UC-NRLF B 2 T=io 3M5 General Orders BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT City and County of/ San Francisco. (! rbiiiiincts of larl! Commisstimtrs. SAN FKAN CISCO : P. J. Thomas, Printer, 505 Clay Street, 1884. GIFT OF Mrs, Bernard xMoses m-^^ 5e> w. ^ rv^'-t* O'lrAX'^^^.^^xJL^ General Orders BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT City and County of San Francisco. ftrtmances d ^aii Commissioners SAN FRANCISCO : P. J. Thomas, Printer, 505 Clay Street, 1884. f* * 6.U i H.a.'1?>e....l M OS€S ANALYSIS General Srders ef Beard ef Superviser^ CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO. NO. OF OBDEB. CHARACTER. 911 966 1339 1357 1550 1587 1588 1589 1590 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1611 1615 1625 1652 1664 1687 1694 1704 1727 1738 1750 1752 1755 1764 1766 1767 State Map, Salt Marsh and Title Lands Official Map adopted Regulating delivery of Water and providing for flushing Sewers Rules for Delivery of Water in Case of Fire, etc Duplicate payments of Taxes to be paid into C. and C. Treasury. Nuisances, Misdemeanors, etc Streets, etc Licenses Repairs on Streets and Sidewalks Numbering Houses Unclaimed Property Public Property and Prisoners Public Pound Public Health, etc Hospital, Almhouse, House of Correction Police Department Vehicles, etc.. Opium, Prohibiting Sale without License Shooting Galleries, relating to Gas from Crude Petroleum Garbage, etc., on Streets Uses of Streets for Laying Pipes Bells on Street Cars Removal of Dead Animals Erection of Street Guides Lepers Prohibited from Landing Injury to Public Fountains Protection against Fire Reconstruction of Wooden Sewers Opium, prohibited in Public Institutions . . Peddling Theater Tickets Laundry Order 161 162 163 165 166 12 39 70 57 61 99 8 94 101 107 1 63 167 169 170 171 172 175 177 179 181 183 120 184 187 187 188 743491 GENERAL ORDERS. OEDEE No. 1,603; EELATING TO THK POLICE DEPARTMENT. The People of the City and County of San Francisco do ordain as follows: [Permanent Police Force.] Section 1. The Permanent Police Force shall consist of five Captains of Police, and four hundred Police Officers. [Police Office and Police Stations.] Section 2. The Chief of Police shall keep his office in the Old City Hall. There shall be one Police Station at the Old City Hall, provided with cells for the detention and safe-keeping of prisoners. There shall be a Police Station at — The New City Hall; also, at or near Davis and Pacific streets; Steuart and Folsom streets; Fourth and Folsom streets; Seventeenth and Howard streets; Polk and Jackson streets; [Register of Arrests and Entries, how made.] Section 3. The Chief of Police shall provide and cause to be kept at the Police Station in the City Hall, by the officer in charge, a Register of Arrests. Upon such register there shall be entered a statement, showing, in a clear and distinct manner, the date and hour of such arrest, the name of the per- son arrested, the name of the officer making the arrest, the name of the complaining witness and his place of residence, the offense charged, and a description of any property found upon or in possession of the person arrested. 2 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE [Transcript of Entries.] Section 4. The Chief of Police shall cause to be made out and delivered to the Police Judge, at or before nine o'clock in the forenoon of every day, Sundays excepted, an exact transcript of all the entries made in the Kegister of Arrests since the last preceding report. Such transcript shall be headed, " Office Chief of Police — Daily Report," and shall be truly dated and certi- fied by the Chi*?f of Police, or Captain in charge, to be correct. rP.ook for ■'ilntry of Nuisances and Violation of Orders.] Section 5. The Chief of Police shall provide and keep in his office a book, open and accessible to every citizen, wherein notice may be given of the existence of any nuisance, or the violation of any law or any order of the Board of Supervisors. [ Book for Entering Information of Offenses Committed, and to whom accessible.] Section 6. The Chief of Police shall provide and keep in his office a book wherein shall be entered daily all the information he may receive re- specting o£fenses committed, of suspected persons or places, of property stolen, the name of the officer, if any, on duty where any offense shall have been committed, and every other fact and circumstance that may lead to the arrest of criminals, or the recovery of stolen property. Such book shall be accessible only to the Police Judge, District Attorney, Assistant District At- torney and Mayor. [Police not to Visit Saloons, etc, while on Duty.] Section 7. No Police Officer shall, while on duty, visit any drinking saloon, house of ill-fame, theater, circus, or other place of business or amuse- ment, except he be in the discharge of his duty. [Police Uniforms and Badges.] Section 8. The Chief of Police, and all Officers of the Permanent Police Force shall provide themselves with uniforms and badges of office, which shall be worn by them upon all occasions, with such exceptions, on the part of officers performing detective duty, as may be permitted by the Chief of Police. [Police UniforniS and Badges Described.] Section 9. The full dress of the members of the Police Force shall be of blue cloth, indigo-dyed, and all wool, and shall be as follows: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 3 For the Chief — The dress shall be a double-breasted frock coat, the waist to extend to the top of the hip and the skirt to within one inch of the bend of 'the knee; two rows of Police buttons on the breast, eight in each row, placed in pairs, the distance between each row five and one-half inches at the top and three and one-half inches at the bottom; stand up collar, to rise no higher ^han to permit the chin to torn freely over it, to hook in front at the bottom; •cuffs three and one half inches deep, and to button with three small buttons at the under seam; two buttons on the hips, one button on the bottom of each skirt-pocket welt, and two buttons intermediate, so that there will be six buttons on the back; collars and cuffs to be of dark blue velvet; lining of the coat black; the pantaloons plain; black neck-cloth and white collar; the vest single-breasted, with eight. buttons placed at equal distances. For Captains — The same as for the Chief, except that there will be eight buttons in each row on the breast of the coat, placed at equal distances, the collar rolling; the collar and cuffs of the same color and material as the coat; the wreath on the hat to enclose the word " Captain," in gold. Eor Sergeants and Corporals— Such members of the Police Force as may- be detailed by the Chief of Police to act as Sergeants and Corporals shall wear the same uniform as patrolmen, with an appropriate chevron. For Police Officers— The dress shall be a single-breasted frock coat, with rolling collar, the waist to extend to the hip and the skirt to within one inch of the bend of the knee; nine buttons on the breast, two buttons on the hips, two buttons on the bottom of each pocket, and three small buttons on the under seam of the cuffs; pantaloons plain; white shirt collar; black neck cloth; vest single-breasted, with nine buttons placed at equal distances. The overcoat shall be of blue cloth, indigo-dyed, double-breasted, rolling collar, waist to extend one inch below the hip, skirt to three inches below the bend of the knee, swell-edge stitched one-fourth of an inch from the edge. Captains will have eight police buttons on each breast, six on back and skirt, and three on the cuffs. Patrolmen will have nine police buttons on each breast, four on the back and skirt, and two on the cuffs. All buttons on the breast of double-breasted coats shall be placed in two rows at a distance between rows of 7 inches at top and 3^ inches at bottom, measured from centers, and in such a manner as to form, when the coat is buttoned, direct lines from top to bottom. The cloth to be used in the uniforms to be manufactured by the Pioneer Woolen Mills, and none other . Said cloth shall be made with white labor, .and shall be blue, indigo-dyed, manufactured of the best California wool, fifty-four inches in width, and the cloth to be used for coats and vests shall weigh not less than twenty-seven nor more than thirty ounces per yard. The <;loth to be used in. the overcoats and pantaloons shall be blue, indigo-dyed, fifty-four inches in width, and weigh not more than thirty ounces per yard, and in quality, texture and color to be the same as the sample in the hands of the Police Commissioners, and to be furnished and supplied by said Pioneer 4 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE Woolen Mills, at their depot, in said city and county, to the members of the Police Department, and none other, on the order of the Clerk of the Police Commissioners. Badges and Stars— The Captains and Ojfficers of Police shall wear the badges and stars now respectively worn by them. Hats — The Captains and Officers of Police shall each wear a black hat, similar in shape and style to the sample hat now in the possession of the- Chief of Police. Buttons — Shall be the regulation police buttons, the same as the sample adopted by this Board. Clubs — Shall be the same as the sample club now kept in the office of the Chief of Police. Uniforms — Each member of the Police Force is required to procure a uni- form which shall in all respects correspond mutatis mutandis with the standard suit now in the office of the Chief of Police. Any garment not made according to the standard shall be rejected by the Chief. [False Eepresentation of being a Police Oflacer or Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Coroner or Member of the Fire Department, and Penalty.] Section 10. No person shall falsely represent himself to be a Police Cap- tain or Police Officer, Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Coroner or Member of the Fire Department, or shall wear any Police, Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Coroner or Fire Department badge, with intent to deceive, or shall use any signs, badges or devices used by the Police Department, Sheriff's or Coroner's office* or by the Fire Department, with intent as aforesaid. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars, nor more than five hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail not less than twenty-five days nor more than three months. [As amended March 28th, 1883, by order No. 1712.] [Probibltion againot Police Discharging Persons from Custody.] Section 11. Neither the Chief of Police, nor any Captain of Police or Police Officer, shall discharge any person arrested from custody, except by order of the Police Judge or other competent authority. [Duties of Police Captains.] Section 12. It shall be the duty of each Police Captain to enter in a book the name of each Police Officer under his charge; to note with exactitude any^ BOAED OF SUPERVISOKS. 5 and every absence from duty of any policeman ; to make a return monthly to the Chief of Police of the days and nights which each man has been on duty, and the days and hours he may have been absent, and to report to the Chief of Police any neglect of duty and any violation of the rules of the Depart- ment, on the part of any Police Oflficer. [Police Officers not to Solicit Business for Attorneys.] Section 13. It shall be unlawful for any Captain of Police, Police Officer, Prison Keeper, Local Police Officer, or any other person connected with the Police Department, to solicit from any person legal business, or the defense or prosecution of, or for any case pending or about to be pending in any court in said city and county, for any person practicing law; or to urge or recom- mend, or suggest to any person, whether in legal detention or not, that any particular person practicing law should be employed for the defense or prose- cution of such person or any other person. XOfficers must enter Name and Charge at once, and notify Attorney requested by Prisoner.] Section 14. It shall be the duty of every Police Officer, or person con- nected with the Police Department making the arrest of any person, or con- fining any person in the City or other Prison, to enter or cause to be entered the name of such person in the Register of Arrests; the charge upon which such person has been arrested or is detained, and the place and time of such arrest, together with the name of the officer making such arrest or such detention, which book shall be kept in the main prison, and it shall be the duty of such officer or person so making such arrest or detention, if he shall be requested so to do by the person so arrested or detained, to notify at once any attorney at law designated by said person, and having an office in said city and county, that said person so detained wants to see him; said notifica- tion may be either personal or by notice left at the office of said attorney. The person so notified shall have the right, and it shall be the duty of the person having charge of the place of such detention, to permit such person to confer at once with the person so detained and who has desired to see him. [Penalty.] Section 15. Any officer or person mentioned in Section 13 of this Order, who violates anj^ of the x)ro visions of Sections 13 or 14 of this Order, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail not less than twenty-five days nor more ihan one hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. b GENERAL ORDERS OF THE [Suspension of Police Oflacers by Chief.] Section 16. The Chief of Police shall have power to suspend from duty any Police Captain or Police Officer (regular or local) who may be charged by a Police Captain in his report, or by a citizen in a verified complaint, with neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, inefficiency or official misconduct. In case of charges brought to the notice of the Chief of Police against any Police Captain or Police Officer (regular or local), by any person, which, in his judgment, do not require the immediate supension of the person charged, he shall, within twenty-four hours thereafter, furnish to the Board of Police Commissioners a copy of such charges, with the name of the person making the same. As soon thereafter as convenient, they shall examine into the truth of said charges, if in their judgment the circumstances require it, and if, on investigation and trial of the offender, the charges be sustained, they shall inflict such punishment as the case may merit. [Suspension; Charges to be furnished and Copy served on Accused.] Section 17. In case of the suspension of a Police Captain or Police Offi- cer, the Chief of Police shall, within twenty-four hours after such suspen- sion, furnish to the Police Commissioners written charges against the Captain or Officer suspended, specifying the grounds of suspension, and within the same time shall cause to be served upon the accused a copy of such charges. [Trial of Charges by Police Commissioners.] Section 18. Within one week after the Board of Police Commissioners- shall be furnished* by the Chief of Police with written charges against any Police Captain or Police Officer, the Police Commissioners shall fix a time for the trial of such charges, and notify the accused thereof, which time shall not be less than two days, nor more than two weeks thereafter. At the time appointed, the Police Commissioners shall meet and proceed to hear, con- sider and decide upon such charges. The accused shall have the right to defend in person and by. counsel. The President of the Board of Police Commissioners shall have power to issue subpoenas, to compel the attend- ance of witnesses, to administer oaths, and, by and with the consent of the other Police Commissioners, to punish for contempt. [Rendition of Decision upon Charges.] Section 19. Within ten days after the conclusion of the hearing provided for in Section 18, the Police Commissioners shall render their decision upon the charges made : • ^ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 7 If the accused be found not guilty of any offense or misconduct, or any inefficiency specified in the charges, he shall be reinstated; If guilty, he may be suspended or removed from office, in the discretion of the said Commissioners; . If he be reinstated by the Commissioners, he shall be entitled to his pay the same as if he had not been suspended; If he be suspended, he shall not be entitled to pay during the time his suspension shall continue; If he be removed from office, his pay shall cease from the time of his sus- pension. [Police Commissioners may Appoint and Regulate Local Policemen.] Section 20. In addition to the Kegular Police Officers allowed by law, the Board of Police Commissioners are authorized and empowered to appoint Local Policemen, upon the petition of citizens and property owners who may desire their services, whenever in the judgment of said Commissioners the necessities of said city and county require such appointments to be made, and to make and prescribe rules and regulations for their government, pro- vided they shall receive no pay from said city and county. [Police Ofllcers to be Detailed to Attend at Public Thoroughfares.] Section 21. First. — It shall be lawful for the Chief of Police to select from the Police Force, and designate and appoint a sufficient number of Police Officers to attend on public thoroughfares of said city and county, and con- trol the movement and order the stoppage of vehicles and animals on said thoroughfares, in order that pedestrians who may be passing or repassing, crossing or recrossing said public thoroughfares, may pass and repass, cross and recross the same with safety. [Police Officers to Control the Movement of Vehicles and Animals over Public Thoroughfares.) Second — It shall be lawful for every such Police Officer as shall be selected, designated and appointed by the Chief of Police, as aforesaid, to attend on the public thoroughfares of said city and county, and to control the move - ment and order the stoppage of vehicles and animals on sach thoroughfare, to the end that pedestrians may pass and repass, cross and recross said thoroughfares with safety. [Persons having Control of Vehicles or Animals to obey Orders of Police Officers in Public Thoroughfares.] Third— It shall be the duty of every person driving, using, having the con- trol of any vehicle or animal on the public thoroughfares of said city and 8 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE county, to obey the order of any such designated Police Officer, in regard to moving or stoj^ping any such vehicle or animal on such thoroughfare; and any person driving, using or having the control of any vehicle or animal on the public thoroughfares of said city and county, who shall refuse or neg- lect to obey any order given by such designated officer in regard to moving or stopping any vehicle or animal under his control, shall be demed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished accordingly. [Prohibiting the Carrying of Concealed Deadly Weapons.] Section 22. It shall be unlawful for any person, not being a public officer or traveller, or not having a permit from the Police Commissioners of this city and county, to wear or carry concealed, in this city and county, any pis- tol, dirk or other dangerous or deadly weapon. Every person violating any of the provisions of this Order shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished accordingly. Such persons and no others shall be termed " travelers," within the meaning of this Order, as may be actually engaged in making a journey at the time. The Police Commissioners may grant written permission to any peaceable person, whose profession or occupation may require him to be out at late hours of the night, to carry concealed deadly weapons for his own protection. In Board of Supervisors, San Francisco, September 13, 1880. After having been published five successive days, according to law, taken up and passed by the following vote : Ayes — Supervisors Schottler, Mason, Litchfield, "Whitney, Eastman, Eraser, Taylor, Doane, Bayly, Torrey. Absent — Supervisors Drake, Stetson. JNO. A. KUSSELL, Clerk. Approved, San Francisco, September 17, 1880. I. S. KALLOCH, Mayor and ex-officio President of the Board of Supervisors. OEDEE No. 1,599. BELATING TO THE CAEE OF PUBLIC PROPEETY. The People of the City and County of San Francisco do ordain as follows: [Charge of Public Property— Duty of Superintendent of Streets.] Section 1. The Superintendent of Public Streets, Highways and Squares shall have the charge and supervision, under the direction of the Mayor and BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 9 Board of SuiDervisors, of all public buildings, streets, highways, bridges, parks, squares, lots and grounds; and it shall be his duty to protect the same against all intrusion, trespass and injury, and to make all necessary repairs and improvements thereon not otherwise provided by law or by order of the Board of Supervisors. [Employment of Prison Laborers, and how obtained— Escaping, etc.] Section 2. All persons confined in the City Prison, County Jail, or House of Correction, under a judgment of imprisonment rendered in a crim- inal action or proceeding, shall be, and are hereby, required to perform labor on the public works or ways in this city and county . The Chief of Police is hereby authorized and directed, whenever and as often as he shall deem necessary, to make requisition on the Sheriff, or the Superintendent of the House of Correction, for the services of persons who may be in the County Jail or House of Correction, under sentence of im- prisonment, to perform such labor as may from time to time be necessary in the City Prison, including the cooking of the food for the prisoners therein confined and the daily cleaning of said prison; and said Sheriff and Super- intendent of the House of Correction shall furnish as many of said persons, under sentences of imprisonment, as may from time to time be required by said Chief of Police. The Sherifi^, or Superintendent of the House of Correction, shall furnish as many of said prisoners, under sentence of imprisonment, as may from time to time be required by the Mayor, under a written order to perform the labor or work to be designated in said order; and said Sherifif, and Superin- tendent of the House of Correction, shall furnish a sufficient number of guards for the safe-keeping of said prisoners, to enforce the performance of the duties and work assigned to and required of the said prisoners, and pre- vent them from escapinf^ while at work, and while going from and returning to their place of confinement. All prisoners employed on the public works and ways shall be kept at work from the first of October to the first of April, in each year, nine hours each day, and from the first of April to the first of October, in each year, at least ten hours each day. Any prisoner employed outside of the City Prison and County Jail on any public work, who escapes while so employed, or while going to or returning from said public work, is guilty of a misdemeanor. [Walking upon or Injuring Grass, Trees, etc., in Public Park or Plaza, and Penalty.] Section 3. No person shall walk or step upon any grass plat, or injure or remove or destroy any grass, flowers, trees or shrubbery, or lie or sleep upon any chair, bench or seat in any improved public park or plaza. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty 10 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE of a misdemeanor; and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail not more than three months. [Permitting Dog to enter Park, and Penalty.] Section 4. No person owning or having the care or control of any dog: shall suffer or permit such dog to enter any improved public park or plaza. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty dollars. And any policeman may kill a dog found within the inclosure of any such public park or plaza,, or such dog may be impounded. [Public Squares, when Open.] Section 5. Portsmouth, Washington, Union and Columbia Squares shall be opened at seven o'clock in the morning and closed at sunset every day. [Placing Fence on Public Property, and Penalty.] • Section 6. No person shall build, put or keep any fence of any descriptibnt upon or around, in whole or in part, any public square, park, place, ground or any other public property, or put, place, erect, have or keep on any such public square, park, place, ground or other public property any building, erection or obstruction, article or thing whatsoever, without the previous con- sent of the Board of Supervisors. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail not less than twenty days nor more than three months. Every day such fence, building or obstruction is maintained or suffered to remain thereon, after notice has been received from the Superintendent of Public Streets, Highways and Squares to remove the same, shall constitute a. new offense and be punished accordingly. [Nuisances, etc., upon Streets, etc. Proviso— Chief of Police to Enforce Provisions.] Section 7. No occupant of any premises within the City and County shall place, maintain or continue, or permit to be placed, maintained or continued upon the roadway or sidewalk of the street, lane, alley, place or court in front of such premises, any hay, grain, coal, or any rubbish, dirt, garbage, or any nuisance, for any period of time whatever. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 11 Nor permit any team or vehicle to be driven or backed upon the sidewalk in front of such premises, unless the same shall be so backed or driven inta said premises over a regularly constructed entrance way provided f5r that purpose, to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets; provided, this section shall not be deemed to apply to goods, wares- or merchandise in actual course of receipt, delivery or removal on streets lying east of the east line of Kearny street, including that portion of Market street lying east of Kearny street; also on streets lying east of the west line of Second street; but in such portion of the City and County herein described where goods, wares or merchandise are placed upon the sidewalk, they shall be so placed as to afford foot passengers free and unobstructed passage over at least one-half of the official width of the sidewalk. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Section shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars, or by im- prisonment not more than one month or by both such fine and imprisonment. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to carry out the provisions of this Section, and to cause the arrest of all persons violating any of the pro- visions thereof. [As amended December 11th, 1883, by Order 1749.] [Providing Punishment for Prisoners who Kef use to Labor on the Public Works.] Section 8. Any person undergoing or serving out a term of imprisonment in the County Jail of this city and county, under a judgment of imprison- ment rendered in a criminal action or proceeding, who refuses to labor, or does not labor on the public works or ways, when so required, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. The Sheriff is hereby empowered and required to feed any refractory pris- oner or prisoners on a diet of bread and water during the time that such pris- oner or prisoners refuse to labor, or does not labor on said public works when required, or otherwise violate the discipline of the jail, and to inflict upon such prisoner or prisoners such other and additional punishment by solitary confinement as may be deemed necessary and proper in the judg- ment of the Committee on Health and Police, during the time that such prisoner or prisoners remain refractory. Each and every male prisoner incarcerated or imprisoned in the County Jail of this city and county, under and pursuant to a judgment or conviction had by any court having jurisdiction of criminal cases in this city and county^ shall, immediately upon their arrival at said County Jail, under and pursu- ant to a judgment or sentence as aforesaid, have the hair of their head cut or clipped to a uniform length of one inch from the scalp thereof . It shall be and is hereby made the duty of the Sheriff to have enforced the provisions of this Order. [Section]. In Board of Supervisors, San Francisco, September 13, 1880. 12 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE After having been published five successive days, according to law, taken tip and passed by the following vote : Ayes— Supervisors Schottler, Mason, Litchfield, Whitney, Eastman, Fraser, Taylor, Doane, Bayly, Torrey. Absent— Supervisors Drake, Stetson. JNO. A. RUSSELL, Clerk. Approved, San Francisco, September 17, 1880. I. S. KALLOCH, Mayor and ex-ojBdcio President Board of Supervisors. OEDER NO. 1,587. 2»B0HIBITING OFFENSIVE TRADES, OCCUPATIONS AND NUISANCES, AND DEFINING MISDEMEANOBS. The People of the City and County of San Francisco do ordain as follows : [Penalty.] Section 1. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Order shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both «uch fine and imprisonment. [Slaughter Houses, Hog Ranches, Tallow Factories, etc. Still Slops and Unwholesome Milk, etc.] Section 2. No person shall: Establish or maintain any slaughter house ; Slaughter cattle, ho^s, calves, sheep, or any other kind of animals; Pursue, maintain or carry on any other business or occupation offensive to ^he senses, or prejudicial to the public health or comfort; Within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco, except \\ithin that tract of land described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly line of Kentucky street with the southwesterly liue of First .avenue; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly line of First avenue to the northwesterly line of I street; thence southwesterly along the north- westerly line of I street to the southwesterly line of Seventh avenue; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of Seventh avenue to the south- easterly line of Railroad avenue; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 13 line of Kailroad avenue to Kentucky street; thence northerly along the easterly line of Kentucky street to the southwesterly line of First avenue and place of commencement. Within the tract of land last aforesaid no person shall keep any number of hogs or other animals in such a manner as to be offensive to the senses or prejudicial to the public health or comfort. No person shall : Render tallow; Within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco, except within the tract of land bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly line of Kentucky street and the southwesterly line of First avenue, thence southeasterly along the line of First avenue to I street; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of I street to the bay shore; thence westerly along the line of the bay shore to the southeasterly line of Eailroad avenue; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of Eailroad avenue to Kentucky street; thence northerly along the easterly line of Kentucky street to First avenue and place of com- mencement. No person shall: Peed, or cause to be fed, to any milch cow any still slops or other food calculated to render the milk of such cow unwholesome, or unsuitable for human food; Sell, deliver, supply or furnish to any person any milk from any cow fed in whole or in part upon still slops, or other food calculated to render the milk of such cow unwholesome and unsuitable for human food; Sell, deliver or supply to any person any milk from any sick or diseased cow. (As amended January 3, 1883, by Order No. 1706.) [To Prohibit the Maintenance of Hospitals within certain limits.] Section 3. No person or association shall keep, erect or maintain any hos- pital within that portion of the City and County bounded by a line commenc- ing at the intersection of Lewis and Laguna streets; thence along the easterly line of Laguna street to Market street; thence along the line of Market street to Guerrero street; thence along the easterly line of Guerrero street ta Twenty-sixth street; thence along the northerly line of Twenty-sixth street to Potrero avenue; thence along the westerly line of Potrero avenue to Channel street; thence along the line of Channel street to the water front; thence along the water front to Laguna street, the point of beginning. This Sestion shall not prohibit the maintenance of hospitals established on or before the first day of January, 1874, or physicians from maintaining rooms for the accommodation and treatment of their private patients. 14 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE [Privy-vaults, Drains, etc., to be Connected with Street Seweis, and Traps Constructed.] Section 4. No person shall construct or maintain, or suffer to be or remain upon his or her premises, or premises under his or her control, any privy, or privy vault, cesspool, sink or drain, without connecting the same by means of cement, iron-stone or iron-pipe, with the street sewer, in such a manner that it shall be effectually drained and purified, if there be a sewer in the street on which said premises may be situated with which the same can be connected. Every drain or branch sewer hereafter constructed which shall connect with a dwelling-house or building, or with any privy, privy vault or cesspool, shall be constructed of cement, iron-stone or iron, and be provided with some apparatus or means by which such drain or branch sewer may be effectually flushed and cleansed; and shall also be provided with a trap or ap- paratus which will effectually prevent the escape of gases from the sewer into such dwelling-house, building, privy, privy vault or cesspool, which trap or apparatus shall, in all cases, when practicable, be placed under the sidewalk and be so constructed and placed that it can be readily and conveniently ex- amined and inspected. (As amended March 30, 1882, by Order No. 1666.) [Privy- vaults, Construction of.] Section 5. No person shall construct, without the consent in writing of the Health Officer, any privy-vault on premises belonging to him or under his control, unless the walls and bottom of such vault be of stone or brick, laid in cement, and at least eight inches in thickness. [Privies, etc., when Foul or Offensive, a Nuisance.] Section 6. No person shall suffer or permit any premises belonging to or occupied by him, or any cellar, yault, privy, pool, sewer or private drain thereon or therein, to become nauseous, foul or offensive, and prejudicial to public health or public comfort . [Night Carts— Use, etc.— Leaky or Uncovered Swill Carts, etc.] Section 7.— No person shall remove, transfer or transport any part of the contents of any privy, vault, well, sink or cesspool within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco, through any of the streets, avenues or public places of said City and County, except the same be removed and transported by means of an air-tight apparatus, or in such a manner as shall prevent the contents of said privy, vault, sink, well or cesspool from being agitated or exposed in the open air during said process of removal or trans- portation. No person shall remove the contents of any privy, vault, well, sink or cesspool until a permit shall have first been obtained from the Super- intendent of Public Streets. Such permit shall be carried by the persons BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 15 doing such work, and a copy thereof by each person using any vehicle in the performance of such work, and such permit or copy thereof shall be exhib- ited on demand of any police officer. Nor use any cart for the conveyance or removal of swill, garbage or filth, at any time, unless the same be per- fectly staunch, tight and closely covered with a wooden cover, so as to wholly prevent leakage or smell. Nor use any cart for the conveyance or removal of manure or rubbish unless the same is so constructed and has a canvas cover securely fastened over the top of said cart, to prevent the deposit of such manure or rubbish, in whole or in part, in or upon the streets through vs^hich said cart may be driven. (As amended January 6, 1883, by Order 1708.) \ [Providing for the Contents of Privies, Vaults and Cesspools, etc., being deposited in Lighters and dumped in the Bay.] Section 8, No person, company or corporation shall deposit or dump, or cause to bo deposited or dumped, the contents of any privy, vault or cess- pool, or animal matter, or other like matter, upon any lands within the limits of this city and county, or dump or deposit the same from any wharf or bulk- head on the water front of this city and county, except the same be dumped or deposited in a lighter, barge or vessel so constructed as to prevent the escape of noxious gases or odors, detrimental to the public health or comfort. No such lighter, barge or vessel shall remain within two hundred (200) yards of any wharf or bulkhead for a longer period than forty-eight (48) hours before their contents are removed and deposited in the channel of the Bay of San Francisco, at least two thousand (2,000) yards from shore. [Night Carts under Control of Superintendent.] Skcjtion 0. All "night carts" shall be under the control of the Superin- tendent of Public Streets, Highways and Squares; and the said Superin- tendent may, for good cause, revoke any permit granted by him. [Prohibiting the Carrying of Business Signs, etc., or Posting or Painting Advertisements without the Consent of the Owner of Premises, Defacing Bills, etc.] Section 10. No person shall: 1. Upon any sidewalk, carry, bear or support any banner, sign, transpar- ency, framework, device or emblem, intended, or tending or purporting to be used as an advertisement or publication of any trade, profession or business, place of business, office, store or occupation; or 2. Cause or permit to be carried, hauled or drawn on any dray, wagon or other vehicle, on any public street of this city and county, any banner, trans- 16 GENERAX. ORDERS OF THE parency or framework, intended, or tending or purporting to be used as an advertisement or publication of any amusement or exhibition, place of amusement or exhibition; or 3. On any dray, wagon or vehicle upon the public streets, play or partici- pate in any exhibition or performance, or beat upon a gong or gongs, or play upon any musical instrument, or make any noise having a tendency to frighten torses upon the public streets. 4. Post, stick, stamp, paint or otherwise affix, or cause to be posted, stuck, stamped, painted or otherwise affixed, any bill, poster, notice or adver- tisement, to or upon any house or part thereof, wall, fence, gate-post, side- walk, trees or boxes around trees, in any part of the city and county, without first obtaining permission in writing of the owner, agent or occupant of the premises so to do. Any person or firm whose posters, notices or advertisements are stamped, painted or affixed to or upon any house, wall, fence, gate, sidewalk, trees or boxes around trees, in this city and county, shall, upon the request of the owner, agent or occupant of the premises where such poster, notice or advertisement may be stamped, painted or affixed, remove or cause to be removed the same, within five days from such notice. No person shall obliterate, deface, remove or destroy a notice, advertise*- ment or bill, lawfully posted by a licensed bill-paster, within a period of ten days after the same shall have been pasted; Provided, that the date of said posting shall be intelligibly written, stamped^ printed or painted on said notice, bill or advertisement. [To Prohibit the Haialing of Loads exceeding ten thousand pounds in weight, and to Regulate the Width of the Tires of certain Vehicles.] Section 11. No person shall cause or permit to be carried, hauled, or drawn on any truck, dray, or other vehicle belonging to him, or in his charge, or under his control, any load exceeding ten thousand pounds in weight; provided, the hauling or moving of a single article weighing more than ten thousand pounds, which cannot be divided or reduced in weight, shall not be prohibited by this section: No person shall cause or permit to be carried, hauled or drawn on any truck, dray, or other vehicle belonging to him, or in his charge, or under his control, any load exceeding four thousand pounds in weight, unless the tirea to the wheels of such truck, dray or other vehicle shall be at least four inches in width, when a load exceeding four thousand pounds, and not ex- ceeding seven thousand pounds, is carried; and at least five (5) inches in width, when a load exceeding seven thousand pounds, and not exceeding ten thousand pounds, is carried. BOAKD OF SUPERYISOES. 17 fWashlng Animals and Vehicles, and repairing Vehicles on Streets -within certain limits prohibited.] Section 12. No person shall wash, or cause to be washed, any horse, mule, or other animal, or any carriage or any other vehicle in any public street in this city and county, east of the line of Van Ness avenue to Market street; thence along the southwesterly line of Market street to Ninth street; thence along the northeasterly line of Ninth street to the Bay, between the hours of eighf o'clock a. m. and ten o'clock p. m. No person shall construct or repair any wheeled vehicle, or the wheels or tires of any vehicle, upon a public street within the limits mentioned in this section. [Standing of Vehicles on Public Streets, Lanes, etc.] Section 13. No person owning, driving, or having control of any wheeled vehicle, excepting hand-carts, shall allow the same to stand or remain, while unharnessed, for more than one hour, at any time between the hours of day- light in the morning and sunset, on any sidewalk or public ground, or in any public street, lane, alley, place or court, within the limits mentioned in sec- tion twelve of this chapter. [Horses afflicted with Glanders.] Section 14. First — Any person who shall keep or have in his possession, within this city and county, any horse afflicted with the disease known as the glanders, shall, within twenty-four hours after having knowledge or being notified thereof by any person, kill and bury the same, or remove it without the limits of this city and county. [Prohibiting the Sale or Use of Animals having Glanders or any Infectious Disease.] Second — Any person who shall knowingly sell, or cflfer for sale, or use, or expose, or who shall cause, or procure to be sold, or offered for sale, or used, or to be exposed, any horse, or other animal, having the disease known as glanders, or farcy, or any other contagious or infectious disease, by such per- son known to be dangerous to human life, or which shall be diseased past recovery, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [Animals having Glanders or Farcy to be deprived of Life.] Third — Every animal having glanders or farcy shall at once be deprived of life by the owner, or person having charge thereof, upon discovery or knowl- edge of its condition; and any such owner or person omitting or refusing to comply with the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemf anor. 18 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE (Horses, etc., must be fastened, and Wheels locked - Fastening to Lamp Post, Hydrants and Trees forbidden —Trucks, Drays and Carts must have Lock-chains.] Skction 15. No person having or using any animal: Shall leave the same without securely fastening the same, except it be attached to a dray, truck or water cart ; or, if attached to a dray, truck or water cart, shall leave such animal without first securely locking the wheels of the vehicle to which it is attached. No person shall: • Hitch or fasten any animal to, or paste any placard or notice npon, or otherwise destroy or injure any lamp-post, hydrant, or any growing or living tree, or any box or case around such tree; Drive or use any truck, dray, cart, or water-cart, without having attached to the body thereof a suitable chain for locking the wheels thereof. Auy animal hitched or fastened, or left unfastened, in violation of this sec- tion may be impounded. {Injuring Public Lamp Posts or Street Guides— Extinguishing Lights— Vehicles or Beasts of Burden on Sidewalks or Street Crossings; and Prohibiting Street Cars from Obstruct- ing Street Crossings — or Ring Bells or Gongs when not in Motion.] Section 16. No person shall: Break or injure any public lamp-post; extinguish during the night any public light, or any light maintained at any place for public convenience or safety, or in compliance with any of the provisions of law or the orders of the Board of Supervisors, except he be authorized so to do, remove, or cause the removal of any street guide, or any portion thereof, from any public lamp- post; obliterate, deface, destroy or interftre with any street guide, or any portion thereof, upon or attached to any public lamp-post. Drive, wheel or draw upon any public sidewalk any vehicle, except hand- carriages for children. No person having the charge or control of any beast of burden shall cause or permit the same to stand or go upon any public sidewalk or to stand upon any street crossing, or upon the crosswalks thereof, or so near a street crossing or the crosswalks thereof as to obstruct the same; nor shall any driver, engineer or conductor of any street car permit such car to stop or re- main upon any street crossing or upon the crosswalks thereof so as in any manner to obstruct the travel over such crossing or crosswalks; provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall not apply to cable lines, where the grade of the street is such that the car cannot be stopped beyond a cross- ing on account of the incline of the street. No bell or gong of any street car shall be rung or sounded when such car is not in motion, except for the purpose of giving the usual signal for start- ing, nor shall such starting siguai be sounded unless for the purpose of actu- ally starting said car in motion. (As amended May 7, 1883, by Order 1716.) BOAED OF SUPERVISORS. 19 Concerning the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph— Persons Moving Houses Must Notify the Superintendent. Section 17. No person shall put or place, maintain or suffer to be or re- main, any article, thing or matter on or upon the sidewalk, so as to obstruct or interfere with the free access or approach to any signal box of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph. Any person moving or intending to move any house or building in, on and through any street or streets, shall give to the Superintendent of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, before commencing to move said house or building, a written notice of the street or streets, route and blocks through in and on, which the building or house is to be moved. Such route may be changed with the consent of the Superintendent of Public Streets, by the Superintendent of the Fire Alarm and Police Tele- graph, in case the safety of the city require it. Said Superintendent of said Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph shall give the person moving, written notice ■oi such change of route. Whenever said Superintendent shall receive notice of the removal of any house or building, as aforesaid, or notice from any person that it will be necessary for any purpose to remove, interfere with or disturb any portion of said Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, so that alarms of fire cannot be promptly given, he shall forthwith notify the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of the fact, or leave notice thereof at his office. [Permit Not to be Given Unless a Deposit of Money is Made with the Superintendent to Cover Expense of Fixing and Repairing Telegraph.] The Superintendent of Public Streets and Highways and the Chairman of the Committee oil Fire Department, shall not give permission for the moving or removal of any house or building, unless security in coin, not exceeding twenty-five dollars, is first given to the Superintendent of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph to defray all expenses of said Superintendent in taking charge of, taking down, removing, fixing and repairing said telegraph, or any portion thereof, or any damage thereto, in consequence of the moving or removal of the house or building. [Injury to Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, Fitting Key to Lock of Signal Box, False ^ Alarms, etc.] No person shall : Break, remove or injure any of the parts or appurtenances of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph without authority or permission from the Super- intendent thereof; Make or fit any key to the lock of any signal box of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph ; 20 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE Have or retain in his possession, or under his control, a key belonging to- or fitted to open the lock of any such signal box, without lawful authority sa to do; Pick or force the lock of any such signal box without the authority or con- sent of the Superintendent of said telegraph; Willfully make, or cause to be made, any false alarm of fire, by means of said telegraph or otherwise. [Notice of Removal of any Portion of Telegraph.] Whenever it shall be necesary for any person, in the pursuit of a lawful object, to remove, interfere with or disturb any portion of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, he shall give, or cause to be given, to the Superintend' ent of said telegraph, or to the operator on duty at the office thereof, a notice, which shall be given at least two hours before it shall be necessary to interfere with or disturb any portion of said Fire Alarm and Police Ttle- graph, stating the locality at which and the manner in which it shall be necessary to remove, interfere with or disturb the same; provided, no such notice shall be given between the hours of four o'clock p. m. and six o'clock a. m. If the Superintendent shall not, within six hours after such notice, take charge of and attend to such removal, disturbance or interference, the person giving, or causing to be given, the notice aforesaid, may proceed, and, with' out the authority or consent of said Superintendent, take down and remove any portion of said telegraph; provided, that no such removal or taking down of the telegraph, or any portion thereof, by any person or persons other than said Superintendent, shall, in any event, take place between the hours of four o'clock in the evening and eight o'clock in the morning. (As amended March 8, 1881, by Order No. 1,619.) [Providing for the Use of Lamps by Railroad Companies.] Section 18. It shall be unlawful for any locomotive engine, tender, car or train of cars driven or propelled by steam, to move in any direction within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco, between sunset and sun- rise, without having one or more reflecting lamps, such as are generally used by steam cars, conspicuously placed in front of such engine, tender, car or train of cars, facing the direction in which it may be moving, or when back- ing in, on the first car, or of a train of cars, facing the direction to which the same is moving, so that the light may be fully reflected upon the track. Any engineer, brakeman, driver, conductor or other person in charge, run- ning or driving any engine, tender, car or train of cars without the light pro- vided for shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the County Jail not less than ten nor more than thirty days. BOAED OF SUPERVISORS. 21 Upon such convictioh the company or companies whose servant or agent «hall be so convicted shall be fined in a sum not less than one hundred dol- lars and not exceeding five hundred dollars. [Brick Kilns— Burning Brick Prohibited within Certain Limits. Section 19. No person shall build or cause to be built any brick kiln, or lourn or cause to be burned any brick within that portion of the city and county bounded by Steiner street, Market street, Castro street, Thirtieth street, present county road, Serpentine avenue, York street, Twenty-fifth street, Yolo street and the waters of the bay. ■{Disturb, etc., Lawful Procession or Assemblage or Funeral, etc., Exhibit, etc., Obscene, Lewd or Indecent Books, etc., or possess the same; Indecent Exposure, etc.; Solicit or employ another to Commit Public Offense; have any Slingshot or Knuckles; Lewd Solicitations, etc.; be Drunk, etc.; Urinate or Stool Publicly.] Section 20. No person shall, without authority of law, disturb, disquiet, ^r interrupt any 1. School, or school procession; 2 . Funeral, or funeral procession ; 3. Lawful procession; 4. Assemblage of people met for the purpose of a funeral, or attending a iuneral, or the burial of the dead. No person shall: 5. Offer for sale, exhibit, pass, give, or deliver to another any obscene, lewd, or indecent book, pamphlet, picture, card, print, paper, writing, mould, .<»st or figure, or have the same in his or her possession unless it is shown that the possession is innocent, or for a lawful purpose ; 6. Circulate, or distribute, or cause to be circulated, or distributed, any pamphlets, books, or circulars, treating of, or illustrating, any of the diseases of the sexual organs; 7. Appear in a public place naked, or in a dress not belonging to his or her sex; or in an indecent or lewd dress; 8. Make any indecent exposure of his or her person; 9. Be guilty of any lewd or indecent act or behavior; 10. Exhibit or perform any indecent, immoral or lewd play or other representation; or be present as a spectator at any such play or representa- tion, or distribute, circulate or post upon any wall, fence or other public j)lace, or print any bill or placard announcing the performance of any such play or representation. 11. Solicit, employ, or engage another to commit a public offense. 12. Make use of, or have in his possession any slingshot, or other instru- ment or device, by means of which missiles of any kind or description are hurled or projected; 22 GENEEAL OEDERS OF THE 13. Wear, or carry, any slungshot or knuckles, or instruments of a similar character; 14. Solicit by words, gestures, or knocks, any person passing or being on a public street, or place, to enter any bouse for lewd purposes; 15. Be drunk in a public place, or place open to public view; 16. Be on any public highway, or in any public place in a state of drunk- enness or intoxication, or be on any private premises or in any private house in a state of drunkenness or intoxication, to the annoyance of any other person. (As amended November 16, 1882, by Order No. 1,695.) [Bathing in the Waters of the Bay.] Section 21. No person shall bathe in the waters of the Bay of San Fran- Cisco, within the limits of the city and county, Between the hours of seven and one-half o'clock a. m, and sunset, without wearing a "suitable bathing dress, or On Sunday within three hundred yards of the shore or off any pier or wharf, between the hours of seven and one-half a. m. and sunset. [Discharging of Cannon— Permit to be given by the Mayor; Discharge of Fire Arms, etc.^^ within certain limits. Prohibited.] Section 22. No person shall discharge any cannon within that portion of the city and county lying between Larkin and Ninth streets, and the outer line of the streets forming the water front, except by special permission, in. writing fiom the IVIayor, which permit shall designate the time and particular locality of the firing, and the number of discharges which are authorized. A copy of the permit shall be filed by the person obtaining the same, in the oflBce of the Chief of Police, at least two hours before the time of such firing, and the person or persons engaged in the discharge of such cannoa shall, on demand of any citizen or peace officer, exhibit the permit by whicb- such firing is authorized. No person shall discharge any fire-arms of any other description, or any fire-crackers, or bombs, or any fire-works of any kind, character or descrip' tion, in that portion of the city and county bounded by Devisadero, FeiV Stanyan, Frederick, Fifteenth, Castro, Twenty-sixth and Napa streets, and the outer line of streets forming the water front, or within three hundred yarda of any public highway, or upon any ground set apart as a cemetery, or pub- lic square, or park, or within three hundred yards of any dwelling-house. This section shall not be construed so as to prohibit any person from shoot- ing destructive animals within or upon his own enclosure. It is hereby made the special duty of the Chief of Police, and of every member of the Police Department, to have the provisions of this section, on all occasions, and at all times strictly enforced, and to be prompt anJ vigi- lant in arresting all persons guilty of a violation of the same. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 23 [Exploding Blasts.] Section 23. No person shall explode a blast without first covering the same in such a manner as to prevent the fragments of rock or earth from being thrown against or upon adjacent buildings or lots, or upon a public highway. [Keeping and Storing of Fire-works and of more than Fifty Pounds of Powder prohibited- Proviso.] Section 24. No person shall receive, keep or store, or have in any one place, more than fifty pounds of gunpowder, or shall erect or maintain any building for the storage or keeping of gunpowder, or for the manufacture or storage of fire-works, except within that part of the city and county, bounded by Kailroad avenue on the west, Islais street on the north, county line on the south, and the waters of the bay on the east. [Scaffolds, how to Construct.] Section 25. No person shall erect, maintain, or use, or cause to be erected, maintained, or used, any scaffold, unless it be of sufficient strength to support the weight that may be placed thereon, and of sufficient width to prevent the persons working thereon, or the materials placed thereon from falling. [Immoderate Riding or Driving, Kite Flying, etc.] Section 2G. No person shall : 1. Immoderately ride or drive any horse upon any public street, or high- way, within this city and county. 2. Ride or drive any horse at any rate pf speed faster than a walk over or upon any street crossing, within that portion of the city and county bounded by the west line of Stockton street, the northwesterly line of IVIarket street, the southwesterly line of Sixth street, and the water front, or over or upon the Bridge erected over Second street, at the intersection of Harrison street, and known and designated as the " Second street Bridge." 3. Raise or fly a kite within that portion of the city and county bounded by Devisadero, Castro and Twenty-sixth streets; thence to Colufea street; thence easterly along Colusa street to the waters of the Bay of San Francisco, and thence northwardly and westwardly along the shore of said bay to the in- tersection of Devisadero street and the waters of said bay. 4. Play at, or participate in, any game of ball, in any of the public streets of this city and county; or in any unoccupied or vacant lot within this city 24 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE and county, without the written or printed permission of the owner of said lot; said permit to be carried by each i^ersou engaged in said play, and to be exhibitt^d upon the demand of any Police OflBcer, 5. Engage upon a public highway in any sport or exercise having a ten- dency to frighten horses. 6. In any place, indulge in conduct having a tendency to annoy persons passing or being upon the public highway, or upon adjacent premises. Whenever the free passage of a street or sidewalk shall be obstructed by a crowd (except on occasions of public meeting), the persons composing such crowd shall disperse or move on when directed to do so by a Police Officer. [Theatrical Performance after Midnight'and Beating upon a Gong or Orongs, etc., to disturb the Peace, prohibited.] Section 27. No person shall participate in any theatrical exhibition or performance between 12 o'clock midnight, and daylight in the morning, and no person shall attend or be present at any exhibition or performance, given in violation of this section. No person participating in any exhibition or performance, in or about any theater, or place of entertainment, or amusement, in this city or county, shall, at any time during such exhibition or performance, disturb the peace or quiet of any neighborhood, by beating or playing upon a gong, or gongs, or by making an unusual noise of any kind; nor shall any person aid or abet in making such disturbance. [Disturbance of the Public Peace,. Obscene and Profane Language, etc.] Section 28. No person shall: 1. Make in any place, or suffer to be made upon his premises or premises within his control, any noise, disorder, or tumult, to the disturbance of the public peace. 2. Utter, within the hearing of two or more persons, any bawdy, lewd, obscene, or profane language, words, or epithets. 3. Address to another, or utter in the presence of another, any words, language, or expression having a tendency to create a breach of the peace. 4. Utter, in any public place, or utter, in the presence or hearing of ten or more persons, any slanderous, or vile, or indecent words, or epithets, of or concerning any perdon, present, or absent; unless^ (the burden of proving which shall devolve on the defendant) such slanderous, vile, or indecent words or epithets were true and were uttered with good motives and for jus- tifiable ends. [To Prohibit Street Begging, and to restrain certain persons from appearing in Streets and public places ] Section 29. No person shall, either directly or indirectly, whether by look, word, sign, or deed, practice begging or mendicancy in, or on any of the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 25 streets, highways, or thoroughfares of the City and County of San Francisco, nor in any public place. On the conviction of any person for practicing mendicancy or begging, if it shall appear that such person is without means of support, and infirm and physically unable to earn a support or livelihood, or is, for any cause, a proper person to be maintained at the Alms House, such person may be com- mitted to said Alms House. Any person who is diseased, maimed, mutilated, or in any way deformed, so as to be an unsightly or disgusting object, or an improper person to be allowed in or on the streets, highways, thoroughfares, or public places in this city and county, shall not therein or thereon expose himself or herself to public view. On the conviction of any person for a violation of any of the provisions of the next preceding clause of this section, if it shall seem proper and just, the fine and imprisonment provided for may be omitted, and such person be com- mitted to the Alms House. It is hereby made the duty of the Police Oflflcers to arrest any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section^ [Driving Cattle through streets prohibited during certain hours.] Section 30. No person shall drive or cause to be driven any cattle except milch cows and calves through any public street east of Larkin and Ninth streets between the hours of six in the morning and twelve at night, from the first day of April to the first day of October, or between the hours of seven in the morning and twelve at night, from the first day of October to the first day of April; provided ^ it shall be lawful at any hour to drive«cattle from the landing at the foot of Second street along King street to Third street; thence to Berry street; thence to Sixth street; thence along Sixth to Townsend street, and along Townsend street to Seventh street; thence to Brannan .street, and thence to Ninth street. [Concerning Dogs running at large.] "Section 31. No person owning or having control of any dog shall suffer or permit the same to run at large in any public street; unless, A license tax for the current year be first paid; and unless. Such dog has around it^ neck a collar, and have attached thereto a metal- Sic plate, issued by the Collector of Licenses, having thereon the number of the license issued for said dog, and figures indicating the year for which the license tax has been paid. Every dog found running at large in violation of this section shall be im- pounded. If, on the trial of any person for violating this section, it appear to the Oourt that any unregistered dog, while running or being at large in any street, 26 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE lane or alley of this city and county, did bite any person, the Court may order such dog to be destroyed, and the Chief of Police shall execute such order. [Prohibiting Employment of Females in Bar-rooms and Females from remaining or being in any Place where Liquors are sold between the hours of six o'clock p, m. and six o'clock A. M.] Section 32. Every person who causes, procures or employs any female ta wait, or in any manner attend, on any person in any dance-cellar, bar- room, or in any place where malt, vinous or spirituous liquors are used or sold, and every female who, in such place, shall wait or attend on any per- son, is guilty of a misdemeanor. No person owing or having charge or control of any drinking cellar, drink- ing saloon, or drinking place, or any place where malt, vinous or spirituous liquors are sold and used, shall suffer or permit any female to be or remain in such drinking cellar, saloon or place between the hours of six o'clock p. m. and six o'clock a. m. No female shall be or remain in sach drinking cellar, saloon or place be- tween such hours; provided, that this section shall not be constructed so as to apply to hotels or restaurants, or grocery stores where the wife or daughter of the proprietor may happen to be ia attendance; or public gardens, or to balls that are not given or held in drinking cellars, drinking saloons or bar- rooms; provided, further, that if the ball is given for the purpose of evading the provisions of this order, then this order shall be applicable. [Houses of Ill-fame Gambling Houses.] Section 33. No person shall, in that portion of the city and county bounded by Larkin, Market, Church, Eighteenth and Channel streets, and the water front, keep or maintain, or become an inmate of, or a visitor to, or shall in any way contribute to the support of: Any disorderly house; or. House of ill-fame; or, Place for the practice of gambling; or. Knowingly let or underlet, or transfer the possession of any premises for use by any person for any of said purposes. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars, or imprisonment not less than ten days. [To Prohibit the Throwing of Dice and Games of Chance for Money in Places open to Public View.] Section 31. No person shall: Draw numbers, figures, letters or cards, in the nature of a game of chance y throw or count dice, or engage or take part in any way therein, or in any BOARD OF SUPERYISORS. 27 game of chance of any kind whatever, for money, things in action, property or valuables of any kind whatever, In a public place; or, Place open to public view; or, Where the same may be seen by persons being or passing upon the street ^ or. In the presence or view of two or more persons,4iicluding those engaged therein; No person shall permit or suffer the same upon his or her premises or place, or upon any premises or place, under his or her control. [To Prohibit the " Strap Game," or " Trick of the Loop."] Section 35, It shall be unlawful for any person to: "Win or acquire money or thing of value by means of the game played with a strap, and commonly known as the '* Strap Game," or " Trick of the Loop."" Advise or solicit, challenge or provoke another to bet anything of value on the •* Strap Game." It shall be unlawful for any person having the control of any premises to suffer or permit the " Strap Game " to be played for anything of value on such premises. Any instrument, of whatever texture, which shall be used to play or in attempting to play the "Strap Game " shall be deemed a "strap " within the meaning of this section. [Prohibiting Cheating or Fraudulent or Dishonest Practices at Card Playing.} Section 36. Every person who, at a game or play at cards, or in betting on a hand or side, at such game or play, shall, by fraudulent or dishonest or cheating trick, art, practice or device, obtain or win for himself or another any money or personal property or valuable thing, with the intent to cheat and defraud, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished accord- ingly. Every person who, at the game of " poker," or who, on betting on a hand at cards, as a "poker hand," shall, by the claim, pretense or representation that three or four cards of the same suit beat three aces, or threes of any kind, obtain or take any money, personal property or valuable thing, with intent to cheat and defraud, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished accordingly. [Prohibiting the Unlawful Possession of Gambling Implements.] Section 37. No person shall have in his possession, unless it is showrt that such possession is innocent or for a lawful purpose; any, 1. Faro-box. 28 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE 2. Faro-table. 3. Faro-layout. 4. Faro-cases. 5. Faro-checks; or. 6. Other implements for playing any banking game. Euery person found in any room or apartment where such gambling im- plements are discovered shall, unless the contrary appear, be deemed to have possession of the same; provided, that the possession of any of the forego- ing implements by a manufacturer of the same shall be deemed innocent and for a lawful purpose. Every person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished by a fine not less than twenty dollars or imprisonment not less than ten days. fProhlbiting Persons from Taking Intoxicating Liquors into Public Institutions.] Section 38. Any person who shall, without permission of the ofl&cer in charge, bring any malt, vinous or intoxicating liquor into: Any graveyard or cemetery in this city and county; Any prison in this city and county; The County Hospital; The Alms House; The Industrial School; The House of Correction; Shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. ^Providing for the Punishment of Prisoners Escaping from the City and County Hospital.] Section 39. Whenever any person shall be arrested or detained or im- prisoned on any criminal charge, in any prison in the City and County of San Francisco, and, on account of sickness or injuries received, shall be removed to the City and County Hospital, it shall be unlawful for such person to escape from said hospital, and any person so escaping shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. [To Prohibit the Use of Masks in the Commission of Eobbery and other Crime.] Section 40. It shall be unlawful for any person to wear, or to have in his or her possession, with intent that they, or any of them, should be worn by any person, any mask, disguise or other device for the purpose of evading or oscaping discovfery, recognition or identification, for robbery or any other public offense committed, or intended to be committed, under cover of such mask, disguise or other device, or the concealment of any person guilty of, charged with, arrested for or convicted of any crime. BOAED OF SUPEKVISOES. 29 [To Prohibit the Unlawful Possession of Burglars' Tools.] Section 41. It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession any: 1. Nippers of the description known as Burglars' Nippers; 2. Picklock; 3. Skeleton Key; 4. Key to be used with a bit or bits; 5. Jimmy; or, 6. Other burglars' tool. Unless it is shown that such possession is innocent, or for a lawful purpose. [To Prohibit Coolie Servitude.] Section 42. It shall be unlawful for any person: 1. To sell, or attempt to sell, propose, threaten or offer to sell any human being; 2. To claim the services, possession or person of any human being, except as authorized by law; 3. To solicit, persuade or induce any person to be or remain in a state of servitude, except as authorized by law, whether such person receives partial compensation or no compensation; 4. To be, enter, remain or dwell in any brothel or house of ill-fame, ex- cept for a lawful purpose; 5. On account of any real or pretended debt dile, or pretended to be due, by any person, or any passage money paid for, or money advanced to any person, whether in this State or elsewhere, to hold or attempt to hold the person, or claim the services or possession of any human being, except in cases authorized by law; 6. To exercise or attempt to exercise any control over any human being, except as authorized by law; 7. To demand or receive from any person, any human being, or any money, or thing of value, for or on account of any real or pretended claim to the person, possession or services of any person who was bought, sold, held, claimed, or attempted to be held or claimed, in violation of this section; 8. To threaten any person for receiving, harboring, assisting or marrying any person who was bought, sold, held, claimed, or attempted to be held or claimed in violation of this section ; 9. To threaten any person for not paying or promising to pay any demand for money, or anything of value, made in violation of this section; 10. To threaten any person for not restoring, or delivering or promising to restore or deliver, to the claimant or his agent, any person who had been bought, sold, held, claimed, or attempted to be held or claimed, in violation of this section. 30 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE [Relating to the Duties of Pawnbrokers and Dealers in Second-hand Clothing.] Section 43. Every person engaged in the business of pawnbroker, or the purchase or sale of second-hand clothing, wares or merchandise, shatt keep a book, in which they shall enter, at the time of purchase, in the llnglish language : 1. A true and accurate description of every article purchased by them; 2. The name and residence of the vendor; 3. The amount paid; 4. The date and hour of purchase. Such book shall be exhibited upon request of any police officer of the per- manent police force. [Peddler's License to be Exhibited.] Section 44. Every peddler of merchandise, meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, game, poultry, eggs, cheese, butter and produce, shall, while engaged in ped- dling, carry on his or her person an unexpired peddler's license, and exhibit such license when requested by any municipal officer. [To Kegulate the Right of Way over and upon the Public Streets, and to Prohibit the Obstruction of Street Railroad Cars.] Section 45. When vehicles are about to meet on any of the streets in the City and County of San Francisco, the drivers of such must turn to the right of the center of the street, except on streets where street railroads are main- tained; on such streets the driver of any vehicle, except street cars, must, when about to meet any other vehicle (street cars included), turn his team and vehicle not only to the right of the center of the street, but also to the right of the outer rail of the railway, upon that side of the street nearest the center thereof. And no person shall obstruct the track of any legally author- ized street railroad, or hinder, impede or delay any street railroad passenger car. (As amended May 8, 1883, by Order 1,715.) [Prohibiting, Entrapping, Killing or Destroying Birds.] Section 46. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons hereafter to entrap, kill or destroy any bird or birds in this city and county. [Deposit of Rubbish and Filth on Streets, etc.— Emptying of Drains— Rubbish and Filth Carried upon Sidewalk.] Section 47. No person shall throw into or deposit upon any public street, highway or grounds, or upon any private premises, or anywhere except in BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 31 such places as may be designated for that purpose by the Superintendent of Public Streets and Highways, any glass, broken ware, dirt, rubbish, garbage or filth. No person owning or having control of any premises shall suffer or permit the drainage or any drain therefrom to empty into or upon any other premises or public square, street or highway, except by permission of the Committee of the Board of Supervisors on Health and Police. No person upon any sidewalk shall carry a basket or baskets, bag or bags, suspended from or attached to poles across or upon the shoulder, and no person on any sidewalk shall «arry, so as to be offensive to pedestrians, any rubbish, garbage or filth. [Misdemeanor at Common Law.] Section 48. Every act or offense which is a misdemeanor at common law and not defined by statute of this State or order of the Board of Supervisors is a misdemeanor in this city and county. [Assemblage of Minors and Disturbances of Minors on Streets at Night Prohibited.] Skotion 49. It shall be unlawful for three or more persons under twenty- one years of age to congregate or assemble, or engage in any sport or exer- cise, or make or endeavor to make any noise or disturbance on any public thoroughfare, or on any street or street crossing, court or alley, in this city and county, between the hours of eight (8) o'clock p. m. and daylight in the morning. [Prohibiting Posting of Notices, etc., on Telegraph Poles.] Section 50. It shall be unlawful for any person to paste, paint, affix or fasten on any telegraph pole in the City and County of San Francisco any advertisement, bill, notice or advertising device; and it shall be the duty of every person named in any advertisement, bill, notice or advertising device which is now or may be posted, painted, affixed or fastened on any telegraph pole in said city and county, immediately to remove such advertisement, bill, notice or advertising device. [Prohibiting the Commission, etc., of any Act Injurious to Public Morals or Public Safety.] Section 51. It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any act, or omit any duty, which act or omission either: First — Amounts to a public wrong; or Second — Openly outrages decency ; or Third— Is injurious to public morals, or public health, or public safety; or, Fourth — Tends directly to produce a breach of the peace. 32 GENEEAL OKDERS OF THE {Prohibiting the Counseling or Soliciting of any Person to Commit a Felony, Misdemeanor, Crime or Public Offense,] Section 52. It shall be unlawful for any person, by word or act, or deed, or by word, language or expression, oral, written or printed, to advise, advo- cate, encourage, incite, ask, request, order, counsel, solicit, endeavor to induce or persuade, state, suggest or propose to another or others, to commit or cause to be committed, any felony, misdemeanor, or crime, or public offense- whatsoever, then, or at any future or indefinite time, or upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of any event or fact, or upon the compliance or non-com- pliance by any person or persons, or associations or corporation, with any term or condition, or upon the performance or non-performance of any act or deed. [Prohibiting any Person from Threatening to Commit a Felony, Misdemeanor, Crime or Public Offense.] Section 53. It shall be unlawful for any person, by word, act or deed, or by word, language or expression, oral, written or printed, to threaten to com- mit, or to threaten to cause to be committed, any felony, misdemeanor, crime or public offense whatsoever, then or at any future or indefinite time, or upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of any event or fact, or upon the compli- ance or non-compliance of any person or persons, or association or corpora- tion, with any term or 'condition, or upon the performance or non-perform- ance of any act or deed. [Prohibiting any Person from Using any Language for the Purpose of Wrongful Intimidation^ Section 54. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or utter any words, language or expression conveying or suggesting any threat, conditional or otherwise, for the purpose of wrongful intimidation. These provisions shall apply, whether the intimidation is intended for the community or for a class, or for one or more persons, and whether said person or persons are present or absent at the time of the use or utterance of said words, or language or expression. [Prohibiting any Person from Using any Language Claiming to have the Power to cause the Commission of any Act, which, if Committed, would be a Crime.] Section 55. It shall be unlawful for any person, by word, language or expression, oral, printed or written, to state, represent, pretend, claim, utter or assert that if he or she had given, or would give, any order, advice, en- couragement, request, counsel, solicitation, statement, suggestion or proposal to another or others, to commit or do any act, or omit any duty—the commis- sion of which act or the omission of which duty is a crime— it would have been or would be done, committed or omitted, or to claim or assert any such power, control or command over any person or persons. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 33 [Prohibiting any Person from Proposing or Offering to Lead Others to Commit a Crime.] Section 56. It shall be unlawful for any person to propose or offer to commi<, or to lead others to commit, or state that he will lead or is ready to lead others to commit any crime. [Prohibiting the Exhibition or Display in any Public Place, of any Emblem, Representation or Language Injurious to Public Morals or Safety.] Section 57. It shall be unlawful for any person to exhibit or display in any public place, meeting or procession, any emblem, transparency, repre- sentation, motto, language, device, instrument or thing, for purposes of in- timidation, or which has a tendency to disturb the public peace or to excite a riot, or which is injurious to public morals, public safety, or which is con- trary to public decency. [Carcasses of Animals to be used for Food, not to be Exposed to View when being Moved or Transported in Wagons or Carts, through the Streets.] Section 58. No person shall move or transport any beef, mutton, veal, pork, or the carcass of any animal used for food, through the streets of this city and county, unless the same be moved or transported in wagons or carts, so constructed and covered as to protect it entirely from dust and dirt, and so that the same may not be exposed to view, during the course of said trans- portation. [Prohibiting any Person placing Wires on Poles or Fixtures of the Fire Alarm Telegraph or Falsely Representing Hipaself as an Employee of said Telegraph.] Section 59. It shall be unlawful for any person, or corporation, to run any wire on any of the telegraph poles or fixtures of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph of the City and County of San Francisco, or to run, erect, or maintain any wire, crossing or running parallel to any wire of said Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, within a distance of six feet. It shall be un- lawful for any person, with intent to deceive, falsely to represent himself to be an employee of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph of the City and County of San Francisco. [Prohibiting Shops and Markets from being Kept Open on Sundays, for the Sale of Meats.] Section 60. It shall be unlawful for any person or persona to sell meats at retail on Sundays, or to open or keep open on Sundays, within the limits of this city and county, any retail shop or market for the sale of meats. 3 34 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE [Persons Prohibited from Keeping or Visiting any Place, House or Room where Opium is Smoked.] Section 61. No person shall, in the City and County of San- Francisco, ieep or maintain, or become an inmate of, or visit, or shall, in any way, con- tribute to the support of any place, house, or room, where opium is smoked, or where persons assemble for the purpose of smoking opium, or inhaling the fumes of opium. [Prohibiting the Production or Exhibition of any Play or Representation tending to Profane Religion.] Section 62. It shall be unlawful for any person to exhibit, or take any part in exhibiting in any theatre, or other place, where money is charged for admission, any play, or performance, or representation, displaying, or in- tended to display, the life or death of Jesus Christ, or any play, performance, or representation, calculated or tending to profane or degrade religion. [Keeping of Swine or More than Two Cows Prohibited within Portions of the City; East of Fillmore and Northeast of Sixteenth Streets.] Section 63. No person or persons shall keep or cause to be kept any swine whatsoever, nor more than two cows, within that portion of the City and County of San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing at the inter- section of Lombard street with the waters of the Bay, thence along Lombard street to Broderick street, thence southerly along Broderick street to Waller street, thence easterly along "Waller street to Devisadero street, thence south- erly on Devisadero street to Kidley street, thence easterly on Eidley street to Castro street, thence southerly on Castro street to Seventeenth street, thence westerly on Seventeenth street to Douglass street, thence southerly on Douglass street to Twenty-sixth street, thence easterly on Twenty- sixth street to Harrison street, thence northerly along Harrison street to Channel street, thence along Channel street to the waters of the Bay, thence following the water front and waters of the Bay to the point of commencement. (As amended January 6, 1883, by Order No. 1,V05.) [Use of Air Guns, Muskets, Guns or Instruments, projecting Bullets or Missiles, by Elastic Force of Air, Prohibited.] Section 64. No person within the limits of this city and county shall use or discharge an air gun, or musket, or gun, or instrument of any kind, char- acter or description, which throws or projects bullets or missiles to any dis- tance by the elastic force of the air. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 35 [Improper Eepresentations to Persons in Regard to Supervisors or School Directors Prohibited.] Section 65. Every person who obtains or seeks to obtain money or other thing of value from another person, upon any pretense, claim or representa- tion that he can or will influence in any manner the action of any member of the Board of Supervisors or Board of Education, or any Committee of the Board of Supervisors or Board of Education, in regard to any vote, appoint- ment or action, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; provided, that this order shall not be deemed to apply to any person who appears before any such Board or Committee in a public manner to advocate any claim or action. iChildren, Persons having Control of— Prohibited from Exhibiting, Using, or Employing Children Under Fourteen Years of Age for Indecent or Immoral Purposes, or at any Business, Exhibition or Vocation Injurious to Health or Dangerous to Life and Limb.] Section 66. First — Any person having the care, custody or control of any child under the age of fourteen years, who shall exhibit, use, or employ, or who shall in any manner, or under any pretense, sell, apprentice, give away, let out, or otherwise dispose of any such child to any person, to be exhibited, used or employed in or for the vocation, occupation, practice, service or pur- pose of singing, playing on musical instruments, rope or wire-walking, dancing, begging or peddling, or as a gymnast, contortionist, rider or acrobat, in any place whatsoever; or for or in any obscene, indecent or immoral pur- pose, exhibition, or practice whatsoever; or for or in any business, exhibition or vocation, injurious to the health or dangerous to the life or limb of such child; or wh» shall cause, procure, or encourage any such child to engage therein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by imprison- ment in the County Jail for a term not exceeding six months, or by^both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the Court; provided, that nothing in this section contained shall apply to or affect the employment or use of any such child as a singer or musician in any church, school or academy, or the teaching or learning the science or practice of music; nor the employ, ment of any child as a musician at any concert or other musical entertain- ment, on the written consent of the IMayor of the City and County of San Francisco. [Persons Prohibited from Having, Using or Employing Children Under Fourteen Years of Age for Purposes Mentioned in this Section.] Second— Every person who shall take, receive, hire, employ, use, exhibit or have in custody any child under the age, and for any of the purposes mentioned in this section, shall be guilty of a like offense and punished by a like punishment as herein provided. 36 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE [Persons Guilty of Misdemeanor, in Wilfully Causing or Permitting Children to Suffer Pai» or Injury.] Third — Every person "who shall wilfully cause or permit any child to suffer or who shall inflict thereon unjustiliable physical pain or mental suffering; or who, having the care or custody of any child, shall wilfully cause or permit the life or limb of such child to be endangered, or the health of such child to be injured, or who shall wilfully cause or permit such child to be placed in such a situation that its life or limb may be endangered, or its health shall be likely to be injured, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished as provided in this section. [Pines, etc., Collected where Prosecutions are Instituted by, to Enure to the Benefit of the " Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children."] Fourth — All fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed and collected under the provisions of this section, in every case where the prosecution was insti- tuted or conducted by the Society first incorporated for the " Prevention of Cruelty to Children," under an Act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia entitled "An Act for the incorporation of societies fcr ihe prevention of cruelty to children," approved April 3, 1876, shall enure to such society^ in aid of the purposes for which it was incorporated. [Regulating the Construction of Laundries.] Section 67. All buildings erected and used as Laundries, within the cor- porate limits of the city and county, on and after March, 1st, 1880, shall be constructed but one story in height, with brick or stone walls, not less than twelve (12) inches in thickness, covered with a metal roof, and provided with- metal or metal-covered doors and window-shutters. [Prescribing the kind of Buildings in which Laundries may be Located.] Section 68. It shall be unlawful from and after the passage of this Ordtr for any person or persons to establish, maintain or carry on a Laundry within the corporate limits of the City and County of San Francisco, without having first obtained the consent of the Board of Supervisors, except the same be located in a building constructed either of brick or stone. [Prohibiting the Erection of Scaffolding on the Roofs of Buildings without Permission of the Board of Supervisors.] Section 69. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, build or main- tain, or cause to be erected, built or maintained, over or upon the roof of any building now erected or which may hereafter be erected within the limits olt BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 37 «aid city and county, any scaffolding, without first obtaining the written per- mission of the Board of Supervisors, which permit shall state fully for what purpose said scaffolding is to be erected and used, and such scaffolding shall not be used for any other purpose than that designated in such permit. ^Prohibiting Persons from having in their possession Lottery Tickets, or any Tools, or Instruments used or intended to be used in making said Tickets.] Section 70. It shill be unlawful for any person to have in his possession, tmless it be shown that such possession is innocent, or for a lawful purpose, Any Lottery Ticket; Ticket, certificate, paper or instrument purporting, or representing, or un- derstood to be, or to represent any ticket, chance, share, or interest in or de. |)ending upon the event of any lottery; Tool, instrument, stamp or device used or intended to be used in or for contriving, setting up, preparing or drawing any lottery, or used or intended to be used in or for contriving, preparing, making, writing, printing, stamping, uildingthe basement or foundation shall be two feet in thickness. The first story shall be twenty-one inches in thickness, the second, third and fourth stories shall be sixteen inches in thickness, and the fifth and sixth stories shall he twelve inches in thickness. For a seven-story building the basement or foundation shall be two feet four inches in thickness. The first story shall be two feet in thickness, the second story shall be twenty-one inches in thickness, the third, fourth and fifth stories shall be sixteen inches in thickness, and the sixth and seventh stories shall be twelve inches in thickness. In all stores, warehouses or factories over twenty-five feet wide, if there are no brick partition walls or girders supported on iron or wooden columns, or piers of masonry, the partition walls or girders shall be so placed as not to exceed twenty-seven feet apart, and in case iron or wooden girders are substituted for partition walls, the building may be eighty-five feet wide between the brick walls, but no more; and the iron or wooden columns or piers of masonry and girders shall be of sufficient strength to bear safely the weight to be carried upon them, and in no case shall it be less than two hundred and fifty pounds to the foot (superficial) of the floors that may rest upon them, exclusive of the weight of the material employed in their construction, and shall have footing courses and foundation walls of the thickness required in section four, with inverted arches between each column, or not less than two footing courses of large, well-shaped stones laid crosswise, edge to edge, and not less than twelve inches in thickness in each course; and the pier above shall be built up with brick or stone, properly bonded to the hight required, to receive a cap-stone of cut granite, not less than twelve inches in thickness, and not less than twelve inches wider each way than the size of the post, pillar or column placed upon it; and said cap is to be set solid to receive the same; and all foundations shall be increased under the posts, pillars or columns, in proportion to the hight of the building, post, piilar or column placed upon it. In all buildings here- after erected on a street corner the bearing wall, that is, the outside wall upon which the beams rest, shall in all cases be four inches thicker than is other- wise provided for in this Order, and where the joists or timbers rest upon a front or rear wall in any case, the said walls shall be four inches thicker than is otherwise provided in this Order. All brick buildings that are one hundred feet or more in depth, without cross walls or proper piers, shall have the side or bearing walls increased four inches in thickness more than is provided for in Sections 7 and 8 of [this] Order 1,752, where the specified thickness of the wall is twelve inches in thickness. Piers may be used for the same purpose, and they shall project at least four inches from the face of the walls and shall have an aggregate BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 127 length of not less than one-fourth of the depth of the building. Cross walls are to be understood as interior walls, and may be four inches less in thickness than bearing walls of the same story, but must not be less than twelve inches in thickness. And all the walls of every building shall be ■erected straight and plumb, and during the process of erection or alteration, shall be strongly braced from the beams of each story until the building is enclosed. And every temporary support placed under any structure or part thereof shall be equal in strength to the permanent support thereof. - 5 u ^ ,4 « o ^ d o !^ 'S 04 03 '-3 2 -5 |s< "o n PI 03 03 02 0) Xi ^ VI O >» ^d a ^3 uJ 0) ^ 6 1 !^ i >^ a ^ O M i &0 i «4-l ^ CL o o S it; 'c C3 ^73 ^ 03 Si -s "^ ^ S 2 p^ ^ .2 o f^ o — g 60 -S .s .§ !2 ►^ o 00 50 •^ o ^5 -a 3 o3« 53 S OS K -(J 0)00 ^^ Is «& g s # - fp. 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