for me, if you have any regard for me, if you have any respect for me, as I believe you have, for God's sake and my sake do nothing to tarnish the fair fame of the State of Louisiana or to diminish WILLIAM. PITT KELLOGG the victory you have achieved." The 156 FEDERAL AID FOR KELLOGG JOHN McENERT Mayor's proclamation ran : " Let me advise extreme moderation ; resume your vocations as soon as dismissed. Seek no revenge for past injuries, but leave your fallen enemies to the tor ture of their own consciences and to the lasting infamy which their acts have wrought for them." No deeds of vio lence were reported, though McEnery's officials were installed all over the State. About 2 P. M., as three thousand of General Ogden's militia marched past the Custom-house, the United States troops gathered in the windows, took off their hats and gave the citizens three hearty cheers, which were returned. At 3 p. M. ten thousand un armed citizens, preceded by a band of music, escorted Penn to the State-house. The triumph was short-lived. The resort to arms dis pleased President Grant. He commanded the insurgents to disperse in five days half the time he had allowed in Arkan sas and one-fourth the time he had allowed in his Louisiana proclamation of 1873. Troops and men-of-war were ordered to New Orleans, and General Emory was instructed under no circumstances to recognize the Penn government. A Cabinet meeting concluded that " it was important to adopt measures for maintaining, if not the de jure, at least the de facto government in Louisiana." Attorney-General Williams compared the case with that of Arkansas, where, he con fessed, he always believed Brooks had a majority, but said : " The question is not wht) ought to be Governor, but who is." E r mory received positive directions to rec ognize the Kellogg government, and on the next day Kellogg was induced to venture GENERAL DE TRO- BRJAND '57 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY from his asylum and resume his office. Not all the Mc- Enery officials were turned out, as several of the Kellogg placemen had fled upon the news of Penn's success and could not be found. The new city police, under Mr. Boylan, a well-known detective, were retained, owing to the demoraliza tion of the Metropolitans. For a time United States soldiers were employed on police duty. On an election day as much as six weeks later, to remove apprehension caused by the in efficiency of the Metropolitans, a detail of the McEnery militia was made to preserve the peace at each polling-place. McEnery and Penn advised cheerful submission, and while surrendering the State-house to Colonel Brooks showed him every courtesy. The only excess reported was an unsuc cessful attack by negroes upon Bayou Sara. In answer to Attorney-General Williams's pronunciamento Penn asserted that the McEnery government had been organized ever since 1872 ; that McEnery's armed supporters were not insurgents, but militia ; that the sole reason why the McEnery govern ment was not de facto in function in the whole State was that it was overpowered by the United States forces, but for which it could assert its authority and would be universally obeyed. The Kellogg government, he said, could be placed and kept in power by the United States army, but in no other way whatever. " Is this," he asked, " the Republican form of government guaranteed to every State under the Constitu tion ?'" Happily the army had no command to repress free speech, which was usefully employed in appeals to the country. Some of these papers were written with unusual clearness and force. Besides describing anew the corruptions already alluded to, they accused the Kellogg faction of altering the registration laws in its own interest. " Many white citizens clearly entitled to registry were refused arbitrarily, while the colored people were furnished registration papers on which, in many instances, they could vote in different wards ; and colored crews of steamboats 158 BREAK IN THE COLORED VOTE GENERAL PHILIP H. SHERIDAN From a photograph in the historical collection of H. W. Fay transiently visiting this port were permitted to swell the number of voters." The White League, which, outside New Orleans, seems not to have been an armed body, was declared a necessary measure of defence against a formidable oath-bound order of blacks. Governor Kellogg sought to explain the uprising. He said : "They first want the offices, and that is the meaning of this outburst. The Governor of Louisiana wields an enormous amount of patronage, for which McEnery and his friends hun ger." However, at his instance an Advisory Board, con sisting of two men from each party and an umpire chosen by them, was arranged to supervise and carry on the registra tion for the next election. Though perhaps honestly con ceived, this plan amounted to little. About the middle of October the umpire resigned,and the functions of the Board vir tually came to an end. Further, the Conservatives were to cause all violence to cease, and were permitted to fill two vacancies on the Returning Board created by resignation for this purpose. The election of November, 1^74, was quiet. Indica tions seemed to point to Democratic success. A' break in the colored vote was foreshadowed, among other things, by an address of leading colored men in New Orleans, setting forth that the Republican party in the State had, since reconstruc tion, been managed and controlled by men in all respects as bad as " the most rampant White Leaguer," that they had shut out the colored wealth and intelligence and put in office " illiterate and unworthy colored men." The colored people, 159 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY it said, " are ready to adopt any honorable adjustment tending to harmonize the races," to further law and order and a higher standard of administration in public offices. Of course the Returning Board played an important part in this election. One example will illustrate its methods. The parish of Rapides chose three legislators. The United States Supervisor certified that the election was in all respects full, fair, and free. In the parish itself no one knew that any contest existed. At one of its last sittings the Board, upon an affidavit of its President, Wells, alleging intimidation, counted in all three Republicans. This, like other acts of the kind, was done in secret or " executive " session. The Counsel of the Democratic Committee declared that they had no chance to answer. It came out that Wells was not present at Rap- ides, and he declined, though given the opportunity, to explain to the Congressional Committee his action. The Rapides change alone sufficed to determine the complexion of the lower house. After recounting instances of illegal action and fraud on the part of the Returning Board, the Inspecting Committee appealed to the nation : " We, the down-trodden people of once free Louisiana, now call upon the people of the free States of America, if you would yourselves remain free and retain the right of self-government, to demand in tones that cannot be misunderstood or disregarded, that the shackles be stricken from Louisiana, and that the power of the United States army may no longer be used to keep a horde of adven turers in power." Toward the end of 1874, the Returning Board completed its labors. It gave the treasury to the Republicans, and al lowed them a majority of two in the Legislature, five seats being left open. These changes from the face of the returns were made on the ground of alleged fraud, intimidation, or other irregularity at the polls, or in making the returns. The Board dismissed as preposterous all complaints of intimidation 1 60 MEETING OF THE LEGISLATURE by United States soldiery, though at least one case is reported of a federal officer making out affidavits against citizens, and arresting them upon these affidavits. He was stopped later by orders from his superior. The Congressional Investigating Committee, composed of two Republicans and one Democrat, after citing three or four instances of fraud on the part of the Returning Board, unanimously found itself " constrained to declare that the ac tion of the Returning Board on the whole, was arbitrary, un just, and illegal ; and that this arbitrary, unjust, and illegal action alone prevented the return of a majority of the Con servative members to the lower house." A few days before the assembling of the legislature one of the Republican members was arrested and confined till after the opening. The Conservatives alleged that this was for embezzlement ; the Republicans charged that it was for political purposes, and that their opponents were attempting to kidnap and even threatening to assassinate Republican leg islators to wipe out the majority. So threatening an aspect of affairs induced Grant to give Sheridan command of the Mili tary Department of the Gulf in addition to his own. Sheri dan started on telegraphic notice. The legislature convened on January 4th. Suppressed excitement could be seen in every eye. Of the memorable and unprecedented events of this day there are four varying accounts General Sheridan's statement, two reports to Con gress by committees of the two political parties in the Louis iana House of Representatives, and a recital incorporated in the Congressional Committee's report above referred to. The last, of which we give a resume, is the most trustworthy. The State-house was filled and surrounded by Metro politans and federal soldiers, and no one permitted to enter save by Governor Kellogg's orders. At noon the clerk of the preceding House, Mr. Vigers, called the Assembly to order and proceeded to call the roll. Fifty Democrats and fifty-two 161 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Republicans answered to their names. Instantly a Conserva tive member, Mr. Billieu, nominated L. A. Wiltz as tempo rary chairman. The clerk interposed some objection, but Mr. Billieu, disregarding him, hurriedly put the motion and declared it carried upon a viva voce vote. Wiltz sprang to the platform, pushed the clerk aside, and seized the gavel. Justice Houston then swore in the members en bloc. In the same hurried fashion a new clerk was elected, also a sergeant- at-arms ; then, from among gentlemen who had secured en trance under one pretext or another, a number of assistant sergeants-at-arms were appointed. These gentlemen at once opened their coats and discovered each his badge bearing the words " Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms." Protests, points of or der, calls for the yeas and nays, were overridden. The five contesting Democrats were admitted and sworn in. The Re publicans now adopted their opponents' tactics. Someone nominated Mr. Lowell for temporary chairman, and amid great confusion declared him elected, but he declined to serve. The organization of the House was completed by the election of Wiltz as Speaker. Several Republican members attempt ing to leave were prevented by the assistant sergeants-at-arms. Pistols were displayed, and the disorder grew so great that the House requested Colonel de Trobriand, commanding the forces at the State-house, to insist upon order in the lobby. This he did, and the House proceeded with the election of minor officers, uninterrupted for an hour. At length de Tro briand received word from Governor Kellogg, which his gen eral orders bound him to obey, to remove the five members sworn in who had not been returned by the Board. Speaker Wiltz refusing to point them out, General Campbell did .so, and in spite of protest they were removed by federal soldiers. Wiltz then left the hall at the head of the Conservative members. The Republicans, remaining, organized to suit themselves. General Sheridan reported the matter somewhat differ ently. He reached Louisiana in no judicial frame of mind. 162 Drawn by W. R. Leig L. A. WILTZ TAKING POSSESSION OF THE SPEAKER'S CHAIR IN THE LOUISIANA STATE- HOUSE, JANUARY 4, 1875 SHERIDAN'S ASSERTIONS DENIED Conservative chagrin and humiliation often took form in foolish threats, which were at once seized upon by the carpet-baggers and scalawags to fan his wrath. The very air seemed to him impregnated with assassination. He suggested that Congress or the President should declare the " ringleaders of the armed White Leagues " banditti ; he could then try them by military commission and put an end to such scenes as had occurred. The New Orleans Cotton Exchange, a meeting of Northern and Western residents of New Orleans, and other bodies passed resolutions denying the correctness of Sheridan's im pressions. In an appeal to the American people a number of New Orleans clergymen condemned the charges lodged by Sheridan with the Secretary of War as "unmerited, unfounded, and erroneous." General Sheridan reiterated them, and ac cused Bishop Wilmer, one of the signers of the appeal, of having admitted before the Congressional Committee " that the condition of affairs was substantially as bad as reported." The Bishop agreed that Louisianians were more prone than others to acts of violence, saying " there is a feeling of inse curity here," an expression which he interpreted as meaning, " no security in the courts against theft." General Sherman commented on the case as follows : " I have all along tried to save our officers and soldiers from the dirty work imposed on them by the city authorities of the South ; and may thereby have incurred the suspicion of the President that I did not cordially sustain his forces. . . I have always thought it wrong to bolster up weak State gov ernments by our troops. We should keep the peace always ; but not act as bailiff constables and catch-thieves ; that should be beneath a soldier's vocation. I know that our soldiers hate that kind of duty terribly, and not one of those officers but would prefer to go to the plains against the Indians, rather than encounter a street mob or serve a civil process. But in our government it is too hard to stand up in the face of what is apparent, that the present government of Louisiana is not 165 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY S. 5. Marshall G. F. Hoar William A. Wheeler William P. Fry THE COMMITTEE WHICH FORMULATED THE " WHEELER ADJUSTMENT" the choice of the people, though in strict technical law it is the State government." Public opinion at the North sided with the appellants. The press gave a cry of alarm at such military interference in civil affairs. A staunch Republican sheet uttered the senti ment of many when it said, cc Unless the Republican party is content to be swept out of existence by the storm of indignant protest arising against the wrongs of Louisiana from all por tions of the country, it will see that this most shameful outrage is redressed wholly and at once." Numerous indignation meetings were held in Northern cities. Republicans like Wil liam Cullen Bryant, William M. Evarts, Joseph R. Hawley and Carl Schurz openly condemned the use which had been made of the troops. Legislatures passed resolutions denounc ing it, and it was understood that Fish, Bristow and Jewell, of the Cabinet, disapproved. Yet patience was urged upon the people of Louisiana. " Whatever injustice," said Carl Schurz, " you may have to suffer, let not a hand of yours be lifted, let no provocation of insolent power, nor any tempting oppor tunity seduce you into the least demonstration of violence. As your cause is just, trust to its justice, for surely the time cannot be far when every American who truly loves his liberty will recognize the cause of his own rights and liberties in the cause of constitutional government in Louisiana." 166 THE WHEELER ADJUSTMENT Under a resolution introduced by Mr. Thurman the Senate called upon President Grant for explanation. A special message was the response, defending the end which had been had in view but really leaving undefended the means em ployed. Early in 1875 a second committee, George F. Hoar, Chairman, was appointed to investigate Louisiana affairs. The result of their labors was known as the "Wheeler Adjustment," which embraced on the one hand submission to the Kellogg government, and on the other arbitration by the committee of contested seats in the legislature. This arbitration seated twelve of the contestants excluded by the Returning Board. Mr. Hahn vacated the Speaker's chair, Mr. Wiltz withdrew as a candidate therefor, and Mr. Estilette, a Conservative, was elected. This settlement marked the beginning of the end of carpet-baggery in Louisiana. 167 CHAPTER VII INDIAN WARS AND THE CUSTER DEATH CIVILIZED INDIANS IN 1874. GRANT'S POLICY FOR THE WILD TRIBES. DIFFICULTIES OF THE INDIAN COMMISSIONERS. INDIANS' WRONGS AND DISCONTENT. TROUBLES IN ARIZONA. GOV. SAF- FORD'S DECLARATION. MASSACRE OF APACHES IN 1871. REPORT OF FEDERAL GRAND JURY. THE APACHES SUBDUED. GRIEVANCES OF THE SIOUX. THE MODOC WAR AND GEN. CANBY'S DEATH. TROUBLES IN 1874. THE MILL RIVER DISASTER IN MASSACHU SETTS. THE SIOUX REBELLION. THE ARMY'S PLAN OF CAM PAIGN. CUSTER' s PART. HIS DEATH. HOW THE BATTLE WENT. REVENGE OF RAIN-IN-THE-FACE." CUSTER CRITICISED. AND DEFENDED. EARNESTLY as President Grant strove to improve the Indian service it was no credit to the nation during his term. In 1874 the Indian Territory contained not far from 90,000 civilized Indians. The Cherokees, 17,000 strong and increasing, who had moved hither from Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia, now possessed their own written language, con stitution, laws, judges, courts, churches, schools, and academ ies, including three schools for their former negro slaves. They had 500 frame and 3,500 log-houses. They yearly raised much live-stock, 3,000,000 bushels of corn, with enor mous crops of wheat, potatoes and oats an agricultural roduct greater than New Mexico's and Utah's combined. Similarly advanced were the Choctaws, with 17,000 people and forty-eight schools; the Creeks, with 13,000 people and thirty schools ; and the Seminoles, General Jackson's old foes, having 2,500 people and four schools. These facts inspired the President with a desire to im prove the wilder tribes. Deeming clemency and justice, with firmness, certain to effect this, he proposed to transfer the 169 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Indian bureau to the War Department ; but Congress, army officers, and the Indians themselves, opposed. He then gave the supervision of Indian affairs to a Commission made up from certain religious bodies. This kindly policy being an nounced, two powerful Indian delegations, one of them headed by Red Cloud, the Sioux chief, visited the Great Father at Washington, evidently determined henceforth to keep the peace. Few of the wild Indians did this, however. Perhaps only the Apaches, always our most troublesome wards, have ever pursued murder and rapine out of pure wantonness ; yet most of the red men still remained savages, ready for the war-path on slight provocation. If the frontier view no good Indian but a dead one is severe, many Eastern people were hardly less extreme in the degree of nobility with which their imagin ation invested the aborigines. Moreover, despite the Commis sion's exertions, the Indian service, though its cost increased from three and a quarter million in 1866 to nearly seven mil lion in 1874, sank in character. The Commissioners were partly ignored, partly subjected to needless embarrassment in their work. Members of the Indian Ring secured positions and contracts in preference to people recommended by the Commission, and the Interior Department often paid bills ex pressly disallowed by the Commission, which was charged with the auditing. Contractors systematically swindled the Indians. Pro fessor Marsh, of Yale University, wishing to engage in scien tific research upon Red Cloud's Reservation, that chief, while protecting his life, forbade him to trespass till he promised to show the Great Father samples of the wretched rations fur nished his tribe. " I thought/' naively confessed the chief, Cf that he would throw them away before he got there." But the " man who came to pick up bones " was better than his word. He exhibited the specimens to the President, who was deeply incensed and declared that justice should be done. 170 DISCONTENT OF THE INDIANS RED CLOUD After a photograph by Bell Marsh drew up ten specific charges, to the effect that the agent was incom petent and guilty of gross frauds, that the number of Indians was over stated to the Department, and that the amount of food and clothing actually furnished them was insuffi cient and of wretched quality. , Army testimony was of like tenor. " The poor wretches," said one officer, "have been several times this winter on the verge of starvation owing to the rascality of the Indian Ring. They have been compelled to eat dogs, wolves, and ponies." It was urged in excuse that the supply-wagons had been delayed by snow. March 18, 1875, General Sherman wrote from St. Louis : cc To-morrow Gene rals Sheridan and Pope will meet here to discuss the Indian troubles. We could settle them in an hour, but Congress wants the patronage of the Indian bureau, and the bureau wants the appropriations without any of the trouble of the Indians themselves." The Indians' discontent was intensified by the progress ive invasion of their preserves by white men, often as lawless as the worst Indians, and invariably bringing intemperance and licentiousness. Frontiersmen looked jealously at the un improved acres of the reservations as an Eden which they were forbidden to enter, while a horde of thriftless savages were in idle possession. Violence against the red men seemed justifi able and was frequent. The first troubles were in Arizona. In 1871 the legis lature of the Territory, seconded by the California legislature, prayed Congress for protection. Affidavits were submitted declaring that within two years 166 persons had been killed, 80 1 horses and mules and 2,437 cattle killed or stolen. In 171 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY November Governor A. P. K. Safford gave out an impas sioned letter, of which we reproduce the substance. He said that with natural resources unsurpassed, with gold and silver mines that ought to be yielding annually $20,000,000, the people of his Territory were in poverty, and had undergone for years scenes of death and torture unparalleled in the settle ment of our new countries. Instead of receiving sympathy and encouragement from their countrymen they were denounced as border ruffians, though nowhere were the laws more faith fully obeyed or executed than in Arizona. In but one in stance had the people taken the law into their own hands. That, as the facts showed, was done under the most aggravat ing circumstances. In the possession of the Indians killed was found property belonging to men and women who had been murdered while the Indians were fed at Camp Grant. For this attack on the red men the whites were indicted by a grand jury, showing that Arizona courts and judges did not screen any. The Territory was out of debt, and was soon to have a free school in every district, indicating the law-abiding character of the population ; yet men who were making money at the cost of the lives and property of the Arizona peo ple denounced them as everything bad, and represented the Apache Indians, who had for four hundred years lived by murder and robbery, as paragons of moral excellence The people of Arizona wanted peace and cared not how it was ob tained ; but they knew by years of experience that to feed In dians and let them roam over large tracts of lands simply placed them in a secure position to raid the settlers and return to their reservations for safety and rest. Though possessing one of the richest Territories, all the Arizonians felt dis couraged. At least five hundred had been killed, a large number of these horribly tortured. Those left, after fighting for years to hold the country, found themselves in poverty and looked upon as barbarians. General Crook struck the key note when he enlisted Indians against Indians. It threw con- 172 THE APACHE MASSACRE AND ITS CAUSES sternation among them such as was never seen before. Had he been allowed to pursue this policy it would have taken but a few months to conquer a lasting peace. But Peace Commis sioner Colyer had countermanded the order and millions would have to be expended and hundreds of lives lost before the end could be reached. The massacre of Indians referred to by Governor Saf- ford occurred in April, 1871. A few hundred Apaches had been gathered at Camp Grant, being fed on condition of keep ing the peace, which condition seemed to have been broken. A party of whites with a hundred Papago Indians fell upon the Indian camp, killed eighty-five men and women, and car ried away twenty-eight children as prisoners. A Federal grand jury which found indictments against several of the attacking party reported upon a number of important points. They found that the hostile Indians in the Territory, led by many different chiefs, generally adopted the policy of making the point where the Indians were fed the base of their supplies of ammunition, guns, and recruits for their raids, each hostile chief usually drawing warriors from other bands when he un dertook an important raid, whether upon Arizona citizens or upon the neighboring state of Sonora, where they were contin ually making depredations. With few marked exceptions the habit of drunkenness prevailed among the officers at Camps Grant, Goodwin, and Apache, where the Apache Indians were fed. The rations issued to the Indians at these camps were frequently insufficient for their support ; also unjustly distributed. Bones were sometimes issued instead of meat. One United States quartermaster acknowledged that he had made a surplus of twelve thousand pounds of corn in issuing rations to the Indians at Camp Goodwin. An officer com manding at Camp Apache, besides giving liquor to the Apache Indians, got beastly drunk with them from whiskey belonging to the United States Hospital Department. Another United States Army officer gave liquor to Indians at the same camp. 173 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY The Region Occupied by the Modocs, showing the ''Lava Beds " United States Army officers at those camps where the In dians were fed habitually used their official position to break the chastity of the Indian women. The regulations of Camp Grant, with the Apache Indians on the reservation, were such that the whole body of Indians might leave the reservation and be gone many days without the knowledge of the com manding officer. In conclusion this United States grand jury reported that five hundred of their neighbors, friends, and fel low-citizens had fallen by the murdering hand of the Apache Indians, clothing in the garb of mourning family circles in many hamlets, towns and cities of different States. " This blood," they said, " cried from the ground to the American people for justice justice to all men." Pacific overtures and presents were made to the Indians by Peace Commissioner Colyer, but his efforts were unpopular and proved futile. By the severer policy which the whites urged and by pitting friendly Indians against them, the Apa ches were at last subdued and kept thenceforth under strict reg istry and surveillance. During the autumn of 1 874 gold was found in the Black Hills Sioux Reservation, between Wyoming and what is now South Dakota. General Sheridan prohibited exploration, but gold-seekers continually evaded his order. Said Red Cloud : " The people from the States who have gone to the Black Hills are stealing gold, digging it out and taking it away, and I don't see why the Great Father don't bring them back. Our Great Father has a great many soldiers, and I never knew 174 SAVAGES GO UPON THE WARPATH him, when he wanted to stop anything with his soldiers but he succeeded in it." A still worse grievance was the destruc tion of buffaloes by hunters and excursionists. Thousands of the animals were slaughtered for their hides, which fell in price from three dollars each to a dollar. In one locality were to be counted six or seven thousand putrefying carcasses. Hunt ers boasted of having killed two thousand head apiece in one season. Railroads ran excursion trains of amateur hunters, who shot their victims from the car Windows. The creatures were at last well-nigh exterminated, so that in 1894 buffalo robes cost in New York from $75 to $175 each. Rasped to frenzy in so many ways, tribe after tribe of savages resolutely took up arms. The Klamath Indians and the Modocs, hereditary enemies, were shortly after the civil war placed upon a common reservation in Oregon. The Modocs, suffering many annoyances from the Klamaths, and indulging in some retaliation, were at last permitted, leaving their uncongenial corral, to roam abroad. Captain Jack headed the seceders, who were believed by many to have been for the most part inoffensive. Among them, however, eight or ten turbulent spirits, led by Curly-headed Doctor, were accused of such depredations that a new superintendent, appearing in 1872, made unfavorable report of the whole wandering tribe, and recommended what General E. R. S. Canby, commanding the Department of the Columbia, deprecated, a resort to force to bring them back to their reservation. Surprised in camp at gray dawn of November 29, 1872, the chiefs refused to sur render and escaped, leaving eight or nine dead warriors, and killing or wounding about the same number of soldiers, besides three citizen auxiliaries. Curly-headed Doctor's band now went upon the war-path, killing eighteen men, though sparing all women and children. While Captain Jack and his faction had no hand in this, the two chiefs, with about 50 warriors and 175 camp followers, united for defence in the Lava Beds, or " pedregal," of northern California, over which rocks of all '75 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY shapes and sizes lay where the last ancient volcanic eruption left them, presenting crevices, chasms, and subterranean pas sages innumerable, with occasional verdant patches of an acre or two. Against these hostiles were sent 400 soldiers and a battery of howitzers. After nearly a month of preparation and skirmishes, on the iyth of January, 1873, 300 soldiers with twenty scouts entered the " pedregal." The stumbling ad vance exposed not a redskin, but man after man fell as the cracks and crannies of the gray rocks above them kept spit ting spiteful puffs of smoke. At night, thirty having been wounded and ten killed, they retreated, and Colonel Wheaton, commanding, asked for 300 more men and four mortars. Meantime the Modocs, by capture or otherwise, secured guns, ammunition, and perhaps some reinforcements. Now two Peace Commissioners, succeeding each other, endeavored in vain to induce the Indians to remove to a reser vation in Arizona or the Indian Territory, far from the perse cutions of the Klamaths and from the vengeance of Oregon whites. The eight or ten most desperate Modocs, known as " the murderers," urged the continuance of the war. Lest his tribal kindred should be betrayed to the hangman or some other treachery practiced, Captain Jack wished the soldiers sent away and the Lava Beds made a reservation. Finding that neither of these dangerous boons could be granted, he began to lend ear to his tempters, who surrounded him as he sat despondent on a rock. Hooker Jim said: "You are like an old squaw ; you have never done any fight ing. You are not fit to be a chief." In like strain George : " What do you want with a gun ? You don't shoot anything with it. You don't go any place or do anything. You are sitting around on the rocks." Scar-faced Charley took up the taunt: " I am going with Hooker Jim. I can fight with him. You are nothing but an old squaw." They decked him with a squaw's dress and bonnet and further jeered him. Thus stirred, the savage in Captain Jack triumphed. He turned on them 176 GEN. CANDY'S CONFERENCE WITH MODOCS and cried : " I will show you that I am no squaw. We will have war, and Keint-poos will not be the one to ask for peace." It is recorded of Captain Jack that subsequently, with Scar- faced Charley, he all night watched over a white emissary, an old-time friend of the tribe, to prevent his murder by the In dians. Upon returning he assured the Commissioners that the Modocs meant treachery. The interpreters squaw wife, Toby, also warned them, being herself told by Modoc " Whim " to keep away and to keep the Commissioners away. A parley appointed for April 8th fell through because of the timely discovery of an Indian ambush. Nevertheless, when Bogus Charley came and proposed at the council tent near the edge of the " pedregal " an unarmed conference of the Commission ers and General Canby with an equal number of Modocs, say ing that after this they would surrender, General Canby and Dr. Thomas, of the Commission, thought that the importance of the object justified the risk. The scout Riddle, as well as Meacham and Dyar, the other Peace Commissioners, urged that it was a hazardous enterprise, but all three said they would go rather than be chargeable with cowardice. Before starting, Meacham and Dyar provided themselves with pocket pistols, gave up their valuables to a friend, and indicated their last wishes. The embassy took seats on stones around a small fire of brush. Only Dr. Thomas reclined on the ground. Captain Jack made a speech. As he closed, Hooker Jim took Meacham's overcoat and put it on, insolently remarking, " I am Meacham." Meacham said : " Take my hat, too." " I will, pres ently," was the response, in Modoc. Perceiving that treachery was con templated, General Canby told how he had earned the name of " the GENERAL E. R. S. CANBY 177 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Indian's friend," expressing hope that the Modocs, as others had done, would some day thank him for getting them happy homes. He could not send away the Great Father's soldiers, but what the Commissioners promised should be done, and the citizens should not interfere. Dr. Thomas, too, rising to his knees, with head uncovered and with his hand on Meacham's shoulder, said : " I believe the Great Spirit put it into the heart of the President to send us here to make peace. I have known General Canby fourteen years, Mr. Meacham eighteen years, and Mr. Dyar four years. I know their hearts are good, and I know my own heart. We want no more war. I believe that God sees what we do ; that he wishes us all to be at peace ; that no more blood should be THE LAVA BEDS Looking east, showing the Soldiers' Cemetery in the foreground From a photograph by Taker shed." Captain Jack said he did not wish to leave that coun try for a strange one. " Jack," said Meacham, " let us talk like men and not like children. You are a man that has com- 178 GEN. CANBY KILLED mon-sense ; isn't there any other place that will do you except Willow Creek and Cottonwood ? " Here, while Jack stepped back to the horses, Sconchin broke in : " Give us Hot Creek for a home, and take away your soldiers," repeating, excitedly, "Take away the soldiers and give us Hot Creek, or stop talk ing." Just then two Indians with three guns apiece came run ning from their hiding place not far off. Steamboat Frank and a third brave also soon appeared. "What does this mean, Captain Jack ? " said some one. The chief, close to Canby, levelled his revolver, said " Atwe" " all ready," and pressed the trigger. The cap snapped. In an instant he cocked it again and fired. Canby fell, struck under the eye. Boston Charley shot Dr. Thomas in the left breast. He rose and ran, but Bogus Charley finished the work with a rifle ball. SCENE OF THE CANBT MASSACRE The cross indicates the sfot where General Canby sat when Captain Jack fired the first shot From a f holograph by T"aber chin missed Meacham, who ran, drew his pistol and fired back, but soon fell senseless with a bullet in his head. Gen eral Canby recovered his footing and sought to flee. Ellen's 179 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Man brought him to the earth, while Jack dispatched him with a stab in the neck. Pressed by Hooker Jim, Dyar faced about with his pistol and the redskin fled. Riddle, the inter preter, hounded by three, managed to escape with a mere scratch. His wife, Toby, was struck down, but her life was spared. As the murderers proceeded to the usual savage con summation of their deed, she cried out : " Soldiers ! soldiers ! " whereat they fled. By this ruse did the faithful squaw save the bodies from mutilation. At another place Lieutenants Doyle and Sherwood had just before been attacked under a flag of truce, and Sherwood mortally wounded. The camp force, thus apprised of treach ery, hastened, too late, to the scene of Canby's death. Only Riddle and Dyar reached their advancing lines. The stripped bodies of Canby and Thomas were first found. Near by lay Meacham, also stripped, shot under his right eye, in the side of the head, and through the right arm. A temple was grazed, a finger lost, an ear cut, while a long gash gaped where Boston Charley had begun to scalp his victim. Mea cham still breathed, however, and, after the bullets had been extracted, rapidly recovered. Attack upon the Indians was now begun in earnest, and their stronghold shelled, but in vain. Not till early summer, when the " murderers " had rebelled and both factions left the lava beds, Jack making for the coveted Willow Creek, seeking, per haps, a union with disaffected Sho- shones, did General Jefferson C. Davis, who took Canby's place, scatter and capture the bloody pack. The Mo- docs lost a few warriors, besides wom en and children. Of citizens and the military and Indian allies, sixty-five were killed, sixty-three wounded. The war cost half a million dollars. Captain LR CUSTER 180 GENERAL GEORGE A. TWO VIEWS OF THE MODOC WAR SITTING BULL After a photograph by Notman GALL After a photograph by Barry FAMOUS SIOUX CHIEFS Jack, Sconchin, Black Jim, Boston Charley, One-Eyed Jim, and Slolox were tried by a military commission for murder. The first four were hanged, the other two imprisoned for life on Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Harbor. The above account of the Modoc War is substantially that of those inclined to lay the main guilt of the uprising to the whites and to think well of the Indians. What may in a sense be called the Oregon view differs from it in certain more or less important particulars, mainly (i) in ascribing the pro vocation to war to the Modocs rather than to the Klamaths or the whites, and to the whole of Jack's band rather than to a turbulent part of it ; (2) in setting down as foolish the efforts of peace men to deal with savages, considering these as, prac tically without exception, heartless and treacherous. The Cheyennes and allied tribes, in reprisal for the loss of their buffaloes, made many cattle raids. In 1874 the set tlers retaliated, but were soon flying from their farms in panic. The Indians, as the papers had it, were at once " handed over to the secular arm," the army being set to deal with them in stead of the Peace Commission. Resistance was brief, en- ili THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY tirely collapsing when at one stroke sixty-nine warriors and two thousand ponies were captured on Elk Creek. In 1874 a massacre by the Sioux was barely averted. The agent at the Red Cloud agency erected a staff, and, on Sunday, unfurled the national flag " to let the Indians know what day it was." Viewing the emblem as meaning hostility, the Sioux belea guered the agency, and, but for Sitting Bull, would have mas sacred all the whites there as well as the handful of soldiers sent to their rescue. While the catastrophes just narrated were occurring a worse horror withdrew public attention for a moment from the Indian hostilities at the remote West to a far Eastern locality over which King Philip's own braves had ranged in the first great Indian war of American history. GENERAL GEORGE A. CUSTER After a photograph by Gardner at Falmoutk, Va., in f86j 182 THE WILLIAMSBURG, MASS., FLOOD On May 16, 1874, the rupture of a reservoir dam in the town of Williamsburg, Mass., caused a disastrous flood, cost ing 140 lives and the loss of $1,500,000 in property. The basin which collapsed was 300 feet above the level of Wil liamsburg village, and from three to four miles farther up Mill River. It covered 109 acres to a depth averaging 24 feet, its 650,000,000 gallons of water forming a reserve supply for the factories of Williamsburg, Skinnerville, Haydenville, Leeds, and Florence. The gate-keeper, one George Cheney, made the tour of the premises as usual, early on the fatal morn ing, but discovered nothing out of order. He went home to breakfast. The meal was just ending when Cheney's father, happening to glance through a window, exclaimed : " For God's sake, George, look there ! " A vast block, fifty feet long, was shooting out from the bottom of the dam. Cheney was an old soldier and had presence of mind. Rushing to the gate he opened it to its full width, hoping thus to re lieve the pressure at the break. He then made for the barn. Bridling his horse while his father cut him a stick, he mounted, just as the whole dam gave way, and dashed head long down the valley, warning the population below. He covered the distance to Spellman's button factory, three miles away, in fifteen minutes, the thundering avalanche of waters close behind. It was about half after seven when the brave herald reached Spellman's, himself spent with excitement and shout ing, his horse worsted in the unequal race. D. Collins Graves, a milkman, here took up the news. Saying " If the dam is breaking the folks must know it," he lashed his horse at a breakneck pace to Haydenville, shouting : " The reser voir is right here ! Run ! It's all you can do ! " Spell man's factory, the first building to test the torrent's power, was tossed from its base and dashed in pieces like a child's block-house. The help, heeding Cheney's warning, sped to the hills too late, for many were caught and borne down to 183 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY death. The Skinnerville silk operatives had just begun the day's work. When the warning reached them the superin tendent was incredulous, and only the roar of the waters, drowning the courier's cry, wrung from him the order to quit. All hands dashed toward the high land, and but three were lost. Of these one had hurried home to save his family, ar riving just in time to perish with them. Many other families were hurried to death together, amid noble efforts of the strong to save the weak, whose groans and cries formed an agonizing appeal for aid. The loss of life must have been far greater but for Cheney's and Graves's brave riding. Many hair-breadth escapes occurred, accounts of which, related afterward, sounded like miracle stories. One man sailed half a mile on the very crest of the deluge, borne upon a raft of debris, saving himself at last by grasping a limb of one of the few trees stout enough to stem the flood. Large parts of Williamsburg and Skinnerville, including several mills and factories, were laid in hopeless ruin. The great brass works at Haydenville were totally demolished. A couple of mill-stones, weighing a ton each, were wafted a dis tance of half a mile. Almost the entire village of Leeds was destroyed. Much damage was done so far down as Florence, where vast fertile tracks were covered beneath feet of sand. Relief work for the hundreds left homeless and destitute was at once begun and nobly prosecuted. Sup plies came from nearly all parts of Massachusetts and from other States. The Massachusetts legislature was in session and instituted a competent and searching investigation of the accident. Public sorrow turned to public indignation when the calamity was discovered to be due entirely to 184 RAIN-IN-? 'HE-FACE After a p holograph by Barry BAD CONSTRUCTION OF THE RESERVOIR THE INDIAN TRADERS' STORE AT STANDING ROCK, DAKOTA* After a pbotografh by Barry culpable negligence on the part of those originating, planning, constructing and approving the reservoir. The wall of the dam was too weak. It was built mainly of irregular instead of cut stone. Save at the middle, where it was re-enforced by about a foot, it was not over 5^ feet thick. Also the earth above the stone was not properly placed or rammed. *It was here, in the spring of 1875, that Rain-in-the-Face was arrested by Captain Tom Custer, in revenge for which he threatened to eat the latter's heart a threat said to have been ful filled at the fight on the Little Big Horn. 185 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY In 1875 there was pretence of investigating affairs at the Red Cloud post, but with scant result. Much of the testi mony was by casual observers or interested parties, and none of it under oath. The Indians did not testify freely, and con tradicted each other ; Sitting Bull told one story, Red Cloud another. What became clear was that, in Red Cloud's phrase, the Indians were " succeeding backward." A large portion of the Sioux, under Sitting Bull, had re fused to enter into a treaty surrendering certain lands and con senting to confine themselves within a new reservation. Notice was served upon these non-treaty Sioux that, unless they moved to the reservation before January i, 1876, they would be treated as hostiles. Sitting Bull refused to stir, and early in the spring the army assumed the offensive. The chief chose his position with rare skill, in the wild hunting country of southern Mon tana, now Custer County, near a quarter-circle of agencies, whence would join him next summer a great troop of discon tented and ambitious young " Reservation " braves. The Bad Lands around made defense easy and attack most arduous. It was determined to close upon the hostiles in three col umns, General Gibbon from the west, General Crook from the south, and General Terry, with a somewhat larger body of troops, including the Seventh United States Cavalry, six hundred strong, under Lieutenant-Colonel Custer, from the east. Crook was delayed by unexpected attacks. The other two columns met without interference. Terry followed the Yellowstone up as far as the Rosebud, where he established a supply camp. Here Custer with his cavalry left him, June 22d, to make a detour south, up the Rosebud, get above the Indians, and drive them down the Little Big Horn into the army's slowly closing grip. Three days later, June 25th, Custer struck Sitting Bull's main trail, and eagerly pursued it across the divide into the Little Big Horn Valley. Expecting battle, he detached Major Reno with seven of his twelve com panies, to cross the Little Big Horn, descend it, and strike the 186 THE CUSTER MASSACRE foe from the west ; but Reno was soon attacked and held at bay, being besieged in all more than twenty-four hours. Mean time, suddenly coming upon the lower end of the Indians' im mense camp, the gallant Custer and his braves, without an instant's hesitation, advanced into the jaws of death. That death awaited every man was at once evident, but at the awful sensation, the sickening horror attending the realization of that fact, not a soul wavered. Balaklava was pastime to this, for here not one " rode back." " All that was left of them," after perhaps twenty-five minutes, was so many mostly unre cognizable corpses. " Two hundred and sixty-two were with Custer, and two hundred and sixty-two died overwhelmed. With the last shot was silence. The report might have been written : c None wounded ; none missing ; all dead.' No living tongue of all that heroic band was left to tell the story. The miserable half-breed scout, Curley, who might years later be seen hang ing around Fort Custer, claimed to have been with Custer when the engagement began, but he pulled a Sioux blanket over his head, mingled with the enemy, and ran away at the first fire. He could only tell that there had been a battle." " Near the high ground and not far from where the Custer monument was erected, the body of Kellogg, special correspondent of the New York Herald, was found. He was bravely following the gallant Custer. The guide points out the little wooden slab which marks the spot, for he died like a hero, too, in the line of his duty." After harrassing Reno, the Indians slipped ofF under cover of night. As cending the Big Horn and the Little Big Horn, Gibbon and Terry, on the 2yth, discovered the bodies of Custer and his five devoted companies. Custer alone was not mutilated. He had been shot CAPTAINE. S. GODFREY After a photograph by Barry THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY THE ONLY SURVIVORS OF After a p holograph in the left temple, the remainder of his face wearing in death a natural look. Years sub sequently a care ful survey of the field and talks with savages enabled Captain Godfrey, who was with Re no on the fatal day, to see what course the Custer fight had taken Finding himself outnumbered twelve or more to one the Indians mustered about 2,500 warriors, besides a caravan of boys and squaws Custer had dismounted his heroes, who, planting themselves mainly on two hills some way apart, the advance one held by Custer, the other by Captains Keogh and Calhoun, prepared to sell their lives dearly. The red skins say that had Reno maintained the offensive they should have fled, the chiefs having, at the first sight of Custer, or dered camp broken for this purpose. But when Reno drew back this order was countermanded, and the entire army of the savages was concentrated against the doomed Custer. By waving blankets and uttering their hellish yells, they stam peded many of the cavalry horses, which carried off precious ammunition in their saddle-bags. Lining up just behind a ridge, they would rise quickly, fire at the soldiers, and drop, exposing themselves little, but drawing Custer's fire, so caus- *Comanche was the horse ridden by Captain Keogh, and was afterward found with seven wounds at a distance of several miles from the battle-field. The Secretary of War subsequently issued an order forbidding any one to ride him, and detailing a soldier to take care of him as long as he lived. Curley, a Crow Indian, was Custer's scout, and is said to have made his escape by wrapping himself in a Sioux blanket when the battle began. 188 THE REVENGE OF RAIN-IN-THE-FACE Curley, the Scout THE CUSTER MASSACRE by Barry ing additional loss of sorely needed bullets. The whites' ammunition spent, the dismounted savages rose, fired, and whooped like the demons they were; while the mounted ones, lashing their ponies, charged with infinite venom, overwhelming Cal- houn and Keogh, and lastly Custer himself. Indian boys then pranced over the fields on ponies, scalping and re-shooting the dead and dy ing. At the burial many a stark visage wore a look of horror. " Rain-in-the-Face," who mainly inspired and directed the battle on the Indian side, boasted that he cut out and ate Captain Tom Custer's heart. Most believe that he did so. "Rain-in-the- Face" was badly wounded, and used crutches ever after. Brave Sergeant Butler's body was found by itself, lying on a heap of empty cartridge shells which told what he had been about. Sergeant Mike Madden had a leg mangled while fight ing, tiger-like, near Reno, and for his bravery was promoted on the field. He was always over-fond of grog, but long ab stinence had now intensified his thirst. He submitted to am putation without anaesthesia. After the operation the surgeon gave him a stiff horn of brandy. Emptying it eagerly and smack ing his lips, he said : " M-eh, Doctor, cut off the other leg." This distressing catastrophe, which whelmed the country in grief many days, called forth Longfellow's poem, " The Revenge of Rain-in-the-Face," ending with the stanza : Whose was the right and the wrong ? Sing it, O funeral song, With a voice that is full of tears, And say that our broken faith Wrought all this ruin and scathe In the Year of a Hundred Years. 189 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY This poem mistakenly represents " Rain-in-the-Face " as having mutilated General Custer instead of his brother, the Captain. Also it is based on the " ambush " theory of the battle, which at first all shared. We now know, however, that Custer fought in the open, from high ground, not in a ravine. His surprise lay not in finding Indians before him, but in finding them so fatally numerous. Some of General Terry's friends charged Custer with transgressing his orders in fighting as he did. That he was somewhat careless, almost rash, in his prepara tions to attack can perhaps be main tained, though good authority declares the " battle fought tacti cally and with intel ligence on Custer's part/' and calls it unjust "to say that he was reckless or foolish." Bravest of the brave, Custer was always anxious to fight, and, just now in ill favor with President Grant, he was eager to make a record ; but that he was guilty of disobedience to his orders is not shown. It, indeed, came quite directly from General Terry that had Custer lived to return " he would at once have been put under arrest and court-martialled for disobedience." This might have been the best way to elicit all the facts, and does not prove that even General Terry would have been sure of Custer's conviction. The present head of the army, General Miles, is strongly of the opinion that Custer was not guilty of disobeying any 190 THE CUSTER MONUMENT ERECTED ON THE BATTLEFIELD After a photograph by Barry DID CUSTER DISOBEY ORDERS ? orders. The late General Fry expressed himself with equal emphasis in the same tenor. Colonel R. P. Hughes, how ever, who was General Terry's chief of staff during the Sioux campaign, sought, in an able article in the Journal of the Mili tary Service Institution for January, 1896, to defend the contrary proposition. He adduced many interesting consid erations, but seemed to the present writer not at all to justify his view. Custer's expressed hope to " swing clear " of Terry is worked too hard when made to bear the meaning that he de liberately purposed to disregard Terry's orders. To have a superior at his elbow seemed to him queer and unpleasant; he liked, especially in fighting Indians, to be trusted. Had he been minded disobediently to meet the Indians without Gib bon, getting a victory and all its glory for himself alone, he would have marched faster during his first days out from the Rosebud mouth. He in fact moved but 108 miles in four days. Much turns on the force of Custer's written orders, which, judged by usual military documents of the kind, cer tainly gave Custer a much larger liberty than Colonel Hughes supposed. There is an affidavit of a witness who heard Terry's and Custer's last conversation together at the mouth of the Rosebud, just before Custer began his fatal ride. Terry said : " Use your own judgment and do what you think best if you strike the trail ; and whatever you do, Cus ter, hold on to your wounded." Even his written orders gave Custer leave to depart from his written orders if he saw reason for doing so, i. e., if, in his judgment, the end of the campaign could be best attained in that way. Hughes argues that because he, Hughes, can see no reason for any such de parture, Custer could have seen none. But how can we know this ? Custer, who alone could tell, cannot be interrogated ; and the purposes and plans that governed his course during his eventful last days men can only surmise. 191 THE LAST QUARTER- CENTURY Hughes's contention, in opposition to General Fry, that Terry had and had communicated to Custer a perfectly definite plan of campaign, explicitly involving Gibbon's co-operation in the attack, seems still to lack proof; but the observations here made are little dependent on the decision of that point. A remark or two, however. Colonel Hughes, it seems, wishes us to think that Terry all along knew the exceeding strength of the Indian force, accounting it much too numerous for Custer safely to attack alone. Was it not, then, rash and cruel to send Custer out on that far detour, crowding him so well to the south, where, let Gibbon hurry as he might, the savages would have Custer at their mercy ! He could not hope to conceal his march very long. " It is folly to suppose that either a small or a large band of Indians would remain stationary and allow one body of troops to come up on one side of it while another body came up on the other side and engaged it in battle. . . . When Custer's command was ordered to move out as it did it _left the Indians, who were acting on interior lines, absolutely free to attack either one of the commands thus separated, or fight them in detail, as might be preferred." Hughes makes the point that Custer did not report to Gibbon whether he found Indians in Tulloch Creek Valley. General Fry seems justified in calling this a purely formal and immaterial neglect. The valley up and down was completely empty of Indians, and Custer doubtless considered it a needless diminution of his scout force to detach a man to report this. That he did not send word to Gibbon at any later time may seem strange, but he certainly was not commanded to do so. Hughes charges it as disobedience that Custer did not ride southward when he ascertained that the Indian trail turned toward the Little Big Horn. But his orders did not command him to go southward the moment he ascertained the course of the trail, or at any cfther particular moment. Moreover, what Hughes does not observe, the purpose of veering southward was simply to see that the hostiles did not escape around his 192 HAD RENO PRESSED FORWARD! left. The configuration of the country, as Custer saw it, must have assured him that when the hostiles made for the Little Big Horn Valley they gave up all purpose of marching south and were bent upon going down that valley. It would have been foolish for him to have proceeded south after he felt ab solutely convinced of the enemy's purpose. He would simply have wasted the strength of his command. Hughes deems it blameworthy that from the moment when Custer found the trail leading toward the Little Big Horn he quickened his speed. In this he seems to overlook the fact that Custer's discovery may well have led him to fear for Gibbon's command. The redskins had gone to the Little Big Horn on purpose to go down that stream. Custer could not know how far down it they by this time were, or how far up it Gibbon might possibly have come. Had he not made the best of his way on he would certainly have been censur able. At the same time, it obviously would not do for him when he came upon the foe to wait before attacking to ascer tain Gibbon's whereabouts. As General Fry observes, had he hesitated, either he would have been attacked himself, or else his foe would have withdrawn to attack Gibbon or to get away entirely. Small as was Custer's total force, yet had Reno sup ported him as had been expected, the fight would have been a victory, the enemy killed, captured, driven down upon Gib bon, or so cut to pieces as never to have reappeared as a formidable force. In either of these cases Custer, living or dead, would have emerged from the campaign with undying glory and there would have been no thought of a court- martial or of censure. i 93 OLD SWEDES' CHURCH, PHILADELPHIA, BUILT IN 7700 After a photograph byRau CHAPTER VIII "THE YEAR OF A HUNDRED YEARS "- THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION AND THE HAYES-TILDEN IMBROGLIO ORIGIN OF THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION. PHILADELPHIA LAND MARKS. THE EXPOSITION BUILDINGS. THE OPENING. THE VARI OUS EXHIBITS. ATTENDANCE. A POLITICAL CRISIS. GRANT AND JEWELL. THE BELKNAP DISGRACE. ANOTHER REFORM MOVEMENT. FEAR OF A THIRD TERM FOR GRANT. ISSUES BETWEEN THE PARTIES. HAYES AND TILDEN NOMINATED. THEIR LETTERS OF ACCEPTANCE THE CAMPAIGN. PROPHECY OF TROUBLE OVER THE PRESIDENTIAL COUNT. THE TWENTY-SECOND JOINT RULE. RESULT OF THE ELECTION IN DOUBT. CIPHER DESPATCHES. QUEER WAYS OF RETURNING BOARDS FEARS AND HOPES. THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION. THE CASE OF FLORIDA, OF LOUISIANA, OF OREGON, OF SOUTH CAROLINA. HAYES DECLARED ELECTED. AN ELECTORAL COUNT LAW. READERS will rejoice that racial feuds at the South and the West during President Grant's second term did not make up the entire history of these years. Despite those and all its other troubles, the American body politic was 195 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY about to round the first century of its life in satisfactory and increasing vigor. What could be more fitting than that the hundredth anniversary of the world's greatest Republic should be kept by a monster celebration ? Such a question was publicly raised in 1870 by an association of Philadelphia citizens, and it set the entire nation thinking. At first only a United States celebration was proposed, but reflection developed the idea of a Mammoth Fair where the arts and industries of the whole world should be represented. Congress took up the design in 18712. In 1873 President Grant formally pro claimed the Exposition, and in 1874 foreign governments were invited to participate in it. Thirty-three cordially re sponded, including all the civilized nations except Greece, a larger number than had ever before taken part in an event like this. Philadelphia was naturally chosen as the seat of the Ex position. Here the nation was born, a fact of which much remained to testify. Among the ancient buildings were the "Old Swedes' " Church, built in 1700, Christ Church, begun only twenty-seven years later, still in perfect preservation, St. Peter's, built in 1758-1761, and the sequestered Friends' Meeting-house, built in 1808. The Penn Treaty Monu ment, unimpressive in appearance, marked the site of the elm under which Penn made his famous treaty with the Indians. Carpenters' Hall, still owned by the Carpenters' Company which built it, had been made to resume the appearance it bore when, in 1774, the first Continental Congress assembled under its roof. In the centre of a line of antique edifices known as State-house Row, stood Independence Hall, erected 1732-1735. The name specifically applied to the large first-floor east room, in which the second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. In 1824 Lafayette held a great reception here, and six years later it was consecrated to the past. Revolutionary portraits 196 THE EXPOSITION BUILDINGS and relics were placed in it, and the building restored to its original condition. In 1854 the old Liberty Bell was taken down from the tower into the hall and the walls enriched by a large number of portraits from the Peale Gallery. A keeper was then appointed and the hall opened to visitors. In Fairmount Park, beyond the Schuylkill, a level plat of over 200 acres was inclosed, and appropriate buildings erected. Five enormous structures, the Main Building, with Machinery, Agricultural, Horticultural, and Memorial Halls, towered above all the rest. Several foreign governments built structures of their own. Twenty-six States did the same. Thirty or more buildings were put up by private enterprise in order the better to present industrial processes STATE-HOUSE ROW, PHILADELPHIA After a photograph by Rau and products. In all more than two hundred edifices stood within the inclosure. The Exposition opened on May loth, with public exer cises, a hundred thousand people being present. Wagner had 197 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY composed a march for the occasion. Whittier's Centennial Hymn, a noble piece, was sung by a chorus of one thousand voices. Our fathers' God ! from out whose hand The centuries fall like grains of sand, We meet to-day, united, free, And loyal to our land and Thee, To thank Thee for the era done, And trust Thee for the opening one. Here, where of old, by Thy design, The fathers spake that word of Thine, Whose echo is the glad refrain Of rended bolt and fallen chain, To grace our festal time, from all The zones of earth our guests we call. The restored South chanted the praises of the Union in the words of Sidney Lanier, the Georgia poet. President Grant then declared the Exposition open. Further simple but impressive ceremonies were held on July 4th, in the pub lic square at the rear of Independence Hall. On temporary platforms sat 5,000 distinguished guests, and a chorus of 1,000 singers. The square and the neighboring streets were rilled with a dense throng. Richard Henry Lee, grandson of the mover of the Declaration of Independence, came to the front with the original document in his hands. At sight of that yellow and wrinkled paper the vast throng burst into pro longed cheering. Mr. Lee read the Declaration, Bayard Tay lor recited an ode, and Hon. William M. Evarts delivered an oration. In the Main Building, erected in a year, at a cost of $1,700,000, manufactures were exhibited, also products of the mine, along with innumerable other evidences of scientific and educational progress. More than a third of the space was re served for the United States, the rest being divided among foreign countries. The products of all climates, tribes, and times, were here. Great Britain, France, and Germany exhib- 198 THE VARIOUS EXHIBITS exhibited the work of their myriad roaring looms side by side with the wares of the Hawaiian Islands and the little Orange Free State. Here were the furs of Rus sia, with other articles from the frozen North ; there the flash ing diamonds of Brazil, and the rich shawls and waving plumes of India. At a step one passed from old Egypt to the latest born South American republic. Chinese conser vatism and Yankee enterprise confronted each other across the aisle. From the novelty of the foreign display the American visitor turned proudly to the handiwork of his own land. Textiles, arms, tools, musical instruments, watches, carriages, cutlery, books, furniture a bewildering display of all things useful and ornamental made him realize as never before the wealth, intelligence, and enterprise of his native country, and the proud station to which she had risen among the nations of the earth. Three-fourths of the space in Machinery Hall was taken up with American machinery. i 99 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY GENERAL JOSEPH R. HAWLET President of the Centennial Com- Memorial Hall, a beautiful perma nent building of granite, erected by Pennsylvania and Philadelphia at a cost of 11,500,000, was given up to art. This was the poorest feature of the Ex position, though the collection was the largest and most notable ever till then seen this side the Atlantic. America had few art works of the first order to show, while foreign nations, with the exception of England, which contri buted a noble lot of paintings, including works by Gainsborough and Reynolds, feared to send their choicest products across the sea. All through the summer and early autumn, spite of the unusual heat that year, thousands of pilgrims from all parts of the country and the world filled the fair grounds and the city. Amid the crowds of visitors Philadelphians became strang ers in their own streets. On September 28th, Pennsylvania day, 275,000 persons passed the gates. During October the visitors numbered over two and a half millions. From May loth to November loth, the closing day, the total admissions were 9,900,000. The aggregate attendance was larger than at any previous international exhibition, except that of Paris in 1867. The admissions there reached 10,200,- ooo, but the gates were open fifty-one days longer than in Philadelphia. At Vienna, in 1873, there were but 7,255,000 admissions in 186 days, against 159 days at Philadelphia. Full of peace and promise as was this Philadelphia pag eant, in politics these same months saw the United States at a serious crisis. The best interests of the country seemed to depend on the party in power, yet a large and influential sec tion of that party was in all but open revolt. Many base men to whom honest and enterprising public servants were unwel come were tolerated near the President. Secretary Bristow's JEWELL AND THE POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT noble fight against the Whiskey Ring, his victory, and his resignation from the Cabinet are described in another Chapter. Ex-Governor Marshall Jewell, of Connecticut, was a most effi cient Postmaster-General. Upon taking his office he avowed the purpose to conduct it on business principles. He at once began to attack the notorious " straw bids " and other corrupt practices connected with carrying the mails in Texas and Ala bama. It was he who introduced the Railway Post-office Sys tem, by which the postal matter for a State, instead of first going to the capital or to one or two central cities and being slowly distributed thence, was sent to its destination directly, by the shortest routes and in the most expeditious manner. Yet in 1876, two years from the time of his appointment, much to the surprise of the public, Jewell left the Cabinet. An officeholder explained that " they didn't care much for Jewell in Washington ; why, he ran the Post-office as though it was a factory ! " The ring politicians were a unit against him, and finally succeeded in displacing him. In a speech before the Senate during the impeachment trial of Belknap, Grant's War Secretary, Hon. George F. Hoar declared that he had heard the taunt from friendliest lips that " the only product of the United States' institutions in which she sur passed all other nations beyond question was her corruption." The Sherman Letters threw much light on the Belknap disgrace. July 8, 1871, General Sherman wrote : " My office has been by law stript of all the influence and prestige it possessed under Grant (as General), and even in matters of discipline and army control I am neglected, overlooked, or snubbed." Later, Sherman wrote : " Belknap has acted badly by me ever since he reached Washington. General Grant promised me often to arrange and divide our functions, but he never did, but left the Secretary to do all those things of which he himself, as General, had complained to Stanton." " The President and Belknap both gradually withdrew from me all the powers which Grant had exercised in the same aoi THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY office, and Congress capped the climax by repealing that law which required all orders to the army to go through the Gen eral." " I have no hesitation in saying that if the Secretary of War has the right to command the army through the Ad jutant-General, then my office is a sinecure and should be abol ished." Why the General of the Army had been thus extruded from the authority and functions properly attending his office, was clear when, on February 29th, 1876, Caleb P. Marsh, one of a firm of contractors in New York City, testified before a Congressional Committee that, in 1870, Belknap had offered him the control of the post-tradership at Fort Sill, In dian Territory, for the purpose of enabling him to extort from the actual holder of the place, one John S. Evans, $3,000 four times a year as the price of continuing in it. The Secretary and his family appeared to have received 1 24,450 in this way. Belknap's resignation was offered and accepted a few hours before the House passed a unanimous vote to impeach him. Other dubious acts of Belknap's came to light, notably a contract for erecting tombstones in national cemeteries, from which, as was charged, he realized $90,000. In the fall of 1874, General Sherman actually transferred his headquarters to St. Louis, to remove himself from official con tact with Belknap, who was issuing orders and making ap pointments without Sherman's knowledge. Two years later, after Belknap's resignation, the office of General of the Army was re-invested with the powers which had formerly belonged to it. Then the General moved back to Washington. Belknap demurred to the Senate's jurisdiction, but on May 29th the Senate affirmed this, 37 to 29, Morton and Conkling voting nay, Cameron, Edmunds, Morrill and Sher man aye. Thurman moved the resolution of impeachment. Belknap's counsel refused to let him plead, urging that the vote to assume jurisdiction, not being a two-thirds vote, was equivalent to an acquittal. The Senate, however, proceeded, 202 -._. __ THE NEW REFORM MOVEMENT as on a plea of " not guilty," to try him, He was acquitted, one Democrat voting for acquittal. Morton was among the Republicans who voted for conviction. After the above recitals one is not surprised that in April, 1876, over the signatures of William Cullen Bryant, Theodore D. Woolsey, Alexander H. Bullock, Horace White, and Carl Schurz, was issued a circular call for a conference of Republicans dissatisfied at the " wide-spread corruption " with which machine politics had infected our public service. The conference organized about five weeks later, electing Theodore D. Woolsey for president, and for secretaries, among others, Henry Cabot Lodge, Francis A. Walker and Henry Armitt Brown. A Committee on Business next re ported "An Address to the American people," by which the assemblage, after recounting the threatening growth of official corruption hand in hand with the spoils system, invoked all good citizens to join them in a pledge to support no presi dential aspirant not known " to possess the moral courage and sturdy resolution to grapple with abuses which had acquired the strength of established customs, and to this end firmly to resist the pressure even of his party friends." The New York Herald had in 1874 started a cry that Grant would not be averse to breaking the canon set by Washington against a third presidential term. Democratic journals took up the alarm and soon the press all over the land was vocal with denunciations of " Grantism," " Caesar- ism," " Third Termism ! " So nervous did the din make Re publicans, that in 1875 tne Pennsylvania Republican Conven tion passed a resolution of unalterable " opposition to the election to the presidency of any person for a third term." Grant had thus far been almost alone in keeping silence, but he at last felt called to express himself. He wrote a letter to the chairman of the convention. " Now for the third term," said he, " I do not want it any more than I did the first." Yet he remarked that the Constitution did not re- 205 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY VIEWS AT THE PHILADELPHIA CENTENNIAL strict a President to two terms, and that it might some time be unfortunate to dismiss one so soon. However, he would not accept a nomination unless " under such circum stances as to make it an imperative duty circumstances not likely to arise." This was too equivocal. The National House of Representatives therefore passed a resolution, 234 to 1 8, seventy Republicans voting for it: "That in the opinion of this House the precedent estab lished by Washington and other Presidents of the United 206 PARTY PLATFORiMS IN 1876 States after their second term, has become, by universal con currence, a part of our Republican system of government, and that any departure from this time-honored custom would be unwise, unpatriotic, and fraught with peril to our free in stitutions." The issues with a view to which, in 1876, the two great parties constructed their platforms, were mainly three : The " Southern question," specie resumption, and civil service re form. The Republican party endorsed its own civil rights and force legislation, but called for better administration. The Democracy had at last, to use J. Q. Adams's phrase, "sneaked up to its inevitable position." It reaffirmed its faith in the Union, and its devotion to the Constitution, with its amend ments, universally accepted, as a final settlement of the contro versy which engendered civil war. This was a re-emergence of Vallandigham's New Departure for the party. The Demo cratic platform rang with the cry of " Reform," which had been so effectual in New York State in the election of Tilden as Governor. The catalogue of shocking Republican scandals was gone over to prove the futility of attempting " reform within party lines." " President, Vice- President, Judges, Senators, Represen tatives, Cabinet Offi cers these and all others in authority are the people's ser vants. Their offices are not a private per quisite ; they are a Horticu't 207 THE LAST QUARTER- CENTURY public trust." This was the origin of an expression, afterward usually referred to President Cleveland, which bade fair to be immortal. While the Republicans favored a " continuous and steady progress to specie payments," the hard-money men failed to get the Convention to endorse the Resumption Clause of the Act of 1875. The Democrats denounced that clause as a hindrance to resumption, but their Convention would not com mit itself to a condemnation of the resumption policy. The Republicans favored a revenue tariff with incidental protection. The Democrats repudiated protection, and demanded cc that all custom-house taxation should be only for revenue." The Republican Convention met in Cincinnati on June 1 4th. "Third-termers" saw no hope for Grant. James G. Elaine was thought the man most likely to receive the nomina tion. His name was placed before the Convention by Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, in one of the most eloquent addresses ever heard on such an occasion. When in the roll-call of States Maine was reached, boundless enthusiasm reigned, with cheering that died away only to be renewed, closing with three cheers for James G. Elaine. Mr. Ingersoll mounted the platform. As he was then comparatively unknown, the epi grammatic force and the fervor of his words took his hearers by surprise. His concluding periods were not soon forgotten, and the title of " Plumed Knight " with which he dubbed his hero adhered to Mr. Elaine through life. " This is a grand year," he said : " a year filled with the recollections of the Revolution ; filled with proud and tender memories of the sacred past ; . . the span is too long filled with legends of liberty ; a year in which the sons of freedom will drink from the fountain of enthusiasm ; a year in which the people call for the man who has preserved in Congress what their soldiers won upon the field ; a year in which they call for the man who has torn from the throat of treason the tongue of slander ; the man who has snatched the mask of Democracy 208 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY from the hideous face of the rebellion ; the man who, like the intellectual athlete, has stood in the arena of debate, challenging all comers, and who, up to the present moment, is a total stranger to defeat. Like an armed warrior, like a plumed knight, James G. Elaine marched down the halls of the American Congress, and threw his shining lance full and fair against ^- *r. BELKNAP the brazen forehead of every traitor to his country and every maligner of his fair reputation. For the Republican party to desert that gallant man now is as though an army should desert its general upon the field of battle. . . James G. Blaine is now and has been for years the bearer of the sacred standard of the Republican party. I call it sacred because no human being can stand beneath its folds without becoming and without remaining free. " Gentlemen of the Convention : In the name of the great Republic, the only Republic that ever existed upon the face of the earth ; in the name of all her defenders and of all her supporters ; in the name of all her soldiers living ; in the name of all her soldiers that died upon the field of battle ; and in the name of those that perished in the skeleton clutch of famine at Andersonville and Libby, whose sufferings he so vividly remembers Illinois Illinois nominates for the next President of this country that prince of parliamentarians, that leader of leaders, James G. Blaine." Blaine was indeed a brilliant parliamentarian, but his pros pects were weakened by alleged questionable proceedings, the nature of which we shall exhibit later. Most of the Southern delegates were for Oliver P. Morton, of Indiana. Conkling, of New York, in addition to the potent support of his State, enjoyed the favor of the Administration. The reform and anti- Grant delegates were enthusiastic for the gallant destroyer of the Whiskey Ring, ex-Secretary Bristow, of Kentucky. GOVERNOR HAYES George William Curtis said that at the Attorney-General's table he asked Jewell whom the party not the managers would make the candidate, and that Jewell instantly answered, " Bristow." Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Ohio all appeared with favorite sons in their arms: Hartranft, Jewell and Hayes, respect- MARSHALL JEWELL ively. The names familiar enough to evoke cheers from one faction drew " curses not loud but deep " from other cliques. Upon the seventh ballot, there fore, the Convention united upon Governor Rutherford B. Hayes, of Ohio, a man who, though little known, awakened no antagonism and had no embarrassing past, while he had made a most creditable record both as a soldier and as the chief magistrate of his State. When Hayes was nominated for Governor in 1875 m ~ Ration was popular all over the West. Both parties were infected, though the Democrats the worse. The Ohio Democ racy was led that year by William Allen and Samuel F. Carey, two of the ablest campaigners ever heard upon the stump in this country. Hayes dared them to the issue. Spite of pro tests from timid Republicans, he came out boldly for resump tion and the re-establishment of the specie standard, turned the tide against the inflationist hosts, and carried the State. From that moment the Ohio Governor was seen by many to be of presidential stature. John Sherman was the first to name him for the higher office. In a letter dated January 21, 1876, he had written : " Considering all things I believe the nomination of Governor Hayes would give us more strength, taking the whole country at large, than that of any other man." The Democratic Convention convened at St. Louis on June 28th, nominating Samuel J. Tilden on the second ballot. Tilden was born in New Lebanon, N. Y., February 9, 1814, In 1 845 he was elected to the New York Assembly ; in 1 846 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY and again in 1867 to the State Constitutional Convention. He was a keen lawyer. By his famous analysis of the Broad way Bank accounts during the prosecution of the Tammany Ring he rendered an invaluable service to the cause of reform. As Governor, in 1875, ne wa g e d relentless and triumphant war against the Canal Ring, " the country thieves," as they were called to distinguish them from Tweed and his coterie. In accepting the nomination Tilden reiterated his pro tests against " the magnificent and oppressive centralism into which our government was being converted." He also com mended reform in the Civil Service, deprecating the notion that this service existed for office-holders, and bewailing the or ganization of the official class into a body of political merce naries. Hayes's letter emphasized Civil Service reform even more strongly. He zealously descanted upon the evils of the spoils system, and pledged himself, if elected, to employ all the constitutional powers vested in the President to secure reform, returning to the " old rule, the true rule, that honesty, capacity and fidelity constitute the only real qualifications for office." Both candidates wished the Executive to be relieved of the temptation to use patronage for his own re-election. Mr. Hayes made " the noble pledge " that in no case would he be a candidate again. Mr. Tilden disparaged self-imposed re strictions, but recommended that the chief magistrate be con stitutionally disqualified for re-election. Hayes's ambiguity touching the Southern question gave hope that, even if the Republicans succeeded, a milder South ern policy would be introduced. Tilden, while crying out against the insupportable misgovernment imposed upon recon structed States, frankly accepted the Democrats' new departure. Before the end of the canvass he published a pledge that, if elected, he would enforce the constitutional amendments and resist Southern claims. The campaign was tame. The fact that both candidates were of blameless character muffled partisan eloquence. Great MORTON A PROPHET efforts were made to discredit Tilden for connection with cer tain railroad enterprises, and he was sued for an income tax alleged to be due. Retorting, the Democrats sneered at Hayes as an " obscure " man, and roundly denounced the extortion practiced upon office-holders under Secretary Chandler's eye. This chatter amounted to little. All signs pointed to a close election. So early as May, 1874, Mr. Morton of Indiana had pro posed in the Senate an amendment to the Constitution making the President eligible by the people directly. The proposal was committed and, the next January, debated. Each State was to have as many presidential as congressional districts. The presidential candidate successful in any district would receive therefrom one presidential vote, while two special presidential votes would fall to the candidate receiving the greatest num ber of district votes in the State. In reviewing the need of some such change Morton spoke like a prophet. " No State," he declared " has pro vided any method of contesting the election of electors. Though this election may be distinguished by fraud, notorious fraud, by violence, by tumult, yet there is no method of contesting it." Again, c< It seems never to have occurred to the members of the Convention that there could be two sets of electors ; it seems never to have occurred to them that there would be fraud and cor ruption, or any reason why the votes of electors should be set aside. It is clearly a casus omissus, a thing overlooked by the framers of the Constitution." The subject was, however, laid aside, and never taken up again till the dangers 213 SAMUEL 7. TILDEN THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY which Morton had so faithfully foretold were actually shak ing the pillars of our government. Morton also sought to amend and render of service the twenty-second joint rule, the substance of which was that in counting the electoral votes no question should be decided affirmatively and no vote objected to be counted, " except by the concurrent votes of the two houses." This rule had been passed in 1865, being meant to enable the radicals to reject electoral votes from Mr. Lincoln's " ten per cent. States," viz., those reconstructed on the presidential plan. Morton proposed to modify this rule so that no vote could be rejected save by concurrent vote of the two houses. A bill providing for such change passed the Senate, six Republicans opposing. It was never taken up in the House. Morton introduced the bill again in the next Congress, only to see it killed by delays. The election of 1876 passed off quietly, troops being sta tioned at the polls in turbulent quarters. " The result was doubtful up to the day of election ; it was doubtful after the election was over, and to this day the question, Was Tilden or Hayes duly elected ? is an open one. The first reports re ceived in New York were so decidedly in favor of the Demo cratic ticket that the leading Republican journals admitted its success." The Times alone stood out, persistently declaring that Hayes was elected, which caused intense excitement among the huge crowd gathered in the square fronting the Times office. "1 DONT KNOW." The next day different reports were received, and both sides claimed the victory. Hon. Hugh McCulloch, a Republican, but emi nently free from partisan bias, was of the opinion at the time, and so long as he lived, that if the distinguished Northern men who 1900! visited those States had stayed at home, and u-Kiu* Notic* Po^d up there had been no outside pressure upon the in Mississiffi During the , EMU 1/7876 . returning boards, their certificates would 214 THE CIPHER DESPATCHES have been in favor of the Democratic electors. This opin ion was confirmed by a remark of the President of the Union Telegraph Company at the annual meeting of the Union League Club of New York, in 1878. In a conversation with that gentleman Mr. McCulloch happened to speak of the election of Mr. Hayes, when he interrupted by saying: " c But he was not elected/ c If he was not, the emanations of your office failed to show it/ McCulloch replied. c Oh, yes,' he re joined ; c but that was because the examiners did not know where to look/ . . Mr. Tilden,' said a prominent Repub lican, c was, I suppose, legally elected, but not fairly/ ' This was doubtless the conclusion of a great many other Republi cans, as well as of practically all the Democrats. Pending the meeting of the State electoral colleges, some of Tilden's warmest supporters undertook negotiations to se cure for him one or more electoral votes from South Caro lina or Florida. As their apologists put it, " they seem to have feared that the corrupt canvassers would declare " those States for Hayes, " and being convinced that the popular vote had been cast for Tilden, to have been willing to submit to the payment of moneys which they were informed some of the canvassers demanded by way of blackmail." One Hardy Solomon, pretending to represent the South Carolina Canvass ing Board, went to Baltimore expecting to receive $60,000 or $80,000 in this interest; but, upon applying to Mr. Tilden for the sum, he was peremptorily refused. These negotiations were authorized neither by Mr. Tilden, who, under oath, denied all knowledge of them, nor by the Democratic National Committee. The Republican members of the Clarkson inves tigating committee thought them traceable to Tilden's secretary, Colonel Pelton, with Smith M. Weed and Manton Marble ; but the responsibility for them was never really fixed upon any one. The despatches went back and forth in cipher. Under a subpoena from the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, the Western Union Telegraph Company delivered 215 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY them to that Committee, and on January 25, 1877, they were locked in a trunk in its room. When this trunk was returned to New York City on the following March ijth it was dis covered that a large number of the cipher despatches had been abstracted. Of those missing, some seven hundred were, in May, 1878, in possession of G. E. Bullock, messen ger of the committee last named. Part of these subsequently found their way into the office of the New York tribune, where they were translated and published, causing much ex citement and comment. There is some evidence that Repub lican cipher despatches no less compromising than these and used for the same purpose, had been filched from the trunk and destroyed. Tilden carried New York, New Jersey, Indiana, and Connecticut. With a solid South he had won the day. But the returning boards of Louisiana, Florida, and South Caro lina, throwing out the votes of several Democratic districts on the ground of fraud or intimidation, decided that those States had gone Republican, giving Hayes a majority of one in the electoral college. The Democrats raised the cry of fraud. Threats were muttered that Hayes would never be inaugurted. Excitement thrilled the country. Grant strengthened the mili tary force in and about Washington. However, the people looked to Congress for a peaceful solution, and not in vain. The Constitution provides that the " President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Repre sentatives, open all the (electoral) certificates, and the votes shall then be counted." Attending to the most obvious meaning of these words, a good many Republicans held that the power to count the votes lay with the President of the Senate, the House and Senate being mere spectators. The Democrats objected to this construction, since, according to it, Mr. Ferry, the Republican President of the Senate, could count the votes of the disputed States for Hayes, and was practically certain to do so. 216 THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION THE WESTERltt UMIOItf TELEGRAPH COMPACT. ALL MESSAGES TAKEN BY THIS COMPA5Y SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS : --^ y JAS. GAMBLE, General Snp't, San Francisco. WILLIAM ORTON, PMrtdent. Srf the foUowinff 3fesaffe^tityect to the Move terms, which are agreed tor 7 3 u I shall decide every point in the case of post-office elector in favor of the highest democratic elector, and grant the certificate accordingly on morning of the 6th inst. Confidential." CON GRESSIONAL RECORD. One oftbt ''Cipher Despatches" sent During the Election Deadlock, -with Translation, at Put in Evi dence Before the Congressional Committee The twenty-second joint rule had, when passed, been attacked as grossly unconstitutional. Republicans now ad mitted that it was so, and the Senate, since the House was Democratic, voted to rescind it. As it stood, electoral certi ficates were liable to be thrown out on the most frivolous objections, as that of Arkansas had once been, simply because it bore the wrong seal. But now the Democrats insisted that Congress should enforce this old rule. That done, the House, rejecting the vote of one State, would elect Tilden. Only a compromise could break the deadlock. A joint committee reported the famous Electoral Commission Bill, which passed House and Senate by large majorities. The main faith in the plan was on the Democratic side. In a Sen ate speech, February 2, 1881, Blaine spoke of the commis sion as " a rickety makeshift." One hundred and eighty-six Democrats voted for it and eighteen against, while the Re publican vote stood fifty-two for, seventy-five against. With regard to single returns the bill reversed the Rule of 1865, suffering none to be rejected save by concurrent action of the 217 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY two houses. Double or multiple returns were, in cases of dispute, to be referred to a commission of five Senators, five Representatives, and five Justices of the United States Su preme Court, the fifth justice being selected by the four appointed in the bill. Previous to this choice the Commis sion contained seven Democrats and seven Republicans. The five Senators on the Commission were George F. Edmunds, Oliver P. Morton, Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Republicans ; and Allan G. Thurman and Thomas F. Bayard, Democrats. The members of the House were Henry B. Payne, Eppa Hunton and Josiah G. Abbott, Democrats; and James A. Garfield and George F. Hoar, Republicans. Four Justices of the Supreme Court were designated in the Act by the cir cuits to which they belonged. These were Nathan Clifford and Stephen J. Field, Democrats, and William Strong and Samuel F. Miller, Republicans. These four Justices were by the Act to select the fifth. It was expected that the fifth Justice would be Hon. David Davis, of Illinois, a neutral with Democratic leanings, who had been a warm friend of President Lincoln's but an opponent of Grant. Mr. Davis's unexpected election as Senator from his State made Justice Bradley the decisive umpire. The Commission met on the last day of January, 1877. The cases of Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, and South Carolina were in succession submitted to it, eminent counsel appearing for each side. There were double or multiple sets of returns from each State named. Three returns from Florida were passed in. One contained four votes for Hayes, certified by the late Republican Governor, Stearns. One return gave four votes for Tilden, bearing the certificate of the Attorney-Gen eral, a member of the returning board. Third was the same return reinforced with the certificate of the new Democratic Governor, Drew, under a State law passed a few days before, directing a re-canvass of the votes. Democratic counsel urged that the first return should be rejected as the result of fraud 218 THE FLORIDA CASE RUTHERFORD B. H4TES and conspiracy by the returning board, whose action the State Supreme Court had held to be ultra vires and illegal. In Baker County, which was de cisive of the result in Florida, the canvassers were the county judge, the county clerk, and a justice of the peace to be called in by them. The judge refusing to join the clerk in the can vass, the latter summoned a justice and with him made the canvass, which all admitted to be a true one. The same night the judge called in the sheriff and another justice, and together they surrepti tiously entered the clerk's office, lit it up, and took out the returns from a drawer in his desk. There were only four pre cincts in the county, and of the four returns from these, con fessedly without the slightest evidence of fraud or intimidation, they threw out two. The other two they certified. The Republican counsel maintained that the issue was not which set of Florida electors received an actual majority, but which had received the legal sanction of State authority ; in short, that the business of the Commission was not to go behind the returns, which, they argued, would be physically, legally and constitutionally impossible. This view the Com mission espoused, which sufficed to decide not only the case of Florida, but also that of Louisiana, whence came three sets of certificates, and that of South Carolina, whence came two. The first and third Louisiana returns were duplicates, signed by Governor Kellogg, in favor of the Hayes electors. The second was certified by McEnery, who claimed to be Gov ernor, and was based not upon the return as made by the board, but upon the popular vote. The return of the Tilden electors in South Carolina was not certified. They alleged that they had been counted out by the State 219 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Board in defiance of the State Supreme Court and of the popular will. In Oregon the Democratic Governor declared one of the Hayes electors ineligible because an office-holder, giving a certificate to Cronin, the highest Tilden elector, instead. The other two Hayes electors refused to recognize Cronin, and, associating with them the rejected Republican elector, pre sented a certificate signed by the Secretary of State. Cronin, as the Republican papers had it, " flocked all by himself," appointed two new electors to act with him, and cast his vote for Tilden, though his associates voted for Hayes. The Cro nin certificate was signed by the Governor and attested by the Secretary of State. After deciding not to go behind any returns that were formally lawful the Commission, by a strict party vote of eight to seven, decided for the Hayes electors in every case. Whether the result would have been different if Justice Davis had been the fifth justice in the Commission is a question that must always remain open. By no utterance of Mr. Davis was there ever an indication of what his action would have been, but he had a high opinion of Mr. Tilden, and his political sympathies were known by his intimate friends to have been on the side of the Democrats. The Commission adjourned March id. The same day, " the counting of the votes having been concluded, Senator William B. Allison, one of the tellers on the part of the Senate, in the presence of both Houses of Congress, announced, as a result of the footings, that Ruther ford B. Hayes had received 185 votes for President, and William A. Wheeler 185 votes for Vice-President ; and there upon the presiding officer of the Convention of the two Houses declared Rutherford B. Hayes to have been elected President, and William A. Wheeler Vice-President of the United States for four years from the 4th day of March, 1877." Hayes was inaugurated without disturbance. For this outcome, owing to the determining position AN ELECTORAL COUNT ACT which he held on the Commission, Mr. Justice Bradley was made to bear wholly unmerited censure. The fault lay not in him but elsewhere. Vicious State laws were to blame for giv ing judicial powers to partisan returning boards, and for otherwise opening the door to confusion and fraud ; but Con gress was the worst sinner, failing to pass a law to forestall the difficulty of rival certificates. The Commission having decided, the whole country heaved a sigh of relief; but all agreed that provision must be made against such peril in the future. An Electoral Count Bill was passed late in 1886, and signed by the President, February 3, 1 887. ' It aimed to throw upon each State, so far as possible, the responsibility of determining its own vote. The President of the Senate opens the electoral certificates in the presence of both houses, and hands them to tellers, two from each House, who read them aloud and record the votes. If there is no dispute touching the list of electors from a State, such list, being certified in due form, is accepted as a matter of course. In case of dispute, the procedure is somewhat com plex, but quite thorough. It will be set forth with some de tail in Chapter XIII. 221 CHAPTER IX HAYES AND THE CIVIL SERVICE HAYES'S CHARACTER. HIS CABINET. END OF BAYONET RULEATTHE SOUTH. THIS THE RESULT OF A " DEAL." "VISITING STATESMEN " AT THE LOUISIANA COUNT. HAYES FAVORS HONESTY. HIS RECORD. HAYES AND GARFIELD COMPARED. THE SPOILS SYSTEM. EARLY PROTESTS. A CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. ITS RULES. RETRO GRESSION UNDER GRANT. JEWELL'S EXIT FROM THE CABINET. HOAR'S. BUTLER'S "PULL" ON GRANT. COLLECTOR SIMMONS. THE SANBORN CONTRACTS.- BRISTOW A REFORMER. THE WHISKEY RING. MYRON COLONY'S WORK PLOT AND COUNTER-PLOT. "LET NO GUILTY MAN ESCAPE." REFORMERS OUSTED. GOOD WORK BY THE PRESS. THE "PRESS-GAG." FIRST DEMOCRATIC HOUSE SINCE THE WAR. HAYES RENEWS REFORM. OPPOSED BY CONKLING. FIGHT OVER THE NEW YORK COLLECTORSHIP. THE PRESIDENT FIRM AND VICTORIOUS. PARTLY the mode of his accession to office and partly the rage of selfish placemen who could no longer have their way, made it fashionable for a time to speak of President Hayes as a " weak man." This was an entire error. His admin istration was in every way one of the most creditable in all our history. He had a resolute will, irreproachable integrity, and a comprehensive and remarkably healthy view of public affairs. Moreover, he was free from that " last infirmity," the consuming ambition which has snared so many able statesmen. He voluntarily banished the alluring prospect of a second term, and rose above all jealousy of his distinguished associ ates. Never have our foreign affairs been more ably handled than by his State Secretary. His Secretary of the Treasury tri umphantly steered our bark into the safe harbor of resumption, breakers roaring this side and that, near at hand. In his ap pointments as well as his other official duties Hayes acted for himself, with becoming independence even of his Cabinet. On 223 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY one occasion, as he was announcing certain appointments con nected with the State Department, Secretary Evarts looked up in surprise, evidently hearing the names for the first time. " Mr. President," said he, with veiled irony, " I have never had the good fortune to see the c great western reserve ' of Ohio, of which we have heard so much." That Hayes was such men's real and not their mere nominal chief, in naught dims their fame, though heightening his. True to his avowed principles, President Hayes had made up his Cabinet of the ablest men, disregarding party so far as to select for Postmaster-General a Democrat, David M. Key, of Tennessee. William M. Evarts was Secretary of State ; John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury ; Carl Schurz, Sec retary of the Interior. The first important act of his admini stration was to invite the rival Governors of South Carolina, Hampton and Chamberlain, to a conference at Washington. It will be remembered that when Chamberlain became Gover nor his integrity awakened the hate of his old supporters, while his former antagonists smothered him with embraces. The hate was more enduring than the love. Good govern ment was restored, but this was purely an executive reform, which the vulgar majority ridiculed as a weakness. Race anti pathy still rankled, for Governor Chamberlain would not yield an inch as a defender of the negro's political and civil rights. The Democratic suc cesses of 1874 in the country at large inspired the South Carolina Demo crats with the wildest zeal. Wade Hampton, " the Murat of the Con federacy," dashing, fervid, eloquent, the Confederate veterans' idol, was nominated for Governor. The party which elected Chamberlain was forced to re-nominate him. The pressure of WADE HAMPTON 224 CHAMBERLAIN AND HAMPTON official patronage was used to this end, and it was known that he alone among Republicans could preserve the State from a reign of terror. The whites rallied to Hampton with delirious enthu siasm. "South Carolina for South Carolinians !" was their cry. White rifle clubs were organized in many localities, but the Governor disbanded them 'as unsafe and called in United States troops to preserve order. In the white counties the negroes were cowed, but elsewhere they displayed fanatical activity. If the white could shoot, the black could set fire to property. Thus crime and race hostility increased once more to an appalling extent. The Hamburg massacre, where help less negro prisoners were murdered, was offset by the Charles ton riot, where black savages shot or beat every white man who appeared on the streets. The course of events in Loui siana had been similar, though marked by less violence. Nichols was the Democratic aspirant, and S. B. Packard the Republican. Both were in earnest, and, if federal forces were to be kept in use as a Southern police, the conflict bade fair to last forever. But this was not to be. Even President Grant had now changed his view of the Southern situation, stating frankly " that he did not believe public opinion would longer support the maintenance of State governments in Louisiana by the use of the military, and that he must concur in this manifest feeling." President Hayes withdrew federal support from the South Carolina and Louisiana governments, and they at once fell. Many Republicans fiercely criticised this policy. Some said that by failing to support the governments based upon the canvass of the very returning boards that gave him the electoral delegations in the two States named, he impeached his own title. This was untrue. With regard to State offi cers, the judicial powers of the returning boards were clearly usurpations, contrary to the State constitutions, while, as to federal officers, such as electors, the power of the boards to 225 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY modify or reject returns was independent of the State constitutions, yet not forbidden by any federal law. .. As the old Cincinnati Commercial once expressed it, Hayes was " good, but not goody-good." He was no mere idealist, no doctrinaire, but a practical though honor able man of affairs. The new "deal" in FRANCIS r. NICHOLS the g^^ was probably due to an under standing arrived at before the electoral count, and shared by the President-elect, though F. H. Wines and others among Hayes's warmest friends denied that he was privy to it. In the Charleston News and Courier under date of June 20, 1893, Hon. D. H. Chamberlain showed that, while the proceeding was not necessarily corrupt, and was probably the part of good politics and even of statesmanship, Hayes was certainly party to a "bargain," agreeing to remove troops from South Carolina in case he was permitted to be seated. Chamberlain said : "While Hayes did not expressly promise to remove the troops, he did by speech or by failing to speak give sufficient assur ance to the 'shrewd, long-headed men ' with whom he was deal ing to warrant them in supporting his claim to the Presidency on so tremendous an issue to the South." " Hayes's friends assembled, met the ( shrewd, long-headed men ' of the South, negotiated, winked and nodded, and finally gave the express promise which the South demanded. Hayes knew it all. He did not contradict his friends. He accepted his seat, secured to him by the attitude of the South. He removed the troops. Here was a bargain in all its elements." Unless this understanding may be considered such, Mr. Hayes had no part in any of the devices by which he was placed in the presidential chair. When Senator Edmunds introduced the Electoral Commission Bill, Hayes viewed it with no favor. He did not regard the Commission as constitutional, but considered. the duty of Congress in reference to counting the HAYES DEPRECATES FRAUD electoral ballots to be purely ministerial. The same as to post election proceedings in the South. The prominent Republi cans who visited New Orleans to witness the canvass of the Louisiana presidential vote did so solely at the instance of President Grant. From Ohio went John Sherman, Stanley Matthews, J. A. Garfield and Job E. Stevenson. From Iowa went J. M. Tuttle, J. W. Chapman, W. R. Smith and W. A. McGrew ; from Illinois, C. B. Farwell, Abner Taylor, S. R. Haven and J. M. Beardsley ; from New York, E. W. Stough- ton and J. H. Van Alen ; from Indiana, John Coburn and Will Cumback ; from Pennsylvania, William D. Kelley ; from Kansas, Sidney Clarke ; from Maryland, C. Irving Ditty ; from Maine, Eugene Hale. Not only had Governor Hayes nothing to do with the origination of this ambassage, but when it was in function he urged that it should be guilty of no abuse. From Columbus, O., November 27, 1876, he wrote: "A fair election would have given us about forty electoral votes at the South at least that many. But we are not to allow our friends to de feat one outrage and fraud by another. There must be noth ing crooked on our part. Let Mr. Tilden have the place by violence, intimidation and fraud, rather than undertake to prevent it by means that will not bear the severest scrutiny." Even had Mr. Hayes wished fraud it is hard to see how, under the circumstances, he could have procured or induced such; for watchers for the Democratic party were also at the count : from Indiana, J. E. McDonald, George W. Julian, M. D. Manson and John Love; from Illinois, John M. Palmer, Lyman Trumbull and William R. Mor rison ; from Pennsylvania, Samuel J. Ran dall, A. G. Curtin and William Bigler ; from Kentucky, Henry Watterson, J. S.B.PACKARD W. Stevenson and Henry D. McHenry ; 227 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY from Wisconsin, J. R. Doolittle and George B. Smith ; from Ohio, J. B. Stallo and P. H. Watson; from New York, Oswald Ottendorfer and F. R. Coudert ; from Missouri, Louis V. Bogy, James O. Brodhead and C. Gibson ; from Mary land, John Lee Carroll and William T. Hamilton; from Con necticut, Professor W. G. Sumner. Upon invitation of the Returning Board, five of the Democratic "visitors," as well as a like number of the Republicans, attended the several sessions of the Board to watch. The proceedings were thrice reported, once for the Board itself and once for each body of the Northern guests. The evidence taken and the acts per formed were published by Congress. Senator Sherman felt " bound, after a long lapse of time, to repeat what was reported to General Grant by the Republican visitors, that the Return ing Board in Louisiana made a fair, honest and impartial re turn of the result of the election." Sherman wrote Hayes at the time : " That you would have received, at a fair election, a large majority in Louisiana, no honest man can question ; that you did not receive a majority is equally clear."* Some pre tended to think that if Hayes had the slightest doubt touching the legitimacy of any proceedings resorted to for the purpose of seating him he ought not to have accepted the presidency. Such failed to bear in mind that the country was then at a crisis, and that Mr. Hayes's refusal of the presidency would in all probability have resulted in anarchy and war. His acceptance, under the circumstances, was therefore clearly his duty, whatever he thought of antecedent procedure. Mr. Sherman believed " that the nomination of Hayes was not only the safest, but the strongest that could be made. The long possession of power by the Republicans naturally produced rivalries that greatly affected the election of any one who had been constantly prominent in public life, like Blaine, Conkling and Morton. Hayes had growing qualities, and in every respect was worthy of the high position of President. He *John Sherman's Recollections, p. 557. HAYES'S RECORD cy t^ h fk*, h*<^<~ SJivu <*/ had been a soldier, a member of Con gress, thrice elected as Governor of Ohio, an admirable execu tive officer, and his public and private record was beyond question. He was not an aggressive man, although firm in his opinions and faithful in his friend ships. Among all the public men with whom I have been brought in contact, I have known none who was freer from personal objection, whose character was more stainless, who was better adapted for a high executive office." " There was a striking contrast be tween the personal qualities of Garfield and Hayes. Hayes was a modest man, but a very able one. He had none of An Incident of the State Election of 7876 in South Carolina, when tllC brilliant quall- both Hampton and Chamberlain claimed to have been elected / i Governor. ties of his successor, 229 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY but his judgment was always sound, and his opinion, when once formed, was stable and consistent. . . During his entire term, our official and personal relations were not only cordial, but as close and intimate as those of brothers could be. I never took an important step in the process of resumption and refunding . . without consulting him. . . Early in his administration we formed the habit of taking long drives on each Sunday afternoon in the environs of Washington. He was a regular attendant with Mrs. Hayes, every Sunday morning, at the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she was a member. This duty being done, we felt justified in seeking the seclusion of the country for long talks about current measures and policy."* Mr. Hayes came to the presidency at a very critical time. The financial situation of the country, the still unsettled state of affairs at the South, faction, rebellion, and greed for official spoils within his own party, called upon the new Chief Magis trate for skill and resolution such as few men in his place could have supplied. Mr. Hayes responded nobly and suc cessfully. He triumphed in a task which ablest and purest political leaders have always found so hard : he repressed cor ruption in his own party. Under President Hayes the syste matic prostitution of our public offices for partisan and private purposes was, if not definitively ended, so discouraged that it has never since recovered its old shamelessness. In this those years form an epoch in the Nation's history. Ever since the days of President Jackson, in 1829, appointments to the minor federal offices had been used for the payment of party debts and to keep up partisan interest. Though this practice had incurred the deep condemnation of Webster, Clay, Calhoun, and all the best men in public life, it did not cease, but prevailed more and more. So early as 1853 pass examinations had been made prerequisite to enter ing the civil service, but the regulation had amounted to *John Sherman's Recollections, pp. 550, 551, 807. 230 CIVIL SERVICE REFORM nothing. President Lincoln once inquired where he could get the small-pox. "For," said he, "then I should have something I could give to everybody." The honor of being the first to make a systematic endeavor against the spoils abuse belongs to the Hon. Thomas A. Jenckes, a representative in Congress from Rhode Island between March, 1863, and March, 1871. Beginning in 1865, Mr. Jenckes, so long as he continued in Congress, annually introduced in the House a bill " to regu late the civil service of the United States." Early in 1866 Senator B. Gratz Brown, of Missouri, also undertook to get the " spoils system " superseded by the " merit system." No success attended these efforts. In 1870-1871 reform in the civil service almost became an issue. It was one of the three cardinal principles of the Liberal Republicans, was an item in the " New Departure " made by the Democrats that year, received compliments, more or less sincere, from politicians of all stripes, and in 1872 was recognized for the first time in all the party platforms. On March 3, 1871, an act was passed authorizing the President, through a commission to be appointed by himself, to ascer tain " the fitness of candidates as to age, health, character, knowledge and ability, by examination," and to prescribe reg ulations for the conduct of appointees. The President that year appointed a commission, George William Curtis its chair man. On December i9th he sent a message to Congress, transmitting the report of the commissioners, together with the rules submitted by them in relation to the appointment, promotion and conduct of persons filling the offices covered by the law. These rules provided that each applicant should furnish evidence as to his character, health and age, and should pass a satisfactory examination in speaking, reading and writing the English language. Positions were to be grouped and graded according to the nature of the work, admission to the civil service always introducing the candidate to the lowest group. 231 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Public competitive examinations were to be instituted, and a list of examinees made up and kept on record, with the order of their excellence. Each appointment was to be made from the three leading eligibles. Admission to a group above the lowest could be had only by one of three candidates from the next lower grade who stood highest in a competitive exami nation. An applicant for a place of trust where another officer was responsible for his fidelity could not be appointed without the approval of such officer; and postmasterships yielding less than two hundred dollars a year were not placed under the rule. With some exceptions, notably of postmas ters and consuls, appointments were to be probationary for a term of six months. Best of all the regulations presented was the following : " No head of a department or any subor dinate officer of the Government shall, as such officer, author ize or assist in levying any assessment of money for political purposes, under the form of voluntary contributions or other wise, upon any person employed under his control, nor shall any such person pay any money so assessed." Higher offi cials and some others were, however, excepted from the oper ation of this rule. President Grant reported that the new methods " had given persons of superior capacity to the service " ; yet Con gress, always niggardly in its appropriations for the Commis sion's work, in 1875 ma de no appropriation at all, so that the rules were perforce suspended. Ardor for spoils was not the sole cause of this. Many friends of reform thought the new system, as it had been begun, too stiff and bookish, too little practical ; nor could such a view be declared wholly mistaken. Intelligent labor-leaders, it was found, usually opposed the re form in that shape, as it would exclude .themselves and all but the most favored of their children from public office. Unfortunately, the President cared as little as Congress for a pure civil service. This was everywhere apparent. It cannot be ignored that Grant's second administration was 232 GRANT'S SECOND TERM BENJAMIN F. BUTLER shamefully weak and corrupt. " The very obstinacy of temper which made him so formidable in the field, now, when combined with the self-confidence bred by his re-election and the flattery of his adherents, not only made him impervious to public opinion but made all criticism of him seem an act of insolent hostility, to be punished or defied." Charles Francis Adams quoted it as the opinion of a Republican, he thought Evarts, during Grant's second four years, that " the Republican party was like an army the term of enlistment of which had expired." It was a happy simile. Straggling was common, complaints were numerous, and mutiny had begun. Summary, worse than military methods of appointment and dismissal were employed. In respect to the manner of Jewell's resignation, the story went believed to be on the authority of Vice-President Wilson that Grant and Jewell were alone together, talking over matters, when, without any previous suggestion of the subject, the President said : "Jewell, how do you suppose your resignation would look written out ? " Thinking or affecting to think the question a joke of Grant's, Jewell said he would write it and see. " All right," said Grant, " you just take some paper and write it down and see how it looks." Jewell wrote and handed the paper to Grant. The President eyed it a moment and then remarked : " That looks well. I will accept that." He was in earnest, and on July n, 1876, Jewell was out of the Cabinet. Verisimilitude is lent this account by the known abruptness with which Judge Hoar was ejected from the office of Attorney-General. He was sitting in his room, THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY bent upon the business of his office, absolutely without a hint of what was coming, when a messenger entered with a letter from Grant. It contained the naked statement that the President found himself under the necessity of asking for Mr. Hoar's resignation. " No explanation of any kind was given, nor reason assigned. The request was as curt and as direct as possible. A thunderclap could not have been more startling." Benjamin F. Butler obtained great power with Grant, which immensely aided him in " capturing " the Massachu setts governorship. Patronage was liberally accorded him. "In every town and village a circle was formed round the postmaster, the collector, or some other government officer, who was moved by the hope of personal gain. Not a man who wished for place or had a job on hand but added to their numbers." Foiled at two elections, Butler was not in the least daunted, but spurred to renewed exertion, sure that the powers at Washington would deny him nothing. At last " Mr. Simmons, who, in a subordinate position, had particu larly distinguished himself in the management of the last can vass, was promoted by the President to the Collectors hip of Boston, in the hope that the most important national office in New England might offer a fitting sphere of action for his peculiar abilities." Even a Republican Convention had re buked this man for his unendurable officiousness as a political boss. Harpers Weekly for March 21, 1874, said: "No re cent political event is comparable in the excitement it has caused to the appointment of the Boston Collector. The situation every day forces upon the most unwavering Repub licans the question, When will it be necessary for our honor as men and patriots to oppose the party ? " In 1874 public wrath was aroused by the exposure of the " Sanborn Contracts," made in 1872, between the Hon. Wil liam A. Richardson, then Acting Secretary of the Treasury, subsequently promoted to Mr. Boutwell's seat in the Cabinet, and Mr. John D. Sanborn, giving Sanborn the right to collect z 3 6 BRISTOW IN THE TREASURY for the Treasury, " share and share alike," taxes which were already collected by regular officers of the Government. Such officers were not only directed not to interfere with Mr. San- born, but bidden to co-operate with him. By March, 1874, less than two years, this profitable arrangement had paid San- born over $200,000. Morally indefensible as it was, it seems to have been legal. The House Committee of Ways and Means examined into the case. Unable, on the evidence adduced, exactly to fix the responsibility of making the con tracts, the committee could not " in justice to itself ignore the fact" that three persons, Richardson, Secretary of the Treas ury, the Assistant Secretary, and the Solicitor of the Treasury, " deserved severe condemnation for the manner in which they permitted this law to be administered." The committee, however, found no fact on which to base a belief that any of these officers had acted from wrong motives. It recommended repealing the law and the annulment of all contracts made under it. Mr. Richardson's resignation was soon after reluctantly accepted by the President, and his nomination to the Court of Claims confirmed with equal reluctance by the Senate. Hon. B. H. Bristow, of Kentucky, succeeded him in the Treasury. The new Secretary at once bent his attention to reorgan izing and improving the customs and internal revenue service. His fearless removals and searching investigations soon stirred the venomous hostility of various corrupt cliques which had been basking on the sunny side of the Treasury. There were the instigators of the Safe-Burglary frauds, of the Seal- Lock frauds, and of the Subsidy frauds, besides jeal ous, chagrined and corrupt officials ; but most formidable of all, and in a sense, at the head of all, was the Whiskey Ring. It was patent from statistics that the United States had, by 1874, in St. Louis alone, lost at least $1,200,000 of the revenue which it should have received from whiskey, yet special agents of the Treasury set to work from time to time had failed to do more than cause an occasional flurry among the thieves. The 237 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY ORFILLE E. BIBCOCK guilty parties were somehow always effectively forewarned and forearmed against any effort to punish or identify them. The Ring seemed to have eyes, ears and hands in every room of the Internal Revenue Department, in the Secretary's office, and even in the Ex ecutive Mansion. The Whiskey Ring was organized in St. Louis, when the Liberal Repub licans there achieved their first success. It occurred to certain politicians to have the revenue officers raise a cam paign fund among the distillers. This idea the officers modified later, raising money in the same way for themselves, and in return conniving at the grossest thievery. As it be came necessary to hide the frauds, newspapers and higher offi cials were hushed, till the Ring assumed national dimensions. Its headquarters were at St. Louis, but it had branches at Milwaukee, Chicago, Peoria, Cincinnati, and New Orleans. It had an agent at Washington. A huge corruption fund was distributed among gaugers, storekeepers, collectors, and other officials, according to a fixed schedule of prices. Subordinate officers were not merely tempted to become parties, but were even obliged to do so on penalty of losing their places. Honest distillers and rectifiers were hounded with false accusations and caught in technical frauds, till their choice seemed to lie be tween ruin and alliance with the Ring. One or two inquirers peculiarly persistent were assaulted and left for dead. They besought the Government for speedy relief, threatening, unless it was granted them, to expose the corrupt intimacy between the Internal Revenue Bureau and the Ring. So potent had the organization grown that the politicians persuaded Grant, " for the party's sake," to countermand, though he had at first ap proved, Bristow's order directing a general transfer of super- MYRON COLONY'S WORK visors, as such transfer would have thrown the thieves* ma chine out of adjustment. At length, upon the recommendation of Mr. George Fishback, editor of the St. Louis Democrat, the reform Secre tary appointed Mr. Myron Colony, of St. Louis, a special agent to unearth the frauds, with the co-operation of Bluford Wilson, the Solicitor of the Treasury. One of the conditions upon which Mr. Colony accepted his grave and difficult charge was that of perfect secrecy. The first plan was to ascertain by means of detectives the amount of grain carted into the distilleries, with the amount of whiskey shipped to rectifying-houses or elsewhere, and to establish the fact of ille gal nocturnal distillation for the law allowed but one distilla tion every seventy-two hours. This effort the guilty parties discovered and opposed, midnight combats taking place be tween the burly detectives and ruffians hired to fight them. That line of attack was finally abandoned, but not till val uable evidence had been secured. The next move was as follows : Under pretext of gather ing commercial statistics, a work which, as financial editor of the Democrat and as Secretary of the St. Louis Board of Trade, Mr. Colony had often done, and could, of course, do without suspicion, he obtained, at landings and freight depots, copies of bills of lading that showed all the shipments of sta ple articles, including whiskey, to or from St. Louis, Chicago, and Milwaukee. The record gave the names of the shippers and the consignees, the number of gallons and the serial num ber never duplicated of the revenue stamps on each and every package. The discrepancies between these way-bills and the official records furnished to the Internal Revenue Office showed conclusively the extent of the frauds and the identity of the culprits. From July i, 1874, to May i, 1875, no ^ ess tnan $1,650,000 had been diverted from the government till. The illicit distillers lay quite still while the toils were woven around them. They were aware of the Secretary's 239 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY enmity and cordially reciprocated it, but their suspicions had been lulled by his first retreat. Moreover, they felt that news of any proposed investigation would be sure to reach them from their official correspondents. They were not prepared for an investigation conducted in the main by private citizens, and kept secret from the Department, which was in more inti mate alliance with them than with its own chief or with the people whom he was serving. When little remained but to unmask the batteries, a vague sense of uneasiness began to express itself in Congressional and other queries at the Inter nal Revenue Office which was as blissfully ignorant as the Ring itself and later at the White House, where it was learned that investigation was indeed on foot. The investigators, too, were startled, after they had fixed Monday, May loth, as the date for the coup, by learning of a telegram to St. Louis run ning, " Lightning will strike Monday ! Warn your friends in the country ! " It turned out that this telegram was from a gentleman who had been informed of the purpose to strike on that day, and had communicated it to a distilling firm in St. Louis hostile to the Ring. Its torpid writhings availed the monster naught. Equally vain the pious preparations at once made against a mere raid. The traps set with secrecy and patience were sprung simultaneously in St. Louis, Chicago and Milwaukee. Rec ords seized justified numerous arrests in nearly every leading city. Indictments were found against one hundred and fifty- two liquor men and other private parties, and against eighty-six Government officials, among them the chief clerk in the Treas ury Department, and President Grant's Private Secretary, Gen eral O. E. Babcock. On the back of a letter from St. Louis, making a charge or suggestion against Babcock, Grant had in dorsed, " Let no guilty man escape." Five or six times in the progress of the case he said: " If Babcock is guilty there is no man who wants him proven guilty as I do, for it is the greatest piece of trajtorism to me that a man could possibly practise." 24.0 THE REFORMERS OUT Still, Babcock's prosecutors complained that efforts were made to transfer the case to a military court, to deprive them of papers incriminating the Private Secretary, and to prevent important testimony being given by informers on promise of immunity. All the prominent defendants were convicted save Babcock, but three of them were pardoned six months later. After his acquittal Babcock was dismissed by the President. In the spring of 1876 the dauntless Secretary Bristow as saulted the California Whiskey Ring, but here at last he was foiled. When the temperature rose to an uncomfortable de gree a Senator demanded, and in spite of the Secretary se cured, the removal of the more active government prosecutors in that section. The retirement of Secretary Bristow followed soon after. With him went Solicitor Wilson, Commissioner Pratt, Mr. Yaryan, chief of revenue agents, and District- Attorney Dyer. The Treasurer and the First and Fifth Auditors of the Treasury also resigned. The whole course of proceedings was embarrassed by misunderstandings with the President, who was misled into the belief that his own ruin and that of his family was sought by the investigators, especially by Bristow, who, it was whispered, had designs upon the Presidency. The President broke from these maligners more than once, but there was enough in the press, in the popular applause with which the prosecution was hailed, and in the conduct of the trials, to renew his suspicions, to hinder the prosecution of the St. Louis Ring, and finally to unseat the anti-machine Secretary himself. This officer's re tirement occurred not quite a month before that of Postmaster -General Jewell. Great credit was due to the press for its assistance in discovering and A. B. CORNELL 241 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY exposing the whiskey frauds. Notwithstanding exaggerations and errors here and there, laying faults at wrong doors, its work was praiseworthy in the extreme. As the New York 'Times had exposed the " Tweed Ring," so to the St. Louis newspaper men was due, in large part, the glory of bringing to light the whiskey iniquity. As in so many other instances, the press proved the terror of unclean politicians and the reliance of the people. In those times and in the course of such complicated investigations, it was inevitable that libels should occur and do harm. Naturally, and perhaps jus tifiably, Congress undertook to remedy this ill by amending the law of libel. The debate over the measure was in great part composed of philippics against " the licentious news paper." The licentious newspaper retorted in the teeth of the law, which was christened the " Press-Gag Law." The enactment, too much resembling the old "Sedition Law," was universally unpopular, contributing not a little to the Demo cratic victories of 1874. Judge Poland, of Vermont, the chief sponsor for it, was defeated in this election. As a further consequence of it, in the Forty-fourth Congress, first session, meeting in 1875, tne National House of Representatives, for the first time since the Civil War, had a Democratic majority. It was seventy strong, and elected Hon. Michael C. Kerr Speaker. These paragraphs perhaps afford the reader sufficient insight into the condition of Republican politics when Mr. Hayes became President ; they indicate the strength of the evil tide which he so resolutely set himself to turn. Even from a party point of view the plunder system of party politics had failed to justify itself. Yet, while his efforts for reform were endorsed by thousands of the rank and file Hayes found him self strenuously opposed by a large and powerful Republican faction. As the head and front of this, championing all that Grant had stood for, his sins of omission and his sins of commission- alike, towered Senator Roscoe Conkling, of New 242 HAYES AND THE NEW YORK CUSTOM-HOUSE THEODORE ROOSEVELT York, one of the most formidable per sonal leaders in the grand old party Though knowing of this gentleman's sure and potent antagonism, the Presi dent did not hesitate, but early and firmly took the bull by the horns. He touched the danger-line in removing Chester A. Arthur from the office of Collector of the Port of New York, A. B. Cornell from that of Naval Officer, and George H. Sharpe from that of Surveyor. Over two-thirds of the nation's customs revenue was received at that port, and its administration could not but be important. Numerous com plaints having been made concerning affairs and methods at the port, a Commission was appointed in April, 1877, to make an examination. Its first report, dwelling on the evils of appointments for political reasons without due regard to effi ciency, was rendered May 24th, and it recommended consid erably sweeping changes. President Hayes concurred in these recommendations. He wrote Secretary Sherman : " It is my wish that the collection of the revenues should be free from partisan control, and organized on a strictly business basis, with the same guarantees for efficiency and fidelity in the selection of the chief and subordinate officers that would be required by a prudent merchant. Party leaders should have no more in fluence in appointments than other equally respectable citizens. No assessments for political purposes on officers or subordi nates should be allowed. No useless officer or employe should be retained. No officer should be required or per mitted to take part in the management of political organiza tions, caucuses, conventions, or election campaigns. Their right to vote, and to express their views on public questions, either orally or through the press, is not denied, provided it- does not interfere with the discharge of their official duties." 243 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Five more reports were made, exhibiting in all their gravity the evils then prevalent in the business of the port. Twenty per cent, of the persons employed needed to be dropped. Ignorance, inefficiency, neglect of duty, dishonesty, inebriety, bribery, and various other forms of improper con duct were all common. At first there was no thought of re moving Arthur or Cornell, but they were seen to be so bound up with the unbusiness-like system that they must fall with it. The Commissioners " found that for many years past the view had obtained with some political leaders that the friends of the Administration in power had a right to control the cus toms appointments; and this view, which seemed to have been acquiesced in by successive administrations, had of late been recognized to what the commission deemed an undue extent by the chief officer of the service. These gentlemen, on the ground that they were compelled to surrender to personal and partisan dictation, appeared to have assumed that they were relieved, in part at least, from the responsibilities that belonged to the appointing power." The Administration became con vinced " that new officers would be more likely to make the radical reforms required," that in order to accomplish any thorough reform of the Government's business methods at the New York port, the Collector, the Naval Officer and the Surveyor must either resign or be removed. On September 6, 1877, Secretary Sherman wrote his Assistant Secretary: " After a very full consideration and a very kindly one, the President, with the cordial assent of his Cabinet, came to the conclusion that the public interests demanded a change in the three leading offices in New York, and a public announce ment of that character was authorized. I am quite sure that this will, on the whole, be considered to be a wise result. The manner of making the changes and the persons to be appointed will be a subject of careful and full consideration, but it is better to know that it is determined upon and ended. This made .it unnecessary to consider the telegrams in regard. 244 ARTHUR, CORNELL, AND SHARPE REMOVED JUSTIN S. MORRILL of Vermont to Mr. Cornell. It is probable that no special point would have been made upon his holding his position as Chairman of the State Committee for a limited time, but even that was not the thing, the real question being that, whether he resigned or not, it was better that he and Arthur and Sharpe should all give way to new men, to try definitely a new policy in the conduct of the New York Cus tom-house. I have no doubt, unless these gentlemen should make it im possible by their conduct hereafter, that they will be treated with the utmost consideration, and, for one, I have no hesita tion in saying that I hope General Arthur will be recognized in a most complimentary way." A great fight was now on. Arthur was offered the eligible post of Consul-General at Paris, thought likely to be highly agreeable to him, but he declined it. None of the officials would resign. On the contrary, pushed by Senator Conkling, all three preferred to make an issue against the pro posed reform. On October 24, 1877, the President nomi nated for Collector Theodore Roosevelt, for Surveyor Edward A. Merritt, and for Naval Officer L. B. Prince. Five days later the Senate rejected them. Conkling was in high feather. On December 6th, during the following session, the three were again nominated, but only the last, ten days later, confirmed. "No doubt," said Sherman, "the Democratic majority in the Senate might defend themselves with political reasons, but the motive of Mr. Conkling was hostility to President Hayes and his inborn desire to domineer." After the session closed, in 1878, the President temporarily placed Edwin A. Merritt in the office of Collector, and Silas W. Burt in that of Naval Officer. With the opening of the next 245 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Senate it became necessary to submit the nominations to that body for confirmation. The Secretary of the Treasury, so interested in the case that he had determined to resign should the Senate reject again, wrote Senator Allison : " I would not bother you with this personal matter, but that I feel the deepest interest in the confirmation of General Merritt, which I know will be beneficial to us as a party, and still more so to the public service. Personally I have the deepest interest in it because I have been unjustly assailed in regard to it in the most offensive manner. I feel free to appeal to you and Windom, representing as you do Western States, and being old friends and acquaintances, to take into consideration this personal aspect of the case. If the restora tion of Arthur is insisted upon, the whole liberal element will be against us and it will lose us tens of thousands of votes without doing a particle of good. No man could be a more earnest Republican than I, and I feel this political loss as much as anyone can. It will be a personal reproach to me, and merely to gratify the insane hate of Conkling, who in this respect disregards the express wishes of the Republican mem bers from New York, of the great body of Republicans, and as I personally know, runs in antagonism to his nearest and best friends in the Senate." To Senator Justin S. Morrill Sherman wrote a much longer letter, giving reasons in detail in favor of confirming the new men, and containing specific charges of neglect of duty on the part of Arthur and Cornell. After seven hours of struggle in the Senate Conkling was decisively defeated, Merritt being confirmed 33 to 24, and Burt 31 to 19. Four- fifths of the Democrats and two-fifths of the Republicans voted for confirmation. While temper over this controversy was at its hottest George William Curtis supported in the New York State Republican Convention a resolution commending Hayes's Administration, and especially his course with regard to the 246 HAYES AND HIS PARTY civil service. This aroused Conkling to make a fierce personal attack upon Curtis. Curtis wrote : " It was the saddest sight I ever knew, that man glaring at me in a fury of hate and storming out his foolish blackguardism. It was all pity. I had not thought him great, but I had not suspected how small he was. His friends, the best, were confounded. One of them said to me next day, c It was not amazement that I felt, but consternation/ Conkling's speech was carefully written out, and therefore you do not get all the venom, and no one can imagine the Mephistophelian leer and spite." After all, strange as it may seem, Hayes's bold independ ence did not seriously divide his party. Few stalwarts dared call him a traitor. Democratic opposition fortified him against this. The House, Democratic throughout his term, fought nearly all his wishes, as did the Senate, now also Democratic, during his last two years. To balk him, appropriation bills were laden with riders involving legislation which he could not approve, but he firmly applied the veto. The futile attempt to "right" the alleged "fraud of 1877" by ripping up the Electoral Commission's work, kept Hayes before the country as the Republicans' man, incidentally doing much to adver tise his sterling character. Refreshing decency marked all of Mr. Hayes's public doings. The men placed in office by him were as a rule the best available, chosen with the least possible regard to political influence, and, like all others in the civil service, they were required to abstain from active participation in political affairs. This policy enraged politicians, but, by immensely relieving the party from the odium into which it had fallen, aided to put it in condition for the campaign of 1880. 247 CHAPTER X "THE UNITED STATES WILL PAY" BACK TO HARD MONEY. ACT TO STRENGTHEN THE PUBLIC CREDIT. DIFFICULTY OF CONTRACTION. IGNORANCE OF FINANCE. DEBT ORS PINCHED. THE PANIC OF 1873. CAUSES. FAILURE OF JAY COOKE & CO., AND OF FISKE & HATCH. BLACK FRIDAY NO. 2. ON CHANGE AND ON THE STREET. BULLS, BEARS AND BANKS. CRITI CISM OF SECRETARY RICHARDSON. FIRST USE OF CLEARING-HOUSE CERTIFICATES. EFFECTS AND DURATION OF THE PANIC. AN IMPOR TANT GOOD RESULT. RESUMPTION AND POLITICS. THE RESUMP TION ACT. SHERMAN'S QUALIFICATIONS FOR EXECUTING IT. HIS FIRMNESS. RESUMPTION ACTUALLY BEGUN. MAGNITUDE AND MEANING OF THIS POLICY. OUR BONDED DEBT RAPIDLY REDUCED. LEGAL TENDER QUESTIONS AND DECISIONS. JUILLIARD VS. GREEN- MAN. THE "FIAT-GREENBACK' 1 HERESY. " DOLLAR OF THE FATH ERS " DEMONETIZED. NOT BY FRAUD BUT WITHOUT DUE REFLEC TION. THE BLAND BILL AND THE "ALLISON TIP." THE AMENDED BILL VETOED, BUT PASSED. SUBSEQUENT SILVER LEGISLATION. THE most momentous single deed of Mr. Hayes's Administration was the restoration of the country's finances, public and private, to a hard-money basis. On Jan uary i, 1879, the United States began again the payment, sus pended for more than sixteen years, of specie in liquidation of its greenback promises. The familiar legend upon our Treas ury notes, " The United States will pay," became true at last. Our paper dollar had begun to sink below par so early as De cember 28, 1 86 1, after which date it underwent the most pain ful fluctuations. On July n, 1864, it was sixty-five per cent, below par, thenceforward sinking and rising fitfully, but never reaching gold value again till the month of December, 1 878. The difficulties of replacing the country's business on a solid monetary platform had been foreseen as soon as the sub ject loomed into view. Senator Sherman, upon whom finally fell the main burden of carrying the operation through, wrote 249 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY in 1868 : " I am in real embarrassment about questions that I must now act upon. My conviction is that specie payments must be resumed, and I have my own theories as to the mode of resumption, but the process is a very hard one and will en danger the popularity of any man or administration that is compelled to adopt it." The very first act of the Forty-first Congress was one entitled " An Act to strengthen the public credit." Intro duced in the House by General Schenck on March 12, 1869, it there passed on that day, reaching the Senate on the I5th, where also it speedily passed. On the I9th this memorable bill became law. It ran : " That, in order to remove any doubt as to the purpose of the Government to discharge all just obligations to the pub lic creditors, and to settle conflicting questions and interpreta tions of the laws by virtue of which said obligations have been contracted, it is hereby provided and declared that the faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment in coin, or its equivalent, of all obligations of the United States not bearing interest, known as United States notes, and of all interest-bearing obligations of the United States, except in cases where the law authorizing the issue of such obligations has expressly provided that the same may be paid in lawful money or other currency than gold or silver. . . And the United States also solemnly pledges its faith to make provis ion, at the earliest practicable period, for the redemption of the United States notes in coin." However necessary to final prosperity, the contraction of our currency was a sore process, and it encountered at every stage the most bitter opposition. The war left us, as it found us, with painfully little grasp on the principles of money. Men of one type felt that low or falling prices, however caused, meant prosperity; another class attached this meaning to high prices, however caused. Few reflected enough to see that great and solid prosperity may attend rising prices, as 250 G. F. Edmunds 0. P. Morton John Shermat B. Allison John A, Logan . tf. Ferry Roscie Conkling F. r. Frelinghuyien Painted by IT. R, Leig r. 0. Howe G. S. Boutwell A. A. Sargent THE REPUBLICAN CAUCUS COMMITTEE WHICH FORMULATED THE RESUMPTION ACT IN DECEMBER, 1874 ANTI-CONTRACTION between 1850 and 1870, or that, on the other hand, prices may be going down and yet greater and greater effort be required to obtain the necessaries of life. The generally conceded de sirableness of replacing business upon a precious-metal basis, whatever hardship in lowered values this might cost those whose property consisted of goods or lands and not of money, misled many, even after the gold platform was reached, to hail each drop in general prices with hallelujahs. Eastern people and the creditor class elsewhere were usually in this frame of mind. Far different felt those, so numerous throughout the West, who had run in debt when rank inflation was on, and who, tied to their mortgaged farms, were compelled to produce against a constantly falling market. They writhed under the pinch, and more or less correctly understood the philosophy of it. A Montgomery County, Pa., farmer once went into a store in Norristown and bought a suit of clothes. The storekeeper said : " That is the cheapest suit of clothes you ever bought." " Oh, no," said the farmer, " this suit cost me twenty bush els of wheat. I have never paid over fifteen bushels of wheat for a suit of clothes before." The panic of 1873, so far as it resulted from contraction, had its main origin abroad, not in America, so that its subordinate causes were generally looked upon as its sole occasion ; yet these bye causes were important. The shocking destruction of wealth by fires and by reckless speculation, of course had a baneful effect. During 1872 the balance of trade was strongly against the United States. The circulation of depreciated paper money had brought to many an apparent prosperity which was not real, leading to the free creation of debts by in dividuals, corporations, towns, cities and States. An unpre cedented mileage of railways had been constructed. Much supposed wealth consisted in the bonds of these railroads and of other new concerns, like mining and manufacturing corpo rations. Thus the entire business of the country was on a THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY basis of inflation, and when contraction carne disaster was in evitable. In the course of the summer solid values began to be hoarded and interest rates consequently to rise. In August there was a partial corner in gold, broken by a government sale of $6,000,000. In September panic came, with suspen sion of several large banking-houses in New York. Jay Cooke & Co., who had invested heavily in the construction of the Northern Pacific Railway, suspended on September i8th. When authoritative news of this event was made known in the Stock Exchange a perfect stampede of the brokers ensued. They surged out of the Exchange, tumbling pell-mell over each other in the general confusion, hastening to notify their respective houses. Next day, September I9th, Fiske & Hatch, very conservative people, went down. September 1 9th was a second Black Friday. Never since the original Black Friday had the street and the Stock Ex change been so frantic. The weather, dark and rainy, seemed to sympathize with the gloom which clouded the financial situ ation. Wall, Broad and Nassau Streets were thronged with people. From the corner of Wall Street and Broadway down to the corner of Hanover Street a solid mass of men filled both sidewalks. From the Post-office along Nassau Street down Broad Street to Exchange Place another dense throng moved slowly, aimlessly, hither and thither. Sections of Broadway itself were packed. Weaving in and out like the shuttles in a loom were brokers and brokers' clerks making the best speed they could from point to point. All faces wore a bewildered and foreboding look. To help them seem cool, moneyed men talked about the weather, but their incoherent words and nervous motions betrayed their anxiety. The part of Wall Street at the corner of Broad Street held a specially interested mass of men. They seemed like an assemblage anx iously awaiting the appearance of a great spectacle. High up on the stone balustrade of the Sub-Treasury were numerous 254 Painted by Howard Pyle THE RUSH FROM THE NEW TORK STOCK EXCHANGE ON SEPTEMBER 18, I&73 SECOND BLACK FRIDAY spectators, umbrellas sheltering them from the pelting rain as they gazed with rapt attention on the scene below. All the brokers' offices were filled. In each, at the first click of the indicator, everybody present was breathless, showing an inter est more and more intense as the figures telegraphed were read off. It was half-past ten in the morning when the Fiske & Hatch failure was announced in the Stock Exchange. For a moment there was silence ; then a hoarse murmur broke out from bulls and bears alike, followed by yells and cries inde scribable, clearly audible on the street. Even the heartless bear, in glee over the havoc he was making, paused to utter a growl of sorrow that gentlemen so honorable should become ursine prey. The news of the failure ran like a prairie fire, spreading dismay that showed itself on all faces. Annotators of values in the various offices made known in doleful ticks the depreciation of stocks and securities. Old habitues of the exchanges, each usually placid as a moonlit lake, were wrought up till they acted like wild men. At the corner of Broad Street and Exchange Place a de lirious crowd of money-lenders and borrowers collected and tried to fix a rate for loans. The matter hung in the balance for some time until the extent of the panic became known. Then they bid until the price of money touched one-half of one per cent, a day and legal interest. One man, after lending $30,000 at three-eighths per cent., said that he had $20,000 left, but that he thought he would not lend it. As he said this, he turned toward his office, but was immediately sur rounded by about twenty borrowers who hung on to his arms and coat-tails till he had agreed to lend the $20,000. The Stock Exchange witnessed the chief tragedy and the chief farce of the day. Such tumult, push and bellowing had never been known there even in the wildest moments of the war. The interior of the Exchange was of noble altitude, with a vaulting top, brilliantly colored in Renaissance design, that 257 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY sprang upward with a strength and grace seldom so happily united. A cluster of gas-jets, hanging high, well illuminated the enclosure. On the capacious floor, unobstructed by pillars or by furniture, save one small table whereon a large basket of flowers rested, a mob of brokers and brokers' clerks surged back and forth, filling the immense space above with roars and screams. The floor was portioned off to some twenty differ ent groups. Here was one tossing " New York Central " up and down ; near by another playing ball with " Wabash ; " " Northwestern " jumped and sank as if afflicted with St. Vitus's dance. In the middle of the floor " Rock Island " cut up similar capers. In a remote corner " Pacific Mail " was beaten with clubs, while " Harlem " rose like a balloon filled with pure hydrogen. The uninitiated expected every instant to see the mob fight. Jobbers squared off at each other and screamed and yelled violently, flinging their arms around and producing a scene which Bedlam itself could not equal. Behind the raised desk, in snowy shirt-front and necktie, stood the President of the Exchange, his strong tenor voice every now and then ringing out over the Babel of sounds be neath. The gallery opposite him contained an eager throng of spectators bending forward and craning their necks to view the pandemonium on the floor. The rush for this gallery was fearful, and apparently, but for the utmost effort of the police, must have proved fatal to some. Excitement in Wall Street not infrequently drew crowds to the main front of the Ex change ; but hardly ever, if ever before, had the vicinity been so packed as now. Two large blackboards exhibited in chalk figures the incessantly fluctuating quotations. Telegraph wires connected the Exchange with a thousand indicators through out the city, whence the quotations, big with meaning to many, were flashed over the land. The first Black Friday was a bull Friday ; the second was a bear Friday. Early in the panic powerful brokers began 258 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSED to sell short, and they succeeded in hammering down from ten to forty per cent, many of the finest stocks like " New York Central," Erie/' " Wabash," Northwestern," "Rock Island" and " Western Union." They then bought to cover their sales. Bull brokers, unable to pay their contracts, shrieked for mar gin money, which their principals would not or could not put up. They also sought relief from the banks, but in vain. It had long been the practice of certain banks, though contrary to law, early each day to certify checks to enormous amounts in favor of brokers who had not a cent on deposit to their credit, the understanding in each case being that before three o'clock the broker would hand in enough cash or securities to cancel his debt. The banks now refused this accommodation. In the Exchange, eighteen names were read offof brokers who could not fulfill their contracts. As fast as the failures were announced the news was carried out on to the street. In spite of the rain hundreds of people gathered about the offices of fallen reputation, and gazed curiously through the windows trying to make out how the broken brokers were behaving. Toward evening, as the clouds lifted over Trinity spire, show ing a ruddy flush in the west, everybody, save some reluctant bears, said, " The worst is over," and breathed a sigh of relief. The crowd melted, one by one the tiny little Broadway coupes rattled off, one by one the newsboys ceased shrieking, and night closed over the wet street. In deference to a general wish that dealings in stocks should cease, the Exchange was shut on Saturday, September 2Oth, and not opened again till the joth. Such closure had never occurred before. On Sunday morning President Grant and Secretary Richardson, of the Treasury, came to New York, spending the day in anxious consultation with Vanderbilt, Clews, and other prominent business men. Had the Secretary of the Treasury acted promptly and firmly he might have relieved the situation much ; but he vacillated. Some $ 13, 500,000 in five-twenty bonds were 259 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY bought, and a few millions of the greenbacks which Secretary McCulloch had called in for cancellation were set free. But as Mr. Richardson announced no policy on which the public could depend, most of the cash let loose was instantly hoarded in vaults or used in the purchase of other bonds then tempo rarily depressed, so doing nothing whatever to allay the dis tress. On the 25th the Treasury ceased buying bonds. The person who, at the worst, sustained the market and kept it from breaking to a point where half of the street would have been inevitably ruined, was Jay Gould, mischief itself on the first Black Friday, but on this one a blessing. He bought during the low prices several hundred thousand shares of rail road stocks, principally of the Vanderbilt stripe, and in this way put a check on the ruinous decline. The national banks of New York weathered this cyclone by a novel device of the Clearing-house or associated banks. These pooled their cash and collaterals into a common fund, placed this in the hands of a trusty committee, and issued against it loan certificates that were receivable at the Clearing house, just like cash, in payment of debit balances. Ten mil lion dollars worth of these certificates was issued at first, a sum subsequently doubled. This Clearing-house paper served its purpose admirably. By October jd confidence was so restored that $ i, 000,000 of it was called in and cancelled, followed next day by $ 1,500,000 more. None of it was long outstanding. The Clearing-house febrifuge was successfully applied also in Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other cities, but not in Chicago. The panic overspread the country. Credit in business was refused, debtors were pressed for payment, securities were rushed into the market and fell greatly in price. Even United States bonds went down from five to ten per cent. There was a run upon savings banks, many of which succumbed. Manufactured goods were little salable, and the prices of agri cultural products painfully sank. Factories began to run on 260 B. H. Bristow, Kentucky, June 2, 1874- June 21, 1876 L. M. Merrill, Maine, June 21, i87b-March 8, 1877 W.A. Richardson, Massachuset March 17, 1873- June 2, 1874 John Sherman, Ohio, March 8, /877-March J, l88f William Windom, Minnesota, C. J. Folger, New York, March J, 1881- October 27, 1881 October 27, 1881- October 24, 1884 W. 3-Gresham, Indiana, Hugh McCulloch, Indiana, Daniel Manning, New York, October 24", 1884- October 28, 1884 October 28, l884~Marcb 6, 1885 March b, 1885- April I, 1887 C. S. Fairchild, New York, Afril i, i887-March J-, 75^9 Charles Foster, Ohio, James G. Carlisle, Kentucky, February 24, fSpf-March b, 1893 March b, 1893- THE SECRETARIES OF THE TREASURY DURING THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY* *For G. S. Boutwell, March n, i869~March 17, i8yj, see page 35. RESUMPTION AND THE POLITICAL PARTIES short time, many closed entirely, many corporations failed. The peculiarity of this crisis was the slowness with which it abated, though fortunately its acute phase was of brief dura tion. No date could be set as its term, its evil effects dragging on through years. In convincing multitudes, as it did, of the imperative ne cessity of replacing our national finances on a coin foundation, this panic was worth all it cost. It was influential in uniting the friends of sound finance and of national honesty upon the resumption policy. Men saw that this policy, however hard to enter upon, however disastrous in the execution, however sure of terrible opposition at every step, must succeed, and could not but bring lasting credit to the political party bold enough to espouse and push it. At first the resumption plan divided both parties ; but, little by little, the Republicans came generally to favor it, the Democrats, some in one way and some in another, to gainsay. The policy and the details of resumption were hotly de bated all through the presidential campaign of 1876. Many opposed return to specie from ignorance of its meaning. Some thought that after resumption no paper money of any kind would be in circulation, or at least that all greenbacks would be gone. Most, even of such as favored it, probably ex pected that resumption would involve paying out by the Gov ernment of almost unlimited sums in gold. Few, compara tively, could see that it consisted merely in bringing United States notes to gold par and keeping them there. Mr. Til- den would assign this work to the domain of " practical admin istrative statesmanship." Like all other Democrats, he urged " a system of preparation " for resumption in place of the Re publican Resumption Act. " A system of preparation without the promise of a day, for the worthless promise of a day with out a system of preparation would be the gain of the substance of resumption in exchange for its shadow." In reply it was maintained that " the way to resume was to resume." This 263 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY thought fortunately determined the policy of the country and was justified by the event. The Resumption Act, passed January 14, 1875, nac ^ set a date for resumption four years ahead, January i ? 1879. The first section provided for the immediate coinage of sub sidiary silver to redeem the fractional currency. This was practicable, as the now low gold price of that metal rendered possible its circulation concurrently with greenbacks. The master-clause of the act authorized the Secretary to buy "coin" with any of his surplus revenues, and for the same purpose " to issue, sell, and dispose of bonds of the United States." It was fortunate for the country that Mr. Sherman, who, as Senator, had drafted the measure, was, as Secretary of the Treasury in the Hayes Cabinet, called to execute it. Ever since 1859 his connection with the Committee of Ways and Means in the House and with the Committee on Finance in the Senate had brought him into close official rela tions with the Treasury Department. This legislative train ing gave him a full knowledge of the several laws that were to be executed in relation to public revenue, to all forms of tax ation, to coinage and currency and to the public debt. The entire system of national finance then existing grew out of the Civil War, and Mr. Sherman had participated in the passage of all the laws relating to this subject. His intimate association with Secretaries Chase, Fessenden, and McCulloch, and his friendly relations with Secretaries Boutwell and Richardson, led him, as Chairman of the Senate committee on finance, to have free and confidential intercourse with them as to legisla tion affecting the Treasury. Though a good lawyer and an able man, Secretary Bristow had not had the benefit of exper ience either in Congress or in the Department. He doubted whether resumption would be effective without a gradual re tirement of United States notes, a measure to which Congress would not agree, repealing even the limited retirement of such notes provided for by the resumption act. Secretary Morrill, 264 SHERMAN AND RESUMPTION Sherman's immediate predecessor, was in hearty sympathy with the policy of resumption, but his failing health had kept him from that efficiency as Secretary which he would otherwise have displayed. For some time before the end of his term in the Treasury, illness had confined him to his lodgings. The Treasury Department was, however, well organized, most of its chief officers having been long in service. But few changes here were made under Hayes, and only as vacancies occurred or incompetency was demonstrated.* In resolutely preparing for Resumption, spite of cries that it was impossible, or, if possible, certain to be ruinous and deadly, Sherman, whom many had thought timid and vacillat ing, evinced the utmost strength of will. The Democracy was for the most part adverse to all effort for immediate resumption, favoring, rather, an enlarged issue of Treasury notes. The elections of 1877 and 1878, generally either Democratic or Republican by lowered majorities, would have made many an administration retreat or pause. Opposition to the party in power was of course due in part to the wide belief that Hayes had been jockeyed into the presidency, and in part to the great railway strikes, where the President had promptly sup pressed criminal disorder by the use of federal arms. Clearly, however, very much of it arose from the Administration's avowal that the resumption act " could be, ought to be, and would be executed if not repealed." In the advertising and placing of his loans, Mr. Sherman showed himself a master in big finance. By the sale of four- and-a-half per cent, bonds, callable in 1891, he had, before the appointed day, accumulated an aggregate of $140,000,000 gold coin and bullion, being forty per cent, of the then outstand ing greenbacks. Partly owing to several abundant harvests, throwing the balance of European trade in our favor and crowding gold this way, resumption proved easier than any anticipated. The greenbacks rose to par thirteen days before *John Sherman's Recollections, pp. 565, 566. 265 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY TERN UHTIOItf TELEGRAPH COMPAIffY. NORVTO fJREEN, ~ READ THE NOTICE AND AGREEMENT AT THE TOP. TAe Telegram Announcing the Result of the First Oafs ''Resumption " a/ *A New Tori SttA-TVvajMr^ the date fixed for beginning gold payments. Rumors were rife of a conspiracy to " corner " gold, and to make a run on the Sub-Treasury New Year's day, 1879, tne ^ a 7 f r beginning resumption. On the joth of December, 1878, the president of the National Bank of Commerce and chairman of the Clear ing-house committee, begged for $ 5, 000,000 in gold in exchange for a like amount of United States notes on the following day, a proposition which was forthwith declined. " The year closed with no unpleasant excitement, but with un pleasant forebodings. The first day of January was Sunday and no business was transacted. On Monday anxiety reigned in the office of the Secretary. Hour after hour passed ; no news came from New York. Inquiry by wire showed that all was quiet. At the close of business came this message : ' $135,000 of notes presented for coin $400,000 of gold for notes/ That was all. Resumption was accomplished with no disturbance. By five o'clock the news was all over the land, and the New York bankers were sipping their tea in absolute safety. The prediction of the Secretary had become history. When gold could with certainty be obtained for notes, nobody wanted it. .The experiment of maintaining a limited amount 266 RESUMPTION BEGUN of United States notes in circulation, based upon a reasonable reserve in the Treasury pledged for that purpose, and sup ported also by the credit of the Government, proved generally satisfactory, and the exclusive use of these notes for circulation may become, in time, the fixed financial policy of the Govern ment."* The straggling applications for coin made when resumption day arrived were less in amount than was asked for in green backs by bondholders, who could in any event have demanded coin. During the entire year 1879 on \Y $ 11 A$6>536 m greenbacks were offered for redemption, while over $250,000,- ooo were paid out in coin obligations. It was found that people preferred paper to metal money, and had no wish for gold instead of notes when assured that the exchange could be made at their option. Notwithstanding our acceptance of greenbacks for customs $109,467,456 during 1879 the Treasury at the end of that year experienced a dearth of these and a plethora of coin, having actually to force debtors to re ceive hard money. The magnitude and meaning of the financial policy thus launched can hardly be over-estimated. The Nation had piled up a war debt amounting to the enormous sum of $2,844,649,- 626. This figure, the highest which the debt ever attained, was reached in August, 1865. Many people at home and in other countries thought that amounts so vast as were called for could never possibly be paid. When we began borrow ing, the London Economist declared it " utterly out of the question for the Americans to obtain the extravagant sums they asked," saying : " Europe wont lend them ; Americans cannot." The Washington agent of the London bankers through whom our Government did foreign business, after the battle of Bull Run called at the Treasury on Sunday to get his " little bill " settled, having the effrontery to ask the acting Secretary, Mr. George Harrington, to give security *J. K. Upton, in Scribner's Magazine, July, 1892. 267 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY that the balance, about $40,000, would be paid. Mr. Har rington directed the anxious Englishman to wait, as the Gov ernment would probably not break up before business hours next day. The London 'Times declared : " No pressure that ever threatened is equal to that which now hangs over the United States, and it may safely be said that if in future gen erations they faithfully meet their liabilities, they will fairly earn a fame which will shine throughout the world." In March, 1863, concluding an article on Secretary Chase's stu pendous operations, the same newspaper exclaimed : " What strength, what resources, what vitality, what energy there must be in a nation that is able to ruin itself on a scale so tran scendent ! "* No nation ever took a braver course than did the United States in deliberately beginning the reduction of that enormous war debt. The will to reduce it opened the way, and the payment went on by leaps and bounds. The policy was to call in high-rate bonds as soon as callable, and replace them by others bearing lower rates. So immense was the Government's income that to have set so late a date as 1891 for the time when the four-and-a-halfs could be cancelled proved unfortunate. To fix for the maturity of the fours so remote a date as 1907 was worse still. The three-per-cents of 1882, which supplanted earlier issues, were wisely made payable at the Government's option. For the twenty-three years beginning with August, 1865, the reduction proceeded at an average rate of a little under $63,000,000 yearly, which would be $5,250,000 each month, $175,000 each day, $7,291 each hour, and $121 each minute. An act of Congress passed February 25, 1862, had au thorized the issue of $150,000,000 in non-interest-bearing Treasury notes. These notes had no precedent with us since colonial times. Neither receivable for duties nor payable for interest on the public debt, they were yet legal tender for all *Shuckers, Life of S. P. Chase, pp. 225, 226. 268 CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE GREENBACK ELBRIDGE G. SPAULDING* other payments, public and private. As the Government paid its own debts with them they amounted to a forced loan. The legal-tender clause of the 1862 law roused bitterest antago nism. The press ridiculed it, in some cases being refused the use of the mails for that reason. " The financial fabric of the Union totters to its base," said a leading journal. Secretary Chase himself, the father of the greenback, afterward, as Chief-Justice, pronounced the law unconstitutional. This was his judgment from the first, and he overrode it, after painful deliberation, only because such a course seemed absolutely necessary to save the nation. Mr. Lincoln is said to have aided his Secretary at this crisis by the parable of the captain who, his ship aleak, worse and worse in spite of his prayers to the Virgin, threw her image overboard, and, having successfully made port and docked his vessel for repairs, found the image neatly filling the hole where the water had come in. Both deemed it patriotic to make jetsam of the Constitution if thereby they might bring safe into port the leaky ship of state, in danger of being engulfed in the mad ocean of civil war. Thus the issue of legal-tenders began under the pressure of urgent necessity. From first to last $450,000,000 of this paper had been voted, whereof, on January 3, 1864, $449>~ 338,902 was outstanding. Specie payments were suspended two days before the introduction of the legal-tender act. Gold went to a premium while that act was under discussion, remain ing so till just before resumption, January i, 1879. Even the subsidiary silver coinage disappeared, and Congress was obliged to issue fractional paper currency, " shin-plasters," in its stead. *One of the chief promoters of the Legal Tender Act 269 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Several constitutional questions were connected with the greenback. In Hepburn vs. Griswold (8 Wall., 603) the Court held, four* Justices against three, that, while the act of February 25, 1862, might, as a war measure, be valid, making greenbacks legal tender for debts contracted after its passage, yet, so far as its provisions related to pre-existing debts, it was inconsistent with the Constitution, not being a " necessary " or " proper "means to any end therein authorized. In Parker vs. Davis (12 Wall., 457), the personnel of the Court having been changed by the resignation of Justice Grier and the appointment of Justices Bradley and Strong, though Chase, Clifford, and Field strenuously maintained their former views, the Hepburn vs. Griswold decision was reversed. That case, the Court now said, " was decided by a divided Court," hav ing fewer Judges " than the law then in existence provided that this Court shall have. These cases have been heard before a full Court, and they have received our most careful consideration." Justice Bradley, whom in the judgment of Senator Hoar, cc the general voice of the profession and of his brethren of the bench would place at the head of all then living American jurists," concurred with the majority in a separate opinion of his own, at once elaborate and emphatic. In the famous case of Juilliard vs. Greenman (i 10 U. S. Reports, 421) a third question was tried out, namely, whether Congress has the constitutional power to make United States Treasury notes legal tender for private debts in peace as well as in war. The decision was again in favor of the greenback, Field being the only Justice to register dissent. Though this was the first decision of the question arrived at by strictly legal reasoning, it evoked much hostile criti cism. The Financial Chronicle said : " All reliance upon constitutional inhibition to do anything with the currency which Congress may have a whim to do must be aban- *Or five if Grier be counted. He agreed with the majority, but resigned before the opinion was announced. 270 JUILLIARD VS. GREENMAN doned henceforth and forever." The historian Bancroft vented a formidable brochure, richer in learning than in law, entitled " The Constitution Wounded in the House of its Friends." The Court's logic, however, was not easily contro verted. It closely followed John Marshall's reasoning in McCulloch vs. Maryland.* An enactment by Congress the Supreme Court presumes to be constitutional unless it is cer tainly unconstitutional. If there is doubt upon the point there is no doubt. Congress is right. The authority " to emit bills of credit " as legal tender was not expressly delegated to the Federal Government, but it may well claim place in the goodly family of " implied powers," apparently being implied by its prohibition to the States, or involved in the power to borrow money, or in that to regulate commerce. Again, if Congress could pass such a law to meet an exigency, as held in Parker vs. Davis, Congress must be left to determine when the exigency exists. The intention of the Fathers to inhibit bills of credit cannot be conclusively shown. Even if it were certain it would be inconclusive; the question being not what they intended to do, but what they actually did in framing and ratifying the Constitution. The wisdom of the legal tender law is a different ques tion, but, like the other, should not be pronounced upon with out reflection. It was easy to condemn it after the event. No doubt, had conditions favored, more might have been done, saving millions of debt and half the other financial evils of war, to keep the dollar at gold par, as by not compelling gold payment of the seven-thirty bonds, by heavier tax levies, by earlier resort to large loans, even at high rates, instead of emitting legal-tenders, and also by forcing national banks, cre ated on purpose to help market bonds, to purchase new ones directly from the Government. Yet, under the circumstances, such defects in our policy early in the war could hardly have been avoided, so uncertain were national spirit and credit then, *4 Wheaton, p. 421. 273 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY and so little were the magnitude and duration of the war fore seen. When the old demand notes were issued, more than one professedly loyal railroad corporation refused them in payment of fares and freight. Hotels were shy of them. A leading New York bank refused to receive them save as a special deposit, though these notes, being receivable for cus toms, like coin, went to a premium along with gold. One depositor in the bank just referred to found on withdrawing his deposit that his notes as reckoned in legal tender* had advanced in value nearly or quite one hundred and fifty per cent. People being so shy of the demand notes, what wonder that the greenbacks, which bore no interest, were long in ill repute. The Nation's resolute purpose to reduce its debt changed this. When equal to gold, greenbacks were glorified, and all thoughts of retiring them gave way. In 1865 Secretary Mc- Culloch had boldly recommended the calling in of greenback notes in preparation for the restoration of specie. The people were then willing to submit to this. The act of March 12, 1866, authorized the cancellation of $ 1 0,000,000 or less within six months, and thereafter of $4,000,000 or less each month. By this method the amount was by the end of 1867 cut down to $356,000,000, but the act of February 4, 1868, forbade any further decrease. Between March 17, 1872, and January 15, 1874, the amount was raised some $25,000,000, but a bill passed in 1874, known as the "inflation bill," still further to increase it, was vetoed by President Grant. June 20, 1874, the maximum greenback circulation was placed at $382,000,- ooo, which the operation of the Resumption Act in 1875 brought down to $346,681,000, letting the gap be filled by national bank notes. All further retirement or cancellation of legal-tenders was forbidden by the act approved May 31, 1878, which provided, in part, that " it shall not be lawful . . to cancel or retire any more of the United States legal-tender *Shuckers, Life of S. P. Chase, p. 225. 274 THE "FIAT-GREENBACK" THEORY notes. And when . . redeemed or received into the Treasury . . they shall be reissued and paid out again and kept in cir culation." Secretary Sherman recommended the passage of this law, as he believed that the retirement of greenbacks pending the preparation for resumption, by reducing the volume of the currency, increased the difficulties of resump tion. This popularity of the greenbacks stimulated to fresh life the "fiat-greenback" theory, whose pith lay in the pro position that money requires in its material na- labor-cost value, its purchasing power coming from the decree of the public authority issuing it, so that paper money put forth by a financially responsible government, though involving no promise whatever, will be the peer of gold. People who held this view opposed all resumption, proximate or remote, wishing to print United States dollar notes each bearing the legend " This is a Dollar," and notes of other denominations similarly, not allowing any of them to promise payment or to have any other relation whatever to coin. This idea was long very influential throughout States so conservative as Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, where, in several campaigns, the able stump addresses of men like Garfield, Schurz, and Stanley Matthews laid it pretty well to rest. It was, however, the rallying thought of the National Labor Greenback Party, organized at Indian apolis, May 17, 1876, when it nominated Peter Cooper for the Presidency. On the very day that resumption went into effect a Greenbacker Convention in New England declared it the paramount issue of their party to substitue greenbacks for na tional bank notes. The old silver dollar, " the Dollar of the Fathers," had never ceased to be full legal tender until 1873, although it had since 1853 been, as compared with the gold dollar, too valuable to circulate much. In 1873 a law was unobservedly passed demonetizing it, and making gold the exclusive form of United States full-tender hard money. 275 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY RICHARD P. BLAND That legislation of such impor tance should have passed without general debate, either in Congress or by the public, was unfortunate ; but, contrary to a very prevalent view, there is no evidence that a single Congressional vote for it was se cured by fraud. Little silver had been coined by the United States since 1834. The monetary problem of 1873 was not that of subsequent years. Then, simplicity of monetary system was considered the great de sideratum, whereas, with discussion, authorities came to agree that ade quacy in volume is the most important trait in a hard-money system. In 1873 gold had been for twenty years pouring out of the earth in immense sums, rendering not unnatural the expectation that it alone, without silver, would soon suffice for the world's hard-money stock. Such was then the judgment of the leaders of public opinion in all lands. It was the view of the Paris Conference in 1867, which recommended the general demone tization of silver a recommendation extremely influential in determining to a gold policy the German Empire, whose course toward silver in 1873 was identical with ours. European opinion on the subject was known and concurred in here. At intervals ever since 1 8 1 6 representative Americans had suggested that we should adopt Great Britain's metallic money system. In his report of November 29, 1851, the Director of our Mint declared the " main features " of that system " eminently worthy of adoption into the monetary 276 WILLIAM B. ALLISON RASHNESS OF DEMONETIZING SILVER policy of our own country." Hon. Thomas Corwin, of Ohio, then Secretary of the Treasury, whom no one will charge with obsequiousness to England or to the Money Power at home, in his Report of January 6, 1852, seconded the recommenda tion of the Director of the Mint, carefully setting forth the argument for adopting it. To the Act of 1 873 the Senators from Oregon, California, and Nevada unanimously agreed. At the 1867 Paris Conference the United States was (by del egates) present as a gold country, Mr. Seward, then Secretary of State, being responsible for this, though no one protested. Inspired by such example and by the recommendation of the Conference, the Secretary of our Treasury, in 1870, drafted the bill discontinuing the silver dollar, which passed the Senate early in 1871 and became a law in 1873. But, while one must thus discredit the allegation of fraud and of sinister motive in this legislation, it nevertheless seems clear that the silver people and the entire country had a griev ance in connection with it. 82 5 votes - Happy had it been for the country could we have di verted the entire force of the labor agitation into political channels. But this was impossible. The worst labor troubles of these years had to be settled not at the polls but by force. This was mainly due to the large number of immigrants now arriving, among them Hungarians, Poles, Italians and Portu guese, usually ignorant clay for the hand of the first unscrupu lous demagogue. Another cause of the labor wars was the wide and sedulous inculcation in this country of the social- democratic, communist and anarchist doctrines long prevalent in Europe. Influences concurrent with both these were the actual injustice and the haughty and overbearing manner of many employers. Capital had been mismanaged and wasted. The war had brought unearned fortunes to many, sudden 291 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY wealth to a much larger number, while the unexampled pros perity of the country raised up in a perfectly normal manner a wealthy class, the like of which, in number and power, our country had never known before. As, therefore, immigra tion, along with much else, multiplied the poor, the eter nal angry strife of wealth with poverty, of high with low, of classes with masses, crossed over from Europe and began on our shores. The rise of trusts and gigantic corporations was connected with this struggle. Corporations worth nigh half a billion dollars apiece were able to buy or defy legislatures and make or break laws as they pleased ; and since such corporations, instead of individuals, more and more became the employers of labor, not only did the old-time kindliness between help and hirers die out, but men the most cool and intelligent feared the new power as a menace to democracy. Strikes, therefore, commanded large public sympathy. Stock-watering and other vicious practices, involving the ruin of corporators themselves by the few holders of a majority of the shares in order to re purchase the property for next to nothing, contributed to this hostility. So did the presence, in many great corpora tions, of foreign capital and capitalists, and also the mutual favoritism of corporations, showing itself, for instance, in special freight rates to privileged concerns. Minor interests, and particularly employes, powerless against these Titan agencies by any legal process, resorted to counter-organization. Labor agitation was facilitated by the extraordinary increase of urban population, it being mostly manufacturing and mechan ical industry which brought the hordes of workmen together. Trades-unions secured rank development. The Knights of Labor, intended as a sort of union of them all, attained a mem bership of a million. The manufacturers' " black list," to prevent any " agitator " laborer from securing work, was answered by the " boycott," to keep the products of obnoxious establishments from rinding sale. Labor organizations so 292 LABOR WAR IN PENNSYLVANIA strong often tyran nized over their own members, and boy cotting became a nui- Notice you have Caried this as far as you can By cheating thy sanCC that had tO be men you three Bosses Be Carefull if the Above dont Be your home in A short Time. abated by law. . . _Q From a Stranger T , i T-* i r -^ henowesyou * the Pennsyl vania mining districts A "Molhe Magutre Notice labor troubles early became acute. The great coal barons, offending the public by pricing their indispensable product extortionately high, long received no sympathy and no aid in repressing em ployes' crimes. During 1873, J ^74 an d ^75, these grew frightfully common. Usually the motive seemed to be not so much to injure employers* property as to scare " scab " help from the mines during contests against " cuts " in wages. A cut at the Ben Franklin Colliery had been accepted by the men, who were peaceably at work, when the " breaker " was burned, throwing them all out. Another " breaker " near by a gang of strikers fired almost by daylight, first driving the workmen away. A common method of intimidation was for ten or twelve roughs to form a gang, and, armed, to sweep through a mining camp, forcing every man to join ; the numbers so collected being soon sufficient to overawe any inclined to resist. June 3, 1875, one thousand men thus gathered stopped work at sev eral mines near Mahanoy City, and a similar band did the same at Shenandoah. At night there was an attempt to derail a passenger train approaching Shenandoah, but the plot was discovered in time. The same night a "breaker" near Mount Carmel went up in smoke, and a few days later two contract ors at the Oakdale mine were shot. For a time every passenger train on the Reading Railroad had to be preceded through the mining districts by a locomo tive carrying an armed posse. Watchmen and station agents 293 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY were beaten ; loaded v - j.i i (Notice found in yard of D. Patchen, Engineer, Cressona.) cars and other ob- from the gap Daniel Patch StrUCt lOnS Were put remember you will be running in this coal ragion at night you took an nother mans engin we will give you fair upon mam tracks ; wa b rnin ' g in time and some more< v . L . switches were mis- M.M.H.S.T. placed and ware houses plundered. At every cut or forest along the line lay vi. armed aSSaSSinS tO we hear notify you to leave th Road for you took a nother i i man chop take a warning to Save your live shoot trainmen and to Yost en- A Notice Put iw Evidence During the "MoIHe Maguire" . . Prosecution gineer ran his train, his left hand on the throttle, his right clutching a revolver. Bosses and " scabs " specially hated by the desperate miners were served with notices denouncing vengeance on them if they did not leave. Some of these are reproduced on pp. 293, 294, 295. One admonition ran : " Now men i have warented ye before and i willnt warind you no mor but i will gwrintee you the will be the report of the revolver." A rude drawing of a revolver was subjoined as the author's sign manual. Others were as follows : " NOTICE " Any blackleg that takes a Union Man's job While He is standing for His Rights will have a hard Road to travel and if He don't he will have to Suffer the Consequences." This " Notice " was followed by a picture of a dead man in his coffin, and signed " BEACHER AND TILTON." 294 MURDER OF YOST At Locust Summit, March 31, 1875, was posted the fol lowing : " NOTICE " " Mr. Black-legs if you don't leave in 2 days time You meet your doom there vill Be an Open war imeateatly " Such threats, unless heeded, were nearly always executed. Among others notified in these ways was one McCarron, a policeman in Tamaqua, who had aroused the enmity of "Pow der Keg " Carrigan. Two men were detailed to kill McCarron late on a given night, and hid themselves for this purpose near his beat. But on this night McCarron happened to have changed beats with another policeman named Yost, an old soldier, whom all, even the Mollies, liked. Climbing a lamp post ladder early in the morning to turn out the gas, Yost was fatally shot by the men who had heen lying low for Mc Carron. The chief source of these atrocities was a secret society known as the " Mollie Maguires," their name and spirit both imported from Ire- " a " land. They terrorized the entire Schuylkill and Shamokin dis tricts. A superinten dent or a boss was attacked, beaten or shot down somewhere almost every day. Gangs of these thugs would waylay a vic tim in the field or by the roadside if they could, but, failing in this, they surrounded his house, forced him Notice is here given to you men the first and the last Notice that you will get for no man to go Down this slope After to Night if yo Do you Can Bring your Coffion Along With you for By the internal Crist We mean What this Notice says you Drift man stop at home and Cut no more Coal let him go and get Coal himself I Dont mean Engineer or firemans let them mine there one Work now men the Next Notice you Will get I Dont mean to Do it With my Pen I Will Do it With that there Rolver I Dou't Want no more Black legs at this Collary. (No signature) A ''Mollie Maguire" Notice 2 95 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY out, and did him to death. Among the most brutal of their murders was that of Alexander Rea, a mine superin tendent, pounded and shot to death in October, 1868. Driv ing along a lonely road between Mount Carmel and Centralia, supposed to be going to pay off his men, and therefore to have $19,000, more or less, in his buggy, he was set upon by a gang of Mollies, among them Dooley (or Tully), McHugh, and " Kelly the Bum." After filling themselves with liquor, the squad, at dawn, hid in a piece of woods through which their victim was to pass, and, upon his approach, rushed at him, pistols in hand. " Kelly the Bum " fired first. Rea piteously begged for his life. He happened on this occasion to have only $60 with him, having paid at the colliery the day previous, a day earlier than usual ; but he offered his assailants all he had, as well as his watch, agreeing also to sign a check for any amount if they would spare him. In vain. Having fired several bullets into the wretched man, they made sure of the work with clubs and the butts of their revolvers. The bloody conspirators were subsequently tried, convicted, and hung for this murder, save " Kelly the Bum," who got off by turning State's evidence. Law-abiding people feared to stir out after dark, or even by day unless well armed. The Mollies had their signs and passwords for use when necessary, but they grew so bold that such devices were rarely needed. In case of arrest plenty of perjurers were ready to swear an alibi ^ though not a witness could be drummed up for the State. The Mollies nominated officers and controlled elections. Members of the Order be came chiefs of police, constables and county commissioners. One of them came very near being elected to the Schuylkill County bench. Superintendents of jobs had to hire and dis charge men at the Mollies' behest, or be shot. At a certain State election a high State official gave the Order large money for casting its vote his way. Jack Kehoe, a leading Mollie, when in prison for murder, boasted that if he were convicted 296 THE TRIAL OF THOMAS MVNLET, THE " MOLLIE MAGUIRE," AT POTTSflLLE, PA. Painted by W, R. Leigh, from photographs by George A. Bretx McPARLAN BECOMES A "MOLLIE JAMES McPARLAN, THOMAS MUNLET "JIMMT" KERRIGAN, the detective the " squealer " From photographs by George A. Bretx and sentenced "the old man up at Harrisburg" would never let him swing. The entire power of the Catholic Church in the region was used against the Order, but in vain. The principal honor of exposing and suppressing this Pennsylvania Mafia is due to Hon. Franklin B. Gowen, a law yer, at the time President of the Pennsylvania and Reading Coal and Iron Co. Knowing the uselessness of attempting the work with the local police, he, in 1873, secured from Pink- erton's Detective Agency in Chicago the services of one James McParlan, a young Irishman of phenomenal tact and grit, to go among the Mollies as a secret detective. No bolder, no more dangerous, no more telling work was ever wrought by a detective than that now undertaken by McParlan. Calling himself McKenna, he began operations in the autumn of 1873. By stating that he had killed a man in Buffalo and that his favorite business had been " shoving the queer," he was at once admitted to the Order, and soon be came one of its prominent officers. He seems, however, to have been from the first the object of some suspicion, so that the progress of his mission was slow. FRANKLIN B. GOWEN From a photograph by Gutekut Z99 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY It was not till 1875 tnat McParlan's work began to tell. Two murders to which he was privy he unfortunately could not prevent, so closely was he watched. One of these was that of Thomas Sanger, a young English boss miner. Early on the morning of September ist Sanger started from his house to his work. Hardly out of sight of his door a man faced him and shot him through the arm. Running round a house near by he was met by a second villain, pistol in hand. Turning, he stumbled and fell, just as a third appeared, who shot him fatally. A fourth deliberately turned the body over so as to make sure of hitting a vital part, and shot him again. Robert Heaton, an employer, heard the firing and rushed, armed, to Sanger's aid. The murderers fled. Poor, brave Sanger, bleeding to death, told Heaton : " Never mind me, give it to them, Bob." Sanger's agonized wife, from whom he had just parted, reached his prostrate form barely in time to hear him gasp : " Kiss me, Sarah, for I am dying." The assassins escaped Heaton, but went straight to the house where McParlan was, acquainting him with every detail of their bloody deed. Gowen had employed him on the ex press condition that he should never be called as a witness or be required in any way to show his hand, but when arrests were made the Mollies suspected him, so that it appeared to be his safest course to come out openly for the prosecution. Going upon the witness stand he demolished the sham alibi which the culprits sought to establish, and gave clews which led to the extirpation of the entire gang. Schuylkill County, where the worst crimes had occurred, rose in its might and stamped out the conspiracy. A small army of alibi witnesses were punished for perjury. Nine of the Mollies were sentenced to death, and most of the other leaders imprisoned for long terms. " Then," said Mr. Gowen, who acted as counsel for the prosecution, " we knew that we were free men. Then we could go to Patsy Collins, the commissioner of this county, 3 oo THE ATTEMPT TO FIRE THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ROUND-HOUSE IN PlTTSBURG, AT DAYBREAK ON SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1877 Painted by W. R. Leigh, from photographs by Robinson COLLAPSE OF THE MOLLIE MAGUIRES and say to him : c Build well the walls of the new addition to the prison ; dig the foundations deep and make them strong ; put in good masonry and iron bars ; for, as the Lord liveth, the time will come when, side by side with William Love, the murderer of Squire Gwither, you will enter the walls that you are now building for others.' Then we could say to Jack Kehoe, the high constable of a great borough in this county : * We have no fear of you/ Then we could say to Ned Mon- aghan, chief of police and murderer and assassin : c Behind you the scaffold is prepared for your reception.' Then we could say to Pat Conry, commissioner of this county : * The time has ceased when a governor of this State dares to pardon a Mollie Maguire you have had your last pardon.' Then we could say to John Slattery, who was almost elected judge of this court : c We know that of you that it were better you had not been born than that it should be known/ Then all of us looked up. Then, at last, we were free, and I came to this county and walked through it as safely as in the most crowded thoroughfares of Philadelphia." The times evoked a specially bitter feeling against great railway corporations, and a wide spread desire to set legal limita tions to their power. Their reck less rivalries, their ruinous borrow ing and extravagance were freely criticised even by such as did not deem themselves injured thereby ; but their employes were rendered frantic. The most desperate and exten sive strike that had yet occurred in this country was that of 1877, by *Owing to the general congestion of traffic, there were miles of freight cars blocked at this point, which the rioters burned as they stood. 33 BURNT FREIGHT CARS AT PITTSBURG* THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Union Station Round-bouse SCENES AFTER THE RAILWAY RIOT OF 1877 IN PIffSBURG the employes of the principal railway trunk lines the Balti more & Ohio, the Pennsylvania, the Erie, the New York Cen tral, and their western prolongations. The immediate grievance was a ten per cent. " wage cut," reinforced, however, by irregu lar employment, irregular and tardy payment, forced patronage of "ptuck-me " hotels, and the like. On some roads the train men were assessed the cost of accidents. At a preconcerted time junctions and other main points were seized. Freight traf fic on the roads named was entirely suspended, and the passen ger and mail service greatly impeded. When new employes sought to work, militia had to be called out to preserve order. Pittsburg was the scene of a bloody riot. At Martinsburg, also at Pittsburg, a great part of the State troops sympathized with the strikers and would not fire upon them. At Pitts burg, where the mob was immense and most furious, the Philadelphia militia were besieged in a round-house, which it was then attempted to burn by lighting oil cars and pushing them against it, until the soldiers were compelled to evacuate. Fortunately they made good their retreat with only four 34 RAILWAY STRIKE OF 1877 killed. The militia having had several bloody and doubtful encounters on July 21, 22 and 23, at the request of the Governors, President Hayes dispatched United States troops to Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia. Faced by these forces the rioters in every instance gave way without bloodshed. Scranton's mayor narrowly escaped death, but was rescued by a posse of special police, who killed three of the mob ring leaders. In disturbances at Chicago nineteen were killed, at Baltimore nine. At Reading, endeavoring to recapture a rail road train held by the mob in a cut near the city, the soldiers were assailed with bricks and stones hurled from above, and finally with pistol shots. One militiaman retorted, scattering shots followed, and then a sustained volley. Only 50 of the 253 soldiers escaped unhurt, but none were seriously injured. Of the crowd 1 1 were killed and over 50 wounded, two of the killed and some of the wounded being mere on-lookers. The torch was applied freely and with dreadful effect. Machine-shops, ware-houses and two thousand freight-cars were pillaged or burned. Firemen in Pittsburg were at first threatened with death if they tried to stop the flames, and the hoses were cut ; but, finally, permission was given to save private property. In that city attacks did not cease till the corporation property had been well-nigh destroyed. 1,600 cars and 126 locomotives were burned or ruined in twenty-four hours. Allegheny County alone became liable for about $3,000,000. Men, women and children fell to thieving, car rying off all sorts of goods kid ball-shoes, parasols, coffee- mills, whips and gas-stoves. In one house the police found seven great trunks full of clothes, in another eleven barrels of flour. It is said that a wagon-load of sewing machines was sold on the street, the machines bringing from ten cents to $i apiece. The loss of property was estimated at $10,000,000. One hundred thousand laborers are believed to have taken part in the entire movement, and at one time or another 6,000 305 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY or 7,000 miles of road were in their power. The agitation began on July i/j-th, and was serious till the 2yth, but had mostly died away by the end of the month, the laborers nearly all returning to their work. Hosts of Pennsylvania miners went out along with the railroad men. The railway strike itself was largely sympa thetic, the ten per cent, reduction in wages assigned as its cause applying to comparatively few. The next years wit nessed continual troubles of this sort, though rarely, if in any case, so serious, between wage-workers and their employers in nearly all industries. The worst ones befell the manufacturing portions of the country, where strikes and lock-outs were part of the news almost every day. 306 CHAPTER XII ANYTHING TO BEAT GRANT PRESIDENTIAL POSSIBILITIES IN l88o. GRANT THE LION. REPUB LICAN CONVENTION. A POLITICAL BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS GARFIELD THE DARK HORSE. GRANT'S OLD GUARD DEFEATED BUT DEFIANT. DEMOCRATS NOMINATE HANCOCK. "THE INS AND THE OUTS." PARTY DECLARATIONS. THE MOREY FORGERY. ELAINE CAN'T SAVE MAINE. CONKLING'S STRIKE OFF. GARFIELD ELECTED. "SOAP" VS. INTIMIDATION AND FRAUD. FROM MULE BOY TO PRESIDENT. HANCOCK'S BRILLIANT CAREER. THE FIRST PRESI DENTIAL APPOINTMENTS. CONKLING'S FRENZY AND HIS FALL. THE CABINET. GARFIELD ASSASSINATED. GUITEAU TRIED AND HANGED. STAR ROUTE FRAUDS. PENDLETON CIVIL SERVICE ACT. MR. HAYES'S very honorable administration neared its end and the presidential campaign of 1 880 approached. Spite of the wide unpopularity of resumption, spite of the hard times and the labor troubles, the party in power was now in far better condition to win than it had been in 1 876. The Repub licans therefore had no dearth of potential standard-bearers. Returning from a remarkable tour around the world, General Grant became, in 1880, a candidate for a third-term nomina tion. There is reason to think that Grant himself did not greatly desire this but was pushed forward by Senator Roscoe Conkling, of New York, to insure the defeat of James G. Elaine, of Maine, whom Conkling not merely disliked but hated. Conkling was now in effect Republican dictator in his State. Its delegation to the Convention was hence expected to be a unit for Grant, in which case it would form a good nucleus for the third-term forces. Don Cameron, of Pennsylvania, and General John A. Logan, of Illinois, like Conkling, strongly favored Grant, securing for him, not without some contest, the delegations from their respective States and at the same time THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY securing control of the National Committee, which dictated the time and place of holding the Convention. Mr. Elaine had great strength in the West and considerable elsewhere. Senator Edmunds was the cynosure of a knot of Independents, mostly Eastern men. Sherman's masterly handling of the Treasury brought him also into prominence, almost into popularity, as a candidate. He was able, practically, to name the four Ohio delegates-at-large, Warner M. Bateman, William Dennison, Charles Foster and James A. Garfield. The last-named had expressed his wish to be a delegate-at-large, in order that he might more effectively aid the Sherman cause. General Grant was now more than ever a hero. He had recently visited every prominent court and country on the globe. The Emperors of Germany and Austria, the Czar, the Queen of Great Britain, the Sultan, the Pope, the Kings of Belgium, Italy, Holland, Sweden and Spain, the Khedive of Egypt, the Emperor of Siam, the Mikado of Japan, the Viceroy of In dia, and with them a host of the world's most dis tinguished statesmen, sol diers and literary men, had vied with one another in rendering the ex-Pres ident's progress from land to land a continuous ova tion. No human being in all history had ever received such honors. The ex-President's self- possession amid all this pomp, his good sense and sturdy maintenance of simple, democratic man- ROSCOE CON KLIN G 308 "ANYTHING TO BEAT GRANT " ners, impressed everyone. Some who had opposed him in 1876 now wished him elected, on the ground that four so honorable years in private station justified renewed promotion, while not transgressing the unwritten law against a third term. So formidable did Conkling's movement for Grant be come that the opponents of the two rallied to the war-cry, " Anything to beat Grant.'* About this time the superstitious were stirred by Mother Shipton's prophecy, "The world to an end will come In eighteen hundred and eighty-one." An anecdote was told of a preacher who dwelt upon the impending cataclysm, urging his hearers by all means to be prepared. While he was describing the peril an earnest voice from the congregation ejaculated, " Thank God ! " The min ister sought out the possessor of the voice and asked why he was thankful for a prospect at which most men shuddered. " Anything to beat Grant/' was the answer. A determined sentiment hostile to the ex-President's candidacy found ex pression in the resolutions of the Republican Anti-third-term Convention, held in St. Louis on May 6th. These resolu tions declared against the Grant movement as likely to revive the memory of old scandals, and certain, if successful, to intro duce personal government and to hinder civil service reform. After the revelations described in Chapter IX the movement to elect Grant President for a third term was sure to awaken bitter opposition in his own party. The story of his second term, which might have been left for posterity to extract from the records as best it could, was vividly recalled to memories which had never fully lost it, being rehearsed in a thousand newspapers, now piecemeal, now in whole chap ters, till all intelligent people were perfectly familiar with it. The Republican Convention met at Chicago on June 2d. Conkling, who had charge of the Grant canvass, sanguine of carrying the Convention but fearing a " bolt " afterward, intro- 309 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY duced the following disciplinary resolution, which was passed by a vote of 7 1 9 to 3 : " Resolved, As the sense of this Convention, that every member of it is bound in honor to support its nominee, who ever that nominee may be, and that no man should hold his seat here who is not ready to so agree." An effort was made to expel the three recalcitrants, but it proved abortive. The rule requiring State delegations each to vote as a unit, which had been assailed at the Cincinnati Con vention of 1876, was now definitively abandoned. This gift of a voice to minorities in State delegations lopped off ninety votes from Grant's constituency, which was a great victory for his opponents. It was in effect another blow against the Grant cause when Mr. Flanagan, of Texas, uttered the memorable query : " What are we here for if it isn't for the offices ? " The State of New York had seventy votes in the Con vention. Knowing that they would all be needed if Grant were to win, Conkling had gotten the New York Convention to instruct the delegation to vote as a unit for the nominee desired by the majority. But nineteen of them, led by Conk- ling's opponent in New York Republican politics, William H. Robertson, refused to obey this mandate and voted for Elaine. Nine of the Ohio delegation bolted from Sherman to Elaine, a move which solidified the rest of the Ohio dele gation against Elaine, and thus "un doubtedly," says Sherman, "led to his defeat." The first ballot showed Grant in the lead, with Elaine a close second, and they maintained this rela tive position through thirty-five con secutive ballots. The thirty-fourth JAMES A. GARFIELD ballot called attention to James A. ^* fl 3fftfk&^** tm 310 GARFIELD NOMINATED Garfield, who received seventeen votes, fifteen more than any preceding ballot had given him. As a feeler Wisconsin, near the foot of the list, bolted to him. Galleries and Convention went wild. Garfield had been somewhat prominent in the Con vention, having charge of Sherman's cause and being, in some sense, the leader of all the forces opposed to Grant, but scarcely anyone had dreamed of his being nominated. It having become plain that the New York split must defeat Blaine and Grant alike, the bulk of the Blaine and Sherman delegates, under in structions from their chiefs at Washington, went over to Gar- field. Conkling was confident till Maine cast her vote for Gar- field, when he sent the word around for delay. In vain. Too late. Conkling's old guard of 306 delegates, remaining steadfast to the last,rendered him too confident, and he was outgeneralled. That very morning some one asked Garfield : " Well, General, who is going to win the battle of the Wilderness ? " " The same little man that won the first will win it," he replied, de liberately, " and I am afraid it will mean the destruction of the Republican party/' The stampede gave Garfield 399 votes, twenty-one more than were needed to make him the choice of the Convention. While the State banners were seized and waved in a circle above his head, while all was enthusiasm and hubbub, Garfield himself sat, as if in a stupor, dazed and be numbed. The second place on the ticket being conceded to a Grant man, Conkling, as a stab at President Hayes, named for Vice-President Chester A. Arthur, the same whom Hayes had deposed from office. " Garfield and Arthur " was there fore the ticket. The country hailed the presidential nomination with ex treme satisfaction. Blaine, in spite of his defeat, hastened to send Garfield his congratulations. So did Sherman, who blamed Governor Foster, and not the nominee, for perfidy. But Conkling sulked, cursing the nineteen rebellious New York delegates, and vowing eternal vengeance upon Robert son in particular. Grant's phalanx, which had stood solid for 3" THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY him from the first, alone failed to partake of the general enthusiasm. The Democratic Con vention assembled at Cincinnati on June 22d. Mr. Tilden could, no doubt, have had the nom ination had he signified his willingness to accept it, but his friends were wholly ignorant of his wishes until just as the Convention met, when he wrote declining re- nomination. On the third ballot the delegates nom inated the hero of Gettys burg, the brave and re nowned General Winfield S. Hancock, of Pennsylvania. The two parties were at this time best classed as " the ins " and " the outs." Though not exactly one upon the fading issue of intervention at the South, or upon that of " incidental protection " versus a " tariff for revenue only," neither these issues nor any others were kept steadily in sight during the campaign. The Republicans had not yet wearied of reminis cences, while the Democrats nursed their party fealty by call ing Hayes " the fraud President." On the people at large the ceaseless repetition of this phrase had not the slightest effect, particularly after the publication of the " cipher des patches," which involved certain Democratic leaders in attempts, pending the Hayes-Tilden controversy, to bribe electors representing doubtful States. The Republicans' platform charged Democrats with " a supreme and insatiable lust of office," yet their own devoir 312 WINFIELD S. HANCOCK PLATFORMS AND ISSUES to civil service reform they paid only as an afterthought, amid the jeers of delegates. To detach the Republican reform vote, the Democratic platform made three distinct allusions to that subject, indorsing a general and thorough reform, "execrating" the course of the Administration in using offices to reward political crime, and promising " a genuine and lasting improve ment in case of a change." The Republicans suspected the other party of coquetting with the Roman Catholic Church, and urged an amendment forbidding State appropriations for sectarian schools ; but both parties applauded public education and separation between Church and State. They were at one also in decided opposition to Chinese immigration. The pen sioner was becoming conspicuous. Republicans boasted of paying annually more than thirty millions of dollars in pensions, and promised the old soldiers sincerely, as events showed undiminished gratitude in future. They further declared against polygamy. The Democrats avowed themselves in favor of " free ships and a chance for American commerce on the seas and on the land ; " also for gold, silver and convertible paper money. Though living issues were little discussed in the campaign, it was not wanting in warmth or movement. Republicans were incessantly " waving the bloody shirt," a Democratic phrase which became familiar at this time. The Democrats, as we have said, harped upon the " fraud " that they ascribed to the Electoral Commission which " counted out " Mr. Tilden. Incidentally, as election-day grew near, protection to home industry and restriction to Chinese immigration were more or less discussed, with, perhaps, considerable local effect, but the election was in no sense decided by either. Seizing upon a luckless utterance of General Hancock's, to the effect that the tariff was " a local issue," the Republicans took occasion to ridicule his ignorance of economic and political affairs. Garfield was accused of disreputable connection with the Credit Mobilier, and with the Washington Ring back in the seventies, 313 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY but nothing worse than indiscretion was proved against him. Shortly before election-day Democratic politicians sowed broadcast facsimiles of a letter signed with Garfield's name, and representing him as so lovingly attached to " our great manufacturing and corporate interests " as to favor Chinese immigration until laborers should be sufficiently abundant to satisfy capital. This letter was proved to be a forgery, and one of the authors of it was sentenced to prison for eight years. In 1878 Maine had surprised everyone by electing a Democratic governor, through a fusion of Democrats with Greenbackers. After the next annual election, acting as a Canvassing Board, professedly under the law, this governor, Garcelon, and his counsel declared a Democratic legislature to be elected a proceeding denounced as a " counting in" worthy of the most approved Louisiana model. This course contravened the judgment of the State Supreme Court. It was not upheld by public opinion either in the State or elsewhere, not even by Democratic opinion, unless as a species of " poetic justice." Most fatal of all, the new legislature was unsupported by the State militia, upon which, as no fed eral troops were at command, devolved, during the interreg num, the charge of keeping order. The fusionists, therefore, gave up in discouragement. But in the State election of the presidential year, in September, renewed success came to them. Their candidate, Harris M. Plaisted, was elected Governor, spite of the Republicans' activity under the personal lead of Mr. Blaine. Until this reverse in Maine most supporters of Grant had sulked, but they did so no longer. The " strike " was now declared " off," and all the available resources of the party called into requisition for the election of Garfield. Persuaded by Grant, Conkling himself took the stump, working for the nominees with all his might. Popular audiences found his eloquence irresistible. No man did more than he to carry the 3*4 TKITTH. AMD >IOTHtMC mJT THE TRtmf GARFIELD'S POLITICAL DEATH WARRANT. HIS INFAMOUS LETTER ADVOCATING THE INCREASED IM1 ORATION OF CHINESE CHEAP LABOK. ' . ^ Facsimile of the front page of the issue of " rrrA " containing the "Morey Letter" GARFIELD AND ARTHUR VICTORIOUS important State of New York. He took Grant with him throughout the State, exhibiting him for five-minute speeches, while he himself made long orations. This occasioned much comment, but probably " did good." Conkling and his sup porters deemed his agency decisive of the result in the nation as well as in New York, and considered President Garfield as under the deepest obligation on this account. Hancock swept every Southern State. Garfield carried every Northern one except New Jersey, Nevada, and California. For the first time in our history the presidential electors were all chosen by popular vote, and for the first time their votes were counted as cast. Thus the victory was won for Garfield and Arthur. It was not obtained, however, without employing, to some ex tent, illegitimate means. At a dinner in honor of Hon. S. W. Dorsey, Vice-President Arthur, in a vein of pleasan try, remarked that the Republicans had been victorious in Indiana by a liberal use of " soap." After the election discreditable exposures were made respecting contributions by government civil servants to the Republican campaign- fund. But if machine politics had much to do with Garfield's election, machine politics no more determined it than intimi dation and fraud solidified the South for Hancock. Garfield had a highly honorable record literary, military, and civil. From a mule-boy on the tow-path of the Ohio Canal between Cleveland and Marietta which rough life, it seems, bade fair for a time injuriously to affect his char acter he had risen to a college presidency and to the Senate of Ohio, all before the war. Entering the service early, he rose rapidly in HARRIS M. PLAISrED 317 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY rank as he deserved, for no civilian commander had proved a better soldier. His martial quality came out at Middle Creek, Shiloh, and pre-eminently at Chickamauga, where his gallant and meritorious services made him a major-general. At Chickamauga, when the right wing of Rosecrans's army was in full retreat, leaving to its fate the left, under General Thomas, Garfield, through a fiery storm of shot, fatal to most of his escort, had ridden back to acquaint Thomas with the state of affairs, encourage him, and arrange for the safe re-form ation of the Union forces on a new line. Entering Congress in December, 1863, he at once became a leader, serving with distinction on the most important committees, a power in debate and on the stump, eloquent, sensible, patriotic not, indeed, an adroit politician, but no little of a statesman. While in Congress he probably had a more thorough acquaintance with important public questions than any other man in official life. His firm and decisive stand for honest money when a formidable faction in his party was for fiat greenbacks has already been alluded to in this History. That his State made him its Senator, and his country made him its President, were in nowise mere accidents. Hancock's record, too, was altogether spotless and proud. A West Point graduate and a patriot to the backbone, bre- vetted for gallantry at Contreras and Cherubusco, at the front whenever he could possibly get there in any serious engage ment of our army in Virginia during the entire Civil War, always a fighter, the bravest of the brave, the cause of Union victory at Gettysburg if any one man could be so called, Han cock at the time of his nomination came before the public as perhaps the most consummate specimen of a mere military man in the whole history of the country. Grant said Han cock's name "was never mentioned as having committed in battle a blunder for which he was held responsible." Nor can any well doubt that Hancock would have made a suc cessful President. Few, in fact, questioned this. It was his ELAINE VERSUS CONKLING party that was distrusted. Had the Democracy held the place in public esteem which was accorded to the candidate, Hancock would almost certainly have been elected. As it was, Garfield's popular majority was trifling, though in the Electoral College he had 214 votes to Hancock's 155. If it was Garfield's wish, as he again and again declared, to treat all stripes of the party alike, it is hard to understand what led him to select Elaine as Secretary of State in his Cabinet. The mere rumor of this purpose roused Conkling's utmost ire. Blaine and Conkling had long been openly and bitterly at feud. Their quarrel, beginning in empty trifles, had grown by incessant fanning until it menaced the party with fatal schism. Tried and wise friends of both besought Blaine not to accept the offered portfolio. Senator Dawes was one of these. He says : " I warned Mr. Blaine that if he entered the Cabinet with the intent or hope of circumventing his rival, it would be fatal to him and to the administation of Garfield, and I expressed the opinion that it would be impossible for him to keep the peace if he took the office. He replied with frankness, and, I have no doubt, with entire sincerity, that it would be his purpose if he accepted the office to ignore all past differences, and so deport himself in it as to force recon ciliation. He said also that he could not agree with me, even if the effect should prove otherwise, that he should for that reason be debarred from the great opportunity, for which he felt himself qualified, to administer the Foreign Office on the broad and grand scale he did afterward undertake but was not permitted to perfect. I foresaw the rocks all too plainly, and advised him to remain in the Senate. But he determined otherwise and accepted the position." Garfield and Blaine probably thought that Conkling's influence against them might be safely ignored (in which they proved not wholly right), considering him a very shallow man (wherein they were not wholly wrong). It is among William Winter's reminiscences that Conkling and George William 3*9 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Curtis once compared judgments touching poetry and ora tory, each citing passages that seemed to him ideal. Conkling named Mrs. Hemans's " Casablanca," " The boy stood on the burning deck," etc., as his model poem, and some fine sentences from Charles Sprague as what suited him best in eloquence. It was Sprague, we recall, whose Fourth of July oration at Boston, in 1825, contained the smart period be ginning : u Not many generations ago, where you now sit, circled by all that adorns and embellishes civilized life, the rank thistle nodded in the wind and the wild fox dug his hole unscared." Curtis, for eloquence, presented the following from Emerson's Dartmouth College oration, delivered on July 24, 1838: "You will hear every day the maxims of a low prudence. You will hear that the first duty is to get land and money, place and name. What is this Truth you seek ? What is this Beauty ? ' men will ask, with derision. If nev ertheless, God have called any of you to explore Truth and Beauty, be bold, be firm, be true. When you shall say, c As others do, so will I. I renounce, I am sorry for it, my early visions ; I must eat the good of the land, and let learning and romantic expectations go until a more convenient season ; ' then dies the man in you ; then once more perish the buds of Art and Poetry and Science, as they have died already in a thousand thousand men." This Conkling thought rather tame. Conkling looked upon Blame's promotion as nothing but a deliberate attempt to humiliate himself, and his friends con curred in this view. " Garfield, of whose great brain-power political sagacity formed no part, could not be made to see in the opposition anything but an attempt by dictation to trench upon his constitutional prerogatives in the choice of his own councillors, and all Blaine men agreed with him." Bad was made worse when Garfield offered the post of Secretary of the Treasury to Charles J. Folger, of New York, not only without consulting Conkling but against Conkling' s 320 Arthur Conkling Garfield THE INTERVIEW AT THE RIGGS HOUSE CONKLING DENOUNCES GARFIELD warm recommendation of Mr. Morton. That Mr. Folger de clined the portfolio did not pacify Conkling. No man in the Cabinet represented Conkling, whereas he and his friends thought that on account of his great service in the campaign all New York appointments, at least, should be filled by him from among his friends. Garfield, undoubtedly influenced by Elaine, would not consent to this. He was willing to do what he reasonably could to pacify Conkling, but he refused to re nounce his constitutional privilege of personally selecting the men who were to aid him in discharging his arduous duties. Shortly before the inauguration, in the spring of 1881, Senator Platt, who was politically and sympathetically in accord with his colleague, received the information that Mr. James had been selected for the position of Postmaster-General. Up to this time the two New York Senators had received assur ances from the President-elect that the Empire State was to be favored with the portfolio of the Treasury Department, which was regarded as a more dignified and more influential position in every respect. As soon as Mr. Platt heard of the Presi dent's change of mind, he repaired at once to Chamberlain's, where he found Vice- President Arthur and Senator Conkling at breakfast. He broke the news to them. Arthur and Conkling at once left the table and all three repaired to the Riggs House, where Garfield had rooms. They received an audience without delay, and for over an hour Conkling stormed up and down the room, charging Garfield with treachery to his friends in New York and asserting that he was false to his party. Garfield sitting on the side of the bed listened in silence to the tirade, violent and unseemly as all thought it. Both General Arthur and Senator Platt subsequently declared that for invective, sarcasm and impassioned eloquence this was the speech of Conkling's life. On March 23, 1881, Conkling's dearest foe, Mr. Robert son, was nominated by the President as Collector of Customs at the Port of New York, the then incumbent, E. A. Merritt, 3*3 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY being nominated for the post of Consul-General at London. Both appointments were opposed by Conkling and his col league, Mr. Platt, but in spite of this they were subsequently confirmed by the Senate. Conkling's ire grew into a frenzy. Sober Republicans were aghast at the chasm widening in the party. A committee of conciliation, consisting of five gen tlemen representing different attitudes to the litigants, was appointed to try and harmonize them. Conkling met these gentlemen to recount his wrongs. Said Mr. Dawes, who was chairman of the committee : " On that occasion he surpassed himself in all those elements of oratorical power for which he was so distinguished. . . He continued for two hours and a half to play with consummate skill upon all the strings known to the orator and through all the notes from the lowest to the highest which the great masters command, and concluded in a lofty apostrophe to the greatness and glory of the Republican party and his own devotion to its highest welfare. c And,' said he, c I trust that the exigency may never arise when I shall be compelled to choose between self-respect and personal honor on the one side and the temporary discomfiture of that party on the other; but if that time shall ever come I shall not hesi tate in the choice, and I now say to you, and through you to those whom it most concerns, that I have in my pocket an autograph letter of this President, who is now for the time being its official head, which I pray God I may never be com pelled in self-defence to make public ; but if that time shall ever come, I declare to you, his friends, he will bite the dust/" This letter proved to be one like the " My dear Hubbell" epistle mentioned below. It had been written in the course of the campaign to press collections from government officials and clerks for campaign expenses. President Garfield had retained a copy. His friends urged him to publish it forth with, thus anticipating Conkling; and he, at first, consented, but Mr. Elaine dissuaded him. True to his threat, Conkling gave it out, but too late, so that it fell flat. The conciliation 3*4 H. L. Dawes, Mass. J. P. Janes, Nevada Roscoe Conkline E. H. Rollins, N. H. "/ DECLARE TO YOU, HIS FRIENDS, HE WILL BITE THE DUST" Conkling's speech before the " Committee of Conciliation " CONKLING AND PLATT OUT OF THE SENATE committee waited on the President to see if there was not some way by which he could consistently accord Conkling fuller recognition. Nothing came of the effort, as Conkling would be satisfied only by the President's utter neglect and humilia tion of the Robertson faction in New York. Conkling was labored with again and begged to be magnanimous, but he would not yield a hair. Instead of placing the good of the party before his personal spite, he proposed to rule or ruin. " Should I do as I am urged," he said, " I should myself go under, and should be burned in effigy from Buffalo to Mon- tauk Point, and could not be elected a delegate to a county convention in Oneida County." It is said that he did actually seek, later, an election to a convention in that county, but without success. Republicans after the heart of Conkling and Arthur, con stituting "the Prince of Wales's Party," now called themselves " Stalwarts," a term invented by Mr. Elaine, at the same time styling administration Republicans " Half-breeds." Those declining to take sides either way they dubbed " Jelly-fish." On May i6th, before Robertson's confirmation, the two New York Senators, Conkling and Platt, resigned their places, expecting the honor and indorsement of an immediate re-elec tion. In this they were disappointed. They were defeated in the New York Legislature by E. C. Lapham and Warner Miller, administration or " Half-breed " Republicans. Mr. Conkling never again reappeared in politics. Mr. Platt, on the contrary, suffered only a temporary loss of influence. Dis liked by a large section perhaps a majority of the New York Republicans, he still did not cease to be the determining factor of the fortunes of the party in his State. It is not unlikely that Mr. Bryce had Conkling and Platt in mind when, in his chapter upon " Rings and Bosses," he wrote : " There have been brilliant instances of persons stepping at once to the higher rungs of the ladder in virtue of their audacity and energy, especially if coupled with oratorical power. However, 327 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY THE ANTI-CHINESE RIOT OF 1880, IN DENSER, COL.* the position of the rhetorical boss is less firmly rooted than that of the intriguing boss, and there have been instances of his suddenly falling to rise no more." Mr. James was well succeeded in the New York Post- office by Mr. Pearson, who had been the Assistant Postmaster. Robert T. Lincoln, of Illinois, Secretary of War, was not well known, but the illustrious name of his father made the selec tion a popular one. He had supported Grant in the conven tion, and his appointment was an acknowledgment of the Logan faction. Of Mr. Kirkwood, Secretary of the Interior, it is sufficient to say that he was indorsed by Carl Schurz, his predecessor in the department. Judge William H. Hunt was placed in charge of the navy portfolio. He was an Old-Line *The publication of the * ' Morey Letter ' ' ( see p. 315) stirred up a general anti- Chinese feeling, particularly through the West. On October 31, 1880, a mob attacked the Chinese quarter in Denver, and were only driven back when the firemen turned the stream from their hose on them. 328 GARFIELD'S CABINET Whig, born in South Carolina, who had moved to Louisiana. Throughout the war he was a staunch Union man, and after ward a consistent Republican. He had been counsel for Governor Kellogg against McEnery in the famous Durell case, and also a candidate for the office of Attorney-General on the Louisiana State ticket with Packard. President Hayes made him a judge of the Court of Claims, a position which he held till he received this promotion from Mr. Garfield. Wayne MacVeagh, of Pennsylvania, Attorney-General in Garfield's Cabinet, was universally respected for his high char acter and ability. Though a son-in-law of Simon Cameron, he was an Independent, and therefore, politically, no friend to either of the Camerons. William Windom, of Minnesota, Secretary of the Treasury, the East suspected of monetary " unsoundness," but this occasioned little anxiety, as Garfield was well known to be perfectly trustworthy in this regard. Windom was immensely popular in the West because of his antagonism to monopolies, some of which had already made themselves formidable and odious. By this time telegraph and railway lines had become consolidated and one or two " Trusts " had arisen. In the fall of 1880 a Mr. Hudson, of Detroit, confided to Senator Sherman a fear that General Garfield would be assassinated, giving particulars. Being at once apprised, Mr. Garfield, under date of November 16, 1880, replied: "I do not think there is any serious danger in the direction to which he refers, though I am receiving what I suppose to be the usual number of threatening letters on that subject. Assassi nation can no more be guarded against than death by lightning; and it is not best to worry about either." Hardly had President Garfield entered upon his high duties when Mr. Hudson's fears were realized. This was only six weeks after the mur der of Czar Alexander II. The President had never been in better spirits than on the morning of July i, 1881. Before he was up one of his sons entered his room. Almost the boy's 3*9 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY first words were " There ! " taking a flying leap over his bed " you are the President of the United States, but you can't do that." Whereupon the Chief Magistrate arose and did it. Later in the morning, thus healthy and jovial, he entered the railway station at Washington, intending to take an Eastern trip. Charles J. Guiteau, a disappointed office-seeker, crept up behind him and fired two bullets at him, one of which lodged in his back. The country already had a deep affection for Mr. Gar- field, all except those immediately interested in party politics and many of these, sympathizing with him against Conkling in the struggle that had arisen over appointments. Demo crats honored him for his course in this business. The terrible misfortune now come upon him ostensibly in consequence of his boldness in that matter wonderfully endeared him to the popular heart. He was likened to Lincoln, as another " mar tyr President." In all the churches throughout the North often as the congregations met for worship, earnest prayers were offered for the President's recovery. In every city crowds watched the bulletin boards daily from morning till night to learn from the despatches constantly appearing the disting uished sufferer's condition. The bullet had pierced the tissues by a long, angry and crooked course, leaving a wound that could not be properly drained. Spite of treatment by the most famous medical practitioners whom, however, high au thorities deemed somewhat fussy and irresolute in handling the case blood-poisoning set in, and at length proved fatal. The President's hardy constitution enabled him to fight for life as few could have done. He languished on and on through weeks of dreadful suffering, till September 1 9th, when he died. On the 2 ist of December the Houses of Congress passed resolutions for memorial services, to occur on February 27, 1882, to which were invited the President and ex- Presidents, the heads of departments, Supreme Court Judges, Ministers of 33 ELAINE'S ORATION ON GARFIELD foreign countries, Gov ernors of States, and distinguished officers of the army and the navy. Upon that occasion Mr. Elaine delivered an oration on the life and character of the dead Chief Magistrate. The closing periods ran : " As the end drew near, his early craving for the sea returned. The stately mansion of power had been to him the weari some hospital of pain, and he begged to be taken from its prison walls, from its oppres sive, stifling air, from its homelessness and its hopelessness. Gently, silently, the love of a great people bore the pale sufferer to the longed-for healing of the sea, to live or to die, as God should will, within sight of its heaving billows, within sound of its manifold voices. With wan, fevered face tenderly lifted to the cooling breeze, he looked out wistfully upon the oceans changing wonders ; on its far sails, whitening in the morning light; on its restless waves rolling shoreward to break and die beneath the noonday sun ; the red clouds of evening, arching low to the horizon ; on the serene and shining pathway of the stars. Let us think that his dying eyes read a mystic meaning which only the rapt and parting soul may know. Let us believe that in the silence of the receding world he heard the great waves breaking on a further shore, and felt already upon his wasted brow the breath of the eternal morn- ing." 333 JAMES A. GARFIELD After a photograph by Bell the last picture made before the assassination THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY The sorrow over President Garfield's death, said George William Curtis, in another eulogy, was " more world wide and pathetic than ever before lamented a human being. In distant lands men bowed their heads. The courts of kings were clad in mourning. The parish bells of rural England tolled, and every American household was hushed with pain as if its first-born lay dead." It may be doubted whether posterity will give Mr. Garfield quite the high place assigned him by contemporary judgment; yet he was certainly among our greater men. Somewhat vacillating and passive, and too much dominated by Elaine's stronger nature, Garfield was a man of solid character, no little personal magnetism, and great information. In many respects he and Elaine were alike. In aptness for personal intercourse with men, and in fc the power of will, he was Elaine's inferior, while in logic, learning and breadth of view he was in advance of Elaine. Guiteau had been by spells a politician, lawyer, lecturer, theologian and evangelist. He pretended to have been in spired by Deity with the thought that the removal of Mr. Garfield was necessary to the unity of the Republican party and to the salvation of the country. He is said to have ex claimed, on being arrested : " All right, I did it and will go to jail for it. I am a Stalwart, and Arthur will be President." His trial began in November and lasted over two months. The defense was insanity. The prosecution showed that the man had long been an unprincipled adventurer, greedy for no toriety ; that he first conceived the project of killing the Presi dent after his hopes of office were finally destroyed ; and that he had planned the murder several weeks in advance. The public rage against Guiteau knew no bounds. Only by the utmost vigilance on the part of his keepers was his life prolonged till the day of his execution. Sergeant Mason, a soldier set to guard him, fired into Guiteau's cell with the evident intention of applying to the assassin assassins' methods. 334 GUITEAU IN COURT The sergeant was tried by court-martial, dismissed from the army, deprived of his back pay, and sentenced to eight years in the Albany Penitentiary. Two months later, as they were taking the wretched Guiteau from jail to court, a horseman, dashing past, fired a pistol at him, the bullet grazing his wrist. The prisoner's disorderly conduct and scurrilous inter ruptions of the proceedings during his trial, apparently to aid the plea of insanity, impaired the dignity of the occasion and PRESIDENT GARFIELD'S REMAINS LYING IN STATE AT THE CAPITOL elicited, both at home and abroad, comment disparaging to the court. Judge Cox threatened to gag the prisoner or send him out of court ; but as neither of these courses could be taken without infringing Guiteau's right to confront his ac cusers and to speak in his own behalf, the threats were of no avail. 335 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Guiteau was found guilty in January, 1882. As the last juror signified his assent to the verdict the condemned man sprang to his feet and shrieked : " My blood will be upon the heads of that jury. Don't you forget it ! God will avenge this outrage ! " He was executed at Washington on June 30, 1882, and his skeleton is now in the Army Medical Museum in that city. The autopsy showed no disease of the brain. Although it had no logical connection with the spoils system, the assassination of President Garfield called the atten tion of the country to the crying need of reform in the civil service. Through March, April, May and June, 1881, Wash ington streets had been blockaded with office-seekers and politi cal adventurers, bearing " testimonials " of their worth, seeking indorsers and backers and awaiting chances to " interview " the President himself. Contributors to the election fund were especially forward in demanding positions. The President's time and strength were wasted in weighing the deserts of this or that politician or faction of r a State to control patronage there. All who had known him in the army, in Congress or at home now made the most of such acquaintance. We have seen that Hayes's administration marked in this respect, as in others, an immense improvement. Secretary Schurz in the Interior Department enforced competitive ex aminations. They were applied by Mr. James to the New York Post-office, and, as a result, one-third more work was done with less cost. Similar good results followed the adop tion of the " merit system " in the New York Custom-house after 1879. President Hayes also strongly condemned politi cal assessments upon office-holders, but with small practical effect, as his effort lacked full legislative sanction and sym pathy. But the corruption which had enjoyed immunity so long could not be put down all at once. During Hayes's last years, and thereafter, much public attention was drawn to the " Star Route " frauds. The Star Routes were stage-lines for 33 6 SCENE AT A STATION ON THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AS THE GARFIELD AMBU LANCE TRAIN PASSED ON ITS WAT TO ELBERON* *0n September 6th, the President was removed to Elberon, N. J., in a specially designed car, the bed being arranged so as to minimixe the jolting. It was an extremely hot day and the train went very fast, the President sending a mes ge to the engineer to increase passage of the train, instinctively removing their hats as it came into sight. ed. At the stations and in the fields knots of people congregated to watch the THE STAR ROUTES THE GARFIELD FUNERAL CAR ABOUT TO START FROM THE PUBLIC SQUARE, CLEVELAND, 0., FOR THE CEMETERY Drawn by T. L. Thulstrup from a photograph by Ryder carrying the mails in sections of the West where railroads and steamboats failed. In 1878 there were 9,225 of these Star Routes, for the maintenance of which Congress in that year appropriated $5,900,000. A Ring made up on the one hand of Democratic and Republican public men, some of these very prominent, and on the other hand of certain mail con tractors, managed to increase the remuneration for service on 135 pet routes from $143,169 to $622,808. On twenty-six of the routes the pay-roll was put up from $65,216 to $530,- 319. The method was, first, to get numerously signed peti tions from the districts interested, praying for an increase in the number of trips per week and shortening the schedule 339 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY time of each trip, get " estimates " from the contractors vastly in excess of actual cost for the service, get these estimates allowed at Washington, and then divide profits between the " statesmen " and citizens interested in the " deal." Over some of these lines, it was asserted, not more than three letters a week were carried. Attention was drawn to the Star Route matter before the close of Hayes's term, but exposure was staved off until Mr. James, "the model New York Postmaster," assumed the office of Postmaster-General. On May 6, 1881, Mr. James wrote Thurlow Weed : " Rest assured I shall do my whole duty in the matter of the Star Route swindlers. It is a hard task y but it shall be pushed fearlessly, regardless of whom it may involve." Thomas W. Brady, Second Assistant Postmaster-General, was supposed to be a member of the Ring. At any rate, he threatened, unless proceedings were stopped, to publish a let ter of President Garfield's written during the campaign. This he did. It was the famous "My dear Hubbell" epistle. The writer, addressing " My dear Hubbell," hoped that " he " (re ferring to Brady) " would give them all the assistance possible." According to Brady, this meant that he should, among other things, get money from the Star Route contractors. Garfield in sisted that it was simply a call on Brady to contribute from his own pocket. In the next sentence of the letter, however, the presidential candidate asks : " Please tell me how the departments generally are doing." This will hardly bear any other construction than that of party extortion from the government em ployes, especially since this same Hubbell, as chairman of the Repub lican Congressional Committee, was GEORGE H. PENDLETON 340 PENDLETON CIVIL SERVICE ACT Dorman B. Eaton John M. Gregory Leroy D. Thoman THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED BT PRESIDENT ARTHUR later called to account by the reformers for levying two per cent, assessments upon the clerks styled by him and his friends " voluntary contributions." Whether Brady's tu quoque availed him, or for some other reason, his trial was postponed and he was never convicted. Senator Dorsey, of Arkansas, was also arraigned, but, upon his second trial, in 1883, was acquitted. Indeed, of those prosecuted for fraud in connec tion with the Star Routes, only one was ever punished ; and in this case the Government was in error, as the man was innocent. The tragic fate of President Garfield, taken in connection with these and other revelations of continuing political corrup tion, brought public sentiment on Civil Service Reform to a head. A bill prepared by the Civil Service Reform League, and in 1880 introduced in the Senate by Senator Pendleton, of Ohio, passed Congress in January, 1883, and on the i6th of that month received the signature of President Arthur. Renewing, in the main, the provisions adopted under the Act of 1 87 1, it authorized the President, with the consent of the Senate, to appoint three Civil Service Commissioners, who were to institute competitive examinations open to all persons desir- 341 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY ing to enter the employ of the Government. It provided that the clerks in the departments at Washington, and in every customs district or post-office where fifty or more were em ployed, should be arranged in classes, and that in the future only persons who had passed the examinations should be ap pointed to service in these offices or promoted from a lower class to a higher, preference being given according to rank in the examinations. Candidates were to serve six months' pro bation at practical work before receiving a final appointment. The bill struck a heavy blow at political assessments, by declaring that no official should be removed for refusing to contribute to political funds. A Congressman or government official convicted of soliciting or receiving political assessments from government employes became liable to $5,000 fine or three years* imprisonment, or both. Persons in the govern ment service were forbidden to use their official authority or influence to coerce the political action of anyone, or to inter fere with elections. Dorman B. Eaton, Leroy D. Thoman, and John M. Gregory were appointed commissioners by President Arthur. By the end of the year the new system was fairly in operation. Besides the departments at Wash ington, it applied to eleven customs districts and twenty-three post-offices where fifty or more officials were employed. 342 CHAPTER XIII DOMESTIC EVENTS DURING MR. ARTHUR'S ADMINISTRATION MR. ARTHUR'S DILEMMA. HIS ACCESSION. RESPONSIBILITY EVOKES HIS BEST. THE PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION QUESTION. SUCCESSION ACT PASSED. ELECTORAL COUNT ACT PASSED. ARTHUR'S CABI NET. CONDITION OF THE COUNTRY IN l88l. DECADENCE OF OUR OCEAN CARRYING. TARIFF COMMISSION OF 1882 AND THE TARIFF OF 1883. MAHONE AND THE VIRGINIA "READJUSTERS." MAHONE'S RECORD. HIS ENTRY INTO THE SENATE. PRESIDENT ARTHUR AND THE CHINESE. ORIGIN OF THE CHINESE QUESTION. ANSON BURLINGAME. THE 1878 EMBASSY. CHINESE THRONG HITHER. EARLY CALIFORNIA. THE STRIKE OF 1877 AFFECTS CALIFORNIA. RISE AND CHARACTER OF DENIS KEARNEY. HIS PROGRAM. THE "SAND-LOT" CAMPAIGN. KEARNEY'S MODERATION. HE is COURT ED. AND OPPOSED. HIS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. ITS WORK. KEARNEYISM TO THE REAR. THE JAMES DESPERADOES. THEIR CAPTURE. THE YORKTOWN CELEBRATION. MEMENTOES OF OLD YORKTOWN. THE PAGEANT. "SURRENDER" DAY. THE OTHER DAYS. CLOSE OF THE FETE. FLOOD AND RIOT IN CINCIN NATI. DURING Garfield's illness Mr. Arthur's predicament had been most delicate. The second article of the Consti- tion provides that " in case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation or inability to dis charge the powers and duties of said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-President." What is here meant by a President's "inability," and how or by whom such inability is in any case to be ascertained, had never been determined. Was the question of " inability " to be decided by the Presi dent himself, by the Vice-President, or by Congress ? Could the Vice-President take up Presidential duties temporarily, giving way again to the President in case the latter recovered, or must he, having begun, serve through the remainder of 343 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY the four years, the once disabled President being permanently out of office ? These problems doubtless weighed heavily upon Mr. Arthur's mind while his chief lay languishing. They were everywhere discussed daily. A popular view was advocated by General Butler, to the effect that the Vice-Presi- dent himself was charged with the duty of deciding when to take up the higher functions. As Garfield's was a clear case of " inability to discharge the powers and duties of the Presi dency," Mr. Arthur may actually have felt it, from a techni cally legal point of view, incumbent upon him to assume these " powers and duties." In a Cabinet meeting Mr. Elaine suggested that Mr. Arthur be summoned to do this, intimat ing that the chief direction ought certainly to be devolved on Arthur should an extraordinary emergency in administra tion arise. It was fortunate that no such emergency occurred, and that Mr. Arthur did not feel for any reason called upon to grasp the reins of government. At this critical juncture he might easily have acted, or even spoken, in a manner seriously to compromise himself and his country. Far from doing any thing of the sort, he was singularly discreet through the whole trial. Hardly had Garfield breathed his last, when, the same night, in the small morning hours of September 20, 1881, Mr. Arthur took oath as President. This occurred in his house in New York City, Judge Brady, of the New York State Supreme Court, officiating. The next day but one, the oath was again administered by Chief Justice Waite in the Senate Chamber at Washington. On this occasion Mr. Arthur delivered a brief inaugural address. He said : " The mem ory of the murdered President, his protracted sufferings, his unyielding fortitude, the example and achievements of his life and the pathos of his death, will forever illuminate the pages of our history. Men may die, but the fabrics of our free institutions remain unshaken. No higher or more assur ing proof could exist of the strength and power of popular 344 D. G. Rollins Elihu Root President Arthui Judge Brady Drawn by W. R. Leigh PRESIDENT ARTHUR TAKING THE INAUGURAL OATH AT HIS LEXINGTON AVENUE RESIDENCE IMPORTANT LEGISLATION government than the fact that, though the chosen of the people be struck down, his constitutional successor is peace fully installed without shock or strain." Responsibility brought out the new President's best quali ties. He had little special preparation for his exalted office. Save among the New York Republicans, he was almost un known till his nomination as Vice-President, and when he succeeded Garfield there was much misgiving. Yet his admin istration was distinguished as few have been for ability, fairness, elevation of tone and freedom from mean partisanship. He was extremely diligent, circumspect, considerate and firm. That he had nerve men saw when, in 1882, he resolutely vetoed a portentously large River and Harbor Bill. His public papers were in admirable spirit, thoroughly considered, and written in a style finer than those of any preceding Presi dent since John Quincy Adams. The country's ordeal in connection with Garfield's death led to an important piece of legislation. Few were then or are now aware by what a slender thread the orderly govern ment of our country hung between the shooting of Garfield in July, 1 88 1, and the second special session of the Senate of the Forty-seventh Congress the following October. Had Mr. Arthur died at any moment during this period and it is said that he was for a time in imminent danger of death or had he become in any way unable to perform a President's duties, there could have been no constitutional succession to the Presidency. The law of March, 1792, declares that in case the Vice-President as well as the President dies, is removed, or is disqualified, "the President of the Senate pro tempore, or, if there is none, then the Speaker of the House of Representa tives for the time being, shall act as President until the disa bility is removed or a President elected." But at the time of Garfield's assassination, neither a President pro tempore of the Senate nor a Speaker of the House existed. It had been cus tomary for the Vice-President before the end of a session of 347 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY the Senate to retire, and so require the appointment of a Presi dent ^>n? tempore who should continue as such during the re cess ; but on this occasion the special session of the Senate in May had adjourned without electing any such presiding offi cer. On October loth Senator Bayard was made President pro tempore of the Senate, followed on the ijth by Senator David Davis. Of course there could be no Speaker at this time, as the Forty-sixth Congress had ceased to exist in March, and the House of the Forty-seventh did not convene till December. In his first annual message President Arthur commended to the " early and thoughtful consideration of Congress " the important questions touching the Presidential succession which had so vividly emerged in consequence of his predecessor's assassination. It had been a question whether the statute of 1792 was constitutional. The ground of the doubt was that, according to the doctrine agreed to when, in 1798, an attempt was made to impeach Senator Blount, of Tennessee, Speakers of the House and temporary Presidents of the Senate are not, technically, "officers of the United States." Hence, were either a speaker or a temporary head of the Senate to take a President's place, Presidential duties would be devolved on an official who could not be impeached for malfeasance. The law of 1792 was objectionable for other reasons. It originally passed only by a narrow majority. Many then wished that the Presidential succession should take the direction of the Secretary of State, and had not Jefferson held this office at the time the law would probably have so provided. On the second day of its first regular session the Senate of the Forty-seventh Congress ordered its Judiciary Committee to consider the question of the Presidential succession, inquire whether any, and if so, what, further legislation was necessary in respect to the same, and to report by bill or otherwise. A bill to meet the case was soon introduced by Senator Garland, of Arkansas. The matter was briefly debated both then and 34 8 PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION ACT at intervals for a number of years ; but no legislation upon it occurred till January, 1886, when the Forty-ninth Congress passed a law based on Garland's draft. It provided that if the Presidency and the Vice- Presidency are both vacant the Presi dency passes to the members of the Cabinet in the historical order of the establishment of their departments, beginning with the Secretary of State. If he dies, is impeached or dis abled, the Secretary of the Treasury becomes President, to be followed in like crisis by the Secretary of War, he by the Attorney-General, he by the Postmaster-General, he by the Secretary of the Navy, and he by the Secretary of the Interior. To be thus in the line of the Presidential succesion a Cabinet officer must have been duly confirmed as such and must be constitutionally eligible to the Presidency. If Congress is not in session when one of these officers thus comes to the Presidency, and is not to convene in twenty days, the new ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ President must issue a proclamation convening Congress after twenty days, and Congress must then order a new election for President. The Forty-ninth Con gress also passed, on Feb ruary 3, 1887, an act to fix the day for the meet ing of the electors of President and Vice- Presi dent, and to provide for and regulate the counting of the votes for President and Vice-President and the decision of questions arising thereon. The as certainment of the electors - ,,_ CHESTER A. ARTHUR 349 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY within and for any State is so far as possible made the busi ness of that State, any judicial determination made for this purpose within six days of the electors' meeting being binding on Congress. In case of a single return fixing the personnel of the electors the vote of any elector can be re jected only by the two Houses concurrently agreeing that it was not legally cast. In case of conflicting returns one of which a State tribunal has adjudged to be legal, only those votes denoted by this return can be counted. If there is ques tion which of two or more authorities or tribunals had the right to determine the legal electoral vote of the State, the votes, being regularly cast, of the electors whose title the two Houses acting separately concurrently decide to be the legal ones, are counted. If there has been no determination of the question of electors' legitimacy, those votes and those only are counted which the two Houses concurrently decide to have been cast by the lawful electors; unless the two Houses acting sep arately concurrently decide that such votes were not the legal votes of the legally elected electors. We still have no legal or official criterion of a President's " inability to discharge the powers and duties of his office," nor has any tribunal been designated for the settlement of the ques tion when it arises. We do not know whether, were another President so ill as Garfield was, it would be proper for the Cabinet to perform Presidential duties, as Garfield's did, or whether the Vice-President would be bound to assume those duties. Barring this chance for conflict, it is not easy to think of an emergency in which the chief magistracy can now fall vacant or the appropriate incumbent thereof be in doubt. The only member of Garfield's Cabinet whom Arthur permanently retained was Robert T. Lincoln, Secretary of War. However, the old Cabinet did not dissolve at once. Not till December 19, 1881, did Mr. Elaine, who had prac tically been at the head of the Government from the Presi dent's assassination till his death, surrender the State portfolio. 35 CONDITION OF THE COUNTRY Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey, took his place. Ex-Governor Edwin D. Morgan, of New York, had been nominated and confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury, but had declined on account of ill health. Judge Charles J. Folger took the Treasury portfolio November 15, 1881. In April, 1882, William E. Chandler, of New Hampshire, and Henry M. Teller, of Colorado, were called to the Navy and Inte rior Departments respectively. January 5, 1882, Timothy O. Howe, of Wisconsin, was confirmed as Postmaster-General, but he died in March, 1883. Walter Q. Gresham succeeded him. Benjamin H. Brewster, of Pennsylvania, was confirmed At torney-General in December, 1881. Secretary Folger died in 1884. Gresham was then transferred to the Treasury, As sistant Postmaster-General Frank Hatton being advanced to the head of the Post-office Department. Mr. Gresham soon resigned to accept a Circuit Judgeship on the Seventh Circuit. His place as Secretary of the Treasury was filled by Hugh McCulloch, who had administered most acceptably the same office from 1865 to 1869. In addressing Congress for the first time, President Ar thur was able to represent the condition of the country as excellent. Colorado had been admitted to the Union in 1876. During the decade ending in 1880 our population had grown somewhat over twenty-five per cent., that is, from thirty-eight millions to fifty millions. The net public debt, December 31, 1880, was a trifle less than $1,900,000,000, a decrease in the face of the debt of $600,000,000, in the ten years. Agricul tural production was found to have advanced one hundred per cent., while, according to the ninth census, the increase from 1870 to 1880 had been but twelve per cent. The tenth census corrected certain figures relating to our national area, making the country eight hundred square miles smaller than it had been supposed to be. Americans thought it a serious matter that for the year 1879 the f re ig n trade of Great Britain exceeded $3,000,000,- 35 1 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY ooo, two and a half times the amount of ours. It was also a source of solicitude that we were the only civilized country in the world whose ocean-carrying had absolutely decreased since 1856. In that year American ships bore seventy-five per cent, of all we exported and of all we imported. In 1878 American ships bore twenty-five per cent.; in 1882 fifteen per cent. Though our foreign commerce had increased seventy per cent, in amount, the cargoes transported in American ships were $200,000,000 less valuable in 1878 than in 1857. In 1856 foreign vessels entered at our ports had a tonnage of 3,117,034. By 1 88 1 it had increased 308 per cent, or to 12,711,392 tons, of which 8,457,797 sailed under the Union Jack. On the other hand, American tonnage from foreign ports, in the same period, increased from 1,891,453 to 2,919,- 149, or only 54 per cent. "The continuing decline of the merchant marine of the United States," wrote President Arthur, "is greatly to be deplored. In view of the fact that we furnish so large a proportion of the freights of the com mercial world, and that our shipments are steadily and rapidly increasing, it is a cause of surprise that not only is our navigation interest diminishing, but it is less than when our exports and imports were not half so large as now either in bulk or in value." An Act of Congress passed May 15, 1882, created a TarifT Commission consisting of prominent manufactures and others, viz.: J. L. Hayes, H. W. Oliver, A. M. Garland^ J. A. Ambler, Robert P. Porter, J. W. H. Underwood, A. R. Boteler and Duncan F. Kennon. After long investigation and deliberation, having examined many witnesses, these gentlemen brought in in December an able, luminous and comprehensive report of 2,500 printed pages, forming an invaluable exhibit of our then customs laws, their merits and defects. Part of it ran : "In the performance of the duty devolved upon them, all the members of the Commission have aimed,, and, as they believe, with success, to divest them- 35* TARIFF COMMISSION AND BILL selves of political bias, sectional prejudice or considerations of personal interest. It is their desire that their recommenda tions shall serve no particular party, class, section or school of political economy." In this report the Commission recommended an average reduction in tariff rates of not less than 20 per cent. In certain rates a lowering of 50 per cent, was urged. The Sen ate amended a House internal revenue measure by adding a tariff bill calculated to effect some reduction, though less radi cal and less impartial than that wished by the Commission. " If the Senate Finance Committee had embodied in this bill the recommendations of the Tariff Commission, including the schedules, without amendment or change, the tariff would have been settled for many years. Unfortunately, this was not done, but the schedules prescribing the rates of duty and their classification were so radically changed by the Commit tee that the scheme of the Tariff Commission was practically defeated. Many persons wishing to advance their particular industries appeared before the Committee and succeeded in having their views adopted."* A two-thirds vote was required to bring this Senate bill before the House. Wishing it referred to a conference com mittee, which would be to their advantage, the high-protection leaders in the House adroitly got the rules revised, enabling a bare majority to non-concur in the Senate amendment, but not to concur therein so as to pass the bill. The measure, therefore, went to the Conference Committee. There it took on features much more highly protectionist. The resulting act, the tariff law of 1883, in some instances advanced customs rates even over their former figures, making them higher than either Commission, Senate or House had proposed, closely approximating those of the old War tariff. The average diminution from the tariff as it previously stood was, perhaps, about four per cent. *John Sherman, Recollections. 353 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY This Act paved the way for infinite trouble over the tariff. It was full of irrational and contradictory provisions, and, as a whole, pleased nobody. Each industry wished what it purchased treated as raw material, to be tariffed low or not at all, and what it sold considered as the finished article, to receive the highest rates. Struggle over these conflicting interests was apparent in the many incongruous features of the Act. It was significant that Mr. Arthur's first message made no allusion to the Southern question. All felt, so well had Mr. Hayes's policy worked, that that section might now be safely left to itself. Meantime the " Readjuster " controversy in Virginia bade fair to be the entering wedge for a split in the solid South. The Readjusters were a Democratic faction tak ing name from their desire to " readjust" the State debt on a basis that meant partial repudiation. In 1879, ^Y a fusion with the Republicans, the Readjusters controlled the State and elected their leader, William Mahone, to the United States Senate. Mahone had been a major-general in the Confeder ate Army, and his bravery greatly endeared him to the South ern heart. He it was who commanded the slender contingent of Confederates at Petersburg on July 30, 1864, when the mine on Burnside's front was exploded. He there fought like a tiger, and made his dispositions with the utmost skill and coolness. To him almost alone was due the credit that day of keeping Petersburg from Union hands and of replacing the Confederate lines by sunset exactly where they were at sun rise. Had the Confederacy endured, he should have been one of its presidents for his meritorious services in this battle. The negro vote helped Mahone. He had always favored fair treatment for the black man. In his county the blacks had voted freely and their votes had been counted as cast. Good provision for colored schools had also been made there. The Virginian's entry into the Senate in 1881 was marked by a dramatic passage at arms. His personal appearance drew 354 MAHONE ENTERS THE SENATE attention. He had been a striking figure in battle uniform, and he was hardly less so in citizen's attire. He wore a close- bodied suit of brown broadcloth, frilled cuffs extending beyond the sleeves. He had a small head and spindle legs. His hair and beard were long, his stature diminutive. One de scribed him as " a spry midget, full of Irish fire, who enjoyed cutting a national figure." As elected, the Senate of the Forty-seventh Congress had a small Republican majority, but Garfield's Cabinet appointments, calling away the three Repub lican Senators Elaine, Kirkwood and Windom left the two parties in the body equally divided. When the fight for organization came on there were thirty-seven sure Republicans and thirty-seven sure Democrats, not counting David Davis or Mahone, both of whom were expected to act more or less independently of party. Davis, favoring the status quo and evidently ex pecting Mahone to vote with the Dem ocrats in organizing, declared himself resolved " to support the organization of the Senate as it stood." It had till now been Democratic. Had Mahone sided with him, the committees as made up by WILLIAM MAHONE the Democratic caucus would have been elected. But in spite of Democtratic pleadings and denunciation, Mahone concluded to support the Republicans. This tied the Sen ate, even if Davis voted with the Democrats, and Vice- President Arthur could of course be counted on to turn the vote the Republican way. This he did in postponing indefi nitely the motion to elect the Democratic committees and in electing the Republican list. When it came to choosing ser- geant-at-arms and clerks, Davis, now favoring the new status, as before he had the old, voted with the Republicans. Mahone's course aroused great wrath, especially among the Southern Senators. " Who is that man ? " cried Senator 355 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Hill, of Georgia, amid laughter from the Republican side of the Chamber : " Who is that man so ambitious to do what no man in the history of this country has ever yet done stand up in this high presence and proclaim from this proud eminence that he disgraces the commission he holds ? Such a man is not worthy to be a Democrat. Is he worthy to be a Republican ? " In rejoinder Mahone, while declaring himself a Democrat in principle, denied that he was indebted to the Democratic party for his place in the Senate. He con cluded : " I want that gentleman to know henceforth and forever that here is a man who dares stand and defend his right against you and your caucus." Senator Hill's query was forthwith answered. Mahone was welcomed by the Re publicans with open arms. A bouquet of flowers, said to be from President Garfield, was sent to his desk, and Federal patronage in Virginia was placed at his disposal. A storm of indignation from the Pacific Coast fell upon President Arthur's head when, in 1882, he vetoed a bill for restricting Chinese immigration. To understand the reason of his act and of his unpopularity, a brief review is necessary. What originally brought the Chinaman to our shores was the discovery of gold in California. At first he was not unwelcome. Said the Alta California of May 12, 1851 : " Quite a large number of Celestials have arrived among us of late, enticed hither by the golden romance which has filled the world. Scarcely a ship arrives that does not bring an increase of this worthy integer of our population." The " worthy integer " was soon engaged in an exciting though not enviable part of the " golden romance," for the next year we read that gangs of miners were " running out " Chinese settlers. This race strife on the coast was incessant both during and after the war. Meantime, Anson Burlingame, our Minister to China, who during an intercourse of some years had come to possess the confidence of the Chinese in an unusual degree, had been 356 RELATIONS WITH CHINA entrusted by them with a mission which at first seemed as though it might lead to new relations. On his return he bore credentials constituting him China's ambassador to the United States and to Europe. He proceeded to negotiate with this country a treaty of amity, which was signed on July 4, 1 86,8. But anti-Chinese agitation did not cease. In 1871 occurred a riot in the streets of Los Angeles, when fifteen Chinamen were hanged and six others shot, Chinamen having murdered one police officer and wounded two others. In 1878 an anti-Chinese bill passed Congress, but was vetoed by President Hayes as repugnant to the Burlingame treaty. Rage against the Celestials, to which all forces in the Pacific States had bent, being thus bafHed at Washington, grew more clamorous than ever. On September 28, 1878, a new Chinese embassy waited upon President Hayes. The ambassador, Chen Lan Pin, wore the regulation bowl-shaped hat, adorned with the scar let button of the second order and with a depending pea cock plume, caught by jeweled fastenings. His garments were of finest silk. He had on a blouse with blue satin col lar, a skirt of darker stuff, sandal-shaped shoes and leggings of the richest kid. His letter of credence was drawn by an attendant from a cylinder of bamboo embellished with gold. In this document the Emperor expressed the hope that the embassy would " eventually unite the East and the West under an enlightened and progressive civilization." The indirect issue of this embassage was a fresh treaty, ratified in March, 1 88 1, amending the Burlingame compact. That compact, recognizing as inalienable the right of every man to change his abode, had permitted the free immi gration of Chinamen into the United States. The new treaty of 1 88 1 so modified this feature that immigration might be regulated, limited or suspended by us for no specified period should it threaten to affect the interests of the United States or to endanger their good order. A bill soon followed 359 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY OF THE OFFICIAL CLASS. THE CHINESE CONSULATE IN IN SAN FRANCISCO After a photograph by Taber prohibiting Chinese immigration for a period of twenty years, on the ground that the presence of the Mongolians caused dis order in certain localities. This was the bill which President Arthur vetoed as contravening the treaty, he objecting, among much else, to the systems of passports and registration which the bill would impose upon resident Chinese. But the advo cates of the exclusion policy were in earnest, wrought up by the growing hordes of Celestials pressing hither. Only sixty-three thousand Chinese had been in the coun try in 1870; in 1880 there were one hundred and five thou sand. Another bill was at once introduced, substituting ten for twenty years as the time of suspension, and it became a law in 1882. China sent a protest, which availed naught. Interwoven with the Chinese agitation, as well as with 360 AFFAIRS IN CALIFORNIA nearly all the national problems of that day and this, was the movement known as Kearneyism, which took form in Cali fornia in 1877 and found expression in the State Constitution of 1 879. His habits of mental unrest engendered by speculation and the gold fever, had marked California society since 1849. A tendency existed to appeal to extra-legal measures for peace and justice. The golden dream had faded. Although wages were higher in California than in most parts of the coun try, working people there showed much discontent. In no State had land grants been more lavish or the immense size of A " MIXED FAMILY" IN THE HIGHBINDERS' QUARTER, "CHINATOWN" From a f holograph by Taber 3 6l THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY landed estates more in jurious. Farming their vast tracts by improved machinery, the propri etors each season hired great throngs of labor ers, who, when work was over, betook them selves to the cities and swelled the ranks of the GOD IN JOSS TEMPLE, " CHINATOWN" SAN FRANCISCO After a photograph by Taker unemployed. Worse yet, California was in the hands of a railroad monopoly which by threats or blandishments con trolled nearly every State official. Politics were corrupt and political factions, with their selfish and distracting quarrels, were numerous. The politician was hated next to the " Nob " who owned him. The immediate occasion of Kearneyism was the great rail road strike at the East in 1877. The California lines, having announced a reduction of wages, were threatened with a simi lar strike, but took alarm at the burning and fighting in Pitts- burg and rescinded the notice. Nevertheless a mass-meeting was called to express svmpathy with the Eastern strikers. It THE "NOBS" IN TERROR AN ALLEY IN " CHINATOWN" After a photograph by Taker was held on July 2jd. The new-rich grandees trembled. Authorities took precautions, but at the meeting no disorder occurred. During this and the two following evenings a num ber of Chinese wash-houses were destroyed and some persons killed. The violence was naturally ascribed to the working- men. A Committee of Public Safety was organized under William T. Coleman, President of the Vigilance Committee 365 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY DINING ROOM OF A CHINESE RESTAURANT IN WASHINGTON STREET, SAN FRANCISCO After photographs by Taker of 1856. The laboring men denied their alleged complicity with the lawlessness, and a number enlisted in Mr. Coleman's " pick-handle brigade/' which patrolled the city for a few days. Among the pick-handle brigadiers was Denis Kearney, a man at once extreme in theories and language and singularly temper ate in personal habits. Born in 1847, at Oakmount, Ireland, from eleven years of age to twenty-five he had followed the sea, but since 1872 had prospered as a drayman in San Fran cisco. He was short, well built, with a broad head, a light mustache, a quick but lowering blue eye, ready utterance and a pleasant voice. He was of nervous temperament, and had the bluster and domineering way of a sailor, withal possessing remarkable shrewdness, enterprise and initiative. For two years he had spent part of each Sunday at a lyceum for self- culture, where he had levelled denunciations at the laziness and 366 A SAND LOT MEETING IN SAN FRANCISCO The tforkingmen passing a Resolution by Acclamation Composition of B. W. Clinedinst, with tbt assistance of photographs by Taker KEARNEY AN AGITATOR extravagance of the working-classes, at the opponents of Chi nese immigration, and at anti-capitalists in general. For some reason, whether from a change of heart, or on account of unlucky dabbling in stocks, or because rebuffed by Senator Sargent, Kearney determined to turn about and agitate against all that he had held dear. On September 12, 1877, a company of the unemployed in San Francisco assembled and organized " The Workingmen's Party of California." Its salient principles were the establishment of a State Bureau of Labor and Statistics and of a State Labor Commission, the legal regulation of the hours of labor, the abolition of pov erty along with all land and moneyed monopoly, and the ejection of the Chinese. Kearney, conspicuous among the extremists, was chosen president. His advanced ideas were incorporated into the party's creed, as follows : " We propose to wrest the government from the hands of the rich and place it in those of the people. We propose to rid the country of cheap Chinese labor. We propose to destroy land monopoly in our State. We propose to destroy the great money power of the rich by a system of taxation that will make great wealth impossible. We propose to pro vide decently for the poor and unfortunate, the weak, the helpless and especially the young, because the country is rich enough to do so, and religion, humanity and patriotism demand that we should do so. We propose to elect none but competent workingmen and their friends to any office. The rich have ruled us till they have ruined us. We will now take our own affairs into our own hands. The republic must and shall be pre served, and only workingmen will do it. Our shoddy aristocrats want an emperor and a standing army to shoot down the people. When we have 1 0,000 members 369 DENIS KEARNEY THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY we shall have the sympathy and support of 20,000 other work- ingmen. The party will then wait upon all who employ Chi nese and ask for their discharge, and it will mark as public enemies those who refuse to comply with their request. This party will exhaust all peaceable means of attaining its ends, but it will not be denied justice when it has power to enforce it. It will encourage no riot or outrage, but it will not vol unteer to repress, or put down, or arrest or prosecute the hungry and impatient who manifest their hatred of the China men by a crusade against John or those who employ him. Let those who raise the storm by their selfishness suppress it themselves. If they dare raise the devil, let them meet him face to face/* Soon began the memorable sand-lot meetings, made famous by the San Francisco Chronicle, which sent its best re porters to describe them. From his new eminence the agi tator returned this favor by advising his hearers to boycott the Morning Call and subscribe for its rival, the Chronicle. His speeches were directed partly against the Chinese, but chiefly against the " thieving politicians " and " blood-sucking capitalists." At one gathering he suggested that every work- ingman should get a gun, and that some judicious hanging of aristocrats was needed. The sand-lot audiences were largely composed of foreigners, Irishmen being the most numerous, but even the Germans caught the infection. The orator could cater to their prejudices with effect, as he did in an address before the German Club in March, 1878 : " Pixley said to me that the narrow-faced Yankees in California would clean us out, but I just wish they would try it. I would drive them into the sea or die." On the other hand, in the Kearneyites' Thanksgiving-day parade, appealing to the whole people, none but United States flags were carried and none but Union vet erans carried them. The leader affected the integrity and stoicism of a Cato. As Cato concluded every oration of his with the impressive "Carthago delenda est" so Kearney intro- 370 Drawn by G. W. Peters CHINESE MUST GO/" Denis Kearney Addressing the ff^orkingmen on the night of October 29, on Nob Hill, San Francisco KEARNEY'S MODERATION duced each of his harangues with " The Chinese must go ! " The contest against the Chinese, he said, would not be given up till there was blood enough in Chinatown to float their bodies to the bay. Still, on one occasion a poor Chinaman at the mercy of hoodlums owed his rescue to the Kearneyites alone. Much as Kearney delighted in scaring the timid nabobs of San Francisco, he was careful to keep within the law. More than once, while himself breathing out threatenings and slaughter, he tactfully restrained his devotees from excesses. Shrewdly estimating the value of martyrdom, he once said : " If I don't get killed I will do more than any reformer in the world. But I hope I will be assassinated, for the success of the movement depends upon that." The horns of this dilemma crossed, but each pointed in a hopeful direction. The leader's yearning for persecution was gratified. On October 29th about two thousand workingmen collected at Nob Hill, where the railway magnates lived. Bonfires being lighted, Kearney launched his philippic. The " Nobs " heard the jeers at their expense, and looked out upon the lurid scene in alarm. They had Kearney and other leading spirits arrested on the charge of using incendiary language. The city government passed a sedition ordinance known as the Gibbs gag law, and the legis lature enacted a ridiculously stringent riot act. The two laws were still-born and harmless. The only effect of the arrests and of the new legislation was to give Kearney additional power. On his release from jail he was hailed as a martyr, crowned with flowers and drawn in triumph on his own dray. A Yorkshire shoemaker and evangelist named Wellock "Parson Wellock " he was called preached Kearneyism as a religion. He was tall, with a narrow head, high forehead and a full, short beard. At each Sunday sand- lot assembly he used to read a text and expound its latter-day bearings. Speaking of the monopolists, he said : " These men who are perverting the ways of truth must be destroyed. In 373 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY the Bible the Lord is called a consuming fire. When he com mands we must obey. What are we to do with these people that are starving our poor and degrading our wives, daughtersj and sisters ? And the Lord said unto Moses, f Take all the heads off the people and hang them up before the Lord/ This is what we are commanded by the Supreme Being to do with all that dare to tread down honesty, virtue and truth." Both parties began to court Kearney. Aspirants for office secretly visited him. Office-holders changed from hos tility to servility. The railroad kings, if they failed to moder ate his language, found ways to assuage his hatred. Hirelings of corporate interests joined the Kearneyites and assisted them to carry out their wishes. Even the better classes more and more attended his harangues, partly from curiosity, partly from sympathy, partly from disgust at the old parties. The enthu siastic compared him with Napoleon and Caesar. The party of the sand lots, Kearney nominally its president, really its dictator, spread over and controlled the State. This result assured, " reform " needed only that a new State constitution should be adopted, properly safeguarding the people against monopolies and the Chinese. Agitation for a Constitutional Convention was at once begun and pushed till successful. The very immensity of the new party's growth begot reaction. The monopolists intensely hated Kearney at the very moment when they most sought to use him. His chief strength lay in the city populace. The Grangers sympathized and in many measures co-operated with him, yet maintained a becoming independence. In the city, too, there was a rival labor organization, set on foot at that first mass-meeting held to express sympathy for the Pittsburg strikers. Though Kear ney's braggadocio " took " wonderfully with the people, this body let slip no chance for denouncing the man's extreme notions and assumption. Numerous and active enemies were made by Kearney's inability to brook aught of opposition or rivalry. By a motion of his hand he swept out of existence 374 DENIS KEARNET BEING DRAWN THROUGH THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO AFTER HIS RELEASE FROM THE HOUSE OF CORRECTION The procession passing the Lotta Fountain in Market Street Painted by Howard Pyle from photographs by Taber and a description by Kearney himself OPPOSITION TO KEARNEY Ls^g8s- ;: , i. - ^ f . -A, THE OLD CHRONICLE BUILDING IN SAN FRANCISCO (It was here that Charles De Young was shot in 1880 by Isaac Kalloch, Jr., son of the Workingmens Mayor) After a photograph by Taker the Central Committee of his party. He liked best his most fulsome eulogists, and selected lieutenants whom he could fling aside the instant they hampered or crossed him. Many so treated beset him afterward like fleas. The Order of Cau casians, a species of anti- Mongolian Ku-Klux, with head quarters at Sacramento, was opposed to Kearney. Many men of influence and apparent impartiality, notably Archbishop Alemany, criticised his incendiary speeches, alienating some of his supporters. Democrats now felt that by " united action " the Consti tutional Convention which the Kearneyites had succeeded in getting called might be saved from their control. Accordingly 377 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY a non-partisan ticket was started, which, notwithstanding some grumbling from the old " wheel-horses " of the two parties, received pretty hearty support. Despite all, by coalescing with the Grangers, the Kearney ites controlled the convention. The new California Constitution which resulted was an odd mixture of ignorance and good intentions. To hinder corrup tion in public office it reduced the power of the legislature almost to a shadow, and made the bribery of a legislator felony. To lighten taxation, particularly where it bore unduly upon the poor, the Constitution set a limit to State and local debts, taxed uncultivated land equally with cultivated land, made mortgage debts taxable where the mortgaged property lay, and authorized an income tax. However, for the benefit of the school fund, a poll tax was laid on every male inhabitant. Corporations were dealt with in a special article, which restricted them in many ways. Among other things it instituted a com mission with extraordinary powers, enabling it to examine the books and accounts of transportation companies and to fix their rates for carriage. This commission, when placed in the hands of any party, uniformly violated pre-election pledges, and proceeded against the unanimous wish of Californians. Only the Commission of 1895 seemed to have taken some steps toward lowering freight rates. After the adoption of the Constitu tion a more powerful reaction set in and Kearneyism soon became a thing of the past. The Chronicle abandoned Kearney and " exposed " him. He was called to the East in the interest of labor agita tion, but had little popularity or success. He returned to San Francisco, but never again became a leader. The most pro nounced result, or sequel, which the Kear ney movement left behind was a fixed public opinion throughout California 378 ISAAC KALLOCH Elected Mayor of San Francisco by tbt Workingmtn FALL OF THE JAMES GANG and all the Pacific States against any further immigration of the Chinese. The new California Constitution devoted to these people an entire article. In it they were cut off from employ ment by the State or by corporations doing business therein. " Asiatic coolieism " was prohibited as a form of human slavery. This sentiment toward the Celestials spread eastward, and, in spite of all opposition by interested capitalists and by disinterested philanthropists, determined the subsequent course of Chinese legislation in Congress itself. During the years under survey Missouri as well as the Pacific States had to contend with aggravated lawlessness. When hardly a week passed without a train being " held up " somewhere in the State, Governor Crittenden was driven to the terrible expedient of using crime itself as a police power. In the spring of 1882, Jesse James, the noted desperado, was assassinated by former members of his gang, who then sur rendered to the authorities and were lodged in jail none too soon, as an angry populace, gathering in thousands, hotly beset the slayers. Slayers and slain had been Confederate guerrillas in the war. On the return of peace they became train-robbers as easily as privateers turn pirates. James, at any rate, had not been inspired by lust of gain, for in spite of robberies amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars he died poor. He had been a church member, concerned for " his wayward brother " Frank's salvation. After his death his sect in Mis souri repudiated him, while expressing strongest disapproval of the treachery used in his taking off. For nearly twenty years every effort to capture the fellow had proved futile. The nature of the country aided him, but not so much as the enthusiastic devotion of his neighbors. This murderous chief, this ruthless man, This head of a rebellious clan, had made himself a hero. The Sedalia Democrat said : " It was his country. The graves of his kindred were there. He 381 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY refused to be banished from his birthright, and when he was hunted he turned savagely about and hunted his hunters. Would to God he were alive to-day to make a righteous butchery of a few more of them." By thus fighting fire with fire, Governor Crittenden suc ceeded in dispersing three other desperado bands. Upon being arraigned the men-killers pleaded guilty and were sen tenced to be hanged, but they were at once pardoned. The Governor's policy, however, was most unpopular. Infinite hate and scorn were visited upon the betrayers. James's wife and mother cursed them bitterly; Dick Little, chief traitor, be ing the object of their uttermost loathing. "If Timberlake or Craig (the county sheriff and his deputy) had killed my poor boy," cried the mother, " I would not say one word ; but, O God ! the treachery of Dick Little and those boys ! Craig and Timberlake are noble men, and they have done too much for me. My poor boy who now lies there dead told me if they killed him not to say one word." Craig and Timber- lake were pail-bearers at James's funeral. The Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad extended courtesies to the bereaved widow and mother, who were on all hands treated as the heroines of the hour. Close after President Garfield's funeral followed an event which for some days attracted the world's attention the cen tennial celebration of Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown, Va. The hamlet of Yorktown was seated on a sandy river-bank among the vestiges of the two sieges it had sustained, that of 1781 and that of 1861, the Confederate works thrown up in the last-named year not having completely erased the defences erected by Cornwallis. The Confederate fortifications were to be seen in 1881, as also some of McClellan's approaches. The site of Washington's headquarters, still known as "Wash ington's Lodge," was pointed out two and a half miles back from the river. The buildings were burned during the civil war, but the house had been rebuilt. The old Nelson House, MOORE HOUSE AT YORKTOWN gray, ivy-grown, massive, was standing ; also the West House, built by Governor Nelson for his daughter, Mrs. Major West, midway between the Nelson House and the Monument; while a mile away was the Moore House, Cornwallis's quar ters at the time of his surrender. Its exterior was tricked out with red, yellow and green paint, effects which, inside, aesthetic wall-paper and fine carpets strove to match. The Moore House was, in a very true sense, the central spot of American History. It was historic sixty years before the Revolution, when it was Governor Spottswood's residence. In THE NELSON HOUSE IN 1881 (Showing boles made in bri:k wall by cannon shot) the " Temple," near by, was presented the relic of a still older strife, the tomb of Major William Gooch, who died in 1655. In the chimney of the Moore House was a cannon-ball hole, and in one of its corner rooms was still preserved the table whereon the articles of Cornwallis's surrender had been drawn. Its roof sheltered Lafayette and Rochambeau ; also Washing ton in the proudest moment of his life. It was in 1896 the residence of Mr. A. O. Mauck. Standing in the midst of Temple Farm, it commanded a beautiful view of Chesapeake 383 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY THE WEST HOUSE AT TORKTOIfN {Showing the shot holes) Bay, of Yorktown Mon ument and of quaint old Yorktown. Near by was a mill, built on the very foundations of the one where was fired the first shot in the Corn- wallis siege. A shaft fif teen feet high, made of brick taken from the first court-house in York County, laid in German cement, has been erected by the Superintendent of the National Cemetery on the spot where Corn- wallis's sword was deli vered to General Lincoln. This shaft was dedicated on Octo ber 19, 1895, and placed in the care of the school children of our country to preserve. Once redeemed from the British and once from Confed erate rule, Yorktown was now, for a few days, rescued from its own loneliness. There was some complaint that locality was not ignored and the anniversary celebrated where modern conveniences were at hand. Such were the dust and heat at and about the village on the first day of the fete that pilgrims admired Cornwallis's good sense in surrendering as quickly as decency allowed, that he might go elsewhere. The second day was twenty degrees colder, and dusters gave way to ulsters. Truly vast preparations had been originally planned, but so obvious were the discomforts which could not but attend a long sojourn at the place, that the programme was radically docked. The events that were left, however, amply repaid for their trouble all who saw them. Arrangements had been making at Yorktown for a month, 384 YORKTOWN DURING THE FETE during which time the sandbanks all about were in a stir, such as neither Cornwallis's nor Magruder's cannon-wheels had occa sioned. When the day marking the anniversary of the Briton's surrender arrived, a score of great war-ships, with other craft of various sorts, lined the river up and down, while shanties and tents covered the landscape in all directions. Wagons, buggies and carriages by hundreds came and went, frequent among them the two- wheeled family vehicle of the Virginia negro, at tached by a rope harness to a scrawny " scalawag/' Strains of martial music, the thunder of heavy guns, throngs of civilians and of soldiers, thieves and gamblers plying their art unmolested till a wel come detachment of Rich mond police arrived all conspired to waken the little place from the dead. To the credit of the Post- office Department, no hitch occurred when mails multiplied from three a week to two a day, and the daily delivery of let ters mounted from fifty to five thousand. The celebration began on October i8th, "Sur render Day." Troops had been pouring in all night and the influx in- THE MEMORIAL MONUMENT Corner-stone laid Oct. iq,l88l 385 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY M. GLENNAN The Virginia Commissioner of the Yorktown Centennial Cele- creased at dawn. Some had marched far and swiftly. Captain Sinclair's battery of the Third Artillery had covered the distance from Fort Ham ilton, New York Harbor, to York- town, 470 miles, in twenty-one marching days. At ten o'clock the fallapoosa, bearing the President and most of his Cabinet, came up the river, being saluted as she passed the batteries. At this notice " the yards of the ships of war were manned " the account read quaintly after the lapse of but fourteen years. For ten minutes smoke-clouds covered the river and the boom of ponderous cannon quenched all other sounds. Behind the 'Tallapoosa were vessels bringing the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of War and General Sherman. Distinguished foreign guests came, too, descendants of de Grasse, de Rochambeau, de Lafa yette, and von Steuben, the heroes who had shared with Washington the glory of humbling England's pride a hundred years before. Each dignitary being saluted according to his rank, the deafening cannonade was kept up for a number of hours. Wednesday, October I9th, was devoted to the ceremony of laying the corner-stone of the Yorktown Centennial Monu ment. Commemorative exercises formed the feature of Thursday. President Arthur delivered an address, the Mar quis de Rochambeau responded in French, and Baron von Steuben in German, all three being loudly applauded. Hon. Robert C. Winthrop pronounced the oration of the day. 3 86 R. C. WINTHROP CLOSE OF THE YORKTOWN CELEBRATION The presence of Steuben and Rochambeau, of Generals Sher man and Wade Hampton, of Hancock, the favorite and hero of the festival, and FitzHugh Lee, hardly second to him in receipt of applause, naturally suggested the themes of concord and reunion. Among those who shook hands with President Arthur was the widow of President John Tyler. At the conclusion of these exercises all the troops passed in review before the President. It was the most brilliant military pag eant seen since the war. Northern visitors noticed with pleasure that many of the Southern commands wore uniforms of blue. On Thursday evening fireworks were displayed. All the war vessels were illuminated. The steam corvette Vandalia, com manded by Captain (subsequently Rear-Admiral) Meade, so disposed her lights as to bring out the outlines of her hull and rigging with charming effect. The splendor was produced by the use of Chinese lanterns, which Captain Meade purchased for the occasion. The celebration ended on Friday with a naval review, embracing all the men-of-war in the harbor. A graceful and handsome deed, acknowledged by the British press, was the salute paid by the entire fleet to the Union LAURENCEBURG, INDIANA, DURING THE FLOODS OF 1884 Copyright, 1884, by Rombach & Groene 387 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY Jack hoisted at the foremast of each ves sel. Freshets in Feb ruary, 1884, had in duced an unprece dented rise in the Ohio River, sub merging country and city along the banks. At Cincinnati houses were wrecked, lives lost, destitution and suffering the lot of thousands. To add to the horrors, the gas-works were under water, and night whelmed the city in Cimmerian darkness. As the news spread, practical responses came from all quar ters, in the shape of food and clothing, which steamers SECOND STREET, CINCINNATI, LOOKING EAST THE GAS TANKS IN SECOND STREET, CINCINNATI 388 RIOT AND FLOOD IN CINCINNATI THE CINCINNATI RIOTS OF 1884 The Barricade in South Sycamore Street From a Photograph by Rombach & Groene distributed up and down the swollen stream. Highest water was reached on February I4th, the highest ever recorded, the river at Cincinnati standing on that date at seventy-one feet and three-quarters of an inch. Riot followed flood. In March two confessed murderers had come off with a conviction for mere manslaughter. As twenty other murderers were in prison, respectable citizens assembled to demand reform in murder trials. Noisy leaders of the mob element tried to capture the meeting, which was adjourned to prevent mischief. A young man rushing out shouted, " To the jail ! Come on ! Follow me and hang Berner." The door was burst open, but Berner had been smuggled to Columbus at the first alarm. Meantime the militia were secretly introduced through the same tunnel which afforded him exit. After a skirmish the rioters were driven out, leaving some of their number prisoners. Partly from chagrin, partly to secure the release of the captured leaders, 389 THE LAST QUARTER-CENTURY and partly to indulge their lawless humor, the hoodlums set the court-house on fire, robbing an armory and two gun-stores to provide themselves arms. Other shops were broken into and sacked. They fired volley after volley of musketry at the militia, and fiercely attacked barricades which these had erected against them. After repeated warnings retaliation was meted out with terrible effect. The disorders continued six days, when the law was so far vindicated that business could be resumed. The most authentic list put the killed in this riot at forty-five, the wounded at one hundred and thirty-eight. 39 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. DEC 1 ^ 196Z , LIBRARY )UE JUN 12 1970 Book Slip-15m-8,'52(A2573s4)458 /