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  • 4^^^(»^^4^^^(L*^^^^^^ ARCHER TAYLOR ^20 [See Clubs, Spies, and Guides.'] Cosmo, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Travels in England, including an account of London in the reign of Charles IL 4to Lond. 1821 Cryes, The, of the city of London, drawne after the life (by M. Lauron, engraved by P. Tempest), sm. folio Lond. \7 II Cunningham (Peter), A Hand-book for London, past and present. 2 vol. 8vo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1849 Curiosities of London and Westminster, An Historical Account of the, in three parts. 1 2mo . . . . Lond. 1 755 Curiosities of London and Westminster, (^c. 12mo Lond. 1769 Daniel (William), Six Views of London, dedicated to George Dance, esq. R. A., architect to the city of London, elephant folio 1805 Defoe (Daniel), Augusta Triumphans ; or the way to make London the most flourishing city in the universe. 8vo . . Lond. 1728 De Laune (Thomas), gent.. The present state of London. 12mo Lond. 1681 De Laune (Thomas), Anglice Metropolis ; or the present state of Lon- don. 12mo ,. .. .. .. Lond. 1690 Descriptio Angliae et Descriptio Londini. [Two poems in Latin verse.] 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1762 Dilworth (H. W.), The History of London, in its ancient and modern state, small 8vo .. .. .. Lond. \ 7 62 Ducarel (Andrew C), LL.D., History of the Royal Hospital and collegiate church of St. Katherine, near the Tower of London, from its foundation to the present time. 4to . . Lond. n. d. D'Urfey (Thomas), CoUin's Walk through London and Westminster ; a poem in burlesque. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1 690 Ellis (William), The Campagna of London. 4to (no title.) Lond. 1791 Elmes (James), M.R.LA. architect, A Topographical Dictionary of London and its environs. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1839 B 2 4 London {General History), Ely Chapel, Holborn, A notice of ; with some account of Ely Palace ; to which are added short biographical sketches of some of the Bi- shops of Ely. By the rev. T. B. Murray, M. A. 4to Lond. 1840 England, The true State of,, including an account of the Cities of London and Westminster, with a list of the magistrates, principal offices, 8;c. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1 734 English Metropolis, The, or London in the year 1820. By the author of the Satyrical View of London [John Cory] . 8vo Lond. 1 820 Entick (Rev. John), History and Survey of London, Westminster, and Southwark. 4 vol. 8vo .'. .. Lond. 11 QQ Fielding (Sir John), A brief Description of the Cities of London and Westminster. 12mo .. .. .. Lond. Ml Q Fitz-Stephen's Description of the City of London, with a translation by Dr. Pegge. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1112 Flora Londinensis ; containing a history of the Plants indigenous to Great Britain (particularly the environs of London), illustrated by figures of the natural size; by the late William Curtis, F.Ji.S. A new edition enlarged, by George Graves, F.L.S. and William Jackson Hooker, LL.D., F.R.A. and L.S. 5 vol. imperial folio. (Coloured Plates.) . . . . . . Lond. 1835 Flora Metropolitana, or Botanical Rambles within thirty miles of London. By Daniel Cooper, foolscap 8vo .. iowrf. 1836 Foreigner's Guide, or Companion both for the foreigner and native in their tour through the Cities of London and Westminster, in English and French. Fourth edition. 8vo .. Lond.llQZ Gough (William), Londinum Triumphans; or an Historical Account of the great influence the actions of the City of London have had upon the affairs of the nation. 8vo . . Lond. 1682 [Grosley (M.), F.R.S.], Londres. 3 tomes, sm. 8vo Lausanne, 1770 Grosley (M.), F.R.S., A Tour of London; translated from the French of, by T. Nugent. 2 vol. 8vo . . Lond. 1772 Harrison (Walter), esq., A new History, Description, and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster and Borough of South- wark. folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1776 Hassell (J.), Picturesque Rides and Walks, with Excursions by Water, thirtv miles round the British metropoHs. 4 vol. 12mo Lond. 1817 Hatton (Edward), A new View of London. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1708 Helm (Mrs. Elizabeth), Instructive Rambles in London and the ad- jacent villages. Third edition. 8vo .. Lone?. 1803 Hentzner (Paul), An Account of London and Westminster in 1598. [Latin, and English translation.] 8vo Strawberry Hill, 1757 Hentzner (Paul), Account of London and Westminster in 1598. [Inlaid and illustrated.] folio .. .. Lond. 1757 London {General History), 6 [Herbert, William], Select Views of London and its environs, ac- companied by copious letter-press descriptions : published by Vemor and Hood. 2 vol. royal 4to . . Land. 1805 Hofland (Mrs.), A Visit to London. 4 vol. 8vo Lond. 1814 Hogg (John), M.D., London as it is. 2 vol.*8vo Lond. 1837 Hornor (Thomas), View of London and surrounding country, taken from the cross of St. Paul's cathedral. 8vo Lond. 1822 Howard (Luke), gent.. The Climate of London, deduced from meteo- rological observations made at different places in the neighbour- hood of the metropolis. 2 vol. 8vo . . Lond. 1818 Howard (Luke), The Climate of London, deduced from meteoro- logical observations made in the metropolis, and at various places around it. A second much enlarged and improved edition, the observations continued to 1830 : with engravings on wood and copper. 3 vol. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1833 Howe] (James), esq., LondinopoUs : an Historicall Discourse of the City of London, folio .. .. .. Lond. 1657 Hughson (David) [Dr. Pugh], London: being an accurate history and description of the British Metropolis and its neighbourhood, 8iC., from an actual perambulation. 6 vol. 8vo Lond. 1806 Hughson (David) [Dr. Pugh], Walks through London; 2 vol. 8vo 1820 Hunter (Henry), D.D., The History of London and its environs. 2 vol. 4to ' .. .. .. .. Lond. 1811 Hurst and Robinson's Picturesque Views of London and its environs ; No. 1 to No. 8. royal 4to . . . . Lond. 1825 Hutton (William), F.A.SS., A Journey to London, comprising a description of the metropolis. Second edit. 8vo Xonc?. 1818 Jameson (Mrs.), Hand-book to the Public Galleries of Art in and near London. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. Lond. \SA2 Kelly (Hugh), The Art of Living in London ; a Poem in two cantos. 4to . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1768 Kearsley's Strangers' Guide, or Companion through London and Westminster and the country round, within the circuit of fourteen miles. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1191 Knight (Charles), London ; edited by. 6 vol. 8vo iowc?. 1841-1844 Knight (Charles), Cyclopaedia of London. 8vo .. Lond. \S5\ Knight (Charles), Pictorial Half-hours of London Topography. 4to Lond. 1851 Lambert (B.), History and Survev of London and its environs. 4 vol. 8vo .. .. ' .. .. Lond.lSOQ Langley and Belch, A Street Directory, or Companion to their new Map of London ; with correct lists of streets, accounts of buildings, 8ic. 12mo .. .. .. .. Zowrf. 1824 Leigh's New Picture of London for 1822. 12mo Lond. 1822 6 London {General History), Letters from an Irish Student in England to his father in Ireland, [chiefly descriptive of London] . Second edition. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1812 Livery of London, A List of the, alphabetically arranged under their several wards, districts, and other places of residence. Thirty parts. 12mo ,. .. .. .. Lond. n. di. Liverymen of the City of London, The Poll of the, in 1710. Svo Lond. 1710 Livery Men, The Poll of the, at the Election for Members of Parlia- ment, 1722. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1122 Livery. A complete List of all the persons who polled on the pre- sent Election for Mayor of the city of London. Svo Lond. (1 772) Livery of London, A List of the, alphabetically arranged, with their respective Companies and places of abode. Svo Lond. 1796 Register of Persons entitled to vote in the Election of Members of Parliament for the city of London, as freemen of such city being liverymen of the several Companies thereof, and as inhabitant householders of such city, [under the Reform Act, 2 Will. IV.] 25 vol. Svo . . . . . . Lond. 1832-1857 [For Livery Companies, see Companies.'] Londina Illustrata : Graphic and historic memorials of monasteries, churches, chapels, schools, charitable foundations, palaces, halls, courts, processions, places of early amusement, and modern and present theatres, in the cities and suburbs of London and West- minster, royal 4to .. .. .. Lond. \S\9 Theatrum Illustrata ; or Graphic and historic memorials of antient playhouses, modern theatres, &;c. from Shakespeare's time, being a continuation of the above. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 825 Londina Illustrata : containing antique remains of St. Martin Out- wich : short historical account of the church of St. Dunstan in the West, «S-c. royal 4 to .. .. .. Lond. \S>\d London's Armoury : — see Wallis, Richard. London, A new View of; or an ample account of that city. 2 vol. Svo . . .. .. .. .. Lond. 1708 London, An Account of, from the Magna Britannia. 4to Lond. 1718 London, New Guide to, in French and English. Svo Lond. 1726 London, A Compleat Guide to all persons who have any trade or concern with the city of, and parts adjacent. Svo Lond. 1 740 Londinium : The renowned City of London surveyed and illustrated in a Latin Poem, by J. Adams, a Transylvanian, <^c. Translated by W. F. of Gray's'lnn. 4to .. .. Lond. 1674 London, A new and complete Survey of, in ten parts. By a Citizen. 2 vol. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1742 London Trades, A general description of all the, digested into alpha- betical order, with arms, halls, 8(C. of their several Companies. Lond. 1747 London Magazine, The, from 1732 to 1766. 35 vol. 8vo Lond. 1732-66 London and Westminster, An historical account of the Curiosities of. Svo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 755 London (GeneralHistory). 7 London and its environs described. 6 vol. 8vo Lond. 1761 The same, interleaved, with MS. notes. London, Critical observations on the Buildings and Improvements of. 4to . . . . . . . . Lond. 1771 Londres, De, et ses environs. 8vo .. Amsterdam, 1789 London, The Picture of, for 1802. 12mo . . Lond. 1802 for 1825. 12mo (25th edition.) 1825 London, Lockie's Topography of. 8vo .. Lond, 1810 London before the Great Fire ; or views and accounts of remarkable buildings and places in London and its environs, as they existed previous to that event. [By William Herbert.] royal 4to Lond. 1812-13 London, Westminster, and Southwark, Some Account of; [being Brayley's History of London and Middlesex inlaid and interleaved in folio, with portraits, views, historical prints, and medals] . folio Lond. 1812 An Index to the same ; being an alphabetical calendar of the illus- trations, folio, MS. London in May : — see Raikes. London Lions : — see Wellbeloved. London in the Nineteenth Century : — see Shepherd. London. The City of London's Corporation Annual, 1836, 1837. London, The Rookeries of : — see Beames. London, a Satire ; containing prosaical strictures on prisons, inns of court, courts of justice, S;c. 8vo . . Lond. n. d. London, looke backe at that yeare of yeares 1625, and looke forward upon this vear 1 630 : written not to terrific, but to comfort. 4to Lond. 1630 Looke on me London : I am an honest English-man, ripping up the bowels of mischiefe lurking in thy suburbs and precincts. 4to Lond. 1613 Lupton (D.), London and the Countrey carbonadoed and quarterd into several characters. 12mo .. .. Lond. 1632 Lysons (Daniel), A.M., F.R.S., F.S.A., and L.S. The Environs of London. First edition. 5 vol. 4to Xowrf. 1796-1800 The same, divided into 13 vol. 4to, and illustrated with 1000 ori- ginal topographical drawings, 1148 illuminated coats of arms, and nearly 1 600 prints, containing views, portraits, &;c. Lysons (Daniel), The Environs of London. Second edition. 5 vol. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1810 Mackay (Charles), A History of London, from its first foundation to the accession of Queen Victoria. 8vo . . Lond. 1838 Maitland (William), F.R.S., The History of London from its foun- dation to the present time. First edition, folio Lond. 17 S9 Maitland (WiUiam), The History of London. Second edit. 2 vol. folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1756 Maitland (William), The History of London, a new edition, continued to the year 1772 by the rev. John Entick, M.A. 2 vol. folio Lond. 1775 8 London {General History), Malcolm (James Peller), F.S.A., Views within twelve miles round London. 4to . . .. .. .. Xowc?. 1800 Malcolm (James Peller), Londinium Redivivum: or an Ancient His- tory and Modern Description of London. 4 vol. 4to Lond. 1802 Malcolm (James Peller), Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London to the year 1700. Second edit. 3 vol. 8vo Lond. 1811 Malcolm (James Peller), Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the eighteenth century. Second edition. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1810 Malton (Thomas), A Picturesque Tour through London and West- minster. 2 vol. folio .. .. .. Lond. 1792 Maria's First Visit to London. 12mo Southampton, 1825 Mazzinghi (John), The History of London, Westminster, and South- wark : English and French. 12mo .. Lond. \ 792 Metropohs Paving Act, 47 Geo. IH. (1817). folio. Metropolitan Improvements of London in the Nineteenth Century, being a series of views of the new and most interesting objects in the British metropolis and its vicinity : from original drawings by Mr. Thomas H. Shepherd, with historical, topographical, and criti- cal illustrations by James Elmes, M.R. LA. 4to Lond. 18S7 Metropolitana, or Collections from Newspapers and Pamphlets, rela- tive to the history, public buildings, occurrences, and other matters connected with London. 3 vol. folio 17 to Middlesex, A complete History of; to which is added a particular description of the Cities of London and Westminster, with plates. 4to . . . . . . . . . . n. d. Murray (John Fisher), The World of London. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1844 Newspapers : a curious collection of early newspapers, published in London during the reign of Charles I., the civil war, the common- wealth, and part of the reign of Charles II., from 1641 to 1664. 23 vol. 4to. Noorthouck (John), A new History of London, including Westmin- ster and Southwark. 4to .. ., Lond. 1773 Paradisus Londinensis : — see Salisbury, Richard Anthony. Parish Clerks' New Remarks of London. 12mo Lond. 17 S2 Pennant (Thomas), Some Account of London. 4to Lond. 1790 The same, inlaid in atlas folio drawing paper, for illustration. Pennant (Thomas), Some Account of London. Fourth edition. 4to Lond. 1791 Pennant (Thomas), Some Account of London. Fifth edition, with considerable additions. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1813 Percy (Sholto and Reuben), London : or interesting Memorials of its rise, progress, and present state. 3 vol. 12mo Lond. 1823 Perlin (Estienne), Description des Royaulmes d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse. [Including a copious account of London in 1558.] 4to Lond. 1775 London {General History). 9 [Phillips, Richard], Modem London. 4to . . Lond. 1805 Phillips (Sir Richard), Morning's Walk from London to Kew. 8vo Lond. 1817 Phillips (Rich.), The Picture of London for 1 802. 1 2mo Lond, 1 802 Picture of London : — see Britton ; Leigh. Pyne and Roque's Index of the streets, squares, lanes, alleys, 8(C. in the Plan of London and Westminster. 4to . . Lond. 1747 Raikes (R.), [Anthony Hoskins] London in May ; or an accoant of some of the Religious Institutions in London, small 8vo Lond. 1835 Ralph (James), A critical review of the Public Buildings in and about London and Westminster. 8vo . . Lond. 1 734 Ralph (James), A new critical review of the Public Buildings in and about London and Westminster. Second edition. 12mo Lond. 1736 Ralph (James), A critical review of the Public Buildings in and about London and Westminster, with large additions. 12mo Lond. 1783 Reeves (Rev. George), M.A., New History of London by question and answer. Second edition. 12mo .. Zone?. 1764 Review, A new, of London ; being an exact survey lately taken of every street, lane, court, alley, S^c. alphabetically arranged, with supplement. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. i 722 Review, A new, of London. Third edition. 8vo Lond. 1 728 Riofrey (A. M. Bureaud), Londres ancien et modeme, ou recherches sur r^tat physique et social de cette metropole. 8vo Lond. 1839 Rookeries of London : — see Beames. Salisbury (Richard Anthony), esq. F.R.S., Paradisus Londinensis; or an account of Plants cultivated in the vicinity of the metropolis. (Plates.) 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. IS06 Sejour de Londres, ou Solitude de Cour. Par le Sieur de Gallardi. 12mo (Equestrian portrait of Cromwell.) .. Cologne, 167 \ Select Views in London and Westminster, engraved by Angus, Watts, and Medland. 4to .. .. Lond. 1800 Select Views in London, 8(C. — see Herbert. Seymour (Robert), A Survey of the Cities of London and Westmin- ster. 2 vol. folio . . . . . . Lond. 1 734-5 Shepherd (Thomas Henry), London and its Environs in the nine- teenth century, illustrated by a series of views, from original draw- ings by ; with historical, topographical, and critical notices. (Series the First.) 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1837 Simond (Louis), Journal of a Tour and Residence in London, 8(C, during the years 1810, 1811. Second edition. 2 vol. 8vo Edinburgh, 1817 Skinner (Richard), esq., A new and complete History and Description of the Cities of London and Westminster, folio Lond, n. d. 10 London {General History), Smart (John), An Account of the several Wards in the city of Lon- don. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond.llAl Smith (John Thomas), Antiquities of London and its Environs, in ninety-eight views of houses, monuments, 8^c. foUo Lond. 1791 Smith (Thomas), Ancient Topography of London ; embracing speci- mens of sacred, pubhc, and domestic architecture, from the earUest period to the time of the great Fire of 1666. royal 4to Lond. 1810 Smith (John Thomas), Vagabondiana ; or Etchings of Portraits, with anecdotes of remarkable beggars, itinerant traders, and other per- sons of notoriety in London and its environs, royal 4to Lond. 1815 Smith (John Thomas), Cries of London. 4to . . Lond. 1839 Smith (John Thomas), An antiquarian ramble in the streets of Lon- don, with anecdotes of their more celebrated residents. Edited by Charles Mackay. Second edition. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1846 Sorbi^re (M. de), A Journey to London, in the year 1698. 8vo Lond. 1698 Sprat (Thomas), F.R.S., Observations on Mons. de Sorbiere's Voy- age into England. [N.B. Much about London.] small 8vo Lond. 1665 Stillingfleet (Edward), A Discourse of the true Antiquity of London, and its state in the Roman times. 8vo . . Lond. 1704 Stow (John), A Survay of London. 4to . . Lond. 1598 Stow (John), A Survay of London. 4to . . Lond. 1599 Stow (John), A Survay of London. 4to . . Lond. 1603 The same, with the rare print of him in profile. Stow (John), The Survay of London. (By A. Munday.) 4to Lond. 1618 The same ; with title-page and last leaf of contents beautifully written by J. T. Matthews, an incurable patient in Bedlam. 4to 1618 Stow (John), The Survey of London, folio . . Lond. 1633 Stow (John), A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. By John Strype, M,A. 2 vol. folio . . Lond. 1720 Stow (John), A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. By John Strype, M. A. 2 vol. folio .. Lond. 1754 Stow (John), A Survey of London : a new edition, edited by Wm. J. Thoms, esq. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1842 Stow (W.), Remarks on London, being an exact survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. 32mo .. Lond. 1722 The same, interleaved, and manuscript additions. Tableau de Londres et de ses Environs. 8vo . . Lond. 1784 Thomas (Henry), esq., Antient Remains, Antiquities, and Recent Improvements of the city of London, containing an account of its several Wards, S(C. 2 vol. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1 830 Thornton (WilHam), esq., A new, complete, and universal History of London, folio .. .. .. Zone?. 1786 Timbs (John), F.S.A., Curiosities of London: exhibiting the most rare and remarkable objects of interest in the metropolis; with nearly fifty years of personal recollection, sm. 8vo Lond. 1855 London {General History), 11 Troia Redeviva, or the Glories of London surveyed in an heroick poem. 4to ., .. .. .. Lond. 1674 Vermont (Marquis de) and Sir Charles Darnley, London and Paris, or Comparative Sketches. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1 82S Vues des villes de Londres, Canterbury, <^c. 2 vol. in one, oblong 4to .. .. .. .. .. cL Leide, 1668 Volunteers, Loyal, of London and environs, Infantry and Cavalry, in their respective uniforms : representing the whole of the manual, platoon, and funeral exercise in 87 plates, royal 4to Lond. 1 799 Volunteers. An Historical Record of the Light-horse Volunteers of London and Westminster; with the muster rolls from the first formation of the regiment, 1779, to the relodgement of the stan- dards in the Tower, 1829. By James N. Collyer and John Innes Pocock. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lowe?. 1843 Wakefield (Priscilla), Perambulations in London and its Environs. Second edition. 8vo .. .. .. Zone?. 1814 Wallis (John), London ; being a complete Guide to the British ca- pital. Third edition. 12mo .. .. Lond. \S\0 Wallis (Richard), London's Armory accurately delineated, large folio .. .. .. .. Lond.}677 Warburton (John), esq. F.R.S., London and Middlesex illustrated. 8vo. (MS. notes.) .. .. .. Lond. 1749 Wards of London. True Lists of the Aldermen, Deputies, and Com- mon Councilmen of the several Wards of the honourable city of London, for the years 1681-82, 1690-92, and 93. Some account of the several Wards, Precincts, and Parishes in the city of London : to which is added Lists of the Mayors, SfC. from 1660 to 1772. small 8vo Lond. 1772 Wellbeloved (Horace), M.A., London Lions, for Country Cousins and Friends about Town ; being all the new buildings, improve- ments, and amusements in the British metropolis. 8vo Lond. 1 836 WilHams (Thomas), The Insane World, or a Week in London. 8vo Lond. 1817 Woodward (Dr. John), Account of some Roman Urns and other an- . tiquities lately dug up at Bishopsgate : in a letter to Sir Christo- pher Wren. '»vo .. .. .. Lond. 1713 Woodward (Dr. John), Remarks upon the ancient and present state of London. Third edition. 8vo .. .. Lond. 17 23 12 London (Apprentices). Apprentices. Instructions for the Apprentices in the city of London. 4to sheet. n. d. Instructions for the Apprentices of the Company of Cooks. 4to sheet. n. d. A hriefe and true Relation of the great disorders and riot attempted and committed upon the house and goods of Thomas Hubbert, esq., in Moorefields, on the 21st March last; and vindicating the City Apprentices from the scandalous aspersions cast upon them, of being either the first promoters of it, or chief actors in it. 4to Lond. n. d. The Prentises Practice in Godlinesse, and his true freedom. 12mo Lond. 1608 The Cities Advocate in this case or question ; whether Apprentiship extinguisheth Gentry ? containing a cleare refutation of the per- nicious common errour affirming it, swallowed by Erasmus of Roterdam, Sir Tho. Smith, Sir John Fern, and others. 4to Lond. 1629 The Petition of the Weomen of Middlesex, with the Apprentices of London Petition presented to Parliament. 4to Lond. 1641 The Apprentices of London Petition, presented to the Parliament. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1641 A Declaration of the valiant resolution of the famous Prentices of London, with their Protestation. 4to .. Lond. \ 642 An humble Declaration of the Apprentices and other Young Men of thecityof London, who were petitioners for peace. 4to Lond. 1642 Petition to Parliament of the well-affected 'Prentices and Young Men of London and its suburbs, praying for a union between the King and Parliament. 4to . . . . . . 1 642 A Remonstrance and Declaration of the Apprentices of the city of London to the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and Common Council. 4to . . .. .. .. Lond. 1647 The humble Petition of many thousands of Young Men and Appren- tices of the city of London to the Parliament. 4to Lond. 1647 The humble desires of the Citizens, Young Men, and Apprentices of the city of London, presented to both houses of Parhament, 26th July, 1647. 4to .. .. . .n Lond. 1647 The humble Remonstrance of the Apprentices of the city of London to the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and Common Council of the same city. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1647 The Penitent Murtherer, being an exact narrative of the life, 8{C. of Nathaniel Butler (an apprentice). 12mo .. Lond. 1659 A Vindication of the London Apprentices Petition, and the legality of their subscriptions asserted. 4to . . Lond. 1 659 A Presentation to London, or an Answer to the Young Men and Apprentices Petition and Address, directed by them to the Major, Aldermen, and Common Council. 4to . . Lond. 1659 London (Apprentices), 13 The humble Petition and Address of divers Young Men on behalf of themselves and the Apprentices of the city of London, to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the city of London in Com- mon Council assembled, (folio sheet.) . . Lond. (1659) The Tryals of the London Apprentices who were tumultuously as- sembled in Moore Fields under colour of pulling down bawdy- houses. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1668 The Cities great concern in this case or question ; whether Appren- ticeship extinguisheth Gentry ? 12mo .. Lond. 1674 Petition to the House of Lords of the young Apprentices and the Seamen in and about London [dated 1641] ; with the Protestant Apprentice's loyal advice to all his fellow- apprentices in and about London, in relation to present circumstances, and the attempts to debauch them into pernicious undertakings and tumults. By T. S., an apprentice . . . . . . . . 1 680 A Protestant Prentices loyal Advice to all his fellow apprentices in and about London, folio .. .. Lond. 1680 Relief of Apprentices wronged by their Masters, how by our law it may be obtained, without any new Act of Parliament. 4to Lond. 1 687 The famous history of the Valiant London Prentice, shewing his noble exploits at home and abroad, his love and great success : very pleasant and delightful. Written for encouragement of youth. ByJ. S. (Black letter.) 12mo .. .. Lond. 1692 The London Apprentice : a narrative of the life and death of Natha- niel Butler, executed in Cheapside, September, 1 657, for murdering his fellow apprentice. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1802 A Letter to the right hon. and honourable the Lords and Commons of Great Britain, on the advantages of Apprenticeships. By Wil- liam Playfair. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. \814 A Present for an Apprentice. By a late Lord Mayor of London. Tenth edition. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. Aflfectionate Advice to Apprentices and other young persons engaged in trades or professions. By Henry George Watkins, M.A. Fourth edition. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1822 Rules for the Conduct of Life : to which are added Cautions for the use of such Freemen of London as take Apprentices. 12mo Lond. 1837 Bartholomew Fair. Bartholomew Faire, with the several enormityes and misdemeanours which are there seen and acted. 4to (Reprint) Lond. 1641 News from Bartholomew Fair, or the World's mad. 4to Lond. The Dagonizing of Bartholomew Fayre, caused by the Lord Major's command, for the battering downe the vanities of the gentiles, comprehended in flag and pole, appertayning to puppet play. MS. sheet. . . . . . . . . n. d. An antient Song of Bartholomew Fair, half sheet 1 655 14 London {Bartholomew Fair), The Seige of Troy, presented in Mrs. Mymm's booth at Bartholomew Fair. 8vo . . . . . . . . Lond. Strange Newes from Bartholomew Fair. By Peter Aretine. 4to Lond. 1661 The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, a most excellent Play, as it was acted at Bartholomew and Southwark Fairs. 4to Lond. 1680 A Walk to Smithfield, or a description of the manners of Bartholomew Fair, with the many comical intrigues and frolics that are acted in every particular booth in the fair, 8(C. half sheet. 4to 1701 Reasons for the punctual limiting of Bartholomew Fair to those three days to which it is determined by the royal grant of it to the city of London. Svo . . . . . . Lond. 1711 Bartholomew Fair, an heroi-comical Poem [with various additional MS. and other notices]. Svo .. .. Lond. 1111 The Quakers' Opera, by Thomas Walker. Performed at Lee and Harpers great theatrical booth in Bartholomew Fair. Svo Lond. 1728 The History and Origin of Bartholomew Fair. Svo Lond. 1 808 A Poetical Description of Bartholomew Fair. By one under a hood. Svo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1837 Bills, Placards, and other documents respecting : — see Manuscripts. [For MS. Collections, S^c.y relative to, see Manuscripts.'] Biography. Abel (Alderman), An exact Legendary, compendiously containing the whole life of, the maine projector and patentee for the raising of wines. Broad sheet, with a curious woodcut, 1641 [See Companies, Vintners.] Barber, John, city printer, common-council man, alderman, and lord mayor of London, An impartial history of the life, character, amours, travels, and transactions of. Svo . . Lond. 1741 Bernedi, Major John, A history of the Life of, now a prisoner in Newgate near thirty-three years. 4to ,. Lond. \1 'Id Boaden (James) : — see Kemble. Booth, Barton, the celebrated actor. Memoirs of. Svo Lond. 1733 Brasbridge (Joseph), The Fruits of Experience, or a Memoir of, written in his 80th and 81st years. [N.B. Many years a trades- man at the corner of Bride's passage. Fleet street.] Second edition. Svo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1824 Brewer (Thomas) : — see Carpenter. Burgon (John William) : — see Gresham, Sir Thomas. Butler, Nathaniel, The Penitent Murtherer ; being a narrative of the life and death of. Collected by Randolph Yearwood, chaplain to the lord mayor. Fifth edition, sm. 8vo . . Land. 1 659 London {Biography), 15 Butler, Nathaniel, The London Apprentice, a narrative of the life and death of. Republished, with an Address to the citizens of London, by John Duncan, LL.D. 8vo . . Lond. 1802 Carew (Tho.) : — see Courten, Sir WiUiam. Carpenter, John, Town Clerk of London in the reigns of Henry V. and VI., A Memoir of. By Thomas Brewer, of the Town Clerk's Office. Svo .. .. .. .. Zo«rf. 1836 Carpenter, John, Memoir of the Life and Times of, with an appendix of documents, by Thomas Brewer. 8vo .. Xowrf. 1856 Cawton, Mr. Thomas, The Life and Death of that holy man of God sometime minister at St. Bartholomew's behind the Royal Ex- change. 8vo .. .. .. .. Zowc?. 1662 Charlton, Madam, commonly called the German Princess, Memoirs of the Life and Death of. 4to . . . . Lond. 1673 City Biography ; containing anecdotes and memoirs of the aldermen and other conspicuous personages of the city of London. Second edition. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1800 Clarke (Samuel) : — see Cooke, Dame Mary. Colet, Dr. John, Dean of St. Paul's, The Life of. By Samuel Knight, D.D. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. \1 24: Colet, Dr. John, The Life of. Writ by Erasmus Roterodamus. 12mo .. .. .. .. 1667 Colquhoun, Patrick, esq., A Biographical Sketch of the Life and Writings of. 8vo .. .. .. jLo«c?. 1818 Cooke, Dame Mary, [relict of Sir John Cooke of Doctors Commons], Sermon on the death of, by Samuel Clarke, D.D. 4to Lond. 1 709 Coram, Captain Thomas, Projector of the Foundling Hospital, The Character of. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1751 Cornish (Joseph) : — see Firmin. Courten, Sir William, and Sir Paul Pyndar, Hinc illce Lacryma; or an epitome of the Lives and Deaths of. By Thomas Carew, gent. folio .. .. . . .. .. Lond. 1681 Crosby, Brass, Alderman, Memoir of. [By Sir Cuthbert Sharpe.] 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1829 Dalton, James, A Narrative of all the Street Robberies committed by, and his accomplices, now in Newgate, SfC. 8vo Lond. 1 728 Dangerfield's Memoires, digested into adventures, receipts, and ex- penses, by his own hand. 4to . . . . Lond. 1685 Deveil, Sir Thomas, knight, one of the justices of the peace for Mid- dlesex, Surrey, and Herts, the city of Westminster and the Tower of London, Memoirs of the Life and Times of. 8vo Lond. 1 748 Dove, Robert. London's Dove ; or a Memoriall of the Life and Death of Maister Robert Dove, citizen and Merchant-taylor of London, and his several almes deeds, and large bounty to the poore in his lifetime. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1612 Duncan (John) : — see Butler, Nathaniel. 16 London [Biography). Dunton, John, citizen of London, The Life and Errors of. 2 vol. 8vo . . .. .. . . .. Lond. 1818 England, Dick, The Life of, alias Captain England, of turf memory; ■with notes and illustrations. 8vo .. .. Lond. \19\ Erasmus Roterodamus : — see Colet, Dr. John. Eyre, Sir Simon, knight, shoemaker, who successively filled the dignified oflSices of sheriff and lord mayor of London, and built Leadenhall, the origin, rise, and death of. 8vo Lond. n. d. [See Poetry, 8fC. The Shoo -makers Holy- day.] Farr, Richard, The Cheating Solicitor cheated, or perfect relation of the Life and Death of. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 665 Fenton, Francis, Genuine and impartial Memoirs of. 8vo Lond. 1790 Firmin, Thomas, citizen of London, The Life of. By Joseph Cor- nish. 12mo .. .. .. .. ' Lond. 1780 Fuller, William, gent., The Life of; written by his own hand. 8vo Lond. 1701 Fuller, Mr. William, The second part of the Life of. 8vo Lond. \ 701 Garrick, David, [Patentee of Drury-lane Theatre], Private Corre- spondence with the most celebrated persons of his time, now first published from the originals, with Notes, and a new Biographical Memoir of Garrick. Second edition. 2 vol. 4to Lond. 18^5 Gearing, Mr. H., late citizen of London, Some account of the holy Life and Death of . 12mo .. .. Lond. 1694 Godfrey, Sir Edmondbury, knt., late justice of the peace for Mid- dlesex, Ssc Memoires of the Life and Death of. (Portraits.) 12mo .. .. .... .. Lond. 1682 Gresham, Sir Thomas, The Life and Times of, compiled chiefly from his correspondence in Her Majesty's State-paper office ; including notices of many of his contemporaries, with illustrations. By John William Burgon. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. Lond. \8S9 Hainham, Richard, The Witty Rogue arraigned, condemned, and executed; or the History of. 4to .. .. Lond. 1656 Hawkewood, Sir John, [Taylor and citizen of London] . The honou- rable Prentice ; or this Taylor is a Man : exemplified in the life and renowned actions of. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 743 Haynes, J., The Life of, the famous Comedian ; containing his comic exploits and adventures. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1701 Hoare, Richard, esq., A Journal of the Shrievalty of, in the years 1740-41 ; with an account of his family. 4to Bath, \8\5 Hunt, Henry, esq.. The Life of, and Triumphal Entry into London, September 13, 1819 ; order of the procession, speeches, 8(C. 4 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1819-20 London (Biography). 17 Jefferies, George lord, and the Bloody Assizes, or a complete his- tory of the life of. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1689 Jefferys, Lord Chancellor, The Life and Character of. Second edit. 8vo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1725 The same, inlaid in folio, and illustrated. Jefferys, some time Lord Chancellor of England, Memoirs of. By Humphrey W. Woolrych. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1827 Judde, Sir Andrew, founder of Tonbridge Grammar School, An Essay on the Life of. By George Maberley Smith, scholar of Tonbridge School. 4to .. .. Lond. \^A9 Kemble, John Philip, Memoirs of the Life of, with history of the Stage. By James Boaden. 2 vol. 8vo .. Z/onc?. 1825 Ketch, Jack, The Autobiography of (with fourteen illustrations, from designs by Meadows), foolscap 8vo . . Lond. 1835 -Knight (Samuel) : — see Colet, Dr. John. Lackington, John, Memoirs of the first forty-five vears of the life of. 8vo .. .. .. ..' Lond. 1791 Lambe, John, otherwise called Doctor Lambe, A brief description of the notorious life of, together with his ignominious death. 4to .. ,. .. .. .. Amsterd. 1628 The same. 4to . . . . . . (Reprint) n. d. Langley, Gilbert, formerly of Serle- street near Lincoln's Inn, gold- smith. The Life and Adventures of. 8vo . . Lond. 1 740 Lettsom, Dr. Coakley, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, with a selection from his correspondence. By Thomas Pettigrew. 8vo 2 vol. . . . . . , .. Lond. 18 1 7 Lilburne, Colonel John, his Life and Trial, with a collection of Tracts relating to. 5 vol. 8vo (See Political.) Lond. 1641-56 Longbeard, WilHam, The Life and Death of. 8vo Lond. 1593 Mead, Richard, M.D., Authentic Memoirs of the Life of. 8vo Lond. 1755 Monsey, Messenger, M.D., Physician of Chelsea Hospital, A sketch of the life and character of ; with anecdotes of persons of the first rank in church and state. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1789 Morrell, William, alias Bowyer, alias Wickham :— see Settle, El- kanah. Naylor, James, The Life of, with a refutation of the calumnies against the Quakers. By Joseph Gurney Bevan. 8vo Lond. 1800 Nevill, Mr., The generous Usurer in Thames street. 4to (Reprint) Lond. 1641 Newland, Abraham, esq., late principal Cashier at the Bank of England, The Life of. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1808 18 London {Biography), O'Kelly, Dennis, esq., commonly called Count O'Kelly, The genuine Memoirs of. 8vo .. .. .. Xow5. 1788 Overs, John, History of, and of his daughter Mary. 8vo Lond. 1 744 Papillon, Thomas, of London, esq.. Memoirs of the Life of, collected from his papers : to which is added some account of his family, S;c. foho sheet . . . . . . n. d. Par, Thomas, The olde, old, very olde man; or the age and long life of. By John Taylor. 4to .. .. Xowc?. 1635 Pepys, Samuel, Secretary to the Admiralty temp. Chas. IL and James II., Memoirs of; comprising his Diary from 1659 to 1669, and a selection from his private correspondence. Edited by Richard lord Braybrooke. 2 vol. 4to . . . . Lond, 1825 Pettigrew (Thomas) : — see Lettsom, Dr. Coakley. Phillips, Sir Richard, knight, and sheriff of London, Memoirs of. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1808 Price, Charles, otherways Patch, <^c., Particular Account of that arch imposter. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 11 ^Q Pyndar, Sir Paul : — see Courten. Richmond ; or Scenes in the Life of a Bow-street officer, drawn up from his private memoranda. 3 vol. 8vo . . Lond. 1827 Rundell, Philip, esq., goldsmith and jeweller, Ludgate hill, who left a fortune of a million and a half. Memoirs of, with his Will. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1827 Savage, Mr. Richard, The Life of, who was condemned for the murder of Mr. Sinclair, S^c. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1728 Savage, Thomas, A Murderer punished and pardoned ; or the wicked life and shamefull-happy death of, executed at Ratcliffe, for mur- thering his fellow apprentice. 8vo . . Lond. 1 668 Settle (Elkanah), The compleat Memoirs of the life of that notorious impostor William Morrell, alias Bowyer, alias Wickham, <^c., with considerable additions, small 8vo .. Lond. 1694 Sharp, Granville, Memoir of. By Prince Hoare. Second edition. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. Xowrf. 1828 Sheppard, John, Account of the Life of : prefixed to Harlequin Shep- pard : — see Poetry, Drama, 8fC. Shore, Jane, The Life and Character of. 4to . . Lond. 1714 Siddons, Mrs., Mrs. Galindo's Letter to ; being a circumstantial de- tail of Mrs. Siddons's life for the last seven years ; with several of her letters. 8vo .. .. ' .. Lond. I S09 Smith (George Maberley) : — see Judde, Sir Andrew. Smith, Thomas, of Campden, Notices relating to, and to Henry Smith sometime alderman of London. By the late Charles Perkins Gwilt, B.A., of Christ Church, Oxford, and of the Middle Temple, London, a descendant of the family. 8vo .. .. Lond. I S26 London {Biography), 19 Stothard, Thomas, R.A., Life of, with personal reminiscences. By Mrs. Bray. With numerous illustrations from his works. 4to Lond. 1851 Stuhbs, Mrs. Katherine, A Chrystal glass for Christian women, or discourse on the godly life and death of. 4to Lond. 1716 Sylvester, Sir John, bart.. Recorder of London, commonly called Black Jack of the Old Bailey, Sketch of the Life and Character of, with a monody on his death. By John Mitford, esq. 8vo Lond. n. d. Walker, Henry, the Ironmonger, The whole life and progresse of. Collected and written by John Taylor. 4to .. Lowe?. 1642 Walton, Izaac, The Life of, including notices of his contemporaries. By Thomas Zouch, D.D., F.L.S., prebendary of Durham. 8vo Lond. 1826 Welby. The Phoenix of these late times ; or the Life of Mr. Henry Welby, who lived at his house in Grub street forty-foure yeares, and in that space was never seen by any (aged 84). 4to Lond. 1637 Whittington, Sir Richard, The Life of, four times lord mayor of London. 12mo .. .. .. Harlow, 1811 Wild, Jonathan, The Life and villanous transactions of that noto- rious offender. 8vo .. .. .. Xowrf. 1718 Wilkes, John, esq.. The Life of, in the manner of Plutarch. Second edition. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. m^ Wilkes (John), The Speeches of. 2 vol. 12mo Lond. 1777 Wilkes (John), The Correspondence of, with Memoirs of his Life, by John Almon. 5 vol. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1 805 Wilkes (John), Letters to his Daughter, with a Memoir of his Life. Second edition. 4 vol. 12mo .. .. Lond. \SOb Williams, Dr. Daniel, Memoirs of the Life of, (founder of the library in Redcross street). 8vo .. .. Lond. IT \Q Woolrych (Humphrey W.) : — see Jefferys. Wren (Christopher), Parentalia, or Memoirs of the family of the Wrens, but chiefly relating to Sir Christopher Wren. Compiled by his son Christopher ; published by his grandson Stephen Wren, esq. folio . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 750 Wren, Sir Christopher, Memoirs of the Life and Works of. By James Elmes, M.R. LA. 4to .. .. Lond. 1^2^ Wren, Sir Christopher, and his Times. By the same. 8vo Lond. 1852 Wright, Mr. Samuel, London's Wonder, An Account of the family, life, and legacies of, with a copy of his will. 8vo Lond. 1737 Yearwood (Randolph) : — see Butler, Nathaniel. c2 20 London [Bridges), Bridges, Remarks on the different constructions of Bridges, and improve- ments to secure their foundations. 4to . . Lond. 1749 Observations on a pamphlet, lately published, entitled Remarks on the different constructions of Bridges, ^c. By Charles Marquand. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Xowrf. 1749 Short Principles for the architecture of stone Bridges. By Stephen Bion, esq. architect. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1 760 The Principles of Bridges, with mathematical demonstrations. By Charles Button, mathematician. 8vo Newcastle, 1772 Report of the Committee of Magistrates appointed to make enquiry respecting pubhc Bridges in Middlesex. 4to Lond. 1826 London Bridge. The case of Thomas Morris, esq., as to erecting one or more engines in the fourth arch at the north end of London Bridge ; with the Recorder's Letter to the Lord Mayor on the subject, and Mr. Morris's answer thereunto, folio . . Lond. 1701-2 A short historical account of London Bridge, with a proposition for a new stone bridge at Westminster. By Nicholas Hawkesmoor, esq. 4to .. .. .. .. Xowrf. 1736 The History of London Bridge, from its first foundation in the vear 994, to 1758. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1*758 Observations concerning London Bridge. By Joseph Sills. 8vo Lond. 1813 A new London Bridge, but no new Taxes. 8vo Lond. 1813 Observations upon the probable consequences of the demolition of Lon- don Bridge. By Sir Henry C. Englefield, hart. 8vo Zonrf. 1821 The Conduct of the Corporation of the city of London considered in respect of the designs submitted to it for rebuilding London Bridge. By Joseph Gwilt. 8vo . . .. .. Zonrf. 1823 Chronicles of London Bridge. By an Antiquary [Richard Thomp- son]. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1827 Minutes of Evidence before the Lords' Committee on the Bill for improving the London Bridge approaches, fol. 2 vol. 1829 New London Bridge, Reports as to, in 1828 and 1831, and to 1847. folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1828-47 Lines on opening the new London Bridge. By Joseph Payne. 4to Lond. 1831 A Professional Survey of Old and New London Bridges. 8vo Lond. 1831 Account of Roman Coins, discovered in the bed of the Thames, near London Bridge. By Charles Roach Smith. 8vo Lond. ] 841 Blackfriars Bridge. Observations on Bridge-building, and the several plans offered for a new bridge in or near Blackfriars. 8vo . . Lond. 1760 London {Bridges), 21 City Latin ; or critical and political remarks on the Latin inscription on laying the first stone of the intended new bridge at Blackfriars. Third edition. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. \1Q\ Plain English, in answer to City Latin, 8iC, By a Deputy. 8vo Lond,\lQ\ Putney Bridge. Considerations oflfered to the hon. Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament for building a bridge over the Thames from Fulham to Putney, in a Letter, 57 A Discovery of Twenty-nine Sects here in London, all of which, ex- cept the first, are most divelish and damnable. 4to Lond. 1641 The Petition and Articles exhibited in Parliament against Doctor Hey wood, late chaplen to the archb. of Canterburie, by the Pa- rishioners of S. Giles in the Fields. 4to . . Lond. 1641 An Answer to a lawless Pamphlet, entitled the Petition and Articles exhibited in Parliament against Dr. Hey wood. By R. M. 4to Lond. 1641 The Petition and Articles exhibited in Parliament against Edward Finch, vicar of Christ church in London. 4to Lond. 1641 The Petition of the Inhabitants of Istleworth in the countie of Mid- dlesex, against William Grant, minister of the said parish. 4to Lond. 1641 The Vindication of the Vicar of Istleworth, from the charge in the preceding petition. By William Grant, the vicar. 4to Lond. 1641 The Proctor and Parator their mourning ; or the lamentation of the Doctors Commons for their downfall ; being a true Dialogve re- lating the fearfull abuses and exorbitancies of those spirituall courts. 4to .. .. .. .. (Reprint) 1641 An Antidote against Rome's infection, with a view of the pious and religious care of the citizens of this citie. 4to Lond. 1641 An Ordination and Declaration of both Houses of Parliament sent to the lord maior of London, for the religious observation of the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday. 4to .. 1642 Religious Lotterie, or the churches amazement ; wherein is declared how many sorts of religions there is crept into the very bowels of • this kingdome, SfC. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1 642 The Divisions of the Church of England crept in at xv several doors, S(C. (cut.) 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1642 A collection of Speeches made by Sir Edward Dering, knt., in matters of religion. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1 642 Laurentius Lutherizans ; or the Protestation of George Laurence, Master of Arts, late Commoner in Oxford, and late lecturer in the parish church of George, Buttolph-lane, by Little Eastcheap, in London. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1642 A Letter, written by Mr. Stephen Marshall, to a friend of his in the city, in vindication of himself and his ministry, against the asper- sion cast upon him by certaine malignants in the city. 4to ' Lond. 1643 The first Centvry of scandalous malignant Priests, made and admitted into [the London and other] benefices by the Prelates. 4to Lond. 1643 Three Looks over London [with the scarce wood-cut of St. Paul's Cross, and preaching at] . 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1 643 The Reformado, precisely charactered by a transformed church war- den, at a vestry. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1 643 The Declaration, Vindication, and Protestation of Edward Dobson, citizen and Stationer of London, wherein is shewed the many illegal and unjust imprisonments sufiered by him through the in- formation of Brownists, Anabaptists, SfC. 4to Bristol, 1 644 58 London (Ecclesiastical), A collection of certain statutes in force, also the ordinances for better observation of the Lord's Day, appointed by the lord mayor to be published. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1644 Truth shut out of doors ; or a briefe and true narrative of the occasion and manner of proceeding of some of Alderman-bury parish, in shutting- their church-doores against me, SfC. By Henry Burton. 4to .. .. .. .. ..* Lond. 1645 The door of Truth opened ; or a true narrative how Mr. Henry Bur- ton came to shut himself out of the church-doors of Alderman* bury. 4to . . . . . . . . Lond, 1 645 Directions of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for the electing and choosing of ruling-elders in all the congregations and in the classicall assemblies for the cities of London and Westminster, S(C., for the speedy settling of Presbyteriall government. 4to Lond. 1 645 Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the city of London, concerning church government, presented to the House of Peers, 16 Jan. 1645; with the Answer. 4to .. Lond. 1645 An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, together with rules and directions concerning suspention from the sacrament of the Lord's Supper ; also the names of such Ministers as are appointed Triers and Judges of the ability of Elders in the twelve classes within the province of London. 4to Lond. 1645 A short Declaration of the Assembly of Divines, by way of detesta- tion of this abominable and blasphemous opinion, that God is and hath a hand in and is the author of the sinfulness of his people. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1645 A Word in Season ; or motives to peace, accomodation, and unity 'twixt Presbyterian and Independent brethren. 4to Lond. 1646 Suspention suspended, or the Divines of Syon CoUedge late claim of the power of suspending scandalous persons from the Lord's Sup- per clearly answered by William Prynne, esq. 4to Lond. 1646 A Reply to a letter, printed at Newcastle under the name of an An- swer sent to the Ecclesiastical Assembly at London, about matters concerning the king and the government of the church ; with a copy of the said letter to the assembly, in the name of John Deodate, D.D., .^c. 4to . . .. .. Lond. 1646 Male Dies, Male Dicis, or a brief reply to Nihil Rvspondens ; also the Brief View briefly re -viewed ; being animadversions upon a name- lesse authour, in a work called, A brief View of Mr. Coleman his new model. By Thomas Coleman, preacher of the word at Peter's, Cornhill. 4to . . .. .. .. Lond. 1646 The swome Confederacy between the convocation at Oxford and the Tower of London. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1647 A just Correction and Enlargement of a scandalous Bill of the mor- tality of the Malignant Clergy of London and other parts of the kingdom, which have been justly sequestred from their pastoral charges, «^c. By J. V. [John Vicars.] 4to .. Lond. 1647 Coleman-street Conclave visited, and that grand impostor, the schis- matick's cheater in chief, truly and diUy discovered. By John Vicars. 4to .. .. .. .. Land, 1648 London {Ecclesiastical). 59 Persecutio Undecima : The Churches eleventh persecution, or a brief of the Puritan persecution of the Protestant clergy of the church of England, more particularly within the city of London. 4to Lond. 1648 Mercurius Anti-mechanicus ; or the simple Cobler's Boy, with his lap full of caveats (or take-heeds), documents, 8{C. to all his honest fellow tradesmen-preachers, but more especially a dozen of them in or about the city of London. By Theodore de la Guarden. 4to. [Written by Nathaniel Ward, who was probably the ejected minister of Stapleford Tawney, in Essex, in ridicule of mechanics turning preachers in an age so prolific of religious sects and parties.] .. .. .. .. Lond. 1 648 A Word to London's Provinciall Assembly ; or a view of some pas- sages in the ministers late vindication of their government : to which is added a vindication of the Covenant against all intruders and opposers. By Nehemia Cant. 4to .. Lond. 1650 The Declaration of John Robins, the false prophet, otherwise called the Shakers god, and Joshua Beek and John King, two false dis- ciples, now prisoners in the new prison at Clerkenwell ; together with his prophecy of what is to come to pass this year 1651. By G. H., an ear-witness. 4to . . . . Lond. 1651 The Bishop of London, the Welch Curate, and Common Prayers with Apocrypha in the end. By William Erbery. 4to Lond. 1652 A Declaration of the people called Anabaptists in and about London, folio sheet .. .. .. .. 1659 A seasona])le Exhortation of sundry Ministers in London to the people of their respective congregations. 4to . . Lond. 1660 The humble Apology of some, commonly called Anabaptists, with their protestation against the late wicked and most horrid insurrec- tion in London. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1660 A Renuntiation and Declaration of the Ministers of Congregational Churches and publick preachers of the same judgment, living in and about the city of London, against the late horrid insurrection and rebellion acted in the said city. 4to . . Lond. 1661 A Lamentation over thee, O London, with thy rulers and people, who hast slighted the day of thy visitation, and resisted the spirit of the Lord and despised His counsel, and evil intreated and persecuted His servants, messengers, and children, S(C, By R. C. 4to Lond. 1665 A Certain Sound ; or an alarm sounded to the persecuting Episcopa- lians in and about the cities of London and Westminster. By E. B. [Edward Burrough] . 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1665 A Peace Offering, in an humble apology and humble plea for indul- gence and liberty of conscience. 4to .. Lond. 1667 A Vindication of the Conforming Clergy from the unjust aspersions of heresie, 8(C. in answer to passages in Mr. Jenkins's Funeral Sermon on Dr. Seaman. 4to . . . . Lond. 1680 The conversion and persecution of Eve Cohan, now called Elizabeth Verboon, a person of quality of the Jewish religion. 4to Lond. 1680 60 London (Ecclesiastical). AUhallows Barking church. A narrative of a strange and sudden apparition of an arch-angel at the Old Bayly, on Monday March the seventh, 1680. [By Dr. Geo. Hickes.] folio Lond. 1680 A new narrative of a Fiery Apparition, seen on several days about Tower hill ; or a just relation of the unjust proceedings of the Church Warden of Allhallows Barking. By Jonathan Sanders, lecturer of the said church, folio . . . . n. d. The birth and burning of St. Michael's Image at All Hallows Barking church, folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1681 The birth and burning of St. Michael's Image. The second part, folio .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1681 The sham Indictment quash'd ; being an account of what passed at the Old Bailey, 20 May, 1681, when the minister answered Mr. Whitaker's indictment : with reflections on a libel, called the birth and burning of the image called St. Michael, folio Lond. 1681 Order by the Bishop of London, for the preaching of sermons at Bow church on holidays, folio .. .. Lond. \ 684 Lent Preachers appointed bv the Bishop of London, folio 1 684-5 at Whitehall . . . . 1684-5 appointed by the Bishop of London 1 685-6 appointed by the Commissioners of the diocese of London . . . . . . . . . . 1 686-7 A narrative of the sufferings of Thomas Delaune, for publishing a late book, called a Plea for the Nonconformists. 4to Lond. 1684 Order of the Ecclesiastical Court, 4th November, 1686 [James II.], as to claims for being exempt parishes, of Trinity Minories, St. James Duke's place, and St. Botolph Aldgate. 1 686 List of Prebendaries of St. Paul's, appointed by the Lords Commis- sioners of the diocese of London, to preach on holidays at St. Peter's church, Comhill. folio .. .. 1688 Proceedings against Henry lord bishop of London, before the Lord Chancellor and the other Ecclesiastical Commissioners. 4to Lond. 1688 A Letter from the Bishop of Rochester to the Lord Chamberlain, concerning his sitting in the late Ecclesiastical Commission. 4to Lond. 1688 His Majesty's letter to the Bishop of London, to be communicated to both provinces, folio sheet .. .. 1689 A Letter from a City Minister to a Member of Parliament, in vindica- tion of the Church of England clergy, for their owning and praying for King William and Queen Mary. 4to .. Lond. 1689 Tracts, viz. Vox Cleri, or the Sense of the Clergy, with an answer thereto. Vox Regis et Regni, or a protest against Vox Cleri, and a persuasive to make such alterations as may give ease to our dis- senting brethren. Presbyterian Loyalty, or a history of dissenting loyalty, (S^c. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1689-90 Heads of Agreement assented to by the united ministers in and about London. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1691 Heads of Agreement by the united ministers in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational. 4to Lond. 1691 London {Ecclesiastical), 61 Historia de Episcopis et Decanis Londinensibus, k Hen. Wharton, A.M. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1695 A Declaration of the sense of the Archbishops and Bishops now in and about London, concerning the proceedings of certain clergy- men at the execution of Sir John Freind and Sir William Parkins. 4to .. .. .. . . .. Lond. 1696 Order in Council, 2 May, 1704, for making certain alterations in the Common Prayer. St. Bride's, Fleet street. Wilson and others against Townley : the appellant's case touching Tithes in the parish of. folio sheet, n. d. [circ. 1705] Tint for Taunt, the manager managed, with remarks on a sermon preached in St. Paul, Covent garden, by Lumley Lloyd, rector. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1710 Pietas Londinensis ; or the present ecclesiastical state of London. By James Patterson, A.M. 12mo .. .. Xowrf. 1714 A Declaration of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishops in and near London, testifying their abhorrence of the present rebel- lion. 4to .. .. ., .. Lond. 1715 The Picture of a high-flying Clergyman ; or a true state of the case between John Harris, D.D., rector of St. Mildred Bread street, London, and Charles Humphreys, LL.D., late lecturer of that parish. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1716 A collection of cases and other discourses, lately written to recover Dissenters to the communion of the Church of England. By some divines of the city of London. Third edit. 3 vol. 8vo Lond. 1718 A defence of the Lord Bishop of London, in answer to the Letter of Thanks of Mr. William Whiston to his lordship ; with a vindica- tion of Dr. Sacheverell's late endeavors to turn Mr. Whiston out of his church. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1719 Cripplegate, St. Giles. The case of Tho. Bennett, D.D., vicar of, appellant, against Michael Trespass and others, inhabitants of the parish, folio ., .. ., .. Lond. 1722 An account of the rise and progress of the religious societies of the city of London. Bv Josiah Woodward, D. D. Fifth edition. 12mo .. .. ' .. .. .. Lond. 1724 The Scourge, in vindication of the Church of England ; with the anatomy of the heretical synod of dissenters at Salters hall. By T. Lewis. . . . . . . . , n. d. The story of the Ordination of our first Bishops in Queen Elizabeth's reign, at the Nag's-head Tavern in Cheapside. By Thomas Browne, B.D. 8vo .. .. ,. .. Lond. 173L A Letter to the Protestant Dissenting Congregation at Broad street Wappin, London, occasioned by their late proceedings against the author, on his profession of Unitarianism. By John Rhudd. 8vo Lond. 1734 Quakers : Examination of a book lately printed by, with an account of the prosecutions against them, for recovery of tithes, church rates, 8{C., so far as the clergy of London are concerned. 8vo Lond. 1737 62 London {Ecclesiastical). Directions given to the Clergy of the diocese of London, in the year 1724, by the right rev. Father in God, Edmund [Gibson] lord bishop of London : with his Charge. 8vo . . Lond. 1 744 Some account of the state of ReUgion in London ; in four letters to a friend in the country. 8vo . - . . Lond. 1774 Somerset-house Chapel, a Hst of marriages, baptisms, and burials in, from the year 1 714 to 1775 ; when it was shut up by order of the Treasury. 8vo . . . . . . n. d. Case respecting the maintenance of the London Clergy. By John Moore, LL.B. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1802 The history and antiquities of Dissenting Churches and meeting- houses in London, Westminster, and Southwark. By Walter Wilson. 4 vol. Svo .. .. .. 1808 An appeal and address to the yearly meeting of Friends held in Lon- don, a.d. 1814. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1814 A collection of the tracts published by Joanna Southcott, Elias Car- penter, and others. 7 vol. 8vo .. .. Lond. \80S-l 5 An address to the owners and occupiers of property within the city of London, occasioned by two Bills now pending in Parliament upon the subject of Tithes. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1817 Remarks on the speech of Charles Phillips, esq., at the meeting of the Bible Society at the Mansion-house, November 25, 1819. Svo , . .. .. .. . . Lond, 1819 An historical research concerning the most ancient Congregational Church in England ; showing the claim of the church worshipping in Union street, Southwark, to that distinction. By Benjamin Hanbury. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1820 Memoranda, containing an impartial account of an interesting meet- ing held at Queen-street chapel, Lincoln's-inn fields, March 10, 1821, touching the African missions. Svo .. Lond. 1821 Important Argument at the Mansion-house, on Saturday, Sth Febru- ary, 1823, before the lord mayor, upon the rev. Dr. Owen's appli- cation for a warrant for Tithes, at 2^. 9d. in the pound upon rack rental, under the statute of 37th Henry VIII. Svo Lond. 1823 Cases relating to the Tithes of the city of London. By Thomas George Western, esq. Svo .. .. Lond. 1823 An Argument on the non-inrolment in Chancery of the decree for Tithes in London. By Robert Phihp Tyrwhitt, esq. Svo Lond. 1823 Remarks on the rapacity of the London Clergy and lay Impropri- ators. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1825 A letter on the present neglect of the Lord's Day, addressed to the inhabitants of London and Westminster. By Charles James Blom- field, D.D., bishop of London. Svo . . Lond. 1830 Piety and Patriotism ; or the church the champion of liberty : with notes and an appendix. By the author of the Textuary and Ri- tualist. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 18S5 Evangelical Alliance. Report of the proceedings of the conference held at Freemasons* hall, London, from August 19 to September 2, inclusive. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1847 London (Ecclesiastical), 63 The case of the Rector of St. Thomas Apostle in the city of London, with his parishioners. By the rev. H. B. Wilson, D.D., rector. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1849 The Papacy ; its history, dogmas, genius, and prospects : being the evangelical alliance prize essay on popery. By the rev. J. A. Wvlie. Svo .. .. .. .. Edinb.1852 Fire of London. Lettbr of King Charles II. to the lord mayor, 8(C. of London, con- cerning relieving the public distress caused by the late Fire of London. . . . . . . . . 1666 Order of the Lord Mayor [Weld] for rebuilding the city after the fire. . . . . . . . . . . n. d. A short Narrative of the late dreadful fire in London. By Edward Waterhous. Svo .. .. .. Lond. \ 667 Observations both historical and moral upon the burning of London, 1666, by Rege Sincera. 4to . . . . Lond. 1667 A true and faithful account of the several informations exhibited to the committee appointed by Parliament to inquire into the late dreadful burning of the city of London. 4to . . Lond. 1667 Pyrotechnica Loyolana : Ignatian Fire-works, or the fiery Jesuits' temper and behaviour exposed to publick view for the sake of London. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. \661 Upon the lamentable Fire in London, a poem. By J. A. of King's CoUedge in Cambridge Fellow. 4to . . Lond. 1667 Annus Mirabilis, the Year of Wonders 1666: an historical poem, describing the Fire of London. By John Dryden, esq. Lond. 1667 A short and serious Narrative of London's fatal Fire, with its diurnal and nocturnal progression ; a poem : as also London's Lamen- tation to her regardless passengers. 4to .. Lond. 1667 Confirmation by the Privy Council of the lord mayor's order for re- building the city after the great Fire. . . 1667 The conflagration of London poetically described, 3(C., both in Latin and English. [By Dr. Ford.] 4to .. Lond. 1667 London's Remains, in Latin and English, a poem. [By Dr. Ford.] 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1667 Actio in Londini Incendiarios, a Latin poem. [Bv Dr. Ford.] 4to Lond. 1667 Londini Renascentis Imago Poetica. [By Dr. Ford.] 4to Lond. 1 668 London's Resurrection, or the rebuilding of London encouraged, directed, and improved. Bv Samuel Rolls, minister of the Gospel. Svo .. .'. .. .. Lond. 1668 London's Resurrection poetically represented. [Bv Dr. Ford.] 4to Lond. 1669 An Act of Common Council for preventing and suppressing of fires within the city of London and liberties thereof. 4to 1668 64 LoiSi DON {Fire of London), Iter Boreale : upon the rebuilding of the city, the right honourable the lord mayor and the noble company of Batchelors dining with him. May 5, 1669 [and other poems, mostly relating to London]. By R. Wild, D.D. 12mo .. .. Lond. \Q10 Trap ad Crucem, or the Papist's Watch-word : an account of some late informations taken before several justices of the peace in and about London ; also a relation of the several fires that have lately happened in the said city. 4to .. .. Lond. \Q10 The Papists' Plot, or firing discovered, in a perfect account of the late Fire in London. 4to . . . . Lond. 1679 The Address of above twenty thousand Apprentices of London to the Lord Mayor, September 2, 1681, the day appointed to be ob- served in commemoration of the burning of that city by papists, Jesuits, 8iC. anno 1666 : with some of the reasons that induced the addressers to this application, folio sheet . . Lond. 1681 A compendious history of the most remarkable passages for the last fourteen years, with an account of the plot both before and after the Fire of London. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1680 London's Flames Reviv'd, or an account of the several informations exhibited to a committee appointed by Parliament to enquire into the burning of London. 4to .. .. Lond. 1689 London's Flames set in a true light, being a true and faithful account of the several informations exhibited to Parliament on the late burning of London. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1712 A Protestant Memorial, erected to the immortal glory of the Whigs and Dutch : it being a full and satisfactory relation of the late mysterious plot and firing of London. 4to .. Lond. 111^ The Burning of London by the papists : Sed Furor Papisticus, SfC. 8vo .. . , .. .. .. Lond. 1714 An account of the burning of the city of London, published by spe- cial authority in 1666. Third edition. 8vo .. Lond. 172[ The City Remembrancer of the Great Plague, 1665, the Great Fire, 1666, and the Great Storm, 1703. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1767 An historical Narrative of the great and terrible Fire of London, September 2, 1666. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1769 An account of the Fire at the new Prison, Clerkenwell, 1679. 4to Lond. 1679 Order in Council, that briefs granted by His late Majesty for losses by fire, and not yet expired, be read in parish churches. 1684 An account of the new method of extinguishing Fires, introduced by Ambrose Godfrey of Covent Garden, chymist. 8vo Lond. 1724 The manner of securing all sorts of buildings from Fire, or a treatise upon the construction of arches made with bricks and plaister, called flat arches, 8(C. ; written in French by M. le Comte d'Espie, and translated by L, Dutens. 8vo . . Lond. [1755] Reflections occasioned by the frequency of Fires in the metropolis ; with thoughts on measures for adding to the public security, and remarks on the law of Arson. By Philanthropes . [Geo. Griffin, Store street.] 4to .. ,. ,. Lond, 1790 London {Fires). 65 Resolutions of the associated Architects, with the report of a com- mittee by them appointed to consider the causes of the frequent fires. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond, 1793 Sermons, Fires in London. Lamentation, mourning, and woe, sighed forth in a Sermon preached at St. Martins in the Fields, on September 9, 1666, after the Fire of London. By Nathaniel Hardy, D.D., vicar, 4to Lond. 1666 Lex Ignea; a Sermon preached before the king, October 10, 1666, at the solemn fast for the late Fire of London. By William Sand- croft, D.D., dean of St. Paul's. 4to . / Lond. 1666 The widow of Sarepta ; a Sermon on occasion of the Fire of London. By David Stokes, D.D. 4to . . . . Lond. 1667 The Burning of London in the year 1666 commemorated and im- proved in ex. discourses. By Samuel RoUe. 8vo Lond. 1667 London's Lamentations, or a serious discourse concerning the late fiery dispensation. By Thomas Brooks. 4to Lond. 1670 A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, at Guildhall chapel, on the day of their humiliation in memory of the late dreadful Fire. By Henry Hesketh. 4to Lond. 1 679 A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, S(C. at Bow church, September 2, 1680, the anniversary of the fast for the burning of London, by Gilbert Burnet. 4to .. .. Lond. 1680 A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, 8(C. at Bow church, September 3, 1 683, on the day of humiliation for the late dreadful Fire. By William Hopkins, B. D. 4to . . Lond. 1 683 A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, S^c. September 2, 1685, being the anniversarv fast for the dreadful Fire. By Benjamin Calamy,D.D. 4to ' .. .. .. Lond. 1685 A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, &c. at the church of St. Mary le Bow, September 2, 1686, being the anniversary fast for the dreadful Fu-e in the year 1666. By John Scot, D. D. 4to Lond. 1686 A Sermon preach'd at Guildhall chapel, 2 September, 1740. By Samuel Salter, M. A. 4to. .. .. Lond. 1740 A Sermon preach'd at St. Paul's cathedral, September 2, 1748. By William Parker, M. A. 8vo . . . . Oxford, 1 748 A Sermon before the right hon. the Lord Mayor, 8(C. September 3, 1750, [the public fast in remembrance of the Fire of London]. By William Meades, rector of Knapton, CO. Camb. 4to Lond. n. d. A Sermon preach'd in London, January 16, 171y, on occasion of the dreadful Fire which began in Thames street on Thursday Januarv 13. By John Evans. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1715 A Sermon preached at Haberdashers' hall, March 27, on occasion of the dreadful Fire in the city on March 25, 1748. By Thomas Gibbons. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1748 A Sermon preached on occasion of the dreadful Fire at Ratcliff high- way, July 23, 1794. 8vo. (Title page wanting.) With a preface, being a brief historical account of the fire. 66 London [Gazettes), Gazettes. London Gazette, from the commencement in 1 665 to the end of the year 1856: Vols, ^q^^^j,^ Gazette) Nov. 7, 1665 to Feb. 1, 1665 1 ^°^' ^- L (London Gazette) Feb. 5, 1665 to Mar.24, 1669 J ^ to 454 II. Mar. 24, 1670 to Mar. 23 m. Mar. 25, 1674 to Mar. 21, IV. Mar. 21, 1678 to Mar. 23 V. Mar. 25, 1682 to Mar. 22 VI. Mar. 22, 1686 to Mar. 24 VII. Mar. 24, 1690 to Mar. 22 VIII. Mar. 22, 1694 to Mar. 24 IX. Mar. 24, 1698 to Mar. 19 X. Mar. 23, 1702 to Mar. 21 XI. Mar. 21, 1706 to Dec. 31 XII. Dec. 31, 1709 to Dec. 29 XIII. Dec. 29, 1711 to Mar. 23 XIV. Mar. 23, 1714 to Mar. 25 XV. Mar. 25, 1718 to Dec. 30 XVI. Dec. 30, 1721 to Dec. 28 XVII. Dec. 28, 1725 to April 23 XVIII. April 23, 1728 to Dec. 28 XIX. Dec. 28, 1731 to Dec. 31 XX. Dec. 31, 1734 to Dec. 31 XXI. Dec. 31, 1737 to Dec. 29 XXII. Dec. 29, 1741 to Jan. 3 XXIII. Jan. 3, 1743 to Dec. 29 XXIV. Jan. 1, 1744 to Mar. 28 XXV. Mar. 28, 1747 to Mar. 21 XXVI. Mar. 21, 1748 to Mar. 23 XXVII. Mar. 23, 1750 to Dec. 30 XXVin. Dec. 30, 1752 to Dec. 31 XXIX. Dec. 31, 1754 to Dec. 30 XXX. Dec. 30, 1755 to Dec. 28 XXXI. Dec. 28, 1756 to Dec. 30 XXXII. Dec. 30, 1758 to Jan. 3 XXXIII. Jan. 3, 1761 to Dec. 29 XXXIV. Dec. 29, 1761 to Dec. 31 XXXV. Dec. 31, 1763 to Dec. 31 XXXVI. Dec. 31, 1765 to Jan. 2 XXXVII. Jan. 2, 1768 to Jan. 2 XXXVIII. Jan. 2, 1770 to Jan. 2 XXXIX. Jan. 2, 1773 to Dec. 31 XL. Dec. 31, 1774 to Jan. 4 XLL Jan. 4, 1777 to Jan. 2 XLII. Jan. 2, 1779 to Dec. 30 XLIIL Dec. 30, 1780 to Dec. 31 XLIV. Dec. 31, 1782 to Dec. 28; XLV. Dec. 28, 1784 to Dec. 30 1673, 1677, 1681, 1685, 1689, 1693, 1697, 1701, 1705, 1709, 1711, 1713, 1718, 1721, 1725, 1728, 1731, 1734, 1737, 1741, 1743, 1744, 1747, 1748, 1750, 1752, 1754, 1755, 1756, 1758, 1761, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1768, 1770, 1773, 1774, 1777, 1779, 1780, 1782, 1784, 1786, 455 to 871 to 1288 to 1706 to 2123 to 2543 to 2960 to 3378 3795 4212 4634 4946 5210 5628 6021 6489 6668 7052 7364 to 7663 to 8080 to 8290 to 8393 to 8627 to 8834 to 9043 to 9229 to 9438 to 9542 to 9648 to 9857 to 10067 to 10170 to 10379 to 10588 to 10795 to 11006 11315 11523 11733 11941 12149 12402 12608 870 1287 1705 2122 2542 2959 3377 3393 4211 4633 4945 5209 5627 6020 6437 7051 7363 7662 8079 8289 8392 8626 8833 9042 9228 9437 9541 9647 9856 10066 10169 10378 10587 10794 11005 11314 11522 11732 11940 12148 12401 12607 12816 London {Gazettes). 67 Vols. Nos. XLVI. Dec. 30, 1786 to Dec. 30, 1788, 12817 to 1 3055 XLVII. Dec. 30, 1788 to Dec. 29, 1789, 13056 to ] 3361 XLVIII. Dec. 29, 1789 to Dec. 28, 1790, 13162 to ] 3268 XLIX. Dec. 28, 1790 to Dec. 31, 1791, 13269 to 1 3374 L. Dec. 31, 1791 to Dec. 29, 1792, 13375 to 1 3488 LI. Dec. 29, 1792 to Dec. 24, 1793, 13489 to ] 3608 LII. Dec. 31, 1793 to Dec. 24, 1794, 13609 to ] 3735 LIII. Dec. 30, 1794 to Dec. 26, 1795, 13736 to ] 3847 LIV. Dec. 29, 1795 to Dec. 31, 1796, 13848 to ] [3966 LV. Dec. 31, 1796 to Dec. 30, 1797, 13967 to ] L4077 LVI. Dec. 30, 1797 to Dec. 29, 1798, 14078 to 1 L5093 LVII. Dec. 29, 1798 to Dec. 31, 1799, 15094 to ] 15217 LVIII. Dec. 31, 1799 to Dec. 30, 1800, 15218 to ] L5323 TJX Dec. 30, 1800 to Dec. 29, 1801, 15324 to ] L54.39 LX. Dec. 29, 1801 to Dec. 28, 1802, 15440 to 15544 LXI. Dec. 28, 1802 to Dec. 31, 1803, 15545 to L5661 LXII. Dec. 31, 1803 to Dec. 29, 1804, 15662 to ] 15766 LXIII. Dec. 29, 1804 to Dec. 28, 1805, 15767 to ^ 15785 LXIV. Dec. 31, 1805 to Dec. 30, 1806, 15877 to 15987 LXV. Dec. 30, 1806 to Dec. 29, 1807, 15988 to 16103 LXVI. Dec. 29, 1807 to Dec. 31, 1808, 16104 to 16213 LXVII. Dec. 31, 1808 to Dec. 30, 1809, 16214 to ] 16328 LXVIII. Dec. 30, 1809 to Dec. 29, 1810, 16329 to 16438 LXIX. Dec. 29, 1810 to Dec. 31, 1811, 16439 to 16536 LXX. Dec. 31, 1811 to Dec. 20, 1812, 16537 to 16686 LXXI. Dec. 29. 1812 to Dec. 30, 1813, 16687 to 16835 LXXTI. Jan. 1, 1814 to Dec. 31, 1814, 16836 to 16970 LXXin. Jan. 3, 1815 to Dec. 30, 1815, 16971 to 17095 LXXIV. Jan. 2, 1816 to Dec. 31, 1816, 17096 to 17205 LXXV. Jan. 4, 1817 to Dec. 30, 1817, 17206 to 17318 LXXVI. Jan. 3, 1818 to Dec. 29, 1818, 17319 to ] 17435 LXXVII. Jan. 2, 1819 to Dec. 21, 1819, 17436 to 17546 LXXVIII. Jan. 1, 1820 to Dec. 30, 1820, 17549 to 17664 LXXIX. Jan. 2, 1821 to Dec. 29, 1821, 17665 to i7777 LXXX. Jan. 1, 1822 to Dec. 31, 1822, 17778 to 17883 LXXXI. Jan. 4, 1823 to Dec. 30, 1823, 17884 to 17988 LXXXII. Jan. 3, 1824 to Dec. 28, 1824, 17989 to 18094 LXXXIIL Jan. 1, 1825 to June 28, 1825, 18095 to 18150 LXXXIV. July 2, 1825 to Dec. 31, 1825, 18151 to ] L8207 LXXXV. Jan. 3, 1826 to June 30, 1826, 18208 to ] 18263 LXXXVI. July 4, 1826 to Dec. 29, 1826, 18264 to L8318 LXXXVII. Jan. 2, 1827 to June 29, 1827, 18319 to 18374 LXXXVIII. July 3, 1827 to Dec. 28, 1827, 18375 to ] 18427 LXXXIX. Jan. 1, 1828 to June 24, 1828, 18428 to ] 18482 XC. July 1. 1828 to Dec. 30, 1828, 18483 to ] 18536 XCI. Jan. 2, 1829 to June 30, 1829, 18537 to 18589 XCII. July 3, 1829 to Dec. 29, 1829, 18590 to ] 18641 XCIII. Jan. 1, 1830 to June 29, 1830, 18642 to ] L8700 XCIV. July 2, 1830 to Dec. 31, 18.30, 18701 to ] 18763 XCV. Jan. 4, 1831 to June 28, 1831, 18764 to ] 18831 XCVI. July 1, 1831 to Dec. 28, 1831, 18814 to 18888 xevii. Jan. 3, 1832 to June F 2 22, 1832, 18889 to 18947 68 London [Gazettes): Vols. Nos. XCVIII. July i 26, 1832 to Dec. 28, 1832, 18948 to 19908 XCIX. Jan. 1, 183.3 to June 28, 1833, 19009 to 19062 C. July 2, 1833 to Dec. 27, 1833, 19063 to 19114 CI. Jan. 3, 1834 to June 27, 1834, 19116 to 19168 en. July 1, 1334 to Dec. 30, 1834, 19169 to 19225 cm. Jan. 2, 1835 to June 30, 1835, 19226 to 19284 CIV. July 3, 1835 to Dec. 2, 1835, 19285 to 19342 cv. Jan. 1, 1836 to June 28, 1836, 19343 to 19395 CVI. July ], 1836 to Dec. 30, 1836, 18396 to 19453 CVII. Jan. 3, 1837 to Mar. 13, 1837, 19454 to 19480 CVIII. April 4, 1837 to June 3, 1837, 19481 to 19515 CIX. July 4, 1837 to Dec. 29, 1837, 19516 to 19574 ex. Jan. 2, 1838 to June 29, 1838, 19575 to 19630 CXI. July 3, 1838 to Dec. 28, 1838, 19631 to 19690 CXII. Jan. 1, 1839 to June 28, 1839, 19691 to 19746 CXIII. July 2, 1839 to Dec. 31, 1839, 19747 to 19809 CXIV. Jan. 3, 1840 to Mar. 31, 1840, 19810 to 19842 cxv. April 3, 1840 to June 30, 1840, 19843 to 19870 CXVI. July 3, 1840 to Oct. 3, 1840, 19871 to 19909 CXVII. Nov. 3, 1840 to Dec. 29, 1840, 19910 to 19935 CXVIII. Jan. 1, 1841 to Mar. 30, 1841, 19936 to 19965 CIX. April 2, 1841 to June 21, 1841, 19966 to 19994 cxx. July 2, 1841 to Oct. 29, 1841, 19995 to 20032 CXXI. Nov. 2, 1841 to Dec. 31, 1841, 20033 to 20056 CXXII. Jan. 4, 1842 to Mar. 29, 1842, 20057 to 20086 CXXIII. April 1, 1842 to June 28, 1842, 20087 to 20115 CXXIV. July 1, 1842 to Oct. 28, 1842, 20116 to 20155 CXXV. Nov. 1, 1842 to Dec. 30, 1842, 20156 to 20182 CXXVI. Jan. 3, 1843 to Mar. 31, 1843, 20183 to 20209 CXXVII. April 4, 1843 to June 23, 1843, 20210 to 20236 CXXVIII. June 27, 1843 to Sep. 29, 1843, 20237 to 20265 CZXIX Oct. 3, 1843 to Dec. 29, 1843, 20266 to 20300 cxxx. Jan. 3, 1844 to Mar. 29, 1844, 20301 to 20330 CXXXI. April 2, 1844 to June 24, 1844, 20331 to 20357 CXXXII. June 1, 1844 to Oct. 29, 1844, 20358 to 20398 CXXXIII. Nov. 1, 1844 to Dec. 31, 1844, 20399 to 20428 CXXXIV. Jan. 3, 1845 to Mar. 28, 1845, 20429 to 20457 CXXXV. April 1, 1845 to June 27, 1845, 20458 to 20483 CXXXVI. July 1, 1845 to Oct. 31, 1845, 20484 to 20522 CXXXVII. Nov. 1, 1845 to Nov. 15, 1845, 20523 to 20534 CXXXVIII. Nov. 17, 1845 to Nov. 24, 1845, 20535 to 20542 CXXXIX. Nov. 26, 1845 to Dec. 30, 1845, 20543 to 20556 CXL. Jan. 2, 1846 to Mar. 31, 1846, 20557 to 20589 CXLI. April 1, 1846 to June 30, 1846, 20590 to 20618 CXLII. July .3, 1846 to Sep. 29, 1846, 20619 to 20645 CXLIII. Oct. 2, 1846 to Nov. 19, 1846, 20646 to 20669 CXLIV. Nov. 20, 1846 to Dec. 29, 1846, 20670 to 20687 CXLV. Jan. 1, 1847 to Mar. 30, 1847, 20688 to 20719 CXLVI. April I 2, 1847 to June 29, 1847, 20720 to 20749 CXLVII. July 2, 1847 to Aug. 31, 1847, 20750 to 20769 CXLVIII. Sep. 3, 1847 to Oct. 30, 1847, 20770 to 20787 CXLIX. Nov. 2, 1847 to Dec. 31, 1847, 20788 to 20811 London [Gazettes), 69 Vols. Nos CL. Jan. 4, 1848 to Feb. 29, 1848, 20812 to 20832 CLI. Mar. 3, 1848 to April 29, 1848, 20833 to 20851 CLII. May 2, 1848 to June 30, 1848, 20852 to 20872 CLIII. July 3, 1848 to Sep. 29, 1848, 20873 to 20901 CLIV. Oct. 3, 1848 to Dec. 29, 1848, 20902 to 20931 CLV. Jan. 2, 1849 to Mar. 30, 1849, 20932 to 20962 CLVI. April 2, 1849 to June 29, 1849, 20963 to 20993 CLVII. July 3, 1849 to Oct. 5, 1849, 20994 to 21025 CLVIII. Oct. 6, 1849 to Dec. 28, 1849, 21026 to 21054 CLIX. Jan. 1, 1850 to Mar. 29, 1850, 21055 to 21081 CLX. April 2, 1850 to June 2, 1850, 21082 to 21109 CLXI. July 2, 1850 to Oct. 1, 1850, 21110 to 21140 CLXII. Oct. 4, 1850 to Dec. 30, 1850, 21141 to 21167 CLXIII. Jan. 3, 1851 to Mar. 28, 1851, 21168 to 21195 CLXIV. April 1, 1851 to June 27, 1851, 21196 to 21222 CLXV. July 1, 1851 to Sep. 30, 1851, 21223 to 21249 CLXVI. Oct. 3, 1851 to Dec. 30, 1851, 21250 to 21277 CLXVII. Jan. 2, 1852 to Mar. 30, 1852, 21278 to 21305 CLXVIII. April 2, 1852 to June 29, 1852, 21306 to 21333 CLXIX. July 2, 1852 to Oct. 29, 1852, 21334 to 21374 CLXX. Nov. 2, 1852 to Dec. 31, 1852, 21375 to 21397 CLXXI. Jan. 2, 1853 to Mar. 29, 1853, 21398 to 21425 CLXXII. April 1, 1853 to June 29, 1853, 21426 to 21452 CLXXIII. July 1, 1853 to Oct. 28, 1853, 21453 to 21489 CLXXIV. Nov. 1, 1853 to Dec. 30, 1853, 21490 to 21507 CLXXV. Jan. 3, 1854 to Mar. 31, 1854, 21508 to 21538 CLXXVI. April 4, 1854 to June 30, 1854, 21539 to 21567 CLXXVII. July 4, 1854 to Oct. 31, 18.54, 21568 to 21616 CLXXVIII. Nov. 3, 1854 to Dec. 30, 1854, 21617 to 21646 CLXXIX. Jan. 2, 1855 to Mar. 30, 1855, 21647 to 21686 CLXXX. April 2, 1855 to June 29, 1855, 21687 to 21737 CLXXXI. July 2, 1855 to Sep. 28, 1855, 21738 to 21791 CLXXXII. Oct. 2, 1855 to Dec. 28, 1855, 21792 to 21832 CLXXXIII. Jan. 1, 1856 to Mar. 31, 1856, 21833 to 21866 CLXXXIV. April 1, 1856 to June 27, 1856, 21867 to 21896 CLXXXV. July 1, 1856 to Sep. 30, 1856, 21897 to 21927 CLXXXVI. Oct. 3, 1856 to Dec. 30, 1856, 21928 to 21954 Hospitals. The ordre of the Hospital of S. Bartholomewes in West Smithfielde, in London. 12mo .. .. .. Lond, 1552 The order of the Hospitalls of K. Henry the 8th and K. Edward the 6th; viz. St. Bartholomew's, Christ's, Bridewell, St. Thomas's. 12mo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1557 Petition to the King and Parliament of Thomas Stanley, for faithfully administering to the charities of Christ's, St. Thomas's, and Beth- lem Hospitals. . . . . . . Lond. n. d. 70 London {Hospitals), Letters Patent of King Henry the Eighth and King Edward the Sixth, whereby the mayor, commonalty, and citizens of London are in- corporated governors of the hospitals of Christ, St. Bartholomew, Bridewell, Bethlem, and St. Thomas the Apostle. 8vo Lond. n. d. A brief history of Christ's Hospital, with a list of the Governors. Fourth edition, small 8vo . . . . Lond. n. d. Brief Collections out of Magna Charta, with applications to the case and charter of Bridewell Hospital, London. 4to Lond. 1643 Orders and Ordinances for the better government of the Hospitall of Bartholomew the lesse. 4to .. .. Lond. \6b2 A Psalm of Thanksgiving (in score) to be sung by the children of Christ's Hospital, in Easter week, for their founders and benefac- tors ... .. .. .. .. 1687 A Second representation of the Hospitall of St. Thomas Southwark's case, in a humble address to Sir Thomas Pilkington, lord mayor of London. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. \^S9 A Memorial presented to the Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, on behalf of the Hospitaler and his friend. 4to Lond. 1690 Remarks on the Royal Hospital at Greenwich. By N. Hawkesmar. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond.\12^ Account of the proceedings of the Governors of St. George's Hos- pital, from 1733 to 1735. folio .. .. Lond.nZS Present state and lists of the children of His Majestie's royal foun- dation at Christ's Hospital. . . . . Lond. 1738 A copy of the Royal Charter, establishing an Hospital for the main- tenance and education of exposed and deserted young children. 8vo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 739 An account of the foundation and government of the Hospital for Foundlings at Paris. Drawn up by command of her late majesty Queen Caroline. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. \1^9 Account of the Foundling and other Hospitals. Lond. 1739 An historical account of the hospital for young and deserted children. 8vo .. . . . . . . Lond. 1759 An account of the rise and progress of the London Hospital, from its institution 1740, to 1767. 4to . . .. Lond. n. d. A series of Letters which were interchanged between governors of the two great Hospitals of this city, and Mr. Gardiner of Rich- mond. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1772 An historical account of the origin, progress, and present state of Bethlem Hospital. 4to . . .. .. Xonrf. 1783 Charges and Orders of the officers of Christ's Hospital. 8vo Lond. 1785 Reflections on a Letter addressed to the Governors of St. George's Hospital. By J. Hunter, surgeon. 8vo .. Z/Owc?. 1793 Extracts from the books of Bridewell Hospital. By Thomas Bowen. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1798 Historical accounts of Bridewell, Bethlem, and Greenwich Hospitals. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1783-98 Reports from Select Committees of Bridewell Hospital. 4to Lond. 1799 London {Hospitals). 71 Chelsea. An historical and descriptive account of the Royal Hospital, the Royal Military Asylum, and of King James's College, at Chel- sea. 8vo .. .. .. ., Xowf?. 1805 An account of the British Lying-in Hospital for married women, in Brownlow street. Long Acre. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1808 A Letter to the Governors of Christ's Hospital. By Robert Waith- man. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond, 1808 Accounts of the Bridewell and Bethlem Hospitals, and the British Lying-in Hospitals, S^c. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 808-30 Guy's Hospital, A copy of the last Will and Testament of Thomas Guy, esq., founder of, with an Act 11 Geo. I., for incorporating the executors of the said Will. 8vo . . Lond. 1815 Twelfth Annual Report of the London Infirmary for curing diseases of the Eye. 8vo .. .. .. Xowi. 1817 Report as to appointing of a Chaplain to Bethlem Hospital. 8vo Lond. 1817 A Letter to the Governors of Bethlem Hospital, containing an account of the management of that institution for the last twenty years. By John Haslam, M. D. 8vo .. .. Lond. \S\S An historical account of St. Thomas's Hospital [Southwark] . By Benjamin Golding. 8vo .. .. .. Lowe?. 1819 History of Christ's Hospital from its first foundation. (With list of Governors, 5fc.) By John Stiff Wilson. 8vo .. Lond. \S2\ A brief history of Christ's Hospital. With a list of the Governors, small 8vo . . . . . . . . n. d. A Letter to the President of the Royal Hospitals of Bridewell and Bethlem, upon the original design and present pursuits of one of these ancient foundations of mercy. From a Governor. 8vo Lond. 1830 History of Christ's Hospital from its foundation. By the rev. W. Troiiope. 4to . . .. .. .. Xowrf. 1831 An account of the Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of St. Kathe- rine near the Tower of London. By J. B. Nichols, F.S.A., F. L.S. 4to .. .. . . .. .. Lond. 1824 Reasons for the establishing and further encouragement of St. Luke's Hospital for Lunatics; with the Rules, &ic. for the government thereof. 4to . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 829 The Twenty-ninth Report of the London Fever Hospital, with the plan and regulations. 8vo.. .. .. Zowc?. 1831 The Preparations of the Museum of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 4to .. . . . . . . .. Lond. 1831 An Address delivered at the Hospital for the maintenance of deserted children, folio sheet . . . . . . n. d. Memoranda, References, and Documents relating to the Royal Hos- pitals of the city of London ; prepared and printed under the di- rection of the Committee of the court of Common Council ap- pointed in relation to the said Hospitals. 8vo . . Lond. 1836 A Narrative of the proceedings of laying the first stone of the new buildings at Bethlem Hospital, Julv 1838. By Peter Laurie, esq., LL.B. 8vo .. .. ' .. .. jLowrf. 1838 72 London (Hospitals). A Descriptive Catalogue of the Anatomical Museum of St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, published by order of the Governors. Vol. I. Specimens illustrative of pathological anatomy. 8vo Lond. 1 846 Records of Harvey : in extracts from the Journsds of the Royal Hos- pital of St. Bartholomew. Published by permission of the Presi- dent and Treasurer. With notes by James Paget. Svo Xowc?. 1846 Descriptive Catalogue of the Preparations in the Museum of St. Thomas's Hospital, printed by order of the Governors. Vol. I. Mi- nute and descriptive anatomy, wax models and casts, comparative anatomy. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1847 Bethlem Hospital. The Report of the Commissioners in Lunacy to the secretary of state, on ; together with a copy of the evidence on which such Report is stated to be founded. To which is prefixed a letter from the under secretary of state. Svo Lond. 1852 The Observations of the Governors on the Report : with Appen- dixes. 8vo . . . . . . . . Land, 1852 Improvements. A Design for bringing a navigable river from Rickmans worth in Hertfordshire, to St. Giles's in the fields : the benefits of it declared, and the objections answered. 4to .. (Reprint) Zowcf. 1641 [See Westminster.'] Another copy, with an answer to the whole, printed in the same year, and both reprinted, 1720. 4to .. .. Lond. 1120 Proclamation, Charles II. (1671), against more new buildings being erected in the fields commonly called Windmill Fields, Dog Fields, the fields adjoining to Sohoe, and other places in the suburbs of London and Westminster. . . . . . . Lond. n. d. Heads of the Additional Bill for paving and cleansing London. Objections against carrying on the New Sewer from Spital Fields to the Thames, and Answer thereto. . . . . Lond. n. d. Rules and Directions for pitching and leveling the streets of London, for the more conveniant current of the waters thereof, as agreed on by the commissioners and authorized surveyors. Lond. n. d. An Essay on the many advantages accruing to the community from the superior neatness, convenience, decorations and embellishments of great and capital Cities : addressed to Sir John Barnard, knt. Svo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 754 A Scheme for the better supplying this metropolis with Water from the river Coin. By W. Efford, gent. 4to .. Xowrf. 1764 London and Westminster improved. By John Gwynn. 4to Lond. 1766 A Plan for improving the city of London by means of navigable canals and commercial basons. By W. Tatham. 4to Lond. n. d. Plan to raise ^300,000 by completing the bridge at Blackfriars, em- banking the Thames, redeeming the ancient toll on London Bridge, repairing the Royal Exchange, and rebuilding Newgate. 4to Lond, 1768 London [Improvements), 73 Critical Observations on the Buildings and Improvements of London, By James Stuart. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 177 i A Report and Survey of the Canal proposed to be made on one level, from Waltham Abbey to Moorfields, with plans, 8(C, By Robert Whit worth, folio .. .. .. Lond. 1773 Public Improvement, or a Plan for making a communication between London and Westminster. By William Pickett, esq. 4to Lond. 1789 The Representation of the Leaseholders and Contractors interested in the houses and buildings in Pickett street near Temple Bar, Skin- ner street. Fleet market, and Snow hill ; with the schemes of the City State-Lottery, and plans and elevations of the different build- ings constituting the prizes. 8vo . . . . Lond. n. d. Acts of Parliament for widening and improving the streets at Temple Bar and Snow hill, from 1795 to 1804. 8vo. Reasons in favour of the London Wet Docks. 8vo Lond. 1796 The Story of Tom Cole, with Old Father Thames's malediction of the Wapping Docks. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1796 Tracts on subjects connected with the improvement of London. By George Griffin Stonestreet. 4to .. Lowrf. 1760-1800 Report and Estimate of the Grand Southern Canal. By John Rennie, engineer. 4to .. .. ., .. Lond. 1810 Charles Pitt, his Plan and Expences of the new Street. [Regent street.] 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. \8\0 Exposition of some particulars as to the new Street, 8(C. By Charles Pitt, surveyor. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1810 Remarks on the Buildings and Improvement of London, and else- where. 8vo .. .. .. .. Bath, 1815 Some account of the improvements of the western part of London, by the formation of the Regent's park, the new street, the new sewer, 8(C. Illustrated with plans, and accompanied by explanatory and critical observations. By J. White. 2d edit. 8vo Lond. IS15 Observations in justification of the establishment of Wet Docks in the Port of London. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1817 Regent's Canal Act (52 Geo. III.) 8vo •. . 1819 A Letter from an inhabitant of St. Katherine's, addressed to Mr. John Hall, secretary to the proposed St. Katherine's Dock; with obser- vations on a pamphlet intituled A Plain Statement of Facts, 8{C. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. [1824] A Reply to the authorized defence of the St. Katherine's Dock project. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1824 Description of a design for improving the public ways of Holborn bridge. Skinner street, and Fleet market, SfC. By Samuel Acton. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1826 Reports of the grand Ship Canal from London to Portsmouth. By N. W. Cundy, esq., architect and civil engineer. 8vo Lond. 1828 Suggestions for making a grand street from the New London Bridge to the principal places of business in the city. 8vo Lond. 1828 A Letter to the right honourable Sir Robert Peel, secretary of state, SfC, on the supply of water to the metropolis. 8vo Lond. 1828 74 London [Improvements), An historical account of Sub-ways in the British metropolis, and for the flow of pure water and gas into the houses of the inhabitants, Sfc. By John Williams. 8vo .. .. iowd 1828 On the new construction of Drains. By John Moon. 8vo Lond. 1832 Report of the intended Viaduct from Fetter lane to the Old Bailey. ByF. Wishaw. 8vo .. .. .. Xowc?. 1833 Statement as to additional means of communication between London and Black wall. 8vo .. .. .. jLowcf. 1836 Short Remarks and Suggestions upon the improvements now carry- ing on and under consideration. By Francis [Freeling] . 8vo Lond. 1836 A brief statement of the advantages which will result to the public from the establishment of a communication by railroad between London and Blackwall : with an estimate. 8vo Lond. 1837 Observations upon the proposed extension of the Commercial Rail- way, from the Minories to Leadenhall street. By a Citizen. 8vo .. ... .. . . . . Lond. 1837 Letter to Richard Lambert Jones, esq., chairman of the New London Bridge Committee, on the subject of widening the Poultry, as pro- posed in the Report of the Select Committee on Metropolitan Im- provements. By Samuel Angel, architect. 8vo . . iowc?. 1837 Metropolitan Improvements : from the Westminster Review. 8vo Lond. 1841 Queries to the Committee of Common Council respecting the intended canal from Monkey Island to Isleworth. folio Lond. n. d. The architectural antiquities and present state of Crosby Place, Lon- don, as lately restored by John Davies, esq., architect, delineated in a series of elevations, plans, Sec. from original drawings by Henry J. Hammon, architect ; with an historical and descriptive account, 4to . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 844 The first, second, third, and fourth Reports of the Commisioners for improving the metropolis, folio .. .. 1844-45 The fifth Report, folio .. .. .. 1846 Report of the Commissioners for establishing Railway Termini within or in the immediate vicinity of the metropolis, folio 1846 Inns of Court. The Maske of Flowers, presented by the gentlemen of Graies Inne at the Court of Whitehall, in the Banquetting House, upon Twelfe Night, 1613. 4to .. .. .. Lond. \Q\A The office of General Remembrance of matters of record kept in Cur- sitor's court. Chancery lane. 4to .. .. Xowrf. 1617 The Triumph of Peace, a masque, presented by the foure honourable houses or Innes of Court before the King and Queenes Majesties. Invented and written by James Shirley of Grayes Inne, gent. 4to Lond. 1633 liONBON {Inns of Courts), 75 EyKvieKoxopela, or Universal Motion ; being part of that magnificent entertainment by the noble prince De la Grange, lord lieutenant of Lincoln's Inn, presented to the high and mighty Charles II. monarck of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, on Friday 3 of January, 1662. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1662 Origines Juridiciales, or Historical Memorials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, Inns of Court and Chancery, &c. ; also a chro- nologic of lord chancellors and other great law ofiicers. By Sir William Dugdale. (Third edition with additions.) folio Lond. 1680 Gesta Grayorum : together with a Masque as it was presented by the gentlemen of Gray's Inn for the entertainment of Queen Elizabeth, 1590. 4to ., .. .. .. Xowc?. 1688 Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecse honorabilis societatis Medii Templi Londini. 4to .. .. .. .. Zone?. 1734 A Letter to Lady Loughborough on her presenting the colours to the Bloomsbury and Inns of Court Association. 8vo Lond. 1 798 Picturesque Views, with an historical account of the Inns of Court. By Samuel Ireland, royal 8vo . . , . Lond. 1 800 Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery. By W. Herbert. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1804 The Student's Guide through Lincoln's Inn ; containing an account of that honourable society. By Thomas Lane, steward. Second edition. 8 vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1805 Trial, in 1821, respecting the liability of Clifford's Inn to pay poor rates, with observations on the liability of other inns of court, 8fC. By John Hickin, of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo . . Lond. 1823 Cases of supposed Exemption [as to payment of poor's rates] of Gray's Inn, Lincoln's Inn, S^c. By Edward Griffith, esq., F.S.A., 8;c. 8vo .. .. . . .. .. Lond. 1831 The Temple Church, architectural illustrations and account of. By Rob. Wm. Billings. 4to . . .. .. LowtZ. 1838 History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple. Bv C. G. Addison, esq. 4to . . . . Lond. 1842 The Temple Church. By C. G. Addison, esq. 4to Lond. 1843 The Temple Church ; An account of its restoration and repairs. By William Burge, esq. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1843 Lincoln's Inn ; its ancient and modem buildings, with an account of the library. By William Holder Spilsburv, librarian, sm. 8vo Lond. 1850 76 London (Laws, Charters, Customs), Laws, Charters,_ Customs. Arnoldb's Chronicle. [The customs of London.] First edition, folio [^Antwerp, circa 1504] Arnolde's Chronicle. Second edition, folio .. [area 1521] The Customes of London, otherwise called Arnold's Chronicle. Third edition. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1811 Orders taken and enacted for Orphans and their porcions. 12mo Lond. 1551 Orders taken and enacted for Orphans and their portions. 4to Lond. 1652 Orders appointed to be executed in the cittie of London, for setting roges and idle persons to worke, and for releefe of the poore. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1580 A breefe Discourse, declaring and approving the necessarie and invio- lable maintenance of the laudable Customs of London. 12mo. (At London, printed by Henrie Middleton for Rafe Newberie.) Lond. 1584 The same. 4to. (London, printed by James Flesher.) Lond. 1652 An Abridgement of an Acte of Common Counsel passed 2 July, 1586, for the better service of Hir Majestie in her cariage, and for the better government of carts, SfC. 12mo . . 1586 The order of my Lord Maior, the Aldermen, and the Sheriffes, for their meetings, and wearing of their apparel, throughout the yere. 1 2mo (Printed by John Windet.). . . . . . Lond. 1604 The Lawes of the Market. 12mo . . . . Lond. 1 620 The order of my Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and the Sheriffs, for their meeting and wearing of their apparel throughout the whole year. 12mo. (Black letter.) .. .. .. Lond. 1629 The same. 12mo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1682 The same. 12mo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1724 The same, small 8 vo .. .. .. Lond. 17S5 Generall Matters to be remembred of the Lord Maior throughout the whole yeare. 12mo. A briefe declaration as to what special nuisances relating to private Dwelling Houses a man may have his remedy by assize or other action. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1636 The Liberties, Usages, and Customes of the city of London confirmed by Parliament ; collected by Sir Henry Calthrop, knt. 4to Lond. 1642 An order against chusing Elders for Common Council men. broad sh. 1646 The City Law, or the course and practice of all manner of juridicall proceedings in the Hustings in Guildhall, London. Ato Lond. 1647 The same. 12mo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1658 Heads of Proposal agreed on to be referred to Parliament by a ge- neral meeting of Attorneys, at Staples Inn Hall, on Friday, 1 5th February, 1649. London {Laws, Charters, Customs) . 77 London's Liberties, or a learned argument of law and reason, before the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Councell, wherein the freedom of the citizens of London in their election of their chief officers is fully debated. 4to . . . . Lond. 1651 The same : with a preface, folio .. .. Lond. 1682 Reports of Speciall Cases, touching severall customs and liberties of the city of London, small 8vo . . . . Lond. 1655 The same, small Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1670 The Practice of the Sheriff's Court in London. 12mo Lond. 1657 The same. (Reprint : with a table of fees taken in the year 1764.) Svo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1829 The City Law ; shewing the customes, franchises, liberties, privi- ledges, 8(C. of the famous city of London. 8vo Lond. 1658 The Practice of the Marshal's Court, with their fees, charges, and proceedings. r2mo .. .. .. Lond. 1663 An Act of Common Council for the better regulation of the courts of law in the Guildhall, London. 4to . . .. 1669 Lex Londinensis ', or the City Law. 8vo .. Xowc?. 1680 The Royal Charter of Confirmation granted by King Charles IL to the city of London. By S. G., gent. 8vo . . Lond. n. d. The Abridgement of the Charter of the city of London : being every freeman's priviledge. 4to .. .. ,. Lond, 1680 An Act of Common Councill for retrenching of the expences of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, folio .. .. 1680 An account of the injurious proceedings of Sir George Jeffreys, knt., late recorder of London, against Francis Smith, bookseller, &;c. for publishing a pretended libel, entituled An Act of Common Council for retrenching the expences of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, folio . . . , .. . . . . ' Lond. [1680] The Forfeitures of London's Charter, or an impartial account of the several seisures of the city charter. 4to . . Lond. 1 682 The City of London's Rejoinder to Mr. Attorney-General's Replica- tion, in the Quo warranto brought by him against their charter, folio .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1682 A Defence of the Charter and Municipal Rights of the city of London. By Thomas Hunt. 4to . . .. .. iowc?. [1682] The Lawyer Outlaw'd, or a brief Answer to a Defence of the Charter and Municipal Rights of the city of London by Thomas Hunt. 4to .. .. .. .. .." Lojid. 1683 The Case of the Charter of liOndon stated, folio Lond. 1683 The humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the city of London, presented to His Majesty in Council at Wind- sor, 18 June, 1683; with the lord keeper's speech, touching the seizure of their liberties, folio .. .. Zowrf. 1683 The Arraignment of co-ordinate Power ; with a touch at the London Petition and Charter, folio .. .. Xowc?. 1683 Mrs. Elinor James's Letter to the King on restoring the Charter of London. 8vo . , . . . . . . Lond. n. d. London (Small Tolls). Reasons for adding a Proviso to the Bill for naturalizing David Le Grand and others, for preserving to the city 78 London [Laws, Charters, Customs), its ancient revenues and hereditaments of package, scavage, bal- liage, portage, and other small tolls or duties [temp. Car. II.] The Liberties, Usages, and Customs of the city of London, confirmed by Parliament : collected by Sir Henry Calthorpe, knt. 4to Lond. 1693 The Pleadings, Arguments, and other Proceedings upon the Quo war- ranto, touching the Charter of the city of London, fo. Lond. 1696 The Charter granting to the city of London the several Duties of package, scavage, balliage, and portage ; with tables of the duties on exported and imported merchandise. 8vo . . Lond. n. d. Privilegia Londini; or the Laws, Customs, and Privileges of the city of London. By William Bohun, esq. 8vo .. Lond. 1702 The same. Third edition. .. .. .. Lond. 1123 Fees of the Sheriffs' Court and Chamberlain's Office, Wood street and Poultry Compters, and Ludgate. 4to . . Lond. 1712 The Charters of the city of London ; to which is annexed an abs- tract of the arguings in the case of the Quo warranto. By J[ohn] E[velyn]. 12mo .. .. .. Lond. 1738 A concise History of the City of London, with the laws and customs thereof. 12mo .. .. .. .. Lond. \ 7 52 The Laws and Customs, Rights, Liberties, and Privileges of the city of London. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1765 Another copy of the same, with MS. notes. . . Lond. 1765 A List of the By laws of the citv of London unrepealed. Svo Lond. 1769 The Charters of London complete : also Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights, with notes and MS. additions and corrections. By John Luffman, citizen and goldsmith of London. Svo Lond. 1793 A concise Treatise on the Courts of Law of the city of London. By Thomas Emerson. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1794 A collection of Acts of Common Council from 1606 to 1829. folio Lond. 1606-1829 Acts and Reports of Common Council from 1690 to 1744. folio Lond. 1690-1744 Reports of Common Council from 1 702 to 1848. 24 vols, folio Lond. 1702-1848 Minutes of the Common Council from 181 1 to 1857. 47 vols, folio. Statement of the Produce and Expenditure of the City's Estate, from 1800 to 1851. 12 vols, folio. Acts of Common Council, minutes of evidence, documents, 8^c. on the petition of the innholders, complaining of interruption by the ticket porters, folio .. .. .. .. Z owe?. 1819 A Plea for the Commonalty of London. By John Bellamie. Svo. (Reprint, 1727) Lond. [1644] Bellamius enervatus ; or a full answer to a book entitled A Plea for the Commonalty of London, SfC. refuted by Irenaeus Lysimachus. 4to . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1645 London {Laws, Charters, Customs), 79 Lysimachus enervatus, Bellamius reparatus ; or a reply to a book in- tituled A full Answer to a Plea for the Commonaltie of London. By John Bellamie. 12mo .. .. iowc?. 1645 Mr. Francis Jenks's Speech, spoken in a Common Hall the 24th of June, 1679. folio. A Letter from J. B., alias Oldcutt, to his friend Mr. Jenks. folio. 1679 The Speech of Sir Robert Clayton, knt., lord mayor elect, at Guild- hall, on the 29th September, 1679. folio . . Lond. 1679 An Account of the Proceedings in Guildhall, London, 13 Sep. 1679, with the substance of Sir Thomas Player's speech, and the lord mayor's answer, folio. An Answer to the excellent and elegant speech made by Sir Thomas Player, 12 Sep. 1679. folio. A Vindication of Sir Thomas Player, in a seasonable reply to a saucy and dangerous pamphlet pretending to be an answer to Sir Tho- mas's speech, folio. An Answer to a pamphlet intitled A Vindication of Sir Thomas Player, foho. The Vindicator vindicated, or a sur-rejoynder on behalf of Sir Thomas Player, folio. A Hue and Cry after the Reasons which were to have been given, the 18 Sep.' 1769, to the Lieutenancy, by Sir T. P. [Thomas Player] and others, folio . , . . . . Lond. 1679 The Speech of Sir Patience Ward, lord mayor elect, at Guildhall, Lon- don, on the 29th Sep. 1680. folio . . Lond. 1680 The City of London's Plea to the Quo warranto, folio Lond. 1682 The Replication to the City of London's Plea to the Quo warranto. folio .. . . . . . . .. Lond. 1682 The City of London's Rejoinder, folio . . n. d. Quo warranto : The Citizen's loss when the Citie's Charter is forfeited or given up. . . . . . . . . Lond. n. d. The last Will and Testament of the Charter of London, folio Lond. 1683 An Account of the proceedings to judgment against the Charter of London, folio sheet .. .. .. Lond. 1683 King James the Second's Warrant, displacing mayors, 8^c. of corpora- tions by charter of Charles H., or from the king since 1679, &;c. folio '. . . . .. .. .. Lond. 1688 Petition of the Commons of London to the Lord Mayor and Alder- men, to consider the most speedy and best way of removing Sir George Jeffries from being Recorder. . . Lond. n. d. The Rights and Priviledges of the city of London proved from pre- scription, charters, and acts of Parliament, folio Lond. 1689 Case of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, upon the Petition of some of the common councilmen, presented to the House of Commons, Dec. 13, 1690. .. .. [1690] The liiveryman's Reasons why he did not give his vote for a certain gentleman, either to be lord mayor or parliamentman for the city of London. 4to . . .. .. .. Lond. 1101 80 London {Laws, Charters, Customs), The Freemen's of London necessary and useful Companion. 12mo Lond. 1707 The Priviledges of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city. By John Green. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1108 The Citizen's and Tradesmen's Guide, setting forth the new Act of Common Council concerning Foreigners. 4to .. Lond. 1712 Opinion on a Question put by Common Council, 17th April, 1719, as to the issuing of money from the chamber, to maintain law -suits on controverted elections, folio .. .. Lond. 11X9 The Priviledges of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city. By John Green, sometime attorney of the Mayor's court. 8vo. Se- cond edition. . . . . . . . . Lend. 1 722 Examination and Resolution, as to whether un-freemen, or freemen paying two or more scots, can vote at wardmote elections. By a Citizen, folio . . , . . . . . Lond. 1 724 Report in Affirmance of the right of the Mayor and Aldermen of London to put a negative to bills or acts depending in the court of Common Council, folio .. .. Lond. 1724 A Letter to Mr. William Timms, containing an Answer to the Report of a committee of Aldermen, touching the right of the Mayor and Aldermen to put a negative to bills or acts of Common Council, folio . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 724 City Liberties ; or the Rights and Privileges of Freemen of London. [By Giles Jacob.] 8vo . . .. .. jLonrf. 1732 A List of the persons (Liverymen) who have poU'd for Mr. WiUiam Selwin. Daily Post extraordinary, April 9, 1734. Considerations upon mischiefs that may arise, S^c. occasioned by the late election of Broad- street ward. Svo .. Lond. 11^5 A Letter to the right honourable the Lord Mayor, occasioned by his nomination of five persons disqualified by Act of Parliament, to serve the office of Sheriff. Svo . . . . Lond. 1738 A Vindication of the right honourable the Lord Mayor, in answer to a letter addressed to his lordship, on occasion of his nomination of five dissenters to serve the office of Sheriff. 8vo Lond. 1738 Reasons offered to the consideration of the worthy citizens of London, for continuing the present Lord Mayor in the mayoralty another year. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1738 City Corruption and Mal-administration display'd ; addressed to the citizens of London, against the ensuing election for common coun- cilmen. By a Citizen. Svo .. .. Lond. 1738 City Corruption and Mal-administration displayed ; occasioned by the ill management of the public money in general. By a Citizen. Svo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1739 An Address to the Liverymen of London, relating to their conduct in the ensuing election of Lord Mayor. By a Liveryman. Svo . Lond. 1739 Serious Considerations on the ensuing election for Lord Mayor. Svo .. .. . . . . . . Lond. 1739 The Important Crisis, or a seasonable Address from a citizen of Lon- don, in relation to the election of Chamberlain. Svo Lond. n, d. London {Laws, Charters, Customs). 81 Proceedings of the Court of Hustings and Common Hall at the late election for Lord Mayor. By a Liveryman who was present. 8vo Lond. 1739 A Narrative of what passed in the Common Hall assembled for the election of Lord Mayor, September and October, 1739. Second edition. 8vo . . .. .. .. Lo?id. 1739 The conduct of the Liverymen at the late election of a Lord Mayor justified. 8vo .. .. .. ,. Lond. 1739 Bishopsgate Ward, A complete collection of all the Letters, Papers, Songs, 5fc., published on the opposition of the present Common Councilmen of. Svo . . . . . . Lond. 1 740 An examination of the conduct of several Comptrollers of the city of London in relation to the City's estate called Conduit Mead, now New Bond street. Svo . . . . . . Lond. 1 743 Acts and Reports of Common Council, from 1690 to 1744. folio. List of inhabitants of Farringdon Ward Within, and sums paid by them, as charged for the Orphans Tax. . . Lond. 1 747 Serious Expostulations on occasion of a late extraordinary revolu- tion. By a Member of the Common Council. Svo Lond. 1752 A Letter to the right honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of London. By an Old Servant. First edition. Svo . . .. . . .. .. Lond. 1762 The same. Third edition. Svo .. .. Lond. 1763 The Important Crisis, or a seasonable address from a citizen of Lon- don on the election of a Chamberlain. Second edition. Svo Lond. 1762 The Method and Rule of proceeding upon all Elections, Polls, and Scrutinies, atCommon Halls and Wardmotes within the city of Lon- don. By Sir Walter Mildmay, bart. Second edition. 12mo Lond. 1762 The same. Third edition. 12rao .. .. Lond. 1768 A Letter to the Common Council of the city of London. Svo Lond. 1764 A Second Letter to the Common Council of the city of London. Svo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 764 A Letter to the right honourable Thomas Harley, esq., lord mayor of the city of London, and an expostulation with the Livery on the treatment of John Wilkes, esq. By an Alderman of London. Third edition. Svo .. .. ,. Lond. 1768 A Letter to the Citizens of London, dedicated to Brass Crosby, esq., lord mayor. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1771 Magna Charta opposed to assumed Privilege ; being a complete view of the late interesting disputes between the House of Commons and the Magistrates of London. Svo . . . . Lond. 1771 The Arguments of the Four Judges who reversed the sentence of dis- franchisement pronounced in the Mayor's Court against Mr. Alder- man Plumbe. Svo .. .. ., Lond. 17S2 The Arguments of the Judges of the court of King's Bench upon their giving judgment in the case of Cocksedge and Fanshawe. Svo Lond. 1783 82 London [Laws, Charters, Customs). Report of the Common Council to enquire into assertions respecting the affairs of the corporation. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1784 Report of the Committee of Common Council on the Memorial of Mr. John Raban of Hatton garden, respecting the coal and corn meters offices, folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1785 The Names and Address of the several Officers of the city of London. 8vo . . . . .. .. .. Lond. 1789 Standing Orders of the Commissioners of Sewers of the city of Lon- don. 12mo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1806 The Doctrine and Practice of Attachment in the Mayor's Court, Lon- don. By Robert Woolsey, gent. 8vo .. Zowc?. 1806 A Treatise on Municipal Rights, and of those of the City of London in particular. By William Payne. 8vo .. Lond. IS\Z An Address to the inhabitants of Tower Ward on the approaching election of Common Councilmen. Second edition. 8vo Lond. 1816 An Epitome of the Privileges of London, including Southwark. By David Hughson, LL.D. 12mo .. .. Lond. \%\Q A Reply to the statement of the court of Rulers and Assistants of the Fellowship, contained in the report of the hon. Committee of Con- troul over the Corn and Coal Meters. 8vo . . Lond. 1818 The Method of electing Sheriffs, 8^c. of London and Middlesex : being extracts from periodical publications, addressed to the court of Al- dermen by the compiler. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1819 An Exposition of the Privileges of the City of London in regard to claims of non -freemen to deal by wholesale within its jurisdiction. By George Norton, esq. 8vo .. .. Lond. IS2\ A Report of the Decisions established upon the disputed votes at the late contested election of Alderman for the ward of Queenhithe. By Thomas Hathway. 8vo .. .. Lond. \^2\ An Inquiry into the Elective Franchise of the Citizens of London. By Henry Schultes. 8vo . . .. .. Zowrf. 1822 The Act of Parliament for regulating the vend and delivery of Coals within the cities of London and Westminster, SfC. (47 Geo. IIL) 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Xowrf. 1824 An Enquiry into the nature and duties of the office of Inquest Jury- men of the city of London. By Joseph Newell. 8vo. Lond. 1824 The Citizen's Pocket Chronicle, containing a digested view of the history, antiquity, and temporal government of the city of London. 12mo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1827 A Letter to the right honourable the Lord Mayor, 8^c. of the city of London, respecting the sale of the office of Secondary. By Charles Pearson, liveryman of the Haberdashers Company, and formerly one of the representatives of the ward of Bishopsgate in Common Council. 8vo . . .. .. .. Zowrf. 1828 Commentaries on the history, constitution, and chartered franchises of the City of London. By George Norton, esq., barrister at law, advocate-general of Madras, S^c. 8vo . . Lond. 1 829 A collection of particulars relative to the election of Common Coun- cilmen for the ward of Farringdon Without, in the year 1828, with London [Laws, Charters, Customs), 83 some preliminary remarks respecting the introduction of Mr. Hunt to that ward. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1829 Reports to the court of Common Council as to the charges on Coals, folio .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1830 On the constitution, jurisdiction, and practice of the Sheriffs Courts of London, S^c. By Thomas Lewis, gent. 8vo Lond. 1833 Michael Scales, Proceedings on a writ of Mandamus directed to the mayor and aldermen of London, in the case of. 8vo Lond. 1831-2-3 Extracts from the Ballot Sunday Newspaper, of the Public Meeting of the ward of Portsoken, and letters of Hughes and Scales relative to the election for that ward. . . . . 1 832 Letter of Scales to the Freemen and Citizens of London. 1832 Scales versus Key, bart.. Proceedings on a trial in the court of King's Bench for a false return to a writ of Mandamus. 8vo Lond. 1834 The King versus Johnson, Proceedings on a Quo warranto in the case of. 8vo .. .. .. Xowc? 1835-6-9 Ceremonials connected with the office of Lord Mayor. Temp. Fare- brother. [36 copies printed.] 8vo .. .. Lond. 1834: Sir Walter Mildmay's Method and Rule of proceeding upon all elec- tions, polls, and scrutinies at Common Halls and Wardmotes within the city of London. By Henry K. S. Causton. New edition, with notes. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1841 The Livery Triumphant ; a Letter to the Lord Mayor on his conduct respecting the late Common Hall. 8vo . . Lond. n. d. Petition of members of the Common Council (with their names sub- scribed) to the House of Commons . . . . Lond, n. d. A Practical Treatise on the laws, customs, and regulations of the city and port of London. By Alexander PuUing, esq. of the Inner Tem- ple. 8vo .. ' .. .. .. Lond. \842 Report of the Proceedings at the Bread-street Scrutiny in 1843. By W. T. Haly, esq. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1843 A Letter to the Lord Mayor on the formation of a Local Court for the city of London. By Woodthorpe Brandon. 8vo Lond. 1844 The Customary Law of the city of London. By Woodthorpe Bran- don. 8vo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 845 An Inquiry into the Freedom of the city of London in connexion with trade, and into the laws and ordinances of the city respecting wholesale and retail traders, (^c. By Woodthorpe Brandon. 8vo Lond. 1850 The Law and Practice of Foreign Attachment in the Lord Mayor's Court, under the new rules of practice. By John Locke, M. A., one of the common pleaders of the city of London. 8vo Lond. 1 853 Minutes of the Common Council from 1 81 1 to 1 857. vols, folio. Sheriff's. Declaration of both Houses to indemnify the Sheriffs of London for not publishing some late Messages and Proclamations sent them in the King's name, folio .. .. .. 1642 Ditto, ditto, for continuing of the Sheriffs in office, fo. Lond. 1660 84 London [Laws, Charters, Customs). Venn and his Mermydons ; or the Linen -Draper capotted : being Advice to the citizens of London, occasioned by the indirect prac- tices used in the late election of Sheriffs. 4to Lond. 1679 A seasonable Address to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commoners of London, upon the present electing of Sheriffs, fo. Lond. 1680 The Protestant Antidote; or an Answer to a pamphlet intituled A seasonable Address to the Lord Mayor, touching the present elec- tion of Sheriffs, folio. A true account of the Proceedings at the Common Hall, Guildhall, London, for chusing Sheriffs, 8^c. 24 June, 1680. folio. The Proceedings at the Guildhall in London, on Thursday, July the 29th, 1680. folio. Proceedings at Guildhall, July 29th, 1680, as to the Poll then going forward for Sheriff. .. .. .. [1680] True narrative of the Proceedings at Guildhall, 4th February, 1680, and 24th June, the same year, on their chusing members for Par- liament, and Sheriffs . . , . . . [1680] A true account of the Proceedings at the Common Hall, for chusing Sheriffs and other officers, 24th June, 1680. . . [1680] Proceedings at Guildhall 24th of June, 1680, on the choice of Sheriffs and other officers, (^c. .. .. .. Z/Owc?. [1680] Proceedings at the Guildhall on the election of Bethel and Cornish. ^ folio .. .. .. .. .. 1680 A true account of the Proceedings at the Common Hall, for chusing Sheriffs and other officers ; with a copy of the Petition for the sit- ting of Parliament, folio .. .. ., 1680 The Speech of Sir Patience Ward, lord mayor elect, at Guildhall, - London, on the 29th Sep. 1680. folio . . Lond. 1680 An account of the new Sheriffs holding their office, folio Lond. 1 680 A seasonable Answer to a late pamphlet entituled The Vindication of Slingsby Bethel, esq., one of the Sheriffs of London and Mid- dlesex, folio .. .. .. .. Lond. \G^\ Proceedings in Common Hall at the choice of. folio Lond. 1681 Strange News from Hicks's Hall : or an order of sessions for bailiffs of liberties to return juries, 8iC. in vindication of the Sheriffs' power, folio .. .. .. . . .. Lond. 1681 The Sheriffs* case; whether and how they may lawfully qualifie themselves for their holding the office according to the Act of Cor- porations, folio .. .. .. .. Xowrf. 1681 An impartial account of the Proceedings of the Common Hall of the city of London, June the 24th, 1 682, for electing of Sheriffs, folio Lond. 1682 Proclamation from the Privy Council to suppress disorders and riots at the next election of Sheriffs, 13 July, 1682. folio. The Domestick Intelligence; or news both from city and country: (inter alia) giving an account of the election of Sheriffs in Common Hall. [Papillon and Dubois.] No. 120. folio Xowrf. 1682 Account of the Irregular Proceedings at Guildhall about the election of the pretended Sheriffs, Mr. North and Mr. Rich, September 28th, 1682. folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1682 London {Laws, Charters, Customs), 85 A true account of the Irregular Proceedings in relation to the elec- tion and swearing of Dudley North and Peter Rich, esqrs. folio Lond. 1682 A Caveat entered by divers eminent citizens against the swearing of Dudley North and Ralph Box, esquires, as Sheriffs ; with a paper addressed to the court of Aldermen, folio . . Lond. 1 682 An Address to the Lord Mayor and court of Aldermen, from the in- habitants and freeholders of Middlesex, concerning the election of Papillon and Dubois, folio .. .. Lond. \Q%2 The declaration of Tho. Papillon and John Dubois to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, folio .. ,. .. Xowrf. 1682 A Paper subscribed and delivered to the Lord Mayor, touching the election of Papillon and Dubois, requesting him to make proclama- tion for them to appear and seal their bonds, folio Lond. 1682 The Matters of Fact in the present election of Sheriffs faithfully re- ported, folio .. .. .. .. jLowc?. 1682 The Sheriffs of London for the time being are the proper managers and legal judges of the election of, for the year ensuing, clearly stated, folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1682 The case between the Lord Mayor and Commons concerning the elec- tion of, clearly stated, and the sense of some learned gentlemen of the gown concerning it, by way of answer to several questions re- presented, folio . . . . . . . . Lond. 1682 A modest Enquiry concerning the election of the Sheriffs of London, and the right of chusing demonstrated to belong unto the Lord Mayor, the court of Aldermen, and the Common Hall. 4to Lond. 1682 The Priviledge and Right of the Freemen of London to chuse their own Sheriffs vindicated, folio . . . . Lond. 1682 The Right of electing Sheriffs of London and Middlesex briefly stated and declared, folio .. ... .. Lond. \QS2 Rights of the City farther unfolded, and the manifold miscarriages of my Lord Mayor in the present election of Sheriffs laid open, folio Lond. 1682 Goodman Country to his Worship the City of London, touching the late election of Sheriffs, <^c. folio . . . . Lond. [1682] The Cities just Vindication ; or a scourge for a vagabond libel, inti- tuled Goodman Country to his Worship the City, folio. The Lord Mayor of London's Vindication ; being an answer to a pamphlet intituled A brief Collection out of the records of the city touching the election of Sheriffs. 4to . . Lond. 1682 London's Liberties ; or a learned argument of law and reason, before the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, at Guildhall, wherein the freedom of the citizens of London in their elections is fully debated, folio .. .. .. Lond. \GS2 The Priviledges of the Citizens of London contained in the charters. 4to . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 682 The Case of the Sheriffs for the year 1 682, or the Third Years Paper in regard to the Act for Corporations. Being the case also of the dissenting ministers. 4to .. .. .. Xowcf, 1682 86 London {Laws, Charters, Customs), The City of London's Loyal Plea; or a rational stating the case con- cerning the election of Sheriffs, folio . . [1682] The loyal Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, upon their election, set to music, folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1682 Midsummer Moon, or the Liveryman's complaint. By Tho. Thomp- son. 4to .. .. ,. .. Lond. 1682 The Tryal of Thomas Pilkington, esq., and Samuel Shute, esq.. She- riffs, and others, for the riot at Guildhall on Midsummer-day, 1 682, being the day for election of Sheriffs, folio . . Lond. 1683 The Petition of Pilkington lord mayor, Bethel, and others, in behalf of themselves and the executors of Sir Tho. Player, Cornish, Shute, and Jenks, to His Majesty; that the prosecutors of the petitioners may be excepted in the Act of Grace, touching the riot on the elec- tion of Sheriffs, folio . . . . . . n. d. A Paper touching the qualification of. folio . . n. d. The Right of the Citizens of London to elect in their Common Hall proved, folio . . . . . . . . n. d. The ancient manner of electing of, and other officers, folio n. d. Observations on the Citizens' right of making, folio n. d. An Act of Common Council for regulating the election of, and for repealing the treasonable Acts of that court in the late rebellion, folio .. . . .. . . .. Lond. 1683 The Trial between Sir William Pritchard, knt. and alderman of Lon- don, plaintiff, and Thomas Papillon, esq., defendant; to which is added the matter of fact relating to the election of Sheriffs, folio Lond. 1689 Account of the Proceedings of the Common Hall, June 24, 1689, as also the Petition of the citizens of London to the Commons, fo. Lond. 1689 The Rights and Privileges of the City, proved from prescription, charters, and acts of Parliament; with a large preface showing how fatal the late proceedings in Westminster Hall, in dissolving corporations, were to the original constitution of the English go- vernment, folio . . . . . . , . 1 689 A friendly Dialogue between a Liveryman and a Freeman of the city of London, concerning the late proceedings at Guildhall in the election of Sheriffs. Second edition. 4to .. Xonc?. 1695 The Speech of William Thompson, esq., recorder of London, upon the election of Sheriffs, in the Evening Post. . . 1715 The history of the Sheriffdom of the city of London and county of Middlesex, 8^c.; with a relation of the case of Papillon and Dubois, ^c. 8vo .. . . .. .. Lond. 1723 A Letter to the right honourable the Lord Mayor, occasioned by his nomination of five persons disqualified by Act of Parliament, to serve the office of Sheriff. 8vo .. .. Zowc?. 1738 A Vindication of the right honourable the Lord Mayor, in answer to a letter addressed to his lordship, on occasion of his nomination of five dissenters to serve the office of Sheriff. 8vo Lond. 1 738 Richard Oliver's Letter to the Livery, on the choice of. 8vo Lond. 1771 London [Laws, Charters, Customs). 87 A Middlesex Freeholder's Letter to Oliver, on the choice of. 8vo Lond. 1771 An Account of some alterations and amendments attempted in the duty and office of Sheriffs of London and Middlesex during the sheriffalty of Sir Barnard Turner and Thomas Skinner, esq. Svo Lond. 1784 A Letter to the Livery of London, relative to the view of the writer in executing the office of Sheriff. By Sir Richard Phillips, knt. Svo .. .. . . .. .. Lond. 1808 The method of electing Sheriffs, <^c. of London and Middlesex : being extracts from periodical publications. 4to .. Xowrf. 1849 Acts regulating Buildings, S^c. in the Metropolis : a digest of the law as it now stands with reference to building matters connected there- with in the metropolis and parts adjacent thereto, prepared for the Builders' Society, by the honorary Secretary. 8vo Lond. 1856 Miscellaneous, A DELICATE Diet for dainty mouthd Droonkardes ; wherein the fowle abuse of common carowsing and quaffing with hartie draughtes is honestlie admonished. By George Gascoyne, esquier. Imprinted at London bv Richard Jhones, Aug. 22, 1576. Reprinted, London 1789. 8vo.' The Carrier's Cosmographie ; or a briefe relation of the Innes, Ordi- naries, Hosteries, and other lodgings in and neere London, where the carriers, waggons, foote-posts, and higglers doe usually come, folio ., .. .. .. .. 1637 A Reply as true as steel, to a rusty, rayling, ridiculous, lying Libel, which was lately written by an impudent, unsoder'd Ironmonger, and called by the name of an Answer to a foolish pamphlet, enti- tuled A Swarme of Sectaries and Schismatiques. 1641 An Apology for Bishops, or a plea for Learning. 1641 Statement of Grevances of the Clerks of the Custom House, London, and praying relief. . . . , . . n. d. The Scots Scouts Discoveries. By their London Intelligencer. 4to Lond. 1641 The Proposal of Capt. John Bulmer, in the office of Assurance, Lon- don, for the blowing up of a man and boat over London Bridge. [1643] Three Looks over London. [With the scarce wood-cut of St. Paul's Cross, and preaching at.] 4to .. .. jLowc?. 1643 The Reformado precisely charactered by a transformed churchwarden at a vestry. 4to .. .. .. iowc?. 1643 Wonders Foretold by her crete Prophet of Wales, which shall cer- tainly be this present year, 1643, by Tivills [Devils] appearing in many places of this kingdome, especially about the city of London and Westminster. 4to .. .. Xowrf. 1643 88 London {Miscellaneous), Supernaturall Sights and Apparitions seen in London June 30, 1 644. By William Lilly. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1644 Tragicum Theatrum actorum et casuum tragicorum Londini public^ celebratorum. 12mo .. .. Amsterdam, 1649 The Declaration of John Robins, the false prophet, otherwise called the Shakers' god, SfC. 4to . . . . , . Lond. 1651 The Last Warning to all the inhabitants of London. 4to Lond. 1659 The downfall of May-games. By Thos. Hall, B.D. 4to Lond. 1660 Fumifugium ; or the inconvenience of the Aer and Smoke of London dissipated. By J. E. [John Evelyn]. 4to .. Lond. 1661 The Bakers and Brewers Warning-Piece, or excellent orders to be observed by such as shall be appointed to serve the markets with corn, meal, and other grain, for the relief of poor people, 8^c. 4to Lond. 1662 A Description of the Office of Credit, by the use of which none can possibly sustain loss, but every man may certainly receive gain and wealth. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1665 TheCitizen'sCompanion, or the Tradesman's Mirror. 8vo Lond. 1673 The Burning of the Whore of Babylon, as it was acted with great applause in the Poultry, London, on Wednesday night, being the fifth of November last, at six of the clock. 4to Lond. 1673 Proposals and Schemes for raising money on tallies and orders, and lotteries, folio sheet. Proposals as to the Million Lottery, with a detection of the artful schemes of the Dutch and other foreign lotteries now on foot, sheet. Declaration of the Commons Committee sitting in Guildhall, to con- sider of the safety of the kingdom and city of London, and pre- serving the privileges of Parliament, sheet . . Lond. n. d. Compassion for the sorrowful afflicted seed, in the city of London or elsewhere. 4to . . . . . . . . Lond. n. d. Abstract of the Master Taylors' Bill depending in Parliament, with the case of them and the Journeymen Taylors of London, 8(C. as to various abuses complained of. . . . . Lond. n. d. The case of the Journeymen Taylors of London and Westminster, and the case of the Master Taylors, in relation to the abuses of journeymen, folio sheet . . . . . . n. d. Sad and Deplorable News from Bride lane, or a warning for lovers that are either inconstant or fond. 4to .. Lond. 1676 Poor Robin's Visions, wherein is described the present humours of the times, the vices and fashionable fopperies thereof. Svo Lond. 1677 A Narrative of the visible hand of God upon the Papists, by the downfall in Black Friars, London, Anno Christi, 1623. (By the rev. Samuel Clarke, formerly pastor of St. Benet Fink.) sm. Svo Lond. 1676 Strange and Wonderful News from Goswell street. 4to Lond. 1678 Narrative of the magnificent Procession, and Burning of the Pope at Temple Barre, Nov. 17, 1679; being the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's coronation, folio .. .. Lond. 1678 London {Miscellmieous), 8ft A Narrative of a strange apparition of an Arch-Angel at the Old Bayly, on 7th March, 1680. folio .. .. Zowc?. 1680 Account of the Earl of Danby's bringing up from the Tower, 27th May, 1682. folio .. .. .. 1682 Several objections sometimes made against the Office of Credit fully answered. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. \QS2 The Compleat Tradesman ; or the exact dealer's daily companion, S;c, ByN. H. 12mo .. .. .. Lond. \QS4: An Apology for the Builder, or a Discourse shewing the cause and effects of the increase of building. 4to . . Lond. 1689 A Plea for the City Orphans and Prisoners for Debt, humbly offered to this present Parliament. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 690 An Address to the members of the Royal Exchange division of loyal London Volunteers. 12mo .. .. Xonf?. n. d. A Dialogue between Francisco and Aurelia, two unfortunate orphans of the city of London. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 690 A Walk to Islington, with a description of the NewTunbridge Welles, Sadler's Music-house, <^c. folio .. .. Lond. \Qd9 A Frolick to Horn fair ; with a walk from Cuckold's Point through Deptford and Greenwich, folio . . ., . Lond. 1 700 Account of the effects of the dreadful Storm of 27th Nov. 1703, in a letter of a gentleman in town to his friend in the countrey. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. [110^'] The City Candidates, or peace and union in nubibus. 4to Lond. 1 705 Case of the Traders of London and the Wharfingers. 8vo Lond. 1705 Poetical Reflections on the vices and foibles of the age. [Chiefly de- scriptive of London manners.] 8vo .. .. Lond. 1706 London Belles, or a description of the most celebrated beauties in the city of London. With the names. 8vo . . Lond. 1707 Advice to the Ladies, or an Answer to the Court and City Beauties. 8vo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 707 Some account of the Spanish Juros, in a letter to a citizen of Lon- don. 4to .. .. . . . . Lond. 1713 Instructions given to the twelve New Lights that lately sprung up in G H . 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 11 \^ Answer of the Underwriters to the case of the master Coal-meters, humbly offered to the consideration of the lord mayor, S^c. With the report and order thereupon, folio sheets . . Lond. 1714 Computation of the Expences in Provisions spent in London and Westminster, for a year, month, day, hour, and minute, (broad- side.) .. .. .. .. .. Lond. \1\b The Serjeant's Letter to his fellow soldiers, on the intended invasion of the Pretender. By A. B., serjeant of the Guards. 8vo Lond. 1715 Down with the Mug, or reasons for suppressing the Mug-houses. BySirH. M . 8vo . . .. .. Lond. Mil The Mug Vindicated against the scurrilous libel of Sir H. M— — . 8vo .. . . . . . . .. Lond. 1717 It cannot rain but it pours ; or the first part of London strow'd with rarities. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1726 90 London (Miscellaneous), It cannot rain but it pours ; or the second part of London strow'd with rarities. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. \1'2Q The Grub-street Miscellany, in prose and verse. By Mr. Bavius. n. d. Lord Mayor's Shew, or the City in its Glory. Now first published from an original manuscript of the late ingenious and facetious ora- tor John Henley, M. A. " Surely every man walketh in a vain shew." Psalm xxxix. 6. 8vo . . . . Lond. n. d. The Mercenary Lover, or true secret history of a city amour. 8vo Lond, 1726 An historical and critical Dissertation on the art of selling bargains [in London]. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. \T2.^ The Moderator between the Married men and the Batchelors, 8fC. folio .. ,. .. .. .. Lond. 1729 The Bakers' Appeal on the ruinous and deplorable condition of the bakers of London. 8vo .. ,. .. Lond. \1Z0 A scheme for a new Lottery, or a husband and coach for six and forty shillings. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 11 Z2 The Peijur'd Citizen, or female revenge. 8vo . . Lond. 1732 A serious Call to the city of London, and through them to the whole nation, to relieve the persecuted protestants of Saltzburgh. 8vo .. .. .. .. . . Lond. 1732 The Sturdy Beggars, a new ballad opera, dedicated to the lord mayor, aldermen, common council, and merchants and citizens of London. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Zowrf. 1733 London made Easy, or a scheme for paying off the Orphans, Work- house, and all other city debts ; also for building general hospitals and workhouses for the poor ; also for erecting a mansion-house for the lord mayor. By John Southall. folio . . Lond. 1 734 A narrative of several Street Robbers, S^c. [All of them London characters]. 8vo .. .. .. Lond.{\1M'] A Sermon in commemoration of the great Storm in the year 1 703. By A. Gifford. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1 734 The City Garland, or Country Medley, folio . . Lond. 1734 The Directory, or an alphabetical list of the places of abode of Mer- chants. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. n^Q The St. James's Register; or Taste h. la mode. 8vo Lond. 1736 An Essay on the hard case of the Retale-Traders, Citizens, Shop- keepers, 8iC. of the city of London. 8vo . . Lond. 1741 The Mystery Revealed : containing a series of transactions and au- thentic testimonials respecting the supposed Cock-lane ghost. 8vo Lond. 1742 The Adventures of David Simple through London and Westminster. 2 vol. 12mo .. .. .. .. Lond.M^A A Letter from a Discounter in Bishopsgate street to a Pawnbroker in Long Acre. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 11^5 An authentic copy of a Letter from Thomas Newans to his Grace the Duke of N*******e, foretelling the dangers threatening this nation, especially London and Westminster, folio . . Lond. 1 745 Palladio Londinensis, or the London Art of Building. 4to Lond. 1 748 The British Merchant. By Charles King. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1 748 London {Miscellaneous), 91 The London Fishery laid open, or the arts of fishermen and fishmon- gers set in a true light. 4to . . . . Lond. 1759 The Art of Living in London. 4to . . . . Lond. 1760 The Adventures of a Black Coat in London and Westminster. 1 2mo Lond. 1760 Eight Letters to His Grace the Duke of , on the custom of vails-giving in England. 8vo .. .. Lond. 11^0 The Marshal's Oflfering to the Yellow Train-band Regement. folio Lond. 1760 The New River Head. A Tale. 4to . . .. Xowrf. 1763 The History of the Fortune-teller in the Old Bailey. 8vo Lond. 1 764 A seasonable Alarm to the City of London, shewing that the new me- thod of paving the streets with Scotch pebbles, and pulling down the signs, must be pernicious to health and morals. By Zachary Zeal, citizen. 8vo .. .. .. Lowe?. 1764 A Winter Evening's Conversation in a club of Jews, Dutchmen, French refugees, and English stock-jobbers, at a noted cofifee-house in Change alley. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 11 QS Schemes submitted to the consideration of the public ; more especially to members of Parliament and the inhabitants of the metropolis. Svo .. .. .. . . .. Lond. 1770 Reflections upon the present Dispute between the House of Commons and the Magistrates of London. Svo .. .. Lond. MIX The Milesian (or the Templar). A comic opera. Svo Lond. [IIS Prince's London Price Current. 2 vol. folio Lond. 1779-81 A narrative of the Riots in London in the year 1780. By William Vincent, of Gray's Inn, gent. Svo . . . . Lond. 1780 An account of a debate in Coachmakers' Hall. By Harum Skarum, esq. Svo .. .. .. .. Xowc?. 1780 Unity and Public Spirit recommended, in an address to the inhabitants of London and Westminster. Svo .. .. Xowrf. 1780 Lamplighter's Poem for the year 1783. folio . . Lond. 1783 The Adventures of Lucifer in London. 12mo Lond. 1786 The Adventures of a Speculist, or a Journey through London. By George Alexander Stevens. 2 vol. 12mo .. Lond. 11 S^ Lord Mayor's Day. (A Pindaric.) 4to .. Xowrf. [1792] A Town Eclogue, or a poetical contest between Toby and a Minor- Poet of B-ts-n's coffee-house, at a bookseller's shop near Temple- bar. Svo . . . . . . . • Lond. n. d. A Sketch of English Liberty; comprizing a remarkable Star-chamber case, 9th Geo. HL, the King against William Bingley : to which is added The new Plain Dealer; and Technestias , or the art of stirring afire. Svo . . .. .. .. Lowrf. [1793J ITie Diamond Ring, or the successful artifices of three London Wives. Svo . . . . . . . . .. Lond. 1795 An arrangement of the provincial Coins, Tokens, and Medalets, issued in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies, within the last twenty years, «!!fC. By James Conder. 2 vol. Svo .. Ipswich, 1798 London what it is, not what it was ; or the Citizen's Complaint against public Nuisances. Svo . . . . . . Lond. n. d. 92 London {Miscellaneous), Domestic Union, or London as it should be. 4to Lond. 1800 Picture of Parliament, or history of the General Election of 1802; containing the remarkable speeches, S^c. of the candidates for Lon- don and Westminster, Middlesex, S^c. 8vo . . Lond. 1802 An Essay on the Coal Trade, with strictures upon the various abuses now existing. [By Robt. Edington.] 8vo ., >Z/OwcZ. 1803 Anecdotes of the English Language, chiefly regarding the local dia- lect of London and its environs. By Samuel Pegge, F.S.A. 8vo Lond, 1803 The Art of Living in London, a poem. l2mo . . Lond. 1805 The Citizen ; a Hudibrastic poem, in five cantos. By Edward Mon- tague. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond, \SOQ The Bumpkin's Disaster, or the journey to I^ondon ; containing the whimsical adventures of Ploughshare and Clodpole ; also the le- gendary history of Waltham Cross. A collection of fragments, by the late Mr. Joseph Strutt. 4to . . Lond. 1808 London Characters ; or anecdotes, fashions, and customs of the pre- sent century. Second edition. 2 vol. 8yo .. Lond. \SOd Account of the celebration of the Jubilee, 25th October, 1809. By a Lady. 4to .. .. .. Birmingham, 1809 The Jubilee, and Civic Debates on the Jubilee Dinner, Travestie, a poem. Second edition. 8vo .. ., Lond. 1809 Hints to the bearers of Walking-sticks and Umbrellas, Third edi- tion. 8vo .. .. .. ., Lond. 1809 Account of Bankrupts of London, 8(C, and their dividends in 1811. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond, 1814: Metropolitan Grievances, or a serio-comic glance at minor mischiefs in London and its vicinitv. By One who thinks for himself. 8vo Lond. 1811 The Antiquity, Honour, and Dignity of Trade, particularly as con- nected with the city of London. Written by a Peer of England. 4to .. .. .. .. Westminster, 1 8\ 3 Horace in London. [By H. and J. Smith.] Second edition. 12mo Lond. 1813 England's Triumph, being an account of the rejoicings, 8fC. which have lately taken place in London and elsewhere ; including the restoration of Louis XVHL, the Proclamation of Peace, and visit of the Emperor of Russia, King of Prussia, Sfc. 8vo Lond. 1814 Tracts. 8vo. 1819—1822: A Trifling Mistake in Thomas lord Erskine's Preface, Sfc. [By John Cam Hobhouse.] Proceedings in the House of Commons and court of King's Bench, relative to the author of the Trifling Mistake. By the same. A Candle to light Lord Lauderdale and the House of Peers, through a dark passage. By William Carey. The Speech of Charles Phillips, esq., to General Devereux, 8ic, pre- vious to their embarcation to join the Spanish patriots in South America. Carlile's Letters to the Reformers of Great Britain. A Peep at the Commons, London {Miscellaneous), 93 A Peep at the Lords. The Miraculous Host tortured by the Jew, under the reign of Philip the Fair, in 1 292, being one of the legends which converted the daughters and niece of Douglas Loveday, esq., under the reign of Louis 18th, in 1821. A Treatise on the Coal Trade, with strictures on its abuses and hints for amelioration. By Robt. Edington. 8vo .. Lond. 1815 Letters to the Lord Mayor [Matt. Wood] ; with an appendix con- taining an analysis and new classification of the state of the repre- sentation of the House of Commons. [By W. Hone.] 8vo Lond. 1817 The Insane World, or a Week in London. By Thomas Williams 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. [1817] Riots in London. The case of Beckwith v. Wood and another. 8vo Lond. J 818 The Alderman's Funeral, an English eclogue. — Original. By Robert Southey. 8vo . . .. .. .. Edin. 1818 Wahlstadd Palace ; or secrets from the kitchen court at St. James's, during the residence of Prince Marshal Blucher in London, sm. 8vo .. .. . . ., .. Lond. 1818 The London Tradesman, a familiar treatise on the rationale of trade and commerce as carried on in the metropolis of the British Em- pire. By several Tradesmen. 8vo .. .. Lond. 18\9 The Tour of Doctor Svntax through London. Third edition. 8vo Lond. 1820 Relacion del Festin Publico de los ciudadanos Espafioles residentes in London. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1820 My Note Book, or sketches from the gallery of St. Stephen's ; a sa- tirical poem. By Wilfred Woodfall, esq. 8vo . . Lond. 182] The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, gent. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1 822 A description of three antient ornamented Bricks, found at different periods in London and Gravesend. 8vo .. Lond. 1825 An introductory Lecture on Anatomy, delivered at the new Medical School, Aldersgate street. By Frederick Tyrrell, surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital and to the London Ophthalmic Infirmary. 8vo Lond. 1826 Letters from Cockney Lands, sm. 8vo . . Lond. 1826 The Siege of Paternoster row, a moral satire : unfolding in heroic metre certain secrets concerning literary trading, <^c. By one Mas- ter Trimmer. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1826 Plan for instituting a London Academy, proposed to Queen Elizabeth. By Sir Humphrey Gilbert, knt. 4to . . . . Lond. 1827 The Coroner's Charge on the fall of the Brunswick Theatre, Well- close square. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1 828 A Letter to the right honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the city of London, against the unconstitu- tional re-sale of the vacant appointment of Secondary. By Charles Pearson, formerly common councilman of Bishopsgate Ward, S(C. ; with a Letter also from the same to John Blackett, esq. chairman of the committee of City Lands. 8vo .. Lond. 1828 94 London {Miscellaneous), Norfolk in London: a Letter to the Metropolitans on the London markets. 8vo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1828 London Register of remarkable events of the year 1807. 8vo Lond. 1828 A Letter to the right honourable Robert Peel, on the supply of Wa- ter to the metropolis. 8vo .. .. Xow. Lond. 1 822 Christ Church, Surrey. An Address to the inhabitants of the parish of Christ Church, Surrey, on the late bill in Parliament for enlarging the cemetery of that parish. By a Parishioner. .. .. Lond. \%\1 A brief history of the parish of, with its public charities. By Henry Hunt, esq. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1830 Clerkenwell (St. James). A Letter to the Bishop of London [Gibson], complaining of the new Altar-piece in the church of [a picture of the Virgin and Child] . With remarks, large sheet (with an engraving, at the top, of the altar-piece). .. .. .. .. Lond. 1735 History and description of the parish of. By J. and H. S. Storer : the historical part by T, Cromwell. 8vo .. Lond. 1828 Cripplegate (St. Giles). Particulars of the rates of church duties, agreed upon at a general meeting of the parish of, 4 November, 1644, September 27, 1664, and February 3, 1674. A Letter to the rev. Dr. Edw. Fowler, the vicar, in answer to his late vindicatory preface. By William Newbery and William Ed- munds, folio sheet .. .. .. Lond. 1685 A Reply to the same. By William Smithies, curate of the parish, folio sheet .. .. .. .. Lond. 1685 Account of the receipt and expenditure on account of the church and parish of St. Giles, Cripplegate, for the year 1828-9, and of the gift estates for the year 1828. 8vo .. Lond. 1829 Minutes of Evidence before a committee of the House of Commons, as to the operation of select and other vestries, in as far as relates to St. Giles without Cripplegate. 8vo .. Lond. 1830 History of all the Charitable Donations to the parish of St. Giles's, Cripplegate. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1830 Papers written during a time of great excitement in the parish : The Cripplegate Gazette and Supplement, broad sheet 1830 Mr. Joseph Newell's Letters to the electors of Cripplegate With- out. 4to .. .. .. .. 1830 London [Pmi^shes and Churches), 107 Hand-bills concerning the abolition of tithes in the parish. 1832 A Letter from Newell, concerning seizures for tithes, fo.sh. [1832] Ditto from a Reformer, on resistance of tithes, fo. sh. [1832] Ditto from Newell, on that of a Reformer. . . 1832 Ditto from a Reformer in reply. . . . . [1832] Dukes Place (St. James). Table of church duties in the parish of St. James, Duke's place, 1 678. MS. Order of the Commissioners for ecclesiastical causes as to the claims of exemption of the parishes of the Trinity Minories, St. James Duke's place, and St. Botolph Aldgate. broadsheet. Lond. 1686 Dunstan's (St.) in the West. A table of the accustomed fees for burial in the parish of. [temp. Car. II.] broad sheet. An historical account of the constitution of the vestry of the parish of. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1714 Views, exhibiting the exterior and interior, and principal monuments of the very ancient and remarkable church of ; to which is added, an historical account of the church. By the rev. J. F. Denham, B.A. 4to . . . . . . . . Lond. n. d. Fleet (The). The Fleet Registers, or history of Fleet marriages ; with an account of the parsons and marriage-housekeepers, extracts from the re- gisters here, and at May fair, the Mint, and Savoy chapels. 8vo Lond. 1833 George's (St .) , Bloomsbury : — see Giles (St.) in the Fields. George's (St.), Hanover Square. The case of the parish of, with regard to the Land-tax. fol. sh. n. d. Giles's (St.) in the Fields. Some account of the hospital and parish of. By the late Mr. John Parton, vestry clerk, royal 4to . . . . Lond. 1822 History of the united parishes of St.Giles in the Fields and St. George, Bloomsbury ; with strictures on their parochial government, S^c, Second edit. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1834 Greenwich. The case of the inhabitants of; and reasons why they ask relief for rebuilding their parish church, folio sheet .. [circ. 1710] Hackney. Lammas Lands, St. John's, Hackney, Report of a Committee on. 8vo . . . . .. .. .. Lond. 1810 Islington (St. Mary). Reasons for a bill to rebuild the Parish Church o^. fol. sheet n. d. 108 London {Parishes and Churches). Act of Parliament, 5 Geo. IV., to repeal several Acts as to the poor of the parish of St. Mary Ishngton, Middlesex ; and for lighting, watching, <^c. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. \%25 The History and Topography of the parish of. By Samuel Lewis, jun. 4to .. .. .. .. ionrf. 1842 Laurence Pountney (St.) A history of the parish of, including an account of Corpus Christi (or Pountney) College. By H. B. Wilson, D.D. 4to Lond. 1831 Luke's (St.), Old Street. Book of the revelations of St. Luke, concerning the select. 8vo Lond. 1786 Margaret's (St.), Westminster. Ornaments of Churches considered, with a view to the late decoration of the parish church of. 4 to . . . . Oxford, 1761 Martin's (St.) in the Fields. A Purge for Churchwardens, 8(C. shewing the extravagant accounts of some parishes, particularly of St. Martin's in the Fields, for 1712, 1713, and 1714. folio .. .. Lond. 17 \ 5 The Case of the parish of, with regard to the Land-tax. fol. sh. n. d. Martin's (St.) le Grand. Historical Notices of the Collegiate Church of. By Alfred John Kempe. 8vo .. .. .. .. ' Lond. 182S Martin's (St.), Outwich. Antique Remains of St. Martin Outwich, London. Published by Ro- bert Wilkinson. (With the original drawings and proof plates.) 4to Lond. 1797 Mary-le-Bow (St.) A topographical and historical account of the parish of. By Thomas Smith. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 183S Mary-le-Strand (St.) An Act for making provision for the rector of. folio sheet. n. d. Michael (St.), Cornhill. Ticket to hear the sermon at the church of, in testimony of thankful- ness for the deliverance and protection of the protestant religion from the attempts of papists . . . . . . 1682 Michael (St.), Crooked Lane, Monumental Inscriptions in the late church and churchyards of St. Michael, Crooked lane. 8vo .. .. Lond. } 831 Newington (St. Mary). Account of the law expenses for the parish of, in procuring an Act for the erection of new churches, 8{C, Second edition. 8vo Lond. 1828 London {Parishes and Churches), 109 Peter^s (St.), CornhilL Plates, 8iC. engraved for an intended history of the parish of. By Robert Wilkinson, (various dates.) Saviour* s (St.), Southwark. The Case of the churchwardens and vestry of. folio sheet n. d. The names of the petitioners against the select vestry of. folio sheet .. . . .. .. .. Lond. 1709 Sepulchre s (St.) The Case of the poor children belonging to the charity school of St. Sepulchre's, London, sheet . . . . n. d. Shoreditch (St. Leonard's). Report of a Committee, Jan. 28, 1734, as to rebuilding the church of. folio . . . . . . . . .. Lond. 1734 A Register of Benefactions to the parish of, collected and composed by Dr. John Denne, the vicar, in the year 1745. 8vo Lond. 1777 The History and Antiquities of the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, and libertv of Norton Falgate, in the suburbs of London. By Henry Elli's, Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. 4to Lond. 1 798 An abstract account of the several bequests, S(C. arising from lands or houses which have been left for charitable uses in the parish of. [Compiled by Hen. J. Sawyer.] 8vo .. Lond. 1830 Account of the population and number of houses in the parish of. large sheet .. .. .. .. Lond. 1831 Stepney. A Bill for uniting the parts of the rectory of St. Dunstan Stepney, 8^0 ; for making the chapel at Poplar a parish church ; for main- tenance of the ministers of five new churches, at Stratford-le-bow, Poplar, Spittlefields, Wapping, Stepney, and Limehouse ; and other purposes mentioned, folio .. .. Lont?. [1721] Trinity Minories. The history of the parish of Holy Trinity, Minories, from the ear- liest period of its establishment, and continued to the present day. By the rev. Tho. Hill, A.M. 4to . . . . Lond. 1851 TVhitechapel. The Case concerning setting up Images or painting of them in churches : published upon occasion of a painting set up in White- chappel church, sm. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1714 A catalogue of most of the memorable tombes, grave-stones, plates, escutcheons, or atchievements in the deraolisht or yet extant churches of London, from St. Katherine's beyond the Tower to Temple Barre. The out parishes being included. A work of great weight, and consequently to be indulged and countenanced by such 110 London {Parishes and Churches), who are gratefully ambitious of preserving the memory of their ancestors. By P[ayne] Fisher. 4to .. i owe?. 1668 Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense. By Richard Newcourt. 2 vol. folio , . . . . . Lond. 1 708 The same, with numerous MS. notes and additions. Vol. I. folio Lond. 1708 The dissenting teachers' Address against the Bill for building fifty new churches in and about the cities of London and Westraister. 8vo . . .. . . .. .. Lond. 1711 Acts of Parliament relating to the building of fifty new churches, in and about the cities of London and Westminster. 8vo Lond. 1721 London Parishes ; containing the situation, antiquity, and rebuilding of the churches within the bills of mortality. 8vo Lond. 1724 Perspective views of all the antient churches and other buildings in London, Westminster, &;c., engraved by William Henry Toms, from drawings by Robert West. (Twenty-four views.) long folio Lond. 1736 The exactions and impositions of Parish Fees discovered. By Francis Sadler. Second edition corrected. Svo .. Lond. 11 ^S Poor Honesty's Fight with two parishes. Svo . . Lond. 1739 A short account of the several wards, precincts, parishes, SfC, in Lon- don: with a list of lord mayors and sheriffs since the Revolution. By John Smart [of Guildhall] .Svo . . Lond. 1 742 A short review of the frauds, abuses, and impositions of Parish Offi- cers. Svo . . . , . . . . Lond. 1 744 Resolutions of various London parishes as to a bill pending in Par- liament for further relief of certain incumbents of livings in the city of London, by augmenting the funds payable to the clergy in those parishes. Svo .. .. .. Xowc?. 1S17 Architectura Ecclesiastica Londini, or Graphical Survey of the cathe- dral, collegiate, and other churches in London, Southwark, and Westminster, with an historical account. By Charles Clarke, esq., F.S.A. royal 4to .. .. .. Lond. \S20 The history of Parish Registers in England ; as also of the Registers of Scotland, Ireland, and the East and West Indies, foreign coun- tries. Dissenters, the Fleet, the King's Bench, Mint, Chapel Royal, (SfC, with observations on bishops' transcripts, and provisions of the Act 52 Geo. III. cap. 146. By John Souther den Bum. Svo Lond. 1829 A plan of a national and civil Registration of births, marriages, and deaths. By William Henry Black. Svo .. Xowrf. 1833 The Churches of London : a history and description of the ecclesiasti- cal edifices of the metropolis ; with biographical anecdotes of emi- nent persons, notices of remarkable monuments, <^c. By George Godwin, jun,, F. S. A., assisted by John Britton, esq., F.S.A. Illustrated by numerous plates. 2 vol. royal Svo Lond. 1838 London {Plague). Ill Plague, Certaine Sermons, concerning God's late visitation in the citie of London and other parts of the land. Preached at St. Alphage, Cripplegate, by William Cupper. 12mo .. Lond. \b92 The Arke of Noah, for the Londoners that remaine in the citie to enter in, with their families, to be preserued from the deluge of the Plague. Item, an exercise for the Londoners that are departed out of the citie into the countrey, to spend their time till they returne. Whereunto is annexed an epistle sent out of the countrey to the afflicted citie of London. Made and written by lames Godskell the yonger, preacher of the word. . . . . Lond. 1603 A short dialogue concerning the Plague's Infection, published to pre- serve bloud, through the blessing of God. 1 2mo Lond. 1 603 The wonderfuU yeare 1603, wherein is shewed the picture of London lying sicke of the Plague, S^c. [By Thomas Decker.] 4to Lond. n. d. The seuen deadly sinnes of London, drawn in seuen seuerall coaches through the seuen seuerall gates of the citie, bringing the Plague with them. Opus septein dierum. Tho. Dekker. 4to iowc?. 1606 A collection of the original Bills of Mortality, official placards, and other public papers and notices, placarded and published by autho- rity, during the various plagues in London, from 1592 to 1670, [particularly copious and curious as to the great plague of the year 1665]. 2 vol. 4to (original binding.) 1592-l'670 Certaine rules, directions, or advertisements, for this time of pestilen- tiall contagion. By Francis Hering, doctor in physike. 4to Lond. 1625 London's Lamentation for her sinnes, and complaint to the Lord her God, &;c. ; together with a sovereigne receipt against the Plague. By W. C, pastor at Whitechappell. 8vo . , Lond. 1625 Lachrymce Londinenses ; or London's teares and lamentations for God's heavie visitation of the plague of pestilence ; with a map of the cities miserie. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1626 Orders thought meet to be jput into execution against the Plague [and amongst them " that the bill. Lord have mercy upon us, with a large crosse, be set upon the door of every house visited by the plague"]. .. .. .. .. 1641 A seasonable Memorandum, humbly tendred to the city of London, the lord mayor, aldermen, and the whole commonalty thereof, by occasion of the pestilence begun this year 1665. By their old re- membrancer, George Wither, sm. 8vo .. Lond. 1665 London's Remembrancer, or a true accompt of every particular week's christenings and mortality, in all the years of pestilence, within the cognizance of the bills of mortality, being xviii. years. By John Bell, clerk to the company of Parish Clerks. 4to Lond. 1665 London's dreadful Visitation, or a collection of all the bills of mor- tality for this present year; beginning the 20th of December, 1 664, 112 London {Plague). and ending the 1 9th of December following. By the company of Parish Clerks of London. 8vo .. .. Lond. \QQ5 Certain necessary directions, as well for the cure of the Plague as for preventing the infection. 4to .. .. Z/onc?. 1665 Orders conceived and published by the lord mayor and aldermen of the city of London, concerning the infection of the Plague. 4to Lond. [1665] London's deliverance predicted, in a short discourse showing the causes of plagues in general. By John Gadbury. 4to Lond. \QQ5 A Mite cast into the treasury of the famous city of London ; being a brief and methodical discourse of the nature, causes, symptomes, remedies, and preservation from the Plague. By Theophilus Ga- rencieres, M.D. 4to .. .. Lond. 1665 London's deliverance predicted, in a short discourse showing the causes of plagues in general, and the probable time when the pre- sent pest may abate. By John Gadbury. 4to Lond. \QQQ Seasonable thoughts in sad times, or reflections on the warre, pes- tilence, and burning of London. By John Tabor, M.A. 8vo Lond. 1667 God's Terrible Voice in tbe City, by T. V. [Thomas Vincent]. 8vo Lond. 1667 The Case of the Inhabitants of the liberty of Westminster against the clauses proposed by the justices of the peace, to a bill now passing, to require quarantine, folio sheet . . . . n. d. Loimologia ; or an Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665. By Nathaniel Hodges, M.D.; with an essay and remarks, by John Quincy, M.]). Svo .. .. Lond. 11-20 A history of the most remarkable pestilential distempers. By R. Brookes, M.D. Svo .. .. . Lond. \12\ A discourse upon the Plague : in two parts. By Sir Richard Black- more, M.D. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1121 A succinct account of the Plague at Marseilles, translated from the French. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1121 An Hvpothetical Notion of the Plague. By Mr. Place. Svo Lond. 1721 Some Remarks upon three treatises of the Plague. Svo Lond. 1721 Some Observations concerning the Plague. Svo Lond. \12\ Seasonable considerations on the indecent and dangerous custom of burying in churches and churchyards. Svo .. Lond. \12\ A collection of very valuable and scarce pieces, relating to the last Plague in the year 1665. Svo . . . . Lond. 1721 A theorico-practical, miscellaneous, and succinct Treatise of the Plague. By Philip Rose, M.D. Svo .. Lond. \ 121 A Discourse of the Plague. (Part 1.) By George Pye, B.D. Svo Lond. 1721 A new discovery of the nature of the Plague. Svo Lond. 1721 An Essay on Contagious Diseases. By Clifton Wintringham. Svo Lond. 1721 Dr. Mead's short discourse explained, or his account of pestilential contagion and preventing exploded. Sec. edit. Svo Lond. 1722 London {Plague), 113 The causes of the discontents in relation to the Plague. 4to Lond. 1724 A Practical Treatise of the Plague, and all pestilential infections that have happened in this island for the last century: with a prefatory- epistle to Dr. Mead. By Joseph Browne, LL.M.D. 8vo Lond, 1730 A Scheme, or Proper Methods for preventing the ill effects of the Plague. By Sir John Colebatch. 8vo .. ionrf. 1731 Reasons offered by the Grocers of London against part of a Bill in the House of Commons, to prevent the bringing in the infection by the clandestine running in of goods. . . . . Lond. n. d. The City Remembrancer of the great Plague, 1665, <^c. 2 vol. 8vo. l^QeFire.'] .. .. .. .. Xonrf. 1769 The dreadful Visitation, or a short account of the progress and effects of the Plague of 1665. Svo .. .. Lond. \ld\ The history of the great Plague in London in the year 1665. By a Citizen [Daniel Defoe]. Svo .. .. Xonrf. 1819 Reports on the Diseases of London, and the state of the weather from 1804 to 1816, 8iC. By Thomas Bateman, M.D. 8vo Lond. 1819 The Means of preserving health and prolonging life, ^c.,with Medical Topography of London. By Sir Anthony Carlisle, F.R.S. 8vo Lond. 1841 Report on the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Great Britain. A supplementary Report on the results of a special in- quiry into the practice of interment in towns, made at the request of Her Majesty's principal secretary of state for the home depart- ment. By Edwin Chadwick, esq. 8vo . . Lond. i 843 Registration of the causes of death : circulars to medical practitioners, and to registrars : a statistical nosology for the use of those who return the causes of death under 6-7 Will. IV. c. 86. Circulars to coroners, and a classification of the causes of violent deaths. 8vo Lond. 1845 Police. Bread, the Assize of, allowed and commanded to be kept by the right honourable the lords and others of the Queene's Majestie's privie counsaile. . . . . . . . . Lond. 1592 The Assize of Bread, newly corrected and enlarged, with orders fok making all kindes of bread : with sundrie good ordinances for ba- kers, brewers, innholders, <^c. 4to .. .. jLonc?. 1592 The same. 4to .. .. .. ., Lond. 1636 Order of the Lord Mayor for observing the rates and prices of poul- try, folio .. .. .. .. 1633 A Decree lately made in the high court of Starre- Chamber, confirmed by His Sacred Majestic, as to divers things [chiefly relating to matters of London police] . 4to .. .. Lone?. 1633 114 London {Police), A Decree in the Star- Chamber, concerning inmates and divided tene- ments, in London or three miles about. 4to . . Lond. 1636 A Briefe Declaration for what manner of speciall nusance concerning private dwelling-houses a man may have his remedy by assise or other action as the case requires ; together with the power and extent of customes in cities, <^c., concerning the same, also the justices' of assise opinion on the statute laws respecting parishes, «^c. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1636 Artachthos, or a new book declaring the assize or weight of bread. 4to . . . . . . . . . . Lond, 1 638 Clericus Mercati. An humble remonstrance of the severall heads and ground-worke conceived, for the draught of a Bill of Information to be exhibited into the high court of Parliament concerning the generall Clarke of the Market. By Ben. Agar. 4to Lond, 1641 Orders of the Commons, concerning the rate of coals, br. sh. 1642 Petition of the inhabitants of Westminster, the Tower Hamlets, South- wark, 8(C. to the Lords, to hasten the personal treaty with His Ma- jesty, and that the Militia of the out parts may be united with the city of London in one militia, broad sheet . . [1643] The Petition of thousand of well affected inhabitants of London and Westminster for a committee to undertake the service to list per- sons into companies and regiments, broad sheet 1643 An Order by the lord mayor and Militia Committee for the six regi- ments to advance towards Reading, folio . . 1 643 Order of the lord mayor touching the design of listing prentices under the oath of secrecy, broad sheet . . 1648 An Act of Common Council for the prevention of nuisances within the city of London. . . . . . . 1655 Proclamation to restrain the abuses of hackney coaches. 1660 A Proclamation for keeping the markets to supply the city of London with provisions ; and for prevention of alarms and tumults, and for appointing a meeting of merchants. . , . . 1666 Street Regulations ; rules and directions for the pitching and levelling the streets and lanes of the city of London and liberties, 8{C., pre- paratory to rebuilding after the Great Fire of 1666. large sheet 1667 Order of the Maior, 8(C. as to rebuilding London after the Great Fire, (three papers) . . . . . . . . n. d. Orders by the Commissioners of Sewers for paving the streets, with the paviours* names. MS. . . . . 1 670 Objections against carrying on the New Sewer from Spittlefields to the river of Thames, and answers to the same objections, broad sheet . . . . • . . . . . . n. d. Heads of the additional Bill for paving and cleansing London, 1670; with MS. orders of the commissioners, as to a list of paviours' names. Order of the Commissioners of Sewers, Pavements, 8fC., in London, for regulation of the same. . . . . 1671 An Act of Common Council for paving and cleansing the city of Lon- don, 6^c. 12mo .. .. .. .. 1671 London {Police), 115 An Act of Common Council, 15 Sept., for settling and well ordering the public markets. .. .. .. 1672 Lord Mayor's Proclamation for the amendment of manners of the citizens generally, as a means of pleasing Providence and averting the evils hanging over them, folio .. 1679 The Lord Mayor's Precept concerning rogues and beggars. 1 680 Advice for the prevention of theft ; being the confession of a con- demned prisoner to William Smithies, curate of St. Giles, Cripple- gate, folio sheet .. .. ., Lond. 1687 Letter from a master of a collier to a member of parliament, showing the causes coals are so dear, folio sheet . . n. d. The Assize of Bread, with sundry good and needful ordinances. 4to .. .. .. ' .. .. Lond. 1684 Directions by the Lord Mayor for executing the laws against vices and enormities, folio sheet . . . . 1687 A Proposal for the better securing of Health, fo. sh. Lond. [1689] Antimoixeia : or the honest and joynt design of the Tower Hamblets for the general suppression of Bawdy-houses, fo. sh. Lond. 1691 A moderate computation of the expenses in Provisions spent in the cities of London and Westminster, folio . . Lond. 1 69 1 A letter from a Merchant in London to an M. P., concerning the practices of Brokers, folio sheet . . . . n. d. Petition of the English Brokers against strangers and the sons of aliens exercising Brocage, folio sheet . . n. d. An account of the Societies for the Reformation of Manners in London and Westminster, 8fc. [By D. Defoe.] 8vo . . Lond. 1 699 A Petition of the oppressed Market-people, humbly offered to the con- sideration of the lord mayor, aldermen, <^c. of London. 4to Lond. 1696-1700 The Case of Wilham Stewart, the present garbler for the city of Lon- don, folio sheet . . . . . . n. d. Black Lists ; or names of lewd and scandalous persons discovered by the Society for the Reformation of Manners, in 1701 and 1705. (broadsides.) The Seven -and-twentieth account of the progress made in the cities of London and Westminster, by the societies for promoting a Re- formation of Manners. 8vo , . . . n. d. Some considerations upon Street-walkers, with a proposal for lessen- ing the present number of them ; in two letters to a member of parliament. 4to . . . . . . n. d. Public Nuisance considered under the several heads of bad pavements, butchers infesting the streets, billetting foot-guards, and insolence of household servants ; with hints towards a remedy. By a gentle- man of the Temple. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. n. d. Bread, The Assize of. folio .. .. .. 1710 Rules, Directions, and By-laws of the court of Aldermen of London, by virtue of an ordinance of the Lord Protector, for the regulation of Hackney Coachmen, 8iC. folio . . . . n. d. Hackney Coachmen's Case as presented to the Commons House of Parliament, with a proposal to raise for His Majesty 200,000/. per I 2 116 London (Police). annum ; also the Hackney Coachmen's Case, containing a further statement as to their proposals, folio . . n. d. A Proposal of George Leverick, hackney coachman, to prevent stops in the street, folio . . . . . . n. d. Proposals to prevent the Stop of Coaches in the street, folio n. d. The Case of several Hackney Coachmen that hire licences, fo. n. d. The Case of seven hundred Hackney Coachmen and widows inte- rested in the present licenses, folio . . n. d. The Case of John Nicholson and others, in behalf of themselves and others, and the first four hundred Hackney Coachmen, fo. n. d. The Case of the Coachmen in relation to the Bill for increasing the number of hackney coaches, folio . . . . n. d. The Case of the unlicensed Hackney Chairmen, folio n. d. The Case of the poor Hackney Coachmen, folio n. d. The Hackney Coachmen's Case, with reasons for a settled price for hiring, folio . . . . . . . . n. d. The true and deplorable case of the Waggoners, carriers of goods* folio . . . . . . . . . . n. d. Case of the four hundred Hackney Coachmen allowed to ply for hire in London and its suburbs, humbly oflfered to the consideration of the king, folio . . . . . . . . n. d. The Rates for Hackney Coaches and Chairs, folio 1711 Proposal to prevent the beginning of theft in London ; viz. the pick- ing of pockets, sheet . . . . . . n. d. Proclamation of the Lord Mayor against the increase of taverns and eating-houses or ordinaries, sheet .. .. n. d. Order of Common Council for preventing filth and noisome smells, sheet . . . . . . . . . . n. d. Hawkers and Pedlars ; Reasons for and against suppressing hawkers and pedlars ; together with the case of cities, corporations, and market towns, concerned with ; short abstract and also a larger perusal of the statutes in force against hawkers and other unlaw- ful traders ; further statements of the case, reasons, SfC, as refer- ring to. . . . . . . . . n. d. Coals. Petition to Parliament, and case of Sir Job Harby, knt., as to his right to a certain rent out of coals exported, obtained by patent of King Charles I. . . . . . . n. d. A true discovery of the conduct of Receivers and Thieftakers in and about the city of London, humbly dedicated to the lord mayor, aldermen, and common council. By Charles Hitchin, one of the marshals of the city of London. 4to .. Lond. 1718 The Oppressions of the Market-people : or the extortions of the far- mers of the city markets ; with a copy of an award referring to the public markets of London, also the rates, tolls, and duties, settled by an Act of Common Council. 4to . . . . Lond. 1720 City Cries, instrumental and vocal, or an examination of certain abuses, corruptions, and enormities in London and Dublin. By the rev. Dr. Swift, D.S.P.D. 8vo .. .. Dublin, 17 S2 Reasons for the Bill for repairing the highways leading to Highgate, Hampstead, ^c. folio sheet .. ,. [1732] London {Police), 117' A plain answer to a late pamphlet, intitled The business of Pawn- broking stated and defended. By an impartial hand. 8vo Xowrf. 1745 An Enquiry into the causes of the late increase of Robbers. By Henry Fielding, esq. Second edition. 12mo .. Lond. 1751 A plan for preventing robberies within twenty miles of London. By John Fielding, esq. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1755 A faithful narrative of the most wicked and inhuman transactions of that bloody-minded gang of thief- takers, alias thief-makers, Mac- daniel. Berry, Salmon, Cagan, and Gahagan. By Joseph Cose. 8vo .. .. .. ,. .. Lond. 1756 An account of the origin and effects of a Police set on foot by his grace the Duke of Newcastle in 1 753, on a plan presented to him by the late Henry Fielding, esq.; with a plan for preserving those deserted girls in this town who become prostitutes from ne- cessity. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. \75S Jonathan Wild's advice to his successor, containing useful hints and instructions on the art of thief-taking, and a plan for an asylum for decayed thief- takers. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1758 A proposal to render effectual a plan for removing prostitutes from the streets of the metropolis. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1758 Extracts from such of the Penal Laws as particularly relate to the peace and good order of this metropoHs. By John Fielding, esq. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1761 Directions for the more faithful execution of the new Militia Act. By Chas. Whitworth. 8vo . . . . Lond. n. d. An authentic narrative of the robbery committed in the Earl of Harrington's house, in the Stable-yard, St. James's. By Mr. James Bevell. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1765 Proposals for an association against the iniquitous practices of en- grossers, forestallers, 8(C., for reducing the prices of provisions, especially butcher's meat. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1766 Remarks on the Riot Act, with an application to certain recent and alarming facts. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1768 Genuine copies of all the letters between the lord chancellor, the se- cretary of state, and the sheriffs of London and Middlesex, rela- tive to the execution of Dovle and Valine. [By John Home Tooke.] 8vo .. ..' .. .. Lond. 1770 A Letter to the Citizens of London on the appointment of a City Marshal. By Robert HoUoway. 8vo ,. Lond. 1771 A Letter to the whole body of proprietors of the Exeter post-coach, relating to a hare of which that coach was robbed at the Saracen's- head in Fleet-street, London. 8vo ,. Salisbury, 1773 A plan for rendering the Militia of London useful and respectable, and for raising an effective and well-regulated watch. By a member of the corporation. 8vo .. ., .. Lond. 1728 Proposals and remarks for the improvement of the City Militia, and for watch and ward. By Granville Sharp. 8vo Lond. 1782 Letters to the Lords of the Privy Council on the Police, SfC. By Josiah Dornford, esq. 8vo ' .. .. Lond. 1785 118 London {Police), A Narrative of Proceedings tending towards a national reformation, consequent upon His Majesty's proclamation for suppressing vice and immorality ; with the representation of the grand juries of London and Middlesex, 8^c. By a county magistrate. 8vo Lond. \1S>1 The economy of an institution established in Spitalfields, London, for supplying the poor with good meat-soup for one penny per quart. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1788 Observations on the Herring Fisheries upon the north and east coasts of Scotland, «^c., with plain rules proposed for curing and supply- ing the London market with white herrings. 8vo Lond. n^^ A Letter to Sir John Danvers, hart., magistrate, touching a license granted for an alehouse called the " Hand and Flower" in the Hammersmith road, with a narrative of the transaction. By William Hyde, esq. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. Md\ Thoughts on the means of alleviating the miseries attendant upon common prostitution. 8vo.. .. .. Lond. \T 99 A Treatise on the commerce and police of the River Thames. By Patrick Colquhoun, LLD. 8vo .. .. iowrf. 1800 The Mirror of Iniquity, in a letter to the magistrates of England, [London]. 8vo . . .. .. .. Lond. 1^02 Letter to the right hon. Lord Pelham, on the state of Mendicity in the metropolis. By Matthew Martin, esq. 8vo Lond. 1803 A Treatise on the Police of the metropolis. By P. Colquhoun, LL.D. Seventh edit. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1 806 A Letter to the Lord Mayor, relative to a report made by a special committee of the court of Common Council respecting the London Militia. By James Thomas Kirkman, captain of the royal East London Militia. 8vo .. .. .. Xowrf. (1811) An Address to the corporation of the city of London on the pro- jected abolition of their Militia. 8vo ., jLowrf. 1812 Thoughts on the management and relief of the Poor. By William Clark, esq. (a magistrate acting in the county of Somerset). 8vo Lond. 1815 Report from the select committee of the House of Commons on the education of the lower orders in the metropoUs, with the minutes of evidence. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1816 Minutes of Evidence before a select committee of the House of Com- mons to inquire into the state of the police of the metropolis, with notes, 8(C. By a magistrate of the county of Middlesex. 8vo Lond. 1816 An Appeal on behalf of the loyal and industrious artificers, labourers, ^c, now unemployed and in want ; and a statement of some of the means which may be adopted for their immediate employ and re- lief. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1816 An Inquiry into the nature and object of the several laws for restrain- ing and regulating the retail trade of ale, beer, wines, and spirits. In a letter to the hon. H. Grey Bennett, M.P., chairman of the committee on the state of the police of the metropolis. 8vo Lond. 1817 London [Police). 119 Act of Parliament, 57 George III., for better paving, improving, and regulating the streets of the metropohs, preventing nuisances, ob- structions, (^c. folio .. .. .. 1817 Reports on the Police of the Metropolis, folio Lond. 1816-1817 Pauperism : its £vils and burthens reduced by caUing into action the labours of the Poor, and by the useful direction of charity. By H. B. Gascoigne. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. \^IS Chimney Sweepers, The Speech of Dr. Lushington in support of the Bill for the better regulation of, and their apprentices, before the Committee of the House of Lords, March, 1818. 8vo Lond. 1818 Chimney Sweeping, A Letter to the mistresses of families on the cruelty of employing children in the odious, dangerous, and often fatal task of. By C. Hudson. 12mo . . Lond. 1818 The Danger of travelling in Stage-Coaches, and a remedy proposed. By Wm. Milton. 8vo .. .. .. Reading, \S\^ Act of ParUament, 1 Geo. IV. (1820), for regulating the London Mi- litia. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond.\^20 Observations on the present state of the Police of the metropolis. By George B. Main waring, esq. 8vo . . Lond. 1821 An Essay on preventive Police, particularly as applied to London : being a review of the Metropolitan Police reports of the House of Commons. 8vo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1821 Relief for the poor and afflicted in and near London. By A. H. 8vo Lond. 1821 A Letter to the mistresses of famihes on the cruelty of employing children as chimneysweepers. By C. Hudson. 8vo Lond. 1823 Considerations on the defective state of the pavement of the metro- polis. By William Deykes, gent. 8vo .. Zone?. 1824 Rules, orders, and regulations for the Police of the city of London. 8vo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1824, 1827, 1829 Various Orders for regulating the standing of carts for hire, driving of cattle, 8iC. in the city of London and hberties thereof, [during the mayoralties of Aid. Garratt and Brown]. 8vo Lond. 1825 Observations on Mr. Peel's Police magistrates' salary raising Bill, S^c, By Jeremy Bentham. 8vo .. .. Xo»rf. 1825 Letter to the right honourable the Lord Mayor, on the supply of Gas to the city of London. By Joseph Hedley. 8vo Lond. 1 828 A Letter to the right honourable the Lord Mayor of London, in reply to a letter lately addressed to him by Mr. Joseph Hedley, on the supply of Gas to the city, SfC. By William Matthews. 8vo Lond. 1828 A Letter to the right honourable Robert Peel, on the supply of Water to the metropolis. 8vo .. .. .. Zowrf. 1828 A popular Treatise on the Warming and Ventilation of Buildings, shewing the advantages of the improved system of heated water circulation. By C. J. Richardson. 8vo .. Lond. \SZ9 Pauper Police. Letters addressed, through *' The Times," to the churchwardens, 8iC., of the several parishes of London, showing the necessitv and advantages of a Pauper Police. By Samuel Miller. 8vo .. .. .. .. Xonrf. 1831 120 London {Police), A Letter to the right hon. Sir Robert Peel, hart., on the fatal and ruinous consequences of his currency bill, and on the espionage and tyranny of the new poHce. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1 835 Reports on Metropolis Police offices, folio Lond. 18^1-] 83S An Act for regulating the Police in the city of London, 2 and 3 Vict., cap. xciv.; with an Abstract. Svo .. .. Lond. 1839 Regulations for the Police of the city of London, by the Commis- sioner of Police. 12mo .. .. .. Lond. \ 843 Criminal Returns : Metropolitan Police. Svo .. Lond. \846 Baths and Wash-houses : Proceedings of the Committee to promote the establishment of, for the labouring classes; and a Report upon the buildings erected, ^e. 4to sheets .. Lond. 1852 Some considerations upon Street-walkers, with a proposal for lessen- ing the present number of them ; in two letters to a member of parliament. 4to . . . . . . n. d. Resolutions of the Associated Architects, with the report of a com- mittee by them appointed to consider the causes of the frequent fires, and the best means of prevention in future. Svo n. d. The Seven-and-twentieth account of the progress made in the cities of London and Westminster, by the societies for promoting a Re- formation of Manners. Svo . . . . n. d. Public Nuisance considered under the several heads of bad pavements, butchers infesting the streets, billetting foot-guards, and insolence of household servants ; with hints towards a remedy. By a gentle- man of the Temple. Svo . . . . . . Lond. n. d. Brief Abstract of proceedings of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, consisting of members of the established church. Svo n. d. Political. The effect of the Declaration made in the Guildhall by M. Recorder of London, concerning the late attemptes of the Queues Majesties ^evill, seditious, and disobedient subjects, small Svo Lond. 1571 A Speach delivered to the Kinges most excellent maiestie, in the- name of the shereiffes of London and Middlesex, by Maister Ri- chard Martine of the Middle Temple. 4to . . Edin. 1603 A Tongue Combat lately happening betweene two English souldiers in the tilt boat of Gravesend. 4to . . . . Lond. 1623 Vojc Civitatis; or London's complaint against her children in the countrey, taken from her owne mouth, and written by Benjamin Spencer, Master in Arts. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 625 A brief relation of certaine speciall and most materiall passages and speeches in the Starre Chamber, occasioned and delivered June 14, 1637, at the censure of Dr. Bastwicke, Mr. Burton, and Mr. Prynne. 4to . . .. .. .. Lond. 1638 Proclamation of His Majesty, touching Grants and Licences obtained upon untrue surmises. .. ,. ,. 1639 London {Political). 121 The Petition and Protestation of all the Bishops, 8(C. now called by the king's writs, and now present about London and Westminster, to attend parliament. . . . . . . \_circa 1 640] A Message from both houses of Parliament unto His Majestic, con- cerning the Prince his son ; with the answer of His Majestic there- unto. 4to . . . . . . . . Lond. 1641 The third speech of the Lord George Digby to the House of Com- mons, concerning Bishops and the citie petition, the 9th of Febru- ary, 1640. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1640 The humble Petition and Address of several Peers of this realm to His Majesty of sacred memory King Charles L folio 1 640 An Humble Remonstrance to the high court of Parliament, by a dutiful son of the church. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 640 A New Discovery of the Prelates Tyranny, in their late prosecutions of Mr. William Prynne, Dr. John Bastwick, and Mr. Henry Bur- ton. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1641 The several Petitions of Dr. Bastwicke, M. Burton, M. Prynne, and of Nat. Wickins, to Parhament. 4to .. Lond. 1641 A Speech of the hon. N. Fiennes, concerning Bishops and the City of London's petition. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1641 Petition to the King from the City of London, for the relief of the Irish Protestants, folio .. .. .. Lond. 1641 Decision of Parliament as to the prices of Wines. 1 641 The heads of a Conference delivered by M. A. Pym at a committee of both Houses, Junij 24, 1641. 4to . . 1641 A Conspiracie discovered, or the report of a committee to the House of Commons in Parliament, of the examination of divers of the conspirators and others in the late treason concerning the Tower, Junevj. 1641. 4to .. .. .. 1641 A discovery of the horrible and bloody treason and conspiracie against the protestants of this kingdome in generall, but especially against divers of the nobility and many of the honourable House of Com- mons in Parliament, and also against some of the citizens of Lon- don. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1641 Mr. Grimston's speech in Parliament. 4to . . Lond. 1641 Orders from the high court of Parliament for voting the new Bill of Subsidies ; with the Earl of Bristol's speech at a conference for gathering of money for the souldiers. 4to .. Lond. 1641 The true copie of an act or declaration of the Commons touching the care they have in chusing a lieutenant of the Tower, and concern- ing the protestant blood shed in the late rebellion in Ireland. 4to Lond. 1641 Sions Charity towards her foes in misery, in a Dialogve betweene a citizen of London and a countrey gentleman, concerning the of- fenders of these times. 4to .. .. Lond. 1641 A serious call to the corporation of London to address His Majesty to remove weak and wicked m s. folio sheet n. d. The first and large Petition of the Citie of London, and other inha- bitants thereabouts, for a reformation in church government, the abolishment of episcopacie, <^c. 4to .. Lond. 1641 122 London {Political), His Majesties coming to Guildhall, with the conference between His Majestic and the Lord Mayor, concerning the tumults in the citie, with His Majesties speech to the court of Common Council. 4to Lond. 1641 The Citizens of London humble petition to Parliament, subscribed with the names of about twenty thousand persons. 4to Lond. 1 641 The Citizens of London humble petition to the House of Commons, subscribed with the names of above twenty thousand, both alder- men, aldermen's deputies, merchants, common -counsell-men, 8iC. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1641 A Speech or Declaration of the Lord Faulkland, to the Lords of the upper house, upon the delivery of the articles of the Commons as- sembled in Parliament against the Lord Finch. 4to Lond, 1641 Certaine Petitions presented by the Lord Maior and Commonalty of the city of London to the House of Commons. 4to Lond. 1641 A true coppie of the master-piece of all those Petitions which have formerly beene presented by the Maior, Aldermen, and Common Counsell of the citie of London. 4 to . . Lond. 1641 A Common Councill held at Guildhall in the city of London, the 31 of December, 1641. 4to . . .. .. Lond. \QA\ Old Newes newly revived; or a discovery of occurrences since the sitting of parliament. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1 64 1 The Jesuites' Plot discovered, intended against the Parliament and city of London very lately. 4to .. .. Lond. \Q^\ Pax vobis, or a charm for tumultuous spirits, being earnest and chris- tian advice to the people of London, to forbeare their disorderly meetings at Westminster. By Thomas Warmestry, minister of God's word. 4to .. .. ,. Lond. 1641 The image of the Malignant's Peace, or seditious carriages of the London cavaliers. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1641 The Bishops Mittimus to goe to Bedlam, upon the accusation of high treason by the Parliament, for making their petition and protesta- tion to His Majestic. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1641 London's Alarum, or the great and bloody plot of the Fifth-monarchy men, now discovered against the city of London. 4to Lond. 1641 England's Loyalty, or joyful expressions for the city of London's safety. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. \QA\ Old Newes newly revived ; or a discovery of all occurrences happened since the beginning of the parliament : as the confusion of patents, the Deputie's death, Canterburie's imprisonment. Judge Barclay's imprisonment, the ruine of Alderman Abel's monopoly, \4t The Collective Wisdom, or sights and sketches in the chapel of St. Stephen; with cuts by Cruikshank. Svo .. Lond. 1824 A brief Statement of the proceedings respecting the new Law Courts at Westminster, the board of trade, and the new privy council of- fice, <^c. ByJohnSoane, F.R.S., (^c. lar.fo. (Plates.) Lond, 1828 A Picturesque Guide to the Regent's Park ; with accurate descrip- tions of the Colosseum, the Diorama, and the Zoological Gardens. Illustrated with upwards of thirty engravings. 8vo Lond. \S2d An account of the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, from the public archives in the Exchequer. By John Topham, esq. treasurer. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1834 The antient Palace and Houses of Parliament, Westminster. By Edward Wedlake Brayley and John Britton : illustrated with forty- eight embellishments, post Svo .. .. Lond. \SZQ St. PauVs Cathedral. Monumenta Sepulchraria Sancti Pauli, the Monuments, Inscriptions, and Epitaphs of kings, nobles, bishops, and others, buried in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. By H. Holland. 4to Lond. 1614 The Complaint of Paules, to all Christian soules ; Or an humble supplication To our good King and Nation For her new reparation. By Henrie Farley. 4to .. .. .. Lond. \Q\Q A Sermon at Paules Crosse on behalfe of Paules Church. By the B. of London [Dr. John King]. 4to . . Lond. 1620 St. Paules Church, her bill for the Parliament. By Henry Farley. 4to .. . . .. .. .. Lond. 1621 His Majestie's Commission, giving power to enquire of the Decayes of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in London, and for the re- pairing of the same. 4to .. .. .. Z/Owc?. 1631 Ecclesia Sancti Pauli Illustrata ; being the Monuments, Inscriptions, and Epitaphs of ; with a discourse of the foundation of the same church, and a preface touching its decayes and repairs. (Frontis- piece.) 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1633 St. Paul's Potion, prescribed by Doctors Commons, being very sicke of a dangerous fulnesse, with the effects it wrought. 4to Lond. 1641 Newes from Paules : containing a relation of the angry disputation betwixt the two church-quarrelers, orange-tawnie and purple : being a contention about the lawfulnesse or unlawfulnesse of or- gans and other ceremonies. 4to Lond. printed in the year of discord 1 642 LiONBON {St, Paul's Cathedral). l6l An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons, inabling the Lord Mayor and court of Aldermen to seize and sequester into their hands all the houses, rents, and revenues belonging to the deane, deane and chapter, and all other officers belonging to the cathedrall church of Pauls London ; and for paying Dr. Burges 400 pounds per annum, for a publike lecture in the said church : as also for setling master Philip Goodwin in the vicarage at Watford. 4to Lond. 1645 The History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. By William Dug- dale, folio . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 658 The same [as published by Edward Maynard, D.D.] . Second edit, folio .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1716 The same, with a continuation and additions. By Henry Ellis, F.R.S. and S.A., Keeper of the MSS. at the British Museum, folio Lond. 1818 A Poem : being an essay on the present Ruins in St. Paul's Cathedral. By J. Wright. 4to .. .. .. Xowrf. 1668 A brief Declaration of the state of the accompt of all monies received and paid for the reparation and re-building of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London. By John Tillison, clerk of the works. Single sheet, folio . . . . . . . . n. d. The Tombes, Monuments, and Sepulchral Inscriptions, lately visible in St. Paul's Cathedral, and St. Faith's under it. By P. F. [Payne Fisher]. 4to .. .. .. .. Z/Owdf. n. d. An Oration made by Dr. Joseph Browne, and designed to be spoke to the Queen in her procession to St. Paul's December the 31st, being the thanksgiving day for the glorious success of Her Majesty's arms, S^c. folio sheet . . . . . . Lond. 1706 The Cupulo : a Poem, occasioned by the vote of the House of Com- mons, for covering that of St. Paul's with British copper, folio sheet . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 708 The Screw Plot, or St. Paul's Preserved, a poem. 8vo Lond. J 710 Frauds and Abuses at St. Paul's, in a letter to a member of Parlia- ment. 8vo .. ,. .. .. Lond. 1712 An Answer to a pamphlet, intitled Frauds and Abuses at St. Paul's. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1713 Fact against Scandal, or a collection of testimonials to be referred to in an answer to Frauds and Abuses at St. Paul's. Svo Lond. 1713 A continuation of Frauds and Abuses at St, Paul's. Svo Lond. 1713 The Second Part of Fact against Scandal. Svo Lond. 111^ His Majesty's Commission for the carrying on, finishing, and adorn- ing of St. Paul's Cathedral, folio .. .. Lond. \1\5 St. Paul's Church, or the Protestant Ambulators, a burlesque poem. [By Edward Ward.] Svo .. .. Lond. MIQ Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's. By Dr. Samuel Knight. Svo .. .. .. .. ' .. Lond. 1724 The Devout Laugh, or half an hour's amusement to a citizen of London, from Doctor Pickering's sermon at St. Paul's, Jan. 30, 1749-50. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1750 St. Paul's Cathedral, a poem, in two parts. 1. Relating to the Ca- thedral : 2. The Prospect from the gilded gallery. 4to Lond. 1750 162 London {St, Paul's Cathedra^. An historical Description of St. Paul's Cathedral. 12mo Lond. 1759 An historical Description of St. Paul's Cathedral. 12mo Lond. 1770 An Account of the Grand Procession, on their Majesties' going to St. Paul's the 23d April, 1789. 8vo . . Lond. 1789 Case of the Minor Canons of St. Paul's, folio . . Lond. n. d. Appeal to the House of Lords, respecting the rights of the Chapter of St. Paul's to the patronage of the parish church of St. Gregory- adjoining the cathedral, folio .. .. Lond. 1801 Correspondence, Legal Proceedings, and Evidences, respecting the ancient school attached to St. Paul's Cathedral. By Maria Hackett. ' A new edition. 4to .. .. ., Lond. 1816 Documents and Authorities respecting the antient foundation for the education of St. Paul's Choristers ; with a series of evidences. [By Miss Hackett.] 4to .. .. Lond. IS\7 Registrum Eleemosynarice D . Pauli Londinensis, now first printed from a MS. in the British Museum, with corroborative and explanatory notes. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 18\ 7 Schools, Societies, S^c. African Institution. First Report of the African Institution. Second edit. 8vo Lond. 1811 Second Report. Second edition. 8vo .. Lond. ] 812 Third Report. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1809 Lond. 1810 Lond. 1811 Lond. 1812 Lond. 1813 Lond. 1815 Fourth Report. 8vo Fifth Report. 8vo Sixth Report. 8vo Seventh Report. 8vo Ninth Report. 8vo Amicable Society. Account of the state and condition of the corporation of the Amica- ble Society, and of the joint stock thereof. 4to Lond. 1714 Antiquaries (Society of). Three Chronological Tables, exhibiting the state of the Society of Antiquaries of London. By John Fenn, esq. 4to Lond. 1784 Orders and regulations established by the council of, concerning forms and proceedings to be henceforth observed in transacting the busi- ness of the Society. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1 784 The Royal Charter and Statutes, <^c., of the Society of Antiquaries of London. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1815 Association Society. Association Society, for preserving liberty and property against re- publicans and levellers. The Papers and Publications of the ; with an account of proceedings, o«6?. 1685 Turner, Dawson, esq., M.A. Descriptive Index of the contents of five manuscript volumes, illustrative of the history of Great Bri- tain, in the library of. 8vo . . Great Yarmouth, 1 85 1 Turner (Sharon), The History of the Anglo-Saxons, from their first appearance above the Elbe to the death of Egbert. 3 vol. 8vo Lond. 1799 Twisden (Roger), Historise Anglicanse Scriptores X. Lond. 1652 Tyler, Wat, The Idol of the Clownes, or Insurrection of. 12mo Lond. 1654 Tyrrell (James), esq.. The General History of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil, from the earliest accounts of time to the reign of His present Majesty King William ; taken from the most authentic records. 3 vol. folio . . . . Lond. i 696 Tytler (Patrick Eraser), The History of Scotland. 8 vol. 8vo Edinh. 1841 United Provinces. Articles of Peace concluded and agreed between His Highness Oliver, lord protector of the Commonwealth of England, 8fC., and the Lords and States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, folio .. Xowrf. 1654 Original Proclamation by the Lord Protector, of the Peace made between the Commonwealth and the United Provinces. Lond. 1654 Uxbridge, A full relation of the passages concerning the late treaty for a peace begun at, January 30, 1644. Oxford, 1645 Vaughan (Rob.), D.D., The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, and the state of Europe during the early part of the reign of Louis XIV. ; illustrated in a series of letters between Dr. John Pell, resident ambassador with the Swiss Cantons, Sir Samuel Morland, Sir British and Irish History, 355 William Lockhart, Mr. Secretary Thurloe, and other distinguished men of the time, 8fC. 2 vol. 8vo . . . . Lond, 1 839 Vergilii (Polydori) Urbinatis Anglicse Historise libri viginti-septem. folio . . . . . . . . Basil. 1 555 An Abridgement of, in English. By Thomas Langley. 12mo. (Black letter.) . . . . . . Lond. 1546 Wade (John), British History chronologically arranged; compre- hending a classified analysis of events and occurrences, S^c. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1839 Walpole (Horace), Memoirs of the reign of King George the Third, now first published from the original MSS. Edited, with notes, by Sir Denis le Marchant, hart. 4 vol. Svo Lond. 1845 Ware (Right hon. Sir James), knt.. The Antiquities and History of Ireland, folio .. .. .. .. Dublin, 1705 Wars. The Present Warre parallel'd ; or a brief relation of the five years civill warres of Henry the Third, king of England, 8{C. 4to Lond. 1647 Warrington (Rev. William), The History of Wales, in nine books ; with an appendix. Fourth edition. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1823 Watson (Capt. Charles), A true and authentick Narrative of the action between the Northumberland and three French men of war ; with an account of the behaviour of ; also a relation of the usage the English prisoners met with in France. Svo Lond. 1745 Weldon (Sir Anthony), The Court and Character of King James. 4to, 1650 .. .. (Reprint) Lond. 1817 Wellington, The Dispatches of Field-Marshal the Duke of, during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France, from 1799 to 1818; compiled from official and authentic documents. By Lieutenant-colonel Gur- wood, esquire to his Grace as Knight of the Bath. New edition. 12 vol. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1837 Wellington, Supplementary Despatches and Memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur duke of, K.G. India, 1 797-1 805. Edited by his son the Duke of Wellington. 1st vol. Svo . . Lond. 1858 Welwood (James), M.D., Memoirs of the most material transactions in England for the last hundred years, preceding the Revolution of 1688, written at the desire of the late Queen Mary. The se- venth edition corrected, small Svo .. .. Lond. 1699 Westmonasteriensis (Matthseus) . Elegans, illastris, et facilis rerum, praesertim Britannicarum, et aliarum obiter, notatu dignarum, a mundi exordio ad annum Domini 1307, narratio, quam Matthseus Westmonasteriensis Monachus, ejus auctor, vir in utraque litera- ture eruditus, Flores Historiarum scripsit. folio. Anno Domini 1567, vicesimo die Octobris. . . . . Lond. 1567 Whitaker (Rev. Mr.), author of the History of Manchester, The Ge- nuine History of the Britons asserted, in a full and candid refuta- tion of Mr. Macpherson's Introduction to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1772 356 British mid Irish History, White and Black Lists, A Collection of, or view of those gentlemen who have given their votes in Parliament for and against the Pro- testant religion since the accession of King George. 8vo Lond. 1715 Mr. Bulstrode Whitelocke's Account of his embassy to Sweeden, delivered to the Parliament in 1654, together with the defensive alliance concluded between Great Britain and Sweeden in 1 700. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1714 Whitelock (Bulstrode), Memorials of the English affairs ; or an his- torical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of King Charles the First to King Charles the Second's happy- restoration, folio .. .. .. Lond. 1732 Whitlock (Richard), M.D., Zootomia, or Observations on the pre- sent manners of the English, sm. 8vo . . Lond. 1654 Wilkes (John), An Introduction to the History of England ; with two portraits, and the names of the Livery who polled for Wilkes in March, 1768, printed in gold (inserted). 4to . . Lond. 1768 William IIL, King, A true History of the several designs and cour spiracles against. By R. K. 8vo .. .. Zowc?. 1698 [Weldon (Anthony),] : — see Aulicus Coquinaria. Winwood (Sir Ralph), knt.. Memoirs of affairs of state in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. By Edmund Sawyer, of Lincoln's Inn, esq. 3 vol. royal folio . . Lond. 1725 Wordsworth (Christopher), D.D.,Who wrote BlKav Baa-ikiKri ? In two letters addressed to the archbishop of Canterbury. 8vo Lond. 1824 Worsaae (J. J. A.), An account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland. (With numerous wood-cuts.) 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1852 Wright (Thomas), esq., The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. A history of the early inhabitants of Britain, down to the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity, illustrated by the ancient re- mains brought to light by recent research. 8vo Lond. \852 Wright (Thomas), esq., England under the House of Hanover; its history and condition during the reign of the three Georges, illus- trated from the caricatures and satires of the day. With nume- rous illustrations executed by F. W. Fairholt, F.S.A. Second edition. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1848 Wyntown (Andrew of), Priour of Sanct Serfis ynche in Loch-levyn, ye orygynale cronykil of Scotland be. Now first published, with a glossary, 8ic. by David Macpherson. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1795 Yeowell (James), Chronicles of the Ancient British Church anterior to the Saxon era. 4t() . . . . . . Lond. 1847 Yorke (Philip), esq.. The Royal Tribes of Wales. 4to Lond. 1799 357 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography. Aberdeen : — see Thorn. Alban's, St., Abbey of: — see Newcombe. Alban's, St. : History of Verulam and St. Alban's ; containing an historical account of the decline of Verulam and origin of St. Alban's, and of the present state of the town, the abbey, and other churches, public buildings, 8(C. sm. 8vo St. Albans, 1815 Albin (John), A new, correct, and much improved History of the Isle of Wight, from the earliest times of authentic information to the present period. Svo .. .. Newport, 1795 Alien Priories. Some account of the Alien Priories, and of such lands as they are known to have possessed in England. 2 vol. sm. Svo Lond. 1789 Allen (Thomas), The History and Antiquities of the parish of Lam- beth, and the archiepiscopcd palace, in the county of Surrey, royal Svo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1826 Allen (William), The History and Antiquities of the Round Church of Little Maplestead, Essex. Svo . . .. Lond. 1836 Amsinck (Paul), Tunbridge Wells and its neighbourhood, illustrated by a series of etchings and historical descriptions ; the etchings executed by Letitia Byrne. 4to .. .. Lond. 1810 Anglesea : — see Rowlands. Anglo-French Coinage, Illustrations of. 4to .. Lond. 1830 Antiquarian Repertory, a miscellaneous assemblage of topography, history, biography, customs, and manners, intended to illustrate and preserve several valuable remains of old times. 4 vol. 4to Lond. 1807 Antoninus's Itinerary : — see Burton ; Reynolds. ArchcBologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, published bv the Society of Antiquaries of London. 31 vol. 4to, with Indexes to ditto, 2 vol. 4to . . . . Lond. 1770-1846 The Wardrobe Account of Edward the First. 4to Lond. 1787 Archaeological Association, Journals of, for 1846, 1847, and 1848. Svo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. Arundel : — see Tierney. Ashmole (Elias), The Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter ; and a brief account of all other military orders of knighthood in England, Scotland, France, Spain, Ger- many, Italy, Swedeland, Denmark, 8^c., with the ensigns of the several orders. The whole work adorned with sculptures. (Con- tinued to 1693.) fol. .. .. .. Lond. 1693 Ashmole, (Elias), The Antiquities of Berkshire; with a large Ap- pendix of many valuable and original papers, pedigrees of the most considerable families in the said county, and a particular account of the castle, college, and town of Windsor. 3 vol. sm. Svo Lond. 1723 358 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, Aspeden Church, Herts, A Survey of the present state of, June, 1793. 4to .. .."'.. .. Lond. 1796 Atkyns (Sir Robert), knt.. The ancient and present state of Glou- cestershire. The second edition, illustrated with 73 copper-plates, containing a map of the county, a plan and prospect of the city, a view of the cathedral, 61 seats, and 300 coats of arms of the nobility and gentry residing in the county at the time of the first publication, folio . . . . . . Lond. 1 768 Aubrey (John), Natural History and Antiquities of Surrey. 5 vol. 8vo .. ., .. .. .. Lond, 1718 Baker (George), The History and Antiquities of the county of North- ampton. 1 vol. and parts 4 and 5 [all published] folio Lond. 1822-41 Barrett (William), The History and Antiquities of the city of Bristol ; compiled from original records and authentic MSS., in public offices or private hands. (Illustrated with copper-plate prints.) 4to Bristol, 1789 Bath : — see Egan ; Warner. Bath : The New Bath Guide. 8vo . . . . Bath, 1 793 Battely (Joan.), S.T.P., Antiquitates Rutupinae; et Antiquitates S. Edmundi Burgi, ad annum 1272 perductse. 4to Oxonicd, 1745 Battely (Mr. Archdeacon), The Antiquities of Richborough and Re- culver. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1114 Battle Abbey. A descriptive Catalogue of MS. charters and other documents relating to parts of Sussex, and particularly to Battle Abbey. 8vo , . .. .. Zowc?. 1835 Bawdwen (Rev. William), Dom Boc ; A Translation of the Record called Domesday, as far as relates to Middlesex, Herts, Bucks, Oxford, and Gloucester. 4to . . . . Doncaster, 1812 Beauties of England and Wales :-r-see Britton and Brayley. Bedford Schools and Charities, The, of Sir William Harper. History of this celebrated endowment, the Act of Parliament, 8^c. ; and a memoir of Sir William Harper. By James Wyatt. 8vo Lond. 1 856 Bentham (James), M.A., F.S.A., The History and Antiquities of the conventual and cathedral church of Ely. Second edition, by W. Stevenson, F.S.A. 4to . . .. .. Norwich, \^\2 Beowulf, The Anglo-Saxon Poem of. Edited by John M. Kemble, esq., M.A. [with the translation]. 2 vol. fcp. 8vo Lond, 1837 Berkshire : — see Ashmole. Berry (WiUiam), The History of the island of Guernsey, with parti- culars of Alderney, Sark, and Jersey. 4to .. Lond. \B>\5 Berry (William), Encyclopcedia Heraldica, or a complete dictionary of Heraldry. 3 vol. 4to . . . . . . n. d. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica. 11 vol. 4to Lond. 17 80-S5 Billings (Rob. Wm.), Architectural Illustrations and Account of the Temple Church, London. 4to .. .. Lond. 18^8 Bingley (William), Tour round North Wales in 1798. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1800 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, 359 Birmingham : — see Hutton. Blome (Richard), Britannia ; or a Geographical Description of the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, folio Lond. 1673 Blomefield (Francis), An Essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk, 8iC., collected out of ledger-books, registers, records, evidences, deeds, court-rolls, and other authentic monu- ments. Continued by the late rev. Charles Parkin, A.M., rector of Oxburgh, Norfolk. 1 1 vol. 4to, 1. p. . . Lond, 1805-10 Blount's Fragmenta Antiquitatis, or Antient Tenures of land and jo- cular customs of manors ; enlarged and corrected by Josiah Beck- with, gent., F.A.S. ; with considerable additions from authentic sources, by Hercules Malebysse Beck with. 4to Lond, 1815 Bolden Buke. A Survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, made by order of Bishop Hugh Pudsey, in the year 1183; with a translation and appendix of original documents, and a glossary. By the rev. William Greenwell, M.A. 8vo . . Durham, 1852 Borlase (William), The Antiquities, historical and monumental, of the county of Cornwall, consisting of several essays on the first inhabitants, Druid superstition, customs, and remains of the most remote antiquity in Britain and the British isles, exemplified and proved by monuments now extant in Cornwall and the Scilly is- lands ; with a vocabulary of the Cornu-British language. Second edition, folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1769 Borlase (William) : — see Natural History, Boston, The History and Antiquities of, and the villages of Skirbeck, Fishtoft, Freiston, Butterwick, Benington, Leverton, Leake, and Wrangle, comprising the hundred of Skirbeck in the county of Lincoln. By Pishey Thompson. 8vo .. Boston, \SbQ Boswell (Henry), Historical Descriptions of new and elegant pictu- resque views of the Antiquities of England and Wales ; being a grand copper- plate repository of elegance, taste, and entertainment. foHo . . . . . . . . . . Lond, 1 786 Bowack (John), The Antiquities of Middlesex ; containing accounts of Chelsea, Kensington, Fulham, Hammersmith, Chiswick, Acton, <^c. folio .. .. .. .. Xowc?. 1705-6 Bowles (William Lisle), M.A., Annals and Antiquities of Lacock Abbey in the county of Wilts. 8vo . . Lond, 1835 Boys (William), F.S.A., Collections for an history of Sandwich in Kent ; with notices of the other cinque ports and members, and of Richborough. 4to ., .. Canterbury, 1792 Brady (John), Clavis Calendaria, or a compendious Analysis of the Calendar; illustrated with ecclesiastical, historical, and classical anecdotes. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. Xo«c?. 1812 Brand (John), M.A., The History and Antiquities of the town and county of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne ; including an ac- count of the coal trade of that place, and embellished with en- graved views of the public buildings, &;c. 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1789 Brand's Observations on Popular Antiquities ; chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar customs, ceremonies, and superstitions. By Henry Ellis, F.R.S., Sec. S.4., &;c. 2 vol. 4to Lond, 1813 360 British and Irish ^Antiquities and Topography* Bristol : — see Barrett ; Seyer ; Shiercliff. Britannia Depicta, or Ogilby Improved ; containing plans of roads in England and Wales, engraved by Eman. Bowen. Tenth edition. 8vo . . . . . . . . . . n. d. Britton (John), F.S.A., Beauties of Wiltshire. Vol. III. 8vo Lond. 1812 Britton (John), F.S.A., The Architectural Antiquities of Great Bri- tain, represented and illustrated in a series of views, elevations, plans, sections, and details of antient English edifices, with histo- rical and descriptive accounts of each. 5 vol. 4to Lond. 1815-26 Britton (John), F.S.A., Cathedral Antiquities. Historical and de- scriptive accounts, with illustrations, of the following cathedrals : viz. Canterbury, York, Salisbury, Norwich, Oxford, Winchester, Lichfield, Hereford,Wells, Exeter, Worcester, Peterborough, Glou- cester, and Bristol. 5 vol. 4to . . . . Lond. 1836 Britton (John), and Edward Wedlake Bray ley. The Beauties of England and Wales ; or delineations topographical, historical, and descriptive of each county. Embellished with engravings. 1 9 vol. [in 26] 8vo .. ' .. .. Lond. 180\-\1 Bruce (John Collingwood), M.A. The Roman Wall: a historical, topographical, and descriptive account of the Barrier of the Lower Isthmus, extending from the Tyne to the Solway, deduced from numerous personal surveys. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1851 Brydges (Sir Egerton),bart., K.I.,M.P., Restituta ; or titles, extracts, and characters of old books in English literature revived. 4 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1811-16 Buck's Views of antient Abbeys, Castles, SfC. in England. 2 vol. oblong folio . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 728 Bullock (H. A.), History of the Isle of Man, with a comparative view of the past and present state of society and manners, 8(C. 8vo Lond. 1816 Burge (William), The Temple Church: an account of its restora- tion and repairs. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1843 Burr (Thomas Benge), The History of Tunbridge Wells. 8vo Lond. 1766 Burton (John), M.D., Iter Surriense et Sussexiense. 8vo Lond. 1752 Burton (William), A Commentary upon Antoninus his Itinerary ; or Journies of the Romane Empire, so far as it concerneth Britain, 8{C., with a chorographicall Map of the severall stations, and in- dexes to the whole work, folio . . . . Lond. 1658 Burton (William) , A description of Leicestershire ; containing mat- ters of antiquity, history, armoury, and genealogy. Second edi- tion, enlarged, [illustrated.] folio .. .. Lynn, 1777 Bury St. Edmund's : — see Gillingwater (Edmund). Butcher (Richard), Survey and Antiquity of Stamford in the county of Lincoln. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1717 Butterworth (James), An historical and descriptive account of the town and parochial chapelry of Oldham in the county of Lan- caster, SfC. sm. 8vo /. .. .. Oldham, \8\ 7 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography. 361 Cambria Depicta : A Tour through North Wales ; illustrated with picturesque views, by a native artist. 4to .. Zone?. 1816 Cambridge : — see Dyer ; Parker. Cambridge, The Foundation of the University of, with a catalogue of the principal founders, number of students, ^c. folio 1672 Camden (WilUam), Britannia. Translated by Philemon Holland, folio .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1610 Camden's Britannia, newly translated into English ; with large ad- ditions and improvements. Published by Edmund Gibson, of Queen's College in Oxford. [Red lines, coloured plans, <^c.] large folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1695 Camden (William), Britannia, or a Chorographical Description of the flourishing kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. En- larged by Richard Gough. Second edition. 4 vol. folio Lond. 1806 Camden (William), Remaines concerning Britaine. The fifth im- pression, with many rare antiquities never before imprinted. By John Philpot, Somerset herald, sm. 4to . . Lond. 1637 Campbell (Alexander), A Journey from Edinburgh through parts of North Britain. 2 vol. 4to . . . . Lond. 1802 Canterbury, Antiquities of: — see Somner. Canterbury : — see Gostling. Canterbury and York, Description and History of the metropolitan and cathedral churches of. (With 117 plates.) folio Lond. 1756 Canterburv Cathedral, Twelve Perspective Views of. By Charles Wyld. folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1807 Canterbury, Vestiges of Antiquity ; or a series of etchings and en- gravings of the antient monastery, cathedral, and castle of. By T. Hastings, esq. folio .. .. .. Lond. } 818 Canterbury, A collection of Tracts, relating to the city of, and eastern division of the county of Kent. 8vo Canterbury , Lond. 1836 Canterbury Cathedral : — see Dart ; Hasted. Cardigan : — see Meyrick. Cardonnel (Adam de), Numismata Scotia, or a Series of the Scottish Coinage. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 17 8i Carlisle (Nicholas), F.R.S., A concise Description of the endowed Grammar-Schools in England and Wales. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1815 Carlisle (Nicholas), Topographical Dictionary of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. 6 vol. 4to .. .. Lond. 1808-] I Carhsle, History of: — see Hutchinson. Carter (John), Specimens of the antient Sculpture and Painting now remaining in this kingdom, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry VIII. folio . . . . . . Lond. 1786 Carter (John), F.S.A., 8(C., Specimens of Gothic Architecture and antient buildings in England, comprised in one hundred and twenty views. 4 vol. 12mo .. .. Lond. 1824 Carter (John), F.S.A., The Antient Architecture of England ; a new edition, with notes, 8(C. by John Britton, esq., F.S.A., S^c. royal folio . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1837 2b 362 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, Carter (Matthew), Honor redivivus ; or an Analysis of Honour and Armory, sm. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1660 Chamberlayne (Edward), ^w^r/z^e Notitia; or the present state of England ; together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof; from 1669 to 1703. 19 vol. sm. 8vo Lond. 1669-1703 Chamberlayne (John), esq.. Magna Britannice Notitia; or the pre- sent state of Great Britain, from 1704 to 1755. 23 vol. sm. 8vo Lond. 1704-1755 Chatfield (C), esq., Teutonic Antiquities ; or historical and geo- graphical sketches of Roman and Barbarian history. Svo Lond. 1828 Chelsea: — see Faulkner. Chester, County palatine of : — see King ; Ormerod. Christchurch, Hants : — see Ferrey. Cinque Ports, Grievances of, represented to the House of Commons, with a particular description of the dependencies, ^c, and parti- culars of an intended Act relative thereto, folio n. d. Cirencester (Richard of), The Description of Britain, translated from ; with the original treatise De Situ Britannice ; with a commentary on the Itinerary. Illustrated with maps. [By Henry Hatcher, esq.] Svo [See Stukeley.] .. .. .. Lond. 1809 Clark (Hugh), An Introduction to Heraldry. Eleventh edition. 1 2mo Lond. 1829 [Clarke, R. G.], The History and Description of the Town and Bo- rough of Ipswich. 8vo .. .. .. Ipswich, [1830] Clarke (Stephen Reynolds), Vestigia Anglicana, or illustrations of the more interesting and debateable points in the history and anti- quities of England. 2 vol. 8vo ... .. Lond. 1826 Clarkson (Christ.), F.S.A., The History and Antiquities of Richmond in the county of York ; with a brief description of the neighbour- hood. 4to .. .. .. .. Richmond, \S2\ Clutterbuck (Robert), F.S.A., The History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford ; compiled from the best printed authorities and original records, preserved in the public repositories and pri- vate collections : embellished with views of the most curious mo- numents of antiquity, and illustrated with a map of the county. 3 vol. folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 18\^-21 Coates (Charles), LL.B., The History and Antiquities of Reading. 4to .. .. .. .. . . Lond. 1802 Coins, An Account of all the gold and silver Coins ever used in England. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. \1\S Coinage, the Anglo-French, Illustrations of. 4to Lond. 1830 Colchester, The History and Description of, with an account of the antiquities of that most antient borough. 2 vol. 8vo [See Cromwell.] Colchester, 1803 Collinson (John), The History and Antiquities of the County of So- merset, collected from authentick records, and an actual survey made bv the late Mr. Edmund Rack ; adorned with a map of the county, and engravings of Roman and other reliques, town seals, baths, churches, and gentlemen's seats. 3 vol. 4to Bath, 1791 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, 363 Conder (James), An Arrangement of the provincial coins, tokens, and medals, issued in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies •within the last twenty years, S^c. 2 vol. 8vo Ipswich, 1798 Cooke (George Alexander), Topographical and statistical Description of the County of Middlesex, with a copious travelling guide, and complete county itinerary. 12mo .. . .> n. d. Cork : — see Smith. Cornwall : — see Borlase. Corry (John) and Evans (John), The History of Bristol, civil and ecclesiastical ; including biographical notices of eminent and di- stinguished natives. 2 vol. in 1, 4to .. Bristol, 1816 Cox (Thomas) : — see Magna Britannia. Coxe (William), A.M., F.R.S., F.A.S., An historical Tour in Mon- mouthshire. Illustrated with views by Sir R. C. Hoare, bart. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1801 Cromwell (Thomas), History and Description of the antient Town and Borough of Colchester in Essex. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1825 Cromwell (Thomas), Walks through Islington ; comprising an his- torical and descriptive account of that extensive and important district, both in its antient and present state. 8vo Lond. 1835 Croydon : — see Ducarel ; Garrow. Cruden (Robert Pierce), The History of the Town of Gravesend in the county of Kent, and of the Port of London. 8vo Lond. 1843 Cuitt (George), Wanderings and Pencillings amongst Ruins of the olden time : a series of seventy-three etchings by ; with descrip- tive letter-press, folio .. .. .. Lond. 184S Cumberland : — see Hutchinson. Cury, The Forme of, or Antient English Cookery, compiled about A.D. 1390, by the master cooks of King Richard II. (from the MS. of Gustavus Brander, esq.) With notes, SfC. 8vo Lond. 1 780 Dale (Samuel), The History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dover- court, topographical, dynastical, and political. First collected by Silas Taylor, alias Domville, gent., SfC, and now much enlarged ; with notes and observations relating to natural history. Illustrated with copper- plates. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1730 The same. Second edition. . . , . . , Lond. 1732 Dallaway (James), F.A.S., Inquiries into the origin and progress of the Science of Heraldry in England ; with observations on heral- dic ensigns. 4to .. .. Gloucester, \ 7 93 Darell (William), History of Dover Castle, in the time of Q. Eliza- beth. Latin and English. Published by Francis Grose, royal 4to . . . . , . . . . . Lond. 1 786 Dart (John), History and Antiquities of the cathedral church of Can- terbury, folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1726 Davies (Edward), Celtic Researches, on the origin, traditions, and language of the Antient Britons. 8vo . . Lond. 1804 Davies (Edw.), The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids, as- certained by nationaJ documents and compared with the general 2 B 2 364 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, traditions and customs of heathenism, as illustrated by the most eminent antiquaries of our age, S^c. 8vo . . Lond. 1809 Davies (Rev. Edward), F.R.S.L., The Claims of Ossian examined and appreciated. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1825 Day (T. A.) and Dines, (J. H.), Illustrations of Mediaeval Costume in England, collected from MSS. in the British Museum, Biblio- theque Nationale de Paris, <^c. 4to . . . . Lond. [1852] De la Beche (Sir Henry) and Reeks (Trenham), Catalogue of speci- mens in the Museum of Practical Geology, illustrative of the com- position and manufacture of British Pottery and Porcelain, from the occupation of Britain by the Romans to the present time. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1855 Denholm (James), The History of the City of Glasgow and suburbs, compiled from authentic records, &;c. Second edition. 8vo Glasgow, 1798 Derwent, the river. Reasons for making of, navigable from Derby to the Trent, folio sheet . . . , . . n. d. Devon (Frederick), Issues of the Exchequer; being payments made out of His Majesty's revenue during the reign of King James I., extracted from the antient records of the Pell Office. 8vo Lond. 1806 Dodridge (Sir John), The History of the ancient and modern estate of the principality of Wales, dutchy of Cornwall, and earldome of Chester. 4to . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 630 Dodwelli (Henrici), De Parm^ Equestri Woodwardiand Dissertatio. Accedit Thomae Neli dialogus inter Reginam Elizabetham et Ro- bertum Dudleium. 8vo .. .. .. Oxon.Ml^ Doncaster, Deanery of : — see Hunter. Doncaster, Town of : — see Miller. Dorsetshire : — see Hutchins. Douglas (Rev% James), F.A.S., Nenia Britannica ; or a Sepulchral History of Great Britain, from the earliest period to its general conversion to Christianity : to which are added, observations on the Celtic, British, Roman, and Danish barrows discovered in Britain. (With additional plates.) folio .. Lond. 1793 Dover : — see Lyon. Dover Castle : — see Darell. Drake (Francis), Ehoracum ; or the History and Antiquities of the City of York, from its original to the present times ; together with the history of the cathedral church, and the lives of the archbishops of that see. Collected from authentick manuscripts, publick records, ^c. folio ... .. Xowrf. 1736 Dublin : — see Warburton. Ducarel (Andrew Coltee), Account of the town, church, and archie- piscopal palace of Croydon, from its foundation to the year 1783 : with an Appendix. 4to .. .. .. Zonrf. 1783 Ducarel (Andrew Coltee), History and Antiquities of the archiepis- copal palace of Lambeth, from its foundation to the present time : with an Appendix. 4to .. .. .. Xowrf. 1785 Dugdale (Sir William), The Antiquities of Warwickshire, illustrated British and Irish Antiquities and Topograj^hy, 365 from records, leiger books, manuscripts, charters, evidences, tombes, and armes. Beautified with maps, prospects, and por- traictures. folio .. .. •• iowc?. 1656 Dugdale (William) [afterwards Sir William], The History of Em- banking and Draining divers fens and marshes. Second edition, by Charles Nelson Cole, esq. folio . . Lond. 1772 Dugdale (Sir Wm.), The ancient usage in bearing of such ensigns of honour as are commonly called Arms, with additions, contain- ing an introduction to the science of Heraldry, ^c. ; to which is added, a brief discourse touching the office of Lord High Chan- cellor, 5fC. Whereunto is superadded Honores Anglicani ; or titles of honour of the English nobility, from the Norman Con- quest to 1810 inclusive, byT. C. Banks, esq. fol. Lond. 1812 Dugdale (Sir Wm.), Monasticon Anglicanum : — see Ecclesiastical. Duncumb (John), A.M., Collections towards the History and Anti- quities of the County of Hereford. 2 vol. 4to Hereford, 1804-12 Dunsford (Martin), Historical Memoirs of the Town and Parish of Tiverton in the county of Devon, collected from the best authori- ties, with notes and observations. 4to .. Exeter, 1790 Durham : — see Hutchinson. Durham Cathedral : — see Sanderson. Dutens (L.), S^c, Tracts, viz. : 1 . The manner of securing all sorts of buildings from fire, by M. d'Espie. Translated by L. Dutens. 8vo n. d. 2. Greaves (John), Professor of Astronomy at Oxford, The origin and antiquity of the English weights and measures discovered. 3. A Catalogue of Medals, from Julius Caesar to the Emperor Heraclius. 4. An account of all the gold and silver Coins ever used in England. 5. Seasonable Considerations on the indecent and dangerous custom of burying in churches and churchyards. 6. Pointer (John), M.A., Britannia Romana; or Roman Anti- quities in Britain, sm. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1 706-24 Dyde (W.), The History and Antiquities of Tewkesbury, from the earliest period to the present time, 8fC. ; to which is added, some account of the Medicinal Water near Tewkesbury, 8vo Tewkesbury, 1790 Dyer (George), The Privileges of the University of Cambridge, together with additional observations on its history, antiquities, literature, and biography. 2 vol. 8vo . . Lond. 1824 Eastbourne; being a descriptive account of that village, in the county of Sussex, and its environs. 8vo . . Lond. 1788 Edinburgh : — see Maitland. Edraondson (Joseph), A Complete Body of Heraldry: containing an historical enquiry into the origin of Armouries, 8ic. ; a Dis- course on the origin, 8fc. of Funeral Trophies ; Glover's Ordi- nary of Arms, and a copious glossary. 2 vol. folio Lond, 1 780 366 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, Edmonton : — see Robinson. Egan (P.), Walks through Bath, describing everything worthy of interest, (^c. sm. 8vo .. .. .. Bath, 1819 EUis (George Alfred), The History and Antiquities of the Borough and Town of Weymouth and Melcomb Regis. 8vo Lond, 1829 Ely : — see Bentham. Enfield : — see Robinson. England, A Foreigner's Opinion of. By Chr. Aug. Gottlieb Goede. Translated by Thomas Home. 3 vol. 8vo Lond. 1821 English Franciscans : — see Parkinson (Anthony). Epsom, Some particulars relating to the History of, compiled from the best authorities ; with the origin of horse-racing at, 8{C. By an inhabitant. 8vo .. .. .. Epsom, 1825 Essex : — see Morant ; Ogborne ; Salmon ; Tindal. Essex, A new and complete History of, from a late survey. By a Gentleman. 6 vol. 8vo .. Chelmsford, 1770 Essex, Excursions in the County of; forming a complete guide for the traveller and tourist. Illustrated with 100 engravings. 2 vol. sm. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1818 Essex, The History and Geography of the County of; comprising its antient and modern history. By Thomas Wright, esq. Em- bellished with views by W. Bartlett, esq. 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1831 Essex, Antiquities of; containing the hundreds of Waltham and Ongar. 4to . . . . . . (no title page.) Evesham : — see Tindal. Exchequer : — see Madox. Exeter : — see Izacke. Fairford Graves : — see Wylie (Wm. Michael). Falle (Philip), Csesarea; or an account of Jersey, the greatest of the islands remaining to the crown of England of the ancient duchy of Normandy ; with an appendix of records, S^c. Second edition, to which are added remarks on Selden's Mare Clausum, by Philip Morant, M. A. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1734 Farmer (J.), History of the Town and Abbey of Waltham. 8vo Lond. 1735 Faulkner (Thomas), Historical and Topographical Account of Fulham and Hammersmith. 8vo .. .. Chelsea, 1813 Faulkner (Thomas), History and Antiquities of Kensington; inter- spersed with biographical anecdotes of royal and distinguished personages. 8vo . . . . . . Chelsea, 1820 Faulkner (Thomas), Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea and its environs. 8vo .. .. Lond. 18X0 Faulkner (Thomas), The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hammersmith, interspersed with biographical notices of illustrious and eminent persons during the three preceding centuries. 8vo Lond. 1839 Faversham : — see Jacob ; Southouse. Fenn (Sir John), Original Letters : — see British and Irish History. British and Irish Antiquities and Topography. 367 Fenton (Richard), esq., F.A.S., A Historical Tour through Pem- brokeshire. 4to .. .. .. Lond. \%\\ Ferrey (Benj.), The Antiquities of the Priory of Christchurch, Hants, consisting of plans, sections, elevations, details, and perspective views ; accompanied by historical and descriptive accounts of the priory church; together with some general particulars of the castle and borough. The literary part by Edward Wedlake Brayley, esq., F.S.A. 4to .. .. Lond. \SM Fleetwood (Bishop), Chronicon Preciosum, or an account of English money, the price of corn, <^c., for the last six hundred years. First edition. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1707 Fosbrooke (Thomas Dudley), The Economy of Monastic Life, as it existed in England ; a poem, with philosophical and archaeological illustrations. 4to . . . . Gloucester, n. d. Fosbrooke (Thomas Dudley), British Monachism ; or manners and customs of the monks and nuns of England, S^c. A new edition, very much enlarged, and embellished with numerous plates. 4to Lond. 1817 Fosbrooke (Thomas Dudley), M.A., F.S.A., Berkeley Manuscripts ; or abstracts and extracts of Smith's Lives of the Berkeleys; illustrative of antient manners and the constitution, 8(C. Lond. 1821 Fosbrooke (Thomas Dudley), M.A., F.S.A., Encyclopaedia of Anti- quities and Elements of Archaeology. 2 vol. 4to. Lond. 1828 Frichii (Joannis Georgii), Joan, fil., 8(C. Commentatio de Druidis, occidentalium populorum philosophis : multo quam antea auctior ac emendatior. 4to . . . . . . Ulma, 1 644 Fulham and Hammersmith : — see Faulkner. Garbutt (George), A historical and descriptive view of the Parishes of Monk-Wearmouth and Bishop-Wearmouth, and the port and borough of Sunderland. 8vo .. Sunderland, 1819 Garrow (D. W.), B.D., The History and Antiquities of Croydon, with a variety of other interesting matter ; to which is added a sketch of the life of the most rev. John Whitgift, lord archbishop of Canterbury, and an appendix. 8vo . . Croydon, 1818 Garter, the. Order of, Installation of the Duke of Norfolk, fol. Lond. 1685 Genealogy, A Tour in quest of, in Wales, Somersetshire, and Wilt- shire. By a Barrister. 8vo .. .. Lond. \8\i Gillingwater (Edmund), An historical and descriptive account of St. Edmunds Bury in the county of Suffolk, small 8vo Bury, 1804 Gillingwater (Edmund), An historical account of the ancient town of Lowestoft in the county of Suffolk, SfC, 4to Lond. [1 790] Giraldus Cambrensis, Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, 1188; with annotations, and a life of Giraldus, by Sir R. C. Hoare, bart. 2 vol. 4to . . . . Lond. 1806 Glasgow : — see Denholm. ' 368 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography. Glastonbury Abbey, Somersetshire. 8vo . . n. d. Gloucestershire: — see Atkyns. Goede (Christian Augustus Gottlieb), A Foreigner's Opinion of Eng- land; written in German by. Translated by Thomas Home. 3 vol. Svo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1821 Godwin (Geo.) jun., assisted by John Britton, esq., F.S.A. The Churches of London : a history and description of the ecclesiasti- cal edifices of the metropolis ; with plates. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1839 Gorham (George Cornelius), M.A., The History and Antiquities of Eynesbury and St. Neot's in Huntingdonshire ; and of St. Neot's in the county of Cornwall ; with some critical remarks respecting the two Saxon saints from whom these places derived their names. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. £owc?. 1820 Gostling (William), M.A., A Walk in and about the City of Can- terbury. Second edition. 8vo .. .. Cant. 1111 Gough (Richard), British Topography : an historical account of what has been done for illustrating* the topographical antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vol. 4to . . Lond. 1780 Greaves (John), The origine and antiquity of the English Weights and Measures. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 11 OQ Gravesend : — see Cruden ; Pocock. Great Seals of England, from the time of Edward the Confessor to the reign of His Majesty William the Fourth. [Engraved by the process of Achilles Collas.] royal folio .. iow-A\ Lodge (John), B.A., Introductory Sketches towards a Topographical History of the County of Hereford. 8vo Kingston, 1793 Londonderry : — see Sampson. Londonderry, Ordnance Survey, and Memoir of the city and north- western liberties of. 4to .. .. .. Dublin, IS^l Lott (Thomas), F.S.A., Some remains of Ancient Buildings on the west side of Bow churchyard ; communicated to the Society of Antiquaries. 4to .. .. .. Zowrf. 1846 Lowestoft : — see Gillingwater. [Lowndes (William)], Report, containing an Essay on the amend- ment of the Silver Coins. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1693 Ludlow, The History and Antiquities of, and its ancient castle ; with the lives of the Lord Presidents, 8(C. sm. 8vo Ludlow, 1822 Ludlow, Documents connected with the History of, and the Lords Marchers, large 8vo .. .. .. Lond. \^A\ Lyon (Rev. John), The History of the Town and Port of Dover, and of Dover castle ; with a short account of the Cinque Ports. 2 vol. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Dover, 1813 Lysons (Rev. Daniel), A.M., F.S.A., The Environs of London ; being an historical account of the towns, villages, and hamlets within twelve miles of that capital. 5 vol. 4to Lond. 1796-1800 The same. Second edition. 5 vol. 4to . . Lond. 1811 The same. Illustrated with one thousand drawings, eleven hundred and forty-eight illuminated coats of arms, and a vast number of additional prints, consisting of views, portraits, antiquities, S^c. 13 vol. 4 to .. .. .. Zowrf. 1796-1800 Lysons (Daniel and Samuel), Magna Britannia ; being a concise topographical account of the several counties of Great Britain, viz., the counties of Bedford, Berks, Buckingham, Cambridge, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, and Devon. 6 vol. in 10. 4to Lond. 1806-22 Lysons (Samuel), Roman Antiquities discovered at Woodchester in Gloucestershire, in 1793. folio .. .. Lond. 1191 Lysons (Samuel), Mosaic Pavements, discovered at Horkstow in Lincolnshire, folio .. .. .. Lond. 1801 Lysons (Samuel), Remains of Two Temples discovered at Bath, 'folio .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1802 376 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography. Lysons (Samuel), Reliquice Britannico -Romance ; containing figures of Roman Antiquities discovered in various parts of England. 3 vol. atlas folio .. .. .. Lowe?. 1807-8 Lysons (Samuel), Accounts of Roman Antiquities discovered at Woodchester ; of a Roman villa discovered at Bognor, Sussex, in 1811-12; Antiquities discovered in Gloucestershire ; and remains of military ensigns near Stoney-Stratford, Bucks ; in Herts, Sfc. 2 vol. atlas folio. In all, 5 volumes, folio. (Numerous coloured plates.) .. .. .. .. iowf/. 1807-8 Lysons (Samuel), Mosaic Pavements discovered near Frampton in Dorsetshire, folio , . . , , . Lond. 1 808 Mackie (Charles), The Castles, Palaces, and Prisons of Mary Queen of Scotland. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1849 Madox (Thomas), The History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, at two periods ; to wit, from the Norman Conquest to the end of the reign of John, and from the reign of John to the end of the reign of Edward IL ; taken from records ; together with a correct copy of the antient Dialogue concerning the Exchequer, generally ascribed to Gervasius Tilburiensis, and a dissertation concerning the most antient great roll of the Exche- quer, commonly styled the Roll of Quinto Regis Stephani. folio Lond. 1711 Madox (Thomas), esq., Formulare Anglicanum \ or a Collection of ancient Charters and Instruments, folio .. Lond. \1 02 Madox (Thomas), esq., Firma Burgi ; or an historical Essay concern- ing the cities, towns, and boroughs of England, fo. Lond. 1726 Madox (Thomas), esq., Baronia Anglica; An History of Land- honors and Baronies, folio .. .. Lond. 1741 Magna Britannia ; or a Survey of Great Britain. By Thomas Cox. 6 vol. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1 720-31 Magna Britannia : — see Lysons. Maidstone : — see Newton. Maitland (S. R.), The Dark Ages; a series of Essays, intended to illustrate the state of religion and literature in the 9th, 1 0th, 1 1th, and 12th centuries, 8fC. Second edit. 8vo Lond. 1845 Maitland (William), F.R.S., History of Edinburgh, from its foun- dation to the present time, folio .. Edinb. 1753 Malkin (Benjamin Heath), esq., M.A., F.A.S., The Scenery, Anti- quities, and Biography of South Wales, from materials collected in 1803. 2 vol. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1807 Man, Isle of : — see Bullock ; Johnstone; Woods. Manchester : — see Whitaker. Manning (Owen), History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, continued by William Bray. 3 vol. folio Lond. \804-\ 2 Manship (Henry), The History of Great Yarmouth, edited by Charies John Palmer, F.S.A. 4to Great Yarmouth, 1854 Continuation of ditto, by Charles John Palmer, F.S.A. 4to Great Yarmouth, 1856 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, 377 Mantell (Sir Thomas), New edition of Tracts relative to the Cinque Ports and Coronations, from 1771 to 1828. 4to Lond. 1828 Martin (Thomas), The History of the Town of Thetford, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, 4to . . Lond. 1779 Mary Queen of Scots, The castles, palaces, and prisons of: — see Mackie. Medals. A Catalogue of medals, from Julius Caesar to the Emperor Heraclius. 8vo .. .. .. Lond, \7 16 Meyrick (Samuel Rush), A.B., The History and Antiquities of the County of Cardigan. 4to .. .. Lond. 1810 Meyrick' (Samuel Rush), LL.D., F.S.A., and Charles Hamilton Smith, esq.. The Costume of the original inhabitants of the British Islands. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1815 Meyrick (Samuel Rush), LL.D., A Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour, as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of King Charles II., illustrated by a series of illuminated engravings, with a glossary of militarv terms of the middle ages. Second edit. 3 vol. royal 4to ..' .. .. .. .. Lond. 1841 Middlesex, Topographical and statistical Description of the County of. r2mo . . . . . . . . n. d. Middlesex : — see Bowack ; Cooke. Middlesex, The Heralds' Visitation of. (Coloured arms.) folio Lond. 1820 Middleton (John), View of the Agriculture of Middlesex. 8vo Lond. 1807 Miller (Edw.), Mus. D., The History and Antiquities of Doncaster and its vicinity. 4to .. .. Doncaster, 1804 Milner (John), D.D., The History Civil and Ecclesiastical, and survey of the antiquities of Winchester. Second edit. 2 vol. 4to Winchester, 1809 Milner (John), D.D., An Inquiry into the existence and character of St. George, patron of England. 8vo . . Lond. 1792 Monmouth : — see Heath. Morant (Philip), M.A., The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex. 2 vol. folio .. .. .. Lond. 1768 Morgan (Silvanus), The Sphere of Gentry : an historical work of arms and blazon, folio .. .. .. Lond. 1661 Moule (Thomas), Bihliotheca Heraldica Magnce Britannice, or ana- lytical catalogue of books on Genealogy, Heraldry, 8iC. 8vo Lond. 1822 Names, Book of, of all the Parishes, Market-townes, ^c. in England and Wales. 4to . . .. .. .. Lond. 1668 Nash (Joseph), The Mansions of England in the Olden Time. 5 vol. folio .. .. .. .. Xowrf. 1839-52 Nash (Treadway), D.D., Collections for the History of Worcester- shire. Second edit. 2 vol. folio .. .. Lond. 1799 Nelson (John), History, Topography, and Antiquities of the parish of St. Mary Islington. 4to .. ,. Lond. \8\\ 2 c 378 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography. Nenia Britannica : — see Douglas (James) . Neot's, St. : — see Gorham. Neville (Hon. R. C), Saxon Obsequies, illustrated by ornaments and weapons discovered by, in a cemetery near Little Wilbraham, Cambridgeshire, folio .. .. .. Lond. I S52 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, A short Account of the Privileges of. [Title page wanting.] 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, History of: — see Brand. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Survey of: — see Grey. Newcombe (Rev. Peter), The History of the Abbey of St. Alban's. 4to . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 753 Another copy, illustrated with additional prints. Newton (William), The Antiquities of Maidstone, the county-town ofKent. .8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. \74\ Nichols (John), Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica ; or Collection of detached histories and descriptions of various places in England. 10 vol. 4to .. .. .. Zowc?. 1780-85 [Nichols (John),] Illustrations of the manners and expenses of Antient Times in England. 4to . . . . Lond. 1797 Nichols (John), Collection of the Wills now known to be extant, of the Kings and Queens of England, S^c, from Wilham the Con- queror to Henry VH., exclusive. 4to . . Lond. 1780 Nichols (John), History and Antiquities of the parish of Lambeth ; including biographical anecdotes of eminent persons ; with an appendix. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1786 Nichols (John), F.S.A., The Progresses and public processions of Queen Elizabeth. 3 vol. 4to . . . . Lond. 1788 Nichols (John), The Progresses, processions, and magnificent fes- tivities of King James I. 4 vol. in 2, 4to Lond. 1828 Nichols (John Gough), Autographs of royal, noble, learned, and remarkable personages conspicuous in English history, from Richard H. to Charles IL, <^c. Engraved under the directions of Cha. Jo. Smith. 4to . . .. Zo«rf. 1828-29 Nicolas (Nicholas Harris), esq., barrister at law, F.S.A., Testamenta Vetusta ; being Illustrations from Wills of manners, customs, 5fc., from Hen. II. to Elizabeth. 2 vol. 8vo . . Lond. 1826 Nicolas (Nicholas Harris), esq., of the Inner Temple, Notitia His- torica. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. \ 824 Nobility. A Catalogue of the Nobility of England, as presented by John Dugdale, esq., Windsor herald, on New-year's day, 1684, with the blazon of their arms, broad sheet . . 1685 Norden (John), Speculum Britannice; An Historical and Chorogra- phical Description of Middlesex and Hartfordshire. 4to Lond. 1598 The same. .. .. .. (Reprint) Lond. 1724 Norfolk : — see Blomefield (Francis) . Northampton, Sepulchral Memorials from Altar- tombs, 5fc., con- tained within the county of; from the pen-drawings of W. H. Hyatt, folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1807 Northamptonshire :— see Baker. British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, 379 Northumberland:-— see Wallis. Norwich, History of the Town and County of. 8vo Norwich, 1768 Norwich : — see Parkin. Nottinghamshire : — see Thoroton. Ogborne (Elizabeth), History of Essex. Vol. I. containing the Hundreds of Bewntree, Waltham, and Ongar. 4to Lond. 1814 Oldfield (H. G.) and R. R. Dyson, History and Antiquities of the parish of Tottenham High Cross. l2mo .. Lond. 1790 Ormerod (George), The History of the County Palatine and City of Chester ; compiled from original evidences in public offices, the Harleian and Cottonian MSS., S^c. 3 vol. folio Lond. 1819 Oxford Guide, The New, or companion through the University. Sixth edit. sm. 8vo . . . . . . Oxford, n. d. Owen (H.) and J. B. Blakewav, A History of Shrewsbury. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .'. .. .. Lond. 1825 Park (John James), The Topography of Hampstead in Middlesex. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1814 Parker (Richard), The History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1721 Parkin (Charles), The History and Antiquities of the City of Nor- wich. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lynn, 1783 [Parkinson (Anthony),] English Franciscans or Friars Minors, (commonly called Grey Friars), The Antiquities of, compiled by A. P. With an appendix as to the Nuns of St. Clare. 4to Lond. 1726 Pegge (Samuel), An Essay on the Coins of Cunobelin. 4to Lond. 1766 Pegge (Samuel), An assemblage of Coins fabricated by authority of the Archbishops of Canterbury. 4to .. Lond. 1772 Pegge (Samuel), Curialia ; or an historical account of some branches of the royal household, 5fc. 4to .. .. Lond. 1782 Pegge (Samuel), The History and Antiquities of Eccleshall Manor and Castle; and of Lichfield House in London. 4to Lond. 1817 Pennant (Tho.), esq., A Tour in Scotland. 3 vol. 4to Lond. 1776 Pennant (Tho.), A Journey from Chester to London. 4to Lond. 1782 Pennant (Tho.), A Tour in Wales. 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1784 Pennant (Tho.), History of the parishes ofWhiteford and Holywell. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1796 Pennant (Tho.), Journey from London to the Isle of Wight. 2 vol. 4to .. .. ' .. ,. .. Lond. 1801 Pennant (Tho.), A Tour from Downing to Alston Moor. 4to Lond. 1801 Pennant (Tho.), A Tour from Alston Moor to Harrowgate and Brimh am Crags. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1804 Perry (Captain John), An Account of the stopping of Dagenham Breach. 8vo . . .. .. .. Lond. 1721 2 c 2 380 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, Peterborough : — see Gunton. Pezron's Antiquities of Nations, particularly of the Celtse or Gauls, taken to be originally the same people as the antient Britons. Englished by Mr. Jones. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1706 Philipot (Thomas), Villare Cantianum ; or Kent surveyed and illus- trated, folio .. .. ., .. ' Lond. 1669 Phillips (Fabian), Regale Necessarium ; or the legality, reason, and necessity of the rights and privileges justly claimed by the king's servants, and which ought to be allowed unto them. 4to Lond. 1671 Pinkerton (John), An Essay on Medals ; or an introduction to the knowledge of antient and modern coins and medals. A new edit. 2 vol. Svo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 789 Pocock (Robert), History of the incorporated town and parishes of Gravesend and Milton. 4to ., Gravesend, 1797 Pointer (John), M.A., Account of a Roman Pavement at Stunsfield, Oxfordshire. 8vo .. .. .. Oxford, 17 \3 Pointer (John), M.A., <^c., Britannia Romana, or Roman Antiquities in Britain, viz. coins, camps, 8(C. Svo . . Lond. 1 724 Porney (M. A.), The Elements of Heraldry. Fifth edition. 8vo Lond. 1795 Pote (Joseph), The History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle, and the Royal College and Chapel of St. George. 4to Eton, 1 749 Potter (T. R.), The History and Antiquities of Charnwood Forest; with an Appendix on the geology, botany, and ornithology of the district. 4to . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 842 Price (John), An Historical account of the City of Hereford. 8vo Hereford, 1796 Price (John), An Historical and Topographical account of Leominster. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Ludlow, 1795 Reading : — see Coates. Reculver: — see Battely. Redford (Geo.) and Tho. Hurry Riches, The History of the ancient Town and Borough of Uxbridge ; with plates and an appendix. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Ua:bridge, \8\8 Regent's Canal. Brief Remarks on the proposed Regent's canal, by an Observer, March 1812. 8vo .. .. Lond. 18\2 Reynolds (Rev. Thomas), A.M., Iter Britanniarum ; or that part of the Itinerary of Antoninus which relates to Britain ; with a com- ment. 4to . . . . . . . . Cambr. 1 799 Richardson (Charles James), Studies from old English Mansions ; their furniture, (jfc. 4 vol. folio .. .. Z/0«c?. 1841-48 Richardson (Henry S.), The History, Antiquities, Improvements, and public buildings of Greenwich. Svo .. Greenwich, 1834 Richborough : — see Battely. Richmond. Registrum Honoris de Richmond, exhibens Terrarum et Villarum quae quondam fuerunt Edwini Comitis infra Richmund- shire descriptionem, 8fc. Adjiciuntur in Appendice chartae alise. British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, 381 observationes plurimse, genealogise, et indices ad opus illustrandum necessarii. folio .. .. .. Lond. 1722 Richmond, county of York : — see Clarkson. Ripon, The History of; to which is added a description of Fountains abbey, Studley, Hackfall, &^c. small 8vo .. Ripon, 1801 Rippon, The History of; with descriptions of Studley-Royal, Foun- tains abbey, Newby, Hackfall, 5fc., an analysis of Aldfield Spaw, 8iC. I Second edition, sm. Svo , . . . Ripon, 1806 Robinson (William), The History and Antiquities of the parish of Edmonton. Svo .. .. .. Xowc?. 1819 Robinson (William), History and Antiquities of the parish of Stoke Newington. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1^20 Robinson (William), The History and Antiquities of Enfield. 2 vol. Svo . . . . . . . . . . Lond, 1 823 Robinson (William), The History and Antiquities of Tottenham. Second edition. Svo . . . . . . Lond. 1 840 Robinson (William), The History and Antiquities of the parish of Hackney in the county of Middlesex. 2 vol. in 1, Svo Lond. 1814 Roby (J.), Popular traditions of Lancashire. Third edition. 3 vol. Svo ^ .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1843 Rochester, The History and Antiquities of, and of its environs. Svo Rochester, 1773 Rochester, The History, (^c. Second edition. Svo Rochester, 1^11 Rochester Bridge, A Collection of Statutes concerning, folio Lond. 1733 Rowlands (Henry), Mona Antiqua Restaurata ; an Archaeological Dis- course on the Antiquities, natural and historical, of the Isle of Anglesey, the ancient seat of the British Druids. 4to Dublin, 1723 Roy (Major-general William), F.R.S., F.S.A., Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain, large folio . . Lond. 1793 Royal Household, A Collection of ordinances and regulations for the government of the ; also receipts in antient cookery. 4to Lond. 1790 Ruding (Rev. Rogers), B.D., Annals of the Coinage of Great Bri- tain and its dependencies, from the earliest period of authentic history to the fiftieth of George HI. 4 vol. 4to Lond. 1817 Ruskin (John), The Stones of Venice, with illustrations drawn by the author. 3 vol. royal Svo . . .. Lond. 1851-53 Rutherglen and East Kilbride : — see Ure, Rutland : — see Wright. Saffron Walden, An abridged Catalogue of the Museum of. Svo Saffron Walden, 1S45 Sainthill (Richard), An OUa Podrida; or scraps, numismatic, anti- quarian, and literary. 2 vol. Svo . . Lond. 1 844-53 Salisbury. Antiquitates Sarishurienses ; or the History and Antiqui- ties of Old and New Sarum. Svo . . . . Salish. Mil Salmon (N.), LL.B., Antiquities of Surry; collected from the most antient records. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 11 ZQ 382 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, Salmon (N.), History and Antiquities of Essex, fo. Lond. 1740 Sammes (Aylett), Britannia Antiqua Illustrata ; or the Antiquities of an tient Britain derived from the Phoenicians, folio Lond. 1676 Sampson (Rev. George Vaughan) , A Memoir explanatory of the chart and survey of the county of Londonderry in Ireland. 4to Lond. 1814 Sanderson (Patrick), The Antiquities of the Abbey or Cathedral Church of Durham ; also a particular description of the county palatine of Durham, sm. 8vo .. Newc.-upon-Tyne, 1767 Sandwich : — see Boys. Saxon Obsequies : — see Neville (Hon. R. C). Scarborough, A bibliographical and descriptive Tour from, to the li- brary of a philobiblist in its neighbourhood. Svo Scarb. 1824 Scarborough, History of : — see Hinderwell. Scotland, Journal of a Tour through the Highlands of, during the summer of 1829. Svo .. .. Norton Hall, 1830 Sea Coasts of England, the, A description and plat of, from London .all up the river of Thames, all along the coasts to Newcastle, and so to Edinburgh, all along Scotland, the Orchades, and Hitland, "where the Dutch begin their fishing, 8fC. 4to Lond. 1653 Selborne : — see White (Gilbert) , ShiercliiF (E.), The Bristol and Hotwell Guide; containing an ac- count of that city, &;c., including memoirs of Chatterton. Fourth edition, sm. 8vo . . . . . . Bristol, n. d. Sheringham (Robertus), De Anglorum gentis origine Disceptatio. 8vo .. . . . , .. .. Cantab. 1670 Shrewsbury : — see Owen and Blakeway. Shrewsbury, Some Account of the an tient and present state of. sm. 8vo . . . . . . . . Shrewsbury, 1 808 Simon (Thomas), chief engraver of the Mint to King Charles L, the Commonwealth, the Lord Protector Cromwell, and Charles II., Medals, Coins, Great Seals, 8(C. 4to . . Lond. 1 753 Simon's Essay on Irish Coins, and of the currency of foreign monies in Ireland; with Mr. Snelling's Supplement; also additional plates. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Dublin, 1810 Simpson (Samuel), gent.. The Agreeable Historian, or the compleat English traveller. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1746 Smeaton (John) , An historical Report on Ramsgate Harbour ; writ- ten by order of, and addressed to the trustees. 8vo Lond. 1791 Smith (Charles), M.D., The antient and present state of the County and City of Cork. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. Cor^, 1815 Smith (Chas. Roach), Collectanea Antiqua; or etchings of ancient remains. No. 1 to 5 and 8. Vol. III. Parts 1, 2, and 3. 8vo Lond. 1843-54 Smith (Chas. Roach), Inventorium Sepulchrale; an account of some antiquities dug up at Gilton, Kingston, Sibertswold, Barfriston, Beakesbourn, Chartham, and Crundale, in the county of Kent, from A. D. 1757 to 1 778. By the rev. Bryan Faussett of Hepping- ton. Edited from the original MS. in the possession of Jos. Mayer, esq., with notes and introduction. 4to . . Lond. 1856 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, 383 Smith (John Russell), Bibliotheca Cantiana ; or a bibliographical ac- count of what has been published relative to the county of Kent. 8vo . . . . .. . . . . Lond. 1837 Smyth (Rear-adm. Will. Hen.), Descriptive Catalogue of a cabinet of Roman family coins belonging to His Grace the Duke of Nor- thumberland, K.G. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1856 Snelling (Thomas), Account of the Coins of Great Britain, Ireland, 8(C. (plates.; folio .. .. .. Lond, 17 6S Somersetshire : — see CoUinson. Somner (Wilham), The Antiquities of Canterbury, or a survey of that antient citie, with the suburbs and cathedrall. 4to Lond. 1 640 Another copy, with MS. notes. Somner (WiUiam), A Treatise of Gavelkind, both name and thing. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1660 Somner (William), Treatise on the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent. Svo . . . . . . .. . . Lond. 1693 Southouse (Thomas), of Gray's Inne, gent., Monasticon Faversha- miense in agro Cantiano. sm. Svo . . . . Lond. 1671 Southwark : fully illustrated with numerous prints, drawings, and manuscript notes ; being that portion of Manning and Bray's His- tory of Surrey relating to the Borough of Southwark. fo.Lond. 1814 Speculi Britannia (pars altera) ; or a Delineation of Northampton- shire ; with Norden's names of cyties, townes, SfC, and other re- markables. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1720 Speed (John) , Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain, together with a prospect of the most famous parts of the world. Second edi- tion, with additions, folio .. .. Lond. \ 67 6 Spelman. Glossarium Archaiologicum, authore Henrico Spelman. folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1664 Spelman (Sir Henry), knt.. The English Works of, published in his lifetime, together with his posthumous works, relating to the laws and antiquities of England. By the right rev. Edmund, bishop of London. Second edition, folio .. .. Lond. 1727 Stamford : — see Butcher. Steinitz (Francis), The Ship, its origin and progress: being a ge- neral history from its first invention, to the latest improvements, 4to . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 S49 Stepney and Hackney, The free customes, benefits, and privileges of the copyhold tennants of the manors of. 4to Lond. 1617 Stock dale (Wilham Litchfield), Etchings of Antiquities in the County of Kent, large 4to .. .. .. Lond. 18\0 Stoke Newington : — see Robinson. Stone-Heng, on Salisbury plain. The most notable antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly so called, restored by Inigo Jones, esq., architect generall to the late king, folio . . Lond. 1655 Stothard (C. A.), The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, royal 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1S17 Stowe, A Description of the magnificent house and gardens of Earl Temple. Svo .. .. .. Buckingham, 1777 Stratford-upon-Avon :— see Wheler. 384 British and Irish Antiquities and Topography, Strawberry Hill, Middlesex, A Description of Mr. Horace Walpole's villa at. 4to .. .. .. Strawberry Hill, 17 S9 Strutt (Joseph), Horda Angel-cynnan ; or a complete view of the manners, customs, arms, habits, S^c. of the inhabitants of Eng- land, from the arrival of the Saxons till the reign of Henry VHl , SfC. 3 vol. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1775-76 Strutt (Joseph), The Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England; containing the representations of all the English monarchs, from Edward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth. 4to Lond. 1778 Strutt (Joseph), Sports and Pastimes of the people of England. Second edition. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1810 Strutt (Joseph), Sports and Pastimes of the people of England. A new edition, with copious Index, by W. Hone„ 8vo Lond. 1831 Stukeley (William), M.D., Palteographia Britannica; or Discourses on Antiquities in Britain. (With MS. additions.) 2 vol. 4to 1720-46 Stukeley (William), M.D., Stonehenge, aTemple restor'd to the British Druids ; Abury, a Temple of the British Druids, with some others described, wherein is a more particular account of the first and patrarchial religion, and of the peopling the British Islands, folio Lond. 1740-43 Stukeley (William), M.D., An Account of Richard of Cirencester, monk of Westminster, and his works ; with his map of Roman Britain, and the itinerary thereof. 4to -. Lond. \7 57 Stukeley (William), M.D., F.R. and A.S., Itinerarium Curiosum; or an Account of the antiquities and remarkable curiosities in Great Britain. 2 vol. in I, folio .. .. Lond. 1776 Surrey : — see Aubrey ; Manning and Bray ; Salmon. Surrey Institution, Rules, Regulations, and other documents relating to the. 4to Lond. 1813 Surrey and Kent, Rambles and remarks on the borders of. By a pedestrian. 8vo .. .. .. Deptford, 1833 Surtees Society, The Publications of the, established in 1834; con- taining Sanctuar' Dunelm* et Beverlac', and The Priory of Finchale. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1837 Sussex, Descriptive Catalogue of MS. charters and other documents relating to parts of, particularly Battle Abbey. 8vo Lond. 1 835 Sussex : — see Horsfield (Tho. Walker). Swinden (Henry), The History and Antiquities of the ancient Burgh of Great Yarmouth in the county of Norfolk. 4to Norwich, 1 772 Tanner (Thomas), Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibemica ; sive de Scrip- toribus qui in Anglia, Scotid, et Hibernid, ad saeculi xvii. initium, floruerunt, literarum ordine juxta familiarum nomina dispositus, Commentarius. folio . . . . . . Lond. 1 748 Taunton : — see Toulmin. Taylor (Arthur) : — see British and Irish History. Taylor (Silas), History of Harwich : — see Dale. Temple Church, The :— see Billings ; Surge. British and Irish Antiquities and Topography. 385 Tewkesbury : — see Dyde. Thanet, Isle of : — see Lewis. Thetford : — see Martin. Thorn (Walter), The History of Aberdeen; containing an account of the rise, progress, and extension of the city, including its an- tiquities, civil and ecclesiastical, 8(C. 2 vol. 8vo Aberdeen, 1811 Thompson (Pishey) : — see Boston. Thoresby (Ralph), F.R.S., Ducatus Leodiensis ; or the Topography of the ancient town and parish of Leeds, \ Scandalum Magnatum ; or the Trial at Chelmsford between Henry bishop of London and. folio .. .. Zowc?. 1682 Hicks's Hall. The Proceedings of the Sessions at, 5 Dec, 1681 ; with His Majesty's two letters, and Sir Wm. Smith's charge to the grand jury, concerning putting the laws into execution against Popish recusants and conventicles, folio .. Lond. \QS2 Highgate, Relation of a person who was found dead in a wood near, folio sheet . . . . . . . . . . 1 685-6 Hill, Lawrence : — see Godfrey, Sir Edraondbury. Hinde, John, The Case of Mr. Tolson and others. Petitioners for an amendment to the Bill for payment of the debts of. fol. sh. n. d. Holloway, James, The Confession and Narrative of, as also the pro- ceedings against ; with an account of the discourse between the sheriffs and him at the time of his execution for High Treason, folio .. .. . . .. .. Lond. 1684 Honey wood, John Lamoth, The Case of, concerning his election for Mauldon, Essex, folio . . . . . . n. d. Houses under ground, A strange and wonderful discovery newly made of, at Cotton's fields near Cirencester, folio Lond. 1685 Howard, Lord, of Escrick, Notes of the Evidence given against. folio sheet .. ... .. .. 1681 A Letter from, with his protestation at receiving the communion in the Tower, folio sheet .. .. 1681 A Letter, occasioned by a letter of, with his protestation at re- ceiving the sacrament in the Tower, fol. sh. 1681 Hudson's Bay Company, The Case of. folio sheet n. d. Hume, David, A concise and genuine account of the dispute between Rosseau and, with the letters between them ; also the letters of the hon. Mr. Walpole and M.d'Alembert, relative to this extraordinary affair. Translated from the French. 8vo .. Lond. IT Q^ Huntingdon Peerage, Detail of proceedings connected with the re- cent restoration of the earldom. By Henry Nugent Bell, esq. 4to . . .. ., .. " . . Lond. 1822 Hurricane, A relation of the dreadful Tempest or, in Holland and Utrecht, folio sheet .. .. .. 1674 420 Cases Civil and Criminal. Hutchinson, Mr., The state of the case of, touching monies for which he is questioned, foho sheet . , 1649 Hyde's, Mr. Edward, Speech at a Conference between both Houses, on Tuesday, July 6, 1641, at the transmission of the several] im- peachments against the Lord Chief Baron Davenport, Mr. Baron Trevor, and Mr. Baron Weston. 8vo . . Lond. 1641 Impey, Sir Elijah : — see Elliott, Sir Gilbert. Ireland, William, Tho. Pickering, and John Grove, TheTryals of, for High Treason, folio .. .. .. Lond. 1678 Narrative of the Depositions of Rob. Jenison, proving that Ireland was in London the 19th Aug. 1678, notwithstanding his denial, folio . . . . . . . . n. d. Ivy, Mr. William, a true and exact relation, taken from the mouth of, concerning the murder committed by him upon the body of William Pew, servant to Sir Robert Long, in Westminster. 4 to Lond. 1673 Jackson, the rev. Wm., The trial of, in the King's Bench, Ireland, for High Treason. By William Sampson, esq. Svo Dublin, 1795 James, John, Narrative of the apprehending, condemnation, and execution of, at Tiburn, 1661; with several occasional passages and speeches, 5fc. 4to . . . . . , Lond. 1 662 Jeffreys, Gen. John, The Case of a general officer truly stated ; with - the proceedings on his trial by a court martial in August last. Svo ... . . . . . . . Lond. 1 747 Jenkinson, Mary, Relation of, killed by one of the lyons in the Tower, folio sheet . . .'. . . " 1 685-6 Jennings, a smith, and Nicholas Saltmarsh his journeyman. Infor- mation and Examination of, committed to Newgate for conspiring the death of the king, folio sheet . . . . n. d. Jermyn, Stephen, The Case of, and Act for dissolving the marriage of his son Stephen with Sarah Bell, folio . . n. d. Jesuits. An account of the barbarous attempt of the Jesuits upon M. de Luzancy, on his conversion to the Protestant rehgion. folio sheet . . . . . . . . . . n. d. Jesuits, The five ; The Trials and condemnation of Thomas White, alias Whitebread, provincial of the Jesuits in England, William Harcourt, pre- tended rector of London, John Fenwick, procurator for the Jesuits in England, John Gaven, alias Gawen, and Anthony Turner, for High Treason, folio .. Lond. 1679 The last speeches of. folio .. .. Lond, 1679 The true speeches of, before their execution, with animadversions, folio .. .. .. .. Lond. 1679 An impartial consideration of the speeches of. folio sheet Lond. 1679 The new design of the Papists detected ; or an answer to the speeches of. By Israel Tongue, D.D. folio Lond. 1679 Cases Civil and Criminal. 421 News from Heaven ; or a dialogue between St. Peter and the five Jesuits last hanged, folio sheet .. .. 1679 A Letter from Rome, in relation to the Jesuits executed, folio sheet .. .. .. .. 1679 News from Purgatory ; or the Jesuits legacy to all their loving friends, folio . . . . . . . . n. d. Lying allowable with Papists to deceive Protestants. A letter written to satisfie a friend, who was stagger'd at reading of the Jesuits speeches, folio sheet . . . . n. d. A Letter from a minister of the church of England relating to Tho. White, alias Whitebread, executed for High Treason : to wit, his teaching among the Quakers, folio n. d. Jew, A, Strange and wonderful news from Borton near Canterbury, of the murther of. folio sheet .. .. 1686 Johnson, Francis, A Narrative of the Proceedings and Tryal of, a Franciscan at Worcester, with his speech at his execution, folio Lond. 1679 Justice, The Triumphs of, over unjust judges ; exhibiting the names and crimes of four and forty judges hanged in one year in England, as murderers, for their corrupt judgments ; the case of Tresilion, lord chief justice ; the crimes of Empson and Dudley ; the pro- ceedings of the ship-money judges, S^c. folio Lond. 1 68 1 Kelso, William, News from Ireland; being the examination and corfession of, a Scotch rebel taken in Ireland, 5fc. Also a letter from Sir George Macartney, together with a proclamation of the Duke of Ormond. folio .. .. .. Lond. \Q19 Keppel, Admiral, A Letter to the Freeholders of Surrey, in vindica- tion of the character of. 8vo . . . . n. d. Kid, John, and John King. The spirit of Popery speaking out of the mouths of phanatical Protestants ; or the last speeches of, two Presbyterian ministers, executed for High Treason at Edinburgh, Aug. 14, 1679; with a narrative of the murder of James, arch- bishop of St. Andrews', folio . . . . Lond. 1680 King, John : — see Kid, John. Kingston, The Proceedings of the Assizes at. folio Zone?. 1687-8 Kirk, Edw., The behaviour of, after his condemnation for murdering his wife, folio sheet .. .. .. 1684 The sufferer's Legacy to surviving sinners ; or Edw. Kirk's dying advice to young men. folio sheet . . n. d. Langhom, Richard, esq., The Tryall of, for High Treason, folio Lond. 1679 The Confession and execution of, and speech at his execution. folio sheet .. .. .. .. 1679 An Answer to the speech of. folio sheet . . 1679 Memoires of, with some meditations, and also his petition and speech at his execution, folio sheet . . n. d. 422 Cases Civil and Criminal, Leghorn, A Letter from, from aboard the Van-herring, concerning a conspiracy of some sailors with the Algerines to kill the captain and betray the ship, folio .. .. 1679 An Answer to the merchant's letter directed to Ralph Meanwell, now on board the Van -herring, with the pursuit of a former Leghorn letter, folio .. ,. .. 1679 From aboard the Van-herring ; being a full relation of the present state and sad condition of that ship, folio 1680 An Answer to the second letter from Leghorn ; being an account of some further discovery of a continued plot aboard the ship Van-herring, folio .. .. .. 1680 An Answer to another letter from Leghorn, folio 1680 The Answer to the letter from Leghorn answered, folio 1681 An Answer returned to the letter from, by a merchant concerned in the ship, foho . . . . . . n. d. An Answer returned to the letter from, folio n. d. A new Letter from, discovering the present state of the ship Van- herring, folio .. .. .. Lond. 1681 Lestock, Vice-adm., Account of, of the late engagement near Toulon. 8vo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 745 Recapitulation of, as spoke by him at the bar of the House of Com- mons, touching the late miscarriage of the Fleet off Toulon, against the combined Fleets of France and Spain. 8vo Lond. 1745 The sentence of the Court Martial on. 8vo Lond. 1746 [See Matthews (Admiral).] Lewes, Sir Watkin, knt.. An authentic narrative of the extraordinary conduct of, in detaining and concealing a Latin deed relative to an estate in Pembrokeshire. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1785 Lilburne, Colonel, The Trial of. By Theodorus Verax. 4to Lond. 1710 Lilburne, Eliz., The Petition of, wife to Col. John Lilburne, to the House of Commons, on her unjust separation from him by the House of Lords, folio sheet . . . . n. d. Lion Key, The state of the case between some of the inhabitants of Thames street, and Josiah Child, touching. 4to sheet n. d. Lloyd, John : — see Evans, Philip. Lloyd, William, bishop of Worcester, The evidence given at the bar of the House of Commons, upon the complaint of Sir John Packington against, and Mr. Lloyd, his son, relating to the rights and privileges of the House of Commons ; with the proceedings thereon, folio .. ., .. .. Lond. 1702 Loggins, Mr., A true relation of a Murther of, and the ostler, at Coleshill, Warwickshire, folio sheet .. 1686 London Citizen, The, exceedingly injured, or a British Inquisition displayed, in an account of the unparalleled case of a citizen of London, bookseller to the late queen. 4to . . Lond. 1739 Long, Joseph, The Case of the Creditors of. folio sheet n. d. Answer to the case of the Creditors of. By John Long, on behalf of himself and brothers, . . . . n. d. Cases Civil and Criminal, 423 Long, Robert, alias Baker, An Account of the self-murther of. folio sheet . . . . . . . . . . 1 685 Lords Impeached, the. The several proceedings in the House of Com- mons, in relation to. folio .. .. 1701 The state of the proceedings in the House of Commons in relation to. folio .. ., .. .. 1701 Lords in the Tower, the. The Reasons and Narrative of proceedings between the two Houses, touching the trial of. folio 1679 A Paradox against Liberty, written by, during their imprisonment. folio .. .. .. .. 1679 Lorrain, Paul, ordinary of Newgate, The Case of, to the House of Commons, praying exemption from the tax on single sheets, con- taining only divinity and devotion, folio sheet n. d. Lough Foyle Fishery Case, Report of the, of Allen v. Donnelly and others, tried at the Tyrone Spring Assizes at Omagh, 1856 ; with other proceedings. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1857 Love, Christopher, and M. Gibbons, Two Speeches delivered by, on the scaffold on Tower-hill. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 65 1 Love, Christopher, The whole Trial of, with the relation of his suffer- ing on Tower-hill. 4to . . .. .. Lond. 1660 His Case, containing his Petition, Narrative of his design against the state, dying Speech, 8^c. 4to . . Lond, 1 65 1 Macartney, Mr., A Letter from, to a friend of his in London, dated at Ostend, Dec. 4, 15, 1712, giving a particular account of what passed before and at the unfortunate Duel between His Grace the D. of Hamilton and L. Mohun. . . . . Lond. 1713 Macdonald, Salmon, and Berry, A faithful narrative of the gang of Thief-takers, a/m Thief-makers, so named. 8vo Lond. 1756 Macguire, Connor lord. The whole Trial of, with the perfect copies of the indictment, S^c.\ also the copie of Sir Philome O'Neales com- mission ; the Pope's Bull to the confederate catholikes in Ireland ; his Plea of Peerage, Sfc. 4to .. .. Lond. 1645 Mackell v. Hanson. Proceedings in an action brought by John Mackell, of Park lane, smith, against Mr. John Hanson, of Bruton street, smith and furnishing ironmonger to the king. Svo Lond. 1799 Mahon, Terence, The Case of, and Sarah his wife, the late widow and administratrix of Walter Cantwell, late provost marshal in the Savoy, folio sheet . . . . . . n. d. Malice Defeated : — see Cellier, Elizabeth. Manchester College, The Case of the Bishop of Chester, with rela- tion to the wardenship of. folio sheet . . Oxford, 1721 Marlborough, John duke of. The Information against, and his answer. 8vo .. . . . . . . .. Lond. 1713 Mason, Margery ; — see Wakeman, Sir George. Massacre in St. George's Fields, A Collection relative to. Lond. 1769 Matthews (Admiral Thomas), A Narrative of the proceedings of His Majesty's Fleet in the Mediterranean, and the combined 424 Cases Civil and CrimiriaL Fleets of France and Spain, from 1741 to 1744, including an account of the late fight near Toulon. 8vo . . Lond. 1 744 Original Letters. S^c, between Adm. Matthews and Vice-adra. L. [Lestock] with several letters from private hands, exhibiting many particulars of the transactions in the Mediterranean ; with remarks on an answer to the Narrative of the Fleet, S^c. 8vo Lond. 1744 Authentic Letters from, to the Sec y of St — e, the L — ds of the Ad ty, S;c., relating to his expedition to the Mediterranean, with their answers, S 1746 [See Martin; Rackstrow; Watson; Wilson.] 502 Natural History, Philosophy, and Mathematics, Elyot (Syr Thomas) The Castel of Helth ; corrected and in some places augmented by the author thereof. (Black letter.) 4to Londini, in aidibus Thome Bertheleti, 1541 Evelyn (John), esq., The Miscellaneous Writings of, author of Sylva, or a discourse on Forest Trees ; now first collected, with occasional notes, by William Upcott. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 825 Eye, the. The Fabric of, and the several disorders which injure or destroy the sight. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1 758 Fairchild (Thomas), The City Gardener ; or method of cultivating such shrubs, trees, plants, Sfc, as best thrive in the London gardens. Svo .. .. .. ., Lond. 1772 Ferguson (James), The use of a New Orrery made and described by. Svo . . . . . . . - . . Lond. 1 746 Ferguson (James), An Idea of the Material Universe, deduced from a survey of the Solar System. Svo . . . . Lond. 1 754 Flamstead (J.), A correct Tide-Table, folio . . Lond. 1 686 Flora Londinensis ; containing a history of the plants indigenous to Great Britain, illustrated by figures of the natural size. By the late William Curtis, F.L.S. A new edition enlarged, by George Graves, F.L.S. , and Wilham Jackson Hooker, LL.D., 8{C. 5 vol. folio .. .. .. . . .. Lond. 1835 Forster (Edw.), jun., Catalogus Avium in Insulis Britannicis habi- tantium. Svo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1817 Forster (J.), The Pocket Encyclopaedia of natural phenomena. Svo Lond. 1827 Fothergill (John), M.D., An account of the sore throat attended with ulcers. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1748 Fownes (Geo.), Ph. D., Chymistry; as exemplifying the wisdom and beneficence of God : an Actonian prize essay. Svo Lond. 1 844 Glauber, Proposal for printing the Works of. folio Lond. 1687 Guildford. The Anatomist dissected: — see Andre (M. St.). Haines (Richard), Aphorisms upon the new way of improving Cyder, or making Cyder-royal ; to which are added certain expedients concerning raising and planting apple trees, gooseberry trees, SfC. folio .. .. .. .. 1684 A supplement to ditto, answering objections, folio 1684 Hales (Stephen), D.D., An account of some experiments and obser- vations on Tar- water. Svo .. .. Lond. 1745 Hales (Stephen), D.D., Considerations on the causes of Earthquakes. Svo .. . . .. .. .. Lond. 1750 Hampstead, An account of the neutral saline Waters recently dis- covered at. By Thomas Goodwin. Svo .. Lond. 1801 Hampstead Wells, or directions for the drinking of those Waters. By John Soame, M.D. Svo ., .. Lond. \774 Natural History, Philosophy, and Mathematics. 503 Harefield. Fasciculus Plantarum circa Harefield sponte nascentium ; cum Appendice, <^c. 8vo .. .. .. Xonrf. 1798 Hartley (David), M.D., Observations on Man: his frame, his duty, and his expectations. The fourth edition, with notes and additions, by Herman Andrew Pistorius, rector of Poseritz in the island of Rugen; with a life of Dr. Hartley. 3 vol. Svo Lond. 1801 Hasselquist (Fred.) : — see Voyages and Travels, Hay (William), esq.. Deformity: an Essay. 8vo Lond. 1754 Hemlock, Medicinal virtues of: — see Andr^e (John) ; Storck (A.). Hill (John), physician and astrologer. An Allarm to Europe by the late prodigious comet, seen November and December 1680, with a predictive discourse, folio sheet . . . . n. d. Hogg (Charles), M.R.C.S., On the management of Infancy; with remarks on the influence of diet and regimen. 8vo Lond. 1849 Holmes (Jo. Pocock), Popular observations on diseases incident to females. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. \^^\ Honey, The virtues of, in preventing many of the worst disorders, and in the certain cure of several others. 8vo Lond. 1760 Hortus P adding toniensis, or a Catalogue of Plants cultivated in the garden of J. Symmons, esq., Paddington house. By W. Salisbury, gardener. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1797 Howard (Luke), Barometographia ; thirty years variation of the barometer in the climate of Britain; exhibited in autographic curves, with the attendant winds and weather, and copious notes illustrative of the subject, atlas foho. [Specimen.] Lond. 1846 Hume (David), A Treatise of Human Nature ; being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral sub- jects. A new edition. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1807 Hutton (Charles), LL.D., Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary. 2 vol. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1795 Islington Mineral Spring, Experimental observations upon. Svo Lond. 1782 Islington Wells. An exclamation from Tunbridge and Epsom, against the new found wells at Islington, folio . . 1684 Jacob (Edw.), Catalogue of the more perfect plants growing spon- taneously about Faversham. 12mo .. .. Lond. 1774 Jordan (Edward), M.D., Discourse of Naturall Bathes and Minerall Waters, sm. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1632 Kennedy (Richard Hartley), M.D., Notes on the Epidemic Cholera. Second edition. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1 846 King's Evil, the. An Answer to a scoffing and lying lybell put forth under the title of a wonderful account of the curing of, by Ma- dam Fanshaw, the Duke of Monmouth's sister, fo. Lond. 1681 Order in Council, prescribing the times for receiving the Royal Touch, folio sheet . . . . . . Lond. 1 683 504 Natural History^ Philosophy, and Mathematics. Kirby (William) and Spence (William), An Introduction to Entomo- logy, or elements of the natural history of insects ; with plates. Fifth edition. 4 vol. 8vo .. .. .. Xowrf. 1828 Knaresborough Spaw Waters : — see Taylor (John) . Lacy (John), Observations on the nature, use, and trade of Tobacco. foho . . . . . . . . . . n. d, Lavater (John Caspar), Essays on Physiognomy, illustrated by more than 800 engravings, executed by or under the inspection of Tho. Holloway. Translated from the French by Henry Hunter, D.D. 3 vol. royal 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. \1B>9 Lawson (Henry), A few observations on the New Planet, and the circumstances connected with its discovery. 8vo pamphlet 1849 Leigh (Charles), M.D., The Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak of Derbyshire ; with an account of the British, Phoe- nician, Armenian, Greek, and Roman antiquities in those parts. folio .. .. .. .. .. Oaf ord, 1700 Lettsom (John Coakley), M.D., The Natural History of the Tea-tree, with observations on the medicinal qualities of tea, and on the effects of tea-drinking. 4to .. .. Lond. \799 Leverian Museum, the late, in Great Surrey street, A marked sale Catalogue of, in 1806. 4to .. ' .. Lond. 1806 Liebeg (Justus), M.D., Organic Chemistry, in its application to agriculture and physiology. Edited from the MS. of the author, by Lyon Playfair, Ph. D. *'8vo . . . . Lond. 1840 Lindley (John) , A Synopsis of the British Flora ; abridged according to the natural orders. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1829 Lindley (John), F.R.S., 8(C., An Introduction to the natural system of Botany. 8vo . . .. .. .. Zone?. 1830 Lindley (John), F.R.S., S^c, An Introduction to Botany. 8vo Lond. 1832 Linnaei (Caroli) Selectse ex Amcenitatibus Academicis Dissertationes ad universam Naturalem Historiam pertinentes ; et Continuatio. 2 vol. 4to .. .. .. .. Gracii, \764-6 Locke (John), The Works of. Tenth edit. 10 vol. 8vo Lond. 1801 Loudon (J. C), An Encyclopaedia of Gardening, including all the . latest improvements ; and a history of gardening in all countries. Third edition. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1825 Lyell (Charles), F.R.S., Principles of Mineralogy ; being an inquiry how far the former changes of the earth's surface are referable to causes now in operation. Fourth edit. 4 vol. 8vo Lond. 1835 Lyell (Charles), Elements of Geology. Second edit. 2 vol. sm. 8vo Lond. 1841 Maiden (Wm.), Case of recovery after the shaft of a chaise had been forced through the thorax, royal 4to .. Lond. 1824 Maillard, Mary, An exact relation of the wonderful cure of, who was instantlv healed after being lame for thirteen years of her life. Svo '. , .. .. .... Land, \ 7 SO Natural History, Philosophy, and Mathematics, 505 Mammatt (Edward), F.G.S., A Collection of Geological Facts and practical observations tending to elucidate the formation of the Ashby coal-field. 4to .. .. Ashby-de-la-Zouch, IS'S6 Marsham (Thomas), Entomologia Britannica, sistens Insecta Britan- niae indigena, secundum methodum Linnseanum disposita. 8vo Lond. 180? Martin (Benj.), An Essay on Electricity, and on the principles of Sir Isaac Newton's theory of Vibratory Motion. Svo Bath, 1746 Matlock Bath : — see Medley (John) . Medley (John), M.D., Tentamen Hydrologicum; or an essay upon Matlock Bath in Derbyshire ; whereto are prefixed three short pre- liminary dissertations upon, 1, water in general; 2, The tactile qualities (so called) ; 3, Minerals. Svo Nottingham, 1730 Miller (Hugh), Foot-prints of the Creator; or the Asterolepis of Stromness. sm. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1849 Miller (Hugh), The Old Red Sandstone ; or new walks in an old field. Svo .. .. .. .. 1858 Miller (Hugh), The Testimony of the Rocks ; or Geology in its bear- ings on the two theologies, natural and revealed. Svo Edinh. and Lond. 1857 Milner (Isaac), D.D., An Essay on Human Liberty. Svo Lond. 1824 Molyneux (Wm.), Sciothericum Telescopicum ; or a new contrivance of adapting a telescope to a horizontal dial for observing the move- ment of time by day or night. 4to . . . . Dublin, 1686 Monstrous Birth. Strange and wonderful news of the birth of a mon- strous child, with two heads and three arms, bom at Attenree in the county of Meath. folio sheet . . . . 1685 Museum Calonnianum, Specification of the various articles which com- pose the magnificent museum of M. de Calonne, in France. Svo Lond. 1797 MustBum Tradescantianum, or a collection of rarities preserved at South Lambeth, neer London. By John Tradescant. (Portraits by Hoi lar.) sm. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1656 Neville-Holt Water, Leicestershire, A Discourse on the nature and uses of; with a history of some of its extraordinary efi'ects the last summer. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1742 Newtoni (Isaaci) Opera quse exstant omnia. Commentariis illustrabat Samuel Horsley, LL.D., R.S.S., reverendo admodura in Christo patri Roberto Episcopo Londinensi a sacris : in quinque volumini- bus. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. \ 7 S9 Newton (Sir L), The Metaphysics of : or a comparison of the opinions of Sir Isaac Newton and Mr. Leibnitz; translated from the French of M. de Voltaire, by David Erskine Baker. Svo Lond. 1 747 Paracelsus (Theophilus) , Expositio vera harum Imaginum olim Nu- renbergae repertarum ex fundatissimo verse raagise vaticinio deducta. PerD. DoctoremTheophrastum Paracelsum. sm. Svo Lond. 1570 2l 506 Natural History, Philosophy, and Mathematics, Parkinson (James), Organic Remains of a former world; an exami- nation of the mineralized remains of vegetables and animals of the antediluvian world, generally termed extraneous fossils. (Illus- trated by numerous coloured plates.) 3 vol. 4to Lond. 1811 Pennant (Thomas), British Zoology. Fourth edition. 4 vol. 4to Warrington, 1776-77 Pennant (Thomas), Arctic Zoology. 2 vol. 4to Lond. \ 784-85 Pennant (Thomas), Supplement to Arctic Zoology. 4to Lond. 1787 Pennant (Thomas), Genera of Birds. 4to .. Lond. 1781 Pennant (Thomas), History of Quadrupeds. 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1781 Pennant (Thomas), Indian Zoology. 4to . . Lond. 1790 Penrose (Francis), An Essay on Magnetism ; or an endeavour to ex- plain the properties of the loadstone. 8vo .. Lond. 17 53 Pepys (William Haseldine), The respiration of the leaves of plants. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1843 Pettigrew (Thomas Joseph), On Superstitions connected with the history and practice of medicine and surgery. 8vo Lond. 1844 Philosopher, The Polite. [Title-page wanting.] 8vo. Philosophy, Useful transactions in, and some sorts of learning. 8vo Lond. 1709 Pirckheimer (Bilibald), The Praise of the Gout, or the Gout's apo- logie; a paradox both pleasant and profitable. Translated from the Latin by William Est, M. A. 4to .. .. Lond. 1607 Tlantm Woodfordienses ; A Catalogue of the more perfect plants grow- ing spontaneously about Woodford in the county of Essex. 8vo Lond. 1771 Plot (Robert), LL.D., The Natural History of Staffordshire, folio Oxford, 1686 Plot (Robert), LL.D., The Natural History of Oxfordshire, folio Lond. 1705 Pollock (Thomas), An Attempt to explain the phenomena of heat, electricity, galvanism, magnetism, gravitation, and light. 8vo Lond. 1832 Pontoppidan (Erich), The Natural History of Norway : containing a particular account of the temperature of the air, the different soils, waters, vegetables, metals, minerals, stones, beasts, and fishes, S^c. With plates, and a general map of Norway, folio Lond. 1755 Potter (T. R.), The History and Antiquities of Cham wood Forest. With an appendix on the geology, botany, and ornithology of the district. 4to . . .. .. .. jLowc?. 1842 Prior (Thomas), An authentick narrative on the success of Tar- water, in curing a great number and variety of distempers, with remarks and occasional papers relative to the subject. To which are sub- joined two letters from the author of Siris, shewing the medi- cinal properties of Tar- water, and the best manner of making it. Svo .. .,- .. .. .. Lond. \7AQ Prodigies. Account of Che arrival of a Negro-man, whose body is of jet-black, intermixt with clear white : spotted all over like a leo- pard, sm. 8vo sheet . . . . . . n. d. Mirahilis Annus Secundus ; or the second year of prodigies : being Natural History, Philosophy ^ and Mathematics* 507 a collection of many strange signs and apparitions, which have this last year been seen in the heavens, the earth, and in the water. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond, \QQ2 Quatrefages (A. de). The Rambles of a Naturalist on the coasts of France, Spain, and Sicily. 2 vol. 8vo .. Lond. 1857 Rabbit-bearer of Guildford : — see Andre (M. St.). Rackstraw (B.), Miscellaneous Observations, together with a collec- tion of experiments on electricity, with the manner of performing them, &;c. ; with a letter relative to the similarity of electricity to lightening and thunder. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1 748 Ranby (John), surgeon, A Narrative of the last illness of the Earl of Oxford ; with an account of the stones found in the bladder after his death. 8vo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 745 Ray (John), Proposals for printing a general history of plants ; with a specimen of his Historia Plantarum, annexed, folio sh. 1685 Reid (A.), A Letter to the rev. Dr. Hales, concerning the nature of Tar and Tar-water. 8vo . . .. .. Lond. 11^1 Reid (Tho.), D.D., The Works of; with notes, sectional heads, and synoptical table of contents, by G. N. Wright, M.A. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1843 Remarks upon Remarks, or some animadversions on a treatise called Febrifugium, written by De Foe, under the assumed name of Dr. Gardner. 8vo . , . . . .• . . n. d. Rhinoceros. A Description of the Rhinoceros lately brought from the East Indies, folio sheet .. .. 1681 Robins (Benj.), A Discourse concerning the nature and certainty of Sir Isaac Newton's method of Fluxions, and of prime and ultimate Ratios. 8vo . . .. .. .. Lond.\1^5 Robinson (John), A System of Mechanical Philosophy. By David Brewster, LL.D. 4 vol. 8vo .. Edinh. and Lond. 1822 Rooke (J.), Geology of the Lake District, pamph. n. d. Rose (Henry), A Manual of Analytical Chemistry. Translated from the German, by John Griffin. 8vo . . . . , Lond. 1801 Sadlers Wells, A true and exact account of, or the new mineral waters lately found out at Islington. By T. G., M.D. 4to Lond. 1684 Salt Water Sweetened, farther additions to a small treatise so called. Ninth edition, 12mo .. .. .. io«22 Union Top-knot, The, or advice to the seamstress ^-la-mode ; a poem. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. \1 07 Utopia : — see More (Sir Thomas). Utopian Court, the, A pleasant battle between two lap-dogs of. fo. n. d. Vander Bank, Instructions to, A Poem on the success of Her Ma- jesty's arms under the Duke of Marlborough, in Flandres. 8vo Lond. 1709 Vertue, The Pearls of, or Women's deserved praise, br. sh. 1685-6 Vicars (John), Mischeefes mysterie, or Treasons master-peece the Powder Plot, inuented by hellish malice, preuented by heauenly mercy : truly related, and from the Latine of the learned and reuerend Doctour Herring translated, and very much dilated, 4to Lond. 1617 Virgilij Maronis opera. 12mo. (Wilkes's copy.) Lond. \l\b Voltaire (M. de), Candide, ou I'Optimisme. 12mo d, Berlin, 1778 Wace (Robert), Le Roman de Rou, et les dues de Normandie, par Fr^d^ric Pluquet. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. Rouen, ISII Poetry, the Drama, ^c. 539 Waithman, Robert Lord, somewhile chief magistrate of London, Maxims of. Fourth edition, sm. 8vo .. Lowrf. 1814 Waldrou (George), A Poem on the Parliament. Svo Lond. 1718 Walk, A, from St. James's to Covent Garden, the back way through the Meuse. folio .. .. .. Lond.lIM Walker, Henry, The modest vindication of, in answer to certaine scandalous pamphlets, «^c. 4to .. .. Z/Owc?. 1642 Ward (Edward), The Poet's ramble after riches, folio Lond. 1 698 Ward (Edward), A Dialogue between Bow-steeple dragon and the Exchange grasshopper, folio .'. .. Lond. \Q9S Ward (Edward), Upon the stately structure of Bow Church and steeple ; or a second poem upon nothing, folio n. d. Ward (Edward), The Dancing School, with the adventures of the Easter holidays, folio .. .. .. Lond. \1 00 Ward (Edward), A Journey to Hell, a poem, in two parts, folio Lond. 1700 Waverley Novels. [By Sir Walter Scott, hart.] New edition. 48 vol, foolscap 8vo .. .. Edinb. and Lond. 1 8S0 Waverley Novels, Landscape Illustrations of, with descriptions of the views. 2 vol. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1834: Wealthy Shopkeeper, The, or the charitable citizen, a poem, folio Lond. 1710 Weber (Henry), esq.. Metrical Romances of the twelfth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries ; translated from antient manuscripts. 3 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Edinb. 1810 Westminster Fayre newly proclaimed. 4to Printed in Kings-street, 22 Sept. 1647 Whigs, Honest, A true history of; a poem, in answer to the thoughts of an honest Tory. Svo .. .. Lond. 1710 Whitby (Thomas), esq. [Deputy of Vintry Ward], The Priory of Birkenhead, a tale of the fourteenth century. 8vo Lond. 1819 Whitehead (Paul), Honour, a satire. 4to . . Lond. 1747 Wilkes (John), The renowned History of Jack of Aylesbury, foho sheet . . . . . . . . n. d. W[ilkes], John, alderman. Lyric Consolations, with the Speech of. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1759 Wilkes's Jest Book, or the Merry Patriot ; being a collection of epigrams, 8{C. respecting John Wilkes, esq., and the ever-memo- rable No. 45. 24mo .. .. .. Lond. 1769 Windsor Castle : a poem in honour of Queen Anne, to which is added Britain's Jubilee, small 8vo . . Lond. 1 708 Wise (Rev. Jos.), The system, a poem. 8vo sheets Lond. 1777 Witch, The, or a picture of the court of Rome ; translated from the Spanish, by Markophrates. small 8 vo .. Lond. 1840 Wither (George), Britain's Remembrancer, containing a narration of the plague lately passed ; a declaration of the mischiefs present ; and a prediction of judgment to come (if repentance prevent not). [A poem in 8 cantos.] 12mo . . . . Lond. 1628 Wither (George), Sigh for the Pitchers : breathed out in a personal contribution to the National Humiliation, the last of May, 1666, 2 N 2 540 Poetry^ the Drama, &^c, in the cities of London and Westminster, upon the near approach- ing engagement then expected between the Enghsh and Dutch navies, small 8vo. Imprinted in the sad year expressed in this seasonable chronogram. LorD haVe MerCIe Vpon Vs. 1666 Wonders, The Year of, being a literal and poetical translation of an old Latin prophecy found near Merlin's cave. By S — n D — k. 8vo . . . . . . . . . . n. d. Wordsworth (William), The Poetical Works of. 5 vol. small 8vo Lond. 1827 World, The, tum'd upside down ; or the Ass not priest-ridden, but the Priest ass-ridden. By Ignoramus, esq. 4to Lond. 1754 Wright (Thomas), Bruma et Vespera brumalis, Roystonise agitata : Poema. 8vo „. .. .. .. Lond, \7 10 Wynne (J. H.) The Prostitute; a poem. 4to Lond. 1771 Theology. Advice to the Unwary ; or the last legacy and dying speeches of a late person of honour, broad sheet . . . . 1 685 Alexander (John) [a converted Jew], God*s Covenant displayed by. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1689 Allen (F.), D.D., archdeacon of Middlesex, A charge to the clergy ; wherein is given some account of the life of the late Bishop of London [Edmund Gibson]. 4to .. .. Lond. 1749 Anabaptists. A Confession of Faith of seven Congregations or Churches of Christ in London, which are commonly but unjustly called Anabaptists. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1646 Antichristomachus (Christophilus), Maprvptov Xpicmavou, or a Chris- tian and sober testimony against sinful compliance ; wherein the lawfulness of hearing the present ministers of the Church of England is clearly demonstrated. 4to .. Lond. 1664 Asgill (John), An argument, proving that, according to the covenant of eternal life revealed in the scriptures, man may be translated from hence into that eternal life, without passing through death ; although the human nature of Christ himself could not be thus translated till he had passed through death. 8vo Lond. 1 700 Aylmer (William), A recantation Sermon against the errors of Popery, preach'd at St. Martin's in Oxford, September 20th, 1713. 8vo Oxford, 1713 Baker (James), A collection of facts, in a series of letters addressed to J. W. Trust, of Newgate Street, the publisher of D'Alembert's book. Hell destroyed, sm. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1823 Barlow (Thos.), bishop of Lincoln, De Studio Theologia ; or directions for the choice of books in the study of Divinity. Published from the original MS. by W. Offley, M.A. 4to Oxford, 169B Theology, 541 Bentley (Richard), D.D., The works of, collected and edited by the rev. Alexander Dyce. 3 vol. 8vo .. .. jLowc?. 1836 Beveridge (William), D.D., A Sermon concerning the excellency and usefulness of the Common Prayer. 4to .. jLowrf. 1683 Beveridge (Wilham), D.D. The same. Eighth edit. 4to Lond. 1687 Bible, The, translated according to the Hebrew and Greek, and con- ferred with the best translations in divers languages. Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, 1598. 4to. [Commonly call- ed the Breeches Bible.] Bible, The Holy ; with the Common Prayer. Printed by John Field, and illustrated with chorographical sculptures by J. Ogilby. [One hundred and seven fine engravings from old masters.] 2 vol. large foho .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1660 Bible, in Hebrew. 2 vol. 12mo. Bible, The Holy; with a condensed commentary, notes, Sfc, by the rev. Ingram Cobbin, M. A. 4to ., .. Lone?. 1839 Bibles, Testaments, Psalms, and other books of the Holy Scriptures, in English, in the collection of Lea Wilson, esq., F.S.A. 4to Lond, 1845 Birch (Peter), D.D;, A Sermon preached before the House of Com- mons, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, January 30th, 1694. 4to Lond. 1694 Blackmore (Sir Richard), Just prejudices against the Arian Hypo- thesis ; to which is added, a vindication of this proposition. Arti- cles of faith depend upon inferences, or are left to consequences. 8vo . . .. .. .. .. Lond. 1721 Bossuet (M.), bishop of Condom; his Conference with M. Claude, held at Paris, about rehgion. folio .. .. 1684 Broughton (Thomas), A.M., An Historical Dictionary of all Religions, from the creation of the world to the present time. fo. Lond. 1 756 Brown (Rev. John), A Dictionary of the Bible. 8vo Lond. 1801 Buck (The late rev. Charles), A Theological Dictionary. Edited by the rev. Dr. Henderson. 8vo .. .. Lowe?. 1823 Buckingham (Geo. duke of), A short Discourse upon the reasonable- ness of men's having a religion, or worship of God. 4to Lond. 1 685 Burder (Samuel), Oriental Customs ; or an illustration of the sacred Scriptures, by an explanatory application of the customs and man- ners of the Eastern nations, 8(C. 8vo . . Lond. 1 839 Burnet (Gilbert), D.D., A Sermon preached on the Fast-day, Decem- ber 22, 1 680, at St. Margaret's Westminster, before the House of Commons. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1681 [Burton (Henry),] Israel's Fast ; or a meditation on the seventh chap- ter of Joshuah. By H. B., rector of St. Matthew, Friday street. 4to Lond. 1628 Butler (Joseph), bishop of Durham, The Works of; to which is pre- fixed a preface, giving some account of the character and life of the author. By Samuel HaHfax, D.D., late lord bishop of Glou- cester. 2 vol. 8vo .. ,. .. Oxford, 1844 Butler (Joseph), bishop of Durham, Remarks upon the sixth chapter of the Analogy of Religion of. By Philanthropus. 8vo Lond. 1 737 542 Theology, Buxtorfij (Joannis) Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. 8vo Glasgow, 1824 Calamy (Edmund), B.D., An Indictment against England because of her self -murdering divisions. A Sermon preached before the right honourable the House of Lords, at Westminster Abbey church, at the late solemn fast, Dec. 25, 1644. 4to Lond. 1645 Calderon (Rev. Juan), a Protestant Spaniard, Friendly discussions with my priest ; from the manuscript of the late. sm. Svo Lond, 1854 Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible. Fourth edition, revised, cor- rected, and augmented by C. Taylor (with plates). 5 vol. 4to Lond. 1823 Canaries (James), D.D., Rome's additions to Christianity shewn to be inconsistent with the true design of so spiritual a religion. A Sermon preached at Edinburgh. 4to ,. Edinb, \Q%Q Case (Thomas), The Quarrel of the Covenant, in three sermons, by Thomas Case, preacher of the word in Milk street, London. 4to Lond. 1644 Clarke (Edward), M.A., A Thanksgiving Sermon, preached at the Rolls Chapel, Dec. 9th, 1759. Svo . . . . Lond. 1759 Clarke (Samuel), Marrow of Divinity, folio .. Lond. \QbO Clarkson (Thomas), M.A., Researches, Antediluvian, Patriarchal, and Historical, concerning the way in which men first acquired their knowledge of God and religion. 8vo . . n. d. Colet (John), dean of Paul's, A Sermon of conforming and reform- ing, made by, at St. Paul's Cathedral. 12mo Lond. 1667 Colet (Dr. John), Daily Devotions, by. 12mo . . Lond. 1673 Collier (Jeremy), Remarks upon a book of Dr. William Sherlock, dean of St. Paul's, entitled A Modest Examination upon the Oxford decree. 4to . . . . . . . . Oxford, 1 695 Commentaries and Essays published by the Society for promoting the knowledge of the Scriptures. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1 783 Compasses, A Pair of, for Church and State. A Sermon, preached at St. Margaret's, Westminster, before the House of Commons at their monthly fast. 4to .. .. .. Lond. \Q^2 Consolations for an afflicted conscience. (Title-page wanting). 12mo [1603] Cooke (Shadrach), Christian supports under the terrours of death ; a sermon. 4to .. ., .. .. Lond. 1 69 1 Cooke (Shadrach) , Two sutable Discourses ; the one of religious courage, the other of Christian support under the terrours of death. 4to . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 696 Cowper (William), bishop of Galloway, Harmony evangelical be- tween St. Matthew and St. Luke in the deduction of Christ's ge- nealogie. large sheet, copper plate. . . . . Lond. 1 685 Creyghton (Robert), D.D., A Sermon before the King, on Dissent from the Church of England. 4to . . . . 1 682 Croft (Herbert), bishop of Hereford, The Legacy of; or a short de- termination of all controversies we have with the Papists, by God's Theology. 543 holy word, in two sermons, with a supplement ; together with a tract concerning the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 4to Lond. 1679 Crowther (Philip Wyatt), The Christian's Manual; compiled from the Enchiridion Militis Christiani of Erasmus ; with copious notes. 8vo .. . . ., .. .. Lond. 1828 Cruden (Alexander), A complete Concordance of the Holy Scriptures. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1814 Cudworlh (Ralph), D.D., The Works of; containing the true intellec- tual system of the universe, sermons, 8{C. A new edition, by Thomas Birch, A.M. 4 vol. 8vo . . .. Oxford, 1829 Dalton (John), M.A., Two Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 4to .. .. .. jf or d, 1745 Dalton (John), M.A-, A Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, 5th November, 1747. Second edition. 4to Lond. 1748 Denne (John), D.D., The Wisdom of God in the Vegetable Creation. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1730-33 Directory, A, to Christian Perfection, wherein severall considerations, cautions, and advises are set downe for perfecting of the saints, and for the completing of them in the knowledge of Christ Jesus. .4to .. .. .. .. . . Lond. 1650 Divine beames of glorious light, shining from the sacred scriptures, which expell the fogges of error that engender darknesse in doubt- ing soules, by mistaken thoughts ; with a cordial to heal the cora- sives which the ill potion prepared by Mr. John Fry, a late member of Parliament, hath engendered. 4to .. Lond. 1651 Divines, the Assembly of, A short declaration of, by way of detesta- tion of this abominable and blasphemous opinion, that God is and hath an end in, and is the author of, the sinfulnesses of His people, mentioned in a book intituled Comfort for Believers about their sins and troubles ; together with the orders of Parliament for the burning of the said book by the common hangman. 4to Lond. 1645 Donne (John), D.D., Death's Duel; or a consolation to the soule against the dying life and living death of the body ; in a sermon preached at Whitehall before the king ; being his last sermon, and called the Doctor's own funeral sermon. 4to Lond. 1632 Douglas (John), D.D., late lord bishop of Salisbury, Select works of ; with a biographical memoir, by the rev. William Macdonald, M.A. 4to .. .. .. Salisbury, 1820 Drake (Samuel), Vino eucharistico aqua non necessario admiscenda. Coucio habita ad clerum in Templo B. Marise Cantabrigise, termino S. Michaelis 1718, pro gradu Baccalaureatus in Sacra Theologia. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1719 Drew (Samuel), An Essay on the being, attributes, and providence of the Deity. 2 vol. 8vo . . . . . . Cornwall, 1 820 Drew (Samuel), An Essay on the identity and general resurrection of the human body. Second edition. 8vo . . Lond. 1822 544 Theology. Drew (Samuel), The Remarks, religious and literary, of, comprising sermons, controversial pieces, essays, and letters. 8vo Lond. 1836 Drew (Samuel), An original Essay on the immateriality and immor- tality of the human Soul, founded solely on physical and rational principles. Sixth edition. Svo . . . . Lond. 1838 Drew (Samuel), The Life of: — see Biography. Dying Man's Legacy, The, or pious and affectionate exhortations tc a holy life, broad sheet . . . . 1 685 Eucharist, the, A full answer to Dr. Tenison's conferences touching, folio sheet . . . . . . . . 1 687 Evans (John), LL.D., A sketch of the denominations of the Chris- tian world, small 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1827 Family Lectures, or domestic divinity ; being a collection of sermons, selected from the polite writers and sound divines of the present century. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 179 i Fecknam (John), dean of Paules, Two Homilies upon the first, second, and third articles of the Crede. 4to .. Lond. 1555 Frese (James), A Packet of Newes, yea, true and faithful news of Israel and Judah's call ; and of the manner, place, and time of Christ's coming and reigne in glory. (Dedicated to Cromwell.) 4to Lond. 1 651 Fryth (John), A Boke made by John Fryth, prysoner in the Tower of London, answering vnto M. More's letter, 8ic. For wyche John Frythe was condempned, and after brent in Smythefelde, 4th July, 1533. (Black letter.) 12mo .. .. Lond. 1546 Fuller (Thomas), B.D., A Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the confines thereof, folio ,. .. .. .. Lond. 1662 Giffard (George), A short Treatise against the Donatists of England, whome we call Brownists, 8(C. 4to . . . . Lond. 1590 Gifford (A.), A Sermon in commemoration of the Great Storm in the year 1703. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1734 Goodwin (John), The Pagans' Debt and Dowry ; or a brief discussion of these questions, whether, how far, and in what sense such persons of mankinde amongst whom the letter of the gospel never came are notwithstanding bound to believe on Jesus Christ. 4to Lond. 1651 Gregory (Mr. John), M.A., Oxon., The Workes of the reverend and learned. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1671 Grindall (Edmond), A profitable and necessarye Doctryne, with cer- tayne homelies set forth by Edmonde byshop of London, for the instruction and enformation of the people beynge within his Dio- cesse of London and of his cure and charge. 4to Lond. 1555 Hall (John), deane of Worcester, The Peace-maker, laid forth in a Sermon before His Majesty, at Theobalds, Sept. 9, 1 624. sra. Svo Lond. 1624 Theology, 545 Hare (Francis), D.D., A Sermon preached before the Duke of Marl- borough, at Avenes le Sec, on the day of thanksgiving for passing the lines and taking Bouchain. 8vo . . Lond. 1711 Harris (Rev. John), Mammon, or covetousness the sin of the christian church. 8vo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1836 Harris (Robert), Hezekiah's Recovery ; shewing what use Hezekiah did and all should make of their deliverance from sicknesses. A sermon. 4to .. .. .. .. Xowc?. 1630 Henley (John), M.A., called Orator Henley, The history and advan- tages of Divine Revelation, «^c., especially in regard to the most perfect manner of delivering it, form'd on the ancient laws of speak- ing and action : a Sermon preach'd at St. George the Martyr, Lon- don, November 15, 1724. 4to .. .. Lond. \1 25 Henley (Orator), The Primitive Liturgy, for the use of the Oratory of. 8vo . . Lond. Printed in the year of Grace 1736 Henley (Orator), Apotheosis : A Funeral Oration by, sacred to the memory of the most noble John duke of Marlborough. 8vo Lond. 1732 Henry (H.A.), Discourses on the Religious Belief of Israel, sm. 8vo . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 845 Herring (Thomas), archbishop of York, A Sermon preached at Ken- sington on the Fast day. 4to . . . . Lond. 1747 [Hickes (George),] Speculum Beata Virginis; a discourse of the due praise and honour of the Virgin Mary. By a true Catholick of the Church of England. 4to . . . . Lond. 1 686 Hickes (George), D.D., Some discourses upon Dr. Burnet and Dr. Tillotson ; occasioned by the late funeral sermon of the former upon the latter. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1695 Hoadley (Benj.) D.D., Some considerations offered to the right rev. the Lord Bishop of Exeter [Blackall], occasioned by his lord- ship's sermon preached before Her Majesty. 8vo Lond. 1709 The best answer that ever was made, and to which no answer ever will be made (not to be behind Mr. Hoadley in assurance), in answer to his Bill of Complaint against the Lord Bishop of Exe- ter for his sermon. 8vo. [Supposed to have been written by Charles Leslie, the non-juror.] . . . . Lond. 1709 Hoadley (Benj.), A vindication of the right rev. the Lord Bishop of Winchester against the aspersions of those who uncharitably as- cribe the book entituled A plain account of the nature and end of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to his lordship. 8vo Lond. 1736 Hodges (Thomas), The growth and spreading of Hseresie : a Sermon preached before the House of Commons on the Fast day, 10th March. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. \ 647 Home (Thomas Hartwell), B.D., The Sovereign's Prayer and Peo- ple's Duty : a Sermon at St. Edmund the King, Lombard street, July 1, 1838, on the coronation of the Queen [Victoria], sm. folio Lond. 1838 Howell (Joseph), A Discourse on Persecution. 4to Lond. 1685 Hunt (Thomas), D.D., late canon of Christ Church, Observations on 546 Theology, several passages on the Book of Proverbs ; with two sermons. 4to . . . . . . . . . . Oxford, 1 775 Hurd (Richard), D.D., bishop of Worcester, The Works of, in 8 vo- lumes, with a portrait of the author. 8vo Lond, \^\\ Idolatry, ancient and modern, compared : being a comparison be- tween the Israelitish and British women, in stubbornness and proneness to idolatry. By a Lady. Svo .. Lond. \1\Q If you find the terror of the Lord upon you, this is the sure way to salvation, folio sheet . . . . . . n. d. Ingram (Robert), M.A., An improved explanation of the Prophecy of the Seven Vials of Wrath, or seven last plagues. Svo Colchester, n. d. Ingram (Robert), M.A., An Exposition of Isaiah's Vision, ch. vii. Svo .. .. .. .. Colchester, MM Ingram (Robert), M.A., A view of the great events of the Seventh Plague, or period when the mystery of God shall be finished. Svo .. .. .. .. Colchester, nSb Jewell (John), A Treatise of the Sacraments, gathered out of the sermons of. Svo . . . . . . Lond. 1603 Josephus (Flavins), The whole and genuine Works of, translated from the original Greek, according to Havercamp's edition, with notes, by William Whiston, A.M. 4 vol. Svo Lond.n^d.. K. (J.), A Sermon preached before Sir Marmaduke Langdale at his entrance into Barwick. 4to . . . . 1648 Kettlewell (John), A Sermon preached at Coles -hill, Warwickshire, on the occasion of the death of Lord and Lady Digby. 4to Lond. 1688 Kettlewell, (John), The declaration and profession of. fo. sh. 1 694-5 King (John), D.D., The Divine Favour the best aUiance ; or repen- tance the safest sanctuary in times of danger : a Sermon preached on the Fast day, 19th December, 1701. 4to . . Lond. 1702 Knell (Paul), Israel and England paralleled, in a Sermon preached at Gray's Inn. 4to .. .. .. Xowrf. 1648 Knox (Vicesimus), D.D., The Works of. 7 vol. Svo Lond. 1824 Lardner (Nathaniel), D.D., The Works of; with a life, by Dr. Kippis. 10 vol. Svo .. .. .. .. Lowe?. 1838 Latimer (Hugh), Fruitfull Sermons preached, to the edifyng of all which will dispose themselves to the reading of the same. (Black letter.).. .. .. .. (Reprint) jLowc?. 1596 Lavington (Bishop), The enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists con- sidered, with notes, S^c, by the rev. R. Polwhele. Svo Lond. 1820 Theology, 547 Leightonhouse (Walter), M.A., The duty and benefit of frequent Communion: a Sermon. 4to .. .. jLowc?. 1689 Leland (Thomas), D.D., A dissertation on the principles of Human Eloquence ; with particular regard to the style and composition of the New Testament. 4to .. .. Zone?. 1764 Leland (Thomas), D.D., A view of the principal Deistical writers that have appeared in England during the last and present cen- tury. Fifth edition. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. Lond.lim Leon (Jacob Jehudah), A relation of the most memorable things in the Tabernacle of Moses, and the Temple of Solomon, according to the text of Scripture. 4to . . Amsterdam, 1675 Lord's Supper, the. Rules for self-examination for. fol. Lond. 1685 Lowth (Robert), D.D., A Letter to the right reverend author of the Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated, in answer to the appendix to the fifth volume of that work ; with an appendix , containing a former literary correspondence. By a late Professor in the University of Oxford. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1766 Lowth, Robert, D.D., A Letter to, occasioned by his letter to the right rev. author of the Divine Legation of Moses. By J. Brown, D.D. 8vo . . . . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1 786 Lucas (R.) D.D., A Sermon preached before Her Majestv on the Fast day. 4to . . .. .. .. Xowrf. 1693 Luther (Martin), A Commentary on the Psalms called Psalms of Degrees, &iC.', to which is prefixed an historical account of the Monastic life, particularly of the Monasteries of England. 8vo Lond. 1819 Luther (Martin),. On the Bondage of the Will, written in answer to the diatribe of Erasmus on Free-will. Translated by the rev. Henry Cole. 8vo .. .. .. Zowc?. 1823 Marshal (Stephen), B.D., A Sermon of thanksgiving preached to the two Houses of Parhament. 4to ., .. Xowrf. 1644 Melmoth (William), esq.. The great importance of a religious life considered, &;c. A new edition, with a memoir of the author, &;c., by Charles Purton Cooper, esq. 8vo Lond. 1849 Menasseh Ben Israel: — see Wall (Moses). Middleton (Conyers), D.D. The Miscellaneous Works of. Second edition. 5 vol. 8vo ,. .. .. Lond. 1755 More (Sir Thomas), A Dyaloge of Syr Thomas More, knyghte, one of the counsayll of oure Souerayne Lorde the Kyng, <^c., wherin be treaty d dyuers maters, as of the veneration and worshyp of ymagys and relyques, prayng to sayntys, and goyng on pylgry- mage, wyth many othere tliyngys touchyng the pestylent sect of Luther and Tyndale. small folio. [MS. notes.] Lond. Enpryntyd by Johannes Rastell, a.d. 1529 Nelson (Henry), Charity and Duty, in a Sermon preach'd at the Hertford School Feast. Aug. 19, 1707. 4to . . Lond. 1708 548 Theology. O'Bierne (T. L.) D.D., bp. of Ossory, A Sermon preached before the Lord Lieutenant on the Thanksgiving day. 8vo Dublin, 1798 Oxford Decree, The : — see Collier (Jeremy) ; Sherlock (William). Paley (William), D.D., The Works of ; and an account of the life and writings of the author. By Edmund Paley, A.M. 4 vol. 8vo Lond. 1838 Paradoxes, Two Remarkable. 1. That the World was created in an instant, and not in six days. 2. That the World at the last day shall not be entirely consumed by fire, folio Lond. 1 68 1 Parry (Richard), D.D., The genealogies of Jesus Christ in Matthew and Luke explained, and the Jewish objections removed. 8vo Lond. 1771 Parsons (John), M.A., A Sermon preached at the funeral of John earl of Rochester. 4to .. .. .. Oxford, \Q%Q Penington (Isaac), A Question to the Professors of Christianity, whe- ther they have the true, living, powerful, saving knowledge of Christ, or no? 4to .. .. .. Lond. \QQ1 Penn (William), Guide mistaken, and Temporizing rebuked ; or a brief reply to Jonathan Clapham's book, intituled A Guide to true religion. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1668 Penn (William), No Cross No Crown, a discourse showing the na- ture and discipline of the Cross of Christ, &;c. New edition. 8vo Lond. 1842 Philpotts (Henry), D.D., Letters to Charles Butler, esq., on the theo- logical parts of the book of the Roman catholic church. Second edition. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1826 Pilkington (Jo.), bishop of Durham, The Burning of Paules church in London in the year of our Lord 1561, and the iiij. day of July, by lyghtnynge, which continued terrible and helplesse unto night. 12mo ,. .. .. .. .. Xowc?. 1561 [This work does not contain any account of the burning of St. Paul's church, as might from the title be supposed ; but it is in truth a confutation of Popery, in answer to a book enti- tled An addition, with an apology, to the causes of the Brin- ninge of Paules church.] Prayer, The Lord's : — see Wilson (Grindal). Price (Richard), D.D., A discourse on the Love of our Country, de- livered Nov. 4, 1789, at the meeting-house in the Old Jewry, to the society for commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain. 8vo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 789 Prideaux (Humphrey), D.D., dean of Norwich, The true nature of imposture fully display'd in the life of Mahomet ; with a discourse annexed for the vindication of Christianity from this charge, 5fc. Eighth edition. 8vo * .. .. .. Lond. 11 2Z Prideaux (Humphrey), The Old and New Testament connected, in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the de- clension of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ. Nineteenth edition. 3 vol. 8vo .. .. Lond. \%25 Theology, 549 Priestley (Joseph), LL.D., Defences of Unitarianism for the years 1788,1789. 8vo .. .. Birmingham, 1190 Primer, The, set furth by the Kinges Majestie, and his Clergie, to be taughte, lerned, and red ; and none other to be used throughout all his dominions. 8vo. Imprinted by Richard Grafton, at London. 4to. (reprint.) Prynne (William), The perpetuitie of a regenerate man's estate. Se- cond edition. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1627 Prynne (William), Healthes sicknesse; or a compendious and briefe discourse, proving the drinking and pledging of healthes to be sin- full, and utterly unlawfull to Christians, 8^c. 4to Lond. 1628 Prynne (William), The Church of England's old antithesis to New Arminianisme. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1629 Prynne (WDliam), Lame Giles his haul tings ; or a briefe survey of Giles Widdowes his confutation of an appendix, concerning bow- ing at the name of Jesus. 4to .. .. Lond. \QZO Prynne (William), A short, sober, pacific examination of some exu- berances in and ceremonial appurtenances in the Common Prayer, «^c. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1661 Quakers. The Christian faith and profession of the people commonly called Quakers, concerning the divinity or deity of the Son of God, asserted, folio . . . . . . . . n. d. Religio Laid ; or a layman's thoughts upon his duty to God, his neighbour, and himself. 8vo .. .. Lond. 1764 Roberts (Joseph), Oriental illustrations of the sacred Scriptures, col- lected from the customs, manners, rites, superstitions, traditions, parabolical, idiomatical, proverbial forms of speech, climate, works of art and literature. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1835 Robinson, John, bishop of London. A defence of the Lord Bishop of London [Robinson] in answer to Mr. Whiston's letter of thanks to'his lordship. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1715 Rust (George), bishop of Dromore, A discourse on the use of rea- son in matters of religion ; written in Latin by, and translated, with notes, by Henry Hallywell. 4to . . Lond. 1683 Sale (George), The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Moham- med ; with explanatory notes and a preliminary discourse. A new edition, in which the surats or verses are for the first time marked. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1886 Scott (John), D.D., A Sermon preached at the assizes at Chelmsford, August 31, 1685. 4to . . .. .. Lond. 1686 Scott (John), D.D., A Sermon preached at Fulham, October 13, 1689, at the consecration of Stillingfleet bishop of Worcester, Patrick bishop of Chichester, and Ironside bishop of Bristol. 4to Lond. 1689 550 Theology, Scott (William), A Sermon on Bankruptcy, stopping payment, and the justice of paying our debts. 4to .. Lond. 1773 Scriptures, The, Illustrations of : — see Burder ; Roberts. Sharp (Granville), Remarks on a printed paper, intituled A Catalogue of the sacred vessels restored by Cyrus, and of the chief Jews who returned at first from the captivity, 8(C. Sec. edit. Lond. 1775 Sharp (Granville), A Tract on the law of nature and principles of ac- tion in man. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1777 Sherlock (William), The second part of the Preservative against Popery. 4to . . .. .. .. Lond. 1688 A defence of ditto. By William Giles. 4to . . Lond. 1 688 Sherlock, Will., D.D., The University of Oxford's censure of the ser- mon of, preached at St. Peter's in the East, Oxford, on the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude, concerning three infinite distinct minds and substances in the Trinity, folio sheet . . Oxford, 1 695 Sherlock (William), D.D., A modest examination of the authority and reasons of the late decree of the Vice- chancellor, &;c. of Ox- ford, concerning the heresy of three distinct infinite minds in the holy and ever blessed Trinity. 4to .. .. Lond. IQdQ [See Collier (Jeremy),] Simpson (David), M.A., A plea for religion and the sacred writings, with an appendix. A new edition, with a life of the author. By Sir J. B. Williams, LL.D. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1837 Sion's Hallelujah : a Sermon preached before the House of Peers in Westminster Abbey, June 28, 1660, being the Tlianksgiving for His Majesty's safe return. 4to . . . . Lond. 1660 Smedley (Jonathan), dean of Clogher, A specimen of an universal view of all the eminent writers on the Holy Scriptures ; being a collection of the dissertations, explications, and opinions of learned men in all ages, concerning the difficult passages and obscure texts of the Bible, folio . . . . . . Lond. 1 728 Spencer (John),' B.D., A discourse concerning prodigies; wherein the vanity of presages by them is reprehended, and their true and proper ends asserted and vindicated. 4to . . Lond. 1663 Standish (John), D.D., A Sermon preached at the Temple', the Sunday after the church was opened ; being then newly repaired. 4to . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 683 Stanhope (Michael), M.A., God the author of Victory : a Sermon, preached at Whitehall, 19 Aug. 1708, being the day of Thanks- giving. 4to . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 708 Stennett (Joseph), A Sermon preached June 27, 1706, being the day appointed for a general Thanksgiving for the progress of Her Majesty's arms and those of her allies, in Flanders and Spain. Second edition. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1 707 StiUingfleet (Edw.), D.D., bishop of Worcester, A Sermon preached before the King, Feb. 24, 1674-5. 4to . . Lond. 1675 Stillingfieet (Bishop), A Letter of, to the Clergy of his diocess. 4to Lond. 1689 Strutt (James), A declaration to the whole world to try themselves by God's witness in them. 4to . . . . Lond. 1659 Theology, 551 Stubs (Philip), M.A., A Sermon preached at Long Reach, on board His Majesty's ship the Royal Sovereign. 4to Lond. 1702 Taylor (John), D.D.* A paraphrase and notes on the Epistle to the Romans ; to which is prefixed a key to the Apostolic writings, &;c. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1745 Tillotson (John), D.D., A Sermon preached before the King, April 18, 1675. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1675 Tyndall (William), A brief declaration of the Sacraments, expressing the fyrst oryginall how they came up and were institute, with the true and moost syncere meaning and understandyng of the same, 6fC., compyled by. (Black letter.) 12mo .. n. d. Ussher (James), archbishop of Armagh, The Rights of Primogeni- ture, or the excellency of royal authority : in a Sermon preached before His Majesty in the Isle of Wight, upon the anniversary of his birth- day. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1648 Usserii (Jacobi), Armachani, Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti, folio .. .. .. .. Lutet. Paris. 1673 Vines (Richard), The authors, nature, and danger of Hseresie : a Sermon preached before the House of Commons at St. Margaret's Westminster, 10 March, 1646. 4to . . .. Lond. ] 647 Wakefield (Gilbert), B.A., An examination of the Age of Reason by Thomas Paine. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1794 Wakefield (Gilbert), B.A. The spirit of Christianity compared with the spirit of the times in Great Britain. 8vo Lond. 1794 Wall (Moses), The Hope of Israel : written by Menasseh Ben Israel, an Hebrew divine and philosopher : whereunto are added some discourses upon the point of the conversion of the Jewes. Second edition. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 165\ Warburton (William), D.D., bishop of Gloucester, The Works of. A new edition, with a preface containing some account of his life, writings, and character. By Richard Hurd, D.D., lord bishop of Worcester. 12 vol. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. \8l I Watts (I.), A Defense against the temptation of self murthur. 8vo Lond. 1726 Webster (William), A.M., A discourse on James ii. 10, 1 1 . ; with some incidental remarks upon the Deists. 8vo . . Lond. 1720 Whiston (WiUiam), A.M., The Christian's Rule of Faith ; or a table of all the most ancient creeds. Engraved bv John Senex. large sheet .. .. .. .. ' .. 1713 Whiston (William), A.M., A Proposal for erecting societies for pro- moting primitive Christianity, folio sheet .. 1712 White, Joseph, D.D., A Letter to ; containing remarks upon certain 552 Theology, passages in the notes subjoined to his Bampton Lectures. 8vo Lond. 1789 Wilkins (Jo.), bishop of Chester, A Sermon preached before the King, 19th March, 1 670-1 . 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1 67 1 Williams (Charles), M.A., A Sermon preached at the opening of Isle worth Church. Svo .. .. .. Lond. M 07 Williams (John), bishop of Lincoln, afterwards archbishop of York, The Holy Table, name and thing, more anciently, properly, and literally used under the New Testament than that of an Altar. Printed for the diocese of Lincoln. 4to . . 1637 [Published against Laud's innovations in church matters and religious ceremonies.] Wilson (Grindal), A plain exposition of the Lord's Prayer, broad sheet .. .. .. .. .. 1684 Wilson (H. B.), D.D., Sermons on several subjects. 8vo Lond. 1807 Wilson (H. B.), D.D., A Sermon preached December 2, 1818, the day of Her Majesty's interment. 4to . . . . Lond. 1818 Young (Edward), B.LL., fellow of New College, Oxon., A Sermon preached before His Majesty at Whitehall, 29 December, 1678. 4to .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1679 Young (Edward), B.LL., A Sermon preached at Lambeth, January 25th, at the consecration of Thomas [Ken], lord bishop of Bath and Wells. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1685 Royal Funerals. Tears shed over Abner : the Sermon preached on the Sunday before the Prince his funerall in St. James's Chappel before the body. By Daniel Price. 4to .. .. .. Lond. \6\3 The last Sermon preached before His Majesties Funerals, at Den- mark house, on Tuesday the third of May. By Phineas Hodson, Dr. of Divinitie. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1 625 The Subjects Sorrow ; or Lamentations upon the death of Britaine's Josiah, King Charles. 4to .. .. Lond. 1649 The Martyrdom of King Charles, in a Sermon preached at Bredagh, before his Majesty and the Princesse of Orange. By Henry [Lesly] , bishop of Down and Connor. 4to . . . . Lond. 1649 A Sermon preached at the Temple church, December 30tb, 1694, on the death of Queen Mary. By William Sherlock, D.D. 4to Lond. 1694 A Sermon preached before the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn, on the death of Queen Mary. By William Wake, D.D. 4to Lond. 1 695 A Sermon preached on the death of Queen Mary. By William Bates, 4to .. . . . . .. . . Lond. 1695 A Sermon preached on the death of Queen Mary ; with the address of condolence to His Majesty by the Dissenting Ministers. By William Bates, D.D. 4to . . . . . . Lond. 1695 Theology, 553 A Sermon preached at St. Andrew's, Holborn, on the death of Queen Mary. By Tho. Mann)mgham, D.D. 4to .. Xowrf. 1695 The Funeral Sermon of Margaret countess of Richmond, mother to King Henry VII., and foundress of St. John's College, Cambridge. By John Fisher, bishop of Rochester. 8vo (Reprint) Lond. 1708 Sermons, Four, on the deaths of Queen Mary, 1 694 ; Duke of Glou- cester, 1700 ; King William, 1701 ; and on Queen Anne's acces- sion in 1703. By William, lord bishop of St. Asaph. Second edition. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1712 A Sermon upon the death of Her late most excellent Majesty Queen Anne, preach'd in the parish church of Finchley, August 8th, 1714. By Nat. Marshall, LL.B., rector. 8vo- . . Lond. 1714 A Sermon preached at the church of St. Mary Aldermary, December 2nd, 1818, being the day of Her Majesty's [Queen Charlotte] in- terment. By H. B. Wilson, D.D. Second edition. 4to Lond. 1818 The Christian King. A Sermon preached at St. Andrew, Holborn, on the death of His late Majesty King George the Third. By Thomas Gilbank Acland, M.A. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1820 Cries of a Grateful People, A Hebrew Dirge or Hymn chaunted in the Great Synagogue, St. James's place, Aldgate, on the King's Funeral. [George III.] By Hyman Hurwitz. 8vo Lond. 1821 A Sermon on the death of His late Majesty George the Third, preached in the church of St. Swithin, Cannon street. By George Henry Watkins, M.A. 4to .. .. .. Lond. 1^20 Voyages^ Travels, 8fc. Abel (Clarke), F.L.S., Narrative of a Journeyin the interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that country in 1816 and 1817, con- taining an account of the most interesting transactions of Lord Amherst's embassy to the Court of Pekin, S^c. 4to Lond. 1818 Acerbi (Jo.), Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799. 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1802 Anacharsis the younger. Travels of, in Greece, during the middle of the fourth century before the Christian aera. By the Abbe Bar- thelemy. Translated from the French. 7 vol. 8vo, and 4to vol. of plates. . . . . . . . . Lond. 1 794 Anson (George), esq., commander-in-chief of a squadron of His Ma- jesty's ships, 8iC., A Voyage round the World, in the years 1740- 1-2-3-4. By Richard Walter, M.A., chaplain of the Centurion in that expedition. (Plates.) 4to .. .. Lond. IT ^H Armstrong (Alexander), M.D., R.N., A personal narrative of the discovery of the North West Passage ; with numerous incidents of travel and adventure during nearly five years' continuous ser- vice in the arctic regions, while in search of the expedition under Sir John Franklin. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. IS.*!? 2 o 554 Voyages, Travels, ^c. Atkinson (Thomas Witlara), Oriental and Western Siberia : a nar- rative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mon- golia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia. 8vo .* .. .. .. Lond. 1858 Barth (Henry), D.C.L., Travels and Discoveries in North and Cen- tral Africa : being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.B.M. Government in the years 1849-55. 5 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. \ 85 7 -58 Batdta (Ibn), The Travels of, translated from the abridged Arabic MS. copies preserved in the Public Library, Cambridge ; with notes. By the rev. Samuel Lee, B.D., Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. 4to .. .. Lond. 1829 Becher (A. B.), Capt., The Landfall of Columbus on his first voyage to America, with a translation of the Baron Bonnefoux's history of his previous life : also a chart showing his track from Landfall to Cuba, and an outline of his subsequent voyages. 8vo Lond. 1856 Beltrami (J. C), esq., A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River, 8fc. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1828 Belzoni (G.), Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries within the pyramids, temples, tombs, and excavations in Egypt and Nubia, and of journeys to the coast of the Red Sea and the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon. Second edition. 4to. (With the folio atlas of 44 coloured plates.) . . . . Lond. 1821 Brooke (James), Rajah of Sarawak, Journal of: — see Mundy (Capt. Rodney). Bruce of Kinnaird (James), esq., F.R.S., Travels to discover the source of the Nile, from 1768 to 1 773 ; to which is prefixed the life of the author. Third edition, corrected and enlarged. 7 vol. 8vo, and 4to vol. of plates. . , . . Edinb. 1813 Brydone (P.), F.R.S., A Tour through Sicily and Malta, in a series of letters to William Beckford, esq., of Somerley in Suffolk. A new edition. 2 vol. 8vo . . . . . . Lond. 1776 Buckingham (J. S.), Travels among the Arab Tribes, exhibiting the countries east of Syria and Palestine. 4to . . Lond. 1825 Buckingham (J. S.), Travels in Mesopotamia, including a journey from Aleppo across the Euphrates to Orfah (the Ur of the Chaldees) through the plains of the Turcomans to Diarbekr in Asia Minor ; from thence to Mar din, on the borders of the Great Desert, and by the Tigris to Mousul and Bagdad ; with researches on the ruins of Babylon, Nineveh, Arbela, Ctesiphon, and Seleucia. 4to Lond. 1827 Burckhardt (John Lewis), Travels in Nubia, published by the Asso- ciation for promoting the discovery of the interior parts of Africa. Second edition. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1822 Burney (James), A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea. or Pacific Ocean. 5 vol. 4to . . Lond, 1803 Voyages, Travels, ^c, 555 Burney (James), captain in the Royal Navy, A Chronological His- tory of Voyages and Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean 5 vol. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond, 1806 Barton (Robert) , Two Journeys to Jerusalem by. 1 2mo Lond, 1719 Catlin (George), Illustrations of the manners, customs, and condi- tions of the North American Indians ; in a series of letters and notes written during eight years of travel and adventure among the wildest and most remarkable tribes now existing ; with 360 engravings from the author's original drawings. Fifth edition. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1845 Chandler (Richard), D.D., Travels into Asia Minor and Greece. A new edition, with corrections and remarks, by Nicholas Revett,esq.; to which is prefixed an introductory account of the author, by Ralph Churton, M.A., 8^c. 2 vol. 8vo . . Oxford, 1825 Chardia (Sir John), Preface to the travels of, into Persia. (Specimen sheet.) folio .. .. T. .. 1686 Chardin (Sir John), Travels of, into Persia and the East Indies ; to which is added the coronation of this present king of Persia, Soly- man the Third, folio .. .. .. Xowc?. 1686 Clarke (E. D.), LL.D., Travels into various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Fourth edition. 11vol. 8vo .. Xowrf. 1816-25 Collins (Lieut. -colonel). An account of the English colony in New South Wales, from its first settlement in January, 1 788, to Aug. 1801 ; with remarks on the dispositions, customs, manners, 5fC., of the native inhabitants of that country ; to which are added some particulars of New Zealand, and an account of a voyage performed by Captain Flinders and Mr. Bass, by which the existence of a strait separating Van Dieman's Land from the continent of New Holland was ascertained. Illustrated by numerous engravings. Second edition. 4to .. .. .. Lond. ISO A Columbus (Christopher), A history of the Life and Voyages of. By Washington Irving. 4 vol. 8vo .. .. Zowrf. 1828 Columbus, The Landfall of: — see Becher (A. B.). Cook (James), commander of the Resolution, A Voyage towards the south pole and round the world, in His Majesty's ships the Reso- »lution and Adventure, in the years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775 ; in which is concluded Captain Furneaux's Narrative. 2 vol. 4to Lond. \in Cook (James), and Captain James King, LL.D. and F.R.S., A Voy- age to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken by the command of His Ma- jesty, for making discoveries in the northern hemisphere, under the direction of Captains Cook, Gierke, and Gore, in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Discovery, in 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1 780. Published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Second edition. 3 vol. 4to .. Lone?. 1785 [Uniformly bound in red morocco with Hawkesworth, in eight volumes.] Cook (James), The Life of : — see Biography^ 2 o 2 556 Voyages, Travels, ^c, Coxe (William), Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, illustrated with charts and engravings. Fourth edition. 5 vol. 8vo Lond. 1792 Coxe (William), M.A., F.R.S., S^c, Travels in Switzerland, and in the country of the Grisons. Fourth edit. 3 vol. 8vo LondA^Ql Curzon (Hon. Robert), Visits to the Monasteries of the Levant, with numerous woodcuts. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1849 Dampier (Captain William), A new Voyage round the World ; illus- trated with maps and draughts. 7th edit. 4 vol. 8vo Lond. 11 2d Delia Valle (Pietro), The Travels of, into East India and Arabia De- serta, in which the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those oriental princes and nations are faithfully described ; in familiar letters to his friend Signor Mario Schipano : whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe's voyage into the East Indies, folio Lond. 1665 Dibdin (Thomas Frognall), D.D., A bibliographical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in France and Germany. 3 vol. 8vo Lond. 1829 Du Baudrier (The Sieur), A new journey to Paris. 8vo Lond. 1711 Dufferin (Lord), Letters from High Latitudes, being some account of a voyage in the schooner yacht Foam, 85 O.M.,to Iceland, Jan Maven, and Spitzbergen, in 1856. Second edition. 8vo Lond. 1857 Elliot (Captain Robert), R.N., Views in the East; comprising India, Canton, and the shores of the Red Sea ; with historical and de- scriptive illustrations. 2 vol. royal 8vo ,. Lond. 1833 Ellis (Henry), Journal of the proceedings of the late embassy to China; comprising a correct narrative of the public transactions of the embassy, of the voyage to and from China, 5fc. Illustrated with maps and drawings. 4to .. .. .. Lond. \Sn Ellis (William), Polynesian Researches, during a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands. Second edition. 4 vol. 8vo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1840 Erythrean Sea, the. The Periplus of : — see Vincent. Eustace (John Chetwode), A Classical Tour through Italy, anno 180^. Third edition; with a map of Italy, plans of churches, &;c. A Classical Tour through Italy and Sicily, tending to illustrate some districts not described by Mr. Eustace. 3 vol. 4to Lond. 1819 Franklin (Captain), R.N., F.R.S., M.W.S., Narrative of a Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea. Second edition. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1824 Hakluyt (Richard), The principal navigations, voiages, traffiques, and discoveries of the English nation. 3 vol. folio Lond. 15198-9 The same. New edition. 5 vol. royal 4to . . Lond. 1809 Voyages, Travels y h^c. 557 Hall (Basil), R.N., Travels in North America, in the years 1827-8. Third edition. 3 vol. small Svo . . . . Bdinh. 1830 Hamilton (William), esq., F.A.S., Remarks oii several parts of Turkey ; including ^gyptiaca, or an account of the antient and modern state of Egypt. 4to (With folio volume of etchings.) Lond. 1809 Harris (John), D.D., F.R.S., Navigantium atque Itinerantium Biblio- theca ; or a complete collection of voyages and travels, consisting of above six hundred of the most authentic writers. Carefully re- vised, with large additions, S^c. 2 vol. folio . . Lond. 1 744 Hasselquist (Frederick), M.D., Voyages and Travels in the Levant; in the years 1749-50-51-52, containing observations in natural history, physick, agriculture, and commerce ; particularly on the Holy Land and the natural history of the Scriptures ; written ori- ginally in the Swedish language. Published by order of Her present Majesty the Queen of Sweden. By Charles Linnaeus, physician to the King of Sweden. 8vo .. .. Lond. 11 QQ Hawkesworth (John), LL.D., An account of the Voyages under- taken by the order of His present Majesty, for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by Com- modore Byron and Captains Wallis, Carteret, and Cook, in the Dol- phin, the Swallow, and the Endeavour. 3 vol. 4to Lond. 1774 [Bound uniformly with Cook's voyages, in nine volumes ; of which it is the three first of the series. See Cook.] Hood (John), Australia and the East ; being a journal narrative of a voyage to New South Wales in an emigrant ship ; with a resi- dence of some months in Sydney and the Bush, and the route home by way of India and Egypt, in the years 1841 and 1842. Svo . . . . . . . . . . Lond. 1843 Hungary, Map of : — see Seller (John). Irving (Washington), A history of the Life and Voyages of Christo- pher Columbus. 4 vol. 8vo .. ., Lond. IS'2S Jamaica, A Trip to, with a true character of the people and island, folio . . .. .. .. .. Lond. 1698 James (Captain James) , Audi alteram partem ; or an examination of the conduct of the French Revolutionists, from 1789 to 1793 ; with a political introduction and postscript. 8vo Lond. 1793 Jameson (R. G.), New Zealand, South Australia, and New South Wales : a record of recent travels in these colonies, with especial reference to emigration, and the advantageous employment of labour and capital. 8vo . . . . . . Lond, 1 842 Keppel (Hon. Henry), The Expedition to Borneo of His Majesty's ship Dido, for the suppression of piracy ; with extracts from the journal of James Brooke, esq., of Sarawak (now agent for the British Government in Borneo). 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1846 558 Voyages, Travels, S^c, Kerr (Robert), F.R.S., and F.A.S.E., A general History and collec- tion of Voyages and Travels, arranged in systematic order ; form- ing a complete history of the origin and progress of navigation, discovery, and commerce, by sea and land, from the earliest ages to the present time. 18 vol. 8vo . . , . Edinb. 1811 Keysler (Jo. Geo.), Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain ; giving a true and just description of the present state of those countries ; their natural, literary, and political history, manners, laws, commerce, manufactures, painting, sculpture, architecture, coins, antiquities, curiosities of art and na- ture, 5fc. Illustrated with copper plates, engraved from drawings taken on the spot, carefully translated from the second edition of the German. 4 vols, in 3, 4to . . . . Lond. 1756 Laborde (Alex, de), A view of Spain : comprising a descriptive iti- nerary of each province, and a general statistical account of the country, including its population, agriculture, manufactures, com- merce, and finances ; its government, civil and ecclesiastical esta- blishments ; the state of the arts, sciences, and literature ; its man- ners, customs, natural history, 8^c. 5 vol. 8vo Lond. 1809 Laborde (M. L^on de), Journey through Arabia Petrsea to Mount Sinai, and the excavated city of Petra, the Edom of the prophecies. Svo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1836 Lander (Richard and John), Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger ; with a narrative of a voyage down that river to its termination. In 2 volumes, illustrated with engravings and maps. Third edition. 12mo .. Lond. 1845 Layard (Austen Henry), Nineveh and its remains ; with an account of a visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis or devil worshippers ; and an enquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyrians. Fifth edition. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1850 Layard (Austen Henry), Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert; being the result of a second expedition undertaken for the trustees of the British Museum. With maps, plans, and illustrations. 2 vol. Svo ., .. . . .. .. Lond. 1853 Livingstone (David), LL.D., D.C.L., Missionary Travels and Re- searches in South Africa ; including a sketch of sixteen years' re- sidence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast ; thence across the con- tinent, down the river Zambesi, to the Eastern Ocean. Svo Lond. 1S57 Madox (John), Excursions in the Holy Land, Syria, Egypt, Nubia, •SfC. 2 vol. Svo . . . . . . . . Lond. 1834 Maundevile (Sir John), The Voiage and Travaile of; which treateth the way to Hierusalem and of marvayles of Inde, with other ilands and countryes. Published from the original MS. in the Cotton Library. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1727 Voyages, Travels, ^c, 559 Maundrell (Henry), M.A., A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, a.d. 1697; also a journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again, translated from a MS. written by the Pre- fetto of Egypt, by the right rev. Robert Clayton, lord bishop of Clogher : to which is added a faithful account of the religion and manners of the Mahometans, by Joseph Pitts. 8vo Lond. 1810 Mexico illustrated in twenty-six drawings. By John Phillips and A. Rider ; with descriptive letter-press in English and Spanish, folio Lond. 1848 Middleton (Sir Henry), The Voyage of, to Bantam and the Maluco Islands ; being the second voyage set forth by the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies. From the edition of 1 606. (Annotated and edited by Bolton Cor- ney, M.R.S.L.) 8vo .. .. .. Xonrf. 1855 Mundy (Capt. Rodney), R.N., Narrative of events in Borneo and Celebes, down to the occupation of Labuan ; from the journals of James Brooke, esq., rajah of Sarawak and governor of Labuan ; together with a narrative of the operations of H.M.S. Iris. With numerous plates, maps, charts, and wood-cuts. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1848 Nearchus, The Voyage of : — see Vincent. Norden (Frederick Lewis), F.R.S., captain in the Danish navy. Travels in Egypt and Nubia; edited by Dr. Peter Templeman. Best English edition enlarged. 2 vol. in 1. folio Lond. 1757 Overbury (Sir Thomas), Voyage de, dans les Pays-Bas Espagnols, vers 1609. 8vo . . '.. .. .. Gawrf, 1853 Park (Mungo), Travels into the interior districts of Africa, performed in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797, with an account of a subsequent mission to that country in 1805. With an account of the author's life. 2 vol. 8vo.. .. .. .. Lond. \%\0 Parry (William Edward), R.N., F.R.S., Journal of a Voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pa- cific, performed in the years 1819-20, in His Majesty's ships Hecla and Griper ; with an appendix, containing the scientific and other observations. Jourjial of a second voyage performed in the years 1821-22-23, in His Majesty's ships Fury and Hecla, illus- trated by numerous plates. Journal of a third voyage performed in the years 1824-25, in His Majesty's ships Hecla and Fury, illustrated by plates and charts. Published by authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 3 vol. 4to Lond. 1821, 1824, 1826 Pinkerton (John), A general Collection of the best and most interest- ing voyages and travels in all parts of the world, many of which are now first translated into English; digested on a new plan. (Plates.) 17 vol. 4to .. .. .. Xo»(f. J808 560 Voyages, Travels, S^c. Pococke (Richard), LL.D., A description of the East and some other countries. 2 vol. folio .. .. .. Xowrf. 1743-45 Polack (J. S.), Manners and customs of the New Zealanders ; with notes, corroborative of their habits, usages, 5fc., and remarks to intending emigrants. With numerous wood-cuts. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1830 Poole (R.), M.D., A Journey from London to France and Holland, or the traveller's useful Vade mecum. Svo . . Lond. 1750 Reid (Thomas), Two Voyages to New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land ; with a description of the present condition of that colony : including facts and observations relative to the state and manage- ment of convicts of both sexes. Also reflections on seduction, and its general consequences. Svo .. .. Lond. 1822 Ross (Capt. Sir James Clark), A Voyage of discovery and research in the Southern and Antarctic regions, during the years 1839-43. With plates, maps, and wood-cuts. 8vo . . Lond. 1847 Savary (M.), Letters on Egypt ; containing a parallel between the manners of its ancient and modern inhabitants, its commerce, agri- culture, government, and religion ; with the descent of Louis IX. at Damietta. Translated from the French. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1787 Seller (John), Proposals by, for a map of Hungary, fo. sh. 1687 Shaw (Thomas), D.D., Travels ; or observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant, folio . . Oxford, J 738 Slave Trade, Observations on the, and a description of some part of the coast of Guinea, during a vovage made in 1787-8. By C. B. Wadstrom. Svo . . .. ' .. .. Lond. 1789 Smithers (Henry), Observations made during a residence in Brussels, and tours in the Netherlands. Third edition. Svo Lond. 1822 Spon : — see Wheler. Sonnini (C. S.), Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, by order of the old government of France. 4to . . . . Lond. 1808 Staunton (Sir George), An authentic account of an embassy to China, 8fC. ; together with a relation of the voyage undertaken on the occasion : taken chiefly from the papers of the Earl of Macartney, embassador to China. 2 vol. 4to .. Lond. 1798 Plates accompanying ditto, folio. Tavernier (Jo. Baptista), The Six Voyages of, thi*ough Turkey into Persia and the East Indies, finished in the year 1670, giving an account of the state of those countries ; together with a new rela- tion of the Grand Seignor's seraglio, by the same author. Made English by J. P. [Phillips] ; to which is added a description of all the kingdoms which encompass the Euxine and Caspian seas, by an English traveller : never before printed, folio Lond. 1678 Voyages, Travels, ^c, 561 Thevenot (M. de), The Travels of, into the Levant, in three parts, viz. 1, Turkey; 2, Persia; 3, the East Indies, folio Lond, 1687 Ulloa (Don Geo. Juan and Don Antonio de), A Voyage to South America ; describing at large the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, 8^c. on that extensive continent : undertaken by command of the king of Spain. Translated from the original Spanish. The third edition ; to which are added by Mr. John Adams, occasional notes and observations, an account of some parts of the Brazils, SfC, and a map of South America. 2 vol. 8vo . . Lond. 1772 Vaillant (M. le). Travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in [the years 1 780-81-82-83-84 and 85. Translated from the French. Second edition, illustrated with twelve elegant copper plates. 2 vol. 8vo . . Lond. 1796 Vaillant (M. le). New Travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1783-84 and 85. Translated from the French ; illustrated with a map delineating the route of his present and former travels, and with twenty-two other copper-plates. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. Lond. 1796 Vincent (William), D.D., dean of Westminster, The commerce and navigation of the ancients in the Indian Ocean. 2 vol. 4to Containing: Lond. 1807 I. The voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates, collected from the original journal preserved by Arrian, and il- lustrated by authorities ancient and modern, containing an ac- count of the first navigation attempted by Europeans in the In- dian Ocean. To which are added three dissertations : two on the acronychal rising of the Pleiades, by the right rev. Dr. Samuel Horsley, lord bishop of Rochester, and by Mr. William Wales, master of the Royal Mathematical School in Christ's Hospital ; and one by M. de la Rochette, on the First Meridian of Ptolemy. II. The Periplus of the Erythrean sea. Part the first, contain- ing an account of the navigation of the ancients, from the sea of Suez to the coast of Zanguebar. With dissertations. Volnev (M. C. F.), Travels through Syria and Egypt in the years 1783, 1784. and 1785. Second edition. 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1788 Voyages and Travels, A Collection of, now first printed from original MSS. : others translated out of foreign languages, and now first pubhshed in English. 8 vol. 4to . . . . Lond. i 704-32 Voyages and Travels, A new general Collection of. 4 vol. 4to. (Published by Thomas Astley.) .. .. Lo«c/. 1745-47 Ward (Edward), A Trip to New England, by. folio Lond. 1699 Ward (Edward), A Trip to Jamaica, by. Fourth edit. fo. Lond. 1699 Wheler (George), A Journey into Greece, in company with Dr. Spon of Lyons. With sculptures, folio .. .. Lond, \Q^2 562 Voyages, Travels, S^c. Williams (John), Account of missionary enterprizes in tlie South-Sea Islands. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1837 Wordsworth (Christopher), Diary in France, mainly on topics con- cerning education and the church. 8vo . . Lond. 1845 Miscellaneous, Adams (Rev. James), S.R.E.S., The Pronunciation of the English Language vindicated from imputed anomaly and caprice. 8vo Edinb. 1799 Ains worth's Latin Dictionary, by Morell. 4to Lond. 1773 Alison (Archibald), LL.D., Essays on the nature and principles of taste. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. JEdinb. I8\l Almanacks. The Rebels' Almanack ; calculated for the use of all loval subjects within these His Majestie's realmes and dominions, 5fc. 4to .. .. .. .. Lond. 1660 An Almanack for the year of Christ 1695, with the Jewish Ka- lendar. 24mo .. .. .. Oaf or d, 1695 Andrews (William), News from the Stars. . . 1688 Dove, Speculum Anni. . . . . . . 1688 Dutch, The Bloudy, for the year 1653. 4to . . Lond. 1653 Gadbury (John), Ephemeris. .. .. 1688 Lewis (William), New Ephemeris. .. 1688 Merlinus Junior. .. .. .. 1688 Nuncius Sydereus. .. .. .. 1688 Partridge (J.), Annus Mirabilis. [See Poor Robin.] 1688 Pond's Almanack. .. .. .. 1688 Saunders (Richard), Apollo Anglicanus. .. 1688 Thee and Thou Almanack. 4 to. Wing (John), Almanack. .. .. 1688 Woodward (Daniel), Vox Uranise. . . . . 1688 Partridge's Almanacks for the years 1733-38-39-40-41-43-46. Parker's Ephemeris for 1738-39-40-41-43-46. [With manu- script diaries of occurrences, ^c. of Stephen Monteage, officially attached to the South-Sea and Custom houses. A curious pic- ture of the routine life of a man in office upwards of a century ago.] 7 vol. 8vo. Almanach Imperial pour 1809. 8vo . . ct Paris, 1810 The New South Wales Pocket Almanack, or Remembrancer, small 8vo . . . . . . . . 1 844 American Review, The North. Vols. 38-85, in 26 vol. 1834-57 Annual Register, The [Dodsley's], and view of history, politics, and literature. 98 vol. 8 vo \. .. Lond. ] 7 58-1857 Annual Register, llie New. 28 vol. 8vo Lond. 1780-1810 Annual Review, The. Bv J. Aikin, M.D. 6 vol. 8vo Lond. 1802-8 Annual Review, The. By J. Aikin, M.D. 7 vol. 8vo Lond. 1802-8 Miscellaneous, 563 Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine; from 1798 to 1809. 34 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1798-1809 Aristarchus ; or the principles of composition. 8vo Lond. \9>22 Atterbury (Francis), bishop of Rochester, The epistolary correspon- dence, 8^c., and miscellanies of. 4 vol. 8vo . . Lond. 1783 Bailey (N.), A new Universal Etymological Dictionary of the English language. Edited by Joseph Nicol Scott, M.D. folio Lond. 1755 Baker (James), A collection of facts relative to J. W. Trust, publisher of Dalembert's work called Hell Destroyed. 8vo Lond. 1823 Baretti (Giuseppe), Dizionario delle Lingue Italiana ed Inglese. Nona edizione, corretta e migliorata, da Carolo Thomson. 2 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Londra, 1839 Beattie (James), Scotticisms, arranged in alphabetical order, de- signed to correct improprieties of speech and writing. (Inlaid and interleaved in 4to). 12mo .. .. Edinb. 1811 Bellamy and Gordon, A new and complete English Dictionary, par- ticularly adapted to the instruction and improvement of persons not having had a liberal education. 8vo . . Lond. 1762 Beloe (Rev. WiUiam), Anecdotes of Literature and scarce books. 6 vol. 8vo .. .. .. .. Xowc?. 1807-12 Benson (Thomse), B.D., Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum. 8vo Oxon. 1701 Bibliographical Dictionary ; being an account of books in all depart- ments of literature, including the whole of Dr. Harwood's View of the Classics, AO Natural History, 8fC. Brotherton (William), The Olive, the Rape, and the Flax; their products and their cultivation. 8vo .. .. Lond, 1857 Mantell (Gideon Algernon), LL.D., The Wonders of Geology ; or a familiar exposition of geological phenomena. Seventh edition, re- vised and augmented by T. Rupert Jones, F.G.S. 2 vol. Svo Lond. 1857 . Poetry, the Drama, 8fC, Barnwell, George, The City Apprentice, or London's life in the last century. 8vo . . . . . . . . n. d. Bentley (Richard), D.D., Emendations on Milton. 8vo Lond. 1 732 Burgoyne (J.), The Heiress, a comedy in five acts. Twelfth edition. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Lond. 1802 Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de), Vida y Hechos del ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Parte primera. Svo Amberes, 1719 Chambers (Miss), The School for Friends, a comedy. 8vo n. d. Cherrv (A), The Soldier's Daughter, a comedy in five acts. 8vo Lond. 1804 Clarke (Mrs. Cowden), The complete Concordance to Shakspeare ; being a verbal index to the dramatic works of that poet. New and revised edition. 8vo . . . . . . n. d. Congreve (William), The Way of the World, a comedy. 8vo Lond. 1776 Cowley (Mrs.), The Runaway, a comedy. 8vo . . Lond. 1812 Cumberland (Richard), The Jew, a comedy. Svo Lond. 1801 Daughter, The Deserted, a comedy in five acts. Svo Lond. 1806 Dibdin (Thomas), Family Quarrels, a comic opera in three acts. Svo .. .. .. .. .. Lond.\80b Don John, or the Two Violettas, a musical drama in three acts. Svo .. . . .. .. .. Lond. 1821 Duck (Stephen), Poems. Svo .. .. Lond. 17^0 Farquhar (Mr.), The Constant Couple ; or a trip to the Jubilee, a comedy. Svo .. .. .. .. Lond. 1777 Fielding (Henry), The Fathers ; or the good natured man, a comedy. Svo . . . . .. . . . . Lond. 1778 Foote (Samuel), The Cozeners, a comedy in three acts. Svo Lond. 1778 Froissart, Poemes in^dits de ; — La Cour de May, Dittier amoureux ofitjrt a la Reine d'Angleterre. Notice par M. Kervyn de Letten- hove. Svo . . . . . . . . n. d. 590 ADDENDA. Garrick (David), The Country Girl, a comedy, with prefatory re- marks, 8iC., by W. Oxberry. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1819 Gilpin, John, The Dartford edition of the Adventures of, with notes, by Joseph Robins. Svo .. .. .. Dartford,\M^ Gnome King, The, or the Giant Mountains ; a dramatic legend in two acts. Svo ,. .. .. .. jLowc?. 1819 Halliwell (J. O.), Curiosities of modern Shaksperian Criticism. Svo Lond. 1853 Horn (C. E.), Philandering; or the Rose Queen, a comic opera in three acts. Svo .. .. .. Zone?. 1824 Inquisitor, The, a play in five acts. Svo .. Lond. 1798 Lee (Nathaniel), Theodosius ; or the Force of Love, a tragedy. Svo . . , . . . . . . . Lond. 1777 Love in the City ; a comic opera. Svo ., Lond. 1767 Macklin (Charles), The Man of the World, a comedy in five acts. Svo . . . . . . ' . . . . Lond. 1 809 Maid of the Mill, The, a comic opera. Svo . . Lond. 1783 Mullner (Adolphus), Guilt; or the Gipsey's Pi'ophecy, a tragedy, followed by Schiller's " Ideal" and " The Cranes of Ibycus." By W.E. Frye. Svo .. .. .. Lond. 1819 Murphy (Arthur), All in the Wrong, a comedy. Svo Lond. 1775 Philips (Ambrose), The Distrest Mother, a tragedy of five acts. Svo .. .. . . .. . . Lond. 1816 Prynne (William), Histrio-Mastix ; or the plaver's scourge. 4to Lond. 1633 Rosamond, Fair, Songs, duets, choruses, 5fc., in, a grand opera. Svo .... . . . . . . n. d. Spencer (Edmund), The Faery Queene, Shepherd's Calendar, and other poems, folic.. .. .. Z/o«c?. 1589-1611 Upholsterer, The, or What News ? a comedy in two acts, Svo n. d. What is she? a comedy in five acts. Svo . . Lond. 1800 Wroughton (Richard), Shakspeare's King Richard the Second, an historical play, adapted to the stage with alterations and additions. Svo . . . . . . . . . . Lond, 1815 Miscellaneous. ^Ifric Society's Publications. Svo : Nos. 1 to 4. The Homilies of ^Ifric; with an English translation. By Benjamin Thorpe, esq., F.S.A. Lond. 1843-44 5. The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis ; with an Enghsh translation. By J. M. Kemble, M.A. Lond. 1844 6, 7. The Homilies of iElfric. By Thorpe. Lond. 1844 8. Anglo-Saxon Dialogues of Solomon and Saturn. By Kemble. .. .. .. Lond. 1845 9. The Homilies of ^Ifric. By Thorpe. .. Lond. \845 10,11,12. Ditto ditto Zowrf. 1846 13. Anglo- Saxon Dialogues of Solomon and Saturn. By Kemble. .. .. .. Lond. 18^7 ADDENDA. 591 Bombay. Proceedings of the Students Literary and Scientific Society, for 1854-55 and 1855-56. 8vo . . . . Bombay, 1856 Chalmers (Frederick), English Hearts and English Hands; or the railway and the trenches. 8vo .. .. Lonrf. 1858 Dulwich College ; or the Orphan and the Poor defended from the errors of the Charity Trusts Board. 8vo .. Lond. 1856 Dulwich College and the Charity Commissioners, a case for admini- strative reformers. 8vo . . . . . . n. d. Herbert (Williara) , School Elocution ; or the young academical ora- tor. 8vo . . . . . . .. Lond. 1853 Home (Tho. Hartwell), An Introduction to the study of Bibliography; with a memoir on the public libraries of the ancients. 8vo Lond. 1814 Hyde (Tho.), Catalogus Bibliothecse Bodleianse : — see page 568. Liberal, The, a Critique on. 8vo . . . . Lond. 1822 Mathews (Charles), Lettre de M. aux auteurs dramatiques de la France. 8vo . . .. .. .. Lond. \%b2 Mayer (Joseph), History of the Art of Pottery in Liverpool. 8vo Liverpool, 1855 Mayer (Joseph), A Catalogue of drawings, miniatures, cameos, 3fc., illustrative of the Bonaparte family, 8^c. 8vo Liverpool, 1855 New York. Catalogue of Maps and Surveys in the offices of the secretary of state, of the state engineer and surveyor, and in the New York state Library. 8vo . . . . Albany, 1 85 1 New York, Annual Report of the Trustees of the State Library of. 8vo .. .. .. .. .. Albany, 1854 Overstone (Right hon. Lord), Tracts and other publications on Me- tallic and Paper Currency. 8vo .. .. Lond. ] 857 Overstone, Lord, Questions communicated by, to the Decimal Coin- age Commissioners, with Answers, folio . . Lond. 1857 Oxfordshire Anecdotes, No. 2. Bicester. 8vo n. d. A''. B. For the Hebrew works, the gift of David Salomons, esq., see special catalogue in the Library. INDEX. A. B., The Serjeant's Letter on the in- tended invasion of the Pretender, 89. Abarbanel (Solomon), Complaint of the children of Israel, 253. Abbott (John William), History of Lon- don, 1. Abel (Alderman), An exact Legendary, 14. (Clarke), Journey in the interior of China, 553. (Elizabeth), Recollections of Napo- leon, 457. Acerbi (Joseph), Travels, 553. Acherley (Roger), The Britannic Consti- tution, 253. Ackermann(R.), Microcosm of London, 1. • History of the Abbey church of St. Peter, Westminster, 204. Akerman (John Y.), Tradesmen's Tokens, 95. Ackland (T. G.), A Discourse upon the Times, 181. • Sermon on the Death of George III., 553. Acton (Samuel), Design for improving Holbom Bridge, ^c, 73. Adams (Ferdinando), and others. Petition to Parliament, 405. (J.) London surveyed, 1, 526. Sermon at St. Paul's, 188. (James) English Pronunciation vin- dicated, 562. (John Quincy), Oration on the an- niversary of American Independence, 458. (George) Description and Use of a New Sea Quadrant, 498. Adamson (John), Lusitania lUustrata, 526. Addington, Speech on the Union, 322. Addison (C. G.), History of the Knight Templars, the Temple Church, (f-c, 75. The Temple Church, 75. The Works of, by Bishop Hurd, 515. Adis (Henry), A Cup for the Citie and her adherents, 139. Adolphus (John), History of England, 329. Agar (Ben), Clericus Mereati, 114. A. H., Relief of the Poor in London, 24-, 119. Aikin (John), and William Enfield, Ge- neral Biography, 389. • Aiuials of George the Third, A View of the Character, ^"c.. of John Howard, ' Annual Review, 563. — (Lucy), Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth, 329. Memoirs of James the First, 329. 329. • Memoirs of Charles the First, Life of Addison, 389. Ainsworth (Robert), Latin Dictionary, 562. (William H.), New Monthly Ma- gazine, 574. Aiton (W. T.), Hortus Kewensis, 498. Akenside (Mark), Ode to the Earl of Huntingdon, 515. Albemarle (Earl of). Memoirs of the Mar- quis of Rockingham, 310. Albin (John), History of the Isle of Wight, 357. Albyn (Benjamin), Narrative of unpa- ralleled Grievances, 405. Alexander (John), Love one another, a Tub Lecture, 582. God's Covenant displayed, 540. Alford (Henry), Lectures on the Fifth Commandment, 166. Allen (F.) Charge to the Clergy, with some account of the Life of Bishop Gibson, 540. (Robert), Essay on the South Sea Trade, 50. (Thomas), History and Antiquities of London, 1. History and Antiquities of Lambeth, 357. (William), History and Antiquities of the Round Church at Little Maple-^ stead, 357, 386. (the younger), England's Warning-piece, 180. — (WUUam), Life of, 389. 2r 594 INDEX. Alison (Archibald), History of Europe, 457. ' Continuation of, 457. ■ Essays upon Taste, 562. Almon (John), Correspondence and Me- moirs of John Wilkes, 19. AUnutt (Zachariah), Mode of Improving the Thames Navigation, 173. Alsop (Mr.), Speech of, to the King, 253, 276. Altham (R.), Sermon at the opening of Bishopsgate Church, 180. Sermon at St. Paul's, 187. — Sermon at St. Lawrence's, 187. Ames (Joseph), Typographical Antiqui- ties, 510. Ammianus Marcellinus, History of. (Cor- pus Historicum), 463. Amsinck (Paul), Tunbridge Wells illus- trated, 357. Anacharsis (the younger). Travels in Greece. (Corpus Historicuvi) ^ 463, 553. Anderson (George), General View of the affairs of the East India Company, 41. ■ (Mr.), Historical and Chronological deduction of the origin of Commerce, 329. History of British Com- merce, 329. (Walter), History of France, 458. (William), Copy of the paper de- livered by, to the Sheriffs, 405. (James), Account of the Hebrides, 329. Anderton (James), A Key to unlock all the Wards of the city of London, 150. Andree (Jo.), Observations upon the vir- tues of Hemlock, 498. Andre (M. St.) , The Anatomist dissected, 498. Andre we s (Thomas), Sermon at St. Law- rence's, 189. Andrews (Richard), The Gaol of New- gate unmasked, 154. ■ ■ ■ (William), News from the Stars, 562. (James P.), History of Great Bri- tain, 329. Angel (Samuel), Letter to R. L. Jones, on the subject of widening the Poultry, 74. Angus (Joseph), Lectures on the advan- tage of a Classical Education, 166. The Voluntary System, 438. Angus, Watts, and Medland's Select Views in London, 9. Anne (Queen), her Speech to Parliament, 254. Anson (George), Voyage round the World, 553. Anstey (John), The Pleader's Guide, 615. Anti-Brownistus, Three Speeches, by Master Warden, Mistris Warden, ^c, 126. Antichristomachus (Christophilus), Mar- tyrium Christianum^ 448, 540. A. P., Life and Death of Pope Alexander VIL, 389. Applegarth (Robert William), Rights for Man, 254. Arago (Francois), Biographies of Scien- tific Men, 389. Archaicus, Admonitions relating to the Jews, 278. Archdall (Mervyn), Monasticon Hibemi- cum^ 449. Aretine (Peter), Strange Newes from Bartholomew Fair, 14. Armin (Robert), The Italian Tailor and his Boy, 515. Armstrong (Alexander), Discovery of the North-west Passage, 553. (Dr.), Benevolence, a Poem, 515. Arnold (Samuel James), Letters to the proprietors of Drury-lane Theatre, 176. Arnold's Chronicle, or the Customs of London, 76. Arnold (Thomas), History of the Pelo- ponnesian War, by Thucydides, 458. History of Rome, 458. Arnot (Neil), Elements of Physics, 498. Arwaker (Edmund), jun.. Embassy from Heaven, 515. Asgill (John), Defence of, 255. — • Reasons against the enlarge- ment of, from custody, 256. Extract of the Act 2 Geo. I^ (Insolvent Debtors), 487. Argument, proving that man. may be translated from hence into eter- nal life, 540. (Mr.), An Essay upon Charity, 23. Asaph (The Bishop of St.), Sermon be- fore the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 169. — • — (William, Bishop of St.), Sermons of, 553. Ashbumham (John), Narrative of his attendance on Charles the First, 330. Ashe (Simeon), Funeral Sermon on the rev. Jeremiah Whitaker, 195. Asheton (William), The danger of Hy- pocrisie, 182. Ashmole (Elias), The Institution, Laws, ^c, of the Order of the Garter, 357. AntiquitiesofBerkshire,357. Ashton (Mr.), Copy of part of the paper left by, 405. (John), Sermon at the opening of Bishopsgate Church, 180. Astle (Thomas), Origin and Progress of Writing, 510. Astley (Philip), Historical account of the Low Countries, 458. INDEX. 595 Astry (Francis), Sermon at St. Paul's, 189. Atkins (Rev. Alderman), His Speech, to Warner, 4"c., 582. Atkinson (Thomas), Oblique View of the grand conspiracy against Social Order, 330. (Thomas W.), Explorations in Ori- ental and Western Siberia, 554. Atkyns (Lord Chief Baron), His Speech to Sir W. Ashhurst, 146. (Sir Robert), Argument in the case of Sir S. Bamardiston, 406. History of Gloucestershire, 358. Defence of the Innocency of Lord William Russell, 431. Enquiry into the power of dispensing with Penal Statutes, 487. ■ Argument in the case con- cerning the election of Members of Parliament, 487. The Power and Jurisdiction of, 487. Jurisdiction of Chancery, 487. Atterbury (Francis), dean of Carlisle, Sermon before the Governors of Bride- well and Bethlem, 179. Sermon at Guildhall Chapel, 188. Sermon at St. Bridget's, 188. Epistolary Correspondence of, 563. (Lewis), Babylon's Downfall, 185. Attwood (W.), Jani Anglorum Fades Nova, 373. Aubrey (John), Lives of Eminent Men, 397. Miscellanies, 573. Natural History and Anti- quities of Surrey, 358. Auckland (Lord), Speech of, on Income Duty, 274. Speech on the Union, 322. Audoeni (Johannis), Cambro-Britanni, Epigrammata, 515. Austin (John), a Jew, A zealous Sermon preached at Amsterdam by, 282. Avesbury (Robertide), Historia. (Heame), 370. Ayliffe (John), Law of Pledges and Pawns, 487. Aylmer (William), A Recantation Ser- mon, 540. Is ylofife (Sir Joseph), Calendar of ancient Charters, 488. Ayscough (Samuel), Index to Shakspeare, 515. Ayscu (Edward), Historie concerning the Wars, ^c, between England and Scot- land, 330. Babbage (Charles), Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, 499. Babington (Gervaise), Sermon at Paules Cross, 177. (Richard), Treatise of Set-off, 488. Bachiler (Jo.), London's New-year's Gift, 178. Backhouse (James), Extracts from the Letters and Journals of, 438. Bacon (Sir Francis), Essay of a King, 256. History of the reigne of Henry the Seventh, 330. Tracts relating to Colonies, 462. Preface to his Works, by John Locker, 498. Advancement of Learning, 498. 498. The Works of, by Montagu, (John), Liber Regis, 438. (Nathaniel), Historical and Political Discourse on the Laws of England, 488. • (Sir Nicholas), Argument on the attachment of nobles for contempt in Chancery, 122. Badcock (William), A Touchstone for gold and silver wares, 44. Bagshaw (Henry), The excellency of pri- mitive government, 182. Bailey (John), History and Antiquities of the Tower, 159. (Nathaniel), Antiquities of London and Westminster, 1. " New Universal Etymologi- cal Dictionary. (Edit. Scott), 563. Baillie (David), Proceedings in Scotland relating to the Plot, 409. Baker (David Erskine), BiograpJda Dra- matiea, 515. (George), History of Northampton- shire, 368. (James), Life of Six Thomas Ber- nard, 390. A Collection of Facts relating to D'Alembert's book, 540, 563. (Sir Richard), Chronicle of the Kings of England, 330. Baker's Chronicle, Animadversions on, 330. Sermon at St. Paul's, 189. Bakewell (Robert), Introduction to Geo- logy, 499. Balantine (J.), Comparison of Established and Dissenting Churches, 438. Baldwin (Samuel), Survey of the British Customs, 172. Bale (John), Declaration of Bonner's Articles, 56. (Johan), The Actes of Englysh Vo- taryes, 389. Balguy (John), Silvius's Defence of a Dialogue, 438. 596 NDEX. Ballard (George), Memoirs of Learned Ladies, 389. Bamford (James), Dialogue concerning the Plague's Infection, 111. [Author's name left out.] Bancroft (Aaron), Life of General Wash- ington, 389. — (Francis), The Will of, 41. Bank (John), History of the Life of William the Third, 330. Banks (T. C), Titles of Honour of the English nobility. (Dugdale), 365. Dormant and Extinct Ba- ronage, 389. History of the Marmyun family, 389, Barante (M. le Baron), Melanges Histo- riques, 459. Barbauld (Anna Laetitia), The Works of, 515. Barbeyrac (J.), Spirit of the Ecclesiasticks, 438. Barclay (John), Life and Diary of Alex- ander Jaffray, 396. (Robert), Apology for the Quakers, 438. Baretti (Joseph), A Guide through the Royal Academy, 199. Italian Dictionary, 563. Bariff (William), Military Discipline, or the young Artilleryman, 33. Baring (Sir F.), Observations on the es- tablishment of the Bank of England, 36. Further Observations, 36. Barker (Matthew), Jesus Christ the great wonder, 182. Barkstead (John), and others. Speeches and Prayers of, 406. Barlow (Stephen), History of Ireland, 330. (Thomas), Bp. of Lincoln, Directions for the choice of books in Divinity, 540. Barnard (Sir John), A Letter to, on the decoration of Cities, 72. His Defence of proposals for raising money for the year 1746, 256. Barnes (Joshua), History of Edward the Third, 330. Barnwell (George), City Apprentice, 589. Barrett (William), History of Bristol, 358. Barrington (George), Memoirs of, 390. (Sir Jonah), Historic Memoirs of Ireland, 330. Barrow (Isaac), Sermon at Guildhall Chappel, 183. (John), Life, 4[c. of the Earl of Macartney, 390. (Sir John), Life of George lord Anson, 389. (John Henry), The Mirror of Par- liament, 250. Barry (James), Account of the Pictures in the great room of the Adelphi, 199. Etchings from his Paintings in the Adelphi, 199. Barth (Henry), Travels in North and Central Africa, 554. Barthelemy (Abbe) Travels of Anacharsis. {Corpus Historicum), 553. Barton (Samuel), Sermon before the Lord Mayor, 185. Bassano (Paul), Statement concerning im- portation of Salmon and Lobsters, 256. Basset (William), Sermon before the Salters Company, 192. Bastwicke, (Dr. John), M. Burton, M. Prynne, and Wickins, Petition of, to Parliament, 121. Bates (George), Elenchus Motuum, ^c, or account of the late Troubles, 331. (George T.), Sermon before the Lord Mayor, 191. (William), Sermon on the death of Queen Mary, 552. Battely (John), Antiquitates Rutupinse, 358. Antiquities of Richborough, 358. Bateman (Edmund), Sermon at St. Brid- get's,- 190. (Thomas), Diseases of London, 113. Batuta (Ibn), Travels of, 554. Bavius (Mr.), Grub-street Miscellany, 90. Bawd wen (WiUiam), Dom Boc ; or trans- lation of the record called Domesday, as far as relates to Middlesex, Herts, Bucks, Oxford, and Gloucester, 358. Baxter (Richard), How to do good to many, a Sermon, 178. Bayard (Nicholas), Account of his com- mitment for High Treason, 459. Bayfius (Lazarus), De Vasculis libellus, 510. Bayle (Peter), Critical Dictionary, 459. Bayly (Thomas), Herha Parieiis', or the WaU-flower, 583. Baynes (T. M.), Views in the Environs of London, 1. Beames (Thomas), The Rookeries of Lon- don, 2. Bearcroft (Philip), Historical accoimt of Thomas Sutton, foimder of the Chart^ house, 583. r'- Beattie (James), Scotticisms, 563. Beaufoy (Mr.) Speech on the Conveyance of Negroes, 313. Beaidieu (Liike), Sermon at Guildhall Chapel, 184. Beaumont and Fletcher, The Works of, 516. Beaumont (J. T. Barber), On Criminal Ju- risprudence, 488. Becher (A. B.), The Landfall of Columbus, 663. NDEX. 597 Beckington (Bishop), Journal of, 331. Bedford (Arthur), Sermon on the erection of a play-house in Aldgate, 180. Bedloe (Captain William), Narrative of the Popish Plot, 295. The Excommunicated Prince, 516. Bedse Historia Ecclesiastica, 438. Bedwell (William), Description of Tot- tenham High Crosse, 386. Mohammedis ImposturcB^ 459. Behn (Aphara), Prologue and Epilogue to Romulus, 516. Poem on the death of Charles II., 516. Beilby (Bishop of London), Charge to the Clergy, 181. Bell (Sir Charles), Bridgewater Treatise, 499. (Dr-)» Experiments in Education near Madras, 41. (George), Sermon at St. Lawrence's, 189. (John), London's Remembrancer, 111, 150. —- — (William), Funeral Sermon on An- thony Hinton, 194. Bellamie (John), Plea for the Commonalty of London, 7%. Lysimachus enervatus^ Bel- lamius reparatus^ 79. Vindication of the Remon- strance and Petition of the Lord Mayor, 135. Justification of the City Re- monstrance, 134, 135. Bellamy (D.), English Dictionary, 574. Bellamy and Gordon's English Dictionary, 563. Bellhaven (Lord), Speech on the Treaty of the Union, 321. Beloe (William), Anecdotes of Literature, 563. Belsham (Thomas), Life of Theophilus Lindsey, 390. (William), History of Great Britain, 331. Beltrami (J. C), Pilgrimage in Europe and America, 554. Belzoni (G.), Operations and discoveries within the Pyramids, 554. Benbow ( ), Crimes and horrors of Warburton's madhouse, 94. Bennett (Henry Grey), Letter on the abuses of Newgate, 155. Bennett (John Whitechurch), Selection of Fishes on the coast of Ceylon, 499. Bennet (Thomas), Sermon at St Bridget's, 189. Benezet (Ant.), Caution to Great Britain and her Colonies on the Slave Trade, 313. Benlowes (Edward), Panegerycon Inau- gurale, 516. Benson (Thomas), Vocabularium Anglo- Saxonicum, 563. Bentham (James), History of Ely Cathe- dral, 358. Essays on Gothic Architec- ture, 511. (Jeremy), Observations on Mr. Peel's Speech on the Police magistrates' salary raising Bill, 119, 257. Bentivoglio, Historia di Fiandra, 459. Bentley (Richard), The Works of, by Dyce, 541. Emendations on Milton, 589. Beowulf, The Anglo-Saxon Poem of, 358, 516. Berington (Jos.) Literary History of the Middle Ages, 459. History of the reign of Henry the Second, ^c, 331. Berkeley (George), The Works of, 499. A Miscellany, 499. Berkenhout (John), Biographical History of Literature, 390. Berquin (Robert), Les Merveilles des Indes, 499. Berry (William), History of Guernsey, 358. Dictionary of Heraldry, 358. Berriman (William), Sermon at St Brid- get's, 190. Sermon at St. Paul's, 190. Bertrami (Caroli) Britannicarum Gentium Historiae Antiquae Scriptores tres, 331. Berwick (Edward), Rawdon Papers, 309. Besse (Joseph), Life of Richard Claridge, 392. Best (Dr.), Letter on a Collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Gos- pel, 169. Betham (William), Genealogical Tables, 331, 459. Baronetage of England, 390. Betterton (Thomas), History of the Eng- lish Stage, 175. Bevan (Joseph Gumey), Refutation of a misrepresentation of the Quakers, 390. - The Life of James Naylor, 17. Bevell (James), Narrative of the Robbery in the Earl of Harrington's house, 117, 418. Beveridge (William), Sermon on the ex- cellency of the Common Prayer, 541. Bevis (John), On the Mineral Waters of Bagnigge Wells, 499. B. F., World's Honour detected, 579. Bicheno (G. E.) and others, Addresses of, at the Zoological Club, with Catalogue of Mammalia, 8[c.^ 167. Bickerstaff (Isaac), Predictions for the year 1708, 516. 598 INDEX. Bickerstaff (Isaac), Predictions for tlie year 1712, 516. Billings (Robert Wm.), Illustrations, ^c. of the Temple Church, 75, 358. Bingham (Joseph), Antiquities of the Christian Church, 438. (Peregrine), Law of Landlord and Tenant, 488. Bingley (William), Tour round North Wales, 358. Binnell (Robert), Description of the River Thames, 172. Bion (Stephen), Short Principles for the architecture of stone Bridges, 20. Birch (Thomas), History of the Royal Society, 170. (Peter), Sermon before the House of Commons, 541. Bischoff (James), View of the Woollen and Worsted manufactures, 257. Injurious effects of Foreign Tariifs, 257. Bishop (George), A Vindication of the Quakers, 438. Bissett (Robert), History of the reign of George the Third, 331. (William), Plain English ; a Sermon for the reformation of manners, 179. B. L., An accurate Description of New- gate, <&c., 153. Black (William Henry), Plan of a Na- tional Registration, 110, 257. Catalogue of the Library of the Grammar-school at Lewisham, 563. Blackall (Ofspring), Chaplain to Her Ma- jesty, Sermon at St. Paul's, 187. Blackbume (L.), Sermon at Guildhall Chappel, 186. Blackmore (Sir Richard), A Discourse on the Plague, 112. : Prince Arthur, 516. . Prejudices against the Arian Hypothesis, 541. Blackstone (Sir William), Commentaries, 488. Considerations on the Ques- tion of Tenants by copy of Court-roll, 488. Blackwell (Thomas), Enquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer, 516. Blake (William), The Ladies' Charity School House-roll of Highgate, 371. Blanc (Louis), Historical Revelations of 1848, 459. Bland (Peter), Answer to the late scan- dalous and libellous pamphlet, 130, 131. Bleadon (John), Selections in Prose and Poetry, 516. Blith (W.), The English Improver im- proved, 499. Blome (Richard), Britannia, 359. Blomfield (Charles James), A Letter on the present neglect of the Lord's Day, 62. Blomefield (Francis), Essay toward a to- pographical History of Norfolk, 359. Blount (Thomas), Jocular Tenures, 359. GlossograpMa ; or a Dictio- nary of hard words, 570. Blundel the Jesuit's Letter of Intelli- gence, 258. Boaden (James), Life of Kemble, 17. Examination of the Papers of Shakspeare, published by Mr. S. Ireland, 516. Bobbin (Tim), Works of, 516. Boccacci (Giovanni de), II Decameron, 516. Boece (Hector), Bulk of the Chroniclis of Scotland, 462. Bogue (David), and James Bennett, His- tory of the Dissenters, 438. Bohn (Henry), Catalogue of Books, 564. Polyglot of Foreign Pro- verbs, 459. Hand-book of Proverbs, 459. Bohun (William), Privihgia Londini, 78. Bold (Hen.), St. George's day, 516. Boldron (Robert), Narrative of the Popish Plot, 297. Bolingbroke (Lord), Remarks on the His- tory of England, 331. The Works of. (Edit. Mal- let), 563. Bonneville (Pierce Frederick), Traite des Monnaies, 460. Booth (Hen.), Speech of, on being elected knight of the shire for Chester, 258. Boraston (George), Sermon at St. Law- rence's Church, 178. Boreman (R.), The Countryman's Cate- chisme, 439. Borlase (Edmund), The Reduction of Ire- land, 331. (William), Antiquities of Cornwall, 359. Natural History of Cornwall, 499. Borthwick (J. D.), Three Years in Cali- fornia, 460. Bossuet (M.), His Conference with Claude, 431, 541. Boswell (Henry), Historical Descriptions, England and Wales, 359. (James), Life of Johnson. (Edit. Croker), 396. Letters of, 586. Botero (Giovanni), Causes of the magni- ficence of cities, 460. Botfield (Beriah), Notes on Cathedral Libraries, 563. Boucher (Jonathan), Glossary of Archaic and Provincial words, 563. Boughton (Sir W. C. Rouse), Address to a Parochial Meeting at Chiswick, 258. Bourchette (Joseph), The British Domi- nions in North America, 460. INDEX. 599 Bourk (Hubert), Information of, touching the Popish Plot, 296. Bourke (Thomas), History of the Moors in Spain, 460. Bowack (John), Antiquities of Middlesex, 359. Bowdler (John), Reform or Ruin, 258. Bowen (Eman.), Britannia Depicta, 360. (Thomas), Extracts from the books of Bridewell Hospital, 70. Bowles (John), Letter to Mr. Fox respect- ing Libels, 258. Considerations on the rights of Judge and Jury, 258. Proofs of French Aggression, 258. ^— (William L.), Antiquities of Lay- cock Abbey, 359. Bo wring (Sir John), The Kingdom and People of Siam, 460. Boxhornii (M. Z.), Metamorphosis An- glorum, 332. Boyer (Mr.), French and English Dic- tionary, 563. Boyle (Hon. Robert), Works of, 499. Boys (William), Narration concerning the Popish Plot, 332. ' Narrative of, touching the death of Sir E. Godfrey, 416. Collections for a history of Sandwich, 359. Brace (Charles Loring), The Norse-folk, 460. Bradford (J. C), A comprehensive Atlas, 460. (Samuel), Sermon at St. Paul's, 186, 188, 189. Bradmore's (Sarah), Prophecy of the wonders that will happen, 1687, 516. Brady (John), Clavis Calendaria, 359. (Robert), Introduction to Old Eng- lish History, 332. Treatise on Boroughs, 332, Complete History of England, 332. Bramston (William), Great sin of luke- warmness, 180. The necessity of a present Repentance, 186. Brand (John), Popular Antiquities. (Edit. Ellis), 359. ■ — History of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 359. Brander (Gustavus), The Forme of Cury, 363. Brandon (Woodthorpe), Letter on the formation of a Local Court, 83. Customary Law of the city of London, 83. Inquiry into' the Freedom of the city of London, 83. Brasbridge (Joseph), The Fruits of Ex- perience, 14. Brathwayte (Richard), Mercurius Bri- tanicus, 516. Bray (Mrs.), Life of Thomas Stothard, R.A., 19. (Thomas), Sermon for Mr. John Dent, 413. — Essay towards promoting useful knowledge, 563. (William), Memoirs of the Life and Writings of John Evelyn, 394. Brayley (E. W.), London and Middle- sex, 2. Londoniana, 2. Account of the Theatres of London, 158. and John Britton, Ancient Palace and Houses of Parliament, 160. Brenan (M.), Popery incompatible with the rights of Christian nations, 258. Brerewood (Edward), Enquiries touching the diversities of Languages, 564. Breues (John), The Fortune-hunters, 27. Brewer (Thomas), Memoirs of the Life and Times of John Carpenter, 15. Brewhouse (John), The Highland Spec- tator, 27, 28. Brewster (Sir Francis), Essays on Trade, 583. Bridgeman (Orlando), Letter to Master Bridgeman, 258. (Richard Whalley), Legal Biogra^ phy, 488. Bringhurst (Isaac), The easiness and diffi- culty of the Christian Religion, 185. Briscoe (J.), Discourse on the late funds, 34. An explanatory Dialogue upon, 34. A List of Subscribers to- wards a fund for a National Bank, 34. A short Scheme for a Na- tional Land-bank, 35. Proposals for raising money for, 35. The Freehold Estates of England, 35. • Answer to a late pamphlet, 35. Reply to the Freeholder's Answer, 35. Brissot (J. S.), On the situation of the National Convention, 258. Bristol (Earl of). Speech at a Conference, 4-c., 121. Speech of, on the Bill of In- demnity, 258, 274. Britton (John), Illustrations of the public buildings of London, 2. Picture of London, 2. History and Antiquities of the Tower of London, 169. Memoirs of the Tower of London, 159. 600 INDEX. Britton (John), Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, 360. Carter's Antient Architec- ture, with Notes, 361. Brief Memoir of Sir John Sbane, 401. Beauties of Wiltshire, 360. Union of Architecture and Sculpture, 610. Dictionary of Architecture, 610. Cathedral Antiquities, 360. Beauties of England and Wales, 360. ■ Historical and Descriptive accounts of Cathedrals, 610. Brockedon (William), Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, 466. Brocket (John Trotter), Glossary of North- country words, 664. Brockett (Wm. H.), Tradesmen's Tokens, 586. Bromley (Henry), Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, 390, 610. Brook (Lord), and Sir Henry Vane, The Speeches of, in Guildhall, 126. Brooke (James), Rajah of Sarawak, Jour- nal of, 664. (Ralph), Catalogue and succession of Kings, 332. (Milord Willoughby de). Sermon dans I'Eglise du Saint Sepulchre, 179. Brookes (Mrs.), A Journey through Eng- land, 2. (R.), History of Pestilential Dis- tempers, 112. Brooks (T.), London's Lamentations, 65. Brotherton (William), The Olive, the Rape, and the Flax, 689. Brougham (Henry lord), Who shall be our Leaders." 258. Thoughts on the Aristocracy of England, by Isaac Tomkins, gent., 258. Historical Sketches of States- men, 391. Broughton (Tho.), The Christian Soldier, 180. ' Historical Dictionary of all religions, 641. Brown (John), Dictionary of the Bible, 541. Characteristics of the Earl of Shaftesbury, 517'. Letter to Robert Lowth, re- lating to the author of the Divine Legation, 547'. (Thomas), The Works of, 517. Brown (Rich.), Principles of Practical Perspective, 510. Brown, (Thomas), A Legacy for the Ladies, 26. — The new London Spy, 28. Browne (J.), History of Queen Elizabeth, 332. (Francis), Sermon at St. Paul's, 189. (Moses) , Miscellaneous poems, 627. (M. Moses), Percy Lodge, a Poem, 617. (Mr..), Amusements, serious and comical, 26. fSir Thomas), The Works of, 499. (Jos.), Oration of, 161. Practical Treatise of the Plague, 113. (Thomas) , Ordination of at the Nag's Head refuted, 61. • (J. Ross), Report of the Debates in the Convention of California, 461. Browning (Thos.), Prison Thoughts, 178. (William S.), History of the Hu- guenots, 439. Bruce (James), Travels, 564. (John), Annals of the East India Company, 41. (John Collingwood), The Roman Wall, 360. Brunet (Jacq. Cha.), Manuel du Libraire, 664. Bryan (Michael), Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 610. Bryant (Jacob) , Analysis of Ancient My- thology, 460. Brydall (John), Camera Begis ; or short View of London, 2. Brydges (Sir S. Egerton), Restituta; or titles, tfcc, of old books in English literature revived, 360. Censura Literaria, 568. British Bibliographer, 385. and Stebbing Shaw, Topographer, 385. Brydone (P.), Tour through Sicily and Malta, 664. Buchanan (George) , History of Scotland, 332. Buchannan (John Lanne) , Defence of the Scots Highlanders, 685. Buck (George), Life of King Richard the Third, 332. Buck's Views of ancient Abbeys, 360. Buck (Charles), Theological Dictionary, 541. Buckingham (J. S.), Travels among the Arab tribes, 554. (George duke of), Letters of, to the unknown author, 258. ^— — — — Discourse upon the reason- ableness of men's having a religion, 641. (John duke of). Short Character of Charles II., 334. and Chandos (The Duke of), Me- moirs of the Court and Cabinets of George the Third, 339. . INDEX. 601 Buckingham (J. S.) Travels in Mesopo- tamia, 654. Buckland (Wm.), ReliquicB Diluviance, 499. Bridgewater Treatise, 499. BufFon (Count de), Natural History, 499. Bugg (Francis), A Finishing Stroke; or Gleanings out of the Quakers' books, 439. Quakerism struck Speech- less, 439. ciples, 439. The Quakers' present Prin- Quakers' infallibility, 439. A Clean Sheet to preserve my picture of Quakerism, 439. Bugg's (Samuel), Sermon preached at Paul's Crosse, 177. Buist (Dr. George), Geography of Hin- dostan, 687. BuU (John), The Opinions of, 259. A Letter to, 259. Three Warnings to, 259. Bullet (M.), Memoires sur la langue Cel- tique, 564. Bullock (H. A.), History of the Isle of Man, 360. Bulmer (Capt. John), Proposal of, for the blowing up of a man and boat, S7. Bunsen (Chevalier), Life and Letters of Niebuhr, 399. Burckhardt (John Lewis), Travels in Nubia, 554. Burd (Richard), Sermon at the Anniver- sary Meeting of the natives of St. Martin's in the Fields, 178. Burder (William) , Religious Ceremonies and Customs, 439. (Samuel), Oriental Customs, 541. Burdett (Sir Francis), Speech of, 149. on his liberation from the Tower, 149, 200. . Report on the late contested Election for Westminster, 259. Burge (William) , An account of the Re- storation of the Temple Church, 75, 360. Burghley (William Cecil, lord). State Papers, 259. Burgon (J. W.), Life of Sir Thomas Gresham, 16. Burgoyne (J.), The Heiress, 589. Burke (Edmund), Speech of, on East India Bill, 259. Reflections on the Revolu- tion in France, 259. Letter from, to a Member of the National Assembly, 259. Thoughts on Government, 259. for Peace, 259. Two Letters on the proposals Burke (Edmund) , Letter to a noble lord, 259. Works of, 259. — (J. Bernard), Dictionary of the Landed Gentry, 391. Peerage and Baronetage, 391. hood, 585. Book of Orders of Knight- and Burke (John), Ency- clopaedia of Heraldry, 586. Burman (Peter), Oration against the studies of humanity, 517. Burn (John Ilderton), Familiar letters on Population, 259. (J. Sutherdenj, History of Parish Registers, 110. Livre des Anglois a Geneve, 391. History of the French, Wal- loon, and Dutch Churches, 587. — (J. H.), Catalogue of London Tra- ders' Tokens, 581. — (Rich.), Justice of the Peace, 488. On the Militia Laws, 488. Ecclesiastical Law, 488. Burnet (Gilbert), Sermon at Bow church on the anniversary of the burning of London, 65, 183. Collection of papers, temp. Jac. II., 259. Letter to, from the Earl of Rochester, 259. Speech of, on the Bill against occasional Conformity, 259. White Crow, inquiry into some new doctrines, 259. Letter to Thomas Burnet, 259. 439. Second letter, 260. History of the Reformation, History of his own times, bishop of Sarum, Sermon at Bow church, 185. Sermon at St. Budget's, 189. Funeral Sermon on Mr. Jas. 332. Houblon, 194. Funeral Sermon on John Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury, 195. Sermon before the House of Commons on Fast-day, 541. (Thomas), Essay upon Government, 260. Bumey (Charles), Experiments in the river Thames, 173. (Dr. Charles), Commemoration of Handel, 204. History of Music, 499, 517, (James), History of discoveries in the South Seas, 554. 2s 602 INDEX. Bums (Rob.), Works and reliques of, 517. j Views in North Britain, j illustrative of the works of, 517. 1 Burr (Thomas Benge), History of Tun- bridge Wells, 360. Burrington (George), Answer to Dr. Wm. Brakenridge's Letter concerning the number of inhabitants, 151. Burrough (Edward), A Message to the present rulers, 439. A Hue and Cry after the false prophets, 439. A Just and Righteous Plea, 439. A certaine Sound, 439. Burton (Henry), Truth shut out of doors, 58. Door of truth opened, 58. Israel's Fast, 541. (John), Iter Surriense et Susseaiiense^ 360. (Richard), Historical Remarks on London and Westminster, 2. (Robert), A new View of London and Westminster, 2. Anatomy of Melancholy, 500. — Two Journeys to Jerusalem, 555. — — (Thomas), Diary of, from 1655 to 1659, 333. (William), Commentary upon An- toninus his Itinerary, 360. Description of Leicester- shire, 360. Busby (Thomas Lord), Costume of the lower orders of London, 2. — ' — Civil and Military Costimie of London, 2. Butcher (Richard), Survey and Antiquity of Stamford, 360. Butler (Alban), Lives of the Saints, 439. (Charles), Horce Juridicce svbsecweB, 488. Inaugural Oration at laying the first stone of the London Institu- tion, 167. (Samuel), Remains (Edit. Thyer), 517. ■ Hudibras (Edit. Nash), 617. Hudibras (Parts 1 and 2), the 617. — (Joseph), bishop of Durham Works of, by Halifax, 541. — Remarks upon the sixth chapter of the Analogy of Religion, 541. (Lilly), Sermon at St. Lawrence Jewry, 186. Sermon at St. Paul's, 189. Butterworth (James), Historical and de- scriptive account of the chapelry of Oldham, 360. Buxton (Thomas F.), Inquiry on prison discipline, 155. Buxtorfii (Johannis) Lexicon Hebrai- cum, 542. Byfield, (T.), Account of the balsamick wells at Hoxton, 500. Byron (Lord), Works of, by T. Moore, 517. Cant (Nehemia), A word to London's Provinciall Assembly, 59. Cadogan (William), Dissertation on the Gout and chronic diseases, 500. Essay upon the management of Children, 500. Caesar's Commentaries (by Edmonds), 461. Calamy (Benjamin), Sermon before the Artillery Company, 192. Sermons on several occasions. 65, 178, 183. — (Edmund), Indictment against Eng- land, a sermon, 642. Letter to Echard on his History, 333. Abridgement of Baxter's History, 391. Continuation of the account of the ejected ministers, 391. Nonconformists' Memorial (Edit. Palmer), 391. Historical account of the life of (Edit. Rutt), 391. Sermon at Aldermanberry church, 178. Sennon at Salters' Hall, 179. Calderon (Rev. Juan), Friendly discus- sions with my Priest, 441, 542. Calepini (Ambrosii) Dictionarium octo- lingue, 564. Caley (Arthur), Life of Sir Walter Ra- legh, 400. (John), Index to particulars of Grants, temp. PL ^ Mar., 583. and F. Holbroke, Rymeri Foedera, 215. Calliat (Victor), Hotel de Ville de Paris, 610. Callis (Robert), Reading upon the Statute of 23 Hen. VIII., 489. Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible. (Taylor), 542. Calthrop (Sir Henry), Liberties, Usages, and Customs of London, 7Q., 78. Camden Society's publications, 564. Camdeni (Gulielmi) Annales (Edit. Hearne), 333. Camden (William), Britannia. (Holland), 361. Britannia. (Gibson), 361. Britannia. (Gough), 361. Remains. (Philpot), 361. INDEX. 603 Campbell T Alexander), Journey from Edinburgh through parts of North Britain, 361. (Donald), Letter to the Marquis of Lorn, 260. (George), The philosophy of Rhe- toric, 668. (John lord), Lives of the Chancel- lors, 391. ■ Lives of the Lord Chief Justices, 392. — — (John), Lives of the Admirals (Edit. Stevenson), 391. Political survey of Great Britain, 333. (Thomas), The poetical Works of, 517. (William), History of British India, 461. Camoens (Louis de), The Lusiad of, 617. Canaries (James), Rome's additions to Christianity, 542. Canne (J.), Intelligencer General, 260. Cannon (R.), Account of the Motions made in Convocation concerning the power of remitting sins, 440. Cantemir (Demetrius), History of the Othman Empire, 461. Capel (Arthur), earl of Essex, Letters by, 392. Capgrave (John), Chronicle of England, 462. ————— Liber de Illustribus Hen- ricis, 462. Cardonnel (Adam de), Nimiismata Scotiae, 361. Carew (Sir Alexander), The Speech or confession of, 409. (Sir Richard), Excellent helps, 510. (Thomas), The Lives and Deaths of Sir William Courten and Sir Paul Pyndar, 15. Carey (John), Latin Prosody, 668. (William), A Candle to light Lord Lauderdale, 92. Carion (John), Chronicles, 333. Carlile's Letters to the Reformers of Great Britain, 92. Carlisle (Sir A.), Means of preserving health, 113. (The Earl of), Letter from a noble- man, 260. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters, 461. (Nicholas), Endowed Grammar- schools, 361. Topographical Dictionary, 361. Carlyle (Thomas), Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, 335. History of Friedrich II., 586. Carnot (L. M. N.), Reply of, relating to the conspiracy, 461. Carpenter (W. B.), The Microscope and its revelations, 510. Carstares (William), Discovery of the late fanatical Plot in Scotland, 333. Carte (Thomas), History of England, 333. Life of the Duke of Ormond, 392. Carter (Benjamin), Sermon at St. Paul's, 190. (John), Specimens of ancient sculp- ture, 361. Specimens of Gothic archi- tecture, 361. Antient architecture of Eng- land, 361. (Matthew), Honor redivivus, 362. Caruana (Rafaelle), Collezione di Monu- menti nella chiesa di San Giovanni in Malta, 478. Cams (C. G.), Journey of the King of Saxony through England, 333. Cartwright (Charles), Abstract of the Re- gulations of the court of the East India Con)pany, 41. Certamen rdigiosum, 440. (W.), The Ordinary; a comedy, 517. Gary (Robert), Memoirs of, written hj himself, 392. Caryl (Joseph), David's prayer for Solo- mon, 181. England's plus ultra, 181. Casaubon (Meric), Treatise of use andr custome, 500. Case (Thomas), Quarrell of the Covenant, 440, 542. Castlereagh (Lord Viscount), Speech of, for an entire Union, 323. Cathcart (John), Letter to the Horn E. Vernon, 336. Catlin (George), Illustrations of the man- ners and customs of the North American Indians, 555. Cato, upon Standing Armies, 316. Catrou and Rouille, The Roman History, 462. Caul (A, Mc), The Christian Sanctuary, 181. Caulfield (James), Portraits, Memoirs, ^c, from Edward the Third to the Revolu- tion, 392. (Richard), Episcopal and capitular seals, 585. Causton (Henry K. S.), Sir Walter Mild- may's method and rule of proceeding upon all Elections, 8j;c., 83. Cave (Edward), Works and Correspon- dence of, 517 (William), Sermon at St. Mary-le- Bow, 183. Historia Literaria, 440. 604 INDEX. Cave (William), Lives of the Fathers, 440. Cavendish (George), Life of Wolsey, 686. Cawdrey (Zachary), A discourse on Pa- tronage, 440. Cay (John), The Statutes at large, 219. Celleor (Elizabeth), Answer to Queries concerning the Colledg of Midwives, 31. Cent (Nehemia), A word to London's Provincial Assembly, 540. Cervantes (Miguel de), Don Quixote, 589. Chadwick (Edwin), Report on the Sani- tary condition of the labouring popu- lation of Great Britain, 113. Chalkley (Thomas), Journal of, 392. Challenor (Mr.), Confession and speech of, 410. Chalmers (Alexander), General Biogra- phical Dictionary, 392. British Essayists, 517. (Frederick), English Hearts and English Hands, 591. (George), Caledonia, or an Account of Great Britain, 333. Life of Mary Queen of Scots, 333. 499. (Rev. T.), Bridgewater Treatise, Chamberlain (Henry), History and Survey of London, Westminster, and South- wark, 2. Chamberlayne (Edward), Angliae Notitia, 362. (John), Magnae Britanniae Notitia, 362. Chamberlen (Dr. Hugh), Proposal to the Commons relating to the Army and Navy, 260. Papers relating to a bank of credit, 34. Petition and proposals for a Land-bank, 35. (Paul), Petition to the Commons re- lating to the supply of Money, 260. Chambers (E.), Cyclopedia of Arts and Sciences, 568. (Miss) , The School for Friends, 589. (Sir William), Treatise on the deco- rative part of Civil Architecture, 511. ( W. and R.), History of the Russian War, 462. Chancellor (William), Account of the wards of London, 2. Chandler (Richard), Life of Bp. Wayn- flete, 403. History of Troy, 462. Travels into Asia Minor and Greece, 555. (Dr. Samuel), History of Persecu- tion, 440. Chardin (John), Travels into Persia and the East Indies, 565. Charles I. (King), Works relating to, 260, 261, 262. Charles IL (King), Letter to the Lord Mayor concerning the Public Distress, 63. Concerning the choice of Common Councilmen, 142. Concerning the French Pro- testants, 144. Declaration of, concerning Ecclesiastical affairs, 440. — ■ — Letter to Archbishop Juxon "concerning preachers, 440. Works, ^c, relating to, 262, 263. (His Highness prince), Letter to the Lord Mayor, ^c, 139. Letter to the King's faithfiil subjects, 139. Letter to the Speaker of the Lords, 263. Charlton (Walter), Discourses on the dif- ferent wits of men, and of the Mystery of Vintners, 53. Chatfield (C), Teutonic Antiquities, 362. Chatterton (Thomas), The Works of (Edit. Gregory), 517. The Poetical Works of, 517. Chaucer (Geoffry), Works of (by Nicolas). 618. Cherry (A.), The Soldier's Daughter, 689. Cheshire (Thomas), Sermon preached at St. Paul's, 177. Chester (the Dean of). The Speech of, to James II., 276. Chevalier (M.), Lettres sur I'Amerique du Nord, 462. CheyneU (Francis), Chillingworihi Novis- sima, or the sickness, heresy, death, and burial of William Chilllngworth, 440. Child (Sir Josiah), A discourse of Trade, 263. Discourse concerning Plan- tations, 462. Childs (G. B.), Few Observations on in- juries incidental to Warfare, 600. Chillingworth (William), Judgment of, of the religion of Protestants, 440. The Works of, 440. Christie (Thomas), French Constitution, 264. Chubb (Thos.), Reflections on Authority and Liberty, with respect to civil go- vernments, 264. Chudleigh (Sir George), Declaration for the protection of. Sir G. Northcott, and others, 264. ChurchiU (Charles), The Farewell, 618. Epistle to the irreverend, 518. Churchyard (Thomas), The Worthiness of Wales, a poem, 518. i INDEX. 605 Churchyard (Thomas), Funerall of the right hen. Sir F. Knowles, 518. Chips concerning Scotland. (Edit. Chalmers), 518. The Mirror of Man, 518. — ' Discourse of Court and Wars, 518. Cibber (CoUey), The Apology of, 175. Two dissertations on the Theatres, 175. Lives of the Poets, 392. Cicarelli (Antonio), Le vite degli Impera- tori Romani, 392. Cicero, The Life of, by Middleton. {Cor- pus Historicum), 463. Cirencester (Richard of). Description of Britain. (Hatcher), 362. Clare (John earl of), Speech of, for a Union, 323. Clarendon (Edward earl of), History of the Rebellion, 334. State Papers, 334. Life of, 392. and Laurence Hyde, earl of Rochester, Correspondence of, 392. Two Letters to the Duke and Duchess'of York, 583. Clark (Hugh), Introduction to Heraldry, 362. (Margaret), Confession of, 410. (Samuel), Gunpowder Treason, t remembrancer to England, 334. (William), Thoughts on the ma- nagement and relief of the Poor, 24, 118. (Zachary), Account of the Charities of Norfolk, 585. Clarke's Repertorium Bihliographicum, 568. Clarke (A.), and F. Holbroke, Rymeri Foedera, 215. (Adam), A Biographical Dictionary, 563, 568. (Charles), Architectura Ecdesiastica Londini, 110. John Noakes and Mary Styles, a poem in the Essex dialect, 518, 576. Observations on the intended Clarke (Samuel), Sermon on the death of Dame Mary Cooke, 15. Narrative of the visible hand Tunnel beneath the river Thames, 173. — — (Mrs. Cowden), Concordance to Shakspeare, 589. (Dr.), Union or Separation, 322. (Edward), Thanksgiving Sermon, 642. (E. D.), Travels into various coun- tries of Europe, 555. (J. B. B.), Catalogue of European and Asiatic MSS. in the library of Adam Clarke, 569. (R. G.), History of Ipswich, 362. (Hyde), Metropolitan Fire Assu- rance and Fire Police, 582. of God upon the Papists, 88. Marrow of Divinity, 542. Marrow of Ecclesiastical History, 441. ■ (Stephen R.), Vestigia Anglicana, 362. (T.,) Advertisements concerning the royal essence, 500. Clarkson (Christopher), History of Rich- mond, Yorkshire, 362. (Thos.), Letters concerning Slavery, 313. History of the African slave trade, 334. Researches, antediluvian, 4fc., 442, 542. Portraiture of Quakerism, 442. Clayton (Sir Robert), Address of, to the Common Council, 79. dementis (Venceslai) Trinobantiados Augustae, sive Londini, lib. VI., 3. Clerk (Robert), Speech of, 583. Clery (M.), Occurrences at the Temple during the confinement of Louis X V I., 474. Clifford (Henry), Report of the South- wark election, 196. Clissold (Frederick), Hints for the deve- lopment of the mind, 569. Clutterbuck (Robert), History and Anti- quities of Hertford, 362. (Thomas), archdeacon of Winton, Spittle Sermon, 184. Clutton (Joseph), A True and candid re- lation of the effects of Joshua Ward's pill, 500. Coates (Charles), History and Antiquities of Reading, 362. Cobbett (William), History of the regency and reign of King George IV,, 334. History of the protestant Reformation, 442. The Political Register, 583. — : Porcupine's Works. 583. Spirit of the public Journals for 1804, 583. Cock (S.), The case of the London Dock Company, 47. Cockayne (William), Sermon before the Lord Mayor, 191. Cockbum (Henry), Memorials of his time, 393. (Lord), The Life of Lord Jeffery, 396. Cockings (George), War, an heroic poem, 518. Cockram (Hen.), English Dictionary, 569. Cogan (Thomas), Memoirs of the Humane Society at Amsterdam, 166. 606 INDEX. Coke (Sir Edward), Institutes of the laws of England, 489. Cole (Thomas), Sermon on the death of Edward West, 195. Colebatch (Sir John), Methods for pre- venting ill effects of the Plague, 113. Coleman (Edward), Characters, with a key to write and read them, 334, 411. (Thomas), Male dicis, Maledicis, 58. Coleridge (Henry Nelson), Introduction to the Greek Poets, 518. (Samuel Taylor), Poetical Works of, 518. ' The Friend, a series of Essays, 518, 569. Coles (John), Observations on the civil disabilities of the Jews, 584. Colet (John), Sermons and devotions of, 542. Sermon at St. Paul's, 542. College (Stephen), Letter from, on his removal to Oxford, 411. Trial of, 411. CoUey (Thomas), Confession of, 411. Collier (J. Payne), History of the English Drama, 15^5, 518. (Jeremy), Remarks upon a book of Dr. W. Sherlok, 542. (Nathaniel), Sermon at St. Paul's, 190. CoUyer (James N.), and John I. Pocock, Historical records of the Light-horse Volunteers, 11. (Jeremy), Immorality of the Stage, 175. Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, 442. Collins (Arthur), Sidney state papers, 313. Peerage of England, 393. (Lieut.-col.), Account of the English colony of New South Wales, 555. (R.), Sermon at St. Paul's, 188. CoUinson (John), History and Antiqui- ties of Somerset, 362. Colquhoun (Patrick), Police of the river Thames, 118, 173. Police of the Metropolis, 118. Columbus (Christopher), Voyages of, by Washington Irving, 555. Comerford (T.), History of Ireland, 335. Comines (Philip de). Historical Memoirs. (Corpus Htstoricum), 464. Comyne (Eustace), Information of, relating to the Popish plot, 296. Concanen (M. jun.), and A. Morgan, His- tory and Antiquities of St. Saviour's South wark, 196. Conder (James), Arrangement of provin- cial coins, tokens, S[c., 91. . An-angeraenf of provincial coins, S[o.^ 363. Congreve (William), Birth of the Muse, 518. Tears of Amaryllis, 518. The Works of, 618. The way of the Worid, 589. Connak (Rich.), Account of the Princes of Wales, 335, Connolly (T. W. J.), History of the Sappers and Miners, 46. Conybeare (John), Sermon at St. Paul's, 190. bishop of Bristol, Sermon at St. Bridget's, 191. Calumny defeated, 418. — - (W. D.), and William Phillips, Out- lines of the Geology of England and Wales, 500. Cook (Eliza), Poems of, 618. (Captain James), Voyage of, 555. (Captain J.), and Captain King, Voyage to the Pacific, 555. (John), Sermon at Bow church, 183. Cooke (Edward), Address of, for examin- ing the aifeirs of the Bank, 36. Memorabilia, Collection of Speeches made to the king, 264. — (George), London and its vicinity, 3. — (George Alexander), Topographical description of Middlesex, 363. — (Robert), Memorial of proposals to their Majesties in Parliament, 265. — (Shadrach), Christian Supports, 642. — Two su table Discourses, 542. T (W. B. and G.), Picturesque deli- neation of the Thames, 173. Coombe (William). History of the river Thames, 173. Cooper (Charles Purton), Great Impor- tance of a religious life, 443. Account of proceedings rela- tive to defects in the administration of justice in Chancer)'-, 489. Lettres sur la Chancellerie, 489. Speech of, for Charles Well- beloved, 489. Case of Arnold v. Arnold, 489. Letter to the Lord Chan- cellor on a defect in the law relating to Lunatics, 489. Delay in the office of the Masters in Chancery, 489. Letter upon the sanitary condition of St. Giles-in-the-fields, 681. Pamphlets by, see 588. (Daniel), Flora Metropolitana, 4. (James), Vaccination vindicated, 600. (EHz.), The Muses' Library, 519. (Thomas), Chronicles of England, 464. INDEX. 607 Cooper (William), Hannony between St. Matthew and St. Luke, 542. (W. White), Historical Notes of the disease and death of Oliver Cromwell, 335. Copping (Thomas), Sermon at St. Paul's, 187. Corbet (Jeffrey), Eye-salve for English- men, 141. Comer (George), Custom of Borough- English, 588. Cornish (Joseph), The Life of Thomas Firmin, 16. Corry (John), Life of Cowper, 393. Works of Tim Bobbin, 516. — and John Evans, History of Coxe (William), Memoirs of Horace Wal- pole, 403. Historical Tour in Mon- Bristol, 363. Cory (Jno.), The English metropolis, 3, 4. A satirical View of London, 28. Cose (Joseph), Narrative of the Thief- takers, 117. Cosmo, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Travels in England, 3. Cotgrave (Randle), French and English Dictionary, 569. Cottingham (C), Views Plans, ^c, of Henry the Seventh's chapel, 204. Cotton (Sir Robert), Abridgement of the [Tower] Records, 489. Posthumous Works, 252. Antiquity and Dignity of * Parliaments, 265. Courtenay (J.), Philosophical reflections on the late Revolution, 265. (T.P.), Life of Sir William Temple, 402. Courthope (William), Synopsis of the ex- tinct Baronetage, 393. Coventry (George), Enquiry concerning Junius, 278. Cowel (John), The Interpreter, 489. Cowley (Abraham), Definition of a Ty- rant, 265. Poem on the late Civil war, 619. (Mrs.), The Runaway, 589. Cowper (William), Works and Life of. (Southey), 519. Cox (Alfred), Landlord and Tenant's Guide, 490. (Richard), History of Ireland, 335. (Thomas), Magna Britannia, a Sur- vey of Great Britain, 376. Coxe (William), Correspondence of Tal- bot, duke of Shrewsbury, 335, 393. Memoirs of the Pelham ad- ministration, 335. Life of Marlborough, 398. History of the House of mouth shire, 363. • Travels into Poland, Russia, ^ logy, 589. (Sir Thomas), Tracts relative to the Cinque Ports and Coronations, 377. Mapeon (M. de), Correspondance secrete, 475. Mariana (John de). History of Spain, 475. Mariott (Thomas), Sermon at Guildhall chapel, 185. Markham (Gervase), Farewell to Hus- bandry, 573. Markland (Abraham), Sermon before the Court of Aldermen, 184. Marquand (Charles), Observations on a pamphlet concerning bridges, 20. Mart (The Earl of). Journal of the pro- ceedings of, from his arrival in Scotland to his embarkation for France, 346. Marshall (J.), Mortality of the metropolis, 151. (Nat.) Sermon on the death of Queen Anne, 553. (Stephen), Letter, written in vindi- cation of himself and his ministry, 57. ■ — Divine project to save a Kingdome, 181. Sermon at Spittle, 182. Sermon before the Houses of Parliament, 547. Marsham (Thomas), Entomologia Britan- nica, 505. Martin (Benjamin), Essay on Electricity, 505. A general English Diction- ary, 573. (John), Bibliographical Catalogue, 573. (Matthew), A Letter on mendicity, 23, 118. An appeal for the relief of Beggars, 24. (Thomas), The History of Thetford, 377. (R. Montgomery), History of the British Colonies, 475. Martine (Richard), Speech of, 96, 120. Martyn (William), History and Lives of the Kings of England, 346. Marvel (Andrew), The Works of, by Captain Edward Thompson, 573. Maseres (Franciscus), Historiae Angli- canae Selecta Monumenta, 347. Mason (George H.), Costume of China, 475. (J.), Essay on Elocution and Pro- nunciation, 573. (Margery), The Tickler tickled, 436. (Martin), One Mite more cast into the treasury of Truth, 449. (William), Musceits ; A Monody to the memory of Mr. Pope, 527. Elegies, 527. Massey (Benj,), The Money Crisis, 37. Massinger (Philip), The Plays of (Giflford), 527. Masters (Samuel), The Christian temper of moderation, 185. Matthews (Adam), Account of the expe- dition to the Mediterranean, 424. (Charles), Lettre de M. aux auteurs dramatiques, 591. (Thomas), Narrative of the proceed- ings of His Majesty's fleet, 423. Original Letters of, and Vice Admiral Lestock, 424. (William), A Letter concerning the West London Gas Company, 43, 119. 632 INDEX. Matthews (William), Hydraulia : an his- torical account of the Waterworks, 65. Maundevile (Sir John), Voyage and Tra- vaile of, 559. Maundrell (Henry), Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 559. Maurice (Thomas), Westminster Abbey, and other poems, 204. History of Hindostan, 475. Indian Antiquities, 475. Grovehill, Camberwell ; a poem, 527. Mawson (Matthias), Sermons at St. Paul's, 193. May (Thomas), History of the Parliament of England, 347. Mayer (Joseph), History of the art of Pottery in Liverpool, 591. Catalogue of drawings of the Bonaparte family, 591. Mayhew (Jonathan), Remarks on a tract concerning the Society for the Propa- gation of the Gospel, 169. Maynard (Sir John), Against the right of the Lords to impeach the Commoners, 494. Mazzinghi (John), History of London, 8. McKenny (Thomas L.), and James Hall, History of the Indian tribes of North America, 458. M. D. D. A., Tablettes et Historiques des Rois de France, 467. Mead (Dr.), On Pestilential Contagion, 112. ' (Henry), African Slavery, 584. Meades (William), A Sermon on the Fast in remem.brance of the Fire, 65. Medley (John), Tentamen Hydrologicum, 505. Meggott (Richard), Sermon at St. Mi- chael's, Comhill, 193. Melford (Earl of), Letter to the Earl of Perth', 294. Mellen (Grenville), A Book of the United States, 475. Melmoth (Wm.), The great importance of a religious life, 547. Melshermer (F. E.), Catalogue of the described Coleoptera, 483. Melville (Hen.), Sermon at Christ church, 191. Mentet (Robert de Salmonet), Histoire des Troubles de la Grande Bretagne, 347. Mercer (Thomas), The Speech of, before his death, 424. Mercurius Civicus, A Letter from, to Mercurius Rusticus, 129. Merewether (Mr. Serjeant), Speech of, upon the soil and bed of tidal harbours, 174. (Hen. Alworth) and A. J. Stephens, History of Boroughs, 494. Merlin's Life and Prophecies, 347. Merret (Christopher), Collection, S^c.^ of Acts concerning the College of Physi- cians, 31. Short view of the frauds by Apothecaries, 33. Meyrick (Sam. Rush) and Charles Ha- milton Smith, Costume of the British Islands, 377. History of Cardigan, 377. Ancient Armory, 377. Mezeray (F. E. du), Histoire de France, 475. Michel (Francisque), Chronique des Dues de Norman die, 467. Middleton (Christopher), Forgery de- tected, 424. Reply to Dobbs's answer, 424. — (Conyers), Introductory Discourse concerning the miraculous powers, 449. Free Inquiry, 449. Life of Cicero. {Corpus His- toricum)^ 463. The Works of, 547. — (Sir Henry), Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Islands, 559. — (Erasmus), Biographia Evangelica^ 398. — (John), View of the Agriculture of Middlesex, 377. — (Thomas), The Works of, by Dyce, 527. Chast Mayd in Cheapside, 527. The Triumphs of Truths, 99. (Sir Thomas), Declaration of, 283. Mignet (M.), Negotiations relatives a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV., 467. Mildmay (Sir Walter), Method of pro- ceeding in city elections, 81. Miles (Mr.), Conduct of France towards Great Britain examined, 347. Milizia (Francesco), Lives of celebrated Architects, 398. Mill (James), History of British India, 475. Continuation of, by Horace H. Wilson, 476. Essays on Government, 495. Millar (John), View of the English Go- vernment, 284. Miller (Edward), History of Doncaster, 377. (Hugh), Foot-prints of the Creator, 506. Old Red Sand-stone, 505. - Testimony of the Rocks, 505. (Samuel), Pauper Police, 119. Milles (Samuel), On enlarging the powers of the Court of Requests, 94. INDEX. 633 Millot (L'Abbe), Elements of the History of England, 347. Mills (Henry), Essay on generosity of spirit, 573. Milman (H. H), History of Christianity, 449. History of Latin Christi- anity, 449. Milner (Isaac), Essay on Human Liberty, 605. (John), History and Antiquities of Winchester, 377. ■ — Inquiry into the existence of the patron saint of England, St. George, 377. Essays on Gothic Architec- ture, 511. On the modem style of alter- ing Cathedrals, 512. Ecclesiastical Architecture of the middle ages, 512. — (Joseph), History of the Church of Christ (edit. Haweis), 449. History of the Church of Christ, with Stebbing's continuation, 449. Milton (John), Secrets of Government, 284. — The Works of, 284. History of Britain, 347. The Poetical Works of, by Todd, 527. (William), The danger of travelling in Stage-Coaches, 119. Minot (Lawrence), Poems (edit. Ritson), 627. Minshew (John), Dictionary of eleven languages, 673. Minto (Lord), Speech on the Union, 322. Mirehouse (John), Law of Advowsons, 495. On Tithes, 495. Mitford (John), A sketch of the Life, S[c. of Sir John Sylvester, bart., 19. Pleadings in Chancery, 495. (Wm.), The History of Greece, 476. Milbom (Luke), Sermon before the na- tives of Warwick, 179. Molyneux (William), Sciothericum Te- lescopicum, 606. Monboddo (James Burnet, lord), Origin and progress of Language, 673. Monk (General), Letter from, to the Lord Mayor, 141. (James Hen.), Life of Bishop Bent- ley, 398. Monson (Sir William), True and exact account of the war with Spain, 348. Monstrelet (Enguerrand de). Chronicles of, 476. Montagu (Basil), Bankruptcy Court Act arranged, 495. Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley), Letters and Works of, 398, 573. Montague (Edward), The Citizen, a Hu- dibrastic poem, 92. Montaigne (Lord Michael de), Essays of, 673. Montesquieu (Baron), Reflections on the rise and fall of the Roman empire, 476. Spirit of Laws, by Nugent, 496. 674. Miscellaneous pieces, 495. Persian Letters, by Ozell, Montfaucon (Bernard de), L'Antiquite expliquee, 476. Regal and ecclesiastical An- tiquities, 476. Moon (John), On the new construction of Drains, 74. Moor (Edw.), Suffolk words and phrases, 576. Moore (George), Observations on the Union Orange Associations, 285. (John), Case on the maintenance of the London clergy, 62. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, 183. 184. Sermon at Guildhall chapel, The Works of, by Anderson, 674. — (Thomas), Letters and Journal of Lord Byron, 391. Memoirs of, edited by Lord John Russell, 398. The Life of Sheridan, 401. Morant (Philip), History of Essex, 377. More (Cresacre), Life of Sir T. More, 398. (Sir Thomas), Utopia, 527. Dyaloge concerning the ve- neration of imagys, 547. Moresby (Lord Chas.), A Hundred Years hence, 528. Moreri (Louis), Le grand Dictionnaire Historique, 574. Moreton (Andrew), The Protestant Mo- nastery, 574. Morer (Thomas), Sermon at St. Paul's, 187. Morgan's Proposals for a sale of Maps, 475. Morgan, (J.), Phoenix Britannicus, 348. (Sylvanus), The Sphere of Gentry, an historical work of arms and blazon, 377. (Wm.), Account of the cavalcade of King Charles II. to his coronation, 98. Morley (Hen.), Life of Palissy the potter, 399. Momington (Lord), Speech of, on an ad- dress to His Majesty, 291. 2 Y 634 INDEX. Morrice (David), Attempted reply to the master of Westminster School, on public education, 199. Morris (Robert), Letter to Sir Richard Aston, 495. Morrison (James), Influence of English railway legislation, 285. Mors (Roderyk), The Complaint of, to the Parliament, for the redresse of certyn wycked lawes and euill deuices, 348. Mosheim (John Laurence), Ecclesiastical History (edit. Coote), 449. Moss (Robert), Sermon at St. Sepulchre's, 188. (W. H.) and Jos. Nightingale, His- tory and Antiquities of St. Saviour's, Southwark, 196. Motley (John Lothrop), Rise of the Dutch Republic, 476. Motteux (P.), Europe's Revels for the Peace, 528. Moule (Thomas), Bihliotheoa Heraldica Magnce BriiannicB, ^77. Mowbray (Geoffry), On the conduct of opposition during the present Parlia- ment, 285. (Laurence), Narrative of, relating to the Popish Plot, 296. Mulgrave (Earl of). Essay on poetry, 528. MuUner (A.), Guilt ; or the Gipsey's Pro- phecy, 590. Mundy (Anthony), Chronicle, 476. Munday (Anthony), Metropolis Coronata., Chrysancdeia, 99. — (Capt. Rodney), Narrative of events in Borneo, 559. Murphy (A.), All in the Wrong, 590. (James), View of the state of Portu- gal, 476. (James C), Arabian Antiquities of Spain, 612. Plans, S[c. of the church of Batalha in Portugal, 512. Murray (J. F.), The World of London, 8. (Robert), Proposal for a National Land-bank, 35. (T. B.), Ely chapel, Holbom, 4. Musgrave (Sir Richard), Memoirs of the Rebellions in Ireland, 348. N. C, Decimarum et Oblationum Tabula, 490. N. H.. Compleat Tradesman, 89. Nalson (J.), Journal of the trial of King Charles the First, 426. Napier (Col. W. F. P.), History of the Peninsular War, 476. (Sir William), Life and Opinions of Sir Charles Napier, 399. History of Sir C. Napier's administration of Scinde, 476. Napoleon I., Correspondance de, 687. Nares (Edw.), Memoirs of Lord Burghley, 391. (Rob.), Elements of Orthoepy, 674. Glossary, 674. Nash (Joseph), Mansions in the olden time, 377, 513. Collections for the history of Worcester, 377. Views of Windsor Castle, 613. (Thomas), Christ's Tears over Jeru- salem, 177. Nashe (Thomas), Return of the renowned Cavaliero Pasquill, 528. Naunton (Sir Robt.), Fragmmta Regalia, 392. Nayler (Sir Geo.), Private Acts of Par- liament from 1733 to 1836, with Index of contents and pedigrees, 219. Neade (Wm.), The Double-armed Man, 32. Neale (Daniel), History of the Puritans, 449. (J. P.) and E. W. Brayley, History and Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, 204. (Thomas), Proposals touching the National Land-bank, 34. Neil (James), State of the Prisons of England, 154. Nelson (Henry), Sermon, Charity and Duty, 647. (James), History of the parish of St. Mary, Islington, 377. (Robert), Life of Bishop Bull, 391. (Vice-admiral lord viscount). Let- ters and Despatches of, 348, 477. Nemnich (Phil. And.), European Dictio- nary of Merchandize, 574. Neues Waaren Lexikon, 674. Nettles (Stephen), Answer to the Jewish part of Mr. Selden's History of Tithes, 449, 495. Neubrigensis (Gulielmi) Rerum Angli- canim libri quinque. (Heame), 348. Neville (Robert), Sermon at Guildhall chappel, 183. (R. C), Saxon Obsequies, 378. Newans (Thomas), Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, 90. Newberie (Rafe), A Discourse on the customs of London, 76. Newbery (W.) and Edmunds (W.), Let- ter to the rev. Dr. Fowler, vicar of St. Giles, Cripplegate, 106, Newcombe (Peter). History of the Abbey of St. Alban's, 378. Newcome (Peter), Discourse of Bosom Sins, 184. Newcourt (Richard), Repertorium Eccle- siasticum, 110. NDEX. 635 Newell (Joseph), Enquiry into the office of Inquest Jurymen, 82. Letters to the electors of Cripplegate Without, 106. Letter from, concerning sei- zures for Tithes, 107. Letter from, on that of a Reformer, 107. Newtoni (Isaaci) Opera (edit. Horsley), 505. Newton (Sir L), Metaphysics of, 505. (Robert), Sermon at St. Paul's, 187, 193. (Wm.), Antiquities of Maidstone, 378. Nichols (J. B.), Account . of the Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of St. Katherine, 71. A brief account of the Guild- hall, 157. (John J, Works of William Hogarth, 95. • Bibliotheca Topographica Bri- tannica, 378. Collection of Wills of the kings and queens of England, 348, 378. Illustrations of the manners. S[c., of ancient times, 378. History and Antiquities of Lambeth, 378. The Progresses and public processions of Queen Elizabeth, 378. Progresses, ^c, of King James L, 378. Literary Anecdotes, 399. (John Gough), Chri/sanaleia, 99. Autographs of royal and remarkable personages, 378. Nicholl (John), Accounts of the Ironmon- gers Company, 47. Nicholls (John), Morning exercises at Cripplegate, 181. Observations on the situation of the Prince of Wales, 285. (Richard), London's Artillery, 32. Nicholson (William), Historical Libraries, 349. Nicholas (T. G.), Sermon at St. Lawrence Jewry, 581. Nicolas (Sir Harris), Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council, 10 Richard II. to 23 Henry VIII., 218. Bishop Beckington's Journal, 331. — Notitia Historica, 349, 387. — Testamenta Vetusta, 378. — Memoirs of the Life and Times of Christopher Hatton, 395. — Synopsis of the Peerage, 399. — (N. H.), Index to the Heralds' Visitations, 163. Nipclose (Sir Nicholas), The Theatres, a poetical dissection, 175, 537. Noble (Mark), History of the College of Arms, 29. Biographical History of Eng- land, 395. Norman (Dr.), A new Miracle, 528. Noorthouck (John), A New History of London, 8. Norden (Fred. Lewis), Travels in Egypt and Nubia, 559. (John), Speculum Britannue ; an historical and chorographical descrip- tion of Middlesex and Herts., 378. Speculum BritannicB pars altera ; or a delineation of Northamp- tonshire, 586. Norfolk (The Duke of). Orders about ladies' habits, 202. Normanby (Lord), A year of Revolution in Paris, 477. Norris (H. H.), Exposition of the tendency of the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety, 164. North (Hon. Roger), Examen; enquiry into the credit of a pretended Complete History, 349. Lives of the Norths, 399. (Major), Journal of an English officer in India, 587. Northumberland (Earle of), Master SoUi- citor, and Sir H. Vane, a Cunning Plot, 130. Lord Loudon, and Sir Henry Vane, Three Speeches in Guildhall, 132. Norton (George), Exposition of the privi- leges of the city of London, 82. Commentaries on the history, constitution, and franchises of the city of London, 82. An Address to the Citizens on the pending Corporation Bill, 150. Rudimentals, 495. (Robert), Sermon at the Charter- house, 193. Norton's Literary Register, 477. Nugent (Mr.), Proposals for a general peace, 477. Nye (Philip), Sermon on the election of Lord Mayor, 182. Gates (Titus), Works of, 286. Narrative of the Popish Plot,. 295. O'Bierne (T. L.), Sermon before the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the Thanks- giving day, 548. O'Brien (Dennis), Utrum horum ? 286. Ockley (Simon), History of the Jews, 477. History of the Saracens, 478. 636 INDEX. O'Conor (Carolus), Rerum Hibemicarum Scriptores, 349. Ogborne (Elizabeth), History of Essex, 379. Oghlou (Garabed A. D.), Histoire de la legislation des anciens Germains, 495. Ogilby (John), Relation of His Majesties entertainment, 97. Entertainment of Charles II. in his passage through the city, 97. Coronation of Charles II., 202. Ogilvie (John), Rona, a poem, 528. Oldenburgh (Edward), A calculation of Foreign Exchanges, 158. Oldner (George), Inventions to preserve ships, 513. Oldfield (H. G.) and R. R. Dyson, History of Tottenham High Cross, 379, 386. Oldmixon (John), History of England during the reigns of the royal house of Stuart, 349. Nixon's Cheshire Prophecy, 528. Oldys's Catalogue of the pamphlets in the Harleian Library, 163. Oliver (Edward), Sermon at St. Paul's, 187. (Richard), Letter to the Livery, on the choice of sheriff, 86. Ord (John Walker), History and Anti- quities of Cleveland, 586. Orme (William), The best Guide in the worst of times, 183. Ormerod (George), History of Chester, 379. Ottley (William Young), Collection of Prints, 513. Otway (Thomas), The Works of, by Thornton, 629. Prologue to the City Heiress, 529. Oulton (Walley C), History of the The- atres of London, 175. Overbury (Sir Thomas), Voyage de, dans les Pays-Bas Espagnols, 559. Overstone (Right hon. lord). Tracts on Metallic and Paper Currency, 591. On Decimal Coinage, 591. Overton (Major-gen.) and others. Letter to Lieut-gen. Fleetwood, 287. (R), Articles of High Treason ex- hibited against Cheapside Cross, 156. Owen (H.) and J. B. Blackeway, History of Shrewsbury, 379. (John), Epigrammata Joh. Audoeni, 529. -' (Rob.), Observations on the effects of war on the manufacturing system, 576. (Thos.), Sermon before the Levant raerchapts, 192. (William), Welch Dictionary, 674. Oxford (the Bishop of). Address of, to James II., 276. Ozell (Mr.), Persian Letters of Mon- tesquieu translated, 575. P. D., Problems necessary to be deter- mined, 139. Page (Richard), Hardcastle on Bank Re- strictions, 37. A critical examination of the Resolutions of Mr. Joseph Hume, 288. Paget (James), Records of Harvey, 72. Paine (Thomas), The first Principles of Government, 288. Paley (William), The Works of, 648. Palgrave (Sir Francis), Parliamentary Writs, 214. Essay on the original autho- rity of the Privy Council, 218. Ancient KalenSars of the treasury of the Exchequer, 218. Documents illustrating the History of Scotland, 218. Tracts concerning the public records, 218. — Rotuli Curiae Regis, 218. Essay on the authority of the King's Council, 218. Corporation Reform, 288. Rise and progress of the English Commonwealth, 349. Palmer (Charles John), History of Great Yarmouth, 376, 388. (William), Lectures at Greshara College, 30. Pantophilus, Plain Truth, 451. Papillon (Thomas) and John Dubois, De- claration of, 85. Paracelsus (Theophrastus), Expositio vera imaginum, 605. Paris (Louis), Negotiations, Lettres, S[c., de Francois II., 468. (Matthsei) Historia (edit. Wats), 349. Parish Clerks (The company of), London's dreadful Visitation, 111. Report of all the Christen- ings and Burials within London in 1667, 150. Parisot (Peter), Account of the New Ma- nufacture of Tapestry, 613. Park (John James), Topography of Hamp- stead, 379. (Mungo), Travels of, 559. Parker (Matthew), De Antiquitate Eccle- sise Britannicae (edit. Drake), 450. (Richard), History and Antiquities of Cambridge, 379. (Samuel), bishop of Oxford, History of his own time, 350. (Thomas), La Bruja the Witch, 450, 481. INDEX. 637 Parker (William), Sermon at St. Paul's, 65, 191. Parkes (Joseph), The governing charter of Warwick, 495. (Sam,), Remarks on a trial brought against the Imperial Insurance Com- pany, 46. Parkin (Charles), History and Antiquities of Norwich, 379. Parkinson (Anthony), History of English Franciscans, 379. ( Jas.) , Organic remains of a former world, 506. Parlby (Major-gen.), Thoughts on the National Drama, 176. Parr (Rich.), Life of Archbishop Usher, 403. (Samuel), The Works of, by John- stone, 575. (Wolstenholme), The Moor of Ve- nice, and Essays on Shakspeare, 529. Parry (Edward), Life of Rear-admiral Parry, 399. (Jo. H.), The Cambrian Plutarch, 399. (Richard), The genealogies of Jesus Christ in Matthew and Luke explained, 548. (William), Last Words of, 428. Parsons (John), Funeral Sermon of the Earl of Rochester, 648. Parton (John), Account of the hospital and parish of St. Giles in the Fields, 107. Partridge (J.), Annus Mirabilis, 562. Almanacks of, 562. Pascal (Blaise), Provincial Letters, 450. Pasquin (Anthony), The Children of Thespis, 175. , New Brighton Guide, 199. The Royal Academicians, 529. Paterson's Roads, 575. Patterson (James), Pietas Londinensis, 61. Patrick (Symon), dean of Peterburgh, Sermon at Guildhall chappel, 183. Paul Sarpi (Father), History of the Coun- cil of Trent, 450. Treatise on matters Benefi- ciary, 450. Pauli (Dr. Reinhold), Life of Alfred the Great, 389. Paus (M. De), Dissertations on the Egyp- tians, 478. Payne (John), Royal Exchange, 158. (Joseph), Lines on opening the new London Bridge, 20. (William), Treatise on Municipal Rights, 82. Peacham (Henry), A Dialogue between Cheapside cross and Charing cross, 156. The Compleat Gentleman, 575. Peacock (Thomas Love), The Genius of the Thames, 173. Pearce (James) , Treatise on the abuse of the laws, 154. Pearson (Charles), Speech on the Isling- ton Market Bill, 94. Letter respecting the sale of the office of Secondary, 82, 93. • Address of, containing a brief history of the corporation, 95. Peck (Francis), Desiderata Curiosa, 350. Peele (Geo.), The Works of. (Dyce), 529. (G.), Descensus Astrece, 99. Pegge (Samuel), Anecdotes of the English Language, 92. Assemblage of Coins fabri- cated by authority of the Archbishops of Canterbury, 379. Essay on the Coins of Cuno- belin, 379. Curialia-, or an historical account of the royal household, 379. History and Antiquities of Eccleshall Manor and Castle, 379. Pellatt (Apsley), Memoirs of the Jews, 293. Polling (Edward), Sermon at the Wilt- shire Feast, 178. Sermon at St. Mary-le-Bow, 184. Pembroke (the Earl of) and Lord Brook, Speeches of, for and against accommo- dation, 127. Speech on the accusation of the seven lords, 293. Speech on his admittance to the House of Commons, 293. The last Will of, 293. Penn (William), England's present inter- est discovered, 293. Speech of, to the King, 293. The great question to be considered, 293. Benefit of the Plantations or Colonies, 462. No Cross No Crown, 548. Guide mistaken, and Tem- porizing rebuked, 548. Pennant (Thomas), Some account of London, 8.. A Tour in Scotland, 379. Journey from Chester to London, 379. A Tour in Wales, 379. History of Whiteford and Holywell, 379. Journey from London to the Isle of Wight, 379. A Tour from Downing to Alston Moor, 379. A Tour from Alston Moor to Harrowgate, 379. * The Literary Life of, 400. 638 INDEX. Pennant (Thomas), Outlines of the Globe, 478. The Works of, 506. Pennington (Isaac), lord mayor. Order of, for raising money towards assisting the advance of the Scotch army, 128. Proclamation of, 128. A question to Professors of Christianity, 450, 548. Pepys and Hewer, Plain Truth, or a pri- vate discourse between, 294. P. and H. [Pepys and Hewer], A Hue and Cry after, and Plain Truth, 294. Pepys (Samuel), Memoirs of the Royal Navy, 294, 347, 350. The Diary of, 350. (W. H.), On the respiration of the leaves of plants, 506. Percy (James), Petition to Parliament of, 428. (Sholto and Reuben), London, 8. (Thomas), Reliques of ancient Eng- lish Poetry, 530. Perlin (Estienne), L' entree de la reyne mere du Roy tres-chrestien dans les provinces unies des Pays Bas, 344. Description des royaulmes d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse, 8, 350. Perpoynt (Hon. W.), Speech of, against Sir R. Berkley, 123. Perry's Bankrupt Gazette, 94. Perry (John), Account of the stopping of Dagenham Breach, 379. Peter Langtoft's Chronicle. (Heame), 371. Peters (Hugh), God's doings and Man's duty, 181. Pettigrew (Thomas), Life of Dr. Coakley Lettsom, 17, 397. (Thomas Jos.), Chronicles of the Tombs, 479. Superstitions connected with the history of Medicine, 506. Descriptive Catalogue of the Duke of Sussex's library, 575. Pettus (Sir John), Fleta Minor, 513. Petty (Sir William), On the multiplica- tion of mankind, 151. Petyt (Silvester), Joanna of Richmond, a poem, 530. Peyton (Sir Edward), Divine catastrophe of the House of Stuart, 350. Pezron (M.), The Antiquities of Nations, more particularly of the Celtse or Gauls, englished by Jones, 380. Phelps (Mr.), The Hmnan Barometer, or Living Weather-glass, a poem, 530. Philips (John), Cyder, a poem, 530. Satyr against Hypocrites, 630. (William), Belisarius, 530. Phillips (Ambrose), The Distrest Mother, 590. < (Edward), English Dictionary, 675. Phillips (Charles), Speech of, on the trial of Lieut. Townsend, 428. On Capital Punishments, 588. (Fabian), Regale Necessarium, 380. (George), Rudiments of Curvilinear Design, 513. (G. W.), History and Antiquities of Bermondsey, 106. (H.), Grandeur of the Law, 495. (John) and A. Rider, lUustrations of Mexico, 475, 559. (Sir Richard), Picture of London for 1802, 9. Modem London, 9. Morning's Walk from Lon- don to Kew, 9. His Letter to the Livery, 87. Philipot (Thos.), Villare Cantianum, 380. Capellus Virbius sive Redi- vivus, 530. Philpot (John), Catalogue of Chancellors, 489. Philipot (Nicholas), Reasons and pro- posals for a Registry, 495. Philpotts (Henry), Letters to C. Butler, 439, 548. Phil-Anglus, England's great interest in the choice of this new Parliament, 251. (Johannes), England's Alarm, 143. Philopolis, Account of the Bank of Loan at Amsterdam, 458. Philolaus, Popery and Arbitrary Govern- ment, -character of, 300. Picart (Bernard), Ceremonies and reli- gious customs, 450. Pickboum (James), Dissertation on the English Verb, 575. Pickering (Thomas), Sermon at St. Paul's, 191. Pickett (William), Public Improvement, 73. (William Vose), New forms of Architecture, 513. New system of Architecture, 513. Pierpont (Hon. Wm.), Speech of, against Sir R. Berkley, 429. Pignorii (Laurentii) Patavini, De Servis, 587. Pilkington and others. Petition of, 186. Pilkington's Dictionary of Painters, by H. Fuseli, 513. (Jo.), bishop of Durham, The Burn- ing of Paules church, 548. (Matthew), Dictionary of Painters, 400, 513. Pilloniere (Francis de la), .Answer to Dr. Snape's accusation, 451. Further account of, 451. Pindar (Peter), Epistle to John Perring, 630. INDEX. 639 Pindar (Peter), Celebration.of the Acade- mic Procession to St. James's, 199. (William), Sermon at Guildhall chappel, 183. Pinkerton (John), Enquiry into the His- tory of Scotland, 360. Medallic History of England, 350. Essay on Medals, 380, 479. Modem Geography, 479. Collection of Voyages, 559. Pirckheimerus (Bilibaldus), The Praise of the Gout, 506, 575. Pistolesi (Erasmo), II Vaticano descritto ed illustrate da, 479, 513. Pits (Thomas), The Confession of, 429. Pitt (Mr.), Speech on the Union, 322. — — (Charles), Plan and expenses of the new street [Regent street], 73. Exposition of some particu- lars as to the new street, 73, 200 (Thomas), Bloody Assizes, or new martyrology, 390. Pittio (Thomas), Sermon at St. Bride's, 184. Place (Mr.), Hypothetical Notion of the Plague, 112. Plaxtone (George), Loyal Speech of, 294. Player (Sir Thomas), Speech of, 79. A Hue and Cry after the Reasons which were to be given by, 79. Playfair (William), Letter on the advan- tages of Apprenticeships, 13. British Family Antiquity, 400. Political Portraits, 400. Plot (Robert), Natural History of Staf- fordshire, 506. Natural History of Oxford- shire, 506. Plumme (Thomas W.), Letter on the re- newal of the East India Company's charter, 42. Plutarch's Lives, by Langhome. {Corpus Historicum), 463. Pococke (Richard), A description of the East, 560. Pocock (Robert), History of Gravesend and Milton, 380. Pointer (John), Britannia Romana, 365, 380. Account of a Roman Pave- ment at Stunsfield, Oxfordshire, 380. Polack (J. S.), Manners and customs of the New Zealanders, 560. Pollock (Thomas), On the phenomena of Heat, 506. Polybius, by Hampton. {Corpus Historir cum), 463. Pomai (L. Francois), Le Grand Diction- naire Royal, 569. Pond's Almanack, 562. Pontoppidan (Erich), Natural History of Norway, 506. Poole (Matthew), Evangelical worship is true worship, 182. (P-)' Journey to France and Hol- land, 560. Pope (Alexander), The Will of, 400. The Works of (edit. Bowles), 630. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey (edit. Wakefield), 531. Porcupine (Peter), Observations on the debates of the American Congress, 302. Porcupinus (Pelagius), The Causidicade, 617. The Piscopade, 530. The Processionade, 531. Triumvirade, a poem, 538. Porder (Richard), Sermon on Idolatry, 177. Pomey (M. A.), Elements of Heraldry, 380. Portlock (William H.), Collection of Voyages, 587. Postlethwayte (Malachi), Commercial Dic- tionary, 575. Pote (Joseph), History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle, 380. Potter (John), Grecian Antiquities, 479. (T. R), History and Antiquities of Chamwood Forest, 380, 506. Poulson (George), History and Antiqui- ties of Holdemess, 586. Pountney (Master), Immortality in mor- tality magnified, 429. Powel (R.), Latin Inscription to the Me- mory of Charles II., 263. Powell f David), History of Wales. (Lhoyd), 350. Poyer (Col. John), Speech of, before his execution, 201. Poynder (John), Literary Extracts, 675. Poyntz (John), The present prospect of the island of Tobago, 479. Prance (Miles), Narrative of the Popish Plot, 295. Additional Narrative of, 297. Pratt (Samuel), Sermon at St. Mary-le- Bow, 186, 193. Sermon at St. Paul's, 188. Prescott (William H.), History of the Conquest of Mexico. 479. History of the reign of Fer- dinand and Isabella, 479. History of the Conquest of Peru, 479. History of the reign of Phi- lip II., 479. Prestwich (Sir J.), ResptMica., 350. Price (Daniel), Tears shed over Abner, 552. (John), Historical accoun^t of Leo- minster, 380. 640 INDEX. Price (John), Historical account of Here- ford, 380. Clerico-classicum, 139. (Dr. John), The mystery and method of the King's restoration, 350. (Mr.), Considerations concerning the building a bridge from Fulham to Putney, 20. Second Letter of, 21. — (Richard), Appeal to the public on the National Debt, 303. Observations on the nature of Civil Liberty, 303. A just and impartial view of the Funds of England, 303, A Discourse on the Love of our Country, 548. (Thomas), History of Protestant Nonconformity, 451. Prideaux (Humphrey), Judgement of, 479. True nature of imposture fully display'd in the life of Mahomet, 548. The Old and New Testa- ment connected, in the history of the Jews, 548. Priestley (Joseph), Letters to the right hon. E. Burke, 303. • Lectures on History, 479. Defences of Unitarianism, 549. Prince (John), Sermon at Christchurch, 191. Worthies of Devon, 400. Prince's London Price Current, 91. Prior (James), Memoirs of Edmund Burke, 391. ■ Life of Oliver Goldsmith, 395. (Thomas), Narrative on the success of Tar-water, 506. Probert (William), The Antient Laws of Cambria, 495. Prout (William), Bridgewater Treatise, 499. Prynne (W.), Suspension suspended, 58. Demand of his liberty, 140, 306. A Defence of Stage Plays, or retractation of Histrio-mastix, 175. Parliamentary writs, 249. Substance of a Speech in the House of Commons, 264. The sovereign power of Par- liaments, 306. Minors no senators, 306. The University of Oxford's plea refuted, 306. Vindication of Psalm cv. 15; 306. 306. The Popish royal Favourite, Prynne (W.), An humble Remonstrance against the Tax of Ship-money, 306. The opening of the Great Scale of England, 306. A moderate Apology against a pretended calumny, 306. A Vindication of the impri- soned and secluded Members, 307. A Plea for the Lords and House of Peers, 307. Substance of a speech touch- ing the King's answer upon the treaty, 307. A Vindication of the liberties of Englishmen, 307. A short Demurrer to the Jews remitter into England, 307. Pendennis and other stand- ing forts dismantled, 307. The Republicans' and others spurious good old cause anatomized, 307. Narrative of what was spoken by him and other secluded Members, 307. The Character or Ear-mark of, 307. Historyof King John, Henry the Third, and Edward the First, 351. Life of Archbishop Laud, 400. Trial and condemnation of Colonel Fiennes, 414. Petition to Parliament, with Clement Walker, 437. Briefe survay of Mr. Cozens his couzening Devotions, 451. Truth triumphing over false- hood, 451. Vindication of Four serious Questions concerning excommunication, 451. Jus Patronatus, a plea for Advowsons, 451. New discovery of some Romish emissaries, 451. Vindication of the King's ecclesiastical jurisdiction, 451. Abridgement of the Tower records, 489, 583. The perpetuitie of a regene- rate man's estate, 549. Healthes sicknesse, 549. Lame Giles his haultings. 549. The Church of England's old antithesis to new Arminianisme, 549. Short examination of exu- berancies in the Book of Common Prayer, 549. The Unlovelinesse of Love- locks, 576. Ilistrio-mastioc^ 590. INDEX. 641 Psalmanazar (George), Memoirs of, 400. Description of the island of Formosa, 480. Pudsey (Sir George), recorder of Oxford, Speech of, on swearing the new mayor, 308. Speech of, on the King's coming to Oxford, 308. Puech (James), Catalogue of things made and sold fay him, 576. PufFendorf (Samuel), Introduction to the History of Europe, 480. — Continuation of his Intro- duction to the History of Europe, by J. C. [J. CruUj, 480. Law of Nations, 495. PuUen (Joseph), A Lecture on Astro- nomy, 30. PuUeyn (William), The Etymological Compendium, 576. Pulling (Alexander), Laws and Customs of London, 83. Pulton (Fernando), Collection of Statutes, 219. Pybus (Charles Small), The Sovereign, a poem, 531. Pye (Benjamin), Life of Cardinal Pole, 400. ' (George), Discourse of the Plague, 112. Pym (John), Speech of, on the petitions from the cittie of London, 123. Discovery of the great plot for the utter ruin of the city of London, 129. (M. A.), Heads of a Conference de- livered by, 121. Pyne (W. H.), History of Royal Resi- dences, 158. Pyne and Rocque's Index of the streets, ^c, 9. QuARLES (Francis), A Feast for Wormes, 531. Quatrefages (A. de). Rambles of a Natu- ralist on the coasts of France, ^c, 507. R. C, A Lamentation over thee, Lon- don, 59. R. G. and P. B,, Interrogatories on the part of the people of England, 273, 275. R. G., Presbytery rough-drawn, 531. R. K., History of the conspiracies against William III., 356. Rabelais (Francis), The Works of, revised by Mr. Ozell, 531. Rackstraw (B.), Observations on electri- city, 507. Raikes (R.), London in May; or an ac- count of its religious institutions, 9. Raikes (Thomas), Journal of, in London and Paris, 480. Rainbow (Edward), bishop of Carlisle, A Speech concerning the deposing of princes, 309. Ralegh (Sir Walter), Select Observations of, relating to trade, 309. Historie of the World (edit. 1652), 480. History of the World (edit. Oldys), 480. Ralph (James), Critical review of the public buildings of London, 9. Ramsey (T.), Climax panegyrica, 531. Ranby (John), Narrative of the last ill- ness of the Eari of Orford, 400, 507. Rand (S.), Defence of the Parliament of England, 309. Randal (Squire), Excursion round Lon- don, 28. Randolph (John), Poems ; Muses' Look- ing-glass, 531. Ranke (Leopold), History of the Popes, 452, 480. History of the Reformation in Germany, 452. Rapin (M.), Histoire d'Angleterre, 351. History of England, with Tindal's continuation, 351. Rask's Anglo-Saxon Grammar, translated by Thorpe, 576. Rastall (William), Collection of Statutes, 219. Rastell (John), The Pastime of people, 351. Rationalis (Theophilus), Multum in parvo, aut Vox veritatis, 285. Raumer (Fred, von). History of the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries, 480. Ravencroft (William), Account of the Grocers Company, 45. (Edw.), The London Cuckolds, 531. Rawlinson (George) and others. History of Herodotus, 687. Rawson (Joseph), Essay on Christ's fear of death, 452. Ray (John), Proposals for printing a general history of plants, 507. Collection of English words, 576. Collection of Proverbs, 577. Raymond (Sir Thomas), The Opinion of, on the case of the Court-letter Writers, M.S., 39. Raynal (The Abbe), History of the West Indies, 480. Reading (William), Catalogue of Sion College Library, 32. Recorde (Erasmus), Petition of, relating to Castle Campes, 409. Recorder of London, his Speech to the Protector on his entertainment in Lon- don, 97. 2z 642 INDEX. Redding (Cyrus), History of Modem Wines, 576. Redford (Eliz.), A word of Council and Advice from the Lords, '309. (George) and T. H. Riches, History of Uxbridge, 380. Reed (C), Why not ? A plea for a Free Library and Museum, 681. (Isaac) and S. Jones, BiograpMa Dramatica. (Baker), 515. Select collection of Old Plays, 528. Redivivus (Junius), Letters on the cha- racter of the Duke of Wellington, 94. Rees (Abraham), CyclopcBdia^ 577. (Evan), Sketches of the horrors of war, 480. (L. E. Runtz), Narrative of the siege of Lucknow, 480. Reeve (Thomas), God's plea for Nineveh, 178. Reeves (George), New History of Lon- don, 9. Reid (A.), Letter to the rev. Dr. Hales relating to Tar-water, 507. (Thomas), The Works of (edit. Wright), 507. i Two Voyages to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, 560. Renaudot (Theophraste), Recueil des Ga- zettes, 480. Rennell (Major James), The geographical system of Herodotus, 480. ■ Memoir of a map of Hin- doostan, 481. (Thomas), Sermon on the death of Lord Chief Justice Kenyon, 194. Rennie (John), Report and Estimate of the Grand Southern Canal, 73. Resbury (Nathaniel), Sermon at Guild- hall chappel, 185. i Sermon at Charterhouse chappel, 193. (Richard), Letter on the review of the Pharmacopseia, 31. Reyneri (R. P. dementis) Apostolatus Benedictinorum, 452. Reynolds (Edward), True Gain, 182. — — (Thomas), Iter Britanniarum ; or a part of Antoninus's Itinerary, 380. -' — The Rich Man's Charge, 182. The wall and glory of Jeru- ■ On the death of Mr. John Langley, 194. Rhudd (John), A Letter to the Protestant Dissenting Congregation at Broad street, 61. Rice (E.), Sermon on behalf of the Free Hospital, Greville street, 181. Richards (Nathaniel), Poems, sacred and satirical, 531. salem, 182. Richards (Thomas), A British and Welch Dictionary, 577. Richardson (Charles), A new Dictionary of the English language, 577. (Charles Jas.), Treatise on Warm- ing and Ventilation of buildings, 119. Studies from Old English Mansions, 380, 514. (Henry S.), History of Greenwich, 380. (Joshua), Sermon at Guildhall chappel, 183. Richmond (Duke of), Letter from, to Col. Sharman, 309. Ricraft (Josiah), A survey of England's Champions, 351. Ridpath (George), Border-History of Eng- land and Scotland, 351. Riddington (Francis), King Solomon's Directory, 178. Ring (John), Translation of Virgil, 532. Commemoration of Handel, 532. Riofrey (A. M. Bureaud), Londres ancien et modeme, 9. Riou (Stephen), Principles for the archi- tecture of stone bridges, 514. Ritson (Joseph), Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls, 481. Annals of the Caledonians, 351. 532. English Anthology, 532. Collection of English Songs, Robert of Gloucester. (Heame), 371. Roberts (Caroli) Excerpta e Rotulis Fi- nium, 214. (Joseph), Oriental Illustrations of the Scriptures, 549. (Peter), Chronicle of the Kings of Great Britain, 351. Sketch of the History of the Cymri or ancient Britons, 351. Robertson (William), The Works of, 351, 481. Robertspierre (Maximil.), Political Testa- ment of, 481. Robins (Benj.), Discourse upon Sir Isaac Newton's method of Fluxions, 507. (John), the felse prophet, Declara- tion of, 88. Robinson (Christopher), Collectanea Ma- ritima, 496. Reports on Admiralty cases, 496. (John), A System of Mechanical Philosophy, 507. (Robert), Ecclesiastical Researches, 452. (Thomas), Gavelkind, 496. (Wm.), History of Edmonton, 381. History of Stoke Newing- ton, 381. INDEX. 643 Robinson (William), History of Enfield, 381. History of Tottenham, 381. History of Hackney, 381. Roby (J.), Popular Traditions of Lanca- shire, 381. Rochester (The Bishop of). Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 169. Roger (Jasper), Facts and Fallacies of the Sewerage System, 577. Rogers (John), Sermon at the anniversary of the charity schools, 180. (Samuel), Italy, a poem, 532. Poems by, 532. Roget (Peter Mark), Bridgewater Trea- tise, 499. RoUe (Samuel), The Burning of London in the year 1666, 65. Rolls (Samuel), London's Resurrection, 63. RoUin (M.), Ancient History, 481. Rolt (Mr.), Lives of the principal Re- formers, 400. Romaine (William), A Discourse for pre- venting robberies and murders, 180. A Discourse occasioned by the late earthquakes, 180. Sermon at St. Paul's, 190. Romilly (Sir Samuel), Memoirs of the life of, 400. Rooke (J.), Geology of the Lake district, 507. Rookwood (Brigadier), Copy of a paper delivered by, at his execution, 430. Roots (George), Charters of Kingston- upon-Thames, 374. Roper (William), Life of Sir Thomas More, 398. The same, with Notes by Singer, 398. Roquefort (J. B. B.), Glossaire de la lan- gue Romane, 577. Roscoe (William), Life of Lorenzo de Medici, 401, 481. . Life and pontificate of Leo the Tenth, 481. Rose (George), Treatise on Vendors and Purchasers, 496. ■ Mr. Smith, Trial of, con- cerning the Westminster election, 202. ■ (Henry), Manual of analytical Che- mistry, 507. (John), A Constitutional Catechism, 310. — — (Philip), Treatise on the Plague, 112. Ross (Capt. Sir James Clark), Voyage of, 560. Roterodamus (Erasmus), The Life of Dr. John Colet, 15. Rouse (John), His case stated, 430. Rowland (C), Abstract of laws relating to the Shipping of the Port of London, 174. Rowlands (Henry), Mona Antiqua Re- staurata, 381. Rowse (Mr.), Speech in Parliament, 310. Roy (William), Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain, 381. Royse (George), Sermon at Guildhall chappel, 185. Ruding (Rogers), Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain, 381. Rudyard (Sir Benjamin), Speech of, 310. Ruggle (George), Ignoramus, comoedia, 532. Rumsey (John), Report of the case of the King V. Westwood, 94. Rundall (Mary Ann), Symbolic Illustra- tions of the History of England, 351. Runnington (Charles), Hale's History of the Common Law, 496. Rushworth (John), Historical Collections, 351. Ruskin (John), The Stones of Venice, 381, 514. Modem Painters, 514. Lectures on Architecture and Painting, 514. Seven Lamps of Architec- ture, 514. 514. Political Economy of Art, Russell (Lord John), Memoirs and Corre- spondence of Charles James Fox, 401. Life of Lord William Rus- sell, 401. Memoirs and Journal of Thomas Moore, 401. (Rachel lady), Letters of, 351. (William lord), Speech of, at the place of execution, 431. (William), History of Modem Eu- rope, 481. Rust (George), A Discourse on the use of reason in matters of religion, 549. Ruth (Monsieur St.), Speech to the Irish army, 310. Rutt (John Towill), Historical account of the life of Dr. Edmund Calamy, 391. Ryley (William), Pleadings in Parlia- ment, 496. Rymer (Thomas), Fcedera, 213, 215. Rymsdyk (John and Andrew), Museum Brilannicum, 163. S. B., Letter to right hon. Henry Fox, 271. S. G., Royal Charter of Charles II. to the city of London, 77. S— n D— k, The Year of Wonders, 540. S. R., Martin Mark-all, Defence and an- swere to the Belman of London, 26. 644 INDEX. Sacheverell (Hen.), Sermon at St. Paul's, 188. ■■ The Cherubim with a flam- ing sword, 310. Sadler (Francis), Exactions of parish fees discovered, 110. (John), Roger Maiden and Eliza Brown, Last dying speeches of, 426. (Sir Ralph), State Papers, 310. Sainthill (Richard), OUa Podrida, 381. Numismatic Crumbs, 586. Sale (George), The Koran, or Alcoi-an of Mohammed, 549. Salisbury (Rich. Antho.), Paradisus Lon- dinensis, 9. (Wm.), Hortus Paddingtoniensis, 503. Salloway (Major), Petition to the Grocers Company, 45. Sallustii Opera, 481. Salmon (Mr.), The Chronological Histo- rian, 352. Antiquities of Surrey, 381. History and Antiqmties of 382, (Wm.), Palladio Londinensis, 90. Salomans (Aid.), Parliamentary Oaths, 286. Salter (Samuel), Sermon at Guildhall chapel, 65, 190. Sammes (Aylett), Britannia Antiqua II- lustrata^ 382. Sampson (Geo. Vaughan), Memoir expla- natory of the chart and survey of Londonderry, 382. (William), Trial of the rev. Wm. Jackson, 420. Sandcroft (Wm.), Lex Ignea\ a sermon on the Fire of London, 65. — — — Instructions to the clergy of the church of England, 441. Sanders (Jonathan), New narrative of a fiery apparition, 60. (Richard), Apollo Anglicanus, 562. Sanderson (Patrick), Antiquities of the cathedral church of Durham, 382. Sandford (Francis), History of the Coro- nation of James the Second and Queen Mary, 352. Genealogical History, 352. Sands (Edwin), Proposal of union among Protestants, 453. Savage (James), The Librarian, 572. (Wm.), Sermon at St. Lawrence, 188. Savary (M.), Letters on Egypt, 560. Sawbridge (Wanley), A Discourse, 191. Sawyer (Hen. J.), Account of the several bequests of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, 109. Scales, Michael, Letter of, to the Freemen and Citizens of London, 83. Scapulae* (Johannis) Lexicon Grseco-La- tinum (edit. Bailey), 577. Schedel's Chronicle, commonly called the Nuremberg Chronicle, 481. SchefFer (John), History of Lapland, 482. Schlick (Benjamin), Rapport sur la Tunnel sous la Tamise, 174. Schlosser (F. C), History of the eigh- teenth and nineteenth centuries, 482. Schoepflinus (Jo. Daniel), Historia Za- ringo-Badensis, 482. Schonenberg (M.), Letters of, on the con- duct of the Eari of Gallway, 339. Schultes (Hen.), Enquiry into the elective franchise of the citizens of London, 82. Essay on aquatic rights, 173. Flowers of Fancy, 532. Scobell (Henry), Collection of Acts and Ordinances of Parliament, 213. Scott (John), A Fast Sermon on the Fire of London, 65. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, 182. Sermon at St. Mary-le-Bow, 184. Funeral Sermon on Sir John Buckworth, 194. Funeral Sermon on Sir John Chapman, 194. Sermon at the assizes at Chelmsford, 549. Sermon at Fulham on the consecration of bishops, 549. Sermon on Bankruptcy, 550. (Major John), The conduct of the late ministers considered, as affecting the East-India Company and Mr. Has- tings, 41. (Sir Walter), The Poetical Works of, 532. Miscellaneous Works of. 532. Waveriey Novels, 533, 539. (William), Essay on Drapery, 582. (Sir William), Judgments of, 496. Scratchley (Arthur), Treatise on Benefit Building Societies, 165. Scroggs (Chief Justice), Speech of, 431. Speech of, to the Lord Chancellor, 432. Scudery (M. de), Ibrahim, 533. Sedgwick (Obadiah), The best and worst magistrate, 182. (William), Justice upon the Annie Remonstrance, 311. Seely (Jo. B.), A voice from India, 482. Seldeni (Johannis) Opera omnia, cura Wilkins, 496. Selden (John), The Historic of Tithes, 453, 588. Titles of Honour, 688. Seller (John), Punishments of the common law of England, 589. Proposals made by, for a map of Hungary, 560. INDEX. 645 Serjeant (John), and David Maurice, In- formation concerning the Popish Plot, 296. Serre (Le Sieur de la), L'entree de la Reine Mere dans la Grande Bretagne, 344. Settle (Elkanah), Memoirs of Morrell, alias Bowyer, 18. Pageants by, 103, 104. Several works of, 312. Dialogue between, and Dr. Oats, 432. The Empress of Morocco, Augusta Triumphans, a poem to the lieutenancy of London, 633. A ugusta Lachrymans, a poem 633. on the memory of Sir Charles Thorold, 538. Seward (William), Anecdotes of some distinguished persons, 401. Sewell (William), History of the Quakers, 453. (G. W.), English Etymology, 577. Seyer (Samuel), Charters of Bristol, 496. Seymour (Robert), Survey of London and Westminster, 9. Shadwell (Thomas), Dramatic Works of, 533. Congratulatory poem to Queen Mary, 533. Shaftesbury' (Earl of), Letters, 577. • ■ — Characteristics, 577. Speeches of, 312. Shaftoe (Mrs. Francis), Narrative con- cerning the pretended Prince of Wales, 303. Shakspeare (William), Historic of Henry the Fourth, 533. The Works of, 533. . Plays of (by Johnson, Ste- vens, and Reed), 533. Works of (by Johnson), 533. The Works of (by HalUwell), 633. Sharp (Granville), Proposals for the im- provement of the City Militia, 117. ' Remarks on the encroach- ments of the river Thames, near Dur- ham yard, 172. Account of the ancient divi- sion of the English nation into hundreds and tithings, 312. Declaration of the people's rights, 312. The Law of Retribution, or warning to Great Britain and her colo- nies, 312. Tracts by, 312. Tract on the Law of Nature, 496, 550. Introduction to Vocal Music, Sharp (Granville), Remarks on a paper entitled " a Catalogue of the sacred vessels restored by Cyrus," 550. (John), Sermon at St. Mary-le-Bow, 178. Sharpe (Sir Cuthbert) , Memoirs of Brass Crosby, 15. (Dr.), Spital Sermon, 183. (John), Things that make for peace, 182. (Samuel), Early History of Egypt, 482. History of Egypt under the Ptolemies, 482. — Alexandrian Chronology, 482. Sharpman (Edward), Cupid's Whirligig, 533. Shaw *(L. H.), The Law of Tithes, 453. (Dr. Thomas), Travels into Barbary and the Levant, 560. Sheffield (Lord), Substance of a Speech of, 322. Sheppard (Thomas Henry), London in the nineteenth century, 8, 9. (Wm.), Common Assurance, 496. Sherburne (Henry), The Life of Paul Jones, 396. Sheridan (Rich. Brinsley), The Speeches of, with a sketch of his life, 313. The Works of, 533. (Mr.), Speech of, with reference to the Popish Plot, 312. Sheringham (Robt.), De Anglorum gentis origine disceptatio, 382. Sherlock (Thomas), Sermon at St. Paul's, 189. (William), dean of St. Paul's, The danger of corrupting the Faith, 186. Sermon on the death of the rev. B. Calamy, 194. The case of Allegiance due to sovereign princes, 313. A Vindication of the case of Allegiance, 313. Second Part of the preserva- tive against Popery, 550. A modest examination of the authority of the late decree of the Vice-chancellor, 550. Sermon on the death of Queen Mary, 552. ShierclifF (E.), The Bristol and Hot-wells Guide, 382. Shipp (John), Memoirs of, 401. Shirley (James), The Triiunph of Peace, 74. Dramatic Works and Poems 514. of (edit. Giflford and Dyce), 534. (William), Letter upon the siege of Louisburg, 352. Shore (Sir John), Literary History of Sir William Jones, 396. 646 NDEX. Shore (William), Laws and Privileges of the Vintners Company, 54. Shorey (William), Sermon at St. Paul's, 189. Short (Thomas), New Observations on the bills of mortality, 151. Shute (Nathaniel), Funeral Sermon on Richard Fishbume, 194. Sibbald (J.), Chronicle of Scottish poetry, 533. Sibome (Captain W.), History of the war in France and Belgium, 482. Sidley (Sir Charles), Speech of, touching the Civil List, 313. Sidney (Algernon), Copy of a paper delivered by, before his execution, 432. Discourses on Government, 496. Sidney State Papers, 313. - — (Sir Philip), Works of, 534. Sills (Joseph), Observations on London Bridge, 20. Simon (Father), The History of Ecelesi- astical Revenues, 453. (John), Sanitary Reports, 581. Remarks addressed to the Health Committee, 581. Report on city Burial places. 581. Report, with scheme, 581. (Thomas), Medals, coins, and seals of, engraved by Vertue, 382. Simon's Essay on Irish coins, 382. Simond (Louis) , Journal of a residence in London, 9. Simonde de Sismondi (M.), Histoire des Fran9ais, 482. Histoire des Republiques Italiennes, 482. History of the Crusades against the Albigenses, 482. Simpkin the Second, Letters from, 418, Simpson (David), A Plea for Religion, 550. (Sam.), The complete English Tra- veller, 382. Sims (R.), Index to the Herald's Visita- tions, 164. Sincera (Rege), Observations upon the burning of London, 63. Singer (Samuel Weller), Correspondence and diary of Clarendon and Hyde, 352, 392. Skerret (R.), Sermon at St. Paul's, 189. Skinner (Richard), History of London and Westminster, 9. (Stephen), Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae, 677. (Thomas), History of composing the affairs of England (Bates), 352. Skippon (Major-general), Collection of Tracts by and concerning, 313. Slack (George), Proceeding in the King's Bench against the Drapers Company, 40. Sloane (Sir Hans), Account of Medicine for distempers of the eye, 508. Sloss (James), Narrative of the case of Joseph Rawson, 452. Smalridge (George), Sermon at Christ church, 188. Sermons at St. Paul's, 188. Smart (Christopher), Miscellaneous Poems of, 527. On the eternity of the Su- preme Being, 534. On the immensity of the Supreme Being, 534. (John), An account of the several Wards, 10, 110. (Thomas L.), History of the parish of St. Botolph, 106. Smeaton (John), Report on Ramsgate harbour, 382. Smedley (Edward), History of the Re- formed Religion in France, 453. (Jonathan), Specimen of a view of all the eminent writers on the Holy Scriptures, 550. Smeeton (George), Doings in London, 29. Historical and Biographical Tracts, 352, 401. Smiles (George), Life of George Stephen- son, 402. Smith (Adam), The Wealth of Nations, abridged by Joyce, 314. An Inquiry into the wealth of nations, with a life of the author, by McCuUoch, 314. (Aquila), Catalogue of Tradesmen's Tokens, 586. (Charles), State of the city and county of Cork, 382. (Chas. Roach), Account of Roman coins discovered in the Thames, 20. Collectanea Antigua, 382. InventoriumSepulchra^e,382. Catalogue of the Museum of London Antiquities, 586. (Edmund), Poem on the death of John Phillips, 534. — (George Maberly), Essay on the life of Sir Andrew Judde, 17. — (H. and J.), Horace in London, 92. (Jeremiah), Funeral Sermon on Aid. Sir Thomas Abney, 193. — (John), No faith or credit to be given to the Papists, 314. Catalogue of works of Painters, 514. — (Jo. Gordon), The claims of Foren- sic Medicine, a lecture at the London University, 168. The principles of Forensic Medicine, 508. INDEX. 647 Smith (Jo. Gordon), Analysis of medical evidence, 496. Hints on the examination of medical witnesses, 496. (John Russell), Bihlioilieca Canti- ana, 383. (John Thos.), Antiquities of Lon- don, 10. Vagabondiana, 10. • Cries of London, 10. Antiquarian ramble in the streets of London, 10. Antiquities of Westminster, 199. (J. Toulmin), Government by Com- missions, 496. (Leapidge), A glance at the Pic- tures in Ironmongers' Hall, 47. (Laurence), Sermon at St. Mary- le-Bow, 193. (Thomas), Ancient Topography of London, 10. Topographical and historical account of the parish of St. Mary-le- Bow, 108. Catalogue of the MSS. in the Cottonian Library, 163. Sermon before the Levant Merchants, 192. • (William), State of the gaols in London, Westminster, and South wark, 154. Review of the Speech of John Foster, 314, 322. Speech of, 322. Life of Thucydides, 463. (Sir William), Charge given by, 433. — - (Sydney), Works of, 577. Smith's Current Intelligence, No. 15, 314. Smithers (Henry), Residence in Brussels, and tour in the Netherlands, 560. Smithies (William), Reply to the Letter of William Newbery sent to the rev. Dr. E. Fowler, 106. ■ Sermon at St. Lawrence- Jewry, 185. Smyth (C. Piazzi), Teneriffe, 483, 508. (George Lewis), The monuments and gems of St. Paul's and West- minster Abbey, 204. ' Ireland, historical and sta- tistical, 352. (W. H.), uEdes HartwelliancB, 369. Descriptive Catalogue of a cabinet of Roman family coins, 383, Smythe (Robert), An historical account of the Charterhouse, 165. Smollett (Tobias), Works of, 534. Snape (Andrew), Sermon at St. Paul's, 188. Snelling (Thomas), Account of the coins of Great Britain, 383. Soame (John), Directions for drinking the waters of Hampstead Wells, 502. Soane (Sir John), Statement as to the designs for building a new House of Lords, 159. Statement respecting the new Law Courts, 160. Somers (Lord), Tracts of, 352. Somerset (Henry), Century of the names and scantlings of his own inventions, 514. Somerville (William), The Chase, 534. Somner (William), Antiquities of Canter- bury, 383. The same, with MS. Notes, 383. Treatise of Gavelkind, 383. Treatise on the Roman Ports, 383. Dictionarium Saxonico-La- tino-Anglicum, 577. Sonnini (C. S.), Travels in Egypt, 560. Sorbiere (M. de), A Journey to London, 10. Sotheby (S. L.), Letter to the Directors of the Crystal Palace Company, and postscript, 577. Principia Typographical Z77. Southall (John), London made easy, or a scheme for paying off the Orphans, 90. Southcott (Joanna), A collection of Tracts published by, 62. Southey (Chas. Cuthbert), Life and Corre- spondence of Robert Southey, 401. (Robert), The Alderman's Funeral, 93. History of the Peninsular War, 483. History of Brazils, 483. Madoc, 534. Specimens of the later Eng- lish Poets, 534. Omniana, 534. Joan of Arc, 534. Expedition of Orgua, 534. Wat Tyler, 534, 538. Essays, moral and political. 577. Sir Thomas More, or Collo- quies on the progress of society, 577. Southouse (Thomas), Monasticon Faver- sJiamiense, 383. Spanheim (Fridericus), Ad augustissimura Magnse Britanniae Regem Gulielmum, 352. Sparks (Jared), Remarks on a reprint of the original Letters from Washington to Reed, 458, 486. Letter to Lord Mahon, 483. Speed (John) , History of Great Britain, 352. — — — — — Theatre of the empire of Great Britain, 383. 648 INDEX. 383. Speed (Sam,), The King's Bench Scuffle, 152, 534. Spelman (Sir Henry), Concilia, 496. History and fate of sacrilege, 453. Glossarium Archaiologicum, English Works of, together with his posthumous works, by Gibson, 383. (Sir John), Life of Alfred the Great, 389. Spence (Joseph), Anecdotes, ^c, of books and men, 401. Polymetis, 514. Spencer (B,), Vox Civitatis, 120. (Edmund), State of Ireland, 352. Faery Queene, 590. (John), Discourse concerning pro- digies, 508, 550. (Joshua), Thoughts on an Union, 316. Spilsbury (W. Holder), Ancient and mo- dern building of Lincoln's Inn, 75. Spotswood (Archbishop) , History of the Church of Scotland, 453. Sprat (Thos.), Observations on Sorbiere's Voyage, 10. Sermon on the anniversary meeting of the Sons of Clergymen, 178. Sermon at Guildhall chappel. 183. ■ Sermou at Bow church, 184. The Plague of Athens, 534. History of the Royal So- ciety, 170. Sermon before the Artillery Company, 192. Sprotti (Thomae) Chronica. (Heame), .370. Squire (John), Tes Irenes Trophcea, 99. Stampe (Anthony), Proposals of, for re- gulating abuses of the coin, 316. Stafford (Viscoxint William), Last Speech of, 433. Standish (John), Sermon at the Temple, 550. Stanhope (Colonel), Address at the open- ing of the Medico-Botanical Society, 168. (Geo.), Sermon before the natives of Kent, 179. Sermon at St. Paul's, 187. ■ Sermon at Bow church, 187. -^— — — — Letter to George Bowyer, 408. (Lady Hester), Memoirs of, 402. (Michael), God the author of vic- tory, 550. Stanislaus (King), Advice to his daughter, 577. Stanihursti (Richardi), De rebus in Hi- bemia gestis, 352. Stanley (William), The Rejected Ad- dresses, a farce, 176. (Arthur Penrhyn), Life and Corre- spondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D., 389. Memoirs of Bishop Stanley, 402. Staunton (Sir George), Account of the embassy to China, 560. Staveley (Thomas), History of Churches in England, 453. Stebbing (Hen.), Continuation of Milner's History of the Church of Christ, 449. Stedman (C), History of the American War, 483. Steele (Joshua), Letters concerning Slavery, 313. — — (Sir Richard), A Nation a Family, 60. and Joseph Gilmore, Account of vessel called the Fish-pool, 577. Steevens (John) , Westminster Abbey, a poem, 203. Steinitz (Francis), The moderate Mo- narchy, 317. The Ship, its origin and progress, 383, 483. Stennett (Jos.), A Thanksgiving sermon, 550. Stephen (Mr.), Letter of, defending his ministry, 130. Stephens (Alexander), Memoirs of John Home Tooke, 403. History of the wars arising out of the French Revolution, 483. (John), Historical account of Pro- curations, 453. (William), Sermon at St. Mary-le- Bow, 185, 186. Sterne (Lawrence), The Works of, 534. Stevens (George Alex.), Description of Bartholomew fair, 582. - Adventures of a Speculist, 91. Dramatic history of Master Edward, 534. (John), Historical account of Taxes, 353. Steward (E. M.), Fitzalwyn the first Lord Mayor, 577. Osbert of Aldgate, 578. The Bride of Bucklersbury, 578. Queen Phillippa and the Hurrer's daughter, 578. (Robert), Reply to the answer of James Eraser, 41. Stewart (Dugald), Elements of the philo- sophy of the Mind, 508. Stillingfleet (Edward), Discourse of the true antiquity of London, 10. (Edward), Sermon on the Reformation, 182. INDEX. 649 Stillingfleet (Edward), The Mischief of Separation, 183. ■ Ecclesiastical Cases, 453. Second part of, 453. Discourse upon the illegality of the late Ecclesiastical Commission, 453. Sermon before the King, 550. Letter to the clergy of his diocese, 550. Stockdale (William Lichfield), Etchings of antiquities in Kent, 383. Stock (J.), Collections relative to the fall of the Brunswick Theatre, 176. Stockden (John), The seven "Women Con- fessors, 201. Stokes (David), The widow of Sarepta, 65. Stonestreet (Geo. Griffin), The portentous Globe, 43. Tracts on subjects connected with the improvement of London, 73. Domestic Union, or London as it should be, 92. Eastward Ho ! 173. Story of Tom Cole, 173. Storck (Dr. Anthony), Essays of, 508. Storer (J. and H. S.), History and de- scription of the parish of St. James, Clerkenwell, 106. Story (Joseph), Life and Letters of, 587. Stothard (C. A.), Monumental effigies of Great Britain, 383. Stott (Sir Richard), recorder of Bar wick. Speech of, to the Duke of York, 317, 328. Stoutt (William), Autobiography of, 402. Stow (John), Survey of London (various editions), 10. Annales of England, 353. Summarie of English Chro- nicles, 353. continued by Howes, 353. (Wm.), Remarks on London, 10. Strafford (Thomas earl of). State Papers, 317. Strangvage (William), History of Mary Queen of Scots, 353. Strickland (Agnes), Lives of the Queens of England, 353. (John), Discovery of Peace, 181. (Sir John), The entertainment of King Charles at York, 261. Stringer (Miles), Opsra Mineralia expli- cafa, 48, 508. Strutt (Jacob George), Si/lva Britannica, 508. (James), Declaration to the whole world, 550. (Jos.), The Bumpkin's disaster, 92. (Joseph), Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities, 384. Strutt (Jos.), Sports and Pastimes, 384. Horda Angel-cynnan ; view of the manners and customs of England, 384. Chronicles of England, 353. Biographical Dictionary of Engravers, 401, 514. Strype (John), Life and Acts of Bishop Aylmer, 389. Life of Sir John Cheke, 392. Life of Archbishop Cranmer, 393. 399. gift, 405. 453. Life of Grindall, 395. Life of Archbishop Parker, Life of Archbishop Whit- Ecclesiastical Memorials, Annals of the Reformation, 453. Stuart (Gilbert), History of Scotland, 353. Observations on the law and constitutional history of Scotland, 353. (James), Critical observations on the buildings of London, 353. and Nicholas Revett, Anti- quities of Athens, 483, 514. Stubs (PhUip), Of Public Baptism, 185. Sermon at St. Paul's, 189. Sermon at Long Reach on board H. M. ship the Royal Sovereign, 551. Stubbe (Henry), Legends no Histories, or animadversions on the Royal So- ciety, 170. Stukeley (William), Account of Richard of Cirencester, 384. ■' PalceograpMa Britannica, 384. Itinerarium Curiosum^ 384. Stonehenge and Abury, 384. Suckling (Sir John), Letter to Henry German, 318. The Poems of, 535. Sullivan (Francis Stoughton), Lectures on the constitution and laws of England, 497. Sunderland (Earl of), Letter discovering the designs of the Roman party, 301, 318. Surtees (William Edward), Sketch of the lives of Lords Stowell and Eldon, 402. Sweet (Robt.), Hortiis Surhurbanus Loti' dinensis, 608. Swift (Dr.), The Wonderful Wonder of Wonders, 52. (Jonathan), History of the last four years of Queen Anne, 329, 353. Works of, by Sir Walter Scott, 535. Swinden (Henry), History of Great Yar- mouth, 384. 3 A 650 INDEX. Swinerton (Sir John), The Hogge hath lost his pearle, 535. Symmons (E.), Vindication of Charles I., 262, 334. Sydney (Rev. E.), Sermon before the Lon- don Missionary Society, 168. Syntax (Dr.), Tour through London, 93. T. B., Life and Death of the Merry Devil of Edmonton, 520. — — GlossograpUa ; or a Dictionary of hard words, 570. T. C, Sermon on the death of William earl of Pembroke, 194. T. G., Collin's Walk through London and Westminster, 26. Mineral Waters lately found at Is- lington, 507'. T. S., Petition to the House of Lords of the young Apprentices, <|-c. in London, 13. Toleration, a poem, 538. Tabor (John), Seasonable thoughts in sad times, 112. Tacitus, The Works of, by Murphy. {Cor- pus Historicum), 463. Tanner (Thomas), BibliotJieca Britannico- Hibernica, 384. Notitia Afonastica, 454. Tarleton (Lieutenant-colonel), History of the Campaigns in North America, 484. Tate (Nahum), Panacea; a poem upon tea, 535. Tatham (J.), Pageants by, 100. (W.), A Plan for improving the city of London, 72. Taube (Fried. Wilhelm), Sketch of Eng- lish manufactures, 318. Taubman (M.), Pageants by, 103. Tavemier (Jo. Baptista), Voyages of, through Turkey, 560. Taylor (Arthur), The Glory of Regality, 353. (Charles), Narrative of finding the crucifix of Edward the Confessor, 203. (Edgar), Memoir of John Meadows, 402. (Edward), Gresham Inaugural Lec- tures, 583. (Geo.), Memoir of Robt. Surtee8,402. (Isaac), World of Mind, 508. (John), The Life of Thomas Par, 18, 399. The whole life and progresse of Henry Walker, 19. the Water Poet, Relation of the seorfights, <&c. before the celebra- tion of the marriage of Prince Frede- rick and the Princess Elizabeth, with triumphal encomiasticke verses, 96. The General Complaint of the most oppressed Commons of Eng- land, 318. Taylor (John), Spadacrene Anglica, 508. — — The Workes of, collected and separate, 535. Narrative of the case of Jo- seph Rawson, 452. Paraphrase and notes on the Epistle to the Romans, 551. (John R.), Correspondence on the improvement of Chancery lane, 581. Government, legal, and ge- neral Half-holiday, 582. (Richard), Letter to Inglis on the Gresham Trusts, 30. Tooke's Diversions of Pur- ley, with additions by, 578. (Rich.), of Norwich, Indeos Monas- tieus ; or the abbeys and other monas- teries, ^c. in the diocese of Norwich, 454. (Silas), History of Harwich and Dovercourt, 363. (Sidney), On the punishment of death, 318. (W.), Annals of St. Mary Overy, 196. (Wm. Cook), Romantic Biography of the age of Elizabeth, 402. Tegg (Thomas), Remarks on Talfourd's Copyright Bill, 497. A Dictionary of Chronology, 587. Telltroth (Robt.), Advice to the nobility, ^c. in the choice of Parliament-men, 291, 318. Temple (Sir John), History of the Irish Rebellion, 353. (Sir William), The Works of, 318. Memoirs of, 353. Templeman (D.), Secret History of the late Directors of the South-sea Com- pany, 52. Tenison (Edw.), Sermon at St.Paul's, 193. Terrick (Rich.), Sermon at St. Paul's, 191. Thelwall (John), Speech of, Peaceful Dis- cussion, 149. Democracy vindicated, 319. Thevenot (M. de), Travels of, 561. Thiers (M. A.), History of the Consulate and the Empire, 484. Thirlby (Styan), Answer to Mr, Whis- ton's Seventeen Suspicions, 454. Thom (Walter), Historyof Aberdeen, 385. Thomas (Henry), Ancient remains of London, 10. (Thomas), Memoirs of Owen Glen- dower, 402. (Rev. Thomas), History of the an- tient Britons, 353. Thomson (Ebenezer), German-English Analogies, 578. Thompson (Aaron), British History, 353. (Pishey), History and Antiquities of Boston, 359. INDEX. 651 Thompson (Richard) Chronicles of Lon- don Bridge,j20; Account of the processions and ceremonies at Coronations, 204. (Thomas), Midsummer Moon, or the Liveryman's Complaint, 86. History of the Royal Society, 170. (William), Speech of, upon the elec- tion of Sheriffs, 86. Thoresby (Ralph), Diary of, 402, Ducatus Leodiensis^ 385. Letters of eminent men to, 402. Thorisby (Thos.) and Richard Wilmes, Upon the credit of Seamen's Wages, 578. [Thornton (Bonnel),] City Latin, or re- marks on the inscription on laying the first stone of Blackfriars Bridge, 21. Timotheus, a burlesque ode, 538. Address to the Company of Barbers in Oxford, 538. Thornton (Edward), History of the Bri- tish Empire in India, 484. Gazetteer of India, 484. (William), History of Loudon, 10. Thoroton (Robert), Antiquities of Not- tinghamshire, 385. Thorp (George), Sermon at Guildhall chapel, 183. Thorpe (Benjamin), Northern Mythology, 484. — Analecta Anglo-Saxonica, 578. Antient laws and institutes of England, 589. Homilies of iElfric, 690. -.ffilfric Society's publications, 590. (John), Custumale Roffense^ 385. Registrum Roffense, 385. (M. J.), Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland, 354. Throsby (John), History and Antiquities of Leicester, 385. Select "Views in, 385. Thuani (Jac. Aug.) Historiae, 484. Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, 463. Thurloe's State Papers, 320. Thurston (Joseph), The Toilette, 538. Tichbome's (Colonel), Speech of, 138. Tichboume (Sir Henry), Letter of, on the siege of Tredagh, 342. Tick ell (John), History of Kingston-upon- HuU, 385. Ticklefoot (Tom), Observations on the Trial of Sir G. Wakeman and others, 436. Tiemey (M. A.), History and Antiquities of the town and castle of Arundel, 386. Tiler (Arthur), History and Antiquities of St. Saviour's, South wark, 196. Tillison (John), State of the account of monies for the reparation of St. Paul's, 161. Tillotson (John) , Sermon at St. Mary-le- Bow, 178. Sermon preached before the King, 551. (Archbishop), Letter to Lord Wil- liam Russel, 431. Timbs (John), Curiosities of London, 10. School-days of eminent men, 403. Timothy bishop of Oxford, Sermon at Mercers chapel, 185. Tindal (N.), History of Essex, No. 1, con- taining the history of Felstead and Pantfield, 385. (William), History of the abbey and borough of Evesham, 385. Tichbume (Sir Henry), History of the siege of Drogheda, 353. Tite ( W.), A descriptive Catalogue of An- tiquities found in the excavations at the Royal Exchange, 158. Todd (Henry John), Vindication of Cran- mer, 443. Account of the Deans of Can- terbury, 454. Toms (Wm. Henry) and Robert West, Perspective views of antient churches, 110. Tomkins (Nathaniel), Confession and Speech of, 435. TomUns (F. G.), History of England, 354. (Thomas Edlyne), Law Dictionary, 497. Tonge (Simon), Narrative and case con- cerning the Popish Plot, 296. Vindication of, 296. Tongue (Israel), New design of the Pa- pists detected, 420. Tooke (John Home), Letters of, concern- ing the execution of Doyle and Valine, 117. Letter on the Reform of Par- liament, 292, 320. Diversions of Purley (edit. Taylor), 578. (William), Monarchy of France, 484. Lucian of Samosata, 678. Toone (William), Glossary of obsolete Words, 578. Topham (John), Account of the chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, 159, 160. Torrens (R.), Essay on external Com trade, 584. Torrijos (General de), Manifiesto a la Na- cion, 584. Tory (Timothy) Sejanus ; or the Popular Favourite, 533. 662 INDEX. Touchstone (Timothy), Reply to Mr. Christian'B letter, 412. Reply to Sir Anonymous, 413. Toulmin (Joshua), Historical view of the Protestant Dissenters, 454. History of Taunton, 386. Tovy(D'Blossieres),^«^Zia Judaica^ 386. Towers (Joseph), An Oration on the com- memoration of the Revolution, 320. Tovmend (William), Descendants of the Stuarts, 354. Townley (James), Sermon before the Go- vernors of the Magdalen, 180. Sermon at St. Paul's, 190. Tradescant (John), Muscsum Tradescan- tianum, 505. Trapp (Dr. Joseph), Case of the patron and rector of St. Andrew's, Holbom, 105. Sermon at St. Paul's, 109. (Joseph), Trial of Louis XVI., 473. Treby (Sir George), recorder of London, Speech of, to the Prince of Orange, 145. Trench (Colonel), View of the north bank of the Thames, 174. ■ ■ (Richard C), Deficiencies in our English Dictionaries, 578. Trimmer (Master), Siege of Paternoster row, 93. Trimnell (Charles), bishop of Norwich, Sermon at St. Bridget's, 188. Trinder (Charles), recorder of Gloucester, Speech on entering office, 321. Trollope (W.), History of Christ's Hos- pital, 71. Trotter (John B.), Memoirs of Charles James Fox, 403. Trusler (Dr.), The London Adviser, 28. Works of Hogarth moralized by, 95. Tucker (Abraham), Light of Nature pur- sued, 508. (Dr.), dean of Gloucester, Union and Separation : — see Clarke (Dr.). (Jedediah S.), Life of the Earl of St. Vincent, 403. Tuke (Henry), Principles of the religion of the Quakers, 455. (Sam.), Memoirs of George White- head, 403. Turberville (David), Information of, rela- ting to the Popish Plot, 296. Turner (Brian), Sermon, Testimonium Jesu, 183. (Bryan), Sermon at Guildhall chap- pel, 183. • ■ (Dawson), Specimen of Lichenogra- phia Britannica, 509. ^— (Sir Edw.), Speech of, to the King, 289,321. — — (Sharon), History of the Anglo- Saxons, 354. Turner (Sharon), Sacred History of the Worid, 485. Tutchin (John), Poem on their Majesties speeches, 538. Twisden (Roger), Historiae Anglicanse Scriptores, 354. Twiss (Horace), Life of Lord Eldon, 403. Tyndall (William), A brief declaration of the Sacraments, 551. Tyrrell (James), History of England, 354. (Frederick), Lecture on Anatomy, 93. (John), Suggestions concerning real property, 497. Tyrwhitt (R. P.), An Argument on the non-inrolment of the decree for Tithes in London, 62. Tytler (Patrick Eraser), The History of Scotland, 354.^ Udall (Ephraim), Communion comli- nesse, 177. (Matthew), The Publican, 195. Ulrichs (H. N.), Topography of Athens, 485. Ulloa (George Juan and Antonio de). Voyage to South America, 561. Upcott (Wm.), Miscellaneous writings and memoirs of Evelyn, 602. English Topography, 386. Ure (Andrew), Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy, 509. (David), History of Rutherglen and East Kilbride, 386. Urquhart on Impressment, 323. Ussher (James), The Rights of Primo- geniture, 551. Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti, 651. Vallancy (Charles), Essay on the anti- quity of the Irish language, 578. Vaillant (M. le). Travels into the interior parts of Africa, 561. Vanderstegen (William), The state of the Thames considered, 172. Vanderkiste (R. W.), Six years' Mission among the dens of London, 582. Van Diest (Frid. Will.), Memorial of Heer Van Diest, 485. Vane (Sir Henry) and Master Marshall, Two Speeches spoken at a Common Hall, 129. Vansittart (Nicholas), On the immediate conclusion of Peace, 323. Vaughan (Richard), Speech of, at the entrance of the Duke of Beaufort into Carmarthen, 323. (Robert), The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, 335, 354. The Life of WycUffe, 403. INDEX. 653 Vattel (Emer de), The Law of Nations, 497. Venables (Aid.), Correspondence between him and Mr. Coles, respecting the office of tinder- sheriff, 150. Verax (Theodorus), Trial of Colonel Lil- bume, 422. Verdat (Don Pedro de la), Interpretation of the Harwich Dream, 323. Veredicus, Account of the material events in the late Rebellion, 342, 343. Vergil (Polydor), Historia, 355. English abridgement of (by Langley), 355. Vermont (Marquis de) and Sir Charles Damley, London and Paris, 11. Verstegan (Richard), Restitution of de- cayed intelligence, 386. Vertue (George) , Account of Edward the Confessor's monument, 203. Vertot (M I'Abbe), Memorial as to the constitution of the Roman Senate, 323. ■ Histoire Critique de I'eta- blissement des Bretons dans les Gaules, 485. Vesey (John), archbishop of Tuam, Ser- mon to the Protestants of Ireland, 179. Vicars (John), A just correction, ^fc. of a scandalous Bill of the mortality of the Malignant Clergy of London, 58. ■ — Coleman street conclave vi- sited, 58. A sight of the transactions of these latter years, 323. Mischeefes Mysterie, or trea- son's master- piece, the powder- plot, 538. Victor (Mr.), History of the Theatres of London and Dublin, 175. Villette (Mr.), The Annals of Newgate, 154. Vincent (Thomas), God's terrible voice in the City, 112. (William), Narrative of the Riots in London, 91. ■ dean of Westminster, The commerce and navigation of the ancients in the Indian Ocean, 561. Vines (Richard) , The authors, nature, and danger of Hseresie, 551. Virgilii (Publii), Maronis Opera, 538. Virtue's Picturesque Beauties of Great Britain, 386. Voght (C), Institutions at Hamburgh for the poor, 486. Volney (C. F.), Law of Nature, 497. (M. C. F.), Travels through Syria and Egypt, 561. Voltaire, CEuvres de, 486. Candide, ou I'Optimisme, 538. Vulliamy (B. L.), Some Considerations on public Clocks, 678. W. C, London's Lamentation for her sinnes. 111. W. M., A Remembrance of the worthy show and shooting by the Duke of Shoreditch, 33. W. P., The divine right of Kings, 278. Waagen (Dr.), Treasures of Art in Great Britain, 514. Galleries and Cabinets of Art, 514. Wace (Robert), Le Roman de Ron, 538. Wadd (Wm.), Observations on Strictures of the Urethra, 509. Remarks on Corpulence, 509. Mems, Maxims, and Me- moirs, 509. NugcB ChirurgiciB, 509. Waddington (John), Penry, the Pilgrim Martyr, 403. Wade (John), British History chronolo- gically arranged, 355. Wadstrom (C. B.), Observations on the Slave-trade, 560. Waithman (Robert), Letter to the Go- vernors of Christ's Hospital, 71. Wax the cause of Scarcity, 149. Speech of, in the House of Commons, 150. Maxims of, 539. Wake (William), Sermon at St. Sepul- chre's, 185. Sermon on the death of Queen Mary, 552. Wakefield (Gilbert), Examination of T. Paine's Age of Reason, 551. The Spirit of Christianity, 551. Wakefield (Priscilla), Perambulations in London, 11. Wakeman (Sir George), Letter from, to his friend W. S., 436. Wakley (Thomas), Report of the trial of Cooper V. Wakley, 94. Walcot (Capt. Thomas), Letter of, before his attainder, 436. Walcott (M. E. C), Memorials of West- minster, 204, 386. Waldegrave (James earl of), Memoirs of, 1754 to 1758, 403. Waldron (George), A Poem on the Par- liament, 539. Walker (Clement) and William Prynne, Petition of, to the Commons, 146. Petition of, concerning N. Fiennes's impeachment, 437. Compleat History of Inde- pendency, 455. — (Henry), Corda Anglue, 455. — (John), Sufierings of the Clergy, 455. Critical Pronouncing Dic- tionary, 578. 654 INDEX. Walker (Nathaniel), Sermon on the death of Lucas Lucie, 194. (Thomas), The Quaker's Opera, 14. Wall (Moses), The Hope of Israel, 551. Waller (Mr.), Speech of, on the accusa- tion of Sir R. Berkley, 123. Speech of, at a conference of both houses, 324, Wallis (John), Guide to London, 11. Natural History and Anti- quities of Northumberland and part of Durham, 387, 509. (Richard), London's Armory, 11. Walpole (Horace), Memoirs of the reign of George the Third, 355. Letters of (edit, by Cunning- ham), 393. Walsh (R.), Essay on Ancient Coins, 387, 455. Walsingham (Francis), The Free Briton, 258. Walters (John), English- Welch Dictio- nary, 578. Waltham, History of the town and abbey of (Farmer), 366. Walton (Izaac), Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, Mr. Hooker, and Dr. San- derson, 403. The Complete Angler, by Sir John Hawkins, 579. Warburton (John), London and Middle- sex illustrated, 11. Vallum Romanum, 387. , Whitelaw, and Walsh's History of Dublin, 387. (William), bishop of Gloucester, The Works of, by Hurd, 551. Letters from, to a friend, 579. Ward (Edw.) and Thomas Brown, The infallible Astrologer, 26. The London Spy, 26. The secret history of Clubs in London, 26. — — ■ Vulfftis Brilannicus, 26. Account of the Clubs in Lon- don and Westminster, 27, 28. St. Paul's Church, or the Protestant ambulators, 161. The Dancing School, 539. A Journey to Hell, 539. The Poet's ramble after riches, 539. A dialogue between Bow- steeple dragon and the Exchange grass- hopper, 539. Upon the stately structure of Bow Church and steeple, 539. A trip to New England, 561. A trip to Jamaica, 561. — (John), Lives of the Gresham Pro- fessors, 30. — {Nathaniel), chanicus, 59. Mercurius Anti-Me- Ward (Nathaniel), The simple Cobler of Aggawam, 455. (Sir Patience), Speech of, at Guild- haU, 29th Sept. 1680, 79, 84. and Sir Robert Clayton, Speeches of, 144. Ward (Seth), bishop of Sarum, Funeral Sermon on the Duke of Albemarle, 194. Wardell (James), History of Leeds, 387, 587. Catalogue of Tradesmen's Tokens relating to Yorkshire, 586. Ware (Isaac), Complete Body of Archi- tecture, 515. (Sir James), Antiquities and His- tory of Ireland, 355. (John) , Account of Charities of St. Leonard Shoreditch, 25. Waring (Major Scott), Observations on the present state of the East India Company, 41. Warmestry (Thomas), Pax Vobis, 122. Warner (John), bishop of Rochester, Church lands not to be sold, 455. (Rich.), History of Bath, 387. Warrington (William), History of Wales, 355, 387. Warton (Thomas), Life of Sir Thomas Pope, 403. (Rev. T.), Essays on Gothic Archi- tecture, 511. Warwick (Earl of). Laws and Ordinances of Warre, 126. Sir Henry Vane, the Earl of Essex, the Earl of Pembroke, CoUonell Hollis, and Master Recorder, Six Speeches spoken in Guildhall, 132. Washington (General), Life of, 587. Waterhouse (Edward), A short narrative of the late dreadful fire in London, 63. Waterland (Daniel), chaplain to His Ma- jesty, Sermon at St. Paul's, 190. Waters (E.), The Opera-glass, 175. Watkins (Henry George), Advice to Ap- prentices, 13. (George Henry), Sermon on the death of George III., 553. Watson (Charles), Narrative of the action between the Northumberland and three French men of war, 355. (John F.), Historic Tales of olden times, 486. (Richard), bishop of Llandaflf, Ad- dress to the people of Great Britain, 325. Anecdotes of the life of, 403. (William), A Sequel to the experi- ments on electricity, 509. Watt (Robert), Bibliotheca Dritannica^ 579. Watts (Isaac), Defence against Self-mur- ther, 551. INDEX. 655 Watts fDr.), Poem on the death of Sir Thomas Abney, 193. Waugh (John), Sermon at St. Bridget's, 189. Sermon at St. Lawrence's, 189. Webb (Mr.,) Malignant'sConventicle,131. Weber (Henry), Metrical Romances, 539. Webster (Noah), Dictionary of the En- glish language, 579. (William), A Discourse on James ii. 10, 11 ; 551. Wedgwood (Josiah), Description of the Portland Vase, 164. Weedon (Cavendish), Orations, Anthems, 4fc. at Stationers' Hall, 52. Weever (John), Funeral Monuments, 387. Welch (Joseph), List of the Queen's Scholars of St. Peter's College, 204. Weld (lord mayor). Order for rebuilding the city after the Fire, 63. (H. H.), The Autobiography of B. Franklin, 587. Welwood (Gulielmus), De dominio maris, 498. — — (James), Memoirs of the last hun- dred years, 355. Wei don (Sir Anthony), The Court and Character of King James, 355. (William), Chymical water for the teeth and gums, 509. W^ellbeloved (Charles), Ehuracum ; or York under the Romans, 387. (Horace), London Lions, 11. Wellington (Duke of). Despatches of, 355. Supplementary Despatches, 355, 486. Wells (Samuel), State of the national Fi- nances, 325. • Revenue and Expenditure of the United Kingdom, 584. Welton (R.), Sermon on the erection of an Altar-piece at St. Mary's, White- chapel, 180. Wentworth (Sir William) , The Speech of, to the magistrates and citizens of Chester, 325. Wesley (John), Letter of, relating to the late Act of Parliament in fevour of the Papists, 301. West (Benjamin), Description of his pic- ture of Death on the Pale Horse, 200. (Richard), archdeacon of Berkshire, Sermon at St. Bridget's, 189. Westall (W.), Views on the Thames, 174. Western (C. C.), Remarks on Prison Dis- cipline, 155. (J. George), Commentaries on the Laws of England, 498. (Thomas G.), Cases relating to the Tithes of the city of London, 62. Westmonasteriensis (Matthseus), Flores Historiarum, 355. Weyer (Francis), Zeal of the king's wit- nesses vindicated, 429. Whalley (John), Poor Robin's Prophecy for 1689, 575. (Peter), Sermon at Christ's Hospital, 19L . Wharton (Henry), Historia de Episcopis et Decanis Londinensibus, 456. Anglia Sacra, 456. (Lord), Mr. Strode, the Eari of Pem- broke, and others, Speeches of, in Guild- hall, 125. Wheatley (Chas.), Sermon at St. Paul's, 190. Wheler (Geo.), Journey into Greece, 562. (Sir George), Account of the places of assembly of the primitive christians, 456. (R. B.), History and Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon, 387. Wheder (Daniel), Extracts from the let- ters and journal of, 456. (Jacobus L.), Catalogus rationalis Plantarum Medicinalium, 500. Whetstone (Geo.), Mirovr of Magestrates, 25. Remembrances of worthies. 404. Whewell (Rev. W.), Bridgewater Trea- tise, 499. Whiffin (AV. H.), Memoirs of the house of Russell, 401. Whincop (Thomas) , Sermon at St. Brid- get's, 187. Whiston (James), Serious advice to the Common Council, 144. England's calamities disco- vered, 326. Discourse on the decay of trade, 326, 579. (William), Josephus, 472, 546. Proposal for erecting societies for promoting primitive Christianity, 456,551. Christian's Rule of Faith, 551. Whi taker (Edward), Petition of, for his discharge, 437. (John), Genuine History of the Britons asserted, 355. History of Manchester, 387. (Thos. Dunham), History and An- tiquities of Craven, 586. Whitby (Thomas), The Priory of Birken- head, 539. White (Gilbert), History of Selbome, 387, 509. (James), A Dictionary of the Vete- rinary art, 578. Eighteen Christian Centu- ries, 486. Account of the improvements in the western part of London, 73. 656 INDEX. White (Samuel), Letter to his brother on the rebellion at Siam, 474. Whiter (Walter), Etymologicon Univer- sale^ 5 7" 9. Whitehead (Geo.), Case of the suffering people of God, 456. The Quaker's Vindication against Francis Bugg, 456. (Paul), Honour, a satire, 539. Whitlaw (Charles), Asylum for the cure of Scrofula, 24. Whitelock, Fleetwood, and Disbrowe, Speeches of, to theLord Mayor, 141. (Bulstrode), Account of his embassy to Sweden, 356, 486. ■ Memorials of English affairs, 356. (Richard), Manners of the English, 356. Whitworth (Charles), Directions for the execution of the Militia Act, \VT. • Plan for the more easy exe- cution of the laws relating to the paving, Sj;c. of Westminster, 199. (Sir Charles), Observations on the Westminster Paving Act, 199. Draft of intended Act for the nightly watch, ^c. of Westminster, 199. (Robert), Report and Survey of the Canal from Waltham Abbey to Moor- fields, 73. Whytehead (Robt.), The Claims of Chris- tian Philanthropy, 169. Wickens (N.), Wood-street Compter's Plea for its Prisoners, 152. Widmore (Richard), Inquiry into the foundation of Westminster Abbey, 203. — ' History of the church of St. Peter, Westminster, 203. Wight (Thomas), History of the rise and progress of the Quakers, 456. Wilberforce (W.), Slaves in the West In- dies, 314. Wilbraham (Roger), Glossary of some words used in Cheshire, 568, 575, 578. Wilcox (Joseph), bishop of Gloucester, Sermon at St. Bridget's, 190. Sermon at St. Mary-le-Bow, 193. Wild (Jon.), Advice to his successors, 117. (R.), Iter Boreale, 64. Wilde (John), Preface to a book on the affairs of Ireland, 322. Wilkes (John), The Speeches of, 19. Letters to his Daughter, 19. The Origin and Progress of Despotism, 148. History of England, 148,356. Letter to Thos. Hariey, 148. Letter to his constituents in 1768, 148. The renowned History of Jack of Aylesbury, 539. Wilkes (John), Lyric Consolations, with the Speech of, 539. Wilkins (David), Leges Anglo-Saxonicse, 498. Concilia Magnse Britanniae et Hibemiae, 456, 498. (Jo.), bishop of Chester, Sermon before the King, 552. (John) , Essay toward a real charac- ter, ^-c, 579. (Richard), The Soap Patentees of London's Petition, 50. Wilkinson (John), Suffering condition of the servants of the Lord, 438. (Robert), Plates for the History of St. Peter's, Cornhill, 109. William III. and Queen Mary, Form of proceeding to the coronation of, 203. ■'■ Earl Marshal's order touch- ing the habits of Peeresses, 203. Williams (Archbishop), The Holy Table, 446, 552. (Chas.), Sermon at Isleworth church, 552. (Daniel), The Will of, 404. Sermon before Sir John Shorter, 184. (G.), bishop of Ossory, Vindicice Re- gum^ 323. (J.), God's defence of his anointed, 77. Sermon at the Northampton- shire Feast, 178. Sermon Jewry, 186. at St. Lawrence tion, 186. Sermon upon the Resurrec- Historical account of sub- ways in the metropolis, 74. The rise, ^c. of the northern governments, 486. Account of missionary enter- prises, 562. (Thomas), The Insane World, or a week in London, 11, 93. (William), Speaker of the House of Commons, Speech on his appointment, 326. Williamson (T.), Oriental field sports. 478. Willis (Browne), Mitred Abbeys, 456. Survey of the cathedral of St. Asaph, 456. (Rich.), Sermon at the first meeting of charity schools, 22. Sermon at St. Bridget's, 187. Willoughby (Edw.), Petition of, touching manors and lands in Dorset, 437. Wilmot (John), Life of Hough bishop of Worcester, 395. Wilson (Benjamin), Essay upon electri- city, 509. (Christopher), Sermon at St. Paul's, 187. INDEX. 657 Wilson (C), The ornaments of churches considered, with a particular view to St. Margaret's Westminster, 203. (EfBngham), Description of the new Royal Exchange, 158. (Grindal), Exposition of the Lord's Prayer, 552. (H. B.), The case of the Rector of St. Thomas Apostle, 63. History of the parish of St. Lawrence Pountney, 108. History of the Merchant Taylors' School, 168. Sermon on the death of Archbishop Sutton, 195. Sermon on the day of Her Majesty's interment, 552, 553. A word of counsel to the Jews, 579, (John), Narrative of the transactions in Nova Scotia, 486. (J. H.), Temple Bar, 353. (John Stiff), History of Christ's Hospital, 71. (Ralph), Account of the Robberies committed by John Hawkins and George Sympson, 418. (Sir Robert), Remarks on the Rua- sian arm}', 486. (Thomas), Accoimt of Hoxton Aca- demy, 166. (Walter), History and antiquities of Dissenting Churches, 62. Memoirs of the Life and Times of De Foe, 404. Wimpey (Joseph), The Challenge, 326. Windus (Thomas), Elucidation of the Portland Vase, 164. Wing (John), Almanack, 562. Winstanley (Gerrard), AWatch-word for the city of London and the armie, 141. — — (William), The Honour of Merchant Taylors, 48. Wintringham (Clifton), Essay on Conta- gious Diseases, 112. Winwood (Sir Ralph) , State papers, 327. Memoirs of state, 356. Wise (Jos.), The system, a poem, 539. Wiseman (Cardinal), Recollections of the last four Popes, 404. Wishaw (F.), Report of the intended Viaduct from Fetter lane, 74. Wither (George), A seasonable memo- randum on the pestilence. 111. Narrative of the investiture of the Lord Protector, 202. Britain's Remembrancer, 639. Sigh for the Pitchers, 539. Withers (John), The Whigs vindicated, 327. Witt (John de), Treatise on the Colo- nies, 462. Wood (Anth.), Athence Oxonienses^ 404. AthencB Oxonienses\ with the Fasti^ or annals, 404. (John), Petition of, against the Earl of Derby, 413. (Wm.), The Bowman's Glory, 33. Woodfall (Wilfred), My Note Book, 93. Woodman (John), The Rat-catcher at Chelsea College, 30. Woodroffe (Benjamin), Sermon at Guild- hall chappel, 183. Woodrow (Robert), History of the suf- ferings of the Church of Scotland (edit. Bums), 456. Woods (George), Account of the Isle of Man, 387. Woodward (David), and others, on the loss of their Ship, 437. (Daniel), Vox Uraniae, 562. (John), Account of Urns and An- tiquities dug up at Bishopsgate, 11. Remarks upon the ancient and present state of London, 11. — (Josiah), Account of the rise and progress of the religious societies, 61. Sodom's Vices destructive to other cities and states, 186. Sermon at St. Lawrence Jewry, 187. Woolrych (Humphrey W.), Memoirs of Jefferys, 17. Woolsey (Robert), Doctrine and Practic* of Attachments, 82. Woolesley (Sir Charles), Speech of, 264. Worcester (Wm. of), Annales. (Heame), 370. (Marquis of), A Century of Inven- tions, 515. Wordsworth (Christopher), Who wrote EtK(i)v Bo(rtAi/c^ ? 356. Diary in France, 562. Discourses on Public Edu- cation, 579. (William), Poetical Works of, 540. Worsaae (J. J. A.), Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, 356. Worsley (Sir Rich.), History of the Isle of Wight, 388. Worthington (B.), Plan for improving Dover harbour, 388. Wrangham (Francis), The British Plu- tarch, 390. Wren (Christopher), Parentalia, 19. Wright (J.), A Poem ; being an essay on the ruins of St. Paul's, 161. (James), History and Antiquities of Rutland, 388. (Thomas), The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon, 356. England under the House of Hanover, 356. History and Geography of Essex, 366. 3b 658 INDEX. Wright (Thomas), Biographia Britannica Literaria, 404. ' Bruma et Vespera brumalis, 540. Lectures on the Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries, 586. (W.), Fishes and Fishing, 579. Wroughton (Richard), Shakespeare's Richard the Second, 590. Wyatt (James), Bedford Schools and Charities, 358. Wyatt (M. Digby), Industrial Arts of the 19th century, 515. Wyld (Charles), Views of Canterbury Cathedral, 361. Wylde (Sir William), recorder of Lon- don, Speech to King Charles IL, 142. Wylie (Rev. J. A.), The Papacy; its history, Sj;c., 63, (Wm. M.), Fairford Graves, 388. Wynne (J. H.), The Prostitute, a poem, 540. Wyntown (Andrew), Orygynale cronykil of Scotland, 356. Xenophon's History and Cyropsedia, by Ashley, 463. Xenophon's Expedition of Cyrus, by Spel- man ; and Arrian's History, by Rooke. {Corpus Hisioricum), 463. Y ARDLEY (Edward) , archdeacon of Car- digan, Sermon at St. Bridget's, 191. Yarranton (Andrew), England's Im- provement by sea and land, 327. Yearwood (Randolph), The Life and Death of Nathaniel Butler, 14. Yeowell (James), Chronicles of the an- cient British Church, 356. Yockney (Samuel), Defence of the appeal relative to the canvas in Covent garden, 202. Yorke (Henry Redhead), Letter to the reformers, 328. (James), The Union of Honour, 388. (Philip), Royal tribes of Wales, 356. Young (Arthur), The example of France a warning to Britain, 328. Reply to a pamphlet upon the state of France, 328. (Cbas. George), Catalogue of works on the peerage, 404. (Edward), Sermon before the Lord Mayor 184. Sermon exhorting to union in religion, 179, 181. Sermon before His Majesty at Whitehall, 552. Sermon at the consecration of bishop Ken, 552. — (Sir William), History of Athens, 487. Zeal (Zachary), Seasonable alarm to the city of London, 91. Zimmerman (M.), Reflections on the Per- fectibility of Man, 328. Zouch (Thomas), The Life of Izaak Wal- ton, 19. ^ RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO— i^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 — HOME USE 2 3 4 5 < b ALL BOOKS AAAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS l-month loans may ba renawad by caMinQ <43-3409 Vytar loans may be recharged by brIfHjmg ^a eoa)t§ fe tf?l €tfeei|tlSH Daii ^H§Wlll« and f acharges may b« mada 4 d«y§ ^m iH dtiie dsiS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW OCT 31 1984 BECC1R.H0U J% 1 AUG 2 2 005 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 1 FORM NO. 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