684 N7RI8 18T9 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES REVISED LIST OF Birds of (Central New York BASED ON THE OBSERVATIONS OF FRANK R. RATHBUN, (H. GILBERT FOWLER, \ FRANK S. WRIGHT, (SAMUEL F. RATHBUN, In the Counties of Cayuga, Onondaga, Seneca, Wayne and Yates. Collated and prepared for publication, BY FRANK R. RATHBUN. AUBURN, N. V. : Daily Advertiser and Weekly Journal Book and Job Printing He Al'RIL I7TH, 1879. REVISED LIST OF Birds of Central New York Based on the observations of FRANK R. RATHBUN, H. GILBERT FOWLER, FRANK S. WRIGHT, SAMUEL F. RATHBUN, In the Counties of Cayuga, Onondaga, Seneca, Wayne and Yates. Collated and prepared for publication, BY FRANK R. RATHBUN. AUBURN N. Y.: Daily Advertiser and Weekly Journal Book and Job Printing House. APRIL lyxH, 1879. &$ /is? A REVISED LIST OF BIRDS OF CENTRAL NEW YORK. I HE following List of Birds of the counties of Cayuga, Onondaga, Seneca, Wayne and Yates, in the State of New York, is the result of the combined observations, notes and field-work, (extending over a period of some ten years), of the following named individuals, who during the winter of 1879, met informally, from a love of ornithology, for the purpose of revising and perfecting the " RATHBUN-FOWLER-LIST," which originally appeared in the "Auburn Daily Advertiser" (newspaper,) under date of August i4th, 1877: FRANK R. RATHBUN, H. GILBERT FOWLER, FRANK S. WRIGHT, SAMUEL F. RATHBUN. Collated and prepared for publication, April i7th, 1879, by FRANK R. RATHBUN, AUBURN, N. Y. Note (i). " The Ornithological Four," extend their acknowledgments to Messrs. John B. Gilbert and James Flahive of Penn Yan, N. Y.,and to Messrs. John H. Mann and Fred A. Hewlett, of the city of Syracuse, N. Y., for the valuable notes and information which is duly accredited in the subjoined list. To Dr. Elliott Coues, of Washington, D. C., they would tender their thanks for kind assistance and advice. Note (2). " Mr. F. R. Rathbun, having submitted to me the MSS. of this List, with reference to an expression of opinion, respecting its merits, I am happy to be able to say, after careful examination, that I consider it an inter- esting and valuable paper, well worthy of publication." " The evident care which the authors have taken to avoid error, by basing the article entirely upon original observations, and by excluding all doubtful matter, confers that very high rate of reliability which will doubtless make this List the leading authority upon the Ornithology of Central New York." " WASHINGTON, D. C., [ " ELLIOTT COUES." " March 6th, 1879." ) 550758 BIRDS OF CENTRAL NEW YORK. BIRDS OF CENTRAL NEW YORK. i TURDUS (PLANESTICUS) MIGRATORIUS.Zmw. The Robin. Abundant from April to November. Occasionally met in Winter. 2. TURDUS (HYLOCICHLA) MUSTELINUS, Cm. The Wood Thrush. Arrives the last week in April, or the first week in May. De- parts about the first of October. Common, and breeds. 3. TURDUS (HYLOCICHLA) PALLASI, Cab. Hermit Thrush. Abundant as a Spring and Autumn migrant ; arriving from the South early in April, and returning from the North about the middle of October. 4. TURDUS (HYLOCICHLA) SWAINSONI, Cab. Olive-Backed Thrush. Arrives early in May and remains a few days ; after which, all pass North to breed. Returns about the first of September, when it is common. Departs for the South about the first of October. 5. TURDUS (HYLOCICHLA) SWAINSONI, var., ALIC/E, (Baird.) Cones. Alice's Thrush. Rather more common than the preceding, arriving and de- parting about the same time. 6. TURDUS (HYLOCICHLA) FUSCESCENS, Steph. Wilson's Thrush, or Veery. Common, arrives early in May, and remains throughout the Summer. Leaves for the South about the first of September. Breeds. 7- MIMUS (GALEOSCOPTES) CAROLINENSIS. (Linn.) Gray. The Cat-Bird. Arrives early in May, abundant. Breeds. Departs about the first of October. 8. HARPORHYNCHUS RUFUS, (Linn.) Cab. Brown Thrasher. An irregular Summer resident.' 9. SIALIA SIALIS, (Linn.) Hald. Eastern Blue-Bird. Arrives the first week in March. Abundant. Breeds. De- parts about the n\iddle of November. 10. REGULIJS CALENDULA, (Linn.) Licht. Ruby- Crowned Kinglet. Arrives early in April. Common. Passes North to breed, and returns early in October, tarrying with us a week or two. n. REGULUS SATRAPA, Licht. Golden-Crested Kinglet. One of our most abundant migrants. Arrives about the mid- dle of April, and departs by the first of November. Occasion- ally winters. Seen during the Winter of 1877-78. 12. POLIOPTILA C^iRULEA, (Linn.) Scl. Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher. Rare. One taken near Penn Yan, N. Y. No date given. Gilbert. 9 13. PARUS ATRICAPILLUS, Linn. Black-Capped Chickadee. Resident and abundant. Breeds. 14. SITTA CAROLINESIS, Gm. White-Bellied Nuthatch. Also resident and abundant. Breeds. 15. SITTA CANADENSIS, Linn. Red-Bellied Nuthatch. A common and regular migrant. Arrives about April ist, and departs in October. A single individual seen in Auburn, N. Y., as late as the third week in December, 1878. 16. CERTHIA FAMILIARIS, Linn. Brown Creeper. Resident. Abundant during the Spring and Autumn. 17. TROGLODYTES DOMESTICUS, (Bartr.) Coues. House Wren. A common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives early in May, and departs in October. 18. ANORTHURA TROGLODYTES, var., HYEMALIS, ( Vieill.) Coues. Winter Wren. Abundant during the migrations. Arrives about the first of April, and leaves the last of October. According to F. H. King, of Ithaca, N. Y., it breeds. See Bulletin of the Nuttall Or- nithological Club, Vol. III. No. 4., p. 195. 19. TELMATODYTES PALUSTRIS, (Bartr.) Cab. Long-Billed Marsh Wren. A Summer resident. Abundant and breeds. Arrives early in April. Departs the first week in November. 10 20. CISTOTHORU3 STELLARIS, (Licht.) Cab. Short-Billed Marsh Wren. A Summer resident. Breeds. Less common than the pre- ceding. 21. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS, (Linn.) Boie. Shore Lark. Resident. Most common in the Spring and Fall, when they are at times abundant. 22. ANTHUS LUDOVICIANUS, (Gat.) Licht. Titlark. A common migrant. Seen May 14, 1878. Departs the last of October. (Observed in the breeding season, May i8th, Gil- bert.) 23. MNIOTILTA VARIA, (Linn.) Vieill. Black-and-White Creeper. Not common. A regular migrant. Arrives the last of April or first of May, and departs in September. 24. PARULA AMERICANA. (Linn.) Bonap. Blue Yellow-Backed Warbler. A common species remaining during Summer. Arrives about the middle of May ; departs the latter part of September. 25. HELMITHERUS VERMIVORUS, (Cm.) Bonap. Worm-Eating Warbler. Not rare. Occurs regularly. Gilbert. 26. HELMINTHOPHAGA PINUS, (Linn.) Baird. Blue-Winged Yellow Warbler. One specimen taken by Mr. Gilbert, near Penn Yan, N. Y., (no date given,) and now in his collection. 11 27. HELMINTHOPHAGA CHRYSOPTERA, (Lin.) Baird. Blue Golden- Winged Warbler. Two individuals taken by Mr. Gilbert near Penn Yan, N. Y. One in May 1872. No further record. 28. HELMINTHOPHAGA RUFICAPILLA, (Wils.) Baird. Nashville Warbler. Occurs regularly during the migrations, in small numbers. Arrives early in May. 29. HELMINTHOPHAGA PEREGRINA, ( Wils.) Cab. Tennessee Warbler. A regular migrant in small numbers. Taken Sept. 18, 1878. 30. DENDRCECA /ESTIVA, (Cm.) Baird. Summer Warbler. An abundant Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives the last of April or first of May, and departs the last of September. 31. DENDRCECA VIRENS, (Cm.) Baird. Black-Throated Green Warbler. A very common migrant. Arrives about the last of April or first of May. Departs the last of September. 32. DENDRCECA OERULESCENS, (Linn.) Baird. Black-Throated Blue Warbler. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. Arrives the second week in May. Departs in October. 33. DENDRCECA C/KRULEA, (Wils.) Baird. Caerulean Warbler. Not an uncommon Summer resident. Observed rarely pre- vious to 1876. Arrives about the second week in May. Taken by Mr. E. R. Richardson, Jr., of Auburn, N. Y., May 8th, 1878. Departs in September. 12 34. DENDRCECA CORONATA, (Linn.) Gray. Yellow-Humped Warbler. Very abundant. Arrives about the 25th of April. Departs the latter part of October. 35. DENDRCECA BLACKBURNLE, (Cm.) Baird. Blackburnian Warbler. Common. Arrives the first week in May and departs the last of September. 36. DENDRCECA STRIATA, (Forst.) Baird. Black-Poll Warbler. Common. Arrives the third week in May, and leaves the last of September. 37. DENDRCECA CASTANEA, (Wils.) Baird. Bay-Breasted Warbler. Not an uncommon Spring and Autumn migrant. Arrives the second or third week in May, and leaves the last of September. 38. DENDRCECA PENNSYLVANIA, (Linn.) Baird. Chestnut-Sided Warbler Not an uncommon Summer resident. Arrives the second week in May and departs in September. 39. DENDRCECA MACULOSA, (Gin.) Baird. Black-and- Yellow Warbler. Arrives the third week in May. A common Spring and Au- tumn migrant. 40. DENDRCECA TIGRINA, (Cm.) Baird. Cape May Warbler. Not uncommon during the migrations. Gilbert. 13 4i. DENDRCECA PALMARUM. (Cm.) Baird. Yellow Red-Poll Warbler. Not a common Spring and Autumn migrant. Taken April 20th, 1878. 42. DENDRCECA PINUS, (Wils.) Baird. Pine-Creeping Warbler. Common during the migrations. 43. SIURUS AUROCAPILLUS, (Linn.) Sw. Golden- Crowned Accentor. A common Summer resident from the second week in May, to the middle of September. Breeds. 44. SIURUS N/EVIUS, (Bsi/d.) Cones. Water Thrush; Aquatic Accentor. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. A few found dur- ing the breeding season. Arrives the first of May, and departs the last of September. 45. OPORORNIS AGILIS, ( Wils) Baird. P"" Connecticut Warbler. Very rare. Male taken Sept. 7th; Female taken Sept. lyth, 1878. Both specimens adult birds. 46. GEOTHLYPIS TRICIIAS, (Linn.) Cab. Maryland Yellow-Throat. A common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives about the middle of May, and departs the latter part of September. 47. GEOTHLYPIS PHILADELPHIA, (Wils.) Baird. Mourning Warbler. A somewhat rare Summer resident. Breeds. Female ob- served feeding young, and young birds of the species noted, June 18, 1878. Arrives the second week in May and departs in September. 14 48. ICTERIA VIRENS, (Linn ) Baird. Yellow-Breasted Chat. A very rare Summer visitor. One taken in the Spring of 1874, and now in the collection of Mr. Gilbert. 49. MYIODIOCTES MITRATUS, (Gm.) And. Hooded Flycatching Warbler. Common in dense forests with a heavy undergrowth. Sixty- six specimens of this species taken during the months of July, August, and September 1878. Nest found July 25, 1878, con- taining three young and one egg. Northern Cayuga and North Eastern Wayne Counties, N. Y. 50. MYIODIOCTES PUSILLUS, ( IVils.) Bonap. Green Black-Capped Flycatching Warbler. A regular Spring and Autumn migrant. Taken May i7th, 1878, and Sept, i7th, 1878. Not uncommon. 51. MYIODIOCTES CANADEXSIS, (Linn.) Aud. Canadian Flycatching Warbler. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. Arrives the second week in May, and departs the latter part of September. 52. SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA, (Linn.) Sw. Redstart. A common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives the first week in May, and leaves in September. 53. PYRANGA RUBRA, (Linn.) Vieill. Scarlet Tanager. A common Summer resident, arriving the second week in May, and departing in September. Breeds. 15 54. HIRUNDO HORREORUM, Barton. Barn Swallow. An abundant Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives about the middle of April, and departs in September. 55. TACHYCINETA BICOLOR, (Vieill.) Cones. White-Bellied Swallow. An abundant Summer resident; breeds. Arrives about the middle of April, and departs in September. 56. PETROCHELIDON LUNIFRONS, (Say.) Cab. Cliff Swallow ; Eave Swallow. Abundant ; coming with the Barn Swallow and departing the last of August, or early in September. 57. COTYLE R1PARIA, (Linn.) Boie. Bank Swallow. Abundant from the first week in May, to the second week in September. 58. STELGIDOPTERYX SERRIPENNIS, (Aud.) Baird. Rough- Winged Swallow. One specimen taken May i9th, 1876. Omitted from original list. 59. PROGNE SUBIS, (Linn,) Baird. Purple Martin. A common Summer resident; breeds. Arrives the last week in April and departs the last of August. 60. AMPELIS CEDRORUM,(^'V/.) Gray. Cedar Bird. Resident. More or less common in Winter. Breeds in July or August. 16 6i. VIREO OLIVACEU8, (Linn.) Vicill. Red- Eyed Vireo. A very common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives the sec- ond week in May. 62. VIREO PHILADELPHICUS, Cassin. Brotherly-love Vireo. Found regularly in the Spring migrations. 63. VIREO GILVUS, (Vieill.) Bonap. Warbling Vireo. A common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives the second week in May. 64. VIREO FLAVIFRONS, Vieill. Yellow-throated Vireo. Another common Summer resident. Arrives with the Red- eyed Vireo. Breeds. 65. VIREO SOLITARIUS. (JFiTr.) Vieill. Blue-headed Vireo. Not uncommon during the migrations, passing quickly through the last week in April. 66. VIREO NOVEBORACENSIS, (Gin.) Bonap. White-eyed Vireo. Two specimens captured by Mr. Gilbert near Penn Yan, N. Y. (No dates.) Not common. 67. LAN! US BOREALIS, Vieill. Great Northern Shrike ; Butcher Bird. A regular Winter visitor. Arrives in November from the North. Not seen after the middle of March. 68. LANIUS LUDOVICIANUS EXCUBITOROIDES, (Sw.) Coues. Common American Shrike. A not uncommon Summer resident; breeds. Arrives the last week in March or the first of April, and leaves in October. 69. PISTICOLA ENUCLEATOR, (Linn.) Vieill. Pine Grosbeak. An irregular Winter visitor. 70. CARPODACUS PURPUREUS, (Gin.) Gray. Purple Finch. An abundant Summer resident. Arrives in March. March 9, 1878. Common the second week in April. Breeds. De- parts in October. 71. LOXIA LEUCOPTERA, Wils. White-winged Crossbill. An irregular Winter visitor. Twenty-one specimens taken in Auburn, N. Y., previous to December 24th, 1878. 72. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA, var., AMERICANA, (Wils.) Coues. Red Crossbill. Like the preceding species, an irregular \Vinter visitant; has been taken as late as April. Observed in numbers on the Owasco Street Road near Auburn, N. Y., in May. (Year indefi- nite.) 73. .EGIOTHUS LINARIA, (Linn.) Cab. Red-poll Linnet; Lesser Red-poll. An irregular Winter visitor. Common during the Fall of '78, and Winters of '78-'79. 18 74. CHRVSOMITRIS PINUS, (Wils.) Bonap. Pine Linnet. Also an irregular Winter visitant ; has been taken in the early part of May. 75. CHRYSOMITRIS TRISTRIS. (Linn.} Bonap. Yellow-Bird; American Gold-finch. Abundant and resident. Breeds in July; less common in Winter. A perfect albino of this species is in the collection of Mr. Gilbert, taken by him at Penn Van, N. Y. 76. PLECTROPHANES NIVALIS, (Linn.) Meyer. Snow Flake ; Snow Bunting. A regular Winter visitor; common from November to March. Taken during the Fall of 1878 as early as October 2oth. 77. PLECTROPHANES LAPPONICUS, (Linn.) Selby. Lapland Longspur. Taken in the W T inter of 1876, by Mr. Fred Allen, (one speci- men.) An uncommon visitor. Several specimens taken in Penn Van, N. Y. Gilbert. 78. PASSERCULUS SAVANNA, ( WOs.) Bonap. Savannah Sparrow. A Summer resident. Common. Breeds. Arrives in April and departs in October. 79. POOECETES GRAM1NEUS, (Gm.) Baird. Bay- Winged Bunting ; Grass Finch. An abundant Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives the first week in April and departs the last of October. 19 8o. COTURNICULUS PASSERINUS, ( Wils.) Bonap. Yellow- Winged Sparrow. Two specimens taken by Mr. Gilbert and now in his collec- tion. (No data.) Not common. 81. MELOSPIZA PALUSTRIS, (Wils.) Baird. Swamp Sparrow. A common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives in April and departs the last of October. 82. MELOSPIZA MELODA, ( Wils.) Baird. Song Sparrow. An abundant Summer resident. Breeds. Has been noted as early as March ist, 1878. Departs in November. A perfect albino of this bird taken at Penn Yan, N. Y., by Mr. Gilbert, and now in his collection. 83. JUNCO IIVEMALIS, (Linn.) Scl. Black Snow-bird. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. Occasionally ob- served in Winter. Taken December 28th, 1878. 84. SPIZELLA MONTICOLA, (Gm.) Baird. Tree Sparrow. A common Winter resident. Arrives the latter part of Octo- ber and departs the last of April. 85. SPIZELLA SOCIALIS, ( Wils.) Bonap. Chipping Sparrow. A common Summer resident. Arrives the middle of April and breeds in all the gardens. Departs early in October. 20 86. SPIZELLA PUSILLA, (WOa.) Bonap. Field Sparrow. A common Summer resident ; breeds. Arrives in April. April 4th, '78. Departs the lat'ter part of October. 87. ZONOTRICHIA ALBICOLLIS, (Gm.) Bonap. White-throated Sparrow. An abundant Spring and Autumn migrant. Arrives the mid- dle of April, and departs the latter part of October. 88. ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS, (Forst.) Sw. White-crowned Sparrow. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. Arrives the last of April or first of May, and leaves in advance of the preceding. 89. PASSER DOMESTICUS, Linn. English Sparrow. Resident and abundant. Found feeding on the cabbage worm, PIERIS RAP^, during the Summer of 1878. 90. PASSERELLA ILIACA. (Iferran.) Sw. Fox-colored Sparrow. Common during the migrations. Arrives early in April. Cap- tured March pth, 1878. 91. GONIAPHEA LUDOVICIANA, (Linn.) Boivdich. Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Not an uncommon Summer resident. Arrives about the mid- dle of May, and departs the latter part of September. 92. CYANOSPIZA CYANEA, (Linn.) Baird. Indigo Bird. A common Summer resident after May ist. Breeds. De- parts the last of September. 21 93. PIPILO ERYTHROPHTHALMUS, (Linn.) Vieill. Chewink; Towhee Bunting. Not an uncommon Summer resident. 94. DOLICHONYX ORYZIVORUS, (Linn.) Sw. Bob-o-link ; Rice Bird. A common Summer resident ; breeding. Arrives in May. May 5th, 1876. Leaves in August. 95. MOLOTHRUS PECORIS, (Gm.) Sw. Cowbird. An abundant Summer resident ; occasionally winters. Ob- served Feb. 8th, 1876, when six were seen, and December 2d, 1877, when four individuals were noted in company with a flock of English Sparrows, PASSER DOMESTICUS, in the outskirts of the city of Auburn, N. Y. 96. AGEL/EUS PHCENICEUS, (Linn.) Vieill. Red-winged Blackbird. An abundant Summer resident; breeds. Arrives the middle of March, and departs in November. 97. STURNELLA MAGNA. (Linn.) Sw. Meadow Lark. Another breeding and abundant Summer resident. Occa- sionally winters. 98. ICTERUS SPURIUS, (Linn.) Bonap. Orchard Oriole. Observed in August, 1875, near Port Byron, N. Y. Not a rare Summer resident. 99. ICTERUS BALTIMORE, (Linn.) Dandin. Baltimore Oriole. A common Summer resident ; breeds. Arrives early in May May 3d, 4th, 1878 and departs in September. 22 ioo. SCOLECOPHAGUS FERRUGINEUS, (Gm.) Sw. Rusty Grackle. A common migrant. Arrives in April and departs in Octo- ber. 101. QUISCALUS PURPUREUS, (Bartr.) Licht. Crow Blackbird. A common Summer resident and breeds. Occasionally found in winter. Three seen Feb. 22, 1877, and two Dec. 26th, 1878- 102. CORVUS CORAX. (Linn.) Raven. A complete skeleton of this species was taken by Mr. Wright and his brother Charles F. Wright, at Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y., in the month of July 1875. The bones were carefully col- lected and taken to Auburn, N. Y., where they were identified by Mr. Fowler. This specimen had evidently met death from a shot of apparently No. 4 size, as evidenced by a hole through the skull. 103. CORVUS FRUGIVORUS, Bartr. Common Crow. A common resident. Breeds. 104. CYANURUS CRISTATUS, (Linn.) Sw. Blue Jay. An uncommon resident. Breeds. Common in the Fall of 1878. 105. TYRANNUS CAROLINENSIS, (Linn) Baird. King Bird. A common Summer resident, breeding. Arrives in May May 5th, '76, and May i4th, 1878. Departs the latter part of September. 23 io6. MYIARCHUS CRINITUS, (Linn.) Cab. Great Crested Flycatcher. A common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives early in May. May 6th, 1876, April 271)1, 1878. Leaves in September. 107. SAYORNIS FUSCUS, (Gm.) Baird. Phoebe Bird. Also a common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives the lat- ter part of March. March 3Oth, 1878. Departs early in Octo- ber. 108. CONTOPUS BOREALIS, (Sw.) Baird. Olive-sided Flycatcher. Very rare ; but one known to have been tak*en in this local- ity. Penn Yan, N. Y. Now preserved in the collection of Mr. Gilbert. 109. CONTOPUS VIRENS, (Linn.) Cab. Wood Pewee. Common in Summer, after the second week in May. no. EMPIDONAX ACADICUS, (Gm.) Baird. Acadian Flycatcher. A single male specimen taken near Auburn, N. Y., May 23d, 1876. Omitted from original list. Female taken at Fair Ha- ven,'Cayuga Co., N. Y., July i8th, 1878. Breeds. Youngtaken early in August 1878. in. EMPIDONAX FRAILLI, (Aud.) Baird. Traill's Flycatcher. One specimen taken by Mr. E. R. Richardson, Jr., near Au- burn, N. Y., May 28th, 1878. Not uncommon. 24 H2. EMPIDOXAX MINIMUS. Baird. Least Flycatcher. A common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives the latter part of April, or ist of May. Leaves the latter part of Sept'r. 113. ANTROSTOMUS VOCIFERUS. (Wils.) Bonap. Whip-poor-Will. A rare Summer resident. 114. CHORDEILES VIRGINIANUS, (Brisson.) Bonap. Night Hawk. A common Summer resident. Breeds. 115. CH.ETURA PELAGIC A, (Linn.) Baird. Chimney Swift; Chimney Swallow. An abundant Summer resident. Arrives the latter part of April. April 2ist, 1876, April 2oth, 1878. Departs about the middle of October. October i4th, 1876. 116. TROCHILUS COLUBRIS, Linn. Ruby-Throated Humming Bird. A common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives the first week in May and departs in September. 117. CERYLE ALCYON, (Linn.) Boic. Belted Kingfisher. Not an uncommon Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives early in April. April 13, 1876, April 6, 1878. Departs in Nov. 118. COCCYGUS ERYTHROPHTHALMUS, (Wils.) Baird, Black-Billed Cuckoo. Not uncommon from the first of May, (May 7th, '78,) to the last of September. Breeds. 25 iig. COCCYGUS AMERICANUS, (Linn.) Bonap. Yellow-Billed Cuckoo. Not quite as frequent as the preceding, arriving and leaving about the same time. Breeds. 120. PICUS VILLOSUS, Linn. Hairy Woodpecker ; Sap-sucker. A common resident. Breeds. Several mounts of this bird of the albinistic form are in the collections of Messrs. Gilbert and Flahive of Penn Yan, N. Y., all secured at or near that place. A striking uniformity in the coloration and markings of the plumage of these specimens, renders this freak more than ordinarily remarkable. 121. PICUS PUBESCENS, Linn. Downy "Woodpecker. A common resident. Most abundant in Spring. Breeds. 122. SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS, Linn. Baird. Yellow-Bellied Woodpecker. Common in the Spring and Autumn migrations. Arrives the first week in April. April pth, xoth, 1876. Departs in Octo- ber. Seen July 1875, and June 1878. 123. CENTURUS CAROLINUS, Linn. Bonap. Red-Bellied Woodpecker. Not an uncommon resident. 124. MELANERPES ERYTHROCEPHALUS, (Linn.) Sw. Red-Headed Woodpecker. Resident and breeds. Occasionally seen in Winter, although abundant in Summer. 26 125. COLAPTES AURATUS, (Linn.) Sw. Golden- Winged Woodpecker; High-holder. Abundant in Summer. Occasionally winters. Jan. ist, '79. Breeds. Arrives the second week in April, April i2th, 1876, April 6th, 1878. Departs the last of October. 126. STRIX FLAMMEA, var., AMERICANA, (And.) Cones. American Barn Owl. Very rare. One taken by Mr. Gilbert near Penn Yan, N. Y. (No data.) 127. BUBO VIRGINIANUS, (Cm.) Bonap. Great Horned Owl. A common resident. Breeds. 128. SCOPS ASIQ,,(*J!.) Bonap. Screech Owl. A common resident like the preceding. Breeds. 129. OTUS VULGARIS, var. WILSONIANUS, (Less.) Allen. Long-eared Owl. Not an uncommon resident. 130. BRACHYOTUS PALUSTRIS, Auct. Short-eared Owl. An uncommon resident. Aug. nth, 1878,0. Fred Wright. December, 1877, Mr. G. Wilson. 131. SYRNIUM NEBULOSUM, (Foist.) Gray. Barred Owl. A common resident. Breeds. Young of the year taken Aug., 5th, 1878. 27 132. NYCTEA NIVEA, (DanJ.) Gray. Snowy Owl. An irregular Winter visitor. Very common during the win- ter of 1876-7. 133. NYCTALE ACADICA, (Cm.) Bonap. Acadian Owl. Rare. Adult male taken July i8th, 1878. Two specimens received, taken in Cayuga County, April i4th, 1877, and No- vember, 1878. 134. CIRCUS CYANEUS, var. HUDSONIUS, (Linn.) Cones. Marsh Hawk. A common Summer resident. Breeds. 135. ACCIPITER FUSCUS, (Cm.) Bonap. Sharp-shinned Hawk. Not an uncommon resident. 136. ACCIPITER COOPERI, Bonap. Cooper's Hawk. A common Summer resident. Nests early in May. A few remain all Winter. 137- ASTUR ATRICAPJLLUS, (Mis.) Bonap. Goshawk. An uncommon Winter visitor. Mr. Gilbert has taken sev- eral specimens of this bird at Penn Yan, N. Y. 138. FALCO CO. MM UN IS, Variorum. Peregrine Falcon ; Duck Hawk. One specimen taken on Seneca Lake in the Winter of 1878, by Mr. H. F. Pratt of Penn Yan, N. Y. 28 139- FALCO COLUMBARIUS, (Linn.) Pigeon Hawk. Not of uncommon occurrence. Taken Aug. 3ist, 1878. 140. FALCO SPARVERIUS, Linn. Sparrow Hawk. Common in Summer; rarely winters. Breeds. Seen, March 9th, 1878. 141. BUTEO AQUILINUS, (Barton.) Cones. Red-tailed Buzzard; Hen Hawk. A common resident. Breeds. Sept. i6th, 1876; a flock of twenty-three, apparently of this species, seen winging to the south-west, over Owaseo Lake. 142. BUTEO LJNEATUS, (Cm.) Jard. Red-shouldered Buzzard. A common Summer resident. Breeds. Occurs rarely in Winter. 143. BUTEO PENNSYLVANICUS,(W%.)^<7/. Broad-winged Buzzard. A rare Summer resident. Taken, May nth, 1878. Also taken by Mr. George B. Wright, Sept. i7th, 1878. Breeds. Eggs found April 25111, 1878. 144. ARCHIBUTEO LAGOPUS, var., SANCTI JOHANNIS, (Cm.) Kidg. Rough-Legged Buzzard. Rare. One taken Nov. 8, 1876. A fine black adult taken at Penn Yan, N. Y., by Mr. Flahive, and in his collection. 29 145- PANDION HALIAETUS, (Linn.) Savig. Fish Hawk. Occurs regularly in Summer. Breeds. Young bird cap- tured in June, 1872. 146. HALIAETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS, (Linn.) Savig. Bald Eagle. Occurs throughout the year. Breeds regularly in the north- ern part of Cayuga Co., N. Y. Formerly bred at Brincker- hoff's Point, Owasco Lake, N. Y. 147- ECTOl'ISTES MACRURUS, (Linn.) Cones. Wild Pigeon. Common during the migrations, in numbers. Arrives in March, March nth, 1876. Breeds. 148. ZEN/KDURA CAROLINENSIS, (Linn.) Bonap. Carolina Dove; Turtle Dove. Not an uncommon Summer resident; breeds. Arrives in April. Seen as early as March i8th, 1878. 149. BONASA UMBELLUS, (Linn.) Steph. Ruffed Grouse. ( Partridge. Local.) A common resident. Breeds. 150. ORTYX VIRGINIANA, (Linn.) Bonap. Virginia Partridge ; (Quail. iM-al.) Resident throughout the year. Common in Seneca and Wayne Counties, but less so in Cayuga and Onondaga Coun- ties. Breeds. 151. SQUATAROLA HELVETICA, (Linn.) Cuv. Black-bellied Plover. A rare Spring and Autumn migrant. 30 152. CHARADRIUS FULVUS, var., VIRGINICUS, (Bonk.) Cones. American Golden Plover. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. 153. /KGIALITIS VOCIFERA, (Linn.) Cass. Kildeer Plover. A common Summer resident ; breeds. Arrives about the first of April, March i6th, 1878. Departs the last of October. 154- --EGIALITIS WILSONIA, (On/.) Cass. Wilson's Plover. Rare. One taken in the Spring of 1868. Gilbert. 155. ^GIALITIS SEMIPALMATA, (Bonap.) Cab. Semipalmated Plover. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. 156. ^EGIALITIS MELODA, (Ord.) Cab. Piping Plover. Rare. A bag of five taken by Mr. Fred Wyer of Auburn, N. Y., on Owasco Lake, in the Autumn of 1876. 157. STREPSILAS INTERPRES, (Linn.) Illiger. Turnstone. A regular Spring and Autumn migrant, occurring in small numbers. 158. STEGANOPUS WILSON!, (Sat.) Coves. Wilson's Phalarope. One specimen secured by, and now in the collection of Mr. Gilbert, at Penn Van, N. Y. 81 159- LOBIPES HYPERBOREUS, (Linn.} Cuv. Northern Phalarope. Rare. One taken in May, 1874, at the foot of Crooked Lake, Penn Yan, Yates Co., N. Y. Gilbert. Several specimens tak- en on Owasco Lake, N. Y., June, 1877, by Mr. Ed. Hicks of Auburn. 160. PHILOHELA MINOR, (Gnt.) Gray. American Woodcock. A common Summer resident. Breeds. 161. GALLINAGO WILSONI, (Ttmm.) Bonap. Wilson's Snipe. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. Arrives in April and departs in November. 162. MACRORHAMPHUS GRISEUS, (Gm.) Leach. Red-breasted Snipe. An adult male captured early in September, 1875. The only one recorded for this locality. 163. MICROPALMA HIMANTOPUS, (Bonap.) Baird. Stilt Sandpiper. One taken in October 1875. Gilbert. 164. EREUNETES PUSILLUS, (Linn.) Cass. Semipalmated Sandpiper. A common migrant. Occurs regularly in the Spring and Fall. 165. TRINGA MINUTILLA. Vieill. Least Sandpiper. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. 32 1 66. TRINGA MACULATA, Vieill. Pectoral Sandpiper. Not an uncommon Spring and Autumn migrant. 167. TRINGA MARITIMA, Brilnn. Purple Sandpiper. One specimen taken on Seneca Lake, in the winter, (no data.) by Mr. Flahive of Penn Van, N. Y., and now in his collection. 168. TRINGA ALPINA, (Linn.] var., AMERICANA, Cassin. Dunlin, or Ox Bird. A regular, and not uncommon Spring and Autumn migrant. 169. TRINGA CANUTUS, Linn. Red-breasted Sandpiper. Rare. Two specimens taken October i5th, 1874. Gilbert. One specimen also in Mr. Flahive's collection taken near Penn Van, N. Y. (No data.) 170. CALIDRIS ARENARIA, (Linn.) Illiger. Sanderling; Ruddy Plover. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. 171. LIMOSA FEDOA, (Linn.) Ord. Great Marbled Godwit. A rare migrant. One taken by Mr. Fred A. Howlett of Syr- acuse, Onondaga Co., N, Y., the latter part of June 1876, now in his collection. The sqme gentleman saw another specimen at the same time but failed to secure it. 172. LIMOSA H^iMASTICA, (Linn.) Cones. Hud$onian Godwit. A rare Spring and Autumn migrant. 33 173- TOTANUS SEMIPALMATUS, Cm. Semipalmated Tattler. A regular migrant. Three secured in the Fall of 1876. 174. TOTANUS MELANOLEUCUS, Cm. Greater Tell-tale. Common in the Spring and Autumn migrations. Especially in August and September. 175. TOTANUS FLAVIPES, Cm. Lesser Tell-tale. An abundant migrant, associating in the Fall with the other Tell-tales. 176. TOTANUS SOLITARIUS, Wils. Solitary Tattler. Common during the migrations. Arrives early in May. May 8th, 1878. 177- TRINGOIDES MACULARIUS, (Linn.) Gray. Spotted Sandpiper; Tip-up. A common Summer resident; breeds. Arrives early in May. May 5th, 1876. 178. ACTITURUS BARTRAMIUS. ( Wils.) Bonaf. Upland Plover. Not an unrommon Summer resident. 179. NUMENIUS LONGIROSTRIS, Wils. Long-billed Curlew. A regular, but somewhat rare migrant. 84 iSo. NUMENIUS HUDSONICUS, Lath. Hudsonian Curlew. Occurs irregularly during the migrations. One specimen preserved in the collection of " The Phoenix Sportsman's Club " at Seneca Falls, N. Y. 181. ARDEA HERODIAS, Linn. Great Blue Heron. Common in Summer; breeds. Arrives in the early part of April. April 8th, 1876. 182. HERODIAS EGRETTA, (6V//.) Cray. Great White Egret. Accidental. One taken in this locality (Penn Yan) in the Spring. Gilbert. Date not recorded. 183. BUTORIDES VIRESCENS, (Linn.) Cab. Green Heron. A common Summer resident; breeds. Seen early in May. Departs the last of September. 184. NYCTIARDEA GRISEA, (Linn.) Steph. var. t N/EVIA, (Bodd.) Allen. Night Heron. One taken on Seneca River, and now in the possession of the Sportsman's Club at Seneca Falls, N. Y. 185. BOTAURUS MINOR, Gm. American Bittern ; Indian Hen Common in Summer. Breeds. 35 186. ARDETTA EXILIS, (Gin.) Gray. Least Bittern. A common Summer resident. Breeds. A set of five eggs taken, June i6th, 1876. 187. RALLUS VIRGINIANUS, Linn. Virginia Rail. Also a common Summer resident ; breeds. Arrives in April. April 23d, 1878. 1 88. PORZANA CAROLINA, (Linn.) Vieill. Carolina Rail. Like the preceding, a common Summer resident. Breeds. 189. PORZANA NOVEBORACENSIS, (Cm.) Cass. Yellow Rail. Very rare. One taken September, 2oth, 1872. Gilbert. 190. PORZANA JAMAICENSIS, (Cm.) Cass. Black Rail. Rare. Two instances recorded of its capture in this locality. Penn Yan, N. Y. One in 1870, and one on the marsh be- tween Havana and Watkins in 1872. Both taken in the Spring. Gilbert. 191. GALLINULA GALEATA, (Lick.) Bonap. Florida Gallinule. A common Summer resident. Breeds. Arrives in May, and departs in September. 36 192. FULICA AMERICANA, Cm. American Coot. Common the latter part of October on Cayuga Lake, N. Y. A few remain all Summer and breed. 193. CYGNUS BUCCINATOR, Rich. Trumpeter Swan. Accidental, or very rare. A specimen taken on Cayuga Lake, N. Y., and now in the rooms of the '"''Phoenix Sportsman s Club " of Seneca Falls, N. Y. 194. BRANTA BERNICLA, Linn. Brant Goose. One shot on Cayuga Lake, N. Y., near the railroad bridge by Mr. Charley Traverse. The same was identified by Mr. Greene Smith. Horace Silsby, in Auburn Daily Bulletin of December, 1877. -^n adult male received from Cayuga Lake, November 26th, 1878, which was also shot near the railroad bridge by Mr. David Copeman. 195. BRANTA CANADENSIS, Linn. Canada Goose; Wild Goose. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. 196. ANAS BOSCHAS, Linn. Mallard. Not uncommon, as a Spring and Autumn migrant. 197. ANAS OBSCURA, Gm. Black Duck. Arrives in March. Departs in November. A few remain all Winter. Breeds. 37 I 9 S. DAFILA ACUTA, (Linn.) Jenyns. Pin-tail Duck. Found in the Spring and Fall migrations. 199. CHAULELASMUS STREPERUS, (Linn.) Gray. Gray Duck ; Gad-wall. A Spring and Autumn migrant. 200. MARECA AMERICANA, (Cm.) Steph. American Widgeon; Bald Pate. Not uncommon during the migrations. 201. QUERQUEDULA CAROLINENSTS, (Cm.) Green-winged Teal. Common in the Spring and Autumn. 202. QUERQUEDULA DISCORS, (Linn.) Steph. Blue-winged Teal. An abundant migrant in Spring and Fall. A few remain to breed. 203. SPATULA CLYPEATA, (Linn.) Bate. Shoveller. Occurs regularly as a migrant in small numbers. 204. AIX SPONSA, (Linn.) JSoie. Summer Duck; "Wood Duck. A common Summer resident ;- breeds. Arrives in April'and departs in October. 38 205. FULlGULA MARILA, (Linn.) Steph. "Lake Blue-bill." (Local.) Greater Scaup Duck. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. 206. FULIGULA AFFINIS, Eyton. " Marsh Blue-bill." (Local.) Lesser Scaup Duck. Like the precedimg, common during the migrations. 207. FULIGULA COLLARIS, (Donovan.) Bonap. Ring-necked Duck. An uncommon migrant. 208. FULIGULA FERINA. var., AMERICANA, (Eyton.) Coues. Red-head Duck. Not uncommon as a Spring and Autumn migrant. 209. FULIGULA VALLISNERIA, (Wils.) Steph. Canvas-back Duck. Like the preceding, not uncommon during migrations. 210. BUCEPHALA CLANGULA, (Linn.) Gray. " Whistle-wing." (Load.) Golden-eyed Duck. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. Also common in Winter. 211. BUCEPHALA ALBEOLA, (Linn.) Baird. " Butter-ball." (Local.) Buffle-headed Duck. Like the former ; a few found in Winter. 39 212. HARELDA GLACIALIS, (Linn.) Leach. Old- Wife ; Long-tailed Duck. Not uncommon in the migrations. 213. SOMATERIA MOLTSSIMA, (Linn ) Leach. Eider Duck. Accidental. One captured at Branchport, seven miles from Penn Van, N. Y., by Mr. S. N. Macomb, in February 1873. Gilbert. 214. SOMATERIA SPECTABILIS, (Linn.) Leach. King Eider. A specimen captured on Onondaga Lake, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Jan. 2oth, 1877, by Mr. Fred. 'A. Howlett of Syracuse, N. Y. 215. CEDEM1A AMERICANA, Sw. American Black Scoter. A rare migrant. Several specimens in the collections of Messrs. Gilbert and Flahive of Penn Yan, N. Y., taken on Sen- eca Lake. No data. 216. CEDEMIA PERSPtCILLATA, (Linn.) Fleming. Surf Duck. Not uncommon in the Autumn. Young birds drop into the lakes on the Fall migrations south, but do not tarry long. Gilbert. An adult male sent to Mr. Wright the first week in November 1878, taken on Cayuga Lake. 217. ERISMATURA RUBIDA, (IVils.) Bonap. Buddy Duck. Not uncommon during the Spring and Autumn migrations. 40 2iS. MERGUS MERGANSER, Linn. Merganser; Goosander. Common in Winter. Has been found breeding regularly at Blind Sodus Bay, Lake Ontario, Northern Cayuga and Wayne counties, N. Y. 219. MERGUS SERRATOR, Linn. Red-breasted Merganser. Common during the migrations. A few winter. 220. MERGUS CUCULLATUS, Linn. Hooded Merganser. Common during the migrations, and like the preceding, a few winter. 221. GRACULUS CARBO, (Linn.) Gray. Common Cormorant; Shag. A specimen of this bird was taken by Mr. Edward H. Mann of Syracuse, N. Y.,on Oneida Lake, N. Y., at the so-called "Upper South Bay," November i5th, 1877. The mount is preserved in the rooms of the " Onondaga Sportsman s Club," Syracuse, N. Y. 222. GRACULUS DILOPIIUS, (Sw.) Gray. Double-crested Cormorant. One taken by Mr. John H. Mann of Syracuse, N. Y., at " Nine Mile Point," Onondaga Lake, Onondaga Co., N. Y., November 3oth, 1865. Young of the species taken on Crooked Lake, near Penn Yan, N. Y., by John Carpenter. See Mr. Gil- bert's note in " Forest and Stream," etc., vol. IX., p. 489. 223. LARUS ARGENTATUS, Briinn. Herring Gull. Common about the lakes in Spring. 41 22 4 . LARUS DELAWARENSIS, On/. Ring-billed Gull. One specimen taken on Seneca Lake, N. Y., and now in Mr. Flahive's collection at Penn Yan, N. Y., a young bird. 225. LARUS TRIDACTYLUS, Linn. Kittiwake Gull. One taken on Seneca Lake, N. Y., and in the collection of Mr. Gilbert, at Penn Yan, N. Y. 226. LARUS PHILADELPHIA, (Ord.) Coues. Bonaparte's Gull. Not an uncommon Spring and Autumn migrant. 227. STERNA HIRUNDO, Linn. Common Tern. Not rare. Has-been taken on Seneca Lake at Dresden, N. Y., in June. Gilbert. Has also been taken on Owasco Lake, N. Y. 228. STERNA DOUGALLI, Mont. Roseate Tern. Rare. But one capture recorded for this locality, (Penn Yan, N. Y.) Gilbert. 229. STERNA SUPERCILIARIS, war., ANTILLARUM, (Less.) Coues. Least Tern. Occurs rarely in Spring. Two captured on Cayuga Lake, N. Y. 230. STERNA FULIGINOSA, Gm. Sooty Tern. Observed on Owasco Lake, N. Y., and a specimen captured there Sept. 2oth, 1876. 42 231. HYDROCHELIDON LARIFORMIS, (Linn.) Cones. Black Tern. But two specimens are recorded, both taken in the Spring. One on Seneca Lake, and one on Crooked Lake, N. Y. Gilbert. Occurs on Owasco Lake, N. Y. 232. COLVMBUS TORQUATUS, Briinn. Loon; Great Northern Diver. Not an uncommon Spring and Autumn migrant. 233. COLYMBUS SEPTENTRIONALIS, Linn. Red-throated Diver. A not uncommon species. Has been taken on Owasco Lake, N. Y. 234. PODICEPS GRISEIGENA, var.. HOLBOLLI, (Reinh.) Cones. Red-necked Grebe. Taken on Cayuga Lake, N Y., March 4th, 1876. 235. PODICEPS CORNUTUS, (Cm.) Lath. Horned Grebe. Common in the migrations. Taken Oct. 3oth, 1877, on Cay- uga Lake, N. Y. One taken on the Outlet of Owasco Lake, N. Y., by Mr. Geo. Fanning of Auburn, N. Y., in the Fall of 1877. 236. PODILYMBUS PODICEPS, (Linn.) Law,: Pied-billed Grebe; Dabchick. A common Spring and Autumn migrant. A few breed. INDEX. ALPHABETICAL INDEX To COMMON NAMES OK THE BIRDS INCLUDED IN THE FOREGOING LIST NOTE. The appended figures refer to the List No. -A. Page. Page. Accentor, Aquatic 44 13 Accentor, Golden-crowned 43 13 33 Baldpate, 200 37 Bunting, Bay-winged 79 18 Bittern, American 185 34 " Snow 76 18 Least 186 3> " Towhee93 21 Black-bird, Red-winged 96 21 Butter Ball, 211 38 " " Crow 101 22 Butcher Bird, 67 16 Blue-bill, Lake 235 38 Buzzard, Broad-winged 143 28 " " Marsh 206 38 " Red-shouldered 142 28 Blue-bird, Eastern 9 8 " Red-tailed 141 28 Bob-o-link, 94 21 " Rough-legged 144 28 Brant, 194 36 C Cat Bird 7 8 Creeper, Black and White 23. 10 Cedur Bird, 60 16 " Brownie 9 Chat, Yellow-breasted 48 14 Cross-bill, White-winged 71 17 Chewink,93 21 " " Red 72 17 Chickadee, Black-capped 13 9 Crow, Common li 3 22 Cormorant, Common 221 40 Cuckoo, Black-billed 118 24 Double-crested 222 40 " Yellow-billed 119 25 Coot, American 19i 36 Curlew, Hudsonian 180 34 Cow Bird 95 31 " Long-billed 179 33 Dabchick, 236 Diver, Great Northern 232... " T?f>H-throntprl 233 3D 4i Duck, King Eider 214 42 " Lesser Scaup 206 42 " Lonsr-tailed 212 39 39 |) ove Carolina 148 29 " Mallard 196 36 " Tnrtlp 14S 29 " Pin-tail 198 37 Duck, Black 197 36 " Red-head 203 38 ' Buffle-headed 211 38 " Ring-necked 207 38 ' Canvas-back 203 88 " Ruddy 217 . 39 " Eider 213 39 " Summer 204 37 " Golden-eyed 210 38 " Surf 216 39 " Gray 199 37 " Wood 201 37 " Greater Scaup 205.... ....33 Dunlin. 168.... 32 33 Eagle, Bald 146 29 Egret, Great-white 45 Page. Page. Falcon, Peregrine 133 27 Fly-catcher, Great-crested 106 23 Finch, Purple 70 17 " " Least 112 24 " Grass 79 18 " " Olive-sided 108 23 Fly-catcher, Acadian 110 23 " ' Train's 111 23 Gradwall, 199 37 Grackle, Rusty 100 22 Gallinule, Florida 191 35 Grebe, Horned 235 42 Gnat -catcher, Blue-Gray 12 8 " Pied-billed 236 42 Godwit, Great-marbled 171 32 " Red-necked 234 42 ' Hudsonianl72 32 Grosbeak, Pine 69 17 Goldfinch, American 75 18 " Rose-breasted 91 20 Goosadner 218 40 Grouse, Ruffed 149 29 Goose, Brant 194 36 Gull, Bonaparte's 226 41 " Canada 195 36 " Herring 223 40 " Wild 195 36 " Kittiwake 225 41 Goshawk, 137 27 " Ring-billed 224 ..41 Hawk, Cooper's 136 27 Hawk, Sharp-shinned 135 27 Duck 138 .27 " Sparrow 14C 28 Fishl45 29 Heron, Great Blue 181 34 G08137 27 " Greenl83 34 Henl41 28 " Night 184 34 Marshl34 27 High-holder 12i 26 Night 114 24 Humming Bird, Ruby-throated 116 24 Piaeon 139 28 I Indigo Bird, 92 20 Indian Hen, 185 34 Jay,Bluel04 22 Kl Kingbird 105 22 Kinglet, Golden-crested 11 8 Kingfisher, Belted 117 24 " Ruby-crowned 10 8 L Lark, Meadow 97, 21 Linnet, Pine 74, 18 " Shore 21, 10 Longspur, Lapland 77, 18 Linnet, Red-poll 73, 17 Loon, 232, 4v' Mallard, 196, 6 Merganser, 218, 40 Martin, Purple 59, 15 Merganser, Hooded 220 40 Maryland Yellow-throat, 46, 13 " Red-breasted 219, 40 1ST Nuthatch, Red-bellied 15 9 Nuthatch, White-bellied 14, 9 O Old-wife, 212, 39 Owl, Great-Horned 127, 26 Oriole, Baltimore 99 21 " Long-eared 129 26 " Orchard 98, 21 " Screech 128. 26 Owl, Acadian 133, 2r " Short-eared 130 26 " American Barn 126, 26 " Snowy, 132, 7 " Barredl31, 26 Ox-bird, 168, 32 6 Partridge, 149, " Virginia 150, Pewee Wood 109 Page. "29 29 23 Plover, Black-bellied 151 Kildeerl53, Piping 156, Ruddy 170,, Semipalmated 155 Upland 178, Wilson's 154 2 =1 Raven, 102 Redstart 52 Page. 29 30 30 32 30 33 30 29 22 14 21 7 20 20 20 18 1!) 19 1') Phalarope, Northern 159, Wilson's 15S Phoebe Bird, 107 Pigeon, Wild 147, Plover, American Golden 152, Quail. Virginian 150 Rail, Black 190, ' Carolina 188 - Virginia, 187, " Yellow 189 Red-poll, Lesser 73, Sanderling I'O Sandpiper, Least 165, Pectoral 166, 31 SO 2? 29 30 c I 35 35 35 35 17 t 32 31 .32 . . 32 31 33 31 25 Rice Bird, 94, Robin, American 1, 3 Sparrow, English 89 Field 86, Fox-colored 9\ Savannah 78, Song 82 . Swamp 81 " Tree 4 Red-breasted 19, Semipalmated 1P.4 " Spotted 177 ' Stilt 163 " White-crowned 88 White-throatei 87 ' ' Yello w- wi nged 80, Swallow. Bank 57, . 20 20 19 15 Scoter, American Black 215, Shag, 221 Shoveller 203 39 40 37 ir 16 " Barn 54 15 Shrike, Common American 68, " Chimney, or Swift, 115, .. Cliff, or Eave 56 " Rough-winged 58, White -bellied 55, Swan, Trumpeter 193 Swift, Chimney 115, -t Tern, Sooty 330, 24 15 15 ..15 36 24 41 Snipe Red-breasted 162, 31 Wilson's 161 31 19 .18 19 Snow Bird, Black 83 Snow Flake, 76 Tana^er Scarlet 53 1 14 Tattler, Semipalmated 173, " Solitary 17li 33 Tip-up, 177,. ... 33 g Teal, Blue-winged 2*2, " Green-winged 201, Tell-tale, Greater 174 " " Lesser 175 37 3r 33 33 42 41 Thrush, Alice's 5, " Hermit 3 . " Olive-backed 4 Water44 13 g Wood 2 " Least 22 > Roseate 228 41 41 Titlark, 22 Turnstone, 157 10 . ..30 Vireo Blue-headed 6) . 16 " White-eyed 66 16 16 " Yellow-throated 64 16 " Red-eved 61 16 Warbler, Bay-breasted 37 Black-and-yellow 39 Blackburnian 35 . Black-poll 36 Black-throated-bl ue 32 12 Warbler, Summer 30 ... 12 " Tennessee 29 ....12 " Worm-eating 25 ....12 " Yellow Red-poll 41 .. 11 li Yellow Rumped 34 11 Whip-poor-Will, 113 11 11 10 13 , 12 24 11 Whistle- win" 210 38 ' Blue-winged-yellow 26 Blue-yellow-backed 24 " Canadian FlycatchingSl.... 10 Widgeon, American 200 ....10 Woodcock. American 160 ... 14 Woodpecker. Downy 121 37 31 25 Cape May 40 Chestnut-sided 38 " Coerulean 33 " Connecticut 45 Green-black-capped 50 Hooded Flycatching 49 " Vourning47 " "Vashville 23 ...12 " Golden-winged 125.... 1> " Hairy 120 ....11 ' Red-bellied 123 ....13 " Red-headed 124 ... 14 " Yellow-bellied 122... 14 Wren,Housel7 13 " Marsh, Long-billed 19 .. .. 11 ' " Short-billed 20 26 25 25 25 25 9 9 10 Pine-creepinz 42 Volloi.--V.irr1 7% ...13 " Winter 18 .. Y . . .18 Yellow-throat. Marvland 46 .... 9 .... 13 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ! Form L9-10TO-3,'48(A7920)444 3L Rathbun - 634 A revised list N7R18 of birds of 1379 centr^J, New York. jcaouneMReaoNM tamm FMOUT A 000872444 5 684 N7R18 1979 I