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Beaumont, of the Detroit Bar, who has rendered him much aid, particularly in revising the chapters on Baggage and Actions against Carriers for Injuries to Goods. The editor trusts that the work done upon the second edition may not be found unworthy a place beside the excellent work done upon the first. FLOYD E. MECHEM. Detroit, July 1, 1891. EDITORS' NOTE TO THIRD EDITION. Realizing that much of the first edition of this work has be- come a classic on the subject of Carriers, it has been the endeavor of the editors of this edition to follow as closely as possible the method of treatment pursued by the original author. Since, however, many new questions involving the subject of Carriers have arisen and been passed upon by the courts subsequent to the publication of the second edition, it has been found neces- sary to add many new sections, and to supplement or to rewrite many of the old. The treatment of the important subject of Conflict of Laws has been extended to twenty-five sections of con- crete rules of law. The Harter Act, which revolutionizes the law in reference to the carriage of goods on the high seas and great lakes, has been extensively considered. An entirely new exposition of the substantive sections of the new Interstate Com- merce Act and of the State laws for the regulation of rates has been added, while the question of the carrier's right to limit his common-law liability, which has been the subject of conflicting decisions by different courts, has been given careful attention and those decisions which are authoritative have been pointed out. The single section on demurrage in the second edition has been expanded into a general treatment of the entire subject. Much new matter has been added through the various chapters, under appropriate headings, on the subject of connecting car- riers. The chapters dealing with carriers of passengers may be said to be entirely rewritten. The English, American and Canadian reports have been care- vii viii editors' note to third edition. fully searched, and every case of importance on the subject of Carriers (excluding cases on Street Railways) which has been decided since the second edition of this work has been used. About six thousand new cases have been added to those cited in prior editions, and citations have been given to the State Reports, American State Reports, Lawyers Reports Annotated and Na- tional Reporter System wherever possible. Owing to the amount of new matter added, it was found im- possible to retain the old section numbers, and new numbers have been given throughout. In order to preserve the benefit of cita- tions of former editions in judicial opinions, the old section num- bers have been placed in parenthesis immediately following the new numbers. The subject index has also been greatly extended. Each point has been indexed at least twice, once under a general heading and once under a particular heading, but generally under sev- eral headings. In using the index, time may be saved by refer- ring first to particular headings. The editors desire to acknowledge the valuable assistance of William J. Matthews in the matter of proof reading and ar- ranging the table of cases. J. SCOTT MATTHEWS, WILLIAM F. DICKINSON. Chicago, October 15, 1906. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. OF BAILMENTS AND CARRIERS GENERALLY. [references are to sections.] Bailment defined 1 Classification of bailments 2 Application of rule to carriers 3 Liability of common carrier distinguished from that of other bailees. 4 Questions of negligence in law of carriers 5 Degree of diligence required depends on circumstances 6 Negligence in one bailee not necessarily so in another 7 Apportionment of diligence according to benefit 8 Law of bailment insufficient to determine liability of common carriers 9 Comparative degrees of diligence and negligence 10 Utility of this classification 11 Common carrier not usually agent of owner of goods 12 But may be agent in cases of emergency 13 Bailees liable for malfeasance and fraud 14 CHAPTER II. OF CARRIERS WITHOUT HIRE AND PRIVATE CARRIERS. I. CARRIERS WITHOUT HIRE. In general 15 Who deemed to be 16 Liability for gross negligence 17 Undertaking to carry is a sufficient consideration 18 Carriage not gratuitous where carrier has right to demand com- pensation 19 Presumption that carriage is gratuitous 20 Not gratuitous where indirect compensation derived 21 Question of gross negligence one of fact 22 Not liable for loss by robbery unless negligent 23 ix X TABLE OF CONTENTS. [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] Degree of negligence which creates liability — Instances 24 Same subject — Further illustrations 25 Same subject — Further illustrations 26 Same Subject — Other illustrations 27 Loss of own goods at same time, presumptive but not conclusive evidence of diligence 28 Same subject — Reckless exposure of own goods 29 Same subject — Loss of bailor's goods only 30 No presumption of negligence 31 Question of gross negligence, how determined 32 Same subject — Statements of bailee, when evidence 33 Requisites of declaration against private carrier 34 II. PRIVATE CARRIERS FOR HIRE. Who are 35 Less numerous than formerly 36 Degree of diligence required 37 Same subject — illustrations 38 Liability for loss by theft or robbery 39 Private carrier may contract for non-liability 40 Liability for injury to goods subsequently lost by accident 41 Test of private carrier's liability 42 How compares with liability of common carrier 43 Common carrier cannot become private carrier by contract 44 Private carrier cannot become common carrier by contract 45 Lien of private carrier on goods 46 CHAPTER III. WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. Common carrier defined 47 Same subject — The essential characteristics 48 His employment must be public in its nature 49 Same subject — Exceptional cases — Gordon v. Hutchinson 50 Same subject — The rule in England 51 Same subject — The rule in Tennessee 52 Same subject — Further of the Tennessee rule 53 Same subject — These exceptional cases not elsewhere followed — Illustrations 54 Same subject — Further illustrations 55 Same subject — Other cases illustrating general rule 56 Same subject — The general rule well settled 57 Same subject — How common carrier compares with innkeeper .... 58 Goods must be of kind he professes to carry 59 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI [REFERENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Must undertake to carry by customary means and route 60 Carriage must be for hire 61 Action must lie for refusal to carry 62 Regular trips or fixed termini not necessary 63 Kind of vehicle or vessel and distance immaterial 64 Hoymen, bargemen, lightermen, canal-boatmen, etc., are common carriers 65 Ferrymen are common carriers when 66 Whether ferrymen are common carriers of goods retained in the custody of passenger 67 Proprietors of land vehicles like stage-coaches, omnibuses, carts, wagons, etc., are common carriers when 68 Vehicles carrying passengers usually liable as common carriers only as to baggage 69 Proprietors of local land vehicles are common carriers 70 Warehousemen, wharfingers and forwarders of freight, when com- mon carriers 71 Same subject — When liability begins 72 Water-craft, railways and express companies are chief carriers .... 73 Owners of ships are usually common carriers 74 Owners of steamboats and canal-boats are common carriers 75 Railroad companies are common carriers 76 Railroad receivers, trustees, etc., are common carriers 77 Street railways are common carriers 78 Sleeping and parlor-car companies not common carriers 79 Express companies are common carriers 80 Same subject — Peculiarities of their business 81 Same subject — Attempts to secure exemption 82 Same subject — Cannot escape liability by assuming name of "for- warders" 83 Same subject — Nor by assuming name of "dispatch company," "fast freight line, etc." 84 Special circumstances under which carrier not deemed to be com- mon carrier 85 Same subject — Illustrations 86 Whether railroad transporting cars by contract is common carrier. . 87 Same subject — How, when railroad company does not own cars — Circus train 88 Owners of canal and ferryboats may show that they are not com- mon carriers 89 No carrier required to carry every kind of goods 90 Same subject — Illustrations 91 How when possession of goods not taken — Towing boats 92 Passenger carriers not common carriers of persons 93 Postmasters, mail contractors and carriers not common carriers . . 94 Telegraph and telephone companies not common carriers 95 Xii TABLE OF CONTENTS. [befebences are to sections.] Livery stable keepers are not common carriers 96 Messenger companies 97 Log-driving companies not common carriers 98 Drovers and agisters not common carriers 99 Owners and managers of passenger elevators 100 Same subject — Must allow passengers reasonable time to enter or leave car 101 Same subject — When negligence will be presumed 102 Bridge, canal and turnpike companies 103 CHAPTER IV. OF THE DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER, AND THE EVIDENCE THEREOF. In general 104 I. OF DELIVERY TO THE GABBIER. The delivery must be complete 105 Delivery may be made to carrier's agent 106 Not suflBcient when made to agent not authorized to receive it . . . .107 Delivery to carrier by agent of shipper 108 No delivery when owner retains custody — Passenger retaining cus- tody of baggage 109 Same subject 110 Place at which delivery must be made Ill Must be for immediate transportation 112 Same subject — When liability begins 113 Same subject — Live stock placed in yards provided by carrier 114 Constructive delivery — Place fixed by agreement or usage 115 Same subject 116 Same subject — Limitations on rule : 117 Same subject — Rule to be applied with caution 118 When the delivery becomes complete 119 Same subject — Delivery to ships and vessels 120 Same subject — Delivery to railroads and express companies 121 Carriers not required to stop for goods except at regular stations. .122 Same subject — Express companies 123 When carrier deemed to have accepted goods 124 Same subject — How when goods are loaded by owner 125 Same subject — Implied acceptance 126 Checking, memorandum or entry on way-bill not necessary to com- plete delivery 127 Delivery to ferrymen, when complete 128 Delivery to connecting carriers to complete the transportation 129 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Xlll [KEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIOISTS.] Duty of first carrier to effect delivery to succeeding carrier 130 When liability of first carrier terminates 131 Same subject — Duty when succeeding carrier neglects or refuses to receive the goods 132 How duty to make delivery to a succeeding carrier affected by usage 133 Agreements between carriers not binding on owner 134 Same subject — Illustrations 135 Same subject 136 Same subject — Cases holding delivery complete 137 Ov/ner may recover for goods constructively delivered 138 First carrier as forwarding agent for owner 139 Same subject — Duty of first carrier to forward shipping directions. ,140 Carrier cannot become warehouseman of the goods while they are in transit 141 Same subject 142 Of the carrier's duty to accept and carry the goods 143 Same subject — Not obliged to accept goods of a kind he does not profess to carry 144 Reasons which will justify refusal to accept 145 Same subject — Press of business may justify refusal 146 Same subject — Other reasons 147 Same subject — Not obliged to accept from one not authorized to deliver — Liability where he does 148 Remedy for wrongful refusal 149 Carrier may demand prepayment of the freight 150 Actual acceptance may waive reasons for refusal 151 II. THE BILL OF LADING. No receipt, bill of lading or other writing necessary 152 Liability of carrier usually limited by contract 153 Contracts vary in form and name 154 Variance in duplicates — Shipper's controls 155 Variance between charter party and bill of lading 156 Bills of lading are both receipts and contracts to carry 157 Same subject — As receipts, not conclusive 158 Authority of agent to sign bills of lading 159 Liability of carrier when goods not received, but receipt given 160 Same subject — How in case of bona fide holder 161 Same subject — The contrary view 162 Recitals as to condition of goods, how far conclusive 163 Effect of recitals as to amount or quantity of goods received 164 Same subject Effect of clauses in receipt that weight, contents, or value of goods are unknown 165 Same subject 166 Terms of bill of lading cannot be varied by parol 167 Xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject— Implied obligations cannot be varied by parol 168 Same subject ^^^ Same subject — Effect of subsequent parol agreement 170 Effect of delivery of bill of lading after oral contract of shipment made but before shipment has begun 171 Same su-bject — How when goods shipped under parol contract be- fore bill of lading delivered 172 Same subject— Effect of custom— Temporary receipts 173 Same subject— Acceptance of bill of lading after oral agreement made to furnish cars at a certain time 174 Bills of lading are assignable, but not negotiable 175 Same subject — Statutes making them negotiable 176 Goods must be delivered only in accordance with bill of lading and its indorsements 177 Same subject— If person claiming goods fails to present proper bill of lading, carrier must base refusal to deliver on that ground. .178 Carrier must respect transfers 179 Same subject — Carrier's duty to ascertain if bill of lading issued. . .180 Same subject — Where bill of lading not presented, carrier protected if delivery is made to proper party 181 Same subject — Effect of transfer of bill of lading after delivery of the goods 182 Same subject — Bill of lading to shipper's order — Draft attached 183 Same subject — Pledge of bill of lading to shipper's order to secure advances — Draft attached 184 Same subject — Pledge of bill of lading to shipper's order — Time draft attached 185 Same subject — Invoice alone not evidence of title 186 Same subject — Direction to notify certain person does not dispense with production of bill of lading 187 Same subject — Duplicate bills of lading to consignor — Possession of one duplicate not indorsed 188 Same subject — Possession of indorsed duplicate obtained by fraud.. 189 Same subject — Duplicate receipts — Goods delivered only on produc- tion of duplicate 190 Same subject — Protection of third person paying draft for con- signee's accommodation 191 Effect of custom on delivery w;ithout surrender of bill of lading. . . .192 When consignment may be changed by shipper 193 Same subject — Consignment cannot be changed by shipper when goods become property of consignee on delivery to carrier. .. .194 Same subject — Illustrations 195 Same subject — Effect of custom 196 Who may sue for breach of the contract 197 Same subject — Statutes controlling 158 By what law the effect of a contract is to be determined 199 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV [references are to sections.] The rights arising out of the contract must be created by law 200 Lex loci contractus will govern in the great majority of cases 201 When performance wholly within one state, the law of that state governs 202 Matters relating solely to delivery may be determined by law of place of delivery 205 In actions against carriers of goods, same law governs whether the form of action is assumpsit or tort 204 In actions for personal injuries against carriers of passengers, lex loci delicti governs — Contributory negligence governed by same law — Proof of lex loci delicti must be made 205 Rights created by foreign law should be enforced elsewhere — Ex- ceptional rule in federal and New York courts 206 Proof should be made in court of forum of what the foreign law is. .207 Matters relating to remedy are governed by law of "forum 208 A state may require care and diligence of carrier although contract is one for interstate carriage 209 Better rule is that performance of contract of carriage is indivisible 210 Some states hold performance of contract of carriage divisible — Rights of parties to be construed by law of place where negli- gent breach occurs 211 Lex loci contractus generally governs validity of limitations of car- rier's liability 212 Presumption exists that that law applies which is most favorable to the validity of the contract 213 Facts extrinsic of presumptive evidence may be considered by the court to determine what law governs 214 Enforcement of limitation, valid in one state, by courts of another state 215 Enforcement of limitation valid at place of contract, valid at destination and valid at forum 216 Enforcement of limitation valid at place of contract, invalid at destination and valid at forum 217 Enforcement of limitation valid at place of contract, invalid at destination and invalid at forum 218 Enforcement of limitation valid at place of contract, valid at destination and invalid at forum 219 Enforcement of limitation invalid at place of contract, valid at destination and valid at forum 220 Enforcement of limitation invalid at place of contract, invalid at destination and valid at forum 221 Enforcement of limitation invalid at place > of contract, valid at destination and invalid at forum 222 Enforcement of limitation invalid at place of contract, invalid at destination and invalid at forum 223 Proof must be made of what foreign law is 224 Xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] CHAPTER V. OF CONNECTING CARRIERS. In general 225 Carrier not bound to assume liability beyond terminus of his own line 226 What circumstances necessary to show contract by carrier to as- sume liability beyond his own line 227 The rule of Muschamp's Case 228 This rule well settled in England 229 English rule prevails in many states 230 English rule denied in majority of states 231 Further of this rule 232 Liability beyond terminus may be excluded by contract 233 Same subject — Even when liability fixed by statute 234 Same subject — Other statutory provisions — Interstate Commerce. .235 Even under contract for through carriage intermediate carrier who causes injury may be held liable 236 Carrier may contract for the entire transportation 237 What constitutes such a contract 238 Same subject 239 Extent to which carrier may limit his liability under contract for through carriage 240 Implied power of agents to make contracts for through carriage. .. .241 No distinction between corporations and other carriers in respect to power to enter into contracts for through carriage 242 No liability for loss beyond his own line under contract to carry to end of line and there to deliver to next carrier 243 Same subject — Meaning of the term "to forward' or "to be for- warded" 244 Same subject 245 Same subject 246 Who is a connecting carrier — Transfer company 247 Authority of contracting carrier to bind connecting carrier by con- tract 248 Partnerships and associations between carriers 249 Same subject , 250 Same subject — Actual partnership not necessary 251 Same subject— Cases holding carriers jointly liable 252 Same subject 253 Same subject 254 Same subject 255 Same subject— Cases holding carriers not jointly liable 256 Same subject 257 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XVll [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject 258 Same subject 259 Same subject 260 Same subject 261 Same subject — Effect of establishing joint or through rates 262 Same subject — The rule stated 263 Partnerships between corporations as carriers 264 CHAPTER VI. OF THE CARRIER'S LIABILITY AND THE EXCEPTIONS THERE- TO BY LAW. I. IN GENEBAL. The liability of the carrier by law 265 Carrier may by contract assume more than legal liability 266 Same subject — Contract must be express 267 Purpose of this chapter 268 II. CABBIEB NOT LIABLE FOB LOSSES ABISING FBOM THE ACT OF GOD. What is meant by the "act of God" 269 Same subject — Conflict in authorities 270 Same subject 271 The rule in Colt v. McMechen 272 Same subject 273 Act of God must be proximate cause of loss 274 Same subject — Human agency must not have intervened 275 Same subject 276 Same subject 277 Same subject — Prudence or mistaken judgment no excuse 278 Loss by fire, explosion or collision 279 Same subject 280 Same subject — Same rule applies to carriers using steam 281 Loss by sudden inundation 282 Loss by earthquake 283 Loss by landslide 284 Loss by snowstorm 285 Loss by wind 286 Burden of proof 287 But carrier not excused if he negligently venture forth from place of safety 288 Same subject 289 Same subject 290 Xviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. [REFERENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject 291 Same subject— Or if he negligently exposes the goods to danger 292 So if his vessel be unseaworthy 293 Or if he deviate from the usual course 294 Same subject 295 Same subject 296 Where the loss would not have occurred but for the carrier's un- reasonable delay 297 Same subject 298 Same subject 299 Same subject 300 Same subject — The contrary view 301 Same subject 302 Same subject 303 Same subject 304 Same subject 305 Same subject — How where loss, due to cause excepted by contract, would not have occurred but for the carrier's unreasonable delay 306 Effect of unreasonable delay upon insurance 307 Carrier responsible as in case of deviation 308 The degree of diligence to be exercised by the carrier when the goods have been overtaken by disaster 309 Same subject 310 Same subject 311 Burden of proof as to carrier's contributory negligence 312 Act of God will not excuse carrier if carrier has wrongfully re- fused to deliver goods 313 III. CARRIER NOT LIABLE FOR LOSSES ARISING FROM ACTS OF THE PUBLIC ENEMY, Exception of losses arising from the acts of the public enemy 314 Reason for this exception 315 Who are public enemies — Mobs — Rioters — Strikers — Thieves — Pi- rates 316 Same subject — Rebellion — Revolution 317 Same subject — Declaration of war not necessary if actual hostili- ties exist 318 Carrier liable if loss by public enemy caused by his negligence or deviation 319 Same subject 320 Same subject 321 Effect of war on contract of carriage 322 Same subject — Contraband goods 323 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XIX [references are to sections.] iv. carrier not liable for losses from the acts of the public au- THORITY. Carrier protected if loss caused by public authority 324 Same subject — Destruction or injury under police power 325 Same subject — Confederate authority 326 Same subject — Seizure under legal process 327 V. CARRIER NOT LIABLE FOR LOSSES CAUSED BY AN ACT OF THE OWNER OF THE GOODS. Exception to liability on the ground of the fraud of the owner of the goods 328 Same subject 329 Same subject — Neglect or failure to disclose contents or value 330 Same subject — Extent of carrier's liability 331 Same subject — Illustrations 332 Exception to liability in case of loss from the intermeddling or mistake of the owner of the goods 333 VI. CARRIER NOT LIABLE FOR LOSSES CAUSED BY THE INHERENT NATURE OP THE GOODS. Nature of the exception 334 VII. EXCEPTION IN THE CASE OF LIVE ANIMALS. Live animals not regarded as goods 335 Difference in liability based on inherent nature 336 Same subject 337 Same subject 338 Carrier liable as common carrier of animals except for losses caused by their peculiar nature 339 Same subject — Cases holding contrary view 340 Carrier of animals is common carrier and not special agent of owner 341 Though injury caused by peculiar nature of the animals, carrier not excused if he has been negligent 342 Duty of shipper to disclose peculiarities affecting risk 343 VIII. EXCEPTIONS MADE BY STATUTE. Statutes limiting carrier's liability 344 Policy of United States courts towards carriers by water changed by Harter Act 345 Statute similar to Harter Act enacted in Great Britain in 1900 346 XX TABLE OF CONTENTS. [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] To what vessels and property Harter Act applies 347 Harter Act only modifies relations between a vessel and her cargo. .348 Stipulations in bills of lading contrary to section one of Harter Act are void 349 Meaning of word "loading" in section one of Harter Act 350 "Stowage" used in two senses in section one of Harter Act 351 Stowage with a view to the proper trim of the vessel 352 Responsibility for such stowage rests on the carrier alone 353 Stowage with reference to the natural characteristics of the cargo carrier — Effect of custom 354 Stowage of liquid cargo 355 Duty of ship to provide proper dunnage 356 Stowage of delicate and easily tainted goods 357 Goods should be secured from possibility of shifting 358 Proper stowage at commencement of voyage may be made improper by change of vessel's trim during voyage 359 Negligence in delivery of cargo within the first section of the Harter Act 360 Vessel is liable for failure to deliver at all through master's negli- gence in overlooking goods 361 Second section of Harter Act is the complement of section three 362 Effect of sections two and three on the warranty of seaworthiness. .363 Same subject — Latent defects 364 Exemption clauses in bills of lading strictly construed 365 The test of seaworthiness 366 Burden of proof on carrier to prove vessel was seaworthy or due diligence was used to make her seaworthy 367 How far warranty of seaworthiness extends — vessel must be sea- worthy at each stage of voyage 368 Vessel liable for initial instability 369 Presumption of unseaworthiness when leaks soon happen in ordi- nary weather 370 Leaking decks or hatches 371 Defective rivets or bolts 372 Unfastened ports 373 "Water and steam pipes, etc 374 Bulkheads 375 Insufficiency of coal 376 Defective fog horns 377 Deviations in compass 378 Vessel should be cleaned and repaired often and well 379 What is due diligence — Vessel owner should be responsible for the acts of his agents 380 Due diligence in manning vessel 381 Faults or errors in management 382 Faults or errors in navigation 383 TABLE OF CONTENTS, XXI [references are to sections.] Dangers of the sea 384 The inherent defect, quality or vice of the thing carried 385 Effect of deviation •. 386 EfEect of the Harter Act on damages recoverable by cargo owner or on rights of a general average contribution 387 CHAPTER VII. OF THE LIMITATION OF THE CARRIER'S LIABILITY BY CON- TRACT. Goods usually shipped under contracts limiting liability 388 Rigor of common-law rule relaxed 389 Rule permitting limitation of liability by contract of early origin in England 390 Same subject — Notice sufficient 391 Same subject — Extent of limitation — Anything except gross negli- gence or misfeasance 392 Considerations leading to English Land Carriers' Act 393 Summary of act 394 Construction of act 395 Modification of Carriers' Act by Railway and Canal Traffic Act.... 396 Same subject — Effect of latter act .' 397 Same subject — Language of contract to relieve from negligence must be explicit 398 Early American cases 399 Same subject 400 Carrier may limit liability by special contract 401 Same subject — Contract must be express 402 Same subject — Such limitations result from shipper's waiver of common law liability 403 Same subject — But shipper must be allowed real freedom of choice between restricted or common-law liability 404 Same subject — Limitation prohibited in some states 405 Mere notice is not sufficient — What constitutes special contract 406 Same subject 407 The acceptance of the carrier's receipt creates a contract according to its terms between him and the shipper — Failure to read no defense if no fraud practiced 408 Same subject — Shipper presumed by accepting receipt to have as- sented to its conditions 409 Same subject — Cases holding mere acceptance insufficient — ^Rule in Illinois 410 Form and nature of the contract — Need not be in writing — Evi- dence to establish 411 XXll TABLE OF CONTENTS, [references ABE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject — Parol modifications — Signing by one party — Effect of carrier's omission to sign 412 Same subject — Statutory requirements 413 Notices not intended to limit liability 414 Terms of limitation must be embodied in the contract — Must be plain and easily legible 415 Receipt to be effectual in limiting liability must be given to and accepted by the shipper at the time of the receipt of the goods. .416 Same subject — Parol agreement acted upon cannot be limited by re- ceipt subsequently delivered 417 Extent to which carrier may limit his liability 418 Carrier may stipulate for exemption from liability for certain losses in carriage of live stock 419 Carrier may stipulate for exemption in case of loss by fire 420 Carrier may stipulate for exemption in case of loss caused by strikes, mobs, etc 421 Carrier may stipulate for exemption in case of loss by thieves or robbers 422 Carrier may stipulate for exemption where goods of a dangerous character are accepted for carriage 423 Carrier may stipulate for liability of warehouseman while goods are awaiting further conveyance 424 Contracts limiting the amount of damages recoverable 425 Same subject — Contracts limiting recovery to agreed value of goods. .426 Same subject — Valuation agreement must be bona fide — Valuation must be reasonable 427 Same subject — Execution of contracts limiting recovery to agreed value of goods — Construction 428 Same subject — Measure of recovery where loss is only partial 429 Same subject — Contracts limiting recovery to value of goods at time and place of shipment 430 Same subject — Contracts limiting liability to fixed amount without regard to value 431 Same subject — Effect of delivery, after notice given to stop goods in transit, upon agreement limiting recovery to stated value of goods — Conversion 432 Notice contained in receipt that unless informed of value of goods carrier will be liable only to limited amount 433 Same subject 434 Same subject — But carrier may waive requirement that, unless value of goods is stated, he will be liable only to limited amount 435 Same subject — How under English Land Carriers' Act 43G Same subject — When shipper bound to disclose value 437 Same subject — Illustrations 438 Same subject — Notice under English Carriers' Act 439 Same subject — Weight of English cases 440 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXlll [EEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject — Notice from course of dealing 441 Carrier may limit time within which claim shall be made for loss. .442 Same subject — Condition limiting time within which claim shall be made must be reasonable 443 Same subject — Carrier may waive benefit of such conditions 444 Same subject — How where damage has resulted from carrier's delay — Effect of failure to make delivery — Conversion 445 Same subject — How where carrier is holding goods in the character of a warehouseman , 446 Same subject — Burden of proof 44-7 Carrier may limit time within which suit shall be commenced. .. .448 Where liability is limited by contract, burden of proof is upon the carrier to show himself within the exception 449 Carrier cannot provide by contract against liability for negligence. .450 Same subject — The contrary view 451 Same subject — The rule of the United States Supreme Court 452 Same subject — This rule the prevailing one 453 Same subject — Contrary rule prevails in New York 454 Same subject — Rule in Illinois 455 Same subject — Stipulation as to amount of proof required 456 Power of an agent to bind the owner of goods to limitation 457 Same subject ' 458 Same subject — How where carrier has notice that authority of agent is restricted 459 Powers of agents of carriers to bind them by contract 460 Same subject — The English rule 461 Same subject — Implied authority 462 What will be construed as a contract exempting from liability for negligence — Language must be clear 463 Contracts limiting liability must be construed strictly against the carrier 464 Same subject — Particular exemptions not enlarged by general lan- guage 465 Same subject — Construction of specific terms not altered to release carrier 466 Same subject 467 Same subject — Ambiguous words construed against carrier 468 Same subject 469 How the benefit of such contracts can be claimed by connecting carriers 470 Same subject 471 Same subject — Limitation inures to benefit of connecting carrier only when contract for through carriage exists 472 Same subject 473 By what law contract is to be construed 474 The consideration necessary to uphold such contracts 475 Xxiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. [RKFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Contract must have a fair construction 476 Carrier liable notwithstanding exemption if the loss be the result of his negligence 477 Carrier liable, though exemption from negligence would otherwise be sustained, if loss occasioned by his misfeasance 478 Or, though exemption be for losses resulting from delay, if delay is occasioned by negligence 479 Or if he deiiarts from the stipulated method of transportation — When departure will be excused 480 Exceptions to liability in the bills of lading of carriers by water... 481 Same subject — Perils of the sea — Dangers of navigation 482 Same subject— Perils of the sea, etc., not synonymous with act of God, etc 483 Same subject — What included — Illustrations 484 Same subject — Jettison, when included 485 Same subject — Hidden obstructions 486 Same subject — Other perils 487 Same subject 488 Same subject — Other perils — Fire not included 489 Same subject — How question determined 490 Same subject — Carrier liable, notwithstanding exception, for loss from theft, embezzlement, robbery, etc 491 Same subject — Carrier liable notwithstanding exemption if loss caused by negligence 492 CHAPTER VIII. OF THE CARRIER'S DUTY AS TO THE TRANSPORTATION OP THE GOODS. In general 493 General nature of carrier's duty 494 His duty to provide sufficient means of conveyance 495 Same subject — Must inform shipper of necessary delay — Burden of proof 496 Same subject — Must provide safe and suitable vehic'.es .^ 497 Same subject — Carrier not excused because defective vehicles used by him are owned by another 498 Same subject — Liability of initial carrier for defective vehicles pro- vided by him 499 Same subject — Liability of connecting carrier for defective vehicles received by him from initial or another connecting carrier 500 Vehicles must not only be safe and suitable, but must bs inspected while in transit 591 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXV [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Carrier in the selection of vehicles must guard against the exigencies of such weather as may reasonably be expected 502 Duty as to providing appliances for preventing the escape of sparks. 503 Liability of carrier for using exposed cars 504 Duty in respect to providing refrigerator or ventilated cars 505 When carrier may use open or closed cars 506 Bullion room on vessel for carriage of precious metals must be rea- sonably safe 507 How where shipper selects the vehicles himself 508 Carrier's duty in furnishing cars for live stock 509 Same subject — Stational facilities — Cattle-yards 510 Duty of carrier to accept goods for carriage 511 He must carry for all alike and cannot show preference 512 Same subject — Difference in situation of shippers may justify a pref- erence 513 Same subject — Duty to furnish facilities to express companies with- out discrimination 514 Same subject 515 Same subject 516 Same subject — The "Express Cases" in the United States Supreme Court 517 Right of one express company to use the facilities of another ex- press company 518 Granting preference to one connecting carrier over another 519 Giving preference to one shipper over another 520 Same subject — Discrimination in rates 521 Same subject — The English rule 522 Same subject — Statutory regulation — The Interstate Commerce Act. 523 Who are subject to the Act 524 What shipments are subject to the Act 525 Effect of joint rates in bringing a railroad within the scope of the act — Commission has power to establish joint rates under cer- tain conditions 526 Principal objects of Act 527 Act must be construed broadly 528 Reasonableness of rates — Necessity of actual tender of merchandise for shipment 529 Interests of public predominant on questions of reasonableness of rates 530 Value of goods should be considered in fixing a reasonable rate — Weight and bulk of goods 531 Mileage is not the controlling factor in fixing a reasonable rate.... 532 On questions of reasonableness of rates, a comparison of rates is of small importance 533 What is a reasonable rate may vary with the season of the year. . . .534 Second section of Interstate Commerce Act modelled on English Act 535 XXvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Purpose of second section 536 Effect of second section on discriminative interstate contracts 537 Discrimination must be unjust — ^Milling in transit agreements — Compressing cotton en route 538 Shippers must be placed on absolute equality 53& A lower through rate not necessarily discriminative 540 Discrimination may be in passenger service, as well as property ... 541 Reasonableness of rate not necessarily involved in section two 542 A distinction exists between wholesale rates in freight and passenger traffic — Party rates 543 Car load is usually taken as the unit in fixing freight rates 544 Rebate equal to cartage charges is discriminative 545 Payment of carrier's prior debt by carriage as discrimination 546 Agreement for rebate does not void contract of carriage 547 Effect of section two on limitations on the value of the goods placed in bills of lading 548 Question of relative rates is involved in section two 549 Failure to pay expenses no excuse for unjust discrimination under section two 550 Third section of Interstate Commerce Act modelled on English Act — Their difference 551 Section three is more comprehensive than section two 552 Questions of undue or unreasonable prejudice or preference are ques- tions of fact 553 Origin of goods immaterial under section three 554 Carriage of articles or commodities manufactured, mined or pro- duced by carrier — Section three applies to carriage of timber and manufactured products thereof which are excepted by sec- tion one 555 Discrimination in carriage of live stock and affording proper facili- ties under section three 556 Discrimination in coal car distribution under section three 557 Third section applies as well to passenger as to freight traffic 558 Real and substantial competition justifies dissimilarity in rates 559 Third section does not relate to acts, the result of conditions beyond the control of carrier 560 Competition may be between railroads 561 Competition of ocean lines should be taken into consideration 562 Interests of shipper, carrier and public should be considered 563 Rules as to competition summarized 564 Condition that initial carrier shall have right to route beyond its own terminal is valid 565 Joint rate is not a basis for local rate 566 Requiring prepayment of freight by connecting carrier is not unjust discrimination 567 Duty to afford equal facilities for interchange of traffic 568 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXVii [befebenges are to sections.] Question of similarity or dissimilarity of circumstances under sec- tion four is one of fact 569 Real and substantial competition a factor under section four 570 "Basing Point System" is not illegal under section four 571 Competition must not be conjectural 572 Joint rates under section four 573 Discrimination in rates — State Statutes 574 Power of a state railroad commission to establish rates 575 A state has no control over interstate rates 576 The reasonableness of a state rate must be determined without ref- erence to carrier's interstate business 577 Reasonableness of state rates should be determined by a study of the rates themselves 578 Mileage as a factor in determining the reasonableness of rates 579 Comparison of rates as a criterion of reasonableness 580 A rate on a single article may be unreasonable 581 Carrier entitled to reasonable profits on property used by it 582 How val-ue of railroad's property is determined 583 Courts should be fully advised of receipts and earnings of a railroad. 584 Cost of local business is greater than cost of interstate business. . .585 Effect of connecting and branch lines in determining the reasonable- ness of a rate 586 A rate, though reasonable, should not tend to create a monopoly 587 Discrimination to be actionable must be unjust 588 A special rate is not always unjustly discriminative 589 A "rebilling" rate may be discriminative 590 Free passes are discriminative 591 An extra charge may be made for a shipment received off the car- rier's own line 592 Discrimination in transfer of stock from narrow-gauge to standard- gauge cars 593 Right of carrier to recover from shipper the difference between the discriminative and regular rate 594 Through rate may be less than sum of locals 595 Right of state to compel the issuance of mileage tickets at reduced rates 596 Discrimination between localities 597 A state may regulate domestic long and short haul rates 598 A shipment is an entirety in reference to long and short haul clause. 599 Special contracts with shippers not impossibilities under long and short haul clause 600 Competition not a factor in construction of Kentucky long and short haul clause 601 General duty as to stowage on vessels 602 Same subject — Stowage under deck 603 Same subject — Stowage on deck 604 XXViii TABLE OF CONTENTS. [BErEEEXCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject — Usage as affecting the right to stow on deck in par- ticular instances 605 Same subject — Damage to other goods stowed in hold 606 Same subject — Rule as to stowage in hold confined to vessels on seas and great lakes 607 Same subject — Inland vessels subject to same rules as carriers on land 608 Same subject — Damage to goods in discharging cargo 609 Stowage upon freight cars of railroad companies 610 The goods must be carried in the customary mode or according to the directions of the shipper 611 Same subject — When carrier not liable 612 Carrier's' duty to transport by usual route 613 Same subject — Choice of routes when one dangerous 614 Same subject — Option as to routes to be exercised with regard to the shipper's interest 615 Tempestuous weather may render deviation by vessel necessary 616 The obligation to carry in the manner provided by the contract. . . .617 Same subject — Carrier liable for loss if contract not observed 618 Same subject 619 Same subject 620 Liability of carrier where, notwithstanding an unauthorized devia- tion, the goods arrive on time 621 Construction of clauses in contracts of affreightment permitting deviations — Printed forms 622 Construction of clauses reserving leave to tow and assist other vessels 623 Carrier not liable if loss occurs through misconstruction of bill of lading by shipper 624 The goods must be carried at and within the time agreed on 625 Same subject — Illustrations 626 Same subject — Not excused by circumstances beyond his control. . .627 Same subject — Shipper must not be in default 628 Same subject — Carrier may agree to hold the goods for transporta- tion until a future date 629 Same subject — Implied authority of agent to agree to furnish cars on given day 630 Care to be taken of the goods in case of delay or accident in the course of the transportation 631 Same subject 632 Same subject 633 Care to be taken of live stock 634 Space for cattle must be sufficiently ventilated .,, 635 Care due pregnant or sick animals 636 Rule in Michigan with reference to caring for live stock 637 Carrier must provide suitable places for feeding and watering live stock ; 638 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXIX [BEFEBENCKS ABE TO SECTIONS.] Carrier's duty as to management of vehicles containing live stock.. 639 Shipper may assume duty by contract to care for live stock in transit 640 Same subject — But carrier must afford shipper reasonable oppor- tunity and facilities for performing his contract 641 The failure of the shipper to furnish a caretaker does not excuse any subsequent negligence on the part of the carrier 642 Carrier liable for his negligence in loading or unloading stock not- withstanding contract that shipper shall do so — Effect of negli- gence by shipper 643 Negligent delay by carrier ordinarily no excuse to shipper for refus- ing to comply with his contract to care for stock , ,.644 Duty of carrier in general to avert injury to goods transported .... 645 Same subject — The rule stated 646 But the carrier is not bound to suspend his voyage to preserve the goods 647 Same subject 648 Preference may be given to perishable goods already received 649 So preference may be given to preservation of life 650 Time within which the goods must be carried 651 Same subject — What time reasonable 652 How far carrier responsible for unavoidable delay 653 Same subject — What will excuse delay 654 Same subject — Other illustrations 655 Same subject — Circumstances may make delay a duty 656 Same subject — Delay from strikes or riots 657 Carrier must complete carriage when cause of delay removed . . . . 658 Same subject 659 Power of the owner of the goods to change their destination — Lia- bility for freight 660 Right of owner to terminate carriage short of destination 661 CHAPTER IX. OP DELIVERY BY THE CARRIER. Last duty of carrier is delivery 662 Same subject 663 I. OF DELrVEBY IN GENEBAL. How made in general 664 Duty to make personal delivery except where changed by usage.... 665 Same subject 666 Same subject — How delivery made — Degree of diligence required. .. .667 XXX TABLE OF CONTENTS. [eeferences are to sections.] Excuses for non-delivery — Neither fraud, imposition nor mistake will excuse delivery to wrong person 668 Responsibility for delivery to the wrong person — Negligent delivery to person not the consignee 669 Same subject 670 Same subject 671 Same subject — Liability of carrier for innocent delivery to con- signee though a swindler 672 Same subject — The contrary view 673 Same subject 674 Same subject — How where consigned to agent of carrier .675 Same subject — How where consigned to consignee in care of another person 676 Same subject — How where goods are misdirected 677 Same subject — Carrier not liable where wrong delivery induced or ratified by owner 678 Same subject — Doctrine of the cases stated 679 When delivery at wrong place is deemed a conversion 680 Delivery by carrier holding as warehouseman subject to less strin- gent rules 681 Same subject 682 Same subject 683 Same subject— The rule stated 684 Liability as warehouseman when goods refused or consignee can- not be found 685 Same subject 686 n. DELIVEBY BY CABEIEB BY WATEB. Carriers by water not required to make personal delivery 687 Must provide suitable place and land goods at proper time — Duty if consignee refuses to accept 688 Must give notice of arrival and allow reasonable time for removal.. 689 Notice must be actual 690 Goods must be put in situation for removal 691 Consignee not to be requested to remove goods on Sunday or a legal holiday, on which labor is forbidden 692 Same subject — Fourth of July 693 Consignee must remove goods within reasonable time 694 Diligence required of carrier in giving notice to consignee 695 Necessity of notice may be waived by usage 696 Necessity of notice may be dispensed with by contract 697 At what wharf delivery shall be made 698 Delivery at ship's tackle 699 Mode of delivery may be established by usage — Delivery to custom house officials 700 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXxi [references are to SECTIONS.l III. DELIVERY BY RAILROADS AS CARRIERS. Not required to make personal delivery of goods — Whether notice of arrival necessary 701 Same subject — Massachusetts rule as to delivery by railroads 702 Same subject 703 Same subject — New Hampshire rule as to delivery by railroads. .. .704 Same subject — Limitations upon Massachusetts and New Hamp- shire rules 705 Same subject 706 Same subject 707 Same subject — New York rule as to delivery by railroads 708 Same subject — When question of notice becomes immaterial 709 Mode or place of delivery may be established by usage — Effect of usage on consignee's right to notice of arrival of goods 710 Bulky freight in car load lots must ordinarily be unloaded by party entitled to it — Package freight 711 What is reasonable time for removal 712 Situation or condition of consignee immaterial 713 Liability of carrier pending removal — Liable as warehouseman. .. .714 Carrier must furnish reasonable opportunity and facilities for get- ting goods 715 IV. DELIVERY BY EXPRESS COMPANIES. Express companies required to make personal delivery 716 Personal delivery excused at small stations — Establishment of limits in a city beyond which company will not go to make delivery. .717 How far usage may affect duty 718 Same subject 719 V. VARIOUS INCIDENTS OF DELIVERY. Whether carrier bound to make a personal delivery must give notice of a refusal of the goods by the consignee 720 Same subject — Who to be deemed the owner 721 Same subject — How when goods are not to be delivered until paid for 722 Same subject — How when consignee absent or cannot be found .... 723 Same subject 724 Same subject — Duty arises only when bound to make personal de- livery or to give notice of arrival 725 The duty of the carrier as to C. O. D. goods 726 Same subject — Must conform to instructions — Wrongful delivery ratified 727 Same subject — Duty to require payment is based on contract 728 Same subject — Duty to give consignee an opportunity to pay 729 XXXil TABLE OF CONTENTS. [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject — Right to recover goods delivered without payment. . .730 Same subject — Liability of carrier for return of money 731 In the absence of express authority agent of carrier cannot guaranty price of goods 732 The consignee's right to inspect the goods 733 Same subject — Consignee's right to return damaged goods 734 The consignee's right to change the place of delivery — consignee presumed to be the owner 735 Same subject — Consignee cannot change destination when known to be mere agent 736 Same subject — Change cannot be made after transportation com- pleted 737 VI. EXCUSES FOR NON-DELIVERV. Carrier excused when goods taken from him by legal process 738 Same subject 739 Same subject 740 Same subject — The rule in Massachusetts 741 Same subject — The process must be regular 742 Same subject — Carrier must give notice of seizure to owner 743 Same subject — Carrier by water must defend suit till owner notified. 744 Same subject — Seizure must not have been brought about by laches or connivance of carrier 745 The effect of garnishment or trustee process upon the property in the custody of the carrier 746 Same subject 747 Same subject 748 The duty and liability of the carrier when adverse claim is set up to the property 749 Carrier cannot of his own motion set up adverse title 750 Yet claim upon him by adverse claimant is sufficient 751 Course to be pursued by carrier — Interpleader — Indemnity 752 Same subject — Entitled to reasonable time to investigate title.... 753 Carrier not liable for not permitting goods to be seized on process not against owner 754 The duty and liability of the carrier when goods are detained by customs officials 755 Commendable motives of carrier no excuse for non-delivery 756 VII. STOPPAGE IN TRANSITU. Carrier may show stoppage to excuse delivery 757 How right exercised 758 Who may exercise right — Agent — Want of privity 759 To whom notice is to be given 760 Vendee must be insolvent — What constitutes insolvency 761 TABLE OP CONTENTS. XXxiii [references are to sections.] Transfer of bill of lading to bona fide holder defeats rights 762 Right not defeated by attachment or garnishment by creditors of consignee 763 Effect of attachment of goods by vendor 764 Effect of acceptance of drafts or negotiation of notes 765 Goods must be in the possession of some middleman 766 How long goods will be deemed in transit 767 Actual or constructive delivery defeats rights 768 What constitutes a delivery 769 When transit deemed to be ended 770 Same subject 771 Not necessary that vendor obtain actual possession of goods — Notice is sufficient 772 Duty and liability of carrier after notice 773 Same subject — Effect of agreed valuation in bill of lading when de- livery made by carrier after notice 774 Course to be pursued by carrier for his own protection 775 VIII. THE carrier's RIGHT TO A RECEIPT ON DELIVERY. Carrier may demand receipt on delivery 776 But cannot require surrender of bill of lading 777 CHAPTER X. OP THE RIGHTS OF THE CARRIER. In general 778 I. GENERAL RIGHTS IN RESPECT TO THE GOODS. The carrier's right to an action to recover the goods when taken from him or for an injury to them while in his custody 779 Owner's right of action, how affected — Extent of carrier's recovery. .780 When carrier may be subrogated to owner's claim 781 Right of carrier to recover possession of goods from owner 782 His right to insure the goods 783 Same subject — Insurance by shipper for carrier's benefit 784 His authority to sell the goods 785 Same subject — Cannot sell to satisfy lien 786 Same subject — When sudden emergency will justify sale 787 Same subject — Absolute necessity will justify 788 Same subject — The rule stated 789 Same subject — What purchaser must show 790 Same subject — Sale when not necessary amounts to a conversion. . . .791 Same subject — What degree of necessity must be shown — Necessity for communication with owner 792 Xxxiv TABLE OF CONTENTS, [references are to sections.] Same subject — Sale must be made where market and competition exist '^^^ Same subject— Cannot give away the goods 794 His right to know the character of the goods and the contents of the packages '^^^ Same subject— Shipper must make known dangerous character of goods '^^^ His liability for damages occasioned by dangerous goods 797 The liability of the shipper for injury caused by dangerous goods. .798 11. THE carrier's right TO COMPENSATION. The compensation of the carrier 799 Carrier usually entitled to freight only on the goods delivered 800 Carrier entitled to full freight if prevented by owner from complet- ing journey 801 Entitled to freight though the goods have become worthless, if they are delivered 802 Same subject 803 The amount of compensation for the carriage 804 Rights of shipper when excessive rates demanded 805 Rights of carrier where low rate has been secured by fraud or mis- take 806 Who liable for the freight — Consignee prima facie liable 807 Same subject-«-How when consignee assigns bill of lading before delivery 808 Same subject — Presumption of consignee's liability may be rebutted. 809 Same subject — Remedy against consignee not conclusive — Consignee deemed agent of shipper 810 Same subject — Agency must be known 811 The rule when the freight is to be paid by measurement 812 Must be calculated on amount carried and delivered 813 Freight pro rata itineris 814 Same subject ' 815 Same subject — How question determined 816 Same subject — Acceptance of proceeds of sale made without con- sultation with owner not an acceptance of the goods 817 Same subject — How when transportation to destination impossible. 818 Same subject — How when carriage interrupted by war 819 Same subject — Rule for adjusting freight pro rata 820 Same subject — The application of the rule 821 Transshipment of goods when vessel delayed 822 Same subject — Payment of freight in such cases 823 Same subject — Difference in rates, how adjusted 824 Same subject — Power of master as agent 825 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXXV [references ABE TO SECTIONS.] No freight recoverable when ship captured by the public enemy 826 Right to freight where the goods are carried contrary to the wishes or directions of the owner 827 Carrier cannot sue for freight until the goods are delivered 828 When delivery deemed complete 829 When the shipper may recover freight paid in advance 830 Parties may agree for prepayment 831 Consignee liable for detention of the carrier by water — Demurrage. 832 Same subject — Effect of charterer's stipulation to load or unload within a fixed time 833 Same subject — When delay is caused by default of the shipowner. .834 Same subject — When delay is caused by observance of stipulation inserted for shipowner's benefit 835 Same subject — Delays due to customs officers 836 Same subject — What are counted as lay days — "Days" — "Working days" — "Weather working days" 837 Same subject — Parts of days 838 Same subject — Agreements for "quick dispatch," "customary quick dispatch" and "customary dispatch" 839 Same subject — Agreements to load or discharge "as fast as steamer can deliver" 840 Same subject — Charterer's liability may be restricted by exceptions — "Strikes" — "Droughts" — "Political occurrences," etc 841 Effect when contract is silent as to time of loading or discharge. .842 Same subject — Demurrage not allowable for contemplated delays.. 843 Same subject — When loading or discharge is left to third person.. 844 Same subject — Charterer must have cargo ready for loading 845 Same subject — Charterer's duty to provide appliances for loading or unloading 846 Same subject — "In regular turn" 847 Same subject — Necessity of notice of vessel's readiness 848 Same subject — Where ship must be lying 849 Same subject — Vessel to proceed to berth "as ordered" 850 Accident to vessel while waiting on demurrage 851 Charterer's liability for delays after loading is completed 852 Effect of consignee's acceptance of goods as creating liability for demurrage 853 Effect of "cesser" clause 854 Demurrage not allowable where delay is due to shipowner's or mas- ter's faults 85S Shipowner's lien for demurrage. 856 Waivers of claim for demurrage 857 Liability of consignee for detention of cars where duty to unload the goods devolves on railroad company 858 XXXvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject— How where duty to unload cars devolvee on con- signee °^^ Same subject — Effect of provision for demurrage charge in railroad company's receipt — Rules and regulations 8G0 Same subject — Car service associations 8G1 Same subject — Lien of railroad company on goods to secure payment of charges in the nature of demurrage 862 Carrier's right of indemnity — Freight for goods not delivered — Failure to supply cargo 863 ni. THE carrier's bight of lien. The carrier has a lien for his freight 864 Lien usually a specific one 865 What charges the lien protects SG6 Same subject — Lien of last of connecting carriers for freight ad- vanced to preceding carrier 867 Lien on sub-freight SG8 Lien lost by unconditional surrender of goods 869 Lien not lost by a delivery of part of the goods 870 Lien not lost by delivery obtained by trick or fraud 871 Lien takes precedence of claims of consignor or creditors 872 Eights of conditional vendor who authorizes shipment of goods.... 873 Lien lost where carrier is liable for damages to goods equal to or exceeding the freight charges 874 Lien may be waived by terms of payment 875 Same subject — Waiver by taking acceptance payable after delivery. 876 Same subject — What does not amount to a waiver 877 Same subject — Other illustrations 878 Same subject — Other illustrations 879 Carrier may store goods subject to lien when consignee fails or re- fuses to pay freight 880 Liability of carrier while so holding goods 881 Whether the carrier has a lien upon goods wrongfully shipped by one who is not the owner 882 Same subject — How compares with innkeeper 883 Same subject — No lien where goods received from tortious holder.. 884 Same subject — Lien exists where goods received from one clothed with apparent authority by owner 885 Whether property of government subject to lien 886 Lien discharged by tender 887 Lien not assignable 888 Carrier cannot sell the goods for his charges 889 I TABLE OP CONTENTS. XXXVU [references are to sections.] CHAPTER XI. OF CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS. 1. OF PASSENGER CARRIERS GENERALLY. Distinction between common carrier and carrier of passengers 890 Not common carrier in transportation of slaves 891 Carrier of passengers not insurer of their safety — Liable only for negligence 892 1. Degree of care and diligence required. Degree of care and diligence required of passenger carriers 893 Same subject 894 Same subject 895 Same subject — Bound to protect as far as human care and fore- sight will go 896 Same subject — Limitations to the rule 897 Degree of care required may vary with the circumstances — Duty to warn passenger of danger 898 Same subject — When passengers ai-e carried on freight or mixed trains 899 Risks which the passenger takes upon himself — Carrier not liable for mere accidents or casualties which human prudence could not foresee 900 Same subject 901 2. Duty as to means of conveyance. Carrier's responsibility for the safety of his means of conveyance. .902 Same subject— Liability for latent defects 903 Same subject 904 Same subject — The English rule 905 Responsibility for defects in vehicles and machinery attributable to the fault of the manufacturer 906 Same subject 907 Same subject 908 Same subject — Carrier responsible to passenger for negligence of manufacturer 909 Same subject — Same rule applies to bridges 910 Responsibility for equipping vehicles with unsafe appliances — Duty as to management of appliances 911 Responsibility for injuries caused by escaping sparks or cinders... .912 XXXViii TABLE OP CONTENTS, [references are to sections.] Liability of carrier wliere the immediate cause of the injury is the negligent act of a third person 913 Liability of carrier where injury is due to an intervening cause... 914 Liability of railway carrier having running powers over other road. 915 Liability of carrier for safety of intermediate agencies employed. . .916 Liability for injury caused by concurrent action of two carriers 917 Liability of carrier for acts of lessees, etc. — Liability for acts of receiver 918 Liability of carrier for the negligence of an independent con- tractor 919 Liability for injury caused passenger by article brought into vehicle by other passenger 920 Same subject — Dangerous articles 921 Duty of carrier to supply vehicles with necessary service and accom- modations 922 Duty in respect of management and running of trains and vehicles . . 923 Same subject — Duty to avoid sudden jerks and jars 924 Same subject — Duty to keep track free from obstructions — Duty to avert injury from obstructions placed near track 925 Same subject — Duty as to speed of trains 926 Same subject — Doors and windows — Vestibuled trains 927 3. Duty as to stational facilities. Duty of railway carriers in respect to platforms, approaches and station accommodations , 928 Same subject — Like accommodations not required at all stations. . .929 Same subject — Where railroad line or stational facilities are still in process of construction 930 Same subject — Equipment and heating of waiting rooms — Retiring places 931 Same subject — Baggage rooms 932 Same subject — Liability for unsafe platforms 933 Same subject — Passengers must use platforms intended for them 984 Same subject — Liability for obstructions on platforms 935 Same subject — Liability for not lighting stations 936 Same subject — Duty in respect to providing means for getting to or from stations and trains 937 Same subject — How where stational facilities are not owned by the railroad company — Union depots 938 Same subject — Passenger not justified in incurring danger to avoid inconvenience 939 Same subject — Not liable for not guarding against accidents not reasonably to be anticipated 940 Same subject— The degree of care required 941 TABLE OP CONTENTS. XXXIX [references are to sections.] Duty of carriers by water in respect to wharves, approaches and stational facilities 942 Power of carriers to adopt regulations as to admissions into their stations and depots 943 Same subject — Right of railway companies to exclude all but certain favored hackmen from their grounds — Courts which uphold such right 944 Same subject — Courts which deny such right 945 Power of railway company to grant exclusive access to its terminal wharf to favored steamboat line 946 4. Duty to keep roads, vehicles, etc., in repair. Duty as to roads when provided by themselves 947 Same subject — Not liable for defect in road caused by accident which could not have been f®reseen — Storms, floods, snowslides, etc. ..948 Same subject — Liability for unsound rails, defective switches, etc. ..949 Same subject — No liability when injury caused by a stranger 950 Same subject — Liability for not discovering defect 951 Responsibility for not adopting useful improvements which may promote the safety of the passenger 952 Same subject 953 Same subject — Duty of railroad company to maintain "whip lashes" near overhanging structures or bridges 954 Duty of railroad company to maintain fences along its right of way. 955 Duty as to examination of vehicles and other apparatus 956 Same subject 957 5. Duty as to servants employed. Responsibility for the character of servants employed 958 Same subject — Liable for their negligence, imprudence or incom- petency 959 Same subject — Companies and corporations liable 960 Same subject — Liability for knowingly retaining unfit servants — Ratification 9^1 6. Duty to accept passenger. Their duty to accept as passengers those who offer themselves for carriage 962 Same subject 963 Same subject — Right to be carried on freight trains 964 Same subject — Right to be carried on special or emergency trains. 965 What persons the carrier may refuse to accept 966 Xl TABl.E OF CONTENTS. [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject— Right to exclude the blind 967 Same subject— Right to exclude the insane 968 Same subject— Right to exclude intoxicated persons 969 Same subject — Right to exclude persons who interfere with the in- terests or business of the carrier 970 Duty and liability as to carrying prisoners 971 7. Separation of passengers for sex, color, etc. Passengers may be separated according to sex, character, etc. — Color discriminations 972 Same subject — Contract of carriage made subject to such regula- tions 973 8. Ejection of passenger for misconduct. But when once accepted, a passenger cannot be ejected unless guilty of some misconduct 974 Same subject — Not to be ejected for supposed bad character if prop- erly conducting himself 975 Same subject — When one passenger may be ejected for misconduct of another 976 When the passenger may be ejected for improper conduct 977 Same subject — Ejection of drunken passengers 978 Same subject — Breach of table manners 979 9. Duty to protect passenger. Duty of the carrier to protect the passenger 980 Same subject — Carrier bound to protect against assaults which might reasonably be expected 981 Same subject — Carrier's duty to protect female passengers 982 Same subject — Carrier not liable for accidents arising from rude- ness or incivility of fellow-passengers 983 Same subject — Duty to restrain or eject drunken passengers 984 Same subject — Duty of carrier to guard against careless use of firearms 985 Same subject — Carrier's duty to protect passengers from injuries by strikers 986 Same subject — Duty of carrier to protect passenger from arrest. .. .987 Same subject — Duty of carrier to protect its passengers against acts of violence by passengers who have been ejected or have alighted 988 Same subject — Duty of carrier to protect passenger while in station or depot 989 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xU [BEFEEENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Difference between passenger and stranger or trespasser as to de- gree of care and diligence to be used 990 Same subject — Duty to persons coming to stations to assist pas- sengers 991 Duty of carrier toward sick, aged and disabled passengers 992 Same subject — Blind and deaf passengers 993 Duty toward intoxicated passengers 994 Degree of care required in the carriage of children 995 Duty to furnish assistance to passengers who have fallen from train. 996 10. Who are passengers. Who entitled to be considered a passenger 997 Same subject — Authority of carrier's employes to create relation of passenger 998 Same subject — Persons not passengers who voluntarily ride in places not intended for passengers 999 Same subject — Riding on freight trains, engines, hand-cars, etc... 1000 Same subject — Trespassers, tramps, defrauders, etc 1001 Same subject — Passenger by mistake on wrong train is not a tres- passer 1002 Same subject — Person riding on "drover's pass" 1003 Same subject — Person riding on "employe's pass" 1004 Same subject — May become passenger before entering vehicle — Ef- fect of signal to stop 1005 Same subject — Person waiting to take train entitled to protection — Person pursuing departing train — Spectators 1006 Same subject — May be passenger though received in vehicle before ready to start 1007 Same subject — Prepayment of fare not necessary 1008 Same subject — Injury while waiting but before purchase of ticket. 1009 Same subject — Is a passenger while coming to station on car- rier's vehicle 1010 Same subject — Injury to passenger on platform by objects thrown from passing train — Coal — Stick of wood — Mail bags 1011 Same subject — Continues to be passenger though temporarily ab- sent from vehicle 1012 Same subject — Does not cease to be passenger by assisting carrier in emergency 1013 Same subject — Does not cease to be passenger by remaining on train after reaching his first destination with the intention to continue his journey to another point 1014 Same subject — What elements must exist 1015 Same subject — How long the relation of carrier and passenger con- tinues 1016 xlii TABLE OF CONTENTS. [REFERENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject — Duty of protection does not depend on contract alone — Mail-carrier — Servant — Excursionist — Sunday traveler. .1017 Same subject— Duty to one not passenger but lawfully on train — Express messenger — Porter — News agent — Lumberman 1018 Same subject — Payment of fare not necessary to constitute a pas- senger 1019 Same subject — Child or other person carried free as passenger. .. .1020 11. Gratuitous passenger. Care and diligence due to a gratuitous passenger 1021 Same subject — The rule stated 1022 12. Fare and its payment. Amount of fare — State regulation — Discrimination 1023 Payment of fare — How made — Making change 1024 Same subject — Who liable for fare — Adult and child 1025 Same subject — Paying fare or buying ticket with counterfeit money 1026 Same subject — Effect of statutory requirement that conductor wear badge to show his authority to collect fares 1027 13. Tickets. The contract to carry — Tickets 1028 Such tickets in universal use 1029 Duty to sell tickets to those applying for them 1030 Effect of exchange of tickets on stipulations therein 1031 Carrier may require passengers to purchase tickets and exhibit them before entering trains 1032 Same subject — Requiring higher fare when paid on train — Reason- able facilities for procuring ticket must be furnished 1033 Same subject — Waiver of right to demand higher fare when paid on train 1034 Same subject — Carrier may abandon custom to sell tickets at re- duced rates 1035 Same subject — Ticket must be produced when called for — Lost, mis- laid or forgotten tickets 1036 Same subject — Rebate or train tickets given on payment of cash fare must be produced when called for 1037 Same subject — Right to require surrender of ticket 1038 Same subject 1039 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xliii [references are to sections.] Same subject — Torn or mutilated tickets 1040 In absence of contract, ticket presumed to be for continuous trip — Stop-over 1041 Same subject — Through passenger cannot claim the advantage of local excursion or competitive rates between intermediate points 1042 Same subject — Limitations as to time within which ticket is good for use 1043 Same subject 1044 Same subject IO45 Same subject 1046 Same subject IO47 Rule different in case of coupon tickets 1048 Coupon ticket does not usually import contract of through car- riage 1049 Same subject — But contract for through carriage may be so made. 1050 Effect of non-designation of route in ticket when there is a longer ' and shorter route 1051 If ticket does not express the entire contract, it may be shown by other proof 1052 Passenger is bound by terms of ticket contract 1053 Same subject — Round-trip ticket requiring identification 1054 Same subject — Provision that coupon shall not be good if detached. 1055 Same subject — Provision that ticket shall not be transferable 1056 Same subject — Passenger should truthfully answer questions of conductor concerning his identity 1057 Same subject — Provision that ticket shall not be good on certain trains 1058 Same subject — Passenger can go only in direction which ticket indicates 1059 Same subject — How when train does not stop at passenger's des- tination 1060 Same subject — How when by mistake he is given obviously wrong ticket 1061 Same subject — How when ticket is apparently good 10G2 Same subject — Where two or more roads employ joint ticket agent — Which road liable for his mistakes 1063 Same subject — Where conductor on first line tears off coupon of second line 1064 Same subject — As between passenger and conductor the ticket pro- duced must govern 1065 Same subject — But passenger is not without remedy 1066 Right of passenger to rely on instructions given him 1067 When passenger's ticket has been purchased for him by third per- son 1068 Xliv TABLE OF CONTENTS. [EEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] 14. Limitation of carrier's liability. Passenger carrier cannot limit his liability by notice or regula- tion — Conclusiveness of contract 1069 Same subject — Good faith required on part of carrier 1070 Same subject — When limitation inures to benefit of connecting carrier 1071 Right of the carrier to provide against liability for injuries to the passenger from the negligence of the carrier or his servants. .1072 Same subject — Actual payment of cash fare not necessary in order to render stipulations against liability for negligence void 1073 Same subject — No distinction made in these cases as to degree of negligence 1074 Rule where free passes are issued on condition of no liability. .. .1075 Carrier may enter into contract of indemnity with insurance com- pany 1076 15. Regulations of the carrier. The passenger must conform to the reasonable regulations of the carrier, and may be ejected for refusal 1077 Same subject 1078 Same subject 1079 Regulation of carrier may be waived by usage — Authority of an agent to waive 1080 Carrier liable if wrong person expelled for breach of regulations. .1081 16. Ejection of passenger for breach of regulations. At what place passenger may be ejected 1082 Same subject — Ejection of females and sick or intoxicated passen- gers 1083 The right to eject must be exercised in a proper manner 1084 Effect of tender after refusal to pay or show ticket and ejection begun 1085 Duty of carrier to tender back fare received before ejection 1086 Duty of carrier to tender back fare received when parent is ejected for non-payment of child's fare 1087 Duty of carrier to return ticket claimed to be void or worthless before ejecting passenger 1088 The right to resist ejection — May resist ejection from train in rapid motion 1089 Same subject — Resistance when rightfully on train — Resistance not necessary to preserve passenger's rights-:-Damages for injuries received while resisting 1090 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xlv [references are to sections.] Whether due care has been used, a question of fact 1091 Relation of carrier and passenger does not cease on wrongful ejection 1092 17. The treatment of the passenger. The treatment due the passenger 1093 Liability of carrier for ill-treatment of passenger — Liable for as- saults by brakemen and conductors 1094 Same subject — Liable for assaults by porters or omnibus guards.. 1095 Same subject — Like rule governs as to liability of carrier by water for assault by servants 103G Same subject — Exemplary damages allowed 1097 Same subject — Early overruled cases in New York hold carrier not liable for assault by servant not acting in line of his duty.... 1098 Liability of carrier for assault by servants in station or before or after the existence of the relation of carrier and passenger... .1099 Liability of carrier for wrongful arrest of passenger by carrier's servants 1100 Liability for indecent assaults on female passengers 1101 Liability of carrier where ill-treatment is provoked by the pas- senger 1102 18. Duty as to beginning, continuing and ending the transportation. The time at which the carrier must commence and complete the transportation 1103 Must use diligence to conform to published schedules and notices. .1104 Same subject 1105 Same subject 1106 Same subject 1107 How when a train is late — Statements of agent as to when it will arrive or depart 1108 Liability for detention of the passenger 1109 Duty to stop trains for passengers at regular or flag stations and at passenger platforms 1110 Passenger must be allowed reasonable opportunity to enter vehicle in safety 1111 Helping passengers to enter train 1112 Carrier must furnish sufficient room and reasonable accommoda- tions — Right of passenger to a seat before surrendering ticket. 1113 Same subject — Extraordinary and unexpected demand will excuse. 1114 Same subject — When passengers are carried in baggage car 1115 Carrier must allow customary intervals for refreshment and give notice of departure 1116 Passenger must be put down at usual place of stopping 1117 xlvi TABLE OP CONTENTS. [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Carrier must give sufficient time to alight 1118 Same subject — Not liable where reasonable time and opportunity given, but passenger has delayed 1119 Same subject — Not liable where passenger has evaded payment of fare 1120 Must give notice of arrival at stations 1121 Must be careful not to invite the passenger to alight at an im- proper time or place 1122 Same subject — Effect of calling name of station 1123 Same subject — Where announcement is made by stranger 1124 Same subject — Effect of notice to passengers to take other cars... 1125 Same subject — Carrying passengers past platforms or stations 1126 Helping passengers to alight 1127 Awaking sleeping passengers 1128 Furnishing passengers necessary instructions 1129 IT. SLEEPING AND PABLOB CABS. Sleeping-car companies not common carriers or inn-keepers, but bound for reasonable care 1130 Same subject — Negligence the test of liability 1131 Same subject — Limit of the liability 1132 Same subject — Liability while passenger is away from berth 1133 Same rules apply to parlor-car companies 1134 Railroad company liable as common carrier to passenger of sleep- ing-car 1135 Railroad company entitled to determine who shall occupy sleeping- cars 1136 Sleeping-car company not responsible for train connections 1137 Responsibility of sleeping-car company where sleeping-car does not go over the same line of railroad that passenger's ticket calls for 1138 Duty of sleeping-car company to furnish berth 1139 Duty of sleeping-car company to furnish means of getting into or out of berth 1140 Passenger entitled to occupy only the berth he pays for 1141 Duty to awaken passengers in time to alight 1142 Duty to ventilate and heat cars 1143 Duty to keep aisles free from obstructions 1144 Liability of sleeping-car company for assaults by its servants on passengers or for wrongful expulsion 1145 Liability of sleeping-car company for baggage in custody of porter while lady passenger is leaving train 1146 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xlvii [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] III. PASSENGEB CABBIEBS BY WATEB. Are subject to general rules regulating other carriers 1147 Statutory regulation 1148 Penalties imposed for dangerous practices 1149 Licensing officers, etc 1150 Statutory regulations for safety 1151 Government of merchant vessels 1152 Regulations to prevent collisions 1153 Purpose of these regulations 1154 These regulations do not lessen liability of carrier for safe car- riage of passengers 1155 Duty to furnish passengers with food and other necessaries 1156 Same subject 1157 Same subject — Steerage passengers 1158 Authority of master 1159 Same subject 1160 Duty of master to provide for safety, health and comfort of passen- gers 1161 Same subject — Duty in respect of women and children 1162 Same subject — Duty to aid sick or disabled passengers 1163 Passenger must conduct himself properly 1164 Duty to furnish berths 1165 How far carrier by water bound by schedule as to leaving 1166 Same subject — Carrier by water not bound to deliver telegrams addressed to passengers 1167 Passengers may refuse to be carried in unseaworthy ship 1168 Liability of carrier by water continues until passenger and his baggage are safely landed 1169 CHAPTER XII. THE LIABILITY OP THE CARRIER AS AFFECTED BY THE CON- CURRING OR CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE OF THE PAS- SENGER. Of contributory negligence generally 1170 Application of rule to carriers 1171 Difference in this respect between passenger and stranger 1172 Contributory negligence of passenger no excuse to carrier where injury could have been averted 1173 Contributory negligence usually a question of fact 1174 When a question of law 1175 Questions of mixed law and fact 1176 Alighting from train while in motion 1177 Same subject 1178 xlviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. [references are to oECTIONS.] Same subject— View that attempt by passenger to alight from train while in motion is not necessarily a negligent act per se 1179 Same subject — How when danger obvious 1180 Getting on train while in motion 1181 Same subject — View that attempt by passenger to board train while in motion is not necessarily a negligent act per se 1182 Same subject — Negligence of passenger in boarding train while in motion no excuse for pushing him from platform 1183 Leaving or entering train elsewhere than on platform where one is provided 1184 Same subject — Effect of carrier's acquiescence or directions 1185 Leaving or entering train at place where no platform is provided. .1186 Alighting at an unusual place when train has stopped short of or has overshot platform 1187 Using ways for leaving or entering vehicles not intended for that purpose 1188 Same subject — Effect of carrier's acquiescence 1189 Alighting from steps of vehicle when danger obvious 1190 Using ways for leaving depot not intended for that purpose 1191 Passing from car to car while train is in motion 1192 Same subject — How when cars provided with vestibules 1193 Occupying exposed position upon vehicle 1194 Same subject — Effect of carrier's acquiescence or directions 1195 Same subject — Occupying exposed position not a bar to recovery where it does not contribute to injury 1196 Voluntarily riding on platform while train in motion 1197 Same subject — How when car full 11.98 Riding on platform to better escape impending danger — How when car unfit for physical comfort 1199 Riding in baggage or mail-car 1200 Riding in show-car ' 1201 Stockmen riding in stock-car 1202 Same subject — Passing over tops of cars while train is in motion. .1203 Same subject — Stockmen riding on engine 1204 Riding on hand-car 1205 Interfering with management of vehicles 1206 Using unsafe platforms on depot premises 1207 Occupying exposed positions upon railway company's premises. . .1208 Exposure of person — Passenger projecting his limbs from car window 1209 Same subject — Such protrusions held negligence 1210 Same subject — The contrary' view 1211 Same subject 1212 Same subject 1213 Same subject — No defense where it does not contribute to injury.. 1214 Same subject — Protruding head through car window 1215 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xlis [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] Whether standing in car is contributory negligence 1216 Same subject — Care to be exercised by passenger while riding on freight trains 1217 Riding upon engine 1218 Crossing tracks to reach or leave cars 1219 Crawling under trains to reach cars 1220 How far negligence excused by directions of carrier or his serv- ants 1221 Same subject — Directions by agent must be given while acting within scope of his authority 1222 Where the passenger is attempting to escape peril to which the carrier has exposed him 1223 Same subject — The test of the carrier's liability 1224 Avoiding an inconvenience to which the negligence of the carrier has exposed him 1225 Negligence on one kind of vehicle may not be on another 1226 Contributory negligence as affected by the infancy of the pas- senger '. . . 1227 Same subject — When negligence will be imputed to children 1228 Imputability of the negligence of those who have infants and imbeciles in charge 1229 Contributory negligence, as affected by the intoxication of the pas- senger 1230 Contributory negligence as affected by the blindness or deafness of the passenger 1231 Traveling on Sunday 1232 Same subject 1233 Care to be exercised by passenger after having been wrongfully ejected from train or negligently carried beyond his destina- tion 1234 Whether the negligence of the passenger's carrier is to be imputed to him when injured by the concurrent negligence of another — The former English rule of Thorogood v. Bryan 1235 Same subject — The English rule generally denied in the United States 1236 Same subject — English criticism of the rule 1237 Same subject — Final overthrow of the rule in England 1238 Summary of the rules upon the subject of this chapter 1239 CHAPTER XIII. PASSENGERS' BAGGAGE. Questions discussed in this chapter 1240 Carrier's liability for baggage 1241 What is baggage 1242 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS. [befeeences are to sections.] Same subject — Is whatever is usually carried as baggage 1243 Same subject — Articles for personal use during, or for ultimate purpose of journey 1244 Same subject — As to value 1245 Various articles held baggage 1246 Same subject — Bedding 1247 Same subject — A broad rule 1248 What is not baggage 1249 Effect of knowingly accepting articles not properly baggage, but which are tendered as such by the passenger 1250 Same subject — Authority of baggage-master to check merchandise as baggage 1251 Same subject — Massachusetts rule as to merchandise 1252 Baggage not limited to articles to be used on journey 1253 Articles appropriate or essential to purpose of journey 1254 The question of baggage, how determined 1255 Implied authority of baggage-master concerning baggage 1256 Liability when passenger retains possession of baggage 1257 Same subject — English cases — Must be clear that passenger as- sumes entire control 1258 Same subject — English cases — Question of delivery to carrier 1259 Same subject — English cases — Passenger's contributory negligence. 1260 Same subject — Conclusion from last decision 1261 Same subject — English cases — Dissent from earlier authorities 1262 Same subject — English cases — Bei-gheim v. Railway disapproved. . .1263 Same subject — General result of American cases 1264 Same subject — Carrier not liable for wearing apparel in present use 1265 Same subject — Carrier liable for baggage retained by passenger in sleeping-car 1266 Same subject — Hand-bag dropped out of window 1267 Liability of carrier by water for baggage taken by the passenger into his stateroom 1268 Same subject — No liability for clothing, money or jewelry in cus- tody of passenger 1269 Same subject — Nor for any property in exclusive possession of pas- senger 1270 Same subject — New York rule as to the responsibility of the car- rier by water for baggage taken by passenger into his state- room 1271 Same subject — Passenger negligent, carrier not liable 1272 Sleeping and parlor-car companies 1273 Owner must be a passenger 1274 What is contract where baggage not accompanied by owner 1275 Where baggage is accompanied by a person other than the owner. .1276 TABLE OP CONTENTS. 11 [references are to sections. J Baggage of wife accompanied by husband — of ctiild accompanied by parent 1277 When passenger need not accompany his baggage 1278 Baggage when carried as freight 1279 Passenger lying over — Baggage going on 1280 Delivery of baggage to carrier 1281 Liability of carrier for delivering baggage to wrong connecting carrier 1282 Same subject — Liability of connecting carrier 1283 Delivery of baggage at destination 1284 Passenger allowed reasonable time to call for baggage 1285 What is reasonable time 1286 Same subject 1287 Same subject 1288 Same subject 1289 Same subject — Dissent from prevailing construction of "reason- able time" 1290 Strict liability of carrier succeeded by that of warehouseman 1291 Liability for negligence of subsidiary carrier 1292 Strict liability of carrier preserved where delay is caused by carrier 1293 Delivery by carrier to transfer company — Delivery by transfer company 1294 Passenger's right to have baggage delivered at any regular station at which train stops 1295 Connecting carriers — Through contract 1296 Contracts limiting liability 1297 Same subject — Terms of limitation on baggage checks 1298 Same subject — Terms of limitation on passenger tickets 1299 Liability for baggage when passenger is carried gratuitously 1300 Baggage checks 1301 What a baggage check implies 1302 The carrier's lien upon baggage 1303 CHAPTER XIV. OP ACTIONS AGAINST COMMON CARRIERS. I. THE PARTIES. Who may sue the carrier for loss of or damage to the goods 1304 One having special property may sue 1805 Owner may sue 1306 Person making contract with the carrier may sue 1307 Same subject— Even if plaintiff have no interest in goods 1308 lii TABLE OP CONTENTS. [references ABE TO SECTIONS.] Same subject— States following this doctrine 1309 Same subject — Doctrine supported by English cases 1310 Same subject — Advantage of this rule 1311 Conclusions from previous cases 1312 Contract need not be in writing to enable shipper to sue 1313 The rule of these cases stated — Only owner may sue in tort 1314 Rule that only owner can sue 1315 Rule that mere agent without interest cannot sue 1316 When consignee may sue 1317 When consignor the proper party 1318 Same subject — Where sale is void, or where contract of sale is rescinded, consignor should sue 1319 Conclusions on this subject 1320 n. THE FORM OF ACTION. The form of action 1321 Original theory as to carrier's obligation 1322 First recognition of the theory of the carrier's contract obligation. .1323 Action on the case 1324 Action in case is several and not joint 1325 Advantage of declaring in case 1326 Action in assumpsit 1327 How character of action determined 1328 Same subject 1329 Distinction in form of action now generally unimportant 1330 When action should be upon the contract 1331 When action should be for breach of duty 1332 III. THE PLEADINGS. Important to determine if plaintiff's declaration be in case or as- sumpsit 1333 What the declaration must allege 1334 When action is on the contract it must be set out correctly 1335 Same subject — Example of particularity requisite in declaring on contract 1336 Same subject — Variance between declaration and proof fatal 1337 Same subject — Whole contract must be stated 1338 Reasons for requiring particularity in declaring 1339 Mere collateral stipulations need not be stated 1340 Pleadings in action for statutory penalty for excessive charge 1341 How common-law action for excessive charge is affected by stat- utory action 1342 What is sufficient averment of an over-charge at common law.... 1343 TABLE OF CONTENTS. lui [references are to sections.] statements as to the carrier's reward or compensation 1344 The carrier's defense to the action 1345 IV. THE evidence. What must be proved by the plaintiff 1346 Plaintiff must show whose negligence caused loss 1347 Presumption that each of several connecting carriers received goods in same condition as when delivered to first carrier — Burden of proof to show contrarj' 1348 Same subject — Rule in Michigan 1349 Contract with carrier may be either express or implied 1350 Express contract not necessary — Delivery and acceptance enough.. 1351 Plaintiff must produce some evidence of loss — What evidence will be sufficient 1352 What the carrier may show 1353 Rule that burden of proof is upon carrier to show no negligence. .1354 Rule that burden of proof as to negligence is upon the shipper 1355 Importance of question 1356 Burden of proof where property injured consists of live-stock 1357 v. THE MEASURE OF DAMAGES. Difference in measure between actions of tort and contract 1358 The measure of damages for not accepting and carrying the goods. .1359 The measure of damages for the loss of the goods 1360 Same subject — Exceptions to the rule 1361 Measure of damages for injury to goods during transportation. .. .1362 Same subject — Measure of damages where goods not intended for sale or have no market value — Family portrait — Second-hand goods — Building plans 1363 Same subject — How when amount of loss limited by contract 1364 Right of consignee to refuse to receive injured goods 1365 Damages for delay in the transportation and delivery 1366 Same subject — Special damages — Notice of special circumstances must be given to carrier when contract is made 1367 Same subject — Notice given after contract to carry has been per- formed 1368 Damages for delay in transporting articles intended for use in business 1369 Damages when carrier refuses to perform his contract to accept and carry the goods 1370 Same subject 1371 Delay not a conversion of the goods — Nor loss through mere non- feasance 1372 Damages for delay where the goods are not for sale as merchandise. 1373 liv TABLE OF CONTENTS. [references are to sections.] Measure of damages for conversion of the goods— Mitigation of damages .1374 Damages for injury to, or delay in the shipment of bodies of de- ceased persons 1Z75 CHAPTER XV. OF ACTIONS AGAINST CARRIERS FOR INJURIES TO PASSENGERS. I. COMMON-LAW ACTIONS. Actions for injuries at common law 1376 Parent's right of action 1377 Same subject — Nature and extent of recovery 1378 Husband's right of action 1379 Relation of servitude necessary at common law 1380 Effect of child's contributory negligence on parent's action 1381 Effect of parent's contributory negligence on his own action 1382 Effect of negligence of husband or wife on the other's action 1383 II. STATUTORY ACTIONS. Statutory right of action in case of death 1384 Same subject — Similar acts in the United States 1385 Whether statute gives a new right of action 1386 Extraterritorial effect of these statutes 1387 When right of action created in one state may be prosecuted in other states 1388 Who may sue under these statutes 1389 Who may sue when action is brought in state other than one where death is caused 1390 Effect of deceased's contributory negligence or his settlement of the action 1391 Effect of beneficiaries' contributory negligence or release 1392 What law governs as to the effect of contributory negligence or of a release 1393 When existence of kin must be shown 1394 Who included among beneficiaries — Aliens — Posthumous and ille- gitimate children — Grandchildren 1395 Effect of time limitation 1396 Measure of damages 1397 No damages for mental suffering of beneficiaries 1398 Nominal damages 1399 Punitive damages ordinarily not recoverable 1400 Province of jury in allowing damages 1401 Distribution of damages recovered 1402 TABLE OP CONTENTS. Iv [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] III. OF ACTIONS IN GENEEAL. 1. The forTTi of action. Form of action optional 1403 Form of action when exemplary damages are claimed 1404 Form when brought by personal representative 1405 Recovery must be for cause of action stated 1406 How form of action is determined 1407 Same subject 1408 2. The pleadings. Special damages must be pleaded 1409 Same subject 1410 3. The evidence. Proof of the carrier's negligence 1411 Presumptions as to negligence 1412 When the fact of the injury is prima facie evidence of negligence 1413 Same subject 1414 Proof of injury usually makes a prima facie case of negligence 1415 Same subject — How where passenger agrees to assume risk of acci- dent 1416 Contributory negligence of passenger — Burden of proof on de- fendant 1417 Same subject — Cases holding that burden of proof is on plaintiff. .1418 To defeat recovery plaintiff's negligence must have been a proxi- mate cause of injury 1419 How question of contributory negligence determined 1420 4. The measure of damages. Measure of damages is generally compensation for injury 1421 Compensation for pain and suffering 1422 Future damages may be considered 1423 Inconvenience may be considered 1424 Suffering must be real 1425 Measure of damages for delay in transporting the passenger 1426 Damages for mental suffering 1427 Damages must be proximate and natural consequence of the in- jury 1428 Same subject — The more liberal rule 1429 Same subject — How question determined 1430 Passenger must seek to make his damage as light as possible. .. .1431 Effect of previous sickness or disease 1432 Ivi TABLE OF CONTENTS. [BEFEEENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Damages in case of maltreatment — Ejection from train 1433 Same subject — How when maltreatment is provoked by insulting language or violent conduct of passenger 1434 Exemplary or punitory damages against carriers 1435 On what theory allowed 1436 When allowed for carrier's neglect of duty in furnishing safe vehi- cles, tracks, etc 1437 When exemplary damages allowed for reckless acts of carrier's servants 1438 Same subject 1439 Same subject — The more liberal rule 1440 When allowed for active maltreatment of passenger 1441 Same subject — The more liberal rule 1442 Same subject — Effect of servant's good faith 1443 Same subject — Evidence of authority or ratification 1444 Same subject — Carrier only liable where servant would have been. .1445 When carrier may disprove wrongful intent 1446 TABLE OF CASES CITED. In pursuance of the plan adopted in the former editions of this work, and now followed by many courts, all cases in which a railroad, railway, express or insurance company was plaintiff have been arranged in this table under the heading of Railroad Company, Railway Company, Express Company, Insurance Company, respectively. [REFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Aaron v. Railroad (2 Daly, 127), 1422. Aaronson v. Railroad Co. (52 N. Y. Supp. 95, 23 Misc. 666), 714, 1291. Abbe V. Eaton (51 N. Y. 410), 158, 807. Abbey v. Str. Stephens (22 How. Pr. 78), 92. Abbott V. Bradstreet (55 Me. 530), 1270. Abbott V. Gatch (13 Md. 314), 1367, 1369. Abbott V. Railroad Co. (80 N. Y. 27), 918. Abbott V. Railroad Co. (65 N. J. L. 310, 47 Atl. 588), 1191. Abbott V. Railroad Co. ( — Or. — , 80 Pac. Rep. 1012, 1 L. R. A. (N. S.) 851), 936. Abel V. Traction Co. ( — Penn. St. — , 61 Atl. Rep. 915), 1397. Aberdeen, etc., Co. v. Macken (2 I. R. (1899), 1), 842. Abram v. Railway Co. (83 Tex. 61, IS S. W. 321), 1052, 1054. Abrams v. Railway Co. (87 Wis. 485, 58 N. W. 780, 41 Am. St. Rep. 55), 431, 641, 1003, 1073. Acatos V. Burns (3 Ex. Div. 282), 792. Achtenhagen v. Watertown (18 Wis. 331), 1417. Ackerson v. Railway (32 N. J. 254), 1438. Ackley v. Kellogg (8 Cow. 223), 72. Actieselkabet Barford v. Lumber Co. (125 Fed. 137), 833, 841. Acton V. Castle Mail Packets Co, (73 Law T. (N. S.) 158), 408. Adams v. Haught (14 Tex. 243), 801. Adams v. Railroad Co. (67 Vt. 76, 30 Atl. Rep. 687, 48 Am. St. Rep. 800), 1388. Adams v. Railway (L. R. 4 C. P. 739), 939, 1225. Adams v. Railway Co. (100 Mo. 555), 1126. Adams v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 79 S. W. Rep. 79), 1400- Adams v. Railway Co. (95 Fed. 938), 1391. Adams v. Scott (104 Mass. 164), 746. Ivii Iviii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are Adams v. Steamboat Co. (151 N. Y. 163, 45 N. E. 369, 34 L. R. A. 682, 56 Am. St. Rep. 616, aff'g 29 N. Y. S. 56, 9 Misc. 25), 1130, 1271. Adamson & Mail v. 4300 Tons Pyrites Ore (137 Fed. 998), 841. Adger v. Railway Co. (71 S. Car. 213, 50 S. E. Rep. 783), 1241, 1278. Adler v. Weir (96 N. Y. Supp. 736), 685. ^tna Ins. Co. v. Wheeler (49 N. Y. 616), 138, 238. Agnew V. Jotinson (22 Penn. St. 471), 785. Agulino V. Railroad Co. (21 R. I. 263, 43 Atl. 63), 936, 1180. Aiery v. Merrill (2 Curtis, 8), 464. Aigen v. Railroad Co. (132 Mass. 423), 264. Aiken v. Railroad (80 Mo. App. 8), 1069, 1071. Aiken v. Railway Co. (68 Iowa, 363), 126. Aiken v. Railway Co. (118 Ga. 118, 44 S. E. Rep. 828, 98 Am. St. Rep. 107), 1028. Aiken v. Westcott (123 N. Y. 363, 25 N, E. 503 reversing 14 Daly, 504, 9 N. Y. Supp. 481), 1294. Airey v. Palace Car Co. (50 La. Ann. 648, 23 So. 512), 1142. Ajum Goolam Hossen & Co. v. In- surance Co. (L. R. (1900) App. Cas. 362), 369. Alabama Nat. Bank v. Railway Co. v42 Mo. App. 284), 175. Alair v. Railroad Co. (53 Minn. 160, 54 N. W. 1072, 19 L. R. A. 764, 39 Am. St. Rep. 588), 389, 426, 428. Albert v. State (66 Md. 325, 7 Atl. Rep. 697), 1389. TO SECTIONS.] Albertson v. Railroad Co. (48 Iowa, 292), 1382. Albin V. Railway Co. (103 Mo. App. 308, 77 S. W. 153), 1008. Albion V. Hetrick (90 Ind. 545), 1236. Albion Lumber Co. v. De Nobra 72 Fed. 739, 19 C. C. A. 168, 44 U. S. App. 347), 1414. Albright v. Penn (14 Tex. 290), 66. Alden v. Carver (13 Iowa, 253), 655, 685, 880, 888. Alden v. Railroad (26 N. Y. 102), 904, 905, 910. Alderman v. Railroad (115 Mass. 233), 188, 191. Aldrich v. Cargo (117 Fed. 757), 799. Aldrich Car Seal Mfg. Co. v. Ex- press Co. (117 Mich. 32, 75 N. W. 94), 719. Aldridge v. Railway (15 C. B. (N. S.) 582), 21, 61, 397, 731. Alexander v. Greene (3 Hill, 9), 40, 92. Alexander v. Greene (7 Hill, 533), 92. Alexander v. Railway Co. (33 Up. Can. 474), 1073. Alexander v. Southey (5 B. & Aid. 247), 668. Alexander's Cotton (2 Wall. 404), 318. Alexandria Bay Steamboat Co. v. Railroad Co. (45 N. Y. Supp. 1091, 18 App. Div. 527), 946. Alford V. Railway Co. (86 Wis. 235, 56 N. W. 743), 1118. Alfson V. Bush Co. (182 N. Y. 393, 75 N. E. Rep. 230), 1395. Alger V. Lowell (3 Allen, 402), 1230. Allaire v. St. Lukes' Hospital (184 111. 359, 56 N. B. 638, 48 L. R. A. 225 aff'g 76 111. App. 441), 1020. TABLE OF CASES CITED. lix [references are Allam V, Railroad Co. (183 Pa. St. 174, 38 Atl. 709, 39 L. R. A. 535), 710. Allan V. Steamship Co. (132 N. Y. 91, 30 N. E. 482, 28 Am. St Rep. 556, 15 L. R. A. 166, re- versing 55 Hun, 611, 8 N. Y. Supp. 803), 1163. Allday v. Railway Co. (5 B. & 3. 903), 341. Allen V. Bates (1 Hilt. 221), 812. Allen V. Ferry Co. (4-5 N. J. L. 198), 1433. Allen V. Insurance Co. (44 N. Y. 437), 801. Allen V. Mercier (1 Ash. 103), 770. Allen V. Railroad Co. (79 Me. 327), 758, 773. Allen V. Railroad Co. (119 N. Car. 710, 25 S. E. Rep. 787), 1060. Allen V. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 27 S. W. Rep. 943), 1229. Allen V. Railway Co. (35 "Wash. 221, 77 Pac. 204, 66 L. R. A. 804), 1412. Allen V. R. & Nav. Co. (98 Fed. 16: same case 106 Fed. 265), 559, 566. Allen V. Sackrider (37 N. Y. 341), 56. Allen V. Sewall (2 Wend. 327), 1350. Allen V. Williams (12 Pick. 297), 188. Allen, etc., Co. v. Railway Co. (— Wash. — , 84 Pac. Rep. 620), 230, 233. AUender v. Railroad (37 Iowa, 264), 1008. Allender v. Railroad Co. (43 Iowa, 276), 1067, 1111. Allin V. Railway Co. (26 Tex. Civ. App. 43, 62 S. W. 1079), 1406. Ailing V. Railroad (126 Mass. 121), 1252, 1276. TO SECTIONS.] Allison V. Powers (179 Pa. St 531, 36 Atl. Rep. 333), 1402. AJlyn V. Willis (65 Tex. 65), 764. Almand v. Railroad Co. (95 Ga. 775, 22 S. E. Rep. 674), 702. Alsager v. Dock Co. (14 M. & W. 794), 875. Alston v. Herring (11 Exch. 822), 337, 796. Althorf V. Wolfe (22 N. Y, 355), 1423. Am. Contract Co. v. Cross (8 Bush, 472), 1246. American Grocery Co. v. Railroad Co. (51 N. Y. Supp. 307, 23 Misc. 356), 442. American Hay Co. v. Railroad Co. (85 N. Y. Supp. 341), 233. American Nat'l Bank v. Railroad Co. (96 Ga. 665, 23 S. E. Rep. 898, 51 Am. St Rep, 155), 867. American Sugar Refining Co. v. Maddock (93 Fed. 980, 36 C. C. A. 42, aff'g, Maddock v. American Sugar Refining Co., 91 Fed. 166), 160, 161, 165. American Sugar Refining Co. v. Rickinson Sons & Co. (124 Fed. 188, 59 C. C. A. 604, re- versing 120 Fed. 591), 366, 374. American Sugar Refining Co. v. The Euripides, 63 Fed. 140 and 52 Fed. 161; reversed, The Euripides, 71 Fed. 729, 38 U. S. App. 1, 18 C. C. A. 226), 488. American Sugar Refining Co. v. The G. R. Booth (64 Fed 878; reversed, The G. R. Booth, 91 Fed. 164, 33 C. C. A. 430, s. c. 171 U. S. 450, 19 Sup. Ct. R. 9, 43 L. Ed. 234), 488. Am. Trans. Co. v. Moore (5 Mich. 368), 279, 401. Ix TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEEENCES ABE American Zinc, etc., Co. v. Markle Leadworks (102 Mo. App. li>6, 76 S. W. 668), 175. Ames V. Belden (17 Barb. 515), 37, 40. Ames V. Palmer (42 Me. 197), 888. Ames V. Railroad Co. (64 Fed. 165, affirmed in Smyth v. Ames, 169 U. S. 466, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 418, decree modified, 171 U. S. 361, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 888, 43 L. Ed. 197), 574, 577, 581, 583. Ames V. Southern Pacific Com- pany (141 Cal. 728, 75 Pac. 310, 99 Am. St. Rep. 98), 1052, 1058. Ames Mercantile Co. v. Steamship Co, (125 Fed. 332), 699. Amies v. Stevens (1 Str. 128), 273, 286. Ammons v. Railway Co. (138 N. Car. 555, 52 S. E. Rep. 731; s. c. 51 S. E. Rep. 127), 1033, 1427, 1442. Amory v. McGregor (15 Johns. 24), 1370. Amory v. Railroad Co. (130 Mich. 404, 90 N. W. 22), 1250. Amory Mfg. Co. v. Railway Co. (89 Tex. 419, 37 S. W. 856, 59 Am. St. Rep. 65), 464, 466. Amos V. Railroad Co. (63 Miss. 509), 1384, 1389. Amos V. Temperley (8 M. & W. 798), 809. Anchor Line v. Dater (68 111. 369), 236, 410, 1347. Anchor Line v. Knowles (66 111. 150), 409. Anchor Mill Co. v. Railroad Co. (102 Iowa, 262, 71 N. W. 255), 175, 181, 182, 664, 711, 871. Anderson v. Clark (2 Bing. 20), 194. TO SECTIONS.] Anderson v. Fielding (92 Minn. 42, 99 N. W. Rep. 357, 104 Am. St. Rep. 665), 1389. Anderson v. Railroad Co. (62 Fed. 46), 972. Anderson v. Railroad Co. (35 Neb. 95, 52 N. W. Rep. 840), 1397, 1399. Anderson v. Railway Co. (26 Ind. App. 196, 59 N. E. 396), 442, 450. Anderson v. Railway Co. ( — Mo. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 394), 997, 1014. Anderson v. Railway Co. (93 Mo. App. 677, 67 S. W. 707), 1355. Anderson v. Railway Co. (27 Ont. R. 441), 1219. Anderson v. Scholey (114 Ind. 553), 1206. Andrew v. Moorhouse (5 Taunt. 435), 828, 831. Andrews v. Railroad Co. (86 Miss. 129, 38 So. Rep. 773), 1099. Andrews v. Railway Co. (34 Conn. 57), 1386. Angel V. Steamship Co. (55 Fed. 1005), 442. Angelina Corning, S. B. (1 Ben. 109), 92. Angle V. Railroad (9 Iowa, 487), 231, 674. Angle V. Railroad (18 Iowa, 555), 675. Annas v. Railroad Co. (67 Wis. 46), 1397, 1401. Anniston, etc.. Railroad v. Led- better (92 Ala. 326, 9 S. Rep. 73), 1334. Anniston Mfg. Co. v. Railway Co. (— Ala. — , 40 So. Rep. 965), 578, 580. Anonymous v. Jackson (Peake's Addl. Cas. 185), 391. Ansell V. Waterhouse (2 Chitty, 1), 1325. TABLE OF CASES CITED. Ixi [eefeeences are Ansett V. Marshall (22 L. J. Q. B. 118), 1431. Anthony v. ^tna Ins. Co. (1 Abb, C. C. 343), 489. Anthony v. RaiFroad Co. (27 Fed. Rep. 724), 904. Anthony v. Slaid (11 Met. 290), 1430. Appelby v. Railroad Co. (60 S. Car. 48, 38 S. E. 237), 1118. Apsey V. Railroad Co. (83 Mich. 440), 1420. Arbuckle v. Thompson (37 Penn. St. 170), 1317. Archer v. Railroad Co. (110 Mo. App. 349, 85 S. W. Rep. 934), 1006, 1188. Archer v. Railroad Co, (106 N. Y. 589, 13 N. E. 318), 933. Arctic Ins. Co. v. Austin ( 54 Barb. 559), 92. Arend v. Liverpool, etc., Co, (64 Barb. 118), 163. Arkansas River Packet Co, v. Hobbs (105 Tenn. 29, 58 S. W. 278), 1431. Armory v. Delamirie (Smith's Ld. Cases, 481), 749, 751. Armour v. Railroad (65 N. Y. Ill), 162. Armroyd v. Insurance Co. (3 Bin. 437), 815, 817, 818, Armstrong v. Beadle (5 Sawy, 484), 1387, 1389. Armstrong v. Express Co. (159 Pa. St. 640, 28 Atl. 448), 419, 450. Armstrong v. Railway (L, R, 10 Exch. 47), 1238. Armstrong v. The Railway (45 Minn, 85, 47 N, W, Rep. 459), 1334. Armstrong v. Railway Co. (53 Minn. 183, 54 N. W. 1050), 446, 457. TO SECTIONS.] Armstrong v. Railway Co, (62 Mo, App. 639, 1 Mo. App. Rep. 552), 867. Arnold v. Halenbake (5 Wend, 33), 75, Arnold v. Railroad (83 111, 273), 455, 964. Arnold v. Steamboat Co. (29 Fed. Rep. 184), 698, Arrington v. Railway Co. (6 Tex. Ct. Rep. 69, 70 S, W. Rep. 551), 922, Arrowsmith v. Railroad Co, (57 Fed. 165), 918. Arthur v. Pullman Co. (88 N. Y. Supp. 981, 44 Misc. 229), 1131. Arthur v. Railway Co. (139 Fed. 127, — C. C, A. — ), 105, 404, 475. Arthur v. Schr. Cassius (2 Story, 81), 787. Ash V. Putnam (1 Hill, 302), 871. Ash V. Railroad Co. (72 Md. 144), 1388, 1390. Ashby V. White (Smith's Ld. Cases, 366), 1237. Ashe V. De Rossett (5 Jones (N. C), 299), 1367, 1369, Ashmole v. Wainwright (2 Q. B. 837), 805. Ashmore v. Steam Towing Co. (4 Butcher, 180), 92, 401. Aston V. Heaven (2 Esp. 533), 892, 1412. Ashton v. Railway Co. (2 K. B. (1904) 313, 73 L. J. K. B. 701), 1041. Astrup v. Lewy (19 Fed. Rep. 536), 602, 792. Atchison v. Railroad Co. (80 Mo. 213). 419, 792. Atkinson v. Railway Co. (114 Ga. 146, 39 S. E. 888, 55 L. R. A. 223), 1060, 1067. Ixii TABLE OF CASES CITED, [refebencks are Atkinson v. Railway Co. (90 Mo. App. 489), 897, 1126, 1128. Atkinson v. Ritchie (10 East, 530), 625. Atlanta Nat. Bank v. Railway Co. (106 Fed. 623), 105. Atlantic City v. Brown (71 N. J. Law, 81, 58 Atl. 110), 997. Atlantic City v. Dehn (69 N. J. L. 233, 54 Atl. 220), 68. Atlantic Nat. Bank v. Railway Co. (106 Fed. 623), 187. Atrops V. Costello (8 Wash. 149, 35 Pac. Rep. 620), 1400. Atwater v. Railroad Co. (48 N. J. L. 55), 1023, 1030, 1036. Atwood V. Mohler (108 111. App. 416), 1246. Atwood V. Trans. Ck). (9 Watts, 87), 464. Aubry-Le Revers v. Railway Co. (Rep. Jud. Que. 12 C. S. 128), 1310. Audenried v. Railroad Co. (68 Penn. 370), 521. Auerbach v. Railroad Co. (89 N. Y. 281), 1045, 1049. Aufdenberg v. Railway Co. (132 Mo. 565, 34 S. W. 485), 995. Ausk V. Railway Co. (10 N. Dak. 215, 86 N. W. 719), 1334. Austin V. Railway (16 Q. B. 600), 1338. Austin V. Railway (L. R. 2 Q. B. 442), 1020'. Austin V. Railway (10 C. B. 454), 395, 407. Austin V. Railway Co. (95 N. Y. Supp. 740, 108 App. Div. 249), 1389, 1397. Australian S. N. Co. ads. Morse (L. R. 4 P. C. Cas. 222), 792. Avery v. Railway Co. (81 Tex. 243, 16 S. W. 1015, 26 Am. St. Rep. 809), 1227. TO SECTIONS.] Aymar v. Astor (6 Cow. 266), 490. Ayres v. Railroad (5 Butcher, 393), 776. Ayres v. Railroad (14 Blatchf. 9), 415, 131. Ayres v. Railroad Co. (158 N. Y. 254, 53 N. E. 22, aff'g 40 N. Y. Supp. 11, 4 App. Div. 511), 935, 1011. Ayres v. RailroaJ Co. (77 Hun, 414, 28 N. Y. Supp. 789), 1011. Ayres v. Railroad Co. (71 Wis. 372), 339, 495, 496. Ayres v. Railroad Co. (75 Wis. 215), 496, 1366. Ayres Weatherwax & Reed Co. v. Dorsey Produce Co. (101 Iowa, 141, 70 N. W. Ill, 63 Am. St. Rep. 376), 175. Babcock v. Herbert (3 Ala. 392), 66. Babcock v. Railroad (49 N. Y. 491), 471. Bachant v. Railroad Co. (187 Mass. 392, 73 N. E. 642, 105 Am. St. Rep. 408), 710. Bacharach v. Freight Line (133 Penn. St. 414), 865, 866, 1317. Backhaus v. Railway Co. (92 Wis. 393, 66 N. W. 400), 704, 713. Backhouse v. Sneed (1 Murph. 173), 275. Bacon v. Railroad Co. (143 Penn. St. 14), 1181. Bacon v. Steamboat Co. (90 Me. 46, 37 Atl. 328), 942. Bader v. Railway Co. (52 La. Ann. 1060, 27 So. 584), 143L TABLE OF CASES CITED. Ixiii [RKFEBENCES ABE Bags of Linseed (1 Black, 108), 869. Bailey v. Damon (3 Gray, 92), 865. Bailey v. Quint (22 Vt. 474), 869. Bailey v. Railroad (49 N. Y. 70), 195. Bailey v. Railway (14 Ky. Law- Rep. 226, 20 S. W. Rep. 198), 1181. Bailey v. Richardson (14 Ky. L. R. 367), 1127. Bailey v. Shaw (24 N. H. 297), 785. Baker v. Bolton (1 Camp. 493), 1376, 1384. Baker v. Brinson (9 Rich. 201), 1354. Baker v. Clark (99 Fed. 911, 40 C. C. A. 174), 935. Baker v. Hodgson (3 M. & Sel. 267), 322. Baker v. Railroad (10 Lea, 304), 839 Baker v. Railroad Co. (50 N. Y. Supp. 999, 28 App. Div. 316), 925. Baker v. Railway Co. (34 Mo. App. 98), 234. Baker v. Railway Co. (118 N. Y. 533), 1118, 1174. Baldwin v. Express Co. (23 111. 197). 716, 717. Baldwin v. Railroad Co. (4 Gray, 333), 1397, 1409. Baldwin v. Railroad Co. (81 Minn. 247, 83 N. W. 986, 51 L. R. A. 640), 747. Baldwin v. Railway Co. (64 N. H. 596), 1082. Baldwin v. Railway Co. (128 Mich. 417, 87 N. W. 380), 1002. Baldwin v. Railway Co. (9 Q. B. Div. 582), 1366. Baldwin v. Steam Co. (74 N. Y. 125), 795, 805, 806. TO SECTIONS.] Baldwin v. Sullivan Timber Co. (65 Hun, 625, 20 N. Y. Supp. 496), 832, 837. Balfe V. West (22 Bng. L. & E. 506), 34. Ball V. Liney (48 N. Y. 6), 668. Ball V. Railroad Co. (93 Fed. 513), 574, 582. Ball V. Railroad Co. (83 Mo. 574), 419. Ball V. Railroad Co. (93 Va. 44, 24 S. E. Rep. 467, 32 L. R. A. 792), 980. Ballard v. Railroad Co. (15 Ky. Law Rep. 703), 1110. Ballentine v. Railroad Co. (40 Mo. 491), 285, 309, 339, 654. Ballou V. Earle (17 R. I. 441, 22 Atl. 1113, 14 L. R. A. 433, 33 Am. St. Rep. 881), 153, 401, 426, 433. Ballou V. Farnum (11 Allen, 73), 1423. Baltimore, etc.. Road Co. v. State (71 Md. 573), 1397. Bancroft v. Transportation Co. (47 Iowa, 262), 84, 471. Bancroft-Whitney Co. v. The Queen of the Pacific (78 Fed. 155, 75 Fed. 74, and 61 Fed. 213, affirmed in Pacific Coast S. S. Co. V. Bancroft Whitney Co. 94 Fed. 180, 36 C. C. A. 135; reversed in The Queen of the Pacific, 180 U. S. 49, 45 L. Ed. 419, 21 Sup. Ct. R. 278), 442. Bank v. Cotton Oil Co. (26 Ky. Law Rep. 518, 82 S. W. Rep. 253), 175. Bank v. Express Co. (45 Penn. St. 419), 781. Bank v. Express Co. (4 Blatch- ford, 445), 672. Bank v. Express Co. (93 U. S. 174), 82, 83, 84, 401, 452. Ixiv TABLE OF CASES CITED, [references are Bank v. Gordon (5 La. Ann. 64), 1246. Bank v. Lavelle (52 Mo. 380), 161. Bank v. Nantucket S. B. Co. (2 Story, 16), 61. Bank v. Pfeiffer (22 Hun, 327), 184. Bank v. Railroad (44 N. Y. 136), 180. Bank v. Railroad Co. (106 N. Y. 195), 162. Bank v. Railroad (81 Ga. 221), 184. Bank v. Railroad (20 Kan. 519), 162. Bank v. Railway (25 S. C. 216), 187. Bank v. Transportation Co. (69 N. Y. 374), 188. Bank v. Transportation Co. (23 Vt. 186), 231, 414, 665 . Bank of Irwin v. Express Co. ( — Iowa — , 102 N. W. Rep. 107), 1317. Bank of Kentucky v. Adams Ex- press Co. (3 Otto, 180), 44. Banker's Mut. Casualty Co. v. Railroad Co. (117 Fed. 434, 54 C. C. A. 608, 65 L. R. A. 397; petition for writ of cer- tiorari denied, 187 J. S. 648), 94. Banking Co. v. Smith (128 U. S. 174), 574, 1023. ' Banking Co. v. Smitha (85 Ala. 47), 233. Bannon v. Railroad (24 Md. 108), 1422, 1436. Bansemer v. Railroad (25 Ind. 434), 702. Barbee v. Reese (60 Miss. 906), 1419. Barber v. Brace (3 Conn. 9), 169. Barden v. RaHroad (121 Mass. 426), 1174, 1216. TO SECTIONS.] Bardwell v. Express Co. (12 Ore. 49), 445. Bardwell v. Express Co. (35 Minn. 344), 80, 445. Bardwell v. Railroad Co. (63 Miss. 574), 1180, 1221. Barhydt v. Ellis (45 N. Y. 107), 165. Barker v. Coffin (31 Barb. 556) 1043, 1052. Barker v. Havens (17 Johns. 234), 809, 810, 864. Barker v. Hodgson (3 M. & Sel. 267), 341. Barker v. Railroad Co. (18 C. B. 46), 944. Barker v. Railroad Co. (24 N. Y. 599), 1067, 1129. Barker v. Railroad Co. (91 Mo. 86), 1389, 1394. Barker v. Railroad Co. (51 W. Va. 423, 41 S. E. 148, 90 Am. St. Rep. 808), 933. Barkley v. Railway Co. (37 111. App. 293), 990. Barkman v. Railroad Co. (89 Fed. 453), 915. Barnes v. Foley (5 Burr. 2711), 696. Barnes v. Inhabitants of Rumford (96 Me. 315, 52 Atl. 844), 1236. Barnes v. Railroad Co. (93 N. Y. Supp. 616), 212, 215, 220, 405. Barnes v. Railroad Co. (87 N. Y. Supp. 608, 42 Misc. 622), 935. Barnett v. Railroad Co. (75 Mo. App. 446), 1443. Barnett v. Railway (5 H. & N. 604), 457. Barney v. Burnstenbinder (64 Barb. 212), 798. Barney v. Steamboat Co. (67 N. Y. 301), 963, 977. Barret v. Railway (1 Com. B. (N. S.) 423), 944. TABLE OF CASES CITED. Ixv [BETEBENCES ABE Barrett v. Railroad (45 N. Y. 628), 1236. Barnum v. Railway Co. (30 Minn. 461, 16 N. W. Rep. 364), 1394. Barque Quilpue, Limited, v. Brown (2 K. B. (1904) 264, 73 L. J. K. B. 596), 843, 847. Barrett v. Railroad Co. (61 N. Y. Supp. 9, 45 App. Div. 225; s. c. 157 N. Y. 663, 52 N. E. 659, reversing 36 N. Y. Supp. 1121, 92 Hun, 606), 990. Barrett v. Railway Co. (81 Cal. 296), 1024. Barrett v. Rogers (7 Mass. 299), 165. Barringer v. Railway Co. ( — Ark. — , 85 S. W. Rep, 94), 1118. Barris v. Railroad Co. (102 Iowa 375, 71 N. W. 339), 575. Barron v. Eldridge (100 Mass. 455), 72, 112, 702. Barrott v. Palace Car Co. (51 Fed. 796), 1132. Barry v. Railroad Co. (92 N. Y, 289), 1228. Barry v. Railway Co. (172 Mass. 709, 51 N. E. 518), 1123. Barter v. Wheeler (49 N. H. 9), 211, 236, 261, 264, 1296. Barth v. Railway Co. (142 Mo. 535, 44 S. W. Rep. 778), 1005, 1397, 1398. Bartholomew v. Railroad (53 111. 227), 1291. Bartlett v. A Cargo of Lumber (41 Fed. 890), 847. Bartlett v. Carnley (6 Duer, 194), 865. Bartlett v. Railway Co. (94 Ind. 281), 167, 657. Bartlett v. Steamboat Co. (57 N. Y. Super. 348), 1024. Bartlett v. S. B. Philadelphia (32 Mo. 256), 664, 665. TO SECTIONS.] Bartnik v. Railroad Co. (55 N. Y. Supp. 266, 36 App. Div. 246), 942, 1414. Barton v. Curyea (40 111. 320), 175. Barton v. Railroad Co. (52 Mo. 253), 1209. Bartram v. Farebrother (4 Bing. 579), 766. Bartram v. McKee (1 Watts, 39), 799. Bascom v. Railroad Co. (102 Mo. App. 430, 76 S. W. 697), 1126. Bass V. Glover (63 Ga. 746), 184, 777. Bass V. Railway Co. ( — Mich. — , 105 N. W. Rep. 151), 1016. Bass V. Railway (39 Wis. 636; 42 id. 654), 1441, 1444. Bass V. Railway Co, (42 Wis. 654), 96L Bass V. Railway (36 Wis. 450), 960, 972. Bassett & Stone v. Mining Co. ( — • Ky. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 318), 47, 92. Bastard v. Bastard (2 Shower, 81), 150. Baswight v. Railroad Co. (Ill N. Car. 592, 16 S. E. Rep, 323), 112, 125. Bate V. Railway Co. (18 S. C. R. (Can.) 697), 1070. Bates V. Railroad Co. (147 Mass. 255, 17 N. E. Rep. 633), 1018, 1073. Bates V. Railway Co. (60 Wis. 298, 19 N. W. 72), 747, 748. Bates V. Stanton (1 Duer, 79), 740, 749, 751. Bates V. Todd (1 Moo. & R. 106), 159. Bath V. Railway (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 993), 163. Batson v. Donovan (4 B. & A. 21), 329, 392, 439, 440. Ixvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [refebences are Batteshill v. Humphreys (64 Mich. 494), 1229. Battle V. Railroad Co. (— S. Car. — , 49 S. E. Reo. 849), 1276. Batton V. Railroad Co. (77 Ala. 591). 981. Bauer v. Richter (103 Wis. 412, 79 N. W. Rep. 404), 1397. Baughman v. Railroad Co. (14 Ky. Law Rep. 268), 431, 1306. Baughman v. Railroad Co. (94 Ky. 150, 21 S. W. 757), 450. Baumann v. Railroad Co. (71 N. Y. Supp. 632, 35 Misc. 223), 651, 1372. Baumbach v. Railway Co. (4 Tex. Civ. App. 650, 23 S. W. Rep. 693), 1372. Baxendale v. Railway (4 Com. B. (N. S.) 63), 522. Baxendale v. Railway Co. (5 C. B. 336), 522. Baxter v. Leland (1 Blatch. 526), 602, 606. Baxter v. Railroad Co. (165 111. 78, 45 N. E. 1003, reversing 64 111. App. 130), 447, 1338, 1340. Bayles v. Railway Co. (13 Col. 181), 521, 589. Bayley v. Railway (L. R. 7 C. P. 415), 1084, 1095. Bayonne Knife Co. v. Umbenhauer (107 Ala. 496, 18 So. 175, 54 Am. St. Rep. 114), 761. Beach V. Steamboat Co. (30 Barb. 433, 10 Abb. Pr. 71), 1387. Beal V. Railway (3 H. & C. 337), 397. Beale v. Thompsen (3 B. & P. 405), 826. Beam v. Railway Co. (97 111. App. 24), 651. Beaman v. Min. Co. (23 Utah 139, 63 Pac. Rep. 631), 1397. TO SECTIONS.] Bean v. Sturtevant (8 N. H. 146), 68. Beard v. Railroad Co. (48 Vt. 101), 936, 937, 940. Beard v. Railway (79 Iowa, 527), 201, 206, 494, 505. Beardslee v. Richardson (11 Wend. 25), 31, 33, 1355. Beardsley v. Railroad Co. (162 N. Y. 230, 56 N. E. 488, reversing 44 N. Y. S. 175, 15 App Div. 251, and 40 N. Y. Supp. 1077, 17 Mit.c. 256), 596. Bearse v. Ropes (1 Sprague, 331), 606. Beauchamp v. Powley (1 M. & Rob. 38), 32. Becher v. Railway Co. (L. R. 5 Q. B. 241), 1276. Beck V. Evans (16 East, 244), 38, 631. Becker v. Building Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 291), 101. Becker v. Building Co. (174 Mo. 246, 73 S. W. 581), 100, 101, 1118. Becker v. Hallgarten (86 N. Y. 167), 762. Becker v. Railroad (96 N. Y. Supp. 1, 109 App. Div. 230), 708. Becker v. Railway Co. (102 Mo. 544), 1236. Beckman v. Shouse (5 Rawle, 179), 68. Beckwith v. Frisbie (32 Vt. 559), 65, 89, 651, 654. Bedell v. Railroad Co. (94 Ga. 22, 20 S. E. Rep. 262), 167. Bedford Bowling Green Stone Co. v. Oman (115 Ky. 369, 24 Ky. Law Kep. 2274, 73 S. W. Rep. 1038; s. c. 134 Fed. 441), 122, 512. TABLE OF CASES CITED, Ixvii [references are Beebe v. Ayres (28 Barb. 275), 1036. Beebe v. Johnson (19 Wend. 500), 627. Beecher v. Railroad Co. (161 N. Y. 222, 55 N. E. 899, aft'g 55 N. Y. Supp. 23, 35 App. Div. 292), 1219. Beede v. Railway Co. (90 Minn. 36, 95 N. W. 454, 101 Am. St. Rep. 390), 1348. Beedy v. Pacey (.Z2 Wash. 94, 60 Pac. 56), 721. Beers v. Railroad Co. (67 Conn. 417, 34 Atl. 541, 32 L, R. A. 535, 52 Am. St. Rep. 293), 1274, 1275. Begley v. Railroad Co. (201 Pa. St. 84, 50 Atl. 1009), 1184. Behlmer v. Railroad Co. (71 Fed. 835; reversed in 83 Fed. 898, 28 C. C. A. 229, 42 U. S. App. 581; modified in Railroad Co. V. Behlmer, 175 U. S. 648), 526, 564, 570. Behr v. Railroad Co. (74 N. Y. Supp. 1007), 1085. Beisiegel v. Railroad (40 N. Y. 9), 1423. Belden v. Pullman Palace Car Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 43 S. W. Rep. 22), 1131. Belding v. Railroad Co, (3 S, Dak, 369, 53 N, W. Rep. 750), 1386, 1389. Belger v. Dinsmore (51 N, Y. 166), 409, 451, Bell V, Clarion (120 Iowa, 332, 94 N, W. Rep. 907), 1401. Bell V. Cunningham (3 Pet. 69), 1370. Bell V. Drew (4 E, D. Smith, 59), 1249. Bell V. Moss (5 Wharton, 189), 758, 759, 760. TO SECTIONS.] Bell V. Railroad Co, (76 Miss, 71, 23 So. 268), 1429. Bell V. Railroad Co. (G Mo. App. 363), 702. Bell V. Reed (4 Binney, 127), 293, Bellous V. Railway Co, (94 S. W. Rep. 557, — Mo. App. — ), 442. Bellsdyke Coal Co. v. Railway Co. (2 N. & M. 105), 521. Belt V. Railway Co. (4 Tex. Civ. App. 231, 22 S. W, Rep, 1062), 1388, Bemiss v. Railroad Co, (47 La. Ann, 1671, 18 So, 711), 1192. Benalleck v. People (31 Mich. 200), 1341. Benedict v. Railroad Co. (86 Minn. 224, 90 N. W. 360, 57 L. R. A. 639, 91 Am. St. Rep. 345), 895, 1197, 1198, 1215, 1228. Benedict v. The Railway (Tex. Civ. App., 91 S. W. Rep. 811), 1363. Benjamin v. Benjamin (15 Conn. 347), 827. Benjamin v. Stremple (13 111. 466), 782. Benner v. Insurance Co. (6 Allen, 222), 830. Benner Livery, etc., Co. v. Busson (58 111. App. 17), 958, 1223. Bennett v. Byram (38 Miss. 17), 652, 654, 658. Bennett v. Dutton (10 N. H. 481), 893, 963. Bennett v. Express Co. (83 Me. 236, 23 Am. St. Rep. 774, 13 L. R. A. 33), 325, 741, 742. Bennett v. Express Co. (12 Ore. 49), 80, 444, 675, 716. Bennett v. Filyaw (1 Fla. 403), 231. Bennett v. Peninsular St. Bt. Co. (6 Com. B. 775), 238, 962. Ixviii TABLE OP CASES CITED. [references ABE Bennett v. Railroad (36 N. J. 225), 1235, 1236. Bennett v. Railroad (5 Hun, 599), 1309. Bennett v. Railroad Co. (57 Conn. 422), i^36, 937. Bennitt v. Railroad Co. (46 Mo. App. 656), 131. Bennitt v. The Guiding Star (53 Fed. 936; affirmed in The Guiding Star, 62 Fed. 407, 10 C. C. A. 454, 22 U. S. App. 344), 162. Benoliel v. Durocher (Rap. Jud. Que. 13 C. S. 260), 1294. Benson, Ex parte (18 S. C. 38), 521. Benson v. Gray (154 Mass. 391, 28 N. E. 275, 13 L. R. A. 262), 510. Benson v. Railroad Co. (98 Cal. 45, 32 Pac. 809), 1234. Benson v. Railway Co. (88 Law T. (N. S.) 268), 927. Benson v. Titcomb (72 Me. 31), 1418. Benton v. Fay (64 111. 417), 1373. Benton v. Railroad (42 Iowa, 192), 1418. Beaton v. Railroad Co. (122 N. Car. 1007, 30 S. E. Rep. 333), 1397. Berg V. Railroad Co. (30 Kan. 561), 231, 232, 233. Berg V. Steamship Co. (5 Daly, 394), 238. Bergheim v. Railway Co. (3 C. P. Div. 221), 1262. Berkley v. Watling (7 Ad. & B. 29), 159. Berkowitz v. Railway Co. (96 N. Y. Supp. 825, 109 App. Div. 878), 1348. Bernhardt v. Railroad Co. (159 Pa. St. 260. 28 All. 140), 1413, 1414 TO SECTIONS.] Bernstein v. Railroad Co. (88 N. Y. Supp. 971), 192. Bernstein v. Weir (83 N. Y. Supp. 48, 40 Misc. 635), 406, 425, 1298. Bernstine v. Express Co. (40 Ohio St. 451), 80, 1318. Berry v. Cooper (28 Ga. 543), 450, 1354. Berry v. Railroad Co. (52 Kan. 759, 34 Pac. Rep. 805), 1386. Berry v. Railroad Co. (22 Ky. Law Rep. 1410, 60 S. W. 699), 99L Berry v. Railroad Co. (44 W. Va. 538, 30 S. E. 143, 67 Am. St. Rep. 781), 704, 712, 713, 714. Berry v. Railway Co. (124 Mo. 223, 25 S. W. 229), 997, 1019. Berry v. Railway Co. (122 N. Car. 1002, 30 S. E. 14), 152. Berry v. Railway Co. (73 Wis. 197), 895. Berry, etc., Co. v. Railway Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 92 S. W. Rep. 714), 866, 867. Bessling & Co. v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 80 S. W. Rep. 639), 613. Best V. Town of Kinston (106 N. Car. 205, 10 S. E. Rep. 997), 1396. Bethea v. Railroad Co. (26 S. C. 91), 1054. Bethel v. Mellor & Rittenhouse Co. (131 Fed. 129), 349, 353. Bethell v. Clark (20 Q. B. Div. 615), 767. Bethman v. Railroad Co. (155 Mass. 352, 29 N. B. 587), 1122. Betts V. Railroad Co, (191 Pa. St. 575, 43 Atl. 362, 45 L. R. A. 261), 1219. Betts V. Railway Co. (92 Iowa, 343, 60 N. W. 623. 54 Am. St. Rep. 558, 26 L. R. A. 248), 509. TABLE OF CASES CITED. Ixix [references are to sections.] Betts V. Transportation Co. (21 Wis. 80), 333, 339, 341, 419. Bibb V. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 84 S. W. G63), 1348. Bibb Broom Corn Co. v. The Rail- way Co. (— Minn. — , 102 N. W. Rep. 709, 69 L. R. A. 509), 301, 305. Bicknell v. Railroad Co. (26 Ont. App. 431), 1003. Biddle v. Bond (6 Best & S. 225), 749. Bigbee & Warrior River's Packet Co. V. Railroad Co. (60 Fed. 545), 554. Bigelow V. Heaton (4 Denio, 496), 869, 871. Billman v. Railroad Co. (76 Ind. 166), 1430. Bills v. Railroad Co. (84 N. Y. 5), 634. Binns v. Pigot (9 C. & P. 208), 882, 889. Bird V. Brown (4 Exch. 786), 759, 770, 1444. Bird V. Cromwell (1 Mo. 58), 631. Bird v. Railroad Co. (72 Ga. 655), 827, 867. Bird V, Railway Co. (99 Tenn. 719, 42 S. W. 451, 63 Am. St. Rep. 856), 132, 233, 472. Birge v. Gardiner (19 Conn. 507), 1418. Birkett v. Railway (4 H. & N. 730), 1423. Birkett v. Telegraph Co. (103 Mich. 361, 61 N. W. 645, 50 Am. St. Rep. 374), 95. Birkett v. Knickerbocker Ice Co. (110 N. Y. 504, 17 N. E. Rep. 108), 1397. Birkett v. Willan (2 Barn. & Aid. 356), 392, 665. Birmingham v. The Railroad (14 N. Y. Supp. 13), 915. Bishawaiti v. Railroad Co. (92 N. Y. Supp. 783), 231, 233. Bishell v. Huntington (2 N. H. 142), 780. Bissell V. Railroad (25 N. Y. 442; 29 Barb. 602), 336, 454, 909, 1073. Bissell V. Railroad (22 N, Y. 258), 242. Bixby V. Bennett (3 Daly, 225), 863. Bixby V. Dunlap (56 N. H. 456), 1442. Bizzell V. Booker (16 Ark. 308), 1430. Black V. Baxendale (1 Exch. 410), 651, 1366, 1367. Black V. Goodrich Transp. Co. (55 Wis. 319), 425, 428, 464. Black V. Railroad Co. (30 Neb. 197), 285, 309. Black V. Railway Co. (Ill 111. 351), 408, 442. Blackburn v. Navigation Co. (1 K. B. (1902) 290, 71 L. J. K. B. 177, 85 Law T. (N. S.) 783, 50 Wkly. Rep. 272), 492. Blackett v. Exchange Ass'n Co. (2 Cromp. & J. 244), 169. Blackman v. O'Gorman Co. (22 R. I. 638, 49 Atl. Rep. 28), 100, 101. Blackmore v. Railway Co. (162 Mo. 455, 62 S. W. 993), 1291. Blackshere v. Patterson (72 Fed. 204, 18 C. C. A. 508, 25 U. S. App. 695), 804. Blackstock v. Railroad (20 N. Y. 48), 657. Blain v. Railway Co. (5 Ont. L. R. 334, 2 Canadian Ry. Cases, 85; affirmed in Railway Co. v. Blain, 34 S. C. R. 74, 3 Canadian Py. Cases, 143), 980, 984. Ixx TABLE OF CASES CITED. [EEFEBENCES ABE Blair v. Railroad (66 N. Y. 313), 451. 1017, 1018. Blair v. Railway Co. (109 Iowa, 369, 80 N. W. 673), 574, 580. Blake v. Railway Co. (78 Iowa, 57), 1200. Blake v. Railway Co. (89 Iowa, 8, 56 N. W. Rep. 405, 21 L. R. A. 559, reversing 78 Iowa, 57, 42 N. W. Rep. 580), 1201. Blake v. Railway (18 Q. B. 93), 1397, 1398. Blake v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 85 S. W. Rep. 430), 990, 1135. Blakeley v. Le Due (19 Minn. 187), 128. Blaker v. Railway Co. (30 N. J. Eq. 240), 1391. Blanchard v. Ely (21 Wend. 342), 1367. Blanchard v. Isaacs (3 Barb. 388), 68, 111, 121. Blanchard v. Page (8 Gray, 281), 193, 197, 736, 810, 1277, 1308, 1315. Bland v. Express Co. (1 Duvall, 232), 317. Bland v. Railroad Co. (55 Cal. 570), 1033, 1085, 1086. Bland v. Womack (2 Murphey, 373), 30. Blank v. Railroad Co. (182 111. 332, 55 N. E. 332, aff'g 80 111. App, 475), 1018, 1073. Blauvelt v. Railroad Co. (206 Pa. 141, 55 Atl. Rep. 857), 1397. Blevins v. Railroad Co. (3 Okl. 512, 41 Pac. 92), 1186. Bligh V. Railroad Co. (94 Me. 499, 48 Atl. Rep. 112), 1384. Blitch V. Railroad Co. (76 Ga. 333), 1197. Blitz V. Steamboat Co. (51 Mich. 558), 615. TO SECTIONS.] Bliven v. Railroad Co. (35 Barb. 191), 325, 740, 742, 743. Bliven v. Railroad Co. (36 N. Y. 407), 325. Block V. Bannerman (10 La. Ann. 1), 1159. Block V. Railroad Co. (139 Mass. 308), 254, 264. Bloomingdale v. Railroad Co. (6 Lea, 616). 773. Blossom V. Dodd (43 N. Y. 264), 415. Blossom V. Griffin (13 N. Y. 569), 113, 131, 416. Blossom V. Smith (3 Blatch. 316), 688. Blower v. Railway (L. R. 7 C. P. 655), 337 341. Blum V. Car Co. (1 Flip. 500), 1130, 1132. Blum V. Marks (21 La. Ann. 268), 758. Blum V. Monahan (73 N. Y. Supp. 162, 36 Misc. 179), 1352. Blum et al. v. The Caddo (1 Woods, 64), 1308, 1315. Blumantle v. The Railroad (127 Mass. 322), 1252. Blumenthal v. Brainerd (38 Vt. 462), 77, 704. Blumenthal v. The Railroad (79 Me. 550), 1249. Blumenthal v. Railroad Co. (84 Fed. 920), 149. Blythe v. Railway Co. (15 Colo. 333), 277, 280, 286, 31L Boast V. Firth (L. R. 4 C. P. 1), 627. Boaz V. Railroad Co. (87 Ga. 463, 13 S. E. Rep. 711), 640. Bodley v. Reynolds (8 Q. B. 779), 651. Boehl V. Railway Co. (44 Minn. 191). 336, 1354. Boehm v. Combe (2 M. & S. 172), 469. T.VBLE OF CASES CITED. Ixxi [eefeeences are to sections.] Boehm v. Railway Co. (91 Wis. 592, 65 N. W. 506), 1082, 1424. Boering v. Railroad Co. (193 U. S. 442, 24 Sup. Ct. R. 515, 48 L. Ed. 742, aff'g 20 App. D. C. 500), 1075. Boggess V. Railway Co. (37 W. Va. 297, 16 S. E. Rep. 525, 23 L. R. A. 777), 964, 1177. Boggs V, Martin (13 B. Mon. 239), 870. Bohannan v. Hammond (42 Cal. 227), 333. Bohtlingk v. Inglis (3 East. 381), 772. Boice V. Railroad (61 Barb. 611), 1043. Boland v. Railroad (36 Mo. 484), 1227, 1229. Bolin V. Railway Co. (108 Wis. 333, 84 N. W. 446, 81 Am. St. Rep. 911), 990. Boling V. Railroad Co. ( — Mo. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 35), 1043, 1052, 1054, 1407. Bolinger v. Railway Co. (36 Minn. 418, 31 N. W. Rep. 856), 1397. Bolton V. Railway (1 L. R. C. P. 431), 769. Bomar v. Maxwell (9 Humph. 621), 69, 1246. Bonce v. Raiiroad Co. (53 Iowa, 278), 68, 1418. Boner v. Steamboat Co. (1 Jones (N. C). 211), G52. Bonfiglio V. Railway Co. (125 Mich. 476, 84 N. W. 772), 449, 1352, 1353. Bonner v. Blum (Tex. Civ. App., 25 S. W. Rep. 60), 1255. Bonner v. Glenn (Tex.), 1198. Bonner v. Marsh (10 Smedes & M. 376), 194, 1317. Bonthrow v. Phoenix, etc., Co. (— Ariz. — , 71 Pac. Rep. 941, 61 L. K. A. 563), 1395. Book V. Railway Co. (85 Mo. App. 76; s. c. 75 Mo. App. 604), 1126. Books V. Danville (95 Penn. St. 158), 1389. Boorman v. Express Co. (21 Wis. 152), 401, 408, 425. Booth V. Railway Co, (2 Law R. Ct. of Exch. 173, 15 L. T. (N. S.) 624), 397. Booth V. Terrell (16 Ga. 20), 780. Booth V. Wilson (1 B. & Aid. 59), 29. Boothby v. Railway Co. (66 N. H. 342, 34 Atl. 157), 1429. Booye v. A Cargo of Dry Boards (42 Fed. 335), 833. Borden v. Railroad Co. (113 N. Car. 570, 18 S. E. Rep. 392, 37 Am. St. Rep. 632), 806. Bork V. Norton (2 McLean, 422,) 322, 815. Borries v. Hutchinson (18 C. B. 445), 1370. Borthwick v. Steamship Co. (1 K. B. (1904) 319, 73 L. J. K. B. 240, affirmed in Elderslie Steamship Co. v. Borthwick, H. L. (1905) App. Cas. 93), 357, 365. Bosch V. Railroad Co. (44 Iowa, 402), 1430. Boscowitz v. Express Co. (93 111. 523), 80, 505. Bosley v. Railroad Co. (54 W. X'a. 563, 46 S. E. Rep. 613, 66 L. R. A. 871), 450, 479, 652, 1354. Boson v. Sandford (2 Salk. 440), 74. Boson V. Sandford (2 Shower, 478), 1350. Boston Ins. Co. v. Railway Co. (118 Iowa, 423, 92 N. W. 88, 59 L. R. A. 796), 94. Bostwick V. Champion (11 Wend. 571), 916. Ixxii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references ABE Bostwick V. Railroad (45 N. Y. 712), 172, 304, 417, 463, 618. Bosworth V. Railroad Co. (25 R. I. 202, 55 Atl. 490), 895. Bostworth V. Swansey (10 Met. 363), 1233. Bosworth V. Walker (83 Fed. 58, 27 C. C. A. 402), 1180. Botany Worsted Mills v. Knott (76 Fed. 582; affirmed in 82 Fed. 471, 27 C. C. A. 326, 51 U. S. App. 467 and Knott v. Botany Worsted Mills, 179 U. S. 69, 45 L. Ed. 90), 347, 359. Botts V. Railroad Co. (106 Mo. App. 397, 80 S. W. Rep. 976), 419. Bottum V. Railway Co. (— S. Car. — , 51 S. E. Rep. 985), 330. Boucher v. Lawson (Cas. T. Hardw. 194), 159. Bouker v. Railroad Co. (89 Hun, 132, 35 N. Y. Supp. 30), 652, 804. Boulden v. Railroad Co. (205 Pa. St. 264, 54 Atl. Rep. 906), 1389. Bourland v. The Railway ( — Tex. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 483, revers- ing s. c. (Tex. Civ. App.) 87 S. W. Rep. 173), 1388. Bourne v. Gatliffe (3 Man. & Gran. 643), 688. Bowden v. Fargo (22 N. Y. Supp. 889), 1352. Bowdon V. Railway Co. ( — Ala. — , 41 So. Rep. 294), 704. Bowen v. Lumber Co. ( — Cal. App. — , 84 Pac. Rep. 1010), 1401. Bowen v. Railroad Co. (18 N. Y. 408), 903. Bowen v. Railroad Co. (136 Fed. 306. 69 C. C. A. 444), 1389. Bowers v. Railroad Co. (158 Pa. St. 302, 27 Atl. 893), 1054. TO SECTIONS.] Bowes V. City of Boston (155 Mass. 344, 29 N. E. 633), 1386. Bowler v. Lane (3 Met. (Ky.) 311), 1386, 1400, 1436, 1440. Bowles V, Railroad Co. (46 Hun, 324), 1401. Bowman v. Hilton (11 Ohio, 303), 75, 261, 864. Bowman v Teall (23 Wend. 306), 38, 65, 75, 273, 654, 657. Bowring v. Thebaud (42 Fed. Rep. 794), 497. Bowring v. Thebaud (56 Fed. 520, 5 C. C. A. 640, 11 U. S. App. 648, aff'g 42 Fed. 795), 368. Boyce v. Anderson (2 Pet. 150), 128, 335, 89L Boyce v. Bayliffe (1 Camp. 58), 1160, Boyce v. Welch (5 La. Ann. 623), 486. Boyd V. Dubois (3 Camp. 133), 337. Boyd V. Spencer (103 Ga. 828, 30 S. E. 841, 68 Am. St. Rep. 146), 1028, 1043. Boyden v. Railroad Co. (70 Vt. 125, 39 Atl. Rep. 771), 1397. Boylan v. Railroad Co. (132 U. S. 146), 1054. Boyle V. Railway Co. (13 Wash. 383, 43 Pac. 344), 85. Boyles v. Railway ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 86 S. W. Rep. 936), 895. Boys V. Pink (8 Car. & P. 361), 436. Bracket v. McNair (14 Johns. 170), 1370. Bradburn v. Railway (L. R. 10 Exch. 1), 1423. Bradford v. Downs (126 Penn. St. 622), 1228. Bradford v. Railroad (7 Rich. 201), 230. TABLE OF CASES CITED, Ixxiii [BEFERENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Bradhurst v. Insurance Co. (9 Johns. 17), 801. Bradley v. Railroad (2 Cush. 539), 1155. Bradley v. Railway Co. (107 Mich. 243, 65 N. W. 102), 936. Bradley v. Railway Co. (94 Wis. 44, 68 N. W. 410), 1367. Bradshaw v. Railroad Co. (135 Mass. 407), 1061, 1065, 1066, 1090. Bradstreet v. Baldwin (11 Mass. 229), 801, 863. Bradstreet v. Heran (2 Blatchf. 116), 163. Bradwell v. Railroad Co. (139 Penn. 404), 1417. Brady v. Railroad Co. (162 Mass. 408, 38 N. E. 710), 992. Braithwaite v. Power (1 N. Dak. 455), 801, 815. Branan v. Railroad Co. (108 Ga. 70, 33 S. E. Rep. 836, 75 Am. St. Rep. 26), 757, 762. Branch v. Railroad Co. (88 N. C. 572), 450, 990. Brand v. Railroad (8 Barb. 368), 895. Brand v. Steamboat Co. (30 N. Y. Supp. 903, 10 Misc. 128), 694. Brand v. Weir (57 N. Y. Supp. 731, 27 Misc. 212), 733, 1365. Brandt v. Bowlby (2 B. & Ad. 932), 1318, 1360. Brashear v. Railroad Co. (47 La. Ann. 735, 17 So. 260, 49 Am. St. Rep. 382), 1195. Brasher v. Railway Co. (12 Colo. 384), 678. Brass v. Maitland (6 El. & B. 470), 337, 796, 797. Brassell v. Railroad Co. (84 N. Y. 241), 1219. Brauer v. Compania de Naviga- cion La Flecha (66 Fed. 777, 35 U. S. App. 44, aff'g The Hugo, 57 Fed. 403; affirmed, Compania de Navigacion La Flecha v. Brauer, 168 U. S. 104, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 12, 42 L. Ed. 398), 215, 452, 464, 485. Braun v. Railway Co. (79 Minn. 404, 82 N. W. 675, 49 L. R. A. 319, 79 Am. St. Rep. 497; re- hearing denied, 82 N. W. 984), 1025, 1086. Braun v. Webb (65 N. Y. Supp. 668, 32 Misc. 243; s. c. 62 N. Y. Supp. 1037), 1139. Braunton & Robertson v. So. Pac. Co. (— Cal. App. — , 83 Pac. Rep. 265), 1354. Brawley v. Watson (2 Bond, 356), 92. Brazier v. Polytechnic Inst. (1 F. & F. 507), 909. Breen v. Railroad Co. (109 N. Y. 297), 1118. Breese v. Railroad Co. (52 N. J. L. 250), 1406. Breese v. U. S. Tel. Co. (48 N. Y. 132), 95. Bregaro v. The Centurion (57 Fed. 412; reversed, The Centurion, 68 Fe<. 382, 15 C. C. A. 480, 35 U. S. App. 332), 355. Brehme v. Dinsmore (25 Md. 329), 426. Brehme v. Express Co. (25 Md. 328), 425, 426. Bremer v. Pleiss (121 Wis. 61, 98 N. W. Rep. 945), 100. Bremer v. Railway Co. ( — Minn. — , 105 N. W. Rep. 494), 1401. Bremer v. Southern Express Co. (6 Cold. 356), 720. Bremner v. Williams (1 C. & P. 414), 910, 956. Ixxiv TABLE OF CASES CITED, [references ABE Brennan v. Mill Co. (44 Fed. Rep. 795), 1397. Brennan v. Santa Fe Receivers (72 Mo. App. 107), 990. Brereton v. Chapman (7 Bing. 559), 849. Bretherton v. Wood (3 B. & B. 54), 962, 1325. Brevig v. Railway Co. (64 Minn. 168, 66 N. W. 403), 964, 990, 1001. Brewer v. Railroad Co. (124 N. Y. 59), 1018. Brewer v. Railway Co. (84 Fed. 258), 570. Brewer Lumber Co. v. Railroad Co. (179 Mass. 228, 60 N. E. 548, 54 L. R. A. 435, 88 Am. St. Rep. 375), 765, 766. Brezewitz v. Railway Co. ( — Ark. — 70 L. R. A. 212), 1221. Bricker v. Railroad Co. (132 Pa. St. 1, 18 Atl. 983), 997, 1001. Brickman v. Railroad Co. (8 S. Car. 173), 1389. Briddon v. Railway (28 L. J. Exch. 51; 32 L. T. 94), 652, 654. Bridge v. Railway (3 M. & W. 244), 1223. Bridger v. Railroad Co. (25 S. C. 24), 1228. Bridger v. Railroad Co. (27 S. C. 456, 3 S. E. Rep. 860, 13 Am. St. Rep. 653), 205. Bridges v. Railway (L. R. 6 Q. B. 377; L. R. 7 H. L. App. 213), 1122, 1123, 1231. Bridges v. Stickney (38 Me. 361), 1358. Bridgman v. Steamboat Emily (18 Iowa, 509), 1370. Brien v. Bennett (8 C. & P. 724), 1005. TO SECTIONS.] Briggs V. Railroad Co. (28 Barb. 515), 1366. Briggs V. Railroad (6 Allen, 246), 72, 132, 139, 457, 786, 867. 885, 889. Briggs V. Vanderbilt (19 Barb. 222), 258. Brigham v. So. Pac. Co. — Cal. App. — , 84 Pac. Rep. 306), 1054. Brignold v. Waterhouse (1 M. & S. 259), 439. Brind v. Dale (8 Car. & P. 207), 38, 67, 105, 110, 128. Brink v. Railroad Co. (160 Mo. 87, 60 S. W. 1058, 83 Am. St. Rep. 459), 1377. Brintnall v. Railroad (32 Vt. 665), 131, 231, 1348. Bristol V. Wilsmore (1 B. & Co. 514), 871. British S. Mill Co. v. Nettleship (L. R. 3 C. P. 499), 1369. Brittan v. Barnaby (21 How. 527), 415, 828, 870, 880, 1229. Britten v. Railway Co. (1 Q. B. (1899) 243, 68 L. J. Q. B. 75), 1249. Britton v. Railroad Co. (88 N. C. 536), 981. Broadwell v. Butler (6 McL. 296), 627, 652, 665. Broadwood v. Granara (10 Exch. 417), 882. Brockett v. Railroad Co. (73 Conn. 428, 47 Atl. 763), 1418. Brockway v. Express Co. (171 Mass. 158, 50 N. E. 626; s. c. 168 Mass. 257, 47 N. E. 87), 212, 213, 214, 215, 220, 415, 638. Bronghel v. Tel. Co. (72 Conn. 617, 45 Atl. Rep. 435, 49 L. R. A. 404), 1401. TABLE OF CASES CITED, Ixxv [refebencks are Bronghel v. Tel. Co. (73 Conn. G14, 48 Atl. Rep. 751, 84 Am. St. Rep. 176), 1397, 1399. Bronson v. Oakes (76 Fed. 734, 22 C. C. A. 520), 927, 1174. Bronson v. Southbury (37 Conn. 199), 1229. Brooke v. Cunard S. S. Co. (93 N. Y. Supp. 369), 1363. Brooke v. Pickwick (4 Bing. 218), 69, 392, 1246. Brooke v. Railroad (108 Penn. St. 529), 162, 208. Brooke v. Railway (15 Mich. 332), 238, 261, 1049. Brooke' Iron Co. v. O'Brien (135 Mass. 442), 768. Brooks V. Railroad Co. (88 N. Y. Supp. 961), 652. Brooks V. Railroad Co. (168 Mass. 164. 46 N. E. 566), 940. Brooks V. Schwerin (54 N. Y. 343), 1379. Brousseau v. Ship Hudson (11 La. Ann. 427), 606. Brower v. Peabody (13 N. Y, 121), 175. Brown v. Barnes (151 Pa. St. 562, 25 Atl. 144), 1180. Brown v. Clegg (63 Penn, St. 51), 92. Brown v. Coal Co. (L. R. 10 C. P, 562), 159. Brown v. Collins (53 N. H. 442), 1430, Brown v. Corn well (1 Root, 60), 605. Brown v. Dennison (2 Wend. 593), 72. Brown v. Express Co. (15 W. Va. 812), 406, 449, 1354. Brown v. Harris (2 Gray, 359), 830. Brown v. Hodgson (4 Taunt. 189), 863. TO SECTIONS.] Brown v. Hodgson (2 Camp. 36), 1315. Brown v. Johnson (10 M. & W, 331), 849, Brown v. Railroad Co. (7 Fed. Rep. 51), 975, 1090, Brown v. Railroad Co. (36 HI. App. 140), 457. Brown v. Railroad Co. (51 Iowa, 238, 1 N. W. 487), 1082, 1083. Brown v. Railroad Co. (100 Ky. 525, 38 S. W. 862), 442. Brown v. Railroad Co. (38 Kans. 634), 1033. Brown v. Railroad (11 Cush. 97), 1052, 1070, 1299. Brown v. Railroad Co. (181 Mass, 365, 63 N. E. 941), 1177. Brown v. Railroad C!o. (133 Mich. 371, 94 N. W. 1050, 10 Detroit L. N. 173), 715. Brown v. Railroad Co. ( — Miss. — , 41 So. Rep. 383), 1414. Brown v. Railroad Co. (66 Mo. 588), 1084, 1433. Brown v. Railway (54 N. H. 535), 714. Brown v. Railroad Co. (75 Hun, 355, 27 N. Y. Supp. 69; af- firmed without opinion, 151 N. Y. 674, 46 N. E. 1145), 944. Brown v. Railroad (S3 Penn. St, 316), 202, 214, 795. Brown v. Railroad Co. (101 Tenn. 252, 47 S. W. Rep. 415, 70 Am. St. Rep. 666), 1391. Brown v. Railroad Co. (80 Wis, 162, 49 N. W. 807), 1177. Brown v. Railroad Co. (102 Wis, 137, 77 N. W. Rep. 748, 44 L, R. A. o79), 1386. Brown v. The Railway (139 Fed, 972, (— C. C. A. — ), 988. Brown v. Railway Co. (119 Ga. 88, 46 S. E. 71), 929, 941. Ixxvi TABLE OP CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ABE Brown v. Railway (58 Me. 384), 1227, 1228, 1229. Brown v. Railway Co. (49 Mich. 153), 1418. Brown v. Railway Co. (130 Mich. 483, 90 N, W. 290; s. c. 134 Mich. 591, 96 N. W. Rep. 925), 1065. Brown v. Railway Co. (65 S. Car. 260, 43 S. E. Rep. 794), 1398. Brown v. Railway Co. (54 Wis. 342), 1365, 1428, 1429. Brown v. Sax (7 Cow. 95), 827. Brown v. Steamship Co. (147 Mass. 58), 429, 1364. Brown v. Tanner (L. R. 3 Chan. 597), 879. Brown v. Weir (88 N. Y. Supp. 479, 95 App. Div. 78), 1369. Brown's Adm'r v. Railroad Co. (19 Ky. Law Rep. 1873, 44 S. W. Rep. 648), 994, 1083. Brown & Haywood Co. v. Railroad Co. (63 Minn. 546, 65 N. W. 961), 130, 611. Brov-n Shoe Co. v. Hunt (103 Iowa, 586, 64 Am. St. Rep. 198, 72 N. W. 765), 883. Browne v. Railroad Co. (108 N. C. 34), 1110. Brownell v. Flagler (5 Hill, 282), 333. Browning v. Transportation Co. 78 Wis. 391, 47 N. W. 428, 23 Am. St. Rep. 414, 10 L. R. A. 415), 472, 1352. Bruce v. Railroad Co. (83 Ky. 174), 1388, 1389, 1390. Bruhl V. Coleman (113 Ga. 1102, 39 S. E. 481), 668. Brulard v. Alvin (45 Fed. Rep. 766), 1117. Brundred v. Rice (49 Ohio St. 640, 32 N. E. 169, 34 Am. St. Rep. 589), 521. TO SECTIONS.] Bruswitz V. Navigation Co. (64 Hun, 262, 19 N. Y. Supp. 75), 957. Bruty V. Railway (32 Up. Can. Q. B. 66), 1246. Bryan v. Railroad (11 Bush, 597), 226. Bryan v. Railway Co. (32 Mo. Ap. 228), 1075. Bryan v. Spurgin (5 Sneed, 681), 627. Bryant v. Biddeford (39 Me. 193), 1233. Bryant v. Clifford (13 Mete. 138), 780. Bryant v. Insurance Co. (13 Pick. 543), 790. Bryant v. Insurance Co. (6 Pick. 131), 801. Bryant v. Railroad Co. (68 Ga. 805), 638. Bryant v. Railway Co. (53 Fed., 997, 4 C. C. A. 146, 12 U. S. App. 115), 998. Bryant v. Rich (106 Mass. 180), 1096. Bryce v. Railway Co. (129 Fed. 966), 1414. Bryton v. Chase (3 Wis. 456), 1358. Bucher v. Railroad Co. (98 N. Y. 128), 1221. Bucher v. Railroad Co. (131 Mass. 156), 1233. Buck V. Biddeford (82 Me. 433), 1233. Buck V. Railroad Co. (150 Pa. St 170, 24 Atl. 678, 30 Am. St Rep. 800), 450, 1355. Buck V. Railway Co. (15 Daly, 550), 989. Buckland v. Adams Exp. Co. (97 Mass. 124), 82, 148, 246. Buckland v. Railroad Co. (181 Mass. 3, 62 N. E. 955), 904, 1415. TABLE OF CASES CITED. Ixxvii [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Buckle V. Knoop (2 L. R. Exch. 125, 333), 812. Buckler v. City of Newman (116 111. 546), 1236. Buckley v. Furniss (15 Wend. 137), 767. Buckley v. Railroad (18 Mich. 121), 708. Buckley v. Railroad Co. (161 Mass. 26, 36 N. E. 583), 937. Buckman v. Levi (3 Camp. 414), 105, 117. Budd V. Carriage Co. (25 Or. 314, 35 Pac. 660, 27 L. R. A. 279), 68, 895, 898, 959, 1223, 1414, 1415. Budd V. Railroad Co. (69 Conn. 272, 37 Atl. Rep. 683), 1386. Buddy V. Railroad Co. (20 Mo. Ap. 206), 702. Budgett V. Binnington (25 Q. B. Div. 320), 833. Budgett & Co. V. Binnington (1 Q. B. (1891) 35, 60 L. J. Q. B. 1), 833. Buel V. Railroad (31 N. Y. 314), 959, 1223. Buenemann v. Railway Co. (32 Minn. 390), 936. Buesching v. Gas-Light Co. (73 Mo. 220), 1417. Buffett V. Railroad (36 Barb. 420), 1010. Buffett V. Railroad (40 N. Y. 168), 242, 1006, 1010, 1019. Bulkley v. Naumkeag S. C. Co. (24 How. 386), 120, 281, 489. Bullard v. Express Co. (107 Mich. 695, 65 N. W. 551), 123, 716, 717. Bullard v. Railroad Co. (10 Mont. 168, 25 Pac. 120, 11 L. R. A. 246), 537. Buller V. Fisher (3 Esp. 67), 483, 490. Bullock V. Butler Exchange Co. (22 R. I. 108, 46 Atl. 273), 100. Bullock V. Dispatch Co. (187 Mass. 91, 72 N. E. 256), 1348. Bullock V. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 55 S. W. Rep. 184), 1012. Bullock V. Steamship Co. (30 Wash. 448, 70 Pac. 1106), 1169. Bulman v, Dickson (1 Q. B. (1894) 179), 850. Bulman v. Fenwick & Co. (1 Q. B. (1894) 179, 63 L. J. Q. B. 123). Bunch V. Railway Co. (17 Q. B. Div. 215), 1263. Bunyca v. Railroad Co. (19 App. D. C. 76), 1398. Burbank v. Railroad Co. (42 La. Ann. 1156, 11 L. R. A. 720), 1006. Burgess v. Clements (4 Maule & S. 306), 977. Burgess v. Gun (3 Har. & J. 225), 865. Burgess v. Railway (6 Com. B. (N. S.) 923), 937. Burgess v. Stowe (134 Mich. 204, 96 N. W. 29), 100. Burgess v. Wickham (3 B. & S. 669. 693), 905. Burgevin v. Railroad Co. (69 Hun, 479, 23 N. Y. Supp. 415), 1287. Burgher v. Railroad Co. (105 Iowa, 335, 75 N. W. 192), 167, 643. Burgin v. Railroad Co. (115 N. Car. 673, 20 S. B. Rep. 473), 1177. Burk v. Railroad Co. (125 Cal. 364, 57 Pac. Rep. 1065, 73 Am. St. Rep. 52), 1399. Ixxviii TABI^ OP CASES CITED. [befekences ahe Burke v. Express Co. (87 111. App, 505; s. c. Express Co. v. Burke, 94 111. App. 29), 336, 455, 634. Burke v. Railroad Co. (34 How. Pr. 239), 1381. Burke v. Railroad (49 Barb. 529), 1227. Burke v. Railroad Co, (108 111. App. 565), 994. Burke v. Railway Co. (51 Mo. App. 491), 964. Burkholder v. Trust Co. (82 Mo. 572), 1341. Burley v. Gladstone (3 M. & S. 205), 856, 866. Burnell v. Railroad (45 N. Y. 184), 1290, 1291, 1292. Burnett v. Lynch (5 B. & C. 589), 1408. Burnett v. Railroad Co, (176 Pa. St. 45, 34 Atl. 972), 211. Burnham v. Railroad Co. (63 Me. 298), 1052, 1067, 1086. Burnham v Railway Co. (91 Mich. 523, 52 N. W. 14), 1126. Burnham v. Railway Co. (81 Miss. 46, 32 So. Rep. 912), 654, 658. Burns v. Burns (131 Fed. 238, 65 C. C. A. 224, aff'g 125 Fed. 432), 172, 832, 853. Burns v. Oil Co. (26 Tex. Civ. App. 223, 63 S. W. Rep. 1061), 1401. Burns v. Railroad Co. (113 Ind. 169), 1388. Burns v. Railway Co. (63 S. Car. 46, 40 S. E. 1018), 1000. Burns v. Railway Co. (104 Wis. 646, 80 N. W. 927), 419, 634, 638, 641, 1003. Burr V. Express Co. (71 N. J. L. 263, 58 Atl. 609), 708, 712. Burr V. Railroad Co. (64 N. J. L. 30, 44 Atl. 845), 1216. TO SECTIONS.] Burrell v. Fleming (109 Fed. 489, 47 C. C. A. 598), 1388. Burrill v. Grossman (65 Fed. 104; af/irmed in 91 Fed. 543, 33 C, C. A. 663; reversed in Cross- man V. Burrill, 179 U. S. 100, 45 L. Ed. 106), 833, 853, 854. Burrill v. Grossman (130 Fed. 763, 65 C. C. A. 189, reversing 124 Fed. 838 and 111 Fed. 192), 833. Burriss & Haynie v. Railway Co. (105 Mo. App. 659, 78 S. W. Rep. 1042), 1317. Burroughes v. Bayne (5 H. & N. 296), 750. Burroughs v. Railroad (100 Mass. 26), 130, 231, 241, 261. Burrows v. Lownsdale (133 Fed. 250, 66 G. G. A. 650), 942. Burrows v. Railway (63 N. Y. 556), 1180. Burtis V. Railroad (24 N. Y. 269), 238, 242. Burton v. Curyea (40 111. 320), 175. Burton v. English (12 Q, B. Div. 224), 464. Burton v. Ferry Co. (114 U, S. 474), 1113, 1114. Burton v. Wilkinson (18 Vt. 186), 740. Burwell v. Railroad Co, (94 N. C. 451), 506, Burwell v. Railroad Co. (94 N. C, 455), 1348. Bush V. Barnett (96 Gal. 202, 31 Pac. 2), 1414. Bush V. Railway Co. (3 Mo. App. 62), 672, 682. Bushel V. Wheeler (15 Q. B. 442), 194. Bussey v. Railroad Go. (79 Miss. 597, 31 So. Rep. 212), 1389. Bussey v. Railway Co. ( — S. Car. — , 53 S. E. Rep. 165), 1390. TABLE OF CASES CITED. Ixxix [BEFEBENCES ABE Bussey v. Trans. Co. (24 La. Ann. 165), 92. Bussman v. Transit Co. (71 Fed. 654; s. c. 29 N. Y. Supp. 1066, 9 Misc. 410), 1050. Buston V. Railroad Co. (119 Fed. 808, 56 C. C. A. 320, aff'g 116 Fed. 235), 132. Butcher v. Railway (16 Com. B. 13), 1241, 1259. Butchers & Drovers' Stock Yards Co. V. Railroad Co. (67 Fed. 35, 14 C. C. A. 290, 31 U. S. App. 252), 556. Butler V. Basing (2 Car. & P. 613), 68. Butler V. Murray (30 N. Y. 88), 790. Butler V. Railroad Co. (8 Lea, 32), 708. Butler V. Railroad Co. (18 Ind. App. 656, 46 N. E. 92), 1315. Butler V. I^ailroad Co. (59 Minn. 135, 60 N. W. 1090), 1179. Butler V. Railroad Co. (87 Hun, 10, 33 N. Y. Supp. 845), 1077. .Butler V. The Railroad (3 E. D. Smith, 571), 1250. Butler V. Railway Co. (L. R. 21 Q. B. Div. 207), 1082. Butler V. Railway Co. (143 N. Y. 417, 38 N. B. 454, 26 L. R. A. 46, reversing 24 N. Y. Supp. 142, 4 Misc. 401), 1377. Butler V. Wolcott (2 Bos. & P. N. R. 64), 882. Butt V. Railway (11 Com. B. 140), 392. Button V. Frink (51 Conn. 342), 1418. Butts V. Railroad Co. (110 Fed. 329, 49 C. C. A. 69), 1192, 1430. Buxton V. Railway Co. (L. R. 3 Q. B. 549), 915. TO SECTIONS.] Byrd v. Express Co. (139 N. Car. 273, 51 S. E. Rep. 851), 1397, 1398. Byrne v. Boadle (2 H. & C. 722), 940. Byrne v. Fargo (73 N. Y. Supp. 943, 36 Misc. 543), 685, 729. Byrne v. Railroad Co. (83 N. Y. 620), 1228. Byrne v. Weeks (7 Bosw. 372), 165. Cabeen v. Campbell (6 Casey, 254), 767. Cable V. Railway Co. (122 N. Car. 892, 29 S. E. Rep. 377), 1126. Cadwallader v. Railway (9 Low. Can. 169), 146. Caffin V. Aldridge (65 L. J. Q. B. 85, (1895) 2 Q. B. 648, aff'9 64 L. J. Q. B. 736, (1895) 2 Q. B. 366), 613. Cahill V. Railway (10 Com. B. (N. S.) 154; 13 id. 818), 1244, 1249, 1250. Callife V. Dan vers (1 Peake, N. P. 114), 38. Cain V. Railroad Co. ( — Ky. Law Rep. — , 84 S. W. Rep. 583), 143L Cain V. Railroad Co. ( — S. Car. — , 54 S. E. Rep. 244), 947. Cairns v. Robins (8 M. & W. 258), 714. Calahan v. Babcock (21 Ohio St. 281), 766. Calderon v. Steamship Co. (170 U. S. 272, reversing 69 Fed. 574, 16 C. C. A. 332, 35 U. S. App. 587, and 64 Fed. 874), 344, 349, 361, 452. Ixxx TABLE OF CASES CITEL. [BEFEBENCES ABE Caldwell v. Murphy (11 N. Y. 416), 1409. Caldwell v. Murphy (1 Duer, 233), 895, 1423, Caldwell v. N. J. Steamboat Co. (56 Barb. 425), 281, 1155. Caldwell v. Railroad Co. (89 Ga. 550, 15 S. E. Rep. 678), 1117. Caldwell v. Railway Co. (21 Ky. Law Rep. 397, 51 S. W. Rep. 575), 417. Caldwell v. Steamboat Co. (47 N. Y. 282), 895, 906, 909, 952, 961, 1155, 1441, 1436, 1438. Caldwell v. Transfer Co. (33 N. Y. Supp. 993, 13 Misc. 37), 1352. In re California Nav. & Imp. Co. (110 Fed. 670), 347, 387. California Powder Works v. Rail- road Co. (113 Cal. 329, 45 Pac. 691, 36 L. R. A. 648), 145, 423, 457. Callahan v. Bean (9 Allen, 401), 1229. Callaway v. Mellett (15 Ind. App. 366, 44 N. E. 198), 1053, 1062, 1065. Callender v. Ins. Co. (5 Bin. 525), 815, 817. Callison v. Brake (129 Fed. 196, 63 C. C. A. 354), 1397. Calumet Iron, etc., Co. v. Martin (115 111. 358), 1174. Camden T. Co. v. Belknap (21 Wend. 354), 127. Cameron v. Railway Co. (8 N. Dak. 618, 80 N. W. Rep. 885), 1391. Cameron v. Railway Co. (70 N. J. L. 633, 57 Atl. Rep. 417), 1401. Cameron v. Union Trunk Line (10 Wash. 507, 39 Pac. 128), 1423. Cammell v. Sewell (3 H. & N. 617; 5 id. 728). 788. TO SICCTIONS.] Camp V. Steamboat Co. (43 Conn. 333), 401, 450, 1338. Campbell v. Alford (57 Tex. 159). 175. Campbell v. Car Co. (42 Fed. Rep. 484), 1101. Campbell v. Morse (1 Harpen 468), 291. Campbell v. Railway Co. (86 Iowa 587; overruled by Hanley v. Railway Co. 187 U. S. 617), 525. Campbell v. Railway Co. (1 Cana- dian Ry. Cases, 258; unre- ported elsewhere), 892, 927. Campe v. Weir (58 N. Y. Supp. 1082, 28 Misc. 243), 454, 1355. Campion v. Colvin (3 Bing. N. C. 17), 877. Campion v. Railway Co. (43 Fed. 77^, 11 L. R. A. 128), 629. Canal Co. v. Graham (63 Penn. St. 290), 1422. Candee v. Railroad (21 Wis. 582), 238, 915, 1296. Candee v. Railroad Co. (73 Conn. 667, 49 Atl. 17), 419, 510. Candee v. Telegraph Co. (34 Wis. 479), 1358. Candiff v. Railway Co. (42 La. Ann. 477, 7 So. Rep. 601), 964, Canfield v. Railroad Co. (75 N. Y. 144), 1352. Canfield v. Railroad Co. (93 N. Y. 532), 454, 463. Cannan v. Meaburn (1 Bing. 243), 788, 79L Cantling v. The Railroad (54 Mo. 385), 91, 1250. Cantu V. Bennett (39 Texas, 303), 201, 206. Cantwell v. Express Co. (58 Ark. 487, 25 S. W. 503), 652. Capehart v. Granite Mills (97 Ala. 353, 12 So. 44), 175. TABLE OF CASES CITED. Ixxxi [REFKRENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Cappel V. Weir (92 N. Y, Supp, 365, S. C. 90 N. Y. Supp. 394), 21li 677. Card V. Ellsworth (65 Me. 547), 1223. Carey v. Railroad (1 Gush. 475), 1376. Carey v. Railroad (29 Barb. 35), 1292. Carlisle v. Brisbane (113 Penn. St 544), 1236. Carlisle v. Keokuk, etc., Co. (82 Mo. 40), 1334. Carlisle v. Railway Co. (97 Mo. App. 571, 71 S. W. 475), 593. Carlisle v. Sheldon (38 Vt. 440), 1383. Carlson v. Ocean Steam Nav. Co. (109 N. Y. 362), 344. Carlson v. Railway Co. (21 Or. 450, 28 Pac. Rep. 497), 1397, 1398. Carpenter v. Railroad Co. (97 N. Y. 494), 1011. Carpenter v. Railroad Co. (124 N. Y. 53), 1130. 1131, 1132. Carpenter v. Railway Co. (67 Minn. 188, 69 N. W. 720), 443. Carpenter v. Railway Co. (72 Me. 388), 211, 1046. Carpue v. Railway (5 Ad. & Bl. (N. S.) 747), 960, 1223, 1414. Carr v. Railroad Co. (98 Cal. 366, 33 Pac. 213, 21 L. R. A. 354), 1179. Carr v. Railroad (92 N. Y. Supp. 799), 660. Carr v. Railway (7 Exch. 707), 336, 337, 340, 395, 805. Carr v. Schafer (15 Colo. 48), 505. Carrey v. Spencer (36 N. Y. Supp. 886), 972. Carrico v. Railroad Co. (39 W. Va. 86, 19 S. B. Rep. 571, 24 L. R. A. 50; s. c. 35 W. Va. 389, 14 S. E. Rep. 12), 919, 925, 1173, 1196, 1209, 1414, 1417. Carrigan v. Stillwell (97 Me. 247, 54 Atl. Rep. 389, 61 L. R. A. 163), 1389. Cerrillos Coal R. Co. v. Deserant (9 New Mex. 49, 49 Pac. Rep. 807), 1397. Carroll v. Burleigh (15 Wash. 208, 46 Pac. 232), 1118. Carroll v. Express Co. (37 S. Car. 452, 16 S. E. Rep. 128), 678. Carroll v. Railroad (1 Duer, 571), 1200. Carroll v. Railroad (58 N. Y. 126), 895, 898, 904, 906, 909, 1017, 1151, 1232. Carruth v. Railway Co. (45 La. Ann. 1228, 14 So. 736), 1118. Carsten v. Railroad Co. (44 Minn. 454), 1056. Carswell v. Railroad Co. (118 Ga. 826, 45 S. E. 695), 1004, 1073. Carter v. Graves (9 Yerger, 446), 1310. Carter v. Peck (4 Sneed, 203), 230, 249, 261, 496. Carter v. Railroad Co. (Ill Ga. 38, 36 S. B. Rep. 308, 50 L. R. A. 354), 1309. Carter v. Railroad Co. (139 N. Car. 499, 52 S. E. Rep. 643; 138 N. Car. 750, 52 S. E. Rep. 642), 1397. Carter v. Railroad Co. (19 S. C. 20), 1417. Carter v. Railway Co. (42 Fed. Rep. 37, 57), 904, 1414. Carter & Corey v. Railway Co. ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 681), 1374. Ixxxii TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ARE Cartwright t. Railroad Co. (85 | Hun, 517, 33 X. Y. Supp. 147), 652. Carty's Adm'r v. Village of Win- ooski (— Vt. — , 62 Atl. Rep. 45), 1389. Caruthers v. Sheddon (6 Taunt. 14), 783. Carvey v. Railroad Co. (133 Mich. 659, 95 N. W. 716, 10 Det. L. N. 350), 1062, 1065. Case V. Min. Co. (103 Mo. App. 477, 78 S. W. Rep. 62), 1389, 1396. Case V. Railroad Co. (191 Pa. St. 450, 43 Atl. 319), 1126. Case V. Railway Co. (11 Ind. App. 517, 39 N. E. 426), 442. Casey v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 83 S. W. Rep. 20), 510. Casey v. Transit Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 419), 1384, 1389. Cash V. Railroad Co. (67 N. Y. Supp. 823), 923. Cash V. Railroad Co. (81 Mo. App. 109), 339. Cass V. Railroad Co. (14 Allen, 448, 450), 130. Cassedy v. Stockbridge (21 Vt. 391), 1230. Cassiano v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 82 S. W. 806), 1043. Cassidy v. Angell (12 R. I. 44), 1417. Caswell V. Railroad (98 Mass. 194), 959, 108, 1223. Caton V. Rumney (13 Wend. 387), 92. Cattaraugus Cutlery Co. v. Rail- way Co. (48 N. Y. Supp. 451, 24 App. Div. 267), 1276. TO SKCTIONS.] Cau V. Railroad Co. (194 U. S. 427, 24 Sup. Ct. R. 663, 48 L. Ed. 1053, aff'g., 113 Fed. 91, 51 C. C. A. 76 J, 401, 408, 409, 452, 475, 1355. Cavallaxo v. Railway Co. (110 Cal. 348, 42 Pac. 918, 52 Am. St. Rep. 94), 231, 236, 662, 668, 708. Cavanaugh v. Nav. Co. (13 N. Y. Supp. 540), 1388, 1396. Gavin v. Southern Pacific Co. (136 Fed. 592, affirmed in Southern Pacific Co. v. Cavin, — C. C. A. — , 144 Fed. 348), 895, 1017. Cayo V. Pool's Assignee (108 Ky. 124, 55 S. W. 887, 94 Am. St. Rep. 348, 49 L. R. A. 251), 70 867, 869. Gaze V. Ins. Co. (7 Cranch, 358), 815, 817. Cazneau v. Railroad Co. (161 Mass. 355, 37 N. E. 311), 937. Central, etc., Co. v. Roach (70 Ga. 434), 1389. Central Foundry Co. v. Bennett (— Ala. — , 39 So. Rep. 574), 1397. Central Stockyards Co. v. Rail- road Co. (192 U. S. 568, 24 Sup. Ct. R. 339, 48 L. Ed. 565, aff'g 118 Fed. 113, 55 C. C. A. 63), 556. Central Trust Co. v. Railway Co. (65 Fed. 332), 1054. Central Trust Co. v. Railway Co. (70 Fed. 764), 708, 709, 1324. Central Trust Go. v. Railway Co. (81 Fed. 277, reversed in Pond-Decker Lumber Co. v. Spencer, 86 Fed. 846, 30 C. C. A. 430), 540. Central Trust Go. of New York v. Railroad Go. (69 Fed. 683), 1367. TABLE OP CASES CITED. Ixxxiii [BEFEEENCES ABE Cerrillos Coal R. Co. v. Deserant (9 New Mex. 49, 49 Pac. Rep. 807), 1398. Certain Logs of Mahogany (2 Suran. 589), 828, 878. Chadbourne v. Railroad Co. (104 111. App. 333), 936. Chaffe V. Railroad (59 Miss. 182), 194. Chaffee v. Railroad Co. (17 R. I. 658, 24 Atl. 141), 1175, 1181, 1219. Chalk V. Railroad Co. (85 N. C. 423), 702, 710. Chamberlain v. Chandler (3 Mason, 242), 1161. Chamberlain v. Pierson (87 Fed. 420, 31 C. C. A. 157), 1018. Chamberlain v. Pullman Palace Car Co. (55 Mo. App. 474), 1132. Chamberlain v. Railway Co. (122 Mich. 477, 81 N. W. 339), 1023. Chamberlain v. Williamson (2 Maule & S. 408), 1405. Champion v. Bostwick (18 Wend. 175), 250, 263. Chance v. Railway Co. (10 Mo. App. 351), 1067. Chandler v. Belden (18 Johns. 157), 875. 889. Chandler v. Fulton (10 Tex. 2), 759. Chaney v. Railroad Co. (176 Mo. 598, 75 S. W. 595), 1194. Chapin v. Railroad Co. (79 Iowa, 582, 44 N. W. Rep. 562), 285. Chapman v. Railroad (19 N. Y. 341), 1236. Chapman v. Railway Co. (5 Q. B. D. 278), 708. Chapman v. Railway (26 Wis. 295), 1360. Chapman v. Rothwell (El. B. & E. 168), 1015. In re Charge to Grand Jury (66 Fed. 146). 541. TO SECTIONS.] Charlotte Trouser Co. v, RaiW/ay Co. (— N. Car. — , 51 S. E. Rep. 973), 1250, 1285, 1286, 1291. Charnock v. Railway Co. (194 U. S. 432, 24 Sup. Ct. R. 671, aff'g 113 Fed. 92, 51 C. C. A. 78), 510. Chase v. Ins. Co. (12 Barb. 595), 783. Chase v. Ins. Co. (9 Allen, 311), 830. Chase V. Railroad Co. (77 Me. 62), 1418. Chase v. Railroad (26 N. Y. 523), 1033. Chase v. Railway Co. (70 Kan. 546, 79 Pac. Rep. 153), 1061, 1065. Chase v. Westmore (5 M. & S, 180), 875. Chattanooga Rapid Transit Co. v. Venable (105 Tenn. 460, 58 S. W. 861, 51 L. R. A. 886), 97, 1004, 1022, 1072, 1073. Chattock & Co. v. Bellamy & Co. (64 L. J. Q. B. 250), 71. Cheesman v. Exall (6 Exch. 341), 749. Cheney v. Railroad Co. (11 Mete. 121), 1041, 1043, 1065, 1086, 1117. Cherokee Packet Co. v. Hilson (95 Tenn. 1, 31 S. W. 737), 991. Cherry v. Railroad Co. (52 Mo. App. 499; s. c. 61 Mo. App. 303), 1050, 1433. Cherry v. Railroad Co. ( — Mo. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 381), 1077, 1090. Chesapeake, etc., Co. v. Bank. ( — Md. — , 63 Atl. Rep. 113), 1306. Chesley v. St. Clair (1 N. H. 189), 780. Chevallier v. Straham (2 Tex. 115), 280. Ixxxiv TABLE OF CASES CITED. [UEFKUENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Cheviot V. Brooks (1 Johns. 364), 744. Chewning v. Railway Co. (Ala., 14 So. Rep. 2U4), 936. Chicago V. Major (18 111. 349), 1386, 1397. Chicago V. O'Brennan (65 111. IGO), 1423. Chicago V. Starr (42 111. 174), 1229. Chicago Edison Co. v. Moren (185 111. 571, 57 N. E. Rep. 773), 1401. Chicago, etc., Co. v. La Montia (112 111. App. 43), 1397. Chicago, etc., Co. v. Packet Co. (38 Iowa 377), 866. Chicago Exchange Bldg. Co. v. Nelson (197 111. 334, 64 N. E. 369, aff'g 98 111. App. 189), 100. Chicago Packing and Provision Co. V. Railway Co. (103 Ga. 140, 29 S. E. Rep. 698, 40 L. R. A. 367, 10 Am. & Eng. R. Cas. (N. S.) 391), 181. Chicago R. R. v. Thompson (19 111. 578), 76, 331. Chickering v. Fowler (4 Pick. 371), 687. Child V. Sands (Carth. 294), 1325. Childs V. Bolton (69 S. C. 555, 48 S. E. Rep. 618), 1402. Childs V. Railway Co. (77 Hun, 539, 28 N. Y. Supp. 894), 1431. Chiles V. Drake (59 Ky. 146, 74 Am. Dec. 406), 1400. Chilton V. Railroad Co. (114 Mo. 88, 21 S. W. Rep. 457, 19 L. R. A. 269), 972. Chinn v. Railway Co. (100 Mo. App. 576, 75 S. W. 375), 510, 652. Chippendale v. Railway (7 Eng. L. & E. 395), 407. Chitty V. Railway Co. (148 Mo. 64, 49 S. W. 868), 1223, 1224, 1406. Choate v. Railway Co. (67 Mo. App. 105), 990, 1019, 1197, 1198. Cholette v. Railroad Co. (26 Neb. 159), 1118. Chouteau v. Str. St. Anthony (16 Mo. 216; 20 id. 519), 86. Chouteaux v. Leech (18 Penn. St. 224), 486, 63L Christenson v. American Exp. Co. (15 Minn. 270), 44, 83, 457. Christie v. Davis Coal & Coke Co. (95 Fed. 837; affirmed on opinion below, 110 Fed. 1006, 49 C. C. A. 170), 800. Christie v. Griggs (2 Camp. 79), 895, 896, 1414. Christie v. Railway Co. (94 Mo. 453), 52L Christie, The Craighton (41 Fed. Rep. 62), 490, 1355. Christy v. Row (1 Taunt. 300), 810. Chrystal v. Flint (82 Fed. 472, reversed in Flint v. Chrystal; 83 Fed. 987, 31 C. C. A. 593; s. c. The Irrawaddy, 171 U. S. 187, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 831, 43 L. Ed. 130), 345, 362, 364, 387. Church v. Railroad Co. (1 Okl. 44, 29 Pac. 530), 23L Church v. Railway Co. (6 S. Dak. 235, 60 N. W. 854, 26 L. R. A. 616), 1051, 1077. Church V. Railway Co. (14 S. Dak. 443, 85 N. W. 1001), 537. Churchill v. Railroad (67 111. 390), 1041, 1043. Cincinnati Mail Co. v. Coal (15 Ind. 345), 86. Citizens' Bank v. Nantucket Steamboat Co. (2 Story, 16), 57, 61, 75, 86, 91. Tx^LE OP" CASES CITED. Ixxxv [BEFEKENCES ABE City V. Kuby (8 Minn. 154), 1229. City of Ripon v. Bittel (30 Wis. 614), 1423. Claflin V. Railroad (7 Allen, 341), 674. Claiborne v. Railway Co. (21 Tex. Civ. App. 648, 57 S. W. 336), 990. Clairan v. Telegraph Co. (40 La. Ann. 178, 3 So. Rep. 625), 1389. Clapp V. Stanton (20 La. Ann. 495), 92. Clare v. Steamship Co. (20 Fed. Rep. 535), 926. Clark V. Am. Ex. Co. ( — Iowa, — , 106 N. W. Rep. 642), 1366, 1372. Clark V. Barnwell (12 How. 279), 74, 75, 162, 165, 167, 606, 1354, 1355. Clark V. Burns (118 Mass. 275), 1269. Clark V. Geer (86 Fed. 447, 32 C. C. A. 295), 1391. Clark V. Insurance Co. (2 Pick. 104), 801, 823. Clark V. Manchester (62 N. H. 577), 1386. Clark V. Masters (1 Bosw. 177), 828. Clark ads. McDonald (4 McCord, 223), 128, 335. Clark V. Needles (25 Penn. St. 338), 113. Clark V. Railroad Co. (83 N. Y. Supp. 162, 40 Misc. 691), 1156. Clark V. Railroad (32 Barb. 657), 1226. Clark V. Railroad (9 Gray, 231), 884. Clark V. Railroad Co. (127 Mo. 197. 29 S. W. 1013), 895, 923, 1414. Clark V. Railroad Co. (91 N. C. 506), 1024, 1085, 1433. TO SECTIONS.] Clark V. Railway Co. (64 Mo. 440), 419. Clark V. Russell (97 Fed. 900, 38 C. C. A. 541), 205. Clark V. Union Ferry Co. (35 N. Y. 485), 66. Clark V. Zarniko (106 Fed. 607, 45 C. C. A. 494), 1218, 1413. Clark's Adm'x v. Railroad Co. (101 Ky. 34, 39 S. W. Rep. 840, 36 L. R. A. 123), 1209, 1210, 139L Clark's Adm'x v. Railroad Co. ( — Ky. L. R. — , 49 S. W. Rep. 1120), 92L Clarke v. Gray (6 East. 564), 1340. Clarke v. Railroad Co. (14 N. Y. 570), 336, 339, 340, 341. Clarkson v. Edes (4 Cow. 470), 864, 877. Clarry v. Railway Co. (29 Ont. R. 18), 1431. Clay V. Railroad Co. (84 Ga. 345), 1389. Clay V. Willan (1 H. Bl. 297), 439. Claypool V. McAllister (20 111. 504), 66. Clegg V. Railway Co. (135 N. Car. 148, 47 S. E. 667, 65 L. R. A. 717), 177, 178, 777, 805. Cleghorn v. Railroad (56 N. Y. 44), 961, 1439, 1444. Clement v. Railroad Co. (56 Hun, 643, 9 N. Y. Supp. 601), 668. Clemson v. Davidson (5 Bin. 392), 865. Clendaniel v. Tuckerman (17 Barb. 184), 723. Clerc V. Railroad Co. (107 La. 370, 31 So. 886, 90 Am. St. Rep. 319), 913, 925, 1212. Cleveland v. Steamboat Co. (86 N. Y. 306), 901. Cleveland v. Steamboat Co. (89 N. Y. 627), 90L Ixxxvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references ABE TO SECTIONS.] Cleveland v. Steamboat Co. (125 N. Y. 299), 901. Cleveland, etc., Co. v. Workman (66 Ohio St. 509, 54 N. E. Rep. 582, 90 Am. St. Rep. 602), 1392. Clink V. Radford (1 Q. B. (1891) 625), 854. Clinton v. Root (58 Mich. 182), 1221. Clive V. Railway Co. (42 La. Ann. 35, 7 So. Rep. 66), 1401. Clotworthy v. Railway Co. (80 Mo. 220), 1118, 1119. Cloud V. Railway Co. (14 Mo. App. 136), 1054. Ciough V. Railroad Co. (L. R. 7 Exch. 26), 672. Clyde V, Hubnard (88 Penn. St. 358), 231. Coal, One hundred and Fifty-one Tons of (4 Blatch. 362), 871. Coates V. Express Co. (45 Mo. 238), 1296. Coates V. Railton (6 B. & C. 422), 767. Coates V. Railway Co. (8 S. Dak. 173, 65 N. W. 1068), 241. Coats V. Chaplin (3 Q B. 483), 1315. Cobb V. Abbot (14 Pick. 289), 249, 252. Cobb V. Howard (3 Blatch. 524), 1109, 1166. Cobb V. Railway Co. (149 Mo. 609, 50 S. W. 894), 948. Cobb V. Railway Co. (L. R. (1894) App. Cas. 419, 63 L. J. Q. B. 629, aff'g., (1893) 1 Q. B. 459, 62 L. J. Q. B. 335), 989. Coburn v. Railroad Co. (105 La. 398, 29 So. 882, 83 Am. St. Rep. 242), 1043. Coburn v. Railroad Co. (198 Pa. St. 436, 48 Atl. 265), 1174, 1190. Cochran v. Dinsmore (49 N. Y. 249), 1354, 1355. Cock v. Taylor (13 East, 399), 807, 808. Cockburn v. Alexander (6 C. B. 791), 863. Cockle V. Railway (L. R. 7 C. P. 321), 1112. Cody V. Railroad Co. (151 Mass. 462), 1200. Cody V. Railroad Co. (4 Saw. 114), 1056. Coe V. Railroad Co. (25 Ky. Law Rep. 1679, 78 S. W. 439), 1123. In re Coe's Estate ( — Iowa, — , 106 N. W. Rep. 742), 1402. Coffee V. Railroad Co. (76 Miss. 569, 25 So. 157, 71 Am. St. Rep. 535, 45 L. R. A. 112), 1077, 1281. Coffin V. Railroad (64 Barb. 379), 652. Coffin V. Storer (5 Mass. 252), 821. Coger V. Packet Co. (37 Iowa, 145), 972. Coggs V. Bernard (1 Sm. L. Cas. 283; 2 Ld. Raym. 909), 1, 2, 17, 33, 34, 57, 74, 273, 315, 344, 415, 1021, 1322. Coggill V, Railroad (3 Gray, 545), 785. Cohen v. Frost (2 Duer, 335), 109, 110, 1270, 1271. Cohen v. Hume (1 McCord, 439), 66, 128. Cohen v. Railway Co. (59 Mo. App. 66), 129L Cohn V. Davidson (2 Q. B. Div. 455), 497. Cohn V. Piatt (95 N. Y. Supp. 535, 48 Misc. Rep. 378), 333. Cohn V. Railway Co. (181 Mo. 30, 79 S. W. 961), 597, 598. Coine v. Railway Co. (123 Iowa, 458, 99 N. W. Rep. 134), 1052, 1433. TABLE OF CASES CITED, Ixxxvii Cole V. Goodwin (19 Wend. 251), 68, 69, 75, 233, 392, 399, 411, 441. Cole V. Railroad Co. (102 Ga. 474, 31 S. E. Rep. 107), 1094. Cole V. Rowen (88 Mich. 219, 50 N. W. 138, 13 L. R. A. 848), 945. Colegrove v. Railroad (20 N. Y. 492), 917, 1198, 1236. Coleman v. Lambert (5 M. & W. 502), 807. Coleman v. Railroad Co. (84 Ga. 1, 10 S. E. Rep. 498), 991, 1119. Coleman v. Railway Co. (138 N. Car. 351, 50 S. E, Rep. 690), 931, 1104. Coleman v. Riches (16 Com. B. 104), 159. Coles V. Bulman (6 Com. B. 184), 863. Coles V. Railroad Co. (41 111. App. 607), 410, 443, 1324. Colfax Mt. Fruit Co. v. Railroad Co. (118 Cal. 648, 46 Pac. 668; opinion on rehearing, 50 Pac. 775), 140, 239, 246. Colgate V. Penn. Co. (102 N. Y. 120), 179, 192. Collard v. Railway (7 Hurl. & N. 79), 1366. Collender v. Dirsmore (55 N. Y. 166), 167. Collett V. Railway (16 Q. B. 984), 40, 1017. Collier v. Arrington's Exr's, (61 N. Car. 356), 1400. Collier v. Swinney (16 Mo. 484). 268. Collins V. Burns (63 N. Y. 1), 674. Collins V. Railroad (10 Cush. 506), 1249, 1274, 1275. Collins V. Railroad Co. (104 Ala. 890, 16 So. 140), 708. [eefekences are to sections.] Collins V. Railway Co. (80 Mich. 390, 45 N. W. Rep. 178), 937. Collins V. Railway Co. (15 Tex. Civ. App. 169, 39 S. W. Rep. 643), 1017. Collins V. Railway (11 Exch. 790), 229, 480. Collins V. Trans. Co. (10 Watts, 384), 810. Collins Coal Co. v. Hadley ( — Ind. App. — , 75 N. E. Rep. 832), 1389. Collman v. Collins (2 Hall, 569), 865, 884. Colt V. McMechen (6 Johns. 160), 272. Colton V. Railroad (67 Penn. St. 211), 450, 1354, 1355. Colvin V. Fargo (94 N. Y. Supp. 377), 415. Colyar v. Taylor (1 Cold. 372), 26. Comer v. Stewart (97 Ga. 403, 24 S. E. Rep. 845), 641. Comerford v. Railroad Co. (181 Mass. 528, 63 N. E. 936), 1118, 1174. Commander-in-Chief, The (IWall. 43), 75. Commerce, Prop. (1 Black, 574), 75. Commercial Bank of Manitoba v. Railway Co. (160 111. 401, 43 N. E. 756; aff'g 58 111. App. 438), 185. Commonwealth v. Chesapeake & O. Railway Co. (24 Ky. L. R. 1887, 72 S. W. 758), 588. Commonwealth v. Insurance Co. 122 Mass. 136), 783. Commonwealth v. Louisville & N. Railroad Co. (24 Ky. L. Rep. 509, 68 S. W. 1103), 588. Commonwealth v. Power (7 Met. 596), 943, 977. Ixxxviii TABLE Of CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Commonwealth v. Railroad (108 Mass. 1), 450, 1020, 1022. Commonwealth v. Railroad Co. (107 Mass. 236), 1386. Compania de Navigacion La Flecha v. Brauer (168 U. S. 104, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 12, 42 L. Ed. 398, aff'g, Brauer v. Com- pania de Navigacion La Flecha, 66 Fed. 777, 35 U. S. App. 44 and The Hugo, 57 Fed. 403), 215, 452, 464, 485. Campania Naviera Vascongada v. Churchill & Sim (75 L. J. K. B. 94), 160. Compton V. Snaw (1 Hun, 441), 880. Conant v. Griffin (48 111. 410), 1397, 1400. Condict V. Railway (54 N. Y. 500), 153, 231, 232, 240, 279, 304, 496. Condict V. Railway (4 Lans. 106), 226. Condon v. Railroad Co. (55 Mich. 218), 131, 135. Condran v. Railroad Co. (67 Fed. 522, 14 C. C. A. 506, 32 U. S. App. 182, 28 L. R. A. 749), 1001. Cone V. Railroad Co. (62 N. J. L. 99, 40 Atl. 780), 1422. Congar v. Railroad (17 Wis. 485), 188, 1315. Congar v. Railroad Co. (24 Wis. 157), 333, 677. Conger v. Railroad (6 Duer, 375), 339, 654, 1366. Conkey v. Railway (31 Wis. 619), 134. Conkling v. Brooklyn Lumber Co. (41 N. Y. Supp. SOI, 10 App. Div. 404), 853. Conley v. Railway Co. (95 Me. 149, 49 Atl. Rep. 668), 1401. TO SECTIONS.] Conley v. Railway Co. (32 Ont. R. 258; aff'd, 1 Ont. L. R. 345), 678. Conn V. Railroad Co. (21 Ky. L. Rep. 469, 51 S. W. 617), 574. Connell v. Putnam (58 N. H. 534), 1378. Connell v. Railroad Co. (Miss., 7 S. W. Rep. 344), 964. Connell's Exr's v. Railway Co. (93 Va. 44, 24 S. E. Rep. 467, 32 L. R. A. 792, 57 Am. St. Rep. 786), 980. Connelly v. Boston (117 Mass. 64), 1233. Conners v. Railroad Co. (71 Iowa 490, 60 Am. St. Rep. 814), 1384. Conners v. Railway Co. (71 Iowa, 490), 1389. Connolly v. Railroad Co. (158 Mass. 8, 32 N. E. 937), 1219. Connolly v. Warren (106 Mass. 146), 1249, 1255, Conolly V. Railroad Co. (41 La. Ann. 57, 17 L. R. A. 389), 992. Connor v. Railroad Co. (66 N. H. 424, 30 Atl. 1121), 935. Conover v. Express Co. (40 Mo. App. 31), 426. Conrad Schoop Fruit Co. v. Rail- road Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 402), 668. Conroy v. Railway Co. (96 Wis. 243, 70 N. W. 486, 38 L. R. A. 419), 1208. Consolidated Stone Co. v. Staggs, (164 Ind. 331, 73 N. E. Rep. 695), 1397. Constable v. National Steamship Co. (154 U. S. 51, 14 Sup. Ct. R. 1062, 38 L. Ed. 903), 344, 420, 697. TABLE OF CASES -CITED. Ixxxix [BEFEEENCES ABE Continental Coal Co. v. Bowne (115 Fed. 945, 53 C. C. A. 427), 833. Contra Costa Railroad v. Moss (23 Cal. 324), 76. Converse v. Railroad Co. (58 N. H. 521), 678. Converse v. Trans. Co. (33 Conn. 166), 115, 137, 242, 256. Converse Bridge Co. v. Collins 119 Ala. 534, 24 So. 561), 867. Convoy's Wheat (3 Wall. 255), 132. Conway v. Railroad Co. (51 La. Ann. 146, 24 So. 780), 1219. Con well V. Voorhees (13 Ohio, 523), 94. Cook v. Gourdin (2 Nott & McC. 19), 66, 128. Cook v. Gunpowder Co. (70 N. J. L. 65, 56 Atl. Rep. 114), 1401. Cook v. Jennings (7 T. R. 381), 815. Cook V. Navigation Co. (76 Tex. 353), 1020. Cook V. Railroad Co. (65 Hun, 619, 19 N. Y. Supp. 648), 1111. Cook v. Railroad Co. (60 Cal. 604), 1397, 1401. Cook v. Railway Co. (128 N. Car. 333, 38 S. E. 925), 990. Cook V. Railway Co. (81 Iowa, 551, 46 N. W. Rep. 1080, 25 Am. St. Rep. 512, 9 L. R. A. 764), 521. In re Cook's Estate (126 Iowa, 158, 101 N. W. Rep. 747), 1397. Cooke v. Railroad Co. (57 Mo. App. 471), 113, 114, 510. Cooke V. Waring (2 Hurl. & C. 332), 1412. Cooley V. Railroad Co. (81 N. Y. Supp. 692, 40 Misc. 239), 1426. TO SECTIONS.] Cooley V. Railway Co. (53 Minn. 327, 55 N. W. 141, 39 Am. St. Rep. 609), 748, 872. Coolidge V. City of New York (90 N. Y. Supp. 1078, 99 App. Div. 175), 1401. Coombs V. Railway (3 Hurl. & N. 510), 1319. Coombs V. The Queen (26 S. C. R. (Can.) 13 aff'g 4 Ex. C. R. 321), 1041. Cooney v. Pullman Palace Car Co. (121 Ala. 368, 25 So. 712, 53 L. R. A 690), 1131, 1132, 1363. Cooper V. Electric Co. (63 N. J. L. 558, 44 Atl. 663), 1399. Cooper V. Railroad Co. (6 Hun, 276), 1222. Cooper y. Railroad Co. (110 Ga. 659, 36 S. E. Rep. 240), 334, 336, 339, 392, 401, 450, 451, 1357. Cooper V. Railroad Co. ( — N. Car. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 932), 1397. Cooper V. Railway Co. (66 Mich. 271), 1397. Cooper V. Railway Co. (61 S. Car. 345, 39 S. E. 543), 1412. Cooper V. Railway Co. (L. R. 4 Exch. Div. 88), 1036. Cooper v. Railway Co. (92 Ala. 329, 25 Am. St. Rep. 59), 1352. Cooper V. Young (22 Ga. 269), 1369. Cope V. Cordova (1 Rawle, 203), 687. Copeland v. Draper (157 Mass. 558, 32 N. E. Rep. 944, 34 Am. St. Rep. 314, 19 L. R. A. 283), 96. Copeland v. Seattle (33 Wash. 415, 74 Pac. Rep. 582, 65 L. R. A. 333), 1389. Copper Co. v. Copper Mining Co. (33 Vt. 92), 1367. xc TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFEBENCES ABE Copper Co. v. Insurance Co. (22 Pick. 108), 603. Coppin V. Braithwaite (8 Jurist, 875), 975, 1084, 1433. Coppock V. Railroad Co. (89 Hun, 186, 34 N. Y. Supp. 1039). 1003. Copson V. Railroad Co. (171 Mass. 233, 50 N. E. 613), 1397, 1414, 1418. Corbett v. Packington (6 B. & C. 268), 1328. Corbett v. Railroad Co. (25 Utah, 449, 71 Pac. Rep. 1065), 1397, 1398. Corcoran v. Railroad Co. (133 Mass. 507), 1418. Cordell v. Railroad Co. (75 N. Y. 330), 1391. Corey v. Bath (35 N. H. 530), 1233. Cork Distill. Co. v. Railway Co. (L. R. 7 H. L. Cas. 269), 810. Corliss V. Railroad Co. (63 N. H. 404), 1384. Cormier v. Railroad Co. (36 N. B. Canada, 10), 927. Cornman v. Railway (4 H. & N. 781), 940. Corporation Commission v. Sea- board Air-Line System (127 N. C. 283, 37 S. E. 266), 574. Corrigan v. Iroquois Furnace Co. (100 Fed. 870, 41 C. C. A. 102), 842. Corsar v. Spreckles & Bros. Co. (141 Fed. 260, — C. C. A. — , modifying The Musselcrag, 125 Fed. 786), 352, 383. Corso V. Railroad Co. (48 La. Ann. 1286, 20 So. 752), 1365. Cory V. Ironworks Co. (L. R. 3 Q. B. 181), 1369, 1370. Cosgrove v. City Council of Au- gusta (103 Ga. 865, 31 S. E. 445, 42 L. R. A. 711), 944. TO SECTIONS.] Cosgrove v, Ogden (49 N. Y. 255), 1228. Costello V. Laths (44 Fed. Rep. 105), 869. Costello V. Railroad (65 Barb. 92), 952. Costigan v. Transportation Co. (33 Mo. App. 269), 483. Costikyan v. Railroad Co. (12 N. Y. Suppl. 683), 1193. Cotaut V. Railway Co. (125 Iowa, 46, 99 N. W. Rep. 115, 69 L. R. A. 982), 938. Cotchett V. Railway Co. (84 Ga. 687), 1192. Cote V. Railroad Co. (182 Mass. 290, 65 N. E. 400, 94 Am. St. Rep. 656), 1348. Cotting V. Kansas City Stock Yards Co. (82 Fed. 839), 524. Cottrell V. Railway Co. (— N. Car. — , 54 S. E. Rep. 288), 800, 805. Cotton V. Wood (8 Com. B. (N. S.) 568), 1412. Coulter V. Express Co. (56 N. Y. 585), 1223. Coulthurst V. Sweet (L. R. 1 C. P. 649), 812. Countryman v. Railroad Co. (166 N. Y. 201, 59 N. E. Rep. S22, 82 Am. St. Rep. 640), 1397. Coup V. Railroad (56 Mich. Ill), 60, 88. Coupland v. Railroad Co. (61 Conn. 531, 23 Atl. 870, 15 L. R. A. 534), 419, 426, 497, 508, 639. Coursey v. Railway Co. 113 Ga. 297, 38 S. E. 866), 1179. Courteen v. Kanawha Dispatch (110 Wis. 610, 86 N. W. 176, 55 L. R. A. 182), 424, 450. Cousins V. Railway Co. (96 Mich. 386, 56 N. W. 14), 1180. TABLE OF CASES CITED. XCl [befebences aee Covell V. Hitchcock (23 Wend. 611), 194, 754. Covin V. Hill (4 Denio, 323), 785. Covington Stock Yards v. Keith (139 U. S. 128), 510, 556, 715. Covington Trans. Co. v. Kelly (36 Ohio St. 86), 1236. Cowan V. Bond (39 Fed. 54), 538. Coward v. Railroad Co, (16 Lea, 225), 450, 1293. Cowden v. Pacific Coast S. S. Co. (94 Cal. 470, 29 Pac. 873, 18 L. R. A. 221, 28 Am. St. Rep. 142), 521. Cowen v. Ray (108 Fed. 320, 47 C. C. A. 352), 1393. Cowen v. Winters (96 Fed. 929, 37 C. C. A. 628, aff'g Winters V. Cowen, 90 Fed. 99), 1063. Cowley V. Davidson (13 Minn. 92), 1370. Cox V. Bruce (L. R. 18 Q. B. Div. 147), 159, 166. Cox V. Burns (1 Iowa, 64), 772. Cox V. Peterson (30 Ala. 608), 280. Cox V. Railroad Co. (170 Mass. 129, 49 N. B. 97), 401, 408, 442, 443, 447, 450, 456. Cox V. Railway (91 Ala. 392, 8 So. Rep. 824), 1334. Cox V. Railway Co. (109 Cal. 100, 41 Pac. 794), 1027. Cox V. Vanderkleed (21 Ind. 164), 1422. Coxon V. Railway (5 Hurl. & N. 274), 229, 472. Coyle V. Railway Co. (112 Ga. 121 37 S. E. Rep. 163), 1033, 1056. Crafter v. Railway (L. R. 1 C. P. 300), 940. Cragin v. Railroad (51 N. Y. 61 334, 336, 339, 341, 638. Craig V. Childress (Peck, 270), 52. TO SECTIONS.] Craig V. Continental Ins. Co. (141 U. S. 645), 344. Craighead v. Railroad Co. (123 N. Y. 391, 25 N. E. Rep. 387), 900. Craker v. Railway (36 Wis. 657), 972, 1101, 1404, 1441, 1444. Cramblet v. Railway Co. (82 111. App. 542), 1414. Crandall v. Railway ( — Minn. — , 105 N. W. Rep. 185), 927. Cranston v. Marshall (5 Exch. 395), 1166. Cranwell v. Ship Fanny Fosdick (15 La. Ann. 436), 606. Crapo V. City of Syracuse (N. Y., 76 N. E. Rep, 465, reversing 90 N. Y. Supp. 553, 98 App. Div. 376), 1396. Crary v. Railroad Co. (203 Pa. St. 525, 53 Atl. 363, 59 L. R. A. 815, 93 Am. St. Rep. 778), 1053, 1069, 1415, 1416. Crater v. Binninger (4 Vroom, 513), 1367. Cravens v. Rodgers (101 Mo. 247), 945. Crawford v. Clark (15 111. 561), 689, 696. Crawford v. Railroad (51 Miss. 222), 23L Crawford v. Railroad Co. (26 Ohio St. 580), 1036. Crawford v. Williams (1 Sneed, 205), 815, 823. Crawleigh v. Railway Co. (28 Tex. Civ. App. 260, 67 S. W. 140), 990. Crawshay v. Homfray (4 B. & Aid. 50), 877. Cready v. Railroad Co. (64 N. Y. Supp. 996, 51 App. Div. 338). 1423. Creamer v. Moran Bros. Co. ( — Wash. — , 84 Pac. Rep. 592), 1397, 140L xcu TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEEENCES ABE Creech v. Railway Co. (66 S. Car. 528; 45 S. E. Rep. 86), 1005, 1181, 1182. Creed v. Railroad Co. (86 Penn. St. 139), 1200. Creery v. Holly (14 Wend. 26), 169, 604. Creighton v. Dilks (49 Fed. 107), 843. Cresson v. Railroad Co. (11 Phila. 597), 1036. Crine v. Railway Co. (84 Ga. 651, 11 S. E. Rep. 555), 1217. Crissey v. Railway (75 Penn. St. 83), 995, 1229. Crocker v. Railroad (24 Conn. 249), 1031, 1033, 1099. Croft V. Railroad (1 MacA. 492), 261. Croft V. Steamship Co. (20 Wash. 175, 55 Pac. 42), 913, 942. Crofts V. Waterhouse (3 Bing. 319; 11 Moore, 133), 892, 893, 958. Crommelin v. Railroad (4 Keyes (N. Y.), 90), 862. Cronk v. Railroad Co. (123 Iowa, 349, 98 N. W. 884), 1414. Cronkite v. Wells (32 N. Y. 247), 111, 121, 147. Crooks V. The -Dunbritton (61 Fed. 764; reversed. The Dun- britton, 73 Fed. 352, 19 C. C. A. 449, 38 U. S. App. 369), 355, 488. Crooks V. The Fanny Skolfleld (65 Fea. 814), 354, 604. Croom V. Railway Co. (52 Minn. 296, 53 N. W. 1128, 38 Am. St. Rep. 557, 18 L. R. A. 602), 992. Crosby v. Fitch (12 Conn. 410), 75, 273, 294, 301, 613, 655, 656. Crosby v. Railroad Co. (69 Me. 418), 1052. TO SECTIONS.] Crosby v. Railroad Co. (9 Det. L. N. 310, 131 Mich. 288, 91 N. W. 124), 574. Cross V. O'Donnell (44 N. Y. 661), 194. Cross V. Railway Co. (69 Mich. 363, 37 N. W. Rep. 361, 13 Am. St. Rep. 399), 937. Cross V. Railway Co. (56 Mo. App. 664), 964, 1033. Crossan v. Railway Co. (149 Mass. 196, 21 N. E. 367), 867, 885. Crossman v, Burrill (179 U. S. 100, 45 L. Ed. 106, 21 Sup. Ct. R. 38, reversing Burrill v. Crossman, 91 Fed. 543, 33 C. C. A. 663 and 65 Fed. 104), 833, 853, 854. Crouch V. Railroad Co. (21 S. C. 495), 1417. Crouch V. Railroad Co. (42 Mo. App. 248), 230, 462, 1348. Crouch V. Railway (7 Exch. 705), 795. Crouch V. Railway (11 Exch. 742), 1370, 1371. Crouch V. Railway (14 Com. B. 255), 57, 329, 795. Crouch V. Railway (2 Hurl. & N. 491; 3 id. 183), 229. Crouch V. Railway (2 Car. & Kir. 789), 406. Crow V. Falk (8 Q. B. Div. 467), 497. Crow V. Railroad Co. (57 Mo. App. 135), 426, 1357. Crowe V. The Railroad ( — Mich. — , 106 N. W. Rep. 395), 911, 933, 941. Crowell V. Union Oil Co. (107 Fed. 302, 46 C. C. A. 296), 449, 1355. Crowley v. Cohen (3 B. & Ad. 478), 783. Crozier V. Steamboat Co. (43 How. Pr. 466), 1271. TABLE OF CASES CITED. xcm [befebences are to sections.] Crumpley v. Railway Co. (98 Mo. 36), 1386. Crutcher v. Railroad Co. ( — Ark. — , 85 S. W. Rep. 770), 1369. Cuba, The (3 Ware, 260), 800, 802. Cuddy V. Horn (46 Mich. 596^ 917, 1236. CufE V. Tons of Coal (46 Fed. 670), 869. Culberson v. Railway Co. (50 Mo. App. 556), 1119. Cullar V. Railway Co. (84 Mo. App. 340), 1118, 1379. Cumberland Telephone & Tele- graph Co. V. Railroad Co. (50 La. Ann. 29, 24 So. 803), 512. Cuming v. Railroad Co. (109 N. Y. 95), 1378. Cunningham v. Railroad Co. (64 N. Y. Supp. 350, 31 Misc. 471, reversing 60 N. Y. Supp. 990), 1118. Cunningham v. Railroad Co. (79 Mo. App. 524), 285. Curl V. Railway Co. (63 Iowa, 417), 1443. Curley v. Railroad Ck). (40 La. Ann. 810, 6 So. Rep. 103), 1389. Curling v. Long (1 B. & P. 634), 865. Curtis V. Railroad (18 N. Y. 534), 909, 1223, 1412, 1414, 1422. Curtis V. Railroad (20 Barb. 282), 904, 949. Curtis V. Railroad (49 Barb. 148), 1286. Curtis V. Railway Co. (87 Iowa, 622, 54 N. W. 339), 1427. Curtis V. Railway (74 N. Y. 116), 203, 1242, 1243, 1246, 1253, 1276. Cutler V. Railroad Co. (69 N. H. 641, 46 Atl. 1051), 978. Cutler V. Railway Co. (19 Q. B. Div. 64), 1280. Cutting V. Railway & Navigation Co. (46 Fed. 641), 526, 576. Cutting V. Railway (13 Allen, 381), 1362, 1366. Cutts V. Brainerd (42 Vt. 566), 246. Da Costa v. Edmonds (4 Camp. 141), 604, 605. Dagnall v. Railway Co. (69 S. Car. 110, 48 S. E. Rep. 97), 1043. Dailey v. Railway Co. (57 N. Y. Supp. 485, 26 Misc. Rep. 539), 1396. Dakin v. Oxley (15 Com. B. (N. S.) 646), 799, 803. Dale V. Hall (1 Wil. 281), 53, 1323. Dale V. Railroad Co. (57 Kan. 601, 47 Pac. 521), 1388. Daley v. Railroad (26 Conn. 591), 1227, 1229. Daley v. Railroad Co. (80 Hun, 174, 29 N. Y. Supp. 1011), 1111. Dalston v. Janson (1 Ld. Raym. 58), 1344. Dalton V. Railway Co. (4 C. B. 296), 1397. Dalton's Adm'r v. Railroad Co. (22 Ky. Law Rep. 97. 56 S. W. Rep. 657), 990. Daly V. Railroad Co. (49 N. Y. Supp. 901, 26 App. Div. 200), 1118. Damont v. Railroad (9 La. Ann. 441), 1180. XCIV TABL.E OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE Dangerfield v. Railway Co. (62 Kan. 85, 61 Pac. 405), 1054, 1056. Daniel v. Giles (— Tenn. — . 66 S. W. Rep. 1128), 1434. Daniel v. Railroad Co. (117 N. Car. 592, 23 S. E. Rep. 327), 980, 1099. Daniel v. The Railway (L. R. 5 H. L. 45), 916. Baniels v. Ballantine (23 Ohio St. 532), 300, 1430. Daniels v. Clegg (28 Mich. 32), 1227. Daniels v. Railroad Co. (62 S. Car. 1, 39 S. E. 762), 1054. Dantzler Lumber Co, v. Churchill (136 Fed. 560, — C. C. A. — ), 848. Danville Turnpike Co. v. Stewart (2 Mete. (Ky.) 119), 1236. Dargan v. Car Co. (2 Wils. 607), 1130. Darling v. Railroad (11 Allen, 295), 231, 233, 261. Darlington v. Railway Co. (99 Mo. App. 1, 72 S. W. Rep. 122), 859, 860, 862. Dart V. Ensign (47 N. Y. 619), 809. Daube & Knapp v. Railway Co. (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 86 S. W. Rep. 797), 1369. Daubert v. Western Meat Co. (139 Cal. 480, 73 Pac. 244, 96 Am. St. Rep. 154), 1020, 1395. Davenport v. Railroad Co. (173 Pa. St. 398, 34 Atl. 59), 505. David V. Railroad Co. (41 Ga. 233), 1423. Davidow v. Railroad Co. (85 Fed. 943), 1388. Davidson v. Graham (2 Ohio St. 131), 44, 401, 410, 450, 1352. TO SECTIONS.] Davidson v. Hill (2 K. B. (1901) 606, 70 L. J. K. B. 788), 1389, 1395. Davidson-Benedict Co. v. Severson (109 Tenn. 572, 72 S. W. Rep. 967), 1397. Davies v. Steamboat Co. (94 Me. 379, 47 Atl. 896, 53 L. R. A. 239), 960, 1167. Davis V. Bradley (28 Vt. 118). 175. Davis V. Button (78 Cal. 247), 76. Davis V. Garrett (6 Bing. 716), 295, 301, 319, 320, 613, 651, 656. Davis V. Graham (2 Ohio St.), 1354. Davis V. Jacksonville Southeast- ern Line (126 Mo. 69, 28 S. W. 965), 246, 1344, 1352. Davis v. James (5 Burr. 2G80), 810, 1310, 1315, 1316. Davis & Jordan v. James (5 Burr. 2680), 1310. Davis V. Pattison (24 N. Y. 317), 807. Davis V. Railroad Co. (45 Fed. Rep. 543), 997. Davis v. Railroad Co. (1 Disney, 23), 1366. Davis V. Railroad Co. (107 Ga. 420, 33 S. E. Rep. 437), 1056. Davis V. Railroad (22 111. 278), 1246, 1301. Davis V. Railroad Co. (121 Mass. 134), 918. Davis V. Railroad Co. (143 Mass. 301), 1388. Davis V. Railroad Co. (89 Mo. 340), 271, 287, 1355. Davis V. Railroad (53 Mo. 317), 1113. Davis V. Railroad (10 How. Pr. 330), 1246, 1253. Davis V. Railroad Co. (64 Hun, 492, 19 N. Y. Supp. 516), 1122. TABLE OF CASES CITED. XCV [references ABE TO SECTIONS.] Davis V. Railroad Co. (136 N. Car. 115, 48 S. E. Rep. 591), 1389, 1392. Davis V. Railroad Co. (25 Tex. Civ. App. 8, 59 S. W. 844), 1016. Davis V. Railroad Co. (66 Vt. 290, 29 Atl. 313, 44 Am. St. Rep. 852), 158, 167, 306, 401, 408. Davis V. Railway Co. (53 Ark. 117, 13 S. W. Rep. 801), 1386, 1389. Davis V. Railway Co. ( — Ark. — , 86 S. W. Rep. 995), 1123. Davis V. Railway Co. (83 Iowa, 744, 49 N. W. 77), 207. Davis V. Railway Co. ( — Ky. L. R. — , 92 S. W. Rep. 339), 205, 1018. Davis V. Railway Co. (70 Minn. 37, 72 N. W. 823), 430, 1362. Davis V. Railway Co. (132 N. Car. 291, 43 S. E. 840), 991. Davis V. Railway Co. (29 Tex. Civ. App. 42, 68 S. W. 733), 934. Davis V. Railway Co. ( — Te\. Civ. App. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 222), 1414. Davis V. Railway Co. (93 Wis. 470, 67 N. W. 16, 1132, 57 Am. St. Rep. 935, 33 L. R. A. 654), 209, 212, 222, 947, 949, 1003, 1072, 1073, 1430. Davis V. The Railway (18 Wis. 175), 1180. Davis V. Somerville (128 Mass, 594), 1233. Davis V. Taft Vale R. Co. (64 L. J. Q. B. (N. S.) 488), 522. Davis V. Transportation Co. (106 Mo. App. 487, 81 S. W. Rep. 226), 131. Davison v. City Bank (57 N. Y. 81), 807, 810, 811. Dawes v. Peck (8 T. R. 330), 194, 810, 1307, 1315. Dawley v. Wagner Palace Car Co. (169 Mass. 315, 47 N. E. 1024), 1130, 1133. Dawson v. Burrus (73 Ala. Ill), 233. Dawson v. Railroad Co. (156 Mass. 127, 30 N. E. 466), 1111. Dawson v. Railroad Co. (76 Mo. 514), 442, 641. Dawson v. Railway (7 Hurl. & N. 1037), 1414. Day v. Owen (5 Mich. 520), 972. Day V. Railroad Co. (96 Me. 207, 52 Atl. 771, 90 Am. St. Rep. 335), 1418. Dayton v. Parke (142 N. Y. 391, 37 N. E. 642, reversing 67 Hun, 137, 22 N. Y. Supp. 613), 853. Dealey v. Mullen (149 Mass. 432), 1228. Dean v. Driggs (137 N. Y. 274, 33 N. E. 326, 33 Am. St. Rep. 721, reversing 18 N. Y. Supp. 67), 162. Dean v. Furness (9 Rap. Jud. Que. B. R. 81), 408, 799. Dean v. King (22 Ohio St. 118), 158. Dean v. Vaccaro (2 Head, 488), 688, 1360. De Bary, etc. Line v. Railway (40 Fed. Rep. 392), 1334. Debbins v. Railroad Co. (154 Mass. 402, 28 N. E. 274), 1219. Debevoise v. Railroad Co. (98 N. Y. 377), 1387. Decan v. Shipper (35 Penn. St. 239), 175. Decatur Car Wheel Co. v. Mahaf- fey (128 Ala. 242, 29 So. Rep. 646), 1397. Decker v. Railroad Co. (3 Okl. 553, 41 Pac. 610), 1077. De Colange v. The Margaux (37 Fed. Rep. 157), 1166. XCVl TABLE OP CASES CITED. [references are Decuir v. Benson (27 La. Ann. 1), 972. De Felice v. Compagnie Prancaise de Navigation (82 N. Y. Supp. 552, 83 App. Div. 73), 1271. De Forest v. Leete (16 Johns. 122), 1367. Defrier v. The Nicaragua (81 Fed. 745), 1156, 1158, 1268. De Garcia v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 90 S. W. Rep. 670; S. C. 11 S. W. Rep. 275), 1389. Degge V. Express Co. (64 Mo. App. 102), 1352. De Grau v. Wilson (17 Fed. Rep. 698), 694. De Harn v. Railroad Co. (86 Tex. 68, 23 S. W. Rep. 381), 1388. De Kay v. Railway Co. (41 Minn. 178, 16 Am. St. Rep. 687), 1219. Delahanty v. Railway Co. (7 Ont. L. R. 690), 1083. Delamatyr v. Railroad (24 Wis. 578), 911. Delano v. Insurance Co. (10 Mass. 354), 1430. Delatour v. Mackey (139 Cal. 621, 73 Pac. Rep. 454), 1389. De Laurans v. Railroad (15 Minn. 49), 1033. De La Vergne & Co. v. McLeroth (60 111. App. 529), 997. De Leon v. McKernan (54 N. Y. Supp. 167, 25 Misc. 182), 1369. Delta Bag Co. v. Kearns (112 111. App. 269), 186, 757, 762. De Lucas v. Railroad Co. (38 La. Ann. 930), 1055. Del Valle v. Steamer Richmond (27 La. Ann. 90), 1246, 1269. Demilly v. Railroad Co. (91 Tex. 215, 42 S. W. Rep. 548), 1043. TO SECTIONS.! Demilly v. Railway Co. (17 Tex. Civ. App. 617, 43 S. W. 901), 1056. Doming v. Merchants' Cotton Press & Storage Co. (90 Tenn. 306, 17 S. W. 89, 13 L. R. A. 518), 404, 464. Doming v. Railroad Co. (48 N. H. 455), 462, 625, 630, 1350, 1366, 1367. Deming v. Railroad Co. (21 Fed. Rep. 25), 259. Deming v. Railway Co. (80 Mo. App. 152), 1127. Demott V. Laraway (14 Wend. 225), 65, 75. Dene Shipping Co. v. Tweedie Trading Co. (— C. C. A. — , 143 Fed. 354, affirming 133 Fed. 589), 366. Deni v. Railroad Co. (181 Pa. St. 525, 59 Am. St. Rep. 676, 37 Atl. 558), 1389, 1395. Denman v. Railroad Co. (52 Neb. 140, 71 N. W. 967), 651, 1324. Dennick v. Railroad Co. (103 U. S. 11), 1388, 1389, 1390. Dennis v. Clark (2 Cush. 347), 1377, 1378. Dennis v. Railroad Co. (70 S. Car. 254, 49 S. E. Rep. 869, 106 Am. St. Rep. 746), 1396. Dennis v. Railroad Co. (165 Pa. St. 624, 31 Atl. 52), 1094, 1198, 1412. Denny v. Manhattan Co. (2 Denio, 115), 657. Denny v. Railroad Co. (13 Gray, 481), 282, 299, 302, 303, 309, 651. Denny v. Railroad Co. (132 N. Car. 340, 43 S. E. 847), 1197. Densmore Commission Co. v. Rail- way Co. (101 Wis. 563, 77 N. W. 904), 450, 508, 1348. TABLE OP CASES CITED. XCVU [befebences are to sections.] Dent V. Chiles (5 Stew. & P. 383), 668. Denton v. Railway (5 El. & B. 860), 962, 1106. Depp V. Railroad Co. (12 Ky. L. R. 366), 1186. Derosia v. Railroad (18 Minn. 133), 708, 713. De Rotlischild v. St. Pkt. Co. (7 Exch. 734), 467. Derry v. Railroad Co. (163 Pa. St. 403, 30 Atl. 162), 1225. Derwort v. Loomer (21 Conn. 245), 895, 904. De Silvale v. Kendall (4 M. & S. 37), 831. De Sola v. Pomares (119 Fed. 373), 830. Despatch Co. v. Cecil (112 111. 185), 521. Detroit Daily Post v. McArthur (16 Mich. 447), 1445. Devato v. Plumbago (20 Fed. Rep. 510), 698. Devereux v. Barclay (2 B. & Aid. 702), 177, 668, 674. Dewell V. Moxon (1 Taunt. 391), 888. Dewire v. Railroad Co. (148 Mass. 343), 1196, 1197. De Wolf V. Insurance Co. (20 Johns. 214), 1135. Dexter v. Railroad (42 N. Y. 326), 1246, 1253. Deyo V. Railroad (34 N. Y. 9), 412, 950. Diamant v. Railroad Co. (62 N. Y. Supp. 519, 30 Misc. 444), 708. Diamond Jo Line v. Carter (76 111. App. 470), 084. Dibble v. Brown (12 Ga. 217), 68, 1249. Dice V. Transportation Co. (8 Ore. 60), 1012. Dickerman v. Union Depot Co. (44 Minn. 433), 1032. Dickins v. Railroad (23 N. Y. 158), 1376. Dickinson v. Railroad Co. (2 Hurl & Colt, 735, 9 L. T. (N. S.) 299), 1395. Dickman v. Williams (50 Miss. 500), 194. Dickon v. Clifton (2 Wilson, 319), 1326. Dickson v. Merchants' Elevator Co. (44 Mo. App. 498), 175. Dieckmann v. Railway Co. ( — Iowa — , 105 N. W. Rep. 526), 1219. Diem v. Koblitz (49 Ohio St. 41, 29 N. E. 1124, 34 Am. St. Rep. 531), 761, 765. Dietrich v. Railroad Co. (71 Penn. St. 432), 1117, 1046, 1065. Dill V. Railroad (7 Rich. Law, 158), 1302. Dillard v. Railroad Co. (2 Lea, 288), 408. Dillier v. Railway Co. (34 Ind. App. 52, 72 N. E. Rep. 271), 1389, 1394. Dillingham v. Anthony (Tex., 11 S. W. Rep. 139), 1102. Dillingham v. Labath (Tex. Civ. App., 30 S. W. Rep. 370), 806. Dillingham v. Pierce (Tex. Civ. App., 31 S. W. Rep. 203), 99L Dillingham v. Russell (73 Tex. 47), 144. Dillon V. Railroad Co. ( — N. H. — , 62 Atl. Rep. 93), 1397. Dillon V. Railroad Co. (43 N. Y. Supp. 320, 19 Misc. 116), 574. Dimmey v. Railroad Co. (27 W. Va. 32), 1223, 1389. Dimmitt v. Railroad Co. (103 Mo. 440, 15 S. W. Rep. 761), 234. Dimmitt v. Railroad Co. (40 Mo. App. 654), 950, 959, 1414. XCVIU TABIJE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Dininny v. Railroad (49 N. Y. 546), 1293. Directors, etc. v. Collins (7 H. L. Cas. 194), 472. Distler v. Railroad Co. (151 N. Y. 424. 45 N. E. 937, 35 L. R. A. 762, reversing 28 N. Y. Supp. 865, 78 Hun, 252), 1181, 1218, 1221. Dittman v. Railway Co. (91 Iowa, 418. 59 N. W. 257, 51 Am. St. Rep. 352), 1286, 1293. Dixie Cigar Co. v. Express Co. (120 N. Car. 348, 27 S. E. Rep. 73, 58 Am. St. Rep. 795), 443. Dixon V. Dunham (14 111. 324), 696. 698. Dixon V. Navigation Co. (18 S. C. R. (Can.) 704), 451. Dixon V. Railroad (74 N. C. 538), 1348. Dixon V. Railroad Co. (179 Mass. 242, 60 N. E. 581), 1052, 1065. Dixon V. Railway Co. (110 Ga. 173, 35 S. E. Rep. 369), 72, 112, 859. Dixon V. Yates (5 B. & Ad. 340), 749. Doan V. Railway Co. (38 Mo. App. 408), 450. Doane v. Russell (3 Gray, 382), 785. Dobbin v. Railroad Co. (56 Mich. 522), 678. Dobell & Co. V. Green & Co. (69 Law J. Q. B. 454, (1900) 1 Q. B. 526, 82 Law T. (N. S.) 314, 5 Com'l Cas. 161), 841. Dobell & Co. V. Steamship Co. (2 Q. B. (1895) 408, 64 L. J. Q. B. 777), 373, 380. Dobiecki v. Sharp (88 N. Y. 203), 933. Dob.;on v. Ilailroad Co. (78 N. Y. Supp. 82, 38 Misc. 582), 1355. TO SECTIONS.] Dodge V. Bartol (5 Greenl. 286), 603. Dodge V. Meyer (61 Cal. 405), 175. Dodge V. Steamboat Co. (148 Mass. 207), 1012, 1116, 1188. Doggett V. Railroad Co. (78 N. C. 305), 1418. Doherr v. Houston (128 Fed. 594, 64 C. C. A. 102, aff'g 123 Fed. 334), 449, 1353. Doherr v. The Etona (64 Fed. 880; affirmed, The Etona, 71 Fed. 895. 18 C. C. A. 380, 38 U. S. App. 50), 347. Doherty v. Peal, Peacock & Kerr (54 N. Y. Supp. 1054, 25 Misc. 487), 855. D'Olier v. Railroad Co. (98 N. Y. Supp. 649), 1362. Don V. Lippmann (5 CI. & F. 1), 201. Donald v. Steel Co. ( — Mich. — , 103 N. W. Rep. 829), 140L Donaldson v. McDowell (1 Holmes 290), 856. Donaldson v. Perry Co. (138 Fed. 643, C. C. A.), 360. Donaldson v. Railroad Co. (18 Iowa, 280), 1397, 1398, 1423. Donk Bros. Coal Co. v. Leavitt (109 111. App. 385), 1392. Donnell v. Amoskeag Mfg. Co. (118 Fed. 10, 55 C. C. A. 178), 842, 847. Donovan v. Railroad Co. (120 Fed. 215, 57 C. C. A. 362, 61 L. R. A. 140; rehearing denied, 124 Fed. 1016, 60 C. C. A. 168; affirmed, 199 U. S. 279, 26 Sup. Ct. R. 91), 944. Don Yan v. Ah You (4 Ariz. 109, 77 Pac. Rep. 618), 1384. Doolan v. Railway Co. (L. R. 2 App. Cas. 792), 341. TABLE OP CASES CITED. XCIX [befebences are Doolittle V. Railway Co. (G2 S. Car. 130, 40 S. E. 133), 1127, 1412. Doorman v. Jenkins (2 A. & E. 256), 29. Doran v. Ferry Co. (3 Lans. 105), 1019. Doran v. Ferry Co. (19 N. Y. Supp. 172), 1441. Dorr V. New Jersey St. Nav, Co. (1 Ker. 485), 401. Dorrah v. Railroad Co. (65 Miss. 14), 1422. Dorsey v. Railway Co. (104 La. 478, 29 So. 177, 52 L. R. A. 92), 990. Dorsey v. Railway Co. (83 Mo. App. 528), 1019. Doss V. Railroad Co. (59 Mo. 27), 991. Dotson V. Railroad Co. (68 N. J. L. 679, 54 Atl. 827), 933, 941. Dougherty v. Railroad Co. (84 Miss. 502, 36 So. Rep. 699), 1192. Dougherty v. Railroad Co. (81 Mo. 330), 895. Dougherty v. Railroad Co. (86 N. Y. Supp. 746), 942. Dougherty v. Railroad Co. (97 Mo. 647), 1423. Dougherty v. Railroad Co. (91 Mo. 647), 895, 1422. Douglass V. Railroad Co. (53 Mo. App. 473), 652. Douglass Co. V. Railway Co. (62 Minn. 288, 64 N. W. 899, 30 L. R. A. 860), 426. Dow V. Beidelman (125 U. S. 680), 574, 1023. Dow V. Packet Co. (84 Me. 490, 24 Atl. 945), 339, 1357. Dow V. Railway Co. (80 N. Y. Supp. 941, 81 App. Div. 362), 1073, 1075. TO SECTIONS.] Dowd V. Railway Co. (84 Wis. 105, 54 N. W. 24, 36 Am. St. Rep. 917, 20 L. R. A. 527), 991. Downey v. Railroad Co. (28 W. Va. 732), 1438, 1441. Downing v. Outerbridge (79 Fed. 931, 25 C. C. A. 244), 1374. Downs V. Green (24 N. Y. 638), 408. Downs V. Perrin (16 N. Y. 325), 408. Downs V. Railroad Co. (36 Conn. 287), 1036, 1039, 1053, 1065. Dows V. Bank (91 U. S. 618), 186. Dows V. Greene (24 N. Y. 638), 175, 188. Dows V. Perrin (16 N. Y. 325), 175. Dows V. Railway Co. (89 Mo. 340), 767. Doyle V. Kiser (6 Ind. 242), 1246. Doyle V. Railroad Co. (72 N. Y. Supp. 936, 66 App. Div. 398), 1392. Doyle V. Railroad Co. (82 Fed. 869, 27 C. C. A. 264, 50 U. S App. 249), 892, 1111. Doyle V. Railroad Co (166 Mass 492, 44 N. E. 611; 44 Am. St. Rep. 335, s. c. 362 Mass. 66, 37 N. E. 770, 25 L. R. A. 157, 55 Am. St. Rep. 417), 1004, 1072, 1073. Doyle V. Railroad Co. (126 Fed. 841), 415, 426, 428, 452. Drake v. Railroad Co. (137 Penn. St. 352, 20 Atl. Rep. 994), 1184. Dresbach v. Railroad Co. (57 Cal. 462), 710. Dresser v. Railway Co. (116 Fed. 281, 53 C. C. A. 559), 1049. Dressner v. Manhattan Delivery Co. (92 N. Y. Supp. 800), 1315. T-U3LE OF CASES CITED, [REFERENCES ABE Drew V. Bird (1 M. & M. 156), SIO. Drew V. Railroad Co. (51 Cal. 425), 1041. Drew V. Railroad (26 N. Y. 49), 1098, 1378, 1423. Drew V. Transit Co. (3 Mo. App. 495), 1355. Drew Glass Co. v. Railway Co. (44 Mo. App. 416), 234. Drinkwater v. Brig Spartan (1 Ware, 145), 877. Driver v. Railroad Co. (103 Va. 650, 49 S. E. Rep. 1000), 1391. Drummond v. Railroad Co. (7 Utah, 118, 25 Pac. Rep. 733), 1056. Drury v. Railway Co. (70 Law J. K. B. 830, (1901) 2 K. B. 322, 84 Law T. (N. S.) 658). 927. Dryden v. Railroad Co. (60 Me. 512), 1043. Dry Hides, Nine Thousand (6 Ben. 199), 812. Du Bose V. Railroad Co. (121 Ga. 308, 48 S. E. Rep. 913), 965. Duhuque W. & C. Ass'n v. Du- buque (30 Iowa, 176), 1430. Duck V. Railway Co. (2 Tex. Ct. Rep. 1042, 63 S. W. Rep. 891), 922. Duckworth v. Johnson (4 H. & N. 653), 1397, 1399. Duckworth v. Railway Co. (84 Law T. (N. S.) 774, 49 Wkly. Rep. 541), 1109. Dudley v. Ferry Co. (45 N. J. L. 368), 1418. Dudley v. Railway Co. ( — W. Va. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 718), 668, 787, 1365. Dudley v. Smith (1 Camp. 167), 959, 1117. Duell V. Railway Co. (115 Wis. 516, 92 N. W. 269), 936, 941. TO SECTIONS.] Duff V. Budd (3 B. & Bing. 177), 177, 665, 668, 681, 682, 736, 1319. Duff V. Railway Co. (L. R. (Ire.) 4 C. P. 178), 1073. Duffy V. Thompson (4 E. D. Smith, 178), 1246. Dufour V. Railroad Co. (67 Cal. 319), 1174. Dufur V. Railroad Co. (75 Vt. 165, 53 Atl. 1068), 913. Duggan V. Railroad Co. (159 Pa. St. 248, 28 Atl. 186, 39 Am, St. Rep. 672), 980, 1100, 1426. Duke V. Ferry Co. (29 N. Y. Supp. 739, 9 Misc. 268; affirmed without opinion, 145 N. Y, 640, 41 N. B. 88), 942. Du Laurans v. Railroad Co. (15 Minn. 49), 1033, 1443, DulLng V. Railroad Co. (66 Md, 120), 1060. Dumas v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 43 S, W, Rep. 908), 900. Dun V. Railroad Co. (78 Va. 645), 1209, Dunbar v. Railroad Co. (110 Mass. 26), 672, Dunbar v. Railway Co. (62 S. Car. 414, 40 S. E. Rep. 884), 173, 243. Duncan v. Railroad Co. (113 Fed. 508), 1075. Duncan v. St. Luke's Hospital (98 N. Y. Supp. 866), 1384. Dunham v. Railroad Co. (70 Me, 164), 130, 133, 139, 1366. Dunlap V. Hunting (2 Denio, 643), 753, Dunlap V. Railroad Co. (35 Minn. 203), 1053. Dunlap V. Steamboat Co. (98 Mass. 371), 437, 1249, 1276. Dunlap V. The Reliance (2 Fed. Rep. 249), 895. t J TABLE OF CASES CITED. CI [refebences aue to sections.] Dunlop V. Balfour (1892) (1 Q. B. 507), 839. Dunlop V. Lambert (6 CI. & Fin. 600), 1310, 1317. Dunlop V. Munroe (7 Cranch, 242), 94. Dunn V. Donald Currie & Co. (2 K. B. (1902) 614, 71 L. J. K. B. 963), 653, 1366. Dunn V. Railroad Co. (71 N. J. L. 21, 58 Atl. 164), 915. Dunn V. Railway Co. (58 Me. 187), 895, 897, 899, 964. Dunn V. Railway Co. (68 Mo. 268), 638. Dunn V. Railroad Co. (21 Mo. App. 84, 205), 1397. Dunn V. Railway Co. (21 Mo. App. 188), 1377. Dunn V. Steamboat Co. (58 Hun, 461, 12 N. Y. Supp. 406), 1272. Dunne v. Railroad Co. (91 N. Y. Supp. 145, 99 App. Div. 571), 991. Dunning v. Railroad Co. ( — Ind. App. — , 77 N. E. Rep. 1049), 1119, 1180. Dunseth v. Wade (2 Scam. 285), 75, 611, 1354. Dunson v. Railroad (3 Lans. 265), 304. Duntley v. Railroad Co. (66 N. H. 263, 20 Atl. Rep. 327), 438. Durant v. Palmer (5 Dutch. 544) 1417. Durchmann v. Dunn (106 Fed. 950, 46 C. C. A. 62, aff'g 101 Fed. 606), 8"40, 857. Durden v. Barnett (7 Ala. 169), 1378. Durfee v. Railway Co. (9 Utah, 213, 33 Pac. 944), 1082. Durfleld v. City of New York (92 N. Y. Supp. 204, 101 App. Div. 581), 1401. Durgee Cement Co. v. O'Brien (123 Mass. 12), 763. Durgin v. Express Co. (66 N. H. 277, 20 Atl. Rep. 328, 9 L. R. A. 453), 426, 438. Durrell v. Johnson (31 Neb. 796), 1417. Dusar v. Murgatroyd (1 Wash. 13), 1360. Duthie V. Hilton (4 L. R. (C. P.) 138), 803. Dutton V. Solomonson (3 B. & P. 582), 194, 1315, 1317. Duval V. Hunt (34 Fla. 85, 15 So. Rep. 876), 1397. Duval V. Pullman Palace Car Co. (62 Fed. 265, 10 C. C. A. 331, 23 U. S. App. 527, 33 L. R. A. 715; petition for writ of cer- tiorari denied, 163 U. S. 684), 1134. Duvenick v. Railroad Co. (57 Mo. App. 550), 475, 640. Duvernet v. Railroad Co. (49 La. Ann. 484, 21 So. 644), 937, 1191. Duzan v. Myers (30 Ind. App. 227, 65 N. E. 1046, 96 Am. St. Rep. 341), 1389 1394, 1397. Dwight V. Brewster (1 Pick. 50), 47, 57, 68, 121, 1326. Dwinelle v. Railroad Co. (120 N. Y. 117), 1095, 1129. Dwyer v. Railway Co. (69 Tex. 707), 777. Dwyer v. Railway Co. (84 Iowa, 479, 51 N. W. 244, 35 Am. St. Rep. 322), 1398. Dyas V. So. Pac. Co. (140 Cal. 296, 73 Pac. Rep. 972), 1397. Dyer v. Railway Co. (71 N. Y. 228), 1236. Dyer v. Railway (42 Vt. 441), 779, 874. Dyer v. The Railway (51 Minn. 345, 53 N. W. Rep. 714), 1317. Cll T.VBLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Dyke V. Railroad (45 N. Y. 113), 204, 210, 214. Dysart v. Railway Co. (122 Fed. 228, 58 C. C. A. 592), 964. Eagle V. White (6 Whart. 505), 664, 665. Earnest v. Express Co. (1 Woods, 573), 233, 426. East India Co. v. Fallen (2 Strange, 690), 67, 110. Eastman v. Railroad Co. (70 N. H. 135, 46 Atl. 54), 1052, 1056. Easton v. Dudley (78 Tex. 236, 14 S. W. Rep. 583), 630. Easton, Ex parte (5 Otto, 75), 688. Easton v. Waters ( — Tex. — , 16 S. W. Rep. 540), 1033. Eaton V. Cook (32 Vt. 58), 759. Eaton V. Mclntire (88 Me. 578, 34 Atl. 525). 1056. Eaton V. Railroad Co. (11 Allen, 500), 917, 923, 949, 962. Eaton V. Railroad Co. (67 N. H. 442, 40 Atl. 112), 1180. Eaton V. Railroad Co. (57 N. Y. 382), 964, 1000. Echols V. Railroad Co. (90 Ala. 366, 7 So. Rep. 655), 1360. Eckerd v. Railway Co. (70 Iowa, 353), 1187. Eckert v. Railroad Co. (211 Pa. 267, 60 Atl. 781), 442, 499. Eckles V. Railway Co. (112 Mo. App. 240, 87 S. W. Rep. 99), 239, 240, 243, 246, 249. Economy Light Co. v. Stephen (187 111. 137, 58 N. E. Rep. 359), 1397. TO SECTIONS.] Eddy V. Harris (78 Tex. 661, 22 Am. St. Rep. 88), 1109. Eddy V. Rider (79 Tex. 53, 15 S. W. Rep. 113), 1033. Eddy V. Wallace (49 Fed. 801, 1 C. C. A. 435, 4 U. S. App. 264; writ of error dismissed, 163 U. S. 685), 1177. Eden v. Railroad Co. (14 B. Mon. 204), 1376, 1384. Edgar v. Castello (14 S. C. 20), 1376, 1384. Edgerly v. Railroad Co. (67 N. H. 312, 36 Atl. 558), 978, 1174, 1430. Edgerton v. Railroad Co. (39 N. Y. 227J, 899, 1412. Edminson v. Baxter (4 Haywood, 112), 1360. Edmunds v. Transportation Co. (135 Mass. 283), 672. Edmunson v, Pullman Palace Car Co. (92 Fed. 824, 34 C. C. A. 382), 1143. Edsall V. Railroad (50 N. Y. 661), 464. Edson V. Railroad Co. (70 111. App. 654), 304. Edson V. Railroad Co. (144 Cal. 182, 77 Pac. 894), 574. Edson V. Railway Co. (133 Cal. 25, 65 Pac. 15), 575. Edson V. Weston (7 Cow. 278), 740. Edwards v. Bldg. Co. (— R. I. — , 61 Atl. Rep. 646), 100, 102. Edwards v. Burke (36 Wash. 107, 78 Pac. 610), 100. Edwards v. Express Co. (121 Iowa, 744, 96 N. W. 740, 63 L. R. A. 467), 148. Edwards v. Lord (49 Me. 279), 895, 904. Edwards v. Railway (L. R. 5 C. P. 445), 1100. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cm [eefeeences are to sections.] Edwards v. Railway Co. (81 Mich. 364, 45 N. W. Rep. 827, 21 Am. St. Rep. 527), 1054. Edwards v. Sherratt (1 East, 604), 147, 329. Edwards v. Todd (1 Scammon, 462), 799. Edwards v. Transit Co. (104 Mass. 159), 741, 742. Edwards & Co. v. Railroad Co. ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 81 S. W. Rep. 800),' 105. Eells V. Railway Co. (52 Fed. 903), 215, 431. Efron V. Palace Car Co. (59 Mo. App. 641), 1132. Egan V. Barclay Fibre Co. (61 Fed. 527), 839. Egan V. Latlis (41 bed. Rep. 830), 869. Egan V. Steamboat Co. (86 Hun, 542, 33 N. Y. Supp. 791), 1151. Ehrgott V. Meyer (96 N. Y. 246), 1432. Eichorn v. New Orleans, etc., Co., (114 La. 712, 38 So. 526; s. c. 112 La. 236, 36 So. Rep. 335), 1397. Eichhorn v. Railway Co. (130 Mo. 575, 32 S. W. 993), 933. Eidson v. Railway Co. ( — Miss. — , 23 So. Rep. 369), 992, 1083. Eikrem v. Coal Co. (125 Fed. 987), 857. Eingartner v. 111. Steel Co. (94 Wis. 70, 68 N. W. Rep. 664, 59 Am. St. Rep. 859, 34 L. R. A. 503), 1388. Elam V. Railroad Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 851), 298. Elder Dempster Shipping Co. v. Pouppirt (125 Fed. 732, 60 C. C. A. 500, reversing Pouppirt V. Shipping Co. 122 Fed. 983), 890. Eldridge v. Railroad (1 Sand. 89), 959, 1223. Elkins V. Railroad (3 Foster, 275), 76, 462. Elkins V. Railroad (19 N. H. 337), 1306. Elkins V. Railroad Co. (23 N. H. 275), 963, 964. Elkins y. Railroad Co. (64 S. Car. 553, 43 S. E. 19), 990. Ellinger v. Railroad Co. (153 Pa. St. 213, 25 Atl. 1132, 34 Am. Rep. 697), 983. Elliot V. Railroad Co. (21 Ky. Law Rep. 630, 52 S. W. Rep. 833), 990. Elliott V. Railroad Co. (53 Hun, 78), 1066. Elliott V. Railway Co. (58 Mo. App. 80), 134, Elliott V. Rossell (10 Johns. 1), 74. Elliott V. Southern Pac. Co. (145 Cal. 441, 79 Pac. 420, 68 L. R. A. 393), 1043, 1046, 1088. Ellis V. Railway Co. (30 Tex. Civ. App. 172, 70 S. W. 114), 964. Ellis V. Railway Co. (120 Wis. 645, 98 N. W. 942), 936, 1122, 1127. Ellis V. Turner (8 T. R. 531), 651. Ellis V. Willard (9 N. Y. 529), 158, 167. Ellsworth V. Railway Co. (95 Iowa, 98, 63 N. W. 584, 29 L. R. A. 173), 1044, 1062, 1065, 1090. Ellsworth V. Tartt (26 Ala. 733), 238, 260, 1049. Elmore v. Railroad (23 Conn. 457), 231, 238, 1049. Elmore v. Sands (54 N. Y. 512), 1043, 1052. CIV TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are Elmslie v. Hagar (101 Fed. 840; affirmed, Hagar v. Elmslie, 107 Fed. 511, 46 C. C. A. 446), 833, 843, Elm Staves' Case (21 Fed. 590), 158. Elwell V. Skiddy (77 N. Y. 282), 807. Ely V. Ehle (3 Comst. 506), 780. Ely V. Steamboat Co. (53 Barb. 207), 688, 696. Emery v. Hersey (4 Greenl. 407), 61, 731. Emery v. Philadelphia (208 Penn. St. 492, 57 Atl. Rep. 997), 1397. Emery v. Railroad Co. (67 N. H. 434, 36 Atl. 367), 1118, 1397. Emigh V. Railroad (4 Biss. 114), 1407. Emilivsen v. Railroad Co. (51 N. Y. Supp. 606, 30 App. Div. 203), 92. Emma Johnson, Sch'r (1 Sprague, 527), 75. Empire State Cattle Co. v. Rail- way Co. (129 Fed. 480; s. c. 135 Fed. 135), 300, 612, 1353. Empire T. Co. v. Oil Co, (63 Penn. St. 14), 450, 496, 504. Empire Transportation Co. v. Coal & Iron Co, (77 Fed. 919, 23 C. C. A. 564, 40 U, S. App. 157, 35 L. R. A. 623, alf'g 70 Fed, 268), 833, 842, Engberman v. Steamship Co. (84 N. Y. Supp. 201), 1298, Engesether v. Railway Co, (65 Minn. 168, 68 N. W. 4), 442, 443, England v. Railroad Co. (153 Mass. 490, 27 N, E, Rep, 1), 1123, 1177, England v. Railroad Co. (32 Tex, Civ. App. 86, 73 S, W, 24), 1058. TO SECTIONS,] Englehaupt v. Railroad Co. (58 Atl. 154, 209 Pa. 182), 1123, English v. Canal Company (66 N. Y. 454), 1090, Enright v. Railroad Co. (198 Pa. St. 166, 47 Atl. 938, 53 L. R. A. 330, 82 Am. St. Rep. 795), 990. E. O, Standard Milling Co. v. Transit Co. (122 Mo. 258, 26 S. W. 704), 464, 1355. Ephland v. Railway Co. (71 Mo. App. 597; s. c. 57 Mo. App, 147), 1222. Ephland v. Railway Co. (137 Mo. 187, 37 S. W, 820, 38 S, W. 926, 59 Am. St. Rep. 498, 35 L. R. A. 107), 959, 1222, Erickson v. Barber Bros. (83 Iowa 367, 49 N. W. Rep. 838), 96. Erwin v. Railway Co. (94 Mo. App. 289, 68 S. W. 88), 899, 1217, Escopiniche v. Stewart (2 Conn, 391), 815, 817. Esposito V. Bowden (7 El. & Bl. 762; 4 id, 963), 322. Estes V. Railroad Co, (7 N, Y. Suppl. 863), 1282, Estes V, Railway Co. (110 Mo. App. 725, 85 S. W. Rep, 627), 1223, 1414. Estey V. Truxel (25 Mo. App. 238), 763. Estill V. Railroad Co. (41 Fed. Rep. 849), 636, Eswin V, Railway Co, (96 Mo, 290), 1228, E, T, R, R, V, Nelson (1 Cold. 272), 76, 226, 496, 652, 1215. E. T. R. R V. Whittle (27 Ga. 535), 87. Eureka v. Merrifield (53 Kan. 794, 37 Pac. Rep. 113), 1384. Evans v. Blair (114 Fed. 616, 52 C. C. A. 396), 847. TABI-E OF CASES CITED. cv [befekences are Evans v. Hutton (5 Scott N. R. 670), 658. Evans v. Marlett (1 Ld. Raym. 271), 1305. Evans v. Railroad Co. ( — Ky. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 588), 151, 512. Evans v. Railroad Co. (Ill Mass. 142), 336 339, 341. Evans v. Railway Co. (11 Mo. Ap. 463), 1045, 1429, 1442. Evans v. Soule (2 Maule & S, 1), 441. Evans v. Spreckels (4 Fed. Rep. 265), 490. Evans & Hollinger v. Railroad Co, (76 Mo. App. 472), 867. Evansich v. Railway Co. (57 Tex. 123), 1378. Everett v. Railroad Co. (138 N. Car. 68, 50 S. E. Rep. 557, 1 L. R. A. (N. S.) 985), 425, 427, 431, 450, 1352. Everett v. Railway Co. (9 Utah, 340, 34 Pac. 289), 964. Everett v. Railway Co. (69 Iowa, 15), 1033. Everett v. Saltus (15 Wend. 474), 888, 1317. Evers v. Ferry Co. ( — Mo. App, — , 92 S. W. Rep. 118), 1195, 1413. Ewau V. Tredegar Co. (88 Fed. 703), 834. Ewart V. Kerr (1 Rice, 203), 799. Ewart V. Street (2 Bailey Law, 157), 2-74, 275. Ewbank v. Nutting (7 Com. B. 797), 791. Ewell V, Railroad Co, (29 Fed. Rep. 57), 1389. Ewen V, Railroad Co. (38 Wis. 614), 1397. Ewing V. The Railway Co. (147 Penn. St. 40, 23 Atl. Rep. 340, 4 L. R. A. 666), 1427. TO SECTIONS.] Exchange Ins. Co. v. Canal Co. (10 Bosw. 180), 103. Exposition Cotton Mills v. Rail- road Co. (83 Ga. 441), 1332. Express Cases (117 U. S. 1), 517. Express Co. v. Armstead (50 Ala. 350), 716. Express Co. v. Backman (28 Ohio St. 144), 80, 82, 410, 425, 1354. Express Co. v. Bank (69 Penn. St. 394), 450. Express Co. v. Bank of Tupelo (108 Ala. 517, 18 So. 664), 443. Express Co. v. Battle (5 Tex. Civ, App. 532, 24 S, W. Rep. 353), 1369. Express Co, v. Blackman (28 Ohio St. 144), 1354. Express Co. v. Boullemet (100 Ala. 275, 13 So. 941), 241. Express Co. v. Bratton (106 111. App. 563), 339, 410. 62, 653, Express Co. v. Brunswick (4 III. App. 606), 1374. Express Co. v. Burke (94 111, App, 29; s. c. Burke v. Express Co. 87 111. App, 505), 336, 455, 634. Express Co. v. Caldwell (21 Wall. 264), 442, 452, 1332. Express Co, v. Caperton (44 Ala. 101), 443. Express Co. v. Carnahan (29 Ind. App. 600, 63 N. E. 245, 64 N. E. 647, 94 Am. St. Rep. 279), 408, 426, 433, 457, 463. Express Co. v. Carroll (7 Colo. 43), 80. Express Co. v. Council (84 111. App. 491), 455, 1305. Express Co. v. Craft (49 Miss. 480), 1309, 1316. Express Co. v. Crawley ( — Miss. — , 41 So. Rep. 261), 589. Express Co. v. Cressap (6 Bush, 572), 27. CVl TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE Express Co. v. Critzer (Tex. Civ. App., 42 S. W. Rep. 1017), 672, 682. Express Co. v. Crook (44 Ala. 46S), 80, 450. Express Co. v. Darnell (62 Tex. 639), 80, 1369. Express Co. v. Darnell (31 Ind. 20), 27, 723. Express Co. v. Dickson (94 U. S. 549), 736. Express Co. v. Emerson (101 Mo. App. 62, 74 S. W. 132), 634. Express Co. v. Everett (37 Ga. 688), 329, 331, 719. Express Co. v. Fendrick (38 Ind. 150), 401. Express Co. v. Fletcher (25 Ind. 492), 671, 672. Express Co. v. Foley (26 Kan. 665, 26 Pac. Rep. 665), 425. Express Co. v. Fuller (13 Tex. Civ. App. 610, 35 S. W Rep 824), 1375. Express Co. v. Fuller (4 Tex. Civ. App. 213, 23 S. W. Rep. 412), 154, 168, 1376. Express Co. v. Glenn (16 Lea, 472), 80, 442. Express Co. v. Grace (100 Mass. 505), 401, 409. Express Co. v. Graham (26 Ohio St. 595), 145, 410, 450, 1354. Express Co. v. Greenhalgh (80 111. 68), 749. Express Co. v. Guthrie (9 Bush, 78), 401. Express Co. v. Haines (67 111. 137), 230, 410. Express Co. v. Hammer (21 Ind. App. 186, 1 N. E. 953), 676. Express Co. v. Harris (51 Ind. 127), 442. Express Co. v. Harris (120 Ind. 73), 450, 472, 869. TO SECTIONS.] Express Co. v. Haynes (42 111. 89), 407, 410, 451, 455, 1352. Express Co. v. Hertzberg (17 Tex. Civ. App. 100, 42 S. W. Rep. 795), 672. 682. Express Co. v. Hess (53 Ala. 19), 236, 1348. Express Co. v. Holland (109 Ala. 362, 19 So. 66), 717. Express Co. v. Hunnicutt (54 Miss. 566), 442. Express Co. v, Jackson (92 Tenn. 326, 21 S. W. 666). 290, 614. Express Co. v. Joyce ( — Ind. — , 72 N. E. 865, reversing (Ind. App.) 69 N. B. 1015), 426,429, 432, 433. Express Co. v. Kaufman (12 Heisk. 161), 677. ' Express Co. v. Keefer (59 Ind, 263), 726. Express Co. v. Koerner (65 Minn. 540, 68 N. W. 181, 33 L. R. A. 600), 806. Express Co. v. Kountze (8 "Wall. 342), 294, 319, 401, 487, 611, 613, 614. Express Co. v. Lesem (39 111. 312), 726, 728. Express Co. v. Loeb (7 Bush, 501), 401. Express Co. v. Marks, etc., Co., (— Miss. — , 40 So. Rep. 65), 425, 450. Express Co. v. Martin (26 S. C. R. (Can.) 135), 442. Express Co. v. McConnell (27 Kans. 238), 80, 729. Express Co. v. McVeigh (20 Grat. 264), 83. Express Co. v. Milk (73 111. 224), 674. Express Co. v. Moon (39 Miss. 822), 401, 410, 425, 450. TABLE OF CASES CITED. evil [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Express Co. v. Needham ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 83 S. W. 22), 630. Express Co. v. Newby (36 Ga. 635), 80, 111. Express Co. v. Nichols (33 N. J. 434), 1417. Express Co. v. Nock (2 Duvall, 562), 410. Express Co. v. Ogles (Tex. Civ. App., 81 S. W. Rep. 1023), 82, 1003. Express Co. v. Ohleman (92 Penn. St. 323), 716. Express Co. v. Perkins (42 111. 458), 333. Express Co. v. R. M. Rose Co. ( — Ga. — , 53 S. E. Rep. 185), 149. Express Co. v Railroad Co (57 Me. 188), 512, 514, 521. Express Co. v. Railroad (111 N. Car. 463, 16 S. E. Rep. 393, 32 Am. St. Rep. 805, 18 L. R. A. 393), 517. Express Co. v. Railway Co. (81 Me. 92), 512, 514. Express Co. v. Reagan (29 Ind. 21), 442. Express Co. v. Robinson (72 Penn. St. 274), 716. Express Co. v. Root (47 Mich. 231), 82. Express Co. v. Rush (24 Ind. 403), 243. Express Co. v. Sands (55 Penn, St. 140), 1352. Express Co. v. Schier (55 111. 140), 401, 716, 717. Express Co. v. Second Nat. Bank, (69 Penn. St. 394), 243. Express Co. v. Seibert (44 Fed. 310), 524. Express Co. v. Seide (67 Miss. 609), 450. Express Co. v. Shea (38 Ga. 519), 226, 230. 236. Express Co. v. Shearer (160 111. 215, 43 N. E. 816, 37 L. R. A. 177, 52 Am. St. Rep. 324, aff'g 43 111 App. 641), 668, 673. Express Co. v. Shoop (85 Penn. St. 325). 867. Express Co. v. Smith (33 Ohio St. 51), 80, 130, 646, 1430. Express Co. v. Spellman (90 111. 455), 416, 417. Express Co. v. Stack (29 Ind. 27), 671. Express Co. v. State (164 Ind. 196, 73 N. E. 101), 716. Express Co. v. State (161 Ind. 328, 67 N. E. 1033; s. c. 161 Ind. 705, 67 N. E. 1092), 799. Express Co. v. Stettaners (61 111. 184), 410, 451, 455, 1352. Express Co. v. U. S. Express Co. (88 Fed. 659; aff'd on opin- ion of court below, 92 Fed. 1022, 35 C. C. A. 172), 151, 519, 521, 524, 799, 867. Express Co. v. Van Meter (17 Fla. 783), 80, 671, 674. Express Co. v. Walker (26 Ky. Law Rep. 1025, 83 S. W. Rep. 106), 208, 218, 448, 1352. Express Co. v. Wallace (60 Ark. 100, 29 S. W. 32), 404. Express Co. v. Williams (99 Ga. 482, 27 S. E. Rep. 743), 735. Express Co. v. Williams (6 Tex. Ct. Rep. 345, 71 S. W. Rep. 314), 1363. Express Co. v. Wilson (81 111. 339), 230. Express Co. v. Wolf (79 111. 430), 71S, 721. Express Co. v. Womack (1 Heisk. 256), 80, 304, 319, 496. Express Co. v. Wood (98 Ga. 268, 25 S. E. 436), 330. CVlll TABLE OP CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ABE Exton V. Railroad Co. (62 N. J. L. 7, 42 Atl. 486, 56 L. R. A. 508; affirmed, 63 N. J. L. 356, 46 Atl. 1099), 989, 1006. Fabel v. Railway Co. (30 Ind. App. 268, 65 N. B. Rep. 929), 1390. Faber v. Railway Co. (62 Minn. 433, 64 N. W. 918, 36 L. R. A. 789), 1077. Faggan v. Railway Co. (61 Hun, 623, 16 N. Y. Supp. 25), 177. Fagg's Adm'r v. Railroad Co. (23 Ky. Law Rep. 383, 63 S. W. 580), 990. Fairbank & Co. v. Railway Co. (81 Fed. 289, 26 C. C. A. 4u2, 47 U. S. App. 744, 38 L. R. A. 271, reversing 66 Fed. 471), 464. Fairbanks v. Kerr (70 Penn. St. 90), 1430. Fairchild v. Railroad Co. (148 Pa. St. 527, 24 Atl. Rep. 79), 201. Fairchild v. Slocum (19 Wend. 329; 7 Hill, 292), 261, 1338. Fairchild v. Stage Co. (13 Cal. 599), 1422. Fairfax v. Railroad (73 N. Y. 167), 1246. Fairfax v. Railroad (37 N. Y. S. C. 516; 40 id. 128; 67 N. Y. 11), 1274, 1283, 1291. Faison v. Railway Co. (69 Miss. 569, 13 So. 37, 30 Am. St. Rep. 577), 1348. TO SECTIONS.] Faith V. East Ind. Co. (4 B. & Aid. 630), 866. Falk V. Railroad Co. (56 N. J. L. 380, 29 Atl. 157), 941. Falkenberg v. Railroad Co. (59 N. Y. Supp. 44, 28 Misc. 165), 444. Falkner v. Railway Co. (55 Ind. 369), 1032. Fall V. Steam Packet Co. (90 Md. 248, 44 Atl. 1007, 47 L. R. A. 120), 985. Fallon V. Boston (3 Allen, 38), 309. Fallon V. Railroad Co. (64 N. Y. 13), 1228. Falls V. Railroad Co. (97 Cal. 114, 31 Pac. 901), 929, 935, 941. Falvey v. Railroad Co. (76 Ga. 597), 230, 232. Fanning v. Railway Co. ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 86 S. W. Rep. 354), 1119. Farber v. Railway Co. (139 Mo. 272, 40 S. W. 932), 990. Farebrother v. Bartram (4 Bing. 579), 766. Farish v. Reigle (11 Gratt. 697), 895, 904, 958, 1414. Farley v. Lavary (107 Ky. 523, 54 S. W. Rep. 840, 47 L. R. A. 383), 70, 237. Farley v. Railroad Co. (108 Fed. 14, 47 C. C. A. 156), 1001. Farley v. Traction Co. (132 Penn. St. 58), 900. Farlow v. Kelly (108 U. S. 288), 923. Farmers' etc.. Bank v. Transporta- tion Co. (23 Vt. 186), 231, 414, 665. Farmers' & M. Bank v. Champ. Trans. Co. (16 Vt. 52; 18 id 131; 23 id. 186), 233, 441, 696. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CIX [eeferences are Farmers' Loan & T. Co. v. Rail- road Co. (120 Fed. 873, 57 C. C. A. 533, reversing 112 Fed. 829; affirmed in Railway V. American Trading Co. 195 U. S. 439), 172, 233. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. v. R. & Nav. Co. (73 Fed, 1003), 714. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. v. Railway Co. (102 Fed. 17), 1075. Farmington Mercantile Co. v. Railway Co. (166 Mass. 154, 44 N. E. 131), 1348. Farnham v. Railroad (55 Penn. St. 53), 401, 408, 450, 1355. Farnon v. Railroad Co. (180 Mass. 212, 62 N. E. 254), 924, 1216. Farnsworth v. Railroad Co. (84 N. Y. Supp. 658, 88 App. Div. 320), £39. Farr & Bailey Mfg. Co. v. Naviga- tion Co. (98 Fed. 636, 39 C. C. A. 197; affirmed in Naviga- tion Co. V. Farr & Bailey Mfg. Co., 181 U. S. 218, 45 L. Ed. 830, 21 Sup. Ct. R. 591), 363, 367, 373, 380. Farroll v. Railway Co. (123 Iowa, 690, 99 N. W. Rep. 578), 1401. Farrant v. Barnes (11 Com. B. (N. S.) 553), 796, 798. Farrell v. Railroad Co. (102 N. Car. 390, 11 Am. St. Rep. 760), 761, 763, 872. Farwell v. Davis (66 Barb. 73), 1366. Fast V. Railroad Co. (77 Miss. 498, 27 So. 525), 1314. Fasy V. Navigation Co. (79 N. Y. Supp. 1103, 77 App. Div. 469; affirmed, no opinion, 177 N. Y. 591. 70 N. E. 1098), 158, 1348. TO SECTIONS.] Faucher v. Wilson (68 N. H. 338, 38 Atl. 1002, 39 L. R. A. 431), 70, 334. Faulkner v. Hart (44 N. Y. Super. Ct. *71), 77. Faulkner v. Hart (82 N. Y. 413), 206, 708. Faulkner v. Railroad Co. (187 Mass. 254, 72 N. E. 976), 1412. Faulkner v. Railway Co. (99 Mo. App. 421, 73 S. W. 927). 241. Faulkner v. Wright (Rice, 107), 270. Faust v. Railroad Co. (8 S. C. 118), 741. Faust V. Railway Co. (104 Iowa, 241, 73 N. W. 623, 65 Am. St. Rep. 454), 1357. Favre v. Railroad Co. (13 Ky. L. R. 116), 1209. Fay V. ParKer (53 N. H. 342), 1442. Fay V. Steamer New World (1 Cal. 348), 24. Fearn v. Ferry Co. (143 Pa. St. 122, 22 Atl. 708), 1412. Feiber v. Teiegraph Co. (21 Abb. N. C. 11), 95. Feiber v. Telegraph Co. (3 N. Y. Suppl. 116), 727. Feige v. Railroad Co. (62 Mich. 1), 413. Feinberg v. Railroad Co. (52 N. J. L. 451), 285, 309. Feise v. Wray (3 East, 93) 759. Feital v. Railroad Co. (109 Mass. 398), 242, 1233, 1414. Feldschneider v. Railway Co. (122 Wis. 423, 99 N. W. Rep. 1034), 1003, 1072, 1073, 1414, 1430. Feldstein v. Steamboat Co. (46 N. Y. Supp. 897, 21 Misc. 60), 677. Fell v. Knight (8 M. & W. 269), 977. ex TABLE OF CASES CITED. [befebences are Fell V. Railroad Co. (41 Fed. Rep. 248), 1084. Fell V. Railroad Co. (42 Fed. Rep. 248), 1062, 1441. Fellows V. Steamer Powell (16 La. Ann. 316), 158. Felton V. Holbrook (21 Ky. Law Rep. 1824, 56 S. W. Rep. 506), 1414. Felton V. Horner (97 Tenn. 579, 37 S. W. 696), 1217. Felton V. Live Stock Co. (22 Ky. Law Rep. 1058, 59 S. W. 744), 130, 620. Felton V. Railway Co. (86 Mo. App. 832), 1293. Fenkhausen v. Fellows (20 Nev. 312), 76L Fenner v. Railroad (44 N. Y* 505), 685, 708, 709, 720. Ferguson v. Railroad Co. 6 App. D. C. 525), 1389. Ferguson v. Railroad Co. (98 Mich. 533, 57 N. W. 801), 1036. 1085. Ferguson v. Telephone Co. (71 N. J. L. 59. 58 Atl. Rep. 74), 1397. Fernandez v. Railroad Co. (52 Cal. 45), 1419. Ferry v. Railway Co. (118 N. Y. 497), 1118. Fessler v. Love (43 Penn. St. 313), 1367. Fewings v. Mendenhall (88 Minn. 336, 93 N. W. Rep, 127, 97 Am. St. Rep. 519, 60 L. R. A. 601, s. c. 83 Minn 237, 86 N. W. Rep. 96, 55 L. R. A. 713), 980, 986. Ficklin v. Railroad Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 847), 475. Ficklin & Sons v. Railroad Co. (— Mo. App. — , 92 S. W. Rep. 347), 475. TO SECTIONS.] Fidelity Land, etc., Co. v. Buz- zard (69 Kan. 330, 76 Pac. Rep. 832), 1397. Field V. French (80 111. App. 78), 100. Field V. Railroad (32 N. Y. 339), 503. Field V. Railroad (71 111. 458), 410- Fifield V. Insurance Co. (47 Penn. St. 166). 317. Filer v. Railroad (49 N. Y. 47), 1174, 1187, 1221, 1379. Filer v. Railroad (59 N. Y. 351; 68 id. 124), 1177, 1221. Files V. Railroad Co. (149 Mass. 204), 964, 1000, 1218. Fillebrown v. Railroad (55 Me. 462), 401, 450. Finch V. Railroad Co. (47 Minn. 36, 49 N. W. 329), 1033. Fink V. Garman (40 Penn. St. 95), 1386. Finn v. The Railroad (1 Hous. 469), 450. Finn v. Railroad (112 Mass, 524), 1308, 1313. Finn v. Railway Co. (86 Mich. 74), 1118. Finnegan v. Railway Co. (48 Minn. 378, 51 N. W. 122, 15 L. R. A. 399), 1002. Fire Association v. Loeb (1 Tex. Ct. Rep. 537, 59 S. W. 617), 503. First National Bank v. Dearborn (115 Mass. 219), 175. First National Bank v. Mt. Pleas- ant, etc., Co. (103 Iowa, 518, 72 N. W. 689), 176. First National Bank v. Railroad (20 Ohio St. 259), 1164. First National Bank v. Railroad Co. (85 Hun, 160, 32 N. Y. Supp. 604), 175, 184. TABLE OF CASES CITED. exi [beferences ake First Nat'l Bank v. Schmidt (6 Colo. App. 216, 40 Pac. 479), 762. First National Bank v. Shaw (61 N. Y. 283), 201, 206. Fish V. Chapman (2 Ga. 349), 47, 49, 62. Fish V. Clark (49 N. Y. 122), 54, 56, 65, 75, 89. Fisher v. Clisbee (12 111. 344), 66, 67. Fisher v. Geddes (15 La. Ann. 14), 121. Fisher v. Faxon (182 Pa. St. 457, 38 Atl. 407), 1126. Fisher v. Railroad Co. (89 Cal. 399, 26 Pac. 894), 899. Fisher v. Railroad Co. (99 Me. 338, 59 Atl. Rep. 532, 105 Am. St. Rep. 283, 68 L. R. A. 390), 130, 496, 656. Fisher v. Railroad Co. (39 W. Va. 366, 19 S. E. 578, 23 L. R. A. 758), 895, 1174, 1197, 1198. Fisher v. Railroad Co. (42 W. Va. 183. 24 S. B. Rep. 570, 33 L. R. A. 69), 1230. Fishman v. Piatt (90 N. Y. Supp. 354), 721. Fisk V. Newton (1 Denio, 45), 665, 685, 720. Fitch V. Newberry (1 Doug. (Mich.) 1), 148, 740, 884. Fitzgerald v. Fitzgerald & Mallory Const. Co. (41 Neb. 374, 59 N. W. 838), 537. Fitzgerald vL Railroad Co. (50 Iowa, 79), 1443. Fitzgerald v. Railroad Co. (63 Vt. 169, 22 Atl. 76, 13 L. R. A. 70), 537. Fitzgerald v. Railway Co. (29 Minn. 336^, 1229. TO SECTIONS.] Fitzgibbon v. Railway Co. (108 Iowa, 614, 79 N. W. 477; s. c. 119 Iowa,' 261, 93 N. W. 276), 964, 997, 998, 1406. Fitzhenry v. Traction Co. (63 N. J. Law 142, 42 Atl. Rep. 416), 1389. Flaherty v. Railroad Co. (186 Mass. 567, 72 N. E. 66), 991. Flaherty v. Railway Co. (39 Minn. 328, 12 Am. St. Rep. 654), 917, 1236. Flanagan v. Railroad Co. (55 Hun, 611, 8 N. Y. Supp. 744), 1118. Flanagan v. Railroad Co. (181 Pa. St. 237, 37 Atl. 341), 937 1184. Flannery v. Railroad Co. (4 Mackey, 111), 981. Flautt V. Lashley (36 La. Ann. 106), 55. Fleming v. Hammond (19 Ga. 145), 113. Fleming v. Lobel ( — N. J. — , 59 Atl. Rep. 27), 1397. Fleming v. Railroad Co. (89 Mo. App. 129), 923. Fleming v. Railway Co. (158 Pa. St. 130, 27 Atl. 858), 1413, 1414. Fletcher v. Railroad (1 Allen, 9), 949. Fletcher v. Railroad Co, (187 Mass. 463, 73 N. E. 552, 105 Am. St. Rep. 414), 1123. 1197. Flinn v. Railroad (1 Hous. (Del.) 69), 1073. Flint V. Chrystal (83 Fed. 987, 31 C. C. A. 593, i-eversing Chrys- tal V. Flint, 82 Fed. 472. On certification to U. S. Supreme Court, The Irrawaddy, 171 U. S. 187, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 831, 43 L. Ed. 130), 345, 362, 364, 387. cxu TABLE OF CASES CITED. [befebences are Flint V. Transp. Co. (34 Conn. 554), 981. Flint V. Trans. Co. (6 Blatch. 158; 34 Conn. 554), 985. Flood V. Crowell (92 Fed. 402, 34 C. C. A. 415), 853. Flood V. Railroad Co. (25 Ky. Law Rep. 2135, 80 S. W. Rep. 184), 1060. Flori V. St. Louis (3 Mo. App. 231), 1383. Florida v. Car Co. (37 Mo. App. 598), 113L Flower v. Railway Co. (2 Q. B. (1894) 65. 63 L. J. Q. B. 547), 1075. Floyd V. Bovard (6 Watts & S. 75), 749. Floytrup v. Railroad Co. (163 Mass. 152, 39 N. B. 797), 1124. Fluker v. Railroad Co. (81 Ga. 461, 8 S. E. Rep. 529, 12 Am. St Rep. 328, 2 L. R. A. 843), 943. Flynn v. Railway Co. (43 Mo. App. 424), 1348, 1355. Fogassi V. Railroad Co. (45 N. Y. Supp. 175, 17 App. Div. 286, aff'g 13 Misc. 102, 34 N. Y. Supp. 116), 942. Foggan V. Railway Co. (61 Hun, 623, 16 N. Y. Supp. 25), 177. Foley V. Railroad Co. (98 N. Y. Supp. 182), 163. Follman v. Mankato (35 Minn. 522), 1236. Fonesca v. Steamship Co. (153 Mass. 553, 27 N. E. Rep. 665), 212, 218, 1028, 1052, 1053, 1069. Foot V. Railway Co. (81 Minn. 493, 84 N. W. 342, 83 Am. St. Rep. 395), 1389, 1392, 1397. Forbes v. Express & Transp. Co. (Ill Fed. 796), 3G9. TO SECTIONS.] Forbes v. Railroad Co. (133 Mass. 154), 192, G68. Ford V. Mitchell (21 Ind. 54), 107. Ford V. Monroe (20 Wend. 210), 1378, 1379. Ford V. Railroad Co. (110 La. 414, 34 So. Rep. 585), 970, 1024. Ford V. Railway (2 Fos. & Fin. 730), 503, 905. Ford V. Sproule (2 A. K. Marsh. 528), 758. Ford V. Williams (21 How. 287), 1306. Fordyce v. Beecher (2 Tex. Civ. App. 29, 21 S. W. Rep. 179), 1001. Fordyce v. Dillingham (Tex. Cir. App., 23 S. W. Rep. 550), 1126. Fordyce v. Jackson (56 Ark. 594, 20 S. W. 528), 955, 1018. Fordyce v. Johnson (56 Ark. 430, 19 S. W. 1050), 867, 885. Fordyce v. Manuel (82 Tex. 527, 18 S. W. 657), 1033. Fordyce v. McCants (51 Ark. 509, 11 S. W. Rep. 694, 14 Am. St. Rep. 69, 4 L. R. A. 296), 1397, 1399. Fordyce v. McFlynn (56 Ark. 424, 19 S. W. 961), 333, 339. Fordyce v. Merrill (49 Ark. 277), 936. Fordyce v. Withers (1 Tex. Civ. App. 540, 20 S. W. Rep. 766), 1414, 1423. Fore V. Railway Co. ( — Miss. — , 39 So. Rep. 493), 1177. Foreman v. Railroad Co. (195 Pa. St. 499, 46 Atl. 109), 1017. Foreman v. Railway Co. (4 Tex. Civ. App. 54, 23 S. W. Rep, 422), 1111. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXIU Forepaugh v. Railroad Co. (128 Pa. St. 217, 18 Atl. 503, 15 Am. St. Rep. 672, 5 L. R. A. 508), 88, 206. Forks V. King (84 Penn. St. 230), 1236 Forsee v. Railroad Co. (63 Miss. 66), 1033, 1433, 1440, 1443. Forsyth V. Railroad Co. (103 Mass. 510), 936, 940. Forth V. Simpson (13 Q. B. 689), 869. Fortier v. Pennsylvania Co. (18 111. App. 260), 201. Fort Wayne v. De Witt (47 Ind. 391), 1418. Forward v. Pittard (1 T. R. 27), 57, 71, 274, 275, 279, 390. Foss V. Railroad Co. (66 N. H. 256, 21 Atl. Rep. 222), 992, 1187. Foster v. Colby (3 Hurlstone & N. 705), 875. Foster v. Essex Bank (17 Mass. 501), 40. Foster v. Frampton (6 B. & C. 107), 736. Foster v. Railway Co. (2 K. B. (1904) 306, 73 L. J. K. B. 811), 479, 480, 612. Fowler v. Railroad Co. (18 W. Va, 579), 1221, 1417. Fowler v. Railway Co. (98 Mo. App. 210, 71 S. W. 1077), 728. Fowler v. Steam Co. (87 N. Y. 190), 628. Fowler v. Telegraph Co. (80 Me. 381), 95. Fowles V. Railway (7 Exch. 698), 395. Fox V. City of Philadelphia (208 Pa. St. 127, 57 Atl. 356, 65 L. R. A. 214), 100. Fox V. Glastonbury (29 Conn. 204), 1418. [befebences are to sections.] Fox V. Mayor, etc., of -City of New York (39 N. Y. Supp. 309, 5 App. Div. 349), 936. Fox V. McGregor (11 Barb. 41), 884, 889. Fox V. Nott (6 H. & N. 630), 810. Fox V. Railroad Co. (148 Mass. 220), 625, 651. Fox V. Railroad Co. (118 Cal. 55, 50 Pac. Rep. 25, 62 Am. St. Rep. 216), 1401. Fox V. Railroad Co. ( — Mich. — , 101 N. W. Rep. 624, 68 L. R. A. 336), 994, 1199. Pox V. Railway Co. (16 Misc. 370, 38 N. Y. Supp. 88), 1348. Foy V. Railway (18 C. B. (N. S.) 225), 933, 937, 1122, 1177, 1187. Foy V. Railway Co. (63 Minn. 255, 65 N. W. Rep. 627), 177. FralofE v. Railroad (10 Blatchf. 16), 1246. Francis v. Cockrell (L. R. 5 Q. B. 184), 909. Francis v. Railroad (25 Iowa, 60), 702. Francis v. Transfer Co. (5 Mo. App. 7), 1428, 1431. Frank v. Keith (2 Bush, 123), 317. Frank v. Railway Co. (57 Mo. App. 181), 714. Frank Bird Transfer Ck). v. Krug (30 Ind. App. 602, 65 N. E. 309), 1236. Frankfurt v. Weir (83 N. Y. Supp. 112, 4u Misc. 683), 444, 1317. Franklin v. Railway Co. (3 H. & N. 211), 1397. Franklin v. Road Co. (85 Cal. 63), 1420. Franklin Printing & Pub. Co. v., Behrens (80 111. App. 313; af- firmed, 181 111. 340, 54 N. E. 896), 102. CXIV TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Frasier v. Railway Co. (— S. Car. — , 52 S. B. Rep. 964), 172, 201, 715. Frazier v. Railroad Co. (180 Mass. 427, G2 N. E. 731), 938. Frazier v. Railroad Co. (104 Mo. App. 355. 78 S. W. Rep. 679), 800. Frazier v. Railway Co. (48 Iowa, 571), 105. Freeh v. Railroad (39 Md. 574), 1417. Frederick v. Railroad (5 Cent. Law Jour. 476), 1039. Frederick v. Railroad Co. (37 Mich. 342), 1039, 1045, 1061, 1065, 1066. Fredericks v. Railroad Co. (157 Pa. St. 103, 27 Atl. 689, 22 L. R. A. 306), 950, 1412. Freedon v. Railroad Co. (48 N. Y. Supp. 584, 24 App. Div. 306), 970. Freeman v. Birch (3 Q. B. 492), 1305, 1315. Freeman c. Buckingham (18 How. 182), 160, 161. Freeman v. East Ind. Co. (5 B. & Aid. 617), 7;^8, 791. Freeman v. Railroad Co, (65 Mich. 577), 1110. Freeman v. Railroad Co. (131 Mich. 544, 91 N. W. 1021, 9 Det. L. N. 436, 100 Am. St. Rep. 621), 1217. Freeman v. Railway Co. ( — Kan. — , 80 Pac. Rep. 592), 1043. Freeman v. Railway Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 302), 442, 443, 723. Freemont, etc., Railroad Co. v. New York, etc., Railroad Co. (66 Neb. 159, 92 N. W. 131), 233. TO SECTIONS.] Freer v, Cameron (4 Rich. 228), 1015. Frelson v. So. Pac. Co. (42 La. Ann. 673), 951. French v. Railroad (4 Keyes (N. Y.), 108), 451, 463. French v. Transportation Co. (134 Mass. 288), 740. Frick V. Railway Co. (75 Mo. 542), 1378. Friedenrich v. Railroad Co. (53 Md. 201), 1056. Friedlander v. Railway (130 U. S. 416), 161, 175. Friedman v. Metropolitan S. S. Co. (90 N. Y. Supp. 401, 45 Misc. 383), 690. Fiiend v. Woods (6 Gratt. 189), 270. Frink v. Coe (4 G. Greene, 555), 68, 904, 958, 959, 961, 1439. Frink v. Potter (17 111. 406), 904, 1412. Frink v. Schroyer (18 III. 416), 1019, 1423. Fritz V. Railway Co. (132 N. Car. 829, 44 3. E. Rep. 613), 983. Frobisher v. Transp. Co. (81 Hun, 544, 30 N. Y. Supp. 1099), 952, 1005, 1182. Frohlich Glass Co. v. Railroad Co. (— Mich. — , 101 N. W. Rep. 223), 508. Frohriep v. Railway Co. (131 Mich. 459, 9 Det. L. N. 415, 91 N. W. Rep. 748), 1217. Fromont v. Coupland (2 Bing. 170), 249. Frost V. Plumb (40 Conn. Ill), 1233. Fulks V. Railway Co. (Ill Mo. 335, 19 S. V/. 818), 1179, 1182. Fuller V. Bradley (25 Penn. St. 120), 46, 65, 75, 864, 870. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cxv [BEFERENCES ABE Fuller V. Brown (11 Mete. 440), 627. Fuller V. Railroad (21 Conn. 557), 76, 1118. Fuller V. Railroad Co. (31 Iowa, 187), 1342. t^ Fullerton v. Fordyce (121 Mo. 1, 25 S. W. 587, 42 Am. St. Rep. 516), 918, 933. Fulmer v. Railway Co. (67 S. Car. 262, 45 S. E. 196), 1033. Fulton V. Railroad Co. (11 U. C. Q. B. 428), 1024. Funk V. Potter (17 111. 406), 910. Funnel v. Pettijohn (2 Harr. 48), 339. Furlong v. Polleys (30 Me. 491), 1367.. Furman v. Railroad Co. (57 Iowa, 42), 740. Furman v. Railroad Co. (62 Iowa, 395), 740. Furman v. Railroad Co. (68 Iowa, 219), 740. Furman v. Railroad Co. (81 Iowa, 540, 46 N. W. Rep. 1049), 740. Furman v. Railroad (106 N. Y. 579), 177, 180, 184, 187. Furness v. Forwood (77 Law. T. • (N. S.) 95), 841. Furnish v. Railway Co. (102 Mo. 438), 895, 1414. Furstenheim v. Railroad (9 Heisk. 238), 238. Gabler v. McChesney (70 N. Y. Supp. 195, 60 App. Div. 590), 833, 849, 853. Gabriel v. Railroad Co. (66 N. Y. Supp. 301, 54 App. Div. 41), 933. TO SECTIONS.] Gage V. Tirrell (9 Allen, 299), 74, 267, 627. Gahagan v. Railroad (1 Allen, 187), 1175. Gaines v. Railway Co. (75 Tex. 572, 12 S. W. 1001), 525. Gaines v. Transportation Co. (28 Ohio St. 418), 410, 416, 1354. Gallin v. Railway (L. R. 10 Q. B. 212), 1073. Galloway v. Railroad Co. (95 N. Y. Supp. 17, 107 App. Div. 210), 454. Galloway v. Railway Co. (87 Iowa, 458, 54 N. W. 447), 1177. Galloway v. Railway Co. (56 Minn. 346, 57 N. W. 1058, 23 L. R. A. 442), 991, 1011. Gait V. Express Co. (4 MacArth. 124), 80, 452. Ganguzza v. Anchor Line (89 N. Y. Supp. 1049, 97 App. Div. 352), 1194. Ganiard v. Railroad Co. (50 Hun, 22), lllL Gann v. Railway Co. (72 Mo. App. 34), 1366. Gann v. Worman (69 Ind. 458), 1389. Gannell v. Ford (5 L. T. Rep. 604), 341. Gannon v. Railroad Co. (173 Mass. 40, 52 N. E. 1075, 43 L. R. A. 833), 1223. Gardner v. New Haven, etc. Co. (51 Conn. 143), 1001. Gardner v. Railroad Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 917), 964. Gardner v. Railroad Co. (97 Ga. 482, 25 S. E. Rep. 334, 54 Am. St. Rep. 435; s. c. 94 Ga. 538, 19 S. E. Rep. 757), 1019, 1200, 1414. exvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Gardner v. Railway Co. (127 N. Car. 293, 37 S. B. Rep. 328), 426, 450, 475. Garfield & Proctor Coal Co. v. Railroad Co. (166 Mass. 119, 44 N. E. Rep. 119), 857. Garlington v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 368), 1366. Garneau v. Railroad Co. (109 111. App. 169), 900, 933. In re Garnett (141 U. S. 12), 344. Garnett v. Willan (5 B. & Aid. 53), 392. Garoni v. Navigation Co. (14 N. Y. Suppl. 797), 1147. Garrett V. Railway (36 Iowa, 121), 1411. Garrick v. Railroad Co. (53 S. Car. 448, 31 S. E. Rep. 334, 69 Am. St. Rep. 874), 1397, 1400. Garrison v. Electric Co. (97 Md. 347, 55 Atl. 371), 1085. Garrison v. Memphis Ins. Co. (19 How. 312), 281, 483, 489, 490. Garside v. Trent. Nav. Co. (4 T. R. 581), 696. Garston Co. v. Hickie (15 Q. B. Div. 580), 831. Garston Co. v. Hickie (18 Q. B. Div. 17), 483, 831. Garton v. Railway Co. (1 B. & S. 110), 521. Gary v. Railway Co. (17 Tex. Civ. App. 129, 42 S. W. Rep. 576), 895, 1002. Gashweiler v. Railway Co. (83 Mo. 112). 702. Gass V. Railroad Co. (99 Mass. 220), 131, 257, 264. Gasway v. Railroad Co. (58 Ga. 216), 961, 1094. Gates V. Railroad Co. (42 Neb. 379, 60 N. W. 583), 181. TO SECTIONS.] Gates V. Ryan (37 Fed. Rep. 154), 692, 807. Gatliffe, v. Bourne (4 Bing. 314), 688, 696, 698. Gatton V. Railway Co. (95 Iowa, 112, 63 N. W. 589, 28 L. R. A. 556), 525, 537. Gatzow V. Buening (106 Wis. 1, 81 N. W. Rep. 1003, 49 L. R. A. 475, 80 Am. St. Rep. 1), 447. Gaukler v. Railway Co. (130 Mich. 666, 90 N. W. 660), 994, 1083. Gavett V. Railroad (16 Gray, 501), 1175, 1180. Gay V. Winter (34 Cal. 153), 1391. Gaynor v. Railway Co. (100 Mass. 208), 936, 940, 1119. Gee V. Railway Co. (6 H. & N. 211), 1369, 1370. Gee V. Railway (L. R. 8 Q. B. 161), 1122, 1216, 1225. Gee V. Railway (30 L. J. Exch. 11; 6 H. & N. 211), 1367. Geismann v. Electric Co. (173 Mo. 654, 73 S. W. Rep. 654), 1401. Geismer v. Railway Co. (102 N. Y. 563), 316, 657. Gelinas v. Railway Co. (11 Rap. Jud. Que. (C. S.) 253), 442. Gelvin v. Railway Co. (21 Mo. Ap. 273), 630. General Electric Co. v. Railway Co. (— S. Car. — , 51 S. E. Rep. 695), 187. General Fire Extinguisher Co. v. Railway Co. (137 N. Car. 278, 49 S. E. Rep. 208), 306, 1354. Geogagn v. Railroad Co. (42 N. Y. Supp. 205, 10 App. Div. 454), 1180. Geoghegan v. Steamship Co. (22 N. Y. Supp. 749, 3 Misc. 224), 1387. George v. Railway Co. (57 Mo< App. 358), 1352, 1355. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXVU [references are George v Skivington (5 L. R. Exch. 1), 796. Georgia, etc. Co. v. Smith (70 Ga. 694), 574. Georgia R. & B. Co. v. Tice (— Ga. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 916), 918, 1379. Gerhard v. Neese (36 Tex. 635), 652. Gerhart v. Railroad Co. (110 Mo. App. 105, 84 S. W. Rep. 100), 936. German, etc., Co. v. The Railway (38 Iowa, 127), 475. German State Bank v. Railway- Co. (113 Fed. 414), 94. Germania Fruit Co. v. Railroad Co. (133 Cal. 426, 65 Pac. 948), 226. Geroux v. Graves (62 Vt. 280, 19 Atl. Rep. 987), 1394. Gerry v. Express Co. ( — Me. — , 62 Atl. Rep. 498), 433. Gerstle v. Railway Co. (23 Mo. Ap. 361). 1192, 1197, 1198. Gibbon v. Paynton (4 Burr. 2298), 329, 390, 440, 441. Gibbons v. Farwell (63 Mich. 344), 741, 742. Gibbons v. Pepper (1 Ld. Raym. 38), 1430. Gibbons v. Williams (135 Mass. 335), 1229. Gibbs V. Hannibal (82 Mo. 143), 1389. Giblin v. National S. S. Co. (28 N. Y. Supp. 69, 8 Misc. 22), 342. Gibson v. Brown (44 Fed. Rep. 98), 800, 803. Gibson v. Culver (17 Wend. 305), 133, 665, 688, 696, 710. Gibson v. International Trust Co. (186 Mass. 454, 72 N. E. 70), 100. TO SECTIONS.] Gibson v. International Trust Co. (177 Mass. 100, 58 N. E. Rep. 278, 52 L. R. A. 928), 100. Gibson v. Railroad Co. (30 Fed. Rep. 904), 1025. Gibson v. Sturge (10 Exch. 622), 800, 812, 828. Gilbart v. Dale (5 Ad. & El. 543), 1347. Gilbert v. Railway Co. (54 N. Y. Super. 270), 1111. Giles V. Fargo (60 N. Y. Super. Ct. 117, 17 N. Y. Supp. 476), 451, 505. Giles V, Fauntleroy (13 Md. 126), 1246, 1249. Gilleland & Dillingham v. Rail- road Co. (119 Ga. 789, 47 S. E. 336), 509. Gillenwater v. Railroad (5 Ind. 339), 909, 1022. Gillespie v, McGowan (100 Penn. St. 144), 1228. Gillespie v. Railway Co. (6 Mo. Ap. 554), 271, 309. Gillespie v. Thompson (6 El. & Bl. 477, note), 606. Gillett V. Ellis (11 111. 579), 485, 607. Gillett V. Railway Co. (4 Tex. Ct. Rep. 414, 856, 68 S. W. Rep. 61), 612. Gilligan v. Railroad Co. (1 E. D. Smith, 453), 1381, 1397. Gilliland v. Railroad Co. (81 Miss. 41, 32 So. 916), 592. Gillingham v. Dempsey (12 Serg. & R. 183), 1360. Gillingham v. Railroad Co. (35 W. Va. 588, 14 S. E. Rep. 243, 29 Am. St. Rep. 827, 14 L. R. A. 798), 1093, 1100. Gillis V. Railroad Co, (59 Penn. St. 129), 991. Gillis V. Telegraph Co. (61 Vt. 461), 95. CXVlll TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Gillman v. Railroad Co. (53 S. Car. 210, 31 S. E. 224), 1440. Gillshannon v. Railroad Co. (10 Cush. 228), 1004. Gillum V. Steamship Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 76 S. W. Rep. 232), 1417. Oilman v. Railroad Co. (10 Allen, 233, 87 Am. Dec. 635), 1004. Gilman v. Railroad Co. (168 Mass. 454, 47 N. E. 193), 957. Gilman v. Telegraph Co. (95 N. Y. Supp. 564, 48 Misc. Rep. 372), 97. Gilmore v. Carman (1 Sm. & M. 279), 75, 279. Gilmore v. Railroad Co. (154 Pa. St. 375, 25 Atl. 774), 937. Gilmore v. Railway Co. (29 Wash. 150, 69 Pac. 743), 1118. Gilpins V. Consequa (1 Peters' C. Ct. 85), 625. Gilroy v. Price (App. Cas. (1893) 56), 374. Gilson V. Gwinn (107 Mass. 126), 884. Gilson V. Railway Co. (76 Mo. 282), 895. Ginn v. Ogdensburg Transit Co. (85 Fed. 985, 29 C. C. A. 521), 442. Ginna v. Railroad Co. (67 N. Y. 596), 1197, 1198, 1226. Ginnon v. Railroad (3 Rob. (N. Y.) 25), 1181. Girton v. Railroad Co. (199 Pa. St. 147, 48 Atl. 970), 1186, 1219. Gisbourn v. Hurst (1 Salk. 249), 47. Glasscock v. Railway Co. (86 Mo. App. 114), 1366. Glasser v. Railway Co. (57 Penn. St. 172), 1392. Glassey v. Railway Co. (57 Penn. St. 172), 1229, 1382. TO SECTIONS.] Gleadell v. Thomson (56 N. Y. 194), 689, 799. Gleason v. Duffy (116 Fed. 301), 344. Gleason v. Transportation Co. (32 Wis. 85), 1246, 1272. Gleeson v. Railroad Co. (140 U. S. 435, 11 Sup. Ct. Rep. 859), 947, 1412. Gleeson v. Railroad Co. (5 Mack- ey, 356), 271, 284, 300, 309. Gleeson v. Railroad Co. (140 U. S. 435), 271, 284, 300, 309. Glenn v. Express Co. (86 Tenn. 594), 442. Glenn v. Railroad Co. ( — Ind. — , 75 N. E. Rep. 282, aff'g, s. c. (Ind. App.) 73 N. E, Rep. 861), 936, 1016. Glover v. Railroad Co. (95 Mo. App. 369, 69 S. W. 599), 140, 613, 867. Glovinsky v. Steamship Co. (26 N. Y. Supp. 751, 6 Misc. 388, aff'g., 24 N. Y. Supp. 136, 4 Misc. 266), 1299, 1363. Glynn v. Margetson & Co. (L. R. (1893) App. Cas. 351, 62 L. J. Q. B. 466, aff'g., (1892) 1 Q. B. 337, 61- L. J, Q. B. 186), 622. Godbout v. St. Paul Union Depot Co. (79 Minn. 188, 81 N. W. 835, 47 L. R. A. 532), 944. Goddard v. Mallory (52 Barb. 87), 462, 617. Goddard v. Railroad Co. (179 Mass. 52, 60 N. E. 486), 935. Goddard v. Railway (57 Me. 202), 980, 1094, 1442, 1444. Godfrey v. Railway Co. (116 Ind. 30), 1059. Goetter v. Pickett (61 Ala. 3S7), 233. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXIX [BEFEKENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Goff V. Railway (3 El. & El. 672), 1100, 1441. Goffin V. The Railway (102 Mo. 540, 15 S. W. Rep. 76), 1414. Goggin V. Railway Co. (12 Kan. 416), 443. Goins V. Railroad Co. (68 Ga, 190), 1404. Gold Hunter, The (1 Bl. & H. 300), 491. Goldberg v. Railroad Co. (133 N. Y. 561, 30 N. E. 597, reversing 15 N. Y. Supp. 579), 1219. Goldberg v. Railroad Co. (60 Hun, 586, 15 N. Y. Supp. 579), 1219. Goldberg v. Railway Co. (105 Wis. 1, 80 N. W. 920, 47 L. R. A. 221, 76 Am. St. Rep. 899), 1281, 1286. Goldbovitz V. Metropolitan Express Co. (91 N. Y. Supp. 318), 651. Goldey v. Railroad (30 Penn. St. 242), 450, 1355. Goldsmith v. Building Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 83 S. W. Rep. 1112), 100, 894, 895, 896. Goller V. Railroad (96 N. Y. Supp. 483), 1212. Good V. Railway Co. (Tex., 1 S. W. 854), 450. Good & Co. V. Isaacs (2 Q. B. (1892) 555, 61 L. J. Q. B. 649), 840, 8-46. Goodbar v. Railway Co. (53 Mo. App. 434), 112. Goodlett V. Railroad Co. (122 U. S. 391), 1175. Goodloe V. Railroad Co. (107 Ala. 233, 18 So. 166, 29 L. R. A. 729), 1099. Goodman v. Harvey (4 Ad. & E. 870), 176. Goodman v. Navigation Co. (22 Or. 14, 28 Pac. 894), 333. Goodman v. Railway Co. (71 Mo. App. 460), 429. Goodman v. Simonds (20 How. 343), 176. Goodrich v. Railroad Co. (29 Hun, 50), 1197. Goodrich v. Thompson (44 N. Y. 324), 462, 480, 617. Goodsell V. Railroad (33 Conn. 51), 1384, 1386, 1389. Goodsell V. Taylor (41 Minn. 207), 100. Goodwin v. Lumber Co. (109 La. 1050, 34 So. Rep. 74), 1396. Goodwin v. Nicholson (17 R. L 478, 23 Atl. Rep. 12), 1389. Goodwin v. Railroad (58 Barb. 195), 664, 691. Goodwin v. Railroad Co. (84 Me. 203, 24 Atl. 816), 1197. Goodwyn v. Douglass (1 Cheves, 174), 1318. Goold v. Chapin (20 N. Y. 259), 132, 714. Gordon v. Bachanan (5 Yer. 71), 52, 483, 486. Gordon v. Hutchinson (1 Watts & S. 285), 47, 50, 52, 53, 54. Gordon v. Railroad (52 N. H. 596), 1107, 1117. Gordon v. Railroad (40 Barb. 546), 1009. Gore V. Transportation Co. (2 Daly, 254), 1271, 1272. Gorham Mfg. Co. v. Fargo (35 N. Y. Super. 434), 331, 395. Gorman v. Budlong (23 R. I. 169, 49 Atl. 704, 91 Am. St. Rep. 629), 1389. Gorman v. Southern Pac. Co. (97 Cal. 1, 31 Pac. 1112, 33 Am. St. Rep. 157), 1407, 1433. Gosling V. Birnie (7 Bing. 339), 750. Gosling V. Higgins (1 Camp. 451), 674. Gott V. Dinsmore (111 Mass. 45), 471. cxx TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEEENCES ABE Gottlieb V. Railroad Co. (71 N. J. Law 47, 58 Atl. Rep. 1088), 1389, 1394. Gottlieb V. Railway Co. (— N. J. Law — , 63 Atl. Rep. 339), 1389. Gould V. Grafflin (62 Fed. 605), 855. Gould V. Hill (2 Hill, 623), 400, 401, 41L Gould V. Oliver (4 Bing. N. C. 134), 605. Govett V. Radnidge (3 East, 62), 1326, 1327. Grace v, Adams (100 Mass. 505), 233, 401, 408. Gracie v. Palmer (8 Wheat. 605), 889. Gradert v. Railway Co. (109 Iowa, 547, 80 N. W. 559), 1223. Gradin v. Railway Co. (30 Minn. 217), 964. GraefE v. Railroad (161 Pa. St. 230, 28 Atl. 1107, 23 L. R. A. 606, 41 Am. St. Rep. 885), 911, 927, 983. Graf V. Railroad Co. ( — N. J. L. — , 62 Atl. Rep. 333), 927. Graffam v. Railroad (67 Me. 234), 1279. Graham v. Davis (4 Ohio St. 362), 410, 450, 480, 487, 1354. Graham v. McNeill (20 Wash. 466, 55 Pac. 631, 72 Am. St. Rep. 121, 43 L. R. A. 300), 1113, 1197, 1198. Graham v. Planters' Compress Co. (129 Fed. 253), 853. Graham v. Railroad Co. (39 Fed. Rep. 596), 1188. Graham v. Railroad Co. (60 Mo. 536), 1003. Graham v. Railway Co. (39 Minn. 81), 1414. Graham v. Railway Co. (49 Wis. 443), 1342. TO SECTIONS.] Graham v. Railway Co. (53 Wis. 473), 1342. Graham v. Railway Co. ( — Iowa, — , 107 N. W. Rep. 595), 990. Graham v. Railway Co. (149 N. Y. 336), 43 N. E. 917, revers- ing 28 N. Y. Supp. 739, 8 Misc. 305), 1198. Graham v. Traction Co. (64 N. J. L. 10, 44 Atl. Rep. 964), 1397. Graham & Co. v. Davis & Co. (4 Ohio St. 362), 409, 451, 1354. Graham & Morton v. Young (117 111. App. 257), 1301. Grand v. Livingston (4 App. Div. 589, 38 N. Y. Supp. 490; af- firmed without opinion, 158 N. Y. 688, 53 N. E. 1125), 212, 213, 214, 215, 220. Grand Tower, etc. Co. v. UUman (89 111. 244), 113. Granier v. Railroad Co. (42 La. Ann. 800), 1056. Grant v. Baker (12 Oreg. 329), 1417. Grant v. Coverdale (9 A. C. 470), 845. Grant v. Norway (10 C. B. 665), 159, 165, 166. Grant v. Railroad Co. (108 N. C. 462), 1017. Gratiot, etc., Co. v. Railroad Co. (— 111. — , 77 N. E. Rep. 675), 714. Graven v. McLeod (92 Fed. 846, 35 C. C. A. 47). 1219. Graves v. Express Co. (176 Mass. 280, 57 N. E. 462), 426, 428, 433, 437. Graves v. Railroad Co. (57 N. Y. Supp. 636, 29 App. Div. 591), 1287. Graves v. Railway Co. (137 Mass. 33), 426, 438. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXXl [REFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Graves v. Steamship Co. (61 N. Y. Supp. 115, 29 Misc. 645), 322, 324, 462. Graves v. Ticknor (6 N. H. 537), 31. Graville v. Railroad Co. (105 N. Y. 525), 1077. Gray v. Can- (L. R. 6 Q. B. 522), 856, 866. Gray v. Jaclison (51 N. H. 9), 130, 131, 211, 227, 228, 231, 232, 238, 261. Gray v. McDonald (104 Mo. 303), 1386, 1391. 1400. Gray v. Missouri Packet Co. (64 Mo. 47), 19, 1360. Gray v. Railroad Co. (168 Mass. 20, 46 N. E. 397), 1099. Gray v. Railway Co. (54 Mo. App. 666), 1373. Gray v. Railway Co. (87 Minn. 280, 91 N. W. Rep. 1106), 1401. Gray v. Scott (66 Penn St. 345), 1227, 1228. Gray v. Wain (2 S. & R. 229), 816. Grayson County Nat'l Bank v. Railway Co. ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 79 S. W. Rep. 1094), 175, 177, 184, 1360. Green v. Clark (13 Barb. 57; s. c. 12 N. Y. 343), 1215, 1306. Green v. Dunn (3 Camp. 215), 753. Green v. Mann (11 111. 613), 1369. Green v. Pacific Lumber Co. (130 Cal. 435, 62 Pac. 747), 895, 898, 899, 1223, 1414. Green v. Railroad (41 Iowa, 410), 116. Green v. Railroad (38 Iowa. 100), 116. Green v. Railroad Co. (128 Mass. 221), 1363. Green v. Railroad (4 Daly, 553), 1302. Green v. Railroad Co. (28 Barb. 9; 2 Keyes, 292), 1376. Green v. Railroad Co. (53 N. Y. Supp. 500, 31 App. Div. 412), 936. Green v. Williams (45 III. 206), 1373. Green v. Young Men's Christian Ass'n (65 111. App. 459), 100. Green Wheeler Shoe Co. v. Rail- way Co. ( — Iowa — , 106 N. W. Rep. 498), 304. Greenfield v. Railway Co. (133 Mich. 557, 10 Det. L. N. 256, 95 N. W. 546), 964, Greenwood v. Cooper (10 La. Ann. 796), 120. Gregg V. Railroad Co. (147 111. 550, 35 N. E. 343, 37 Am. St. Rep. 238), 177, 686, 702, 711, 714, 869, 880. Gregory v. Railroad Co. (10 Neb. 250), 11)53, 1054. Gregory v. Railroad Co. (126 Iowa, 230, 101 N. W. Rep. 761), 1397. Gregory v. Railroad Co. (26 Ky, L. R. 76, 80 S. W. Rep. 795), 1384. Gregory v. Railway Co. (2 H. & C. 944), 34L Gregory v. Railway Co. (46 Mo. App. 574), 113. Gregory v. Railway Co. (100 Iowa, 345, 69 N. W. 532), 1077. Gregory v. Webb. ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 1109), 1281. Gremes v. Penn Co. (36 Fed. Rep. 72), 1009. Gress v. Railway Co. (109 Mo. App. 716, 84 S. W. Rep. 122), 1118, 1179, 1180. , Greve v. Dunham (60 Iowa, 108), 768. CXXll TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are Grey's Ex'r v. Mobile Co. (55 Ala. 387), 1354. Grier v. Railway Co. (108 Mo. App. 565, 84 S. W. Rep. 158), 292, 309, 1352. Grieve v. Railroad Co. (104 Iowa, 659, 74 N. W. 192), 442, 640, 1357. Grieve v. Railroad Co. (49 N. Y. Supp. 949), 708. Grieve v. Railway Co. (65 N. J. L. 409, 47 Atl. Rep. 427), 1401. Griffen v. Manice (166 N. Y. 188, 59 N. E. 925, 82 Am. St. Rep. 630, 52 L. R. A. 922, reversing 62 N. Y. Supp. 364, 1138; 47 App. Div. 70; s. c. 77 N. Y. Supp. 626, 74 App. Div. 371; affirmed, no opinion, 174 N. Y. 505, 66 N. E. 1109), 100, 102. Griffin v. Colver (16 N. Y. 489), 1367, 1369. Griffin v. Railroad Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 1015), 548, 1355. Griffith v. Cave (22 Cal. 535), 66. Griffith V. Ingledew (6 S. & R. 429), 1307, 1310, 1315. Griffith V. Railway Co. (98 Mo. 168), 1122. Griffith V. Railway Co. (— Mo. App. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 408), 226, 1298, 1302. Griffiths V. Lee (1 Car. & P. 110), 1352. Griggs V. Austin (3 Pick. 20), 830. Griggsby v. Chappell (5 Rich. 443), 103. Grill v. Screw Co. (1 C. P. 600), 487. Grill V. Screw Co. (3 C. P. 476), 487. TO SECTIONS.] Grimes v. Penn. Co. (36 Fed. 72), 1009. Grindle v. Express Co. (67 Me. 317), 238. Grinnell v. Telegraph Co. (113 Mass. 299), 95. Grinnell v. Wells (7 M. & G. 1041), 1377. Griswold v. Griswold (111 Ala. 572, 20 So. Rep. 437), 1402. Griswold v. Insurance Co. (1 Johns. 205), 801. Griswold v. Insurance Co. (3 Johns. 321), 802, 823. Griswold v. Railroad Co. (53 Conn. 371), 1018, 1073. Griswold v. Railroad Co. (64 Wis. 652), 991. Griswold v. Waddington (16 Johns. 438), 322. Griswold v. Webb (6 R. I. 694), 944. Grogan v. Express Co. (114 Penn. St. 523), 80, 426, 450. Grogan v. Railway Co. (39 W. Va. 415, 19 S. E. Rep. 563), 1043. Grossman v. Dodd (63 Hun, 324, 17 N. Y. Supp. 855), 1298. Grosso V. Railroad Co. (50 N. J. L. 317), 1384, 1389. Grosvenor v. Railroad (39 N. Y. 34), 105. Grote V. Railway Co. (2 Ex. 251), 909, 910, 1414. Grotenkemper v. Harris (25 Ohio St. 510), 1397, 1399. Grove v. Brien (8 How. 429), 809. Grover & Baker S. M. Co. v. Rail- way Co. (70 Mo. 672), 241, 462. Grubman v. The Ontario (115 Fed. 769, 53 C. C. A. 199, aff'g The Ontario, 106 Fed. 324), 372, 384. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXXlll [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Grund v. Pendergast (58 Barb. 216), 1370. Grund v. Van Vleck (69 111. 478), 1438. Guess & Glover v. Railway Co. ( — S. C. — . 53 S. E. Rep. 421), 1367. Guggenheim v. Railway Co. (66 Mich. 150), 1418. Guillaume v. Hamburgh, etc., P. Co. (42 N. Y. 212), 463, 674. Guillaume v. Transportation Co. (100 N. Y. 491), 172, 177, 417, 669, 677. Gulliver v. Adams Ex. Co. (38 111. 503), 80, 717. Gulzoni V. Tyler (64 Cal. 334, 30 Pac. 981), 918. Gunderman v. Railway Co. (58 Mo. App. 379), 928, 934, 941. Gunderson v. Elevator Co. (47 Minn. 161, 49 N. W. Rep. 694), 1397. Gunter v. Wicker (85 N. C. 310), 1419. Gurley v. Armstead (148 Mass. 267), 148. Gurney v. Behrend (3 El. & Bl. 622, 633, 634), 175. Gurney v. Railway Co. (59 Hun, 625, 14 N. Y. Supp. 321; s. c. 138 N. Y. 638, 34 N. E. Rep. 512), 1276. Gurney v. Railway Co. (13 N. Y. Supp. 645), 1388, 1390. Gwynn v. Telephone Co. (69 S. Car. 434, 48 S. E. 460), 95. Gwyn Harper Mfg. Co. v. Rail- road Co. (128 N. Car. 280, 38 S. E. 894, 83 Am. St. Rep. 675), 442, 1348. H Haas V. Railroad Co. (81 Ga. 792), 175, 271, 316, 657. Haas V. Railroad Co. (90 Iowa, 259, 57 N. W. Rep. 894), 1401. Haase v. Railway Co. (19 Oreg. 354), 1001. Hackett v. Railroad (35 N. H. 390), 651, 1360, 1372. Hackney v. Telephone Co. (69 N. J. L. 335, 55 Atl. Rep. 252), 1397. Hadd V. Express Co. (52 Vt. 335), 80, 231, 408. Haddow v. Parry (3 Taunt. 303), 165. Hadley v. Baxendale (9 Exch., 341), 1421, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1358, 1367. Hadley v. Clarke (8 T. R. 259), 322, 625, 655, 659, 801. Haehl v. Railroad Co. (119 Mo. 325, 24 S. W. Rep. 737), 1397. Hagan v. Railroad (3 R. I. 88), 1438. Hagan v. Tucker's Exec'r., (118 Fed. 731, 55 C. C. A. 521, aff'g 112 Fed. 546), 843. Hagar v. Elmslie (107 Fed. 511, 46 C. C. A. 446, aff'g Elmslie V. Hagar, 101 Fed. 840), 833, 843. Hagerman v. Norton (105 Fed. 996, 46 C. C. A. 1), 837. Hagerstown Bank v. Express Co. (45 Pa. St. 419). 781. Haggerty v. Railroad Co. (59 Mich. 366), 1431. Haile v. Clayton & Hoff Co. (61 N. J. L. 197, 38 Atl. 805), 1111. CXXIV TABLE OF CASES CITED. [beferences are Haile's Curator v. Railway Co. (60 Fed. 557, 9 C. C. A. 134, 23 U. S. App. 80, 23 L. R. A. 774), 1427. Haille v. Smith (1 B. & P. 563), 194. Hailparn v. Joy S. S. Co. (99 N. Y. Supp. 464), 459. Haines v. Pearson (107 Mo. 1pp. 481, 81 S. W. Rep. 645), 1398. Haines v. Railway (29*Minn. 160). 1249, 1250. Hale V. Bonner (82 Tex. 33, 17 S. W. 605, 27 Am. St. Rep. 850, 14 L. R. A. 336), 1375. Hale V. Navigation Co. (15 Conn. 538), 75, 201, 206, 281, 451, 489. Hales V. Railway Co. (4 B. & S. 66), 652, Halff V. Allyn (60 Tex. 278), 764, 768. Hall V. Cheney (36 N. H. 26), 450, 1344. Hall V. De Cuir (9 U. S. 485), 972. Hall V. Dimond (63 N. H. 565), 708. Hall V. Hollander (4 B. & C. 660), 1376, 1377, 1380. Hall V. Insurance Co. (9 Pick. 466), 792. Hall V. Penn. Co, (90 Ind. 459), 167, 1331. Hall V. Power (12 Met. 482), 943. Hall V. Railroad Co. (15 Fed. Rep. 57), 1090. Hall V. Railroad Co. (134 Fed. 309), 1401. Hall V. Railroad Co. (14 Phila. 414), 316, 489, Hall V. Railroad Co. (44 W. Va. 36. 28 S. E. Rep. 754, 67 Am. St. Rep. 757, 41 L. R. A. 669), 1342. TO SECTIONS.] Hall V. Railroad Co. (44 W. Va. 36, 28 S. E. 754, 41 L. R. A. 669, 67 Am. St. Rep. 757). 574. Hall V. Railroad Companies (13 Wall. 367), 784. Hall V, Railway Co. (115 Iowa, 18, 87 N. W. 739), 1423. Hall V. Railway Co. (25 S, C. 564), 1033. Hall V. Railway Co. (28 S, C. 261), 1082, 1083. Hall V. Railway Co. (L. R. 10 Q. B. 437), 1073. Hall V. Renfro (3 Met. (Ky.) 51), 66. Hall V. Steamboat Co, (13 Conn. 319), 895. 904. Halliday v. Railway Co. (74 Mo. 159), 230, 236, 240. Halsey v. Warden (25 Kans. 128), 184. Halverson v. Electric Co, (35 Wash. 600, 77 Pac. Rep. 1058), 1397. Ham V. Canal Co. (142 Penn. St, 617), 1002, 1085. Ham V. Canal Co. (155 Penn. St. 548, 26 Atl. Rep. 757), 1234. Hamilton v. McPherson (28 N, Y. 72), 863, 1367, 1369. Hamilton v. Morgan's Co, (42 La, Ann, — ), 1397, 1440. Hamilton v. Pandorf (12 App. Cas. 518), 490. Hamilton v. Railway Co. (103 Iowa, 325, 72 N. W. 536), 651. Hamilton v. Railroad Co. (39 Kan. 56, 18 Pac. Rep. 57), 1388. Hamilton v. Railroad Co. (80 Mo. App. 597), 442. Hamilton v. Railroad Co. (96 N. C. 398), 174, 1370. Hamilton v. Railroad (51 N. Y. 100). 1046. TABLE OP CASES CITBD. cxxv [beferences are Hamilton v. Railroad (53 N. Y. 25), 1445, 1446. Hamilton v. Railroad Co. (183 Pa. St. 638, 38 Atl. 1088), 994. Hamlin v. Railway Co. (1 H. & N. 408), 651, 1109, 1404. Hammack v. White (11 C. B. 588), 940, 1412. Hammond v. Railroad Co. (6 S. C. 130), 1003. Hampton v. Pullman Palace Car Co. (42 Mo. App. 134), 1131, 1132. Hance v. Express Co. (66 Mo. App. 486; s. C 48 Mo. App. 179), 1357. Hance v. Railway Co. (56 Mo. App. 476; s. c. 62 Mo. App. 60), 234, 1309. Hancock v. Railroad Co. (27 Ky. Law Rep. 434, 85 S. W. Rep. 210), 1060.' Hancock v. Railroad Co. (91 N. Y. Supp. 601, 100 App. Div. 161), 1126. Hand v. Baynes (4 Whart. 204), 480, 613, 652. Handley v. Railway Co. (61 Kan, 237, 59 Pac. 271), 990. Hanks v. Railroad Co. (60 Mo. App. 274), 992, 1127. Hanley v. Railroad Co. (1 Edm. Ld, Cas. 359), 956. Hanley v. Railway Co. (187 U. S. 617, aff'g 106 Fed. 353), 525. Hanley v. Railway Co. ( — W. Va. — , 53 S. E. Rep. 625), 1389. Hanlon v. Railroad Co. (109 Iowa, 136, 80 N. W. 223), 1043, 1047. 1062. Hanna v. Railway Co. (41 111. App. 116), 1388. Hannay v. Eve (3 Cranch, 247), 744. TO SECTIONS.] Hansen v. Donaldson (1 Sess. Cas. (4th) 1066), 834. Hansen v. Harrold (1 Q. B. (1894) 612), 854. Hansen v. Railway Co. (73 Wis. 346), 462. Hansen v. Railroad Co. (73 Wis. 646), 462. Hansford v. Payne (11 Bush, 384), 1386. Hanson v. Railway (62 Me. 84), 1094, 1102, 1442. Hanson v. Transportation Co. (38 La. Ann. Ill), 964, 1221, 1239. Hardenbergh v. Railway Co. (39 Minn. 3, 12 Am. St. Rep. 610), 1082, 1113. Hardin v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 77 S. W. Rep. 431), 896, 899. Harding v. Townshend (43 Vt. 536), 1423. Hardman v. Railroad Co. (83 Fed. 88, 48 U. S. App. 570, 27 C. C. A. 407, 39 L. R. A. 300), 714. Hardman v. Willcock (9 Bing. 382), 749. Hardwick v. Railroad Co. (85 Ga. 507), 1412. Hardy v. Express Co. (182 Mass. 328, 65 N. E. 375, 59 L. R. A. 731), 734. Hardy v. Railroad Co. (12 N. Y. Suppl. 55), 1067. Haring v. Railroad (13 Barb. 9), 1175. Harker v. Dement (9 Gill, 7), 749, 779, 1305. Harman v. Clarke (4 Camp. 159), 848. Harmony v. Bingham (2 Kern. 99, 1 Duer, 209), 627, 805. Harned v. Railway Co. (51 Mo. App. 482), 431, 442, 444. CXXVl TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Harp V. Railroad Co. (125 Fed. 445, 61 C. C. A. 405, aff'g 118 Fed. 169), 147. Harp V. Railway Co. (119 Ga. 927, 47 S. E. 206, 100 Am. St. Rep. 212), 1036. Harp V. The Grand Era (1 Wood's Ct. Ct. R. 184), 261. Harper v. Insurance Co. (17 N. Y. 194), 165. Harper v. Railroad Co. (37 Conn. 272), 1354. Harrell v. Railroad (106 N. C. 258), 106. Harries v. Edmonds (1 C. & K. 686), 863. Harrington v. Lyles (2 Nott & McC. 88), 75. Harrington v. McShane (2 Watts, 443), 19, 61, 75, 731. In re Harris (57 Fed. 245), 344. Harris v. Hart (6 Duer, 606), 767, 771. Harris v. Moody (30 N. Y, 266), 607. Harris v. Pratt (17 N. Y. 249), 175, 767, 771. Harris v. Railroad (20 N. Y. 232), 339, 638. Harris v. Railroad Co. (73 N. Y. Sup. 159, 36 Misc. 181), 233. Harris v. Railway Co. (32 Ind. App. 600, 70 N. E. 407), 1179. Harris v. Railway (L. R. 1 Q. B. Div. 515), 1249. Harris v. Railway Co. (89 Mo. 233), 964, 1217. Harris v. Railway Co. (15 R. I. 371), 231, 232, 233. Harris v. Rand (4 N. H. 259), 273. Harris v. Stevens (31 Vt. 79), 943. TO SECTIONS.] Harris v. Tenney (85 Tex. 254, 20 S. W. Rep. 82, 34 Am. St. Rep. 796), 769. Harrison v. Fink (42 Fed. Rep. 787), 1085. Harrison v. Railway Co. (2 B. & S. 122), 341, 397. Harrison v. Railway Co. (74 Mo. 364), 625, 630. Harrison v. Roy (39 Miss. 396), 57. Harrison v. Weir (75 N. Y. Supp. 909, 71 App. Div. 248; s. c. 73 N. Y. Supp. 1119, reversing 69 N. Y. Supp. 957, 34 Misc. 519), 342. Harrold v. Railroad Co. (47 Minn. 17, 49 N. W. 389), 1183. Harrowing v. Dupre (7 Com'l Cas. 157), 843. Harshman v. Railway Co. ( — N. Dak. — , 103 N. W. Rep. 412), 1384, 1389. Hart V. Allen (2 Watts, 114), 75, 274. Hart V. Bridge Co. (84 N. Y. 56), 1418. Hart V. Hyde (5 Vt. 328), 780. Hart V. North German Lloyd S. S. Co. (92 N. Y. Supp. 338), 1271. Hart V. Pearson (12 Rep. Jud. Que. (C. S.) 540), 700. Hart V. Railroad (8 N. Y. 37), 255, 916, 1296. Hart V. Railroad Co. (112 U. S. 331), 339, 425, 426, 433, 437, 438, 440, 452. Hart V. Railroad Co. (33 S. C. 427), 1440. Hart V. State ( — Md. — , 60 Atl. Rep. 457), 972. Hart V. Steamship Co. (95 N. Y. Supp. 733, 108 App. Div. 279), 1271. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXXVll [befebences are Hartan v. Railroad (114 Mass. 44). 238, 261, 1049. Hartfield v. Roper (21 Wend. 615), 1229, 1377. Hartford Co. v. Hamilton (60 Md. 340), 1378. Hartford Deposit Co. v. Pederson (67 111. App. 142; affirmed, 168 111. 224, 48 N. E. 30), 100. Hartford Deposit Co. v. Sollitt (172 111. 222, 50 N. E. 178, 64 Am. St. Rep. 35, aff'g 70 111. App. 166), 100, 102. Hartigan v. Railroad Co. (113 Mich. 122, 71 N. W. 452), 990. Hartigan v. Southern Pacific Co. (86 Cal. 142, 24 Pac. 851), 1386. Hartley v. Hartley ( — Kan. — , 81 Pac. Rep. 505), 1402. Hartley v. Railroad Co. (115 Iowa, 612, 89 N. W. 88), 231, 233, 237. Hartman v. Railroad Co. (39 Mo. App. 88), 201, 206, 208. Hartness v. Pharr (133 N. Car. 566, 45 S. E. Rep. 901, 98 Am. St. Rep. 725), 1402. Hartop V. Hoare (1 Wils. 8), 785. Hartwell v. Railroad Co. (99 Ky. 436, 36 S. W. Rep. 183), 193. Hartwell v. Railroad Co. (15 Ky. Law Rep. 778). 177. Hartzig v. Railroad Co. (154 Penn. St. 364, 26 Atl. Rep. 310), 1122. Harvey v. Railroad (116 Mass. 269), 1181. Harvey v. Railroad Co. (124 Mass. 421), 1367, 1369, 1370. Harvey v. Railroad Co. (74 Mo. 538), 425, 426. Harvey v. Railway Co. ( — 111. — , 77 N. E. Rep. 569), 1177. Harvey v. Railway Co. (116 111. App. 507), 1118. TO SECTIONS.] Hai-vey v. Rose (26 Ark. 3), 66. Haskell v. Messenger Co. ( — Mass. — , 76 N. E. Rep. 215), 97. Haslam v. Express Co. (6 Bosw. 235), 664. Hasse v. Express Co. (94 Mich. 133, 53 N. W. 918, 34 Am. St. Rep. 328), 685, 729. Hastings v. Pepper (11 Pick. 41), 717, 719. Hastings v. Railroad Co. (53 Fed. 224), 922. Hatch V. Pullman Palace Car Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 84 S. W. Rep. 246), 1131. Hatch V. Railway Co. ( — N. Dak. — , 107 N. W. Rep. 1087), 442, 447. Hatch V. Railway Co. (212 Pa. 29, 61 Atl. 480), 1111. Hathaway v. Railway (46 Ind. 251), 1229. Hatten v. Railroad Co. (39 Ohio St. 375), 1041. Haug V. Railway Co. (8 N. Dak. 23, 77 N. W. 97, 42 L. R. A. 664), 1083, 1397. Haughey v. Railway Co. (210 Pa. 367, 59 Atl. Rep. 1112), 1389. Hause v. Judson (4 Dana, 7), 758. Havens v. Railroad (28 Conn. 69), 1038. Haver v. Railroad Co. (62 N. J. L. 282, 41 Atl. 916, 43 L. R. A. 84, 72 Am. St. Rep. 647), 1093. Hawcroft v. Railway (8 Eng. L. & Eq. 362), 1107. 1114. Hawgood V. 1310 Tons of Coal (21 Fed. 681), 856. Hawkins v. Hoffman (6 Hill, 586), 69, 177, 651, 668, 674, 1243, 1246, 1253, 1372. Plawkins v. Railroad (17 Mich. 57), 451, 465. CXXVlll TABLE OP CASES CITED, [befebences are Hawkins v. Railway Co, (17 Mich. 62), 497, 505, Hawkins v. Railway Co, (18 Mich. 427), 497, 505. Hayes, In re (2 Curteis, Ec. 338), 469. Hayes v. Campbell (63 Cal. 143), 108, Hayes v. Express Co. ( — N, J. — , 62 Atl, Rep, 284), 433. Hayes v. Wells (23 Cal. 185), 331, Hayes v, Williams (17 Colo, 465, 30 Pac. Rep. 352), 1389. Hayman v. Railway Co. (86 N. Y. Supp. 728, 43 Misc. 74), 677, 678. Haymarket Theater Co. v. Rosen- berg (77 ni. App. 183), 100. Haynes v. Railroad Co. (54 Mo, App, 582), 497. Hays V. Gallagher (72 Penn. St. 136), 1417. Hays V, Kennedy (41 Penn. St, 378), 270, 281, 483, 1355, Hays V. Millar (77 Penn. St. 238), 92, Hays V. Paul (51 Penn. St. 134), 92. Hays V. Penn. Co. (12 Fed. Rep. 309), 521. Hays V. Railroad Co. (51 Mo. App. 438), 1110. Hays V. Riddle (1 Sand. 248), 871, 982. Hays V. Stone (7 Hill, 128), 1318. Hazard v, Fiske (83 N, Y. 287), 175, Hazard v. Railroad Co. (1 Biss. 503), 1118. Hazard v. Railway (67 Miss, 32, 7 So. Rep. 280), 158, 163. Hazel V. Railroad Co. (82 Iowa, 477, 48 N. W. 926), 212, 213, 218. Head v. Railway Co. (79 Ga. 358, 11 Am. St. Rep. 434), 1054. TO SECTIONS.] Healey v. Railroad (28 Ohio St 23), 1084, 1091. Hearne v. Garton (2 E. & E. 66), 337, Heaton v. Railroad Co, (65 Mo, App, 479), 1182, Hebard v, Riegel (67 111. App. 584), 70, 1363. Hecker v. Railway Co. (110 Mo. App. 162, 84 S. W. Rep. 126), 1180. Hedding v. Gallagher (72 N. H, 377, 57 Atl, Rep. 225, 64 L. R, A, 811, overruling 70 N, H. 631, 47 Atl. Rep. 614 and 69 N, H, 650, 45 Atl. Rep. 96, 76 Am. St. Rep. 204), 519, 944, Hedges v, Kansas City (18 Mo. App. 67), 1383. Hedges v. The Railroad (49 N. Y. 223), 694, 708, 712, 713. Hedrick v. Navigation Co. (4 Wash. 400, 30 Pac. 714), 1386. Hegeman v. Railroad (16 Barb. 353), 952, Hegeman v. Railroad (13 N. Y. 9), 503, 895, 898, 903, 906, 909, 910, 952. Heidecamp v. Railway Co. (69 N. J. Law 284, 55 Atl. Rep. 239), 1395. Heil V. Railroad Co. (16 Mo. App. 363), 234, 1355, 1362. Heinlein v. Railroad Co. (147 Mass. 136), 936, 1006. Heirn v. McCaugham (32 Miss. 17), 1104, 1100, 1408, 1429. Heiserman v. Railway Co. (63 Iowa, 732), 1342, 1343. Heller v. Railway Co. (109 Mich. 53, 66 N. W. 667, 63 Am. St. Rep. 541), 340, 637. Hellman v. Holladay (1 Woolw. 365), 1249, TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXXIX [references are to sections.] Helm V. Railroad Co. (98 Mo. App. 419, 72 S. W. Rep. 148), 167, 174. Hemmingway v. Railroad Co. (72 Wis. 42), 995, 1129, 1187. Hempenstall v. Railroad Co. (82 Hun, 285, 31 N. Y. Supp. 479), 1219. Hemphill v. Chenie (6 Watts & S. 62), 665. Hempstead v. Railroad (28 Barb. 485), 261. Henderson v. Iron Ore (38 Fed. Rep. 36), 165. Henderson v. Maid of Orleans (12 La. Ann. 352), 1362. Henderson v. Railroad Co. (20 Fed. Rep. 430), 1267. Henderson v. Railroad Co. (123 U. S. 61), 1267. Henderson v. Railway Co. (86 Ky. 389), 1389. Henderson v. Railroad Co. (116 La. — , 41 So. Rep. 252), 161. Henderson v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 38 S, W. Rep. 1136), 972. Henderson v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 42 S. W. Rep. 1030), 922. Henderson v. Stevenson (L. R. 2 H. L. Sc. 470), 1052, 1299. Hendrick v. Navigation Co. (4 Wash. 400, 30 Fac. Rep. 714), 1386. Hendrick v. Railroad Co. (170 Mass. 44, 48 N. E. 835), 172, 638. Hendrick v. Railroad Co. (136 Mo. 548, 38 S. W. Rep. 297), 1016. Hendrix v. Railroad Co. (107 Mo. App. 127, 80 S. W. Rep. 970), 247. Hendryx v. Railroad Co. (45 Kan. 377), 1001. Hengstler v. Railroad Co. (125 Mich. 530, 84 N. W. 1067), 408, 640. Henly v. Railroad Co. (59 N. Y. Supp. 857, 28 Misc. 499, aff'g 57 N. Y. Supp. 396, 27 Misc. 811), 1040. Hennessey v. Brewing Co. (145 Mo. 104, 46 S. W. Rep. 966, 68 Am. St. Rep. 554, 51 L. R. A. 385), 1389. Henning v. Leather Co. (11 Ky. L. R. 544), 1389. Henry v. Railroad Co. (76 Mo. 288), 1430. Henry v. Railway Co. (66 Iowa, 52), 1174. Henry v. Railway Co, (49 Mich. 495), 1418. Hensler v. Stix (— Mo. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 108), 100. Herbst v. The Asiatic Prince (97 Fed. 343 and 103 Fed. 676; affirmed, The Asiatic Prince, 108 Fed. 287, 47 C. C. A. 325), 700. Herdman v. Railroad Co. (62 Hun, 621, 17 N. Y. Supp. 198), 1198. Herf & Frerichs Chemical Co. v. Railroad Co. (100 Mo. App. 164, 73 S. W. Rep. 346), 203, 212, 214, 702, 710, 1372. Hermann v. Goodrich (21 Wis. 536), 688. Herrick v. Gallagher (60 Barb. 566), 733. Herrick v. Railway Co. (31 Minn. 11, 16 N. W. Rep. 413, 47 Am. Rep. 771), 1388. Herring v. Railroad Co. (101 Va. 778, 45 S. B. Rep. 322), 239, 285, 298. cxxx TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ABE Herrman v. Railway Co. (27 Wash. 472, 68 Pac. 82, 57 L. R. A. 390), 928, 938, 941. Hersfield v. Adams (19 Barb. 577), 82. Hersh v. Railroad Co. (74 Penu. 181), 521. Herstine v. Railroad Co. (151 Pa. St. 244, 25 Atl. 104), 1413, 1414. Hess V. Railway Co. (40 Mo. App. 202), 444. Hesse v. Tramway Co. (75 Conn. 571, 54 Atl. Rep. 299), 1397, 1401. Hett V. Railroad Co. (69 N. H. 189, 44 Atl. 910), 740. Heugh V. The Railway Co. (L. R. 5 Exch. 50), 683. Heumphreus v. Railroad Co. (8 S. Dak. 103, 65 N. W. 466), 1202. Hewes v. Railroad Co. (217 111. 500, 75 N. E. Rep. 515), 1194. Hemes v. Railroad Co. (119 111. App. 393), 1175, 1177. Hewes v Railroad Co. (76 Md. 154, 24 Atl. 325), 1118. Hewett V. Railway Co. (63 Iowa, 611), 167, 505, 651. Hewett V. Swift (3 Allen, 420), 1084. Hewlett V. Burrell (105 Fed. 80, 44 C. C. A. 362), 698. Heye v. North German Lloyd (33 Fed. 70), 344. Hey wood v. Railroad Co. (169 Mass. 466, 48 N. E. 773), 1217. Hiatt V. Railway Co. (96 Iowa, 169, 64 N. W. 766), 941. Hibbard v. Telegraph Co. (33 Wis. 558), 95. Hibbard v. Railroad Co. (15 N. Y. 455), 1036, 1078, 1085, 1098. Hibler v. McCartney (31 Ala. 502), 279. TO SECTIONS.] Hick V. Railway Co. (51 Mo. App. 532), 1352. Hick V. Rodocanachi (2 Q. B. (1891) 626, 61 L. J. Q. B. 42; affirmed, (1893) A. C. 22), 842, 857. Hickey v. Railroad (14 Allen, 429), 1197, 1221. Hickok V. Buck (22 Vt. 149), 782. Hickox V. Railroad (31 Conn. 281), 127. Hicks V. Railroad Co. (64 Mo. 430), 1228. Hicks V. Railroad Co. (68 Mo. 329), 899, 1060, 1433. Hicks V. Railroad Co. ( — Neb. — , 107 N. W. Rep. 798), 1015. Hicks V. Railway (4 Best & S. 403), 1423. Hicks V. Railway Co. (108 Ga. 304, 32 S. E. Rep. 880), 1197. Hicks V. Shield (7 El. & B. 633), 831. Hieskell v. Bank (89 Penn. St. 155), 186. Higgins V. Railroad (28 La. Ann. 133), 451. Higgins V. Railroad Co. (155 Mass. 176, 29 N. E. Rep. 534, 31 Am. St. Rep. 544), 1388. Higgins V. Railroad Co. (36 Mo. 418), 1004. Higgins V. The Turn. & Railroad Co. (46 N. Y. 23), 1098, 1441. High V. Railroad Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 55 S. W. Rep. 526), 1180. Higley v. Gilmer (3 Mont. 98), lOOL Hill V. Humphreys (5 Watts & S. 123), 664. Hill V. Leadbetter (42 Me. .572), 799. Hill V. New Haven (37 Vt. 501), 1396. 1417. TABLE OF CASES CITED. exxxi [references are to sections.] Hill V. The Railroad (— Ga. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 651), 991. Hill V. Railroad Co. (11 La. Ann. 292), 1438. Hill V. Railroad Co. (144 Mass. 284), 426, 438. Hill V. Railroad Co. (60 Iowa, 196), 231, 238. Hill V. Railway Co. (46 Mo. App. 517), 234. Hill V. Railroad Co. (63 N. Y. 101), 1043, 1053, 1082. Hill V. Railroad Co. (178 Penn. St. 233, 35 Atl. Rep. 997, 56 Am. St. Rep. 754, 35 L. R. A. 196), 1391. Hill V. Railway Co. (33 Wash. 697, 74 Pac. 1054), 426. Hill V. Sturgeon (28 Mo. 323), 489, 1355. Hill Mfg. Co. V. Railroad Co. (104 Mass. 122), 238, 242, 254. Hillebrand v. Standard Biscuit Co. (139 Cal. 233, 73 Pac. Rep. 163), 1397. Hilliard v. Godd (34 N. H. 230), 1033. Hillis V. Railway Co. (72 Iowa, 228), 1132, 1135. Hillman v. Newington (57 Cal. 56), 1236. Hills V. Mackill (36 Fed. Rep. 702), 490, 602. Hilton V. Railroad Co. ( — N. Car. — , 53 S. E. Rep. 823, s. c. 136 N. Car. 479, 48 S. E. Rep. 813), 588, 589, 590. Hinckley v. Railroad Co. (120 Mass. 257), 1418. Hinckley v. Railroad (3 N. Y. S. C. 281), 408. Hinckley v. Railroad (56 N. Y. 429), 167, 168, 613. Hine v. New York & Bermudez Co. (68 Fed. 920), 385. Hine v. Perkins (55 Fed. 996, 5 C. C. A. 377, 14 U. S. App. 386, reversing The Nether Holme, 50 Fed. 434), 840. Hinsdell v. Weed (5 Denio, 172"), 799, 807. Hinkle v. Railway Co. (126 N. Car. 932, 36 S. E. Rep. 348, 78 Am. St. Rep. 685), 444, 1354, 1357. Hinshaw v. Railroad Co. (118 N. Car. 1047, 24 S. E. Rep. 426), 1174, 1221. Hinton v. Dibbin (2 Ad. & El. (N. S.) 646; 2 Q. B. 646), 11, 393. Hinton v. Railway Co. (72 Minn. 339, 75 N. W. 373), 1354. Hipp V. Railway Co. (50 S. Car. 129, 27 S. E. Rep. 623), 711. Hirsch v. Dispatch & Delivery Co. (85 N. Y. Supp. 198), 433. Hirsch v. Hudson River Line (57 N. Y. Supp. 272, 26 Misc. 823), 1352. Hirsch v. Quaker City (2 Disney, 144), 708. Hirsch v. Railroad Co. (99 N. Y. Supp. 431), 1348. Hirsch v. Telegraph Co. (98 N. Y. Supp. 371), 97. Hirshberg v. Dinsmore (12 Daly, 429), 442. Hirschkovitz v. Railroad Co. (138 Fed. 438), 1389, 1395, 1401. Hively v. Webster Co. (117 Iowa, 672, 91 N. W. Rep. 1041), 1397, 1401. Hoadley v. Transportation Co. (115 Mass. 304, 15 Am. Rep. 306), 208, 299, 401, 408. Hobbs v. Railroad Co. (66 Me. 572), 1401. Hobbs V. Railway Co. (49 Ark. 357), 962, 1082. CXXXll TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are Hobbs V. Railway Co. (L. R. 10 Q. B. Ill), 1109, 1428, 1424, 1429. Hoboken Ferry Co. v. Feiszt (58 N. J. L. 198, 35 Atl. 299), 942. Hobson V. Railroad Co. (2 Ariz. 171), 1417. Hocum V. Wertherick (22 Minn. 152), 1417. Hodge V. Railroad Co. (97 N. Y. Supp. 1107), 1072, 1392. Hodgson V. FuUarton (4 Taunt. 787), 39. Hodgson V. Malcolm (5 Bos. & P. 336), 490. Hodkinson v. The Railway (14 Q. B. Div. 228), 1291. Hoeger v. The Railway (63 Wis. 100), 1250, 1284, 1286, 1291. Hoehn v. Railroad Co. (52 111. App. 662; affirmed, 152 111. 223, 38 N. E. 549), 964. Hoffbauer v. Railrgad Co. (52 Iowa, 342), 1032, 1033, 1085, 1086. Hoffman v. Express Co. (97 N. Y. Supp. 838), 408. Hoffman v. Noble (6 Mete. 68), 785. Hoffman v. Railroad Co. (85 Md. 391, 37 Atl. 214), 226, 231, 237, 241, 243. Hoffman v. Railroad Co. (125 Mich. 201, 84 N. W. 55), 867. Hoffman v. Railroad Co. (45 Minn. 53), 1056, 1443. Hoffman v. Railroad Co. (75 N. Y. 605), 937. Hoffman v. Railway Co. (8 Kan. App. 379, 56 Pac. 331), 233, 237. Hoffman, etc., Co. v. Railway Co. (— Mo. App. — , 94 S. W. Rep. 597), 495. Holbrook v. Railroad (16 Barb. 113), 904. TO SECTIONS.] Holbrook v. Railroad Co. (12 N. Y, 236), 1209. Holbrook v. Vose (6 Bosw. 76), 771. Holbrook v. Wight (24 Wend. 169), 194, 753. Holcomb V. Danby (51 Vt. 428), 1233. Holden v. Railroad Co. (72 Vt. 156, 47 Atl. 403), 1066, 1324. Holden v. Railroad Co. (73 Vt. 317, 50 Atl. Rep. 1096), 1056. Holdridge v. Railroad (56 Barb. 191), 1286. HoU V. Griffin (10 Bing. 246), 750. Holladay v. Kennard (12 Wall. 254), 6, 319, 958. Holland v. Railroad Co. (144 Mass. 425), 1376. Holland v. Railroad Co. (105 Mo. App. 117, 79 S. W. Rep. 508), 895, 1217, 1414, 1415. Hollister v. Nowlen (19 Wend. 234), 68, 69, 75, 110, 279, 392, 399, 411, 892. Holly V. Gas Co. (8 Gray, 123), 1229. Holly V. Railroad Co. (61 Ga. 215), 895. Holly V. Railway Co. (119 Ga. 767, 47 S. E. Rep. 188), 1075, 1299, 1300. Holmes v. Bailey (92 Penn. St. 57), 184. Holmes v. Mather (L, R. 10 Ex. 261), 1430. Holmes v. Railroad Co. (94 N. C. 318), 1440, 1443. Holmes v. Railway Co. (L. R. 4 Exch. 254), 991. Holmes v. Railway Co. (97 Cal. 161, 31 Pac. 834), 1173, 1208, Holmes v. Steamship Co. ( — N. Y. — , 77 N. E. Rep. 21, affg., 90 N. Y. Supp. 834, 100 App. Div. 36), 1264, 1271. J TABLE OF CxVSES CITED. cxxxm [references are to sections.] Holmes V. Wakefield (12 Allen, 580), 1084. Holsapple v. Raili'oad Co. (3 A. & E. Ry. Cas. 487), 341. Holsapple v. Railroad Co. (86 N. Y. 275), 454, 463. Holt V. Railway Co. (174 Mo. 524, 74 S. W. 631; s. c. 87 Mo. App. 203), 997, 1082, 1085. Holt V. Railroad Co. (3 Idaho, 703, 35 Pac. Rep. 39), 1397. Holt V. Westcott (43 Me. 445), 810. Holten V. Railroad Co. (61 Mo. App. 204), 167. Holton V. Daly (106 111. 131), 1386, 1397. Holyoke v. Railway (48 N. H. 541), 1422. 1423. Holzab V. Railroad Co. (38 La. Ann. 185), 917. Homans v. Railway Co. (180 Mass. 456, 62 N. B. 737, 57 L. R. A. 291), 1427. Home Ins. Co. v. Railway Co. (71 Minn. 296, 74 N. W. 140), 783. Homiston v. Railroad Co. (22 N. Y. Supp. 738, 3 Misc. 342), 1039. Honeyman v. Railroad (13 Ore. 352), 44, 59, 91, 1250. Honegsberger v. Railroad Co. (1 Keyes, 570), 1227. Hood V. Railroad (22 Conn. 1), 231, 238, 261, 1049. Hood V. Railroad (22 Conn. 502), 231, 242. Hooks V. Railway Co. (73 Miss. 145, 18 So. 925), 1118, 1123. Hoon V. Traction Co. (204 Penn. St. 369, 54 Atl. Rep. 270), 1397, 1401. Hooper v. Railway (27 Wis. 81), 1309. Hooper v. Wells (27 Cal. 11), 44. Hoosier Stone Co. v. Railway Co. 131 Ind. 575, 31 N. E. 365), 497. Hoover v. Railroad Co. (156 Pa. St. 220, 27 Atl. 282, 22 L. R. A. 263, 36 Am. St. Rep. 43), 521. Hoover v. Railroad Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 769 j, 172. Hoover v. Railway Co. (46 W. Va. 268, 33 S. E. Rep. 224), 1396. Hopkins v. Railroad (36 N. H. 9), 1440, 1442. Hopkins v. Railway Co. ( — Wis. — , 107 N. W. Rep. 330), 1118. Hopkins v. Westcott (6 Blatch. 64), 425, 426, 441, 1246, 1254. Hopper V. Railway Co. (91 Iowa, 639, 60 N. W. 487), 580. Horn V. New Jersey Steamboat Co. (48 N. Y. Supp. 348, 23 App. Div. 302), 911. Home v. Railway Co. (L. R. 8 C. P. 131), 1367, 1370. Horner v. Railroad Co. (70 Mo. App. 285), 1360. Hornthal v. Steamboat Co. (107 N. C. 76, 11 S. E. Rep. 1049), 130. Horovitz V. Packet Co. (18 Misc. 24, 41 N. Y. Supp. 54). 1423. Hosea v. McCrory (12 Ala. 349), 86. Hosmer v. Railroad Co. (156 Mass. 506, 31 N. E. Rep. 652), 1018, 1073. Hostetter v. Park (137 U. S. 30), 613. Hostetter v. Railroad (11 Atl. Rep. 609), 167. Hoth V. Peters (55 Wis. 405), 1417. Houck V. Railway Co. (38 Fed. Rep. 226), 972. CXXXIV TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are Hough V. Railroad Co. (100 U. S. 213), 1417. Moulder v. Steam Nav. Co. (3 P. & F. 170), 848. Houston Direct Nav. Co. v. Insur- ance Co. (89 Tex. 1, 32 S. W. 889, 30 L. R. A. 713, 59 Am. St. Rep. 17, reversing 31 S. W. 685), 576. Hover v. Railroad Co. (25 Ohio, 667), 1387. Howard v. Macondray (7 Gray, 516), 877. Howard v. Railroad Co. (61 Miss. 194), 1054. Howard v. Shepherd (9 Com. B. 297), 197. Howard v. Wissman (18 How. 231), 334. Howard County v. Legg (93 Ind. 523), 1397. Howard Ex. Co. v. Wile (64 Penn. St. 201), 27. Howe v. Stewart (40 Vt. 145), 758. Howell V. County (121 N. Car. 362, 28 S. E. Rep. 362), 1389. Howell v. Goodrich (69 111. 556), 1423. Howell V. Railway Co. (92 Hun, 423, 36 N. Y. Supp. 544), 755, 1295. Howland v. Railroad Co. (26 R. I. 138, 58 Atl. 683), 937, 1118. Howser v. Melcher (40 Mich. 185), 1341. Hoyt V. Hudson (41 Wis. 105), 1417. Hoyt V. Railway Co. (112 Mich. 638, 71 N. W. 172, 9 Am. & Eng. R. Cas. (N. S.) 818), 1117. Hrebrik v. Carr (29 Fed. Rep. 298), 942. Hubbard v. Express Co. (10 R. I. 244), 1355. TO SECTIONS.] Hubbard v. Railway Co. (104 Wis. 160, 80 N. W. 454, 76 Am. St. Rep. 855), 1394. Hubbard v. Railway Co. (112 Mo. App. 459, 87 S. W. Rep. 52), 226, 1246. Hubbell v. Insurance Co. (74 N. Y. 246), 801. Hubbersty v. Ward (8 Exch. 330), 159, 193. Hubener v. The Railroad (23 La. Ann. 492), 1181. Hubgh v. Railroad Co. (6 La. Ann. 495), 1376, 1384. Hudson V. Baxendale (2 Hurl. & N. 575), 132, 685. Hudson V. Railroad Co. (185 Mass. 510, 71 N. B. Rep. 66), 1391. Hudson V. Railroad Co. (92 Iowa, 231, 60 N. W. 6U8, 54 Am. St. Rep. 550), 207, 212, 442, 444, 450, 1366. Hudson V. Railway Co. (32 Mo. App. 667), 1417. Hudson Canal Co. v. Coal Co. (8 Wall. 276), 168. Hudson River Lighterage Co. v. Wheeler, etc., Co. (93 Fed. 374), 691, 1352. Hudston V. Railway (L. R. 4 Q. B. 366), 1244, 1249. Huelsencamp v. Railway (34 Mo. 45), 1197, 1391. Huff V. Ames (16 Neb. 139), 1229. HufEord V. Railroad Co. (53 Mich. 118), 1061, 10u2, 1065, 1090. Hufford V. Railroad Co. (64 Mich. 631), 1065, 1067. Hugg V. Insurance Co. (7 How. 595), 818, 823. Hugg V. The Mining, etc., Co. (3b Md. 414), 823, 825. Hughes V. Hoskins Lumber Co. (136 Fed. 435), 837. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXXXV [references are to sections.] Hughes V. Insurance Co. (100 N. Y. 58), 801. Hughes V. Macfie (2 Hurl. & C. 744), 1227. Hughes V. Palace Car Co. (74 Fed. 499), 1130, 1143. Hughes V. Railroad Co. (61 Ga. 131), 1404. Hughes V. Railway (14 Com. B. 637), 652, 1335. Hughes V. Railroad Co. (127 Mo. 447, 30 S. W. 127), 1011, 1417. Hughes V. Railroad Co. (202 Pa. St. 222, 51 Atl. 990, 63 L. R. A. 513, 97 Am. St. Rep. 713), 202, 211, 215, 239, 426. Hughes V. Steamboat Co. (31 N. Y. Supp. 1012, 11 Misc. 65), 953. Hughson V. Steamboat Co. (181 Mass. 325, 64 N. E. 74, 58 L. R. A. 432), 1151. Hulbert v. R&ilroad Co. (40 N. Y. 145), 933, 940, 1186. Hulbert v. Topeka (34 Fed, Rep. 510), 1389. Hulett V. Swift (33 N. Y. 571), 1272. Hull V. Railroad Ck>. (60 Mo. App. 593), 787. Hull V. Railway Co. (41 Minn. 510), 336, 449, 1354. Hulthen v. Stewart & Co. (L. R. (1903) App. Cas. 389, 72 L. J. K. B. 917, aft'g., (1902) 2 K. B. 199, 71 L. J. K. B. 624. 86 Law T. (N. S.) 397, 50 Wkly. Rep. 538), 840. Humboldt, etc., Ass'n v. Chris- topherson (73 Fed. 239, 19 C. C. A. 481, 46 L. R. A. 264), 345. Humphreys v. Perry (148 U. S. 627, 13 Sup. Ct. R. 711, 37 L. Ed. 587, reversing 39 Fed. 417), 1249, 1250. Humphreys v. Reed (6 Whart. 435), 65, 75, 799. Hund V. Geier (72 111. 393), 1227. Hunn V. Railroad Co. (78 Mich. 513), 1397. Hunnewell v. Taber (2 Sprague, 1), 480, 632. Hunt V. Haskell (24 Me. 339), 785, 786, 889. Hunt V. Nutt (Tex. Civ. App., 27 S. W. Rep. 1031), 508. Hunt V. Propeller Cleveland (6 McLean, 76), 1352, 1355. Hunt V. Railroad (29 La. Ann. 446), 158. Hunt V. Railway Co. (94 Mo. 255), 1118. Hunt Bros. v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 74 S. W. Rep. 69), 298. Hunter v. Fry (2 B. & Aid. 421), 863. Hunter v. Potts (4 Camp. 203), 337. Hunter v. Prinsep (10 East, 378), 801, 815, 817. Hunter v. Railroad Co. ( — S. Car, — , 51 S. E. Rep. 860), 922, 1192. Huntting Elevator Co. v. Bos- worth (179 U. S. 415, 45 L. Ed. 256, 21 Sup. Ct. R. 183, reversing Bosworth v. Rail- road Co. 87 Fed. 72, 30 C. C. A. 541), 131. Hunter v. Railroad Co. (112 N. Y. 371), 1181. Hunter v. Railroad Co. (126 N. Y. 18), 1177, 1221. Hunter v. Railway Co. (76 Tex. 195), 231, 232, 233. Hunter v. Stewart (47 Me. 419), 1409. Huntingdon v. Dinsmore (4 Hun, 66), 408. CXXXVl TABLE OF CASES CITED. [befebences aue Huntoon v. Trumbull (2 McCrary, 314). 1383. Hurley v. Milward (1 Jones & C. 224), 607. Huron Barge Co. V. Turney (79 Fed. 109; s. c. 71 Fed. 972), 156, 832, 833. Hurst V. Railway Co. (84 Mich, 539, 48 N. W. 44), 1382, 1386. 1397, 1399. Hurst V. Railway (19 C. B. (N. S.) 310), 1107. Hurt V. Railroad (40 Miss. 391), 1019. Hurt V. Railway Co. (94 Mo. 255), 1119, 1121. Hurtin v. Insurance Co. (1 Wash. 530), 815, 818. Hurwitz V. Packing Co. (56 N. Y. Supp. 379), 1249, 1286. Hussey v. Ryan (64 Md. 426), 1378. Hussey v. The Sargossa (3 Woods, 380), 1357. Huston V. Peters (1 Met. 558), 665. Huston V. Railroad Co. (63 Mo. App. 671), 508. Hutcheson v. Railroad Co. (22 Ky. L. Rep. 1871, 63 S. W. 33; s. c. 57 S. W. 251), 574. Hutchings v. Ladd (16 Mich. 493), 462. Hutchins v. Pennsylvania R. Co. (181 N. Y. 186, 73 N. E. Rep. 972, 106 Am. St. Rep. 537, aff'g 86 N. Y. Supp. 1138, 92 App. Div. 612), 1049, 1052. Hutchins v. Railway Co. (44 Minn. 5), 1386, 1397. Hutchinson v. Guion (5 C. B. 149), 337. Hutchinrfon v. Railway Co. (37 Minn. 524), 333. TO SECTIONS.] Hutchison v. The Railway ( — N. Car. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 263), 1126. Hutkoff V. Railroad Co. (61 N. Y. Supp. 254, 29 Misc. 770; af- firmed, 63 N. Y. Supp. 198, 30 Misc. 802), 477, 1352. Hutton V. Osborne (1 Sel. N. P. 420), 18, 34. Hyatt V. Adams (16 Mich. 180), 1376, 1379, 1384, 1398. 1400. Hyde v. Railroad Co. (61 Iowa. 441), 1387. Hyde V. The Trent Nav. Co. (5 T. R. 389), 75, 280, 665, 687. Hyman v. Railroad Co. (66 Hun, 202, 21 N. Y. Supp. 119), 131. 1302. Ihl V. Railroad (47 N. Y. 317), 1397. Illinois, etc. Co. v. Beaird (24 111. Ap. 322), 521. Imhoff V. Railway (20 Wis. 344), 1118, 1119. Imhoff V. Railroad (22 Wis. 682), 1119. Independence Mills Co. v. Railway Co. (72 Iowa, 535), 715. 1118, 1119 1334. Indermaur v. Dames (L. R. 1 Com. P. 247; L. R. 2 Com. P. Ill), 1015. Ingalls V. Bills (9 Mete. 1), 893, 895, 903, 910, 956, 959, 1223. Ingate v. Christie (3 Car. & Kir. 61), 70. TABLE OP CASES CITED. cxxxvu [eefehences aee Ingersoll v. Railroad Co. (S Allen, 438), 918. Ingersoll v. Van Bokkelin (7 Cow. 670), 780. Ingledew v. Railroad Co. (7 Gray, 86), 1362, 1366. Ingwersen v. Railway Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 92 S. W. Rep. 357), 444. Ingraham v. Pullman Co. ( — Mass. — , 76 N. E. Rep. 237), 1423. Inhabitants, etc. v. Hall (61 Me. 517). 243. Inman v. Railroad Co. (14 Tex. Civ. App. 39, 37 S. W. Rep. 37), 147, 226, 1370. Inman v. Railway Co. (129 U. S. 128), 452, 784. Inness v. Railroad Co. (168 Mass. 433, 47 N. E. 193), 1008. Insurance Co. v. Bonn (95 U. S. 117), 1430. Insurance Co. v. Brame (95 U. S. 754), 1384. Insurance Co. v. Brig Sarah Ann (13 Pet. 387), 790. Insurance Co. v. Bryan (1 Hill, 25), 469. Insurance Co. v, Bryan (26 Wend. 563), 469. Insurance Co. v. Butler (20 Md. 41), 801, 815. Insurance Co. v, Calebs (20 N. Y. 173), 784. Insurance Co. v. Catlett (12 Wheat. 383), 815, 817. Insurance Co. v. Center (4 Wend. 45), 790. Insurance Co. v. Chase (1 E. D. Smith, 115), 246. Insurance Co. v. Force (142 N. Y. 90, 36 N. E. 874, 40 Am. St. Rep. 576, aff'g, 20 N. Y. Supp. 796), 201, 800. TO SECTIONS.] Insurance Co. v. Groom (4 Bush, 289), 489. Insurance Co. v. Huth (16 Ch. Div. 474), 792. Insurance Co. v. Kountz Line (4 Woods, 268), 259. Insurance Co. v. Lenox (1 Johns. Cas. 377; 2 id. 443), 815, 820. Insurance Co. v. McNeill (89 Fed. 131, 32 C. C. A. 173), 420, 705, 714. Insurance Co. v. Morse (150 U. S. 99, 14 Sup. Ct. R. 55, 37 L- Ed. 1013), 784. Insurance Co. v. North German Lloyd Co. (106 Fed. 973; af- firmed, Nord-Deutscher Lloyd V. President, etc., of Insurance Co., 110 Fed. 420, 49 C. C. A. 1), 120, 350, 364, 380. Insurance Co. v. Portland Flour- ing Mills Co. (124 Fed. 855; afjlrmed, Portland Flouring Mills Co. V. Insurance Co., 130 Fed. 860, 65 C. C. A. 344), 167, 800, 810. Insurance Co. v. Railroad (8 Baxt. 268), 130, 13L Insurance Co. v. Railroad Co. (9 Ap. Div. 4, 40 N. Y. Supp. 1113; affirmed without opin- ion, 158 N. Y. 726, 53 N. E. 1128), 448. Insurance Co. v. Railway Co. (3 McCrary, 233), 506. Insurance Co. v. Railroad Co. (144 N. Y. 200, 39 N. E. 79, 43 Am. St. Rep. 752, aff'g, 68 Hun, 598, 23 N. Y. Supp. 231), 113. Insurance Co. v. Railroad Co. (104 U, S. 170), 130, 131, 259, 264. Insurance Co. v. Railroad Co. (72 N. Y. 90), 408. Insurance Co. v. Railroad Co. (20 La. Ann. 302), 1354, 1355. cxxxvni TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE Insurance Co. v. Railroad Co. (24 La. Ann. 100), 1354. Insurance Co. v. Railway Co. (63 Tex. 475), 405, 783. Insurance Co. v. Shillito (15 Ohio St. 559), 607. Insurance Co. v. Southern Pacific Co. (72 Fed. 285, 18 C. C. A. 561, 38 U. S. App. 243, aff'g, 55 Fed. 82), 814, 818. Insurance Co. v. Speares (16 Ind. 52), 607. Insurance Co. v. St. Louis, etc. Co. (120 U. S. 166), 486. Insurance Co. v. Storrow (5 Paige, 285), 469. Insurance Co. v. Transportation Co. (97 Fed. 653), 449, 1353. Insurance Co. v. Transportation Co. (117 U. S. 312), 452, 783. Insurance Co. v. Transportation Co. (120 U. S. 166), 27L Insurance Co. v. Tweed (7 "Wall. 44). 300, 1430. Insurance Co. v. Wheeler (49 N. Y. 616), 238, 471. Insurance Co. of North America V. Insurance Co. (91 Tenn. 537, 19 S. W. 755, affirmed in Merchants Cotton Press & Storage Co. v. Insurance Co., 151 U. S. 368, 14 Sup. Ct. R. 367, 38 L. Ed. 195), 547. Insurance Co. of North America V. Railroad (152 Ind. 333, 53 N. E. 382), 477, 1355. International Navigation Co. v. Farr. & Bailey Mfg. Co. (181 U. S. 218, 45 L. Ed. 830, 21 Sup. Ct. R. 591, affirming Parr & Bailey Mfg. Co. v. Interna- tional Navigation Co., 98 Fed. 636, 39 C. C. A. 197), 363, 367, 373, 380. TO SECTIONS.] Interstate Commerce Commission V. Atchison, T. & S. F. R. Co. (50 Fed. 2^5; appeal dis- missed, 81 Fed. 1005, 29 U. S. App. 746, 26 C. C. A. 685). 570. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Baird (194 U. S. 25, 48 L. Ed. 860), 555. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Brimson (154 U. S. 457), 576. Interstate Commerce Commission V, Clyde Steamship Co. (181 U. S. 29, 45 L. Ed. 729, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 512, modifying 93 Fed. 83, 35 C. C. A. 217, and 88 Fed. 186), 570. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (88 Fed. 186 and 93 Fed. 83, 35 C. C. A. 217; modified in 181 U. S. 29, 45 L. Ed. 729), 570. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railway Co. (52 Fed. 187; reversed. Railway v. Inter- state Commerce Commission, 162 U. S. 197, 16 Sup. Ct. R. 666), 524, 525, 527, 528, 535, 562, 563, 566, 570. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (64 Fed. 723), 531. Interstate Commerce CJommission V. Railway Co. (64 Fed. 981, 9 C. C. A. 689, 13 U. S. App. 730; affirmed. Railway Co. v. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion, 162 U. S. 184, 16 Sup. Ct. R. 700, 40 L. Ed. 935), 526. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railway Co. (168 U. S. 144, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 45, 42 L. Ed. 414, aff'g, 21 C. C. A. 51, 74 TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXXXIX [references ABE TO SECTIONS.] Fed. 715, 41 U. S. App. 453 and 69 Fed. 227), 536, 553, 559, 569, 570. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (73 Fed. 409), 527, 528, 532, 533, 534, 549, 552, 553, 559, 563. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (74 Fed. 784; appeals withdrawn, 82 Fed. 1002, 39 U. S. App. 764, 27 C. C. A. 681), 532. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (76 Fed. 183; affirmed without opinion, 104 Fed. 1005, 43 C. C. A. 682, id., 167 U. S. 479, 42 L. Ed. 243, 17 Sup. Ct. R. 896), 527. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railway Co. (77 Fed. 942), 576. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railway Co. (85 Fed. 107; affirmed. Railway Co. v. Inter- state Commerce Commission, 99 Fed. 52, 39 C. C. A. 413; reversed, 181 U. S. 1, 45 L. Ed. 719, 21 Sup. Ct. R. 516), 559. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railway Co. (105 Fed. 703), 570. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (118 Fed. 613), 526, 530, 550, 555. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railway Co. (120 Fed. 934, 57 C. C. A. 224), 533, 560. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railway Co. (122 Fed. 800, 60 C. C. A. 540, aff'g, 117 Fed. 741), 526, 553, 561, 570. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (123 Fed. 597), 565. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (124 Fed. 624), 559. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railway (128 Fed. 59; modified and affirmed in New Haven R. R. Co. v. Interstate Commerce Commission, 200 U. S. 3€1), 546, 555. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railway Co. (141 Fed. 1003), 527, 531, 541, 552, 553, 559, 560. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (145 U. S. 263, 12 Sup. Ct. R. 844, 36 L. Ed. 699, aff'g 43 Fed. 37), 527, 543, 552. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railway Co. (167 U. S. 479, 42 L. Ed. 243, 17 Sup. Ct. R. 896, id. 104 Fed. 1005, 43 C. C. A. 682, affirming 76 Fed. 183), 527. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (186 U. S. 320, 46 L. Ed. 1182, aiT'g, 103 Fed. 249, 43 C. C. A. 209, and 98 Fed. 173), 556. Interstate Commerce Commission V. Railroad Co. (190 U. S. 273, 47 L. Ed. 1047, 23 Sup. Ct. R. 687, aff'g, 108 Fed. 988, 46 C. C. A. 685, reversing 102 Fed. 709 and 101 Fed. 146), 561, 570, 571, 572. Interstate Stockyards Co. v. Rail- way Co. (99 Fed. 472), 526. Ionia Transp. Co. v. 2098 Tons of Coal (128 Fed. 514), 842. lonnone v. Railroad Co. (21 R. I. 452, 44 Atl. 592, 46 L. R. A. 730), 1004. Ireland v. Johnson (1 Bing. N. C. 162), 1334. cxl TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Ireland v. Railroad Co. (20 Ky. Law Rep. 1586, 49 S. W. Rep. ISS, 453), 239, 240. Irelson v. Railroad Co. (42 La. Ann. 673), 951. Irish V. Railroad Co. (4 Wash. 48, 29 Pac. 845, 31 Am. St. Rep. 899), 1186, 1221. Irish V. Railway (19 Minn. 376), 131, 23L Iron Co. V. Brawley (83 Ala. 375), 1382. Iroquois Furnace Co. v. Elphicke 200 111. 411, 65 N. B. 784, aff'g 102 111. App. 138), 857. Irving V. Pullman Co. (84 N. Y. Supp. 248), 1132. Irwin V. Railroad (59 N. Y. 653), 462. Irzo V. Perkins (10 Fed. Rep. 779), 807. Isaacs V. Railroad (47 N. Y. 122), 1098, 1441. Isaacson v. Railroad Co. (94 N. Y. 278), 1256, 1282, 1298, 1302. Isaac V. Railway Co. (12 Daly, 340), 1389. Isabel V. Railroad (60 Mo. 475), 1229. Isham V. Erie R. Co. (98 N. Y. Supp. 609), 180, 187, 238, 444, 451, 1366. Izett V. Mountain (4 East, 371), 439. Izlar V. Railroad Co. (57 S. Car. 332, 35 S. E. Rep. 583), 991. Jackson v. Crilly (16 Colo. 103), 1197. Jackson v. Isaacs (3 H. & N. 405), 83L TO SECTIONS.] Jackson v. Railroad (23 Cal. 268), 708. Jackson v. Railroad (47 Ind. 454), 1418. Jackson v. Railway Ce. (144 La. 982, 38 So. Rep. 701, 70 L. R. A. 294), 910, 1198. Jackson v. Railway Co. (76 Miss. 703, 25 So. Rep. 353), 1083. Jackson v. Railway (L. R. 2 Com. P. Div. 125), 952, 1174. Jackson v. Railway Co. (87 Mo. 422), 971. Jackson v. Railroad (47 N. Y. 274), 1098. Jackson, etc., Iron Works v. Hurl- burt (158 N. Y. 34, 52 N. E. 665, 70 Am. St. Rep. 432, aff'g 36 N. Y. Supp. 808, 15 Misc. 93), 70. 1362. Jacob V. Railroad Co. (105 Mich. 450, 63 N. W. 502), 1177. Jacobs V. Railroad Co. (208 Pa. 535, 57 Atl. 982), 1299. Jacobs V. Tutt (33 Fed. Rep. 412), 1250, 1286, 1293. Jacobus V. Railway Co. (20 Minn. 125), 450, 1075, 1200. James v. Brophy (71 Fed. 310, 18 C. C. A. 49, 33 U. S. App. 330), 833, 837. James v. Christy (18 Mo. 162), 1377. James v. Railway Co. (92 Ala. 231, 9 So. Rep. 335), 1401. Jameson v. Sweeney (66 N. Y. Supp. 494, 32 Misc. 645; s. c. 61 N. Y. Supp. 498, 29 Misc. 584), 698, 846. Jamison v. Railroad Co. (55 Cal. 593), 1420. Jaminet v. Moving Co. (109 Mo. App. 257, 84 S. W. Rep. 128), 37, 40. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cxli [BEFEEENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Jammison v. Railway Co. (92 Va. 327, 23 S. E. Rep. 758, 53 Am. St. Rep. 813), 1197. Janny v. Railway Co. (63 Minn. 380, 65 N. W. 450), 1001. Jaques v. Railroad (41 Conn. 61), 1423. Jardine v. Cornell (50 N. J. L. 485), 1084, 1433. Jarrett v. Railway Co. (83 Ga. 347), 1177. Jarrett v. Railway Co. (74 Minn. 477, 77 N. W. 304), 701, 1318. J. C. Hass & Co. V. Bank (— Ala. — , 39 So. Rep. 129, 1 L. R. A. (N. S.) 242), 175. Jean, Garrison & Co. v. Flagg (90 N. Y. Supp. 289, 45 Misc. 421), 163, 1352. Jeffrey v. Bigelow (13 Wend. 518), 798. Jeff r is V. Railway Co. (93 Wis. 250, 67 N. W. 424, 57 Am. St. Rep. 919), 761, 769. Jellett V. Railway Co. (30 Minn. 265), 1374. Jencks v. Coleman (2 Sumn. 221), 75, 963, 970, 977. Jenkins v. Hankins (98 Tenn. 545, 41 S. W. Rep. 1028), 1399. Jenkins v. Motlow (1 Sneed, 248), 25. Jenkins v. Railroad Co. (20 Ky. Law, Rep. 865, 47 S. W. Rep. 761), 1414. Jenkins v. Railway Co. ( — S. Car. — , 53 S. E. Rep. 480), 449. Jenkyns v. Usborne (7 M. & G. 678), 759. Jennings v. Railroad Co. (15 Ont. App. 477), 1018. Jennings v. Railway (52 Hun, 227), 108. Jennings v. Railway Co. (127 N. Y. 438, 28 N. E. 394, aff'g, 52 Hun, 227, 5 N. Y. Supp. 140), 239, 443, 459. Jennings v. Smith (106 Fed. 139, 45 C. C. A. 249, ajf'g, 99 Fed. 189), 426. Jerome v. Smith et al. (48 Vt. 230), 1036. Jessel V. Bath (L. R. 2 Ex. 267), 159, 165, 197. Jesson V. Solly (4 Taunt. 52), 807. Jevons V. Railroad Co. (70 Kan. 491, 78 Pac. 817), 1056, 1062. Jewell V. Railroad Co. (50 N. Y. Supp. 848, 27 App. Div. .500), 1219. Jewell V. Railroad (55 N. H. 84), 664. Jewell V. Railway Co. (54 Wis. 610), 1177. Jewett V. Keene (62 N. H. 701), 1386. Jewett V. Olsen (18 Or. 419, 23 Pac. 262, 17 Am. St. Rep, 745), 740, 743. J. H. Cownie Glove Co. v. Trans- portation Co. ( — Iowa, — , 106 N. W. Rep. 749), 84, 287, Jobbitt V. Goundry (29 Barb. 509), 810. John V. Bacon (L. R. 5 C. P. 437), 916. John Hood Co. v. American, etc. Co. (— Mass. — , 77 N. E. Rep. 638), 426, 428. Johns V. Railroad Co. (39 S. Car. 162, 17 S. E. 698, 39 Am. St. Rep. 709, 20 L. R. A. 520), 941. Johnson v. Express Co. (28 Ont. R. 203), 518. Johnson v. Friar (4 Yer, 47), 51 52, 486. cxlii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Johnson v. Hill (3 Starkie, 172), 882. Johnson v. Railroad Co. (104 Ala. 241, 16 So. 75, 53 Am. St. Rep. 39), 904. Johnson v. Railroad Co. (108 Ga. 496, 34 S. E. 127, 46 L. R. A. 502), 1035. Johnson v. Railroad Co. (16 Fla. 623), 521, 1023. Johnson v. Railroad Co. (80 Hun, 306, 30 N. Y. Supp. 318), 1397. Johnson v. Railroad Co. (125 Mass. 77), 1012. Johnson v. Railroad Co. (63 Md. 106), 1041. Johnson v. Railroad (11 Minn. 296), 895. Johnson v. Railroad (70 Penn. St. 357), 1174, 1181. Johnson v. Railroad (33 N. Y. 610), 611, 617. Johnson v. Railroad (46 N. H. 213), 1043, 1052, 1117. Johnson v. Railroad Co. (91 Iowa, 248, 59 N. W. Rep. 66), 205. Johnson v. Railroad Co. (130 N. Car. 488, 41 S. E. 794), 1177. Johnson v. Railroad Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 93 S. W. Rep. 434), nil. Johnson v. Railway Co. (46 Fed. 347), 1045, 1433. Johnson v. Railway Co. (18 Neb. 690), 1233. Johnson v. Railway Co. (94 Fed. 473), 1001. Johnson v. Railway Co. (90 Ga. 810, 17 S. E. Rep. 121), 236. Johnson v. Railway Co. (18 Neb. 690, 26 N. W. Rep. 347), 1399. Johnson v. Railway Co. (116 Iowa, 639, 88 N. W. 811), 990. TO SECTIONS.] Johnson v. Railway Co. (133 Mich. 596, 95 N. W. Rep. 724, 103 Am. St. Rep. 464, 10 Det. L. N. 324), 239, 505. Johnson v. Railway Co. (130 Mich. 453, 90 N. W. 274. 9 Det. L. N. 123), 1093. Johnson v. Railway Co. (69 Miss. 191, 11 So. Rep. 104, 30 Am. St. Rep. 534), 641. Johnson v. Railway Co. (53 S. Car. 203, 31 S. E. 212, 69 Am. St. Rep. 849), 991. Johnson v. Railway Co. (27 Tex. Civ. App. 616, 66 S. W. 906), 1406. Johnson v. Seattle Electric Co. (39 Wash. 211, 81 Pac. Rep. 705), 1389. Johnson v. Stone (11 Humph. 419), 1246. Johnson v. Davis (60 Mich. 56), 698, 864. Johnston v. Railroad Co. ( — Neb. — , 97 N. W. Rep. 479), 749. Johnston v. Railway Co. (2 K. B. (1904) 250. 73 L. J. K. B. 568), 1423. Johnstone v. Railroad Co. (39 S. Car. 55. 17. S. E. Rep. 512), 426, 449, 1353, 1354. Joliet V. Weston (123 111. 641), 1397, 1401. Jonasen v. Keyser (112 Fed. 443, 50 C. C. A. 334), 841. Jones, In re (3 C. B. (N. S.) 718), 522. Jones V. Boyce (1 Stark. 493), 959, 1223. Jones V. Earl (37 Cal. 630), 758. Jones V. Pearle (1 Strange, 556), 889. Jones V. Pitcher (3 Stew. & P. 135), 75. Jones V. Railroad Co. (89 Ala. 376), 233. 408. TABLE OF CASES CITED, cxliii [references ABE TO SECTIONS.] Jones V. Railroad Co. (156 N. Y. 187, 50 N. E. 856. 41 L. R. A. 490, reversing 90 Hun, 605, 35 N. Y. Supp. 1109; s. c. 61 N. Y. Supp. 721, 46 App. Div. 470), 1186. Jones V. Railroad Co. (91 Minn. 229, 97 N. W. 893, 103 Am. St. Rep. 507), 274, 285, 292, 1354. Jones V. Railroad Co. (4 App. D. C. 158; reversed, 155 U. S. 333, 15 Sup. Ct. R. 136), 231, 263. Jones V. Railroad Co. (Mo. App., 91 S. W. Rep. 158), 497, 499, 1348. Jones V. Railroad Co. (178 Mo. 528, 77 S. W. 890), 1389,1397. Jones V. Railroad (29 Barb. 633), 1366. Jones V. Railway Co. (125 Mo. 666, 28 S. W. 883. 46 Am. St. Rep. 514. 26 L. R. A. 718). 1018, 1073. 1135. Jones V. Railway Co. (103 Ga. 570, 29 S. E. Rep. 927). 1180. Jones V. Railway Co. (42 Minn. 183), 1221. Jones V. Railway Co. (17 Mo. Ap. 158), 1032. Jones V. Railway Co. (31 Mo. Ap. 614), 1118. Jones V. Railroad (27 Vt. 399), 76, Jones V. Transportation Co. (50 Barb. 193), 1287. Jones V. Voorhies (10 Ohio, 145), 450, 1246. Jordan v. Hyatt (4 Gratt. 151), 1430. Jones, Limited, v. Green & Co. (2 K. B. (1904) 275, 73 L. J. K. B. 601). 843. Jordan v. Insurance Co. (1 Story, 342), 801. 818. Jordan v. James (5 Ham. 88), 772. Jordan v. Railroad Co. (165 Mass. 346, 52 Am. St. Rep. 522, 43 N. E. Ill, 32 L. R. A. 101), 931, 1017. Jordan v. Railroad (5 Cush. 69), 1246. Jordan v. Railway Co. (11 Ky. L. R. 833), 1389, Joseph V. Knox (3 Camp. 320), 1310, 1316. 1315. Joslyn V. Railway (51 Vt. 92), 175, 177, 184, 187, 191. Joy V. Winnissimet Co. (114 Mass. 63), 1412. Jucker v. Railway Co. (52 Wis. 150), 1432. Judd & Root V. Steamship Co. (128 Fed. 7. 62 C. C. A. 515, aff'g., on rehearing, 117 Fed. 206, 54 C. C. A. 238; id. 130 Fed. 991), 784. Judson V. Railroad Co. (4 Allen, 520), 261. Judson V. Railroad Co. (6 Allen, 486), 401. Julia. The (14 Moore P. C. 210), 92. June V. Railroad Co, (153 Mass. 79), 1006. 1015. Jung V. Starin (33 N. Y. Supp. 650, 12 Misc. 362), 917. Junod V. Railway Co. (47 Fed. 290), 573. Kaase v. Railway Co. ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 92 S. W. Rep. 444), 1016. Kahl V. Railroad Co. (95 Ala. 337, 10 So. Rep. 661), 1384, 1388. exliv TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are Kahn v. Railroad Co. (115 N. Car. 638, 20 S. E. Rep. 169), 1291. Kahnweiler v, Ins. Co. (67 Fed. 483, 14 C. C. A. 485), 447. Kalamazoo Hack Co. v. Sootsma (84 Mich. 194, 22 Am. St. Rep. 693, 10 L. R. A. 819), 945. Kallman v. Express Co. (3 Kan. 205), 401, 408, 425, 1355. Kalina & Cizek v. Railroad Co. (69 Kan. 172. 76 Pac. 438), 442, 447, 449. 1353. Kaplan v. Railroad Co. (88 N. Y. Supp. 945), 342. Karr v. Parks (40 Cal. 188), 1227. Karr v. Parks (44 Cal. 46), 1378. Kaskaskia Bridge Co. v. Shannon, (1 Oilman, 15), 799, Kates V. Cab Co. (107 Ga. 636, 34 S. E. Rep. 372, 46 L. R. A. 431), 944. Kates V. Pullman Palace Car Co. (95 Ga. 810, 23 S. E. Rep. 186), 1131, 1132. Katherine Bate v. Railway Co. (Canada Sup. Ct. Cas. (Cam- eron) 10, reversing 15 Ont. App. R. 388), 1299. Katz V. Railway Co. (91 N. Y. Supp. 720), 1366, 1369. Kay V. Field (8 Q. B. D. 594, 10 Q. B. D. 241), 845. Kay V. Railroad Co. (65 Penn. St. 269), 1174, 1228, 1229. Kearney v. Railroad Co. (9 Cush. 108), 1376. Keating v. Railroad Co. (104 Mich. 418, 62 N. W. 575), 957. Keating v. Railroad (49 N. Y. 673), 1185. Keefe v. Railroad Co. (142 Mass. 251), 937. Keegan v. Railroad Co. (76 Minn. 90, 78 N. W. 965), 1430. TO SECTIONS.] Keely v. Railroad Co. (67 Me. 163), 1059. Keene v. Lizardi (5 La. 431), 1160, 1438. Keeney v. Railroad Co. (125 N. Y. 422), 1018. Keeney v. Railroad Co. (47 N. Y. 525), 306, 480. 520. Kefauver v. Railway Co. (122 Fed. 966), 1118, 1413. Keith V. Amende (1 Bush, 455), 163. Keith V. Pinkham (43 Me. 501), 1196. Keith V. Railway Co. (5 Ont. L. Rep. 116, 2 Canadian Ry. Cases, 26, aff'g., 3 Ont. L. Rep. 265, 2 Canadian Ry. Cases, 23), 1179. Kelham v. The Kensington (24 La. Ann. 100), 1355. Kell V. Anderson (10 M. & W. 498), 849. Kellar v. Railway Co. (196 Pa. jg St. 57, 46 Atl. 261), 231, 233. ■ Keller v. Railroad Co. (174 Pa. St. 62, 34 Atl. 455), 233. Keller v. Railroad Co. (27 Minn. 178), 1118, 1121. ' Kellerman v. Railroad Co. (136 Mo. 177, 34 S. W. 41, 37 S. W. 828; s. c. 68 Mo. App. 255), 167, 475. Kellett V. Railroad Co. (22 Mo. App. 356), 1442. Kelley v. Railroad Co. (135 Mass. 448), 1386. Kelley v. Railroad Co., (50 Wis. 381, 7 N. W. Rep. 291), 1399. Kelley v. Railroad Co. (— W. Va. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 520), 1397, 1398. Kelley v. Railroad Co., (16 Colo. 455), 1384. TABLE OP CASES CITED. cxlv [references are to sections.] Kelley v. Steamship Co. (120 Fed. 536; reversed. Steamship Co. V. Kelley, 126 Fed. 610, 61 C. C. A. 532), 158, 160. Kellogg V. Railroad Co. (100 N. C. 158), 122. Kellogg V. Railroad Co. (79 N. Y. 72), 1397, 1423. Kellogg V. Smith (179 Mass. 595, 61 N. E. 138), 1125. Kellogg V. Sowersby (87 N. Y. Supp. 412, 93 App. Div. 124) „ 521. Kellow V. Railway Co. (68 Iowa, 470), 923. Kelly V. Malott (135 Fed. 74, 67 C. C. A. 548), 1018, 1073. Kelly V. Railroad Co. (39 Hun, 486), 911. Kelly V. Railroad Co. (112 N. Y. 443), 937, 941. Kelly V. Railroad Co. (70 Mo. 609), 895. 1118. Kelly V. Railway Co. (14 Daly, 418), 1401. Kelly V. Railway Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 87 S. W. Rep. 583), 1414. Kelly V. Railway Co. (108 La. 423, 32 So. 388), 1111. Kelly V. Railway Co. (1 Q. B. (1895) 944), 1408. Kelly V. Railway Co. (109 N. Y. 44), 911. Kelly ville v. Petraytis (195 111. 215, 63 N. E. Rep. 94, 88 Am. St. Rep. 191), 1395. Kemp V. Clark (12 Q. B. 647), 807. Kemp V. Coughty (11 Johns. 107), 19, 61. 731. Kendall v. Boston (118 Mass. 234), 1412. Kendall v. Brown (74 111. 232), 309. Kendall v. Railway Co. (L. R. 7 Ex. 373), 334, 338. Kennard v. Burton (25 Me. 39), 1377, 1381. Kennedy v. Del. Cotton Co. (4 Penne. 477, 58 Atl. Rep. 825), 1384. Kennedy v. Railroad Co. (74 Ala. 430), 714. Kenney v. Railroad Co. (125 N. Y. 422), 1075. Kennon v. Railroad Co. (51 La. Ann. 1599, 26 So. 466), 1118. Kenny Co. v. Railroad Co. (122 Ga. 365, 50 S. E. Rep. 132), 711. Kent V. Railroad (22 Barb. 278), 1366. Kentucky Bridge Co. v. Railroad Co. (37 Fed. Rep. 616), 103, 526. Kentucky, etc.. Bridge Co. v. Quinkert (2 Ind. App. 244, 28 N. E. 338), 895, 1221. 1413. Kentucky Wagon Mfg. Co. v. Rail- way Co. (98 Ky. 152, 32 S. W. Rep. 595, 56 Am. St. Rep. 326, 36 L. R. A. 850), 859. 861, 862. Keokuk Packet Co. v. Henry (50 111. 460). 1180. Keokuk Packet Co. v. True (88 111. 608), 1012. Kepperley v. Ramsden (83 111. 354), 1418. Ker V. Mountain (1 Esp. 27), 1117. Kerr v. Railway Co. (100 111. App. 148), 1197. Kerrigan v. Railroad Co. (81 Cal. 248), 1049. Kerwhacker v. Railroad (3 Ohio St. 172), 1233. Kessler v. Railroad (7 Lans. 62), 238, 1049. Kessler v. Railroad (61 N. Y. 53S), 1050. cxlvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Ketcheson v. Railroad Co. (19 Tex. Civ. App. 290, 46 S. W. Rep. 907), 1052. Ketchum v. Express Co. (52 Mo. 390), 425. 450. Keyes-Marshall Bros. Livery Co. V. Railway Co. (105 Mo. App. 556, 80 S. W. Rep. 53), 341. Keyes-Marshall Bros. Livery Co. V. Railway Co. (— Mo. App. — , 87 S. W. Rep. 553), 475. Keyser & Co. v. Jurvelins (122 Fed. 218, 58 C. C. A. 664), 832. Kibby v. Railroad Co. (— Mich. — , 105 N. W. Rep. 769), 499. Kidd v. Pearson (128 U. S. 1), ' 325. Kidder v. Railroad Co. (165 Mass. 398, 43 N. E. 115), 517. Kieran v. Sandars (6 Ad. & El. 515), 750. Kiff V. Railroad (117 Mass. 591), 741, 742. KilE V. Railroad Co. (32 Kan. 263), 472. Kiff V. Youmans (86 N. Y. 330), 1434. Kiley v. Telegraph Co. (109 N. Y. 231), 95. Killian v. Railroad Co. (97 Ga. 727, 25 S. E. Rep. 384), 1118. Killian v. Railroad Co. (128 N. Car. 261, 38 S. E. Rep. 873), 1389. Killmer v. Railroad Co. (100 N. Y. 395), 804. Kilpatrick v. Railroad Co. (140 Penn. St. 502), 1117. Kimball v. Palmer (80 Fed. 240, 25 C. C. A. 394). 1203. Kimball v. Railroad (2G Vt. 249), 44, 45, 59, 87, 339, 340, 401, 451. TO SECTIONS.] In re Kimball S. S. Co. (123 Fed. 838; reversed, Weisshaar v. Kimball S. S. Co.. 128 Fed. 397, 63 C. C. A. 139, 65 L. R. A. 84), 344. King V. Pippett (1 T. R. 235), 1335. King V. Railroad Co. ( — Miss. — , 39 So. Rep. 810), 1179. King V. Railway Co. (22 Fed. Rep. 413), 980. King V. Railway Co. (107 Ga. 754, 33 S. E. Rep. 839), 1012. King V. Richards (6 Whart. 418), 749, 884. King V. Shepherd (3 Story, 349), 74, 274, 311. 491. King V. Sherwood (48 N. Y. Supp. 34, 22 App. Div. 548), 1362. King V. Steamboat Co. (73 N. Y. J Supp. 999, 36 Misc. 555), 690, ^ 694. King V. Woodbridge (34 Vt. 565), 408, 1366. Kingman v. Denison (84 Mich. 608, 48 N. W. 26. 22 Am. St. Rep. 711), 769. Kingston v. Railway Co. (112 Mich. 40, 70 N. W. 315, 40 L. R. A. 131). 1230. Kinnavey v. Terminal R. Ass'n (81 Fed. 802), 542. Kinner v. Railway Co. (69 Ohio St. 339, 69 N. E. 614), 1056. Kinney v. Crocker (18 Wis. 74), 1409. Kinney v. Railroad Co. (99 Ky. 59, 34 S. W. 1066), 980. Kinney v. Railroad (32 N. J. Law, 407), 451, 1075. Kinnick v. Railway Co. (69 Iowa, 665), 634. Kinsley v. Railroad Co. (125 Mass. 54), 1135. Kinsley v. Railroad Co. (37 Fed. Rep. 181), 521. TABLE OF CASES CITED, cxlvii [BEFEBENCES ABE Kinsman v. Insurance Co. (5 Bosw. 460), 831. Kipperley v. Ramsden (83 111. 354), 803. Kirby v. Adams Ex. Co. (2 St, L. App. 369), 44. Kirby v. Canal Co. (46 N. Y. Supp. 777, 20 App. Div. 473), 940. Kirby v. Railway (18 L. T. (N. S.) 658), 397. Kirby v. Telegraph Co. (4 S. Dak. 105, 55 N. W. 759. 46 Am. St. Rep. 765, 30 L. R. A. 612), 95, Kird V. Railway Co. (109 La. 525, 33 So. 587, 94 Am. St. Rep. 452, 60 L. R. A. 727; s. c. 105 La. 226, 29 So. Rep. 729), 925, 1211, Kirk V. Folsom (23 La. Ann, 584), 1355. Kirk V. Railway Co. (59 Minn, 161, 60 N. W. 1084. 50 Am. St. Rep. 397), 711. Kirk V. Railway Co. (97 N, C. 82), 1174. Kirkland v. Dinsmore (62 N. Y, 171), 408. 409. Kirkland v. Leary (2 Sweeney, 677), 1366. Kirkman v. Shawcross (6 T. R. 14), 865. Kirkpatrick v. Railway Co. (86 Mo. 341), 1317. Kirtland v. Montgomery (2 Swan, 452), 19, 61. 75, 86. Kitchen V. Vanadar (1 Blackf. 356), 785. Kitchen v. Railway Co. (68 S. Car. 554. 48 S. E. Rep. 4), 1402. Kizer v. Railway Co. (66 Ark. 348, 50 S. W, 871), 539. TO SECTIONS.] Klair v. Wilmington Steamboat Co. (4 Pennewill, 51, 54 Atl. 694), 438, 441, 636. Klass Commission Co. v. Railroad Co. (80 Mo. App. 164), 464, 705, Klauber v. Express Co. (21 Wis. 21), 333. Klein v. Dunlop (16 Misc. Rep. 34, 37 N. Y, Supp. 947), 231, Klein v, Fischer (30 Mo. App. 568), 768. Klein v. Packet Co, (3 Daly, 390), 1286, Kline v. Railroad (37 Cal. 400), 1084. Klenk v. Railroad Co. (27 Utah, 428, 76 Pac. Rep. 214), 1084. Klepsch V. Donald (4 Wash. 436, 30 Pac. Rep. 991, 31 Am. St. Rep. 936), 1397. Kleven v. Railway Co. (70 Minn, 79, 72 N. W. 828). 1065. Klingman v. Holmes (54 Mo. 304), 1378, Klugherz v. Railway Co. (90 Minn. 17. 95 N. W. Rep. 586, 101 Am. St. Rep. 384), 991. Knapp V. Express Co. (55 N. H. 348), 238. Knapp Stout & Co. v. McCaffery (178, 111. 107, 52 N. E. 898, 69 Am. St. Rep. 290, aff'g., 74 111. App. 80), 92. Knauss v. Railroad Co. (29 Ind. App. 216, 64 N. E, 95), 1215, Knieriem v. Railroad Co. (96 N, Y. Supp. 602, 109 App. Div, 709), 1242. 1264. Knight V. Bean (22 Me. 531), 627, Knight V. Railroad Co. (13 R. I, 572), 231, 233, 867. Knight V. Railroad Co. (108 Penn, St. 250), 1388. Knight V. Railroad (56 Me. 234), 238, 942. 1049. cxlviii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Knight V. Railway Co. (23 La. Ann. 462), 1181, 1239. Knights V. Quarles (2 Brod. & Bing. 102), 1403, 1405. Knightstown v. Musgrove (116 Ind. 121), 1236. Knott V. Botany Worsted Mills (179 U. S. 69. 45 L. Ed. 90, 21 Sup. Ct. R. 30, aff'g-. Bot- any Worsted Mills v. Knott, 82 Fed. 471, 27 C. C. A. 326, 51 U. S. App. 467 ana 76 Fed. 582), 347. 359. Knott V. 100 Bags of Rags (60 Fed. 634), 694. Knott V. Railroad Co. (98 N. C. 73), 231. Knowles v. Railroad Co. (102 N. C. 59), 1036, 1084, 1433, 1440. Knowles v. Railroad (38 Me. 55), 20. 33. Knowlton v. Railroad (19 Ohio St. 260), 212, 215, 219, 450. Knowlton v. Railway Co. (59 Wis. 278), 1233. Knox V. Rivers (14 Ala. 249), 61. Koch V. Railroad Co. (78 N. Y. Supp. 99, 75 App. Div. 282), 980. Ex parte Koehler (30 Fed. 869), 524, 526. Koenke v. Railroad Co. (57 N. Y. Supp. 325, 39 App. Div. 457), 1049. Kohler v. Railroad Co. (135 Penn. St. 346), 1219. Kohn V. Packard (3 La. 225), 690, 709. Kohn V. Railroad Co. (37 S. Car. 1, 16 S. E. Rep. 376, 34 Am. St. Rep. 726, 24 L. R. A. 100), 749. Korn V. Railway Co. (125 Fed. 897, 62 C. C. A. 417, 62 L. R. A. 872), 978. Krai V. Railroad Co. (71 Minn. 422, 74 N. W. 166), 1126, 1127, 1432. Kramer v. Railroad Co. (25 Cal. 434), 1384. Kramer v. Railway Co. (101 Iowa, 178, 70 N. W. 119), 445. Krantz v. Railway Co. (12 Utah, 104, 41 Pac. 714. 30 L. R. A. 297), 990. 1016, Kreis v. Railway Co. (131 Mo. 533, 33 S. W. 64), 1173. Kremer v. Express Co. (6 Cold. 356), 685. Krom V. Levy (48 N. Y. 679), 1367. Krueger v. Railway Co. (68 Minn. 445, 71 N. W. 683, 64 Am. St. Rep. 487), 1065, 1066. Krueger v. Railway Co. (84 Mo. App. 358), 990. Krulder v. Ellison (47 N. Y. 37), 188, 1310, 1315, 1317, 1319. Krumm v. Railway Co. (71 Ark. 590, 76 S. W. Rep. 1075), 1217. Kulman v. Railroad Co. (65 N. J. L. 241. 47 Atl. 497), 1111, 1174. Kunz V. Troy (104 N. Y. 344), 1228. Kurfess v. Harris (195 Pa. St. 385, 46 Atl. 2). 1190. Kyle v. Railroad (10 Rich. 382), 230. La Blanche v. Railway Co. (L. R. 1 C. P. Div. 286), 1371. La Bourgoyne ( — C. C. A. — , 144 Fed. 781), 1069, 1299, 1361. Lachner Bros. v. Express Co. (72 Mo. App. 13), 1360. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cxlix [BEFEKENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Lackland v. Railway Co. (101 Mo. App. 420, 74 S. W. Rep. 505), 114, 336. 510. Laclouch V. Towle (3 Esp. 114), 750. La Conner Trading & Transp. Co. V. Widner (136 Fed. 177), 1366, 1373. Lafitte V. Railroad Co. (42 La. Ann. — ). 1100. Lafflin v. Railroad Co. (106 N. Y. 136), 936. 941. Laffrey v. Grummond (74 Mich. 186), 1280. La Gascoigne (135 Fed. 577), 1068. Laing v. Colder (8 Pa. St. 479), 895, 959, 1209, 1409, 1410, 1414, 1415. Lake v. Milliken (62 Me. 240), 1430. Lake Steam Shipping Co. v. Bacon (129 Fed. 819), 348. Lake St. El. R. Co. v. Railroad Co. (66 N. Y. Supp. 455, 32 Misc. 669), 783. Lakeman v. Grinnell (5 Bosw. 625), 1360. Lakeman v. Pollard (43 Me. 463), 627. Lamb v. Parkman (1 Sprague, 343), 85. 603. Lamb v. Railroad (46 N. Y. 271), 130, 238, 463, 477, 1354, 1355, 1356. Lamb v. Railway Co. (101 Wis. 138, 76 N. W. 1123), 450. Lambert v. Robinson (1 Esp. 119), 866. Lambeth v. Railroad (66 N. C. 494), 1180. Lamphear v. Buckingham (33 Conn. 237), 1394. Lampkin v. Railroad Co. (106 Ala. 287, 17 So. 448), 1094. Lampley v. Scott (24 Miss. 538), 33. Land v. Railroad (104 N. C. 48), 122. Landa v. Hoick & Co. (129 Mo. 663. 31 S. W. 900, 50 Am. St. Rep. 459), 747. Landon v. Railway Co. (92 111. App. 216), 1236. Lane v. Atlantic Works (111 Mass. 136), 1430. Lane v. Cotton (1 Salk. 143), 48. Lane v. Cotton (1 Ld. Raym. 646), 57, 94. 147. Lane v. Penniman (4 Mass. 91), 828. Lane v. Railroad (14 Gray, 143), 870. Lane v. Railroad Co. (5 Lea, 124), 1032. Lane v. Railway Co. (69 Iowa, 443, 29 N. W. Rep. 419), 1391. Lane v. Railway Co. (82 N. Y. Supp. 1057, 85 App. Div. 85), 1401. Lane v. Railway Co. (21 Wash. 119, 57 Pac. 367, 75 Am. St. Rep. 821, 46 L. R. A. 153), 1216. Lang V. Brady (73 Conn. 707, 49 Atl. 199), 47, 1334. Lang V. Houston, etc., Co. (27 N. Y. Supp. 90; affirmed, 144 N. Y. 717, 39 N. E. Rep. 858), 1395. Lang V. Railroad Co. (154 Pa. St. 342, 26 Atl. Rep. 370, 20 L. R. A. 360, 35 Am. St. Rep. 846), 316, 631. Lange v. Schoettler (115 Cal. 388, 47 Pac. Rep. 139), 1400. Langdon v. Railroad Co. (9 N. Y. Supp. 245), 521. Langstaff v. Stix (64 Miss. 171), 768. el TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE Lanning v. Railroad Co. (1 N. J. Law J. 21), 62. La Pointe v. Railroad Co. (182 Mass. 227, 65 N. E. 44; s. c. 175 Mass. 535, 61 N. E. 142), 1180. Laponte v. Railroad Co. (144 Mass. 18), 1216. Laporte v. Express Co. (48 N. Y. Supp. 292, 23 App. Div. 267). 717. La Prelle v. Fordyce (4 Tex. Civ. App. 391, 23 S. W. Rep. 453), 1223. Larimore v. Railroad Co. (65 Mo. App. 167), 131. Larkin v. Railway Co. (118 Iowa, 652, 92 N. W. 891), 1414, 1415. Larrison v. Railway Co. (1 Inter- state Com. Rep. 147), 1030. Larson v. Railroad Co. (85 Minn. 387, 88 N. W. 994), 1122, 1177. Latham v. Rutley (2 Barn. & C. 20), 1338. Laub V. Railway Co. ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 94 S. W. Rep. 550), 1012, 1121. Laubheim v. Steamship Co. (107 N. Y. 228), 1163. Laugher v. Pointer (5 B. & C. 547), 249. Laughlin v. Railway (28 Wis. 204), 1348. Laurel Cotton Mills v. Railroad Co. (— Miss. — , 3'< So. 134), 538. Laurent v. Vaughn (30 Vt. 90), 1360, 1366. Laurie v. Douglass (15 M. & W. 746), 487. Laveroni v. Drury (8 Exch. 166; 16 Eng. L. & Eq. 510), 74, 481. TO SECTIONS.] Lavis V. Railroad Co. (54 111. App. 636), 1216. Law V. Hatcher (4 Blackf. 364), 1315. Law V. Railway Co. (91 Fed. 817), 1388. Law V. Railroad (32 Iowa, 534), 1084. Lawrence v. Car Co. (114 Mass. 1), 1136, 1139. Lawrence v. Denbreens (1 Black, 170), 334. Lawrence v. Green (70 Cal. 417), 1223, 1414. Lawrence v. Minturn (17 How. 100), 177, 188, 485. Lawrence v. Railroad (29 Conn. 390), 1422. Lawrence v. Railroad (36 Conn. 63), 451. Lawson v. Railway Co. (64 Wis. 447), 462, 1003, 1202. Lawson v. Worms (6 Cal. 365), 830. Layng v. Stewart (1 W. & S. 222), 809. Lazard v. Transportation Co. (78 Md. 1, 26 Atl. Rep. 897), 160, 161, 176. Lazarus v. Barber (124 Fed. 1007), 606. Lazelle v. Town of Newfane (70 Vt. 440, 41 Atl. Rep. 511), 1389, 1397, 1398, 1399. Leach v. Railroad Co. (89 Hun, 379, 35 N. Y. Supp. 305), 1369. Leary v. Railroad Co. (173 Mass. 373, 53 N. E. 817), 1184. Leavitt v. Railway Co. (64 Wis. 228), 1174. Le Barron v. Ferry Co. (11 Allen, 312), 66. 953, 1412. Lebeau v. Navigation Co. (L. R. 8 C. P. 88), 165. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cli [references are to sections.] Le Blanc v. Sweet (107 La. 355, 31 So. 766, 90 Am. St. Rep. — ), 1169. Le Blanche v. Railway Co. (1 C. P. Div. 286). 1106. Leckey v. McDermott (8 S. & R. 500), 785. Lechowitzer v. Packet Co. (28 N, Y. Supp. 577, 8 Misc. 213), 1070. Le Conteur v. Railway (L. R. 1 Q. B. 54; 6 Best & S. 961), 1258. Lee V. Burgess (9 Bush. 652), 86. Lee y. Gas Co. (98 N. Y. 115), 1418. Lee V. Kimball (45 Me. 172), 737. Lee V. Knapp & Co. (155 Mo. 610, 56 S. W. Rep. 458), 100, 1389, 1401. Lee V. Railroad (72 N. C. 236), 333, 339. Lee V. Railway Co. (53 N. Y. Super. 260), 1111. Leech v. Baldwin (5 Watts, 446), 799. Leeds v. Insurance Co. (81 N. Y. 351), 165. Leeson v. Holt (1 Stark. 186), 392. Legg V. Britton (64 Vt. 652. 24 Atl. 1016, overruling Weed- ham V. Railway Co. 38 Vt. 294), 1386. Leggett V. Railroad Co. (143 Penn. St. 39), 1177. Lehigh Iron Co. v. Rupp (100 Pa. 99), 1397. Lehigh Valley Transportation Co. V. Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co. (92 111. App. 628). 230, 233. Leigh V. Smith (1 Carr. & P. 638), 105, 107. Leighton v. Shapley (8 N. H. 359), 668. Leman v. Railroad Co. (128 Fed. 191), 1389. Lembeck v. Jarvis, etc., Storage Co. (— N. J. — , 63 Atl. Rep. 257), 869. Lemery v. Railway Co. (83 Minn. 47, 85 N. W. 908), 1012. Lemke v. Railroad (39 Wis. 449), 704, 712, 713. Lemon v. Chanslor (68 Mo. 340), 895. Lemon v. Pullman Palace Car Co. (52 Fed. 262), 1136, 1139. Lemon v. Railway Co. (136 Mich. 647. 100 N. W. Rep. 22), 937. Lemon v. Walker (9 Mass. 404), 744. Lemont v. Lord (52 Me. 365), 825. Lemont v. Railroad Co. (1 Mackey, 180), 992. Lemont v. Railroad Co. (28 Fed. Rep. 920), 740. Lempriere v. Pasley (2 T. R. 485), 888. Lennon v; The Railroad ( — Iowa, — , 103 N. W. Rep. 343), 128L Lennon v. Railway Co. ( — Iowa, — , 75 N. W. Rep. 671), 1174. Lenox v. Insurance Co. (3 Johns. Cas. 178), 169. Lent V. Railroad Co. (120 N. Y. 467), 1192, 1221. Leonard v. Hendrickson (18 Penn. St. 40), 92. Leonard v. Navigation Co. (84 N. Y. 48), 1387, 1388, 1390. Leonard v. Railroad Co. (54 Mo. App. 293; s. c. 57 Mo. App. 366), 233, 445, 464. Leonard v. Railroad Co. (170 Mass. 318, 49 N. E. 621), 990. Leonard v. Telegraph Co. (41 N. Y. 544), 95. Leonard v. Tidd (3 Mete. 6), 148. Leonard v. Whitcomb (95 Wis. 646, 70 N. W. 817), 508, o09. clii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFERENCES ABE Lesinsky v. G. W. Despatch (10 Mo. App. 134), 131, 132. Leslie v. Lewiston (62 Me. 468), 1229. Leslie v. Railroad Co. (88 Mo. 55), 895. Lester v. Railroad Co. (92 Hun, 342, 36 N. Y. Supp. 907), 660, 668, 678. Lester v. Railroad Co. (73 Hun, 398, 26 N. Y. Supp. 206), 752. Leveret v. Railway Co. (110 La. 399, 34 So. Rep. 579), 938. Levering v. Transportation Co. (42 Mo. 88), 410, 419, 504. Levi V. Railroad Co. (11 Allen, 300), 68. 78. Levien v. Webb. (61 N. Y. Supp. 1113, 30 Misc. 196), 1144. Levins v. Railroad Co. (183 Mass. 176, 66 N. B. 803, 97 Am. St. Rep. 434), 1132, 1246, 1249, 1264. Levinson v. Railway Co. (17 Tex. Civ. App. 617, 43 S. W. 901), 1056. Levy V. Express Co. (4 Rich. S. C. (N. S.) 234), 425. Levy V. Steamship Co. (123 Fed. 347), 1433. Levy V. Weir (77 N. Y. Supp. 917, 88 Misc. 361), 722. Lewark v. Parkinson ( — Kan. — , 85 Pac. Rep. 601), 898. Lewark v. Railroad Co. (137 N. Car. 383, 49 S. E. Rep. 882), 1369. Lewis V. Canal Co. (145 N. Y. 508, 40 N. E. 248; reversing 80 Hun, 192, 30 N. Y. Supp. 28), 1177, 1221. Lewis V. Ludwick (G Cold. 368), 317. Lewis V. Railroad Co. (13 Ky. Law Rep. 144), 1286, 1291. TO SECTIONS.] Lewis V. Railroad Co. (70 N. J. L. 132, 56 Atl. 128), 335, 640. Lewis V. Railway Co. (47 W. Va. 656, 35 S. E. Rep. 908, 81 Am. St. Rep. 816), 14L Lewis V. Railway Co. (54 Mich. 55), 1428, 1430. Lewis V. Railroad (11 Met. 509), 664. Lewis V. Railroad (38 Md. 588), 1181. Lewis V. Railway (5 H. & N. 867), 108, 397, 442. Lewis V. Railway (L. R. 9 Q. B. 66), 1122. Lewis V. Railway Co. (Tex, Civ. App., 81 S. W. Rep. Ill), 970. Lewis V. Sharvey (58 Minn. 464, 59 N. W. 1096), 766, 768. Lewis V. Sleeping-car Co. (143 Mass. 267), 1130, 1131, 1132. Lewis V. Smith (107 Mass. 334), 66. Lewisohn v. Steamship Co. (56 Fed. 602), 215. Lexington, etc., Co. v. Huffman (17 Ky. L. R. 775, 32 S. W. Rep. 611), 1394. Libby v. Ingalls (124 Mass. 503), 177, 184, 187. Libby v. Railroad Co. (85 Me. 34, 26 Atl. Rep. 943, 20 L. R. A. 812), 895, 897, 910, 947, 948, 957, 1017. License Cases (5 How. 504), 325. Lickbarrow v. Mason (2 T. R. 63; 6 East, 21; 1 Smith Ld. Cas. 896), 175, 188, 762, 785, 864. Liddard v. Lopes (10 East, 526), 815. Liefert v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 57 S. W. 899), 867, 884, 889. Lienkauf v. Lombard, Ayres & Co. (42 N. Y. Supp. 391, 12 App. Div. 302), 462. TABLE OF CASES CITED, cliii [references ABE Lillis V. Railway Co. (64 Mo. 464), 1053, 1082. Lilly V. Railroad Co. (32 S. Car. 142), 1394. Limburger v. Westcott (49 Barb. 283), 415, 1299. Limekiller v. Railroad Co. (33 Kan. 83, 5 Pac. Rep. 401), 1389. Limpus V. Omnibus Co. (1 H. & C. 526), 1441. Lincoln v. Railroad (23 Wend. 425), 1423. Lincoln v. Steamship Co. (62 N. Y. Supp. 1085, 30 Misc. 752), 1271. Lincoln v Walker (18 Neb. 244), 1417. Lindley v. Dempsey (45 Ind. 246), 1367. Lindley v. Railroad Co. (88 N. C. 547), 261. Lindsay v. Railway Co. (114 Ga. 896, 41 S. E. 46), 1180. Lindsey v. Railway Co. (64 Iowa, 407), 1177, 1180, 1221. Lindsey v. Steamship Co. (88 N. Y. Supp. 371), 1028. Lindsley v. Railway Co. (36 Minn. 539), 336, 339, 1354, 1357. Lindstrom v. Navigation Co. (117 Fed. 170), 1401. Linklater v. Howell (88 Fed. 526), 800. Liscomb v. Railroad & Trans. Co. (6 Lans. 75), 993. Lister V. Railway Co. (1 K. B. (1903) 878, 72 L. J. K. B. 385, 88 Law T. (N. S.) 561, 52 Wkly. Rep. 12), 334. Litchfield Coal Co. v. Taylor (81 111. 590), 1174. Litt V. Cowley (7 Taunton, 169), 760. 772. TO SECTIONS.] Litt V. Railroad Co. (64 N. Y. Supp. 108, 50 App. Div. 550), 1363. Little V. Fargo (43 Hun, 2331), 657. Little V. Fossett (34 Me. 545), 782, 1305. Little V. Hackett (116 U. S. 366), 1236. Little V. Railroad (66 Me. 239), 1352. Little V. Stevenson (App. Cas. (1896) 108, 65 L. J. P. C. 69), 845. Littlejohn v. Jones (2 McMuUan, 365), 66. Littlejohn v. Railroad Co. (148 Mass. 478), 918, 1020, 1022. Liver Alkali Co. v. Johnson (L. R. 7 Ex. 267; id. 338), 63, 74. Liverpool, etc., Steam Co. v. In- surance Co. (129 U. S. 397), 74, 210, 452, 487. Liverpool, etc., S. Co. v. Snitter (17 Fed. Rep. 695), 694. Livie v. Janson (12 East, 648), 1430. Livingston v. Railroad (5 Hun, 562), 654. Lock Co. V. Railroad (48 N. H. 339), 230, 246, 26L Lockhart v. Lichtenthaler (46 Penn. St. 151), 1236. Lockier v. Patterson (1 Car. & Kir. 271), 1405. Lockyer v. Sleeping Car Co. (61 L. J. Q. B. 501), 1137. Loeb V. Peters (63 Ala. 243), 175, 761, 762. Loeb V. Railway Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 85 S. W. Rep. 118), 445. 705. Loeffler v. Packet Co. (7 Mo. App. 185), 1374. cliv TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFEBENCES ABE Loeser v. Railway Co. (94 Wis. 571, 69 N. W. 372), 342, 426, 638. Loewenberg v. Railway Co. (56 Ark. 439, 19 S. W. 1051), 867. Logan V. Railroad Co. (77 Mo. 668), 899, 1060. Logan V. Railway (11 Rob. (La.) 24), 1280. Logwood V. Railroad Co. (23 Fed. Rep. 310), 972. London v. Railroad (7 H. & N. 600), 108. London Transport Co. v. Trech- mann (1 K. B. (1904) 635, 73 L. J. K. B. 253), 800. Long V. Morrison (14 Ind. 595), 1397. Long V. Railroad Co. (48 Kan. 28, 28 Pac. 977, 15 L. R. A. 319), 1099. Long V. Railroad Co. (130 Fed. 870, 65 C. C. A. 354), 1018, 1073. Long V. Railroad Co. (147 Pa. St. 343, 23 Atl. 459, 14 L. R. A. 741, 30 Am. St. Rep. 732), 282, 311, 1355. Long V. Railroad (50 N. Y. 76), 167, 408. . Longmeid v. HoUiday (6 Exch. 761), 909. Longmore v. Railway (19 Com. B. (N. S.) 183), 937. Lopez V. Mining Co. (1 Ariz. 464), 1417. Loraine v. Railroad Co. (205 Pa. St. 132, 54 Atl. 580, 61 L. R. A. 502), 512. Lord V. Steamship Co. (102 U. S. 543), 344. Loring v. Mulcahy (3 Allen, 575), 148. TO SECTIONS.] Losee v. Buchanan (51 N. Y. 476), 1430. Lough V. Outerbridge (143 N. Y. 271, 38 N. E. 292, 42 Am. St. Rep. 712, 25 L. R. A. 674, aff'g., 22 N. Y. Supp. 976), 521. Louisiana Bank v. Laveille (52 Mo. 380), 158. Louisville Canal Co. v. Murphy (9 Bush, 522), 1229. Louisville, etc., Co. v. Telegraph Co. (24 Am. L. Reg. 579), 95. Louisville & C. Packet Co. v. Rogers (20 Ind. App. 594, 49 N. E. 970), 294, 617. Louisville & E. Mail Co. v. Barnes Adm'r (25 Ky. Law Rep. 2036 79 S. W. 261, 64 L. R. A. 574), 913. Louisville & J. Ferry Co. v. Nolan 135 Ind. 60, 34 N. E. 710), 942, 1414. Louisville, etc.. Packet Co. v. Smith (22 Ky. Law Rep. 1323, 60 S. W. 524), 1414. Love joy v. Murray (3 Wall. 1), 780. Loveland v. Burke (120 Mass. 139), 665, 696. Lovell v. Iron Co. (90 Ala. 13), 1389. Lovett V. Hobbs (2 Shower, 127), 146. Lovett V. Railroad (9 Allen, 557), 1091. Lowe V. Moss (12 111. 477), 658. Lowe V. Railway Co. (89 Iowa, 420, 56 N. W. Rep. 519), 1397. Lowe V. Railway Co. (62 L. J. Q. B. 524). 977. Lowell Wire Fence Co. v. Sargent (8 Allen, 189), 242, 26L TABLE OF CASES CITED. clv [eefebences aee Lowenstein v. Lombard, Ayres & Co. (164 N. Y. 324, 58 N. B. 44, reversing 45 N. Y. Supp. 286, 17 App. Div. 408), 783. Lowenstein v. Railroad Co. (63 Mo. App. 68), 641. Lower v. Segal (60 N. J. Law 99, 36 Atl. Rep. 777), 1389. Lower v. Segal (59 N. J. Law 66, 34 Atl. Rep. 345), 1390. Lowremore v. Berry (19 Ala. 130), 749. Loyd V. Railroad (53 Mo. 509), 1178. Lubbock V. Inglis (1 Stark. 104), 674. Lubrano v. Atlantic Mills (19 R. I. 129, 32 Atl. 205), 1386, 1389. Lucas V. Herbert (148 Ind. 64, 47 N. E. 146, 37 L. R. A. 376), 945. Lucas V. Nockells (4 Bing. 729), 875. Lucas V. Penn. Co. (120 Ind. 205), 933. Lucas V. Railroad Co. (6 Gray, 64), 922, 1180. Lucas V. Railroad Co. (98 Mich. 1, 56 N. W. 1039, 39 Am. St. Rep. 517), 1433. Lucas V. Railway Co. (122 Ala. 529, 25 So. 219), 1337. Lucas V. Railway Co. (33 Wis. 53), 964. Lucas V. Railway Co. (112 Iowa, 594, 84 N. W. 673), 405. Luckel V. Century Bldg. Co. (177 Mo. 608, 76 S. W. 1035), 100, 101. Lucy V. Railway Co. (64 Minn. 7, 65 N. W. 944, 31 L. R. A. 551), 980, 982, 984. Ludlow V. Bowne (1 Johns. 1), 1318. TO SECTIONS.] Luke V. Calhoun (52 Ala. 115), 1395. Luke V. Lyde (2 Burr. 882), 801, 803, 815, 820. Lunansky v. Packet Co. (99 N. . Y. Supp. 810), 172. Lundquist v. Railway Co. (121 Fed. 915), 544. Lundy v. Railroad Co. (66 Cal. 191), 1045. Lustig V. Navigation Co. (78 N. Y. Supp. 885, 38 Misc. 802), 120. Lustig V. Railroad Co. (65 Hun, 547, 20 N. Y. Supp. 477), 1185, 1388. Lydon v. Robert Smith Ale Brew- ing Co. (132 Fed. 593, 67 C. C. A. 421), 997. Lygo V. Newbold (9 Exch. 302), 1001, 1227. Lyle V. Barker (5 Bin. 457), 780. Lyle Shipping Co. v. Cardiff Cor- poration (2 Q. B. (1900) 638, 69 L. J. Q. B. 889, 83 Law T. (N. S.) 329, 49 Wkly. Rep. 85, 5 Com'l Cas. 397), 846. Lynch v. Railroad Co. (40 N. Y. Supp. 775, 8 App. Div. 548), 925. Lynch v. Smith (104 Mass. 52), 1227, 1228, 1229. Lynn v. Southern Pacific Co. (103 Cal. 7, 36 Pac. 1018, 24 L. R. A. 710), 926, 1198. Lyon, The (1 Brown Adm. 59), 92. Lyon V. Mells (5 East, 428), 497. Lyon V. Smith (1 Iowa, 184), 58. Lyons v. Hoffnung (15 App. Cas. 391), 767. Lyons v. Hill (46 N. H. 49), 773. Lyons v. Railroad Co. (101 Ind. 419), 1418. clvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE Lyons v. Rosenthal (11 Hun, 46), 1411. Lyons v. Woodward (49 Me. 29), 1376. M Mace V. Reed (89 Wis. 440, 62 N. W. 186), 1441. Macfarlane v. Adams Express Co. (137 Fed. 982), 426, 433. Mac Feat v. Railroad Co. ( — Del. — , 62 Atl. Rep. 898), 895, 1006, 1219. Mack V. Railway Co. (118 Ga. 629, 45 S. E. 509), 1197. Mackey v. Railroad Co. (19 App. D. C. 282), 1397. Mackay v. Railroad Co. (34 W. Va. 65, 11 S. E. Rep. 737, 26 Am. St. Rep. 913, 9 L. R. A 132), 1061, 1065. Mackey v. Railway Co. (18 Fed. Rep. 236), 895. Maclay v. Spillers & Baker (6 Com'l Cas. 217), 833. Maclin v. The New Jersey St. Bt. Co. (7 Abb. Pr. (N. S.) 229), 1271. Macrow v. Railway (L. R. 6 Q. B. 612), 1241, 1244, 1249, 1253. Madan v. Sherard (73 N. Y. 329), 415. Madden v. Railroad Co. (90 N. Y. Supp. 261, 98 App. Div. 406), 983. Madden v. Railway Co. (50 Mo. App. 666), 898. Madden v. Railway Co. (35 S. Car. 381, 14 S. E. Rep. 713, 28 Am. St. Rep. 855), 1122. TO SECTIONS.] Madden v. Railway Co. (41 S. Car. 440, 19 S. E. Rep. 951), 1127. Madden v. Railway Co. (28 W. Va. 610), 1394. Maddock v. American Sugar Re- fining Co. (91 Fed. 166; aff'd., American Sugar Refin- ing Co, V. Maddock, 93 Fed. 980, 36 C. C. A. 42), 160, 161, 165. Magee v. Holland (3 Butcher, 86), 1378. Magee v. Navigation Co. (46 Fed. 734), 1403. Maghee v. Railroad Co. (45 N. Y. 514), 408, 470, 480, 611, 618. Magnin v. Dinsmore (56 N. Y. 168), 331, 401, 402, 425, 426, 433, 451, 454. Magnin v. Dinsmore (62 N. Y. 35), 434, 438, 441, 463, 1361. Magnin v. Dinsmore (70 N. Y. 410), 434, 478. Magrane v. Railway Co. (183 Mo. 119, 81 S. W. Rep. 1158), 1198. Maguire v. Railroad Co. (115 Mass. 239), 1230. Mahar v. Railroad Co. (5 App. Div. 22, 39 N. Y. Supp. 63), 1118, 1182. Maher v. Railroad (67 N. Y. 52), 995, 1174. Mahon v. Blake (125 Mass. 477), 677. Mahoney v. Cook (26 Penn. St. 342), 1233. Mahoney v. Railroad Co. (63 Me. 68), 918. Maignan v. Railroad (24 La. Ann. 333), 704. Mairs v. Railroad Co. (175 N. Y. 409, 67 N. E. 901, aft'g 76 N. Y. Supp. 838, 73 App. Div. 265), 777. TABLE OF CASES CITED. elvii [EEFEBENCES ABE Major V. Railroad Co. (21 Utah, 141, 59 Pac. 522), 1414. Major V. Railway Co. (115 Iowa, 309, 88 N. W. Rep. 815), 1384, 1389. Malcolm v. Railroad Co. (106 N. C. 63), 1116, 1197. Mallett V. Railway Co. (68 Law J. Q. B. 256, (1899) 1 Q. B. 309, 80 Law T. (N. S.) 53, 47 Wkly. Rep. 334), 619. Mallory v. Railroad Co. (39 Barb. 488), 87. Malloy V. Railway Co. (109 Wis. 29, 85 N. W. Rep. 130), 447. Malmster v. Railroad Co. (49 Mich. 94), 1236. Malone v. Express Co. (86 N. Y. Supp. 911, 1039), 1298. Malone v. Railroad Co. (12 Gray, 388), 415, 1299. Malone v. Railroad Co. (152 Pa. St. 390, 25 Atl. 638), 1234, 1426, 1429. Malott V. Woods (109 111. App. 512), 1043. Malott V. Shiner (153 Ind. 35, 54 N. E. Rep. 101, 74 Am. St. Rep. 278), 1386, 1397, 1401. Manda v. Wells, Fargo & Co. (47 N. Y. Supp. 182, 21 Misc. 308), 805. Maney v. Railroad (49 111. App. 105), 1384. Mangam v. Railway Co. (38 N. Y. 455), 1228. Mangan v. Atterton (L. R. 1 Exch. 239), 1229. Manhattan Oil Co. v. Railroad (54 N. Y. 197), 471. Manhattan Rubber Shoe Co. v. Railroad Co. (9 App. Div. 172, 41 N. Y. Supp. 83), 685, 708, 721. Manly v. Railroad Co. (74 N. C. 655), 1228, 1418. TO SECTIONS.] Mann v. Birchard (40 Vt. 326), 45L Mann v. White River, etc., Co. (46 Mich. 38), 98. Mann Boudoir Car Co. v. Dupre (54 Fed. 646, 4 C. C. A. 540, 13 U. S. App. 183, 21 L. R. A. 289), 1139, 1145. Mannheim Ins. Co. v. Transp. Co. (72 Minn. 357, 75 N. W. 602), 580. Manning v. Hollenbeck (27 Wis. 202), 884. Manning v. The Railway ( — Ala. — , 11 So. Rep. 8, 36 Am. St. Rep. 225), 1085. Manning v. Railway & Power Co. (34 Wash. 406, 75 Pac. 994), 1389. Manser v. Railway Co. (3 L. T. 585), 909, 910. Mansfield, etc., Co. v. McEnery (91 Penn. St. 185), 1397. Manufg. Co. v. Railroad (104 Mass. 122), 238, 242, 254. Manufg. Co., Washburn v. Rail- road (113 Mass. 490), 261. Maples V. Railroad (38 Conn. 557), 1036, 1082. Marande v. Railway Co. (184 U. S. 173, 46 L. Ed. 487, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 340, reversing 102 Fed. 246, 42 C. C. A. 317), 477. Margaret, The (94 U. S. 494), 92. Margo V. Railroad Co. ( — Penn. St. — , 62 Atl. Rep. 1079), 1185, 1186. Marks v. Hamilton (7 Exch. 323), 783. Marmorstein v. Railroad Co. (34 N. Y. Supp. 97, 13 Misc. 32, reversing 32 N. Y. Supp. 1146, 11 Misc. 725), 232, 1302. Maroney v. Railway Co. (106 Mass. 153), 1052, 1065, 1077. Marquette v. Railroad (33 Iowa, 562), 1193, 1197. clviii TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Marquis v. Wood (61 N. Y. Supp. 251, 29 Misc. 590), 1360. Marr v. Telegraph Co. (85 Tenn. 529), 95. Marrus v. Steamboat Co. (62 N. Y. Supp. 474, 30 Misc. 421, re- versing 60 N. Y. Supp. 994), 445. Mars V. Canal Co. (54 Hun, 625), 1094. Marsh ads. Blyth, 1 Nott & Mc- Cord, 170), 490. Marsh v. Railway Co. (3 McCrary 236), 867, 884. Marshall v. Express Co. (7 Wis. 1), 716, 719, 723. Marshall v. Railroad (45 Barb. 502), 649. Marshall v. Railroad Co. (46 Fed. 269), 1388. Marshall v. Railroad Co, (48 N. Y. 660), 649. Marshall v. Railroad Co. (126 Mich. 45, 85 N. W. 242, 55 L, R. A. 650), 1274, 1275, 1278, 1286, 1291. Marshall v. Railroad Co. (78 Mo. 610), 899, 1060, 1111. Marshall v. Railway (11 Com. B. 655; 7 Eng. Law & Eq. 519), 962, 1017, 1241, 1327, 1351. Marshall v. Railway Co. (74 Mo. App. 81), 230, 234. Marshall, etc.. Grain Co. v. Rail- road Co. (176 Mo. 480, 75 S. W. 638, 98 Am. St. Rep. 508), 234. Marshall v. Welwood (38 N. J. L. 339), 1430. Martin v. McLaughlin (5 Colo. 387), 1334. Martin v. McLaughlin (9 Colo. 153), 889. Martin v. Porter (5 M. & W. 351), 827. TO SECTIONS.] Martin v. Railway (16 Com. B, 179), 936. Martin v. Railway Co. (55 Ark. 510, 19 S. W. Rep. 314), 105. Martin v. Railway Co. (58 Kan. 475, 49 Pac. 605), 1386, 1394. Martin v. Railway Co. (200 Pa. 603, 50 Atl. 193), 1017. Martin v. Railway Co. (3 Tex. Civ. App. 556, 22 S. W. Rep. 1007), 152. Martinsdale v. Smith (1 Q. B. 389), 887. Marx V. Railroad Co. (Ill La. 1085, 36 So. Rep. 862), 1046, 1443. Mashiter v. Buller (1 Camp. 84), 469, 828, 831. Maslin v. Railroad Co. (14 W. Va. 180), 1003, 1073. Mason v. Railway Co. (25 Mo. App. 473), 497, 510. Mason v. Railway Co. (7 Utah, 77, 24 Pac. 796), 1386. Masonic Fraternity Temple Ass'n V. Collins (210 111. 482, 71 N. E. 396, aW9; HO 111. App. 504), 100. Masser v. Railway Co. (68 Iowa, 602), 1228. Master and Owners of S. S. "City of Lincoln" v. Smith (L. R. (1904) App. Cas. 250), 352. Masterson v. Railway Co. (102 Wis. 571, 78 N. W. 757), 1017. Masterton v. Mayor of Brooklyn (7 Hill, 61), 1369. Mather v. Express Co. (138 Mass. 55), 80, 1363. Matheson v. Railroad Co. (61 Kan. 667, 60 Pac. Rep. 747), 1388. Mathew v. Railroad Co. (115 Mo. App. 468, 78 S. W. Rep. 271), 1432. Mathiessen Co. v. Gusi (29 Fed. Rep. 794), 165, 490. TABLE OP CASES CITED, clix [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] Mathis V. Railroad Co. (65 S. Car. 271, 43 S. E. 684, 61 L. R. A. 824). 498. Matney v. Railroad Co. (75 Mo. App. 233), 1362. Matteson v. Railroad Co. (76 N. Y. 381), 1301. Matthews v. Board of Corporation Commissioners (97 Fed. 400; s. c. 106 Fed. 7), 574, 575, 583. Matthews v. Gibbs (3 El. & El. 282), 823, 825, 867. Matthews v. Poythress (4 Ga. 287), 176. Matthews v. Railroad Co. (148 Pa. St. 491, 24 Atl. 67), 933. Matthews v. Railway Co. (26 Mo. App. 75), 1175, 1377, 1378, 1397. Matthews v. Warner (29 Gratt. 570, 26 Am. Rep. 396), 1391, 1397, 1398. Matthias v. Beeche (111 Fed. 940), 846. Matthieson v. Railway Co. (125 Iowa, 90, 100 N. W. Rep. 51), 935, 1207. Mattison v. Railroad (57 N. Y. 552), 1291, 1292. Mattoon, etc., Co. v. Dolan (105 111. App. 1), 1389, 1392. Mauldin v. Railway Co. ( — S. Car. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 677), 654. Mauran v. Insurance Co. (6 Wall. 1), 317. Mauritz v. The Railroad (23 Fed. Rep. 765), 1246, 1249, 1250, 1299. Maury v. Talmadge (2 McLean, 157), 895, 904, 959. Maverick v. Railroad (36 N. Y. 378), 895. Maving v. Todd (1 Stark. 72), 392. Max V. Roberts (12 East, 89), 1334. Maxfield v. Railroad Co. ( — Me. — , 60 Atl. 710), 935, 941. Maxson v. Railroad Co. (97 N. Y. Supp. 962), 1043. Maxwell v. Railroad Co. (48 La. Ann. 385, 19 So. 287), 450. May V. Hanson (5 Cal. 360), 66. May V. Railroad Co. (62 N. J. Law 63, 42 Atl. Rep. 163). 1397. Mayell v. Potter (2 Johns. Cases, 371), 688. 720. Mayhew v. Boyce (1 Stark. 423), 959. Mayhew v. Eames (3 B. & C. 601), 392. Maynard v. Navigation Co. ( — Or. — , 78 Pac. Rep. 983), 1427. Mayne v. Railway Co. (12 Okl. 10, 69 Pac. 933), 937, 941. Mayor v. Humphries (1 C. & P. 251), 959, 1406. Mayor of St. John v. McDonald (14 S. C. R. (Can.) 1), 942. McAbsher v. Railroad (12 S. E. Rep. 892), 174. McAdory v. Railroad Co. (94 Ala. 272, 10 So. Rep. 507), 1401. McAdory v. Railroad Co. (109 Ala. 636, 19 So. Rep. 905), 1391. McAllister v. Railway Co. (Ill Fed. 938; affirmed on opinion below, 113 Fed. 1019), 360. McAlister v. Railroad Co. (74 Mo. 351), 638, 740, 742. McAndrew v. Whitlock (52 N. Y. 40), 649, 689. McArthur v. Sears (21 Wend. 190), 75, 278, 483, 484, 490. McArthur Bros. Co. v. 622714 Feet of Lumber (131 Fed. 389), 840, 847. cLx TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] McAunich v. Railroad Co. (20 Iowa, 358), 1419. McBeath v. Railway Co. (20 Mo. App. 445), 1355. McBride v. Insurance Co. (5 Johns. 299), 655. McBride v. Railway Co. (72 Minn. 291, 75 N. W. 231), 1423. McBrier v. A Cargo of Hard Coal (69 Fed. 469), 869. McCabe v. Narragansett, etc., Co. (— R. I. — , 61 Atl. Rep. 667; s. c. 26 R. I. 427. 59 Atl. Rep. 112), 1397. McCafferty v. Railroad Co. (193 Pa. St. 339, 44 Atl. 435, 74 Am. St. Rep. 690), 949, 1386, 1414, 1430. McCaldin v. Cargo of Scrap Iron (111 Fed. 411), 840. McCahan v. Hirst (7 Watts, 175), 1326. McCall V. Brock. (5 Strob. Law, 119), 489. McCance v. Railway Co. (7 H. & N. 477), 341, 397. McCance v. Railway (3 H. & C. 343), 436. McCann v. Eddy (133 Mo. 59, 33 S. W. 71, 35 L. R. A. 110), 234. McCann v. Railroad (20 Md. 202), 401. McCann v. Railway Co. (58 N. J. L. 642, 34 Atl. 1052, 33 L. R. A. 127), 992, 1174, 1430. McCarn v. Railway Co. (84 Tex. 352, 19 S. W. 547, 31 Am. St. Rep. 51, 16 L. R. A. 39, dis- approving Railway v. Vaughn (Tex. Civ. App.) 16 S. W. 775), 233. McCarthy v. Claflin (99 Me. 290, 59 Atl. Rep. 293), 1397, 1401. McCarthy v. Railroad Co. (102 Ala. 193, 14 So. 370, 48 Am. St. Rep. 29), 333, 1354. McCarthy v. Railroad Co. (18 Kans. 46), 1388. McCarthy v. Railroad (30 Penn. St. 247), 702. McCarthy v. Railway Co. (79 Tex. 33, 15 S. W. Rep. 164), 630. McCarty v. Transit Co. ( — Mo. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 132), 1401. McCaslin v. Railway Co. (93 Mich. 553, 53 N. W. 724), 1177. McCauley v. Davidson (10 Minn. 418), 34. McCawley v. Railway (L. R. 8 Q. B. 57), 1073. McChord v. Railroad Co. (183 U. S. 483, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 165, re- versing Railroad v. McChord, 103 Fed. 216), 575. McClary v. Railroad Co. (3 Neb. 44), 1006, 1430. McClelland v. Railway Co. (94 Ind. 276), 994, 1083. McClure v. Hammond (1 Bay, 99), 75. McClure v. Railroad Co. (34 Md. 532), 1041, 1065, 1082. McClure v. Richardson (Rice, 215), 53. McCombie v. Davies (6 East, 538), 785. McConnell v. Pedigo (92 Ky. 465, 18 S. W. 15), 945. McConnell v. Railroad Co. (86 Va. 248), 231, 232, 233. McCook V. Northrup (65 Ark. 225, 45 S. W. 547), 964, 1032. McCord V. Railroad Co. (134 N. Car. 53, 45 S. E. Rep. 1031), 925, 1212, 1414. McCormack v. Railway Co. (6 Ont. L. R. 577, 3 Can. Ry. Cases, 185), 339. McCormick v. Railroad (4 E. D. Smith, 181), 1246. McCormick v. Railway Co. ( — Mich. — , 104 N. W. Rep. 390), 941. TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxi [BEFEBENCES ABE McCoy V. Railroad (44 Iowa, 424), 339. McCrary v. Railway Co. (109 Mo. App. 567, 83 S. W. Rep. 82), 652. McCready v. Railroad Co. (64 N. Y. Supp. 996, 51 App. Div. 338), 1414. McCullen v. Railway Co. (74 N. Y. Supp. 209, 68 App. Div. 269), 1090. McCulloch V. McDonald (91 Ind. 240), 668. McCullough V. Hellweg (66 Md. 269), 698, 864. McCullough V. Railway Co. (34 Mo. App. 23), 114, 172, 450, 510. McCune v. Railroad Co. (52 Iowa, 600), 636. McCurrie v. Railroad Co. (122 Cal. 558, 55 Pac. 324), 1413. McDaniel v. Railroad Co. (90 Ala. 64), 1192. McDaniel v. Railway Co. (24 Iowa, 412), 210, 212, 222. McDermott v. Railway Co. (82 Wis. 246, 52 N. W. 85), 1122, 1127, 1190. McDonald v. Champion, etc., Co. (— Mich. — , 103 N. W. Rep. 829), 1397. McDonald v. Mallory (77 N. Y. 546), 1389. McDonald v. McDonald (96 Ky. 209, 28 S. W. Rep. 482, 16 Ky. L. R. 412, 49 Am. St. R. 289), 1402. McDonald v. Railroad Co. (144 Ind. 459, 43 N. E. Rep. 447, 55 Am. St. Kep. 185, 32 L. R. A. 309), 1395. McDonald v. Railroad Co. (47 La. Ann. 1440, 17 So. 873), 917. McDonald v. Railroad Co. (88 Iowa, 345, 55 N. W. 102), 1122, 1187. TO SECTIONS.] McDonald v. Railroad Co. (87 Me. 466, 32 Atl. 1010), 1118, 1177. McDonald v. Railroad Co. (72 N. J. 280, 62 Atl. Rep. 405), 1067. McDonald v. Railroad Co. (116 N. Y. 546), 1118. McDonald v. Railroad (34 N. Y. 497), 131, 135, 141, 708. McDonald v. Railroad (26 Iowa, 124), 928, 1225. McDonald v. Railway Co. (31 Ont. R. 663), 212. McDonald v. Railway Co. (71 S. Car. 352, 51 S. E. Rep. 138), 1395. McDonnell v. Railroad (115 Mass. 564), 1233. McDonnell v. Railroad Co. (54 N. Y. Supp. 747, 35 App. Div. 147), 924. McDougall V. Railroad Co. (63 Cal. 431), 1417. McDuffee v. Railroad Co. (52 N. H. 430), 515, 521, 1023. McEacheran v. Railroad Co. (101 Mich. 264, 59 N. W. 612), 243. McEachran v. Railway Co. (115 Mich. 318, 73 N. W. 231), 799. McElroy v. Railroad Co. (4 Cush. 400), 916, 923, 947, 949, 962. McElveen v. Railway Co. (109 Ga. 249, 34 S. E. Rep. 281, 77 Am. St. Rep. 371), 167. McEntee v. Steamboat Co. (45 N. Y. 34), 177, 668. McEwen v. Railroad (33 Ind. 368), 190. McFadden v. Blue Star Line (1 K. B. (1905), 697), 363, 368, 374. McFadden v. Railway Co. (87 Cal. 464), 1383. McFadden v. Railway Co. (92 Mo. 343), 339, 420, 450, 475, 1334. McFall V. Railway Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 94 S. W. Rep. 570), 444, 449, 477. elxii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFERENCES ABE McFarland v. Wheeler (26 Wend. 4G7), 865. McFeat v. Railroad Co. (Del., 62 Atl. Rep. 898), 1397. McFetridge v. Piper (40 Iowa, 627), 758, 766. McGann v. Railway Co. (85 Tex. 289, 20 S. W. Rep. 80), 1398. McGaw V. Insurance (23 Pick. 104), 801, 816. McGaw V. Ocean Co. (23 Pick. 405), 801, 802, 815, 818, McGee v. Railroad Co. (92 Mo. 208), 899, 964. McGee v. Railway Co. (71 Mo. App. 310), 859, 860. McGeehan v. Railroad Co. (149 Pa. St. 188, 24 Atl. 205), 1184, 1208. McGhee v. Cashin (130 Ala. 561, 30 So. Rep. 367), 1092. McGhee v. Drisdale (111 Ala. 597, 20 So. 391), 1043. McGhee v. McCarley (103 Fed. 55, 44 C. C. A. 252, reversing on rehearing, 91 Fed. 462, 33 C. C. A. 629, 63 U. S. App. 422), 1389. McGhee v. Reynolds (117 Ala. 413, 23 So. 68), 1054. McGhee v. Willis (134 Ala. 456, 32 So. Rep. 301), 1397, 1401. McGill V. Rowand (3 Barr, 451), 69, 1246. McGinnis v. Foundry Co. (178 Mo. 225, 73 S. W. Rep. 586), 1390. McGoffin V. Railway Co. (102 Mo. 540), 1017, 1200. McGovern v. Lewis (56 Penn. St. 231, 1370. McGowen v. Railroad Co. (41 La. Ann. 732), 1033. McGraw v. Railroad Co. (18 W. Va. 361), 651, 652. McGown V. Railroad Co. (85 Tex. TO SECTIONS.] 289, 20 S. W. Rep. 80), 1397, 1399. McGraw v. Railway Co. (135 N. Car. 264, 47 S. E. Rep. 758), 999. McGregor v. Kilgore (6 Ohio, 358), 75, 1360. McGregor v. Railroad Co. (35 N. J. L. 89), 805. McGreil v. Buffalo Office Bldg. Co. (153 N. Y. 265, 47 N. E. 305), 100. McGrew v. Railway Co. (109 Mo. 582, 19 S. W. 53), 495. McGrew v. Railway Co. (114 Mo. 210, 21 S. W. 463), 574. McGrew v. Railway Co. (177 Mo. 533, 76 S. W. 995), 574. McGucken v. Railroad C. (77 Hun, 69, 28 N. Y. Supp. 298), 1000. McGuinn v. Forbes (37 Fed. Rep. 639), 972. McGuire v. The Golden Gate (1 McAllister, 104), 909. McHenry v. Railroad (4 Harr. 448), 58, 70, 708. McHugh V. Schlosser (159 Pa. St. 480, 28 Atl. 291, 39 Am. St. Rep. 699), 1397. Mcintosh V. Railway Co. (103 Mo. 131), 1389, 1394. Mclntyre v. Railroad (47 Barb. 515), 1423. Mclntyre v. Railroad (37 N. Y. 287), 1177, 1192, 1397, 1423. Mclntyre v. Railroad (43 Barb. 532), 1192. McKay v. Dredging Co. (92 Me. 454, 43 Atl. Rep. 29), 1397. McKay v. Railroad (50 Hun, 563), 130, 131. McKean v. Mclvor (L. R. 6 Exch. 36), 672. McKee v. Garcelon (60 Me. 167), 175. McKee v. Owen (15 Mich. 115), 1269. TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxiii [BEFEEENCES ABE McKeen v. Mcrse (49 Fed. 253, 1 C. C. A. 237, 1 U. S. App. 7). 857. McKeering v. Railroad Co. (65 N. J. Law 57, 56 Atl. Rep. 715), 1391. McKenzie v. Railroad Co. (137 Mich 112, 100 N. W. Rep. 260), 340, 637. McKeon v. Railroad Co. (183 Mass. 271, 67 N. E. 329, 97 Am. St. Rep. 437), 990. McKeon v. Railway (42 Mo. 79), 1438. McKeon v. Railway Co. (94 Wis. 477, 69 N. W. 175, 35 L. R. A. 252), 1142. McKeon v. See (4 Rob. (N. Y.) 449), 690, 696. McKernan v. Railway Co. (54 N. Y. Super. 354), 1099. McKibbin v. Railway Co. (78 Minn. 232, 80 N. W. 1052), 1241, 1242, 1250. McKimble v. Railroad Co. (139 Mass. 542), 1019, 1111, 1174, 1184. McKinley v. Railway Co. (44 Iowa, 314), 1094. McKinney v, Jewett (90 N. Y. 267), 708. McKinney v. Neil (1 McLean, 540), 895, 900, 904, 958. McKnight v. Ratcliffe (44 Penn. St. 156), 1369. McKone v. Railroad Co. (51 Mich. 601), 991. McLagan v. Railway Co. (116 la, 183, 89 N. W. 233), 241. McLamb v. Railroad Co. (122 N. Car. 862, 29 S. E. Rep. 894), 1397. McLaren v. Railroad Co. (85 Ga. 504), 991. McLaren y. Railway Co. (100 Ala. 506, 14 So. 405), 1182. TO SECTIONS.] McLaren v. Standard Oil Co. (124 Fed. 958), 776. McLaughlin v. Martin (12 Colo. App. 268, 55 Pac. 195), 1315. McLean v. Burbank (11 Minn. 277), 916. McLean v. Fleming (L. R. 2 H. L. Sc. 128), 159. McLean v. Railway Co. (50 Minn. 485, 52 N. W. 966), 1433. McLean v. Rutherford (8 Mo. 109), 29. McLeod V. Railroad Co. (58 Vt. 727, 6 Atl, Rep. 648), 1387, 1388. McLemore v. Sebree, etc. Co. (98 Ky. 700, 34 S. W. Rep. 236), 1389. McMahon v. Mayor (33 N. Y. 642), 1228. McManus v. Railway (2 H. & N. 702), 340, 341. McManus v. Railway Co. (4 H. & N. 327), 336, 340, 397, 1352. McMasters v. Railroad (69 Penn. St. 374), 696, 710. McMillan v. Express Co. (123 Iowa, 236, 98 Iowa, 629), 201, 206, 412. McMillan v. Railroad Co. (16 Mich. 79), 231, 401, 403, 408, 409, 415, 708, 1299. McMillan v. Spider Lake, etc. Co. (115 Wis. 332, 91 N. W. 979, 95 Am. St. Rep. 947), 1389, 1395. McMorrin v. Railway Co (1 Ont. L. R. 561, 1 Can. Ry. Cases 217), 712. McMurray v. Pullman's Palace Car Co. (86 111. App. 619), 1132. McMurty v. Railway Co. (67 Miss. 601), 1175, 1181. McNamara v. Railway Co. (61 Minn. 296, 63 N. W. 726), 964, lOOL elxiv TABLE OF CASES CITED, [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] McNamara v. Slavens (76 Mo. 329), 1384. McNees v. Railway Co. (22 Mo. App. 224), 521. McNeill V. Railroad Co. (132 N. C. 510, 44 S. E. 34, 95 Am. St. Rep. 641), 591, 1075. McNeill V. Railroad Co. (135 N. Car. 682. 47 S. E. Rep. 765), 1022. McNulta V. Ensch (134 111. 46, 24 N. E. Rep. C31), 1123. McNulty V. Railroad Co. (182 Pa. St. 479, 38 Atl. 524, 38 L. R. A. 376, 61 Am. St. Rep. 721), 1004, 1072, 1073. McPadden v. Railroad (44 N. Y. 478), 895, 904, 909, 951. McPeak v. Railway Co. (128 Mo. 617, 30 S. W. 170), 1222 McPherson v. Railroad Co. (97 Mo. 253), 1397. McQuade v. Railway Co. (53 N. Y. Super. 91), 1111. McQuilken v. Railroad Co. (64. Cal. 463), 1174, 1184. McRae v. Railroad Co. (88 N. C. 526), 1058. McSloop V. Railroad Co. (59 Fed. 431), 1118, 1177. McSwegan v. Railroad Co. 7 App. Div. 301, 40 N. Y. Supp. 51, reversing 16 Misc. 157, 37 N. Y. Supp. 943), 177. McVeety v. Railway Co. (45 Minn. 268, 47 N. W. Rep. 809, 22 Am. St. Rep. 728, 11 L. R. A. 174), 964, 1001. McWethy v. Railroad Co. (127 Mich. 333, 86 N. W. 827, 55 L. R. A. 306), 1431. In re M. Burke, (140 Fed. 971), 763, 766. Meade v. Rutledge (11 Tex. 44), 1367. Meador v. Railway Co. (62 Kan. 865, 61 Pac. 442), 895, 1414, 1415. Mearns v. The Railroad (139 Fed. 543 (— C. C. A. — ), 1123, 1177. Mearns v. Railroad Co. (163 N. Y. 108, 57 N. E. 292, revers- ing 48 N Y. Supp. 366, 23 App. Div. 298), 1177. Mears v. Railroad Co. (75 Conn. 171, 52 Atl. 610, 56 L. R. A. 884, 96 Am. St. Rep. 192), 44 157, 163, 401, 472, 776, 1354. Medeiros v. Hill (8 Bing. 231), 626. Medler v. Railroad Co. (12 N. Y. Suppl. 930), 1118. Meekin v. Railroad Co. (164 N. Y. 145, 58 N. E. 50, 79 Am. St. Rep. 635, 0^9-, 64 N. Y.' Supp. 291, 51 App. Div. 1), 1389, 1397. Meekins v. Railroad Co. (134 N. Car. 217, 46 S. E. Rep. 493), 1432. Meeks v. Railroad Co. (122 Ga. 266, 50 S. E. Rep. 99), 1181. Meeks v. Railway Co. (52 Cal. 603), 1229. Meesel v. Railroad Co. (8 Allen, 234), 1226. Meier v. Railroad (64 Pa. St. 225), 895, 909, 952. Meigs v. Hagan (86 Fed. 926), 1308, 1317. Melbourne v. Railroad Co. (88 Ala. 443), 18, 660, 737. Mellor V. Railway Co. (105 Mo. 455, 10 L. R. A. 36), 1017. Meloche v. Railway Co. (116 Mich. 69, 74 N. W. 301), 113, 152. Memphis & C. Packet Co. v. Buck- ner (22 Ky. Law Rep. 401, 57 S. W. Rep. 482), 911, 1003. Memphis & C, Packet Co. v. Nagel TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxv [references are (97 Ky. 9, 29 S. W. Rep. 743), 1440. Memphis & C. Packet Co. v. Over- man Carriage Co. (93 Fed. 246), 367. Memphis & C. Packet Co. v. Pikey (142 Ind. 304, 40 N. E. 527), 1093, 1096, 1389, 1395. Memphis News Publishing Co. v. Railway Co. (110 Tenn. 684, 75 S. W. Rep. 941, 63 L. R. A. 150), 44, 49, 76, 512. Menacho v. Ward (27 Fed. Rep. 529), 521. Menaugh v. Railway Co. (157 Ind. 20, 60 N. E. 694), 1000. Mendenhall v. Railway Co. (66 Kan 438, 71 Pac. 846, 97 Am. St. Rep. 380, 61 L. R. A. 120), 990, 1001. Mendesohn v. Anaheim Lighter Co. (40 Cal. 657), 1438. Mensing v. Railroad Co. (117 Mich. 606, 76 N. W. Rep. 98), 1126. Menzell v. Railroad (1 Dillon, 531), 465. M. & T. Bank v. Gordon (5 La. Ann. 64), 1246. Merchant's Bank v. Railroad (69 N. Y. 373), 175. Merchants, etc.. Bank v. Steam- boat Co. (— Md. — , 63 Atl. Rep. 108), 175, 182. Merchants Cotton-Press & Storage Co. V. Insurance Co. of North America (151 U. S. 368, 14 Sup. Ct. 367, 38 L. Ed. 195, affirming 91 Tenn. 537, 19 S. W. 755), 547, 784. Merchants' Dispatch Co. v. Bolles (80 111. 473), 84, 471, 795. Merchants' Dispatch v. Cornforth (3 Col. 280), 84, 416, 417, 505. Merchants' Dispatch Transp. Co. V. Furthmann (47 111. App. TO SECTIONS.] 561; affirmed, 149 111. 66, 36 N. E. 624, 41 Am. St. Rep. 265), 172, 173, 201, 415, 417. Merchants' Dispatch Co. v. Hal- lock (64 111. 284), 702, 725. Merchants' Dispatch Transp. Co. V. Hately (14 S. C. R. (Can.) 572), 226. Merchants' Dispatch Co. v. Joest- ing (89 111. 152), 84, 410. Merchants' Dispatch Co. v. Kahn (76 111. 520), 131, 613. Merchants' Dispatch Co. v. Leysor (89 111. 43), 84, 410. Merchants' Dispatch Co. v. Mer- riam (111 Ind. 5), 177. Merchants', etc., Ass'n v. Wood (64 Miss. 661), 1233. Merchants' etc.. Transportation Co. V. Moore & Co. ( — Ga. — 52 S. E. Rep. 802), 432, 445. Mercher v. Railroad Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 85 S. W. 468), 1180, 1186. Meredith v. Railway Co. (137 N. Car. 478, 50 S. E. Rep. 1), 1348. Merian v. Funck (4 Denio, 110), 807. Merriam v. Railroad (20 Conn. 354), 115. Merrick v. Brainard (38 Barb. 574), 92, 779. Merrick v. Webster (3 Mich. 260), 619. Merrielees v. Railroad Co. (163 Mo. 470, 63 S. W. 718), 990. Merrill v. Express Co. (62 N. H. 514), 408, 444. Merrill v. Grinnell (30 N. Y. 594), 1246, 1254. Merrill v. Railroad Co. (139 Mass. 238), 1197. Merrill v. Railroad Co. (139 Mass. 252, 29 N. E. 666), 1123. clxvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ABE Merrimac, The (2 Sawyer, 586), 92. Merriman v. Express Co. (63 Minn. 543, 65 N. W. 1080), 742. Merritt v. Earle (29 N. Y. 115; 31 Barb. 38). 275, 1233. Merritt v. Railroad (11 Allen, 80), 124. Merritt v. Railroad Co. (162 Mass. 326, 38 N. E. 447), 1177. Merritt & Chapman, etc., Co. v. Vogeman (127 Fed. 770, s. c. 143 Fed. 142), 853. Mershon v. Hobensack (2 Zab. 372), 275, 279, 281, 963. Mervin v. Butler (17 Conn. 138), 688. Merz V. Railway Co. (86 Minn. 33, 90 N. W. 7), 668, 742, 743, 749, 753. Messenger v. Dennie (137 Mass. 197), 1229. Messenger v. Dennie (141 Mass. 335), 1228. Messenger v. Railroad Co. (36 N. J. L. 407), 521. Messenger v. Railroad (7 Vroom, 407), 520. Mestas v. Diamond Coal & Coke Co. (12 Wyo. 414, 76 Pac. Rep. 567), 1389, Metallic Compress Co. v. Railroad Co. (109 Mass. 277), 1430. Metcalf V. McLaughlin (122 Mass. 84), 148. Metcalfe v. Railway (4 Com. B. (N. S.) 307), 436, 439. Metropolitan Trust Co. v. Railroad Co. (90 Fed. 683), 574, 582, 583. Metropolitan Trust Co. v. Railroad Co. (107 Fed. 628), 426, 442. Mettlestadt v. Railroad (4 Rob. (X. Y.) 377), 1181. Metz V. Railroad Co. (85 Cal. 329, TO SECTIONS.] 24 Pac. 610, 20 Am. St. Rep. 228, 9 L. R. A. 431), 1249. Meuer v. Railway Co. (5 S. Dak. 568, 59 N. W. 945, 49 Am. St. Rep. 898, 25 L. R. A. 81; s. c. 11 S. Dak. 94, 75 N. W Rep. 823, 74 Am. St. Rep. 774), 207, 210, 212, 1003, 1073. Meux V. Railway Co. (2 Q. B. (1895) 387, 64 L. J. Q. B. 657), 1246, 1276. Meyer v. Dresser (16 Com. B. (N. S.) 646), 159. Meyer v. Lemcke (31 Ind. 208), 727. Meyer v. Peck (28 N. Y. 590), 158, 165. Meyer v. Railroad (41 La. Ann. 639), 115, 122. Meyer v. Railroad (40 Mo. 151), 1230. In re Meyer (74 Fed. 881), 344, 381, 383, 386, 623. Meyere v. Railway Co. (110 Tenn. 166, 72 S. W. Rep. 114), 1197, 1198. Meyerstein v. Barber (L. R. 2 C. P. 42), 175. Meyer's Admx. v. Railway Co. (54 Fed. 116, 4 C. C. A. 221, 10 U. S. App. 677; s. c. Railway V. Greenthal, 77 Fed. 150, 23 C. C. A. 100), 980. Miama Powder Co. v. Railway Co. (38 S. Car. 78, 16 S. E. Rep. 339, 21 L. R. A. 123), 799. Miama Powder Co. v. Railway Co. (47 S. Car. 324, 25 S. E. Rep. 153, 58 Am. St. Rep. 880). 799, 874. Michaels v. The Railroad (30 N. Y. 564), 131, 302. Michalitschke v. Express Co. (118 Cal. 683, 50 Pac. 847), 331, 426, 428, 433. TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxvii [EEFEEENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Michigan Railroad v. Shurtz (7 Mich, 515), 72, 113. Middleton v. Fowler (1 Salk. 282), 69, 1241. Midland National Bank v. Rail- way Co. (62 Mo. App. 531), 175, 176. Midland Nat'l Bank v. Railway Co. (132 Mo. 492, 33 S. W. 521, 33 Am. St. Rep. 505), 177, 182, 188. Midland Nav. Co. v. Elevator Co. (6 Ont. L. R. 432), 833, 842. Midland Railroad v. Bromley (17 C. B. 372; 33 Eng. L. & E. 235), 67, 1348. Mierson v. Hope (2 Sweeney, 561), 740, 743. Milam v. Railway Co. (58 S. Car. 247, 36 S. E. Rep. 571), 642. Milburn v. 35000 Boxes (57 Fed. 236, 6 C. C. A. 317, 14 U. S. App. 562), 839. Miles V. James (1 McCord, 157), 128. Millard v. Brown (35 N. Y. 297), 1436. Miller v. King (166 N. Y. 394, 59 N. E. 1114, aft'g., 58 N. Y. Supp. 1145), 1060, 1424. Miller v. Mansfield (112 Mass. 260), 711, 859. Miller v. Navigation Co. (10 N. Y. 431), 132. Miller v. Pendleton (8 Gray, 547), 66. Miller v. Race (1 Barr, 452), 176. Miller v. Railroad (24 Hun, 607), 165. Miller v. Railroad Co. (88 Ga. 563, 15 S. E. Rep. 316, 30 Am. St. Rep. 170, 18 L. R. A. 323), 714, 859, 860, 861. Miller v. Railroad (90 N. Y. 430), 160. Miller v. Railroad Co. (85 N. Y. Supp. 883, 89 App. Div. 457), 1041. Miller v. Railroad Co. (33 S. Car. 359, 9 L. R. A. 833), 235. Miller v. Railroad Co. (83 Tex. 518, 18 S. W. 954), 867. Miller v. Railway Co. (62 Mo. App. 252), 625, 630. Miller Grain & Elevator Co. v. Railway Co. (138 Mo. 658, 40 S. W. 894). 226. Miller v. St. Nav. Co. (10 N. Y. 431; 13 Barb. 361), 280. Miller v. Steamboat Co. (73 Hun, 150, 25 N. Y. Supp. 924), 942. Miller v. Steamboat Co. (12 N. Y. Supp]. 301), 972. Miller v. Steamship Co. (118 N. Y. 200), 895, 911. Milliman v. Railroad (66 N. Y. 642), 969, 974, 1230. Mills V. Armstrong (13 App. Cas. 1), 1238. Mills V. Ball (2 Bos. & P. 457), 758, 772. Mills V. Railroad (45 N. Y. 622), 131, 134, 457. Mills V. Railway Co. (94 Tex. 244, 59 S. W. 874, 55 L. R. A. 497, reversing (Tex. Civ. App.), 57 S. W. 291), 1032, 1033, 1179, 1182. Mills V. Weir (81 N. Y. Supp. 801, App. Div. 396), 233, 408. Milne v. Douglas (4 McCrary, 368), 259. Milnor v. Railroad (53 N. Y. 363), 238, 261, 1050, 1302. Milroy v. Railway Co. (98 Iowa, 188, 67 N. W. 276), 611, 1051. Miltenberger v. Beacom (9 Penn. St. 198), 783. clxviii TABLE OF CASES CITED, [rkferences are Miltimore v. Railroad (37 Wis. 190), 333. Milward v. Hibbert (3 Ad. & El. (N. S.) 120), 605. Mina v. Steamship Co. (23 Fed. Rep. 913). 651. Minahan v. Railway Co. (138 Fed. 37), 1414. Miner v. Railroad (32 Conn. 91), 809, 810. Minish v. Railway Co. (135 N. Car. 342, 47 S. E. Rep. 432), 1056. Minnehaha, The (1 Lush. 335), 92. Minock v. Railway Co. (97 Mich. 425, 56 N. W. 780), 1123. Minor v. Railroad Co. (47 N. Y. Supp. 307, 21 App. Div. 307), 1126. Minter v. The Railroad (41 Mo. 503), 1250. Minter v. Railroad Co. (56 Mo. App. 282), 462. Minter v. Railway Co. (82 Mo. App. 130), 419. Mississippi Railroad Commission V. Railroad Co. (78 Miss. 750, 29 So. 789), 574. Missouri Coal Co. v. Railroad (35 Mo. 84), 111, 121. Missouri Furnace Co. v. Abend (107 III. 44), 1418. In re Missouri Steamship Co. (42 Ch. D. 321, 58 L. J. Ch. (N. S.) 721, 61 L. T. N. S. 316), 212, 214, 220 Missouri & 111. Railroad Tie & Lumber Co. v. Railway Co. (1 Int. Com. Rep. 30), 526. Mitchel V. Ede (11 Ad. & El. 888), 193, 736, 1318. Mitchell V. Clinton (99 Mo. 153), 1417. Mitchell V. Express Co. (46 Iowa, 214), 1355. TO SECTIONS.] Mitchell V. Railroad Co. (87 Cal. 62), 1199. Mitchell V. The Railroad (68 Ga. 644), 419, 1332. Mitchell V. Railroad (30 Ga. 22), 1116. Mitchell V. Railroad Co. (124 N. Car. 236, 32 S. E. 671, 44 L. R. A. 515), 449, 1353, 1354, 1357. Mitchell V. Railway (L. R. 10 Q. B. 256), 708, 714. Mitchell V. Railway Co. (51 Mich. 236), 1123, 1418. Mitchell V. Railway Co. (77 Miss. 917, 27 So. 834), 1045, 1065. Mitchell V. United States (21 Wall 350), 322. Mitchell V. Weir (45 N. Y. Supp. 1085, 19 App. Div. 183, aff'g., 43 N. Y. Supp. 1123), 1363. Moakler v. Railway Co. (18 Ore. 189), 1196, 1214. Modern Match Co. v. Railroad Co. (— Mich. — , 104 N. W. Rep. 19), 1348. Moeller v. Young (5 El. & B. 755), 807. Moffatt Commission Co. v. Rail- road Co. ( — Mo. App. — ,88 S. W. Rep. 117), 298. Moffatt V. Tenney (17 Colo. 189, 30 Pac. Rep. 348), 1400. Mohney v. Cook (26 Penn. St. 342), 1233. Mohr V. Railway (40 Iowa, 579), 702. Monaghan v. Horn (7 S. C. R. (Can.) 409), 1384. Monnier v. Railroad Co. (175 N. Y. 281, 67 N. E. 569, 96 Am. St. Rep. 619, 62 L. R. A. 357, reversing 75 N. Y. Supp. 521. 70 App. Div. 405), 1090. Montagu v. Janverin (3 Taunt. 442), 39. TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxix [references are Montague v. The Henry B. Hyde (82 Fed. 681; affirmed, The Henry B. Hyde 90 Fed. 115, 32 C. C. A. 534, 61 U. S. App. 147), 210, 449. Montgomery v. The Port Adelaide (38 Fed. 753), 698. Montgomery v. United States (15 Wail. 395), 322. Moore v. Am. Trans. Co. (24 How. 1), 345. Moore v. Hill (38 Fed. Rep. 330), 792. Moore v. Railroad Co. (173 Mass. 335, 53 N. E. 816), 1348. Moore v. Railroad (4 Gray, 465), 1033, 1084. Moore v. Railroad (3 Mich. 23), 280. Moore v. Railway (L. R. 8 Q. B. 36), 1100. Moore v. Railway Co. (L. R. 10 Ir. Com. L. 65), 341. Moore v. Railway Co. (69 Iowa, 491), 895. Moore v. Railroad Co. (41 W. Va. 160, 23 S. E. Rep. 539), 1056. Moore v. Railroad Co. (115 Mich. 103, 72 N. W. 1112), 1217. Moore v. Railroad Co. (119 Mich. 605, 613, 78 N. W. 666), 1111. Moore v. Railroad Co. (103 Va. 189, 48 S. E. Rep. 887), 668. Moore v. Railway Co. (67 Ark. 389, 55 S. W. 161), 997, 1017. Moore v. Railway Co. (102 Ga. 302, 29 S. E. Rep. 865), 1054. Moore v. Railway Co. (18 Tex. Civ. App. 561, 45 S. W. 609), 1049. Moore v. Shreveport (3 La. Ann. 645), 1418. Moore & Co. v. Cornwall ( — C. C. A. — , 144 Fed. 22), 366. Moore & Co. v. United States (38 Ct. CI. 590), 846. TO SECTIONS.] Moore et al. v. Wilson (1 Term, 659), 1310. Moorman v. Railway Co. (105 Mo. App. 711, 78 S. W. Rep. 1089), 1118. Moorsom v. Bell (2 Camp. 616), 832. Moran v. Packet Co, (35 Me. 55), 1277. Moran Bros. Co. v. Railroad Co. (19 Wash. 266, 53 Pac. Rep. 49, 1101), 799, 805. Mordecai v. Lindsey (79 U. S. 417, 18 L. Ed. 486), 864. More V. Lott (13 Nev. 376), 768. Morel V. Insurance Co. (4 Bush, 536), 1209. Moreland v. Railroad Co. (141 Mass. 31), 941. Morgan v. Coal Co. (113 Fed. 520), 842. Morgan v. Durfee (69 Mo. 469), 1397, 1400. Morgan v. Ide (8 Cush. 420), 780. Morgan v. Railroad Co. ( — Penn. St. — , 16 Atl. Rep. 353), 1186. Morgan v. Railroad Co. (52 N. J. L. 60, 588), 1024. Morgan v. Railway Co. ( — Mich. — , 101 N. W. Rep. 836, 70 L. R. A. 609), 1198, 1199. Morgan v. Saks ( — Ala. — , 38 So. Rep. 848), 100. Morganton Mfg. Co. v. Railway Co. (121 N. Car. 474, 28 S. E. Rep. 474, 61 Am. St. Rep. 679), 1348 Morhard v. Railroad Co. (98 N. Y. Supp. 124), 1401. Moriarty v. Express Co. (1 Daly, 227), 457. Morison v. Railroad Co. (8 N. Y. Suppl. 436), 1111. Morley v. Hay (3 M. & Ryl. 396), 872. Mormonstein v. Railro?d Co. (31 clxx TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE N. Y. Supp. 97, 13 Misc. 32), 1256. Morningstar v. Railroad Co. (135 Ala. 251, 33 So. 156), 1044, 1045. Morris v. Piatt (32 Conn. 75), 1430. Morris v. Railroad Co. (11 Ky. L. R. 698, 12 S. W. Rep. 940), 1389. Morris v. Railroad Co. (106 N. Y. 678), 920. Morris v. Railroad Co. (116 N. Y. 552), 1077. Morris v. Railway Co. (65 Iowa, 727), 1388. Morris v. Railway Co. (73 Hun, 560, 26 N. Y. Supp. 342), 1019. Morris v. The Alvah (59 Fed. 630; reversed. The Alvah, 77 Fed. 315, 23 C. C. A. 181), 635. Morris v. Wier (46 N. Y. Supp. ' 413, 20 Misc. 586), 451, 1352. In re Morrison (147 U. S. 34), 344. Morrison v. Construction Co. (44 Wis. 405), 408, 419. Morrison v. Davis (20 Penn. St. 171, 201), 267, 282, 298, 302, 303, 309. Morrison v. Railway (56 N. Y. 302), 1174, 1180, 1229. Morrison v. Railroad Co. (56 N. Y. 367), 1197, 1198. Morrow v. Pullman Car Co. (98 Mo. App. 351, 73 S. W. 281), 1131, 1132, 1133. Morrow v. Railway Co. (134 N. Car. 92, 46 S. E. Rep. 12), 991, 1180, 1181. Morse v. Evans (14 Barb. 524), 401. Morse v. Railroad (10 Barb. 621), 1422. Morse v. Railway Co. (97 Me. 77, TO SECTIONS.] 53 Atl. 874), 401, 419, 449, 1355. Morse v. Slue (1 Ventris, 190), 74, 316, 390. Mortland v. Railroad Co. (81 Hun, 473, 30 N. Y. Supp. 1021), 1291. Morville v. Railway (10 Eng. L. & E. 366), 407. Mosely v. Lord (2 Conn. 389), 61. Moses v. Norris (3 N. H. 304), 53. Moses v. Packet Co. (88 Fed. 329), 347, 1072. Moses v. Railroad Co. (73 Ga. 356), 1054. Moses v. Railroad Co. (39 La. Ann. 649), 936. Moses V. Railroad (24 N. H. 71), 70, 72, 414, 438, 441. Moses V. Railroad (32 N. H. 523), 704, 713. Moses V. Railroad Co. (5 Wash. 595, 32 Pac. 488), 867. Mosher v. Express Co. (38 Ga. 37), 230, 236. Mosher v. Railroad Co. (127 U. S. 390), 1053, 1054. Moss V. Bettis (4 Heisk. 661), 52, 54. Moszkowitz V. Navigation Co. (84 N. Y. Supp. 297), 1303. Mote V. Railroad (27 Iowa, 22), 1291. Mott V. Frost (47 Fed. 82), 839. Moulton V. Railway Co. (31 Minn. 85), 336, 339, 341, 419, 425, 426. Mount V. Larkins (8 Bing. 108), 307. Mt. Vernon Co. v. Railroad (8 S. Rep. 687), 112. Mouton V. Railroad Co. (128 Ala. 537, 29 So. Rep. 602), 475, 1354. TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxxi [eefeeences Mowrey v. Railway (51 N. Y. 666), 1227. Moynahan v. Moore (9 Mich. 9), 887. Muddle V. Stride (9 C. & P. 380), 1355, 1356. Mudgett V. Steamboat Co. (1 Daly, • 151), 1271, 1272, Mueller' v. Ferry Co. (61 N. Y. Supp. 986, 46 App. Div. 560), 942. Mueller v. Railway Co. (75 Minn. 109, 77 N. W. 566), 1056. Mugler V. Kansas (123 U. S. 623), 325. Muhl V. Railway Co. (10 Ohio St. 276), 1395. Mulcahey v. Wheel Co. (145 Mass. . 281), 1386, 1399. Mulcairns v. Janesville (67 Wis. 24), 1397, 1399. Mulhado v. Railroad (30 N. Y. 370), 1118. Mulligan v. Curtis (100 Mass. 512), 1228. Mulligan v. Railway (36 Iowa, 181), 231, 401, 408. Muldoon V. Railway Co. 7 Wash. 528, 35 Pac. 422, 38 Am. St. Rep. 901, 22 L. R. A. 794; s. c. 10 Wash. 311, 38 Pac. 995, 45 Am. St. Rep. 787), 1075. Mulhall V. Fallon (176 Mass. 266, 57 N. E. 386, 79 Am. St. Rep. 309), 1389, 1395. Mullan V. Railroad Co. (46 Minn. 474, 49 N. W. 249), 980. Mullen V. Railway Co. ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 92 S. W. Rep., 1000), 1217. Mulligan v. Railway Co. (129 N. Y. 506, 29 N. E. 952, 26 Am. St. Rep. 539, 14 L. R. A. 791, reversing 14 N. Y. Supp. 456), 1099, 1100. Mulvana v. The Anchoria (77 Fed. ARE TO SECTIONS.] 994; affirmed, The Anchoria, 83 Fed. 847), 957. Mumford v. Insurance Co. (5 John. 262), 826. Munal V. Brown (70 Fed. 967), 1386. Munos V. So. Pac. Co. (51 Fed. 188, 2 C. C. A. 163), 1396. Munn V. Baker (2 Starkie, 255), 464. Munn V. Illinois (94 U. S. 113), 574, 1023. Munro v. Dredging Co. (84 Cal. 515, 24 Pac. 303, 18 Am. St. Rep. 248), 1386, 1398. Munro v. Pacific Co. (84 Cal. 515),, 1398. Munroe v. Philadelphia Ware- house Co. (75 Fed. 545), 176. Murch V. Railroad Co. (29 N. H. 9), 916, 940, 963, 964. Murdock v. Railroad Co. (133 Mass. 15), 1428. Murdock v. Railroad Co. (137 Mass. 293), 1062, 1065, 1066, 1067. Murphy v. Railroad Co, (23 Fed, Rep. 637), 972. Murphy v. Railroad (29 Conn. 496), 1386. Murphy v. Railroad Co. (89 Ga. 832, 15 S. E. Rep. 774), 927. Murphy v. Railroad Co. (45 Iowa, 661), 1418. Murphy v. Railway Co. (118 Mass. 228), 978, 1090, 1091. Murphy v. Railroad Co. (43 Mo. App. 342), 1005, 1015, 1181. Murphy v. Railroad Co. (88 N. Y. 445), 1397. Murphy v. Railroad Co. (92 N. Y. Supp. 192), 990. Murphy v. Railroad Co. (56 Hun, 645, 10 N. Y. Supp. 354), 1118. Murray v. Insurance Co. (4 Biss. 417), 801, clxxii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are to sections.] Murray v. Lardner (2 Wall. 110), 176. Murray v. Railroad Co. (66 Conn. 512, 34 Atl. 506, 32 L. R. A. 539), 895, 915, 918, 922. Murray v. Railroad Co. (93 N. C. 92), 1228. Murray v. Railway Co. (101 Mo. 236), 1417. Murray v. Railroad Co. (31 La. Ann. 490), 1391. Murray v. Railway Co. (92 Fed. 868, 35 C. C. A. 62, aff'g., 62 Fed. 24), 521. Murray v. Steamship Co. (170 Mass. 166, 48 N. E. 1093, 64 Am. St. Rep. 290), 72, 112. Murray v. Usher (117 N. Y. 542), 1397. Murray v. Warner (55 N. H. 546), ■ 727. Murrell v. Express Co. (54 Ark. 22), 1366, 1367. Muschamp v. Railway (8 M. & W. 421), 228. Muser v. Express Co. (1 Fed. Rep. 382), 433. Muser v. Holland (17 Blatch. 412), 426. Myers v. Baymore (10 Penn. St. 114), 790, 791. Myers v. Holborn (58 N. J. L. 193, 33 Atl. Rep. 389), 1384. Myers v. Railroad Co. (88 Hun, 619, 34 N. Y. Supp. 807; s. c. 82 Hun, 36, 31 N. Y. Supp. 153), 1181, 1182. Myers v. Railway Co. (90 Mo. 98), 419. Myers v. Railway Co. (64 S. Car. 514, 42 S. E. Rep. 598), 1045. Myerson v. Woolverton (29 N. Y. Supp. 737, 9 Misc. 186), 1348. Mykleby v. Railway Co. (39 Minn. 54), 1084, 1433. Mynard v. Railroad (7 Hun, 309), 454. Mynard v. Railroad Co. (71 N. Y. 180), 402, 454, 463. Myres v. Diamond Joe Line (58 Mo. App. 199), 268. Myrick v. Railroad Co. (107 U. S. 102), 187, 231, 232, 233, 237, 243. Mytton V. Railway (4 Hurl. & N. 615), 229, 472, 1296. N Nagle V. Railroad Co. (88 CaL 86), 1187. Naglee v. Railroad Co. (83 Va. 707), 918. Nance v. Railroad Co. (94 N. C. 619), 1118. Nanson v. Jacob (12 Mo. App. 125), 247. Nash V. Railway Co. (136 Ala. 177, 33 So. 932, 96 Am. St. Rep. 19), 994, 1083, 1417. Nash V. Tousley (28 Minn. 5), 1389. Nathan v. Giles (5 Taunt. 558), 175. Nathan Bros. v. Shivers (71 Ala. 117), 889. National Bank v. Merchant's Bank (91 U. S. 92), 185. National Bank v. Railroad Co. (44 Minn. 224, 46 N. W. Rep. 566), 161. National Bank v. Walbridge (19 Ohio St. 419), 158. Nat'l Bank of Bristol v. Railroad Co. (99 Md. 661, 59 Atl. Rep. 134, 105 Am. St. Rep. 321), 175, 201, 207. TABLE OP CASES CITED. clxxiii [references are National Bank of Commerce v. Railway Co. (44 Minn. 224, 46 N. W. Rep. 342, 560, 20 Am. St. Rep. 566, 9 L. R. A. 263), 161. National Bank of Phoenixville v. Railroad (163 Pa. St. 467, 30 Atl. 228), 192. National Commercial Bank v. Transportation Co. (69 N. Y. Supp. 396, 59 App. Div. 270; affirmed, no opinion, 172 N. Y. 596, 64 N, E. 1123), 182, 777. National Newark Banking Co. v. Railroad Co. (70 N. J. Law, 774, 58 Atl. Rep. 311, 103 Am. St. Rep. 825, 66 L. R. A. 595), 184. National Steamship Co. v. Smart (107 Penn. 492), 702, 714. Navigation Co. v. Bank (6 How. 344), 487, 1355. Navigation Co. v. Farr & Bailey Mfg. Co. (81 U. S. 218, 45 L. Ed. 830, 21 Sup. Ct. R. 591, aff'g., Farr & Bailey Mfg. Co. V. Navigation Co. 98 Fed. 636, 39 C. C. A. 197 and 94 Fed. 675), 363, 367, 373, 380. In re Navigation & Imp. Co. (110 Fed. 670), 1414. Navigation Co. ads. Morse (L. R. 4 P. C. 222), 792. Navigation Co. v. Marshall (48 Ind. 596), 721. Navigation Co. v. Wood (3 Esp. 127), 75, 275. Naylor v. Dennie (8 Pick. 199), 175. Neaffie, The (1 Abb. U. S. 465), 92. Neal V. Gillette (23 Conn. 436), 309. Neal V. Railroad (8 Jones (Law), 482), 685, 702, 720. TO SECTIONS.] Neal V. Railway Co. (3 Penne. 467, 53 Atl. Rep. 338), 1391, 1397. Nealand v. Railroad Co. (161 Mass. 67, 36 N. E. 592), 1286, 1291. Nebenzahl v. Fargo (3 N. Y. Suppl. 929), 668. Nebraska City v. Campbell (2 Black, 590), 1423. Nebraska Meal Mills v. Railroad Co. (64 Ark. 169, 41 S. W. 810, 62 Am. St. Rep. 183, 38 L. R. A. 358), 177. Nebraska Tel. Co. v. State (55 Neb. 627, 76 N. W. 171. 45 L. R. A. 113), 95. Needham v. Railroad Co. (37 Cal. 410), 1420. Needham v. Railway Co. (38 Vt. 294), 1387. Negaubauer v. Railway Co. (92 Minn. 184, 99 N. W. Rep. 620, 104 Am. St. Rep. 674), 1396. Nehrbas v. Railroad Co. (62 Cal. 320), 1397, 1417. Neil V. Express Co. (Rap. Jud. Que. 20 C. S. 253), 233. Neilson v. Coal, etc., Co. (122 Fed. 617, 60 C. C. A. 175, aff'g.. The Nellie Floyd, 116 Fed. 80), 366, 371. Neilsen v. Jesup (30 Fed. Rep. 138), 807. Neimeyer Lumber Co. v. Railroad Co. (54 Neb. 321, 74 N. W. 670, 40 L. R. A. 534), 759. Neish V. Graham (8 El. & B. 505), 877. Nellis V. Railroad (30 N. Y. 505), 1033. Nelson v. Dahl (12 Ch. D. 583), 848, 849. Nelson v. Lighting Co. (75 Conn. 548, 54 Atl. Rep. 303). 1397, 1401. clxxiv TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are Nelson v. Mackintosh (1 Starkie, 337), 23, 34. Nelson v. Railroad (7 Hun, 140), 1079, 1082. Nelson v. Railroad Co. (68 Mo. 593), 1177. Nelson v. Railroad (48 N. Y. 498), 108, 139, 475. Nelson v. Railroad Co. (50 N. Y. Supp. 63, 25 App. Div. 535), 1411. Nelson v. Railroad Co. (78 Tex. 621), 1389. Nelson v. Railroad Co. (18 Utah, 244, 55 Pac. 364; s. c. 15 Utah, 325, 49 Pac. Rep. 644), 1203. Nelson v. Railroad Co. (88 Va. 971, 14 S. E. Rep. 838, 15 L. R. A. 583), 1388. Nelson v. Railroad Co (26 Vt 717), 915, 918. Nelson v. Railway Co. (104 Mich. 582. 62 N. W. Rep. 993), 1397, 1401. Nelson v. Railway Co. (28 Mont. 297, 72 Pac. 642), 292, 429, 450, 1328. Nelson v. Woodruff (1 Black, 156), 163. Nemecek v. Filer & Stowell Co. (— Wis. — , 105 N. W. Rep. 225), 1389. Nenno v. Railroad Co. (105 Mo. App. 540, 80 S. W. Rep. 24), 201, 207. Nesbit V. Garner (75 Iowa, 314), 1236. Nesbitt V. Lushington (4 Term, 783), 317. Nesbitt V. Railway Co. (22 Wash. 698, 61 Pac. Rep. 141), 1389. Neville v. Railway Co. (158 Mo. 293, 59 S. W. 123), 1217. Nevin v. Car Co. (106 111. 222). 1139. TO SECTIONS,] Nevins v. Bay State Steamboat Co. (4 Bosw. 225), 1052, 1249. Nevius V. Railway Co. (124 Wis. 313, 102 N. W. Rep. 489), 450. Newcomb v. Railroad (115 Mass. 230), 191. Newcomb v. Railroad Co. (182 Mo. 687, 81 S. W. 1069), 935, 1129, 1179. Newbury v. Railroad Co. (25 Vt. 377), 1379. Newell V. Smith (49 Vt. 255), 226, 415, 1366. Newhall v. Railroad (51 Cal. 345), 758, 762. Newhall v. Vargas (13 Me. 93), 759, 771, 772. New Jersey, etc., Co. v. Nichols 33 N. J. L. 434), 1417. N. J. Nav. Co. V Merchants' Bank (6 How. 344), 82, 281, 401, 457, 477, 489, 504, 608; 1306. New Orleans Ins. Co. v. Railroad (20 La. Ann. 302), 401. Newlin v. Railway Co. (127 Iowa, 654, 103 N. W. Rep. 999), 1177. New Philadelphia, Steamer (1 Black, 62), 92. Newport News & Miss. Valley Co. V. McDonald Brick Co.'s As- signee (22 Ky. L. Rep. 934, 59 S. W. 332), 600. Newport News & M. V. R. Co. v. Mercer (96 Ky. 475, 29 S. W. 301), 1366. Newport News, etc., Co. v. United States (61 Fed. 488, 9 C. C. A. 579, 22 U. S. App. 145), 638. Newton v Railroad Co. (80 Hun, 491, 30 N. Y. Supp. 488), 952, 1217, 1230. New Union Mill Co. v. Railway Co. (2 Q. B. (1896) 290, 65 L. J. Q. B. 493), 522. TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxxv [BEFERENCES ABE New World v. King (15 How. 469), 11, 895. New York, etc., Railway v. Gal- laher (— Tex. — , 15 S. W. Rep. 694), 1334. Niagara, Propeller v. Cordes (21 How. 7), 74, 75, 311, 497, 645. Niblo V. Binsse (44 Barb. 54), 280. Nicholas v. Railroad Co. (89 N. Y. 370), 402, 463. Nicholas v. Railway Co. (78 Minn. 43, 80 N. W. Rep. 776), 1388. Nichols V. Eddy (Tex. Civ. App. 24 S. W. Rep. 316), 1375. Nichols V. Railroad Co. (23 Or. 123, 31 Pac. 296, 37 Am. St. Rep. 664, 18 L. R. A. 55), 1049, 1056. Nichols V. Railroad Co. (24 Utah, 83, 66 Pac, 768, 91 Am. St. Rep. 778), 226, 241, 495, 520. Nichols V. Railroad (38 N. Y. 131), 1118. Nichols V. Railway Co. (68 Iowa, 732), 1177. Nichols V. Railway Co. (90 Mich. 203, 51 N. W. 364), 1126, 1128. Nichols V. Railway Co. (7 Utah, 510, 27 Pac. 693), 1082. Nichols V. Smith (115 Mass. 332), 77. Nicholson v. Railway (5 C. B. 366), 521, 522. Nicholson v. Railway Co. (114 Fed. 89, 52 C. C. A. 37), 1118. Nicholson v. Railway (3 H. & C. 534), 936. Nicholson v. Willan (5 East, 507), 391, 439, 441. Nickey v. Railway Co. (35 Mo. App. 79), 741. Nickles v. Railway Co. ( — S. Car. — , 54 S. E. Rep. 255), 949, 1073. Nicholls V. Bastard (2 Cromp. M. & R. 659), 1306. TO SECTIONS.] Nicollette Lumber Co. v. Railroad Co. (— Penn. St. — , 62 Atl. Rep. 1060), 862. Nieto V. Clark (1 Cliff. 145), 972, 1161. Nightingale v. Union Colliery Co. (9 B. C. R. 453, 2 Canadian Ry. Cases, 47), 964, 1000. Nill V. Sturgeon (28 Mo. 328), 483. Nine Thousand Dry Hides (6 Ben. 199), 812. Nines v. Railway Co. (107 Mo. 475, 18 S. W. 26), 234. Niver Coal Co. v. Steamship Co. (— C. C. A. — , 142 Fed. 402, aff'g Steamship Co. v. 2000 Tons of Coal, 124 Fed. 937), 833, 841. Noble V. Railroad Co. (4 Okl. 534, 46 Pac. 483), 1060. Noble V. Seattle (19 Wash. 133, 52 Pac. Rep. 1013, 40 L. R. A. 822), 1389. Noble's Explosives Co. v. Jenkins (2 Q. B. (1896) 326, 65 L. J. Q. B. 638), 323. Noden v. Johnson (16 Q. B. 218), 1164. Nohrden v. Railway Co. (54 S. Car. 492, 32 S. B. Rep. 524), 1400. Nolan v. Railroad Co, (87 N. Y. 63), 1197, 1198. Nolton V. Railroad (15 N. Y. 444), 962, 1017. Nord-Deutscher Lloyd v. Presi- dent, etc., of Insurance Co. (110 Fed. 420, 49 C. C. A. 1, aff'g.. Insurance Co. v. North German Lloyd Co. 106 Fed. 973), 120, 350, 364, 380. Nordemeyer v. Loescher (1 Hilt. 499). 867. Norman v. Binnington (25 Q. B. Div. 475), 464, 492. clxxvi TABLE OP CASES CITED, [REFERENCES ABE Norman v. Railway Co. (65 S. Car. 517, 44 S. E. Rep. 83, 95 Am. St. Rep. 809), 1028, 1043. Normile v. R. & Nav. Co. (41 Or. 177, 69 Pac. 928), 426, 428, 449, 643, 708, 1353. Normile v. Railway Co. (36 Wash. 21, 77 Pac. Rep. 1087), 664, 708, 709. Norris v. Litchfield (35 N. H. 271), 1233. Norris v. Railway Co. (23 Fla. 182), 271, 282. North V. Transportation Co. (146 Mass. 316), 130, 140. North American Trans. & Trading Co. V. Morrison (178 U. S. 262, 44 L. Ed. 1061, 20 Sup. Ct. R. 869), 1426. North Carolina Corp. Commis- sion V. Railroad Co. (137 N. Car. 1, 49 S. E. Rep. 191), 1104. North German Lloyd S. S. Co. v. Bullen (111 111. App. 426), 72, 113. North German Lloyd v. Heule (44 Fed. Rep. 100), 807. Northern v. Williams (6 La. Ann. 578), 688. Northern Commercial Co. v. Nes- tor (138 Fed. 383), 985. Northern Line Packet Co. v. Shearer (61 111. 263), 1310. Northey v. Field (2 Esp. 613), 420. Northwestern Transp. Co. v. Lei- ter (107 Fed. 953, 47 C. C. A. 97), 374. Norton v. Railway Co. (40 Mo. App. 642), 1414. Norway Plains Co. v. Railroad (1 Gray, 263), 76, 702, 1286. Norwich Co. v. Wright (13 Wall. 104), 344. TO SECTIONS.] Notara v. Henderson (L. R. 5 Q. B. 346; L. R. 7 Q. B. 225), 632, 648, 789. Nourse v. Packard (138 Mass. 307), 1386. Noyes v. Railroad (27 Vt. 110), 76, 226, 242. Nudd V. Wells (11 Wis. 407), 652. Nugent V. Railroad Co. (80 Me. 62), 918. Nugent V. Smith (L. R. 1 C. P. Div. 19, 423), 49, 62, 275, 311. Nunn V. Railroad Co. (71 Ga. 710), 1128. Nutter V. Railway Co. (25 Ky. Law Rep. 1700, 78 S. W. Rep. 470), 1036, 1065. Nutting V. Railroad Co. (1 Gray, 502), 231, 233. Oakes v. Railroad Co. (95 Me. 103, 49 Atl. Rep. 418), 1397, 1398, 1400. Oakes v. Railroad Co. (20 Or. 392), 1249. Oakes v. Richardson (2 Lowell's Dec. 173), 1370. Oakey v. Russell (18 Mar. (La.) 58), 75. Oakley v. Packet Co. (11 Exch. 618), 40. Gates V. Railway Co. (104 Mo. 514), 1390. O'Banion v. Railway Co. (65 Kan. 352, 69 Pac. 353), 990. O'Bannon v. Express Co. (51 Ala. 481), 117. Ober V. Railroad Co. (13 Mo. App. 81), 1305. TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxxvii [references are Oberndorfer v. Pabst (100 Wis. 505, 76 N. W. 33S), 100. O'Breia v. Steamship Co. (154 Mass. 272, 28 N. E. 266, 13 L. R. A. 329), 1163. O'Brien v. Miller (168 U. S. 303), 344. O'Brien v. Norris (16 Md. 122), 175, 758. O'Brien v. Railroad Co. (15 Gray, 20), 1001, 1079^ 1082. O'Brien v. Railroad Co. (80 N. Y. 236), 1085. O'Brien v. Transit Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 84 S. W. Rep. 939), 1102. Och V. Railway Co. (130 Mo. 27, 31 S. W. 962, 36 L. R. A. 442), 1414. O'Callahan v. Bode (84 Cal. 489), 1401. O'Carroll v. The Havre (45 Fed. Rep. 764), 1156. O'Clair v. Rhode Island Co. (— R. I. — , 63 Atl. Rep. 238), 1414. O'Connor v. Foster (10 Watts, 418), 1370. O'Dea V. Railroad Co. ( — Mich. — , 105 N. W. Rep. 746), 1118. Odell V. Railroad Co. (45 N. Y. Supp. 464, 18 App. Div. 12; affirmed tvithout opinion, 162 N. Y. 625, 57 N. E. 1119), 1001. Oderkirk v. Fargo (61 Hun, 418, 16 N. Y. Supp. 220; s. c. 58 Hun, 347, 11 N. Y. Supp. 871), 681, 684. Odom V. Railroad Co. (45 La. Ann. 1201, 14 So. 734, 23 L. R. A. 152), 1118. O'Donnell v. Railroad Co. (19 Ky. Law Rep. 1005, 42 S. W. Rep. 846), 1194. O'Donnell v. Railroad Co. (59 TO SECTIONS.] Penn. St. 239), 947, 1004, 1200. O'Donnell v. Railway Co. (106 III. App. 287), 1015. O'Dougherty v. Railroad (1 Thomp. & C. 477), 177. O'Fallon, etc., Co. v. Laquest (198 111. 125, 64 N. E. Rep. 767), 1397. Ogden V. Marshall (8 N. Y. 340), 1370. Ogle V. Lane (L. R. 3 Q. B. 272), 1369. O'Gorman v. Railway Co. (89 N. Y. Supp. 589, 96 App. Div. 594), 1077. O'Hanlon v. Railway (6 Best & S. 484), 1360. Ohio, etc., Coal Co. v. Smith, (53 Ohio St. 313), 1386. Ohio Coal Co. v. Whitcomb (123 Fed. 359, 59 C. C. A. 487), 539. Ohrloff v. Briscall (L. R. 1 P. C. 231), 1355. Oklahoma Gas, etc., Co. v. Lukert (— Okl. — , 84 Pac. Rep. 1076), 1389. Olanta Coal Co. v. Railroad Co. (144 Fed. 150), 144. O'Laughlin v. Railroad Co. (164 Mass. 139, 41 N. E. 121), 978. In re Old Dominion Steamship Co. (115 Fed. 845), 344. Olds V. Railroad Co. (172 Mass. 73, 51 N. E. 450), 1217. Olds V. Railroad Co. (94 N. Y. Supp. 924), 172, 641. Olivier v. Railroad Co. (43 La. Ann. 804, 9 So. 431), 1113, 1197. Olivier v. Railroad Co. (134 Mich. 367, 96 N. W. Rep. 434, 104 Am. St. Rep. 607), 1386, 1397. Olmstead v. Burke (25 111. 86), 1367. clxxviii TABLE OP CASES CITED, [references are Olson V. Railroad Co. (45 Minn. 536), 1067. Olson V. Railway ( — Minn. — , 102 N. W. Rep. 449), 1118. Olwell V. Express Co. (1 C. L. J. 186), 401. O'Malley v. Railway Co. (86 Minn. 580, 90 N. W. 974), 401, 426, 428. Omaha v. Bowman (63 Neb. 333, 88 N. W. Rep. 521), 1401. Onderdonk v. Bank (119 N. Y. 263), 23. Onderdonk v. Railway Co. (74 Hun, 42, 26 N. Y. Supp. 310), 1118, 1174. One Hundred and Fifty Tons of Coal (4 Blatchf. 368), 869, 871. O'Neill V. Garrett (6 Iowa, 480), 772. O'Neil V. Railroad (60 N. Y. 138), 72, 112, 611, 1319. One Hundred and One Live Stock Co. V. Railroad Co. (100 Mo. App. 674, 75 S. W. 782), 430, 442. Ontario Bank v. Hanlon (23 Hun, 283), 155. Ontario Bank v. Steamboat Co. (59 N. Y. 510), 196. Oppenheim v. Russell (3 Bos. & P. 42), 872. Oppenheimer v. Express Co. (69 111. 62), 425, 426, 431, 434, 441. Orange Co. Bank v. Brown (3 Wend. 158), 1325, 1350. Orange Co. Bank v. Brown (9 Wend. 85), 330. 332, 1246. Orange Co. Bank v. Brown (9 Wend. 115), 414, 441. Orange County Fruit Exchange V. Hubbell (10 N. Mex. 47. 61 Pac. 121), 177. TO SECTIONS.] Orcutt V. Railway Co. (85 Cal. 291), 1420. O'Regan v. Steamship Co. (160 Mass. 356. 35 N. E. 1070, 39 Am. St. Rep. 484), 212, 215, 218. 1031. O'Reilly v. Railroad Co. (44 N. Y. Supp. 264, 15 App. Div. 79; s. c. 4 App. Div. 139, 38 N. Y. Supp. 779), 937. O'Reilly v. Railroad Co. (16 R. I. 388, 17 Atl. Rep. 171, 5 L. R. A. 364), 1388. O'Reilly v. Stage Co. (87 Hun, 406, 34 N. Y. Supp. 358), 1386. Orndorff v. Express Co. (3 Bush, 194), 450. O'Rourke v. Railroad Co. (44 Iowa, 526), 677. Orr V. Railroad Co. (21 Mo. App. 336), 234. Ortt V. Railway Co. (36 Minn. 396), 232, 233. Osborn v. Gillett (L. R. 8 Exch. 8), 1384. Osborn v. Railroad Co. (123 Mich. 669, 82 N. W. 526), 574, 584. Osborn v. Railroad Co. (126 Mich. 113, 85 N. W. 466), 577. Osborne v. Railway Co. (48 Fed. 49; reversed. Railway Co. v. Osborne, 52 Fed. 912, 3 C. C. A. 347, 10 U. S. App. 430), 573. Oskamp v. Express Co. (56 N. E. 13, 61 Ohio St. 341), 672, 682. Osterhoudt v. Railway Co. (62 N. Y. Supp. 134, 47 App. Div. 146), 443. Otis V. Railway Co. (112 Mo. 622, 20 S. W. 676), 212, 216, 503, 1355. Ostrander v. Brown (15 Johns. 39), 688. 696. Otis V. Thorn (23 Ala. 469). 1236. I TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxxix [references are Ott V. Railway Co. (18 O. C. C. 395, 10 O. C. D. 85), 1387. Ouderkirk v. Bank (119 N. Y. 263), 23. Ouimit V. Henshaw (35 Vt. 605), 106, 142, 704, 1247, 1284, 1287. Ouligan v. Butler ( — Mass. — , 75 N. E. Rep. 726), 1394, 1397. Overby v. McGee (15 Ark. 459), 780. Oviatt V. Railway Co. (43 Minn. 300), 952. Owen V. Brockschmidt (54 Mo. 285), 1378. Owen V. Outerbridge (26 S. C. R. (Can.) 272), 822. Owen V. Railroad (2 Bosw. 374), 1181. Owen V. Railway Co. (29 Wash. 207, 69 Pac. 757), 938, 1185. Owen V. The Railway (83 Mo. 464), 859. Owen V. Railway Co. (11 S. Dak. 153, 76 N. W. 302), 872. Owens V. Railroad Co. (119 Ga. 230, 46 S. E. 87, 63 L. R. A. 946), 968. Owens V. Railroad Co. (95 Mo. 169), 1118. Owens V. Railway Co. (84 Mo. App. 143), 1126, 1177, 1179. Owens V. Railroad Co. (88 N. C. 502), 1418. Owens V. Railroad Co. (126 N. Car. 139, 35 S. E. Rep. 259, 78 Am. St. Rep. 642), 987. Oxlade v. Railway Co. (1 N. & M. 72), 521. Oxsher v. Railway Co. (29 Tex. Civ. App. 420, 67 S. W. 550), 991. Oxlade v. Railway (1 C. B, (N. S.) 454), 522. Oxlade v. Railway (15 Com. B. (N. S.) 680), 340. TO SECTIONS.] Oxley V. Railway Co. (65 Mo. 629), 419, 443. ■♦ Pacific Coast S. S. Co. v. Bancroft- Whitney Co. (94 Fed. 180, 36 C. C. A. 135; reversed in The Queen of the Pacific, 180 U. S. 49, 45 L. Ed. 419, 21 Sup. Ct. R. 278), 442. In re Pacific Mail S. S. Co. (130 Fed. 76, 64 C. C. A. 410, 69 L. R. A. 71, reversing 126 Fed. 1020), 344, 381. Pacific Steam Whaling Co. v. Grismore (117 Fed. 68, 54 C. C. A. 454, aff'g., The Valencia, 110 Fed. 221), 1152, 1156, 1169. Pacific Telegraph Co. v. Under- wood (37 Neb. 315, 55 N. W. 1057, 40 Am. St. Rep. 490), 95. Packard v. Earle (113 Mass. 280), 716, 718. Packard v. Getman (6 Cow. 757), 117. Packard v. Getman (4 Wend. 613), 1372. Packard v. Railroad Co. (181 Mo. 421, 80 S. W. Rep. 951, 103 Am. St. Rep. 607), 1389. Packard v. Taylor (35 Ark. 402), 233, 236, 271, 276. Packet Co. v. Henry (50 111. 460), 1180. Packet Co. v. Mulligan (25 Ky. Law Rep. 1287, 77 S. W. 704), 917, 1236. Packet Co. v. Nagel (15 Ky. Law Rep. 742), 1442, clxxx TABLE OF CASES CITED. [beferences are Packet Co. v. Shearer (61 111. 263), 1309, 1310. Packet Co. v. Smith (23 Md. 402, 87 Am. Dec. 575), 1277. Paddock v. Railroad Co. (37 Fed. Rep. 841), 1135. Paddock v. Railway Co. (60 Mo. App. 328), 475, 508. Page V. Munro (1 Holmes, 232), 799. Page V. Railway Co. (7 S. Dak. 297, 64 N. W. 137), 226, 238, 241. Page V. Smith (99 Mass. 395), 77. Painter, Ex parte (2 Com. B. (N. S.) 702), 944. Palfrey v. Railroad (4 Allen, 55), 1376. Palm V. Railroad (18 111. 217), 1369. Palmer v. Canal Co. (120 N. Y. 170), 895, 903, 904. Palmer v. Lorillard (16 Johns. 348), 655, 801. Palmer v. Pennsylvania Co. (Ill N. Y. 488), 957. Palmer v. Railroad Co, (101 Cal. 187, 35 Pac. 630), 130, 201, 206, 207, 226, 243, 496, 654. Palmer v. Railroad Co. (92 Me. 399, 42 Atl. 800, 69 Am. St. Rep. 513), 1057, 1442. Palmer v. Railroad Co. (56 Mich. 1), 1174. Palmer v. Railroad (3 Rich. S. C. (N. S.) 380), 1038. Palmer v. G. J. Railway (4 M. & W. 749), 57, 340, 395, 407, 408. Palmeri v. Railway Co. (133 N. Y. 261, 30 N. E. 1001, 28 Am. St. Rep. 632, 16 L. R. A. 136), 1099. Palmeter v. Wagner (11 Alb. L. Jour. 149), 1130, 1132. TO SECTIONS.] Palyo V. Railroad Co. (30 N. J. Eq. 604), 1419. Pantland Hick v. Raymond & Reid (L. R. (1893), App. Cas. 22, 62 L. J. Q. B. 98, aff'g., 2 Q. B. (1891) 626), 839, 842. Paquin v. Railway Co. (90 Mo. App. 118), 1409, 1423. Paradine v. Jane (Aleyn, 26), 819. Pardee v. Drew (25 Wend. 459), 75, 330, 1249. Pardington v. So. Wales Railway (1 H. & N. 392; 38 Eng. L. & E. 432), 336, 340, 397. Pares v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 57 S. W. Rep. 301), 1417. Parish v. Railroad Co. (90 N. Y. Supp. 1000, 99, App. Div. 10), 1065. Park V. Preston (108 N. Y. 434), 449. Parker v. Crowell, etc., Co. (115 La. — , 39 So. Rep. 455), 1398. Parker v. Flagg (26 Me. 181), 75. Parker v. James (4 Camp. 112), 295, 319. Parker v. Railroad Co. (133 N. Car. 335, 45 S. E. 658, 63 L. R. A. 827), 449, 464, 479, 1353, 1354. Parker v. Railway Co. (2 C. P. D. 416), 1298, 1299. Parker v. Railway (6 Exch. 702; 6 El. & B. 77), 805. Parker v. Railway (5 Hun, 57), 1098. Parker v. Railway (7 M. & Gran. 253), 516, 522. Parker v. Steamship Co. (76 N. Y. Supp. 806, 74 App. Div. 16), 755. Parmalee v. Raymond (43 111. App. 609), 1363. TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxxxi [references are Parmalee v. Wilks (22 Barb. 539). 301, 626. Parmelee v. Fischer (22 111. 212), 1248. Parmelee v. Lowitz (74 111. 116), 68. Parmelee v. McNulty (19 111. 556), 68. Parr v. Railroad Co. (43 S. Car. 197, 20 S. E. Rep. 1009, 49 Am. St. Rep. 826), 918. Parrill v. Railway Co. (23 Ind. App. 638, 55 N. E. Rep. 1026), 42, 44, 1331. Parrott v. Wells (15 Wall. 524), 1430. Parsons v. Hardy (14 Wend. 215), 65, 75, 273, 652, 654. Parsons v. Hart (30 S. C. R. (Can.) 473), 700. Parsons v. Monteath (13 Barb. 353), 401, 489. Parsons v. Railroad Co, (37 Hun, 128), 1219. Parsons v. Railroad Co. (94 Mo. 286), 1389, 1400, 1417. Parsons v. Railroad Co. (85 Hun, 23, 32 N. Y. Supp. 598), 937; Parsons v. Railroad Co. (113 N. Y. 355), 1012. Parsons v Railroad Co. (167 U. S. 447, 17 Sup. Ct. R. 887, 42 L. Ed. 231, aff'g., 63 Fed. 903, 11 C. C. A, 489, 27 U. S. App. 394), 566. Parsons v. Transportation Co. (Ill Fed. 202, 49 C. C. A. 302), 344, 353. Partridge v. Steamboat Co. (66 N. J. L. 290, 49 Atl. 726), 980. Paschall v. Owen (77 Tex. 585), 1397, 1401. Passenger Tariffs, In re (2 Inter- state Com. Rep. 649), 1030. TO SECTIONS.] Pastoris v. Railroad Co. (149 Pa. St. 432, 24 Atl. 283), 1184. Paterson v. Railroad Co. (85 Ga. 653), 1177, 1417. Paterson v. Railway Co, ( — Minn. — , 103 N. W. Rep. 621), 1348. Patrick v. Railway Co. ( — Ind. Terr. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 330, reversed in Railway Co. v. Patrick, — C. C. A. — , 144 Fed. 632), 154, 408, 411, 412. Patry v. Railway Co. (77 Wis, 218), 1002, 1444. Patscheider v. Railway Co. L. R. 3 Ex. Div. 153), 1284, 1285. Patten v. Railroad (32 Wis. 524; 36 Wis. 413), 940. Patten v. Railway Co. (29 Fed. Rep. 590), 885. Patterson v. Clyde (67 Penn. St, 500), 1354, 1355. Patterson v. Railroad Co. ( — Ala. — ), 1440. Patterson v. Railroad Co. (25 Ky. Law Rep. 1750, 78 S. W. Rep. 870), 1100. Patterson v. Railway Co. (47 Mo.' App. 570; s. c. 56 Mo. App. 657), 408, 462. Patterson v Steamship Co. ( — N. Car. — , 53 S. E. Rep. 224), 1165. Pattison v. Blanchard (5 N, Y. 186), 250, 263. Patton V. Magrath (Dudley, 159), 281. Patton V. McGrath (1 Rice, 162), 1327. Patton V. Pickles (50 La. Ann. 857, 24 So. 290), 942. Paturzo V. Company (31 Fed. Rep. 611), 492. Paul V. Railroad Co. (70 N. J. L, 442, 57 Atl. 139), 450, 640. clxxxii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE TO SECTIONS.] Paulitsch V. Railroad Co. (102 N. Y. 280), 1111. Pauliuier v. Railroad Co., (34 N. J. Law 151). 1402. I'aulmier v. Railroad (5 Vroom, 1.^.1), 1397. Pavltt V. Railroad Co. (153 Pa. St. 302. 25 Atl. 1107), 442, 444, 480. Paxton V. Boyer (07 111. 132), 1430. Payne v. Halstead (44 111. App. 97). 96, 896. Payne v. Railroad Co. (157 Ind. 616, 62 N. E. 472, vacating judgment of Ind. App. Ct. in 60 N. E. 362), 1075. Payne v. Railway Co. (106 Tenn. 167, 61 S. W. 86), 1123. Payne v. Ralli (74 Fed. 563), 333, 866. Paynter v. James (L. R. 2 C. P. 348), 870. Peabody v. Railway Co. (21 Oreg. 121), 1061, 1065. Peacock v. Rhodes (2 Doug. 633), 176. Peak's Admr., v. Railroad Co, (23 Ky. Law Rep. 2157, 66 S. W. 995), 1180. Pearce v. Railroad (21 How. 441), 264. Pearce v. Railroad Co. (89 Mo. App. 437; reversed in Rail- road V. Pearce. 48 L. Ed. 397, 192 U. S. 179), 866. Pearse v. Steamship Co. (24 Fed. Rep. 285), 430. Pearson v. Duane (4 Wall. 605), 963, 966, 974. Pease v. Railroad Co. (101 N. Y. 367), 1059, 1085. Peavy v. Railroad Co. (81 Ga. 485), 978, 1102. Peck V. Neil (3 McLean, 22), 901. Peck V. Railroad Co. (50 Conn. 379), 1383. Peck V. Railroad Co. (70 N. Y. 587), 972. Peck V. Weeks (34 Conn. 145), 130, 451, 631. Peek V. Railway (10 H. L. Cas. 473), 397. Peerless Mfg. Co. v. Railroad Co. (— N. H.— , 61 Atl. 511), 450. Peers v. Nevada, etc. Co., (119 Fed. 400), 1389. Peet V. Railway (19 Wis. 118), 226. Peet V. Railway (20 Wis. 594), 146, 649, 1366. Peik V. Railroad Co. (94 U. S. 164), 574, 1023. Peixotti V. McLaughlin (1 Strob. 468), 68. Pekin v. McMahon, (154 111. 141, 39 N. E. Rep. 484, 45 Am. St._ Rep. 114, 27 L. R. A. 206), 1392. Pelly V. Royal, etc. Ass. Co. (1 Burr. 341), 321. Pelton V. Railroad (54 N. Y, 214), 708, 709. Pence v. Railroad Co. (116 Iowa, 279, 90 N. W. 59), 1181. Pence v. Railroad Co. ( 23 Ky. Law Rep. 1207, 64 S. W. 905), 1126. Pender v. Robbins (6 Jones (Law), 207), 27. Pendergast v. Express Co. (101 Mass. 120), 243. Pendleton v. Kinsley (3 Cliff. 416), 895, 909, 1161. Pendleton's Adm'r. v. Railroad Co. (— Va.— , 52 S. E. Rep. 574), 1219. Penfield v. Railway Co. (50 N. Y. Supp. 79, 26 App. Div. 413), 938. Peniston v. Railway Co. (34 La. Ann. 777), 936, 1012, 1116. TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxxxiii [REI'ERENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Penn v. Railroad Co. (49 N. Y. 204), 336, 339, 341. Pennefeather v. Baltimore, etc. Co. (58 Fed. 481), 783. Pennewell v. Cullan (5 Harr. (Del.) 238), 35, 37, 63. Pennington v. Railroad Co. (69 111. App. 628), 1047. Pennington v. Railroad Co. (62 Md. 95), 1043, 1053, 1085. Pennsylvania Co. v. Bray (125 Ind. 229), 1055, 1059, 1066, 1433. Pennsylvania Co. v. Butler (57 Pa. 335), 1397, 1398. Pennsylvania Co. v. City of Chi- cago (181 111. 289, 54 N. E. 825, 53 L. R. A. 223, aff'g 73 111. App. 345), 944, 945. Pennsylvania Co. v. Clark (2 Ind. App. 146, 27 N. E. Rep. 586), 1334. Pennsylvania Co. v. Connell, (112 111. 295), 1090. Pennsylvania Co. v. Coyer (163 Ind. 631, 72 N. E. Rep. 875), 1389, 1394. Pennsylvania Co. v. Dickson (31 Ind. App. 451, 67 N. B. 538), 232, 238. Pennsylvania Co. v. Donovan (116 Fed. 907; modified, Donovan V. Railroad, 120 Fed. 215, 57 C. C. A. 362, 61 L. R. A. 140; rehearing denied, 124 Fed. 1016, 60 C. C. A. 168; af- firmed, 199 N. S. 279), 944. Pennsylvania Co. v. Greso (102 111. App. 252; s. c. 79 111. App. 127), 918, 1072, 1073. Pennsylvania Co. v. Hine (41 Ohio St. 276), 1045. Pennsylvania Co. v. Hixon (10 Ind. App. 520, 38 N. E. 56), 1180. Pennsylvania Co. v. Hoagland (78 Ind. 203), 1067, 1221, 1428. Pennsylvania Co. v. Holderman (69 Ind. 18), 1315, 1336. Pennsylvania Co. v. Keane (143 111. 172, 32 N. E. 260, affg., 41 111. App. 317), 1397. Pennsylvania Co. v. Kenwood Bridge Co. (170 111. 645, 49 N. E. 215, reversing 69 111. App. 145), 610. Pennsylvania Co. v. Langdon (92 Penn. St. 21), 1200. Pennsylvania Co. v. Lenhart (120 Fed. 61, 56 C. C. A. 457), 1053, 1062, 1065, 1066. Pennsylvania Co. v. Lilly (73 Ind. 254), 1397. Pennsylvania Co. v. Liveright (14 Ind. App. 518, 43 N. E. 162; s. c. 41 N. E. 350), 1352. Pennsylvania Co. v. Marion (123 Ind. 415), 933, 1179, 1207. Pennsylvania Co. v. McCaffery (173 111. 169, 50 N. E. 713, aff'g., 68 111. App. 635), 1016, 1186, 1219. Pennsylvania Co. v. Miller (35 Ohio St. 541), 1249, 1250. Pennsylvania Co. v. Newmeyer (129 Ind. 401, 28 N. E. 860), 899, 926. Pennsylvania Co, v. Parry (55 N. J. L. 551, 27 Atl. Rep. 914, 39 Am. St. Rep. 654, 22 L. R. A. 251), 1041, 1058, 1077. Pennsylvania Co. v. Paul (126 Fed. 157, 62 C. C. A. 135), 1198. Pennsylvania Co. v. Poor (103 Ind. 553), 1315, 1334. Pennsylvania Co. v. Railroad Co. (118 U. S. 290), 918. Pennsylvania Co. v. Railway Co. (107 111. App. 386), 667, 755. Pennsylvania Co. v. Reed (60 clxxxiv TABLE OF CASES CITED. [befeeences are Fed. 694, 9 C. C. A. 219. 20 U. S. App. 400), 1183. Pennsylvania Co. v. Roy (102 U, S. 451), 895. 1095. 1135. Pennsylvania Co. v. Scofield (121 Fed. 814, 58 C. C. A. 176), 1426, 1433. Pennsylvania Co. v. Walker (29 Ind. App. 285, 64 N. B. 473), 1331. Pennsylvania Co. v. Wentz (37 Ohio St. 333), 1060. Pennsylvania Co. v. White (88 Penn. St. 327), 1219. Pennsylvania Canal Co, v. Bent- ley (66 Penn. St. 30), 1174. Pennsylvania Nav. Co. v. Dand- ridge (S Gill & J. 248), 92. Pennsylvania Steel Co. v. Rail- road Co. (94 Ga. 636, 21 S. E. Rep. 577), 772, 865, 866. Penny v. Porter (2 East, 2), 1337. Penny v. Railroad Co. (133 N. Car. 221, 45 S. E. 563, 63 L. R. A. 497), 989. Penoyer v. Hallett (15 Johns. 332), 817. People V. Babcock (16 Hun, 313), 149. People V. Haynes (14 Wend. 546), 1317. People V. McKay (46 Mich. 439), 943. People V. Railroad (22 Hun, 533), 149. Peoria Bank v. Railroad (58 N. H. 203), 117. Peoria Bridge Ass. v. Loomis (20 111. 235), 1436. Pereira v. Railroad Co. (66 Cal. 92), 231, 625, 651. Perham v. Electric Co. (33 Or. 451, 53 Pac. Ren. 14, 72 Am. St. Rep. 730, 40 L. R. A. 799), 1386, 1389, 1394. TO SECTIONS.] Perkins v. Railroad (47 Me. 573), 231, 242, 1360. Perkins v. Railroad Co. (55 Mo. 201), 961. \ Perkins v. Railroad (24 N. Y. 196), 1075. Perishable Freight Transporta- tion Co. V. O'Neill (41 HI. App. 423), 505. Perry v. Banking Co. (85 Ga. 193), 1397. Perry v. Carmichael (95 HI. 519), 1389. Perry v. Railroad Co. (66 Ga. 746), 1006. Perry v. Railway Co. (89 Mo. App. 49), 1366. Perry v. Spreckel's Sugar Refin- ing Co. (110 Fed. 777), 848. Perry v. Thompson (98 Mass. 249), 401, 415. Perth Committee v. Ross (A. C. (1897) 479, 66 L. J. P. C. 81), 943. Peters v. Railroad Co. (42 Ohio St. 275), 805. Peters v. Rylands (20 Penn. St. 497), 916, 918. Peterson v. Case (21 Fed. Rep. 885), 132. Peterson v. Railw^ay Co. (80 la. 92), 263. Petersen v. Railway Co. (119 Wis. 197, 96 N. W. 532, 100 Am. St. Rep. 879), 1018, 1073. Petrie v. Railroad Co. (42 N. J. L. 449), 1041, 1065. Pettigrew v. Barnum (11 Md. 434), 1246, 1249. Petty V. Railway (L. R. 5 C. P. 461), 940. Pfaetzer v. Car Co. (4 Wk. Notes, 240), 1130, 1132. Pfaffenback v. Railway Co. (142 Ind. 246, 41 N, E, 530), 1001, TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxxxv [BEFEBENCES ABE Pfister V. Railroad Co. (70 Cal. 169), 517, 1240, 1249. Pharr v. Collins (35 La. Ann. 939), 866. Phelan v. Moss (67 Penn. St. 59), 176. Phelps V. Railroad (94 111. 548), 147. Phelps V. Railway, (19 C. B. N. S. 321), 1244, 1249. Phelps V. Williamson (5 Sand. 578), 830. Phelps V. Steamboat Co. (131 N. Car. 12, 42 S. E. 335), 918. Phelps, James & Co. v. Hill (1 Q. B. (1891) 605, 60 L. J. Q. B. 382), 616. Phettiplace v. Railroad Co. (84 Wis. 412, 54 N. W. 1092, 20 L. R. A. 483), 1033, 1082. Phifer v. Railroad Co. (89 N. C. 311), 261. Phillips V. Brigham (26 Ga. 617), 613. Phillips V. Earle (8 Pick. 182), 111, 329. Phillips V. Pruitt (26 Ky. Law Rep. 831, 82 S. W. Rep. 628), 100. Phillips V. Railroad (57 Barb. 644), 940. Phillips V. Railroad (49 N. Y. 177), 1181. Phillips V. Railroad Co. (62 Hun, 233, 16 N. Y. Supp. 909), 918, 1184. Phillips V. Railroad Co. (78 N. C. 294), 231, 238, 261. Phillips V. Railway Co. (114 Ga. 284, 40 S. E. 268), 1023, 1033. Phillips V. Railway Co. (124 N. Car. 123, 32 S. E. 388, 45 L. R. A. 163), 931, 1008. Phillips V. Rodie (15 East, 547), 856, 866. Phillpot V. Railway Co. (85 Mo. 164), 1389. TO SECTIONS.] Philpott V. Railroad Co. (175 Penn. St. 570, 34 Atl. Rep. 856), 1397. Phipps V. Railway Co. (2 Q. B. (1892) 229, 61 L. J. Q. B. 379), 522. Phenix Ins. Co. Ex p. (118 U. S. 617), 344. Phoenix Powder Mfg. Co. v. Rail- road Co. (—Mo.—, 94 S. W. Rep. 235; s. c. 101 Mo. App. 442, 74 S. W. Rep. 492), 475. Pickens v. Railroad Co. (104 N. C. 312), 1085. Pickering v. Barkley (Style, 132), 316, 481, 490. Pickering v. Busk (15 East, 38), 785. Pickford v. Railway (8 M. & W. 372), 150, 1344. Pickford v. Railway (12 M. & W. 766), 147, 151, 461, 516. Pickford v. Railway (10 M. & W. 422), 522. Piedmont Mfg. Co. v. Railroad Co. (19 S. C. 353), 35, 62, 227, 232, 238. Pier V. Finch (24 Barb. 514), 1046. Pierce v. Conners (20 Colo. 178, 37 Pac. 721, 46 Am. St. Rep. 297), 1389, 1397, 1398. Pierce v. Gray (63 111. App. 158), 1118. Pierce v. Railroad Co. (120 Cal. 156, 47 Pac. Rep. 874, 40 L. R. A. 350, 52 Pac. Rep. 302), 207, 426, 430, 450, 464, 613, 614. Pierce v. Railway (23 Wis. 387), 21, 61, 731. Pierce v. Winsor (2 Sprague, 35), 798. Pike V. Polytechnic Inst. (1 F. & F. 712), 909. Pincus V. Railroad Co. ( — N. clxxxvi TABliE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Car.—. 53 S. E. Rep. 297), 941. Pindell v. Railway Co. (34 Mo. App. 675). 702, 710. Pindell v. Railway Co. (41 Mo. App. 84; s. c. 34 Mo. App. 675). 702, 710. Pingree v. Railroad Co. (66 Mich. 143). 327, 740. Pingree v. Railroad Co. (118 Mich. 314, 76 N. W. 635, 53 L. R. A. 274), 574. Pinlverton v. Railway Co., (—Mo. App.—, 93 S. W. Rep. 849), 292. Pinney v. Railroad (19 Minn. 251), 708, 709. Pinney v. Wells (10 Conn. 104), 875, 877. Pioneer Const. Co. v. Sunderland (188 111. 345), 1174. Pioneer Fuel Co. v. McBrier (84 Fed. 495, 28 C. C. A. 466, 55 ¥. S. App. 181), 849, 855, 857. Piper Oden Goodall Co. In re (86 Fed. 670), 344, 347. Piper V. Railroad Co. (156 N. Y. 224, 50 N. E. 851, 41 L. R. A. 724. 66 Am. St. Rep. 560, re- versing 34 N. Y. Supp. 1072, 89 Hun, 75; s. c, 76 Hun, 44, 27 N. Y. Supp. 593), 1192. Pisano v. Shanley Co. (66 N. J. L. 1, 48 Atl. Rep. 618), 1392. Pitcher v. Railway Co. (61 Hun, 623, 16 N. Y. Supp. 62; s. c, 8 N. Y. Supp. 389), 1003. Pitcher v. Railway Co. (8 N. Y. Suppl. 389), 1116. Pitloclt V. Wells. Fargo & Co. (109 Mass. 452), 60, 147. Pittman v. Express Co. (24 Tex. Civ. App. 595. 59 S. W. 949; s. c. 30 Tex. Civ. App. 626, 71 S. W. Rep. 312), 210. TO SECTIONS.] Pittman v. Hooper (3 Sumn. 50), 830. Pittsburgh v. Grier (22 Penn. St. 54), 1223. Pitzner v. Shinnick (39 Wis. 129), 1419. Place V. Union Ex. Co. (2 Hil- ton, 19), 82, 49G, 625. Plaisted v. Navigation Co. (27 Me. 132), 281, 483. Plantation, Inhabitants of, v. Hall (61 Me. 517), 231. Planters' Fertilizer Mfg. Co. v. Elder (101 Fed. 1001, 42 C. C. A. 130), 157, 158, 165. Plant Inv. Co. v. Cook (85 Fed. 611, 29 C. C. A. 377), 942. Planz V. Railroad Co. (157 Mass. 377, 32 N. E. 356, 17 L. R. A. 835), 990, 1001. Piatt V. Hibbard (7 Cow. 497). 72. Platz V. Cohoes (24 Hun, 101; 89 N. Y. 219), 1233, 1383. Player v. Railway Co. (62 Iowa, 723), 1188, 1202. Pledger v. Railroad ( — Neb. — , 95 N. W. Rep. 1057), 990, 1001. Plessy V. Ferguson (163 U. S. 537, 41 L. Ed. 256, 16 Sup. Ct. 1138, affirming ex parte Ples- sy, 45 La. Ann. 80, 18 L. R. A. 639, 11 So. Rep. 948), 972. Plott V. Railroad Co. (63 Wis. 511), 1060. Plumley v. Birge (124 Mass. 57), 1228. Plummer v. State (4 Tex. App. 310), 1430. Pocahontas Collieries Co. v. Ru- kas' Adm'r. ( — Va. — , 51 S. E. Rep. 449), 1395. Poff V. New England, etc. Co. (72 N. H. 164, 55 Atl. Rep. 891), 1396. Pollard V. Vinton (105 U. S. 7), 157, 160, 161, 175. TABLE OF CASES CITED. clxxxvii [bEFEBENCES ABE Pomeroy v. Donaldson (5 Mo. 36), 66. Pomeroy v. Railroad Co. (172 Mass. 92, 51 N. E. 523), 1118. Pompily V. Manhattan Delivery Co. (84 N. Y. Supp. 230), 1298. Pond-Decker Lumber Co. v. Spen- cer (86 Fed. 846, 30 C. C. A. 430, reversing Central Trust Co. V. Railway 81 Fed. 277), 540. Ponder v. Railroad Co. (117 Ga. 63, 43 S. E. 430, 97 Am. St. Rep. 152, 60 L. R. A. 713), 987. Pontifex & Wood v. Hartley (62 L. J. Q. B. 196), 71. Pool V. Railroad Co. (23 S. C. 286), 758. Pool V. Railroad Co. (7 Utah, 303, 26 Pac. Rep. 654), 1397. Pool V. Railway Co. (53 Wis. 657), 1221. Poole V. Railroad Co. (89 Ga. 320, 15 S. E. Rep. 321), 927, 1111. PooTe V. Railroad (8 Jones (Law), 1231. Poole V. Railroad Co. (16 Oro. 261), 1032, 1033. Poole V. Railway Co. (58 Tex. 134), 760. Poole V. Railway Co. (56 Wis. 227), 1221. Pope V. Nickerson (3 Story, 465), 211, 788. Popham V. Barnard (77 Mo. App. 619), 443, 505. Porcher v. Railroad (14 Rich. (Law) 181), 151, 496. Port Blakely Mill Co. v. Sharkey (102 Fed. 259, 42 C. C. A. 329, aff'g., 92 Fed. 425), 1369. Porter v. Hildebrand (14 Penn. St. 129), 1246, 1253. TO SECTIONS.] Porter v. Railroad (34 Barb. 353), 1033. Porter v. Railroad (20 111. 407), 702, 705. Porter v. Railway Co. (80 Mich. 156), 1177. Porter v. Railroad Co. (13 N. Y. Suppl. 591), 1003. Porter v. St. Bt. New England (17 Mo. 290), 1370. Porterfield v. Humphreys (8 Humph. 497), 75. Portland Flouring Mills Co. v. Insurance Co. (130 Fed. 860, 65 C. C. A. 344, aff'g.. Insur- ance Co. V. Portland Flour- ing Mills Co., 124 Fed. 855), 167, 800, 810. Portuchek v. Railroad Co. (101 Mo. App. 52, 74 S. W. 368), 899, 1412. Post V. Jones (19 How. 150), 788, 793. Post V. Railroad Co. (14 Neb. 110), 1056. Post V. Railway Co. (103 Tenn. 184, 52 S. W. 301, 55 L. R. A. 481, 16 Am. & Eng. R. Cas. (N. S.) 201), 226, 233, 613, 617. Postlethwaite v. Freeland (5 App. Cas. 599), 846. Potter V. Lansing (1 Johns. 215), 1310, 1315. Potter V. Railway (21 Wis. 372), 1398, 1400, 1423. Potter V. The Majestic (56 Fed. 244; modified, 60 Fed. 624, 9 C. C. A. 161, 20 U. S. App. 503, 33 L. R. A. 746. Petition for certification to supreme court denied, 09 Fed. 844. Decree of C. C. A. reversed and of D. C. affirmed in The Majestic, 166 U. S. 375, 41 L. clxxxviii TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Ed. 1039, 17 Sup. Ct. R. 597), 271. 275. 1299. Potts V. Railroad Co. (131 Mass. 455). 870, 872. Potts V. Railway Co. (17 Mo. App. 394), 497. Poucher v. Railroad (49 N. Y. 263). 454, 1006, 1073. Poulln V. Railroad (34 N. Y. Sup. Ct. 296), 911. Poulin V. Railway Co. (52 Fed. 197, 3 C. C. A. 23, 6 U. S. App. 298, 17 L. R. A. 800, aff-g., 47 Fed. 858), 1061, 1065. Poulton V. Railway (L. R. 2 Q. B. 534), 1100, 1441. Pounder v. Railway Co. (I'Q. B. (1892) 385, 61 L. J. Q. B. 136), 980. Pouppirt V. Shipping Co. (122 Fed. 983; reversed, Elder Dempster Shipping Co. v. Pouppirt, 125 Fed. 732, 60 C. C. A. 500), 890. Powell V. Buck (4 Strob. (Law), 427), 785. Powell V. Mills (30 Miss. 231), 68. Powell V. Mills (37 Miss. 691), 66, 67, 68. Powell V. Myers (26 Wend. 591), 75, 668, 674, 1291. Powell V. Railroad Co. (25 Ohio St. 70), 1053. Powers V. Davenport (7 Blackf. 497), 53, 70, 294, 613. Powers V. Mitchell (3 Hill, 545), 41. Powers V. Railroad Co., (153 Mass. 188, 26 N. E. Rep, 446), 964. Powers V. The Railway ( — Iowa, — , 105 N. W. Rep. 345). 1348. Powers Mercantile Co. v. Wells, Fargo & Co. (93 Minn. 143, 100 N. W. Rep. 735), 201,206, 208. 428. TO SECTIONS.] Powley V. Swensen (146 Cal. 471, 80 Pac. Rep. 722), 1397. Pozzi V. Shipton (8 Ad. & El. 963), 1325 1327, 1329, 1351. Prager v. Railway (L. R. 5 C. P. 466), 1122. Pratt V, Railroad Co. (42 Me. 579), 918. Pratt V. Railway (95 U. S. 43), 137. Pray v. Railway Co. (44 Neb. 167. 62 N. W. 447, 48 Am. St. Rep. 717), 78. Predmore v. Consumers', etc., Co. (91 N. Y. Supp. 118, 99 App. Div. 551), 1401. Pregenzer v. Burleigh (26 N. Y. Supp. 35, 6 Misc. 140), 833. Prendergast v. Compton (8 C. & P. 454), 979, 1164. Prentice v. Decker (49 Barb. 21), 415. Price V. Hartshorn (44 Barb. 655; 44 N. Y. 94), 267, 800. Price V. Livingstone (9 Q. B. Div. 679), 831. Price V. Morse, etc., Co. (120 Fed. 445), 842. Price V. Powell (3 N. Y. 322). 688. 689, 690, 1215. Price V. Railroad Co. (12 Colo. 402), 885. Price V. Railroad Co. (50 N. Y. 213), 669, 672. Price V. Railroad Co. (46 W. Va. 538, 33 S. E. Rep. 255), 1036. Price V. Railroad Co. (113 U. S. 218), 1017, 1200. Price V. Railway Co. ( — Ark. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 575), 994, 1230, 1412. Price V. Ship Uriel (10 La. Ann. 412). 1355, 1860. Price V. Union Lighterage Co. (1 K. B. (1904) 412, 73 L. J. K. B. 222, aff'g., 1 K. B. (1903) 750, 72 L. J. K. B. 374. 88 TABLE OF CASES CITED, clxxxix [references are Law T. 428, 51 Wkly. Rep. 477, 9 Asp. 398, 8 Com'l Cas. 155), 463. Prickett v. Anchor Line (13 Mo. App. 436), 1289. Priestly v. Railroad (26 111. 205), 1369, 1373. Prince v. Railway Co. (64 Tex. 146), 1001, 1022. Prince George County v. Burgess (61 Md. 29), 1417. Princeton, The (3 Blatch. 54), 92. Pringle v. Mollett (6 M. & W. 80), 852. Proctor V. Nicholson (7 C. & P. 67), 882. Proctor V. Railroad Co. (64 Mo. 112), 1386. Procter v. Railway Co. (130 Cal. 20, 62 Pac. Rep. 306), 1433. Prokop V. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 79 S. W. Rep. 101), 936, 989. Propeller Commerce (1 Black, 574), 75. Proud V. Railroad Co. (64 N. J. L. 702, 46 Atl. 710, 50 L. R. A. 468), 957. Propeller Mohawk (8 Wall. 153), 281, 664, 788, 815, 816, 820. Propeller Niagara v. Cordes (21 How. 7), 74, 75, 311, 497, 645. Pruitt V. Railroad Co. (62 Mo. 527), 285, 298, 309, 416, 630. Pugmire v. Coal Co. (26 Utah, 115. 72 Pac. Rep. 385), 1389. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Adams (120 Ala. 581, 24 So. 921, 74 Am. St. Rep. 53, 45 L. R. A. 767), 1130, 1131, 1132. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Arents (28 Tex. Civ. App. 71, 66 S. W. 329), 1131. Pullman Car Co. v. Bales (Tex. Civ. App., 14 S. W. Rep. 855), 114L TO SECTIONS.] Pullman Car Co. v. Barker (4 Col. 344), 1428. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Booth (Tex. Civ. App., 28 S. W. Rep. 719), 1139. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Field- ing (62 111. App. 577), 1140. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Freud- enstein (3 Colo. App. 540, 34 Pac. 578), 1131, 1132. Pullman Car Co. v. Gaylord (26 Am. L. Reg. 512), 1130. Pullman Car Co. v. Gardner (3 Pinney, 78), 1130. Pullman Car Co. v. Gaylord (23 Am. L. Reg. 788), 1130. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Gavin (93 Tenn. 53, 23 S. W. 70, 42 Am. St. Rep. 902, 21 L. R. A. 298), 1131. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Hall (106 Ga. 765, 32 S. E. Rep. 923, 71 Am- St. Rep 293, 44 L. R. A. 790), 1130, 1131. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Hatch (30 Tex. Civ. App. 303, 70 S. W. 771), 113L Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Hocker (—Tex. Civ. App.—, 93 S. W. Rep. 1009), 1139. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Hun- ter (107 Ky. 519, 54 S. W. Rep. 845, 47 L. R. A. 286), 1131. Pullman's Palace Car Co. v. King (99 Fed. 380, 39 C. C. A. 573), 1138. Pullman Co. v. Krauss ( — Ala. — , 40 So. Rep. 398), 966, 1077, 1139. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Lau- rence (74 Miss. 782, 22 So. 53), 205, 1130, 1145. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Lee (49 111. App. 75), 1090, 1136, 1139. cxc TABLE OF CASES CITED, [references ABE Pullman Car Co. v. Lowe (28 Neb. 239), 1130. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Marsh (24 Ind. App. 129, 53 N. E. 782), 1139. Pullman Palace Car Co, v. Martin (92 Ga. 161, 18 S. E. Rep. 364), 1131. Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Mar- tin (95 Ga. 314, 22 S. E. Rep. 700, 29 L. R. A. 498), 1131. Pullman Car Co. v. Matthe\ws (74 Tex. 654), 1131. Pullman Co. v. Norton (Tex. Civ. App. 91 S. W. Rep. 841), 916, 1131, 1135. Pullman Car Co. v. Pollock (69 Tex. 120), 1090, 1130, 1131. Pullman Car Co. v. Reed (75 111. 125), 1033, 1039, 1061. Pullman Car Co. v. Smith (79 Tex. 468, 23 Am. St. Rep. 356, 13 L. R. A. 215), 1142. Pullman Car Co. v. Smith (73 111. 360), 1130. Purcell V. Railroad Co. (108 N. Car. 414, 12 L. R. A. 113), 1110. Purdy V. Railroad Co. (162 N. Y. 42, 56 N. E. 508, 48 L. R. A. 669, aff'g., 54 N. Y. Supp. 1114, 33 App. Div. 643), 596. Purple V. Railroad Co. (114 Fed. 123, 51 C. C. A. 564, 57 L. R. A. 700), 964, 1001. Putnam v. Southern Pacific Co, (21 Ore. 230, 27 Pac. 1033), 1386. Purvis V. Coleman (21 N. Y. Ill), 1271, 1272. Putnam v. Railroad Co. (55 N. Y. 108), 969, 974, 978, 1230. Pym V. Railway (4 Best & S. 396), 1386, 1397. Pym V. Railway (2 F. & F. 619), 909. TO SECTIONS.] Quackenbush v. Railroad Co. (71 Wis. 472), 1389. Quaife v. Railway Co. (48 Wis, 513), 936. Queensland & Nat. Bank v. Steam Nav. Co. (67 Law J. Q. B. 402, (1898) 1 Q. B. 567, 78 Law T. (N. S.) 67, 46 Wkly, Rep. 324, 8 Asp. 338), 507. Querini v. Stamphalia (19 Fed, Rep. 123), 800. Quigley v. Railroad Co. (11 Nev, 350), 1438, 1441. Quill V. So. Pac. Co. (140 Cal, 268, 73 Pac. Rep. 991), 1397, Quimby v. Railroad Co. (150 Mass. 365), 1075. Quimby v. Vanderbilt (17 N. Y. 306), 226, 238, 1050, 1052, 1109. Quin v. Moore (15 N, Y, 432), 1397. Quincy Coal Co, v. Hood (77 111, 68), 1386. Quinlan v. Pew (56 Fed. 132), 344, Quinn v. Johnson Forge Co, (9 Houst. 338), 1397. Quinn v. Railroad Co. (56 Conn. 44, 12 Atl. Rep. 97), 1391. Quinn v. Railroad Co. (34 Hun, 331), 1422. Quinn v. Railroad Co. (98 Ky. 231, 32 S. W. 742), 972. Quinn v. Railroad (51 111. 495), 1198. Quinn v. Railway Co. (29 S. C. 381), 1440. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXCl [BEF£B£NC£S are Raben v. Railway Co. (73 Iowa, 579), 1118, 1121, 1127. Raben v. Railway Co. (74 Iowa, 732), 1127, 1178. Race V. Union Ferry Co. (138 N. Y. 644, 34 N. E. 280, 53 N. Y. St. Rep. 9, reversing 19 N. Y. Supp. 675), 942. Radejky v. Sargent (77 Conn. 110, 58 Atl. Rep. 709), 1396. Radley v. Railway Co. (44 Or. 332, 75 Pac. 212), 1000, 1218. Ragan v. Aiken (9 Lea, 609), 521. Ragsdale, Harper & Weathers V. Railway Co. (119 Ga. 627, 46 S. E. Rep. 832), 508. Rahilly v. Railway Co. (66 Minn. 153, 68 N. W. 853), 1056. Railroad Co. See Railway Co. v. Able (59 111. 131), 1126, 1178, 1180. Railway Co. v. Abels (60 Miss. 1017), 339, 425, 1354. Railroad Co. v. Ackley (94 U. S. 179), 574, 1023. Railroad Co. v. Adams (42 111. 474), 634, 638. Railroad Co. v. Adams (60 111. App. 571), 1060, 1433. Railroad Co. v. Adams (55 Penn. St. 499), 1384. Railroad Co. v. Adams (90 Va. 393, 18 S. E. 673, 44 Am. St. Rep. 916, 22 L. R. A 530), 859. Railroad Co. v. Addison ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 1081), 1429. Railroad Co. v. Addizoat (17 Bradw. (111. App.) 632), 1285, 1286, 1293. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Akers (4 Kans. 453), 1362. Railroad Co. v. Allen ( — Md. — , 62 Atl. Rep. 245.) 895. Railroad Co. v. Allen (31 Ind. 394), 401. Railroad Co. v. Allen (— Ky.— , 89 S. W. Rep. 150), 967, 993. Railroad Co. v. Allen (53 Penn. St. 276), 1422. Railroad Co. v. Allgood (113 Ala. 163, 20 So. 986), 151, 1304. Railroad Co. v. Allison (59 Tex. 193), 240, 480. Railroad Co. v. Anchonda (5 Tex. Ct. Rep. 289, 68 S. W. Rep. 743), 1111, 1427. Railroad Co. v. Anderson (6 A. & Eng. R. Cas. 407), 309. Railroad Co. v. Anderson (72 Md. 519), 1123, 1219. Railroad Co. v. Anderson (77 Miss. 28, 25 So. Rep. 865), 1200. Railroad Co. v. Anderson (82 Tex. 516, 17 S. W. 1039, 27 Am. St. Rep. 902), 990. Railroad Co. v. Anderson (90 Va. 1, 17 S. E. Rep. 757, 44 Am. St. Rep. 884), 1056. Railroad Co. v. Andrews (11 Colo. App. 204, 53 Pac. 518), 948. Railroad Co. v. Andrews (39 Md. 329), 1175, 1209. Railroad Co. v. Androscoggin Mills (22 Wall. 594), 238. 408. Railroad Co. v. Anoka Nat. Bank (108 Fed. 482, 47 C. C. A. 454), 264. Railroad Co. v. Anthony (24 Tex. Civ. App. 9, 57 S. W. 897), 911. Railroad Co. v. Apperson (49 111. 480), 949. czcii TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Applewhite (52 Ind. 540), 1060. Railroad Co. v. Arms (15 Neb. 69), 708. Railroad Co. v. Arms (91 U. S. 489), 1441, 1443, 1433. Railroad v. Arnol (144 111. 261, 33 N. E. 204, 19 L. R. A. 313, aff'g., 46 111. App. 157), 899. Railroad Co. v. Arnold (80 Ala. COO), 936, 1174, 1430. Railroad Co. v. Arnold (8 Ind. App. 297, 34 N. E. 742,) 1062, 1433. Railroad Co. v. Arnold (26 Ind. App. 190, 59 N. E. 394), 980. Railroad Co. v. Ashley (67 Fed. 209, 14 C. C. A. 368, 28 U. S. App. 375), 1072, 1073, 1217. Railroad Co. v. Ashby (79 Va. 130), 1060. Railroad Co. v. Ashmeade (58 111. 487), 122, 147. Railroad Co. v. Asmore (88 Ga. 529, 15 S. E. Rep. 13, 16 L. R. A. 53), 1033, 1079, 1085. Railroad Co. v. Aspell (23 Penn. St. 147), 959, 1180. Railroad Co. v. Atchison T. & S. F. R. Co. (73 Fed. 438; appeal dismissed, 84 Fed. 214, 51 U. S. App. 599, 28 C. C. A. 481), 565. Railroad v. Aten (Tex. Civ. App. 81 S. W. Rep. 346), 499. Railroad Co. v. Athon (6 Ind. App. 295, 33 N. E. 469, 51 Am. St. Rep. 303), 991. Railroad Co. v. Ault (10 Ind. App. 661, 38 N. E. 492), 1066. Railroad Co. v. Axley (47 111. App. 307), 899, 1020, 1217. Railroad Co. v. Ayres (84 Tenn. 725). 1388. Railroad Co. v. Ayres (29 N. J. L. 393, 80 Am. Dec. 215), 708. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Baches (55 111. 379), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Bailey (40 Miss. 395), 1440, 1442. Railroad Co. v. Baker (98 Fed. 694, 39 C. C. A. 237, 50 L. R. A. 201), 919. Railroad Co. v. Baldoni (115 Ga. 1013, 42 S. E. 364), 1043. Railroad Co. v. Baldwin (113 Tenn. 205, 81 S. W. Rep. 599), 1242, 1246, 1249, 1253. Railroad Co. v. Ball (53 N. J. L. 283), 1200. Railroad Co. v. Ballard (85 Ky. 307), 1101, 1433. Railroad Co. v. Bank (41 111. App. 287), 184. Railroad Co. v. Bank (10 Neb. 556), 162. Railroad Co. v. Bank (123 U. S. 727), 187, 184, 177. Railroad Co. v. Bank (20 Wis. 130), 232. Railroad Co. v. Banks (132 Ala. 471, 31 So. Rep. 573), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Banton (54 Penn. St. 495), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Barger (80 Md. 23, 30 Atl. 560, 26 L. R. A. 220, 45 Am. St. Rep. 319), 978, 980, 1094, 1102, 1434. Railroad Co. v. Barkhouse (100 Ala. 543, 13 So. 534), 175, 668. Railroad Co. v. Barkley (13 Ky. Law Rep. 331), 1019, 1060. Railroad Co. v. Barnard (3 Ben. 39), 807. Railroad Co. v. Barnes (104 N. Car. 25), 730. Railroad Co. v. Barron (5 Wall. 90), 916, 1397. Railroad Co. v. Bartram (11 Ohio St. 457), 1117, 1041, 1032. Railroad Co. v. Bass (104 Ga. 390, 30 S. E. Rep. 874), 1396. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXCUl [references are Railroad Co. v. Batchler (32 Tex. Civ. App. 14, 73 S. W. 981, 83 S. W. Rep. 902), 1016, 1099, 1102, 1434. Railroad Co. v. Bauer (66 111. App. 124), 1033, 1085. Railroad Co. v. Bauldauf (16 Penn. St. 67), 401, 450, 1299. Railroad Co. v. Bayse (17 Ky. Law Rep. 105, 30 S. W. Rep. 600), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Beaird (24 111. App. 322), 1334, 1343. Railroad Co. v. Bean (9 Ind. App. 240, 36 N. E. 443), 1174, 1179. Railroad Co. v. Bean (94 Tenn. 388, 29 S. W. Rep. 370), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Beatie (66 Ga. 438), 419. Railroad Co. v. Beaver (199 111. 34, 65 N. E. Rep. 144), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Becker (32 Fed. 849), 526. Railroad Co. v. Bedell (11 Colo. App. 139, 54 Pac. 280), 1225. Railroad Co. v. Beebe (174 111. 13, 50 N. E. 1019, 43 L. R. A. 210, 66 Am. St. Rep 253, aff'g., 69 111. App. 363), 210, 212, 215, 220, 895, 1003, 1072, 1073, 1111, 1202. Railroad Co. v. Beggs (Sup. Ct. 111., 5 C. L. J. 193), 1001. Railroad v. Behlmer (175 U. S. 648, 20 Sup. Ct. R. 209, 44 L. Ed. 309, reversing Behlmer v. Railroad, 83 Ked. 898, 28 C. C. A. 229, 42 U. S. App. 581, modifying 71 Fed. 835), 526, 564, 570. Railroad Co. v. Bell (70 111. 102), 1230. Railroad Co. v. Bell (13 Ky. Law Rep. 393), 445, 464, 657. Railroad Co. v. Bell (100 Ky. 203, TO SECTIONS.] 38 S. W. 3), 899, 1003, 1072, 1073. Railroad Co. v. Bell (122 Penn. St. 58), 1219. Railroad Co. v. Bender (24 Tex. Civ. App. 133, 57 S. W. 574), 990. Railroad Co. v. Bensley (69 111. 630), 705. Railroad Co. v. Benson (86 Ga. 203, 22 Am. St. Rep. 446), 313. Railroad Co. v. Benson (85 Tenn. 627), 972, 1113. Railroad Co. v. Bentz (108 Tenn. 670, 69 S. W. 317, 91 Am. St. Rep. 763), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Berger (64 Ark. 613, 44 S. W. Rep. 809), 1102. Railroad Co. v. Bergman (Tex. Civ. App., 3 Tex. Ct. Rep. 168, 64 S. W. Rep. 999), 292, 298. Railroad Co. v. Berg's Admr. (17 Ky. Law Rep. 1105, 32 S. W. Rep. 616), 1192. Railroad Co. v. Berry (116 Ga. 19, 42 S. E. 371), 187, 651, 714. Railroad Co. v. Berry (31 Ind. App. 556, 68 N. E. Rep. 702), 1334. Railroad Co. v. Berry (53 Kan. 112, 36 Pac. 53, 42 Am. St. Rep. 278), 895, 964. Railroad Co. v. Berry (68 Penn. St. 272), 226. Railroad Co. v. Berry (Tex. Civ. App., 84 S. W. 258), 964, 1429. Railroad Co. v. Berry (31 Tex. Civ. App. 3, 71 S. W. 326), 1347. Railroad Co. v. Best (169 111. 301, 48 N. E. 684, reversing 68 111. App. 532), 899, 964. Railroad Co. v. Best (93 Tex. 344, 55 S. W. 315), 1041. cxciv TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE Railroad Co. v. Biddle (Penn. St., IG Atl. Rep. 488), 1091. Railroad Co. v. Bigelow (68 Ga. 219), 1045. Railroad Co. v. Bigger (66 Miss. 319), 334, 336. Railroad Co. v. Bigham (4 Tex. Ct. Rep. 658, 67 S. W. Rep. 522), 1362. Railroad Co. v. Bills (118 Ind. 221), 1065. Railroad Co. v. Birney (71 111. 392), 1110, 1431. Railroad Co. v. Bitterman (128 Fed. 176; afflrmed, — C. C. A. — , 144 Fed. 34), 1056. Railroad Co. v. Blair (104 Tenn. 212, 55 S. W. 154), 1054. Railroad Co. v. Blocher (27 Md. 277), 1442. Railroad Co. v. Bluraenthal (160 111. 40, 43 N. E. 809, aff'g., 57 111. App. 538), 911, 1003, 1413. Railroad Co. v. Blye (43 111. App. 612), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Board of Railroad Commissioners of State of North Carolina (90 Fed. 33), 578. Railroad Co. v. Bogard (78 Miss. 11, 27 So. Rep. 879), 430, 444, 450. Railroad Co. v. Bogle (101 Tenn. 40, 46 S. W. 760), 1000, 1218. Railroad Co. v. Bohannon (6 Tex. Ct. Rep. 281, 71 S. W. 776), 1084. Railroad Co. v. Bonaud (58 Ga. 180), 1106. Railroad Co. v. Books (57 Penn. St. 339), 961. Railroad Co. v. Booth (Tex. Civ. App., 39 S. W. Rep. 585), 621. Railroad Co. v. Berk (23 R. I. 218, 49 Atl. 965), 944. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Bossut (10 N. Mex. 322, 62 Pac. 977), 740, 872. Railroad Co. v. Bostwick (100 Ga. 96, 27 S. E. Rep. 725), 1094. Railroad Co. v. Bourne & Embry (15 Ky. Law Rep. 445), 233, 449, 1353. Railroad Co. v. Bowen (40 Ind. 545), 1229. Railroad Co. v. Bowler & Burdick Co. (63 Ohio St. 274, 58 N. E. 813), 1251. Railroad Co. v. Boyce (73 111. 510), 1249. Railroad Co. v. Boyd (91 111. 268), 201, 206, 416, 417. Railroad Co. v. Boyer (91 Ga. 115, 16 S. E. Rep. 953), 1348. Railroad Co. v. Boyer (97 Penn. St. 91), 1236. Railroad Co. v. Brackman (78 111. App. 141), 990. Railroad Co. v. Bradford (86 Ala. 574), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Brady (32 Md. 333), 451. Railroad Co. v. Brazzill (78 Tex. 317), 1440. Railroad Co. v. Brelsford (13 III App. 251), 334, 33S. Railroad Co. v. Brewing Co. (96 Tenn. 677, 86 S. W. 392), 1348. Railroad Co. v. Brice (84 Ky. 298, 1 S. W. Rep. 483), 1391. Railroad Co. v. Bricketts (72 Miss. 491), 657. Railroad Co. v. Bridger (94 Ga. 471, 20 S. E. Rep. 349), 472. Railroad Co. v. Bromley (17 C. B. 372), 67. Railroad Co. v. Brookhaven (71 Miss. 663, 16 So. 252), 867. Railroad Co. v. Brooks (81 111. 245), 1001. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXCV [bkferences are Railroad Co. v. Brooks (83 Ky. 129), 1401. Railroad Co. v. Brooks (27 Penn. St. 339), 997. Railroad Co. v. Brown (62 Ark. 254, 35 S. W. Rep. 225), 205. Railroad Co. v. Brown (123 Fed. 946), 574, 582, 583, 586. Railroad Co. v. Brown (123 111. 162, 14 N. E. Rep. 197, 5 Am. St. Rep. 510), 1003, 1204. Railroad Co. v. Brown (152 111. 484, 39 N. E. 273, aff'g., 51 111. App. 656), 444, 455. Railroad Co. v. Brown ( — Kan. — , 84 Pac. Rep. 1026), 927. Railroad Co. v. Brown (2 Kan. App. 604, 42 Pac. 588), 1084. Railroad Co. v. Brown (26 Kan. 443), 1401. Railroad Co. v. Brown ( — Ky. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 567), 1354. Railroad Co. v. Brown (177 Mass. 65, 58 N. E. 189, 52 L. R. A. 418), 944. Railroad Co. v. Brown (77 Miss. 338, 28 So. 949), 1173. Railroad Co. v. Brown (Tex. Civ. App., 85 S. W. Rep. 44), 638. Railroad Co. v. Brown (17 Wall. 450), 918, 972. Railroad Co. v. Brownlee (14 Bush. 590), 408. Railroad Co. v. Bryan (86 Ga. 312), 1094, 1099. Railroad Co. v. Bryan (90 111. 126), 1441. Railroad Co. v. Bryant (73 Ga. 722), 419. Railroad Co. v. Bryant (Tex. Civ. App., 72 S. W. Rep. 8&5), 1113, 1197, 1230. Railroad Co. v. Buck (96 Ind. 346), 1117, 1123, 1432. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Buckmaster (74 111. App. 575), 920. Railroad Co. v. Buckner (28 111. 299), 1231. Railroad Co. v. Bullock (60 N. J. L. 24, 36 Atl. 773, 37 L. R. A. 417), 1052, 1077, 1080, 1249. Railroad Co. v. Bundy (97 111. App. 202), 495. Railroad Co. v. Burke (6 Cold. 45), 1376, 1384, 1397. Railroad Co. v. Burke (53 Miss. 200), 961, 981, 985, 1444. • Railroad Co. v. Burke (55 Tex. 323), 331, 403. Railroad Co. v. Burke (13 Wend. 611), 497, 892. Railroad Co. v. Burns (60 111. 284), 496, 520, 649. Railroad Co. v. Burns (51 N. J. L. 340), 1004. Railroad Co. v. Burnsed (70 Miss. 437, 12 So. 958, 35 Am. St. Rep. 656), 990. Railroad Co. v. Burr (130 Fed. 847, 65 C. C. A. 331), 784. Railroad Co. v. Burrows (62 Kan. 89, 61 Pac. 439), 1217, 1413. Railroad Co. v. Burrows (33 Mich. 6), 300, 496, 654. Railroad Co. v. Burt (92 Ala. 291, 9 So. 410, 13 L. R. A. 95), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Burton (139 Ind. 357, 37 N. E. Rep. 150, 38 N. E. Rep. 594), 1401. Railroad Co. v. Butler (103 Ind. 31), 1418. Railroad Co. v. Butler (112 Ind. 598), 1117. Railroad Co. v. Button (24 Conn. 468), 242. Railroad Co. v. Byrne (205 111. 9, 68 N. E. 720, aff'g., 105 111. App. 96; s. c. 78 111. App. 204), 1426. CXCVl TABLE OF CASES CITED, [references are to sections.] Railroad Co. v. Byrum (153 111 131, 38 N. E. 578, aft'Q-, 48 111. App. 41), 895, 1118, 1179. Railroad Co. v. Caffrey (128 Fed. 770), 1056. Railroad Co. v. Calderwood (89 Ala. 247), 1118, 1417, 1419. Railroad Co. v. Cameron (66 Fed. 709, 14 C. C. A. 358, 32 U. S. App. 67), 1060. Railroad Co. v. Camp (53 Ga. 596), 702. Railroad Co. v. Campbell (7 Heisk. 253), 131, 132, 230. Railroad Co, v. Campbell ( — 111. — , 76 N, B, Rep. 346), 1362. Railroad Co. v. Campbell (128 Mass. 104), 870. Railroad Co. v. Campbell (36 Ohio St. 647), 1049, 1299. Railroad Co. v, Cantrell (37 Ark. 519), 1221. Railroad Co. v. Carey (56 Ind. 396), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Carloch (69 111. App. 498), 828. Railroad Co. v. Carmichael (90 Ala. 19, 9 L. R. A. 338), 1067. Railroad Co. v. Carothers (23 Ky. Law Rep. 1673, 65 S. W, 833), 1423 Railroad Co. v. Carper (112 Ind. 26), 1067, 1221. Railroad Co. v. Carr (47 111. App. 3.53), 994. Railroad Co. v, Carr (71 Md. 135), 963. Railroad Co. v. Carroll (6 Heisk. 347), 916. Railroad Co. v. Carrow (73 111. 348), 1249. Railroad Co. v. Carter (165 111. 570, 46 N. E. 374, 36 L. R. A. 527, reversing 62 111. App. 618), 230, 685, 696, 702. Railroad Co. v. Casazza (83 111. App. 421), 1090. Railroad Co. v. Case (9 Bush, 728), 1236, 1397. Railroad Co. v. Casey (52 Tex. 112), 1082. Railroad Co. v. Cason (72 Md. 377), 1197. Railroad Co. v. Cates (14 Ind. App. 172, 41 N. E. 712), 1062. Railroad Co. v. Catron (102 Ky. 323, 43 S. W. Rep. 443), 972. Railroad Co. v. Cauthen (115 Ga. 422, 41 S. E. 653), 640. Railroad Co. v. Chamberlain (4 Okl. 542, 46 Pac. 499), 1436. Railroad Co. v. Chambers (71 111, 519), 1126, 1181. Railroad Co. v. Chambers ( — Ohio St.—, 76 N. E. Rep. 91), 1388. Railroad Co. v. Chancellor (165 III. 438, 46 N. E. 269, revers- ing 60 111. App. 525), 1008. Railroad Co. v. Charmon (161 Ind. 95, 67 N. E. Rep. 923), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Chastine (54 Miss. 503), 1026. Railroad Co. v. Cheek (152 Ind. 663, 53 N. E. 641), 1112. Railroad Co. v. Chester (57 Ind. 297), 1379, 1384. Railroad Co. v. Chestnut Bros. (— Ky. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 298), 651. ,^ Railroad Co. v. Chestnut & Bro. 24 Ky. Law Rep. 1846, 72 S. W. 351), 233, 248. Railroad Co. v. Chipman (146 Mass. 107), 1055. Railroad Co. v. Christison (39 111. App. 495), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Church (58 Fed. 600, 7 C. C. A. 384, 5 U. S. App. 484), 847. Railroad Co. v, Clark (96 Tex. I TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXCVll [refeeences are to sections.] 349, 72 S. W. Rep. 584, re- versing (Tex. Civ. App.) 71 S. W. Rep. 587), 1423. Railroad Co. v. Clark (Tex. Civ. App., 81- S. W. Rep. 821), 895. Railroad Co. v. Clarke (97 Ga. 706, 25 S. E. Rep. 368), 1041, 1052. Railroad Co. v. Clarke (152 U. S. 230, 14 Sup. Ct. R. 579), 1396. Railroad Co. v. Clausen (173 111. 100, 50 N. E. 680, aff'g., 70 111. App. 550), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Clayton (78 111. 616), 1301. Railroad Co. v. Cleary (77 Mo. 634), 167. Railroad Co. v. Clemmons (55 Tex. 88), 1200. Railroad Co. v. Cleveland (2 Bush, 468), 704. Railroad Co. v. Cobb (48 111. 402), 747, 748. Railroad Co. v. Cobb (64 111. 128), 147, 496. Railroad Co. v. Cody (119 Ga. 371, 46 S. E. 429), 1339. Railroad Co. v. Cohen (66 111. App. 318), 1352. Railroad Co. v. Cohn (22 Tex. Civ. App. 11, 53 S. W. Rep. 698), 1119, 1121, 1128. Railroad Co. v. Cole (68 Ga. 623), 130. Railroad Co. v. Coleman (28 Mich. 440), 1181. 1184. Railroad Co. v. Collier (104 Tenn. 189, 54 S. W. Rep. 980), 1180. Railroad Co. v. Collins (2 Du- vall, 114), 960. Railroad Co. v. Collins (56 111. 212), 1246, 1249. Railroad Co. v. Collins (47 Kan. 11, 27 Pac. 99), 442. Railroad Co. v. Commercial Nat'l Bank (123 U. S. 727, 31 L. Ed. 287), 177, 184, 187. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (99 Ky. 132, 35 S. W. 129, 43 L. R. A. 541, 59 Am. St. Rep. 457, 18 Ky. L. Rep. 42), 574. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (102 Ky. 300, 43 S. W. 458, 53 L. R. A. 149), 931. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (103 Ky. 605, 45 S. W. Rep. 880, 46 S. W. Rep. 697), 929. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (104 Ky. 226, 47 S. W. Rep. 598, 707, 20 Ky. L. R. 1380, 43 L. R. A. 541), 601. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (106 Ky. 633, 51 S. W. 164, 90 Am. St. Rep. 236, 21 Ky. L. Rep. 232), 571, 601. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (20 Ky. L. Rep. 1099, 48 S. W. 416), 588. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (22 Ky. L. Rep. 328, 57 S. W. 508), 574. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (23 Ky. L. Rep. 544, 63 S. W. 448), 574. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (23 Ky. L. R. 1159, 64 S. W. 975), 598. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (24 Ky. L. R. 1593, 1609, 1779, 71 S. W. 910), 574. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth (25 Ky. L. R. 1442, 78 S. W. Rep. 167), 972. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth of Kentucky (179 U. S. 388, 45 L. Ed. 244, aff'g 21 Ky. L. R. 228, 51 S. W. Rep. 160), 972. Railroad Co. v. Commonwealth of Kentucky (183 U. S. 503, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 95), 598. cxcvin TABLE OF CASES CITED, [BEFEEENCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Condon (10 Ind. App. 536, 38 N. B. 71), 243. Railroad Co. v. Condor (75 Ga. 51), 1442. Railroad Co. v. Conklin (32 Kan. 55,) 1250. Railroad Co. v. Conley (6 Ind. App. 9, 32 N. E. 96), 1040, 1433. Railroad Co. v. Connell (112 111. 295), 1049, 1061. 1090. Railroad Co. v. Conrad (4 Ind. App. 83, 30 N. E. 406), 1064. Railroad Co. v. Conroy (68 111. 560), 952. Railroad Co. v. Consolidated Cat- tle Co. (59 Kan. Ill, 52 Pac. 71), 1318. Railroad Co. v. Constantine (14 Ky. Law Rep. 432), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Conway (112 Penn. St. 511, 4 Atl. Rep. 362), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Cook (63 Miss. 38), 1378. Railroad Co. v. Cooper (120 Ind. 469, 16 Am. St. Rep. 334), 996, 1083, 1230. Railroad Co. v. Cooper (19 Ky. Law Rep. 1152, 42 S. W. Rep. 1134), 23L Railroad Co. v. Cooper (21 Ky. Law Rep. 1644, 56 S. W. Rep. 144), 417. Railroad Co. v. Copeland (63 Ala. 219), 230, 232, 233. Railroad Co. v. Copeland (24 111. 332), 226, 230, 238, 1246, 1296, 1302. Railroad Co. v. Coppage (12 Ky. Law Rep. 200), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Corcoran (40 Ark. 375), 135.5. Railroad Co. v. Cotton Mills (81 Ga. 522), 236, 247, 472. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Coulburn (69 Md. 361, 16 Atl. Rep. 208), 1179. Railroad Co. v. Cowherd (120 Ala. 51, 23 So. 793), 450, 1354. Railroad Co. v. Cowles (32 111. 116), 236. Railroad Co. v. Cowser (57 Tex. 293), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Coyle (55 Penn. St. 396), 1423. Railroad Co. v. Cozby (69 111. App. 256), 1391. Railroad Co. v. Cragin (71 111. 177), 1411. Railroad Co. v. Craig (102 Tenn. 298, 52 S. W. 164), 404, 416. Railroad Co. v. Crawford (65 111. App. 113), 475, 521. Railroad Co. v. Creighton (106 Ky. 42, 50 S. W. Rep. 227), 1397, 1401. Railroad Co. v. Crenshaw (65 Ala. 566), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Crews (53 111. App. 50), 497. Railroad Co. v. Crittenden (4 Kan. App. 512, 44 Pac. Rep. 1000), 442. Railroad Co. v. Cromwell (98 Va. 227, 35 S. E. 444, 81 Am. St. Rep. 722, 49 L. R. A. 462), 498, 505. Railroad Co. v. Crow (54 Neb. 747, 74 N. W. 1066, 69 Am. St. Rep. 741), 1003, 1050, 1397, 1413. Railroad Co. v. Crown Coal Co. I (43 111. App. 228), 588. Railroad Co. v. Crozier (13 Ky. Law Rep. 175), 231. Railroad Co. v. Crudup (63 Miss. 291), 1388, 1390. 1397. Railroad Co. v. Grumpier (122 Fed. 425, 59 C. C. A. 51), 947, 1414. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CXCIX [references ABE TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Crunk (119 Ind. 542, 21 N. E. Rep. 31, 12 Am. St. Rep. 443), 991, 992, 1179. Railroad Co. v. Cunningham (67 111. 316), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Cunningham (88 111. App. 289), 449. Railroad Co. v. Cunningham (102 111. App. 206), 1177. Railroad Co. v. Curran (19 Ohio St. 1), 450, 1001, 1073. Railroad Co. v. Curtis (80 111. 324), 304. Railroad Co. v. Curtis (51 Neb. 442, 71 S. W. Rep. 42, 66 Am. St. Rep. 456), 147. Railroad Co. v. Czaja (59 111. App. 21), 1219. Railroad Co. v. Dalby (19 111. 353), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Dalton (65 Kan. 661, 70 Pac. 645), 1427. Railroad Co. v. Darting (6 Ind. App. 375, 33 N. E. 636), 980. Railroad Co. v. Davenport (177 111. 110, 52- N. E. 266, aff'g., 75 111. App. 579), 964. Railroad Co. v. David (6 Heisk. 261), 130, 282, 309. Railroad Co. v. Davidson (76 Fed. 518, 22 C. C. A. 306, 46 U. S. App. 300; s. c. 64 Fed. 301, 12 C. C. A. 118, 24 U. S. App. 354), 934, 1184, 1423. Railroad Co. v. Davis (159 111. 53, 42 N. E. 382, 50 Am. St. Rep. 143, aff'g., 54 111. App. 130), 410, 505, 508. Railroad Co. v. Davis (86 Hun, 86. 34 N. Y. Supp. 206; af- firmed without opinion, 158 N. Y. 674, 52 N. E. 1125), 870. Railroad Co. v. Davis (104 Tenn. 442, 58 S. W. Rep. 296), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Day (20 111. 375), 652, 660. Railroad Co. v. Dean (98 Tex. 517, 85 S. W. Rep. 1135, 70 L. R. A. 943, afftrming (Tex. Civ. App.) 82 S. W. Rep. 524), 1100, 1427. Railroad Co. v. Dear ( — Miss. — , 39 So. Rep. 812), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Decker (14 Ky. Law Rep. 108), 1177. Railroad Co. v. Delaney (82 111. 198), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Deloney (65 Ark. 177, 45 S. W. 351, 67 Am. St. Rep. 913), 1065, 1424, 1427. Railroad Co. v. Delong (109 111. App. 241), 1414. Railroad Co. \. Depp (17 Ky. Law Rep. 1049, 33 S. W. Rep. 417), 1123. Railroad Co. v. Derby (14 How, 468), 401, 895, 898, 960, 1021, 1200. Railroad Co. v. Dewey (26 111. 255), 940. Railroad Co. v. Dewin (86 111. 296), 1025. Railroad Co. v. De Witt (1 Colo. App. 419, 29 Pac. 524), 613. Railroad Co. v. Dexter ( — Fla. — , 39 So. Rep. 634), 408, 1357. Railroad Co. v. Diamond Coal Co. (61 Ohio St. 242, 55 N. E. 616), 589. Railroad Co. v. Diamond Roller Mills (Tex. Civ. App., 82 S. W. Rep. 660), 1348. Railroad Co. v. Dickerson (4 Kan. App. 345, 45 Pac. 975), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Dickinson (89 Ga. 455, 15 S. E. Rep. 534), 1119, 1180. Railroad Co. v. Dickson (143 111. 368, 32 N. E. 380, aif'g., 42 111. App. 363), 1202. cc TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are to sections.] Railroad Co. v. Dies (91 Tenn. 177, 18 S. W. 266, 30 Am. St. Rep. 871), 339. 498, 508. Railroad Co. v. Diether (10 Ind. App. 206, 37 N. E. 39, 1069, 53 Am. St. Rep. 385), 130, 132, 828, 859. Railroad Co. v. Dill (48 Kan. 210, 29 Pac. 148), 404, 408. Railroad Co. v. Dills (4 Bush, 593), 1436. Railroad Co. v. Dismukes (94 Ala. 131, 10 So. 289, 17 L. R. A. 113), 537. Railroad Co. v. Doan (195 111. 168, 62 N. E. 826, aff'g., 93 111. App. 247), 918, 1186. Railroad Co. v. Doan (153 Ind. 10, 53 N. E. 937, 45 L. R. A. 427), 945. Railroad Co. v. Dorman (72 111. 504), 339. Railroad Co. v. Dorough (72 Tex. 108), 1221. Railroad Co. v. Dorsey (30 Tex. Civ. App. 377, 70 S. W. 575), 645. Railroad Co. v. Dougherty (86 Ga. 744, 22 Am. St. Rep. 499), 1065. Railroad Co. v. Doyle (142 Fed. 669), 415. Railroad Co. v. Doyle (60 Miss. 977), 1388. Railroad Co. v. Drake (33 111. App. 114), 1111. Railroad Co. v. Driscoll (207 111. 9, 69 N. E. Rep. 620), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Dunbar (20 111. 623), 87, 339. Railroad Co. v. Du Bose (120 Ga. 339, 47 S. E. Rep. 917), 965. Railroad Co. v. Duby (38 Ind. 294), 960. Railroad Co. v. Dufrain (36 111. App. 352), 1177. Railroad Co. v. Dumser (161 III. 190, 43 N. E. 698, aff'g., 60 111. App. 93), 1050, 1198. Railroad Co. v. Duncan (28 Ind. 441), 1180. Railroad Co. v. Duncan & Orr (137 Ala. 446, 34 So. 988), 132. Railroad Co. v. Dunden (37 Kan. 1), 1389, 1397. Railroad Co. v. Dunham (68 Tex. 231), 918. Railroad Co. v. Dunn (19 Ohio St. 162), 1442. Railroad Co. v. Dupont (128 Fed. 840, 64 C. C. A. 478), 242, 261, 926, 933. Railroad Co. v. Dwells (44 Kan. 394), 1085. Railroad Co. v. Eadie (43 Ohio St. 91), 1236. Railroad Co. v. Eakin (6 Cold. 582), 205, 1387. Railroad Co. v. Eakin's Adm'r (103 Ky. 465, 45 S. W. Rep. 529; s. c. 46 S. W. Rep. 496; s. e. 47 S. W. Rep. 872), 1118, 1179, 1397. Railroad Co. v. Earnest & Bost (Tex. Civ. App., 77 S. W. Rep. 29), 233. Railroad Co. v. Earwood*(104 Ga. 127, 29 S. E. Rep. 913), 992, 1127. Railroad Co. v. East Tennessee, V. & G. R. Co. (47 Fed. 771; appeal dismissed, 159 U. S. b98), 568. Railroad Co. v. Eaton (94 Ind. 474), 1429. Railroad Co. v. Eblen (24 Ky. Law Rep. 1609, 71 S. W. Rep. 919), 641. Railroad Co. v. Eckford (71 Tex. 274), 1123. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCl [refekences are Railroad Co. v. Edelstein (Penn. St., 16 Atl. Rep. 847), 1123. Railroad Co. v. Edloff (89 Tex. 454, 34 S. W. 414; s. c. 35 S. W. 144), 1348. Railroad Co. v. Edmonds (41 Ala. 667), 450, 477. Railroad Co. v. Efron (Tex. Civ. App., 38 S. W. Rep. 639), 1354, 1360. Railroad Co. v. Eininger (114 111. 79), 1228. Railroad Co. v. Elder (50 111. App. 276; affirmed, 149 111. 173, 36 N. E. 565), 955. Railroad Co. v. Elder (57 Kan. 312, 46 Pac. 310), 1414, 1415. Railroad Co. v. Elliott (1 Cold. 611), 907, 952. Railroad Co. v. Ellis' Adm'x. (97 Ky. 330, 30 S. W. 979), 994, 1083. Railroad Co. v. Ellison (117 Ind. 234), 1206. Railroad Co. v. Emrich (24 111. App. 245), 230, 1309. Railroad Co. v. Enches (127 Penn. St. 316), 1177. Railroad Co. v. Eskew (86 Ga. 641, 22 Am. St. Rep. 490), 1126. Railroad Co. v. Espenschild (17 Ind. App. 558, 47 N. E. 186), 991. Railroad Co. v. Estes (10 Lea, 747), 317, 326. Railroad Co. v. Estill (147 U. S. 591, 37 L. Ed. 292, 13 Sup. Ct. 444, modifying Estill v. Railroad, 41 Fed. 849), 636, 1362, 1366. Railroad Co. v. Eswin (118 111. 250), 521. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Eubank (184 U. S. 27, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 277), 598. Railroad Co. t. Evans (30 Tex. Civ. App. 252, 70 S. W. 351), 1424. Railroad Co. v. Everett ( — Tex. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 761, revers- ing s. c. (Tex. Civ. App.) 86 S. W. Rep. 17), 248. Railroad Co. v. Exposition Cotton Mills (81 Ga. 522, 7 S. E. Rep. 916, 2 L. R. A. 102), 212, 218. Railroad Co. v. Fairclough (52 111. 106), 1280, 1291. Railroad Co. v. Faler (58 Miss. 911), 450. Railroad Co. v. Farmers' & Drov- ers', etc.. Firm (107 Ky. 53, 52 S. W. 972), 136, 496. Railroad Co. v. Faulkner (2 Tex. Ct. Rep. 1079, 56 S. W. Rep. 253, 63 S. W. Rep. 655), 1025. Railroad Co. v. Fay (16 111. 558), 899, 904, 1418. Railroad Co. v. Faylor (126 Ind. 126), 1414. Railroad Co. v. Feehan (149 111. 214, 36 N. E. Rep. 1036), 1174. Railroad Co. v. Feeley (163 Mass. 205, 40 N. E. 20), 1058, 1060. Railroad Co. v. Felder (46 Ga. 433), 702. Railroad Co. v. Ferguson (79 Va. 241), 1217. Railroad Co. v. Field (7 Ind. App. 172, 34 N. E. 406, 52 Am. St. Rep. 444), 999, 1080, 1406. Railroad Co. v. Fielding (48. Penn. St. 320), 947. Railroad Co. v. Fietsam (123 111. 518, 15 N. E. Rep. 169), 1391. Railroad Co. v. Finn (16 Ky. Law Rep. 57), 980, 982. ecu TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEKENCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Finney (10 Wis. 388), 1441, 1438. Railroad Co. v. Fisher (141 111. 614, 31 N. E. 406 aff'g., 38 111. App. 33; s. c. 31 111. App. 36). 1198. Railroad Co. v. Fite (67 Miss. 373), 1177. Railroad Co. v. Fitchburg Rail- road (14 Allen, 462), 783. Railroad Co. v. Fitzpatrick (35 Md. 46), 1200. Railroad Co. v. Fix (88 Ind. 381), 1059, 1065, 1066, 1221. Railroad Co. v. Flagg (43 111. 364), 899, 1033, 1433. Railroad Co. v. Flannagan (82 Ga. 579, 9 S. E. Rep. 471, 14 Am. St. Rep. 183), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Flannagan (23 111. App. 489), 881. Raih-oad Co. v. Flaharty (96 111. App. 563 s. c. 105 111. App. 14), 1182. Railroad Co. v. Fleming (14 Lea, 128), 992, 1036, 1065, 1428, 1431. Railroad Co. v. Flexman (103 111. 546), 1094. Railroad Co. v. Flinn (24 Kan. 629), 1020. Railroad Co. v. Flynn (74 Hun, 124, 26 N. Y. Supp. 859), 944. Railroad Co. v. Foley (53 Fed. 459, 3 C. C. A. 589, 10 U. S. App. 537), 937. Railroad Co. v. FoUiard (66 Tex. 603), 1126. Railroad Co. v. Forsyth (61 Penn. St. 81), 231, 238. Railroad Co. v. Ford (53 Tex. 364), 1055. Railroad Co. v. Ft. Wayne Elec- tric Co. (108 Ky. 113, 55 S. W. 918), 672, 682. Railroad Co. v, Foster (134 Ala. TO SECTIONS.] 244, 32 So. 773, 92 Am. St. Rep. 25), 1049, 1061, 1427. Railroad Co. v. Fotheringham (17 Colo. App. 410, 68 Pac. 978), 1413. Railroad Co. v. Foulks (191 111. 57, 60 N. E. 890, aff'g.. 92 111. App. 391), 139. Railroad Co. v. Fox (113 111. App. 180), 339, 410, 419, 442, 455. Railroad Co. v. Fox (64 Ohio St. 133, 59 N. E. 888, 83 Am. St. Rep. 739), 1388. Railroad Co. v. Fraloff (100 U. S. 24), 437, 1245, 1246. Railroad Co. v. Frame (6 Colo. 382), 1305, 1306, 1363. Railroad Co. v. Frank (110 Fed. 689), 1056. Railroad Co. v. Frankenberg (54 III. 88), 230, 233, 401, 410, 1296. Railroad Co. v. Frazee (24 Ky. Law Rep. 1273, 71 S. W. 437), 431. Railroad Co. v. Frazer (55 Kan. 582, 40 Pac. 923), 930, 964, 1119. Railroad Co. v. Frazier (93 Ala. 45, 30 Am. St. Rep. 28), 1084. Railroad Co. v. Freed (38 Ark. 614), 759. Railroad Co. v. Freeman (97 Ala. 289, 11 So. Rep. 800), 1397, 1400. Railroad Co. v. French (48 Neb. 638, 67 N. W. 472), 1413. Railroad Co. v. Fries (87 Penn. St. 234), 280, 650. Railroad Co. v. Fuqua & Horton (84 Miss. 490, 36 So. Rep. 449), 708. Railroad Co. v. Gage (12 Gray, 393), 52. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccin [BEFEBENCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Gaines (99 Ky. 411, 36 S. W. 174, 59 Am. St. Rep. 465), 1043. Railroad Co. v. Galliher (89 Va. 639, 16 S. E. Rep. 935), 1100. Railroad Co. v. Gann (68 Ga. 350), 406. . Railroad Co. v. Garcia (Tex. Civ. App., 26 S. W. Rep. 780), 1366. Railroad Co. v. Gardiner (51 Neb. 70, 70 N. W. 508), 214, 215, 218. Railroad Co. v. Garrett (8 Lea, 438), 1085. Railroad Co. v. Garrett (5 Tex. Civ. App. 540, 24 S. W. Rep. 354), 443. Railroad Co. v. Gates (162 111. 98, 44 N. E. 1118, aff'g., 61 111. App. 211), 911, 1050. Railroad Co. v. Gatewood (14 Ky. L. R. 108), 990. Railroad Co. v. George (1 Tex. Ct. Rep. 376, 60 S. W. Rep. 313), 895. Railroad Co. v. George & Co. (82 Miss. 710, 35 So. 193), 859, 861, 862. Railroad Co. v. Georgia Fruit & Vegetable Exchange (91 Ga. 389, 17 S. E. Rep. 904), 226, 657. Railroad v. Georgia Home Insur- ance Co. (85 Miss 7, 37 So. Rep. 500), 1242, 1249. Railroad Co. v. Gerson (102 Ala. 409, 14 So. 873), 1351. Railroad Co. v. Gidley (119 Ala. 523, 24 So. 753), 1354. Railroad Co. v. Gidlow (L. R. 7 H. L. Cas. 517), 805. Railroad Co. v. Giesen (Tex. Civ. App., 69 S. W. Rep. 653), 1427. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Gill (66 Miss. 39), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Gilmer (89 Ala. 534), 710, 1360. Railroad Co. v. Gilmer (18 Tex. Civ. App. 682, 45 S. W. 1028), 992. Railroad Co. v. Gilmore (1 Ind. App. 468), 1084. Railroad Co. v. Gilbert (88 Tenn. 430, 12 S. W. Rep. 1018, 7 L. R. A. 162), 404. Railroad Co. v. Gilbert (64 Tex. 536), 1067. Railroad Co. v. Gladmon (15 Wall. 401), 1227, 1228. Railroad Co. v. Glidewell (39 Ark. 487), 76. Railroad Co. v. Glover (24 Ky. Law Rep. 1447, 71 S. W. 630), 1181. Railroad Co. v. Goetz (79 Ky. 442), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Goldman (46 111. App. 625), 1348. Railroad Co. v. Gondola (50 Neb. 906, 70 N. W. Rep. 491), 205. Railroad Co. v. Goodin (62 N. J. L. 394, 42 Atl. 333, 45 L. R. A. 671, 72 Am. St. Rep. 652), 1219. Railroad Co. v. Goodman (52 Penn. St. 329), 1423. Railroad Co. v. Goodyear (28 Tex. Civ. App. 206, 66 S. W. 862), 1121. Railroad Co. v. Goodykoontz (119 Ind. Ill), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Gore (202 111. 188, 66 N. E. 1063, 95 Am. St. Rep. 224, aff'g., 105 111. App. 6; s. c. 96 111. App. 553; s. c. 92 111. App. 418), 1181. Railroad Co. v. Grable (88 111. 442), 1229. Railroad Co. v. Graham (3 Ind. CCIV TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] App. 28, 29 N. E. 170, 50 Am. St. Rep. 256), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Graham (98 Ky. 688, 17 Ky. L. R. 1229, 34 S. W. Rep. 229), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Graham & Ward (117 Ga. 555), 946. Railroad Co. v. Grant (99 Ala. 325, 13 So. 599), 450. Railroad Co. v. Grant (86 Miss. 565, 38 So. Rep. 502), 1072, 1075. Railroad Co. v. Grate Co. (81 Ga. 602), 230, 1337, 1366. Railroad Co. v. Green (81 111. 19), 1174. Railroad Co. v. Green (25 Md. 72), 708. Railroad Co. v. Green (52 Miss. 779), 1436. Railroad Co. v. Green (86 Penn. St. 421), 972. Railway Co. v. Greene (106 Ind. 279, 6. N. E. Rep. 603, 55 Am. Rep. 736), 1391. Railroad Co. v. Greenwood (99 Ala. 501, 14 So. 495), 895, 923, * 1440. Railroad Co. v. Gregg (25 Ky. Law Rep. 2329, 80 S. W. Rep. 512), 638. Railroad Co. v. Gregory (58 111. 226), 1230. Railroad Co. v. Gregston (12 Ky. Law Rep. 604), 1180. Railroad Co. v. Greso (102 111. App. 252; s. c. 79 111. App. 127), 1003. Railroad Co. v. Griffin (80 Fed. 278, 25 C. C. A. 413), 932. Railroad Co. v. Griffin (68 111. 499), 980, 1039. Railroad Co. v. Grigsby (13 Tex. Civ. App. 639. 35 S. W. Rep. 815; s. c. 36 S. W. Rep. 496), 990. Railroad Co. v. Grimes (71 111. App. 397), 444, 455, 639. Railroad Co. v. Grimm (25 Ind. App. 494, 57 N. E. 640), 923, 1414. Railroad Co. v. Groseclose (88 Va. 267, 13 S. E. Rep. 454, 29 Am. St. Rep. 718), 1008, 1111, 1229. Railroad Co. v. Grundy (12 Ky. Law Rep. 293), 982. Railroad Co. v. Crush (67 111. 262), 933. Railroad Co. v. Guinan (11 Lea, 98), 1443. Railroad Co. v. Gunderson (174 111. 495, 57 N. E. Rep. 708), 1399. Railroad Co. v. Gunning (33 Colo. 280. 80 Pac. Rep. 727), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Guy (18 Ky. Law Rep. 750, 37 S. W. Rep. 1043), 1424. Railroad Co. v. Hagblad ( — Neb. — , 101 N. W. Rep. 1033; s. c. 106 N. W. 1041), 898, 941, 1006. Railroad Co. v. Hague (48 Neb. 97, 66 N. W. 1000), 895, 1413. Railroad Co. v. Hailey (94 Tenn. 383, 29 S. W. 367, 27 L. R. A. 549), 964, lOOL Railroad Co. v. Hale (102 Ky. 600, 44 S. W. Rep. 213), 1111. Railroad Co. v. Hale (6 Mich. 243), 403, 415. Railroad Co. v. Hale (85 Tenn. 69), 339, 1366. Railroad Co. v. Hall (58 111. 409). 339, 497. Railroad Co. v. Hall (69 111. App. 497), 828. Railroad Co. v. Hambel (2 Neb. (Unofficial) 607, 89 N. W. 643), 1397, 1413. TABLE OF CASES CITED. eev [references ABE Railroad Co. v. Hamilton (76 111. 393), 339, 634. Railroad Co. v. Hammer (72 111. 347), 1439. Railroad Co. v. Hammond (33 Ind. 379), 1246. Railroad Co. v. Hanberry (23 Ky. Law Rep. 1867, 66 S. W. 417), 1180. Railroad Co. v. Hand ( — Md. — , 61 Atl. Rep. 285), 1119. Railroad Co. v. Handy (63 Miss. 609), 1134. Railroad Co. v. Hanna (6 Gray, 539), 72, 113, 261. Railroad Co. v. Hannibal (2 Neb. (Unofficial) 607, 89 N. W. Rep. 643), 1075. Railroad Co. v. Harbin (160 Ind. 441, 67 N. E. 109), 924. Railroad Co, v. Harbison (98 Tex. 490, 85 S. W. Rep. 1138), 936. Railroad Co. v. Harder (Tex. Civ. App., 81 S. W. 356), 1109, 1430. Railroad Co. v. Harlan (12 Ky. Law Rep. 506), 924. Railroad Co. v. Harman (91 Va, 601, 22 S. E. Rep. 490, 50 Am. St. Rep. 855, 44 L. R. A. 289), 510. Railroad Co. v. Harmon (23 Ky. Law Rep. 871, 64 S. W. 640), 1118, 1119. Railroad Co. v. Harmon (147 U. S. 571), 1118, 1417. Railroad Co. t. Harned (23 Ky. Law Rep. 1651, 66 S. W. 25), 340. 1367. Railroad Co. y. Harney (28 Ind. 28), 1381. Railroad Co. v. Harper (69 Ark. 186, 61 S. W. 911. 86 Am. St. Rep. 190, 53 L. R. A. 220), 1082. Railroad Co. v. Harper (83 Miss. TO SECTIONS.] 560, 35 So. Rep. 764, 102 Am. St. Rep. 469, 64 L. R. A. 283), 1051, 1062, 1065, 1067, 1442. Railroad Co. v. Harrell (58 Ark. 454, 25 S. W. 117), 1236. Railroad Co. v. Harris (62 Ark. 452, 36 S. W. 186), 574. Railroad Co. v. Harris (184 111. 57, 48 L. R. A. 175, 56 N. E. 316, aff'g., 84 111. App. 462), 509. Railroad Co. v. Harris (55 111. App. 159), 230, 233, 410, 1366. Railroad Co. v. Harris (9 Lea, 180), 1055, 1085. Railroad Co. v. Harris (81 Miss. 208, 32 So. 309, 95 Am. St. Rep. 466, 59 L. R. A. 742), 1045. Railroad Co. v. Harrison (119 Ala. 539, 24 So. Rep. 552, 43 L. R. A. 385, 72 Am. St. Rep. 936), 537. Railroad Co. v. Harrison (100 111. App. 211), 937. Railroad Co. v. Hartwell (99 Ky. 436, 36 S. W. 183), 175, 177. Railroad Co. v. Harwood (80 111. 88), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Hassell (62 Tex. 256), 1060, 1221. Railroad Co. v. Hasselkus (91 Ga. 382, 17 S. E. Rep. 838, 44 Am. St. Rep. 37), 168, 442. Railroad Co. v. Hatch (52 Ohio St. 408, 39 N. E. 1042), 708. Railroad Co. v. Hatton (5 C. L. J. 389), 1117. Railroad Co. v. Hawk (72 Ala. 112), 1197. Railroad Co. v. Hawkins (92 Ala. 241), 994, 1083. Railroad Co. v. Hawkins (18 Mich. 427), 451, 496. Railroad Co. v. Haynes (64 Miss. G04), 1366. ecvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [refeeences are Railroad Co. v. Haynes (72 Tex. 175), 708. Railroad Co. v. Hazen (84 111. 36), 316, 657. Railroad Co. v. Hazzard (26 111. 373), 899. Railroad Co. v. Head (22 Ky. Law Rep. 863, 59 S. W. 23), 1197. Railroad Co. v. Head (— Ky. Law Rep.—, 84 S. W. Rep. 751), 1426. Railroad Co. v. Headland (18 Colo. 477, 33 Pac. 185, 20 L. R. A. 822), 964. Railroad Co. v. Heard (— Miss. — , 39 So. Rep. 1011), 1353. Railroad Co. v. Heaton (37 Ind. 448), 401, 450. Railroad Co. v. Hedge (44 Neb. 448, 62 N. W. 887), 1223. Railroad Co. v. Hedger (9 Bush, 645), 339. Railroad Co. v. Hefley (158 U. S. 99, 15 Sup. A. R. 802), 537. Railroad Co. v. Heittner (— Tex. Civ. App.— , 94 S. W. Rep. 189), 233. Railroad Co. v. Helborg (99 111. App. 563), 1401. Railroad Co. v. Henderson (51 Penn. St. 315), 450, 1073, 1397, 1073, 933, 1003. Railroad Co. v. Henderson (Tex. Civ. App., 82 S. W. Rep. 1065), 980, 984, 1427. Railroad Co. v. Hendricks (26 Ind. 232), 895, 1118, 1127, 1347. Railroad Co. v. Hendricks (88 Tenn. 710), 1401. Railroad Co. v. Henlein (52 Ala. 606), 634, 339, 426, 450. Railroad Co. v. Henlein (56 Ala. 368), 425. Railroad Co. v. Hennigh (39 Ind. 509), 1038. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Henry (19 Ky. Law Rep. 1783, 44 S. W. Rep. 428), 933. Railroad Co. v. Henry (55 Kan. 715, 41 Pac. 952, 29 L. R. A. 465), 1094, 1100. Railroad Co. v. Hepner (3 Colo. App. 313, 33 Pac. 72), 1348. Railroad Co. v. Herndon (81 111. 143), 786. Railroad Co. v. Herndon (87 Va. 193), 936, 1127. Railroad Co. v. Herold (75 Md. 510, 22 Atl. 323, 14 L. R. A. 75), 913, 950, 1077, 1179, 1223. Railroad Co. v. Hess (2 Wash. 383, 26 Pac. 866), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Hessions (150 111. 566), 1174. Railroad Co. v. Hewitt (67 Tex. 479), 990. Railroad Co. v. Hiatt (17 Ind. 102), 1418. Railroad Co. v. Higdon (94 Ala. 286, 10 So. 282, 33 Am. St. Rep. 119, 14 L. R. A. 515), 1250. Railroad Co. v. Higgins (85 Tenn. 620), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Hill (90 Ala. 71), 1440. Railroad Co. v. Hill (93 Ala. 514, 9 So. 722, 30 Am. St. Rep. 65), 895, 1414, 1415. Railroad Co. v. Hill (110 Tenn. 396, 75 S. W. Rep. 963), 1085. Railroad Co. v. Hinds (53 Penn. St. 512), 892, 972, 981. Railroad Co. v. Hine (121 Ala. 234, 25 So. 857), 1431. Railroad Co. v. Hines (19 Ga. 208), 113. Railroad Co. v. Hirst (30 Fla. 1, 11 So. Rep. 506, 32 Am. St. TABLE OP CASES CITED. ecvii [beferences are Rep. 17, 16 L. R. A. 631), 1200. Railroad Co. v. Hobbs (118 Ga. 227, 45 S. E. 23, 63 L. R. A. 68), 1121, 1127. Railroad Co. v. Hobbs (58 111. App. 130), 933. Railroad Co. v. Hobbs (14 Ky. Law Rep. 766), 652. Railroad Co. v. Hodapp (83 Penn. St. 22), 333, 677. Railroad Co. v. Hodgson (18 Colo. 117, 31 Pac. 954), 1219. Railroad Co. v. Hoeflich (62 Md. 300), 1025, 1433. Railroad Co. v. Hoebl (12 Bush, 41), 1217, 1227. Railroad Co. v. Hogeland (66 Md. 149), 1236. Railroad Co. v. Hogue (50 Kan. 40, 31 Pac. 698), 1033, 1433. Railroad Co. v. Holden (66 Ark. 602, 53 S. W. 45), 1079, 1084. Railroad Co. v. Holdridge (118 Ind. 281), 1055. Railroad Co. v. Holland (162 Ind. 406, 69 N. E. 138, 63 L. R. A. 948), 475, 508, 1331. Railroad Co. v. Holland (68 Miss. 351), 464. Railroad Co. v. Holloway (9 Baxt. 188), 403. Railroad Co. v. Hollowell (65 Ind. 188), 316, 657. Railroad Co. v. Holmes (97 Ala. 332, 12 So. 286), 1123. Railroad Co. v. Holmes (5 Col. 197), 1174. Railroad Co. v. Hoist (100 U. S. 213), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Homer (73 Ga. 251), 1442, 1443. Railroad Co. v. Hoosey (99 Penn. St. 492), 1113. Railroad Co. v. Hopkins (41 Ala. 486), 450. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Hopkins (108 Ga. 324, 33 S. E. Rep. 965), 1102. Railroad Co. v. Hornberger (77 111. 457), 122, 147. Railroad Co. v. Horst (93 U. S. 291), 895, '897, 1195, 1221, 1222. Railroad Co. v. Hottman (25 O. C. C. 140), 1397. Railroad Co. v. House (101 III. App. 397), 651, 1372. Railroad Co. v. Houx (15 Tex. Civ. App. 502, 40 S. W. Rep. 327), 614. Railroad Co. v. Hubbard (72 Ohio 302, 74 N. E. Rep. 214), 426, 442. Railroad Co. v. Hudgins (42 Ark. 485), 1346. Railroad Co. v. Hudson ( — Ky. L. R.— , 92 S. W. Rep. 947), 1054. Railroad Co. v. Huggins (89 Ga. 494, 15 S. E. Rep. 848), 899, 1019. Railroad Co. v. Hughes (55 Kan. 491, 40 Pac. 919), 1118, 1179, 1180, 1401. Railroad Co. v. Hughes (191 U. S. 477, 48 L. Ed. 268, 24 Sup. Ct. R. 132, aft'g., 202 Pa. St. 222, 51 Atl. 990), 209, 452. Railroad Co. v. Hull (24 Ky. Law Rep. 375, 68 S. W. 433, 57 L. R. A. 771), 1375. Railroad Co. v. Humphrey (83 Miss. 721, 36 So. Rep. 154), 1217, 1417. Railroad Co. v. Hunt (15 Lea, 261), 715, 805, 862. Railroad Co. v. Hunter (70 Miss. 471, 12 So. Rep. 482), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Hunter (11 Wis. 160), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Huntley (38 Mich. 545), 947. CCVlll TABLE OF CASES CITED. [eefebences ake Railroad Co. v. Hurd (108 Fed. 116, 47 C. C. A. 615, 56 L. R. A. 193), 1388, 1396. Railroad Co. v. Hurst (36 Miss. 660), 962, 1126, 1408, 1440. Railroad Co. v. Hurst (67 Ark. 407, 55 S. W. 215), 442. Railroad Co. v. Husen (95 U. S. 465), 325. Railroad Co. v. Hyatt (48 Neb. 161, 67 N. W. 8), 1179. Railroad Co. v. Hyde (101 Fed. 401, 41 C.'C. A. 549), 1077.' Railroad Co. v. Illinois (163 U. S. 142), 1110. Railroad Co. v. Ing (29 Tex. Civ. App. 398, 68 S. W. 722), 1056. Railroad Co. v. Insurance Co. (98 Mass. 420), 783. Railroad Co. v. Insurance Co. (79 Miss. 114, 30 So. Rep. 43), 475. Railroad Co. v. Interstate Com- merce Commission (200 U. S. 361, modifying Interstate Commerce Commission v. Railway Co., 128 Fed. 59), 546, 555. Railroad Co. v. Iowa (94 U. S. 155), 574, 1023. Railroad Co. v. Irwin (46 Ind. 180), 175. Railroad Co. v. Jackson (24 Conn. 514, 63 Am. Dec. 177), 806. Railroad Co. v. Jackson (6 Heisk. 271), 282, 339, 401, 463. Railroad Co. v. Jackson (22 Ky. Law Rep. 630, 58 S. W. 526), 990. Railroad Co. v. Jackson (25 Ky. Law Rep. 2087, 79 S. W. Rep. 1187), 1065, 1433. Railroad Co. v. Jacobs ( — Okl. — , 82 Pac. Rep. 502), 1367. Railroad Co. v. Jacoby (14 Ky. Law Rep. 763), 1209. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Jageman (115 111. 407), 201, 230. Railroad Co. v. James (10 Ind. App. 550, 35 N. E. Rep. 395, 38 N. E. Rep. 192), 145. Railroad Co. v. Jarboe (41 Ala. 644), 463, 1354. Railroad Co. v. Jean (98 Md. 546, 57 Atl. 540), 122L Railroad Co. v. Jefferson (89 Ga. 554, 16 S. E. Rep. 69, 32 Am. St. Rep. 87, 17 L. R. A. 571), 980, 984. Railroad Co. v. Jenkins (15 Ky. Law Rep. 239), 1122. Railroad Co. v. Jennings (190 111. 478, 60 N. E. 818, 54 L. R. A. 827, reversing 89 111. App. 335), 1006, 1015. Railroad Co. v. Jennings (217 111. 140, 75 N. E. Rep. 457), 1202, 1204. Railroad Co. v. Johnson (108 Ala. 62, 19 So. 51, 31 L. R. A. 372, s. c. 104 Ala. 241, 16 So. Rep. 75, 53 Am. St. Rep. 39; s. c. 92 Ala. 204, 9 So. Rep. 269, 25 Am. St. Rep. 35), 994, 1083, 1230. Railroad Co. v. Johnson (113 Ga. 589, 38 S. E. 954), 1249. Railroad Co. v. Johnson (38 Ga. 409), 1423. Railroad Co. v. Johnson (34 111. 389), 230. Railroad Co. v. Johnson (44 111. App. 56), 1177, 1186. Railroad Co. v. Johnson (67 111. 312), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Johnson (114 111. App. 545), 339, 445. Railroad Co. v. Johnson (221 111. 42, 77 N. E. Rep. 592), 1227, 1397. Railroad v. Johnson (97 Tenn. 667, 37 S. W. Rep. 558, 34 L. R. A. 442), 1389. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCIX [references ABE Railroad Co. v. Johnson & Flem- ing (— Tenn.— , 94 S. W. Rep. 600), 1367, 1372. Railroad Co. v. Johnston (75 Ala. 596), 419. Railroad Co. v. Jolly (25 Ky. Law Rep. 1735, 78 S. W. 476), 1216. Railroad Co. v. Jones (83 Ala. 376), 1414. Railroad Co. v. Jones (100 Ala. 263, 14 So. 114), 1348. Railroad Co. v. Jones (130 Ala. 456, 30 So. Rep. 586), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Jones ( — Fla. — , 34 So. Rep. 246), 1384, 1389. Railroad Co. v. Jones ( — Fla. — , 39 So. Rep. 485), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Jones (9 Heisk. 27), 908. Railroad Co. v. Jones (149 111. 361, 37 N. E. 247, 24 L. R. A. 141, 41 Am. St. Rep. 278), 574, 575. Railroad Co. v. Jones (155 U. S. 333, 15 Sup. Ct. R. 136), 231, 263. Railroad Co. v. Jones, Adm'r of Berger (64 Ark. 613, 44 S. W. Rep. 809, 39 L. R. A. 784), 1102. Railroad Co. v. Jopes (142 U. S. 18, 12 Sup. Ct. R. 109, 35 L. Ed. 919), 1102. Railroad Co. v. Jordan (23 Ky. Law R. 1730, 66 S. W. 27), 995. Railroad Co. v. Jumper (24 Tex. Civ. App. 671, 60 S. W. 797), 912, 1414. Railroad Co. v. Jurey (8 111. App. 160), 339. Railroad Co. v. Kane (69 Md. 11), 1110, 1111, 1186, 1200, 1221. Railroad Co. v. Kassen (49 Ohio St. 230, 31 N. E. 282, 16 L. R. A. 674), 914, 996, 1173. Railroad Co. v. Katzenbach (118 Ind. 174), 1364. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Katzenberger (16 Lea, 380), 1135, 1266. Railroad Co. v. Keedy (75 Md. 320, 23 Atl. 643), 292, 310. Railroad Co. v. Keegan (210 111. 150, 71 N. E. 321, aff'g., 112 111. App. 28), 937. Railroad Co. v. Keener (93 Ga. 808, 21 S. E. Rep. 287, 44 Am. St. Rep. 197), 425, 431. Railroad Co. v. Keith (8 Ind. App. 57, 35 N. E. 296), 115, 151. Railroad Co. v. Keith (22 Ky. Law Rep. 593, 58 S. W. 468), 1126. Railroad Co. v. Keller (20 Ky. Law Rep. 957, 47 S. W. Rep. 1072), 937. Railroad Co. v. Keller (67 Penn. St. 300), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Kelley (31 Penn. St. 372), 1229, 1378. Railroad Co. v. Kellogg (94 U. S. 475), 311, 1430. Railroad Co. v. Kelly (1 Head, 158), 1315. Railroad Co. v. Kelly (92 Ind. 371), 1192, 1221. Railroad Co. v. Kelsey (89 Ala. 287), 1360. Railroad Co. v. Kemery's Admr. (23 Ky. Law Rep. 1734, 66 S. W. 20), 990. Railroad Co. v. Kendall (72 111. App. 105), 711. Railroad Co. v. Kendrick (40 Miss. 374), 1121, 1126. Railroad Co. v. Kennard (21 Penn. St. 203), 895, 1209. Railroad Co. v. Kennard Glass & Paint Co. (59 Neb. 435, 81 N. W. 372), 214, 215, 218, 405. Railroad Co. v. Kennedy (77 Ind. 507), 964, 1032. Railroad Co. v. Kennedy (41 Miss. 671), 1246, 1249, 1404. ccx TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Kennicott (68 111. App. 90), 1177. Railroad Co. v. Kerr (68 Miss. 14), 238. Railroad Co. v. Kevekordes ( — Ind. App. — 73 N. E. 1135; s. c. (Ind. App.) 69 N. E. 1022), 1331. Railroad Co. v. Kid (23 111. App. 353), 1091. Railroad Co. v. Kidd (35 Ala. 209), 675, 704, 705, 715, 723. Railroad Co. v. Kilgore (32 Penn. St. 292), 1118, 1178. Railroad Co. v. Killian (78 Ga. 749), 918. Railroad Co. v. Kilpatrick (67 Ark. 47, 54 S. W. 971), 1032, 1094, 1196. Railroad Co. v. King, (81 Ala. 177, 2 So. Rep. 152), 1397. Railroad Co. v. King (6 Heisk. 269), 282. Railroad Co. v. King (179 111. 91, 53 N. E. 552. 70 Am. St. Rep. 93, aff'g., 77 111. App. 581), 990. Railroad Co. v. Kingman (18 Ky. Law Rep. 82, 35 S. W. 264), 1017, 1440. Railroad Co. v. Klngsley (177 111. 558, 52 N. E. 931, reversing 78 111. App. 236), 990. Railroad Co. v. Kirk (90 Penn. St. 15), 1397, 1399, 1423. Railroad Co. v. Kirkbridge (79 Tex. 457), 691, 1084, 1444. Railroad Co. v. Kirkwood (45 Mich. 51), 139, 1349. Railroad Co. v. Kitchens (83 Ga. 83, 9 S. E. Rep. 827), 1391. Railroad Co. v. Klein (43 111. App. 63), 895, 1415. Railroad Co. v. Klyman (108 Tenn. 304, 67 S. W. 472, 91 Am. St. Rep. 755, 56 L. R. A. 769), 1041, 1048. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Knight (58 N. J. Law 287, 33 Atl. Rep. 845), 1241, 1276. Railroad Co. v. Koontz (61 Ohio St. 551. 56 N. E. 471, 76 Am. St. Rep. 435), 766, 767. Railroad Co. v. Kuehn (70 Tex. 582), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Kuhn (107 Tenn. 106, 64 S. W. 202), 274, 292, 895, 910, 947, 1414, 1415. Railroad Co. v. Kyte (6 Ind. App. 52, 32 N. E. 1134), 1429. Railroad Co. v. Lacy (49 Ga. 106), 1396. Railroad Co. v. Laloge (24 Ky. Law Rep. 693, 696, 69 S. W. 795, 62 L. R. A. 405), 931, 989, 1006, 1008. Railroad Co. v. Lamoreux (5 Kan. App. 813, 49 Pac. 152), 1433. Railroad Co. v. Lampley (76 Ala. 357), 44, 59, 61, 91, 94. Railroad Co. v. Landauer, 39 Neb. 803, 58 N. W. 434; s. c. 36 Neb. 642, 54 N. W. 976), 1118, 1179, 1413. Railroad Co. v. Lander (20 Ky. L. R. 913, 47 S. W. Rep. 344), 972. Railroad Co. v. Landers (135 Ala. 504, 33 So. Rep. 482), 442, 443, 450. Railroad Co. v. Langdon (92 Penn. St. 27), 1200. Railroad Co. v. Langlois (9 Mont. 419), 945. Railroad Co. v. Langton (32 Mich. 251), 1349. Railroad Co. v. Lannum (71 111. App. 84), 172, 714. Railroad Co. v. La Porte (33 Ind. App. 691, 71 N. E. Rep. 166), 1394. Railroad Co. v. Larkin (47 Md. 155), 1433, 1084. I TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCXl [references are to sections.] Railroad Co. v. Larned (103 111. 293), 162, 668. Railroad Co. v. Latimer (128 111. 163), 1082, 10S3. Railroad Co. v. Lawler (40 Neb. 356, 58 N. W. 968), 449, 450, 1354, 1360. Railroad Co. v. Lawrence (96 111. App. 635), 1230. Railroad Co. v. Lazarus (13 Ky. Law Rep. 461), 444, 652. Railroad Co. v. Ledbetter (92 Ala. 326), 1334. Railroad Co. v. Lee (97 Ala. 325, 12 So. 48), 1180. Railroad Co. v. Le Gierse (51 Tex. 187), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Lehman (56 Md. 209), 651, 653. Railroad Co. . v. Leigh (45 Ark. 368), 1113. Railroad Co. v. Leiner (202 111. 624, 67 N. E. 398, 95 Am. St. Rep. 266, aff'g., 103 111. App. 438), 926, 990. Railroad Co. v. Letcher (69 Ala. 106), 991, 1177. Railroad Co. v. Levy (127 Ind. 168, 26 N. E. 773), 170. Railroad Co. v. Lewis (89 Tenn. 235, 14 S. W. Rep. 603), 205. Railroad Co. v. Lewis (Tex. Civ. App., 23 S. W. Rep. 323), 658. Railroad Co. v. Liddell (85 Ga. 482, 21 Am. St. Rep. 169), 918, 1126, 1440. Railroad Co. v. Light (39 111. App. 530), 639. Railroad Co. v. Lillie (112 Tenn. 331, 78 S. W. Rep. 1055, 105 Am. St. Rep. 947), 1130, 1241, 1261, 1266. Railroad Co. v. Lilly (8 So. Rep. 644), 122. Railroad Co. v. Lindley (42 Kan. 714), 1195, 1203. Railroad Co. t. Lister (6 Tex. Ct. Rep. 58, 72 S. W. 107), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Littell (128 Fed. 546, 63 C. C. A. 44), 1062, 1065. Railroad Co. v. Little (71 Ala. 611), 425, 449, 1354. Railroad Co. v. Little (66 Kan. 378, 71 Pac, 820, 97 Am. St. Rep. 376, 61 L. R. A. 122), 1060, 1062, 1067, 1433, 1442. Railroad Co. v. Lockhart (79 Ala. 315), 1126, 1430, 1424. Railroad Co. v. Lockhart (71 111. 627), 496, 1367. Railroad Co. v. Lockridge (93 Ind. 191), 1418. Railroad Co. v. Lockwood (28 Ohio St. 358), 477. Railroad Co. v. Lockwood (17 Wall. 357), 44, 233, 392, 401, 431, 441, 452, 1003, 1073, 1074. Railroad Co. v. Loftis (72 Ohio St. 288, 74 N. E. Rep. 179, 106 Am. St. Rep. 597), 1049. Railroad Co. v. Logan (88 Ky. 232, 10 S. W. Rep. 655, 21 Am. St. Rep. 332), 994, 1083. Railroad Co. v. Lohe (68 Ohio St. 101, 67 N. E. Rep. 161, 67 L. R. A. 637), 1197. Railroad v. Lone Star Salt Co, (19 Tex. Civ. App. 684, 685, 48 S. W. 619), 574. Railroad Co. v. Long (5 Kan. App. 644, 47 Pac. 993), 1442. Railroad Co. v. Long (75 Penn. St. 257), 1229. Railroad Co. v. Louthan (80 111. App. 579), 1032, 1090. Railroad Co. v. Lowe (101 Ga. 320, 28 S. E. Rep. 867), 175, 187. Railroad Co, v. Lowell (90 Tenn. 17, 15 S. W. Rep. 837), 426. CCXll TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERKNCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Lyon (89 Ga. 16, 15 S. B. Rep. 24, 24 Am. St. Rep. 72, 15 L. R. A. 857), 1060. Railroad Co. v. Lyons (129 Penn. St. 114). 1118. Railroad Co. v. Lucas (18 Ind. App. 239, 47 N. E. 842), 1060. Railroad Co. v. MacCartney (68 N. J. L. 165, 52 Atl. 575), 807, 810. Railroad Co. v. Macchi (74 Vt. 403, 52 Atl. 960), 810. Railroad Co. v. Mackinney (124 Penn. St. 462), 1412. Railroad Co. v. Mahan (8 Bush, 184), 1287. Railroad Co. v. Mahara (47 111. App. 208), 933. Railroad Co. v. Mahula (1 Tex. Civ. App. 182, 20 S. W. Rep. 1002), 233. Railroad Co. v. Maloy (77 Ga. 237), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Manchester Mills (88 Tenn. 653, 14 S. W. Rep. 314), 404, 420, 449, 784, 1355. Railroad Co. v. Marcus (38 111. 219), 1249. Railroad Co. v. Maris (6 Kan. 333), 704, 713. Railroad Co. v. Marlett (75 Miss. 956, 23 So. 583), 1043. Railroad Co. v. Marshall (90 Va. 836, 20 S. E. Rep. 823), 948. Railroad Co. v. Marshall ( — Kan. — , 81 Pac. Rep. 169), 936. Railroad Co. v. Martelle (65 Neb. 540, 91 N. W. 364), 1117, 1180. Railroad Co. v. Martin (111 111. 219), 916, 1007. Railroad Co. v. Martin (41 Mich. 667), 991. Railroad Co v. Mask (64 Miss. 738), 1121. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Mason (4 Kan. App. 391, 46 Pac. 31), 404. Railroad Co. v. Massengill (15 Lea, 328), 1177. Railroad Co. v. Masterson (16 Ind. App. 323, 44 N. E. 1004), 205, 1217. Railroad Co. v. Matthews, ( — Ala. — , 39 So. Rep. 207), 1179. Railroad Co. v. Matthews (24 Ky. Law Rep. 1766, 114 Ky. 973, 72 S. W. Rep. 302, 102 Am. St. Rep. 316, 60 L. R. A. 846), 1242, 1249, 1250. Railroad Co. v. Matthews (13 Ind. App. 355, 41 N. E. 842), 990. Railroad Co. v. Maugans (61 Md. 61), 1200. Railroad Co. v. Maxwell (59 111. App. 673), 1110. Railroad Co. v. Maybin (66 Miss. 83), 976, 1036. Railroad Co. v. Mayes (49 Ga. 355), 918. Railroad Co. v. Mayo (4 Ind. App. 413, 30 N. E. 1106), 1033, 1086. Railroad Co. v. McArthur (43 Miss. 180), 1126, 1429. Railroad Co. v. McCandliss (33 Kan. 366), 1192. Railway Co. v. McChord (103 Fed. 216; reversed in Mc- Chord V. Railroad, 183 U. S. 483), 575. Railroad Co. v. McClellan (54 111. 58), 122, 147. Railroad Co. v. McClosky (23 Penn. St. 526), 1396. Railroad Co. v. McClurg (56 Penn. St. 294), 1175, 1209. Railroad Co. v. McCool (26 Ind. 140), 702. Railroad Co. v. McCormick (124 Penn. St. 427), 1122, 1126. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccxni [references ABE TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. McCurdy (45 Ga. 288), 1126. Railroad Co. v. McDonald (68 Ind. 316), 978. Railroad Co. v. McDonnell (91 111. App. 488), 917. Railroad Co. v. McDonough (21 Mich. 165), 336, 340, 341, 1351. Railroad Co. v. McElwain (98 Ky. 700, 34 S. W. 236), 1386, 1389. Railroad Co. v. McElwee (6 Heisk. 208), 230, 243. Railroad Co. v. McEwan (17 Ky. Law Rep. 406, 31 S. W. Rep. 465), 980. Railroad Co. v. McEwan (21 Ky. Law Rep. 487, 51 S. W. Rep. 619), 980, 984, 985. Railroad Co. v. McGahey (63 Ark. 344, 38 S. W. 659, 58 Am. St. Rep. Ill, 36 L. R. A. 781), 1242, 1250, 1285, 1286, 1288. Railroad Co. v. McGugan ( — Md. — , 62 Atl. Rep. 752), 1174. Railroad Co. v. McGuire (79 Ala. 395), 704. Railroad Co. v. McKean (40 111. 218), 1231. Railroad Co. v. McKenzie (Tex. Civ. App., 41 S. W. Rep. 831), 1427. Railroad Co. v. McKinney (34 Ind. App. 402, 73 N. E. 148), 426, 1331. Railroad Co. v. McLaughlin (73 Fed. 519, 19 C. C. A. 551, 43 U. S. App. 181), 1003. Railroad Co. v. McLendon (63 Ala. 266), 1440. Railroad Co. v. McManus' Admx. (24 Ky. L. R. 81, 67 S. W. Rep. 1000), 990. Railroad Co. v. McMullen (117 Ind. 439, 20 N. E. Rep. 287, 10 Am. St. Rep. 67), 1388. Railroad Co. v. McNeal (Tex. Civ. App., 76 S. W. Rep. 206), 1427, 1433. Railroad Co. v. Meador (65 Ga. 705), 768. Railroad Co. v. Means (136 Fed. 83, 68 C. C. A. 65), 923, 1019. Railroad Co. v. Means (48 111. App. 396), 1123. Railroad Co. v. Mehlsack (131 111. 61, 19 Am. St. Rep. 17), 990, 1001. Railroad Co. v. Mercantile Trust & Deposit Co. (82 Md. 535, 34 Atl. 778, 38 L. R. A. 97), 1076. Railroad Co. v. Merrill (48 111. 425), 728. Railroad Co. v. Merriwether (Ky. L. R., 12 S. W. Rep. 935), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Messino (1 Sneed, 220), 949, 952, 963. Railroad Co. v. Metcalf (50 Neb. 452, 69 N. W. 961), 1315. Railroad Co. v. Meyer (78 Ala. 597), 230, 233, 408, 416, 417. Railroad Co. v. Meyers (62 Fed. 367, 10 C. C. A. 485, 18 U. S. App. 569), 264, 1197. Railroad Co. v. Michie (83 111. 427), 964, 1001, 1218. Railroad Co. v. Middlesex & S. Traction Co. (70 N. J. L. 732, 58 Atl. 332), 574, 575. Railroad Co. v. Midvale Steel Co. (201 Pa. St. 624, 51 Atl. 313, 88 Am. St. Rep. 836), 859, 860. Railroad Co. v. Miles (88 Ala. 256), 1197. Railroad Co. v. Miles (55 Penn. St. 209), 972. Railroad Co. v. Miles (18 Ky. Law Rep. 580, 37 S. W. Rep. 486), 1060. CCXIV TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Miller (79 111. App. 473), 426, 455. Railroad Co. v. Miller (25 Mich. 274), 1418. Railroad Co. v. Miller (16 Neb. 661), 804, 805. Railroad Co. v. Miller (87 Penn. St. 395), 1355. Railroad Co. v. Miller (132 U. S. 75), 574. Railroad Co. v. Mills (— Ind. App. _, 77 N. E. Rep. 608), 1003, 1202, 1414. Railroad Co. v. Mills (57 Kan. 687, 47 Pac. Rep. 834), 1389. Railroad Co v. Millsaps (76 Miss. 855, 25 So. 672, 71 Am. St. Rep. 543), 298. Railroad Co. v. Milmine (57 111. App. 291), 162. Railroad Co. v. Mineral Springs Mfg. Co. (16 Wall. 318, 21 L. Ed. 297), 131. 142, 231, 410, 415. Railroad Co. v. Minogue (90 Ky. 369, 29 Am. St. Rep. 378), 1423. Railroad Co. v. Minor (69 Miss. 710, 11 So. 101, 16 L. R. A. 627), 980. Railroad Co. v. Mississippi (133 U. S. 587, 33 L. Ed. 784, 10 Sup. Ct. 384, affirming 66 Miss. 662, 6 So. Rep. 203, 5 L. R. A. 132), 972. Railroad Co. v. Mitchell (32 Fla. 77, 13 So. 673, 21 L. R. A. 487), 1001, 1277. Railroad Co. v. Montgomery (39 111. 335), 113. Railroad Co. v. Moore (51 Ala. 394), 233, 260, 1352. Railroad Co. v. Moore (101 Ga. 684, 28 S. E. Rep. 1000), 1094. Railroad Co. v. Moore (40 Miss. 39). 1404. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Moore (59 Tex. 64), 1228. Railroad Co. v. Morain (36 111. App. 632, 634; affirmed, 140 111. 117, 29 N. E. 869), 1418. Railroad Co. v. Morris (17 Ind. App. 189, 46 N. B. Rep. 554, 60 Am. St. Rep. 166), 1002. Railroad Co. v. Morris (31 Gratt. 200), 1177. Railroad Co. v. Morris (26 111. 400), 1386. Railroad Co. v. Morris (67 Tex. 692), 918. Railroad Co. v. Morris (68 Tex. 49), 1334, 1344. Railroad Co. v. Morrison (19 111. 136), 401, 411. Railroad Co. v. Morrison (34 Kan. 502), 1246, 1255, 1293. Railroad Co. v. Morton (61 Ind. 539), 60. Railroad Co. v. Moss (23 Cal. 324), 76. Railroad Co. v. Moss (13 Ky. Law Rep. 684), 964, 990. Railroad Co. v. Moss (60 Miss. 1003), 450, 1354. Railroad Co. v. Mossbarger ( — Ky. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 1121), 1367. Railroad Co. v. Mower Co. (76 Me. 251), 1305. Railroad Co. v. Mowery (36 Ohio St. 418), 1223. Railroad Co. v. Mt. Vernon Co. (84 Ala. 174), 131, 175, 233. Railroad Co. v. Muhling (30 111. 9), 899, 1004, 1019, 1082. Railroad Co. v. Mulfinger's Admx. (26 Ky. L. R. 3, 80 S. W. Rep. 499), 1397, 1401. Railroad Co. v. Mulford (162 111. 522, 44 N. E. 861, 35 L. R. A. 599, reversing 59 111. App. 479), 263, 1049. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccxv [KEFKBENCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Mullen (217 111. 203, 75 N. E. Rep. 474), 1177. Railroad Co. v. Mundy (21 Ind. 48), 1075. Railroad Co. v. Murden (86 Ga. 434), 1067. Railroad Co. v. Murphy (198 111. 462, 64 N. B. 1011, aft'g-, 99 111. App. 126), 925. Railroad Co. v. Murphy (46 Tex. 356), 1181, 1174. Railroad Co. v. Murray (55 Ark. 248, 18 S. W. 50, 16 L. R. A. 787, 29 Am. St. Rep. 32), 1223. Railroad Co. v. Murray (85 Ga. 343), 881, 867. Railroad Co. v. Murray (71 111. 001), 1227. Railroad Co. v. Mushrush (11 Ind. App. 192, 37 N. B. 954), 991. Railroad Co. v. Myrtle (51 Ind. 566), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Naive (112 Tenn. 239, 79 S. W. Rep. 124, 64 L. R. A. 443), 207, 696, 708, 710, 1348. Railroad Co. v. Nash (43 Ind. 423), 702. Railroad Co. v. National Live Stock Bank (178 111. 506, 53 N. B. 326, reversing 59 111. App. 451), 160. Railroad Co. v. National S. S. Co. (137 N. Y. 23, 32 N. B. 993, aff'g., 62 Hun, 621, 17 N. Y. Supp. 28; s. c. 14 N. Y. Supp. 253), 867. Railroad Co. v. Neely (91 Va. 539, 22 S. B. Rep. 367), 1446. Railroad Co. v. Neimann (84 111. App. 272), 677, 800. Railroad Co. v. Nelson (1 Cold. 272), 70, 226, 496, 652, 1215. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Nelson (59 111. 110), 1032, 1033. Railroad Co. v. Nelson (51 Ind. 150), 909. Railroad Co. v. Newell (212 111. 332, 72 N. E. 416, aff'g., 113 111. App. 263), 918, 1198. Railroad Co. v. N. Y., etc.. Rail- road Co. (66 Neb. 159, 92 N. W. Rep. 131, 59 L. R. A. 939), 233, 240, 241. Railroad Co. v. Ney (Tex. Civ. App., 58 S. W. Rep. 43), 1348, 1363. Railroad Co. v. Nichols (8 Kan, 505), 962. Railroad Co. v. Nichols (9 Kan. 235), 339. Railroad Co. v. Nichols (85 Fed. 945, 29 C. C. A. 500), 464, 1003. Railroad Co. v. Nichols ( — Miss. — , 38 So. Rep. 371), 1414. Railroad Co. v. Nickless (71 Ind. 271), 1003. Railroad Co. v. Nix (68 Ga. 572), 1085, 1388. Railroad Co. v. Noell (32 Gratt. 394), 1397, 1398. Railroad Co. v. Norris (17 Ind. App. 189, 46 N. E. 554, 60 Am.. St. Rep. 166), 990, 1085, 1102. Railroad Co. v. Oberhoefer (76 111. App. 672), 937. Railroad Co. v. O'Connell (160 111. 636, 43 N. B. 704, aff'g., 59 111. App. 463), 911. Railroad Co. v. Oden (80 Ala. 38), 425, 430. 450, 475, 704, 1354. Railroad Co. v. Odill (96 Tenn. 61, 33 S. W. 611, 54 Am. St. Rep. 820), 132, 617. Railroad Co. v. O'Donnell (114 111. App. 346; s. c. 213 111. 545, 72 N. E. 1133), 1384, 1389. CCXVl TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are Railroad Co. v. O'Donnell (49 Ohio St. 489, 32 N. E. 476, 21 L. R. A. 117, 34 Am. St. Rep. 579). 651, 658, 743, 745, 756, 800. 1374. Railroad Co. v. Oehm (56 111. 293), 1249. Railroad Co. v. Ogier (35 Penn. St. 60), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Ohio Valley Bank- ing & Trust Co. (107 Ga. 512, 33 S. E. Rep. 821), 187, 745. Railroad Co. v. Oil Works (126 Penn. St. 485), 865, 872. Railroad Co. v. O'Keefe (168 111. 115, 48 N. E. 294, 39 L. R. A. 148, 61 Am. St. Rep. 68, reversing 63 111. App. 102; s. c. 154 111. 508, 39 N. E. 606), 927. Railroad Co. v. O'Laughlin (Tex. Civ. App., 72 S. W. Rep. 610), 508. Railroad Co. v. Olds (77 Ga. 673), 1061, 1065, 1066, 1442. Railroad Co. v. O'Loughlin (Tex Civ. App., 84 S. W. 1104), 499,' 500, 509. Railroad Co. v. Olsen (7 Ind. App. 698, 34 N. E. 531), 1092. Railroad Co. v. Ordway (140 Mass. 510), 1347. Railroad Co. v. Ormsby (27 Gratt. 455), 1229. Railroad Co. v. Orndorff (55 Ohio St. 589, 45 N. E. 447, 38 L. R. A. 140, 60 Am. St. Rep. 716), 10S7. Railroad Co. v. Orr (Ala., 8 So. Rep. 363). 1397. Railroad Co. v. Ostrander (66 Ark. 567. 52 S. W. 435). 537. Railroad Co. v. Owens (93 Ky. 201, 19 S. W. .590), 426. Railroad Co. v. Page (22 Barb. 130), 1038, 1052. 1 TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Painter (15 Neb. 394), 763. Railroad Co. v. Palmer (38 Neb. 463, 56 N. W. 957, 22 L. R. A. 335), 405. Railroad Co. v. Parish (18 Tex. Civ. App. 130, 43 S. W. 1066), 430. Railroad Co. v. Parks (18 III. 460), 1083. Railroad Co. v. Parmalee (51 Ind. 42), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Parry (55 N. J. L. 551, 27 Atl. 914, 39 Am. St. Rep. 654, 22 L. R. A. 251), 1041, 1058, 1077. Railroad Co. v. Patten (3 Kan. App. 338, 45 Pac. 108), 1287, 1291. Railroad Co. v. Patterson (63 111. 304), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Patterson Tobacco Co. (92 Va. 670, 24 S. E. Rep. 261, 41 U R. A. 511; affirmed, 169 U. S. 311, 42 L. Ed. 759, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 335), 209, 235. Railroad Co. v. Pattison (41 Ind. 312), 805. Railroad Co. v. Patton (31 Miss. 156), 1440. Railroad Co. v. Paulk (24 Ga. 356), 1223. Railroad Co. v. Pauson (70 Fed. 585. 30 L. R. A. 730, 44 U. S. App. 178. 17 C. C. A. 287), 1053. Railroad Co. v. Payne (86 Va. 481, 6 L. R. A. 849), 426, 450. Railroad Co. v. Pearce (192 U. S. 179, 48 L. Ed. 397, reversing Pearce v. Railroad, 89 Mo. App. 437). 233. 866. Railroad Co. v. Peed's Adm'r (102 Va. 662, 47 S. E. Rep. 850), 1397, 1398. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCXVll [references are Railroad Co. v. Pendergrass (69 Miss. 425, 12 So. Rep. 945), 1389. Railroad Co. v. People (56 111. 365), 230, 520. Railroad Co. v. People (67 111. 1), 520, 574. Railroad Co. v. People (67 111. 11), 521. Railroad Co. v. People (121 111. 304), 521, 574. Railroad Co. v. People (Ohio, 1877), 6 C. L. J. 436), 1403. Railroad Co. v. Perkins (25 Mich. 329), 340, 341. Railroad Co. v. Perry (58 Ga. 461), 1006, 1008. Railroad Co. v. Peters (116 Penn. St. 206), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Pevey (30 Tex. Civ. App. 460, 70 S. W. 778), 931. ♦ Railroad Co. v. Phillibert (25 Kan. 583), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Phillips (93 Ga. 801, 20 S. E. Rep. 646), 1293. Railroad Co. v. Phillips (60 111. 198), 175. Railroad Co. v. Phillips (64 Miss^ 693), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Phillips (49 111. 234), 909. Railroad Co. v. Phillipson (Tex. Civ. App., 39 S. W. 958), 430. 450. Railroad Co. v. Pickard (8 Col. 163), 1181. Railroad Co. v. Pickleseimer (85 Va. 798), 1175, 1181. Railroad Co. v. Picklesimer (89 Va. 389, 16 S. E. Rep. 245), 1181. Railroad Co. v. Pilgrim (9 Colo. App. 86, 47 Pac. 657), 948. Railroad Co. v. Pillow (76 Penn. St. 510), 981, 984. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Pillsbury (123 111. 9), 986. Railroad Co. v. Piper (13 Kan. 505), 226, 246. Railroad Co. v. Pittman (73 Ga. 325), 1401. Railroad Co. v. Ponder (117 Ga. 63, 43 S. E. Rep. 430, 97 Am. St. Rep. 152, 60 L. R. A. 713), 987. Railroad Co. v. Pondrom (51 111. 333), 1211. Railroad Co. v. Pontius (19 Ohio St. 221), 232, 240, 410, 450, 1296. Railroad Co. v. Potter (36 111. App. 590), 130. Railroad Co. v. Powell (13 Tex. Civ. App. 212, 35 S. W. Rep. 841), 1045. Railroad Co. v. Powers ( — Neb. — , 103 N. W. Rep. 678), 114. Railroad Co. v. Powers (149 U. S. 43, 13 Sup. Ct. R. 748, 37 L. Ed. 642), 1174, 1219. Railroad Co. v. Pratt (22 Wall, 123), 231, 242, 452, 497, 499, 505, 508. Railroad Co. v. Prewitt (46 Ala. 63), 675, 704. Railroad Co. v. Price (96 Penn. St. 286), 997, 1017, 1200. Railroad Co. v. Prickett (210 111. 140, 71 N. E. Rep. 435), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Prince (2 Heisk. 580), 1404. Railroad Co. v. Proctor (1 Allen, 267), 1043, 1117. Railroad Co. v. Proctor ( — Ky. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 714), 1219. 1230. Railroad Co. v. Pumphrey (59 Md. 390), 668, 1360, 1362, 1367, 1369, 1374. CCXVlll TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Putnam (118 U S. 554, 7 Sup. Ct. R. 1, 30 L. Ed. 257), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Quarles & Cou- turie (—Ala.—, 40 So. Rep. 120), 304. Railroad Co, v. Queen City Coal Co. (13 Ky. Law Rep. 832), 76, 146. Railroad Co. v. Quigley (21 How. 202), 1438. Railroad Co. v. Quinn ( — Ala. — , 39 So. Rep. 616), 1379. Railroad Co. v. Quisenberry (48 111. App. 338), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Radford (23 Ky. Law Rep. 886, 64 S. W. 511), 426, 442. Railroad Co. v. Rae (18 111. 488), 496, 867. Railroad Co. v. Ragsdale (46 Miss. 458), 651, 652, 654, 658, 1366, 1369, 1367. Railroad Co. v. Railroad (14 Al- len, 462), 783. Railroad Co. v. Raiordon (119 Penn. St. 577), 419, 1357, 1415. Railroad Co. v. Rambo (59 Fed. 75, 8 C. C. A. 6, 16 U. S. App. 277), 1050. Railroad Co. v. Randall (79 Ga. 304), 1118, 1414. Railroad Co. v. Randolph (53 111. 510), 1060. Railroad Co. v. Randolph (65 111. App. 208), 1099. Railroad Co. v. Ransom (56 Kan, 559, 44 Pac. Rep. 6), 917. Railroad Co. v. Rathbone (1 W. Va. 87), 463. Railroad Co. v. Ray ( — Ind. App. — , 73 N. E. Rep. 942), 1391. Railroad Co. v. Ray (101 Tenn. 1, 46 S. W. 554), 1093, 1135. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Rayburn (153 111. 290, 38 N. E. 558, reversing 52 111. App. 277), 1013. Railroad Co. v. Read (37 111. 484), 451, 455, 1075. Railroad Co. v. Reagan (52 111. App. 488), 990. Railroad Co. v. Redding (140 Ind. 101, 39 N. E. 921, 34 L. R. A. 767), 990. Railroad Co. v. Redding (17 Tex. Civ. App. 440, 43 S. W. 1061), 562. Railroad Co. v. Reeves (25 Ky. Law Rep. 2236, 80 S. W. Rep. 471), 1111, 1423. Railroad Co. v. Reeves (85 N. Y. Supp. 28, 41 Misc. 490), 1056. Railroad Co. v. Reeves (10 Wall. 176), 282, 300, 309, 477, 1355. Railroad Co. v. Reid (91 Ga. 377, 17 S. E. 934), 419, 475, 640. Railroad Co. v. Reisner (18 Kan. 458), 1222. Railroad Co. v. Remmy (13 Ind. 518), 167, 133L Railroad Co. v. Renz (55 Ga. 126), 1226, 1233. Railroad Co. v. Revalee (17 Ind. App. 657, 46 N. E. 352), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Rexwood (59 Ark. 180, 26 S. W. 1037), 1229. Railroad Co. v. Reynolds (24 Ky. Law Rep. 1402, 71 S. W. 516), 941, 1011, 1414. Railroad Co. v. Reynolds (8 Kan. 623), 339. Railroad Co. v. Reynolds (17 Kan. 251), 450. Railroad Co. v. Reynolds (55 Ohio St. 370, 45 N. E. 712, 60 Am. St. Rep. 706), 1060, 1062. Railroad Co. v. Rhodes (25 Fla. 40), 1061, 1075, 1082. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCXIX [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Rice (38 Kan. 398), 1433. Railroad Co. v. Rice (64 Md. 63, 21 Atl. 97), 1003, 1065, 1066, 1067. Railroad Co. v. Richardson (53 Kan. 157, 35 Pac. 1114), 233. Railroad Co. v. Richardson (19 Ky. Law Rep. 1495, 43 S. W. Rep. 465), 167. Railroad Co. v. Richardson (23 Ky. Law Rep. 2234, 66 S. W. 1035), 416. Railroad Co. v. Rlcherson (14 Ky. L. R. 925), 1177. Railroad Co. v. Richmond (98 Ga. 495, 25 S. E. Rep. 565), 1099. Railroad Co. v. Richmond (23 Ky. Law Rep. 2394, 67 S. W. 25), 923. Railroad Co. v. Ricketts (96 Ky. 44, 27 S. W. Rep. 860), 1184. Railroad Co. v. Ricketts (18 Ky. Law Rep. 687, 37 S. W. Rep. 952), 936, 1118. Railroad Co. v. Riegel (73 Penn. St. 72), 728. Railroad Co. v. Riley (39 Ind. 568), 1011, 1012, 1116. Railroad Co. v. Riley (47 111. 514), 1230. Railroad Co. v. Rinard (46 Ind. 293), 963, 1033. Railroad Co. v. Ritter (85 Ky. 368), 1414. Railroad Co. v. Roach (35 Kan. 740), 1049. Railroad Co. v. Roberts (91 Ga. 513, 18 S. E. Rep. 315), 1067. Railroad Co. v. Roberts (40 111. 503), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Robinson (141 Ala. 325, 37 So. Rep. 431), 1396. Railroad Co. v. Robinson (44 Penn. St. 175), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Rodebaugh (38 Kan. 45), 1299. * Railroad Co. v. Roeser ( — Neb. — , 95 N. W. Rep. 68), 1209, 1215, 1397. Railroad Co. v. Rogers (6 Heisk. 143), 246, 230. Railroad Co. v. Rogers (28 Ind. 1), 1033. Railroad Co. v. Roller (100 Fed. 738, 41 C. C. A. 22, 49 L. R. A. 77), 918, 1223, 1409, 1423, 1427. Railroad Co. v. Root (49 Neb. 900, 69 N. W. 397), 1200. Railroad Co. v. Rose (11 Neb. 177), 964. Railroad Co. v. Ross (105 111. App. 54), 442, 455. Railroad Co. v. Ross (Tex. Civ. App., 89 S. W. Rep. 1105), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Rothschild & Co. (119 Ga. 604, 46 S. E. Rep. 830), 674. Railroad Co. v. Rouse (78 111. App. 286), 1388. Railroad Co. v. Rowan (66 Penn. St. 393), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Rumbold (40 IlL 143), 915. Railroad Co. v. Ruby (38 Ind. 294), 960. Railroad Co. v. Rudolph (113 Ga. 143, 38 S. E. 328), 1413. Railroad Co. v. Rutherford (29 Ind. 82), 1209. Railroad Co. v. Ryan (165 111. 88, 46 N. E. 208. aff'g., 62 111." App. 264), 1219. Railroad Co. v. Sage (35 Hun, 95), 869. Railroad Co. v. Sammon (Tex. Civ. App., 79 S. W. Rep. 854), 1427. ccxz TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Sanders (98 Ala. 293, 13 So. 57), 923. Railroad Co. v. Sanders (86 Ky. 259. 5 S. W. Rep. 563), 1396. Railroad Co. v. Sandusky (14 Ky. Law Rep. 767), 949, 1216. Railroad Co. v. Sanger (15 Gratt. 230), 947, 990. Railroad Co. v. Sargeant (19 Ohio St. 438), 664, 678. Railroad Co. v. Satterwhite (112 Tenn. 185, 79 S. W. Rep. 106), 1401. Railroad Co. v. Satterwhite (19 Tex. Civ. App. 170, 47 S. W. Rep. 41), 991. Railroad Co. v. Sayers (26 Gratt. 328), 401, 450. Railroad Co. v. Sayles (87 Fed. 444, 32 C. C. A. 485, aff'g., Sayles v. Railroad, 81 Fed. 326), 415. Railroad Co. v. Scharzenberger (45 Penn. St. 208), 1049. Railroad Co. v. Schaufler (75 Ala. 136), 1180, 1221. Railroad Co. v. Schaun (97 Md. 563, 55 Atl. 701), 1061. Railroad Co. v. Schiebe (44 111. 460), 1180. Railroad Co. v. Schmelling (197 111. 619, 64 N. E. 714, affg., 99 111. App. 577), 1186. Railroad Co. v. Schuldt (66 Neb. 43, 92 N. W. 162), 419, 634, 640. Railroad Co. v. Schumaker (29 Md. 168), 231. Railroad Co. v. Schwartz (13 111. App. 490), 1309, 1311. Railroad Co. v. Scott (42 111. 132), 702. Railroad Co. v. Scott (Tex. Civ. App., 79 S. W. Rep. 642). 1036, 1382, 1431. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Scott (111 111. App. 234), 895, 1019, 1228. Railroad Co. v. Scott (88 Va. 958, 14 S. E. 763, 16 L. R. A. 91), 1209. Railroad Co. v. Scott's Adm'r (22 Ky. Law Rep. 30, 108 Ky. 392, 56 S. W. Rep. 674, 50 L. R. A. 381), 1004, 1019, 1072, 1073, 1401. Railroad Co. v. Scovill (71 Conn. 136, 41 Atl. 246, 42 L. R. A. 157, 71 Am. St. Rep. 159), 944. Railroad Co, v. Searles (83 Miss. 721, 37 S. W. Rep. 939, 68 L. R. A. 715), 859, 860, 861, 862. Railroad Co. v. Seitz (214 111. 350, 73 N. E. 585, 105 Am. St. Rep. 108, aff'9; 105 111. App. 89), 178, 594, 806. Railroad Co. v. Selby (47 Ind. 471), 450, 1003, 1072. Railroad Co. v. Sellers (93 Ala. 9, 30 Am. St. Rep. 17), 1126. Railroad Co. v. Shackleford ( — Miss.—, 40 So. Rep. 427), 1250. Railroad Co. v. Shacklet (105 111. 364), 1236, 1389. Railroad Co. v. Shanly (107 Mass. 568), 796. Railroad Co. v. Sharpe ( — Neb. — , 107 N. W. Rep. 758), 214, 215, 218, 304. Railroad Co. v. Shea (66 111. 471), 331. Railroad Co. v. Shean (18 Colo. 368, 33 Pac. 108, 20 L. R. A. 729), 1012, 1219. Railroad Co. v. Sheehan (29 111. App. 90), 1094. Railroad Co. v. Sheeks (155 Ind. 74, 56 N. E. 434), 1414. Railroad Co. v. Sheeley (27 N. Y. Supp. 185), 944. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCXXl [befebences are to sections.] Railroad Co. v. Sheppard (56 Ohio St. 68, 46 N. E. 61, 60 Am. St Rep. 732), 211, 212, 450, 904, 1362. Railroad Co. v. Sherrod (84 Ala. 178), 233, 426. Railroad Co. v. Sherwood (132 Ind. 129, 31 N. E. 781, 17 L. R. A. 339, 32 Am. St. Rep. 239), 419, 449, 1355. Railroad Co. v. Shipley (31 Md. 368), 1175. Railroad Co. v. Shivell's Adm'x., (13 Ky. L. R. 902, 18 S. W. Rep. 944), 1388. Railroad Co. v. Shivers ( — Md. — , 61 Atl. Rep. 618), 895, 1413. Railroad Co. v. Shomo (90 Ga. 496, 16 S. E. 220), 167, 233. Railroad Co. v. Shott (92 Va. 34, 22 S. E. Rep. 811), 1017. Railroad Co. v. Shurtz (7 Mich. 515), 72, 113. Railroad Co. v. Sickings (5 Bush, 1), 1209. Railroad Co. v. Siddons (53 111. App. 607), 1110, 1409, 1427. Railroad Co. v. Simmons (49 111. App. 443), 651. Railroad Co. v. Simms (18 111. App. 68), 442. Railroad Co. v. Simon (160 111. 648, 43 N. B. 596, aff'g., 57 111. App. 502), 157, 230, 410. Railroad Co. v. Simpson (30 Kan. 645), 339. 425. Railroad Co. v. Sims (27 Ind. 59), 1114. Railroad Co. v. Singleton (66 Ga. 252), 964. Railroad Co. v. Singleton (67 Ga. 306), 1221. Railroad Co. v. Siniard (123 Ala. 557, 26 So. Rep. 689), 1111. Railroad Co. v. Skells (3 W. Va. 556), 401. Railroad Co. v. Skillie (86 Ga. 686), 1366. Railroad Co. v. Skillman (39 Ohio St. 444), 1033, 1085. Railroad Co. v. Slatton (54 111. 133), 1181. Railroad Co. v. Slusser (19 Ohio St. 157), 1442. Railroad Co. v. Smith (92 Ala. 237), 1123, 1420. Railroad Co. v. Smith (2 Duvall, 556), 1436. Railroad Co. v. Smith (Tex., 14 S. W. Rep. 642), 1123. Railroad Co. v. Smith (Tex. Civ. App., 90 S. W. Rep. 709), 1067. Railroad Co. v. Smith (86 Fed. 292, 30 C. C. A. 58, 40 L. R. A. 746), 1006. Railroad Co. v. Smith (74 111. 197), 201, 206. Railroad Co. v. Smith (59 111. App. 242; affirmed, 162 111. 185, 44 N. E. 390), 935. Railroad Co. v. Smith (81 111. App. 364), 233. Railroad Co. v. Smith (162 111. 583, 44 N. E. Rep. 856), 1398. Railroad Co, v. Smith (13 Ky. Law Rep. 974), 1122. Railroad Co. v. Smith (14 Ky. Law Rep. 814), 445, 464, 652, 1366. Railroad Co. v. Smith (85 Miss. 349, 37 So. Rep. 643, 70 L. R. A. 642), 966, 967. Railroad Co. v. Smith (110 Tenn. 197, 75 S. W. 711, 100 Am. St. Rep. 799), 1001, 1120. Railroad Co. v. Smith (31 S. C. R. 367, 1 Can. R'y. Cases, 255, reversing Smith v. Railway, 34 N. S. R. 22, 1 Canadian Ry. Cases, 231), 926. cexxii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are Railroad Co. v. Smith (95 Va. 187, 28 S. E. Rep. 173), 1197. Railroad Co. v. Smitha (85 Ala. 47), 339. Railroad Co. v. Smitha ( — Ala. — , 40 So. Rep. 117), 339, 640, 642, 1354. Railroad Co. v. Smuck (49 Ind. 302), 464. Railroad Co. v. Smyser (38 111. 354), 125. Railroad Co. v. Snider (118 Ga. 146, 44 S. E. Rep. 1005), 1197. Railroad Co. v. Snyder (117 Ind. 435), 1414. Railroad Co. v. Snyder (18 Ohio St. 399), 1227, 1229. Railroad Co. v. Snyder (24 Ohio St. 670), 1229. Railroad Co. v. Soper (59 Fed. 879, 8 C. C. A. 341, 21 U. S. App. 24), 442, 443, 448. Railroad Co. v. Senders (178 111. 585, 53 N. E. 408, reversing, 79 111. App. 41), 1180. Railroad Co. v. South (43 111. 176), 1033, 1111. Railroad Co. v. Southern Bank (41 111. App. 287), 187. Railroad Co. v. Southern Ry. News Co. (151 Mo. 373, 52 S. W. Rep. 205, 45 L. R. A. 380), 1076. Railroad Co. v. Southern Seating & Cabinet Co. (104 Tenn. 568, 58 S. W. 308, 78 Am. St. Rep. 933, 50 L. R. A. 729), 140, 1366, 1367. Railroad Co. v. Sowell (90 Tenn. 17, 15 S. W. Rep. 837), 426. Railroad Co. v. Spearen (47 Penn. St. 300), 1229. Railroad Co. v. Spears (66 Ga. 485), 419. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Spence (93 Tenn. 173, 23 S. W. Rep. 211, 42 Am. St. Rep. 907), 1401. Railroad Co. v. Spencer (27 Colo. 313, 61 Pac. 606, 51 L. R. A. * 151), 935, 991, 1174, 1397, 1398, 1401. Railroad Co. v. Spicker (105 Penn. St. 142), 1043, 1052. Railroad Co. v. Spickler (61 Tex. 427), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Spratt (2 Duvall, 4), 253. Railroad Co. v. Sprayberry (9 Heisk. 852), 205, 238, 1049, 1387, 1388. Railroad Co. v. St. Louis, I. M. & S. Ry. Co. (41 Fed. 559), 526. Railroad Co. v. St. Louis S. W. Ry. Co. (63 Fed. 775, 11 C. C. A. 417, 27 U. S. App. 380, 26 L. R. A. 192, aff'g., 59 Fed. 400), 567, 568, 799; Railroad Co, v. Stanley (61 Md. 266), 922, 1225. Railroad Co. v. Starnes (9 Heisk. 52), 1444. Railroad Co. v. Startz (Tex. Civ. App., 33 S. W. Rep. 575), 1370. Railroad Co. v. State (65 Ark. 363, 46 S. W. 421, 67 Am. St. Rep. 933), 1241, 1242, 1249. Railroad Co. v. State (29 Md. 252), 952. Railroad Co. v. State (33 Md. 542), 1423. Railroad Co. v. State (54 Md. 655), 1200. Railroad Co. v. State (60 Md. 449), 1219, 1389. Railroad Co. v. State (63 Md. 135), 1219. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ecxxiii [befebences are Railroad Co. v. State (72 Md. 36, 17 Atl. Rep. 1107), 1200. Railroad Co. v. State (81 Md. 371, 32 Atl. 201), 1008, 1122, 1219, 1230, 1397. Railroad Co. v. State (95 Md. 637, 53 Atl. 969), 1003, 1397, 1412. Railroad Co. v. State of Minneso- ta (186 U. S. 257, 46 L. Ed. 1151, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 900, aff'g., 80 Minn. 191, 83 N. W. 60), 574, 575, 576, 577, 579, 581. Railroad Co. v. Statham (42 Miss. 607), 992, 1436. Railroad Co. v. Steear (53 Neb. 95, 73 N. W. 466), 1301. Railroad Co. v. Steenberger (24 Ky. Law Rep. 761, 69 S. W. 1094), 1413. Railroad Co. v. Steinbruner (47 N. J. Law 161), 1236. Railroad Co. v. Steiner (61 Ala. 559), 589. Railroad Co. v. Stephen (13 Ky. Law Rep. 687), 1045, 1433. Railroad Co. v. Stern (119 Penn. St. 24), 117, 184, 186. Railroad Co. v. Stewart (14 Tex. Civ. App. 703, 37 S. W. 770), 1182. Railroad Co. v. Stewart (55 Kan. 667, 41 Pac. 961), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Stewart (2 Tex. Ct. Rep. 498, 62 S. W. Rep. 1085), 1018, 1217. Railroad Co. v. St. John (13 Tex. Civ. App. 257, 35 S. W. Rep. 501), 1054. Railroad Co. v. Stocksdale (83 Md. 245, 34 Atl. 880), 1053, 1054, 1065. Railroad Co. v. Stokes (12 Ky. Law Rep. 192), 1126. Railroad Co. v. Stonecipher (90 111. App. 511), 1110. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Stoner (49 Fed. 209, 1 C. C. A. 231, 4 U. S. App. 109; s. c. 51 Fed. 649, 2 C. C. A. 437, 10 U. S. App. 209), 1414. Railroad Co. v. Storment (190 111. 42, 60 N. E. 104, aft'g., 90 111. App. 505), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Storms (15 Ky. Law Rep. 333), 1403. Railroad Co. v. Stout (53 Ind. 143), 1223. Railroad Co. v. Stout (17 Wall. 657), 1228. Railroad Co. v. Stratton (111 111. App. 142), 1061. Railroad Co. v. Strickland (90 Ga. 562, 16 S. E. 352), 1033, 1084, 1424. Railroad Co. v. Stringfellow (44 Ark. 322), 1179. Railroad Co. v. Strong (56 111. App. 604), 1366. Railroad Co. v. Strong (52 Ga. 461), 1384. Railroad Co. v. Suffern (129 111. 274), 520. Railroad Co. v. Sullivan (59 Ala. 372), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Sullivan (120 Fed. 799, 57 C. C. A. 167, 61 L. R. A. 410), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Sullivan (81 Ky. 624), 994, 1083. Railroad Co. v. Sullivan (177 Mass. 230, 58 N. E. 689), 944. Railroad Co. v. Sullivan's Adm'x. (25 Ky. L. R. 854, 76 S. W. Rep. 525), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Sutherland (89 Va. 703, 17 S. E. Rep. 127), 643. Railroad Co. v. Sutton (53 111. 397), 899, 992. Railroad Co. v. Sutton (L. R. 4 H. L. Cas. 226), 805. CCXXIV TABLE OF CASES CITED. [refebences are Railroad Co. v. Swann (81 Md. 400, 32 Atl. 175, 31 L. R. A. 313), 895, 1115, 1200. Railroad Co. v. Swanson (102 Ga. 754, 28 S. E. 601, 39 L. R. A. 275), 541. Railroad Co. v. Swift (12 Wall. 262), 87. 151, 963, 1246, 1250. Railroad Co. v. Swint (73 Ga. 651), 1388. Railroad Co. v. Taber (98 Ky. 503, 32 S. W. Rep. 168, 36 S. W. Rep. 18, 34 L. R. A. 685), 209, 222, 426, 442. Railroad Co. v. Taffey (38 N. J. Law 527), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Tapp (6 Ind. App. 304, 33 N. E. 462), 274, 1278. Railroad Co. v. Tarter (19 Ky. Law Rep. 229, 39 S. W. Rep. 698), 233. Railroad Co. v. Taylor (69 111. 461), 949. Railroad Co. v. Taylor (102 111. App. 445), 1219. Railroad Co. v. Taylor (24"Ky. Law Rep. 1169, 70 S. W. 825), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Taylor (25 Ind. App. 679, 58 N. B. 852), 928, 1118, 1127. Railroad Co. v. Taylor (Ind., 25 N. E. Rep. 869), 1414. Railroad Co. v. Tegnor (125 Ala. 593, 28 So. Rep. 570), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Temple (47 Kan. 7. 27 Pac. 98, 13 L. R. A. 362), 442, 443, 444. Railroad Co. v. Terry (8 Ohio St. 570), 993. . Railroad Co. v. Terry (27 Tex. Civ. -App. 341, 65 S. W. 697), 993, 1121. Railroad Co. v. Thomas (42 Ala. 672), 904. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Thomas (83 Ala. 343), 233. Railroad Co. v. Thomas (89 Ala. 294), 61L Railroad Co. v, Thomas (60 Fed. 379, 9 C. C. A. 29, 23 U. S. App. 37), 1203. Railroad Co. v. Thomas (79 Ky. 160), 1200, 1417. Railroad v. Thomas ( — Miss. — , 40 So. Rep. 257), 1395. Railroad Co. v. Thompson (76 Ga. 770), 1186. Railroad Co. v. Thompson (19 111. 578), 76, 33L Railroad Co. v. Thompson (56 111. 138), 895, 897, 947. Railroad Co. v. Thompson (71 111. 434), 339, 634. Railroad Co. v. Thompson ( — Neb.—, 106 N. W. Rep. 598), 442. Railroad Co. v. Thompson (Tex. Civ. App., 77 S. W. Rep. 439), 896, 955, 1414. Railroad Co. v. Thornton (22 Ky. Law Rep. 778, 58 S. W. 796), 1000. Railroad Co. v. Thrapp (5 111. App. 502), 625. Railroad Co. v. Tindall (13 Ind. 366, 74 Am. Dec. 259), 1376, 1397, 1398. Railroad v. Tisdale (74 Tex. 8, 11 S. W. Rep. 900), 236, 238, 657. Railroad Co. v. Tison (116 111. App. 48), 630. Railroad Co. v. Towboat Co. (23 How. 209), 1233. Railroad Co. v. Tracey (109 111. App. 563), 1016, 1099. Railroad Co. v. Trafton (151 Mass. 229), 1046. Railroad Co. v. Trail (Miss., 25 So. Rep. 863), 1180. TABLE OF CASES CITED. eexxv [befebences are Railroad Co. v. Trautwein (52 N. J. Law 169), 937. Railroad Co. v. Treat (179 111. 576, 54 N. E. 290, aff'g., 75 111. App. 327), 933. Railroad Co. v. Tripp (147 Mass. 35), 944. Railroad Co. v. Trippe (42 Ark. 465), 264. Railroad Co. v. Tronstine (64 Miss. 834), 1274. Railroad Co. v. Trotter (60 Miss. 442), 900. Railroad Co. v. Trousdale & Son (99 Ala. 389, 13 So. 23, 42 Am. St. Rep. 69), 1357. Railroad Co. v. Troyer ( — Neb. — , 103 N. W. Rep. 680; s. c. 97 N. W. Rep. 308), 1003. Railroad Co. v. Tucker (23 Ky. L. R. 1929, 65 S. W. Rep. 453), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Turner (72 Ga. 292), 1094. Railroad Co. v. Turner (100 Tenn. 214, 47 S. W. 223, 43 L. R. A. 140), 1028, 1041, 1043, 1052, 1077. Railroad Co. v. Turpelo, etc., Co. (67 Miss. 35, 19 Am. St. Rep. 262), 1348. Railroad Co. v. United States (93 U. S. 444), 103. Railroad Co. v. Usry (82 Ga. 54), 1187, 1431. Railroad Co. v. Vanatta (21 111. 188), 1082. Railroad Co. v. Vancleave (23 Ky. L. Rep. 479, 63 S. W. 22), 574. Railroad Co. v. Vandever (36 Penn. St. 298), 1400. Railroad Co. v. Vandiver (42 Penn. St. 365), 1084. Railroad Co. v. Van Dresar (22 Wis. 511), 341. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Van Horn (38 N. J. Law, 133), 1123. Railroad Co. v. Van Patten (64 111. 510), 1174. Railroad Co. v. Van Steinburg (17 Mich. 99), 1418. Railroad Co. v. Vaughn (4 Tex. Civ. App. 281, 16 S. W. Rep. 775), 240. Railroad Co. v. Venable (65 Ga. 55), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Venable (67 Ga. 697), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Vibbard (114 Mass. 447), 870. Railroad Co. v. Vinson (25 Ky. Law Rep. 38, 74 S. W. 671; rehearing denied, 25 K. L. R. 652, 76 S. W. 167), 1217. Railroad Co. v. Voils (98 Ga. 446, 26 S. E. Rep. 483, 35 L. R. A. 655), 1005, 1008, 1112. Railroad Co. v. Waggoner (90 111. App. 556), 1004, 1011, 1073. Railroad Co. v. Wainwright (Ky., 13 S. W. Rep. 438), 1389. Railroad Co. v. Walker (217 111. 605, 75 N. E. Rep. 520), 928, 1006. Railroad Co. v. Walker (23 Ky. L. Rep. 453, 63 S. W. 20), 599. Railroad Co. v. Wallace (202 111. 129, 66 N. E. 1096, aft'g., 104 111. App. 55), 1118. Railroad Co. v. Wallace (24 U. S. App. 589, 66 Fed. 506, 14 C. C. A. 257, 30 L. R. A 161), 44, 59, 60, 85, 88, 1018, 1073. Railroad Co. v. Walrath (38 Ohio St. 461), 1135. Railroad Co. v. Walsh (45 Kan. 653, 26 Pac. Rep. 45), 1414. Railroad Co. v. Walsh (47 N. J. Law, 548), 1433. Railroad Co. v. Ward (135 111. 511), 933. cexxvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are Railroad Co. v. Ward (47 N. J. Law, 560), 1174. Railroad Co. v. Ware (Tex. Civ. App., 60 S. W. Rep. 343), 212. Railroad Co. v. Warren (64 N. Y. Supp. 781, 31 Misc. 571), 944. Railroad Co. v. Washburn (5 Neb. 117), 450. Railroad Co. v. Washington ( — Ark.—, 85 S. W. Rep. 406, 69 L. R. A. 65), 227, 230, 233. Railroad Co. v. Washington (Tex. Civ. App., 30 S. W Rep 719), 1094. Railroad Co. v. Waters (41 111. 73), 496. Railroad Co. v. Waters (50 Neb. 592, 70 N. W. 225), 243, 630. Railroad Co. v. Wathen (23 Ky. Law Rep. 2128, 66 S. W. 714), 340. Railroad Co. v. Watly (69 Miss. 145, 13 So. Rep. 825), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Weakly (50 Ark. 397), 426. Railroad Co. v. Weber (33 Kan. 543), 994, 1083, 1230, 1397. Railroad Co. v. Weber (76 Penn. St. 157), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Webster (25 Fla. 394), 1202. Railroad Co. v. Weigland ( 79 Fed. 991, 39 U. S. App. 761, 25 C. C. A 681), 1299 Railroad Co. v. Weikle (6 Ind. App. 340, 33 N. E. 639), 1418. Railroad Co. v. Weiller (Penn. St., 19 Atl. Rep. 702), 450. Railroad Co. v. Weiner (49 Miss. 725), 401, 450. Railroad Co. v. Welch (86 Tex. 203, 24 S. W. Rep. 390, 40 Am. St. Rep. 829), 895, 896. Railroad Co. v. Weldon (52 111. 290), 1397, 1423. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Wells (85 Tenn. 613), 972. Railroad Co. v. Welsh (62 N. J. L. 655, 42 Atl. 736, 72 Am. St. Rep. 659), 990. Railroad Co. v. West (22 Ky. L. R. 387, 60 S. W. Rep. 290), 990. Railroad Co. v. Wetmore (19 Ohio St. 110), 489, 1099. Railroad Co. v. Wheeler (35 Kan. 185), 899. Railroad Co. v. Whitacre (35 Ohio St. 627), 1417. Railroad Co. v. Whitcher (1 Al- len, 497), 809. Railroad Co. v. White (88 Ga. 805, 15 S. E. Rep. 802), 709. Railroad Co. v. White (82 Miss. 120, 33 So. Rep. 970), 1440. Railroad Co. v. White (—Tex.—, 89 S. W. Rep. 746, reversing s. c. (Tex. Civ. App.) 86 S. W^ Rep. 71), 1067, 1129. Railroad Co. v. White (Tex. Civ. App., 34 S. W. Rep. 1042), 964. Railroad Co. v. Whitfield (44 Miss. 466), 1126, 1127. Railroad Co. v. Whitlow (105 Ky. 1, 43 S. W. Rep. 711, 41 L. R. A. 614), 205, 1388, 1393. Railroad Co. v. Whitman (79 Ala. 328), 1441. Railroad Co. v. Whittaker (22 Ky. Law Rep. 395, 57 S. W. Rep. 465), 1179. Railroad Co. v. Whittemore (43 111. 420), 1082. Railroad Co. v. Whittle (27 Ga. 535), 87. Railroad Co. v. Wightman (29 Gratt. 431), 1394, 1397, 1402. Railroad Co. v. Wilcox (48 Ga. 432), 740, 742. i I 1 TABLE OF CASES CITED. cexxvii [eeferences are Railroad Co. v. Wilcox (99 Va. 394, 39 S. E. Rep. 144), 537. Railroad Co. v. Wilkens (44 Md. 11), 158, 160, 175, 261. Railroad Co. v. Wilkerson Bros. (Tex. Civ. App., 82 S. W. Rep. 1069), 499. Railroad Co. v. Wilkes (68 Tex. 617), 1036. Railroad Co. v. Wilkinson (15 Ky. Law Rep. 92), 1433. Railroad Co. v. Willard (31 111. App. 435), 1036. Railroad Co. v. Williams (113 Ala. 402, 21 So. Rep. 938), 1387. Railroad Co. v. Williams (55 111. 185), 972, 980. Railroad Co. v. Williams (61 Neb. 608, 85 N. W. 832, 55 L. R. A. 289), 339, 642. Railroad Co. v. Wilson (123 Ga. 62, 51 S. E. Rep. 24), 1375. Railroad Co. v. Wilson (119 Ind. 352), 804. Railroad Co. v. Wilson (20 Ind. App. 5, 50 N. E. 90), 1060. Railroad Co. v. Wilson (132 Ind. 517, 32 N. E. 311, 18 L. R. A. 105; s. c. 119 Ind. 353, 21 N. E. 341), 521, 804, 805. Railroad Co. v. Wimberly 75 Ga. 316), 1291, 1283. Railroad Co, v. Winans (17 How. 30), 918. Railroad Co. v. Winfrey ( — Neb. — , 93 N. W. Rep. 526), 1179. Railroad Co. v. Wingate (143 Ind. 125, 37 N. E. 274), 933, 1180. Railroad Co. v. Winslow (27 Ky. Law Rep. 329, 84 S. W. Rep. 1175), 1094. Railroad Co. v. Winters (175 111. 293, 51 N. E. 901, aff'g., 65 111. App. 435), 899. 1186. TO SECTIONS.] Railroad Co. v. Winter's Adm'r. (143 U. S. 60, 12 Sup. Ct. R. 356, 36 L. Ed. 71), 1053, 1062, 1065, 1067, 1090. Railroad Co. v. Wireman (88 Penn. St. 264), 194. Railroad Co. v. Wolcott (141 Ind. 267, 39 N. E. 451, 50 Am. St. Rep. 320), 594, 805. Railroad Co. v. Wolfe (80 Ky. 82), 1419. Railroad Co. v. Wolfe (61 Neb. 502, 86 N. W. 441), 895. Railroad Co. v. Wood (66 Ala. 167), 710. Railroad Co. v. Wood (72 Ala. 451), 1215, 1366. Railroad Co. v. Woolridge (32 111. App. 237), 935. Railroad Co. v. Worland (50 Ind. 339), 1331. Railroad Co. v. Worman (72 Ind. App. 494, 40 N. E. 751), 1126. Railroad Co. v. Wortham (73 Tex. 27), 1127. Railroad Co. v. Worthington (30 Ind. App. 633, 65 N. E. 557, 96 Am. St. Rep. 355; rehear- ing denied, 66 N. E. 478), 1123. Railroad Co. v. Worthington (21 Md. 275), 949. Railroad Co. v. Weight (76 Ga. 532), 490. Railroad Co. v. Wright (68 Ind. 586), 1082, 1085. Railroad Co. v. Wrightsville & T. R. Co. (74 Fed. 522), 526. Railroad Co. v. Wyatt (104 Tenn. 432, 58 S. W. 308, 78 Am. St. Rep. 926), 933. Railroad Co. v. Wymore (40 Neb. 645, 58 N. W. Rep. 1120), 1391. Railroad Co. v. Wynn (88 Tenn. 320), 339, 425, 426, 1357. ccxxvni TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railroad Co. v. Wyrick (99 Tenn. 500, 42 S. W. Rep. 424), 1398. Railroad Co. v. Wysor (82 Va. 250), 1055, 1404. Railroad Co. v. Yarwood (15 111. 46S), 963. Railroad Co. v. Yohe (51 Ind. 181), 740, 743. Railroad Co. v. York (128 Ala. 305, 30 So. Rep. 676), 1397. Railroad Co. v. Young (81 Ga. 397), 1228. Railroad Co. v. Young (118 111. App. 226), 1006. Railroad Co. v. Young (28 Ind. 516), 339, 401. Railroad Co. v. Young (6 Tex. Ct. Rep. 508, 72 S. W. 68), 651. Railroad Co. v. Zebe (33 Penn. St. 318), 940, 1180, 1184, 1397. Railroad Co. v. Zebe (37 Penn. St. 420), 1184. Railroad Co. v. Zilly (20 Ind. App. 569, 51 N. E. 141), 1287, 1291. Railroad Co. v. Zwirtz (13 Okl. 411, 73 Fac. 941), 1249. Railroad Commission v. Houston & T. C. Railroad (90 Tex. 340, 38 S. W. 750), 574. Railroad Commission of Texas v. Weld (95 Tex. 278, 66 S. W. 1095, reversing 66 S. W. 122), 574. Railroad Commission v. Weld & Neville (96 Tex. 394, 73 S. W. 529, reversing 68 S. W. 1117), 574, 575, 581, 587, 588. Railway Co. See Railroad Co. Railway Co. v. A. B. Frank Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 48 S. W. 210), 145, 664, 686. Railway Co. v. Acres (108 Ind. 548), 963. Railway Co. v. Adams (115 Ga. 705. 42 S. E. 35), 442. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Adams (4 Kan. App. 305, 45 Pac. 920), 162. Railway Co. v. Adams (11 Ky. Law Rep. 833), 1389. Railway Co. v. Adams (14 Tex. — ), 1348. Railway Co. v. Adams (6 Tex. Civ. App. 102, 24 S. W. Rep. 839), 1018. Railway Co. v. Adams (32 Tex. Civ. App. 112, 72 S. W. 81), 899, 1217. Railway Co. v. Adams (49 Tex. 748), 668, 671. Railway Co. v. Adams (78 Tex. 372, 14 S. W. Rep. 666, 22 Am. St. Rep. 56), 233, 442. Railway Co. v. Adams 192 U. S. 440, 24 Sup. Ct. R. 408, 48 L. Ed. 513, reversing 116 Fed. 324, 54 C. C. A. 196), 1075, 1386, 1389, 1392. Railway Co. v. Adcox (52 Ark. 406, 12 S. W. Rep. 874), 1060. Railway Co. v. Aldridge (27 Ind. App. 498, 61 N. E. 741), 957. Railway Co. v. Alexander ( — Ala. — , 40 So. Rep. 424), 1397. Railway Co. v. Alexander (Tex. Civ. App., 30 S. W. Rep. 1113), 1128. Railway Co. v. Allender (59 111. App. 620; s. c. 47 111. App. 484), 927, 957, 998, 1108. Railway Co. v. American Trading Co. (195 U. S. 439, aff'g., Far- mers' Loan & T. Co. v. Rail- road, 120 Fed. 873, 57 C. C. A. 533, reversing 112 Fed. 829), 172, 233. Railway Co. v. Anderson (67 Ark. 123, 53 S. W. 673), 1017. Railway Co. v. Anderson (28 S. C. R. (Can.) 541, org., 24 Ont. A. R. 672), 1012. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCXXIX [EEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Anderson ( — Neb. — , 101 N. W. 1019), 598. Railway Co. v. Anderson (61 N. J. L. 248, 39 Atl. 905, 68 Am. St. Rep. 703), 1024. Railway Co. v. Anderson (26 Tex. Civ. App. 518, 63 S. W. 1023), 172. Railway Co. v. Anniston Foundry, etc., Co. (135 Ala. 315, 33 So. 274), 574. Railway Co. v. Antrobus (33 Ind. App. 663, 71 N. E. Rep. 97l), 1392. Railway Co. v. Applewhite (52 Ind. 540), 1117. Railway Co. v. Arey (18 Tex. Civ. App. 457, 44 S. W. Rep. 894), 1054. Railway Co. v. Armes (32 Tex. Civ. App. 32, 74 S. W. Rep. 77), 1118. Railway Co. v. Arms (91 U. S. 489), 1436. Railway Co. v. Armstrong (4 Tex. Civ. App. 146, 23 S. W. Rep. 236), 1003. Railway Co. v. Arnett (111 Fed. 849, 50 C. C. A. 17), 634. Railway Co. v. Arnett (126 Fed. 75, 61 C. C. A. 131), 638, 1362. Railway Co. v. Arnold (16 Tex. Civ. App. 74, 40 S. W. Rep. 829), 644, 1357. Railway Co. v. Atchison (47 Ark. 74), 1060. Railway Co. v. Atkins (46 Ark. 423), 1179. Railway Co. v. Avis ( — Tex. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 424), 1203. Railway Co. v. Ayres (63 Ark. 331. 38 S. W. 515), 442, 443, 447. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Babcock (154 U. S. 190, 14 Sup. Ct. R. 978, 38 L. Ed. 958), 1396. Railway Co. v. Baddeley (54 111. 19), 1423. Railway Co. v. Baddeley (150 III. 328, 36 N. E. Rep. 965), 1397. Railway Co. v. Bagge (15 Q. B. Div. 626), 810. Railway Co. v. Baier (37 Neb. 235, 55 N. W. 913), 1397, 1413, 1423. Railway Co. v. Baird (75 Tex. 256), 263. Railway Co. v. Baker (67 Ark. 531, 55 S. W. 941), 1174. Railway Co. v. Ball (25 Tex. Civ. App. 500, 61 S. W. 327), 972. Railway Co. v. Ball (28 Tex. Civ. App. 287, 66 S. W. 879), 1198. Railway Co. v. Ball (80 Tex. 602), 1364. Railway Co. v. Bandy (120 Ga. 463, 47 S. E. Rep. 923, 102 Am. St. Rep. 112), 1117, 1177. Railway Co. v. Bangs (47 Mich. 470), 1177. Railway Co. v. Bank (123 U. S. 727), 184. Railway Co. v. Bank (92 Va. 495, 23 S. E. Rep. 935, 44 L. R. A. 449), 638, 641. Railway Co. v. Bank (112 Fed. 861, 50 C. C. A. 558, 56 L. R. A 546), 112. Railway Co. v. Barber (44 Kar 612, 24 Pac. Rep. 969), 1394. Railway Co. v. Barber (Tex. Civ. App., 30 S. W. Rep. 500), 443, 1362. Railway Co. v. Barker (33 Ark. 350), 1401. Railway Co. v. Barker (39 Ark. 491), 1401. Railway Co. v. Barnes (Ind. App., 74 N. E. Rep. 583), 1221. ccxxx TABLE OF CASES CITED. Railway Co. v. Barnett (65 Ark. 255, 45 S. W. Rep. 550), 928, 941. Railway Co. v. Barnhart (5 Tex. Civ. App. 601, 23 S. W. Rep. 801), 918, 1348. Railway Co. v. Barrett (Tex. Civ. App., 80 S. W. Rep. 660), 935. Railway Co. v. Barrow (—Tex. Civ. App.—, 94 S. W. Rep. 176), 495. Railway Co. v. Barry (Tex. Civ. App., 45 S. W. 814), 526, 576. Railway Co. v. Bartlett (7 H. & N. 400), 735, 736, 770. Railway Co. v. Bates Machine Co. (200 111. 636, 66 N. E. 326, 93 Am. St. Rep. 218, aff'g., 98 111. App. 311), 230. Railway Co. v. Batte (Tex. Civ. App., 94 S. W. Rep. 345), 171, 1366. Railway Co. v. Battle (69 Ark. 369, 63 S. W. Rep. 805), 936. Railway Co. v. Baugh (Tex. Civ. App., 42 S. W. 245), 168. Railway Co. v. Bayfield (37 Mich. 205), 1397. Railway Co. v. Bayles (19 Colo. 348, 35 Pac. 744; s. c. Bayles v. Railway, 13 Colo, 181, 22 Pac. 341), 521, 589. Railway Co. v. Beall (91 Tex. 310, 42 S. W. Rep. 1054, 66 Am. St. Rep. 892, 41 L. R. A. 807), 1384. Railway Co. v. Beard (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 253), 72, 152. Railway Co. v. Beasley Couch & Co. (— Va.— , 52 S. E. Rep. 566), 425, 1285, 1286. Railway Co. v. Beattie ( — Tex. Civ. App.—, 88 S. W. Rep. 367), 651, 1366. [REFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Beaver (41 Ind. 493), 899. Railway Co. v. Beckett (11 Ind. App. 547, 39 N. E. 429), 1033. Railway Co. v. Beckwith (129 U. S. 26, 36), 1436. Railway Co. v. Beecher (65 Ark. 64, 44 S. W. 715), 1016. Railway Co. v. Beeson (30 Kan. 298), 417. Railway Co. v. Beggs (85 111. 80), 909, 1001. • Railway Co. v. Belcher (89 Tex. 428, 35 S. W. 6), 1367, 1369. Railway Co. v. Bell (93 Tex. 632, 57 S. W. 939), 1216. Railway Co. v. Bell (24 Tex. Civ. App. 579, 58 S. W. 614), 923. Railway Co. v. Bell ( — Tex. Civ. App.—, 87 S. W. Rep. 730), 1060. Railway Co. v. Bell (25 Ky. Law Rep. 10, 74 S. W. 700), 1122, 1127. Railway Co. v. Bennett (50 Fed. 496, 1 C. C. A. 544, 6 U. S. App. 95), 1053, 1058, 1065, 1433. Railway Co. v. Bennett (89 Ind. 457), 316, 657, 1331. Railway Co. v. Bennett 5 Kan. App. 231), 1402. Railway Co. v. Berry (60 Ark. 433, 30 S. W. 764, 46 Am. St. Rep. 212, 28 L. R. A. 501), 1246, 1250. Railway Co. v. Berryman (11 Ind. App. 640, 36 N. E. 728), 1063, 1066. Railway Co. v. Biddle (17 Ky. Law Rep. 1363, 34 S. W. Rep. 904), 1427. Railway Co. v. Bingham (2 Tex. Civ. App. 278, 21 S. W. Rep. 569), 1177. TABLE OP CASES CITED. CCXXXl [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Birdwell (72 Ark. 667, 82 S. W. Rep. 835), 1348. Railway Co. v. Birney (71 111. 391), 1428. Railway Co. v. Black (23 Tex. Civ. App. 119, 57 S. W. 330), 990. Railway Co. v. Blain (34 S. C. R. 74, 3 Canadian Ry. Cases, 143, aff'g., Blain v. Railway Co, 5 Ont. L. R. 334, 2 Can- adian Ry. Cases, 85 and 2 Canadian Ry. Cases, 69), 980. Railway Co. v. Blake (7 H. & N. 987), 915. Railway Co. v. Block (87 Tex. 160, 27 S. W. Rep. 118), 964. Railway Co. v. Blum' ( — Ky. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 186), 917. Railway Co. v. Board of Railroad Commissioners (106 Fed. 353), 525, 582. Railway Co. v. Bohn (27 Mich. 503), 995. Railway Co. v. Bohnow (108 111. App. 346), 1401. Railway Co. v. Bolton (2 Ind. Terr. 463, 51 S. W. Rep. 1085), 1173, 1208. Railway Co. v. Bolton (43 Ohio St. 224), 1013. Railway Co. v. Bond (62 Tex. 442), 1085. Railway Co. v. Booton (Tex. Civ. App., 15 S. W. Rep. 909), 405, 1365, 1372. Railway Co. v. Born (20 Tex. Civ. App. 351, 50 S. W. 613), 1118. Railway Co. v. Botts (5 Tex. Ct. Rep. 810, 70 S. W. Rep. 113), 1366. Railway Co. v. Botts (22 Tex. Civ. App. 609, 55 S. W. Rep. 514), 172. Railway Co. v. Boudron (92 Penn. St. 475), 1196, 1197. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Bourdett ( — Kan. — , 85 Pac. Rep. 820), 866. Railway Co. v. Bowen (36 Tex. Civ. App. 165, 81 S. W. Rep. 80), 1398. Railway Co. v. Bowler & Burdick Co. (57 Ohio St. 38, 47 N. E. 1039, 63 Am. St. Rep. 702), 1250. Railway Co. v. Bowles (1 Ind. Terr. Rep. 250, 40 S. W. 899), 525, 537. Railway Co. v. Bowlin (Tex. Civ. App., 32 S. W. Rep. 918), 1099. Railway Co. v. Boyd (6 Tex. Civ. App. 205, 24 S. W. Rep. 1086;, 918, 1218. Railway Co. v. Boyle (115 Ga. 836, 42 S. E. 242, 59 L. R. A. 104), 980, 985. Railway Co. v. Boyles (11 Tex. Civ. App. 522, 33 S. W. Rep. 247), 1121. Railway Co. v. Bozarth (91 111. App. 68), 442. Railway Co. v. Bradley (— Ga.— , 54 S. E. Rep. 69), 991. Railway Co. v. Braid (1 Moore P. C. (N. S.) 101), 948. Railway Co. v. Brantley (26 Tex. Civ. App. 11, 62 S. W. Rep. 94), 1391. Railway Co. v. Bratcher (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 531), 1424. Railway Co. v. Brauss (70 Ga. 368), 1442. Railway Co. v. Bravard (Ind. App., 76 N. E. Rep. 899), 1414. Railway Co. v. Breeding (4 Tex. Civ. App. 219), 1348. Railway Co v. Brisbane (24 111. App. 563), 1033. Railway Co. v. Bromberg (141 CCXXXll TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Ala. 259, 37 So. Rep. 395), 1389. Railway Co, v. Bromley (17 Com. B. 372), 1347. Railway Co. v. Broom (6 Ex. 326), 1444. Railway Co. v. Brooks (81 111. 245), 964, 1001. Railway Co. v. Brown (113 Ga. 414, 38 S. E. 989), 960. Railway Cc. v. Brown (120 Ga. 380, 47 S. E. Rep. 942), 941. Railway Co. v. Brown (46 111. App. 137; s. c. 49 111. App. 40), 1110, 1111. Railway Co. v. Brown (50 L. T. Rep. 281), 341. Railway Co. v. Brown (16 Tex. Civ. App. 93, 40 S. W. 608), 895, 1432. Railway Co. v. Brown (78 Tex. 397), 936. Railway Co. v. Bruce (55 Ark. 65, 17 S. W. 363), 580. Railway Co. v. Bruyere (114 Fed. 540, 51 C. C. A. 574), 991. Railway Co. v. Bryan (Tex. Civ. App., 28 S. W. Rep. 98), 651. Railway Co. v. Bryant ( — Ind. App.—, 75 N. B. Rep. 829), 173, 231, 238, 241. Railway Co. v. Bryant (Tex. Civ. App., 26 S. W. Rep. 167), 1118. Railway Co. v. Buchanan (31 Tex. Civ. App. 209, 72 S. W. 96), 1127. Railway Co. v. Bunch (13 App. Cas. H. of L. 31), 1263. Railway Co. v. Bundick (94 Ga. 775, 21 S. E. Rep. 995), 537. Railway Co. v. Bunnell (138 Ala. 247, 36 So. Rep. 380), 1407. Railway Co. v. Burgess (116 Ala. 509, 22 So. Rep. 913), 1398. Railway Co. v. Burgess Co. (Tex. TO SECTIONS,] Civ. App., 90 S. W. Rep. 189), 537, 634. Railway Co. v. Burns (Tex, Civ, App., 80 S, W, Rep. 104), 1360, Railway Co. v. Bush (101 Ind. 582), 1423. Railway Co. v. Butcher (83 Tex. 309, 18 S. W. 583), 941. Railway Co, v. Butler (26 Tex. Civ. App, 494, 63 S. W. 650), 1362. Railway Co. v. Byers (5 Tex. Ct. Rep. 688, 69 S. W. Rep. 1009), 1118. Railway Co. v. Byers (6 Tex. Ct. Rep. 36, 70 S. W. Rep. 558), 895, 1423. Railway Co. v. Byers Bros. (7 Tex. Ct. Rep. 244, 73 S. W. Rep. 427), 233, 641. Railway Co. v. Byers Bros. ( — Tex. Civ. App.—, 90 S. W. Rep. 720), 1348. Railway Co. v. Byrd ( — Tex. Civ. App.—, 89 S. W, Rep. 991), 922, 1432. Railway Co. v. Byrne (100 Fed. 359, 40 C. C, A. 402), 114. Railway Co. v. Cain (Tex. Civ. App. 84 S. W. 682), 913. Railway Co. v. Callender (183 U. S. 632, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 257, aff'g., 98 Fed. 538, 39 C, C. A. 154), 130, 465. Railway Co. v. Calumet Stock Farm (194 111. 9, 61 N. E. 1095, 88 Am. St. Rep. 68, aff'g. 96 111. App. 337), 410, 639, 1362. Railway Co. v. Calvert ( — Tex. Civ. App.—, 91 S. W. Rep. 825), 1367. Railway Co. v. Campbell (61 Kan. 439, 59 Pac, 1051, 48 L, R, A. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCXXXlll [BEFEBENCES ABE 251, reversing (Kan App.) 56 Pac. 509), 1023. Railway Co. v. Campbell (30 Tex. Civ. App. 35, 69 S. W. 451), 922. Railway Co. v. Campbell (Tex. Civ. App., 85 S. W. 1158), 233. Railway Co. v. Campbell (76 Tex. 174), 964, 1001. Railway Co. v. Cannon (106 Ga. 828, 32 S. E. Rep. 874), 1054. Railway Co. v. Cannon (Tex. Civ. App., 81 S. W. 778), 1111. Railway Co. v. Cantrell (37 Ark. 526), 1179. Railway Co. v. Capper (Tex. Civ. App., 84 S. W. 694), 1348. Railway Co. v. Caraway ( — Ark. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 749), 1401. Railway Co. v. Carl (28 Kan. 622), 918. Railway Co. v. Carlisle (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 553), 500, 638. Railway Co. v. Carlton (60 Tex. 397), 1391. Railway Co. v. Carpenter (56 Fed. 451, 5 C. C. A. 551, 12 U. S. App. 392), 954, 1203. Railway Co. v. Carter (9 Tex. Civ. App. 677, 29 S. W. Rep. 565), 475. Railway Co. v. Case (122 Ind. 310), 651. Railway Co. v. Cassell ( — Ky. — , 92 S. W. Rep. 281), 1054, 1433. Railway Co. v. Castello (9 Ind. App. 462, 36 N. E. 299), 1118. Railway Co. v. Cau (120 Fed. 15, 645, 57 C. C. A. 35), 784. Railway Co. v. Cavenesse (48 Ark. 106, 2 S. W. Rep. 503), 1391. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Chalifoux (22 S. C. R. (Can.) 721), 948. Railway Co. v. Cheatwood's Admr. (103 Va. 356, 49 S. E. Rep. 489), 1397. Railway Co. v. Chicago Portrait Co. 122 Ga. 11, 49 S. E. Rep. 727, 106 Am. St. Rep. 87), 432, 1328. Railway Co. v. China Mfg. Co. (79 Tex. 28), 405, 1354. Railway Co. v. Chisholm (79 111. 584), 1433. Railway Co. v. Choate (22 Tex. Civ. App. 618, 56 S. W. Rep. 214), 1192. Railway Co. v. Chollette (41 Neb, 578, 59 N. W. 921), 1413. Railway Co. v. Clariday ( — Ga. — , 53 S. E. Rep. 461), 1179. Railway Co. v. Clark (48 Kan. 321, 329, 29 Pac. Rep. 312), 339, 416, 417. Railway Co. v. Clark (52 Kan. 398, 34 Pac. 1054), 1274, 1276. Railway Co. v. Clark (72 Penn. St. 231), 1041. Railway Co. v. Clark (Tex. Civ. App., 79 S. W. Rep. 827), 641. Railway Co. v. Clarke (5 Tex. Civ. App. 547, 24 S. W. Rep. 355), 448. Railway Co. v. Clayton (Tex. Civ. App., 84 S. W. 1069), 1348. Railway Co. v. Clayton (173 U. S. 348, 43 L. Ed. 725, 19 Sup. Ct. 421, aft'g., 84 Fed. 305, 28 C. C. A. 142, 51 U. S. App. 676), 130. Railway Co. v. Cleere ( — Ark. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 995), 1397. Railway Co. v. Clements (Tex. Civ. App., 49 S. W. Rep. 913). 537. CO XXX IV TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE Railway Co. v. Cleveland (2 Tex. Ct. Rep. 253, 61 S. W. Rep. 951), 1180. Railway Co. v. Clifton (Tex. Civ. App., 80 S. W. Rep. 386), 1373. Railway Co. v. Cloes (5 Ind. App. 444, 32 N. E. 588), 1033. 1429. Railway Co. v. Closser (126 Ind. 348), 521. Railway Co. v. Clowes (93 Va. 189, 24 S. E. Rep. 833), 1192. Railway Co. v. Coggin (—Tex. Civ. App.—, 90 S. W. Rep. 523), 1366. Railway Co. v. Coggins (88 Fed. 455, 32 C. C. A.), 1012. Railway Co. v. Cole (Tex. Civ. App., 16 S. W. Rep. 176), 1367. Railway Co. v. Cole (8 Tex. Civ. App. 635, 28 S. W. Rep. 391), 241, 1003. Railway Co. v. Cole (G6 Tex. 562), 1126. Railway Co. v. Cole (29 Ohio St. 126), 1102. Railway Co. v. Coll (— Ind. App. — , 76 N. E. Rep. 816), 1054. Railway Co. v. Collins (7 H. S. Cas. 194), 241. Railway Co. v. Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. (101 Fed. 779, 42 C. C. A. 12), 529, 569. Railway Co. v. Combes & Rector (Tex. Civ. App., 80 S. W. Rep. 1045), 174. Railway Co. v. Commercial Guano Co. (103 Ga. 590, 30 S. B. 555), 292, 1319. Railway Co. v. Commonwealth 25 Ky. L. R. 1078, 77 S. W. 207), 595. Railway Co. v. Conder (23 Tex. Civ. App. 488, 58 S. W. 58), 1100. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Contreras (31 Tex. Civ. App. 489, 72 S. W. 1051), 1395. Railway Co. v. Cook (8 Tex. Civ. App. 376, 27 S. W. Rep. 769), 1202. Railway Co. v. Cook (12 Tex. Civ. App. 203, 33 S. W. Rep. 669), 1202. Railway Co. v. Cook (12 Ind. App. 109, 38 N. E. 1104), 1129. Railway Co. v. Coolidge ( — Ark. — , 83 S. W. Rep. 333, 67 L. R. A. 555), 652, 1348, 1360, 1366. Railway Co. v. Coons (25 Ky. Law Rep. 509, 76 S. W. 45), 1178. Railway Co. v. Cooper (2 Tex. Civ. App. 42, 20 S. W. Rep. 990), 1423. Railway Co. v. Cooper (6 Ind. App. 202, 33 N. B. 219), 1032, 1099. Railway Co. v. Cope (36 111. App. 97), 1040. Railway Co. v. Cornelius (10 Tex. Civ. App. 125, 30 S. W. 720), 931. Railway Co. v. Cotton (41 111. App. 311, 316), 1409. Railway Co. v. Coulson (8 Kan. App. 4, 54 Pac. 2), 1012. Railway Co. v. Cowser (57 Tex. 293), 1397. Railway Co. v. Cox (60 Ark. 106, 29 S. W. Rep. 38), 1188. Railway Co. v. Cox (66 Ohio St. 276. 64 N. E. 119, 90 Am. St. Rep. 583), 964. Railway Co. v. Cox (145 U, S. 593, 12 Sup. Ct. R. 905), 1388. Railway Co. v. Cravens (57 Ark. 112, 20 S. W. 803. 38 Am. St. Rep. 230, 18 L. R. A. 527), 404. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCXXXV [references are Railway Co. v. Craycraft (12 Ind. App. 203, 39 N. B. 523), 170, 1362. Railway Co. v. Crenshaw (65 Ala. 566), 1228. Railway Co. v. Crisp (14 Com. B. 527), 408, 1338. Railway Co. v. Crispi (73 Tex. 236), 1126. Railway Co. v. Crockett (27 Tex. Civ. App. 463, 66 S. W. 114), 1179. Railway Co. v. Crouch (3 H. & N. 183), 729, 750. Railway Co. v. Crow (47 Neb. 84, 66 N. W. 21), 1003, 1174, 1217. Railway Co. v. Crowder (130 Ala. 256, 30 So. 592), 1217. Railway v. Crowder (135 Ala. 417, 33 So. Rep. 335), 1217. Railway Co. v. Crowell Lumber & Grain Co. (51 Neb. 293, 70 N. W. 964), 537. Railway Co. v. Culberson (68 Tex. 664), 1389. Railway Co. v. Cullen ( — 111. — , 77 N. E. Rep. 470), 1003, 1204. Railway Co. v. Culver (75 Ala. 587), 233, 1348. Railway Co. v. Cunningham (123 Ga. 90, 50 S. E. Rep. 979), 892, 895, 899, 1217, 1431. Railway Co. v. Currie (Tex. Civ. App., 91 S. W. Rep. 1100), 1397. Railway Co. v. Cushney (95 Tex. 309, 67 S. W. 77), 1348. Railway Co. v. Cutter (19 Kan. 83), 1397, 1398. Railway CJo. v. Daggett (87 Tex. 322, 28 S. W. 525, reversing (Tex. Civ. App.) 27 S. W. 186), 641, 644, 1366. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Daniels (49 Ark. 352), 420. Railway Co. v. Daniels (90 111. App. 154), 1036, 1065, 1090. Railway Co. v. Daniels (Tex. Civ. App., 29 S. W. Rep. 426), 1053. Railway Co. v. Danshank (6 Tex. Civ. App. 385, 25 S. W. Rep. 295), 1212. Railway Co. v. Darby (119 Ala. 531, 24 So. 713), 152. Railway Co. v. Darby (28 Tex. Civ. App. 229, 67 S. W. 129), 298, 1372. Railway Co. v. D'Arcais (27 Tex. Civ. App. 57, 64 S. W. 813), 430. Railway Co. v. Davidson (3 Tex. Civ. App. 542, 21 S. W. Rep. 68), 895. Railway Co. v. Davidson (68 Tex. 370), 1181. Railway Co. v. Davis (55 Ark. 462, 18 S. W. Rep. 628), 1397, 1401. Railway Co. v. Davis (56 Ark. 51, 19 S. W. 107), 1442. Railway Co. v. Davis (17 Tex. Civ. App. 340, 43 S. W. 540), 922, 1017. Railway Co. v. Dawson (68 Ark. 1, 56 S. W. Rep. 46), 1386, 1392, 1401. Railway Co. v. Dawson (Tex. Civ. App., 24 S. W. Rep. 566), 806. Railway Co. v. Dawson (Tex. Civ. App., 29 S. W. Rep. 1106), 1060. Railway Co. v. Dawson (98 Va. 577, 36 S. E. Rep. 996), 899, 1414. Railway Co. v. Dean (43 Ark. 529), 1045, 1049. ccxxxvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references ABE TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. DeBoard (91 Va. 700, 22 S. E. Rep. 514, 29 L. R. A. 825), 1401. Railway Co. v. Dennis (4 Tex. Civ. App. 90, 23 S. W. Rep. 400), 1046. Railway Co. v. Denver & O. R. Co. (110 U. S. 680, 4 Sup. Ct. R. 185), 519. Railway Co. v. De Pascale (70 Ohio St. 179, 71 N. E. 633), 1434. Railway Co. v. De Saussure (116 Ga. 53, 42 S. E. 479), 1052. Railway Co. v. De Shong (63 Ark. 443, 39 S. W. 260), 1362. Railway Co. v. Dey (82 Iowa, 312, 48 N. W. 98, 12 L. R. A. 436, 31 Am. St. Rep. 477), 574, 575. Railway Co. v. Dick (26 Tex. Civ. App. 256, 63 S. W. 895), 989. Railway Co. v. Dickerson (59 Md. 317), 899. Railway Co. v. Dickinson (74 111. 249), 1352. Railway Co. v. Dishman (Tex. Civ. App., 85 S. W. 319), 1354. Railway Co. v. Ditts (158 Ind. 669, 64 N. E. 222), 964. Railway Co. v. Divinney (66 Kan. 776, 71 Pac. 855; s. c. 69 Pac. 351), 1093. Railway Co. v. Doane (115 Ind. 435), 1126. Railway Co. v. Dolan (Tex. Civ. App., 85 S. W. 302), 450, 643. Railway Co. v. Donahue (70 Penn. St. 119), 1423. Railway Co. v. Doremeyer (20 Ind. App. 605, 50 N. E. 497, 67 Am. St. Rep. 264), 740. Railway Co. v. Dorough (72 Tex. 108), 1174, 1181. Railway Co. v. Dotson (15 Tex. Civ. App. 73, 38 S. W. Rep. 642), 1118, 1123. Railway Co. v. Doughtry (88 Tenn. 721), 1400. Railway Co. v. Doughty ( — Ark. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 768), 1400. Railway Co. v. Douglas (Tex. Civ. App., 30 S. W. Rep. 487), 1373. Railway Co. v. Druien (26 Ky. . Law Rep. 103, 80 S. W. 778, 66 L. R. A. 275), 211, 215. Railway Co. v. Drumm (32 Ind. App. 547, 70 N. E. 286), 1397. Railway Co. v. Drummond (73 Miss. 813, 20 So. 7), 1065. Railway Co. v. Duck (6 Tex. Ct. Rep. 903, 72 S. W. Rep. 445; s. c. 2 Tex. Ct. Rep. 1042, 63 S. W. Rep. 891), 922. Railway Co. v. Dunlap ( — Kan. — , 80 Pac. Rep. 34), 294, 301, 1355. Railway Co. v. Dunman (Tex. Civ. App., 81 S. W. 789), 510. Railway Co. v. Dunn (19 Ohio St. 162), 1440. Railway Co. v. Dunn (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 1080), 641. Railway Co. v. Dupee (23 Ky. L. R. 349, 67 S. W. Rep. 15), 1401. Railway Co. v. Dwyer (75 Tex. 572, 12 S. W. Rep. 1001, 16 Am. St. Rep. 926), 574. Railway Co. v. Dykes (Tex. Civ, App., 45 S. W. 758), 1179. Railway Co. v. Dylinski (67 111. App. 114), 1396. Railway Co. v. Eaton (183 U. S. 589, aff'g., 59 Neb. 698, 82 N. W. 1119), 1413. Railway Co. v. Edins (Tex. Civ. App., 83 S. W. 253), 333, 640. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCXXXVll [REFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Edmond (Tex. Civ. App., 29 S. W. Rep. 51S), 918. Railway Co. v. Edwards (78 Fed. 745, 24 C. C. A. 300), 496, 1366. Railway Co. v. Edwards (78 Tex. 307, 14 S. W. Rep. 607), 1334. Railway Co. v. Elgin Condensed Milk Co. (175 111. 557, 51 N. E. 911, 67 Am. St. Rep. 238, aff'g., 74 111. App. 619), 172, 230. Railway Co. v. Elliott (7 Tex. Civ. App. 216, 26 S. W. Rep 455), 1395. Railway Co. v. Elliott (76 111. 67), 521. Railway Co. v. Elliott (22 Tex. Civ. App. 31, 54 S. W. Rep. 410), 1060. Railway Co. v. Elliott (26 Tex. Civ. App. 106, 61 S. W. 726), 1122. Railway Co. v. Embrey ( — Ark. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 15), 263, 1348. Railway Co. v. Evans (23 Ky. L. R. 568, 63 S. W. Rep. 445), 1397. Railway Co. v. Evans (52 Neb. 50, 71 N. W. 1062), 937, 1430. Railway Co. v. Evans (71 Tex. 361), 994, 1083. Railway Co. v. Evans, etc., Co. (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 1024), 443. Railway Co. v. Evans (16 Tex. Civ. App. 68, 41 S. W. Rep. 80), 1392. Railway Co. v. Everett (Tex. Civ. App., 83 S. W. 257), 1365, 1372. Railway Co. v. Evershed (L. R. 3 App. Cas. 1029), 804. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Fagan (Tex. Civ. App., 27 S. W. Rep. 887), 636. Railway Co. v. Fairbanks & Co. (90 Fed. 467, 33 C. C. A. 611), 231, 497, 498, 508. Railway Co. v. Fales (Tex. Civ. App., 77 S. W. Rep. 234), 1245, 1246, 1255, 1363, 1414. Railway Co. v. Fambrough (Tex. Civ. App., 55 S. W. Rep. 188), 510. Railway v. Farmer (100 Va. 379, 41 S. E. Rep. 721), 1075. Railway Co. v. Farr (70 Ark. 264, 68 S. W, 243), 1124. Railway Co. v. Farrell (31 Ind. 408), 1123, 1187. Railway Co. v. Faulkner (Tex. Civ. App., 56 S. W. Rep. 253), 1025. Railway Co. v. Felker ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 530), 510, 651. Railway Co. v. Felton (125 111. 458), 1224. Railway Co. v. Fennell (79 Tex. 488), 163. Railway Co. v. Fenwick (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. 548), 1018, 1073. Railway Co. v. Ferguson (26 Tex. Civ. App. 460, 64 S. W. 797), 1432. Railway Co. v. Fifth Nat. Bank (26 Ind. App. 600, 59 N. E. 43), 442, 445, 478, 668. Railway Co. v. Findley (76 Ga. 311), 895, 1118, 1414. Railway Co. v. Finley (79 Tex. 85), 992, 1118, 1127. Railway Co. v. Fitzgerald (5 S. C. R. (Can.) 204), 506. Railway Co. v. Flake (114 Tenn. 671, 88 S. W. Rep. 326), 980, 984, 985. ecxxxvui TABLE OF CASES CITED, [befebences are Railway Co. v. Flanagan (113 Ind. 488), 122. Railway Co. v. Fleetwood (90 Ga. 23. 15 S. E. Rep. 778), 1094, 1442. Railway Co. v. Flood (5 Tex. Ct. Rep. 922, 70 S. W. Rep. 331), 1004, 1072, 1073. Railway Co. v. Flood (Tex. Civ. App., 79 S. W. Rep. 1106), 912, 1075, 1194, 1423. Railway Co. v. Flournoy (75 Ga. 745), 1366. Railway Co. v. FoUiard (66 Tex. 603), 1246. Railway Co. v. Foreman (73 Tex. 311, 15 Am. St. Rep. 758), 1116. Railway Co. v. Forsythe (4 Ind. App. 326, 29 N. E. 1138), 420, 449, 1331, 1355. Railway Co. v. Fort Grain Co. (7 Tex. Ct. Rep. 207, 72 S. W. 419 and 73 S. W. 845), 526, 576. Railway Co. v. Foster (104 Ind. 293), 1256, 1301. Railway Co. v. Foster (14 Ky. Law Rep. 637), 231. Railway Co. v. Foster (97 Tex. 618, 619, 80 S. W. Rep. 1197, reversing (Tex. Civ. App.) 78 S. W. Rep. 1134), 922. Railway Co. v. Foxworth (41 Fla. 1, 25 So. Rep. 338, 79 Am. St. Rep. 149), 1397, 1398. Railway Co. v. Foxworth ( — Fla. — , 34 So. Rep. 270), 1397, 1401. Railway Co. v. Franchere (35 Can. S. C. R. 68), 1075. Railway Co. v. Frankel Bros. (33 S. C. R. 115, 2 Can. Ry. Cases, 155), 653, 735. Railway Co. v. Frawley (110 Ind. 18), 1233. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. French (56 Kan. 584, 44 Pac. Rep. 12), 1401. Railway Co. v. Freeman (36 Ark. 41), 1392. Railway Co. v. Freeman (Tex. Civ. App., 16 S. W. Rep. 109), 608. Railway Co', v. Frey (25 Tex. Civ. App. 386, 61 S. W. 442), 933. Railway Co. v. Friel (19 Ky. Law Rep. 152, 39 S. W. Rep. 704), 1122. Railway Co. v. Frier (Tex. Civ. App., 22 S. W. Rep. 6), 1118. Railway Co. v. Fulgham (8 So. Rep. 803), 167. Railway Co. v. Funk ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 92 S. W. Rep. 1032), 171. Railway Co. v. F. W. Stock & Son — Va. — , 51 S. E. Rep. 161), 249. 1328, 1360. Railway Co. v. Gaines (Tex. Civ. App., 79 S. W. Rep. 1104), 1094. Railway Co. v. Gallagher (Tex. Civ. App., 64 S. W. 809), 231. Railway Co. v. Gallaher (79 Tex. 685), 1334. Railway Co. v. Gann (8 Tex. Civ. App. 620, 28 S. W. Rep. 349), 641. Railway Co. v. Garner ( — Ark. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 550), 1389. Railway Co. v. Gardner (114 Fed. 186, 52 C. C. A. 142), 1111. Railway Co. v. Garner ( — Ark. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 550), 1397. Railway Co. v. Qastka (128 111. 613), 1094. Railway Co. v. Gatewood (79 Tex. 89, 14 S. W. Rep. 913, 10 L. R. A. 419), 421, 448. Railway Co. v. Gelger (79 Tex. 13, 15 S. W. Rep. 214), 1397. TABLE OP CASES CITED. CCXXXIX [references Railway Co. v. Geis (31 Md. 357), 1417. Railway Co. v. Germany (Tex. Civ. App., 56 S. W. Rep. 586), 1111. Railway Co. v. Gerreis (14 Ky. Law Rep. 397), 917. Railway Co. v. Gilbert (88 Tenn. 430, 12 S. W. 1018, 7 L. R. A. 162), 475. Railway Co. v. Gill (54 Ark. 101, 15 S. W. Rep. 18, 11 L. R. A. 452), 1023. Railway Co. v. Gill (156 U. S. 649, 15 Sup. Ct. R. 484, 39 L. Ed. 567, affg., 54 Ark. 101, 15 S. W. 18), 586. Railway Co. v. Gillam (27 111. App. 386), 1401. Railway Co. v. Gist (31 Tex. Civ. App. 662, 73 S. W. 857), 1033, 1111, 1417. Railway Co. v. Glascock & War- field (117 Ga. 938, 43 S. E. Rep. 981), 37. Railway Co. v. Glenk (9 Tex. Civ. App. 599, 30 S. W. 278), 938. Railway Co. v. Glidewell (39 Ark. 487), 668. Railway Co. v. Glover (Tex. Civ. App., 88 S. W. Rep. 515), 1397. Railway Co. v. Glover (92 Ga. 132, 18 S. E. 406), 1389, 1395, 1397. Railway Co. v. Glynn (1 El. & El. 652), 783. Railway Co. v. Goben (15 Ind. App. 123, 43 N. E. 890; re- hearing denied, 42 N. E. 1116), 1037. Railway Co. v. Godair Commis- sion ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 87 S. W. Rep. 871), 448. ARE TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Godkin (104 Ga. 655, 30 S. E. 378, 69 Am. St. Rep. 187), 990. Railway Co. v. Godola (50 Neb. 906, 70 N. W. 491), 78. Railway Co. v. Goldman (Tex. Civ. App., 51 S. W. Rep. 275), 1118. Railway Co. v. Goldstein Bros. (— Ala. — , 41 So. Rep. 173), 130. Railway Co. v. Goodman (12 Com. B. 313), 1241. Railway Co. v. Goodman (Tex. Civ. App., 43 S. W. 580), 1062. Railway Co. v. Goodridge (149 U. S. 680, 13 Sup. Ct. R. 970, 37 L. Ed. 896), 539, 546. Railway Co. v. Gortatowsky (123 Ga. 366, 51 S. E. Rep. 469), 806. Railway Co. v. Grant (6 Tex. Civ. App. 674, 26 S. W. Rep. 286), 172, 1362. Railway v. Graves (21 Ky. Law Rep. 684, 52 S. W. Rep. 961), 426. Railway Co. v. Graves (Tex. Civ. App., 16 S. W. Rep. 102), 630. Railway Co. v. Gray (6 Tex. Civ. App. 332, 71 S. W. Rep. 316), 1012, 1111. Railway Co. v. Gray (28 Ind. App. 588, 64 N. E. Rep. 39), 1177, 1179. Railway Co. v. Grayson Co. Bank (— Tex. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 431, reversing Tex. Civ. App., 91 S. W. Rep. 1106), 177, 181. Railway Co. v. Greathouse (82 Tex. 104, 17 S. W. 834), 430, 442, 443, 447. Railway Co. v. Green (Tex. Civ. App., 91 S. W. Rep. 380), 1414. ccxl TABLE OF OASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Greenthal (77 Fed. 150, 23 C. C. A. 100; s. c. Meyer's Adni'x. v. Railway Co. 54 Fed. 116, 4 C. C. A. 221, 10 U. S. App. 677), 980. Railway Co. v. Greenwood (79 Penn. St. 373). 1032. Railway Co. v. Griffith (63 Ark. 491, 39 S. W. 560), 1414. Railway Co. v. Griffith (Tex. Civ. App., 24 S. W. Rep. 362), 238. Railway Co. v. Griffith (12 Tex. Civ. App. 631, 35 S. W. Rep. 741), 1101. Railway Co. v. Groesbeck (Tex. Civ. App., 24 S. W. Rep. 702), 1431. Railway Co. v. Grubbs (28 Tex. Civ. App., 367, 67 S. W. 519), 934. Railway Co. v. Guilford (119 Ga. 523, 46 S. E. 655), 952. Railway Co. v. Gunter (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 86 S. W. Rep. 938), 1366. Railway Co. v. Haas (— Tex. — , 17 S. W. Rep. 600), 597. Railway Co. v. Haist (71 Ark. 258, 72 S. W. 893, 100 Am. St. Rep. 65, 893), 1388, 1397. Railway Co. v. Hale (90 Ala. 8), 1414. Railway Co. v. Hale (83 111. 360), 1367, 1369. Railway Co. v. Hall (66 Fed. 868, 14 C. C. A. 153, 32 U. S. App. 60), 638, 1366, 1367. Railway Co. v. Hall (100 Fed. 700, 41 C. C. A. 50), 933, 1409, 1423. Railway Co. v. Hall ( — Ga. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 679), 408, 426, 427, 430, 450. Railway Co. v. Hall (100 111. 371), 926. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Hall (64 Tex. 615), 119, 122. Railway Co. v. Halsell (Tex. Civ. App., 81 S. W. 1241), 1366. Railway Co. v. Hamler (215 111. 525, 74 N. E. Rep. 705, 106 Am. St. Rep. 187), 1018, 1073. Railway Co. v. Hamlin (42 111. App. 441), 459. Railway Co. v. Haney (Tex. Civ. App., 94 S. W. Rep. 386), 922. Railway Co. v. Hanmer (23 Ky. Law Rep. 1864, 55 S. W. 375), 1407. Railway Co. v. Hanna (Tex. Civ, App., 58 S. W. Rep. 548), 1000. Railway Co. v. Hansman (21 Ky. Law Rep. 1264, 54 S. W. Rep. 841), 1414. Railway Co. v. Hardway (17 Brad. (111.) 321), 1249, 1291. Railway Co. v. Hardy (55 Ark. 134, 17 S. W. 711), 1077. Railway Co. v. Hare ( — Ind. App. — , 75 N. E. Rep. 867), 475. Railway Co. v. Harkey ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 506), 1414, 1415. Railway Co. v. Harmon (12 111. App. 54), 336. Railway Co. v. Harper (44 Ark. 208), 1355. Railway Co. v. Harris (26 Fla. 148, 23 Am. St. Rep. 551), 231, 1348. Railway Co. v. Harris (121 Ga. 707, 49 S. E. Rep. 703), 1369. Railway Co. v. Harris (158 U. S. 326, 15 Sup. Ct. R. 843, 39 L. Ed. 1003, aff'g., 63 Fed. 800), 923. Railway Co. v. Harris ( — Ind. App. — , 77 N. E. Rep. 1051), 941. TABLE OP CASES CITED. ccxli [BEFEEENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Harris (67 Tex. 166), 339. Railway Co. v. Harris ( — Tenn. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 211), 1062. Railway Co. v. Harris (122 U. S. 597), 1432. Railway Co. v. Harris (103 Va. 635, 49 S. E. Rep. 997), 937, 1185, 1187. Railway Co. v. Harrison (10 Exch. 376), 1001. Railway Co. v. Harrison (32 Tex. Civ. App. 368, 73 S. W. 38), 1118. Railway Co. v. Harrison (97 Tex. 611, 80 S. W. 1139, reversing (Tex. Civ. App.) 77 S. W. Rep. 1036), 922, 1052. Railway Co. v. Hartnett (Tex. Civ. App., 34 S. W. Rep. 1057), 1424. Railway Co. v. Harwell (91 Ala. 340), 408, 430, 508, 1354. Railway Co. v. Hassard (75 Penn. St. 367), 995. Railway Co. v. Hassell (23 Tex. Civ. App. 681, 58 S. W. 54), 133, 1373. Railway Co. v. Hatton (60 Ind. 12), 1067. Railway Co. v. Hawkins (Tex. Civ. App., 30 S. W. Rep. 1113), 448. Railway Co. v. Hawkins ( — Ky. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 258), 1065. Railway Co. v. Haynes (3 Tex. Civ. App. 20, 21 S. W. Rep. 622). 654. Railway Co. v. Head (Tex. Civ. App., 15 S. W. Rep. 504), 1126, 1431. Railway Co. v. Heard (Tex. Civ. App., 91 S. W. Rep. 1100), 1397. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Heath (22 Ind. App. 47, 53 N. E. 198), 419, 444, 502, 911, 1366. Railway Co. v. Hecht (115 Ind. 443), 1432. Railway Co. v. Heggie (86 Ga. 210, 12 S. E. Rep. 363), 641. Railway Co. v. Heidenheimer (82 Tex. 195, 17 S. W. 608, 27 Am. St. Rep. 861), 762. Railway Co. v. Heilprin (95 111. App. 402), 729, 1366, 1372. Railway Co. v. Henderson (57 Ark. 402, 21 S. W. Rep. 878), 236. Railway Co. v. Hendricks (128 Ind. 462, 28 N. E. 58), 955. Railway Co. v. Henlein (52 Ala. 606), 1354. Railway Co. v. Henry (84 Tex. 678, 19 S. W. 870, 16 L. R. A. 318), 1041. Railway Co. v, Henry (75 Tex. 220), 1389, 1397, 1401. Railway Co. v. Henry (Tex. Civ. App., 81 S. W. 334), 1362. Railway Co. v. Hensen (121 Ga. 462, 49 S. E. Rep. 278), 1397. Railway Co. v. Herrick (49 Ohio St. 25, 29 N. E. Rep. 1052), 1008. Railway Co. v. Herring (57 111. 59), 1033, 1036. Railway Co. v. Herring (Tex. Civ. App., 24 S. W. Rep. 939), 634. Railway Co. v. Hess (2 Wash. 388), 1417. Railway Co. v. Heymann (118 Ga. 616, 45 S. E. 491), 325. Railway Co. v. Higgs ( — Ind. — , 76 N. E. Rep. 299), 1072. Railway Co. v. Highnote ( — Tex. — , 86 S. W. Rep. 923, revers- ing (Tex. Civ. App.) 84 S. W. Rep. 365), 1180. ccxlii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE Railway Co. v. Hill (13 Col. 35), 885. Railway Co. v. Hinchcliffe (2 K. B. (1903) 32, 72 L. J. K. B. 530, 88 Law T. (N. S.) 800, 51 Wkly. Rep. 556, 19 Times L. R. 430), 1042. Railway Co. v. Hine (25 Ohio St. 629), 1396. Railway Co. v. Hinsdale (38 Kan. 507), 1033. Railway Co. v. Hitt (— Ark. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 908), 1397. Railway Co. v. Hochstim (67 111. App. 514), 1250, 1306. Railway Co. v. Hodge (Tex. Civ. App., 39 S. W. 986), 1367. Railway Co. v. Hodge (10 Tex. Civ. App. 543, 30 S. W. 829), 630. Railway Co. v. Hodges (Tex. Civ. App., 24 S. W. Rep. 563), 936. Railway Co. v. Hoerr (120 111. App. 65), 1090, 1433. Railway Co. v. Holcomb (44 Kan. 332), 899. Railway Co. v. Holden (73 111. App. 582), 859. Railway Co. v. Holder (10 Tex. Civ. App. 223, 30 S. W. 383), 163. Railway Co. v. Holloway ( — Kan. — , 80 Pac. Rep. 31), 923, 1182. Railway Co. v. Holloway (Tex. Civ. App., 54 S. W. Rep. 419), 1111. Railway Co. v. Holmes (75 Miss. 371, 23 So. 187), 1065. Railway Co. v. Holsapple (12 Ind. App. 301, 38 N. B. 1107), 1122. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Hook (60 Tex. 403), 1389. Railway Co. v. Horn (132 Ala. 407, 31 So. Rep. 481), 1111. Railway Co. v. Hosea (152 Ind. 412, 53 N. E. Rep. 419), 1386, 1391. Railway Co. v. Houghton (4 Tex. Ct. Rep. 688, 68 S. W. Rep. 718), 1362. Railway Co. v. House & Watkins (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 1110), 174, 495. Railway v. Houston (Tex. Civ. App., 40 E. W. 842), 233. Railway Co. v. Howard (111 Ga. 842, 36 S. E. Rep. 213), 1043, 1117. Railway Co. v. Howard (178 U. S. 153, 44 L. Ed. 1015, 20 Sup. Ct. R. 880, aff'g., 14 App. D. C. 262), 242, 915. Railway Co. v. Howerton (127 Ind. 236), 1038. Railway Co. v. Hoyt (37 111. App. 64), 664. Railway Co. v. Hubbard (106 111. App. 462), 895, 1418. Railway Co. Hubbard (Tex. Civ. App., 76 S. W. Rep. 764), 1118. Railway Co. v, Hubbell (54 Kan. 232, 38 Pac. 266), 537. Railway Co. v. Hudman (8 Tex. Civ. App. 309, 28 S. W. Rep. 388), 1110. Railway Co. v. Hudson (25 Ky. Law Rep. 2154, 80 S. W. Rep. 454), 1054. Railway Co. v. Huff (98 Tex. 110, 81 S. W. Rep. 525, reversing (Tex. Civ. App.) 78 S. W. Rep. 249), 964, 1001. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccxliii [references ABE Railway Co. v. Hughart (90 Ala. 36), 426, 1364. Railway Co. v. Hull (76 111. App. 408), 172. Railway Co. v. Humble (181 U. S. 57, aff'g., 97 Fed. 837, 38 C. C. A. 502), 931, 1379, 1423. Railway Co. v. Hume (87 Tex. 211, 27 S. W. Rep. 110), 448. Railway Co. v. Hume (6 Tex. Civ. App. 653, 24 S. W. Rep. 915), 630. Railway Co. v. Humes (115 U. S. 512), 1436. Railway Co. v. Humphries (108 Ga. 591, 34 S. E. 283), 1126. Railway Co. v. Humphreys (25 Tex. Civ. App. 401, 62 S. W. 791), 1111. Railway Co. v. Hunt (Tex. Civ. App., 81 S. W. 322), 640, 652. Railway Co. v. Hunt (Tex. Civ. App., 32 S. W. Rep. 549), 859, 860. Railway Co. v. Hunter (42 Ark. 200), 105, 1274. Railway Co. v. Hutchins (121 Ga. 304, 48 S. E. Rep. 939), 991. Railway Co. v. Hyatt (12 Tex. Civ. App. 435, 34 S. W. Rep. 677), 922. Railway Co. v. Implement Co. ( — Kan. — , 85 Pac. Rep. 408), 799, 1305, 1315. Railway Co. v. Insurance Co. (84 Tex. 149, 19 S. W. 459), 405. Railway Co. v. Insurance Co. (139 U. S. 223), 105, 300. Railway Co. v. Interstate Com- merce Commission (162 U. S. 184, 16 Sup. Ct. R. 700, 40 L. Ed.. 935, aff'g., Interstate Commerce Commission v. Railway, 64 Fed. 981), 526. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Interstate Com- merce Commission (162 U. S. 197, 16 Sup. Ct. R. 666, 40 L. Ed. 940, reversing 20 U. S. App. 6, 6 C. C. A. 653. 57 Fed. 948 and Interstate Com- merce Commission v. Rail- way, 52 Fed. 187), 524, 525, 527, 528, 535, 562, 563, 566. 570. Railway Co. v. Interstate Com- merce Commission (181 U. S. 1, 45 L. Ed. 719, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 516, reversing 99 Fed. 52, 39 C. C. A. 413, and Inter- state Commerce Commission v. Railway, 85 Fed. 107), 559, 560, 563, 570. Railway Co. v. Irvine (64 Tex. 529), 899. Railway Co. v. Irvine & Woods (7 Tex. Ct. Rep. 374, 73 S. W. Rep. 540), 630. Railway Co. v. Ivey (Tex. Civ. App., 23 S. W. Rep. 321), 641. Railway Co. v. Ivy (71 Tex. 409, 9 S. W. Rep. 346, 10 Am. St. Rep. 758), 103. Railway Co. v. Ivy (79 Tex. 444, 15 S. W. Rep. 692), 163. Railway Co. v. Jackson (3 Tex. Ct. Rep. 479, 61 S. W. Rep. 440), 964. Railway Co. v. Jackson (4 Tex. Civ. App. 74), 1365, 1372. Railway Co. v. Jackson (62 Tex. 209), 1366. Railway Co. v. Jackson & Ed- wards (— Tex. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 968, reversing s. c. (Tex. Civ. App.) 86 S. W. Rep. 47), 231, 241, 460. Railway Co. v. Jacobs (70 Ark. 401, 68 S. W. 248), 444. ccxliv TABLE OF CASES CITED, [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Jaggerman (115 111. 407), 230. Railway Co. v. Jahn (18 Tex. Civ. App. 74, 43 S. W. 575), 1003. Railway Co. v. James (117 Ga. 832, 45 S. E. 223), 508, 640. Railroad Co. v. James (82 Tex. 306. 18 S. W. 589, 15 L. R. A. 347), 1084, 1085, 1128, 1429, 1433. Railway Co. v. Jarrard (65 Tex. 560), 1423. Railway Co. v. Jenkins (103 111. 588), 858. Railway Co. v. Johnson (59 Ark. 122, 26 S. W. 593), 1123, 1219. Railway Co. v. Johnson (Tex. Civ. App., 15 S. W. Rep. 121), 657. Railway Co. v. Johnson (23 Tex. Civ. App. 160, 55 S. W. Rep. 772), 1402. Railway Co. v. Johnson (29 Tex. Civ. App. 184, 68 S. W. 58), 1093, 1102. Railway Co. v. Johnson (75 Tex. 158), 1437, 1443. Railway Co. v. Johnson (92 Tex. 591, 50 S. W. Rep. 563), 503. Railway Co. v. Johnson King & Co. (121 Ga. 231, 48 S. E. Rep. 807), 431, 432, 1354. Railway Co. v. Johnston (45 Neb. 57, 63 N. W. 144, 50 Am. St. Rep. 540), 175, 177, 182, 668. Railway Co. v. Johnston (78 Tex. 536, 15 S. W. Rep. 104). 926, 1397, 1401. Railway Co. v. Jones (121 Ala. 113, 25 So. Rep. 814), 1399. Railway Co. v. Jones (132 Ala. 437, 31 So. Rep. 501), 426. 427. 430, 450. Railway Co. v. Jones (Tex. Civ. App., 85 S. W. 37), 1054. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Jones (Tex. Civ. App., 39 S. W. Rep. 124), 989. Railway Co. v. Jones (35 Tex. Civ. App. 584, 80 S. W. Rep. 852), 1401. Railway Co. v. Jones (108 Ind. 551), 926. Railway Co. v. Jones (1 Ind. Terr. 354, 37 S. W. Rep. 208), 1348. Railway Co. v. Joplin (21 Ky. Law. Rep. 1380, 55 S. W. Rep. 206), 1034, 1036. Railway Co. v. Jordan (25 Ky. Law Rep. 574, 76 S. W. Rep. 145), 899, 1200. Railway Co. v. Jordan Stock Food Co. (67 Kan. 86, 72 Pac. 533), 749. Railway Co. v. Joseph (125 Ala. 313, 28 So. Rep. 35), 1251. Railway Co. v. Josey (6 Tex. Ct. Rep. 472, 71 S. W. Rep. 606), 651. Railway Co. v. Jurey (111 U. S. 584), 1313, 1360. Railway Co. v. J. W. Burgess Co. (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 189), 537, 634. Railway Co. v. Kaiser (82 Tex. 144, 18 S. W. 305), 1427. Railway Co. v. Kalidas Mukerjee (A. C. (1901) 396, 70 Law J. P. C. 63, 84 Law T. (N. S.) 210), 92L Railway Co. v. Kapp (Tex. Civ. App., 83 S. W. 233), 652. Railway Co. v. Kavanaugh (92 Fed. 56. 34 C. C. A. 203), 201, 206. Railway Co. v. Keefer (146 Ind. 21, 44 N. E. 796, 38 L. R. A. 93, 58 Am. St. Rep. 348), 517, 1018, 1073. Railway Co. v. Keenan (190 111. 217, 60 N. E. Rep. 107), 1397. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccxlv [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Kelly (91 Tenn. 699, 20 S. W. 312, 30 Am. St. Rep. 902, 17 L. R. A. 691; s. c. 91 Tenn. 708, 20 S. W. Rep. 314), 708, 709, 1360. Railway Co. v. Kelsey (180 111. 530, 54 N. E. 608, aff'g., 76 111. App. 613), 1198. Railway Co. v. Kempton (138 Fed. 792, — C. C. A.— ), 215, 300, 611. Railway Co. v. Kendall (72 111. App. 105), 702. Railway Co. v, Kendrick (Tex. Civ. App., 32 S. W. Rep. 42), 1128. Railway Co. v. Kennedy (78 Ga. 646), 1357. Railway Co. v. Kennedy (12 Tex. Civ. App. 654, 35 S. W. Rep. 335), 1118. Railway Co. v. Ketcham (133 Ind. 346, 33 N. E. 116, 19 L. R. A. 339, 36 Am. St. Rep. 550), 1017. Railway Co. v. Keyes (91 Fed. 47), 577, 585. Railway Co. v. Keys (9 H. L. C. 556), 1244. Railway Co. v. Killebrew (Tex.) (20 S. W. Rep. 182; s. c. 20 S. W. Rep. 1005), 911. Railway Co. v. Kinchen (103 Ga. 186, 29 S. E. Rep. 816), 183. Railway Co. v. King (99 Fed. 251, 40 C. C. A. 432, 49 L. R. A. 102), 1219. Railway Co. v. King (88 Ga. 443, 14 S. E. Rep. 708), 1038. Railway Co. v. Kingsbury (Tex. Civ. App., 25 S. W. Rep. 322), 497, 643. Railway Co. v. Kinnare (203 111. 388, 67 N. E. Rep. 826), 1397. Railway Co. v. Kinnebrew (7 Tex. Civ. App. 549, 27 S. W. Rep 631), 1052. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Kinsley (27 Ind App. 135, 60 N. E. 169, 87 Am. St. Rep. 245), 1043, 1045, 1433. Railway Co. v. Kirkham (63 Kan. 255, 65 Pac. 261), 442, 444. Railway Co. v. Klepper (5 Tex. Ct. Rep. 533, 24 S. W. Rep. 567), 333, 448. Railway Co. v. Klitch (11 Ind. App. 290, 37 N. E. 560), 1429. Railway Co. v. Knight (122 U. S. 79), 112, 160, 161, 163, 166. Railway Co. v. Koch (47 Kan. 753, 28 Pac. 1013), 443. Railway Co. Koehler (47 111. App. 147), 1181. Railway Co. v. Koll (73 Ala. 396), 115. Railway Co. v. Kolp ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 417), 496. Railway Co. v. Kuenhle (Tex. Civ. App., 16 S. W. Rep. 177), 1084. Railway Co. v. Kuhn (86 Ky. 578), 917. Railway Co. v. Kutac (72 Tex. 643), 1236. Railway Co. v. Lagerkrans (65 Neb. 566, 91 N. W. 358; s. c. 95 N. W. 2), 1110, 1219, 1397. Railway Co. v. Laird (164 U. S. 393, 17 Sup. Ct. R. 120, aff'g., 58 Fed. 760, 7 C. C. A. 489), 1408. Railway Co. v. Lamm (73 111. App. 592), 859. Railway Co. v. Langlois (9 Mont. 419, 24 Pac. Rep. 209, 18 Am. St. Rep. 745, disapproving Railroad Co. v. Tripp, 147 Mass. 35, 17 N. E. Rep. 89), 945. ccxlvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Ra'lway Co. v. Lang's Adm'r., 100 Ky. 221, 38 S. W. Rep. 503; s. c. 40 S. W. Rep. 451; s. c. 41 S. W. Rep. 271), 1198. Railway Co. v. Langsdale (Tex. Civ. App., 30 S. W. 681), 588, 589. Railway Co. v. La Prelle (27 Tex. Civ. App. 496, 65 S. W. 488), 1102. Railway Co. v. Lauricella (87 Tex. 277, 28 S. W. 277, 47 Am. St. Rep. 103; s. c. (Tex. Civ. App.) 26 S. W. Rep. 301), 899, 923, 1414. Railway Co. v. Law (68 Ark. 218, 57 S. W. 258), 333. Railway Co. v. Law (57 Neb. 559, 78 N. W. 291), 177. Railway Co. v. Lawton (55 Ark. 428, 18 S. W. 543, 29 Am. St. Rep. 48, 15 L. R. A. 434), 991. Railway Co. v. Leatherwood (29 Tex. Civ. App. 507, 69 S. W. 119), 226, 537, 1366. Railway Co. v. Lee (92 Fed. 318, 34 C. C. A. 365; s. c. 76 Fed. 212, 22 C. C. A. 132, 40 U. S. App. 298), 1019, 1075, 1202. Railroad Co. v. Lee (21 Tex. Civ. App. 175, 51 S. W. 351; s. c. 57 S. W. Rep. 573), 1118. Railway Co. v. Leftwich (117 Fed. 127, 54 C. C. A. 1), 1192. Railway Co. v. Lehman (Tex. Civ. App., 72 S. W. Rep. 619), 1402. Railway Co. v. Lehmberg (75 Tex. 61), 1401. Railway Co. v. Leibold (Tex. Civ. App., 55 S. W. Rep. 368), 617, 641. Railway Co. v. Leslie (57 Tex. 83), 1432, 1177. Railway Co. v. Lesser (46 Ark. 236), 419. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Lester (24 Tex, Civ. App. 467, 59 S. W. 946), 990. Railway Co. v. Lester (75 Tex. 56), 1401, 1397. Railway Co. v. Levi (76 Tex. 337), 657. Railway Co. v. Levy ( — Ala. — , 39 So. Rep. 95), 230, 1354. Railway Co. v. Lewis (69 Ark. 81, 61 S. W. Rep. 163), 1082. Railway Co. v. Lewis (89 111. App. 30), 1314. Railway Co. v. Lewis (145 111. 67, 33 N. E. 960, aff'g., 48 111. App. 274), 895, 897, 926, 949. Railway Co. v. Lewis (24 Neb. 848, 40 N. W. Rep. 401), 1388, 1390. Railway Co. v. Liderman (187 111. 469), 1174. Railway Co, v. Lightcap (7 Ind. App. 249, 34 N. E. 243), 1060. Railway Co. v. Lilly (90 Term. 563, 18 S. W. Rep. 243), 1394. Railway Co. v. Lippman (110 Ga. 665, 36 S. E. Rep. 202, 50 L. R. A, 673), 47, 892, 899, 1072, Railway Co. v. Liveright (7 Kan. App. 772, 53 Pac. 763), 1276. Railway Co. v. Lockwood Mfg. Co. (— Ala. — , 37 So. Rep. 667, 68 L. R. A. 227), 859, 862. Railway Co. v. Long (81 Tex. 253, 16 S. W. 1016. 26 Am. St. Rep. 811), 1189. Railway Co. v. Long (87 Tex. 148, 21 S. W. Rep. 113, 47 Am. St. Rep. 87, 24 L. R. A. 637), 1397. Railway Co. v. Long (Tex. Civ. App., 26 S. W. Rep. 114). 895. Railway Co. v. Long (13 Tex. Civ. App. 664, 36 S. W. Rep. 485), 921, 985. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccxlvii Railway Co. v. Looney (85 Tex. 158, 19 S. W. 1039, 34 Am. St. Rep. 787, 16 L. R. A. 471), 1049. Railway Co. v. Love (91 Ala. 432, 8 So. 714, 24 Am. St. Rep. 927), 1414. Railway Co. v. Lowell (151 U. S. 209, 14 Sup. Ct. 281, 38 L. Ed. 131), 1219. Railway Co. v. Lucas (119 Ind. 583), 1122, 917. Railway Co. v. Ludlam (52 Fed. 94, 2 C. C. A. 633, 2 U. S. App. 342), 1424. Railway Co. v. Ludlam (57 Fed. 481, 6 C. C. A. 454, 13 U. S. App. 540), 1060. Railway Co. v. Luther ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 44), 1093. Railway Co. v. Lynch (12 111. App. 365), 1367. Railway Co. v. Lynch (Tex. Civ. App., 40 S. W. 631), 964. Railway Co. v. Lynch (Tex. Civ. App., 55 S. W. Rep. 517), 918. Railway Co. v. Lyon (123 Penn. St. 140), 1295. Railway Co. v. Lyons (20 Ky. Law Rep. 516, 46 S. W. Rep. 209), 1052, 1065. Railway Co. v. Mackie (71 Tex. 491), 1066. Railway Co. v. Maddox (75 Tex. 300), 450, 457. Railway Co. v. Maddry (57 Ark. 306, 21 S. W. 472), 1223, 1397. Railway Co. v. Magg (132 Ind. 168, 31 N. E. Rep. 564), 1397. Railway Co. v. Mahony (148 Ind. 196. 46 N. E. 917), 1018, 1073. Railway Co. v. Mallette (92 Ala. 209), 1414. [befebences are to sections.] Railway Co. v. Manning (23 Neb. 552), 1354. Railway Co. v. Mfg. Co. (79 Tex. 26), 449. Railway Co. v. Marchman (121 Ga. 235, 48 S. E. Rep. 961), 115, 630, 1309. Railway Co. v. Marshall ( — Ark. — , 86 S. W. Rep. 802), 499, 508. Railway Co. v. Marston (30 Neb. 241). 417. Railway Co. v. Martin (26 Tex. Civ. App. 231, 63 S. W. 1089), 1417. Railway Co. v. Martin (59 Kan. 437, 53 Pac. 461), 915, 1003, 1072, 1073. Railway Co. v. Martino (2 Tex. Civ. App. 643, 18 S. W. Rep. 1066; s. c. 21 S. W. Rep. 781), 1054. RailAyay Co v. Marville (7 Rail. Cas. 830), 395. Railway Co. v. Massay (Tex. Civ. App., 76 S. W. Rep. 585), 1179. Railway Co. v. Mathes (7 Tex. Ct. Rep. 172, 73 S. W. Rep. 411), 1012, 1119. Railway Co. v. Mathews (116 Ga. 424, 42 S. E. Rep. 771), 1401. Railway Co. v. Mathis ( — Ark. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 763), 1397, 1401. Railway Co. v. Matula (79 Tex. 581), 1397. Railway Co. v. Maxwell (59 III. App. 673), 1174. Railway Co. v. Maxwell (113 Tenn. 464, 82 S. W. Rep. 1137), 1394. Railway Co. v. Mayes (58 Ark. 397, 24 S. W. Rep. 1076). 1179. ccxlviii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Mayes (4 Tex. Civ. App. 225), 1429. Railway Co. v. Mayfield (23 Tex. Civ. App. 417, 56 S. W. 942), 1111. Railway Co. v. Mazzie (29 Tex. Civ. App. 295, 68 S. W. 56), 1348. Railway Co. v. McCann (174 U. S. 580, 19 Sup. Ct. R. 775, 43 L. Ed. 1093), 234. Railway Co. v. McCarthy (29 Tex. Civ. App. 616. 69 S. W. 229), 226. Railway Co. v. McCarty (82 Tex. 608, 18 S. W. 716), 1366. Railway Co. v, McCarty (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 805), 938, 941, 1207, 1423. Railway Co. v. McCarty (Tex. Civ. App., 94 S. W. Rep. 178), 1278, 1363. Railway Co. v. McClain (148 Ind. 188, 44 N. E. 306), 1221. Railway Co. v. McClanahan (66 Tex. 530), 1033. Railway Co. v. McConnell (82 Fed. 65), 1056. Railway Co. v. McCormick (71 Tex. 660, 9 S. W. Rep. 540, 1 L. R. A. 804), 1388. Railway Co. v. McCullough (Tex. Civ. App., 33 S. W. Rep. 285), 1121. Railway Co. v. McCullough (18 Tex. Civ. App. 534, 45 S. W. 324), 1121. Railway Co. v. McCullough (22 Tex. Civ. App. 208, 55 S. W. Rep. 392), 1017. Railway Co. v. McCutcheon (Tex. Civ. App., 77 S. W. Rep. 232), 931. Railway Co. v. McDonald ( 75 Tex. 46), 961, 1400. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. McDonnell (43 Md. 534), 1229. Railway Co. v. McDonough (53 Ind. 289), 1433. Railway Co. v. McElree (16 Tex. Civ. App. 182, 41 S. W. 843), 1118. Railway Co. v. McFadden (Tex. Civ. App., 25 S. W. Rep. 451), 1438, 1444. Railway Co. v. McFadden (Tex. Civ. App., 32 S. W. Rep. 18), 304, 477. Railway Co. v. McFadden (Tex. Civ. App., 40 S. W. 216), 1354. Railway Co. v. McFadden (154 U. S. 155, 14 Sup. Ct. R. 990, 38 L. Ed. 944), 105, 158. Railway Co. v. McGown (65 Tex. 640), 1075. Railway Co. v. McGrath (3 Kan. App. 220, 44 Pac. 39), 1366. Railway Co. v. Mclntyre (Tex. Civ. App., 82 S. W. Rep. 346), 215, 410, 427, 475. Railway Co. v. McKenzie (102 Ga. 313, 29 S. E. Rep. 869), 1054. Railway Co. v. McKenzie (43 Mich. 609), 231, 233, 243. Railway Co. v. McKenzie (30 Tex. Civ. App. 293, 70 S. W. 237), 1119, 1431. Railway Co. v. McKinney (118 Ga. 535, 45 S. E. 430), 1179, 1182. Railway Co. v. McLane (Tex. Civ. App., 32 S. W. Rep. 776), 1122. Railway Co. v. McLaughlin ( — Kan. — , 84 Pac. Rep. 989), 1397, 1401. Railway Co. v. McMillan (16 S. C. R. (Can.) 543, reversing 15 Ont. App. R. 14), 226. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccxlix [BEFEEENCES ABE Railway Co. v. McRae (82 Tex. 614, 18 S. W. 672, 27 Am. St. Rep. 926), 638. Railway Co. v. Meek (7 Tex, Ct. Rep. 86, 75 S. W. Rep. 317), 1242, 1253, 1255. Railway Co. v. Merriman (52 111. 123), 1296. Railway Co. v. Meyers (Tex. Civ. App.. 35 S. W. Rep. 421), 1179. Railway Co. v. Miami Steamship Co. (86 Fed. 407, 30 C. C. A. 142), 565, 567, 799. Railway Co. v. Miles (40 Ark. 298), 1003, 1222. Railway Co. v. Miles (13 Ky. Law Rep. 539), 1348. Railway Co. v. Miles (162 Ind. 646, 70 N. B. Rep. 985), 1397. Railway Co. v. Miller (2 Colo. 442), 1394, 1400. Railway Co. v. Miller (33 Ind. App. 128, 70 N. E. 1006), 1177. Railway Co. v. Miller (8 Tex. Civ. App. 241, 27 S. W. Rep. 905), 991. Railway Co. v. Miller (9 Tex. Civ. App. 104, 28 S. W. Rep. 233), 1084. Railway Co. v. Miller (15 Tex. Civ. App. 428, 39 S. W. 583), 991. Railway Co. v. Miller (79 Tex. 78, 23 Am. St. Rep. 308, 11 L. R. A. 395), 1118, 1127. Railway Co. v. Miller (141 Ind. 533, 37 N. E. 343), 1414, 1418. Railway Co. v. Miller (19 Mich. 305), 205, 1082, 1441, 1445. Railway Co. v. Miller (25 Mich. 274), 1236. Railway Co. v. Mills (105 111. 63), 1118. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Minnesota (134 U. S. 418), 574, 1023. Railway Co. v. Mitchell (57 Ark. 418, 21 S. W. 883), 949, 1414. Railway Co. v. Mitchell (56 Kan. 324, 43 Pac. 244), 990. Railway Co. v. Mitchell (98 Tenn. 27, 40 S. W. 72), 1118, 1180. Railway Co. v. Mitchell (Tex. Civ. App., 26 S. W. Rep. 154), 1119. Railway Co. v. Mitchell (Tex. Civ. App., 79 S. W. Rep. 94), 912. Railway Co. v. Mitchell (Tex. Civ. App.. 85 S. W. 286), 634. Railway Co. v. Moffatt (60 Kan. 113, 55 Pac. 837, 72 Am. St. Rep. 343), 1397. Railway Co. v. Molina Plow Co. (13 Ind. App. 225, 41 N. E. 480), 157, 158, 167, 177, 749. Railway Co. v. Moneyhun (146 Ind. 147, 44 N. E. 1106, 34 L. R. A. 141), 1198. Railway Co. v. Moody (Tex. Civ. App., 30 S. W. Rep. 574). 1077. Railway Co. v. Moore (83 Ga. 453), 995, 1020. Railway Co. v. Moore (108 Ga. 84, 33 S. E. Rep. 889), 1111. Railway Co. v. Moore (34 Ind. App. 154, 71 N. B. 516, 72 N. E. Rep. 479; s. c. 29 Ind. App. 52, 63 N. E. Rep. 863), 1397. Railway Co. v. Moore (Tex. Civ. App., 80 S. W. 426), 558. Railway Co. v. Moore (49 Tex. 31), 1389. Railway Co. v. Moore (59 Tex. 64), 1229. Railway Co. v. Moore (98 Tex. 302, 83 S. W. 362), 1060. Railway v. Moorman (Tex. Civ. App., 46 S. W. 662), 1060. ccl TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Morgan (26 Tex. Civ. App. 378, 64 S. W. 688), 1219. Railway Co. v. Morris (65 Kan. 532, 70 Pac. 651), 442. Railway Co. v. Morris (94 Tex. 505, 61 S. W. 709), 1198. Railway Co. v. Morrison's Faust Co. (20 Tex. Civ. App. 146, 48 S. W. 1103), 1246. Railway Co. v. Motes (117 Ga. 923, 43 S. E. 990, 97 Am. St. Rep. 223, 62 L. R. A. 507), 943, 1077, 1102. Railway Co. v. Mozeley (79 Ga. 463), 1118. Railway Co. v. Mudford (44 Ark. 439), 1372. Railway Co. v. Mudford (48 Ark. 50), 1367. Railway Co. v. Mugg & Dryden (_ u. S. — , 26 Sup. Ct. R. 628), 537. Railway Co. v. Mullen (138 Ala. 614, 35 So. 701), 1102. Railway Co. v. Mundy (21 Ind. 48), 1075. Railway Co. v. Murphy (60 Ark. 333, 30 S. W. 419, 46 Am. St. Rep. 202), 105, 112, 113, 119, 125. Railway Co. v. Murphey (113 Ga. 514, 38 S. E. Rep. 970, 53 L. R. A. 720), 426, 431. Railway Co. v. Murphy (46 Tex. 356), 1181. Railway Co. v. Murray (113 Ga. 1021, 39 S. E. 427), 1187. Railway Co. v. Murray (55 Ark. 248, 18 S. W. 50, 29 Am. St. Rep. 32, 16 L. R. A. 787), 895, 1223, 1224. Railway Co. v. Murtishaw (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 953), 1362. TO SECTIONS.] 1 Railway Co. v. Musick (Tex. Civ. App., 80 S. W. Rep. 673), 641. Railway Co. v. Myers (80 Fed. 361, 25 C. C. A. 486), 1208. Railway Co. v. Myers (87 Fed. 149, 32 C. C. A. 19), 1413. Railway Co. v. Naylor ( — Ohio St. — , 76 N. E. Rep. 505), 1395. Railway Co. v. Neal (66 Ark. 543, 51 S. W. Rep. 1060), 1110. Railway v. Needham (52 Fed. Rep. 371, 3 C. C. A. 129), 1389. Railway Co. v. Neel (56 Ark. 279, 19 S. W. 963), 163. Railway Co. v. Neiswanger (41 Kan. 621), 936. Railway Co. v. Nelson (Tex. Civ. App., 44 S. W. 179), 1003. Railway Co. v. Nevill (60 Ark. 375, 30 S. W. 425, 46 Am. St. Rep. 208, 28 L. R. A. 80), 316, 704, 707, 712, 713. Railway Co. v. Nevin (31 Kan. 385). 1334, 1369. Railway Co. v. Newberger & Bro. (67 Kan. 846, 73 Pac. 57), 704. Railway Co. v. Newhoff (12 Ky. Law Rep. 467), 1291. Railway Co. v. Newlin (74 111. App. 638), 442. Railway Co. v. Newman (98 Md. 507, 56 Atl. 973), 1443, 1446. Railway Co. v. New York & N. E. R. Co. (50 Fed. 867), 568. Railway Co. v. Nicholai (4 Ind. App. 119, 30 N. E. 424, 51 Am. St. Rep. 206), 408, 411, 464, 477, 1052, 1069, 1352. Railway Co. v. Nichols (8 Kan. 505), 1001, 1017. Railway Co. v. Nichols (9 Kan. 252), 71. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccli [references are Railway Co. v. Nicholson (61 Tex. 491), 152, 1313. Railway Co. v. Nicholson (61 Tex. 550), 1363. Railway Co. v. Nunn (98 Fed. 963, 39 C. C. A. 364), 1118. Railway Co. v. Nuzum (50 Ind. 141), 1060, 1117. Railway Co. v. O'Brein (132 Fed. 593, 67 C. C. A. 421, reversing 116 Fed. 502), 1018, 1073. Railway Co. v. O'Bryan (112 Ga. 127, 37 S. E. Rep. 161; s. c. 115 Ga. 659, 42 S. E. Rep. 42), 980, 1121. Railway Co. O'Connor (119 111. 586, 9 N. E. 263, aff'g., 19 111. App. 591), 1386. Railway Co. v. O'Connor (76 Md. 207, 24 Atl. 449, 16 L. R. A. 449, 35 Am. St. Rep. 422), 1032, 1424, 1433. Railway Co. v. O'Connor (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 374), 1397. Railway Co. v. Odom (63 Ark. 326, 38 S. W. 339), 233. Railway Co. v. Ohio (173 U. S. 285), 1110. Railway v. Old Dominion Bag- gage Co. (99 Va. Ill, 37 S. E. Rep. 784, 50 L. R. A. 722). 944. Railway Co. v. Oppenheimer (64 Ark. 271, 43 S. W. 150, 44 L. R. A. 353), 521, 597. Railway Co. v. O'Quin ( — Ga. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 427), 977, 1442. Railway Co. v. Ormond (64 Tex. 485), 1174. Railway Co. v. Orr (46 Ark. 182), 937. Railway Co. v. Orton (67 Kan. 848, 73 Pac. 63), 912, 927. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Osborn (67 Ark. 399, 55 S. W. 142), 1081. Railway Co. v. Osborne (52 Fed. 912, 3 C. C. A. 347, 10 U. S. App. 430, reversing Osborne V, Railway, 48 Fed. 49), 573. Railway Co. v. Osgood ( — Ind. App. — , 73 N. E. Rep. 285, s. c. 70 N. E. Rep. 839), 1394. Railway Co. v. Otis' Adm'r. (25 Ky. Law Rep. 1686, 78 S. W. 480), 1397, 1400. Railway Co. v. Overall (82 Tex. 247, 18 S. W. 142), 1173. Railway Co. v. Overfield (19 Tex. Civ. App. 440, 47 S. W. Rep. 684), 1012. Railway Co. v. Owens (123 Ga. 393, 51 S. E. Rep. 404), 991. Railway Co. v. Pace (69 Ark. 256, 63 S. W. 62), 444, 447. Railway Co. v. Packet Co. (70 111. 217), 236, 1347. Railway Co. v. Paine (1 Tex. Civ. App. 621, 21 S. W. Rep. 78), 443, 447. Railway Co. v. Palmer (1 Q. B. (1895) 862, 64 L. J. Q. B. 316), 1042. Railway Co. v. Park (66 Kan. 248, 71 Pac. 586), 442. Railway Co. v. Parks ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 343), 895, 912. Railway Co. v. Parks (97 Tex. 131, 76 S. W. Rep. 740, reversing (Tex. Civ. App.) 69 S. W. Rep. 125), 912, 1414. Railway Co. v. Parks (7 Tex. Ct. Rep. 178; s. c. 8 Tex. Ct. Rep. 452, 73 S. W. Rep. 439), 912. Railway Co. v. Parry (67 Kan. 515, 73 Pac. 105), 992. Railway Co. v. Parsley (6 Tex. Civ. App. 150, 25 S. W. Rep. 64), 1017, 1200. cclii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Patrick (— C. C. A. — , 144 Fed. 632, reversing Patrick V. Railway Co., — Ind. Terr. — , 88 S. W. 330), 408, 411, 412, 426. Railway Co. v. Patterson (69 111. App. 438), 173, 419. Railway Co. v. Patterson (69 Miss 421, 13 So. 697, 22 L. R. A. 259), 1113. Railway Co. v. Patton (203 111. 376, 67 N. E. 804, aff'g., 104 111. App. 550), 1362. Railway Co. v. Pavey (48 Kan. 452, 29 Pac. 593), 1118, 1122. Railway Co. v. Payne (98 Tex. 211, 87 S. W. Rep. 330, 70 L. R. A. 946), 1054. Railway Co. v. Peacock (69 Md. 257), 1099. Railway Co. v. Peale, Peacock & Kerr (135 Fed. 606), 654. Railway Co. v. Pearson (72 Penn. St. 169), 1229. Railway Co. v. Pelletier (134 111. 120), 978. Railway Co. v. Pendergast (75 111. App. 133), 1056. Railway Co. v. People (56 111. 365), 521. Railway v. Pepperell Mfg. Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 37 S. W. 965), 466. Railway Co. v. Perishow & Neu- man (61 111. App. 179), 150. Railway Co. v. Perry (Tex. Civ. App., 85 S. W. Rep. 62), 1397. Railway Co. v. Person (49 Ark. 996), 1179. Railway Co. v. Phelps (46 Ark. 485), 1366. Railway Co. v. Phillio (96 Tex. 18, 69 S. W. 994, 97 Am. St. Rep. 868, 59 L. R. A. 392, reversing (Tex. (^iv. App.) 67 S. W. 915), 989, 991. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Phillips (29 Tex. Civ. App. 336, 69 S. W. 107), 927. Railway Co. v. Phillips (32 Tex. Civ. App. 238, 74 S. W. 793), 1215. Railway Co. v. Pierce (47 Mich. 277), 1045, 1060, 1067. Railway Co. v. Pitts (Tex. Civ. App., 83 S. W. Rep. 727), 1348, 1365. Railway Co. v. Pitzer (109 Ind. 179), 1432. Railway Co. v. Pointer (9 Kan. 620), 1423. Railway Co. v. Pointer (14 Kan. 38), 1417. Railway Co. v. Porter (Tex. Civ. App., 41 S. W. Rep. 88), 1122. Railway Co. v. Porter (25 Tex. Civ. App. 491, 61 S. W. 343), 651. Railway Co. v. Porter (38 Neb. 226, 56 N. W. Rep. 808), 1413. Railway Co. v. Posten (59 Kan. 449, 53 Pac. 465), 1003, 1072, 1073, 1423. Railway Co. v. Potts & Co. (33 Ind. App. 564, 71 N. E. 685), 173, 445, 680. Railway Co. v. Pound (111 Ga. 6, 36 S. E. Rep. 312), 702, 710. Railway Co. v. Pratt (15 111. App. 177), 641. Railway Co. v. Prentice (147 U. S. 101, 13 Sup. Ct. R. 261, 37 L. Ed. 97), 1438, 1441. Railway v. Prewitt (46 Ala. 63), 675. Railway Co. v. Price (106 Ga. 176, 32 S. E. Rep. 77, 71 Am. St. Rep. 246, 43 L. R. A. 402), 1126. Railway Co. v. Prince (77 Tex. 560, 14 S. W. Rep. 171), 1205, 1414. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccliii [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Pritchard (77 Ga. 412), 1369. Railway Co. v. Propst (83 Ala. 525), 1389. Railway Co. v. Propst Lumber Co. (114 111. App. 659), 859, 862. Railway Co. v. Pruitt (97 Tex. 487; s. c. (Tex, Civ. App.) 79 S. W. Rep. 598), 1002. Railway Co. v. Quillen (22 Ind. App. 496, 53 N. E. 1024), 1424. Railway Co. v. Quo (103 Ga. 125, 29 S. E. Rep. 607, 68 Am. St. Rep. 85, 40 L. R. A. 483), 1101. Railway Co. v. Racer (5 Ind. App. 209, 31 N. E. 853), 496. Railway Co. v. Racer (10 Ind. App. 503, 37 N. E. 280), 174, 462, 630. Railway Co. v. Radbourne (52 111. App. 203), 236, 1352. Railway Co. v. Ragsdale (14 Ind. App. 406, 42 N. E. 1106), 419, 442, 450, 1331. Railway Co. v. Railroad Co. (36 Fed. 879), 1181. Railway Co. v. Railroad Co. (51 Fed. 465, 473), 568. Railway Co. v. Railroad Co. (61 Fed 158, 9 C. C. A. 409, 15 U. S. App. 479, aff'g., 51 Fed. 465), 551, 567, 799. Railway Co. v. Railroad Commis- sion of Mississippi (86 Miss. 667, 38 So. 356), 590. Railway Co. v. Railway (34 Fed. 92), 1181. Railway Co. v. Railway (34 Fed. 481), 149. Railway Co. v. Railway Co. (63 Wis. 93), 467. Railway Co. v. Rainey (19 Colo. 225, 34 Pac. 986), 339, 509. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Rainey (122 Ga. 307, 50 S. E. Rep. 88, 106 Am. St. Rep. 134), 1121, 1128. Railway Co. v. Ratley (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 87 S. W. Rep. 407), 1179. Railway Co. v. Rea (7 Tex. Ct Rep. 888, 74 S. W. Rep. 939; s. c. 27 Tex. Civ. App. 549, 65 S W. Rep. 1115), 1113. Railway Co. v. Record ( — Ark. — , 85 S. W. Rep. 421), 230, 1052, 1255. Railway Co. v. Redmayne (L. R. 1 C. P. 329), 1367, 1369, 1370. Railway Co. v. Reed (80 Tex. 362, 15 S. W. Rep 1105), 1438, 1444. Railway Co. v. Reeder (170 U. S. 530, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 530, aft'g., 76 Fed. 550, 22 C. C. A. 314), 1202. Railway Co. v. Reese (93 111. App. 657), 935. Railway Co. v. Reeves (116 Ga. 743, 42 S. E. 1015), 941, 1118, 1127. Railway Co. v. Reeves (97Va. 284, 33 S. E. Rep. 606, 16 Am. & Eng. R. Cas. (N. S) 166), 444, 1357. Railway Co. v. Reid (7 Tex. Ct. Rep. 607, 74 S. W. Rep 99), 1186. Railway Co. v. Reiss (183 U. S. 621, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 253, aff'g., 99 Fed. 1006, 39 C. C. A. 679 and 98 Fed 533, 39 C. C. A. 149), 131, 226, 464, 706. Railway Co. v. Remmy (13 Ind. 518), 167. Railway Co. v. Renicker (8 Ind, App. 404, 35 N. E. 1047), 1406. ecliv TABLE OF CASES CITED, [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Reyman ( — Ind. — . 76 N. E. Rep. 970 s. c. 73 N. E. 587), 505, 702, 711. Railway Co v. Reynolds (8 Kan. 623), 1355. Railway Co. v. Reynolds (17 Kan. 251), 475. Railway Co. v. Rhoades (Tex. Civ. App., 51 S. W. Rep. 517), 1177. Railway Co. v. Rhodes (86 Fed. 422, 30 C. C. A. 157), 1011. Railway Co. v. Rhodes (Tex. Civ. App. 80 S. W. 869), 919. Railway Co. v. Rice (38 Kan. 398), 1065, 1066, 1090. Railway Co. v. Richards (68 Tex. 375, 4 S. W. Rep. 627), 1388. Railway Co. v. Richardson (14 Ky. Law Rep. 367), 1118, 1126, 1442. Railway Co. v. Richmond (94 Tex. 571, 63 S. W. 619, re- versing (Tex. Civ. App.) 61 S. W. 410), 405, 1354. Railway Co. v. Ricketts (96 Tex. 68, 70 S. W. 315, reversing (Tex. Civ. App.), 54 S. W. 1090), 1429. Railway Co. v. Ricks (109 Ga. 339, 34 S. E. Rep. 570), 1043. Railway Co. v. Rielly (40 111. App. 416), 1077, 1218, 1418. Railway Co. v. Riggs (10 Kan. App. 578, 62 Pac. 712), 112. Railway Co. v. Riley (68 Miss. 765), 1065. Railway Co. v. Rinard (46 Ind. 293), 1033. Railway Co. v. Rines (Tex. Civ. App., 84 S. W. 1092), 1374. Railway Co. v. Riney (Tex. Civ. App., 92 S. W. Rep. 54), 1085. | TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co v. Rinicker (17 Ind. App. 619, 47 N. E. 239; s. c. 8 Ind. App. 404, 35 N. E. 1047), 1424. Railway Co. v. Roach ( — Ind. App. — , 77 N. E. Rep. 606, s. c. 78 S. E. Rep. 201), 1003, 1406. Railway Co. v. Robbins (57 Ark. 377, 21 S. W. Rep. 886), 1400. Railway Co. v. Roberts (71 111. 540), 1370. Railway Co. v. Roberts (Tex. Civ. App., 85 S. W. Rep. 479), 1352, 1360. Railway Co. v. Robertson (82 Tex. 657, 17 S. W. 1041, 27 Am. St. Rep. 929), 1395, 1397, 1401. Railway Co. v. Robinson (132 Cal. 408, 64 Pac. 572), 1041. Railway Co. v. Robinson (68 Miss. 643, 10 So. 60), 1005. Railway Co. v. Robinson (79 Tex. 608), 900. Railway Co. v. Roebuck (132 Ala. 412, 31 So. Rep. 611), 1197. Railway Co. v. Rogers (111 Ga. 865, 36 S. E. Rep. 946), 640. Railway Co. v. Rogers (16 Tex. Civ. App. 19, 40 S. W. Rep. 201), 1107, 1109, 1424. Railway Co. v. Rogers (21 Tex. Civ. App. 605, 53 S. W. Rep. 366), 1072, 1075. Railway Co. v. Rogers (24 Tex. Civ. App. 382, 60 S. W. 61), 899. Railway Co. v, Rolfe ( — Ark. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 870), 630, 1367. Railway Co. v. Root (106 111. App. 164), 1397. Railway Co. v. Rosenberry (45 Ark. 256), 1179. TABLE OF CASES CITED, cclv [references are Railway Co. v. Rosenthal (Tex. Civ. App., 29 S. W. Rep. 196), 1250. Railway Co. v. Rosenzweig (113 Penn. St. 519), 1058, 1441. Railway Co. v. Roundtree (Tex. Civ. App., 25 S. W. Rep. 989), 1111. Railway Co. v. Rowell (74 111. App. 191; s. c. 92 111. App. 103), 936. Railway Co. v. Rubenstein (5 Colo. App. 121, 38 Pac. 76), 1414. Railway Co. v. Russ (57 Fed. 822, 6 C. C. A. 597, 18 U. S. App. 279; s. C. 67 Fed. 662, 14 C. C. A. 612, 34 U. S. App. 14), 1090, 1403, 1441. Railway Co. v. Russell (8 Tex. Civ. App. 578, 28 S. W. Rep. 1042), 1118. Railway Co. v. Russell (Tex. Civ. App., 74 S. W. 569), 991. Railway Co. v. Rutherford (94 Tex. 518, 62 S. W. 1056, aff'g., (Tex. Civ. App.) 62 S. W. 1069), 990. Railway Co. v. Ryan (62 Kan. 682, 64 Pac. Rep. 603), 1401. Railway Co. v. Safford (Tex. Civ. App., 48 S. W. 1105), 1110. Railway Co. v. Sain (Tex. Civ. App., 24 S. W. Rep. 958), 1123. Railway Co. v. Sales (26 S. C. R. (Can.) 663), 472. Railway Co. v. Salinger (46 Ark. 528), 1002, 1432. Railway Co. v. Salzman (52 Ohio St. 558, 40 N. E. 891, 31 L. R. A. 261, 49 Am. St. Rep. 745), 992, 1013. Railway Co. v. Sanders (98 Ala. 293, 13 So. Rep. 57), 1400. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Sanders & Russell (25 Ky. Law Rep. 2333, 80 S. W. Rep. 488), 340, 642. Railway Co. v. Sanford (45 Kan. 372, 25 Pac. Rep. 891, 11 L. R. A. 432), 990, 1084. Railway Co. v. Sattler (64 Neb. 636, 90 N. W. 649, 57 L. R. A. 890, 97 Am. St. Rep. 666), 1012, 1219. Railway Co> v. Saulsberry (112 Ky. 915, 66 S. W. Rep. 1051, 56 L. R. A. 580), 978, 996, 1082. Railway Co. v. Sayers (26 Gratt. 328), 1197. Railway Co. v. Schuster (113 Penn. St. 412), 1229. Railway Co. v. Sciacca (80 Tex. 350, 16 S. W. Rep. 31), 1402. Railway Co. v. Scoggin & Brown (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 521), 247, 1357. Railway Co. v. Scott (4 Tex. Civ. App. 76, 26 S. W. Rep. 239), 1318. Railway Co. v. Scott (86 Va. 902), 1122. Railway Co. v. Searles (71 Miss. 744, 16 So. 255), 497, 499. Railway Co. v. Shacklett (19 111. App. 145), 917. Railway v. Shacklet (119 111. 232, 10 N. E. Rep. 896), 1389. Railway Co. v. Shanley (Tex. Civ. App., 81 S. W. 1014), 1348. Railway Co. v. Sharp (64 Ark. 115, 40 S. W. 781), 226, 470. Railway Co. v. Shaw (86 Fed. 865, 31 C. C. A. 70), 990. Railway Co. v. Shelton (30 Tex. Civ. App. 72, 69 S. W. 653; s. c. 70 S. W. Rep. 359), 1177, 1423. Railway Co. v. Shepherd (8 Exch. 30), 1244, 1249, 1250, 1259. cclvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Sherbert (Tex. Civ. App., 42 S. W. Rep. 639), 980, 982, 984. Railway Co. v. Sherlock (59 Kan. 23, 51 Pac. 899), 405. Railway Co. v. Sherrill (32 Tex. Civ. App. 116, 72 S. W. 429), 1122. Railway Co. v. Sherrod (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 87 S. W. Rep. 363), 1362. Railway Co. v. Sherwood (84 Tex. 125, 19 S. W. 455, 17 L. R. A. 643), 405. Railway Co. v. Shields (9 Tex. Civ. App. 652, 28 S. W. Rep. 709; s. c. 29 S. W. Rep. 652), 921. Railway Co. v. Short (Tex. Civ. App., 25 S. W. Rep. 142), 233. Railway Co. v. Shuford (72 Tex. 165), 1440. Railway Co. v. Silegman (Tex. Civ. App., 23 S. W. Rep. 298), 167, 448, 1362. Railway Co. v. Simonson (64 Kan. 802, 68 Pac. 653, 91 Am. St. Rep. 248, 57 L. R. A. 765), 158. Railway Co. v. Simpson (60 Tex. 103), 1228. Railway Co. v. Sims (28 Ind. App. 544, 63 N. E. 485), 1209. Railway Co. v. Slanker (77 111. App. 567; affirmed, 180 111. 357, 54 N. E. 309), 1118. Railway Co. v. Slattery ( — Neb. — , 107 N. W. Rep. 1045), 339, 638, 642. Railway Co. v. Slatton (54 111. 133), 1118. Railway Co. v. Sloat (93 Ga. 803, 20 S. E. Rep. 219), 432. Railway Co. v. Smissen (31 Tex. Civ. App. 549, 73" S. W. 42), 342. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Smith (173 U. S. 684, 43 L. Ed. 858, 19 Sup. Ct. 565, reversing Smith v. Railway Co. 114 Mich. 460, 72 N. W. 328), 575, 596. Railway Co. v. Smith (110 Fed. 473), 582. Railway Co. v. Smith (90 Ala. 60, 8 So. 86, 24 Am. St. Rep. 761), 1118. Railway Co. v. Smith (70 Ark. 179, 67 S. W. 865), 923, 1197, 1199. Railway Co. v. Smith (119 Ga. 667, 46 S. E. Rep. 853), 1388. Railway Co. v. Smith (5 Ind. App. 560, 32 N. E. 809, 1118. Railway Co. v. Smith ( — Ind. Terr. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 668), 1085. Railway Co. v. Smith (28 Kan 542), 1229. Railway Co. v. Smith (74 Md. 212), 1111. Railway Co. v. Smith (46 Mich. 504), 1228, 1418. Railway Co. v. Smith (65 Tex. 167), 1401. Railway Co. v. Smith (63 Tex. 322), 512, 1370. Railway Co. v. Smith (Tex. Civ. App., 24 S. W. Rep. 668), 1291. Railway Co. v. Smith (10 Tex. Civ. App. 338, 30 S. W. 361), 957. Railway Co. v. Smith (11 Tex. Civ. App. 550, 32 S. W. Rep. 828), 1362. Railway Co. v. Smith & White (Tex. Civ. App., 79 S. W. Rep. 614), 1370. Railway v. Smith (Tex. Civ. App., 84 S. W. 852), 1024, 1036. Railway Co. v. Smith (103 Va. 326, 49 S. E. Rep. 487), 937. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclvii [REFERENCES ARE ilailway Co. v. Snyder (117 Ind. 435, 10 Am. St. Rep. 60), 1432. Railway Co. v. Snyder (24 Ohio St. 670), 1382, 1392. Railway Co. v. Snyder (117 Ind. 434), 910, 1432. Railway Co. v. Solan (169 U. S. 133), 452. Railway Co. v. Sparger (Tex. Civ. App., 39 S. W. 1001), 1033. Railway Co. v. Sparks (55 Kan. 288, 39 Pac. 1032), 1203. Railway Co. v. Spencer's Adm'x, — Va. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 310), 1397. Railway Co. v. Spicker (61 Tex. 427), 1389. Railway Co. v. Sproles & Vines (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 92 S. W. Rep. 40), 1367. Railway Co. v. Stacey (64 Miss. 463), 929. Railway Co. v. Stanbro (87 111. 195), 1366. Railway Co. v. Stanley (89 Tex. 42, 33 S. W. 109), 1362. Railway Co. v. Stansberry (132 Ind. 533, 33 N. E. 218), 933. Railway Co. v. Stark (38 Mich. 714), 1111. Railway Co. v. State ( — Ark. — , 84 S. W. Rep. 502), 513. Railway Co. v. State (66 Miss. 662), 972. Railway Co. v. State (97 Tex. 274, 78 S. W. 495, affg., 32 Tex. Civ. App. 1. 73 S. W. 429), 576. Railway Co. v. Steele (6 Ind. App. 183, 33 N. E. 236), 443. Railway Co. v. Steiner (61 Ala. 559), 805. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Stell (28 Tex. Civ. App. 280, 67 S. W. 537), 964. Railway Co. v. Stephens (Tex. Civ. App., 86 S. W. Rep. 933), 1362. Railway Co. v. Stevens (95 U. S. 655), 452, 1073. Railway Co. v. Stewart (91 Ala. 421), 1221. Railway Co. v. Stewart (68 Ark. 606, 61 S. W. 169, 82 Am. St. Rep. 311), 926. Railway Co. v. Stewart (77 111. App. 66), 941, 1015. Railway Co. v. Stewart (24 Ind. App. 374, 56 N. E. 917), 1427. Railway Co. v. Stone & Haslett (112 Tenn. 348, 79 S. W. Rep. 1031, 105 Am. St. Rep. 955), 233, 401, 404, 408, 427, 653, 1355. Railway Co. v. Stoner (5 Tex. Civ. App. 50, 23 S. W. Rep. 1020), 867. Railway Co. v. Story (63 111. App. 239; s. c. 104 111. App. 132), 1427. Railway Co. v. Story (29 Tex. Civ. App. 483, 68 S. W. 534), 913. Railway Co. v. Strain (81 111. 504), 499. Railway Co. v. Stratton (78 111. 88), 1181. Railway Co. v. Street (26 Ind. App. 224, 59 N. E. 404), 1053, 1054, 1062, 1066, 1067. Railway Co. v. Stribling (Tex. Civ. App., 94 S. W. Rep. 436), 1366. Railway Co. v. Stringfellow (44 Ark. 322), 1123. Railway Co. v. Stutler (54 Penn. St. 375), 1118. Railway Co. v. Sue (25 Neb. 772), 933, 1188. cclviii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE Railway Co. v. Suggs (62 Tex. 323), 910. Railway Co. v. Sullivan (120 Fed. 799, 57 C. C. A. 167, 61 L. R. A. 410), 1397. Railway Co. v. Swaffield (L. R. 9 Ex. 132), 130. Railway Co. v. Swarthout (67 Ind. 567), 1060. Railway Co. v. Sweet (57 Ark. 287, 21 S. W. 587), 897. Railway Co. v. Sweet (60 Ark. 550, 31 S. W. Rep. 571), 1397, 1401. Railway Co. v. Swenson (Tex. Civ. App., 25 S. W. Rep. 47), 237. Railway Co. v. Taggart (149 U. S. 698, 13 Sup. Ct. R. 977, 37 L. Ed. 905), 539, 546. Railway Co. v. Talbot (39 Ark. 523), 449, 464. Railway Co. v. Tankersley (63 Tex. 57), 1360. Railway Co. v. Tankersley (54 Ark. 25), 1177. Railway Co. v. Tarin (108 Fed. 734, 47 C. C. A. 648, 54 L. R. A. 240), 898. Railway Co. v. Tarkington (27 Tex. Civ. App. 353, 66 S. W. 137), 1094. Railway Co. v. Tarwater (3 Tex. Ct. Rep. 159, 75 S. W. Rep. 937), 1427. Railway Co. v. Taylor (27 Ky. Law Rep. 351, 85 S. W. Rep. 168), 980. Railway Co. v. Teeters ( — Ind. — , 77 N. E. Rep. 599, aWo-, — Ind. App. — , 74 N. E. Rep. 1014), 205, 1003, 1072, 1073. 1202. Railway Co. v. Terrell (6 Tex. Ct. Rep. 893, 72 S. W. 430), 1286, 1291. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Terry (62 Tex. 380), 1126. Railway Co. v. Terry & McAfee (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 792), 917, 1362. Railway Co. v. Texas & P. Rail- way Co. (41 Fed. 913), 638. Railway Co. v. Thompson (56 111. 138), 1423. Railway Co. v. Thompson (71 111. 434), 638. Railway Co. v. Thompson (Tex. Civ. App., 21 S. W. Rep. 186), 233. Railway Co. v. Tietken (49 Neb. 130, 68 N. W. 336, 59 Am. St. Rep. 526), 1003. Railway Co. v. Todd ( — Neb. — , 105 N. W. Rep. 83), 1366. Railway Co. v. Tolbert (123 Ga. 401, 51 S. E. Rep. 401), 884. Railway Co. v. Tomlinson (69 Ark. 489, 64 S. W. Rep. 347), 991, 1219. Railway Co. v. Tompkins (176 U. S. 167, 20 Sup. Ct. R. 336, 44 L. Ed. 417, reversing 90 Fed. 363), 585. Railway Co. v. Topping (25 Ky. Law Rep. 1390, 78 S. W. 135), 1126, 1216. Railway Co. v. Townsend ( — Kan. — , 81 Pac. Rep. 205), 1389, 1397, 1400. Railway Co. v. Trammell (28 Tex. Civ. App. 312, 68 S. W. 716), 510, 664. Railway Co. v. Trawick (68 Tex. 314), 442. Railway Co. v. Trawick (15 S. W. Rep. 568, 80 Tex. 270), 114, 444. Railway Co. v. Treadway (142 Ind. 475, 40 N. E. 807, s. c. 143 Ind. 689), 936, 938. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclix Railway Co. v. Tribbey (6 Kan. App. 467, 50 Pac. 458), 405, 415. Railway Co. v. Trimble (54 Ark. 314), 1102. Railway Co. v. Truesdell (21 Tex. Civ. App. 125, 51 S. W. Rep. 272), 1366. Railway Co. v. Truskett (104 Fed. 728, 44 C. C. A. 179; affd., 186 U. S. 480, 46 L. Ed. 1259), 653, 1362. Railway Co. v. Tuckett (Tex. Civ. App., 25 S. W. Rep. 670), 1362. Railway Co, v. Turner (85 Fed. 369, 29 C. C. A. 196), 936. Railway Co. v. Turner (Tex. Civ. App., 77 S. W. 255), 1119. Railway Co. v. Turner (Tex. Civ. App., 23 S. W. Rep. 83), 1085, 1431. Railway Co. v. Turney (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 256), 1174, 1186. Railway Co. v. Twiname (111 Ind. 587), 78. Railway Co. v. Twiss (35 Neb. 267,^3 N. W. 76, 37 Am. St. Rep. 437), 236. Railway Co. v. Tyler (9 Ind. App. 689, 35 N. E. 523), 1301. Railway v. Tyler Coffin Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 81 S. W. 826), 651, 1372. Railway Co. v. Underwood (90 Ala. 49, 24 Am. St. Rep. 756), 1209. Railway Co. v. United States (2 Wyo. 170), 886. Railway Co. v. United States (117 U. S. 356), 521. Railway Co. v. Valirius (56 Ind. 511), 899. Railway Co. v. Valleley (32 Ohio St. 345), 994, 1083. [references are to sections.] Railway Co. v. Vandeventer (26 Neb. 222), 405. Railway Co. v. Vaughn (Tex. Civ. App., 41 S. W. Rep. 415), 1357. Railway Co. v. Viers (24 Ky. Law Rep. 356, 68 S. W. 469), 232, 233, 236, 472. Railway Co. v. Vining (27 Ind. 513), 1227, 1392. Railway Co. v. Vivion (19 Ky. Law Rep. 687, 41 S. W. Rep. 580), 895. Railway v. Voigt (176 U. S. 498, 20 Sup. Ct. R. 385, 44 L, Ed. 560, reversing Voigt v. Rail- way, 79 Fed. 561; see also 102 Fed. 1000), 1018, 1073. Railway Co. v. Wade (18 Ind. App. 346, 48 N. E. 12), 1184. Railway Co. v. Wagley (91 Fed. 860, 34 C. C. A. 114), 1009, 1230. Railway Co. v. Walden (Tex. Civ. App., 46 S. W. 87), 1060, 1067. Railway Co. v. Walker (154 U. S. 653, 14 Sup. Ct. R. 1189), 923. Railway Co. v. Wallen (65 Tex. 568), 1224. Railway Co. v. Wangelin (152 111. 138, 38 N. E. Rep. 760), 1397. Railway Co. v. Ware & Walker (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 961), 1362. Railway Co. v. Watson (110 Ga. 681, 36 S. E. Rep. 209), 1045, 1077. Railway Co. v. Watson (72 Tex. 631), 1010, 1111, 1186, 1431. Railway Co. v. Watson's Adm'r. (93 Ky. 645, 21 S. W. 244, 40 Am. St. Rep. 211, 19 L. R. A. 310), 947, 949, 1217. eelx TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Watts (82 Ga. 229), 1177. Railway Co. v. Weakly (50 Ark. 397, 8 S. W. Rep. 134), 426, 475. Railway Co. v. Weaver (35 Kan. 412), 1417. Railway Co. v. Webb (— Ala. — , 39 So. Rep. 262), 668. Railway Co. v. Webb (116 Ga. 152, 42 S. E. 395, 59 L. R. A. 109), 914. Railway Co. v. Webb (103 Ky. 705, 46 S. W. Rep. 11), 151. Railway Co. v. Webb (20 Tex. Civ. App. 438, 49 S. W. 526), 1359, 1366. Railway Co. v. Webster (21 Ky. Law Rep. 3, 50 S. W. Rep. 843), 1111. Railway Co. v. Weeks (99 111. App. 518; aff'd.. Weeks v. Railway, 198 111. 551, 64 N. E. 1039), 1006, 1015. Railway Co. v. Weir (37 Mich. Ill), 1300, 1332. Railway Co. v. Welch (Tex. Civ. App., 94 S. W. Rep. 333), 1427. Railway Co. v. Welch (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 91 S. W, Rep. 621), 1433. Railway Co. v. Wellman (143 U. S. 339, 12 Sup. Ct. R. 400, 36 L. Ed. 176, aft'g., 83 Mich. 592, 47 N. W. 489), 575, 584. Railway Co. v. Wells (61 Ohio St. 268, 55 N. E. 827), 574. Railway Co. v. Wentworth (8 Tex. Civ. App. 5, 27 S. W. Rep. 680), 656. Railway Co. v. Western Hay & Grain Co. (2 Neb. {unofflciaT) 784, 90 N. W. 205), 240. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. White (67 Fed. 481, 14 C. G. A. 483, 32 U. S. App. 192), 1196,, 1197. Railway Co. v. White (108 Ga, 201, 33 S. E. Rep. 952), 233. Railway Co. v. White (Tex. Civ. App., 80 S. W. Rep. 641), 643, 1362. Railway Co. v. White (101 Fed. 928, 42 C. C. A. 86 and 108 Fed. 990), 1003, 1431. Railway v. Wichita Wholesale Grocery Co. (55 Kan. 525, 40 Pac. 899), 247, 449, 704, 711, 1353. Railway Co. v. Widman (10 Ind. App. 92, 37 N. E. 554), 1340. Railway Co. v. Wilbanks (7 Tex. Civ. App. 489, 27 S. W. Rep. 302), 240. Railway Co. v. Wilcox (84 111. 239), 677. Railway Co. v. Williams (Tex. Civ. App., 31 S. W. Rep. 556), 450, 1362. Railway Co. v. Williams (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 5), 1432. Railway Co. v. Williams (Tex. Civ. App., 57 S. W. Rep. 883), 462. Railway Co. v. Williams (21 Tex. Civ. App. 469, 51 S. W. 653), 991. Railway Co. v. Williams (91 Tex. 255, 42 S. W. 855, reversing (Tex. Civ. App.) 40 S. W. 350), 999, 1000. Railway Co. v. Williams (4 Tex. Civ. App. 294, 23 S. W. Rep. 626), 1357. Railway Co. v. Williams (70 Tex. 159), 263. Railway Co. v. Williams (77 Tex. 121), 638, 1334. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclxi [BEFEBENCES ABE Railway Co. v. Wilson (70 Ark. 136, 66 S. W. 661, 91 Am. St. Rep. 74), 931, 989. Railway Co. v. Wilson (161 Ind. 153, 66 N. E. 950, 67 N. E. 993, 100 Am. St. Rep. 261), 1062. Railway Co. v. Wilson (79 Tex. 371, 15 S. W. Rep. 280, 23 Am. St. Rep. 345, 11 L. R. A. 486), 1117, 1118, 1200, 1414. Railway Co. v. Winder (2 Q. B. (1892) 595, 61 L. J. Q. B. 608), 1042. Railway Co. v. Witherspoon (Tex. Civ. App., 38 S. W. Rep. 833), 1370. Railway Co. v. Witty (32 Neb. 275, 49 N. W. 183, 29 Am. St. Rep. 436), 431, 450. Railway Co. v. Wolf (— Tex. Civ. App. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 778), 895, 913, 1118. Railway Co. v. Wolfe (128 Ind. 347), 1017. Railway Co. v. Wood (114 Ga. 140, 39 S. E. 894, 55 L. R. A. 536), 1054. Railway Co. v. Wood (104 Fed. 663, 44 C. C. A. 118), 936, 1016. Railway Co. v. Wood (113 Ind. 544), 1094, 1432. Railway Co. v. Wood (Tex. Civ. App., 30 S. W. Rep. 715), 172. Railway Co. v. Wood (Tex. Civ. App., 77 S. W 964), 980. Railway Co. v. Woodward (164 Ind. 360, 72 N. E. 558; peti- tion for rehearing denied, 164 Ind. 360, 73 N. E. 810), 226, 243, 336. 1357, 1362. Railway Co. v. Wortham (73 Tex. 25), 933. Railway Co. v. Worthy (87 Tex. 459, 29 S. W. Rep. 376), 1397. TO SECTIONS.] Railway Co. v. Wright (68 Ind. 586), 1032. Railway Co. v. Wright (2 Tex. Civ. App. 463, 21 S. W. Rep. 399), 1046, 1065. Railway Co. v. Wright (10 Tex. Civ. App. 179, 30 S. W. 294), 1046. Railway Co. v. Wright (20 Tex. Civ. App. 137, 49 S. W. 147), 172. Railway Co. v. Wright (Tex. Civ. App., 84 S. W. 270), 1427. Railway v. Wright (18 Ind. App. 125, 47 N. E. 491), 1033, 1053. Railway Co. v. Wright (25 Ind.- App. 525, 58 N. B. 559), 668, 740. Railway Co. v. Yocum (34 Ark. 493), 1389. Railway Co. v. Young (90 Fed. 709, 33 C. C. A. 251), 912, 1012. Railway Co. v. Young (58 Neb. 678, 79 N. W. 556), 1389, 1397, 1413, 1414. Railway Co. v. Young (67 Neb. 569, 93 N. W. Rep. 922), 1401. Railway Co. v. Zantzinger (93 Tex. 64, 53 S. W. 379, 44 L. R. A. 553), 1431. Railway Co. v. Zernecke (183 U. S. 582, aft'g., 59 Neb. 689, 82 N. W. 26, 55 L. R. A. 610), 1413. Railway & Nav. Co. v. Oregon Short Line & U. N. Ry. Co. (57 Fed. 673, 6 C. C. A. 495, 15 U. S. App. 173), 568, 946. Raisor v. Railroad Co. (215 111. 47, 74 N. E. Rep. 69), 1388. Rajnowski v. Railroad Co. (74 Mich. 20), 1389. Ramm v. Railroad (94 Iowa, 296, 62 N. W. 751), 1008. cclxii TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Ramsdell v. Railroad Co. (151 Mass. 245), 1389. Ramsden v. Railroad (104 Mass. 117), 980, 1094, 1303. Ranchau Co. v. Railroad Co. (71 Vt. 142, 43 Atl. 11, 76 Am. St. Rep. 761), 1299. Rand v. Transportation Co. (59 N. H. 363), 420. Randall v. Railroad (45 La, Ann. 778, IS So. 166), 1019. Randall v. Railroad Co. (108 N. C. 612, 13 S. E. Rep. 137), 799. Randall v. Railway (113 Mich. 115, 71 N. W. 450, 38 L. R. A. 666), 990. Randall v. Railway (102 Mo. App. 342, 76 S. W. 493), 1084, 1085, 1090. Randall v. Sprague (74 Fed. 247, 21 C. C. A. 334, 33 U. S. App. 464, reversing 67 Fed. 604), 842, 845, 847, 852. Randall v. Transportation Co. (54 Wis. 147), 1417. Randolph v. Railroad Co. (18 Mo. App. 609). 1433. Randolph v. Railway (106 Mo. App. 646, 79 S. W. Rep. 1170), 933. Rankin v. Packet Co. (9 Heisk. 564), 785, 7SG, 787, 889. Rankin v. Railroad Co. (55 Mo. 168), 702. Ranney v. Railroad (67 Vt. 594, 32 Atl. 810), 1223, 1224. Ransberry v. Transp. & Trading Co. (22 Wash. 476, 61 Pac. 154), 1428. Ransom v. Railroad Co. (15 N. Y. 415), 1422. Ransome v. Railway Co. (1 C. B. 437), 522. Ransome, In re (1 C. B. 437), 522. TO SECTIONS.] Raphael v. Pickford (5 M. & G. 551), 652. Rathbone v. Railroad (140 N. Y. 48, 35 N. E. 418, reversing 69 Hun, 617, 23 N. Y. Supp. 1148), 435. Rathbone v. Railroad (40 Or. 225, 66 Pac. 909), 1000, 1205. Rathbone Bros. & Co. v. Mclver Sons & Co. (2 K. B. (1903) 378, 72 L. J. K. B. 703, 19 Times L. R. 590, reversing (1902) 8 Com'l Cas. 1), 365. Rathbun v. Steamboat Co. (76 N. Y. 376), 727. Rathgebe v. Railroad (179 Pa. St. 31, 36 Atl. 160), 933, 1174. Rattersee v. Railway (Tex. Civ. App., 81 S. W. Rep. 566), 1016, 1188. Ratzer v. Railway (64 Minn. 245, 66 N. W. 988, 58 Am. St. Rep. 530), 175, 177, 182. Ranch v. Lloyd (31 Penn. St. 358), 1220, 1227. Raughley v. Railroad (202 Penn. St. 43, 51 Atl. 597), 1118. Rawitzky v. Railroad Co. (40 La. Ann. 47), 1043. Rawlings V. Railroad (97 Mo. App. 511, 71 S. W. 534), 997, 1019, 1020, 1427, 1428. Rawsdell v. Grady (97 Me. 319, 54 Atl. Rep. 763), 140L Rawson v. Holland (59 N. Y. 611), 130, 133, 139, 458. Rawson v. Johnson (1 East, 203), 1344. Rawson v. Railroad (48 N. Y. 212), 1052, 1299. Ray V. Railroad Co. ( — N. Car. — , 53 S. E. Rep. 622), 1174, 1219. TABLE OP CASES CITED. celxiii [references are to sections.] Raymond v. Railway Co. (65 Iowa, 152), 895. Raymond v. Tyson (17 How. 53), 875. Read v. Railroad Co, (140 Mass. 199), 1233. Read v. Railroad Co. (60 Mo. 199), 287, 298, 401, 450, 657, 1354, 1353. Read v. Railway Co. (L. R. 3 Q. B. 555), 1391. Read v. Spalding (30 N. Y. 630), 282, 303. Read v. Spalding (5 Bosw. 395), 83, 84. Readhead v. Railway (L. R. 2 Q. B. 412; L. R. 4 Q. B. 379), 892, 905, 909. Reary v. Railway Co. (40 La. Ann. 32), 964, 1001, Reber v. Bond (38 Fed. Rep. 822), 1217. Reddington v. Traction Co. (132 Penn. St. 154), 1174, 1181. Redfleld v. Railroad Co. (110 Cal. 277, 42 Pac. Rep. 822), 1397, 1401. Redhing v. Railroad Co. (68 N. J. L. 641, 54 Atl. 431>, 1219. Redmon v. Railroad (90 Mo. App. 68), 1372. Redmond v. Steamboat Co, (56 Barb. 320), 688. Redmond v. Steamboat Co. (46 N. Y. 578), 688, 689= Redner v. Railway (73 H\in, 562, 26 N. Y. Supp. 1050), 937. Redpatb v. Vaughan (52 Barb. 489), 267, 486. Reed v. Bridge Co. (16 Ky. Law Rep. 379, 28 S. W. Rep. 149), 1188. Reed v. Express Co. (48 N. Y, 462), 245. Reed v. Railroad (56 Barb. 493), 949. Reed v. Railroad (104 Ky. 603, 47 S. W. Rep. 591, 44 L. R. A, 823; rehearing denied, 48 S. W. Rep. 416), 996. Reed v. Railroad Co. (4 Penne. 413, 57 Atl. Rep. 529), 1397. Reed v. Railroad (Tex. Civ. App., 50 S. W. Rep. 432), 1054. Reed v. Railroad Co, (84 Va. 231), 936. Reed v. Railway (100 Mich. 507, 59 N. W. 144), 1117. Reed v. Railway (76 Minn. 163, 78 N. W. 974), 964. Reed v. Steamboat Co. (1 Marv. 193, 40 Atl. 955), 75, 264. Reed v. Weld (6 Fed. Rep. 304), 807. Reese v. Pennsylvania Co. (131 Penn. St. 422), 1032, 1033. Reeves v. Railway (68 S. Car. 89, 46 S. E. Rep. 543), 1440 Regan v. Railway (61 N. H. 579), 130, 131, 132. Regner v. Railroad (74 Hun, 202, 26 N. Y. Supp. 625), 969, 1091. Reid v. Hoskins (5 E. & B. 729), 322, Reid V. Hoskins (6 E. & B. 953), 322. Reid V. Railroad (10 Ind. App. 385, 35 N. E. 703, 53 Am. St. Rep. 391), 306, 420, 1355. Reilly v. Railroad (94 Mo. 600, 7 S. W. Rep. 407), 1392. Reimer v. Railroad (178 Mass. 54, 59 N. E. 671), 930. Reineman v. Railroad Co. (51 Iowa, 338), 869. Reiter, etc., Mfg. Co. v. Hamlin (— Ala. — , 40 So. Rep. 281), 1397, 1401. R. E. Lee, The (2 Abbott (U. S.), 49), 1268. Relf V. Rapp (3 Wats & S. 21), 329, 437. eelxiv TABI^ OP CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ABE Renlund v. Mining Co. (89 Minn. 4i; 93 N. W. 1057, 99 Am. St. Rep. 534), 1389, 1395. Reynolds v. Narragansett, etc., Co. (— R. I. — , 59 Atl. Rep. 393), 1397. Reynolds v. Railroad Co. (85 Mo. 90), 1309, 1341. Reynolds v. Railroad (43 N. H. 580), 758, 759, 770. Reynolds v. Railroad (121 Mass. 291), 131. Reynolds v. Railroad Co. (3 N. Y. Suppl. 331), 668, 678. Reynolds v. Railway Co. ( — Wash. — , 82 Pac. Rep. 161), 638, 715. Rhodes v. Beard (16 Ohio St. 581), 1358. Rhodes v. Newhall (126 N. Y. 74, 27 N. B. 947, 22 Am. St. Rep. 859, aff'g., 12 N. Y. Supp. 669), 164. Rice V. Hart (118 Mass. 201), 702. Rice V. Railroad Co. (22 111. App. 643), 1300. Rice V. Railroad Co. (3 Mo. App. 27), 331. Rice V. Railroad Co. (63 Mo. 314), 401, 442, 443. Rice V. Shute (Smith's Ld. Cas. 645), 1324. Rice V. Steamboat Co. (56 Barb. 384), 1360. Richards v. Doe (100 Mass. 523), 163. Richards v. Railroad (1 111. 404), 702. Richards v. Railway (7 Man. G. &. S. (Com. B.) 839), 67, 1259. Richards v. Riverside Iron Works (56 W. Va. 510, 49 S. E. Rep. 437), 1389. TO SECTIONS.] Richards v. Westcott (2 Bosw. 589), 70, 1249. Richardson v. Canadian, etc., Ry. Co. (19 Ont. R. 369, 45 Am. & Eng. R. Cas. 413), 708. Richardson v. Chynoweth (26 Wis. 656), 1367. Richardson v. Dunn (2 Q, B. 218), 1317. Richardson v. Goddard (23 How. 28), 664, 688, 692, 694. Richardson v. Kier (34 Cal. 63), 1420. Richardson v. Railroad Co. ( — S. Car. — , 51 S. E. Rep. 261), 1442. Richardson v. Railway Co. (L. R. 10 C. P. 486, 1 C. P. Div. 342), 910. Richardson v. Railway Co. (L. R. 10 C. P. 486), 910. Richardson v. Railroad Co. (98 Mass. 85), 1388, 1390. Richardson v. Railway Co. (62 Mo. App. 1), 443, 467. Richardson v. Railway Co. (149 Mo. 311, 50 S. W. 782, 13 Am. & Eng. R. Cas. (N. S.) 170), 445, 475. Richardson v. Railway Co. (61 Wis. 596), 341, 1334. Richardson v. Young (38 Penn. St. 169), 815, 818. Richardson Spence & Co. v. Rowntree (L. R. (1894) App. Cas. 217, 63 L. J. Q. B. 283), 1299. In re Richardsons (66 Law J. Q. B. 868, (1898) 1 Q. B. 261, 77 Law. T. (N. S.) 479, 8 Asp. 330), 841. Richer v. Fargo (78 N. Y. Supp. 1007, 77 App. Div. 550), 130. Richmond v. Steamboat Co. (87 N. Y. 240), 688, 698. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclxv [references ABE Richmond v. Southern Pac. Co. (41 Or. 54, 67 Pac. 947, 93 Am. St. Rep. 694, 57 L. R. A. 616), 1072. Richmond v. Railroad Co. (87 Mich. 374, 49 N. W. Rep. 621), 1397, 1402. Ricker v. Freeman (50 N. H. 420), 1430. Rickerson, etc., Co. v. Railroad Co. (67 Mich. 110), 231, 243. Ricketts v. Railroad (4 Lans. 446), 261. Ricketts v. Railroad Co. (33 W. Va. 433, 25 Am. St. Rep. 901), 1094. Ricketts v. Railway Co. (33 W. Va. 433), 1438. Ricks V. Railway (118 Ga. 259, 45 S. E. 268), 1181. Riddle v. Railroad Co. (1 Inter. St. Com. Rep. 604), 46. Ridenhour v. Railway Co. (102 Mo. 270), 995, 1118. Rieser v. Metropolitan Express Co. (91 N. Y. Supp. 170, 45 Misc. 632), 451, 1352. Rietveld v. Railroad Co. ( — Iowa, — , 105 N. W. Rep. 515), 1395. Riley v. Home (5 Bing. 217), 57, 146, 392, 795. Riley v. Railroad Co. (135 Mass. 292), 1418. Rincicoth v. Contracting Co. ( — Conn. — , 60 Atl. Rep. 115), 1397. Ringgold V. Haven (1 Cal. 108), 1360. Ringwalt v. Railroad (45 Neb. 760, 64 N. W. 219), 1241. Ripley v. Railroad (31 N. J. Law, 388), 1036. Rivers v. Railroad (86 Miss. 571, 38 So. Rep. 508), 1033. TO SECTIONS.] Rixford v. Smith (52 N. H. 355), 211, 333, 339. Roach v. Imperial Mining Co. (7 Fed. 698), 1389. Robel v. Railway Co. (35 Minn. 84, 27 N. W. Rep. 305), 1397. Roberts v. Kennedy (2 Dana, 430), 70. Roberts v. Koehler (30 Fed. Rep. 94), 1303. Roberts v. Railroad (78 111. App. 526), 1414. Roberts v. Railroad (175 Mass. 296, 56 N. E. 559), 1219. Roberts v. Riley (15 La. Ann. 103), 401, 411. Roberts v. Smith (5 Arizona, 368, 52 Pac. 1120), 964. Roberts v. Turner (12 Johns. 232), 72. Roberts v. Van Buskirk (31 N. Y. 661), 226. Robertson v. National S. S. Co. (1 App. Div. 61, 37 N. Y. Supp. 69), 212, 216. Robertson v. National S. S. Co. (139 N. Y. 416, 34 N. E. 1053, reversing 60 N. Y. Super. Ct. 132, 17 N. Y. Supp. 459), 480. Robertson v. Railroad (156 Mass. 525, 31 N. E. 650, 32 Am. St. Rep. 482), 88. Robertson v. Railroad (152 Mo. 382, 53 S. W. 1082), 941. Robertson v. Railroad ( — Ala. — , 37 So. Rep. 831), 1067. Robertson v. Railway Co. (22 Barb. 91), 1001, 1218. Robertson v. Railway (122 Wis. 66, 99 N. W. Rep. 433), 1386, 1389, 1395. Robinson v. Austin (2 Gray, 564), 1372. Robinson v. Baker (5 Cush. 137), 884. cclxvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCKS ABE Robinson v. Cone (22 Vt. 213), 1227, 1228, 1229. Robinson v. Dunmore (2 Bos. & P. 416), 38, 40, 45, 110. Robinson v. Franklin Sugar Re- fining Co. (70 Fed. 792), 356. Robinson v. Hoist (96 Ga. 19, 23 S. E. Rep. 76), 613. Robinson v. Insurance Co. (2 Johns. 89). 815, 820. Robinson v. Knights (L. R. 8 C. P. 465), 800. Robinson v. Merch. Desp. Co. (45 Iowa, 470), 84, 238, 408, 457. Robinson v. Min. Co. (26 Wash. 484, 67 Pac. Rep. 274), 1396. Robinson v. Railroad Co. (48 Cal. 421), 1420. Robinson v. Railroad Co. (105 Cal. 526, 541, 38 Pac. 94, 108, 722, 28 L. R. A. 773), 1077. Robinson v. Railroad Co. (9 Fed. Rep. 129), 743. Robinson v. Railroad Co. (9 Fed. Rep. 877), 910. Robinson v. Railroad Co. (16 Fed. Rep. 57), 743, 745. Robinson v. Railroad (65 Barb. 146), 1236. Robinson v. Railroad Co. (135 Mich. 254, 10 Det. L. N. 727, 97 N. W. 689), 957, 1135. Robinson v. Railroad Co. (129 Fed. 753, 64 C. C. A. 281), 147. Robinson v. Railroad Co. (26 Wash. 484, 67 Pac. Rep. 274), 1389. Robinson v. Railroad Co. (117 Ga. 168, 43 S. E. 452, 97 Am. St. Rep. 156), 1389, 1395. Robinson v. Railway (35 L. J. C. P. 123), 341, 522. Robinson v. Steamship Co. (71 N. Y. Supp. 424, 63 App. Div. 211; affirmed without opin- TO SECTIONS.] ion, 177 N. Y. 565, 69 N. E. 1130), 472. Robinson v. Stewart (68 Me. 61), 175. Robinson v. Transportation Co. (45 Iowa, 490), 480, 1360. Robinson v. Transportation Co. (45 Iowa, 470), 1361. Robinson v. U. S. Ben. Ass'n. (132 Mich. 695, 94 N. W. Rep. 211, 102 Am. St. Rep. 436), 927. Robison v. Rupert (23 Penn. St. 523), 1434. Robostelli v. Railroad Co. (33 Fed. Rep. 796), 1056, 1219. Robson V. Railway (L. R. 10 Q. B. 271), 911, 1122, 1174. Robson V. Railway (L. R. 2 Q. B. Div. 85), 1187. Rocky Mount Mills v. Railroad (119 N. Car. 693, 25 S. B. Rep. 854, 56 Am. St. Rep. 682), 249. Roderick v. Railroad Co. (7 W. Va. 54), 333. Rodgers v. Railroad Co. ( — Ark. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 468, 1 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1145), 898, 922, 964, 1173. Rodman v. Railway Co. (65 Kan. 645, 70 Pac. Rep. 642, 59 L. R. A. 704), 1396. Roe V. Railway (7 Exch. 36), 1100. Rogan V. Railway Co. (51 Mo. App. 665), 430. Rogers v. Head (Cro. Jac. 262), 38, 53. Rogers v. Railroad (2 Lans. 269), 106. Rogers v. Railroad (57 N. J. L. 703. 34 Atl. 11), 1036, 1038, 1053. Rogers v. Schneider (13 Ind. App. 23, 41 N. E. 71), 765, 769. TABLE OF CASES CITED, cclxvii [references are Rogers v. Smith (17 Ind. 323), 1377. Rogers v. Steamboat Co. (86 Me. 261, 29 Atl. 1069, 25 L. R. A. 491), 1005, 1022, 1069, 1075. Rogers v. Weir (34 N. Y. 463), 668, 749, 753. Rogers v. Wheeler (2 Lans. 486; 43 N. Y. 598), 77. Rogers v. Wheeler (52 N. Y. 262), 72, 113, 611. Rogers Loco. Works v. Railroad (5 C. E. Green (N. J.), 379), 76. Rohl V. Parr (1 Esp. 444), 337. Rolette V. Railway (91 Minn. 16, 97 N. W. 431), 1198. Rolfe V. Railway Co. ( — Mich. — , 107 N. W. Rep. 899), 1349. Rolfs V. Railway (66 Kan. 272. 71 Pac. 526), 1052, 1053, 1065. Rolling Mill Co. v. Corrigan (46 Ohio St. 283), 1228. Romano v. Capital, etc., Co. (125 Iowa, 591, 101 N. W. Rep. 437, 106 Am. St. Rep. 323, 68 L. R. A. 132), 1395. Romero v. McKernan (88 N. Y. Supp. 365), 261. Romero v. Railway Co. (11 New Mex. 679, 72 Pac. Rep. 37), 1389. Romine v. Railroad (24 Ind. App. 230, 56 N. E. 245). 898. 1216. Roos V. Railroad (199 Pa. St. 378, 49 Atl. 344), 784. Root V. Chandler (10 Wend. 110), 780. Root V. Railroad (83 Hun, 111, 31 N. Y. Supp. 357; s. c. 76 Hun, 23. 27 N. Y. Supp. 611), 457, 509. Root V, Railroad (45 N. Y. 524), 76, 181. 226, 231, 238, 242. Root V. Railroad Co. (114 N. Y. 300), 521. TO SECTIONS.] Root V. Sleeping Car Co. (28 Mo. App. 199), 1132. Rooth V. Railway Co. (L. R. 2 Ex. 173), 341. Rose V. King (78 N. Y. Supp. 419, 76 App. Div. 308), 1421. Rose V. Railroad Co. (106 N. C. 168), 1433, 1440, 1442. Rose V. Railroad (39 Iowa, 246), 450, 1075. Rose V. Railway (L. R. 2 Exch. Div. 248), 1174, 1187. Roseman v. Railroad (112 N. Car. 709, 16 S. E. 766. 34 Am. St. Rep. 524, 19 L. R. A. 327), 1083. Rosen v. City of Boston (187 Mass. 245, 72 N. E. 992, 68 L. R. A. 153), 957. Rosenbaum v. Railroad Co. (38 Minn. 173. 36 S. W. Rep. 447. 8 Am. St. Rep. 653), 1004. Rosenbloom v. Railway (Rap. Jud. Que., 16 C. S. 360), 1310, 1360. Rosencranz v. Swofford Bros., etc., Co. (175 Mo. 518, 75 S. W. 445, 97 Am. St. Rep. 609), 888. Rosenfield v. Express Co. (1 Woods. 131). 749. Rosenfield v. Railroad Co. (103 Ind. 121), 475. Rosenstein v. Vogemann (92 N. Y. Supp. 86. 102 App. Div. 39), 689. Rosenthal v. Weir (170 N. Y. 148, 63 N. E. 65, 57 L. R. A. 527. aff'g., 66 N. Y. Supp. 841, 54 App. Div. 275). 432. 760, 772, 774. Ross V. Innis (26 111. 259), 1229. Ross V. Railroad (49 Vt. 364), 333. Ross V. Railroad (4 Mo. App. 582), 1250, 1286. cclxviii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [befebences are Ross V. Railway Co. (44 Fed. Rep. 44), 1401. Rossier v. Railroad Co. ( — Mo. App. — 91 S. W. Rep. 1018), 1249, 1285. Rossiter v. Chester ( 1 Doug. 154 ) , 815. Rosted V. Railway (76 Minn. 123, 78 N. W. 971), 1222, 1429. Roth V. Packet Co. (59 N. Y. Super. Ct. 49, 12 N, Y. Supp. 460), 163. Roth V. Railroad (34 N. Y. 548), 712, 723, 1286. Roth Clothing Co. v. Steamship Co. (88 N. Y. Supp. 987, 44 Misc. 237; s. c. 86 N. Y. Supp. 25), 690, 1366. Rothschild v. Railroad (163 Penn. St. 49, 29 Atl. 702), 1412. Rothschild v. Railroad (69 111. 164), 702. Rothstein v. The Railroad (171 Penn. St. 620, 33 Atl. Rep. 379), 1180. Rouse V. Railway Co. (128 Mich. 149, 87 N. W. Rep. 68), 1397, 1399. Roussel V. Aumais (Rap. Jud. Que. 18 C. S. 474), 49. Rowan v. Express Co. (80 N. Y. Supp. 226, 80 App. Div. 31), 425, 1355. Rowan v. 155,453 Feet of Lumber (131 Fed. 345), 850. Rowdin v. Railroad (208 Penn. St. 623, 57 Atl. 1125), 1003, 1072, 1073, 1414. Rowe V. Tel. Co. (66 N. J. L. 19, 48 Atl. Rep. 523), 1401. Rowell V. Railroad (68 N. H. 358, 44 Atl. 488), 990. Rowland v. Miln (2 Hilt. 150), 688. TO SECTIONS.] Rowland v. Railroad Co. (61 Conn. 103, 23 Atl. 755, 29 Am. St. Rep. 175), 806. Rowley v. Bigelow (12 Pick. 3.07), 772. Rowley v. Railway (L. R. 8 Exch. 221), 1423. Rowson V. Atlantic Transport Co. (2 K. B. (1903) 666, 72 L. J. K. B. 811, aff'g., 1 K. B. (1903) 114), 349, 366, 382. Roy & Roy v. Railway Co. ( — Wash. — , 85 Pac. Rep. 53), 161. Royal Costume Co. v. Weir (95 N. Y. Supp. 575, 48 Misc. Rep. 376), 433. Royston v. Railroad Co. (67 Miss. 376, 7 So. Rep. 320), 985. Rubens v. Ludgate Hill S. S. Co. (65 Hun, 625, 20 N. Y. Supp. 481), 416, 475. Rubin V. Wells Fargo Express Co. (85 N. Y. Supp. 1108), 651. Ruck V. Hatfield (5 Barn. & Aid. 632), 193. Rucker v. Donovan (13 Kan. 251), 758, 872. Rudell V. Transit Co. (117 Mich. 568, 76 N. W. 380, 44 L. R. A. 415), 172, 460, 462, 625. Rudiger v. Railroad Co. (101 Wis. 292, 77 N. W. Rep. 169), 1397. Rudy V. Railway (8 Utah, 165, 30 Pac. 366), 1082, 1083. Ruffin V. Ruggerio (31 N. Y. Supp. 826, 10 Misc. 739), 674. Ruggles V. Illinois (108 U. S. 526), 758, 872. Runyan v. Railroad (61 N. J. L. 537, 41 Atl. 367, 43 L. R. A. 284, 68 Am. St. Rep. 711; re- affirmed in 64 N. J. L. 67, 44 Atl. 985, 48 L. R. A. 744, and 47 Atl. 422, 65 N. J. L. 228), TABLE OF CASES CITED. eclxix [refebences are 963, 966, 1077, 1080, 1241, 1242, 1249, 1250. Ruppel V. Railway (167 Pa. St. 166, 31 Atl. 478, 46 Am. St. Rep. 666), 426, 430, 501. Ruppell V. United Railroads (1 Cal. App. 666, 82 Pac. Rep. 1073), 1389, 1397. Rushfortli V. Hadfield (7 East, 224), 865. Russ V. The War Eagle (14 Iowa, 363), 1019, 1423. Russell V. Livingston (19 Barb. 346), 8». Russell V. Neiman (17 Com. B. (N. S.) 163), 314. Russell V. Railroad (70 N. J. Law, 808, 59 Atl. Rep. 150, 67 L. R. A. 433), 450, 459. Russell V. Railroad (42 N. Y. Supp. 678, 12 App. Div. 160), 1102. Russell V. Railway Co. (157 Ind. 305, 61 N, E. 678, 55 L. R. A. 253, 87 Am. St. Rep. 214), 426, 1018, 1073. Russell Grain Co. v. Railroad Co. (— Mo. App. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 908), 496, 705. Russell Manufg. Co. v. Steamboat Co. (50 N. Y. 121), 689, 693, ' 696. Russo V. Morris, etc., Improve- ment Assn. (104 La. 426, 29 So. Rep. 46), 100, 101. Rutherford v. Foster (125 Fed. 187, 60 C. C. A. 129), 1389. Rutherford v. McGowen (1 Nott & McC. 17), 66. Rutherford v. Railway (28 Tex. Civ. App. 625, 67 S. W. 161), 1045. Rutledge v. Railroad (129 Fed. 94, 63 C. C. A. 596), 1118. Rutter V. Railway Co. (81 Mo. 169), 1389. TO SECTIONS.] Ryan v. Dayton (25 Conn. 188), 627. Ryan v. Railroad Co. (23 Penn. St. 384), 1004. Ryan v. Railway (90 Minn. 12, 95 N. W. 758), 175, 177, 660. Ryan v. Railway Co. (65 Tex. 13), 212, 213, 215, 218, 449, 1354. Ryder v. Railroad Co. (51 Iowa, 460), 668. Ryland & Rankin v. Railway (55 W. Va. 181, 46 S. E. Rep. 923), 651, 1372. Sage V. Railroad Co. (134 Ind. 100, 33 N. E. 771), 1033. Sager v. Railroad Co. (31 Me. 228), 339, 392, 450, 496, 505, 611, 1355. Saleeby v. Railroad (90 N. Y. Supp. 1042, 99 App. Div. 163, aff'g., 81 N. Y. Supp. 903), 1250, 1251, 1352. Salem Bk. v. Gloucester Bk. (17 Mass. 1), 34. Sales V. Western Storage Co. (4 Iowa, 547), 68. Salmon Falls Mfg. Co. v. The Tan- gier (1 Cliff, 396), 689, 698. Saltonstall v. Stockton (Taney's Dec. 11), 963. Saltsman v. Railroad Co. (65 Hun, 448, 20 N. Y. Supp. 361), 226. Saltus v. Everett (20 Wend. 269), 785, 790. Saltus V. Insurance Co. (12 Johns. 107), 801. Sambuck v. Railroad Co. (Cal., 71 Pac. 174), 1414. Samms v. Stewart (20 Ohio, 73), 37, 54. eelxx TABLE OF CASES CITED, [REFERENCES ABE Samuel v. Cheney (135 Mass. 278), 672. Samuels v. Railroad Co. (35 S. Car. 493, 14 S. E. Rep. 943, 28 Am. St. Rep. 883), 1126. Sanbo v. Coal Co. (130 Fed. 52), 1390. Sanders v. Jenkins (1 Q. B. (1897) 93, 66 L. J. Q. B. 40), 849. Sanders v. Railroad Co. (90 111. App. 582), 990. Sanders v. Railway Co. (107 Ga. 132, 32 S. B. Rep. 840), 1180. Sanders v. Vanzeller (4 Q. B. 260), 807. Sanders v. Young (1 Head, 219), 66. Sanderson v. Frazier (8 Col. 79), 1417. Sanderson v. Lamberton (6 Binn. 129), 1306. Sanderson v. Panther Lumber Co. (50 W. Va. 42, 40 S. E. Rep. 368, 55 L. R. A. 908), 1018. Sanderson v. Railway Co. (64 Mo. App. 655), 1079. Sandifer's Adm'r. v. Railroad Co. (— Ky. — , 89 S. W. Rep. 528), 929. Sandiman v. Breach (7 B. & C. 96), 1233. Sands v. Railway Co. (108 Tenn. 1, 64 S. W. Rep. 478), 1001. Saner v. Railway Co. (108 Mich. 31, 65 N. W. Rep. 624), 1391. Sanford v. Railroad Co. (24 Penn. 378), 516, 521. Sanford v. Railroad (11 Cush. 155), 1315. Sanford v. Railroad (23 N. Y. 343), 1089. Sanson v. Railway Co. (Ill Fed. 887, 50 C. C. A. 53), 927. TO SECTIONS.] Sargent v. Gile (8 N. H. 325), 668. Sargent v. Morris (3 Barn. & Aid. 277), 1305, 1315. Sargent v. Railroad Co. (115 Mass. 416), 517. Sargent v. Railway Co. (114 Mo. 348, 21 S. W. 823. 19 L. R. A. 460), 935, 936, 1011. Satterlee v. Groat (1 Wend. 272), 57, 1001. Sattler v. Railway ( — Neb. — , 98 N. W. Rep. 663), 1219. Saunders v. Railway Co. (10 Okl. 325, 61 Pac. 1075), 1194. Saunders v. Railway Co. (6 S. Dak. 40, 60 N. W. 148), 1412. Saunders v. Railway Co. (128 Fed. 15, 62 C. C. A. 523), 401, 402, 417, 452, 1241, 1242, 1249, 1250. Saunders v. Southern Pac. Co. (13 Utah, 275, 44 Pac. 932), 954, 1003, 1072, 1073, 1203. Sauter v. Railroad Co. (66 N. Y. 50, 23 Am. Rep. 18), 1397. Savage v. Corn Ex. Ins. Co. (4 Bosw. 1; 36 N. Y. 635), 783. Savannah Electric Co. v. Bell ( — Ga. — , 53 S. E. Rep. 109), 1397. Savery v. Railroad (2 Interstate Com. Rep. 338), 1030. Savitz V. Railway (150 111. 208, 37 N. E. 235, aff'g., 49 111. App. 315), 588. Sawyer v, Cleveland Iron Min. Co. (69 Fed. 211, 16 C. C. A. 191, 35 U. S. App. 427), 164. Sawyer v. Railroad (37 Mo. 240), 904. Sawyer v. Sauer (10 Kan. 519), 1378. Saxton V. Railway Co. (98 Mo. App. 494, 72 S. W. 717), 991, 1430. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclxxi [BEFEBENCES ABE Sayles v. Railroad (81 Fed. 326; affirmed, Railroad v. Sayles 87 Fed. 444, 32 C. C. A. 485). 415. Scaife v. Tarrant, L. R. (10 Exch. 358), 40. Scaife v. Tobin (3 B. & A. 523), 807. Scaling v. Car Co. (24 Mo. App. 29), 1130, 1131. Scammon v. Railroad Co. (41 Mo. App. 194), 576. Scammon v. Wells, Fargo & Co. (84 Cal. 311), 1364. Scanlan v. Tenney (72 Fed. 225), 942. Schaacht v. Railroad Co. (94 Tenn. 658, 30 S. W. 742, 28 L. R. A. 176), 330, 332. Schaefer v. Railway Co. (128 Mo. 64, 30 S. W. 331), 1182. Schaefer v. Railway Co. (51 N. Y. Supp. 431, 29 App. Div. 261), 1198. Schaeffer v. Railroad Co. (168 Pa. St. 209, 31 Atl. 1088, 47 Am. St. Rep. 884), 449, 1353, 1355. Schaller v. Railway Co. (97 Wis. 31, 71 N. W. 1042), 408, 409, 450, 475, 1355. Scharff v. Meyer (133 Mo. 428, 34 S. W. 858, 54 Am. St. Rep. 672), 175. Scheffler v. Railroad Co. (105 U. S. 249), 1430. Scheffler v. Railway Co. (32 Minn. 125), 1389. Scheffler v. Railway Co. (32 Minn. 518), 1397. Scheiber v. Railway Co. (61 Minn. 499, 63 N. W. 1034), 1197. Scheu V. Benedict (116 N. Y. 510), 688, 693. Schieffelln v. Insurance Co. (9 Johns. 21), 801. TO SECTIONS.] Schierhold v. Railroad Co. (40 Cal. 447), 1230, 1420. Schiffler v. Railway Co. (96 Wis. 141, 71 N. W. 97, 65 Am. St. Rep. 35), 1117, 1177. Schilling v. Railroad Co. (66 Minn. 252, 68 N. W. 1083), 1217. Schimpf V. Harris (185 Penn. St. 46, 39 Atl. 820), 960. Schleiger v. Terminal Co. (43 Or. 4, 72 Pac. Rep. 324), 1384. Schlesinger v. Railroad Co. (88 111. App. 273), 177, 676. Schlesinger &, Sons v. Railroad Co. (85 N. Y. Supp. 372), 674. Schlessinger v. Railway Co. (98 N. Y. Supp. 840), 937. Schlichting v. Railway Co. (121 Iowa, 502, 96 N. W. 959), 177. Schloss V. Wood (11 Colo. 287), 47, 71. Schloterer v. Ferry Co. (78 N. Y. Supp. 202, 75 App. Div. 330), 895, 1053. Schmidt v. Deegan (69 Wis. 300, 34 N. W. Rep. 83), 1392. Schmidt v. Keyser (88 Fed. 799, 32 C. C. A. 121), 854. Schmidt v. Railways Co. (116 La. — , 40 So. Rep. 714), 1100. Schmidt v. Railway Co. (25 Ky. Law Rep. 11, 74 S. W. 674), 1065. Schmidt v. Railway (23 Wis. 186), 1227. Schmidt v. Railway Co. (90 Wis. 504, 63 N. W. 1057), 72, 112. Schneider v. Evans (25 Wis. 241), 867. School District v. Dauchy (25 Conn. 350), 627. School District v. Railroad (102 Mass. 552), 450. cclxxii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [befebences ari: Schooner Emma Johnson (1 Sprague, 527), 75. Schooner Freeman v. Buckingham (18 How. 182), IGO, 161. Schooner Reeside (2 Sumn. 567), 75. Schooner Volunteer (1 Sumn- 551), 75. Schoop Fruit Co. v. Railroad Co (— Mo. App. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 402), 668. Schopman v. Railroad (9 Cush. 24), 915, 916. Schotsmans v. Railway (L. R. 1 Eq. 349; L. R. 2 Ch. App 332), 758, 771. Schreiner v. Railroad Co. (42 N. Y. Supp. 163, 12 App. Div. 551), 1228. Schrier v. Railway Co. (65 Wis. 457), 1397, 1401. Schriver v. Railroad Co. (24 Minn. 506), 336, 1348. Schroeder v. Railroad (5 Duer, 55), 242, 246, 665, 667. Schroyer v. Lynch (8 Watts, 453), 94. Schubach v. McDonald (179 Mo. 163, 78 S. W. 1020, 101 Am. St. Rep. 452, 65 L. R. A. 136), 1043, 1056. Schultze V. Railway Co. (32 Mo. App. 438), 1197. Schulze V. Railway Co. (19 Q. B. Div. 30), 1366. Schulze- Berge v. The Guildhall (58 Fed. 796; afirvied. The Guildhall, 64 Fed. 867, 12 C. C. A. 445, 26 U. S. App. 414), 381, 467. Schumaker v. Railroad Co. (46 Minn. 39, 45 N. W. Rep. 559), 1358. TO SECTIONS.] Schumacher v. Railway Co. (207 111. 199, 69 N. E. 825, aff'g., 108 111. App. 520), 702, 711, 714, 858, 859, 862. Schureman v. Withers (Anthon's N. P. 166), 827. Schuster v. Carson (28 Neb, 612), 761, 768. Schwarz v. Judd (2 Minn. 371), 1389. Schwarzschild v. Steamship Co. 74 Fed. 257), 431, 623. Schwarzschild & Sulzberger Co. V. Railway Co. (76 Mo. App. 623), 678. Schwinger v. Raymond (83 N. Y. 192), 603. Scofield V. Railroad Co. (112 Fed. 855, 50 C. C. A. 553, 56 L. R. A. 224), 1062, 1065. Scofield V. Railway Co. (43 Ohio St. 571), 521, 589. Scothorn v. Railway Co. (8 Exch. 341), 229, 241, 660. Scott V. London Dock Co. (3 H. & C. 596), 940, 1412. Scott V. Railroad Co. (144 Ind. 125, 43 N. E. 133, 32 L. R. A. 154), 1060, 1063. Scott V. Railroad Co. (77 Ga. 450), 1380, 1389. Scott V Railroad Co. (53 Hun, 414), 1102. Scott V. Shepherd (2 W. Bl. 892), 1430. Scott V. Steamship Co. (19 Fed. Rep. 56), 489. Scott V. Steamship Co. (106 Mass. 468), 1367, 1370. Scovill V. Griffith (12 N. Y. 509), 651, 652, 1372. Scow No. 190 and 450 Bales of Cotton (88 Fed. 320), 818. Scully V. Railroad Co. (80 Hun, 197, 30 N. Y. Supp. 61), 1177. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclxxiii [references are Seagar v. Steamship Co. (55 Fed. 324; afflrmed, 55 Fed. 880, 5 C. C. A. 290, 14 U. S. App. 352), 839. Seaman v. Adler (37 Fed. Rep. 268), 803. Searle v. Railway Co. (32 W. Va. 370), 895, 1397. Searle v. Scovell (4 Johns. Ch. 218), 822, 823, 825. Searles v. Car Co. (45 Fed. Rep. 330), 1139. Searles v. Railway Co. (69 Miss. 186, 13 So. Rep. 815), 499. Sears v, Dennis (105 Mass. 310), 1223. Sears v. Railroad (14 Allen, 433), 1105. Sears v. Wills (4 Allen, 212), 869. Sears v. Wingate (3 Allen, 103), 158, 165. Seasongood v. Railroad Co. (14 Ky. Law Rep. 430), 1291. Seasongood v. Transportation Co. 21 Ky. Law Rep. 1142, 54 S. W. Rep. 193, 49 L. R. A. 270), 147, 226. Seaver v. Bradley (179 Mass. 329, 60 N. E. 795, 88 Am. St. Rep. 384), 100. Seaver v. Railroad Co. (14 Gray, 466), 1004. Seavey Co. v. Union Transit Co. (106 Wis. 394, 82 N. W. 285), 294, 301, 611. Seawell v. Railroad Co. (132 N. Car. 856, 44 S. E. Rep. 610; rehearing denied, 45 S. E. Rep. 850), 989. Seawell v. Railroad Co. (119 Mo. 222, 24 S. W. 1002; overruled by Hanley v. Railway, 187 U. S. 617), 525. Secomb v. Nutt (14 B. Mon. 324), 770. TO SECTIONS.] Security Trust Co. v. Express Co. 80 N. Y. Supp. 830, 81 App. Div. 426; affirmed without opinion, 178 N. Y. 620, 70 N. E. 1109), 451, 668. Seddon v. Bickley (153 Pa. St. 271, 25 Atl. 1104), 942. Segal V. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 80 S. W. Rep. 233), 972, 982. Segura v. Reed (3 La. Ann. 695), 688, 690. Seigel v. Eisen (41 Cal. 109), 1226. Sejalon v. Woolverton (64 N. Y. Supp. 48, 31 Misc. 752), 1355. Selby V. Railroad Co. (113 N. Car. 588, 18 S. E. Rep. 88, 37 Am. St. Rep. 635), 442, 509. Self V. Dunn (42 Ga. 528), 66. Seligman v. Armijo (1 N. Mex. 459), 316. Sellers v. Railway (123 Ga. 386, 51 S. E. Rep. 398), 177, 668, 777. Sellick v. City of Janesville (100 Wis. 157, 75 N. W. 975, 41 L. R. A. 563), 1431. Selway v. Holloway (1 Ld. Raym. 46), 105. Seney v. Railway Co. (125 Iowa, 309, 88 N. W. Rep. 815), 1384, 1386. Serenson v. Railroad Co. (45 Fed. Rep. 407), 1401. Serwe v. Railroad Co. (48 Minn. 78, 50 N. W. 1021), 1407, 1429. Sessions v. Railroad Co. (78 Hun, 541, 29 N. Y. Supp. 628), 1132. Sevier v. Railroad Co. (61 Miss. 8), 992, 1128. Sewall V. Allen (6 Wend. 355), 1233. ccLxxiv TABLE OF CASES CITED. [EEFEBENCES ABE Sewall V. Wood (135 Fed. 12, 67 C. C. A. 580), 855. Sewell V. Webster (59 N. H. 586), 1233. Seybolt v. Railroad Co. (95 N. Y. 562), 1017. Seymour v. Greenwood (7 H. & N. 355), 1084, 1095, 1441. Shaacht v. Railroad Co. (94 Tenn. 658, 30 S. W. 742, 28 L. R. A. 176), 330, 332. Shaber v. Railway Co. (28 Minn. 103), 1397. Shackleford v. Wilcox (9 La. 33), 169. Shaefer v. Railway Co. (98 Mo. App. 445, 72 S. W. 154), 1094. Shamblin v. Railroad (114 La. 467, 38 So. Rep. 421), 1217. Shand v. Grant (15 Com. B. (N. S.) 324), 812. Shannon's Adm'r. v. Railway Co. (— Va. — , 52 S. E. Rep. 376), 1018. Sharer v. Paxon (171 Penn. St. 26. 33 Atl. Rep. 120), 1094, 1183. Sharp V. Clark (13 Utah, 510, 45 Pac. 566), 613, 660, 661. Sharp V. Grey (9 Bing. 457), 497, 904, 905, 956. Shaw V. City of Charleston ( — W. Va. — , 50 S. B. Rep. 527), 1384. Shaw V. Railroad (101 U. S. 557), 175, 176, 189. Shaw V. Railroad (5 Rich. 462), 1360. Shaw V. Railway (13 Q. B. 347), 1338. Shaw V. Railway Co. (123 Mich. 629, 82 N. W. 618, 49 L. R. A. 308, 81 Am. St. Rep. 230), lOlL Shaw V. Railway Co. (40 Minn. 144), 1278. TO SECTIONS.] Shea V. Railroad Co. (44 Cal. 414), 1423. Shea V. Railway Co. (63 Minn. 228, 65 N. W. 458), 430, 1354. Shea V. Railway Co. (66 Minn. 102, 68 N. W. 608), 130, 500. Shealey v. Railway Co. (67 S. Car. 61, 45 S. E. 119), 1118. Shedd V. Moran (10 111. App. 618), 1388. Shedd V. Railroad (40 Vt. 88), 1043. Sheets v. Wilgus (56 Barb. 662), 811. Sheffer v. Railroad Co. (105 U. S. 249, 26 L. Ed. 1070), 300. Shefeer v. Railway Co. (22 Ky. Law Rep. 1305, 60 S. W. 403), 1111. Shelby v. Railway Co. (77 Mo. App. 205), 625, 1366. Sheldon v. Robinson (7 N. H. 157), 68, 795. Shellaberger v. Fisher ( — C. C. A. — , 143 Fed. 937), 10», 102. Shellenberg v. Railroad Co. (45 Neb. 487, 63 N. W. 859, 50 Am. St. Rep. 561), 749, 751, 753. Shelton v. Mer. D. T. Co. (59 N. Y. 258), 173, 457, 611. Shelton v. Railway Co. (29 Ohio St. 214), 1039, 1045, 1065. Shelton v. Transportation Co. (36 N. Y. S. C. 527; 59 N. Y. 258), 113, 416. Shelton's Adm'r. v. Railroad Co. (19 Ky. Law Rep. 215, 39 S. W. Rep. 842), 1215. Shenk v. Propeller Co. (60 Penn. St. 109), 688, 702. Shepard v. De Bernales (13 East, 565), 810. Shepherd v. Naylor (5 Gray, 591). 165. TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are to sections.] cclxxv Sheridan v. New Quay Co. (4 C. B. 618), 749, 751, 753. Sheridan v. Penn. Collieries Co. (128 Fed. 204), 855. Sheridan v. Railroad Co. (36 N. Y. 39), 992, 1163, 1430. Sherley v. Billings (8 Bush, 147), 1096, 1441. Sherlock v. Ailing (44 Ind. 184), 895. Sherlock v. Railway Co. (85 Mo. App. 46), 1250. Sherman v. Johnson (58 Vt. 40, 2 Atl. Rep. 707), 1384. Sherman v. Railroad (64 N. Y. 255), 139, 695. Sherman v. Railway Co. (40 Iowa, 45), 1053. Sherman v. Rugee (55 Wis. 346), 763. Sherman v. Stage Co. (24 Iowa, 515), 1386, 1417. Sherman v. Wells (28 Barb. 403), 1360. Sherwood v. Railway Co. (82 Mich. 374), 1187. Sherwood v. Railway Co. (86 Hun, 556, 33 N. Y. Supp. 771), 1355. Shiells V. Blackburne (1 H. BI. 158), 7. Shillibeer v. Glyn (3 M. & W. 143), 34. Ship Nath'l Hooper (3 Sumn. 542), 818. Shipper v. Railroad Co. (47 Penn. St. 338), 521. Shipping Co. v. Armitage (L. R. 9 Q. B. 99), 800, 803. Shipton V. Thornton (9 A. & E. 314), 660, 824. Shoemaker v. Kingsbury (12 Wall. 369), 896, 963. Short V. Simpson (L. R. 1 C. P. 248), 197. Shriver v. Railroad Co. (24 Minn. 507), 450, 1354. Shutt V. Railroad Co. (149 Pa. St. '266, 24 Atl. 305), 1219. Sickles V. Railway Co. (13 Tex. Civ. App. 434, 35 S. W. Rep. 493), 1192. Sieber v. Railway Co. (76 Minn. 269, 79 N. W. Rep. 95), 1397. Siebrecht v. Railroad (48 N. Y. Supp. 3, 21 Misc. 615, aff'g., 46 N. Y. Supp. 1100, 20 Misc. 730), 477. Siegrist v. Arnot (86 Mo. 200, 56 Am, Rep. 424), 96. Silsbury v. McCoon (6 Hill, 425; 4 Denio, 332), 827. Silsbury v. M<;Coon (3 N. Y. 379), 827. Silver v. Frazier (3 Allen, 382), 1430. Silver v. Hale (2 St, Louis Ct. App. 557), 654. Silverman v. Railway Co. (51 La. Ann. 1785, 26 So. 447), 1362, 1365. Simis V. Railroad Co. (20 N. Y. Supp. 639, 1 Misc. 179), 1052. Simkins v. Steamboat Co. (11 Cush. 102), 168, 613. Simmons v. Railroad Co. (41 Or. 151, 69 Pac. 440; rehearing denied, 69 Pac, 1022), 899, 964, 997, 1004, 1019, 1022, 1073, 1110. Simmons v. Railway Co. (120 Ga. 225, 47 S. E. Rep. 570), 1179, 1180. Simmons v. St. Bt. Co. (97 Mass. 361), 1155. Simon v. Miller (7 La. Ann. 360), 1246. Simon v. The Fung Shuey (21 La. Ann. 363), 401. celxxvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [REFERENCES ARE Simons v. Railway (2 Com. B. (N. S.) 620), 1338. Simons v. Railway (18 Com. B. 805), 397. Simpson v. Dufour (126 Ind. 322), 754. Simpson v. Railroad Co. (16 Misc. 613, 38 N. Y. Supp. 341), 1249, 1363. Simpson v. Railway (L, R. 1 Q. B. Div. 274), 1367. Sims V. Bond (5 B. & Ad. 389), 1306. Siner v. Railway (L. R. 3 Exch. 150), 1177, 1187. Siner v. Railway (L. R. 4 Exch. 117), 937, 1122. Singleton v. Felton (101 Fed. 526, 42 C. C. A. 57), 990. Singleton v. Hilliard (1 Strob, 203), 489. Singleton v. Railway (7 C. B. (N. S.) 287), 1229. Singleton v. Railroad Co. (70 Ga. 464), 918. Sinnott v. Railroad Co. (104 Tenn. 233, 56 S. W. 836), 1054. Sinsheimer v. Railroad Co. (46 N. Y. Supp. 887, 21 Misc. 45), 668. Siordet v. Hall (4 Bing. 607), 274. Sira V. Railway Co. (115 Mo. 127, 21 S. W. 905, 37 Am. St. Rep. 386), 1060, 1083. Sisson V. Railroad (14 Mich. 489), 1366. 1600 Tons of Nitrate of Soda v. McLeod (61 Fed. 849, 10 C. C. A. 115, 15 U. S. App. 369), 841. Skilling V. Ballman (73 Mo. 663), 175. Skinner v. Hall (60 Me. 477), 231, 261. TO SECTIONS.] Skinner v. Railroad Co. (39 Fed. Rep. 188), 900. Skinner v. Railroad Co. (1 Cush. 475), 1384. Skinner v. Railroad (12 Iowa, 191), 776. Skinner v. Railroad Co. (128 N. Car. 435, 39 S. E. Rep. 65), 927. Skinner v. Railway (5 Exch. 787), 1017, 1414. Skinner v. Upshaw (2 Ld. Raym. 752), 864. Skoglund V. Railway Co. (45 Minn. 330), 1379. Skottowe V. Railway Co. (22 Or. 430, 30 Pac. 222, 16 L. R. A. 593), 937, 1397. Slater v. Railroad Co. (194 U. S. 120, 24 Sup. Ct. R. 581, 48 L. Ed. 900), 1388. Slater v. Railway Co. (29 S. C. 96), 271, 283, 287, 1354. Ex. p. Slay ton (105 U. S. 453), 344. Sleade v. Payne (14 La. Ann. 453), 696. Sleat V. Fagg (5 B. & Aid. 342), 392, 480, 611, 619. Sleeper v. Railroad Co. (100 Penn. St. 259), 1056. Sleeper v. Sandown (52 N. H. 244), 1231. Slim V. Railway (14 Com. B. 647), 1335. Sloan V. Railroad (1 Hun, 540), 1379. Sloan V. Railway Co. (58 Mo. 220), 497. Sloan V. Railway Co. (126 N. Car. 487, 36 S. E. Rep. 21), 733. Sloane v. Railway Co. (Ill Cal. 668, 44 Pac. 320, 32 L. R. A. 193), 1039, 1432, 1433. Sloman v. The Railroad (67 N. Y. 208), 1250. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclxxvii [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Sloop V. Railroad Co. (93 Mo. App. 605, 67 S. W. 956), 1366. Sloop V. Railroad ( — Mo. App. — , 84 S. W. Rep. Ill), 475, 652. Sloss V. Sheffield, etc. Co. (— Ala. — , 40 So. Rep. 211), 1397. Slosson V. Railroad Co. (51 Iowa, 294), 1418. Smalley v. Railway Co. (9 Det. L. N. 443, 131 Mich. 560, 91 N. W. 1027), 1118. Smedley v. Railway Co. (184 Pa. St. 620, 39 Atl. 544), 895, 948, 1423. Smiley v. Railway Co. (160 Mo. 629, 61 S. W. 667), 1423. Smith V. Bedouin Steam Nav. Co. (App. Cas. (1896) 70, 65 L. J. P. C. 8), 159. Smith V. Booth (122 Fed. 626, 58 C. C. A. 479, aff'g., 110 Fed. 680), 344, 464. Smith V. Dearlove (6 Com. B. 132), 882. Smith V. Dinsmore (9 Daly, 188), 442. Smith V. Cable Co. (174 Mass. 576, 55 N. E. Rep. 380, 75 Am. St. Rep. 374, 47 L. R. A. 323), 1427. Smith V. Chamberlain (38 S. Car. 529, 17 S. E. Rep. 371, 19 L. R. A. 710), 943. Smith V. Cissel (22 App. D. C. 318), 1397, 1398. Smith V. Day (100 Fed. 244, 40 C. C. A. 366, 49 L. R. A. 108, reversing 86 Fed. 62), 1208. Smith V. Electric Co. (188 Mass. 371, 74 N. E. Rep. 664), 1389. Smith V. Empire, etc. Co. (127 Fed. 462), 1388. Smith V. Express Co. (104 Ala. 387, 16 So. 62), 728. Smith V. Express Co. (108 Mich. 572, 66 N. W. 479), 231, 401, 408, 433. Smith V. Findley (34 Kan. 316), 804. Smith V. Harrison (67 Fed. 354, 14 C. C. A. 656, 28 U. S. App. 383, aft'g., 50 Fed. 565), 839. Smith V. Holcomb (99 Mass. 552), 1422. Smith V. Home (8 Taunt, 144), 390, 392. Smith V. Lee (66 Fed. 344, 13 C. C. A. 506, 21 U. S. App. 650), 698, 848. Smith V. Martin (6 Binney, 262), 791. Smith V. Middleton (112 Ky. 588, 66 S. W. 388, 100 Am. St. Rep. 308), 1397. Smith V. North German Lloyd S. S. Co. (142 Fed. 1032), 1069. Smith V. Overby (30 Ga. 241), 1422. Smith V. Packet Co. (86 N. Y. 408), 1163, 1428. Smith V. Pekin (Gilp. 203), .469. Smith V. Pierce (1 La. 350), 92. Smith V. Pullman's Palace Car Co. (5 Rev. de Jur. 423), 1130. Smith V. R. & Banking Co. (113 Ga. 9, 38 S. E. 330), 964. Smith V. Railroad (75 Ala. 449), 1386. Smith V. Railroad Co. (12 Allen, 531), 336, 339, 341, 1362. Smith V. Railroad (43 Barb. 225), 1348. Smith V. Railroad Co. ( — Ind. App. — , 73 N. E. Rep. 928), 1397. Smith V. Railroad Co. (124 Ind. 395, 24 N. E. 753), 964. Smith V. Railroad Co. (55 Iowa, 33), 1220. cclxxviii TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Smith V. Railroad Co. (1 Inter- state Com. Rep. 208), 1030. Smith V. Railroad Co. (95 Ky. 11, 23 S. W. Rep. 652, 22 L. R. A. 72), 990. Smith V. Railroad Co. (64 N. C. 235), 450, 1354. Smith V. Railroad Co. (99 N. C. 241), 1217. Smith V. Railroad Co. (35 N. H. 366), 1417. Smith V. Railroad (44 N. H. 325), 1249. Smith V. Railroad Co. (46 N, J. L. 1), 1233. Smith V. Railroad Co. (34 N. S. R. 22, 1 Can. Ry. Cases, 231; reversed, Railroad v. Smith, 31 S. C. R. 367, 1 Can. Ry. Cases, 255), 926. Smith V. Railroad (19 N. Y. 127; 6 Duer, 225), 952. Smith V. Railroad (24 N. Y. 222), 454. Smith V. Railroad Co. (87 Md. 48, 38 Atl. 1072), 1443, 1446. Smith V. Railroad (37 Mo. 287), 1417. Smith V. Railroad Co. (100 Mich. 148, 58 N. W. 651, 43 Am. St. Rep. 440), 641. Smith V. Railroad Co. (149 Pa. St. 249, 24 Atl. 304), 945. Smith V. Railroad Co. (6 S. Dak. 583, 62 N. W. Rep. 967, 28 L. R. A. 573), 1400. Smith V. Railway Co. (88 Ala. 538, 16 Am. St. Rep. 63, 7 So. 119, 7 L. R. A. 323), 1123. Smith V. Railway Co. (91 Ala. 455, 8 So. 754, 24 Am. St. Rep. 929, 11 L. R. A. 619), 282, 311. Smith V. Roberts (67 Fed. 361, 14 C. C. A. 417, 28 U. S. App. 389), 839. TO SECTIONS.] Smith V. Railway (L. R. 2 C. P. 4), 940. Smith V. Railway Co. (114 Mich. 460, 72 N. W. 328; reversed in Railway Co. v. Smith, 173 U. S. 684, 43 L. Ed. 858, 19 Sup. Ct. 565), 574, 575, 596. Smith V. Railway Co. (32 Minn. I, 18 N. W. 827), 1413. Smith V. Railway Co. (92 Minn. II, 99 N. W. Rep. 47), 1334. Smith V. Railway Co. (74 Mo. App. 48), 161. Smith V. Railway (112 Mo. App. 610, 87 S. W. Rep. 9), 450. Smith V. Railway Co. ( — N. Dak. — , 107 N. W. Rep. 56), 537. Smith V. Railway (23 Ohio St. 10), 1422, 1433. Smith V. Railway Co. (92 Penn. St. 450), 1229. Smith V. Railway Co. (6 S. Dak. 583, 62 N. W. Rep. 967, 28 L. R. A. 573), 1397. Smith V. Railway Co. (49 Wis. 443), 1342. Smith V. Railway Co. (48 W. Va. 69, 35 S. E. Rep. 834), 1094. Smith V. Robinson Bros. Lumber Co. (34 N. Y. Supp. 518), 457. Smith V. Rosario Nitrate Co. (1 Q. B. (1894) 174, (1893) 2 Q. B. 323), 841. Smith V. Seward (3 Penn. St. 342), 66, 1327, 1328. Smith V. Smith (2 Pick. 621), 333. Smith V. State (100 Tenn. 494, 46 S. W. 566, 41 L. R. A. 432), 972. Smith V. Steamship Co. (123 Fed. 176), 689, G99. Smith V. Steamship Co. (142 Fed. 1032), 1299. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclxxix [befehences are Smith V. Transportation Co. (20 Wash. 580, 56 Pac. 372, 44 L. R. A. 557), 1169. Smith V. Whitman (13 Mo. 352), 613. Smith V. Wilson (31 How. Pr. 272), 1162. Smitha v. Railroad Co. (86 Tenn. 198), 339. Smitson v. Railway Co. (37 Or. 74, 60 Pac. 907), 1118, 1122, 1427. Smotherman v. Railway Co. (29 Mo. App. 265), 1197. Smurthwaite v. Wilkins (11 Com. B. (N. S.) 842), 197. Smyrl v. Nolan (2 Bail. 421), 270, 486. Smyth V. Ames (169 U. S. 466, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 418, aff'g., Ames V. Railway, 64 Fed. 165; modified, 171 U. S. 361, 18 Sup. Ct. 888, 43 L. Ed. 197), 574, 577, 581, 583. Smyth V. Wright (15 Barb. 51), 816, 820. Snead v. Watkins (1 Com. B. (N. S.) 267), 882. Snell V. Smith (78 Ga. 355), 1389. Snellbaker v. Railroad Co. (94 Ky. 597, 23 S. W. Rep. 509), 1033. Snelling v. Ferry Co. (13 N. Y. Suppl. 398), 923. Snelling v. Yetter (49 N. Y. Supp. 917, 25 App. Div. 590), 72. Snider v. Express Co. (63 Mo. 376), 401, 408, 425, 450. Snow V. Carruth (1 Sprague, 324), 120, 799. Snow V. Railroad Co. (136 Mass. 552), 1011. Snow V. Railroad Co. (185 Mass. 321, 70 N. E. 205), 1430. Snow V. Railway Co. (109 Ind. 422), 130, 167, 168. TO SECTIONS.] Snowden v. Railroad Co. (151 Mass. 220), 1192. Snowdon v. Davis (1 Taunt. 359), 805. Snyder v. Depot Co. (19 O. C. C. 368), 944. Snyder v. Railroad Co. (85 Mo. App. 495), 1427. Soblomsten, The (L. R. 1 Adm. 293), 824. Solan V. Railway Co. (95 Iowa, 260, 63 N. W. 692, 58 Am. St. Rep. 430, 28 L. R. A. 718), 1003, 1072, 1073. Solomon v. Railway Co. (103 N. Y. 437), 1174, 1177. Solomon v. Steamboat Co. (2 Daly, 104), 690. Solomons v. Dawes (1 Esp. 83), 753. Sonia Cotton Oil Co. v. The Red River (106 La. 42, 30 So. 303, 87 Am. St. Rep. 293), 167, 177, 194. Sonier v. Railroad Co. (141 Mass. 10), 1174. Sonn V. Smith (68 N. Y. Supp. 217, 57 App. Div. 372), 674. Soper V. Railroad Co. (113 Mich. 443, 71 N. W. 853), 443, 444. Sorensen v. Balaban (42 N. Y. Supp. 654, 11 App. Div. 164), 1384. Sorensen v. Keyser (52 Fed. 163, 2 C. C. A. 650, 2 U. S. App. 297, reversing 48 Fed. 117; s. c. 51 Fed. 30, 2 C. C. A. 92), 837, 841. Sorrell v. Railroad Co. (75 Ga. 509), 1341. Soule V. Railroad (24 Conn. 575), 1376. Southard v. Railway (60 Minn. 382, 62 N. W. 442, 619), 141, 475, 1354. cclxxx TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Southcote V. Stanley (1 Hurl. & N. 247), 1015. Southcote's Case (4 Coke, 84), 40, 390. Southerland-Innes Co. v. Thynas 128 Fed. 42, 64 C. C. A. 116), 488. Southern Bell Tel. Co. v. Cassin 111 Ga. 575, 36 S. E. Rep. 881, 50 L. R. A. 694), 1391. Southern Ex. Co. v. Crook (44 Ala. 468), 80, 450. Southern Ex. Co. v. Hess (53 Ala. 19), 236. Southern Ex. Co. v. McVeigh (20 Gratt. 264), 83. Southern Ex. Co. v. Moon (39 Miss. 822), 401, 450. Southern Ex. Co. v. Newby (36 Ga. 635), 80, 111. Southern Ex. Co. v. Shea (38 Ga. 519), 226, 230, 236. ■ Southern Ex. Co. v. Womack (1 Heisk. 256), 80, 304, 317, 319. Southern Pac. Co. v. Bailey (Tex. Civ. App., 91 S. W. Rep. 820), 1433. Southern Pacific Co. v. Board of Railroad Commissioners (78 Fed. 236; s. c. 95 Fed. 572), 574, 578, 582, 583. Southern Pacific Co. v. Cavin ( — C. C. A. — , 144 Fed. 348, affirming Cavin v. Southern Pacific Co., 136 Fed. 592), 1412. Southern Pac. Co. v. Duncan (16 Ky. Law Rep. 119), 462. Southern Pacific Co. v. Hamilton (54 Fed. 468, 4 C. C. A. 441, 7 U. S. App. 626), 1100. Southern Pac. Co. v. Interstate Commerce Commission (200 U. S. 536, reversing 132 Fed. 829 and 137 Fed. 606), 565. TO SECTIONS.] Southern Pacific Co. v. Maloney 136 Fed. 171), 1422. Southern Pacific Co. v. Patterson (7 Tex. Civ. App. 451, 27 S. W. Rep. 194), 1023, 1085. Southern Pacific Co. v. Schuyler 135 Fed. 1015, 68 C. C. A. 409), 1017. Southern Queen Mfg. Co. v. Mor- ris (105 Tenn. 654, 58 S. W. Rep. 651), 1401. Soviero v. Express Co. (94 N. Y. Supp. 375), 231. Soyer v. Great Falls, etc. Co. (15 Mont. 1, 37 Pac. Rep. 838), 1397. Spade V. Railroad Co. (168 Mass. 285, 47 N. E. Rep. 88, 60 Am. St. Rep. 393, 38 L. R. A. 512), 1427. Spade V. Railroad Co. (172 Mass. 488, 52 N. E. 747, 43 L. R. A. 832), 1432. Spafford v. Railroad Co. (128 Mass. 326), 1030. Spalding v. Railroad Co. (101 Mo. App. 225, 73 S. W. Rep. 274), 642, 1372. Spangler v. Railway Co. (68 Kan. 46, 74 Pac. 607, 63 L. R. A. 634, 104, Am. St. Rep. 391), 980, 988. Spann v. Transportation Co. (33 N. Y. Supp. 566, 11 Misc. 680), 65, 273, 654, 658, 1366. Spannagle v. Railroad Co. (31 111. App. 460), 1006. Sparks v. Citizens Coach Co. (6 N. J. Law J. 365), 1195. Sparks v. Railroad Co. (31 Mo. App. Ill), 1394. Spaulding v. Railroad Co. (98 Iowa, 205, 67 N. W. Rep. 227), 1397. Spears v. Railroad Co. (11 S. C. 158). 702. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclxxxi [references are Spees V. Boggs (198 Pa. St. 112, 47 Atl. 875, 82 Am. St. Rep. 792), 102. Spellman v. Transit Co. (36 Neb. 890, 55 N. W. 270, 38 Am. St. Rep. 753, 20 L. R. A. 316), 78, 1414. Spence v. Chadwick (10 Q. B. 517), 625. Spence v. Mitchell (9 Ala. 744), 780. Spence v. Railroad Co. (92 Va. 102, 22 S. E. Rep. 815, 29 L. R. A. 578). 1309, 1324. Spencer v. Daggett (2 Vt. 92), 75. Spencer v. Lovejoy (96 Ga. 657, 23 S. E. Rep. 836, 51 Am. St. Rep. 152), 1049. Spencer v. Railroad Co. (17 Wis. 487), 1174, 1211. Spencer v. Railway Co. (105 Wis. 311, 81 N. W. 407), 1412. Spencer v. White (1 Iredell (Law), 236), 809. Spero V. Railroad Co. (47 N. Y. Supp. 1093, 21 Misc. 683), 942. Spicer v. Railroad Co. (149 Mass. 207), 1126. Spiegel V. Steamship Co. (56 N. Y. Supp. 171, 26 Misc. 414), 743. Spiess V. Railroad Co. (71 N. J. L. 90, 58 Atl. 116), 1052. Spindler v. Hilliard (2 Rich. 286), 281. Spinetti v. Steamship Co, (14 Hun, 100), 469. Spinetti v. Steamship Co. (80 N. Y. 71), 469. Spink V. Railroad Co. (21 Ky. Law Rep. 778, 52 S. W. Rep. 1067), 1061, 1065. Spofford V. Railroad Co. (128 Mass. 326), 521, 1023. TO SECTIONS.] Spohn V. Railway Co. (87 Mo. 77), 981. Spohn V. Railway Co. (101 Mo. 417), 981. Sprague v. Railroad (52 N. Y. 637), 708. Sprague v. Railway Co. (92 Fed. 59, 34 C. C. A. 207), 899, 1174. 1217. Sprague v. Railway Co. (34 Kan. 347), 442. Sprague v. Smith (29 Vt. 421), 77, 238, 916, 1049. Sprague v. West (Abb. Adm. 548), 807. Sprigg's Adm'r. v. Railroad ( — Vt. — , 60 Atl. 143), 1003, 1072, 1073. Spring V. Haskell (4 Allen, 112), 1360, 1370. Springer v. Byram (137 Ind. 15, 36 N. E. 361, 23 L. R. A. 244, 45 Am. St. Rep. 159), 100. Springer v. Ford (189 111. 430, 59 N. E. 953, 52 L. R. A. 930, 82 Am. St. Rep. 464, aff'g., 88 111. App. 529), 100, 102. Springer v. Schultz (205 111. 144, 58 N. E. 753, aft'g., 105 111. App. 544), 100, 102. Springer v. Westcott (166 N. Y. 117, 59 N. E. 693, aff'g., 46 N. Y. Supp. 589, 19 App. Div. 366; s. c. 37 N. Y. Supp. 909, 2 App. Div. 295; s. c. 33 N. Y. Supp. 805, 87 Hun, 190; s. c. 29 N. Y. Supp. 149, 78 Hun, 365), 1294, 1298. Springer Transp. Co. v. Smith (16 Lea, 498), 1096. Springs v. Railroad Co. (46 S. C. 104, 24 S. E. Rep. 166), 203. Sproat V. Donnell (26 Me. 185), 169, 603. cclxxxii TABLE OP CASES CITED. [befeeences are Sproul V. Hemmingway (14 Pick. 1), 92. Sproule V. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 91 S. W. Rep. 657), 1017. Sprowl V. Kellar (4 Stew. & P. 382), 75. Spry V. Railway Co. (73 Mo. App. 203), 1431. Squire v. Railroad (98 Mass. 240), 108, 139, 339, 408, 426, 430, 438, 457. St. Louis Drayage Co. v. Railroad Co. (65 Fed. 39), 519. St. Mary's Creamery Co. v. Rail- way (8 Out. L. R. 1, 3 Cana- dian Ry. Cases, 447, aff'g., 5 Ont. L. R. 742, 2 Canadian Ry. Cases, 122), 784. Staal V. Railroad Co. (57 Mich. 239), 1401. Stadhecker v. Combs (9 Rich. Law (1st ser.) 193), 80. Stager v. Railway Co. (119 Penn. St. 70), 1414. Stahl V. Railroad Co. (71 N. H. 57, 51 Atl. 176), 1372. Stahler v. Railroad Co. (199 Pa. St. 383, 49 Atl. 273, 85 Am. St. Rep. 791), 1397, 1423. Staines v. Railroad Co. ( — N. J. — , 61 Atl. Rep. 385), 1177, 1221, 1432. Stalcup V. Railway Co. (16 Ind. App. 584, 45 N. E. 802), 964. Standard Milling Co. v. Transit Co. (122 Mo. 258, 26 S. W. Rep. 704), 651, 702. Standish v. S. S. Co. (Ill Mass. 512), 1036, 1303. Stanley v. Steele (77 Conn. 688, 60 Atl. Rep. 640, 69 L. R. A. 561), 96. Stannard v. Prince (64 N. Y. 300), 72. TO SECTIONS.] Stanton v. Austin (L. R. 7 C. P. 651), 848. Stanton v. Eager (16 Pick. 467), 194. Stanton v. Railroad (14 Allen, 485), 1263. Stapleton v. Railway Co. (133 Mich. 187, 10 Det. L. N. 133, 94 N. W. Rep. 739), 119, 685, 713. Starnes v. Railroad Co. (91 Tenn. 516, 19 S. W. 675), 426, 429. Starper Bros. v. Railroad Co. (37 Conn. 272), 1354. Starr v. Railway Co. (67 Minn. 18, 69 N. W. 632), 1018, 1073. State V. Bangor (30 Me. 341), 1389. State V. Campbell (32 N. J. L. 307), 1085. State V. Campbell (3 Vroom, 309), 1079. State V. Chovin (7 Iowa, 204), 1033. State ex rel v. Cumberland Tele- phone & Telegraph Co. (52 La. Ann. 1850, 28 So. 284), 512. State V. Express Co. (81 Minn. 87, 83 N. W. 465), 577. State V. Goold (53 Me. 279), 1033. State ex rel v. Hicks (44 La. Ann. 770, 11 So. Rep. 74). 972. State V. Hungerford (39 Minn. 6), 1033. State V. Johnson (61 Kan. 803, 60 Pac. 1068, 49 L. R. A. 662), 574. State V. Kinney (34 Minn. 311), 1084, 1433. State V. Liquors (83 Me. 158), 779. State V. Missouri Pac. Ry. Co. (71 Mo. App. 385), 1249. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclxxxiii [BEFEBENCES ABE State V. Overton (24 N. J. 435), 972, 1041. State V. Probate Court (51 Minn. 241, 53 N. W. Rep. 463), 1397. State V. Railroad Co. ( — Pla. — , 40 So. Rep. 875), 575. State V. Railroad Co. (27 Fla. 403, 9 So. Rep. 89), 574. State V. Railroad Co. (60 Me. 490), 1386. State V. Railroad Co. (81 Me. 84), 1192. State V. Railroad Co. (76 Minn. 469, 79 N. W. 510), 929. State V. Railroad Co. (80 Minn. 191, 83 N. W. 60), 574, 583. State V. Railroad Co. (76 Me. 357), 1391, 1418. State V. Railroad (24 Md. 84), 1397, 1398. State V. Railroad Co. (45 Md. 41), 1387. State V. Railroad Co. (58 Md. 482), 1417. State V. Railroad Co. (63 Md. 433), 1004. State V. Railroad Co. (75 Md. 152, 23 Atl. Rep. 310, 32 Am. St. Rep. 372), 1391. State V. Railroad Co. (22 Neb. 313), 574. State V. Railroad (— Neb. — , 99 N. W. Rep. 309), 495, 496. State V. Railroad (— Neb. — , 101 N. W. Rep. 23), 495, 512. State V. Railroad Co. (31 Tex. Civ. App. 219, 71 S. W. Rep. 994), 525. State V. Railway Co. (84 Md. 163, 34 Atl. 1130), 1077. State V. Railway Co. (58 Me. 176), 1012, 1116. State V. Railway Co. (61 Me. 114), 1386. TO SECTIONS.] State V. Railway Co. (47 Ohio St. 130), 521. State V. Reed (76 Miss. 211, 24 So. 308, 43 L. R. A. 134), 945. State V. Ross (2 Butcher, 224), 1084. State V. Seaboard Air-Line Rail- way (— Fla. — , 37 So. 314), 577, 583. State V. Southern Kan. Ry. Co. of Texas (Tex. Civ. App. 49 S. W. 252), 576. State V. Southern Railway Co. 122 N. C. 1063, 30 S. E. 133, 41 L. R. A. 246), 591. State V. Telephone Co. (17 Neb. 126), 95. State V. Telephone Co. (114 Tenn. 194, 86 S. W. 390), 95. State V. Thompson (20 I^. H. 250), 1038, 1079. State V. Union Depot Co. (71 Ohio St. 379, 73 N. E. 633, 68 L. R. A. 792), 944. State Nat. Bank v. Railway Co. 72 Mo. App. 82), 234. Staub V. Kendrick (121 Ind. 226), 1246. St. Clair v. Railroad Co. (77 Mis. 789, 28 So. 957), 1049. Steamboat Angelina Corning (1 Ben. 109), 92. Steamboat Co. v. Atkins (22 Penn. St. 522), 779. Steamboat Co. v. Bason (1 Har- per, 262), 289, 482. Steamboat Co. v. Brockett (121 U. S. 637), 1084, 1433. Steamboat Co. v. Brown (54 Penn. St. 77), 226, 242. Steamboat Co. v. East Coast Transp. Co. (28 Fla. 387), 946. Steamboat Co. v. Knapp (73 111. 506), 687, 695. cclxxxiv TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Steamboat Co. v. Merchants', etc. Bank (— Md. — , 63 Atl. Rep. 113), 182. Steamboat Co. v. People's Steam- boat Co. (141 Fed. 454), 946. Steamboat Co. v. Railroad (24 Conn. 40), 1441. Steamboat Co. v. Walker (120 Fed. 97. 56 C. C. A. 49), 1414. Steamboat Crystal Palace v. Van- derpool (16 B. Mon. 302), 1269. Steamboat Farmer v. McCraw (26 Ala. 189), 780, 1306. Steamboat Lynx v. King (12 Mo. 272), 647. Steamboat New World v. King (16 How. 469), 11, 895. Steamboat Sultana v. Chapman (5 Wis. 454), 698. Steamboat Virginia v. Kraft (25 Mo. 76), 866, 867. Steamer New Philadelphia (1 Black, 62), 92. Steamer Webb (14 Wall. 406), 92. Steamship America (8 Bened. 491), 1357. Steamship Co. v. Borthwick (App. Cas. (1905) 93, aff'g Borthwick v. Steamship Co. (1904) 1 K. B. 319), 357. Steamship Co. v. Bryan (83 Penn. St. 446), 1268. Steamship Co. v. Bullen (111 111. App. 426), 113. Steamship v. Burrows (36 Fla. 121, 18 So. Rep. 349), 449, 483, 1353. Steamship Co. v. Castle Mail Packets Co., Ltd. (L. R. 1898) App. Cas. 486, 67 L. J. Q. B. 795, aft'g 66 L. J. Q. B. 819, (1897) 2 Q. B. 485), 835. Steamship Co. v. Colombian Land Co. (102 Fed. 358, 42 C. C. A. 398), 810, 865, 866. TO SECTIONS.] Steamship Co. v. Dempsey (1 Q. B. (1892) 854, 61 L. J. Q. B. 620, reversing 1 Q. B. (1892) 54, 61 L. J. Q. B. 263), 839, 844. Steamship Co. v. Drysdale (32 S. C. R. 379), 442. Steamship Co. v. Guggenheim (123 Fed. 330), 840. Steamship Co. v. Hill Mfg. Co. (109 U. S. 587), 344. Steamship Co. v. Insurance Co. (129 U. S. 397), 452. Steamship Co. v. Kane (88 Fed. 197, 31 C. C. A. 452), 919. Steamship Co. v. Kelley (115 Fed. 678, 53 C. C. A. 310), 158, 160. Steamship Co. v. Kelley (126 Fed. 610, 61 C. C. A. 532, reversing Kelley v. Steamship Co., 120 Fed. 536), 158. Steamship Co. v. Keyser (84 Fed. 693; aff'd, on opinion of court below, 87 Fed. 1005, 31 C. C. A. 347, 59 U. S. App. 211), 841. Steamship Co. v. Lamport & Holt (1 Q. B. (1897) 570, 66 L. J. Q. B. 382), 838. Steamship Co. v. Leask (18 Sess. Cas. (4th) 280), 842. Steamship Co. v. Mackay (1 K. B. (1903) 297, 72 L. J. K. B. 147), 164. Steamship Co. v. 119,254 Bushels of Flaxseed (117 Fed. 283), 384, 880. Steamship Co. v. Paige (108 Ga. 296, 33 S. E. Rep. 969), 286, 509. Steamship Co. v. Pilkington (28 S. C. R. (Can.) 146), 451, 464, 602. Steamship Co. v. Seago (101 Fed. 999, 42 C. C. A. 128), 163, 449, 1353. TABLE OP CASES CITED. cclxxxv [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Steamship Co. v. Sharpe & Co. (24 Q. B. Div. (1890) 158), 853. Steamship Co. v. Smart (107 Pa. St. 492), 702, 714. Steamship Co. v. 2000 Tons of Coal (124 Fed. 937; affirvted in Niver Coal Co. v. Steam- ship Co., — C. C. A. — , 142 Fed. 402), 833, 841. Steamship Co. v. Way (90 Ga. 751), 344. Steamship Line v. Steiger & Co. (136 Fed. 772; s. c. 132 Fed. 160), 488. Steamshipping Cp. v. Hagar (124 Fed. 460), 837, 857. Stearns v. Railroad Co. (46 Me. 95), 918. Stedman v. Transportation Co. (48 Barb. 97), 401. Steel V. Kurtz (28 Ohio St. 191), 1397, 1398. Steel V. Steamship Co. (3 App. Cas. 72), 373. Steele v. McTyer (31 Ala. 667), 55. Steele v. Railway Co. (55 S. Car. 389, 33 S. E. Rep. 509, 74 Am. St. Rep. 756), 899, 1217. Steele v. Townsend (37 Ala. 247), 233, 408, 449, 450, 1354. Steelman v. Taylor (3 Ware, 52), 800, 802. Steenerson v. Railway Co. (60 Minn. 461, 62 N. W. 826), 575. Steenerson v. Railway Co. (69 Minn. 353, 72 N. W. 713), 575, 577, 583, 586. Steers v. Steamship Co. (57 N. Y. 1), 408, 451, 1028, 1297, 1354, 1355. Steffen v. Railway Co. (156 Mo. 322, 56 S. W. 1125), 1370. SteidI V. Railroad ( — Minn. — , 102 N. W. Rep. 701), 170, 660. Steinman v. Angier Line (1 Q. B. (1891) 619, 60 L. J. Q. B. 425), 468. Steinman v. Wilkins (7 Watts & S. 466), 51. Steinweg v. Railway (43 N. Y. 123), 463, 477, 503, 505, 952. Steinwender v. The Mexican Prince (82 Fed. 484; affirmed on opinion of court below, The Mexican Prince 91 Fed. 1003, 34 C. C. A. 168), 374, 382. Stembridge v. Railway Co, (65 S. Car. 440, 43 S. E. 968), 1414. Stephan v. Railway Co. (106 111. App. 13), 1396. Stephen v. Smith (29 Vt. 160), 1033, 1036. Stephenson v. Hart (4 Bing. 476), 681, 1319. Stephenson v. Railroad Co. (2 Duer, 341), 1222. Stern v. La Compagnie Generale Transatlantique (110 Fed. 996), 1396. Stern v. Railroad Co. (76 Mich. 591), 1412. Sternfels v. Railroad Co. (174 N. Y. 512, 66 N. E. Rep. 1117), 1397, 1401. Sternfels v. Railroad Co. (77 N. Y. Supp. 309, 73 App. Div. 494), 1398. Stevenot v. Railway Co. (61 Minn. 104, 63 N. W. 256, 28 L. R. A. 600), 747. Stevens v. Navigation Co. (39 Fed. Rep. 562), 492. Stevens v. Railroad (8 Gray, 262), cclxxxvi TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Stevenson v. Pullman Palace Car Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 26 S. W. Rep. 112; s. c. 32 S. W. Rep. 335), 1131. Stevenson v. West Seattle Land & Imp. Co. (22 Wash. 84, 60 Pac. 51), 1427. Stewart v. Comer (100 Ga. 754, 28 S. E. Rep. 461, 62 Am. St. Rep. 353), 615. Stewart v. Despatch Co. (47 Iowa, 229), 84, 450. Stewart v. Machias Port (48 Me. 477), 1230. Stewart v. Railroad Co. (83 Ala. 493), 1389. Stewart v. Railroad Co. (103 Ind. 14), 1384, 1394. Stewart v. Railroad Co. (146 Mass. 605), 1192. Stewart v. Railroad Co, (1 Mc- Crary, 312), 233. Stewart v. Railroad Co. (38 N. J. L. 505), 521. Stewart v. Railroad Co. (90 N. Y. 288), 1098. Stewart v. Railroad Co. (168 U. S. 445, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 105, 42 L. Ed. 537). 1390. Stewart v. Railroad Co. (53 Tex. 289), 936. Stewart v. Railway (3 H. & C. 135), 408, 1241. Stewart v. Railway Co. (21 Ind. App. 218, 52 N. E. 89), 173, 408, 475, 1331. Stewart v. Transportation Co. (47 Iowa, 229), 620. Stickney v. Allen (10 Gray, 352), 1363. Stiles V. Davis (1 Black, 101), 739, 740. Stiles V. Railroad Co. (65 Ga. 370), 991. TO SECTIONS.] Sfillson V. Railway Co. (67 Mo. 674), 1229. Stilwell V. Staples (19 N. Y. 401), 783. Stimson v. Jackson (58 N. H. 138), 677, 719. Stimson v. Railroad (98 Mass. 83), 238, 1249, 1276, 1302. Stimson v. Railway Co. (75 Wis. 381, 44 N, W. Rep. 748), 920. St. John V. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 80 S. W. Rep. 235), 895, 1111, 1417. Stock V. Wood (136 Mass. 353), 1418. Stockton V. Prey (4 Gill, 406), 895, 904, 1423. Stockwell V. Railroad Co. (131 Fed. 153), 1388. Stoddard v. Railroad Co. (181 Mass. 422, 63 N. E. 927), 916. Stoddard v. Railroad (5 Sand. 180), 401. Stoeckman v. Railroad Co. (15 Mo. App. 503), 1388, 1390. Stokes v. Railroad Co. (107 N. Car. 178), 933. Stokes V. Railway Co. (2 F. & F. 691), 910. Stokes V. Saltonstall (13 Pet. 181), 892, 894, 895, 958, 959, 1223, 1414. Stollenwerck v. Thatcher (115 Mass. 224), 175, 186. Stone V. Hays (3 Denio, 575), 1318. Stone V. Knowlton (3 Wend. 374), 1335. Stone V. Railroad (Iowa), (5 Cent. Law Jour. 477; 10 C. L. N. 78), 1079. Stone V. Railroad Co. (62 Miss. 607), 574. Stone V. Railroad Co. (115 N. Y. 104), 1228. TABLE OF CASES CITED. celxxxvii [BEFEBENCES ABE Stone V. Railway Co. (47 Iowa, 82), 1041, 10S5. Stone V. Railway Co. (66 Mich. 77), 1187. Stone V. Railway Co. (88 Wis. 98, 59 N. W. 457), 990. Stone V. Railway Co. (8 S. Dak. 1, 65 N. W. 29), 177. Stone V. Rice (58 Ala. 95), 696. Stone V. Swift (4 Pick. 389), 175. Stone V. Trust Co. (116 U. S. 307), 574, 1023. Stoneman v. Railway (52 N. Y. 429), 1249, 1250. Stoner v. Railway Co. (109 Iowa, 551, 80 N. W. 569), 172, 625, 630. Stoody V. Railway Co. (124 Mich. 420, 83 N. W. Rep. 26), 899, 1414. Storer v. Gowen (18 Me. 174), 32. Storr V. Crowley (McClel. & Y. 129), 665, 729. Storrie v. Elevator Co. (134 Mich. 297, 96 N. W. Rep. 569), 1386. Story V. Railroad Co. (133 N. Car. 59, 45 S. E. 349), 963, 969. Stowe V. Railroad (113 Mass. 521), 702. St. Paul Trust Co. v. Sargent (44 Minn. 449, 47 N. W. Rep. 51), 1396. Straiton v. Railroad (2 E. D. Smith, 184), 261. Strand v. Railway Co. (64 Mich. 216), 1223. Strand v. Railway Co. (67 Mich. 380), 994, 1230. Strange v. Railway Co. (61 Mo. App. 586), 1126, 1427. Stranger, The (1 Brown Adm. 281), 92. Straus V. Railroad Co. (75 Mo. 185), 1118. Straus V. The Martha (35 Fed. Rep. 313), 661. TO SECTIONS.] Strauss v. Railroad Co. (87 N. Y. Supp. 67, 91 App. Div. 583), 1388. Streeter v. Horlock (1 Bing. 34), 611. Streets v. Railroad Co. (78 N. Y. Supp. 729, 76 App. Div. 480; affirmed without opinion, 178 N. Y. 553, 70 N. E. 1109), 1000. Strieker v. Leathers (68 Miss. 803, 9 So. 821, 13 L. R. A. 600), 698. Strieker v. Railroad Co. (60 N. J. L. 230, 37 Atl. 776), 1065, 1107. Strickland v. Barrett (20 Pick. 415), 148. Stringer v. Railway Co. (96 Mo. 299), 1000, 1218. Strohn v. Railroad (23 Wis. 126), 267, 462. Strong V. Adams (30 Vt. 221), 780. Strong V. Hart (6 B. & C. 160), 810. Strong V. Railroad Co. (86 N. Y. Supp. 911, 91 App. Div. 442), 1298, 1348. Strother v. Railroad Co. (123 N. Car. 197, 31 S. E. 386), 1101. Strough V. Railroad Co. (87 N. Y. Supp. 30, 92 App. Div. 584), 495, 521, 804. Strouss V. Railway Co. (17 Fed. Rep. 209), 271, 1249, 1250. Strutt V. Railroad Co. (45 N. Y. Supp. 728, 18 App. Div. 134), 942. Stubbs V. Lund (7 Mass. 453), 771. Stuebing v. Marshall (10 Daly, 406), 1392. Stump V. Hutchinson (11 Penn. St. 533), 1338. cclxxxviii TABLE OF CASES CITEL. [references are Sturdlvant v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 27 S. W. Rep. 170), 911. 1216. Sturgeon v. Railway Co. (65 Mo. 569), 419. Sturgess v. Bissell (46 N. Y. 462), 1360. Sturgis V. Frost (56 Ga. 188), 1423. Sturgis V. Railway Co. (72 Mich. 619), 937. Stutmuller v. Cloughly (58 Iowa, 738), 1397. Suber v. Railway Co. (96 Ga. 42 23 S. E. Rep. 387), 1179. Sullivan v. Canal Co. (72 Vt. 353, 47 Atl. 1048), 937, 1174, 1191. Sullivan v. Railroad Co. (148 Mass. 119), 978. Sullivan v. Railroad Co. (82 Me. 196), 1233. Sullivan v. Railroad Co. (12 Ore. 392), 1441. Sullivan v. Railroad (30 Penn. St. 234), 895. Sullivan v. Thompson (99 Mass. 259), 716, 718. Summers v. Railroad Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 79 S. W. Rep. 481), 444, 475. Sumner v. Caswell (20 Fed. Rep. 249), 55, 497. Sunbolf V. Alford (3 M. & W. 248), 882. Susong v. Railroad Co. (115 Ga. 361, 41 S. E. 566), 1348. Sutherland v. Bank (78 Ky, 250), 193, 748. Sutherland v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 40 S. W. Rep. 193), 999. Sutherland v. Sutherland (69 111. 481), 1444. Sutro V. Fargo (41 N. Y. Super. 231), 1355. TO SECTIONS.] Sutton v. Railroad Co. (45 Fed. 507), 850. Sutton v. Railway Co. (14 S. Dak. Ill, 84 N. W. 396), 241. Sutton V. Wauwatosa (29 Wis. 21), 1233. Swain v. Shepherd (1 Moody & R. 223), 1318. Swan V. Railroad Co. (132 Mass. 116), 1085, 1111, 1032, 1033. Swan V. Railroad Co. (106 Tenn. 229, 61 S. W. 57), 859, 860. Swanson v. Oakes (93 Minn. 404, 101 N. W. Rep. 949), 1395, 1397, 1401. Swarthout v. Steamboat Co. (48 N. Y. 209; 46 Barb. 222), 1422. Swedish, etc.. Bank v. Railway (— Minn. — , 105 N. W. Rep. 69), 161. Sweeney v. Railroad (10 Allen, 368), 1015. Sweeney v. Waterhouse & Co. (39 Wash. 507, 81 Pac. Rep. 1005), 1315. Sweet V. Barney (23 N. Y. 335), 177, 664, 724, 1215. Sweetland v. Railroad Co. (117 Mich. 329, 75 N. W. 1066, 43 L. R. A. 568), 1386. Swetland v. Railroad Co. (102 Mass. 276), 309, 334. Swift v. Mosely (10 Vt. 208), 785. Swift V. Railroad Co. (58 Fed. 858), 527. Swift V. Steamship Co. (106 N. Y. 206), 172, 242, 258, 264, 417. Swift & Co. V. Furness, Withy & Co. (87 Fed. 345), 613, 1362. Swift & Co. V. Johnson (— C. C A. — , 138 Fed. 867), 1384, 1389, 1397. Swift River Co. v. Railroad Co. (169 Mass. 326, 47 N. E. 1015, 61 Am. St. Rep. 288), 1369. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cclxxxix [eefekences aee Swigert v. Railroad Co. (75 Mo. 475), 1174, 1181. Swindler v. Hilliard (2 Rich. (S. C.) 286), 75, 401, 408, 450, 489, 1354. Sword V. Young (89 Tenn. 126), 669. Sykes v. Lawlor (49 Cal. 236), 1378. Sykora v. Case, etc., Co. (59 Minn. 130, 60 N. W. Rep. 1008), 1397. Symonds v. Pain (6 H. & N. 709), 92. Symonds v. Railway Co. (87 Minn. 408, 92 N. W. 409), 1217. Szymanski v. Blumenthal (3 Penne. 558, 52 Atl. Rep. 374), 1395. Taber v. Railroad Co. (71 N. Y. 492), 1187. Taffe V. Railroad Co. (41 Or. 64, 67 Pac. 1015, 58 L. R, A. 187). 231. Tagart, Beaton & Co. v. Fisher & Sons (1 K. B. (1903) 391, 72 L. J. K. B. 202), 868. Taillon v. Mears (29 Mont. 161, 74 Pac. 421), 892, 895, 960, 1418. Talbot V. Merchants' Trans. Co. (41 Iowa, 247), 212, 213, 218. Talbot V. Railway Co. (72 Mo. App. 291), 1187. TO SECTIONS.] Talcott V. Railroad (159 N. Y. 461, 54 N. E. 1, reversing in part, affirming in part 35 N. Y. Supp. 574, 89 Hun, 492; s. c. 66 Hun, 456, 21 N. Y. Supp. 318), 1049, 1050, 1250, 1251, 1276. Talcott V. Railroad Co. (80 N. Y. Supp. 149, 39 Misc. 443), 1050. Tallahassee Falls Mfg. Co. v. Railway Co. (117 Ala. 520, 23 So. 139, 67 Am. St. Rep. 179), 167, 1328. Tallahassee Falls Mfg. Co. v. Railway Co. (128 Ala. 167, 29 So. Rep. 203), 704, 712. Talley v. Railway (L. R. 6 C. P. 44), 1244, 1260. Tamvaco v. Simpson (19 Com. B. (N. S.) 453; L. R. 1 C. P. 363), 875, 879. Tanas v. Gas Co. (84 N. Y. Supp. 1053), 1395. Tangier, The (32 Fed. Rep. 230), 800. Tapley v. Martens (8 T. R. 451), 810. Tarbell v. Railroad (34 Cal. 616), 963, 1019. Tarbell v. Railroad Co. (73 Vt. 347, 51 Atl. Rep. 6, 87 Am. St. Rep. 734), 1392. Tarbell v. Shipping Co. (110 N. Y. 170), 714. Tate V. Hyslop (15 Q. B. Div. 368), 433. Tate V. Meek (8 Taunt. 280), 879. Tate V. Railroad Co. (26 Ky. Law Rep. 309, 81 S. W. Rep. 256), 989, 1099. Tate V. Railroad Co. (78 Miss. 842, 29 So. 392, 84 Am. St. Rep. 649), 125. Tattan v. Railway (2 El. & El. 844), 1325. ccxe TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Tattersall v. Steam Co. (12 Q. B. | Div. 297), 492. Taylor v. Coal Co. (94 N. C. 525), 13S9. Taylor v. Day (16 Vt. 566), 949. Taylor v. Ironworks (124 Fed. 826), 807. Taylor v. Monroe (43 Conn. 42), 1397. Taylor v. Pennsylvania Co. (50 Fed. 755), 929. Taylor v. Penn. Co. (78 Ky. 348), 1390. Taylor v. Railroad Co. (39 Ark. 148), 472. Taylor v. Railroad Co. (99 N. C. 185), 1054. Taylor v. The Railroad (8 N. J. Law 149), 401. Taylor v. Railroad (— Mo. — , 38 S. W. Rep. 304), 922. Taylor v. Railroad Co. (71 N. Y. Supp. 884, 63 App. Div. 586), 1179. Taylor v. Railroad Co. (87 Me. 299, 32 Atl. 905)-, 139, 231, 237. Taylor v. Railway (48 N. H. 304), 952. Taylor v. Railway Co. (4 Ont. L. R. 357, 2 Canadian Ry. Cases 99), 1054. Taylor v. Railway (L. R. 1 C. P. 385), 653, 654. Taylor v. Railway Co. (1 Q. B. (1901) 774, 70 L. J. Q. B. 499), 769. Taylor v. Steam Co. (L. R. 9 Q. B. 546), 464, 468. Taylor v. Wells (3 Watts, 65), 731. Taylor v. Wells (2 Saund. 74), 73. Teal v. Sears (9 Barb. 317), 1344. Teasdale v. Insurance Co. (2 Brev. 190), 815. TO SECTIONS.] Tebbs V. Railway Co. (20 Ind. App. 192, 50 N, E. 486), 735. Tecumseh Mills v. Railroad Co. (104 Ky. 572, 57 S. W. Rep. 9, 22 Ky. L. R. 264, 49 L. R. A. 557). 214, 219. Telephone Co. v. Bradbury (106 Ind. 1), 95. Telephone Co. v. Telegraph Co. (66 Md. 399), 95. Telegraph Co. v. Carew (15 Mich. 525), 95. Telegraph Co. v. Griswold (37 Ohio St. 301), 95. Telegraph Co. v. Mumford (87 Tenn. 190, 10 Am. St. Rep. 630), 95. Telegraph Co. v. Reynolds (77 Va. 173), 95. Telegraph Co. v. Texas (105 U. S. 460), 95. Telfer v. Railroad Co. (30 N. J. L. 188), 1230, 1378, 1397, 1398. In re 10,082 Oak Ties (87 Fed. 935), 839, 855. Terry v. Jewett (78 N. Y. 338), 1219. Tewes v. Steamship Co. (85 N. Y. Supp. 994, 89 App. Div. 148), 306, 1275. Texas, etc., Lime Co. v. Lee (Tex. Civ. App., 82 S. W. Rep. 306; s. c. 82 S. W. Rep. 1025), 1397. Tharsis Sulphur & Copper Co. v. Morel Bros. & Co. (2 Q. B. (1891) 647, 61 L. J. Q. B. 11), 850. Thayer v. Railroad (22 Ind. 26), 895. The Abazzia (127 Fed. 495), 376, 379, 380. The Aberfoyle (1 Blatch. 360), 1157, 1424. The Adella S. Hills (47 Fed. 76), 177. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCXCl [befebences are The Aggi (107 Fed. 300, 46 C. C. A. 276, aff'g., 93 Fed. 484), 363, 365, 372, 464. The Ainwick (135 Fed. 884), 688. The Albany (44 Fed. Rep. 431), 794. The Alvah (77 Fed. 315, 23 C. C. A. 181, reversing Morris v. The Alvah, 59 Fed. 630), 635. The Alvena (79 Fed. 974, 25 C. C. A. 261, aff'g., 74 Fed. 252), 380, 385. The Amiable Nancy (3 Wheat. 546), 1438. The Anchoria (83 Fed. 847, 27 C. C. A. 650, 51 U. S. App. 608, aff'g., Mulvana v. The An- choria, 77 Fed. 994), 957. The Angelina Cornig (1 Ben. 109), 93. The Anna (47 Fed. 526), 344. The Annie Faxon (75 Fed. 312, 21 C. C. A. 366, 44 U. S. App. 591), 344. The Arctic Bird (109 Fed. 167), 172, 366, 370, 442, 483, 1360. The Asiatic Prince (108 Fed. 287, 47 C. C. A. 325, aff'g., Herbst V. The Asiatic Prince, 103 Fed. 676 and 97 Fed. 343), 700. The Aspasia (79 Fed. 91; affirmed on opinion of court below, 80 Fed. 1003), 356. The Asphodel (53 Fed. 835), 161, 165. The Assyria (98 Fed. 316, 39 C. C. A. 97), 855. The Australian S. N. Co. ads. Morse (L. R. 4 P. C. Cas. 222), 792. The Bark Cheshire (2 Sprague, 28), 606. The Bark Col. Ledyard (1 Sprague, 530), 606. The Bark Edwin (1 Sprague, 477), 281. TO SECTIONS.] The Barnstable (181 U. S. 468), 344. The Barracouta (39 Fed. Rep. 288), 489. The Beaconsfleld (158 U. S. 303, 15 Sup. Ct. R. 860, 39 L. Ed. 993), 779. The Beche Dene (55 Fed. 525, 5 C. C. A. 207, 2 U. S. App. 582), 449. 1353. The Bella (91 Fed. 540), 864, 1005. The Ben Adams (2 Ben. 445), 674, 691. The Benefactor (103 U. S. 243), 344. The Bergenseren (36 Fed. Rep. 700), 485, 492. The Berkshire (59 Fed. 1007), 387. The Bermuda (27 Fed. Rep. 476), 425. The Bermuda (29 Fed. 399), 344. The Bernina (12 Prob. Div. 58), 1238. The Bird of Paradise (5 Wall. 545), 830, 876, 877. The Bitterne (35 Fed. Rep. 927), 489. The Black Warrior (1 McAU. 181), 1355. The Blue Jacket (10 Ben. 248), 490. The Boskenna Bay (22 Fed. Rep. 667), 697. The Boskenna Bay (40 Fed. Rep. 91), 697. The Boston (1 Low. 464), 698. The Brewster (95 Fed. 1000), 788. The Brig Collenberg (1 Black, 170), 800. The Brilliant (138 Fed. 743), 374. The Britannia (34 Fed. Rep. 906), 489. The Britannia (87 Fed. 495), 154, 624. CCXCll TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE The British King (89 Fed. 872; affirmed on opinion below, 92 Fed. 1018, 35 C. C. A. 159), 375. The Caledonia (43 Fed. Rep. 681), 167. The Caledonia (157 U. S. 124, 15 Sup. Ct. 537, 39 L. Ed. 644, afTg., 43 Fed. 681 and 50 Fed. 567), 362, 364, 464, 497. The Calvin S. Edwards (50 Fed. 477, 1 C. C. A. 533, 1 U. S. App. 173, aff-g., 46 Fed. 815), 488. The Captain John (33 Fed. Rep. 927), 688. The Cargo of the Joseph W. Brooks (122 Fed. 881), 839. The Carib Prince (170 U. S. 655, 18 Sup. Ct. 753, 42 L. Ed. 1181, reversing 68 Fed. 254, 15 C. C. A. 385 and Wupper- man v. The Carib Prince, 63 Fed. 266), 363, 364, 365, 372, 375, 464. The Carlos F. Roses (177 U. S. 655, 44 L. Ed. 929), 175. The Cassius (2 Story, 81), 1370. The Catania (107 Fed. 152), 374. The Catskill (95 Fed. 702), 344. The Centennial (131 Fed. 816), 1158. The Centurion (68 Fed. 382, 15 C. C. A. 480, 35 U. S. App. 332, reversing Bregaro v. The Cen- turion, 57 Fed. 412), 355. The Chasca (23 Fed. Rep. 156), 490. The Chattahoochee (173 U. S, 540, 19 Sup. Ct. R. 491, 43 L. Ed. 801, aft'g., 74 Fed. 899, 21 C. C. A. 162), 344, 347. The Chinese Prince (61 Fed. 697), 386. The Cito (7 P. Div. 5), 800. The City of Clarksville (94 Fed. 201), 344, 405. TO SECTIONS.] The City of Hartford (97 U. S. 323), 344. The City of Kingston (77 Fed. 655), 911. The City of Norwich (118 U. S. 503), 344. The City of Para (44 Fed. 691), 344. The City of Portsmouth (125 Fed. 264), 942, 1423. The C. J. Willard (38 Fed. Rep. 759), 490. The Colima (82 Fed. 665), 354, 364, 367, 369, 380. The Colon (9 Ben. 354), 492. The Columbia (73 Fed. 226, 19 C. C. A. 436), 344. The Columbo (3 Blatchf. 521), 165. The Commander-in-Chief (1 Wall. 43), 75. The Commerce (1 Black, 574), 75. The Connemara (57 Fed. 314), 634. The Cressington (L. R. (1891) P. 152, 60 L. J. P. 25), 382. The Cuba (3 Ware, 260), 800, 802. The Curlew (55 Fed. 1003, 5 C. C. A. 386, 8 U. S. App. 405, aff'g., 51 Fed. 246), 464. The C. W. Elphicke (122 Fed. 439, 58 C. C. A. 421, aff'g., 117 Fed. 279), 366, 371. The Cygnet (126 Fed. 742, 61 C. C. A. 348), 344, 381. The Dan (40 Fed. 691), 55. The Dauntless (121 Fed. 420), 1397. The David (5 Blatch. 266), 151. The Davis (10 Wall. 15), 886. The D. C. Murray (89 Fed. 508), 1156. The Delaware (14 Wall. 579), 74, 158, 167, 169, 296, 412, 485, 603, 604. I J TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccxem [references are The Delaware (161 U. S. 459, 16 Sup. Ct. 516, 40 L. Ed. 771), 348. The Denmark (27 Fed. Rep. 141), 433. The D. Harvey (139 Fed. 755), 1352. The Dixie (46 Fed. 403), 839. The Drew (15 Fed. Rep. 826), 672. The D. R. Martin (11 Blatch. 233), 977. The Dunbeth (L. R. (1897) P. 133, 66 Q. J. P. 66), 294. The Dunbritton (73 Fed. 352, 19 C. C. A. 449, 38 U. S. App. 369, reversing Crooks v. The Dunbritton, 61 Fed. 764), 355, 488. The Earnwood (83 Fed. 315), 602. The E. A. Shores Jr. (73 Fed. 342), 347, 378, 383. The Eddy (5 Wall. 481), 880, 688, 691, 721, 828, 869, 875. The Edwin (1 Sprague, 477), 120. The Edwin I. Morrison (153 U. S. 199, 14 Sup. Ct. R. 823), 362, 364. The Egypt (25 Fed. Rep. 320), 489. The E. H. Pray (27 Fed. Rep. 474), 773. The Elvira Harbeck (2 Blatch. 336), 1274. The Emily v. Carney (5 Kan. 645), 1355. The Emma Johnson (1 Sprague, 527), 75. The Energia (66 Fed. 604, 13 C. C, A. 653, 35 U. S. App. 6, aff'g., Insurance Co. v. The Energia, 61 Fed. 222 and Phillips v. The Energia, 56 Fed. 124), 345. The Ethel (5 Ben. 154), 490. The Ethel (59 Fed. 473), 776. TO SECTIONS.] The Etona (71 Fed. 895, 18 C. C. A. 380, 38 U. S. App. 50, aft'g., Doherr v. The Etona, 64 Fed. 880), 347. The Eugene (87 Fed. 1001, 31 C. C. A. 345, aff'g., 83 Fed. 222), 1005. The Eugene Vesta (28 Fed. Rep. 762), 497. The Eureka (108 Fed. 672), 344. The Euripides (71 Fed. 729, 18 C. C. A. 226, 38 U. S. App. 1, reversing American Sugar Refining Co. v. The Euripides, 63 Fed. 140 and 52 Fed. 161), 488. The European (120 Fed. 776, 57 C. C. A. 140), 1156. The Excellent (16 Fed. Rep. 148), 602. The Exe (57 Fed. 399, 6 C. C. A. 410, 14 U. S. App. 626, revers- ing 52 Fed. 155), 488. The Farwell (8 Diss. 64, Fed. Cas. No. 8426), 160. The Favorite (2 Biss. 502), 486. The Ferro (L. R. '(1893) Prob. 38, 62 L. J. P. 48), 382. The Fittler (1 Low. 114), 698. The Flamborough (69 Fed. 470), 379, 380. The Flintshire (69 Fed. 471), 449, 1355. The Florida (64 Fed. 159), 609. The Folmina (143 Fed. 636), 488. The Fred H. Rice (40 Fed. Rep. 690), 492. The Frey (106 Fed. 319, 45 C. C. A. 309, reversing 92 Fed. 667), 347, 353, 358, 488. The Fri (140 Fed. 123), 381. The Friesland (104 Fed. 99), 367, 379. The Furnessia (35 Fed. Rep. 798), 1147. CCXCIV TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE The Garden City (26 Fed. 769), 344. The Gazelle (128 U. S. 474), 801. The G. B. Boren (132 Fed. 887), 352. The Geiser (19 Fed. Rep. 877), 602. The Generous (2 Dodson, 324), 311. The Gen. McCullom (9 Ben. 31), 779. The Germanic (196 U. S. 589. 25 Sup. Ct. Rep. 317, 49 L. Ed. 610, aff'g., 124 Fed. 1, 59 C. C. A. 521 and 107 Fed. 294), 347, 360. The George W. Roby (111 Fed. 601, 49 C. C. A. 481, modify- ing 103 Fed. 328), 344. The Giglio (31 Fed. Rep. 432), 492. The Giles Loring (48 Fed. 463), 344, 353, 367, 488, 497. The Glamorganshire (50 Fed. 840), 606. The Glendarroch (L. R. (1894) Prob. 226, 63 L. J. P. 89), 449, 1355. The Glenfinlas (48 Fed. 758, 1 C. C. A. 85, modifying 42 Fed. 232), 839, 840. The Glenfruin (10 Prob. Div. 103), 497. The Glenmavis (69 Fed. 472), 215, 374. The Glenochil (Prob. D. (1896) 10, 65 L. J. P. 1), 382. The Glide (78 Fed. 152, 24 C. C. A. 46), 488. The Gloaming (46 Fed. 671), 606. The Gold Hunter (1 Bl. & H. 300), 491. The Gordon Campbell (141 Fed. 435), 367. The Grafton (Olcott, 42), 688. TO SECTIONS.] The Gran Canaria (16 Fed. Rep. 868), 604. The Gratitudine (3 Rob. Adm. 240), 469, 788, 789. The G. R. Booth (171 U. S. 450, 19 Sup. Ct. R. 9, 43 L. Ed. 234, reversing American Su- gar Refining Co. v. The G. R. Booth, 64 Fed. 878; s. c. 91 Fed. 164, 33 C. C. A. 430), 465, 488. The Guadeloupe (92 Fed. 670), 379, 382. The Guardian (89 Fed. 998), 1168. The Guiding Star (62 Fed. 407, 10 C. C. A. 454. 22 U. S. App. 344, aff'g., Bennitt v. The Guiding Star, 53 Fed. 936), 162. The Guildhall (64 Fed.- 867, 12 C. C. A. 445, 26 U. S. App. 414, aff'g., Schulze-Berge v. The Guildhall, 58 Fed. 796), 381, 467. The Guy C. Goss (53 Fed. 826), 449, 1353. The Hadji (18 Fed. Rep. 459), 430, 433. The Hardy (1 Dill. 460), 731. The Hammonia (10 Bene. 512), 1160. The Harrisburg (119 U. S. 199), 208, 1396. The Harry Hudson Smith (C. C. A., 142 Fed. 724), 344. The Hattie Palmer (68 Fed. 380, 15 C. C. A. 479, 35 U. S. App 369, aff'g., Hawkins v. The Hattie Palmer, 63 Fed. 1015), 1372. The Henry B. Hyde (90 Fed. 115, 32 C. C. A. 534, 61 U. S. App. 147, ffl/f'gr., Montague v. The Henry B. Hyde, 82 Fed. 681), 210, 449, 1355. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccxcv [references are The H. F. Dimock (77 Fed. 238), 344. The H. G. Johnson (48 Fed. 696), 606. The Hindoustan (67 Fed. 794, 14 C. C. A. 650, 35 U. S. App. 173), 1355. The Homeric (106 Fed. 960), 384. The Hudson (122 Fed. 96), 357. The Hugo (57 Fed. 403 and 61 Fed. 860; affirmed, Brauer v. Compania de Navigacion La Flecha, 66 Fed. 777, 35 U. S. App. 44, and Compania de Navigacion La Flecha v. Brauer, 168 U. S. 104, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 12, 42 L. Ed. 398), 215, 452, 464, 485. The Humboldt (97 Fed. 656), 1268. The Hyades (124 Fed. 58, 59 C. C. A. 424, aff'g., 118 Fed. 85), 371, 384. The Hyperion's Cargo (2 Low. 93), 856. The Idaho (29 Fed. Rep. 187), 1150. The Idaho (93 U. S. 575; 11 Blatch. 218), 160, 740, 749, 750. The India (49 Fed. 76, 1 C. C. A. 174, 2 U. S. App. 83), 837, 841. The lona (80 Fed. 933), 156. The Ionic (5 Blatch. 538), 329. The Iowa (50 Fed. 561), 215. The Ira B. Ellems (50 Fed. 934, 2 C. C. A. 85, aff'g., 48 Fed. 591), 492. The Irrawaddy (171 U. S. 187, 18 Sup. Ct. R. 831, 43 L. Ed. 130, reversing 82 Fed. 472; s. c. 83 Fed. 987, 31 C. C. A. 593), 345, 362, 364, 387. The Isaac Reed (82 Fed. 566), 449, 602, 1355. TO SECTIONS.] The Isabella (8 Ben. 139), 490. The Ismaele (14 Fed. Rep. 491; 22 id. 559), 165. The Isola di Procida (124 Fed. 942), 161. The Jaedern (L. R. (1892) Prob. 351, 61 L. J. P. 89), 840, 844, 846. The James Baird (90 Fed. 669), 842. The James Martin (88 Fed. 649), 800. The Jane and Matilda (1 Hagg. 187), 469. The Jane Grey (99 Fed. 582; s. c. 95 Fed. 693), 344, 380. The Jefferson (31 Fed. Rep. 489), 489, 490. The J. E. Owen (54 Fed. 185), 843. The Johanne (48 Fed. 733), 602. The John P. Best (14 Phila. 527), 602. The Joseph Oteri, Jr. (66 Fed. 581, 13 C. C. A. 645, 30 U. S. App. 1), 792. The Julia (14 Moore, P. C. 210), 92. The Julia Blake (107 U. S. 418), 792. The Juniata Paton (1 Biss. 15), 484. The Kansas (87 Fed. 766), 624. The Katie (40 Fed. 480), 344. The Katy ( (1895) P. 56), 838. The Kensington (183 U. S. 263, 46 L. Ed. 190, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 102, reversing 94 Fed. 885, 36 C. C. A. 533, and 88 Fed. 331), 214, 431, 452, 497. The Keystone (31 Fed. Rep. 412), 489, 492. The Kimball (3 Wall. 37), 830, 878. The Kirkhill (99 Fed. 575, 39 C. C. A. 658), 603. CCXCVl TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE The La Bourgoyne (— C. C. A. — , 144 Fed. 781), 344, 347. The La Bourgoyne (104 Fed. 823), 344. The Lady Franklin (8 Wall. 325), 158, 161. The La Kroma (138 Fed. 936), 165, 1352. The Langford (143 Fed. 150), 606. The Lennox (90 Fed. 308), 449, 1352, 1355. The Live Yankee (Deady, 420), 1352. The Logs of Mahogany (2 Sumn. 589), 828, 878. The Longfellow (104 Fed. 363), 344. The Loon (7 Blatch. 244), 158. The Lydian Monarch (23 Fed. Rep. 298), 430, 490. The Lyon (1 Brown Adm. 59), 92. The Maggie Hammond (9 Wall. 435), 74. The Maggie M. (30 Fed. Rep. 692), 602. The Main v. Williams (152 U. S. 128), 344. The Majestic (166 U. S. 375, 17 Sup. Ct. R. 597, 41 L. Ed. 1039, reversing Potter v. The Majestic, 60 Fed. 624, 9 C. C. A. 161, 20 U. S. App. 503, 23 L. R. A. 746; s. c. 56 Fed. 244; s. c. 69 Fed. 844), 271, 275, 1069, 1299. The Mamie (110 U. S. 742), 344. The Manitoba (122 U. S. Ill), 344. The Manitoba (104 Fed. 145), 349, 367, 373, 380. The Manitou (127 Fed. 554, 63 C. C. A. 109, aft'g., 116 Fed. 60), 374. TO SECTIONS.] The Maori King v. Hughes (65 L. J. Q. B. 168, (1895) 2 Q. B. 550, aft'g., 64 L. J. Q. B. 744), 365, 366, 464, 505. The Marechal Suchet (112 Fed. 440), 371, 384. The Margaret (94 U. S. 494),~92. The Marine City (6 Fed. 415), 344. The Marinin S. (28 Fed. Rep. 664), 603. The Marinin S. (32 Fed. Rep. 918), 602. The Marlborough (47 Fed. 667), 371, 384, 485. The Mary Ann Guest (1 Blatchf. 358), 744. The Mary L. Peters (68 Fed. 919; affirmed, no opinion, 79 Fed. 998, 25 C. C. A. 681, 26 U. S. App. 784), 380. The Mascotte (51 Fed. 605, 2 C. C. A. 399, 1 U. S. App. 251, aff'g., in part 48 Fed. 119), 1352. The Mayor, Aldermen and Burg- esses of the Borough of Pres- ton V. Biornstad (L. R. (1898) App. Cas. 513), 92. The M. C. Currie (132 Fed. 125), 385, 688. The Merida (107 Fed. 146, 46 C. C. A. 208), 382. The Merrimac (2 Sawyer, 586), 92. The Merrimack (8 Cranch, 317), 1318. The Mexican Prince (91 Fed. 1003, 34 C. C. A. 168, aff'g., on opinion of court below, Steinwender v. The Mexican Prince, 82 Fed. 484), 374, 382. The Mill Boy (4 McC. 383), 710. TABLE OF CxVSES CITED. CCXCVll [BEFEBENCES ABE The Millie R. Bohannon (64 Fed. 883), 370. The Milwaukee Belle (2 Biss. 197), 607. The Minnehaha (Lush. 335), 92. The Minnetonka (132 Fed. 52), 443, 1269, 1299. The Minnie E. Kelton (109 Fed. 164, 48 C. C. A. 271), 776. The Mississippi (76 Fed. 375), 688. The Mississippi (113 Fed. 985; afprmed without opinion, 120 Fed. 1020, 56 C. C. A. 525), 355, 358. The M. M. Chase (37 Fed. Rep. 708), 774. The M. Moran (107 Fed. 526), 344. The Mohawk (8 Wall. 153), 281, 489, 664, 788, 815, 816, 820. The Mondego (56 Fed. 268), 635. The Montana (17 Fed. 377), 492. The Morning Mail (17 Fed. Rep. 545), 490. The Musselcrag (125 Fed. 786, modified in Corsar v. Spreck- els & Bros. Co., — C. C. A. — , 141 Fed. 260), 352, 383. The Napolitan Prince (134 Fed. 159), 1163. The Natchez (31 Fed. Rep. 615), 768. The Nathaniel Hooper (11 Mass. 229), 801. The Nath. Hooper (3 Sumn. 542), 801, 818. The Neaffie (1 Abb. U. S. 465), 92. The Nederland (14 Fed. Rep. 63), 1147. The Nellie Floyd (116 Fed. 80; affirmed, Neilson v. Coal, etc., Co. 122 Fed. 617, 60 C. C. A. 175), 366, 371. TO SECTIONS.] The Nether Holme (50 Fed. 434; reversed, Hine v. Perkins, 55 Fed. 996, 5 C. C. A. 377, 14 U. S. App. 386), 840. The Netherland (14 Phila. 601), 904. The Nettie Quill (124 Fed. 667), 92, 383. The New England (110 Fed. 415), 215, 1299. The New Orleans (26 Fed. Rep. 44), 604, 605, 611. The New Philadelphia (1 Black, 62), 93. The New World v. King (16 How. 469), 11, 401, 895. The Niagara (84 Fed. 902, 55 U. S. App. 445, 28 C. C. A. 528, aif'g., 77 Fed. 329), 377. The Nifa (Prob. (1892), 411), 839. The Nine Thousand Dry Hides (6 Ben. 190), 812. The Nith (36 Fed. Rep. 86), 145, 602. The Nith (36 Fed. Rep. 383), 603. The Nitro-Glycerine Case (15 Wall. 524), 145, 511, 795, 796. The Normannia (62 Fed. 469), 1067. The Northern Belle (9 Wall. 526), 281, 497. The Northern Belle v. Robson (154 U. S. 571, 14 Sup. Ct. R. 1166, 19 L. Ed. 748), 379. The Norway (3 Moore, P. C. 245), 800. The Nutmeg State (103 Fed. 797), 130. The Oconto (5 Biss. 460), 92. The Olbers (3 Ben. 148), 163. The Oneida (128 Fed. 687, 63 C. C. A. 239, reversing 108 Fed. 886), 367, 369. The Ontario (106 Fed. 324; af- firmed, Grubman v. The On- tario, 115 Fed. 769, 53 C. C. A. 199), 372, 384. ecxcviii TABLE OF CASES CITED. [references are The Oranmore (92 Fed. 396, aff'g., 24 Fed. 922), 215. The Orcadian (116 Fed. 930), 355. The Oregon (Deady, 179), 120. The Oregon (133 Fed. 609, 68 C. C. A. 603), 892, 898, 953, 1072, 1156. The Oriflamme (1 Sawyer, 176), 163. The Oriflamme (3 Sawyer, 397), 895, 1409. The Palmas (108 Fed. 87, 47 C. C. A. 220), 354, 375. The Paragon (1 Ware, 322), 603, 604. The Parana (2 P. Div. 118), 1366. The Patria (132 Fed. 971, 68 C. C. A. 397, aff'g., 125 Fed. 425 and 118 Fed. 109), 449, 1353. The Pearlmoor (L. R. (1904) P. 286, 73 L. J. P. 50), 398. The Peter der Grosse (L. R. 1 P. & D. 414), 165. The Peytona (1 Ware, 541), 688 The Peytona (2 Curtis, 21), 688 The Phoenicia (90 Fed. 116; af- firmed on opinion of court fee low, 99 Fed. 1005, 40 C. C. A 221), 373. The Pilot Boy (23 Fed. Rep. 103) 1147. The Polynesia (16 Fed. Rep. 702) 490. The Pope Catlin (31 Fed. Rep, 408), 1150. The Portsmouth (9 Wall. 682) 485. The Portuense (35 Fed. Rep 670), 489. The President (92 Fed. 673), 1157 1169. The Presque Isle (140 Fed. 202) 367. The Princeton (3 Blatch. 54), 92 The Prinz Georg (23 Fed. Rep 906), 1156. TO SECTIONS.] The Prinzess Irene (139 Fed. 810), 1161. The Priscilla (114 Fed. 836, 52 C. C. A. 470, reversing 106 Fed. 739), 120, 1352. The Prize Cases (2 Black, 635), 317, 318, 322. The Propeller Commerce (1 Black, 574), 75. The Propeller Mohawk (8 Wall. 153), 281, 664, 788, 815, 816, 820. The Propeller Niagara v. Cordes (21 How. 7), 74, 75, 311, 497. 645. The Protection (102 Fed. 516, 42 C. C. A. 489), 617, 1363. The Prussia (100 Fed. 484), 651, 1369. The Prussia (93 Fed. 837, 35 C. C. A. 625, aff'g., 88 Fed. 531), 362. The Queen of the Pacific (180 U. S. 49, 45 L. Ed. 419, 21 Sup. Ct. R. 278, reversing Pacific Coast S. S. Co. V. Bancroft- Whitney Co. 94 Fed. 180, 36 C. C. A. 135 and Bancroft- Whitney Co. V. The Queen of the Pacific, 78 Fed. 155, 61 Fed. 213 and 75 Fed. 74), 442. The Queensmore (53 Fed. 1022, 4 C. C. A. 157, 8 U. S. App. 287), 800. The Quickstep (9 Wall. 665), 92. The Race Horse (3 Rob. Adm. 101), 826. •The Rapid Transit (52 Fed. 320), 344. The Ravensdale (75 Fed. 413, s. c. 75 Fed. 408, 410), 184, 689, 828. The R. D. Bibber (50 Fed. 841, 2 C. C. A. 50), 300. The Rebecca (1 Ware, 187), 603. TABLE OP CASES CITED. CCXCIX [referencks are The R. E. Lee (2 Abb. (N. S.) 49), 1268. The Republic (61 Fed. 109, 9 C. C. A. 386, aff'g., 57 Fed. 240), 344. The Reuben Dowd (46 Fed. 800), 855. The Richard Winslow (67 Fed. 259), 688. The Rodney (L. R. (1900) P. 112, 69 L. J. P. 29), 382. The Rosa (53 Fed. 132), 344. The Rosedale (88 Fed. 324; aff'd., on opinion of court below, 92 Fed. 1021, 35 C. C. A. 167), 347, 387. The Sabioncello (7 Ben. 357), 602. The Saginaw (139 Fed. 906), 1397, 1401. The S. A. McCaulley (99 Fed. 203), 344. The Samuel F. Houseman (108 Fed. 875, 48 C. C. A. 120, aff'g., 103 Fed. 663), 384. The Sandfield (92 Fed. 663, 34 C. C. A. 612, aft'g., 79 Fed. 371), 365, 372, 382, 384, 464. The San Rafael (— C. C. A. — , 141 Fed. 270, modifying 134 Fed. 749), 344, 1401. The Saratoga (20 Fed. Rep. 869), 422. The Saugerties (44 Fed. 625), 177. The Savona (L. R. (1900) P. 252, 69 L. J. P. 95), 633. The Scandinavia (49 Fed. 658), 688. The Schooner Arthur B. (1 Alas- ka, 403), 830. The Schooner Emma Johnson (1 Sprague, 527), 75. The Schooner Freeman v. Buck- ingham (18 How. 182), 160, 161. The Schooner Reeside (2 Sum. 567), 483, 490. TO SECTIONS.] The Schooner Volunteer (1 Sum. 551), 875, 877. The Scotland (118 U. S. 518), 344. The Seaboard (119 Fed. 375), 360, 784. The Seefahrer (183 Fed. 793), 165. The Seguranca (68 Fed. 1014), 700. The Ship Nathaniel Hooper (3 Sum. 542), 818. The Silvia (171 U. S. 462, 19 Sup. Ct. R. 7, 43 L. Ed. 241, aff'g., 68 Fed. 230, 15 C. C. A. 262, 35 U. S. App. 395 and 64 Fed. 607), 347, 363, 373, 382. The Sinnickson (24 Fed. Rep. 304), 490. The Sintram.(64 Fed. 884), 370, 384. The Siren (7 Wall. 152), 886. The Soblomsten (L. R. 1 Adm. 293), 824. The Southwark (191 U. S. 1, 48 L. Ed. 65, 24 Sup. Ct. 1, re- versing 108 Fed. 880, 48 C. C. A. 123 and 104 Fed. 103), 349, 362, 364, 366, 367. The St. Bernard (105 Fed. 994), 850. The St. Cuthbert (97 Fed. 340), 329, 344. The St. Georg (104 Fed. 898, 44 C. C. A. 246, reversing 95 Fed. 172), 688. The St. Hubert (107 Fed. 727, 46 C. C. A. 603, aff'g., 102 Fed. 362), 442, 458. The St. Patrick (14 Phila. 596), 302. The Steam Hopper No. 66 (75 L. J. P. 22), 346. The Stella (L. R. (1900) P. 161, 81 Law T. (N. S.) 235, 69 L. J. P. 70), 1075. ccc TABLE OF CASES CITED. [beferences are The Stevenson (17 Fed. Rep. 540), 480. The Stranger (6 Brown Adm. 281), 92. The Strathdon (89 Fed. 374), 344, 387. The Styria (101 Fed. 728, 41 C. C. A. 639, reversing 93 Fed. 474), 323. The Success (7 Blatch. 551), 799. The Sue (22 Fed. Rep. 843), 972. The Surrey (26 Fed. Rep. 791), 688, 697. The Tanbark Case (1 Brown Adm. 151), 869. The Tangier (32 Fed. Rep. 230), 799, 800. The Tennedos (137 Fed. 443), 373. The Teutonia (L. R. 3 Adm. 394), 322, 815, 819. The Thames (14 Wall. 98), 155. The Thames (61 Fed. 1014, 10 C. C. A. 232, 8 U. S. App. 580), 184, 366, 606. The Thos. Melville (31 Fed. Rep. 486), 490, 602. The Tigress (32 L. J. Adm. 97), 773. The Timor (67 Fed. 356, 14 C. C. A. 412, 35 U. S. App. 278, reversing 61 Fed. 633 and 46 Fed. 859), 449, 1355. The Titania (131 Fed. 229, 65 C. C. A. 215, aff'g., 124 Fed. 975), 156, 158, 688, 689, 691. The Tjomo (115 Fed. 919), 354, 363. The Tommy (16 Fed. Rep. 601), 602. The Tommy (142 Fed. 1034), 344. The Tongoy (55 Fed. 329), 157, 164. The Tribune (3 Sum. 144), 1370. The Trinacria (42 Fed. 863), 215. TO SECTIONS.] The Valencia (110 Fed. 221; af- firmed. Pacific Steam Whal- ing Co. V. Grismore 117 Fed. 68, 54 C. C. A. 454), 1152, 1169. The Valentine (131 Fed. 352), 381. The Velona (3 Ware, 139), 788. The Victoria (114 Fed. 962), 354. The Vidette (34 Fed. Rep. 396), 773. The Viola (90 Fed. 750), 387, 847, 853. The Virginia Ehrman (97 U. S. 317), 344. The Volunteer (1 Sumn. 551), 875, 877. The Vortigem (68 Law J. P. 49, Prob. D. (1899) 140, 80 Law T. (N. S.) 382, 47 Wkly. Rep. 437), 368, 376. The Waikato v. New Zealand Shipping Co. (68 Law J. Q. B. 1, (1899) 1 Q. B. 56, 79 Law T. (N. S.) 326, aff'g., 67 Law J. Q. B. 514, (1898) 1 Q. B. 645, 78 Law T. (N. S.) 197, 8 Asp. 351), 465. The Waldo (Davies, 161), 169, 604. The Wanderer (29 Fed. 260), 167. The Warren Adams (74 Fed. 413, 20 C. C. A. 486, 38 U. S. App. 356; petition for writ of cer tiorari denied, 163 U. S. 679), 370, 384, 490, 1352, 1355. The Wasco (53 Fed. 546), 911, 1019. The Webb (14 Wall. 406), 93. The Wells City (61 Fed. 857, 10 C. C. A. 123, 26 U. S. App. 76, aff'g., 57 Fed. 317), 386. The Westminster (127 Fed. 680, 62 C. C. A. 406, aff'g., 116 Fed. 123 and 102 Fed. 366), 442, 444, 447. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCCl [references are to sections.] The Whitlieburn (89 Fed. 526), 352. The Wildcroft (130 Fed. 521, 65 C. C. A. 145, affg., 124 Fed. 631 and 126 Fed. 229), 367, 382. The William Power (131 Fed. 136), 353. The Williamette Valley (71 Fed. 712), 1056, 1424. The Willie D. Sandhoval (92 Fed. 286), 160. The Xantho (12 App. Cas. 503), 483, 487. The Zenobia (Abbott's Adm. 48), 1370. Theroux v. Railway Co. (64 Fed. 84, 12 C. C. A. 52), 1396. Thin V. Richards & Co. (2 Q. B. (1892) 141, 62 L. J. Q. B. 39), 368. Thomas v. Black (8 Del. 507), 1433. Thomas v. Bost. R. R. (10 Met. 472), 76, 702. Thomas v. Day (4 Esp. 262), 124. Thomas v. Express Co. (73 Minn. 185, 75 N. W. 1120), 743, 749. Thomas v. Lancaster Mills (71 Fed. 481, 19 C. C. A. 88, 34 U. S. App. 404, a/T'fir., 63 Fed. 200), 214, 300, 477. Thomas v. Railroad Co. (10 Met. 472), 76, 702. Thomas v. Railroad Co. (148 Pa. St. 180, 23 Atl. 989, 15 L. R. A. 416), 1412. Thomas v. Railroad Co. (3 Pen- newill, 81, 50 Atl. 285), 1334. Thomas v. Railroad Co. (101 U. S. 71), 918. Thomas v. Railroad Co. (1 Utah, 233), 1384. Thomas v. Railway Co. (25 Ky. Law Rep. 1051, 76 S. W. 1093), 231, 804, 867. Thomas v. The Railway (L. R. 5 Q. B. 226), 915. Thomas v. Railway Co. (72 Mich. 355), 964, 1065. Thomas v. Railway Co. (122 N. Car. 1005, 30 S. E. Rep. 343), 1110. Thomas v. Royster (98 Ky. 206, 32 S. W. Rep. 613), 1389. Thomas v. Snyder (39 Penn. St. 317), 810. Thomas v. Winchester (6 N. Y. 397), 798. Thomas, etc., Co. v. Railway Co. (62 Wis. 642), 1365, 1369. Thompson v. Dominy (14 M. & W. 403), 197. Thompson v. Fargo (49 N. Y. 188), 736, 1316. Thompson v. Railroad Co. (122 Ala. 378, 24 So. 931), 177. Thompson v. Railroad Co. (47 La. Ann. 1107, 17 So. 503), 1022. Thompson v. Railroad Co. (54 Ga. 509), 1417. Thompson v. Railroad (28 Md. 396), 758. Thompson v. Railroad Co. (51 Mo. 190), 1417. Thompson v. Railway Co. (11 Tex. Civ. App. 145, 32 S. W. Rep. 427), 226. Thompson v. Small (1 Com. B. 328, 354), 660, 865. Thompson v. Storage Co. (97 Mo. App. 135, 70 S. W. Rep. 938), 46. Thompson v. Trail (2 Car. & P. 334), 193, 865. Thompson v. Truesdale (61 Minn. 129, 63 N. W. 259, 52 Am. St. Rep. 579), 1055. Thompson, etc., Electric Co. v. Simon (20 Or. 60, 25 Pac. 147, 23 Am. St. Rep. 86, 10 L. R. A. 251), 76. cccn TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEEENCES ABE Thorington v. Smith (8 Wall. 1), 317. Thorne v. Deas (4 Johns. 84), 34. Thorogood v. Bryan (8 Com. B. 115), 1235, 1383. Thorp V. Brookfield (36 Conn. 320), 1230. Thorp V. Railroad Co. (61 Vt. 378), 1058. Thorpe v. Railroad Co. (76 N. Y. 402), 972, 1135. Thrall v. Knapp (17 Iowa, 469), 1434. Thrift V. Youle (2 C. P. Div. 434), 489. Thurber v. Railroad (60 N. Y. 326), 1174, 1227. Thurston v. Railroad Co. (4 Dill. 321), 966. Thweatt v. Railway Co. (31 Tex. Civ. App. 227, 71 S. W. 976), 980. Thyll V. Railroad (87 N, Y. Supp. 345, 92 App. Div. 513, modify- ing 84 N. Y. Supp. 175), 449, 709, 1355. Tibbits & Son v. Railroad Co. (49 111. App. 567), 165, 430. Tibby v. Railway Co. (82 Mo. 292), 1195. Tiedeman v. Knox (51 Md. 612), 176. Tierney v. Railroad Co. (10 Hun, 569), 650. Tierney v. Railroad Co. (76 N. Y, 305), 649. Tift V. Railway Co. (123 Fed. 789), 521, 527. Tift V. Railway Co. (138 Fed. 753), 530. Tilden V. Minor (45 Vt. 196), 175. Tilden v. Rhode Island Co. (— R. I. — , 63 Atl. Rep. 675), 898. Tilley v. Railroad (24 N. Y. 471; 9 N. Y. 252), 1397. TO SECTIONS.] Tilson V. Howard (57 Ga. 410), 175. Timmons v. Railroad Co. (6 Ohio St. 105), 1181. Tindall v. Taylor (28 Eng. L. & Eq. 210), 1315. Tindall v. Taylor (4 El. & B. 219), 197, 865. Tingley v. Railroad Co. (96 N. Y. Supp. 865, 109 App. Div. 793), 1006. Tirrell v. Gage (4 Allen, 245), 826. Tisdale v. Norton (8 Mete. 388), 1430. Tishomingo, etc., Institution v. Johnson, Nesbitt & Co. ( — Ala. — , 40 So. Rep. 503), 184. Tobin v. Crawford (5 M. & W. 235), 808. Tobin V. Crawford (9 M. & W. 716), 808. Tobin V. Railroad Co. (59 Me. 183), 991. Tobin V. Railroad (211 Pa. 457, 60 Atl. 999), 1181. Todd V. Railroad Co. (3 Allen, 18), 1209, 1210, 1211. Todd V. Railroad Co. (7 Allen, 207), 1209, 1210, 1211. Tolman v. Abbott (78 Wis. 192), 233. Tolman v. Railroad Co. (98 N. Y. 198), 1418. Tolson V. Coasting Co. (6 Mack. 37), 1417. Tomlinson v. Derby (43 Conn. 562), 1397. Tompkins v. Railroad Co. (66 Cal. 163), 917, 1236. Tompkins v. Saltmarsh (14 S. & R. 275), 32. Tons (151) of Coal (4 Blatch. 362), 869, 871. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cceiii [BEFEBENCES ABE Toomey v. Railway (3 C. B. (N. S.) 146), 1412. Torpey v. Williams (3 Daly, 162), 1246, 1286. Torrey v. Kelly (121 Fed. 542, 57 C. C. A. 604), 1169. Torrey v. Railroad Co. (147 Mass. 412), 1197. Tower v. Utica Railroad (7 Hill, 47), 67, 109, 1265. Tower Co. v. Southern Pacific Co. (184 Mass. 472, 69 N. E. 348), 604. Towler v. Railroad Co. (18 W. Va. 579), 1419. Towns V. Railroad Co. (37 La. Ann. 630, 55 Am. Rep. 508), 1397. Townsend v. City of Boston (187 Mass. 283, 72 N. B. 991), 942. Townsend v. Jennison (9 How. 407), 208. Townsend v. Railroad Co. (56 N. Y. 295), 1039, 1045, 1065, 1066, 1090, 1445. Townsend v. Railway Co. (106 Tenn. 162, 61 S. W. 56), 1123. Toy V. Railroad Co. (56 N. Y. Supp. 182, 26 Misc. 792), 426, 433. Tozer v. United States (52 Fed. 917), 566. Trabing v. Navigation Co. (121 Cal. 137, 53 Pac. 644), 1093, 1096, 1441. Tracy v. Car Co. (67 How. Pr. 154), 1132. Tracy v. Railroad Co. (80 Mo. App. 389), 510. Tracy v. "Wood (3 Mason, 132), 29, 32. Trainor v. Steamship Co. (16 S. C. R. (Can.) 156), 465. Trammel v. Dinsmore (102 Fed. 794, 42 C. C. A. 623), 574, 575. TO SECTIONS.] Transfer Co. v. Neiswanger (18 Mo. App. 103), 702. Transit Co. v. Dwyer (3 Colo. App. 408, 33 Pac. 815), 1173. Transit Co. v. Dwyer (20 Colo. 132, 36 Pac. 1106), 1223. Transportation Co. v. Barber (56 N. Y. 544), 88, 749, 750, 786, 880. Transportation Co. v. Block (86 Tenn. 392), 82, 84. Transportation Co. v. Bolles (80 111. 473), 795. Transportation Co. v. Cornforth (3 Colo. 280), 84, 505. Transportation Co. v. Downer (11 Wall. 129), 449, 487, 1354, 1355. Transportation Co. v. Flour Mills Co. (92 111. App. 628), 230, 233. Transportation Co. v. Harper (118 Ga. 672, 45 S. E. 458), 900. Transportation Co. v. Hawley (1 Daly, 327), 688. Transportation Co. v. Hoyt (69 N. Y. 230), 815. Transportation Co. v. McClary (66 111. 233), 1360. Transportation Co. v. McKenzie (25 S. C. R. (Can.) 38), 172. Transportation Co. v. Moore (5 Mich. 368), 401, 411. Transportation Co. v. Newhall (24 111. 466), 131, 401, 415, 441, 451, 455. Transportation Co. v. Oil Co. (63 Penn. St. 14), 450, 496, 504. Transportation Co. v. Sweetzer (25 W. Va. 434), 574. Transportation Co. v. Theilbar (86 111. 71), 1298. Transportation Co. v. Wallace (68 Penn. St. 302), 130, 613, 655. ceciv TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Transportation Line v. Hope (95 U. S. 297), 92. Trapp V. Railway Co. (— S. Car. — , 51 S. E. Rep. 919), 1067, 1129. Travelers Ins. Co. v. Austin (IIG Ga. 26G, 42 S. B. 522, 59 L. R A. 107), 1004. Travis v. Thompson (37 Barb. 236), 867, 884. Tray wick v. Railway Co. (71 S. Car. 707, 50 S. E. Rep. 549), 1369. Tread well v. Aydlett (9 Heisk. 388), 762. Treadwell v. Insurance Co. (6 Cow. 270), 801. Treadwell v. Whittier (80 Cal. 575, 22 Pac. 266, 5 L. R. A. 498, 13 Am. St. Rep. 175), 100. Treat v. Railroad Co. (131 Mass. 371), 1197. Treleven v. Railroad Co. (89 Wis. 598, 62 N. W. 536), 677, 685. Trent Nav. Co. v. "Wood (3 Esp. 127), 75, 275. Trezona v. Railway Co. (107 Iowa, 22, 77 N. W. 486, 43 L. R. A. 136), 1043. Trice v. Railway Co. (40 W. Va. 271, 21 S. E. Rep. 1022), 1065. Trimble v. Railroad (162 N. Y. 84, 56 N. E. 532, 48 L. R. A. 115, aft'g., 57 N. Y. Supp. 437, 39 App. Div. 403), 462, 1250, 1251, 1306. Trinidad Shipping, etc., Co. v. Frame (88 Fed. 528), 387. Trotlinger v. Railroad Co. (11 Lea, 533), 1041. Trottas' Adm'r. v. Johnson, Briggs & Pitts (— Ky. L. R. — , 90 S. W. Rep. 540), 1395. Trow v. Railroad (24 Vt. 487), 1174. TO SECTIONS.] Trowbridge v. Chapin (23 Conn. 595), 107. Truax v. Railroad Co. (13 Houst. 233, 251), 115, 137. Truesdell v. Erie R. Co. (99 N. Y. Supp. 694), 933. Trumbull v. Donahue (18 Colo. App. 460, 72 Pac. 684), 1198. Trumbull v. Erickson (97 Fed. 891, 38 C. C. A. 536), 895, 1198, 1230. Tucker v. Cracklin (2 Stark. 385), 1352. Tucker v. Draper (62 Neb. 66, 86 N. W. Rep. 917, 54 L. R. A. 321), 1392. Tucker v. Railroad (33 N. Y. Supp. 93, 12 Misc. 117; s. c. 32 N. Y. Supp. 1, 11 Misc. 366, reversing 30 N. Y. Supp. 811, 10 Misc. 35), 505. Tucker v. Railway Co. (54 Mo. 179), 1222. Tucker v. State (89 Md. 471, 43 Atl. Rep. 778, 44 Atl. Rep. 1004), 1391. Tuley v. Railroad (41 Mo. App. 432), 1195. Tuller V. Talbot (23 111. 357), 895, 897, 958. Tully V. Railroad Co. (3 Penne- will, 455, 50 Atl. 95), 990. Turner v. Israel (64 Ark. 244), 175. Turner v. Liverpool Docks Trus- tees (6 Exch. 543), 771. Turner v. McCook (77 Mo, App. 196), 1060. Turner v. Railroad (34 Cal. 594), 1438. Turner v. Railroad Co. (37 La. Ann. 648), 933. Turner v. Railroad Co. (20 Mo. App. 632), 167, 241, 462. TABLE iOF CASES CITED. CCCV [befebences are Turner v. Railway Co. (40 W. Va. 675, 22 S. E. Rep. 83), 1401. Turner v. Railway (15 Wash. 213, 46 Pac. 243, 55 Am. St. Rep. 883), 1221, 1424, 1426, 1431. Turney v. Wilson (7 Yerg. 339), 52, 486. Turnpike Co. v. Stewart (2 Met. (Ky.) 119), 1236. Turrill v. Crawley (13 Q. B. 197), 882. Tuteur v. Railroad Co. (77 Wis. 505, 46 N. W. Rep. 897), 1397. Tuttle V. Railway Co. (26 Ky. Law Rep. 152, 80 S. W. 802), 1083. Tutwiler Coal Co. v. Enslen (129 Ala. 336, 30 So. Rep. 600), 1397. Twist V. Railroad Co. (39 Minn. 164), 1228. Two hundred and sixteen Loads and 678 Barrels of Fertilizer (88 Fed. 984), 857. Two hundred and seventy-five Tons of Mineral Phosphates (9 Fed. 209), 856. Two thousand Tons of Coal ex The Michigan (135 Fed. 734, 68 C. C. A. 372), 834, 836. Two thousand and ninety-eight Tons of Coal In re (135 Fed. 317, 67 C. C. A. 671), 842, 849. Tyler v. Freeman (3 Cush. 261), 1305. Tyler v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 79 S. W. Rep. 1075), 892, 922. Tyler v. W. U. Tel. Co. (60 111. 421), 95. Tyne & Blyth Shipping Co. v. Leech, Harrison & Forwood (69 L. J. Q. B. 353, (1900) 2 TO SECTIONS.] Q. B. 12, 48 Wkly. Rep. 590, 5 Com'l Cas. 155), 851. Tyson v. Booth (100 Mass. 258), 1434. u Udell V. Railroad Co. (13 Mo. App. 254), 505. Ullman v. Railway Co. (93 N. Y. Supp. 480), 177. Ullman v. Railway Co. (112 Wis. 150, 88 N. W. 41, 56 L. R. A. 246, 88 Am. St. Rep. 949), 426, 428. Ulrich v. Railroad Co. (108 N. Y. 80), 1075. Unger v. Railroad (51 N. Y. 497), 952. Union Feed Co. v. Pac. Clipper Line (31 Wash. 28, 71 Pac. 552), 1315. Union Freight Co. v. Winkley (159 Mass. 133, 34 N. E. Rep. 91, 38 Am. St. Rep. 398), 810. Union Ins. Co. v. Groom (4 Bush, 289), 489. Union State Bank v. Railroad Co. (66 Neb. 159, 92 N. W. Rep. 131, 59 L. R. A. 939), 233, 241. Union Steamboat Co. v. Knapp (73 HI. 506), 687, 695. Union Stockyards Co. v. Westcott (47 Neb. 300, 66 N. W. 419), 177, 187. Union Trust Co. v. Railroad (64 Fed. 992; reversed. Walker V. Keenan, 73 Fed. 755, 19 C. C. A. 668, 34 U. S. App. 691), 556. eccvi TABLE OF CASES CITED, [BEFEBENCES ABE United Electric, etc., Co. v. State (— Md. — , 60 Atl. Rep. 248), 1397. United Railways, etc., Co. v. State (93 Md. 619, 49 Atl. 923, 86 Am. St. Rep. 453), 980, 984. United Railways, etc., Co. v. Weir (— Md. — , 62 Atl. Rep. 588), 1179. United States v. Grossmayer (9 Wall. 73), 322. United States v. Harris (85 Fed. 533, 29 C. C. A. 327, aff'g., 78 Fed. 290), 638. United States v. Lapene (17 Wall. 601), 322. United States v. Mellen (53 Fed. 229), 566. United States v. Milwaukee, etc.. Transit Co. (142 Fed. 247), 539. United States v. Morsman (42 Fed. 448), 524. United States v. Pacific Ex. Co. (15 Fed. Rep. 867), 80. United States v. Palmer (3 Wheat. 610), 317. United States v. Power (6 Mont. 271), 37, 40. United States v. Railroad Co. (40 Fed. 101), 552. United States v. Railroad Co. (81 Fed. 783), 576. United States v. Railroad Co. (115 Fed. 373), 525. United States v. Railroad Co. (125 Fed. 252; affirmed, 134 Fed. 198, 67 C. C. A. 220), 557. United States v. Railway Co. (82 Fed. 563), 526. United States v. Railway Co. (109 Fed. 831; s. c. 114 Fed. 683), 557. TO SECTIONS.] United States v. Railway Co. (127 Fed. 785, 62 C. C. A. 465), 543. United States v. Railway Co. ( — C. C. A. — , 143 Fed. 266), 557. United States v. Tozer (39 Fed. 369), 543. United States v. Wilder (3 Sum- ner, 308), 886. United States, etc., Co. v. Oliver (16 Neb. 612), 761. United States Brewing Co. v. Stol- tenberg (211 111. 531, 71 N. E. Rep. 1081), 1397. United States Electric, etc., Co. v. Sullivan (22 App. D. C. 115), 1384, 1397. United States Ex. Co. v. Backman (28 Ohio St. 144), 80, 82. United States Ex. Co. v. Root (47 Mich. 231), 80. United States Ex. Co. v. Rush (24 Ind. 403), 243. United States Mail Line Co. v. Mfg. Co. (19 Ky. Law Rep. 833, 101 Ky. 658, 42 S. W. Rep. 342), 236, 1304. United States Watch Case Co. v. Express Co. (120 N. Car. 351, 27 S. E. Rep. 74), 444. Upperton v. Steamship Co. (9 Com'l Cas. 50, 89 Law T. (N. S.) 289), 497. Upshare v. Aidee (1 Comyns, 25), 69, 1241. Uptegrove v. Railroad Co. (16 Misc. 14, 37 N. Y. Supp. 659), 61L Uren v. Hagar (95 Fed. 493), 837. Usher v. Railroad Co. (126 Penn. St. 207), 1390. Usher v. Railway Co. ( — Kan. — , 80 Pac. Rep. 956;, 1060. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cccvn [references are Utah, etc., Co. v. Coal Co. (26 Utah, 299, 73 Pac. Rep. 524), 1389. Valente v. Gibbs (6 C. B. 270), 497. Valentine v. Railroad Co, (92 N. Y. Supp. 645), 750. Van Akin v. Railroad Co. (87 N. Y. Supp. 871, 92 App. Div. 23), 449, 1355. Van Amburgh v. Railroad Co, (37 La. Ann, 650, 55 Am. Rep. 517), 1384. Van Anda v. Navigation Co. (Ill Fed. 765, 49 C. C. A. 596, 55 L. R. A. 544), 1156. Van Baalen v. Dean (27 Mich. 104), 782. Van Brunt v. Railroad Co. (78 Mich. 530), 1397. Van Buskirk v. Purinton (2 Hall, 561), 865, 884. Van Buskirk v. Roberts (31 N. Y. 661), 238, 1109. Van Camp v. Railway (137 Mich. 467, 100 N. W. Rep. 771), 1104. Van Casteel v. Booker (2 Ex. 691), 771. Vancleve v. Railroad Co. (107 Mo. App. 96, 80 S. W. Rep. 706), 957. Vanderbilt v. Turnpike Co. (2 N. Y. 479), 1441. Vandercook v. Railroad Co. (125 Mich. 459, 84 N. W. 616), 1428. TO SECTIONS.] Vanderwerken v. Railroad Co. (6 Abb. Pr. 239), 1387. Van de Venter v. Railway Co. (26 Fed. Rep. 32), 895. Vandewenter v. Railroad Co. (27 Barb. 244), 1387. Van Doren v. Railroad Co. (93 Fed. 260, 35 C. C. A. 282), 1388. Van Dusan v. Railway Co. (97 Mich. 439, 56 N. W. 848, 37 Am. St. Rep. 354, 1061, 1065. Van Etten v. Newton (134 N. Y. 143, 31 N. E. 334, 30 Am. St. Rep. 630, aff'g., 8 N. Y. Supp. 478), 853. Van Gent v. Railway Co. (80 Iowa, 526, 45 N. W. R. 913), 1397. Van Horn v. Kermit (4 E. D. Smith, 453), 1271, 1286. Vankirk v. Pennsylvania Co. (76 Penn. St. 66, 18 Am. Rep. 404), 1088. Van Natta v. Insurance Co. (2 Sandf. 490), 783. Van Nostrand v. Moore (52 N. Y. 12), 165. Van Ostran v. Railroad Co. (35 Hun, 590), 1184. Van Ostran v. Railroad Co. (104 N. Y. 683), 1184. Van Ostrand v. D. & H. Co. (99 N. Y. Supp. 548), 1219. Van Patten v. Chicago, etc., R. Co. (81 Fed. 547), 528, 533. Van Santvoord v. St. John (6 Hill, 160), 48, 130, 133, 134. 231, 665, 696. Van Shaack v. N. T. Co. (3 Biss. 394), 408. Van Winkle v. Railroad Co. (46 Hun, 564), 920. Van Winkle v. Steamship Co. (37 Barb. 122), 740. CCCVlll TABLE OF CASES CITED. [befebences are Varble v. Bigley (14 Bush (Ky.), 698), 37, 47, 92. Vaughan v. Railroad Co. (13 R. I. 578), 885. Vaughn v. Bunker Hill, etc., Co. (126 Fed. 895), 1390. Vaughn v. Casks of Wine (7 Ben. 506), 165. Vaughn v. Railroad Co. ( — R. I- — , 61 Atl. Rep. 695), 184, 711. Vaughn v. Railway Co. (62 Mo. App. 461; s. c. 78 Mo. App. 639), 426. Vawter v. Railroad Co. (84 Mo. 679), 1390. Verner v. Sweitzer (32 Penn. St. 208), 70, 401, 415, 1299. Verrall v. Robinson (5 Tyrwhitt's Exch. 1069; 4 Dowling 242), 739. Vetalaro v. Perkins (101 Fed. 393), 1395. Vick V. Railroad Co. (95 N. Y. 267, 47 Am. Rep. 36), 1004. Vicksburg v. McLain (67 Miss. 4), 1401. Victor V. Railroad Co. (164 Pa. St. 195, 30 Atl. 381), 1123, 1177. Vimont v. Railroad Co. (71 Iowa, 58), 1117, 1180, 1221. Vincent v. Railroad Co, (49 111. 33), 521. Vincent v. Stinehour (7 Vt. 62), 1430. Vincent & Hayne v. Railroad (114 So. 1021, 38 So. Rep. 816), 231. Viner v. Steamship Co. (50 N. Y. 23), 674. Vinton v. Railroad (11 Allen, 304), 978. Violett V. Stettinius (5 Cranch C. Ct. 559), 660. TO SECTIONS.] Virginia Coal & Iron Co. v. Rail- road Co. (98 Va. 776, 37 S. E. Rep. 310), 226. Vlierboom v. Chapman (13 M. & W. 230), 788, 818. Voigt V. Railway Co. (79 Fed. 561; reversed without opin- ion, 102 Fed. 1000; s. c. 176 U. S. 498, 20 Sup. Ct. R. 385), 1018, 1073. Volunteer, Schooner (1 Sumn. 551), 875. Vose V. Allen (3 Blatch. 289), 688. Voss V. "Wagner Palace Car Co. (16 Ind. App. 271, 44 N. B. 1010; s. c. 43 N. E. 20), 1146. Vowell V. Coal Co. (31 Wash. 103. 71 Pac. Rep. 725), 1401. Vredenburg v. Behan ( 33 La. Ann. 627), 1397. Vredenburgh v. Railroad Co. (12 N. Y. Suppl. 18), 1118. w Wade V. Leroy (20 How. 34), 1423. Wade V. Lutcher, etc., Co. (74 Fed. 517, 41 U. S. App. 45, 20 C. C. A. 515, 33 L. R. A. 255), 61. Wade V. Wheeler (3 Lans. 201), 72. Wade V. Wheeler (47 N. Y. 658), 113. Wadhams & Co. v. Balfour (32 Or. 313, 51 Pac. 642), 175. Wagner v. Railroad Co. (97 Mo. 512), 899, 1233. TxVBLE OF CASES CITED. CCCIX [references ABE Wagoner v. Railroad Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 94 S. W. Rep. 293), 927. Wahl V. Holt (26 Wis. 703), 226. Wahl V. Shoulders (14 Ind. App. 665, 43 N. E. 458), 1418. Wait V. Railroad Co. (165 Mo. 612, 65 S. W. 1028), 1217. Waite V. Gilbert (10 Cush. 177), 1366. Waite V. Railway (El. B. & El. 719), 1229. Walcott V. Canfield (3 Conn. 194), 1327. Wald V. Railroad (162 111. 545, 44 N. E. 888, 35 L. R. A. 356, 53 Am. St. Rep. 332, reversing 60 111. App. 460), 282, 304. Wald V. Railroad Co. (92 Ky. 645), 704. Waldron v. Fargo (170 N. Y. 130, 62 N. E. Rep. 1077, reversing 64 N. Y. Supp. 798), 172, 336, 339, 457. Waldron v. Railroad Co. (1 Dak. 336), 1250, 1301. Waldron v. Railway Co. (22 Wash. 253, 60 Pac. 653), 462, 866. Waldron v. Romaine (22 N. Y. 368), 194. Walker v. Eikleberry (7 Okl. 599, 54 Pac. Rep. 553, 13 Am. & Eng. R. Cas. (N. S.) 253), 714. Walker v. Green (60 Kan. 289, 56 Pac. 477), 1202. Walker v. Keenan (73 Fed. 755, 19 C. C. A. 668, 34 U. S. App. 691, reversing Union Trust Co. V. Railroad, 64 Fed. 992), 556. Walker v. McNeill (17 Wash. 582, 50 Pac. Rep. 518), 1398. Walker v. Piatt (69 N. Y. Supp. 943, 34 Misc. 799), 1298. TO SECTIONS.] Walker v. Price (62 Kan. 327, 62 Pac. 1001, 84 Am. St. Rep. 392, reversing (Kan. App.) 59 Pac. Rep. 1102), 1028, 1043, 1052. Walker v. Railroad Co. (Ill Ala. 233, 20 So. 358), 779. Walker v. Railroad Co. (41 La. Ann. 795, 17 Am. St. Rep. 417), 1177. Walker v. Railroad (49 Mich. 446), 179. Walker v. Railway (2 E. & B. 750), 395. Walker v. Railway Co. (110 La. 718, 34 So. Rep. 749), 1395. Walker v. Railway Co. (104 Mich. 617, 62 N. W. Rep. 1032), 1397. Walker v. Railway Co. (15 Mo. App. 333), 1041, 1056. Walker v. Railway Co. (63 Barb. 260), 1409. Walker v. Skipwith (Meigs, 502), 53, 68. Walker v. Steamboat Co. (117 Fed. 784; affirmed, Wilming- ton Steamboat Co. v. Walker, 120 Fed. 97, 56 C. C. A. 49), 1414. Walker v. Westfield (39 Vt. 248), 1417. Wall V. Cameron (6 Colo. 275), 1440. Wall V. Railroad Co. (200 111. 66, 65 N. E. Rep. 632), 1396. Wallace v. Clayton (42 Ga. 443), 282. Wallace v. Navigation Co. (134 Mass. 95), 1233. Wallace v. Railroad Co. (118 Fed. 422, 55 C. C. A. 192, 574. Wallace v. Railroad Co. (98 N. C. 494), 1217. Wallace v. Railroad Co. (8 Houst. 529), 936, 937. eccx TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Wallace v. Railway Co. (10 Det. L. N. 331, 133 Mich. 633, 95 N. W. 750), 634. 637. Wallace v. Woodgate (Ryan & M. 193), 871. Waller v. Railway Co. (59 Mo. App. 410), 936. Walley v. Montgomery (3 East, 585), 194. Wallingford v. Railroad Co. (26 S. C. 258), 287, 450. Walsh V. Blakely (6 Mont. 194), 761. Walsh V. Railroad Co. (160 Mass. 571, 36 N. E. Rep. 584, 39 Am. St. Rep. 514), 1388. Walsh V. Railroad Co. (42 Wis. 23), 966, 1404. Walsh V. Rosenberg (97 N. Y. Supp. 328), 1401. Walston V. Myers (5 Jones (N. C.) 174), 92. Walter v. Railroad ( — Ala. — , 39 So. Rep. 87), 1348. Walters v. Railroad Co. (66 Fed. 862, 14 C. C. A. 267, 30 U. S. App. 25, aft'g., 63 Fed. 391; s. c. 56 Fed. 369), 184. Walters v. Railroad Co. (41 Iowa, 71), 1229. Walters v. Railway Co. ( — Mich. — , 102 N. W. Rep. 745), 708. Walters v. Railway Co. (1 Terr. L. R. 88), 420. Walters v. Railway Co. (113 Wis. 367, 89 N. W. 140), 1118, 1177. Walthers v. Railroad Co. (72 111. App. 354), 933, 1181. Wamsley v. Steamship Co. (168 N. Y. 533, 61 N. E. 896, 85 Am. St. Rep. 699, reversing 63 N. Y. Supp. 761, 50 App. Div. 199; s. c. 56 N. Y. Supp. 284, 37 App. Div. 553), 1372. TO SECTIONS.] Ward V. Felton (1 East, 507), ■ 809. Ward V. Railroad Co. (56 Hun, 268), 1085. Ward V. Railroad (47 N. Y. 29), 1366. Ward V. Railroad Co. (102 Wis. 215, 78 N. W. 442), 1017, 1198. Ward V. Railway (165 111. 462, 46 N. E. 365, reversing 61 111. App. 530), 1122. Ward V. Railway Co. (158 Mo. 226, 58 S. W. 28), 445, 548. Ward V. White (Va., 9 S. E. Rep. 1021), 1434. Ward's Line Co. v. Elkins (34 Mich. 439), 1366, 1371. Warden v. Greer (6 Watts, 424), 75, 334. Wardlaw v. Railway Co. (Cal., 42 Pac. Rep. 1075), 1184. Wardrobe v. Stage Co. (7 Cal. 118), 1438. Wardwell v. Railway Co. (46 Minn. 514, 49 N. W. 206, 24 Am. St. Rep. 246, 13 L. R. A. 596), 1034, 1085, 1086. Ware v. Gay (11 Pick. 106), 1414. Ware v. Railroad Co. (119 111. App. 456), 892. Warehouse & Builders' Supply Co. V. Galvin (96 Wis. 523, 71 N. W. 804), 864. Warfield v. Railroad Co. (40 N. Y. Supp. 783, 8 App. Div. 479), 1219. Warfield v. Railroad Co. (104 ,; Tenn. 74, 55 S. W. 304, 78 Am. St. Rep. 911), 1025. Waring v. Insurance Co. (45 N. Y. 606), 783. Warner v. Railroad Co. (168 U. S. 339, 18 Sup. Ct. 68 reversing 7 App. D. C. 79), 1219. J TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCCXl [befebences are Warner v. Railroad Co. (113 Cal. 105, 45 Pac. 187, 54 Am. St. Rep. 327), 1438, 1441. Warner v. Railroad (22 Iowa, 166), 1278. Warner v. Railroad Co. (94 N. C. 250), 1394. Warner v. Transportation Co. (5 Rob. 490), 433. Warner v. W. T. Co. (5 Rob. (N. Y.) 490), 330. Warren v. Englehart (13 Neb. 283, 13 N. W. Rep. 401), 1394. Warren v. Railroad Co. (8 Allen, 227), 923, 933, 940, 1006. Washburn v. Railroad (3 Head, 638), 906, 1004, 1022, 1200. Washburn-Crosby Co. v. Johnston & Co. (125 Fed. 273, 60 C. C. A. 187), 401, 1355. Washburn-Crosby Co. v. Railroad Co. (180 Mass. 252, 62 N. E. Rep. 590), 115, 137, 173. Washburn Man. Co. v. Railroad (113 Mass. 490), 261. Washington Ins. Co. v. Reed (20 Ohio, 199), 487. Wasserberg v. Steamship Co. (28 N. Y. Supp. 520, 8 Misc. 78), 1299. Waterbury v. Railroad Co. (104 Iowa, 32, 73 N. W. 341), 935, 1207. Waters v. Insurance Co. (5 El. & B. 870), 783. Waters v. Towers (8 Exch. 401), 1370. Watson V. Duykinck (3 Johns. 335), 830. Watson V. Hoosac Tunnel Line (13 Mo. App. 263), 177. Watson V. Oxanna Land Co. (92 Ala. 320, 8 So. 770), 937, 1012. Watson V. Railroad Co. (92 Ala. 320, 8 So. Rep. 770), 1012. TO SECTIONS.] Watson V. Railroad Co. (55 N. J. Law (26 Vroom) 125, 26 Atl. Rep. 136, 39 Am. St. Rep. 624, 19 L. R. A. 487), 1189, 1221. Watson V. Railroad Co. (133 N. Car. 188, 45 S. E. Rep. 555), 1397. Watson V. Railroad Co. (104 Tenn. 194, 56 S. W. 1024, 49 L. R. A. 454), 1052, 1054. Watson V. Railway Co. (15 Jur. 448), 229, 241. Watson V. Railway Co. (81 Ga. 476), 1177. Watson V. Railway Co. (66 Iowa, 164), 1174. Watson V. Railway Co. (54 N. Y. Supp. 201, 24 Misc. 628), 1052. Watt V. Potter (2 Mason, 77), 668. Way V. Railway Co. (64 Iowa, 48), 1001, 1056. Weaver v. Railroad Co. ( — Mich. — , 102 N. W. Rep. 1037), 1003, 1073. Weaver v. Railroad (21 App. D. C. 499), 1396, 1402. Weaver v. Ward (Hob. 134), 1430. Webb V. Railroad Co. (88 Tenn. 119, 12 S. W. Rep. 428), 1389. Webb, Str. (14 Wall. 406), 92. Webber v. Railway Co. (3 H. & C. 771), 229. Weber v. Railway Co. (100 Mo. 194), 1179. Weber Co. v. Railway Co. (113 Iowa, 188, 84 N. W. 1042; s. c. 92 Iowa, 364, 60 N. W. Rep. 637), 1251. Webster v. Mining Co. (137 Cal. 399, 70 Pac. 276, 92 Am. St. Rep. 181), 1394. Webster v. Railroad Co. (161 Mass. 298, 37 N. E. 165, 24 L. R. A. 521), 1006, 1015. Webster v. Railroad (38 N. Y. 260), 1236. cccxu TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Webster v. Railroad Co. (115 N. Y. 112), 1200. Webster v. Railroad Co. (32 N. Y. Supp. 590), 1414. Webster v. Railroad Co. (32 N. Y. Supp. 590), 1414. Wedikind v. Railway Co. (20 Nev. 292), 1414. Weed V. Barney (45 N. Y. 344), 685, 714, 722, 725. Weed V. Railroad Co. (17 N. Y. 362), 657, 1098, 1109, 1429. Weed V. Railroad (19 Wend. 534), 230, 916, 1246, 1276, 1296, 1326, 1336. Weeks v. Railroad Co. (40 La. Ann. 800), 1219. Weeks v. Railroad (9 Hun, 669), 1264. Weems v. Mathieson (4 Macq. H. L. Cas. 215), 1397. Wegener v. Smith (15 Com. B. 285), 807. Wehman v. Railway Co. ( — S. Car. — , 54 S. E. Rep. 360), 1367. Wehmann v. Railway Co. (58 Minn. 22, 59 N. W. 546), 141, 262, 475. Weightman v. Railway Co. (70 Miss. 563, 12 So. 586, 35 Am. St. Rep. 660, 19 L. R. A. 671), 992. Weikle v. Railway Co. (64 Minn. 296, 66 N. W. 963), 732. Weil V. Railroad Co. (119 N. Y. 147), 1229. Weiller v. Railroad Co. (134 Pa. St. 310, 19 Atl. Rep. 702, 19 Am. St. Rep. 700), 426. Weinschenck v. Railroad Co. ( — Mass. — , 76 N. E. Rep. 662), 927. TO SECTIONS.] Weir V. Express Co. (5 Phila. 355), 442. Weir V. Northwestern Commercial Co. (134 Fed. 991), 838. Weir V. Railway Co. (98 N. Y. Supp. 268), 1414. Weis V. Railroad Co. (97 N. Y. Supp. 993), 239. Weisenberg v. City of Appleton (26 Wis. 56), 1423. Weisman v. Railroad Co. (22 R. I. 128, 47 Atl. 318), 177. Weisshaar v. Kimball S. S. Co. (128 Fed. 397, 63 C. C. A. 139, 65 L. R. A. 84, reversing In re Kimball S. S. Co. 123 Fed. 838), 344, 1173. Welch V. Hicks (6 Cow. 504), 815. Welch V. Pullman C. Co. (16 Abb. Pr. (N. S.) 352; 43 N. Y. Supr. Ct. 457), 1130, 1132. Welch V. Railroad Co. (68 N. H. 206, 44 Atl. 304), 712, 714, 1332. Welch V. Railway Co. ( — N. Dak. — , 103 N. W. Rep. 396), 442, 464, 641. Welfare v. Railway (L. R. 4 Q. B. 693), 940. Weller v. Railway (L. R. 9 C. P. 126), 1122. Wellman v. Morse (76 Fed. 573, 22 C. C. A. 318), 855. Wellman v. Railway Co. (83 Mich. ,592), 574, 1023. Wells V. Express Co. (55 Wis. 23), 80, 749, 750, 751. Wells V. Railroad Co. (67 Miss. 24), 1060, 1067. Wells V. Railroad (6 Jones L. 47), 113, 122. Wells V. Railroad Co. (49 N. Y. Supp. 510. 25 App. Div. 365), 992. Wells V. Railroad (26 Barb. 641; 24 N. Y. 181), 1075. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cccxin [BEFEEENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Wells V. Stm. Nav. Co. (2 N. Y. 204), 13, 40, 45, 92. Wells V. Stm. Nav. Co. (8 N. Y. 375), 14, 92. Wells V. Steamship Co. (4 Cliff. 228), 325, 740. Wells V. Thomas (27 Mo. 17), 867. Wells, Fargo & Co. v. Bell (65 Ohio St. 408, 62 N. E. 1035), 431. Wells Fargo & Co. v. Hanson ( — Tex. Civ. App. — , 91 S. W. Rep. 321), 1372. Welsh V. Railroad (10 Ohio St. 65), 339, 410, 450. Welsh V. Railroad Co. (62 N. J. L. 655, 42 Atl. 736), 990. Welty V. Railroad Co. (105 Ind. 55), 1230. Wendell v. Railroad Co. (91 N. Y. 420), 1228. Wenona Coal Co. v. Holmquist (152 111. 592), 1174. Wentworth v. Outhwaite (10 M. & W. 436), 769, 772. Wentz V. Railway (5 Thomp. & C. 556; 3 Hun, 241), 1043. Wenz V. Railway Co. (108 Ga. 290, 33 S. E. Rep. 970), 1054. Werle v. Railroad Co. (98 N. Y. 650), 1197, 1198. Werner v. Evans (94 111. App. 328), 1246. Werner v. Railway Co. (105 Wis. 300, 81 N. W. 416), 1127. Wernwag v. Railroad Co. (117 Penn. St. 46), 678. Wertheimer v. Railroad Co. (17 Blatchf. 421), 449. West V. Forrest (22 Mo. 344), 1422. West V. The Railroad (4 Seld. 57). 242. West V. Steamboat (3 Clark, 532), 165. West Coast Naval Stores Co. v. Railroad Co. (121 Fed. 645, 57 C. C. A. 671), 946. West Ham Corporation v. Rail- way Co. (64 L. J. Q. B. 340), 931. West Memphis Packet Co. v. White (99 Tenn. 256, 41 S. W. 583, 38 L. R. A. 427), 980, 985. Westbrook v. Railroad Co. (66 Miss. 560), 1228. Westcott V. Fargo (63 Barb. 353), 401, 463. Westcott V. Fargo (61 N. Y. 542), 401, 402, 425, 442, 451, 454, 1355. Westcott V. Railway Co. ( — Wash. — , 84 Pac. Rep. 588), 921. Western Sash & Door Co. v. Rail- road Co. (177 Mo. 641, 76 S. W. 998), 234. Western Trans. Co. v. Barber (56 N. Y. 544), 749, 750, 786, 880, 888. Western Transportation Co. v. Hawley (1 Daly, 327), 688. Western Transportation Co. v. Newhall (24 111. 466), 131, 401, 441, 451, 455. Weston v. Railroad Co. ( — Mass. — , 76 N. E. Rep. 1050), 1369. Weston V. Railroad Co. (73 N. Y. 595), 935. Western Union, etc., Co. v. Lips- comb (22 App. D. C. 104), 1384. Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Woods (88 III. App. 375), 100. Weston V. Railway (54 Me. 376), 1366. Wetzel V. Power (5 Mont. 214), 1314. CCCXIV TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ARE Wetzell V. Railroad Co. (12 Mo. App. 599), 505. Weyland v. Elkins (Holt N. P. 227). 249. Weyand v. Railway Co. (39 N. W. Rep. 899), 188, 192. Whalen v. Railway (60 Mo. 323), 1230. Whaley v. Catlett (103 Tenn. 347, 53 S. W. Rep. 131), 1386, 1396. Whalley v. Wray (3 Esp. 74), 38. Whalon v. Aldrich (8 Minn. 346), 1366. Wheat V. Railroad Co. (4 Kan. 370), 748. Wheelan v. Railway Co. (85 Iowa, 167, 52 N. W. Rep. 119), 1397. Wheeler v. Navigation Co. (72 Hun, 5, 25 N. Y. Supp. 578), 1069. Wheeler v. Navigation Co. (125 N. Y. 155), 344. Wheeler v. Railroad Co. (115 U. S. 29), 172, 417. Wheeler v. Railway Co. (70 N. H. 607, 50 Atl. 103, 54 L. R. A. 955), 1173, 1230. Wheelwright v. Beers (2 Hall, 391), 1360. Wheelwright v. Railroad Co. (135 Mass. 225), 1418. Whelan v. Railroad Co. (84 Ga. 506, 10 S. E. Rep. 1091), 1177. Whicher v. Railroad Co. (176 Mass. 275, 57 N. E. 601, 79 Am. St. Rep. 314), 1132. Whipple V. Railway Co. (11 Phil. 345), 1216. Whirley v. Whiteman (1 Head, 610), 1227, 1229. Whitaker v. Railroad (51 N. Y. 295), 1098. Whitaker v. Railway (L. R. 5 C. P. 464), 1122. TO SECTIONS.] Whitaker v. Warren (60 N. H. 20), 1378. White v. Ashton (51 N. Y. 280), 168, 613. White v. Bascom (28 Vt. 268), 37, 779, 1305. White v. Boulton (Peake's Cases, 113), 893. White v. Humphrey (11 Q. B. 43), 714. White v. Mary Ann (6 Cal. 462), 92. White V. Maxcy (64 Mo. 552), 1386. White V. Navigation Co. (36 Wash. 281, 78 Pac. 909), 942, 1207. White V. Railroad Co. (133 Ind. 480, 33 N. E. 273), 1038, 1060. White V. Railroad Co. (136 Mass. 321), 923. White V. Railroad Co. (107 Mich. 681, 65 N. W. 521), 1036. White V. Railroad Co. (19 Mo. App. 400), 1417. White V. Railroad Co. (30 N. H. 207), 923. White V. Railroad Co. (115 N. Car. 631, 20 S. E. Rep. 191, 44 Am. St. Rep. 489), 1017, 1093. White V. Railway (2 Com. B. (N. S.) 7; 40 Eng. L. & Eq. 255), 397, 1338. White V. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 86 S. W. Rep. 962), 1300. White V. Railway Co. (20 Wash. 132, 54 Pac. 999), 1218. White V. Railway Co. (26 W. Va. 36), 1024. White V. Vann (6 Hun, 70), 867. White V. Webb (15 Conn. 302), 782, 785. White V. Weir (53 N. Y. Supp. 465, 33 App. Div. 145), 472. TABLE OP CASES CITED, CCCXV [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] White V. Welsh (38 Penn. St. 396), 772. White V. Winnisimmet Co. (7 Cush. 155), 66, 67, 128. 333. White Live Stock Commission Co. V. Railroad Co. (87 Mo. App. 330), 148, 254. Whitehead v. Anderson (9 M. & W. 518), 758, 760, 769, 770. Whitehead v. Railway Co. (99 Mo. 263), 899, 964. Whitesides v. Russell (8 Watts & S. 44), 1352, 1355. Whitesides v. Thurlkill (12 Sm. & M. 599), 483. Whitford v. Railroad Co. (23 N. Y. 465), 1376, 1387. Whiting V. Railroad Co. (89 N. Y. Supp. 584, 97 App. Div. 11), 920. Whitley v. Railway Co. (122 N. Car. 987, 29 S. E. Rep. 783), 991. Whitlock V. Comer (57 Fed. 565), 1180. Whitlow V. Railway Co. (114 Tenn. 344, 84 S. W. Rep. 618, 68 L. R. A. 503), 1387, 1388. Whitman v. Vanderbilt (75 Fed. 422, 21 C. C. A. 422, 38 U. S. App. 693), 163, 855. Whitmore v. Bowman (4 Greene, 148), 66. Whitmore v. S. B. Caroline (20 Mo. 513), 86. Whitney v. Beckford (105 Mass. 267), 885. Whitney v. Car Co. (143 Mass. 243), 1131, 1132, 1134. Whitney v. Insurance Co. (18 Johns. 208), 802. Whitney v. Railroad Co. (102 Fed. 850, 43 C. C. A. 19, 50 L. R. A. 615), 1004, 1073. Whitney v. Railway (27 Wis. 327),' 1291, 1360. Whitney Mfg. Co. v. Railroad Co. (38 S. Car. 365, 17 S. E. Rep. 147, 37 Am. St. Rep. 767), 711. Whittlesley v. Railway Co. (121 Iowa, 597, 90 N. W. 516), 949, 1414. Whitworth v. Railroad (87 N. Y. 413), 130, 131, 472. Whitworth v. Railway Co. (45 N. Y. Super. 602), 1355. Wibert v. Railroad (19 Barb. 36), 1366. Wibert v. Railroad (12 N. Y. (2 Ker.) 245), 496, 520, 652, 654. Wice V. Railway Co. (193 111. 351, 56 L. R. A. 268, 61 N. E. 1084, reversing 93 111. App. 266), 1182. Wicks V. Railroad Co. (15 Ky. Law Rep. 605), 1033. Wiegand v. Railroad Co. (75 Fed. 370; aff'd., on opinion of court helow, 79 Fed. 991, 25 C. C. A. 681), 1287, 1291. Wiggins V. Hathaway (6 Barb. 632), 94. Wiggins V. King (91 Hun, 340, 36 N. Y. Supp. 768), 1065. Wight V. Railroad Co. (167 U. S. 512, 17 Sup. Ct. R. 822, 42 L. Ed. 258), 536, 545. Wightman v. Railroad Co. (73 Wis. 169), 1055. Wilburn v. Railway Co. (36 Mo. Ap. 203), 1118. Wilburn v. Railway Co. (48 Mo. App. 224), 895. Wilby V. Railway (2 Hurl. & N. 703), 229, 242, 472. Wilcox V. Parmelee (3 Sand. 610), 246, 617, 619. Wilcox V. Railroad Co. (24 Minn. 269), 674. CCCXVl TABLE OF CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Wilde V. Transportation Co. (47 Iowa, 247), 84, 172, 417. Willard v. Bridge (4 Barb. 361), 674. Willard v. Dorr (3 Mason, 166), 744. Willetts V. Railroad (14 Barb. 585), 1417. William Arthur Dixon v. Naviga- tion Co. (Can. Sup. Ct. Cas. (Cameron) 66), 1249. Williams v. Branson (1 Murphey, 417), 75, 483. Williams v. East Ind. Co. (3 East, 192), 796. Williams v. Gill (122 N. Car. 967, 29 S. E. Rep. 879), 1094, 1102. Williams v. Grant (1 Conn. 487), 270, 296, 490. Williams v. Railroad Co. (91 Ala. 635), 1381, 1382, 1389. Williams v. Railroad Co. (88 N. Y. Supp. 434, 93 App. Div. 582), 212, 406, 1278. Williams v. Railroad (93 N. C. 42), 161. W^illiams v. Railroad Co. (28 Tex. Civ. App. 503, 67 S. W. 1085), 1113, 1198. Williams v. Railroad Co. (18 Utah, 210, 54 Pac. 991, 72 Am. St. Rep. 777), 1004, 1022, 1072, 1073. Williams v. The Railroad (9 W. Va. 33), 1334. Williams v. Railway Co. (138 Fed. 571), 1390. Williams v. Railway Co. (117 Ga. 830, 43 S. E. 980), 508, 509. Williams v. Railway Co. (40 La. Ann. 417), 1095. W^illiams v. Railway Co. (Tex. Civ. App., 78 S. W. Rep. 45), 1174. 1223, 1224. TO SECTIONS.] Williams v. Railway Co. (39 Wash. 77, 80 Pac. Rep. 1100), 895, 1413. Williams v. Smith (2 Caines, 13), 815. Williams v. Steamship Co. (126 Fed. 591), 1396. Williams v. Taylor (4 Port. 234), 335. Williams v. Vanderbilt (28 N. Y. 217), 226, 916, 1109, 1429. Williams v. Walton, etc. Co. (9 Houst. 322, 32 Atl. Rep. 726), 1397. Williams v. Webb (58 N. Y. Supp. 300, 27 Misc. 508, modifying 49 N. Y. Supp. 1111, 22 Misc. 513; s. c. 53 N. Y. Supp. 123, 32 App. Div. 389; s. c. 47 N. N. Supp. 534, 21 App. Div. 192; s. c. 34 N. Y. Supp. 425, 88 Hun, 181; s. c. 32 N. Y. Supp. 332, 84 Hun, 309), 1130, 1131, 1132. Williamson v. Stage Co. (24 Iowa, 171), 1436. Willingford v. Railroad Co. (26 S. Car. 258, 2 S. E. Rep. 19), 500. Willis v. Railroad (62 Me. 488), 450. Willis V. Railroad (34 N. Y. 670; 32 Barb. 398), 1197, 1198, 1216. Willis V. Railroad Co. (120 N. Car. 508, 26 S. E. Rep. 784), 1000. Willis V. Railway Co. (61 Tex. 432, 48 Am. Rep. 301), 1387. Willis Coal Co. v. Grizzell (198 111. 313, 65 N. E. Rep. 74), 1394. Williscroft v. Cargo of the Cyre- nian (123 Fed. 169), 846. Willmott V. Railway Co. (106 Mo. 535), 1197. TABLE OF CASES CITED. CCCXVH [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Willock V. Railroad Co. (166 Pa. St. 184, 30 Atl. 948, 27 L. R. A. 228, 45 Am. St. Rep. 674), 450, 783, 784. Willock V. Railway Co. (79 Mo. App. 76), 760. Willoughby v. Horridge (74 Eng. C. L. R. 742; 12 C. B. 742; 16 Eng. L. & E. 437), 66, 110. Willson V. Railroad Co. (5 Wash. 621, 32 Pac. 468), 1407, 1433. Wilmshurst v. Bowker (5 Bing. N. C. 541), 1318. Wilsey v. Railroad Co. (83 Ky. 511), 1033, 1041, 1067, 1103. Wilson V. Adams Express Co. (43 Mo. App. 659; s. c. 27 Mo. App. 360), 672, 682. Wilson V. Bank of Victoria (L. R. 2 Q. B. 203), 825. Wilson V. Barker (4 B. & Ad. 271), 1444. Wilson V. Brett (11 M. & W. 113), 7, 11. Wilson V. Burnstead (12 Neb. 1), 1389. Wilson V. Canadian Development Co. (33 S. C. R. 432), 451. Wilson V. Dickson (2 B. & Aid. 2), 791. Wilson V. Express Co. (27 Mo. App. 360), 672, 682. Wilson V. Dock Co. (L, R. 1 Ex. 177), 1371. Wilson V. Hamilton (4 Ohio St. 722), 66, 67, 333, 339, 450. Wilson V. Kymer (1 M. & S. 157), 807, 877. Wilson V. Miller (2 Starkie, 1), 790. Wilson V. Newport Dock Co. (L. R. 1 Exch. 177), 1367, 1369, 1370. Wilson V. Piatt (84 N. Y. Supp. 143), 408. Wilson V. Railroad (129 Fed. 774; afflrmed, 133 Fed. 1022, 66 C, C. A. 486), 88. Wilson V. Railroad Co. (94 Cal. 166, 29 Pac. 861, 17 L. R. A. 685), 662, 684, 708, 1354. Wilson V. Railroad (56 Me. 60), 864, 1278. Wilson V. Railroad Co. (26 Minn. 278), 1221, 1223, 1224. Wilson V. Railroad Co. (31 Minn. 481), 895. Wilson V. Railroad Co. (68 Miss. 9, 8 So. Rep. 330), 1126. Wilson V. Railroad Co. (77 Miss. 714, 28 So. Rep. 567, 52 L. R. A. 357), 1077. Wilson V. Railroad Co. (32 Mo. App. 682), 1132. Wilson V. Railroad Co. (92 N. Y. Supp. 1091), 263. Wilson V. Railroad (21 Gratt. 654), 261, 1296, 1298. Wilson V. Railway (9 Com. B. (N. S.) 632), 1366. Wilson V. Railway (18 Eng. L. & Eq. 557), 461. Wilson V. Railway Co. (82 Ga. 386), 105, 113. Wilson V. Railway (57 Me. 138), 1279. Wilson V. Railway Co. (66 Mo, App. 388), 630, 1366. Wilson V. Shipping Co. (24 Fed. Rep. 815), 688. Wilson V. Wilson (26 Penn. St. 393), 1318. Wilson S. Mach. Co. v. Railroad Co. (71 Mo. 203), 674, 702. Wilton V. Railroad Co. (125 Mass. 130), 1020, 1022. Wilton V. Railroad Co. (107 Mass. 108), 995, 1020, 1022, 1226. Wilton V. S. Nav. Co. (10 C. B. (N. S.) 453), 1028. CCCXVlll TABLE OP CASES CITED. [BEFEBENCES ABE Wiltse V. Town of Tilden, (77 Wis. 152, 46 X. W. Rep. 234), 1394, 1401. Wimpleberg v. Railroad Co. (81 N. Y. Supp. 963, 83 App. Div. 19), 1174. Winchester v. Busby (16 S. C. R. (Can.) 336), 866. Wing V. Railway Co. (1 Hilt. 241), 505. Wingard v. Banning (39 Cal. 543), 779. Winheim v. Field (107 111. App. 145), 100, 102. Winkler v. Railway Co. (21 Mo. App. 99), 1126. Winne v. Railroad Co. (31 Iowa, 583), 1362. Winnegar v. Railroad Co. (85 Ky. 547), 1389. Winnt V. Railroad Co. (74 Tex. 32), 1389, 1397. Winship v. Railroad Co. (170 Mass. 464, 49 N. E. 647), 1011. Winslow V. Railroad Co. (165 Mass. 264, 42 N. E. 1133), 1219. Winslow V. Railroad (42 Vt. 700), 670, 672, 704. Winsor Coal Co. v. Railroad Co. (52 Fed. 716), 574. Winters v. Railway Co. (99 Mo. 509), 1229. Wintuska's Adm'r v. Railroad Co. (14 Ky. L. R. 579, 20 S. W. Rep. 819), 1388. Wise V Railway (1 H. & N. 63), 397. Witbeck v. Holland (45 N. Y. 13), 113, 611, 667, 716. Witbeck v. Schuyler (44 Barb. 469), 111. Withers v. N. J. etc. Co. (48 Barb. 455), 688. Withers v. Railway (27 L. J. Exch. 417; 1 F. & F. 165), 948. TO SECTIONS.] Withey v. Railroad Co. ( — Mich. — , 104 N. W. Rep. 773, 1 L. R. A. (N. S.) 352), 1277. Witt V. Railroad Co. (99 Tenn. 442, 41 S. W. Rep. 1064), 183. Witting V. Railroad Co. (28 Mo. App. 103), 1355. Witting V. Railroad Co. (101 Mo. 631), 1355. Wolcott V. Insurance Co. (4 Pick. 429), 603. Wolf V. Am. Exp. Co. (43 Mo. 421), 287, 289, 304, 401, 450, 1355. Wolf V. Brooklyn Ferry Co. (66 N. Y. Supp. 298, 54 App. Div. 67), 942. Wolf V. Hough (22 Kan. 659), 867. Wolf V. Railroad Co. (55 Ohio St. 517, 45 N. E. Rep. 708, 36 L. R. A. 812), 1389, 1392. Wolf V. Summers (2 Camp. 631), 1241, 1303. Wolfe V. Railway Co. (97 Mo. 473), 749. Wolff V. Horncastle (1 B. & P. 316), 783. Wolff V. The Vaderland (18 Fed. Rep. 739), 489, 492. Wolford V. Mining Co. (63 Cal. 483), 1401. Womack v. Railroad Co. (80 Ga. 132), 1384. Wood V. Crocker (18 Wis. 345), 704, 713. Wood V. Hubbard (62 Fed. 753, 10 C. C. A. 623), 801. Wood V. Keyser (84 Fed. 688; afPd, on opinion of court he- low, 87 Fed. 1007, 31 C. C. A. 358, 59 U. S. App. 202), 837, 841. Wood V. Railroad Co. (100 Ala. 660, 13 So. 552), 1207. TABLE OF CASES CITED. cecxix [BEFEBENCES ABE TO SECTIONS.] Wood V. Railroad Co. (84 Ga. 363), 922. Wood V. Railroad Co. (59 Iowa, 196), 630. Wood V. Railroad Co. (19 Ky. Law Rep. 924, 101 Ky. 703, 42 S. W. 349), 972. Wood V. Railroad Co. (98 Me. 98, 56 Atl. 457, 99 Am. St. Rep. 339), 1241, 1274, 1275, 1278, 1300. Wood V. Railroad Co. ( — N. J. Law — , 63 Atl. Rep. 867), 1077. Wood V. Railroad Co. (177 Pa. St. 306, 35 Atl. 699, 35 L. R. A. 199, 55 Am. St. Rep. 728), 1430. Wood V. Railway Co. (68 Iowa, 491), 630. Wood V. Railway Co. (49 Mich. 370), 1118, 1123. 1187. Wood V. Railway Co. (118 N. Car. 1056. 24 S. E. Rep. 704), 442. 444. Wood V. Railway (27 Wis. 541). 134. Wood V. Sewall's Adm'r (128 Fed. 141). 855. Woodburn v. Railway Co. (40 Fed. Rep. 731), 425. Woodbury v. Frink (14 111. 279), 1352. Wooden v. Austin (51 Barb. 9), 92. Wooden v. Railroad Co. (126 N. Y. 10), 1388. Woodger v. Railway Co. (L. R. 2 C. P. 318), 1366, 1367, 1370. Woodleife and Curties (1 Rolle Abr. 2), 48. Woodley v. Michell (11 Q. B. Div. 47). 483. Woodman v. Nottingham (49 N. H. 387), 780. Woodruff V. Noyes (15 Conn. 335), 764. Woodruff Sleeping Car Co. v. Diehl (84 Ind. 474). 1130, 1134. V/oods V. Devin (13 111. 746), 127, 1246. Woodward v. Railroad (1 Biss. 403). 238. Woodward v. Railroad Co. (10 Ohio St. 121), 1390. Woolery v. Railway Co. (107 Ind. 381), 1224. Woolsey v. Railroad Co. (39 Neb. 798, 58 N. W. 444, 25 L. R. A. 79), 964, 1218. Wooster v. Tarr (8 Allen, 270), 815. Wooten V. Railroad Co. (79 Miss. 26, 29 So. Rep. 61), 1182. Worden v. Railroad Co. (72 Iowa, 201), 1389. Work V. Leathers (97 U. S, 103), 497. Worley v. Railroad Co. (1 Handy, 481), 1384. Wormsdorf v. Railway Co. (75 Mich. 472), 952. Worthington v. Railroad Co. (64 Vt. 107, 23 Atl. 590, 15 L. R. A. 326), 1174, 1197. 1198. Wright V. Caldwell (3 Mich. 51), 117, 127. Wright V. Compton (53 Ind. 337), 1422. Wright V, New Zealand Shipping Co. (4 Ex. D. 165). 846. Wright V. Railroad Co. (4 Colo. App. 102, 35 Pac. 196), 985. Wright V. Railroad Co. (4 Allen, 289), 1382. Wright V. Railroad Co. (122 N. Car. 852, 29 S. E. Rep. 100), 1004. Wright V. Railroad Co. (21 R. L 554, 45 Atl. 548). 1084. cccxx TABLE OP CASES CITED. [befebences are Wright V. The Railway (L. R. 8 Exch. 137), 916. Wright V. Railway Co. (78 Cal. 360), 1058, 1082. 1431. Wright V. Railway Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 94 S. W. Rep. 555), 651. Wright V. Snell (5 B. & Aid. 350), 865. Wright, etc., Co. v. Warren (177 Mass. 283, 58 N. E. 1082), 187, 674. Wunsch V, Railroad Co. (62 Fed. 878), 1249. Wupperman v. The Carib Prince (63 Fed. 266; affirmed, 68 Fed. 254; reversed. The Carib Prince, 170 U. S. 655), 363, 364, 365, 372, 375. Wyatt V. Williams (43 N. H. 102), 1389. WyckofE V. Ferry Co. (52 N. Y. 32), 67, 128. Wyld V. Pickford (8 M. & W. 443), 11, 337, 392, 439, 132G. Wylde V. The Railroad (53 N. Y. 156), 264, 1216. Wyllie V. Harrison (13 Court Sess. Cas., 4th Series, 92), 840, 846. Wyman v. Railroad (46 Me. 162), 915. Wyman v. Railroad Co. (34 Minn. 210), 1041, 1082. Wyman v. Railroad Co. (4 Mo. App. 35), 254. Wymore v. Mahaska (78 Iowa, 398), 1229. Wynantskill Knitting Co. v. Mur- ray (90 Hun, 554, 36 N. Y. Supp. 26), 694. Wynn v. Railroad Co. (14 N. Y. Suppl. 172), 903. TO SECTIONS.] Wyrick v. Railway Co. (74 Mo. App. 406), 408. Yahn v. Ottumwa (60 Iowa, 429), 1383. Yarnell v. Railroad Co. (113 Mo. 570, 21 S. W. 1, 18 L. R. A. 599), 991, 1111. 1112, 1412. Yarrington v. Delaware, etc., Co. (143 Fed. 565). 1017. Yate V. Willan (2 East, 128), 1337. Yates V. Duff (5 Car. & P. 369), 1166. Yates V. Railroad (67 N. Y. 100), 1446. Yeaton v. Railroad Co. ( — N. H. — , 61 Atl. Rep. 522), 1397. Yeoman v. The King (2 K. B. (1904) 429, 73 L. J. K. B. 904), 838. Yeomans v. Nav. Co. (44 Cal. 71), 1018. Yoakum v. Dryden (Tex. Civ. App., 26 S. W. Rep. 312), 125. York Co. V. Railroad Co. (3 Wall. 107), 108, 139, 279, 430, 457. 475, 479. Yorke v. Grenaugh (2 Ld. Raym. 866), 882, 883. Yorton v. Railway Co. (54 Wis. 234), 1065. Young V. Fewson (8 Car. & P. 55), 1157, 1425. Young V. Kimball (23 Penn. St. 193), 782. Young V. Railroad Co. (115 Penn. St. 112), 1049. Young V. Railroad Co. (171 Mass. 33, 50 N. B. 455, 41 L. R. A. 193), 933, 1006. Young V. Railway Co. (80 Ala. 100), 749. TABLE OF CASES CITED. ccexxj [eeferences Young V. Railway Co. (120 Ga 25, 47 S. E. Rep. 556, 102 Am St. Rep. 68, 65 L. R. A. 436), 1040. Young V. Railway Co. (100 Iowa, 357, 69 N. W. 682), 1182. Young V. Railway Co. (51 La. Ann. 295, 25 So. Rep. 69), 990. Young V. Railway Co. (33 Mo. App. 509), 1342. Young V. Railway Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 84 S. W. Rep. 175), 1217. Young V. Railway Co. ( — Mo. App. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 767), 1118. Young V. Railway Co. (93 Mo. App. 267), 992, 1075, 1127. Young V. Railway Co. (60 N. J. L. 193, 37 Atl. 1013), 1174. Youqua v. Nixon (1 Peters' C. Ct. 221), 625. Zabriskie v. Smith (13 N. Y. 322) 1405. Zackry v. Railroad Co. (74 Miss 520, 21 So. 246, 60 Am. St ARE TO SECTIONS.] Rep. 529, 36 L. R. A. 546; s. c. 75 Miss. 746, 23 So. Rep. 434. 65 Am. St. Rep. 617, 41 L. R. A. 385), 966, 967. Zagelmeyer v. Railroad Co. (102 Mich. 214, 60 N. W. 436, 47 Am. St. Rep. 514), 1033. Zeigler Bros. v. Railroad Co. ( — Miss. — , 39 So. Rep. 811), 1285. Zemp V. Railroad (9 Rich. (Law), 84), 1174. Zimmer v. Railroad Co. (137 N. Y. 460, 33 N. E. 642, aft'g 16 N. Y. Supp. 631, 62 Hun, 619), 426, 451, 454, 457. Zimmerman v. Railroad Co. (43 N. Y. Supp. 883, 14 App. Div. 562), 1118. Zinn V. Steamboat Co. (49 N. Y. 442), 667, 695, 720. Zion V. Southern Pacific Co. (67 Fed. 500), 1433. Zollinger v. Str. Emma (3 C. L. J. 285), 731. Zouch V. Railway Co. (-36 W. Va. 524, 15 S. E. Rep. 185, 17 L. R. A. 116), 401, 426, 430, 432. Zunz V. Railway (L. R. 4 Q. B. 539), 408. Zwilchenbart v. Henderson (9 Exch. 722), 807. THE LAW OF CARRIERS THE LAW OF CARRIERS CHAPTER I. OF BAILMENTS AND CARRIERS GENERALLY. : 1, Bailment defined. 2. Classification of bailments. 3. Application of rule to carriers. 4. Liability of common car- rier distinguished from that of other bailees. 5. Questions of negligence in law of carriers. 6. Degree of diligence required depends on circumstances. 7. Negligence in one bailee not necessarily so in another. 8. Apportionment of diligence according to benefit. § 9. Law of bailment insufficient to determine liability of common carriers. 10. Comparative degrees of dili- gence and negligence, 11. Utility of this classification. 12. Common carrier not usually agent of owner of goods. 13. But may be agent in cases of emergency. 14. Bailees liable for malfeasance and fraud. Sec. 1. (§1.) Bailment defined, — Every carrier of goods is a bailee; for their carriage necessarily presupposes the de- livery of the goods for that purpose ; and the delivery of goods on a condition, expressed or implied, that they shall be re- stored or accounted for by the bailee to the bailor according to his directions, as soon as the purpose for which they are bailed shall be answered, constitutes a bailment. The word bailment is therefore one of very comprehensive signification, and includes, in its general meaning, all cases in which per- sonal property is intrusted by one person to another, under an engagement, either express or implied, to keep, to carry, to improve, to mend or repair, or for the purpose of having any special service performed in respect to it, and, when the special purpose shall have been accomplished, to return it to the owner or to deliver it to another, according to the bailor's 1 1 2 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 2. directions, or to conform to the object or purpose of the trust, whatever it may be.^ Sec. 2. (§ 2.) Classification of bailments. — According to the compensation to be received, the degree of responsibility to be assumed, or the character of the duty to be performed by the person to whom the bailment is made, who is called the bailee, bailments have been divided into number of classes, and some of these classes again into subdivisions. This classi- fication was first brought into the common law by Lord Holt in his celebrated judgment in the case of Coggs v. Bernard,2 and is said to have been adopted by him from the civil law.-"* The most general division of them according to this classifi- cation is into, first, such as are for the exclusive benefit of the bailor or of some person other than the bailee; secondly, such as are for the exclusive benefit of the bailee; and thirdly, such as are for the benefit of both parties. The first of these divisions includes what are known as deposits (depositum), which are naked bailments of goods to be kept for the bailor without recompense and to be returned when the bailor shall require it, and mandates (mandatum), which are defined to be bailments of goods to be carried from place to place or to have some act performed about them without reward or recom- pense ; the second embraces only gratuitous loans to the bailee {commodatum) ; and the third pledges to secure a debt or the fulfillment of some engagement, and a hiring for reward or compensation (pignus) ; and this last subdivision is again di- vided into the hiring a thing for use (locatio rei) ; the hiring of work and labor {locatio operis faciendi) ; the hiring of care and services to be performed on the thing delivered (locatio 1. Various definitions of bail- that special purpose is accom- ment are given in Schouler on plished." Id. § 2. See, also, Mr Bailments and Carriers, § 2, note. Schouler's note to Coggs v. Ber- Mr. Schouler himself defines bail- nard, 1 Smith's Leading Cases, ment as "A delivery of some chat- 9th Am. Ed., 400. tel by one party to another, to be 2. Lord Raym. 909; ] Smith's held according to the special pur- Ld. Cases 283. pose of the delivery, and to be re- 3. Story on Bail., § 8. turned or delivered over when § 3.] OF BAILMENTS AND CARRIERS GENERALLY, 3 custodiae) ; and the hiring of the carriage of goods from one place to another {locatio operis mercium vehendai'um) ^ Sec. 3. (§3.) Application of rules to carriers. — According to these divisions and definitions, the carriage of goods is always either a mandate, when it is gratuitous or without com- pensation to the carrier, or a hiring, when he is paid for the service ; and under these heads, the duties and obligations of carriers of goods were formerly treated in connection with the general subject of bailments and as a part of it. But it must be evident from this statement that, while this classification of the different kinds of bailments according to their various purposes may be extremely convenient for the treatment of the general subject in all its different branches, it is almost wholly unimportant in connection with the subject of the duties and liabilities of the carriers of goods, except to show in what particular character of bailment the carrier holds the goods intrusted to him, and that, which is equally appar- ent, most of the general principles of the bailments of goods have little or no application to questions in which he may be concerned. Besides, the extraordinary responsibilities which are imposed by the law upon common or public carriers of goods for hire,^ who are by far the most important agents of commerce in modern times, are founded upon reasons which have no application to ordinary bailments, and in fact make such carriers exceptions from the general rules and principles by which the liability of other bailees is to be tested. Sec. 4. (§ 4.) Liability of common carrier distinguished from that of other bailees. — It will therefore be found that while private carriers, whether with or without reward, are strictly bailees and nothing more, and that questions as to their liability are to be determined by the ordinary rules which govern the responsibility of bailees, the common carrier of goods stands upon an entirely different footing, and when 4. Lord Holt's classification three greater classifications given was, in terms, into "six sorts of in the text. See Schouler, Bail- bailments," but the six sorts nat- raents, § 14. urally reduce themselves to the 5. See post, § 4. 4 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 5. questions as to his liability for the loss of the goods or their injury whilst in his custody for the purpose of carriage arise, they must be decided upon principles peculiarly applicable to them, and which have no application to any other kind of bailment except that to the innkeeper by his guest. In all other cases of bailment, for instance, the very foundation of the bailee's liability is negligence in some degree, either greater or less, according to the particular nature of the bail- ment, and before he can be made liable the requisite negli- gence must be shown. But the question of negligence, when the purely common-law relation of common carrier to the goods exists, is ordinarily wholly foreign to the inquiry whether such a carrier is to be held liable for their loss or injury, and, as will hereafter be seen,^ evidence on his part of the most exact diligence will be wholly irrelevant and inadmissible. If, for example, the private carrier or any other ordinary bailee be robbed of the goods,'^ or if they should be accidentally de- stroyed by fire or any other calamity, without negligence on his part,^ the law will excuse him; but if they be taken from a common carrier by a force ever so irresistible less than the public enemy,^ or if they should be destroyed by fire ever so unavoidable,^^ he will nevertheless be liable for them. He is an insurer of the goods against all losses except those caused by the act of God, the public enemy, the law, the owner, or the inherent nature of the goods.^i His extraordinary liability rests upon a rule of law, applicable to but two classes, which had its rise in reasons of public policy,^ 2 qj^^ ^lot upon the contract of bailment, although without the bailment the lia- bility cannot exist. Sec. 5. (§5.) Questions of negligence in law of carriers. — Still, questions of negligence are of constant occurrence in dealing with the subject of the liability of carriers. The pri- vate carrier cannot be held liable unless it be shown that he 6. See post, §§ 266-319. 10. See post, § 279. 7. See post, § 39. 11. See post, §§ 269-319. 8. See post, § 40. 12. See post, § 315. 8. See post, § 315. § 6.] OF BAILMENTS AND CARRIERS GENERALLY. 5 has been guilty of either negligence or misfeasance which has occasioned the loss.^^ The liability of the passenger carrier for an injury to his passenger generally depends exclusively upon the question of negligence.^* And, although the common carrier of goods, when he is not protected by contract, is liable for the consequences of every casualty resulting in the loss oC the goods, except such as are excepted by the law as above stated, yet when he attempts to exonerate himself from lia- bility by showing that the cause of the loss comes within one or the other of these exceptions, he may be met by proof that, but for his negligence, the occasion of the loss would have been avoided.^^ So, if the goods be of a perishable nature, and he attempt to defend himself against liability for their loss by showing that it was attributable to the principle of inherent infirmity and decay, as he may do, it may be shown that ho failed to bestow upon them the necessary care to arrest or prevent such decay, and was therein guilty of negligence but for which the loss would not have occurred.^ ^ And v/hen he has made exceptions to his liability by his contract in addi- tion to those allowed him by the law, and undertakes to screen himself from liability for a loss by showing that it was produced by one of the excepted causes, it will be a complete avoidance of his defense to show that he did not use the proper diligence to prevent or to escape from the danger.^ '^ Sec. 6. (§6.) Degree of diligence required depends on cir- cumstances. — The liability of all carriers of goods may there- fore turn upon the question of negligence; and hence the law as to the liability of bailees in general for negligence, of which the law of bailments is in a large part made up, becomes fre- quently of the greatest importance in furnishing the rule as to the degree or character of the negligence for which the carrier as well as other bailees will be held responsible. It is evident, however, that the same degree of care and diligence 13. See post, § 37 et seq. 16. See post, §§ 337. 338. 14. See post, § 892 et seq. 17. See post, § 477. 15. See post, § 319. 6 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 6. in the custody of the goods should not be required of the bailee; under all circumstances; and it follows as a consequence that there cannot be a more inflexible rule as to the degree of neg- ligence which will put him so much in fault as to make him responsible for the loss or injury which may ensue; "for neg- ligence in a legal sense," says a distinguished writer and judge, "is no more nor less than this: the failure to observe, for the protection of the interests of another person, that degree of care, precaution and vigilance which the circumstances justly demand, whereby such other person suffers injury, "^^ <. The Railroad, 6 Allen, their loss. Snelling v. Yetter, 49 246; Piatt V. Hibbard, 7 Cow. N. Y. Supp. 917, 25 App. Div. 590. 497; Roberts v. Turner, 12 Johns. § 74.] WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 71 of the carrying trade, and have become so identified with the business that the very name of common carrier suggests them at once to the mind, and the case in which litigation should arise, involving the duties and liabilities of the common carrier, which did not concern one of these, would be exceptional. Sec. 74. (§65.) Owners of ships are usually common car- riers. — Ships have always been the great carriers in the com- merce of the world; but it was not determined until the time of Charles II., in England, that they were common carriers, and liable as such. The question there first arose in the Court of King's Bench in the case of Morse v. Slue, reported in 1 Ventris, 190, and it was decided, upon great consideration, as we are told, that the master of the ship, although entirely blameless, was liable for the goods which had been intrusted to him for carriage, the loss not having occurred by the act of God or of the king's enemies, but from robbery. This judg- ment has never since been questioned and has often been recog- nized by courts of the highest authority as incontrovertible law.^2 ^Q(j they are liable as common carriers whether the transportation be from port to port within the same state or country, or beyond the sea, at home or abroad.^^ But, although the owners of ships are in general terms said to be common carriers, yet this is to be understood with the qualification that they bring themselves within the terms of the definition of a common carrier ; and the question, whether common carrier or not, when applied to a ship as well as when the question is as to the character in which any other vehicle of transportation by water is employed, is to be determined exactly upon the same principles as when the reference is to a carrier by land ; 62. Laveroni v. Drury, 8 Propeller Niagara v. Cordes, 21 Exch. 166; 16 Eng. L. & E. 510; id. 7; The Delaware, 14 Wall. 579; Coggs V. Bernard, Ld. Raym. The Maggie Hammond, 9 id. 435. 909; Boson v. Sanford, 2 Salk. 63. Elliott v. Rossell, 10 Johns. 440; King v. Shepherd, 3 Story, 1. Proprietors of ocean steam- 349; Hastings v. Pepper, 11 Pick, ships are common carriers. Liv- 41; Gage v. Tirrell, 9 Allen, 299; erpool Steam. Co. v. Phenix Ins. Clark V. Barnwell, 12 How. 272; Co., 129 U. S. 397. 72 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§75. and every ship which carries for hire is not necessarily a common carrier.^^ Sec. 75. (§66.) Owners of steamboats and canal-boats are common carriers. — Steam vessels engaged in the coasting trade and in the navigation upon our bays, sounds and lakes, are also common carriers when engaged in the carrying trade for the general public, as has been repeatedly held.^^ So steam- boats upon our navigable rivers are almost universally carriers of both passengers and freight, and as to such freight and the baggage of their passengers they are strictly common carriers ; and at least as to such freight as is usually carried by them, they will be considered conclusively liable as common car- riers.®^ And owners of canal-boats come strictly within the 64. It is stated by Mr. Parsons in his work on Shipping, p. 174, and by other authorities, that no ship is a common carrier that does not ply regularly on some definite route or between certain termini as a packet, and that a general ship is not a common carrier. The law has, however, been generally assumed to be otherwise. In the Liver Alkali Co. v. Johnson, L. R. 9 Exch. 338, this point came di- rectly before the court of Exche- quer Chamber. The defendant was a barge owner and let out vessels for the conveyance of goods to any customers who ap- plied to him. Each voyage was made under a separate agreement and a barge was not let to more than one person. The defendant did not ply between any fixed ter- mini, but the customer fixed in each particular case the points of arrival and departure; and it was held, affirming the judgment of the Court of Exchequer (L. R. 7 Exch. 267), that the defendant had incurred the liability of a common carrier and was liable though the goods were lost with- out any fault on his part. 65. Schooner Reeside, 2 Sum- ner, 567; Crosby v. Fitch, 12 Conn. 410; McClure v. Hammond, 1 Bay. 99; Sch'r Emma Johnson, 1 Sprague, 527; Oakey v. Russell, 18 Mar. (La.) 58; Parker v. Flagg, 26 Me. 181; The Propeller Commerce, 1 Black, 582; The Ni- agara V. Cordes, 21 How. 26; Clark V. Barnwell, 12 id. 272; The Com- mander-in-Chief, 1 Wall. 51; Hast- ings V. Pepper, 11 Pick. 41. 66. Citizens' Bank v. The Nan- tucket S. B. Co., 3 Story, 16; Jencks v. Coleman, 2 Sumner, 221; Gilmore v. Carman, 1 Sm. & M. 279; McGregor v. Kilgore, 6 Ohio, 358; Bowman v. Hilton, 11 id. 303; McArthur v. Sears, 21 Wend. 190; Dunseth v. Wade, 2 Scam. 285; Hart v. Allen, 2 Watts, 114; Harrington v. M'Shane, id. 443; Warden v. Greer, 6 id. 424; Par- dee V. Drew, 25 Wend. 459; Por- terfield v. Humphreys, 8 Humph. 497; Kirtland v. Montgomery, 1 Swan, 452; Swindler v. Hilliard, 2 Rich. 286; Hollister v. Nowlen, §76. WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 73 rule, if they carry for all persons, indifferently, for liire,^^ but they may show that they were merely private carriers.^s Sec. 76. (§ 67.) Railroad companies are common carriers. Railroad companies are, by their very nature and organic character, common carriers, whether made so by the general statute or by their charters, or not; and whenever they are made so by the express provisions of a law, such provisions will be considered as merely declaratory of the law as it already existed,'^^ and will neither increase their duties and obligations nor in any respect qualify their liability. They have sometimes attempted to defend themselves from liability by disputing the proposition that they were common carriers, but the contention has received no countenance from the cojirts, and it has been held in many cases, for reasons peculiarly applicable to them, that, as carriers of both passengers and freight, the rules as to the responsibility of common carriers and of passenger carriers should be applied to them with full 19 Wend. 234; Cole v. Goodwin, id. 251; Hale v. The N. J. Nav. Co., 15 Conn. 539; Jones v. Pitcher, 3 Stew. & P. 136; Sprowl v. Kellar, 4 id. 382; Powell v. Myers, 26 Wend. 591; Reed v. Steamboat Co., 1 Marr (Del.), 193, 40 Atl. Rep. 955. 67. Hyde v. The Trent Nav Co., 5 T. R. 389; The Trent Nav. Co. V. Wood, 3 Esp. 127; Harring- ton V. Lyles, 2 Nott & McCord, 88; Williams v. Branson, 1 Murph. 417; Fuller v. Bradley, 25 Pa. St. 120; Spencer v. Daggett, 2 Vt. 92; De Mott V. Laraway, 14 Wend. 225; Arnold v. Hallenbake, 5 id. 33; Parsons v. Hardy, 14 id. 215; Bowman v. Teal, 23 id. 306; Humphreys v. Reed, 6 Whart. 435; Fish v. Clark, 49 N. Y. 122. 68. See post, § 89. 69. Thompson, etc.. Electric Co. V. Simon, 20 Or. 60, 25 Pac. Rep. 147, 23 Am. St. Rep. 86, 10 L. R. A. 251, citing Hutchinson on Carr. In the case of the Chicago, etc., R. R. V. Thompson, 19 111. 578, in which the defendant was sued for the loss of bank bills delivered to it for carriage, it was contended that neither the charter of the road nor any other law of the state made it a common carrier for any purpose, and certainly not one for the carriage of bank bills. But the court said in reply to this objection, "We suppose it is not necessary that the charter should provide in so many words that the railroad created by it shall be a common carrier. The authorities are numerous to the point that such companies, using cars for the purpose of carrying goods for all persons indifferently for hire, and whose custom and uniform practice is to do so, are common carriers and liable as 74 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§76. force. Being recognized as public utilities as well as private enterprises, extensive rights and franchises have been con- ferred upon them which are not enjoyed by other carriers, among these being the right to invoke the power of eminent domain. Not only have they been fostered by the government, but by reason of aggregation of capital and the great facili- ties which they control for the transportation of all the com- modities of commerce, they have practically monopolized the laud carriage of the country. It is but just, therefore, that in their dealings with the public, whether as carriers of goods or of passengers, they should be held to that strict accountability which the public safety and policy require. As said by Shaw, C. J., in Norway Plains Company v. The Railroad,'^^' "that rail- road companies are authorized by law to make roads as public highways, to lay down tracks, place cars upon them and carry goods for hire, are circumstances which bring them within all the rules of the common law and make them eminently com- mon carriers. Their iron roads, though built in the first in- stance by individual capital, are yet regarded as public roads, required by common convenience and necessity, and their allowance by public authority can only be justified on that ground. . . . Being liable as common carriers the rule of the common law attaches to them, that they are liable for losses occurring from any accident which may befall the goods during the transit, except those arising from the act of God or a public enemy." And thus the law has been everywhere held with the most perfect unanimity.'^i such. There can be no doubt on Y. 524; Contra Costa, etc., R. R. this point." v. Moss, 23 Cal. 323; Elkins v. 70. 1 Gray, 263, The Railroad, 3 Foster, 275; East 71. Thomas v. The Boston, Tennessee, etc., R. R. v. Nelson, etc., R. R., 10 Met. 472; Rogers 1 Cold. 272; Railroad Co. v. Queen Locomotive Works v. The Rail- City Coal Co., 13 Ken. Law Rep. road, 5 C. E. Green (N. J.), 379; 832; Memphis News Publishing Fuller V. The Railway, 21 Conn. Co. v. Railway Co., 110 Tenn. 396, 570; Jones v. The Railroad, 27 Vt. 75 S. W. Rep. 941, 63 L. R. A. 399; Noyes v. The Railroad, id. 150, citing Hutchinson on Carr. 110; Root V. The Railroad, 45 N. § 77.] WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 75 The fact that the road is not yet fully completed and for- mally opened for business will not relieve the company, where it has actually undertaken to carry in the usual way J 2 ^\jni a private individual operating the road is a common carrier, the same as a corporation would beJ^ But, as has been seen, a railroad company is not liable as a common carrier where, by special agreement, it undertakes to carry something which it is not its business to carry,'-* or where it departs from the usual method of doing business J ^ Sec. 77. (§ 67a.) Railroad receivers, trustees, etc., are com- mon carriers. — So where the railroad has passed out of the control of the company and has come under the custody and management of some official representative, as a receiver, or a trustee for bondholders, who operates and controls it, such receiver'''^ or trustee'''" is liable as a common carrier. Sec. 78. (§ 67b.) Street railways are common carriers. — Street railways are common carriers of passengers.'^** They are also chargeable as common carriers of goods and merchandise where they have also assumed the business of ' transporting goods for hireJ^ Sec. 79. (§ 67c.) Sleeping and parlor-car companies not common carriers. — As will be seen in later sections, sleeping 72. Little Rock, etc.. R. R. v. 77. Faulkner v. Hart, 44 N. Y. Glidewell, 39 Ark. 487, A belt Superior Ct. 471; Sprague v. line, engaged in switching trains Smith, 29 Vt. 421; Rogers v. Whee- on its own road from a station to ler, 2 Lans. 486; 43 N. Y. 598. neighboring stockyai'ds, held to 78. Citizens Ry. Co. v. Twi- be doing more than a mere switch- name. 111 Ind. 587; Spellman v. ing business, and to be a common Transit Co., 36 Neb. 890, 55 N. W. carrier. Fleming v. Railroad Co., Rep. 270, 38 Am. St. Rep. 753, 20 89 Mo. App. 129. L. R. A. 316; Pray v. Railroad Co., 73. Davis v. Button, 78 Cal. 44 Neb. 167, 62 N. W. Rep. 447, 48 247. Am. St. Rep. 717; Railway Co. v. 74. See ante, § 59. Godola, 50 Neb. 906, 70 N. W. Rep. 75. See ante, § 60. 491. 76. Blumenthal v. Brainerd, 38 79. Levi v. Railroad Co., 11 Vt. 402; Paige v. Smith, 99 Mass. Allen, 300. 395; Nichols V. Smith, 115 Mass. 332. 76 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 80. and parlor-car companies are not liable as common carriers or as inn-keepers.^" For the purpose, however, of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended June 29, 1906, sleeping and parlor-car companies are defined as common carriers. Sec, 80. (§68.) Express companies are common carriers. — With equal unanimity, it has been held that express companies are common carriers of such goods and parcels as they, in their line of business, undertake to carry. "There are considera- tions," said the court in Stadhecker v. Combs,^! justifying a strict application of the law of common carriers to express companies. They profess to employ trusty agents, who are charged with the safe custody and speedy transit and delivery of all packages put in their charge. The effect of these in- ducements is in some measure to supersede the forwarding merchant, and to limit the liability of railroad and steamboat companies, who may be as faithful, and are certainly as re- sponsible, agents. If they shall, by the promise of decided advantages over the usual modes of transportation, secure most of the business generally intrusted to common carriers, the public is concerned that they should be held to a rigid fulfillment of the promise. They cannot attain a greater speed than the railro8.d or steamboat which conveys them, and there is no proof that they are, in other respects, more trustworthy. The only advantage which in truth they can offer is the safer custody and more certain delivery of goods to the consignee without storage. These temptations may induce the public to employ them at an increased rate, and they have no reason to complain of an exact application of the rule of law which enforces the responsibility which they voluntarily assume. We should be regardless of the great interests daily com- mitted by the public to the express companies, with a confi- dence induced by their tempting offers, if their liability for the safe carriage and delivery is not rigorously enforced. "^- 80. See post, § 1130, et seg. 82. And see to the same effect, 81. 9 Rich. (L. R.) 193. Southern Express Co. v. Crook, 44 § 81.] WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 77 Sec. 81. (§ 69.) Same subject — Peculiarities of their busi- ness. — Express companies, however, conduct their business in a manner somewhat different from that pursued by other car- riers. Instead of providing their own conveyances, they, ex- cept for the purpose of local delivery, employ the conveyances of other carriers, such as steamboats and railroads, for the car- riage of their freight, and, when they employ the agency of railways in their traffic, they forward their parcels, not by the ordinary freight trains of such roads, but by those used for more expeditious transit, which constitutes one of the principal advantages offered by them. Expedition, promptness, and the greater security they are thought to afford, from the fact that the goods intrusted to them are supposed to be under the watchful care and direct supervision of their agents from the moment of their reception until their final delivery, are the great inducements to their employment. They are, moreover, as we shall hereafter see, bound to a personal delivery of the goods intrusted to. them for carriage, a requirement which is not now exacted of any of the other principal carriers of goods. Sec. 82. (§70.) Same subject — Attempts to secure exemp- tion. — Because of this peculiarity in the employment of the means of conveyance afforded by others, the contention has been made by these companies that they were not common car- riers, but transacted their business in the character of for- Ala. 468; Gulliver v. The Adams Tex. 639; Gait v. Adams Ex. Co., Ex. Co., 38 111. 503; Southern Ex. 4 MacA. 124; Bernstine v. Union Co. V. Newby, 36 Ga. 635; South- Ex. Co., 40 Ohio St. 451; Wells v. ern Ex. Co. v. Womack, 1 Heisk. American Ex. Co., 55 Wis. 23; 256; U. S. Ex. Co. v. Backman, 28 United States v. Pacific Ex. Co., Ohio St. 144; Grogan v. Adams 15 Fed. Rep. 867; United States Ex. Co., 114 Pa. St. 523; Southern Ex. Co. v. Root, 47 Mich. 231; Ex. Co. V. Glenn, 16 Lea, 472; Adams Ex. Co. v. McConnell, 27 Bardwell v. American Ex. Co., 35 Kans. 238; Hadd v. United States Minn. 344; Bennett v. Northern Ex. Co., 52 Vt. 335; Southern Ex. Ex. Co., 12 Ore. 49; Overland Ex. Co. v. Van Meter, 17 Fla. 783; Co. V. Carroll, 7 Col. 43; Mather Boscowitz v. Adams Ex. Co., 93 111. V. American Ex. Co., 138 Mass. 523; American Ex. Co. v. Smith, 55; Pacific Ex. Co. v. Darnell, 02 33 Ohio St. 511. THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 82. warders and were not therefore liable for losses occurring from the negligence of those whom they thus employed. But this claim to exemption from the ordinary liabilities of common carriers has not been sustained by the courts. These subsidiary means of transportation are held to be the mere agencies em- ployed by such companies, for whose acts they are strictly responsible;^ and the carrier whose vehicle is thus used be- 1. This argument was thus dis- posed of in Buckland v. The Adams Ex. Co., 97 Mass. 124: "The name or style under which they assume to carry is wholly immaterial. The real nature of their occupation and of the legal duties and obligations which it Imposes on them is to be ascer- tained from a consideration of the kind of service which they hold themselves out to the pub- lic as ready to render to those who may have occasion to employ them. Upon this point there is no room for doubt. They exercise the employment of receiving, car- rying and delivering goods, wares and merchandise for hire on be- half of all persons who may see fit to require their services. In this capacity they take property from the custody of the owner, assume entire control of it, trans- port it from place to place, and deliver it at a point of destination to some consignee or agent there authorized to receive it. . . . "But it is urged on behalf of the defendants that they ought not to be held to the strict lia- bility of a common carrier, for the reason that the contract of carriage is essentially modified by the peculiar mode in which de- fendants undertake the perform- ance of the service. The main ground on which this argument rests is that persons exercising the employment of express car- riers or messengers over railroads and by steamboats cannot, from the very nature of the case, exer- cise any care or control over the means of transportation which they are obliged to adopt; that the carriages and boats in which the merchandise intrusted to them is placed, and the agents or ser- vants by whom they are selected, are not managed by them nor subject to their direction or super- vision; and that the rules of the common law regulating the du- ties and liabilities of carriers, having been adapted to a different mode of conducting business, by which the carrier was enabled to select his own servants and ve- hicles and to exercise a personal care and oversight over them, are wholly inapplicable to a contract of carriage by which it is under- stood between the parties that the service is to be performed in part, at least, by means of agencies over which the carrier can exer- cise no management or control whatever. But this argument, though specious, is unsound. Its fallacy consists in the assumption that, at common law, in the ab- sence of express stipulation, the contract with an owner or con- signor of goods delivered to a car- rier for transportation necessarily §82.] WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER, 7a implies that they are to be car- ried by the party with whom the contract is made, or by the ser- vants or agents under his imme- diate direction and control. But such is not the undertaking of the carrier. The essence of the contract is that the goods are to be carried to their destination, un- less the fulfillment of this under- taking is prevented by the act of God or the public enemy. This, indeed, is the whole contract, whether the goods are to be car- ried by land or water, by the car- rier himself or by agents em- ployed by him. The contract does not imply a personal trust which can be executed only by the con- tracting party himself, or under his supervision by agents and means of transportation directly and absolutely within his control. Long before the discovery of steam power, a carrier who un- dertook to convey merchandise from one point to another was authorized to perform the service through agents exercising an inde- pendent employment, which they carried on by the use of their own vehicles and under the exclusive care of their own servants. It certainly never was supposed that a person who agreed to carry goods from one place to another, by means of wagons or stages, could escape liability for the safe car- riage of the property over any part of the designated route by •showing that the loss had hap- pened at a time when the goods were placed by him in vehicles which he did not own, or which were under the charge of agents whom he did not select or control. The truth is that the particular mode or agency by which the serv- ice is to be performed does not enter into the contract of car- riage with the owner or con- signor." The same question was involved and settled in the same way in the case of The Bank of Ken- tucky V. The Adams Express Co., 3 Otto (93 U. S. R.), 174. In this case, however, the question was decided the other way in the cir- cuit court by Ballard, J. (Cen. Law Journal 1874, p. 436). But his judgment was reversed on er- ror. So in Hersfield v. Adams, l<.) Barb. 577, this argument for the express carrier prevailed with the court, and it was held that, hav- ing no vehicles of his own by which the transportation could be effected, and this being known to the sender of the goods, the em- ployment of the means of other carriers relieved the carrier who had undertaken the forwarding of the goods from responsibility as a common carrier to their owner. But this is inconsistent with the holding of the same court in Rus- sell V. Livingston, 19 Barb. 346, and was rightly denied to be the law in Place v. The Union Express Co., 2 Hilton, 27. And see U. S. Express Co. v. Backman, supra; Transportation Co. v. Bloch, 86 Tenn. 392. An express company, undertak- ing to carry live stock in cars fur- nished by it, and which employs a railroad company for the pur- pose of transporting the cars, be- comes responsible for the negli- gence of the subsidiary agencies employed. American Express Co. V. Ogles (Tex. Civ. App.), 81 S. W. Rep. 1023, citing Hutchinson on Carr. go THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 83. comes likewise liable, upon the principles of agency, to the owner of the goods, according to the terms of his contract with his employer.2 Sec. 83. (§71.) Same subject. — Cannot escape liability by assuming name of "forwarders." — These carriers have also attempted to escape from their liability as common carriers by assuming the name of forwarders, and by contracting to convey the goods in that character. But in this attempt they have likewise failed; and it has been held that, when they undertake the carriage of parcels, it will make no difference under what name or assumed title they may have done so. The law, regardless of forms or names, will look a,t the real transaction, and if the contract be in fact one for the trans- portation and delivery of the goods to a consignee, no matter through what agencies it is to be effected, the undertaking will be construed as that of a common carrier.^ Sec. 84. (§ 72.) Same subject — Nor by assuming name of "dispatch company," "fast freight line," etc. — Other carriers under the names of dispatch companies/ fast freight lines^ and the like, have also come into existence, which conduct their business upon the same principle as express companies, that is, by the employment of the means of transportation furnished to them by others, and to which, for the same reasons^ the same rigid rule of responsibility as common carriers is applied. "We cannot close our eyes," says the court in The Bank of Ken- 2. New Jersey S. Nav. Co. v. Disp. Co., 45 Iowa, 470; Stewart Merchants' Bank, 6 How. 344. v. Merchants' Disp. Co., 47 Iowa, 3. Christenson v. The Am. Ex. 229; Wilde v. Merchants' Disp. Co., 15 Minn. 270; Read v. Spald- Co., 47 Iowa, 247; Bancroft v. ing, 5 Bosw. 404; Southern Ex. Merchants' Disp. Co., 47 Iowa, Co. V. McVeigh, 20 Gratt. 264; 262; Merchants' Disp. Co. v. Bank of Kentucky v. Adams Ex. Bolles, 80 111. 473; Merchants' Co., 93 U. S. 174. Disp. Co. v. Leysor, 89 111. 43; 4. Dispatch companies are Merchants' Disp. Co. v. Joesting, common carriers. Transportation 89 111. 152. Co. V. Bloch, 86 Tenn. 392; Mer- 5. Fast freight lines are com- chants' Disp. Co. r. Cornforth, 3 mon carriers. Read v. Spaulding, Col. 280; Robinson v. Merchants' 5 Bosw. 395. §85.] WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 81 cucky V. The Adams Express Conipany,^ "to the well-known course of business in the country. Over many of our railroads, the contracts for the transportation of goods are made, not with the owners of the roads, nor with the railroad companies themselves, but with transportation agencies or companies which have arrangements with the railroad companies for the carriage. In this manner, some of the responsibilities of com- mon carriage are often sought to be evaded; but in vain. Public policy demands that the right of the owners to absolute security against the negligence of the carrier and of all per- sons engaged in performing the carrier's duty shall not be taken away by any reservation in the carrier's receipt, or by any arrangement between him and the performing company.'' And in the case of J. H. Cowie Glove Co. v. Merchants' Dis- patch Transportation Co.^ it is said: "To constitute a common carrier, it is not essential that the person or corporation under- taking such service own the means of transportation. If the contract is that the goods will be carried and delivered, it makes the one so contracting a common carrier, regardless of the name or the ownership of the line or lines over which the service extends." Sec. 85. (§73.) Special circumstances under which carrier not deemed to be common carrier. — But it is not to be assumed that in all these cases the ship, the steamboat or other kind of carrier mentroned is necessarily and at all events to be held liable as a common carrier for a failure safely to transport and deliver whatever may be intrusted to it. Many of them will be presumed to be common carriers. Courts will take notice judicially of the fact that the owners of ships, railroads, steam- boats, and all others whose business it is universally known is to carry goods for hire, are common carriers of certain classes of goods, and no proof will be required to establish such fact.** But it will not be presumed that the owners of a stage line are 6. 93 U. S. 174. tice that railway companies are 7. — Iowa, — 106 N. W. Rep. common carriers. Boyle v. Rail- 749. way Co., 13 Wash. 383, 43 Pac. 8. Courts will take judicial no- Rep. 344. 6 82 THE LAW OF CARRIERS, [§86. common carriers as to goods generally, because it is well Imowu that such lines are intended generally for the carriage of passengers and not of goods. In order, therefore, to fix upon them the liability of common carriers for anything ex- cept the baggage of their passengers, it must be shown that by usage, or by their holding themselves out as such, the pub- lic is justified in so regarding them. And even as to such car- riers as are prima facie public or common carriers, it may be shown that, in the particular instance or under the circum- stances of the case, they did not undertake to transport and are not liable as common carriers.^ It may be shown, for in- stance, that the goods were carried by the ship under a char- ter-party giving to the hirer its whole capacity ; in which event the owner would not be a common carrier, but a bailee to transport as a private carrier for hire.^" Or if the owner em- ploy his vessel in his own business and exclusively on his own private account, and for accommodation takes goods on board to be carried, although it may be for hire, he will not be deemed a common carrier.^ ^ Sec. 86. (§74.) Same subject — Illustrations. — Where an attempt was made to hold the owners of a steamboat liable for money or bank bills delivered to the clerk of the boat to be carried to another point on the river, it was said that they could not be held liable. It was conceded that they were com- mon carriers as to goods and passengers, and while money and bank bills were admitted to be goods in a certain sense and for certain purposes, they were not ordinarily so considered, it was said, and the ordinary carrier of goods could not be presumed to be a carrier as to them. And the question was asked. Would the owners have been liable to an action if the clerk had re- fused to take the money.^^ And, in several cases in which it appeared that steamboat companies had been incorporated for 9. Railroad Co. v. Wallace, 66 10. Lamb v. Parkman, 1 Fed. .506, 14 C. C. A. 257, 24 U. Sprague, 343. S. App. 589, 30 L. R. A. 161, citing 11. Allen v. Sackrider, 37 N. Hutchinson on Carr. Y. 341; Story on Bail. § 501. 12. Lee v. Burgess, 9 Bush, 652. 86.] WHO IS A COilMON CARRIER. 83 the transportation of "goods, wares and merchandise," it lias been held that the companies were not liable for packages of money or bank bills, they not being goods, wares or merchan- dise, unless the liability could be imposed by showing that, by usage and custom, the carriage of such packages had grown to be a part of their business.^^ But where such usage is shown, the owners of the boat may be held liable.^ ^ 13. Sewall r. Allen, 6 Wend. 346; Citizens' Bank v. The Nan- tucket S. B. Co., 2 Story, 33. 14. Kirtland v. Montgomery, 1 Swan 452; Hosea v. McCrory, 12 Ala. 349. In Cincinnati, etc.. Mail Co. v. Boal, 15 Ind. 345, it was shown to have been long a custom for the clerks of the boats of the line to carry packages of money from one port to another, without com- pensation, further than the expec tation that for the favor thus con- ferred the boat would be pre- ferred for freight, in case the package was accompanied by an order for goods; but it was held that the boat owners were not liable for the loss of such pack- ages because there was no fixed or certain remuneration, nor that any could be recovered; and be- cause it did not appear that the custom of carrying such packages had grown up with the knowledge of the owners, or was other than a mere accommodation usage. This question as to the liability of the owners of steamboats for money packages intrusted to of ficers of the boat for carriage has been several times before the su preme court of Missouri, which has uniformly declined to hold such owners liable, because no well-known or established usage for such boats to carry money or bank-notes for compensation as was necessary to fix the liability upon the owners was proven. In Whitemore v. The S. B. Caroline, 20 Mo. 513, the language used was that the evidence showed "what usually appears in actions of this sort — that persons are willing to have their money carried as a favor, and at the same time to hold the boat liable for its loss. Freight or money must be propor- tioned to the risk assumed. No owner of a boat would permit her to carry money without a reward compensating for the risk if he was aware that he would be liable in the event of loss. Persons use the captains or clerks of steam- boats to carry money gratuitously, and hire is never heard of until the money is lost, and then some person is hunted up to prove that some time in the course of his life he carried money on a steam- boat for hire, and this is showing a usage. If boats would invari- ably charge a compensating hire for carrying money, and this was universally known, the business of carrying money by boats would soon be at an end. Persons can- not trust money with clerks, to be carried as a favor, and afterwards, when the money is lost, be per- mitted to show that it was to be transported for hire. This thing of hire is scarcely ever heard of 84 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 87. Sec. 87. (§ 75.) Whether raibroad transporting- cars by contract is common carrier. — And it has been held that if the owner of the goods, by contract with a railroad, hire from it cars for the loading and transportation of the goods, the road agreeing to furnish the motive power and the use of its road only in the transportation, it will not be considered that the company, in thus transporting the goods, does so in the ca- pacity of common carrier, and that it will not be held liable for any loss or damage to the goods, under such circumstances, not occasioned by its negligence.^^ This, however, has been disputed, and it has been elsewhere held that under such cir- cumstances the railroad company is still liable, as a common carrier, for the safety of the goods.^^ Sec. 88. (§ 75a.) Same subject — How, when railroad com- pany does not own cars — Circus train. — A similar question is raised where the railroad company does not own or furnish the cars, but agrees to furnish the track and motive power for the transportation of loaded cars owned or furnished by the other party. Cases of this character, in which railroad companies have by contract, undertaken to transport circus cars, owned and regulated by circus companies, have several times come be- fore the courts, and the views taken were that the railroad companies did not, by such contracts, assume the duties and obligations of common carriers.^ '^ Thus in the case of Coup v. but in the case of loss; and then Dunbar, 20 111. 623; Kimball v. to make the boat or owner liable The Railroad, 26 Vt. 247. would be great injustice. There 16. Mallory v. The Railroad, 39 is no reciprocity in it." And see, Barb. 488; Hannibal, etc., R. R. to the same effect, Chouteau v. v. Swift, 12 Wall. 262. The S. B. St. Anthony, 16 Mo. 17. Robertson v. The Railroad, 216, and 20 id. 519. 156 Mass. 525, 31 N. E. Rep. 650, The question was no doubt for- 32 Am. St. Rep. 482; Railroad Co. merly of much greater importance v. Wallace, 66 Fed. 506, 14 C. C. A. than now, when so many other 257; 24 U. S. App. 589, 30 L. R. and safer modes of making re- A. 161; Forepaugh v. The Rail- mittances of money than by steam- road, 128 Penn. St. 217, 18 Atl. boats as carriers can be employed. Rep. 503, 15 Am. St. Rep. 672, 5 15. E. Tenn., etc., R. R. v. L. R. A. 508; Wilson v. The Rail- Whittle, 27 Ga. 535; Railroad v. road, 129 Fed. 774, affirmed, 133 Fed. 1022, 66 C. C. A. 486. ^88.] WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 85 Wabash Railway Company/ « the railway company, by virtue of a special contract, undertook to transport a circus and menagerie with all its horses, wild animals, tents and other paraphernalia, upon cars owned and specially fitted for the purpose by the circus proprietors, and which were loaded and regulated by the proprietors' employees. The contract ex- pressly stipulated that the undertaking was not made by the company as a common carrier, and that the company should not be responsible for damages arising from want of care in running of cars or otherwise. The cars were made up into two trains, which collided and caused injury. In an action against the company it was urged that the undertaking was that of a common carrier and that the provisions for exemption from liability were therefore inoperative. Said Campbell, J.: "Unless this undertaking was one en- tered into by the defendant as a common carrier, there is very little room for controversy. The price was shown to be only ten per cent, of the rates charged for carriage, and the whole arrangement was peculiar. If it was not a contract of com- mon carriage, we need not consider how far in that character contracts of exemption from liability may extend. In our view, it was in no sense a common carrier's contract, if it involved any principle of the law of carriers at all. The business of common carriage, while it prevents any right to refuse carriage of property such as is generally carried, implies, especially on railroads, that the business will be done on trains made up by the carrier and running on their own time. It is never the duty of a carrier, as such, to make up special trains on demand, or to drive such trains made up entirely by other persons or by their cars. It is not important now to consider how far, except as to owners of goods in the cars forwarded, the reception of cars loaded or unloaded involves the responsibility of carriers as to the own- ers of the cars as such. The duty to receive cars of other per- sons, when existing, is usually fixed by the railroad laws and not by the common law. But it is not incumbent on com- 18. 56 Mich. 111. 86 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 89. panies in their duty as common carriers to move such cars ex- cept in their own routine. They are not obliged to accept and run them at all times and seasons and not in the ordinary course of business." Sec. 89. (§76.) Owners of canal and ferry-boats may show that they are not common carriers. — So, as we have seen,'''^ the owner of a canal-boat may show, when he is sued for the loss of the goods, that he is not a common carrier, but was em- ployed as a private carrier for hire and that he is not therefore liable for the loss.^" And the ferry-man may show that his ferry was not intended or used for public accommodation, but merely for convenience of access to his mill, and that he re- ceived no compensation for the ferriage except in the increase of his business as a miller, which, though a benefit incidentally accruing, does not constitute hire for the service nor give rise to an obligation to pay for it. Sec. 90. (§77.) No carrier required to carry every kind of goods. — Innumerable kinds of goods may be intrusted to car- riers; and no carrier can adapt his means of conveyance to every kind whion may be offered. No one is, therefore, to be understood to be engaged in the business universally, in this sense.2i The demands of commerce and business have in this, as in all other vocations, required a division of labor, and the character and particular nature of the business of the common carrier sometimes become of the greatest importance in decid- ing upon the question of his liability. The heaviest and bulk- iest freights as well as the lightest parcels, from the product of the stone-quarry to the most delicate fabric of the factory, seek transportation by the common carrier; and the different degrees of care, labor and watchfulness, as well as the different modes of conveyance required for them, make it impossible for him to adapt his business to them all. And hence, it by no means follows, from the fact that the carrier is a common 19. See ante, § 65. 21. See ante, § 59. 20. Fisk V. Clark, 49 N. Y. 122; Beckwith r. Frisbie, 32 Vt. 559. § 91.] WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 87 carrier, that he can be required to carry all kinds of goods. The word "goods," when used in defining his business, must be interpreted to mean such things as, from usage and cus- tom, his mode of conveyance, his public professions, the char- acter of his particular trade or the manner of conducting it, he is to be fairly understood as holding himself out to the public as ready to carry for hire. Sec. 91. (§78.) Same subject — Illustrations. — A ferry- man, whose ordinary employment is merely to carry passengers and their baggage across streams, would not be liable for the loss of money intrusted to his servants for carriage without his knowledge. And so of the owners of stage-coaches, whose busi- ness is limited to the transportation of passengers and their baggage ; and of the owners of wagons, engaged as carriers of such goods as they are in the habit of carrying ; or of steam- boats, employed in the business of carrying passengers and merchandise; unless it be shown that the usage of such car- riers has been to accept money or the like for carriage. "In all these cases the nature and extent of the employment or business which is authorized by the owners, on their own ac- count and at their own risk, and which, either expressly or impliedly, they hold themselves out as undertaking, furnish the true limits of their rights, obligations, duties and liabili- ties. The question, therefore, in all cases of this sort, is. What are the true nature and extent of the employment and busi- ness in which the owners hold themselves out to the public as engaged?" 22 So a railroad company which does not undertake to carry dogs cannot be held liable as a common carrier to one whose dog was carried in violation of the rule and by virtue of a special agreement with the baggage-master.23 And a railroad company is not liable as a common carrier to a person whose 22. Per Story, J., in Citizens' where dogs are permitted to be Bank v. The Nantucliet S. B. Co., carried as "baggageman's per- fJ Story, 33. quisites." Cantling r. Railroa-l 23. Honeyman v. Railroad, 13 Co., 54 Mo. 385. Oreg. 353. But company is liable 88 THE LAW OF Ci\JlRIERS. [§92. letter has been lost in the mail which the company had under- taken to carry by contract with the government.^-* Sec. 92. (§79.) How when possession of goods not taken — Towing boats. — The goods must also be delivered into the actual custody of the carrier; and if they be of such a char- acter that the service which he is employed to perform in re- spect to them does not require their actual possession and no such actual possession is taken, there is no such bailment as is necessary to make him a common carrier. Thus, the owners of a steamboat employed in the towing of other boats or ves- sels do not incur the responsibility of common carriers as to the tow. The exercise of reasonable care and skill in conduct- ing the business of the towage to its destination is the extent of their obligation.^^ "It is a misnomer," said Bronson, J., in Wells V. The Steam Navigation Company,^^ "to call the de- fendants common carriers, or carriers of any kind, in relation to the business of towing boats. Nor are they bailees of any description; for the property towed is not delivered to them, nor placed within their exclusive custody or control. It re- mains in the possession, and, for most purposes, in the exclu- sive care, of the owners or their servants. There is no bail- ment within any definition of that term to be found in the books. But, whether a bailment or not, it is clear that those who tow boats and vessels are not common carriers of the things towed. "2T g^t if the proprietor of a towboat, on cer- 24. Central Railroad v. Lamp- numerous and uniform to the ef- ley, 76 Ala. 357. feet that towing vessels are not 25. The Mayor, Aldermen and common carriers as to the tow, Burgesses of the Borough of Pres- but incur only the responsibility ton V. Biornstad et ah, L. R. (1898) of ordinary bailees for hire. Hayes App. Cas. 513. r. Millar, 77 Penn. St. 238; Brown 26. 2 Coms. 208. v. Clegg, 63 id. 51; Leonard v. 27. The weight of authority is Henrickson, 18 id. 40; Hayes v. very decidedly in favor of the law Paul, 51 id. 134; Merrick v. Braiu- as thus stated. There are, how- ard, 38 Barb. 574; The Arctic Fire ever, cases in which a different Ins. Co. v. Austin, 54 id. 559; view is taken of the character of Alexander v. Green, 3 Hill, 9; 7 the towing vessel. In Pennsyl- id. 533; Caton v. Rumney, 13 vania and New York, the cases are Wend. 387; Wells v. Steam Nav. §93.] WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 89 tain trips when he has no towing to do, holds himself out as bemg ready and willing to carry for all who apply, he will be considered for the time being as acting in the capacity of a common carrier.-^ Sec. 93. (§ 80.) Passenger carriers not common carriers of persons.— For obvious reasons which will be hereafter stated, Co., 2 Com, 204; 4 Seld. 375; Emilivsen v. Railroad Co., 51 N. Y. Supp. 606, 30 App. Div. 203. This position is sustained by many authorities elsewhere. Var- ble V. Bigley, 14 Bush, 698; Trans- portation Line v. Hope, 95 U. S. 297; The Steamer New Philadel- phia, 1 Black, 62; The Steamer Webb, 14 "Wall. 406; The Lyon, 1 Brown's Adm. 59; The Stranger, id. 281; The Oconto, 5 Biss. 460; The Merrimac, 2 Sawyer, 586; Sproul V. Hemmingway, 14 Pick. 1 ; The Pennsylvania, etc., Nav. Co. V Dandridge, 8 Gill & J. 248; The Steamboat Angelina Corning, 1 Ben. 109; The Princeton, 3 Blatch. 54; Abbey v. Str. Stephens, 22 How. Pr. 78; The Neaffie, 1 Abb. U. S. Rep. 465; Brawley v. "Watson, 2 Bond. 356; Story on Bail. § 496; The Quickstep, 9 Wall. 665; Wood- en V. Austin, 51 Barb. 9; The Mar- garet, 94 U. S. 494; The Nettie Quill, 124 Fed. 667; Knapp, Stout & Co. V. McCaffery, 178 111. 107, 52 N. E. Rep. 898, 69 Am. St. Rep. 290, affirming s. c. 74 HI. App. 80. This is also the law of the Eng- lish courts. Symonds v. Pain, 6 Hurl. & N. 709; The Minnehaha, 1 Lush. 335; The Julia, 14 Moore P. C. 210; The Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Pres- ton V. Biornstad et ah, L. R. (1898), App. Cas. 513, affirming s. C. (1897) P. 118. But the question has been set- tled the other way in Louisiana. Bussey v. The Trans. Co., 24 La. Ann. 165; Clapp v. Stanton, 20 La. Ann. 495; Smith v. Pierce, 1 La. 350. And opinions favorable to this view of it have been ex- pressed in White v. Mary, 6 Cal. 462; Walston v. Myers, 5 Jones, N. C. 174; and by Chancellor Kent in 2 Com. 599. In Ashmore v. The Steam Tow- ing Co., 4 Butcher, 180, the court was divided upon the question. Where the employment consists in towing for short distances with- out taking the exclusive control or possession of the tow, it would seem to be plain that it could not have entered into the contempla- tion of the parties that such an extraordinary liability as that of the common carrier should attach to the towing vessel. But where the absolute control and manage- ment of the tow is given to it es- pecially if for a long voyage, as is frequently the case with barges and other river craft upon our western rivers, the towing steamer being in such a case solely respon- sible for the management of its tow, it would seem to be a ques- tion of considerable doubt whether the towing vessel should not be held liable as a common carrier. This distinction was noticed in Bussey v. The Trans. Co., and in Ashmore v. The Trans. Co., supra. 28. Bassett & Stone v. Mining Co., — Ky. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 318. 90 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 94. carriers of passengers are not common carriers as to t"he per- sons of those whom they carry. But the two employments of carrying passengers and goods are almost universally combined or engaged in by the same carriers; and, as we have already seen, carriers of passengers become common carriers as to the baggage of their passengers. So that it may be said that no carrier is exclusively a carrier of passengers, the carriage of the passenger necessarily implying the carriage of his bag- gage, as to which the carrier incurs the liability of the com- mon carricr.29 Sec. 94. (^ 81.) Postmasters, mail contractors and carriers not common carriers. — Postmasters, mail contractors and mail carriers, as has been often decided, are not common carriers as to such things as may be sent and carried through the mails, and they owe no duty either to the sender or addressee of such matter. They are made the instruments of government for the performance of acts in execution of functions assumed and controlled by it, and their contracts are with the government and not with the individuals who derive the benefit of their services. They receive their compensation from the govern- ment, and, at most, are public agents discharging public duties, and therefore owe no duty as common carriers to those who receive the benefit of their services.^*^ So a railroad company carrying mail in pursuance of a contract with the government is neither a private nor a common carrier as to such mail.^^ Sec. 95. (§ 81a.) Telegraph and telephone companies not common carriers. — Nor by the weight of authority can tele- graph and telephone companies be considered as common car- riers, although the attempt has been repeatedly made to put 29. See ante, § 69. Railway Co., 118 Iowa, 423, 92 N. 30. Story on Bail. § 463; Schroy- W. Rep. 88, 59 L. R. A. 796; Ger- er V. Lynch, 8 Watts, 453; Dunlop man State Bank v. Railway Co., V. Munroe, 7 Cranch. 242; Con- 113 Fed. 414; Bankers' Mut. Cas- well V. Voorhees, 13 Ohio, 523; ualty Co. v. Railroad, 117 Fed. Wiggins V. Hathaway, 6 Barb. 632; 434, 54 C. C. A. 608, 65 L. R. A. Lane v. Cotton, 1 Ld. Raym. 646. 397; petition for writ of certiorari 31. Central Railroad v. Lampley, denied, 187 U. S. 648. 76 Ala. 357; Boston Ins. Co. v. 95.1 WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 91 them upon the same footing as to liability for miscarriage.^'^ Some courts have, however, termed them common carriers of messages and common carriers of intelligencers And in the case of Telegraph Co. v. Texas,34 in the United States supreme court, Chief Justice Waite said: "A telegraph company oc- cupies the same relation to commerce as a carrier of messa"-es that a railroad company does as a carrier of goods." And, 32. Leonard v. The Telegraph Co., 41 N. Y. 544; Tyler v. The West. U. Tel. Co., 60 111. 421; Breese v. The U. S. Tel. Co., 48 N. Y. 132; Western Union Tel. Co. V. Carew, 15 Mich. 525; Telegraph Co. V. Griswold, 37 Ohio St. 301; Hibbard t\ Telegraph Co., 33 Wis. 558; Western U. Tel. Co. v. Rey- nolds, 77 Va. 173; Kiley v. Tele- graph Co., 109 N. Y. 231; Grinnell V. Telegraph Co., 113 Mass. 299; Western U. Tel. Co. v. Munford, 87 Tenn. 190; Marr v. Telegraph Co., 85 Tenn., 529; Gillis v. Tele- graph Co., 61 Vt. 461; Fowler v. Telegraph Co., 80 Me. 381. Tele- graph messenger company is not a common carrier. Feiber v. Tel. Co., 21 Abb. N. C. 11. Telegraph companies, in the ab- sence of statute, are not common carriers, and may limit their lia- bility except for gross or willful negligence. Birkett v. Telegraph Co., 103 Mich. 361, 61 N. W. Rep. 645, 50 Am. St. Rep. 374. 33. Central Telephone Co. v. Bradbury, 106 Ind. 1; State v. Tel- ephone Co., 17 Neb. 126; Chesa- peake, etc., Tel. Co. v. Telegraph Co., 66 Md. 399; Louisville, etc., Co. V. Telegraph Co., 24 Am. L. Reg. 579; Shearman & Redfield on Negligence, sees. 534, 535; Gwynn V. Telephone Co., 69 S. Car. 434, 48 S. E. Rep. 460; Pacific Tele- graph Co. V. Underwood, 37 Neb. 315, 55 N. W. Rep. 1057, 40 Am. St. Rep. 490; State v. Telephone Co., 114 Tenn. 194, 86 S. W. Rep. 390. Telegraph companies which make an offer to the public to car- ry telegraphic messages, are by statute, common carriers. Kirby r. Telegraph Co., 4 S. D. 105, 55 N. W. Rep. 759, 46 Am. St. Rep. 765, 30 L. R. A. 612. A private corporation, engaged in operating a telephone plant, is a common carrier of news and in- telligence, and is therefore amen- able to the provisions of the state statute which provides that all charges made for any service ren- dered, or to be rendered, by com- mon carriers, shall be reasonable and just. Such a public service corporation is charged with cer- tain public duties, among which are to furnish for a reasonable compensation to any citizen a tel- ephone and telephonic service, and to charge each patron for the serv- ice rendered the same price ' it charges every other patron for the same service under substantially the same or similar conditions. The legislature has the power to say what compensation such a public service corporation may ex- act. Nebraska Telephone Co. v. State, 55 Neb. 627, 76 N. W. Rep. 171, 45 L. R. A. 113. 34. 105 U. S. 460. 92 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§96. certainly, though they cannot be regarded strictly as common carriers in the sense which the phrase ''common carrier" had previously juridically acquired, yet in their relations to the public, in their duty to serve all impartially, in their duty to avoid discrimination, if not in their responsibility for accurate transmission of messages they occupy a position very closely analogous to that of common carriers. Sec. 96. Livery stable keepers are not common carriers. — Ordinarily, livery stable keepers, engaged in the business of- letting for hire teams and vehicles, either with or without drivers, are not carriers of passengers within the legal meaning of that term. They do not hold themselves out as undertaking for hire to carry indiscriminately any person who may apply. Those who hire their vehieles are not necessarily restricted to vehicles or drivers designated by the proprietor, but may, in a measure, protect themselves by selecting the particular horse or driver they wish to hire. The duties and obligations of car- riers of passengers are, therefore, not applicable to mere livery stable keepers.2^. Sec. 97. Messenger companies. — To the extent that a tele- graph company offered its services to the public as a carrier of packages, such packages being carried by messenger boys furnished by the company, it was held that the company was a 35. Stanley v. Steele, 77 Conn, carrier for hire, and is required 688, 60 Atl. 640, 69 L. R. A. 561; to exercise the same measure of Copeland v. Draper, 157 Mass. 558. skill and care which is applied to ?>2 N. E. Rep. 944, 34 Am. St. Rep. a person engaged in any special 314, 19 L. R. A. 283; Erickson v. pursuit in which he undertakes to Barber Bros., 83 Iowa, 367, 49 N. perform services for others for W. Rep. 838; Siegrist v. Arnot, 86 compensation. Such a person un- Mo. 200, 56 Am. Rep. 424. dertakes to possess the skill ade- A livery stable keeper who lets quate to the undertaking, and his team and vehicle, accompanied promises to exercise due diligence by a driver of his own selection, and care in its performance. But for hire, to go upon a particular ordinary skill, diligence and pru- journey, is not a carrier of pas- dence is all that the law exacts; sengers and does not assume the that Is, the exercise of such care duties and obligations of such a and skill as prudent men, experi- carrier. He is, at most, a private enced in the business, are accus- §98.] WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 93 common carrier.^^ But where a company engaged in the busi- ness of furnishing messengers for hire, such messengers for the time being being under the control and direction of the persons engaging their services, it was held that the messenger com- pany was not, as to the articles carried, a common carrier.^^ Sec. 98. (§ 81b.) Log-driving companies not common car- riers. — So log-driving and booming companies organized for the purpose of driving, running, rafting and booming logs are not common carriers of the logs delivered to them for that purpose.^^ Sec. 99. (§81c.) Drovers and agisters not common car- riers. — For like reasons, drovers and agisters employed to drive cattle and other animals are held not to be common carriers.^^ Sec. 100. (§ 81d.) Owners and managers of passenger ele- vators. — The owners and managers of passenger elevators, al- though spoken of by some courts as common carriers of passengers, cannot properly be so classed. The public carrier of passengers, on accoimt of the nature of his employment, is charged in law with certain duties owed to the public among which is that of receiving upon his vehicles all who may offer themselves for transportation, and who stand ready to pay the legal fare and comply with his reasonable rules and regula- tions. When the nature of the business of operating a pas- senger elevator is considered, it is clear that the proprietor owes no such duty to the public and is therefore not a carrier of passengers in the full sense of the term as legally understood.^^ Nevertheless, with reference to the safety of their passengers, the law has imposed upon the tomed to use under similar cir- senger Co., — Mass. — , 76 N. E. cumstances. Payne v. Halstead, Rep. 215. 44 111. App. 97. 38. Mann v. White River, etc., 36. Oilman v. Telegraph Co., 95 Co., 46 Mich. 38. N. Y. Supp. 564, 48 Misc. 372. But 39. Angell on Carriers, §§ 24, 52; see, contra, Hirsch v. Telegraph Story on Bailments, § 443. Co., 98 .N. Y. Supp. 371. 40. Seaver v. Bradley, 179 Mass. 37. Haskell v. Boston, etc., Mes- 329, 60 N. E. Rep. 795, 88 Am. St. Rep. 384. 94 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§100. proprietors of passenger elevators duties precisely similar to those exacted of passenger carriers by railroad. The safety and lives of those who avail themselves of this means of car- riage must of necessity be intrusted in a great measure to the care of those who control and operate the cars. The law, therefore, justly holds that while the owners of passenger ele- vators are not insurers of the safety of their passengers, they are bound to exercise in their behalf the highest degree of skill and foresight, or, as some courts have expressed it, the utmost human care and foresight consistent with the efficient use and operation of the means of conveyance employed."*^ 41. Goodsell v. Taylor, 41 Minn. 207; Bullock v. Butler Exchange Co., 22 R. I. 108, 46 Atl. Rep. 273; Treadwell v. Whittier, 80 Cal. 575, 22 Pac. Rep. 266, 13 Am. St. Rep, 175; Hartford Deposit Co. v. Sol- litt, 172 111. 222, 50 N. E. Rep. 178, 64 Am. St. Rep. 35, affirming 70 111. App. 166; Springer v. Ford, 189 111. 430, 59 N. E. Rep. 953, 82 Am. St. Rep. 464, 52 L. R. A. 930; Chi- cago Exchange Bldg. Co. v. Nelson, 197 111. 334, 64 N. E. Rep. 369; Springer v. Schultz, 205 111. 144, 68 N. E. Rep. 753, affirming 105 111. App. 544; Field v. French, 80 111. App. 78; Western Union Telegraph Co. V. Woods, 88 111. App. 375; Winheim v. Field, 107 111. App. 145; Morgan v. Saks, — Ala. — , 38 So. Rep. 848; Lee v. Knapp & Co., 155 Mo. 610, 56 S. W. Rep. 458; Becker v. Lincoln Real Estate & Bid. Co., 174 Mo. 246, 73 S. W. Rep. 581; Luckel v. Century Bid. Co., 177 Mo. 608, 76 S. W. Rep. 1035; Goldsmith v. Bid. Co. —Mo. App. — , 83 S. W. Rep. 1112; Mc- Greil v. Buffalo Office Bid. Co., 153 N. Y. 265, 47 N. E. Rep. 305; Russo V. Morris, etc.. Imp. Assn., 104 La. 426, 29 So. Rep. 46; Phillips v. Pruitt, 26 Ky. Law Rep. 831, 82 S. W. Rep. 628; Burgess v. Stowe, 134 Mich. 204, 96 N. W. Rep. 29; Edwards v. Burke, 36 Wash. 107, 78 Pac. Rep. 610; Bremer v. Pie;?.-;, 121 Wis. 61, 98 N. W. Rep. 945; Oberndorfer v. Pabst, 100 Wis. 505, 76 N. W. Rep. 338; Fox v. City of Philadelphia, 208 Penn. St. 127, 57 Atl. Rep. 356, 65 L. R. A. 214; Fox V Philadelphia, 208 Penn. St. 127, 57 Atl. Rep. 356, 65 L. R. A. 214; Stix, — Mo. — , 88 S. W. Rep. 108; Shellaberger v. Fisher, — C. C. A. — , 143 Fed. 937. The liability of the owner or manager of a freight elevator as a carrier of passengers is meas- ured by the same rules, and he is held to the same degree of dili- gence as persons owning and op- erating passenger elevators. Springer v. Ford, 189 111. 430, 59 N. E. Rep. 953, 82 Am. St. Rep. 464, 52 L. R. A. 930. But see, Edwards v. Bid. Co., — R. I. — , 61 Atl. Rep. 646, and Griffen v. Manice, 166 N. Y. 188, 59 N. E. Rep. 925, 82 Am. St. Rep. 630, 52 L. R. A. 922, reversing 62 N. Y. Supp. 364, 47 App. Div. 70, where it is said that the owners §ior WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. And this measure of care applies as well to the selection of competent operators as to the operation of the machinery and cars.^- Sec. 101. Same subject — Must allow passengers reasonable time to enter or leave car. — The rules regulating the care to be exercised by railroads in allowing their passengers a reason- able time to enter or leave their cars in safety apply with equal, if not more reason and force, to the operation of pas- senger elevators, since the danger of starting before the pas- senger has boarded or left an elevator car is even greater than the danger of starting a train under similar circumstances. The of elevators are not common car- riers and bound to use the utmost human care and foresight, but are required only to use reasonable care in the character of the appli- ance they provide, and in its main- tenance and operation. Evidence that an elevator stopped at a floor where a pas- senger was killed, without the floor being called, and that it was started before the door was closed, is sufficient to justify the submis- sion of the question of the de- fendant's negligence to the jury. Masonic, etc., Assn. v. Collins, 210 III. 482, 71 N. E. Rep. 396. Leaving the door of a passenger elevator shaft open and unguard- ed, so that persons taking the usu- al course to enter the elevator car are liable to fall down the shaft, is negligence. Haymarket The- atre Co. V. Rosenberg, 77 111. App. 183. But it is not negligence to per- mit a movable stool to remain in the elevator for the use of the op- erator. Gibson v. International Trust Co., 186 Mass. 454, 72 N. E. Rep. 70. Nor is it actionable negligence on the part of the owner of an elevator where, on account of someone having moved the stool of the operator, the operator, in at- tempting to sit down, loses his balance, catches the apparatus that moves the elevator and sends it down, thereby injuring a passen- ger. Gibson v. International Trust Co., 177 Mass. 100, 58 N. E. Rep. 278, 52 L. R. A. 928. If the passenger be chargeable with contributory negligence, he will be barred from a recovery. Blackman v. O'Gorman Co., 22 R, I. 638, 49 Atl. Rep. 28; Green v. Y M. C. A., 65 111. App. 459. In an action by a newsboy for injuries sustained on a passenger elevator, it is competent to show that he had been warned to keep off the elevator before the happen ing of the injury; if such were proven, he would be entitled only to the degree of care due a tres- passer. Springer v. Byram, 137 Ind. 15, 36 N. E. Rep. 361, 45 Am. St. Rep. 159, 23 L. R. A. 244. 42. Fox V. City of Philadelphia, 208 Penn. St. 127, 57 Atl. Rep. 356, 65 L. R. A. 214. 96 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 102. operator, therefore, must exercise a high degree of care in al- lowing passengers a reasonable time to enter or leave the car before putting it in motion, and when a passenger is leaving it at any particular floor, to hold it there a reasonable time, not only for him, but for any other passenger in the act of alight- ing, to do so in safety.'*^ Sec. 102. Same subject — When negligence will be presumed. — As a general rule, the mere happening of an accident result- ing in injury to the passenger while riding in a passenger ele- vator is not, of itself, prima facie evidence that the owner or his agent has been at fault, and the plaintiff must allege and prove the facts upon which he relies to establish negligence.^^ But where the accident is caused by the breaking or giving way of the machinery or appliances by which the elevator is operated, the very nature of such an occurrence raises a pre- sumption of negligence which can only be overcome by proof that the requisite care and caution was exercised.*^ And al- though the operation of an automatic push-button, electrical passenger elevator may not be negligence in respect io persons of sufficient maturity and discretion to appreciate the danger and risk of contact with the door or side of the shaft when the car is moving, yet it may be actionable negligence towards a 43. Becker v. Lincoln Real Es- 44. Specs v. Boggs, 198 Penn. St. tate & Bid. Co., 174 Mo. 246, 73 S. 112, 47 Atl. Rep. 875, 82 Am. St. W. Rep. 581; Luckel v. Century Rep. 792. Bid. Co., 177 Mo. 608, 76 S. W. Rep. 45. Griffen v. Manice, 166 N. Y. 1035; Becker v. Building Co., — 188, 59 N. E. Rep. 925, 82 Am. St. Mo. App. — , 93 S. W. Rep. 291. Rep. 630, 52 L. R. A. 922; Hartford Starting an elevator while the Deposit Co v. Sollitt, 173 111. 222, door is open, and while a passen- 50 N. E. Rep. 178, 64 Am. St. Rep. ger is entering the car, is negli- 35; Franklin Printing & Publish- gence. Blackwell v. O'Gorman Co., ing Co. r. Behrens, 181 111. 340, 54 22 R. I. 638, 49 Atl. Rep. 28. N. E. Rep. 896; Springer v. Ford, If an elevator car be started at 189 111. 430, 59 N. E. Rep. 953, 82 full speed before a passenger has Am. St. Rep. 464, 52 L. R. A. 930; had time to place himself secure- Springer v. Schultz, 205 111. 144, ly on his feet, and he is thereby 68 N. E. Rep. 753; Winheim v, injured, the proprietor will be li- Field 107 111. App. 145; Edwards able. Russo v. Morris, etc.. Imp. v. Bid. Co., — R. I. — , 61 Atl. Assn., 104 La. 426, 29 So. Rep. 46. Rep. 646. § 103.] WHO IS A COMMON CARRIER. 97 child of tender years who cannot appreciate his danger, and the mere happening of an accident to such a child on an ele- vator of that description where no operator is employed con- stitutes rebuttable evidence of negligence. '♦^^ Sec. 103. (§ 81e.) Bridge, canal and turnpike companies. — Bridge,^^ canal,'*^ and turnpike^-' companies organized merely for the purpose of furnishing a thoroughfare over which others may transport goods, but not engaged in such trans- portation themselves, are not common carriers. 46. ShelMberger v. Fisher, — 48. Exchange Ins. Co. v. Canal C. C. A. — , 143 Fed. 937. Co., 10 Bosw. 180. 47. Kentucky, etc.. Bridge Co. v. 49. Lake Superior, etc., R. Co. v. Railroad Co., 37 Fed. Rep. 616; United States, 93 U. S. 444. Grigsby v. Chappell, 5 Rich. 443. CHAPTER IV. OF THE DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER, AND THE EVI- DENCE THEREOF. § 104. In general. I. OF DELIVERY TO THE CArfRIEB. 105. The delivery must be com- plete. 106. Delivery may be made to carrier's agent. 107. Not sufficient when made to agent not authorized to receive it. 108. Delivery to carrier by agent of shipper. 109. No delivery when owner re- tains custody — Passenger retaining custody of bag- gage. 110. Same subject. 111. Place at which delivery must be made. 113. Must be for immediate transportation. 113. Same subject — When liabil- ity begins. 114. Same subject — Live stock placed in yards provided by carrier. 115. Constructive delivery — Place fixed by agreement or usage. 116. Same subject. 117. Same subject — Limitations on rule. 118. Same subject — Rule to be applied with caution. 119. When the delivery becomes complete. 120. Same subject — Delivery to ships and vessels. 121. Same subject — Delivery to railroads and express companies. § 122. Carriers not required to stop for goods except at regular stations. 123. Same subject — Express companies. 124. When carrier deemed to have accepted goods. 125. Same subject — How when goods are loaded by owner. 126. Same subject — Implied ac- ceptance. 127. Checking, memorandum or entrj' on way-bill not necessary to complete de- livery. 128. Delivery to ferrymen, when complete. 129. Delivery to connecting car- riers to complete the transportation. 130. Duty of first carrier to ef- fect delivery to succeeding carrier. 131. When liability of first car- rier terminates. 132. Same subject — Duty when succeeding carrier neg- lects or refuses to receive the goods. 133. How duty to make delivery to a succeeding carrier af- fected by usage. 134. Agreements between car- riers not binding on owner. 135. Same subject — Illustrations. 136. Same subject. 137. Same subject — Cases hold- ing delivery complete. 138. Owner may recover for goods constructively de- livered. 98 DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 99 § 139. First carrier as forwarding agent for owner. 140. Same subject — Duty of first carrier to forward ship- ping directions. 141. Carrier cannot become warehouseman of the goods while they are in transit. 142. Same subject. 143. Of the carrier's duty to ac- cept and carry the goods. 144. Same subject — Not obliged to accept goods of a kind he does not profess to carry. 145. Reasons which will justify refusal to accept. 146. Same subject — Press of business may justify re- fusal. 147. Same subject — Other rea- sons. 148. Same subject — Not obliged to accept from one not au- thorized to deliver — Lia- bility where he does. 149. Remedy for wrongful re- fusal. 150. Carrier may demand pre- payment of the freight. 151. Actual acceptance may waive reasons for refusal. II. THE BILL OF LADING. 152. No receipt, bill of lading or other writing necessary. 153. Liability of carrier usually limited by contract. 154. Contracts vary in form and name. 155. Variance in duplicates — Shipper's controls. 156. Variance between charter party and bill of lading. 157. Bills of lading are both re- ceipts and contracts to carry. § 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. Same subject — As receipts, not conclusive. Authority of agent to sign bills of lading. Liability of carrier when goods pot received, but re- ceipt given. Same subject— How in case of bona fide holder. Same subject— The contrary view. Recitals as to condition of goods, how far conclusive. Effect of recitals as to amount or quantity of goods received. Same subject — Effect of clauses in receipt that weight, contents, or value of goods are unknown. Same subject. Terms of bill of lading can- ^ not be varied by parol. Same subject — Implied obli- gations cannot be varied by parol. Same subject. Same subject — Effect of sub- sequent parol agreement. Effect of delivery of bill of lading after oral contract of shipment made but be- fore shipment has begun. Same subject — How when goods shipped under parol contract before bill of lading delivered. Same subject — Effect of cus- tom — Temporary receipts. Same subject — Acceptance of bill of lading after oral agreement made to fur- nish cars at certain time. Bills of lading are assign- able, but not negotiable. Same subject — Statutes making them negotiable. 100 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. § 177. Goods must be delivered onlj' in accordance with bill of lading and its in- dorsements. 178. Same subject— If person claiming goods fails to present proper bill of lad- ing, carrier must base re- fusal to deliver on that ground. 179. Carrier must respect trans- fers. 180. Same subject — Carrier's duty to ascertain if bill of lading issued. 181. Same subject — Where bill of lading not presented, carrier protected if deliv- ery is made to proper party. 182. Same subject — Effect of transfer of bill of lading after delivery of the goods. 183. Same subject — Bill of lad- ing to shipper's order — Draft attached. 184. Same subject — Pledge of bill of lading to shipper's order to secure advances — Draft attached. 185. Same subject — Pledge of bill of lading to shipper's order — Time draft at- tached. 186. Same subject — Invoice alone not evidence of title. 187. Same subject — Direction to notify certain person does not dispense with produc- tion of bill of lading. 188. Same subject — Duplicate bills of lading to consign- or — Possession of one du- plicate not indorsed. § 189. Same subject — Possession of indorsed duplicate ob- tained by fraud. 190. Same subject — Duplicate receipts — Goods delivered only on production of du- plicate. 191. Same subject — Protection of third person paying draft for consignee's accommo- dation. 192. Effect of custom on deliv- ery without surrender of bill of lading. 19.'}. When consignment may be changed by shipper. 194. Same subject — Consignment cannot be changed by shipper when goods be- come property of con- signee on delivery to car- rier. 195. Same subject — Illustrations. 196. Same subject — Effect of custom. 197. Who may sue for breach of the contract. 198. Same subject — Statutes controlling. 199. By what law the effect of a contract is to be deter- mined. 200. The rights arising out of the contract must be cre- ated by law. 201. Lex loci contractus will gov- ern in the great majority of cases. 202. When performance wholly within one state, the law of that state governs. 203. Matters relating solely to delivery may be deter- mined by law of place of delivery. § 104.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 101 204. In actions against carriers of goods, same law gov- erns whether the form of action is assumpsit or tort. 205. In actions for personal in- juries against carriers of passengers, lex loci delicti governs — Contributory negligence governed by same law — Proof of lev loci delicti must be made. 206. Rights created by foreign law should be enforced elsewhere — Exceptional rule in federal and New York courts. 207. Proof should be made in court of forum of what the foreign law is. 208. Matters relating to remedy are governed by law of forum. 209. A state may require care and diligence of carrier although contract is one for interstate carriage. 210. Better rule is that perform- ance of contract of car- riage is indivisible. 211. Some states hold perform- ance of contract of car- riage divisible — Rights of parties to be construed by law of place where negli- gent breach occurs. 212. Lex loci contractus gener- ally governs val-idity of limitations of carrier's li- ability. 213. Presumption exists that that law applies which is most favorable to the validity of the contract. § 214. Facts extrinsic of pre- sumptive evidence may be considered by the court to determine what law gov- erns. 215. Enforcement of limitation, valid in one state, by courts of another state. 210. Enforcement of limitation valid at place of contract, valid at destination and valid at forum. 217. Enforcement of limitation valid at place of contract, invalid at destination and valid at forum. 218. Enforcement of limitation valid at place of contract, invalid at destination, and invalid at forum. 219. Enforcement of limitation valid at place of contract, valid at destination and invalid at forum. 220. Enforcement of limitation invalid at place of con- tract, valid at destination and valid at forum. 221. Enforcement of limitation invalid at place of con- tract, invalid at destina- tion and valid at forum. 222. Enforcement of limitation invalid at place of con- tract, valid at destination and invalid at forum. 223. Enforcement of limitation invalid at place of con- tract, invalid at destina- tion and invalid at forum. 224. Proof must be made of what foreign law is. Sec. 104. (§ 81f.) In general. — In considering the question of the carrier's liability in relation to the goods, two (inestions become important at the outset: (1) Have the goods been de- 102 THE LAW OP CARRIERS. [§ 105. livered to the carrier for transportation; and (2) What evi- dence, receipt or contract exists or is necessary in regard to such delivery. These two questions form the subject of the present chapter and will be separately considered. I. OF DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. Sec. 105. (§82.) The delivery must be complete.— The duties and obligations of the common carrier with respect to the goods commence with their delivery to him; and this de- livery must be complete, so as to put upon him the exclusive duty of seeing to their safety. The law will not divide the duty or the obligation between the carrier and the owner of the goods.^ It must rest entirely upon the one or the other; and until it has become imposed upon the carrier by a delivery and acceptance, he cannot be held responsible for them. They must be delivered to the carrier himself, or to some agent of his, authorized to receive them on his behalf. The mere deposit of them in the yard of an inn from which the carrier starts, with- out leaving them in charge of some servant of the carrier, is not sufficient. 2 Nor will it be enough for the owner to put them into the carrier's vehicle without his knowledge.^ They must be put into the actual custody of the carrier or of his servants. Thus, where the owner of the goods, having previously given notice to a railroad agent of his intention to send the goods and having paid him the freight, sent them by his servant to the depot, where they were put upon the railroad platform and the attention of the baggageman called to them, but no notice given to the freight agent, it was held that there had been no delivery, and that the railroad company was not liable for damage done to them by a passing train.^ So where a per- 1. Brind v. Dale, 8 Car. & P. 2. Selway v. Holloway, 1 Ld. 207; Railway Co. v. Murphy, 60 Raym. 46; Buckman v. Levi, 3 Ark. 333, 30 S. W. Rep. 419, 46 Camp. 414. Am. St. Rep. 202, citing Hutchin- 3. Leigh v. Smith, 1 Car. & P. son on Carr.; Railway Co. v. Mc- 638. Fadden, 154 U. S. 155, 14 Sup. Ct. 4. Grosvenor v. The Railroad, 39 !>90, 38 L. Ed. 944, citing Hutchin- N. Y. 34. son on Carr. § 106.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 103 son intending to take the train, if certain funds arrived in time, went to the depot and deposited her trunk and box on the platform, but, when the train arrived, instructed the company's servants not to put them on the train as she did not intend to take it, and went away after asking permission to leave the things there till she got ready to go, it was held that the trunk and box had not been delivered to the railroad company for carriage, and that the company was therefore not liable as a common carrier for their loss.^ So where hogs which the owner desired to have transported were, when the train ar- rived by which he wished them to go, still in a private yard and had yet to be loaded, counted and receipted for, they were held not to be so far delivered to the railroad company as to make it liable for delay in shipping.'^ So goods stored along the line awaiting shipment, where the owner is to load them' when he can get the necessary cars, are not completely de- livered to the railroad company until they are so loaded and ready for shipment.'^ And cotton, still in the possession of a compress company, for which the railroad company has as yet given no bill of lading, and of which it has neither the actual or constructive possession nor the custody or control, is not yet delivered to the railroad company for carriage, and the latter is not liable as a carrier to the owner for its loss, though it has not furnished cars for its transportation as rapidly as it had agreed with the compress company to do.^ Sec. 106. (§83.) Delivery may be made to carrier's agent. — Where the carrier places a person in charge of the business at a certain depot, and holds him out to the public as being qualified with the requisite authority to receive goods for ship- ment, a delivery to, and an acceptance by him of the goods, 5. Little Rock, etc., R'y Co. v. Ct. Rep. 554; Arthur v. Railway Hunter, 42 Ark. 300. Co., 139 Fed. 127, citing Edwards 6. Frazier v. Railroad Co., 48 & Co. v. Railroad Co. (Tex. Civ. Iowa, 571. App.), 81 S. W. 800; Martin v. 7. Wilson V. Railroad Co., 82 Ga. Railway Co., 55 Ark. 510, 19 S. W. 386. Rep. 314. See, also, Atlantic Natl. 8. St. Louis, etc., R'y Co. r. In- Bank v. Railway, 106 Fed. 623. surance Co., 139 U. S. 223, 11 Sup. 104 THE LAW OP CARRIERS. [§ 107. will be a delivery to the carrier. In the case of Rogers v. The Railroad,^ the oAvner of a trunk sent it to the defendants' depot by an expressman, who placed it within the inclosure of the depot beside the baggage crate, which was locked, and then w'cnt into the ticket-office and informed the ticket agent of the fact, who replied "all right;" and it was held that the case should have gone to the jury upon the question of de- livery, the court saying that it was enough to establish a de- livery, in the first instance, to prove that a person acting as the agent of the company, received and accepted the property for transportation, even if there should be, in fact, another person having charge of the business of receiving freight. ''The ticket agent," said the court, "was apparently in charge of the depot. The company which sanctions his employment and thus holds him out to the world as its agent is not at liberty to repudiate his acts. "10 Sec. 107. (§84.) Not sufficient when made to agent not authorized to receive it. — A delivery, however, to an employe whose employment is such as to negative a reasonable belief in the owner's mind that he has authority to receive goods for shipment will not be a delivery to the carrier, unless it can be shown that such an employe was, in fact, authorized to receive the goods. Thus, delivery to one of the crew or deck hands of a steamboat is not good delivery although made upon the boat, and will not bind the owner of the boat as a carrier. Where the goods were taken on board and put down by a porter in a certain spot by direction of one who was a deck hand em- ployed to sweep the deck, and it was proven that the clerk of the boat was the only authorized person to receive freight and give receipts for it, a majority of the court were of the opinion 9. 2 Lans. 269. 35 Vt. 605. So a delivery to a per- 10. A passenger upon a railroad son apparently employed in a train is justified in regarding the freight office, who receives and man whom he sees handling the receipts for the goods in the pres- baggage as the agent of the com- ence and with the knowledge of pany and in giving him directions the agent, who does not object, is as to the disposition to be made of a good delivery to the carrier, his baggage. Ouimit v. Henshaw, Harrell v. Railroad, 106 N. C. 258. § 108.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 105 that, as the deck hand was not the agent of the boat for the purpose of receiving freight, the owners had incurred no lia- bility. But some of the judges were of a different opinion, upon the ground that the porter had a right to presume that the deck hand had been left in charge by the proper officers of the boat.ii And, in another case, it was held that to make a delivery to a deck hand good as against the owners of a boat, it must be shown that he was authorized to receive freight, or that it was delivered to him in pursuance of some special contract or usage.^2 Sec. 108, (§ 84a.) Delivery to carrier by agent of shipper. — The delivery to the carrier or his agent may be made not only by the shipper in person, but also by his authorized agent. Where the owner of goods places them in the hands of an agent to secure their transportation by a carrier, the latter, in the absence of a known limitation upon the agent's authorit}-, is justified in considering the agent authorized to exercise all the powers necessary to effect the purpose of the agency,^ '^ and the acts of the agent in that respect will be binding upon the principal, as in giving directions as to the time or manner of shipment or the terms and conditions upon which the trans- portation is to be undertaken.i^ Sec. 109. (§85.) No delivery when owner retains custody — Passenger retaining custody of baggage. — If the owner, traveling as the carrier's passenger, retain the custody of his baggage instead of delivering it to the carrier or his servant, he thereby assumes the responsibility and cannot hold the car- rier liable for the loss of it, unless the loss should occur from 11. Trowbridge v. Chapin, 23 Railway, 5 H. & N. 867; Squire v. Conn. 595. Railroad, 98 Mass. 239; York Co. i;. 12. Ford V. Mitchell, 21 Ind. 54. Railroad, 3 Wall. 113; Jennings v. And see Leigh v. Smith, 1 Car. & Railway, 52 Hun. 227. P 638, and post, §§ 115-118. In Hayes v. Campbell, 63 Cal. 13. See Mechem on Agency, § 143, it is held that knowledge on 311. the part of the carrier that the 14. See post, § 457; Nelson v. person effecting the carriage was Railroad, 48 N. Y. 498; London v. but an agent for others was suffl- Railway, 7 H. & N. 600; Lewis v. cient to put the carrier on inquiry 106 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 110. the negligence or fault of the carrier; in which event he would be liable, not as a common carrier, but as an ordinary bailee for hire. As where the passenger placed his overcoat upon his seat in the cars instead of delivering it to a servant of the com- pany, and forgot to take it with him when he left the car, and it was stolen, it was held that the railway company was not liable for the loss.i^ Or if, being a passenger upon a steamboat, he retain the possession of his baggage, the carrier cannot be made responsible for the loss.^^ Sec. 110. (j? 86.) Same subject. — In such cases the owner so far from having made delivery to the carrier, has purposely withheld it. He has not trusted the carrier; and where there has been no trust reposed there can be no liability, for trust is the very basis of the liability; and it has been expressly held that if the owner of goods especially undertake to watch them, and, refusing to place confidence in the carrier, send his own servant along in charge of them, and the carrier is thereby induced to neglect his usual precaution, this negatives a bail- ment and no liability will exist.^'^ But the owner may accom- pany the goods and have an eye upon them, or he may send his servant with them to look after them; but the carrier must have the entire custody and control of them. Otherwise he will not be liable for their safety.^^ Sec. 111. (§87.) Place at which delivery must be made, — But it is not necessary in all cases to make the delivery to the carrier at the place appointed by him, or at his office or place of business, provided the delivery be made to a person who is authorized to receive the goods. Delivery to the agent of a in ascertaining the extent of the treated of hereafter. Chapter agent's powers, and that the own- XIII. ers could not be bound by a rate 17. East India Company v. Pul- a greed upon with the agent in ex- len, 2 Strange, 690. cess of his authority. 18. Robinson v. Dunmore, 2 Bos. 15. Tower v. Railroad, 7 Hill, 47. & P. 416; Hollister v. Nowlen, 19 16. Cohen v. Frost, 2 Duer, 335. Wend. 234; Willoughby v. Hor- This subject of the liability of ridge, 74 Eng. C. L. R. 742; Brind the carrier for the passenger's bag- v. Dale, 8 Car. & P. 207; Cohen v. gage will be more particularly Frost, 2 Duer, 335. §112.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 107 stage company has, consequently, been held good although not made at the office of the company.^ ^ But delivery to the driver, not at the company's office and without notice to it and with- out its assent, has been held not to be a good delivery, the driver not being the authorized servant of the company for that purpose.2o It may be shown, however, that such was the usage known to the company and recognized by it.^i And the driver of a coach may make the company liable as a common carrier for the baggage of a passenger taken on anywhere upon the route. And where the company is a carrier of goods as well as of passengers, he may receive such goods for carriage at any point upon the route at which there is no office or agent ; for, in the absence of express directions to the contrary known to the owner of the goods, the law will imply the authority. But the delivery, if made away from the office or place of business of an express company, must be made to an agent and not to an agent's assistant or derk temporarily appointed by him. Such an assistant, it is said, may officiate for the agent at his office, and his receipt will be valid even in the absence of the agent, because that would be a delivery at the office or at the appointed place of business of the principal; but such a delivery out of the office or away from it would be unauthor- ized and would not bind the principal.^^ Sec. 112. (§88.) Must be for immediate transportation. — The delivery must be to the carrier or his agent for immediate 19. Phillips V. Earle, 8 Pick. 182. contracts for freight, and although 20. Blanchard v. Isaacs, 3 Barb, it was shown that the captain was 388. only to navigate the boat, it not 21. See post, § 115. appearing that the shipper had 22. Cronkite v. Wells, 32 N. Y. knowledge of such an arrange- 247. And see Southern Ex. Co. v. ment; and the decision was put Newby, 36 Ga. 635. upon the ground that the principal But in Witbeck v. Schuyler, 44 should be held responsible for the Barb. 469, delivery of a trunk to acts of his agent performed with- the captain of a steamboat was in the scope of the apparent au- held sufficient, although the com- thority which the principal allows pany to which the boat belonged him to assume, had an agent in the same place, Where, however, a shipment wag whose business it was to make made upon a steamboat to be car- 108 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§112. transportation; for, if the goods are delivered to him to be stored by him for a certain time, or until the happening of a certain event, or until something further is done to prepare them for transportation, or until further orders are received from the owner, the carrier becomes a mere depositary or bailee until the appointed time has expired or the other con- tingency happened upon which the carriage is to commence, or until further orders have been given, as the case may be; for nothing could be more unjust than to permit the owner of the goods to impose upon a mere depositary or warehouseman, whether he has yet become related to the goods as carrier or not, the extremely hazardous responsibility of the common carrier so long as it might suit his interest or convenience to do S0.23 But the moment such orders are given, or such other ried to the terminus of a distant railroad for further transporta- tion, and it was lost by the steam- boat, it was held in a suit against the road that the claim that the boat was the agent of the road must be distinctly proven, and it was intimated that it was doubtful whether the road could constitute an agency so foreign to the pur- poses of its incorporation. Mis- souri Coal Co. V. The Han., etc., R. R., 35 Mo. 84. 23. Mt. Vernon Co. v. Railroad Co., 29 Ala. 296, 8 So. Rep. 687; Barron v. Eldredge, 100 Mass. 455; O'Neill V. Railroad Co., 60 N. Y. 138; Basnight v. Railroad Co., Ill N. Car. 592, 16 S. E. Rep. 323; Dixon V. Railway Co., 110 Ga. 173, 35 S. E. Rep. 369; Schmidt v. Rail- way Co., 90 Wis. 504, 63 N. W. Rep. 1057; Railway Co. v. Bank, 112 Fed. 861, 50 C. C. A. 558, 56 L. R. A. 546; Railway Co. v. Riggs, 10 Kan. App. 578, 62 Pac. Rep. 712. Thus where an initial carrier places a loaded car on the side- track of a connecting carrier, with- out notice to the latter, and with- out any mark of the name and address of the consignee, or any way-bill or shipping directions, the connecting carrier is only a bailee of the car, and its stringent liabil- ity as a common carrier does not attach until such way-bill or direc- tions are given, or until it is in- formed to what place the car is to be forwarded and to whom deliv- ered. Mt. Vernon Co. v. Railroad Co., supra. So where the goods are yet to be graded, classified, marked or set apart from others by the shipper, before they are ready for ship- ment, they cannot be deemed to be delivered to the carrier for car- riage. Iron Mt. Ry. Co. v. Knight, 122 U. S. 79. A common carrier is only liable as such for a passenger's baggage when delivered to it for immediate transportation. If it is brought to the depot for a certain train and on finding that it cannot go until a later train, the passenger leaves it at the depot for such later train, 113.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 109 conditions are fulfilled, the carrier having accepted them with that understanding, his duties and responsibilities as carrier begin.2^ Sec. 113. (§ 89.) Same subject — When liability begins.— But if the delivery be made at the warehouse or other place of business of the carrier for as early transportation as can be made in the course of the carrier's business, and subject only to such delays as may necessarily occur in awaiting the de- parture of trains, vessels, or other vehicles of transportation, or from the performance of prior engagements by him, he be- comes, the moment the delivery is made^ a carrier as to the goods, and his responsibility as such at once attaches.^^ And although there be considerable delay and long storage of the goods until the carrier can secure cars in which to make the shipment, if he receives them solely for transportation, he at once assumes the liability of a common carrier; and it makes the railroad company is liable in the interim as a warehouseman only. Goodbar v. Railway Co., 53 Mo. App. 434. Where baggage which cannot be checked until a ticket is presented is given to the carrier on Satur- day, and no ticket is presented un- til the following Monday, the car- rier in the meantime is liable only as a warehouseman. Murray v. Steamship Co., 170 Mass. 166, 48 N. E. Rep. 1093, 64 Am. St. Rep. 290. 24. Railway Co. v. Murphy, 60 Ark. 333, 30 S. W, Rep. 419, 46 Am. St. Rep. 202, citing Hutchinson on Carr. See ante, § 72. 25. Clark v. Needles, 25 Pa. St. 338; Blossom v. Griffin, 3 Kern. 569; Wade v. Wheeler, 47 N. Y. 658; Michigan R. R. v. Shurtz, 7 Mich. 515; Gregory v. Railway Co., 46 Mo. App. 574, citing Hutchin- son on Carr.; Railway Co. v. Mur- phy, 60 Ark. 333, 30 S. W. Rep. 419, 46 Am. St. Rep. 202, citing Hutchinson on Carr. Thus, where goods are delivered to a railroad company for trans- portation at its earliest conveni- ence, nothing further remaining to be done in reference to them by the owner, the company is liable as a common carrier if the goods are burned before shipment. Grand Tower, etc., Co. v. Ullman, 89 111. 244. Where goods are properly marked for shipment and placed inside the carrier's freight house with the agreement on the part of the carrier's agent to ship them on the following morning, ship- ment being delayed until that time because no car is available, the company will be liable as a com- mon carrier while the goods are so awaiting shipment. Meloche v. Railway Co., 116 Mich. 69, 74 N. W. Rep. 301. 110 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 113. no difference, it has been said, whether the loading is to be per- formed by the shipper himself or by the carrier.^^ And the general and well-settled rule is, that the liability of the com- mon carrier commences whenever and as soon as the goods have been delivered to and accepted by him solely for trans- l)ortation, although they may not be put immediately in itinere, but are, at first, for his own convenience and preparatory to the voyage or journey for which they are intended, temporarily deposited in his wharf or store room. In such cases, the deposit is a mere accessary to the carriage, and does not postpone his liability as common carrier to the time when they shall be actually put in motion towards their place of destination.^'^ And a delivery to the carrier with the name and address of the consignee marked upon the goods is, in the absence of some directions or agreement otherwise, equivalent to an ex- press direction to transport them to such consignee at once; and the reception of the goods under such circumstances im- poses upon him, immediately, the obligation to forward forth- with, and the responsibility of a common carrier,-^ unless the habitual course of dealing between the parties has been other- wise. And so, after the relation of carrier to the goods has become established by their delivery to him for immediate transportation, it may be changed to that of warehouseman by subsequent orders by the owner to delay the forwarding of them. Thus, where the goods had been delivered to the rail- road company for shipment, and they were loaded upon its cars for that purpose and were about to be started, but the 26. But when the cars or ve- na, 6 Gray, 539; Story on Bail. §§ hides are furnished, and a delay 534, 536; Rogers v. Wheeler, 52 N. in loading them is occasioned by Y. 262; North German Lloyd S. S. the act of the shipper, and in the Co. v. BuUen, 111 111. App. 426; meantime the goods are destroyed Cooke v. Railroad Co., 57 Mo. App. through no fault of the carrier, the 471, citing Hutchinson on Carr. carrier will not be liable. London 28. Witbeck v. Holland, 45 N. Y. & L. Insurance Co. v. Railroad Co, 13; Shelton v. Merchants' Des. 144 N. Y. 200, 39 N. E. Rep. 79, 43 Trans. Co., 36 N. Y. S. C. 527; Am. St. Rep. 752. s. c, 59 N. Y. 258; Gregory v. 27. Fitchburg, etc., R. R. v. Han- Railway Co., stipra. § 114.] DELIVERY TO TUE CARRIER. HI company was then requested by the owner to wait until he could see the party to whom he had sold them, which request was complied with; and the next day the goods, while be- ing so detained, caught fire and were damaged, it was held that from the moment the request was made to detain the goods the liability of the company was as warehouseman only.29 Sec. 114. Same subject — Live stock placed in yards pro- vided by carrier. — Where the carrier has constructed pens or yards in order to facilitate the loading of live stock, the mere placing of the stock in such pens will not be sufficient to im- pose upon him the duties and liabilities of a common carrier of live stock.30 If, however, he receives the stock into the pens or yards thus provided, for the purpose solely of being loaded for transportation, he will thereby assume the obligation of forwarding the stock in the usual way, and his liability as a common carrier will attach at the time the stock is so re- ceived.31 But if the stock, while in the carrier's pens or yards awaiting transportation, is subject to the right of the shipper to remove it when necessary for food and water, it has been held that the carrier's liability will be no greater than that of an ordinary bailee, and that he will be liable only where he has failed to exercise ordinary care.32 Sec. 115. (§ 90.) Constructive delivery — Place fixed by- agreement or usage. — But, while it is the undoubted general 29. St. Louis, etc., R. R. v. Mont- 31. Lackland v. Railway Co., gomery, 39 III. 335. 101 Mo. App. 420, 74 S. W. Rep. Wood piled up along a railroad 505, citing Hutchinson on Carr; track, to be loaded by the owner Cooke v. Railroad Co., 57 Mo. App. when he could get the cars, is not 471. completely delivered to the com- Where cattle have been put into pany. Wilson v. Railway Co., 82 the carrier's pen for immediate Ga. 386, citing Wells v. Railroad shipment, and their loading has Co., 6 Jones' L. 47, and distin- begun, the carrier is liable as guishing Central R. R. v. Hines, such. Gulf, etc., R'y. Co. i\ Tra- 19 Ga. 203; Fleming v. Hammond, wick, 80 Tex. 270; McCullough v. 19 Ga. 145. Ry. Co., 34 Mo. App. 23. 30. Railway Co. v. Byrne, 100 32. Railroad Co. v. Powers, — Fed. 359, 40 C. C. A. 402. Neb. — , 103 N. W. Rep. 678. 112 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§115. rule that the delivery, to bind the carrier, must be made either to him or to some one with authority from him, or who may be rightfully presumed to have such authority, it is not to be un- derstood that it is not subject to such conventional arrange- ments between the parties as they may choose to make in re- gard to the mode of delivery, or that it may not be varied by usage, or by a particular course of dealing between them. They may make such stipulations upon the subject as they see fit, and when such stipulations are made, they, and not the general law, are to govern. If, therefore, the parties agree that the goods may be deposited for transportation at any particular place and without an express notice to the carrier, such deposit will be a sufficient delivery; and proof of a con- stant and habitual practice and usage of the carrier to receive the goods when they are deposited for him in a particular place, without special notice of such deposit, is sufficient to show a public offer by the carrier to receive goods in that mode, and to constitute an agreement between the parties, by which the goods, when so deposited, shall be considered as delivered to him, without any further notice. Such a practice and usage are tantamount to an open declaration, a public advertisement by the carrier, that such a delivery should, of itself, be deemed an acceptance by him; and to permit him to set up, against those who had been thereby induced to omit it, the want of the formality of an express notice, which had been thus waived, would be sanctioning injustice and fraud. As where, for in- stance, the delivery was upon a private wharf or dock, used exclusively by the carrier, and upon which it had been its custom and constant usage to receive goods left there for trans- portation by it, such a deposit, in the usual and accustomed manner, would be constructive notice, and would be regarded as sufficient delivery, though the goods were not left in charge of any of its servants.^^ 33. Merriam v. The Railroad, 180 Mass. 252, 62 N. E. Rep. 590; 20 Conn. 354; Converse r. Trans. Truax v. Railroad Co., 3 Houst. Co., 33 Conn. 166. See also, Wash- 233, 251. burn-Crosby Co. v. Railroad Co., Where a railroad company erects ,< 116.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 113 Sec. 116. (§ 91.) Same subject.— And so, where the plain- tiff sent her trunk, properly labeled with her name and desti- nation, to the depot of the company, during business hours in the evening, intending to take passage on its train the next morning, and the company's employees being at supper, the drayman put the trunk down in the waiting-room without no- tice to any of them, as he had often done before, which was proven to have been a custom with passengers intending to leave by the morning trains, it was held that when the trimk was thus deposited it was at the risk of the company, and, it having been burned during the night, the company was held liable. ' ' That the delivery may be made at the proper place of receiving such baggage, under the express assent or author- ity of the carrier, without notice to its employees, will not, we presume, be disputed," said the court. "It is equally clear, upon principle, that this assent may be presumed from the course of business or the custom of the carrier. Upon evidence of this character, contracts based upon business transactions a platform for the purpose of shipping cotton, and its course of business is such as to induce par- ties to store cotton on it for ship- ment by next freight train, and a party does so store it there for shipment, but the train passes and neglects to take it on, and it is destroyed during the delay by fire caught from sparks from the com- pany's engines, the company is liable for the loss. Meyer v. Vicksburg R. R. Co., 41 La. Ann. 639. A deposit of cotton in the street along side of the railroad platform or in the railroad cotton-yard, in pursuance of a custom to deposit it there for shipment, is sufficient. Montgomery, etc., Ry. Co. v. Kolb, 73 Ala. 396, approving text. A shipper having freight to be transported by railroad cannot 8 make a good delivery to the rail- road company by simply deposit- ing the goods anywhere along the line. But where, by agreement, freight is deposited at a given point on the line of railroad for the purpose of immediate trans- portation, such deposit will con- stitute a delivery to the company, and its liability as a common car- rier will commence at the time the goods are so placed. Railway Co. V. Marchman, 121 Ga. 235, 48 S. E. Rep. 961. A deposit of hay for immediate shipment at the usual place of loading hay at the carrier's depot, in pursuance of the usage of the parties, makes the carrier liable therefore as a common carrier. Railroad Co. v. Keith, 8 Ind. App. 57, 35 N. E. Rep. 296. 114 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 117. are constantly established. . . . There was evidence tending to show a course of business on the part of the defendant, a custom to receive baggage left at the station-house, as in this case, without notice to defendants ' servants. Upon evidence of this character, it was proper that the facts should have been left to the determination of the jury, whether there had been a delivery of the property within the rules above announced,— whether a course of business, a custom, had been established, to the effect that a delivery of baggage at the station-house, without notice, was regarded by defendant as a delivery to its servants, and whether plaintiff's trunk was received under this custom. "S'* And upon a second appeal to the same court, in the same case, from a verdict and judgment in the inferior court in favor of the plaintiff for the value of her trunk, after the case had been sent back for a retrial upon this view of the law, the court held that the jury was fully justified in finding that there was a delivery of the trunk to the company and an acceptance by it, and the judgment was afiirmed.^^ Sec. 117. (§92.) Same subject — Limitations on rule. — But where the proof was of delivery upon a boat of his trunk by one intending to become a passenger, and it was shown that this was the customary mode for the delivery of the baggage of passengers, but that this usage existed only as to baggage and not as to ordinary freight, it was held that the plaintiff could not recover for the loss of his trunk from the owners of the boat, inasmuch as he had not accompanied it upon the boat as a passenger and had not become under the circumstances the boat's passenger at all. And while it was admitted that a constructive delivery without notice might bind the carrier as to both baggage and freight when the usage was clearly proven, no such usage being shown in this case as to freight, which the trunk without its owner was to be considered, there had been no delivery and the owners of the boat were conse- 34. Green v. The Railroad, 38 35. Green v. The Railroad, 41 Iowa, 100. Iowa, 410. I § 118.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 115 quently not responsible.^'' But it was decided in a leading case upon this branch of the law, that although, according to the usual custom and understanding of the parties, delivery on the dock by or near the boat might be sufficient, it must, in order to bind the carrier and make him responsible for them, be accompanied by express notice to him; and the defendant being informed that there were four boxes only, which he took on board, could not be held responsible for more, although five boxes had been really deposited on the dock for his boat, he having been informed that there were only four.^^ Sec. 118. (§93.) Same subject— Rule to be apglied with caution. — And it must be admitted that the doctrine of con- structive delivery without notice to the carrier is one which should be applied with great caution. It is undoubtedly com- petent for him to bind himself by such a delivery either by his express agreement that a deposit of goods at a particular place shall be a valid delivery to him, or by so advertising it to the public, or by a well known and established custom to receive the goods in that way, which would perhaps be as binding upon him as to persons who have acted upon the notice or the usage as an express agreement; and cases may arise in which the usage and course of dealing between the parties should un- doubtedly have that effect. But, certainly, to do so they should be shown to have existed and to have been uniformly acted upon by the parties, by the most satisfactory proof and for a sufficient length of time to have become an established usage, tantamount to an agreement to that effect, or to a declaration to the public that a delivery in accordance with the usage will be deemed an acceptance by him for the purpose of the trans- portation ; and perhaps it should be shown that a reliance upon the previous course of dealing or the usage or the notice had controlled the action of the shipper in the particular instance. But few cases are to be found in which the rule has been ap- 36. Wright v. Caldwell, 3 Mich. The Southern Express Company. 51. 51 Ala. 481; Buckman v. Levi, 3 37. Packard v. Getman, 6 Cowen, Camp. 414. 757. And see also O'Bannon v. 116 THE LAW OP CARRIEBS. , [§ 119. plied, and it is to be presumed that such instances will not be of frequent occurrence. Sec. 119. (§94.) When the delivery becomes complete. — The entire responsibility for the safety of the goods being shifted from the owner to the common carrier as soon as the delivery is made, it frequently becomes a question of the great- est importance and of great nicety to determine at what instant of time such delivery becomes complete ; for, as we have seen, until the entire exclusive custody of them has been given to the carrier, no responsibility rests upon him in that character. The most that can be said generally upon this subject is, that a tender of the goods being made to the carrier, his liability for their safety as carrier arises eo instanti with his acceptance of them.^ The difficulty lies in applying the law in such cases and not in its statement ; that is, in determining in the particu- lar instance exactly at what time the circumstances show the acceptance to have taken place. To effect a delivery to the carrier there must be, either actually or in legal effect, a com- plete surrender to him of possession and custody, and, as a con- sequence, all control over the goods must be abandoned by the owner until the purpose of the bailment has been accomplished ; and until this has been done it cannot be said that the carrier has assumed any responsibility for them as carrier. Sec. 120. (§95.) Same subject — Delivery to ships and ves- sels. — Delivery to a ship or vessel is complete as soon as the 1. The delivery is complete before they are shipped, and has when the goods are accepted for notified the carrier's agent that carriage, and though the statute they are upon the platform and provides that transportation shall ready for shipment, and the agent be deemed to have commenced agrees to forward them, there is a when the bill of lading is signed, sufficient delivery to make the the carrier may become liable be- company liable as a common car- fore if the goods have been ac- rier. Stapleton v. Railway Co., lually delivered and accepted by 133 Mich. 739, 10 Det. L. N. 133, him. East, etc., Ry. Co. v. Hall, 94 N. W. Rep. 739, citing Hutchin- 64 Tex. 615. son on Carr. See also. Railway Where the shipper of goods has Co. r. Murphy, 60 Ark. 333, 30 S. done all he intends to do to them W. Rep. 419, 46 Am. St. Rep. 202. § 120.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIEB, 117 master, mate or any other agent of the owner receives the goods ; and they may be received upon the ship, on the wharf, on the beach or at a warehouse, or at any other place at which an agent duly authorized may agree to receive them ; and in all such cases the liability of the master and owners as carriers commences at the moment of such acceptance.^ It has been decided in a great number of cases that it is not necessary that the goods should be taken on board in order to fix the liability of common carriers upon the owners. Where a receipt had been given, and, before the goods had been put on board, a violent storm arose causing the tide to rise to an unusual height so as to flood the warehouse in which they had been placed, whereby they were damaged, and it was held that, "af- ter the defendants had receipted for the merchandise, it was as much at their risk as if it had been on board the vessel. "^ And taking them upon a barge or lighter by direction of the ship's agent to be conveyed to the ship constitutes a good de- livery to the ship. Where a vessel drawing so much water that it could not come to the wharf to take on cotton which it had Qontracted to carry was obliged to employ a lighterman to convey the cotton to her, who gave his own receipt for it, it was held that the liability of the ship and owners attached as soon as the cotton was loaded upon the lighter.^ And where an ocean steamer could not reach the port to take passengers and freight on board, and her agent at the port employed a steamboat to take them down the river to the steamer, it was held that the freight was delivered to the steamer as soon as it was put on board the steamboat or delivered to its agents for the purpose of being conveyed to the steamer.-^ And the ship and owners become responsible for the freight from tlie 2. Story on Bail. § 534; Abbott 477; Insurance Co. of North Amer- on Shipping, ch. 3, § 3. ica v. North German Lloyd Co., 3. Greenwood v. Cooper, 10 La. 106 Fed. 973; affirmed in Nord- Ann. 796. Deutscher Lloyd v. President, etc., 4. Bulkley v. The Naunkeag, of Insurance Co., 110 Fed. 420, 49 etc., Company, 24 How. 386; The C C. A. 1. Bark Edwin, 1 Sprague's Dec. 5. The Oregon, Deady R. 179. 118 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 121. time of its delivery, although no receipt or bill of lading be made out or signed for it until -after the loss has occurred.^ But to constitute a delivery of goods which the owner places upon the carrier's wharf, it must appear, in the absence of any custom to the contrary, that a duly authorized agent received them for transportation ; for if no acceptance be shown it can- not be said that the shipowner assumed the custody or control of them so as to impose upon him the responsibility of a com- mon carrier. Thus, if the owner of baggage merely leaves it upon the carrier's pier with no directions as to its destination or the time of shipment, it is in no sense within the custody or control of the carrier so as to give the owner a maritime lien on the vessel for its loss; and the fact that he later pur- chases a ticket for passage on the vessel can make no differ- ence.''' Sec. 121. (§96.) Same subject — Delivery to railroad and express companies. — Delivery of freight is usually made to rail- roads and express companies at offices, warehouses or stations which they have established for that purpose. And except in rare cases, resting upon peculiar and exceptional grounds as we have seen, notice must be given to the proper servant or agent of the company before the delivery will be complete. But if such agent become informed of the fact in any way, such knowledge will be as effectual to bind the company as express notice to him. Nor is it always essential, as has been shown, that the notice should be given to one who is an actual agent for the purpose of accepting the goods. For if the notice is given to one who is placed by the carrier in such a situation that those who eome*to deliver their goods for carriage have a right to presume that he is such an agent or has authority to accept them on behalf of the carrier, it is sufficient. Nor, 6. Snow V. Caruth, 1 Sprague's senger to show a delivery, and un- Dec. 324. til he does so the carrier cannot 7. The Pricilla, 114 Fed. 836, 52 be made responsible for his bag- C. C. A. 470, reversing 106 Fed. gage. 739. Lustig V. Navigation Co., 78 N. The burden of proof is on a pas- Y. Supp. 885, 38 Misc. 802. §122.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 119 as we have also seen,^ is it always necessary that the delivery should be made at the office, warehouse, station or other place appointed or designed for the delivery of goods and generally used for that purpose ; but it may be made wherever the proper agent may agree to accept it. The agent may, however, refuse to accept the goods at unusual places or away from the office or station appointed for the purpose ; but if he do accept, no matter where, his company will become liable unless it be done under such circumstances as would implicate the shipper in an attempt to defraud it.^ And such acceptance away from the usual place for receiving goods for carriage, or at any unusual place, must be by some agent whose business it is to receive the goods for that purpose, and not by one who is employed for an entirely different object ;i'^ and must be consistent with the general objects and business of the company. ii Sec. 122. (§97.) Carriers not required to stop for goods except at regular stations. — Nor can the owner of the goods require such carriers to stop anywhere except at their regular offices or stations^ 2 or other usual or designated place^^ to 8. See ante, § 115 and note. A house and platform on the 9. Cronkite v. Wells, 33 N. Y. side of a track at which freight 247. is occasionally received and dis- 10. Blanchard v. Isaacs, 3 Barb, charged, but at which no agent's 388; Fisher v. Geddes, 15 La. Ann. oflSce or books are kept or bills 14; Dwight V. Brewster, 1 Pick, of lading or receipts given, is not 50. a "regular depot or station" within 11. Missouri, etc., Co. v. The the meaning of a statute imposing Railroad, 35 Mo. 84. a penalty for refusing to receive 12. A carrier is not liable for freight at such depots or stations, not accepting goods unless they are Kellogg v. Railroad Co., 100 N. offered at a regular depot or other C. 158. See, also. Land v. Rail- usual or designated place for re- road Co., 104 N. C. 48. ceiving freight; but when the A mere switch at which there goods are placed at a station upon is neither agent, station nor plat- the line of the road to be trans- form is not a depot at which de- ported, the refusal of the carrier livery may be made to the carrier, upon demand to furnish cars for Kansas City, etc., R. Co. v. Lilly the transportation of the property (Miss.), 8 S. Rep. 644. relieves the owner from making 13. As to what will constitute a any further delivery or offer to stopping place by usage, see ante, deliver. Louisville, etc., Ry. Co. § 115. V. Flanagan, 113 Ind, 488. 120 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 122. take on his goods. Nor can they be required to receive goods on or along a private switch. Their duties in this regard are confined and limited to their depots, or regular shipping or receiving points.^* Where the conductor of a freight train had promised to stop his train and take on the plaintiff's goods, relying on which promise he had deposited them upon the roadside and they were lost in consequence of the failure to stop the train as had been promised, it was held that the com- pany was not liable ;^ ^ and it was said that if goods be put upon the platform at a regular station or depot, with the knowledge of the agent, it would be a good delivery and acceptance, and it would not be necessary that they should be entered on a way-bill or that any written memorandum should be made;^^ for the liability commences whenever the owner relinquishes his control over the goods and they are received for the pur- pose of being carried, and exists to the same extent as when they are put upon the train ; but that all ' ' way-side deposits ' ' made for the purpose of saving the trouble of hauling to the regular depot are at the risk of the owner until the goods are put upon the cars.^''' So where the goods were stored in the warehouse or upon the platform of a railroad company with the permission of its agent, with the understanding that they should be shipped as soon as cars could be had to transport them and the permission of the military authorities which then had control of the road could be obtained, it was held that this did not constitute such a delivery to the road as a carrier as to make the company responsible in that character for the loss of the goods, but that they had incurred liability only as warehousemen. It would have been different, how- 14. Bedford-Bowling Green Stone cepted for carriage, and the car- Co. V. Oman, 134 Fed. 441; s. c, rier may become liable then with- 115 Ky. 369, 73 S. W. Rep. 1038. out giving a bill of lading, even 15. Wells V. Railroad Co., 6 though a statute provides that Jones' L. 47. See Meyer v. Vicks- transportation shall be deemed to burg R. R. Co., 41 La. Ann. 639, have commenced when the bill of cited in note to § 115. lading is signed. East Line, etc., 16. The delivery is complete Ry. Co. t\ Hall, 04 Tex. 615. when the goods are actually ac- 17. See ante, § 115 and note. § 123.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 121 ever, it was said, had the agent given a shipping receipt or entered into an express contract to transport the goods un- conditionally.^^ Sec. 123. Same subject — Express companies. — In the absence of a custom of receiving goods at other places, express com- panies cannot be required to accept goods for carriage at other than their regular places of business or lines of travel. And where an express company, in the collection of express matter establishes limits in a city beyond which it will not go for the collection of such matter, it is not obliged to go beyond the limits so established, although they include points in one part of the city which are a greater distance from its place of busi- ness than points in another part not within such limits.^ ^ Sec. 124. (§98.) When carrier deemed to have accepted goods. — The long-established and familiar rule^o as to the warehouseman, that his liability commences as soon as the goods arrive at his warehouse and the crane of the warehouse has been applied to them to raise them into the warehouse, has been applied to the common carrier under similar circum- stances, and the delivery to him and his acceptance of the goods held to commence from the moment he or his servants undertake to load them from the conveyance of another carrier upon his own and for that purpose have attached his tackle to them. And where an engine was sent by a truckman to the depot of a railroad company for shipment, the delivery to the road was held to be complete and its liability to have com- menced as soon as the work of transferring the engine from the truck to the company's car had been commenced by means of a derrick, the agent of the company being present, superintend- ing and directing the work, and the case was said to be the same in principle as that of the warehouseman. As soon, there- fore, as the work of transferring the engine was commenced 18. 111. Cen. R. R. v. Ashmead, 19. Bullard v. Express Co., 107 58 111. 4S7; Same v. McClellan, 54 Mich. 695, 65 N. W. Rep. 551, ci- id. 58; Same v. Hornberger, 77 ting Hutchinson on Carr. id. 457. 20. Thomas v. Day, 4 Esp. 262. 122 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 125. under the superintendence of the road, the liability of the truckman as carrier ceased and that of the company com- menced. ^^ Sec. 125. (§99.) Same subject — How when goods are loaded by owner. — When the owner of the goods has done all in his power and all that he is required to do by his under- standing with the carrier or the usage of the business to fur- ther the shipment, and it becomes then the duty of the carrier to do whatever else is necessary to put them in transitu, the delivery and acceptance will be considered as complete from the time the carrier is informed that they are ready for him< The mere fact, therefore, that the owner of the goods has loaded them on a car, even though the carrier by the owner's directions has placed the car in a position convenient for such purpose, will not of itself be sufficient to constitute a delivery. Before the delivery will be deemed complete the owner must not only have relinquished his control over the car, but notice that it was ready for shipment must have been given the car- rier. Thus where it was the course of business for a railroad company, when required to do so, to send its cars upon a side track at the place of shipment to receive cotton for transporta- tion, and for the shipper there to load upon them the freight, make out a manifest and leave it with the agent of the com- pany, who then had the bales counted, signed bills of lading, and sent locomotives to remove the cars thus loaded and place them in the train destined to the point to which the shipments were to be made, it was held that the delivery was complete as soon as the cotton was put upon the company's cars in this manner by the shipper and the company's agent informed of the fact.22 And where the owner of lumber ordered a car in which to load lumber for the purpose of shipment, and the carrier, in pursuance of such order, placed a car on one of its side tracks for such purpose, and after the car was loaded, but before the carrier had been notified that it was ready for ship- 21. Merritt v. The Railroad, 11 22. 111. Cent. R. R. v. Smyser, 38 Allen, 80. 111. 354. § 125.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 123 ment, or had been apprised of the name of the consignee it caught fire and the lumber was destroyed, it was held that as the carrier had not been notified that the car was ready for shipment, nor the name of the consignee given him, there was not such a delivery of the goods as to render him liable as a common carrier.23 ^j^j jq another case, it appeared that on account of there being no station agent located at the place of shipment, it was the custom between the plaintiff, a shipper of cotton, and the defendant carrier, for the plaintiff when he wished to make a shipment to notify the conductor of a local freight train to leave a car on a track adjoining the main track. The plaintiff, when the car was thus placed, would load it, and when the same was ready for shipment, he would flag the train to which he desired the car to be attached and the conductor of the flagged train would give him a bill of lading. In accordance with this custom, a car was placed upon the adjoining track which the plaintiff loaded with cotton. Shortly after the car was loaded, but before the passing of the next train, the car and its contents were destroyed by fire. It was held that while the ear and the track upon which it was stand- ing belonged to the defendant, yet not having been notified that the car was loaded and ready for shipment, there was no delivery and acceptance shown such as to render him responsi- ble as a common carrier for the loss.^^ But where the owner of the goods has placed them in the car, and has given notice to the carrier that they are ready for shipment, or where, according to the course of dealing between himself and the carrier, he has done all that is required of him, of which fact the carrier has notice, so that whatever remains to be done is exclusively the work of the carrier, the delivery will be deemed 23. Basnight v. Railroad Co., clines to ship the goods. Yoakum 111 N. Car. 592, 16 S. E. Rep. 323. v. Dryden (Tex. Civ. App.), 26 The mere loading of goods into a S. W. Rep. 312. car standing on a side track does 24. Tate v. Railroad Co., 78 not constitute a delivery to the Miss. 842, 29 So. Rep. 392, 84 Am. carrier, where the station agent, St. Rep. 649, citing Hutchinson on on being notified of the fact, do- Carr. 124 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 126. complete, and the liability of the common carrier as such will at once commence.^^ Sec. 126. (v5 99a.) Same subject — Implied acceptance. — So where the carrier has actually accepted the goods and under- taken their carriage, evidence of a formal or express accept- ance is unnecessary. Thus where property was placed by the owner in a car for transportation without express authority from any authorized agent, but an agent having authority to receive the property for transportation knew that it was so placed there, and for what purpose, and did not object but permitted it to go forward, it was held that there was an implied undertaking on the part of the company to carry, and on the part of the owner to pay a reasonable compensation therefor. 26 Sec. 127. (i; 100.) Checking, memorandum or entry on way- bill not necessary to complete delivery. — It has been often determined that no checking, written memorandum or entry upon a way-bill is necessary to complete the delivery. All that is necessary is a deposit of the goods with the carrier for the purpose of transportation ; and if they be accepted by him to be sent forward in the ordinary course of his business, whether they are to be accompanied by their owner or not, the full responsibility of the carrier at once begins. Thus where the plaintiff, who intended to leave upon an afternoon train, carried his trunk to the depot in the forenoon, but was told by the agent of the road that it did not check baggage until within a few minutes before the train was to start, whereupon the plaintiff left his trunk in the care of the agent, and during the day, and after its delivery to the agent, it was broken open and rifled, it was held that the custom of checking could have no effect upon the character of the delivery, and that the company held the trunk from the first as a common carrier.^^ 25. Railway Co. v. Murphy, 60 26. Aiken v. Railway Co., 68 Ark. 333, 30 S. W. Rep. 419, 46 Iowa, 363. Am. St. Rep. 202, citing Hutchin- 27. Hickox v. The R. R., 31 son on Carr. See ante, § 115 and Conn. 281. cases cited. § 128. J DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 125 And it may be stated generally that the baggage of a pas- senger deposited with the carrier or left with his agent at the usual place for delivering baggage, the passenger intend- ing to proceed with it in the next train, boat or other convey- ance, is in the custody of the carrier as carrier and not as warehouseman or ordinary bailee.^s And where the owner of a carpet-bag, who had engaged but had not paid for his pas- sage upon a boat, left it on the boat and temporarily absented himself, during w^iich time it was stolen, in consequence of which he did not proceed upon his intended trip, it was held that he was entitled to recover for his loss.^^ But where the owner of a trunk deposited it on the boat in the usual place for baggage and then left the boat without giving any notice of his intention to become a passenger, it was held that he could not recover for its loss during his absence, upon the ground that not having engaged his passage or given any notice of his intention to do so, the boat was not bound to treat his trunk as the baggage of a passenger but merely as ordinary freight ; and that as he had given no notice to any of the officers of the boat, there had been no valid delivery, though it had been deposited in the usual place for baggage.^"^ As has been seen, the carrier is not liable until there has been a com- plete delivery .31 Sec. 128. (§ 101.) Delivery to ferry-men, when complete. — Ferry-men, it has been held, become responsible for the prop- erty which they transport as common carriers as soon as it has been brought upon the drop or slip of the boat,^^ ^nd even before it has been completely put upon the ferry-boat and before it is put actually into the charge of the ferry-man.^^ But the better opinion would seem to be that the property should have been put into the custody of the ferry-man before 28. Camden T. Co. v. Belknap, 32. Cohen v. Hume, 1 McCord, 21 Wend. 354. 439; Miles v. James, id. 157; Cook 29. Woods V. Devin, 13 111. 746. v. Gourdin, 2 Nott & McCord, 19. 30. Wright v. Caldwell, 3 Mich. 33. Blakely v. Le Due, 19 Minn. 51. 187. 31. See ante, § 105. 126 TUE LAW OF CARRIERS, [§ 128. the absolute liability of the common carrier of goods should be imposed upon him. When the owner of the property retains its custody and keeps it under his own control, there has not been, it is said, such a delivery as is necessary to subject the ferry-man to the rigorous liability of an insurer, and he should be considered in such cases as undertaking for its safe"ty only against defects in his boat and other appliances for the per- formance of the service, and for the neglect or want of skill of himself or his servants.^ ^ 34. Wyckoff v. The Ferry Co., 52 N. Y. 32; White v. The Winnis- simmett Co., 7 Cush. 155. The opinion of the court in this case, not only as it respects the liability of ferry-men, but of car- riers generally, is so appropriate and instructive that we append so much of it as relates to this sub- ject. Dewey, J.: "To a certain ex- tent, persons keeping and main- taining a ferry are common car- riers. It would be so if a bale of goods or an article of merchan- dise was delivered by the owner to the agent of a ferry company to be carried from one place to another for hire. Upon receiving such goods for transportation the ferry company stipulate to carry them safely, and subject them- selves to a strict liability for the safe carriage and delivery of such goods, being only exempted for losses occasioned by those acts v/hich are denominated 'acts of God or of a public enemy.' The principle above stated would em- brace the case of a horse and wagon received by a ferry-man to be transported by him on a ferry-boat, the ferry-man accept- ing the exclusive custody of the same for such purpose, and the owner having, for the time being, surrendered the possession to the ferry-man. "But if the traveler uses the ferry-boat as he would a toll- bridge, personally driving his horse upon the boat, selecting his position on the same, and himself remaining on the boat, neither putting his horse into the care and custody of the ferry-man, nor signifying to him or his servants any wish or purpose to do so; and the only possession and cus- tody by the ferry-man of the horse and vehicle to which he is attached, is that which necessarily results from the traveler's driv- ing his horse and wagon or other vehicle on board the boat and pay- ing the ordinary toll for a pass- age; in such case the ferry coia- pany would not be chargeable with the full liabilities of common car- riers of merchandise. The liabil- ity in this case would be one of a different character; and if the proprietors of the ferry were chargeable for loss or damage to the property, it would be upon different principles. In reference to persons thus using the ferry, the company have responsible du- ties to perform, the neglect of which may charge them for the loss of goods and property placed on board their boat, when the §129.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 127 Sec. 129. (§ 102.) Delivery to connecting carriers to com- plete the transportation. — The question as to whether, under the circumstances, a delivery has been made by one of several connecting lines of carriers to another to which a delivery was loss has been occasioned by their default. It is the duty of a ferry company to provide a good and safe boat, suitable for the busi- ness in which they are engaged, and they are required to have all suitable and requisite accommoda- tions for the entry upon, the safe transportation while on board, and tl;ie departure from, the boat, of all horses and vehicles passing over such ferry. They are re- quired to be provided with all proper and necessary servants and agents requisite for the safe and proper conducting of the busi- ness of the ferry, and with all proper and suitable guards and barriers on the boat, and to pre- vent damage from such casualties as it would naturally be exposed to, though there was ordinary care on the part of the traveler. For neglect of duty in these respects they may be charged, but the lia- bility is different from that of common carriers. The case of such a traveler, though not entirely similar, much more resembles that of a traveler upon a toll-bridge or turnpike road, who, while he uses the easement of another, yet re- tains the possession and custody of his horse and wagon. The party thus driving his own horse upon the boat, and retaining the custody of him, is bound, like the traveler on the toll-bridge or turn- pike road, to use ordinary care and oversight in respect to his horse while on the boat, and if he does not use such ordinary care and oversight in respect to him, and for the want thereof the horse leaps overboard, or receives on the boat some injury, all of which might and would have been avoided if the party had used proper care and diligence, such party would himself bear the loss which has thus been occasioned by his own neglect. "In deciding upon the nature and extent of the liability of fer- ry-men, and how far they are to be charged as common carriers, regard is to be had to the nature of the employment, and especially to the thing to be transported. This principle is practically ap- plied in the well-known distinc- tion relating to the liability of the proprietors of stage-coaches and other vehicles, as to the car- riage of persons. No person thus carried in a public vehicle can recover damages for an injury to his person if his want of ordinary care contributed to the injury. Such carriers are not common car- riers, with all the liabilities as such. One reason for the distinc- tion is, that the persons thus car- ried are not, and cannot be placed, under the same custody and control as bales of goods. Being intelligent beings, and hav- ing the power of locomotion, and having the opportunity on the one hand, by their own voluntary acts, of exposing themselves to greater hazard, and on the other of guard- ing, to some extent, against perils, the law properly requires a person 128 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 129. necessary in order to complete the transportation of the goods, becomes frequently one of very great importance not only to the owner of the goods but to the connecting carriers them- selves; for in many such cases the liability of the one or the thus carried to exercise the ordi- nary care and vigilance to avoid exposure to danger, and if this is not exercised, and an injury is sustained, the carrier is not liable therefor. "The same principle is further illustrated in the various deci sions of the courts in cases of ac- tions instituted for the purpose of charging the carriers of slaves as common carriers of merchan- dise. It was successfully and cer- tainly most properly contended as to the carriage of slaves, that in those states where slavery is al- lowed by law, and where slaves are to some purposes treated as chattels, yet as they are human beings and cannot and ought not to be stowed away and confined like bales of goods, and placed un- der the absolute control of the carrier, the principle of the com- mon law applicable to common carriers of merchandise could not be applied to the carriers of slaves. This was so held in Boyce V. Anderson, 2 Pet. 150; Clark v. McDonald, 4 McCord, 223. "As having some bearing also on this question, we may allude to the modification of the princi- ple of general liability as common carriers, in those cases where the owner of the goods accompanies them in their transit, retaining a certain control over them, as in Brind v. Dale, 8 Car. & P. 207, where it was held that if the owner of the goods accompanies them, to take care of them, and is himself guilty of negligence, he is not entitled to recover. This case also affirms as a rule of law a principle often found elsewhere, and which bears directly, as we think, upon the case before us, 'that a party cannot recover if his own negligence was as much the cause of the loss as that of the defendant.' "Thus we perceive that a modi- fication of the liability attached to common carriers occurs, as the nature of the thing to be carried, and the extent of the custody and control over it by the carrier, va- ries. We think that the propriety of such modification of what is certainly a very stringent rule of liability, in reference to cases where the entire custody and con- trol of the property is not with the carrier, is quite obvious. "The case of a traveler con- veyed by means of a ferryboat, where the traveler enters upon the boat driving his horse, at- tached to a wagon or other ve- hicle, selecting his own place up- on the boat, and continuing to re- tain under his own custody his horse and wagon, neither commit- ting it to the care of the ferry- man or his servants, nor signify- ing any wish or purpose so to do, presents another instance where the liability of the carrier must be considered as of a restricted character; and as in the case of the carrier of persons, duties de- volve upon the traveler, and he is bound to use ordinary care and § 130.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 129 Other will depend entirely upon the question of delivery ; and without determining this question the owner cannot know against which of them to seek his remedy in case of loss when there is no partnership or joint liability, the rule being well settled that the obligation of the first or any preceding car- rier is discharged when he has safely delivered the goods to the next succeeding carrier to whom such delivery is required in order to complete the transportation, whenever he has not bound himself to carry to destination, or has not assumed responsibility for those who connect with him.^ Sec. 130. (§ 102a.) Duty of first carrier to effect delivery to succeeding carrier — Perishable goods. — It is the duty of the first of two connecting carriers, upon the arrival of the goods at the point of connection with the succeeding carrier, if he knows where and to whom they are to be delivered, to use reasonable diligence to deliver the goods to the succeed- ing carrier, and, at all events, to make a tender of delivery, and to stand ready to deliver them in accordance with the tender.2 And although the first carrier consults with the suc- diligence in respect to his horse and attention of the driver this and vehicle, in order to prevent, casualty would in all reasonable as far as he can by such care, any probability have been avoided, injury occurring from fright or the loss must fall upon the trav- from other cause, immediately re- eler." suiting from the movements of A different conclusion has, how- the horse. When such horse or ever, as we have seen, been other animal is surrendered into reached in other cases, and some the custody of the ferry-man, the of them have even gone so far as driver is bound to do all that can to hold that the custody of the be effected by reasonable diligence owner is the custody of the ferry- and supervision to prevent a loss man, the former becoming the of his property occasioned by his agent of the latter for taking care horse becoming restless or af- of the property. Ante, §§ 65 & 66 frighted. If the traveler wholly notes. neglects his duty in this respect, 1. This subject is fully discussed leaving his horse without any in the following chapter, where a oversight, and the horse, without full citation of authorities will be fault of the ferryman, becomes found. affrighted and throws himself and 2. Regan v. Railway Co., 61 N the vehicle to which he is attached H. 579; McKay v. Railroad Co., 50 overboard, when by proper care Hun, 563; Insurance Co. r. Rail- 130 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 130. ceeding carrier about receiving tlie goods, and thereupon is informed that a delivery will be refused, if no actual tender is in fact made, the liability of the first carrier, as such, will still remain.3 The question whether or not the first of such carriers has used reasonable diligence to effect a delivery must, of course, be determined in view of all the circumstances of the ease, for conduct which might show that the carrier had used reasonable diligence in making a delivery to the suc- ceeding carrier of goods of one description might, as to goods of another description, constitute the grossest negligence."* And if any particular carrier has been designated as the suc- ceeding carrier, the goods must be delivered to him if he will accept them,^ and for a failure so to deliver them the first carrier will be liable as for a conversion.^ So if the first car- rier, by mistake or otherwise, deliver the goods to another than the carrier so named, such wrongful act will render him an insurer of their safe delivery at destination.'^ If there is but one connecting carrier, it will be presumed that he was intended; if there be more than one but none designated, then the first carrier will perform his duty if he delivers them to be forwarded in the usual and customary way.* Where the succeeding carrier has been designated, but, for any reason^ road Co., 8 Baxt. 268; Whitworth any particular market, held, that V. Railroad, 87 N. Y. 413; Rawson he was not liable for a failure to V. Holland, 59 N. Y. 611; Bur- tranship the goods on the night of roughs V. Railroad Co., 100 Mass. their arrival in port. The Nut- 26; Dunham v. Railroad Co., 70 meg State, 103 Fed. 797. Me, 164; Railroad Co. v. Diether, 3. Railroad Co. v. Diether, su- 10 Ind. App. 206, 37 N. E. Rep. pra. 1069, 53 Am. St. Rep. 385, citing 4. Railroad Co. v. Potter, 36 111. Hutchinson on Carr; Palmer v. App. 590. Railroad Co., 101 Cal. 187, 35 Pac. 5. Rawson v. Holland, 59 N. Y. Rep. 630, citing Hutchinson on 611. Carr; Pelton v. Live Stock Co., 22 6. Georgia R. Co. v. Cole, 68 Ga. Ky. Law Rep. 1058, 59 S. W. Rep. 623. 744. 7. Brown & Haywood Co. v. Where there was an express pro- Railroad Co., 63 Minn. 546, 65 N. vision in a contract of shipment W. Rep. 961. that the carrier was not bound to 8. Rawson v. Holland, 59 N. Y. transport the goods in time for 611; Lamb v. Railroad, 46 N. Y. §130.] DELIVERY TO THE C.UlRIER. 131 as the sudden cessation of his operations, he cannot take the goods, the first carrier will perform his duty, where the goods are perishable, if he forward them by the best means reason- ably to be had,9 and he is not liable if they perish without his 271; Van Santvoord v. St. John, 6 Hill, 160; Railway v. Woodward, 164 Ind. 360, 72 N. E. Rep. 558; s. c. 73 N. E. Rep. 810. See also. Railway Co. v. Callender, 183 U. S. 632; Railway Co. i'. Clayton, 173 U. S. 348, 19 Sup. Ct. R. 421, 43 L. Ed. 725; Southern Ry. Co. v. Goldstein Bros., — Ala. — , 41 So. Rep. 173. "A shipper, who receives a bill of lading for goods consigned to a point beyond the terminus of the initial carrier's line, author- izes the initial carriers to select any usual or reasonably direct and safe route by which to forward after the goods reach the end of his line, unless the particular line by which the goods consigned are to be forwarded is designated in the bill of lading. In such a case, the bill of lading being silent in respect to the line by which the goods are to be forwarded, its ef- fect is the same as if a provision were therein inserted that the car- rier should have the right to se- lect at his discretion any custom- ary or usual route which was re- garded as safe and reasonable." Snow V. Railway Co., 109 Ind. 422. 9. In Regan v. Railway Co., 61 N. H. 579, perishable goods had been shipped by defendants' rail- way to its terminus at Portland, whence they were to be shipped by boat to Boston. The goods reached Portland, in due course on Saturday after the boat had gone. Sunday no boat ran, and on Monday the boat agent noti- fied defendants' agent that on ac- count of a severe storm raging no boat would run that day, and that he did not know when it would run again as it looked like a long storm. Defendants' agent there- fore sent the goods on that day to Boston by railroad, but did not notify consignee of the change. The train got off the track owing to the storm and was delayed, so that when the goods reached Bos- ton they were damaged. Said the court: "The defendants' un- dertaking was to carry the plain- tiff's goods from Groveton to Port- land, and deliver them to the boat for transportation to the con- signee at Boston. When they had carried the goods to the terminus of their line in Portland, and had notified the agent of the boat line that they were ready to deliver the goods for further conveyance, they had done all that was required by the terms of their contract; and if the ordinary running of the boat had not been interrupted, they would have been relieved from further liability. Gray v. Jackson, 51 N. H. 9; Insurance Co. V. Railroad, 104 U. S. 146. By an unforeseen event, for which the defendants were not responsi- ble, it was impossible to forward the goods by the conveyance speci- fied. The failure of the boat to run as usual did not impose upon them the duty of transporting the goods from Portland to Boston. That duty they had never as- sumed, and no change of circum- 132 THE LAW OF CARRIERS, :§ 130. I fault before he can forward Ihem.^'^ But if the connecting carrier designated cannot receive the goods and the goods, although perishable, are such as can properly be cared for until the shipper can be communicated with and orders for disposition secured, the carrier will not be justified in select- ing another route without instructions to do so from the ship- per, and the fact that the bill of lading contains a clause that stances could subject them to the extraordinary responsibilities of carriers beyond the termination of their route. But, although they owed no duty of further transpor- tation, the defendants were bound to the exercise of reasonable care, and to so conduct in relation to the plaintiff's goods that he should suffer no unnecessary loss or dam- age. Though no longer liable as common carriers, they were liable as depositaries, and required to ex- ercise ordinary care in the cus- tody of the goods. In cases of ac- cident or emergency, it sometimes happens, although the transit is at an end, that the duty is cast on the carrier of taking such rea- sonable care of the property as a reasonable owner would take of his own goods. Railway Co. v. Swaffield, L. R. 9 Ex. 132. And a carrier is bound to use all reason- able means, such as a prudent owner being present would take, to save the property from loss by natural causes. Edward's Bail., sec. 598; Peck v. Weeks, 34 Conn. 145; American Express Co. v. Smith, 33 Ohio St. 511; S. C, 31 Am. Rep. 561, and notes, 567; Em- pire Transportation Co. v. Wallace, 68 Pa. St. 302; N. & C. R. R. Co. V. David, 6 Heisk. 261. What con- stitutes such reasonable care and diligence is a question of fact to be determined with reference to all circumstances of the case. Cass V. B. & L. R. R., 14 Allen, 448, 450. The defendants' agent learning that the boat would be prevented from running on ac- count of the storm, and knowing the perishable character of the goods, forwarded them the same afternoon by the Eastern Railroad; and the referee finds that in so doing he exercised due care and prudence, but that he was negli- gent in not notifying the con- signee of the change of route. He also finds that such notice would not have avoided the loss, and that the plaintiff suffered no in- jury by reason of the negligence of the defendants' agent. Upon these facts the plaintiff's action cannot be maintained. After the termination of the defendants' lia- bility as common carrier, they were answerable only for injuries happening in consequence of their own negligence. They were not responsible for losses which they could not have prevented by the exercise of due care. Sh. & Red. Neg., sec. 8." 10. As where goods are to be for- warded by steamboat but boats cannot run because of low water, and before goods can be forwarded they are burned in the warehouse by accidental fire. Hornthal v. Steamboat Co., 107 N. C. 76. 131. DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 133 any carrier shall have the right in case of necessity to forward property by any route can make no difference.^i If the goods have come into the hands of the first carrier with instructions or conditions as to their ultimate delivery or disposition, it is the duty of the first carrier to see that the same instructions and conditions are transmitted to the succeeding carrier, and if he fails to do so and the goods are thereby lost he will be liable.i2 Sec. 131. (§103.) When liability of first carrier termi- nates. — But the responsibility for the safety of the goods can only be shifted when there has been such a change in the pos- session of them from the one to the other as will be tantamount to a delivery to the latter or succeeding carrier ;i3 or, in case the succeeding carrier neglects or refuses, after notice of their arrival and a tender of delivery, to receive the goods, then, when the first carrier, after notice of all these facts to the consignor or consignee, has used reasonable diligence to store and care 11. Fisher v. Railroad Co., 99 Me. 338, 59 All. Rep. 532, 105 Am. St. Rep. 283, 68 L. R. A. 390. If the shipment consists of perish- able goods, and the succeeding carrier refuses to accept them, the first carrier must make a reason- able effort to secure instructions as to their care and disposition; and if he fails to do so and the goods are allowed to spoil, his omission will amount to such a breach of duty as will make him responsible for the injury. Shea V. The Railway, 66 Minn. 102, 68 N. W. Rep. 608. 12. North V. Transportation Co., 146 Mass. 315; Richer v. Fargo, 78 N. Y. Supp. 1007, 77 App. Div. 550. See post, § 139. 13. Reynolds v. Railroad Co., 121 Mass. 291; Insurance Co. v. Railroad Co., 8 Baxt. 268; Lesin- sky V. Great Western Dispatch, 10 Mo. App. 134; Gray v. Jackson, 51 N H. 9; Insurance Company v. Railroad Co., 104 U. S. 146; Regan V. Railway, 61 N. H. 579; McKay V. Railroad Co., 50 Hun, 563; Da- vis V. Transportation Co., 106 Mo. App. 487, 81 S. W. Rep. 226; Hunt- ting Elevator Co. v. Bosworth, 179 U. S. 415, 45 L. Ed. 256, 21 Sup. Co. R. 183, reversing Bosworth v. Railroad Co., 87 Fed. 72, 30 C. C. A. 541. Where cotton shipped by one railroad arrived at the point of connection with the succeeding railroad in the evening, and next morning the car was placed on the switch or "Y" which connect- ed the two tracks, but the car had not been hauled to the trans- fer platform of the second road, nor had the cotton been examined or checked off the bill of lading, and the cotton was burned after 134 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 131. for the goods, and has renounced his relation of carrier to them.^'* So long, therefore, as the first or any succeeding car- standing for three hours on the switch, it was held that the deliv- ery was not complete, and that the first company was still liable. Insurance Co. v. Railroad Co., 8 Baxt. 268. For a similar case, see, also, Alabama, etc., R. R. v. Mt. Vernon Co., 84 Ala. 173. And to constitute a delivery, either actual or constructive, even as between the connecting carriers themselves, the goods must have been at least removed from the conveyance on which they have been transported to the point of connection for further shipment. Where a steamboat and a rail- road formed by agreement a con- tinuous line, and the steamboat arrived at a wharf owned by the railroad company, upon which the goods had to be unloaded for the railroad, whereupon the employees of both the boat and the railroad commenced unloading the goods by hand and in trucks, and car- rying them across the wharf to the cars, no account being kept of the goods taken from the boat or to the railroad or put upon the wharf, and while they were thus engaged, and before the goods had been removed from the boat, the wharf, boat and goods took fire and were burned, it was held that the railroad was not liable for the goods which had not been removed from the boat, having neither ac- tual nor constructive possession of them, and that there had been no delivery even of the goods which had been taken in charge for the purpose of removal by its own servants or employees if not actually removed from the boat. Gass V. N. Y., etc.. Railroad, 99 Mass. 220. Delivery of baggage to a con- necting carrier, sufficient to re- lieve the first carrier of liability, is not shown by the common agent of both carriers taking it in charge and placing it in a baggage room used by both carriers in common. Hyman v. Railroad Co., 66 Hun, 202, 21 N. Y. Supp. 119. 14. Lesinsky v. Great Western Dispatch, 10 Mo. App. 134; Regan V. Railway, 61 N. H. 579; McKay V. Railroad Co., 50 Hun, 563; Whitworth v. Railroad, 87 N. Y. 413; Condon v. Railroad Co., 55 Mich. 218. In Whitworth v. Railroad, su- pra, plaintiff had shipped cotton from Memphis for Liverpool. It was contracted to be carried to New York by a dispatch company which conducted its operations over a number of successive rail- roads of which the defendant was the last, its terminus being in Jersey City. Defendant carried the cotton to Jersey City, where a portion of it, then in defend- ant's warehouse, was destroyed by fire, without any negligence on defendant's part. It appeared that the way-bills of the dispatch com- pany consigned the property to its agents in New York. The uni- form course of business between defendant and the dispatch com- pany had been for defendant, on arrival of property, to give notice thereof to the agent named in the way-bill, whose duty it then was to obtain a permit from the steam- §131.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 135 rier permits the goods to remain upon his vehicle awaiting the convenience or necessities of a succeeding carrier who neglects or unreasonably delays to receive them, he will hold them sub- ject to the liabilities of a common carrier until by warehousino- them or otherwise, he does some unequivocal act indicative of a purpose to change his office from that of carrier for trans- portation to that of a mere custodian for safe keeping.^^ if the goods consist of live stock, and for any reason they are refused transportation by the succeeding carrier, the carrier in whose custody the stock is may place it in suitable pens and, after giving notice to the proper party, he will be bound to the exercise of reasonable care only.^^ But the first carrier cannot relieve himself from his liability as an insurer of the goods by simply unloading them at the end of his route and storing them without having made an attempt to deliver them to the connecting carrier in the route.^''^ And a mere notice to the connecting carrier to remove the goods, unaccompanied by ship company for delivery to tlie latter and to give the permit to defendant; and on receipt of It the defendant would deliver the goods on lighters to the proper vessel. On arrival of the cotton in question, prompt notice was given to the proper agent, but per- mits were not obtained, and de- fendant, although persistently urg- ing said agent to obtain the per- mits, was unable to get rid of the cotton. Held that, assuming that there was unreasonable detention of the cotton, defendant was not responsible for the delay in deliv- ery; that it had fully discharged its duty when it gave prompt no- tice of the arrival and held itself ready to deliver as soon as the permits were obtained. 15. Bennitt v. Railway, 46 Mo. App. 656. 16. Larimore v. Railroad, 65 Mo. App. 167. 17. Railroad Co. v. Manufactur- ing Co., 16 Wall. 318; Irish v. The Railway, 19 Minn. 376; Gass V. The Railroad, 99 Mass. 220; West. Trans. Co. v. Newhall, 24 111. 477; Mer. Des. Co. v. Kahn, 76 id. 520; L. & N. R. R. v. Campbell, 7 Heisk. 253; Brintnall v. The Railroad, 32 Vt. 665; Blossom f. Griffin, 3 Kern. 569; Mills v. The Railroad, 45 N. Y. 622; Root v. The Railroad, id. 524; Michaels v. The Railroad, 30 id. 564; Condict V. Railway Co., 54 id. 500; McDon- ald V. Railroad, 34 id. 497; Ayres V. Railroad, 14 Blatchf. 9; Rail- way Co. V. Reiss, 183 U. S. 621, 22 Sup. Ct. R. 253, affirming, s. c. 99 Fed. 1006, 39 C. C. A. 679, and 98 Fed. 533, 39 C. C. A. 149. 136 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 132. a tender of delivery, will be ineffectual in divesting the first carrier of his liability as an insurer.^s Sec. 132. (§ 103a.) Same subject — Duty when succeeding carrier neglects or refuses to receive the goods. — Where the suc- ceeding carrier neglects or refuses for any reason or is unable to receive the goods, the first carrier must use reasonable diligence to notify the consignor or consignee, and to take reasonable care to preserve the goods from injury while awaiting instructions as to their disposition. If he fails to use reasonable diligence to notify the consignor or consignee,i^ or if he leaves the goods exposed to danger,2o j^g ^jn j^g liable for their loss or injury. In either case his liability as carrier is not terminated. And if the first carrier, when the goods are refused by the suc- ceeding carrier, should undertake to send them forward over the route of some other carrier, it would be his duty, as the forwarding agent of the owner, to exercise the same care in selecting a carrier or succession of carriers for the purpose as the owner, being a man of ordinary prudence, would have exer- cised had he been present and as fully acquainted with all the lines and connections as the first carrier.^i But where the succeeding carrier neglects or refuses to receive the goods after 18. Railway Co. v. Clayton, 173 transportation by tendering them U. S. 348. to the connecting line, and, if ac- 19. Petersen v. Case, 21 Fed. ceptance be refused, to notify the 885; Lesinsky v. Great Western consignor or consignee, without Dispatch, 10 Mo. App. 134; Rail- unreasonable delay, and store, or road Co. v. Diether, 10 Ind. App. otherwise take care of them while 206, 37 N. E. Rep. 1069, 53 Am. awaiting instructions. Having St. Rep. 385, citing Hutchinson on done this, his liability as a carrier Carr; Railroad Co. v. Odill, 96 will cease and the liability of a Tenn. 61, 33 S. W. Rep. 611, 54 warehouseman will be substituted. Am. St. Rep. 820; Bird v. Railway Buston v. The Railroad, 119 Fed. Co., 99 Tenn. 719, 42 S. W. Rep. 808, 56 C. C. A. 320, affirming, 116 451, 63 Am. St. Rep. 856. Fed. 235. The general rule of law is, that 20. Goold v. Chapin, 20 N. Y. an intermediate carrier, who re- 259; Miller v. Navigation Co., 10 ceives goods to be carried to a N. Y. 431. point short of their final destina- 21. Railroad Co. v. Duncan & tioH, is bound only to use reason- Orr, 137 Ala. 446, 34 So. Rep. 988. able diligence to secure further § 132. ] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 137 a proper tender of them has been made, a failure to give notice of such refusal to the consignor or consignee will not be ground for the recovery of damages when notice would not have averted the loss, and the parties have consequently suffered no injury by reason of the failure to give it ;22 nor should notice be required where because of the perishable nature of the goods, to give it would not be practicable on account of the fact that a delay might cause their injury or destruction. ^3 "Where a succeeding carrier refused to accept goods intended for him, and the first carrier stored them in his warehouse, but did not give either the consignor or the consignee notice of the second carrier's refusal of them until about three months after they were shipped and six weeks after their non-arrival had been reported to him, after which time the consignee refused to accept them as the season for their salability had passed, and they had greatly declined in value, it was held that the first carrier was liable for the injury so occasioned.^* So where goods were delivered to a carrier by water to be forwarded over several connecting lines, and at the end of its own route it deposited them upon a float of its own, lying in a basin, which was prepared and kept by it for the purpose of delivering freight to the connecting carrier, and" though it gave notice to such connecting carrier on three successive days that the goods were on the float for it, accompanied by a request to come and take them away, yet permitted the goods to remain for three days on the float, and on the afternoon of the third day the float and goods were destroyed by fire not attributable to the negligence of the carrier, it was held that his liability as common carrier still continued when the goods were burned.^^ 22. Regan v. The Railway, 61 259; Miller v. Navigation Co., 10 N. H. 579. N. Y. 431. 23. Railroad Co. v. Duncan & In Lesinsky v. Western Dis- Orr, supra. patch, 10 Mo. App, 134, supra, 24. Lesinsky v. Western Dis- Thompson, J., said: "By accept- patch, 10 Mo. App. 134. ing the plaintiff's goods, directed 25. Goold V. Chapin, 20 N. Y. to a point beyond the termination 138 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 133. Sec. 133. (§ 103b.) How duty to make delivery to a suc- ceeding carrier affected by usage. — The general obligation created by law in respect to the mode of making delivery to a connecting carrier may be controlled by a generally estab- of its own line, and consigned to the care of a carrier whose line connected with its line, the de- fendant assumed the duty of de- livering them to such connecting carrier. Rawson v. Holland, 59 N Y. 611. Delivery to the connect- ing carrier in this case being im- possible by reason of the fact that such carrier refused to receive the goods, did the defendant incur liability to the plaintiff for failing to give notice of that fact? "It is familiar law that the lia- bility of a carrier does not cease till he has delivered the goods to the consignee, or made a reason- able attempt to deliver them. "Where his own route extends to the place of ultimate destina- tion of the goods, and the con- signee refuses to receive the goods, he ordinarily discharges himself from liability by storing the goods safely without giving notice to the consignor, although there are some cases which hold that such notice must be given. The reason why such notice is not ordinarily required seems to be that the consignee is presump- tively the owner of the goods, the consignor the agent of the owner for the purpose of shipment, and the carrier, in like manner, the agent of the owner. Hutch, on Car. § 108; Briggs v. Railroad Co., 6 Allen, 246. It is, therefore, a case where an agent tenders per- formance of his contract to his principal, and the latter refuses, in which case there seems to be no good reason why the agent should be held bound to notify a third person of that fact. But the reason of this rule does jiot apply to the case where the carrier un- dertakes to transport goods over his own line and deliver them to a connecting carrier to complete the transit. Here, the goods hav- ing passed wholly out of sight of both the consignor and consignee, if, from any circumstance, deliv- ery to the succeeding carrier be- comes impossible, the former car- rier is under an obvious duty to notify either the consignor or the consignee, unless it is imprac- ticable to do so. Where notice may be readily sent by letter or by telegram, he is, on principle, guilty of a clear breach of duty if he neglects to send it, and there are cases which so hold. Con- voy's Wheat, 3 Wall. 225; Rail- road Co. V. Campbell, 7 Heisk. 253, 261. "In all of these cases the carrier is bound to do what, under the circumstances, is reasonable. Hud- son V. Baxendale, 2 Hurl. & N. 575. Where, as in this case, the goods have passed out of the hands and out of the sight both of the con- signor and the consignee, and are interrupted in their transit by a circumstance unknown to either, but known to the carrier, it cannot for a moment be argued that the carrier does what is reasonable by housing the goods, giving notice to no one, and losing all knowl- edge of them himself. No more § 133.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 139 lislied and uniform usage.^c In Rawson r. Holland,27 Andrews, J., said: "It is said in Van Santvoord v. St. John,-^ that a cai:rier who receives a box marked in a particular way, with- out any directions except such as may be inferred from the marks themselves, has a right to presume that the consignor intends that he shall transport and dispose of them in the usual and customary way. That was the case of a carrier by tow- boats on the Hudson river who received a package marked 'J. Petrie, Little Falls, Herkimer county,' and it was held that the first carrier was justified in delivering it at the end of his route to a succeeding carrier by canal, and was discharged thereby from further responsibility ; it being shown that there was a general, established and uniform usage in .the business that such delivery might be made ; and it was also held that the consignor was bound by it whether he knew it or not." But if a usage or custom be relied on to afi'ect or control the general obligation created by laAv, and it appears that such usage or custom lacks the essential elements of a valid usage, namely, that it was not so general, established and uniform that the parties could reasonably be presumed to have con- tracted with reference to it, the general obligation created hy law and not the usage will control. Thus a custom of a par- ticular road that goods destined to points on another which convincing argument against such for this reason, greatly depreciated a conclusion could be suggested in value. This seems to make out than the circumstances of this a clear case for the recovery of case. Here were goods of the value damages. But if, in addition to of several hundred dollars, inter- this, the circumstances which ob- rupted in their transit at a point structed the goods in their transit remote from consignor and con- existed for six days only after they signee. A postal card costing a arrived at the end of its line, and cent, and a few scratches of a pen the defendant knew oi the fact of by a clerk, would have notified the obstruction being removed, either of this fact. For nearly then the failure of duty on its part three months a knowledge of their is still more clear." whereabouts was completely lost 26. Gibson v. Culver, 17 "Wend, to the consignor, the consignee and 305. the defendant. In the meantime 27. 59 N. Y. 618. the season during which they were 28. 6 Hill, 160. salable had passed, and they were. 140 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 134. connected with it should be detained until notice was given to the consignees and their direction taken as to sending them by that road will not relieve the first road from its obligation to deliver, and it will be liable if the goods are lost during the delay. "The proof," says Andrews, J.,^^ "falls far short of establishing a custom superseding the general obligation of the defendant to make delivery of the goods to the next carrier. At most it was a usage recently established and confined to the particular business of the defendant at a particular place, not known to the plaintiffs, and which they were not bound to ascertain. The usage relied upon in this case lacks the essen- tial elements of a valid usage. It is neither general, estab- lished, uniform or continuous. It would be unreasonable to give it effect in this case to defeat a recovery by the plaintiffs. The parties did not make their contract in reference to it, and cannot be presumed to have done so. It is the general rule that a local usage must be shown to have been known to a party before he will be held to be bound by it."3o ^^d in The Railway Co. v. Hassell,^! where a custom was observed between two carriers of holding goods in transit whenever a controversy arose between them over the proper amount of freight charges tendered by one to the other until the charges were adjusted or corrected, it was held that such a private understanding between the two companies, not amounting to a general, established and uniform custom in the business, could not operate to relieve the carrier whose neglect to promptly forward the goods had occasioned damage, from the obligation imposed by law to exercise reasonable diligence in sending the goods forward, and that he was liable for any damage arising from a delay thus caused. Sec. 134. (§ 104.) Agreements between carriers not bind- ing on owner. — As between the connecting carriers themselves it is undoubtedly true that by express agreement, by usage 29. Rawson v. Holland, 59 N. Y. 31. 23 Tex. Civ. App. 681, 58 S. 618 W. Rep. 54, citing Hutchinson on 30 See also, Dunham v. Rail- Carr. road 70 Me. 164. § 134.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 141 and custom in a particular trade, or from the course of dealing between the particular carriers, the responsibility may be changed from one to another by what is known as constructive delivery, which implies no actual or manual transfer of the possession of the goods. But as to the owner of the goods the doctrine of constructive delivery can have no application, and he can be required to look for the reparation of his loss only to the carrier in the actual possession when it occurred; and the carrier whose duty it was to make the delivery to the succeed- ing one will be presumed to have still had the possession until it be shown that it had been actually transferred to another. In Conkey v. The Railway,32 the defendant carried the goods to the end of its own route and deposited them in a part of its warehouse appropriated to freight going to the point to which the goods in question were consigned, and it was proven to have been the course of business between the defendant and the connecting line that w^hen goods were so deposited they were taken by the latter without further notice, and that it had had in this instance ample time and opportunity to re- move the goods after they had been so deposited. The con- tention, therefore, was that the plaintiff's recourse was upon the connecting carrier which was thus shown to have been in fault, and not upon the defendant. But the court, in an able opinion by Dixon, C. J., held that the rights of the owner of the goods could not be affected by a delivery by usage and notice, as was claimed, when it was to be made by one carrier to another for the purpose of continuing the transportation; and that in an action to recover for the loss in such cases, proof of the actual possession by the defendant is conclusive against him. But it was said that as between the carriers themselves the loss should be borne by the one in fault, and that there could be no doubt that if the one not in fault be compelled to account to the owner for the loss, he could com- pel an adjustment by the other by the proper legal remedy. The owner can never know where the fault lay; nor is it in 32. 31 Wis. 619. 142 THE LAW OF C.VRRIERS. :§i35. his power in many eases to ascertain whether a delivery from one to the other has been made or not, if such delivery is made to depend upon circumstances other than an actual change of possession. As between the carriers themselves, however, it would of course be generally knowTi who was in fault; and whether known or not, it would be more consistent with jus- tice that they should settle between themselves upon whom the loss should fall, than that the owner who had sustained the loss should be put to the difficult task of finding out the truth, at the risk of being defeated in his suit. He is there- fore required to look no further than the actual possession at the time of the loss; otherwise he might be the victim of a usage or a notice of which he had never heard.^^ Sec. 135. (§ 105.) Same subject — Illustrations. — So in the case of McDonald v. The Railroad Corporation,^^ the carrier 33. This case overruled the pre- vious case of Wood v. The Rail- way, in the same court, 27 Wis. 541, in which it had been held, under the same facts, that the car- rier had exonerated himself from liability to the owner by the con- structive delivery, by usage and notice, upon the ground that the shipper was bound to know the usages and general course of busi- ness between the carrier to whom he Intrusted his goods and the succeeding carrier, as to the man- ner of delivery for further car- riage from one to the other, and was, therefore, bound by them. That the owner of the goods is bound to take notice of such cus- tomary courses of dealing between connecting lines of carriers seems also to be the rule of the New York courts, and he is there con- sidered, it seems, as contracting in reference to them, and will be held to have agreed with the carrier, where there is no express contract. for the transportation and disposal of his goods in the way usual and customary with him. Van Sant- voord V. St. John 6 Hill, 157; Mills V. The Railroad, 45 N. Y. 622. Still, in that state, no case has been found, out of the many decided upon the subject, in which the car- rier whose duty it was to deliver the goods to the connecting carrier has been exonerated from liability to the owner upon the ground of a delivery to such connecting car- rier constructively, although it might have been the customary mode of delivery between the two carriers. But see the case of Elliott v. Railway Co., 58 Mo. App. 80, where a delivery was made to a joint agent by the initial carrier and the question of liability was held to depend upon the usage and course of dealing between the in- itial and connecting carrier. 34. 34 N. Y. 497. §135.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 143 took the goods to the end of its own route and there deposited them in its own warehouse, from which it was proven the suc- ceeding carrier was accustomed to take them without further notice, but that in this instance he neglected to do so for some two weeks, at the end of which time they were destroyed by an accidental fire while they still remained in the defendant's warehouse. In the meantime the defendant had made no request of the succeeding carrier to take the goods, nor had it in any way attempted to divest itself of the liability of a com- mon carrier by renouncing that relation, as, it was said, it perhaps might have done. It was contended that under these circumstances the defendant had done all that it could be required to do as carrier, and that its liability at the time of the loss was, at most, only that of warehouseman; but it was held that it had done nothing which changed its responsibility as carrier to the owner of the goods, and that it was therefore liable to him for the loss. So in Condon v. Railroad Company ,^5 the defendant had received from the preceding carrier goods which had come over a number of lines from New York. Defendant carried them to the end of its line and deposited them in its warehouse. From its terminus the goods were to be forwarded by an overland transportation company to their destination. It appeared that it was the customary mode of business for the receipts of goods to be entered at the ware- house upon books of the defendant which were open to inspec- tion by the transportation company and which were regularly inspected by the agent of that company to ascertain what goods were to be taken by it. The transportation company was then accustomed to take all goods found consigned to places on its line, load them at the warehouse on its vehicles and receipt for them to the defendant. When the goods in question arrived no notice was given to the transportation company nor was the attention of the agent called to them, or any request made for their removal. They simply remained in the warehouse, where they were destroyed by accidental fire a 35. 55 Mich. 218. 144 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 136. week after their arrival. The action was brought to charge defendant as a common carrier, and it was resisted upon the ground that defendant's liability as a carrier had terminated. The court, however, held otherwise. "The connecting carriers in this case," said Cooley, C. J., "appear to have established a custom of their own, under which actual delivery of the goods or notice to take them was dispensed with, and the one was to ascertain from the books of the other what goods were ready for reception and further carriage. This, as between themselves, was well enough while it worked well; but it was an arrangement to which the plaintiff was not a party, and the defendant could not by means of it relieve itself of any liability which duty to the plaintiff imposed. And it was clearly its duty to the plaintiff, as we think, to relieve itself of the re- sponsibility of the goods remaining for an unreasonable time in its warehouse; and to do this, it was necessary that the responsibility be transferred to the carrier next in line. But the mere permission to inspect its books and take whatever was ready for carriage would not do this; there should have been distinct notice which would apprise the other carrier that defendant expected the removal of the goods. In this case there were no facts indicating a renunciation, as to these goods, of the liability of common carrier by the defendant, or that it was supposed by the agents of the defendant that that char- acter had been exchanged for any other. If it ever was, it must have been at the moment the goods were received; for nothing took place afterwards to change the relation of the defendant to the goods until the fire took place. But we are not ready to assent to the doctrine that a railroad company, as to goods transported by it, ceases to be carrier the moment the goods are received at its warehouse. We do not think that is law or that it ought to be." Sec. 136. Same subject, — In the case of The Eailroad Com- pany V. Farmers' & Drovers', etc., Firm,^^ it appeared that several railroad companies, whose lines centered in a certain 36. 107 Ky. 53, 53 S. W. Rep. 972, citing Hutchinson on Carr. § 137.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 145 city, agreed among themselves that whenever any of the com- panies should have a shipment of live stock to be transferred to any of the other lines for further transportation, delivery of the stock should be made to a stockyards company for the purpose of making the transfer. A shipment of stock was received by one company for the transportation over its own and one of such other lines. The stock, on arrival at the city, was delivered to the stockyards company for transfer to the connecting line. On account of the inability of the connecting line to furnish cars for the purpose of forwarding the stock, a delay occurred and the stock was damaged. No notice was given by the first carrier to the shipper of such delay. In an action against the first carrier for the damage thus caused the defense relied on was that the stock had been seasonably de- livered to the stockyards company, and that its obligation to the shipper had therefore been performed. But it was held that although the stock at the time of the delay had been placed in the hands of the stock yards company in accordance with the agreement between the railroad companies, there had been no delivery by the initial company to the succeeding com- pany such as to relieve the former company of the duty of notifying the shipper of the delay, and that it was therefore liable for the damage suffered. Sec. 137. (§ 106.) Same subject — Cases holding delivery complete. — But in Converse v. The Transportation Company,^' where it appeared that the carrier by whom the transportation was to be continued and the incoming carrier used the same depot, and that w^hen the latter brought in freight for further transportation by the former, it was, by usage and the mutual understanding of the carriers, deposited upon a particular plat- form in the depot at the side of the track of the connecting carrier, which was considered and treated as a delivery to it, and that this was done in this instance by the defendant as soon as it arrived with the freight, it was held that this was such a delivery as to shift the liability for the further safety 37. 33 Conn. 166. 10 146 THE LAW OP CARRIERS. [§ 138. of the goods from the defeildant which had thus deposited the goods, and that it could not therefore be made to account to the owner for their subsequent loss by fire. And in Pratt v. The Railway Company ,2* in which the facts were similar, the same conclusion was reached by the supreme court of the United States. But in both these cases the circumstances seemed to be regarded as constituting an actual delivery to the succeeding carrier, the agent of such carrier in the latter case having actual knowledge of the arrival of goods and of their having been deposited in the depot for further carriage by his road. To the same effect is the case of Washburn Crosby Co. V. The Railroad.^^ It there appeared that a railroad com- pany had a pier at the end of its line, and that a steamship company which formed a connection with the railroad company at that point used and occupied a portion of the pier for the purpose of receiving freight deposited upon it by the railroad company and intended for further transportation on the steam- ship company's vessels. It also appeared that unloading freight in such manner was regarded by both companies as a delivery to the steamship company. A quantity of flour which the railroad company had unloaded on the pier to await trans- portation by the steamship company was destroyed by fire. Suit was brought against the railroad company for its value, and the question was whether the facts showed a delivery. In deciding the question. Holmes, C. J., said: ''If it was under- stood in advance that as soon as goods were left on the wharf by the railroad company, the steamship company was free to take them at its pleasure, and that it was expected to take notice of their presence and to assume responsibility for them without more notification, the deposit of the flour on the wharf was an actual delivery without more. ' ' It was held, therefore, that a delivery had been shown, and that the railroad com- pany was not liable. Sec. 138. (§ 107.) Owner may recover for good& construct- ively delivered. — But it by no means follows that the owner of 38. 95 U. S. 43. 590. Sep also, Truax v. Railroad 39. 180 Mass. 252, 62 N. E. Rep. Co., 3 Houst. 233, 251. § 139.] DELIV-ERY TO THE CARRIER. 147 tlie goods may not recover for the loss from the connectiut' carrier to whom they have been only constructively delivered. He is not obliged to look to him, and may pursue another in whom was the last actual possession. But if, as between the carriers themselves, the one to whom delivery has been constructively made for further carriage is the responsible party, there is no reason why he should not be liable also to the owner of the goods. Thus where goods were carried to the end of the first carrier's route and there placed in a warehouse to be farther transported by the defendants, to whom notice was given of the arrival of the goods and by whom they were entered upon their books for transportation, it being the course of business for the defendants to take goods deposited in the warehouse for them with notice without fur- ther delivery, it was held that they had become liable for the loss of the goods by an accidental fire after they had remained in the warehouse eight days aAvaiting removal. "In the pres- ent case," said the court, "the flour was not only deposited in the usual place, but notice was given to the defendants, who entered it upon their books. From this time it must be held to have been in the possession of the defendants as common carriers. ' '"^^ Sec. 139. (§ 108.) First carrier as forwarding agent for owner. — When goods are delivered to the carrier for the pur- pose of being carried to a point beyond the terminus of its route, and for that purpose to be delivered by him to a con- necting carrier in order to continue the carriage, or where it becomes necessary for that purpose to make successive deliv- eries from one to another upon a continuous line or succession of carriers, the first and each succeeding carrier becomes the agent of the owner of the goods to make delivery to the next carrier; and it is incumbent upon him to do so not only to relieve himself from further liability, but because it is a duty which he owes to the owner, and which he has assumed with the acceptance of the goods. He is the party in charge of 40. ^tna Ins. Co. v. Wheeler, 49 N. Y. 616, 148 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 140. them, and the only one with whom the succeeding carrier can make the necessary arrangements, and stands towards them for this purpose in the position of an owner.^i Therefore, where there was a failure to deliver to such succeeding carrier, because one of his rules was that he would not receive goods for carriage without a written contract restricting his liability, which the carrier having the goods in possession did not feel authorized to accept, and therefore kept them in his ware- house for twenty days without offering them to the next car- rier, or giving him notice of their arrival, and whilst he awaited directions from the consignee who had been informed of the fact, the goods were destroyed by fire, it was held that he should have tendered them to the next succeeding carrier, and that he would have been justified in delivering the goods and accepting on behalf of their owners the usual terms required by the succeeding carrier; and that not having done so, he continued to hold the goods as a carrier, and was liable for their loss.^^ in such cases, it is said that the owner constitutes the carrier his forwarding agent to deliver to the succeeding carrier, and becomes himself responsible for his acts in the execution of the agency.^^ Sec. 140. Same subject — Duty of first carrier to forward shipping directions. — If the first carrier receives the goods from the owner with instructions or directions as to their 41. Nelson v. The Railroad, 48 of the owner; each exercises an in- N. Y. 507; Squire v. The Railroad, dependent employment as a con- 98 Mass. 240; York Co. v. Central tractor with the owner, and is re- R. R., 3 Wall. 113; Railroad Co. v. sponsible for its own negligence, Foulks, 191 111. 57, 60 N. E. Rep. but it cannot make the owner re- 890, affirming 92 111. App. 391, cit- sponsible for the negligence of a ing Hutchinson on Carr. ; Taylor v. connecting road. To like effect. Railroad Co., 87 Me. 299, 32 Atl. see Dunham v. Boston, etc., R. Co., Rep. 905. ''O Me. 164. A carrier acts as 42. Rawson v. Holland, 59 N. Y. agent of the owner in turning the 611. goods over to the connecting car- 43. Briggs v. The Railroad, 6 rier, and not as agent of the lat- Allen, 246. In Sherman v. Hudson ter. Marquette R. R. v. Kirkwood, R. R. Co., 64 N. Y. 255, it is said 45 Mich. 51. that neither company is an agent §141.] DELIVERY TO TPIE CARRIER. 149 ultimate delivery or disposition, or relative to their safe and seasonable delivery at destination, it is his duty as the for- warding agent of the owner to see that such instructions are given to the succeeding carrier to whom he delivers the goods for further transportation.^* Thus if the first carrier directs the goods to a destination other than the one requested by the owner, and in consequence the shipment is delayed, he will be liable although he has provided in his contract that he will assume no liability for loss or damage beyond the terminus of his own linc*^ So if he misdirects the goods, and they are forwarded to a wrong destination and thereby lost, or if, without sufficient cause, he selects an unusual or circuitous route whereby the freight charges are greater than they would have been had he selected the ordinary and more direct route, he, and not the succeeding carrier will be responsible. And under such circumstances, the connecting carrier is not re- quired to delay the reception or forwarding of the goods until he can ascertain whether or not the owner and the first carrier have stipulated the terms of shipment, and if so, what those terms are and whether the preceding carrier has complied with them; or, if no terms are stipulated, whether the preceding carrier has in all things faithfully and honestly discharged his duty as the owner's forwarding agent.*^ And it has been held that if the first carrier by his contract undertakes to forward the goods over several connecting lines, it is his duty, although he has expressly limited his liability as a common carrier to his own route, to see that each successive carrier is notified of the conditions under which the shipment is made.*" Sec. 141. (§ 109.) Carrier cannot become warehouseman of the goods while they are in transit. — No higher degree of re- 44. North V. Transportation Co., 568, 58 S. W. Rep. 303, 78 Am. St. 146 Mass. 315; Colfax Mountain Rep. 933, 50 L. R. A. 729. Fruit Co. V. The Railroad, 118 46. Glover v. The Railroad, 95 Cal. 648, 46 Pac. Rep. 668; s. c. 50 Mo. App. 369, 69 S. W. Rep. 599, Pac. Rep. 775. citing Hutchinson on Carr. 45. Railroad Co. v. Southern 47. Colfax Mountain Fruit Co. v. Seating & Cabinet Co., 104 Tenn. The Railroad, supra. 150 THE LAW OF CARKIERS. [§ 141 sponsibility, of course, rests upon the carrier while the goods are en route than when they have arrived at destination, so long as he stands to them in the relation of carrier. But when the question occurs whether by his course of dealing with them he has divested himself of that responsible relation, some- what different considerations arise and somewhat different rules are to be applied when the goods are in itinere, from those which govern when the transit is brought to an end by their arrival at destination. As has been said, "the owner loses sight of his goods when he delivers them to the first carrier and has no means of learning their whereabouts till he or the consignee is informed of their arrival at destination. At each successive point of transfer from one carrier to another they are liable to be placed in warehouses, there perhaps to be delayed by the accumulation of freight or other causes and exposed to loss by fire or theft, without fault on the part of the carrier or his agent. Superadded to these risks are the dangers of loss by collusion, quite as imminent while the goods are thus stored at some, point unknown to the owner as while they are in actual transit. As a general rule the storing of the goods under such circumstances should be held to be a mere accessory to the transportation, and they should be under the protection of the rule which makes the carrier liable as an insurer from the time the owner transfers their possession to the first carrier until they are delivered to him at the end of the route. "^^ But when they have reached their destination nothing more generally remains to be done by 48. McDonald v. The Railroad, contract is for carriage, and until 34 N. Y. 497. See also, Lewis v. the goods reach their final destina- The Railway, 47 W. Va. 656, 35 S. tion, he has a right to a contin- E. Rep. 908, 81 Am. St. Rep. 816; uous carrier's duty and responsi- Southard v. The Railway, 60 Minn, bility which cannot, without his 382, 62 N. W. Rep. 442. consent, be changed to the duty The owner of goods who deliv- and responsibility of a warehouse- ers them under a contract of ship- man however convenient such a ment to a carrier for transporta- course may be for the carrier, tion over two or more connecting Wehman v. The Railway, 58 Minn, lines does not contemplate or 22, 59 N. W. Rep. 546. make a contract for storage. His § 142.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 151 the carrier after storing them and giving notice of their arrival to the consignee, and after allowing a reasonable time for their removal he becomes a mere warehouseman ; and if after that they are destroyed without his carelessness or negligence, the loss must be borne, as in equity it should be, by the^'owner. Sec. 142. (§ 110.) Same subject.-This distinction has been expressly recognized and asserted by the supreme court of the United States in the case of The Railroad Company v. The Manufacturing Co.,49 in which it is said that "there is a clear distinction, in our opinion, between property in a situation to be delivered over to the consignee on demand and property on its way to a distant point to be taken thence by a con- necting carrier. In the former case it may be said to be await- ing delivery; in the latter to be awaiting transportation." And the same principle may be said to be indirectly recognized in most of the cases in which the duty of delivery to the con- necting carriers has been discussed.^*^ 49. 16 Wall. 327. 50. The case of Ouimit v. Hen. Shaw, 35 Vt. 605, is an instructive case upon the subject of the duties of carriers in making delivery of goods to connecting carriers for further carriage; and though in relation to the baggage of a pas- senger, the same reasons apply more forcibly to goods in the hands of the comm«n carrier. In this case it was known to the in- coming road that the baggage was to be forwarded upon another, which did not immediately connect with it, however, either in time or place. The baggage was there- fore stored by the agent of the first road until the next morning, the time for the starting of the connecting train, according to the custom of the road and at the request of the passenger, who was assured that it would be safe. In the morning the baggage could not be found and the road was held li- able. It was said by the court that in such cases whenever the two roads connected in the same depot and the departure of the succeeding train was contempora- neous with the arrival of the in- coming one, it was the duty of the latter to transfer the baggage to the outgoing train if so directed by the owner, or if it were known to its agent that the transportation was to be continued upon that train; and that if there was not a close connection between them, and a necessary detention for a short time, the custody of the first road must be held to continue, un- less otherwise desired by the pas- senger, until the time for the de- parture of the second; nor would the relation of the carrier, it was said, be changed by the fact that the baggage was stored by it in its store-i'oom while awai^ng the de* 152 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 143. Sec. 143. (§ 111.) Of the carrier's duty to accept and carry the goods. — It has been already stated in giving the definition of a common carrier that the obligation to accept the goods when they are tendered to him for carriage is an essential element of his character, and that if there be no such obliga- tion he is not a common carrier although he may carry for hire. But this is only a general statement of the law. There are goods which he is not bound to carry at all, and there may be circumstances which will excuse him from carrying goods even of the kind which he is engaged generally in carrying and which generally he is bound to carry. He may therefore sometimes lawfully refuse to accept the goods; and as the delivery to him necessarily implies his acceptance, it involves the inquiry when such acceptance may be refused by him with- out subjecting himself to an action for so doing. Sec. 144. (§112.) Same subject — Not obliged to accept goods of a kind he does not profess to carry. — It has been already observed that no common carrier is a carrier of all kinds or classes of goods.^ This would be impossible. There- fore before he can be made liable to damages for a refusal to carry such as are offered to him for that purpose, it must be parture of another train. And it inasmuch as there, what is known was stated as one of the reasons as the rule of Muschamp's Case, for this conclusion that what which makes the first or contract- would constitute a delivery when ing carrier solely responsible for the goods had arrived at destina- the goods to the end of the transit, tion would not necessarily do so and which will be hereafter ex- when the baggage was still in tran- plained, prevails, sit, and that although the circum- 1. See ante, §§ 59, 90. stances might have been held to But a railroad company cannot amount to a delivery and to have refuse to transport coal on the changed the relation of the road ground that it is of an inferior to that of warehouseman, if it had quality, and its introduction into not been known that the baggage the market would injuriously af- was to be forwarded, it did not do feet the reputation of the coal mar- so when this fact was known to ket from that section, and so in- the agent of the road. jure and decrease the carrying It should be observed in refer- business of the road. Olanta Coal ence to this subject that the Eng- Min. Co. v. Railroad Co., 144 Fed. lish cases throw no light upon it, 150. §145.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 153 made to appear that they were of the kind which he usually carried, or which, by his public profession, he was bound to accept for that purpose. The law will only impose the obliga- tion upon him in this respect co-extensive with the public ex- pectations which he has created by his course of business or the invitations he has publicly held out to those who may solicit his services. But it being a matter of universal knowl- edge that certain classes of carriers engaged generally in the carriage of certain kinds of goods, when the kind of carrier and the nature of the goods are designated, notice will in most cases be judicially taken whether the particular goods are of the kind which those of the class to which the carrier belongs usually carry; and if they be, the presumption at once arises that he was under a legal obligation to accept and carry them. But still there may be many cases in which it cannot be known from common experience nor from the character of the business in which the carrier is engaged whether the particular goods are such that he, as a common carrier, is under a legal obliga- tion to accept them for carriage, and in such cases it would devolve upon the party who insisted upon his liability for the refusal, to show from the nature of the employment, or from the usage of others similarly engaged, or from the pre- vious practice or course of business of the particular carrier himself, that the duty to accept was incumbent upon him. And even when from public notoriety or from the evidence which may be adduced, the presumption arises that the carrier has unlawfully refused to accept or to carry the goods, it is still competent for him to show that although the goods are of the kind which carriers like himself are usually bound to carry, he has exonerated himself from the obligation to do so by public notice or by his previous conduct in his business. Sec. 145. (§ 113.) Reasons which will justify refusal to accept. — So he may show other reasons for his refusal which will legally excuse him. He may, for instance, lawfully refuse to receive them if they are improperly packed, or if they are 154 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 146. otherwise in an unfit condition for carriage.^ Or he may show that the goods offered were of a dangerous character, which might subject him or his vehicle, or strangers or his pas- sengers, or his other freight, to the risk of injury.^ And he may even refuse packages offered to him without being made acquainted with their contents, when there is good ground for believing that they are of a dangerous character.^ But he would have no right, unless from the appearance of the pack- age or from other circumstances his suspicions are reasonably aroused as to its contents, to require the owner who offered it for carriage to disclose their nature. But when such is the case, it would not only be his right but his duty to ascertain the truth, and if they proved to be of such a dangerous char- acter, to refuse them.^ Sec. 146. (§ 114.) Same subject — Press of business may justify refusal. He may also legally refuse to carry the goods or to accept them for carriage, if having provided himself with equipments and facilities for doing such an amount of busi- ness as, from previous experience, he might reasonably expect, he finds that, from unexpected temporary causes, its great accumulation, or the press of business as it is called, has made it impossible for him to carry the goods; or if, as it is ex- pressed in some of the old cases, his coach be full, he may refuse to receive them and thereby subject himself to the responsi- 2. Union Ex. Co. v. Graham, 26 Rep. 691, 36 L. R. A. 648, citing Ohio St. 595; Railway Co. v. A. B. Hutchinson on Carr. Frank Co. (Tex. Civ. App.), 48 A railroad company is not liable S. W. Rep. 210, citing Hutchinson in damages for refusing to trans- on Carr. port a dead body where the tran- 3. The carrier is not bound to sit permit is not in accordance accept for carriage goods which with the rules and requirements are likely to injure goods already of the state board of health. Rail- received for carriage. The Nith, road Co. v. James, 10 Ind. App. 550, 36 Fed. Rep. 86; 2 Pars. Cont. 174. 35 N. E. Rep. 395; s. c. 38 N. E. Nor is he bound to accept such ar- Rep. 192. tides as nitroglycerine, dynamite, 4. The Nitro-glycerine Case, 15 gunpowder, oil of vitriol and the Wall. 524. like. California Powder Works v. 5. The Nitro-glycerine Case, 15 The Railroad, 113 Cal. 329, 45 Pac. Wall. 524. § 147.] ■ DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 155 bility of their safe custody, until he may be in a condition to transport them.^ Sec. 147. (§115.) Same subject— Other reasons.— So he may of course refuse to take the goods if he does not carry to the place to which the owner wishes to send them/ unless, as has been held, such place is upon the line of a connecting carrier with whom he has an established method of doing business. Under such circumstances, he would be bound to accept the goods for carriage to the point of transfer and make delivery according to the usual course of business be- tween them.8 But if the goods are brought to him at an unrea- sonable hour, or at a place other than that which he has appointed for their delivery to him, as if they be offered to the agent of a steamboat, railroad or express company upon the street or at any place other than the boat or office where it is advertised and known that such business is transacted, or if they are offered at a time unreasonably long before the accus- tomed or appointed time for his departure, he will be excused for refusing to receive them.^ So it will be a good excuse for refusing them if at the particular time when they are offered 6. Peet V. The Railway, 20 Wis. road Co. v. Queen City Coal Co., 594; Lovett v. Hobbs, 2 Shower, 13 Ky. Law Rep. 832. 127; Riley v. Home, 5 Bing. 217. 7. Pitlock v. Wells, Fargo & Co., Where a railroad company, by 109 Mass. 452. reason of a strike of the miners 8. Inman v. Railroad Co., 14 Tex. at the coal mines from which it Civ. App. 39, 37 S. W. Rep. 37; had been accustomed to obtain a Seasongood v. Transportation Co., large part of the coal which it used 21 Ky. Law Rep. 1142, 54 S. W. in the operation of its road, was Rep. 193, 49 L. R. A. 270. compelled to send to more distant 9. Pickford v. The Railway, 12 fields for a supply, thus making M. & W. 766 ; Lane v. Cotton, 1 Ld. it necessary for it to withdraw its Raym. 652; Story on Bail. § 508; coal engines and cars from that Cronkite v. Wells, 32 N. Y. 247. line of road and use them In The carrier has the right to freighting coal for its own con- make reasonable regulations, ap- sumption, such facts will consti- plicable alike to all shippers, as to tute a sufficient excuse for its re- the manner in which a commodity fusal to furnish the owners of a such as coal will be received for coal mine on that line of its road transportation. This power to with engines and cars for the make reasonable regulations as to transportation of their coal. Rail- the manner and place where he 156 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 148. the way is exposed to extraordinary danger, or if the goods are of such a character that they would be exposed to the fury of a mob or to destruction by any kind of popular outbreak ; for while the destruction or loss of the goods from any of these causes would be no defense against the liability of the common carrier, the law will not require him against his will to expos© himself to the risk.^^ Sec. 148. (!^ 115a.) Same subject — Not obliged to accept from one not authorized to deliver — Liability where he does. — Before accepting the goods for carriage the carrier may also insist upon evidence that the person offering them has authority to do so, for he is bound to receive and carry goods only when offered for carriage by their owner or his authorized agent.^^ And if he does accept goods for carriage in good faith from a person, not the owner, but in apparent control of them and able immediately to assume the actual custody of them, and, after carriage to the destination, delivers them again to such person, he is not liable to the true owner as for a conversion.!'-^ will receive such commodities for 12. Gurley v. Armstead, 148 shipment implies the power to Mass. 267. Said Devens, J.: "The change and modify the regula- defendant, who was a job-teamster, tions thus made upon reasonable removed the goods alleged to have notice to the public. Harp v. The been by him converted, from a Railroad, 125 Fed. 445, 61 C. C. A. room in the dwelling-house of one 405, affirming, s. c. 118 Fed. 169; Whittier to the store of one Davis, Robinson v. Railroad Co., 129 Fed. and there delivered them to Whit- 758, 64 C. C. A. 281. tier, by whose direction he had 10. Edwards v. Sherratt, 1 East, acted. Although the goods were 604. Thus it was held that where in the house of Whittier, they were during the late war and on ac- in a room hired by the plaintiff count thereof it was not safe for from him. The contract between a railroad company to undertake them was one for rent, and not the carriage of goods, it was not for storage, Whittier reserving no liable for refusing to carry. Phelps control over the room. It was, V. Railroad Co., 94 111. 548; Illinois however, neither locked nor fast- R. R. Co. V. McClellan, 54 111. 58; ened, although no goods were in it Same v. Ashmead, 58 111. 487; except those of the plaintiff. In Same v. Cobb, 64 111. 128; Same v. all that he did, the defendant acted Hornberger, 77 111. 457. in good faith, without any inten- 11. Fitch V. Newberry, 1 Doug, tion of depriving the rightful (Mich.) 1. owner of her property, and in ig- §148.j DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 157 But if he be directed by the owner to call at a certain place to obtain the goods for the purpose of being forwarded over his line, and in so doing he takes by mistake the goods of another, there is neither a delivery by the owner nor one having appar- norance of the fact that the plain- tiff was such owner, neither assert- ing title in himself nor denying title to any other, nor exercising any act of ownership except by the removal above stated. "The legal possession of the goods was, under these circum- stances, undoubtedly in the plain- tiff, and as they were in the room hired by her, the actual posses- sion was also hers. The apparent control of them was, however, in Whittier, as they were in his house, and he had further the present capacity to take actual physical possession, as the room in which they were was neither locked nor fastened. "It is conceded that whoever re- ceives goods from one in actual, although illegal, possession there- of, and restores the goods to such person, is not liable for a conver- sion by reason of having trans- ported them. Strickland v. Bar- rett, 20 Pick. 415; Leonard v. Tidd, 3 Met. 6. And this would be so, apparently, even if the goods thus received were restored to the wrongful possessor, after notice of the claim of the true owner. Lor- ing V. Mulcahy, 3 Allen, 575; Met- calf V. McLaughlin, 122 Mass. 84. "Upon the precise question raised, we have found no direct authority, nor was any cited in the argument; but the principle on which the decisions above cited rest is not unreasonably extended when it is applied to the circum- stances of the case at bar. The act of removing goods by direction of the wrongful possessor of them is an act in derogation of the title of the rightful owner; but the party doing this honestly is protected because from such actual posses- sion he is justified in believing the possessor to be the true owner. He does no more than such possessor might himelf have done by virtue of his wrongful possession. "The defendant was a job-team- ster, and thus in a small way a common carrier of such wares and merchandise as could appropriate- ly be transported in his team or wagon. He exercised an employ- ment of such a character that he could not legally refuse to trans- port property such as he usually carried, which was tendered to him at a suitable time and place with the offer of a reasonable compen- sation. If he holds himself out as a common carrier, he must ex- ercise his calling upon proper re- quest and under proper circum- stances. Buckland v. Adams Ex- press Co., 97 Mass. 124; Judson v. Western Railroad, 6 Allen, 426. His means of ascertaining the true title of the freight confided to him are of necessity limited. He must judge of this as it is fairly made to appear. If Whittier had actu- ally gone into the room, as he might readily have done, and taken physical possession of the goods, the defendant, upon well es- tablished authority, would have been justified in obeying the order, and transporting the goods to 158 TUE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§ 149. ent possession or control over them, and he will be liable to the owner for the conversion.^ ^ Sec. 149. (i^ 115b.) Remedy for wrongful refusal. — If the carrier refuses without lawful reason to accept and carry the goods, the owner may maintain an action against the carrier for the damages sustained by such wrongful refusal.'^ This remedy by action is usually adequate to secure the plaintiff's rights, and, therefore, in accordance with well settled princi- ples, mandamus will not lie to enforce the performance of the duty.^^ Where, however, the duty was expressly imposed by statute, and the refusal was continuing and the injury irre- parable, a mandatory injunction was granted to secure per- formance.i^ And in Blumenthal v. Railway Company it was held that where the goods were in reasonable and proper con- dition for shipment a mandatory injunction would be granted enjoining the carrier from refusing to carry the goods.^" Sec. 150. (§ 116.) Carrier may demand prepayment of freight. — The carrier may also require a prepayment of his Whittier at another place; and he actual physical possession, must should not be the less justified be equivalent to illegal possession where Whittier, in apparent con- in protecting a carrier who obeys trol of the goods in his own house, the order of one having such con- and capable of immediately taking trol." them into his actual custody by See also. White Live Stock Corn- entering the room through the un- mission Co. v. Railroad Co., 87 Mo. locked door, has directed the re- App. 330. moval. 13. Edwards v. Express Co., 121 "If a person standing near and Iowa, 744, 96 N. W. Rep. 740, 63 in sight of a bale of goods lying L. R. A. 467, citing Hutchinson on on the sidewalk belonging to an- Carr. other, and thus in the legal pos- 14. See ante, § 62. session of such other, is able at 15. People v. Railroad Co., 22 once to possess himself of it actu- Hun, 533; People v. Babcock, 16 ally, although illegally, and directs Hun, 313. a carrier to remove it and deliver 16. Chicago, etc., R'y Co. v. Bur- it to him at another place, com- lington R'y Co., 34 Fed. 481; South- pliance with this order in good ern Ex. Co. v. R. M. Rose, — Ga. faith cannot be treated as a con- — , 53 S. E. Rep. 185, citing Hutch- version; and apparent control, ac- Inson on Carr. companied with the then present 17. 84 Fed. 920. capacity of investing himself with §151.] DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER. 159 freight, and may refuse to carry the goods unless it is paid. While the law compels him from motives of public policy to deal with all persons, and leaves him no choice as to his cus- tomers, it does not bind him to deal on credit, and he may demand the price of his labor before it is performed. But, in a declaration against him for his refusal, it is not necessary to aver a tender of the money for the freight. It is sufficient to aver a readiness and willingness to pay.^^ A demurrer does not lie to such a declaration because it does not appear there- from that the payment was demanded in advance and the car- rier might have been willing to trust the owner of the goods ; and therefore it is enough to say that he was ready and will- ing, which means that he would have paid had the carrier demanded the freight. As said by Baron Parke: "Whenever a duty is cast upon a party in consequence of a contemporane- ous act of payment to be done by another, it is sufficient if the latter pay, or be ready to pay the money, when the other is ready to undertake the duty. The money is not required to be paid down until the carrier receives the goods which he is bound to carry." It would seem, therefore, that in order to show his readiness to undertake the duty, the carrier must accept the goods before he demands his freight, but may refuse to carry until such payment; and if the owner refuse to pay, the carrier would hold them until returned to the owner merely as a depositary, because something would re- main yet to be done to put him in the relation of carrier to them. If not demanded and not required by any rule or regulation of the carrier known to the owner of the goods, no tender need be made of the carrier's charges, and he may be sued for his refusal without such tender. Sec. 151. (§117.) Actual acceptance may waive reasons for refusal.— Although, however, the carrier may in these cases refuse to accept the goods, if he take them into his possession 18. Pickford v. The Railway, S show & Newman, Gl 111. App. 179. M. & W. 372; Bastard v. Bastard, See also, post, §1344. 2 Shower, 81; Railway Co. v. Peri- 160 THE LAW OF CARRIERS. [§151 for the purpose of carriage without insisting upon his right to refuse them, he will be considered as waiving it and consenting to accept the goods upon the usual terms as to liability, and will become responsible as an insurer as in other cases.^^ But to impose upon him such extraordinary liability for goods which from the nature of his business he was not bound to carry, or which were in an unfit condition to be carried, or which for any reason it would be unfair to require him to carry, an actual acceptance for the purpose of the carriage must be shown; and it will not be done where the delivery is merely constructive. II. THE BILL OF LADING. Sec. 152. (§ 118.) No receipt, bill of lading or other writing necessary. — No receipt, bill of lading or writing of any kind is required to subject the carrier to the duties and responsibili- ties of an insurer of the goods.^o As soon as they are deliv- 19. The David, 5 Blatch. 266; Hannibal, etc., R. R. v. Swift, 12 Wall. 262; Pickford v. The Rail- way, 12 M. & W. 766; Porcher v. The Railroad, 14 Rich. (Law), 181; Railroad Co. v. Keith, 8 Ind. App. 57, 35 N. E. Rep. 296; Rail- road Co. V. Allgood, 113 Ala. 163, 20 So. Rep. 986; Express Co. v. U. S. Express Co., 88 Fed. 659; v