EXAMINATION PAPERS FOR THE L'SE OF r THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS, ON THE FACTS OF THE 0L3J AND .NEW TESTAMEiN 1 S ; THE DOCTUINES AND EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANiJY ; ; ;:• HISTOUY OF THE CHURCH; LlTUKGiES, IKANSLATIONS Ol' '1;HE BIBLE, &c.- BY THE 'AUTHOR OF QUESTIONS ON ADAM's ROMAN ANTIQUITIES," &C. I tasked myself, and I asked myself. And myself replied to me. OXFORD, HENRY SLATTER, HIGH STREEi- LONGMAN ANT> Cu. ; WKITTAKER AND CO.; H \M1LT0N, A UAHS, «w» ANl* CO , IMPKIN kHU MARSHALL, LONDON. ^.^^ ^^^ ^^ -^^^ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIF^" OK c?£,__^_. J^M^^ Received Septemher-.^ i88 5, A c cessions No . X-y& / ^ Shelf No. 4- -30 EXAMINATION PAPERS FOR THE USE OF THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS, ON THE FACTS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS ; THE DOCTRINES AND EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY; THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH; LITURGIES, TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE, &c. ITIES," &C. I tasked myself, and I asked myself. And myself replied to me. I OXFORD, HENRY SLATTER, HIGH STREET. 1837. 2-pC/^ CONTENTS. Preface ..... Scripture Facts and History Evidences of Christianity Doctrines of Christianity Ecclesiastical History Miscellaneous Questions and Translations Versions of the Bible Liturgies ..... Appendix : containing Passages for Translation from English into Latin . . 73 Passages for Translation from Latin and Greek into English . . 86 Page V 1 25 37 48 61 68 69 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/examinationpaperOOoxforich PREFACE. \ It is now a considerable time since any- work has been published, consisting of Theological Questions, and those such as a student might expect to meet with in examination for Holy Orders. To sup- ply the deficiency, the present volume has been prepared ; containing Questions on the Old and New Testaments, the Evi- dences and Doctrines of Christianity, and such parts of Ecclesiastical History, as are specially interesting and important to an Enghsh theological student. The queries on Scripture characters, facts, and history, must rather be con- sidered as specimens, than as forming a complete series of Examination Papers. These might have been multiplied to almost any amount, and would have swelled the volume to an inconvenient size. The same remark applies in some degree to the other Papers. Still it has VI PREFACE. been the endeavour of the compiler, to embody a complete system of divinity and sound ecclesiastical discipline in the compilation, so that a student who had fairly investigated its contents, would have no reason to dread any Theological examination. It will be found, that the general divi- sion of the subjects has not, in all cases, been adhered to. Where, for instance, an inquiry relating to Church doctrine or discipline has appeared to arise natu- rally from a Scripture fact, it has been placed in juxta-position with it. The passages at the close of the volume are also selected, as specimens of those given by the ablest and most strict Theological examiners. It will be ob- served, that the translation of such docu- ments involves not only some classical scholarship, but a knowledge of the phraseology of the New Testament and of the Fathers of the Church. The student must be careful not to be theologically wrong, while he is clas- sically right ; and in reference to the rendering in another tongue of these PREFACE. Vll and of similar quotations, it will be ne- cessary to consider not only what is elegant in language, but what is sound in divinity. In translating Creeds and Confessions, this precaution is especially necessary. The slightest change of phrase- ology may put in jeopardy some vital principle of Christianity, and break, or at least attenuate, a link of that invisible chain of intermingling doctrine and dis- cipline, which unites the members and forms the Oneness of the CathoHc Church. The Feast of Saint John the Evangelist. SCRIPTURE FACTS AND HISTORY. 1. What were the countries respec- tively peopled by the descendants of Jaf)heth ? 2. What hypotheses have been formed concerning the exact situation of Tarshish? 3. Give a short account of the theories concerning the situation of Paradise. 4. Where is Mount Ararat ? Shinar ? 5. In whose time before the flood did idolatry probably commence ? Give your reasons for this answer. 6. Are the discoveries of Geology in- consistent with the Mosaic account of the creation ? 7. Trace the course of the wanderings of Abraham. Through what countries did he pass ? 8. The date of the call of Abraham. The date of his death. 9., In what sense is the ark a type ? B ^ SCRIPTURE FACTS 10. Give an account of the principal opinions which have been held bj^ learned men concerning the person of Melchi- sedek. 11. What were the respective positions of the twelve tribes in Palestine ? 12. What was Noah's prophecy con- cerning Canaan? How has this been literally fulfilled ? 13. What were the cities founded by Nimrod ? 14. Under what names is Noah sup- posed to be known in pagan mythology? 15. What were the names of the prin- cipal Canaanitish tribes dispossessed by the Israelites ? 16. '* By one man's disobedience many were made sinners." Prove the equity of this. In other words, is the involving of Adam's posterity in the consequences of his transgression, contrary to the prin- ciples of justice universal among man- kind ? 17. Is the designation of ** Eve" by Adam supposed to imply any act of faith on his part ? AND HISTORY. 6 18. The respective situations of Peraea, Kadesh, Zoar, Mamre, Padan-aram, Ash- kenaz, Dedan, Beer-sheba. 19. Why was Beer-sheba so called? 20. The date of the Deluge. 21. What argument in favour of the truth of what was received traditionally among the patriarchs, before the invention of writing, is derived from their longevity ? 22. The position of Mesopotamia, and the theories of learned men about the situation of" Ophir." 23. By whom was Egypt peopled? What countries were occupied by Phut and his descendants? Where was *' Sheba?^^ 24. The geographical situation of Gog. 25. What is meant by the ** Isles of the Gentiles ?" 26. Are the names of any early colo- nists, mentioned in holy Scripture, found in connexion with the places which they peopled ? 27. What was Noah's prophecy con- cerning Japheth, and how has it been signally fulfilled ? b2 4 SCRIPTURE FACTS 1. What was the precise nature of the sin of Balaam ? 2. What prophecies did he utter? 3. How were they fulfilled ? 4. The date of the entrance of the twelve tribes into Canaan. 5. What was the prophecy relative to the rebuilding of Jericho, and how was it fulfilled ? 6. In what sense were Moses and Joshua types of our Saviour ? 7. What was the precise nature of the sin of Achan, and that of Korah ? 8. What period of time does the book of Judges include ? Are there any chro- nological difficulties connected with the book in question ? 9. What was the social condition of the Jews at this time ? 10. Where was the tabernacle situated? 11. What provision was made for the tribe of Levi in parceUing out the land to be occupied by the twelve tribes ? 12. The geography of Dan, Simeon, DecapoHs, Jerusalem, Jericho, Ai, the Moabites, Amalekites, Gibeon, Gath, AND HISTORY. 5 Gerar, Gerasa, Tyre, Sidon, Carmel, Tabor, Moriah, Zion, Bethlehem, Joppa. 13. The course of the Jordan. What are the chief characteristics of this river ? 14. Who were the Edomites? What countries did they occupy ? 15. What were the prophecies pro- nounced against them ? 16. How were they fulfilled? What modern writers have visited these coun- tries ? 17. The part of the Red Sea at which the Israelites crossed. 18. The situation of Goshen; and your reasons for supposing it to be in the part you have mentioned. 19. The situation of On, No-Ammon, Noph, and the classical names of these towns. 20. The political condition of Edom at the Exodus. 21. Where did Moses write the book of Genesis ? 22. What reason have you for sup- posing that it was the second Person of the ever-blessed Trinity who appeared to Moses and to Joshua ? O SCRIPTURE FACTS 23. Explain the expression, ' Angel of the Covenant.' 24. Who were the Phihstines? 25. The principal events in the life of Gideon. 26. The different theories of learned men on the sacrifice of the daughter of Jephtha. 27. What reference is made to this event in the New Testament, and what presumptive evidence does it afford of the manner in which this fact ought to be explained? 28. What was the nature of the govern- ment of Judaea undef the Judges ? 29. In what way was the Tribe of Levi separated from the rest, and what functions belonged to it ? 1. Who was Balaam, and how does he stand connected with the chain of pro- phecy ? 2. What was the state of society in the time of Lot ? AND HISTORY. 7 3. Was the observance of the sabbath enjoined on mankind before the time of Moses ? 4. If so, in what manner was it ob- served ? 5. The principal dates in the history of the Jews, from the Exodus to the first captivity. 6. What are the principles upon which Hebrew poetry is constructed ? Adduce instances. 7. Give an account of the early history of Jerusalem, before it was taken by David. 8. What were the chief cities of the kingdom of Israel ? 9. What were the principal events in the lives of Ahab and Hezekiah, and contrast their characters ? 10. The character of Melchisedek. 11. In what respects was he a type of Christ? 12. Where is the book of Genesis supposed to have been written ? 13. What were the last words of Joshua, and how are they remarkable ? 14. What was the vow of Jephtha, and how was it fulfilled ? 8 SCRIPTURE FACTS 15. The history of the ark of the covenant. 16. The symbolical thi7igs contained in the Holy of Holies. 17. How do the Jews divide the Scrip- tures ? 18. Give an account of the Jewish feasts. 19. The characteristics of a Hebrew Ode, as exhibited in the Ode of Moses on passing the Red Sea. 20. Give an account of the removal of the Ark to Mount Sion, by David. 21. What kind of imagery is generally used by the inspired writers of the Old Testament ? 1. The moral condition of the Jews in the time of EHjah. 2. The history of Edom, as derived from sacred Scripture. 3. The character of Josiah. 4. The date of Sennacherib's invasion. 5. Who compiled the two books of the Kings? 6. When were they first so called ? AND HISTORY. 9 7. The circumstances that attended the dedication of Solomon's Temple. 8. The history of the Temples from the time of Solomon, until the reign of Vespasian. 9. The character of Jehoiada. 10. What period of history does the book of Ezra include ? 1 1 . What period is included in that of Nehemiah ? 12. What was the language of the Jews after their return from Babylon ? 13. A plan of Jerusalem in the time of our Saviour. 14. The site of Mount Calvary. 15. A history of the city of Babylon. 16. What part of the Temple was called the Oracle ? Why ? 17. How were the priests maintained during the Levitical dispensation ? 18. What blessings did Moses promise to Levi ? 19. How many kinds of sacrifices were there among the Jews ? 20. Explain what is meant by the Sabbatical year. 21. How did Othniel deliver Israel? b3 10 scRiPTtrRE Facts 22. The prophecies of Nathan. 23. What was the first offence of Saul? 24. David's direct prophecies of the Messiah. 1. *' The Loud shall bring a nation upon thee from far, from the end of the earth, [swift] as the eagle flieth, a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand, a nation of fierce countenance, which shall not respect the person of the old, nor pity the young." Deut. xxviii, 49. To whom does this prophecy refer? When was it spoken ? Is this the whole of the prophecy ? 2. Explain the words Jeshurun, Elohim, Jehovah, Hallelujah^ Selah, Hosanna, 3. What was the spirit and design of the Mosaic Institutions ? 4. Were they imitated by other nations? 5. What was the Sanhedrim? 6. A sketch of the Hebrew govern- ment, as left by Moses. 7. The principal servitudes of the Israelites. AND HISTORY. 11 1. The difference between l^avdo'rua'ig and dvu(rru(ng^ as applied to the resurrec- tion, 2. Prove that the observance of festival- days is not contrary to the practice of the Apostles. 1. What were the signs predicted by Christ in reference to the destruction of Jerusalem ? 2. Did the Christians take advantage of these predictions ? 3. The character of Eliphaz the Te- manite. 4. Which is the first parable on record in the Bible ? 5. The geographical situation of the places on the east of Jordan. 6. What king of Egypt was contem- porary with Solomon ? 7. The interview between Joash and Elisha, and the moral to be derived from it. 8. To what countries were the Israelites banished after their captivity? 12 SCRIPTURE FACTS 9. Particularize the three stages of the captivity of Judah. 10. What testimony is there to the prophetical character of Daniel in the New Testament ? 1. How did Antiochus Epiphanes per- secute the Jews ? 2. Give a brief account of the govern- ment of the Maccabees. 3. In whose power was the nation of the Jews placed at the Advent of our Lord ? 4. Who were the Karaites? 5. What is meant by the term ** Pro- selytes of the gate?" 6. What are the chief events in Jewish history between the close of the canon of the Old Testament, and the birth of John the Baptist ? 7. Was John the Baptist the subject of prophecy ? 8. Who were the Essenes ? 9. An account of the Herodians. AND HISTORY. 13 10. The principal events during the reign of Rehoboam. 11. The form of the Temple at Jeru- salem. 12. The principal writers of the book of Psalms. 13. An account of Solomon's apostasy. 14. The character of Jethro. 15. The prophecies relating to Cyrus. 16. The contents of the book of Esther. 17. The controversies relating to the period of this history. 18. Who wrote the book of Lamenta- tions ? 1. The geographical position of the Kenites and the Hagarenes. 2. The position of Arnon, Hermon, the Girgashites, the desert of Zin, Jabesh- Gilead, Ramoth-Gilead, Ashdod, Hebron, Mizpeh, Beth-aven, and Dodanim. 3. The course of St. Paul's voyage to Rome. 4. The treatment with which he met during his residence at Corinth. 14 SCRIPTURE FACTS 5. The characteristics of the Seven Churches of Asia, as described in the book of Revelations. 6. The relative situation of Dan, Ephraim, and Judah. 1. Mention the principal objections urged by infidel writers against the book of Daniel. 2. What were the tenets of the Phari- sees? 3. Give a brief account of the Assyrian empire. 4. In what prophecies is it alluded to? 5. What is the subject of Malachi's prophecy ? 6. Who compiled the canon of the Old Testament ? 7. Why does the Church of England reject the Apocrypha ? 8. What books of the New Testament have been considered by some of doubtful authority? How do you prove their in- spiration ? AND HISTORY. 15 9. Mention the prophecies relating to the Roman empire. 10. What nations are represented by the ten horns ? 1. Explain the Parable of the Ten Virgins. 2. " Upon this rock will I build my church." What interpretations have been given of this passage ? 3. *' If they hear not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead." Explain this passage, and state at length the argu- ment to which it belongs. 4. '' My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." What is the connection of this passage, and the argument of which it forms part ? 5. Give an account of the erection of the Temple on Mount Gerizim, and the conversation of our Saviour with the woman of Samaria. 16 SCRIPTURE FACTS 6. Who were Shadrach and Abednego, and where are their praises sung ? 7. Who founded the first school of the prophets ? 8. Where was the ark kept before the erection of Solomon's Temple ? 9. The principal events in the life of Saul. 10. Prove that David, notwithstanding his offences, was a man after God's own heart. 11. The particular offence of the sons of Eli against the Levitical ordinance. 12. A life of Nathan the prophet. 13. Compare the Epistles of the Gala- tians and the Romans together. 14. What are the chief types of Christ contained in the Old Testament ? 15. Give an account of the Annunci- ation. 16. Are there any circumstances con- nected with the birth of Christ, which form evidences in favour of Christianity ? 17. The design of the Transfiguration. 18. The circumstances connected with those miracles, in which Christ restored AND HISTORY. 17 the dead to life, are such as could not possibly admit of collusion or deceit. Prove this. 1 . The nature of the mediatorial king- dom, as gathered from our Saviour's conversations. 2. The prophecies in the Psalms re- lating to Christ. 3. The dates of the Epistles, and the places at which they were written, with some account of the controversies on this subject. 4. Define Heresy and Schism, and illus- trate this definition by facts, in the Old and New Testament. 5. '' The gifts and calling of God are without repentance." Explain this. 6. What was the character of St. John the Baptist, and how did he prepare the way for our Saviour ? 7. *' The Son also shall be subject unto him that put all things under him." How has this passage been misunderstood? 18 SCRIPTURE FACTS State the nature of the subjection here referred to. 8. '' Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit." Explain this. 9. Do you find any rhythmical paral- lelism in the writings of the Apostles ? 10. Adduce instances. 11. What is meant by the traditions of the Elders ? 12. Examine the plan of Christianity as developed in the New Testament, and prove that it furnishes a strong presump- tion of the truth of the system. 13. What reasons are there for sup- posing the book of Tobit to be fictitious ? 14. What is the character of the book of Baruch ? 15. How are the seventy weeks to be understood ? 1. At what time did Habakkuk write his prophecy ? 2. What was the character of Elijah the Tishbite ? AND HISTORY. l9 3. Who was Jehu, and what was his general character ? 4. Mention the principal authors of schism in the Jewish Church, and shew that they were not left unpunished. 5. Who is supposed to have compiled the book of Chronicles ? 6. The date of the erection of the second Temple. 7. The origin of synagogues and 8. Mention some of the miracles of the Old Testament which have been explained away by neologist writers, and shew the fallacy of their objections. 9. What argument in support of the doctrine of the ministration of angels is derived from the facts of the Old Testa- ment ? 1 . How do you reconcile the genealogy of Christ given by St. Matthew with that given by St. Luke ? 2. State the principal circumstances of Christ^s temptation. 20 SCRIPTURE FACTS 3. How would you prove the divinity of Christ from the Gospel of St. Matthew ? 4. How, the doctrine of the Trinity? 5. State the doctrine of the Romish Church respecting the supremacy of St. Peter, and answer the arguments of Roman Catholics upon the question. 6. What appears to have been the lesson which Christ intended to inculcate, when he commanded the young man, who affirmed that he had kept the moral law, to sell all and follow him ? 7. State the main object of the parable of the householder, who hired labourers to work in his vineyard at different hours, and gave to each a penny. 8. What appear to have been the ob- jects of Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and purification of the Temple? 9. Give your reasons for supposing that a miracle was or was not performed on the occasion. 10. What is the argument of Christ against the Sadducees, in reference to their denial of the resurrection of the body ? AND HISTORY. 21 11. ^ Attzk^IDti avroig o 'lyjcrovg' ovk gL 23 ..v./' 8. In whose reign was the kinga6te;;;^=====sii='=^^^ Israel separated from that of Judah ? 9. How long did they continue, and what was the end of each ? 10. Give some account of the family of Herod. 1 1 . Who were the Herodians ? 12. The chief design of St. John's Gospel. 13. The conversion and travels of St. Paul. 14. The names of the twelve Apostles. 15. The geographical position of the following places; Corinth, Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, Galatia, Thessalonica, PhiHppi, Smyrna, Tarsus, Colosse. 16. What authority do the Scriptures give for the rite of Confirmation ? 17. Who were the Samaritans ? What was the cause of enmity between them and the Jews ? 18. How do you distinguish the rite of Confirmation from a Sacrament ? 19. Quote passages of Scripture to prove that Jesus Christ is wilUng to receive all that come unto God bv him. 24 SCRIPTURE FACTS AND HISTORY. 20. State the facts connected with the completion of the prophecy in reference to the Temple, *' There shall not be left one stone upon another which shall not be thrown down." EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 1. What is meant by the evidence of Christianity ? 2. Distinguish between external and internal evidence. 3. Is there any difference between in- ternal and experimental evidence ? 4. Define both. 5. What presumption does the existence of internal evidence furnish to the truth of the external evidence of Christianity ? 6. Mention the chief heads to which the external evidence may be reduced. 7. Does prophecy belong to the ex- ternal or internal evidence ? 8. May a topic ever be said to belong to both ? 1. What is meant by the antecedent improbabihty of a revelation ? 26 EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 2. Are there any presumptions for supposing a revelation antecedently pro- bable? 3. Is there any such antecedent im- probability as evidence cannot surmount ? 4. Is there any fallacy contained in the infidel objection to miracles, ' that they are contrary to experience P' 5. What do you mean by experience ? 6. What is the kind of evidence afforded to finite beings on all moral subjects ? 7. State fully Mr. Hume's first great objection to miracles as an evidence of revelation. L What are the two propositions by which Dr. Paley endeavours to establish the direct historical evidence of Chris- tianity, and to distinguish it from the evidence alleged for other miracles ? 2. Give a brief outhne of the argu- ments by which he establishes the first of these propositions. EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 27 3. Shew that the system of Christianity was ungrateful to Jewish habits and principles. 4. What probabiUty in favour of the truth of the story told in the four Gospels may be derived from the opinions and feelings of the Jews ? 5. What, from those of the Gentiles? 6. State some leading reasons, why Christianity was rejected by the Roman empire. 7. What credibility is derived to the truth of the story told in the Gospels from the writings of contemporary Pagans? 8. Mention some of these testimonies, and state the nature and amount of their value as evidence. 1. Why must w'e seek for an account of early Christianity only in the writings of Christians ? 2. What extent of evidence do we possess in these writings ? c2 28 EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 3. Are there any casual or undesigned disclosures in these books which tend to increase their importance, as evidence ? 4. State the argument, to be derived from this fact, in full. 1 . What presumption is there, derived from the nature of the case, that the story of the first Christians was mira- culous ? 2. Is the account which we possess at this day, that story ? 3. Prove this. 4. Is the suffering of persecution in defence of any set of opinions a pre- sumption in favour of their truth ? 5. How then does the fact, that the Apostles of Christianity were persecuted, bear upon the probability that they spoke the truth ? 1. Explain the nature of the aggregate authority of the written evidence of Chris- tianity, and state its value as an argument in defence of that system. EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 29 2. How do we perceive that we pos- sess a collection of proofs, and not a naked or solitary testimony, in favour of Christianity ? 1. State the principal arguments for the authenticity and genuineness of the holy Scriptures. 2. How do you distinguish between genuineness and authenticity ? 3. Mention in order the eleven allega- tions upon which Dr. Paley contends for the authenticity of the New Testament Scriptures. 4. Quote some passages from early Christian writers, in which direct allusion is made to the writings of the Apostles, &c. in the New Testament. 5. Quote passages to prove that these Scriptures were alluded to with particular respect, and as possessing an authority which belonged to no other books. 6. Give your reasons for asserting that the Scriptures were, in very early times, collected into a distinct volume. 30 EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 7. Quote passages in which they are distinguished by appropriate titles of respect. 8. What reasons have we for sup- posing that the Scriptures were publicly read and expounded in the religious assemblies of the early Christians ? 9. Mention some Harmonies and Com- mentaries written upon them in very early times. 10. How many years had elapsed between the death of Christ and the earhest of these harmonies ? 11. Give a succinct account of the most ancient Versions of the New Tes- tament Scriptures. 1. What books were received without doubt by those who doubted concerning the other books which are included in our present Canon ? 2. State the principal evidence upon which the Epistle to the Hebrews is so included. EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY, 31 3. What is meant by the passage concerning ' the heavenly witnesses ?' 4. Give a brief account of the con- troversy which has taken place upon that passage. 5. Prove that the historical Scriptures of the New Testament were attacked by the early adversaries of Christianity, as containing the accounts upon which the rehgion is founded. 6. Mention some early catalogues which were made of the sacred Scriptures in which all our histories were included. 7. What are called the apocryphal books of the New Testament ? 8. Mention some tests which these cannot abide. !• Mention the chief criteria of mira- cles, and adduce instances of spurious miracles which are proved by them to be fallacious. 2. Define a miracle. 3. Shew their necessity to the proof of revelation. 32 EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 4. What are the chief objections fur- nished against miracles by infidel writers? 5. How do the Neologians or Ratio- nalists of Germany explode the evidence derived from miracles ? 6. Briefly state the arguments which may be brought to prove the truth of the resurrection of Christ, and shew the de- sign of that miracle. 7. What moderns have laid claim to the power of working miracles ? 8. Give some account of their tentative miracles. 9. What do you mean by the criterion of ' false perception' as applied to an alleged miracle ? 10. Shew that the miracles of Jesus Christ cannot be resolved into mere cri- tical coincidences. 11. What are the three alleged miracles which Mr. Hume has selected to confront those of the founders of Christianity ? 12. Shew the fallacy of his objections to Christian miracles, as arising from the examination of these events. EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 33 1 . If you were desirous of arguing with a Jew in defence of Christianity, what points would you choose to bring forward for that purpose ? 2. How would you prove that there is only one Messiah alluded to in the holy Scriptures ? 3. State the argument from prophecy as applied to a Jew. 4. What presumption to the truth of Christianity is derived from his present wandering and yet unmingUng condition ? 5. What is meant by the primary and secondary sense of prophecy ? 6. Shew that many remarkable pro- phecies of the Old Testament cannot refer primarily to any person, or persons, but Jesus Christ. 7. How does a Jew rebut the argument derived from the fulfilment of prophecy ? 8. State the principal reasons upon which the more intelhgent among them cling to their ritual, and refuse to beheve in Christianity. 9. Was this disbelief ever the subject of prophecy ? c3 34 EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 10. Give some reasons why Christianity has for so many ages been rejected by the Jews. 1 1 . Do the Enghsh Jews in translating the fifty- second and fifty-third chapters of Isaiah make any considerable alterations in sense from our authorized version ? 1. State the value of the general argu- ment from prophecy. 2. Apply these principles to the pro- phecies of Christ concerning Jerusalem, and shew how remarkably these were fulfilled. 1. What presumption is there for sup- posing that the Pentateuch was written by Moses ? 2. Does profane history bear testimony to the fulfilment of prophecy ? Prove this, by adducing instances. 3. What is meant by natural religion ? EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 35 4. Who were the Rabbies, and of what use are their writings in the evidence of Christianity ? 5. Prove the authenticity and genuine- ness of the Acts of the Apostles. 6. Shew that the Jewish objections to the resurrection have not even the semblance of probability. 7. Shew that excessive credulity and excessive scepticism are nearly aUied, by a reference to the stories here alluded to. 8. What is the nature of the argument suggested by the analogy of nature in reference to the evidence derived from prophecy ? 9. What is the nature of probable evidence ? 10. Why is probability only adapted to finite inteUigences ? 11. Is there any analogy between the moral and material world ? 12. What argument may be drawn from the similarity between the course of nature and the dispensations of Providence ? 13. Can revelation be compared with our experience of natural events ? 36 EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. 14. Is there any thing in the consti- tution and course of nature analogous to the Christian doctrine of rewards and punishments ? 15. Does external nature furnish any presumption of the immortality of the soul ? 16. State the prophecies which refer to the sufferings of Christ, and shew in what manner they were fulfilled. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 1. Is baptism by a layman authorized in the Church ? 2. Translate the following passage. "Oj(70uv Xgio-rov tov Tlov tou 0£oD TOV jU,ovoy£vy), tov sk tov TlciTgog ysvvrjUvTu Trgo itoLVTcav rcjov alcjovaov' (fcti$ sk (pooTog, 0£ov a\Yj$tvov sk QsOV OCXyjQiVOV' ySWYjUvTU^ 06 TTOiYlUvTa, 6[Jl.OOV(nOV TCO IlaT^i, §*' ov TO. TTuvTot syhsTO' TOV Si' rif/'Oig Tovg ocv$ga)7rovg, xoci li YjfjLETsgoLV (rcoTYipluv koltsK^ovtol Ix Toiv ouga.vu)V, xu) (rctpKCtiQsvTa Sia Uve6[Ji.ciTog dylov sx Motgiug Trig UotgUvov^ kcc) svotvQgctiTrYjO'ciVTci. Explain the word X^icrro^, How^ was the word ocim misapplied by the Gnostics ? What word would the Arians substi- tude for cf^oovariov ? What word the Socinians ? What Council decided that the word of^oovcTiov should be used ? In what year ? What is the antecedent to 5/ ov ru ^rapra^ &c ? MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 63 Put the following Psalm into the rhyth- mical form. Tou Kvglov y} y^ kou to TrKYjgoifjLX ctvTYig, y} olxow/^evrj XCU TTUVTSg Ol XUTOlKOVVTSg SV OLVTYi. XuTog liri SaAacrcrcov 6Qsi/.s\lco(rsv cwtyjv^ koc) stt) 7rQTUlU(hv Y}TolfJl,CCj/x.o- (TVVYIV TTotga. 0£OD (TooTYigog olvtov. AvTrj Yj ySVSOi X^T0{)VTOiV TOV Ku^iOV, X^TOmTtAV TO Trgoa-cjoTTOv tov ©sou 'Iaxci/3. "KgoLTs TrvXotg ol ag^ovTsg vfj^ciov^ xa) STTugSriTs ttvXui ulwviov, xa) slcrsXs6(r£T0(,i 6 ficc(ri\£vg TY^g ^o^Yjg. Tig IcTTiV oitTog 6 /SacnXs^^ r^j ^of>l?; K.vgiog xga- TOLiog xoLi IvvoLTog^ Ku^ioj '^vvoLTog hv 'n'0?\,f.[jicp, Agars 'nuXag ol a,g^ovTsg v[j,u)Vy xou liroLg^r^Ts ttCXoli aloovioi, xot) si<7sXey(75Ta* o ^oLcriXsvg TY^g do^Yjg. Tig l(TTiv o\)Tog ^(X(riXsvg t% Sof>j? ; K.6giog toov Suvajxscov, avTog Icrriv ovTog 6 PoL(n\sbg TYig ^o^Yjg. Psalm xxiv. 64 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. Translate and explain the following passages. *0 Se elTrev, *TjxTv ds^oron yvcovcti rot fx^vo'TYjpa tyj^ ^a,cri\elag tov Q>sov^ toI$ Ss XoiTTolg h 7ra^a/3oXa7^, 'Ivol ^XeTTOvreg fjurj /SXsTrcocr*, xal uKOvovreg ju,^ (TWiuxriv. Luke viii. 9, 10. Kat Idoi) oivdgsg dvo (TuvsXolXovv ocvtm, oUriveg Yjcav M-CJOCYig xa) *llklug' o^i 6(pUvT£C kv §o0>3, eXsyov tyjv Luke ix. 30, 81. Ei yoig (rvi/.^VTOi ysyovocfLsv ra oi^oiMfj^ccn tov SavoTOw ocvTOOy aWoL xa) T>j^ avaffracrscoj ecOjas^a, TouTO yivcocxovrej, or* 6 TraAaio^ r/jU,a;v uvSgconog (rvv- sa'TocvgdiQYi^ ^Iva KUTocgyr}$YJ to (rcoii.o(. Trig dfji^ugTloLg, tov ]u,>]X5rt dovKcVsiv rjfxoig r^ ajota^r/a* 6 ya^ aTro^avwv SsSixaiWai aTTo r^j oifji^ctgTlag. Rom. vi. 5, 6, 7. Translate the following passage. 'EyevsTO Se sv (Tol^^utoq dsvTegoTrgoiTCti ^lotTTogevsaSui OLVTQV Sia Tcwv a'7rogi[/,(tiV' kou WiWov ol [j.oc$yitol) uvtov robg (TTU^uug, kol) t^ctQiov, ^M^ovTEg ToCig %s^o"/* rtvE^ §6 Toov (pagKroiloiv eIttov avTolg^ T/ ttoisIts o ovx s^e(rTi xoisiv Iv To7; (TaSlSua-i; kol) ocTrojcgiSsig Trgog avTOvg sItsv 6 *I>j(royf5 OwSe toDto avlyvcore o eTro/rjcrg Aa/3i§, OTToVs eirsivuG-ev avTog xai ol joter* avroO ovrsg; tog 6\j/jta;v 'Irjo-otiv X^kttoi/, TOV Um OUOTOl) TOV jOCOVOySV^* (TKOTTY^O'OV OTTOOg 'lyjCTOUf, XgiG-Tog, Kot) [jiovoysvrig^ ku) vlog^ TrgoTsgov QsvTsg, Toi KOivoi TY^g ^EOTYiTog Ku) ocv^gooTTOTYiTog, cog QsfxsXlovg, ovd- ju^ara, tots tyjv TYjg svcicvQgoo7rYj(rscjog^ ku) tov TraQovg^ xai TYig ocvoLG'Taa-cCJog^ £7roiKodoixov(ri Tra^aSociV. Cyril. To xs\svj(roi5; \(Tt\v o XgKTTog. a\ §= ulgeasi: Oil rirgosigrii/.svon ovk sttIctsvov ovts 6lvu(ttolMv^ Tuc slg TYjv Yi(ji,egocv rov 'KOLfTyjx Trsgi 'Ir)jXt>^acr< ttuo'ch ccl (pvXcu (j^sToi xu) tmv sQvMV, "'E(rTYia^icra7oi tov 'Iolxod^ov IttI to TTTsgvyiov rov vctov, xa) sxgoL^av avTu xou sIttov, ^ixocis^ w izuvTzg ttsISzC-Oui 6^sl\(i[x,6V, sTTs) 6 Xaog TrXcivocrui ottIcm 'Iyj(70LJ rou (TToivgooQevrog, omoLyyziKoy yjuav rig yj ^vga rov 'Iyjcov TOV (TTUvpooUvTog' xu) otTTsxglvuTO (pcovYJ f^eyaXY}^ tI fjLs sTTsgooTOLTs 'TTsg) *\y}TOv tov vlou TOV uvQgwT^ov ; xoc) avTog xocQyitoh sv T(Z ovgavM sx ^s^^wv TYjg jiteyaAij? h)VOifj.ECtig xou [jisXXsi sg^eo'Qai stt) TUiV vs^sXoov tov ovgoLVOv, xoLi ttoXXoqv TrXYigo^ogrj^evToov, xa) h^otl^ovTCJOV STt) T^ [/.OtgTVgiCC tov *\oLXM^OV^ XOU XByOVTOOV (ti(TOLVV0i t« ulf Aa/3jS, TOTS itolKiv o\ avTo\ ygoc[ji.fLocTsig xou ^ctgio-ouoi Trgog ctKkriXovg eAsyov xocxwg eTroiYja-ufLev, TOiciVTYiv [jLotgTvgioLV TroigoLC^ovTsg tm'1yi(tov' otXXoi olvoL" ^uvTsg, xoura^otKooi^BV avTOv^ hoc (polSYjQevTsg [ji,r} 'ttig-tsv- cru)(riv ocvTu' xca exgoc^ocv XsyovTsg' do co, xoc) 6 dlxociog sTrXocvYj^Yi. Koc) 67rKr)got)(rocy tyjv ypoc^Yjv tyjv Iv Ta 'Ha-ocioL ysypci(jt.iJt.svr}V' ugoofjLsv tov dixociov^ oti dvc- X^W^^S Tli"'*^ IcTTi* Toivvv Toi ysvVY)(JiciToc Twv egycov ocvTwv (fayovToci. ocvoc^ocvTsg ovv xoctej3ocXov tov dixociov, xu) sKsyov ocXkYjXoig' XiQa,(7oi)[/.sv 'locxoo^ov tov ^Ixcuov. xoc) Yig^avTO AiSa^siv uvtov^ stts* xocTocfikriQsig ovx octts- 96 APPENDIX. davsv, aXXa (TTgot^eig s^yjxe ra ydvaroc Ksycjov' iraqoL" xaXw, xw^/e dee Trare^, aipe^ auroij* oy ya^ oSa(rt t/ TTOiOtJcriV. oStco 8e KCiTaXi$of3oXo6vToov aurov, el; rwv te^eojv Tcwv ulwv *P>};^a/3 utoO *Pa^a/3e}ju. tcov fjLUQTV- gov[ji.svcjov VTTO ^legsfj^lou tov Trgo^yjTOv, SKgu^s Xsyoov* 'jru6(TOi(7^s' tI TTOieTre; sv^sron VTTsg vf^ctiV 6 lUuiog, xat Xot^oov ns oLW cumthv elg rcuv yvoL5J TO\t ^iKociov. xat ovTcag Ijaa^rw^yjo'ev xai eda\I/av uvtov stt] TOO TOTTCpy xat 6Tl UVTOV Yj (TTYjKyI [XSVSl TTUgci TOO VCCM, ^agTv; ovTog uKYjQ^g 'lovlotloig ts koli "'EiX\ri(n ysye- vYjTotty OTi 'lyjcrou; o ^gicTTog sg-tiv. xat ev^vg Ovs