The Humanizing of the Brute OR The Essential Difference between the Human and Animal Sowl proved from their Specific Activities BY H. MUCKERMANN, S. T. WITH FIVE PLATES St. Louis, Mo., and Freiburg, (Baden) Published by B. HERDER 1906 NIHIL OBSTAT. S. Ludovici, die 4. Sept. 1906. IMPRIMATUR. S. Ludovici, die 6. Sept. 1906. JOANNES J. GLENNON, Archiepiscopus Sti. Ludovici. To THE REV. ERIC W ASM ANN, S.J., this little volume is gratefully dedicated. "Und was man tst, das blitb man andern schuldig." Goethe. CONTENTS. Chapter i. The Humanizing of the Brute PART I. Instinct and Intelligence differ essentially. Chapter n. Instinct and Final Tendency . Chapter in. Instinct and Consciousness of Finality .... Chapter iv. Instinct and Sensuous Cogni- tion Chapter v. Instinct and Sense-Experience Chapter vi. Instinct and Intelligence . PART II. Animals have no Intelligence. Chapter vn. The "Intelligence" of "The Lower Animals" Chapter vni. The "Intelligence" of "The Higher Animals" CONCLUSION NOTE: The author is indebted to the Rev. Fr. John J. Wynne, S. J., Editor of the Messenger, and to the Editor of the Scientific American for their kind permission to make use of several papers which origi- nally appeared in their periodicals. CHAPTER I. The Humanizing of the Brute. T T is a well-known fact that in the homes of the "upper ten thousand" special servants in charge of animal pets play an important part. It is the in- teresting duty of these favored mortals to rouse the lovely poodles, pugs, and pussies from pleasant slum- bers, to attend to their toilet and attire, to take them out for a drive on bright and sunny days, or lead them a-promenading down a cool and shady avenue, and, last not least, to dance humble attendance upon their charges when feasting at a lordly and luxurious table. Houses of refuge and asylums for orphaned cats have been erected at Berlin, and it was reported from Paris that at the time of the last exposition a cemetery for dogs, cats, birds, and other domestic animals had been opened. This city of the dead, with its resplendent monuments in honor of the noble departed, is said to rival a fairy-palace in beauty. Indeed, as J. G. Hol- land expresses his sentiments in very pathetic terms to his "dear dog Blanco:" "I look into your great, brown eyes, Where love and loyal homage shine, And wonder where the difference lies Between your soul and mine (7) 8 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. I clasp your head upon my breast The while you whine and lick my hand And thus our friendship is confessed And thus we understand. Ah, Blanco! Did I worship God As truly as you worship me, Or follow where my Master trod With your humility: Did I sit fondly at his feet As you dear Blanco sit at mine, And watch him with a love as sweet, My life would grow divine." These few but telling facts furnish a striking illus- tration of the senseless mania of regarding the animal as a brother of man, his equal in nature aud essence. Indeed, the intelligence of animals is almost universally defended by modern naturalists. Some of them, as Buechner, Eimer, Marshall, and a host of others, whom Prof. W. M. Wheeler justly styles "popular- izers," ascribe even to animals as low as ants a high degree of mental activity, in some respects superior to that of man. Others, as A. Bethe and Uexkuell, maintain that only the higher animals, such as dogs, are endowed with intelligence, whilst the lower ones, as for instance insects, are mere reflex machines, desti- tute of all psychic qualities. Others, finally, as Em- ery, Forel, Morgan, Romanes, Peckham and so forth, attribute intelligence to all animals without exception, but add that this intelligence, though not differing in quality from that of man, is infinitely inferior to it in de~ gree. Only a few, such as Wasmann and Wundt, are convinced that there is no trace of true intelligence, either in the lower or in the higher animals. Prof. Wheeler seems to hold that there is no evidence of THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. 9 ratiocination in animals. It is true, he ascribes what he calls "simple intelligence" to animals, and main- tains that this term implies "choice on the part of the individual organism." *) But his term "choice" can hardly mean choice in as far as it supposes the abstract comparison of two objects. For he declares with reference to ants ' 'that there are no evidences of anything resembling abstract thought, cognition or ratiocination as manifested in man." 2 ) Prof. Ed- ward L,. Thorndike of Columbia University is a de- cided adversary of animal intelligence. After a most careful examination of the question, he "failed to find any act that even seemed due to reasoning, " 3 ) and that "even after leaving reason out of account, there are tremendous differences between man and the higher animals." 4 ) But abstracting from such few authors the late zoo- logist Prof. A. S. Packard is correct when he states: "Those naturalists who observe most closely (?) and patiently the habits of animals do not hesitate to state their belief that animals, and some more than others, possess reasoning powers which differ in degree rather l ~) "The Compound and Mixed Nests of American Ants," The American Naturalist, Vol. XXXV. (1901), p. 809. 2 ) I.e., p. 813. 3 ) "Animal Intelligence; an Experimental Study of the Associative Processes in Animals." Series of Monograph Supplements to Psychological Review Vol. II., No. 4, June, 1898, p. 46. 4 ) 1. c., p. 87. Thorndike, at times, speaks of animals as if he ascribed intelligence to them. But, in reality, he means nothing else than what we would call "plastic instinct." 10 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. than in kind from the purely intellectual acts of man." J ) Now upon investigation into the cause underlying this erroneous principle we might, as far as the more popular circles are concerned, discover one reason in the nervous sentimentalism of our days. At the be- ginning of the twentieth century, no less than towards the end of the eighteenth, people have become ex- tremely sensitive to any sort of pain. Pain like a haunting spectre is dreaded with the utmost anxiety and avoided even to a nicety; and since the human heart is inclined to find some correspondence between external circumstances and its own apprehensions and emotions, it kindles in sympathy wherever pain is no- ticed, whether real or imaginary. This inclina- tion will grow stronger as soon as there is question of animated beings that are attached to man and afford him sensuous pleasure, and leave upon him the im- pression of a certain helplessness. Of course, as is attested by daily experience, one of the first and fore- most places among such cherished creatures must be assigned to the animals known as our "domestic com- panions." Besides there exists a certain analogy be- tween the manifestations of pain in man and in the brute, between the expression of man's spiritual affec- tions and the corresponding merely sensuous feelings indicated in the features of animals. Thus it hap- pens that from the expression visible in the eye of a faithful dog the inference is drawn, not to an empty stomach, but rather to a heart oppressed by sorrow )A. S. Packard, M. D. Ph. D., Zoology (10th ed.) p. 680. THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. 11 and even weariness of life. In other words, it is from sheer sentimentality that the spiritual affections prop- er to man alone are under similar circumstances attributed to animals; hence it follows that a genuine consciousness of pain, presupposing reason and intel- lect, is ascribed to them. "Human folk," says Thorndike in his admirable monograph on animal intelligence, "are as a matter of fact eager to find intelligence in animals. They like to. And when the animal observed is a pet belonging to them or their friends, or when the story is one that has been told as a story to entertain, further implica- tions are introduced. " l ) A second reason for this universal anthropomor- phism is touched upon by Peckham when he speaks "of the futility of any attempt to understand the meaning of the actions of animals until one has be- come well acquainted with their life habits. " 2 ) Many animal actions, to all appearances, bear such traces of intelligence that they are almost involuntarily attri- buted to an intellectual principle. A more careful examination and comparison with other actions of the same animal will soon convince us of our error. "Thousands of cats on thousands of occasions, sit helplessly yowling, and no one takes thought of it; but let one cat claw at the knob of a door, supposedly as asignal to be let out, and straightway this cat becomes the representative of the cat-mind in all the books. ') Thorndike, 1. c., p. 4. 2 ) G. W. Peckham and E. G. Peckham. Oil the Instincts and Habits of the Solitary Wasps, Madison, 1898, p. 230. 12 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. The unconscious distortion of the facts is almost harm- less compared to the unconcious neglect of an animal's mental life until it verges on the unusual and marvel- lous." 1 ) The defective philosophical training and superficial education, so prevalent in our times, suggest a third reason for this mania of ascribing intelligence to ani- mals. Ever since the destructive attempts of Kant and his disciples to shake and shatter the realms of ideas, the true object of philosophy is ignored and lost. The noble queen, the exalted offspring of etern- al wisdom, has been stripped of her royal dignity; and while ruthless hands have snatched the crown from off her head, she has "been degraded to be the cringing handmaid of experimental science. And what was the unavoidable result? That very soon the principles of the old and sound philosophy fell into contempt, whilst in their stead there rose a confus- ion and obscurity of ideas which oftentimes led to the defense of most obvious errors permeating certain branches of science. Thus our modern psychology, as upheld by many of its advocates, is a veritable monstro- sity. Wundt can not refrain from blaming mod- ern psychology for its "premature application of no- tions insufficiently determined" and for its "ignor- ance of systematic psychological methods. ' ' Thus he explains the fact "that the psychic processes of brutes are not taken for what they appear in imme- diate and unprejudiced observation, but that the ob- server's reflections are transferred to the animal. If any vital action has the appearance of possibly 1 ) Thorndike, 1. c. p. 4. THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. 13 being the result of a number of reasonings and conclusions, this is taken as a cogent proof that such reasoning and conclusion actually occurred. And thus all the psychic activity is resolved into logical reflections. " x ) The above mentioned reasons, however, do not offer us the final and fundamental explanation for the persistent tendency of assigning a difference between man and animal, not of kind but of degree. The assumption of animal intelligence, as every other error, is essentially rooted in the will. It does not require much depth or breadth of intellect to see that the humanizing of the brute is a mere corollary of materialistic evolution. Materialism denies the existence of a vital principle apart from matter, and maintains that life is merely the resultant of attracting and repelling forces. Everything, therefore, is pure matter, and there can be no essential difference be- tween the animal soul and that of man, since neither can exist independently of matter. But if there is no essential difference between the animating principles of man and brute, why assume any between the facul- ties and manifestations of these principles? In other words, if human actions are guided by intelligence, the same holds true for those of animals. It follows that the theory of animal intel- ligence is the natural outcome of materialism, and as such must be traced back to the same source from which materialism ultimately springs. To speak plainly, the first promulgators of "animal intelligence" 1 ) W. Wundt, Vorlesungen ueber die Menschen=und Tierseele, 3. ed, 1897, p. 387. 14 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. and those "popularizers," as Wheeler justly calls them, who now uphold it with such tendentious tenac- ity often seem to have no other purpose in view than to establish a theoretical justification for des- cending practically to a level with the brute. These reasons we believe clearly prove the deplor- able character of this modern tendency which aims at leveling the difference between animal and man, a tendency which, because of its universality and the warm support it receives, calls for most strenuous opposition. It is our intention to contribute in some small share to the controversy, and to prove in a simple and clear manner the essential difference which has ever been upheld by Catholic philosophy with reference to the souls of man and brute. Man and brute belong to two different realms of life, separated by a spanless chasm. This is the thesis we propose to the consid- eration of the reader, and in order to demonstrate it, we shall confine ourselves to the specific activities of man and brute, basing our entire argumentation on the following simple syllogism: True instinct and intelligence * ) differ essentially. Now the brute possesses merely instinct and no trace of intelligence. Therefore man and brute differ essentially. In the first part of the essay we shall develop the concept of instinct, then explain the true *) That is "rational intelligence." To avoid misunder- standings we may note here that by the term intelligence, we always mean intelligence in its proper signification, that is rational intelligence. THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. 15 criterion which invariably separates instinct and in- telligence, and prove that this criterion involves an essential difference. In the second part -we shall make use of the criterion established and prove that there is no trace of intelligence in animals. PART I. INSTINCT AND INTELLIGENCE DIFFER ESSEN. TIALLY. CHAPTER II. Instinct and Final Tendency. 'THE views of scientific men on the nature of instinct and instinctive activity are so widely divergent that any endeavor of securing general acceptance for a pre- cise definition of the terms seems to be a hopeless task. Still it is necessary to make the attempt; for without clear definitions and premises it is impossible to treat a question fairly or to arrive at clear conclusions. The clear sky lies beyond the clouds and the haze of the atmosphere. What, then, do we understand by in- stinct? Sense experience or well observed facts, and not preconceived ideas, are to furnish the necessary data from which we determine the characteristics act- ually common to all instinctive activity. But in appealing to facts and common sense it is well to re- main on neutral ground; we shall restrict our present investigation to actions that are not and cannot be modified by any experience and are acknowledged alike by friend and foe to belong to the category ot instinctive activity. In this supposition we shall show first of all that all actions proceeding from in- stinct necessarily involve a final tendency. (16) INSTINCT AND FINAL TENDENCY. 17 It is obvious that the influence of "purpose," or a final tendency, is met with everywhere in the universe. The recognition of this truth is forcibly brought home to us by the study of the laws of inorganic matter in the wonderful cycle of carbon in the realm of nature, the numeric proportions according to which atoms com- bine and separate, the peculiar quality of water in reaching its maximum density at 4 C. It is clearly demonstrated by the laws of organic life in general, and especially by the study of the human body, its organs and functions, the eye, the heart, the circulation of the blood, the activity of brain and nerves. But nowhere is the recognition of final tendency demanded more emphatically than in the explanation of the act- ivity of animals which originates in their instinctive faculties. Indeed, we meet with so many actions ap- propriate to specific ends that, if anywhere in nature, then surely in the domain of instinct, "final tendency' ' holds the sceptre of sovereignty. Countless illustrations offered by natural history show that the tendency, which is characteristic of all instinctive activity, refers to the preservation of the individual animal and of its distinctive species. Con- sequently, there are three principal groups of instinc- tive actions: those which refer to the nutrition of the individual, those which tend to its defence, and those which are directed toward the propagation of the species. As it is impossible to investigate every instinctive action in detail, we shall con- fine our study to these three groups, and we shall find abundant evidence to prove that "final tendency" is an essential constituent of every activity that is acknowledged to belong to the realm of instinct. 18 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. In studying the first group of instinctive actions, those by which animals nourish themselves and their progeny, we are struck by two main facts: the peculiar fitness of the nourishment for the digestive organs of the animal and the appropriate manner in which it is procured. I^et us take as an example the develop- ment of the beetle Sitaris humeralis (muralis), which has been so admirably described by the French natur- alist Fabre. x ) In its first larval stage this interesting blister-beetle of the family of the Meloidae cannot live except on the egg of a bee, whereas the indispensable food of the second stage is honey , which would have been virulent poison to the beetle in its earliest exist- ence. The following organs are at the disposal of our beetle to secure possession of the egg: six strong legs, well adapted for climbing and clinging to other objects, fully developed mandibles and feelers, and finally good eyes. But after the transformation of the first larval stage into the second, the wormlike grub is blind and has almost lost its legs and feelers, but is endowed with a large mouth admirably adapted for sipping the honey which is necessary for its subsistence in this second stage of development. The spot where Sitaris first beholds the light of day is near the entrance of the bee's habitation. The larva is hatched toward the end of September or early in October, and remains quietly on the same spot throughout the winter with- out any food until the bee leaves its home in early spring. Then the moment for action has arrived, and it is highly interesting to observe how our beetle pro- cures its suitable nourishment in the most appropriate manner. ') J. H. Fabre, Nouveaux Souvenirs Entomologiqnes, Paris, 1882, Vol. II., p. 262. INSTINCT AND FINAL TENDENCY. 19 When the male-bees are about to leave the nest they must necessarily pass the spot where our little larva has patiently lurked, as it were, for six months. It seems to have anticipated this fact, and when the bee unsuspectingly approaches the entrance of the nest, the larva vaults with the greatest ease on the bee's back, and off it goes on an interesting journey through the beautiful realm of new-born spring. But at once it is confronted by a new difficulty; for it will never succeed in finding an egg on the back of the male-bee, especially as the latter never returns to the nest. Yet our little rider knows very well what to do. At the moment when the male-bee on his journey meets the female, the larva swaps horses, and having returned to the nest on the back of the female, slides along the drawn out abdomen directly onto the first egg she deposits in the carefully prepared cell. With the usual signs of satisfaction, the bee then closes the cell, in which the embryo bee and the bold intruder have been immured, and the larva can now consume the egg without fear of disturbance. Resting on the floating island of "eggshells," it passes into the sec- ond stage and then enjoys the sweet honey in per- fect security from all danger for the following stages of its extraordinary metamorphosis. Not less remarkable are those instinctive actions of animals by which they provide for their defence and propagation. But these actions must not be separated from the circumstances which influence their perfor- mance. Indeed, if these circumstances were always taken into consideration, no one would dare affirm that instinctive actions of animals are inappropriate in 20 THK HUMANIZING OF THB BRUTE. their nature, though sometimes for the sake of a high- er end they may fall short of their immediate purpose. A classical example admirably adapted to illustrate the point at issue is the life-history of the famous leaf-roller Rhynchites betulse L. ; for in constructing the cradle for its young this tiny black snout-beetle has for ages been carrying out a problem which, at least in its entirety, was not known to man before the year 1673, when the great mathematical genius, Huy- gens, published his celebrated "Horologium Oscilla- torium. ' ' L,et us give a brief account of the famous beetle and its problem, basing our remarks on the investiga- tions and writings of Debay l ) and of Wasmann a ) and upon observations made by ourselves many years ago in Holland. In early spring, as soon as the Rh, betula 3 ) has emerged from the ground, it climbs up a birch-tree, where, after mating, the female at once proceeds to con- struct from the pliant young birch leaves a little house for her offspring. Carefully examining the edge of a leaf, the beetle suddenly stops and begins to cut the out- lines of what is to be the cradle for its little ones. It starts at the upper margin of one side of the leaf. Directing its head toward the upper part of the central rib, it cuts with its admirably adapted mandibles an S-shaped curve, whose terminal touches the leaf's 1 ) Dr. Debay, Beitraege zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ruesselkaefer aus der Familie der Attelabiden, Bonn, 1846. J ) Erich Wasmann, S. J., Der Trichterwickler, Muenster, 1884. The following account was first published in the Scientific American, April, 1901. 3 ) From betula, birch-tree. INSTINCT AND FINAL TENDENCY. 21 central rib. Then, after having made a slight incision into the main nerve of the leaf, in order to impair the flow of the sap, it cuts across the other half of the leaf a corresponding but more horizontal curve which terminates a little higher on the central rib. After repassing the line of the entire cut to trim the edges and to cut through some nerves still connected, it once more stations itself at the starting-point of the whole operation. With the claws of its legs, whose femurs are powerful levers, it next grasps the edge of the leaf, and walking now downward, now to the middle, it rolls up in less than two minutes one- half of the leaf into a sort of funnel, opening down- ward. After a short repast, which very prudently is taken from parts close to the main ribs, our little worker hastens to roll up the other side of the leaf around the funnel just formed, in which operation it uses its legs in a manner just the reverse of the former. Now, after 30 minutes' work, the main prepara- tions have been completed for depositing the eggs. The beetle crawls into the funnel's interior, cuts out three or four little pockets and introduces an egg into each. After this has been done, nothing remains but to close the precious chamber as firmly as possible. To ac- complish this, it walks first to the upper end of the funnel and pierces the different layers of the leaf in such a way as to make them adhere to each other. Then it returns to the lower end of the leaf, and grasp- ing its apex, forms a second funnel, with its opening directed upward and fitting exactly into the larger one (Plate I., fig. 1). In doing all this our little architect, otherwise of so 22 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. timid a nature, exhibits such an interest and fervor that, as I myself more than once have observed, it does not desist from its ingenious work once begun, even though taken into the observer's hand. Now in what does the real problem of the beetle consist, and what has it to do with the conservation of its species? Unrolling the leaf and spreading it on a plain sur- face (Fig 2), we shall find that the exterior margin of the leaf and the S-curve cut by the beetle are in the same relation to each other as the two curves of higher mathematics, the involute and evolute, i. e., v w, t u, r s, p g, I m are almost perpendicular to the exterior margin w u s q m, and are equal to the corresponding curves v y g, t y g, r y g, p y g, lyg, respectively. In other words, our little mathe- matician cuts its S-curve so that the length of the cut made and the distance from the exterior margin always remain the same. This problem coincides with the task of higher mathematics, from a given involute to con- struct the corresponding evolute, and consequently in- volves a most complicate combination of differential calculus and geometry. But to what kind of curve does the evolute of Rh. betula belong? As Prof. Heis first discovered, the evolute in this case is nothing else than an unfinished circle, which has its terminals in the joints g and y. According to the same authority, the more horizontal curve of the second half of the leaf is to be considered as a very appropiate flattening of the first curve, which has a more perpendicular position. For, since the broader exterior windings A, B, C> INSTINCT AND FINAL TENDENCY. PLATE No. I. OO i) I.e., p. 177. INSTINCT AND SENSE-EXPERIENCE. 57 is uncalled for. If, then, our wasp is wont to build its -house of loam in a hollow tree, this act is not de- termined by an innate representation of this or that tree, but by an instinctive faculty which enables the wasp, unconsciously, to combine with its impulse to build a nest the representation of any hollow tree. Otherwise we would have to assume that an immense "picture-gallery" of all possible kinds of hollow trees pre-existed in the soul and ganglion centres of the wasp. For these wasps do not restrict their nest-build- ing to trees of a special shape and form, but select any trees that seem fit for the purpose. It is evident that the wasp's action in selecting chimneys, where they are to be found, must be explained by the very same psychological laws which influence the se- lection of a hollow tree where no more convenient object is to be met with. For, if the wasp has the instinc- tive faculty of combining the sensuous perception of any appropriate object with the corresponding sensitive im- pulse, why should this faculty not suffice for selecting any other appropriate place instead of a tree? Indeed, the only difference between the two actions lies in this, that the perception of a chimney is more readily combined with the respective instinctive impulse than the perception of a hollow tree. Consequently, the wasp's second action, which is modified by sensuous experience, belongs equally to the domain of instinct, and the above-mentioned cri- terion does not express the real difference between in- stinctive and intelligent activity. 1 ) *) The following examples illustrate the same conclusion: Everybody admits that children instinctively shrink from a 58 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. We may affirm this conclusion with still greater confidence, as almost all the examples brought for- ward by Mr. Peckham are similar to the one we have chosen Even when there is question of a whole series of sense perceptions which are associated with each other and modify the action of the animal, the criterion of the defenders of animal intelligence cannot be admitted, as instinct always implies the faculty of combining any sensuous perception unconsciously with its corresponding impulse. Hence it is an arbitrary assertion to maintain that this faculty does not suffice or that it loses its character, when there is question. of many sensitive perceptions or of those which arise in the sensitive memory of the animal. As long as we remain within the realm of merely sensuous cognition, there is no reason for calling upon a higher faculty. But, there is one example in Mr. Peckham's book which seems to be of a different nature from the one explained above. Let us shortly consider the inter- esting case. Peckham's description is as follows: red hot iron. But this manner of acting is due to experience. For, as we all know, children shrink from a glowing piece of iron only after having experienced the painful consequence of touching it on a former occasion. "A burnt child shuns the fire." Hence an action, though modified by experience, does not necessarily lose its instinctive character. Moreover, the above mentioned criterion eliminates from the realm of instinctive activity every action, from which the element of experience cannot be dissociated. As soon as a new-born pup begins to suck, ^.experiences the pleasant taste of its mother's milk, and its experience enters into and influences the con- tinuation of the action. Consequently, an instinctive action would cease to be instinctive, as soon as it commences. INSTINCT AND SENSE-EXPERIENCE. 59 "Just here must be told the story of one Httle wasp whose individuality stands out in our mind more dis- tinctly than that of any of the others. We remember her as the most fastidious and perfect little worker of the whole season, so nice was she in her adaptation of means to ends, so busy and contented in her labor of love, and so pretty in her pride over her completed work. In filling up her nest she put her head down into it and bit away the loose earth from the sides, letting it fall to the bottom of the burrow, and then, after a quantity had accumulated jammed it down with her head. Earth was then brought from the out- side and pressed in, and then more was bitten from the sides. When, at last, the filling was level with the ground, she brought a quantity of fine grains of dirt to the spot and picking up a small pebble in her mandibles, used it as a hammer in pounding them down with rapid strokes, thus making this spot as hard and firm as the surrounding surfaces (Plate II, Fig. 2) . Before we could recover from our astonish- ment at this performance she had dropped her stone and was bringing more earth. We then threw our- selves down on the ground that not a motion might be lost, and in a moment we saw her pick up the peb- ble and again pound the earth into place with it, hammering now here and now there until all was level. Once more the whole process was repeated, and then the little creature, all unconscious of the commotion that she had aroused in our minds, uncon- scious indeed of our very existence and intent only on doing her work and doing it well, gave one final, 60 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. comprehensive glance around and flew away." *) We do not believe that Mr. Peckham's interpreta- tion of the facts is warranted by what he actually saw. The simple fact seems to be as follows: The pebble happened to be somewhat larger than the other ma- terial used in closing the nest. Anxious to fill up the burrow as perfectly as possible the wasp made a num- ber of attempts to press the pebble into the ground. But all was in vain. The wasp did not succeed in forcing the pebble into the ground, so that all would be perfectly level. Hence after repeated trials she abandoned the pebble altogether. The fact that the wasp took up a pebble somewhat larger than usual is not wonderful at all, since it often makes use of a pebble of considerable size to deposit it into the lower part of the newly made nest. Hence we are not dis- posed to accept Peckham's claim that the wasp "im- provised a tool and made intelligent use of it". We distinguish therefore two kinds of instinctive actions, both proceeding from the self-same sensuous cognition and appetency. But while the first group springs directly from the inherited dispositions of the agent's sensitive faculties, the second group implies a modification of the actions through sense-experience. We do not insist upon mere names; and if any one prefers to introduce another phrase for designating in- stinctive action modified by sense-experience, he may do so. But no matter what term he may choose, the word "intelligence" (that is rational intelligence) is out of place, unless of course the word is taken in a *) 1. c., p. 22-23. There is a second fact recorded by Mr. Williston, which is of a similar nature. INSTINCT AND SENSE-EXPERIENCE. 61 merely analogous sense. For that word conveys the idea that all actions modified by sense-experience nec- essarily imply consciousness of finality, which is posi- tively false. Prof. Wheeler says against Wasmann "that he has overshot the mark and attempted to in- clude too much in his conception of instinct." "I should continue, therefore," he adds, "to emphasize the difference between activities which are compelled by inherited mechanism and those which imply choice on the part of the individual organism. For the latter the term "intelligence" has been so very generally used that it seems both hopeless and idle to restrict it, as Wasmann so emphatically desires, to the ratiocina- tive process in its clearest manifestations. " x ) We do not deny that true choice supposes intelligence. But we do deny that instinctive actions modified by sense- experience necessarily imply choice. What is "choice?" The Standard dictionary answers "that power of the will by which one freely prefers and se- lects as an end of action some one good out of those presented to the mind. ' ' This definition is clear and to the point. It evidently supposes that the one who chooses compares two or more objects with each other and having understood the relation of them to himself freely selects the one and rejects the rest. Here is an illustration w 7 ell adapted for our purpose: On May 5th, 1905 we arranged an ant nest for I^asius interjectus consisting of two compartments connected by a small opening. Compartment No. 1 was dark, dry and with- out earth ; compartment No. 2 was light and contained earth. About 100 ants with some 40 young larvae l ) 1. c., p. 809. 62 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. were introduced into compartment No. 2. Within 15 minutes all had withdrawn into the dark compartment No. 1. On the following day the earth in compart- ment No. 2 was moistened. Soon the ants moved over from No. 1 into No. 2. But after some six hours the ants commenced with carrying over the moist earth from No. 2 into No. 1 which now was moist, dark and contained earth and thus was most comfortable. The action of the ants implies "choice" in as far as the one compartment is preferred to the other. But this is not "choice" in its proper meaning. The ants simply do and must do what they experience to be more agreeable to their senses. The concrete moist and dark compartment affects them more pleasantly than the other, and this concrete perception awakens the concrete desire to be in the more comfortable com- partment, which again is followed by the appropriate locomotion of certain organs. But there is no indica- tion of the ants becoming conscious of the abstract relation between the various conditiona of the two compartments to each other and to their own welfare. Nor is there any trace of a free determination upon some alternative. Choice implies logical thought and the power of abstraction. For without becoming conscious of the purpose of the action as such, without knowing and understanding why the one object is to be pre- ferred to another, a true and free choice is impossible. It is clear, therefore, that instinctive actions modified by sense-experience do not necessarily imply choice. Otherwise we would have to admit that the wasp mentioned above compares hollow trees and INSTINCT AND SENSE-EXPERIENCE. 63 chimneys and, having studied and understood at least some advantages afforded by either, freely decides to depart from the traditions of its race and select chimneys for its future nest. We need not repeat that such an assumption is unwarranted. The ' ' choice ' ' of the wasp is no real "choice." In fact, it implies no more "choice" than many an action preceeding from in- herited dispositions, such as distinguishing true food from poison and all indifferent material. The wasp "selects" a chimney, simply because it has the in- herited faculty at a suitable time to react appropriately upon a concrete sensitive impression made upon it by a concrete suitable object without becoming conscious of the appropriateness of the action. It is anything but sensitive cognition and appetency, and there is no reason for attributing it to a higher faculty of abstrac- tion and logical thought. We agree, therefore, with Prof. Wheeler when he calls choice a characteristic mark of intelligence, but we differ from him when he asserts that modification by sense-experience necessarily implies choice. Be- sides we believe Prof. Wheeler does not lay sufficient stress on the fact above demonstrated that instinctive activities even in as far as they proceed from an inherit- ed mechanism are directed by sensuous cognition and appetency and hence that they differ from merely re- flex actions which include no sensuous consciousness whatever. For Wheeler simply speaks of "actions compelled by inherited mechanism, ' ' a definition which is certainly incomplete and characteristic of reflex actions. We conclude, therefore, that Prof. Wheeler, 64 THE HUMANIZING OP THE BRUTE. as well as most modern naturalists, defend a con- cept of instinct which does not apply to instinct at all, but to intelligence and to reflex actions. Let us now proceed to define more accurately the true dis- tinction and criterion of discrimination between in- stinct and intelligence. CHAPTER VI. Instinct and Intelligence. "VW" HAT is the true criterion of distinction between instinct and intelligence? A brief exposition of the nature of an intelligent act will furnish an answer to this question. We may define intelligent, in opposition to instinctive, activity as one that is performed with perfect consciousness of its tendency, and is consequently guided by a purely spiritual faculty of cognition and appetite. The first part of this definition is self-evident, and sufficiently characterizes intelligent activity. Moreover, it is generally admitted. Thus Emery describes intelligence as the faculty of abstracting general ideas from the multiplex phantasms which have been acquired by experience, and of utilizing them in connection with sensuous images to perform actions which imply a conscious final tendency. And, strange as it may sound, all our opponents without exception, notwithstanding their own false criterion, endeavor to prove the intelligence of animals by ascribing to them a consciousness of final tendency. They do not commit the absurdity of denying the ne- cessity of this tendency for such actions as the plan- ning of houses, the framing of laws, the solution of mathematical problems and all purely intelligent act- ivity, but readily admit that this very consciousness (65) 66 THK HUMANIZING OK THE BRUTE. of finality raises these actions to the level of intelli- gence. It would, therefore, be a quixotic fight against wind-mills to prove that the essence of an in- telligent action demands the consciousness of its final- ity. No, the question at issue reaches much further. Wasmann lodges the complaint against Romanes, that he claims intelligence for all actions of animals that are based on sensuous experience, although he simultaneously acknowledges that intelligence con- sists in the power of drawing logical conclusions. Wheeler, too, as we have seen, makes "intelli- gence" dependent on manifestations of ''choice" and Peckham declares that intelligence is the power which "enables an insect to seek, accept, refuse, choose, to decline to make use of this or to turn to account some other thing. " l ) But both Wheeler and Peckham maintain at the same time that modification in con- sequence of sense-experience renders instinctive ac- tions intelligent. It is this deplorable contradiction which touches the vital point in the argumentation of eve n the most moderate defenders of animal intelli- gence. They consider consciousness of purpose as inseparable from ///e utilization of experience; wherever there is sensuous]experience there is consciousness of purpose, and vice -versa. Their criterion states that every ac- tion is intelligent that is appropriately modified by any kind of experience; and still they insist on the con- sciousness of final tendency as the real essence of in- telligent activity. Hence in their view the appropriate modification of an action by experience and conscious- '; 1. c., p. 231. INSTINCT AND INTELLIGENCE. 67 ness of its finality are so intimately connected that the one necessarily presupposes the other. But this is the fundamental tenet of materialism and destroys the true nature of an intelligent act. Consciousness of piirpose is impossible without spiritual cognition. They are identical, and therefore our definition adds that an intelligent act is guided by a purely spiritual faculty of cognition and appetite. The whole question de- pends on the proof of this last inference. Let us open the argument with an illustration. We select that of the babe in the cradle. Its reason- ing faculty is still dormant. It is hungry and cries. Its mother puts a milk bottle into its hands. For a moment its desires are appeased. But soon the same scene has to be repeated, until finally the child finds the bottle of itself, when it feels the pangs of hunger. No one will dare to affirm that it has attained the use of reason, and yet no one can deny, that in conse- quence of repeated experience in some way or other the feeling of hunger and the milk-bottle are connect- ed in the child's perception. Otherwise it is impossi- ble to explain why the child constantly grasps the bot- tle when it is hungry. But who will maintain that the babe acts with consciousness of the finality of its action? Here is another example. When Rhynchites be- tulse feels the natural impulse to lay eggs, it in- variably prepares a funnel-shaped depository and lays its eggs in the folds of this artistic bed. It evi- dently perceives in some way a connection between the funnel and its impulse to lay eggs. Otherwise this beetle would neither prepare the funnel nor al- 68 THE HUMANIZING OP THE BRUTE. ways place its egg precisely in the requisite folds, but would at least, once in a while, deposit them else- where, on a more convenient spot. But, does this perception warrant the conclusion that R. betulae acts with consciousness of finality? Undoubtedly not. For an action that is guided by "purpose" and per- formed with "consciousness" demands far more than a me re combination of the phantasms of things which are related to each other as means and end. This very relation of end and -means must be clearly recognized as such. Or, as St. Thomas puts it: "The perfect knowledge of an end demands not only the perception of the object which constitutes that end, but its recog- nition as an end and its relation to the means used to attain it." But this evidently implies the formal cognition of finality, the clear perception of the ab- stract relation between means and end. When a man wants to enjoy his breakfast with consciousness of final- ity, it is not sufficient to combine in his imagination the concrete things before him and his concrete im- pulse to eat them, a combination which naturally pro- duces an agreeable feeling and calls forth an appro- piate exercise of the limbs towards the breakfast table, but he must understand the abstract relation between the savory beef-steak as the means and the satisfaction of his hunger as the end, and guided by this cognition he must eat his breakfast. Therefore, every action that is guided by "purpose' ' and directed by "consciousness of purpose" presup- poses as least requisite the cognition of means and end as such, of relations as such, and consequently implies universal ideas. Thus far few of our opponents will find INSTINCT AND INTELLIGENCE. 69 any difficulty in admitting our argument. But our way s separate , when we put the question : Is a sensitive power of cognition able to form general notions or not? To answer this question we must first of all inquire into the nature of a universal idea and investigate its main difference from a so-called common phantasm. When Clarke 1 ) calls the distinction between the abstract idea and the common phantasm of the imag- ination "the very touchstone of a philosophical sys- tem", he enunciates a truth that is of paramount im- portance in our present investigation. Everywhere in the writings of those who defend animal intelligence, abstract ideas and common phantasms are essentially alike or, at the most, described as different degrees of one and the same faculty of abstraction. Dr. Forel even calls a universal idea "a general sensory idea" "like the idea 'ant enemy" 2 ); and L,add, who is one of the least offenders in most of his philosophical views, deplores the fact that "much confusion has always arisen in psychological discussion on account of the very natural use of the word 'idea' for both the con- crete sensuous image and the concept or product oi thought" 3 ). What, then, is a common phantasm? When, before sunrise, a fisherman unmoors his boat in the pleasant anticipation of a rich haul, his imagination is naturally enough occupied with the picture of a fine fish. In spite of the general resem- *) Richard F. Clarke, S.J., Logic, ed. 3., p. 123. 2 ) Ants and Some other Insects, (Religion of Science Library) No. 56, p. 22. 3 ) 1. c., p. 378. 70 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. blance to the fishy tribe this imaginary fish is alto- gether void of any universality, and represents merely an individual fish. Let us try to eliminate the quali- ties in which it differs from other fish and bring out those which it has in common with them. Can this image now be called universal? Or must we not con- cede, that in spite of a great similarity with fish in general the image is still concrete and individual? It may be that the discriminating marks are less promi- nent, but the common marks of all fish, as form, color, fins, are still, as it were, in the foreground of our imagination. The image is and remains the represen- tation of an individual fish. We may make as many efforts as we like, as long as the fish remains a product of our imagination we can never deprive it of all definite shape and color, and of definite extension. "I can con- sider," says Berkeley, "the hand, the eye, the nose, each by itself abstracted and separated from the rest of the body. But, then, whatever hand or eye I -im- agine, it must have some particular shape and color' ' x ) . As long as the representation of an object possesses color and extension it is not universal. What infer- ence have we to make from this conclusion? It is this, that there are no real universal phantasms, and that the abstractive faculty of the imagination consists merely in the weaker or stronger representation of sensitive perceptions. The common phantasm, either as an act or the rep- resentation of an object, is and remains individual. Or, as Clarke has it: "The common phantasm is not really common at all. It is simply an individual l ) Michael Maher, S.J., Psychology ed. 4., p. 236. INSTINCT AND INTELLIGENCE. 71 phantasm, rendered so vague and indistinct by the separation from it of its distinguishing characteristics that it will stand just as well, or just as badly, for one individual as another". x ) The case is -very different with universal ideas. It is true, that they are so closely connected with com- mon phantasms that we are unable to form a universal idea without beginning with the perception of the senses and without being accompanied in our mental activity by phantasms of the imagination. Nor do we deny that the common phantasm by a kind of analog- ous universality bears some resemblance to the corres- ponding universal idea. Nevertheless, they are very different in their real nature. In what does this difference consist? As every one concedes, the propositions: "the angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles, the cow belongs to the vertebrates, man is mortal," in- volve universal ideas. For when pronouncing these truths we do not restrict them to any particular trian- gle or cow or man, but to all triangles, cows and men without exception and in the very same sense. Now, what must and what must not be attributed to these universal ideas, in as far as they are opposed to the corresponding common phantasms? To say nothing of less important distinctions, as the sharp and precise clearness of the idea and the vague obscurity of the common phantasm, the -main difference lies in the fact, that the universal idea is really and essentially universal and free from, any definite extension^ whilst the common phantasm, even when it is so "universal" ) Clarke, 1. c., p. 137. 72 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. as almost to vanish from our imagination, still retains a definite extension , and remains essentially individual. The universal concept of a man or a triangle can be applied not only to a redskin or a negro, not only to this or that triangle, obtuse or equilateral, but to all men and all triangles without any exception, whilst the phantasm of a triangle even in the most extreme case can never be identified with any other triangle. It even disappears from our imagination, if we eliminate its sides of a definite length, its obtuse or acute angles. But the universal idea of a triangle is independent of all this. It can be identified with any existing or possible triangle, even if the latter be so large that its three vertices rest on three different fixed stars, or so small that we can perceive it only by means of a microscope, if its sides be green or blue, its angles obtuse or acute. These are merely casual differences, and do not affect its nature as a triangle. The universal idea expresses that which constitutes a being, denotes its essence, its nature, whilst the pic- ture in the imagination merely represents a being, colored in such and such a way, of this or that exten- sion. The color and extension of things, even of one and the same class, may be different; but the nature of things must be the same in all. A man deprived of his essence, of that which makes him what he is, would no longer be a man, and a triangle no longer a trian- gle. Still, we do not wish to say that the universal idea of human nature exists in the same way, that is, as universal, in every individual human being. That is the error of the ultra-realists. Every finite being that exists, or can be called into existence, is necessarily INSTINCT AND INTELLIGENCE. 73 individual and realizes the universal idea of that being in its own way. Every human being is a man, but never the same man. My own individual human na- ture is not identical with the individual human nature of anybody else. But we do want to say that every finite essence can be deprived of its individuality by ab- straction; that by this process we attain a universal idea, the so-called metaphysical essence of the Scholastics, which is one and the same, and can be predi- cated of every individual being belonging to that class. l< The physical is not the same, but perfectly alike in all; the metaphysical essence is nothing else than the physical essence inadequately conceived by us. ' ' Nor is this universal idea a mere fiction of the mind. It is based on the perfect likeness of individ- uals of the same essence. In forming it, our mind does not produce but presupposes this perfect likeness as something entirely independent of all intellectual activity. For all men, no matter what their stature, color, and so forth may be, are true men and have what we call a "human nature"; and all triangles possess, as a matter of fact and independently of the mind that which makes them triangles. The only thing that the intellect produces is the iiniversality as such. For the intellect has the power of perfect abstraction. It is capable of omitting all differences between the objects under consideration, including that property which makes every object individual, and of conceiving or retaining merely what is truly common to all of them. What, therefore, is the true nature of the univer- sal idea and the common phantasm? 74 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. Both are acts of the mind and as such they are in- dividual, just as any other existing object or property. But, in as far as their objective contents are concerned, that is, in as far as they are representations of objects, the common phantasm is and remains individual and extended, while the universal idea is universal and inextended, even though the object in its actual state of existence possesses the quality of extension. For, as long as we do not eliminate any and every vestige of extension, the representation of the object is devoid of the character of universality. True universality absolutely demands that even the last trace of individual- ity disappears. What, therefore, is our answer to the question : Is a sensitive faculty able to form general notions? It must be negative. For as one of our best psych- ologists puts the argument: "We are capable of ap- prehending and representing to ourselves abstract and universal ideas. But such operations could not be states of a faculty exerted through, or intrinsically de- pendent on, a bodily organ. A power of this kind can only react in response to physical impressions, and can only form representations of a concrete charac- ter, depicting contingent individual facts. But, uni- versality, possibility, logical sequence, general rela- tions, do not constitute such a physical stimulus, and consequently could not be apprehended by an organic faculty. Consequently these higher mental functions must be admitted to be of a spiritual character; they thus transcend the sphere of all actions depending in- trinsically or essentially by their nature on a natural instrument." x ) x ) Maher, 1. c., p. 471. INSTINCT AND INTELLIGENCE. 75 In other words: A sensuous faculty is by its very nature extended, and can represent only extended ob- jects. But universal ideas as such are completely inde- pendent of every vestige of definite extension. There- fore^ a sensuous faculty is imable to form general ideas. What is the necessary conclusion? Perhaps that there are no universal ideas? But the foregoing explanations prove that this is absurd. With logical necessity, therefore, and not because "some peculiar bias has influenced our philosophical views", we have to assert that any one who is able to form universal ideas by abstraction must be endowed with a faculty which trancends the power of the senses, with a faculty capable of representing inextended ob- jects, and extended ones in an inextended manner. In other words, the cognition of universal ideas is insep arably connected with a supersensuous , immaterial, spiritual intellect. Perhaps many an adversary will reject this conclu- sion, because it leads with inevitable necessity to the acknowledgment of a spiritual soul in man, which, even in the eyes of so eminent a scientist as Emery, is a mysterious being, whose existence man may recog- nize or deny, according to his views of the universe and of the nature of man. But, if a spiritual faculty is necessary to form uni- versal ideas, it is equally necessary to act with con- sciousness of finality; for, as we have proved, this con- sciousness implies universal ideas. Again, as "piir- pose," supposes consciousness of finality, there can be no action directed by ' 'purpose' ' without a spiritual 76 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. faculty. Herewith we have proved our definition that intelligent activity involves essentially a perfect con- sciousness of final tendency, and is guided by a purely spiritual cognition arid appetite, What, therefore, is the essential criterion of distinc- tion between instinctive and intelligent activity? An intelligent action implies necessarily consciousness of fina- lity, whilst an instinctive one does not. Does this criter- ion postulate an essential difference? Yes, an instinc- tive action is of a sensuous, an intelligent act of a spiri- tual character. PART II. . ANIMALS HAVE NO INTELLIGENCE. CHAPTER VII. The "Intelligence" of "The Lower Animals". I Tis true, that most modern naturalists, as was men- tioned before, deny the difference in quality between the human mind and the animal soul which is strenuously upheld by Catholic philosophy. They consider themselves and their ideas as a "product and a subject of universal evolution". "Surely," as Pro- fessor W. M. Wheeler says, when commenting on Wasmann's views, "the sciences of comparative phy- siology, anatomy and embryology, not to mention paleontology, distribution and taxonomy must have been cultivated to little purpose during the nineteenth century, if we are to rest satisfied with the scholastic definition of ratiocination as an adequate and final verity. And surely no one who is conversant with modern biological science will accept the views that the power of abstract ratiocinative thought, which is absent in infants and young children, scarcely deve- loped in savages, and highly developed and generally manifested only in the minority of civilized men, has miraculously ( ! ) sprung into existence in full panoply like the daughter of Jove. " 1 ) l ) The American Naturalist, vol. XXXV (1901), p. 873. (77) 78 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. We fail to see how the results of the sciences en- umerated by Prof. Wheeler could ever change the def- inition of intelligence developed in the preceding pages, since that definition rests on totally different grounds and belongs to a sphere which even a science like physiology can only approach, but never reach. The fact that intelligent actions can only proceed from an inextended spiritual faculty is indeed a final verity, which, it is true, may find a much deeper and more adequate explanation as true human psychology ad- vances, but which will never be changed in the point it emphasizes. We have seen in the first part of this essay that the essential criterion for discriminating instinctive and intelligent actions from each other lies in the fact whether or not the animal evinces consciousness of the finality guiding its actions. This criterion we shall apply in our present investigation, which proposes to show that neither the lower nor the higher animals betray the slightest vestige of intelligence. "High animals" are distinguished from "low animals" by the fact that the bodies of the latter are less different- iated than those of the former. Practically the dis- tinction will coincide with the division of the animal kingdom into invertebrates and vertebrates. In order to establish the proposition that the lower animals are void of intelligence we propose to enter upon a most remarkable psychic contrast observed in the life-history of two ant-species, Polyergus and For- mica sanguinea. The latter easily holds the first place among all ants and, in general, among all lower ani- mals. This fact is freely granted by the best observ- THE INTELLIGENCE OF ' 'THE LOWER ANIMALS". 79 ers of ants. Some even, as Sir John Lubbock, main- tain that in a certain sense the Formica sanguinea stands next to man. Hence, to substantiate the prop- osition that the lower animals are void of intelligence, it is but necessary to prove that this famous ant does not possess any higher faculty than mere animal in- stinct. Another reason, why we give preference to ants as subjects of our inquiry, is because the actions of no other animal have been so much misinterpreted for upholding the doctrine of animal intelligence. This is especially true of the ant-species Polyergus, which we have selected as first example. x ) It is a warm sunny day in June. In a colony of the Polyergus rufescens (Plate III., Fig. 1) feverish activity is displayed. The Amazons (this is their popular name in Europe), having spent well nigh the whole morning in preening their legs and feelers, rally upon their battlements, that is on the top of their nest, and with great haste and evident excitement descend for a warlike expedition. Within about 50 paces of their castle there is in a meadow a settlement of the Formica rufibarbis. Already some time before some roving members of the Polyergus household have ac- cidentally hit upon this formicary, and now under their guidance a goodly array of about 1000 "slave- hunters" may be seen marching in an almost straight line upon their destined prey. Having arrived with- in 10 cm. of the enemy's stronghold, the vanguard comes to a stop, giving a violent signal with their feel- ers to the ranks immediately behind them. With in- J ) The following description was originally published in the Scientific American Supplement. 30 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. credible rapidity a number of emissaries hurry through the main body of the army, and in less than 30 seconds the forces are ready for the attack. In a twinkling they scale the walls of the F. rufibarbis bulwark. With indescribable celerity the Amazons fall upon their en- emy. And there we may behold a twofold spectacle. While one part of the Polyergus warriors is murdering the defenders of the hostile nest, the other and greater part is rushing through every opening into the interior of the enemy's citadel. Some minutes have passed. A double stream of ants is issuing from the interior of the nest. Both are loaded down with cocoons, the "papooses" of ants, one consisting of F. rufibarbis en- deavoring to save what may be saved, the other of the Polyergus troops hastily returning with their booty. There is no useless shedding of blood. The crania of the F. rufibarbis are trepanned only in so far as they refuse to yield up their progeny. Suddenly the scene is changed. The F. rufibarbis, noticing the hasty flight of the ravishers, at once pursue them to make them give up their precious burden. There is a fierce pulling and struggling hither and thither. The F. rufibarbis plunge their mandibles into the legs and feelers of the Amazons and cover them with venomous ejections from their abdomens. But only some of the Amazons' rearguard are constrained by superior num- bers to deliver up the ravished cocoons, while one or the other of their warriors remains a corpse upon the field. In about ten minutes everything is over. The scattered F. rufibarbis forces return to their dwelling to restore everything, if possible, to its pristine state. The stolen cocoons, however, are handed over by the Polyergus to their slaves, already present in the nest, THE INTELLIGENCE OF "THE LOWER ANIMALS". 81 for further care and development, or for consumption. They themselves again squat on their four hindlegs, to renew their comical cleaning operations, which they interrupt only to extort food from some pass- ing slave. The young ants, which are fortunate enough to come safely out of their cocoons, are in reality not treated by the colony as slaves (which in this case is a wrong appellation) , but as full-fledged citizens. However, it is their lot, at least in the nests of the Polyergus, which are unfit for any work, to take upon themselves the construction of the nest, the rear- ing of the brood, and the victualizing of the whole community. And this task they undertake with mas- terly skill and rare devotion. Entirely forgetful, as it were, of their home and kindred, they are absorbed in caring for strangers. They are unconcerned even about the propagation of their own species, they sac- rifice that for which animals strive to the utmost mere- ly in order to preserve the race of their oppressors, which would otherwise be doomed to certain destruc- tion. This is the exterior appearance of one of the most splendid expeditions ever observed by Huber, Forel or Wasmann, and certainly the fact narrated seems to betray a high degree of intelligence. For, first of all , by their warlike expeditions the Amazons seem to intend to supply their household with new auxiliaries. Moreover, the means applied for the purpose are most appropriate. "Scouts" have explored the hostile nest and seem to lead the whole army. At the right mo- ment the signal for the attack is given. The attack itself takes place on a sudden, with great celerity and by all at once. Thus the enemy will be surprised and 82 THE HUMANIZING OP THE BRUTE. the number of cocoons captured will be more consid- erable. No blood is shed without purpose. More- over, the Polyergus seem to distinguish very well be- tween the useful cocoons of workers and the useless and harmful ones of the females and males. Finally, the ants apparently succeed in determining their slaves to desist from the care of the preservation of their own species, and to devote all their strength, yea, even their very life, for the benefit of the colony and the progeny of their ravishers. These few facts, indeed, seem to throw a brilliant light upon the psychic faculties of the ants; and though some of them may be explained by very simple proc- esses, there are scarcely any others in the life-history of animals which present to us a more intellectual appearance. The question now arises: Must these facts in reality be attributed to true intelligence; do they really involve true consciousness of finality? A short consideration of the dark side in the life-his- tory of these very same ants will convince us that this question cannot be answered in the affirmative with- out evident contradiction. As will be known to many of our readers, the mandibles of the Amazons are of a peculiar construc- tion. They are not like those of other ants adapted for many functions necessary to sustain the life of the individuals and commonly exercised by those organs (Plate III., Figs. 2 and 3). Hence the Amazons essentially depend on the assistance of their help- mates in many of their actions. This essential depen- dence goes so far that throughout life the Polyergus are even nourishedby their slaves. This fact is THE INTELLIGENCE OF ' 'THE LOWER ANIMALS' ' . 83 PLATE III Fig 1. A Polyergus (Polyergus bicolor Wasm.) (Original.) Fig. 2. Head and Mandibles of a Formica seen from Below. (Original.) Fig. 3. Head and Mandibles of a Polyergus seen from Below. (Original.) Fig 4. Lower Lip of a Formica (labium). (Wasemann.) (a = labial palpi ; b = ligula; c = paraglossze.) Pig. 5. Lower Lip of a Polyergus- (Wasmann.) a == labia 1 palpi I = ligula; c = paraglossse.) THE INTELLIGENCE OF " THE LOWER ANIMALS " . 85 sufficiently established by the observations of Huber, I^espeo, Forel, Adlerz, Wasmann, etc. The writer, too, had, occasion to verify the same with regard to Polyergus bicolor Wasm. , a newly dis- covered American Amazon. The process of feeding takes place in the following manner. The hungry Polyergus first violently buffets and strokes with feel- ers and forelegs the head of a passing slave. If the slave has sufficient food in its little crop, it causes a drop of the prepared liquid to appear on its lower lip, where it is licked off by the Amazon. Now it is cer- tainly a very rare case that an animal so much de- pends on others that it must even be fed by them dur- ing its whole existence. And thus the two interesting questions present themselves: First, what will happen to the Polyergus if deprived of their slaves? And secondly, are they at all able to obtain food independ- ently of any exterior aid? As to the second question, Wasmann sums up the results of a minute examina- tion of the Amazon's mouth -parts in the following statements: 1. By the construction of their mouth- parts, and especially by the shortness of their palpi, the Amazons show, indeed, that they are less adapted for independent feeding than other ants related to them (Figs. 4 and 5). 2. There is, however, no or- ganic impossibility in the way of their independent nutrition. For other ants with organs not less imper- fect feed themselves without being assisted by others. 3. The structure of the so-called paraglossae seems even to indicate that the Polyergus are able to obtain food in an extraordinary manner (Figs. 4 and 5). Yet these inferences from the construction of the mouth- 86 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. parts of the Polyergus would in themselves not be sufficiently warranted, unless actual experiment had corroborated them. Examining the mandibles of the Polyergus, we find that on the interior side they have a slight excavation widening toward the head (Fig. 1). But as the Amazons are endowed with great pred- atory instinct, they take delight in exercising their mandibles upon their foes; and if then these organs happen to be inserted into the body of ants or their cocoons, the channels contained in them convey the liquid to the lower parts of the mouth. Now Was- mann with sufficient frequency observed the following fact: While the mandibles of a Polyergus, having pierced the body of an enemy, were resting quietly in the same position, their palpi and lower lips were moving in regular intervals toward the inside, this movement lasting from three to five minutes But precisely this motion of the palpi and lip constitute the eating operation of ants. Moreover, Adlerz, Was- mann and the writer himself have noticed how in ob- servation nests Polyergus accidentally coming into contact with the glass panes of the walls licked off the drops of precipitation found upon them. From this it follows that the Polyergus are actually capable of in- dependent nutrition. What should we, therefore, na- turally expect of them, if they are robbed of their slaves? Most assuredly that impelled by hunger they would make use of their power of eating and would make an independent effort to partake of the food placed before them. But what are the actual facts? The result of numberless experiments is the following: Although the Polyergus are able to eat and accident- THE INTELLIGENCE OF ' 'THE LOWER ANIMALS". 87 ally do eat now and then, they must absolutely be fed by their slaves, if they are to remain alive. You may prepare for them the most pleasant dwelling and the most exquisite nourishment; if you neglect to provide them with slaves, they are doomed. Their desire for nourishment impels them only to seek it from their slaves, but never to make an attempt at independent nutrition. Therefore, this ant apparently so intelli- gent in its warlike operations, is so abnormally stupid and helpless in private life, as not to be able to estab- lish the simple relation between the promptings of ap- petite and independent nutrition, and prefers death to making use of its faculty of eating. But a being that is capable of eating and from experience knows how to eat, yet even in the greatest necessities with unex- ceptional regularity, prefers to die than to eat independently, is a rather poor specimen of ant intelligence. There can be no question here of some error of judgment, as may occur in man en- dowed with intelligence. Real error cannot be a nor- mal occurence; it is never found in all individuals of the same species; it cannot be committed, unless there is at least some appearance of truth and some influence of passion or prejudice. Regarding the actions in question, however, all the circumstances point not to an accidental error, but to an entire absence of intelli- gence. For in the first place, these actions are entire- ly useless for the individuals performing them. Sec- ondly, they occur with all the individuals so far observed both in Europe and in America. Finally, there can be no question of the influence of their will under the stress of some passion or predilection. For 88 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. every natural desire would prompt them to do the op- posite. Thus we are forced by inexorable facts to deny to the great warrior ant, the much lauded Ama- zon, the faculty of acting with the consciousness of final purpose and to assign her a place in the realms of mere animal instinct. The second psychic contrast, which strongly con- roborates the conclusion suggested by the first, is taken from the life-history of Formica sanguinea. This ant, it is true, does not exhibit the brilliant intrepidity char- acterizing the warlike expeditions of the Polyergus. According to Forel sixty amazons can put to flight thousands of the Formica sanguinea. Again their warlike tactics do not present the same certainty and unity, at least not if there is question of more popu- lous slave-nests. Finally the number of expeditions, in the case of the Polyergus about 44 in 33 days with a result of 40,000 cocoons, is in the case of the Formica sanguinea comparatively insignificant. But in spite of these facts, which are partially due to the independence of the Fornica sanguinea from its auxiliaries, some features in the expedition of this ant exteriorly seem to indicate a superiority in psychic endowments. We mention only a single instance. Whilst Polyergus makes its attack in serried ranks and with all the forces actually engaged in the expedition, Formica sanguinea uses only a part of its troops for purposes of assault. The rest, as if intending to blockade the hostile formi- cary, distribute themselves in squadrons around it. If, then, the inhabitants of the nest try to save their young by flight, they are at once pursued and cap- tured by the outlying posts. It is evident that this THE INTELLIGENCE OF ' 'THE LOWER ANIMALS". 89 procedure is admirably adapted to secure the desired cocoons. For the nest of Formica fusca, the princi- pal auxiliary of Formica sanguinea, is in most cases not very large, and its inhabitants are cowards, at least if alone. Thus it happens that a few of the Formica sanguinea are sufficient to bring about a universal flight. If, consequently, Formica sanguinea would not divide its army, but make its attack with all the forces, this kind of action would not only waste the strength of the aggressive power, but also most probably result in little success. For, ere the Formica sanguinea could have succeeded in reaching the interior of the hostile nest, the majority of the fleet-footed Formica fusca would most probably have left it. But, however imposing the wonderful array of the apparently intelligent actions of the Formica sanguinea may be, it can be easily shown that there is no more intelligence in them than in Polyergus. For the pur- pose of proving this statement we intend to refer to the relation existing between the Formica sanguinea and one of its lavorites, tJie beetle "Lomechusa strum- osa." This most interesting relation was discovered and described by Eric Wasmann, S.J. , x ) and has of late been verified with reference to the respective rep- *) Of the numerous publications of E. Wasmann, S.J., on this subject, we mention especially "Vergleichende Studien ueber das Seelenleben der Ameisen und der hoeheren Tiere" (Herder), 2d ed., 1900. Moreover, "Die Ergatogynen Formen bei den Ameisen und ihre Erklaerung," Biologisches Cen- tralbl., XV., pp. 606-646, and "Neue Bestaetigungen der Lome- chusa-Pseudogynentheorie," Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, 1902, pp. 98-108, etc. 90 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. resentatives of the two European species in America. L,et us see in what this relation consists. It is the custom of the Formica sanguinea not only to adopt related species of ants as their auxiliaries, but also to receive a number of other insects, notably the L,ome- chusa strumosa, as genuine guests into their house- hold. This hospitable relation between ant and beetle is based on various reasons. Unable to raise its own brood, the Lomechusa has the instinctive desire to have itself and its young fed by the Formica san- guiaea. On the part of the Formica sanguinea the relation to its guest is based in part on the circum- stance that its maternal instinct is aroused by the sight of the helpless beings before it. Then, by ac- tive and passive mimicry, the L,omechusae imitate the attitudes and behavior of their hosts and furnish them some pleasurable sensations for their gustatory and olfactory organs. Besides, in order to understand the facts to be explained presently, we must remember that there are four distinct periods in the life-history of beetles and ants. Not unlike our birds, the young offspring passes the first days of its short-lived existence in the dark and narrow enclosure of the egg. Scarcely has the baby-beetle escaped from its precious en- closure, when it starts upon the second most precarious period of its life. A tiny mass of pulp, the helpless creature, now called larva, lies in the nest of the ants. Totally dependent on their "loving care", it ever and again opens its mouth, to be fed by its "kind" host. After its bodily size has assumed the proper propor- tions, the larva is carried by the ants to a suitable place and covered with earth. In its temporary THE INTELLIGENCE OF ' 'THE LOWER ANIMALS". 91 grave, however, it does not return to dust, but having spun a dense web or cocoon around itself, it soon changes its bulky form into the so-called pupa, indi- cating in more or less distinct outlines the form and structure of the future beetle. Finally, the periods of development come to an end. The pupa tries to ex- tricate itself from the narrow confinement of its little house and makes its appearance as a lively beetle, somewhat smaller than represented in the accompany- ing illustration (Plate IV, Fig. 1). Now, in supporting its guest, the Formica san- guinea, as a rule, commits two blunders betraying such a profound stupidity as to furnish us very clear proof that in those ants not a trace of consciousness of final tendency can be found. For, in the first place, through the hospitality ac- corded to the I,omechusa, the Formica sanguinea bring about the ruin of their colony and the gradual ex- tinction of their species. This is done in a twofold way. (1) There is perhaps no animal which cares so much for its young as does the ant. For no sooner is the nest attacked than its inhabitants before all else hurry off with their tender young to a place of secur- ity. And not unfrequently they suffer themselves to be deprived of head and limb rather than deliver up the larvae to the enemy. Even if placed in a vial filled with alcohol, they may often be found still hold- ing the dead larvae between their mandibles. And yet, what a strange spectacle do we behold! The ants which were wont to defend their young with so much enthusiasm and bravery have undergone a com- 92 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. plete change. Ever since that strange guest entered the nest and deposited its eggs, all the care of the ants is lavished upon the brood of the intruder, which manifests an almost fabulous appetite and grows with great rapidity. To satisfy the hunger of their "be- loved" guests, the ants even allow them freely to de- vour their own eggs and larvae, otherwise so precious to them; yea to hasten the work of destruction, they themselves carry the larvae of the L,omechusae to the places where the eggs and the larvae of the ants are stored up. Whence this strange phenomenon? Year after year passes by. The conditions of the flourishing colony become more and more threatening. But the "most intellectual" ant is unable to see that its action must necessarily result in the final ruin of the ant- colony and species, and this the more so since the beetles are quite numerous and their appetite most voracious. (2) Nor is this all. To the rearing of the L,ome- chusa by the Formica sanguinea it is also due that in the colonies of the latter an abnormal form of ants is produced, which in the course of time must neces- sarily do additional damage to the colonies and species of the Formica sanguinea. These abnormal forms are called "ergatogynes," a word which according to its Greek origin ( tpyAfriuu =to work, yvirf= female; part- ly worker; partly female) fitly characterizes them. Wasmann distinguishes six different forms, the most important of which are the so-called pseudogynes (t^evSijs = false) (Figs. 2-4). These animals are evi- dently ruined existences. Unable, either to lay eggs THE INTELLIGENCE OF ' 'THE LOWER ANIMALS" . 93 PLATE IV Fig. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. Fig. I. Xenodusa cava Lee. (original). Fig. 2. Formica sanguined subsp. rubicunda, Em. a female ; b pseudogyne ; c normal worker (original) . Fig. 3. Thorax of a normal worker of F. rubicunda (original) . Fig, 4 .--Thorax of a treudogyne of F rubicunda (original) . THE INTELLIGENCE OF ' 'THE LOWER ANIMALS". 95 or to discharge the functions of workers, they are use- less members of the ant community and must finally effect a degeneration of the entire species of the Formica sanguinea. Now Wasmann has shown by a great num- ber of facts, that the existence of these pseudogynes must be ascribed to the rearing of the guest Lome- chusa. l ) As regards the explanation of this pheno- menon nothing certain has as yet been ascertained. Wasmann is of the opinion, as we have stated else- where, that the repeated rearing of the beetle causes a gradual change in the brooding instincts of the ants, so that the pseudogynes are but a developmental stage of such larvae as were originally destined to become females, but were in the course of their later develop- ment transformed into workers. Be this as it may, the fact that these encumbrances on the commonwealth come into existence and multiply with such rapidity, is the fault of the Formica sanguinea itself. We should expect, therefore, that at least this circumstance would rouse the attention of the ants and make them realize the deplorable condition of their colony. But no! Instead of murdering their hostile guests one by one, they continue to give them their best attention, to sacrifice for their sake hundreds of their own offspring and to make out of the rest degenerated creatures, good for nothing. And not one of the numerous in- habitants of the various colonies becomes aware of these 1 ) How far the very same may be proved for the corres- ponding American species we have shortly explained in our paper on "Formica sanguinea, subsp. rubicunda, Em. and Xenodusa cava Lee, etc.," Entomological News, December, 1904. 98 THE HUMANIZING OP THE BRUTE. most senseless and self-ruining actions. Is not this a clear indication, that there cannot be any trace of true consciousness of finality in them? Or, could we im- agine an entire class of beings endowed with intellect taking delight in overcoming the strongest impulse of nature in spite of innumerable and most disastrous losses? But this is only the first stupid action of the Formica sanguinea. The second is no less flagrant, and when combined with the first leaves no doubt whatever as to the total absence of an intellectual faculty in ants. The second blunder committed by the Formica san- guinea in the rearing of their guests consists in this that, notwithstanding their excessive tenderness to- wards the I^omechusa , the Formica sanguinea are con- tinually active in exterminating not only their own brood, but also the brood of their guests. For, the larvae of beetles require a treatment totally different from that needed by the ant larvae. Scarcely have the latter, toward the close of their larval stage, been em- bedded in the earth, when they envelop themselves in a close and firm cocoon. There is, consequently, no difficulty in their being soon after extracted again from the earth and carried about at will by their fel- lows. But this stereotype procedure is entirely unsuit able for the young L,omechusa. For these spin only a thin silken cocoon, requiring exceedingly gentle handling and sure to tear whilst being extracted from the earth. Hence, to drag the cocoons to the surface before the pupae are completely formed, is evidently out of place. And yet, despite their strong affection for their guests, and despite all possible experience, the For- THE INTELLIGENCE OF " THE LOWER ANIMALS " . 97 mica sanguinea year after year fall into the same sense- less "error" and can neither see nor learn , that their guests require a different breeding from that of their own offspring. True, after having torn the cocoons of their darlings, they carefully replace them in the earth. But is it perhaps to grant them now the neces- sary rest for transformation? On the contrary! The same process is repeated, until the larvae wither and die. But if through the carelessness of their hosts some larvae succeed in reaching their pupal stage, even then they are often brought to the surface, to be eaten up by their anxious nurses in an excess of affec- tion! In the first place, then, the Formica sanguinea are so foolish as to lavish their care upon the I/ome- chusa with the result that their own brood is dis- troyed and their species degenerated. Secondly , they refuse to give to their darlings the necessary time and rest for their development, exterminate them by an inappropriate treatment and finally devour them in their pupal stage. But these two facts present many and insoluble diffi- culties in the way of ascribing to the ants the faculty of recognizing the appropriateness or inappropriate- ness of their actions. For, no matter from what point of view we consider the case, we cannot help but find an unfailing and evident contradiction. If one should say that the Formica sanguinea lavish such tender- ness upon their guests, because the latter afford them some sense-gratification, we ask: If this be the case, why do they exterminate and devour the young Lome- ohusae and thus frustrate the accomplishment of such 98 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. a purpose? But if it be rejoined that the Formica sanguinea exterminate the I^omechusa because of the damage inflicted, we ask: Why then do the Formicae sanguineae bestow such care upon their guests, as to neglect and sacrifice their own colony, their offspring and their species? Thus the life-history of the Formica sanguinea, "the most intellectual ant", affords an example of how from a more universal contemplation of ant-life, we are necessarily led to adopt conclusions quite different from those reached by certain "pseudo-psychologists" of our day. Of course, it is still a mystery, in what manner the single actions proceed from instinct. For on this point the analogy between animal and man, from which we must always proceed, becomes more remote the further we "recede through the animal- kingdom downwards from man. ' ' Still the fact re- mains, that the faculty by which the activity of ants is to be explained is not intelligence, but instinct, and on this very point analogy retains its full force. But if evident contradictions are to be avoided, this in- stinct is not to be conceived as the power of mere automatic reaction, but rather as a faculty guided by sensuous cognition and modifiable within the limits of this cognition by external experience. I The high degree of objective finality which is manifest in innumerable actions of the Formica san- guinea does not proceed as such from the ant itself, but from God's eternal Wisdom. That Wisdom, too, can alone account for the double play of stupidity which we have explained above. For, as Wasmann profoundly remarks: "That supreme Wisdom which THE INTELLIGENCE OF "THE LOWER ANIMALS". 99 has made use of the senseless 'love' of the Formica sanguinea towards the Lomechusae and their larvae to keep the propagation of the ants within due limits, has made use of the same senseless 'love' of the ants to prevent the excessive multiplication of the beetle. Such are the mild and yet powerful measures, by which a divine Wisdom is able to preserve the equilibrium in nature, animal intelligence and ani- mal-morality standing before such phenomena in impotent perplexity. ' ' CHAPTER VIII. The "Intelligence" of "The Higher Animals". We now pass over to some striking proofs in sup- port of the fact that the proposition which we have defended with reference to the "most intellectual" of the lower animals applies equally well to the "most intellectual" individuals of the so-called higher ani- mals. Our observations are based principally on some of the clever experiments which Prof. Thorndike and others made with dogs, cats, and monkeys under the most favorable circumstances. We could, of course, adduce similar instances against the intelligence of the higher animals, as we have explained in the proceeding chapter. We could remind our readers of that wonderful dog which, being deprived 'of her young, lavished her maternal ministrations on a pair of old slippers; or of those loving apes which adopt other animals, defend and caress them and clean them of their fleas, but let them die the death of starvation. Our proof against the intelligence of animals would be even more cogent than the one furnished by Mr. Martin, the able editor of a voluminous work on "Natural History", in favor of animal intelligence. Says the worthy Darwinist: "When visiting the zoological garden in Berlin I perceived how the beginnings of a human smile really played on the (100) THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE ' ' HIGHER ANIMALS. ' ' 101 almost humanlike visage of the Chimpanzee." *) But we prefer to make use of the strictly scientific experi ments of Prof . Thorndike, firstly, because they are very simple and entirely free from any subjective ele- ment; secondly, because they admit of no doubt what- ever as to the reality of the facts as well us to their interpretation. For many reasons Prof. Thorndike finds fault with most of the modern books on animal intelligence. These books, he says, do not give us a psychology , but rather a eulogy of animals. They have all been about animal intelligence, never about animal stupidity. Moreover, according to him, the facts have generally been derived from anecdotes which give really the ab- normal or supernormal psychology of animals. Fin- ally, even with good observers often only a single case is studied, the conditions of the case are not perfectly regulated, and the previous history of the animal in question is not known. Hence there is no sufficient reason for generalization, nor can the influence of previous experiences be estimated. All these various faults Thorndike wishes to avoid, and in our opinion he has succeeded admirably. ) "Illustrierte Naturgeschichte der Tiere," Leipzig, 1882, p. 11. It is, of course, evident at what Mr. Chimpanzee really smiled! Many authors like Martin maintain that monkeys use sticks and stones as weapons and give similar evidence of intelligence. This is not so. No less an authority than the editor of the third edition of Brehm's "Tierleben," Mr. Pech- nel-Iyoesche, who has made most careful observation to this effect in the southwestern part of Africa assures us that, as a matter of fact, monkeys "never do such a thing". Animals do not understand the use of tools. 102 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. us see. The following is the ingenious method of experimentation he adopted. He took a good num- ber of dogs, cats, and chicks, and having deprived them of food for some time, put them in enclosures from which they could escape by some simple act, such as pulling at the loop of a cord, pressing a lever, or stepping on a platform. A model of a box used in the experiments is given in the accompanying draw- ing (Plate V). Food was left outside in sight of the animal. The animal \ then, had to form in each case some few simple associations between the representation of the interior of the box and the various movements which would enable it to satisfy its hunger. The ob- server made sure that the animal was free from his influence and had never been subjected to the same or a similar experiment. Moreover, the animals were healthy, the main data of their life-history were known, and they all were in the same state of absolute hunger when subjected to the experiment. Now, what are the results of Thorndike's experi- ments? As far as they pertain to the present subject, they prove, in the first place, that dogs and cats are un- able of themselves to form associations which imply the understanding of the finality of actions. For if they succeeded in opening the door of their cage, they suc- ceeded BY ACCIDENT, not by intellectual inference. L,et us give one typical example. The successes and failures of two cats, No. 1 and No. 6, are ex- pressed in the following table: i) .') 1. c., p. 45. THE INTELLIGENCE OFT HE "HIGHER ANIMALS' PLATE V. 103 THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE ' ' HIGHER ANIMALS' ' . 105 13.00 Failed. 9.30 Succeeded. 1.40 .50 15.00 6.00 Failed. 14.00 Succeeded. 20.00 Failed. 4.30 Succeeded. 20.00 Failed. 20.00 15.00 60.00 No. 1. 13.00 Failed. No. 6. 17.50 Succeeded. 3.30 9.00 2.10 1.45 1.55 13.00 5.00 2.30 15.00 10.00 Failed. 5.00 Succeeded. 15.00 Failed. 10.00 10.00 " The figures in the columns represent the time (in minutes and seconds) the animal was in the box be- fore being taken out if it failed to escape. Double lines represent an interval of 24 hours. "Surely", Mr. Thorndike says, "if one and six had possessed any power of inference they would not have failed to get out after having done so several times. Yet they did. If they had even once, much less if they had six or eight times, inferred what was to be done, they would have made the inference the seventh or ninth time. And if there were in these animals any power of inference, however rudimentary, however sporadic, however dim, there should have appeared among the multitude some cases where an animal seeing through the situation , knows the proper act, does it and from then on does it immediately upon being confronted with the situation . . . Now the 106 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. scores of cases recorded show no such phenomenon. The cat does not look over the situation, much less think it over, and then decide what to do. It bursts out at once into the activities which instinct and experience have settled on as suitable reactions to the situation, 'confine- ment when hungry with food outside. ' " 1 ) The second fact which is brought to undeniable evidence by Mr. Thorndike's experiments is the fol- lowing: Animals are incapable of learning by imita- tion such associations as would imply on their part the understanding of the finality of actions. Of the many experiments which Prof. Thorndike describes we mention only one or the other. Eight chicks were successively put in a box, where they were left alone from sixty to eighty seconds. Then another chick which knew how to get out was introduced with each of them into the box, and upon its performing the act both were allowed to escape. No cases, as Thorndike expressly states, were counted unless the imitator clearly saw the other do the thing. Besides, it was evident, that the imitators wanted to get out when left alone. The result of the numerous experiments is as follows: Chick No. 84 saw its com- panion escape 129 times, but failed completely to imi- tate it. Similarly chick No. 85 failed after 30 trials, chick No. 86 after 44 trials, No. 87 after 26, No. 80 after 54 trials, etc. Only one, No. 82, performed the act: but this was accidental. Thorndike says: "I have no hesitation in declaring 82's act in stepping on the platform the !) I.e., p. 45. THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE " HIGHER ANIMALS " . 107 result of mere accident and am sure that anyone who had watched the experiments would agree. " l ) In the case of cats the experiment was so arranged that through a screen the cat which was to imitate another one could see its guide pull the string, go out through the door thus opened and eat the food out- side. The result was the same, as in the case of the chicks. There was not the slightest difference be- tween their behavior and that of those who were put into the same position without ever having seen an- other one escape from it. "No one, I am sure, who had seen them, would have claimed that their con- duct was influenced by what they had seen. When they did hit the string, the act looked just like the accidental success of the ordinary association experi- ments." 2 ) Dogs, too, completely failed to comprehend the simple idea "that what gives another food will give it to them also. ' ' No. 3, for instance, had been found to be unable to escape from a box of himself. A chance was given him to learn it from No. 1. No. 3 could see and study every move of No. t. And yet what was the result. Here is the record: 8 ) ') 1. c., p. 54. 2 ) I.e., p. 57. 3 ) 1. c.,p. 60. 108 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. Times No. 1 did the action. Times No. 3 surely saw the action of No. 1. Times No. 3 probably saw the action of No. 1. Times No. 3 in box alone. Result. 30 7 14 3 minutes. Failed. After i hour: 35 9 14 3 minutes. Failed. After i hour: 10 3 3 5 minutes. Failed. After 24 hours: 20, 30 6, 8 8, 13 6 minutes. Failed. After 48 hours: 25, 25, 25 8, 6, 9 11, 12, 7 8, 6,10min Failed. After 24 hours: 30 10 11 40 minutes Failed. Though No. 3 saw No. i surely 66 times, it failed in all cases. Prof. Thorndike explains many similar experiments most minutely. All lead to the same conclusion that even the highest animals are absolutely incapable of understanding the finality of actions. But Thorndike's experiments do not refer only to cats, dogs and chicks. In a special monograph 1 ) on the "mental life" of three South American monkeys of the genus Cebus, published in 1901, he shows clearly that "a negative answer to the question 'do the monkeys reason?' seems to be inevitable." Very- many simple acts similar to those enumerated above were not learned by the monkeys in spite of again and again having seen them performed by Thorndike and by their own kind. Similarly, "after having abundant opportunity to realize that one signal meant ') "The Mental Life of the Monkeys." The Psycholo- gical Review. Monograph Supplement No. 15. THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE "HIGHER ANIMALS". 109 food at the bottom of the cage and another none, a monkey would not act from the obvious inference and consistantly stay up or go down as the case might be, but would make errors such as would be natural if he acted under the growing influence of an association between sense impression and idea, but quite incom- prehensible if he had compared the two signals and made a definite inference. V Finally "after experience with several pairs of signals, the monkeys yet failed when a new pair was used, to do the obvious thing to a rational mind; viz, to compare the two, think which meant food, and act on the knowledge directly. ' ' Certainly animals can learn to perform new and even complicated actions, but only if one succeeds in asso- ciating in the soul of each individual a definite im- pulse with the representation of a definite motion. Thus, as Wasmann narrates in his book "Instinct and Intelligence in the Animal Kingdom," x ) "L,ub- bock's poodle Van finally learnt to 'read,' by being trained to fetch the card with the word when it was hungry. ' ' But ' ' in spite of its long course of training Van often brought the wrong card, when it was hungry. This fact shows that it never un- derstood the relation between the graphic symbols and their meaning. Nor did it occur to Van to give 'read- ing lessons' to Patience, the lap-dog. Nor did Pa- tience hit upon the idea of profiting by Van's experi- ence, although she had often witnessed the reward which Van received for fetching the proper card. ' ' Besides, Mr. A. J. Kinnman 2 ) has applied Mr. ) 2 ed. (Herder, St. Louis), p. 165. 2 ) "Mental Life of two Macacus Rhesus Monkeys in cap- tivity," Amer Journal of Psychology, XIII., 1902. 110 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. Thorndike's method to monkeys, and with the same result. There was not even the semblance of thought to be noticed; less adapted methods were not replaced by more improved ones; the monkeys did not experi- ment, did not know how to make use of favorable cir- cumstances to obtain a definite end; the female utterly failed to learn by imitating the male. All was wild and restless activity without reflection. The same conclusion is reached by Mr. Hob- house, who after numerous experiments declares that the highest animals grasp events merely in concrete series, so far as they are relevant to immediate practi- cal interests. "Caution, cunning and sagacity of the kind which 'animal stories' are so full do not as a rule imply anything more or less than the "concrete experience,' that we have described." Hobhouse explicitly states that the "world of ideas" or of uni- versals is "the distinctive property of humanity." x ) Nor can examples like that- of "Clever Hans" be accepted as proofs of animal intelligence. It is true that von Osten's famous stallion performed actions that seemed to manifest a degree of intelligence per- haps never recorded of any other animal. But a scientific test of the performances of Clever Hans has shown that they must be explained without appealing to any reasoning faculty. Dr. Stumpf, president of the Psychological Institute of Berlin, writes as follows: 2 ) Clever Hans was examined experimentally by Dr. E. von Hornbostel, O. Pfungst, and myself. The horse was at our disposal even in the case of his own- ') Mind in Evolution, p. 281, p. 298. 2 ) E. Wasmann, Instinkt und Intelligenz, 3. ed., p. 220. THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE "HIGHER ANIMALS". Ill er's absence. The result of our inquiry is as follows: If the solution of a problem is not known to anyone present, Hans is unable to find it. Hence Hans is un- able to count, figure, and read himself. Moreover, Hans is unable to solve a problem, if he cannot see the persons who know the solution of the problem. l ) Hence, Hans depends on optical assistance. But this assistance is, in the present case, of a merely instinctive character. In the course of a long training the horse has become acquainted with the slightest changes of bodily posi- tion, accompanying the thoughts and reasoning of his master. Mr. Pfungst, whose observing powers con- cerning very short impressions of sight have been es- pecially well developed on account of a long laboratory 1 ) The following facts originally published in the weekly edition of the Koelnische Volkszeitung are suggestive: 1. A watch was presented to "clever Hans." Without conedscending to look at it, he immediately gave the correct answer by stamping eleven times it happened to be 11 o'clock. I repeat, the animal did not even glance at the watch. 2. Mr. X, who was among the spectators, wrote an example of arithmetic on a slip of paper in such a way that no one present, not ever the owner of the horse, knew the figures of the problem. The paper was then presented to the horse with the request to paw the solution. The animal started pawing ad infinitum. 3. On a certain wall near by fourteen boys were sitting in two rows. Hans was asked by Mr. Schillings how many boys were sitting on the wall. Without really looking in the direction of the wall and counting, Hans pawed fourteen times. 4. Another time, a captain of the army gave Hans a very simple problem in addition, but made sure that his owner could not influence the horse. Hans failed completely. Then the owner got hold of him, and lo! Hans solved the problem correctly. (Koeln. Volksz. No. 36, p. S.)J 112 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. training, succeeded in analyzing the motions which actually caused the clever answers of Hans. In fact, he was able by mere motions and without putting any question to make Hans perform anyone of his former ex- hibitions. Prof. Stumpf concludes his criticism by stating that the case of Hans is so far from proving the intelligence of animals that it rather proves the con- trary. For if not even the training powers and pati- ence of a man like von Osten are capable of eliciting the expression of a single concept from a horse like clever Hans, then, indeed, we are confronted by a first class proof in favor of the old and general opinion that animals are devoid of intelligence. "The animal's self," as Thorndike himself states, "is not a being 'looking after and before', but a direct practical association of feelings and impulses. So far as experiences come continuously, they may be said to form a continuous mental life, but there is no contin- uity imposed from within. " l ) This is the reason why animals have never invent- ') At one place (p, 73) Mr. Thorndike has the following very interesting sentence: "Perhaps the entire fact of asso- ciation in animals is the presence of sense impressions with which are associated by resultant pleasure certain impulses, and that therefore, and therefore only, a certain situation brings forth a certain act." If Mr. Thorndike would take the trouble to study Wasmann's works, he would find that this sentence, correctly understood, has ever been the doc- trine of scholastic philosophy. Of course, he will blame that philosophy for not being able to support its statements by experimental facts just as he has furnished them. But is it not strange that the old scholastic philosophers arrived at the same conclusions as Mr. Thorndike, though they merely relied on the simple facts of daily experience? THE INTELLIGENCE OP THE ' ' HIGHER ANIMALS' ' . 113 ed even so simple a tool as the ancestors of the human race employed during the so-called stone-age of the Paleolithic epoch, this the reason why they are incap- able of rational language. Parrots may be trained to utter articulate sounds and even entire phrases. In general, there is perhaps no class of animals that could not furnish a great many external signs as a foundation for intellectual intercommunication. But the invention of tools as well as of language implies the knowledge of the universal, which is the "distinctive property of humanity. " CONCLUSION. Animals, then, do not possess intelligence in its gen- uine meaning. They are mere sense-beings. But this inevitably leads to ' 'the admission of a qualitive differ- ence between the human and animal psyche. ' ' For, as we have proved before, the specific actions of man and animal are essentially different from each other. Even "plastic instinct" or "simple intelligence," as others call it, is but a material faculty, intrinsically de- pendent on the nervous system, whereas the intellect with its true intelligent actions is of an immaterial, a spiritual nature. Consequently, there is an essential, a qualitative difference between the human and the animal soul. For, as a being acts, so it is. Moreover, it is equally plain that we must reject the supposition of Wundt and of almost all modern scient- ists, that the psychic faculties of man have been evolved from the psychic faculties of the animal. Such an evolu- tion of "mere association" to "conscious intellectual activity," x ) of "nature" to "culture," x ) would be 1 ) Wilhelm Wundt, "Vorlesungen ueber die Menschen 114 THE HUMANIZING OF THE BRUTE. an absolute impossibility, since matter and sense are es- sentially inferior to spirit and intellect. For the origin of our "intellectual and moral faculties" we can only find "an adequate cause in the unseen universe of Spirit." 2 ) und Tierseele." Hamburg und Leipzig, 1897, 3d ed., p. 419. It is remarkable that Wundt has arrived at the same conclusions concerning the "intelligence of animals" as Thorndike. Wundt even considers it as very improbable that some species or individuals of the present animal kingdom will ever pass the limit separating sense and intelligence; on the other hand, he assumes, as we have stated, that the human species in the course of its evolution has actually taken that important step! 2 ) Alfred Russell Wallace, "Darwinism," Humboldt ed. Part IT., p. 322. UCSB LIBRARY University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 01 APR 0? " -,s -u ,liS.??. U J. H . ERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000652104 Universi Soutt Libi