•% ■?*> m% > t^ V W^^^\ fcV "*% %^.! RSBKELCY UNIVERS!T(^ Y / J \ PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. COLLECTED FROM THE PLEADINGS IN THE VARIOUS COURTS of LAW, A.D. 1200 TO 1500, FROM THE ORIGINAL ROLLS PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. MAJOR-GENERAL THE HON/G. WROTTESLEY. COEPJGENDA. p. 4. Bu93i Pedigree. The line of descent should be over Matilda, not over William de Ifoland. p. 12, far Doumyk read Domnjk (Dominic), p. H-,_/or Qrymband reaoJ Grymbaud (Grrimbald). p. 14. " Geney versus Haverjngge," the line of descent should be over Joan, not over Ealph. p. 25. The line of descent should be over Isabella, not over William de Nowers. p. 34. Colville Pedigree. For Woiy ngton read Weljngton (Willington). p. 38, for Lovet read Lovel. p. 40, for '" Alpa Ripa " read " Alta Eipa " (Ilauterive). p. 45. First pedigree. The line of descent should be over Sibil, not over John Daune. p. 47. " Cherleton versus Earl of Arundel." The line of descent should be over Hawise not over John de Cherleton. p. 52. Hathewy Pedigree. The line of descent should be over Juliana not over John Gras, and for Geveren read Genereu (Ganarew). p. 55, for Jenynton read Jevynton (Jevington). p. 67. " Montford versus Jernemuth. The first pedigree should be as under — Walter de Wyndesoie. I Adam. Isabella = Walter de Jernemuth. p. 74, for Jenyngeton read Jevyngeton (Jevington). p. 75, for " Sankeville " read " Saukeville." p. 83. The reference to the suit at the bottom of this page respecting the manor of Ayley should be " Coram Eege " and not "De Banco" as printed. p. 87. First auit, for " Carmenon " ro-ad " Carminou " (Carminow). p. 95. Last 8uit,/or " Rec " read " Rex." p. 108. " Picot versus Foyntz," for " Norlhumberland " read " Norfolk." p. 137. " Clifford versus Earl of Ormond," for " Craule " read " Cranle " (Cranley). p. 257, for " Fremband " read " Frembaud." p. 305, for " Haukford " read " Hankford." p. 426. Malmeyns and IIoo pedigree,/or " Barwe " read " Carue ", (Carew). p. 427, for " llaukeford " read " Ilankeford." LOAN STACK I C3 V3^/ INTRODUCTION. The Pedigrees in this Volume have been collected by me between the years 1880-1904, whilst engaged in searching the Plea Rolls in the Public Record Office for materials for a History of Stafford- shire. In the process of examining the Rolls for this purpose, I have come frequently across suits which were of considerable interest for the history of other counties, and at the request of the late Mr. Walford Selby of the Record Office, who at that date was editing the New Series of the Genealogist, they were published in that Journal. These Pleas will be found between the pages 1 to 511 of the Volume, and were printed in Volumes VII to XXI under the Editorship of Mr. Keith Murray and Mr. Forsyth Harwood. The suits from pages 512 to 528 are taken from Bracton's Note Book in the British Museum (Additional MS. 12269). and were printed originally in-Volumes V and VI of the Genealogist, New Series, whilst it was under the editorship of Mr. Selby. An account of this Note Book was communicated by me to the Genealogist in 1884 and will be found in Volume II, New Series. It was afterwards printed by Mr. F. W. Maitland, and reference should be made to his work for the full text of the suits named in it, for many of the Rolls from which the suits were taken are no longer to be found at the Record Office. The suits from page 528 to the end of the volume were printed in the Reliquary and Antiquary at an earlier date than the others. They have been added to this Volume in order to make the collection complete : unfortunately, I made no systematic notes of suits relating to other counties besides Staffi)rdshire anterior to the reign of Edward III and the suits of an earlier date than 1327 are few and far between. If another antiquarian student should therefore follow in my footsteps, he will find ample material to reward him if he would deal in the same way with the Plea Rolls between the years 1200 and 1327. G. W. 172 PeUigrees from tfje ^lea 2^olls, By Major-General the Hon, GEORGE WROTTESLEY. The following notes from the Plea "Rolls in the Public Kecord Office have been taken at various times, whilst engaged in searching the Rolls of the Courts of Law, for suits which throw light on the history of Staffordshire. In the process of examining the Records for this object, I come frequently upon cases which are of considerable interest for the history of other Counties, and as they will be useful to archaeologists and future County Historians, andlknow of no more appropriate destination for them than the pages of " The Genealogist," it is proposed to lay them, from time to time, before the readers of this Magazine. De Banco. 1. E. S. Gamb. — In a plea of last presentation to the church of Barneton, arraigned by John de Aspall, William de Eton, and Richard atte Milne, against Hervey de Staunton, the pleadings give the following pedigrees : — Margaret de Mounfychet held the manor of Barneton and advowson, temp. E. 1. r -^ -r -r -, Matilda enfeofifed Robert Bumel Joan. Margery. Alfce. of her property, who enfeoffed | Gileode Barneton, who presented John de Lancastre, who ac- to the church, temp. Ed. 1. quired the purparties of Margery and Alice. I 1 Giles de Barneton, ob. s.p. Joan, sister and heir. I 1 1 1 1 1 Robert, Henry, Joan. Margaret. Matilda. Nicholaa. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I I I John del William de Eton " Richard atte Milne, Haye. the plaintiff. plaintiff. 2 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John de Aspall had acquired the shares of John del Have and Nicholaa. 1 1 Richard de Margaret.=f=Hugh de Bolbek. Avelina, Philippa. Mountychet, | ob. s.p. Hugh. -- 1 1 1 Philippa. =pRoger de Margaret, Alice, Matilda, I Lancastre. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Johu de Lancastre.=Annora. The defendant Hervey de Staunton had acquired the purparty of John de Lancastre. N.B. — The Joan of the first pedigree seems to he identical with the Phillippa of the third pedigree, which was propounded by the defendant. De Banco. 2. E. 3. Berlcs. — In a plea of last presentation to a moiety of the church of Kyugeston Bakepuz, brought by John do Kyngeston against the Prior of Poghele, the pleadings give this pedigree :— Johu de Bakepuz. John de Bakepuz, living temp. Hen. 3. I William de Bakepuz, who granted the moiety of the advowson to John de Kyngeston. The pleadings state that the first John de Bakepuz held a moiety of the advowson and William Foukenam held the other moiety. De Banco. Mich. 2. E. 3. Norf. — Ralph son r»f John de Colby sued Henry son of John de Colby for a moiety of 10 messuages; 100 acres of land etc. in Colby and Suthfeld as his reasonable purparty of the inheritance of the said John de Colby which was partible between male heirs, being held in soccage of the fee of Marshall. The pleadings give this petiigree : — Robert de Colby, temp. King John. I 1 1 , Hugh. William. John. I 1 1 John, temp. Ed. 1. William. Clement. I 1 Henry the defendant. Ralph the plaintiff. PEDIGREES I ROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 3 De Banco. Easter. 3. E. 3. m. 43. Somerset — Eobert fitz Payn and Ela his wife sued John de Horsy for the next presentation to the church of Cherletou-Mackerel. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Roger fitz Payn, living 9 Hen. 3. I Robert. I Robert. I Robert the plaintiff Margaret Relet. William de Horsy. Robert Relet. I William Relet, who demised a moiety of the advowson to William de Horsy, ancestor of John. John. I William. ! John the defendant. DeBanco. Trinity. 3. E. 3. m. 100. Norf. — Roger de Gyney sued Reginald de Biskele and Matilda his wife, and Richard de Thurton Chaplain, to permit him to present to the church of Eotone. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Simon. I William Pecche. living 44 Hen. 3. Margaret, daughter and heir. Evorard, ob. s.p. John de Thoreuton, living 44 Hen . 3, 1 Agnes. Hawise. I William de Melders. — I 1 Sarra. Lettice, De Banco. Trinity. 3. E. 3. m. 149. Nurf. — Peter le Veel sued John de Sutton senior, for the manor of Stowe Bydoun which Walter de la Plithe had given to Robert le Veel in frank marriage with Hawise his daughter, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Robert le Veel.=Hawise. I Peter, the plaintiff. John called to warranty Thomas Wake of Lydel. 4 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA IIOLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 3. E. 3. m. 182. Glow. — John son of John son of John Dunheved sued John Peche & another for a messuage & a carucate of land & 4s. of rent in Sutton which William de Sutton had given to John Dunheved in frank marriage with Margaret his sister. John Dunheved.=Margaret. I John. John, the plaintiflF. De Banco. Mich. 4. E. 3. m. 420 dorse. Northampt. — Humphrey de Bassingburn sued John de Britain Earl of Richemund for 30 acres in Fodryngeye in which the Earl had no entry except by an unjust disseisin which John de Baliol had made tf Alice de Lysours his great grandmother, and he gave this pedigree : — Alice de Lisours, temp. H. 3. I Humfrey. I Humfrey. I Humfrey, the plaintiff. De Banco. Midi. 4. E. 3. m. 474. Roteland. — John son of Hugli de Bussy sued Margaret formerly wife of William de Basynges for the manor of Horn, which Lambert de Bussi had given to William de Holand in frank marriage with Matilda his daughter & he gave this pedigree : — Lambert de Bussi, tern. Hen. 3. John. I I William de Holand,=Matilda. Hugh, ob. s.p. I John de Bussy the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 4. E. 3. m. 64. Staff. — Isabella formerly wife of Simon Basset (of Sapcole), sued Alexander de Walsham for the next presentation ta the Church of Chedle (Cheadle) :— Ralph Basset, temp. Hen. 3. I Simon. Simon, who had granted the advowson of the Church by Fine, levied in 20 E. 2 to Hervey de Staunton. I 1 Nicholas de Staunton. Avice. I I Hervey de Staunton. Alexander de Walsham, the defendant Verdict for Alexander. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 5 De Banco. Mich. 14. jg". 3. m. 181. Warw. — Thomas de Astleye Chivaler sued the Prior of Erbury for the advowson of the church of Hullemorton. Thomas de Astley, temp. Hen. 3. I Andrew. Nicholas, ob. s.p. Giles. I Thomas, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 14. E. 3. m. 201. Kent. — John Chareman & Joan his wife sued the Abbot of West- minster for the manor of Westerham which Robert de Caunville the elder had given to Robert de Caunville the younger, & Anne his wife & to the heirs male of their bodies. Eobert de Caunville, temp. E. 1. Robert, son & heir. John, uncle & heir, ob. s.p. Thomas. Thomas, ob. s.p.m. John Chareman,=Joan, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 14. E. 3. m. 295 dorso. Devon — William Gilberd sued Henry de Halgheville and Richard de Blakeworthy k. Blida his wife for lands in Hatherlegh. 'W. Walter Gilberd, temp. E. 1. .1 William. I Adam. I William, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 14. E. 3. m. 591. Hereford. — William son of William son of John Deveroys (Devereux) sued John de Veer Earl of Oxford and Matilda his wife, for the castle and manor of Leonhales. William Deveroys. I William, temp. E. 1. I John. I William. William Deveroys, the plaintiff. John de Veer pleaded he was in possession in right of his wife, sister & coheir of Giles de Badlesmere, and he could not answer without her coparceners who were her sisters, viz. Elizabeth, wife of William de Bohun, Earl of Northampton, Margaret wife of William de Roos of Hamelak and Margaret wife of John de Typetot. 6 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich 14. E. 3. m. 66 dorso. Southamp. — JoJin de Cariu Chivaler, sued John de Seynt Manyfen & Joan his wife for lands in Anne de Port. A vice, daughter of Richard Tut, temp. Ed. 1. Nicholas. John. John de Carru, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Mich. 14. E. 3. m. 139. Northamp. — William son of John de Hadynton sued Ralph de Veer for a rent of £6 in Thrapeston Avhich Hugh Wake of Depynghed had given to William s(m of Alan & Isabella his wife — temp. Ed. I. Alan. William, temp. E. l.=Isabella. John. William, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 14. E. 3. m. 357. Northamp.—Rohert de Wyleby sued Richard de Maundeville and William Casse for the next presentation to the church of Wyleby, the advowson of which Walter son of Robert de Wyleby had given to Peter son of William Dru. temp. Ric. I. William Dru. , 1 — Peter, ob. s.p. Robert. I John. I Robert who was under age & in ward to King John. I Nicholas, temp. Hen. 3. Robert. Richard. William de Wyleby. Robert de Wyleby, the plaintiff. N.B,— From the number of generations specified it is probable that the plaintiff had advanced the period of Peter son of William Dru in order to bring the case within legal memory. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 7 De Batico. Mich. 14. E. ;>. m. 458. Suff. — Robert son of Giles de Wachesham sued Edmund son of Giles de Mounpynzoun for lands in Hecham, Ketelbertson and Preston. Giles de Wachesham. Giles. I Gerard. I Giles. Robert, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 14. E. 3. m. 341. Berks. — William de Clynton of Maxstoke k Juliana his wife, sued William la Zouche Mortimer and Alianora his wife, and Antony Cyteroun for the manor of Stanford near Chepyng farndon, in which they had no entry except by an unjust disseisin which Gilbert de Clare formerly Earl of Gloucester had made of Roger de Ley bourne the ancestor of Juliana & who.se heir she was. Roger de Leybourne, temp. Hen. 3. William. I Thomas. I Juliana, the plaintiff. Antony pleaded that William la Zouche and Alianora were dead, and he called to warranty Hugh le Despencer one of their coheirs, and he gave this pedigree. Gilbert de Clare.==Joan. Gilbert, Elizabeth. "-=Roger Margaret.=Hugh de Audeley, Alianora. ob. s.p. Damory. Earl of Gloucester. | Hugh le Despencer. De Banco. Mich. 14. E. 3. m. 355. Devon. — James de Mules sued John Daunay Chivaler for land in Manneton which Robert le Deneys had given to Roger de Mules in frank marriage with Mariota his daughter, temp. Ed. I. Roger de Mules. TpMariota. John. I • Robert, ob. s.p. James, the plaintiff. 8 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 14. E. 3. m. 41.3 dorso. Saloj). — John le Skirmesour sued Robert de Legh for land in Pontes- bury, and other tenants in Staunton Lacy and Longedon near Hane- wode, for land which William de Stepelton his great-grandfather &l whose heir he was, had given to Robert his son & his male issue. William de Stepelton. Kobert, temp. E. 1, Reginald, Philip, ob. s.p.m. ob. s.p.m. | Isabella. John le Skirmesour, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter 13. E. 3. m. 46. Essex. — David de Tillebury and Sabina his wife sued Henry Gernet and Margaret formerly wife of Richard de Lenham for the next presentation to the church of StifFord. 1 John de Stifford, 1 Lucy. Matilda. Sa ob. s.p. John Robert de Hamme. had presented, temp. Hen. 3. Robert de Hamme, presented temp. E. 1. John the son of Lucy had enfeoffed Nicholas Frembaud who had enfeoffed Henry Gernet the defendant ; Robert de Hamme had enfeoffed the predecessor in title of David and Sabina, and Sarra had enfeoffed the predecessor in title of Richard de Lenham and Margaret. De Banco. Easter 13. E. 3. m. 69. Notts. — Magister Henry de Lax ton sued Adam de Everyngham the elder for damages for an illegal distress, the pleadings shew this pedigree, and that in the vill of Laxton there were two manors, of which Adam, the defendant, was lord of one, and the representatives of John de Lexington, lords of the other. John de Lexington. I 1 Cecilia. Berda I I Thomas. i ' I 1 I John, Thomas de Lungvylers, Thomas de ob. s.p. brother and heir, Bekerjmg, now living. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 9 Be Banco. Mich. 4. E. 3. m. 134, Burh. — John de Grey of Eotherfeld sued John Cok of Edropei'or a mr ssuage and half a virgate of land in Shobynton which Thomas de Valognes had given to Robert de G-rey and Joan his wife & the heirs of their bodies, and he gave this pedigree — Robert de Qrey=f=Joan, temp. Hen. 3. John I John I John, the plaintiflF. Be Banco. Mich. 4. E. 3. m. 306. dorso. Northampt. — Antony de Lucy and John de Multon of Egermond sued John de Claveryng for the manor of Rodeston : the pleadings give this pedigree — Cecily Hawise I William I William de Fortibus living temp. Hen. 3. Amabel I Thomas Thomas Thomas 1 Amabel I Richard I John de Multon. Thomas ob. s.p. 1 Alice I Thomas Antony de Lucy De Banco. Hillary, 4-5. E. 3. m. 260. dorso. Sutht. — Geoffrey de Eamvyle sued Henry de Pypercorn for land in Estmune & gave this pedigree — German de Ramvyle, temp. Hen. 3. I William h German ob. 8. p. Nicholas I William Geoffrey, the plaintiflF. German, the original ancestor, is stated to have been enfeoffed by Godfrid, Bishop of Winchester. 10 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary, 4-5. E. 3. in. ) 68. dorso. Nbrf. — John de Claverynge was summoned by the Kyng in a plea that he should permit him to present to the Church of Nelond. the donation of which belonged to him as ci4stos of the heir of Robert de Thorp, deceased. The pleadings give this pedigree — ,Tohn de Thorp Robert, temp. E. 1. I John==Alice I Robert I John, under age and in ward to the King. John de Claverynge stated he held the manor of Asshewell-Thorp, of which Nelond was a parcel. It also appeared from the pleadings that Eobert, father of John de Claverynge, held a moiety of the manor of Combes, which had been forfeited by Ealph Avenel, the Norman. De Banco. Hollar//, 4-5. Ed, 3. m. 140. dorso. Sussex. — Eeginald de Rokesle sued William de Eokesle and Isabel his wife for the manor of Estaugemeryngg and the aivowson of the church of the same. The pleadings give this pedigree — I , Gregory de Rokesie Christine sister ob. s.p. temp. E. 1. & heir I Roger I Reginald the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary, 4-5. E. 3. m. 108. dorso. j-ior.— Geoffrey de Walcote sued William de Leysyncroft for a messuage and 111 acres of land in Berewyk near Aberford. The pleadings give this pedigree — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 11 I 1 Robert de Waicote Richard brother ob. s.p. temp. Hen. 3. & heir I W illiam I Geoffry the plaintiff. Assixes at Wolverhampton. 13. JE. 3. m. 14. dorso. Staff. — Hugh de Wrottesleye Chivaler sued Jolin de Tettebury and Joan his wife & another for land & rents in Boterdon (Butterton) Waterfall, and Grendon, William de Wrottesle I William^JoausriJohn de Tettebury, 2nd husband Hugh, the plaintiff". Be Banco. Mich. 13 £. 3. m. 107 dorso. Notts. — Geoffrey son of William de Staunton sued Johu de Staunton of Eyleston, Knight, for land in Eylastou which Walter de Evermue had given to Geoffrey de Staunton and Alice his wife. Geoff'reyT=Alice, temp. Hen. 3. I. William I William I Geoff'rey de Staunton, the plaintiff' JDe Banco. Mich. \Z E. 3. m. 448 dorso. ^ Hereford. — Gilbert Talbot sued Ralph de Wj'lyuton and Alianora his wife for the Oastlo of Keyrkenny and the commote of Iskenny of which Lewetine ap Eees "Vaghan, his kinsman was seised, temp, E. 1. Rees ap Griffith Rees Wenchliana 1 Lewelin, ub. s.p. 1 Riihard 1 Gilbert, the plaintiff'. Ralph claimed by a grant made to him of the possessions of John Mautravers — a rebel, Avhose lands had been forfeited. 12 PEDIGREES FKOM THE PLEA ROLLS. Be Banco. Mich. 13. E. 3. m. 310; Cornuh. — Adam de Helygan sued the Bishop of Exeter for the next presentation to the Church of Malyvjt. William de Tregillo, temp. E. 1. r -^T n Emma, who had enfeoffed Isabella, Joan Adwu of her purparfcy. ob, v.p. Adam Doygnel. Be Banco. Easter 14. E. 3. m. 173. Cornuh. — Margaret formerly »vife of John de Healton sued Nicholas de lukepenne for the next presentation to the Church of Seynt Doumyk. lialph de Halton=i=Joan, temp. Hen. 3. John=i=Margaret, the plaintiff I Robert Bendyn=Joan=rRoger de Inkeprrme 2nd husband | Nicholas, the defendant. Be Banco. Mich. 14. E. 3. m. 308. Cornuh. — Eoger son of Eoger de Pridias (Prideaux) of Pennos sued Roger son of Peter de Pridias Chivaler and Clarice his wife for lands in Brothek near Loftwychiel & other places, in which they had no entry except by an unjust disseisin which Eoger son of Geoffrey de Pridias had made of his grandfather Thomas. Thomas de Pridias, temp. E. 1. Roger I Roger, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Mich. 14. E. 3. m. 507. Glouc. — Eobert de Staunton sued Ada formerly wife of John de St. Philbert for land in Thorneyton, which Philip de Mutton had given to Christine his daughter. Philip de Mutton Christine, temp. E. 1. I Peter I Robert Robert de Staunton, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 13 Be Banco. Hillary 4-5. E. 3. vi. 24. Ehor. — Ricliard son of Eichard de Amcotes sued Gerard de ITseflet & Ada his wife for a messuage and 80 acres of land in Useflet, in which they had no entry except by an unjust disseisin, which John de Foleville had made of Katrine de Foleville his kinswoman, and he gave this pedigree : — Katrine de Foleville, temp. E. 1. Richard, uncle and heir, I I Richard, ob, p.p. Richard. Richard the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary 4-5. E. 3. m. 183. Bedf. — William de Strumshagh sued Eichard de la Bere and Nichola his wife for one third of the manor of Aspele and gave this pedigree ; — William seised of the manor, tem]i. Hen. 3- Matilda. Alice. Joan, ob. Margaret, a nun at Ermentrude. I ' 1 I s.p. Wynteuey. I Roger. Hugh. Richard. William de Strumshagh I the plaintiff. Matilda, ob. s.p. Be Banco. Mich. 5. E. 3. w. 414. Northt. — John de Wydeville and Henry, son of Eobert de Kersehrok sued John, son of Walter le Blount for the manor of Passenham and give this pedigree : — Heniy de Passenham, Alice. Margaret.=T=Robert. ob. s.p., temp. E. 1. | I John de Wydeville. Henry de Kersbrok. Be Banco. Hillary 5-6. E. 3. m. 98 dorso. Cumberland. — A suit respecting land in Bolton and Ukmanby — gives this pedigree : — Robert de Mulcastre. Walter, ob. s.p, William. Robert. I I Robert. Walter. 14 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. T)e Banco, milarij 5-6. E. 3. m. 132. Hertford. — Henry, son of John de Grey sued Henry de Osevilo for the manor of Munden-Furnival ; the pleadings give these pedigrees : — John de Grey, seised of the manor, temp. Hen. 3. Reginald. John. I Henry the plaintiff. I 1 1 1 1 William de Margaret. Alice. Matilda. Mabel. Kirkby, ob. , ' 1 | | | s.p. John, ob. Hugh. Hugh Prylly. Walter Hoby. Robert s.p, I Qrymband. Peter Prylly, under age. The manor had been assigned, on the death of William de Kirkby, to Margaret his sister, and Henry derived his right from Hugh, son of Margaret. I)e Banco. Trinity 6. E. 3. m. 147 dorso. Essex. — John son of Ealph de Geney sued Margaret, formerly wife of Nicholas de Haveryngge for land in Great and Little Berdefeld which Elias de Baliol had given in frank marriage to his daughter Joan. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Elias de Baliol. I Ralph. =i= Joan, I John.=^Milisaut. Ralph. I John the plaintiff. Henry Grapenel. Henry Petronilla. Margery. ^=Winiam Joan. = Adam, Margaret- Orapenel, ^John, son j Inge. son of John Fitz the defen ob. s.p. of John Fitz | Simon. dant. Simon, Joan.=Williara | Motoun. Edmund. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA KOLLS. 15 Be Banco. Trinity 6 E, 3. m. 122. Cornuhia. — Gervase de Bray sued the Prior of the Hospital of St. John for the advowson of the church of St. Clare of Recradok. The plead- ings give this pedigree: — lieginald de Slarcis, temp. K. John. I Beatrice, ob. 1-3 Hen. 3.=f=Ingelran de Bray.=Beatri(:e, daughter of I John de Kembrc Gervase. Michael. I Gervase the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 6. E. 3. m. 448. Kent. — Baldwin son of Alexander de Frivill sued Peter Brounyng of Wyclesford & other tenants for land in Wyclesford which Sibilla Giff.ird had given to Baldewyn do Frivill & Matilda his wife & the heirs of their bodies, & he gave this pedigree : — Baldwyn de Frivill, ob. temp. E. l.=7=Matilda. r ^ J Baldwyn, ob. s.p. Alexander. I Baldwyn the plaintiff. Be Banco. Mich. Q. E. Z. m. bU. Norf. — Eichard son of Richard de Boylound sued John son of John Aubyn of Staunford for land in Eecham, which Eichard son of Albin de Staunford had given to Eichard de Boylound, Chivaler, father of Eichard and to Matilda his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Albin de Staunford. , J i Kichard, ob. s.p. John Aubyn. I John Aubyn the defendant. Be Banco. Mich. 6. E. 3. m. 567 dorso. Warw. — John son of Edmund de Laugleye, by his custos, sued Henry de Geddyng & Alice his wife, Peter de Eydewale and Margaret his wife, Laurence de Shepeye, and Joan formerly wife of Eobert de Eydewale and William her son, for land in Coventry which Henry de Albini and Christiana his wife had given to his ancestor Geoffrey de Langeleye & Matilda his wife and the heirs of their bodies & he gave this pedigree : — f^ PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Geoffrey de Langeleye.=rMatilda, temp. Hen. 3. I ' 1 Robert, ob. s.p. Geoffrey. Edmund. I John the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 6, U. 3. m, 93 dorso. Devon. — Eobert de Cruwys Cliivaler sued John de Cruwys for the manor of Ansteye Cruwys which Nesta Corbet had given to Eobert de Cruwys & Matilda his wife the heirs of their bodies & he gave this pedigree : — Robert de Cruwys =}=Matilda. I Alexander. I . . Robert the plaintiff. JDe Banco. Mich. 6. E. 3. m. 273. Wilts. — John Mautravars sued the Prioress of Kyngton for the next presentation to the church of Great Somerford & gave this pedigree : — John Mautravers, presented to the church, temp. Hen. 3. John. I John the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 6. E. 3. m. 432 do^so. Essex. — Richard de la Bere sued Thomas de Weston Knight for a messuage and two carucates of land etc. in Eeynham near Uagenham in which Thomas had no entry except by au unjust disseisin of Alan de Plukenet his kinsman, whose heir he is, & he gave this pedigree : — I 1 Alan. Richard. I I Alan de Plukenet, Richard, temp. E. 3. ob. s.p. | Richard de la Bere the plaintiff. It will be noted, the younger branch had assumed the name of de la Bere. Thomas claimed by a grant from the King, the tenements in question forming part of the lands of Oliver de Plukenet which had fallen to the King as an eschaet. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA BOLLS. 17 Be Banco. Rillauj 6-7. E. 3. m. 303. Salop. — Fulk soa of Fulk de Penebrug^e sued Matilda de Pennebrugge for a moiety of the manor of Tonge, which Alan la Zouche had given to William de Harcourt in frank marriage with Alice his sister. William de Harcourt. =r Alice, sister of Alan la Zouche. I Arabel. I Fulk. I Fulk, I Fulk the plaintiff. Be Banco. Ilillarij 6-7. E. 3. m. 265. Lane. — Gilbert son of Robert son of Gilbert de Rysheton sued John son of Eichard de l^adeclyf & Joan his wife, and Richard son of John, for the manor of Eyssheton near Harewode, which Robert de Praers had given to Gilbert son of Henry de Blakeburn in frank marriage with Margaret his sister. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Henry de Blakeburne. I Gilbert. =Margaret de Praers. 1 Henry. I Gilbert, I Robert. Gilbert de Ryssheton the plaintiff. John pleaded that Gilbert, son of Henry the husband of Margaret, had been outlawed in 40 Hen. 3 for the death of William le Melner. De Banco. Eillary 6-7. E. 3 m. 283. Wi/tjorn. — Isabella fornxerly wife of Walter de Cokesay sued John de Grafton and Hugh de Cokesay for -|rd of the manor of Cokesay as dower. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Hugh de Cokesay, enfeoffed of the manor of Little Wytheleye by William I de Beauchatnp. Hugh,'-=Juliana, daughter of Hugh le Power with whom he obtained th« I manor of Wytheleye Power. Walter,=lsabella, ob, s.p. Hugh the defendant. The name of Walters father does not occur. 18 TEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary 6-7. E. 3. tn. 80 dorso. Hunts. — The King sued Jolm de Dene & Agnes his wife for the ad- vowson of the church of Conyngton which fell to him by the forfeiture of Robert de Bruj's, (Bruce) temp. Ed, L The defendants gave the following pedigree : — Richard de Bruys, seised of the advonsou, temp. Hen. 3. I Isabella, who enfeoffed Bernard de Bruys. Bernard.=Constance. I Bernard. = Agnes the defendant. The defendants stated that the last Bernard was under age, and his ward to Robert de Bruj-s, when the latter presented to the church, temp. E. L and the jury found in their favour. De Banco. Hillary 6-7. E. 3. m. 18. dorso. Northampt. — The Abbot of Pippewell sued Ralph Basset of Weldon & Joan his wife for the advowson of the church of Asshele. The plead- ings give this pedigree : — Richard de Dauntz, temp. K. Richard. I Agnes. Peter Peverel, temp. K. John. I Agues, temp. Hen. 3. Ralph, ob. s.p. From Ralph the right passed to Richard de Pj'dington his cousin and heir, who alienated it to Walter de Langeton whose status was held by Ralph and Agnes. De Banco. Easter 7. E. 3. m, 304. Staff, — John de Weston, Chivaler, and William son of Peter do Joneston sued John de Ipstanes, Chivaler, for the next presentation to the church of Blemunhulle (Blymhill). John Bagod, temp. Hen. 3. 8arra. =William de Ipstanes. Margaret.=^ Roger de Coven. John de Ipstanes. I William de Ipstanes. I John de Ip staues the defendant . Alice. ^=Thoma8 de la Hyde. Thomas de la Hyde, Margaret. =Thomas Streche. I Ralph Streche. I Robert Streche. Philippa. I Rose. — I . Pavia. Joan. = Richard de Pyche- ford. I Roger de Py chef Orel . Philippa. =Geofirey de Brom- leye. I Robert de Bromleye. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 19 John de Weston had acquired tlie shares of Thomas de la Hj-de and of Eobert Streche, and William de Joneston had acquired the share of Rose and Pavia, and they claimed to present as representatives of Margaret the second daughter of John Bagod. De Banco. Mick. 7. E. 3. ?». 222. Line. — William de Calthorp Chivaler, sued the Abbot of Croylond fox* one-third of the manor of Gedeneye, Ela.=irHervey do Stanhowe, lord of Stanhowe & Berewyk Co, Norfolk. I John. I Ela,=Walter de Calthorp, William the plaintiff, and see suit of Easter 7. E. 3. De Banco. Mich. 7. K 3. m. 306. Leic. — Thomas Bacoun of Neweton and Katherino his wife, and Thomas son of Henry le Chamberleyn and Elizabeth his wife sued Eoger de Waltham for the manor of del Spyne which Eoger de Toftes had given to Eoger son of Thomas de Toftes in frank marriage with Alice daughter of Guy de Mounpynzoun. Thomas. I Roger. =Alice, I 1 Katherine, plaintiff. Elizabeth, plaintiff. D} Banco. Mich. 7. E. 3. m. 367. Staff. — William son of Elchard de Pirye sued John son of Eichard de Pyrie & other tenants for land in Pirye. (Perry Barr). Henry de Pirye, temp. Hen, 3. —\ William, ob, s.p. Henry. I Richard. I William the plaintiff De Banco. Mich. 7. E. 3, m. 279 dorso. Warw. — John son of Edmund de Langeleye sued William son of Eegiuald de Allesleye for 20 's. of rent in Coventry which Henry de Albini & Christiana his wife had given to Geoffrey de Langeleye & Matilda his wife, temp. Hen. 3. 20 PEDIGKEES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Geoffrey de Langelej-e.=i^Matilda. Eobert, ob. s.p, Geoffrey. I Edmund. ~l Geoffrey, ob. s.p. John the plaintiff. Le Banco. Mich. 7. E. 3. m. 282. Corntib. — Eobert son of Eeginald de Trewynyan (Trevanion) sued Margaret formerly wife of John son of John de Trevesker for land in Trevesksrmere near Eestonwek. Amandus, temp. Hen. 8. Reginald. I Reginald. I Robert the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 7 £. 3. m. 301 dor so. Somerset. — Peter le Veel sued Thomas de Stapeldon for the manor of Norton near Taunton which Walter de la Hyde had given to Eobert le Veel & Hawyse his wife. Robert le Veel =Hawyse. Bogo. (Bevis.) I Peter the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter 7. E. 3. m. 53. Somerset. — John de Trevaignon, and Joan his wife, and Ealph and "William, sons of John, sued Eichard son of Bartholomew Payn, Eoger de Stutescoumbe and Nicholas son of Bai'tholomew Payne for the next presentation to the church of Saunford Orkiz. Richard Orkiz, temp. Hen. 3. ~i l8abella.=j='William Aquillon, Joan. I temp. Hen. 3. | Pagan, Mabel. Matilda. I I I William Payne, temp. E. 1. Roger de Apnea Danvers who | Stutescombe' enfeoffed the plaintiffs. Bartholomew. Richard. Verdict for the plaintiffs. Ealph and William were under age and ppeared by their custos. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 21 Be Banco. Easter 7. E. 3. m 77. Linvoln. — James do lies sued the Abbot of Croyland for the ad\owsou of the church of (iedeneyc. The ])leadiugs iiive this pediurec :- — Fnlk de Oyry, temp. Hen. 3. I — 1 1 Alice. Ela. 1 Emecina, 1 1 1 1 1 Jean. — Keyuer de Ela.= = Hervey de Alice, who William le Giles de Burgo. Sfi Stanhowe, enfeoffed Constable, o^ Gousille, 3.^ Hen. :J. 1 35 Hen. 3 who enfe- lioger de Thurkelby Hen. 3. 1 Hen. 3. 1 Williaui. oflFed the of her pur- Simon, who Peter. 1 Abbot. party. enfeoffed 1 Robert de Burguyllon. Robert de Ralph. Ros, father of 1 James the Ralph. plaiutifi'. i Margaret. =Philip le Despencer, De Banco. Easter 7. E. 3. m. 143. Derb. — Geoffrey de Skeftyngton sued Hamon de Illeye for a moiety of the manor of Breydeshale, and Hamon called to warranty John de Bixrcs and Margaret his wife. Geoffrey, temp. E. 1. John, ob. s.p. Geoffrey. Geoffrey, ob. s.p. John, ob. s.p. Thomas, ob. s-ji. Two brothers were both named Geoffrey. Geoffrey, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter 7. E. 3. m. 297. Berks. — John de Boclond sued William de Wyndcsorc and Nicholas de Inkepennc for land in Inkepenne, the pleadings give these pedigrees : — William Paynel, ob. s.p. Roger. =j=Emelin a. .1 Nicholas de Inkepenne. Hugh de Boclond. I Hugh. I John de Boclond the plaintiflP. De Banco. Hillary 7-8. E. 3. m. 270. Xorthampt .—^O'^cv Basset of Byficld sued Thomas Boydyn of AVodeford and Agnes his wife, and Amice sister of Agnes and other tenants, for land in Wodeford near By f eld. 22 PEDIC4REES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Robert de Morton. I Richard Basset of Wodefoid, temp. E. 1. r- Joan. Emma.=^Jobn Bokewynt- I Roger the iilnintitt. The chan";es of surname should be noted. Be Banco. Hillary 7-8. E. 3. m. 2.59 dorsn. Line. — John, son of Adam, son of Jolni de Kepinghale sned John de Stonore and Matilda his Avif c for the manor of Kepinghale, which Bernard de Bnis had given to Adam, son of John de Kepinghale and Constance Ills wife. John de Repinghale. I Adam, temp. E. l.=Constance. I John the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary 7-8. E. 3. m. 183 dorso. Leic. — Fulk de Penebnigge sned Henry de Pirye and Thomas, son of John de Killeston for the manor of Ayleston which Kichard de Harecourt had given to Margaret de Hareconrt and her issue, and failing such, to Orabel sister of Margaret and the heirs of her body. I 1 Margaret. Orabel. I Fulk. I Fulk. Fulk the plaiutifl", De Banco. Mich. 7. E. 3. in. 186 dorso. Hei'eford.— The Prior of Monemouth was sued by Thomas Talbot to permit him to present to the church of Castel Goderich. Joan de Valence, Countess of Pembroke, temp. E. 1, •-1 Adomar, Isabel. Joan, ob. s.p. I I 1 T John de Hastings. .loan. Elizabeth.=* I I Richard Talbot who cu- Laurciice de Hastingo. David, Earl of Atholl. feoflud the i)laiutitf. PEDIOxREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 23 De Banco. Easter 8. E. 3. m. 67. Wanv. — Hcmy Grcfcodc of Lcyccstrc sued Jolin Pcrseval of Somery and Margaret liis wife for a messuage and two carucates of land &c. in Bude- ford. Roger Belost. I. Amice Belost. I Juliana, ob. s.p.. tetnp. E. 1 , 1 Margaret. John. i Henry the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter 8. E. 3. m. 158. Derh. — Alice, formerly wife of William de Montegomeri of Cubbeleye sued Ednumd de Cheigny for an illegal distress. Ralph de Grendon, 6 Hen. 3.=Matilda Peche. I Stephen. I Joan.=Edmund de Cheigny. De Banco. Trinity 8. E. 3. m. 229. Ehor. — William de la Pole sued John de Hothom Chivaler, to permit him to present to the Church of Foston. Wiiliaia de Arundel, ob. s.p. William. I .. Dionisia, ob. B.p. Roger, ob. s.p. Eufemia. I William. I Robert. I William le Conestable. I Robert, who enfeoffed Ayhnar de Valence of his purparty. Matilda. —- ^n Alice. Joan. Osbert I John. I Robert. I Willinm. .1. Dionisia. 1 Ayimar de Valence, ob. s.p. Joan* L_ Joan. I Elizabeth. Agnes. I Thomas de Hothom. I Robert, who enfeoffed John de Dryffeld of his purparty. Isabel. I John de Hastinges. David de Strabolgi, who enfeoffed Laurence de William de la Pole, the plaintiff. Hastinges. 24 PEDItlREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter 8. E. 3. m. 214. Leic. — William, son of William dc Pyukencyc of ('usington sued Thomas son of Geoffrey du Cusynton and Roger his sou for land in Cnsynton, which William de Meisliam had given to William de Pynkeneye and Elizabeth his wife. William de Pynkeneye, temp. Hen. .3.=pElizabeth. I William. I William the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter 8. E. 3. m. 215 dorso. N'orthampt. — John de Mountsigros sued William in le Wylewes, Henry Hastyngs and other tenants, for land in Est Madden of which Ascelina, daughter of Hugh Dyne of Est Hadden, was seised when she died, temp. Hen. 3. Ascelina, temp. Hen. 3. I John. I James . I John de Mountsigros, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 8 E. 3. m. 169. Norf. — Adam de Cliftone sued Edmund de Caily for the next presenta- tion to a moiety of the church of Devener. Adam de Cayly, temp. E. 1. + . Edmund, ob. s.p. Thomas, ob. s.p. Margaret, sister and heir. Adam de Cliftone, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 8. E. 3. m. 32-5. Dorset. — Hildcbrand of London, sued Joan, formerly wife of Peter Coif wain, for land in Langebride, which Kobert do Staforde had given to Simon, son of Osbert de Langebride, in frank marriage with Matilda his daughter, temp. Hen. 3. Osbert de Langebride, Simon. =Matilda, temp. Hen. 3. Adam. I Nicholaa, daughter and heir. I Eobert. I Hildebrand, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 25 De Banco. Mich. 8 E. 3. m. 288. Noythann^t.—Tho. son of John de Nowers sued Bjatriee, formerly wife of Henry le Fitz lliehault, for the numor of Cotjs, neiir Uildesburgh, which Peter de Goldington had given to William de Nowers and Isabella, his wife, temp. Hen. 3. The pleadings give this pedigree — ■ Peter de Goldington. William=T=Isabfclla. I Almaric. I John. Dionisia. I Lora. .Toll Johu (le .lohii l5()zoiiii, Nowers, tlie under aband. NicholaB, in ward to the Earl. De Banco. Mich., 10. E. 3. m. 357. Oxon. — Geoffrey le Archer and Ralph Basset of Weldon sued John \Vyard for the manor of Staunton Harecourt, in which he had no entry except by Roger de Mortimer of Wyggcmore, to whom Roger de Morti- mer of Chirk had demised it, and who had unju.stly disseised John de la Wade their kinsman, & whose heirs they arc. I ^ I 1 ^ John de la Wade, Cecilj'. j\lianora. Illizabeth, Joan, ob. 8.p. tern. E. 1. | | ob. s.p. ob. s.'i Edmund. Richard. I I Geoffrey le Archer, Ralph Basset, the plaintiff. the plaintiff. PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. tl De Banco. Mich., 10. E. 3. m. 363. Somerset. — John Strech and Elizabeth his wife sued Ralph dc Middelnye for the manor of Athelardeston. Williuiu Cryspyn.^Joau, held the in;uior j temp. E. 1. Roger. I .Tohn Slrech — Elizabeth the plaintifls. De Banco. Mich., 10. E. 3. m. 333 dorso. Line. — Robert de Colville sued Simon Pecche, who had been called to warranty by Isolda formerly wife of Gilbert Pecche, for the manor of (]!orby. IiOger fie Colville, temp. IC. 1. i Kdmuiid. I Robert the plaintifif. De Banco. Mich., 10. E. 3. m. 348. Waru'.—Ela. formerly wife of William le Botillcr of Wemme, and John de Peyto junior, and Alice his wife svied William Ic Botiller of Wemme, Chivalcr, for the manor of Wylye which Hvtgh de Hardeburgh hnd given to Nicholas dc Hardeburgh & his issue, and who having died s.p. the right reverted to the donor and his heirs. Hugh de Hardeburgh. I Roger. E]a=Williara le Botiller. the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiffs. I — ] — Dionisia, i)b. s.p. \ Isabella. H Isabella. I Alice==JohQ de Peyto. De Banco. Easter, 10. E. 3. in. 244. Derb. — John son of William dc Muscamp sued Robert dc Lathebury for and in Wylyngton which William Michel had given to William de Muschamp *fc Margaret his wife temp. E. 1. William de Muscamp=Margaret. I William. ! John, the plaintiff. $fi PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter, 10. E. 3. m, 157. Northumh.— 5 o\m de Brempton sued Robert de la Vale for an illegal distress in Brempton. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Waldeve de Brempton. 1 John, held the mauor of Brempton of Robert de Bidlesdoue. I I Jobti, the plaintiff. Robert de Bidlestone. Eva,=Ra]ph de Feritate. Margery. =H en ry de la Vale I ancestor of Robert Robert de Feritate. the defendant. De Banco. Easter, 10. E. 3. m. 105 dorso. Lane. — Richard, son of Adam de Laylond sued WilHam de Walton for two parts of the moiety of the manor of Laylond which Richard, son of Warine Busshel had given to Thomas de Laylond & Alice his wife. Warine Busshel. 1 Richard. I Thomas. =Alice. . r— ^ -1 Richard, Adam, ob. s.p. I Richard, the defendant. In another plea he sued John de Croft & Emma his wife for ^rd of the moietv of the same manor and ":ave the same descent. De Banco. Easter, 10. E. 3. m. 108 doi-so. Line. — John, son of Thomas de Shepelay sued Ada, formerly wife of John de Wynceby for the manor of Benyngton near St. Botolph. Reginald de Benyngton, tern. Hen. 3. .1 Alice. I Thomas. I John, the plaintifif. De Banco. Easter, 10. E. 3. m. 281. ifcrfe.— Robert de Stoke and Margaret his wife sued John de Bures and Hawise his wife, for land in West Compton, in which they had no right except by a demise made by Arnolph Gernoun grandfather of Margaret «fe whose heir she was, for a term which had expired. The pleadings give the following pedigree : — PEDmnEES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. SI Arnulph Gernoiin, temp. Hen. 3. I Margaret. i Robert=Margaret. de Stoke the plaiutift'b. Hawise claimed by a grant made by E. 1 . to Robert de Mussegros her father in 1276 of the manors of Hampstede, Aldeworth, Cumpton, and Alvescote, tV a rent of £15 7s. 6d. in Coddesmorc, for which Robert de Mussegross had given in exchange the castle of Boureth and the Cantred of Tradery (in Wales 1) De Banco. Easter, 10. E. 3. m. 303. Ehor. — Robert de Stodhagh sued Henry Ic Scrop the elder, for land in Horneby, which Thomas de Stodhagh had given to John de Horneby & Olive his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, & Avhich should revert to him, the issue of John & Olive having failed. Thomas de Stodhagh, tern. E. 1. I Thomas. I Alan. I Robert, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter, 10. E. 3, m. 106. Line. — John, son of Richard de Hudelston sued Reginald de Donyngton Chivaler and John his son for land in Randeby which Ralph do Neville had given to John de Hudeleston his grandfather. John de Hudeleston. I Richard. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 10. E. 3. m. 35 dorso. Ehor. — Richard, son of John de Ros sued Roger, son of Richard, and Beatrice his wife, and other tenants, for lands in Horneseburton. William de StutevJlle, temp. Hen. 3. I Emma. I Richard. ! John. i Richard de Ros, the plaintiff. S4 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS." De Banco. Mich. 10. E. 3. m. 493. Wariv. — John, son of John Iwayn sued Robert de Vaal of Lodynton for the manor of Biocton, which John de Whitchurch had given to John Iwayn it Petrouilla his wife and to the heirs of their bodies. John de Alice. Whitchurch. i Johu IwayD.=7= Petrouilla. =f{obert de Val, I 2nd husband. John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 10. E. 3. m. 230. Kent.-—^o\\i\ de Lovetot sued Margaret, daughter of Adam de Lovetot, & other tenants, for land iu Great Wilburham which Ralph fitz Fulk had given to Roger de Lovetot in frank mari'iage with Alianora his daughter, temp. Hen. 3. Kcger.^Alianora, touap. Hen. 8. I Thomas. I John, the plaintiff. The defendants called to warranty John, son of Adam de Lovetot. De Banco. Mich. 10. E. 3. m. 261 dorso. Suff.- — Geoffrey de Colville sued Matilda Lambernans and other tenants in Carleton Colville for land which Adam de AValpolft of Shipmedwe and Roger de Wolyngton of Barsham had given to Roger de Colville Chivalcr & Galiena his wife, temp. E. 1. Roger.=pGaliena. I Roger. I Geofifrey, the plaintiff. In another plea he sued Bartholomew de Burghersh & Cecily his wife for the manor of Carleton Colville and gave the same descent. De Banco. Mich. 10. E. 3. m. 332. Essex. — Alexander de Hilton sued Ralph Silvestre «fe Mary his wife, and other tenants for land in Lallefoi'd. Robert de Hilton,=Joan. I temp. E. 1. Alexander. I Robert. I Alexander, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 35 De Banco. Mich. 10. E. 3. m. 404 dm'so. Southamjyt. — Mary diuighter of John de Pagelmm sued .John Goion, the younger, for land in I'^ontelegh I'ageham and Tycchefeld which Hugh de St. Martin Chivaler had given to William de Pageham in frank marriage with Joan his daughtei'. William do Pagehara^Joan de St. SFartin, I temp. E. 1 William. .1 John. I Mary, daughter & heir the plaintiff. Be Banco. Mich. 10. E. 3. m. 478. Li)ic. — Robett Bagot of Hacumby sued A.dam son of Alan Viiiter of Spaldyng for lantl in Pyncebek, which William son of Walter de Spaldyng had given to John son of Robert Bagot & Emma his wife. Robert Bagot. I John=Emma, temp. E. 1. I William. I Robert Bagot, the plaintiff. N.B. — The Liber Niger Siaccarii of A.D. 1166 shews that Hacumby ■was held at that date by Hervey Bagot of the Baron of Stafford. De Banco. Trinity, W E. ^. m. 35. Salop. — Reginald de Stapelton sued Matilda formeidy wife of William de Lodelowe Knight and Laurence de Lodelowe Knight, for the next presentation to the church of Wynstantoune. Theobald de Stapelton was seised of the manor of Ermesgreue to which the advowson was appurtenant tein. E. 1. John. ! Reginald, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity, \\. E. 3. m. 59. Dorset. — Reginald fitz Hei'bert sued John de Stanorde and Alice his wife for a moiety of the manor of Wolvcton which Joan de Vernoun iiad given to Reginald fitz Reginald and to John son of the said Reginald it- their issue, & failing such, to Herebcrt brother of the said John &. his issue. Reginald fitz Reginald. r ^ n John, Herbert. ob. 3.p. I Reginald, the plaiotifil 36 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. \\. E. 3. m. 371 dorso. Lane. — William, son of Richard de Hulton sued Richard, sou of Richard de Hulton of Reddiche for the manor of Heton on Faghfcld which Richard, son of David de Hulton had given to David his son & to his issue, «fe failing such, to Richard his brother. David. Richard. 1 David, temp. E, 1. Richard. 1 Richard, thi De Banco. Mich. 11 JE". 3. m. 385. Glouc. — Warvn, son of Waryn sued Thomas de Cornherde and Margaret liis wife for tlie manor of Wodemanuccroft which Otto, son of William gave to WilHam fitz William k, the heirs of his body. William fitz William, temp. Hen. 3. Waryn. I Waryn, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich., 11. E. 3. m. 289. Ebor. — Henry de Deen Chivaler, sued Thomas de Pokethorp for land in Scakelthorp near Seterington which Nicholas de Deen had given to Richard de Steventon and Alice his wife, & the heirs of their bodies and whose issue had failed. Xieholrts de Deen, temp. Hen. 3. Henry. Tiintnas, son=Alice.= Richard de I (it Henry de Stpventon, John. Poketlioij), son of I 2nd Inisliand. Robert de Henry, the [)laintiff. ISteventon, The defendant was grandson of Thomas de Pokethorp the 2nd husband of Alice. De Banco. Mid. 11 ^. 3, m. 295. Eboi\ — WilHam son of Thomas de Pynchebek sued Roger son of Geoffrey de Manneby of Neuby upon Wysk and other tenants for land in Kirkeby on Wysk, which GeofFi'ey de Upsale Chivaler had given to Alan de Pynchebek in frank marriage with Isabella his sister. Alan de Pynchebek^^Isabella. I Thomas. I William, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 37 De Banco, Trinity. 12. E. 3. m. 124. Stissex. — William de Bremdelschete sued Nicholas de Vilers for the next presentation to the church of Tordewyk. Robert de la Eogate held the manor and advowson — temp. Ed. 1. r -r-^ -I Robert de la Rogate. Edmund, oh. s. p. Isabella, ob. s. p. I William, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 12. U. 3. m. 76. Wilts. — Henry Stourmy sued Robert, Bishop of Sarum, and Chapter, for the next presentation to the church of Stapilford. Henry Husee held the manor and=Matilda. advowson, temp. Hen. 3. Hubert. 1 -^ -1 Margaret. Isabella. Henry. Isabella had enfeoffed John Giffard I of her purparty of the advowson, and Henry, the plaintiff. John, having adhered to Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, had forfeited his estates. De Banco. Trinity. 12. E. 3. m. 70. Wilts. — Roger son of Roger de Bavent sued Peter son of Walter de Skydemor for the manor of Upton Skydemor, in which he had no entry except by Walter, who had unjustly disseised Peter de Skydemore, his great grandfather and whose heir he was. Peter de Skydemore [Scudamore]. Alesia. I Roger. Roger, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. \2 E.^. m. 148. Kent. — Stephen le Botiller sued John atte Lude for a mill in Harlton, which Ralph de Camoys had given to Hugh le Botiller in frank marriage with Ela, his daughter. 38 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Hugh.=fEla. I Peter. John, ob. s. p. Stephen, the plain tiflf. De Banco. Mich. 12. E. 3. m. 380. Wygom. — Robert de Harleye Chivaler and Margaret his wife, and Edmund de Cornwall Chivaler, and Elizabeth his wife, sued Henry de Muryval and another for land in Byrlyngham, which Brian de Brompton had given to Henry Lovet and Joan his wife and to the heirs of their bodies, whose issue had failed, and which should revert to them as heirs of the donor. Henry Lovet=Joan Brian de Brompton, temp. E. 1. . I I Henry Brian John Robert de=Margaret Elizabeth—Edmund de ob. s.p. Harleye Cornwall. De Banco. Mich. 12. E. 3. m. 388 clm-so. Cornuh. — Simon son of Ralph de Trenorgas sued Simon de Treheuben and Agnes his wife and Nicholas de Tresruthfen and Isabella his wife for land in Alderstowe which Renward de S' Cadoc had given to John de Trenorgas in frank marriage with Tertiana his daughter. John=Tertian, temp. E. 1 . 1 Simon Ralph r -^ n I Agnes — Simon de IsabeIla=Nichola8 de Simon de Trenorgas. Treheuben Tresruthfen. De Banco. Mich. 12. E. 3. m. 408. Derh. — William son of Henry de Leygh sued Laurence de Rolleston, Robert de Braillesford and other tenants in Etewall for lands which Ralph Pippard had given to Robert de Leygh in frank marriage with Isabella his sister, temp. E. 1. Robert de Leygh=Isabella Pippard. Henry I William the plaintf ff De Banco. 14. E. 3. m. 413 dorso. Salop. — John le Skirmcsour sued Robert de le Legh for land in Pontes- bury and other tenants for land in Stamiton-Lacy and Longedon, which William de Stepelton his great-grandfather, and whose heir he was, had PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 3d given to Robert his son and to his male issue, and failing such to Regi- nald brother of Robert and to his male issue, and which should revert to him as heir of the donor, the said Robert and Reginald having died s.p. William de Stepelton. r -1 -^ n Robert, ob. s. p., Reginald, ob. s. p. Philip, temp. E. 1. I Isabella. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 15. E. 3. m. 37. Staff. — Stephen de Irton and Joan his wife sued Geoffrey Byroun and Anabel his wife for the next presentation to the church of Bydulf (Biddulph). The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Alina, temp. Ric. 1. 1 , Hawyse.=f=Henry de Verdon. Petronilla. Dionisia. I r- -• Henry. Petronilla=f=Thomas, son of Roger I . I de Bidolf. Henry. Roger. I I Vivian.=Joan.=T=Stephen de Irton. Roger. The second sister Petronilla had enfeoffed Roger son of Edward de Bidolf, of her purparty, and from him the defendants gave the following descent, and stated that Geoffrey Byroun held the stattis of John de Bidolf. Roger, son of Edward de Bidolf. I Thomas. I Roger. I Roger. I John de Bidolf. De Banco. Hillary 15. Ed. 3. m. 223. Kent. — John de Carreu sued Thomas de Lavenham and Isabella his wife for the manor of Badburghham. The pleadings give this pedigree. WOliam de Carreu, temp. Hen. 3. . I Nicholas John de Caru, Knight, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary 15. Ed. 3. m. 305. Devon. — Henry de la Pomeray Chivaler was sued by Richard de Hywyssh for an illegal distress in the manor of Estwasshebume. The pleadings give this pedigree : — 40 PEDIGREES FROM TSE PLEA ROLLS. Isabella. Joan, I I Peter Corbet, ob. s. p. Henry. Henry. I Henry, the defendant. De Banco. Hillary 15. Ed. 3. m. 104 dorso. Sttssex. — Edward de St. John and Eva his wife sued William de Alpa Ripa [Hauterive] for land in Boxgrave, which Richard Lovel had given to Andrew de Hauteryve and Alice his wife and to the heirs of their bodies. Andrew de Hauterive.=p Alice, temp. Ed. 1. I William. I John. I Eva, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 15. Ed. 3. 7V. 57. Northamp. — William son of Geoffrey de Braundeston, John de Lyons of Dunstewe and Margaret his wife, and Geoifrey son of Geoffrey Phelip of Braddon, sued Richard de Thorp and Margaret his wife, for the manor of Gildesbxirgh in Avhich they had no entry except through William de Nonancourt who had demised it to Margaret wife of Richard, when he was non conqws mentis sue. J. 1 William de Nonancourt, Elizabeth, heir to temp. Ed. 1 . her brother. Sibil. =j=Geoffrey de Olive. Qeoffrey=p Agnes. I Braundeston. | j I John de=::;Margaret. Geoffrey Phelip. William. Lyons. Dp Banco. Easter. 15, Ed. 3. m. 109 dorso. Cornwall. — Gervase de Bray sued the Prior of the Hospital of St, John for the next presentation to the church of St. Clair, and gave this pedigree : — Reginald de Mareys, temp. John. I ' Beatrice.=f=Ingelran de Bray, living 33 Hen. 3. Gervase, Michael. I Gervase, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 41 De Banco. Mich. 15. Kd. 3, m 364. Devon. — Richard le Poure sued Jordan son of Robert de Uppekary for land in Southcote, and other tenants in the same vill, and Joan formerly wife of Robert de Uppekary and John her son, for land in Uppekary which Richard de Uppekary his great grandfather and whose heir he was had held temp. Ed. 1. Richard de Uppekary. t William. I Joleuta, daughter and heir. I Richard, the plaintiiF. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ed. 3. m. 214. Wilts. — William le Moigne of Great Ranele and Joan his wife sued Thomas son of John son of Michael de Drokenesford for two parts of the manor of Froxfeld which Philip Crok grandfather of Joan, and whose heir she was, had given to William de Columbers and Joan his wife and to the heirs of their bodies. Philip Crok. I Thomas Crok. William de Colnmbers=Joan, temp. Hen. 3. The defendant claimed by a grant of Thomas Crok to John de Drokes- ford the Keeper of the King's Wardrobe and to Michael his brother, and stated he was grandson and heir of Michael, but the jury found in favour of the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter 15. Ed. 3. m. 244. Notts. — Simon de Sibethorp sued John Cosyn the warden of the Chapel of St. Mary of Sibethorp, for the next presentation to the Church of Sibethorp and gave this descent : — ~i Robert de Sibethorp, temp, Ralph, brother and heir. Ric. 1, ob. s. p. I William. I William. Simon, the plaintiff. The defendant stated that Robert had given the advowson to the Kt. Templars and on their suppression it had passed to the Hospital of St. John. De Banco. Easter. 15. Ed. 3. m. 117 dorso. Hereford. — John de Bouldwas Chivaler sued the Abbot of Redynges for the next presentation to the Church of Brymfeld and gave this descent : 42 tEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Robert. I Hugh, temp. Hen. 3. John. f ' —-1 Hugh, ob. s. p. Roger. John, the plaintiflf. De Banco. Mick. 15. Ed. 3. m, 410 dorso. Salop. — John Mauveysin of Berewyk and Richard Gamel of Asteleye sued Richard Gery for land in Acton Reyner, which Reginald de Acton Chivaler had given to John de Asteleye in frank marriage with Lucy his daughter. John de Asteleye. ^pLucy. Robert. I 1 1 Richard, ob. s. p. Agnes. Alice. John. Richard Gamel, I plaiutiflf. John Mauveysin, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ed. 3. m. 322 dorso. Warw. — Roger de Bisshopsden sued John de Pype and Margaret his wife for land in Moiton Daubeney which William de Bisshopesden had given to Thomas de Bisshopesden and Cecil his wife and to the heirs of their bodies. Thomas de Bisehopesden^Cecil, temp.-HeD. 3. William. I John. I Roger, the plaiutifiF. The defendants claimed by a Fine levied in 55 Hen. 3. between Henry de Harecourt, the younger, father of Margaret and whose heir she was, and Henry de Harecourt the elder and the said Cecil, then wife of Hem y de Harecourt the elder. De Banco. Hillary. 15. Ed. 3. m, 84. Line. — Adam de Stretton sued Alan le Zouche of Assheby and another for an illegal distress in Great Glen ; the pleadings give this pedigree : — Reginald. Peter=Ela, temp. Ed. 1. Roger. I Henry, now living, who holds a moiety of the manor of Great Glen, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 43 De Banco. HUlanj. 15. Ed. 3. m. 144. Lane. — Henry de Ferrars sued Robert de Shirburne Kt. and Alice his wife, for one fourth of the manors of Chorlegh and Bolton on the Moors, and he sued John de Haveryngton Kt. the younger, and Katrine his wife, for a fourth of the same manors, and Thomas de Arderne Kt. for a fourth of the same manors, and Agnes formerly wife of Robert de Homclyve Kt. for a fourth of the same manors, which Robert de Ferrars formerly Earl of Derby had given to William de Ferrars, and to the heirs of his body, and he gave this descent : — William de Ferrars, temp. Hen. 3. I William. Henry, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillarij. 15. Ed. 3. m. 163. Warw. — Adam son of Robert de Napton sued Isabella formerly wife of William de Cotes for land in Napton and gave this descent : — Adam de Napton, Knight. I Adam, living temp. Ed. 1. I Adam. I Robert. Adam, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ed. 3. m. 447. Cornwall. — John de Rosdourek sued John son of John de Trevaignon, who had been called to warranty by Joan formerly wife of John de Trevaignon, for land in Goethfosyver. Geoffrey de R(jdourek. I Roger. I John. John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ed. 3. m. 481. Surrey. — Peter de Montfort sued Richard de Brokesboume and Edith his wife for land in Asshetede, in which they had no entry except by a demise made by Peter de Montfort, formerly husband of Matilda de la Mare, to which Matilda could not object during the lifetime of her husband. Peter de Montfort. =j=Matilda de la Mare. I r John, ob. s.p. Peter, the plaintiff. 44 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ed. 3. m. 482. Leie. — John le Warre and Joan his wife sued Margaret formerly wife of Albert de Grelle (Greilly) for one third of the manor of Herdeby. I 1 Herbert Robert. de Grelle. | ob s.p. Robert. I Joan daughter and heir, the plain tifi.. Margaret called to warranty William de Grelle. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ed. 3. m. 414. Notts. — William Squyer sned John Aleyn and other tenants in Hickelyng for land which John de Vylers, Knight, had given to Robert Squyer his ancestor, in frank marriage with Petronilla his sister. Robert Squyer. =pPetronilla de Vilers. Adam. I John. William, the plaintiff. Many of the tenants called John de Gresley to warranty. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ed. 3. m, 422. Suff. — John son of Geoffrey de Coleville Chivaler sued Matilda formerly wife of Robert Banyard Chivaler for land in Carleton Coleville. Roger de Colevyle"T=Galiena, temp. Hen. 3. I Roger. I Geoffrey. John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ed. 3. m. 381. Sussex. — William de Burton and Elizabeth his wife sued William de Northoo for the next presentation to the church of Shulflegh. William de Hautentoft.=f= Isabella. . I Nicholaa. Thomas, ob. s. p., temp. Lucy, William de=f=Oiiva. I Ed. 1, seised of the ob. s. p. Northoo. I manors of Shulflegh, | William de=Elizabeth. Wodemancote, Morly, William de Burton. Trewelye and Suthwyke Northoo. near Shorham, etc. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 45 De Banco. Trinity J 6. Ed. 3. m. 330 dorso. • Cornwall. — Thomas de Ralegh and John Daune and Sibil his wife sued Ralph son and heir of John de Wylyngton, for land in Polloyen and Whitelye. I 1 Ralph de Sulneye. Isolda. -n I Andrew. Geofirey. Emma, ob, s.p. ob. 8. p. I Hugh. Walter. Elizabeth. John Daune=Sibil. I Thomas de Raleigh. De Banco. Trinity. 16, Ed, 3. m. 78. Wano. — George de Castello sued Richard de Shyrynton and Albreda his wife for land in Echeles, which Simon de Asseles had given to Aline his daughter and to the heirs of her body. Simon de Asseles. Alme. I George. I William. I George de Castello, the plaintiflF. De Banco. Trinity. 16. Ed. 3. m. 311 dorso. Surrey. — Robert de Dol sued Robert de North wode for a fourth part of half a Knights fee in Ertyndon which Robert de Manekesie had given to Hugh de Dol and Sibil his wife and to the heirs of her body. Hugh.=fSibik Robert. I Robert de Dol, the plaintiff. Verdict for the defendant, the tenements Ixaving been alienated before the Statute "c?e donis conditionalibus.' De Banco. Trinity 16. Ed. 3. m. 55 dorso. Buchs. — Richard son of William de Cliveden sued John son of Richard Andrew, for land in Dorneye. Geofirey de Cliveden, I ' r— 7 Laurence ob. B.p. btephen. I William. I Richard, the plaintifi. 46 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter 17. Ed. 3. m. 253. Gloucester. — Margaret formerly wife of William Skay of Westonbrut, sued Joan formerly wife of John de Wylinton for the next presentation to the chnrch of Westonbrut. Richard le Brut — temp. Hen. 3. I John le Brut. r -r -^ -r n Joan. Alesia. Matilda^John de Margaret, Lambourne. the plaintiff. Joan the eldest daughter enfeoffed Laurence de Tresham of her purparty, and Laurence enfeoffed Margaret formerly wife of John Giffard of Bromesfeld, who enfeoffed John de Wylinton and Joan his wife. De Banco. Easter 17. Ed. 3. m. 326 dorso. Ehor. — Robert de Neville of Homeby sued Isabella formerly wife of Richard de Gray, Kt. of Landeford, for land in North Milford, and he sued Thomas son of Thomas de Honieby and Isabella his wife for land in Grymstone, near Tadcaster. Margaret de Neville. John. Robert. I I . . John, ob. 8. p. Robert, the plaintiff- De Banco. Hillary. 15. Ed. 3. m. 242. Wygorn. — Robert de Harleye and Margaret his wife and Edmund de Cornwall and Elizabeth his wife sued Henry de Mviryval and Richard de Longedon for land in Birlyngham, which Brian de Brompton had given to Henry Lovel and Joan his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, and which should descend to them, the issue of Henry and Joan having failed. Brian de Brompton. 1 Walter. I Brian. -- 1 Margaret, Elizabeth. De Banco. Mich. 16. Ed. 3. m. 102. Wales. — A suit between John de Cherleton and the Earl of Arundel respecting several manors in North Wales, part of the Barony of La Pole, from which Griffin de la Pole had been ejected by John de Cherleton in 1 Ed. 3. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 47 Wenonwyn, living, 24 Hen. 3. I Griffin. Owen or Audowen de la Pole, Qriffiin died, 22 Ed. 2. de la Pole. I ' TP 1 Griffin, ob. s.p.=Ela. John de Cherlelon'=i=Hawise. The Earl claimed by a gi-aut of Griffin, uncle of Hawise. De Banco. Mich. 16 Ed. 3. m. 320. Salop. — John de Ploudene sued Robert de Eyton for land in Eyton in which Robert had no entry, except by a demise made b}^ Roger de Ploudene to Sabina de Acton for a term which had expired. Roger de Ploudene. I Philip. I John. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 16. Ed. 3. Northaiiipton. — John son of Henry de Wyleby sued Richard de Mandeville for lands and a rent of 10 marks in Wyleby and Wend- lyngburgh. I 1 1 r-T Kobert Foliot. John, ob. Hawise, Lucy. I s.p. temp. ob. s.p. | Margery, ob. s.p. Hen. 3. Elias. Joan=r Henry. I John de Wyleby, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. U. Ed. 3. m. 202. Line. — William de Dacre and Katrine his wife sued the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln for the next presentation to the church of Holbeche. Anthony de Bek. John de Bek. I I Alice= William de Willughby. Millicent=John de Harcourt. I I Robert. William de Harcourt. I John. William de Dacre claimed by descent from Margaret the daughter and heir of Thomas de Multon, of whom the Beks had held the manor and advowson. 48 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 2?e Banco. Mich. 16. Ed. 3. m. 639. Leicester. John de Lodbrok sued Thomas de Shulton and another for the manor of Cuntassethorp. Henry de Lodbrok, temp. Hen. 3. I John. I Henry. John, the Plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 16. Ed. 3. m. 580. Cornwall. — Roger de Reskemmer sued the Abbot of Beaulieu for the next presentation to the church of St. Keveran. Richard fitz Gilbert. I John I Richard. 1 John. I Richard. I Richard. I Roger, the plaintiff. The Abbot claimed by a grant of Richard, Earl of Cornwall, and the jury found in his favor. De Banco. Hilary. 17. Ed. 3. m. 114. Line. — The King sued Henry Hillary Knight for the next presentation to the church of Somercotes. Thomas de Multon, of Franketon, temp. Hen. 3. Thomas. I Alan=pJ<)an. I Thomas, who had demised his right to Henry Hillary for his life. De Banco. Hilary. 17. Ed. 3. m. 293. Derby. — William Teverey sued Gauselin the Parson of Sallowe for the next presentation to the Chantry of St. Mary in the church of St. Chad of Sallowe. I 1 Ralph de Chaddesdene, ob. s.p. temp. Hen. 3. Ismania, sister and heir. I 1 1 Lettice. Sibil. Juliana, ob. s.p. I I 1 Sibil. Alianora. Agnes. II" I William. Hugh, William. I I William, the plaintiff. William. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 49 De Banco. Trinity. 17. Ed. 3. m. 42. Devon. — James de Audeleye sued William Chambernoun for the next presentation to the church of St. Ilfridecombe and he gave this descent Henry Tracy — temp. Hen. 3. Matilda, I William. I ' 1 1 William, Alianora, Joan, ob. s. p. ob. B. p. I James de Audeleye, the PlaintiflF. William denied that Henry Tracy had presented to the church temp. Hen. 3. and gave this descent from Oliver de Chaumbernon, who had presented temp. K. John Oliver de Chaumbernon — temp. K. John. I Henry de Campo Arnulphi, son and heir of Oliver. I William de Chaumbernon. I Henry. I William, the defendant. and he stated that Henry Tracy the ancestor of James had released all his right in the advowson to his ancestor Henry son of Oliver, under the name of Henry de Campo Arnulphi. A verdict was given in favor of James. De Banco. Easter. 18. Ed. 3. m. 192. Hereford. — Magister John de Kynardesleye sued Peter Pychard for a mill in Almaly which John Pychard had given to Richard le Fitz Hughe of Kynardesleye in frank marriage with Agnes his daughter. Richard le Fitz Hughe= Agues. I Hugh, I Richard. I John de Kynardesleye, the plaintifiP. « De Banco. Trinity. 16. Ed. 3, m. 360. Staff. — Reginald de Legh sued William son of William de Stafford Kt. John de Stafford and Margaret his wife, and Edmund de Draycote for the next presentation to the church of Legh near Chekkeleye ; the pleadings give this pedigree. 50 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Robert de Legh — temp. Hen. 3. I r -r— ^ \ -1 Philip de Legh. Aline. Elena. Cecily. II I I Robert de Legh. Philip de Dray cote. , — -, Richard ob. s. p. I Reginald, ob. s. p. Philip. de Sonbache. Philip. I I Reginald de Legh, the plaintiff. Richard Edmund, the defendant. William de Stafford had been enfeoffed by Richard de Sandbache of his purparty of the advovvson : Be Banco, Mich. 16. Ed. 3. m. 510. Salop. — John le Skirmesour sued John de Picheford of Salop for land in Longedon near Hanewode, which William de Stepelton had given to Robert his son, and his male issue. William de Stepelton. I I TT- ■ 1 Robert, Reginald, Philip, ob, s. p. m. ob. s. p. ra. | Isabella. John le Skirmesour. De Banco. Trinity. 17. Ed. 3. m. 149. Salop. — Robert son of Philip de Stapulton sued Roger Corbet of Hadley and Robert his son for land in Feldhampton. Robert de Stapulton, temp. Hen. 3. John. I Philip. . Robert the plaintifip. De Banco. Easter. 18. E. 3. m. 295. Hereford. — Thomas le Rous sued Robert de Donynton for the next presentation to the church of Donynton; the pleadings give this pedigree. f 1 Geoffrey le Rous. Thomas brother and heir, ob. 8. p. temp. Hen. 3. | Thomas. • I Thomas, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 51 i)e Banco. Trinity. 18. E. 3. m. 310. Devon. — William de Hoxham sued John de Ralegh of Chaniys for land in Charnys, which William de Ponchardoun had given to William de Hoxham in frank marriage with Emma his sister. William de Hoxham=Emma. I William. I William, the plaintifiF. De Banco. Easter. 19. E. 3. m. 157 dorso. Essex. — Ada formerly wife of John de St. Philbert was sued by John Oenionn Chivaler for the next pi'esentation to the Priory of Lega, which Ralph Gernoiin (who had been seized of the manor of la Geronere, to which the patronage was appurtenant) had given to William Gemoun and Isabella his wife, temp. Hen. 3. Ralph Geruoun. William Gernoun^Isabella. Ralph. John. 1 1 . . William Gemoun who enfeoffed John, the plaintiff. William deTeye, who enfeoffed John de St. Philbert of the advowson. De Banco. Trinity. 19. E. 3. m. 249. Derh. — Ralph de Snyterton sued Cecily formerly wife of Ralph de Snyterton for land in Caldelowe. Ralph. I Ralph temp. E. l.=Alice. I Ralph=Cecily=f=2nd. husband. I I Ralph, Robert the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 19. E. 3. m. 401. Hereford. — Humphrey de Bohun Earl of Hereford sued Stephen de Ledebury — Dean of Hereford, for the next presentation to the church of Kyngeston. William de Fourches. I Amice. I Fulk de Lucy. I WUliam. i William. 52 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 19. E. 3. m. 297. Northumb. — Robert de Eslynton Chivaler sued the Prior of Brynkeburne and other tenants for land in Whitynghame. Aliua, temp. K. John. r ^ -r 1 William, ob". s.p. Elias, ob. s.p. John. Alan. I John. I Robert. I Robert, the plamtifiF. See also Trinity term 20. E. 3. m. 247. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ed. 3. m. 503. Notts. — Simon de Sibthorp sued John Cosyn, the warden of the chapel of St. Mary of Sibthorp, for land in Sibethorp and other places. William de Sibethorp, temp. Hen. 3. I WilUam. Simon, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter 20. Ed. 3. m. 52. Hereford. — Laurence de Hastings, Eai'l of Pembroke, sued William Hathewy of Ruwardyn for the next presentation to the church of St. Thomas the Martyr of Geveren. Nigel Hathewy of Geveren, temp. H. 3. William. William. John Gras.=Juliana. I William, the defendant. William stated that his grandfather had given the manor of Geveran to John Gras in frank marriage with Juliana his daughter, but had reserved the advowson of the church. De Banco. Easter 20. Ed. 3. m. 133. Warw. — Adam son of Robert de Napton sued Anabel formerly wife of William de Weston for land in Napton. Adam de Napton, Kt. Adam, temp. Ed. 1. Adam i Robert. I Adam, the plaintiff. See also Mich. 23. E. 3. m. 1 dorso. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 53 T)e Banco. Easter 20. E. 3. m. 216. Warw. — George de Castello sued Richard de Shyrynton and AUreda, his wife, for land in Echeles, which Simon de Asseles had given to Alina, his daughter. Simon de Asseles. I Alina, temp. E. L I George de Castello, Kt.=Alice. I William 1 Qeorge, the plaintifi. Assize Boll of Divers Cos. 22. E. 3 m. 76. Salop. — Laurence de Lodelowe, Kt., and Hawise his wife sued John de Sibbeton and Margaret his wife for common of pasture in Sibbeton, which Roger de Sibbeton, Kt., had granted to his ancestor Laurence, son of Nicholas de Lodelowe, and to his tenants of Stokesay. Nicholas de Lodelowe. I Laurence, 16 Ed. 1, I William. I Laurence, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 20. E. 3. m. 462. Sussex. — John de Fieules sued Margaret formerly wife of Nicholas de la Beche for the manor of Oldecourt which Aylmer de Chaunceux had given to William Fillol in frank marriage with Cecily his sister. William Fillol.=fCecily. i Sibil. I John. I . . John, the plaintiff. Margaret called to warranty Michael de Ponynges, Kt. De Banco. Mich. 20. E. 3. m. 130. Wilts. — William fitz Warine sued Mathew fitz Herbert for the next presentation to the church of Staunton near Heyworth. 54 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Joceus Dynaunt, temp. K. Richard. I , Sibil.T=Peter fitz Herbert. I Reginald. I John. I Herbert, Mathew, the plaintiff. Hawyse.=f=Fulk Fitz Warine. Fulk, temp. Hen. 3, enfeoffed William fitz Warine, the plaintiff. Sic in original, but probably a mistake. De Banco. Mich. 20 E. 3. m. 34 dorso. Suff. — Ralph, son of William de Pebenersh, sued Margaret formerly wife of William le Roos of Hamelak and Thomas de Holebrok for the next presentation to the church of Capeles. Antigonus de Mountchensy. I Matilda. Margaret. Weynes, or Agnes de Chircheford. William de Pebenersh. I Ralph, the plaintiff. Agnes. Weynes.=T=Richard de Brahame. I — Roger. John, enfeoffed by his brother Roger. I Edmund. I William. I Richard de Holebrok, under age. De Banco. Mich. 20. K. 3. m. 44. Ehor. — Henry fitz Roger sued Mathew fitz Herbert, Kt., for the manors of Lonnesburgh and Werthorp, and a moiety of the manor of Wyghton under Walde. Reginald fitz Piers.=T=Joan. Peter. .1 Roger. I Henrj', the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 20. E. 3. m. 164. Notts. — John, son of Ralph Champeneys of Quappelade and Margaret his wife, and Fulk Everard of Sutton the Blake, and Alice his wife, sued Thomas de Sibethorp, Parson of the church of Bekyngham, for the manor of Sibethorp, by writ of right in the Lords Court, and Stephen Walys, the capital lord, had remitted the suit into the King's Court, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 55 Alexander Bozon of Kirketon in Hoyland, temp. K. Richard. I Ralph, ob. s.p. Hugh. Simon. ( 1 1 1 John, ob. s.p, Margaret, plaintiff. Alice, plaintiff. Joan, ob. s.p. Alice had married for her first husband William, son of Hugh de Flete. De Banco. Mich. 20. E. 3. m. 182. Surrey. — John Cryel, Chivaler, sued Robert Olyver and other tenants for land in Sanderstede, which Nicholas de Cryel, his grandfather, had given to Robert de Fyneaux and Joan his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, and which should revert to him, the issue of Robert and Joan having failed. Nicholas de Ciyel, temp. Ed. 1. Nicholas. John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 21. B. 3. m. 204. Cornuh. — John de Rivers sued the Dean and Chapel of Exeter for the next presentation to the church of St. Melan. John de Ryvers, temp. K. John. John. I John. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 20. K 3. m. 353. Siissex. — Robert de Wynefeld and Robert Huchin sued John, son of John Seyntcler, for a moiety of the manors of Jenynton, Goryng, Brambeltegh, Newenham and other lands. Baldwin de Aldham. Juliana. Joan. I r -^ -. I Francis, ob. s.p. Emma. Margaret. John Seyntcler. temp. Ed. 2. | | | Thomas. Isabella. John Seyntcler, Robert de Wynefeld, Robert Huchin, the plaintiff. plaintiff. the defendant. 56 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 20. E. 3. m. 354. Lincoln. — Thomas?, son of Thomas de Neville of Faldyngworth, sued Ralph de Nevill, Chivaler, and others, for the manor of Snyterby. Sibil.=T=Thomas de Nevill.=T=Matilda. I I Thomas.=rJoan. Ralph de Neville, defendant. I Thomas, the plamtiflF. Verdict for Thomas. De Banco. Mich. 20. Ed. 3. m. 452. Warw. — John Durvassal of Spernovere (Spemall) sued Peter Corbuson of Stodleye for land in Stodleye. Roger Durvassal, temp. Ed. 1. Philip. I Thomas. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 21. E. 3. m. 375. Smnernet. — Walter, son of Henry le Taillonr of Wales, sued James Husee of Hampton for two parts of the manor of Batheneston which Matilda de Champflour had given to Hubert Husee of Hampton and Alice his wife and to the heii*s of their bodies. Hubert Husee.=f Alice, temp. Hen. 3. I Alice. 'T'Henry le Taillour. I Walter, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 20. E. 3. m. 55 dorso. Southampt. — Roger de Pedwardyn sued the Abbot of Croyland for the next presentation to the church of Suthwarneburne. William de Longchamps, temp. King John.-rPetronilla. I Henry. I Alice. Roger Pedwardyn of Suthwarneburne, the plaintiff. The Abbot claimed the advowson by a grant of Alan de Crediui, the attavus of Alice, which had been confirmed by Maurice his son and by Guy his grandson, who was grandfather of Alice the mother of Roger, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 57 De Banco. Mich. 21. E. 3. m. 277 dorso. Comub/'a.— John Mareys of Orchard Mareys sued John de Ressechab and Matilda his wife for the service due from land in Boghawode, which thet held of him in right of Matilda, viz., one-fourth of a knight's fee. Thomas Mareys. I Richard. I John. I John, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Easter. 22. E. 3. m. 133. Northa7np. — John de Waltham, John le Marchal of Cleydon, and William Londy of Farthingstone and Joan his wife, sued Robert, son of Robert de Daventre, Knight, and Philip, brother of Robert, son of Robert, for two parts of the manor of Grymmescote, and they sued Hawise, formerly wife of Robert de Daventre, for one-third of the same manor. Hugh, John de Grymmescote. Amice. Alice. Sara. ob. s.p. I II I Richard, ob. s.p., John de John le Joan, wife of temp. E. 2. Waltham, Marshal, William Londy, plaintiff. plaintiff. plaintiff. The defendants claimed by a feoffment made by Hugh de Grymmes- cote the uncle of Richard. De Banco. Easter 22. E. 3. m. 239. Lincoln. — John, son of Richard de Haryngton, Chivalior, sued John, son of Philip de Haryngton, for land in Little Paunton which Philip de Paunton had given to John de Haryngton and his issue by Matilda, his daughter. John.=T=Matilda. Richard. I John de Haryngton, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 21. Kd. 3. vi. 558. Essex. —William de Hayle sued John Baudechon for the next presenta- tion to the church of Wokendon septem fontium. Thomas de Setfountaynes held manor of North Wokyndon, temp. Ed. 1. Thomas de Isabella. Cecily.=T=Richard de Heyle. Sep tf on tain, | • j ob. s.p. Bald\vine.=f Emma. ^Nicholas de Brundish, William de Hayle, I 2nd husband. the i)laintiff. John Baudechon, the defendant. And see also Mich, term, 22. E. 3. m. 27. 58 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Be Banco. Mich. 21. E. 3. m. 319. Norihamp. — The King sued the Abbot of Pippewell for the next presen tation to the church of Asshele. Richard de Daiius, temp. King Richard, I Agnes. I Peter Peveiell, temp. K. John. I Agnes. I Ralph, temp. Ed. 1, ob. s.p. The heir of Ralph was his kinsman Richard de Padyngton, who enfeoffed Walter de Langton of the advowson, and Walter enfeoffed Ralph Basset of Weldon, and the King claimed the presentation as guardian of Ralph, son and heir of Ralph Basset. De Banco. Trinity. 22. Ed. 3. m. 40. Oxon. — John de Ruycote and Elizabeth, his wife, and John de Venioti, Chivaler, and Joan, his wife, sued Thomas de Abbcrbury for land in Cudelynton which Hugh de Plesy, Chivaler, had given to John Gcrnoun and Alice, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. John Gernoun.=r Alice, temp. Ed. L I John, I r -:-^ n Juhn de Kuycote.^Elizabeth, plaintiff. John de Vernon. =^ Joan, plaintiff. Thomas claimed by a feoffment made to his uncle Thomas de Abber- bury by John, son of Henry Dymmok, and the jury found in his favour. De Banco. Trinity 22. Ed. 3. m. 216 Lincoln. — The Provost and Scholars of St. Mary of Oxford were sued by John Peche, Chivaler, for the next presentation to the church of Colby. Herbert Peche, temp. Hen. 3. I Bartholomew. I Bartholomew. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 22. E. 3. m. 89. Wi./tn. — The King sued Lawrence de St. Martin, Chivaler, for the next presentation to the church of Stupellangford (Steeple Langford). PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 59 Cecily de Monemue. John de Monemue, ob. s.p. (Was hanged foi" felony, temp. Hen. 3.) Albreda. I Walter de Ingham. I Oliver, temp. Ed. 1. I John. I Oliver. 1 Isabella. Joan. 1 William de St. Martin, temp. Ed. 1. Reginald. I Laurence. I Laurence, the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 22. E. 3. m. 52. Oxon. — Geoffrey le Archer and Ralph, son of Ralph Basset of VVeldon, sued John Wyard for the manor of Stanton Harcourt. Henry de la Wode, temp. Hen. 3. Henry, ob. s.p. John, ob. s.p. Alianera. Cecilia. I Edmund. I Geoffrey, the plaintiff. Ralph, ob. s.p, Richard. _i_ Joan, ob. s.p. 1 Elizabeth, ob. s.p. Ralph, brother & heir of Ralph. ._ I Richard, ob. s.p. Ralph Basset, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 22. E. 3. m. 63 dorso. Su&sex. — Thomas de Passhele was sued by William de Leghe for ;iu illegal distress. The pleadings give these pedigrees. Robert de Passhele. Richard de Leghe, temp. Hen. 3, held I his lands of Hamon Creveker. Edmund.=j=Margaret. | William. r Thomas, the defendant. I William. I John, ob. s.p. William, the plaintiff. C, vol. ix of Ralph Genealogist. Ba-sset, the plaintiff. Stafford Assizes. 24 E. 3. m. 97. dorso, and 2-5 E. 3. m. 96. Staff. — Katrine, formerly wife of William, son of Matthew de Chatulton, sued James de Audeleye, of Heleye, Kt., John Lascy and Anabel, his wife, and another, for the manor of Chedulton (Cheddlcton). William de Chetulton. I Mael.=f=Joan. . 1 William,=Katrine. ob, s.p.m. 1 Anabal.- =John Lascv, Mael in one place is written Matthew in another. De Banco. Easter 26. E. 3. m. 43. Somerset. — John de Dynehara, Chivaler, sued Alan le Gulden, Chivaler, for land in Corfton-Dyneham. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 69 I 1 Geoffrey tie Dyiieham Oliver, brother and heir, seised of the laud temjj. | Hen. 3, ob. s.p. Oliver. I Joceu.s. I John. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 26. JiJ. 3. m. 31. San-ry — Stephen de Asshewy and Andrew Peverel sued Alianora, Countess Dormound (of Onnond) for a moiety of the manor of Gomshulve. John de Ifeld. r- Margaret. Katrine.=Andrew Peverel. I I Stephen, the plaintiff. Andrew, the plaintiff. The Countess claimed it as of the gift of the King, the manor having fallen as an escheat to the Crown. De Banco. Mick. 21. E. 3. m. 16. Waiw. — Gilbert de Crosseby and Annora, his wife, sued John de Sograve and Margaret, his wife, for lands in Alspathe (Meridcn). Gerard de Alspathe. n^.^(j6-e^ l^e ?.< Gerard, temp. E. l.=MiliSent. -k, , vP-^. GeJard. (^^:a? • C^.^ T ^/ Annora.=Gilbert de Crosseby, the plaintiffs. o-v-c-^A— « <:] c^^r^~.u^ De Banco. Mich. 24 E. 3. m. 94. ^ ^^'^,. r.,„.e„,.^I»M., te.„. K >.^Uo,er .e B..,™g.... Joan. Henry. I I William. Oto. I • I William de Aumar!e, William, the plaintiff. the defendant. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 73 De Banco. Trlnitij 27. E. 3. m. 47 dorso. Lincoln.— The King sued Andrew Liiterel, Chivaler, for the next presen- tation to the Church of Irnham. Andi'ew stated that William Paj'nel was seised of the manor and advowson temp. King John, and gave it to GteofFi'ey Luterell in frank marriage with Freicencia, his daughter. Geoffrej' Luterell. =j=Freicencia. Andrew, living 7 Heu. 3. I Robert. Geoffrej'. I I Andrew, the defendant. De Banco. Trinity. 27. /i'. 3. m. 53. Warw. — Joan, daughter of Thomas de Clynton, of Baddesle^e, and John Wodai'd, and Petronilla, his wife, sued John atte Sturte for land in liaddesleye Clynton which Thomas de Clynton had given to James de Clynton and to the heirs of his body. James de Clynton. 1 Thomas. r ^ n . Joan. Petronilla. =John Wodard. De Banco. Mich. 27. E. 3. m. 237. Lincoln. — John de Langton sued Agnes de Brynkhill for land in Skendelby. Thomas de Langton. I John, temp. E. 1. I John. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 27. E. 3. m. 106. Ehor. — Marmaduke de Gryndall sued Magister John de Somerville, and John, brother and heir of Roger Salvayn, son of George Salvayn, Knight, for lands in Thirnum and Grauntemore. The defendants called to warranty Philip de Somerville, brother and heir of Roger de Somer- ville, Knight, who warranted the lands to them. Miirmaduke then sued Philip, and stated that Alice Colville had given the lands to Nicholas de Gryndall in frank marriage with Matilda, her daughter, and gave this pedigree — Nicholas.==pMatilda, temp. E. 1. a. _, Walter, ob. s.p. Nicholas. I Nicholas. I Marmaduke, the plaintiff. 74 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Philip denied the correctness of the pedigree, and produced a deed by which Marmaduke, brother and heir of John, son of Nicholas de Grendale, acknowledged that Roger Sonierville, Chivaler, Lord of Stocton, had duly fulfilled all covenants made between them and John, son of Nicholas de Grendale and Matilda, sister of John, respect- ing the manor of Grendale, dated 5 E. 3. Verdict for Philip. De Banco. Mich. 27. ^. 3. m. 111. Northamp. — William de Pateshull sued Thomas de Malesours, Chivaler, and another, for the next presentation to a moiety of the Churches of Middelton and Colyngre, and gave this pedigree — William de Malesours of Middleton. I John de Malesours, who enfeoffed his ancestor, Simon de Pateshull, temp. Hen. 3. I John, son of Simon. I Simon. I John. I William, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 28. ^. 3 vi. 307. Northamp — Thomas Malesors, Chivaler, sued John Appelgart and others for lands in Middleton, near Colyntre, which William Malesors had given to William, his son, and Gunnilda, his wife, and to the heii's of their bodies. William Malesors of Lubbendan. I William.=Gunnilda, temp. E. 2. I John. I Ralph. I Thomas, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 29. E. 3. m. 274. Lfyc. — John de Mountfort, Knight, and Joan, his wife, sued John de Langeton, and Joan, his wife, for a moiety of the manor of Ollesthorp, as the right of his wife. Thomas de Clinton. Joan.=John de Langeton. Alice. — Nicholas de Burnaby, Chivaler. Eustace, son and heir, under age. De Banco. Easter 28. E. 3. m. 206. Sussex. — John de St. Clare sued the Abbot of Grestone for a moiety of the manor of Jenyngeton, which William de Montagu had given to PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 75 William, son of Symon de Echyngham, in frank marriage with Margaret, his daughter, and which should revert to him as heir of William de Montagu, William and Margaret having left no issue. William de Montagu, temp. Hen. 3. r -^ -. , Margaret, ob. s.p. Isabella. I "1 Baldwine. Joan. I =John de St. Clare. I I Francis, ob. s.p. John de St. Clare, Knight. John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 28. E. 3. m. 165 dorso. JVorf. — John de Jernegan sued Richard de Goldyngham for the manor of Hahille, and gave this descent — Hugh de Jernegan. I Walter, temp. Ed. 1. I Peter. ! John, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Mich. 22. E. 3. in. 381. I^otts. — Simon de Sibethorp sued John Cosyn, the Chaplain and Warden of the Chapel of St. Mary of Sibethorp, for lands and rents in Sibethorp. The pleadings give this pedigree : — I 1 Robert, temp. Ric. 1, Ralph, ob. s.p. I William I William. Simon, the plaintiff. . I Reginald. John. De Banco. Mich. 22. E. 3. m. 420. Northampt. — Andrew de Sankeville, Chivaler, and Joan, his wife, sued Thomas de Fitlyng, and Agnes, his wife, for the next presentation to the Church of Burton, near Thyndene, and stated that Walter de Nevylle, Kt., had given the advowson of the church to Philip, son of Philip de la Beche, temp. Ed. 1. Philip. r ^ -1 Philip, ob. s.p. John. , -r -^n Thomas, John, Joan. ob. s p. ob. s.p. =^ Andrew, the plaintiff. Joan had two sisters, Isabella, married to William fitz Elys, and Alice, wife of Robert Danvers. 7& PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 30. E. 3. m. 146. Salop. — William, son of John de Weston, of Salop, sued Thomas de Haukeston, Kt., for the manor of Hankeston, which John de Haukeston had given to William de Haukeston, and Alianora, his wife, and to the heirs of the body of Alianora. William de Haukeston.= Alianora.^ I John. I William, the plaintiflf. De Banco. Easter 30 E. 3. m. 218. No^'thampt. — Thomas de Grey, of Cavendish, Chivaler, and four others w^erc sued by the King for the next presentation to the church of Assheby David. Walter de Langton, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, was seised of the manor and advowson, temp. E. 1, and gave them to Robert Peverel, his brother, and Alice, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Robert Peverel. =f=Alice,=Thomas de Verdon, Kt. Edmund, John Peverel, who was in ward to the King, because the manor was held of the Earl of Pembroke, and the Earl was a minor in ward to the King, and the King had then presented to the Church. John Peverel on coming of age had given the manor to John de Lisle, of Redmoiuit (John de Insula de rubeo moute), and John de Lisle died leaving a son and heir, Robert, who was under age and in ward to the Kino:. D" BaiH-o. Mich 30 E. 3. w. 38. Derh. — Richard de Burton sued William de Kinardusoye for the next presentation to the chapelry of la Lee. Robert de Alvelegh, held the manor of la Lee, temp. E. L I • 1 Lettice. Sarra. I , . I Thomas de Furcis, Alexander de la Lee, who had temp. E 1. enfeoffed Ralph de Frecheville of his jjurparty. William claimed as son of John de Kynardesley and of Joan, who was kinswoman and heir to Thomas de Furcis. De Banco. Mich. 30. E. 3. m. 45. Glouc. — Richard Talbot, Kt., the elder, sued the Bishop of Hereford for the next presentation to the church of Westbury, and gave this descent — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William de Myiiers, held the manor aud advowsou, temp. K. John. Henrj'. "71 Isabella. -Geolfrey de Long- champs, who enfeoffed Henry de Bathe. I Nicholas, son of Henry de Bathe. Elizabeth. -William Gamage, who had enfeoffed Matthew Gamage. Basilia. = Pagan de Burghull, who had enfeoffed the Bishop of Here- ford. r- Aline- =Kobert de Sapy, who enfeoffed Richard Talbot, the plaintiff. 1 Elizabeth. =T= Adam de Anne. I John. De Banco. Mich. 30. E. 3. m. 49. Warw. — Gilbert de Crosseby, aud Auiiora, his wife, sued Adam de Brynkenhull for land in Alspathe (Meriden), which Gerald de Alspath had given to Gerard, his son, and Miliscnt, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Gerard de Alspath,^Milisent. temp, E. 1. I Gerard. I Gerard. I Annora. =Gilbert de Crossebv. De nanco. Mich. 30 E. 3. m. 280. Line. — William, son of John de Spalding, sued John Duncel, of Peynton, for land in Pyncebek, which Christiana, daughter of Adlard fitz Adlard had given to William, sou of Ralph, son of Seward de Spalding, in frank marriage with Lucy, his daughter. Seward. I Ralph, 1 William.=Lucv, temp, E. 1. I Symon, I John. Thomas, ob, s.p. William, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 31. E. 3, vi. 110. Lincoln. — Nicholas de Kyc sued John de Kerketon, Kt., for the custody of land in Quadryng, which Robert, son of John de Holand, had held of 78 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. him by military service, and he stated that Robert de Rye his triavus was seised of the land and held it of Ralph fitz William, and Robert had given it to Ralph, son of Ralph de Holand, in frank marriage with Alice, his sister, and he gave these descents — Ralph de Holand. Robert de Rye. I I Ralph= Alice de Rye. Nicholas. I I John. Nicholas. I I John. Edmund. I I Jolm.=Alice. Nicholas, the I plaintiff. L ^ , Robert, ob. s.p. Thomas, under age. De Banco. Easter, m. 114. Lincoln. — John de Repynghale sued John de Stonore, and Matilda, his wife, for the manor of Repynghale, which Bernard de Brus had given to Adam, son of John de Repynghale, and Constance, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, temp. E. 1 . John de Repynghale. Adam, temp. E. l.=Constance. I John, son and heir, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 31. £;. 3. m. 89. Berks. — Gilbert de Okhangre sued John Ingram, Chaplain, and another, for the manor of West ShifFord. Fulk de St. John, temp. Hen. 3. i Joan. I Geoffrey. Gilbert, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 32. E. 3. m. 112. Kent. — The King sued John Flisso for the next presentation to the church of Erde. John de St. John. I Hugh. I Edmund of Basing. I I 1 Isabella. Margaret. =Luke de Ponyngges. =:John de St. Philbert . PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 79 De Banco. Easter. 31. E. 3. m. 217. l,inc. — Hugh de Cressy, of Selfstou, and Cecily, his wife, sued Robert fitz Piersgay and other tenants for land in Trusthorp. Hugh de Paunton, Kt. Hugh de Paunton. Thomas, Cecily, Alice, ob. s.p. =Hugh de Cressy. =William de Manley, Kt. De Banco. Mich. 31. E. 3. m. 75. Lane. — William de Ferrars, Chivaler, sued Alice, formerly wife of Robert de Shirburn, Chivaler, for one-fourth of the manors of Chorlegh and Bolton on the Moors, which Robert, formerly Earl of Derby, had given to William, his brother, and heirs of his body. Robert de Ferrars, William de Ferrars Earl of Derby. | William. I Henry. I William, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 31. E. 3. m. 88. Oxon. — Nicholas de Huntercombe sued the Abbot of . . . {ill€gi.l>le) for the manor of Huntercombe, which Walter de Roos, late Bishop of Carlisle, had given to William de Huntercombe and Elena, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. William.=f=Elena, temp. Hen. .3. Walter, ob. s p. Gunnora. Nicholas. I Nicholas, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 31 ^. 3 m. 70. Northumh. — Isabella, formerly wife of William de Denom, sued Robert de Fenwick for an illegal distress, Idonia de Meldon held the manor of Meldon of Roger, son of Roger Bertram, of Mitford, and Roger granted her service to Walter de Cambhowe. Walter de Cambhowe. -- 1 John, ob. s p.=Isolda. William, ob. s.p. Isabella. Emma, ob. s.p. 80 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John and Isolda had levied a Fine 32 E. 1, by which the manor was settled on themselves for life, with remainder to Thomas, son of John de Belsowe. John fie Belsowe. Thomas, son of John. John. I I Thomas, ob. s p. John de Walyngton, who enfeoffed Robert de Fenwick. Idonia had enfeoffed William de Denom and Isabella, his wife, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 18. E. 3. m. 179. Lincoln. — The King sued Henry Hillary, Chivaler, for the next presen- tation to the church of Somcrcotes, in i-ight of the Abbot of Langonet, whose lands were in the King's hands, owing to the war with France. The King's attorney stated that one Alan Gymell had given the advow- son to the Abbot, temp. Ric. 1. Henry stated that one Thomas de Multon, of Franketon, held the advowson temp. Hen. 3, and he gave this descent — Thomas de Multon, temp. Hen. 3. I Thomas. I Alan. = Joan. I Thomas. I Thomas, who was in ward to Thomas de Multon of Egremond. And he held the status of Thomas de Moulton, of Franketon, by a feoffment of the last Thomas. De Banco. Mich. 31. E. 3. m. 165. Leyc. — John de Charneles, of Snarkeston, sued William, son of Henry March, of Snarkeston, for land in Snarkeston which Simon de Hereford had given to his ancestor William de Chai'neles, in frank marriage with Clemence, his daughter. William de Charneles ^Clemence. I William. I William. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 32. E. 3. m. 82. Somerset. — Richard de Acton, Kt., sued Alice, formerly wife of John de Bures, Kt., Ralph de Middelneye, Kt., Thomas Fychet, Kt., Geoffrey de Stonewell, Kt., and others, for unjustly disseising him of the manor of Ayly. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 81 r Robert. William de Reyuey. I Robert de Acton,=pJoan.=rStephen de Beaumont, firat husband. | | second husband. I I -, Alice, defendant-^^Jolm de Bures. Richard de Acton, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 32. E. 3. m. 270. Northampt. — John do Drayton sued John de Boys for the next presenta- tion to the church of Wodeford. John de Wodeford held the manor and advowson. I r 1 Alice. Joan. =John de Bosco. 1 1 ... 1 John. 1" Alice. 1 Joan. 1 =Richard Trailly. =Geoffrey Trailly. John de Bovs, 1 1 defendant. Alice. =Roger Bozoun. Thomas Bozoun. William Trailly. William. 1 John Trailly, under age. Thomas Bozoun, now living. John de Drayton sued as Gustos of John Trailly. De Banco. Mich. 33. E. 3. vi. 363. Devon. — William de Arkesworthy sued Thomas Mosefen and Robert Scofter, and Matilda, his wife, for one-sixth of the manor of Holecombe Portmort. Mabel Portmot, temp. E. 1. I Isabella. I John. I William de Arkesworthy, the plaintiff. Joan. I Henry. Richard Barry. Juliana. I Henry. Puteford. Cecily. Clarice. I John. I Robert, Matilda, ob. s.p. defendant. Thomas Mosfen, defendant. Emma. I William. White. De Banco. Easter. 33. E. 3. m. 149. Wario. — John de Arderne sued the Abbot of Leicester to recover land in Cruddeworth and the advowson of the church, which William de Arderne had given to the abbey, temp. Hen. 3, the service for it being in arrear more than two years. 82 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William de Arderne, of Rodburne. I William, the grantor, living 8 Hen. 3. I Thomas. I Ralph. I John, the plaintiff. The Abbot stated that Hugh de Arderne had granted the land and church to the Abbey at a date before legal memory, and he produced the deed of Hugh, and its confirmation by Waleran, Earl of "Warwick, and a deed dated 1 Ric. I, by which Thomas de Arderne confirmed the grants of Hugh de Ardena, his uncle, and Henry de Ardena, his father. De Banco. Mich. 33. E. 3. m. 125. 2forf. — The King sued Adam de Clifton, Kt., for the next presentation to the church of Atleburgh. Robert de Tateshall, Mabel. Joan de Driby, Isabella. ob. temp. E. 1. | ob. 3 E. 3. =?John de Orreby. Robert, cb. s.p. Thomas Margaret. Alice. Philip. Cailly, I - • d. s.p. A dam de Clifton. Cailly, I —William Bernak. I John. I Robert, under age, in wai-d to the King. The King claimed as guardian of Robert Bernak, of Plessynghall. De Banco. Easter. 34. E. 3. m. 245. Btich. — John de Grey, of Rotherfeld, sued the Prior and Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem for the manor of Shobynton, which Thomas de Valognes had given to Robert de Grey, and Joan, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, temp. Hen. 3. Robert de Grey.=pJoan, temp. Hen. 3. John. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 35. E. 3. m. 276 dorso. Derh. — Margaret, formerly wife of Thomas Corsoun, sued William Corsoun, Chivaler, for a third of the manor of Croxhale, as dower. Richard Cursouu. I William. =T=Emma. I Elizabeth.T^Thomas.^=Margaret, the I i)laintiff. William Curson, the defendant. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 8S De Banco. Hillary. 35. E. 3. m. 90. Northampt. — Thomas Preston, Chivaler, sued John, son of George de Lungeville, for land in Wotton. Gilbert de Preston. I Laurence, temp. E. 2. First wife. T=Laurence.=p Joan. I L -| Thomas, the plaintiff. Isabella.— George de Lungeville. I John, the defendant. De Banco. Easter. 35. E. 3. m. 139. Wigorn. — Edward de Kerdyf and Joan, his wife, sued Thomas le Botiller, Chivaler, for the manor of Upton upon Severn, which Robert Bracy, Kt., had given to William Saltmareys (Saltmarsh), and Amflosia, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. William de Sautmarej's,T= Amflosia. temp. E. 1. I Peter. I John. i Joan. =Edward de Kerdyf, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 35. E. 3. m. 201. Norf. — Adam Blome sued Nicholas de Bourne, and Cecily, his wife, for the manor of Wilby, which William Devereux had given to Richard de Boylound, and Matilda, his wife, to be held by them and the heirs of their bodies after the death of Matilda, formerly wife of William de Ebroicis (Devereux) who held it in dower of his inheritance. Richard de Boylound. =f=Matilda, formerly wife of I William Devereux. —\ Richard. Elizabeth. I I I 1 [ Emma. John, ob. s.p. Richard, ob. s.p. | Adam Blome, the plaintiff. The defendants pleaded that Elizabeth, the grandmother of Adam, was daughter of Richard by a first wife, and not by Matilda. In another suit Cecily is called Cecily de St. George. De Banco. Hillary. 28. E. 1. m. 127. Norf. — The Abbot of Ramseye sued Roger de Coleville and Desiderata, his wife, for the next presentation to the church of Walsoken. The pleadings give this pedigree. 84 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Geoffrey, the ancestor of Desiderata, presented to the Church, temp. K. John, I Stephen. I Geoffrey. I Desiderata=Roger de Colville, the defendants. De Banco. Hillary. 36. E. 3. m. 38. WllU. — John de Lisle, Kt., sued John de Cobham, Kt., for a rent of £200. The pleadings give these pedigrees. John de Cobeham. Michael de Columbars. I I Henry. Nicholaa. I I John. John. John, the defendant. Bartholomew. I John de Lisle, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 36. E. 3. m. 156. Line. — Gerard de Ufflet sued Elizabeth, formerly wife of William Latymer, Chivaler, for the next presentation to the church of Bekynghaui. Gerard, son of Gerard de Furnyvalle, living 29 Hen. 3. Christiana. I Gerard de Aylesford, 34 E. 1. I Edmund. John. I John, under age, and in ward to Elizabeth, the defendant. Loretta=pJohn, son of Walter de Uff- let, died temp. Hen. 3. Gerard. I Gerald, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 36. E. 3. m. 170 dorso. Hereford. — Gilbert Talbot, Chivaler, Res ap Howel ap Willyni, and Walter ap Jevan ap Lewellyn sued Henry, Earl of Lancaster, and Blanch, his wife, for the Castle and Commote of Tokennyn. Lewellyn ap Rees. Rees. Lewellyn, ob.s.p.temp. E. 1. Wenchiliana. I Richard Talbot. I Gilbert. . i Richard. Margaret. I Jevan. I Walter, the plaintiff. Gilbert, the plaintiff. The defendants acknowledged the claim of the plaintiffs. Duglmca. I William. I Howell. I Rees, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 85 De Banco. Mich. 36. E. 3. m. 59. Somerset. — Margaret de Rcmesey siied Simon Basset for the next presentation to the church of Wynfred, Anselm Basset enfeoffed of a moiety of the manors of Wynfred and Saltford by Bartholomew de Enneberge and Isabella his wife, temp. Hen. 3. John, ob. s.p. Edmund, ob. s.p. Katrine. Margaret de Romesey, plaintiff. Isabella, I Simon Basset, the defendant. 1 Margaret. De Banco. Mich. 36. E. 3. m. 268. Berks — John Maiitravers, Chivaler, and Agnes, his wife, Gilbert de EUesfeld, Chivaler, and William de Audele, sued John Roklee and Eva, his wife, for land in West Wytenham which Hugh de Plesey gave to Margaret, his daughter, temp. E. 1. Margaret de Plesey. I 1 Margaret. =James de Audley. Agnes Edmund, Joan. =John Mautravers, ob. s.p. =Gilbert de plaintiff. EUesfeld. Gilbert, the William de plaintiff. Audley. The defendants called to warranty Baldwyne de Bereford. Eva holding the tenement in dower of the dotation of John de Bereford, her former husband. De Banco. Easter. 37. E. 3. m. 28. Norf. — The King sued Adam de Clifton for the next presentation to the church of Attelburffh. Hugh de=Isabella. Albini Earl of Arundel, ob.s.p.temp. Hen. 3. Robert de Tateshale. I Robert de Tateshale, ob. s.p. Mabel. I Robert de Tateshale. Isabella. John fitzalan. Nicholaa. =Roger de Somery. 1 Cecily. =Roger de Moutalt. Mabel. I Thomas de Caylly, living 2 E. 2 ob. s.p. Joan, living 2E. 2. — I Margery. Adam de Clifton, the defendant. 1 Isabella. =John de Orreby, living 2 E. 2. De Banco. Easter. 37. E. 3. m. 177 dorso. South cnnpf on. — Laurence de St. Martin and Miles, son of Miles de Stapelton, Chivaler, sued Thomas de la Bere for the manor of Moenestoke Walrand. 86 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Herbert Walrand. I William. I John Walrand, ob. s.p. temp. E. 2. 1 Walter. I Cecilia, ob. s p. Albreda. I Walter. I Oliver. I John. I Joan =Miles de Stapelton I Miles de Stapelton, the plaintiff who was under age. 1 Isabella. Joan. I William. I Reginald. I Laurence. I Laurence de St. Martin, the plaintiff. Thomas de la Bere gave this descent. William Walrand. I I John Walrand, ob. s.p. Alan. Alice=Alan Plukenet. 1 Richard. I Alan, ob. s.p. 1 Joan, ob. s p. Richard. . I Kichard. I Thomas de la Bere, the de- fendant. The plaintiffs denie'd that Thomas descended from Alice Walrand. De Banco. Midi. 37. E. 3. m. 337 dovso. Sussex. — William de Huntyngfeld, Chivaler, sued Gilbert, son of John Talbot, for manor of Hobridge, and other lands and tenements, which William de Hobridge had given to Roger de Huntingfeld and Joan, his wife, and the heii'S of their bodies and he gave this descent from them. Roger de Huntyngfeld^Joan, temp. Ed. 1. I William. I Roger. William. I Roger. William, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 87 De Banco. Mich. 37. E. 3. m. 339 dorso. Devon. — John del Isle, Kt., sued Ralph de Carmenon for a moiety of a third of the manor of Asshewater, which, with the other moiety, Matthew de Columbers gave to Michael de Columbers and Joan, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Michael de Colurabers=7=Joan, temp. E. 1. I r -^ -1 Joan. Nicholaa. I I Alice, John, ob. 3. p. I Bartholomew. I John del Isle, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 38. E. 3. m. 330. Northampt. — John, son of John de Wodhull, Chivaler, sued Alianora, formerly wife of Richard Maundeville, for the manor of Anescote which Walter de Wodhull, his great grandfather (proavus) gave to Henry, son of Norguld de Burcestre, and Beatrice, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, and which shoudl revert to him as they left no issue. Walter de Wodhull. I Thomas. I John. I John de Wodhull, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easier. 39. E. 3. m. 252. Z)er&.— Richard de Herthull, Chivaler, sued James de Audeleye of Heleye Chivaler, for the manor of Tyssington of which his father, Adam de Herthull, had been unjustly disseised by the defendant. James de Audeley claimed by a grant of Thomas de Edenesore to his grandfather, Nicholas de Audeleye, the son of Henry de Audeleye. The plaintiff gave this pedigree. Thomas de Edenesore, Kt. Joan, daughter and coheir. Adam. . I Richard. Adam. I Richard de Herthull, the plaintiff. 88 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 39. E. 3. m. 160. Wilts. — Emma, formerly wife of Thomas Cheynduyt sued William de Burmyugham and Katrine, his wife, for the next presentation to the church of Bereford St Martin, and she stated that Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, was seized of the manor temp. Hen. 3. and gave it to William Cheynduyt and his heirs. The defendants gave this descent. Warine de Lysours, held the manor temp. Hen. 3. Matilda, d. and heir. I Hugh de Haversham=Jcan. held it in frank marriage. I Nicholas, ! John de 01neye,=Matilda=pJames de la Plaunk, 2nd husband. I 1st husband. William. I William. I Katrine, the defendant. Judging by the number of generations, Warine, who heads this pedigree would be a contemporary of Henry I., and it should be noted generally that the epoch of an ancestor is often advanced in the Plea Rolls, in order to bring the proofs of a descent within legal memory, or within the legal limit of time for the form of writ made use of. De Banco. Mich. 39. E. 3. ni. 152. Northamp. — Edmund de Morteyn sued Walter de Mauny, Chivaler, for the manor of Oneston, in which the said Walter had no entry except by an unjust disseisin, which John de Oxendene and Christiana de Marisco had made of his great grandmother, Constance de Morteyn, whose heir he was. Constance de Morteyn, temp. E. 1. John I John. I Edmund, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 40. E. 3. m. 327. Line. — Thomas de Roos of Hamelak sued William Hillary, Clerk, for land in Denton which Thomas de Preston, Chaplain, gave to Robert, son of Alan de Denton and Isabella, his wife, for their lives, with reversion to John, sou of William de Roos of Hamlak, and his heirs. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 89 William de Roos. I r John, Walter, George, William. ob. s p. ob. s.p. ob. 8 1). I Thomas de Roos, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 40. E. 3. m. 393 dorso. We-^tm or eland. — John, son of John de Cotesford, sued Richard, son of Richard, son of John de Cotesford, for land in Melkanthorp which John de Cotesford gave to Richard, his son, in frank marriage with Elena, sister of William de Brampton. John de Cotesford. I Richard=f Elena de Erampton. i John. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter 40. E. 3. m. 400. Wugorn. — Ednnind dc Cornwallc, Chivaler, and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Simon de Oldebury and Thomas do C^uenton to acknowledge the service they owed for lands in Flcnarth, and they stated that Brian de Brompton had given the manor of Hampton Lovet to Henry Lovet and Joan, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, and that it should revert to them as the issue of Henry and Joan had failed ; their son, John, having died s.p. Brian de Brompton, the original donor. I Walter. I Brian. I 1 Elizabeth. Margaret. = Kdmund de Cornwalle, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 40. E. 3. m. 101 dorso. A',s>-^A\— Thomas Tyrel, Kt., sued Robert de Rameseye and Elizabeth, his wife, for lands in Eugenoybend and Engelaundry which Walter de Clopton and another had given to Thomas Blount and Agnes, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Thomas Blount=T=^gnes. I Alice. I Thomas Tyrel, the plaintiff. 90 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Be Banco. Mich. 40. E. 3 m. 539 dovso. Somerset. — John Bozoun sued Richard de Acton, Chivaler, for manor of West Baggeburgh. Robert Bozoun, Kt., temp. Hen. 3. Cecily. I Richard. I John. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 40. A'. 3. m. 547. Z'7/c. — William de Conynggusby sued Thomas de Kuyley for a messuage and a carucate of lund in Radcleve, near Shepeye, which Hugh de Kuyle, Kt., gave to Roger de Conynggusby and Joan, his wife, and to tlie heirs of their bodies. Roger de Conynggu8by=f=Joan. I John. I William, the plaintiiT. Be Baiico. Mich. 40. E. 3. m. 292. Berhi. — PhiUp de Ayllesbury, and Agnes, his wife, and Richard de Montfort and Roes, his wife, sued Andrew de Sakeville, the younger, Edmund Danvers and John Duyn for the manor of Yatyngedene, which Bartholomew de Yatyngedene gave to Hugh de Brantestone and Margaret his wife and to the heirs of their bodies. Hugh de Brantestone=f Margaret. I Henry. I Hugh. Agnes=Pliilip de Roes— Richard de Ayllesbury. Montfort . The defendants claimed from the former seisin of one John de la Beche and gave this descent from him. John de la Beche, Chivaler. ! Joan. Isabella. Alice. I I I Andrew de Margaret. Edmund Sakeville. | Danvers. John Duyn. Be Banco. Mich. i\. E.Z. m. 383. Bedford. — Ansehn de Gyse sued William Tiryngton and Joan, his wife, lor a third of the manor of Aspele which Beatrice, formerly wife of PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 91 Anselm de Gyse, had held in dower of the inheritance of John de Gyse the elder. John de Gyse, the ekler. I J ol 1 n =Margaret . I Anselm. Anselm, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 41. E. 3. m. 39G. OxoiK — Elizabeth de Swynford sued Thomas, Vicar of the Church of Cropridie, and Giles de Arderne, Chivaler, for tlie manor of Drayton near Hanewell, which Thomas de Arderne of liotteleye, Chivaler, gave to Thomas de Arderne of Hanewell, Chivaler, and Roes, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Thomas de Arderne of Hanewell =r^ Roes. I Thomas. I Thomas. I Thomas. I Joan. .1 Elizabeth, the plaintiff. The defendants pleaded that the third Thomas of the pedigree was illegitimate. N.B. — This manor Drayton in co. Oxford has been misplaced in the Domesday Survey and put under Staffordshix-e, and has been frequently mistaken for Drayton Basset. The Domesday tenant was Turstine or Turchill, the ancestor of the Ardernes of Warwickshire. See note by Miss Burne in Eyton's Domesday of Staffordshire, p. 133. De Banco. Mich. 37. E. 3. m. 212 dorso. Salop. — John de Lodelowe, Kt., sued Ralph, Earl of Stafford, for an illegal distress in his manor of Westbury. The pleadings give this pedigree — Peter Corbet, Alice. Emma. the Baron of | | Caus. Nicholas de Walter de Brompton. I Stafford. | Peter, ob. s.p. | Brian. Edmund. I Ralph, Margaret. Elizabeth. Earl of =Robert de = Edmund de Stafford. Harley. Cornwalle. The Earl justified the distress on the ground that John held the manor of Westbury, of the Barony of Caus, by the service of Here- 92 PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. ditary Cook at the Castle of Cans. The pleadings specify the service as attendance at the Castle of Cans every Christmas Day, and standing at the kitchen di*esser girded with an apron, and John had refused to perform it. Judgment was given in favour of the Earl. De Banco. Mich. 39. E. 3. m. 121. Leic. — The Prior of Lythum sued Richard de Vernoun, Chivaler, for the next presentation to the Church of Appleby. Richard de Vernoun. I Richard. I William. I Richard, the plaintiff. The Prior gave the following pedigree of Vernon. William de Vernon. Richard. I I William, living Richard, in 50 Hen. 3. William. I Richard, the plaintiff. Richard de Vernon denied he had ever had an ancestor William, son of a William de Vernoun, the brother of Richard, his great grciudfather, and the suit was adjourned from term to term up to Mich. 40 E. 3, when Richard failed to appear, and the Prior recovered the advowson. De Banco. Mich. 39. E. 3. m. 304. Staff. — Ralph Paries sued John Buttetourt, and Joyce, his wife, for the manor of Hunesworth (Handsworth). William Paries. I John. Walter- I Ralph, the plaintiff, N.B. — The Staffordshire Plea Rolls of the reign of Edward I shew that the ancestor William had been seised of the manor, but had been hanged for felony, and the manor had escheated to tiie superior lord, the Baron of Dudley. Joyce was one of the coheirs of the Barony of Dudley. De Banco. Mich. 39. E. 3. m. 424. Leic. — Thomas de Asteleye, the younger, and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Thomas de Harecourt, Chivaler, for the manor of Nayleston, which Henry de Hastynges had given to AVilliam do Harecourt, and Hillaria, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 93 William de Harecourt,=f=Hillaria. temp. H. 3. j Richard. I John. I William. I Richard. I Elizabeth. =Thomas de Asteleye, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 40. E. 3. m. 150. London. — John, son of John Blount, of Beveresbrok, sued Thomas, son of Hugh Blount, of Essex, Kt., for a rent of £10 9s. 6d., and two parts of a messuage in London, which Andrew Blount, Kt., son of Robert Blount, gave to Henry, his son, and to the heirs of his body. Henry Blount, temp. E. 1. I Andrew. I John. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 41. E. 3. m. 464. r'7?((;.— Robert, son of Simon de Molyneux, of Thornton, sued Agnes, formerly wife of Robert Alcoksoii, of Thornton, for land in Thornton, which Richard, son of Robert de Molyneux had given to Robert de Molyneux and to the heirs of his body. The pleadings give this pedigree — Robert de Molyneux, living temp. E. 2. I Robert. I Simon. I Robert, the plaintiff. The plaintiff is stated to have held Sefton and other lands in co. Lan- caster, but the Molyneux pedigree in the Peerage takes no notice of him. De Banco. Mich. 41. E. 3. m. 621. Salojy. — John, son of Laurence de Lodelowe, Chivaler, sued Thomas de Hodynet for land in Hodynet. Odo de Hodynet, temp. King Rich. Baldwin. I Odo. ^ J-. ^ Matilda. Margery. I " 1 Laurence. Thomas, ob. s.p. I ■ . John de Lodelowe, the plaintiff. 94 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 41. E. 3. m. 246. Essex. — William de Huntyngfeld, Chivaler, sued Gilbert, son of John Talbot and others for the manor of Hobi'igge and other lands, which William de Hobrigge had given to Roger de Huntyngfeld and Joan, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Roger de Huntyngfeld.=f=Joan, temp. E. 1, William. I Roger. I William, the plaintiff. N.B. — This pedigree should be substituted for that given at Mich, term, 37 E. 3, which is clearly erroneous, the number of generations being excessive. De Banco. Easter. 41. E. 3. m. 203. Northamp. — Roger de Oliverugge sued William Latymer, Chivaler, and another for the next presentation to the church of Bourton. Gerard de Furnyvalle was seised of the manor of Bourton, temp, E. 1, and died in foreign parts. I Christiana. =T= William de Aylesford. Gerard de Aylesford. Edmund. I John. I John, under age and in ward to John de Nowers. De Banco. Easter. 41. E. 3. m. 266. Salop, — Roger TEstraunge, of Knokyn, Kt., sued John, son of John I'Estraunge, of Mudele, and Mabel, his wife, for the manor of Mudele. John I'Estraunge, Kt., the elder. I John I'Estraunge, temp. E. 1. I John. I John. -- 1 John, ob. 8.p. Roger. I Roger, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 42. E. 3. m. 469. Derh. — John de Bradburn sued John Bomville, and Matilda, his wife, for execution of a Fine levied in 20 E. 3 between William, son of Roger de Bradburne, the younger, and Margaret, his wife, and John Domville, and Matilda, his wife. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 95 I 1 1 Roger de Bradburne. John, ob. s.p. William. I I William, ob. s.p.=:Margaret. Roger. De Banco. Mich. 42. E. 3. m. 497 dorso. Norihampt. — Thomas de Asteleye, Kt., sued Magister Henry de Bokyng- ham for the next presentation to the church of Creek. 1 Roger de - 1 ■■ Alice. 1 Matilda. -I Petronilla. Camville, =FRobert de =Thomas de =Richard de oo. s.p., Assheby. Asteleye. Cursoun. temp. 1 1 1 Hen. 3. William de Assheby Thomas. Robert de Cursoun, (conveyed his share 1 who had enfeoffed Adam, to Thomas de Aste- Andrew, living son of Philip de North- leye.) temp. E. 1. ampton, and Joan, his i wife, of his share. 1 Nicholas, ob. s.p. Giles. Thomas de Asteleye, the plaintiff. Alice, Matilda, and Petronilla, were sisters and coheirs of Roger de Camville, who died s.p. temp. Hen. 3. De Banco. Mich. 42. E. 3. tw. 281. Wariv.—io\\n de Clynton, Kt., sued Hugh le Cook for land in Adelvestre (Austrey) which Thomas de Clynton had given to Osbert de Clynton and the heirs of his body, and which should revert to him, Osbert having died s.p. Thomas de Clynton, temp. E. 1. John. John. John de Clynton, the plaintiff. Hugh appeared at Hillary term 43 E. 3, and called to warranty Hugh le Despencer, and Alice, his wife. Coram Rege. Easter 42. E. 3. m. 3. Rec. Bucks, Oxon, Kent, Glouc. — A suit respecting the inheritance of Richard de Handlo gives this pedigree- John de Handlo, living 31 E. 1, died 19 E. 3. I Richard,=Isabella.=Robert de Hildesle, ob. v.p. 2nd husband. Elizabeth. Margaret. =Edmund atte Pole. =John de Appelby. N.B. — Other suits shew that the family styling themselves de Handlo were Burnells, 96 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Coram Rege. Mich. 42. E. 3. m. 41. Cumb. — A long suit respecting the custody of the manor of Youby (Thomas, son of Thomas tFghred versus John, son of Robert de Kirketon), gives this pedigree — Alexander de Burdon. Gregory, Eleua. Roger, ob. s.p. I I Robert. Thomas. I I John de Brian. Kirketon. | Margaret. =Thomas Ughred. I Thomas, the plaintiff. The defendant stated that the father of Gregory was named William and not Alexander, and that Gregory never had a brother called Roger, and the jury found in his favoiir. Elena's husband appears to have been Nicholas de Vespount, but it is not quite clear whether this Nicholas was father of Robert de Kirketon. De Banco. Hillary. 43. E. 3. m. 38 dor so. Staff. — Nicholas de Beck, Chivaler, sued Roger le Deye and other tenants in Gallon for lands and tenements in Calton in which they had no enti'v except by a demise which had been made by William Wyther, and Orabel, his wife (the kinswoman of Nicholas, and whose heir he was), to one Reginald de Legh, and to which Orubel could not object during the lifetime of her husband. Orab'.'l.=William Wyther, I second husband. Lettice. I Robert. I Robert. I Nicholas de Beck, the plaintiff. N.B. — Lettice was daughter of Onibel, by her iirst husband. De Banco. Hillary. 43. E. 3. vi. 156. Devon. — Richard {sic) de Seymor sued the Abbot of Lilleshull for land in North Molton, which Roger de la Zouche had given to Alan de Ja Zouche and to the heirs of his body. Alan de la Zouche. temp. H. 3, Elena. Matilda. I Nicholas. I Nicholas [sic) de Seymour, the plaintiff. The plaintiff is styled Richard in one place and Nicholas in another. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 97 De Banco. Trinity. 43. E. 3. m. 334. Somerset. — The King sued Alice Malet and William Pauwer for the next presentation to the church of Hywychaunflour. ( 1 1 1 1 Nicholas Walsh, Alice. Joan, Matilda, Edith, I ob. s.p. Simon le Brut, Joan, ob. s.p. Elizabeth, ob. s.p. who was under age. I 1 \ 1 ' Elizabeth. Lucy. Christine. Joan. John Salman, who was under age and in ward to the King. Alice Malet had acquired the rights of Lucy, Christina, and Joan, and seems to be identical with Alice, the sister of Nicholas Walsh. De Banco. Trinity. 43. E. 3. m. 338. Leyc. — William de Weston, of Carleton Culy, sued Richard fitz Hugh, and Margaret his wife, and Emma, daughter of Richard and Margaret, for land in Carleton Culy, which William de Rothwell had given to Simon, son of Peter de Weston, of Carleton Culy, and Agnes, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Peter de Weston. I Simon. ^Agnes, temp. E. 2. John, William de Weston, ! the plaintifE. I ■* 1 Henry, Agnes, ob. s.p, ob. s.p. N.B. — By another suit at Mich. 43 E. 3, William de Weston claimed the manor of Carleton Culy on the same grounds. De Banco. Trinity. 43. E. 3. m. 523. Berks. — Robert de Lenham sued Thomas de Resiles, and Katrine, his wife, for the manor of Boclande (Buckland), which Hamon de Creve- quer, and Matilda, his wife, had granted by Fine levied in 29 Hen. 3 to John, son of Henry de Sam[ . . . ] {rest illegible), and Agnes, his wife, in frank marriage. The pleadings give these pedigrees — John, son of Henry.=j= Agnes, 29 Hen. 3. Isolda. I John, ob. s.p. Richard. William de Bokeland. John. I Robert de Lenham, I 1 1 Matilda. Joan. Hawyse. the plaintiff. =William de =Robert de =John de Haveryng. Ferrers. Baville. VB PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Robert de Ferrei's and Joan had levied a Fine respecting the manor in 3 Hen, 3. De Banco. Easter. 43. E. 3. m. 311. Cheshire. — William Tmssell, Kt., sued Thomas del Hoghe, and Katrine, his wife, for the manor of Blaken, which John de Arderne had given to Warine de Maynwaring, and Agnes, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. The pleadings give these pedigrees — William Trussell, of Acton Trussell, Warine de Maynwaring. =f Agnes. CO. Staff. 1 I Matilda. William. . ■ | I John. r -^ n I John,=Katrine.=^Thomas de Hoghe, Margaret. William Trussell, obs.p. second husband. :=^Fulk de Pembrugge. the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 43. E. 3. wi. 216. Cornnhia. — John Kellygryu sued Richard Billion, the brother and heir of Walter Billion, for the next presentation to the church of St. Tudy. Henry Kellygryu, of^pEmma. Kellygryu. ' | Henry. Mauger. I Henry. I . L. John, ob. s.p. John, brother and heir of See Easter term 44 E. 3. m. 256. John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 43. E. 3. m. 150. Somerset. — William de Carente sued John Chidyok, Chivaler, and another, for the next presentation to the chapel of Kyngeston, near Yevele. Gilbert de Say, temp. Hen. 3. I r -^ -I Edith. =rThomas de Huntelegh. Matilda, I I John sold his moiety to Ralph. Walter de Tril, from | whom the plaintiff de- Thomas, rived his claim. I Ralph sold his moiety to Robert fitz Payn, Chivaler. De Banco. Easter 42. E. 3. m. 385. Salop. — John, son of Laurence de Lodelowe, Chivaler, sued Thomas, son of Thomas de Hodynet, for lands in Hodynet (Hodnet). The pleadings give these pedigrees — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS, 9^ Odo de Hodynet, temi). King Richard. Baldwin. I Odo. I William. I I Matilda. I Laurence. I John de Lodelowe, the plaiHtiff. Richard de Hodynet, living 5 E. 3. I Thomas.=Margaret. 1 Margaret. H Thomas, ob. s.p. Robert de Swynerton, of CO. Stafford. Roger. Thomas de Hodynet, John, who enfeoffed the defendant. Richard de Hodynet. N.B. — The above pedigree of Hodnet should be substituted for that giveu at p. 135, where one generation has been omitted. De Banco, Easter. 42. E. 3. m. 229. Somerset. — John Standysh sued Nicholas Golafre and Margaret, his wife, and several other tenants in Lonyngton for lands, &c., in Lonyng- ton, in which they had no entry except by demises made by John de Arderne, his kinsman, and whose heir he was, when he was under age. The pleadings giv3 this pedigree — William de Arderne. I John de Arderne, ob. 8.p. Edith, aunt and heir of John de Arderne. . ! William. I John Standysh, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 43. E. 3. m. 191. dorso. Bucks. — Hugh de Stretle, and Joan, his wife, and Elizabeth, sister of Joan, sued Robert de Tiptot, Chivaler, for lands and tenements in Tirefeld. The pleadings give these pedigrees — Sibil de Bossemere, temp. Hen. 3. I Elias. I John. I John. Joan. =Hugh de Stretle. Elizabeth. Giles de Badles- mere. Margery. =William de Roos, ofHame- lak. Thomas de Roos. Matilda. =John de Veer, Earl of Oxford. I Thomas, Earl of Oxford. Elizabeth. = I Roger Mortymer. I Edmund under age. =William de Bohun, 2nd husband. 1 Margaret, =John Tip- tot, Robert Tip- tot, the defendant. 100 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 44. E. 3. Staff. — William, son of Adam de Brocholes, sued John del Boterie and other tenants of Abbots Bromley and Bromleye Bagot for lands in those vills, which Stephen de Brocholes had given to Elias, his son, the chaplain, for his life, with remainder to Adam, son of Stephen, and the heirs of his body. Stephen de Brocholes. r ' 1 Ellas, the chaplain. Adam. Stephen. William, the plaintiff. William, John,=Juliana. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. De Banco. Easter. 43. E. 3. m. 308. Glouc. — The King sued the Prior of Lantony for the next presentation to the Church of Aure. I 1 1 1 1 William, Earl Marshall, Gilbert, Richard, Walter, Anselm, temp. Hen. 3, ob. 8.p. ob. s.p, ob, s.p. ob. s.p. ob. 8.p. The sisters and eventual heirs of the Earl Marshall were — "T r Matilda. Joan. Isabella. Sibil. Eva. I r- -^ -I r -r -^n Edmund, John, Joan, Matilda. Alianora, Eva. I I Roger de Mortimer. Aylmer de Valence. De Banco. Trinity 43. E. 3. m. 1 62 dorso. Norf. — Robert de UfFord, Earl of Suffolk, sued Robert, the parson of Combes, and others, for a moiety of the manor of Fundenhale, which, with the other moiety, Sarra, daughter of Bartholomew Creyke, had given to Guy Ferre and Margery, his wife, and to the heirs of Sarra, and which should revert to him, the issue of Guy and Margery having failed. The pedigree given is the same as at p. 135, vol. x, of The Genealogist, but it gives the additional information that the Roes named in it, had died s.p. since the previous suit. Coram Rege. Trinity 43. E. 3. m. 22. Rex. Northumb.- -The King sued John de Felton for the manor of Matfen- west and lands in Naffirton and Lourbodille, and a rent of £25. William de Felton. I 1 William. John. P , . 1 William. Alianora. Agne8.=Robert de Swynborne. William de Hilton, Thomas, aged 12. aged 11. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. lOl The pleadings state that the rent of £25 had been granted by Edward II to William de Felton for capturing Gilbert de Middleton, the King's enemy and traitor. De Banco. Easter. 44. E. 3. m. 178 dorso. Glom. — Fulk de Pembrugge, Chivaler, sued John Giffard, and another, for the next presentation to the Church of Weston-under-Egge. Henry de Pembrugge, temp. E. 1, Fulk. I Fulk. j Robert. I Fulk, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter 44. E. 3. m. 378 Leyc. — The King sued Thomas de Asteleye and Elizabeth, his wife, for the next presentation to the moiety of the Church of Shepeye. John de Harecourt, of Stanton Harcourt, held the manor of Boseworth, to which the advow- son of Shepeye was appurtenant. I William de Harecourt.=Joan.=Ralph de Ferrars, I 2nd husband. Richard. See suit at p. 92. Elizabeth, d. and h, =Thomas de Asteleye. De Banco. Mich. 44. E. 3. m. 199. Warw. — Gloue. — Peter de Careswelle, Chivaler, sued Baldwyne de Frevylle and Joan, his wife, for the manors of Pynnele, Styvychale, and Wykene, and he sued John de Peyto for the manor of Mulcote. I 1 John de Langeleye, 18 E. 2.=f Ela. Robert de Langeley. I ' 1 1 I Walter de Langeleye,=Katrine. Magister Geoffrey,=Mary. Margaret, ob, s.p. Thomas, | | ob. 8.p. Geoffrey. John de Peyto. Joan, ob. s.p. Mary, the wife of Geoffrey, married for a second husband William de Careswelle, the father of Peter. Baldwyne Frevylle and Joan, his wife, had been enfeoffed by Joan, the heiress of the Langeleyes. De Banco. Hillary. 45. E. 3. m. 347. Surrey. — Thomas, the kinsman and heir of Roger de London, sued Beatrice, formerly wife of Thomas de Breouse, for manor of Imme worth. 102 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Roger.=pAlianora. Roger de London, 6 E. 3. Ralph,= ob.s.p. =Katrine. Roger, ob. s.p. Emma, ob. s p. Alianora, ob. s.p. Isabella, ob. s.p. Isabella. I Thomas, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 45. E. 3. m. 491. Notts. — Richard Poutrel sued Nicholas de Crophyll, Kt., who was called to warranty by John de Verdon, Kt., for land in Thurmeston, which Henry Poutrell and Willelma, his wife, had given to Robert Poutrell and to the heirs of his body. Henry Poutrell. Henry Poutrell, of Thurmeston upon Trent. | I Robert. I Geoffrey. I Richard, the plaintiff. 1 Johxi. Ccyram Rege. Hillary 45. E. 3. m. 34. Line. — William de Kerdeston sued John de Burghersh and others for the manor of Skendelby. William de Kerdeston.T^Margaret Bacoun. William , the Matilda, plaintiff. | John Burghersh, the defendant. John had pleaded that William was illegitimate, and a local jury had found against him. John now appealed to the King's Court. Coram Rege. Hillary. 45. E. 3. m. 3. Rex. Camhr. — Richard de Bassingbourne, Chivaler, claimed to be heir at law of Warine de Bassingbourne, and gave this descent — Warine de Bassingbourne. Warine. I Warine. Warine de Bassingbourne, of Wymple, Kt., ob. s.p. Mathew. I Mary. Mathew. I John. I Richard de Bassingbourne, the plaintiff. The defendants were William de Latymer, Alan de" Buckeshulle, and Richard Stury, Knights, who claimed by a grant of the last Warine de Bassingbourne, and the jury found in their favour. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 103 De Banco. Easter. 45. E. 3. m. 244. Suff. — Clement de Brothenham and Katrine, his wife, sued William, Earl of SufFolk, and William de Huntynfeld, Chivaler, for the next presentation to the Church of Alderton. Geoffrey de Glanville, Kt., temp. Ric. L Margaret. =Edmund, Earl of Cornwall. Robert, Earl of Suffolk. I William, Earl of Suffolk, defendant. I Reginald de Grey. Emma. =John Grey. Emma. =William de Huntvnfeld, ■| Roger. 1 Joan. = William Boyville. I William Boyville, who enfeoffed Hughde Naweton. William de Huntyn- feld, the defendant. Hugh. =Katrine. the plaintiff. Katrine. =Emeric Pecche. Thomas Pecche. I Anne. =William Mai- lori, 26 E. 3. Geoffrey had a fifth daughter Alice, who appears to have left no issue. The first William de Huntyngfeld and Emma Grey had been enfeoffed by Reginald de Grey of his purpavty. Clement, the plaintiff, appears to have been the second husband of Katrine. The descent of William, Earl of Suffolk, from Margaret, the eldest daughter, is not given in full. De Banco. Trinity. 45. E. 3. m. 312. Norf. — The King sued Thomas de Byngham, the Warden of the Hall of Valence Mary, of the University of Cambridge, for the next presen- tation to the Church of Tilneye. William Bardolf, temp. Hen. 3. I William. I Hugh, presented temp. Ed. 1. I Thomas. I John. William, a minor in ward to the King. John Bardolf had granted the advowson to Mary de St. Paul, the Countess of Pembroke, in 20 E. 3. De Banco. Trinity. 45. E. 3. m. 332. Ehor. — The King sued William de Fournyvale and William Savage for the next presentation to the Church of Ireton, which was appurtenant to the manor of Sheflfield. 104 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Thomas de Foumyvalle, temp. E. I held the manor of Sheffeld of Rober de Bruys, the King of Scotland. Thomas .=Elizabeth. Thomas. r- Thomas proved his age in 17. E. 3. William de Fournyvale, before Thomas de Swynnerton, the brother and heir the King's Escheator in co. Stafford, defendant, ob, 8. p. De Banco. Mich. 45. E. 3. m. 34. Oxon. — Nicholas de Huntercombe sued the Abbot of Dorkecestre for manor of Huntercombe, which Walter, the lUshop of Carlisle, had given to William de Huntercombe and IsalDella, his wife, and heirs of their bodies. William de Huntercombe. =f Isabella, temp. Hen. 3. I 1 Walter, ob. 8.p. Gunnora. • I Nicholas. I Nicholas, the plaintiff. This pedigree should be substituted for that given at p. 79. De Banco, Mich. 45. E. 3. m. 136. Ehor. — The Prior of Newburgh sued Henry Gramory, Chivaler, for the custody of the manor of Kirkby on the Moors. Boniface de Ledes. I Alexander. =Margaret Darel. I Ralph de Neville.=f Elizabeth.=rHenry Gramory, 2nd husband. r -• ^ r-i Alexander de Neville. Elizabeth. Henry claimed to hold the manor for his life by the courtesy of England. Be Banco. Mich. 45. E. 3. m. 199. Essex. — The King sued the Prior of P.ykenare for the next presentation to the Church of Wodeham Ferrers. William de Ferrers, Earl of Derby, granted the manor to his son, William, temp. Hen. 3. I William de Ferrers, son of the Earl. I William. I Henry.=Isabella. I William. I Henry, under age, and in ward to the King. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 105 Be Banco. Midi. 45. E. Z m. 119 dorso. Staff. — John de Verdon, of Derlaston, Chivaler, William de Bakepuz, and Joan, his wife, and William de Ingwardby, sued John Foucher for the manor of Ansedeleye, (Anslow). Robert de Toke.=FErmeiitrude. ( 1 1 1 1 John de Toke, Walter, Joan. Alesia. Matilda. ob. s.p. Robert, ob. s.p. John de Verdon, Joan. William de Ing- the plaintiif, =William de wardby. Bakepuz. De Banco. Mich. 45. E. 3. m. 252 dorso. Oxon. — John Nowers, Chivaler, sued the Prior of the Convent of St. Fredeswide, of Oxford, for the next presentation to the Church of Churchehull, which with the manor, William de Helton had granted to Roger Nowers by a fine levied in Hen. 3. Roger Nowers, temp. Hen. 3. I Roger. I Roger. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 46. E. 3. vi. 67. Salop. — The King sued Tlumfrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, for the next presentation to the Church of Ideshale (Albrighton). Walter de Dunstanvylle, temp. Hen. 3. John de Mare, =Petronilla. ^Robert de Montfort, 2nd husband. | William. The record breaks off abruptly in the middle of the pleadings. Coram Rege. Easter. 46. E. 3. m. 67. Chester. — John de Holford sued Richard de Vernon, of Lostock, for the manor of Lostok Gralan. Richard fitz Gralan, of Lostok. Richard, ob. s.p., Thomas, Joan, temp. E. 1. ob. s.p. | Roger, ob. s.p. Henry. WiUiam. I John de Holford, the plaintiff. 106 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 46. E. 3. m. 242. Line. — John de Wyke and Alice, his wife, sued Ralph Basset, of Sapcote, Chivaler, and John Gernon, Chivaler, for a moiety of the castle and manor of Castel Bytham and manors of Estbytham, South Wichom, Birton, Billesfeld, Corby, Repynghale and Aubourne. R 3ger de EchuU, Chivaler. =pMargaret. Edmund. Elizabeth. =FRalph Basset, 1 Alice.=pGuy Gebaud, Chivaler. 1 BassetjOfSap- Robert. =Cecily. John, 1 1 Guy, Elizabeth. 1 Mabel. Wal ter,^=Margaret, Simon. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. =William =VVilliHm ob. v.p. d. of Giles | Aniicell Lanipet. 1 deBassing- Ralph, the 1 i Robert, bourne. defendant. AHce. William. ob.s.p. =^Johu de Wyke, 1 1 the plaintiffs. William, now living. Alice, the widow of Guy Gebaud, married for a second husband John Gernon, Kt., of co. Essex, and had issue John Gernon, the other defendant. De Banco. Hillary. 46. E. 3. m. 288. Z)er&.— Richard de Herthull, Chivaler, sued Nicholas del Welde, the Parson of Derley, for a messuage, two mills and six bovates of land iu Ednesovere (Edensor) in which he had entry only by Robert Bozoun, who held the tenements by the courtesy of England. ^ , , Philippa, temp,=Robert Bozoun. Joan. Hen. 3, ob. s.p. | Adam. I Richard. I Adam. I Richard de Herthulle, tlie plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 46. E. 3. m. 67. Glouc. — Anseline de Gyse sued the Prior of Lanthony, near Gloucester, for a third part of the manor of Elmor, which Beatrice, formerly wife of Anseline de Gyse, had held in dower of the inheritance of William de Lambourne, and which William had granted to John, son of John de Gyse, the elder, for his life, with remainder to his issue. Anseline de Gyse.T^Beatrice. John. I John, living temp. E. 2. I Anseline. I Anseline, the plaintiff. And see suit at Vol. XL, p. 7 8. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 107 Be Banco. Easter. 46. E. 3. m. 146. Warw. — Margery, daughter of John de Sudele, and Thomas, son of Joan, daughter of John de Sudele siied Thomas de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, for a moiety of the manor of Wellesbourne which, with the other moiety, Peter de Montfort gave to John, son of Peter de Montfort, and his issue by Alice, daughter of William de la Plaunche. Peter de Montfort. John.=F Alice de la Plaunche. Peter, ob. s.p. Matilda. I John de Sudeley. Elizabeth. I. Baldwin de Frevylle. Joan. Margaret, plaintiff, | Thomas, plaintiff. The Earl stated that John, son of Peter, had an elder son, John, who survived his father, and was not named in the writ — and a jury found in his favour. At Mich. Term, 44. E. 3. m. 300, the same Margery sued the Earl for the manors of Beaudesert, Heselbrok, Wytelaye-Forwode, Wythe, and Whytechuiche, and gave the same deacent. The suit was adjourned. Be Banco. Faster. 46. B. 3. m. 140. L^i/c. — John Purefoy sued Henry Viel for lands in Swynford. William Purefoy of Swynford, clericus. (Jeoffrey Purefoy. William. Matilda, 1 Simon. I John Purefoy, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Easter 46. B. 3. m. 238. Hertford. — Elizabeth Pelytot sued Edmund Bardolf, Chivaler, and Katrine, his wife, for the manor of Wodhall, which John Tywe, Kt., had given to Eudo Pelytot and Flora, his wife, and heirs of their bodies. Eudo Pelytot.=pIilora, temp. Hen. 3. Philip. I Adomar (Aylmer). Elizabeth, the plaintiff. Coram Eege. Trinity. 46. E. 3. m. 11. Rex. Warw — The King sued John Pecche for the manor of Hampton in Arderne. 108 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Hugh de Ardenie. Ha wise. Olive. William de Richard, John Pecche. William Arderne, idiota. \ le Megre. ob. s.p , John Pecche. i ' 1 temp. E.l. I Avice. Margery. John Pecche, the defendant. Be Banco. Mich. 46. E. .3. m. 631. Essex. — John de Goldynton and Joyce, his wife, Lawrence de Pabenham, Chivaler, and Elizabeth, his wife, and William Bernak, Chivaler, and Mary, his wife, sued Kati'ine, formerly wife of Thomas Engayne, for the manor of Colne Engayne. Nicholas Engayne. T=Amice. John Engayne. Thomas Engayne Joyce, Elizabeth, Mary, =Katrine, the plaintiff. plaintiff. plaintiff, defendant. De Banco. Mich. 46. E. 3. m. 348. iTor^AMmt.- -Bartholomew Picot and Elizabeth, his wife, sued John Poyntz, Chivaler, and Margaret, his wife, for the manor of Thurlestou which Roger Pychard gave to Amice, his daughter, and heirs of her body. Roger Pychard. I Amice. I Ralph Bluet — Margaret=^John Poyntz, I second husband. John. I Elizabeth,=Bartholomew Picot. the plaintiff. Be Banco. Mich. 46. E. 3. m. 400. Hertford. — William de Elyngton and Elizabeth, his wife, sued John de White well and John Rolond for the manor of Walehale which Isabella Destale had given to Richard Somery of Bygrave, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Richard Somery. =^Elizabeth. John de Somery, Verdict for the plaintiffs, Elizabeth= William de Elyngtoq. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 109 Be Banco. Mich. 46. E. 3. vi. 492. Essex. — Petronilla, late wife of John de Benstede, sued Thomas Fitlyng, Chivaler, for the next presentation to the chnrch of Great Stanbregge. Henry Graponell, Chevalier. I Petronilla. Margery = William Moton. William ob. s.p. Edmund. Jolin de Benstede =Petronilla I plaintiff. Edward, under age and in ward to the King. Joan. I Edmund FitzSimon of Essex. Margaret. I Richard Haveryng. De Banco. Trinity. 47. E. 3. m. 65. Somerset. — The King sued Hugh Tyrel, Kt., and another for the next presentation to the church of Compton Martyn. Andrew Wake, enfeoffed^Joan. by Nicholas fitz Martyn. | Ralph. I John Wake. Isabella. I Thomas Kaynes. Elizabeth. Margaret=f=Hugh Tyrell. j_ John Tyrell, ob. s.p. 1 Hugh Tvrell, Kt., the defendant. John Kaynes, under age in ward to the King. The King's attorney stated that John Tyrell was in ward to the King, because John Wake, liis grandfather, had held the manor of Tangele, in CO. Sovithampton of the King in capite and John Tyrell had died s.p., but Hugh Tyrell pleaded that Tangele was not held of the King in capite ut de corona, but of the Honor of Punchardon, and that Compton Martyn was held of James de Audelegh. N.B. — The vacancy had taken place whilst John Tyrell was alive and a minor, and the King claimed the presentation as guardian. De Banco. Trimtij. 47. E. 3. m. 288. Dorset. — John Fauntleroy sued Walter le Brut and Agnes, his wife, for land in Shirbourne, which Robert de Thornhulle had given to Walter Fainitleroy in frank marriage with Juliana, his wife. Walter Fauntleroy.=pJuliana. William. 1 Adam. John, the plaintiff. 1 1 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Be Banco. Mich. 47. E. 3. m. 225. Bticks. — The King sued John Chamberleyn of Emburton, for the next presentation to the Church of Emburton. William le Lord, lord of Emburton, Tyryiigham, and other lands, temp. Hen. 3. Alianora=Thomas Furneys Isabella, enfeoffed Roger enfeoffed Robert de Tol- de Tyryngliam of her thori) of her purparty. purparty. Robert de Tolthorp. Roger de Tyryngham. I ] Robert. Roger. John. Roger. I --r Elizabeth, Anne, Katrine — John, ob. s.p. ob. sp. John Chamberleyn, f-- the defendant. Roger, John, under age ob. s p. and in ^\ard to the King. De Banco. Mich. 47. E. 3. m. 257. XenL — Roger Scales, Kt., and Joan, his wife, Thomas Martyn and Dionisia, his wife, John Levedale and Joan, his wife, and William Beanfoy and Agnes, his wife, sued Richard atte Lcse, Kt., and other tenants for lands in Menstre P^stcherche, Wardon, Leysdou, Isle of Sheppey, and other places. John de Northwode, temp. E. 1. John. Thomas, ob. .s.p. Simon. Humfrey. I r-" 1 1 I ' 1 I Roger. John, ob. s p. William, Otho, Robert. John. John. I i 1 became a oVj. | ' 1 | | John. Roger Knightof s.p. Joan= Agnes= Dionisia= Joan= I St. John John M'illiam Thomas Roger Thomas. of Clerk- Leve- Beaufoy. Mart^m, Scales, en well. dale. Kt, The land was held by the tenure of Gavelkind, and was divisable amongst male heirs equally. De Banco. Eader. 4S. E. 3. m. 321. Berks. — Robert de Lenham sued Thomas de Resiles and Katrine, his wife, for the manor of Boclande (Buckland) as heir at law of one Agnes, on whom it had been settled in frank marriage with John, son of Henry de Sanwys, by Hamon de Crevequer and Matilda, his wife, by a fine levied in 29 Hen. 3. Agnes. =r John de Sanwys. Isolda. r -^ -1 John. ob. s.p. Richard. I John. Robert de Lenham, the plaintiff. tEDtGHEES t'ROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Ill The defendant Thomas claimed as heir of William de Bokelond and Matilda de Say, and gave this descent — William de BokelondT=Matikla de Say. Matilda. =p William de Joaa.^=Robert de Hawic>e.=John de I Haveryng. Ferrars. Baville. John de Haveryng. I Elizabeth. I Geoffrey. I Thomas de Besiles. The three coheiresses made partition of the lands of William and Matilda in 5 Hen. 3. The plaintiffs stated that Elizabeth, daughter of John de Haveryng, had an elder son llobert, who was not named in the pleadings, but the jury found in favour of Thomas and Katrine. De Banco. Trinity. 48. E. 3. m. 138. Derb. — John de Wandesford and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Roger de Wynfeld for land in Asshoverno, Skaresdale, which Henry Musters de la Vale had given to John Musters, Chivaler, and Alice, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. John Musters, Kt.=f= Alice. I Henry. Elizabeth=John de Wandesford, the plaintiffs. The defendant called to warranty John de la Pole and Cecily, his wife, sister, and heir of William de Wakebrugge. De Banco. Trinity. 48. E. 3. m. 250. Staff. — William de Kynardesle (Kyunersley) sued Richard de Peshale, Chivaler (who had been called to warranty by Richard de Colclogh) for the manor of Hanleye. I 1 John de Kynardesleye, Sibil, sister Clerk, d. s.p. and heir. I John. I William, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 48. E. 3. m. 239. Staff. — Margaret, late wife of John de Hardeshull, Kt., sued Margaret de Stafford for the manor of Bromshulf (Bramshall) which William de Stafford had given to William, his son, and Isabella, his wife, for their lives, with remainder to James, son of William, son of William, and the heirs of his body. 112 PteDlGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William de Stafford. I VV illiam =t=I sabella. I James de Stafford. I Margaret, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Trinity 48. E. 3. m. 38. WilU. — John Daunteseye, Chivaler, and Joan, his wife, sued the Prioress of Derteford (Dartford) for the manors of Fifyde and Trowe, which Roger de Bavent had given to Roger de Bavent, the younger, and Hawise, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Roger de Bavent. I Roger=j= H a wise. I Joan, d. and heir, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Trinity. 48. E. 3. m. 60. Kent. — Alan de Berlee sued John de Barowe and John Prat for the next presentation to the Church of Abyngton. William de Berlee. William Pj^cliard, presented temp. E. 1. Alan. Hamon Pychard of I Gildenmorden. Alan. I William. I Hamon, who was under age and in ward to Thomas de Scales, came of age in 47 E. 3. Be Banco. Mich. 48. E. 3. m. 278. Somerset. — John de Fitelton and Joan, his wife, by her custos, sued Beatrice, late wife of Simon de Bradeneye, for the manor of Bradeneye, which Matthew, son of Jordan de Bradeneye had given to William son of Roger de Gothurste, and to the heirs of his body. Roger de Gothurste. I William, temp. E. 1. Roger, ob. s.p. Walter. I Richard, I Joan, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Mich. 48. E. 3. m. 102. dorso. Suff. — John de Shardelowe, Chivaler, sued John de Todynham, Chivaler, of Cresswell, for an illegal distress in Berton, near Mildenhale. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 1 1 3 Robert de Todenhain.=f=Eva, temp. Hen. 3. Robert, ob. s.p. Thomas. i Robert. I John, the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 48. ^. 3. m. 211. Dorset — The King sued John Hamely, Kt., for the next presentation to the Church of Up Wyinbourne Plecy. John de Plecy .=plda. I Edmund=Matilda .=Hugh Mohaut. de Plecy. 2nd husband. I Nicholas. I ' — I 1 John, ob. s.p. Nicholas ob. s.p. Joan=John Hameley, Kt. Thomas Hameley under age and in ward to the King, De Banco. Mich. 48. E. 3. m. 232, Salop. — Thomas de Erdyngton, Kt., sued Nicholas de Hanlowe for the manor of Welynton under the Wreken, in which Nicholas had no entry except by a demise which Henry de Erdyngton, his ancestor, had made to one Roger Sprynghose for a term which had expired. Henry de Erdyngton, temp. E. 1. Henry. I Giles. I Thomas, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 48. E. 3. m. 348 dnrso. Norf. — Philip de Ayllesbury and Agnes, his wife, and Richard de Montfort and Roes, his wife, sued Etheldreda de Montagu for two parts of the manor of Radynhale, and they sued Joan, formerly wife of Edward de Montagu for one-third of the same manor, which Bartholomew de Yatyngedene had given to Hugh dc Branteston and Margaret, his wife, and the heii's of their bodies. Hugh de Branteston.=pMargaret. Henry. I Hugh. •-] Agnes'^ Philip de Aylesbury, Roe8'=^Richard de Montfort, plaintiflf. plaintiff, Etheldreda de Montagu was daughter and heiress of Edward de Mon- tagu, and the suit was made a remanet, owing to her being under age. 114 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 48. E. 3. m. 369. Glouc. — John atte Wode sued Thomas Beerton of Eycote, for the manor of Eycote, near Ryndecombe, which John Russell, Chivaler, gave to Robert Crook and Margery, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Robert Crook=f=Alargerj\ I Margaret. .1 Kichard. I Robert. John Attcwcxle, the Dlaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 48. E. 3. m. 482. Surrey — Thomas de Legh sued Hamelin de Mecham for the nest presenta- tion to the Church of Walton-upon-Thames. The pleadings shew that Reginald fitz John held one-third of the manor of Walton and one- third of the advowson, and gave them to Sampson, son of Sampson de Mulseye (Molesey) in frank marriage with Isabella, his daughter, in the reign of Henry 2. Sampson, son of Sampson=i=l8abella. de Mulseye, temp. Hen. 2. I Walter, temp. K. John. I Isabella, daughter=j=John de and heir. I Mecham. Sampson. I Hameh'n de Mecham, the defendant. The other two-thirds of the manor and advowson were held temp. Hen. 2 by Reginald de Cruce, who had enfeoifed Robert de Legh in them. Robert de Legh. John.=Margaret de Kendale. John. The plaintiff, Thomas de Legh, claimed as heir of John de Legh, but the descent is not given. CheMer Plea Roll. No. 48. 10— IL E. 3. m. 10. Cestria. — John de Boydell, of Lymme, sued Thomas Wylin for lands in Lymme which Agatha, daughter of Adam de Button, gave to Gilbert, son of John de Boydel, and Cecila and his wife, the daughter of Agatha. Temp. Ed. L PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 115 Gilbert, son of=rCecilia. Joha I John. I John. John Boydell, the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. 48. 10—11. E. 3. m. 20. Cestria. — John, son of Urian de St. Pierre, sued John de Cherleton for the next presentation to a moiety of the church of Malpas. David de Malpas, temp. Hen. 3. ■1 Beatrice. Idonia.=rUrian de St. i Pierre. I Sutcon. John. I I John de Sutton. Urian. I John, the plaintiff. John de Cherleton held the status of John de Sutton. Chester Plea Roll. No. 48. 10—11. E. 3. m. 24. Cestria. — William, son of John Boydel, sued Robert, son of Robert Tuchet, for the manor of Nether Whitelegh, which Hugh de Button gave to William Boydel in marriage with Alice, his daughter. William Boydel.=rAlice. I William. I John. I William Boydel, the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. 66. 29—30. E. 3. Cestria. — Richard, son of John de RadecliflF and Matilda, his wife, sued Isabella, formerly wife of John de Legh Chivaler, for land in Modber- legh, which John de Ardene gave to John de Legh for his life, with remainder to John, son of John de Legh and Matilda, daughter of John de Ardene, and to the heirs of the bodies of John de Legh and Matilda. John de Legh. John de Legh.=j=Mati]da, da. of John de Ardene. John. I Matilda.==Richard de Radecliff, 116 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Chester Plea Roll. No. 64. 26—27. E. 3. m. 1. Ces^Wa.— Robert, son of John Boydel, sued Howel ap Oweyn veyl for a rent of 26s. in Lacheford. Johu Boydel. =T= Margaret. William. I William. I Ralph. Joan. Agnes. Howell, the defendant. John and Margaret had been enfeoffed by Agnes de Sutton and Robert, son of John, claimed by a grant of WilHam, son of John Boyd eh Chester Plea Roll. No. 64. 26—27. E. 3 w. 16. Cestria. — Thomas Fyton sued Jordan, son of Thomas de Macclesfeld, and John, son of the same Jordan, for lands in Gouseworth (Gaws- worth.) Thomas de Macclesfeld. I Roger de=T=Isabella, 1 Ed. I. Macclesfeld. Thomas Fyton. I Thomas Fytton=Isabella. the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. 64. 26—27. E. 3. m. 13. Cestria. — John, son of William de Whitemore and Cecilia, his wife, sued John Donne and Cecilia, his wife, for the manor of Thurstane- stone. Agnes. I David. John. I Margaret. John. I Cecily, the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. 66. 29—31. E. 3. Cestria. — John de Hynton sued John de Wengefeld and two others for the manor of Pecforton. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Il7 Cadugan de Hynton, temp. Hen. 3. I Cadugan. I Hugh. I John. I John de Hyutou, the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. 66. 29—31. E. 3. m. 99 dorso. Ces^Wa. — Elizabeth, late wife of Thomas de Swetenham, sued the Abbot of Vale Royal for the next presentation to the church of Swetenham. Richard de Swetenham. I Richard. I Thomas==Elizabeth, the plaintiflF. I Ralph. .1 Richard, who was under age. Chester Plea Roll. No. 66. 31 E. 3. m. 159. Cestria. — John, son of William de Holford, sued Nicholas de V\'ymyng- ton for land in Lostok-Gralehan, which Henry de Toft gave to Roger, his son, and to the heirs of his body, and failing such, to Henry de Holford, the brother of Roger, and to the heirs of his body, Henry. r -^ -1 Roger de Toft, temp. Henry de Holforde. Ed. 1, ob. s.p. I William. I John, the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. 62. 24—25 E. 3. Cestria. — Thomas Glayne sued Hugh de Venables of Kynderton, Kt., for an illegal distress in Sandbach. Roger de Venables. I William. I Hugh. I Hugh. Verdict for Hugh, the distress having been levied in Bradewall : a manor held under Hugh de Venables. 118 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Chester Plea Roll. No. 68. 36—37 E. 3. Cestria. — Thomas de Berneton, and Joan, his wife, and Elena and Katrine, sisters of Joan, sued Joan, late wife of William de Venables of Rrade- wall for land in Bradewall, which William de Venables of Kynderton had given to William, his son, and heirs of his body. William, son of William de Venables, temp. Ed. 2. William. I William. =r Joan, the defendant. ■-| Joan.=Thomas de Elena. Katrine. Berneton. Chester Plea Boll. No. 69. 39—40 E. 3 m. 30. Cestria. — Thomas, son of Hamon de Asshelegh, Kt., sued William, son of Richard de Bulkylegh, for land in Tymplegh which Geoffrey de Dutton had given to Hamon, his son, and to the heirs of his body. Hamon, son of Geoffrey de Dutton. i Hamon. I Hamon. Thomas de Asshelegh the plaintiff. The suit was made a remanet, William being in Gascony with Edward Prince of Wales. Chester Plea Boll No. 70. 40—41 E. 3 m. 7. Cestria. — John, son of William de Whytemore, the younger, and Cecilia, his wife, sued Ralph de Vernon, Chivaler, for a moiety of the manor of Shipbrok and one-sixth of the manor of Wich-Malbanc. Ralph de Vernon, temp. Hen 3. I Eustachia.=FDavid de Haselwall. I John. I Margaret. I John. Cecily, the plaintiff. Ralph produced a deed by which Eustachia, late wife of David de Haselwall, released to her brother, Ralph de Vernon, all her right to the Baronies of Sibbrok (Shipbrook) and Wich-Malbanc (Nantwich) and the manor of Hanewell, dated 5 E. 2. He also claimed under a Fine levied in 19 E. 2, and gave this descent. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 119 Ralph de Vernon. — -1 Ralph de Vernon of Richard. Mottrum, ob. s.p. | Ralph, the defendant. Much of the suit is illegible from damp and discoloration, but it ends with a writ of error dated 8 Hen. 5, removing it to be heard coram Rege. Chester Plea Roll. No. 72. 42—43 K 3. m. 1. Cestria. — William, son of Richard de Bulkylegh, sued John de Radeciyf and Margaret, his wife, for a moiety of the manors of Clyfton and Chedle. Joan.^Roger de Chedle. =Matilda. William de=Clemence.=i Baggelegh, 1st hus- band. pJohn de Moly- neux, Kt. 1 Agne8.=f=Richard de Bulkelegh. William de Bulkylegh, the plaintiff. "•=John de Radclyfe. md Margaret was re-married 1 i 1 Robert, Joan, Isabella, ob. s p. ob. s.p. 1 Margaret In 44 E. 3, John de Radclyffe was dead i to John Savage, Kt. Chester Plea Roll. No. 72. 42—43 E. 3. m. 27 dorso. Cestria. — Robert de Fouleshurst and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Thomas, son of David de Crue, and Agnes, his wife, for land in Whitepulle, which William de Malpas, Kt., gave to Thomas de Crue, Kt., in marriage with Margaret, his daughter. Temp. Ed. 1. Thomas de Crue =r Margaret. I Thomas. I Joan. I Thomas Elizabeth. ^Robert de Fouleshurst, the plaintiffs De Banco. Trinity. 46 E. 3. m. 2. Kent. — John Kyryel, Kt., the elder, sued William La Souche of Haryngeworth and Elizabeth, his wife, for a moiety of the manor of Eynesford. Nicholas de Kyrvel. I Nicholas, temp. E. 1. I Nicholas. I John Kyr}'el, the plaintiff. 120 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Chester Plea Roll. No. 77. 47—48 E. 3. m. 15 dorso. Cestria. —John de Kirkby of Chester sued the Abbot of Basyngwek for the manor of West Kirkeby. John Bernard, temp. E. l.=T=Christiana. I . Christiana. John, ob. s.p. Alice. John de Kirkby the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. 79. 49—50 E. 3. m. 12 dorso. Cestria. — Thomas de Dutton, Kt., sued Hugh, son of William Scot, for lands in Over Whitelegh. Thomas de Dutton, temp. Hen. 3. I Hugh. I Hugh. I Thomas, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary 49. E. 3. m. 3 1 4. Sussex. — Henry Auchier and Alice, his wife, and John, bi'other of Henry, and Joan, his wife, sued William de Welles for a moiety of the manor of Knelle, which Geoffrey Solace gave to Matthew de Knelle and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Matthew de Knelle. ^Margaret, Geoffrey, ob. s.p. Edmund. r -L 1 Edward, ob. s.p. Margaret. I " — I Alice.=Henrv Auchier. Joan.=John Auchier. . De Banco. Trinity 49. E. 3. m 127. Dorset. — Richard de Stanes and Alice, his wife, sued John Bonwode, the younger, for the manor of West Melplessh, which Robert Quyntyn gave to Thomas Goshull and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs o( their bodies. Thomas de Goshull,=p Agnes. temp. E. 1. I John. ! Emma. .1. William. I Alice.=T{ichard de Stanes, the plaintiffs. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 121 De Banco. Trinity 49. E. 3. m. 142. Somerset. — Thomas Gournay sued John de Langelond an-l Isabella, his wife, and other tenants, for lands in Upwere, which Aucciiae de Gournay had given to Robert, his son, and the heirs of his body, llobert, son of Anceline cle Gournay. Anceline. I . Anceline. I Thomas Gournay, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity 49. ^. 3. m. 171. Bucks. — William Noble of Great Kynebelle and Matilda, his wife, sue*! the Abbot of Musseuden for land in Great Kynebelle, which Gilbert Martel, the kinsman of Matilda, and whoise heir she was, had given to Roger, foi-merly Abbot of Mussenden, to find a chaplain to celebrate the divine offices for the souls of the said Gilbert, and his ancestors and succe^^sors, and to distribute food to 200 poor on two days of the year, none of those services having been rendered for the two past years. Gilbert Martel, temp. Sibil. Hen. 3, ob. s.p. | r -^ -1 Walter ob. s,p. Lucy. I Walter. I Thomas. I Joan. Joht). Matilda, the plaintiff. N.B. — Gilbert Martel is stated in the pleadings to have died temp. Hen. 3, to bring the suit probably within the legal limit of time, but, judging by the number of generations, he must have been a con- temporary of Henry 2 or King Stephen. De Banco. Easter 49. E.^.m.lQX. Hereford. — The King sued John Wydelok the elder for the next presen- tation to the church of Gumfreyston. William Wydolock. 1 — William, who granted 1 Jieymund. the tidvowson to Hev- 1 mund, his brother, John. temp. Hen 3. Reymund. 1 Johr I Wydelok, 1 22 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 49. E. 3. m. 223. dorso. Ehor. — John Constable of Halsham, Kt., sued Hugh Gylt of Sprotle and Juliana, his wife, for land in Sprotle. Simon le Constable, temp. E. 1. I Robert. I John. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 49. E. 3. m. 503. Suff. — William, son of John de Walsoken, Parson of Honeweton, sued John Ducy, Parson of Little Wenham, and two others, for the next presentation to the chapel of Lellelseye. Adam. Alice. Beatrice. Gunnora. Nesta de Coke- Robert. Ralph. Alice. feld, ob. s.p. I I ' 1 I temp. Hen. 3. Bartholo- William, Ralph. William, mew. ob. s.p, | | ( 1 1 Ralph. Godfrej'= Robert, Geoffrej', living Alianora. d. s.p. temp. Hen. 3. | ' 1 I John, ob. Richard. Joan. s .p. I I William. William de Munches}'. I Thomas de Munchesy. Alianora had married for a second husband Henry de Segrave. The plaintiff represented Thomas de Munchesy. The defendants stated that the descent from Geoffrey was as follows — Geoffrey. Joan. I William de Mnnchesv. I William. I Thomas. De Banco. Mich. 49. E. 3. m. 503. Leyc. — Anketine, son of Thomas de Sutton, sued John, son of Margery Bluet, and another for land in Sywoldeby, which John, son of Hugh de Bernak of Drayton, gave to Walter, son of Gilbert de Houby, and Alice his wife, for their lives, with remainder to Anketine, son of the said Walter, and to the heirs of his body. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 123 Gilbert. I Walter. =Alice. I Anketine. i I ' 1 Anketine, d. s. p. Alice. I Thomas de Sutton. I Anketine, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Mich. 49. E. 3. m. 260. EhoT. — The Dean and Chaptei* of St. Peter of York sued Robert de Rouclyf, Chivaler, for the manor of Helpby, which Geoffrey, formerly Dean, had given to Bogo (Bevis), son of Alexander de Baiocis (Bayeux), and his issue by Isabella, daughter of Richard de Riperia, and which should revert to the Chapter, the issue of Bevis having failed, and they gave this pedigree. Alexander de Baiocis. . I Bevis.=plsabella, temp. Hen. 3. Thomas. I John. William, ob. .sp. Margaret, sister and heir, ob. s p. The defendants gave this pedigree. Bevis de Bayeux. _l_ Thomas, Joan. I Thomas. . -~\ Thomas. Anabel. Joan. I I I I 1 1 John de Fyndham, William de William. Emma. now living. ' Joueby. John de Snaweshill, now living. now living. The jury, however found that Bevis de Bayeux never had a daughter by Isabella, and the Dean recovered the manor. m. ^1o. dorso. In another suit by the Chapter for the same manor against Robert de Newton, Chaplain, and others ; a jury gave the pedigree as follows — 124 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Bevis de Bayeux,=T=Isabella. Alexander, son of Alexander. I I Thomas. I John. I r -^ -, William, ob. s.p. Mariota, ob. s p. And that there was no issue left of Bevis and Isabella, and that Alex- ander, the brother of Bevis, was dead and had left no issue. Be Banco. Mich. 49. E. 3. m. 302. dorso. Derb. — Robert de Briggeford and Joan, his wife, and Margaret, sister of Joan, and John Broun of Newerk, sued Hugh Teveray, William Teveray and John Teveray for land in Long Eyton, which Magister Ralph de Chaddesdene had given to William Teveray and Alianoni, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, temp. El. William Teveray.=f=Alianora. I • 1 Hugh. Sarra. I I William, ob. s.p. Robert. Joan.=FRobert de Margaret. Isabella. Briggeford. | John Broun. De Banco. Hillary. 50. E. 3. m. 59. Bucks — The King sued Roger Perkyn for the next presentation to the church of Weston Turville. Edmund le Boteller, Edward, Ankareta, sister ob. s.p. ob. s.p. and heir, I John. I John. Elizabeth, in ward to the King. John, the father of Elizabeth, had held of the King in capite the manors of Dodynton and Chesewardyn in co. Salop. De Banco. Hillary 50. E. 3. vi. 360 dor so. Leyc. — John Wychard of Osberstone sued John Chaynel of Sutton for land in Sutton, near Bose worth, which Robert Maleshoures had given to Henry, son of Nicholas Wychard, and Margaret his wife, and to the heirs of tlieir bodies, temp. E. 1. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. i 125 Henry, son of Nicholas ^^^Margaret. Wy chard. John. I Thomas, ! John Wy chard, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter 50 E. 3. m. 271. Kent. — A suit respecting the manors of Kemesynges and Sele, gives the following pedigree — William de Grandison, living 13 E. 1. I 1 ^1 1 Peter de Katrine. Agnes. Mabel. Grandison. | | William de Mon- John North- tagu, Earl of cote, Kt., of Salisbury. Kent. I I 1 ' 1 Sibil, Matilda. Alice.^ Katrine.= I ! Thomas Wake Robert de Tu- Roger de Beau- Thomas de of Blisworth, denham, Kt., champ, the Fauconberge, Kt. who was dead, younger. Kt, Be Banco. Easter 50. E. 3. m. 295. Ebor. — William de Lassels sued Henry de Newesom and Katrine his wife for land in Newesom near Kirkebywysk. The pleadings give these pedigrees — John de Lassels, Kt. Walter de Neusome. of Arlarthorpe, | I Alan. William, living 28 E, 3. | I Henry. = Katrine. William de Lassells, The defendants, the plaintiff. The defendants claimed by a grant of John de Lascelles dated, 5 E. 3. De Banco. Easter. 49. E. 3. m. 317. Wilts. — James de Audele, Kt., and Reginald de Cobham, Knt,, sued Joan, the Abbess of Shaft on, for the next presentation to the Church of Broghton. John Giffard, temp. E. 2. I r ^ :-. Katrine. Alianora, I i James de Audley, John, the plaintiff. | Fulk, ob, s.p.^Elizabeth. 126 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Eeginald claimed by a demise of Elizabeth, the widow of Fulk, who had held his purparty for her life. The Abbess derived her claim from a grant by Walter de Duustanville dated 1264. De Banco. Trinity 49. E. 3. m '111. Wilts. — John Huse sued Thomas Ercheband, the Parson of the church of Fontil GifFard, and another, for the manor of Eston, near Berewyk. Reginald de Haseldeiie.=plsabella. 1 Reginald. Matilda. I I Matilda. =J oil n Saunford. John. I I Agnes. John Huse, the plaintiff. The defendants claimed through Agnes, whose status they held, but John stated that Agnes was illegitimate, and that the issue of Reginald, son of Reginald, had failed. De Banco. Trinity. 50. E. 3. m. 37. BucTcs. — John Nowers, Kt., sued John, the Prior of Ravenestone, and another, for the next presentation to the chui'ch of Stoke Goldyngton. Peter de Stoke, temp. Ed 1, held the manor and advowson of Stoke Goldjngton. I)ionisia=Milo Hastvng. Isabella.^ William Nowers. I ^ I Milo.=f Matilda.=John Pikard. Almaric. I r" John. Alice. =j=Thomas Matilda. =f Thomas Isabella. = | I Fourneux. I Botiller. Giles Ryvell. John. I i ! I . . William. William Botiller. Giles. John, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 50. E. 3. m. 124. Staff. — Humphrey de Swynnerton sued the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield and two others for estovers in the wood of Eccleshale — which he claimed by a grant of Alexander the I'-iishop to one Roger de Waure, whose status he held by a grant of Robert de Swynnerton, Knt , and he gave this pedigree — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 127 Roger de Waure. I Johu. ! Roger. I Roger. I Thomas, I Robert de Swynnerton, Kt. Be Banco. Trinity. 50. E. 3. m. 292. Dorset. — Walter atte More and Margaret his wife sued Alesia, formerly wife of Ralph Russel, Kt , for two parts of the manor of Athelyngton, and they sued Maiirice Russel for one-third of the same manor, which Nicholas de la Chapelle, the kinsman of Margaret, and whose heir she was, had given to William de Mortisthorn in marriage with Avice his sister, t^mp. Hen. 3, and which should revert to her as heir of the donor, William and Avice, having died s.p. I 1 1 1 Nicholas de la Robert, ob. s.p. Florence. Avice, ob. s.p. Chapelle, ob. s p. | Thomas, I John. I Thomas. I Peter. I John, ob. s.p. Margaret, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 50. K. 3. m. 292. Dorset. — John Garlek and Sarra his wife, and Robert de Swylyngton, Kt., and Margaret his wife, sued Robert Corbet, Kt., the elder, and Beatrice his wife, for the manor of Little Dunham. Richard de la Riviere.=pMatilda. , ^J "1 Thomas. =Alesia, daughter Sarra, the Margaret. Richard, John, Ralph, of John de Loud- plaintiff. | ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob, s.p. ham, died s.p. Margaret, plaintiff. The manor had been settled on Thomas and Alesia, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such, on Richard, John, and Ralph successively in tail ; and failing their issue, on the right heirs of Richard de la Riviere. Robert Corbet claimed by a grant of Thomas, and he pleaded that as Thomas had survived all his brothers, he held a fee simple and not a fee tail in the manor. 128 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 42. E. 3. m, 50 dorso. Comuhia. — Ralph Kaiil sued \Villiam Botriaux, Kt., and other tenants for lands in Boswythgy, near Gorlyn ; the pleadings give these pedigrees — Roger de Kaul. Bovena.=William Roscrowe. William Botriaux =^Dionisia. I Reginald. I William. I William Botriaux, Kt., the defendant. Philip. I William. I Henry. I lialph Kaul, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary 42. K. 3. m. 50. Lincoln. — Thomas de Hethe, Kt., and Alice his wife sued John de Wylughby, Kt., for land in Teynton, which Ralph, formerly Earl of Chester and Lincoln gave to Eudo de Calcoft in marriage with Mabel de Limeny. Eudo de Calcoft. =j=Mabel, I PhiliT). I * John. I Philip- I . John. I Alice.=Thoraa.« de Hethe, Kt., the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. bO. E. 3. m. 239. Ebor. — Walter de Bergh, Robert de Thornton, and John, son of Nicholas de Topcliffe, sued Robert Perle, Kt., and Joan his wife, and Richard Arusmyth and Margery his wife for the manors of Edeston and Kirk by Misperton, which they claimed as heii'S of ^Valter le Romayn, on whom the manors had been settled by a Fine of 31. E. 1. Walter le Romayne, 31 E. 1, ob. s p. Isabella. I Thomas. I Robert de Thornton, Alice. i William. I Emma. .1 Nicholas. John de Topcliffe. 1 Agnes. Bernard. I Alexander. I Robert. I Walter de Bergh. N.B. — A sued William de Carynton, Kt., for land in Ashton. William de Carynton (proavus). r- Thomas. John, William. I ob. s.p. I Agnes.=pRichard de Sale. John. I ! Sons and daughters, William de Carynton, all died s.p. the defendant. ' PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 149 Chester Plea Roll. No. 67. 35 E. 3. m. 98. Cestria. — A suit of Quo warranto to shew by what right William de Stanlegh claimed the hereditary forestership of Wirhall, and to appoint six sergeants, who were to be maintained by the vills within the forest, also the right of hunting the hare and fox with greyhounds within the forest and other franchises specified. It appears by the Pleadings that Ralph I, Earl of Chester, gave the Bailiwick of the Forest, with the manors of Storton and Putkan, to one Alan Silvestre, Alan Silvestre. I Ralph. I Alexander. I Joan, Agnes.=pThomas de Baumville, Kt. ob. s.p. I Philip de Baumville. Joan.=f=\Villiam de Stanlegh. Elena.=T= William de Lakene. Agnes. I I John. William de Lakene. I William de Stanlegh, living 35 E. 3. The jury found in favour of William de Stanley, excepting as to his claifn for hunting wolves and hares. A later Roll of 50 E. 3 shews that the Black Prince disafforested the forest of Wirhall on his death-bed, and this was confirmed after the death of the Prince by Edward 3. Chester Plea Roll. No. 47. 10 E. 3. m. 23 dorso. Cestria. — John de Molyneux and Clemence, his wife, and Richard, son of Robert de Bulkylegh, and Agnes, his wife, sued Richard, son of John de Honford and Elena, his wife, for land in Asshelegh, which Geoffrey de Chedle had given to William, son of William de Modberlegh, in marriage with Sibil, his daughter, and which should revert to them as heirs of the donor, Sibil having died s.p. Geoffrey de Chedle, Lord of Asshelegh. I Geoffrey. Clemence. = Agnes.= John de Molyneux. Richard de Bulkylegh. In other suits Geoffrey is called Geoffrey de Dutton of Chedle. 150 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Chester Plea Roll. No. 26. 6 E. 2. m. 18. Cestria. — Robert de Montealto (de Monhaut) sued Ralph, son of Richard de Chirchothehethe for land in Chircheothehethe. Roger de Moutealto {-proavus), temp. H. 3. I Roger. I Robert. , 1 , Roger, Robert de Montealto, brother ob. s.p. and heir, the plaintiff. Chester Plecu Roll. No. 39. 1-2 E. 3. Cestria. — Henry de Clayton and Ralph de Clayton sued Thomas Danyers and Margaret, his wife, for a moiety of the church of Lymme, which Geoffrey de Dutton had given to Thomas, his son, and to the heirs of his body, temp. Ed. 1. Geoffrey de Dutton. I Thomas. Alice. Isabella. I I Henry de Clayton. Ralph de Clay ton . De Banco. Mich. 6. Ric. 2. m. 386. Wilts. — Thomas Berkle (Berkley) of Berkle, Kt., sued John de Thorp, Kt., and Katrine, his wife, for the manors of Bruchemereston and Mildeston, which Milisant de Monhaut (Monte Alto) gave to Eva la Zouch and heirs of her body. Eva de la Zouche, temp. Ed. 2. I Thomas. I Maurice. I Thomas, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 6. Ric. 2. m. 403. Somerset. — Christine, daughter of Roger de Kyngeston, sued John Peyntou and Joan, his wife, for land in Kyngestone, near Ilemynstre, which John, son and heir of Robert de Burgo, gave to Ralph de Kyngeston and heirs of his body. Ralph de Kyngeston. John. I William. Roger. I Christine, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 151 De Banco. Mich. 6. Ric. 2, m. 508. Berks. — Roger de Beauchamp, Thomas Fauconberge, Kt., Alice, formerly wife of Thomas Wake of Blisworth, Katrine, formerly wife of Robert de Tudenham, Kt., Roger, son of John de Northwode, Kt., and William, Earl of Salisbury, and others, sued .lohn Estbury and others for the manor of Lamborne, which .lohn Tregoz and Mabel, his wife, gave to William de Grandissone and Sibil, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. William de Grandissone,=f=Sibil. temp. E. 1. 1 ■ Peter, John, Thomas, Otto. Mabel. Agnes. Katrine. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. 1 1 1 Thomas, ob. s.p. Roger. William, .| 1 1 Earl of Alice. = 1 Katrine. = = Sibil. Matilda. 1 John. Salisbury. Thomas Robert 1 1 1 Wake. de Tu- Roger. Thomas Roger, son denham. 1 de Faucon- Roger de berge, Kt., Beauchamp, plaintiff, plaintiff. of John de Northwode, Kt., plaintiff De Banco. Mich. 6. Ric. 2. m. 516. Ebor. — John Vaux sued Richard de Lelum and jNIargaret, his wife, for land in Faxflete, which John de Cave of Northburg, gave to John, son of Richard de Vaux of Southcave, and heirs of his body. John, son of Richard de Vaux. I Peter. I John Vaux, plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. 87. 7-8 Ric. 2. m. 4. Cestria. — Margaret Wasteneys and Alice, her sister, sued Ellen, late wife of Nicholas de Wynyton, for land in Wymyncham, in which she had no entry, except by a demise which Ralph de Wasteneys, formerly husband of Beatrice de Venablcs, the grandmother of Margaret and Alice, whoac heirs they were, had made to John, son of Thomas de Lostok, and to which Beatrice could not object in the lifetime of Ralph. Ralph -T^^Beatrice, temp. Ed. 1. Pagan. I John. Margaret, the plaintiffs. Verdict for the plaintiflfs. — 1 Alice, 152 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 7. Ric. 2. m. 341. Warw. — John Raulyus of Ciiepyngderset, sued the Abbot of Lilleshull, for the next pressentatiou to the church of Farneburgh. Jordan le Say, temp. Ed. 2. I Jordan. I Joan. I John Raulyns, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich 7. Ric. 2. m. 91. Essex. — Richard Jenieniuth and Margaret, his wife, sued John Curtays and Albreda, his wife, Agnes Fraunceys, and others, for one-third of the manor of Chikeueye. John Peverel.^Joan, temp. Ed. 1. Matilda, ob. 8 p. Hugh. John. 1 1 1 Alice. = Kdmund Joan. "1 Cecily. 1 Warde. Thomas Pynkeneye. ]Margaret.= Kichard Jernemuth, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Hillary. 42. Ed. 3. m. 50 dorso. Wygorn. — lohn, son of Peter de Wasseburne, sued Katrine, formerly wife of John, son of Roger de Wasseburne, for the manor of Wasseburne. I 1 Roger de Wasseburne. Peter. I , . I Johu,=Katrine, . John de Uassburne, ob. s.p. defendant. the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 7. Ric. 2. m. 327. Dorset. — Hugh iMountfort sued several tenants in Wyuterborne Martyii for land in Wynterborue Martyn, and lie sued William Fhelipp and Agnes, his wife, for 2 messuages and 84 acres of land which Robert Fitz Payne gave to Nicholas de Mountfort and Alianora, his wife, and heirs of their bodies. Nicholas de Mountfort.n^Alianora. I Nicholas. i Nicholas. I Hugh Mountford, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 158 D& Banco. Mich. 7. Ric. 2. m. 525. dorso. Berks. — Adam Carlele and Alice, his wife, Reginald Sheffeld and Ida, his wife, and Edmund atte Putte sued Almaric de St. Amand and Ida, his wife, for two parts of the manor of Baseldene, and they sued Agnes, formerly wife of Nicholas atte Crouche, for the other third part which Edmund atte Beche gave to Peter Botiller and Beatrice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Peter Botiller. =rBeatrice. Thomas. r 1 ■ 1 1 John, Avelina. Alice. = Ida.- ob. s.p. I Adam Reginald Edmund atte Putte. Carlele. ShefiEeld. Verdict for defendants. Be Banco. Mich. 7. Ric. 2. m. 553. Essex. — Geoffrey de Cokefeld sued John Peeke of Leigham, and Alianora, his wife, for the advowson of the church of Mistelegh. Benedict de Cokefeld,^Avice. seized oi tUeadvowson I temp. E. 2. | ( 1 ' 1 Thomas, Guy, Walter, ob. s p. ob. sp. I Geoffrey de Cokefeld, the plaintiff. The defendants claimed by a grant of Thomas de Cokefeld to William de Resshebrok (Kushbrook) in 23 E. 3. Chester Plea Roil. No. 87, 7-8. Ric. 2. m. 4. dorso. Cestria. — Geoffrey de Wasteneys sued Katrine de Wasteneys for land in Wymyncham which Pagan de Wasteneys and Margaret, his wife, gave to Alexander de Wasteneys and the heirs of his body. Alexander de Wasteneys, temp. Ed. 2. Hugh, Geoffrey, ob. s.p. brother and heir. Chester Plea Roll. No. 87. 7-8. Ric. -2. m. 8. Cestria. — Thomas de Twemlowe sued Cecily, formerly wife of Henry Pynk, for land in Twemlowe, which Thomas, sou of Roger de Twemlowe, gave to Richard de Svvetenham and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Richard de Swetenham-npAJice, temp. Ed. 3. I Richard. I Ralph. I Thomas, the plaintiff. 154 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Chester Plea Roll No. 87. 7-8. Ric. 2. m. 32. Cestria. — Robert le Grosvenor and Joan, his wife, sued Roger de Davenport, Parson of Christelton, Hugh de Toft, Chaplain, John de Holford, and Geoffrey Boydell, for the manors of Buyrton, Pulford, and Claudon, one-fourth of the manor of Cholley and one-eighth of the manor of Broxon, and other lands, which they claimed as right of Joan. =ir Robert de Pulford =f= Joan. I I John. Robert. I Joan. — Robert le Grosvenor. Verdict for the plaintiffs. The pleadings shew that Robert de Coton had recovered these manors and lands by a former suit in 2 Ric. 2, and the defendants held his status in them. Chester Plea Roll. No. 88. 8-9. Ric. 2. m. 4. Cestria. — Ralph de Vernun sued Ralph, son of William de \Vilbram, for one-twelfth of the manor of Leftwich, which Agnes, late wife of Richard de Lostock, had held for her life under the terms of a Fine levied in 19 E. 2. Ralph de Vernon, the elder. Ralf h de Vernon, Ralph, son of = Agnes, of Sliibbrok, the Ralph deVer- the younger. non, of Mot- I trum, ob. s.p. Richard. I Ralph de Vernon, the plaintiff. N.B. — Ralph de Vernon of Mottrum, was probably the eldest son of Ralph de Vernon of Shipbrook, and his widow Agnes had re-married Richard de Lostock. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ric 2. m. 186. Essex. — William, son of John Giffard, sued Robert Lambourne for land in Great Sampford, which Robert de Roos gave to William Giffard and Ralph, his son, and heirs of the body of Ralph. William Giffard. I Ralph. r -^ -1 John. Thomas, living William Giffard, the plaintiff. 23 Ed. 3. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 155 De Banco. Mich. 8. JRic. 2. m. 255. Somerset. — John Weylond, Chivaler, sued Richard Welde for land in Modeford Terry, which William Malet gave to Reginald de Bathe in frankmarriage with Dionisia, his daughter. Reginald de Bathe.=rDioni8ia Malet, temp. Ed. 2. I Osbert. I Elizabeth. Robert. I John de Weylond, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 8. Bic. 2. m. 302. Ehor. — The King sued William Aldeburgh, the younger, and Margery, his wife, for the next presentation to the church of Lokyngton, which he claimed in right of the heir of Peter de Maulay, his ward. Peter de Maulay=rMargaret, le Quint. I temp. Ed. 3. Peter le Sisme. I Peter le Septisme. I Peter le Octisme, in ward to the King. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ric. 2. m. 312. Khor. — Michael de Pole, Chivaler, sued Alexander, Archbishop of York, and John Wandesford and Elizabeth, his wife, for the next presentation to the church of Kirtlyngtou, which he claimed by a grant of John de Musters, lord of Kyrtlyngton, dated 26 Ed. 3. Robert Musters, temp. Ed. 1. I 1 William, living 6 Ed. 1, Robert, 6 Ed. 1. lord of Kyrtlyngton. | John. =T= Alicia. Henry. Elizabeth, wife of John de Wandesford, and widow of Alexander Moubray. Verdict in favour of John and Elizabeth. 156 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ric. 2. m. 319. Derb. — John de Shalcros sued Robert Derby and Isabella, his wife, for five marks of rent in Little Longesden. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — John Foljambe. I ■ 1 Isabella. Margaret.=Thurstan de la Boure . Margery, of Little Longesden. I Richard.=f=Joan, d. of Nicholas I de Ingwardby. Margery. John de Shalcros, the Dlaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ric. 2. m. 32 i. Notts. — Thomas de Moubray, Earl of Notyngham, sued Matilda, formerly wife of Roger Colston of Thorp, for the next presentation to the church of Thorp in the Clottes. John de Segrave, Chivaler, temp. Ed. 3. Elizabeth. =pJohn Moubray, lord of Axiholme. r- John, ob. s p. whilst Thomas, the Earl of Notyngham, a minor. the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ric. 2. vi. 335. Somerset. — John Hikkesone, the younger, sued John Seintcler (St. Clair), Chivaler, for the manor of Chiselbergh. -- 1 Francis de Aldeham, Chivaler, Thomas, temp. Ed. 2, ob. s.p. | William. I Joan. John Hikkesone, the plaintiff. The defendant gave this descent : — Thomas de Aldeham=plsabena. held the manor in right of Isabella. -- 1 Baldwin. = Joan.=pJohn Seintcler. I I Francis, as in first pedigree, John, ob. s.p., temp. E. 2. | John, the defendant. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 157 The defendant also denied that Francis had a brother Tliomas, and stated that John Hikkesone's parentage was as follows : — John Fren.ssh.n-Joan Torcl.epot. I William. I Joan. I John Hikkesone. De Banco, Mich. 8. Bic. 2. m. 337. Norf. — Gilbert Talbot and Joan, his wife, sned John Plays, Kt, for a third of the manor of Mundeford as dower of Joan of the dotation of Waryne de Lysle, Chivalcr, her former husband. The defendant called to warranty Thomas, son of Maurice de Berkeley, Kt, and ^largaret, his wife, daughter and heir of Warine de Lisle, Chivaler. Gerard de Lisle. I Warine. I Gerard. , I Warine. I Margaret. = Thomas de Berkelej', Kt., the defendants. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ric. 2. m. 339. Lincoln. — John Hillary sued Margaret, formerly the wife of John Dymmok, Kt., for the next presentation to the church of Wilkseby, which was held of the manor of Scryvelby. Philip Marmj'on.^T^Mary. I r Matilda. Elizabeth. Thomas de Ludelowe,=j=Joan.=^Heury Hillary, first husband. second husband. Thoinas.=pKatrine Stokes. I Margaret.= John Dymmok, Kt.jthedefendant. The pleadings state that Sir Heni-y Hillary, the second husband of Joan Marmion, had held the manor by the courtesy of England, after the death of Joan, having had issue by her, and that Scryvelby had been assigned to Joan on the division of Philip Marmion's lands amongst his daughters : but the jury found that Scryvelby had been settled by Fine on Philip Marmion and Mary, and the heirs of their bodies, and the suit was dismissed. 1-58 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 8. Rich. 2. m. 441, Northamp. — In a suit respecting land in Rethoresthorp, near Gay ton, brought by John de Ilalfeld against John Bray of Denkele ; the pleadings give this pedigree : — Alan de Halfeld.=7=Lecia {sic), living 14 Ed. 2. Nicholas. John de Halfeld, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 8. Rich. 2. m. 456. Leyc. — Edmund Doyly and Emma, his wife, sued John Rose for land in Swynford, which Hugh, son of Nicholas, gave to AVilliam, son of Guth- mund in frankmarriage with Gundrea his daughter. Guthmund. I A^ illiam.=pGundrea, temp. Hen. 3. Alan. . I William. I Emma. I Joan. I John. I Emma.=E(hnund Doyly, the plaintiff.s. De Banco. Mich. 8. Rich. 2. m. 62.5. Westmoreland. — Thomas, son of John Manchel, sued John, son of Walter Manchel, for the manor of Crakanthorp. Thomas Manchel.=pEmma. I 1 Thomas=^ John, ob. s.p.m, I Thomas Manchel, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 8. Mich. 2, m. 66.3. Somerset. — James fitz James and Alianora, his wife, sued William de Montagu, Earl of Salisbury, for the manor of Knolle, llobert de Dray cote, temp. Ed. 1. John. I John. I Simon. .1 Alianora.= James fitz James, the plaintiffs. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 159 Simon de Montagu held the manor by grant of the King made in 18 E. 2. William. Simon. 1 "William. I William, Earl of Salisbury. the defendant. De Banco. Hillary 43. Ed. 3. m. 43. Sussex.— John Lillebon &iied AVilliaui Fifide for a moiety of the manors of Shiremannesbary, Ifeld, and Kyngeston, near Shorham, which John, late Bishop of Chichester, had given to Hugh de Boucy and Agnes, his wife, and heirs of their bodies. Hugh de Boncj'.=i= Agnes, temp. Ed. 2. I r -^ T Sibil. Joan.=pWilliam de Fifide, I I John Lillebon. William de Fifide, the defendant. Chesier Plea Roll. No. 88. 8-9. Ric. 2. m. 11. Cesif rid'. —Ralph de Wilberham (Wilbraham) sued Richard de Leftwich for a moiety of one-sixth of the manor of Leftwich. Richard de=rLettice, daughter of Wilberham. William de \'enables. William. I William. I Ralph de Wilberham, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ric. 2. m. 334. Derb. — Philip de Okore (Okeover) Knight sued Goditha, formerly wife of Ralph de Stathum and others, for the manor of Caldelowe. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Lucy. =p William de la Launde, Kt. John de la Launde,=f=Joan. dead in 3 E. 3. Joan, 1 Matilda. 1 ,- 1 Lucy. Joan. Elizabeth, daughter & heir.= Richard Foljambe, son of Richard Foljambe, ob. s.p. 1 Lucy. Goditha, the defendant. Peter Peyntour. 160 TEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Philip stated that his ancestor, Hugh de Okeover, had given the manor to his daugliter Lucy and to William de la Launde, Kt., and to the heirs male of their bodies, ■with revei^sion to his own right heirs, and that the male issue of \N'illiam and Lucy had failed, and he gave this descent : — Hugh de Okeover. John. I Roger. I Thomas. I Philip de Okeover, Kt., the plaintiff. 1 Lucy.= William de la Launde. William, ob. s.p. John. I Elizabeth, d. s.p. De Bmico. Easter. 4. E. 2, m. 223. Suff. — Robert de Lisula (de Lisle) sued Robert do Ufford for a moiety of the manor of Combes. The plaintiff gave this pedigree : — Geoffrey. I Margaret . Sarra.= Roger, son of Peter fitz Osbert. seised of the manor temp. Hen. 3, ob. s.]). Sarra. I Robert. I Robert. I Warine. I Robert de Lisle, the plaintiff. The defendant gave this pedigree to show he was nearer of kin to Sarra. Bartholomew de Creyke. I Sarra, seised temp. H. 3, ob. s.p. Isabella. i Robert de Valoynes. Robert. Margaret. I Robert de Thorp. I John. I I Robert. i 1 ' I Cecilia. Roes.= John de Thorp. | Edmund de under age. Robert de Pakenham, Ufford, the defendant. Coram Bege. Trinity Term. 2. E. 3. m. 128. Hihemia. — A suit respecting franchises in Trim, claimed by Joan de Mortimer, gives the following descent of the heirs of "Walter de Lacy, living temp. K. John. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 161 Walter de Lacy. Gilbert de Lacy. 1 Matilda. =FGeoffrey de G 1 eynville. "1 Margaret. 1 . Geoffrey, ob. s.p. Peter. Nicholas, ob. s p. John, ob. s.p. Theobald de Verdon. 1 1 1 1 Joan.= Matilda, Beatrice, Roger de a nuu. a nun. Mortimer. Theobald. 1 1 Joan.= Elizabeth.= Thomas de Bartholomew 1 Margery, age. under 1 Isabella, under age. Furuivall. de Burghersli. It will be seen that the Mortimers had inherited the whole of the Geynville (Joinville) fief and a nioiety of the Lacy fief in England and Ireland. In order to effect this the two younger coheiresses of the Geynvilles had been placed in a nunnery. In a subsequent suit (Coram Rege, ISlich, 26, E. 3, m. 64) respecting the manor of Nobyr, co. Meath, claimed by the Archbishop of Armagh, the latter called to warranty the heirs of De Lacy, who were stated to be Joan de Mortimer, Countess of March, Thomas, son of Thomas de Furnivalle, in ward to the King, Bartholomew de JUirghersh and Elizabeth, his wife, Margery de Verdun and Heniy de Ferrers. The pleadings state that Walter de Lacy formerly held the whole of Meath and had enfeoffed one Hugh de Lacy in the manor of Nobyr, and Walter and Hugh had afterwards raised an insurrection against the King and had forfeited their lands, but they had been restored to them by King Henry. Henry de Ferrers was son of Isabella de Verdon. Coram Eeye. Hillary. 6 Kic. 2. m. 45. Ebor. — A suit respecting the inheritance of William dc Cantelupc, who died s.p. in 49 Ed. 3., gives this pedigree : — Nicholas. William. William. I Nicholas. I William. William, ob. s.p., 49 Ed. 3. Joan.=p. . . Hastings. I John. I John. I Laurence. I John. John de Hastings, 4 years old at tho date of the Inqui- sition 49 E. 3, and in the King's custody. Miiicent.=p. . . La Zouche. I William. I Eudo. I William, 60 years of age at date of the Inquisition 49 E. 3. William de la Zouche, the younger. 162 PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Coram Rege. Mich. 7. Ric. 2. vi. 99. Essex. — "William de Belesbv, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Simon AVarde and another for the manors of Little Cheshelle and Bumpstedc. Giles de Argentein. Kt.. temp. E. 2. I' I 1 ' 1 "1 Keginald. Richard, ob. sp. William. Giles, ob. s.p. John. I John. I I , , •-[ Matilda.=i-- Elizabeth. Margaret.-" Ivo Fitz Waryn, Kt. | John Bukeuliam. Baldwin St. George. Giles de Argentein, Kt., gave the manors to his second son Richard and to the heirs of his body, with remainder to Giles, his youngest son, and the heirs of his body. Matilda, formerly wife of Giles de Argentein, Kt., had occupied the manors during the minority of John and Thomas, the sons of John Swynford, but the relationship of the latter is not given. I ^ 1 John Swynford, Thomas. I I John. William, I I John Swyufoid, ob. s.p. Elizabeth.=^ William Belesbv, Kt., the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 8. Ric. 2, in. 321. KoUs. — Baldwyn de Frevylle, Kt., and Thomas Boteller of Sudle, sued Thomas de JStaflford, Kt., and Nicholas de Stafford, Kt., for the manors of Gunthorp and Loudham. Peter de Moutfort. I Johu.=pAlice, daughter of William I de la Plauuche. John. ob. s.p. Peter, ob. s p. Matilda. Elizabeth. I ' . John. Baldwin. I I Joan. Baldwin de Frevylle, I the plaintiff. Thomas Boteller, of Sudle (Sudley), the ijlaintitf. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 163 De Banco. Mick 9. Ric. 2. m. 310. Cornwall. — William Lykhil and Katrine, his wife, sued Otto de Bodrugan and Laurence Halap, for the manoi's of Landyan, Resewyk, Treglestem, and Trevern, claiming under a Fine levied by John, «on of John de Rivers in 56 Hen. 3. John, sou of John ile Rivers, 56 H. 3. I Edmund. I Katrine. = William Lykhil, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 9. JRic. 2. m. 317. Glouc. — Philip de Anne sued the Bishop of Hereford, Thomas Busshe- bury, Clerk, William Barnhurst and others for the next presentation to the church of Westbury. William Myuers, living temp. John. Henry. 1 — — Isabella.= Geoffrey de Lougchamp, gave her purparty to Henry de Bathe by a Fine "levied in 20 H. 3. Elizabeth.= William Qamages. Basilia.-* Pagan de BurghuUe 1 Matthew, ob. s.p. 1 _ Nicholas. Margery.= John Byllyng, presented to the church 43 E. 3. Henry Elizabeth. de Bathe, Hving 20 H. 3. Nicholas. 1 1 Juan. Alina. ob. s.p. 1 Elizabeth. 1 John. 1 r Robert, ob. s p. Philip de Anne, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 8. Ric. 2. m. 303. Somerset. — llichard Seymour sued the Prior of Montacute for the manor of Tyntenhull. Richard Lovell.=pMuriel 11 Ed. 2. James. I Muriel. I Richard Seymour, the plaintiff. 164 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banw. Easter. 8. Ric. 2. m. 311. Devon. — The King sued Margaret, Countess of Devon, for the next presentation to the church of jSIilton Daumarle. John Kuovylle, Kt., temp. Ed. 2. I 1 1 Joau.=Jolm Duyn. Elizabeth.= Thonias=Auiie.=T= Richard de I Peter Achard, enfeoffed Lerce- | Stapleton. John enfeoffed Hugh Hugh, Earl of Devon. dekne. Anne. Courteuay, Earl of and Margaret, his wife, Kt.,lst Devon, and Margaret, the defendant, of her husband, his vvif e,the defendant, jjurparty , of his pur^mrty. De Banco. Easter. 8. Ric. 2. ni. 353. Wilts. — John Langrich and Matilda, his wife, and John Guntier and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Thomas de Hungerford, Chivalcr, and John de AVyndesore for the manors of Asshclegh and Fennysinton, claiming under a Fine levied in 15 K. 3. Ralph de Middelneye.n=Elizabetli. John, 1st husband.=Sibil, d. of JohuT^2nd husband, de Urtiaco. Matilda. == Elizabeth. -^F John Langrich. John Guntier. De Banco. Easter. 8. Ric. 2. m. 373. Kent. — Thomas llaithorp, George de Bursalle, and Thomas Ic AValsh, Kt , sued W^illiam Burcestre, Chivaler, and Margaret, his wife, for the manor of Foxgrove. ■~i Magister Henry de Clyff. John. Henrv, r- Hugh. Isabella (I). Isabella (II). AUcc. Robert. George de Bursalle, Thomas Walsh, I the plaintiff. plaintiff. Thomas Haithorp, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 165 De Banco. Mich. 9. Hie. 2. m. 336. Salo}-). — William de Wolascote sued John le Wright of Lecoii, for land ill Lecou, which Vivian do Roshall had given to Alan le Power and Avice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Alau le Power. ^Avice, temp. Hen. 3. William. I William. I Margerv. I ' William. . I Richard. I William de Wolascote, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 9. Rlc. 2. m. 340. Salojy. — John Say and EUzabeth, his wife, sued Richard Talbot, Chivaler, and Ankeret, his wife, for the manor of Dodyngton, which llalph Botcler and Matilda, his wife, gave to William Boteler, their son, and Ankeret, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Ralph Boteler.^pMatilda. William. =p Ankeret. temp. Ed. 1. L ^ William. I William. I William. I Elizabeth. = John Say, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 9. Hie. 2. m. 358. dor so. Essex. — Walter fitz Wautcr, Kt , sued Andrew Cavendyshe, Kt., and Rose, his wife, for the manor of Pentelowe, which Roger Normaunt, Kt., held of Robert fitz Wauter, great-grandfather of Walter, and whose heir he is, and which should fall to him as his escheat, Roger having left no heir. Robert titz Wauter. temp. Ed. 1. I Robert. I John. Walter fitz Wauter, the plaintiff. 1C6 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The defendant stated that after the death of Roger, William Chamberlyn and Christiana, his wife, Richard Cavendyshe and Juliana, his wife, and John Glomesford and Beatrice, his wife, had entered as heirs of Roger, and they had granted the manor by Fine temp. Ed. 3, to John de Cavendysshe, Kt, whose status Andrew and Rose now held. Verdict for the defendants. De Banco. Mich. 9. Ric. 2. m. 605. Sufolk. — Robert Hotot sued John, the Abbot of St. Oswith, for land in Stowmarket and Eldeneuton. Herlewiue Hotot. I llobert. I Hamou. I Robert. I John. I Robert. I Robert Hotot, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Easter. 9. Hie. 2. m. 336. Leic. — Simon Whit, the elder, sued Henry de Ferrars of Groby, for an illegal distraint. The pleadings state that John de Boys formerly held the manors of Thorpernald, Brentyngby, Aylmersthorp, Claybrokc, Great Petelyng, Brunkynthorp, and Houghton, of the lords of Groby, and give this pedigree of his descendants : — John de Boys, WilHam, Matilda. Joan, ob. s-p. ob. s.p. I Eudo la Zouclie. I William. I William la Zouche, living 9 Kic. 2. Henry had levied the distress because the fealty of William la Zouche and a portion of the quit-rent of the above manors were in arrear. De Banco. Easter. 9. Ric. 2. m. 216. Der&.— Walter, son of John de Stokes, sued John Foucher and Ermetrude, his wife, for land in Twyford and Stemeston, which Walter de Stokes gave to Nicholas, son of the said Walter, and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 167 Walter de Stokes. I ■-] Nichola8,=Joan. Robert, ob. s.p. I John. I Walter de Stokes, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Easter. 9. Ric. 2. m. 302. Suffolk. — Joan de Loudham sued Nicholas de Wychyngham, the Bishop of Norwich, and others, for the next presentation to the church of Bradewell. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Roger fitz Osbert, temp. Henry 3. I Peter, 40 Hen. 3. I ' 1 Roger de Soinerletou,=Katriue. Isabella, ob. s.p. I Peter. John Gernegan.=Joan, the plaintiff, 36 Ed. 3. Ralph de Bradewell, 40 Hen. 3. . I Simon, I Richard, temp. Ed. l.=j=Margaret. Peter de Bradewell, ob. 8.p. Thomas, 30 Ed. 3- De Banco. Easter. 9. Ric. 2. m. 341. Essex. — John Strange and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Roger Keteryth and Agnes, his wife, for land in Felstede and other places, which Matthew, son of John de Stanton, gave to Hervey de Stanton and the heirs of his body, and failing such, to Alexander, son of Ralph de Walsham and the heirs of his body. Alexander, son of Ralph de Walsham, temp. Ed. HI. Alexander. I William, ob. s.p. Elizabeth. = John Strange, the plaintiff. Hervey de Stautou died s.p. temp. E. 2. 168 PEDIGREE^ FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 10. Ric. 2. m. 117 dor so. Northampton. — John de Catesby and Emma, his wife, sued John Huwet and Juliana, his wife, for land in Stanford as right of Emma, which Henry Curson gave to William de Stanford in frankmarriage with Juliana, his sister. William de Stanforcl.=7=Juliana de Curson, I temp. Ed. 1. ■- 1 Petronilla. Joan. I Nicholas. I Robert. I Emma.== John de Catesby, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 9. Ric. 2. vi. 359. Dorset. — Edward Cerne, Chivaler, and Elena, his wife, sued Nicholas Turgys for the next presentation to the church of Nethermelcombe. Philip de Cerne, temp. Henry 3, held the moiety of Upmelcombe, to which the advowson was appurtenant. Henry. John, living=j=Isabella. 13 E. 2. John .=pMargaret . I Edward, tlie plaintiff. Nicholas stated that Ralph Basset of Drayton, held the other moiety and had enfeoffed in it one John IJrounyng, from whom he gave this descent : — John Brounyng. Dionisia. I Nicholas Turgys, the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 10. Ric. 2. ni. 313. Northamiyt. — The King sued Roger Perewyth, Kt., for the next presenta- tion to the moiety of the churches of Midleton and Colyntrc. William de Sibil. Alice. Katrine. Matilda.=f Waltei- FacuuibLige. Patteshulle. | kt., ob. s.p. Thomas, a minor in . _ ward to the King, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS, 169 The defendant gave this descent : — William Malesors held moiety temp. Ed. 1. I r -• William.=i=Gundreda. I John. I Ralph. I Thomas. I Anne.=Roger Perewj-th, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Easter. 9. Ric. 2. m. 349 dorso. Middlesex. — Thomas Charlton and Alice, his wife, sued Alice, formerly wife of William de Wyndesore, Kt., for the manor of Gunnyldebury. Henry de Gloucester, citizen and goldsmith of London. I • 1 1 Thomas, living 8 E. 2, John, Joan, ob. s.p, ob. s.p. I John. I Alice.= Thomas Charlton, the plaintiffs The defendant was Alice Ferrers, formerly mistress of King Edward III. After the King's death she had married Sir William de Windsor, a knight of some distinction, who served as a banneret in France temp. Ric. 2. Chester Plea Roll. No. 89. 9-10. Ric. 2. m. 8. Cestria. — Thomas Fyton of Gouseworth, sued John, son and heir of Roger le Strange of Knokyn, Kt., for the manors of Dunham, near Bondon, Kelshale, and Rudeston, which Hamon de Massey, Kt., held temp. Ed. II. Hamon de Mascy, Cecily, ob. s.p. I Isabella. I Thomas Fyton, the plaintiff. 170 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The defendant gave this pedigree : — Hamon de Mascy. I Cecily. Isabella. I I Richard. Katrine. I i • Hamon. Robert. Joan. Joan.=Robert le Grosvenor, I now living. William, now living. Thomas stated that the two daughters of Hamon were illegitimate. The jury found that Thomas Fjton was the nearest heir of Hamon, and that Cecily and Isabella, the daughters of Hamon de Mascy, were illegitimate. Thomas afterwards, by a deed enrolled, quit-claimed to John, Lord Lestrange, and to his heirs, all his right in the manors of Dunham, Bondon, Altringham, Hole, Kelsale, Budstone, Salghan, and Morton, and the advowson of the Priory of Birkhed, in the County of Cheshire. Dated 4th of April 9 Ric. 2. Chester Plea Roll. Fo. 89. 9-10. Rlc. 2. m. 29. Cestria. — Griffin, son of John de Warenne, sued Roger de Bulkylegh of Broxon and Margery, his wife, for land in Broxon, which Emma, formerly wife of Robert de Pulford, gave to Griffin de Warenne in marriage with Isabella, her daughter. Griffin de Warenne.=plsabell, temp. Ed. 2. I John. I Griffin. I John. I Griffin de Warrenne, the plaintiff. Chester Plea Boll. No. 92. 12-13. Ric. 2. m. 23 dorso. Cestria. — Ughti'ed de Huxley sued Hugh de Calvyley, Chivaler, the younger, for an illegal distress in Codynton. The pleadings shew that Ralph le Boteler and his wife, Hawise, formerly held four carucates of land in Bothem, by gift of Robert le Venour (Grosvenor), and which were held of John de Wyngefeld, Chivaler, as of his manor of Lee by service of one knight's fee. Ralph de Boteler. =pHawise. I Ralph. I Edward le Boteler, Kt, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 17 1 Hawise had enfeoffed Mabel de Calvyley and another in the tenements, with remainder to Hugh de Calvyley, the elder, and his heirs. Mabel had died in 37 E. 3. De Banco. Mich. 11. Ric. 2. m. 586 dorso. Wilts and Somerset. — John Langrich and Matilda, his wife, and John Gunter and Elizabeth, his wife, sued John de Bercle (Berkeley) for the manors of Knolle, Pulteneye, Lorty, and Asshelegh, co. Somerset, and Fenny Sutton, co. Wilts. Ralph de Midclel\veye,=pElizabeth. living 15 E. 3. I John.=T=Sibil, d. of John de Urtiaco, -- 1 John, Matilda.= Elizabeth.= ob. s .p. John Langrich, John Gunter, plaintiffs. plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 10. Bic. 2. ni. 400. Be7'h. — Robert do Lenham sued Richard de Rcstwald for one-third of the manor of Syndlesham. Margaret de Lenham, living temp. E. 2. T 1 1 Richard. Robert. Thomas. John. I I John. Alianora.= I JohnGiffard. ^ Robert de Lenham, the plaintiff. Richai-d claimed by a grant made by John GifFard and Alianora. ^^ '^2<^a<;^ O ^-^(JL^-'«-| De Banco. Easter. 11. Ric. 2. m. 108. Northamp. — John Cope and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Elizabeth, formerly wife of Simon Warde for the manor of Horpol. Robert de Hanstede.=j=Margery. Robert de Hanstede. John. I Elizabeth.= John Cope, . the plaintiffs. 172 PEDIGREES FROM THE n.RA ROLLS. By a fine levied in 2 E. 3, Robert de Hanstede held the manor of Kegworth, co. Leicester, and the manor of Hoipol, co. Northampton, for his life, with remainder to Nicholas, son of Ralph de Crophull and Margery, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Nicholas had d. s.p. A deed executed by the defendant Elizabeth in 5 Ric. 2, gives this pedigree : — Elizabeth. =rSimon Warde, defunctus. Theobalcl.= Matilda. Philippa. Avice, da. of | William de John. Burgh. De Banco. Easter. 11. Ric. 2. ni. 129. Somerset. — Hugh Paveley sued Isabella Pyke and several other tenants for land in Esse, near Mercok, which he claimed by a Fine levied in 34 E. 1. Peter de Boloigne. living 34 E. 1. I Joan. I Hugh Pavelej', the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 11. Ric. 2. m. 525. Dorset. — Hugh de Montfort sued John White, the younger, for land in AVynterborne Martyn, which Robert fitz Payn had given to Nicholas de Montfort and Alianora, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Nicholas de Montfort.=i=Aliauora, da. of Robt. fitz I Payne, temp. Ed. II. Nicholas. I Nicholae!. I Hugh de Montfort, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 11. Ric. 2. m. 562 dorso. CamJyridge. — AValter Tayllebois, Chivaler, sued Roger Heron, Chivaler, and Margaret, his wife, for the manor of Crandene. William Tajlleboi8,=T=Margaret. living 8 E. 2. Henrv. r Walter Taillebois, plaintiff. PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 173 De Banco. Mich. 11. Ric. 2. m. 310. Dorset. — Ralpli Chcyne, Chivaler, and Maurice Russell, Chivaler, sued John de Wyndesore for the manor of Linton and land in Combe, which together with the manor of Bradepole, Thomas de Gorges gave to Ralph de Gorges and Alianor, his wife, and heirs of their bodies. Ralph de Gorges. npAlianor, living temp. Ed. 2. -~i Elizabeth. Alianora. Joan. I I I - Robert, Ralph Russell. Ralph Cheyne, Kt., ob. s.p. I plamtiff. Maurice Russell, Kt., plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 11. Ric. 2. in. 208. Somerset. — John de Montagu sued William Baret and Edith, his wife, and other tenants in Estcamel for lands in Eastcamel, which Richard de Loveny had given to Robert de Montagu and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Robert de Montagu.=rJoan, living temp. Ed. 2. I Nicholas. I Robert.=Joan.^^Will. Banastre, I 2nd husband. John de Montagu, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 11. Ric. 2. m. 307. Beds. — Will. Huggeford, Kt., and Margery, his wife, sued Thomas Broun of Wylden, and Joan, his wife, for land in Wylden. John de Pabenham seised of the=T=Joan. manor of Wylden, temp. E. 2. I ri 1 John, ob. s.p. James. Edmund. r— ' William Huggeford, Kt ,^=Margery, daughter and heir of James, the plaintiffs. 174 tEDlGREES FROM TlIE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 11. Ric. 2. m. 308 dorso. Hertford. — Robert Rikedone sued Thomas Aylesbury and Isabella, his wife, for lands in Pynton and Ikelford, which Hugh dc Oddyngeselles, Kt., had given to Robert le Poer and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Robert le Poer.^Joan, living temp. Ed. IIL Robert. I Heury, ob. a.^j. Elizabeth. I Robert de Rikedoue, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 11. Ric. 2. m. 3.58. Devon. — Osbert Hamelyn and Matilda, his wife, sued Thomas Bercle (Berkeley), Chivaler, for the next presentation to the church of Tettecote. William Pypard. Margaret.= Matilda.= Warine de Lisle, Kt. Osbert Hamelyn, I the plaintiffs. Margaret.= Thomas Bercle, Kt., the defendants. De Banco. Mich. 12. Ric. 2. m. 424. Hertford. — Nicholas de Mymmes sued Walter atte More of London, and Katharine, his wife, for the manor of Northmymmes, called Mymraeshal. John de Mymmes,=pJoan. living temp. E. 2. I 1 '■ 1 Thomas, William, Hugh, ob. s.p.m. ob. s.p.m. | Nicholas de Mymmes, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 12. Ric. 2. m. 472. Derh. — Robert Dayncourt (Deyncourt) sued Nicholas dc Goufchulle, Kt. for the next presentation to the church of White well. PEDIGREES FROM TEIE PLEA ROLLS. 175 Robert de Meynill. Isabella, presented temp. H. 3, ob. s.p. Emma. I Mathew, presented temp. H. 3, ob. s.p. Edward, ob. s.p. Matilda, presented temp. H. 3. I John. I Walter. I Thomas Goushull, presented temp. E. 3. Nicholas de Gou.s- hulle.the defendant. Cecil}'. Nigel. I Oliver. I .John, presented temp. E. 2. I Nicholas, whoenfeofFed Thomas Gou.shulle of his purpart}', who en- feoffed William Deyn- court, the grandfather of the plaintiff. William Deyncourt. I Robert. Robert Deyncourt, the plaintiff. 1 Cecily. I Adam. I Adam presented temp. H. 3, I Adam, presented temp. E. 1, and enfeoffed Ralph de Kye of his purpar ty , who had a son Ralph. De Banco. Mich. 1 2. Ric. 2. 550. Essex. — William, son of John GifFard, sued Geoffrey Brokhole and Elena, his wife, for land in Great Sampford, which Robert de Roos gave to William Giffixrd and Ralph GifFard, and the heirs of the body of Ridph. Ralph Giffard, temp. E. 1. i John. I William Giffard, the jjlaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 12. Ric. 2. m. 425. Devon. — The Prior of Plympton sued Roger Dieghere and Margery, his wife, to acquit him of the service which James de Audeley, Kt., exacted from him for a carucate of land in Dene. Isabella de Hode granted the land to the Priory in free alms in 32 E. 1. William. I Roger, Margery.^Roger Dieghere, the defendants. 176 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Be Banco. Mich. 12. Ric. 2. m. 425. dorso. Comuhia. — Richard, son of Richard de Podyford of Trevythik, sued Michael de Trewenuelet and others for land in Penteman. Richard de Podyford. Richard. I Stephen.=j=Margaret, d. of John de Sergeaus. Richard. I r -J- -, James, ob. s.i). Richard de Podj'ford, the i^laiutiff. Be Banco. Easter. 12. Ric. 2. m. 341. Norf. — Thomas de Saweston and Elizabeth, his wife, William Curson and Margaret, his wife, John Curson and Alice his wife, and Henry Roberdes and Agnes his wife, sued Warine Smyth, the Vicar of Runhale, for one- third of the manor of Fourhowe-Carleton, which Constantine de Mortimer, Kt., had given to William de Carleton and Matilda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. William de Carleton.=f=Matilda. r ^ -, William, ob. s.p. Philip. I John, Elizabeth = Margaret. = Alice = Agnes.= ob, s.ji. Thonia.s de William de John Henry Sawestou. Curson. Curson. Roberdes. Be Banco. Mich. 12. Ric. 2. m. 122. Bucks — Richard Talbot, Chivaler, sued Nicholas de Stafford and the other executors of the Earl of Stafford, for the manor of Policote. I ■ 1 Gilbert Talbot. Thomas. I Richard. =7=Elizabeth, temp. Ed. 2. Gilbert. I Richard Talbot, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Mich. 12. Ric. 2. m. 136. Wainvick. — John, son of John de Shepeye, Kt. (militis), sued Elizabeth Warde for twelve messuages and two carucates of land in Amynton, which William, son of Robert de Shepeye, Kt. (miles), gave to Roger de Conyngesby for his life, temp. Ed. 1, with remainder to William, son of Robert de Shepeye, and Mary, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 177 Robert de Shepeye. . J \Vi lliam . =7=Mary. I John. I John, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 12. Ric. 2. m. 139. Suffolk.— llw^h Burnell, Kt., and Joyce, his wife, sued Isabella, formerly wife of Hugh Segrave, Kt., for the manor of Great Bradelegh, which .loan Buttetort of Weolcgh, gave to John Buttetourt, her son, and to Joyce, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and which should descend to them as right of Joyce, the daughter of John and Joyce. John Buttetourt, son of Joan. John. =T= Joyce. Joyce .=Hugh Burnell, Kt., the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 12. Ric. 2. m. 339. Southampt. — Margaret, formerly wife of John de la Mare, sued William de Weston for the manor of Norton, near Aulton. James de Norton, living 14 E. 2. Peter, ob. s.p.m. Thomas, ob. s.p.m. Avice. William. William de Weston, the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 13. Rich. '1 ?n, 126. Southampt. — John, son of Alan de Sutton, sued Henry Yakesle and Cecily, his wife, for land in Craule, Upsumbourne, and Romeseye, which he claimed under a Pine levied 10 E. 2 between Richard, son of Richard de Sutton, and Robert Gerebord. Richard de Sutton. i Richard, living 10 E. 2. I Alan. I John, the plaintiff. 178 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 13. Ric. 2. m. Somerset. — Alice, formerly wife of Thomas West, Kt., sued Joan, formerly wife of Edmund Fitz Herbert, for the manor of Shipton Malet. Reginald, son of Reginald, living temp. E. 1. I Herbert. I Reginald. I I Edmund fitz Herbert, =Joan. Alice, ob. s p. plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 13. Eic. 2. m. 139 dorso. Oxon. — Roger de la Chambre and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Louis Grynel and Margaret, his wife, and William Grynel and Joan, his wife, for the manor of Drayton, near Hanewell, which Thomas de Arderne of Rottelye, Chivaler, gave to Thomas de Arderne of llanewelle, Chivaler, and Roes, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Thomas de Arderne.=j=Roes. I Thomas. I Thomas. I Thomas. I Jonn. Elizabeth, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Trinity. 12-13. Ric. 2. m. 409. Dorset. — John Grede sued Guy de Briene, Chivaler, for land in Haselbere and for a moiety of the advowson of the church of Haselbere. John Ive.=pIdonia, living 11 Ed. 2. r -r -^ 1 Alice. Thomas. =Isabella, daughter of Matilda, I Stephen de Abyngdon, ob. s.p. Lucj'. ob. s.p. John Grede, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 12-13. Ric. 2. m. 432. Kent. — Kobcrt Dane sued Thomas Holbein and Matilda, his wife, for the next presentation to the church of Eghethorne. John Bovedon. I I 1 Margery .= Mabel. John Bovedon, John Wychtryng, I ob. s.p., temp, temp. Ed. 3. | Ed. 3. Matilda.= Joan, ob. s.p. Thomas Holbein. fEDlGREES FtlOM THE PLEA llOLLS. 179 De Banco. Mich. 13. Ric 2. m. 427. Ebor. — William, sou of John Bernevylle, sued Hugh, son of Hugh le Despencer, Kt., for the manor of Kelyngthorpe, which Thomas de Freville had given to Robert de Lascy and Elena, his wife, A.D. 1314, for life of Robert, with remainder to Roger, son of the said Thomas, and the heirs of his body, and failing such to Nicholas, brother of Roger, and his heirs for ever. Thomas de Freville. I Roger, ob, s.p. Nicholas, ob. s.p. Margaret.=i=John de Bernevylle. I William de Bernevylle, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 12. Hie. 2. m. 263. Gloiic. — John Crook of Olveston, sued the Prior of Bath and others for the next presentation to the church of Olveston. William Croke. Walter, held the manor of^Hawise. Olveston, called Crokes- court, and the advowsou | of the church, temp. E. 1. 1 Peter, presented to the church, temp. E. 1. I Isabella. ! Peter. I . . John Crook, the plaintiff. The Prior pleaded that the advowson was appurtenant to the Priory manor of Olveston and not to Crook's manor of Olveston, and the jury found in his favour. De Banco. I'rinity. 12. Ric. 2. m. 269. Glouc. — Richard Whitynton and Robert Whitynton sued John, Bishop of Hereford, for the next presentation to the church of VVestbury. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — William Myners seised of the manor and advowson, temp. K. John. i Henry. Isabella.= Geoffrey de Longchamps, and enfeoffed Henry de Bathe of her purparty by a Fine levied 20 H. 3, see below. Mathew Gamage, ob. 8. p. Elizabeth. = William Gamage, temp. H. 3. Basilia.'^^ Roger de Bourghulle, enfeoffed the Bishop of Hereford of her purparty. Niciiolas Gamage, of Leye. Mai-gery.^^ John Bill vug. living 40 E. 3. ' Elizabeth. Joan. 180 PEDlGREiiS FROM THE tLEA HOLLS. Henry de Bathe, living 20 H. 3. I Nicholas, presented 8 E. 1. Alice, ob. s.p., htvd enfeoffed =^ Robert de Sfapy, Kt. Eliziibcth. Ilichard 'J'albot, Kt., of her I purparty in 11 E. 3, and John de Anne. Richard had issue Gilbert I Talbot. I Robert de Anne, ob. s.p., Philip de Anne had enfeoffed the temp. E. 3. plaintiffs of his purparty. The plaintiff Richard was probably the famous Lord Mayor of London of that name. See also a previous suit of Mich. 9 liic. 2. (Vol. xiii, pp. 243, 244.) De Banco. Trinity. 1 2. Ric. 2. m. 1 1 G. Suffolk. — Robert Carbonell, Chivaler, sued Margaret, formerly wife cf Walter de Norwich, Chivaler, for the manor of Dalyngho which John de Boville had given to William, his son, and the heirs of his body. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — John de Boville. I William. I John. I Margaret. I Robert Carbonell, the plaintiff. John de Norwich, Chivaler. I Walter.=Margaret, the defendant. I John de Norwich. De Banco. Trinity. 12. Ric. 2. m. 137. Glouc. — John Flambaud sued William Grynell of Chcpyng Caumpedou, for the manor of Shesencote and the advowson of the church. William Flambaud. =T^Matilda. John. Katrine, t John Flambaud, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 1 3. Rich. 2. m. 95. Kent. — Peter de Courtenay and Margaret, his wife, sued Juliana, daughter of Robert Bealknape, Chivaler, for the manor of Gamelegeye and twenty marks rent in Toft and Morden, and the advowson of Landbeche and a moiety of the advowson of Gamelegeye. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 181 John (le Drokenesford, Philip, brother ami heir, living 30 E. 1, ob. s.p. | Mary. I John. I Margaret.== Peter de Courtenay, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Trinity. 13. Ric. 2. m. 101. Southnmpt. — A suit for an illegal distress in Froille shews that Hugh de Ernham was Forester of the Bailiwick of Bagshote, in the forest of Windsor, and was seised of 100 acres of land in Froille by the service of castle guard at Windsor, temp. Ed. 1. Hugh de Ernham. I William. Eli'a.^, Henry, ob. s.p. Joan, ob. s.p. Alice, sister and heir. De Banco. Trinity. 13. Ric. 2. m, 116. Warxv. — The King sued Geoffrey Brokhole, Chivaler, Leonard Worthyn and another, for the next presentation to the church of Manccstre (Mancetter) which he claimed by the forfeiture of Edmund de Manccstre, who had been outlawed in co. Wilts in 21 Ed. 3, Edmund holding in fee by a grant of Guy de Manccstre in 10 Ed. 3. The defendants gave this descent : — John de Manccstre. I Guy, who enfeoffed Edmund Trussell, who re-enfeoffed Guy and Cecilia, his wife, long before the outlawry. I 1 i Alice. Margaret. Lucj'. i i . I Geoffrj' Brokhole. Rose, dau. and heir^Leonard Peter. of Margaret. Worthyn. | Peter Prylle, under age. Edmund Trussell and Edmund de IMancestre must be identical. De Banco. Trinity. 13. Ric. 2. m. 139. Leic. — Henry Jordan and .loan, his wife, sued Hugh Grenham and others for land in Foxton which William Meignylle and Agnes, his wife, gave to Joan Bassett and the heirs of her body. 182 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Joan Basset. I l{oger. I William, I Roger. I Joan.=Henry Jordan, the plaintiils. De Banco. Trinity. 13. Ric. 2. m. 295. Southampt. — The King sued Ralph de Wolverstone and William de Echeneswelle for the next presentation to the church of Gatecumbe. The King's attorney gave this pedigree : — Robert de Hanstede, John de Lisle of Gateumbe, seised temp. E. 2, brother and heir, ob. s.p. I John. John, ob. s.p. Leonard. I Thomas de Lisle, under age and in ward to the King. The defendants gave this pedigree : — Raldwine de Lisle,=pMatilda Esturc held the manor^=Robert de Hanstede, first husband, | temp. H. 3, in cajnte. second husband. i John. I John. John de Lisle. Leonard. , — 1 ^_, John, ob. s.p, Nicholas, ob. s.p. Thomas, now living. The defendants stated that the manor was held of the Honour and Castle of Caresbroke in the Isle of Wight, and not in capite of tlie King, for the King had given it to his daughter Isabella, who married Ingelram de Coucy, late Earl of Bedford, and Ingelram de Coucy had sold the marriage of Thomas, son of Leonard, to Ralph, the defendant. De Banco. Easter. L3. Ric. 2. m. 299. Notts. — John Longspee and Sibil, his wife, sued Hugh Crescy and Elizabeth, his wife, for the manor of Oulecotes, which Edmund Crescy gave to Robert Russel and Cecilia, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 183 Robert Russe].=i=Cecilia, temp. Ed. 3. t Robert. I 1 Edmund, ob. s.p. Sibil, sister and heir. The defendants called to warranty Hugh Cressy, son and heir of John Cressy, Kt., who was under age. De Banco. Trinity. 6. Ric. 2. m. 454. Somerset. — John Forester sued James Durburgh for the manor of Aldmandesworth. Gilbert de la Putte, seised of the manor, temp. E. 2. I • Robert. I Hugh. I Isabella. I John Forester, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 14. Ric. 2. m. 370 dorso. Staff. — William Greftyth sued Roger Hillary and Margaret, his wife, for land in Ijentelcye which Edmund de Somerville had given to John de Bentelyc and to the heirs of his body, temp. Ed, 1. John de Benteley, temp. E. 1. John. John. lilena. I I Vrilliam, ob. s.p. William Greffj-th, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 14. Ric. 2. m. 406. Devon. — Nicholas de Audeley, Kt., sued Joan, formerly wife of Ralph Basset, for one-third of the manor of Tavstok. The pleadings state that Loretta, formerly Countess of Leicester, had held the manor and gave it to iier niece, Matilda, daughter of her brother William de Brause. Matilda, d. of William de Brause. I Joan. I William lilartin, Kt.=f=Margaret. -~\ Alianora. =^ Joan. Philip de | Columbars, James de Audeley. ob. s.p. • I Nicholas de Audeley, the plaintiff. 184 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Joan Basset's title was derived from a Fine levied in 8 E. 3. by Philip de Columbars and Alianora, by which the manor was settled on Philip and Alianora for their lives, with remainder to Ralph Basset, the younger, and Alesia, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. De Banco. Easter. 14. Ric. 2. m. 305, Devon. — The King sued John Fillol and another for the next presenta- tion to the church of Stoke Coyland. Ingelram le Walsshe held the=pHawi8e. manor of Stoke Coyland and the advowson by gift of Ralph de Stoke, temp. Henry 3. I John le Walsshe. , I [ . . . ] 1st wife. =r Roger. =j= Joan. 2nd wife. ■ p J L . _, John. Margaret.=^John Fillol, I the defendant. Joan, who was under age and in ward to the King, her father having held the manor of Lang- ton in Purbik, of the King in capite. John Fillol claimed by a feoffment made by Roger le Walsshe. De Banco. Easter. 14. Ric. 2. m. 484. Northampt. — "William Doyly sued Baldewino Bereford, Kt., and others, for the next pi-esentation to the church of Hynton. William, son of Henry de Hynton,=p Agnes, held Hynton, 10 E. 3. r Thomas, Elizabeth. Richard, ob. s p. I ob. s.p. Isabella.=William Doyly, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 14. Ric. 2. m. 307. Cambridge. — Walter Tayllebois,Kt., sued Roger Heron, Kt , and Margaret, his wife, for the manor of Crandene and lands in Amyngton, Malketon, and other places, which Thomas de Egesclif gave to William Tayllebois and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. E. 2. William Tayllebois. =f Margaret. I Henry. Walter, the plaintiff. See also a previous suit of Mich. 11 Ric. 2 (Vol. xiii, p. 252). PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 185 De Banco. Mich. 14. Ric. 2. m. 108. Ebor.— Kdnnind de Hothom sued John Godard, Kt., for a messuage and two carucates of land in Hoton Crauncewyke, which Geoft'rey de Hothom, Kt., had given to Richard de Hothom, his son, temp. E. 2, Geoffrey, living 12 Ed. 2. Richard. I Thomas. I Edmund de Hothom, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 14. Ric. 2. m. 307. Essex. — Laurence Trussell and Matilda, his wife, sued Elizabeth, formerly wife of John de Gildesburgh, Kt., for a moiety of the manor of Weynton, and lands and rents in Alvythele which William Gernet gave to Henry Gernet and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Henry Gernet.=T=Joan. Matilda. Margery. Matilda. =^ Laurence Trussell, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 14. Ric 2. m. 552. Westmoreland. — Henry Warthecope sued Thomas Strikeland and Elizabeth, his wife, for land in Warthecope which Kichard de Warthe- cope gave to Henry, his son, and the heirs of his body, temp. E. 2. Henry, son of Richard de Warthecope. I William. Henry. Kichard, Thomas, ob. s.p. Verdict for the plaintiff. Henry, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ric. 2. m. 601 dorso. Line, and Oxo7i. — Antony de Spanneby sued Richard Goldesburgh, Kt., and Alice, formerly wife of Thomas de Melsa, Kt., and William de Somerby, for the manor of Billingeye, County Lincoln, and a moiety of Bampton Doylly, County Oxon. John de Melsa. =j=Joan, 15 E. 2. I Thomas,= Alice. John, Elizabeth. ob. s.p. ob 8. p. I Antony de Spanneby, the plaintiff. 186 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS- De Banco. Mich. 14. R!c. 2. m. 110. Wanvick. — Thomas, Earl Marshal, and Earl of Nottynghani, sued William Moners, Chivaler, and Christiana, his wife, for the manor of Weston, near Chiryton, which John Segrave had given to John, his son, and the heirs of his body, temp. E. 2. John de Segrave. r -^ n John, temp. Ed. 2. Stephen. I I John, John, ob. s.p. I Elizabeth. I Thomas, Earl Marshal, the plaintiff. This suit corrects some inaccuracies in the pedigree of Segrave in the Historical Peerasjes. De Banco. Mich. 14. Ric. 2. m. 459. Ehor. — John Constable, of Frismersk, Chivaler, sued William Constable, of Catfosse, for the manor of Flotmanby, near Folketone, which William Constable the elder gave to Fulk, his brother, and to the heirs of his body, from whom he gave this descent : — Fulk, brother of William Constable. I John . =pElizabeth, \_ John. Fulk, temp. 9 E. 3. John. William, the defendant. I John Constable, the plaintiff. William claimed by a grant of Elizabeth, formerly the wife of John Constable, the proavia of the plaintiff, who gave the manor to Fulk, her son, and he was the son of the said Fulk. De Banco. Easter. 14. Hie. 2. m. 218 dorso. Line. — William de Crosby and Elizabeth, his wife. Bald wine W^irley and Isabella, his wife, and Riehai'd Kinalton and Margaret, his wife, sued William de Croxton for land in Welburn which Henry de Lenton had given to Walter, son of Walter de Gloucestre, and Elizabeth, daughter of Geoffrey Lotrell (Luttrell), and the heirs of the body of Elizabeth, temp. E. 2. Walter de Gloucester,=j=Elizabeth. son of Walter. Walter, John, ob s.p. I I 1 ■ 1 Elizabeth.= Isabella.= Margaret. = William de Crosby. Baldwine Wirley. Kichard Kinalton. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 187 De Banco. Easter. 1 4. Ric. 2. vi. 75 dorso. Southampton. — Gilbert de Esteneye sued John Beek and Matilda, his wife, for land in Milton, which Gilbert Lovell had given to Philip de Ksteneyo and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. E. 2. Philip rle Esleneye.=f=Alice. I Gilbert. I Philip. Gilbert de Esteneye, the plaintiff. Verdict for Gilbert. De Banco. Mich. 14. Bic. 2. m. 139. Kent. — Nicholas do Weston and Joan, his wife, sued John Blyklynge and another for the manor of Ifelde. Ralph de Hevre,=f=Hawi8e. living temp. E. 1. I I " : 1 Thomas. Joan. I I Margaret. i 1 ' I Edward, Richard. John, ob. s.p. I ob. s.p. Joan." Nicholas de Weston, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Faster. 14. Bic. 2. m. 209. Devon — John Holond, Earl of Huntingdon, sued Warine Lercedekene, Kt., and another for the next presentation to the church of Hamme St. Geoi-ge. Manger de Seint Aubyn, seised of the manors of Overhamme and Nether Hamme, or Hamme St. George, temp. E. 2. I I 1 Joan. Jordan Haccombe,=j=I,sabella.=Robert Cruwes, Kt. 1st husband. 2ud husband. I Cecilia .= John Lercedekene, Kt. John and Cecilia had settled the manors on John, brother of Odo Lercedekene, and the heirs of his body, and from John they descended to Ilenrv, liis son, who was under age, and in ward to the Earl, ] 88 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ru:. 2. w. 223 dorso. Essex. — Richard Home and Elizabeth, his wife, and Thomas de Hoo, sued Cecily, formerly the wife of William Left, for the manor of Chishulle, which Simon, son of Michael de Furnewes, and Cecily, his wife, gave to Thomas de Seintomer and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp E. 2. Thomas de Seiutomer=rA]ice. (St. Omer). | William. I Thomas. Alice. Elizabeth, the plaintiff.- liichard Home. De Banco. Mich. 17. Ric. 2. m. 281 dorso. Salop. — John Chetwjmd sued Elizabeth, formerly wife of Nicholas de Audeley, Kt., for two parts of the manor of Great Aston, which James de Audeleye had given to Geoffrey de Thorp and Alice, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Geoffrey de Thorp.=i= Alice. I Edmund. I Thomas. "William. William, John Chetwynd, ob. s p. the plaintiff. The suit shews that the Thorps and Chetwynds were of the same stock, De Banco. Mich. 1 5. Ric. 2. m. 606. Surrey.— James Hotiller, Earl of Ormond, sued John Walter, clerk, and William CothuU for the next presentation to the church of Shire. Edmund le Hotelier (joroavus), temp. Ed. 1. I James, Earl of Ormond, =f=Alianora. presented 3 E. 3. I James. James Botiller, the plaintiff. The Kings Edward I and II had presented during the minority of the first James. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ric. 2. m. 240. Devon.— Yixlk fitz Fulk Fitz-Waryn sued Roger Hillary and Margaret, his wife, and John Tochet for two parts of the manor of Touwestoke (Tavistoke). PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 189 Nicholas de Thomas. Rodeland. James. Margaret. =R()ger Joan. Audelej'. H illary. | John. I John Tochet, the defendant. Margaret Audley had married for a first husband a fitz Waryne, and Fulk gave this descent from her : — Fitz Waryn 1st husband.=i=Margaret.=Roger Hillary. I Fulk fitz Waryn. Fulk fitz Fulk fitz Waryn, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 15. Ric. 2. m. Sussex. — Henry de Percy, Earl of Northumberland, sued Thomas Chambrelayn for a moiety of the manor of Hesshete which William de Percy had given to Henry, his brother, and the heirs of the body of Henry, temp. Ed. 1, and which should revert to him, Henry having left no issue. William de Percy, the donor, Henry, ob. s.p. living temp. E. 1 . Henry. I Henry. Henry. I Henry de Percy, the plaintiflP. De Banco. Easter. 15. Ric. 2. m. 291. Essex. — Thomas le Band}' sued the Abbot of Coggeshale for the manor of Tillyngham. William le Bandy seised of^pJoan. the manor 9 Ed. 3. ! ■-\ John. William. William, living 37 E. 3, ■ I . Thomas le Bandy, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 1 5. Ric. 2. ni. 390. Dorset. — Richard KnoUes sued John Strange for land in Bradeford, of which Alianora Knolles was seised temp. Ed. 3, 190 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Alianora. I Baldwin. I Roger. I Richard Knolles, tlie plaintifT. De Banco. Easter. 1 5. Ric. 2. m. Essex. — Thomas Colriche sued Henry Cokham, clerk, and Thomas White, clerk, for the manor of Wykford. RoUand de Wykford, seised 17 Ed. 3. William, Robert, Elizabeth. ob. s.p. ob. s p. I Thomas Colriche, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 15. Ric. 2. m. 389. Northampt. — Robert Charles, Chivaler, sued John la Warre, Chivaler, and others, for the manor of Milton. Edward Charles.=pAlice, living 2 E, 2. William, Robert, Edmund. Edward, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I Edward. I Robert Charles, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ric. 2. m. 250. Dorspt. — Ralph Cheyne, Kt., and Maurice Russel, Kt., sued John de Wyndesore for the next presentation to the church of l.ntton. Ralph de Gorges (temp. E. 2).=f=AHanora. Elizabeth. Alianora. Joan. I I I Robert de Asshton, Ralph. Ralph Cheyne, Kt., ob. s p. I the plaintiif. Maurice Russell, the plaintiff. Robert de Asshton had alienated his purparty of the manor to Alice Perers, the late King's mistress, and she had married William de Wyndesore. The relationship of John de Wyndesore to William i^5 not given. See also suit of Mich. 11 Rich. 2 at p. 173. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 191 De Banco. Easter. 16. Ric. 2. m. 136. Devon. — Richard Holiwill sued the Abbot of Tavystoke for lands in Hurdewik and Milton. Laurence, son of A mode {nic) depAvice. Wyke, seised lenip E. 2. | Walter. John, uncle I and heir. John, ob. s.p. Laurence, ob. s.p. Richard Holiwill, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 16. Ric. 2. m. 339. Hunts. — Thomas Grendale sued Nicholas de Styvecle, Kt., and others, for lands in Copmanford and Upton, and he sued William Moigne, Kt., and Mary, his wife, for two-thirds of the manor of Beaumcys in Sautre. Kobert de Beaumeys. I ^ 1 William de Beaumeys. Margaret. I ; I John.npJuliaua. Cecily. ! I I ' 1 1 1 1 Thoma.s (Jrendale, John de Beaumeys, Robert, Henry, Agnes, Juliana, the plaintiff. ob. s.p. ob s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. De Banco. Easter. 16. Ric 2. m. 208. Somerset. — John, son of .lohn Ralegh, Chivalpr, sued William Dole and other tenants in Yevelchestre for lands and rents whicli Gilbert Uuifra- vyle gave to Hugh de Ralegh and the heirs of his body. Hugh de Ralegh. John. I Peter. I John, John Ralegh, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 16. Ric. 2. m. 335. Ebor. — Reginald de Everyngham sued Walter de Burton and Isabella, his wife, for the manor of Havercroft. Adam de Everyngham, the elder, 12 E. 3. Nicholas (held the Adam (the Robert. Edmund. Alexander, manor for his life). younger). I Reginald Everyngham, the plaintiff 192 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 16. Ric. 2. m. 375. Bucks. — John de Broghton sued John Wode and Matilda, lii« wife, for a messuage in Broghton which Ralph de Broghton, his j^'oavus, had given to Simon de Mersheton and the heirs of his body, and which should revert to him, Simon's issue having failed. Ralph de Broghton, temp. E. 1, Ralph. I Robert. I John de Broghton, the plaintiflE. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ric. 2. m. 602. Staff. — Henry Broun and Alice, his wife, sued William Yolbrugge for land in Roidegh (Rowley) which Philip de Roulcgh had given to Walter de IJradley and the heirs of his body, temp. Ed. 1. Walter de Bradley. I Thomas. I John. I Alice.=Henry Eroun, the plaintiffs. Henry Broun was one of the Prothonotaries of the Court, and had married Alice, the heiress of the Bradleys of Bradley, co Staftbrd. De Banco. Mich. 15. Ric. 2. m. 672. Staff. — John de Aylesbury, Chivaler, and John Knyvet sued Richard I>asset, and John Clysseby and Aliauora, his wife, for the manors of Weldon and Weston., and the advowson of the Priory of La Launde. Ralph Basset, of Weldon. I I ; ' i 1 Ralph Ba8set,=Joan, d. of Ricliard Joan. Alianora. ob. s.p. de la Pole. | | John de Aylesbury, John Knyvet, Kt., the plaintiff. plaintiff. De Banco. Easte7\ 16. Ric. 2. m. 209. Wygorn. — Roger Wasteneys sued John de Okedene, clerk, and two others, for lands and rents in Wolvardele which Ralph de Pycheford had given to Geoffrey Wasteneys and Aliauora, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THK PLEA ROLLS. 193 Geoffrey Wastenevs. I . Malcnliue. I William. Roger Wasteneys, the plaintiff. The defendants called to warranty Thomas Hungerford, Kt. De Banco. Easter. 17. Ric. 2. m. 119. Cornwall. — The King sued John Penrys, Chivaler, and Margaret, his wife, for the next presentation to the church of St. Edwin, near Redruth. William Basset, Chivaler. I Thomas. I William. I .John, under age, and in ward to the King. De Banco. Easter. 1 7. Ric. 2. m. 386. Novthampt. — Klena Tewe, John Sutton, and Elizabeth, his wife, sued John, the Bishop of Lincoln, and others, for the next presentation to the moiety of the church of Tansovere. Richard Tyndale, presented temp. Ed. 1. Robert. I William, temp. Ed. 2. I Robert. .1 Elias. I John. Elena. =[ . . . ] Tewe. Elizabeth.=John Sutton. De Banco. Mich. 17. R!c. 2. m. 497. Warwick. — John de Montford sued Thomas Boteller, Kt, for the manor of Whitchurch, claiming under a Fine levied in 20 Ed. 2 by Peter, son of John de Montfort, by which the manor was settled on John, the son of Lora de Ulnhale and the heirs of his body. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — John, son of Lora, living 20 E. 2. I Baldwin. I John de Montford, the plaintiff. 194 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Peter de Montfort. .Tohn.=f= Alice, daughter of William I de la Plauuche. r- John, Peter Elizabeth.— :Mati!da.= ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Baldwin Freville. Bartholomew de Sudele. I I Baldwin. John. I , I Baldwni. Joan. I I Baldwin. Thomas Boteller, Kt. the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 17. Rie. 2. m. 530. Ebor. — Roger de Ledes, Chivaler, sued Stephen Lescrope, Chivaler, and Milicent, his wife, for an illegal distress in the manor of Bentley. John Tybtoft. I Robert. I Milicent.= Margaret. Elizabeth. Stephen Lescrope. De Banco. Mich. 17 Eic. 2. m. 103. Surrey. — William Changelton sued Adam Pynkhurst for the manor of Felde, which John Kyngesnode had given to John Marchall and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. John Marchall. =f=Joan, temp. Ed. 3. I 1 John, Andrew, ob. s.p. I V.'illiam de Changelton, the plaintiff. The reader will note the change of surname. De Banco. Mich. 17 Ric. 2. m. 428 clorso. Cornwall. — William Lokhnll and Katrine, his wife, sued Margaret, formerly wife of John de Montagu, Chivaler, for the manor of Landyan. John Ryvers, temp. Hen. 3. John. I Edmund. Katrine. =^William Lokhull, the plaintiif.s. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 195 De Banco. Easter. 17 Ric. 2. m. Ill Suffolk. - io\\\\ de Pilkynton, Chivaler, and Margaret, his wife, sued Ediiuind Nove, Cliivaler, ar.d Isabella, his wife, for the manor of Stanstede. Johu de Verdou.=r Agnes, living temp. Ed. 3. Edmund. I Margaret. =John de Pilkiugton, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 17. Ric. 2. m. 179. Sussex. — Henry, son of Mark Husee, sued Henry Husee, Chivaler, for one-third of the manor of Hertyng, which William Paynell and Matilda, his wife, gave to Henry, son of Matthew Husee, and the heirs of his body. Henry, son of Mathew Husee, temp. Hen. 3. I Henry. I Henry. I Mark. I Henry Husee, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 17. Ric. 2. m. 306. dorso. Rutland. — Joan, formerly wife of Nicholas Grene, sued Nicholas Taillour, of Exton, for land in Exton which had been held of David, Earl of Huntingdon, and which she claimed as an escheat, being the heir of the said David. David, Earl of Huntingdon, temp. Hen. 3. i Henry. David. I Isabella. I Bernard. I Bernard. I Bernard. I Johu. I Joan, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 17-18. Ric. 2. m. 288. Leicester. — Anketine Houby sued Richard de Assheby and Elizabeth, formerly wife of Richard Vylers, and John Grym, of Brokesby, and 196 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS- • others, for forcibly abducting from Sutton, John, the son and heir of Richard Vylers, whose marriage belonged to him, liis father having held the manor of Brokesby of him by the service of a knight's fee. W'alter Houby. Anketine. I Alice. I Anketine Houby, the plaintiff. The defendants pleaded that the manor was held of the King in capite, as of the Honour of Chester, and they held the custody of the heir by grant of the King dated 15 Ric. 2. De Banco. Hillary. 18. Ric. 2. m. 130. Bucks. — Alan Boteler, Chivaler, and Juliana, his wife, sued Richard Morteyn for the manor of Tyrefeld. Thomas Morteyn, living-=Margaret. Gilbert. 18 E. 3, ob. s.p". I Juliana :=Alan Roteler, Kt., the plaintiffs. De Banco. Trinity. 17-18. Ric. 2. m. 219. Devon — William Malherbe, of Fyneton, sued Henry Salter for land in Fyneton which John Malherbe had given to Henry Sully and Joan, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, and which should revert to him, the issue of Henry and Joan having failed, and he gave these pedigi'ees : — Henry Sully. =|=Joan. John Malherbe, I the donor. William. | I William. John Sully, j ob. s.p. Geoffrey. 1 Thomas. I William Malherbe, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 17-18. Ric. 2. m. 266. Somerset. — Robert Martyn sued Thomas Beaupeny and others for the manor of Wydecombe, which Robert, son of Nicholas Martyn gave to Edmund Martyn and heirs of his body, and which should revert to him as heir of the donor, the issue of Edmund having failed. Nicholas Martyn. I Robert, son of Nicholas, the donor, temp. E. 1. I Nicholas. I Robert. I Robert Martyn, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 197 De Banco. Hillary. 18, Ric. 2. m. 137 dorso. Sussex. — ]^ngh. Bures and John Norton sued Godfrey dc Hay and Isabella, his wife, for lands and rents in Hamuies and x\ngemeryng, which John Palyngfaud had given to Isabella Palyngefaud and to the heirs of her body. Isabella Palyngefaud, temp. E. 1. r -^ n Joan. Margaret. i I John. John. I I Hugh Bures, John, the plaintiff. John Norton, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 18. R!e. 2. m. 183. Kent. — Beatrice, formerly wife of Thomas de Cobham, Kt., sued Reginald son of Thomas de Cobham, Kt., for dower in Alyntone and other places. Stephen de Cobham =|= Amice, temp. E. 2. John de Cobham of Rundale. I Matilda.=i=Thomas.=Beatrice, plaintiff. Reginald, defendant. De Banco. Hillary. 18. Ric. '1. m, 198 dorso. Lincoln. — Robert de Sheffeld and Katrine, his wife, sued William Castelford and Margery, his wife, for land in Bel ton. Thomas de Beltoft. Roger, ob. s.p. -I Peter. Thomas. i r Robert, ob. s.p. Thomas, ob. s.p. 1 Katrine, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 18. Ric. 2. m. 302. Dorset. — John Rempston and Edith, his wife, sued John Fillol and Margaret, his wife, for one-third of the manor of Estchykerell, as dower of Edith of the dotation of John Walsh, her former husband. lugelran le Walsh. I Joan Peverell.=f Roger.=T^Joan Heryng. r -> •- n John Walsh. = Margaret= Edith, the John Fillol, plaintiff. the defendants. John Walsh had died three months after his father Roger. 198 PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 18. Ric. 2. vi. 329 dorso. Northatnpt. — Robert Paries sued William Hiltisle for a messuage in Higham Ferrers, which Idonia Stodeville gave to William Prodehomme and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. William Prodehomme.=T=Joan, temp. Ed. 3. John, ob. sp. Isabella. I John. I Robert, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 18. Ric. 2. m. 457. Chester — Thomas, son of William le Boydell, William de Tranemolle, and John de Tildeslegh, sued Thomas, son of Thomas de Legh, Clerk (clericum), the elder, for laud in Lymme, which Peter de Marynes gave to Gilbert de Lymme and Anabel, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Gilbert. =j= Anabel, temp. Ed. 2. Peter. Joan. Matilda. Emma. I I I \\ illiam. William de Tranemelle, John de Tildeslegh, I the plaintiff. plaintiff. Thomas le Boydell. the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ric. 2. m. 552. Salop. — Edward de la Lee, of PemenhuUe, sued Ralph, Abbot of Hagh- mond, for three messuages and a carucate of land in Hadenhale, which Thomas de la Lee, Kt., gave to Reyner, his son, and the heirs of his body. Reyner de la Lee. I John. I John. I Roger. I Edward de la Lee, the plaintiff. The Abbot called to warranty Hugh Cheyne, Chivaler, son and heir of Hugh Cheyne. De Banco. Uaster. 19. Ric. 2. m. 52. Somerset. — William Boneville sued Matilda Meriet for the manors of Dondone, Brodemersshton and two parts of the manor of Meriet. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 1 99 I 1 George Meriet. Isabella. tI I John. William. John de Meriet, Kt. p 1 . living 50 E. 3. Elizabeth.= Margaret.== Huinfrey William de de Stafford. Boneville. De Banco. Easter. 19. Ric. 2. m. 153 dorso. Somerset. — John, son of Roger Maloysel, sued William, Abbot of Mochelnye, and other tenants, for land in Crjket Malherbe, which William Loveney gave to Richard Maloyselle in frank-marriage with Dionisia, his daughter. Richard MaloyseUe.=7=Dionisia, living temp. I Henry 3. Robert, I John. I John. I Roger. I John Maloysel, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ric. 2. m. 479. Dorset. — Henry Deverell sued John GyfFard and Edith, his wife, and other tenants, for land in Stoke Cosyn, which John Wake had given to Matilda Deverell, his ancestress. Matilda Deverell. I John. I John. I Henry Deverell, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ric. 2. m. 409. Bedford. — The King sued Elizabeth Morteyn for the next presentation to the church of Merston, near Bedford, as guardian of John de Morteyn, who was ujider aj>e and in ward to the Kinor. T 1 Edmund de Morteyn, John de Morteyn. Joan. Lucy, ob. .s.p. I II I 1 Richard Thomas John, died 47 Ed. 3. =f Elizabeth. Chamberlain, Gifford, I Kt. Kt. John, under age and in ward to the King. Verdict for the King. 200 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 19. Ric. 2. m. 105. Suffolk. — Robert Carboiiell, Chivaler, sued Peter de Naunton for the manor of Alderton, which John, son of William de Boville, gave to William, sou of William de Boville. William, son of William de Boville, temp. Ed. 2. John. I Margaret. I Eobert Carbonell, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 19. Bic. 2. m. 410. Devon. — Hugh Beaiichamp and .John Newburgh sued Edmund Pyne and Alice, his wife, for lands and rents in Combe Coffyn. Gilbert de IJmfraville,=rAlianora. temp. Ed. 3. | 1 William. I William, ob. s.p. Joan. I Hugh Beauehamp, plaintiff. Ha wise. I John. I John Newburgh, plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ric. 2. m. 415. Leicester. — John Elnet, Archdeacon of lieicester, sued William Steford, Parson of Boseworth, for the arrears of an annual rent due from the church of Boseworth Theobald de Verdun, 1 temp. Ed. 3. Isabella. William. 1 Henry. 1 William de Ferrars. Elizabeth. 1 Elizabeth.= Edward le Despencer. Joan. 1 William. 1 Joan.=^ Thomas de Nevvlle. 1 Margery. 1 Agnes.= Walter Deverose. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ric. 2. m. 401. Lincoln. — John Marmyon sued Robert Goderiche for the manors of Ryngesdon and Levesyngham. David de Flettewyke.=f=Lora, temp. Ed. 2. David. I Alianora, ob. s.p. Lucy. I William. .1 William. I John Marmyon, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 201 The defendant gave this pedigree : — David de Flcttewyke.~r^Lora. I David. I David. P_ , David, AgMtha, sister ob. s.p. and heir. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ric. 2. m. 133. Line. — Thomas Asteley sued Ralph Hastynges for the manor of Neuton, claiming under a Fine levied in 45 H. 3, between Saer de Harecourt and Richard de Harcourt. by wliich the manor was settled on Saer and the heirs of his body, and which should revert to the heirs of Richard, the issue of Baer having failed. Richard de Harecourt, living 45 H. 3. I William. I Richard. I John. I William. I Richard. I Elizabeth. I Thomas de Asteley, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 19. Eic. 2. m. 134. Staffs — Thomas Symcokes and Sibil, his wife, sued Thomas de Neuport and Elizabeth, his wife, for land in Tybyngton (Tipton) Brerely, Bradeley, and Wednesbury. John de Heronvylle.=T=Juliana. Thomas. I Margery. Sibil. — I Thomas Thomas de— Elizabeth. Symcokes, Neuport, the plaintiffs, the defendants. De Banco. Mich. 19. Rtc. 2. m. 259. Leicester. — William Sutton and Joan, his wife, sued John IMartyn and Agnes, his wife, and William Rampayn and Margery, his wife, for land in Kegge worth. Ralph de Monte Caniso =r-Matilda. I John. I . . Joan.=\A illiam Sutton the plaintiffs. 202 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 1 9. Ric. 2. m. 1 20. Essex. — The trustees of Roger, son of Robert Scales, sued Robert, Bishop of Loudon, Roger Mascall and others, for the next preseutatiou to the church of Saudou. The pleadings state that one Sabina iJacon liad formerly held the manor and advowson and had enfeoffed in them Aylmer de Valence, who had enfeoffed William Claydon. I 1 William Claydon. Rose. I I John. Peter. I I Alianora.= l?oger Mascall, Thomas Hardelle. one of the I defendants. Elizabeth, ob. s p. De Banco. Trinity. 19. Ric. m. 288. Leicester. — Ralph Turville, of Normanlon, siied John Holbek, the Parson of the church of Craft for laud in Craft and Normanton Turville, which had been given to the church by his ancestor Ralph Turville, the elder, for celebrating masses in his chapel and which should revert to him, the conditions not having been fulfilled. Ralph Turville, the elder. I , Ralph. Hugh. I Ralph Turville, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ric. m. 273. Hertford. — Richard de Perers sued Walter Tuuford, of Wormele, for land in Cheshunt. Richard de Perers. =r Joan, living temp. Ed. 2. I Richard. I Richard de Perers, Kt. I Richard de Perers, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Easter. 1 9. Ric. 2. m. 238. Cormvall. — John Rodeney, Kt., and Alice, his wife, sued Elizabeth, formerly wife of -lohn Sergeaux, for one-third of the manor of Tywai-d- drayth and other lands as dower of Alice of the dotation of Ralph Carmenewe, her former husband. Henry de Campo Ariiulphi =f=Joan, living temp. Ed. 2. .. ! ^A illiam. I Katrine,=Ralph Carmynewe.=.\lice, 2nd wife, E izubeth, the ob. s.p. plaintiff. defendant. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 203 Be Banco. Easter. 19. Ric. 2. m. 28G and 286 dorso. Z>cwn.— Robert Yeo and Joan, his wife, sued Walter Wrote and Peter Walsshe for land in Bradewelle which Philip de Pyn gave to Augustine, his bi'other, and the heirs of his body. Augustine de Pyn, temp. Ed. 2. "l William. I Thomas, ob, s.p. William . William Brythlegh, 1st husband.=Joan =Robert Yeo. De Banco. Easter. 19. Ric. 2. m. 414. Somerset — Thomas Rigge and Katrine, his wife, sued John Devereux, Kt., and Joan, his wife, for the manors of Havaun Churchcley and Uptone, and a moiety of the manor of Bucton. Thomas de Bucton, living 4 K. 3, ob. s p. John de Bucton. I Matthew, I John. I Katrine. = Thomas Rigge, the plaintiffs. De Bunco. Mich. 20. Ric. 2. m. 102. Wilts. — John Gower sued Oliver Servyngton and Edith, the wife of William Servyngton, for the next presentation to the church of )xhale. John Wroxliale, Chivaler. 1 i Joan. 1 1 Matilda. Isabella. 1 Robert Flete ' _ 1 Fdith — 1 1 1 Katrine. William Joan.= Matilda.= De Servyngton. Gilbert Gorl Ief..rd. 189. Henry Froile. Banco. Mich. 20. Ric. 2. m. Ehor. — Simon Curson sued the Prior of Monkebretton for the next presentation to the church of Hikeltou. Roger Curson. =pJoan, living temp. Ed. 2. Francis. Simon Curson, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 20. Ric. 2. 4 1.3. Devon. — John ColshuU and Emma, his wife, sued Warine Waldegrave for the manors of Stonford and Hiwysshe, near Merton, which Richard de Hiwysshe, Kt., the elder, had given to Richard, son of Richard de Hiwysshe (the younger), and to Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. 204 PEDIGRKES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Richard de Hiwysshe, Kt., the elder. Richai'd de Hiwysshe, the younger.=f=Alice. William, ob. s.p. Emraa.= John Colshulle. Coram liege. Mich. 20. Ric. 2. m. 26. Rex. Glove. — The King, as guardian of Gilbert de Stonor, sued John Cassy and Thomas Slonghtre, Chivaler, for the next presentation to the church of Bourton. Edmund de Stonor, piesented to the church, temp. E. 3. .Tohn, ob. Ralph. infra set at. | Gilbert de Stonor, under age, and in ward to the King. De Banco. Mich. 20. Ric. 2. m. 449 durso. Somerset. — John Seyntclor, William Quych and Alice, liis wife, John Solers, and Joan, his wife, Walter H elver and Margaret, his wife, sued John Everhard and Alice, his wife, for land in Spaxton, which William Reyny had given to Thomas Boson and the heirs of his body. Thomas Boson. I Henry. I r Roger, Lett ice. Matilda. ob. s p. I I John Seyntcler, plaintiff. | ■~i Alice. = Joan.= Margaret = William Qnych, John Solers, Walter Helyer. plaintiffs. plaintiffs. Coratn Rege. Mich. 20. Ric. 2. m. 74. Zonc?o^i.— Walter de la Pole, Chivaler, and Elizabeth, his wife, sued the Bishop of London for the next presentation to the church of St. Mary Somerset, in the ward of Queenhithe The pleadings state that Thomas de Bradeston, the proavus of Elizabeth, held the manor of Alvedley, in the county Essex, temp. Ed. 3, and from him they gave this descent : — Thomas de Bradeston . Robert de Bradeston, died in the lifetime of his father. I Thomas, under age, in ward to the King, died while under age and in the King's cu.stody. Flizabeth, daughter aud heiress. = Walter de la Pole. The proavus, Sir Thomas de Bradeston, served as a Knight Banneret at Crecy, and is mentioned by Froissart. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 205 De Banco. Easter. 20. Ric. 2. »i. 337. Northamp. — Thomas le Despencer, Chivaler, was sued by Emma, formerly wife of Henry Peck, for the next presentation to the church of Yelvertoft. Thomas de la Husee held the manor of Yelvertoft, temp. Hen. 3. I r John, ■ 1 Joan. — ., 1 Alice. — -\ Agnes. ob. s.p. . J Thomas enfeoffed Henry. William Boteller, his son John. 1 who enfeoffed Walter Paries. John. 1 Emma, the plaintiff. According to the defendant's case Thomas, son of Joan, enfeoffed Ralph Basset, who enfeoffed Edward le Despencer, his grandfather, viz , father of Edward, father of Thomas. Verdict for Thomas le Despencer. De Banco. Mich. 21. Ric. 2. m. 337. Ebor. — John Forne and Margaret, his wife, and Robert Myrescugh sued John Torny for lands in Rofton, which Richard Torny had given to Richard, his son, and Beatrice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Richard Torny, temp. E. 2. Kichard Torny. =j=Beatrice. 1 ( John Torny, ob. s p. "1 Richard. 1 1 r Nicholas, ob. s.p. Ralph. 1 1 Alice. 1 obert Myrescugl K 1 Margaret.= John Forne, plaintiffs. the plaintiff. The defendant gave this pedigree : — Nicholas Toiny of Canniby. I John Torny, Kt.= Eufemia, ob. s.p. Richard. I John Torny, the defendant. 1 William. De Banco. Easter. 20. Ric. 2. m, 183. Norfolk. — Thomas Asteleye sued the Warden of Trinity College, Cambridge, for the next presentation to the church of Brynyngham, near Thornegge, and stated that his ancestor Thomas de Asteleye held the manor of Melton Constable, to which the advowson was appurtenant temp. E. 3. 206 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Thomas de Asteleye, living temp. E. 3. I ' Ralph.=r Agnes, dau. of Edward Gerberge. L. _, Thomas. I Thomas Asteleye, the plaintiff. De Bmico. Mich. 20. Rich. 2. m. 450 dorso. Ehor. — Joan, daughter of Robert Bataille, sued Thomas de Metham, Chivaler, for land and rents in Balkholme, Laxton, and Skelton, which Eva Bataille had given to Robert Bataille and Katrine, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Robert Bataille.=j=Katrine, temp. Ed. 2. John, Nicholas, Thomas, Robert, ob. 8.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I Joan, the=John plaintiff. Kauncellor. De Banco. Mich. 21. Ric. 2. m. 511. Sowhnnipton. — Kobert Mayheu sued Joan, formerly wife of John Sondes, Kt., for the manor of Shirborne Coudray. Bartholomew Mayheu, temp. E. 3. I John. I Robert Mayheu, the plaintiff. The defendant gave this pedigree : — William Fyfhyde, Agnes, the elder. | I Joan.= William Fyfhyde, John Sondes, Kt-, the younger, ob. s.p. the defendant. Joan pleaded that William Fyfhyde, the elder, had been enfeoffed in the manor by Fulk de Coudray, Kt., by a Fine levied in 29 E. 3. De Banco. Mich. 20. Etc. 2. m. 573. Warwick. — John de Langelegh, of Atherstone, sued Richard Brocok, Chaplain, and others, for a mill in Coventry, which Henry, son of Henry de Albini and Christiana, his wife, gave to Geoffrey de Langeley and Matilda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 207 GeofFrej' de Langeley.^pMatilda. I Robert. I Geoffrey. I Edmund. I John. I John de Langelegh, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 20. Ric. 2. m. 629. Oxon. — William Gernou and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Philip Walweyn and Edith, his wife, for the manor of Clanefeld, near Bampton. Richard de Chastillon.=rElizabeth, living temp. Ed. 2. I Hugh. I Richard. I Elizabeth. = William Gemon, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 20. Ric. 2. m. 88 dmso. Wi/gorn. — William Beauchamp, of Poywyk, Chivaler, sued Edward Aleyn for land in Poywyk, which William de Beauchamp gave to Walter, his son, and the heirs of his body. Walter de Beauchamp, temp. Ed. 2. William, QUes. ob. s.p. I John. I William de Beauchamp, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 20 Ric. 2. m. 102. Essex. — Joan, formerly wife of Robert Swynbourne, Chivaler, sued Robert Warner for land in Gestyngthorp, which Hugh Perpount gave to John Boutetourt and Matilda, his wife, for their lives, with remainder to John, son of John Boutetourt, and the heirs of his body. John Boutetourt.=T=Matilda, temp. Ed. 2. John. I John. I Joan.= Robert de Swynbourne, the plaintiff. 208 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 20. Ric. 2. m. 332. Comuhia. — Eflward de Courtenay, Earl of Devon, sued Henry Ivel- combe, Chivaler, and Isabella, his wife, for the manors of Bodennok and and Pennentyvyo, which he claimed as the heir at law of John, son of Nicholas Daune (Dauney). Nicholas Daune. John, living 11 E. 3. Emmelina. I Edward, Earl of Devon the plaintiff. The defendant Isabella held the manors for life as widow of John de Mohun, and she had mai-ried Henry Ivelcombe for a second husband. John de Mohun and Isabella had a son Thomas, who was under age. In another suit on m. 360 of this Roll, John Dauney sued Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devon, and Matilda, his wife, Edward, son of the Earl, and Hugh, brother of Edward, for the manors of Norton and Cornewoda, co. Devon, and the manors of Heneton and Modeford, in CO, Somerset. De Banco. Mich. 21. Ric. 2. m. 391. Northawp. — John Mortymer sued Thomas Colepeper, Kt., and others, for the manor of Asshen which Philip Lovell gave to Kobert le Lou and John, his son, and Emma, wife of John, son of Robert, and the heirs of the bodies of John and Emma. Robert le Lou, temp. H. 3. John, son of Robert=pEmma, temp. Ed. 1. Lupus, Kt. I Philip, ob. s.p. Agnes. John de I'aveley, Petronilla. ob. s.p. I Lawrence. I John Mortimer, the plaintiff. Robert le Lou is also called in the pleadings Robert Wolf, of Esshe, Kt., and the surnames Lovel, Wolf, and Le Lou are used indiscriminately. Coram Rege. Mich. 22. Ric. 2. m. 35 dorso. Dorset. — John Neuburgh and Margaret, his wife, and John Barre and Avice, his wife, had sued in Banco in 3 Ric. 2, Edmund de Arundell and PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 209 Sibil, his wife, for the manor of Stokwode, which Milicent de Monhaut (Monte Alto) had given to Nicholas Poyntz and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs of their Ibodies, and the suit was now removed by a writ of error into the King's Court The plaintiffs in 3 Ric. 2 had given this pedigree : — Nicholas Poyntz. =f=Elizabeth. Hugh. I Nicholas Poyntz. John de Newburgh,=Margaret. John Barre,==Avice. Ist husband. 1st husband. And a verdict had been given for the defendants. The plaintiffs in 22 Ric. 2 were William Payne and Margaret, his wife, and Gilbert Neuburgh and Avice, his wife, and the defendants were the heirs of Edmund de Arundelle and Sibil. The defendants pleaded that Nicholas Poyntz and Eva de Stokes, his wife, had been enfeoffed in the manor by one Richard de Acton, Kt., for their lives, with remainder to the heirs of Sibil, and they gave this pedigree : — Sibil. I , i -> 1 Katrine. Elizabeth. l^ichard Sergeaux,=Philippa.=Richard Cornwall, I I Kt., l.'it husband. Kt., 2nd husband, Robert Deyn- Thomas Carrewe, living 22 Ric 2. court. Kt.,living22Ric. 2. William Payne and Gilbert Neuburgh were the second husbands respectively of Margaret and Avice. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 81. Northampton. — Robert Leukenore sued John la Warre, Chiyaler, for the manor of Little Harwedone and land in Isham and Chorlton, and one- third of the manor of Great Harwedone which Nicholas de Segrave gave to John de Leukenore and the heirs of his body. John de Leukenore, temp, Ed. 3. I John. I Robert Leukenore, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 213 dorso. Devon. — Walter Corun and Elizabeth, his wife, sued William Esturmy, Chivaler, and Joan, his wife, for land in Plympton Comitis which Baldwyn de Belston gave to William le Rous and Joan, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. 210 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William le Rous.=j=Joanj temp. Ed. 1. I Ralph. I Ralph. I Elizabeth.= Walter Corun, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 219. Devon. — William Durneford and Alice, his wife, sued John Bidewell and Henry Cross for the next presentation to the church of Pax-kham. Baldwin de Belston.=i=Anne, living 12 Ed. 1. I Henry. r- Anne. John, ob. s.p. I Alice.= William Dumford, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 117. Leyc. — The Abbot of Combe sued Thomas de Asteleye for an illegal distress in the manor of Wolveye, called the Abbotes Manoir. Thomas stated that one Ivo de Den formerly held the manor of Wolvey, called the Estmanoir, of Richard de Harecourt by the service of two knights' fees, and he gave the same descent from Richard de Harecourt as in the former suit of 19 Ric. 2. (See ante, p. 201.) De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 202. Essex. — John Gobyoun sued John de Boys and three others for the manor of Lyes. Thomas Gobyoun, living 4 Ed. 3. I John.=T=Katrine. I Thomas Gobyoun, of Leyndon, living 40 Ed. 3. I John, the plaintiff. The defendants claimed by a grant of Thomas Gobyoun in 40 Ed. 3 to John de la Lee, Knight. The plaintiff stated that John de la Lee was at that date Steward of the King's Household and had sent to his father to come to Haveryng atte Bowei', and had imprisoned him there tintil he had made the feoffment to him under duress. A jury found in favour of the defendants. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA HOLLS. 211 Dt Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 203. Dorset. — Richard Gowiz sued Morgan Gough and Richard Mucheldever for five carucates of land in Dirnewyneston and Knytheton. Brian Gowiz, the elder, living 11 Ed. 1. I , , I , , , , Brian Gowiz, the younger, John, Henry, Nicholas. Roger. Sibil, living 11 Ed. 1, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. | Avice. I John. I Richard Gowiz, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 100 dor so. Warwick — John Symond, of Adelvestre, sued Alice, daughter of Richard Sauvage, of Newton, and other tenants, for land in Adelvestre (Austrey) which Robert de Segrave gave to Richard, son of Simon de Aldelvestre in frank-marriage with Constance, his daughter. Simon. J Richard =i=Con8tance, temp. Ed. III. I I 1 ' 1 1 William, Richard, Henry, John, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I John Symond, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 251. Bedford. — "William Bozun sued Walter Bozun and Joan, his wife, for lands and rents in Statheden, Felmersham and Tiirvey which Bartholomew Bozun gave to Alexander Bozun and Ida, his wife, temp. Ed. I. Alexander Bozun.^Ida, temp. Ed. 1, I Alexander. I Alexander. I John. I William Bozun, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 101 dorso. Devon. — John Wotton and John Wibbury sued Isabella, formerly wife of John Daumarle, Kt., for two parts of the manor of Lustlegh which William, son of William, son of William le Prous, Kt., gave to Roger, son of Roger de Meoles, Kt., in frank-marriage with Alice, his daughter. 212 PEDtGilEfiS FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Roger, son of Roger de Meole8.=T= Alice le Prous. Alice. Joan. Isolda. I I I Clarice.= William. Gilbert Wibbury. John Berye. | | John Wotton, John Wibbury, plaintiff. plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 419. Gloiccester. — John Warre sued John Pouchere for the manor of Eycote. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Geoffrey de Berton. Thomas de Berton,=f=Katrine. living temp. E. 3. r- Thomas, Isabella, ob. s.p, I ' John Warre, the plaintiff. Robert Croke and Margery, his wife, enfeoffed in the manor by John Russell, Kt., temp. E. 2. I Margery. I Richard. I Robert. John atte Wode, whose status was held by John Pouchere. De Banco. Easter. 2 1 . Ric. 2. m. 279. Hertford. — William de Hoo, Chivaler, sued Richard Forster for the manor of Knybbeworth, which Beatrice, formerly wife of Robert de Hoo, gave to Richard de Perers and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and which should revert to the heirs of Beatrice, the issue of Richard and Joan having failed. The pleadings give these pedigrees: — Beatrice, formerly wife of Robert de Hoo. I r Robert. Joan. Thomas. | , " , I Isabella, Margaret, Joan. William de Hoo, Kt., ob. s.p. ob. s p. ob. s.p. the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 213 Richard de Perers, the elder. =i=Joan. 1 ' '■' T Richard de Perers, Margaret. Rose. the younger. 1 1 1 , 1 Jolin Fitz Herbert, Richard Tounesford. 1 1 1 1 Edmund, Isabella, Margaret, Juan, 1 ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s,p. ob.s.p. Richard Fitz Herbert, other- Roger. wise Richard Walter of Chest- TwycrossCjOb. hunt, CO. Hert- s.p. ford, ob. s.p. The defendant denied that Richard Perers, the elder, had issue Richard, Margaret and Rose, as stated by the plaintiff, and pleaded that John Fitz Herbert was son of one Agnes, daughter of Osbert de Stretton, and that Richard de Perers never had a daughter named Rose. The jury found for the defendant. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 90. Somerset, — Edward Seymour, Knight, sued Robert Hayward and others, the bailiffs of Humphrey Scovylle, for an illegal distress in Brokkeley. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — William de Scovylle, lord of Brokkeley. I Humfrev. I William. .1 Humfrey de Scovylle, living 21 Ric. 2. Robert de Acton. Roger, ob, s.p. Robert. Richai'd, ob. s.p. Margaret. I Edward, the plaintiff. The plaintiff claimed common of pasture in Brockeley by a grant of the first William de Scovylle, the Lord of Brockeley. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ric. 2. m. 95. Northumberland. — Robert Lysle, Chivaler, sued the Bishop and Prior of Carlisle for the next presentation to the church of South Gosford, and stated that Robert de Lysle, temp. Hen. 3, gave the manor and advowson to Otwell de Lysle in frank-marriage with Isabella Faucon- berge, from whom he gave this descent : — 214 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Otewel Lyslc^f Isabella Fauconberge, I Robert. I Nicholas. I John. I Robert. I Robert. I Robert Lysle, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 2 1 . Ric. 2. Roll of Protections and Charters. No County named. — A deed enrolled respecting the manor of Rame Wygel, Pennylard, Rainhill and advowson of Rame, gives the following pedigree : — I 1 William le Graunt, of Burton, Walter le Graunt, near Aylesbury. of Hincote. I I I ' 1 William. John. Walter le Graunt. | I Joan. John de Rame,=Joan. | living temp. William de Burj', E. 2, ob. s.p. living 21 Ric. 2. William de Bury by the above deed released his right in all the said manor-lands and advowson to Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devon, the chief lord. De Banco. Mich. 21. Ric. 2. m. 247. JS'ior. ^Richard Newal sued Margery, formerly wife of William de Fyney for lands in Northcrosseland which Adam de Locwode gave to Thomas, his son, and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Thomas de Locwode,=f=Margaret. living A.D. 1308. I Emma.=Johu.=rMargaret, 2nd wife. Margaret. the=William de I I defendant. Fyney. Isabella. William, I ob. s.p. Richard Newal, the plaintiff. Margaret, the defendant, had entered as heir of William, who had died as s.p. De Banco. Mich. 21. Ric. 2. m. 250. Comub. — John Treverbyn sued Margery Knollan and other tenants for land in Polruen which Hugh de Treverbyn had given to Andrew de Treverbyn and the heirs of his body. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 215 Andrew de Treverbyn. I Odo. I Thomas. I John. I John Treverbyn, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 21. Eic. 2. m. 245 dorso. Dorset — John Fauntleroy and Joan, his wife, sued John FylloU for the manor of Estchykerelle which William le Waleys gave to Ingelran, his son, and heirs of his body. Ingelran le Waleys, temp. E. 2. John. I Roger. I John. I Joan.=^John Fauntleroy, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 22. Ric. 2. m. 349. Somerset — Richard de St. Maur, Chivaler, sued the Prior of Montacute for the manors of Tyntenhull and Est Chynnok. Ralph Lovell, living temp. Hen. 3. Baldwin. Ralph. I Henry. r 1 1 1 Ralph, ob. s.p. Henry, ob. s.p. Maurice, ob. s.p. Richard. William, ob. s.p. Henry. Richard, ob. s.p. Hugh. Richard. I James. I Mui-iel. I Richard de St. Maur, the plaintiff. 216 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The Prior stated that his monastery had held the manors from time out of memory; and at the adjournment Richard made default and the suit was dismissed. (See a previous suit of 8 Ric. 2, ante p. 163.) The pedigree cannot be correct in its present form, as there are at least four generations too many. De Banco. Mich, 22. Ric. m. 328. Somerset. — Richard Knolles sued John Straunge for land in Ilmynstre, and gave this pedigree : — Alianora Hilcombe, temp. Ed. 1. I . Baldwin. i Roger. Richard, the plaintiff. Defendant's case was as follows : — Alianora de Hilcombe, living temp. Hen. 3. r- Simon, who enfeoffed Robert de Bradeford, and Avice, his wife, daughter of Simon. Lawrence. I I Avice. Joan. Joan, ob. s.p. John Straunge, the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 1. Henry. 4. m. 180. Norfolk.— F\x\k Grey by his custos sued Edmund Duke of York, for the manor of Bunnevelle. Thomas de Grey.=j=Isabe]la, temp. Ed. 3. I^oger. Fulk. 1 1 Fulk Grey, Thomas, Margaret, the plaintiff, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. De Banco. 22. Ric. 2. m. 208 dorso. Northampton.— Rioh&vdi Houghton sued Thomas Grene for the next presentation to the church of Great Houghton. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 2)7 William de Houghton, 1 1 temp. Ed. 2. 1 Christine. = John de Gaddesdene. Joan.=pJohn Dakeney. r Roger (who enfeoffed Richarc Houghton, the plaintiff). Katrine (who enfeoffed Henry Grene, the grand- father of Thomas). 1 1 Thomas. 1 Thomas Grene, defendant. • De Banco. 22 Bic. 2. m. 296, Forihampton. — The King sued Robert Veer, Thomas Facumberge, Knight, and Constance, his wife, and others, for the next presentation to a moiety of the churches of Midelton and Colyntre. William Malesors, temp. Ed. 1, gave the manor of Middleton to William Malesores, his son, and Gundreda, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. William Male8ores.=f=Qundreda. John. I Ralph. I Thomas. Roger Perewych,=Anne.=Robert Veer, 2nd husband, 1st husband. the defendant. De Banco. Easter. 1. Hen. 4. m. 114. Devon. — The Dean and College of Wyndesore sued Richard Seymour, Knight, for the next presentation to the church of North Molton. Roger la Zouche held the=f Emelina. manor temp. Hen. 3. 1 Alan la Zouche. 1 Nicholas de Seymour,=T=Elena.=Alan de Cherleton, Matilda. — 1st husband. I 2nd husband. Robert Holand. Nicholas. Richard, the defendant. De Banco. Easter. 1. Heii. 4. m. 199. Hereford. — John Oldecastelle sued the Prior of Wormesle for the next presentation to the church of Almale. 218 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Oldecastelle, living temp. Ed. 3. . I Richard. I John Oldecastelle, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 1. Hen. 4. m. 102. Salop. — Henry Grendon and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Brian de Harley for the manors of Bronipton and Bukton. Robert de Harley, Kt.,=i=Margaret. , 16 Ed. 3. I Brian de Harley, Kt.==j=Alianora. Robert.=pJoan. I I. Brian de Harley, Alesia. the defendant. | Elizabeth.=Henry Grendon, the plaintiffs. The pleadings state that Joan was the daughter of Robert Corbet' Knight, and was married at Moreton Corbet in 30 E. 3. The defendant stated that Alesia was the daughter of one John Boulewas, and not the daughter of Robert ; but the jury gave a verdict for Henry and Elizabeth. By a fine levied in 16 Ed. 3, Brian de Harley had only a life interest in the manors. De Banco. Mich. 1. Hen. 4. m. 103. Lincoln. — Robert Nevylle, of Hornby, Chivaler, sued John del Cotes, Chaplain, and John de Clifton, for the manor of Appleby, which Clemence de Lungvilers gave to Eudo, her son, and the heirs of his body. Eudo de Lungvilers, living temp. Ed. 1. Eudo. I John. I Margaret. f- -1 John. Robert. Verdict for the plaintiff. John, Robert. ob. s.p. I Robert Nevylle, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 219 De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 4. m. 301. Gornvhia. —Thomas Reyneward sued Johu Colshill and Emeline, his wife, for the manor of Trenant, which Avelina de la Crue gave to Benedict Ueyneward and the heirs of his body. Benedict Reyneward, living temp. Ed. 3. ! John. I Matthew. I Thomas, the plaintiff. The defendants claim by a grant of Richard 2, dated 15 Rich. 2, by which the King gave the manor with other manors in his hands by the forfeiture of Robert Tresilian, for a sum of 500 marks, to John Colshill, of London, and Emma, his wife. Thomas afterwards failed to appear, and the suit was dismissed. De Banco. Mich. 3. Hen. 4, m. 201. Southampton. — William, Bishop of Winchester, sued Aylmer de St. Amand, Chivaler, and Alianora, his wife, for the custody of a moiety of the manor of Culmeston and of Thomas Wodelok, a minor. Walter Wodeloke, 14 Ed. 3. I Nicholas.=T=Joan. Thomas. I Thomas Wodelok, an infant. De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 4. m. 99. Dorset. — The King sued Maurice Russell, Kt., for the next presentation to the church of Lutton. Ralph Gorges.=j=Alianora, temp. Ed. 2. I . L^ ■-| Edward. Alianora. Joan. I i I Robert, Ralph. Ralph Cheyne. ob. 8. p. I Maurice Russell, the defendant. De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 4. m. 209 dorse. Oxon. — Thomas Loundres and Joan, his wife, and John Hore and Joan, his wife, sued Robert Quynerton for the manor of Aston. 220 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John de Ellesfeld , Kt. Gilbert. =j= Joan. 1 1 1 Gilbert, Thomas, 1 William, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. 1 1 Anne. Joan.= 1 Thomas Loiuidres, Joan.= John Hore, plaintiffs. plaintiffs. De Banco , Easter. 2. Hen. 4. m. 302 dor so. Middlesex and Gloticester. — William Spernore, and Thomas Crewe, and Philip Budell, of Grafton, were sued by Henry fitz Hugh for abducting from Westminster in 18 Rich. 2, William, son of John de Clopton, kinsman and heir of Henry Morhall, whose marriage belonged to him ; and Henry stated that Henry Morhall held of him, as of his manor of Quynton, two parts of the manor of Rodbrok, in the County of Gloucester, and died in his homage, and he claimed £200 as damages. Henry Morehall. John. Anne.=T-John de Clopton. William, son of John, the heir. William Spernore stated that he had purchased the two parts of Rodbrok in the lifetime of Henry Morhall, and was seised of these at the death of Henry. Thomas Crewe stated he had married .luliana {sic), formerly the wife of John de Clopton, the mother of the heir, and he had received the heir, who was staying with his mother. Philip stated he was only servant to William. A postscript shows that the process was continued till Michaelmas 2 Henry 5, but no result is shown. De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 4. m. 378. Cornwall. — Edward de Courtenay, Earl of Devon, sued Henry Ivel- combe, and Isabella, his wife, for the manors of Bodenneck and Pennentynyo. Nicholas Daune. John, son of Nicholas Daune. I Emelina. Edward de Courtenay, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 221 The manors had been held in 11 Ed. 3 by Henry Deneys and Elizabeth, his wife, with remainder to John, son of Nicholas Daune. Isabella, the defendant, was the widow of John de Mohun, and held for her life only. (See a previous suit of 20 Rio. 2, ante p. 208.) De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 4. m. 296. Derby. — Edmund Perpount, Chivaler, sued William Dethyk, Chivaler, and others, for lands and rents in Overton. Kobert Perepount, temp. E. 2. Henry. Edmund. I Edmund Perpount (Pierrepounb), the defendant. De Banco. Easter, 2. Hen. 4. m. 111. Ebor. — Matilda de Cromwell, the lady of Tatishale, sued Henry fitz Hugli and Elizabeth, his wife, for a moiety of the manors of Tanfeld and Carthorp, and other lands. John Marmyon,=f=Matilda. Hving 1 E. 3. \ P — 1 Robert Marmyon, John. Avice. living A.D. 1338. MatDda de Cromwell, Robert, the plaintiff, | Elizabeth.= Henry fitz Hugh, the defendants. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 4. m. 274. Dorset. — John Clyveden and Alice, his wife, sued John, son of John Plecy, for lands and rents in Marnhull, which John de Acton gave to Odo de Acton, and the heirs of his body. Odo de Acton, living temp. Ed. 3. r ^ . John, Nicholas. ob. s.p. I Joan.^pThomas Bathe or Bache. r -^ Alice.=John Clyvedon, the plaintiflFs. Verdict for the defendant. It appears from a later suit of Mich. 3 H. i, m. 400, that at Mich. 5 Ric. 2, Thomas Bache and Joan, his wife, were suing Jehu Plecy and Matilda, his wife, for the same lands and rents. 222 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 4. m. 563. Cambridge. — Thomas de Topefeld and Margaret, his wife, and Thomas JSankville, of Falle, the younger (by his custos), sued Frederic, son of Philip Tyhieye, Kt., and Margaret, iiis wife, for the manor of Thetford in the Isle of Ely, which Ancher, son of Henry Ancher, gave to Margery, formerly wife of Ralph de Hyntou, and John, son of the said Ralph, and the heirs of the body of John. Raljih de Hyntou. ^^Margery. John, son of Ralph de Hynton, living temp. Ed, 3. Ralph. Isabella. Margaret.=Thomas de Topefeld, I the plaintiffs. Thomas. I Thomas Sankville, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 2. He7i. 4. m. 97. Hereford. — John de Penebruge, sued Sibil, formerly the wife of -John de Penebruge, for the manor of Malmeshulle Gamage. William, son of William=T=Margery, temp. E. 3. de Penebruge. I Henry. I John. John, the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. 2. Hen. 4. 7n. 104. Cestria. — John Tuchet, Chivaler, sued Thomas Tochet, Parson of Makeworth, John Cokayn, of Berwardescote, and John Tochet, son of Richard Tochet, of Makeworth, for the manor of liuggelauton, which Thomas Tuchet, of Tatenhale, gave to Robert, his son, and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Robert Tuchet.=f=Agues, temp. Ed. 2. Thomas, John. I John. I John Tuchet, Kt., the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintifiF. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 223 De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 4. m. 396. Salop. — Thomas Molynton and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Ankaret, formerly wife of Richard Talbot, Chivaler, for the manor of Dodynton, which Kalph le Boteller, of Wemme, and Matilda, his wife, gave to William, their son, and Ankaret, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Ralph le Boteller =rMatilda. I .r -" Will iam.=f= Ankaret, temp. Ed. 1. William. I William, living 1 Ed. 3. I William. I EHzabeth.= Thomas Molynton, the plaintiffs. Ankaret claimed by a fine levied in 1 Ed. 3, by William le Boteller, by which the manor was settled on William for life, with remainder to John le Lestrange, of Blankminster, and Ankaret, his wife, and the heii's of their bodies, from whom she gave this descent : — John Lestrange.=f=Ankaret. I John. I I 1 John. Ankaret, the=Richard I defendant. Talbot. Elizabeth, ob. s.p. Chester Plea Roll. 3. Hen. \. m. 3. dorso. Cestria. — A suit respecting the service by which the manor of Bruardes- legh was held, gives the following pedigree : — -- 1 William Trussell, Kt. Warine Trussell. I I Margaret. = Lawrence Trussell. Fulk de Pembrugge, Kt. | William Trussell. William, son of Laurence Trussell, was stated to be nearest heir of Margaret, late wife of Fulk de Pembrugge, Kt., who had died s.p. De Banco. Easter. 3 Hen. 4. m. 313. Salop. — Roger Austyn and others sued John Cornwalle, Kt., for an illegal distress in Withiford. John stated that he acted as Bailiff for John de Knyghteleye. 224 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Thomas Cherlton, of Appeley, held the manors of Withiford and Hagurcote and other lauds of the King in capita, and died temp. Richard 2. I I 1 — ' 1 . Anne. Thomas, Elena, died I died under ob.s.p.aged Thomas de age, aged 17. 14. Knyghteleye, aged 4 years. John de Knyghteleye had acquired the marriage of the heir, Thomas de Knighteleye, and had demised the manor of Withiford to Roger Austyn for a yearly rent of twenty- six marks, and as Elena was of age when she married, the custody of a moiety of the manors of Thomas de Charleton fell to the King, who had granted them to Robert Fraunceys, Kt., till the full age of Thomas de Knyghteleye, and a moiety of the manor of Withiford fell to John de Knyghteleye as custos of Thomas, and they had levied a distress because the ferm was in arrear. Roger Austyn resisted the distress because the manor of Withiford had been taken into the King's hands. From another suit. Coram Rege, of the same date, it appeared that Ann Cherlton had married William de Knighteleye without the consent of her guardian, John de Knighteleye. N.B. A female heir was considered of age, if married, and the marriage had been consummated. De Banco. Easter. 3. Hen. 4. m. 11 5. ^Mssex.— John Kent sued William Percy, Chivaler, and others, for the manors of Wyke and Sonde. Joan, formerly wife of Roger de Kent. r- James, son of Roger John, de Kent, ob. s.p. | John de Kent, the plaintiff. In another suit respecting the same manors on m. 230, one Joan Periman claimed them as the daughter of Margaret, the sister of John, brother of James, and denied that John had a son John. De Banco. Easter. 3. Hen. 4. m. 133. Northampton.— W\\\\2,n\ Doyle sued William la Zouche, Kt., and others, for the next presentation to the church of Hynton. William de Hynton. William de Hynton, the younger. r- Thomas, Richard, ob. s.p. I Thomas, who had enfeoffed the defendants. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 225 William Doyle claimed by a fine levied in 17 Ed. 3, by Thomas de Hynton, in favour of William de Shareshulle, Kt., and he held the status of William de 6hareshulle. De Banco. Easter. 3. Hen. 4. m. 134. Southampton. — John Lisle, of Wodyton, Chivaler, sued Walter Chyp- penham and Alice, his wife, for the manors of Lokurle and Est Tuderle, in which Walter and Alice had no entry except by an unjust disseisin made of his ancestor John, son of William de Lisle, by John Cobeham, of County Devon, Kt., and he gave this descent : — John, son of William de Lisle, temp. Ed. 1. I John. I John. Bartholomew. I John. I John Lisle, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 3. Hen. 4. m. 225. Cornwall. — Vivian Peni-os, Chivaler, sued John Tregoys, Margaret Tregoys, John, son of John Bercie (Berkeley), and John, son of John Wyse, for an illegal distress in Trenael. William, son of William de=pJoan. Rostourek A.D. 1306. | John. Margaret, Joan.=T=Jchn Bercie. Isabella.^fJohn Wyse. the defendant. | | John, the John Wyse, defendant. the defendant. Coram Rege. Easter. 3. Hen. 4. m. 54. Bucks. — Thomas Hendeman sued Edward Upton for thp next presenta- tion to the church of Wodusdon. John Courtenay, seised of the advowson temp. H. 3. I r -" Hugh.=T= A lianora. I Hugh, living 9 E. 2. I Hugh, Earl of Devon. I 1 , Hugh, ob. s.p. in=Matilda.=Ingelran de St. Paul, Edward. the lifetime of 2nd husband. | his father. Edward, Earl of Devon. 226 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Hugh, Eai'l of Devon, had settled the manor on his son Hugh and Matilda, his wife. Hugh died v.p., and Matilda had married Ingelran de St. Paul, of France, who performed homage to Richard 2, but had afterwards returned to his French allegiance and done homage to the King of France ; the manor had therefore been taken into the King's liands. Coravi Rege. Mich. 3. lien. 4 wi. 59. Somerset. — James, Earl of Ormond, sued Janico Darcasso for the manor of Honispylle Mai-reys, which he claimed as heir of one Stephen Marreys. John Marreys. I Herbert. Joan. Stephen Marrej's. Kt.=Luey. Theobald. I Theobald. I Edmund. I James. I James. I James le Boteller, Earl of Ormond, the plaintiff. Janico held the manor as custos by a grant of Richard 2, and pleaded that Stephen Marreys was a bastard. A local jury had found that he was legitimate, and Janico had appealed -to the King's Court. De Banco. Mich. 3. Hen. 4. m. 395. Norfolk. — John, son of Roger Bacon, Knight, sued Robert White and Thomasine, his wife, for land in Cleye Bayfeld and Glaunford, which Williarn de Cleye gave to Roger de Antyngham in frank marriage w^ith Alice, his sister. Roger de Antyngham. =r Alice, temp. Ed. 1. Bartholomew. I Roger. Bartholomew, ob. s.p. 1 Joan. Roger Bacon. I John Bacon, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 3. lien. 4. m. 583 and m. 645. ^ssej;.— Edward Charleton, Chivaler, sued Robert, the Bishop of Londoli, for the next presentation to the church of Great Dunmowe. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 227 Lionel, Duke of Clarence, held it in right of his wife, temp. Ed. 3. Philippa.=f Edmund de Mortimer, Earl of March, who I was under age and in ward to Rich. 2. I Roger de Mortimer, Earl of^Alianora.=Edward Charleton, Kt. , second March, who was dead. | husband, the plaintiff. Edmund de Mortimer, under age, in ward to the King. Another suit on m. 644 shews that Henry, Earl of Northumberland, Henry de Percy, Chivaler, Edmund de Mortimer, Chivaler, William de Beauchamp, Chivaler, and six others, were executors of the will of Eo2;er de Mortimer, Earl of March, These suits throw some light on the rebellion of the Percys in the following year, which was, without doubt, undertaken in the interest of the young Edmund, who was the rightful heir to the Crown, but as the latter was in the power of the King, it would have been dangerous to have proclaimed the fact. Henry IV took advantage of this reticence to issue a proclamation that the Percys and Owen Glendower intended to divide the Kingdom between them. De, Banco. Mich. 3. Hen. 4. m. 517. Buck.^. — Hugh del Temple, John Pygot, and Margaret Andrew, sued John Glover and Joan, his wife, and others, for lands and rents in Stone. Robert de St. Clair. T=Joan, 5 Ed 3. r- Robert. William. Richard. Thomas. L ^ ^ ^ Beatrice. Amice. Elizabeth. I I I Hugh del Temple, Richard. Dionisia. plaintiff. | | John Pygot, Dionisia. plaintiff. | Margaret Andrew, plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 3. Hen. 4. 77i. 474. City of York. — Peter de Multon sued John Moreton for a messuage in York. John de Multon. , I John.=7=Isabella, temp. Ed. 2. . I William. I Peter de Multon, the plaintiff. 228 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 3. lien. 4. m. 393. Dorset. — John Gredle sued Henry Scrope, Chivaler, and Philippa, his wife, for the manor of Pont Knolle. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — John de Whvtefeld. I ' I n Joan. A vice. I Joan. I John Gredle, the plaintiff. Guy de Bryan. I Guy. Philippa.=Henry Scrope, Kt. Elizabeth.=Robert, son of John the defendants. Lovell. De Banco. Hillary, i. Hen. 4. m. 429. Devon. — John Colshull and Emma, his wife, sued Henry Glonville for lands and rents in Hywysshe. Richard de Hywysshe, Kt. I Richard. I r -J Richard, living temp. E. 3.=f=Alice. William de Hywj^sshe held the manors of Emma.=John Colshull, Hywysshe and Stonford in 50 E. 3. and the plaintiffs, enfeoffed John de la Pomeray, wlio had enfeoffed Warine Waldegrave 12 ?lic. 2. De Banco. Easter. 4. Hen. 4. m. 116, Essex. — Joan, formerly wife of Richard Waleys, sued John, son of Michael Harward, for a moiety of lands and rents in Hatfeld Peverell and other places, which Thomas Gras gave to Thomas Fillol and Alianora, his wife, temp. Ed. 2. Thomas Fillol. =T^Alianora, r- Katrine. Margaret.=T=Michael Harward. Joan.=-Richard Waleys, John Fillol.==Agnes. the plaintiff. the defendant. John, son of Michael Harward, had assumed the name of Fillol, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS 229 De Banco. Hillary. 4. Hen. 4. m. 104. Essex — John Bohun, Chivaler, sued John de Walton for the manor and advowson of Little Okie. John Fillol, Kt.,=pMargery. living 5 E. 3. Ralph Fillol, held the manor in 15 E. 3, and had enfeoffed John de Sutton, Kt., of Wyvenho. Richard. I Thomas Fillol, ob. s.p. John, ob. s.p. Cecily. I John Bohun, Kt., the plaintiff. John de Walton held the status of John de Sutton as son of Margery, the sister of Richard Sutton. De Banco. Hillary. 4. Hen. 4. m. 307. Derh. — The heirs of Hugh de Meignill sued William Weland and Hawyse, his wife, for causing waste in the manors of Langley Meynell, Tyssington and Newehall. Hugh de Meynylle, Chivaler.=pHawyse. I -» Richard. I Ralph. Joan.= .(ohn de Stanton Herald. Elizabeth.= William Croweshawe. Margaret.' John de Dethek. Thomasine." Reginald de Dethek. De Banco. Easter. 4. Hen. 4. m. 119. Essex. — Richard Baynard, of Messyng, sued Bartholomew Burgchier, Kt., and Idonia, his wife, for the manor of Little Maldon, in which they had no entry except through an unjust disseisin which had been made of his ancestor Tiiomas Baynard, by John Grey de Ruthyn, temp. E. 2. Thomas Baynard, living temp. E. 2. I John. Thomas. I Richard Baynard, the plaintiff. 230 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Be Banco. Easter. 4. lien. 4. m. 335. Dorset — Henry Deverell sued John GifFard and Edith, his wife, and other tenants in Stoke Cosyn, for lands in Stoke Cosyn in Avhich they had no entry except by an unjust disseisin of his kinswoman, Matilda Deverell, whose heir he was, by one John Wake, temp, E. 3. Matilda Deverell, temp, E. 3. I John, I John. I Henry Deverell, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 4, Hen. 4. m. 119. Bucks. — Henry, son of John Baudewyn, sued Edmund Hampden, Thomas Swynerton, John Aspley, and two others, for the manor of Wolvesdyke, which Peter de Ayno gave to Henry Eaudewyn and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, Henry Baudewyn, =pAlice, living temp, E, 3. I John, William, ob, 8.p. Henry, the plaintiff. Coram Rege. Trinity. 4. Hen. 4, m. 29. Sussex. — William Burcestre, Chivaler, and Margaret, his wife, sued John Hrewose. Chivaler, George Brewose, Richard Brewose, and others, for lands in Horseham, Nothurst, and Bradewatre, forming part of the manors of Seggewyke and Chcrsworth, William de Brewose, held manor of Seggewyke 14 E. 1. Richard, Peter. =p Agnes, ob, s.p. I Thomas,=f=Beatrice, John, I I Thomas Krewose, ob. sp., George Brewose. who had enfeoffed the plaintiff Margaret. George pleaded that Thomas was non compos mentis when he enfeoffed Margaret, and claimed as nearest of kin of Thomas. In another suit at Mich. 4 H. 4, m. 481, George Brewose sued William de Burcestre and Margaret, his wife, for the manor of Seggewyke, as heir of Thomas. De Banco. Hillary. 4. Hen. 4. m 30. Kent. — Stephen Lygean sued William Jacob for an illegal distress at Haghesto in Hoo, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 231 John, son of Goseline de Clive, called John le Ram. I Robert. Stephen Belhampton.=pJoan.=John Hallon, 2nd husband. I r ^ -1 Joan. Ellen. The defendant was the Bailiff of John Hallon. De Banco. Trinity. 4. Hen. 4. m. 353. Somerset. — Richard Stevenes sued Ralph Tregregyo and other tenants, for lands and rents in Pulteneye Werne and Huwysshe, which William de la Burgh gave to Hugh de la Burgh and the heirs of his body, temp. E. 3, and which should revert to him as heir of the donor, the issue of Hugh having failed. Christiana, the daughter of Robert de la Burgh, the son of Hugh, having died without leaving issue. William de la Burgh, living temp. E. 3. I Nicholas. I Joan. I Richard Stevens, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich, 4. Hen. 4. m. 492. Northavipton. — John Daundelyn sued Roger Lichefeld for the manor of Cranford. Hugh Daundelyn. I John Daundelyn, Kt. I John. .1 William. I John Daundelyn, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 4. Hen. 4. m. 528 dorso. Sussex. — Thomas de Beyville sued Richard Wayville and Agatha, his wife, for one-third of the manor of Ovyndenne. Robert de Beyville.=T=Elizabeth. Richard. =j=Elizabeth. I Robert. I Thomas de Beyville, the plaintiff. 232 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 4. Hen. 4 m. 253. Devon. — Eobert Yeo and Joan, his wife, sued Matilda Beek for a carucate of land in Bradewylle, which Augustine Pyn gave to David Pyn and the heirs of his body, temp. E. 2. David Pyn, temp. E, 2. I Ralph. William. I William. I Joan.=Robert Yeo, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 4. Hen. 4. m. 259 dorso. Cornwall. —Philip Trembras and Margaret, his wife, sued John Pedyt, of Predannek, for land in Trelaumire and other places, which John le Sor, of Trelaumire gave to William, his son, and Auastasia, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. E. 3. John le Sor, Lord of Trelauwr, («c) living 6E. 3. ! William le Sor. I Edmund. I Margaret. =Philip Trembras. De Banco. Mich. 4. Hen. 4. m. 252. Kent — William Amys sued John atte More and Thomas, his son, for an illegal distress in Westwelle. William de la Hay, held manor=f Agatha, Lady of of Beaumondeston. 1 Casynham. ! 1 Agues .= .Toan.= John de Kyngeslond. Thomas de la More. I I Ralph de Kyngeslond, William de la More, hving 31 E. 3. Uvmg 31 E. 3. The descent of John atte More, the defendant, from William atte More, living 31 E. 3, is not given, but he was doubtless his son. De Banco. Mich. 5. Hen. 4. m. 100. Ebor. — Marmaduke Darell sued the Dean and Chapter of York for the next presentation to the church of Brodesworth, and stated that Marma- duke Darell seised temp. Ed. 1, granted the advowson in 1289 to William, his son and heir, in frank marriage with Joan, daughter of William de Holteby. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 233 Marmaduke Darell, seised temp. E. 1. Wiiliam.=f=Joau de Holteby. Marmaduke. William. I Marmaduke Darell, the plaintiff. The defendants stated that the first Marmaduke gave the advowson to William de Hamelton, Clerk, who gave it to the Chapter in 35 Ed. 1, and they produced the deed in Court. Verdict for the Dean and Chapter. Be Banco. Mich. 5. Hen. 4. m. 102. * Durham. — A suit moved into Court by a writ of Recordari from the County Palatine, in which Richard Buteler and Isabella, his wife, sued John Freman, of Heseldon, for land in Hawethorn, Avhich William Trailby, of Yeveldon, gave to Alan de Frysby and Isabella, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Alan de Frysby. =flsabella, living in the time of Richard de Bery, Bishop of Durham. Robert. I Robert. I Ralph. Isabella.=;Richard Buteler, the jjlaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. 5, Hen. 4. m. 15. Cestria. — A suit respecting the inheritance of Thomas de Beston gives this pedigree : — Peter de Thornton, Kt., held=pPhilippa. manor of Hellesby. I —\ Mary, Matilda.= Henry de Beston. David. Thomas de Beston. I I William de Beston. =Margaret. William de Beston, under age and 1 6 years old. De Banco. Mich. 5. Hen. 4. vi. 90. Somerset. — John Arundell, Chivaler, Philip Byenham, and Lucy Duyn, sued Roland Rake and Marjory, his wife, for the manor and advowson of Pukynton. 234 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John de Kuovill, seised 10 E. 2. Amice, I Alice. I Joan. I John Arundell, plaintiff. Alianora. Alice. I Philip Byenham, plaintiff. Lucy Duyn, plaintiff. Cecilia. De Banco. Mich. 5. Hen. 4. m. 93, Wilts. — John Wari-e sued John Vycarys and Florence, his wife, and other tenants, for lands in Puryton. Geoffrey de Berton, I r -• Thomas. =r Katrine. Thomas. Isabella. I John Warre, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 5, Hen. 4. m. 253. Essex. — John Hancok sued Robert Normandys for an illegal distress in Little Berdefeld. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — John de Bures, Kt.,=i= Alice, seised 10 Ed. 2. I Robert. I Robert Normandys, defendant. The plaintiff stated that Elias Bayllole gave the manor of Molhall, in Little Berdefeld, to Ralph Mandeville and Joan, his wife, daughter of Elias, Ralph Mandeville. =j=Joan, d. of Elias Baillole. I r -" Matilda.T=Ralph Gynev. I " John Gyney, living 10 Ed. 2. ' Agatha. I Florence. I Alice, who enfeoffed John Hancok, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 235 • De Banco. Easter, o. Hen. 4. m. 337. Devon. — John Grymelle and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Thomas Poulct and Margaret, his wife, for the manor of Halberton. William du Boys,=pElizabeth. seised 8 Ed. 2. John. Joan. Isabella. •--r- .1 I Simon, William, Elizabeth. =John Grymelle, ob. 8. p. ob. s.p. the plaintiffs. Coram Rege. Trinity. 5. Hen. 4. m. 37. Norfolk. — Hugh Lancaster, Clerk, and Symon Blyant, sued William Berdewell, Chivaler, and Margaret, his wife, and others, for the manor of Belagh and lands in Billynford, Sparham and otlier places. Edmund Pakenham. Thomas. I I Hervey Pakenham, Theobald, ob. s.p. I Margaret claimed as heir of Hervey Pakenham. John. I Margaret, the defendant. Coram Rege. Trinity. .5. Hen. 4 m. 46. Hereford.— Z(^xi, son of Roger de Burley, sued Walter fitz Wauter, Chivaler, and Joan, his wife, daughter and heir of John Devereux, for the castle and manor of Leonhale, of which Simon de Burley was seised temp. Ric. 2. Simon de Burley, John, forfeited his estates | 11 Rich. 2. Roger. I John de Burley, the plaintiff. The King had granted the castle and manor to John Devereux on the forfeiture of Simon de Burley. De Banco. Mich. 5. Hen. 4. m. 368. Somerset. — John Stourton and Joan, his wife, sued Richard Lotesham for infringing their franchises and liberties in the Sergeanty of East Peret, and they stated that King Henry, the son of the Conqueror, had granted to one Avenant de Weleslie and to his heirs, the Sergeanty to the East of Peret as far as the bridge of Bristol, and King Henry, the progenitor of the present King, had granted to Henry de Wellesleye, 236 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. the grandson of Avenant, the same Sergeanty under the name of the Sergeanty Al est of Peret, as the water descended under the vill of Peret Revestre, as far as the high seas sub capite niontis, and as far as the Bridge of Bristol, and King Edward III had confirmed the same grants to Philip de Wellesleye, the kinsman and heir of Avenant, and the said John Stoiirton and Joan held the same Sergeanty in right of Joan, the kinswoman and heir of Philip, from whom they gave this descent : — Philip de Wellesley. i Ismania. I William. I Joan.=John Stourton, the filaintiffs. The plaintiffs claimed the return of all writs and executions within the limits of the Sergeanty, and the defendant, acting as Bailiff of John Frome, the Sheriff of the County, had served writs within the jurisdiction. De Banco. Mich. 5. ffert. 4. m. 364. Notts. — Edmund de Byngham, Clerk, sued Richard, Archbishop of York, the Prior of Derham, and John fitz William, for the next presentation to the church of Rodyngton. Richard de Bynghain,=T=Alice Bertram, seised 1 E. 2. I 1 1 William. Richard. Thomas. — ^ , , Richard. Edmund, the plaintiff. The plaintiff claimed under a Fine levied 1 E. 2, by which the manor and advowson had been settled on Richard de Byngham and Alice, his wife, for their lives, and on the heirs male of the body of Richard, with remainder to William, son of Alice Bertram, of Byngham, and his heirs. De Banco. Mich. 5. Hen. 4. m. 373. Dorset. — Thomas Pomeray, Chiyalcr, and Joan, his wife, sued Henry le Scrope for one-third of the manor of Pomknolle, as dower of Joan of the dotation of Philip Bryan, her former husband. Guy de Bryan, Clfivaler. I Guy de Bryan. Philip Bryan =Joan.=Thomas Philippa.= Elizabeth. =^ Pomeray. Henry le Robert Lovell, son Scrope. of John Lovell. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 237 In other suits Guy de Bryan is styled Guy de Bryene. In a later suit of Hillary 5 H. 5, m. 118, in which the King sued Robert Lovell for the next presentation to the church of Chellesfeld, CO. Kent, Robert Lovell is styled of Claryndon, co. Wilts, and son of the Lord Lovell ; the same suit shows that Philippa had died s.p., and that the second Guy de Bryan died v.p. De Banco. Easter. 6. lien. 4. m. 87. Berks. — Humphrey de Stafford, Chivaler, and Elizabeth, his wife, sued John de Drayton, Chivaler, and two others, for the manor of West Wittenham, which they claimed by virtue of a Fine levied in 7 E. 3. Robert Mautravers. I John.=j= Elizabeth, living 7 Ed. 3. I John. 1 Ilumfrey de Stafford.=Elizabeth, daughter and heir of John Mautravers. De Banco. Easter. 6. Hen. 4. m. 117. Surrey. — William Welles and Joan, his wife, sued Robert Pobelowe, Parson of the Church of Bourne, and others, for the manor of Imme- wovth, which they claimed by virtue of a Fine levied in 6 E. 3. Roger de London or Loudon. =f=Alianora. I 1 Roger, living 6 Ed. 3. Isabella. I I I 1 1 1 1 1 Thomas. Ral[)h,=^ Katrine. Ruger, Emma, Alianora, L«abella, I ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. 8 p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. | Joan.=William Welles, the plaintiffs Verdict for the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 6. lien. 4. m. 192. Wygom. — Thomas Lnttleton sued Thomas Burdet, Chivaler, Edmund Stafford, Bishop of Exeter, and others, for the manor of Fraunkele (Frankley) which he claimed under the terms of a Fine levied in 9 E. 1, by Nicholas de Whethampstede and Emma, his wife. 238 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Thomas. Einma.== Nicliolas de Whetehainpsted'e, living 9 K. 1, I Nicholas, ob, s.p. Kdmund, ob s.p. 1 Thomas. Thomas de Luttleton, the plaintiff. The defendants denied that Thomas was heir of Edmund or of his blood, and they further pleaded that Nicholas, son of Emma, had issue one Edward, who was now alive. Be Banco. Easter. 6. Hen. 4. m. 350. Bevon. — Oliver Cornyngton sued Edmund, the Bishop of Exeter, and John Hill, Chivaler, for the next presentation to the church of Taleton. John Peverell, seised temp. E. 1. Margery.= Elias Cotelle. I Edith.= Oliver Dynham, living temp. E. 2. I Oliver Dynham. Joan,= John Flete. I Robert Flete. Joan.npJohn Wroxhale. Alianora, ob. s.p. Matilda.= William Baddeby, I Matilda. I Oliver Cornyngton, the plaintiff. Elizabeth, Isabella. ob. s p. I Michael Gerberd. Dionisa.= John de la Rivere. I John. Be Banco. Easter. 6. Hen. 4. m. 303. Cornivall and Bevon. — Alexander Champernoun and Joan, his wife, Joan Ponyngs and John Flemyng, sued Ivo fitz Waryn and Matilda, his wife, for the manors of \V\v B'ereres and Nyweton Ferers and five knights' fees in Poselynde and other places in co. Devon, and five knights' fees in Trehanna, Penpole, and other places in co. Cornwall. William de Ferers, T=Matilda. seised 2 E. 3. I John, ob. s.p. Robert, ob. s.p. Stephen, ob. s.p. Martin. Andrew. ( Joan.^ Alexander Champernoun. Elizabeth. I Joan Ponyngs. Lena. I John Flemyng. PEDIGREES FROM TFIE PLEA ROLLS. 239 Chester Plea Roll. 6. Hen. 4. m. 14 dor so. Cestria. — Robert Wilm {sic) sued William Wilm for lands in Lymme, which Peter de Ughtrynton gave to Richard de Legh and Margery, his wife (daughter of John de Ughtrynton) and the heirs of their bodies. Ilichard de Legh, =i= Margery. living temp. E. 2. j Thomas Wyllym {dc) of IJghtrinton or Hughtrintou. j Thomas. i William. I Robert Wilm, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 6. Hen. 4. m. 496. Warwick. — William Peyto sued John Wyard, of Alspath, and Margaret, his wife, for one-third of the manor of Drayton, which William Moreyn, of Snytesfeld gave to John Peyto and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. John Peyto.=f Joan, seised temp. Ed. 2. I r -J- -, John, William, ob. s.p. I John. I William Peyto, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 7. Hen. 4. m. 419. NortKtimberland. — John de Horseleye sued Roger de Horseley, the elder, and Elena, his wife, and Roger de Horseley, the younger, for the manor of Ulccstre. Roger de Horseleye, living 1 7 E. 2. ( I Thomas. I Thomas. I John de Horseleye, the plaintiff. The suit occurs again at Easter 8 H. 4, m. 153. The pleadings state that by a Fine levied in 17 E. 2, the manor was settled on Roger de Weston and Margery, his wife, for their lives, with remainder to Roger de Horseleye and his heirs. De Banco. Easter. 7. Hen. 4. m. 2. Salop. — John de Bentale sued William de Halechton for the manor of Bentale, which Philip de Bentale had given to John Burnel and Margery, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. E. 3, 240 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Burnel. seised 10 E. 3. =r Margery. I Philip. I John. I Walter. I John de Bentiile, the plaintiif, William acknowledged the right of the plaintiff, who was to recover seisin. It will be noted that the surname of Burnel or de Bentale was used by the same family. Chester Pleas. 7. Hen. i. m. 2. dorso. Cestria. — William, son of Ralph de Eggerton, and Elena, his wife, sued William de Brereton, Chivaler, for the custody of the land and heir of Thomas, son of Thomas de Somerford, of Astebury, which they claimed in right of Elena, the said Thomas de Somerford, the father, having held his land by knight's service of John de Haukeston, who had died s.p. I 1 Thomas de Haukestone. John de Haukestone, uncle I and heir of John. John de Haukestone, | ob. s.p, Alianora. I John. I Elena.= William de Egerton, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 7. Hen. 4. wi. 118. Lincoln. — John de Fletham sued John Bernak, Chivaler, for the manors of Randeby and Sugbroke. William Colman,=f-Joan. seised 11 E. 2. Juliana. I Elizabeth. I John. I John de Fletham, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 241 Be Banco. Easter. 7. Hen. 4. m. 120. Suff. — John Hore and Anne, his wife, Thoma.s Loundrcz and Joan, his wife, Ivo fitz Waryn and Matilda, his wife, Baldwyue St. George and Philip Seyntcler, Chivaler, sued Margaret, formerly wife of Richard Hasilden, for the manor and advowson of Clopton. 1 ■ Edmund de Hereford, ■ r Joan. ■i" iXgnes. Alice. seised 16 E. 3. 1 1 1 1 1 Gilbert. 1 William John. 1 1 John. 1 1 Philip St. Cler, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. 1 Matilda.= Elizabeth. r - L_^ Ivo Fitz 1 plaintiff. Anne.= Joan .= Waryne, Baldwin John Hore 1, Thomas plaintiffs. St. George, plaintiffs. Loundrez, plaintiffs. plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 4. m. 140 dor so. Wygorn. — Thomas Ilaukeslowe sued William, son of John Russell, Kt., for land in Dormeston and Intebergh, which Robert Okleye had given to Richard Haukeslowe and Nichola, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Richard Haukeslowe,=j=Nichola. seised temp. E. 3. I Richard, ob. s.p. ! 1 William, John, ob. s.p. I Geoffrey. Thomas Haukeslowe, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 7. Hen. 4. m. 306. Somerset. — John Clyveden and Alice, his wife, sued Margaret, formerly wife of Peter de Courtenay, Chivaler, for land in Aire, near Somerton. John de Acton, seised 16 E. 3, ob. s.p. Odo. Roger, 20 E. 3, ob. s.p. 1 Nicholas. I Joan. Alice.= ' John Clyveden, the plaintiffs. Margaret claimed by a grant of Roger de Acton, dated 20 E. 3, in which the land is called the moiety of the manor of Kingesalre and 0th. 242 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 4. m. 526. Wilts. — John Fauntleroy and Joan, his wife, sued William Cheny, Chivaler, who had been called to warranty by Alianora, formerly wife of Geoffrey Walsh, for a messuage and a carucate of land, etc., in Okeborn St. George, which Ralph, son of William Stokke, gave to Ingelran le Waleys and heirs of his body, temp. E. 1. Ingelran le Waleys, seised temp. E. 1. John. I Thomas. Roger. I I Thomas, John, ob. s.p. I Verdict for plaintiffs. Joan.= John Fauntleroy, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich, 7. Hen. 4. m. 610. Westmoreland. — Walter de Stirkland, Chivaler, sued Alice, formerly wife of Roger de Hornby and Richard de Bervvys for the manor of Great Stirkland (Strickland), which Robert de Stirkland, Kt., gave to William, his son, and Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph Dayucourt, and the heirs of their bodies. William de Stirkland. =j=Elizabeth, seised temp. Ed. 2. I Walter. I Thomas. I Walter de Stirkland, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 4 m. 651. Lincoln. — John de Wylughby, of Ingoldesby, sued Geoffrey de Caster- ton, of Humby, and Richard de Casterton, for land in Ingoldesby, which Ralph de Wylughby had given to Robert, his son, and the heirs of his body, Robert de Wylughby. I Ralph. I John. I John de Wylughby, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 243 Be Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 4. m. 652. Ebor. — Alexander de Lounde, Chivaler, sued William del Clif and Margaret, his wife, and Nicholas del Clif and Joan, his wife, for land in Dreweton. Margaret de Lounde, seised temp. Ed. 3, living 1331. Gerard. I Gerard. I Alexander, the plaintiff. The pleadings state that Margaret de Lounde was sister of Alexander de Cave, Kt. Chester Plea Rolls. 7. Hen. 4. m. 6. Cestria. — Elizabeth, formerly the wife of William de Montagu, Earl of Salisbury, sued John de Stanley, Chivaler, and William de Neuhagh, Chaplain, for the next presentation to the church of Hawardyn. I 1 Robert de Monte Alto Isabella. (Monhaut) seised temp. | E. 2, ob. B p. Robert de Morley. Kobert de Morley enfeoffed Isabella, late Queen of England, in exchange for the manor of Framlesdon, co. Suffolk, with reversion to John de Eltham, Earl of Cornwall, her son, and the heirs of his body ; John died s.p., and King Edward granted the manor and castle to William de Montagu, Earl of Salisbury, who had issue John, who had issue another .John. The last John forfeited his estates 2 Hen. 4, by his insurrection against King Henry, and ' King Henry granted them to John de Stanley and his heirs, by letters patent dated 15 May 6 Hen. 4. Verdict for John de Stanley. Chester Plea Rolls. 7. Hen. 4. m. 9. Cestria. — Petronilla de Wetenhale sued Matthew de Swetenham for the manor of Kermyncham. William, son of Richard de^pMabel. Swetenham, seised temp. E. 2. I Richard de Swetenham. 1 1 : 1 Thomas, Mabel, Lettice. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I Petronilla de Wetenhale, the plaintiff. 244 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. ]ye Banco. Easter. 7. Hen. 4. m. 106. Sussex. — Reginald de Cobham, of Gatewyk, Henry Gosehall and William Warbelton sued foi* execution of a fine levied in 4 Ed. 1, respecting land in Ifeld, claiming as heirs at law of John de Ifeld. I 1 1 1 John de Ifeld, Joan. Alice. Joan, seised 4 E. 1. | | | Elizabeth. William. Katrine. I I I William. Henry John. I Gosehall, | Reginald de plaintiff. Katrine. Cobham, ( plaintiff. William Warbelton, plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 7. Hen. 4. m. 108. Cornivall. — Robert de Treyage sued Michael de Treyage for the manor of Treyage, which Thomas de Treyage gave to Williamj his son, and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. William de Treyage. t= Joan, seised temp. Ed. I. I Hugh. I Thomas. I Robert de Treyage, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 7. Hen. 4. m. 1.37. Wilts. — Peter Beseille sued Thomas Trewyn, Armiger, for the manor of la Grave, as heir of Margaret, on whose issue the manor had been settled by a fine levied in 50 H. 3, by Elias de llabayne and Matilda, his wife. John Beseille. ^pMargaret, living 50 Hen. 3. I Edward. I Peter. I Mathew. I Peter Beseille, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 4. m. 314. Norfolk. — Matilda Cromwell sued Margaret, formerly wife of Gilbert Talbot, Kt., for the next presentation to the church of Attilburgh, appurtenant to the manor of Plessinghalle, and she stated that Hugh Daubeney, Earl of Arundell, had presented one Peter Giffard, temp. H. 3, and had died s.p., leaving his sisters Mabel, Isabella, Nichola and Cecilia, his heirs, and Plessinghalle was part of the purparty of Mabel, the eldest sistei", and from Mabel the right descended to Robert de Tateshale, her son and heir, who granted the manor to William Bernak, Kt, who had presented temp. E. 3, and from William she gave this descent : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 245 William Bernak, Kt. I John. I 1 1 John, William, Matilda Cromwell, ob. s p, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. The defendant stated that the Earl had presented one Godfrey GifFard in the reign of Richard I, and she gave this descent from his sisters and coheirs : — I I 1 1 Mabel. Isabella = Nicholaa.= Cecilia.— i John fitz Alan. Roger Somery. Roger de Mohaut. Robert. I I John fitz Alan. I , 1 , Robert, Emma.= Joan.— Isabella,= ob. s.p. Osbert Cayley. Robert Dryby. John de Orbjr, I I ob. s.p. Thomas. Alice.= I William Bernak. Margery.= | Roger de Clifton. John. I I Adam. Matilda Cromwell, I the plaintiff. Oonstautine. I John. I Constantine Clifton. Margaret's claim was derived from Constantine Clifton, and the Jury- found in her favour on the ground that the church was not appurtenant to the manor of Plessinghalle. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 4. m. 481. Lincoln. — Robert de Lodyngton sued John, the Abbot of Selby, for the advowson of the church of Lodyngton, and gave this pedigree : — I 1 Joseph Swanyng, seised of the adTOwson, Adam, broths- temp. H. 3, ob. s.p. and heir. ^ r -r -■ Thomas, ob. s.p. Robert de Lodyngton, the plaintiff. The Abbot denied the seisin of Joseph Swanyng, and stated that one Geoffrey de la Wirce was seised of the advowson long before the Statute of Mortmain, and had given to Benedict, the Abbot of St. Germain, of Salebife, the Hundred of CruU, in co. Lincoln, with sok and sak, and he produced the deed, which was dated from London " in solario doraus Waleranni coram Hodone Episcopo Baiocensi, Ivone filio Hugonis de Grantemaisnil, Roberto de Oilli, Adeldulfo camerario et Roberto de Saint Martino," and he stated that the advowson was appurtenant to the Hundred. He also produced a deed of William, the King, confirming the grants in CO. Lincoln, and Stanford, in co. Hampton, made to the Abbey by 246 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Geoffrey de la Wirchi and Wido de Rannecourt, witnessed by Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, Edward, Bishop of Salebiria, Hugh de Port, Hugh de Montfort, Robert de Oilli, Richard, son of Earl Gilbert, Baldwin, his brother, Remigius, the Bishop, Ralph Tailebois, Robert de Toni and Geoffrey de la Wirchi, Verdict for the Abbot. De Banco. Easter 8. Hen. 4. m. 114. Lincoln. — Thomas, the Archbishop of Canterbury, sued William Ayrmyn, Kt., for the next presentation to the church of Pyke worth, which he claimed by a grant of Thomas Pynchebek, of the manor called West- halle manor. William stated that the advowson belonged to the manor of Pyke worth, called Esthalle manor, and gave this descent : — Hugh de Pykeworth. I John de Pykeworth, presented to the church temp. El. r -^ 1 Agnes. = Mary.= Adam de Braceby, Thomas de Sapurton. presented temp. E. 2. | I Robert de Sapurton, William de Braceby.=Joan. presented temp. E, 3. I John Sapurton, who enfeoffed the defend- ant William Ayrmyn, Kt. Verdict for the defendant. De Banco. Easte7\ 8. lien. 4. m. 109. Kent. — Richard Cobbe and John Weston, and Alice, his wife, sued John de Bury and Joan, his wife, for a messuage in Seynt Mary Craye, and they sued John Marchall and Joan, formerly wife of Robert Bealknap, Kt., and Thomas de Dyngeleye, for lands in Seynt Mary Craye, Paulys Craye, Orpyngton, Farnbergh and Chellefeld. 1 Roger Cobb, seised ■ - 1 Walter. temp. E. 3. 1 Peter. Walter, John. 1 ob. s.p. Richard Cobbe, Richard. plaintiff. 1 Alice, plaintiff. The plaintiffs claimed under the custom of Kent, the land being held by gavelkind and divided between male heirs. De Banco. Easter. 8. Hen. 4. m. 109. Lincoln. — Robert Mortayn sued the Prior of Thornholm for the manor of Appelby, which William Tuchet had given to Roger Mortayn and Isabella, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 247 Roger de Mortayn,=y=l8abe]la. seised temp. K 1. I William. I r -^ -, John, ob. s.p. Thomas. I Robert Mortayn, the plaintiff. The Prior claimed by a grant of John Malherbe, temp. King Stephen, and gave this descent : — John Malherbe, temp. Stephen. John. I _ 1 Mabel, living Clemence. temp. H. 2. Hugh Neville, who enfeoffed John Redmore, who enfeoffed William, the Bishop of Ely, who enfeoffed William Tuchet. De Banco. Easter. 8. Hen. 4. ni. 417. Middlesex. — William Waryn and Joan, his wife, sued John Seymour and Joan, his wife, for the manor of Stebenhythe (Stepney), which Hugh de Crissyngham had given to John Huskarl and Alexandra, his wife, for their lives, with remainder to Ilumfrey, their son, and to the heirs of the body of Humfrey. John Huskarl, seised temp. E. 3. =p Alexandra. I Humfrey Huskarl. Nicholas, Ralph, ob. s.p. Joau.^= William Waryn, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 8. Hen. 4. vi. 441. Southampton. — John Lysle, Chivaler, sued Francis Court, Chivaler, for the manors of Lokurley and Tuderley, in which he had no entry except by an unjust disseisin which John Cobham, Chivaler, had made of his kinsman John, son of John Lysle, whose heir he was. John, son of John Lysle, seised temp. E. 1. I John. I Bartholomew. I John. John Lysle, the plaintiff. Francis claimed by a grant of the King [Henry IV] made to him and to his late wife Joan, for their lives. 24g PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 8. Hen. 4. m. 139 dor&o. Hereford. — Matilda, formerly wife of Hugh Cheyne, Kt., and Roger Seymour, sued James de la Mare for the manor of Yatton, which Reginald de la Mare had given to Reginald, his son, and Margery, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Reginald de la Mare. I Reginald.=f=Margery. ( r Reginald. Peter de la Mare, ob. s.p. Joan, aunt and heir of Malculine. 1 Malculine, ob. s.p. Matilda.= Hugh Cheyne, Kt. — , Margery. i Roger Seymour, plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 8. Hen. 4. m. 11 9. Dorset. — John Grede, son of Lucy Grede, daughter of Alice, daughter of John Ive, sued Alice formerly the wife of Guy de Bryan, Chivaler, for lands and rents in Haselbere, Stoke Turberville, and a moiety of the manor and advowson of Haselbere. John Ive.T^Idouia. I Thomas Ive.= Isabella, dau. of Stephen de Abyngdon, ob. s.p. Matilda, ob. s.p. Alice. I Lucy Grede. ! John Grede, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 8. Hen. 4. m. 539. Ebor. — William de Teveryngton sued John Langton for the manor of Multhorp, near Dulmere, and for the advowson of Teveryngton, which William, son of Stephen de Teveryngton, the Parson of Havergate, in York, gave to Anketyne Salvayn, Kt., and Isolda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and he gave this descent : — Anketyne Salvayn. =j=Isolda. Nicholas, Jiving 38 E. 3, ob. s.p. 1 Elena. Elena. William de Teveryngton, the plaintiff. The defendant stated that Nicholas Salvayn had granted the manor in 38 E. 3 to John, son of Nicholas de Langton, and his heirs, and he gave this descent : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 249 Nicholas de Langton. John, seised 38 E. 3. John. I John Langton, the defendant. Verdict for the defendant. De Banco. I'rinity. 8. lien. 4. m. 332 dorso. Bucks. — Jolni Pygot de la Forde sued John Sperman and other tenants for lands and rents in Stone, which William de St. Clair, of Stone, had given to Robert, his son, and Margaret, his wife, in frank marriage. Wniiam de St. Clair. I Robert de St. Clair,=rMargaret. seised temp. E. 1. I Amice. I Richard Pygot. John Pygot, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 8. Hen. 4. m. 555. Berks. — Juliana, late wife of Alan Boteler, Chivaler^ sued William Morteyn, for the manor of Tyrefeld, and gave this pedigree : — Thomas Morteyn.=pMargaret, I Gilbert. Juliana, daughter and heir.= Alan Boteler, Kt., the plaintiff. The defendant stated that one Constance Morteyn had given the manor to Eustace, her son, and the heirs male of his body, and gave this descent : — Eustace, sou of Constance Morteyn. I Eustace. Thomas. Roger. I Richard. I , William Morteyn, the defendant. 250 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 8. Hen. 4. m. 241. Soidhampton. — John de la Bere sued William Pershute for the manor of Culmeston, which Alan de Plukenet, the elder, and Joan, his wife, had gi-anted by Fine in 23 E. 1, to Alan de Plukenet, the younger, and Sibil, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to himself and his own right heirs. -- 1 Alan de Plukenet, the elder, =pJoan. Richard, seised 23 E.l. I | Richard. Alan de riukenet.=Sibil. Richard. I Thomas. I John de la Bere, the plaintiff. William denied that Alan Plukenet had a brother Richard, and John afterwards withdrew his suit. De Banco. Mich. 8. Hen. 4. m. 413. Derh. — Joan Gousehill, and Elizabeth and Joyce, her sisters, sued Nicholas, son of Nicholas Gousehill, Kt., for the manors of Barleburgh and Kynwalmersh, and other lands, which they claimed as daughters and heirs of Robert de Goushille. Nicholas de Gousehill, Kt. I 1 Robert. Nicholas, I the defendant. Joan. Elizabeth. Joyce. The suit to stand over till the full age of the plaintiffs. Coram Eege. Mich. 8, Hen. 4. m. 101. Ehor. — A suit respecting the custody of the manor of Nunwyke, near Ripon, in the King's hands, by reason of the forfeiture of John Percy, gives this pedigree : — , I 1 John de Colville. Thomas de Colville. I I Mary. Thomas. I I John Percy, of Kildale, Thomas, heir of Thomas Col- | vyile. Thomas Colvylle. Coram Bege. Mich. 8. Hen. 4. m. 106. Bucks. — A suit respecting the advosvson of Weston Turville gives this pedigree : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 251 1 — EJmund r ■ - Edward, 1 . Diom8ia.= n Ida. - ■ I Alice. Aukaretta. Boteler, brother Hugh de 1 1 1 seised temp. and heir, Cokesaj'. Margaret, Nicholas de John Lestrange E.3 ,ub.s.j). ob. s.p. 1 Walter. late wife of William Longford. 1 of Black mere. 1 1 Trui5sell,of Nicholas John. Walter de Odyam. de Longford. 1 Cokesay. Joan. De Banco. Mich. 8. Hen. 4. m. 518. Lincoln. — John Doreward and others sued Philip, Bishop of Lincoln, and Alice, formerly wife of Ralph Basset of Sapcote, and another, for the next presentation to the church of Repynghale. Guy Scoband, Kt., held the manor temp. Hen. 3. I John, living 11 E. 1. Guy. John, living temp. E. 3, ob. s.p. Guy, enfeoffed Robert Colvylle, Kt., of Byteham (Bytham). Richard {sic) Basset, of Sapcote, Kt., and John Gernon, Kt., had entered as heirs of Robert Colvylle, as shewn by the following pedigree : — Edmund Colvylle. I Robert Colvylle, ob. s.p. Elizabeth. Simon. I Richard {sic) Basset. ^^Alice. 1 Alice, I John Gernon. Richard Basset is clearly a mistake for Ralph Basset. John Gernon had enfeoffed Robert Svvynburne, Kt., who had enfeoffed John Doreward and the other plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 8. Hen. 4. m. 448. Northumberland. — William Whitchester sued Richard Goldesburgh, Chivaler, and Joan, his wife, for the manors of Calverdoun, Broudoun, J^.idelesedene, and Duxfeld, which Robert de la Vale, Kt., gave to William, his son, and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Robert de la Vale, Kt. William de la Vale, =p Agnes . seised temp. E. 3. Henry, ob. s.p. Verdict for plaintiff. Alice. I W illiam de Whitchester, 252 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Chester Pleas. 8 Hen. 4. m. 20. Cestria. — Four suits by which Hugh, son of Richard Venables, of Kynderton, Kt., recovered several manors and other property which had been held by his ancestors. The defendant is styled William Venables, of Kinderton, but was probably William Venables, of Brad- wall, in temporary possession of Kinderton. Sir Richard Venables had joined Henry Percy in his insurrection of 1403, and had been beheaded after the battle of Shrewsbury. He had apparently enfeoffed William Venables in all his manors before he took the field. The pedigree given in three of the suits is as under : — Hugh de Venables, of Kynderton, =i=Katrine. seised temp. E. 1. Hugh. I Richard. I Hugh de Venables, the plaintiff. In the first suit Hugh sued William Venables for the manors of Bradwall and Newton, and lands in Stanthorn, Waverton, Legh, Berterton and other places, which had been given to Hugh de Venables and Katrine, his wife. In the second suit Hugh sued the same defendant for land in Hulm, which had been given to Hugh de Venables and Agatha, his wife. In the third suit Hugh sued the same William for the manors of Bradwall, Neuton in Wyrhale, Eccleston, Kynderton Sprouston, Mer- ston, Wylton, and de Cros, which had been given to Hugh de Venables, and Katrine, his wife. In the fourth suit Hugh sued the same William for a salt-pan in Northwich, which Henry Peytefyn had given to Hugh, son of Hugh de Venables and the heirs male of his body, in the reign of Edward I. In this suit the pedigree is carried up to another generation, and is as follows : — Hugh de Venables. Hugh de Venables, seised temp. E. 1. Hugh. I Richard. I Hugh Venables, the plaintiff. William Venables conceded the claim in all the suits. Chester Plea Roll. 8 Hen. 4. m. 17. Cestria. — A suit respecting the custody of the lands and heir of Margaret, late wife of Fulk de Pembrugge, Kt., gives the following pedigree : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 253 I 1 William Trussell, Warine Trussell. of Cublesdon. | I Laurence. Margaret.=Fulk de Pembrugge, | Kt., ob. s.p. William Trussell, 13 years of age. De Banco. Easter. 9. Hen. 4. m. 101. Kent. — Robert Ellerbek and Alesia, his wife, sued John Thurston, Clerk, to deliver up to them a pyx containing deeds relating to the inheritance of Alesia, which he had held since 44 E. 3. Thomas Chaunz, seised of the manor of La Lee and advowson of Byttebergh, gave them to Thomas Chaunz and Margaret, his wife, and to George, their son, and the heirs male of George, and failing such to the heirs of the bodies of Thomas and Margaret. Thomas Chauntz.^pMargaret, Thomas, son George, and heir. ob. s.p.m. I Alesia. =Robert Ellerbek, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 9, Hen. 4. m. 106. London. — William Pershut and Katrine, his wife, sued the executors of Christine, formerly wife of John Blount, Chivaler, to deliver up to them a pyx containing the deeds of the manor of Beveresbrok. John Blount. Alianora. I I John Blount, of=Christine. Agnes. Beveresbrok, | Chivaler, ob. s.p. Katrine.= William Pershut. Katrine claimed the deeds as heir of Sir John Blount, of Beveres- brok. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hen. 4. m. 226. Northampton. — The Abbot of Pypewell sued Philip, the Bishop of Lincoln, Thomas de Aylesbury, Kt., and others, for the next presenta- tion to the church of Asshele. 254 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Richard de Daunz jointly seised of the advowson with the Abbot , of Pypewell, temp. Rich. 1. I Agnes. I Peter Peverell, presented temp. K. John. I Agnes, presented temp. H. 3. I Ralph, Agnes. ob. s.p. lUchard de Pydyngton seised of the advowson as heir of Ralph, enfeoffed Walter de Langton of his moiety of the advowson, and Walter en- feoffed Ralph Basset, of Wel- don, temp. E. 3. I Ralph Basset. I Ralph Basset, of Weldon. N.B, — Thomas de Aylesbury was one of the coheirs of the last Ralph Basset, of Weldon. Stafford Assize Roll, 1-13. Hen. 4. m. 6. Staff. — John Savage and Matilda, his wife, sued John de Arderne, Kt., Christiana, dau. of William Ipstones and Alice, her sister, and others, for unjustly disseising them of the manor of Teyne (Tean), and twenty marks of rent from Draycote. Nicholas de Beek, Kt,,=f Joan, living 21 E. 3. I Elizabeth, d. and heir.=f=Robert de Swynnerton, Kt. I William de Ipstones,=rMatilda,=John Savage, 12 Ric. 2. I d. & h. I Plaintiffs. r ^ n Christiana, Alice, living living 9 H. 4. 9 H. 4. A former suit of 2 H, 4 on the same Roll shews that Elizabeth had married for a second husband Richard de Peshall. The suit given above is dated 9 H. 4. De Banco. Easter. 8. Hen. 4. m. 337. Staf. — Richard Chetwynd, of Ingestre, sued Richard le Straunge, of Knokyn, for the third part of the manor of Shenstone. PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 255 Ralph de Qrendon,=7=Joan. seised temp. E. 1. I 1 ' 1 Alice. Margaret. Joan. William de Chetwynd. —I Roger, Richard Chetwynde, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. Chester Pleas. 1. Hen. 4. Cestria. — William de Kirkeby sued the Abbot of Basyngwerk for the manor of West Kirkeby. John Bernard, seised=7=Christiana, temp. E. 1. I Christiana. I r -^ -1 John, Alice, ob. s.p. I John de Kirkeby, William de Kirkeby, ob, s.p. the plaintiff. Verdict for the Abbot. Chester Pleas. 9. Hen. i. m. 1. Cestria.— John Ketulle, of Burwardesley, and Margery, his wife, sued Thomas, son of Thomas Danyell, Kt., for lands and tenements in Assheley, near Hale, which Robert, son of Robert Vaudray, gave to Cecily, daughter of Thomas le Cryour, and to the heirs of the bodies of Robert and Cecily. Robert, son of Robert=rCecily. le Vaudray. j Robert. I William. Margery.=John Ketulle, the plaintiffs. Chester Pleas. 9. Hen. 4. m. 16 dorso. Cestria.— ^icha^rd Crosse sued Peter de Werberton for lands and tenements in Altringham. Geoffrey de Werberton, Chivaler. Geoffrey. I John. Peter de Werberton, the defendant. 256 PKDIGRfeES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Chester Pleas. 10. Hen. 4. m. 9. Cestria. — The Prince of Wales, as Earl of Chester, versus Margaret formerly wife of John, son of Thomas de Ardene. A suit to determine the right to the manors of Aldford, Alderdelegh and Echeles, the advowsons of the churches of Aldford and Alderdelegh, and a rent of ten marks proceeding from the manor of Upton in Wyrehale. John de Ardene, seised of the manors,=pElena. advowsons and rent, temp. Ed. 3. I r - - 1 Thomas. Walkeline, Matilda.== Isabella. — 1 ob. B.p. Robert, Hugh de John de Ardene,==Margaret, son of Wrotteslegh. liTibg 8 H. 4, but plaintifE. Robert de 1 dead at the date Legh. John de Wrot- of the suit. 1 teslegh. Robert de Legh, 1 Kt, ., living 10 Hugh de Wrot- H. 4. teslegh, living 10 H. 4. The pleadings state that Thomas and Walkeline were illegitimate, being styled sons of Elena only — and that John de Ardene, the husband of Elena, had left no male heir of his body. Margaret claimed under a settlement made by her husband in 8 H. 4, a licence of alienation having first been obtained from the Prince of Wales, as Earl of Chester, and a verdict was given in her favour. Under a previous settlement of 21 E. 3, which was made likewise with the licence of the Prince of Wales, as Earl of Chester, the same manors, advowsons and rents had been settled on John de Ardene and Elena, his wife, for their lives, with remainder to Thomas, son of Elena, and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to Walcheline, brother of Thomas, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such, to the heirs of the bodies of John and Elena. Under the first settlement, the Arderne estates would have been divided between Robert de Legh and Hugh de Wrottesley. Chester Pleas. 10. Hen. 4. m. 5. Cestria. — A suit respecting the manor of Worleston gives the following pedigrees : — Robert de Harcourt, seised of the manor temp. H. 3. I Robert, living 29 E. 1. Margery. I Robert de Cholmondelegh. Ibella {sic). Lettice.=T=Roger de Bromley. I Richard de Bromley. John de Cholmondelegh, • of Chorley. Robert de Harcourt had recovered the manor from Walter de Worleston and Joan, his wife, in 29 E. 1, and David de Crue and William Knybbe, claiming as heirs of Joan, had re-opened the case by writ of error, and gave this pedigree : — PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 257 Joan.^Walter de Worlestou. I Johui I r ^ -1 Emmota. Anne Thomas. Nicholas. I I David de Crue, William Knybbe, of Pulcroft, plaintiff, plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 10. Hen. 4. m. 138 dorso. Beds. — Thomas Hele and Alice, daughter of Margery Seynt Johan, sued Thomas, son of Thomas Fremband, of Badlestone, for an unjust disseisin in Badlestone. Nicholas Fremband, Kt. I Thomas. I Thomas. I Thomas. I Thomas Fremband, the defendant. De Banco. Easter. 10. Hen. 4. m. 419, Dorset. — John Savage and Aliaiiora, his wife, sued John Hynton for lands and rents in Hammepreston, Esthamme, Lytel Caneford and Wymborne. I 1 1 John de Gowys, seised Brian. Henry, temp. E. 1. I Alice.=rHugh Hynton. John. I Alice. John, William. Richard Gowyz, ob. s.p. I living 1 H. 4. John Hynton, the defendant. The plaintiffs claimed under a Fine levied by Richard Gowyz in 1 H. 4, and the jury found in their favour. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hen. 4. m. 226. Ebor. — Robert de Staveley and Lucy, his wife, sued Robert Rokelay, Chivaler, and others, for lands and rents in Waldreshelf and Penyngsale. 258 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William de Shefeld-nplsabella. John. I I Thomas de Shefeld, ob. s.p. 1 Lucy.= Robert de Staveley, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hm. 4. m. 398. Ebor. — John Fotthat and Clemence, his wife, and Joan Frothyngham, sued Edmund Frothyngham for a messuage and lauds in South Frothyngham and Firmarske. Peter de Frothyngham, Kt.=T-Avelina. William. I Adonumd. I Adomand. I Edmund Frothjmgham, the defendant. 1 Peter. William. I Stephen. I Clemence. =^ John Fotthat, plaintiffs. Joan, plaintiff. The plaintiffs pleaded that Adomand, the eldest son of William, son of Peter, was illegitimate. A postscript shews that a jury at lieverley afterwards found that Adomand was legitimate. A second postscript shews that the suit was removed by a writ of error in 7 H. 5 to be heard Coram Rege. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hen. 4. m. 581. Northampton. — Robert Tame and Matilda, his wife, sued for execution of a Fine which had been levied in 38 E. 3, between Nicholas Crophill, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, complainants, and Hugh Humberstone and another, deforciants, of the manor and advowson of Horpull, which John de Verdon, Kt., held at that time for his life. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Simon 'Warde.=FElizabeth. Theobald. I William Warde, ob. s.p. Matilda. = Bobert Tame, plaintiffs. 1 Philippa. The defendants were Robert Chesildon and Anne, his wife. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS, 259 Chester Pleas. 10. Hen. 4. m. 25. Cestria. — Robert de Stoke sued Isabella, formerly wife of William de Beston, and Kalph, son of William de Beston, for the manor of Stoke, near Cholmundeslon. Roger de Stoke. Ralph. Beatrice, first wife.=rRalph.=pSecond wife, unnamed. I I Hugh de Stoke. Elena. l8abeIIa.=T=William de Beston. Ralph de Beston, defendant. Verdict for Robert de Stoke. 1 Ralph. I Robert de Stoke, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hen. 4. m. 457. Devon. — Thomas, son of Richard Lercedeakne, sued Hugh Courtenay, Chivaler, and Philippa, his wife, Walter Lucy and Alianora, his wife, Thomas Arundell and Margery, his wife, for a mill, and the moiety of a carucate of land and £12 of rent in South Taunton, under the provisions of a Fine levied in 39 E. 3, by John Lercedeakne, Kt., and Cecily, his wife. John Lercedeakne,=f=Cecilv. Kt., 39 E. 3. I 1. Ralph, died without leaving male issue. 2. Warine, died without leaving male issue. 3. Richard. I Thomas Ler- cedeakne, the plaintiff. r-r-r- 4. Odo. 5. John. r-r-i 7. Martin. 8. Reginald. 6. Robert. 9. Michael. Philippa.= Hugh Courtenay, Kt., defendants- Alianora.= Walter Lucy, defendants. Margery.= Thomas Arundell, defendants. Younger sons named in the Fine of 39 E. 3. The suit is a long process involving the whole inheritance of John Lercedeakne (Archdekne) and Cecily, comprising lands in Dymerdawyk, Worsknapp, Uphamme, Cadestone and Cadebury, in co. Cornwall, and Lygham, Colrygge, South Taunton, Lobb, and Churchill, and other places in co. Devon. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hen. 4. m. 582. Devon. — Richard Haukeford and Thomasine, his wife, sued Elizabeth, formerly wife of John de Prideaux, Chivaler, for the manor and advowson of Coumbe in Tynhyde. Richard de Stapelton, seised 19 E. 2. I Richard. I Thomasine.= Richard Haukeford, the plaintiffs. 260 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The plaintiffs claimed under a Fine levied in 19 E. 2 by Richard de Stapelton. The defendant stated that Richard was brother of Walter de Stapelton, late Bishop of Exeter, and had left no issue, and she gave this pedigree : — I 1 John de Prideaux.=Elizabeth, Richard, the defendant. | John de Prideaux. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hm. 4. m. 388. Dorset. — John Arundell sued John Quynton for the manor of Lodres. John, son of Richard,=j=Alianora. late Earl of Arundell. John Arundell. I John Arundell, the plaintiff. The reader should note the change of surname from Fitz Alan to Arundell. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hen. 4. m. 110. Kent. — William Amys sued John atte More and Thomas, his son, for an illegal distress in the vill of Westwelle. William de la Hay seised of the=r Agatha, who held the manor of Beaumondstone. | manor of Casyngham. r -L -, Agnes.= Joan.= John de Kyngeslond, Thomas atte More. I I Ralph de Kyngeslond William atte More, made an exchange with living 31 E. -3. William atte More in 31 E. 3. The relationship of the defendants to William atte More is not given in the pleadings, but they clearly represented him. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hen. 4. m. 224 dorso. Sussex. — John fitz Elys sued Thomas de Sakeville for the manor of Chixdynglee. I 1 Nicholas de la Beche, Chivaler,=Margery. John, held the manors of Watly ngton , | CO, Oxon, and Chudynglee and ( ' 1 Oldecourt, co. Sussex, and Joan.=pAndrew de Isabella. died without issue. I Sakeville. | I Margery. Andrew. ( I John. Thomas de Sakeville, | the defendant. John fitz Elys, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 261 De Banco. Mich. 10. Hen. 4. m. 609. Surrey. — Thomas de Wyntreshulle by his custos sued George Brewes for a carucate of land in Bromlegh, which Philippa de Neville had given to William de Wyntreshulle and Beatrice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies in the reign of Henry III. William de Wyntreshulle, =pBeatrice. seised temp. H. 3. | , 1 , Edmund. Walter. I I John de Wyntreshulle, Thomas, ob. s.p. I Thomas. I Thomas. I Thomas de Wyntreshull, the plaintiff, under age. Verdict for the plaintiff. Curia Regis Roll. No. 78. 5. Hen. 3. Kent. — William Painel sued the Abbot of Canterbury for the manors of Grenewich and Lovesham, of which Robert de Banton (Bampton), the grandfather of his father was seised in the time of King Henry the elder (Henry I). Robert de Banton, seised temp. H. 1. I Juliana. I Fulk Painel. I William Painel, the plaintiff. Curia Regis Roll. No. 79. 5. Hen. 3. Wilts. — William de la Rokele sued Peter de la Mare for the manor and advowson of Lavington. Godefrid de la Rachele, seised temp. H. 1. I Agnes. Richard. \ William. I William de la Rokele, the plaintiff. Curia Regis Roll. No. 79. 5. Hen. 3. m. 24. Notts. — Ralph de Crumbwelle sued Ivo de Heriz for three parts of a knights' fee in Wudmarepol. 262 PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. , Haldane, seised temp. H. 1. I Hugh. I Ralph. I Ralph de Crumbwell, the plaintiff. Devon Assize Roll. 22. Hen. 3. m. 8. Devon. — William de Morlega sued Ralph de Albamora (Albemarle) for the next presentation to the church of Morlega. Richard de Morlega, presented temp. H. 2. I ' 1 Robert, ob. s.p. William. I William de Morley, the plaintiff. Devon Assize Roll. 22. Hen. 3. m. 17. dorso. Devon. — John de Arundel sued Robert de Morcellis for eight ferlings of land in Subrok. I 1 William de Bretteville, Hawise, sister ob. s.p. and heir. I Roger. John. Isabella, aunt and I heir of Isabella. Isabella, | ob. s.p. John de Arundel, the plaintiff. Devon Assize Roll. 22. Hen. 3. m. 4. dorso. Devon. — Richard le Butiller sued the Abbot of Cadamo (Caen) for two ferlings of land in Aisserigge. Sampson, seised temp. H. 2. William. I Richard, the plaintiff. The Abbot produced charters of William the Bastard, granting to his house, the Abbey of St. Stephen the Proto-Martyr, of Caen, the manor of Norham, co. Devon, which Matildis, the Queen, had given to them in her last sickness of which she had died, and confirmations of the same grant by Henry I and Henry II. The latter charter grants the manor of Norham with Aisserigge. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 263 Wilts Assize Roll. 52. Hen. 3. Wilts. — A plea of " quo warranto " to try the right of Walter de Albini to have gallows and other franchises in Wycheford. Walter stated that King Henry I gave the manor of Wicheford to Patrick de Chaworthe, and Patrick gave it to Henry de Albini, from whom he gave this descent : — Henry de Albini, seised temp. H. 1. Robert, who enfeoffed his younger brother Nigel. 1 Nigel. William. I Henry, I Walter, living 52 H. 3, the defendant. Chester Plea Roll. 10. Ed. \. m. 2. dorso. Cestria. — Roger de Mortimer sued the Abbot of Baasingwerth for a messuage and seven carucates of land in Great Caldeye, which he claimed to hold of the King in capita. Matilda, seised temp, Ric. 1. Roger. 1 Hugh, ob. s.p. Ralph. Roger de Mortimer, the plaintiff. Wilts Assize Roll. 9. Ed. 1. m. 7, dorso. Wilts. — Brian de Gonys sued Robert de Lucy and other tenants for seven messuages, three carucates of land, and three virgates of land in Tenland. Beatrice, seised temp. Rich. 1. Brian. Brian, ob. s.p. Verdict for the defendants. Roger. I Brian de Gonys, the plaintiff. 264 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Chester Plea Roll. No. 11. 17. Ed. 1. m. 13. dorso. Cestria. — William de Venables, of Newbolt, sued the Abbot of Chester for the next presentation to the church of Astebury. Richard de Venables, presented to the church temp. H. 3. I Richard, Thomas, ob. s.p. I ^_ ^ ^ -^-J Robert, Richard, Thomas, William, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. a monk. the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. U. 17. Ed. 1. m. 19. dorso. Cestria. — Richard, son of Thomas de Herthull, sued Henry de Sandbach and -Sibil, his wife, for land in Tatenhall which Thomas Tochet gave to David de Herthull, temp. Heniy III in frank marriage with Sarra, his sister. David de Herthull.=f=Sarra Tochet. I Thomas. Robert, William, Richard, ob. s.p. ob. 8.p. the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. 26. 6. Ed. 2. Cestria. — William, son of Robert de Praers, sued Ralph de Vemun, the elder, for an illegal distress in Badilegh. Adam de Praers held the manor of Badilegh and three knights' fees of Warine de Vemun, of Wich Malbanc, grandfather of Ralph de Vemun. Robert. I William de Praers, of Badilegh, the plaintiff. After the death of Warine the service of three knights' fees was divided between Ralph de Vernun, the father of Ralph, and one Warine de Vemun, his kinsman. Chester Plea Roll. No. 27. 7. Ed. 2. m. 6. dorso. Cestria. — Hugh, son of Richard de Chelmundelegh, sued Richard, son of William de Bulkelegh, Elena, late wife of William de Bulkelegh, Lucy, late wife of Richard, son of Thomas de Bulkelegh, and William, son of William de Bulkelegh, for a trespass on the heath of Chelmun- delegh. PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 265 Robert de Chelmundelegh, 1 Hugh, seised temp. H. 3. I ^ 1 -, Robert, Richard. ob. s.p. I Hugh de Chelmundelegh, the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. No. 34. 15. Ed. 2. m. 4. dorso. Cestria. — Robert, son of Richard de Bulkelegh, and Lettice, his wife, sued William, son of William de Alvaldestone, and other tenants, for lands in Alvaldestone, which Adam de Buyrton had given to William de Alstanton in frank marriage with Ameria, his daughter, temp. Henry III. William de Alstanton,=i= Ameria. seised temp. H. 3. Wuliam, Thomas, Henry, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. 1 Vinant. Lettice.^= Robert de Bulkelegh the plaintiffs. Chester Plea Roll. No. 37. 19. Ed. 2. m. 13. Cestria. — William, son of John Boydel, sued John Tuchet for the manor of Netherwhytelegh, which Hugh de Button had given to William Boydel in frank marriage with Alice, his daughter. William Boydel. =r Alice de Button. William. I John. I William Boydel, the plaintiff. Coram Rege. Trinity. 6. Hen. 4. m. 329. Wartvick. — William, son of John de Peyto, sued for execution of a Fine levied in 18 E. 2, by which the manors of Mulecote and Pyuueley, and rents in Herdeborowe, and the advowsons of the churches of Herdeborowe and Wolfhamcote, had been settled on Geoffrey de Langeley and Mary, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Johij de Langeleye. 266 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. I , John de Langeley. Robert. Qeoflfrey de Langeley ,=Mary. Margaret. ob. s.p. I John de Pevto. I William de Peyto, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 11. Hen. 4. m. 411. Leicester. — William Trussel sued Robert Lytton, Chivaler, for the manor of Swepeston, which George de Charnelles had given to Nicholas de Charnelles and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Nicholas de Chamelle8.=f:Joan, seised temp. Ed. 2. Thomas. I Matilda . William Trussell, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 11. lien. 4. in. 413. (?a;o».^Ilobert Dycon sued William Breele for the manor of Watersteke. John Dycon, Richard, ob. s.p. I Richard. .1 William. Robert Dycon, the plaintiff. The defendant is also styled in the pleadings William Bruyly. De Banco. Easter. 11. Hen. 4. m. 116. Dorset. — Walter Chauntemarle and Henry Scudemore sued John Harryes and Sibil, his wife, to give up to them two pyxes containing muniments and charters. William de Stokes, seised of the manor of Biestwall. I r -^ William. T=Joan. Ahce. Sibil. < r ' John. Joan* I I Walter Chauntemarle, Henry Scudemore, plamtiff. plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 267 Be Banco, Easter. 11. Hen. 4. m. 123 dorso. Oxon. — William Lee and Joan, his wife, sued John BufFord and Juliana, his wife, for the manor of Derneford, which William de Shareshulle, the elder, and Dionisia, his wife, had given to William, their son, and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. William de Share8hulle.=pDionisia. 'William.T=Joan. I 1 William, Elizabeth, ob. 8.p. I Joan. I Joan.= William Lee, the plaintiffs. Verdict for the plaintiffs. William de Shareshulle, the elder, was the Chief Justice of the Bench, temp. E. 3. De Banco. Mich. 11. Hen. 4. m. 527. Northamp. — John Mortymer sued Thomas Colepepere, Chivaler, and John Chitecroft, for the manor of Asshen, which Philip Lovell had given to Robert de Lowe and John, his son, and to Emma, wife of John, son of Robert, and the heirs of their bodies, Robert de Lowe. I JohD.=pEmma, seised temp. Ed. I. I : Philip, ob. 8.p. I I 1 ' John, Petronilla, ob. 8. p. Lawrence. I John Mortymer, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 11. Hen. 4. m. 104. Northamp.—WiWiQxci Danby sued Thomas Wake, of Blysworth, and another, for the next presentation to a moiety of the churches of Colyntre and Midelton. 268 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Simon de PatteshuU. r -^ John.=fMabel, presented 6 Ed. 2. I r- William, Alice.= Sibil.= Katrine.^= Matilda.= ob. s.p. Thomas Roger de Robert de Walter de Wake, Kt. Beauchamp. Totenham. Fauconberg. Thomas Wake. I Thomas Wake, the defendant. William claimed by a grant made to him by Alice after the death of her husband. De Banco. Easter. II. Hen. 4. m. 337. Derh. — Goditha, late wife of Ralph de Stathum, sued Henry Coton, Clerk, to give up to her a pyx containing deeds which she claimed as heir of Hugh de Morley. Hugh de Morley of Morley. Richard. I Lucy. I Lucy. i Goditha. The pyx had come into Henry Coton's hands after the death of one Katrine Verdon, 20 Rich. 2. De Banco. Mich. 12. Hen. 4. m. 119. Suffolk. — Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, sued William Appulyerde for the wardship of John, son and heir of Thomas Gernegan. John Gernegan of Horham. Thomas. I John, under age. De Banco. Mich, 12. Hen. 4. m. 139 dorse. Surrey. — William Westebroke sued Henry Prestewyk and Joan, his wife, for lands and rents in Godalmynge. ♦ Robert Westebroke, seised temp. Ed. I. I Richard. I Robert. I William. I William, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 269 De Banco. Easier. 11. Hen. 4. m. 212. Southamp. — John Walop sued Thomas Wayte for the manor of Lee Breton, in the parish of Tychefeld, which William Upton, of Roghe- nore, gave to John Breton and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to Robert Markaunt, Kt., and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of John Breton for ever. ■-i William Breton. Alice. I I — i .Toai r- Joan. John.=T=AUce. | I Richard. Alice. I I Thomas. Thomas, | ob. 8. p. John Walop, the plaintiff Verdict for the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 12. Hen. 4. m. 85. Staff. — Henry Granby, the Master of the House of St. Michael, of Cambridge, sued John, the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Ralph Basset, and another, for the next presentation to the church of Chedle (Cheadle). Ralph Basset, of Sapcote, presented to the church temp. H. 3. I r ^ -1 Simon, living Ralph. 20 E. 2. I I Ralph. Bassets, of John. Sapcote. I Ralph Basset, of Parkhall, the defendant. This suit cuts out two generations of the Bassets, of Sapcote, named in the Historical Peerages, as it shews that the Simon Basset of 1282 was identical with the Simon living 1326, and this is also confirmed by a suit of Hillary term 43 E. 3, m. 338. De Banco. Easter. 12. Hen. 4. m. 126. Line. — Gerard Ufiiete, Armiger, sued John de Aylesford, Chivaler, for the next presentation to the church of Bekyngham. 270 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Gerard, son of Gerard de Furnival, was seised of the manor and advowson, temp. Hen. 3. Christiana. Loretta. I I Gerard. Gerard. i I Edmund. Gerard. tL I John. Gerard Ufflete, I the plaintiff. John de Ayllesford, the defendant, who was under age and in ward to Elizabeth, Lady Latymer. De Banco. Easter. 12. Hm. 4. m. 137. Somerset. — Thomas Walsh sued Emeline, formerly wife of Franco de Scoland, the younger, and other tenants, for lands in Cathangre, which John de Leygrave had given to Franco de Scoland, the elder, and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Franco de Scoland, the elder,=f=Alice. seised temp. E. 2. j r ^ -^ -1 Henry. Alice. Franco de Scoland,=Emeline, Maurice. the younger. the defendant. | Thomas Walsh, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 12. Hen. 4. m. 293. Suffolk. — Thomas Aleyn and William and Richard, his brothers, sued William Bowet, Kt., and Joan, his wife, for an unjust disseisin in Henstede. Simon Perpount, Kt. , seised of the manors of Wrentham, Benacre, and Henstede, living 4 E. 3. r -• John.=j=Ela, dau. of William de Calthorp. Sibil. I Robert, I Joan.= W^illiam Bowet, Kt., the defendants. PEDIGREES t'ROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 271 De Banco. Mich. 12. Hen. 4. m. 209. Cheshire. — Ralph Chalons sued Robert Browe for lands and rents in Great Christelton, Little Christelton, Great Coton, and Little Coton, which Philip de Valletort had given to John, son of John Chalons, and the heirs of his body, temp. E. 2. John Chalous. I John, seised temp. Ed. 2. I John. I Robert. I Ralph Chalons, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 12. Hen. 4. m. 101. Kent. — William Bedell sued the Master of the College of St. Mary Magdalen, of Cobham, for an illegal distress in Thorneham. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Henry de Cobham, Kt. I - . I John de Cobham, Kt.,=T= Agnes. =Christopher Shukkeburgh, living 27 E. 3. I second husband. John de Cobham. Roger de Northwode, Kt. I John de Northwode, Chivaler. Roger de Northwode, Chivaler. De Banco. Mich. 12. Hen. 4. m. 369. Bucks. — John Broughton sued John Boun, Kt., for land and rents in Great Craulee, which John le Forester, of Stony Stratford, gave to Robert de Broughton and Paulina, his wife, temp. Ed. 2. Robert.=rPaulina, seised temp. E. 2, living 35 Ed. 3. John. I John. I John, the plaintiff. The defendant claimed by a grant of John de Broughton, grandfather of John, dated 35 Ed. 3, conveying to his father Sir John de Bowhuri, of Midhurst, Kt , and Cecily, his wife, all the lands and tenements formerly belonging to Ralph de Broughton and Robert de Broughton in Great Crauley. The suit was adjourned, as John de Broughton was under age : a postscript shews he recovered the lands in 6 Hen. 6. 272 PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 12. Hen. 4. m. 380. Surrey. — Thomas de Berghes sued Ralph Codyngton for a messuage and a carucate of land in Suttone, which he claimed under the terms of a Fine levied in 42 Hen. 3, between Walter de Kynardele and Alice, his wife, plaintiflfs, and William de Berghes, deforciant, of the above tene- ments. William de Berghes, 42 Hen. 3. I Robert. I Henry. Nicholas. I Thomas. I Thomas de Berghes, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 12. Hen. 4. m. 540. Northampt. — Edward Latymer, Armiger, sued the Abbot of Pyppewell for an illegal distraint in the vill of Braybrok. Thomas Latymer. I Warine. r ■ John, Thomas, Edward, ob, s.p. ob. s.p. the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 12. Hen. 4. m. 379 dorso. Dorset. — William Fortescue and Elizabeth, his wife, and Ralph Chalons, sued John Tiptoft, Chivaler, and Philippa, his wife, for two parts of the manor of Rym, which Humfrey de Beauchamp and Sibil, his wife, gave to Eustace de Wrotham for his life, with remainder to themselves and the heirs of the bodies of Humfrey and Sibil. Humfrey de Beauchamp.=fSibil, temp. Ed. I. I John. I John. Thomas, Joan. EUzabeth. — ob. 8.p. I William Fortescue, Ralph Chalons, plaintiffs, plaintiff. The pleadings at one place state that Thomas had left no issue, and in another, that Joan and Elizabeth were his daughters and heirs. They were really his sisters and heirs as shewn in the above pedigree, and from another suit of Easter term 12 H. 4, m. 405, where the same plaintiffs sued Edward Pomeray and Margaret, his wife, for lands and rents in Tengherny, co. Devon. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 273 De Banco. Easter. 13. Hen. 4. m. 310. Essex. — Thomas Lovell sued William, the Abbot of Westminster, for the manor of Kelndene, which Thomas, son of Lambert de Multon, gave to Henry, son of Thomas de Multon, and the heirs of his body. Henry, son of Thomas de Multon, seised temp. Ed. I. I William. I Roger. I Matilda. I Thomas Lovell, the plaintiff. The Abbot called to warranty John Poynes, kinsman and heir of Ralph de Septvans (de Septem fontibus). De Banco. Easter. 13. lien. 4. m. 312. Cambridge. — A suit respecting an illegal distraint in the vill of Lytlyng- ton gives this pedigree : — ~\ Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Margaret. Alianora. Elizabeth. Gloucester and Hertford, | ob. s.p. Margaret. Hugh, Earl of Stafford. I 1 ' 1 Thomas, William, Edmund, Earl of=Anne. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Stafford. Anne, the Countess of Stafford, had married for a second husband, William Bourghchier. De Banco. Easter. 13. Hen. 4. m. 333. Hereford. — John Baskerville sued Walter Ismanes, Bailiff of Richard, son of Kinard de la Bere, for damages for an illegal distraint in Erdisley. Richard Baskerville, held the land of Ingenard de Elmebrugge, as of his manor of Chabenore. I Richard. I Richard. I Richard. I Richard. I John Baskerville, the plaintiff. 274 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Ingenard gave the manor of Chabenore to William de Chabbenore. I Thomas. =pSibil. .. '. A\illiam. J Sibil. =T=Richard de la Bere. I , John. i Kinard de la Bere. I Richard de la Bere. De Banco. Mich. 13. Hen. 4. m. 125, Wilts. — John Aunger sued Walter atte Welle and Margery, his wife, for lands and rents in Hertham. Robert Selyman, seised of the tenements in 1 1 Ed. 3. I Joan. I John. I . • " • John Aunger, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 13. Hen. 4. m. 253. Suffolk. — The King sued John Syinond, Chaplain, for the next presenta- tion to the church of Stansted. Robert de Wachesham.=f Joan, seised of manors of Wachesham I and Wrotham, and the advowson of I Stansted and other lands in co. Suffolk and Marlyngfo/d, county Norfolk, I 34 Ed. 3. =f Elizabeth. =Thomas Gerbage, Kt. Anne. I Edmund Berry, armiger. In a previous suit of 11 H. 4, John Hotot had sued Edmund Berry alias Barry for the next presentation, claiming through Anne, the other daughter. De Banco. Mich. 13. Hen. 4. m. 277. Southamp.—WilWdim. Banastre sued William Warblyngton and others for an illegal distress in Hekfeld. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 275 John Foxley, Kt. I Thomas. I John.=f=Joai]. Thomas Foxley, who demised the land to the plaintiff. The defendants gave this pedigree : — Thomas de Foxley. I John. I I -^ T Katrine. Margaret. Thomas. I William Warblyngton, defendant. De Banco. Mick. 13. Hen. 4. m. 397 dorso. Wilts. — Avice, late wife of Gilbert Newburgh, and John Newburgh, sued William Payne and others for the manor of Rookie. Hugh Poyntz seised 4 Ed. 3. Nicholas. I I ■ 1 Margaret. Avice.^^Gilbert Newburgh. John Newburgh, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiffs. plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 13. Hen. 4. m. 521. Dorset. — John de Arundel sued Richard de Arundel, Chivaler, for the manor of Wy champ ton. John Mau travels, living 33 E. 3. 1 of Lychet, 1 John Mautravers, ob. s.p. =Wencheliana. 1 Alianora.= Richard, Earl of Arundel. 1 John. John de Arundel. 276 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 13. Hen. 4. m. 37 i. Hertford. — In a suit between the Abbot of Westminster and John Thorp and Elizabeth, his wife, respecting the service due for the manor of Macham, called Machames manor in Sabrichesworth, the pleadings give this pedigree : — John de Macham, temp. Ed. 2. I Sampson. I Hamelin. I r ^ -1 Elizabeth.= Margaret.^ John Thorp. John Michell. De Banco. Mich. 13. Hen. 4. m. 315. Lej/c. — William de Ferrars, of Groby, Kt., sued John Shepeye and Alice, his wife, for land in Lyndenford, which Margaret Ferrars, Countess of Derby, gave to William, her son, and the heirs of his body. William de Ferrars, seised temp. Ed, 1. I William. I Henry. William. I Henry. I William, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Mich. 13. Hen. 4. m. 393. Devon. — Edward, Duke of York, and Philippa, his wife, Elizabeth, Countess of Salisbury, and Richard le Strange, of Knokyn, sued William Loryng, Clerk, for the manor of Uggebourgh. John de Mohun, of Dunster.=T=Joan. seised 22 Ed. 3. I 1 1 Philippa.= Elizabeth.= Matilda. Edward. Earl of Salisbury. | Duke of York. Richard le Strange, of Knokyn, the plaintiff. William called to warranty John, Lord of Harynton, and John Broghton, kinsmen, and heirs of Nigel Loryng, and gave this pedigree : — Nigel Loring. -i- ^ Isabella. Margaret. I I John de Haryngton. Mary. I John de Broghton. The suit was made a remanet till full age of John de Broghton, who was an infant. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 277 Chester Plea Rolls. No. 93. 13. Hen. 4. m. 5. Cestria. — Richard Venables, of Kynderton, sued the Abbot of Chester for the next presentation to the church of Astebury, and stated that Gilbert de Venables had granted the church to Roger de Venables, his ancestor, temp. H. 3. Roger de Venables, seiRed temp. H. 3. I William. I Hugh. I Hugh. I Hugh. I Hugh. I Richard, the plaintiff. The Abbot shewed that Gilbert de Venables had given the church to the Abbey before the time of legal memory, viz., in the time of Hugh, the Earl of Chester, and the suit was dismissed. Chester Plea Roll. No. 114. 13. Hen. 4. Cestria. — Margery, late wife of John, son of William le Brescy, and Hugh de Malpas and Elena, his wife, and John de Birchenhall sued Joan, late wife of Roger de Brescy, for land in Wystanton, which Avice, lady of Wystanton, gave to William, her son, and to the heirs of his body. William, son of Avice, seised temp. Ed. 1. . I William. William, ob. s.p. Hamon, ob. s.p. Annora, sister and heir. Margery. Margery.= John le Brescy, plaintiff. Elena. 1 Elena.= Hugh de plaintiffs. Malpas, Joan. John. John de Byrchynhull, plaintiff. De Borneo. Mich. 14. Hen. 4. m. 54. Lincoln. — Lawrence Moigne, of Chetil thorp, and Walter Stokes and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Philip, the Abbot of Reveeby, for the next presentation to the church of All Saints', of Chetilthorp. .278 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Andrew le Vavasour held the manor of Chetilthorp, and presented to the church, temp. Ed. 2. I Matilda, temp. Ed. 3. I Thomas. Katrine.=pLawrence Moigne. Elizabeth.= I Walter Stokes. John. Katrine was dead at the date of the suit. De Borneo. Mich. 14. Hen. 4. m. (torn off). Derby. — William Dethek, who was under age, by his custos, sued Ralph de Barton and Joan, his wife, for the manor of Erleston, which John Grey, Kt., gave to Brian Waleys in frank marriage with Lucy, his daughter, temp. Ed. 3. Brian Waleys. =p Lucy. I , 1 . Stephen, Jolin.=pJoan. Joan. ob. s.p. I I Lucy. Stephen. \ I Robert, Thomas, ob. s.p. I Thomas. I Cicely. - I William, the plaintiff. De Bcmco. Mich. 14. Hen. 4. m. (torn off). Wiltes. — John Oldecastell, Chivaler, and Joan, his wife, sued John Blakel and Margaret, his wife, for a messuage and eight carucates of land in Brodehenton, which John de Cobeham, Kt., gave to John, his son, and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. John de Cobeham, Kt. I John.=f=Margaret, temp. Ed. 3. •- -i Joan, daughter and heir. I r -^ Joan.=John Oldecastell, the plaintiffs. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 279 Chester Plea Roll. No. 116. 14. Hen. 4. m. 6. dorso. Cestria. — Margaret, late wife of Peter de Legh, sued Thomas Danyers, son of Thomas Danyers, Kt., for land in Lymme and Appulton. William Danyers. Thomas Danyers,=rMargaret. the elder. I Thomas Danyers, the younger. I Margaret, the=Peter de Legh. plaintiff. N.B. — This name, Danyers, occurs frequently as Daniels on the Cheshire Plea Rolls. Chester Plea Roll. No. 22. 2. Ed. 2. Ces^ia.— Robert de Moaresheved (Morshead) sued Richard de Vernon for the manor of MerphuUe, excepting twelve bovates of land. Richard de Lymme. I Alice, temp. Hen. 3. I William. . I ^-1 1 Richard, Agnes, Margery, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I Robert de Moaresheved, the plaintiff. Robert de Morshead afterwards acknowledged the right of Richard de Vernon. De Banco. Mich. 1. Hen. 5. m. 355. Hereford. — John MuUeward sued Richard de la Bere, Armiger, for an illegal distress in Erdesle. It appears from the pleadings that one Richard de Baskerville formerly held the park of Erdesle and other lands of Ingenard de Elmebrigge as of his manor of Chabnore, by the service of half a knight's fee and an annual rent of <£4. Ingenard gave the manor of Chabnore to William de Chabnore for his life, with remainder to Thomas, son of William, and Sibilla, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and Richard claimed to be their heir at law. Richard de Baskerville. I Richard. i Richard. Richard. =T=Margaret.=i:Nicholas de Montgomery, I second husband. John de Baskerville. 230 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Thomas de Chabnorc^pSibilla. William de Cbabnore. I Sibil. I John. I Kinard. I Richard de la Bere, the defendant. Chester Plea Roll. No. 117. 1. Hen. 5. m. 26 dorso. Cestria. — Hugh de Sondebache sued John de Redclyffe, Kt., and Margaret, his wife, for the manors of Sondebache and Spronston. Roger de Sondebache, seised temp. Ed. 2. I Thomas. I Richard, Thomas. ob. s.p. I Hugh, the plaintiff. Verdict for defendants. Hugh claimed that the manors descended in the male line. De Banco. Mich. 1. Hen. 5. m. 458. Suffolk. — Robert Asshefeld sued William Calthorp, Kt., and Sibil, his wife, and Thomas, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Nicholas Conyers, for the next presentation to the church of Hepeworth. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — William de Hepeworth held the advowson and a carucate of land in Hepeworth, temp. Hen. 3. Walter. William, in ward to Henry, Abbot of Bury, temp. Hen. 3. "1 Elena, enfeoffed Susan. = Marcella, enfeoffed Agnes, enfeoffed Henry de Rone- Thomas Stanton. William de Neke- Henry de Rone- shale. I ton of her pur- shale. Nicholas. party. Edmund de Stanton, who enfeoffed Robert Asshefeld in 49 Ed. 3. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 281 Henry de Roneshale. Robert de Asshefeld, William de Neketon. I living 7 Kic. 2. | John. ! Giles. I John. I John. I William. I ' Robert Asshefeld, ( Wenise.=T=01iver Wych, Kt. the plaintiff. Margaret. =^ {sic) I John CruUe. ' 1 Joan.= John Wych, who enfeoffed Nicholas Conyers, Robert Asshefeld in 7 Ric. 2. the defendant. De Banco. Hillary. 3. Hen. 5. m. 135. Gloucester. — In a suit respecting an illegal entry at Dorsynton, William Ricardes, of Dorsynton, versus Alice Drayton, of Dorsynton, and Thomas Drayton, of Dorsynton, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Henry de Preyers, Kt., seised 6 Ed. 2. I Henry. I Thomas, I Alice Drayton, the defendant. De Banco. Trinity. 3. Hen. 5. m. 505. Sussex. — John Pelham, Kt., sued John Hall, the elder, and Amice, his wife, for a moiety of the manor of Gensyngge. Robert de Gensyngge, seised temp. Ed. 2. r~ 1 Petronilla, Agnes. I I Joan. John Pelham, Kt., I the plaintiff. Amice. =Johu Halle, the elder. De Banco. Trinity. 4. Hen. 5. m. 114. jEbor. — John Flemyng sued Nicholas Colne and William Baroweby for the manor of Wathe on Derne. Thomas Flemyng.=j=Katrine, seised I temp. Ed. 2. Thomas. I John, the plaintiff. 282 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 5. m. 131 dorso. Beds. — John Waleys, Armiger, and Joan, his wife, sued Thomas Barre, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, for the manor of Wrestlyngworth, which Nicholas de Huntercombe gave to Robert de Kendale and Margaret, his wife, and to Robert, son of Robert and Margaret, and the heirs of the body of Robert, son of Robert. Robert de Kendale.=T=Margaret, seised temp. E. 2. Robert. I Edward. I Edward, ob. s.p. ThomaS; ob. s.p. 1 _ Beatrice. Joan.= John Waleys. Thomas and Elizabeth called to warranty Henry Beauford, Earl of Somerset, son and heir of John Beauford, late Earl of Somerset, who was under age and in ward to the King. The suit came on again at Trinity term 4 H. 5, m. 112, when the plaintiffs sued Elizabeth as a feme sole, and she called to warranty Ann Croyser, kinswoman and heir of William Croyser, Kt., viz., daughter of William, son of William Croyser, Kt. Anne was under De Banco. Easter. 2. lien. 5. m. 123. Northumberland.— VhWv^ Assheby and Alianora, his wife, John Snell and Alice, his wife, and John Malleford, sued Thomas Scotesbury and Joan, his wife, for land in Evenlee. William Athelard.=Alice, temp. Ed. 3. 1 Joan, sister and heir of William. 1 1 Elena. 1 Reginald. 1 Petronilla. 1 1 1 Joan. Emma. John Malleford. by a grant of Willia William Norreys, of Thorp Mandeville, living 8 Ric. 2, ob. s.p. 1 1 Alianora, Alice, the plaintiffs. The defendants claimed i.m Norreys. De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 5. m. 131. Berks. — Roes Mountford and Roger Aylesbury sued John Cotron and Roger Russell for two-thirds of the manor of Yatingdene. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 283 Hugh de Brantistone.=pMargaret. I Henry. Hugh. I ' 1 Roes Mountford, Agnes, plaintiff. | Roger Aylesbury, plaintiff. The manor was settled on Hugh de Brantistone and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, by Bartholomew de Yatingdene and Beatrice, his wife, by a Fine levied in 15 E. 1. De Banco. Mich. 1. Hen. 5. m. 459. Somerset. — A vice, late wife of Gilbert Newburgh, and John Newburgh, sued John Typtot, Chivaler, and Philippa, his wife, and Walter Tylly, for lands and rents in Abbots He. Hugh Poyntz.=pMargaret, temp. Ed. 3. I Nicholas. Margaret. Avice.= I Gilbert Newburgh. John Newburgh. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 5. m. 105. Wilts. — John de Cornewaille, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Elizabeth, late wife of John de Clinton, Kt., and John Taillour, clerk, for the next presentation to the church of Berford, which they claimed through one John Milburne, who had enfeoffed John Holand, late Earl of Huntingdon, and Elizabeth, his wife, now wife of John de Corne- waille, Kt. The defendants denied the feoffment of John Milburne, and gave this descent : — Nicholas Haversham, seised temp. Hen. 3. , I -" James de la Plank.=pMatilda.^John Gluey, second husband, I temp. Ed. 2. 1 William. I William. Elizabeth. = William de=Katrine.=Hugh Tyrell, Kt . John de Clinton. Birmingham. John Milburn held the status of Emma Chenduyt, and had been outlawed for a murder, and the King had given the manor to Bernard 284 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Brocas. Emma, late wife of Thomas Chenduyt, claimed the presentation and brought an action of " Quare impedit " against William and Katrine, Hillary 38 Ed. 3, Trinity 39 Ed. 3, and Mich. 39 Ed. 3, when Emma recovered the advowson, claiming through Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, who had held the manor temp. Hen. 3, and had enfeoffed William Chenduit, the ancestor of Thomas Chenduit, and whose heir he was. John Milburn's outlawry was afterwards annulled, and he gave the manor to John Holland, Earl of Huntingdon. William de Birmingham died, and Katrine then married Hugh Tyrrell, and Hugh and Katrine appealed. Their appeal was heard Trinity 46 Ed. 3 and Mich. 46 Ed. 3, when Hugh and Katrine gave this descent : — Warine de Lisours held the manor and advowson temp. H. 3. I Matilda gave it to Hugh Haversham, in frank marriage with Joan, her daughter. And from them they gave this descent : — Hugh Haversham.^pJoan. Nicholas. Matilda. =rJaines de la Plank. ■ -i William. I I William. ^Hawiee de Brouneley. I Elizabeth.=^John de Clinton. Katrine. Hugh Tyrrell and Katrine recovered the advowson, and Hugh died, and Katrine then married Bernard Brocas, and died s.p. Verdict for the defendants. De Banco. Trinity. 1. Hen. 5. m. 125. Southamp. — Ralph Grene sued Thomas Wykeham, Kt., for the manor of Dene. John Mauduyt, Kt., Lord=i=Juliana, temp. Ed. 2. of Weremestre. j Thomas. I Matilda. I Ralph Grene, the plaintiff. Verdict for the defendant. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 285 De Banco. Mich. 1. Hen. 5. m. 250. Sussex. — William Warbleton, Armiger, sued the Bishop of Chichester and William Prestewyke, clerk, for the next presentation to the church of Warbleton. Thomas de Warbleton. I John de Warbleton. I John. =p Alice, temp, Ed, 1, John. I Thomas. I William Warbleton, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 3. Hen. 5. m. 317. Northampton. — Thomas Gyffard sued John Stokes and Isabella, his wife, for the manor of Helidene. John Oyffard. of Twyford, Kt.,=f=Lucy. temp. Ed. 3. .J I Thomas. =f=Elizabeth, temp. Ed. 3. I L ^ Roger. Thomas Gyffard, the plaintiff. Thomas was under age and sued by his guardian. The defendants admitted the right of Thomas. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 5. m. 116. Southampton. — Thomas le Wayte sued John Gawen and Edith, his wife, for lands and rents in Bryghteston and Morton. WiUiam le Wayte.=j=Alice, temp. Ed. 2. I Thomas. I John. Thomas le Wayte, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 5. m. 121 dorso. Wilts.— Vhilip Butiller, of Wodehall, sued John Judde, of Salisbury, and another, for the manor of Salterton, which Henry le Notte, of Solihull, gave to Ralph le Butiller and Hawise, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. 286 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Ralph le Botiner.=f=Hawise, temp. Ed. 2. I r ^ -1 John. Ralph. I I Edward, Philip, ob. s.p. I Philip Botiller, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 5. m. 413. SoutJiampton. — William Beauchamp sued Robert Smith and six other tenants, for lands in Nyweton, Isle of Wight, and Richard Malday and six other tenants, for lands in Chele, which John de Kyngesbury gave to Hugh de Beauchamp and Aundrina, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Hugh de Beauchamp.=pAundrina, seised I temp. Ric. 2. John. William de Beauchamp, the plaintiff. De Bcmco. Mich. 2. Hen. 5. m. 474. Berks. — Richard de Oketon sued Thomas Wallop and Robert Kynge- sham for the manor of Compton, near Whitehorse (juxta album equum), which Ralph de la Stane and Agnes, his wife, gave to Peter de Oketon and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, Peter de Oketon.=f=Joan, temp. Edward 3. John. I Ralph, Thomas. ob. s.p. I Verdict for the plaintiflF. Richard, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 5. m. 66. Somerset — Thomas de Montagu, Earl of Salisbury, sued William Cheyne, Kt., and Cecily, his wife, for two parts of the manor of Thurleberc which, with the other third part. King Edward I had given to Simon de Montagu for his life, with remainder to William, his son, and the heirs of his body. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 287 Simon de Montagu. -- 1 William, John, ob. s.p. I John. Thomas, the plaintiff, Earl of Salisbury. William de Bonneville.=f=Margaret. Thomas de Ron neville,=pCecily.== William Cheyne, Kt., first husband. the defendants. John de Bonneville, son and heir, under age, and in ward to the King. De Banco. Mich. 14. Hen. 4. m. 400 dorso. Warw. — William, son of William de Bermyngeham, sued Thomas Glasyer for land in Bermyngeham, which Henry de Bermyngeham, Kt., had gi^en to William de Bermyngeham, Kt., and the heirs male of his body, and which should descend to him as kinsman and heir male of William. William de Bermyngeham, seised temp. E. 2. Fulk. William, uncle and I heir of John. John, ob. s.p. I William. I William de Bermyngeham, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 1. Hen. 5. m. 125 dorso. Staff. — Richard Lone sued Roger, son of John atte Wode, for land in Wodnesfeld, which Richard, son of John Lone, had given to Andrew Ix)ne, his son, and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. John Lone. I Richard. I , I Andrew, seised=f=Joan. temp. E. 2. I r— ' John. I . . Richard Lone, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff, who was Richard Lone, of Wolverhampton, ancestor of the Lanes, formerly of Hyde, and now of Kings Bromley. See also the suit which follows. 288 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 5. m. 341 dorso. Staff. — Richard Lone and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Joan, late wife of Ralph de la Hyde, for lands and rents in Bromhale, which Thomas de la Hyde, the grandfather of Elizabeth, and whose heir she was, had given to Nicholas, the son of Thomas de la Hyde, and to the heirs of his body, and failing such, to Giles, brother of Nicholas, for his life. Thomas de la Hyde. K- Nicholas, Giles. Ralph, ob. s.p. I r -J Elizabeth.=Richard Lone, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 1. Hen. 5. m. 536. Leic. — Thomas Boyvylle, of Tirlyngton, and Joan, late wife of William Chetwynd, sued Robert Evyngton and others for land in Tirlyngton, which John le Maunsell, their kinsman, and whose heirs they were, had given to Saer Harecourt in frank marriage with Isabella, his daughter, and which should revert to them — Saer and Isabella having left no issue. John le Maunsell. I John. I John. I Robert. I I ' 1 Joan ,= William Chetwynd. Margaret, plaintiff. | Thomas Boyville, plaintiff. Coram Rege. Hillary. 3. Hen. 5. m. 53. Oxon. — William Asshewell sued Reginald Barentyne and Elizabeth, his wife, for execution of a Fine levied in 16 E. 3, respecting lands and rents in Swenecombe, Watlyngton and other places. Geoffrey Hadden.=j=Berta. 1 r John Hadden,=^Elizabeth. Geoffrey. seised 16 E. 3. | | Reginald, seised 13 H. 4, William Asshewell, enfeoffed the defendants. the plaintiff. The plaintiff, in his reply, denied that Geoffrey had had a son named Geoffrey. PKDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 289 Coram Bege. Hillary. 3. Hen. 5. m. 76. Salop. — Richard Laken, Armiger, and Elizabeth, his wife, sued William Overton, and Isolda, his wife, for execution of a Fine levied in 16 E. 3, respecting the manors of Brompton and Bukton. llobei-t de Harleye, Kt.=i=Margaret. —\ Brian de Harley Robert, held the manors | for his life. Alesia. Elizabeth. =Richard Laken, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Trinity. 3. Hen. 5. m. 413. Kent. — William Bures, of Halford, sued John Prophete, clerk, and seven others, for the manor of La Hewette, which William Peverel had given to Ralph le Savage and Lora, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. E. 2. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — • Ralph le Sauvage, seised^Lora. temp. E. 2. r- Joan.=f=John Bures. I Hugh. I William Bures, the plaintiff. I 1 Robert Bures. John Bures. I r -J Hugh. John Bures, of Charlewode, | CO. Surrey, living 6 H. 4. William Bures, the plaintiff, heir of John Bures, of Cher- lewode. The defendants claimed by a grant of John Bures, of Cherlewode, dated 6 H. 4, who had conveyed the manor to them with other lands in Chellesfeld, Shoreham, Otteford and Halstede in co. Kent. De Banco. Trinity. 3. Hen. 5. m. 416. Devon. — John Wadham sued John Tip toft, Chivaler, and Philippa, his wife, for the next presentation to the church of Silverton. The plaintiff stated that the manor and advowson had been settled on Humfrey Beauchamp, Kt., and Alice, his wife, for their lives, with remainder to Peter Corbett and Beatrice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such on the right heirs of Beatrice. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — 290 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Humfrey Beauchamp.=Alice. I Beatrice, ob. s.p.=Peter Corbett. John Beauchamp,^Alice. was in ward to Ring Ed. 3, as he held the manor of Shep- ton Beau champ, co, Somerset, in capita, ob. s.p. Cecily, conveyed her moiety of the manor to .John Wadham, Kt., who had pre- sented to the church, temp. Ric. 2. 1 AVilliam. John Beauchamp. J Margaret. John de Meryet, who conveyed his moiety to William Beau- champ, Kt., of Warwick, and William conveyed it to Matthew Qurney, Kt., and Philippa, his wife. William, ob. s.p. John Wadham, Kt., temp. Ric 2. I I John Wadham, the plaintiflf. De Banco. Hillary. 4. Hen. 5. m. 307. JVorf. — Agnes, late wife of John Smyth, Joan, late wife of Richard de Tymeworth, Richard Pynkeman and Alice, his wife, Margaret, late wife of Robert de Broom, Annora, late wife of Henry de Lisyngham, John Bambour and Beatrice, his wife, Richard Harneys and Katrine, his wife, Edmund Swatlyng, and Geoffrey Pesenhale, and William Arnold, sued John Hevenyngham, Kt., Richard Pygot and two others, for lands and rents in Skernyngge, Dydyngton, Estderham, Gressenhale and other places, which William, son of Gilbert de Fraunsham, had given to GeoiFrey de Fraunsham, his son, and the heirs of his body, temp. E. 3. GeofiFrey de Fraunsham seised temp. E. 3. I Gilbert. I Geoffrey. I Alianora. Margaret. — r-| Joan. Alice. I Theobald. I 1 Beatrice. I Geoffrey Pesenhale. L Thomas. Agnes. I Henry Halle. Alice. = Richard Pynke- man. Margaret. - Robert de Broom. Aunora. Beatrice.=^ John Bam- bour. Agatha. I William Arnold. 1 Katrine.= Richard Harneys. The defendants admitted the claim of the plaintiffs. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 291 De Banco. Hillary. 4. Hen. 5. m. 321. Suffolk. — Thomas Bendysshe and Alice, his wife, and John Bedewelle and EHzabeth, his wife, sued John Pelham, Kt., Hugh Fraunceys and others, for lands and rents in Wikhambrok, Benardeston, Stradesele, Stansfeld, Haukeden, Depedene, Floketon and Little Thrillowe. Walter de Clopton.=j=Ivetta. William, seised 21 E. 3, ^_J . Walter. John, ob. s.p. Edmund, ob. s.p. -, , Alice. — Thomas Bendyshe, Elizabeth. = John Bedewelle, plaintiffs. plaintiffs. De Banco. Trinity. 4. Hen. 5. m 128 dorso. Warwick. — John Langley sued John Bamdusley for the manor of Shortley, which Henry, son of Henry de Albini and Christiana, his wife, gave to Geoffrey Langeley and Matilda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. Hen. 3. Geoffrey Langeley. =pMatilda, seised temp. Hen. 3. Robert, ob. s.p. Geoffrey. Edmund. I John. Joiui. John Langley, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 4. Hen. 5. m. 399. Glouc. — John Langeley sued John Bamdusley for the manor of Chestreton, near Cirencestre, which John de Monemuta (Monmouth) gave to Geoffrey Langeley and Matilda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and he gave the same descent as before. The defendant denied that the manor had been given in the form stated, and John Brut, the elder, and John Brut, the younger, and Alianora, his wife, intervened, claiming the reversion of the manor after the death of John Bamdusley, and gave this descent : — Roger Chestreton. Edmund. I I ElJizabeth.T=John Bamdusley. Edward. I William, ob. s.p. 292 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Elizabeth was dead, and John held by courtesy. The interveners claimed through Edward, who was heir at law of Elizabeth. John de Langeley is called of Atherstone, co. Warwick, in the pleadings. A verdict was given in favour of John de Langley at the sittings of Trinity term 5 H. 5, m. 115. ^ De Banco. Trinity. 4. Hen. 5. m. 133. Staff. — John de Bromley sued William de Eggerton and Elena, his wife, for the manor of Chetelton. Mathew de Chetelton.=f=Joan. J Amabel. I William. I Richard. I John de Bromley, the plaiutifiE. Verdict for the defendants. De Banco. Trinity. 5. Hen. 5. m. 304 dorso. Surrey. — Gerard de Ufflete, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, Duchess of Norfolk, Joan de Beauchamp, of Bergavenny, and Roland Leynthale, Kt., and Margaret, his wife, sued Thomas de Camoys, Kt., John Bohun, Kt., and others, for the castle and village of Reigate, and the manors of Dorkyng and Bechesworth. Richard, Earl of Arundel. =FAIianora. Richard Arundel, the younger.n=-Elizabeth. Richard, Thomas, Elizabeth, Joan de Margaiet.= ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Duchess of Beau- Roland Leynt- Norfolk. chamiJ. hale, Kt. It is not certain from the pleadings whether Richard, the younger, was brother or son of the Earl of Arundel. De Banco. Trinity. 5. Hen. 5. m. 372 dorso. Z>orse<.— Walter Percy sued Walter, the Abbot of Middelton, for a carucate of land in Strotton. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS 293 Geoffrey Percy. =rMatilda, seised I temp. Ed. 3. r -^ -, Siinou, W alter, ob. s.p, I Ralph. I Walter Percy, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 5. Hen. 5. m. 136. Norfolk. — John Motfort, Armiger, and Margaret, his wife, sued John Gegge, Edmund Oldhalle, Henry Pakenham, John Pavely and others, for lands and rents in Westcotes, Stanneford, Santon parva, Buke- ham, Lyneford and other places. John de Toftes, temp. Ed. 3. I Robert. I John, Margaret. ob. s.p. I Agnes. I Margaret, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 5. Hen. 5. m. 278. Dorset. — Louis Cardigan and Alice, his wife, sued John Brantyngham for a moiety of the manor of Combe Keynes. William de Keynes. r -^ n John de Keynes. Hawise. .1 I Wencelina de Keynes, Hawise. ob. s.p. I Alice, the plaintiff. The defendants propounded this pedigree : — Margaret. ^William de Keynes.=f-Agnes, second wife. ! I. John. Hawise. Wencelina. and pleaded that Hawise was of the half blood only, but the jury found that Hawise was daughter of William, by his first wife Margaret, and that Wencelina survived both Hawise and Hawise, daughter of Hawise, and died seised of the moiety claimed on the 6 August I Ric. 2. De Banco. Trinity. 5. Hen. 5. m. 438. Sussex. — John fitz Elys sued for the execution of a fine levied in 1 1 Ed. 3, respecting the manors of Chudynglee, Iden and Oldecourt, and the advowsons of Chudynglee and Iden,claiming to be nearest heir of Nicholas de la Beche. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — 294 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 1 Nicholas de la Beche, = held the manors by virtue of the Fine 11 Ed. 3. Margery. 1 .lohn de la Beche. 1 Isabella. 1 Margery. 1 I John. 1 John fitz Elys, the plaintiff. Nicholas de=Margery. la Beche. Edmund, Archdeacon of Wells. 1 '1 William. Robert de 1 la Beche. William de la Beche. John de Langford,=T=l8abella, living 11 E. 3. 1 1 Edmund ob. s.p. 1 Robert, ob. 8. p. De Banco. Mich. 1. Hen. 5. m. 464. Dorset. — John de Arundell, Kt., sued Richard de Arundell, Kt., for the manor of Wychampton. John, son of Richard=j=Alianora. Earl of Arundel. .J r- John. I John de Arundell, the plaintiff. The plaintiff claimed under the terms of a Fine levied in 33 E. 3, by which the reversion of the manor had been settled on John, son of Richard late Earl of Arundel, and Alianora, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, after the deaths of John Mautravers, of Lychet, and Agnes, his wife, and of Wencheliana, late wife of John Mautravers, the son of John Mautravers. Coram, Rege. Mich. 2. Hen. 5. Leic. — Elizabeth Maundevylle, Ralph Fraunceys and Elizabeth, his wife, John son of John Marchall, and Thomas Overton and Margaret, his wife, sued Richard, the Abbot of St. Mary de Pratis, of Leycester, for the next presentation to the church of Blaby; and they stated that a Fine had been levied in 12 E. 1 between one John de Lodbroc and the Abbot's predecessor, by which the Abbot had acknowledged a previous Fine temp. Ric. 1, respecting the advowson, which had been levied between Henry de Lodbroc, the proavus of John de Lodbroc, and Paul formerly Abbot of Leicester, and by which PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 295 Fine of 12 E. 1, the right of presentation had been vested in Henry de Lodbrok, son and heir of John de Lodbrok; and the said Henry, by deed of 19 E. 2, had granted the advowson to one Thomas de Shulton, of Austrey, and the heirs of his body, and from whom they gave this descent : — Thomas de Shulton. I John. I r -^ -. Elizabeth Maundevylle, Katrine, plaintiff. r" .J Elizabeth. == Isabella. Ralph Fraunceys, I plaintiff. I I ' 1 Margaret.= Katrine. = Thomas Overton John Marchall. plaintiffs. | John Marchall, plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. 2. Hen. 5. m. 16. Gestria. — William, son of Amice, son of Thomas de Swetenham, sued Thomas, son of Ralph de Swetenham, for lands in Swetenham, which Richard de Swetenham had given to Richard, his son, and the heirs of his body, temp. Ed. 3. Richard, son of Richard de Swetenham, seised temp. Ed . 3. Richard. I Thomas. i Amice. I William, the plaintiff. Chester Plea Roll. 2. Hen. 5. m. 25 dorso. Cestria. — William de Brerton, Chivaler, sued Nicholas, son of Roger de Moldeworth, for land in Teryn, which Simon de Blaston and Joan, his wife, had given to William de Brerton, the elder, and Roes, his wife, and the heii's of their bodies. William de Brerton, the elder,=j=RGe8. seised temp. Ed. 3. I William. I William. I William de Brerton, the plaintiff. % 2&6 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS, De Bcmco. Trinity. 6. Hen. 5. m. 133. Suffolk. — Henry Broune sued John Howard, Kt., and three others named, for the manor of Schottele, which Richard Leveband and another gave to William Vis de leu, Kt., and Roes, his wife, and to the heirs male of his body, with remainder to Mary, daughter of William Vis de leu, and the heirs male of her body, and failing such, to Alice, daughter of William Vis de leu, and the heirs male of her body. William Vis de leu,=f=Roes, temp. Ed. 2. ob. s.p.m. I r ^ —- 1 Mary, ob. Alice, s.p.m. I Roger. I Robert. I Henry Broune, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 6. Hen. 5. m. 134. Warivick. — Richard Hastynges, Kt., sued John Annore, custos of the chapel of Noweseley, in the county of Leicester, for the manor of Caldecote, excepting the advowson of the church, which John de Herle gave to William de Herle and the heirs of his body. William de Herle, seised temp. Ed. 3. I William. Robert, Margaret. ob. s.p. I Ralph. I Ralph. I Richard de Hastynges, the plaintiff. The defendant claimed the manor as appurtenant to the chapel of Noweseley. Coram Rege. Trinity. 6. Hen. 5. m. 15. Rex. Cornwall. — A suit to determine the right heirs of Elizabeth Charleton who had died 14 Octo. 2 Hen. 5, without leaving issue. The proceed- ings give this pedigree : — John de Cobbeham. James. Elizabeth. Philippa. Isabella. John. Thomas Peverell . John Inkepen. John Bampfeld. John.= , 1 1 Kice. ~i Katrine. Katrine. =^ Alianora.^ | John, ob. s.p. Thomas. I Walter William Isabella.^ | Elizabeth Hungerford, Talbot, Kt. Robert John Charieton, Kt. Hille, of Bampfeld. ob. 8. p. Spaxton. PEDiaREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 297 Katrine, the mother of Elizabeth, had married for a second husband Humfrey de Stafford, Armiger, and held, when she died, in dower, land and rents in Hilton of the dotation of John de Cobbeham, Kt., her former husband, by the assignment of Elizabeth Charleton, daughter and heir of John de Cobbeham, to whom the reversion belonged. De Banco. Hillary. 6. Hen. 5. m. 136 dor so. Northampton. — John Mauntell and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Ralph Paries and Alice, his wife, for lands and rents in Stokebruere, which William de Hareweden gave to Robert de Hareweden for his life, with remainder to Robert, son of Henry de Hareweden and the heirs of his body. Robert, son of Henry de Hareweden. I Robert. I John. I Elizabeth, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 6. Hen. 5. m. 306. Wilts. — Walter Gyffard, and Alice, his wife, sued John Wjnnond, of Monketon Deverell, for land in Monketon Deverell, which Peter, son of Philip de Monketon, Kt., gave to Margery, his daughter, and to the heirs of her body. Peter, son of Philip de Monketon, seised temp. Ed. 1. Margery. I. Christina. Joan, ob. s.p. Mabel, ob. s.p. On the deaths of the coheirs the right reverted, to the heirs of the original donor, from whom the plaintiff gave this descent : — Peter, son of Philip de Monketon. I Walter. I Godfrey. I John. I William. I Alice, the plaintiff. 298 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Bcmco. Hillary. 6. Hen. 5. m. 317. Oxon. — The Abbot of Abyndon, Joan Drayton, and Elizabeth Drayton sued "Walter Blanket, clerk, for the next presentation to the church of Newenham. 1 1 Alice. Sara, aunt and heir I of Hugh Segrave. Hugh Segrave, Kt., | ob. s.p. Nicholas. John Drayton, died 3 Octo 5 Hen. 5. .J Joan, 8 years Elizabeth, 5 years old. old. The plaintiffs, Joan and Elizabeth, were in ward to the King. The proceedings also give this pedigree : — Edward, Earl of Devon. I Hugh. Philip de Courtenay. .-J ■ Richard, John. ob, s.p.m. I Richard, under age, in ward to the King. See the claim to the Earldom of Devon by the late Sir Harris Nicolas. The present Earl descends from the Philip de Courtenay of the pedigree. De Banco. Hillary. 6. Hen. 5. m. 415. Devon. — John Cornwaille, Kt., sued Alexander Champernon, Armiger, for the next presentation to the church of Neweton Ferrers. 1 John de Ferrers, Kt. , seised ■■ ■■ - 1 Martin, brother temp. E. 3, ob. a i.p. and heir. 1 1 I Joan.= Elizabeth.= 1 Lena.= Alexander Champernon. Henry Ponyngee. Christopher Flemyng. Joan.== Thomas Boneville. John Flemyng, under age and in ward to the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 299 De Banco. Trinity. 7. Hen. 5. m. 102 dorso. Salop. — Elizabeth, late wife of William Deverus, Kt., sued Joan, late wife of Richard Hommes, of London, Armiger, for a third of a rent of eleven marks in Heyton. Hugh Cheyn. I John. r- Joan.= Katrine.= Elizabeth.= Richard Thomas John Stafford. Hommes. Bowet, Kt. Be Banco. Trinity. 7. Hen. 5. m. 471. Derby. — Robert Swyllyngton, Chivaler, sued John Graa, Kt., and Margaret, his wife, for two parts of the manors of Wynfeld and Tybesshelf, which Thomas de la Forthe, clerk, and another, gave to Roger, son of Roger Beler, and Margaret, daughter of Richard de la Riviere, Kt., the elder, and the heirs of their bodies. Roger, son of Roger Beler. =pMargaret. I r -> Margaret. I Roger. I Robert Swyllyngton, the plaintiff. The suit was made a remanet, as the defendant was in the King's service in Normandy. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 5. m. 307. t Notts. — Robert Swyllyngton, the younger, Kt., sued the same defendants for two parts of the manor of Wydmerpole. Hugh de Swyllyngton. Robert. =FMargaret. • ^ • Roger. Robert de Swyllyngton, Kt., the plaintiff. Other suits show that Sir John Graa, the defendant, was of Ingelby, CO. Lincoln, and had married Margaret, the widow of Robert de Swyllyngton, the elder. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 5. m. 406. Somerset. — Thomas Popham sued Henry Balle and others, for lands in Northpederton and Wemeden. 300 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Hugh Popham. I 1 Robert, seised 18 Ric. 2, John Pophain =i=Dionisia. ob. a. p. I Thomaa Popham, the plahitiff. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 5, m. 409. Somerset. — John Pederton, Robert Fitz Amys, clericus, and two others, sued Richard Cheddre, Armiger, for the next presentation to the church of Wynfrytte. Joceus de Bayons, Kt., held a moiety of the church and presented temp. E. 1. I Joceus, presented 35 E. 3, and enfeoffed Richard Kodeneye, the Canon of Wells. Richard Rodeneye, Thomas Rodeney. the Canon of Wells. | John Rodeney, Kt. I Walter Rodeney, Kt. I John Rodeney, Kt., now living, who had enfeoffed the plaintiffs. The other moiety of the church was held temp. E. 1 by John Basset, who died s.p., and it passed to Edmund Basset, his brother, who died s.p., and left three sisters and heirs as below : — I \ 1 1 1 John Basset, Edmund Basset, Katrine. Isabella. Margaret, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I I Margaret, Simon. presented temp. E. 3. I Walter Romsey, Kt. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 5. m. 627. Somerset. — Geoffrey Wake, and Isabella, his wife, and Richard Erere, sued for execution of a Eine levied in 20 E. 3 by Thomas Gaillard and Agnes, his wife, respecting lands in Dychesyate, Pennard and Welles. Thomas Gaillard, seised^ Agnes. 20 E. 3. I Joan. Margaret. I I Isabella. = Isabella. Geoffrey • | Wake, Richard Frere, plaintiffs. plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 301 De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 5. vn. 613 dorso. Ebor. — William Ryman and Elizabeth, his wife, sued for execution of a Fine levied in 50 E. 3, respecting the manors of Arneclyf-Dale, Estheselerton and Estlinton. William Colville, 8eised=f=Joan. 50 E. 3. William. I I Elizabeth .= William Ryman, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 5. m. 521. Cornuhia.—KohGvt Bealle and Juliana, his wife, and Walter Blyghe and Argentina, his wife, sued William Trefosburgh and Alice, his wife, Thomas Cade and Alice, his wife, and John Bausyn and Margery, his wife, for land in Trenalt, which Richard Nywaton gave to John, son of Roger de Blerek, in frank marriage with Margery, his daughter, which should revert to Juliana and Argentilla, as the heirs of the donor ; John, son of Roger, having died s.p. Ricliard Nywaton, temp. Ed. 2. I r— ^ John Fite Koger.=Margery,=FRichard Wydecombe. Simon. Juliana. Argentilla. The defendants gave this descent : — Richard Nywaton, temp. Ed. 2. Walter, ob. s.p. Margery.=rJolin Fitz Roger. Thomas, ob. s.p. and they claimed by a grant of Margery, after the deaths of her husband and son. De Banco. Hillary. 7. Hen. 5. m. 101. Ehor. — Elena, late wife of William Halgate, and John de Barton, sued for the execution of a Fine levied 7 Ed. 3 between John Moryn, of Brompton, and Dionisia, his wife, respecting lands and rents in Brompton, Salden and Snaynton. 302 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Jolin Moryn.=pDiomBia. r John. 1 Isabella. 1 Alice. 1 Elena.= William Halgate, the plaintiff. 1 John de Barton, plaintiff. The defendants were Thomas Santon, Brounflete, Kt., and Robert de De Banco. Hillary. 7. Hen. 5. m. 114. Salop. — David, son of John Malpas, of Hampton, the younger, sued John Lanchestre and Elizabeth, liis wife, and Margaret Berwik, for the manors of Welleslond and Berwick, near Atyngham. I 1 Hugh Malpas, David. I'arson of Church | Malpas. John. I David Malpas, the plaintiff. The defendants admitted the right of the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 7. Hen. 5. m. 109. Wiltes. — John CoUee sued Isabella Rondon for lands in Boxe. Peter de la Hesse.^Aline, seised temp. Ed. 3. Thomas. I Joan. I John. I John Collee, the plaintiff. Isabella pleaded that she was wrongly described as Isabella Rondon, when she was widow of John Rondon, Kt., and the suit was adjourned for judges' opinion. By another writ John sued Isabella for the manor of Rondon in Wiltes. De Banco. Hillary. 7. Hen. 5. m. 309. Devon. — Edward Pomeray sued Thomas Pomeray, Kt., and Joan, his wife, and John Cole, of Nitheway, Armiger, for the manor of Stokelegh Pomeray and the moieties of the manors of Brixham and Hurburton, which he claimed by virtue of a Fine levied PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 303 3 E. 3, and recorded in 18 E. 3, respecting the manor of Tregony and eighteen knights' fees in Tregony, in co. Cornwall, and the manors of Byry and Stokelegh Pomeray, and thirty-eight knights' fees in Byry and Hurburton, and the moieties of the manors of Brixham and Hurburton, in co. Devon. Henry de Pomeray,=i=Amice. seised 3 E. 3. I Henry.=pJoan, living 3 E. 3. I -I ^1 r Henry, William, Nicholas, John, Thomas. ob. 8. p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. | Edward Pomeray, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 7. Hen. 5. m. 337. Somerset. — Thomas Mountfort, by his custos, sued Margaret, late wife of Ralph Boteler, Kt., for the manor of Emmeberwe, which Richard de Emmeberwe gave to Alexander de Mountfort and to the heirs of his body. Alexander de Mountfort, seised temp. E. 3. I Lawrence. I Thomas. I Thomas. I Thomas, the plaintiff. Margaret called to warranty Margaret, daughter and heir of John Weston, of Bekenesfeld, in county Bucks, who was under age. De Banco. Hillary. 7. Hen. 5. m. 414. Southampton. — John Gerveys sued Robert Thorbarne, Warden of St. Mary's College, of Wynchestre, for lands and rents in Sutton and Roppelegh, which Robert le Boteler, of Broune Candevere, gave to William Gerveys and Christina, his wife, for their lives, with remainder to their son William, and the heirs of his body, and with other remainders over. William Qerveys.=FChri8tina. r -^ -1 William, Roger, ob, s.p. I I \ ' Andrew, William, ob. s-i). I John Gerveys, the plaintiff. 304 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 5. m. 613. TFi^^s.— Thomas Gerberd sued for execution of a Fine respecting the manor of Odestok which had been levied in 13 Ed. 2, between Robert Gerberd and Walter de Wotton. Robert Gerberd, seised 13 E. 2. I I 1 1 1 William, Robert. Alice. Alesia. ob. s.p. I Henry. Thomas, the plaintifiF. De JBa/nco. Hillary. 9. Hen. 5. m. 109. Dorset. — William Bonevylle, Knight, sued Richard Styvecle, Armiger, for a moiety of the manor of Maperton and other lands, which Margaret, late wife of John de la Warre, Kt., gave to Henry le Fitz Roger, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Henry fitz Roger. =pElizabeth, seised I temp. Ed. 3. John. I Elizabeth. I William Bonevylle, the plaintiff Verdict for the plaintiff. William Bonevylle also recovered the fourth of the manor of Sellyng, county Kent, on the same plea, Richard admitting the claim. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 5. m. 514. Wiltes. — William Darell and Elizabeth, his wifej sued Marina, late wife of Thomas Calyston, Armiger, for the manor of Lyttlecote, near Rammesbury, and £10 of rent fi'om Little Derneford and Ebbelesburne, which John de Herdescote gave to Roger de Calyston and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Roger de Calyston. =f=Joan, seised temp. I Edward IIL Laurence. I Thomas. Elizabeth, d. and h.=William Darell. The plaintiffs. Marina admitted the claim of Elizabeth, and the plaintiffs were to have seisin of the manor. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 305 De Banco. Easter. 10. Hen. 5. m. 109. London. — By writ of recordari from the Hustengs of the City of London, John Darley, the younger, and Katiine, his wife, and Henry Longley and Margaret, his wife, sued John Wakeryng, the Bishop of Norwich, William Haukford, Kt., and another, for a messuage in the parish of St. Peter, in the ward of Barnardescastell, which Humphrey de Walden, Kt., by his will dated 5 Ed. 3, had devised to his son Humfrey. Humfrey de Walden, Kt., temp. 5 Ed. 3. Humfrey, ob. s.p. Adam, ob s.p. 1 Alexander. Alexander, ob. s.p., temp. Richard 2. John. Alexander, ob. s.p. John, ob. B,p, Katrine, Margaret, plaintiffs, and sisters and heirs. The defendants called to warranty Henry Perys and Christina, his wife, and Agnes, late wife of William Mulleborne, sisters and heirs of John Chitterne, and as Christina was dead, John Perys, son and heir of Henry and Christina. De Banco. Easter. 10. Hen. 5. m. 107. London. — By writ of recordari from the Hustengs of the City of London, Richard Quartermayn sued Richard Edmond for a messuage in the parish of Saint Nicholas Olof, in the ward of Quenehithe, which Matilda de Esthalle and Eustace de Esthalle gave to Henry, son and heir of William de Arderne, citizen of London, and Cecily Quartermayn, his wife, daughter of Matilda, and to the heirs of their bodies, temp. Ed. I., and which should revert to him as heir of the donors. Henry de Arderne,=Cecily, seised Thomas Quartermayn. ob. 8. p. temp. E. 1. ] Thomas. I Thomas. I Richard, the plaintiff. Richard Edmond called to warranty Reginald Cobham, Kt., son and heir of Reginald Cobham, Kt., son of Reginald Cobham, Kt., of the county of Kent. De Banco. Hillary. 1. Hen. 6. m. 320. Wales and Salop. — Richard Haukeford, Armiger, and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Richard Laken, of Grotyngton, in co. Salop, Kt., William fitz Waryn, of Appulton, in co. Berks, and others named, for the castle and manor of Whityngton, in the marches of Wales, and they gave this descent : — 306 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Fulk fitz Waryn, Kt., called Fouke Da, formerly seised of the castle and manor. I 1 Fulk fitz Waryn, Kt., John fitz Waryn, called called Fulk Gogh. John Benvras, who had I a bastard son John, Fulk fitz Waryn, Kt.=rM^*rgaret, da. of James father of William fitz de Audeley, Kt. Waryn, the defendant. Fulk fitz Waryn, Kt., called Fouke Veghhan. ._i Fulk fitz Waryn.=T=Amia, d. of William, Lord of Botreaux. -- 1 Fulk fitz Waryn, Elizabeth, sister and heir, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. The defendants claimed that the fee was entailed on the male issue of the first Fulk fitz Waryn, and that William fitz Waryn was male heir. De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 5. m. 122. Kent. — The King sued the Prior of Ledes for the next presentation to the church of Sutton Valence. I 1 John Hastynges, Earl of Pembroke, Elizabeth, presented temp. Ed. 3. | I Reginald. John,^=Philippa.=Richard, Earl of Reginald Grey, ob. s.p. Arundel, 20 Rich, 2. 15 Rich. 2. The Prior claimed by a grant of King Richard 2, made in 20 Richard 2. De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 5. m. 134. Durham. — William Lomley, of Stranton, Kt., sued John Wandes- forth and Isabella, his wife, for lands, etc., in Eghton and Aid Eghton, near Lamesley. Robert de Lomley. I ^ John. I Robert. I Marmaduke, Kt., 23 Rich. 2. William Lomley, Kt., the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 307 De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 5. m. 135. jE'6or.— John de Holme and Elizabeth, his wife, sued John Wasteneyes, of Hedon-in-the-Clay, for the manor of Tottewyke, of which Hardolph Wasteneyes was seized temp. Ed. 3, and which should descend to Elizabeth as his heir. Hardolph, Edmund, ob. s.p. I Adam. I Elizabeth, the plaintiff. John Wasteneys was under age and appeared by his custos. De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 5. m. 374. Leyc. — William Bonevylle, Kt., sued Richard Styvecle, Armiger, for the manor of Great Glen, which Peter le fitz Renaud gave to Joan, late wife of Roger Martell, and Henry, son and heir of Roger. Roger Martell. =f=Joan. I r -• Henry, seised temp. Ed. 3. John. I Elizabeth. I William, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plainti£F. De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 5. m. 374. Sussex. — William Bonevylle, Kt., sued Richard Styvecle, Armiger, for the manor of Merston, which Margaret, late wife of John la Warre, Kt., gave to Henry le fitz Roger, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, and he gave the same descent as in the last suit from the Henry of the pedigree. Verdict for the plaintifi". De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 5. m. 138 dorso. Devon. — John Bevyle sued John Crondecote to give up a pyx containing mUniments and deeds which he held respecting the manors of Berkedene, Hyshoke and Westerhoke, Treuvin, Boswayne and Mayon. Henry de Killygryu gave to Cecily, his sister, the manors of Treuvin, Boswayne and Mayon. 308 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Cecily. I Henry de Pengersek. I Henry. I , I Alice. =j=Johu Bevyle, enfeoffed by William de Berkeden of the manors of Hyshoke and Westerhoke. 1 John Bevyle, the plaintiff. John de Berkeden, seised of the manors of Hyshoke and Westerhoke. John. I ^Villiam de Berkedene, who enfeoffed John Bevyle, father of the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 5. m. 396. Sussex. — Thomas Stonkylle and Alice, his wife, and John Yoo and Margaret, his wife, sued Robert Oxebiigge and three others for a messuage and 200 acres of land in Dychenyng, which Gilbert Sykelfot gave to John, his son, for life, with remainder to John, younger son of John de Kyngston, and Isabella, daughter of Gilbert, and the heirs of their bodies, with other remainders over. John de Kyngestone, the elder. Qilisert, eldest son. John, seised=lsabella. Gilbert, I temp. E. 3. the younger, Gilbert. ob. s.p. Philip. -1 Margery, Alice.= Margaret.= ob. s.p. Thomas Stonkylle, John Yoo, plaintiffs. plaintiffs. The land had been settled on the two younger sons in tail, but both had died s.p. De Banco. Trinity. 9. Hen. 5. m. 318. Surrey. — John Uvedale sued William Wode and William Basset for land and rents in Camerwelle and Pekham, which John Uvedale, Kt., gave to Hugh Uvedale, his son, and Thomas, brother of Hugh, and the heirs of the body of Hugh. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 309 I 1 Hugh, seised Thomas Uvedale, seised temp. E. 2. temp. Ed. 2. John. I Thomas. I John. I John Uvedale, the plaintiff. The defendants admitted the claim. Coram Rege. Easter. 8. Hen. 5. m. 22. Chester. — Ralph Chalons sued Robert Browe for a messuage and lands and rents in Great Chrystelton, Little Chrystelton, Rowe Chrystelton, Great Coton, and Little Coton, which Philip de Yalletort gave to John, son of John Chalons, and the heirs of his body, temp. Ed. II. John, son of John Chalons, seised temp. E. 2. I John. I •■ Robert. I Ralph, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 9. Hen. 5. m. 327. Norfolk. — Henry de Walpol sued for the execution of a Fine levied 8 Ed. 2, by Henry de Walpole and Alice, his wife, respecting lands in Gey ton and Grymestone. Henry de Walpole. =f=Alice, 8 Ed. 2. I 1 1 Henry. Thomas, Simon, I ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Henry. Henry de Walpole, the plaintiff. Henry claimed as right heir of Henry, Thomas and Simon having left no issue. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 6. Durham. — Hugh Asteley and Agnes, his wife, sued William Tempest, Chivaler, for the manor of Trefford, which William Breton gave to Thomas de Aslakeby and Plesance, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. 310 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Thomas de Aslakeby.=f Plesance. I r -* Thomas. I William. I John. I William. I Walter. I Agnes, the plaintiff. The , defendants called to warranty John de Midelton and Thomasia, his wife, and Alice, late wife of John de Midelton, of county York. The suit was brought into Court by a writ of Recordari from the Palatine Court of Durham. De Banco. Trinity. 9. Hen. 5. m. 439. Northampton. — Hugh Machon sued Richard Holt, Clerk, for execution of a Fine levied in 6 Ed. 3, respecting the manor of Dyngele and lands in Sibertoft and Farndon, and advowsons of Dyngele and Farndon. Richard de Dyngele.=r Margaret. I 1 1 ^ 1 1 Nicholas, Thomas, Margaret, Elizabeth, Margery, Joan, ob. 8.p.m. ob. s.p.m. ob. s.p.m. ob. s.p.m. ob. s.p.m. | Hugh Machon, , the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 9. Hen. 5. m. 317. Hunts. — William Babyngton sued Rose, late wife of Thomas Gyffard, for lands and rents in Everton and Tetteworth. Hugh de Babyngton. William, seised 10 E. 3. I John. I William, the plaintiff. Rose admitted the claim. The plaintiff was one of the Justices of the Common Pleas. Coram Rege. Mich. 8. Hen. 5. m. 7. Suffolk. — John Loudham sued for execution of a Fine levied by Roger de Loudham in 3 E. 3, respecting lands and rents in Askeby and Herlyngflete and a ferry at Herlyngflete over the water of St. Olave. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 311 Roger de Loudham, seised 3 E. 3. I 1 ^-1 1 1 Roger. Robert. John. Nicholas. Thomas. I I Nicholas, ob. John Loudham, s.p. 5 H. 5. the plaintiff. Coram Rege. Easter. 10. Hen. 5. m. 65. Notts. — Richard Perot sued Anne Clifford, widow, for taking by force his goods and chattels to the value of £40. Anne pleaded that Richard was her villein tenant regardant to the manor of Stoke Bardolf. Richard replied that his ancestor Peter had come to the manor as an adventurer and a freeman in the reign of Henry 3, and he gave this descent : — Peter Perot. I Ralph. I John. I Robert. I John. Richard Perot, the plaintiff. The jury found in favour of Richard, and gave him 100s. as damages, and stated that none of his ancestors had been villeins. De Banco. Trinity. 9. Hen. 5. m. 305. Cornwall. — Robert Kayl sued Stephen Derneford, of Eststonhous, CO. Devon, for an illegal distress within the vill of Keynesham. Richard Flemyng, formerly seised of the manor of Maneby, of which Keynesham was a member, had granted it to Walter fitz William and the heirs of his body. Walter fitz William, lord of Langonet. I r. -■ Joan, Ist^William.^Alice, second wife. I I wife. , I i_. —1 Thomas. lladegun(lis.=Stephen Derneford, I the defendant. Nicholas, ob. s.p. 312 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Keynesham was also called Overa Tyllatz, and under that name had been granted to Robert Stonard, of Enthy, by Walter fitz William, and Robert Kayl claimed to be the heir of Robert Stonard, and gave this descent : — Robert Stonard. I Matilda, daughter and heir. i Ralph. I Robert Kayl, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 9. Hen. 5. m. 324. Somerset. — Thomas Stawell, Kt., sued John Cokayn and John, son of Richard Tuchet, for a moiety of the manors of Nytherstowey, Honybare, Stokeland, Covell, Wolwardeston, Wollavington, Puryton and Dounhynde. John Columbers.=j=Alice, seised temp. Ed. I. I r -^ -. Pliilip, Joan, ob. s.p. I Geoffrey. I Matthew. I Thomas Stawell, the plaintiff. The defendants called to warranty James Tuchet, Kt. De Banco. Trinity. 10. Hen. 5. m. 384. Staff. — The King sued John Shotesbrok and another for the next presentation to the church of Staundon. Vivian de Staundon,=pElizabeth. presented temp. E. 2. r ^ -^ r-1 Joan.=x=Geoffrey Boydell, presented Elizabeth.= temp. Ric. 2. Gilbert Shotesbrok. I John Shotesbrok, William. =j=Katrine. Henry, uncle the defendant. I and heir of Henry Boydell, Henry, ob. ob. s.p. s.p. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 313 De Banco. Hillary. 1. Hen. 6. m. 305. Wilts.— ichxi. Wodeford sued Thomas Gerberd for the manor of Odestoke, which John, son of William Gerberd and Robert, his brother, granted by a Fine levied temp. Ed. I to William Gerberd, of Odestoke, for his life, with remainder to John, son of William, and to Robert, son of William, and the heirs of the body of Robert. William Gerberd, of Odestoke, seised temp. E. L 1 1 1 1 John. 1 Robert. 1 Isabella.= Robert. 1 Thomas. Ivo de Stourton, 1 1 16 Ed. 3. Henry. 1 Thomas Gerberd, the defendant. John. 1 1 William, 1 Idonia. ob. s.p. John Wodeford, the plaintiff. The defendant claimed by a grant of Isabella to Robert Gerberd, her brother. Idonia mar. John Wodeford, of Brutforde, and John had released to Henry Gerberd all his right in 13 Richard 2. Verdict in favour of Thomas ; see also suit of 7 Hen. 5, ante p. 304. De Banco. Mich. 1. Hen. 6. ra. 214 dor so. Northumberland. — John Burcestre and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Elizabeth, late wife of William de Whitchestre, Kt., for the manors of Duxfeld and Brandon — eight marks of rent in Bramton, a moiety of the manor of Bitelesdene and two parts of two parts of the manor of Callerdon, which Robert de la Yale, Kt., had given to William de la Vale and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. E. 3. Robert de la Vale, Kt, J William de la Vale, seised=f Agnes, temp. E. 3. I Henry, ob. s.p. I William, ob. s.p. Alice. I William. I Elizabeth.= John Burcestre. 314 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. By other writs on m. 213 dorso and m. 214, the same plaintiffs sued the same defendant for two parts of two parts of a fourth part of the manor of Hertlawe, two parts of two parts of the manors of Seton de la Vale and Nortli Dissyngton, and a moiety of the manor of Bonewell. Verdict for the plaintiffs. De Banco. Trinity. 1. Hen. 6. m. 325. Cornwall. — Isabella, late wife of William Beaumont, sued William Pal ton, Kt., for the manors of Lanteglos, Trevylias and Fawyton. Henry de Wylyngton, seised temp. E. 3. I John. I r -T- -^-r -1 Ralph, John, Margaret. Isabella.^ ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I William Beaximont, • . I the plaintiff. John, Elizabeth, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. By another writ on mem. 32-5 dorso, the same Isabella sued William Palton, Kt., for the manors of Womberlegh, Beauford, Rydelcombe, Hunshawe, Stokeryvers, Uplomene, Gydesham and Langelegh, and gave the same descent. Sir Ralph de Willington served as a Banneret at Crecy and died at Calais, see " Crecy and Calais," by the present writer. His father, John, was summoned to Parliament as a Baron ("Com- plete Peerage," by G. E. C). De Ba/nco. Trinity. 1. Hen. 6. m. 329. Ehor. — Robert Sallay sued Gilbert de Kyghlay, Kt., for execution of a Fine levied in 37 E. 3, respecting the manor of Saxton. . . . , 1st wifeT=Robert de Hornbv, seised 37 E. 3.=f=Margaret, 2nd wife. 1 I I ' I ' 1 '-T 1 1 William. William, =01ive.=j=...Sallay, John, Robert, Thomas, Richard, 1st husb. I 2dhu8b. ob.s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Robert Sallay. The plaintiff was son of Olive by a second husband : under the provisions of the Fine, failing the issue of Robert de Hornby and William, his son, the heirs of the body of Olive were to inherit the manors. PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 315 De Banco. Trinity. 1. Hen. 6. m. 529. Somerset and Devon. — William de Boneville, Armiger, sued Walter Cherleton for execution of a Fine levied in 51 E. 3 by John Cobbeham, of Blakeburgh, and Katrine, his wife, respecting the manor of Yevylton, co. Somerset, and the manors of Blakeburgh and Wodefort, in co. Devon. William de Boneville, Kt, living 51 E. 3. William, ob. s.p. John. . . I William de Boneville, the plaintiff. — ; — I Richard. The manors had been settled on John Cobbeham and Katrine, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such on William de Boneville, Kt., and the heirs of his body. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 6. m. 494. Warwick. — John Godyng and Margery, his wife, the eldest daughter, Thomas Alspath, son of Margaret, the second daughter, and John Brakley and Margaret, his wife, daughter of Isabella, the third daughter and heiress of Annoi'a, and Elizabeth, late wife of John Merbury, daughter of Dionisia, another daughter and heiress of Isabella, sued John Cokayne, Kt., John Malory, of Neubolt, Armiger, and John Chetwynd, for lands and rents in Alspathe, which Gerard de Alspath liad given to Gerard, his son, and Milicent, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Gerard, son of Qerard=rMilicent. de Alspath. Gerard. I Margery. — John Godyng. Gerard. I Annora. I 1 Margaret. I Thomas Alspathe. Isabella. Margaret. ^= John Brakley. — :~i . . Dionisia. Elizabeth.= John Merbury. 316 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The suit was adjourned to Easter 2 H. 6. The old manor of Alspath is now called Meriden. De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 6. m. 126. Southampton. — Thomas Colriche sued John Esteven for lands and rents in Spersholte, which Philip fitz Aleyn had given to Roger Beaupole in frank marriage with Dionisia, his daughter. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Roger Beaupole, seised^Dionisia. temp. Ed. 1. I Ralph, Joan. Dionisia. ob. s.p. I I William. Ralph, I ob. s.p. Roger. I Thomas Colriche, the plaintiff. The name Beaupole is written also Beaupel in the pleadings, and Philip fitz Aleyn is called Philip de Spersholte. De Borneo. Mich. 2. Hen. 6. m. 140. Leicester. — Hugh de Wylughby, Armiger, sued John Javinvyle, Armiger, for execution of a Fine levied in 13 E. 2, by Roger de Somerville and Felice, his wife, respecting the manors of Cosynton and Hamelton. Roger de Somerville,=^Felice. Alexander, John. James, living 13 E. 2, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. | | William. Alice. I I Margery. Edmund. I Hugh de Wylughby, the plaintiff. The defendant pleaded that John de Somerville had left a son William, who had left a daughter Margery, but the jury found in favour of Hugh de Wylughby. De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 6. m. 126. Kent. — John Neuburgh sued Stephen Seyntvist for the manor of LuUyngton Castle, which Reymund Heryng had given to Nicholas Poyntz and Matilda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 317 Nicholas Poyntz, seised=j=Matilda. temp. E. 2. . r -■ Nicholas, I Hugh. . I Nicholas. I Margaret. I John Neuburgh, the plaintiff. Verdict for John Neuburgh. Be Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 6. m. 498. Devon. — John Speke sued John Holond and Alice, his wife, for land in Brussheford Speke. William Speke. =pAgnes. I . r , ^ n William. John.=x^Constance, d. of Robert, John. I Oliver Esse. ob. s.p. John Speke, Agne8.^Martin Fishacre. the plaintiff. | r— ' Alice.=T=John Ufflete. Edmund Ufflete. The defendants stated that they held the land for a term only by a demise of Alice Ufflete, who was dead, and the reversion belonged to Edmund Ufflete. Edmund was, therefore, admitted to defend the action. De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 6. m. 320 dorso. Z)er6.— Alianora, late wife of William de Irelond, of Herteshorne, sued William de Irelond for one-third of two manors in Herteshorne, called the Over Manor and the Nether Manor as her dower. Kalph de Irelond, of Herteshorne. Margery,==pWilliam.=Alianora, the plaintiff, 1st wife. I 2nd wife. John, I William de Irelond, the defendant. 318 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 6. m. 329 dor so. Ehor. — Thomas Broket and Dionisia, his wife, sued Thomas Urswyk for the manoi" of Baddesworth, which Roger Folifayt had given to Alan Folifayt and Eufemia, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. E. 3. Alan Folifayt, seised^pEufemia. temp. E. 3. I I 1 John, Eujoria (ate), ob. s.p. I William. . I. . Dionisia.= Thomas Broket, the plaintiffs. Thomas Urswyk called to warranty John de Worsley and Joan, his wife, and Margaret de Kyi'keby and Joan de Kyrkby, cousins and heirs of Robert de Ursewyk, Kt. Joan de Kyrkby was under De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 6. m. 105. Derb. — Henry Knyveton sued Ralph Shirley, of Brayllesford, the younger, Armiger, and others, for breaking into his close at Bradeby, and depasturing cattle on his grass. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Joan, late wife of John Basset, Kt., died seised of the manor of Braylesford. I Thomas. I Joan. Ralph Shirley, who was under age and in ward to Ralph Shirley and Beatrice, wife of Hugh Shirley, by grant from the King, the manor being held of the Honor of Lancaster. Henry de Braylesford, son of Henry de Bray- lesford, living 14 E. L I I Ralph. I Henrv. I ' r ■" Joan, d. and heiress.^ John Basset, Kt. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 319 Matthew de Knyveton.=f=Elizal)etli. Henry, living 14 E. 1. . I William. I Henry, William. John. Henry de Knyveton, the plaintiff. The last Sir Henry de Braillesford served as a Banneret at Crecy, see "Crecy and Calais," by the present writer. De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 6. m. 309. Lincoln. — John Billyng and John Frende sued Hugh Wylughby, of Wolaston, co. Notts, Armiger, and three others, for an illegal distress in Dunnesby, near Repynghale. Richard de Wyllughby, the elder, Kt., seised temp. E. 3. ilichard, ob. 8. p. Roger, ob. 8. p. Hugh, ob. a. p. 1 Edmund. I Edmund. I Hugh Wylughby, the defendant- De Banco. Easter. 2. Hen. 6. m. 123 dorso. Essex. — Robert Hunte and Katrine, his wife, Richard Fox and Elizabeth, his wife, and Isabella Galyon, sued Thomas Merssh for land in Great Maldon, which Walter de Essex, Kt., had given to Ralph le By good, (sic) Kt., and Elena, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Ralph le Bygod, Kt.=f=Elena. Walter. I Thomas. I Walter. William, ob. s.p. Margaret. I Isabella Galyon, plaintiff. Katrine.=^ Robert Hunte. plaintiffs. Elizabeth.= Richard Fox, plaintiffs. 320 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 2. Hen. 6. m. 337 dor so. Leicester. — John de Wydmerpole, of Wydmerpole, sued Thomas de Stafford, Armiger, for land in Querndon, near Barwe-on-Sore. Nicholas de Wydmerpole. I Thomas, living temp. Ric. 2. I Robert. I Nicholas. I John de Wydmerpole, the plaintiff. The defendant called to warranty Thomas de Stafford, son and heir of Thomas de Stafford, Kt. Coram Rege. Easter. 1. Hen 6. m. 66. Wygorn.—Rsi\^\i le Porter and Joan, his wife, and Thomas Raulyns sued William Ly chef eld for two parts of the manor of Estham and the advowson of the church, and 40s. of rent in Boycote, which they claimed under the terms of a Fine levied in 13 E. 2. Ralph le Porter, seised 13 E. 2. 1 Richard le Porter. I Joan. Marjory. I I Joan.= Thomas Raulyns, Ralph le Porter, the plaintiff, plaintiffs. The defendant gave this pedigree : — William Westneys^ Alice . (de Wasteneys), Kt. I I Joan.=pJohn Cornwall, Kt. r— ' Elizabeth.=|=William Lychefeld. I r -^ -. Elizabeth, Alice, under age. under age. De Banco. Mich. 3. Hen. 6. m. 123. Surrey. — William Catton and Joan, his wife, and William Basset and Agnes, his wife, sued John Loxley for the manor of Polstede, which William de Wynteryshull had given to Walter de Wyntery- shull, his son, and the heirs of his body. PEDIGREES FROM. THE PLEA ROLLS. 321 Walter de Wynterj^shulle, seised temp. E. 3. Thomas. I 1 : ' 1 William, Thomas, ob.s.p. I -\ Thomas, Joan.= Agnes.= ob. s.p. William Catton. William Basset. De Banco. Mich. 3. Hen. 6. m. 316 dorso. Hertford. — John Kirkham and Anne, his wife, sued Thomas Yynter for lands and rents in Ikeleford, Piryton, and Huche, which Henry Spigurnel and Sara, his wife, had given to Thomas Spigurnel and the heirs of his body. Thomas Spigurnel, seised temp. E. 3. I Henry. I Lucy. I Anne.=John Kirkham, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Hillary. 3. Hen. 6. m. 301. Kent. — Thomas de Pulteney sued Thomas Seyntclere and Richard Chamberleyn for execution of a Fine levied 14 E. 4, by which the manors of Penshurst and Yevesfeld were settled on John de Pulteney and Margaret, his wife, and their son William, and the heirs of the body of William, and failing such, on the heirs of the body of John de Pulteney, and failing such on Robert de Pulteneye, the son of William Oweyn, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such on William de Pulteneye, the son of William Erneys and the heirs male of his body, and failing such on Thomas de Pulteneye, the son of John Spigurnel! and the heirs male of his body, and failing such, on the right heirs of John for ever. William, the son of John and Margaret, died s.p. Robert de Pulteney. I John. I Thomas de Pulteney, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 3. Hen. 6. m. 327. Somerset. — Nicholas Moleyns sued Giles Daubeney, Kt., for an illegal distress in South Pederton. The pleadings give this pedigree : — 322 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Ralph Daubyngne, Kt., living 24 E. 3. I Giles. I Giles. Giles Daubeney, Kt., the defendant. The plaintiff held the status of John, son of Henry de Moleyns, living 24 E. 3. De Banco. Easter. .3. Hen. 6. m. 105. Gloucester. — John Langley sued Reginald Grey, Kt., and Joan, his wife, for land in Turkedene, which John de Brightwell had given to Geoffrey Langley and Matilda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Geoffrey Langley, seised=i=Matilda. temp. H. 3. Robert, Geoffrey, ob. s.p. I Edmund. 1 John. I John. I John Langley, the j)laintiff. By another suit at Hillary, temp. 3 H. G, m. 304 dorso, John Langley sued Ralph Busslie and Alianora, his wife, and William St. George for the manor of Brightwell, which John de Brightwell had given as above, but in his descent from Geoffrey and Alatilda, he makes Robert to have been succeeded by Geoffrey, his son, in place of Geoffrey, his brother. In this suit William St. George called to warranty Baldwyne St. George. De Banco. Easter. 3. Hen. 6. m. 132. Devon. — Richard Haukeford, Armiger, sued John Prideaux, of Orcharton, for the manor and advowson of Coumbe in Tynhide, claiming under a Fine levied in 18 E. 2 between John de Clifford, Kt., and Clarice, his wife, and William de Lyttelton. Richard de Stapeldon, living 18 E. 2. I Richard I Thomasine. I Richard Haukeford, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 323 De Banco. Easter. 3. Hen. 6. m. 410. Camh. — John Chamberleyn, and Agnes, his wife, and Thomas Caleys sued Thomas Caumpes and John Wyse for lands and rents in Great Shelford, Little Shelford, and Stapelford, claiming under a Fine levied in 19 E. 2. John le Moigne, living 19 E. 2. I Clemence. I. Baldwine. r -^— -, Agnes. = Joan. John Chamberleyn, | plaintiffs. Hugh. I Thomas Caleys, plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. .3. Hen. 6. m. 330 dorso. Somerset. — John Talbot sued John Bluet for land in Cotehegh, which Geoffrey Reyny had given to Thomas Reyny and the heirs of his body. Thomas Reyney, seised temp. E. 3. I Felicia. I Joan, John Talbot, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 3. Heii. 6. m. 106 dorso. Kent. — Thomas Stonore and Alice, his wife, sued John Isaak for lands and rents in Hopiland, Christelet, and Sturreye, which Henry, son of Henry de Apeldrefeld had given to Ralph de St. Laurence and Beatrice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Ralph de St. Laurence,=f=Beatrice, seised temp. E. 1. | r -^ Thomas. I Thomas. Thomas. , 1 . John, Elizabeth, ob, s.p, I John. Verdict for the plaintiffs. John. I Thomas, i Alice. ^= Thomas Stonore, 324 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 4. Hen. 6. m. 118 dorso. Dormt. — Henn' Craddock and Agnes, his wife, sued Walter Sprotte for lands in Waye Ruald, which John de Burford had given to John fitz John, of Caus, and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. John fitz John, of Caus.=f=Agnes. i I I r— J John. i John. I r ■" Agnes.=Henry Cradrlok, the plaintiffs. The defendant called to warranty Walter Byngham. De Banco. Hillary. 4. Hen. 6. m. 339. Somerset. — Reginald West, Kt., sued William Nuton and Idonia, his wife, for the manors of Swelle and Peret, claiming under the terms of a Fine levied in 11 E. 3, by which they had been settled on Henr}'^ de Lortye and Emma, his wife, and the heirs male of their bodies, and failing such on Thomas West, Kt., for his life, with remainder to Thomas le Blunt, Kt., son of Nicholaa la Blunt, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such, on the right heirs of Thomas West. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Thomas West, named in Fine of 11 V.. 3. I Thomas. I * Reginald \\ est, Kt. , the plaintiff. The defendants gave this pedigree : — Walter de Lorty, enfeoffed by Sabina de Urtiaco. Henry de Lorty.=i=Emma. John, Matilda, ob. s.p. I Philip Carteret, who was living, and the defendants held his status, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 325 Reginald West gave this pedigree : — Sabina de Urtiaco. , I , 1 , Richard. ^Yalter de Henry. William. John. I Lorty, ob. Henry. s.p. I Walter. I Henry de Lorteye, who levied the Fine in 11 E. 3. And he pleaded that Sabina gave Swell to Walter Lorty, her son, who had died s.p., and the right passed to Henry, son of Richard, his heir, and that Sabina gave Peret to her sons Walter and Henry, each of whom held a moiety of it. De Banco. Easter. 4. Hen. 6. m. 333. Leicester. — John, the Earl Marshal, sued Thomas Segrave and Elizabeth, his wife, for the next presentation to the church of Houby. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — John de Segrave, Kt, seised temp. E. 2. I Stephen. I John. I Elizabeth. r -L- n John, Thomas, ob. s.p. I I ' 1 Thomas, John, the ob. 8.p. Earl Marshal, plaintiff. ^ Elizabeth called to warranty Thomas Segrave, of Scaldeford, and Elizabeth, his wife (herself), together with Edmund Pyrley, kinsmen and heirs of John de Kirkeby, who had been formerly seised of the manor and had granted it to Gilbert, son of Anketine de Houby and Matilda, his wife, sister of John de Kirkeby, and the heirs of their bodies in 50 H. 3, from whom she gave this descent : — Gilbert, son of Anketine de Houby,=pMatilda. seised 50 H. 3. | Walter. I Antony. Alice. I Antony. I Elizabeth, the defendant. 326 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. She also stated that John Kirkeby had died s.p., and his heirs were his sisters Matilda and Alice, and from Alice she gave this descent : — Alice Pyrlev. I Peter. I William. I Peter. i Thomas, Edmund Pyrley, ob. s.p. who was under age. The jury found in favour of the Earl Marshal, on the ground that John de Kirkeby was not seised of the advowson when he made the grant of 50 H. 3. De Banco. Easter. 4. Hen. 6. m. 139. Somerset. — Richard Pruet and Alice, his wife, sued John Seyntclere (St. Clair), the elder, for lands and rents in Cruk and Estham. Geoffrey" de Asshelonde, seised=j=.Joan. bv virtue of a Fine levied in 29 E. 3. Thomas. I Emma. Alice. = Richard Pruet, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Easter. 4. Hen. 6. m. 321. Ebor. — Robert "Wylughby, of Rerisby, Kt., sued William Haryngton, Kt., and John Marshall, clerk, for the next presentation to the church of Baddesworth, and he stated that Ivo de Longvillers, was seised of the manor and advowson temp. King John, and gave a moiety of it in frank marriage with Hugelina, his daughter, to Roger de Coygners. Roger de Coygners. =t= Hugelina. Robert. Roger. Robert de Coygners, living temp. E. 1, enfeoffed Simon de Baldreston, clerk, in a moiety of the advowson. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 327 Ivo de Longvillers. I John. Margaret.=f=Qeoffrey de Neville. L_. John de Neville. I I ■ 1 John de Nevylle, of Richard. Hornby, ob. s.p. | Robert de Neville, living 1343, enfeoffed William Scot, Kt., and Alice, his wife. William Scot and Alice had issue, John Scot, Kt., who enfeoffed John Tours, who enfeoffed Robert de Swyllyngton, Kt., in 40 E. 3, who had issue, Roger de Swyllyngton, Kt., of Blythburgh, co. Suffolk, who enfeoffed Robert Willoughby, the plaintiff, and others, in the manor and advowson in 1 Hen. 5. The defendants stated that the Robert de Nevylle of the pedigree was son of Robert, brother of John de Nevylle, of Hornby, and not of Richard, and the jury found in their favour. Coram Rege. Mich. 4. Hen. 6. m. 14. Lincoln. — A writ of error, on the petition of Robert, son of Robert de Sheffeld, in the suit of Thomas Takell and others, versus Henry Hesyll and Joan, his wife, Thomas Sleght, Robert de Sheffeld, and others, in which the plaintiffs prayed for the execution of a Fine levied in 7 E. 1, between Richard, son of Richard de Isle, and Richard de Isle, respecting lands and rents in Brimham, Gunthorp, Haxseye and other places. Kichard, son of Richard de Isle, seised 7 E. L I John. I Richard. I -~i Christiana. Cecily. =r John Coke. Margaret. =t= John Groby. 'I I i Thomas Takell. , ' 1 Thomas Groby. John Coke, Katrine. ob. s.p. I William Fenton. Robert de Sheffeld stated that Richard, son of Richard de Isle, had a son John, who died during the lifetime of his father, and Richard, the son of John, entered as heir of Richard, son of Richard de Isle, and enfeoffed one Robert de Sheffeld, whose status he held. The jury found in favour of Robert de Sheffeld. 328 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 4. Hen. 6. m. 124 Hertford. — Margaret, late wife of William Westynton, sued John Fysshe and Rose, his wife, and Christine Polayn, for a moiety of the manors of Welwys and Ayot Montfychet. Matilda Lacy.=f=\Villiam Baudewyne. Joau. Amice. I I John. I 1 — I John, Agnes. Margaiet,=William ob. s.p. | the plain- Westynton. Michael, tiff. I John. I Rose.= John Fysshe, defendants. Margaret pleaded that Amice, the younger daughter of Matilda Lacy, was born out of wedlock. De Banco. Trinity. 4. Hen. 6. m. 139. Sussex. — William Burys and John Norton sued Thomas atte Hille for lands and rents in Hammes and Angemeryng, which John Palyngford had given to Isabella Palyngford and the heirs of her body. Isabella Palyngford. Joan. Margaret. I I John. John. I I John. • John. I I Hugh. John Norton, I plaintiff. William Burys, plaintiff. Be Banco. Trinity. 4. Hen. 6. m. 308. Salop. — Thomas Lestraunge, of Walton, Armiger, sued Richard Lestraunge, of Knokyn, Kt., for the manor of Mudle, which he claimed as heir-at-law of his niece Alice, who had died s.p. John Lestraunge, of Mudle, =j=Ida. seised temp. E. 3. | r -• John. Alan. Thomas Lestraunge, I the plaintiff, Alice, ob. s.p. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 329 De Banco. Trinity. 4. Hen. 6. m. 136. Hertford. ^W'TWiaim. Beleverge sued John Wodehouso, Armiger, John Hotoft, Armiger, and others, for the manor of Knybbeworth, which he claimed under the terms of a Fine levied temp. E. 2, between Richard de Perers and Joan, his wife, complainants, and Beatrice, formerly wife of Robert de Hoo. James, son of Beatrice de Hoo. I Margaret. I William. I Stephen. I William Beleverge, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 4. Hen. 6. m. 464. Oxon. — James V^ernoun sued Thomas Chaucer, Armiger, for the manor of Hanewell, which Ralph de Vernoun, the elder. Lord of Shipbroke, gave to Ralph, son of Ralph, son of Ralph de Vernoun, formerly Lord of Mottrom, and to Agnes, his wife, and the heirs male of their bodies, and failing such, to Richard, son of the said Ralph de Vernoun, the elder, issue of Matilda, late wife of the said Ralph de Vernoun, the elder, and to the heirs male of his body, and failing such, to Magister Richard Vernoun, son of the said Ralph de Vernoun, the elder, and his heirs, and he gave this descent :— Ralph de Vernon, the elder,=f^Matilda. of Shipbroke. | r -r -^ 1 Richard, Magister Thomas, ob. s.p. Richard, | ob. s.p. Richard. I Ivichard. I James Vernoun, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Hillary. 5. Hen. 6. m. 101 dorso. Glouc— Peter Hertland sued Henry Slak for lands, etc., in Newent, which Adam Esger and Thomas Esger had given to Richard Carswalle and Isabella, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. Edward III. Richard Carswalle, seised=plsabella. temp. E. 3. I , 1 i ---I Sibil, Joan, Lucy, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I Walter. I Peter Hertland, the plaintiff. 330 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Borneo. Hillary. 5. Hen. 6. m. 325. . Suff. — Robert Brome suedJohn Howard, Kt., and three others named, for the manor of Shotle. William Vis de Leu, Kt.,=f=lloes. seised temp. E. 2. j Mary, ob. Alice, s.p.m. I lioger. I Robert. i Henry. i Robert Brome, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 5. Hen. 6. m. 342. Notts. — John Longesby sued Hugh Cressy, of Frythebek, Armiger, for the manor of Oulcotes, which Hugh Cressy had given to Robert Russell and Cecily, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Robert Russell, seised^Cecily. temp. E. 2. | r -^ -1 Edmund, Sibil, ob. s.p. I Robert. I John Longesby, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 5. Hen. 6. m. 125. Rutland. — John Colepeper, Armiger, and Thomas Wensenham, Armiger, sued Robert Dabriggecourt, of Cottesmore, and Elizabeth, his wife, for lands and rents in Cottesmore and Gretham, which William Manduit had given to Bernard de Bruys and Alice de Beauchamp and the heirs of their bodies. Bernard de Bruys. =f= Alice. r—- ' Bernard. I r ^ -1 Bernard, John, ob. s.p. I —\ Bernard, Agnes. Joan, ob. s.p. I I Robert. Alianora. I I Thomas W ensenham, John Colepeper, plaintiff. plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 331 Coram Rege. Easter. 5. Hen. 6. m. 85. Somerset. — John Speke and Joan, his wife, sued Stephen Alrygge and Richard Wallrond for the next presentation to the church of Compton Martyn. John Wake, Kt., seised temp. E. 3, of Compton Martyn, co. Somerset, and Stoke Wake, co. Dorset. I Isabella. I Thomas. I John Keynes. I John Keynes. 1 Elizabeth. I Richard Michell,=Agnes. ob. s.p. Joan .=John Speke, plaintiffs. Verdict for the plaintiffs. De Ba/nco. Trinity. 5. Hen. 6. m. 123. Norfolk. — Richard Pynkeman and Alice, his wife, Margaret Broom, John Aslak and Annora, his wife, John Hamburgh and Beatrice, his wife, and Richard Brunne and Katrine, his wife, sued Hugh Rory, chaplain, and Edmund Bedyngfeld, for land in Thuxton. John, son of John Thurston, Kt. I John Thurston, sei8ed=7=Alice. temp. E. 3. I — John. Theobald. Alice. ^= Richard Pynkeman. Margaret. Amice [sic].'- John Aslak. Beatrice. "= John Bam burgh. 1 Katrine. = Richard Brunne. Coram Rege. Easter. 4. Hen 6. m,. 56. Cornwall. — Thomas Arundelle, Kt., sued John Petyt, of Trengeweyn- ton, for an illegal distress in Trengeweynton. Warine Ercedekene, Kt., of Roswerry. I I Alianora. Philippa. Marjory.= Thomas Arundell, Kt. John Arundell. 332 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. . De Banco. Trinity. 5. Hen. 6. m. 308. ^ftor.— Thomas Harynton, Armiger, and Elizabeth, his wife, sued William Haryngton, Kt., for a moiety of the manor of Sedbergh, and they sued Cuthbert, tlie Abbot of Coversham, for a moiety of the advowson of the church of the same manor, claiming under the terms of a Fine levied in 6 E. 2, between Edmund de Dacre and John, son of John de Tateham. Edmund de Dacre. I Thomas. • I Edmund. I Thomas. I r- Elizabeth.— Thomas Harynton, the plaintiffs. De Bcmco. Trinity. 5. Hen. 6. m. 386. Northampton. — Simon Kinnesman, Armiger, sued Joan Mulso for the manor of Great Oxenden. Richard Christian, ^pSibiL seised temp. E. 3. I I Mary. I Joan. Simon Kinnesman, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 6. Hen. 6. m. 121. No County Named. — Ralph Rademylde and Margaret, his wife, and Roger Leukenore and Alianora, his wife, sued "William Estfeld and another for the lAanors of Tratington, Elnestede and Dydlynge. John de Camoys. I Thomas. I Richard. J_ Margaret.= Alianora. = Ralph Rademylde. Roger Leukenore. De Banco. Easter. 6. Hen. 6. m. 124. Kent. — Richard Geddynges and Thomas Band sued John Martyn and five others named, for the manors of Horsmenden, Rokesle, Totynden and Eccles, claiming under the terms of a Fine levied in 11 E. 3, by PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 333 which the manors had been settled on the heirs male of the bodies of William le Bande, Kt., and Joan, his wife, and failing such on the right heirs of Joan. William le Band, Kt.,=T=Joan. ob. 8. p.m. Elizabeth. Joan. I I John. William. I I Richard Geddynges, Thomas Band, plaintiff. plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 6. Hen. 6. m. 126 dorso. Salop. — Richard, Duke of York, sued Richard, Earl of Warwick, Joan, late wife of William Beauchamp, Kt., of Bergevenny, John Pelham, Kt., Walter Lucy, Kt., Thomas Chaucer and Richard Wygmore for the castle and manor of Ludlowe and manor of Staunton. Geoffrey de Qeynvill.=Y=Matilda Lacy. i ' Peter de Qeynville. Joan. I Edmund. I Roger. I Edmund. I Roger. I r- Edmund. Anne. I Richard, Duke of York. Other suits shew that the Joan of the pedigree married Roger de Mortimer. The suit was made a remanet, Richard, Earl of Warwick, being in France in the suite of John, Duke of Bedford, the King's uncle and Regent of France. De Banco. Easter. 6. Hen. 6. m. 132. Warwick. — John Cotes, Armiger, sued the Master of the Hospital of St. John of Warwick, for six acres of meadow in Hoyyngham, which ?^ , had been given to the Hospital in free alms by Sylvester de Monte- ' ferrard, in the reign of Henry III, and which having been alienated by the Master, should revert to him as the heir of Silvester, and he gave this descent ; — 334 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Sylvester de Monteferrard, living temp. H. 3. John, sou and heir. I William. I John. I William. I John Cotes, son and heir of William (the plaintifif). The reader should note the change from a French to an English surname, which was much more common than is usually supposed. De Banco. Easter 6. Hen. 6. m. 132. Warwick. — John Cotes sued the Master of the Hospital of St. John of Warwick for four acres of meadow in Hovyngham, which Richard Corbyzun had given to the House in free alms, and which having been alienated, should revert to him as heir of Richard. Richard Corbyzun, living temp. H. 3 . I Beatrice. I John. I William. I John. I William. I John Cotes, the plaintiff. Richard Corbyzun was a brother of William Corbuson, of Stodley, who was the direct descendant of the " Willelmus filius Corbutionis," who held Stodley at the date of Domesday. Cv.i De Banco. Mich. 6. Hen. fl^ m. 237. Northumb. — The King sued Christiana, formerly wife of John de Midel ton, Kt., and another, for the next presentation to Chapel Jesemond. Richard Emuldon, presented to the church temp. Ed. 3. Agnes.=T=Adam Grap. I Matilda. ^ 'V cW^ Aiice.= Nicholas Sabram. Matilda.=T=Richard de Acton. Elizabeth. I Christiana. ^John de Midelton, ^ob. 20 Rich. 2. ^13^ :i Jacoba.= John de Stryvelyn (Stirling),Kt., ob. s.p. Bertram 6l^\\V?ildJ<)PO, under age (^ and in ward to the King. V^ 'O^olJ PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 335 De Banco. Mich. 6. Hen. 6. m. 342. War-iJoick. — Otto de Worthyngton and Mary, his wife, sued John Fraunceys and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Cokayne, Kt., John Holdecastelle, Chivaler, William Mountfort, Lord of Colsull, and John Walshe, Armiger, for a third of the manor of Foley, near Pollusworth, which they claimed as dower of Mary, of the dotation of Richard Herthulle, Chivaler, her former husband. Mary, 2ud wife,= Richard Herthulle. =r Alice, the plaintiff. I 1 T Giles, ob. s.p. Elizabeth.= I John Fraunceys. William, ob. s p. John Cokayne and the other defendants stated they held the status of Elizabeth in the manor. De Banco Mich. 6. Hen. 6. m. 350. Eh(yr. — William de Clyf sued William de Mirfeld for a moiety of the manor of Wythyngton, near Nunne Munketon. William de Clyf.=rElena, living 16 Ed. 3. u___, Nicholas. I Richard. I William de Olyf, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 6. Hen. 6. m. 112. Notts. — Edmund Cranmere, of Aslokton, and Isabella, his wife, sued William de Sybthorp, Armiger, for land in Aslokton. John de Aslokton, Simon, brother seised temp. E. 3, and heir, ob. s.p. I William. I Isabella. -~ Edmund Cranmere, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Hillary. 6. Hen. 6. m. 301. Bucks. — Walter Strykland, Armiger, and Isabella, his wife, sued John Barton, the younger, and others named, for the manor of Haversham, which they claimed under the terms of a Fine levied in 18 E. 2, by John de Olney and Matilda, his wife. 336 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John de Olney, seised^Matilda. 18 E. 2. I John. William. I John. Isabella, daughter= Walter de Strykland. and heir. By another suit on m. 305, William Lucy, Armiger, claimed the same manor as heir-at-law of James, brother of John, son of John de Pabenham, who had been named in the remainder gf the same Fine, and he gave this descent : — John de Pabenham. L John. James. Margery. Daughter (name illegible).: William Lucy. De Banco. Easter, 6. Hen. 6. m. 371. Wilts. — William Darell and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester, John Stafford, the Bishop of Bath and Wells, and ten others named, for the manor of Axeford, co. Wilts, and lands in Heydone, co. Dorset, which they claimed under the terms of a Fine levied in 9 E. 2, by Hildebrand de London and Margaret, his wife. Hildebrand de London,=i=Margaret. seised 9 K. 2. I Robert de Loundres, Kt., alias Robert D'Axeford, Kt , liv- ing 6 Rio. 2, ob. s.p. Richard, ob. s.p. Matilda. I Felicia. I Thomas. Elizabeth, d. and heir. ^= William Darell, the plaintiffs. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 337 De Banco. Trinity. 6. Hen. 6. m. 493. Dorset— Henrj Sherard sued for the execution of a Fine levied in 1 E. 2, between John de Tynten, the younger, and Alice Rosel, respecting the manor of Coleweye. Alice Rosel, seised 1 E. 2. I Henry. I John. I Henry. i Henry Sherard, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 6. Hen. 6. m. 123. Wilts. — William Watkyns and Agnes, his wife, sued Richard Cheddar for waste in the manor of Hedyngton, which was of the inheritance of Agnes. It appeared by the pleadings that one Matilda de Cantilupe had been seised of the manor for her life under the terms of a Fine levied in 3 E. 3, with remainder to Robert son of Reginald de Cantilupe and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such, with remainder to Elizabeth, daughter of Matilda, and the heirs male of her body, and failing such to Matilda, Marjory and Alice, sisters of Elizabeth, in like manner, and failing any male issue of the sisters, to the right heirs of Matilda de Cantilupe for ever. Joan,=Robert, son of Reginald=pMatilda, 1st wife, de Cantilupe. I 2nd wife. Robert. =P Joan. J Elizabeth. =fRichard Cheddar. I Richard, ob. v.m. Agnes claimed to be the right heir of Matilda de Cantilupe, and gave this descent :— Matilda de Cantilupe. Alice. I Clemence. I William. I Agnes.==William Watkyns. 338 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 6. m, 331. Cormvall. — Richard Haukeford, Armiger, sued John Mason, clerk, and Thomas Carmynowe, Armiger, for the next presentation to the church of Mahenyet. William de Tregilla, seised of the manor of Tregilla, to which the advowson was appurtenant, presented to the church temp. E. 1. r - ■ Isabella. 1 ■ Emma, enfeoffed -| Joan, enfeoffed Walter^ =Philip de St. 1 Adam Helygan Stapeldon, Bishop of W'ynhoc. Adam Doyvelle. of her purpart V, Exeter, and his brother 1 who had issue Kichard de Stapeldon. Richard. John Helygan, Kt., of her share of the 1 who presented advowson. ' John, under age temp, E. 3. and in ward to Ralph Carmy- Richard de Stapeldon, Kt. , presented 6 E. 3. I Richard. Kichard. I Thomasia.=pKichard Haukeford, Armiger. I r— ' Richard Haukeford, the plaintiff. The manor had been held by Richard, son of Adam Doyvelle, of Ralph Carmynowe, whose representative claimed to present to the church, and he gave this descent : — Ralph Carmynowe, ob. s.p. William. John. Thomas Carmynowe, of Asshewater, uncle and heir, the defend- ant. John, who was in ward to Henry, late Prince of Wales, as Duke of Corn- wall, ob. s.p. The suit was continued till Mich. 8 H. 6, when John Mason took exception to the writ because Richard Haukeford was described as Armiger, when he had been knighted at St. Albans before the date to which the suit had been adjourned. Richard replied that he held c£100 of lands in co. Devon, by hereditary descent from Thomasine, his mother, and was serving in France in the retinue of Thomas, Earl of Salisbury, but was not a Knight at the date when the suit was adjourned, which was the Quindene of St. John the Baptist, but as the jury found that he was a Knight at the date of the Octaves of St. Michael, the suit was dismissed. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 339 De Banco. Hillary. 7. Hen. 6. m. 117. Notts and Lincoln. — William Carwell, Armiger, and William Fairfax sued Ralph Crumwell, Kt., and six others named, for the manor of Muskham, co. Notts, and £20 of rent from Harington and Aswardby, CO. Lincoln, which they claimed under the provisions of a Fine levied in 34 E. 1, between Richard, son of John de Haringcon, and Amice, his wife, and John de Harington. Richard, son of John de Harmgton,=T=Amice. seised 34 E. 1. I I — John. Amice. I William Carwell, plaintiff. 1 Isabella. John. I William. . . I . William Fairfax, plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 7. Hen. 6. m. 339. Northampton. — Robert Otteley and Joan, his wife, sued Thomas Wodevyle, Armiger, for one-third of the manors of Stokebruer and Aldryngton, which Henry de Lancastre and Matilda, his wife, had given to William de Combemartyn and the heirs of his body. William de Combemartyn, seised temp. E. 1. Alice. I Walter. I Alice. Isabella. — I Joan. Thomas, ob. s.p. Joau.=Robert Otteley, the plaintiffs. Joau.=Saer Acre. The two Joans were sisters and heirs of Thomas. Coram Rege Boll. Easter. 1. Hen, 6 m. 48. Northampton. — A suit in the King's Chancery, in which William fitz Hugh, Kt., claimed a moiety of the manor of Lutton alias Ludyngton, which was held of the King in capite by the service of one-tenth of a Knight's fee. Roes de Dovorr was seised of the manor and gave it to William, son of Robert Marmyon, the younger, and Loretta, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. 340 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William Marmyon.^Lorretta. I r— ' John. I John. I Joan. =p John Barnak. I Matilda. I Ralph Cromwell. I Ralph Cromwell, Kt.,living7H. 6. Amice. I Robert Gray. Elizabeth. =f=Henry Fitz Hugh, Kt. William Fitz Hugh, Kt, the jilaintiff. Elizabeth had died on the liih December previous, and the King, under a misapprehension, had granted the custody of all the lands, which she had held in capite, to various persons. Coram Eege. Faster. 7. Hen. 6. m. 82. Another suit, by which Sir William Fitz Hugh recovered the manor of Berewyk, co. Sussex, gives this pedigree : — John Marmyon, Iiving=f=Matilda. 1 E. 3, dead 14 E. 3. Robert Marmyou, living 1337, had released all his right in the manor to Matilda, his mother, and had died s.p. Joau.=pJohn Bernak. I — 71 Avice (sic). = =John Gray, of Rotherfield. I Matilda. = =Ralph Cromwell, Kt. John Gray alias John Marmyon,ob.s,p. r- Robert Gray. Ralph Cromwell, Kt. Elizabeth.=T=Henry Fitz Hugh, Kt. Ralph, Lord Cromwell, | ' living 7 H. 6. William Fitz Hugh, Kt., the plaintiff. Berwick was held of John Pelham, Kt., as of the Honour of Aquila, by the service of two Knights' fees. De Banco. Trinity. 7. Hen. 6. m. 471. Zmco^TO.— Thomas Paynell, Armiger, sued John Warrok, clerk, and another, for the manor of Berughby, which John de Sendale, late Bishop of Winchester, had given to William Peisshone and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGRKES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 341 William Peisshoue, seised =p Margaret, temp. E. 3. | r -^ John. I Margaret. I -^ -^ John, Margaret. ob. s.p. John. I Thomas Paynell, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Trinity/. 7. ffen. 6. m. 331 and 331 dorso, and De Banco. Trinity. 9. Hen. 6. m. 415. Southampton and Wilts. — Suits respecting the manors of Ryngwode, Warblyngton, Hunton, Westovere, and Sweynstone, in the Isle of Wight, and the Hundred of Christchurche and town of Christchurche, and the manor of Erlestoke, co. Wilts, give this pedigree : — Ralph de Monte Hermer, living 3 E. 2. I ^ -1 Thomas . Ed ward . >- n Margaret. ■-p\\'illiam de Montagu, I Earl of Salisbury. William, John, ob. s.p. I John. I Thomas Earl of Salisbury. . I Alesia.=Richard, Earl of Salisbury. De Banco. Hillary. 7. He7i. 6. m. 134. Sussex. — William Haubedene, of Mydhurst, sued Thomas Shorter and Christiana, his wife, for a messuage and a virgate of land in Haube- dene in Rogate. I 1 Robert Haubedene. William. I Robert, seised temp. E. 3. I Thomas. I William Haubedene, the plaintiff. Christiana claimed by a grant made to William, the younger brother of Robert Haubedene. 342 PP^DIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 7. Hen. 6. m. 315. Notts. — John Dales and Margaret, his wife, sued the Collegiate Church of Southwell for lands and rents in Halum, Edyngley, Osmondethorp and Holbek. Hugh de Rodes of Halum. Amice de Syreston. William de Rodes, =i=Beatrice. of Halum, seised temp. E. 3. John. I Margaret.=John Dales, the plaintiffs. The Cliurch claimed by a grant of Amice de Syreston, and called to warranty Emelina, late wife of John Grey, Armiger. De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 6. m. 336. TFyc/or^i.— Richard, Duke of York, who was under age, and sued by his custos, sued Richard, Earl of Warwick, Joan, late wife of William Beauchamp, of Bergevenny, Kt., Walter Lucy, Kt., Thomas Chaucer, and Richard Wygmore, for the manor of Brymesgrove, which John de Beauchamp had given to Roger de Mortimer and the heirs of his body. Roger de Mortimer. I Edmund. I Roger. Edmund. ! Roger. Edmund, ob. s.p. Anne, sister and heir. I Richard, Duke of York, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 8. Hen. 6. m. 318 dorso. Herts. — Ralph Agmondesham sued Thomas Chamber, Armiger, and others, for land in La Stokke, in Agmondesham, which Adam de Woubourne had given to his brother Thomas de Woubourne and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 343 Thomas de Woubourne,=pAlice. seised temp. E, 1. I Thomas. John. I I Joan. Ralph. j I Alice, Ralph de Agmondesham, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 8. Hen. 6. m. 403. Bucks. — John de Mohun sued Giles, the Prior of Caldewell and another, for the next presentation to the church of Great Crawele. John Fillioll, the younger, presented temp. E. 1. Cecily.=j=John Mohun, Kt., presented I 21 E. 3. I •- -1 John Mohun, the plaintiff. Coram Rege. Mich. 8. Hen. 6. m. 28 Rex. Staff.— A suit respecting the manor of Elnhale, which was claimed by Thomas Astley, in right of Elizabeth, his mother, gives this pedigree : — William Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt=f=Joan. and Elnhale, seised 4 E. 3. Thomas Harcourt, Kt. I Thomas Harcourt, died 6 July 8 H. 5. Robert Harcourt, aged 10 in 8 H. 5. Thomas Astley claimed under a Fine levied in 1 Kic. 2, by which the reversion of the manor had been settled on his father Thomas, and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Elizabeth appears to have been heiress of the Harcourts. In a suit in Banco of Mich. 7 R. 2, her descent is given as under : — Richard Harcourt, living 12 E. 1. I John. I William, I Richard. I Elizabeth. 344 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Coram Rege. Mich. 8. ITe7i 6. m. 20. ]}forf. — Thomas, Earl of Arundelle, sued the Abbot of Westderham for the next presentation to the church of Grymstone at Trinity term 13 H. 4.. Benedict de Brekles, Kt., seised temp. E. 2. John, seised of the manor of=f=Constance. Brekeshall alias Grymstone, I temp. E. 3. _j Benedict, presented 31 E. 3. Alice, daughter and heir, and in ward to the Earl. Alice had been married to William Compton, Armiger, but was left a widow. A verdict had been given in favour of the Earl at Trinity term 13 H. 4, and the Abbot now appealed by a writ of error. The latter claimed by a grant made to his house by Benedict, son of John de Brekles. De Banco. Hillary. 9. Hen. 6. m. 302. County Illegible. — William Neuton and Alianora, his wife, and Nicholas Basset and Alice, his wife, sued Thomas Ferres, Armiger, and Elizabeth, his wife, for the manors of Lee and Stretford. John de la Launde,=j=Alianoia. seised temp. K. 3. Idonia. Agnes. Alianora.= I William Neuton. A lice. = Nicholas Basset. In another part of the pleadings Idonia is called Joan. Coram Rege. Easter. 9. Hen. 6. m. 7. Rex. Kent. — Thomas Kyriell, Kt., sued Thomas Wykes for the manor of St. Laurence alias Uppercourt, in the Isle of Thanet. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — John Kvriell, Kt. 'I John.=f= Alice. I r -■ Joan.=John Wykes,=T=Agnes, second living 10 Kic. 2. I wife. John Wykes, who was under age. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 345 Nicholas Kyriell, Kt. William. I Thomas Kyriell, Kt., the plaintiff. Thomas Wykes, the defendant, held the manor as custos only, by grant of the King. De Banco. Trinity. 10. Hen. 6. m. 137. Norf. — William Beaiichamp and Elizabeth, his wife, sued John Howard Kt., and John Ilketeshale for the manor of Middelton, near Lynne, which they claimed under the provisions of a Fine levied in 24 E. 3, by Gerard, son of Gerard de Braybrok and Margaret, his wife, by which the manor had been settled on the heirs of the body of Margaret. Gerard, son of Gerard de Braybrok,=pMargaret. seised 24 E. 3. I Gerard. I Gerard. . I Elizabeth.= William Beauchamp, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Trinity. 10. Ilert,. 6. m. 410. Essex. — Thomas Basset sued Hobert Rykedone, of Weytham, for an illegal distress in Weytham. Roger Wylynghale.=f=Joan. Roger. Richard. Roger Basset, Civis et Piscenarius of London. Thomas held the status of Roger Basset. The reader should note the chancre of surname. De Banco. Hillary. 10. Hen. 6. m. 125. Leicester. — Walter Strykland, Armiger, and Isabella, his wife, sued for execution of a Fine levied in 18 E. 2, between William de la Plaunche and Joan, his wife, and John de Olney and Matilda, his wife, respecting two parts of the manor of Claybrok. 346 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John, son of John de 01ueye,=T=Matilda. living 18 E. 2. I William. I John. I Isabella.^ Walter Strykland. By a previous suit of Hillary 6 H. 6, m. 301, the same plaintiflfe sued John Barton and others for the manor of Haversham, co. Bucks, which they claimed under the provisions of the same Fine. De Banco. Hillary. 10. Hen. 6. Glouc. — John Kenne, Armiger, and John Trye, Armiger, sued Thomas Purlevent for the manor of Brewerne. William, son of Almaric de Parco. I Beatrice. =pJohn le Botiller, of Laniltyt. r ^-r -, Almaric le Botiller, Isabella.npJohn Kenne. Elizabeth, living 50 E. 3, ob. | | B.p. John Kenne, Isabella.= the plaintiff. John Trye. I William. John Trye, the plaintiff. The defendant claimed under a Fine levied in 50 E. 3 by Almaric le Botiller, by which the manor had been settled on William Purlevent and Katrine, his wife, and the heirs of the body of Katrine. Thomas Purlevent was the son of Katiine. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hen. 6. m. 136. Dorset.- — Theobald Gorges, Chivaler, sued John Juyne, Kt., Maurice Bruyn, Kt., and others, for execution of a Fine levied in 4 E. 3, between Walter Waleys, complainant, and Ralph de Gorges, deforciant, of lands and rents in Bi'aunton, near Barnstaple, co. Devon, and the manors of Knyghtteton, Lutton and Bradepole, two Hundreds named, advowsons, churches, etc., in co. Dorset, by which the said manors, rents, advowsons and Hundreds had been settled on Ralph de Gorges and the heirs male of his body, and failing such on William, son of Theobald Russell, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such on Theobald, brother of William, and PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 347 tlie heirs male of his body, and failing such on John, brother of Theobald, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such on Richard, brother of John, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such on the right heirs of Ralph for ever. The plaintiff complained that the defendants held the manor of Bradepole and a moiety of the manor of Lutton against the terms of the Fine, as he was the heir male of the said Theobald, brother of William, viz., son of Thomas, son of the said Theobald, brother of William. The pleadings therefore give this descent, by which it would appear that the Russells had assumed the name of Gorges. Theobald Rusaell. I I I r-* 1 1 William, living Theobald. John. Richard. 4 E. 3, ob. I s.p.m. Thomas. Theobald Gorges, Kt., the plaintiff. The pleadings also state that in 4 Ed. 3, at the date of the Fine, John Peche and Alianora, liis wife, held one-third of the manors, etc., above named, as dower of Alianora. De Banco. Mich. 10. Hen. 6. m. 302. War7vick. — Aylmer Holt, Armiger, sued William Holt, Armiger, for the manor of Aston, near Birmingham. Walter Holt.=pMargery. I John. „ William, I the defendant. Adomar or Aylmer Holt, the plaintiff. William Holt claimed to hold the manor for his life by Letters Patent, dated 6 October 1 H. 4, granted to him for his good service. In these Letters Patent he is styled, " William Holt, son of Margery, the King's Esquire." Be Banco. Hillary. 11. Hen. 6. m. 331. Lincoln. — Reginald West, Kt., sued the Prior of Sixhille for land in Est Teryngton, which Thomas Grelle, formerly Lord of Mauncestre (Manchester) had given to John le Warre and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. 348 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John le VVarre.=j=Joan. I John. I Roger. I r J -1-^ -< John, Thomas, Joan, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Reginald West, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 11. Hen. 6. m. 330 dor so. Beds. — William Haryngton, Kt., and John Broughton sued Robert Darcy, John Druell, clerk, and Edward Bromflete, and Joan, his wife, for the manor of Herlyndon, which Nicholas de Boweles had given to Reginald Perot and Petronilla, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. The defendants called to warranty William Beauchamp, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and heir of Gerard Braybroke, the younger, Kt., and asked that the suit might remain, as Elizabeth was under age, but Elizabeth having been summoned by the Court, it was considered by her aspect that she was of age, and the suit was ordered to proceed. For the continuation of this suit and the pedigrees, see suit of Hillary term 14 Hen. 6, further on (p. 356). De Banco. Trinity. 11. Hen. 6. m. 123. Ehor. — Robert Roos, Kt., sued John Roos, Kt., and another, for the next presentation to the church of Kirkedyghton. Robert Roos, Kt., Lord of Igman thorp, enfeoffed his son Thomas and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. I r ■". Thomas Roos, seised=pJoan. temp. Ric. 2. I r ■" Robert Roos, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 11. Hen. 6. m. 125. Kent. — John Passele, Kt., and Edmund Passele, Armiger, sued John Gosbourne and others for lands and rents in Idenne, Pleydenne and other places, which were held in gavelkind, and therefore partible amongst male heirs. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 349 Edmund Passelle, seised=j=Margaret. 14 E. 2. 1 1 Tliomas, I Edmund, Robert. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. 1 Robert. 1 Robert. r John Passele, Kt., 1 Edmund Passele. plaintiff. plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 11. Hen. 6. m. 311. |A Gloucester. — John Plaunclie sued Richard Chedder for waste and destruction in the manor of Dursley, which Richard held by the courtesy of England, after the death of Elizabeth, his wife, the kinswoman of John, and whose heir he was. John Plaunche. I John. t John. I John. I John Plaunche, the plaintiff. William Plaunche. I John. I Matilda. I Robert, I Elizabeth.= Richard Chedder, the defendant. Richard denied that John was of the blood of Elizabeth at all, and John subsequently withdrew his suit. De Banco. Trinity. 11. Hen. 6. m. 127. Ehor. — Robert Wadesley, Armiger, sued William Sywardby, the elder, for the manors of Syggeston, Foxton and Weynton. John de Syggeston, Kt. John, ob. s.p. — -i Joan.= =Thomas Plays. Joan.== Thomas de Thorneton. I Robert. Beatrice. = Nicholas Furneys. Robert. John, ob. s.p. Margaret. I William Sywardby, the defendant. Verdict for the defendant. William. I William. I Elizabeth, ob. s.p. —1 Agnes.=^ Robert Wadesley. I John. I Robert Wadesley, the plaintiff. 350 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Be Banco. Trinity. 11. Hen. 6. m. 303. Beds. — William Snowe sued William Ryman, Armiger, for the manor of Kechyng and other lands. ~i Robert Bilkemore, seised =Anastasia. Matilda, under the provisions of a | Fine levied 3 E. 3. Peter. Verdict for the plaintiif. I William Snowe the plaintiff. Be Banco. Trinity. 11. Hen. 6. m. 330. Kent. — William Beleverge sued John Typtoft, Kt., and Joyce, his wife, for the manor of Eversdon, which he claimed as heir of Beatrice, formerly wife of Robert de Hoo, under the provisions of a Fine levied in 9 E. 2. Robert de Hoo.=f=Beatrice, late wife of Robert de Hoo, 9 E. 2. U , James. I Margaret. I William. I Stephen. I William Beleverge. The manor had been settled in 9 E. 2 on Richard de Perers and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such on Beatrice and her heirs. The defendants gave this pedigree : — Robert de Hoo.=pBeatrice. I r— ^ Robert I Thomas de Hoo, Kt. William de Hoo, Kt., who granted the manor in 4 H. 4 to WHlliam Castellaere, Kt., and the defendants held the status of the latter. Verdict for John Typtoft and Joyce. See a previous suit of Trinity. 4. Hen. 6. [ante p. 329). Be Banco. Hillary. 12. Hen. 6. m. 443. Cornwall. — John Broughton, Armiger, sued Thomas Carminowe, Armiger, and Edmund Kendale, clerk, for the next presentation to the church of Ludvone. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 351 Alan Bloyou, lord of Tregavalle and Pelrode, temp. E. 1. Kalph, ob. s.p., Elizabeth, who enfeoffed Niel=llalph Beaupelle. temp. E. 2. Lorving and Margaret, his wife, in 28 E. 3. Niel Loryng, presented to the=j=Margaret. church temp. Ric. 2. I 1 ■■ - - Isabella. = Margaret. = Robert, Lord Thomas Peyvre. Haryngton. 1 1 Mary. John, presented=Elizabeth. 1 temp. Hen. 5. John Broughton, the plaintiff. The defendants stated that Ralph Bloyou had issue Alan, and gave the following pedigree : — Alan Bloyou. 1 1 Ralph, ob. B.p. Elizabeth. 1 Alice. =f^ Walter Carminowe, Kt. 1 Ralph, ob. s.p. William. 1 .1 John. Thomas Carminowe, the defendant, I uncle and heir of John. John, ob. s.p. ^ The defendants eventually withdrew from the suit. De Banco. Hillary. 13. Hen. 6. m. 105. Dorset. — Thomas Manstone, Joan Neuburgh and Agnes Neuburgh, sued John Fauntleroy and Nicholas Latymer for the manor of Wotton Glanvyle, claiming under a Fine levied in 33 E. 3. John de Glanvvle, seised 33 E. 3. " I John.=i=Christiana. I , \ , Joan. Alice. i I Thomas Manstone, Edith, plaintiff. | Joan Neuburgh, Agnes Neuburgh, plaintiff. plaintiff. 352 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 13. Hen. 6. m. 132. Northampton. — Thomas Mulso, Arraiger, sued Margery, late wife of William Pole, for the manor of Potcote, claiming under a Fine levied in 26 E. 3. Robert Seymour, of Hanyngton, seised 26 E. 3. I Elena. I Henry. I Thomas Mulso, the i^laintiff. De Banco.' Trinity. 13. Hen. 6. m. 305. Norf. — Reginald Cobham, Kt., and Anne, his wife, and "William Phelippe, Kt., and Joan, his wife, sued John Langton, the Warden of the Hall of Valence Mary in Cambridge, for the next presenta- tion to the church of Tylney; and they stated that Frederic de Caprevylle gave the advowson to William Bardolf and Juliana, his wife, and the lieirs of their bodies, temp. E. 1. William Bardolf, =j=Juliana. seised temp. E. 1, r— ' William. I Hugh. I Thomas, presented temp. E. 3. I John Bardolf, of Wyrmegeye, presented temp. E. 3. I ' William. I Thomas. I I , Anue.= Joan.= Reginald William Cobham, Kt., Phelippe, Kt., plaintiffs. plaintiffs. The defendants claimed by a grant of the John Bardolf of Wyrme- geye named in the pedigree, dated 19 E. 3, for which he had the license of the King, viz., to grant the advowson to Mary de St. Paul, the Countess of Pembroke, and with power to the latter to grant it to the scholars of Valence Mary, in the University of Cambridge, and the Countess granted the advowson to the College in 32 E. 3, and the defendants likewise produced the Bull of Pope Gregory confirming the grant. They also denied the grant of the advowson by Frederic de Caprevylle, and appealed on this issue to a jury, and a verdict was delivered in favour of the Warden. PEDIGREES FROM THE RLEA ROLLS. 353 De Banco. Trinity. 13. Hen. 6. m. 324. Lincoln. — Ralph Cromwell, Kt., sued Elizabeth Percy for the manor of Toft, which Robert de Tateshale had given to Hugh de Tateshale, his brother, and the heirs of his body, and which should revert to the heirs of the donor, Hugh having died s.p. Robert de Tateshale. I Joan. I Alice. I John. I Matilda. I Ralph. Ralph Cromwell, Kt., the plaintiff. Elizabeth called to warranty Henry, son of Henry Percy, the Earl of Northumberland. De Banco. Hillary. 14. Hen. 6. m. 107 dorso. Norihamfton. — John Coory and Agnes, his wife, sued William Stretford and Margaret, his wife, and Joan, formerly wife of John Gery, for the manor of Bernac, which, together with the manor of Astwode, in co. Wygorn, Thomas de Reynes, Kt., and Geoffrey de Aylesbury had given to Geoffrey de Bernak and Isolda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. ueonr seised ey ae t>ernaK,- temp. E. 3. r Anne. 1 1 pisoiaa. Katrine, had Bernac in purparty. Margaret. 1 Agnes, had Astwode in purparty. Richard. 1 1 Agnes.= John Coory, plaintiffs. De Banco. Hillary. 14. Hen. 6. m. 433 dorso. Hertford. — Agnes, late wife of John Wylly, sued John Cheyne, Armiger, for land in Saret, which Peter Goldyngton, Kt., gave to John Goldyngton, his son, and to the heirs of his body, temp. Ed. 2. 354 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John, temp. son Ed. of Peter 2. I Goldy ngton, 1 ' Thomas, ob. s.p. Joan. Margaret. Agne8.= John Wylly, the plahitifif. De Banco. Hillary. 14. Hen. 6. m. 113 dorso. Oxon. — Thomas Chetwode, Kt., sued William Felmersham and two others for land in Little Swerford, which John Lyonus {sic), Kt., had given to John, his son, and the heirs of his body. John, son of John Lyons, Kt., seised temp. E. 3. John. Elizabeth. I John. I Thomas Chetwode, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 14. Hen. 6. m. 126 dorso. Lincoln. — William Asfordby, of Byllesley, sued Walter Potrell and John Swyne, for lands in Asfordby, which John de la Chaumbre gave to William de Asfordby and Richolde, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, and from whom he gave this descent : — William de Asfordby.=rRicholde, seised temp. Ed. 3. John. I William. I John. I William. I William de Asfordby, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 14. Hen. 6. m. 127. Sussex. — Roger Fenys, Kt., sued William Hall and Elizabeth, his wife, for lands and rents in Westdene and other places, claiming under a Fine le^aed by John Fillol and Matilda, his wife, in 20 Ed. 2, and from whom he gave this descent : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 355 Ralph Fillol. William Fillol. I I John Fillol, Sibil. 20 Ed. 2. I John. I John. I William. I William. I Roger Fenys, the plaintiff. Be Banco. Hillary. 14. Hen. 6. m. 600. Norfolk. — William Oldhall, Kt., and Richard Bosoun, Armiger, sued the Prior of Penteney for the manor of Westbilneye. Richard Belhous, Kt. .=rAlesia, 1 temp. .-1- - , seised Ed. 3. r Emma. 1 Matilda. 1 Edmund. 1 1 John. William Oldhall, Kt., plaintiff. 1 Richard Bosoun, plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 14. Hen. 6. m. 529. Lincoln. — Gilbert Knaresburgh and Agnes, his wife, sued John Edlyngton for the manor of Hildyk. John, son of Thomas de Stepyng, seised temp. Ed. 2. John. I Elizabeth. I William. I / Henry. I Agnes, the plaintiff. The defendant stated that Elizabeth had married one William de Seymour, who had issue William, and was ancestor of Agnes, viz., father of William, the father of Henry, the father of Agnes ; and William de Seymour had granted by deed of 20 Nov. 25 Ed. 3, to one William de Thorp, Kt., the manors of Stepyng and Hildyk, and he now held the status of the said William de Thorp. Verdict for John Edlyngton. 356 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 14. Hen. 6. m. 428. Beds. — William Haryngton, Kt., and John Broughton, sued William Beauchamp, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and heir of Gerard Bray broke, Kt., the younger, who had been called to warranty by Robert Darcy and Edward Bromflete and Joan, his wife, for the manor of Herlyndon, which Nicholas de Boweles gave to Reginald Perot and Petronilla, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and which should descend to them as heirs-at-law. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Reginald Perot.=rPetronilla, seised temp. Ed. 2. Cassandra. ! Nigel. Margaret. Isabella. I I Mary. William Haryngton, Kt., j the plaintiff. John Broughton, the plaintiff. Almaric de St. Amand, Kt., living 42 Ed. 3. r— ^ Almeric.=f=Ida. .r— ' Alianora. I Gerard Braybroke. I -■ Elizabeth.=William, son of Walter Beauchamp, Kt., the defendant. De Banco. Trinity, 14. Hen. 6. m. 135. Cornwall. — William Bonevyle, Kt., sued Thomas Beaumond, Armiger, and three others, for the manor of Ty wardray th, which Hugh de Campo Arnulphi (Champernon) gave to Henry de Campo Arnulphi and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Henry de Campo ArnulphL=f Joan, seised temp. Ed. 2. I ! , W illiam. Joan. I I William. I 1 Katrine, obtained the Elizabeth, manor on partition of ( John, the inheritance, ob. Margaret. | s-p. I William Bonevyle, John, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 357 De Banco. Hillary. 15. Hen. 6. m. 102. Oxon. — Edward Sakevyle, Armiger, sued Thomas Sakevyle, of Falley, Kt., CO. Bucks, for a trespass in cutting down his trees at Amyngton. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Andrew Sakevyle, Kt., foi-merly seised of the manor of Amyngton. •—1 Joan Burgeys.=j=Andrew.=Matilda. ■--. Thomas. I Edward, the plaintiff. Thomas Sakevyle. I Thomas, ob. v.p. I Thomas Sakevyle, Kt., the defendant. Thomas claimed to hold the status of Andrew Sakevyle, as Thomas, the father of Edward, and son of Joan Burgeys, was illegitimate. De Banco. Hillary. 13. Hen. 6. m. 106 dor so. Staff. — James Leveson sued John Pipard, Chaplain, for land in Wolver- nehampton, which Henry, son of Clement of Wolvernehampton, had given to Richard Leveson, of Willenhall, and Margery, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Richard Leveson, seised=pMargery. temp. E. 1. j r -■ Geoffrey, I Roger. . I Nicholas. James Leveson, the plaintiff. John Pipard called to warranty William Leveson, son and heir of Richard Leveson. De Banco. Trinity. 15. Hen. 6. m. 321. Line. — Walter Talyboys sued John Ellerker and four others for the manors of South Elkington, Banneburgh and Metheryngham, claiming as heir-at-law of Gilbert de Umfraville, Earl of Angos. I \ ; 1 Gilbert, Earl of Angos, Thomas de Umfraville, Elizabeth, ob. s.p. ob. s.p.m., temp. Ric. 2. | Alianorft. I Walter. I Walter Taylboys, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiflF. 358 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 15. Hen. 6. m. 339. Somerset. — Thomas Stawell, Kt., sued John Bishop of Bath and Wells, Elizabeth, late wife of John Tuchet, Kt., James Tuchet, Kt., and William Lee for the manors of Netherstowey, Honeybare and five other manors named. Thomas gave the same descent as in the suit of Hillary term 9 H. 5, but a verdict was delivered in favour of the defendants. De Banco. Trinity. 15. Hen. 6. m. 491. Northampton. — Philip Boteller sued for execution of a Fine levied in 4 E. 2, between Ralph le Boteller and Hawise, his wife, and Thomas Paynel and Elizabeth, his wife, respecting the manor of Hegham Gobyn, co. Bedford, and other lands specified. The defendant was Thomas Reynes, and the land claimed was in Horton. Ralph le Boteller, seised=j=Hawise. 4 E. 2. I John. I Ralph. I Philip, I Philip. I Philip Boteller, the plaintiff. See suit of Mich. 2 H. 5, which gives another version of the descent from Ralph le Boteller. De Banco. Trinity. 15. Hen. 6. m. 107. Bucks. — William Launcelyn sued John Arderne and two others for the manor of Thornton, which Hugh, son of Richard Chastilon, gave to Roes, formerly wife of Richard Chastilon, and the heirs of the bodies of Richard and Roes. Richard Chastilon, seised=f=Roes. temp. E. 1. r Malcolm. 1 .-J 1 John. 1 John, ob. 8. p. Margaret. 1 Richard. John. I William Launcelyn, the plaintiff. The defendants called to warranty William Purefey, who was to be summoned by the Sheriff of co. Warwick. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 359 Be Banco. Trinity. 15. Hen. 6. m. 107 dorso. Bucks. — Thomas Ikenam and Edmund Tomlyns sued Thomas More, John, son of William Arderne, and Thomas Dod, clerk, for the manor of West Stratford. John, son of William, of West^plsabella. Stratford, seised temp. E. 3. | Joan. Alianora. I I Thomas. John. I I Lucy. Edmund Tomlynsi, I plaintiff. Thomas Ikenam, plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 15. Hen. 6. m. 308. Wilts. — William Dyneley, armiger, and Margaret, his wife, sued Matilda, late wife of John Carpenter, to carry out the terms of a Fine levied in 19 E. 2 by Matthew fitz Herbert and Margaret, his wife, respecting the manor of Wolfreton, co. Southampton, a moiety of the manor of Morehalle, co. Norfolk, and a fourth part of the manor of Churughton, co. Wilts. Matthew fitz Herbert, Renaud fitz Herbert. ob. s.p. I Elizabeth. I Matilda. I Robert. I Thomas. I Margaret,= William the plaintiff. Dyneley. De Banco. Hillary. 15. Hen. 6. m. 138. Hants. — John Frampton and Joan, his wife, sued for execution of a Fine levied in 15 E. 3, between John le Mareschall, of Bonyndon, and Matilda, his wife, respecting lands and rents in Somerle, Penne and Asshele. The defendant was Henry Casewyke. John le Mareschall, seised=pMatilda. 15 E. 3. I I ; — -. 1 John,=Katrine. John, 2nd son. ob. s.p. I Edmund. I . Joan.= John Frampton, the plaintiffs. 360 PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 15. Hen. 6. m. 319. Suff. — John Brokle sued William Druiy, Kt., and three others, for the manor of Waningford. I 1 Thomas. Agnes. . i I Katrine Cokerell, Alexander. seised temp. H. 6, | obiit s.p. Agnes. I John Brokle, plaintiflE. The defendants pleaded that a moiety of the manor was held by Thomas Tudenham, Kt., and that the plaintiff was not the right heir of Katrine Cokerell. De Banco. Hillary. 15. Hen. 6. m. 319 dorso. Hertford. — Agnes, late wife of John Wylby, sued John Exham and five others for the manor called Goldyngstones Manor, in Saret, which Peter de Goldyngton had given to John, his son, and the heirs of his body. John, son of Peter de Qoldington. . r -^ n Thomas, Joau. ob. s.p. I Margaret. I Agnes,=^John the Wylby. plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 15. Hen. 6. m. 327. Wilts. — Walter Strikland and Isabella, his wife, sued Nicholas Scuda- more, in a plea " de nativitate" claiming him as a fugitive villein tenant appendant to their manor of Compton Chaumberlayn, and they stated that John Scudamore, the grandfather of the defendant, had been the villein tenant of Matilda, tlie great grandmother (proava) of Isabella, in the reign of Edward III, and from Matilda they gave this descent : — Matilda, seised temp. E. 3. .1. William. I John. I Isabella, the plaintiff. From John Scudamore, the villein tenant, temp. E. 3, they gave this descent of the defendant : — John Scudamore, living temp. E. 3. I -H 1 John, the elder, Edmund. John, the younger. Nicholas, the John Scudamore. defendant. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 361 Edmund Scudamore and John, son of John Scudamore, were present in Court, and acknowledged that they were the villein tenants of Isabella. As the Court were puzzled how the action should be tried, it was adjourned from term to term up to Hillary, 16 H. 6, when the record terminates. ' De Banco. Hillary. 15. Hen. 6. m. 337. Derh. — John Jorce, armiger, sued Agnes Annesley, of Burton Jorce, in the county of Notts, widow, to give up to him a pyx, containing deeds and muniments. Robert Jorce, Kt., son of Richard Joi'ce, was seised of the manor of Burton Jorce, near Bulcote, and other lands and rents in Gedlyng and Esterlayk, in County Notts, and lands and rents in Bakewell, county Derby, and Loughborough, county Leicester, and gave them to Richard, his son, and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to Robert, son of the said Robert, and the heirs male of his body, and with remainder to Williajn, son of the said Robert, and the heirs male of his body. Robert Jorce, Kt., son of Richard Jorce. . r + -1 Richard, ob. Robert. WiUiam. 8. p.m. I I John. Richard. .1. I William. John. .1 I William, John Jorce, ob. s.p.m. the plaintiff. By another deed, Robert Jorce, Kt., son of Richard, gave the manor of Eperstone to Robert, his son, and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to William, son of Robert, son of Richard, and tiie heirs male of his body. William, father of William, had constituted the defendant Agnes his executor, in consequence of which she had become possessed of the deeds in 9 Hen. 5, at Rep ton, CO. Derby. Verdict for the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 16. Hen. 6. m. 117 dorso. Warw. — Humfrey Stafford, Kt., sued Robert Catesby for the manor of Harpesford, which Roger Bisshopston and Joan, his wife, had given to Thomas de Hastyng (Hastang), Chivaler, and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and he gave this descent : — Thomas Hastang, Kt.=f=Elizabeth. r— J , John. I John. I Matilda. I Humfrey. Humfrey Stafford, the plaintiff. 362 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 16. Hen. 6. m. 475. Staff. — The King sued John Sutton, of Dudley, and John Bredhill, for the next presentation to the chui-ch of King Swynford. John de Sutton, of Duclley,=plsabella, presented living temp. E. 3. temp. Ric. 2. r -J John. I John. i Jolin. John, died in 7 H. 4. ^Constance. I r ' John Sutton, the defendant. The King claimed the presentation, because Constance who held it in dower, had been waiviata for a debt. De Banco. Trinity. 16. Hen. 6. m. 135. Derb. — John Thorold, of Repyngton, and four others, sued John Lathebury for an illegal distress in Neuton Sulny. The defendant pleaded that the plaintiffs were villein tenants appurtenant to his manor of Neuton Sulny. Alured Lathebury, Chivaler, of Eginton. I John. I John Lathebury, the defendant. Verdict for the plaintiffs. De Banco. Hillary. 16. Hen. 6. m. 116. Notts. — Richard Sutton sued the Abbot of Welbek for the next presentation to the church of Kellom, claiming to be heir of one Henry Toke, who had presented to the church temp. E. 3, and he gave this descent : — ' I 1 James. Margaret. . I i Richard. John. I I John. Henry Toke, I presented to Roland, the church I temp. E. 3. Henry. | I Simon, ob. s.p. Richard Sutton, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 363 The Abbot denied that Richard was heir of Simon, and pleaded that he, i.e. the Abbot, had made the last presentation to the church. Richard admitted this to be true, but stated that at that date he was under age. Both parties appealed to a jury on this issue, but no verdict is recorded. De Banco. Hillary. 16. Hen. 6. m. 321. Devon. — Nicholas Carrewe, Kt., and Joan, his wife, sued Tristan, the Abbot of St. Mary, of Nyweham, and William Stephyn, clerk, for the next presentation to the cliurch of Lovepytte. Reginald de Mohun seised of tlie manor of Otry Mohun, temp. H. 3, granted it to William de Mohun, his son, and the heirs of his body, from whom it descended to : — William de Mohun, who presented temp. E. 2. » .J Alianora, d.=f=John de Carrewe, presented and heir. I temp. E. 2. ■- -1 John de Carrewe. I Leonard. I r -J Thomas.=f^ Elizabeth. I Nicholas de Carrewe, the plaintiff. Sir Nicholas, apparently not being certain of the accuracy of the above pedigree, sued the Abbot by another writ on m. 322. In this writ he gives his pedigree as follows : — John de Carrewe.=FAlianora. r— ' John. Nicholas, John, ob. s.p. I Leonard. I Thomas. I Nicholas Carrewe, the plaintiff. The Abbot stated that Reginald de Mohun was the founder and patron of his Abbey, and had granted to it the church of Lovepytte, temp. Hen. 3. He admitted that William de Mohun and John de Carrewe had presented to the church, but stated it was by usurpa- tion, and that his predecessor had recovered the advowson in a suit against John de Carrewe and Alianora in Banco at Easter 15 E. 3, and he pleaded the judgment of the Court. Verdict for the Abbot. 364 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 16. Hen. 6. m. 123. Kent. — Stephen Andreu sued Richard Bruyn and Joan, his wife, for the manor of Eslyngham and lands in Frendesbury, Hegham and Shorne, claiming under a fine levied in 22 E. 3, by Walter Neel, Citizen of London, and Alice, his wife. Roger Andreu,=f=Joan, feoffee in 22 E. 3. I feofifee in 22 ^. 3, r— ' John. I Stephen Andreu, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 16. Hen. 6. m. 137. Cornwall. — Thomas Neville sued John Colshulle, son of John Colshulle, Kt., and others, for execution of a Fine levied in 51 E. 3 and recorded in 2 Ric. 2, between Robert de Tresilian and Emma, his wife, daughter of Richard Huwisshe, Kt., respecting the manors of Biename, Stratton, Seynt Marewyk, Isle of Sully and other lands, which Gilbert Talbot and Margaret, his wife, held for the life of Margaret, by which, after the death of Margaret, the said manors, etc., were to revert to Robert and Emma, and the heirs male of their bodies, and failing such to William Nevylle, of Pykalle, Kt., and the heirs male of his body. The pleadings give this pedigree : — I , Guy de Blankemouster, Cecily. Rector of Lansalewes. | William de Nevylle. I Robert. I Thomas Neville, the plaintiff. The defendants stated that Robert and Emma had a son John, and they claimed under a grant by Guy de Blankemouster. Emma, after the death of Robert, seems to have married John Coleshulle. Verdict for the defendants. De Banco. Hillary. 17. Hen. 6. m. 103. Sussex. — Andrew Dautre sued John, Earl of Huntingdon, and Beatrice, his wife, for the manor of Aldesworth, which Richard de la Roche had given to John Dautre and Cecily, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 365 John Dautre, seised pCecily. temp. E. 3. | r -• Thomas. I John. I John. * I John. I Andrew Dautre, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. By another suit on the back of the same membrane, Andrew recovered the manor of Shelve, co. Kent, which Edward Dalyng- rigge, Kt., and two others named, had granted to Roger Dalyngrigge and Alesia, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. His mother Joan was dauijhter and heir of Roger and Alesia. De Banco. Hillary. 17. Hen. 6. m. 109. Norf. — Geoffrey Querre and Margaret, his wife, sued William Grace for lands and rents in Narburgh, which John de Drayton had given to John, his son and Clarice his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. John, son of John de Drayton, =i=Clarice. seised temij. H. 4. j r -■ John. . , I Margaret, daughter=Geoffrey and heir, Querre, plaintiffs. De Banco. Hillary. 17. Hen. 6. m. 317. Ehor. — Alexander Ledes sued Ralph Pygot for lands and rents in Ledes and Heton, in Bradfordale, and he sued Joan, late wife of William Ledes, for other lands and rents in the same vill. Roger, son of Roger de Ledes,=f=Matilda. seised temp. E. 3. | I 1 1 ' 1 Roger, Ralph, Thomas, Richard. ob. s.p. ob. s.p.m. ob. s.p.m. Thomas. I Alexander de Ledes, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 17. Hen. 6. m. 339 dorso. Devon. — Baldwin Fuleford sued Edmund Lacy, the Bishop of Exeter, for the next presentation to the church of Melhuwysshe. 366 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William de Melhuwysshe, seised of the mauor of Melhuwysshe, temp. E. 3. I r ' John.=f=Joan Stodden. Th()ma.«ia.= Matilda.= Joan.= Thomas Elyot. William Turnour. Adam Brounyug. The three coheiresses had enfeoffed Henry Fuleford, the father of Baldwin. De Banco. Hillary. 17. Hen 6. in. 503. Svff. — William Paston and Agnes, his wife, and Thomas Bardolf and Alice, his wife, sued William Alnewyk, the Bishop of Lincoln, William Philip, Kt., and four others named, for the manor of Frostyndene and other lands and rents which Henry Posendale had given to John Byskele and the heirs of his body, temp. E. 3. John Byskele, seised temp. E. 3. .1 Richard. r Clemence. 1 John, ob. 8. P- 1 PetroniUa. 1 1 Richard. 1 Thomas, ob. 8. p. John, ob. s.p. Clemence, ob. s.p. Alice. 1 John. 1 Edmund. 1 Agnes.= Wilhara I Paston. _ 1 Ahce.= Thomas Bardolf. De Banco. Hillary. 17. Hen. 6. m. 504. Oxon. — Richard Bonho sued Walter Cotton for lands and rents, and two parts of a Knight's Fee, in Tettesworth, which Simon Danvers, of Burton, had given to Geoffrey, son of Geoffrey de Stokes, the elder, and the heirs of his body. Geoffrey, sou of Geoffrey de Stokes, seised temp. E. 2. Elizabeth . "1 Richard, Joan, ob. s.p. I Thomas. I Richard Bonho, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 367 De Banco. Trinity. 17. Hen. 6, m. 119. Derb. — Ralph Pole sued Thomas Holand, the Prior of Bredsalpark, for the next presentation to a moiety of the church of Mogynton, and he stated that Elizabeth Chandos was formerly seised of the manor of Rodburne, to which the advowson was appurtenant, and he gave this descent from her : — Elizabeth Chandos, Alianora. ob. s.p. Elizabeth.=rPeter de la Pole. I r -< Ralph Pole, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 17. Hen. 6. m. 324. Cornwall. — William Bonevyle, Kt., sued Thomas Carmynowe, of Aschewater, co. Devon, armiger, and Joan, late wife of Walter Carmynowe, of Belly, co. Devon, widow, for taking and abducting from Belly, Annora, daughter and heir of John Trevaynon, who was under age and whose marriage belonged to him. Hobert Trevaynon, of Trevaynon, held Trevaynon of Kalph de Oaryhays for the service of a Knight's fee and a pair of gloves annually. I John.=[=Joan.==Walter Carminowe, 2nd husband. Annora, who was in ward to Joan de Caryhays, the daughter and heir of Ralph de Caryhays. Joan de Caryhays had granted the custody of Annora to the plaintiff on the 7th Nov. 17 H. 6, and he had held the custody till the 12th Dec. following, when the defendants had abducted the ward, and for which he claimed £500 as damages. The defendants denied that the manor was held of Joan, the daughter of Ralph Petyt {sic), of Caryhays, and stated that Joan was" not the mother of Annora Thomas Carmynowe, the other defendant, is stated in the pleadings to be brother of Walter Carmy- De Banco. Trinity. 17. Hen. 6. m. 535. Somerset. — William Wadham sued Thomas Beauchamp, of Wyght- lakynton, Kt., and two others named, for depasturing cattle on his grass at South Bradene. The defendant produced a deed dated 21 E. 1, by which John de Bradene had given to Adam, his son, free pasturage in South Bradene, and another deed dated 29 E 1, by which Adam, son of John de Bradene, had granted to John Silveyn and Matilda, his wife, right of pasturage in the same place, and from them he gave this descent : — 368 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Silveyn, 8eised=j=Matil(la. temp. E. ]. I r -J John. I Roger. I Alianora, d. and h., married Thomas 15eauchamp Kt., the defendant. Be Banco. Trinity. 17. Hen. 6. m. 554. Surrey. — John GyfFard and Robert fitz Elys sued John Fray and three others named, for a carucate of land in Croydon. Walter Whithors. seised=plsabella. temp. E. 3. | Ralph, ob. s p. Amice. John. Mary. I John Gyffard, the plaintiff. | Robert fitz Elys, plaintiff. Walter Whithors was a " valeUus " in the household of Edward III, and was with the King at the siege of Calais. See a grant made to him by the King in " Crecy and Calais," by the present writer. De Banco. Hillary. 18. Hen. 6. m. 323. Lincoln. — William Haryngton, Kt., sued Henry, the Earl of Northumberland, and two others, for tlie next presentation to tlie church of Staynton Wadyngham. Henry de Percy, Earl of Northumberland, lield the advowson in right of his wi'^e Matilda, and presented to the church temp. Ric. 2, and died s.p., and from Matilda the right descended as shewn below : — Margaret. Matilda. =^ Henry de Percy, Earl of Northum- berland. Joan. ' John. Walter. I Walter fitz Walter. Walter fitz Walter. Elizabeth. John. Robert de Haryngton. John, ob. s.p. William Haryng- ton, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 18. Hen. 6. m. 333 dorso. Bucks. — ^John de Loughton sued Isabella Barton for the manor of Thornton and sixty acres of wood in Westbury, which Hugh, son of Richard de Chastilon, had given to Roes, formerly wife of the said Richard, and to the heirs of her body, and from whom he gave this descent :— PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 369 Roes, seised temp. Malcolm. E . 1. 1 John. 1 1 Elizabeth. 1 John, ob. s.p. Thomas. John. John de Loughton, the plaintiff. Isabella called to warranty John Somerton. See suit of Trinity term 15 H. 6, ante, p. 358. De Banco. Trinity. 18. Hen. 6. m. 133 dorso. Devon. — Robert Burton and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Thomas Beaumont, Kt., for a messuage and five carucates of land in Parkham, which Henry de Ralegh had given to Baldwin de Belstone and Anne, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Baldwin de Belstone,^Anne. seised temp. E. 2. I Nicholaa. I Joan. Elizabeth, the plaintiff. After many adjournments a verdict was eventually given for the defendant. De Banco. Trinity. 18. Hen. 6. m. 506. j5mcA;s.— William Launcelyn sued Isabella Barton for the manor of Thornton, etc., as above, and gave the same descent as in the suit of Trinity term 15 H. 6, printed at p. 358. Isabella appeared and pleaded that the Margaret named in the pedigree was illegitimate. De Banco. Hillary. 18. Hen. 6. m. 336. Northumberland.— iohn Griffith, Kt., sued Roger Thorneton for the manors of Witton, Wyngates and Scheles, and a moiety of the manors of Stanyngton, Benasses, Tranwell, Benton and Killing- worth, which Isabella, formerly wife of Robert de Somervyle, had given to Roger de Somervyle and the heirs of his body, from whom he gave this descent : — 370 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Roger de Somervyle, seised temp. E. 1. I Philip. I Joan. I Eos. I Thomas. I John Griffith, Kt., the plaintiff. The " Ros " of the pedigree should be Rees, the grandfather of the plaintiff having been Sir Rees ap Griffith. See suits in the Staffordshire Collections relating to the manor of Wichnor, co. Stafford. De Banco. Trinity. 18. Hen. 6. m. 325 dorso. Staff. — Roger Draycote sued Richard Vernon, Kt., and seven others, for land in Lyes (Leigh), which Richard Draycote, Kt., had given to Philip de Draycote and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Philip de Draycote,=f^Joan. seised temp. E. 1. | r -^ John. John. I John. I Roger Draycote, the plaintiff. The defendants admitted the claim of the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 18. Hen. 6. m. 312. Kent. — John Luttur sued John Fray and others for the third part of the manor of Moreston, which, with the otlier two parts, Stephen de ' Moreston had given to Bartholomew de Moreston and the heirs of his body. Bartholomew de Moreston, seised temp. E. 1. 1 John, ob. s.p. 1 Bartholomew. 1 1 1 Bartholomew, Stephen, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I Isabella. 1 Agnes. Lu 1 Richard, ob. s.p. John Luttur, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 371 De Banco. Trinity. 18. Hen. 6. ra. 337 dorso. A'en^.— William Sonde and Elizabeth, his wife, William Watton and Benedicta, his wife, and Richard Leukenore and Alianora, his wife, sued John Ruton, clerk, and two others, for a moiety of the manor of Declyng and lands in Falgr^ive and Stapilherst. John de Declyng,=y-Joan. seised temp. E. 3. j r -" Benedicta, d. and heir. I Thomas. Elizabeth, Benedicta, Alianora, plaintiff. plaintiff. plaintiff. The defendants claimed under a grant of Benedicta, the daughter and heir of John de Declyng, under the name of Benedicta, late wife of Stephen Betynham, dated 1 H. 6, conveying to them the whole manor of Thrulegh and other lands and tenements, but the jury found for the plaintiifs. De Banco. Trinity. 18. lien. 6. m. 414 dorso. Ebor. — John Manstone and Elizabeth, his wife, sued John Benyngton, clerk, and two others, for two parts of the manor of Thornton-on- the-Hill and four mills in Baxby and Wanles. Thomas Darell, seised =pEmma. temp. E. 3. | r ' William. I Richard. Elizabeth, the plaintiff. The defendants acknowledged the claim of Elizabeth. De Banco. Trinity. 18. Hen 6. m. 503 dorso. Bucks. — John Anstey and Joan, his wife, and John Gybon and Margaret, his wife, sued Walter Hungerford, Kt., and ten others named, for the manor of Clyfton Reynes. Thomas Reynes,=pJoan. seised temp. E. 3. ] I -■ John. Walter, Margery. Cecily. ob. s.p. I I Margaret. = Joan.= John Gybon, John Anstey, plaintiffs. plaintiffs. The defendants admitted the claim. 372 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 19. Hen. 6. m. 120. Dorset. — John Neuburgh sued John Hody and six others named, for execution of a Fine levied in 4 E. 3 and recorded in 5 E. 3, by which the manor of Sutton Poynts (which Roger de Chaundos and Matilda, his wife, held as dower of Matilda), was settled on Hugh Poynts for his life, with remainder to Nicholas, his son, and with other remainders over. Hugh Poynts, seised temp. E. 3. I -+- Nicholas. Hugh. Walter. Henry. Thomas. Margaret. I John Neuburgh, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 19. Hen. 6. m. 136 Cumberland. — An assize to return a verdict whether Alianora Roos, Hugh Louther, the Sheriff of co. Cumberland, and John Skelton, Armiger, had unjustly disseised James Kelom and Katrine, his wife, of a moiety of the manors of High Ireby and Embelton and other lands and tenements specified. The pleadings state that in 8 H. 4, John de Skelton and Alice, his wife, had levied a Fine by which the manors, lands and tenements in (juestion, had been settled on John de Skelton and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and from them the descent was as follows : — John de Skelton. =r Alice. Joan. I Alianora Roos. The plaintiffs stated that long before the date of the above Fine, one John de Kirkeby had given the manors, lands and tenements to Thomas de Ireby and Agnes, his wife, from whom they gave this descent : — Thomas de Ireby, =r Agnes. seised temp. E. 2. | 1 William, seised in 22 E. 3. 1 1 Thomas, ob. s.p. Alice.=f=John de Skelton. 1 John. 1 Katrine.=^ James de Kelom the plaintiffs. Joan. Alianora, the defendant. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 373 De Banco. Hillary. 19. Hen. 6. m. 137. Notts. — Henry Pierpount, Kt., sued J., Archbishop of York, W., Bishop of Lincoln, Thomas Chaworth, Kt., and others, for the manors of Gonaldestone and Wydmerpole. The pleadings give this pedigree : — • 1 ■ — ■ 1 John de Heritz, seised Sara, of the manors 18 E. 2. | I Henry. r— ^ I Matilda.=pJohn de la Ryvere, Kt. Edmund. Edmund. Marj^aretj^Roffer Beler, Margaret,=Thomas Beler, Sara. | tlie elder. 1 son of Roger the younger, son of Roger | Henry Pier- I Beler. Beler, ob. s.p. Walter pount, Kt., I --' Garlek. the plaintiff. Margaret. =r Roger de Swilling- ton, Kt. Roger de Swillington, Kt. r -■ Margaret. — John Gra, ob. s.p. The defendants held the status of Walter Garlek, the right heir of John de Heritz, and a verdict had been given in their favour, from which Sir Henry Pierpount had appealed. De Banco. Trinity. 19. Hen. 6. m. 316. Kent. — John Bolde, clerk, sued the Prior of Ledes and others named, for breaking into his close at Sutton Valence. The pleadings give this pedigree : — I ~~" — " ; — I John de Hastynges, Earl of Elizabeth. Pembroke, seised of the | premises temp. E. 3. Reginald. I I I ' Reginald de Grej% John,=Philippa.=Richard, Earl of seised 15 Ric. 2. ob. s.p. Arundel, second husband, seised . 20 Ric. 2. De Banco. Trinity. 19. Hen. 6. m. 325. Northampton. — Elizabeth Dymmok and Thomas Darcy and Grace, his wife, sued William Daundelyn and Mary, his wife, for the execution of a Fine levied in 10 E. 2, by Robert de Pynkeney, of Barton Comitis, respecting the manor of Barton Comitis, by which the manor had been settled on Robert and Isabella his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such, on Margaret, the daughter of Robert, son of Henry de Pynkeney, and the heirs of her body, and failing such, on Ralph, son of Ralph de Ry, and the heirs of his body, and failing such, on the right heirs of Ralph, son of Ralph, for ever. The pleadings give these descents : — 374 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Philip. I Robert. Nicholas. I Edmund. I Beatrice. I. Katrine. John. I Robert. John. • I Ralph. I Ralph de Ry. Elizabeth Dymmok. 1 Grace." Thomas Darcy. De Banco. Trinity. 19. Hen. 6. m. 337. Essex. — Thomas Knyvet, Armiger, sued John Doreward, Armiger, for the manor of Stanwey, which John de Burgh, son of Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, had given to Thomas de Belhous and Florea, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Thomas de Belhous, =j=Florea. seised temp. H. 3. | r ^ John. I John. John, ob. s.p, Thomas. Joan, ob. s.p. Isolda. I r ^ Joan.=pRobert Knyvet. Thomas Knyvet, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 20. Hen. 6. m. 314. Southampton. — Alan Sutton sued William Godal for an illegal distraint at Craneburne. Tlie pleadings give this descent : — Hugh de Braybuf, Kt., soisedT=Joan. of the manor of Cranburne ! in 11 E. 2. . William. Hugh. I Joan. Elizabeth. Egidia.'— Thomas Tane. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 375 De Banco. Hillary/. 20. Hen. 6. m. 478. Surrey. — John Weston and Agnes Basset sued John Janyn for the manor of Pollestede, which William de Wynteryshulle had given to Walter, his son, and the heirs of his body. Walter de Wynteryshulle, seised temp. E. 3. Thomas. William, ob. s.p. Thomas. Thomas. Joan. Agnes I Basset. John Weston. See the suit of Mich. 3 H. 6 above, where the pedigree varies from the above. De Banco. Trinity. 20. Hen. 6. m. 413. Northampton. — Thomas Egle, Citizen and Skinner (Pelliparius) of London, and Joan, his wife, sued Humfrey, Earl of Stafford, and eleven others named, tenants of the manor of Colyn Weston, for the manor of Colyn Weston and the advowson of the church, and stated that Nicholas Weston, Kt., had granted the manor to Elias Hanvyle and Anne, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, from whom they gave this descent : — Elias Hanvyle, seised=pAnne. temp. E. 1. I William. I Pauline. I Lettice. i Alice. Thomas, ob. s.p. Verdict for the defendants. Joan, sister and heir, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 21. Hen. 6. m. 118. Oxon — William Lovell and Elizabeth, his wife, John Gayge and Alianora, his wife, and Richard Harcourt and Edith, his wife, sued William Cheyne, Kt., and two othei's, for the manor of Chalde- grave, which they claimed as coheirs of Philip Sentcler (St. Clair), Kt., and Margaret, his wife, from whom they gave this descent : — • 376 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Philip Sentcler.=rMargaret. i Thomas. j Elizabeth.= Alianora.= Edith.^= William Lovell. John Gayge. Richard Harcourt. The defendants admitted the claim. De Banco. Mich. 22. lien. 6. m. 121. Southampton — John Bremshet sued William Fawkener and two others, for the manor of Cheshulle, in the Isle of Wightr, claiming under a Fine levied in 22 E. 3, by which the manor had been settled on John, son of John del Isle, of Gatecombe, and his heirs. John, son of John del Isle, of Gatecombe, seised 22 E. 3. I Elizabeth. I William. John Bremshet, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 22. Hen. 6. m. 306. Derby. — Reginald de Grey, of Wilton, sued Margare(t, late wife of Richard de Grey, Kt., for the manor of Shirlond and lands and rents in Esshovere and other places. Reginald de Grey, Kt.=f=Matilda. I r ■" Henry. Richard. I Reginald de Grey, the plaintiff. On Mem. 408 of the same Roll, Reginald de Grey sued the same defendant for lands and rents in Schenleye and the advowson of the church of Schenleye, co. Bucks, and lands and rents in Shytilhangre, Lychebarewe and Caldecote, co. Northampton, which he claimed by virtue of a Fine levied in 1 E. 2, by which the above lands, etc., had been settled on Richard de la Vache for life, with remainder to Mathew, son of Richard, and the heirs of his bod}'', and failing such, to Richard, brother of Mathew, and the heirs of his body, and failing such, to Matilda, sister of Richard, and the heirs of her body, and he claimed as riglit heir of Matilda. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 377 De Banco. Mich. 22. Hen. 6. m. 414. Dorset. — Hugh Stukle and Katrine, his wife, sued WilHani Bone- vyle, Kt., Thomas Beaumont, Kt., John Boef and William Boef for tlie manors of Halvehide, Preston and Blaneford, and rents in Mersshe. Thomas de Asslieton,=f=Elizabetli. seised temp. Ric. 2. I r— J John. Katrine.=^Hugh Stukle, the plaintiffs. Verdict for the plaintiffs. De Banco. Mich. 22 Hen. 6. m. 556. Ebor. — James Strangways and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Conyers and Margery, his wife, sued Margaret, late wife of John Darcy, Kt., for the manor of Boynton. The pleadings state that one Nicholas de Meynill was seised of the manor for his life, temp. E. 3, with remainder to Nicholas, son of Lucy, daughter of Robert de Twenge, and the heirs of his body, from whom the plaintiffs give this descent : — Nicholas, son of Lucy Twenge, seised temp. B. de 3. 1 Elizabeth. John Darcy. 1 1 Philip Darcy. r- John Darcy.= 1 T=Margaret, the defendant. Philip Darcy. r Elizabeth.= James Strangways. 1 Margery .= John Conyers. Nicholas de Meynill was the last Baron Meynill, and the Nicholas of the pedigree was his illegitimate son. The return to a writ " de Inquirendo" on the Pell Issues of Easter 18 E. 4, to determine who were the heirs of John Darcy le Fitz, on whom an annuity had been granted temp. E. 3, payable to him and the heirs of his body, has this descent : — 378 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Darcy le fitz, temp. E. 3. I Philip. I John. Philip, died when=j=Elizabeth, under aare. I Elizabeth.= Margery.= James Strangways, John Conyers, Kt. Kt., the younger. The pedigree differs from that given in the Historical Peerages. John Darcy le Fitz served as a Banneret at Crecy. See " Crecy and Calais." De Banco. Mich. 22. Hen 6. m. 626. Ehor. — Ralph Bulmere, Kt., sued John, the Archbishop of York, and Ralph Graystoke, Kt., for the next presentation to the church of Bulmere. Ralph Bulmere, Chivaler, seised temp.' Rio. 2. I r ^ Ralph.=f=Agnes. I Ralph. I Ralph Bulmere, Kt. the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 22. Hen. 6. m. 504, Lincoln. — John Graa, Kt., sued Henry, the Bishop of Winton, and others, for the next presentation to the church of Somercotes. Thomas de Multon, presented temp. E. 1. I r -• Thomas.=f=Elizabeth. I John de Multon. I Matilda. I John Graa, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 25. Hen. 6. m. 431 dorso. Surrey. — John Gaynesford, the elder, sued John Bowet and Thomas Slyfeld, for the manor of Coteford, which Thomas de la Poyle, late Parson of Hampton Poyle, co. Oxon, had given to John de la Poyle, Kt., and to Isabel, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 379 John de la Poyle, Kt.,=rMabel. seised temp. E. 3. | Henry. Robert, Margery. I ob. s.p. I ' , John. Thomas, John. | ob. s.p. I John Gaynesford, Henry. the elder, plaintiff. Robert ob. s.p. De Banco. Mich. 25. Hen. 6. m. 507. Derb. — John Cokayne, Armiger, sued Thomas Bate, Armiger, and Isabella, his wife, for the manors of Medelton and Herthill. Edmund Cokayne.=pElizabeth, daughter and heir I of Richard Herthill, Kt. I John Cokayne, Kt. I John Cokayne, plaintiff. The defendants admitted the claim. Be Banco. Mich. 25. Hen. 6. m. 409. Derb. — John, son of John Savage, Kt., sued Richard Peshale for a moiety of the manor of Dore, near Norton, by a writ of right from the Lords' Court, and gave this pedigree : — John Danyell, Kt., seised temp. E. 2. I Margaret. I John Savage, Kt. John Savage, the plaintiff. The plaintiff offered to prove his right by wager of battle, and the defendant's warrantor not appearing, a verdict was given in his favour. By similar suits John Savage recovered from Richard Peshale the manor of Rushton Spencer, a rent of twenty marks from Draycote, and lands and tenements in Tene, and the advowson of the church of Chekley, all in co. Stafford. The proceedings, which are very curious, will be found in vol. iii, New Series of the Staffordshire Collections. De Banco. Mich. 25. Hen. 6. m. 626. Warw. — Thomas Shukburgh sued John Thurstone, the Master of the College of Corpus Christi, Pulteney, London, for the next presentation to the church of Napton. 380 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. I Joan. Adam de Napton, seised temp. E. 3. I Adam. I Adam. I Thomasine. William. I Thomas Shukbargh, the plaintiff. Verdict for the defendant. De Banco. Easter. 25. Hen. 6. m. 416. Glouc. — John Langeley sued John Hubande, of Astwode, co. Worcester, and others, for a trespass at Over Sudyngton. The pleadings state that King Edward III, with the assent of his Parliament, had granted the manor of Over Sudyngton, with many others, to his uncle Edmond, Earl of Kent, and to the heirs of his body, in the first year of his reign, from whom the descent was as follows : — Edmund, Earl of Kent. Edmund, ob. s.p. John, brother, = and heir, ob. s.p. ^Elizabeth. Joan, sister=pThomas de and heir. Holand. Thomas. I Thomas. Thomas, Edmund, Alianora. Joan, ob. s.p. ob. s.p Margaret. Duchess John,Earl Edmund, of York, of Somer- Earl of and wife set. March,ob. to Henry s.p. le Scrope. Alianora.= Elizabeth.^ Thomas, John Earl of Neville, Kt. Salisbury. And three other sisters, as below : — Anne. I Richard, Duke of York. Joan. I Henry de Grey. 1 Joyce. It will be observed that there were two sisters named Eleanor and two named Joan. In the partition made amongst them, Edmund, Earl of Marcli, had obtained the manor of Over Sodington, and had left no issue. The defendant derived his claim from Nicholas Musard, and gave this descent : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 381 Nicholas Musard. Makeline. I John. I Makeline. I Elizabeth. I Elizabeth.=John Hubande, the defendant. De Banco. Hillary. 25. Hen. 6. m. 279. Dorset. — Maurice de la Ryver, Armiger, sued Stephen Hatfeld, Armiger, for the manor of Bradepole and Hundreds of Redehone and Bemystre, which, with several other manors named, Thomas Gorges had given to Ralph de Gorges and Alianora, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Ralph de Gorges,=r Alianora. seised temp. E. 3. | -+- ( Alianora. Elizabeth. Joan. I Ralph. I . Maurice. I r -^ T Isabella. Margaret. I Maurice de la River. A verdict was given in favour of the plaintiffs at Michaelmas term, 26 H. 6, m. 652. De Banco. Mich. 26. Hen. 6. m. 438, Oxon. — Richard Engleys sued Thomas Restwold for an illegal distress in Mungeville. William Loveday, seised 20 E. 1. I Ralph. I John, I John. i Elizabeth. I Thomas. I Thomas Restwold, the defendant. 382 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 26. Hen. 6. m. 585. Essex. — Gilbert Gamesley and Philippa, his wife, sued Robert Moly- neux and Elizabeth, his wife, for a moiety of the manor of West Tillebury, and they sued John Harpur and Robert Whitgreve for the other moiety. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Thomas Vaghan, Kt. I Hamon, ob. s.p. 1 Agnes. I Thomas. I Edward. I Margaret. I Elizabeth, the defendant. Thomas. I Thomas Vaughan, Kt. 1 Alice. James. I Margaret. Hamon Vaughan, living 17 Rio. 2, ob. s.p. i Philippa, the plaintiff. The jury found that Thomas Yaughan, Ktf., had no daughter Asrnes. De Banco. Mich. 27. Hen. 6. m. 601. Ebor. — Robert Ingilton and Margaret, his wife, sued William Eure and another for the next presentation to the church of Thorneton. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Robert Wandesford, seised of the manors of Wiggele- wardly and Thimoum. I Thomas. Margaret. = Robert Ingilton, the plaintiffs. Elizabeth. =^ John Everyngton. William Bruys, Kt., had presented temp. Ric. 2. I William. Robert. Isabella.= Elizabeth. = Matilda." William Appulby. Richard Eglesfeld. Thomas Broun. The defendant, William Eure or Evre, had been enfeoffed by the coheirs of de Bruys. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 383 De Banco. Mich. 27. Hen. 6. m. 606. ASomerse^.— William, Earl of Arundel, sued Margaret, the Abbess of St. Sauveur, of Syon, for the next presentation to the church of Yevele. John Maltravers, the younger, had presented temp. E. 3. I John. I John. I John Maltravers had presented temp. H. 5. I William, Earl of Arundel, the plaintiff. N.B. — There must be an error in this descent ; but the pedigree of Maltravers is so imperfect I have thought it best not to omit it. De Banco. Mich. 27. Hen. 6. m. 607. Cambridge. — William Coggeshale and Emma, his wife, sued Richard Sturgeon and three others, for the manor of Chevele, which John Peche had given to Roger Loveday and Sibil, his wife. Roger Loveday, seised=j=Sibil. temp. E. 1. Katrine. n= Roger Tychebourne, son of I Roger Tychebourne. Edmund. I Thomas. I Emma, the plaintifE. The defendants claimed by a grant of Roger Tychebourne, the father of Roger Tychebourne, the husband of Katrine, dated 15 E. 3, and a verdict was given in their favour. Be Banco. Hillary. 29. Hen. 6. m. 377. Essex. — John Knyvet, of Hamerton, Armiger, sued Thomas Freman for the manor of Little Waltham, which Robert Tateshale had given to Adam, son of Osbert Cayly, in frank marriage with Emma, his sister. 384 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Adam, son of Cayley. Osbert=j=Emma de Tateshale. Margery. 1 1 Adam. 1 1 Constantine. 1 1 John. 1 Constantine. I Jolin, ob. s.p. 1 Elizabetb. 1 John Knyvet, the plaintiff. Coram Rege. Easter. 28. Hen. 6. m. 28. Staff. — In an appeal brought by William Trussell, Kt., against a verdict of an assize of novel disseisin respecting the manors of Cubblestone, Acton and Hales, the pleadings give these pedigrees. The defendant was Richard Vernon. William Trussell, Kt.,=f=Isabella, da. of Warine of Cubblestone. I Maynwaring. + .John. i William. I Katrine. I Elizabeth, ob. s.p. William. i Margaret. = Fulk de Pembrugge, Kt. 1 Warine. Lawrence. I William Trussell, the plaintiff. Margaret.^=Fulk de Pembrugge,=Isabella. Kt., ob. s.p. Juliana. i Richard Vernon. I Richard Vernon, the defendant. On a Cheshire Plea Roll of 42 E. 3, the daughter of "Warine Maynwaring, who married Sir William Trussell, is called Matilda. De Banco. Mich. 31. Hen. 6. m. 333. Derh. — Nicholas Fitzherbert, Armiger, sued John Bothe, Armiger, for the manor of Ashe, which Thomas, son of William Fitzherbert, of Somersale, had given to William Fitzherbert, of Norbury, and Edeka, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 385 William Fitzherbert, of Norbury,=f=Edeka. seised temp. E. 2. | / Henry. I William. I . John. i. William. I William. I Henry. I Nicholas Fitzherbert, the plaintiff. In another part of the same suit the pedigree is given as under :- William Fitzherbert, of=fEdeka. Norbury. | Henry. I William. I John. I William. I Henry. I Nicholas, the plaintiff. Owing to this discrepancy I referred the matter to Major Fitz- herbert, of Somersal, who informs me that the correct pedigree is as follows : — William Fitzherbert, had a=j=Edeka. charter of Free Warren in in 36 H. 3, for lands in Ashe. Henry. I John, living 4 E. 3. I William. I William. I Henry. I Nicholas. The Quo Warranto Pleas of 4 E. 3 prove the first three generations of the above pedigree, and shew that there was no William between Henry and John. William Fitzherbert was Sheriff of co. Derby in 1264, and his son Henry acted as his Deputy and Sub-Sheritf. 386 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Coram Keye. Easter. SL Hen. 6. Norf. — -John Howard, of Stokeneyland, co. Suffolk, and others (his servants) were attached at the suit of Alice, Duchess of Suffolk, for depasturing their cattle on her land at Claxton and other places. The pleadings, which involved the title to the manor of Claxton, give these pedigrees. John Howard propounded the following pedigree : — Roger Kerdeston, Kt. I r -^ Margaret Bacon,^ William de Kerdeston, =r Alice Norwich, 1st wife. I Kt. I 2nd wife. Margaret. fAVilliam Tendryng, Kt. . William Kerdeston, I the younger. William Tendryng, Kt., | the vounger. Leonard. I I Alice Howard. Thomas Kerdeston, I who had enfeoffed Robert Howard. William, Duke of I Suffolk, and Alice, John Howard, the Duchess, the defendant. The Duchess gave the following pedigree, and stated that Margaret, the daughter of William de Kerdeston, was illegitimate, being the daughter of a concubine of William de Kerdeston, who was named Margaret Cobald. William de Kerdeston, =f=Margaret. son of Roger. Matilda. v^ John Burghersh, Kt. 1 John. Matilda. Alice, the Duchess of Suffolk, the plaintiff. John Ploward in his replication stated that William de Kerdeston, the younger, was illegitimate, having been born before the marriage between William de Kerdeston and Alice Norwich. Coram Rege. Easter. 31. Hen. 6. Glouc. — Edmund, Duke of Somerset, and Alianora, his wife, John, Earl of Shrewsbury, and Margaret, his wife, and George Neville and Elizabeth, his wife, sued James de Berkeley, Kt., and others, for trespasses in the manors of Wotton-under-Egge, Simondeshale and Coweley. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. James de Berkeley gave the following pedigree Thomas de Berkeley ,=i=Katrine. seised 33 E. 3. I Maurice. 387 Thomas, late Lord of Berkeley, ob. s.p.m. James de Berkeley. James de Berkeley, the defendant. And he stated that Thomas de Berkeley, seised of the manors in 33 E. 3, had levied a Fine in that year, by which they had been settled on Thomas and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to the heirs of the bodies of Thomas and Katherine, and failing such on the right heirs of Thomas for ever. The plaintiffs stated that long before the Fine of 33 E. 3 the manors had been settled on Maurice de Berkeley, son of Thomas de Berkeley and Isabella, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Maurice, and they gave this pedigree : — Maurice de Berkeley.n=Isabella. r Thomas. 1 1 Maui-ice. 1 1 Thomas de Berkeley, who levied the Fine in 33 E. 3. Maurice. * 1 Thomas, late Lord of Berkeley. 1 Elizabeth, late Countess of Warwick. ! • r Alianora.== Edmund, Duke of Somerset. 1 Margaret. =^ John, Earl of Shrewsbury. 1 Elizabeth George Xeville. De Banco. Mich. 33. Hen. 6. m. 320. Cambridge. — Edmund Ingaldesthorpe, Kt., sued Richard Waldegrave, Kt., and Joan, his wife, for the manor of Westoke, which John de Burgh, the son of Hubert de Burgh, had given to Walter de Creke and Matilda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. Ed. 2, and the said Walter and Matilda having died s.p., the manor should revert to the heirs of the original donor. 388 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John de Burgh, son of Hubert de Burgh. I Thomas. I John. I Elizabeth. I Thomas. I Edmund Ingaldesthorp, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 33. Hen. 6. m. 676. Norf. — Margaret Swathing, Elizabeth Sheryngton, Anabel Morpath and Matilda Swatliing, sued John, Duke of Norfolk, for the manor of Stokton, which Ralph Crophull had given to John Bigod and Alesia, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. John Bigod, seised=i= Alesia. temp. E. 3. | Ralph. Margaret. I I Elizabeth. Edmund. I I Ralph, ob. s.p. | I -T 1 1 Margaret Elizabeth Anabel Matilda Swathyng. Sheryngton. Morpath. Swathing. The suit was dismissed, as it was testified that John, Duke of Norfolk, was not the tenant of the manor, the tenant being John, Duke of Suffolk, son and heir of William, Duke of Suflfolk. Coram Rege. Trinity. 33. Hen. 6. m. 44. Norfolk.— A. suit respecting the manor of Tychewalle brought by the coheirs of Thomas Lovell against John Falstolf, Richard Waller and other feoffees of the manor, gives this pedigree : — John Lovell, Kt., seised of the manor had granted it to Thomas Lovell and the heirs of his body. I Thomas Lovell. I Ralph. f — 1 Ralph. Thomas. I I Margery, died * s.p. 6 Nov. Margery. — Agnes. = 15 H. 6. Edward John Wake, Hulle, Kt. Armiger. Verdict for the defendants, who had been enfeoffed by Margery Lovel, who died in 15 H. 6. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 389 Coram Rege. Trinity. 33. Hen. 6. m. 8. Rex. Oxon.—A suit bi'ought by John Dynham and Joan, his wife, against the King's Attorney respecting the manors of Barton Odo, Roules- ham and Derneford, quotes this pedigree, taken from an Inq. p.m. of 30 H. 6. William de Shareshull, Kt.,=rDioiiisia. living 18 E. 3. i William.=rJoaTi. Agnes. I I 1 Elizabeth. Elizabeth. Lucy. I I I I ' John. Joan.^= Joan.= I John Dynham, Kt., William Lee, Richard Beaufo. the plaintiffs, of Knightley, ob. s.p. The plaintiffs denied the accuracy of this pedigree and stated that Joan, the wife of John Dynham was not the daughter of Lucy, and that Richard Beaufo was not kinsman and heir of William de Shareshull. A suit (Richard Harcourt versus the King's Attorney) of Trinity 2 H. 4, Coram Rege, m. 23 Rex, gives the following pedigree :— William de Shareshulle, Kt., 18 E. 3. William de Share8hull.=T=Joan. ~i William de Shareshulle, Kt.,=Margaret. Elizabeth, died 17 May 1401, s.p. dead in 1401. Joan, dead Margaret, Katrine. — in 1401. dead in 1401. Roger Wililey. Joan.= I ' 1 William Lee. Isabella. Joyce. By the Inquisition p.m. on the last William de Shareshulle it was shewn that he had died lea^dng no issue, and Elizabeth, his sister, was also dead, and had left three daughters, Joan, Margaret and Katrine, and Joan had a daughter Joan, then wife of William Lee, and had died ; and Margaret had two daughters, viz., Isabella and Joyce, and had died ; and that the said Katrine, the wife of Roger Wililey and Joan, the wife of William Lee, both of full age, and the said Isabella and Joyce, who were under age, were the nearest heirs to the said William de Shareshull, Kt. The last pedigree appears to be the correct one. 390 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 25. Hen. 6. m. 557. Norf. — John Fastolf, of Castre, neai- Great Yernemouth, Kt., and two others, were sued by Roger Hokham, the Prior of Hikelyng, for an illegal distress. The pleadings give tliis pedigree : — I 1 Lewis de Clyffort, Kt. Hugh. I William. I Lewis. I. Lewis. I Alexander de Clyffort. De Banco. Hillary. 28. Hen. 6. m. 427. Eboi\ — Thomas Saynt Martyn sued Christopher Boynton and John Kudstane for the manor of Holym, which Thomas de Holayrae (sic), the Parson of Holmeton, had given to John de St. Martyn and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs male of their bodies, temp. E. 3. John de St. Martin,=rMargaret. seised temp. E. 3. I William. I ■ — I John. Thomas de I St. Martin. L ^ ^ Thomas, Joan, ob. s.p. The defendants stated that one Joan, formerly wife of John Hasil- bache, the daughter of William (sic) 8t. Martyn, of Holym, and sister and heir of Thomas de St. Martin, by her deed dated 1 March 7 H. 5, and enrolled in Banco at Trinity, temp. 7 H. 5, had remitted and quit-claimed to Christopher Boynton, son of Thomas Boynton, Kt., and Elizabeth, the wife of Christopher, and to others named, who were then seised of the manor, all her right and claim to it. Verdict for the defendants. De Banco. Hillary. 28. Hen. 6. m. 320. Cornwall. — John Bunteth and Oto Nicoll, and Joan, his wife, sued Thomas Lanhergy for land in Lanhomure, which Ralph Raynward had given to Nicholas de Munketon and Margery, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 391 Nicholas de Munketon,=i=Margery. seised temp. E. 1. | r -• Katrine. I Nicholas GifEard. f 1 John. Benedict Giffard. i I Roger. I ^ 1 I Isabella. Alice. Henry, | | ob. s.p. John. Joan.= Bunteth. Oto Nicoll. De Banco. Mich. 32. Hen. 6. m. 513 dorso. Wariv. — William Stede and Alice, his wife, sued Thomas Erdington, Kt., and Joyce, his wife, and Richard Harcourt, for land in Erdington, which Ralph Kirkeby had given to Gilbert Kirkeby and Phelippa, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Gilbert Kirkeby,=rPhelippa. seised temp. E. 3. | I ^ 1 William, Agnes, ob. s.p. I Roger, Thomas, Isabella. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I Alice.-= William Stede, the plaintiffs. The suit was dismissed, as Richard Harcourt had died at Erdington since the issue of the writ. De Banco. Mich. 30. Hen. 6. m. 596. Hereford. — John Chabbenore sued John Baskevyle, Kt., and John Carpenter, for execution of a Fine levied in 9 E. 1, between Simon de Evereus and Joan, his wife, and Magister Hugh de Evereus, respecting lands and rents in Staundon and Humbre, claiming to be the right heir of Richard, son of Simon and Joan. Simon de Evereus=f Joan. (Devereux), living I 9 E. 1. I I ' Richard. I John. I Mael. I Alice. I John Chabbenore, the plaintiff. 392 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The defendants stated that Simon had had no issue by Joan, and that Richard was son of Joan by another husband. De Banco. Mich. 32. Hen. 6. m. 529. Leicester. — The Abbot of Valle Dei sued John Boilers, Armiger, for an illegal distress in Burton St. Lazar. Hamon, son of William. Ralph. I Ralph. James. John. I John Bellers, the defendant. The Abbot produced a deed dated 1 May 2 E. 1, by which Hamon, son of William Beler, had granted to the monastery a carucate of land in Burton, but John denied the authenticity of the deed. De Banco. Hillary. 34. He7i. 6. m. 311. Southampton. — Robert Michell and Matilda, his wife, John Strokehose and Alianora, his wife, and Thomas Wyot, sued Nicholas Upton, clerk, William Husey, and John Thomas and Agnes, his wife, for the manor of Wodecote, which John, son of Valentine, had given to John Mareschall and Agatha, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. E. 3. John Mareschall,=f^Agatha. seised temp. E. 3. I Edmund. Walter. Joan, r- ob. s.p. Joan. Matilda.= Alianora.= I Robert John Thomas Wyot. Michell. Strokehose. The suit was dismissed because one of the defendants, William Husey, had died. De Banco. Hillary. 34. Hen. 6. in. 339. Kent. — Thomas Dalton, clerk, sued Thomas Kyriell, Kt., Richard Bruyn and Joan, his wife, Thomas Hoo, Armigei', and six others, for the manor of Eslyngham and lands and rents in Fryndesbury, Higham, Shorne, Stoke Hoo and Clyve, of which John Fulham had been seised, temp. E. 2. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 393 John Fulham, Joan, sister ob. s.p. and heir. W I Robert. i Nicholas. Thomas. I Thomas Dalton, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiflF. De Banco. HUlary. 34. Uen. 6. Roll 1 of Charters and Protections. Sussex. — A deed enrolled, by which John Cokeyn, Armiger, son of Beatrice, one of the daughters and heirs of John Waleys, Armiger, Robert Lee, Armiger, husband of Joan, another daughter and heir, Nicholas Morley, Armiger, husband of Joan, the third daughter and heir, Ralph Grey, the elder, the father of Ralph Grey, the husband of Joan, the daughter and heir of Agnes Burgh, the fourth daughter and heir, confirm to William Waleys, and to John, son of Richard Waleys, possession of the manor of Glynde, co. Sussex, and a water mill in Ryngmere. The deed gives the following pedigree :- - Nicholaa Medstede.=fJohn Waleys, Kt.=]= Alice Aspall. -- 1 William Waleys, Kt. Richard Waleys. John Waleys, John Waleys. William. named in the I I deed. Four daughters William Waleys, named in the named in the deed. deed. De Banco. THnity. 34. Hen. 6. m. 518. Oxon. — William Armory sued John Lovell, Kt., Gervase Clyfton, Kt., Thomas Erdyngton, Kt., William Catesby, Kt., William Peche, Kt., Thomas Tressam and others, for the manors of Barton St. John and Staunton St. John, which were held in cajnte of the King. John de Middelton, seised temp. E. 3. I Margaret. I William. 1 William Armory, the plaintiff. 394 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 34. Hen. 6. in. 517. Leicester. — Thomas Everyngham, Armiger, and Margaret, his wife, sued William Maxse, Kt., together with Ralph Crumwell, Kt., now deceased, for the next presentation to the church of Thurleston. Robert, son of Nicholas de Campania, held the manor of Thurleston, called New- halle, and presented to the church, temp. E. 2. J Robert.^pMargaret. William, ob. s.p. Margaret. Margaret. " Edmund Bugge.=T=Felicia. Baldwyne, ob. s.p. Reginald Moton,=Margaret,= Thomas Everyngham, first husband. sister and the plaintiff, second heir. husband. Felicia had held the manor in dower, and had presented to the church, temp. Ric. 2. Verdict for the plaintiffs. De Banco. Trinity. 35. Hen. 6. m. 136. Trflr«t".— Richard Middelmore sued Roger Peppewalle and two others for land in Egebaston. John, son of Henry de Eggebaston,=T=Isabella. seised temp. E. 3. I Richard. I Isabella. I John. Richard Middelmore, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 36. Hen. 6. m. 102. Cornwall. — Nicholas Colepyne sued Thomas Cheddar and Isabella, his wife, for the manor of Trevysquid. Thomas Courtenay.=i=Joan. John, ob. s.p. Edward, ob. s.p. -+- Thomas, ob. s.p. Clemence, sister and heir, ob. s.p. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. . 395 Thomas Courtenay and Joan had held the manor in tail, with remainder, in default of their issue, to Robert Stobhulle and his heirs. Robert Stobhulle. Joan. Isabella, the elcler,^= Elizabeth.=^ Isabella, the youiiger.== I Nicholas Speccote. Robert Thomas Chedder, John Holbein, Kirkham. the defendants, now living. The plaintiff stated that his ancestor, Nicholas Colepyne, of Retton, had been formerly seised of the manor, and gave this descent : — Nicholas Colepyne. I I T"' 1 Robert, Meliora, Magote. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I John. John. ] Nicholas Colepyne, the plaintiff. The jury found in favour of the defendants. De Banco. Easter. 36. Hen. 6. m. 440 dorso. Kent. — John Moresby and William Moresby sued Richard Bruyn for the manor of Coumbe, which, together with the manor of Evere, Henry de Cobham had granted to John, his son, and the heirs of his body. John, son of Henry de Cobham. I John. I Thomas. ( 1 William, Reginald. ob. s.p. I Alianora. Reginald. I 1 John Moresby. William Moresby. The plaintiffs pleaded that the manors were held by gavelkind, and should be divided between them. De Banco, Easter. 36. ffen. 6. m. 121. Derb. — Thomas Dethek sued Thomas Babyngton for a moiety of the manor of Dethek, and he sued Henry Pole and Alice, his wife, for a moiety of the same manor which Robert Dethek had given to his son, Geoffrey Dethek, Kt., and to the heirs of his body. 390 • PEDIGREES FROM 'J'HE PLEA ROLLS. Geoffrey Dethek, Kt., son of Robert. I Geoffrey. Joim. 1 William. Robert, Thomas. ob. s.p. Thomas Dethek, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 36. Hen. 6, m. 462. Northampton. — 'Rohevi fitz Simond and Richard Nudegate sued William Chaumbre foi' the manor of Sprotton. Thomas de Arderne, Kt.^-Joan, da. of Sir John Verdon, Kt. "- -1 Joan. I r— ^ William de Adderbury,=f=Elizabeth, living=i=Roger Chaumbre, first husband. I 50 E. 3. second husband. I I 1 Alice.=Roger Chaumbre, Thomas Chaumbre, John, of Lillyngstone. 9 H. 5. | William Chaumbre, the defendant. William Chaumbre claimed by a grant of Alice made to Thomas Chaumbre in 9 H. 5 of the manors of Sprotton and Haldenby, co. Northampton, and Hanewell, co. Oxon. The plaintiffs claimed as cousins and heirs of Alice, and gave this descent : — Alice.=T=Roger Chaumbre, Armiger, of I Lillyngstone. I 1 Mary. Katrine. 1 I Robert fitz Simond. Richard Nudegate. De Banco. Trinity. 36. Hen. 6. m. 464. Wanv. — John Warenne, Armiger, sued the Prior of Cladercob for the next presentation to the church of Rotley, and stated that Thomas de Arderne had presented temp. E. 1, and had afterwards PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 397 enfeoifed Nicholas de Eton. In 31 E. 1 a Fine had been levied between Nicholas de Eton and Margery, his wife, complainants, and William Colvylle, deforciant, of the manor and advowson of Rotley, by which they had been settled on Nicholas and Margery, for their lives, with remainder to the heirs of their bodies, and failing such, to the right heirs of Nicholas. Nicholas de Eton.=pMargery. Nicholas. I 1 Richard. Cecily. I I Isabella, John Warenne. ob. 8. p. I Nicholas. I Laurence. I John Warenne, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 36. Hen. 6. m. 419 dorso. Devon. — John Reigny sued John Rye, the younger, for land in Eggisford, which Richard de Reigny had given to Peter, his son, and the heirs of his body. Peter, son of Richard de Reigny, seised temp. E. 2. I Richard. I John. I John. 1 John. I John Reigny, the plaintiff. Coram Rege. Mich. 37. Hen. 6. m. 35. Rutland. — James Ormond, Earl of Wilts, and others, sued William Feyrefax, of Est Depyngate, in co. Northampton, for disseising them by force of a moiety of the manor of Morehalle, against the Statute. William stated that the moiety of the manor was called Camels, and that one Stephen Sutton was formerly seised of the whole manor and had given it to Philip Paunton and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such, with remainder to his own rieht heirs. 398 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Philip Paunton.=T= Agnes. r— ' Matilda. Richard. John Harviigrton. Amicia. I William, ob. s.p. Isabella. I John. 1 William. I William Feyrefax, the defendant. The plaintiffs stated that the moiety in dispute was Berkeley's moiety, not Camels, and that the Matilda of the pedigree was not daughter of Philip and Agnes. De Banco. Trinity. 37. Hen. 6. m. 294 dor so. Salop.— Ra\Y>\\ Lee sued Roger Corbet, of Moreton, for land in Staunton-upon-Hynhithe, which Philip de Wystantowe had given to John, son of John, son of lleyner de la Lee and the heirs of his body, temp. E. 2. Reyner de la Lee. John. • I John, seised temp. E. 2. 1 Roger. ( Edward, ob. s.p. 1 Petronilla. Ralph Lee, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 37. lien. 6. m. 368. Wilts. — Thomas Beverley sued Thomas Tropenelle and James Broun for execution of a Fine levied in 38 E. 3, by which the manor of Est Chaldeford had been settled on Henry de Percy and Constance, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such, on the right heirs of Henry. Henry de Percy,=pConstance. seised 38 E. 3. | Beatrice. I Thomas. I Thomas Beverley. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 399 Be Banco. Trinity. 38. Hen. 6. m. 200. Notts. — Richard Sutton, Armiger, sued John, the Prior of Derham, for the advowson of the church of Rotington, claiming under a Fine levied in 1 E. 2 by Richard de Byngham and Alice, his wife, by which the manors of Byngham and Clipiston and other tenements had been settled on William, son of Alice Bertram, of Byngham, and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to Richard and Thomas, brothers of William, in tail male, with final remainder to the right heirs of Richard de Byngham. Richard de Bingham, =j= Alice, seised 1 E. 2. I I Alice. I John. I Roland. I Henry. I Richard Sutton, the plaintiff. The Prior claimed under a grant by Edmund de Byngham, clerk, son of William de Byngham, Kt., dated 22 Ric. 2, and pleaded that as the plaintift' was heir at law of the said Edmund, he could not maintain his action. Richard Sutton replied that the said William was a bastard. See the suit ante p. 236, where William de Byngham is called son of Alice Bertram, of Byngham. Richard de Bingham had apparently settled the property on his male illegitimate issue by Alice Bertram, and his daughter, Alice, who had married a Sutton, was born in wedlock. Coram Rege. Hillary. 38. Hem. 6. m. 30 Lane. — Robert de Dalton, the younger, son of John de Dalton, Kt., sued Alice, daughter of Richard de Dalton, for the manor of Byspham. John, son of John de Dalton, seised temp. E. 3. ( T Richard.=T^ Katrine. Robert de Dalton, Alice, the defendant. the plaintiff. Go^'am Rege. Hillary. 38. Hen. 6. m. 41. Hertford. —John Fray, Kt., sued Simon Rode, of Haveryng atte Boure, and Joan, his wife, for an illegal entry by force into the ma^or of Great Munden. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — 400 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Walter Bosevyle, Kt.=f=Margaret. Henry Bosevyle.=r-A^lesia.= John de Roos, Kt., I second husband. jQhn.=j=A]ice.= Geoffrey de Bedford, I second husband. "-1 Ceci]y.=i=Guy de Boys, Kt., I living 28 E. 3. 1 Margaret. Thomas Howard, ob. s.p. William Kirkby, Kt., seised of Great Munden. Margaret.^ Alice.= Matilda.= Mabel.=^ Walter Bosevyle. Peter Prilly. Edmund Howby. William Grymbaud. Simon stated that the manor had been granted by Walter Bosevyle to Henry Bosevyle, his son, and the heirs of his body, and failing such, to Mabel, formerly wife of William Grymbaud and her heirs. Mabel, formerly wife of William Grymbaud. I William. I Robert. Nicholas. I , I Joan.=^ Simon Rode. De Banco. Hillary. 39. Hen. 6. m. 214. Southampton. — Thomas Boureman and Joan, his wife, Thomas Blower, and John Gilbert and Joan, his wife, sued George Bremshet and Richard Makeyt, clerk, for the manor of Broke. Richard Roucle, seised temp. Ric. 2. I John. Margery. Joan. V . r ^ Margaret. ' Joan.^= Joan.= I John Gilbert, Thomas Boureman, Thomas Blower, plaintiffs. plaintiffs, plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 401 De Banco. Mich. 1. Ed. 4. m. 188. Norf. — Robert Powdych sued Thomas Curson, of Tylneye, gentleman, and four others, for an illegal distress in Tylneye, and gave this pedigree : — Eobert Noon. John Noon, living 20 Ric. 2. Walter, Thomas. ob. s.p. I John Noon, now living, 1 E. 4. Edmund Noon, Kt., of Tylneye, was living 20 Ric. 2, and had enfeoflfed the said John in the premises. De Banco. Mich. 1. Ed. 4. m. 284. City of Coventry. — Walter Langley and Isabella, his wife, sued Richard Byngham and Margaret, his wife, Robert Aston, Kt., and Thomas Ferrers, Kt., for the manor of Shortley, near Coventry, which Henry, son of Henry de Albini, and Christine, his wife, had given to Geoffrey Langley and Matilda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Geoffrey de Langley ,=7=Matilda. enfeoffed temp. H. 3. j I , Robert, Geoffrey, ob. s.p. I Edmund. I John. I John. r T--- John, Margery, ob. s.p. I Isabella, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 1. Ed. 4. m. 336. Devon. — Nicholas Ive and Margaret, his wife, sued William Denys and Joan, his wife, to make partition of the manors of Leygchalons, Chadelwode and Wottoz, the inheritance of John Chalons, of whom the said Margaret and Joan were coheirs. Robert Chalons. r ^ -1 Henry. Katrine. I I John Chalons, ob. s.p. Margaret.= Joan.= Nicholas Ive. William Denys. 402 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 2. Ed. 4. m. 326. Wygorn. — Humfrey Salwey, Armiger, sued Thomas Pullesdon, the son of William Pullesdon, for the manor of Knyghtys Wassheborne, which William Deveros (Devereux) and Ralph de Tangeley had given to John Wassheborne and Joan, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. John Wassbeborne,=rJoan. seised temp. E. 3. Isolda. I Humfrey Sahvey, the plaintiff. By another writ Humfi*ey sued Norman Wassheborne for the same manor, and Norman called Thomas Pullesdon to warranty, m. 326. De Banco. Easter. 2. Ed. 4. m. 330. Wygorn. — Norman Wassheborne sued Humfrey Salwey, Armiger, for the manor of Stanford, and gave this descent : — Roger de Wassheborne, seised temp. E. 3. John, John, brother and ob. s.p. -^ heir of John. Peter. I John. I Norman, the plaintiff. Humfrey took exception to the writ, because he held the manor jointly with Joyce, his wife, and with Walter Devereux, Kt., by a grant of John Salwey. Coram Rege. Easter. 2. Ed. 4. m. 80. Southampton. — Roger Wyke and John Wyke sued Thomas Swete, of Bradeford, co. Dorset, glasier, and Joan, his wife, and Richard Hatfeld, late of Adhere, co. Somerset, gentleman, for an illegal entry by force into the manor of Rokeborne. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 403 Walter Romsey, Kt.=f=Joan Martyn, first wife. Thomas. Thomas. Joaii.= Thomas Payne. 1 Margaret. I Margaret. I John. I Joan.= Thomas Swete, the defendants. The plaintiffs claimed by a demise from Joan Payne, and denied that Walter Romsey had a daughter named Mai'garet ; they stated that Thomas was son of Alice, the second wife of Walter Romsey, and gave this descent : — Walter Romsey, Kt.=pAlice, second wife. Thomas. Thomas. Mary.=f^Thomas Byngham. ( — Joan. 1 Alianora. Joan Payne, | ob. s.p. William Horsey. They pleaded that the right heirs of Joan Payne were Joan, daughter of Thomas Byngham and William Horsey, as shewn by the above pedigree. Verdict for the plaintiffs. Coram Rege. Easter. 2. Ed. 4. m. 26. Rex. Suff. — A suit respecting an illegal entry by force into the manor of Brampton, gives this pedigree : — Robert Dylclyffe. Edmund, seised of the=j=Katrine. manor 10 E. 3. I William, ob. s.p. Augustus, ob. s.p. 1 Peter. Margaret.= William Woode. Isabella.= John Gramound. John Curson, Kt., a party to the suit, had been enfeoffed by the coheirs. Coram Rege. Easter. 3. Ed. 4. m,. 36. Norf. — The Prior of Penteney sued Walter Gorge and Mary, his wife, for an illegal entry by force into the manor of West Bylney. 404 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Richard Belhous, Kt., seised of the manor by grant of Thomas Belhous. I Emma.=rJames Oldhalle. Edmund Oldhalle. I William Oldhalle, Kt. I Mary.=^ Walter Gorge. The Prior claimed by a grant from Sir William Oldhalle, and a verdict was given in his favour. See suit at p. 355. Coram Rege. Easter. 3. Ed. 4. m. 76. Northampton. — John Hathewyk sued Fulk Coly, gentleman, for an illegal entry by force into the manor of Dodford. Robert de Keynes.=j=Hawyse. William, seised 34 E. 1. I "n John. Hawyse.=T=Robert de Daventre, Kt. I 1 I John, Wencelina, Hawyse.=j=John de Lodbroke, Kt. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I Alice.=pLoui8 Cardican. I Katrine.=T=William Hathewyk. John Hathewyk, the plaintiff. The defendant claimed by a feoffment made to him by the representatives of one John Cressy, and stated that the latter was the heir-at-law of William de Keynes, Hawyse, the daugliter of the said William, having left no issue, and he gave this descent : — William de Keynes, Lettice. seised 10 E. 1. | I Laurence. John. I I Matilda. 1 _^ I John, Wencelina, John Cressy. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. The jury found in favour of John Hathewyk, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 405 Coram Rege. Easter. 3. Ed. 4. m. 88. London. — Godfrey Hilton sued the Mayor and Corporation of London for an illegal entry into seven messuages in the parish of St. Sepulchre in the ward of Faryndon Without. Geoffrey Loterell, formerly seised of the tenements. I Andrew. I Andrew. I Hawise. I Godfrey Hilton, the plaintiff. Coram Rege. Easter. 3. Ed. 4. m. 37. Rex. Leicester. — An Inquisition taken before Richard Clapham, Escheator, at Alspath alias Murydeii (Meriden), respecting the lands of John, Duke of Norfolk, a minor and in ward to the King, gives this descent : — John de Segrave,=T=Margaret. seised 18 E. 3. | r ' Elizabeth. Thomas, late Duke of Norfolk. I ' 1 Thomas, Earl Marshal, John, Duke of Norfolk, and Nottingham. | John, Duke of Norfolk, now living, 17 years old. De Banco. Mich. 2. Ed. 4. m. 323. Suffolk. — Robert Reydon sued Thomas Waldegrave, Kt., for lands and rents in Reydon and other places, claiming under a Fine levied in 11 E. 2, by Robert de Reydon and Margery, his wife, by which the tenements and rents and the advowson of Reydon had been settled on Walter, son of Robert de Reydon, and the heirs male of his body. Walter, son of Robert de Reydon, seised 11 E. 2. Ralph. 1 Walter. I John. I Robert Reydon, the plaintiff. 406 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 3. Ed. 4. m. 403. Cornwall. — Richard Ryke sued John Fortescue, late of Strete, co. Devon, and John Rytte, for an illegal distress in Trethynnok. The defendants gave this pedigree : — Edward Trethynnok, seised 16 E. 3. I Roger. Thomas. John. I Richard.=rMatilda.=Bartholomew Wyndesore. Alice. Nicholas, seised=j=Margaret.^=WiIliam Mone, second husband. 6 H. 6. I u ^ John, ob. s.p. And they claimed under a demise made to them by William Mone and Margaret, his wife. Richard Ryke stated that Roger had no daughter named Alice, but had a daughter Christine, from whom he gave this descent : — Roger Trethynnok. I Christine. I Thomas. I John. I William. I Nicholas. I Joan.= Richard Ryke. And he also stated that Nicholas had another daughter named Joan, who had died s.p. See suit at p. 412. Coram Rege. Mich. 3. Ed. 4. m. 75. Norfolk. — John Mortoft sued Walter Gorge, late of Little Fransham, CO. Norfolk, and Mary, his wife, for an illegal entry by force into the manor of Itryngham, called Nowershalle. The pleadings state that Simon Nowers, formerly seised of the manor, had granted it to Robert Nowers and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 407 Robert Nowers.=f Alice. r— ^ Margaret. I Margaret. I James. I Edmund. 1 William Oldhalle, Kt. I r— ^ Mary.= Walter Gorge, the defendants. See ante pp. 403, 404, for suit of the Prior of Penteney against the same defendants. De Banco. Mich. 3. Ed. 4. m. 312. Somerset. — John Newburgh, Armiger, .lohn FitzJames and seven otHJ(fl-s named, sued Henry Hulle and Alice, his wife, for the manor of Whightlakyngton. Thomas de Mount8orell.=rMatilda. I — Joan. I Joan. Thomas de Beauchamp.=Alianora. Thomas de Beauchamp had enfeoffed William Beauchamp and Thomas Bolour in the manor, and the plaintiffs claimed it as holding the status of William Beauchamp, who had survived his co-trustee Thomas Bolour. The manor had been granted to Thomas de Mountsorell and Matilda, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, by John Laundermore. De Banco. Mich. 3. Ed. 4. m. 321 dorso. Wilts. — Richard Frystone, clerk, sued Miles de Stapylton, Kt., and Katrine, his wife, for the manor of Codford and moieties of the manors of Stepul Langford, Dene and Grymsted, and of the advowsons of the churches of Stepul Langford, Dene and Grymsted, by a writ of right 408 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Fryston, seised of the manors, etc., temp. E. 2. Eichard. I Robert. I William. Richard Frystone, clerk, the plaintiff. By another writ on m. 436, the same plaintifi" recovered the moieties of the manors of Boynton, Coderstone, Bedale and Askam Bryan, and advowsons of the churches of Bedale and Melhamby, co. York. The above are formal recoveries by writs of right. De Banco. Easter. 4. Ed. 4. m. 48. Bucks. — William Gernon sued William Hasyldon and four others named, for the manor of Thornton, which Hugh, son of Richard de Chastelon had given to Rosia, formerly wife of Richard, and the heirs of the bodies of Richard and Rosia. Richard de Chastelon, -T^Rosia. \W seised temp. E. 1. | Hugh. I Richard. Hugh. Elizabeth. I Thomas. I William Gernon, the plaintiff. The defendants denied that Rosia had had a son Hugh, by Richard de Chastelon. De Banco. Easter. 4 Ed. 4. m. 351. Devon. — Thomas Cruys sued William Bourghthier, Kt., and nine others, for the next presentation to the church of Estansty. Alexander Cruys, presented temp. E. 3. Robert.=rMargaret. John. I I Thomas Cruys, Thomasia.== Elizabeth. the plaintiff. Richard Polard. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 409 Thomas claimed by a feoifment made to Alexander Cruys and the heirs male of his body. A deed enrolled on this Roll shows that William Fenys, Kt., Lord de Say, son and heir of James Fenys, Kt., late Lord de Say of Sele (sic), had sold to Geoffrey Boleyn, Citizen and Alderman of London, the manors of Hevere-Cobham, Hevere-Brocas, Sele and Kemsyng. In another deed Geoffrey Boleyn is styled Mercer and Alderman of London. De Banco. Hillary. 4. Ed. 4. m. 244 dorso. Sussex. — Alianora, Countess of Northumberland, sued John, Bishop of Chichester, Elizabeth, formerly wife of Robert Ponynges, and another, for the next presentation to the Chantry of Craweley. Robert Ponynges, Kt., presented temp. H. 6. Richard Ponynges, ob. v.p. Alianora, the plaintiff, and heir of Robert. De Banco. Hillary. 4. Fd. 4. m. 248 dorso. Warw. — William Lee sued Simon Montfort, Kt., Richard Clapham and two others, for lands and tenements in Toneworth. John, son of John atte Lee, of Toneworth,=i=Marjory. seised temp. Ric. 2. I r" John. John. William Lee, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 4. Ed. 4. m. 32 L Ehor. — Thomas Elmedon sued Thomas Downe, the Parson of Bulmer and two others, for execution of a Fine levied 1 E. 3, between Richard de Thornton and Dionisia, his wife, plaintiffs, and William de Elmedon, deforciant, of the manor of Southlofthouse. 410 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William de Elmedon, living 1 E. 3. I John. I Stephen. Thomas Elmedon, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. De Banco, Hillary. 4. Ed. 4. m. 327. Norf. — William Willoughby, Kt., sued Robert Clyfton for the Hundred of Frethebregh. Richard de Arundel, Kt., seised temp. Eic. 2. 1 Joan, daughter and heir. I William Willoughby, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 4. Ed, 4. m. 366 dorso. Wilts. — William Utteworth sued Henry Egan and Emma, his wife, for the manor of Westrop and Hampton, near Hyworth. Walter Utteworth, seised temp..E. 1 {sic). John. William. I William Utteworth, the plaintiff. The defendants called to warranty Nicholas Turvylle, who appeared and warranted the manor to them, but subsequently made default, and the plaintiff recovered. This is probably a recovery by a collusive suit. De Banco, Hillary, 4. Ed 4. m. 425. Devon. — Walter Reynelle sued John Colyford, the Prior of St. John the Baptist, of Exeter, to give up to him a " calathus " containing deeds and muniments relating to the manors of Malstone, Estwogwill and other places, and he stated that one Elizabeth Maltstone, daughter and heir of Robert Malstone, was formerly seised of the manors and had enfeoffed William Stigill in them, who had enfeoffed John de Montagu, Chivaler, who had enfeoffed William Stigill, from whom he gave this descent : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 411 William Stigill, I Margaret. I Walter Reynell, the plaintiff. The defendant stated that Robert de Malstone was formerly seised of the manors, and his son llobert had died s.p., and they descended by special remainder to Robert, the son and heir of Thomas de Loghtyndon, and the heirs of his body, and failing such, to Ralph de Shillyngford and the heirs of his body, from whom he gave this descent : — Ralph de Shillyngford, had been seised of the manors, and being in possession of the calathus and bad lost it. I ' 1 Richard, Katrine, ob. s.p. I Lucy. Cecily. I I John. Roger. I i Christian. Richard Duke. I Henry More. De Banco. Hillary. 4. Ed. 4. m. 484. Kent. — John Culpeper, Richard Culpeper, and Nicholas Culpeper, the sons of Walter Culpeper, sued John Fogge, Kt., for the fourth part of two messuages, two mills and divers lands and rents in Pepynbury, Tunbrigge and Tudeley. John Culpeper. I Thomas. —1 Thomas. Walter. John. Nicbolas. John Culpeper. Richard. Nicholas. The reader will note the sub-division of the land owing to the tenure by gavelkind. De Banco. Trinity. 5. Ed. 4. m. 118. Cornwall. — William Clerk and Joan, his wife, and William Westlake sued William Menwynnek for lands in Penwern, which John de Penwern had given to John de Penwern and Agatha, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. 412 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John de Penwern, seised=pAgatha. temp. E. 3. I I Alice. I Elizabeth. I Emmora. I Joan. — William Clerk. Elizabeth. William Westlake. The suit was dismissed, as William Westlake had died since the issue of the writ. De Banco. Mich. 5. Ed. 4. m. 542. Cornwall. — John Moyle sued John Rytte, late of Dountomas, gentleman, for an illegal entry by force into lands in Trethynnek, in the parish of Lanrak. Edward Trethenek. Roger Trethenek. Thomas. Christine. 1 Alice. John. 1 1 Thomas. 1 Richard Holcombe. 1 Richard. John. 1 1 Alice. Nicholas, ob. s.p. 1 William Dake. Joan.= Richard Ryke. 1 r ^ T Agnes Isabella Portescue. Rytte. John Moyle claimed by a grant of Richard Ryke and Joan. John Rytte acting for Agnes and Isabella had expelled him, and stated that Roger Ti^ethenek never had a daughter named Christine. See suit at p. 406. De Banco. Hillary. 5. Ed. 4. m. 129. SuffolTf. — Alexander Cressovere sued William Geddyng for execution of a Fine levied 10 E. 2, between William de la Cressovere, of Ikelyngham, and Petronilla, his wife, complainants, and Adam de Gedding and another, deforciants, respecting lands and rents in Ikelyngham. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 413 William de la Cre880vere.=pPetronilla. I r ' John. I Walter. I Robert. William. I Alexander Cressovere, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 5. Ed. 4. m. 132. Northampton. — Nicholas Ovy, of Flore, gentleman, was sued by Thomas Tanfield, clerk, for an unlawful entry by force into lands at Flore. Theobald Trussell, Kt.,=i=Katrine. seised of the lands in I question. { John. I Philippa. Elizabeth. Anne.= I Nicholas Ovy. Thomas Halton. De Banco. Hillary. 5. Ed. 4. m. 397 Essex. — Richard Clynne and Richard Fetypace, sued Elizabeth Canynges, of Chiknell, co. Essex, widow, executrix of Thomas Canynges, to deliver up to them four pyxes containing deeds and muniments relating to the manor of Eyton, near Estwode, and lands in co. Leicester. William Boteler.=f Agnes. I r— ^ Jane. I John. I r ^ n Jane. Margaret. I I Richard Clynne. Richard Fetypace. De Banco. Hillary. 5. Ed. 4. m. 406. Wartv. — Richard Byngham, Kt., and Margaret, his wife, Thomas Ferrers, Kt., and John Aston, Armiger, sued Thomas Hore, Armiger, for lands in Midelton. 414 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Baldwine de Fryville, Kt.,=plda. seised temp. E. 3. I Baldwine. i Baldwine. I 1 — 1 Elizabeth. Joyce. Margaret.= II Sir Richard Thomas Ferrers. Robert. Byngham. John Aston. The defendant took exception to the writ because he held the tenements jointly with William Seynt George, Kt., who was not named in it. Patent Roll. 5. Ed. 4. jmrt 2. Leicester. — A writ " de inquirendo " ex parte the Abbot of St. Mary, of Leicester, gives the following pedigree of the ancient Earls of Leicester : — Robert de Melant. I Robert le Bossu. Robert Blaunchmayns. I ' ' ' 1 Robert, Anne. ob. s.p. Simon de Montfort. De Banco. Mich. 6. Ed. 4. m. 436. ^"or/!- -Elizabeth, Countess of Oxford, sued John Howard, Kt., Thomas Burgh, Kt., Thomas Waldegrave, Kt., and eleven others, for the manor of Ferfeld. Robert de Bosco (de Bois) .^Christiana, seised temp. E. 2. I Alice. Robert. I John. / I John. I Elizabeth, the Countess of Oxford. The defendants cohceded the claim. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 415 De Banco. Mich. 6. Ed. 4. m. 436 dorso. JVorf. — Elizabeth, Countess of Oxford, sued John Howard, Kt., and the other defendants named in the last suit, for lands and rents in Estwynche and Middleton. John, son of William Howard, seised temp. E. 1. I John. I Robert. I John. I John. I Elizabeth, the Countess of Oxford. The defendants conceded the claim. The plaintiff in these two suits was the heiress of Sir John Howard, of Wigenhall, co. Norfolk, which was the eldest line of the Howards. Sir John Howard, of Stoke Neyland, co. Suffolk, who was created Duke of Norfolk, was son of Sir Robert Howard of the same, and represented a younger branch of the family. See the " Complete Peerage," by G. E. C, under " Howard." Be Banco. Trinity. 5. Ed. 4. m. 136. Ebor. — William fitzWilliam, Armiger, sued Marjory fitzWilliam for the manor of Athewyk. William fitz Winiam,=TrIsabella. seised temp. E. 2. I r ^ John. I John. William. I John. John. William fitz William, the plaintiff. • Marjory called to warranty Thomas fitzWilliam, clerk De Banco. Trinity. 5. Ed. 4. m. 138. Lincoln. — Alice Hyrwe sued Thomas Champerd for lands in Thedel- dorp and Malderthorp, which Robert Hacon had given to John Hacon, his eldest son and his heirs {sic), and failing such, to John Hacon, his younger son, and the heirs of his body, and failing such, to Henry Hacon and the heirs of his body, temp. E. 2. Both 416 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Hacons had died without leaving issue ; and Alice gave this descent from Henry Hacon : — Henry Hacon. John. I Alice, the plaintiff. Thomas took exception to the writ, because Alice had a sister Margaret, who was not named in it, and Alice replied that Margaret was illegitimate. De Banco. Trinity. 5. Ed. 4. m. 223. Beds. — Thomas Rede sued Thomas Wysshard and Alice, his wife, for the manor of Chalvesterne, and Thomas made default. Alice declared that the land was of her inheritance, and was admitted to defend the suit. The plaintiff stated that the manor was granted by Mabel Grymbaude to William Grymbaude and the heirs of his body, temp. E. 3. William Grymbaude, seised temp. E. 3. I Robert. I Robert. I Nicholas. I Joan. I Thomas Rede, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 5. Ed. 4. m. 102. Ebor. — John Hastynges sued Martin See for the execution of a Fine levied in 18 E. 3, by John de Camoys, Kt., and Margaret, his wife, respecting the manor of Cowesby and advowson of the church of the same, and other lands specified, by which they were settled on John de Camoys and Margaret, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such, on Hugh de Hastynges and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of the body of Margaret. John and Margaret de Camoys had died s.p. Hugh de Hastynges.=f=Margaret. I r -" Hugh. I Edward. I John Hastynges, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 417 De Banco. Trinity. 6. Ed. 4. m. 157. Southampton. — John Tychebourne sued William Yiige for the manor of Lemerstone, in the Isle of Wight. John Tycheborne, Kt.,=j=Cecily. seised temp. E. 3. | f -■ John. I John, died on the Friday after the Feast of Corpus Christi, 3 E. 4. John Tychebourne, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 6. Ed. 4. m. 509. Korf. — Robert Asshefeld sued Robert Inglose, Armiger, and William Calthorpe, Kt., for two parts of three parts of the manor of Sloley in five parts divided. John Groos, Kt., seised=f Cecily. temp. E. 3. I Oliver. 1 ' Simon.=pMargaret. I Anne. 1 Robert Asshefeld, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 6. Ed. 4. m. 116. Surrey. — Henry Fitz John sued William Dyrwent, clerk, John Goring, and William Glement and Joan, his wife, for the manor of Hamme, which Edmund Fitz John had given to William Fitz John and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, William Fitz John,=ip Agnes, seised temp. Hen. 4. r -" Nicholas. r" John, Henry Fitz John, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. The defendants claimed to hold the manor by a deed of feoffment made by John Fitz John. 418 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 6. Ed. 4. m. 328. Wilts. — William Besyle sued Roger Tocotes, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, for the manor of Wederove, which Elias de Raboyne and Matilda, his wife, had given to John Besyle and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of Margaret, temp. E. 1 {sic). John Besyle, seised temp.^f Margaret. E. 1. I I Peter. i Matthew. I Peter, ob. s.p. 1 John. William. I William Besyle, the plaintiff. Patent Roll. 6. Ed. 4. part 2. m. 5. Leic. — A writ " de inquirendo " respecting the heirs of La Zusch, gives this pedigree : — William la Zuche, of Richard's Castle, living temp. E. 3. Alan. Hugh, ob. s.p. 1 Joyce. John. Joyce.= Hugh Bumell, Kt., ob. s.p. Joyce. I Baldwin. 1, Katrine. Maurice. Maurice. Margaret. -= Richard Byngham, Kt., living 6 E. 4. Elizabeth. ] Thomas Ferrers, Kt., living 6 E. 4. Joyce. Robert. John Aston, living 6 E. 4. William Berkeley, living 6 E. 4. James, Earl of Wilts, attainted 1 E. 4, had held the manor of Ashby la Zusche and the King had granted it to his Chamberlain, Sir William Hastynges, on 26 Oct., 4 E. 4. James, Earl of Wilts, however, had enfeoffed in the manor Ralph, Lord Sudeley, Sir William St. George and others before the date of the attainder, and these feoffees had been expelled by Sir Jolm Lovell, Kt., also before the date of the attainder. The heirs of La Zusche, named in the pedigree, claimed the manor from William, Lbrd Hastynges, pleading that it had not been affected by the attainder of James, Earl of Wilts. De Banco. Hillary. 6. Ed. 4. m. 403. Norf. — Cecily Ovy, Thomas Geffreys and Margaret, his wife, and William Smyth and Joan, his wife, sued William Jenney, Sergeant-at-Law, and five others, for ^ moiety of a moiety of the manor of Hedenham. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 419 James Ilketishale,=plda. seised temp. E. 2. 1 1 Robert. Robert, brother of Robert. Thomas, ob. s.p. Idonia. 1 Margaret Seyve, inherited one moiety 1 Joan. Cecily Ovy. Margaret.^ Thomas Geffreys, the plaintiffs. 1 Joan.=^ William Smyth. The defendants claimed by a grant of William Ilketsale, and they stated he was son of Robert, brother of Robert, father of Thomas, father (xic) of Idonia, the mother of Margaret Seyve. It will be seen that the two pedigrees named in the pleadings do not accord. De Banco. Hillary. 6. Ed. 4. m. 366 dorso. Derh. — Henry Pole and Alice, his wife, and John Babyngton, Armiger, sued Robert Wode and Isabella, his wife, for land in Rodburn, which William Dethek, Knight, the grandfather of Alice, and great-grandfather of John, and whose heirs they were, had given to Reginald, his son, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such, to Thomas, brother of the said Reginald, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such to Roger, brother of Thomas, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such, to his own right heirs, and they gave this descent : — William Dethek, Kt., seised of the tenements temp. H. 4. Reginald, ob. s.p. Thomas. Thomas, ob. s.p.m. Roger, ob. s.p. Robert. Alice. = Henry Pole, plaintiffs. Isabella. John Babyngton, plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiffs. See suit of Easter, 36 H. 6, at pp. 395, 396, according to which Robert Dethek had died s.p., but without doubt Robert has been written by mistake for Roger in the earlier suit. De Banco. Trinity. 7. Ed. 4. m. 101. Kent. — John Harneys sued Joan Chepstede for lands and rents in Chevenyng, which Matilda, formerly wife of Hamon de Hirst, gave to William de Chevenyng and Joan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. 420 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William de Chevenyng,=f^Joan. seised temp. E. 2. I William. I Elizabeth. I John. I John Harneys, the plaintiff. Joan admitted the claim. De Banco. Trinity. 7. Ed. 4. m. 427. Leicester.— Sohn Willenhale sued Humfrey Stafford, of Grafton, CO. Worcester, and another, for a forcible entry into Leyre. Robert Burdet. ( 1 John Burdet. Isabella. I I Elizabeth. Roger. i i Humfrey. Joan.= I Richard Humfrey Stafford, Willenhale. the defendant. John Willenhale claimed by a demise made to his father, Robert Willenhale, to take effect after the deaths of Joan and Richard Willenhale. John was under age and sued by his custos. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ed. 4. m. 446. Stq^. — Robert Nowelle (Noel), the younger, sued Thomas Chetwode and Isabella, his wife, for the manor of Newebold. Philip Noel. I Philip. Thomas, seised temp.=j=Alice. H. 6 {sic). I I William. Richard. I Thomas. Robert Nowelle, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 421 There appears to be an error in the pedigree, for there could hardly be five generations between 1422 and 1468. De Banco. Trinity. 7. Ed. 4. m. 359. Wilts. — Robert ShotuEoroke, Kt., sued John Rogger, the younger, and Margaret, his wife, for land in Puryton and Chellesworth, which Adam Walrond had given to Joan, his daughter, and the heirs male of her body. Joan, daughter of Adain Walrond. I Gilbert. I John, ob. s.p. Robert Shotusbroke, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 8. Ed. 4. m. 126 dor so. Salop. — John, Duke of Norfolk, and George Nevylle, sued Robert Danby, Kt.,- and others, for one-third of the Castle of Dynesbran and one-third of the Castle of Castri Lerriis (1 Leonis) and one- third of lands in Bromfeld, Yale and Wryghtesham, in Wales. Richard Arundell, the younger, seised temp. Rio. 2. 1 Thomas, ob. s.p. Elizabeth. 1 John, Duke of Norfolk. 1 Joan. Richard, Earl of Worcester. 1 John. 1 1 Elizabeth. 1 1 John, Duke of Norfolk, 1 George Neville, the plaintifE. the plaintiff. The defendants admitted the claim. By another suit on m. 128 dorso, the same plaintiffs recovered one-third of the manor and Castle of Lewes, co. Sussex, from the same defendants. Pell Issues. Easter. 7. Ed. 4. No County named. — An entry on the Pell of the above date shews that on the 15th October, 13 E. 3, the King had granted to Thomas de Bradestone, for his great and laudable services 500 marks yearly to be received at the Exchequer, to maintain the status of a Banneret, to be held by him and his heirs for ever, and that his heir at the date of the Pell Issues was Isabella, the wife of the Eai'l of Northumberland, as shewn by the following pedigree : — 422 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Thomas de Bradeston, temp. E. 3. I Robert. I Thomas. I Elizabeth. I Margaret. I Edmund Ingaldesthorp, Kt. Tsabella.=Earl of Northumberland. A similar entry on the Issues of the Pell of Easter, 2 E. 4, states that the grant was 1,000 marks yearly, and that Isabella was then married to John, Lord Montagu.^ De Banco. Mich. 8. Ed. 4. m. 328. Sussex.— 3 dhrx, the Bishop of Chichester, sued Richard Forster for an illegal entry into his close at Houghton. John Houghton, seised of the manor of Howgh- ton. Juliana. I John Cheyne, of Stubcroft. John Cheyne. Joan.= Richard Forster, the defendant. The defendant claimed right« of estover in the Bishop's wood as lord of the manor of Houghton. De Banco. Mich. 8. Bd. 4. m. 431, Northamp. — Robert Tanfeld, Armiger, and Thomas Tanfeld, clerk, sued Nicholas Ovy, late of Flore, gentleman, and Anne, his wife, for an illegal entry by force into tenements in Flore. Theobald Trussell, Kt.=T=Katrine. r ^ John.=T=Margaret, Philippa.= =Alexander Bosun. Elizabeth. Thomas. 1 Anne.= Nicholas Ovy, the defendants. ^ He was created Earl of Northumberland 27 May 1465, during the forfeiture of the Percys. PRDIGREEvS FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 423 The pleadings state that Philippa married Alexander, son of Joan Bosun of Harewold, formerly wife of Walter Bosun, and see suit of Hillary, 5 E. 4, ante p. 4^3. De Banco. Mich. 8. £d. 4. m. 553. Dorset. — William Clavyle, the elder, sued Richard Clavyle for lands and rents in HwytclyfFe. Henry Whitclyff.=]= Agnes. Joan.=F Walter Clavyle. Richard Clavyle, the defendant. Be Banco. Easter. 10. Ed. 4. m. 319. Derb. — Ralph Sacheverell, Armiger, sued Henry Vernon, Armiger, for land in Stanton Lees. Richard Vernon, Kt., formerly seised of the tenements. I "William. I Henry Vernon, Armiger, the defendant. Henry Vernon stated that he had entered as heir of his grand- father, Sir Richard Vernon. De Ba7ico. Trinity. 8. Ed. 4. m. 330. Notts. — John Squyer, of Nottingham, merchant, was summoned by Geoffrey Pilkington, and Agnes, his wife, to give up to them a chest (cista) containing deeds and muniments relating to the manor of Aldesworth. Robert Sallowe, enfeoffed in the=[=Elena. manor by Thomas Bella Aqua (Bellew), of Aldesworth. William. I ■ 1 George. William. I I Agnes Marmyon. Agnes.= Geoffrey Pilkington, the plaintiffs. 424 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Agnes Marmyon had delivered the chest with deeds to John Squyer, the defendant, for safe custody, in 2 E. 4, at Lambecote, and John had refused to hand them over to Agnes Marmyon or to Agnes, the plaintiff, and the manors had now descended to Agnes, the wife of Geoffrey Pilkington, as heir of Agnes Marmyon, viz., daughter of William, the brother of George, the father of Agnes Marmyon. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ed. 4. m. 153. Wygorn. — Thomas Turberville sued Richard Turberville, of Boughton, for an illegal distress in Hillecrome. Richard Turberville. I Marjory. I Richard Turberville, the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ed. 4. m. 306. Cornwall. — William Trelaweless sued John Treris, the elder, for the manor of Great Wyrkesale, which Gilbert Haunsard, Kt., had given to John Haunsard, his son, and Matilda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. John Haunsard.T=Matilda. I Joan. William. I Margaret. William. William. I William Ryther, the plaintiff. The pleadings call the plaintiff "William Trelaweless in one place and William Ryther in another. Patent Roll. 8. Ed 4. part 1. Ebor. — A writ " de inquirendo" issued on the petition of John Salvayn, Kt., claiming the manor of Doncaster, gives the following pedigree : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 425 Peter de Maulay V, son of=j=Margaret. Peter de Maulay, seised of the manors of Doncaster and Mul- grave, temp. E. 2. Peter VI. I Peter VII. ~i Peter de Maulay VIII. Constance. Elizabeth. I John Salvayn, Kt., the petitioner. Patent Roll. 8. Ed. 4, part 1. Devon. — A writ " de inquirendo" issued on the petition of William Courtenay, claiming the manor of Northpole. Hugh de Courtenay, Earl of Devon, had given Northpole to Philip Courtenay, Kt., and the heirs male of his body, temp. Ric. 2. Philip de Courtenay, seised Ric. 2. I John. I Philip. I William Courtenay, the petitioner. Philip de Courtenay had enfeoffed in the manor one Roger Markedon for his life, and Roger had been unjustly disseised by Edward Courtenay, late Earl of Devon. Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devon. I Thomas. I Thomas, Earl of Devon, who had died at York 31 March 1 E. 4, and had been attainted 4 Nov. 1 E. 4. In consequence of his attainder the manor had been taken into the King's hands. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ed 4. m. 450. Wygorn. — Norman Wasshebourne sued Thomas Dummulton for an illegal distress in Wychynford. The pleadings give these pedigrees :— 426 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Wyard. I ; Elizabeth.^pWilliam de la Lowe. Richard de la Lowe, living 5 H. 5, had enfeoffed William Abyndon in Wychyn- ford, who had issue Richard Abyndon. John Power. Margaret. =rRichard Wassheborne. Norman Wassheborne, the plaintiff. In a suit of Easter 2 E. 4, ante p. 402, Norman Wassheborne is styled son of John Wassheborne. The Prothonotavies or their Clerks made mistakes occasionally in Christian names in their entries on the Rolls. De Banco. Mich. 8. Ed. 4. m. 606. Surrey. — Anne Boleyn, Roger Copley and Anne, his wife, James Barwe and Alianora, his wife, and Elizabeth Hoo sued Thomas Echyngham and four others for the manor of Hokeley, which King Edward I had given to Nicholas Malmeyns and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Nicholas Malmeyns, enfeoffed=j= Alice, by Letters Patent of 20 July 1 E. 1. Petronilla. Alice. I Thomas Hoo. I Thomas Hoo. Anne Anne.= Alianora.= Elizabeth Boleyn. Roger James Hoo. Copley. Barwe. Thomas Echyngham took exception to the writ on the ground that he was a Knight on the date it was sued out, and therefore impi'operly described in it, and the Court took time to consider the plea. De Banco. Easter. 8. Ed. 4. m. 117. Notts.- ¥\x\\i Bourchier, Armiger, sued John Estbury and another for the next presentation to the Chantry of the Blessed Mary within the church of Chepyng lamborne. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 427 William Haukeford, Kt., had presented temp. H. 5. I Richard Haukeford, Armiger, had died v.p. I Richard Haukeford, Kt. Thomasia'= William Bourchier, Kt. I Fulk Bourchier, the plaintiff. Elizabeth, d. s.p. Anne.=Thoma8 Ormond, Armiger. De Banco. Easter. 8. Ed. 4. m. 137. Hereford, Southampton, Essex. — John Barre, Kt., sued Charles Bulkeley for the execution of a Fine levied 6. Ric. 2. by Thomas Barre, Kt., respecting the manors of Cleaungru, Knoggeshasshe and Mere, and the moiety of the manor of Matherne, co Herefoid, and a rent of £8 9s. 7d. in Burgate, co. Southampton. The pleading gives these pedigrees. Thomas Barre, Knt., living 7 Ric. 2. 1 Thomas. i John Barre, Kt., the plaintiff. John de Rivers, seised of the==Matilda. manor of Burgate 14. Ed. 1. | r -" John de Rivers, enfeoffed Katrine, his illegitimate daughter, in the manor. Richard de Pembrugge held the status of Katrine in the manor, and was seised besides of the manors of Angre and Stanford Ryvers, co. Essex. Elizabeth.=Thomas Barre. Joan.=Richard Boyle. John de Rivers.=rMatilda. r— ' John. Edmund. 1 Christiana. I John Bulkeley. Katrine, d. s.p. j William Bulkeley, who had enfeoffed Charles Bulkeley the defendant. John Barre denied that John de Rivers had a daughter Christiana. 428 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 8. Ed. 4. m. 436. Bucks. — William Alyngton and Joan, his wife, William Taillard and Elizabeth, his wife, and Henry Langley and Mary, his wife, sued Thomas Tyrell, Kt., and seven others for the manor of Mawedeleyne. Laurence Broke, was seised of the=rElena. manor by the gift of Ealph Pyrot. I Ralph. Joan, ob. s.p. Elena. Agnes, obtained the manor in the partition of Ralph's land between her and Elena. I Joan. i Katrine. i Cecily. William, ob. s.p. Henry, ob. s.p. Joan. Joan.=^ William Alyngton. Elizabeth. William Taillard. — — I Mary.= Henry Langley. De Banco. Easter. 9. Ed. 4. m. 422. Ehor. — William fitz William sued Henry Sotille for the manor of Athewyk. William fitz William,=f=Isabella. seised temp. Ed. 2. I John. I John. I William. I John. I John. William fitz WiUiaA, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 9. Ed. 4. m. 324. Northampton. — William Daundelyne sued Henry Hodelstone for the manor of Craneford. K PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 429 Hugh Daundeleyn, Kt. i John Daundeleyn, seised of the manor temp. Ed. 3. I John. I William. I John. I • William Daundeleyn, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 9. Ed. 4. m. 365. Northampton. — Thomas Tanfeld and Alice, his wife, sued Henry Dyve and Elizabeth, his wife, and Margaret Helewell for dower from lands and rents in Bradden of the dotation of John Dytton, formerly husband of Alice. I ^ , Thomas Wydevylle, Elizabeth. Agnes. ob. a.p. John. John. I I Agnes. John. I I Elizabeth.= Margaret Hellewell. Henry Dyve. De Banco. Easter. 10. Ed. 4. m. 318. Ehor. — Brian Stapelton, Armiger, sued Richard Harecourt and Katrine, his wife, for the manor of Cotherestone and the moiety of the manor of Bedale, claiming under the terms of a Fine levied in 28 Ed. 3 by Miles de Stapelton, of Bedale, Chivaler, and Joan, his wife, by which the manor of Cothereston and the moiety of the manors of Bedale and Askham, and the advowson of the moiety of the church of Bedale and the manor of Northmorton, co. Berks, were settled on Miles and Joan and the heirs male of the body of Miles, and failing such, on Brian, the brother of Miles, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such, on Miles de Stapelton, of Hathilsay, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such, on the right heirs of Miles de Stapelton, of Bedale, for ever. I 1 Miles de Stapelton,=f=Joan. Brian de Stapelton, seised 28 E. 3 | living 28 E. 3. . r ^-n I Elizabeth. Joan. Brian. I . Brian i Brian. ! Brian Stapelton, the plaintiJBf. The plaintiff was under age, and sued by his custos. MO PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The suit also gives the pedigree from John Fryston, who was seised of the moieties in question temp. E. 2, for which see suit of Mich. 3. E. 4., pp. 407, 408. The defendants stated that Miles Stapelton, of Ingham, was the heir of Miles Stapelton, of Bedale, viz., son of Brian, son of Miles, son of the said Miles of Bedale, and they gave this pedigree. Miles de Stapelton,^ Katrine. =Ri chard Harecourt, of Ingham. I 2nd husband. I 1 Elizabeth.=William Calthorpe, Kt. Joan.=Christopher Harcourt, Kt. De Banco. Trinity 11. Ed. 4. m. 92 dorso. Leicester. — Richard Langton sued Alice, formerly wife of Thomas Langton, Armiger, for the manor of Westlangton and lands in Westlangton, Estlangton, Kirklangton, and Thorplangton, which Ivo de Langton had given to Thomas de Langton and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Thomas de Langton,=f=Elizabeth. seised temp. Ed. 1. | , I Robert. I Thomas. i Richard. I Robert. I Thomas.= Alice. i Richard Langton, the plaintiff. Alice conceded the claim De Banco. Mich. 11. Ed. 4. m. 316. Cornwall. — William Wellesford sued Theobald Thorndon for land in Thorndon. John Thorndon, seised temp. Ed. 3. I Joan. I Alice. I • Baldwin. I Richard. I William Wellesford, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 431 Coram Rege Roll. Trinity. 12. Ed. 4. m. 79. Essex. — John Bourchier, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Thomas Ferrers, late of Tamworth, Kt., and another for a forcible entry into the manors of Merkys, near Dunmowe, and Gyngioyberdlaundry against the statute of 5 Ric. 2. William de Ferrers of Groby. I 1 Henry de=rlsabella.== James de Thomas de Ferrers. Berkeley, Kt., Ferrers, 2d husband. the defendant. Edward Grey, Kt.,=Elizabeth.=John Bourchier, Kt., living 26 Hen. 6 2nd husband. and 11 Ed. 4. James Berkeley and Isabella, his wife, had levied a Fine in 31 Hen. 6 which settled the manors on Thomas de Ferrers and the heirs male of his body, and failing such, on the heirs of William de Ferrers of Groby. De Banco. Mich. 12. Ed. 4. m. 409. Devon. — John Neuburgh, the elder, sued Walter Lake, clerk for lands in Dounumfravile, Axminstre, Seton and Colyford Haven. William Bonevile, of Chute, Kt., died 9 Febry. 1460, seised of the manors of Wodebury, Combe, Seton and Dounumfravile. I William Bonevile, Armiger. i William Bonevile, Kt., of Haryngton. Cecily, aged 6 months in 1 E. 4. Cecily appears to have been heiress of her great grandfather. At Michaelmas term 14 E. 4. m. 446, Cecily Bonevile was suing Roger Dynham for lands and rents in Branscombe, Wayscombe, Colyton and other places. A feudal heiress was considered of age at 14, as she was then marriageable. Lord Bonville was beheaded after the first battle of St. Albans by order of Queen Margaret, at which date both his son and grandson were dead. 432 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Easter. 12. Ed. 4. m. 219. Sussex. — Richard Adam sued Roger Leukenore, Kt., for land in Torryng. Richard Keynes, formerly seised of the manor of Iteford. I Joan.^Roger de Leukenore. 1 Thomas Leukenore, Kt. Roger. I Thomas. I Roger Leukenore, Kt., the defendant. De Banco. Easter. 12. Ed. 4. m. 329. Notts. — Robert Sutton sued Arabella, late wife of Brian Stapelton, Kt., for execution of a Fine levied in 1 E. 2 between Richard de Byngham and Alice, his wife, respecting the manors of Byngham and Clypstowe and other lands, and the advowson of the church of Rotyngton, which he claimed as heir of Richard and Alice. Richard de Byngham.=j= Alice. Alice. I John. I Rowland. I Henry. I Richard. I Robert Sutton, the plaintiff. See suit of Hillary, 16 H. 6, p. 362, and suit of Trinity, 38 H. 6, p. 399. Coram Rege. Trinity. 13. Ed. 4. m. 1. Rex. Essex. — Richard Turnaunt and Thomas Stanton sued Henry Lestraunge for the manor of Little Reynes and advowson of the church. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 433 William de Rosohebrok.=FJoan. Alianora.=pJohn Pyke. Matilda. i Alice. I Roger. I Henry Lestraunge, Armiger, twenty-one years old at date of suit. The plaintiflFs denied that Henry Lestraunge was right heir of William de Rushbrook and Joan, and a jury gave a verdict in their favour. Coram Rege. Mich. 13. Ed. 4. m. 40. Sussex. — William Sydney, Armiger, sued Thomas Uvedale, late of Wykeham, co. Southampton, and Elizabeth, his wife, and David Frelands, of Cranle, co. Surrey, yeoman, for an illegal entry by force into his land at Ruggewyke. William Sydney, the elder, late of Cranle. William Sydney, of Cranle. I 1 William Sydney, the elder, William Sydney, the plaintiff, late of Baynards, who had who had entered as heir to his enfeoffed Elizabeth Nor- brother William and had been bury. expelled. The defendants claimed by a demise made by William Sydney, the elder, late of Baynardes, who gave the tenements to one Elizabeth Norbury and the heirs male of her body, and she had married Thomas Uvedale, the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 13. Ed. 4. m. 450. Cam^Wo^^e.— Richard Seynt George, of Hungrehade, Kt., was sued by Robert Amifles for unjustly imprisoning him and taking from him at Papworth six silver bowls, crateras argenti, and two dozen silver spoons. The pleadings give this pedigree ; — ' 434 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William de la Hay, seised of tlie=pSara. manor of Papworth Everard. I Margaret, ob. v.p. I I 1 Joan.^Baldwyne St. George. Mar7.=William de Blyton. 1 John. William St. George, Kt. Richard St. George, Kt., the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 13. Ed. 4. m. 620. Oxon. — Richard Chamberleyn, Armiger, sued Joan Chamberleyn, widow of William Chamberleyn, Armiger, for the manor of Great Barton, which Roger, son of John de St. John, of Lageham, Kt., had given to Nicholas de Loveigne, Kt., and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Nicholas de Loveigne, Kt.,=j=Margaret. seised temp. E. 3. I Philip de Seyntcler,=Margaret.==j=. . . second husband, ob. s.p. I Richard Chamberleyn. I 1 William Chamberleyn.=Joan. Richard Chamberleyn, the plaintiff. Joan pleaded that the plaintiffs father, Richard Chamberleyn, had an elder son William, and that one Richard Pygot had i-ecovered the manor from him by a writ of right, " per breve Regis de recto precipe in capite." ^ Coram Rege. Easter. 13. Ed. 4. m. 8. Rex. Kent. — John Newburgh sued Elizabeth Seyntclere, William Gauge and Christopher Harecurt, for the manor of Lullyngston Castell. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — * These writs of right were usually collusive suits. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 435 Elizabeth, forty-five years of age. John Seyntclere. I Philip. I Thomas. Alianora. William Gauge, twenty-five years of age. Edith. I Christofer Harecurt, twenty -four years of age. Nicholas Poyntz, seised=j=Matilda. ofthemanor, temp. E.2. I r -• Nicholas. I Hugh. Nicholas. Margaret. I John Newburgh. I John Newburgh, the plaintiff. Verdict for John Neuburgh. See suit of Hillary, 19 H. 6, p. 372. De Banco. Mich. 14. Ed. 4. m. 455. Devon. — John Cruys sued Humfrey Poyntz and Elizabeth, his wife, for an illegal entry into the manors of M orchard Cruys and Great Rackerneford. Robert de Cruys, seised in 7 E. 3, of the=f=Isabella. manors of Morcestre Cruys, Overhamme, Great Rakerneford,Netherhamme, the moiety of the manor of Pidekewille and the advow- sons of Morcestre Cruys, Overhamme and Netherhame. Alexander. I Robert. Thomasia. Elizabeth.=Humfrey Poyntz, the defendants. Margery. Elizabeth, Elizabeth. John Prous. John Chalvedon. The jury found in favour of John Cruys, stating that Robert de Cruys never had a son Alexander. See suit of Easter, 4 E. 4, p. 408. 436 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 14. Ed. 4. m. 426. Northampton. — John Breton sued Richard Butfelyn, of Tekon, and John Osbarn, for lands in Tekon. William Breton, seised^p Agnes, temp. E. 3. I John. Edmund. I William. I John Breton, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 14. Ed. 4. m. 442. Oxon. — Elizabeth Everdon sued John Synimes for an illegal entry by force into her close at Wendilbury. The pleadings give the following pedigree of the Hampdons of Hampdon. John Hampdon, of Hampdon. i Alexander. I Edmund. I John. I Thomas Hampdon, living 14 E. 4. John Symmes stated he had entered as servant of Thomas Hampdon. JDe Banco. Easter. 14. Ed. 4. m. 118. Stijf. — Thomas Plater and Anne, his wife, sued Alexander Harman for land in Soham Comitis, Asshefeld Thorp and Cretyngeham, which was held of the manor of Tatyngton, by a writ of quare cessavit per bienninm, the service for it not having been performed for two years. Peter de Tatvngton, seised=j=Joan. by Fine of 29 E. 1. | Beatrice.=r William Bresworth. >- n Peter. Matilda. =f Roger Dencys. ' 1 John Deneys. r -^ Anne.=Thomas Plater, the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs name is spelt variously as Plater, Platter and Playter in the pleadings. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. . 437 De Banco. Easter. 14. Ed. 4. m. 419. Leic. — John Howell sued William Isham and Elizabeth, his wife, for the manor of Bloreston (excepting a bovate of land and the advowson of the church), which Oliver de Sutton had given to John Haryngton and Margery, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. John Haryngton, seised=f=Margery. temp. E. 2. Robert Haryngton, Kt. I ■ ~ 1 Robert Haryngton, Arraiger, Margaret Bramspath, ob. s.p. sister and heir. William Bramspath, Kt. John Bramspath, Kt., Thomas, Joan. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I John Howell, the plaintiff. By another writ on m. 356, John Howell sued Henry Greystock and . . . , his wife, for the manor of Nettylbury, giving the same pleading and the same descent. De Banco. Easter. 5. Hen. 6. m. 319. Bucks — Edmund Ferrers, Kt., and Elena, his wife, and Richard Longeville sued John Bai-ton, of Thornton, co. Bucks, the younger, John Longeville, of Little Billing, co. Northampton, and three others, the executors of the will of Elizabeth, late Lady Clynton, to give up to them a bag containing deeds and muniments which they unjustly detained. The pleadings give this pedigree : — William de Bermingeham, Kt. i r -■ William.=rMatilda. I William. I Fulk. ( ' 1 John de Bermingeham,^=Elizabeth.=Lord Clynton. Thomas de Bermingeham. 1st husband. 2nd husband. | Elizabeth. I r -I -• Ellen.=Edmund Ferrers, Kt., Elizabeth, the plaintiffs. | Richard Longeville, plaintiff, under age. Elizabeth, Lady Clinton, had died in 2 H. 6. 438 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 15. Ed. 4. m. 344. Oxon. — Humfrey Sakevile, Armiger, sued Thomas Rokes for the next presentation to the church of Amyngton, and stated that Osbrond (sic) Sakevyle had been seised of it temp. Hen. 3, and had enfeoffed Jurdan Sakeville. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Jurdan de Sakeville. .1 William. I Jurdan. I Bartholomew. I Jurdan. I Thomas. Robert. Thomas. I Thomas. I ■ Margery. Thomas Rokes, the defendant. Thomas Rokes stated that Edward Sakevyle, the father of the plaintiff, had unjustly disseised Thomas, son of Robert de Sakeville, of the advowson, and had presented to the church by usurpation. De Banco. Hillary. 15. Ed. 4. m. 424. Rutland. — John Blount, Lord of Mountjoie, sued John Elryngton, Armiger, and Margaret, his wife, for the manor of Belton, which Richard Duddeley and John Ixjvedale had granted to Walter Blount, Kt., and the heirs male of his body, temp. Ric. 2. Walter Blount, Kt., enfeoffed temp. Ric. 2. I Thomas. I Walter. I John Blount, Lord Mountjoie, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 439 De Banco. Trinity. 16. Ed. 4. m. 438. Wane. — John Culpeper, Kt., sued Brian Talbot, Armiger, and Katrine, his wife, for a forcible entry into the manors of Hardus- huUe, Anceley and Monewode, against the Statute of 5 Ric. 2. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Matilda,=x=John Hardyshulle, Kt.=j==Margaret, 1st wife. 2nd wife. 1 izabeth.=T=John Culpeper. 1 Thomas Culpeper, Kt. Walter, ob. v.p. 1 John Culpeper, Kt., the plaintiff. 1 Joyce. 1 Thomas Culpeper, Kt. 1 John Culpeper, Kt., late of Exton. r -• K'atrine.=Brian Talbot the defendants. John Culpeper denied that Sir John Hardeshulle and Margaret had a daughter named Joyce, and a verdict was given in his favour. Other suits on mm. 439 and 440 give this additional information : — Thomas Culpeper, Kt.^pAlianora. John Culpeper, Kt.,=r Juliana. — John Bramspath. of Exton. I L -^ John Haryngton,=Katrine. — Brian Talbot, 1st husband. 2nd husband. De Banco. Hillary. 16. Ed. 4. m. 405 dorso. Derh. — Nicholas Longford, Kt., sued Robert Legh, the elder, for the advowson of the church of Normanton. Alured Sulny, seised temp. E. 3. Margaret. I Ba.lph. I Nicholas. I Nicholas de Longford, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 16. Ed. 4. m. 463. London. — John Broughton and three others named sued John le Strange, Kt., for a forcible entry into two messuages in the parish of St. Andrew, in Hoi born. It appeared by the pleadings that one Ebulo le Strange and another had granted the premises to one John Lestrange (son of Roger le Strange) and Matilda, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. 440 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Lestrange,=T=Matilda. son of Roger. | Richard. I John Lestrange, Kt., the defendant. De Banco. Trinity. 17. Ed. 4. m. 315. Yorkshire. — Brian Stapelton, Kt., sued Richard Harcourt, Kt., and Katrine, his wife, to carry out the terms of a Fine levied 28 E. 3, by Miles de Stapelton, Kt., and Joan, his wife, respecting the manor of Cothereston and a moiety of the manors of Bedale and Askam, co. York, and the manor of Northmorton, co. Berks. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Miles de Stapelton, of Bedale, Kt.,=Joan. Brian, living 28 E. 3, ob. s.p. | Brian. Brian. I Brian. I Brian Stapelton, Kt., the plaintiff. I ; ; I Miles de Stapelton, Kt.,=T=Katrine. --Richard Harcourt, Brian, of Ingham, livings E. 4. I 2nd husband. | --j Elizabeth. — John Elizabeth .=^ William Calthorp, Kt. Joan. = Christopher Richers. Harcourt. See also a suit of Easter, 10. Ed. 4, pp. 429, 430. De Banco. Trinity. 17 Ed. 4. m. 339 dorso. Devon. — io\\n Trenowyth, Armiger, sued Thomas Tresithny and Margaret, his wife, for the manor of Alwynestone. John Busshelle, seised temp. E. 3. Elizabeth. I John. I Ralph. I John. I John Trenowyth, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 441 Bucks. De Banco. Trinity. 17. Ed. 4. m. 343. -Thomas Rokes sued Thomas More for the manor of Falley. Thomas de Saukeville,= seised temp. Ric. 2. -Matilda. I Robert. Thomas. I Thomas. Thomas. 1 Marjory. Thomas, Thomas Rokes, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. Verdict for plaintiff, and see suit Hillary, 15 E. 4, p. 438. De Banco. Trinity. 17. Ed. 4. m. 445 dorso. Leicester.— John Kebeelle and Thomas Lacy and Mary, his wife, sued Gervase Clifton and three others for five vir<:;ates of land in Hatherne, claiming as right heirs of Hamon Hotoft and Alianora, his wife, who were seised of the land temp. E. 2. Thomas Hotoft, seised-f=Alianora. temp. E. 2. I r -• Robert. . I Richard. h Richard. I Richard, ob. s.p. Isolda. I John. Verdict for the plaintiffs. The exact relationship of Agnes. i John Kebeelle, plaintiff. — I Mary.= Thomas Lacy, plaintiffs. Isolda to one of the Richards in the pedigree has been given on the record and afterwards expunged, but judging by chronology, it was probably as shewn by the dotted line. The fact of three Richards succeeding one another evidently made this part of the pedigree obscure, and the plaintiffs were not quite certain of it themselves. By another writ on m. 420, the same plaintiffs recovered from the same defendants, and on the same plea, two messuages, fourteen tofts, a mill and twenty-four virgates of land in Humberstone and Thur- maston, co. Leicester. 442 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 17. Ed. 4. m. 465. Ebor. — John Vavasour and -James Wodehouse sued Nicholas Saxton for lands and rents in Saxton and Barkestone, and srave this descent : — llichard Gray, seised temp. E. 1. Isabella. 1 1 William. 1 1 John. William. 1 Joan. 1 1 Agnes. 1 JoLn. 1 William. 1 John. 1 John. John Vavasour, the plaintifE. 1 James Wodehouse, the jilaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 17. Ed. 4. m. 433. Kent. — John Andreu sued Thomas Cook and seven others for the execution of a Fine levied in 22 E. 3, respecting the manor of Eslyngham and lands in Frendesbury, Hegham and other places in CO. Kent. Roger Andreu, living=p Isabella. 22 E. 3. I r -• John. Stephen. I John Andreu, the plaintifiE. De Banco. T'rinity. 18. Ed. 4. m. 105 doiso. Berks. — Thomas Walrond sued Thomas Kyngeston for the manor of Chelrey and the advowson of the church of Chelrey. John Frethorn, seised=f=Elizabeth. temp. E. 3. I I 1 Walter, Isabella, ob. s.p. I Elizabeth. Elizabeth, I Thomas Walrond, the plaintifE. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 443 De Banco. Trinity. 18. Ed. 4. m. 141. »S'7tssea^.— Thomas Huse sued Roger Leukenore, Kt., and two others for the manor of Hertyng, which William Paynell and Matilda, his wife, had given to Henry, son of Matthew Huse, and the heirs of his body. Henry, son of Matthew Huse, seised temp. H. 3. Henry. Henry. Mark. I Henry. i Mark. I John. I Thomas Huse, the plaintiff. The defendants acknowledged the rights of the plaintiff. At Trinity Term 18 E. 4, m. 304, the same plaintiff recovered the manor of Staunden, co. Wilts, on the same plea from Henry Lovell, Armiger, and Constance, his wife, and Reginald Bray and Katherine, his wife. De Banco. Trinity. 18. Ed. 4. m. 307 dorso. Essex. — Michael Denys and Alice, his wife, sued John Chalke and Richard Damery for the manor of Chauree, which John de Waltham and John Sumplyng had granted to William, son of William de Wauton and the heirs of his body. William Wauton , son of William , seised temp. E. Joan. William. William. de 2. ict for the Ali plaintiffs. Mary. r -■ ce.=Michael Denys, the plaintiffs. De Banco. Trinity. 18 Ed. 4. m. 314. Forfolk.~.lo\m Copeldik sued John Coket, of Ampton, John Clopton, Armiger, and six others named, for the manor of Appulton, which Richard, son of William de Rokelle, gave to Joan de Rocheford and the heirs of her body, temp. E. 3. 444 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Joan de Rocheford, seised temp. E. 3. I John. I John. I William. I William. I John Copeldik, the plaintiff. Verdict for plaintiff. By another suit on the back of the same membrane John C^oket recovered the manor from John Copeldik by a writ of right, but this mode of procedure was usually collusive. De Banco. Trinity. 18. Ed. 4. m. 321. London. — Laurence Starky, Gentleman, and John Rodes, of London, Tailloui% were sued by John Morton, the custos of the Chancellor's Rolls, John Wode, Armiger, and Henry Ashbourne, Gentleman, for abducting Emma, one of the daughters and heirs of John Pelham, Armiger, son of John Pelham, Kt., who was under age and whose marriage belonged to them. The plaintiffs gave this descent : — John Pelham, Kt. I John Pelham, Armiger. I \ 1 Emma. Alice. Isabella. They stated that John Pelham, the father of Emma, was seised of the manor of Treve alias Ryver, co. Suffolk, and held it of Henry, Earl of Northumberland, as of his Honour of Petworth, by the service of one-fourth of a Knight's fee, and they produced the deed of the Earl, by which he granted to them the marriage of the three coheirs, dated 22 Nov., 17 E. 4, the coheirs being all under the age of fourteen }ears, and they asserted that they had been in peaceable seisin of the wardship until the 1st of Jan., 17 E. 4, when the defendants had carried off Emma from London in the parish of 8t. Mai-y of Aldermanbury, and for which they claimed £200 as damages. Verdict for the plaintiffs. Damages £35. Be Banco. Trinity. 18. Ed. 4. m. 335. City of York. — Joan Ingilby, widow, sued John Hardyng, clerk, and William Acroide, clerk, for the next presentation to the church of Marston alias Hoton Wandesley, and she stated that William Ingilby, who was seised of the manor of Hoton Wandesley and the advowson of the church, had presented to it temp. Hen. 6, and had afterwards enfeoffed in it William Plompton, Kt., and others, who had enfeoffed the said Joan for her life. The pleadings give this pedigree, and the defendants claimed by a grant of the last William Ingilby : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 445 Thomas Ingilby. I William. 1 John. I William Ingilby. De Banco. Trinity. 18. Ed. 4. m. 342. Ehor. — Thomas Babthorp, clerk, sued Richard Hay thorp and Thomas Haythorp for an illegal entry by force into the manor of Osgodby, near Selby. The defendants pleaded that long before the alleged illegal entry one Robert Rabas was seised of a moiety of the manor, and it had descended to Richard Haythorp, as his heir-at4aw, and they gave this pedigree :— I 1 Robert Osgodby. Isabella. I I Emma. Isabella. I I Robert Rabas, Thomas, ob. s.p. I Thomas. I Richard Haythorp, the defendant. And as regarded one moiety of the other moiety, one Thomas Neuhagh had been seised of it, and it had descended to Richard Haythorp, as his heir, and he gave these pedigrees : — I 1 Margaret. Isabella. I I Thomas Neuhagh. Isabella. Thomas. I Thomas. I Richard Haythorp. And as regarded one-third part of the residue of the manor, it had fallen to Richard Haythorp, as heir of Thomas, son of Robert Haythorp, as shewn by this pedigree : — Robert Haythorp, Kt., seised of one-third of the manor. I Thomas. I Thomas. I Richard Haythorp. 446 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Thomas Babthorp, the plaintiff, as regarded a portion of the manor, claimed by a feoffment made by one Ralph Turville, a coheir of Robert Osgodby, as shewn below : — Robert Osgodby. I 1 Emma. Cecily. I I Robert Rabas. Ralph Turville. And as regarded another portion he claimed by a demise made by Robert Rabas, and as regarded another portion he claimed by a deed of Thomas Neuhagh, of Hemmyngburgh, Chaplain, dated 7 Ric. 2. And as regarded another part he claimed under a grant of Thomas Haythorp, brother and heir of Richard Haythorp, dated 38 If. 6, and he gave these pedigrees in support of his claim : — ■ Robert Haythorp, Kt. Robert Babthorp, Kt. I . I Thomas, living 17 Ric. 2. Ralph. Thomas. Magister Thomas Babthorp, I the plaintiff. I 1 Richard Haythorp. Thomas Haythorp, living 38 H. 6. A verdict was given eventually for the plaintiff, Thomas Babthorp. De Banco. Trinity. 18. Ed. 4. m. 409. EhoT. — Hugh Hastynges, of Fenwick, Kt., sued for execution of a Fine levied in 18 E. 3, between John de Camoys and Margaret, his wife, respecting the manor of Cowesby and tenements in Moseley, Brantingham and Replyngham, by which Fine, on failure of the issue of John and Margaret, the said manor and other tenements were to devolve on Hugh de Hastyngs, Kt., and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of the body of Margaret, and he gave this descent : — Hugh de Hastyngs, Kt.,=f=Margaret. living 18 E. 3. I r- -J Hugh. I Hugh. I Edward. I John. I Hugh Hastyngs, Kt., the plaintiff. And see suit p. 416. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 447 De Banco. Trinity. 18. Ed. 4. m. 450. Cornwall. — Edward Grey, Lord de Lisle and Elizabeth, his wife, sued John Holbein, Armiger, and another, for the next presentation to the church of Seynt Mabyn. The pleadings state that Thomas Courtenay and Joan, his wife, were seised of the manor of Trevesquyte, to which the advowson was appurtenant, together with the manors of Hamentheby, Middelpolglasse and Overpoleglasse, to be lield by them and the heirs of their bodies, and with remainder to Robert Scobhulle and the heirs of his body. Thomas and Joan had issue three sons, John, Edmund and Thomas, and a daughter Clemence, all of whom had died without leaving issue, and from Robert Scobhulle the plaintiffs gave this descent : — Robert Scobhulle. 1 1 Joan, had in 1 Isabella, Elizabeth, 1 Isabella, the partition the elder, had Over- younger, had Hamentheby. had Middel- polglasse. polglasse. r Trevysquyto. 1 Joan. 1 Elizabeth.=Edward Grey, Lord de Lisle, the plaintiffs. Coram Rege. Mich. 18. Ed. 4. m. 58. Dorset. — John Chokke, Armiger, sued Thomas Bruyn, of Rovenore, CO. Hants, for an illegal entry by force into the manor of Randol- veston. Thomas stated that one John Marchara, Parson of Bekyng- ham, CO. Kent, was seised of the manor, and had conveyed it to Robert de Marny and his assigns for the term of his life, with remainder to Ingelran Bi-uyn and the heirs male of his body and failing such, to William de Marny, the son and heir of Robert, and the heirs male of his body, and failing such, to one Maurice Bruyn, Kt., and his heirs for ever, and he gave this pedigree :-- Ingelran Bruyn. Maurice. I Thomas Bruyn, the defendant. John Chokke had entered under pretence of a demise made to him by John Marcham for his life before the feoffment made to Robert de Marny, and Thomas Bruyn had expelled him. John Chokke gave this descent : — Maurice Bruyn, formerly seised of the manor. I J William. =F Alice. Ingelran Bruyn, of the first pedigree. 448 PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. And he stated that Maurice, son of Ingelran Bruyn, had enfeoffed Henry Bruyn, son of the said Maurice, and Henry had enfeoffed Richard Chokke, Kt., and Richard had demised the manor to him (John Chokke) for his life, and he was seised of it peaceably until expelled by the defendant. De Banco. Hillary. 18. Ed. 4. m. 359. Notts. — Geoffrey Pylkyngton and Agnes, his wife, sued John Vavasour, William Catesby and three others, for the manor of AUesworth, which Thomas de Bella aqua (Bellew) had given to Robert Sallowe and Ellen, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, temp. E. 3. Robert Sallowe, seised=j temp. E. 3. =Elena. William. 1 1 George. 1 1 William. 1 1 Agnes, ob. s.p. endants admitted the claim. 1 Agnes. — Geoffrey Pilkyngton, the plaintiffs De Banco. Hillary. 18. Ed. 4. m. 359 dorso. Sussex. — William Knottesford sued John Hydney for the next presen- tation to the church of Denton. James Knottesford.=f=Beatrice. John. I William Knottesford, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 19. Ed. 4. m. 355. Hereford.-- John Barre, Kt., sued John Morys and Alice, his wife, for land in Wynestone, near Hereford, which Thomas de la Barre, the elder, had granted to Thomas de la Barre, the younger, and to the heirs male of his body. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 449 Thomas de la Barre, the younger, seised temp. E. 3. I Thomas. I Thomas. John Barre, Kt., the plaintiff. The defendants claimed through one Thomas Monmouth, who had been seised of the tenements and had two daughters and heirs, Alice and Alianora, of whom Alice had married John Morys. De Banco. Hillary. 19. Ed. 4. m. 356. Wilts. — Edward Darell, Armiger, sued John Hamelyn and Jolm Weston for the manor of Stotescombe. Elizabeth, widow of Robert Loundres, Kt. Matilda. Felicia. I Thomas. I Elizabeth. I George. I Edward Darell, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 19. Ed. 4. m. 360 dorso. Wilts. — Robert Baynard, Armiger, sued Robert Dudley and John Harfordshere for land in Charlaweswyke. John Blewet, seised temp. E. 1. I Alianora. I Philip. Robert. I Philip. I Robert Baynard, the plaintiff. 450 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 19. Ed. 4. m. 468. Cornwall. — Thomas West, Kt., sued William, the Bishop of Winchester, and others, for the manor of Alyngton. John le Warr.=j=Margaret. Roger. Joan. I Reginald. Richard. I Thomas West, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ed. 4. m. 151 dor so. Somerset. — Thomas Mody sued John Chokke, son and heir of Richard Chokke, Kt., and John Forster for the manor of Flyntford and other lands which William Braunche had given to Philip de Gryndenham in frank marriage with Jolenta, his daughter, temp. Ed. 2. Philip de Gryndenham.^ Jolenta. r -" John. I Thomas. I Margaret. Nicholas. Christine. Thomas Mody. The defendants admitted the claim. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ed. 4. m. 306. Sussex. — John Clerkson and John Ingler sued John Erneley for a messuage and two carucates of land in Sidlesham wliich Gilbert Fauconer, late of Muchelgrove, had given to John Erneley, late of Erneley, and to the heirs of his body. John Erneley, of Erneley, seised temp. E. 3. John. Joan. Isabella. I I John Clerkson, John Ingler, plaintiff. plaintiff. The defendant admitted the claim. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 451 De Banco. Mich. 19. Ed. 4. m. 328. Devon. — Elizabeth, the Queen of England, sued Nicholas Chichester, John Bonevyle, Bastard, and John Webber, Clerk, for the next presentation to the church of Newton Feryce, and stated by her attorney that 'one Thomas Bonevyle, the father of John Bonevyle, of Shute, was seised of the advowson and had presented to the church temp. Hen. 6, and the right had descended to his son John Bonevyle, of Shute, and the said John by deed dated 15 April 1469, had granted the advowson to the Queen. The defendants gave this pedigree : — Martin Ferrers, Kt., seised of the advowsou. I 1 Elizabeth. Levita, living, ^pJohn Flemyng. I 21 H. 6. I r-' I Joan.=pThoinas Bonevyle, named Christopher Flemyng. in the Queen's Plea, and living 21 H. 6. John Bonevyle, of Shute. I John Bonevyle, Bastai'd. They pleaded that John Bonevyle, of Shute, had granted the advowson to John Bonevyle, Bastard and Nicholas Chichester. A verdict was given in favour of the Queen at the following Easter term. De Banco. Mich. 19. Ed. 4. m. 459. Devon. — John Crocker, of Lyneham, Kt., John Crocker, of Lyneham, gentleman, Henry Bokelle, of Lyneham, yeoman, and two others, were sued by John Fortescu, Armiger, for breaking into his closes and houses at Ermyngton and Rattre, and taking twenty horses and ten cows belonging to him. The pleadings state that one John Folywell and Agnes, his wife, were seised of the tenements for their lives, with remainder to George Densyll and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs of the bodies of George and Agnes, and failing such, to the heirs of the body of Agnes, and failing such, to Mabel, then wife of one William Fortescu, and to the heirs of the body of Mabel for ever. John Fortescu also stated that Agnes had died leaving no issue, but George Densill had issue one Margaret, a bastard, the mother of Henry Bokelle, by one Margaret Dey, born in adultery, and had left no legitimate issue, and the tenements had therefore reverted to William Fortescu and Mabel, in right of Mabel, and they had issue, John Fortescu, the plaintiff. 452 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 20. Ed. 4. m. 390. Devon. — Humfrey Poyntz and Elizabeth, his wife, John Prous and John Chalvedon, sued John Cruys for an unjust disseisin in Welle- combe, Cruys Anstey, Cruys Sydehara and Little Rakernford. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — < Alexander Cruys, seised temp. Ric. 2. John. I Thomas. I John Cruys, the defendant. Alexander Cruys, seised 4 Ric. 2. Robert.=rMargaret. Thomasia. I Elizabeth. =Humfrey Poyntz, plaintiffs. Margaret. John Prous, plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiifs. 1 Elizabeth. John. I Thomas. I John Cruys, the defendant. Elizabeth. John Chalvedon, plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 20. Ed. 4. m. 409. Cornwall.— iohn Tretherff, Armiger, sued Thomas Glasen for breaking into his closes at Seynt Elven, Trewoen in the pai-ish of Seynt Breke, and other places named. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Reginald Tretherff. John. J Reginald. John Tretherff, the plaintiff. Thomas Caleys. I Joan. 1 John Glasen. I Thomas. Thomas Glasen, the defendant. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 4od De Banco. Mich. 20. Ed. 4. m. 546. Notts. — Thomas Wylde, of Lytell Leek, sued John Turvylle, of Newhall, Ariniger, for an illegal distress in Lytell Leek. Balph Bugge. I Geoffrey. Geoffrey. Edmund. Margaret. William Turvyle. I John Turvyle, the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 20. Ed. 4. m. 550. Salop. — Peter Corbet, son and heir of Thomas Corbet, Armiger, sued Lucy Corbet, late of Salop, widow, to give up to him a pyx containing deeds and muniments. Peter Corbet, Lord of Caus, formerly seised of four messuages in Aston Pygot, had granted them to Roger Corbet, Kt., to be held by him and the heirs of his body, together with the custody of his forest and of all his chases and parks and the issues of them, which the Lady Alice Corbet held for her life as dower. Roger Corbet, Kt. Roger. i Thomas. I Thomas. I Peter Corbet, the plaintiff. Thomas Corbet, the father of Peter, had lost the pyx by accident in August, 19 Ed. 4, at Salop, and it had come into the possession of the defendant. De Banco. Easter. 20. Ed. 4. m. 133. Hertford. — Walter Patsy 11 and Rose, his wife, sued John Chancy, late of Sabrygge worth, gentleman, for an illegal entry by force into a tenement at Sabryggeworth. Ralph Gyfford, formerly seised of the tenement, had granted it to John Gyfford and Matilda, his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. 454 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Gy£ford.=i=Matilda. r— ^ William. I I Margaret. I John. John Cliancy, the defendant, who had entered after the death of Margaret. According to an Inquisition p.m. taken in 27 Hen. 6, 1448-9, (apparently) on the death of John Chancy,^ the manor of Great Samp- ford, called Giffords, had descended to John Giiford and Margaret (sic) his wife, and from them to William Gilford, their son, and from William to John GifiCord, son of William, who died s.p., and the manor had descended to Margaret Chancy, the sister of John and daughter of William Gifford. Margaret Chancy had granted the manor to John Chancy, her eldest son, and John Chancy, the elder, by his deed had granted it to John Chancy, the younger, his brother, to be held by him and his heirs for ever. Be Banco. Easter. 20. Ed. 4. m. 311. Essex. — Margaret Trey, widow, sued Henry Marney for an illegal distress in the manor of Leyre Marney. Robert Marney, Kt., seised of the manor of Leyre Marney. William. I John Marney, Kt. John Marney had enfeoffed in the manor Thomas Tyrell, Kt., Thomas Cornewaleys, Armiger, and two others, and they had re-enfeoffed Joan Marney, for her life, with remainder ^o Henry Marney, the defendant, and the heirs of his body. Coram Reye. Trinity. 20. Ed. 4. m. 37. Glouc. — Henry Tracy, Armiger, sued John Vampage for a trespass at Newington and Bampton. William, the Abbot of Hailes, had enfeoffed William Tracy, the younger, son of William Tracy, Armiger, and Katrine, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, in the tene- ments, in 13 Hen. 6, with remainder to Isabella, wife of Richard Urdeley, and the heirs of her body ; and William Tracy and Katrine had died without leaving issue. ' The Inquisition is stated in the Calendar to have been taken on the death of John GifFard, but the contents of it shew this could not have been the case. John Giffard is stated in the Inquisition to have died in 1414, thirty-four years before the date of the Inquisition. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 455 Richard Urdeley.=f=Isabella. _r ' William. William Creke,=j=Katrine.=f=John Latener, 1st husband. I I 2nd husband. I ■ , Thomas Creke, who had enfeoffed John Latener, Henry Tracy, the plaintiff. the younger. A suit in Banco, Easter Term 20 Ed. 4, m. 456, shews that John Vampage claimed by a grant of Richard Urdeley and Isabella. Coram Rege. Trinity. 20. Ed. 4. m. 6. Rex. Devon. — In a suit of the King versus John, Lord Dynham, William Paulet, Kt., Humfrey Courtenay, Armiger, John Denys, of Orlegh, and two others, respecting the custody of the manors of Ferdell, Bolleham, Coleton llalegh and Wydecombe Ralegh, of which Walter Ralegh, Armiger, had died seised, the pleadings give this descent : — Walter Ralegh, living 4 E. 4, had enfeoffed the defendants in the manors. .1 William. I Joan, 5 years of age. The King had granted the custody of the manors, inter alia, to John Say, Kt., and the defendants appealed. De Banco. Mich. 20.. Ed. 4. m. 611. Glouc. — Thomas Payne sued John Benet, son of John Benet, for lands and tenements in Rodburgh. John Spylman, seised^Margaret. temp. E. 3. I Margaret. Margery. William. I Thomas Payne, the plaintiff. John Benet claimed by a grant of William Payne, the father of the plaintiflP, dated 24 Hen. 6, and the jury found in his favour. 456 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 20. Ed. 4. m. 630. Kent. — John Pympe, Armiger, sued John Gyfford, Kt., and Philippa, his wife, and three others named, for the manors of Nettilheth and Pympe, and lands in Bi'enche, Horsmonden, Lamberhest, Eldyng, West Mallyng, East Mallyng and other places. Reginald Pympe, seised temp. E. 3. John. I John. Verdict for the plaintiff. John Pympe, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 21. Ed. 4. m. 396. Oxon. — John Nowers sued Elizabeth Boteler, widow, for the manor of Chirchelle. Roger de Nodariis, seised temp. H. 3. I Roger. I Roger. I Richard. John. George. John Nowers, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 21. Ed. 4. m. 34. Salop. — Reginald Sowdeley and Joan, his wife, sued Humfrey Tytteley, of Tytteleye, and William Steventon, of Bothull, for a third of lands and tenements in Hoyall, Horton and Preston on the Wyldemore. Philip, son of Richard Horton,=f Isabella, d. of John de seised temp. E. 3. Preyres, of Bothull. I 1 ■ 1 Katrine. Elizabeth. Joan.= I I Reginald Sowdeley, Humfrey Tytteley, Richard. plaintiffs, defendant. | William Steventon, defendant. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 457 By another suit on m. 35 dor so, the same plaintiffs sued the same defendants for lands in Bothull, Welyngton and Appeley, of which John, son of John de Preres, the father of Isabella, had been seised temp. Ed. 3, and they gave the same descent. At Michaelmas term 21 Ed. 4, on membranes 560 and 561, a verdict was given in favour of the plaintiffs in both suits. Be Banco. Mich. 21. M. 4. m. 272. Wigorn. — John Wasshebourne, son and heir of Norman Wasshebourne, sued Humfrey Salwey, Armiger, for the manor of Stanford, and gave this descent : — Roger de Wasshebourne, seised temp. E. 3. John, .John, brother and ob. s.p. heir of John. Peter. John. I Norman. I John de Wasshebourne, the plaintiff. The defendant denied that John, the father of Peter, was brother and heir of the other John, and gave this descent : — John de Wassheboume.=rIsabella. I ^ — ■ 1 Roger, the Peter, eldest son. | John. I Norman. I John de Wasshebourne, the plaintiff. Although not stated in the pleadings, it is probable that Humfrey Salwey represented the eldest son Roger, and the jury found in his favour so far as the pedigree was concerned. See two suits Easter 2 Ed. IV, ante, p. 402. De Banco. Mich. 21. Ud. 4. m. 411. Cornwall. — John Rosogan sued John Trevanyon, of Carehays, and two others (his bailiffs), for illegally taking his cattle at Penans. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — 458 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Ralph Arundelle, of Carehays. r I Ralph, Margaret, ob. s.p. I Joan. Thomas. I John Trevanyon, the defendant. Nicholas do Menleder. I John. I John. Alice. — John Rosogan, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 21. Ed. 4. m. 575. Oxon. — Humfrey Sakevyle, Armiger, sued Thomas Bokes for the manor of Amynton. Robert Sakevyle. Thomas Sakevyle, Kt. I Thomas. I Thomas. Margery. I Thomas Rokes, the defendant. Thomas Sakevyle, of Bukherst, Kt. I Edward. I Humfrey Sakevyle, the plaintiff. And see suits of 15 Ed. 4 and 17 Ed. 4, ante, pp. 438, 441. De Banco. Trinity. 22. Ed. 4. m. 101. Norf. — Geoffrey Buk sued John Plomer, the Bailiff of William Calthorp, Kt., of Norwich, for an illegal distress in the vill of Burnham Westgate. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 459 William Caltliorp, of Burnbam, Kt., seised of the land by tbe bands of Thomas Vernon, his tenant. I Oliver. William. John. I William Calthorp, of Norwich, living 22 E. 4. De Banco. Trinity. 22. Ed. 4. m. 159. Derh. — Ralph Fitzherbert sued John Cokyne (Cokayne) for lands and tenements in Parwyche of which John Fitzherbert, his kinsman, and whose heir he was, had been seised temp. Ed. 3. John Fitzhei-bort, seised tomp. E. 3. I William. I William. I Henry. Nicholas. t Ralph Fitzherbert, the plaintiff. And see pedigrees, ante, pp. 384, 385. De Banco. Trinity. 22. Ed. 4. m. 305. Derh. — Humfrey Lowe and Margaret, his wife, sued Robert Lee for land in Eyton, near Alsop, of which John Lemenestre, of Little Clifton, had been seised temp. Ed. 3. John Lemenestre, seised temp. E. 3. I Thomas. I Thomas. I I John. John. I Margaret, the plaintiff. 460 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 22. Ed. 4. m. 314. Westmoreland. — William Thorneburgh, Armiger, sued William Red- mayne, Kt., for an illegal distress in Selshede and Whynsell. Richard Redmayne, Kt., seised of the manor of Selshede. I Matthew. Richard. . . I William Redmayne, Kt., the defendant. De Banco. Trinity. 22. Ed. 4. m. 339. Kent. — John Andreu sued John Rykkyll for execution of a Fine levied in 22 Ed. 3, respecting the manor of Eslyngham and advowson of the church, and lands and tenements in Frendesbery, Hegham, Shorne and other places, by which the reversion of the said manor, advowson and lands had been settled on Roger Andreu and Isabella, his wife, and the heirs male of their bodies. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Roger Andreu, liying=j=Isabella. living 22 E. 3. I John. I Stephen. I John Andreu, the plaintiff. William Rykkyll, Kt. I Thomas. Joan. I ■ Thomas. John Rykkyll, the defendant. And see suit of Hillary, 17 Ed. IV, ante., p. 442. De Banco. Mich. 22. Ed. 4. m. 615. Wilts. — Robert Bonham sued Robert Baynard for an illegal distress at Charlaweswyke. The pleadings state that Richard Wyke formerly held the manor of William Mareschal, Earl of Pembroke, as of his manor of Kakham, and had granted it to one William Bluet, Kt., and the heirs of his body. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William Bluet, Kt. Ralph. I Robert. I John. I Alianora. I Philip. Robert. I Philip. I Robert Baynard, the defendant. 461 Richard Wyke. I Joan Crok. Nicholas. i Nicholas. Robert. I John Crok. Anne.—- Philippa.— Robert Bonham, William Floyer. plaintiff. Verdict for Robert Baynard. See a suit of Hillary, 19 Ed. IV, at p. 449. De Banco. Mich. 22. F.d. 4. m. 337. Southampton. — John Mohun sued Thomas Boureman and Joan his wife for lands and tenements in Horyngford. Isabella Overton, seised of the lands, ob. s.p. Verdict for the plaintiff. Joan. John. I John Mohun, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 22 E. 4. m. 418. .£'6or.— Thomas Wortley, John Woderove, Armiger, and two others sued .John Wentworth, late of Elmesalle, Armiger, and two others for lands, etc., in Hymmesworth and Acworthe. 462 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Wentworfch, formerly seised of the lands. I John. I John Wentworth, the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 22. E. 4. m. 543. Somerset. — John Nyter sued William Ruynon for lands, etc., in Great Stratton, Ovyrstratton, Netherstratton, Shepton Bewchamp, and Kingsbury Episcopi. Thomas Nyter, seised=f=Isabella. temp. E. 3. | r -^ n Baldwine, William, ob. s.p. I Kobert. i John Nyter, the plaintiff. William Ruynon claimed by a grant of Baldwine Nyter, dated 19 H. 6, to John Ruynon, Armiger, and a verdict was given in his favour, John Nyter, as heir of Baldwine, being bound to warrant Baldwine's grant. De Banco. Mich. 22. Ed. 4. m. 477. Somerset. — John Hunteley sued Richard Hatfeld, Armiger, and Christine, his wife, Joan Swete and Margaret Swete for lands and tenements in Netheratbare, Overatbare and Horner. The pleadings state that in 4 E. 2 a Fine was levied between Geoffrey de Mahun and Margery, his wife, and William de Burne, by which the tenements were settled on Geoffrey and Margery, and the heirs of the body of Geoffrey, with remainder to Nicholas, brother of Geoffrey, for his life, with remainder to David, son of Thomas Huntelegh and the heirs of his body, and failing such, to Thomas, brother of David and the heirs of his bod}^, and failing such, to the right heirs of Geoffrey de Mahun for ever. The defendants gave this pedigree : — Thomas, brother of David Huntelegh, entered according to the remainder. John Hunteley. Richard. Margaret. • Thomas. John=i=Beatrice John Hunteley, Shete. Tremayne. the plaintiff. Joan. r ' T -^ Christine.-^ Joan, Margaret, Richard Hatfeld, defendant, defendant, defendants. PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 463 John Hunteley stated that Margaret, the daughter of John Hunteley of the pedigree, had died s.p., and the jury found in his favour. De Banco. Trinity. 22. Ed. 4. m. 411. Ox'ow. — John Nowers sued Elizabeth Boteler, late of London, widow, and John Barantyne, late of London, gentleman, for a trespass at Churchehill by depasturing cattle on his grass. Roger de Nodariis, Kt. I Roger, I Roger. I 1 Richard Nowers, Kt., Sibil, first wife.=f John Nowers, Kt.=Alice, second wife, ob. s.p. I George Nowers, Kt. I 1 John Nowers, the elder, John Nowers, the younger, plaintiff. ob. s.p. The defendants claimed by a demise of Alice, the second wife of John Nowers, made to one John Drayton, who had enfeoffed Drogo Barantyne, and Drogo had enfeoffed Elizabeth Boteler. John Barantyne was the son of Drogo. John Nowers, the younger, had been outlawed and had abjured the Kingdom, and in 26 H. 6 had released all his claim in the manor of Churchehill to Drogo Barantyne and his heirs. See also a suit on p. 456. Coram Rege. Mich. 3. Ed. 4. m. 27. Warivick. — Richard Clapham sued John Shirwode to deliver up to him a pyx containing the muniments of the manor of Alspath (Meriden). The defendant stated that one Osbert Clinton was formerly seised of the manor, and had enfeoffed in it Gerard, son of Gerard de Alspath, and Matilda, his wife, and had delivered the muniments to them, and from them he gave this descent : — Gerard de Alspath. I r— ' Gerard.=rMatilda. i William. i Alice. I William. John Shirwode, the defendant. 464 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Richard Clapham was a Squire in the Household of Richard, Earl of Warwick, the King Maker, and was hanged in 1470 at Southampton under circumstances of great barbarity. (Stowe's Chronicle, and History of Wrottesley, Supplement to vol. xvii Genealogist, N.S., p. 227.) De Banco. Easter. 22. Ed. 4. m. 408. Ehor. — Ralph Graystoke, of Graystoke, Kt., Robert Graystoke, Kt., and William Eure, Clerk, sued Thomas Metham, Kt., and Henry Yavasour, Clerk, for the next presentation to the church of Teryngton Anketyne Malorey, prpsented=f Sarra. temp. H. 3. r- Nicholas, 1 Margerj'. Avice. 1 Nicholaa, 1 Sacra, ob. s.p. 1 — enfeoffed enfeoffed Anketine Salvavn. John Burdon, Nicholas Nicholas 1 who enfeoffed Stapelton Stapelton Anketyne, presented Anketine, son of her of her temp. E. 3. of Anketine Salvayn, of purparty. purparty. Nicholas Salvayn, who his purparty. enfeoffed John Langton of his purpart y. John Langton, enfeoffed by Nicholas Salvayne. 1 John. John. 1 Agnes.^James Danby, who enfeoffed the plaintiffs. Nicholas Stapelton. I Miles Stapelton, Kt., who enfeoffed Thomas Metham, Kt., of his two purparties, and Thomas presented temp. H. 4. Thomas Metham, Kt. I Alexander, died 20 July 4 H. 5. Thomas Metham, the defendant, proved his age 1 April 1 H. 6, and presented temp. H. 6. Nicholas Salvayn, before the feoffment made to John Langton, had granted the next presentation by deed to Miles Stapleton, who presented temp. Ric. 2. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 465 De Banco. Easter. 22. Ed. 4. m. 499. Oxon. — Thomas Danvers sued John Barantyne, Armiger, for the manor of Wymalle and lands and rents in Wymalle and Henton, and gave this descent : — Henry Bruly, Kt., seised temp. H. 3. William. I Henry. I Agnes. John. Joan. I Thomas Danvers, the plaintiff. The suit was probably collusive, for by a deed enrolled on the same Roll, dated 7 May 22 E. 4, John Barantyne, Armiger, son and heir of John Barantyne, son and heir of Dru Barantyne, sold the manors of Henton and Wymalle, near Chynore, co. Oxon, to Thomas Danvers. In another suit at Easter, 1 E. 5, m. 11, Thomas Danvers sued John Barantyne for the manor of Henton, and gave the same descent. De Banco. Mich. 2. Ric. 3. m. 127. Dorset. — John Broke, Kt., sued Richard F^'chett and others for an illegal entry by force into messuages and lands at Estmelplasshe and Mapoudre. Thomas Broke, Kt. I 1 Edward Broke, Kt. John Broke, Armiger, I Lord Cobham. John Broke, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 2. Ric. 3. m. 151. Suff. — William Dale sued Gilbert Debenham, Kt., for the manor of Tatyngston, which William Trevylle and Anne, his wife, and Elizabeth Tendryng had given to Thomas Fulthorpe and Beatrice, his wife, and the heirs of the body of Beatrice. Thomas Fulthorpe.^Beatrice. r -" I Thomas. I John (sic), son of Thomas. I William Dale, the plaintiff. The plaintiff had either changed his surname or John has been written by mistake for Joan. 46$ PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Mich. 2. Ric. 3. m. 452. Sussex. — Humfrey Sakevyle, Armiger, sued John Burton and two others for lands in Pevensey and Westham. Andrew Sakevyle, Kt. ' Thomas, seised temp. H. 6. Edward. I Humfrey Sakevyle, the plaintiff. The defendants admitted the claim. See suits printed on pp. 357, 458. De Banco. Easter. 2. Ric. 3. m. 351 dot'so. Ebor. — William Gascoigne, Kt., sued George Stanley, and Alianora, his wife, for execution of a Fine levied in 1 E. 2, between John de Novo Mercato (Newmarch) and Amice, his wife, plaintiffs, and Gilbert de Stapelton, deforciant, of the manor of Thorp in Balne and land in Wylmersley and Askerne, and the advowson of the church of Barneby, by which the manor, etc., had been settled on John de Newmarch and Amice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such, on the right heirs of John for ever. John de Novo Mercato.=r Amice. Adam. I Adam. I Boger. I Robert. 1 Ralph. Robert. i Elizabeth. I Joan. William Gascoigne, Kt., the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 2. Ric. 3. m. 370. Warw. — Richard Hubande, Armiger, sued Edward Hybande {sic), of Astwode, CO. Worcester, gentleman, for breaking into his closes at Ippesley and cutting down his trees. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 467 John Huband, Kt., seised of the manor of Ippesley. I Richard. I John Huband, Armiger. I Thomas. 1 Richard Hubande, the plaintiff. Edward Huband claimed by a demise of the wood of Ippesley made to him by John Huband, the grandfather of the plaintiff, dated 1 Oct. 1 E. 4. De Banco. Trinity. 3. Ric. 3. m. 273. Notts. — Ralph Vernon and Margaret, his wife, late wife of Thomas Chaworth, Armiger, sued Thomas Chaworth, Armiger, son of John Chaworth, Armiger, for one-third of land and rents in Estbriggeford and other places, and one-third of the advowson of Estbriggeford, as the dower of Margaret. I 1 William Chaworth, seized John Chaworth. of the lands, etc. I Thomas Chaworth,=Margaret.=Ralph Thomas Chaworth, ob. s.p. Vernon. the defendant. De Banco. Trinity. 2-3. Ric. 3. m. 3l7. Warw. — William Gascoigne, Kt., sued Robert Throckmorton, late of Cough ton, Armiger, and eight others, for abducting from Cough ton William Dyngley, the son and heir of William Dyngle}^, who was under age, and whose marriage belonged to him, inasmuch as his father had held the manor of Charleton, co. Worcester of one John Nevelle, the grandfather of William Gascoigne, and whose heir he was, by Knight's service, Charleton being held of the manor of Oversley. Ralph Nevelle. I John Nevelle. I Joan. William Gascoigne, Kt., the plaintiff, Robert Throckmorton stated that one John Throckmorton had been seised of the manor of Charleton, and held it of Ralph Nevelle, the father of John Nevelle, and he had granted the manor to Thomas Dyngley, the father of William, the father of the heir ; and John Throckmorton had died, and from him he gave this descent : — 468 PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John Throckmorton. I Thomas. i Robert Throckmorton, the defendant. Chester Plea Rolls. 6. Hen. 7. m. 20 dorso. Cestria. — Thomas Mascy and Joan, his wife, sued James Duncalf for lands and tenements in Buttelegh. Hugh, son of Vivian de Foxwist, seised temp. E. 3. Margaret. Hugh. I John. Joan. — Thomas Mascy, the plaintiffs. Chester Plea Poll. 8. Hen. 7. m. 36. Cestria. — Robert Tatton, son of Nicholas Tatton, sued Robert Vaudrey for lands and tenements in Northerdon, which Robert Tatton had granted to Richard Tatton and the heirs male of his body, temp. E. 2, and which should revert to the heir of the donor, the male issue of Richard having failed. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Richard Tatton, seised temp. B. 2. I William. John Tatton, ob. s.p.m. Robert Tatton, the donor, temp. E. 2. I William. Robert. William. Nicholas. Robert Tatton, the plaintiff. Although not specified, Richard Tatton was no doubt a younger son of Robert Tatton, the donor. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 469 Chester Pha Rolls. 8. Hen. 7. m. 36. Ces^ria. —r-Thomas Venables of Kynderton, Armiger, sued Richard Cotton, late of Rideware, co. Stafford, Armiger, Henry Brereton, of CO Chester, gentleman, and eleven others named for breaking into his closes at Kynderton and taking his cattle. Richard stated that the place where the cattle were taken was his freehold. Both parties appealed to a jury, and Richard challenged the panel, because it had been arrayed by John Assheley, the Coroner of Buclowe Hundred, wlio was kinsman to Thomas, and he gave this pedigree : — William Venables, of Kynderton. I Thomas. I William. I Thomas Venables, the plaintiff. Marjory. John. I Margaret. John Assheley, the Coroner. Cheshire Plea Rolls. 16. Hen. 7. m. 19. Cestria. — Thomas Legh and Richard Wrottesley sued John Stanley for the manor of Echeles, and for the manor of Aldeford, excepting a messuage and 20 acres of land. John de Ardene,=T=Elena. / seised temp. E. 3. I Thomas. John, ob. s.p.m. Walkeline, ob. s.p.m. Matilda. Robert de Legh, Kt. Robert. Robert. I Robei't Legh. See suit at p. 256. 1 Isabella. John. Hugh. Sir Walter Wrottesley, Kt. I Richard Wrottesley, the plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 7. Hen. 8. m. 517. Derh. — John Gifford, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, sued Ralph Montgomery, Armiger, and John Hogekynson, clerk, for the next presentation to the church of Cubley. 470 tEDiOREfiS FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Walter de Montgomery. Nicholas. I Nicholas. I Nicholas. Nicholas, presented temp. H. 7. Sir John Montgomery,=^Elizabeth,=John Gyffard, Kt., 2nd ob. s.p.m. plaintiff. husband, plaintiff. 1 Ralph, defendant. Sir John Montgomery had enfeoffed Edward, Lord Hastynges and others in the manor, and the feoffees had regranted it to Sir John Montgomery and Elizabeth, his wife, and heirs male of the body of Sir John. The latter had died, leaving no male issue, and Elizabeth claimed to hold Cubley and the advowson of the church for her life. Sir John Giffard was her second husband. A verdict was given in favour of Sir John Giffard and Elizabeth at Assizes at Derby in 8 H. 8. De Banco. Hillary. 9. Hen. 8. Ebor. — Thomas Strangways, Kt., Christopher Danby, Kt., and John Fitz Randolph, claiming as heirs of Thomas, Lord Scrope of Upsall, sued for execution of a Fine, levied 21. H. 6, between William, Lord Fitz Hugh, and John, Lord Scrope, and Elizabeth, his wife, respecting the manors of Coverham, Bellerby and other places. John, Lord Scrope,=pElizabeth. living 21 H. 6. I I Thomas. Thomas, Lord Scrope. Alice. Elizabeth, ob. s.p. Ralph, ob. s.p. Geoffrey le Scrope, clericus. Lord le Scrope, died at Upsall. De Banco. Trinity. 7. Hen. 8. m. 359 dor so. Northampton. — Edward, Duke of Buckingham, sued the Abbot of Combe for land in Navesby which John Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, had given to Richard de Clare and Matilda, his wife and the heirs of their bodies. PEDIGREES PROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 471 Richard de Clare,^Matilda. seised temp. E. 2. I Gilbert. Gilbert, ob. s.p. -+- Margaret, obtained the land in purparty. Marjory. « Hugh. Edmund. Humphrey. Humphrey. I Henry. Edward, Duke of Buckingham, the plaintiff. Isabella. De Banco. Trin. 21. HeAi. 8. m. 608. Cornwall.— M.ic\\a,e\ Bray and Richard Bray sued John, the Bishop of Oxford, Ralph Wendover, Clerk, William Courtenay, Anne Davers, widow, and Thomas Whytyngton, Armiger, for the next presentation to the church of Lanyvett. Bartholomew Giffard, seised of the manor and advowson, presented his Clerk, Walter GifEard, temp. E. 1. Robert Giffard.=T=Katherine. I Nicholas. I John. 1 Benedict. Roger. Henry, pre- sented Alu- red Gyffard to the church temp. Ric. 2, ob. s.p. Alured, ob. s.p. I Henry. I Benedict, succeed- ed as cousin and heir of Alured, and presented temp. H. 6. r~ Richard, ob. s.p. Alice.=rPredyaux. — '1 Isabella. Nicholl,=i=Joan.=Thomas John 1st hus- Lucombe, Bunteth. band. 2nd hus- | band. John John Nioholl. Bunteth. Alice, presented 6 H. 8, ob. s.p. And see suit at pp. 390-1. 472 PEDIGHEES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Dp Banco. Mich. 14. Ed. 4. m. 418. Staff. — Humfrey Stafford sued Joliii Colsulle, late of Benamy, co. Devon, Kt., and Elizabeth, his wife, John Wylby (Willoughby), late of Broke, co. Wilts, and Anne, his wife, and Tliomas Strangways, late of Loptou, co. Wilts, for an illegal entry by force into the manors of Penkeryche, Perton, Littewode, Hy de-Cop penhale, Alme- cote and Litelhay. The pleadings give this pedigree of the Staffords of Hoke : — John Stafford, seised by grant^pMargaret. of William Stafford, the elder, of the manor of Bromeself (Bramshall) and Almecote. Humfrey Stafford. Humfrey Stafford, of Hoke. Humfrey, Richard. John. ob. s.p. i I Amice, Humfrey, Countess ob. s.p. of Wilts. William. Humfrey Alice. Stafford, Elizabeth.^^ Ann.== Alianora.- Earl of John Col- John Thomas Devon, suUe, Kt. Wylby, Strang- ob. s.p. of Broke, ways. The plaintiff was Humphrey Stafford, of Grafton, co. Worcester. John Stafford, who heads the pedigree, was a younger son of William Stafford, of Sandon, Amblecote and Bramshall, co. Stafford, see vol. iv, New Series, Wm. Salt Society's Publications, p. 207. Assize Roll, 1039. 6. John, m. 4. dorso. Derh. — Hugh de Akoure (Okeover) sued William de Mungumeri in a plea that he should accept his homage for a freehold in Snelleston. The pleadings give these descents : — Lettice, sister of Walter=f Ralph de Akoure.- de Mungumeri, first wife. I . Second wife. Richard de Akoure,^-^Margaret,— Roger Putrel, first husband, ob. living 6 living 6 John, B.p. John. second husband. Hugh de Akoure, the plaintiff. Walter de Mungumeri. William. I William de Mungumeri, the defendant. Lettice.= Ralph de Akoure. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 473 Curia Regis Roll. Mich. 9. John, m. 4. Oxon. — The Prior of Kenil worth sued Nicholas de Verdun (called to warranty by Richard de Canvill and Eustachia, his wife) for the next presentation to the church of Hethe. Lecelina de Clinton. I Bertrana de Verdun. Thomas de Verdun,=Eustachia.=^Richard de Canvill, Nicholas de Verdun, first husband, ob.s. p. second husband. the defendant. Curia Regis Roll. No. 74. Triii. 4. Hen. 3. m. 20. Wilts. — Ralph de Pinkeni sued John Mautravers for land in Sumex'- ford, of which his father Ralph had been seised temp. Ric. I. Roger fitz Geoffrey. Ela. Alice. I I Richai-d de Heriet. John Mautrarers, the defendant. It was shewn that John Mautravers had died, and as his heir was under age, the suit was dismissed. Curia Regis Roll. 5. John, m. 2. dor so. Warw. — Henry de Armenters sued Geoffrey le Sauvage for a knight's fee in Wotton. Isabella, seised temp. H. 2. I David. Henry de Armenters, the plaintiff. Curia Regis Roll. No. 26. 4. John, m. 6. Lincoln. — Alexander de Crevequer sued Cecily Crevequer for fourteen and a half knights' fees in Redburn and other places. Matilda de Crevequer. ( 1 Simon. Alexander. i I. Alexander, Cecily, the plaintiff. the defendant. Alexander, the father of Cecily, was the eldest son of Matilda, 474 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Curia Regis Roll. No. 70. Mich. 3.-4. Hen. 3. m. 2. Sussex. — John de Breuse sued Reginald de Breuse for the castle of Brembre. William de Breuse, seised temp. H. 2. I William. John de Breuse, the plaintiff. Reginald pleaded he was undei* age, and John replied he was twenty -two years of age. In another suit Matilda de Clare, the widow of William de Breuse, sued the same Reginald for dower. Curia Regis Roll. No. 71. Mich. 3. — 4. Hen. 3. m. 23 dorso. Oxon. — William de Clinton sued the Abbot of Eynesham for the advowson of the church of Kei'sinton. William de Clinton, atavus, seised temp. H. 2. Jordan. I I William. I William de Clinton, the plaintiff. Curia Regis Roll. No. 73. 4, Hen. 3. Southamjyton. — Ralph Monachus (Le Moigne) sued Thurstan le Despencer for the manor of Kingesworth. Thurstan le Despencer. Walter. Almaric (Aylmer). I Thurstan le Despencer, the defendant. Ralph claimed as heir of Hugh Tirell, to whom Henry 1 had granted the manor, and he gave this descent : — Hugh Tirell, seised temp. II. 1. I Geoffrey. Robert. 1 Ralph Monachus, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 475 Curia Regis Boll. No. 74. Trinity. 4. Hen. 3. m. 5. Somerset. — Robert de Gurnay sued the Prior of Bermundesi for the next presentation to the church of Inglescumbe. Hawise de Gurnay. I Eva de Gurnay. I Robert de Gurnay, the plaintiff. The Prior claimed by a grant of Hawise de Gurnay, which had been confirmed by Reginald, formerly Bishop of Bath. Curia Regis Roll. Trinity. 9. — 10. John, m. 9. Warw. — Thomas de Arderne sued John de Bracebi for a knight's fee in Kinesbi. . . . First wife.^Turkil, seised =rLeverunia, the I temp. H. 1. second wife. I 1 Siward. Osbert. I ! Henry. Osbert. Thomas de Arderne, | 1 ' . the plaintiff. Daughter. Daughter. Amice. I John de Bracebi, the defendant. John de Bracebi, the defendant, denied that Turkil had been seised of the land on the day that Heiiry I was alive and dead (the limit of time for the action) and this was probably true, for Turchil de Warwick, who heads the pedigree, occurs in Domesday. Curia Regis Roll. Mich. 12. John, m. 5. Staff — Henry le Notte sued Hugh, son of Peter (de Bissopesbiri) for land in Bissopesbiri (Bushbury) and Penne. Aillena, d. of Gudmund, seised temp. H. 2. I Henry le Notte. Herbert. I Henry le Notte, the plaintiff. Curia Regis Roll. Trinity, 14. John, m. 9. dor so. Leicester. — Walter de Tiwe sued William de Pirario for land in Sixteneb^, 476 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. I 1 Goibert, the Seneschall, Hugh de Tiwe, seised temp. H. 1, ob. { s.p. Walter. Hugh. I Walter de Tiwe, the plaintiff. William de Pirario pleaded that he had recovered the land in a plea brought against him by Thomas, son of Thomas de Sixteneby in 2 RiQ. I. Curia Regis Roll. No. 70. Mich. 3. — 4. Hen. 3. m. 4. Somerset. — Alan Basset, the custos of William, son and heir of Dru de Montagu, sued William Briwere for the manor of Cheddes (? Chedzoy). William de Montagu. I Drogo (Dru). 1 William, who was under age, and in ward to Alan Basset. Alan stated that William Briwere had entered in a time of war. Curia Regis Roll. No. 70. Mich. 3. — 4. Hen. 3. m. 6. Kent. — William Paynell sued the Abbot of Gaunt for the manors of Grenewic and Levesham. Robert de Baunton, seised temp. H. 1. I Juliana. I Fulk Paynell. I William Paynell, the plaintiff. Curia Regis Roll. No. 72. 4. Hen. 3. m. 9. Ebor. — Eustace de Grenville sued the Prior of St. Trinity of York, for the next presentation to the church of Berton. Ralph Paynel, presented temp. H. 1. I Alexander. I . William. Frethersent. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 477 The Prior pleaded that the grant of Ralph Paynel, the founder of the Priory, had been confirmed by Henry I. Eustace claimed to hold the status of Fulk Paganel, who had presented to the church and whose lands had been granted to him by the King when Fulk renounced his allegiance and remaiiied in Normandy. Ciiria Regis Roll. No. 72. 4. Hen. 8. m. 25. Essex. — Richard de Montfichet sued Gilbert Anglicus (Langlais) for two carucates in (place illegible). William de Montfichet, seised temp. H. 1. I Gilbert. I Richard. I Richard de Montfichet, the plaintiff. Curia Regis Roll. No. 72. 4. Hen. 3. m. 25. Sussex. — Richard de Cahaumton sued R. Bisliop of Chichester for the advowson of the church of Sihameston. Richard, presented temp. H. 2. I — - ■ 1 Osmund, Richard. ob. 8. p. Riclmrd \Si, late wife of Robert Avenel, sued William de Ireby for a moiety of the manors of Gamelesby and Glassaneby. Odard, seised temp. K. John. Christiana. Eva,=Robert Avenel. I plaintiff. Christiana. =^Thomas de Lancelles, living 27 H. III. 494 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Curia Regis Roll. No. 126. 27. Hen. 3. m. 17. Leicester. — Robert le Butiller sued the Abbot of Croxton for the custody of one-third of two carucates of land in Eyton, formerly held by William le Butiller of him by knights' service. William de Evermue. Amabilla.=pKobert lo Butiller. Robert le Butiller, the plaintiff. William le Butiller deceased. Isolda.-rHenry de Segrave. Christiana. Curia Reyis Roll. No. 126. 27. Hen. 3. vi. 1 dorxo. Kent. — William Marevvurth sued Solomon de Hardus for a knight's fee in Hagherdris and Stalingher. Ham on. Eustace. Stephen. Henry. Peter. Giles, ob. s.p. I 1 1 Hamon. Thomas?. Roger. I Eustace. William Marewurth, the plaintiff. From Giles, who died s.p., the right reverted to a cousin Hamon, who had died s.p., and from the said Hamon lo his brother Thomas, who died s.p., and from Thomas to a brotlier Roger, and from Roger as shewn above Curia Regis Roll. Mich. 33. — 34 He7i. 3. m. 29 dorso. rrar?<;.— John de Somerville sued tlie Prior of Hertford and Isabella de Somerville for the advowson of the church of Stocton. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 495 Roger de Somerville.^Matilda. I r -> Roger. I John de Somerville, the plaintiff. Curia Regis Roll. No. 139. 34. Hen. 3. m. 13. Surrey. — Emma Belet sued John de Valletort and Alice, Iiis wife, for land in Westshenes. I 1 Michael Belet, seised John Belet, uncle and temp. K. John. heir of Matilda. I 1 1 I 1 ' r-i — I Robe^'t, Michael, Matilda, John, Thomas, Matilda, ob. s.p., ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Christiana, ob. s.p. Emma, the plaintiff. Curia Regis Roll. Trinity. 35. Hen. 3. (a fragment). Staff. — William, son of Robert de Wytele, sued Henry de Verdun and other tenants for land in Levedale. William de Wytele, seised temp. H. 2. I Thomas. Robert. William de Wytele, the plaintiff. The plaintiff derived hi.s name from Whitley, co. Warwick ; the first William held a fourth part of a knight's fee under Robert de Stafford in 1166 (Liber Rubeus). Curia Regis Roll. No. \bi. Trinity. 38. Hen. 3. {^Membranes not numbered). Northampton. — William de Duston sued Adam de Syvelesho and Matilda, his wife, and Walter de Syvelesho for land in Braumfeld and Plokton, which he claimed as his purparty of the inheritance of Alexander de Braumfeld. Alexander de Braumfeld. I ~~'^~. 1. Agnes. Helewise. Matilda.== I I Adam de Syvelesho. William de Duston, Walter de the plaintiff. Syvelesho. 496 PEDIGREES FROxVl THE PLEA ROLLS. The defendants pleaded that William was a villain tenant and could not therefore maintain his suit, and they stated tliat his father was named William 8wet and was a villain tenant of Hugh de Chaunceaus at Upton. Curia Keyis Roll. Hillary. No. 162. 43. Hen. 3. m. 1. Hereford. — Walter de Tranelegli sued the Prior of Breghinehow for the next presentation to the church of Buford. Walter de Tranelegli, presented temp. K. John. Walter. Walter do Tranelegh, the plaintiff. Curia lieijis Roll. Hillary. 43. Hen. 3. m. 10. Norf. — Richard de Ketleshaye sued Hugh, the Bishop of Ely, for the advowson of the church of Pulham. Agnes de Lanedy, seised temp. H. 2. I Richard. I William. Richard de Ketleshaye, the plaintiff. Curia Re(jis Roll. Hillary. 43. lien. 3. m. 17. Southamjjfon. — Geoffrey de Maundeville sued William, the Bishop of Bath and Wells, for a messuage and four carucates of land in Doggemaresfeld. Geoffrey de Mandeville, seised temp. H. 2. Robert. Geoffrey. Robert. Robert. I Geoffrey de Mandeville, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 497 Curia Eegis Roll. Hillary. 43. Hen. 3. m. 17. Norf. — William de Grauncurt sued William de Kalethoi-p and Cecily, his wife, for land in Burnhamthorp and the advowson of the church of Burnhamsutton, and he sued William de Wygehal and Isabella, his wife, for land in Harpele and Burnhamthorp. I 1 Walter de Grauncurt, seised Hugh, temp. H. 1, ob. s.p. | r -r -> Ralph, ob. s.p. Umfrey. r ^ Robert, ob. s.p. William. I r H Umfrey, ob. s.p. Walter. William de Grauncurt, the plaintiff. The defendants took exception to the writ owing to the remoteness of the title, and quoted the Statute of Merton, which limited writs of mort d'ancestor. Curia RpAjis Roll. Hillary. 43. Hen. 3. m. 21. Wilts. — William Braunche and Joan, his wife, sued William de Forz and Nicholas Poyne, who were called to warranty by John de la Stane, for half a knight's fee in Fisserton and Babynton, which they claimed as the right of Joan. -~i Robert, seised temp. Wandrith. H. 2, ob. s.p. I r- Hugh, Wandrith. ob. s.p. I Alien ora. Joan. =^ William Braunche, the plaintiffs. Curia Regis Roll. Hillary. 43. Hen. 3. m. 45. Lincoln. — John de Ry sued Gilbert, son of William de Pyncebek, for land in Gosberchirch. Robert de Ry. t Ralph. 1 Robert, uncle and William, 1 John. . 1 heir of Thomas, ob. s.p. 1 Thomas de Ry, ob. s.p. Robert. seised temp. H.3, 1 ob. s.p. John de Ry, the plaintiff. 498 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The defendant stated that Robert de Ry, who heads the pedigree, gave the land to Toly de Hybetoft in frank marriage with Iveta, his daughter, and he gave this pedigree: — Toly de Hybetoft.=rIveta de Ry. Lambert. I. Alexander, who died seised of the laud, and whose status he lield. Curia Regis Boll. Hillary. 43. Ilea. 3. m. 31 dorso. Notts. — Ralph de Crumbwcll sued Robert de la Valeye and other tenants for land in Wydeaierepol. Haldane, seised temp. H. 2. I Hugh. I Ralph. I Ralph. I Ralph de Crumbwell, the plaintiff. Most of the defendants called to warranty Heniy de Heriz. Curia Regis Roll. No. 171. Mich. 45.-46. Hen 3. 22. Line. — John de Langeton and Kamilla Fitz Walter sued Peter de Percy, Hugh de Neyville, Roger de Deyville and Peter le Bretun for a fifth and a third of a messuage and two knights' fees in Munby-Hoggesthorp and Anderby, as their purparty of the inheritance of Alice de Munby, the cousin of the said John and Kamilla, and of Alianora and Matilda, agisters of the said Kamilla, and of Peter, Hugh, Roger and Peter, whose heirs they were, and they gave this descent : — 1 I 1 ■ I 1 1 Ralph. Sarra. " Cecily. Matilda. 1 Alice. 1 Constance see below, Alice de Richard. Robert. William. William. p. 499. Munby, 1 1 1 1 seised temp. John de Peter de Amabilla. Walter. H. 3, ob. s.p. Langeton, Percy, 1 the plaintiff. defendant. Hugh de Ney- ville,defendant. r" 1 1 Kamilla, Alianora.= Matilda. plaintiff. William de Lund. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 499 From Constance, the fifth sister, the descent was as follows: — - Constance. Hoger, ob. s.p. Constance. Peter le Bretun, defendant. Matilda. r" Walter, ob. s.p. Roger de Nevylle (sfc), defendant, who is named above as Deyville. Two parts of a fifth part of the inheritance were excepted from the claim, because William de Lund and Alianora, his wife, and Matilda, sister of Alianora, were not joined in the suit. The defendants pleaded that on the death of Alice, one Peter de Savoy (Sal)audia), the chief lord, had taken the lands into his hands, and had divided them, and given their shares to them, and had kept the residue. The action should, therefore, be taken against Peter de Savoy. The suit was dismissed. IVarivick Assize Boll. 46. Hen. 3. m. 2. War7iK — John de Somerville sued Thorald, son of Edwin, for half a virgate of land in Stokton. Walter de Somerville, seised temp. H. 2. I Roger. I I Roger. • Roger. John de Somerville, the plaintiff. And see suit of Mich. 33-34 Hen. 3, ante pp. 494, 495. Warivick Assize Roll. 46. Hen. 3. m. 1. dorso. Warw. — Alan de Romely sued Hugh de Loges for a hyde of land in Cesterton. Alan de Romely, seised temp. Ric. 1. Geoffrey, ob. s.p. Matthew. I Alan de Romely, the plaintiff. 500 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Stafford Assize Roll. 56. Hen. 3. m. 9. Stqf. — ^Adam, son of Thomas Gilbert, sued William, son of Robert de Bruges, for a messuage in Stafford. Wymer, seised temp. H. 2. I Gilbert. -+- William. Bonamy, Thomas Gilbert. I ob. s.p. I Adam. i r- ' Hugh. Adam Gilbert, the plaintiff. The defendant claimed by a feoffment of Adam, son of William, to one Edelina, and the jury found in his favour. The Wymers were hereditary fermors of the King's fish-pools at Stafford. (See the Pipe Rolls, printed by the William Salt Society.) Stafford Assize Roll. 56 Hen. 3. m. 10. dorso. Staff. — Hugh Maunsel sued the Pi'ior of La Launde for the advowson of the church of Pateleshull (Patshull). Maunsel, seised temp. King John. Robert. Hugh Maunsel, the plaintiff. Stafford Assize Roll. 56. //en. 3. m. 15. Staff. — Benedict de Boterdon sued Itobert Sautclieverel, of Quikeshull for ten messuages and lands in Quikeshull. Dunning, seised temp. H. 2. (sic). I Edith. I Edith. William. I William. i Benedict de Boterdon, the plaintiff. The defendant pleaded that the first William had an elder brother Adam. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 501 Stafford Assize Roll. 56. Hen. 3. m. 23. Staff. — Robert, son of Roger Buffari, sued Philip, the Abbot of Cumbe, for lands in Trescote, which formed part of the fee of Penne Boffare {sic). William Buffari, seised temp. H. 2. I William. i Gilbert. Robert, the plaintiff. It will be noted that Robert calls his father Gilbert in one place and Roger in another. De Banco. Easter. 1. Edw 1. m. 6. dorso. Berks. — Philip de Fifide sued Margaret de Ferrariis, Countess of Derby, for the next presentation to the church of Fifide. Philip de Fifide, presented temp. H. 3. I Robert. I Philip, the plaintiff. It appears from the pleadings that the Countess had the custody of the manor and advowson during the minority of Philip, and he had married against her will, and thus, even if he was of full age at the date of the suit, the Countess claimed the right of presentation. Philip stated that he was married during his father's lifetime, and was of full age when the church became vacant. The Countess replied that he married after his father's death and was still under age. Curia Regis Roll. No. 167. 56. Hen. 3. m. 19. Oxon. — Adam de Stratton, the castas of the heir of William Marmion, sued Richard, the Bishop of Lincoln, and tlie Prior of Coventry, for the next presentation to the church of Chakenden. Robert Marmion, presented temp. K. John. I Geoffrey, the grandfather of the heir, living 6 H. 3. William. The heir of William, under age. The defendants pleaded that Robert Marmion, the ancestor of the heir, had granted the advowson to the Priory of Coventry, and Geoffrey, the grandfather of the heir, had acknowledged the right of the Prior by a Fine levied in 6 H. 3. It is not clear that the heir was son of William. 502 PEDir4REE.S FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco Roll. Easter. 1. Edtv. 1. m. 30. dorso. Wilts — Robert, son of Philip Pipard, sued Matliew de Columbers and Matilda, his wife, for the next presentation to tlie church of Pipardesclive. Michael Pipard, presented temp. H. 3. I Richard, ob. s.p. Roger, who had enfeoffed Mathew de Columbers, and Mathew was in seisin of tlio manor. Verdict for Mathew and Matilda. Philip. I Robert Pipard, the })laintiff. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 5. Edrv. 1. m. 9. ^Vo^.' -Jordan de Pyurlesdon (Puleston) sued Richard, son of William de Albaston, for land in Albaston. Ouyel (Howell) seised temp. K. John. . 1 1 , Willianr ob. s.p. Ric ob. ', 1 Henry, John, a priest. ob. s.p. 1 Agnes. ;hard, s.p. 1 William, ob. s.p. 1 Jordan, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 7. Edw. 1. m. 83. Staff. — John GyfFard, of Chilinton, sued Robert de Somerford, for customs and services owing to him for land in Chilinton. Peter Giffard, seised temp. K. John. Peter, ob. s.p. William, ob. s.p. Hugh, ob. s.p. John Gyffard, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 8.-9. Ediv. 1. m. 49. Leic. — Ralph Basset sued Nicholas de Segrave, called to warranty by John Percevall, for land in Wytherdeleye. Ralph Basset, seised temp. K. John. I Ralph. I Ralph. Ralph Basset, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 503 De Banco Roll. Trinity. 12. Edw. 1. m. 73. dor»o. Derh. and Staff. — Agnes, late wife of Oliver de Longford, sued William de Kavereswell for a third of thirteen marks of rent in Athelaston (EUaston). Nigel de Longford. Oliver. =j= Agnes, the plaintiff. John de Longford, under age. De Banco. Mich. 15. — 16. Edw. 1. m. iiS. Dei-h. — Walter de Gousel sued Adam de Krideling aijd John de Langeford (Longford) for the next presentation to the church of Wytewelle. 1 1 1 Robert. 1 Emma. Cecilia. 1 1 1 Adam. 1 1 1 Isabella, seised Mathew, Cecilia. Matilda. 1 of the manor ob. s.p. 1 1 Adam. temp. Hen. 3, Nigel. John. 1 ob. s.p. 1 Adam de Oliver. Walter de Krideling, 1 Gousel, the defendant. John de the plaintiff. Longford, the defendant. De Banco. Mich. 16.-17. Ediv. 1. m. 68. Sta,ff. — Reginald, son of John de Chavernes (de Charnes) sued Roger de Bourhton and Juliana, his wife, for land in Bourhton (l>roughton). Reginald de Chavernes, seised temp. H. 3. Richard. I Reginald, ob. s.p. Heni'y, ob. s.p. William, ob. s.p. John, uncle and heir of Reginald, son of Richard. Thomas, ob. s.p. Philip, ob. s.p. Reginald, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Easter. 17. Edw. 1. m. 73 dor so. Staff. — Peter de Arderne sued Roger, the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, for land in Elford. 504 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Roger, seised temp. K. Richard. Leuca. I Agnes. I Peter de Arderne, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Easter. 19. Edw. 1. m. 157. Staff. — Nicholas de Aldythelegh (Audley), as custos of Ricliard, the son and heir of Henry de Chetelton, sued the Abbot of Dieulacres for the next presentation to the church of Chetelton. Robert de Chetelton, presented temp. K. John. William, Hugh, ob. s.p. I William. I Robert. I Henry. Richard, imder age. The jury stated that Robert de Chetelton had made the last presentation in the reign of King John, and the Clerk then presented had died the last Parson of the church. If this was the case he must have lived to a hundred years, but there appears to have been some confusion between the two Roberts, and there are certainly too many generations in the pedigree. Stafford Assize Roll. 21. Edw. 1. m. 3 dorso. Staff. — Richard, son of Hervey de Stretton, sued Richard, son of Richard de Stretton, for land in Stretton. Richard de Stretton. I 1 Hervey. Richard, the defendant. Richard, the plaintiff. Stafford Assize Roll. 21. Edw. 1. vi. 10 darso. Staff. — John Wymer, of Stafford, sued William de la Pole and Wladusa (Gladys) his wife, for the manor of Bere-Sardon, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 505 William. Wymer. I I Nicholas le Bere, Thomas, seised temp. H. 3. | William. John Wymer, the plaintifif. Nicholas le Here occurs temp. H. 2 and K. John as Nicholas Ursus and as Nicholaus de Sardon. And see a previous suit from the Staftbid Assize lloll of 56 Hen. 3, a'>ite, p. 500. It will be seen that this family of Wymer occur with the surnames of le Bere, de Sardon and Gilbert. Stafford Assize Roll. 21. Edw. 1. m. 8 dor so. Staff. — Robert, son of Robert de Esynton, sued Robert de Buckyng- ham for land in Esynton (Essington). Robert de Esynton. I ■ ■ 1 Robert. Richard. Robert de Esynton, Robert de Sewallefeld the plaintiff. (Seawall). Stafford Assize Roll. 21, Edw. 1. m. 12 dorso. Staff — William, son of Peter Coi-bisun, sued John Giffard, of Chilinton, for the manor of Chilinton. Peter Corbisun (Corbuson). I ' 1 Margaret, seised William, temp. H. 3, ob. | s.p. Peter. I William Corbisun, the plaintifE. This pedigree is inaccurate. Margaret, from whose seisin William claimed, was living temp. K. Stephen, and was sister, not daughter, of Peter Corbuson. Chillington had been the " maritagium" of Margaret, who had died s.p. See " The GifFards," in vol. vi. New Series of Staffordshire Collections. Stafford Assize Boll. 21. Edw. 1. m. 21. Staff. — Simon, son of Hugh de Fossebrok, sued Richard, son of William de Cavereswalle and others for land in Fossebrok (Forsbrook). The pleadings give these pedigrees : — 506 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Hugh. Simon. I Hugh. I Simon de Fossebrok, the plaintiff. llalph (do Dulverne). William de Cavereswalle. Daughter. Richard de Cavereswalle, Richard de=f Sibil. ^^ Ralph defendant. Karsewalle. I Basset, of Cheadle. Richard de Kareswalle, under age. Daughter. Mary.=j=^Henry de Cavers- walle. Roger. Itoger, son of Henry de Caverswalle, appear-s to be a mistake for Roger, son of Henry de CresswalL Stafford Assize Roll. 21. Edw. 1. m. 21. Staff. — Robert de Halgliton sued Roger, the Bishop of Coventry and Lychefeld, for the next presentation to the church of Heye de Offeley (High Offley). Thomas de Halghton, presented temp. K. John. Ralph, ob. s.p. Robert. I Thomas. I Robert de Halghton, the plaintiff. The Bishop denied that Thomas had presented to tlie church, and offered to defend his right by a champion who was present in Court, and it was decided that a duel should be fought at the following Easter at Westminster, when the champions should appear with arms. Stafford Assize Roll. 21. Edw. 1. m. 26. (S'^a^'. — Roger de Peulesdon and Joan, his wife, sued the Prior of Stanea for land in Stanes (Stone). PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. (307 Robert, seised temp. K. Richard. Ivo. I Robert. Joan.=Roger de Peulesdon, the plaintiffs. The Stone Cliartulary shews that the ancestor of Joan was Robert de Walton. De Banco Roll. Easter. 22. Ediv. 1. mm. 17 and 128. Staff. — Joan de Morteyn sued Ralph le Botiller and Matilda, his wife, for the next presentation to the ciiurch of Northburi (Norbury). Hugli de Kilpek. Isabella.=y^William Walrauud, Joan.T=Philip Marmion. I seised temp. H. 3. ■ I I 1 r 1 1 Robert, John Walrand, Joan de Matilda. = Mazera. ob. s.p. an idiot. Morteyn. Ralph le | Botiller. Joan. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 22. Ed^v. 1. m. 124. Derb. — John, son of Henry de Chandos, sued Joan, formerly wife of Richard de Harcourt for land in Eginton. Robert titz Walkeline. Margaret. =p John de Chandos. John de Chandos,=Joan.^= Richard de Harcourt, Henry, ob. infans, s.p. 2nd husband. John de Chandos, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 24. Edw. 1. m. 139. Northamptoic — Hugh de Mortimer sued Felicia, formerly wife of Philip de Montegomeri, for two parts of the manor of U'helton. William, seised temp. H. 3. I ~~ 1 William, Joyce, sister ob. s.p. and heir. Hugh de Mortimer, the plaintiff. 508 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 25. Edw. 1. m. 12 dorso. Staff. — Philip de Draycote sued Ilichaid de Draycote and others for the next presentation to the church of Leghe (Leigh). Robert de Legh, seised of the manor and advowson temp. H. 3. I 1 1 1 Philip. Alicia. Elena. Cecilia. I I ■ i I Robert de Legh, Philip. | ' 1 Richard de ob. s.p. Reginald, Philip Sondbach ob. s.p. deLegh. (Sanbach). The pleadings state that Philip, the son of Alicia, had enfeoffed the plaintiff of his purparty, and the latter claimed to present in right of the eldest coheir, and his claim was allowed. Other evidence shews that Alicia married Richard de Draycote, and their son Philip liad issue Richard and Philip, who were respectively tlie defendaiit and plaintiff in this suit. Philip de Draycote had, in fact, enfeofl'ed his younger son Philip of his purparty in Leigh. De Banco. Easter. 31 Ed^v. 1. m. 155 dorso. Staff. — Walter de Heysyii sued Ralph de GrenehuU and Roes, his wife, for 10s. of rent and one-third of a messuage and carucate of land in Schuston. Adam de Beysyn, seised temp. H. 3. Adam. I Robert. I Walter de Beysyn, the plaintiff. The first Adam in the pedigree was living temp. Hen. 2, and it should be borne in mind that in many of these suits, the era of the original ancestor is advanced, in order to bring the suit within the limit of the Assize of Mort d' Ancestor. De Banco. Easter. 31. Edw. 1. m. 133 dorso. Staff. — John de Wasteneys sued John Griffin for common of pasture in Colton, viz., in 460 acres of wood. William de Wasteneys, seised temp. H. 3. I William. I John de Wasteneys, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 509 De Banco. Easter. 31. Edxv. 1. vn,. 21 dorso. Cumberland. — John de Hastinges sued Anthony, Bishop of Durham, for one-third of the manors of Pern'eth, Carlaton, Castcl Soureby, Salghkelde Regis, Langwarthby and Scotteby, of which William, the King of Scotland, kinsman of the said John, and of John de Bailliol, and of Robert de Brus, the elder, was seised, and whose heirs they were. John gave this pedigree : — Thomas, ob. s.p. r" William. I Alexander. David, ob. s.p. John, ob. s.p. Alice, ob. s.p. David, heir of Alexander. I -, + Margaret. Isabella. Ada. Dervyquilla. Robert. Henry. John dc Bailliol. Robert de Brus. John de Hastings, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 32. Edti). 1. m. 193. Staff.— Richard de Sondbache and Emma, formerly wife of Philip de Legh, sued the Abbot of Hurton-upon-Trent for illegally detaining their cattle. Son. Hawyse. I Philip. Lucy. 1, Cecily. Robert de Legh, Philip. f ' 1 Richard do ob. s.p. I Reginald de Philip. Sondbach. Richard de Legh, ob. s.p. | Draycote, Reginald, living 32 E.L living32E.l. See a previous suit of 25 Ed. 1, ante, p. 508, where HaWyse is called Alicia, and Lucy is called Elena. De Banco. Mich. 5 Edw. 2. m. 202. Staff. — Reginald de Charnes sued Roger de Burghton fof land in Charnes. John de Charnes, seised temp. H. 3. Henry, Thomas, Philip, Reginald, son and ob. s.p. ob. s.p. heir, ob. s.p. Henry, Thomas and Philip had all succeeded to the manor, but had died s.p. See a previous suit of Mich. 16 — 17 E. 1, ante, p. 503. Reginald de ChatneSj the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 5. Edw. 2. m. 200 dorso. Salop. — Robert de Bek, of Tene, and Matilda, his wife, sued John de Hastings for the next presetitation to the churcfi of Manselowe. 510 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John de Hertvvalle, seised temp. H. 3. John. Matilda. Ermentrude. Agnes. Agnes had enfeoifed Nicholas de St. Maur and Alice, his wife, in the manor and advowson— Alice had survived her husband and had enfeoifed Robert de Bek and Matilda. The suit was dismissed at Easter Term, owing to the deatli of Matilda. De Banco. Mich. 6. Edw. 2. m. 348 dorso. Staff. — Alexander de Krivill and Joan, his wife, and Ralph le i^otiller sued Robert Walter, of Northbury, for land in Northbury (Norbury). Philip Marmyoun.=f Joan. Joan, Mazera. Matilda. ob. s.p. - I I Joan.=^ Ralph le Botiller, Alexander de Frivill, plaintiff, plaintiffs. Suits in I3anco of Trinity Term, 8 E. 2, m. 43, and of Mich. 20 E. 2, m. 276, show that Philip Marmion had another daughter named Joan, by a second wife Mary. This Joan was first married to Thomas de Lodelowe and secondly to Henry Hillary, and this explains why Henry Hillary acted as Champion of England at the Coronation of E. 3. The manor of Scrivelby had been settled on Philip Marmion and Mary, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and they had issue Joan, the second. De Banco. Trinity. 8. Edw. 2. m. 117. Staff. — Hugh, son of John de Audele, sued Laurence de Okovere and Margaret, his wife, for land in Grendon (Grindon). John de Audele. Constance. T=William do Audele.=rAlianora. Huf^'h, uncle I I and heir of ^ 1 I J Alan (the Alan, seised temp. Margaret.= plaintiff). E. 1, ob. s.p. Laurence de Okovere. Hugh claimed the laud as the full heir of Alan, Margaret being of the half blood only. De Banco. Mich. 9. Edw. 2. m. 322. Staff. —Thomas de Beisin sued Reginald de Legh for land in Schuston. PEDIGREES FROM THE FLEA ROLLS. 511 Adam, seised temp. H. 3. I 1 Adam. Warine. I Kobert. I Walter. Thomas de Beisin, tlie plaintiff. The first Adam in the pedigree had enfeoffed his son Warine, and Reginald claimed by a grant of Warine Beisin. See suit of 31 Ed. 1, ante p. 508. Be Banco. Mich. 10. Edw. 2. m. 366 doi-so. Staff". — Roger de Acoure (Okeover) sued Walter Wyther and Joan, his wife, for a mill and land in Hum. Hugh de Acoure, seised temp. H. 3. I Robert. John. Roger de Acoure, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 11. Edw. 2. m. 328. Derh. — Uoger de Morteyn sued William, son of Robert Saucheverel, for land in Ryseley. Eustace de Morteyn, seised temp. H. 3. Eustace. William, Roger de Morteyn, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 12. Edw. 2. m. 117. Staff'. -William Griffyn, of Colton, sued Robert GrifFyn, of Colton, and Henry Colman, for a messuage and land in Colton. William Gryffyn, seised temp. H. 3. I William. John. William Gryffyn, the plaintiff. 512 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The Sixty Pedigrees which follow are derived from Bracton's JSToTE Book (Add. MS. 12,269, Brit. Museum). The Pleas FROM WHICH THEY ARE TAKEN WERE PRINTED BY Mr. F. W, Maitland in 1888. De Banco. Easter. 18. Hen. 3. Bucks. — Walter, son uf Symon, sued Thomas, Earl of Warwick, for two carucates of land in Bradeham. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Robert de OylIey,n=Matillis de=fWalter Fitz Robert, first husband. I Bohun. 1 second husband. I r ; 1 Margery, sister Henry de Oylly, — Matillis. Symon. and heir. d. s.p. I I I Henry, Earl of Warwick. Walter, the plaintiff. Thomas, Earl of Warwick, the defendant. This pedigree differs from that given by Dugdale in his account of D'Oilli.i De Banco. Mich. 16-17. Hen. 3. Glouc. — The Abbot of Kyngeswude sued Thomas de Breckele (i.e. Berkeley) for the custody of the land and heir of William fitz Elyas of Cumba. The pleadings give the following pedigree : — I 1 Robert fitz Harding. Elyas. I I Maurice. William fitz Elyas. William fitz Elyas. I Elias, under age. N.B. — Fitz Elias appears to have been assumed as a surname by this branch of the Berkeleys, a fact which causes some confusion in the above pedigree. De Banco. Mich. 15-16. Hen. 3. Wilts and Oxon. — Henry Pipard sued Richard Pipard to warrant to him the third part of a knight's fee in Lacheford, in co. Oxon. The pleadings in this suit give the following pedigree : — ' See a note on this subject by Mr. J. H. Round, on p. 80, of The Genealogist, of 1888. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 513 Roger Pipard. Richard, uncle of Richard. Henry Pipard. I I I 1 Henry Pipard, who sues. Richard, the defendant, who is called to warranty. The name of the father of Richard, the defendant, does not appear. De Banco. Easter. 8. lien. 3. Zwc— Thomas de Scottegni sued Jolland de Neville (who was called to warranty b}^ Simon de Chancy and Alice, his wife) for thirteen bovates of land in Waleby, and gave this pedigree : — Roger, son of Fulk, temp. King Richard. ! William. Thomas, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 8. Hen. 3. Leic. — William le Buttiller sued the Abbot of Croxton for a carucate of land in Eyton, and gave this pedigree :— Ralph. Hugh, uncle of I plaintiff's father. Robert. William, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 8. Hen. 3. Warw. — Hugh de Sloges (i.e. Loges) sued Hugh de Herdeberghe for sixteen virgates of land in Herdeberghe, and gave this pedigree : — -William, temp. Hen. I. I Margerv. I Margery. I Hugh, the plaintiff. N.B. — William, the ancestor, was William Croc, the Hereditary Forester of Cannock, who was hanged by Henry 2. {Testa de JSfevill, Warwickshire, and Pipe Rolls, Staffordshire, printed). De Banco. Trinity. 8. Hen. 3. Northt. — Joan, formerly wife of Henry fitz Renner, sued William de Duston for a third of two carucates of land in Duston as her dower. The pleadings shew this pedigree : — 514 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Walkeline, dispossessed by King John, whilst he was Earl of Morteyne. I William, to whom the land was restored bj^ King Riciiard. William, the defendant. The suit mentions that Walkeline became a monk, temp. Hen. 2. De Banco. Easter. 9. Hen. 3. Norf. — William de Nereford sued Peter de Nereford for half a knight's fee in Nereford excepting forty acres of land, and gives this pedigree : — Matillis, his ancestor, temp. Hen. 2. ( Joudelin, ob. s.p. 1 Peter. Joudelin. 1 1 William, who sues. De Banco. Easter. 9. Hen. 3. Suff. — William, son of Joudewin, sued Robert de Hanstede for a knight's fee in Sumerton. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Andrew. Maurice de Sumerton, Basilia, sister and heir. living temp. Hen. 2, | ob. s.p. Joudewin. I William, who sues. The suit also mentions a fine levied A.D. 1177 between Maurice, son of Andrew, and Ralph de Hanstede, by which the said Maurice released his claim to the manor, respecting which a plea had been between them in the court of Itobert de Kuilly, the superior lord. The William fit/. Joudewin of this suit is probably the same person as the William de Nereford of the last suit. De Banco. Easter. 9. Hen. 3. Suff. — William Talesmache (Tollemache) and Alice, his wife, sued Guy de Verdun and Alice, his wife, for a knight's fee in Hecham. The pleadings give this pedigree : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 515 Robert de Cokefeld. Adam. William de=Alice. Valeines. Adam, son of E,obert=j=Sabina. fitz Humfrey. Adam, d. s.p. William, d. s.p. Umfrey. William Talesmache.=Alice. Alice, the wife of Guy, seems to have descended from Alice, the wife of William de Valeines. Cm-am Rege. Mich. 22. Hen. 3. Ebor. — An assize, etc., if Robert le Coyners had unjustly disseised John le Coyners and others of their freehold in Northon. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Kobert le Coyners. =f Mabel. 1 Roger. Roger le Coyners, temp. Ric. I.=T=Basilia. I Roger. Geoffrey. John, the plaintiff. Robert, the defendant. This Roll should be classed among the Yorkshire Assize Rolls. Coram Rege. Mich. 22. Hen. 3, Wilts. — William Lungespeye sued the King for the custody of the Castle of Salisbury and for the Earldom of Wilts, which descended to him by hereditary right from Earl Patrick, and gaAe this pedigree : — Earl Patrick, temp. Hen. 2. I William. I Ela. William Lungespeye, the plaintiff. Coram, Rege. Mich. 2. Hen. 3. Hertford. — Geoffrey de Lucy and Juliana, his wife, sued the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England (the Knights Hospitallers), for the advowson of the Church of Wiginton, as the right of Juliana. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Walter de Chesney.=T=Eva del Broc. I Matillis. I Juliana, the plaintiff. 516 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The suit also gives this pedigree of the sub-tenants of the same Manor of Wiginton :— William Gernet, held the manor and advowson of Walter and Eva. I 1 Gilbert, who was hanged. Richard. De Banco Roll. Mich. 6-7. Hen. 3. Suff. — Roger de Mohaut (Monhaut) sued Agnes de Gretingeham for the advowson of the Church of Gretingeham, and gave this pedigree : — Ralph de Mohaut, temp. Hen. 1. Robert. Ralph, living 10 Ric. 1. Roger, the plaintiff. This suit is of importance for the pedigree of Monhaut, the Hereditary Stewards of the Earls of Chester. De Banco. Mich. 6-7. Hen. 3, Devon. — 'Matillis de Curtenay sued Robert de Curtenay (called to warranty by Reginald de Curtenay) for the manor of Chamelegh. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Robert fitz Roy, temp. Hen. 2.npMatillis de Averenches.=r William de Curcy. Hawise. Matillis do Curtenay, the plaintiff. | Robert de Curtenay, the defendant. De Banco. Easter. 3. Hen. 3. Canthr. — In a suit lespecting the advowson of the Church of Berton, between the Prior of Merton, plaintiff, and Alan de Berton and Roes, his wife, and Matillis, sister of Roes, defendants, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Fulk Warwel qui venit ad conquestum Angliae. Hugh. William. I Elias. Rohois.=Alan de Berton. Matillis. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 517 De Banco. Easter. 3, Hen. 3. Dorset. — In a suit respecting the Manor of Atford, brought by Heniy de Franckeiney and John de Eproillis, the younger, against John Eskelling, the pleadings give this pedigree : — John Eskelling. Robert. John. I I John Eskelling, the defendant. John de Eproillis (Epreux). De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 3. Noftini/ham. — Walter, son of Simon, sued Robert de Willey and Joan, his wife, for a third of a knight's fee in Bevercote and Milleton. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Fulk de Bevercote, temp. Hen. 2. r -^ -^ Roger. Simon. 1 I Robert, d. s.p.,=Joan.=Robert de Willey, Walter, the plaintiff, first husband. second husband. De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 3. Northumh. — John fitz Patrick, sued the Abbot of St. Albans (called to warranty by the Prior of Tynemouth) fo«- the Manor of Bellic. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Edgar, temp. Hen. 2. Patrick. I . . ■ John, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 8. Hen. 3. Hereford. — Richard, son of Godfrey Fulton, sued Cecilia de Ebroicis (Devereux) for a knight's fee in Eylnatheston and a knight's fee in Putteley. The pleadings give this pedigree : — I ■ ■ 1 1 Roger de Ebroicis, ob. Orenga. Sibilla. s.p., temp. Hen. 2. | | ^ — L 1 Godfrey. Ralph. William. | Richard, the plaintiff. 518 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary, and Easter. 12. Hen. 3. Cumb. — Richard de Hof sued John de Reigny for the manor of Neuton. Robert de Reigny, temp. Hen. 1. John. Richard, the plaintiff. De Banco. Easter. 14. Hen. 3. Nottingham — Alice, Countess of Eu, sued Emma de Bella Fago for two carucates of land in Gunthorpe. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Beatrice, temp. Hen. 1. I Henry. I John. I Henry. I Alice, the plaintiff. Coram Rege. 22. Hen. 3. Salop. — Godfrey de Gamages was summoned by the King to shew by what warrant he held the manor of Stottesdon. The pleadings give this pedigree :— Godfrey de Gamages, seised temp. Hen. 2. Matthew, left England William, for Normandy. | Godfrey, the defendant. De Banco Roll. Easter Term. 11. Hen. 3. Somerset. — Roger de Clifton sued George de Safeubse for half a knight's fee in Eston, and gave his pedigree : — Adam de Clifton, living temp. Heu. 2. Roger. Ellas. I Roger, who sues. De Banco Roll. Mich. 14-15. Hen. 3. Warw. — William de Luddington sued Walter fitz Ralph (called to warranty by Giles de Erdington and who warranted the land to the said Giles) two virgates of land in Hunestanton, and gave this pedigree : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 519 Kalph.=y=Mar^ery, temp. Hen. 1. I I ' " 1 Richard. Hugh. I Thomas. I William, who sues. De Banco Roll. Mich. 14-15. Hen. 3. Kent. — Matillis de Lucy and Richard, son of Reginald {sic), and Royse, his wife, sued Robert Yellestede for four and a half acres and a half in Neuton, and gave this pedigree : — Richard de Lucy, living temp. Hen. 2. Geoffrey. Richard. Herbert. Matillis. Royse. I I Matillis, Robert. the plaintiff, | Royse, the plaintiff. See suit of Hill., 9 Hen. 3, infra, p. 521, and a suit of 20 Hen. 3, ante, pp. 484, 485. Mr. J. H. Round in his article on " The Heirs of Richard de Lucy " {Genealogist, JST.S., vol. xv, pp. 129-133), shows that the " Ricardus filius Reginaldi " of this suit should be " Ricardus filius regis," he being identical with Richard de Chilham, natural son of Kins: John. De Banco Roll. Mich. 14-15. Hen. 3. Derh. — Hugh fitz Ralph claimed the advowson of Elkedun as custos of the land and heir of Agnes, daughter of Ralph, against the Prior of Bridlington. The pleadings shew this pedigree : — Robert de Muschamp. I Ralph. I Agnes. De Banco Roll. Mich. 8-9. Hen. 3. Wilts. — William, Earl of Surrey, sued William de Shorewella for the wardship of William, son and heir of Jordan de St. Martin, and the Abbess of Wilton sued the said William for the same wardship, because William, the ancestor of the said William, had held of her house a knight's fee more than one hundred years before, and she gave this pedigree : — 520 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William, enfeoffed by the Abbess of Wilton, more than one hundred years ago. I Godefrey. William, grandfather of Jordan. William, Earl of Surrey, pleaded that William, the father of the first William of the above pedigree, had been enfeofied by his ancestor at the Conquest of England. De Banco Roll. Easter. 11. Hen. 3. Sussex. — Stephen de Bendenges, was sued by the King to shew by what warrant he held the third part of the vill of Hyrteby. Stephen derived his right from his grandmother Juliana, to whom the tene- ments had been given in frank marriage by Geofi'rey fitz Peter, her brother, and he produced this pedigree : — Juliana. Maurice. Stephen, the defendant. De Banco Boll. Easter. 11. Hen. 3. Bedford. — In an assize of last presentation to the Church of Legha, brought by Nicholaa, daughter of Bartholomew de Legha, against the Prior of Esseby, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Hugh de Legha. Bartholomew. I Nicholaa, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 9. Hen. 3. Cumh. — Walter de Bainton sued Eudes de Kai'leolo (Carlisle) for two carucates of land in Cumbresdale and Cumquinton, and gave this pedigree : — Hyldred, temp. Hen. 1. Sominna. Matillis. Truyta. I I I Robert. Richard Marischal. Richard. Walter, the plaintiff, David Mariscal, Richard, living 9 Hen. 9. living 9 Hen. 3. | Margaret. —Robert de Warchille, living 9 Hen. 3. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 521 De Banco Roll. Hillary. 9. Hen. 3. Kent. — Richard, son of Reginald {sic) and Royse, his wife, sued Robert fitz Walter, for one hundred and forty acres of land in Lewes {i.e. Lesnes). The pleadings give this pedigree : — Richard de Lucy. Geoffrey. Richard, Herbert. Roesia de Dover, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. living 10 Hen. 2. I Robert. I Royse, the plaintiff. Robert, the defendant, stated that his mother, Matillis, and Alice, the mother of Richard de Urafraville, and Avelina, the grandmother of Richard de Muntficliet, were sisters, and had their purparties of the inheritance of Richard de Lucy, and he could not answer without his coparceners. See a suit of 14-15 Hen. 3, ante p. 519. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 9. Hen. 3. Kent. — Felicia de Pesinges sued Graaland, son of Agnes, and others, for twenty acres of land in Godwinestona (Godstone). The pleadings give this pedigree : — Ralph. Roger, temp. Philip, Diamanda.= Agnes. Alice. Hen. 2. ob. s.p. Gilbert de | I Bramton. Graaland. ~i 1 1 1 Felicia de Pesinges, Emnia.= Christina. Juliana, the plaintiff, 9 Hen. 3. Walter de Dompit. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 9. Hen. 3. Bucks. — Roger de Brayton sued William de Beauchamp for eleven hides of land in Brayton and Helperthorpe, and gave this pedigree : — Osbert, his ancestor, temp. Hen. 1. Roger. I Osbert. I Roger, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 9. Hen. 3. Leic. — Margaret, dau. of Walerand, sued the Abbot of Gerwedona (Garendon), for two carucates of land in Oleby. The pleadings give this pedigree ; — 522 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Roger. Walerand. Margaret, the plaintiff. Ralph. Roger. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 13. Hen. 3. Derby. — Robert de Morz sued Philip de Straley (Stradleigh) for twenty-four bovates of land in Aselbach, and he sued Robert, son of Walter de Stralegh, for eleven bovates olt land in Chillewull. The pleadings give this pedigree : — William de Morz,=j=Ii first husband. silia, temp. Hen. 2.=r Walter de Stradlegh, second husband. V Robert. 1 1 Sampson. 1 Robert. Walter. Robert de Morz, the plaintiff. Robert, one of the defendants. De Banco Roll, n 'illar y. 13. He7i. 3. Huntingdon. — In a plea to determine whether land in Staunton was free alms appurtenant to the Church of Sulingrey, in Staunton, or the lay fee of Walter Morel and others, the verdict gives this pedigree: — Leonard de Staunton. Richard. Robert. I Gilbert de Staunton. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 13. Hen. 3. Northampton. — In an assize of last presentation to the Church of Haregrave, the advowson of which Richard de Dereburg claimed against the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, the verdict gives this pedigree : — Roger Constantin. William. I r ^—^ Roger, Amice.=llichard de Dereburgh, ob. s.p. the plaintiff, who claimed as tenant by courtesy. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 523 De Banco Roll. Trinity. 4. Hen. ,3. Line. — A plea of last presentation to the Church of Botesford (the King versus the Prior of Thornholm) gives this pedigree: — Guy de Ver. Gilbert, Clericus. Guy de Ver, junior. Became a monk | at Suleby. Walter. I Simon, under age at the date of the suit, 4 Hen. 3. See an article on this family, by the Rev. W. O. Massingberd, Genealogist, N.S., vol. xx, pp. 73-77. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 4. Hen. 3. Devon. — \n an assize of last presentation to the Church of WajBfeld, brought by William le Abbe (a minor), against Oliver le Abbe, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Agnes. I Juel. I William, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 4. Hen. 3. Somerset. — In a suit which Matthew de Cliveden (Clevedon) brought against John de Ken respecting two knights' fees in Ken and Hywis (Huish), the pleadings give these pedigrees : — John de Ken. I Richard. I John, the defendant. William de Cliveden, temp. Hen. 2. I John. Matthew, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 4. Hen. 3, Wilts. — In a suit which Ralph de Pinkenye brought against John Mautravers for three hides and a carucate of land in Sumerford, of which his father Ralph was seised temp. King Richard, the pleadings give this pedigree : — 524 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Geoffrey. Roger. Ela. Alice. ( I Richard de Heriet. John Mautravers. John Maltravers died whilst the suit was before the Court, and it was dismissed sine die, his heir being under age. Coram Rege Roll. Hillary and Easter. 5. Hen. 3. Kent. — In an assize of last presentation to the Church of Walmere, brought by William de Auberville, against the Abbot of Langedon, the pleadings show this pedigree : — William de Auberville. Hugh. I William, the plaintiff. The suit was made a '■Wemanet" because the plaintiff was under age. Coram Rege Roll. Hillary and Easter. 5. Hen. 3. Suff. — In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Lundri, brought by William de Boyton against Robert de Alkereby, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Howard or Oward, temp. Hen. 2. Josceline. I William, the plaintiff. Coram Rege Roll. Hillary and Easter. 5. Hen. 3. Middlesex.— In a suit respecting Stanmere, brought by the Abbot of St. Albans against Henry Bucuinte, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Serlo. Robert. William. I 1 Marsilia, dau.=pRobert de Stanmere. Richard de la Grave, and heir. I Simon. John. Ralph. i William, under age. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 525 De Banco Roll. Mich. 7-8. Hen. 3. Bucks. — Robert de la Mare sued Richard Shifrewast for a third of a knight's fee in Christeham, and gave this descent : — Robert de Shifrewast, seised temp. Hen; 2. Emma.=T=Osbert de la Mare, seised temp. John. Robert, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 7-8. Hen. 3. Herts. — WilHam de Dene and Florence, his wife, sued William Walensis (Le Waleys or Wallace), for half a hide of land in Walford. The pleadings give this pedigree : — William Walensis. Robert. William. I I William de Dene,=Florence, William, the defendant, the plaintiffs. De Banco Roll. Mich. 7-8. Hen. 3. Suff. — Vitalis Engaine sued Margery de Crescy for the third of two carucates of land in Bliburg. The pleadings give this pedigree : — William de Chesnay, temp. Henry 2. I : 1 Hugh de Crescy .=Margery. Clemence. Sarra.=f=Richard Engaine. I Vitalis the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 9-10. Hen. 3. Line. — Henry de Braybroc and Christina, his wife, sued Ralph de la Bruere for a carucate of land in Hulme. The pleadings give this pedigree : — _ I I Elias Poliot, ob. s.p., Robert, temp. Hen. 1. | Richard. I Margery. Christina, the plaintiff. A suit on the same Roll shews Henry de Braybroc was son of Robert de Braybroc. 526 J'EDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco Roll. Mich. 9-10. Hen. 3. Ebor. — In an assize of last presentation to the Church of Hethfield, the advowson of which Adam de Newmarche claimed against William, Earl of Warrenne, and the Prior of Lewes, the pleadings give this pedigree : — William Fitz Ravenc. Odo de Tylli.=fMabe]. 1 Henry de Newinarche.=f Dionisia. Adam, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 10. Hen. 3. OaJow. — William de Huntercumba sued Osbert Giffard for a fourth of a knight's fee in Ispeden. The pleadings give this pedigree : — William Percohayo. Sons who died before Christina, their father. | William, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 10. Hen. 3. Somerset. — Richard de Monte Acuto sued Gilbert de Say for two hides of land in Sutton. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Robert de Montagu. William, seised temp. Rich. 1. I Richard, the plaintiff. Richard de Montagu. I William, seised temp. Ricli. 1. Drogo. Isabella.=r Matthew de Cliveden, I I living 10 Hen. 3. William, living i ' 1 10 Hen. 3. William, living Matinis.=Gilbert de Say, 10 Hen. 3. the defendant. De Banco Roll. Mich. 3-4. Hen. 3. Northt. — In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Ayndon, brought by Richard, son of Walon, against the Abbot of Leicester, the pleadings give this pedigree : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 527 Eichard. Waion. Richard, the phiintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 3-4. Hen. 3. Bucks. — In an assize of last presentation to the Church of Eure, brought by John fitz Robert against the Abbot of Langley, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Roger. Robert, temp. Ric. 1. John, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Hillai'y. 6. Hen. 3. Essex. — Richard, son of Simon, sued Simon del Mere for the advowson of the Church of Dunmawe. The pleadings give this pedigree : — t Richard. I Simon. I Richard, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 6. Hen. 3. Sussex. — In an assize of last presentation to the Church of Thoringe, brought by Ralph de Wilinton, as guardian of Geoffrey, son and heir of Hugh de Felcinton, against the Prior of Lewes, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Hugh de Felcindon. I Hugh. i Geoffrey. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 6. Hen. 3. Dorset. — Alan de St. George appeared against Jordan Melepas in a plea that he should accept his homage and relief for the free tenement he claimed to hold of the said Jordan in Horton. The pleadings give this pedigree : — I • ' — I 1 Ralph de St. George. Richard. Geoffrey. Alan. I Alan, the plaintiff. 528 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 6. Hen. 3. Devon and Somerset. — Matillis de Curtenay sued Robert de Curtenay for Ocumpton (Oakliampton), Saundford, and four other manors, and she sued Reginald de Courtenay for the manor of Chauneley. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Geoffrey de Crnnes,=i=Matillis de Averenges.^^Robert fitz Roy, first husband. I second husband. ' ' Hawise. Matillis, the plaintiff. I Robert de Curtenay. In a later suit of Michaelmas Term, the first husband of Matilda is styled William de Curcy. See ante, p. 516. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 6. Hen. 3. Somerset. — In a suit respecting the advowson of the Church of Burnham, which Roger de Clifford brought against the Prior of Gloucester, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Harard. * Robert de Eywas. Robert. I A daughter.=Roger de Clifford. The Suits which follow were taken from existing Plea Rolls IN the Public Record Office, and are reprinted from the Reliquary and Antiquary. Curia Regis Roll. 4. Hen. 3. m. 6 dor so. Bucks. — Alexander de Hamden sues Simon de Pinkeni for the manor of (Jildenemorton, and gives this descent : — Remigius Ic Loheregius (of Lorraine). Alice, daughter and heir. 1 Alexander, son and heir. I Reginald, son and heir. Alexander, son and heir, who sues, 4 H. 3. The plaintiff in this suit M'as the ancestor of the famous John Hampden. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 529 Gloucestershire Assize Roll. 5. Hen. 3. Glouc. — The Abbot of Cirenseter sued Elias Giffard respecting the right of Elias to erect gallows at Brimesfield. Elias derived his right from his ancestor, Osbert Giffart, qui venit ad Conquestum Anglice, and gave this descent : — Osbert Giffart, temp. Conquestoris. I Elias. i Elias. Elias, the defendant. Coram Reye Roll, 46. Hen. 3. Warw. — Thomas de Bromwic sues Nicholas le Kymmum and others for land in Bromwych, of which Guy, his ancestor, was seised in the reign of Hen. 2, and gives this descent : — I 1 Guy, ob. s.p. Godwyne, brother and heir. 1 Thomas. I Roger. Simon, Thomas, brother and ob. s.p. heir, who sues. De Banco Boll. Mich. 2. Edw. 1. Warw. — Fulk de Lucy sues Amice de Sukeburgh and others for sixteen acres of land in Wasperton, which Walter, his ancestor, held in King Richard's reign, and gives this descent : — Walter, temp. K. Rich. 1. William. William. Fulk, who now sues. Worcester Assize Roll. 3. Edw. 1. Worcester — Ralph de Limesi sues Henry de Erdinton for the advowson of the Church of Jerdel, and gives this descent : — 530 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Hawise, temp. Hen. 2. I Geoffrey. Geoffrey. , I , Ralph. Alan, brother of Ralph, I and uncle of Felicia. Felicia, d. and heir, | ob. s.p. Ralph, who sues. A fine was levied by which Ralph acknowledged the advowson to be the right of Henry. Wilts Assize Roll. 9. Edw. 1. No. 1,000. Wilts. — Eva, daughter of Philip l^Iarmiun, sued John Trube and Roger Marmiun for a messuage and two carucates of land in Breme- barge, Ley, Penleye, Westbury and Brock. Philip Marmiun. I 1 1 Philip. Eva. Isolda. I Roger Marmiun, the defendant. Eva stated that Roger was illegitimate. Wilts Assize Foil. 9. Ediv. 1. m. 23. Wilts. — William Waryn sued William de la Rivere for two parts of a messuage and two carucates of land and five acres of meadow in Wotton, near Wyke, and he sued Emma, formerly wife of Walter de la Rivere, for the other third part. I 1 William, seised temp. Oriunda. K. Richard, ob. s.p. Warine. I William. William Waryn, the plaintiff. Wilts Assize Roll. 9. Edw. 1. m. 7 dorso. Wilts. — Brian de Gonyz sued Robert de Lucy and others for land in Tenlard. Beatrice, seised temp. K. Richard. Brian. I Brian, Roger. ob. s.p. I Brian de Gonyz, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 531 De Banco Roll. Trinity Term. 3-4, Edw. 2. m. 86 dorso. Derh. — An assize of last presentation to the Church of Wyngerworth, the advowson of which Henry, son of Henry de Braylesford, claimed against Gosceline, Dean of St. Mary, of Lincoln. Henry gave this pedigree : — Robert de Braylesford, who presented to the living temp. King John. I •* ' Henry. Ingeiard. I Henry. I . Henry, the plaintiff. The jury found that the church in question was a chapelry annexed to the Church of Chesterfield from time out of memory, and gave a verdict in favour of the Dean. De Banco Roll. Mich. 4. Edw. 2. m. 257 dorso. Wariv. —John de Wotton and Margaret, his wife, sued Robert, son of Isabella, daughter of Roger le Mareschal, for five acres of land, etc., in Mucton, and gave this pedigree : — Roger le Mareschal, temp. E. 1. Isabella. I Robert, the defendant. John de Wotton.=Margaret. De Banco Roll. Trinity. .3-4. Edw. 2. Norf. — The King sued William de Bernak for the next presentation to two parts of the Church of Attleburgh, which he claimed as the purparty of Robert de Monhaut, one of the heirs of Hugh de Albini, formerly Earl of Arundel. The pleadings in this suit give the following pedigree : — _ Hugh de Albini. I Mabel. Isabella. + Nicholaa. — I Cecilia. Robert. John. Robert. Richard. Robert de Tateshale. Edmnnd. Margaret. Joan. Ralph. I Ralph Basset. John. Mabel, living 3E. 2. John r Estrange. 1 Matilda. Henry de Erding- ton. Robert. r ' 1 Roger, Robert ob. s.p. de Mon- haut. 532 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. N.B. — Nicholaa, who married Roger de Somery, had a son Ralph, who died v.p., and left the four sisters named in the pedigree as his sisters and heirs. Of these, Mabel married Walter de Sully, and Margaret married a second husband, Ralph de Crumbwell. (See the suits at p. 59, vol. vi, part i of Staffordshire Collections, and p. 103, vol. iv of the same Collections.) All these coheirs of Hugh de Albini were also coheirs of the Earldom of Chester, being descended from Mabel, a sister and coheir of Ralph, Earl of Chester. The descent of the heirs of Chester is given on an old contemporary Roll formerly at Wrottesley, as follows. It will be seen that this Roll makes Ralph to be the father of the four coheiresses named in the first pedigree : — Comes de Cestre (Hugh Kevelioc). Ralph, Earl of Chester. Matilda.- Earl David. Mabel.= Earl of Arundel. Agnes.= William, Earl 1 1 , Ferrars. 1 John, Margaret. Isabel.= Matilda = Ada.= William de Earl =Alaii de Rob. de ob. s.p. Henry Ferrars, of Ga'weye. Brus. deHas- junior Ches- 1 1 tinges. comes. ter,ob. Dervergoille. L— 1 1 1 s.p. ==John de Robert Henry de Robert. r Baillol. de Brus. 1 Hastinges. -r ^ - - -| Hawise.= Robert de Quency. Margaret, Countess of Lin- coln. Mabel. -^ Robert de Tateshale. Roger de Tateshale. Nicholaa.- Roger de Somery. Ralph, ob. v.p. Cecilia.= Roger de Montalt. Isabella.' John Fitalan. John. Margaret.= Joan.= Elizabeth. = Matilda.= Ralph Basset, John Walter. Henry de junior. I'Estrange. Erdinton. The Elizabeth of tliis Roll should be Mabel, and her husband was Walter de Sully. De Banco Roll. Mich. 4. Ediv. 2. m. 108 dorso. Line. — Roger de Stapleford and John, son of Robert le Taillur of Bekingham, sued Amabel, formerly wife of Richard Barbot, for five acres and a rood of land in Bekyngham, and Robert le White, of Bekyngham, for an acre of land in the same vill, and gave this pedigree : — Robert, son of Walter de Bekingham, temp. Hen. 3. Alice. I Adam. Hugh. Roger, who ^ues. Isabella, Robert. John, who sues. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 533 Thomas Barbot, who was admitted to plead in place of Amabel, stated that Robert, son of Walter, had a third daughter, Idonea, who had issue William, who had issue' Isabella, who is now living, and who, as coparcener, should have been included in the suit. Be Banco Boll Mich. i. Edw. 2. Northumberland — Robert de Eslynton sued Idonia, formerly wife of Robert de Glauton, for nine messuages, one hundred and seventy-seven acres of land, and nine acres of meadow in Whytyngeham and Throunton, in co. Northumberland, and gave this pedigree :— Alina, his ancestress, temp. King John. I ^-1 1 William. Elias. John. I Alan. I John. I Robert, who sues. De Banco Roll. Mich. 4. Edw. 2. m. 150 dorso. Line. — Katherine, daughter of Gilbert Bi-as, and Alice, her sister, sued Gilbert, son of John, and Richard and John, brothers of Gilbert, for a messuage and an acre and three roods of land in Kirketon in Holand, as their reasonable purparty of the inheritance of Thomas Bras, the grandfather of Katherine, Alice, Gilbert, John and Richard, whose heirs they are ; and they stated that the said Thomas, their grandfather, was seised of the tenements temp. Hen. 3, and from him they descended to John and Gilbert, as his sons and heirs, because the tenement was partible, and they gave this pedigree : — Thomas, temp. Hen. 3. I I ' 1 John. Gilbert. I 1 1 I 1 Gilbert. Richard. John. Katherine. Alice. The defendants admitted the land was divided into two equal parts between John and Gilbert, sons of Thomas. N.B. — This suit is of interest as an illustration of a custom not uncommon of dividing land between two brothers. It was called " Farayium," because the second son was put into ^' pari casu" with the elder. 534 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco Roll. Mich. 4. Edw. 2. m. 212. Bucks. — An assize of last presentation to the Church of Pychecote, the advowson of which the Prior of Great Malvern claimed against Richard de Vernun ; and he stated that his predecessor, William de Ledebury, formerly Prior, had. presented to the church one John de Teynton in the reign of King Edward, the King's father, etc. (Here the Prior details all the presentations made by his predecessors since the beginning of the reign of Hen. 3.) Richard stated he was seised of the manor of Pychecote, to which the advowson was appurtenant, and that Matilda de Vernun, his great grandmother (jyro-avia), whose heir he was, had presented to the church one William de Pychecote, her clerk, in the time of King John, and he gave this pedigree :^ Matilda de Vernun, temp. John. Richard, ob. 8. p. 1 Robert. Hawys. Richard, who sues. Richard further pleaded that when the Prior's predecessor made the two first pi-esentations named, he, the said Richard, was under age, and at the previous presentation, one Gilbert FraunceN's, at one time the husband of the said Hawys, the mother of Richard, held the manor of Pychecote by the courtes}' of England ; and at the presentation before that, Hawys was under the power, sub jjofestafem, of Gilbert, her husband ; and at the time of the two previous presentations the said Robert, son of Matilda, the grandfather of the defendant, was under age, and all this he was prepared to prove. A jury found in favour of Richard, and gave him ten marks as damages, the value of the half-year, the fe^npus semestre not having expired. The suit is of great importance for the pedigree of Vernon, of Haddon, co. Derby. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 9. Edw. 2. ni. 2 dorso. Derby. — Christiana de Ry sues Nicholas de Longford and Walter de Goushull for the next presentation to the Church of Whytewelle, and gives this pedigree : — Robert de Meignill. I Isabella, living temp. Hen. 3, ob. s.p. Emma. 1 Matthew, r , Cecilia. Matilda. ob. s.p. Nigel. John. 1 Oliver. 1 Walter de Goushull. John. Nicholas de Longford. Cecilia. I Adam. I Adam. Adam. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 535 Christiana claimed through a feoffment made by Adam, son of Adam of the pedigree, and Nicholas and Walter admitted her claim to present hdc vice, A suit in part i, vol. vi, p. 172, of Staffordshire Collections, shows that the Adam of the pedigree was Adam de Krydeling. His father Adam was killed in Gascony in 23 E. 1 (Holinshed's Chronicle). De Banco Roll Mich. 2. Edw. 2. m. 220. Cumb. — In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Brigham, brought by Hugh de Courtenay against Thomas de Hothewayt. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — I ^ 1 Baldwin. Mary. I . I Baldwin. John. I I Hugh. Baldwin. Isabella de Fortibus, Countess of Albemarle, Hugh de Courtenay, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. Waldeve de Brigham, temp. Hen. 3. 1 John. Alice.'^Robert de Yaverwyth, Joan.n^Thomas de Hothewayt. temp. Hen. 3. | Gilbert. ! Thomas, the defendant. De Banco Rolf. Mich. 5. Edw. 2. m. 272. Ebor. — In a suit brought by Margaret, formerly wife of Thomas de Outhimby, against the Prior of Bridlington, for one-third of a rent of £20 2s. 9d. in Bridlington, which she claimed as dower, the pleadings give this pedigree : — I 1 1 Robert. Joan. Christiana. Matilda, the=William de Walter. John. heiress, ob. Cantilupe. j ( ' s.p. William de Thomas de=Margaret, Erghum. Outhimby. the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 5. Ediv. 2. m. 42. Glouc — Bogo (Bevis) de Knovill, Alice de Everyngham, Matilda le Brut, Peter de Helion, and Cecilia, his wife, sued Alan de Plukenet for the manor of Ciston and two parts of the manor of Frountone Cotel, of which John Walraund, their cousin, whose heirs they were, was seised as of fee, etc., when he died. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — 536 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William. William. 1 Cecilia. 1 John Walraund, lately dead, s.p. 1 Joan.=Bogo de Knovill. 1 Cecil] 1 a. Alice de Everingham. 1 Matilda le Brut. William. =rlsabella. 1 1 Cecilia.=Peter de Helion. William. 1 1 1 Robert, ob. s.p. m, s.p. 1 Alice. Alan. 1 Alan de Plukenet, Robert, ob. s.p. Jot ob. the defendant. William.=rlsabella. Robert, ob. s.p. John, ob. s.p. William. Isabella, ob. s.p. — 1 1 r 1 Alice, Cecilia, Alice ii, Matilda, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Robert, ob. s.p. John, ob. s.p. The jury found in favour of Alan de Plukenet, as descendant of (;ne of the Alices, who had left issue as in pedigree No. 2. See also pedigrees at p. 310 of Abbreviatio Placitorum, in a suit of 3 E. 2, in which the inheritance of William Walraund was also the point at issue. De Banco Roll. Easter. 5. Edw. 2. m. 40, Suff. — William de Huntingfeld sued William de Reppes for the next presentation to the Church at Alderton. The pleadings give this pedigree : — t Geoffrey de 1 Agnes. = ' 1 Emma. 1 Basilia. I 1 Elizabeth.-^ Juliana. Glauville, Baldwin, 1 1 Almaric temp. Hen. a Norman, Emma.= Isabella. — Peche. 3, ob. s.p. who forfeit- William William de 1 ed his es- de Hunt- Boville. Edmund. tates,which ingfeld. 1 1 were given 1 William de Thomas. to Richard, Roger. Boville, 1 Earl of 1 now living. Thomas, Cornwall. William, the plain- tiff. now living. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 537 This suit states that Geoffrey, when he died, was seised of the manors of Baketon and Honyng, in co. Norfolk, and the manors of Alderton, Dalyngh, and Horham, in co. Suffolk, and his inheritance was divided between the four eldest sisters as his heirs. De Banco Roll. Easter. 5. Ediv. 2. m. 54. Ebo7-. — In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Thorgramby, brought by Ralph de Manneby against Roger Hay, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Hubert de Vallibus (de Vaux), seised of the manor and advowson, temp. Hen. 3. Matilda. I Thomas. I Thomas. I Thomas, who enfeoffed the plaintiff of it. De Banco Roll Trinity. 6-7. Edw. 2. Suff. — Elizabeth, formerly wife of Thomas Carbonnel, was summoned by Christiana, formerly wife of John Carbonnel, in a plea that she should permit her to present a fit person to the Church of Chilton. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Robert Carbonnel, temp. Hen. 3. John.=T=Christiana, the plaintiff. T I Thomas.=Elizabeth, the defendant. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 6-7. Edw. 2. m. 151 dorso. N6rf. — Roger de Toftes sued Stephen atte Flog of Wyrham, and Joan, his wife, for a third of the manor of Northlemie. The pleadings give this pedigree : — I 1 1 James de Toftes, temp. Clarice. Margaret. Hen. 3, ob. s.p. | | Bartholomew. Roger, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 6-7. Edw. 2. m. 115 dorso. Here/.— 'Peter de Lymesy sued the Abbot of Westminster for eighty acres of land and twenty marks of rent in Amivelle. The pleadings give this pedigree : — 538 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. I 1 Ralph de Lymesey. Alan, uncle and heir of Felicia. I I Felicia, temp. Hen. 3, ob. s.p. Ralph, Richard. ob. s.p. ! Peter, the plaintiff. See a previous suit from the Worcester Assize Roll, 3 Edw. 1, ante, p. 529. De Banco Roll. Easter. 6. Edw. 2. m. 77. Salop. — Geoffrey de Holte sued the Abbot of Buildwas for the manor of Little Buildwas, and gave this descent :■ — Adam, seised of the manor, temp. K. Richard. Juliana. William. Geoffrey. I Geoffrey, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll Trinity. 6-7. Ediv. 2. Ebor. — In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Wylmeresley, brought by Avice, formerly wife of John de Newmarch (Novo Mercato), against Elizabeth, formerly wife of Adam de Newmarch, the pleadings give the following pedigree : — Adam de Novo Mercato, temp. Hen. 3.=f=Joan. i Adam.=rElizabeth. John, son and heir, who had died under age,=Avice. and in ward to Alice de Lacy. And see suit of Trinity, 8 Edw. 2, infra, p. 541. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 6-7. Edw. 2. Leic. — William le Butiller, of Eyton, and Thomas de Sensterne, sued Thomas, son of John de Sixtenby, for a messuage and three virgates of land in Estwell. The pleadings give this pedigree : — I 1 1 Robert. Cecilia. Emma. I I I Thomas de=Amabilla de Estwell, William. William. Sixtenby, ob. s.p. | | 47 Hen. 3. William. Thomas, the I second plaintiff. William, one of the plaintiffs. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 539 De Bunco Roll. Trinity. 7-8. Ediv. 2. m. 107. Norf. — Peter Bozon sued Andrew de Yelverton in a plea that he should permit him to present to the Church of Yelverton. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — John Bozon, temp. Hen. 3. I Peter. I Peter, the plaintiff. Robert de Yelverton, temp. Hen. 3. John. Andrew, the defendant. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 8. Edw. 2. /Sa^o/^. — Ingelran de Frene sued Roger de Wygemore in a plea that he should permit him to present to the Church of Neve Solers. The pleadings give this pedigree : — • Baldewyne de Power, temp. King John. 1 Lettice. I ■-1 Avice. 1 Petronilla. 1 1 John. Ralph. 1 1 Ingelran. William de Solers, living temp. Hen. 3. Roger, William. .1 , living temp. E. 1. Hugh. Ingelran, the plaintiff. Roger stated that William de Solers was son of Lettice, and had the sole right of presentation, and had given it to his son Henry ; and Henry had enfeoffed in it Roger de Mortimer, his grandfather ; and from Roger the right descended to Edmund, his son and heir ; and from Edmund to Roger, his son and heir, the defendant. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 8. Ediv. 2. m. 120 dorso. Warw. — John Pecche, William de Hardeshill, and Amice, his wife, and Philip le Wolf, and Margaret, his wife, sued the Abbot of Westminster and Ralph de Pereham for the manor of Cnoulle, and a messuage and two carucates of land in Graffetoun. The pleadings give this pedigree : — 540 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. I 1 1 Hugh de Ardeme. Hawise. Olive. Richard, ob. s.p., John. William, temp. E. 1. I I John Pecche, i ' T 1 the plaintiff. Amice. ■= Margaret.- Will, de Philip le Hardeshill. Wolf. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 8. Edw. 2. in. 239 dorso. Berks. — In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Est-Hildesle, bought by the Prior of St John of Jerusalem in England, versus John de St. Amand, John stated that the manor and advowson formerly- belonged to one Sewal de Osevill, who enfeoffed his ancestor, Ralph de St. Amand, temp. Hen. 3, and he gave this descent : — Ralph de St. Amand, temp. Hen. 3. I Almaric. Almaric, John, the ob. s.p. defendant. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 8. Ediv. 2. m. 115. Sussex. — ^ William de Brewosa was sued by Andrew Peverel in a plea that he should permit him to present to the Church of Shepele ; and he stated that one Richard de Harcurt had held the manor and advowson, temp. Rich. 1, and had given them to Philip de Harcurt, and Philip had given them to the Templars. Andrew now claimed them as his escheat, the Templars having been suppressed, and gave this pedigree : — Richard de Harecurt, Philip, temp. Ric. 1. ob. s.p. I William. i Alice. Lucy. Thomas. I Andrew Peverel, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 8. Edw. 2. m. 137. Berks. — John, son of Hugh de Boklond, sued Emelina, formerly wife of Roger de Ingepenne, for ninety-eight acres of land in Ingepenne. Emelina pleaded that she held the land only for her life, of the inheritance of Nicholas, cousin and heir of Roger de Ingepenne, of the gift of Hugh de Boklond. The pleadings give this pedigree : — PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 541 I 1 Koger de Ingepenne,=Emelina, the Alice, sister and heir, ob. s.p. defendant. | Roger. I Nicholas, heir of the said Roger. Be Banco Roll. Trinity. 8. Ediv. 2. m. 82 dorso. Suff. — Amice de Newmarciie sued Margaret de Wyleby for the advowson of the Church of Kedyton. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Adam de Newmarche, temp. Hen. 3. Adam. r • 1 John, Roger, ob. s.p. See previous suit of Trinity, 6 E. 2, ante, p. 538, where Amice is styled Avice. De Banco Roll. Easter. 9. Edw. 2. m. 63. Leic. — John de Foleville sued Isabella de Hastingges for a messuage and three bovates of land in Claxton. The pleadings give this pedigree : — John de Foleville, temp. Hen. 3. ^ Thomas, John, ob. s.p. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 8. Edw. 2. m. 84. llertf. — Gerard, son of William de Eylesford, sued John, son of William de Hurst, and others, for the manor of Madecroft. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Gerard de Purnival. I Gerard. I William. I Gerard, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 9. Edw. 2. m. 120. Oerh. — In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Pleseley, brought by Thomas de Shirebrook against Robert de Wylughby and John de Harecurt, the pleadings give this pedigree ; — 542 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Serlo de Pleselej', temp. K. John. r -^ n Sarra.=j=Ra]ph de Wylughby. Amabel. Robert, temp. Hen. 3. j~ ~~i Amice. Alice. Robert. | | Ralph de Reresby, | 1 temp. Hen. 3. Radegund.=pNicholas, son of Alexander de Lower. John. I Thomas, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 9. Edw. 2. m. .38-1. Suff. — Katherine, formerly wife of Roger, son of Peter fitz Ouberne {sic), sued Richard de Bradewell for the advowson of the Church of Bradewell, which she claimed as appurtenant to the manor of Somer- leyton. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Ralph de Bradewell, living 40 Hen. 3. Simon. I Richard. De Banco Roll. Mich. 9. Edw. 2. m. 428 dorso. Ebor.—'Peter, son of Peter de Malo-lacu (Morley), Roger de Ker- deston, and Juliana de Gaunt, sued John de Orreby for the third part of two parts of the manor of Hundmanby. The pleadings give this pedigree :— Gilbert de Gaunt, senior, temp. Hen. 3. I 1 1 1 ^ Gilbert, — Lora. Juliana, Helewisa, Nicholaa.^rPeter de Margaret, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. ob. s.p. I Morley. I I Roger, the Peter, the plaintiff, plaintiff. John stated that he held the third part by the courtesy of England, of the inheritance of Philip, son of Isabella de Orreby, formerly his wife, that Philip's claim was derived from his grandfather, Robert de Tateshale, and the said Robert's claim was derived from his ancestor Philip, who was seised of the manor, temp. Rich. 1, and who had recovered it by a writ of right from Gilbert de Gaunt before the Justices Itinerant in Yorkshire. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 543 De Banco Roll. Mich. 9. Edw. 2. m. 240 dor so. <«• Kent. — A suit respecting the fourth of a knight's fee in Mepeham gives the following pedigrees : — Richard de Gatewvk. r John. ! Richard. 1 William. 1 1 athe ;rine. Margaret. Elizabeth. William de Faukeham William. 1 Richard, the plaintiff. Geoffrey, who enfeoffed the first Richard de Gatewyk of the tenements. De Banco Roll. Mich. 9. Edw. 2. m. 55 dor so. Suff. — Thomas, son of Thomas Pecche, by his custos, sued Richard Loveday for the manor of Great Bressele. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Almeric Pecche. ^pElizabeth de Glanville, temp. Hen. 3. '— 1 Edmund. I Thomas. I . . Thomas, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Trinity. 9. Edw. 2. m. 88 dorso. Staff. — William, son of William de Wrottesleye, sued Roger de Levynton for the manor of Levynton (Loynton), and gave this pedigree :— William de Verdun, his pro-avus, seised of the manor, temp. Hen. 3. I Hugh. William. William de Wrottesleye, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Easter. 10. Edw. 2. Kent. — Stephen, son of Stephen Asshewarp, sued Roger Pogeys, senior, for a carucate of land in Chetham and the manor of Great Delse. The pleadings give this pedigree : — 544 PEDIGREES FROM THE FLEA ROLLS. I 1 Thomas. Stephen. John de'-= Alice, ob. s.p., i ' , Aspale. temp. Hen. 3. William, Isabella. ob. s.p. Stephen, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 10. Edw. 2. w. 108. Devon. — Henry de Lancaster and Matilda, his wife, sued Walter, Bishop of Exeter, for the advowson of Erode Hembury. The plead- ings give this pedigree : — Gundreda de Chaworth, pro-avia of Matilda, temp. Hen. 3. Patrick. I . 1 Pagan, Patrick, who had been ob. s.p. in ward to K. Hen. 3. Matilda, d. and h., the plaintiff. The plaintiif was brother of Thomas Plantagenet, the Earl of Lancaster. De Banco Roll. Eauter. 10. Edw. 2. m. 48 dorso. Derh. — Ralph de Freccheville sued John, son of Robert de Stuteville, for the manor of Ekinton, near Staveleye. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Hubert fitz Ralph, temp. K. John. I Juliana. I Ralph. Anker. Ralph, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Easter. 10. Edw. 2. m. 40. Warw. — Alice de Caunton was summoned by Ralph de Perham in a plea that she should permit him to present a fit person to the Church of Solihull. The pleadings give this pedigree : — William de Oddynggeseles, temp. Hen. 3. William. Ednrund, Ida. Ela. Alice. Margaret. ob. s.p. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 545 Ralph stated that all the lands and advowsons belonging to Edmund in England and Ireland had been equally divided between his four sisters and coheirs. Be Banco Roll. Easter. 10. Edw. 2. m. 152. Line. — John de Moubray sued the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, in England, for the advowsoh of the Church of Althorpe, and gave this pedigree : — Nigel do Moubray, temp. Ric. 1. William. I Roger. I Roger. I John, the plaintiff. It appears from the pleadings that Nigel, the ancestor of John, had given the church to the Templars, and the Templars having been suppressed, John claimed it as his escheat. See also pedigree in suit of Mich. 10 E. 2, below. Be Banco Roll. Easter. 10. Edw. 2. m. 196. NoUi7igh. — William, son of Richard de Stirape, sued John, the Abbot of Welbeck, for five acres of land in Stirape and Oulcotes, and gave this pedigree : — Domina Alice de Stirape. Ingelran, temp. Hen. 3. Richard. I William, the plaintiff. Be Banco Roll. Mich. 10. Edtv. 2. m. 280 dorso. Leic. — John de Moubray sued Roger de Waltham for a mill and one hundred and twenty acres in Melton Moubray, and gave this pedigree : — William de Moubray, temp. King John. I — ■ 1 Nigel, ob. s.p. Roger. I 1 T" ■ r~ I ' 1 John, Edmund, William, Andrew, Robert, Roger, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. | John, the plaintiff. See also pedigree in suit of Easter Term, 10 E. 2, above. 546 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Be Banco Roll. Mich. 10. Edw. 2. m. 156 dorso. Kent.—ChvistuYA, formerly wife of William de Brokhill, sued Thomas, son of William de Brokhill, to permit her to present a fit person to the Church of Ceriton (Cheriton), and gave this descent : — ■ ( 1 — 1 Walranus, temp. King John, Isabella. Margaret, died s.p. Seised of the | | manor and advowson. Robert. Roger. I William. i Roger. I John, under age and in ward to Bertram Kyriel. Thomas de Brokhill's claim was derived from Robert, son of Isabella, who had enfeoffed John de Arches of his purparty, and John had enfeoifed William Fitz Warine, who had enfeoffed John de Calehull, who had enfeoffed William de Brokhill, brother of Thomas. De Banco RoU. Trinity. 10. Edw. 2. m. 137. Berks. — Gilbert Anketil, of Chepyngfaryndon, sued the Abbot of Beaulieu (de Bello loco) for thirty-two acres of land in Chepyng- faryndon, and gave this descent : — Henry, temp. Hen. 3. I Richard, living 40 Hen. 3. Henry, Gilbert, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. The pleadings shew that the land was held by kniglit service of the fee of Alsy. De Banco Roll. Mich. 11. Edw. 2. m. 411 dorso. Salop. — Hugh de Say, Thomas de Tytneleye, and William de Corne- dale, sued John, son of Thomas de Wylaston, for a messuage and two carucates of land, etc., in Wylaston, near Calv.erhale. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Eudo de Wylaston, temp. Hen. 3. -i~ Juliana. Amy. Aline. I I I Robert. William. Robert. I i I Hugh de Say. Thomas de Tytneleye. William de Cornedale, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 547 De Banco Roll. Easter. 11. Edw. 2. w. 194. Salop. — John la Warre sued Walter, the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, for the advowson of Albrighton, and gave this descent : — John Tregoz, held manor and advowson. i r h -1 John Tregoz, Clarice. Sibilla. ob. s.p. I John la Warre. The Bishop derived his claim from a grant by Ralph de Picheford in 29 E. 1. De Banco Roll. Mich. 3. Edw. 2. m. 73. Northampton. — In a suit in which William le Vineter, of Crek, sued Nicholas de Asteley for an illegal distress, the pleadings state that the manor of Crek was formerly held by Roger de Caunwill, who died s.p., leaving three sisters and heirs. The eldest sister married William de Assheby ; the second sister married Thomas de Astley, the grand- father of Nicholas ; and the third sister married Robert de Curzon, who enfeoffed Adam le Vineter, the ancestor of the plaintiff. Thomas de Astley had issue Andrew, who had issue Nicholas, the defendant. De Banco Roll. Mich. 3 Edw. 2. m. 93 dor so. Salop. — John de Cherleton sued the Prior of Wenlock for four and a half virgates of land, etc., in Huntington, near Welington. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Walter, temp. King Richard. Roger. I John. I John, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 3. Edw. 2. m. 387. Staffordshire. — Reginald, son of Reginald de Charnes, sued Roger de Burghton and Juliana, his wife, for four messuages and a carucate of land and twenty acres of wood in Burghton (Broughton). The pleadings give this pedigree ; — William de Charnes. 1 Reginald, temp. Henry 3. John. I Reginald. I . . Reginald, the plaintiff, 548 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Another suit at Mich., 5 E. 2, ante, p. 509, shows that Reginald, the father of the plaintiff, was the fourth son of John de Charnes, and that his elder brothers, Henry, Thomas, and Philip, had died without leaving any issue. De Banco Roll. Mich. 6. Edw. 2. m. 29. Leicester.— \n a suit respecting the advowson of the Church of Merkyngfeld, brought by Alan la Zusche against Heniy de Beaumont and Alice, his wife, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Eoger de Quency, Earl of Wynton, temp. Henry 3. Margaret. Elena la Zoucli. Elizabeth. I I Roger. John Comyn, Alexander Alan, the plaintiff. ob. s.p. Coniyn. ! Henry de Beaumont. =^ Alice. De Banco Roll. Mich. 3. Edw. 2. m. 27. Notts. — In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Kyrketon (the King versus William de Ros, senior, of Tgmanthorp), the pleadings give this pedigree :— Ralph. J Hugh.=f=Joan, temp. Henry 3. I Ralph. Nicholas de Cantilupe,=i=Eustachia.=William de Ros, first husband. | second husband. William de Cantilupe. De Banco Roll. Mich. 6. Edw. 2. m. 187. Ebor. — In a suit in which Robert le Constable, of Holderness, claimed one Stephen le Fevre as his villain, Robert gave this descent : — Robert le Constable, seised temp. Henry 3. William. . I Simon. Robert, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 549 De Banco Roll. Mich. 6. Ediv. 2. m. 292. Northumberland. — In a suit in which Robert de Eslington sued Idonia, formerly wife of Robert de Glauton, for nine messuages and land in Whitinghara and Throunton, the pleadings give this pedigree : — 1 V - 1 1 1 William de Plaua- Alina. Alice. Christiana. Constance. ville, ob. s.p. 1 1 1 1 Thomas. John. William, Elias, John. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Michael. Robert.^TpIdonia, the defendant. Alan. 1 Isabella John de Glauton, John. Henry, who was alive. Robert, the plaintiff. See a suit of Mich. 4 Edw. 2, ante, p. 533. De Banco Roll. Mich. 6. Edw. 2. m. 61 dorso. Devon. — John de Rale (Raleigh) sued Gervase de Rale for the manor of Warkeleye, and gave this descent : — Walter de Rale. Peter. John, the plaintiff. Gervase produced a fine by which the manor was settled on him by Walter de Rale in 5 E. 1. De Banco Roll. Mich. 6. Edw. 2. m. 105. Ebor. — William le Latimer sued Milo de Stapelton for the advowson of the Church of Teverington. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Anketine Malore, temp. Henry 3. Anketine, ob. s.p Margaret. Nicholas, ob. s.p. =Ralph Salveyn. Anketine. Avice.'^ William Burdon, who enfeoffed William de Lati- mer, the father of the plaintiff. — ri Nicholaa. Sarra. Coram Recje. Mich. 10. Edw. 2. m. 132 dorso. Southampton. — A suit respecting a rent of 100s. from the manor of Warblinton gives this pedigree : — William Aquillon, temp. Henry 3. Robert. Isabella, dau. and heir.=Hugh Bardolf. 550 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. Coram Rege. Hillary. 5. Edw. 2. m. 44. Cumberland. — In a suit of the King versus Thomas de Hothwayt, respecting the advowson of the Church of Brighara, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Waldeve de Brigham, temp. Henry 3. John. r ' 1 Alice. ^^ Robert de Yaverwyth. Joan. ^Thomas de Hothwayt. I Gilbert. I Thomas de Hothwayt, the defendant. See a suit of Mich. 2 Edw. 2, ante, p. 535. Coram Rege. Hillary. 6 Hdw. 2. m. Norfolk. — In a suit of the King versus William Bernak, respecting the advowson of the Church of Attleburgh, the King's Attorney pleaded that two-thirds of the advowson had belonged to Hugh de Albini, the Earl of Arundel, who had presented Peter Giffard, his clerk, temp. Hen. 3. The pleadings give this pedigree : — 1 1 Hugh de Mabel. Isabella. Cecilia.=Boger de Nicholaa.=Roger de Albini, | | Monhaut. Somery. ob. s.p. Robert de John Tateshale. Fitzalan. William de Bernak had been enfeoffed by Robert de Tateshale, and pleaded that the advowson was appurtenant to the manor of Plessy, which was in seisin of one Matilda, daughter of Adam, temp. Richard 1, and from which it passed to one Isolda de Arderne, who presented to the church temp. King John ; and from Isolda the manor passed to Hugh Daubeny (de Albini), who had presented Godfrey Giffard, his clerk, temp. Henry 3. See a suit of Trinity, 3-4 Edw. 2, ante, p. 531. Coram Rege. Mich. 11. Edw. 2. m. 104. Somerset. — In a plea in which John de Middelsowy sued Henry de Gowyz for land in Brent and Burneham, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Simon, temp. Henry 3. I Thomas. I Robert. I John, the plaintiff. PEDIGREElS FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 551 De Banco Roll. Easter. 14. Edw. 2. m. 77 dor so. Sussex. — John, son of Thomas de la Broke, sued John le Mareschal, of Guldeford, for two parts of the manor of Changeton, and gave this descent : — I 1 Ralph. Robert, uncle and heir of John. John de Changeton, temp. Dulcia. Dionisia. Alice. Henry 3, ob. s.p. | | I Thomas, ob. s. p. Robert, ob. s.p. John, the — — • plaintiff. Alexander, ob. s.p. Christiana, ob. s.p. Joan, ob. s.p. Agnes, ob. s.p. John le Mareschal pleaded that there was a brother Walkeline between Ralph and Robert, from whom his right was derived, and a verdict was delivered in his favour in 3 E. 3. De Banco Roll. Mich. U. Ediv. 2. m. 209. Notts. — Thomas, son of William de Chau worth, sued Roger, son of Roger de Crophill, for a rent of twenty-three marks in Edwalton. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Thomas de Chauworth. William. I Thomas, the plaintiff. It appears also from the pleadings that Thomas, the grandfather, had given the tenements, subject to the above rent, to Roger de Crophill (the father of Roger), and Legarda, his wife. De Banco Roll. Mich. 14. Edw. 2, m. 141 dorso. Wygorn. — ^Geoffrey, son of John d'Abetot, sued Geoffrey, son of GeoflErey d'Abetot, for a messuage and two carucates of land in Rydmareleye d'Abetot. The pleadings shew this descent : — Geoffrey, temp. Henry III. r ^ 1 John. Geoffrey. Geoffrey, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Mich. 15. Edw. 2. w. 16. Northampton.— 'In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Bradden, brought by Richard Blundel, of Bradden, against Richard, son of Walter de Gayton, the plaintiff stated that the manor of Bradden had belonged in time out of memory to Milo Blaunchivaler and Robert de Stoke, who held it severally and of different fees — viz., of the fee 552 P15D1GREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. of Stoke, and of the fee of the Temple, and they endowed the church from each fee by agreement, and presented alternately to it. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Milo. Sercla, dau. and heir, seised temp. Henry 3. I Walter. Beatrice.T^Nicholas Blundel, living I 21 Edward 1. 1 Eichard. Richard Blundel, the plaintiff. Robert de Stoke, temp. Kichard 1, had enfeoffed one William de Carby of his share of the manor, and William had issue Geoffrey, from whom the defendant derived his right. De Bani.f) linll. Hillary. 10. Edir. 2. m. 1 dorso. Salop. — Thomas, son of Warine Mauduit, sued John de Handlo and Matilda, his wife, for the manor of Holegot, and gave this descent : — William, temp. Henry 3. Thomas. I Warine. Thomas, the plaintiff. De Banco Roll. Easter. 13. Edw. 2. m. 46. Salop. — John Purcel sued Stephen, son of Robert de Honneleye, and Walter, son of Reginald Scot, to permit him to present a iit person to the Church of Acton, Longefeldesdale. The pleadings give this pedigree : — William Leyngleys, temp. King John. r '-+- Christiana. Cecilia. 1 Margery. Hoger. r H. Joan. Cecilia.^ -Walter le Seculer. Christiana. Thomas. 1 Alice. I Emma." -Thomas Purcel. Stephen, who gave his share to Thomas Purcel, and Emma his wife. Isabella.=f=Reginald Scot. John Purcel, the plaintiff. Walter, the defendant. Stephen de Honneleye claimed through Joan of the above pedigree, who had enfeoffed Robert de Honneleye, his father. PEDIGREES FUOM THE PLEA ROLLS. 553 De Banco Roll. Easter. 11. Edw. 2. m. 225. Norfolk. — Clernence, formerly wife of Joiin le Strange, and Alexander de Walcote and Matilda, his wife, were sued by William Bule, of Little Naringges, and Joan, his wife, to permit them to present to the Church of Little Naringges. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Philip de Naringges, temp. King John. Mabel. Basilia. Joan. Cecily. Katrine. Sibilla. I 1 1 Richard, Adam. John. ob. s.p. I I " William Bule, •—, 1 the plaintiff. John, ob. s.p. Ralph. Clernence claimed by a feoffment made by Ralph, to her, with remainder to Alexander and Matilda, the other defendants. De Banco Roll. Hillary. 11. Edw. 2. m. 72 dorso. Bucks. — Peter Doyvel sued John de Muntchensi for half the manor of Messeworth as the right of him and of one Thomas Bygod. The pleadings give this pedigree : — • I ■ — ■ 1 1 Walter de Cecilia. Katharine. Rudham, | | ob. s.p. Margaret. William. I I Peter, the plaintiff. Thomas Bygod. De Banco Roll. Mich. 12. Edtv. 2. m. 29 dorso. Hants. — Roger de Pedewardyn and Alice, his wife, sued the Abbot of Croyland for the advowson of the Church of Suth Warneboro. The pleadings give this pedigree :— - William de Longchamp, held the manor in right^pPetronella. of his wife, Petronella, temp. King John. I Henry. Alice, the plaintiff. The Abbot pleaded that one Alan de Credun, the atavtis of Alice, had granted the advowson to the monastery of Croyland. De Banco Roll. Mich. 15. Edw. 2. m. 262 dorso. Sussex.— Thovaa.?, Tregoz sued Alice de Picheford for a messuage and two carucates of land in Drayton and Farnhurst, in which she had no entry except by a demise made for a term, now expired, by John Tregoz, his great grandfather, to one Robert Tregoz, and he gave this descent : — 554 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. John, seised temp. Henry 3. Henry. Henry, living 20 Edward 1. I Thomas, the plaintiflf. Alice was widow of Geoffrey de Picheford, and claimed under a grant made by Eleanor, Queen of England, consort of Edward I, by which it appeared that Geoffrey and Alice had given to the Queen land in Elleford and Selledone, in co. Derby, in exchange for the land in question. Be Banco Roll. Mich. 15. Echv. 2. m. 176 dorse. Kent. — In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Eselyng, brought by Henry de Tyreseyth against Laurence de Huntyngfeld and Geoffrey Dyne, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Simon de Chelesford. Simon, temp, Henry 3. I — -\ Roger, ob. s.p. Emma, sister and heir. I Henry de Tyreseyth. The defendants stated that Simon, living temp. Henry 3, had given half the advowson to Peter de Huntyngfeld and Ismay, his wife, and Peter had enfeoffed Walter de Huntyngfeld, and this had been confirmed by the Roger of the pedigree. De Banco Roll. Easter. 17. Ediv. 2. m. 41. Kent. — In a suit of last presentation to. the Church of Rolvyndon, brought by the King against John de Segrave, the younger, and Juliana, his wife, the King's attorney gave this pedigree : — I 1 1 1 Isabella de Creuker,=Henry de Juliana. Isolda. Alianora. ob. s.p., temp. Henry 3. Gaunt. Nicholaa. John. I i Joan. John. Juliana. — John de Segrave. Juliana, a minor. The defendants gave this pedigree : — Matilda d'Averenches,=pHamon de Creuker. living temp. Henry 3. I r -r ^ -r n Agnes. Isolda. Alianora. Isabella. I Joan. I Juliana. — John de Segrave. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 555 De Banco RoU. Easter. 17. Edw. 2. m. 70. Kent. — In a suit of last presentation to the Church of Mapelscombe, brought by John de Mereworth and Stephen de Chelesfeld against John de Wysham, the pleadings give this pedigree : — 1 1 Walrand de Serynton, Basilia. Alice. temp. Henry 3, ob. s.p. Roger. Robert. I I John de Mereworth, William, who had the plaintiff. enfeoffed William de Chelesfeld, the father of Stephen. De Banco RoU. Mich. 15. Edw. 2. m. 43 dorso. Lincoln. — Robert, son of John Comyn, by his custos, sued Richard Byron and other tenants, for land in TJlseby, near Wotton, which William de Ros had given to Alice, his daughter, and the heirs of her body, and he gave this descent : — William de Ros. Alice, temp. Hen. 3. John. Robert, the plaintiff. De Banco. Mich. 15. Edw. 2, m. 18. Hertford. — Pagana, daughter of Philip de Merdele, sued Beatrice, formerly wife of Robert de Gravele, for the manor of Gravele, in which she had no right except through Robert de Gravele, who had unjustly disseised John de Gravelee, and she gave this pedigree : — - r 1 Robert de Gi"avele.=f Beatrice. Alice, aunt and^Philip de Merdelee. I heir of John. I I ■ I — John de Gravele, living • Pagana, the plaintiff. 13 Edward 1, ob. s.p. De Banco. Mich. 15. Edw. 2. m. 113. Wilts. — In a suit respecting a messuage and thirty acres of land in Depeford, brought by William Godefrai, of Baketon, against John de Cheynduc and others, the pleadings give this pedigree : — Walter Burgeys.=f Margaret, Margaret.=T=Ralph de Cheynduc. I John, the defendant. 556 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. The pleadings also state that Robert Fitz-Payne held the manor of Depeford, temp. Henry 3, and had given it to Walter Bui'geys in frank marriage with Margaret, his sister. De, Banco. Easter. 17 Eclw. 2. m. 41 dorso. Lancashire — Henry, son of Henry de Glasbrok, sued Robert de Glasbrok for a messuage and two bovates of land in Glasebrok ; and he sued Henry del Wodehouse and Agnes, his wife, for a bovate of land in the same vill. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Richard, living temp. Henry 3. Richard. Henry. Henry de Glasbrok, the plaintiff. De Banco. Enxter. 17 Ediv. 2. m. 30 dorso. Notts. — John Barry, of Torlaston, sued Reginald de Aslacton for twenty-eight bovates of land, etc., and gave this pedigree : — Ralph, seised temp. Richard 1. Ralph. Richard. _i ■ 1 William, ob. s.p. John. Richard. John Barry, the plaintifp. De Banco. Trinity. 17 Edw. 2. Oxen. — John Pecche sued Robert de Arderne for the advowson of the Church of Swaleweclyve. The pleadings give this pedigree : — Robert de Wykham, temp. Henry 3, held the manor of Swaleweclyve. Robert. Robert, living 16 Edward 2, who granted the advowson to John Pecche, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 557 De Banco. Trinity. 17 Edw. 2. m. 197. Westmoreland. — Walter de Strikeland sued John, son of' John de Lancastre, Gilbert de Lancastre and Adam de Carleton, of Barton, for suit of the mills of Walter, in Barton. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Ralph, seised temp. Henry 3. Gervase, Richard, Elizabeth, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I William, Walter de Strikeland, ob. s.p. the plaintiff. Gilbert de Carleton. Adam. William. Adam, the defendant. De Banco. Hillary. 17. Edw. 2. m. 67. Norfolk. — Oliver de Ingham sued William, son of William de Roos, of Hamelak (whom George, son of William de Roos, of Hamelak, had called to warranty), for the manor of Whytewell, which Walter de Ingham, the great-grandfather of Oliver, whose heir he is, had given to Walter de Ingham and the heirs of his body, and which, after the death of Walter, son of Walter, without issue, should revert to the said Oliver. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — Walter de Ingham. Oliver. Walter, ob. s.p. John. Oliver, the plaintiff. Oliver de Vaux. John. Petronilla. Matilda. William de Roos, of Hamelak. 558 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Trinity. 18. Edw. 2. m. 91 dor so. Leicester. — John de Foleville, of Claxton, sued Isabella de Hastynges, formerly wife of William de Hastynges, for a messuage and three bovates of land in Claxton. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — John, seised temp. Henry 3. 1 1 Thomas, John. ob. s.p. 1 John de Foleville, the plaintiff. Matilda.=rAlan Fitz-Roald. Henry. Isabella. Roger. John also sued Isabella, daughter of Alan Fitz-Roald, for a messuage and a virgate of land in the same vill ; and Isabella called to warranty Roger, son of Henry Roand {sic). Isabella, daughter of Alan, was identical with Isabella de Hastynges. De Banco. Mich. 19. Edw. 2. m. 121. Norfolk. — William, son of Walter de Calethorp, sued Reginald de Calethorp and Agnes, his wife, and other tenants, for land in Berewyk, Beremere and Stanhowe, and gave this pedigree : — Hervey. John. Ela.=p Walter de Calethorp. William, the plaintiff. De Banco. Hillary. 19. Ediv. 2. to. 207. Suffolk. — Robert de Insula (de I'lsle) sued Alice, formerly wife of John de Thorp, for a moiety of the manor of Combes. The pleadings give these pedigrees : — I 1 Geoffrey. Sarra. I I Margaret. Robert. I - ■ I Robert. 1 Roger, son of Peter=-Sarra, ob. s.p., | Fitz-Osbern. temp. Hen. 3. Warine. I Robert de Insula, the plaintiff. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. 559 Bartholomew de Crek. Margaret. Roger, son of=Sarra, Peter Pitz- ob. s.p. Osbern. Robert. I John. Robert de Thorp. 1 Isabella. I Robert de Valognes. Cecily .=f=Robert de Roes.=Edmund Ufford. de Paken- I ham. Robert. Be Banco. Mich. 20. Edw. 2. m. 43. Somerset. — William de Vernay sued Matilda de Staunton for two messuages, etc , in HuUeferour, which Cecilia de Columbers had given to Matilda de Vernay, and he gave this pedigree : — Ralph Basset, of Fayrcfeld,=f=Matilda de Vernay, grandfather of William. temp. Henry 3. r— William. William de Vernay, the plaintiff. It will be noted that the children of Ralph Basset had taken their mother's name. De Banco. Mich. 20. Edw. 2. m. 195. Ehor. — John Mauleverer sued Richard, son of Stephen Walays, of Helagh, for eighteen messuages, two mills, and twenty-four bovates of land, etc., in Nether Dunsford and Over Dunsford. The pleadings give this pedigree : — 1 Ralph, seised temp. King Richard. 1 Henry. Richard. William. 1 1 Henry. 1 1 Robert, 1 Joan, 1 John. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. John Mauleverer, the plaintiff. Stafford Assize Roll. 5. Hen. 4. m. 3. Staff. — Humfrey Stafford, the younger, sued Thomas de Erdeswick and Elena, his wife, for the manor of Bromshulf (Bramshall). 5&0 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA ROLLS. William de Stafford, the elder, livinsr 11 E. 3. "T William de StafPord,^Isabella. John.=Margaret. James, the younger. I 1 James. Margaret. _J I — Thomas de Erdeswick,=Eleua. the defendants. Verdict for Humfrey de Stafford, who claimed to be the heir-at-law of William de Stafford, the younger. Be Banco. Mich. 7. Hen. 7. m. 446 dorso. Staf. — Robert Willughby de Broke, Kt., Elizabeth Colshill and Alianore Strangeways sued Hugh Erdeswick, Armiger, for lands, etc., in Bromshulf (Bramshall). James de Stafford, Kt. Elena.=rThomas Erdeswick. Thomas. I Henry. Hugh.- Hugh Erdeswick, the defendant. It will be seen that this descent differs from the last, and they both differ from the descent given in the suit of Mich. 14 E. 4, ante, p. 472. INDEX. INDEX. A. Abbe, le, 523. Abberbury, 58. Abbots, le, 283. Aberford, 10. Abetot, de, 551. Abindon, 426. Abingdon, 178, 248. Abington, 112. Achard, 164. Acton, 42, 47, 80, 81, 90, 137, 209, 213, 221, 241, 334, 384, 552. Reyner, 42. Trussell, 98. Acworthe, 461. Adam, 432. Adbere, 402. Adderbury, 396. Adelvestre (Austrey), 95, 21 1. Adington, 482. Adlard, fitz Adlard, 77. Agmondesham, 342, 343. Aisserigge, 262. Alan, fitz, 85, 245, 532, 550. WiU., s. of, 6. Albamore, 485. Albaston, 502. Albemarle, 262, 484. Fortibus, Earl of, 63. Countess of, 535. Albini, 15, 19, 29, 30, 85, 206, 263, 291, 401, 531, 532, 550. Albrighton, 105, 547. Alcokson, 93. Aldeburgh, 155. Alderdelegh, 256. Alderstowe, 38. Alderton, 103, 200, 536, 537. Aldesworth, 364, 423. Aldeworth, 33. Aldford, 256, 469. Aldham, 55, 156. Aldithelegh (see Audley). Aldrington, 339. Aleyn, 44, 139, 207, 270 fitz, 316. Alfameston, 139. Alington, 428, 450. Alintone, 197. Alkercby, 524. AUesIeye, 19. Allesworth, 448. Almandesworth, 183, Almale, 217. Almaly, 49. Almecote, 472. Ab-e, 241. Ab-igge, 331. Alsop, 459. Alspathe (Meriden), 69, 77, 239, 315, 463. Alstanton. 265. Alta Ripa (Hauterive), 40, 139. Althorp, 545. Altringham, 131, 170, 255. Alvaldestone, 265. Alvedley, 204. Alveiegh, 76. Alvescote, 33. Alvythele, 185. Alwinestone, 440. Amblecote, 129, 472. Amcotes, 13. Amicell, 106. Amifles, 433. Amington, 176, 184, 357, 438, 458. Amivelle, co. Hereford, 537. Ampton, 443. Amulcote (see Amblecote). Amys, 232, 260, 300. Anceley, 439. Ancher, 222. Anderby, 498. Andrew, 45, 227, 364, 244, 460. Anescote, 87. Angemering, 197, 328. Anglicus, 477. Angos, Earl of, 357. Angre, 427, 484. Anketil, 546. Anne, 77, 163, 180. Annesley, 361. Anslow, 105. Anstey, 371. Cruwis, 16. Antingham, 226. Apeldrefeld, 323. Appeley, 224, 457. Appelgart, 74. a 2 IV INDEX. Appleby, 92, 95, 218. 246, 382. Appulton, 279, 305, 443. Appulyerde, 268. Aquillon, 20, 549. Archer, le, 30, 59, 68. Arches, de, 546. Ardene, 115, 256. Ardeme, 28, 43, 81, 82, 91, 9C, 99, 108, 178, 254, 305, 358, 359, 396, 469, 475, 503, 540, 556. Argentein, 162. Arkes worthy, 81. Arlarthorp, 125. Armenters, 473. Armory, 393. Arneclif-Dale, 301. Arnold, 290. Arundel, 23, 46, 135, 208, 233, 234, 259, 260, 262, 275, 292, 294, 306, 331, 410, 458, 485. Earls of, 373, 383, 344. Arusmyth, 128. Aschewater, 367. Ashfordby, 354. Ashbourne, 444. Ashe, 384, 385. Askam, Bryan, 408. A.skham, 429, 440. Askeby, 310. Little, 144. Great, 144, 145. Askem, 466. Aslak, 331. Aslakeby, 309, 310. Aslacton, 556. Aslokton, 335. Aspall, 1, 2, 393. Aspley, 13, 90, 230. Ashby, 42, 76, 95, 195, 282, 547. La Zouch, 418. Asshefeld, 280, 281, 417. Assheley, 18, 38, 118, 149, 164, 171, 253, 359, 469. near Hale, 255. Asshen, 208, 267. Asseles, 53. Asslietede, 43. Assheton, 190, 377. Asshewarp, 543. Assewell, 71, 288. Asshewell-Thorp, 10. Asshelonde, 326. Asshewater, 87, 338. Asshewy, 69. Asshoverne, 111. Astbury, 240, 264, 277. Astley, 5, 42, 92, 93, 95, 101, 132 201, 205, 206, 210, 309, 343, 547. =- Abbatis, 142. Aston, 219, 347, 401, 413, 414, 418. Great, 188, Aston Pigot, 453. Astwode, 353, 380, 466. Aswardby, 339. Atbare, Nether, Over, 462. Atford, 517. Athelard, 282. Athelardeston, 31. Athelaston (Ellaston), 503. Athehngton, 127. Atherstone, 206, 292. Athewyk, 415, 428. Atholl, Earl of, 22. Atingham, 302. Attelburgh, 82, 85, 244, 531, 550. Attebere, Over, 133. Auberville, 524. Aubin, 15. Aubourne, 106. Auchier, 120. Audley, 49, 60, 61, 66, 68, 71, 72, 85, 87, 125, 175, 183, 188, 189, 306, 480, 504, 510. Aulton, 177. Aumarle, 72. Aunger, 274. Aure, 100. Austin, 223, 224. Austrey, 95, 211. Avenel, 10, 493. Averenches, 516, 528, 554. Axeford, 336. Axiholm, 72. 156. Axminstre, 431. Aylesbury, 90, 113, 133, 174, 192, 214, 253, 282, 283, 353. Aylesford, 84, 94, 269, 270 and see Eylesford. Ayleston, 22. Aylmersthorp, 166. Ayly, 80. Ayndon, 526. Ayno. 230. Ayot Montfychet, 328. Ayrmyn, 246. B. Babington, 310, 395, 419, 497. Babthorp, 445, 446. Bache, 221. Bacon, 202, 226, 386. Bacoun, of Newton, 19. Bacun, 488. Badburghham, 39. Baddeby, 238. Baddesley Clinton, 73. Baddesworth, 318, 326. Badilegh, 264. Badlesmere, 5, 99. Badleston, 257. INDEX. Badmundefeld, 490. Baggeburgh, 90. West, 137. Baggelegh, 119. Bagod, 18, 19. Bagot, 480. ■ of Hacumby, 35. Bagshote, 181, Baiocis (Bayeux), 123. Bainton, 520. Bakepuz, 2, 105. Bakestone, 442. Baketon, 537, 555. Bakewell, 361. Baliol, 4, 14, 509. Baillol, 532. Balkholme, 206. Balle, 299. Balne, 466. Bambour, 290. Bamburgh, 331. Bamdusley, 291. Bampfeld, 296. Bampton, 207, 261, 454. DoyUy, 185. Banastre, 141, 173, 274. Band, 332, 333. Bandy, 189. Banneburgh, 357. Banton, see Bampton. Banyard, 44. Barbot, 532, 533. Bardolf, 103, 107, 352, 366, 549. Barentine, 288, 463, 465. Bares, de, 25, 26. Baret, 173, 489. Barinton, 63. Barneby, 466. Barnhurst, 163. Barnstaple, 346. Barnton, 1. Barnak, 340. Barleburgh, 250. Barnville, 145. Baron, 143. Barowe, 112. Barwe, 426. on Sore, 320. Baroweby, 281. Barre, 129, 208, 209, 282, 427, 448, 449. Barry, 81, 130, 556. Barsham, 34. Barton, 139, 278, 301, 302, 335, 368, 369, 346, 437, 557. Comitis, 373. Odo, 389. St. John, 393. Great, 434. Baseldene, 153. Basinges, 4. Baakerville, 273, 279, 391. Basset, 85, 181, 182, 183, 184, 192, 193, 205, 269, 300, 308, 318, 320, 321, 344, 345, 375, 476, 480, 493, 502 531 532. "' ofSapcote, 4, 106, 136, 251, 269. of Drayton, 168. :._ of Parkhall, 269. of Weldon, 18, 30, 58, 59, 68, 192, 254. of Wodeford, 22. of Fairefeld, 559. Bassingburn, 4, 62, 102, 106. Bataille, 206. Bathe, 77, 155, 163, 179, 180, 221. Batheneston, 56. Bate, 379. Baudechon, 57. Baudewyn, 230, 328. Baumville, 149. Baunton, 476. Bausin, 301. Bavent, 37, 60, 61, 112. Baville, 97, HI. Baxby, 371. Bayeux, 123, 124. Bayllole, 234. Baynard, 229, 449, 460, 461. Baynards, 433. Bayons, 300. Bealknape, 180, 246. BeaUe, 301. Beauchamp, 17, 72, 107, 125, 151, 200, 268, 272, 286, 289, 290, 330, 345, 348, 356, 407, 478, 487, 521. Thorn., Earl of Warwick, 138. of Bergavenny, 292, 333, 342. of Wightlakinton, 367. of Poywyk, 207. Beaufo, 389. Beauford, 314. Earl of Somerset, 282. Beaufoy, 110. Beaumeye, 191. Beaumond, 356. Beaumont, 81, 314, 369, 377, 548. Beaumondston, 232, 260. Beaupel, 351. Beaupole, 316. Beaupeny, 196. Beche, la, 53, 75, 90, 260, 293, 294, atte, 153. Beck, 96. Beek, 187, 232, 254. Bek, de, 47, 509, 510. Bechesworth, 292. Bedale, 408, 429, 440. Bedell, 271. Bedewell, 291. Bedford, 199, 333, 400. VI INDEX. Bedingfeld, 331. Beerton, of Evcote, 1 14. Beisin, 508, 510, 511. Bekard, 144. Bekenesfeld, 71. Bekering, 8. Bekingham, 84, 269, 532. Belagh, 235. Beler, 299, 373. Belesby, 162. Belet, 3, 495. Beleverge, 329, 350. Belhampton, 231. Belhous, 355, 374, 404. Bella Aqua (BeUew), 423. Bella-Fago, 518. Bellerby, 470. BeUeis, 392. BeUew, 448. BeUic, 517. Bellocampo (Beauchamp), 478. Belon, 29. Belost, 23. Belsowe, 80. Belston, 209, 210, 369. Beltoft, 197. Belton, 105, 197,438. Benacre, 270. Benamy, co. Devon, 472. Benasses, 369. Bendenges, 520. Bendin, 12. Bendisshe, 291. Benet, 455. Benington, near St. Botolph, 32. Benstede, 109. Bentley, 183, 194, 239, 240. Benton, 369. Benvras, 306. Berdefeld, 14. Little, 234. Berden, 144. Berdewell, 235. Bere, la, 13, 16, 85, 250, 273, 274, 279, 280, 505. Bereford, 80, 184, 241, 283. • St. Martin, 88. Beremere, 558. Bere-Sardon, 504. Berewik, 42, 126, 558. near Aberford, 10. CO. Norfolk, 19. CO. Salop, 302. CO. Sussex, 340. Berford, 64. Bergavenny, 292, 333, 342. Bergh, 128. Berghes, 272. Berkeden, 307, 308. Berkley, 120, 150, 157, 171, 174, 225, 386, 387, 418, 431, 512. Berlee, 112. Bermingham, 88, 134, 145, 283, 284, 287, 437. Bernak, 82, 108, 122, 240, 244, 245, 353, 531, 550. Bernard, 120, 255. Bernardeston, 291. Berneton, 118. Berne ville, 179. Berry, 274. Berterton, 252. Berton, 112, 131, 212, 234, 476, 516. Bertram, 79, 236, 399. Berughby, 340. Berwardescote, 222. Berweby, 489. Berwis, 242. Berye, 212. Besiles, 97, 110, 111, 244, 418. Beston, 233, 259. Betinham, 371. Beumes, 479. Bevercote, 517. Beveresbrok, 93, 253. Beverley, 398. Bevile, 70, 231, 307, 308. Biam, 484. Bidleatone, 32. Biddulph, 39. Bidlesedene, 251. Bide well, 210. Bienham, 233, 234, 364. Biestwall, 266. Bigot, 65. Bikelegh, 145. Bikenare, 104. Bilkemore, 350. BiUesfeld, 64, 106. Billesley, 354. BiUestdn, 22. BilUng, 163, 179, 319. Little, 437. Billingeye, 185. BilHngford, 235. Billion, 98. Bilney, West, 403. Bingham, 27, 103, 236, 324, 399, 401, 403, 413, 414, 418, 432. Bir Fereres, 238. Birchenhall, 277. Birkhed, 170. Birlingham, 38, 46. Birmingham, see Bermingham. Birton, 106, 136. Biry, 303. Biskele, 3, 366. Bispham, 399. Bisset, 481. Bisshopsden, 42. Bisshopburi, see Bushbiiry. Bisshopston, 361. INDEX. Vll Bitelesdene, 313. Bittebergh, 253. Blaby, 294. Blackmere, 251. Blake Nuttele, 487. Blakeburgh, 315. Blakeburn, 17. Blakel, 278. Blaker, 98. Blakeworthy, 5. Blaneford, 377. Blankemouster, 364. Blaston, 295. Blaunchivaler, 551. Blaunchmains, 414. Blerek, 301. Blewet, 449. Bliant, 235. BHghe, 301. BlikHnge, 187. Blisworth, 125, 151, 267. Blithburgh, 327. BUton, 434. Blome, 83. Bloreston, 437. Blower, 400. Blount, 13, 26, 71, 89, 93, 253, 438. Bloyou, 351. Bluet, 122, 323, 460, 461 Blundel, 551, 552. Blunt, 324. BlymhiU, 18. Boclande (Buckland), 97. Boclonde Rypers, 28. Bodenham, 139. Bodennok, 208, 220. Bodrugan, 72, 163. Bolf, 377. Boghawode, 57. Boilound, 15. Bois de, 81, 414. Bohun, 5, 51, 72, 99, 105. 229, 292, 512 and sea Bjun and Bowhun. Bokelie, 451. Bokelond, 111, 540. Bokewint, 22. Bolbek, 2, 63. Bolde, 373. Boleyn, 409, 426. BoUeham, 455. Boilers, 489, 490. Boloigne, 172. Bolour, 407. Bolton, 13. on the Moors, 43, 79. Bondon, 169, 170. Boneburi (Bunbury), 146. Boneville, 198, 199, 287, 298, 304, 307, 315, 356, 367, 377, 431, 451. Bonewell, 314. Bonham, 460, 461. Bonho, 366. Bonindon, 359. Bonwode, 120. Boseville, 400, 493. Boseworth, 124, 200. Bosco, see Bois and Boys. Boson, 204, 355, 422, 423 and see Bozoun. Bossemere, 99. Bossu, 414. Boswayne, 307. Boswithgy, 128. Boterell, 139. Boterie, 100. Botesford, 523. Bothe, 384. Bothem, 170. BothuU, 456, 457. Botiller, 37, 64, 83, 124, 126, 137, 153, 165, 170, 188, 193, 194, 196, 205, 226, 233, 249, 251, 262, 285, 286, 303, 358, 346, 413, 456, 463, 494, 507, 510, 513. of Wemine, 31, 223. of Sudle, 162. Butiller of Eyton, 538. Botolph, 32. Botone, 3. Botriaux, 128, 306. Boucy, 159. Boudeby, 129. Boudon, 148. Boughton, 424. Bouldwas, 41. Boulewas, 131, 218. Bonn, 271. Bourchier, 143, 273, 426, 427, 431. Boure, 156. Boureman, 400, 461. Bourghthier, 408. Boureth, 33. Bourghulle, 179. Bourhton (Broughton), 503. Bourne, 83 and see Burne. Bourton, 94, 204. Bovedon, 178. Boville, 180, 200, 536. Boweles, 348, 356. Bower, 210, 399. Bowet, 270, 299, 378. Bowhun, 271. Boxgrave, 40. Boycote, 320. Bovdell, 114, 115, 116, 154, 198, !?65, 312. Boyle, 427. Boylound, 83. Boynton, 377, 390, 408. Boys, 81, 166, 210, 235, 400. Boyton, 143, 524. Boyvillc, 103, 288. Vlll INDEX. Bozoun, 25, 55, 69, 81, 90, 106, 211, 639. Bracebi (Bracebridge), 246, 475. Bracy, 83. Bradburn, 94. Braddon, 40, 429, 551. Bradene, 367. . South, 367. Bradeby, 318. Bradeford, 189, 402. Bradeham, 512. Bradeley, 177, 192, 201. Bradene3% 112. Bradepole, 173, 381, 346. Bradeston, 204, 421, 422. Bradewatre, 230. BradeweU, 67, 118, 167, 232, 252, 479, 542. Bradfordale, 365. Brahanie, 54. Braillesford, 38, 318, 531. Brakley, 315. Brambeltegh, 55. Brampton, 89, 403. Bramton, 313, 521. Bramshall, HI, 130, 472, 559. Bramspath, 437, 439. Brandon, 313. Bras, 533. 1^ Braundeston, 40, ^33. Brantestone, 90, 113, 283. Braunton, 346. : Branscombe, 431. Brantingham, 293, 446. Braumfeld, 495. Braunche, 450, 497. Brause, 183. Breouse, 60, 72, 101, 230, 474. Brewes, 261. Bray, 15, 40, 158, 443, 471. Braybrok, 272, 345, 348, 356, 625. Braybuf, 374. Braytoff, 140. Bray ton, 521. Bredhill, 362. Breele, 266. Breideshale, 21. Brekeshall, 344. Brekles, 344. Bremebarge, 530. Brembre, 474. Bremdelschete, 37. Brempton, 32. Bremshet, 376, 400. Brenche, 456. Brendebroghton, 29, 140. Brent, 550. Brentingby, 166. Brerely, 201. Brereton, 137, 240, 295, 469. Breton, 269, 309, 436, 499. Bretun, 498. Brescy, 277. Bresscle, Great, 543. Bresworth, 436. Bret, le, 66. Brethenham, 483. Bretteville, 262, 485. Breweme, 346. Brewosa, 540. BrichuU, 146. Bridlington, 535. Briene, 178, 236, 237, 248. Brigenhale, 488. Briggeford, 124. Brigham, 535, 550. Brighteston, 285. Brightlington, 70. Bright well, 322. Brimesgrove, 342. Brimfeld, 41. Brimesfield, 529. Brimham, 327. Briningham, 205. Brinkhill, 73, 77. Bristol, 142, 146. Brito, 485. Brittany, Earl of Richmond and, 4. Briwere, 476. Brixham, 302, 303. Broc, 515, 530. Brocas, 140, 284. Hevere, 409. Brocholes, 100. Brocton, 34. Brode, Hem bury, 544. Brodehenton, 278. Brodemersshton, 198. Brodesworth, 232. Broghton, 125, 140, 192. Broke, 400, 428, 465, 472, 551, 560. Brokhole, 175, 181. Brokesbourne, 43. Brokesby, 195, 196. Broket, 318. Brokkeley, 213. Brokh'U, 546. Brokle, 360. Brom.^feld, 46, 60. Bromfeld, 421, Bromflete, 348, 356. Bromhale, 288. Bromley, 18, 256, 261, 292. Abbots, 100. Bagots, 100. Brompton, 38, 46, 89, 91, 218, 289, 301, 483. Bromsgrove, 145, 342. Bromshulf, see Bramshall. Brome, 330. Broom, 290, 331. Bromwic, 529. INDEX. IX Brothek, near Loftwich"el, 12. Brothenham, 103. Broudoun, 251. Broughton, 271, 276, 350, 351, 356, 439, 503, 547. Broun, 192, 296, 382, 398. Candevere, 303. of Newark, 124. of Wylden, 173. Brouneley, 284. Brounflete, 302. Brouning, 15, 168, 366. Browe, 271, 309. Broxon, 154, 170. Bruardeslegh, 223. Bruce, Bruys, 18. Brus, 22, 78, 509, 532. Bruchemereston, 150. Bruere, la, 525. Bruges, 500. Bruggelauton, 222. Bruggenorth, 142. Brumpton, 483. Brundish, 57. Brunfeud, 487. Brunkinthorp, 166. Brunne, 331. Brussheford, Speke, 317. Brut, 46, 97, 109, 291, 635, 536. de la Grove, 139, Brutford, 313. Bruyly, 266. Bruly, 465. Bruyn, 346, 364, 392, 395, 447, 448. Bruys, 104, 144, 330, 382. Br5ran, 64. Buckeshulle, 102. Buckingham, Duke of, 470. • Rob. de, 505. Buckland, 97, 110. Bucton, 26, 203, 218, 289. Bucuinte, 524. Budeford, 23, 481. BudeU, 220. Budstone, 169, 170. Buffari, 501. Bufford, 267, 496. Bugge, 394, 453. Buildwas, 538, Buk, 458. Bukenham, 162. Bukeham, 293. Bukherst, 4.58. Bulcote, 361. Bule, 553. Bulkeley, 118, 119, 149, 170, 264, 265, 427. Bulinere, 378. Bumpstede, 162. Bunbury, 146. Bunnevelle, 216. Bunteth, 390, 391, 471. Burcestre, 87, 164, 230, 313. Burdet, 237, 420. Burdon, 96. Bures, 21, 32, 80, 81, 197, 234, 289. Burford, 324. Burgate, 427. Burgchier, 229. Burgeys, 357, 555. Burgh, 172, 231, 374, 387, 388, 393, 414. Burghersh, 34, 59, 71, 102, 161, 386. Burghton, 509. BurghuU, 77, 163. Burgo, 21, 63, 150, 486. Burguillon, 21, 63. Burley, 235. Burnaby, 74. Burne, 462. Burnell, 1, 63, 95, 146, 177, 239, 240, 418. Burnham, 459, 528, 550. Westgate, 458. Bumhamsutton, 497. Burnhamthorp, 497. Bursal], 164. Burton, 44, 75, 76, 144, 191, 214, 369, 466. Lenard, 144. Jorce, 361. CO. Oxon., 366. St. Lazar, 392. Buyrton, 154, 265. Bufwardesley, 255. Burwarton, 135. Bury, 214, 246. Burys, 328. Bushbury, 475, 492. Busshe, 322. Busshel, Warine, 32. Busshell, 440. Bussy, 4. Buteler, see Botiller. Butfelyn, 436. Buttelegh, 468. Butterton, 11, 500. Buttetourt, 92, 177, 207. Bygood, Bygod, 319, 553. Bygrave, 108. Byroun, 39, 555. Cade, 301. Cadebury, 259. Cadestone, 259. Cadugan, 117. Cahaumton, 477. Cailwey, 61. Cailv, 24, 85, 245, 383, 384. Calcoft, 128. Caldecote, 296, 376. INDEX. Caldelowe, 51, 159. Caldeye, Great, 2G3. CaldeweU, 343. CalehiiU, 546. Caleys, 323, 452. Caliston, 304. CaUerdon, 313. Calthorp, 19, 65, 270, 280, 417, 430, 458, 459, 558 and see Kalethorp. Calton, 96, Calvelegh, 145, 170, 171. Calverdoun, 251. Calverhale, 546. Cambhowe, 79. CameLs 397. Camerwell, 308. Camoys, 37, 292, 332. 416, 446. Campania, de, 394. Campo Arnulpbi (Chamtieruon), 49, 202, 356. Camville, 95. Canville, 473. Caneford, Little, 257. Caninges, 413. Canniby, 205. Canoun, 139. Cantelupe, 161, 337, 478, 489, 491, 492, 535, 548. Capeles, 54. Capreville, 352. Carbonell, 180, 200, 477, 537. Carby, 552. Cardigan, 293, 404. Carehays, 367, 457, 458. Carente, 98. Caresbroke, 182. CaresweU, 101, 329. Carlele, 153. CarUsle, 520. Carinton, 148. Carleton, 176. Golville, 34, 44. Culy, 97. CO. Cumberland, 509. of Barton, 557. Carmenewe, 202, 338, 350, 351, 367. Carmenon, 87. Carpenter, 359. Carren, 39. Carrewe, 6, 209, 363. Carteret, 324. Carthorp, 221. Carwell, 339. Caryhays, 367, 457, 458. Casewyke, 359. Casingham, 232, 260. Casse, 6. Cassy, 204. Castel, Goderich, 22. . Bytham, 106. • Sowerby, 509. Castelford, 197. Castellacre, 350. Castello, 45, 53. Casterton, 242. Casthorp, 64. Castre, 390, 483. Castri Lerriis, 421. Catesby, 168, 361, 393, 448. Catfosse, 186. Catbangre, 270. Catton, 320, 321. Caumpes, 323. Caune, 65. Caunton, 544. Caunville, 5, 547. Caus, 324, 453. Barony of, 91. Cave, 243. of Northburg, 151. Caveley, 72. Cavendish, 76, 165, 166. CaverswaU, 503, 505, 506. Cergeaux, 70. Cerne, 26, 27, 168. Cesterton, 499. Chabnore, 273, 274, 279, 280, 391. Chaddesdene, 48. Chadelwode, 401. Chakenden, 501. Chaldeford, Est, 398. Chaldegrave, 375. Chalke, 443. Chalons, 271, 272, 309, 401. Chalvedon, 435, 452. Chalvesterne, 416. Chamber, 342. Chaumbre, 178, 354, 396. Chamberlein, 19, 110, 166, 189, 199, 321, 323, 434. Chambernoun, 49 see Champemon. Chamelegh, 516. Champernon, 238. 298, 356 and see Campo Amulphi. Champeneyp, 54. Champerd, 415. Champflour, 56. Chancy, 453, 513. Chandos 367, 372, 507. Changclton, 194. Changeton, 551. Chanceiix, 53, 496. Chareman, 5. Chapelle, de la, 127. Charles, 65, 190. Charlaweswyke, 449, 460. Charlewode, 289. Charlton, 169, 226, 227, 296, 297, 467. Charneles, 80, 266. Charnes, 503, 509, 547, 548 and see Chavernes. Charnys, 51. INDEX. XI Chastillon, 207, 358, 368, 408. Chatulton, 68. Chaucer, 329, 333, 342. Chauneley, 528. Chauntemarle, 266. Chaunz, 253. Chauree, 443. Chavernes (Charnes), 503. Chaworth, 263, 373, 467, 544, 551. Chaynel, 124. Cheadle, 4, 119, 149,267. Checkley, 49, 379. Chedder, 300, 337, 349, 394, 395. Cheddes, 476. Cheddleton, 68 see Chetelton. Chedzoy, 476. Cheigny, 23. Cheny, 242. Cheine, 135, 142, 143, 173, 190, 198, 219, 248, 286, 287, 299, 353, 375, 422. Cheinduit, 88, 283, 284, 479, 480. Cheineston, 139. Chele, 286. Chellefeld, 246. Chellesfeld, 289, 555. Chelesford, 554. Chellesworth, 421. Chelrey, 442. Cheping Caumperdon, 180. lamborne, 426. farndon, 7, 546. Chepingdesert, 152. Chepstede, 419. Cheriton, 546. Cherleton, 46, 115, 217, 226, 227, 315, 547. of Appeley, 224. Mackerel, 3. Chersworth, 230. Chesewardyu, 124. Cheshelle, 162. Cheshiille, 376. Cheshunt, 202. Chesthunt, 213. Chesildon, 258. Chesney, 492, 515, 525. Chestre, 143. Chester, Earl of, 532. Chesterfield, 531. Chesterton, 291. Chetelton, 292, 504. Chetham, 543. Chetilthorp, 277, 278. Chetwind, 188, 254, 255, 288, 315. Chetwode, 354, 420. Chevele, 383. Chevening, 419, 420. Cheverston, 69. Cheynduc, 555. Chichester, 451. Chidiok, 98, 142, 143. Chikeneye, 133, 152. Chiknell, 413. Chilham, 519. Chilinton, 502, 505. ChiUewull, 522. Chilton, 537. Chinnok, Est, 215. Chippelegh, 30. Chippenham, 225. Chirchford, 54. Chirchesthehethe, 150. Chircheton, 69. Chiriton, 186. Chirk, 30. Chisel bergh, 156. Chishulle, 188. Chitecroft, 267. Chitterne, 305. Chokke, 447, 448, 450. Cholley, 154. Cholmundelegh, 148, 256, 26 1. Cholmundeslon, 259. Chorlegh, 43, 79. Chorlton, 209. Christchurch, 341. Christeham, 525. Christelet, 323. Christelton, Great, 271, 309. Little, 271, 309. Rowe, 309. Christian, 332. Chuddleegh, 30. Chudinglee, 260, 293. Churchill, 105, 259, 456, 463. Churughton, 359. Chute, 431. Cirencestre, 291. Ciston, 535. Clandon, 154. Clanefeld, 207. Clapham, 405, 463. Clare, 134, 146, 273; 470. Earl of Gloucester, 7. Clarence, Lionel, Duke of, 227. Clarindon, 237. Clavering, 9, 10. Clavile, 423. Claxton, 386, 541, 558. Clay broke, 166, 345. Clayton, 150. Claydon, 57, 202. Claytorp, 493. Cleaungre, 427. Cleo, Le, 135. Clerk, 137, 411. Clerkson, 450. Clevedon, 523, 526. Cleye Ba>-feld, 226. Cliff, 164, 243, 335. Clifford, 72. 137, 138, 311, 322, 528. Cliffort, 390. Xll INDEX. Clifton, 24, 82, 85, 119, 218, 245, 393, 410, 441, 518. Clifton, Reynes, 371. Little, 459. Clinne, 413. Clinton, 7, 27, 73, 74, 95, 283, 284, 437, 463, 473, 474. Clipiston, 399. Clipstowe, 432. Clissebv, 192. Clive, 231, 392. Cliveden, 45, 221, 241. Clopton, 89, 220, 241, 291, 443. Cnoulle, 539. Cobald, 386. Cobbe, 246. Cobeldik, 140. Cobham, 84, 125, 197, 225, 244, 247, 271, 278, 296, 297, 305, 315, 352, 395, 465. Hevere, 409. Coderstone, 408. Coddesmore, 33. Codford, 407. Codington, 170, 272. Coggeshale, 383. Coigners, 326. Cokayn, 222, 312, 315, 335, 379, 393, 459. Coke, 327. Cokefeld, 122, 153, 515. Cokerell, 360. Cokesav, 17, 136, 137, 251. Coket, 443, 444. Colclogh, 111. Colbere, 28. Colby, 2, 58. Cole, 302. Colepepper, 208, 267, 330, 411, 439. Colepyne, 394, 395. ColeviUe, 31, 34, 44, 73, 83, 84, 136, 250, 251, 301, 397, 484. Coleweye, 337. Colewich, 141. Colfwain. 24. CoUn Weston, 375. Colintre, 168, 217, 267. Colingree, 74. CoUee, 302. Colman, 240, 511. Colne, 281. Engayne, 108. Colriche, 190, 316. Cobrigge, 259. ColshuU, 203, 219, 228, 335, 364, 472, 560. Colston, 156. Colton, 508, 511, Colyton, 431. Coleton Ralegh, 455. Colum, 483. Columbers, 41, 84, 184, 312, 502, 559. Coly, 404. Colyford Haven, 431. Combe, 173, 210, 322, 395, 431. Coffin, 200. in Tinhide, 259, 322. Keynes, 293. Combes, 10, 160, 558. Combemartin, 339. Compton, 33, 344. near Whitehorse, 286. West, 32. Martin, 109, 331. Chamberlain, 360. Comyn, 27, 488, 584, 555. Conigesby, 176, 491, 492. Coninggusby, 90. Conington, 18. Constable, 23, 63, 186, 548. of Halsham, 122. Constantine, 136, 522. Conyers, 130, 280, 281, 377, 378, Cook, 442. Cook, le, 95. Coory, 353. Cope, 171. Copeldik, 443, 444. Copley, 426. Copmanford, 191, Coppegrave, 486. Corbet, 16, 40, 63, 91, 127, 218, 289, 290, 453. of Hadley, 50. Moreton, 398. Corbismi, 505. of Stodley, 56, 334. Corby, 31, 106. Corfton, 129. Dyneham, 68. Comedale, 546. Comewoda, 208. Cornherde, 36. Comington, 238. Cornewaleys, 454. Cornwall, 38, 46, 89, 91, 223, 283, 298, 320. Duke of, 338. Corsoun, see Curson. Corun, 209, 210. Cosin, 41, 52, 75. Cosinton, 24, 316. Cotehegh, 323. Cotelle, 238. Cotes, 43, 218, 333, 334. near Gildesburgh, 25. Cotesford, 89. Coteford, 378. Cotesmore, 27, 67, 330. Cotherstone, 429, 440. Cothull, 188. Coton, 154, 268. INDEX. Xlll Coton, Great, 271, 309. Little, 271, 309. Cotton, 366, 469. Cotron, 282. Coucy, 70, 182. Coudray, 206. Coughton, 467. Coukham, 139. Court, 247. Courtenay, 180, 181, 225, 241, 259, 298, 394, 425, 447, 455, 471, 478, 482, 490, 516, 528, 535. Earl of Devon, 164, 208, 214, 220, 225, 226, 425. Covelegh, 482. Covell, 312. Coventry, 15, 19, 76, 206, 401. Coverham, 470. Cowesby, 416, 446. Cowley, 386. Coyners, 515. Crackenthorp, 158. Craddock, 324. Craft, 202. Crandene, 172, 184. Craneburne, 374. Cranford, 231, 428. Cranle, 433. Cranmere, 335. Craule, 137, 177. Crawley, 409. Great, 271, 343. Craye, 277. Credun, 56, 553. Creek, 95, 387. Creke, 68, 455, 547, 559. Crewe, 220. Creyke, 100, 160. Cressover, 412, 413. Cress wall, 112, 506. Cressy, 79, 182, 183, 330, 404, 525. Cretingeham, 436. Creuker, 554. Creveker, 59, 97, 110, 473. Cridie Peytewin, 71. Criditon, 71. Criket Malherbe, 199. Criour, 253. Crispin, 31. Crissingham, 247. Crocket, 451. Croc, 513. Croke, 41, 212, 461. Crook, 114, 179. Cromwell, 221, 244, 245, 339, 340, 353, 394 498. Crumbwelle, 261, 262, 532. Crondeeote, 307. Crophill, 102, 172, 258, 388, 551. Crosby, 69, 77, 186. Cross, 210, 252, 255. Crouche, 153. Crowdon, 368. Croweshawe, 229. Croxhale, 82. Croxton, 29, 186. Croyser, 282. Cruce, 114,484. Cruddeworth, 81. Crue, 119,219,256, 257. Crewe, 220. Cruk, 326. CruUe, 281. Hundred of, 245 Crunes, 528. Cruwis, 16, 187. Cruys, 408, 435, 452. Anstey, 452. Sydeham, 452. Cryel, 55. Cublesdon, 253, 384. Cubley, 23, 469. Cudelinton, 58. Culmeston, 219, 250.. Culpepper, ses Colepepper. Cumba, 512. Cumbresdale, 520. Cumin, 27, 488. Cumpton, see Compton. Cumquinton, 520. Cuntassethorp, 48. Curcy, 516. Curson, 82, 95, 168, 176, 203, 401, 403, 547. Curtays, 152. Cusington, 24, 316. Cyfrewas, 27, 67. Cyteroun, 7. D. Dabriggecourt, 330. Dachet, co. Bucks, 484. Dacre, 47, 62, 332. Dadington, 492. Dagenham, 16. Dakeney, 217. Dale, 465. Dales, 342. Dalingho, 180, 537. Dalingr'gge, 365. Dalton, 393, 399. Damory, 7, 66, 443. Danby, 267, 421, 464, 470. Dane, 178. Dansy, 60, 61. Danus, 58. Danvers, 20, 75, 90, 366, 465, 493. Danyers, 151, 279. Danyell, 255, 379. Darcasso, 226. XIV INDEX. Darcy, 141, 348, 350, 373, 374, 377, 378. Darnell, 104, 232, 233, 304, 33G, 371, 449. Dargentein, 64. Darley, 305. Dfiirr&s 1 34. Daubeney, 140, 244, 321, 322. Daumarie, 211. Daunay, 7. Dauney, 45, 208, 220, 221. Daundelyn, 231, 373, 428, 429. Daunteseye, 112. Dauntz, 18. Daunz, 254. Dautre, 364, 365. Davenport, 154. Daventre, 57, 404. Davers, 471. Dawes, 142. Debenham, 465. Decling, 371. Delves, 137. Den, 210. Deen, 29, 36. Delse, Great, 543. Dene, 18, 175, 284, 407, 525. Denis, 143, 401, 443, 455. Deneys, 221, 436. Denkele, 158. Denom, 79, 80. Densill, 451. Denton, 88, 448. Depedene, 291. Depeford, 555. Depingate, Est., 397. Depinghed, 6. Derby, 156. Dereburg, 522. Derham, West, 344 and see Estderham. Derlaston, 105. Derley, 106. Derneford, 267, 311, 389. Little, 304. Despencer, 7, 21, 62, 129, 179, 200, 205, 474. Destale, 108. Dethek, 221, 229, 278, 395, 396, 419. Deverell, 199, 203. Monketon ,297. Devereux, 5, 83, 200, 203, 235, 391, 402, 517. Deverus, 299. Devon, Earl of, 164, 208, 214, 220, 225, 226, 425, 472. Deye, 96. Deyncourt, 174, 209, 242. Dcyville, 498. Dichening, 308. Dichesyate, 300. Dicon, 266. Didington, 290. Didlinge, 33 1 . Dieghere, 175. DilcUff, 403. Dimerdawyk, 259. Dimmok, 157, 373, 374. Dinaunt, 54. Dine, 24, 554. Dineley, 359. Dinesbran, 421. Dingley, 246, 310, 467. Dinham, 68, 129, 238, 389, 431, 455. Dirnewineston, 211. Dissington, North, 314. Ditton, 429. Dive, 429, 492. Doddington, 124, 143, 165, 223. Dodford, 404. Doggemaresfeld, 496. Doignel, 12. Dole, 45, 191. Dompit, 521. Domville, 94. Doncaster, 424. Dondone, 198. Donington, 33, 50. Donne, 116, 148. Dore, 129, 379. Doreward, 251, 374. Dorking, 292. Dormeston, 241. Dorneye, 45. Dorsinton, 281. Dounhinde, 312. Dounumfravile, 431. Dover, de, 521. Dovorr, 339. Doyle, 224, 225. Dovly, 158, 184. Doyvel, 338, 553. Draycote, 49, 50, 158, 254, 370, 379, 508, 509. Drayton, 65, 81, 91, 133, 168, 178, 237, 239, 281, 298, 365, 463, 553. Drew, 71. Dru, 6. Driby, 82, 245. Driflfeld, 23. Drokenesford, 41, 181. Droundellys, 70. Druell, 348. Drury, 360. Ducy, 122. Dudley, 362, 438, 449. Duke, 411. Dulmere, 248. Dulverne, 506. Dummulton, 425. Duncalf, 468. Duncel, 77, 136. Dunham, 131, 169, 170. INDEX. XV Dunham, Little, 127. Dunheved, 4, 486. Dunmere, 65. Dunmowe, 431, 527. Great, 226. Dionsford, Nether, 559. Over, 559. Duimesby, 319. Dunstanville, 105. Dunster, 276. Dunstewe, 40. Durburgh, 183. Dumeford, 210. Dursley, 349. Durvassal, of Spemall, 56. Duston, 479, 495, 513. Button, 114, 118, 120, 147, 150, 265. Duxfeld, 251, 313. Duyn, 90, 164, 233, 234, 554. E. Ebbelesbume, 304. Ebroicis, 517, and see Devereux. Eccles, 332. Eccleston, 252. Echeles, 45, 53, 256, 469. Echeneswell, 182. Echingham, 75, 426. EchuU, 106. Edenesore, 87, 106. Edeston, 128. Edhngton, 355. Edmond, 305. Edwalton, 551. Edyngley, 342, Egan, 410. Egebaston, 394. Egerton, 137, 240, 292. Egesclif, 184. Eggisford, 397. Eghethorne, 178. Eghton, 306. aid., 306. Eginton, 507 and see Ekinton. Egle, 375. Eglesfeld, 382. Egremond, 9, 80. Ekinton, 544. Eland, 25. Eldenenton, 166. Elding, 456. Elford, 503, 554. Elingham, 135. Elington, 108. Eliot, 366. Elkedun, 519. Elkington, South, 357. EUaston, 503. Ellenhall, 132, 343. EUerbek, 253. EUerker, 357. EUesfeld, 85, 220. Elmebrigge, 273, 279. Elmedon, 409, 410. Ehnesalle, 461. Ehnor, 106. Elnestede, 332. Ellington, 438. Ely, Bishop of, 65. Elys, fit?, 75, 260, 293, 368. Embelton, 372. Emburton, 110. Emmeberwe, 303. Emuldon, 334. Engaine, 108, 478, 489, 490, 525. Englefeud, 493. Engelaundry, 89. Engenoybend, 89. Engleys, 381. Enle, 489. Enneberge, 85. Enthy, 312. Eperstone, 361. EproiUis, 517. Erbury, 5. Ercedekene, 331. Ercheband, 126. Erde, 78. Erdeburgh, 142, Erdeswick, 129, 130, 559, 560. Erdington, 113, 391, 393, 490, 518, 529, 531, 532. Erdisley, 273, 279. Erlestoke, 341. Erleston, 278. Ermesgrene, 35. Ermington, 451. Erneley, 450. Ernham, 181, Ertindon, 45, Escudemor, 61. Esger, 329, Eseling, 554, Eskelhng, 517, Eshngham, 364, 392, 442, 460, Eslinton, 52, 533, 549. Estlangton, 430, EstUnton, 301, Esse, 172, 317, Esseby, Prior of, 520. Esshe, 208, 486, Esshovere, 376. Essex, 319. Estanford, 484. Estangemering, 10. Estansty, 408. Estbriggeford, 467. Estbury, 151, 426, Estbvtham, 106. Estcamel, 173. Estchikerell, 197, 215. XVI INDEX. Estderhara, 290. Esteven, 316. Esteneye, 187. Esterlayk, 361. Estfeld, 332. Esthalle, 305. Esthamme, 257, 320, 326. Estheselerton, 301. Estmelplasshe, 465. Estmune, 9. Eston, 126. Estonhous, 311. Estrange, 60, 531, 532. Estraunge of Knokyn, 94. Mudele, 94. Esturc, 182. Esturmy, 209. Estwassheburne, 39 Estwell, CO. Leic, 538. Estwinche, 415. Estwode, 413. Estwogwill, 410. Esynton, 505. Etewall, 38. Eton, 1, 397. Eu, T^ountess of, 518. Eure, 382, 527. Evenlee, 282. Everard, of Sutton, 54. Everhard, 204. Everdon, 436. Eversdon, 350. Evere, 395. Evereus, 391, and see Devereux. Everingham, 8, 191, 394, 535, 536. Everington, 382. Evermue, 11, 494. Everton, 310. Evington, 288. Exham, 360. Exton, 195. Eycote, 114, 212. Eylesford, 541. Eyleston, 11. Eylnatheston, 517. Eynesford, 119. Eynesham, Abbot of, 474. Eyr, fitz. 142. Eyton, 47, 413, 459, 494, 538. Long, 124. Eyttron, 70. Eywas, 528. F. Faconer, 486. Faghfeld, 36. Fairfax, 339. Fairefeld, 559. Faldingworth, 56. Faleyse, 489, 490. Falley, 357, 441. Falle, 222. Falncarbel, 145. Falstoft, 67. Falstolf, 390. Farndon, 310. Farneburgh, 152, 246. Farnhurst, 553. Farthingstone, 57. Fauconberge, 125, 151, 168, 213, 214, 268. Facumberge, 217. Fauconer, 376, 450. Fauntleroy, 109, 215, 242, 351. Fawyton, 314. Feirefax, 397, 398. Felcinton, 527. Feld, 194. Feldhampton, 50. Felmersham, 211, 354. Felstede, 167. Felton, 100. Fenne, 27. Fennisinton, 164. Fenny Sutton, 171. Fenton, 327. Fenwick, 79, 80, 446. Fenys, 354, 409. Ferdell, 455. Ferfeld, 414. Feritate, 32. Ferre, 68, 100. Ferrers, 43, 69, 71, 79, 97, 98, 101, 104, 111, 161, 166, 198, 238, 276, 401, 413, 414, 418, 431, 437, 451, 501, 532. Ferres, 344. Fetypace, 413. Fichet, 80, 465. Fieules, de, 53. Fifhide, 206. Fifide, 112, 159, 501. FillioU, 343. Fillol, 53, 71, 184, 197, 228, 229, 354. Findham, 123. Findon, 60. Fineaus, 55. Fineton, 196. Finey, 214. Firmarske, 258. Fishacre, 317. Fisserton, 497. Fisshe, 328. Fitolton, 112. Fitling, 75, 109. Fit;^ Alan, 6, 85, 245, 532, 550. Count, 480. Elvas, 512. Elys, 75, 260, 293, 368. Eyr, 142. INDEX. XVI I Fitz Alan, Fulk, 34. Gilbert, 48. Gralan, 105. Hawise, 481. Harding, 512. Huah, 49, 97, 119, 220, 221, 339, 340,^470. Herbert, 35, 53, 54, 139, 140, 178, 213, 359, 384, 385, 459. James, 158, 407. Jordan, 29. John, 114, 138, 324, 417. Joudewin, 514. Martin, 109. Nicholas, 488. Nichols, 144. Osbert, 160, 167. Osbern, 558, 559. Ouberne, 542. Patrick, 517. Pagan, 489. Payne, 3, 98, 152, 172, 556. Peter, 491, 520. Piers, 54. Ralph, 144, 479, 519, 544. Randolph, 470. Robert, 512, 527. Renner, 513. Roald, 558. Roger, 54, 301, 304, 307. Reinford, 70. Roy, 516, 528. Richault, 25. Saviere, 26. Simon, 14, 63, 109, 396, 527. Urse, 478, 490. Warin, 36, 53, 54, 162, 188, 189, 238, 241, 305, 306, 486, 546. Walter, 368, 498, 521. Wauter, 165, 235. WilHam, 78, 143, 236, 311, 312, 415, 428, 483, 493. Walkehne, 507, 514. Flambaud, 180. Flaimville, 549. Flaxflete, 151. Fleming, 138, 238, 281, 298, 311, 451. Flete, 55, 203, 238. Fletham, 240. Flettewyke, 200, 201. Flintford, 450. Fhsso, 78. Flog, of Wyrham, 537. Floketon, 291. Flore, 413, 422. Flotmanby, 186. Floyer, 461. Fodringeye, 4. Fogge, 411. Foleville, 13, 541. of Claxton, 558. Folifayt, 318. Foliot, 47, 525. Foljambe, 156, 159. Folywell, 451. Fontelegh Pageham, 33. Fontil Giffard, 126. Forcer, 134. Fcirde, la, 249. Fordham, 64. Forester, 183, 271. Forster, 212, 422, 450. Forne, 205. Forsbrook, Fossebrok, 505, 506. Fortescue, 272, 406, 412, 451. Fortibus, 9. Earl of Albemarle, 63. Countess 535. Forz, 497. Foston, 23. Fotthat, 258. Foucher, 105, 166. Foukenam, 2. Fouke, Veghhan, 306. Fouleshm-st, 119. Fourches, 51. Fourhowe, Carleton, 176. Fourneux, 126. Fox, 319. Foxgrove, 164. Foxley, 275. Foxton, 181, 349. Foxwist, 468. Framlesdon, 243. Frampton, 359. Franckeiney, 517. Franklev, 237, 479, 480. Frankton, 48, 80, 142. Fransham, 406. Fraunceys, 152, 291, 294, 295, 333, 534. Fraunsham, 290. Fray, 368, 370, 399. Frecheville, 76, 544. Frelands, 433. Freman, 233, 383. Fremband, 257. Frembaund, 8. Frende, 319. Frendesbiiry, 364, 442, 460. Frene, 539. Frenssh, 157. Frere, 300. Freston, 27. Frethom, 442. Frindesbury, 392 and see Frendcsbury. Frisby, 233. Frismersk, 186. Friston, 408. 430. Frithebek, 330. Frivill, 15, 101, 107, 162, 179. 194, 414, 510. h XVlll INDEX. FroiUe, 181, 203. Frome, 236. Fromeifoghe, 25. Frostindene, 366. Frothingham, 258. Frountone, Cotel, 535. Froxfeld, 41. Fuleford, 365, 366. Fulham, 392, 393. Fulk, fitz, 34. Gogh, 306. Fulthorp, 465. Fulton, 517. Fundenhale, 100. Fundenaletliorp, 67. Furcis, 76. Furnewes, 188. Furneys, 110, 349. Furnivalle, 69, 71, 84, 94, 10.3, 104, 161, 270. Fyton, 116, 131, 169, 170. G. Gaige, 375, 376. Gaillard, 300. Gainesford, 378, 379. Gallon, 319. Galowey, 63 and fcs Ga'weye. Gamage, 77, 163, 179, 222, 518. Gamel of Astley, 42. Garaelegeye, 180. Gameleston, 131. Gamelsby, 493. Gameslev, 382. Garlek, 127, 373. Gascoigne, 466, 467. Gatecumbe, 182. GatewJk, 244, 543. Gauge, 434. Gaunt, 542, 554. Gawen, 285. Ga'weye, 532. Gawsworth, 1 16, 131, 169. Gayton, 158, 309, 551. Gebaud, 106. Gedding, 15. Geddinges, 332, 333, 412. Gedeneye, 19, 21, 83. Gedling, 361. Geffreys, 418, 419. Gegge, 293. Geinville, 59, 161, 333. Generewe, 64. Geney, 14. Gensingge, 281. Gerbage, 274. Gerberge, 206. Gerbord, 177, 238, 304, 313. Gernegan, 167, 268. Gemet, 8, 185. 489, 490, 516. Gemoun, 51, 58, 106, 136, 207, 251, 408. Arnolph, 32, 33. Geronere, la, 51. Gerveys, 303. Gery, 42, 353. Gestingthorp, 207. Geveren, 52. Gibon, 371. Gidesham, 314. Giffard, 15, 37, 61, 66, 101, 125, 154, 171, 157, 199, 230, 244, 245, 285, 297, 310, 368, 391, 453, 454, 456, 469,470,471,526,529. of Twyford, 285. Chilinton, 502, 505. Bromesfeld, 46, 60. Gilberd, 5. Gilbert, 400, 500. fitz, 48. Gildenemorton, 528. Gildesburgh, 25, 40, 185. Gillesland, 62. Gilt, 122. : Gimell, 80. Giney, 3, 234. Gingwyberdlaundry, 431. Gise, 90, 91, 106. Givernay, 30. Gladdesdene, 217. GlanviUe, 103, 351, 536, 543. Glaseleye, 142. Glasbrok, 556. Glasen, 452. Glassaneby, 493. Glaunford, 226. Glauton, 533, 549. Glayne, 117. Glement, 417. Glen, Great, Co. Leic, 307. Glendower, Owen, 227. Glinde, 393. Glomesford, 166. Glonville, 228. Gloucester, 186. Humph., Duke of, 336. Earl of, 7. Glover, 227. Goband, 136. Gobioun, 210. Goch, 145. Godal, 374. Godalming, 268. Godard, 185. Godeford, 203. Godefrai, 555. Goderich, 200. Goding, 315. Godwinestona (Godstone), 521. Goethfosyver, 41. Goion, 35. INDEX. XIX Golafre, 99. Goldesburgh, 185, 251, Goldinghain, 75. Goldingstones, 360. Goldington, 25, 108, 353, 354, 360. Gomshulve, 69. Gonaldestone, 373. Gonvs, 263, 530. Gorges, 173, 190, 219, 346, 381, 403, 404, 406, 407. Gorinsr, 55, 417. Gorlin, 128. Gosberchirch, 497. Gosbourne, 348. Gosehall, 244. Gosford, South, 213. Goshull, 120, 534. Gothurste, 112. Gough, 211. Gournay, 121. Gousel, 503. Gousille, 21, 63, 174, 175, 250. Gouseworth. see Gawsworth. Gower, 72, 203. Gowiz, 211,257, 550. Gra, 29, 70, 142, 299, 373, 378. Grace, 365. Grafton, 17, 145, 220, 420, 472. Gralan, fitz, 105. Gramory, 104. Gramound, 403. Grandison, 125, 151. Grantemaisnil, 245. Grap, 334. Grapenel, 14, 109. Gras, 52, 64, 228. Grassmere, 70. Grauncurt, 497. Graunt, 26, 214. Grauntemore, 73. Grave, 244, 524. Graysto'ke, 63, 143, 378, 437, 464. Great Glen, 42. Grede, 178, 248. Gredle, 228. Grefcode, 23. GreiUy, 44, 64, 65. Grelle, 347. Grendale, 74, 191, 489. Grendon, 11,23,218,255. Grene, 195, 216, 217, 284. Grenehull, 508. Grenham, 181. Grenestede, 60. Grenville, 65, 476. Grenewich, 261, 476. Gresley, 44. Gressenhale, 290. Gretham, 330. Gretingehani, 516. Gray, 29, 340, 442. " of Landeford, 46. Grey, 14, 103, 143, 216, 273, 306, 322, 342, 373, 380, 393, 431, 447. of Rotherfeld, 9, 82. Cavendish, 76. Ruthvn, 229. Wilton, 376. Griffin, 145, 508. Rotheric, s. of, 145. Griffith, 11, 183, 369, 370. Grim. 195. Grimband, 14, 400, 416. Grimelle, 235. Grimmescote, 57. Grimsted, 60, 61, 407. Grimstone, 46, 309, 344. GrindaU, 73. Grindenham, 450. Grinell, 178, 180. Groby, 166, 276, 327, 431. Groos, 417. Grosvenour, 147, 154, 170. Grotington, 305. Grove, la, 139. Gulden, le, 68. Gumfreiston, 121. Gunnildebury, 169. Gunthorp, 162, 327, 518. Guntier, 164. Gunter, 171. Gurnet, 478. Gurney, 290, 475. H. Haccombe, 187. Hacon, 415. Hacumbv, 35. Hadden,'288. Haddon, Est, 24. ' CO. Derby, 534. Hadenhale, 141, 198. Hadinton, 6. Hadley, 50. Hagherdris, 494. Haghesto in Hoo, 230. Hagiircote, 224. HahiUe, 75. Hal thorp, 164. Halap, 163. Halberton, 235. Haldenby, 396. Hale, 131, 255. Hales, 384. Halechton, 239. Halfeld, 158. Haltord. 289. Halgate, 301, 302. Halgheville, 5. I 2 XX INDEX. Halghton, 506. Hall, 281, 290, 354. Hallon, 231. Halsliam, 122. Halstede, 289. Halton, 12. 413. Halura, 342. Halvehide, 377. Hameluke, 5, 27, 54, 88, 99, 557. Hamelton, 316. Hamentheby, 447. Hamerton, 383. Hamely, 113. Hamelyn, 174, 449. Hamme, 8, 197, 328, 417. St. George, 187. Over, 187, 259, 435. Nether, 187, 435. Hammeprston, 257. Hampden, 230, 436, 528. Hampstede, 33. Hampton, 56, 107, 302, 410. Lovet, 89. Hancok, 234. Handio, 95, 552. Handsworth, 92. Hanewell, 118, 178, 329, 396. Hanewode, 8, 50. Hanington, 352. Hankford, see Hankeford. Hanley, 111. Hanlowe, 113. Hanstede, 171, 172, 182, 514. Hanvile, 375. Harang, 492. Harcla, 67. Harcourt, 17, 22, 42, 47, 92, 93, 101, 132, 201, 210, 256, 288, 343, 375, 376, 391, 429, 434, 440, 507, 540, 541. Hardeburgh, 31. Harden, 202. Hardeshull, 111, 439, 539, 640. Hardus, 494. Haregrave, 522. Hareweden, 297. Harewode, 17, 63. Harewold, 423. Harfordshire, John, 449. Harington, 57, 276, 326, 332, 339, 348, 351," 356, 368,431, 437. Harley, 38, 46, 91, 218, 289. Harlton, 37. Harman, 436. Harneys, 290, 419, 420. Harpele, 497. Harpesford, 361. Harpnr, 382. Harries, 266. Harward, 228. Harwedone, Great, 209. Harwedone, Little, 209. Haryngworth, 29, 119. Haselden, 126, 241, Haselbere, 178, 248. Haselwall, 118, 148. Hasilbache, 390. Hasildon, 408. Hassok, near Criditon, 71. Hastang, 126, 361, 478, 479. Hastings, 22, 24, 52, 161, 509, 558, 541 . Earl of Pembroke, 138. Lord, 470. Hastinges, 64, 92, 134, 201, 296, 306, 373, 416, 446. Hatfeld, 381, 402, 462. Peverell, 228. Hatlierlegh, 5. Hatherne, 441. Hathewy, 52, 64. Hathewvk, 404. Hathilsay, 429. Haubedene, 341. Hauberk, 135. Haughton, see Halghton and Halecton. Haukeden, 291. Haukeslowe, 241. Haukeford, 259, 305, 322, 338, 427. Haukeston, 76, 240. Haunsard, 424. Hautentoft, 44. Hautrive, 40, 139. Havaun, Churcheley, 203. Havercroft, 191. Havering, 14, 97, 109, 111. atte Bower, 210, 399. Haverington, 43. Haversham, 88, 283, 284, 335, 346. Hawardin, 243. Hawethorn, 233. Haxseye, 327. Hay, 1, 197, 232, 260, 434, 537. Hayle, 57. Haym, 72. Haythorp. 445, 446. Hay ward, 213. Healton, 12. Hecham, 7, 15, 514. Hedenham, 418. Hedington, 337. Hedon-in-the-Clav, 307. Heghani, 364, 442, 460. Gobin, 358. Hekfeld, 274. Helagh, 559. Hele, 257. Helewell, 429. Heleye, 87. Helidene, 285. Heligan, 12, 338. Hellesby, 233. Helion, 535, 536. INDEX. XXI Helperthorp, 521. Helyer, 204. Helpby, 123. Hembury Erode, 544. Hendeman, 225. Henry, Ralph, s. of, 483. Henstede, 270. Henton, 208, 465. Hepworth, 280. Herbert, fitz, 35, 53, 54, 119, 140, 178, 213, 359, 384, 385, 459. Herdeborwe, 265, 513. Herdeby, 44, 64. Herdescote, 304. Hering, 197, 316. Heriot, 473, 524. Heriz, 261, 373, 498. Herle, 296. Herlindon, 384, 356. Herlingflete, 310. Heron, 172, 184. Heronville, 201. Herteshorne, 317. Hertham, 274. Herthill, 87, 106, 264, 335, 379. Herting, 195, 443. Hertland, 329. Hertlaw, 314. Hertwall, 510. Heseldon, 233. Hesill, 327. Hesse, 302. Hesshete, 189. Hethe, 128, 473. Hethfield, 526. Heton, 365. on FaghfeW, 36. Heveningham, 290. Hevere, 187. Cobham, 409. Brocas, 409. Hewett, La, 289. Heydon, 336. Heyworth, 53. Hibande, 466. Hibetoft, 498. Hickling, 44. Hidney, 448. Higham, 392. Ferrers, 198. Hikelton, 203. Hikkestone, 156, 167. Hilcombe, 216. Hildebrand, of London, 24, Hildesle, 95. Est, 540. Hildyk, 355. Hill, 238, 296, 328. Hillary, 48, 80, 88, 157, 183, 188, 189, 510. Hillecrome, 424. Hilleford, 487. Hiltisle, 198. Hilton, 34, 100, 405. Himmesworth, 461. Hincote, 214. Hinton, 116, 117, 184, 222, 224, 225, 257. Hirst," 419. Hirteby, 520. Hirwe, 415. Hishoke, 307, 308. Hithe, la, 3. Hiwichaunflour, 97. Hi worth, 410. Hiwysshe, 203, 204, 228. Hobridge, 86, 94. Hoby, 14. Hoddeng, 483. Hoddingesel (Oddingsel), 174, 479. Hode, 175. Hodelstone, 428. Hodinet, 93, 98, 99. Hody, 372. Hof, 518. Hoghe, 98. Hoke, 472. Hokeley, 426. Hokham, 390. Holand, 4, 77, 78, 135, 187, 217, 317, 380. Earl of Huntingdon, 283, 284. Holbeche, 47. Holbek, 342. Holbein, 178, 395, 447. Hole, 170. Holerbok, 54, 143. Holecombe, Portmort, 81. Holegot, 552. HoKord, 105, 117, 154. Holme, 307. Home, 188. Hommes, 299. Holvm, 390. Holpol, 172. Holt, 347, 538. Holteby, 232, 233. Holton, 143. Holiwill, 191. Honeybare, 358. Honibare, 312. Honford, 149. Honing, co. Norfolk, 537..J5^ //ovxto^'/'''*^^ Honlspille Marreys, 226. Honley, 552. Hoo, 188, 212, 230, 329, 350, 392, 426. North, 44. Hopiland, 323. Hopton, 136. Hore, 219, 220, 241, 413. Horingford, 461. Horn, 4. Ih^ XXll INDEX. Hornby, 33, 46, 218, 242. Homely ve, 43. Horner, 462. Horneseburton, 33, 302, 303. Horpol, 171, 258. Horseham, 230. Horham, co. Suffolk, 537. Horsey, 3, 403. Horseley, 239. Horsmenden, 332, 456. Horton, 456, 480, 527. Hose, 841. Hotham, 65, 129. Hothom, 23, 129, 185. Hothwayt, 535, 550. Hoton Crauncewyke, 185. Wandesley, 444. Hotoft, 329, 441. Hotot, 166, 274. Houby, 122, 195, 196, 325. Houghton, 166, 216, 217, 422. Great, 216. U MalmeshuUe, Gamage, 222. Malmeynes, 426. Malo-lacu, see Morley. Maloysel, 199. Malpas, 115, 119, 137, 277, 302, 527. Malstone, 410, 411. Maltravers, 383, see Mautravers. Malvern, Great, 534. Mamele, 482. Mancetter, 181. Manchester, Baron of, 65. Lord of, 347. Manchel, 158. Mandeville, 47, 234, 487, 488, see Maundeville. Manduit, 330. Maneby, 311, 537. Manekesie, 45. Maneton, 30. Manley, 79. Manneby of Newby upon Wisk, 36. Manneton, 7. Manstone, 28, 351, 371. Mapelscompe, 555. Maperton, 304. Mapoudre, 465. March, Earl of, 380. Marchall, 194, 246, 294, 295, 392, 520, 531, 551. of Cleydon, 57. Bonindon, 359. March, 80. Rog. Mortimer, Earl of, 227. Mare, la, 43, 177, 248, 261, 525. Marewurth, 494. Mareys, 40, 57. Orchard, 57. Marines, 198. Markaunt, 269. Markedon, 425. MarUngford, 274. Marmion, 140. 157, 200, 221, 339, 340, 423, 424, 492, 501, 507, 510, 530. MarnhuU, 221. Marny, 447, 454. Marreys, 226. Marshall, Earl, 100, 186, 325. Earl of Pembroke, 460. Marston, 252, 307, 444. Martell, 121, 307. Martheresaye, 131, 132. Martin, 72, 110, 196, 201, 332, 403. fitz, 109. Mascall, 202. Mascy, 131, 137, 169, 170, 468. Mason, 338. Matfenwest, 100. Matheme, 427. Mauduit, 284, 481, 552. Maulay, 155, 425. Mauleverer, 559. Maundeville, 6, 47, 87, 234, 294, 295, 488, 496. Maunsel, 288. Maunsell, 288. Mauntell, 297. Mauny, 88. Mautravers, 11, 16, 61, 85, 237, 275, 294, 383, 473, 523. Mauveysin, of Berewik, 42. Mawedeleyne, 428. Maxse, 394. Maxstoke, 7. Mayheu, 260. Mayon, 307. Meath, co., 161. Mecham, 114. Meisham, 24. Medstede, 393. Megre, 108. Meinill, 175, 181, 229, 377, 534, INDEX. XXV 11 Melant, 414. Melcombe Nether, 26, 168. Melders, 3. Meldon, 79. Melhamby, 408. Melhuwysshe, 365, 366. Melkanthorp, 89. Melplessh, West, 120. Melsa, 185. Melton Constable, 205. Menleder, 458. Menstre, Estcherche, 110. Menwinnek, 411. Meoles, 211, 212. Mepeham, co. Kent, 543. Merbury, 315. Mercok, 172. Merdele, 555. Mere, 427, 527. Mereworth, 555. Meriden, 69, 77, 239, 315, 316, 463. Meriet, 198, 199, 290. Merkingfeld, 548. Merkys, 431. Merpul, 146, 279. Merssh, 319. Mersheton, 192. Merston, 252, 307, 444. near Bedford, 199. Merton, 70, 203. Messing, 229. Metham, 135, 206, 464. Metheringham, 357. Michell, 276, 331, 392. Middlemore, 394. Middelnye, 31, 80, 164. Middelpolglasse, 447. Middleton, 74, 168, 217, 267, 310, 334, 379, 393, 413, 415. near Lynne, 345. Middelsowy, 550. Middelweye, 171. Midhurst, 271, 341. Mikelton in Tesdale, 483. Mildenhale, 112. Mildeston, 150. Milford, North, 46. Milton, 187, 190, 191, 617. Daumarle, 164. Mimmes, 174. Miners, 77, 163, 179. Mirescugh, 205. Mirfeld, 335. Mistelegh, 153. Mitford, 79. Moaresheved (Moreshead), 279. Modberlegh, 115, 149. Modeford, 208. Terry, 155. Mody, 450. Moenestoke Walrand, 85. Moginton, 367. Mohaut, 113. Mohun, 208, 276, 343, 363, 461. Moigne, 41, 277, 278, 323, 474. Mokeleston, 132. Moldeworth, 295. Molesey, 114. Moleyns, 321. Molins, 62. Molhall, 234. Molinton, 223. Molton, North, 96, 217. Molyneux, 93. 149, 382. Monachus (Le Moigne), 474. Monburghchere, 131, 132. Monc, 406. Monemue, 59. Monemuta, see. Monmouth. Monewode, 439. Monhaut, 138, 150, 209, 243, 516, 631, 550. Mohaut, 245. Monketon, 297. Deverell, 297. Monmouth, 291, 449. Montagu, 74, 75, 113, 125, 133, 158, 159, 173, 194, 243, 286, 287, 341, 410, 422, 476, 526. Montalt, 85. 532. Monte Caniso, 201. Hermer, 341. Acuto, 526. Monteferrard, 333, 334. Montfichet, 477. Montford, 67, 282, 283. Montfort, 27, 43, 90. 105, 107, 113, 162, 172, 193, 194, 246, 409. Simon de. 414. Mountfort, 74, 152, 303, 335. Montgomeri, of Cubley, 23. Montgomery, 136, 279, 469, 470, 472, 507. MorceUis, 262, 485. Morchard Cruys, 435. Morden, 180. More, 127, 174, 232, 260, 359, 411, 441. Morel, 522. Moresby, 395. Moreston, 370. Moreyn, 239, 301, 302. MorhaU, 220, 359, 397. Moriceby, 140. Morley, 44, 268, 393, 542. Morleg, 262, 485. Morpath, 388. Morreaux, 143. Morrers, 186. Morshead, 279. Morteyn, 88, 196, 199, 246, 247, 249, 607, 511. XXVlll INDEX. Mortimer, 59, 71, 99, 100, 160, 161, 176, 208, 227, 263, 267, 333, 342, 507, 539. of Wigmore, 30. of Chirk, 30. of Zouch, 7. Mortisthorn, 127. Mortoft, 406. Morton, 22, 170, 227, 285, 398. Daubeney, 42. Corbet, 218. North, 429, 440. Morys, 448, 449. Morz, 522. Mosefen, 81. Moseley, 446. Moston, 132. Motfort, 293. Motoun, 14. Moton, 109, 394. Mottrum, 119, 146, 147, 329. Moubray, 60, 72, 155, 156, 545. Mounfychet, 1. Mounpiiizoun, 7, 19. Mountchensy, 54. Mountjoy, 438. Mountsigros, 24. Mountsorell, 407. Moyle, 412. Macheldever, 211. Machelgrove, 450. Mucleston, 132 and see Mokeleston. Mucton, 531. Mudele, 94, 328. Mulcastre, 13. Mulcote, 101, 265. Mules, 7. MuUeborne, 305. MuUeward, 279. Mulseye, see Molesey. Mulso, 332, 352. Multhorp, 248. Multon, 47, 142, 227, 273, 378, 489. of Egremond, 9, 80. of Franketon, 48, 80. of GiUesland, 62. Munby, 498. Hoggesthorp, 498. Munchesy, 122. Mundeford, 157. Munden, Great, 399. Furnival, 14. Mundeville, 27. Mungeville, 381. Munketon, 390, 391. Nurnie, 335. Munselowe, 509. Muntchensi, 553. Muntfichet, 521. Muryval, 38, 46. Musard, 61, 380, 381. Mu3camp, 31, 519. Musgrave, 72. Muskham, 339. Mussegros, 33. Mustel, 482. Musters, 111, 155. Mutton, 12. N. Naffirton, 100. Naileston, 92. Napton, 43, 52, 379, 380. Narburgh, 365. Naringges, 553. Naunton, 200. Navesby, 470. Naweton, 103. Neketon, 280, 281. Nelond, 10. Nereford, 514. Netherahellond, 70. Nether Hamme, 187, 435. Nethermelcombe, 26, 168. Netherstowey, 312, 358. Netherwhitelegh, 265. Nettilbury, 437. Nettilheth, 456. Newburgh, 129, 208, 275, 283, 316, 317, 351, 372, 407, 431, 434. Neuby upon Wisk, 36. Neuhagh, 243, 445, 446. Neuland, 139. Neuport, 201. Neve Solers, 539. Neville, 33, 60, 70, 72, 75, 104, 143, 200, 218, 247, 261, 327, 364, 380, 386, 387, 421, 467, 498, 499, 513. of Horneby, 46, 218, 237. of Faldingworth, 56. Newbold, 420, 478. Newbolt, 264. Newenham, 55, 298. Newent, 329. Newal, 214. Newhall, 229, 453. Newark, 124. Newburgh, 200, 209. Newmarch, 466, 491, 526. 538, 541. Newesom, 125. Newington, 454. Newton, 19, 67, 201, 211, 252, 286, 324, 344, 481, 519. Ferers, 238, 298. Ferice. 451. in Wirhale, 252. Sulny, 362. Nicholas, fitz, 488. Nichols, fitz, 144. NicoU, 390, 391. Niter, 462. INDEX. XXIX Nitheway, 302. Niwaton, 301. Niweton, 286. Nobir, 71, 161. Noble, 121. Nodariis, 456, 463. Noel, 420. Noon, 401. Norbury, 384, 385, 433, 507, 510. Norfolk, Duke of, 388, 405, 421. Norham, 262. Normandys, 234. Normanton, 202, 439. Turville, 202. Normaund, 66, 165. Norreys, 282. Northcrosseland, 214. Northampton, 5, 95. Northbury, 151. Northcote, 125. Northerdon, 468. Northlemie, 537. Northmorton, 429, 440. Northmymmes, 174. Northon, 501. Northoo, 44. Northpederton, 299. Northpole, 425. Northumberland, Earl of, 353, 421, 422. Northwode, 45, 40, 151, 271. Norton, 20, 177, 197, 208, 328, 379. Norwich. 180, 386, 458. Northwich, 252. Notebene, 138. Nothurst, 230. Notingham, 71. Notte, 285, 475. Nove, 195. Novo Mercato, see Newmarch. Nowelle, see Noel. Nowers, 25, 105, 126, 139, 406, 407, 456, 463. Nowershalle, 406. Noweseley, 296. Nudegate, 396. Nunwike, near Ripon, 250. Oakharapton, 528. Oddyngeselles, 174, 479, 544 and see Hoddingesel. Odestok, 304, 313. Oery, 63 and see Oyry. Offlev, High, 506. Oggeston, 138. Oilli, 245, 246, 480, 512. Okeborn St. George, 242. Okeover, 159, 160, 472, 510, 511. Oketon, 286. Okhangre, 78. Okleve, 241. Okle^ Little, 229. Oldcastelle, 217, 218, 278, 335. Oldcourt, 53, 260, 293. Oldebury, 89. Oleby, 521. Oldhalle, 293, 404, 407, 355. Oliver, 55. Oh'verugge, 94. Ollesthorp, 74. Olnev, 88, 283, 335, 336, 345. Olveston, 179. Oneston, 88. Orby, 245. Orchard Mareys, 57. Orcharton, 322. Orlegh, 455. Orme, Ralph, s. of, 481. Ormesby, 130. Ormond, 69, 427. Earl of, 137, 138, 188, 226, 397. Orpington, 246. Or^ebv, 82, 85, 452. Osbarn, 436. Osbern, 558, 559. Osberstone, 124. Osbert, fitz, 160, 167. Osevile, 14, 540. Osgodby, 445, 446. Osmondthorp, 342. Oswaldkirk, 144. 0th, 241. Otry, 491. -— Mohun, 363. Otteford, 289. Otteley, 339. Ouberne, 542. Oulcotes, 182, 330, 545. Ousecroft, 147. Outhimby, 535. Overhamme, 187, 259, 435. Overpoleglasse, 447. Overton, 221, 289, 294, 295, 461. Ovindenne, 231. Ovy, 413, 418, 419, 422. Owen, ap, 116. Oweyn, 321. Oxebrigge, 308. Oxenden, 88, 332. Oxford, Earl of, 5, 99. Countess of, 5, 414, 415. Oyry, 21 and see Oery. Pabenham, 108, 173, 336. Padington, 58. Pafford, 25. Pagan, Fitz, 489. Paganel, 477. XXX i;ndex. Pageham, 35. Paiael, 73, 261, 340, 341. 358, 443, 476, 477. Pakenham, 67, 160, 235, 293, 659. Palingford, 197, 328. Palton, 314. Papworth, 433. — Everard, 434. Paragiura custom of dividing land, 533. Parco, 346. Parkhall, 269. Parkham, 210, 369. Paries, 92, 198, 205, 297. Parwyche, 459. Passele, 348, 349. Passenham, 13. Passhele, 59. Paston, 366. PatshuU, 74, 168, 268, 453, 500. Patrick, 146. Earl, 515. . John fitz, 617. Paulet, 455. Paul's Cray, 246. Paunton, 57, 79, 397, 398. Little, 57. Paveley, 143, 172, 208, 293. Pavillv, 490. Payn,'20, 209, 275, 403. fitz, 3, 98, 152, 172, 556. Thorn., 455. Pebenersh, 64. Pecforton, 116. Peche, 3, 4, 23, 31, 58, 64, 103, 107, 108, 138, 347, 383, 393, 536, 639, 640, 543, 656. Peck, 206, 482. Peckham, 308. Pederton, 300. North, 299. ■ South, 321. Pedewardyn, 563. Pedit, 232. Pedwardin, 56. Peeks, 153. Peintour, 159. Peisshone, 340, 341. Pelham, 281, 291, 333, 340, 444. Pelitot, 107. Pelrode, 351. Pembroke, Earl of, 138, 306, 373, 460. Countess of, 352. Pembrugge, 98, 101, 223, 252, 235, 384. Penebrugge, 17, 22, 222. PemenhuUe, 198. Penans, 457. Pencrich, 472. Pengersek, 308. Peningsale, 257. Penley, 630. Pennard, 300. Penne, 359, 475, 492. Boffare, 501. Pennentyvyo, 208, 220. Penrith, 509. Pennos, 12. Penros, 225. Penrys, 193. Pennylard, 214. Penpole, 238. Penshurst, 321. Pentelowe, 165. Penteney, 355. Penterman, 176. Penwern, 411, 412. Peppewalle, 394. Pepinbury, 411. Percevall, 502, of Somery, 23. Percehaye, 626. Percy, 130, 189, 224, 250, 252, 292, 293, 353, 368, 398, 498. Pereham, 539, 544. Perewyth, 168, 169, 217. Perkvn, 124. Perle, 128. Perpount, 221, 270. Perrers, 169, 190, 202, 212, 2i3, 329, 360. Perret, East, 62, 235. Perot, 311, 324, 325, 348, 356. Pershute, 250, 253. Perton, 472. Perys, 305. Pesenhale, 290. Peshall, 111, 254, 379. Pesinges, 521. Petel-ng, 166. Peter, 491, 520. Petit, 331, 367. Pevensey, 466. Peverel, 18, 58, 69, 76, 133, 140, 152, 197, 228, 238, 264, 289, 296, 489, 640. Peynton, 77, 150. Peytefyn, 252. Peyto, 31, 101, 239, 265, 266. Peyvre, 351. Phclipp, 152, 352, 366. of Braddon, 40. Pichard, 49, 108, 112. Pichecote, 534. Picheford, 18, 60, 192, 547, 553, 554. Picot, 108. Pidekewd], 435. Pidington, 18, 2.54. Pierpount, 373. Piers, fitz, 64. Piersgay, fitz, 79. Pigot, 227, 249, 290, 365, 434. Pikard, 126. Pike, 172, 433. INDEX. XXXI Pikering, 144. Pikeworth, 246. Pikton, 136. Pilkinton, 195, 423, 424, 448. Pillesfeld, 136. Pimpe, 456. Pin, 203, 232. Pincebek, 35, 36, 77, 246, 497. Pine, 200. Pink, 153. Pinkeman, 290, 331. Pinkingav, 484. Pinkeney', 24, 133, 152, 373, 473, 523, 528. Pinkhurst, 194. Pinneley, 101, 265. Pinton, 174. Pipe 42. Pipard, 38, 174, 502, 512, 513. Pipardesclive, 502. Pipercorn, 9. Pirario, 475. Piriton, 62, 321. Pirley, 325, 326. Pirye, 19, 22 and see Pirario. Plantagenet, Thorn., Earl of Lancaster, 544. Plater, 436. Plaunche, la, 107, 162, 194, 345, 349. Plaunk, la, 88, 283, 284. Plays, 157, 349. Plechedene, 138. Pleydenne, 348. Ploudene, 47. Plessinghall, 82, 244, 245. Plesy, 58, 85, 113, 221, 550. Pleseley, 541, 542. Plimpton Comitis, 209. Plompton, 444. Plukenet, 16, 250, 535, 536. Pobelowe, 237. Podyford, 176. Poer, 174. Pogeis, 62, 543. Poines, 273. Pointz, 108, 129, 209, 275, 283, 317, 372, 435, 452. Poiwik, 207. Pokethorp, 36. Polard, 408. Polayn, 328. Poleyn, 63. Pole, la, 23, 46, 111, 155, 204, 268, 352, 367, 378, 379, 395, 419, 504. Griffin de la, 46, 47. atte, 95. Foley, 335. Policote, 176. PoUoyen, 45. PoUusworth, 335. Polruen, 214. Polstede, 320, 375. Pomeray, 39, 72, 228, 272, 302. Pomknolle, 236 and see Pont KnoUe. Ponchardoun, 51. Poninges, 53, 78, 238, 298, 409. Pontesbury, 8, 38. Pont Knoile, 228. Popham, 299, 300. Port, 6, 246. Portmot, 81. Poselinde, 238. Posendale, 366. Posente, 26. Potcote, 352. PotreU, 354. Poutrel, 26, 102, 472. Pouchere, 212. Poulet, 235. Poure, 41. Pouwer, 97. Power, le, 17, 165, 639. Powdich, 401. Poyle, la, 378, 379. Poyne, 497. Praers, 17, 264. Prayers, 281, 456, 457. Prat, 112. Predannok, 232. Prendegast, 145. Preston, 7, 83, 377. on the Wildmore, 456. Prestewick, 268. Prestwold, 26. Prideatix, 259, 260. of Pennos, 12. of Orcharton, 322. Prille, 181. Prilly, 14, 400. Prodehomme, 198. Prous, 211, 212, 435, 452. Pruet, 326. Puis, 480. Pukinton, 233. Pulcroft, 257. Pulford, 147, 154, 170. Pulham, 496. Pulleston, 462, 502, 506, 507. Pulteneye, 171, 321. Werne, 231. Purbik, 184. Purcel, 552. Purefoy, 107, 358. Puriton, 234, 312, 421. Purievent, 346. Puteo, 480 and see Puis. Putkan, 149. Puteford, 81. Putrel, 26, 102, 354, 472. Putte atte, 153. . la, 183. Puttelev, 517. XXXll INDEX. Q. Quadring, 77. Quappelade, 54. Quartcrmayn, 305. Quenby, 139. Quency, 532. Quency, Earl of Winton, 548. Quenton, Quinton, 89, 120, 220, 260. Quercu, 487. Querndon, 320. Querre, 365. Quich, 204. QuckeshuU, 500. Quinerton, 219. R. Rabas, 445, 446. Rabayne, 244, 418. Rackerneford, Great, 435. Rakernford, 452. Radclif, 17, 67, 90, 115, 119. Rademylde, 332. Radinhale, 113, 133. Rainhill, 214. Rainward, 390. Rake, 233. Ralegh, 45, 51, 65, 137, 191, 369, 455, 549. Ralph, fitz, 479. fitz, of Hull, 144. son of Orme, 481. Henrv, 483. fitz Fulk, 34." Rame, 214, 231. Rame Wygel, 214. Ramesey, 89. Rammesbiiry, 304. Rampain, 201. Ramv'le, 9. Randeby, 33, 240. Randolph, 470. Randolveston, 447. Ranele, Great, 41. Rannecourt, 246. Rattre, 451. Raul ins, 152, 320. Redcliffe, 280. Recradok, 15. Redburn, 473. Reddiche, 36. Rede, 416. Redham, 483. RedmajTie, 460. Redmore, 247. Redmount, 76. Redruth, 193. Rees, Vaghan, 11. Rees ap Griffith, 11. Regny, 137. Reiney, 81, 204, 323. Reigny, 397, 518. Reingnev, 481. Reidon, 405. Reigate, 292. Reimes, 143. Reines, 353, 358. Little, 432. Rcinelle, 410, 411. Reinford, fitz, 70. Reinham, 16. Reineward, 219. Rempston, 197. Renaud, 307. Renner, 513. Repinghale, 22, 78, 106, 319. Repington, 362. Replingham, 446. Reppes, 536. Resewyk, 163. Rerisby, 326, 542, Reskemmer, 48. Ressechab, 57. Resshebrok, see Rushbrook. Restrouget, 72. Restwald, 171, 381. Resunder, 134. Retheresthorp, 158. Retton, 395. Ribbesford, 134. Ricardes, 281. Richard, son of Walon, 526. Simon, 527. Richault, 25. Richers, 440. Richmond, 4. R'delcombc, 314. Ride wale, 15. Ridmareleye d'Abetot, 551. Ridware, 469. Rigge, 203. Rike, 406, 412. Rikedone, 174, 345. Rikkill, 460. Rim, 272. Rindecombe, 114. Ringesdon, 200. Ringwode, 341. Riperia, 123. Ripon, 250. Riseley, 511. Ri.shton, 17, 135. Rither, 424. Ritte, 406, 412. Rivell, 126. River, co. Suffolk, 444. Rivere, la, 238, 373, 381, 530. Riviere, la, 127, 299. Rivers, 55, 194, 427. Roald, 558. INDEX. XXXlll Roberdes, 176. Robert, fitz, 512, 527. Roberteslyversegge, 143. Roche, la, 138, 364. Rocheford, 27, 443, 444. Rookie, 275. Rodbrok, 220. Rod burgh, 4.55. Rodburne, 82, 367, 419. Rode, 399, 400. Rodes, 342, 444. Rodeney, 202, 300. Rodeston, 9. Rofton, 205. Rogate, la, 37, 341. Roghenore, 269, Roger, fitz, 54, 301, 304, 307. Rogger, 421. Rok, 134. Rokeborne, 402. Rokelay, 257. Roklee, 85. Rokele, 261, 443. Rokes, 438, 441, 458. Rokesle, 10, 332. Rolleston, 38. Rolond, 108. Rolvingdon, 554. Romayn, 128. Romely, 499. Romges, 483. Romsey, 85, 89, 133, 177, 300, 403. Rondon, 302. Roneshale, 280, 281. Roos, 21, 33, 63, 79, 348, 372, 400, 548, 555. of Hamelake, 5, 27, 54, 88, 89, 99, 144, 557. Rous, 50, 209, 210. of Ingmanthorp, 29. Roper, of Fraunketon, 142. Roppelegh, 303. Rory, 331. Rose, 158. Rosel, 337. Roshall, 165. Rosogan, 458. Rosdouiek, 43, 225. Roschebrok, 433. Roscrowe, 128. Rosogan, 457. Roswerry, 331. Rotherfeld, 9, 82, 340. Rotheric, s. of Griffin, 145. Rothwell, 97. Rolington, 399, 432. Rotley, 178, 396, 397. Roucle, 400. Rouclif, 123. Roulesham, 389. Rovenore, 447. Rowley, 192. Roy, fitz, 516, 528. Rudstone, 66, 390. Rudwardin, 52. Rugeley, 480. Ruggewyke, 433. Rundale, 197. Rushbrook, 153, 433. Rushton, Spencer, 379. Russell, 114, 127, 173, 182, 183, 190, 212, 219, 241, 282, 330, 346. Ruthyn, 229. Ruycote, 58. Ruynon, 462. Ry, de, 534. Rye, 77, 78, 175, 373, 374, 397, 483. 497, 498. Ryman, 301, 3.5Ci Sabaudia (Savoy), 499. Sabrichesworth, 276, 453. Sacheverell, 423, 500, 511. Safeubse, 518. Sakeville, 90, 260, 357, 438, 441, 458. Sakevyle, 466. Salden, 301. Sale, 148. Salghan, 170. Salisbury Castle, 515. Salisbury, Earl of, 151, 243, 286, 287, 338, 380, 341. Countess of, 276. Salkeld Regis, 509. Sallay, 314. Sallow, 48, 423, 448. Salman, 97. Salter, 196. Salterton, 285. Saltmar.«h. 66, 83. Salvayn, 66, 73, 248, 424, 425, 464, 549. Salwey, 402, 457. Sampford, 154. Great, 175, 454. Sandbach, 50, 117, 264, 280, 508, 509. Sanderstede, 55. Sandford, 63, 144. Sandon, 202, 472. Santon parva, 293. Sankville, 75, 222. San vis, 110. Sanzaver, 29. Sapcote, 4, 106, 136, 251, 269. Sapton, 488. Sapurton, 246. Sapy, 77, 180. Sardon, 504 and see Beresardon. Saret, 353, 360. Saunford, 126. Orkiz, 20. XXXIV INDEX. Saiindford, 528. Hauton, 302. Savage, 103, 119, 211, 254, 257, 289, 379, 473. Saviere, fitz, 26. Savoy (Sabaudia), 499. Saweston, 176. Saxton, 314, 442. Say, 98, 111, 152, 165, 455, 520, 546. Lord de, 409. Scakelthorp, 36. Scaldeford, 325. Scales, 110, 202. Schardelowe, 131. Scheles, 369. Schenley, 376. Schiplak, 493. Schottele, 296. Schuston, 508, 510. Scoband, 251. Scobhulle, 447. Scoland, de, 270. Scofter, 81. Scorburgh, 129. Scot, 120, 327, 552. Scotby, 509. Scotesbury, 282. Scottegni, 513. Scoville, 213. Scrivelby, 157, 510. Scrope, 33, 140, 228, 236, 380. Lord, 470. Scudamore, 60, 266, 360 and see Escudamore. Seawall, 505. Sewale, 133. Sedbergh, 332. See, 416. Seggewike, 230. Segrave, 69, 122, 156, 177, 186, 209, 211, 298, 325, 405, 494, 502, 554. of Scaldeford, 325. Seintcler, see St. Clare. Seintotaer, 188. Seintrist, 316. Seive, 419. Seldon, co. Derby, 554. Sele, 125, 409. Selfston, 79. Selling, 304. Selshede, 460. Selyman, 274. Sendale, 340. Seneschal, le, 70. Senior, 138. Sensterne, 538. Septvaus, 273 and see Setfountains. Sergeaux, 176, 202. Serington, 555. Servington, 203. Seterington, 36. Setfountains, 57. Set™, 431. Sewallefeld, see Seawall. Seymour, 96, 142, 143, 144, 103, 213, 217, 247, 248, 352, 355. Shalcros, 156. Shardlow, 112. ShareshuU, 225, 267, 389. Sheffeld, 153, 197, 258, 327. Sheffield, 103. Shelford, Great, 323. Little, 323. Shelve, 365. Shenstone, 254. Shepelav, 32, 540. Shepeye, 15, 90, 176, 276. Shepton Bewchamp, 462. Sherard, 337. Sherington, 388. Shesencote, 180. Shifford. West, 78. Shillingford, 411. Shipbrok, 118, 329. Shipton Malet, 178. Shirburne, 43, 79, 109. Coudray, 206. Shire, 188. Shirebrook, 541. Shireraannesbury, 159. Shirington, 45, 53, 481. Shirley, 318. Shirlond, 376. Shirwode, 463. Shitilhangre, 376. Shobington, 9, 82. Shorewella, 519. Shorham, 44, 159, 289. Shorne, 364, 392, 460. Shorter, 341. Shortley, 291, 401. Shotesbrok, 312, 421, 485. Shotle, 330. Shrewsbury, Earl of, 386, 387. Shrifrewast, 525. Siffrewaste, 487, W. Shukburgh, 271, 379, 380. Shulflegh, 44. Shulton, 48. 295. Shute, 451. Sibbeton, 53. Sibertoft, 310. Sibthorp, 41, 52, 54, 75, 335. Sidlesham, 450. Siggeston, 349. Sihameston, 477. Sikelfot, 308. Silverton, 289. Silvestre, 34, 149. Silvcyn, 367. Simcokes, 201. Sinimes, 436. INDEX. XXXV Simon, fitz, 63, 109. John fitz, 14. Rich., s. of, 527. Simond, 211. fitz, 396. Simondeshale, 386. Sindlesham, 171. Sireston, 342. Sivelesho, 495. Siwardby, 349. Siwoldeby, 122. Sixhille, 347. Sixtenebv, 476, 538. Skakildene, 139. Skaresdale, 111. Skay, of Westonbrut, 46. Skeftington, 21. Skelton, 66, 206, 372. Skendelby, 73, 102. Skerningge, 290. Skidemor, 37. Skirkek, 27, 489. Skirmesour, 8,. 38, 50. Slak, 329. Sleght, 327. Sloiey, 417. Sloughtre, 204. Slyfeld, 378. Smethcote, 141. Smith, 290, 418, 419. Snarkeston, 80. Snaweshill, 123. Snaynton, 301. Snell, 282. Snelleston, 472, Soiterby, 56. Sniterton, 51. Snitesfeld, 239. Snowe, 350. Soham Comitis, 436. Solace, 120. Solers, 204, 539. Solihull, 285, 544. Somerby, 185. Somercotes, 48, 80. Somerford, 240, 502, • Great, 16. Kej'nes, 61. Somerle, 359. Somerleton, 167. Somersale, 384, 385. Somerset, Earl of, 282, 380, 386, 387. Somerton, 241. Somerville, 73, 74, 183, 316, 369, 370, 494, 499. Somery, 23, 85, 108, 245, 532, 550. Sonbache, see Sandbach. Sonde, 224, 371. Sondes, 206, Sor, 232. SotiUe, 428. Souche, la, of Haringeworth, 1 19. Soulby, 145. Sourdevale, 144. Southbaehe, 141. Southcave, 151. Southcote, 41, Southlofthouse, 409, Southwell, 342. Sowdeley, 456. Spalding, 35, 77. Spanneby, 185. Sparham, 235, S pax ton, 204, Speccote, 395, Speke, 317, 331. Spelly, of Bristol, 142, Sperman, 249. Spernall, 56. Spernore, 220. Spersholte, 316. Spilman, 455. Spine, del, 19. Spronston, 280. Sprouston, 252, Sprotle, 122. Sprotte, 324. Sprotton, 396. Squyer, 44, 423, 424. Stabolgi, 23. Stafford, 24, 49, 91, 111, 112, 129, 130, 162, 176. 199, 237, 297, 299, 320, 336, 361, 472, 500, 504, 559, 560. Earl of, 134, 273, 375. Earl of Devon, 472. of Grafton, 420, 472. of Hoke, 472. of Sandon, 472. Stainton Wadingham, 368. Stalingher, 494. Stanbregge, Great, 109. Standish, 99. 141. Stane, la, 286, 497. Stanes, 120. Stanford, 245, 293, see Staunford and Estanfore. Rivers, 427. near Cheping farndon, 7. St. Amand, 153, 219, 356, 540. St. Aubyn, 187. St. Botho Skirkek, 27. St. Breke, 452. St. Cadoc, 38. St. Clare, 55, 74, 75, 156, 204, 227, 241, 249, 321, 326, 375, 434, 486. St. Doumik, 12. St. Elven, 452. St. Edwin, near Redruth, 193. St. Georire, 29, 30, 83, 102, 187, 241, 242, 322, 414, 418, 433, 527. St. Hillary, 129. St. Ilfridecombe, 49. XXXVl INDEX. St. John, 40, 78, 257, 434. St. Legier, 130. St. Laurence, 323, 344. St. Lys (Sancto Licio), 29. St. Mary Cray, 246. St. Mary Somerset, 204. St. Marewvk, 364. St. Maur, 63, 215, 510. St. Manyfen, 6. St. Melan, 55. St. Martin, 35, 58, 59, 85, 86, 245, 390, 519. St. Mabin, 447. St. Paul, 103, 225, 352. St. Pierre, 115, 146. St. Philbert. 12, 51, 78. St. Tudy, 98. Stanhowe, 19, 21, 63, 558. Stanlake, 141. Stanley, 149, 243, 466, 469. Stanmere, 524. Stanorde, 35. Stansfeld, 291. Stansted, 195, 274. Stanthorn, 252. Stanton, 167, 280, 432, 490. Lees, 423. Stanington, 369. Stanwey, 374. Stapeldon, 20, 322. Stapelton, 35, 38, 39, 50. 85, 86, 135, 164, 259, 260, 338, 407, 429, 432, 440, 464, 466, 549. Stapilford, 37, 323, 532. Starky, 444. Statheden, 211. Stathum, 159, 268. Staunford, 15, 29, 168, 245, 293, 402, 457. Staundon, 312, 443. Staunton, 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 141, 167, 229, 280, 333, 432, 490, 522, 559. Harecourt, 30, 59, 68, 101, 343. Lac}% 8, 38. near Heyworth, 53. St. John, 393. upon Hinhithe, 398. Staveley, 257, 258, 544. Stawell, 312, 358. Stebenhythe (Stepney), 247. Stede, 391. Stemeston, 166. Steneton, 29. Stepelton, 8, 50. Steeple Langford, 58, 407. Steping, 355. Stepney, 247. Stevenes, 231. Steventon, 36, 456. StifFord, 8. Stigill, 410, 411. Stirape, 545. Stirkland (Strickland), 242. Stivecle, 191, 304, 307. Stivichale, 101. Stobhulle, 395. Stocton, 74, 142, 388, 494, 499. Stodden, 366. Stodden, 366. Stodeville, 198. Stodhagh, 33. Stodlev, 56, 334. Stoke,'32, 33, 126, 242, 259, 342, 551, 552. Pogeys, 62. Goldington, 126. Neyland, 386, 415. Coyland, 184. Cosyn, 199, 230. Turberville, 248. Bardolf, 311. Wake, 331. Hoo, 392. Stokebruere, 297, 339. Stokeland, 312. Stokelegh Pomeray, 302, 303. Stokerivers, 314. Stokes, 157, 166, 167, 209, 266, 277, 278, 285, 366, 491. Stokesay, 53. Stokwode, 209. Stonard, 312. Stone, 227, 249, 506. Stonewell, 80. Stonford, 203, 228. Stonkille, 308. Stonore, 22, 78, 204, 323. Stony Stratford, 271. Stotescombe, 449. Stourton, 149, 235, 236, 313. Stourmy, 37. Stowe, 3. Stowmarket, 166. Stradesele, 291. Stradleigh, 522. Strange, 67, 167, 169, 189, 216, 439, 553 and see Estraunge. of Knokyn, 254, 276 and see Estraunge. Strangways, 377, 378, 470, 472, 560. Straley, see Stradleigh. Stranlej'^e, 133. Stranton, 306. Stratford, Stony, 271. West, 359. Stratton, 292, 364, 501. Great, 462. Over, 462. Nether, 462. Strotton, 292. Streche, 18, 19, 31. Strete, 406. INDEX. XXXVll Stietford, 344, 353. Stretle, 99. ' Stretton, 42, 213, 504. Strickland, 185, 242, 335, 336, 345, 360, 557. Strivelin (Stirling), 334. Strokehose, 392. Strumshagh, 13. Stubcroft, 422. Stukle, 377. Stupellandford, see Steeple Langford. Sturgeon, 383. Sturrey, 323. Stury, 102. Stutescoumbe, 20. Stuteville, 33, 544. Sudbrok, 262. Sudeley, 107, 194, 418. Sudle, 162. Sudington, Over, 380 Suffolk, Earl of, 10;>. Duchess of, 380. Sugbroke, 240. Sukeburgh, 529. Sulingrey, 522. Sully, 196, 532. Sulney, 45, 439. Sumerford, 473, 523. Sumerton, 514. Sumpling, 443. Surrey, Earl of, 25, 519. Suthfeld, 2. Suthwarneburne, 56. Suthwike, near Shorham, 44. Sutton, 3, 4, 54, 115, 116, 122, 123, 124, 141, 177, 193, 201, 229, 272, 303, 374, 397, 399, 432, 437, 482. Valence, 306, 373. Poyntz, 372. of Dudley, 362 Swaffham, 138. Swalclive, 28. Swalewechyne, 556. Swaning, 245. Swansea, 72. Swathing, 388. Swatling, 290. Swell, 324, 325. Swenecombe, 288. Swepeston, 266. Swerford, Little, 354. Swete, 402, 403, 462. Swetenham, 117, 153, 243, 295. Sweynstone, 341. SwilHngton, 127, 299, 327, 373. of BUthburgh, 327. Swinbome, 100, 207, 251. Swine, 354. Swinford, 91, 307, 158, 162. Swinnerton, 99, 126, 230, 254. Sydnej', 433. Tabler, le, 60, 61. Taillard, 428. Taillebois, 172, 184, 240, 357. Taillour, le, 56. of Extbn, 195. of Bekingham, 532. Takell, 327. Talbot, 11, 22, 76, 77, 84, 86, 94, 157. 165, 176, 180, 223, 244, 296, 323, 364, 439. Taleton, 238. Tame, 258. Tamworth, 431. Tane, 374. Tanfeld, 221, 422, 429. Tangeley, 402. Tansovere, 19? Tateham, 332. Tatenhall, 264. Tateshall, 82, 85, 221, 244, 353, 383, 384, 531, 542, 550. Tatington, 436, 465. Tatton, 468. Taunton, 20. South, 259. Tavistoke, 183, 188. Tean, Tene, 254, 374, 379, 509. Tebaut, 138. Teesdale, Milkelton in, 483. Tekon, 436. Tempest, 309. Temple, 227. Tendring, 386, 465. Tengherny, 272. Tenland, 263, 530. Terington, 464. East, 347. " Ternen, 147. Teryn, 295. Tettebury, 11. Tettecote, 174. Tettesworth, 360. Tetteworth, 310. . Teverey, 48, 124. Teverington, 248, 549. Teverton, 132. Tewe, 193. Teyne, see Tean. Teynton, 128. Thedeldorp, 415. Thetford, 222. Thindene, 75. Thindon, 63. Thirnum, 73, 382-. Thorgrambv, 537. Thoringe, 527. Thorinton, 486. Thornburgh, 144, 460. Thorndon, 430. Thorncham, 271. C 2 XXXVlll INDEX. ThomhuUe, 109, 135, 136. Thornton, 3, 93, 128, 233, 349, 358, 368, 369, 382, 408, 409, 533, 549. on the Hill, 371. CO. Bucks, 437. Thomeyton, 12. Throunton, 533, 549. Thornhagh, 66. Thorold, 362. Thorp, 10, 40, 67, 68, 150, 156, 160, 188, 276, 355, 436, 558, 559. in the Clottes, 1 56. Mandeville, 282. in Balne, 466. Thorpernald, 166. Thorplangton, 430. Thrapeston, 6. Thrillowe, Little, 291. Throckmorton, 467. Thrulegb, 371. Thurkelby, 21. Thurleberc, 286. Thurleston, 108, 394. Thurmeston, 102, 441. Thurstanestone, 116, 148. Thurston, 331. Thuxton, ,331. Tibtoft, 194. Tiptoft, 272, 289. Tiptot, 5, 99, 283, 350. Tibshelf, 299. Tichebourne, 383, 417. Tichefeld, 35, 269. Tichewalle, 388. Tikenham, 144. Tilbury, 8. West, 382. Tildeslegh, 198. Tillatz Over, 312. Tillingham, 189. Tilly, 283. Tilney, 103, 222, 352, 401. Tinieworth, 290. Timplegh, 118. Tinhide, 259, 322. Tinten. 337. TintenhuUe, 138, 163, 215. Tipton, 201. Tirefeld, 99, 196, 249 Tirell, 454, 474. Tiringham, 110. Tirington, 90. Tirlington, 288. Tissington, 87, 229. Titnelsye, 546. Titteley, 456. Ti.vardraith, 202. Tiwe, 475, 476. Tochet, 188, 189, 264, 265. ■ of Makeworth, 222. Tocotes, 418. Todenham, 112, 113, 131. Todinden, 332. Toft, 117, 154, 180, 353. near Freston, 27. Toftes, 19, 293, 537. Toke, 105, 362. Tokenn3m, 84. Tokinton, 129. ToUemache, 514. Tolthorp, 110. Tomlins, 359. Toneworth, 409. Tong, 19, 479. Toni, 246. Topcliffe, 128. Topefeld, 222. Torchepot, 157. Tordewik, 37. Torlaston, 556. Torny, 205. Torring, 432. Totenham, 268. Tottewyke, 307. Tounesford, 213. Tour, de la, 25, 26. Tours, 327. Tournev, 66. Touwestoke (Tavistoke), 188. Tracy, 49, 454. Tradery, Trailby of Yeveldon, 233. Traill V, 81. Tranelegh, 496. Tranemolle, 198. Tranwell, 369. Tratington, 332. Trefford, 309. Trefosburgh, 301. Tregavalle, 351. TregiUo, 12, 338. Treglestem, 163. Tregony, 303. Tregoys, 225. Tregoz, 151, 547, 553. Tregregio, 231. Trehanna, 238. Treheuben, 38. Trelaumire, 232. Trelaweless, 424. Trembras, 232. Trenael, 225. Trenalt, .301. Trenant, 219. Trengeweinton, 331. Trenorgas, 38. Trenowith, 440. TTeris, 424. Trescote, 501. Tresham, 46, ,393. Tresilian, 219, 364. Tresithny, 440. INDEX. XXXIX Tresruthfen, 38. Tretherff, 452. Trethewy, 25. Trethynnok, 406, 412. Trevanion, 20, 43, 367, ^67, 458. Treve, 444. Treverbyn, 214, 215. Trevern, 163. Trevesker, 20. Treveskennere, 20. Treville, 465. Trevylias, 314. Trevysquid, 394. Trevesquyte, 447. Trevythik, 176. Trewennelet, 176. Trewelye, 44. Trewin, 244. Treuvin, 307. Trewoen, 452. Treyage, 244. Tril, 98. Trim, 160. Tropenelle, 398. Trowe, 112. Truinpington, 147. Trussebut, 486, 490. Trussell, 98, 129, 132, 181, 185, 223, 251, 253, 266, 384, 413, 422. Trusthorp, 79. Trye, 346. Trey, 454. Tryne, 59. Tuchet, 115, 147, 222, 246, 247, 265, 312, 358. of Tatenhale, 222. Tudeley, 411. Tudenham, 125, 151, 360. Tuderley, 247. Tuderle'Est, 225. Tunbridge, 411. Tunford, 202. Turberville, 424. Turgys, 168. Turkedene, 322. Turnaunt, 432. Tumour, 366. Turvev, 211. Turviile, 124, 202, 250. 410, 446, 453. Tut, 6. Twange, see Tong. Twemlowe, 153. Twenge, 377. Tvvycross, 213. Twyford, 166, 285. Tylli, 526. Tyndale, 193. Tyrell, 89, 109, 283, 284, 428. Tyreseyth, 554. Tywardrayth, 356. Tywe, 107. U. Ufflete, 84, 269, 270, 292, 317. Ufford, 67, 68, 100, 160, 559. Uggebourgh, 276. Ughred, 96. Ughtrinton, 239. Ukmanby, 13. Ulcestre, 239. Ulseby near Wotton, 27, 555. Umfravile, 191, 200, 521. Gilbt. de. Earl of Argos, 357. Uphamme, 259. Uplomene, 314. Uppehall, 65. Uppekary, 41. Uppercourt, 344. Upsall, 36, 470. Upsumbourne, 177. Upton, 191, 203, 225, 269, 392, 496. Skidmor, 37. on Severn, 83. in Wirehale, 256. Upwere, 121. Urdeley, 454. Urse, 478, 490. Urswik, 318. Urtiaco, 164, 171, 324, 325. Useflett, 13. Utteworth, 410. Uvedale, 308, 309, 433. V. Vache, la, 376. Vaghan, 11. Vaal, de, of Lodynton, 34. Val. de, 63. Vale, la, 32, 251, 313, 314. Valeye, de la, 498. Valeines, 515. Valence, Joan, de, 22, 100. Avlnian, de, 23, 2u2. Vaghan, 382. Valletort, 271, 309, 495. Va'libus, fee Vaux. Valognes, 82, 559. Valoynes, 160. Vampage, 454, 455. Vaudray, 255, 468. Vaux, 151, 537, 5.57. cf Southcave, 151. Vavasour, 278, 442, 448. Veel, 3, 20. Viel, 107. Veer, 6, 217. Earl of Oxford, 5, 99. Ver, 523. Venables. 151, 159, 252. of Kinderton, 117, 277, 469. xl INDEX. Venables, of Braclwell, 1 18, 252. of Newbolt, 264. Venour (Grosvenor), 170. Verdon, 39, 59, 71, 76, 102, 105, 161, 195, 200, 258, 268, 396, 473, 495. 514, 543. Vernon, 35, 58, 92, 105, 118. 119, 146, 154, 264, 279, 329, 370, 384, 423, 467, 534. Vernay, 559. Veteripont, 486, Vicaris, 234. VUers, 37, 44, 195, 196. Vinter, 321. Via de Leu, 296, 330. Vivionne, 26. W. Wachesham, 7. 274. Wade, de la, 30, 68. Wadesley, 349. Wadham, 289, 290, 367. WaflFord, 525. Waite, 209, 285. Wake, 28, 109, 199, 268, 300, 331. 388. of Lydel, 3. of Blisworth, 125, 151, 267. of Depinghed, 6. Wakebrugge, 111. Wakering, 305. Walcote, 10, 11, 553. Waldegrave, 29, 140, 203, 228. 387, 405, 414. Walden, 62, 305. ' Waldeyeve, 141. Waldreshelf, 257. Waleby, 513. Walehale, 108. Walensis, Le Waleys, Wallace, 54, 215, 228, 278, 282, 346, 525. Walays, of Helagh, 559. Waleran, Earl of Warwick, 82. Walington, 80. Walkeline, fitz, 507, 514. Walkingham, 486. WaUop, 269, 286, 491. Wallrond, 331, 421, 442, 507. Wab-and, 85, 86, 535, 536. Walmere, 524. Walon, Rich., s. of, 526. Walpole, 34, 309. Walsh, 97, 164, 184, 197, 203, 242, 270. 335. Walsham, 4, 167. Walsoken, 122. Walter, fitz, 368, 493, 521. Waltham, 19, 57, 383, 443, 545. Walton, 32, 229, 328, 507. on Thames. 114. Walweyn, 207. Walys, 54. Wandesford, 111, 155, 306, 382. Waningford, 360. Wanles, 371. Warbslton, 244, 285. Warblington, 274, 275, 341, 459. Warchille, 520. Warde, 70, 133, 152, 162, 171, 172, 176, 258. Warderobe, de la, 488. Wardon, 110. Warkeleye, 549. Warneboro, 553. Warner, 207. Warre, 44, 64, 190, 209, 212, 234, 304. 307, 347, 348, 547. Warren, 170, 396, 397. Earl of, 526. Earl of Surrey, 25. Warin, 247, 530. fitz, 36, 53, 54, 162, 188, 189, 238, 241, 305, 306, 486, 546. Warrok, 340. Warthecope, 185. Warwel, 516. 512. Warwick, Earl of, 82, 138 333, 342, Countess of, 387. Turchil de, 475. Wasperton, 529. Wassheburne, 152, 425, 426, 457 and see Estwassh'iburn and Knights Washbarne. Wassington, 60. Wasteneys, 151, 153, 192, 193, 307, 320, 508. Waterfall, 11. Waterstoke, 266. Waterville, 482. Wath on Derne, 281. Watklns, 357. Watlington, 260, 288. Watton, 371. Waverton, 252. Waure, 126. Warr, 450. Wauter, fitz, 165, 235. Wauton, 443. Waye, Ruald, 324, Wavscombe, 431. Wayville, 231. Wederove, 418. Wednesbury, 201. Weinton, 185. Weland, 229. Welburn, 186. Welde, 106, 155. Weldon, 18, 30, 58, 59, 68, 192, 254. Welesley, 235, 236. ^ Welington, 30, 457. under the Wrekin, 113, INDEX. xli Welleton, 491. Welle, atte, 274. Wellecombe, 452. Welles, 120, 237, 300. Wellesbourne, 107. Wellesford, 430. Welleslegh, 62, 63. Welleslond, 302. Wellington, 547. Welwys, 328. Wemeden, 299. Wemme, 31, 223. Wendilbury, 436. Wendlingburgh, 47. Wengefeld, 116. Wensenham, 330. Wentworth, 461, 462. Weolegh, 177. Werberton, 255. Weremestre, 284. Werthorp, 54. West, 178, 324, 347, 348, 450. Westbilneye, 355. Westbroke, 268. Westbury, 76, 91, 163, 179, 368, 530. Westcotes, 293. Westdene, 354. Westderham, 344. Westerham, 5. Westerhoke, 307, 308. Westham, 466. Westinton, 328. Westlake, 411, 412. Westlangton, 430. Westminster, Prior of, 5. Westoke, 387. Weston, 16, 18, 19, 52, 76, 97, 131, 177, 187, 192, 239, 246, 375, 449, 481. under Egge, 101. • near Chiriton, 186. Turville, 250. of Bekenesfeld, 303. Westonbrut, 46. Westovere, 341. Westrop, 410. Westshenes, 495. Westwell, 232, 206. Wetenhale, 243. Weylond, 155. Weynton, 349. Weytham, 345. Whelton, 507. Whethampstede, 237, 238. Whightlakington, 407. Whinsell, 460. Whiston, 133. Whitacre, 141. White, 81, 166, 172, 220. Whitchester, 251, 313. Whitchurch, 34, 193. WhitcUif, 423. Whitefeld, 228. Whitehorse, 286. Whitelegh, Nether, 115, 147. Over, 120. Whitelye, 45. Whitemore, 116, 118, 148. Whitepulle, 119. Whitewall, 108, 135, 174. Whitewell, 534, 557. Whitgreve, 382. Whithors, 368. Whitinghame, 52, 533, 549. Whitington, 179, 305, 471. Whitley, co. Warwick, 495. Whittaneston, 486. Wibbury, 211, 212. Wich, 281. Wicham, 477. Wickham, 491. Wichampton, 275, 294. Wichard, 124, 125. Wicheford, 263. Wichinford, 245, 426. Wichingham, 167. Wichnor, 370. Wichtring, 178. Wiclesford, 15. Wicombe, 71. Wichom, South, 106. Widecombe, 196, 301, 405. Wich-Malbanc, 118. Widelok, 121. Widemerepol, 299, 320, 373, 498. Wideville, 13, 429. Wigehal, 497. Wigenhall, 415. Wiger, 71. Wiggelewardly, 382. Wightlakinton, 367. Wighton under Walde, 54. Wiginton, 515, 516. Wigmore, 30, 333, 342, 539. Wigornia, 145. Wike, 106, 136, 191, 224, 402, 460. 461, 530. Wikes, 344. Wikesworth, 135. Wikford, 190. Wikham, 28, 284, 433, 556. Wikhambrok. 291. Wikene, 101. Wilbraham, 154, 159. Wilburham, Great, 34. Wilby, 6, 47, 83, 360. Wilde, 453. Wildeboef, 142. Wilden, 173. Wileby, 541. Wilewes, 24. Wilie, 31, 490. Wililey, 389. xlii INDEX. Willy, 353, 354, 517. Wilington, 11, 31, 45, 46, 314, 527. Wilkseby, 157. Willenhale, 420, 354. William, fitz, 78, 143, 236, 311, 312, 415, 428, 483, 493. s. of Alan, 6. WiUoughby, 47, 128, 242, 316, 319, 326, 327, 410, 472, 541, 542. ■ de Broke, 560. Willym, Howell ap, 84. Wilm, 239. Wilmersley, 466, 538. Wilton, 252, 376, 520. Wilts, Earl of, 397, 418. Wimalle, 465. Wimborne, 257. Pleey, 113. Wimer, 500, 504. Wimincham, 151, 153. Wimington, 117. Wimond, 297. Wincebv, 32. Windsor, 67, 164, 169, 173, 190, 406, 484. CoUege of, 217. Winfeld, 55, 111,299. Winfred, 85. Winfritte, 300. Wingates, 369. Wingefeld, 170. Winger worth, 531 Wininton, 151. Winstanton, 35, 277. Winestone, 448. Winterborne, 152, 172. Winton, Earl of, 548. WintreshuUe, 261, 320, 321, 375. Wirce, 245. Wirchi, 246. Wirhale, 252, 256. Wirhall, forestership of, 149. Wirkesale, Great, 424. Wirley, 186. Wirmegeye, 352. Wise, 225, 323. Wisshard, 416. Wistantowe, 398. Witele, 495. Witenhara, West, 85, 237. Witewell, 503. Witheley, 17. Wither, 96, 511. Witherdeleye, 502. Withiford, 131, 223, 224. Little, 131. Withington, 335. Witton, 369. Wivenho, 229. Wodard, 73. Wodo, 192, 308, 419, 444. Wode, la, 59. atte, 114,212,287. Woode, 403. Wodeburv, 431. Wodecote, 392. Wodeford, 22, 81, 313, 315. of Brutford, 313. Wodehall, 87, 107, 285. Wodeham, Ferrers, 104. Wodehouse, 329, 442, 550. Wodelok, 65, 219. Wodemancote, 44. Wodemannecroft, 36. Woderove, 461. Wodevyle, 339. Woditon, 225. Wodnesfeld, 287. Woduston, 225. Wokenenbury, 69. Wokendon, 57. Wolascote, 131, 165. Wolf, 208, 539, 540. Wolfamcote, 265. Wolfiston, 70. Wolfreton, 359. Wolington, of Barsham, 34. WoUarington, 312. Wolvardele, 192. Wolverhampton, 357. Wolveton, 35. Wolverstone, 182. Wolvesdyke, 230. Wolveye, 210. Wolwardeston, 312. Womberlegh, 314. Worcester, Earl of, 421, Worleston, 256, 257. Wormele, 202. Worksnapp, 259. Worsley, 318. Worthing, 181. Wortliington, 335. Wortley, 461. Wotton, 27, 83, 211, 212, 304, 473, 531, 555. under Egge, 386. Glanv5'le,'"351. near Wyke, co. Wilts, 530. Wottoz, 401. Woubourne, 342, 343. Wrentham, 270. Wrestlingworth, 282. Wrightesham, 421. Wrote, 203. Wrotham, 272, 274. Wrottesley, 11, 256, 469, 543. Wroxhale, 203, 238. Wudmarepol, 261. Wurle, 478. Wyard, 30, 59. G8, 239, 426. Wyladton, 546. INDEX. xliii Wynnoc, 338. Wyot, 392. Wyrham, 537. Wysham, 555. Y. Yakesle, 177. Yale, 421. Yardley, co. Wore, 529. Yatingdene, 90, 113, 133, 282. Yatton, 248. Yaverwith, 550. Yellestede, 519. Yelvertoft, 205. Yelverton, 539. Yeo, 203, 232. Yoo, 308. Yernemouth, Great, 390. Yevele, 98, 383. Yevelchestre, 191. Yeveldon, 233. Yevilton, 315. Yevesfeld, 321. Yolbrugge, 192. York, 29. Duke of, 216, 276, 333, 342. Youby, 96. Zouche, la, 7, 17, 42, 96, 119, 150, 161, 166, 217, 224, 418, 479, 548. Mortimer, 7. I,0^fDON.• nAimiSON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTT, sr. martin's lane. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling ^fO (4^642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAY 41992 JUL A 1992 JUNl 1993 SENT ON ILL lUI 1 7 1995 U. C. BERKELEY A<*Rl41997